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SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED; With a Series of Engravings illustrative of the Modifications of the Clouds, &c. EXTIN. AN&Portoix. ANEMO.N. OTE. IIAEIXTA, XPHXIX. EXTIN. A.” O’Y PANIQ.N. Y'AATſ, N. OMBPION. IIAIAQ.N. NRq EAAX. LONDON : PRINTEn rom BALDWIN, CRADoCK, Ann Joy, 47, Paternoster-row; THOMAS UNDERwooD, 32, FLEET-STREET; AND will IAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH. * * * * * ~ * * * * 1815, ***** * * * * * **** C. Baldwin, Frinter, New Bridge-street, London. Q & , fº-º-º-º-º-, - ! ~ 3 - st g * c 1 > ( PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. AMONG the many erroneous views which people take of the origin of the sciences, no one appears more common than that of supposing that they have all been originally undertaken and pursued with some particular aim to public or individual utility; as if the investigation of nature was not valuable; nor natural phaenomena capable of exciting us to the pursuit of their causes, on account of the pleasure they produced in engaging the ener- gies of our different intellectual faculties, in- dependently of any further purpose to which they might be made subservient. Some ima- gined object of utility, for the attainment of which people consider the different sciences as valuable, has generally been supposed to be the cause which has impelled mankind to fol- low them, as if from feeling certain exigen- cies arising from time to time out of the pro- a 2 iv PREFACE. gressive civilization of society, men had been - taught to love the pursuit of knowledge and the exercise of reflection, by the imperious calls of newly created wants. This is a very old opinion. People too, having confounded the causes of excitement existing around us in the world with the various faculties of the mind to be excited, have even supposed that our propensities, sentiments, and our intellectual and reflecting powers have been derived from education; and that from the contin- gent circumstances of different individuals have arisen the varieties of the human cha- racter; without reflecting on the infinite va- riety of organization observable in individuals. throughout the creation, and without ever, perceiving that unless there were conditions in ourselves of the different manifestations of the mind, the objects around us could never excite, nor education ever improve OUlt several faculties. I have always believed that there were differences in the native structure of persons which independently of, though perhaps modified by, early habits and associa- tions, have inclined them naturally to the pur- suit of different branches of science. And, I think, the recent investigations of modern physiologists will verify this opinion, and will PREFACE. w demonstrate the material conditions necessary to the multiform manifestations of the mind. People having the idea that every thing is valuable for some secondary object; this ob- ject to which an imaginary value is attached varies in the minds of different persons, ac- cording to their own particular conformation of mind and to their education. In many, the ag- grandizement of property being the prevailing passion, scarcely any thing is considered use- ful, except that which contributes to public or private wealth. In others, the degree in which any science or art can contribute to common convenience, or abridge labour, be- comes the measure of their estimation of it. Judging of others by themselves, people have supposed that the sciences have always been cultivated for such secondary reasons, and that in the early stages of society, they arose out of the numerous artificial wants which advanc- ing civilization was continually producing. But though it has generally been the case with the multitude who have followed up the discoveries of the ingenious, that availing themselves of the intellect of their superiors, they have erected a trade on their inven- tions, or have converted them to purposes of social improvement; yet many of those phi- \ 1. wi PREFACE. losophers, to whom society has been indebted, for the most important improvements in the sciences, have cultivated them originally for the sole pleasure which the pursuit itself af. forded. There have been in all ages, persons who have taken delight in observing and com- paring natural facts, and for whose philosophic minds the infinite variety exhibited by all na- tural objects, and the investigation of the respective causes of different phaenomena, are of themselves sufficient to engage them in the pursuit of science, and the knowledge obtained thereby an adequate reward for their labours. In the earliest ages, as far back as history ena- bles us to trace the operation of the human intel- lect, we find mankind interested aboutmeteorolo- gical phaenomena. A circumstance by no means astonishing, when we consider the vast impor- tance of this science to the shepherd and agri- culturist, and the interest the study of it engaged, as a means of enabling men by anti- cipating the event of terrible atmospheric com- motions, to provide in some measure against their effects. The beauty, also, of many atmo- speric phaenomena, and the interesting variety of scenery which they produce for the specta- tor; together with the natural curiosity excited about their causes, which man is organized to PREFACE. wii feel, have contributed probably in a great mea- sure to interest people in this science. Meteorology considered as a subject of amusement seems to have some advantages over many other pursuits; inasmuch as it may be studied and will afford interest in places un- favourable to the cultivation of other sciences. The botanist, who delights in the diversifica- tion of nature exhibited in the endless variety of the forms and colour of flowers; or the na- turalist, who finds amusement in contemplating the habits of animals, and the adaptation of the structure of each to its mode of life, cannot in- dulge their inclination except in habitable coun- tries, or where vegetation and life abound. But on the barren mountain’s rugged vertex, in the uniform gloom of the desert, or on the trackless surface of the ocean, we may view the interesting electrical operations which are going on above, manifested in the formation and changes of the clouds, which bear water in huge masses from place to place, or throw it down in torrents on the earth and waters; occasionally creating whirlwinds and water- spouts; or producing the brilliant phaenomena of meteors and of lightning; and constantly ornamenting the sky with the picturesque imagery of coloured clouds and golden haze. viii PRERACE. The atmosphere and its phagnomena are every where, and thunder Rolls, and rainbows glitter in all conceivable situations, and we may view them whether it may be our lot to dwell in the frozen countries of polar ice, in the mild climates of the temperate zone, or in the parched regions which lay more immediately under the path of the Sun, Among the ancient nations of oriental shep- herds, the cultivation of this science must have been particularly useful; chemistry and promotion of a more cultivated condition of society, for the improvement of the arts, and manufactures of civil life, were of less utility among tribes, whose chief employment consisted in watching their flocks, and procuring the fruit and other vegetable productions on which they subsisted. Constantly abroad in a serene atmosphere, and endowed with strong faculties for ob- servation and analogy, the eastern tribes of old, in Aegypt and Syria, observed accurately the phaenomena of the heavens, and collect- ed, compared, and recorded, facts that laid the foundation of astronomy, and meteoro- logy, which the Grecian and Roman philoso- phers continued to cultivate, and which have PREFAÉE. ix bega, brought nearer to perfection in later timeå, * * . . . . r g Meteorology, regarded as a science distinct flora astronomy and astrology, appears to have been first systematically treated of by Aristotle, who seems by his works to have been con- stantly employed in observing and comparing natural objects. He described with accuracy many atmospheric phaenomena, and employed himself in investigating their causes. He as- signed the cause of the rainbow, and of the halo, and appears to have given a more minute detail of the various appearances of clouds, rain, hail, snow, dew, meteors, and other phaenomena which occur in our air than any preceding or cotemporary writer. Shortly after him Theophrastus, who had been his pupil, collected all the popular prognosticks of the weather, under four heads; 1, IIsp, a nuovov vstau; 2, IIsaº a nº.2 raw &v=pov; 3, II; anº.2 row x+...ovov, and 4, IIept ºnwarov ivºſov : these prognosticks Aratus soon embodied in his Diosemea, which was a sort of appendix to his astronomical poem the Phaenomena, translated into Latin verse by Ci- cero, by Germanicus, and by Festus Avienus. We find meteorological observations inter- spersed in the writings of the Greek historians; and the frequent allusion to atmospheric phae- X. PREFACE. momena by their poets shows the attention which was generally paid to such subjects. The simplicity and correctness of narration adopted by the Greeks was probably the result of the prevailing perfection of their physical organization which is one of the principal conditions of intellectual excellence, and in which their philosophers excelled most of those of more modern times. The heads of the ancient Greek philosophers are of a remark- ably fine form for intelligence.*, The Romans who wrote on meteorology of any note were Pliny, who in his Natural History, lib. xviii. * The heads of many of the Roman philosophers, and in- deed of those of all countries, ancient and modern, did certain- ly, as well as those of the Greeks, refute Juvenal’s saty- rical assertion fronti nulla fides, if he ever really in- tended such as a serious observation; but the configuration of the heads of those celebrated ancient nations, who gave birth to the sciences from the native energies of their intel- lectual faculties, is more particularly calculated to illustrate and confirm the motions of modern physiologists respecting the intimate connection between the physical strength of the organs of the brain and the intellectual and moral character of the individual. A subject which has been ably treated of by the celebrated anatomists, Gall and Spurzheim, who by their elegant dissections of the brain, and their compa- rison of the brains of different animals with the proper habits of each, seem to have roused comparative anatomy into some- thing like a systematick science. Dr. Spurzheim has just published a large work on this important science, The Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain. 6 PREFACE. xi cap. 35, wherein he treats of the prognosticks of the weather, confounded his observations with abundance of fabulous and absurd narra- tions; Virgil, who in his Georgics imitated the prognosticks of Aratus; Lucretius, who endeavoured to assign physical causes for most of the popular phaenomena of the heavens; and, lastly, Seneca, with whose superfluous tautology in his Natural Questions, every one who has read them must have been heartily tired. In the works too of many of their other-writers we find traces of their meteorological knowledge. It is a pity we know so little of the collateral history of this as well as of the sciences among the Chinese and Arabians; and among other eastern tribes of the present day. Little account of the state of our science can be traced from the time of the ancient Romans to the revival of letters in Europe; and it was not till the middle of the last century that any advancement was made in meteorology. Dur- ing the dark ages which elapsed between the decay of the Roman Empire and the revival of literature; when the works of art and science again fell a prey to superstition and bar- barity, and when the enlightened philosophers of Greece and of Rome resigned their pre- eminence in the republick of letters, and gave #if PREFACE.- way to a loathsome band of crafty and over. ruling zealots, who being themselves the sport at onee of pride, of craft, and of superstition, exerted the full force of their assumed power to enslave the minds of the already degenerate race of the people, and to banish from them all vestiges of literature and of philosophy; at this disgraceful period which is a blot in the natu- ral history of the human species, meteorology like every other science perished, and all the observations and records of former observers were forgotten. But the stream of time is a fluctuating torrent, and intellectual excel- lence seems to flourish at alternate periods. Shortly after learning again began to flourish, and the energies of the human mind again exerted themselves according to the particu- lar genius of individuals, there appeared persons who delighted in aérial phaenomena, and Saussure De Luc, Bertholon, and others at length roused the attention of mankind to the production of our atmosphere. The attention of philosophers since their writings seems more particularly to have been directed to these sub- jects, which can only be brought towards per- fection by the repeated observations of people in different places. To add what few I have made myself, and to engage the attention of PREFACE. xià more; able; and industrious meteorologists, to some facts in the ‘science at , present little known, is, the reason of the present publication, ºr. In conclusion of this rude sketch of the science from its earliest records to the present day, we' are naturally, led to reflect on the melancholy, picture of the revolution of human society; which the history of almost any science or 'art, will always. excite. Science seems to have illumined, first the banks of the Nile, and to have dawned on the early tribes of Aegypt; travelling down from Thebes to Memphis and Cairo, it took a westerly course to Athens, to Rome, and to the many illustrious states which afterwards distin- guished modern Europe. But in tracing her progress we find nothing left in her course, but the skeleton of former greatness. The ruins of stupendous cities once the ornament of the east ; the numerous fortifications, walls, temples, aqueducts, and other works of art, now nothing but the desolated habitations of wild animals, and the traces left of sciences which, like fruitless flowers, bloomed in the spring of time only to decay, are monuments of human fatality which must impress reflecting persons with gloomy notions of the instability of society, and incline us to fear that, in spite of all the xiv a PREFACE. efforts of genius and of art of modern times, the lightofknowledge which rose in the east, and civilized the oriental nations, will set on the western parts of the world, and leave us ere long a monument to future ages of the fluctuat- ing nature of human perfection, unless by a strict attention to the improvement of the physical organization of our species, conjoined with the adoption of some general plan of edu- cation superior to any hitherto enforced, we should permanently improve the moral and intellectual character of future generations; without which all the scientific records imagi- nable would be to them only as cyphers scrawled on the barrenness of intellect. $ 3. º CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Pag Of Mr. Howard's Theory of the Origin and Mo- € difications of Clouds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CHAPTER II. Further Observations about the Peculiarities of the Clouds e e º e e e e o e º e s e e e o e e • e o e º C C C C C C C C C & C 42 CHAPTER III. Of certain Accensions which appear to take place spontaneously in the Atmosphere, called Falling Stars, Meteors, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 CHAPTER IV, Of Indications of future Changes of Weather. .... 129 CHAPTER V. of the Influence of Peculiarities of Weather on the Functions of organized Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 CHAPTER VI. Some Particulars concerning Winds ............ 188 CHAPTER VII. Of Electricity. . . . . . . . . e e o 'º e tº e º O C C tº e º O O C C C C C e 186 xvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. . Page Further Investigation of the Pºuliſiº of Weather, 212 . . . . . .” - º 3r . . . . . . . . .3 CHAPTER IX. Some miscellaneous Observations on Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 . . CHAPTER X. Of several superstitious Notions which appear to have had their Origin in an Observance of certain Meteorological Phagnomema. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 t * , • Appendix, containing Observations on Diet as con- * f nected with the Influence of Atmospheric Diseases —Quotations from Authors on Meteorology, &c. 251 I t ' ' ', * * , , , ; # - . 3 Explanation of Plates ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ; * , { 7 & $ 2 * t t Jº * & -- t * .# º * * # * g t $. w Qf the Publishers of this Work may behad, by the same Author, 1. APATor AIozHMEIA, Arati Diosemea, Notis ex Collatione Scriptorum illustravit Thomas Forster, &c. 2. Observatrons on the BRUMAL RETREAir or THE Swaſhow, &c." 3d edition, enlarged. 3. PHYSIOLogical REFLECTIONS, &c. § y # sº * * * **, “A * c - ºr ^3 * - $* ty # * g * *** g ^. * *- * ł 2 {} + +f * f Jº 3 * 4 & * Q Aº # *s 2 * * CHAPTER I. OF MR. HOWARD’S THEORY OF THE ORIGIN AND MODIFICATIONS OF CLOUDS. gr **. A cloud is a visible aggregate of minute particles of water suspended in the atmo- sphere. In the more extensive signification of the word, smoke, and all the visible effluvia of volatile substances, may be con- sidered as clouds: meteorologists have, how- ever, confined this term to aqueous par- ticles.* -* -*. * Our English word cloud is derived of the Anglo- Saxon verb hliban or Lehliban, tegere, to cover; from the same verb came glade, blot, lot, and lid. In like manner, the Latin nules, and its diminutive nebula, came from the Latin verb nullere; and from the same verb is derived nupta. So the Greek vspo; and vstºn from vspecy. It need hardly be observed here, that all # B *. 2 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. Before I speak of the origin, suspension, and varieties of clouds, and of their destruc- tion by rain, some preliminary observations will be necessary. Aqueous particles, and other volatile substances, may be either dif- fused in the air, or may be dissolved in it. But diffusion and solution are things quite different from chemical combination. A cloud may either be so diffused as to cease to be visible as an aggregate, or it may be taken into solution by the air: in the former case, a hazy turbidness; in the latter, an additional clearness of the sky; would probably be the consequence.* that words can do, is to express some of the qualities of the thing they represent; they serve merely as hints for the production of ideas.—See TookE’s Ewicz II’regosºro, 4to. vol. ii. 196. * A cloud may be the consequence of vapour, upraised into the air, and afterward more condensed into visible particles, by an alteration either in the temperature or pressure, whereby the air cannot hold so much vapor in solution as before. Some recent discoveries have, however, led to a supposition that, under particular cir- cumstances, the air itself may be decomposed so as to deposit water, which may again be taken up by the air. Thus we come back again to the old opinion of Aristotle: E! ºn Yiveral vºwſ & aspo; hai &ng så Öaro; a two wor' attláyou ruyiratz vºn wara toy & Torov, &c.—Meteor. lib. i. cap.3. CHAP.1. OF CLOUDS. $ I speak first of clouds, because in the observance of the yarying countenance of the sky, as Mr. Howard terms it, and of its connexion with atmospheric changes, con- sisted the popular meteorology of the ancient agriculturists, who were chiefly concerned to inquire Quo signo caderent austri, quid saepe videntes Agricolae proprius stabulis armenta tenerent. And the accuracy of their observations, with respect to prognostics of the change of weather, have been verified by those of more modern meteorologists. It is obvious, how- ever, that the ancients wanted definite terms whereby to express the peculiarities observ- able in clouds and other atmospheric phae- nomena; a deficiency which has been in some degree supplied by the moderns, and particularly by Mr. Howard, whose theory of the formation and destruction of clouds appears, as far as I am capable of judging, to be extremely accurate in most particulars. As it will be necessary for me to have perpe- tual reference to this theory, and as I shall always use the terms which he has adopted, it will be proper to present the reader with R 2 4. of CLOUDS. Chap. 1. $1. the substance of it, as nearly as I can recol- lect it, with such additional observations as I have been enabled to make since, together with references to those passages in the writings of the ancients which appear to bear upon the subject. * I shall not pretend, however, to give ex- actly Mr. Howard's observations, but only an abstract of the principal facts, as far as they immediately relate to the origin and appearances of the clouds; for further par- ticulars, I refer the reader to the original paper printed in the Philosophical Maga- zine. $. SECTION I. Of the artificial Distinction of Clouds. CLouds are distinguished by seven mo- difications, the peculiarities of which seem to be caused by the agency of electricity: for example, three primary modifications, the CIRRUs, the CUMULUS, and the STRATUS: two, which may be considered as inter- mediate in their nature, the CIRRocu- MULUs, and CIRRoSTRATUS; one, which CHAP. 1. $2. OF CLOUDS. 5 appears to be a compound, the CUMULo- STRATUs; and, lastly, the CUMULOCIRRo- STRATUS, or NIMBUs, a state which imme- diately precedes the resolution of clouds into rain. y SECTION II. Of the Cirrus. Pl. I. Fig. 1. CIRRVS. Def. NVBEs crºRATA TENVISSIMA QVAE WNDIQVE CRESCAT. THE cirrus is a cloud which appears to have the least density, and generally the most elevation, and which has the greatest variety of extent and direction. It may truly be called the Proteus of the skies; for, in some kinds of weather, its figure is so rapidly and so continually changed, that after turn- ing the eye away from it for a few minutes, it will frequently be found so completely al- tered as scarcely to be identified as the same cloud. This, however, is not always the case; it is sometimes visible for many hours and even days together, without much changing its appearance. I shall briefly mention some of its most common varieties, together with ,6 § OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. § 2, the circumstances under which they generally appear. After a continuance of clear weather, the cirrus is frequently the first cloud which is seen. In this case it often looks like a fine whitish thread pencilled, as Mr. Howard expresses it, on the clear blue sky: to this other faint lines of the same kind are added laterally; they increase in size and length, and often serve as stems from which nume- rous branches proceed, and become other cirri of the same kind. These linear cirri will generally be found to be very high in the air, the lines frequently extend quite across the welkin, while their ends, being lost in either horizon, appear, from a well known optical deception, to converge into one point. They do not always extend in parallel lines; they frequently diverge, or increase obliquely downwards. Sometimes transverse lines are formed, which intersect- ing the others at right angles, give to the sky the appearance of being covered with a beautiful network. Of late, by way of dis- tinction, I have used certain specific names for the various forms of each modification, I have called this netlike feature the reticu- Chap. 1. $2. OF CLOUDS. 7 lar cirrus. Those which are local and de- tached, and which ramify in many direc- tions, giving the idea of a distended lock of - hair, may be denominated comoid cirri. Sometimes numerous little filaments appear like bundles of thread, which I have called filiform cirri. In fair, dry weather, with light gales, obliquely descending bands of fibrous texture are often seen, and fre- quently move slowly along from the leeward in a supervening current. I by no means in- tend, by the above account, to infer that the appearances of the different kinds of cirri, or indeed of any cloud, are ever quite uniform; on the contrary, scarcely two occur exactly alike; and there are many features so vari- Öus and so mixed, that a particular descrip- tion of each can scarcely be attempted. In some kinds of weather, the numberless and ever changing figures which this cloud is continually presenting to the eye, baffle all attempt at description. Practical observa- tion affords the only means of 'becoming acquainted with them. The observations of Mr. Howard, as well as those which I have made since the pe- rusal of his meteorological papers, have in- duced me to believe, that, under whatever 8 of CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. § 2. form the cirrus may appear, it must always be regarded as a conductor of the electric fluid. Its very texture seems indicative of its particular office. The long parallel and elevated lines are probably equalizing the electricity of masses of air very remote from each other. The detached comoid cirri equalizing their own electricity with that of the surrounding air, while oblique or de- pending tufts appear to be conducting from an upper to a lower stratum. The cirrus too is sometimes interposed and conducting between two other clouds at some distance from each other. All the phenomena which I have witnessed, since my attention was directed to nepheology, are reconcileable with this supposition; and it is probable that a cirrus ceasing to conduct, ceases to be a cirrus, and that it éither evaporates or passes to some of the other modifications: in doing which, it may often be seen in an intermediate state, partaking more or less of the modifica- tion into which it may be changing, and ex- hibiting, in the progress of its metamorphosis, very various and very beautiful appearances. I have elsewhere had occasion to notice the long continued appearance, and the mul- tiform and everchanging configurations of CHAP. 1. $3. OF CLOUDS. 9 this and the other modifications, unat- tended by rain, and accompanied by dry, variable, and generally easterly winds; the abundance of nocturnal meteors, and the intermitted actions of De Luc's aérial elec- troscope, as indicative of a very peculiar state of the electric atmosphere; and, I believe, not a very healthy one. \ SECTION III. Of the Cumulus. Pl. I. Fig. 3. CVMVLVS. , Def. NVBEs CVMVLATA DEN'sA svksyM * * CRESCENS, THE cumulus is a convex aggregate of watery particles increasing upwards from a horizontal base. It is commonly of a dense structure, formed in the lower atmosphere, and moving along in the current of wind which is next to the earth. Its first appear- ance is generally a small irregular spot, which becomes the nucleus on, which it forms, This increases in size, preserves a flat hori- zontal base, and assumes more or less of a conical figure. Cumuli vary in shape and 10 OF CILOUDS. CHAP.1.58. dimensions, according to peculiarities in the operation of the causes which produce them. Sometimes they are pretty well defined hemispherical masses; at others, they rise into mountains, ranged in one plane, their silvery summits presenting a beautiful ap- pearance. In particular kinds of weather I have seen cumuli of a sort of tuberculated structure. Before rain, they increase very rapidly, descend lower in the atmosphere, and become fleecy and irregular in their appearance, with their surfaces full of pro- tuberances. In changeable weather, they partake of the vicissitudes of the atmosphere, and evaporate almost as soon as formed, or quickly change into other modifications: but, in fair and settled weather, they keep paee in some measure with the diurnal tem- perature, they form soon after Sunrise, arrive at their maximum in the middle of the day, and become very convenient skreens to inter- cept the rays of the sun; and they subside in the evening. It was this circumstance which probably led to a conjecture of the parti- cular cause of their production, which ap- pears as follows:—The sun's rays warming first the surface of the earth, and their CHAP. l. § 3. OF CIOUDS. II radiation causing warmth to be propa- gated upward, this warmth converts water on the earth's surface into vapour, which rises and exerts its elastic force on that which the nocturnal decrease of temperature had not decomposed, and which therefore re- mained diffused. The latter, in passing through the atmosphere to give place to that from below, changes its climate, arrives in a colder air, and is thereby decomposed and thrown into a state of visible cloud. The simple attraction of aggeration may perhaps cause the watery particles to collect in a mass,” while their being similiarly electrified may render them mutually repulsive, and prevent their uniting to become rain. The cumulus preserves its plane base, because it floats on the vapour plane, or at that precise elevation at which the air has as much water in solution as from its quantum of heat and pressure from above it is able to contain. Whether the conical form of this cloud is to be attributed to the attraction of aggregation alone, or whether something particular in its * This, however, is doubtful, as I mention in the aca count of the stratus. 12 OF CLOUDS, CHAP. . $4. electric state may also be concerned, has never, I think, been determined. The varia- tion of its figure, according to different states of weather, seem to favour the latter suppo- sition. The cumulus, then, may either evaporate, change into the other modifications, or, by inosculating with any of them differently electrified, may form the cumulostratus, and ultimately the nimbus, hereafter to be de- scribed. SECTION IV. Of the Stratus. Pl. II. Fig. 4. STRATVS. NVREs STRATA Agvae MoDo ExPANSA, DEORSWM CRESCENS, THE stratus is the lowest of clouds; its under surface usually rests on the earth or on the water. It may properly be called the cloud of night, as it frequently makes its appearance about sunset, and disappears soon after sunrise. When ascending in the atmosphere, it often seems at a certain ele- vation to take the irregular hemispherical form and become a cumulus. It compre- 1 CHAP. 1. §4. . OF. CLOUDS. 13 hends what we usually call fogs and mists, which in fine summer evenings are seen to ascend in spreading sheets from vallies, lakes, and fields. And which in autumn and winter sometimes continue throughout the day as dense fogs. It must be remembered, however, that all fogs are not strati; some appear to be of the modification of cirro- stratus. . Of the latter kind are generally the wet mists which moisten every thing on which they come into contact. In speaking of the cumulus, I have repre- sented the manner in which elastic vapour may rise into the air, on the accession of diur- nal temperature. As the Sun sinks the heat also is diminished, and the lower atmosphere becomes cooler than that above. The air, no longer capable of containing so much vapour in solution as when it was warmer in the day, may depositit in minute particles of water, which may fall in the form of mist or stratus. In the evening, too, the under at- mosphere being as cold, or perhaps colder, than the upper, the vapour plane is not preserved, and cumuli by degrees may sink down in dew. Under these circumstances, 14 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. i. §4. they appear often to evaporate.* This vespertine subsidence of the cumulus is a circumstance which induces me to believe that its diurnal existence, as an aggregate, is not merely the result of the attraction of aggeration. Its subsidence at a time when the general dampness of the air would afford a passage for its electricity to the earth, seems to indicate the agency of that fluid in keeping its particles collected into the hemispherical mass in which it usually appears during the day. f There are peculiarities in the appearance of the stratus, of the causes of which we are utterly ignorant. The fine mists which creep, as it were, along the vallies of a summer's evening, are generally white, and, when seen at a distance by moonlight, have a very fanciful appearance. They are strikingly contrasted to the yellow fogs of November. | The stratus is found to be electrified posi- * For further observations respecting the nocturnal evaporation of clouds, the decomposition and recom- position of the air, etc. I refer the reader to the next Chapter. Caar, 1.3% of CLOUDs. - 15 tively, and in general to be highly charged. It is proposed to examine the air above, to see whether there be found a negative coun- ter charge.” - SECTION V. of the Cirrocumulus. Pl. III. Fig. 1. CIRROCVMVLVS. Def. NvDEcVIAE DENSIOREs swbRotvNDAE Ef QVASI IV AGMINE ADPoSITAE. AFTER the cirrus has ceased to con- duct the electric fluid, it probably either disappears by dispersion or evaporation, or it changes into the cirrocumulus or cirrostratus. Its change to the cirrocumu- lus is frequently marked by the following circumstances: it looses its cirriform and fibrous structure, descends lower in the atmosphere, and assumes the form of a number of well defined and roundish little clouds, laying in close horizontal arrange- ment: the change is more or less rapid on different occasions, and sometimes takes place in part of the cloud, while the other part remains cirriform, or approaches to the nature of cirrostratus. - - * See Cyclopaedia, article Cloud. , ºf #6 ÖF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. §5. - When the cirrus ceases to conduct, it probably becomes electrified either plus or minus, and its conversion to cirrocumulus seems to indicate that it has acquired a strong positive charge. It is difficult, how- ever, to imagine the reason why, under these circumstances, the electrified particles should not collect into a large body like the cumu- . lus, instead of assuming the orbicular ar- rangement, from which state the cirrocumu- lus sometimes changes again to cirrus, but more often evaporates by degrees, or passes into the compound modifications. The cir- rocumulus is not always uniform in its ap- pearance, it varies in the size and rotundity of its constituent nubeculae, and in their closer or more distant arrangement. It is fre- quent in summer, and often forms very beau- tiful skies: at all times of the year it may be seen, in the intervals of showers, and be- fore an increase of temperature, of which its prevalence is a pretty certain prognostic:* * Extensive beds of cirrocumuli floating gently along in different altitudes must have attracted almost every body's notice; the beautiful appearance of these clouds, with a moonlight evening, has been aptly de- scribed by Bloomfield: CHAP. l. § 5. OF CLOUDS. 17 # The distinct formation of the cirrus is not always a necessary precursor of the cirrocu- mulus; the latter frequently forms primarily. This may happen, perhaps, in consequence of a supervening current of air, warmer than the lower, and supersaturated with vapour, which coming in contact with the colder one below, is thrown into a state of aqueous gas, which, from peculiarities in the electric state of the air, may assume the cirrocumu- lative form. The supposition that cirrocu- mulus may be caused by an upper current, warmer than that below, assists us to ac- count for its being usually followed by in- creased warmth. For many atmospheric changes take place first aloft and proceed downwards to the surface of our earth. “Far yet above these wafted clouds are seen, In a remoter sky, still more serene, Others detached in ranges through the air, -Spotless as snow, and countless as they’re fair; Scattered immensely wide, from east to west, The beauteous semblance of a flock at rest.” The Farmer's Boy–Winter. 1s SECTION VI. Of the Cirrostratus. Pl. II. Fig. 2. CIRROSTRATVS. NvDEs ExTENVATA svecocAvA ver, vNDVLATA. NVBECVLAE HVIvs MoD1 ADPositAE. I observed, when treating of the cirrus, that that cloud frequently changed into some other. Its change is generally into either the cirrocumulus or cirrostratus: when it passes to the latter, it descends lower in the atmosphere, its fibres become denser and in general more regularly horizontal, and it usually appears subsiding, or altering its form. The figure of the cirrostratus, like that of the cirrus, is very various: sometimes it consists in dense longitudinal streaks; at others it looks like shoals of fish; sometimes the whole sky is so mottled with it as to give the idea of the back of the mackerel ; this has been called the mackerelback sky; frequently it appears like the grains of polished wood, or is composed of fine fibres, disposed after the manner of the fibres of muscles, which often intersect each other. 2 CHAP. 1. $6. OF CLOUDS. 19 I have seen the cirrostratus assume the reti- cular form, like the cirrus, from which it can then only be distinguished by its greater degree of density. This cloud is sometimes spread out into a plane horizontal sheet, more or less dense; this is the form in which the halo generally appears. All clouds are capable of becoming lighter or darker, ac- cording to their relative position with respect to the sun : the cirrostratus, however, is remarkable for exhibiting a great variety of beautiful colours, according to its variation in density, to other peculiarities in its struc- ture, or to its relative position. These ap- pearances are best seen in the morning and evening, when the sun is near to the hori- zon. They have been well described by the ancient poets,” who have likewise spoken * VIRGIL, speaking of the prognostics of rain, alludes to several appearances which must be ascribed to the intervention of this cloud. Sol quoque et exoriens et quum secondit in undas Signa dabit, solem certissima signa sequuntur Et quae mane refert et quae surgentibus astris, Ille ubi nascentem maculis variaverit ortum Conditus in nubem medioque refugerit orbe Suspecti tibi sint imbres, namque urguet ab alto C 2 20 * OF CLOUDS. CHAP, 1. §6. of them as precursors of rain and tempestu- ous weather: and modern meteorologists have corroborated the speculative notions of the ancients, and have observed the preva- lence of the cirrostratus to be usually fol- lowed by bad weather, as will be further discussed when I come to speak of prognos- tics of atmospheric changes. Arboribusque satisque notus pecorique sinister, Aut ubi sub lucem densa inter nubila sese Diversi rumpent radii, aut ubi pallida surget Tithoni croceum linquens Aurora cubile Heu male tum mitis defendent pampinus uvas Tam multa in tectis crepitans salit horrida grando. Hoc etiam emenso quum jam decedat Olympo - Profuerit meminisse magis, nam saepe videmus Ipsius in voltu varios errare colores Caeruleus pluviàm denunciat, igneus Euros Sin maculae incipient rutilo inmiscerier igni Omnia tum pariter vento nimbisque videbis Fervere: non illa quisquam me nocte per altum Ireneque a terra moneat convellere funem, At si quum referetgue diem conditGue relatum. Lucidus orbis erit, frustra terrebere nimbis Et claro sylvas cernes aquilone moveri. Wirg. Geor. lil. i. 460. f i The radii diversi se erumpentes are probably the same as the pºol, described by Aristotle, in his Meteorologica. CHAP. 1. $7. OF CLOUDS. *1 SECTION VII. Of the Cumaiostratus. Pl. III. Fig. 1. CVMVLOSTRATVS. Def. NvDEs DENsA IRREgv- ' LAR is BASIN PLANAM VND190E SVPERCRESCENs. THE change of the cumulus into the cu- mułostratus is effected in the following man- her: The cumulus, losing its hemispherical figure, increases irregularly upward, grows more dense, and overhangs its base in uneven or rugged folds; a preexisting eirrus, cirrocumulus, or cirrostratus, or one perhaps immediately formed for the occasion, alights on its summit, and inosculates. Many of these cirrostrati are sometimes seen attached to the cumulostratus, and sometimes to in- tersect it. Cumulostrati frequently remain in this state for a long time, and constitute very picturesque skies. At other times the processes are more rapid. The cirri or cirro- strati are soon lost in the cumulostratus, which increases in density, and soon be- comes the nimbus described in the next section. The distinct appearance of the supersident cirri, or cirrostrati, is not neces- 3 22 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. $ 7. sary to the production of the cumulostratus; on the contrary, the cumulus as often passes to this cloud, and eventually to the nimbus, without the visible precedence of any such conjuncture and inosculation of different modifications. But it is probable that the . same kind of processes are going on unseen, and that a similar change always takes place in the electricity of the cumulus, previous to its becoming the cumulostratus. The change being often visibly effected by the anastamosis of two strata of cloud, as above described, and the two strata having been found by experiment to be differently elec- trified, we are led to conclude that the pro cess of nimbification, of which cumulostra- tus is one stage, consists in a neutralization of the electricities of two or more clouds; and that where cumulostratus or nimbus appears, unpreceded by the aforedescribed phenomena, the same kind of change has taken place in the aqueous aggregates, from causes which are invisible.* The cumulostratus varies in appearance; * See the experiments of Cavallo with the electrical kite, &c.—Comp, Treat. Elect. 2d Ed. p. 370, f CHAP. i. 58. OF CLOUDS, 23 sometimes it overhangs a perpendicular stem, and looks like a great mushroom; frequently a long range of cumulostrati ap- pear together, which have the appearance of a chain of mountains with silvery tops.” Before thunderstorms it seems frequently reddish, which some people have imagined to arise from its being highly charged with the electric fluid. Of this, however, more in another place. SECTION VIII. Of the Nimbus. Pl. V. Fig. 1. NIMBWS. Def. NVBEs vBL NVBIVM congeBIEs PLWWIAM EFFVN DENS, CLouds of any one of the aforementioned modifications, at the same degree of eleva- * The simple cumulus sometimes has this appearance; and as the change to cumulostratus is gradual, it is often difficult to determine to which modification to ascribe it. A continuity of base to several mountainous superstruc- tures, and an increasing density of colour which by degrees approximates to black, mark the progress of the change to cumulostratus. 24 OF CLOUDS. Citat. 1.5 s. tion, may increase so much as completely to obscure the sky: two or more different modifications may also do the same thing in different elevations, and the effect of this obscuration may be such as would induce an inattentive observer to expect the speedy fall of rain. It appears, however, from at- tentive observation, that no cloud effuses rain until it has previously undergone a change sufficiently remarkable to constitute it a distinct modification, to which the term nimbus has properly been applied.* This change seems to consist in the uniting of particles of water differently electrified, which, having a mutual attraction for each other, closely unite, forming visible drops of water, which therefore gravitate and descend in rain. The nature of this process will, perhaps, be better understood, if I advert to * This application of the word nimbus corresponds very well with the sense in which it was taken by some of the old Roman writers, who considered it as a storm cloud, and distinguished from imber or a shower of rain actually falling. Thus Lucretius– Copia nimborum, turba majore coacta, Vrguens ex supero premit ac facit effluere imbris. Lucr. de Rer. Nat. vi. 512. CHAP. 1. § 8. Of CLOUDS. 25 what frequently happens in the rapid pro- duction of showers. The cumulus, sailing along in a lower region, appears retarded in its progress, increases upwards, and inos- culates with a cirrus or cirrostratus above; then the whole changes into cumulostratus, and spreads horizontally, forming a dense sheet; a sort of crown of cirrose fibres extends upward from the superior part, while loose flocky cumuli, entering from below, seem to nourish the growing nimbus, which, increasing in density, at length des- cends in rain, the drops or streams of which appear, by inosculation in falling, to acquire magnitude in their progress to the earth. After the storm has spent itself, the mass is again disunited, and formed into the different modifications: the cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus, may again be seen in the higher air, while the remaining part of the broken nimbus flies along in a lower station, in the form of that loose, flocky, and dark coloured cumulus, which the sailors call scud. In cases of more settled and continued rain, these processes go on slower, and therefore are less likely to be taken notice of. The best time for viewing the progress of nimbi- 26 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. §8. fication is in stormy weather; cumuli may then be seen rising into mountains and becoming cumulostrati, while long strata of cirrostratus permeate their summits; and the whole phenomenon has the appearance of a range of mountains, transfixed by the mighty shafts of giants. After having exist- ed some while in this form, they become large and irregular, and they get darker by intensity, till all seem concentrated in a dense black mass, with a cirrose crown extending from the top, and ragged cumuli entering from below; and eventually the whole resolves itself into rain.” Having in this section given a sketch of the modifications, and of the principal cir- cumstances which relate to their formation * Previous to the coming up of a storm, a dead calm, which may have for some time existed, is followed by a gale. The approach of a storm, thus ushered in by wind, is admirably described by Virgil: Qualis ubi ad terras abrupto sidere nimbus It mare per medium; miseris heu praescia longe Horrescunt corda-agricolis: dabit ille ruinas Arboribus stragemque satis, ruet omnia late Antevolent sonitumque ferunt ad littora venti. Wirg. Aeneid. xii. 451. Char, 1.59. OF CLOUDS. 27 and peculiarities, I proceed in the next to a further examination of the same subject. SECTION IX. By what has been said above, it appears that, according to Mr. Howard's theory, the origin of clouds is from the surface of the earth and waters. That the vapour up- raised by the accession of the diurnal tem- perature, in the manner described, is con- densed into a visible cloud, either by cold, or by the air, from other causes; losing its power of holding so much water in solution as before; or by the joint influence of these causes. That cumuli are the immediate re- sult of this process; and that in the evening, when the heat is diminished, the air deposits its vapour again in the form of dew, which gravitates to the ground, becoming more dense as it approaches the earth, because the lower atmosphere is now the coolest; and finally lodges on the surface of the herbage, or of the ground, where it awaits the reascending sun to be again evaporated. Cumuli also are represented to be dispersed, ſº * ÖF CLOUBS. CHAP. T., 35. and their constituent particles to come to the ground in the same manner:* Accord- ing to the same theory, it appears that the other modifications are also the consequence of vapour carried up into the atmosphere, while their peculiarities are more imme- diately effected by the agency of the electric fluid. The conclusion of Mr. Howard's theory, as it is given in Rees's Cyclopaedia, is so good, that I shall adopt it as a termination to this section. r “We shall conclude with a brief review of the modifications ascending from the STRATUS, formed by the condensation of vapour on its escape from the surface to the CUMULUs, collecting its water in the second stage of its ascent, both probably existing by virtue of a positive electricity. From these proceeding threugh the partially con- ducting CUMULosTRATUs to the CIRRoSTRA- Tus and CIRRocumulus; the latter positively charged, and considerably retentive of its * Although the reason of their sinking may be the destruction of the vapour plane in the evening, yet some other cause must exist for the cumulus to disperse and fall in diffused mist, or dew : see the next Chapter. CHAP. 1. § 10. OF CLOUDS. 29. sº charge; the former less perfectly insulated, and, perhaps, conducting horizontally: we arrive thus at the region where the CIRRUs, light and elevated, obeys every impulse or invitation of that fluid, which, while it finds a conductor, ever operates in silence; but which embodied and insulated in a denser collection of watery atoms, sooner or later bursts its barrier, leaps down in light- ning, and glides through the NIMBUs from its elevated station to the earth.” SECTION X. Though the above theory appears very plausible, and is certainly in many respects accurately correct, yet there are other theo- ries which are opposed to it in many parti- culars, and which seem likewise to have some pretensions to credit. I shall proceed next to mention some of these, and compare them with that of Mr. Howard. It is con- tended by some that the dew does not fall, but, on the contrary, rises: the earth, it is said, retains the heat of the day longer than the air immediately above it: that evapora- 50 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. $ 10. tion being greater, according to the propor- tion of heat which the water bears to the air into which it evaporates, there becomes a considerable evaporation from the earth and waters in the evening, which is con- densed again in the cold air. I readily allow that this may take place; but it does not appear to me to militate against what has been advanced in the preceding Section. Evaporation may still be going on from below, while there is a precipitation from above; and thus we may account for the stratus not always resting on the ground, but frequently beginning at a small-distance from it, or increasing in density for some feet upwards, there being a sort of shallow vapour plane preserved so long as the heat continued to be slowly transmitted from the earth. M. De Luc asserts that clouds are not the constant result of evaporation from the earth. He accounts for them by supposing that the air is decomposed by the sun's rays, so as to deposit aqueous particles, which become clouds. If this be admitted to take place, it does not argue against the ascent of vapour: and whether the watery parti- CHAP. 1. § 10. OF CLOUDS. 31 cles arise immediately from the ground, or are deposited by the air, they may equally be supposed capable of becoming cloud, when operated upon by the nubific principle which is believed to be electrical: indeed, these two processes may co-operate to the production of clouds, so that, if this hypo- thesis be advanced against Mr. Howard's theory, it cannot be regarded as constituting a valid objection.* * The following extract will, perhaps, furnish to the reader a more perfect idea of Mr. Howard's theory of the origin of clouds: “On the remote and universal origin of clouds there can be but one opinion—that the water of which they consist has been carried into the atmosphere by evapora- tion. It is on the nature of this process, the state in which the vapour subsists for a time, and the means by which the water becomes again visible, that the greatest diversity of opinion has prevailed. “The chemical philosopher, seduced by analogy, and accustomed more to the action of liquids on solids, natu- rally regards evaporation as a solution of water in the atmosphere, and the appearance of cloud as the first indication of its precipitation; which becoming afterwards (under favourable circumstances) more abundant, pro- duces rain. The theory of Dr. Hutton goes a step further, assumes a certain rate of solution differing from that of the advance of temperature by which it is effected, and deduces a general explanation of clouds and rain. 32 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. i. 310. It is said again, that nimbi have been ... • observed to take place without the pre- from the precipitation which, according to his rule, should result from every mixture of different portions of saturated air. The fundamental principle of this theory has been disproved in an essay heretofore presented to the society,” and which was written under the opinion, at present generally adopted by chemists, that evapora- tion depends on a solvent power in the atmosphere, and follows the general rules of chemical solution. “The author has since espoused a theory of evapo- ration which altogether excludes the abovementioned opinion (and consequently Dr. Hutton's also,) and con- siders himself in a considerable degree indebted to it for the origin of the explanation he is about to offer. It will be proper, therefore, to state the fundamental proposi- tious of this theory, with such other parts as appear immediately necessary, referring for mathemetical de- monstrations and detail of experiments to the work itself, which is entitled “Experimental Essays on the Constitution of mixed Gases; on the Force of Steam or Vapour from Water aud other Liquids in different Tem- peratures, both in a Torricellian Vacuum and in Air; - on Evaporation; and on the Expansion of Elastic Fluids by Heat. By John Dalton.”—See Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, vol. v. part 2.-The propositions are as follow: * 1. When two elastic fluids, denoted by A and B, are mixed together, there is no mutual repulsion amongst their particles; that is, the particles of 4 do not repel * See Phil. Mag, vol. xiv. p. 55. CHAP. l. $ 10. OF CLOUDS. 33 currence of other modifications; but I have seen it no where proved, that after their those of B, as they do one another. Consequently, the pressure or whole weight upon any one particle arises solely from those of its own kind. * 2. The force of stream from all liquids is the same at equal distances above or below the several temperatures at which they boil in the open air; and that force is the same under any other pressure of another elastic fluid as it is in vacuo. Thus the force of aqueous vapour of 212° is equal to 30 inchcs of mercury; at 30° below, or 182°, it is of half that force; and at 40° above, or 252°, it is of double the force: so likewise the vapour from sulphuric ether which boils at 102°, then supporting 30 inches of mercury, at 30° below that temperature it has half the force, and at 40° above it, double the force : and so on in other liquids. Moreover, the force of aqueous vapour of 60° is nearly equal to half an inch of mercury when admitted into a Torricellian vacuum; and water of the same temperature, confined with per- fectly dry air, increases the elasticity to just the same amount. A * 3. The quantity of any liquid evaporated in the open air is directly as the force of stream from such liquid as its temperature, all other circumstances being the same.’ The following is part of the Essay on Evaporation: “When a liquid is exposed to the air, it becomes gra- dually dissipated in it; the process by which this effect is produced we call evaporation. “Many philosophers concur in the theory of chemi- cal solution: atmospheric air, it is said, has an affinity D 34 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. $10. formation rain has gone on without a cir- rose crown on the upper part of the nimbus. for water; it is a menstruum in which water is soluble to a certain degree. It is allowed, notwithstanding, by all, that each liquid is convertible into an elastic vapour in vacuo, which can subsist independently in any tem- perature: but as the utmost forces of these vapours are inferior to the pressure of the atmosphere in ordinary temperatures, they are supposed to be incapable of exist- ing in it in the same way as they do in a Torricellian vacuum: hence the notion of affinity is induced. Ac- cording to this theory of evaporation, atmospheric air (and every other species of air for aught that appears) dissolves water, alcohol, ether, acids, and even metals. Water below 212° is chemically combined with the gases; above 212° it assumes a new form, and becomes a distinct elastic fluid, called steam: whether water first chemically combined with air, and then, heated above 212°, is detaehed from the air or remains with it, the advocates of the theory have not determined. This theory has always been considered as complex, and at- tended with difficulties: so much that M. Pictet and others have rejected it, and adopted that which admits of distinct elastic vapours in the atmosphere at all tem- peratures, uncombined with either of the principal con- stituent gases, as being much more simple and easy of ex- plication than the other; though they do not remove the grand objection to it, arising from atmospheric pressure.” “On the Evaporation of Water below 212°. “I have frequently tricd the evaporation at all the 1. Chari. s.10, of CLOUDs. 35 I have noticed the spontaneous formation of nimbí more than once. Of this I shall temperatures below 212; it would be tedious to enter into detail of all the experiments, but I shall give the results at some remarkable points. In all the high tem- peratures I used the vessel abovementioned,” keeping a thermometer in it, by which I could secure a constant heat, or at least keep it oscillated within narrow limits. º “The evaporation from water of 180° was from 18 to 22 grains per minute, according to circumstances; or about one-half of that at 212°. “ At 164° it was about one-third of the quantity at the boiling temperature, or from 10 to 16 grains per “At 152°it was only one-fourth of that at boiling, or from 8 to 12 grains, according to circumstances. “The temperature of 144° affords one-fifth of the effect at boiling; 188° gave one-sixth, &c. - “Having previously to these experiments determined the force of aqueous vapour at all the temperatures under 212°, I was naturally led to examine whether the quan- tity of water evaporated in a given time bore any pro- portion to the force of vapour of the same temperature, and was agreeably surprised to find that they exactly cor- responded in every part of the thermometric scale; thus the forces of vapour at 212°, 180°, 164°, 152°, 144°, and 138°, are equal to 30, 15, 10, 74, 6, and 5 inches of mercury respectively; and the grains of water evapo- rated per minute in those temperatures were 30, 15, 10, * This refers to experiments on the evaporation of water at 212° for which see the Essay. - - D 2 36 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 1. $10. say more hereafter, when I shall attempt. further to illustrate these subjects by a detail 7}, 6, and 5, also ; or numbers proportional to these. Indeed it should be so from the established law of me- chanics, that all effects are proportional to the causes producing them. The atmosphere, it should seem, ob- structs the diffusion of vapour, which would otherwise be almost instantaneous, as in vacuo; but this obstruc- tion is overcome in proportion to the force of the vapour. The 6bstruction, however, cannot arise from the weight of the atmosphere, as has till now been supposed; for then it would effectually prevent any vapour from arising under 212°: but it is caused by the vis inertiae of the particles of air, and is similar to that which a stream of water meets with in descending amongst pebbles. “ The theory of evaporation being thus manifested ſrom experiments in high temperatures, I found that if it was to be verified by experiments in low temperatures regard must be had to the force of vapour actually exist- ing in the atmosphere at the time. For instance, if water of 59° were the subject, the force of vapour of that temperature is 1-60th of the force at 212°, and one might expect the quantity of evaporation I-60th also: but if it should happen, as it sometimes does in summer, that an aqueous atmosphere to that amount does already exist, the evaporation, instead of being 1-60th of that from boiling water, would be nothing at all. On the other hand, if the aqueous atmosphere were less than that, suppose one half of it, corresponding to 39° of heat, then theeffective evaporating force would be 1-120th of that from boiling water: in short, the evaporating force must be universally equal to that of the tem- 2. Char. 1, §10. OF CLOUDS. 37 of some particular cases.—In the conclusion of this chapter, I may observe, that if, agreeable perature of the water, diminished by that already exist- ing in the atmosphere. In order to find the force of the aqueous atmosphere I usually take a tall cylindrical glassjar, dry on the outside, and fill it with cold spring water fresh from the well: if dew be immediately formed on the outside, I pour the water out, let it stand a while to increase in heat, dry the outside of the glass well with a linen cloth, and then pour the water in again: this operation is to be continued till dew ceases to be formed, and then the temperature of the water must be observed; and opposite to it in the table will be found the force of vapour in the atmosphere. This must be done in the open air, or at a window; because the air within is generally more humid, than that with- out. Spring water is generally about 50°, and will mostly answer the purpose the three hottest months in the year; in other seasons an artificial cold mixture is required. The accuracy of the result obtained this way I think scarcely needs to be insisted upon. Glass, and all other hard, smooth substances I have tried, when cooled to a degree below what the surrounding aqueous vapour can support, cause it to be condensed on their surfaces into water. The degree of cold is usually from 1 to 10 below the mean heat of the 24 hours; in summer I have often observed the point as high as 58° or 59°, corresponding to half an inch of mercury in force; and once or twice have seen it at 62°; in changeable and windy weather it is liable to considerable fluctuation; but this is not the place to enlarge upon it. “ For the purpose of observing the evaporation in s8 OF CLOUDs, * HAP. :1 , § ið, to the experiments of modern chemists, the conversion of fluids into elastic vapour is at- atmospheric temperatures I got two light tin vessels, the one six inches in diameter and half an inch deep, the other eight inches diameter and three-fourths of an inch deep, and made to be suspended from a balance. When any experiment, designed as a test of the theory, was made, a quantity of water was put into one of these (generally the six-inch one, which I preferred,) the whole was weighed to a grain; then it was placed in an open window or other exposed situation for 10 or 15 minutes, and again weighed to ascertain the loss by evaporation; at the same time the temperature ofthewaterwas observed, the force of the aqueous atmosphere ascertained as above, and the strength of the current of air noticed. From a great variety of experiments made both in the winter and summer, and when the evaporating force was strong and weak, I have found the results entirely conformable with the above theory. The same quantity is evaporated with the same evaporating force thus determined, whatever be the temperature of the air, as near as can be judged; but with the same evaporating force, a strong wind will double the effect produced in a still atmosphere. Thus, if the aqueous atmosphere be correspondent to 40° of temperature and the air be 60°, the evaporation is the same as if the aqueous atmosphere were at 60° of tem- perature and the air 7 2°; and in a calm air the evapora- tion from a vessel of six inches in diameter in such cir- cumstances would be about 9 of a grain per minute, and about 1.8 grains per minute in a very strong wind; the different intermediate quantities being regulated solely by the force of the wind. CHAP. i. 610. OF CLOUDS. * 39 tended with a loss of heat; the vapour from water, by rendering the upper atmosphere “Having quoted so much of this essay as may suf- fice to exhibit the principles on which we shall proceed, it may be useful, before we do this, to recapitulate the following circumstances respecting the atmosphere of aqueous gas, or (for brevity) the aqueous atmosphere. “ 1st. It is supplied by the process of evaporation, which by this theory appears to be reduced to the imme- diate union of water with caloric into a binary compound, aqueous gas. t “ 2dly. The supply of vapour (by which term, for the purposes of meteorology, we may denote aqueous gas,) is regulated by the following circumstances:–1. Tempe- rature of the evaporating water, being greater as this is higher, and vice versá. 2. Quantity of surface exposed. Since it is from the surface only of the mass that the vapour in common cases can escape, the supply is in direct proportion thereto. 3. Quantity of vapour already subsisting in the atmosphere: the evaporation being less (with equal temperature and surface) in proportion as this is greater, and vice versä. - “ 3dly. The vapour thus thrown into the atmosphere is diffusible therein by its own elasticity, which suffices for its ascent to any height in a perfect calm. Yet, as in this case the inertia of the particles of air con- siderably resists its diffusion, so in the opposite one of a brisk current, the vapour, by the same rule, must in some measure be drawn along with the mass into which it enters. . - “4thly. The quantity of vapour which, under equal pressure, can subsist in a given mass of air, will be 40 OF CLOUDS. Chap. 1. $10. into which it ascends cooler than it was before, also renders it less capable, agreeable greater as the common temperature is higher, and vice 2)6?"Sø. “Aqueous vapour is the only gas contained in the atmosphere which is subject to very sensible variations in quantity. These variations arise from its attraction for , caloric being inferior to that of all the others. Hence when a cold body, such as the glass of water in the experiment above quoted, is presented to the atmosphere, the other gases, composing the latter, will only be cooled by it (and that atall known temperatures;) but the vapour, after being more or less cooled, will begin to be decom- posed, its caloric entering the body while the water is left on the surface. * “ The formation of cloud is in all cases the remote consequence of a decomposition thus effected, except that the caloric escapes, not into a solid or liquid, but into the surrounding gases. “ Dew is the immediate result of this decomposition. The particles of water constituting it are, singly, invi- sible, on account of their extreme minuteness. The approach of dew is, nevertheless, discoverable by a dark hazy appearance, verging from purple to faint red, extending from the horizon to a small distance upwards, and most conspicuous over valleys and large pieces of water. “The theory of dew seems to be simply this:—during the heat of the day a great quantity of vapour is thrown into the atmosphere from the surface of the earth and waters. When the evening returns, if the vapour has not been carried off in part by currents, it will often CHAP. 1. § 10. OF CLOUDS. 41 to Mr. Howard's theory, of containing so much aqueous gas in solution, which thus contributes to effect its own condensation into clouds: by which process there is pro- duced again an increase of heat; and by this means the degree of temperature is in Some measure restored." happen that more remains diffused in the general atmo- sphere than the temperature of the night will permit to subsist under the full pressure of the aqueous atmo- sphere. A decomposition of the latter then commences, and is continued until the general temperature and aqueous pressure arrive at an equilibrium, or until the returning sun puts an end to the process. The caloric of the decomposed vapour goes to maintain the general temperature; while the water is separated in drops, which, minute as they are, arrive successively at the earth in the space of a few hours. That the ordinary production of dew is by a real descent of water from the atmosphere, and not by decomposition of vapour on surfaces previously cooled (as in the experiment already mentioned) any one may readily be convinced by ob- serving in what abundance it is collected by substances which are wholly unfit to carry off the requisite quantity of caloric for the latter effect.”—Phil. Mag. Sep. 1803. 4? ' ' of CLOUDs, Chan 2. CHAPTER II. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ABOUT THE PECULI. ARITIES OF THE CLOUDS. In the foregoing chapter I have given a hasty and imperfect sketch of Mr. Howard's theory of the origin, suspension, and de- struction of clouds. I shall next proceed to examine further the various appearances which the different modifications present in the progress of their formation, changes, and destruction; the influence which they ap- pear to have on each other, and the con- nexion observable between their peculiarities and other atmospheric phaenomena. The reader will see how far these phaenomena are reconcileable with what has been already said in the above chapter. In investigating the causes of these changes, I have selected such few cases as appeared necessary to illus- trate them, and for further particulars I refer to the Appendix at the end of the volume, and to my journal in the Philosophical Maga- GHAP. 2. § 1. OF CLOUDS. 43 zine. In this journal, it may be said, I have been too minute in the detail of appearances. But where effects are intricate and complex, an accurate detail of them appears the only thing that can lead to a knowledge of their particular causes. SECTION I. Of the Varieties of the Cirrus. I HAVE already said that the cirrus was by no means uniform in its appearance; but, on the contrary, that it exhibited a very great variety of figure, both while it remained a determinate cirrus, and when passing to the other modifications. That these varieties are the effect of a variation in the cause of the cloud, cannot be doubted; many of them are attendant upon particular kinds of wea- ther; and an accurate examination of them, compared with other coexisting phaeno- mena, seems likely to throw additional light on the nature of the peculiar office which the cirrus performs; namely, that of conducting the electric fluid. When the weather is dry, the cirrus has 44 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 1. more of a fibrous texture then when it is damp; and whatever may be its figure, whether comoid, linear, or filiform, its ex- tremities are always fine evanescent points. This is a fact very conformable to our pre- sent idea of its nature. For when sur- rounded by dry air, which is an electric, there is not a free passage for communi- cation; and the cirrus necessarily assumes that form which is best calculated for con- ducting, the evanescent terminations being probably points for the transmission of the fluid, and they are directed towards that part of the sky with which the electric com- munication is to take place. t On the 30th of August, 1811, the air being very dry, according to the hygrometer, the cirri were spread about in a lofty region; they were of a fibrous texture, one end ter- minating in transmitting points, the other frequently more massy; they passed on gently with the wind, in succession; by the evening none were to be seen. Cumuli also, formed during the day in a lower atmo- sphere, moved along in the lower current, and likewise disappeared at night. The dryness of the air might be the reason why CHAP. 2.51. OF CLOUDS. 45 these two kinds of clouds did not affect each - other, so as to produce cumulostratus and nimbus, by their union. ..º. In wet weather, when the air is damp, the cirrus, which is seen in the intervals of the rain, is ill defined, and often of a sort of plumose figure; and it has less of the fibrous structure: this may be attributed to its being surrounded with moister air, which being a conductor, though an imperfect one, there is not the same necessity for the cirrus to be drawn out into fine transmitting points; as the fluid can fly off more generally from all parts of it. Cirri of this kind are generally of short duration, and have a great tendency to change into the other modifications; there is often a haziness in the atmosphere when they appear, and they are frequently soon followed by rain. They seldom appear in fair dry weather; and if cirri, which have been previously fibrous, put on the plumose and indefinite character, a change to wet weather may be expected. All these are circumstances which corroborate the opinion, that the humidity of the circumjacent air is the cause of this kind of feature of the cir- 46 OF CLOUDS. CHAP, 2, § 1. rus, and agree very well with the nature of the office already assigned to it. I have almost always found the fibrous cirri to be accompanied by dry air. . But there are rare exceptions to this rule. The upper air may, however, be tolerably dry, while the under air is moister, which may account for the occasional appearance of cirri of fibrous texture above, at a time when the hygrometer indicates a humid atmosphere below. The plumose cirrus often appears when the sky is deep blue, and the cirrus of fibrous structure sometimes appears when it is pale coloured. But the intensity of the blue of the sky does not seem to depend on the dryness of the air; nor the paleness, on its moisture. In the intervals of showers the intensity of the blue is often the greatest.* While I am now writing, I observe out of my window abundance of fibrous cirri in a sky rather pale than otherwise. During the abundance of cirri I have sometimes per- * Sir Isaac Newton somewhere observes that the deepest blue sky happens just at the change from a dry to a moist atmosphere. ‘CHAP. 2. § 1. QF CLOUDS. 47 ceived the sky particularly pale; which, on minute examination, have been found to be caused by innumerable fine fibres of cirrus laying very close together. There is a variety of the cirrus, called in £incolnshire the Sea Tree, which has some- what of the plumose structure, and generally precedes rain. Its figure gives a faint resem- blance to that of a tree, whence it derives its name, one end being a compact kind of trunk, from which fibres diverge and ramify into confused or plumose branches.* The obliquely descending bands of cirrus, before mentioned, which occur chiefly in fair warm weather with light gales of wind, are not always detached. I have seen them pro- ceeding from other clouds, and sometimes connecting two distant massesofcloud, which in this case have always been undergoing a change of appearance, reconcileable with the idea of a change in their electric state. The detached comoid cirri, called Mares' Tails, are seldom very much elevated, par- * By plumose, is meant a figure which gives the idea of the folded ends of a plume of feathers. The sea tree sometimes looks like many of these plumes diverging from one stem. 48 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2, § 1. ticularly those which ramify vertically. Their presence is well known to be an indication of wind; and when their transmitting ter- minations have a decided direction, the sub- sequent wind has been often found to blow from the quarter to which they have pre- viously pointed. This circumstance seems difficult of explanation. For if we suppose a current of air, differently electrified, to precede the more violent and sensible wind that is to follow, with which the cirrus com- municates its electricity by means of these pointing fibres; how comes the cirrus itself, though apparently stationary, to be actually moving on slowly in an opposite direction ? which I have observed to be the case: and, indeed, cirri in general move along with their tails either foremost or aslant. If these cirri, then, be moved along by the current of air, it cannot be imagined that there can be a current of differently elec- trified air meeting them, which should draw out their tails into transmitting points. For if two currents meet, which ever was strongest would counteract the other, and would move the cirrus at the rate of the difference of the two velocities. It is dif- CHAP. 9, § 4. OF CLöUīj9. 49 ficult, too, to suppose that there can be a tide of electricity moving against the wind; but it is possible that the cirrus may not be carried forward by the mechanical impulse of wind. The same electric attraction, which may draw out its cirriform tail for the pur- pose of equalization, may be supposed, fur- thermore, to move slowly the whole mass in the same direction. I never could quite satisfy myself on this point. Perhaps the electric attraction, which draws out the cir- rus into transmitting points, exercises its power quite independent of the wind then blowing; for these cirri sometimes move in a direction very different from the direction of their tails: besides, the cirrus has been observed to continue moving on, in the same direction, while the tails have veered round toward another quarter.” There is sometimes a kind of motion ob- servable in the cirrus, which I have never * Whether by the fleeces of wool, which Aratus, Vir- gil, and Lucretius speak of, as being carried across the welkin in rainy weather, were intended these comoid cirri, cirrostrati, cirrocumuli, or large flocky scud, is uncertain. They intended, however, to describe the pe- culiar clouds which accompany variable weather, E 50 OF CLOUDS. CHAP.2, $1. noticed in any other cloud, which it is some- what difficult to describe, and which, when- ever I have seen it, has happened in a cirrus of a particular kind; namely, in one which has a sort of plumose extremity, with a long fibrous body, and a fine transmitting pointed tail.” The plumose head, which under these circumstances is clearer and rather more fibrous than usual, together with the body, seem all in motion, as if every particle was alive. This motion may be compared to that of a piece of cheese full of mites, which seems agitated in every point, without ever materially changing its place. This was remarkably conspicuous in some cirri, which I saw from Farningham, in Kent, about 6 o'clock in the evening of the 16th of July, 1811. They pointed nearly to the East. The weather which preceded them was varia- ble, with some showers, and they were suc- ceeded by several days of fair dry weather with various clouds, at the end of which time happened a hard thunderstorm about three in the morning. Can this motion pos- sibly be the effect of an effort on the part of * Plate I. Fig. 2. CHAP, 2, $1. of CLOUDs. *A. &l the electrified particles of the cloud, to equa- lize their own electricity with that of the air?" or may there be some disturbance in the electricity within the cloud, from other causes Sometimes portions of the cloud seem lightly agitated, as if by partial but gentle draughts of wind. Can the motion alluded to be caused by the evolution of any air generated in the cloud When the cirrus ceases to conduct, it changes its form, and becomes some other cloud, as has been said: thus, sometimes a sky full of cirrous streaks, after a while becomes overspread with a milky whiteness. This is a sort of change to cirrostratus, which often ends in rain.” The cirri how- ever frequently change to the cirrocumulus; and in the progress of the change the cirrous fibres seem to shoot out laterally into trans- .* The Abbé Bertholin probably alludes to the cirrus, as well as to scudlike cumulus, and other transitory fea- tures of the modifications, which appear in the intervals of showers, when he speaks of the “Lambeaux et frag- ments de nuages qui sont comme disseminés dans les differentes regions de l’air, les uns somt plus hauts (cirri, &c.) les autres plus bas (scud, &c.) et flottent au gre des vents de divers cétés.” He speaks of them as vehicles of the electric fluid, and as useful in conveying away the E 2 52. OF, GIOUDS. CHAP, 2, § 2, verseandintersectingstreaks; they first change to cirrocumulus at their points of intersec- tion, which thicken, approach to the orbieu- lar form, and seem like centres from which fibres eradiate; thus a sort of filiform cir- rocumulus is effected, which either goes on changing to a more perfect feature of that: cloud, changes again to cirrus or to cirro- stratus, or evaporates. It often happens that, as the cloud is gently moving on, the spec- tator has not an opportunity of watching it throughout all its metamorphoses. SECTION II. Of the Varieties of the Cirrocumulus. THE permanent features of any cloud. should be distinguished from those which are only transitory, or which the cloud ex- hibits in the progress of its change from matter of lightning, which would otherwise be oftener embodied in large clouds, and strike the earth with ter- rible violence. Thus he seems to have had some faint notion of an office performed by clouds, which more recent discoveries have ascribed to the cirrus. See Ber- thol. De l’Elec. Met. t. II. p. 113. CHAP.2. §2. GF CLOUDS. £3 one modification to another. I have beforé noticed, that in the change from the cirrus to the cirrocumulus, a number of appear- ances present themselves, which cannot be referred to either. They generally, however, end in a determinable Imodification, which I call its permanent form; and in which it generally remains for some time, and then evaporates, or changes again. The perma- ment features of the cirroeumulus vary at different times, and the varieties are con- nected with particular states of the atmo- sphere. In fine warm weather in summer, particularly towards evening, the nubeculae which compose this cloud are often large, well defined, and separate from each other: the whole sky is sometimes replete with them. This feature is often the forerunner of fine and wholesome, after a long con- tinuation of wet and variable, weather: it is strikingly contrasted to that variety of cirrocumulus which is composed of very diminutive nubeculae; by which the sky seems sometimes peppered, if I may so express myself, with innumerable little round white specks, which are sometimes of so 54 OF CLOUDS. Char. 2, $2. light a texture as to be almost transparent. There is a sort of cloud of this latter sort, which, though its nubeculae preserve some- thing of the round shape of the cirrocumulus, has the light and flimsy appearance, and almost transparency of cirrostratus of one kind, and it becomes very difficult to know what name to give it. Refer to the tenth Section of this Chapter. In stormy weather, previous to thunder, a cirrocumulus often appears, whose compo- nent nubeculae are very dense and compact round bodies in very close arrangement. The prevalence of this feature, particularly when accompanied by cumulostratus, is a sure indication of an approaching storm.* I have often had occasion to mention the cirrocumulus, as being very generally a fore- boder of warmth. In Germany these clouds …” * If the cirrocumulus, as Mr. Howard supposes, is a cloud positively charged and very retentive of it, the intensity and decided character of this feature indicates the very high state of its charge; this notion agrees very well with the circumstance of its accompanying thunder- storms. Are not the densest cumulostrati formed from its conjunction with the cumulus? CHAP. 2.58. of CLOUDs. 55 are called little sheep: and Professor Heyne has a note on them in his edition of Virgil.” And our poet Bloomfield has likewise com- pared them to a flock at rest, in a passage already cited. In certain weather cirrocu- mulus rapidly forms in different places in the sky, and soon subsides again, asis mentioned in another place. SECTION III. Of the Varieties of the Cirrostratus. It would be impossible to convey to the , reader a complete detail of all the varieties of any cloud; for, as in every other natu- ral production, no two appear exactly simi- lar in all particulars of shape, size, situation, &c. But as the clouds, countless and innu- merable as their shapes and sizes are, have a tendency, under certain circumstances at pre- sent not precisely known, to break out into some of the seven distinct modifications; so each modification has certain particular varie- * Heyne's Virgil, 4 vols. 8vo. Lips, 1803, ad Georg.i. 97, p. 314 of vol. i. - * §6. -OF CLOUDS, CHAP, 2, § 3, ties into which it forms itself on different occasions, and the meteorological speculator may be assisted, by having some of the prin- cipal of these pointed out to him. The varieties of the cirrostratus are nume- rous; but throughout all of them this cloud preserves its distinguishing characteristics; namely, shallowness, and extent in propor- tion to the quantity of its substance; gene- rally a horizontal position, and a tendency to alter its form and to subside. It is often lower down than a cirrus in the same sky, and a change from that cloud to cirrostratus is usually attended with a diminution of its altitude, a greater degree of density in its fibres, and in a more regularly horizontal position. The plane sheets of cirrostratus are the most simple of its forms: when these are not extensive, and are seen in the distance, they often look like a dense streak drawn along near to the horizon; but distinguishable from streaks of cirrus. There are some peculiar appearances of this kind, which, swelling somewhat in the mid- dle, and seen below a more thin and exten- sive sheet of cloud, give the idea of the back of a great dolphin rising out of the CHAP, 2,53. , OF CLOUDS. : 57, ocean, ; It is in the thin and extensive sheets. of this cloud, covering the welkin before its condensation into water, that the halo ap- pears.” It is this cloud which, under some unknown circumstances of atmospheric change, first in a 'diffused form obscures the sky, giving the sun, moon, or stars that dim light, and those peculiar refractions, spoken of in another place, and which often eventually becomes nimbiform, and ends in gentle and continued rain. The sun often sets apparently shrouded in a dense feature of this modification, and this is a sure indi- cation of a wet morning. But let us turn to more elegant varieties of cirrostratus, which sometimes appear in longish irregular spots or in bars in close horizontal position.f Fea- tures of this kind are frequently of short dura- tion, and move along very slowly in a high atmosphere, and appear subsiding by degrees; while perhaps other beds of it are forming in other places: a feature much like this appears in the intervals of showers. There * See Chapter III. + Pl. II. Fig. 2. f What is called the mackerelback sky often consists of this feature spread over a large portion of the firma- ment: but a sort of cirrocumulus, in like manner spread aloft, likewise receives this whimsical appellation. 58 OF CLOUDS. Char. 2, $4. also appears in variable weather, and before storms, a feature of cirrostratus, like the cyma of architecture.* I have seen cirro- stratus which did not lie, as it usually does, in a horizontal plane. A feature occurred on the 5th of March, 1810, in the north east, which was a long, tapering, inclined, and curved column of dark lakecoloured specks; above it were cirri scattered about like loose hay. But to describe the cirro- stratus in all its varieties of mottles, specks, streaks, and lines, would swell too much this chapter, and the meteorologist must observe them for himself. SECTION IV. Of the Varieties of the Cumulus. CUMULI vary in size and in the regularity of their forms; they have all the tendency to assume an irregular hemispherical figure: those which attend fair settled weather, which form soon after sunrise, become large, and inosculate into extensive masses in the middle * Pl. III, Fig. 2. ' - CHAP. 2. §4. OF CLOUDS. 59 of the day, and subside in the evening, are of the most regular shape. When they increase rapidly, and become more irregular, with fleecy bases, they will soon be cumu- lostrati, and are to be considered as indicat- ing variable or wet weather: in this case they are lower down in the air, and of den- ser appearance. In the intervals of, and before showers, I have seen them very large, and yet moving along in the wind, like immense hemispheres of cloud, dense in the middle, with silvery summits, and constantly tending to become cumulostratus, and to reproduce the showers; which, when they last long, are nourished by dark flocky cumuli, entering into the raining nimbus from below. See Pl. W. Fig. 2. Some of these little cumuli are not so fleecy as the rest; they are more compact in form, and, flying along rapidly between the showers, are considered as a foreboding of their return, and are called by the vulgar water waggons. The cumuli before keen March showers of snow, with North and East winds,have that look of transparency, and that definite though rugged edge, described in ano- ther place as happening also to cumulostratus. 4. 50 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. $4. Cumuli have sometimes appeared as it were tuberculated, and, though of their usual he- mispherical sort of form, to be composed of numerous eminences, or lobes of cloud. I have not observed what peculiarities of wea- ther these cumuli accompany, It is curious to watch the formation of cumuli in a morning, and trace them, when it is possible, from the minute specks of cloud which, here and there, seem to form out of the atmosphere, to those large masses which move majestically along in the wind, and convey water from place to place for the irrigation of the earth. In fair weather, soon after sunrise, a small cloud appears; this increases, others form near it, and they fall into one another as if attracted: a large mass is at length upraised, and then all the smaller ones which form in its neigh- bourhood are soon lost, while the large one is augmented; and the spectator, though he seldom sees it in actual congression, feels no doubt that the disappearance of the smaller, and augmentation of the larger cloud, is owing to the larger mass having attracted the smaller into itself. It becomes a ques- tion however, why the small clouds are lost 3 CHAP, 2, §4. OF CEOUDS. ët to appearance before they are quite drawn into the larger one * Possibly when the small cloud is very near, or most of its vapours drawn away, the rest rush with velocity into the larger; as a magnet, when it has ap- proached a larger within a certain distance, is forcibly and suddenly attracted to the latter. When these ephemeral mountains of electrified vapour have increased much, as they do towards the middle of the day; large ones, often inosculate, and form dense and extensive irregular masses. Something else besides this, however, seems necessary to cause that density and continuity of a base, common to several superstructures which constitute cumulostratus. On the dispersion of a stratus in the morning, we often see cumuli forming at its upper part; probably the same particles of vapour, on the return of the vapour plane, take the form of the cloud of day, and sub- side in fog again in the evening. See Plate II. Figs, 3, 4. 63 OF CLotDs. Chap.2, $5. SECTION V. of the W.arieties of the Stratus. - - Though most meteorological philosophers now concur in the general idea that dews and fogs are the result of vapour precipi- tated by the nocturnal decrease of tempera- ture; yet the particular circumstances under which dew is formed in greater or less quantities, the time of night, and the kind of weather when it is most precipitated, and otherfacts relating to it, having been variously observed by different persons, have occa- sioned different views to be taken of their various causes. In this section, however, I shall confine myself to a few cursory obser- vations on the varieties of appearance which the stratus presents. ... • Every body must have noticed the dif- ference between the wet fogs (probably cir- rostrati) which happen at all times of day, but often in a morning,” and the white * In Cornwall they amount to fine rain almost; they call them the pride of the morning. Fine days frequently follow them. - i car. 2.55. of CLOUDs. 63 mists which wet nothing, but only leave dew in drops on the herbage, which veil the meadows and valleys through a summer night, and ascend in the morning. As the temperature decreases in autumn, the stratus becomes thicker; the rays of the sun seem hardly able to overcome it, and it sometimes lasts throughout whole days; thus it gave rise in the minds of the antients, whose organization led them to express physical facts metaphorically, to the fable of Phoebus and Python.* In the neighbourhood of great cities these fogs, impregnated with numerous effluvia and smoke, have a yellow appearance which is explainable; but even in country places the yellow fogs of November extend over large tracts of land. *. Dense fogs also happen sometimes, and *Thus Phoebus, or the sun, issolicited by Cupid, or love, the vernal influence, to court Daphne, and effect the fruits of love in summer's productions. He boasts to the little god of his recent victory over Python, or the fog spread- ing his pestiferous body over the meadows. “Quimodo pestifero tot jugera ventre prementem Stravimus innumeris tumidum Pythona sagittis.” . Ovid Met. II. 10. 64s of cf.ouds. CHAP. 2. $6. appear suddenly, in different places; while at other times fogs continue for weeks toge- ther; such as that very thick and long fog, though one that did not extend very high up, which in December, 1813, ushered in the long frost, which continued through January and February of the present year. This fog seems by its topological history to have tra- velled from the West, Eastward and North- ward over our island. See some curious remarks about fogs, and particularly the extraordinary fog in France of 1783, in Ber- tholin, De l'Electricité des Meteors, Tom. II. Chap. 4, where the observations of different persons on this phaenomenon are duly no- ticed. SECTION VI. Of Cumulostratus. WHETHER this cloud is formed with visi- ble conjuction of different modifications, whether cumuli spontaneously assume its . form, or whether it appears of itself pre- viously, we must regard it as a stage towards nimbus. The very dense and black CHAP.2, $7. of CLOUDs. * §5 appearance of this cloud coming up with the wind, and just ripening into a storm, must be familiar to every body. Where the rain has actually begun to fall, the blackness is changed for a more obscure and grey colour. This may be only the effect of the inter- posed water of the falling rain; but if not, and if the nimbus is effected by an intense union of the watery particles, as I at present believe, the intense blackness of the pre- vious cumulostratus' must depend on some other principle. The mountains of this cloud, and its different appearances are men- tioned in another place. * * -º- SECTION VII. Of Nimbi which result from the visible Coales- * * cence of distinct Clouds. AN artificial division may be made of nimbi into three kinds. Firstly; those which result from the visible coalescence of distinct clouds. Secondly; those which follow the interfusion of moisture between distinct clouds: and, thirdly; those which appear F 66 of CLOUDs. CHAP. 2. $ 7. to form spontaneously in the air, without the precurrence of either of the above phae- nomena. All these may, I think, be ex- plained on the principle of the union of the differently electrified particles of which the clouds are composed. If a cirrus, after it has ceased to conduct electricity, should receive from either mass of air, between which it may have been conducting, an electric charge, agreeably to the present theory it would lose its cirri- form figure, and take on some other, perhaps a cirrocumulus, and by degress would sink down towards the earth. Under such cir- cumstances, it may come into actual contact with a cumulus rising from below by the upward propagation of diurnal temperature. Such a phaenomenon I have several times witnessed; and the result has been, the sudden commixture of both clouds into a denser mass, or nimbus, which has resolved itself into a gentle shower, and all has dis- appeared; the union of the two clouds thus apparently effecting the destruction of both. Such showers, by visible inosculation, are of short duration: the process is soon finish- ed; because the nimbus, thus formed, is CHAP. 2, $8. OF CLOUDS. 67 circumscribed by dry air, and has no source of supply: and clearness returns, because the superfluous aqueous particles, or such as cannot be retaken into composition by the air, have come to the ground in rain. When the circumjacent atmosphere had been moist, the process has been different, as described in the next section. SECTION VIII. Qf Nimbi apparently caused by the interfusion of Moisture between distinct Clouds. A cumulus arising in the lower atmo- sphere may be electrified differently from a cirrus, or any other cloud occupying a higher region; and these may both subside; the upper one, perhaps, by evaporation; and the lower by the usual vespertine descent, without uniting and forming the compound modifications. This appears to be frequent- ly the case in very dry weather, when cirri may be observed in the higher air, changing their forms, passing to cirrocumulus and cirrostratus, and eventually subsiding, while F 2 ^. 63 OF CLOUDS, CHAP. 2. § 8. cumuli sail leisurely along below. And these appearances continue, for many days together, without producing cumulostratus; which, nevertheless, occasionally happens, from the cumulus rising up and meeting with some other cloud descending. This will sometimes produce a nimbus, as I described above. At other times, however, the cumu- lostratus thus formed proceeds no further, and even reassumes the character of simple cumulus, and subsides in the wonted way. These are circumstances which I have observed to attend a dry state of the air, by the hygrometer, etc. Previous to rain, very different appear- ances frequently present themselves. The cumulus in the lower atmosphere changes its appearance, becomes denser, irregular in shape, and rocklike in its superstructure, with fleecy protuberances about its base; and, by degrees, is a complete cumulostra- tus. While this process is going on, cirri, cirrostrati, or cirrocumuli, which have pre- wiously appeared above, are lost, to all ap- pearance, as if they had suddenly evaporated. The air will now be found damper, and there is frequently a visible mistiness above; 3 CHAP.2, $8. OF CLOUDS. 69 and the explanation which I have to offer for this phaenomenon is, that the humidity of the air between the clouds affords a means of communication between their dif- ferent electricities; and that the cumulus, being the largest body, draws down the cirrus above, and is aggrandized, its previous electric state destroyed, and its structure altered by the change. The surrounding air being damp, the process goes on, affecting clouds more distant, and the result is nimbus and rain. A free passage for the electric fluid being afforded by the humidity of the air, it may readily be imagined, that the cumulus below, and the cirrus above, differently electrified, would mutually attract each other; and that the cumulus, being the larger body, would draw down the particles of the cirrus, while it appears to be drawn upward in a pro- portionate degree, and rises into mountains. The sudden loss of the cirriform cloud above, instead of a visible descent, is not at all sur- prising; for its electric state being destroyed, and its particles being more powerfully at- tracted by the greater aggregate, they cease to be held together in a body. This sug- 70 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2, § 8, gests another reason for thinking that it is not the simple attraction of aggregation alone which keeps the particles of clouds together in a mass. - When the cirrus above has been very large, I have observed the process to vary, in a manner quite conformable to my notions of the principles of action of the two clouds on each other. A sort of haziness having appeared between the two clouds, the cirrus loses its cirriform and fibrous figure, in- creases in density, and swells downward, to meet the cumulus rising from below and also changing its structure, till they have both united and formed a nimbus. The two clouds in this case being more nearly of a size when the communication of their elec- tricities took place, neither of them drew the other into itself, while both, losing their electric state, went on to become sepa- rate nimbi, and united merely upon the principle of attraction by which a nimbus is held compact. CHAP. 2. $9. OF CLOUDS. 7i. SECTION IX. of what has been called Spontaneous Nimbi- fication. By what has been said above, it appears that the cause of such a union between two differently electrified strata of cloud, is the humidity of the interjacent atmosphere: and this humidity, it seems, may take place either' in consequence of the dispersion of some cloud from a cessation of the electric actions which kept it together in a mass, or by a more general deposition of haze from the oversaturated air. Either of these causes, by affording a communication of electricity between the differently electrified clouds, might cause their union, and the production of nimbus. I think this will explain the cause of the nimbus unpreceded by other clouds. For if the air, from unknown causes, can so deposit watery particles, which may be diffused through a large mass of air, if the said large tract of air, before dry, and consequently an electric, should have a plus and minus state, the watery particles diffused 72 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 9. in it would also receive such a division of electricity: but these electricities having now, by the general humidity, a communication almost as soon as formed, they might unite, so as to form rain. This is a process which would be comparatively slow and progres- sive: and thus we may account for what has been called, by some, the spontaneous formation of nimbi; *... and, by others the gradual condensation of the air into rain, f which lasts whole days, and affords an example of the more slow and gentle ope- ration of the same causes, which, when effected rapidly by the sudden union of clouds, produce the more temporary and violent phaenomena of showers and thun- derstorms. * M. I. A. De Luc mentions having observed this spontaneous nimbification, unpreceded by cirri, when he was at the top of high mountains. See some curious observations in his “Idees sur la Meteorologie,” 2 vol. 8vo. London, 1786. † In nimbum cogitur ačr. * -- Chap. 2.; 10. OF CLOUDS. 73 SECTION X. Of certain Effects of the different Modifica- tions on each other, by Approa'imation, or with Coalescence. It has been already stated, that the effect. of the coalescence of two different modifica- tions, as, for example, of cumulus with cirrus, has been the production of the cumu- lostratus, and finally nimbus; and also that nimbus has appeared to result from the vi- cinity of two different modifications, par-, ticularly when the interfused air has been damp. I proceed now to speak of more transitory effects produced on clouds by the approximation of others of a different modi- fication. The most remarkable of these is the conversion of cirrus or cirrostratus into cirrocumulus, on the approach of cumulus, or cumulostratus. On the 12th June, 1811, the weather being showery, with clear inter- vals, while looking out of window at Plais- tow, in company with Mr. Howard, I ob- served a cirrus scattered about in the East. Cumuli were at the same time flying along 7%, OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 10. in a lower current of air: presently, a large cumulus passed apparently under the afore- said cirrus, which now seemed affected by the approach of the cumulus, and rapidly took on the form of a sort of stellated cirro- cumulus: the cumulus, at the same time, increased in density, and approached more to the nature of cumulostratus. I have several times since seen this phaenomenon effected in the same manner. On the 16th June, 1811, a large mass of cumulostratus passing under long streaks of cirrostratus, the latter gra- dually, as the former approached, changed into cirrocumulus. For particulais relative to the kind of weather, state of meteoro- logical instruments, &c. see Journal for the above two days in Phil. Mag. Analogy leads us to refer these phaenomena to the operation of the different electricities of the two clouds on each other. The effect of large masses of cumulus on smaller ones in their vicinity has been otherwise noticed. The approximation of clouds toward each other is always attended with some alteration of their appearance. And clouds are al- ways operating on one another and altering each others' forms, CHAP. 3, § 11. OF CIOUDS, 73 SECTION XI. of Thunderstorms. The paper of M. B. P. Van Mons, reprinted in Nicholson's Phil. Jour. Sept. 1809, induced me to observe accurately the two different kinds of lightning therein mentioned. I will not venture to speculate on their causes, referring for them to his paper, but shall pro- ceed to state the difference, One kind is a vivid flash, shortly afterwards followed by a loud clap of thunder, resembling the sound of the discharge of a mortar or cannon: This is found to be the mischievous kind, and is attributed to the discharge of the fluid analogous to the flying off of the electric spark. The other kind, ascribed by M. Van Mons to the combustion of the gases of water, is not so vivid, but has more latitude of light and is followed by rolling thunder:* These two sorts often alternate in the same storm. But it is often the case in other storms that * Two kinds of Hightning are mentioned by several ancient writers. Consult Seneca, Nat. Quaes. lib. ii. ec. 16. 20. 76 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 12. Y none but the rolling thunder is distinguished. The vespertine fulgurations, called summer lightning, are not followed by any thunder at all. By a collation of journals, it appears that the occurrence of thunderstorms is often. nearly simultaneous in very distant parts of the country, which indicates a disposition to their formation taking place in large tracts of atmosphere at once. But at other times they are very local and detached. For more particulars relative to the electric phaenomena of thunderstorms and nimbi in general, refer to the chapter on Electricity. SECTION XII, Of Masses of Cloud not to be referred to any of the Modifications. or MASSEs of cloud frequently appear, not re- ferable for a time to any of the modifications: but even these, if they last long enough, generally break out into some modifica- tion ultimately: when they do not, they must be described in journals as well as they can ; CHAP.2. § 12. OF CLOUDS. 77 but I have seldom seen any, which, if watched long enough, did not show suffi- ciently the character of some one of the mo- difications, to be registered under its name. As I have before observed, it is not always an easy matter to an unexperienced meteo- rologist to determine to which modification every cloud he sees is to be referred. There are intermediate varieties of cirrus, cirro- stratus, and cirrocumulus, which approach so much to the nature of each other that the assignation of a name becomes very difficult. A tendency to the orbicular arrangement is the distinguishing character of cirrocu- mulus; but sometimes features appear which have somewhat of this kind of arrangement. but are yet so light in their texture as to appear almost to be of the modification of cirrostratus. In my journals, I have called these the cirrocumulative features of cirro- stratus. There are many varieties of these indeterminable features: a flimsy cloud of this kind is often seen in the clearer intervals of rainy weather, which gives the idea of the flowers of the cauliflower. The innume- rable little round spots of cloud which sometimes cover a great extent of sky at an 7s. OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 12. elevated station are sometimes of this flimsy and almost transparent structure, while at other times they are denser, and therefore more decidedly cirrocumuli. In some kinds of weather, often with easterly wind and during cold unwholesome air, a cloud is seen covering great part of the sky, which has the thin and transparent texture of cir- rostratus; but the component nubeculae have the large and rounded form of cirrocumulus; it seems to differ from the latter cloud in being shallow and flimsy, and from the former in having a rounded circumscription. Among the sportive and amusing features which are exhibited under other circumstances of atmospheric pcculiarities, we have some- times long tapering columns, horizontal or inclined, of a cloud composed sometimes of little cirrocumulous nubeculae, and some- times of those of a sort of cirrostratus like little freckles; or like bundles of small streaks, arranged in rows. Mostly these little bunches of cloud are in a plane; but I have thought, though it might be an optical deception, that they have been sometimes in a roundish column, giving a faint resemblance to the tail of an armadillo. 3 CHAP.2. § 12, OF CLOUDS. #9 I once saw a column of this sort inclined, curved, apparently pendant from a sort of cirrus, and coloured purple and lake by the setting sun one afternoon in keen March weather.” The cloud which gives what is called the makerelback sky is composed of the long waving cirrostrative nubeculae, but these sometimes acquire the apparent sub- stance and solid look of cirrocumulus. In the large and long beds of nubeculae, which frequently float gently over in summer, there is often cirrostratus and cirro- cumulus in the same bed: these change from one to another by degrees; and there are intermediate and also confused or plain features in the same flotilla of travelling WaterS. --- J. Thus we see that though there be intermediate and mixed features, they have a constant resernblance more or less to one or other of them, and a tendency to assume sooner or later some regular form; a cir- cumstance which shows the distinct nature of the modifications, and persuades us that the names have not been imposed at hap- * Described under the account of the cirrostratus. Bö) OF CLOUDS. CHAP.2, 5 13. hazard or on artificial or imaginary dis- tinctions; but that they represent distinct and obvious genera of clouds, of which more attentive observation points out numerous species or subdivisions, z SECTION XIII. Of the apparent Fragments of Nimbi called Scud. We may observe after showers, when the nimbus appears to have spent itself, and the separate modifications reappear in their different stations, that there are loose dark flocky detachments of clouds flying along in the wind, and generally rather low down: these seem like broken fragments of the nimbus; the sailors call them Scud; they often fly along in a lower current of wind, at a time when large mountainous cumulostrati and cumuli appear more stationary somewhat higher up, and when flimsy features of cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, and cirrus are visible in a region still more elevated. When this scud is abundant we may be sure the imbriferous quality of the atmo- cii. 2 #4 of clotps: 81 sphere rémains, and we may expect a return of the showers. These fragments differ in general from the flocky and nascent cumuli which feed nimbi from below during rain, iii being of a darker and more himbiform, consistency. I have been at the top of the Mountain Cader Idris when they have passed below me through the valleys. They then appeared like a dark purplish mist. But sometimes whitish fleecy cumuli of similar form sail along, and at others more compact cumuli; there being almost all conceivable varieties. These detached clouds are called sometimes by the common people Water- waggons, from being observed to supply showers or to indicate their fall. SECTION XIV. Of the Mitture of the Modifications. In shôwery and variable weather, when thère is much cloud in the sky, we observe ," - ? * . . . . . . . . . . . ~ :- * 6ften such a mixture of different modifica- • Ho - y . . . ) { tions as must puzzle us to commemorate. rºr, . . . . . . . . . * * i e Here and there the semiformed shapes of G $2 OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 14. cirrostratus appear in the general mass: in another place irregular cirrus or cirrocumulus; flat sheets seem to drop down into little de- tached clouds of freckled appearance like cir- rocumuli; cumuli are seen under, and milklike whiteness spread aloft in other places. In time the dense continuity of cumulostratus prevails, and the confusion of nimbus and the fall of rain again take place. To be acquaint- ed with all these different appearances and the different look of different skies, the mete- orologist must watch them himself con- tinually and attentively. I am desirous of knowing whether in the equatorial and polar climates any great dif- ference in the modifications prevails from those which happen here; from what I can collect from travellers and from drawings, there are few differences. The clouds of England and Wales are I am persuaded much the same as those of other parts of Europe. I must mention that during my stay in Wales I did not see any deeided cirrocumu- lus; but this must have been accident; that cloud is found no doubt in all parts of Europe and in all parts probably of the world. Indeed I feel little doubt but that, with some CHAP. 2. § 15. OF CLOUDS. 83 few variations, all our clouds prevail every- where. Accurate journals of them kept in different parts of the world and commu- nicated in the periodical journals would be very interesting. \, } SECTION XV. Of Rain, Snow, and Hail. I have little to say of these three modes of the resolution of the nimbus, which has not been already treated of by meteorolo- gists,” nor of their compound, commonly called sleet. The peculiarities of rain seem principally to consist in the size, and close or distant arrangement of its streams. I have observed, that the large and distant streams of some summer showers have often a strong positive electricity. Rain has been found sometimes positively, and at others negatively, electri- fied; and sometimes nonelectric. , * Vid. Seneca Nat. Quaest.—Aristot. Meteor.— Des Cartes Treat. Meteor. et caet. G 2 " 84 COLOURS OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 16. The peculiarities of snow seem to consist, for the most part, in the size and shape of the flakes. Sometimes they are of a sort of stelliform figure. Hailstones vary in size and shape. Such large ones sometimes fall, as break windows, and do other mischief. Of this a memorable instance happened some years ago at Bruxelles. I think I remember to have found some round and transparent hailstones which contained opaque concentric globes in the inside. Hail and snow have generally been found electrified.* { * - SECTION XVI. of the Colours exhibitedly clouds. It is an unfortuñate circumstance, that there are no words in common use for colours, in any known language, which are . sufficiently explanatory. This circumstance * Consult the experiments of Cavallo, Comp. Treat. Elect.—Bertholon. Elec. Met. &c. See Chapter on Electricity of Clouds. CHAP.2. § 16. COLOURS OF CLOUDS. 85 arises probably from the great variety of shades and combinations of colours which flowers and other natural and artificial pro- ductions every where display. Clouds, as is well known, refraet and re- flect a great variety of beautiful tints, the shades of which vary according to their re- lative position with respect to the sun; but the colour seems also to depend on the kind of cloud, and the degree of its density. The cirrostratus shows the most beautiful and varied colours. Different shades of purple, crimson, lake, and Scarlet, are the most common. The haze, with a horizontal Sun, refracts different colours at different times; yellow, orange, more or less of a golden hue, red, and lake, are the most common; some- times I have seen the haze refract a brown- ish colour. The colour varies upwards; sometimes I have seen several colours in the haze. Particulars of which may be found in my journal in Philos. Magaz. The colour of clouds should always be noted down in meteorological journals, as also the particular modification in which the colours appear. I have noticed that cirri, cirrocumuli, etc. at different times show different colours, \ 86 COLOURS OF CLOUDS. CHAP. 2. § 16. though in nearly the same situation with respect to the sun.” I have often seen the nubeculae of cirro- cumulus forming in beds here and there, about the time of sunset; highly tinged with crimson, or with vermillion; colours which more often affect the cirrostratus and not unfrequently the cirrus. There is one curious circumstance worthy of notice with respect to the refraction of colour in clouds. We often notice the light clouds, cirrostrati for example, which show fine colours just above the set sun and near to the horizon at a time when they either do not appear at all over head, or do not there refract any colours. If it were only from one place that these clouds were seen near the western horizon, we might suppose that they were local, but as all over large tracts of country the same appearances would be seen probably at the same time, we must -: A systematic arrangement of colours might be made as well as of scents, by reference to flowers, and other standard substances. It would be well if we had a nomenclature for colours, which expressed them by refe- rence to the proportion of the primitive tints of which they may be compounds. CHAP. 2. § 16. COLOURS OF CLOUDS. 87 conclude that the modification of cloud is existing every where about, but that a par- ticular angle with respect to the sun is neces- sary to its being visible, or appearing as a coloured cloud. * We observe that clouds of the same vari- ety, having the same local or angular position with respect to the sun, sometimes appear richly coloured, and at other times scarcely coloured at all; a circumstance which ren- ders it questionable, whether the colour is from the cloud itself, or whether the cloud only reflects the light which is coloured in passing through the haze of the atmosphere in the evening? The former is however probably the case; for different clouds in nearly the same angular position with re- spect to the sun show different colours at the same time. But the colours refracted by the haze are very various. Sometimes the tints in the twilight haze come on so suddenly and are so circumscribed as to induce a belief that very sudden and partial changes take place in the atmosphere at eventide; which may perhaps be somehow connected with the formation of dew. It is doubtless the falling dew which refracts the colours in general, which are varied by as CoLogBS QF groups. Char. 2.516. the position of the parts in which they are º a > , " , . . . . . # * -> - i ; -, A $º seen. There is frequently a deep golden orange close to the horizºn, 3. grimson , , , ~ ; ºr: - T. * ... :: * if: " ; : * 'tºº ºr blush above it fading into purple and the dark blue, about it on each side 3. T - - § { {}{* . whitish transparent appearance, or a lively greenish blue; or perhaps the true light prismatic blue; and all these yary as the sun gets lower beneath the horizon T pese and numerous other beautiful appearances ºf diverging streaks, bars, and spots may often be seen with a horizontal sun; we notice them chiefly in an evening, because we seldom rise soon enough in the morning; but they may be observed to display nearly the same degree of beauty, though with some variety. of appearance, when they usher forth the gay Aurora, rising from the bed of the sable Tithonus, as when they throw their painted canopy over the declining gar of Phoebus, and mark the place where he has sunk beneath the ocean, till they fade away by degrees, and are lost in the uniform gloom of Night. Chap.2. 517. ELEVATION OF CLOUDS. 89 SECTION XVII. Of the Elevation of Clouds. The mean or average degree of elevation of the different modifications is different. Aggarding to Mr. Howard, the cirrus is the highest; the cirrocumulus next; and the cir- rostratus, cumulus, and stratus, successively lower than each other. The cumulostratus, which is a compound cloud, is of vast ver- tical dimensions: when it forms on a cumu- Jus. the top of it appears to rise higher, and the base generally lower, than that of the cumulus. The nimbus, which is the reso- lution of clouds into rain, may be considered as having its base on the earth, and its summit at the end of the fibres of its cirrose crown. The modifications have different degrees of elevation at different times; and some- & S ºr tº lº & times the order of them is inverted: many instanges of which may be found by con- ulting journals. I have seen the cirrus in . . . ; t ( twº mºving along rapidly in the wind, below, Giºrogumulus, and even cumulus, in so ELEVATION OF CLOUDS. Chap. 2. $ 17. a higher region. Towards evening on Sun- day, April 12, 1812, I observed from Clapton a small fibrous cirrus moving rapidly along in the wind, lower than fleecy cirrocumulus which appeared in a comparatively calm re- gion above. There were, however, other cirri more elevated in the sky at the same time. The following spring, on Sunday, the 21st March, 1813, at Cambridge, about 11 a.m., I remarked a long cirrus moving rapidly along in a north wind, not lengthways, but abreast. At one end of it fibres pointed backward to the north, while at the other they pointed to the east. Higher up, light cumuli passed over from the south; and higher still were flimsy ill defined masses of cirrocumulative cirrostratus in an air compa- ratively calm, but they were found to be passing over gently from north west. Many other cases of inverted order might be noticed. Sometimes cirrocumulus may be seen under a spreading sheet of cirrus of a milky appearance, which look like a bas relief. I have once or twice noticed the nubeculae of a bed of cirrocumuli lower down to be smaller than those of one more elevated. This was noticed among the CHAP. 2. § 17. ELEVATION OF CLOUDS. 91 abundance of cirrocumulus, cirrus, and other clouds, which appeared on 21st Oct. 1811: the night succeeding was cloudy, with a gale from south and distant lightning. The long lines of cirrus extending across the sky have been found to be very high, by geo- metrical observation. By the same mode of mensuration, I found that I was frequently much deceived in my opinion as to the height of clouds at first view of them. Saussure writes of the very great height of clouds, which from the description must be a kind of cirrostratus in mottled beds, and Dalton mentions, that the clouds of the mackerelback sky, as he calls it, have appeared almost as distant from the top of high mountains, as from the ground.” That clouds are sometimes very high, there can be no doubt: and their height may be easily taken with quadrants at different stations. Aéronauts have generally ascended much beyond the cumuli; but I question if there are not clouds much higher up than any balloons have ever ascended. Mr. Sad- ler mentioned to me, that large cumuli seen * Dalton's Meteorological Essays. s2 ELEVATION OF CLOUDS. Char. 2, #17. by him, when at a much greater elevation in a balloon, appeared like small silvery specks on the ground; his distance from them being so great, that they appeared to rest on the earth's surface; but I have found no accurate accounts of aeronauts having ascended so far as the lighter modifications sometimes appear to be elevated. * Those who have been on the tops of high hills and mountains, have frequently spoken of clouds having passed below them; but being unacquainted with the peculiarities of clouds, and having been inattentive in their observations, their accounts have been of little value for ascertaining the general height of the modifications; when I was at the top of Cader Idris, on Sunday evening, August 14, last, the weather being cleared up after a showery morning, I noticed that the scud passed above and below the tops of the mountains, but the bases of most of the cumuli were above them ; a long bed of cirrus with fine fibrous edges was much higher, so that my ascent up the mountain hardly seemed to bring me nearer to it; but the most exalted clouds of all were the flimsy cirrocumulative forms of cirrostratus, Indeed 4. Čitar. 2.; 17. EtßVATION OF Cf.OUDS. 93 it may often be observed that these transient features of cirrostrătuş, which appear in the intérvals of storms, are elevated much abové the tops of cumulostratus, or cumulus, which may be seen lower down. Future observations by means of trigonometrical measurement may, when the differences of clouds become more generally known, lead to a more accurate estimate of the heigth of the different varieties. In general, the regular ephemeral cumuli have much the same elevation, which somewhat increases during the day from the rising of the vapour plane whereon they float. I have made observations with a view to determine whether cumuli were not usually higher over some soils than over others, but I cannot perceive much difference in this re- spect; they certainly have appeared some- what lower when over the sea, than when they have come over the land; I noticed this at Hastings, in August and September ôf the present year. Before rain they de- scend lower, increase irregularly in size, and are condensed into cumulostratus. I have noticed that when cumuli, which were flying along in the wind, have by any accidental tº STRUCTURE OF CLOUDS. Char. 2.51s. inosculation of the clouds, or from any other cause, changed to cumulostratus: the change has been uniformly attended with a retar- dation of the motion of the cloud. This probably arises from its having been increased in density in proportion to the surface pre- sented to the wind. SECTION XVIII. of the Structure of Clouds. THE first step towards a perfect know- ledge of any science, is to have an accurate and well arranged detail of particular ap- pearances. From effects thus laid out in order, we proceed to examine what may have been their causes. It may be proper now to examine, whether the particles of clouds remain afloat in the air, or only gra- vitate very slowly to the ground In other words, on what peculiarity of structure does their comparative levity depend ? Experience being deficient, conjecture supplies its place, and supposes an adequate cause. M. de Luc, and M. de Saussure, have I Char. 2, § 1s. STRUCTURE OF CLOUDS. 9s supposed that they may be composed of hol- low vesicles;* and, in this case, if the com- . ponent vesicles should contain an aériform fluid, lighter than common air, they would become buoyant, and float in the atmo- sphere. It is not probable that they contain hydrogen gas. For, if they do, what can be the structure and component parts of the vesicular bag itself? It cannot be water. For, if electricity should preserve it in the vesicular form, it could not prevent the escape of its hydrogen from within. Could the bag itself be water, it would never be oxygen and hydrogen in a state of combi- nation. The oxygen would not affect or act upon the hydrogen in the bag, because it had already combined with its due pro- portion of hydrogen, and become water. Nothing, then, but an accession of more oxygen could convert the contents of these vesicles into water. When the electricity is equalized, the water which composes the bag or vesicle comes down in rain; and the hydrogen, mixing with common air, may be exploded by the electric spark, or, meeting * Idées sur la Meteorologie, par I. A. de Luc, vol. ii. p. 160. 96 STRUCTURE OF CLOUDS. CHAE.g. $18. with oxygen, may explode spontaneously, and produce one kind of lightning and thun- der. This is, however, only vague conjec- ture: nothing is certainly known about the structure of clouds. It would make a very pretty theory, with the solution of the fol- Iowing questions. 1st. What are the cir- cumstances under which hydrogen could be contained in a vesicle of water; And, 2dly. What can occasion such a separation of the gasses on a condensation of vapour into cloud: In short the opinions contained about vesicular vapour seem in general to have been vague and illfounded. That the struc- ture of different clouds is very different, is manifest from their different refracting and reflecting powers, producing the various ap- pearances of the halo, corona, parhélion, etc. on different occasions, as well as from the very different appearance of the clouds them- selves. e But there is, in fact, no proof that the particles of water have any specific levity in the air; they may, perhaps, only gravitäté very slowly to the earth, from their mińuté- ness, as soon as from any cause the elastic vapour is condensed into a visible cloud. The manner in which such aggregates may •, CHAP. 2. § 19. OF THE HALO, CORONA, etc. 97 constitute a visible and floating cloud, which preserves or increases its elevation, has been explained by Mr. Howard in his account of the vapour plane, and the cause of the cumulus.* SECTION XIX. Of certain Luminous Appearances which result from the Reflection or Refraction of Light by Clouds, and which are commonly called Halos, Rainbows, Parhelia, etc. Every one who is conversant in meteoro- logy must be well acquainted with such lu- minous appearances, occasionally seen about the sun, moon, and planets, and caused by the refraction of their light through a cloud of peculiar structure, as are usually called halos, coronae, burrs, glories, &c. But these phaenomena have hitherto received no defi- nite names whereby they may be distin- guished from each other, though they differ considerably in appearance. Meteorologists have spoken of halos and crowns of light indis- * Howard on Clouds, in Phil. Mag. H ps OF THE HALO, CORONA, Char. 2.; 19. criminately, without distinguishing between the corona or luminous disk, and the halo or luminous ring. * The ancient writers, too, spoke indiffer- ently of halones, circuli, coronae, halyses, parhelia, and other the like phaenomena, as appears by the works of Aristotle,” Pliny, f Seneca, and others. Aristotle appears to have written with the most perspicuity of all of them. - With a view to obviate the inconvenience and misunderstanding which might arise from the confusion or promiscuous use of terms not sufficiently definite, I subjoin the following classification, which, though im- perfect, may serve, till a better shall be found, to enable meteorologists, in their journals, to express, with tolerable preci- sion, the kind of appearance which they wish to commemorate. I endeavour to classify them (for want of a better criterion) according to the various shapes or figures which they present. It * Aristot. Meteor. lib. iii. cc. 2, 3. + Plin. Hist. Nat, lib. ii. cc. 29, 30, 31, 32. lib. xviii. 35. - # Senec. Nat. Quaest, lib. i. cc, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Chap. 2, § 19. RAINBOW, PARHELION, etc. 99 must be remembered, that their various figures are the result of the particular con- struction of the cloud which refracts their light: a correct attention, therefore, to these appearances, may lead to a more perfect knowledge of the structure of the refracting medium. HALo.” Pl. VI. Fig. 1. Circulus vel Annu- lus lucidus aream includens, in cujus centro Sol aut Luna apparet. By a halo I understand an extensive lumi- nous ring, including a circular area, in the centre of which the sun or moon appears; whose light, passing through the intervening cloud, gives rise to the phenomenon. Ha- lones are called Lunar or Solar, according as they appear round the moon or sun. Those about the moon are the most com— mon. They are generally pretty correct circles: I once, however, saw a halo of a somewhat oval figure. Halones are some- * The word halo, or halos, is evidently derived from the Greek &w or 3A05, signifying an area. The Latin writers appear to have spoken indifferently of halones, halyses, coronae, circuli, &c. without sufficiently distin- guishing between the corona and the halo. H 2 100 OF THE HALO, CORONA, CHAP. 2. § 19. times coloured with the tints of the rain- bow.” HALo DVPLEX. Pl. VI. Fig. 2. Duo An- muli, in quorum centro communi Sol aut Luna videatur. * A double halo is not a very common occurrence. I have observed, that simple halones are generally about 45° in diameter: in case of double halo, it might be worth while to take the diameters of each of the concentric circles. * -- HALO TRIPLEX. Tres Annuli, in quorum centro communi Sol aut Luna appareaf. Triple halones are extremely rare occur- Fen CeS. HALo Discoides. Pl, WI. Fig. 3. Annulus aream reliquá nubis parte lucidiorem continens, in cujus centro Luna aut Sol visus est. bº A discoid halo may be said to be a halo constituting the boundary of a large corona: it is generally of less diameter than usual, and often coloured with the tints of * The coloured halo is generally seen in a denser kind of cirrostratus. CHAP. 2. § 19. RAINBOW, PARHELION, etc. 101 the Iris. A beautiful one appeared on the 22d of December, 1809, about midnight, during the passage of a cirrostratus before the moon. CoRoNA. Pl. VI. Fig. 4. Discus lucidus, vel portio circularis nubis reliqud luci- dior, in cujus centro Sol aut Luna widetur. When the sun or moon is seen through a thin cloud, a portion of the cloud, more immediately round the sun or moon, appears much lighter than the rest of it: this lumi- nous disk, if I may be allowed the expres- sion, I call a corona. Coronae are of various sizes, according to the peculiarities of the intervening vapour: but they seldom exceed 10° in diameter: they are generally faintly coloured at their edges. Frequently, when there is a halo encir- cling the moon, there is a small corona more immediately round it. Coronae, as well as halones, have been always observed to prog- nosticate rain, hail, or snow. As far as I can observe, they are generally seen in the cirrostratus cloud. CoRoNA DVPLEX. Discus lucidus, alium I02 OF THE HALO, CORONA, CHAP. 2. § 19. discum paulo lucidiorem ac minorem in- cludens, in quorum centro communi Sol vel Luna videfur. A double corona is very common : some- times they are triple or quadruple. PARHELION. Pl. VI. Fig. 5. Imago Solis falsa, vel plures imagines ejusdem ge- meris circa Solem circulatim dispositae, et magis minisve halonibus aliisque luci- dis vittis commitatae. Parhelia vary considerably in general appearance: sometimes the sun is encir- cled by a large halo, in the circumference of which the mock Suns usually appear: these have often small halones round them : they have usually a horizontal band of white light of a pyramidal figure extend- ing from them : sometimes a large semi- circular band of light, like an inverted arch, seems to rest upon the halo which encircles the sun : but these phaenomena vary too much to be particularly described here: their peculiarities ought to be minutely ob- served and noted down in a Meteorological Journal. PARASELENE. Lunae imago falsa, vel plures imagines hujus generis, circa CHAP. 2. § 19. RAINBOW, PARHELION, etc. 103 Lunam dispositae, et magis minisve halonibus aliisque lucidis wittis commi- tatae. * The paraselene, the parhelion, and the several kinds of halo and corona, all appear to result from the intervention of cloud between the spectator and the sun or moon, through which the light passes: but there is another well known phaenomenon, which always appears in a cloud opposite to the Sun or moon; namely, the IRIs. Circulus marimus coloratus in nube Soli opposità visus, et cujus centrum centro Solis opponitur, qui, quod portio ejus tantùm videtur, arcus adparet. The rainbow is an appearance too familiar to every one to need any particular descrip- tion. As the halo and corona appear gene- rally in the cirrostratus cloud; so the Iris appears always in the nimbus. Lunar rain- bows are rare OCCurrenCeS. IRIs ovelEx. Duo Circuli colororati, quorum centrum commune Solis centro opponitur, qui quðd eorum portiones tantum videantur Arcus adpareant. Double rainbows are not unfrequent. The 104 OF THE HALO, CORONA, etc. CHAP, 2, § 19. order of colours in the outer one is reversed.” They are mentioned by Aratus.t IRIS wVIcolor. Circulus maximus colorum eacors, in nube visus, et cujus centrum centro Solis vel Lunae opponitur ; qui quod portio ejus tantum videatur Arcus adpareat. The Iris unicolor is more properly a co- lourless rainbow, and appears in the mist, Such a one appeared on 20th November, 1812, in the vicinity of London. The after- noon of the same day there was a shower in which the rainbow showed the usual colours. ^ RABDI DIVERGENTEs. Radii Solis radiantes ob quandam specialis generis interpo- sitam nubem. The remarkable appearance of the sun's rays, in a cloud before rain, has been alluded to by Aristotle, § Virgil, || and others. RABDvs PYRAMIDALIS. Portio pyramidalis lucis in nube visa, quasi ea. Sole proce- * Arist. Meteor. lib. iii. cap. 5, + Arat. Dios. 208. f Annals of Philosoph, by Dr. Thomson, p. 80. § Arist. Meteor. lib. iii. cap. 2. | Virgil Georg. lib. i., v. 445. CHAP.2. §20. CAUSE OF THE HALO, etc. 105 dens, cujus vertea diametro Solis hori- zontali perpendicularis est. Not uncommon in haze of a peculiar kind, perhaps cirrostratus. Sometimes small por- tions of the rainbow's colours appear in dif- ferent places. I observed this between seven and eight o'clock, 21st August, 1812, while riding between Ticehurst and Wadhurst, in the neighbourhood of Tunbridge Wells. SECTION XX. Of the Causes of the abovedescribed Phaenomena. IN examining what may be the causes of the various phaenomena above described, I make a division of them into—1st, those which result from the intervention of cloud between the spectator and the luminous body. And, 2dly, those which appear in a cloud opposite to the rays of the sun or moon. Of the 1st sort are all the different kinds of halo, corona, and parhelion. Of the 2d sort are the different varieties of the Iris. With regard to the first kind of these, caused by intervention of clouds, many attempts have 106 CAUSE OF THE HALO, &c. CHAP. 2. $20. been made by different philosophers to ex- plain them; but they have been generally founded more on vague conjecture than fact. All that can be said about them is, that they probably depend upon some peculiarity in the refractive or reflective powers of the intervening cloud, by which certain of the rays are thrown off at a particular angle. I may, in the first place, observe, that all the rays from the sun or moon must fall nearly parallel on the surface of the cloud. This will be evident, if we consider the great distance of those bodies, when com— pared with the diameter of the largest halo. The rays which constitute the luminous ring of the halo, must be reflected at an angle equal to the angle of the semidiameter of its area; or, in other words, to the angle subtended by the distance from the sun or moon's centre to the ring. To illustrate this, I subjoin the following problem and figure. CHAP. 2, § 20. CAUSE OF THE HALO, etc. 107 3/ - º * e ºf A M B • * * * * e e s e o 'o e tº tº @ Q @ e º O tº e $ º sº 4. • tº * > & e wº * > © * º * sº o © O Aº * tº sº ſº dº o Çe $º & a * > e tº * Ǻ tº sº wº cº Ye fº © * > º ( ) sº * > * sº * 4- gº * > º * & * > © tº * tº « » & : c * te sº HD gº tº e º 'º Q & Q º O © tº E e & e i e º O & © & Cº. º & C The distance of the sun or moon from the cloud bears so great a proportion to the diameter of the halo, that the rays may be said to fall physically parallel on all parts of it; that is, if of two rays coming from the sun's centre, one should impinge on A, and the other on B, these rays might be considered as parallel. Let A B be the dia- meter of the halo, M the centre or place where the moon appears: if a ray, a y, pro- ceeding from the moon in the direction a y, and impinging on A, should pass through the cloud in a straight line, that is, perpen- dicular to A B, it would appear to a spec- 108 CAUSE OF THE HALO, etc. CHAP.2, $20. tator at D. But it appears to a spectator at E.; therefore it diverges from the straight line A D in the line A E, making with it an angle D A E ; join MA and M E, and E D, making A D E M a parallelogram, and A E its diagonal. Then (Euc. i. 29.) the angle D A E, or angle of the aberration of the ray, is equal to the alternate angle A E M, or angle under which the semi-diameter A M of the halo A B appears. From the above, it appears then, that a halo of 48° diameter may be ascribed to a property in the cloud of refracting certain of the rays at an angle of 24°. A double halo, the exterior ring whereof includes an area of 48°, and the interior ring whereof includes one of 10°, must be attributed to a property in the cloud of refracting certain of the rays at an angle of 24”, and certain other rays at an angle of 5", and so on of triple ones. A corona of 10° diameter appears to be the consequence of a property in the cloud to refract certain of the rays at every angle, from the smallest, say an angle of 1" to 5°, beyond which the rays are refracted in the cloud, in the usual manner. A double corona the inner one of which is 5° diameter, and CHAP.2, $20. CAUSE OE THE HALO, etc. 109 the outer 10°, is referrible to a property in the cloud of refracting certain of the rays at every angle, from 1" to 2° 30', and certain other rays, from 2° 30' to 5°, and so on of triple ones.” For further particulars relative to these phaenomena, I refer the reader to the works of Aristotle, Newton, Huygens, Des Cartes,S M. Helvetius," and to several papers in the Philosophical Transactions.” and Manchester's Memoirs.fi For expla- nation of the phaenomena of the rainbow, consult Newton's Opticks. By the problem above it appears, that no two persons standing at any distance from each other, and looking at a halo, see the * Even the breadth of the ring of a halo itself must be caused by a number of rays, refracted at somewhat different angles; otherwise the breadth of the ring would equal only the breadth of one ray. + Aristot. Meteor. lib. iii. cc. 3, 4, 5, 6. f Newton, Optic. 1st edit. 2d book, pp. 48, 134. || Huygens's Post. Works, pp. 293. § Des Cartes. Treatise of Meteors. *| M. Helvetius. End of Mercurius in Sole. ** Phil. Trans. vol. v. 1065. xxii. 535. xxxi. 212. xxxix. 218. xlvi. 196. lii. 3. ++ Manchest. Mem. vol. iii, 110 of EvaPORATION. CHAP, 2,321. same light: but as the halo is seen for a great extent around by persons in different places, al disposition to such reflexion or refraction of the rays is inferred as existing in large and extensive masses of the same cloud. It may be a fit subject of inquiry- At what distances is halo seen at the same time Sometimes the cloud seems very par- tial, but at others very extensive. When a halo appears in a cloud, the extremities of which can be seen, it may serve to mark that cloud as a subject of geometrical obser- vation at several distant stations, whereby its distance and magnitude may be nearly ascertained. . . . . In some parts of America halos are said to be still more common than in England. SECTION XXI. Evaporation. - According to the most recent theory, the following will be the process of evapo- ration. The accession of diurnal tempera- ture communicating to the water the power of calorific repulsion, the production of Chap. 2. $21. OF EVAPORATION. 11 I elastic vapour, or gas, is the consequence; which, exerting its elastic force by the repulsive power of its particles, rises into the atmosphere; but when a fluid becomes an elastic body, there is a loss of heat of temperature by expansion : and the vapour, therefore, becomes cooler than the water from which it evaporated, and also cools as it expands on its progress, causing the upper air to be cooler into which it ascends; for it has changed its heat of temperature for heat of capacity;” so that the actual tem- perature of the air is diminished upwards: while the said gas, possessing heat of capa- city, is thus enabled to remain an expanded elastic fluid ; and it is only by an actual loss of heat, from the nocturnal interception of the sun's rays, that the whole mass of atmosphere, being cooler, is then again con- densed into aqueous particles, and falls in dew; by which process the heat of capacity is again changed for the heat of temperature; and the reformation of water in the form of mist or cloud, actually increases the * I adopt the mode of expression of Sir H. Davy. See him in his Elem. of Chem. Phi.. vol. i. part i. v. 1, 2, 3, &c. 3. 112 OF EVAPORATION. Chap. 2. $21, thermometric warmth, in falling; and thus contributes to equalize the vespertine with the diurnal temperature, and to make the change more gradual. The formation of clouds may be regarded as dependent on circumstances which attend this process; for the rising of the elastic vapour impels that above into an atmosphere already too cold for its solution, which, therefore be- comes cloud, as explained before. As the particles of a cloud, for example a cumulus, are not believed to be kept sepa- rate by the same power of repulsion as those of elastic vapour, and as clouds are electri- fied, so we ascribe the mutual repulsion of their corporeal particles to that of similarly electrified bodies: now, according to New- ton, where repulsion ends, there attraction begins; and if by the joint influence of these two powers, the cumulus is kept toge- ther as an aggregate, while its particles do not unite, so as to form water, we must suppose that the same principle holds good with respect to electrical attraction and re- pulsion. After all, these are merely theo- ries, against which there appear as many reasons as there are for them. The inqui- 2 CHAP. 2. § 21. OF EVAPORATION. ' 113 sitive mind of man is always seeking for causes, and making systems, by which even the most incredulous are liable to be misled, and to mistake imagination for truth; while the only resource of the philosopher is to arm himself with their mutual contra- dictions and common want of evidence, and, retracing the steps of his wandering, to sneak back into the plain regions of sim- ple observation, and content himself to be- hold the variety and order of phaenomena.” * Dew is vapour condensed into visible drops. Under whatever circumstances of diminished barometrical pres- sure or decreased heat the air cannot hold so much water in solution as before, the result must be a deposition of it in aqueous particles; during day and under some other circumstances of electricity, definite and floating clouds . are the result, and the processes of rain often commence; but in fine weather, in the evening, the vapour plane being destroyed and the nubific principle ceasing to act, the vapour so deposited comes down in dew. The dew is not the result always of the stratus, and it differs from the wet mist of the cirrostrativeness of the lower atmosphere. The circumstances under which dew is most plentifully formed being treated of by Dr. Wells in his Essay on Dew, Irefer the reader to that publication, and also to Bertholon's Elect. Met. ! *~ 114 OF METEORS. Char.g. CHAPTER III. OF CERTAIN ACCENSIONS WHICH APPEAR TO TAKE PLACE SPONTANEOUSLY IN THE ATMO- SPHERE, CALLED FALLING STARS, METEORS, ETC. THE igneous meteors which occasionally take place in the atmosphere, have been noticed by most of the ancient writers on natural philosophy with which we are ac- quainted, as may be found, by the works of Aristotle.” Pliny, Virgil, Lucretius, Seneca,S and others. But the peculiarities remarkable in the different kinds of them do not appear to have been duly noticed. The most minute differences between them ought to be commemorated, together with their relation to other coexisting phaeno- mena: for in investigating the causes of * Arist. Meteor. lib. i. c. 4. † Plin. H. N. lib. ii. cc. 4, 25, 36. f Virg. Georg. lib. i., 365. | Lucret. de Rer. Nat, lib. ii. 206. lib. v. 1190. § Senec. Nat. Quaest. lib. i. c. 14. CHAP. 8. OF METEOR3. il 8 these luminous accensions, we shall probably be assisted by observing and noting down accurately peculiarities remarkable in the different kinds of meteors which from time to time appear. The very large sort, which occasionally are seen; such, for example, as that memorable meteor which happened on the 18th of August, 1783, that which took place in November, 1803, or the large one recently observed at Geneva,” are not numerous enough to admit of being arranged under any general description; besides which, there are peculiarities in all of the larger sort, whereby each differs from every other. But the smaller kind, which appear in common, seem to me to be referrible to three principal varieties, which appear to derive their particular character from the kind of weather in which they happen. * See Nicholson's Journal 1811. The falling stars have generally been regarded as fore- boders of wind: so Seneca in Hippolyto: * Ocyor cursum rapiente flamma Stella curh ventis agitata longós Porrigit ighes, I have flotieed this indication of wind particularly from the caudate ifièteers still to be deseribed, I 2 116 OF METEORS. Char.s. The most common sort are those very small meteors which are prevalent in clear frosty winter nights, and in summer also, when there are dry easterly winds with a clear sky. They have very much of the appearance of the real stars, and have pro- bably, from this circumstance, derived their vulgar name: they leave little or no train behind them, and shoot along in straight lines, generally obliquely downward, but sometimes horizontally.” --- The second kind are larger and more bril- liant, and generally appear in warm summer evenings, particularly when cirrocumulus, cirrostratus, and thunder clouds abound: some of them are very beautiful, and give much light: they vary somewhat in colour and size. They have sometimes a curvilinear motion. The third sort are strikingly different from the two above mentioned: they are generally small, and of a beautiful bluish- white colour; but their peculiar characte- * I think I have observed that in summer time, when any kind of falling stars appear, some feature of cirro- stratus, however small, may generally be seen about. But this does not appear to be always the case in winter. 1 CHAP. 3. OF METEORS. 117 * ristic is that of leaving long white trains behind them, which remain visible for some seconds in the tract in which the meteors have gone. These tails which I have endea- voured to represent in Plate VI. Fig. 6. seem to be lost by dispersion; they appear to fly off from all points, increasing in breadth as they become fainter, till at last they cease to be distinguishable. They are generally seen in the intervals of showery weather, and are most prevalent before the occurrence of high wind: of which they have been considered by Aratus, Virgil, and other writers as a certain prognostic.” * Kai 3.3. wa. usXavoy &r’ &eps; diagogi Toppéx Tot 3° 3710sy pugol Wroxevkawaytal Agiºſal zeivot; ovrºv obov špxop.svolo IIysvgoro;, &c, Arat. Dios. 107. Saepe etiam stellas vento impendente videbis Praecipites coelo labi, noctisque per umbram Flammarum longos a tergo albescere tractus. Georgic. lib. i. 365. Pliny also remarks, “Si volitare plures stellae wide- buntur quo feruntur albescentes, ventos ex his partibus nunciabunt.” Plin. Hist. Nat. xviii. 35. Compare also Lucretius de Rer. Nat. ii. 208. Theo- phrastus observed of old: “O0sy %y areps; barrogi Toxxon awsgow Eyrvºs, say 3: Tayloxoffey opolwg, Toxx, Tysvgolx onwarvovoi. w Theoph. de Sign. Went. 118 OF METEORS. CHAP. 3. These kind of meteors abounded, on the night of 10th August, 1811, after a showery day, I have thought that their tails were the re- suit rather of some gas set on fire by the meteor in its passage, than of any of the luminous substance of the meteor left be- hind it, I may also remark, that if the larger kind of meteors happen at the same time that these caudate meteors are preva- lent, they also leave this beautiful white and slowly evanescent tail behind them.* * The train of light which the common meteors, or falling stars, appear to leave behind, and which lasts scarcely a moment, seems frequently to be an hallucination of vision, like the ACXinooxtow eyxog sung by Homer, and quoted by Dr. Darwin, Zoom. sect. iii. v. 3.−to which, as well as to his paper, De Oculorum Spectris, I refer the reader. Mr. Aubert observed a train of reddish fire left behind the bright meteor seen at London, Oct. 4, 1783, which lasted above a minute after the meteor was extinguished. See Phil. Trans, vol. lxxiv. 115, The great meteor of 18th Aug. 1783, left corruscations behind it, and moved in an irregular tract. See Phil. Trans. lxxiv. 114, There are some reasons for thinking that the explo- sion and loud report of some meteors, and particularly of the great one of 1783, happen at the alteration of their regular course, as if interruption by explosion of hydrogen, which the meteor might meet with in its pas- £HAR, 3. $1. QF METEORS, 1.1% SECTION I. Of the Causes of the Igneous Meteor, described above. WARHous have been the conjectures of different philosophers about the causes of igneous meteors: their precise cause has, however, never been ascertained. M. De Luc ascribes them to certain phospho- rific exhalations, which ascend from the earth, and take fire or become phospha- sage, or from any other cause, caused the report, and division of the luminous substance of the meteor.” There is one remarkable thing about the explosion of meteors. The great meteor of 1718 was, according to Halley, above sixty miles from the earth's surface; and yet at that elevated station the air was capable of communicating sound, as appears clear by the report of the meteor: a circumstance noticed by Arbuthnot, and by the Abbé Bertholon in his “De L'electricité des Meteors. 8vo. Lyons, 1787, vol. ii. p. 25. Where are some curious observations on the Feux St. Elme, Feux Follets, and other meteors. * Phil. Trans, lxxiv. 20. 190 OF METEORS. CHAP. 8. § 1.” - rescent in the air.” We shall see how this hypothesis will agree with their kind of motion, their peculiarities, and the kind of weather which precedes, accompanies, or follows them. * On the above supposition, we must re- gard them as taking place in the following manner. The exhalation from the earth must be a circumscribed column of some kind of wolatile matter, which, when it arrives at a certain elevation, takes fire: this might easily be supposed to happen to phosphorific matter. There are several other appearances which incline one to think, that there are combustible gaseous exhalations from the earth, which afterwards ignite. The next question is, if they are only phos- phorific, as M. de Luc calls them, what is the principle of their ignition They may, perhaps, be ignited, by getting up into a dryer atmosphere. This supposition is agreeable to the known properties of phos- phorus, which is preserved in water, but burns if left to dry. It may perhaps be * Nicholson's Journal of Nat. Phil, etc. 1812. CHAP. 8. § 1. OF METEORS, 121 conceived that phosphorous gasses may be preserved while passing through a humid atmosphere ; but which, when they arrive at a more dry air, spontaneously take fire. The ignition being thus began, it would pro- bably extend down the column of phospho- rific vapour, and give the appearance of a descending luminous ball, just such as we see to be the case: and it might go out when it had descended again so low as to be in an air too humid for combustion. Or its extinction may, in other cases, be caused by the column of vapour being interrupted by wind, or any other cause of dispersion. Upon the above supposition, the motion of the falling star would be exactly retro- grade to that of the ascending column of posphorific matter. This is agreeable to the popular notion, that many of these meteors shoot towards the quarter from which wind will subsequently blow. Because if, as I have shown, the wind often changes first above, its current may give an inclination to the ascending column of phosphorific matter; and the burning star, moving back in an opposite direction, would point to the coming wind. This may often be the case; 122 OF METEORS, CHAP.3.3.1, but I have observed that these stars fre- quently shoot along in different directions: a circumstance which may be supposed to arise from their previous columns of phos- phorific matter being inclined differently by different currents, which, by experiments with air balloons, I have found to exist often in the atmosphere at the same time, If these columns of phosphorific matter ascend from the earth when there are dif. , ferent currents of air in the atmosphere, it may be questioned, how it happens that the motion of the falling meteor is so straight, and why, on the contrary, it is not bent at angles, as its motion is retrograde to that of an ascending column of gas, which may have passed through, and received an incli- nation from, several currents of air? Possi- bly, it may be replied, between the currents there may be a deposition of water, or some other circumstance, which may extinguish burning phosphorus; and then an alteration of the current may be one circumstance that sets a boundary to its combustion, which in other cases may be continued lower. I can conceive that the change of current might interrupt the continuity of the ascending 3 CHAP. 3. § 1. OF METEORS. 123 column; and thus the star might go out when it arrived at the interception of the combustible gas. But it is hard to assign a reason why these columns of gas, if such exist, should not be dispersed entirely by the wind which they must meet with in the progress of their ascent; since they some- times are seen when the wind is blowing very strongly below. This alone would induce one to believe, that they do not really ascend from the earth; but still they may be formed in the air, perhaps at the junction of two currents. It is moreover difficult to conceive why exhalations from the earth should arise in such narrow co- lumns, as they must do, if this explanation of the phaenomena be true.” If the meteors in question be caused by * A meteor, moving in a very unusual manner, was seen at Hackney, on the night of the 7th of November, 1811, about five minutes bêfore nine o'clock, in the North: it moved in a direction to the West: its motion was not regular in a straight line, nor in a uniform curve; but it leaped forward by suecessive jerks, describ- ing a sort of undulated track; and it was of considerable magnitude: after being visible for some seconds, it appa- rently entered a cloud, and disappeared. The circum- stance of its peculiar motionis, I think, worthy of record, 124; OF METEORS. CHAP. 8. § 1. the ignition of combustible exhalations, it may be easily supposed that they would vary in appearance, according to the pecu- liarities of the exhaled gas. Neither is it more difficult to suppose varieties in these exhalations, than to suppose their existence at all. The columns of gas might vary in size at different times, and so give place to meteors of divers magnitudes. The greater the quantity of the exhaled gas, the less likely would it be to be wholly dispersed by the wind: it might, therefore, be carried along horizontally for miles; and, at length taking fire by dryness of the air, by electri- city, or by other causes, might give place to such large, irregular, and horizontally moving meteors, which appear at uncertain intervals, and travel over vast tracts of country. But this seems to be rather an ingenious hypo- thesis of M. De Luc, than a theory founded on facts. There are two circumstances about me- teors, which seem to favour an opinion which I once entertained, that they are somehow connected with the combustion of hydrogen. They sometimes end with a loud report. And one kind of them is most frequent after CHAP. 3. § 1. OF METEORS. 125 * rain, and in stormy weather. The separa- tion of the gasses of water has been men- tioned by M. B. P. Van Mons, in a paper given to the Batavian Society. If hydrogen be thus separated, and partly mixed, as it must be, with common air, and should be ignited, we may conceive a meteor pro- duced: but this is not sufficient to account for their long course which is generally in a slanting downward direction. The occa- sional report of the meteor at its termina- tion may be supposed, however, to be caused by its meeting with hydrogen gas in its descent, and setting it on fire. This explosion, too, may interrupt the column of combustible gas, and thus put an end to the meteOr. In attributing igneous meteors to the com- bustion of gasses, which ascend from earth, we assume what cannot be proved : for no one has, I believe, seen such columns of combustible gas.” There are, however, some circumstances which would induce a belief * The opinion of Aristotle about the cause of meteors seems to agree in some measure with that of M. De Luc. Consult Arist. Meteor, lib. i. cc. 2–4. 126 of METEORs cast 8.31. of their existence.* The well known me- teor, called Ignis Fatuus, which appears over marshy grounds, and the electric light seen about plants hereafter to be described, which one would naturally attribute to the com- bustion of terrestrial exhalation, lead us to ascribe more elevated accensions to a similar Call SC, * On Sunday evening, Aug. 11, 1805, I observed a very unusual exhalation from an elm tree at Clapton, in the parish of Hackney; the particulars of which are as follow. Between 6 and 7 p.m. the sky being clear, and the weather warm and dry, and wind, South East, a column of darkish vapour appeared to arise from the top of an elm tree at some distance: it looked about two or three feet high : after it had continued a few seconds, it disappeared; and, after a few seconds more, reappeared; and continued in this manner, on and off, for nearly half an hour, when it became too dark to distinguish it any longer. More particulars may be found in the Günt. Mag. for 1805, p. 816. Char, 8. § 2. OF AEROLITES. 127 SECTION II. Of Aérolites. THE large masses of substance which oc- casionally fall from the air vulgarly called Lunar Stones, Meteoric Stones, Aérolites, etc. of which accurate analyses have now been published, seem to be made up of ingre- dients composed in proportions different from those of any known terestrial com- pound; and are probably formed in our atmosphere; at least such is my opinion, the result of an examination of all the evidence I have been able to collect on the subject. These terrific thunderbolts of Jupiter seem in general to have come down to the earth accompanied by such loud explosions, blazes, and other circumstances as in a less degree attend the larger sort of fiery meteors. In- deed all these meteors may be owing to some common principle of chemical action going on in the higher regions of the atmos- phere; which, when more gentle and slow, may only cause the blazing meteors; but which, when more intense, may go on to 128 OF AEROLITES. CHAP. 3, § 2. & consolidate large masses of newly composed substance, and may manifest itself by the fall of ačrolites. I see no necessity for sup- posing with Aristotle and M. De Luc that the gasses, to form the meteors, should ascend from the earth, nor any proof of their ascent; but it may be by means of gasses somewhere formed aloft and taking fire that the meteoric stones are formed. The way in which electricity may be concerned in their processes is at present unknown; and the number of accounts of the fall of these stones, and of hypotheses about their causes, are too numerous to render a detail of them here of any utility. I merely wish to call the attention of meteorologists to the appa- rent similiarity of principle of those blazing meteors which are, and of those which are not, visibly attended with the fall of aerolites.* * For analyses of aerolites, see Thomson's System of Chemistry, Phil. Mag, etc. For further particulars . see also the Chap. on Electricity. Chap. 4, OF PROGNOSTICKs. 129 # CHAPTER IV. of INDICATIONS OF FUTURE CHANGES OF WEATHER. ONE of the principal uses of meteorology is, that it enables us to predict, in some measure, the ensuing changes of the wea- ther. To do this accurately, a familiar ac- quaintance with the modifieations of the clouds, and indeed with all the operations which are going on above, appears neces- sary. I hardly need lay down the following rule for predicting atmospheric changes, That when two or more contrary indications appear, the result must be deduced from those which ultimately prevail; and that when several agreeable signs appear, the event may be considered as predicted with additional certainty.” Prognosticks of wea- * A rule laid down of old and sung by Aratus, who says of Prognosticks, * *Tºy wºw hoſloxy)ad woºow, 3’etri Gºſport, Gººg Xuanliaº, Psaxov be ºvdiv, eig ladlow ſovrov Extaph reasºol" 1plité 3s sº £apongelo.g. K Arat, Dios, 412. 130 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP.4. ther may be divided into those which result from the observance of the sky, and of meteorological instruments; and those which are deducible from the motions and habits of particular animals, plants, etc. • , The popular prognosticks of rain, wind, and other changes of weather, which with little variety are common in most countries, seem to have been known and observed with accuracy of old. Indeed their being familiar to almost every age and country affords the strongest confirmation of their correctness, to those who have not had constant experience of them. Although we find familiar mention of the signs of the weather among almost all the oriental writings, yet Theophrastus, the Grecian naturalist, seems to have been the first who cultivated this branch of meteo- rological science, and collected together the proverbial rules of judging of the wea- ther; which were shortly afterwards put into verse by Aratus the poet in his Aloanwela, above two thousand one hundred years ago, and are imitated by Virgil, Lucan, Pliny, Seneca, and others. With little variation, the same rules are found scattered among numerous works of natural history and Chap. 4, § 1. OF PROGNOSTICKs. 131 and science. And they are popular among the lower classes of modern Europe. Such of them as I have collected by occasional conversation with persons who spend their lives chiefly out of doors, and who are attentive in noticing their prognosticks, or what I have noticed myself, I have here collated with the written accounts of the ancients. SECTION I. Of Prognosticks of A tmospheric Changes, dedu- cible from the Motions of Animals. IT was long ago observed by the ancients that, from the peculiar motions and habits of many animals, the consequence, probably, of their sensations of pain or of pleasure, a very accurate judgment might be formed of the approaching changes of the weather; neither has this entirely escaped the notice of more modern meteorologists. But I think they have not bestowed that share of attention to this subject which it certainly deserves. It is difficult, perhaps, to conceive the manner in which animals become sensible of the approach of particular kinds of weather. We K 2 132 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP:4:51. cannot suppose that they are forewarned of it by the appearances of the sky, at least in many cases; for some animals express signs of uneasiness previous to an alteration of the weather, long before there are any visible signs of change, and often when they have no opportunity of observing what is going on abroad. Dogs, for instance, closely con- fined in a room, frequently become very drowsy and stupid before rain. They often sleep all day before the fire, and are almost incapable of being roused.* The same, in a less degree, is observable in cats. And a leech, confined in a glass of water, has been found, by its rapid motions, or its quiescence, to indicate wet or fair weather. From an examination of the structures of the brain of animals, they do not appear organized to have any notions of causation; but they observe that two things are together, or follow one another; thus from one they anti- cipate and prepare against another. Their prognostication, however, of weather seems to result rather from some impressions on * On such occasions, I have sometimes found their ears considerably inflamed, a common symptom of ill- health in many animals. ſº Chap. 4. §1. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 133 their feelings, than from any observation of what is going on in the sky.” Peculiarities in the electric state of the atmosphere may, I think, be supposed to affect the constitu- tions of animals in the same manner as they appear to do ours, and may thereby excite pleasurable or uneasy sensations.# Rain may be expected, when the swallow flies low, and skims backward and forward over the surface of the earth and waters, frequently dipping the tips of its wings into the latter.j. * It is a pity that among all our works of comparative anatomy, we have actually no accounts of the structure and organs of the brain of different animals. The disco- veries of Galland. Spurzheim seem likely to throw some light on this most interesting part of natural history. + “Haud equidem credo quia sit divinitus illis. Ingenium, aut rerum fato prudentia major; Verum ubi tempestas et coeli mobilis humor Mutavére vias, et Jupiter uvidus austris Denset erant quae rara modo, et quae densa relaxat, Vertuntur species animorum, et pectora motus Nunc alios, alios dum nubila ventus agebat, Concipiunt; hinc ille avium concentus in agris Et laetae pecudes-et ovantes gutture corvi.” Wirgil. Georg. lib. i. # Among the signs of rain, Pliny enumerates Hi- rundo Éam, justa aquam voktans ut penna saepe percutiat. See also Obser. Brum. Retr. Swal. 38. Edit, London; 1813. * 134 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAr. 4: $1. When bees do not go out as usual, but keep in or near to their hives,” or when ducks, geese, and other water fowl, are un- usually clamorous, we may also expect wet. Before rain, swine, as well as poultry, appear very uneasy, and rub in the dust. Before and during rain, ducks, geese, and other fowls wash and dive in the waters more than usual. Pidgeons also wash before rain; and cats wash their faces; they have been observed also to scratch the bark off trees. In autumn, flies sting and become unusally troublesome. Dogs, and other domestic animals, like- wise express signs of uneasiness, and are very sleepy and dull before rain and snow. Dogs are said to dig great holes in the ground in rainy weather. We had a dog always busy in digging deep cayerns in * “ Nec vero a stabulis, pluvia impendente recedunt Longius, aut credunt coelo adventantibus Euris Sed circum tutae sub moenibus urbis aquantur, Excursusque breves tentant.” Virg. Geor. lib. iv. 194. "H Aluyºy region&a zeabove; &la awaii. Tarpi rviflovoz &vrog slavuevoy Joãg. Arat. Dios. Theophrastus observes as a sign of rain x=xidows; tº yarp, wnlovo, tag Aluvas. Linnaeus also notices this prognos- tick shaking of hirundo rustica. r CHAP.4. § 1. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 185 the earth which he laid in during particular kinds of weather. This dog was a cross breed between a pug and terrier, remarkable for his sagacity. f If abroad, after long continued dry weather, when the sky is thickening, and rain approaching, we may frequently ob- serve the cattle stretching out their necks, and snuffing in the air with distended nostrils; and often, before storms, assembled in a corner of the field, with their heads to the leeward.” The loud and continued croaking of frogs heard from the pool; the squalling of the pintadot and the peacock, and the appearance of spiders crawling on the walls more than or- dinary, and the coming forth of worms, have also been considered as signs of rain. Most of these have been noticed by Virgil, who has likewise added several more, which have never fallen under my notice,; but which * Boves coelum olfactantes seque lambentes contra pilum. Plin. Hist. Nat. xviii. 35. + This bird is called the comeback in Norfolk, and regarded as the invoker of rain. It often continues clamorous throughout the whole of rainy days. f — “ Numquam imprudentibus imber Obfuit, aut illum surgentem vallibus imis Aeriae fugere grues, aut bucula coelum * * ^. 136 OF PROGNOSTICKs. Car.. $1. * have been mentioned by many writers, both ancient and modern:* When cocks crow at uncommon hours, and clap their wings a great deal, it is said to be a sign of rain ; as is the appearance of the redbreast near houses. Suspiciens patulis captavit naribus auras Aut arguta lacus circumvolitawit hirundo Et veterem in limo ranae cecinere querelam. Saepius et tectis penetralibus extulit ova Augustum formica terens iter, et bibitingens Arcus, et e pastu decedens agmine magno Corvorum increpuit densis exercitus alis. Jam varias pelagi volucres et quae Asia circum Dulcibus in stagnis rimantur prata Caystri Certatin largos humerisinfundere rores Nunc caput objectare fretis nunc currere in undas Et studio incassum videas gestire lavandi, Tum cornix plena pluviam vocat improba voce Et sola in sicca secum spatiatur arena Nec nocturna quidem carpentes pensa puellae Nescivere hyemem testa quum ardente viderent Scintillare oleum et putres concrescere fungos. Wirg. Geor. lib. I. 392. Cornicum ut saecla vetusta Corvorumque greges ubi aquam dicuntur et imbres Proscere et interdum yentos aurasque vocare. Luctet. de Rer. Nat. v. 1085. Et quum terrestres volucres contra aquam clangores dabunt, perfundentessese, sed maxime cornix. Plin. xviii. 35. Rava fulix itidem fugiense gurgite ponti Clamans nunciat horribles instare procellas Haud modicos tremulo fundens ex gutture cantus 3& CHAP. 4. § 1. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 137 Sparrows chirp particularly loud during rain, and often begin before it falls, affording. thereby for some time previously a prog- nostick of its coming. If toads come from their holes in great numbers; if moles throw up the earth more than usual ; if bats squeak or enter the houses; if asses shake their ears and bray much; if hogs shake and destroy the corn- stalks; if oxen lick their forefeet, or lay on their right side; or if mice contend together or squeak much, according to many authors we may expect rain. Sheep and other cattle gamboling or running about and appearing very uneasy also portend rain. Sometimes previous to rain sheep and goats seem more desirous to graze, and quit with reluctance their pastures. Saepe etiam pertriste canit de pectore carmen Et matutinis acredula vocibus instat Vocibus instat et adsiduas jacit ore querelas Quum primum gelidos rores Aurora remittit Fuscaque nonnumquam cursans per littora cornix Demersit caput et fluctum cervice recepit. Cicero eac Arat. de Div. lib. 1. HTs wou xxxipvºo, waff hiów weekson Xsporos apxop.svg xépo'º wrewºg nopavn. Arat. Dios. 217. see also Aelian de Anim. viii. 7. H38 OF PROGNOSTICKS. Char. 4. $ 1. Among other things the activity of ants in carrying about their eggs,” the voice of the solitary crow,t and the frequent immersion of many water fowl have been considered as indications of rain. The garrulity of crows, ravens, rooks, and other birds of this sort, is indeed well known; “corvus aquat" is a proverb cited by Erasmus. But we must distinguish be- tween the voice of the raven before rain, perched solitary on a tree and uttering a harsh cry, from his deep and peculiarly mo- dulated voice when sailing round and round high up in the air before and during serene weather.|| The raven as well as other birds often soars at an elevation much beyond what we are apt to imagine. When at the top of Cader Idris near Dolgelly I observed these birds flying considerably above the summit of that mountain on which I sat. The hooting and screeching of owls often * Formicae concursantes autova progerentes.—Plin. f Horat. Carm. lib. iii. Od. 17. l. 13.−Od. 27. l. 9. —Claudian. xv. 493.−Lucan. v. 555. f Plin, lib. xviii. 35.-Arat. Dios. 210.-Homer. Il. 8.461.-Varr. Frag. Catelect. | For numerous collateral passages about this and, other prognosticks I must refer to my edition of the Diosemeia of Aratus. Chap. 4. § 1. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 139 * indicates a change of weather. They hoot in fact during variable weather: when fair is about to be changed for wet, or wet for fair, a similar disturbance of their feelings from atmospherical causes probably makes them hoot. Refer to Virgil's observation in Georg. lib. 1. and Professor Heyné's note on them. Authors have added, the snapping of the flame of a candle or lamp, men- tioned by Aratus and Virgil, as a sign of Wet. Hesiod mentions the singing of a bird, which he calls xv, xvá, as foreboding three days' rain; and a Leipzick editor renders the word cuculus; on what authority I know not.* ~, The missile thrush, turdus viscivorus, fre- quently sings particularly loud and long be- fore rain. I have known this bird sing throughout a severe storm. - It is from this circumstance called the storm fowl. Mariners at sea expect a storm when the procellariae pelagicae, or stormy petrels, * Hºo: www3 wounvće 3ovos ey reráºolai To wedlov, Teers, re 8pots; it’srsipovo, Yaſaw, Thwo; Zev; 'vo, Terra mººr, whº aroxyou. - Hesiod, Op. et Dies. 488. 140 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP.4. §h. shelter themselves in numbers under the wake of the vessel.” - Pennant observes that on the Island of St. Kilda the procellaria glacialis is very useful in foreboding the direction of the wind. When these birds return to the land in num- bers there will be no west wind for a long time; when, on the contrary, they return to the ocean a west wind is expected. Seve- ral prognosticks of storms are mentioned by the old Greek writers which are not observed on our shores, neither do we know exactly . what birds they alluded to. I have observed that previous to windy weather pigs seem very uneasy and running about throwing up their heads and squeaking, Magpies before and during wind fly about in small companies, and make a fluttering noise. * When the seagulls come in numbers to shore, and make a noise about the coast; or when, at sea, they alight on ships, the sailors consider it a sure foreboding of a storm. These circumstances were known of old. Before storms, too, the porpus, * Bewick’s Birds, 2nd vol. of Waterfowl. 24. + Pennant's Arctic Zool. # Virg, Geor, lib. 1–Plin, lib, xviii, c. 35. CHAP.4. $2. OF PROGNOSTICKs. 141 dolphin, and grampus, come to the shore in large bodies. When dolphins play about the surface of a calm sea, Pliny observes wind may be expected from that quarter from which they have come.* Authors have added tame swans, flying against the wind, as a sign of Tºlºſ?. SECTION II. Qf Prognosticks of Weather taken from the Observance of Plants and Flowers, etc. IN the oeconomy of nature we find that plants, like animals, adapt their motions to their wants: some expand their flowers to the Sun, and close them at eventide; others expand their flowers in the evening, open before rain, or perform various other func- tions, the result of their particular natures, and to which the varying states of the atmo- sphere are specific stimuli. From an accurate and constant observance of these many prog- nosticks of the ensuing weather have been deduced; of which I insert the following, * Plin. Hist. Nat, lib, xviii. 35. 142 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP.4. §2. rather on account of their popularity, than because I have noticed many of them myself. Chickweed has been said to be an excel- lent weatherguide: when the flower expands freely, no rain will fall for many hours; if it so continues open, no rain for a long time need be feared. In showery days the flower appears half concealed, and this state may be regarded as indicative of showery wea- ther; when it is entirely shut we may expect a rainy day. If the flowers of the Siberian sowthistle remain open all night, we may expect rain next day. Before showers the trefoil contracts its leaves,” as does the convolvulus and many other plants. * Lord Bacon observes that the trefoil has its stalk more erect against rain. There are many plants whose flowers are opened at particular periods of the day, as the tragopogon porrifolium and pratense; which open their flowers earlier or later, according to the state of the weather. Lord Bacon mentions a small red flower, growing in stubble fields, called by the * Plin. Hist, Nat. xviii. 35. CHAP.4. 53. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 143 country people wincopipe, which if it opens in the morning ensures us a fine day. To these, the closing of the flowers of the pimpernel, and numerous other prognosticks, might be added, but it would swell this section beyond its limits.” g SECTION III. Of the Prognosticks of JWeather from the Ap- pearances of the Sky. After clear weather the appearance of light streaks of cirrus in the sky is often the first sign of a change. These increase, des- cend, become cirrostrati, cumuli form under- neath and inosculate, and nimbus and rain are the event of the process begun by fine filaments of the cirrus. When the cirrus is seen in detached tufts, called Mares' Tails, it may be regarded as a sign of wind, which follows often blow- ing from the quarter to which the fibrous tails have previously pointed. The change from cirrus to cirrostratus, and indeed * The reader may consult Lord Bacon's Sylva Sylva- rum, cent, ix. cap. 823–830. A. &# 144 OF PROGNOSTICKS. Char.4.5 s. the great prevalence of the latter cloud at any time must be regarded as an indication of an impending fall. The most formidable features of cirrostratus are the large spread- ing and dense sheets of it which veil the sky before rain, and in which the sun often sets shrouded against a rainy day. The prevalence of clouds of the modi- fication of cirrostratus at eventide had been noticed as a sign of rain long before the specific nature of the different clouds was attended to; and the vivid colours of red and crimson seen in this cloud when the sun is near the horizon, give rise to many pro- verbs about the red evening, and its favour- able omen to the traveller; a remark quite as trite among country people, as the grey morning before a fair day. This, as well as the redness of the morning, as indicative of a fair day, is noticed by St. Matthew, in chap. xvi. 2. Dappled grey mornings, or those marked by the lofty confluent nube- culae of cirrocumulus, often usher in a fair warm day.” Indeed the appearance of * An old proverb reminds us, An evening red, and a morning grey, Are sure signs of a fine day; But an evening grey, and a morning red, Put on your hat, or you’ll wet your head. CHAP. 4. § 3. OF PROGNOSTICKS: 145 cirrocumulus in general indicates an increase of temperature. Heyne, in his edition of Virgil, speaks of them as being called oviculae or little sheep, from their appear- ance, and as indicating fair weather.” The denser features of cirrocumulus, or those whose nubeculae are dense, compact, round, aggregate, are generally indicative of a Storm. Before storms too a feature of cirrostratus appears, of a cymoid figure, like some archi- tectural ornaments. Pl. IV. Fig. 1. It is generally in variable weather that a line of cirrostratus breaks out into transverse bars, as in Pl. II. Fig. 2. • The irregular increase of cumuli, particu- larly toward evening; and in general their not subsiding in the evening, may be regard- ed as a forewarning of wet. The Italians have: Sera rosa e nigro matino Allegra il Pelegrino. * Among the many rules, such as are contained in our old almanacks, we find * If woolly fleeces strew the heavenly way, Be sure no rain disturb the summer day. Virgil and Aratus, however, made the vellera lange rainy signs, and meant, do doubt, cirrus or cirrostratus. T. 146 .* ÖF PROGNOSTICKS. Char.4. $6. When cumuli sailing along have their fleecy protuberances curling inward, variable weather may be expected, such cumuli often rapidly anastomose with cirri or cirrostratus above them, and produce showers. When a dense and uniform veil of cloud covers the sky, as is often the case before rain, with a still air, musick and noises are heard a great way off, which has caused the far propagation of sounds to be regarded as a prognostick of rain. The sound of distant church bells in the country often serves this prognosticative purpose. In Wales the common people say, that when the mountains have their nightcaps ôn, the rain will soon fall. While I was in Wales during a showery time, the peaks of the mountains were gene- rally capped with clouds of the low and nimbiform kind. The clearness of the tops of mountains is, on the contrary, a sign of the fairness of the weather. Long cirrostrati and other elevated clouds often alight on the summit of real mountains, as they do on mountainlike cumulostrati, and are equally indicative of wet weather. 4 When the rapid formation and disappear- CHAP. 4. § 3. OF PROGNOSTICKS, 14? ance again of clouds take place in fine days, as is often the case, we may suspect the sere- nity we enjoy, and look forward to a change. I have seen little cumuli form and disappear in the space of a few minutes; and cirrus form, change its figure to spots of cirrocu- mulus, and disappear at the same time at a more elevated station. * Luminous phaenomena about the sun by day, or the moon by night, being generally produced by the intervention of cirrostratus, indicate the fall of rain, snow, or hail, ac- cording to circumstances; indeed, many of the signs of rain are likewise under other circumstances of time of year, &c. prognos- tieks of snow. The halo is one of the most certain signs of rain we have; though I have even known this failin its accustomed indica- tion. The parhelion and other peculiar re- fractions also forebode rainy weather:* The simple corona often occurs in many kinds of thin clouds, and frequently without any rain following; but we may generally expect wet when it is coloured, double, or $ Consult Arist. Meteor. lib. iv.cc, 3–6; the Dios. of Aratus; the Natural History of Pliny; the Natural Quest. of Seneca, etc. L 2 148 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP. 4. $3. with any remarkable peculiarities. We do not know at present under what peculiar cir- cumstances halones and coronae are coloured; but it must be done by something particular in the structure of the cloud which produces them. The halo appears at times in a sky where there is little or no visible obscuration, the interstitial space between the rings seems quite blue, like the sky in general. Some very fine diffused haziness, perhaps cirro- stratus, however produces by refraction the white ring of the phaenomenon. We often find on such occasions the light of the stars dim, and a more complete obscuration, and eventually rain to follow. Pliny has noticed this obscuration of the light of the Sun by day, and of the stars by night, without any definite cloud, to forebode rain, as had been before mentioned by the more ancient writers.” The rainbow, which is only an effect * See Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. xviii. c. 35. The rain which falls under such circumstances is gentle and of long con- tinuance, and often extends a great way. The vulgar prejudice, however, about the extent of rain in general is quite unfounded. H. Culhwe Mabinogion, in allusion to this:—Ti à gefiy cyvarws a moto dy ben à th davawd, hyd y syc gwynt, hyd y gwlyc, gwlaw hyd y treigl haul a hyd yz amgyfred mór. * Chap. 4. $4. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 149 of nimbus, has been regarded as a sign of rain; which it may rightly be, for it often appears in the nimbus before that cloud, weeping in his sable shrowd, has reached the spot where we stand. Bibit ingens arcus, says the Mantuan bard, who took most of his prognosticks from the Diosemea of Aratus.* Of the particular indications of the haze in the atmosphere we may notice, that the mere hazy or pale colour of the moon often forebodes rain, while she is more brazen, red, or copper coloured before wind. This corresponds with the red in the clouds, be- fore noticed as a sign of wind. SECTION IV. Of several other Prognosticks of Rain, and of the Return of fair Weather. Many indications of atmospheric changes have been noticed by different authors, which * Hºupºn iºs Six utyay Supavoy ipl; Huai trou rig gawa Peñalvop syny, sus, arnº. Arat. Dios. 210. See also Virgil, Geor. i. 380. Platus Curcul. Statius Thebaid, ix. 405. #50 OF PROGNOSTICKS. Char, 4.54. I have not determined by my own observa. tion to be correct, such, for example, as the smell of drains and suspools; the excrescence of fungi about the wicks of lamps and can- dles; the flaring and snapping of the flame; the soot taking fire in sparks round the smoky outside surface of a pot on the fire; the wicks of candles not being easily lighted, and many others of this sort. Wind has been indicated by candles burning unequally, or by coals casting off more ashes than usual. Pain felt in limbs formerly broken, or in other injured parts of the body, oftenforebode rain. In the summer of 1818, the extensor tendon of my forefinger was divided by accident, and though by means of a new substance interposed between the divided ends of the tendon, its functions were restor- ed, and the wound completely healed, yet I always feel an uneasy sensation in it before rainy weather, very similar to that which I experience after having much exerted it. The cumulostratus being a state of the clouds going on to become nimbus, has been regarded as one of the rainy signs, and given rise to the following adage: “When clouds appear like rocks and towers, The earth's refreshed by frequent showers,” 1. CHAP. 4, §5, QF PROGNOSTIGKS, 151 SECTION W. Qf Indications of the Return of Fair Weather. THE absence of those circumstances which forebode or accompany foul weather may generally be considered as indicating a return of fair. So Virgil mentions the clear and bright appearance of the moon and stars, after they have long been hazy and confused, to indicate approaching serenity.” Every one is acquainted with the additional clear- * Nec minus ex imbri soles et aperta serena Prospicere et certis poteris cognoscere signis Nam neque tum stellis acies obtusa videtur Nec fratris radiis obnoxia surgere luna Tenuia mec lanae per coelum wellera ferri Non tepidum ad solem pennas in littore pandunt Delectae Theydi halcyones, non ore solutos Inmundi meminere sues jactare maniplos. At nebulae magis imapetunt, campoque recumbunt; Solis et occasum servans de Gulmine summo Nequidquam seros exercet noctua cantus. - Virg. Geor. i. 403. -Tum liquidas corvi, pressoter gutture voces Aut quater ingeminant, et saepe cubilibus altis Nescio qua praeter solitum dulcedine laeti Inter se foliis strepitantjuvatimbribus actis Progeniem parvam dulgesque revisere nidos. Wirg. Geor, i, 414. 152 OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP. 4, § 5. ness of a night intervening between wet and clear frosty weather. By the general dis- position of the clouds, we may, in general, prognosticate fair or rainy weather. In the most settled weather, only diurnal, cumuli appear; they are well defined, increase to- wards the middle of the day, and decrease at night. Of this enough has been already said in the chapter on the clouds. The bright- ness and heat of the fire in winter often indicate frosty and clear weather, as does the lodgment of the moisture on the windows; for it demonstrates a cold and frosty atmo- sphere abroad.* To the above signs of at- mospheric changes, many others might be added; but to enumerate all which different authors have mentioned, would swell too much this chapter, and I must refer the reader, for further information on this subject, to the chapter on superstitions originating in meteorological phaenomena, wherein I have collected and inserted more of these trite * See the Shepherd of Banbury's Calendar, London, 1748. t Lord Bacon has adduced many conjectures why herons flying high forebode wind, and kites doing the same, fair weather. Char, 4.56. OF PROGNOSTICKs. 153 and ancient sayings about the prognosticks of the weather. SECTION WI. Of the Prognosticks of Seasons. THE constant desire to know what is about to happen, which our natural curiosity and the interest we take in future events oc- casion, added to the use which agriculturists and farmers may make of some knowledge of the approaching weather, have always rendered men very attentive to the signs of the seasons; and made them watch atten- tively for those circumstances from which experience had taught them to anticipate severe winters, hot summers, late springs, plentiful autumns, and other vicissitudes of the year. Lord Bacon, who was so well calculated to observe and compare facts, collected nume- rous prognosticks of this sort," which are re- corded among his works on natural history. I shall mention a few of these as subjects $54, OF PROGNOSTICKS. CHAP, 4.56. for future observation; though, as far as my own experience goes, the cases of exception are nearly as numerous as those which corre- spond with the rules. According to Bacon, a moist and cool summer bodeth a hard winter; a hot and dry summer and autumn portendeth an open beginning of the winter, and a cold midwinter and spring; an open and warm winter presageth a hot and dry summer, par- ticularly when there are winter showers. The earlier or later appearance of birds of passage is said to correspond with the earlier or later commencement of the sea- sonable weathers; and to afford thereby a prognostick. But for many years I have observed that this is not precisely the case with the swallow tribe. If it were generally true it would tend to establish a connexion between the weather of places where the birds come from and that of those countries. whither they go. But when the later appear- ance of migratory fowls accompanies late sea- sons, it is probably because the cold unsea- sonable weather compels them to hide them- selves and prevents their coming abroad and being seen. The occasional early appear- CHAP. 4. $6. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 155 ance of a single swallow has been prover- bially noticed as not being indicative of summer.” & * Mr. White in his Natural History of Sel- borne has given a list of the times of the first appearance of migratory birds for seve- ral years: and I have given tables of their appearance in Nicholson's Phil. Jour. and in my Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow, 3d edit. Appendix; whereby the reader, by comparing the birds' appearance with the seasons, may ob- tain some information on this point. The abundance of berries in the hedges is said to presage a hard winter, but this often fails. * It is remarkable, that most countries have a similar proverb relating to the swallow's accidental appearance before its usual time. The Greeks have Mix xxºy #xg 3 wois ; the Latins, Unahirundo non facit ver; the French, Une hirondelle me fait pas les printems; the Germans, Qºirie gºûâûibe mºtiºt Heinen frttling; the Dutch, Een swaluw maakt geen Zomer; the Swedes, ‘En svala går ingen sommar; the Spanish, Una golon- drina no hace verano; the Italians, Una rondine non fa primavera; and the English, One swallow doth not make a summer. I56 of PROGNOSTICKs. Char.4, 37. SECTION VII. Of Solar and Lunar Influence. The influence of periods of day and night on many diseases which have been incontro- vertibly proved, and the recurrence of many after certain intervals of time, show that there is some truth in the notions of many physiologists about periodicity; and that this is probably effected by means of some un- known changes produced in the weather. We do not know yet what regulates atmospheric changes in general; how electricity becomes so distributed as to produce those various effects which analogy leads us to ascribe to it; in short, we have no good general theory of meteorology, as we have of astronomy, mechanics, &c. The old notions of astrolo- gers about the conjunctions of planets in- volve too many palpable absurdities to allow . us to collect any useful information from their writings. But it is certain the place of the moon has some influence on the weather. That changes of weather oftner take place about CHAP. 4, §8. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 15? the full and new moon and about the quadra- tures, than at other times, is really a fact founded on long observation.* SECTION VIII. Proverbs relating to the Months, Seasons, etc. ProverBIAL phrases and adages are gene- rally founded on observation, and these are the less likely to be compared with false and vain theories, because they are the philoso- phy of the unlettered hinds, who have no- thing but experience to go upon in establish- ing rules. That the reader may judge from time to time how far any of these are correct, and may compare them with his own experience, I insert the following, most of which were collected by Ray.f * A Proverb says: In the decay of the moon A cloudy morning bodes a fair afternoon. Also. Rain in the new moon, fair in the old. &c. See Ray's Collection of Proverbs, and Erasmi Adagia. + See also an entertaining book called Time's Teles- cope, published in 12mo, in London last year, p. 358. 158 GF PROGNôSTICKs, Cº. 4,38, - Janiveer freese the pot by the fire. . . . . . . If the grass grow in Janiveer, It grows the worse for't all the year. Who in Janiveer sows oats, gets gold and groats, Who sows in May, gets little that way. -- If Janiveer calends be summerly gay, *Twill be winterly weather till the calends of May. On Candlemasday throw candle and candlestickaway. When Candlemasday is come and gone, w The snow lies on a hot stone. February fill dike, be it black or be it white: But if it be white, it's the better to like. Februeer doth cut and shear. * The hind had as lief see his wife on the bier, As that Candlemasday should be pleasant and clear. February makes a bridge, and March breaks it. March in Janiveer, Janiveer in March I fear. 1March hack ham, comes in like a lion, goes out like & lamb. * • A bushel of March dust is worth a king's ransom. ==. March grass never did good. ... " , , , , / A windy March, and a rainy April, make a beautiful May. A March wisher is never a good fisher. - March wind and May sun, make clothes white and maids dun. * So many frosts in March, so many in May. March many weathers. f March birds are best. April showers bring forth May flowers. Chap. 4.55. QF PROGNOSTICKS. 1.59 ( : Chaucer writes in his Cañterbury tates:— When that Aprilis with her showery soote The droughte of March had pierced to the roote. When April blows his horn, it's good both for hay and COTIls A cold April the barn will fill. An April flood carries away the frog and her brood. A cold May and a windy, makes a full barn and a findy. The merry month of May. April and May are the keys of the year. May, come she early or come she late, she'll make the cow to quake. Beans blow before May doth go. A May flood never did good. Look at your corn in May, and you’ll come weeping away. Look at the same in June, and you'll come home in another tune. * Shear your sheep in May, and shear them all away. A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay; But a swarm in July is not worth a fly. Calm weather in June sets corn in tune. If on the eighth of June it rain, It foretells a wet harvest, men sain. If the first of July it be rainy weather, *Twill rain more or less for four weeks together. A shower in July, when the corn begins to fill, Is worth a plough of oxen, and all belongs there till. No tempest, good July, lest corn come off blue by. Dry August and warm, doth harvest no harm. 160 of PROGNOSTICKs. Char.4.5 s. If the twentyfourth of August be fair and clear, Then hope for a prosperous autumn that year. September, blow soft, 'till the fruit's in the loft. Good October, a good blast, To blow the hog acorn and mast. November take flail, let ships no more sail. When the wind's in the east, it's geither good for man nor beast. - When the wind's in the south, it's in the rain’s mouth. When the wind’s in the south, It blows the bait into the fishes' mouth. No weather is ill, if the wind be still. A hot May makes a fat churchyard. When the sloetree is as white as a sheet, Sow your barley whether it be dry or wet. A green winter makes a fat churchyard. Hail brings frost in the tail. A snow year, a rich year. Winter's thunder's summer's wonder. Drought never bred dearth in England, Whoso hath but a mouth, shall ne'er in England suffer drought. When the sand doth feed the clay, , England woe and welladay. But when the clay doth feed the sand, Then it is well with England. After a famine in the stall, Comes a famine in the hall. When the cuckoo comes to the bare thorn, Sell your cow, and buy your corn: CHAP.4. § 8. QF PROGNOSTICKs. 161 But when she comes to the full bit, & Sell your corn, and buy your sheep. If the cock moult before the hen, We shall have weather thick and thin; But if the hen moult before the cock, We shall have weather hard as a block. . As the days lengthen, so the cold strengthens. If there be a rainbow in the eve, it will rain and leave. But if there be a rainbow in the morrow, it will neither leed nor borrow. A rainbow in the morning Is the shepherd's warning. But a rainbow at night Is the shepherd’s delight. When the clouds are upon the hills, they’ll come down by the rills. Winter's thunder, and summer's flood, Never boded Englishman good. If Candlemasday be fair and bright, Winter will have another flight: If on Candlemasday it be shower and rain, Winter is gone, and will not come again. I insert in conclusion the well known rules of the Shepherd of Banbury. If the sun rise red and fiery, wind and rain.” If cloudy and it soon decrease, certain fair weather. r—t * The same is observed of the moon, of whose three, several indications the adage says, Pallida luna pluit, rubicunda flat, alba serenat. M 162 OF PROGNOSTICKS, CHAP.4. §8. Clouds small and round, like a dapple grey with a north-wind, fair weather for two or three days. Large clouds like rocks, forebode great showers. If small clouds increase, much rain. If large clouds decrease, fair weather. Mists, if they rise in low ground and soon vanish, fair weather, ſf mists rise to the hilltops, rain in a day or two. A general mist before the sun rises, near the full moon, fair weather. If mists in the new moon, rain in the old. If mists in the old, rain in the new. Observe that in eight years time there is as much south- west wind, as northeast, and consequently as many wet years as dry. When the wind turns to northeast, and it continues two days without rain, and does not turn south the third day, nor rain the third day, it is likely to continue northeast, for eight or nine days, all fair; and then to come to the south again. If the wind turns again out of the south to the north- east with rain, and continues in the northeast two days without rain, and meither turns south, nor rains the third day, it is likely to continue northeast for two or three months. After a northerly wind for the most part two months or more, and then coming south, there are usually three or four fair days at first, and then on the fourth or fifth day comes rain, or else the wind turns north again, and continues dry. If the wind returns to the south within a day or two without rain, and turn northward with rain, and return to the south, in one or two days more, two or three times together, after this sort, then it is likely to be in the south or southwest, two or three months together, as it was in the north before. CHAP. 4. §8. OF PROGNOSTICKS. 163 Fair weather for a week, with a southern wind, will produce a great drought, if there has been much rain out of the south before. The wind usually turns from north to south, with a quiet wind without rain, but returns to the north with a strong wind and rain. The strongest winds are when it turns from south, to north, by west. Clouds. In summer or harvest, when the wind has been south two or three days, and it grows very hot, and you see clouds rise with great white tops like towers, as if one were upon the top of another, and joined together with black on the nether side, there will be thunder and rain suddenly.” If two such clouds arise, one on either hand, it is time to make haste to shelter. If you see a cloud rise against the wind or side wind, when that cloud comes up to you, the wind will blow the same way that the cloud came. And the same rule holds of a clear place, when all the sky is equally thick, except one clear edge. Sudden rains never last long: but when the air grows thick by degrees, and the sun, moon, and stars shine dimmer and dimmer, then it is likely to rain six hours usually. If it begin to rain from the south, with a high wind for two or three hours, and the wind falls, but the rain continues, it is likely to rain twelve hours or more, and does usually rain till a strong north wind clears the air. These long rains seldom hold above twelve hours, or happen above once a year. If it begin to rain an hour or two before sun rising, it is likely to be fair before noon, and so continue that day: but if the rain begin an hour or two after sun rising, it * This is the formation of cumulostratus. M 2 164: of PROGNOSTICKS. CHAr. 4.5 s. is likely to rain all that day, except the rainbow be seen before it rains. *x * , If the last eighteen days of February and ten days of March be for the most part rainy, then the spring and summer quarters will probably be so too: and I never knew a great drought but it entered in that season. If the latter end of October and beginning of Novem- ber be for the most part warm and rainy, then January and February are likely to be frosty and cold, except after a very dry summer. If October and November be snow and frost, then January and February are likely to be open and mild. His omnibus ea ingenio suo quisque demat vel addat fidem. gº. * Char. 5. EFFECTS OF WEATHER, etc. 163 CHAPTER V. OF THE INFLUENCE OF PECULIARITIES OF WEATHER ON THE FUNCTIONS OF ORGA- NISPD BODIES. It is generally believed that atmospheric changes have considerable influence on the state of our health; and such a belief appears to be founded on reason: for, if a number of persons, of various ages, of dissimilar constitutions and habits of life, and at different places, become the sub- jects of disorder at the same time, which appears often to be the case, it is rational to attribute their malady to Some general cause then prevailing. And the occur- rence of disorder in particular kinds of weather, or at stated seasons of the year, which some persons experience, naturally suggests the idea that such cause resides in the air. * *- But it appears to me, that it is not the heat or cold, dampness or drought of the air, which is chiefly concerned in I 66 EFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAP, 5. producing disorders, nor the sudden tran- sition from one to another of those states; but that it is some inexplicable peculiarity in its electric state. The pain felt in limbs which have been formerly broken, previous to a change of weather, and the disturbed state of the stomachs of many persons before and during thunderstorms, are suffi- cient, I think, to warrant such a conjec- ture. During what has been denominated un- healthy weather, when medical practitioners have spoken of the general ill health of their patients, I have remarked circum- stances which appeared to denote an irre- gular distribution of the atmospheric elec- tricity. The manner of the distribution, and the continual and multiform changes of the cirrus cloud, ramifying about and extending its fibres in every direction; the rapid for- mation and subsidence of the cirrocumulus and cirrostratus in different places, and the irregular appearance of the other modifica- tions; the intermitted action of De Luc's aerial electroscope; strong and varying winds; and the abundance of luminous meteors by night; are the circumstances to | Chap. 5. ON VITAL FUNCTIONs. 167 f which I allude. A kind of weather too which appears to be remarkably unwhole- some is characterised by all the clouds having confused indefinite edges.” * In people of what are called nervous and suscep- tible constitutions, I have frequently noticed a remark- able variety in the appearance of the hairs on the head: they have appeared, at times, diminished in quantity: at others, superabundant. I have examined them care- fully, in each of their states, and found their apparent diminution to consist in the shafts themselves becoming smaller, dryer, losing their tension, and lying in closer contact. I was once inclined to attribute their closer contact to a diminution of their electricity, by which they would become less mutually repulsive: this, how- ever, does not seem sufficient to account for their de- crease in size. The shaft may possibly be organized throughout, and its enlargement may be caused by an increased, action of its vessels; there may also be an aëriform perspiration into its cavity, on an increase of which it may be more distended; and the increased size and tension of the shaft may result from the co- operation of these two causes. The increased size, strength, and tension of the hair, appear to accom- *. pany health, while the opposite state seems to be con- nected with disorder. The sympathies between the skin and the stomach have been frequently adverted to by physiologists; the skin has been found to be alter- nately dry and hot, moist and hot, dry and cold, and moist and cold; and these varieties have been attribu- ted to varieties in a state of the stomach, between which and the skin a very direct sympathy is believed to exist. But the varieties in the appearance of the hair b63 EFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAP, 5. But though we admit the influence of atmospheric peculiarities on our health, yet the manner and extent of their operation cannot easily be ascertained. They may deprive persons, already weak, of a por- tion of their electricity, and thus the ener- gies of the brain and nervous system may be diminished : or the atmospheric electri- city, being unequally distributed in the air, do not appear to have been noticed. I have observed, that small doses of mercury have changed the appear- ance of the hair very soon after their administration. From being flaccid, dry, and small, it has become tense, strong, and moister. Now mercury may increase an aeriform perspiration into the cavity of the shaft, if such an one exist; it may also rectify a disordered state of the digestive organs, and, by that means, cause a stronger and more healthy action of the vascular system, and of the vessels of the hair among the rest. I think it by no means follows that hairs are not vascular, because we cannot demonstrate their vessels. On this subject, I think, we may reason thus: if all nourishment be effected by the action of vessels, it follows, either that there must be some vessels not nourished at all, or that vascularity must extend ad infinitum. Can we demon- strate those small arteries which ramify in the coats of, and nourish the smallest vasa vasorum ? Such reflections as these ought to prevent our denying organization to any part of a living body, even to the cuticle or the enamel of the teeth. Chap. 5. ON WITAL FUNCTHONS. H69 or propagated downward at intervals, it may occasion an irregular distribution of it in our bodies, and produce an irregularity of function. A living animal consists, as to its vital parts, of numerous nerves, which give life, as it seems, to all the parts, and com- pose different organs of vitality and mind, but these must have some mover. We do not know that this moving principle is electricity; but it seems reasonable to ascribe it to some- thing in the air; because, deprived of good air, we soon die. It would be vain to inquire into the principle of life; but as air is neces- sary to its continuance, so bad injures it: so to some peculiarity in its quality we can rea- sonably ascribe as many unknown disorders, even were there not remarkable appearances in the atmosphere at the time of their preva- lence. In whatever way the nervous func- tions may be disturbed, a disordered action of the digestive organs will be the pro- bable consequence; and a state of nervous and digestive disorder being once induced, other diseases may insue, to which there may be a constitutional predisposition.* * This part of the subject has been well illustrated by Mr. ABERNETHY, in his “ Surgical Observations 170 EFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAP.5. But it would seem that there were a more immediate connexion between the peculiar state of the air, and the kind of disorders which might be thereby excited, than this. For it may be observed, that even of those disorders which are not generally admitted to be contagious, one particular kind will prevail for a long time. Thus, in winter, the different symptoms of that state of body which we call a cold, appear, in some mea- sure, to prevail and vary together; so that it is common to hear people talking of the fashionable complaint. Coughs, for a while, are the prevailing symtoms; then sore throats are the most common. It is in spring that certain kinds of cutaneous erup- tions usually appear; and in autumn, that those irregularities in the functions of the digestive viscera, called cholera morbus, etc. happen, besides the many diseases that in tropical climates accompany particular winds or weather. It is possible there may be different states of atmosphere, which act as specific stimuli, and produce their corres- ponding peculiar diseased nervous actions, “ on the constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local “ Diseases.”—London, 1818. Char. 5. ON VITAL FUNCTIONS. 171 having as it were a joint cause, and being further varied by the particular state of con- stitution, and other circumstances of the patient. - Even contagious diseases break out at very uncertain periods, and often without any obvious cause, though they are afterwards evidently propagated by infection. Parts of Turkey are said to be visited by the plague every five or six years, while the same dis- order appears more rarely in other places. The small pox rages for a time throughout whole tracts of country; at others, there is scarcely a case to be met with: the same may be observed of scarlitina and measles. I cannot persuade myself that this is merely the effect of accidental introduction. Is it possible there may be some quality in the air, at particular times, whereby it is fitter for the conveyance of infectious matter? Or, can we suppose the effect of a peculiar state of atmosphere to be that of rendering the body more susceptible of infection than ordinary. - - In artificial society there are so many causes operating to produce ill health, that the extent of the influence of any one can 172 EFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAP.5. hardly be ascertained. Inactive habits of life, bad air, irritating food, the drinking of spi- rituous and fermented liquors, the misguid- ance of the appetites, and the reciprocal operation of the mind and body on each other, have all a tendency to produce dis- ease. But though these various evil habits of artificial life all act to our detriment, their kind of influence may be somewhat different: and in proportion as families, and even nations,” may have indulged, from time to * In the production of national varieties, local situa- tion is probably much concerned; and, in this case, the influence of the atmosphere, in their production, does not seem to depend on the degree of heat alone: for not only the colour of the skin and hair, but the form and countenance, and also the diseases of different nations, inhabiting nearly the same latitude, vary considerably. The varieties of the soil and its vegetable productions, which constitute part of their food, may have a degree of influence; and so may peculiarities in the electric state of the air in different longitudes: but there are hordes of savages inhabiting the same tract of country, and living in near neighbourhood, which differ much from each other. And we may add, that among people of the same nation there are scarcely two heads and consequently no two minds exactly alike. It is remark- able, that this variety of figure, of expression of coun- tenance, and apparantly of kind of mind, is increased in proportion as man beeomes civilized. The number CHAP.5. ON VITAL FUNCTIONS. 173 time, in any of them, they may have ac- quired what are called constitutional pecu- and variety of his diseases are also multiplied by civili- zation. The effect of civilization in producing variety and disease, is also observable in those animals which have been domesticated. In proportion as they have approached the habitations of man, and lived under his roof and protection, their natural habits have become altered and perverted, the size and figure of their bodies changed and various; and they have, like man, to whom they owe their deformity, become the subjects of number- less diseases. I have dissected many domestic animals, and have often found in them extensive ossifications of soft parts, and preternatural tumours: but I never recollect to have found any marks of organic disease in those which may be truly called wild. Human nature, from the influence of various causes, having been infinitely varied, and constitutional varieties being in some measure transcendant, every one is pro- bably born with some peculiarity, and, perhaps, more or less, with some particular tendency to disease. Pecu- liarities of character being afterwards modified and di- versified by education, the varieties become almost infi- nite. The subject of variety leads me to the following considerations. Of all the animated and vegetable beings which inhabit the earth, no two species are alike, each has its peculiarities. From the concretions of the earth itself, up to man, there appears to be a succession, to use common language, of more and more perfect beings. From saxeous excrescences we ascend to lichens, and, through all the infinitely various tribes of vegetables, to the polypus and star fish, connecting as it would seem, 1 174 EFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAP. 5. liarities or temperaments; and the diseases dependent on them may be infinitely varied by the subsequent combination of different evil habits in individuals. For example, sedentary occupations have been considered to hurt our health, by causing an accumula- tion, or irregular direction, of the nervous energy, which ought naturally to be spent on the various muscles. T hus patients, suf- fering great and peculiar nervous irritation, have been relieved by a degree of exercise, which, in common cases, would have caused lassitude. The different kinds of spirituous vegetable and animal life together. From these every link in the chain appears filled up by numberless ani- mals possessing intellect in different degrees, and having infinite peculiarities, till we arrive at man. And in man what infinite variety of organization in different indi- viduals both in kind and degree, from the most complete ideot, whose abject imbecility brings him below the level -of a brute, to the most elevated and intellectual cha- racter. In ascending the scale of mind, and tracing vari- ety through all its branches, whether we consider that difference which merely arises from the comparative de- velopement of different organs, or that which is pro- duced by all the numberless disorders of body, or by mental insanity, do we ever observe two alike?—All nature is chequered with endless variety of forms, which appear from time to time and are lost for ever, while mutability goes on producing ceaseless combinations. CHAP, 5. ON VITAL FUNCTIONS. 175 and fermented liquors are, probably, perni- cious, by affording a stimulus exhausting to the strength; but whether they prove uni- formly injurious in proportion to the quan- tity of pure spirit which they severally con- tain, or whether the different kinds of spiri- tuous drinks cause different specific actions, is a point which, I think, has never been determined. Doctor Lambe considers ani- mal food and impure water as exhausting stimuli; but he seems to think their re- spective actions on the system as some- what different. If they do actually contain deleterious substances, the doctrine about which however seems very vague and incon- clusive, their evil influence may be increased, in certain states of disease, by the lacteals losing their discriminating power, and, like common absorbents, drinking up unassimi- lated or noxious matter, in consequence of a disordered state of the chylopoietic system. In these cases, then, attention to regimen must be particularly necessary. Such a view of the subject as this enables us, in some measure, to reconcile the beneficial effects of vegetable diet on many persons, with the apparent health of others who live chiefly 176 IEFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAæ, §. on flesh. To return from the digression into which I have unavoidably been led : those persons are most likely to be disordered by atmospheric peculiarities, who have the greatest susceptibility of constitution, and, at the same time, the greatest weakness.* * It appears, that an unhealthy quality in the air, which was believed to excite disorder, was frequently alluded to by amcient writers. So Lucretius— Nunc ratio quae sit morbis, aut unde repente Mortiferam possit cladem conflare coorta ; Morbida vis hominum generi, pecudumque catervis, Expediam. Primum multarum semina rerum Esse supra docui, quae sint vitalia nobis; Et contra quae sint morbo mortique, necesse est Multa volare; ea quom casu sunt forte coorta Et perturbarunt coelum, fit morbidus aër. Atque ea vis omnis morborum, pestilitasque Aut extrinsecus ut nubes nubulaeque superne Per coelum veniunt, aut ipsa saepe coorta De terra surgunt ubi putrorem humida nacta est Intempestivis pluviis, et solibus icta. • Lucret. de Rer. Nat. lib. vi. 1089. Again— Est elephas morbus qui propter flumina Nili Gignitur Aegypto in media, neque praeterea usquam. Atthide tentantur gressus oculique in Achaeis Pinibus: inde aliis alius locus est inimicus Partibus ac membris; varius concinnat id aër. De Rer, Nat. lil. vi, 1112, Char. 5.51. ON VITAL FUNCTIONS. 177 SECTION I. Further Observations on the Effects of Atmo. spheric Peculiarities on the Functions of Or- ganized Bodies. EveRY organized body, as far as human sagacity can penetrate, appears susceptible of diseased actions, which may be excited by different causes. In man these causes are various and complicated, and the mor- bid actions which arise, in consequence, are numerous and dissimilar. And this circum- stance may be attributed to his organization and to his mode of life. The influence of the atmosphere, which is one cause, is apt to be overlooked in the human subject, from the variety of others which are continually Which Virgil has imitated— Hic quondam morbo coeli miseranda coorta est Tempestas, totoque Autumni incanduit aestu. Etgenus omneneci pecudum dedit, omneferarum, Conripuitgue lacus; infecit pabula tabo. *** - Virg. Georg. lil. iii. 478. N 178 EFFECTs of WEATHER CHAP.5.51. *A operating, and which, though by their con- joint influence, they predispose to, and often aggravate its effects, have nevertheless a tendency to mislead our judgment as to the manner and extent of its operation. k Animals, particularly those which are do- mesticated, on which alone we can make any accurate observations, have many sources of disorder, though not so many as man has. They may suffer from hunger, from unnatural food, from fatigue, or from accidental injury, which may produce dis- ease, and which may be the cause of their becoming affected by peculiarities in the air: notwithstanding their comparative freedom from the evils of intoxication, gluttony, and mental perturbation, that prove so frequently destructive to the human subject. The almost simultaneous occurrence of canine hydrophobia in distant parts of the country must be ascribed partly to some peculiarity in the atmosphere; while the circumstance of its occurring primarily only in a few dogs, would lead us to consider some pre- existing, and, perhaps, unnoticed state of disorder in the animal, as conducive to the case.º.º. on vitaL FUNCTIONS. #79 more wiolent affection subsequently excited by the air.” There are many other instances of record of epidemic distempers among animals, which have prevailed only for a time, and which seem to be referrible to the atmosphere. A few years ago, in Essex, a mortality prevailed among cats, which car- ried off considerable numbers. The mange is said to be contagious; but, if this be the case, it is one of those disorders which arises from unknown causes in a great many ani- mals at once, and may be afterwards propa- gated by contagion. The same mode of reasoning seems applicable to the glanders of horses, and to many other distempers of eattle. How far electricity may be concerned in all this, it is difficult at present to say; but * Virgil aptly alludes to the influence of unhealthy air on animals, though not subject to the general causes of human diseases, namely, wine, gluttony, and mental anxiety. Atqui non Massica Bacchi Munera non illis epulae nocuere repostae, ‘Frondibus et victu pascuntur simplicis herbae Pocula sunt fontes liquidi atque exercita cursu *Flumina, mec somnos abrumpit cura salubres. Pirg, Georg. lib. iii. 530. N 2 180 EFFECTS OF WEATHER CHAP.5. $2. the discoveries which philosophers are daily making, relative to the extensive operation of this fluid, (for such I must call it, till a better name be found,) seem to encourage a suspicion, that its agency is concerned in producing every change in the universe. SECTION II. Of the Effects produced by Peculiarities of Atmosphere on Vegetables. Not only the animal, but also the vege- table kingdom, appears to be affected by peculiarities of the atmosphere, which do not consist in its degree of temperature or pressure. For example, in the summer of 1810, almost all the plane trees, with the rough bark or rind,” became diseased in the neighbourhood of London, and for many miles round; very few of which, in compa- rison with the whole number decayed, reco- vered so far as to throw forth buds the ensuing spring, while the smooth rined plane trees t and sycamore trees j remained - * Platanus Occidentalis. # Platanus Orientalis. f Acer Pseudoplatanus. Char. 5. 32. ON VITAL FUNCTIONS. 1st healthy. The season was not either remark- ably hot nor very unusually dry; but there were all those circumstances alluded to in a preceding section as demonstrating an unu- sual state of the atmospheric electricity. The succeeding summer, that is, in 1811, some of the same species of plane trees were again deceased, and a few died. I am in- formed, that some years ago a similar, though not so extensive a mortality, pre- vailed among the smooth rined plane trees. From hence it would appear, that there were particular states of atmosphere which become specific stimuli to diseased actions of particular plants. Abundant proof of the fact, that particular seasons destroy particu- lar tribes of vegetables, may be collected from gardeners and nurserymen. There are many other facts, which it would be useless to detail, that illustrate the proposition, that there are other peculiarities of atmosphere, besides heat, cold, damp, &c. which affect the functions of organized bodies.* * It cannot, I think, be considered, that atmospheric peculiarities alone produce epidemic and other com- plaints, which must be regarded as having a compound origin, and as resulting from the operation of peculiar { * 182 EFFECTS OF WEATHER. CHAP. 5. $2. states of atmosphere on persons of particular states of constitution; otherwise, all persons would be affected, which is contrary to experience. There are, probably, innumerable varieties of temperament, of general habits of life, and of preexisting diseases, which, in different sub- jects, vary the effects of the air. And many persons, perhaps, enjoy a state of health, and perfect action, which may be capable of resisting its evil influence altogether. It would, perhaps, be productive of useful results, if phy- sicians of extensive practice would make accurate meteo- rological registers, during the prevalence of any epidemic or contagious disorders: such as the influenza, which, a few years ago, took a range for some miles round Lon- don, but was also prevalent in other parts of the country. Since writing the above, I have met with some curious observations on the influence of climates, (which corre- spond, in some measure, with what I have advanced,) in a French work entitled Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme, par P. J. G. Calanis, 2d edit. Paris, 1805, Gwar, 6. ()R WINP)& 1,83. - . (THAPTER VI. S9ME PARTICULARS CONCERNING WINDS. WIND has been explained in the following manner. Heated air has a tendency to rise, and cold air rushes in to supply its place. Thus the heated air of the equatorial regions. rises, and gives place to a current from the polar regions, which is a process that serves. to equalize the temperature of the world. But the polar countries lying nearer to the axis of the sphere, the air from those regions has not received so much motion as that about the equator, or greatest distance from the axis; wherefore it arrives at the equator, where the motion of the earth is greater. If it had no motion before, an East wind would be the consequence, and the force of that wind would be as the difference be- tween the motion of the earth where the air came from, and that where it arrived: but then it has a motion to the South; for it is rushing into a vacuum, left by the air which 18, OF WINDS. CHAP. 6. rises: so that the wind will not be from East, but North East; and the number of degrees North of the East from which it will blow will depend upon the comparative force of the current of air from the North to the dif- ference between the earth's motion at the equator and at the polar region, from whence the air comes. As there must be a corre- sponding efflux from the equator higher up; according to this theory, the wind should every where be North East or South West; but it blows in very different directions at different times and places; and this probably depends on the variations in temperature at different times and places. I shall not enter into the detail of the subject, but refer to several treatises written on winds by different authors.” I have lately remarked a circumstance with regard to the change of winds, which I have never heard mentioned by meteoro- * Since the publication of the first edition of this work, I have made many experiments with balloons, and have observed them always to move in two or more currents, whenever the wind was not so great as to carry them soon away from sight. CHAP. 6. of winDs. 185 logists, and which may therefore be worth noticing. I have observed, that when the current next the earth has changed its direc- tion, it has frequently got into a quarter from which an upper current had previously blown. I was first apprized of this, by observing the motion of an upper stratum of clouds to be different from that of those which were lower; and by the lower clouds afterwards. taking the direction of those above: but as I had few opportunities of observing this circumstance, I thought it merely acci- dental. Subsequent observations on the various directions of air balloons, and the succeeding changes of the wind, have con- vinced me that it is frequently the case, that the changes of the winds begin above, and are propagated downwards. And I have observed this of several successive currents. For a detail of some of my experiments made to ascertain this circumstance, I refer the reader to the Appendix to this volume. 186 OF ELECTRIGHTY. CHAP, 7. CHAPTER WIF. OF ELECTRICITY. If we look back into the history of any branch of science, we shall observe, that in the progress of its developement, men have, from time to time, introduced a num- ber of different hypotheses to explain the causes of the complicated phaenomena which they observed; which hypotheses have ob- tained credit for a while, and have reigned triumphant; but before long they have faded away, from being found incapable of explaining more recently discovered facts, or have been overthrown by others of greater pretensions to credit. From time immemo- rial, systems of philosophy have mutually overthrown and succeeded each other ; and many, which have been rejected by philoso- phers of antiquity, have been brought into vogue again, under some new dress, by sub- sequent generations; and thus, in the revo- lutions of Science, systems have alternately decayed and flourished at remote distances CHAP. 7. OF ELECTRICITY. 18?. of time. Electricity affords a striking exam- ple of this. After the two different electric states of bodies, commonly called the posi- tive and the negative charge, were discovered by certain dissimilarity in their effects,” phi- losophers began to dispute about the state of those bodies. Some contending that when two different electrics were rubbed together, so as to become electrified, the one gained as much as the other lost of a fluid matter, which they called the electric fluid; and that when, by Subsequent ap- proximation, or the intervention of conduc- tors, their electric properties ceased, an equilibrium of the fluid in the two bodies was again restored. While others contended for two distinct fluids, which had a sort of at- traction for each other. Upon this supposition, the electrification of two different bodies by friction was a separation of the two fluids, one to eachelectric, and the equalization was a com- mixture again, or a distribution of both elec- tricities through both the electrics. Many * For example, the difference of appearance of the luminous star on the point of a conductor, when applied to a body positively charged, from that of the star on the point directed to one negatively charged. 188 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP, 7. plausible experiments and arguments were used in favour of each hypothesis: but the former always obtained the most credit. While electricians were thus contending, the ingenious I. A. De Luc proposed a system somewhat different from either of the former, an account of which may be found in his works, to which I refer the reader, and leave him to judge of the validity of it by the evidence there adduced. While some philosophers have contended for one fluid, and some for two, others have re- cently contended for no fluid at all, and have spoken of electrical effects as depending on the agencies of matter. Without dwell- ing on these adverse systems, which appear, in a great measure, verbal differences, I shall merely observe, that there are certain modes of action of bodies on each other, such as all the phaenomena of artificial electricity, etc. which custom has ascribed to the agency of a specific fluid. Whatever may be the principle of their action, the daily expe- rience of philosophers shows the extent of this principle. Indeed, recent discoveries and experiments incline one to regard it as the universal agent in all the changes of CHAP. 7. OF ELECTRICITY. 189 form which matter undergoes.* A notion of the antiquity of which, though it be now newly revived as a subject of philosophical speculation, there appears some traces of in the accounts left of the religion of Zoroaster, or the worship of the spirit of fire, as the soul of the universe, the source of all mo- tion and of life. In attributing the forms of clouds, the production of rain, and other atmospheric phaenomena, to electricity, I would not be understood to involve any particular theory of the mode of electrical action. It is merely intended to ascribe similar appear- ances to similar causes, and to extend the principle of action upon which the phae- nomena of artificial electricity are explained, which has been identified with that of light- ning, to other atmospheric productions, which, at first sight, are less obviously refer- rible to similar agencies. I have already, in treating of Mr. Howard's theory of the modifications, shown how reconcileable that theory was .* The discoveries made by Sir H. Davy seem calcu- lated to throw light on this interesting subject. :#50 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7: §1. to the various phaenomena exhibited by the clouds. There are many things, how- ever, which I have not sufficiently explained there, which may be mentioned in this place. SECTION I. Of the Electric State of the Modifications of Clouds. IT is necessary to the present hypothesis, and is indeed conformable to constant experience, to consider lightning, at least one kind of it, to be the discharge of the electric spark; and yet, at first view, the reconciling the electric charge of the nimbus, which would be necessary to the effect, with its being the result of the union of two dissimilarly electrified clouds, and consequent neutralization of the two elec- tricities, seems to involve a contradiction. To explain this, I must observe, that after two differently electrified clouds, whose structure and buoyance depended on the similar electric charge of their particles severally, by a communication, and the in- Char, 7.91. of ºf RfCity. #131 tense ſunion of the said particles, should form the dense structure of the nimbus, the latter cloud, when fortried, may acquire a strong charge, for it would be thrown into *ah opposite state to that of the earth, or other objects over which it might pass, or to other clouds in vicinity; for its acquiring again a charge would not cause it to reas- ‘surheº the primitive structure of the clouds of which it was formed, for it now was ‘condensed to minute drops of water, a state ‘probably very different from that of any other modification. Under these circum- 'stances, then, the nimbus may exist as a ‘highly electrified conductor: and it is pro- bable that the difference between common 'showers and thunderstorms consists in the intensity of the charge which the nimbus acquires after its formation. ft must be granted, that though the pre- sent theory seems so well to agree with the fortnation of nimbi, it is nevertheless insuffi- cient to account for all the differences of the other modifications. We may readily conceive the fibrous structure, and other circumstances of the cirrus, to be the effect of its office as a conducting body, effecting 192 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. § 1. an electric communication; but we can assign no reason why a strong positive charge should produce a cirrocumulus, in- stead of a collected mass like the cumulus, nor under what dissimilar circumstances electricity should cause the infinite variety of forms under which that cloud, or the cirrus or cirrostratus, appear on different occasions. It has been conjectured, that the plane cirrostratus is often placed be- tween two differently electrified plates of air, between which it may be effecting a slow communication; and that the alter- nate bars of this cloud, at other times, may be interposed between portions of air alter- nately electrified with plus and minus. Experiments are wanting to ascertain these facts; but, could they be demonstrated, such an alternate distribution of the elec- tricity of the air would remain unaccounted for. If the conjecture be true, the streaks of cirrostratus may serve an office analogous to that of the water interposed between the plates of zinc and copper in the voltaic apparatus: and it is a fact, in some measure conformable to this idea, that the cirrostra- tus, after losing its wavy or its striated ap- 1 Chap.7.51. OF ELECTRICITY. 19% pearances, has been observed to condense into a nimbus, and produce rain without the help of any other cloud, as if it contain- ed within itself the principles of its own resolution into water. The oblique and curved columns of this cloud seem, indeed, hardly explainable even on this supposition. The curious cymoid feature, which so often precedes storms, is not merely al- ternate bars, but the bars are curiously cury- ed; a circumstance still more difficult of explanation. Future and repeated ob- servations may, possibly, in the course of time, throw more light on these varieties. To return to the cirrocumulus: if it be a cloud with a strong charge, and very re- tentive of it, the latter circumstance, pro- bably, results from its being surrounded by dry air, which is not a conductor. Con- formably to this view, I have noticed the loose indefinite features, which accompany damp air, and appear, in the intervals of COIII II, Oſl showers, to be of short duration: and that they have passed to a sort of con- fused cirrus or cirrostratus, while the dense and compact aggregates, which compose the stormy features, are often of long dura- O 1$4. Of ELECTRICITY. Char. 7, § 8, tion; and I have not observed this dense feature to form itself into cirrus and cirros- tratus in the manner afore described. The densest nimbi, and the hardest thunder- storms, often follow its conjunction with cumulus and cumulostratus. Another dis- tinction is also worthy of remark. The loose, flimsy, and transient features of cir- rocumulus, often appear above, when cumuli are rapidly flying along in the gale below; whereas the denser feature more often ac- companies a calmer air, particularly the dead calm which precedes a storm on a sultry summer's afternoon. There are other kinds of cirrocumulus, as I have already men- tioned, which attend fine warm weather, which are large distinct and well defined ag- gregates arranged all over the welkin. To me it is somewhat doubtful what particular kind of cloud Virgil,” Lucretius, f and Pliny, i. * Temuia mec lanae per coelum vellera ferri. * Wirg. Geor. I must refer the reader to my edition of the Diosemeia of Aratus. # Conciplunt etiam multum quoque saepe marinum Humorem, velutipendentia vellera lanae Quum supera magnum wentimare nubila portant. Iucret. vi. 504. it Plin. Hist. Nat. xviii. 35. CHAP. 7.62. OF ELECTRICITY. 193 alluded to as being like fleeces of wool, and which accompanied rainy weather. The descriptions of them by the Roman poets seem to have been imitated from Aratus, in his Diosemeia, who represents them as signs of rain.” * # SECTION II. Of the Electricity of Thunder Clouds ; and of Lightning. It has appeared by some experiments, that a thunder cloud exercises its electrical influence on the surrounding air, and throws it into an opposite state: so that if the cloud be positively electrified, there is a portion of air negatively electrified around it; and, beyond that, a positively electri- fied portion perhaps again. But a suffi- cient number of experiments have not as yet been made, with electrometers, to cer- tify whether this be the case with all * IIoxxox 3’ exopºvoy vetøy wipeg wborápolºgy, Ois gºuro. Tánaigly ion:éra w83xxoſal. Arat. Dios. 207. o 2 196 of ELECTRICITY. Chap.7. $2. clouds. It is probable most of the flashes of lightning never reach the ground, but are only communications between the thunder cloud and some other, either oppositely, or not at all electrified. The hypothesis of Van Mons, that the two different kinds of thunder and light- ning are the result of very dissimilar causes, and that one is the combustion of the gasses of water, seems wanting in proof. The reports are certainly different; and mischie- vous effects generally happen with that kind of which the report is single, or of very short duration, and which happens soon after the flash. But these circumstances may be attributed to the nearness of the cloud to the object destroyed by the lightning. There are, however, differences in the appearance of lightning: it looks at some times much bright- er, and of a bluer light, than at others. This difference of colour is most remarkable in the vespertine fulgurations in Summer; which form the subject of the next section. I cannot omit to mention one circum- stance, which seems rather contrary to my explanation of the differences of claps of 4 CHAP. 7. § 3. OF ELECTRICITY. 197 thunder, and rather favours the hypothesis of M. Van Mons, namely, that the two kinds of thunder often happen, and, indeed, alternate with each other in the same storm. The meteors or balls of fire which occa- sionally shoot from thunder clouds during a tempest are very curious; they seem to show, if they be electrical, which is most pro- bable, that similar causes to those which pro- duce thunder and lightning may also produce the electrical fire embodied in the form of meteors. A curious experiment to show the embodied form of the electric fluid was made in France by MM. Arden and Consta- ble. Refer to Bertholon Elec. Met. vol. ii. p. 27. SECTION III, Of Silent Lightning. THE silent lightning of warm summer evenings seems sometimes to come from visible clouds; but, at others, flashes of great latitude appear almost all around the horizon, when no cloud can be seen. These are 398 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. § 3. either the effect of clouds too distant to be observed, or they may be communications between the damp earth and the hazy air above. The most remarkable thing, is their always being seen in the horizon. When there be definite clouds about, then are the flashes the brighest; a circumstance which looks as if the flashes which appear without clouds were only at too great a distance for the clouds from which the flashes come to be seen. In either case the com- munication may often be with the ground, which, in the damp of the evening, with falling dew, would not be violent, as the general moisture would afford a more free and latent, and, consequently, a more gentle passage to or from the earth.* Upon this principle, we may see also why nocturnal storms are generally less mischievous than those which happen in the day time, and why there is additional security in thunder- storms after the rain has commenced. * The Abbé Bertholon thought he could determine when the Hightning rose from the ground to the cloud, and when it descended from the cloud to the ground, Bertholon, Elec. Met, vol. i. c. iv. p. 132. He refers to a letter of Maffei, Della Formazione del Fulmine, in the Jour- mal de Venice, Tom. xxxii. art. 7. 6 chap. 7. $4. OF ELECTRICITY. 193 SECTION IV. Of the Aurora Borealis.” AFTER the attention of philosophers began to be directed to the atmospheric electricity, the Aurora Borealis and Australis, com- monly called the Northern Lights, were con- sidered as electrical. There appear, how- ever, to have been several different explana- tions of this phaenomenon. Franklin regarded the coruscations of nor- thern lights as the result of a slow and con- tinual discharge of electric fluid from the atmosphere about the poles to the air above; and Sir H. Davy, and also many other elec- tricians, have noticed the striking similarity between those lights, and electricity dis- charged through rare air. †—The reason why these Auroras only happen towards the poles, has been said to be, because in high latitudes alone there can be a continual coating of ice and snow, to prevent the electric com- * Aurora Polaris would be a better name; as it is not confined to the Septentrional regions. + Refer to Davy. Elem. Chem. Philos. vol. i. p. 141. 300 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. $4. munication taking place between the earth and the atmosphere above. The Aurora has also been explained by supposition that the earth may have electric polarity; and the correspondence between the centre of the Aurora and the magnetic poles, which has been asserted, is a circumstance very worthy of future consideration, as it tends to establish more certainly the connexion be- tween electricity and magnetism.* . * Mairan, in his Traité Physique et Historique de PAu- rore Boreale, 4to. Par. 1754; observes that it resembles what is called the zodiacal light; and supposes that they are both emanations from the sun. In the work above alluded to, many curious accounts and figures of the Au- rora, may be found. For further accounts, consult Phil. Trans. Also Bertholon Elec. Met. vol. ii. p. 49. Since the publication of the first edition of this book, the phaenomenon of the Aurora Borealis has again at- tracted the notice of meteorologists in this country; but they have neither been so grand,’ nor so frequent as for- merly, CHAP. 7. § 5. OF ELECTRICITY. $29% SECTION V. Of several other Electrical Phaenomona. To the above described electrical phaeno- mena may be added several other dissimilar appearances, referrible to the same principle, operating under different circumstances. Water spouts probably result from the at- traction of a nimbus for the water over which it may be, whence both are violently drawn towards each other, till they meet: * and when the electricity of the cloud has been equalized with that of the water, the column comes down. Though this effect is, to a certain degree, explainable on this sup- position; yet, as, in other instances, the particular circumstances under which this rare phaenomenon takes place, are as yet obscure. Cavallo attributed the fiery meteors de- scribed in another place to electricity. As I * A friend of mine calls this contact of the waters from below with those from above, Neptune shaking hands with Jove. 302. OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. § 5. have already spoken of these phaenomena; it is unnecessary to add much more. I only observe, that there is this difference between meteors and electric communications, that the former occupy some time in their pas- sage, whereas electric communications are instantaneous; that is, they take place in no perceivable time.* The variety too in the colour of the light of meteors, their scintillations, and the pris- matic colours sometimes observed in the tails of the larger sort, are circumstances which do not appear to me analogous to any known electrical phaenomena. Dr. Blagden, in the Phil. Trans.# ob- serves, in proof of the number of blue rays which entered into the composition of the light of the great meteor of 1783, that the moon appeared at Brussels quite red, during * There is this difference in the motion of the bril- liant and larger kind of falling stars or meteors, and the other two kinds, which I have ealled the stellar and the caudate. The brilliant meteors of summer evenings have sometimes a curvilinear motion; whereas the other two sorts always move nearly straight: though as far as I can observe, with different inclinations to the horizon, on different occasions. + Phil Trans, lxxiv. 208. CHAP. 7. § 5. OF ELECTRICITY. 203 the meteor's passage, from the contrast of light* I have noticed this reddish appear- ance of the moon during the combustion of many substances which burn blue, in pyro- technical exhibitions. In the tail, and in the Separated scintillations of the aforesaid great meteor, prismatic colours were observed very variously, by persons in different places. These appearances seem certainly to favour the hypothesis of M. De Luc, as I have before observed, rather than any mode of explain- ing them on the known laws of electri- city. During thunderstorms however me- teors occasionally come down like balls of fire which sometimes seem very like those described above. There are several dissimilar appearances, * Dr. B. refers to a letter of Abbé Mann to Sir Joseph Banks. + Some have considered shooting stars as bodies projected from the moon, and ignited in their course. In this case, the peculiarities of their light, at different times, might be caused either by the quality of the air in which they burned or by the quality of the ignited body. Meteorolites too have been considered as simi- larly projected from the moon, and have thence received the appellation of Lunar Stones. And this opinion has gained support by their analysis, which does not corres- pond with that of any known terrestrial compound. 204 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. $5. which may be mentioned in this place, as Biot, in his Astronomie Physique, and La Place, in his Sys, du Monde, seem rather of this opinion. The , altitude of what are called falling stars, above the earth's surface, has never been well ascertained, though it might easily be done by geometrical observation; at least, in many cases, where the meteor could be identified, as seen in different places. They are not seen below clouds; and, indeed, none, except the larger and brilliant kind, are usually observed when there are many clouds about: but this may arise from the state of the atmosphere neces- sary to their production being incompatible with the existence of much cloud. M. De Luc mentioned to me his having scen them from the top of high mountains, and that they then appeared at a very great distance. From observations which I have made, they certainly vary in the height, as well as the kength, of their course. It is not impossible, but that if meteorolites were observed to fall at night, they might be always ſound to be accom- panied by some fiery phaenomenon of this kind. The almost horizontal motion of some large meteors, would be no objection to this hypothesis, if they always moved. from E. to W. or nearly so; as, when they came into the sphere of the earth's attraction, their motion might he spent, and they would then receive an apparent mo- tion compounded of the opposite of the earth's rotatory motion, and the attraction to the centre. An analysis of several meteoric stones may be found in Sowerby's Brit. Mineral. vol. ii. p. 18. A catalogue of many of them, and of the places where they fell, was made and published in France; there are also many accounts of them in several numbers of the Philosophical Magazine, CHAP. 7. $6. OF ELECTRICITY. %3 subjects worthy of the future investigation of natural philosophers, which seem refer- rible to electricity: and which appear to hold a middle nature between the igneous meteors above described, and known electrical phae- nomena. There are, occasionally, station- ary meteors, simple accensions, which ap- pear in cloudy skies, and last scarcely a moment. There are also luminous portions of clouds occasionally, of less intensity of light, which are faint and glimmering, like luminous nebulae: and others, which have a rapid motion, that may be said to have the same relation to moving meteors above, which the pale light about plants, before noticed, bears to the well known phaeno- menon which occurs below called the Ignis. Fatuus, Jack with a Lantern, or Will with a Wisp. SECTION VI. Of the Electricity of the Air. WHAT has hitherto been said of the elec- tricity of the atmosphere, related chiefly to 30á OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. § 6. that of clouds. In serene weather, however, and in the absence of all clouds, the air has shown signs of being electrified, by means of kites raised in the air, and other electro- meters.” That air should, at different times and places, have positive and negative char- ges, is not at all Surprising; but the circum- stances under which such charges have taken place do not appear to have been sufficiently attended to, During very clear weather, the air has generally been found to have a positive electricity, and the exceptions to this rule have generally happened when either a strong wind has blown, or when there have been clouds in the vicinity of the electrometer. That large electrified clouds throw the surrounding air into an opposite state, has already been stated; and some circumstances have induced an opinion, that there are alternate portions of air with different electricities round the electrified clouds. And it becomes a ques- tion for future solution, whether, when air is found electrified positively, there is not * See Becaria Elec.; also Cavallo Comp. Treat. Elec. Letters of Abbe Nollet, in Phil. Trans, etc, CHAP. 7, $6. OF ELECTRICITY.. 207 a counter charge somewhere else? Possibly the whole atmosphere, and the earth too, may have electric polarity. That the elec- tric state of the atmosphere varies much at different times, is beyond a question, from the facts above stated; but the causes of its irregularities, which, in fact, involves the causes of clouds, etc. is as yet a mystery. There have been found alternations in the electric state of the atmosphere, that is, rapid changes from a positive to a negative state, and vice versa. These circumstances were observed near the Appennines, when a strong wind blew, and when clouds hung about the tops of those mountains, describ- ed as having rectilinear spouts at the top, and which, from the description, I take to be a kind of cirrus.* Other clouds appeared at the time, which, by the account, appear to have been dense cumulostrati and cumuli. As irregularities in the electric state of the * Clouds of this kind, attaching themselves to the tops of high hills and mountains are noticed by Saussure as being called les nuages parasites; and considered as portending rain. Refer to Saussure, Voyage dans les Alpes, § 2070, and M. Du Carla in Journal de Physique for 1784. Homer. Iliad. v. 522. Theophrastus, De Sign. Temp., and Aratus, Dios. 188. * *. 208 . OF ELECTRICITY. Chap. 7. 57. air may be concerned in the production of many disorders of health, the investigation of them becomes additionally interesting. It is much to be wished, that those who have opportunities of making experiments with electrical kites, &c. would attend to what is the general disposition of the clouds, which prevail during different states of the atmospheric electricity. An instrument likely to throw some light on this subject has been invented by M. De Luc, described in the next section. SECTION VII. €f M. De Luc's Aërial Electroscope, and the Connevion observed between its Action and other Atmospheric Phaenomena.” It may not be improper to present the reader with a short account of M. de Luc's Electric Column, or Aërial Electroscope, as this instrument has been frequently alluded to in my Journals. º * See Letters of M. De Luc on this column in many numbers of Phil. Journal, and in Phil. Mag. the present month, Oct. 1814, p. 248. CHAP. 7. $ 7. OF ELECTRICITY. 209 It is composed of a great number of small circular and very thin plates, about the dia- meter of a sixpenny piece of silver, of paper and of zinc, alternately arranged, forming a column; the two ends of which are made to approximate, and at each of them is attached a small bell; a metallic clapper is then hung between them, and the whole apparatus is insulated by being fixed on glass stands. One end of the column is observed to become electrified plus, as it is termed, and the other minus; consequently, one of the bells becomes electrified plus, or positive, and the other minus or negative: and the metallic clapper moving rapidly from one to the other, to equalize the two electricities, a pulsation is produced, and the bells ring. Neither the heat or cold, dryness or moisture of the atmosphere, appear to have any con- siderable influence on the action of this in- strument; but it is considerably altered by peculiarities in the electric state of the atmosphere. The prevalence of cirri rathi- fying about the sky in various directions, and, accompanied often by other modifications, by dry easterly and changeable winds, aſid by numerous small meteors of an evening P 210 OF ELECTRICITY. CHAP. 7. § 7. which appear to indicate a disturbance in the atmospherical electricity, I have noticed to be accompanied by an irregular action of the Electric Column of M. De Luc; the bells ring at intervals, and with a kind of hurried pulsation. When such weather as I have described is followed by rain, the bells have been found silent. There are also other varieties in the kind of pulsation of the bells; sometimes they ring weak and regular, sometimes weak and irregular, sometimes strong and regular, at others strong but irregular; the intervals of quies- cence are sometimes of longer duration than at others. These minute variations are probably connected with peculiarities in the state of the atmosphere, as I have said above, which are worthy attention, because they may be principally concerned in pro- ducing many disorders of health which are attributed to atmospheric influence: when the weather is settled, when only diurnal cu- muli prevail with westerly winds, then the action of De Luc's column is the most regu- lar; and this is found to be the most whole- some kind of weather.” * See Phil. Mag, June and July, 1811. Since the Char, 7.37. of ELECTRICITY. 211 publication of the first edition, I have seen the superb columns made by M. De Luc, himself. The varieties of the action seem to coirespond with my own observations on the instrument belonging to Mr. B. M. Forster, of Walthamstow, which continued ringing (with varied action) for a year, and which received the whimsical ap- pellation of the perpetual motion. * P2 212 VARIETIES OF WEATHER. CHAP. s. CHAPTER VIII. . FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF PECULIARITIES OF WEATHER. *. If it can be shown, as above, that there are varieties in the state of the atmosphere, with which the prevalence of disease seems con- joined, so that the said diseases may be refer- red to its agency, analogy would lead us to ascribe other diseases, for which no particu- lar cause could be assigned, to some other peculiarity in the air, which, however, might not be demonstrable by any meteorological instruments; and our inquiries will be di- rected to discover in what such peculiarities may consist. I have already shown that the peculiarities of weather alluded to as being accompanied by the great prevalence of disorders, do not appear to consist in the dampness, dryness, heat, cold, levity, or gra- vity of the atmosphere, nor in the combina- tion of any two or more of these, or any other qualities of the air, demonstrable by , meteorological instruments; but that, in * Chap. 8. VARETIES OF weATHER. 213 many instances, they appear to be marked by the peculiar character and distribution of the clouds, and the appearance of other meteors; the relation of which to the state of the thermometer, barometer, and hygro- meter, have not been duly hoted; that is to say, there has been no discoverable peculiarity in the state of those instruments at the time: but the actions of De Luc's aérial electro- scope have been intermitted, or otherwise irregular and inconstant. As the peculiarities of weather alluded to are characterised by difference in the distri- bütion of the clouds in general, and of other meteors, and do not consist in the varieties of any one cloud in particular; and as the former part of this work has related chiefly to the varieties of individual modification, it is purposed to consider briefly, in this place, the characteristic circumstances of different kinds of weather. In doing this, I have taken examples of some of the most dissi- milar varieties, though there are kinds of weather partaking more or less of each of them, so that the shades of difference are innumerable, every day, perhaps, having something different from all the rest in the 214 VARIETIES OF WEATHER. CHAP. 8. year: and if the different states of weather alluded to have any decided connection with the varieties of the animal functions, their effects must be very intricate and compound; a circumstance which has always rendered the knowledge of this connection so obscure and imperfect. * As there are many circumstances which constitute particular kinds of weather, and many combinations of these circumstances, it will be proper to adopt some one as a cri- terion, and speak of the combinations of the others under that head. The order of the clouds is the most obvious feature in different kinds of weather, and ought to be principally attended to. There are several sorts of weather, which, to an inattentive observer, would be called, in common, fine wholesome weather ; but, which, by a more minute observance, are found to differ materially, both in their ap- pearance and consequences. **. A stratus early in the morning, greater or less, according to the time of year, etc. evapo- rating as the sun rises, the formation of well defined hemispherical cumuli through the day, most abundant soon after noon, and Char. s. VARIETIES OF WEATHER. 215 disappearing again in the evening, to be suc- ceeded by strong dew and a stratus, are the circumstances which mark a settled and wholesome state of the atmosphere, particu- larly when accompanied by westerly gales; which though they do not vary directly as the sun's altitude, yet seem, in some measure, to keep pace with it, and a calm succeeds in the evening. This order and distribution of the clouds happens with different winds, and different states of the thermometer; for it is not con- fined to hybernal frost, nor to the heat of the dog star. When it takes place, however, the mercury in the barometer is seldom very low, or variable. Indeed it may be said, in general, to be conjoined with a mean state of that instrument. This weather is of lon- ger or shorter continuance, as may happen : the appearance of cirrus and cirrostratus, and above all, the fleecy and irregular look of the cumuli, with sudden variations in tem- perature and pressure, indicate a change. Sometimes these appearances soon subside, and the same weather returns. The cumuli, too, occasionally become rocklike, approach to cumulostratus, and spread, without ending 216. VARIETIES OF WEATHER. CHAP. 8" in rain; but these are exceptions to the gene- ral rule. When to such a continuance of regular nubification, as described above, cir- rocumulus supervenes, an increased warmth often follows, and frequently without rain. Occasional changes of this kind in the order of the clouds, unattended by rain, took place during the long drought, which continued from Midsummer nearly to Michaelmas, in the year 1800. In days with the regular order of clouds alluded to, I have found the action of De Luc's electric column regular. Such days often alternate with others in which dif- ferent modifications appear; and very often after, cumulostratus, accompanied by cirrus, etc. has prevailed, for many days: nimbifi- cation and rain take place ; after which, only regular cumuli are observed again; as if nimbification was a process which re- stored the tranquillity of the atmospheric electricity. In spring and autumn we have frequently a continuance of cloudless days, ushered in by more or less of a stratus; but this very clear kind of weather seldom takes place about the solstices. The wind is usu- CHAP. 3. VARIETIES OF WEATHER. 217 ally Easterly, varying more or less to North or South, and often strong: the air dry; the mercury of the barometer usually above the mean altitude; and the range of the ther- mometer, that is, the distance between the maximum of the day, and the minimum of the night, is considerable. The falling of the dew in the evening, which is often plen- teous, is indicated by the crimson or lake colour of the horizon for some time after sunset, which extends all around, except perhaps, in the West, where the sky has a deep and rich golden appearance, approxi- mating more to red, to yellow, or to orange.” * It is very difficult to commemorate precisely the particular tints exhibited by clouds; yet this ought to be done as accurately as possible: for the different co- lours, refracted by the haze, with a horizontal sun, are very various, on different occasions, though the sun's distance from the horizon, either above or below, shall be the same. The haze, at different times, refracts almost every conceivable variety of purple, lake, crim- son, orange, and yellow, and sometimes a brownish colour. The colour of the haze should be distinguished from that refracted by definite clouds. The latter also refract a great variety of colours, and sometimes many tints are seen in different parts of the same cloud. Though the infinite shade of colours will ever prevent the adop- tion of terms which shall define them precisely; yet a 218 VARIETIES OF WEATHER. CHAP. 8. Nearly a week of such clear weather hap- pened during Sept. 1811, and afforded a good opportunity of making observations on the brilliant comet which was conspicuous that autumn. \ A fine line of cirrus, of great altitude and length, is often the first sign that the clear weather above described is about to be changed for an atmosphere more variable; and, in proportion as such kind of cirri in- crease, and others, or clouds of other modi- fications, succeed, we may judge of the nearer or more distant approach of the alteration ; and the weather about to follow may, in general, be determined by the general face of the sky, and of the kind of modifications apparent during the progress much better nomenclature for colours might be invented, than has hitherto been done. It is obvious how indefi- nite the present terms in common use are. How diſ- ferent the red of the peomy from that of the papaver rhaeas, and still more so from that of the papaver orien- tale, or the scarlet lychnis. The yellow of the crocus, or the marigold, from that of the evening primrose, or the ranunculus pratensis. Perhaps the best mode of forming a momenclature for colours, would be by refer- ence to specific flowers, which may be considered as standards. CHAP. 8. VARIETIES OF WEATHER. 219 of the change. But the great clearness above depicted often gives place to, and al- ternates with a state of the atmosphere marked by peculiar circumstances, which seem to indicate a great disturbance, and perpetual change in its electric state. In such weather, the cirrus generally appears soon after, and sometimes before, sunrise, and prevails through the day, under every conceiveable variety of whimsical fi- gures, Comoid tufts, like bushes of hair, or sometimes like erected feathers; angular flexures; streaks; reticular intersections of them, frequently at right angles, which look like nets thrown over the firmament; forms of arrows; stars with long fibrous tails; cyphon shaped curves, and lines with pendulous or with erect fringes, ornament the sky; still different appearances of stars and waves again appear, as these clouds change to cirrocumulus and to cirrostratus, which modifications also seem to form and subside spontaneously, in different planes,” * Clouds are said to be in the same plane, when at equal distances from the earth; more properly, it is a portion of a sphere, whose diameter is greater than that of the sphere of the earth, by twice the distance from the earth's surface to the cloud. We, speak familiarly of the plane surface of water, which is actually spherical. $220 VARIETIES OF WEATHER. CHAE. s. and with the varied and dissimilar appear- ances of flocks at rest; fleeces of wool, or myriads of small specks; of long tapering columns, like the tail of the great manis, br of mackerelback skies, or of striae, like the grains of wood. Cumuli have not now their hemispherical figure; tuberculated, or fleecy; elevated and flimsy, or heavily sailing along like scud, they appear operated on by an unusual condition of their causes. All these circumstances, when viewed as per- petually changing and appearing at different times of day, and exhibiting innumerable and dissimilar tints, according with the sun's varying altitude, afford abundant amusement for the speculative observer, who delights in the highly diversified scenery of nature. But when we observe the relation of such multiform configurations of the clouds to other phaenomena, the varying and irre- gular action of De Luc's electroscope, the irregular strength and duration of the winds, the altitude of the mercury in the barometer, . and to the state of other instruments, our curiosity is enhanced; and our desire further to develop the principles of such relations becomes yet of more moment, when we find atmospheric peculiarities, of which CHAP. 8. VARIETIES OF WEATHER. 221 such appearances are tokens to influence the growth of vegetables, and to affect the func- tions of animal life. The kind of weather above depicted, continued through the chief part of the autumn of 1810, during which time such derangements in the action of the digestive system, as are commonly called autumnal, diseases, were remarkably prevalent, fol- lowed by hypochondriasis, and other ner- vous affections. It was in the same season that the great mortality happened among the plane trees above alluded to. The weather of the said autumn was rather hot and dry, till about the middle of October, when it became damp, and rather rainy: but still, there continued to be an unusual appearance of the clouds during the intervals of fine weather. A similar kind of dry weather occurred again in the spring, 1811, attended with similar phaenomena, and the irregular action of the aërial electroscope. But the summer and autumn following were remark- ably fine and wholesome, and very warm, though there were occasionally days in which similar multiform and ever changing configurations of the modifications prevailed. 222 VARIETIES OF WEATHER. CHAP. 8. Even showery weather is characterized by very different appearances of the clouds at different times. The stupendous and moun- tainlike cumuli and cumulostrati, which appear in the intervals of summer showers, have a different look from those which ac- company the cold snow showers of spring, with keen March winds. Indeed, the rock- like cumulostrati, which are seen before such snow, have generally a well defined, though rugged margin, to appearance, and a pecu- liar look of transparency, or clearness, which is preserved even when they become dark purple, or nearly black.” I have slightly mentioned these circum- stances, from a belief, that in general the particular order and arrangements of the clouds are not sufficiently attended to. It is to be hoped, in future, that more attention will be paid to this part of the subject. ‘t * With such skies, I have known cold South winds; and on other occasions, with different kinds of clouds, hot northerly winds in spring. The peculiar appear- ances which attend these exceptions to the usual coin- cidence of phaenomena ought to be particularly attended to. + There are many minute differences in the appear- ance of the clouds, under different circumstances, which 4 Char. s. VARIETIES OF WEATHER. 228 I have not described, as every meteorologist must ob- serve them for himself. Sometimes there is a wavy appearance of the under part of a cumulostratus passing over, which looks like the white foaming billows of the ocean. This is generally a symptom of variable weather, as is also the curling inward of the fleecy protuberances of the cumuli, as they pass along in the wind. 224, OF TEMPERATURE CHAP. 9. CHAPTER IX. SOME MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS ON AT- MOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. After the invention of the barometer and thermometer, many important discoveries, about the pressure and temperature of the atmosphere were made by philosophers. The knowledge, however, of their variations, and therelations of these variations with other , phaenomena, remains still very obscure, and leaves a wide field for future investigation. When Galilaeo and Torricellus had dis- covered, that the pressure of a column of atmosphere was equal to that of a column of mercury of equal base, and of about thirty inches in height, and to a column of water of the same base, and about thirty five feet in height: but that the height of the mercury or water, which balanced the column of air, varied a little at different times, philoso- phers began to measure the atmospheric pressure by such means; and finding that its 6 HAP. 9. "AND PRESSURE. 225 variations were very irregular and uncertain, and were not referrible to any known laws, they began to investigate their causes. Without detailing the particulars of the observations made by philosophers, from time to time, it will be sufficient to observe, that the variations of pressure, as far, at least, as we can discover, may be caused, 1st, by a variation in the volume of atmosphere, the density remaining the same; or, 2dly, by a variation of density, the volume remaining the same; or, lastly, by a variation in both density and volume. But though these cir- cumstances may be conceived capable of effecting barometrical variations, yet it is probable there may be many other causes yet unknown. Many hypotheses have been assumed to account for variations in the density and volume: but, after all, these do not seem capable of accounting for all the phaenomena which attend alterations in the atmospheric pressure. As it is not my intention to detail former experiments and hypotheses, I shall conclude this chapter with a few simple observations on facts, which I have made myself, many whereof do not appear to have been noticed before. It is a common bbservation, that the fall- Q 226 of TEMPERATURE CHAP. 9. * ing of the mercury, when gradual, is followed by long continued rain; when it suddenly sinks, or sinks and rises alternately, by showers; and when greater or more sudden depressions take place, storms are generally the con- sequence. These observations are, generally speaking, true; though, perhaps, with occa- sional and rare exceptions; for sometimes the barometer shall sink, and even the clouds present all the appearances of rain, and yet the rainy symptoms shall subside, and clear- ness return without any fall. But there appear to me to be some other remarkable connections between the state of the baro- meter, and other phaenomena, which do not appear to have been noticed. Rain, as is known, sometimes falls with a rising barometer; and, when this happens, it is usually followed by fine healthy weather. Some philosophers have called it rain of the recomposition of the air.” And I have noticed rain, with a rising of the mercury, to be attended with circumstances which seem to indicate a strong positive electri- city.h * Van Mons. Nicholson's Jour. Sept. 1809. + The strong and refreshing smell, which sometimes results when showers first fall, after a long drought, is not CHAP. 9. AND PRESSURE. 227 There is usually a warm and agreeable sen- sation of the atmosphere attending such rain, which is strikingly contrasted to the cold and raw sensation occasioned by the fall of thick wet mists, or rain which hap- pens when, even with a northern or easterly wind, the barometer and thermometer sink together, and when the air has previously been found to be negatively, or nonelectri- fied. - As far as we can determine, the air appears capable of holding more water in solution, in proportion as its temperature and pressure is greater; and yet the ther- mometer often rises when rain is coming on, particularly in winter. This circum- stance is not wholly irreconcileable with what has been laid down, since the rain may be occasioned by a diminution of pressure, as is often manifestly the case, an invariable attendant on them, even under these cir- cumstances. The highly electrified water of summer's thunder showers produces this smell the strongest; and it is weakest with the cold, and, perhaps, nonelectric rain, which sometimes falls after the condensation of a spread- ing sheet of cirrostratus into nimbus, with a cold atmos- phere. Q 2 %28 OF TEMPERATURE CHAP. 9, the barometer falling, or else by a super- vening current of colder or supersaturated air; and the rise of the thermometer, which accompanies the fall of the baro- meter in this case, may be owing to the increase of temperature produced by the condensation of the vapour in the case of rain. But on what principle can we account for the increase both of tempera- ture and pressure, during such condensa- tion? On the 20th and 21st July, 1811, rain kept falling almost all day, with a rising barometer, and no depression of tem- perature, (making allowances for the inter- ception of the sun's rays,) while evaporation continued to be considerable. It has been remarked by Mr. Howard, that if the state of the barometer, during any period of , the moon, be examined, it will be found to have been highest or lowest about the time of the full and new moon, as may happen; but that the mean state of that instrument usually happens about the lunar quadratures. As far as my own observations enable me to decide, this connection is observable in the majority of instances. Cºurs, AND PRESSURE, 229 I once thought that the mean state of the barometer of a given number of days' observation varied, in some measure, ac- cording to the moon's perigee and apogee ; that is, that it was higher with the latter than with the former: but subsequent re- searches convinced me, that the exceptions were almost as numerous as the cases cor- responding to the rule. f introduce the above circumstances here, merely that they may become the subjects of the future observations of meteorologists in different places; as I think they are worthy of a stricter examination than has hitherto been made.* * {f the place of the moon has such an effect on the atmosphere, as to influence the barometrical pressure, it may probably produce other varieties in the state of the air, which may influence the nervous system and animal functions of persons in particular kinds of disease. It is thus that it may have an effect on persons of such deranged intellect, as is termed lunacy, who are said, in some cases, to be worst about the full of the moon. There are many other instances of periodical pa- roxysms of different complaints, and some of them very curious; but how far, and in what manner, solar and lunar influence is concerned, cannot be precisely deter- mined. Some persons have had paroxysms come on at particular hours of the night, and have, for a long time, 230 . OF TEMPERATURE CHAP. 9, g awoke at those hours. To try how far the imagination has been concerned in producing the discases, clocks have been altered to deceive the patient, but without avail, The reader may consult the Zoonomia of Darwin, and a recent work in France, by Ph. Pinel, Arnold on Insanity, Crighton on Mental Derangement, and others who have written on this subject. Since the first edition of this book, I have conversed with Dr. Spurzheim, about the periodicity of disorders of health. He considers it as more or less affecting every body. The doctor is now employed in publishing a large work on the newly discovered anatomy and phy, siology of the brain. w Chap. 10. OF SUPERSTITIONS. 231 CHAPTER X. OF SEVERAL SUPERSTITIOUS NOTIONS WHICH APPEAR TO HAVE HAD THEIR ORIGIN IN AN OBSERVANCE OF CERTAIN METEOROLOGICAL PHAENOMENA. There is a natural tendency in the human mind, arising from the mutual influence of the different organs of the brain, and the consequent association of ideas, to attach notions of good or evil to those objects which have been observed to precede or to accompany pleasurable or painful cir- cumstances: hence the origin of many su- perstitious opinions.” From such association of ideas many animals were anciently worshipped, either as good or evil spirits; and even at a later period, when their worship was rejected as superstitious, or useless, they were consi- * In the figurative language of the ancients, facts were often ascribed to contemporaneous remarkable circum- stances; hence the influence of Procyon or dog days, the blustering of the stormy Orion, and many others; see a memoir Sur l'Origene des Constellations et l'Explication de la Fable, by M. Dupuis. 232 of METEOROLOGICAL Char. 10. dered as foreboders of evil or of good. Many of these superstitions originated in the observance of facts, ascribable to at- mospheric influence.* Thus, certain birds being affected by peculiarities of the air, previous to thunderstorms, or other terrible events, and showing signs of their affections by particular habits, were found to be fore- boders of tempests, hurricanes, and other dangerous atmospheric commotions; and they were subsequently considered as evil omens in general, gaining, as it were, an ill name by their utility as monitors. So the crow, garrulous before stormy weather, was afterwards regarded as a predictor of general misfortune. Many animals too were considered by the ancients as in- fluenced by human prayers and supplica- tions.t. In this manner the observation of * Some observations on the physical origin of such superstitions may be found in Cicero's work on Divi- nation. * + Ego quae timebo, Providus auspex Antequam stantes repetat paludes, Imbrium divina avis inminentum, Oscinem corvum prece suscitabo, * Solis ab ortu. Horatius. CHAr. 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 233 maay real facts laid the foundation for su- perstitions, which terrified the ignorant, and which the designing, made use of in order to acquire respect, and to aggrandize their own power. Hence the rise of sorcerers, augurs,”, and other impostors, the interpre- ters of omens and portenta, who pretended, in the peculiar flight and song of birds, to read the destinies of monarchs and of na- tions. It is probable that out of a number of such predictions, some might happen to be true, where the sagacity of the augur penetrated farther into probable events than the ignorance of the multitude; and this fortuitous coincidence enhanced the public credulity, strengthened the empire of su- perstition, and became a fatal impediment * Consuluitgue stryges nostro de Sanguine, etin me Hippomanes foetae semina legit equae. Propert. lib. iv. eleg. v. 15. Aristophanes, laughing at the dependance upon the predictions of augurs, makes the birds ludicrously chant their importance in the following words: Eggsy 3' vulsy, Apºgov Agapoi Awdown poige Awoxxwy Exºgyrs; yog aparrow sw’ pºsig ºrw ºpog awayta terriffs, 234 OF METEOROLOGICAL Char. 10. to the progress of science throughout suc- ceeding ages.” It may be proper to examine a few cases in point, for the sake of illustration. Among all the birds of evil report among the ancients, the owl stands foremost, as being the most generally regarded as the har- binger of mischief and of death. Pliny, the natural historian, represents the large- eared or horned owl, strix bubo, as a fune- real bird, a monster of the night, the abomi- nation of human kind. And Virgil de- * Among many remains of augury extant at the pre- sent day, may be enumerated the common practice among our farmers, of nailing up dead kites, crows, owls, weasels, and other rapacious animals, against the doors of barns and outhouses: a custom which originated, as Apuleius informs us, in an endeavour to terrify the infaustae aves, and warn them not to obtrude themselves upon the family; the superstitious often imagining that, by avoiding the omen, they could avert the impending mischief. Quid, istas nocturnas aves, cum penetraverint larem solicité prae- hensas forilus videmus adfigi, nisi quod infaustis volatibus familiae minantur exitium, suis luant cruciatilus. Apul. Met. lib. iii. + Bubo funebris et maxime abominatus publicis prae- cipue auspiciis, deserta incolit, nectantum desolata sed dira etiam etinaccessa, noctis monstrum, nec cantu aliquo CHAP. 10. SUPERSTITIONS, 235 scribes its death howl from the top of the temple by night; a circumstance probably introduced here by the poet, as a precursor of the death of Dido.” Ovid constantly speaks of this bird as an evil omen; f and the same notions respecting it may be found among the effusions of most of the ancient poets: † indeed, there is scarcely a vocalis, sed gemitu. Itaque in urbibus aut omnino in łuce visus dirum ostentum est. Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. x. c. 12. Quis quaeso ovum bubonis videre possit, cum tam avem ipsam vidisse prodigium sit. Plin. * Solaque culminibus lethali carmine bubo Saepe queri, et longas in fletum ducere voces. Virg. Aeneid. iv. 462. # Foedaque fit volucris, venturi nuncia luctus Ignavus bubo, dirum mortalibus omen. e Ovid, Met. v. 550. Eumenides stravere torum tectoque profanus Incubuit bubo, thalamique in eulmine sedet. Ovid. Mei. vi. 432. Ter pedis offensi signo est revocata, ter omen Funereus bubo lethali carmine fecit. Ovid. Met. x. 452. Tristia mille locis Stygius dedit omnia bubo. Ovid. Met. xv. 791. f Nocturnaeque gemunt stryges, et feralia bubo Damna canit. Stat. Thebaid. iii. 511. 236 OF METEOROLOGICAL Char. 10. poet, ancient or modern, who does not speak of the owl in this point of view.” The bird called by the Greeks 392g, seems to be the same as the Roman bubo, and was also reckoned an ominous and ill fated bird.º. Hic vultur, illic lucifer bubo gemit. * Senec. Herc. Far. 686. Bubilat horrendum ferali carmine bubo Humano generi tristia fataferens. Epig. de voc. av. et quad. Anthol. vet. Lat. Ep. cxliii. 33. Quod trepidus bubo quod strix nocturna queruntur, Quod strident ululantgue ferae. Lucan, lib. vi. * The superstitious opinion, that the owl is the harbin- ger of death, still prevails among the ignorant of modern Europe. In England, no village ghost, or fairy dance, mo pizgy maze, or haunted house, is more common than a death foretold by the owl. The remarkable appearance of the upright shadows in some foggy moonlight nights, as well as some curious atmospheric refractions, have probably cooperated with ocular spectra, in giving birth to the monstrous relations of nocturnal spectra and apparitions, which so mightily terrify the country peasants. + Jam si historicos consulas apud Dionem in morte Augusti, cum decrevit senatus, ut publice supplicaretur propter ejus valetudinem, tore ovyºlov kºsiggsvov supsºn, waſ £42; wreſ &rrs kºnºsyo; #303s.—Et in morte Commodi Bwag &T’ owts (xxſitaxis) #8wās, etc. * Bochart. Hierozoicon, lib. ii. e. 22. See also Arist. Hist. An. Hib, viii. c. 3. 4 CHAP.10. SUPERSTITIONS. 23? Some authors, too, have considered the xzxzi as the owl: Homer identifies this bird with the 2upwºog,” also supposed by some commentators to be the owl.f. The striking and peculiar look of this bird; its occasional and uncertain appearance in towns; and its loud and dismal cry, uttered often when all other birds are quiet, as well as its being the bird of night, are the circumstances which, aided by an occasional coincidence of events, have caused the owl to be regarded in the light of an evil omen. This, and similar superstitions, will appear less surprising, when it is considered that crafty and designing persons had an interest in their propagation. The dread attached to owls seems to have been extended to other birds of the night; a circumstance which rather corroborates the idea that they were dreaded, in a great measure, from being companions of dark- ness and obscurity. Spencer has given us * Køxiēz axxºgº.go. 930 &yºpe; ta kupiyºoy. Homer. + There are a great variety of names for the owl, as well as for other birds, which, by all writers, except natu- ral historians, since the time of Linnaeus, appear to have been used, in a great measure, promiscuously. 238 OF METEOROLOGICAL CHAP, 10, a most woeful catalogue of harmful fowls, in the second book of the Fairie Queene.* The hollow booming of the bittern from the pool on a still evening, and the hoarse sound of the nycticorax and fernowl, are equally striking; may be easily imagined plaintive; and seem capable, when uttered in the stillness of evening, of exciting ideas of melancholy; and of inducing in the minds of the vulgar and ignorant an idea of their being connected with misfortune.f 3 The cornix of the Romans was another bird represented as ominous, who, by his * Even all the nation of unfortunate And fatal birds about them flocked were, Such as by nature men abhorre and hate, The ill faced owle, death's dreadful messengere; The hoarse nightraven, trump of dolefull drere; The leather winged bat, daye's enemy; The ruefull strich still waiting on the bere; The whistler shrill, that whoso hears doth die; The hellish harpies, prophets of sad destiny. Spen. Fairie Queene, lib. ii. 12, 36. The harpy has been supposed by some to be the Mada- gascar bat. + How sweetly did they float upon the wings Of silence, through the empty vaulted night, , At every fall soothing the raven down | Milton's Comus. CHAP. 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 239 ' croaking, prognosticated evil; * but, whe- ther the cornix was the raven, or the crow, or, indeed, of what species, is uncertain. It was, however, some bird of this genus; and to identify the species is of more conse- quence to the natural historian than to the meteorologist. It does not appear that the cornix was the same bird as the corvus. The augurs appear to have represented one as a bird, which was ominous croaking on the right hand, namely, the corvus; and the other, on the left hand, the cornix; as observed by Cicero f in his book of Divina- * Saepe malum hoc nobis, simens non laeva fuisset, De coelo tactas memini praedicere quercus, Saepe sinistra cava praedixit abillice cornix. Wirg. Ecl. i. Quod nisi me quacumque novas incidere lites, Ante sinistra cavà monuisset abillice cornix. Pirg, Ecl. ix. See also Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. x. c. 12. The word sinistra here seems to refer to a Grecian superstition about ill omens being given on the left hand. of which our poet was mindful when he said, “That raven on yon left hand oak, Curse on his illbetiding croak l’’ f Gay. Fal. &c. + Jupiterne cornicen a laevă, corvum a dextrā canere jussisset? Cicero de Divin, lib. i. c. 7. 1 240 OF METEOROLOGICAL CHAP. IG. tion, and afterwards by Bulengius, in his book on Augury. The picus was also another of the oscines, whose voice was feigned injurious to tra- vellers.” This fable might have been founded on observing the garrulity of the bird before rain; which might become an impediment to a journey. Linnaeus repre- sents this bird to have been the woodpecker, or pickatree; but it is difficult to identify the names and species of birds spoken of by the ancients.t. The parra was another bird with whose illportending song Horace cursed the impious.j. Cur a dextra corvus, a sinistra cornix faciat ratum. * •A Cicero de Divin. lib. i. c. 39. Some make the Greek topo.é to be the Roman corvus, and the English crow, and the Greek nopolyn to be the cornix of the Romans, and the raven of Great Britain. Linnaeus, however, has called the raven corvus corax, and the crow corvus coronae. I refer the reader to Aelian, Aristotle, Pliny, Gesner, and Aldrovandus. * Tequc nec laevus vetetire picus Nec vaga cornix. Horat. + Picus may be only masculine of pica the magpie; a bird which, in windy and stormy weather, I have observed to be garrulous, and to fly high in small flocks, uttering its cry. * f Impios parrae recinentis omen Ducat. Hor. Od. ‘CHAP. 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 241 It was long ago observed, as mentioned in another chapter, that the frequent immer- sion of certain fowls in the water portended rain; and they were, consequently, con- sidered unlucky alites; while others, who never dived, were regarded as good signs; a fact observed by Niphus in his book of augury, who quotes a verse to that effect from Aemilius.* And Virgil makes Venus predict the safety of the Trojan fleet to Aeneas from the flight of swans.# Another familiar instance of the effect of association of ideas is the following—Vul- tures, who prey on carcasses, naturally fol- * Cygnus in auspiciis semper laetissimus ales, Huncoptant nautae quia non se mergit in undis. Niphus de Auguriis, lib. 1. c. 10. + Namque tibi reduces socios classemque relatam, Nuncio et in portum versis aquilonibus actam, Ni frustra augurium vani docuere parentes, Adspice bis senos luctantis agmine cycnos, Aetheria quos lapsa plaga Jovis ales aperto, Turbabat coelo; nunc terras ordine longo, Aut capere aut captas jam despectare videntur. Ut reduces illi ludunt stridentibus alis, Et coetu cinxere polum, cantusque dedere, Haud aliter puppesque tuae, pubesque tuorum, Autportum tenet, aut pleno subit ostia velo. Wirg. Aeneid, i. 400. R 242 OF METEOROLOGICAL CHAP. 16. lowed armies, and inhabited the field of battle after the conflict: the ancients, there- fore, associated their appearance with de- struction, and they became evil omens, par- ticularly when following armies.* There is a superstitious respect paid to the swallow, in many parts of the country, at the present day. Their nests are pro- tected, and it is considered unlucky to molest them by accident: this is a very old Opinion, mentioned by many writers: and the circumstances of their building so close to the habitations of man indicates, I think, that they have long enjoyed freedom from molestation.f For animals seem to regulate their conduct according to circum- stances: and it is not only that the indi- * Potter has some observations on this in his Antiq. - Graec. and refers to Plutarch, Aristotle, and Pliny. + the martlett Builds in the weather on the outward wall, Even in the force and road of casualty. Shakspeare, Odimus accipitrem quia semper vivit in armis, Et pavidum solitos, in pecus ire lupos, At caret insidiis hominum quia mitis hirundo, Quasque colat turres chaonis ales habet. Ovid. Art. Amat. ii. 150. CHAP. 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 243 vidual learns to avoid danger, but the whole species seems by degrees apprized of the state of either enmity or amity between them and man, and to act in conformity with this knowledge. There are parts of oriental India, where the religion of the Brachmans, protects animals from injury, in which hawks and other birds are so fami- liar and daring, as to Snatch the food from out of dishes, as men are carrying them from the kitchen to the place of repast. The respect paid to the swallow may have. originated in its being the harbinger of spring, and from its inhabiting churches, temples, and other sacred places ; and, per- haps in some, measure, from its utility in clearing the air of insects." Swallows, at one time, among the Greeks, appear to have been regarded as an evil omen when a flock of them settled on a tent, or ship. * Orebono volitans muscas deprendit hirundo, Atque ita viventi pascitur illa cibo. Quumque lacus circumvolitet vel florida prata, Illius ambages quis numerare potest? Cypselus at vacuo rapidis volat aethere pennis Necmetuit milvos accipitremve feram. Epig. Incert. Auct. -R 2 244. OF METEOROLOGICAL CHAP. 10. The low flight of swallows predicts rain, and their settling on buildings is an au- tumnal custom previous to their departure, or to the commencement of wintery wea- ther; hence have they, perhaps, been con- sidered as portending evil. The crowing of cocks was reckoned ominous, particularly as prophesying the event of wars. It is from the known courage of this bird in combat, that he Was Sacred to Mars, and called Ageos vaorros by Aristophanes. The gallicantus presaged the victory of Themistocles over the Per- sians; and the feasts Axext puzºvoy diſºv were called so from this event, and were cele- brated by fighting cocks. And a victory of the Boeotians over the Lacedaemonians was also said to be foretold by the cocks. There are, besides the above, many other Superstitions relating to cocks, all, appa- rently, coming from some observance of fact. At a later period, cocks were said to crow all night about Christmas time, a fable adverted to by Shakspeare in Hamlet.* * Some say that ever gainst that hallowed season, At which our Saviour's birth is celebrated, £HAP, 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 245 This fancy is easy of explanation; for the crowing of the cock being the announcer of the dawn of light, he is said to crow all night at that season of the year, which, though really the darkest, namely, midwin- ter, was the season at which the light of Christianity was said first to dawn on the darkness of the Pagan world. There is a remarkable circumstance about the crowing of cocks. At several different times in the course of the night, a general crowing may be heard, from all quarters, where there are cocks: the first that begins, apparently setting all the rest off; and this fact is re- markably striking in places where numbers of cocks are bred for the purpose of fighting. As far as I can observe, excepting at the dawn of day, these crowing matches hap- pen at very irregular and uncertain periods. The ancients, however, seem to have re- garded them as taking place at marked in- The bird of dawning croweth all night long. The nights are wholesome, then no mildew falls, No planet strikes, nor spirits walk abroad; No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm; So gracious and so hallowed is the time. Hamlet, 246 OF METEOROLOGICAL CHAP. 16. tervals of time which appear to have caused their division of the night watches by the first, second, and third, Axexteopovias, as mentioned by St. John.” They say that if a dead kingfisher be hanged up by its bill, its breast will always the turned to the quarter from whence the wind bloweth; this when the wind is strong may be accounted for mechanically from its shape, but it is asserted to be the case always; and the bird called therefore the natural wea- thercock...f It is an old observation, that the appear- ance of a certain beetle, called tenebrio mor- tisagus, was a presage of death, which may be founded on observation. For the appear- ance of the insect may, in reality, forbode the death of sick persons in the housewhere it is observed; since the same peculiarity of atmosphere which may bring out the beetle, may be such a one as would produce the death of the patient. * Some observations of this may be found in vol. i. of Dr. Hales's Analyses of Ancient Chronology, 4to. Lon- don, 1810. + See Pseudonia Epidemica, by Dr. Brown, 2d edit. p. 104. CHAP. 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 247 If it be by some such association of ideas as what has been above described, that most of the superstitious devotion paid to parti- cular birds and animals has originated, the worship of the Ibis, and of the Scarabaeus in Aegypt, and of many other animals in Asia and Africa, might prove, if we were able to trace them, to have sprung from a similar source.* The popular persuasion, that if it rains on the 15th July, called St. Swithin's day, it will rain some part of each day for forty days, may be ranked among superstitious notions originating in atmospheric phaeno- mena; for though the placing the prognostic at St. Swithin's day must palpably be the ef- fect of ignorance and credulity, yet there may be some natural reasons why, if rainy weather occur about that time of year, it will be of some continuance, which I have noticed for many years to be the case. In parts of Wiltshire, they say, it is un- lucky to look at the new moon, for the first time, through a glass; showery weather * Some animals appear to have become sacred, from their absolute utility, as the tame Ichneumon in parts of Aegypt. 248 OF METEOROLOGICAL CHAP, 10. about that time of the moon, which might keep the spectator in doors, and make him see her crescent first through a window, may be a bad prognostick for the month. The ignorant run out of doors and turn the money in their pockets, if they hear by chance of her first appearance. Many people positively assert that Friday is always either the fairest, or the worst day in the week: what this originated in, unless it were some casual occurrence of a succession of fine and of wet Fridays, I know not. Numerous other similar errors of reason might be added, were it necessary to confirm the unlucky devotee of fable and fancy, who is cursed for walking under a ladder, or toward whom the salt fell on a Friday, that he is per- verting physical truths by his own disturbed imagination. The idle tales about Pandora and about Fortune, and many others, are referrible to a physical origin. Idleness too is a great propagator of superstition. The inactivity, anxiousness, and mystic feelings of some minds, viewing the great uncer- tainty of future events, and the casualties of life, render persons more disposed to trust to their stars than to their wits, who con- CHAP. 10. SUPERSTITIONS. 249 tent themselves with praying to the goddess not to crush their fabric, and, like Horace of old, sing “Injurioso ne pede proruas Stantem columnam.” While others of a different turn of mind, preferring prudence to fancy, and choosing rather to apply their shoulders to the wheel than to call on Hercules, chant the more sensible song of “Nullum numen habes si sit Prudentia, quamvis Te facimus Fortuna deam coeloque locamus.” The different successess in life of these two kinds of persons are well discussed in Miss Edgeworth's excellent story of Murad and Sanadin. It would be foreign to the present subject to consider here any superstitious opinions which are not referrible to meteorological phaenomena; and only a few of these can be selected, for want of room. Any capa- ble person, however, who would write a general history of superstitions, and endea- vour to trace each to its particular source as nearly as possible, arranging them according 45& OF METEOROLOGICAL, &c. Char. 10. to the age or country in which they prevailed, and including all degrees of superstitious opinions and customs, from those which have gained importance from their extensive prevalence, and the influence they have had on the manners and destiny of different people, down to the meanest subject of terror to the village peasant, would render considerable service to the cause of truth. Such a book, translated into different lan- guages, and distributed among different nations, might be of great use, in clearing up many injurious fables and preparing the way for useful knowledge. APPENDIX. C. 1. § 4. p. 14. l. 12.—THE sudden and dense fogs which come on sometimes seem hardly referrible to any assignable cause. In great cities, the fog, whatever may be its cause, aggrandized and thickened by smoke, and the breath of the inhabitants, often envelopes the whole town in such darkness, that people are obliged at mid-day to go about their business by candle light. Of this, I select the following instance from Mr. Howard's Journal, which happened on the 10th Jan. 1812:—“ London was this day involved, for several hours, in palpable darkness. The shops, offices, &c. were necessarily lighted up; but, the streets not being lighted as at night, it required no small care in the passenger to find his way, and avoid accidents. The sky, where any light pervaded it, showed the aspect of bronze | Such is, occasionally, the effect of the accumulation of smoke between two opposite gentle currents, or by means of a misty calm. I am informed that the fuliginous cloud was visible, in this instance, from a distance of forty miles. Were it not for the extreme mobility of our atmosphere, this volcano of a hundred thou- sand mouths would, in winter, be scarcely habitable !” An account of several remarkable circumstances at- tending particular fogs may be found in Bertholon, 252 APPENDIX. Elec. des Meteors: also an account of the remarkable fog which overspread part of Europe in 1783. See vol. ii. 128. of the above work, sur l’Extraordinaire Brouil- lard de 1783. w C. 2. § 7.—A disposition in the air sometimes to form rain, without the precurrence of the modifica- tions, may be deduced from the drops of rain which sometimes fall without any visible clouds, even when the sky is clear. The drops, probably, acquire size in falling. C. 2. § 11. Hail.—It is a question, Whether hail results merely from the coldness of the atmosphere in which the nimbus pouring it exists, or whether some other causes may not be deemed necessary? Certainly there is a difference in the general appearance of the cumuli, cumulostrati, &c. which precede hailshowers, and showers which only effuse rain. The Abbé Ber- tholon has observed, that hard hailstorms are generally accompanied with thunder and lightning, and that the loudest thunder generally happens when the hail has been greatest. “La tonnerre gronda, sans interrup- tion, pendent la châte du fameuse grèle observé par M. de Ratte à Montpellier, le 30 Janvier, 1741. Il en a été de même dans un grande nombre d'autres cir- constances.” Elect. Met. ii. 195. ch. Sur la Gréle et le Gresil. In the same work, vol. ii. cc. 6 and 7, the author has treated amply on the peculiarities of hail and SI] OW. C. 5–To ascertain that our health is influenced by atmospheric peculiarities, is a discovery of little practical utility, unless it enable us to provide an antidote against their effects. The difficulty of guarding against such disorders as seem to be caused by the state of the air, APPENDIX. 253 must appear manifest to all who consider the obscurity which hangs over this subject, both as to the peculiar quality of the air which excites the disorders, and as to the state of constitution of the patients in whom they may occur. As we do not know the nature of the spe- cific stimulants which excite many atmospheric or other diseases, nor any particular counteracting antidotes, in medicines, we must be content to prescribe a general mode of conduct to those in health, which, by preserving a strong and tranquil condition of body, may avert or mollify the influence of the atmosphere on the constitu- tion, and to endeavour to restore those already disorder- ed, by measures that are generally known to conduce to such a state of health. It may not, therefore, be entirely foreign to the present subject, to discourse briefly on the mode of preserving the healthy, and of rectifying the disordered, actions of the animal machine. Early rising, good air, and exercise, freedom from care and anxiety, and temperance of appetite, have been from time imme- morial the popular receipts for health and longevity; but the quantity of exercise necessary, the quantity of our food, and the periods of taking it, and its quality, which involves the question of natural diet, must be submitted to a more accurate and physiological scrutiny, which may, in a great measure, explain the ill success of many who labouring under disorder, yet think themselves entitled to health from the observance of an imagined course of temperance. Exercise should be taken to a considerable degree, but by no means when the stomach is full. Various experiments have long ago established it as certain, that digestion is never so well performed, as when a meal is followed by rest; and carnivorous ani- mals, and, indeed, all those who take in their food in 2 254 APPENDEX. any quantity, rest or sleep after their repast. Exercise, under favourable circumstances, seems to give vigour to the whole system; and strength, appears, to a certain degree, to be commensurate to bodily exertions, and health, and, spirits, are the consequence. Indeed few per- sons know how rightly to appreciate considerable and constant exercise in the open air as a medical agent and preserver of health. But it is probable, that the same vital energies, which are concerned in all the movements of muscular activity, and of thought, and which custo- mary language has ascribed to the brain and nervous system, are engaged after taking our food in the work of digestion, And it has been found, conformably to this notion, that exertion after meals has interrupted the chylopoietic processes, and has caused unpleasant feel- ings in the stomach, and subsequent weakness. Great mental exertions, or anxiety, have had the same effect. The gentle stimulus of company after dinner, may, per- haps, be beneficial, by assisting to produce those nervous energies, which hard exercise might dissipate among the muscles at a time when they ought to be spent on the stomach, that that organ might pour out sufficient of the gastric juice, to convert the alimentary matter into chyme, and subsequently on the liver, pancreas, and secretory coats of the intestines; that by the after aid of their proper fluids, the chyle may be properly formed for absorption and nutriment. Exercise, while these processes are going on, may be regarded as an interrup- tion to them: though, if used several hours after eating, it appears often to assist the peristaltic action of the in- testines, The food is the next subject of consideration. It has been often said, that, in a natural state, the * APPENDIX. * £55 quantity and quality of our food would be regulated by desire and opportunity: but as "we know little about man in a natural state, we must regulate our diet by the experience of what is best in a state of artificial society. Physiologists have laid great stress on proportioning the quantity of food to the power of the stomach; and it is rational to consider, that what is not digested, will irri- tate the surfaces of the alimentary canal, and cause many sympathetic diseases. Hunger is, in health, the general criterion of the power to digest; but, in disorder, aş Mr. Abernethy has observed, the uneasy feelings of a weak stomach are often mistaken for it. { Custom has, in artificial life, appointed meals at cer- tain stated hours; a practice which does notappear to have arisen wholly from oeconomical convenience, but which may have been established, partly in order to embrace the beneficial results of conviviality, which consist in the pleasurable sensations, and, perhaps, better digestion, occasioned by cheerful company during and after meals. The wassail bowl, though abused by posterity, was, pro- bably, suggested by the sagacity of our forefathers, as a salutary pleasure. The periods of eating should not come too near together. People fall into a mistake often by supposing that persons with weak stomachs should eat little, and frequently; whereas they ought really to allow considerable time for the digestive organs to recruit their strength. And many who for ill health have tried vari- ous kinds of food without success, have found great bene- fit from a long fast before dinner. Of the quality of food proper for man, much has been said and written by physicians in all ages, and various have been their opi- nions. Many have enjoyed good health who have subsisted entirely on a vegetable diet; while others have 6 256 APPENDIX. grown weak, and have not been sufficiently nourished by it. In some particular diseases patients have not been able to eat vegetable food, and in others animal food has ap- peared injurious; but we must not draw our conclusions of the wholesomeness of any particular food from its ef- fects on diseased subjects. There are many idiosyncrasies which must be regarded as exceptions to general rules : some persons cannot eat honey, others butter, others other things, without being ill. There are persons who can eatallmeat but mutton which never digests with them. It may be proper to consider, first, what sort of food is best in health: and, secondly, what may be the me- dical influence of different -changes of diet in cases of disorder. With regard to the first of these questions, little enough can be expected from any hypothesis of the cause of diseases. It is a question to be solved by an accurate examination of facts. We cannot even place much dependance on the aflāk gy of the human structure to that of any other animal; for though the structure of the human organs of digestion most resemble those of carnivorous animals, yet the monkey tribe, which, in many respects, approach nearest in their na- ture to man, live on vegetable substances. Several wri- ters of physiology have asserted, that those persons who feed on a mixture of animal and vegetable food are stronger and more active than those who subsist entirely on vegetables; while the advocates for a pure vegetable diet contend, that it produces more tranquillity, and even a more mild and amiable character. These two assertions are by no means irreconcileable, and agree very well with experiments and observations that I have made, which have had a tendency to show that animal food produces more muscular strength and energy, but, APPENDIX. , 257 * at the same time, renders the body more susceptible of irritation. When, to patients who have long subsisted entirely on vegetable food, flesh has been superadded, the pulse has become quicker, the muscular motion more quick and lively, the countenance more highly coloured, and the spirits exhilarated. These effects are strikingly conspicuous just after the adoption of the meat, and illus- trate the greater degree of stimulus afforded by animal food: and the contrary effects often appear on first taking to vegetables alone. But after a time, in either case, à very similar state of health often returns: a fact which illustrates the great power of accommodation to circum- stances, which the human constitution possesses. But though there be persons enjoying health on each diet; yet, upon the whole, the mixed diet seems to agree best with the majority, and also to produce rather more strength and vigour. But whether health main- tained on a mixed diet be equally lasting, or whether it may not eventually lead to disease, is a question to solve which accurate experiments are as yet wanting. It has been said by those who contend for a vegetable diet, that, being natural, it conduces to a more perfect form of body, and greater degree of intellectual power. The assertion, however, seems not to be supported by facts; for the antient Greeks, who may be admitted as exam- ples of the more perfect forms of our species, and who possessed a clearness of intellect, and vigour of imagi- nation, superior to their neighbours, appear to have lived on a mixed diet; whereas the inhabitants of part of India, who subsist wholly on vegetables, dre very far from either bodily or mental excellence. For the medical advantage of vegetable diet, much - more may be said, than for its common use. To illus- trate the view I have of this subject, I must observe, S ./ 258 APPENDIX. that the effect of animal food seems to be that of in- creasing all the vital energies, or actions, of the animal machine: while a person is in health, when these ac- tions are natural, to increase them is to augment the strength and power of the animal: but, in diseases where there are morbid actions, to increase them is to aggravate the disease. It is probably on a similar principle that vegetable diet and distilled water are useful in diseases, where the diseased actions seem as fully established as the natural ones, as in cancer, for instance. Besides this, in common and more trifling cases, a mild diet may become a useful alterative, and, by alleviating the irritation of the chylopoietic organs, may subdue nume- rous sympathetic diseases, which accompany a disordered state of the viscera. This lowering of the animal ac- tions by vegetable food has sometimes disposed me to differ from those who regard animal food as equally con- ducive to longevity, and to incline to the fanciful opinion of others, who have regarded the vegetable diet of the early ages as the cause of the Patriarchal longevity, as if man lived longer by living slower. All reasoning of this sort must, however, be very vague and conjectural. The question, whether the animal system wears out sooner in proportion as it is stimulated to action, either by animal food or any thing else, provided that stimulus does not proceed to cause actual disease, must rest entirely on experience. There are some remarkable instances of men, of what is commonly termed genius, that were characterized by perpetual activity of thought who have died prematurely: but there are several means of accounting for this. Men of genius are men of great sensibility, who are frequently led into excesses in eating and drinking, particularly the latter, which shortens their lives, Indeed, the stimulus of wine and spirits, APPENDIX. 259 so uniformly destructive, seems, in a great measure, conducive to the enterprizes of genius. By exciting a system, already highly susceptible, into violent action, it gives, for a time, a flow and vigour to thought, but which is ultimately exhausting. Such persons seem to keep up an habitual state of excitement, similar to that which ordinary persons occasionally make use of pre- vious to any unusual mental exertion, who take drams as a stimulus. After all, notwithstanding the violence of stimuli is lessened by habitual use, from the diminution of excitability, it is doubtful whether the moderate sti- mulus of animal food actually hastens dissolution. Old Parr and Jenkins do not appear to have fed on a vege- table diet; and the longevity of Cornaro seems to have depended more on his moderation in diet, than on the quality of his food. Animal food is certainly as easily and as soon, if not sooner, digested; and to state the question of diet fairly, would be to say, in cases where from the healthy state of the digestive organs, the chy- lopoietic functions go on perfectly, what difference is subsequently observable between the effects of the mixed, and those of the purely vegetable nutriment? I was once inclined to attribute much good to the vegetable regimen as general diet; but subsequent experiments and observation have made me somewhat sceptical on this point. Animal food appears to afford more nourish- ment, in proportion to its volume, than vegetables. There may, perhaps, be minute differences in the quality of the blood, arising from different kinds of food, which evade all chemical tests; but, as we know nothing of these, we ought not to be deluded by hypothetical argu- ments on the subject. As the digestive processes are those of assimilation, the blood seems more likely to be deteriorated by bad chylification and absorption of un- assimilated matter, arising from disorder in the organs, s 2 260 APPENDIX. than from the quality of the aliment, when the stomach is healthy. In disease, the blood may be altered in com- position, from various sources; the liver and other se- creting organs not giving out their proper fluids, and these remaining in the blood may alter its properties, and increase and render compound the evil of sympa- thetic irritation. To preserve health, of which we are in actual pos- session, and to cure disorders when once established, are certainly very different things: in the latter case, various kinds of diet, like medicines, having specific ac- tions arising from the nature of the disorder, particular regimen may become necessary, in some particular com- plaints, which it is foreign to the purpose to discuss here: but, in general, the treatment of diseases seems more simple than is usually imagined. As the secondary and outward symptoms of diseases are infinitely nume- rous and dissimilar, both as to their local effects on the body, and as to their influence on the mind, arising from varieties of constitution and other circumstances, the only rational and simple mode of treating them seems to be, to find out, if possible, whether, among the multiform symptoms, there he not some circum- stances common to all diseases, and which are the distin- guishing marks of disorder in the system. The antients seem to have pursued and acted upon this simple mode of investigation: and perceiving a manifestly disordered state of the digestive viscera to accompany the more ob- scure irregularity in the nervous actions, had recourse to remedies which had known effects on those organs; and they treated successfully the more apparently mental diseases, by rectifying the state of the viscera. The manner, the mind, and nervous system, and the diges- tive organs, mutually aggravate each other's disorder; and the insufficiency of local remedies n general, for APPENDIX. 26% the cure of local diseases, has been ably illustrated by physiologists of late; which illustration may be regard- ed as the only important progressive step the science of medicine has taken since the time of Hippocrates. These opinions seem spreading on the continent, as may be learnt by the works of the French physicians, Hallé, Cabanis, Pinel, and others. Dr. James Hamilton, Dr. Curry, Dr. Cheyne, and some others, have, in this country, illustrated the connexion between the unhealthy state of these organs and diseases in general: and Mr. Abernethy, the perusal of whose surgical works first induced me to consider these subjects accurately, has shown the great success of the constitutional treatment of local diseases; and has treated in a very scientific manner of the disorders of the constitution, in which they orginate, and of the mode of treating them; to which works I refer the physiological reader. I cannot help observing, in conclusion, that the pur- suit of this subject strongly impressed me with sentiments of its importance, in a moral point of view. For if disorders in the digestive functions, which are so easily occasioned, and which are remediable by early attention, be capable, by getting ahead, of exciting the system in such a manner as to produce innumerable forms of bodily disease, and frequently to affect the operations of the mind; considering how general are these disorders, and the mistaken habits which produce and aggravate them, we cannot but regard them as principally efficient in producing the quantity of intellectual depravity, which is so widely conspicuous; and by weakening the mind, and perverting the character, as impeding the progress. of science, and the advancement of truth. That the air, which seems to effect such great changes of the blood in the lungs, should, when its quality is peculiar, 1. - 263 APPENDIX. by affecting those organs and the skin, cause great chan- ges in the whole system, is no matter of wonder; but surely all these effects must be greatest on a weakened and disordered constitution. The way, then, to become prepared against atmospheric influence, is to tranquillize and invigorate the constitution by a systematic plan of temperance, founded on physiological views of the na- ture and offices of the chylopoietic viscera, and of the connexion of their disorders with those of remote organs, and of the system in general; and, at the same time to adopt habits of seasonable exercise abroad, and to enhance, by moral discipline, an habitual state of mental tranquility, to which such habits tend. For by joining measures, which seem primarily to ameliorate the cone dition of the nervous system, with those which more directly regulate the chylopoietic organs, we place the functions of the animal system in a state the most favour- able to health, which gives the greatest scope and range to intellectual exertion, and which fortifies the body best against the numberless diseases which the varieties of climate, and of atmosphere, may have a tendency to produce on the various degrees of strength and the pecu- liarities of organization of different individuals. The reader who wishes to pursue further the effect of atmosphere on health may consult Cabanis Rapport du Moral et du Physique de l’Homme. 2d vol. pp. 1. 161. C. 6–There are some circumstances about winds very remarkable, and which seem inexplicable on any hitherto invented hypothesis. The gusts of wind, in some high windy weather, seem to fluctuate in a manner somewhat analogous to the undulatory motion of waves. This fact may be easily seen by a pendulous anemometer. When the wind is accompanied by the rain, the periods of the gusts may be counted by the intervals of the § APPENDIX. 263 . more or less violent impulse of the water on the windows opposed to the wind, or leaves of any tree twined across them.* In the Phil. Trans. vol. xlviii. 1. is related a curious instance of a violent gust of wind, which succeeded a flash of silent lightning, and came from the same quarter. Winds.-Refer to D'Alembert's Reflections sur les Causes Générales des Wents, and to several papers in Phil. Trans. * The number of different currents blowing at the same time at different altitudes, is a circumstance I as- certained by the following experiments. On the 25th Oct. 1809, a gentleman, named Wallis, sent up a small inflammable air balloon from Clapton, in Hackney: the balloon was made of varnished paper, quite water proof, three feet six inches in diameter, and filled with inflam- mable gas. The process of filling it was begun at one o'clock in the afternoon; and by about ten minutes after two, the balloon appearing sufficiently inflated, a small paper parachute was attached to the bottom of it, by means of touch string. It was now found that the buoyant power of the balloon was just sufficient to carry the appendage. Upon the touch string being lighted, the balloon was launched into the air. At first it ascend- ed very slowly in a direction nearly W. N. W. and in less than a minute dropped the parachute, which fell into the brick field opposite Hackney New Church. The balloon now ascended more rapidly in the same direction for several minutes, when, being very high, it met a different current of air, and was observed to travel nearly towards the South: this was ascertained * The philosopher watching this, as he lies in bed by night, must be very careful to preserve his vigilance, as it is a most soporific sound. No lute of Mercury, or Aeolian harp, is more lulling to the Argus eyes of the studeht. 264. APPENDIX. by the balloon's getting much more southward without . increasing or diminishing in apparent magnitude, which it would have done, if it had taken a course either much to the East or the West of the South. In a few minutes more its course was again altered by a third current of air, which carried it in a direction apparently, N. E., when it passed again over the northern part of the parish of Hackney, and was distinctly seen from the place of its ascent. At about twenty minutes before three, it was blown by a fourth current nearly N. N. W. by N. Thus there appear to have been four different currents above one another, namely, E. S. E.--N.—S. W. and S. S. E. by S. It very soon became invisible to the naked eye, but was, discerned through a telescope till about ten minutes before three, when, the person who sent it up observed it to sink very rapidly, after which it was no more seen.. & - “... s. At the time the balloon ascended, the mercury in the barometer, 30 feet from the surface of the earth, stood at 30. 28. Thermometer (Farenheit) 574. , Hyg. 0. 5. Wind variable and very gentle: a few clouds in the sky of the modification of cirrus. tº- This air bakloon fell at five minutes before five, the same day at Wilbraham, near Cambridge. The sud- den diminution of the angle of its altitude, which has been called its sudden descent, could not be occasioned by any rent in the balloon, since it afterwards travelled nearly fifty miles. At ten minutes before three it appear- ed in the telescope to be well distended: it is therefore probable, that at that time it had attained its greatest. elevation. Its motion was, therefore, horizontal; and it being about twenty-five miles in the hour, and direct from the eye of the observer, it would, without any descent of the machine, occasion a rapid alteration of the angle subtended by the line of its perpendicular al- APPENDIX. 265. titude. The diminution of the angle being rapid in proportion to any other observation, it was concluded that it must have been at that time descending, because we could not at that moment know the velocity of the current, which the time and place of its descent have since proved to be very great. A small balloon launched the same day went uni- formly in the same current of air. Since the above, I have made upwards of thirty experiments with air balloons, some filled with inflammable gas, and then with rarefied air. Some few of them have gone uni- formly with one direction, but most have indicated four or five, and some seven or eight, different currents of wind: the currents below, too, have several times ac- quired successively the direction of those which had pre- viously blown above. * * C. 7. Electricity.—Though the antients might be un- acquainted with the science of artificial electricity, yet they appear familiar with many electric phaenomena, as observed by M. PAbbé Bertholon, in his Ouvrage de l’Electricité des Meteors, 2 vols. 8vo. d Lyon. 1787, vol. i. p. 67. The same author refers to a Dissertation, by M. Ostertag, De Auspiciis ex Acuminibus. Some observations on this head may be found too in the Mem. Phil. Soc. Manchester. Among other accounts I tran- scribe a part of the observation of the Abbé Bertholon, as follows: from his work above alluded to. * “ Des Phénomenes d'Electricité Naturelle, observés par les Anciens.—Quoique la découverte d'electricité du ton- nerre soit toute récente, on en trouve cependant chez les anciens des traces si certains, et si sensibles, qu'on, ne sauroit endouter avec fondement. Nous allons rap- porter plusieurs preuves qui établissent cette assertion d’une maniére irréfragable; elles sont appuyées sur des. faits qu'on avoit eu de la peine à expliquer avant la con- 266 APPENDIX. noissance de l'electricité atmosphérique. Il conste par Hérodote qu'on pouvoit, il y a plus de deux mille ans, attirer la fondre avec une pointe de fer ! Selon cet auteur, les Thraces désarmoient le ciel de ses foudres en déco- chant des fleches en l'air, et les Hyperboréens en lan- çant pareillement dans les nuées, des piques améres d'un fer pointu. Ces usages sont autant de points qui conduisoient à la decouverte de l'électricité que les Grecs, les Romains, connoissoient par certains effets qu'ils at- tribuoient aux puissances célestes, comme M. Ostertag l'a prouvé très au long dans une dissertation de Auspiciis ex Acuminibus. * Au rapport de Pline, les annales font foi qu'au moyen de certains sacrifices, et de certains formules, on peut forcer la foudre à descendre, ou du moin l'obtenir du ciel. Une ancienne tradition porte que cela a été pratiqué en Etrurie chez les Volsiniens, à l'occasion d'un monstre nommé Volta, qui, après avoir ravagé la campagne, étoit entré dans leur ville, et que ce fut leur proprerio, Porsenna, qui fit tomber sur ce monstre le feu du ciel. Lucius Pison, écrivain d'un grand poids, décrit au premier volume de ses annales, qu'avant Porsenna, Numa Pompilius avoit fait souvent la même chose ; et que, pour s'être écarté du rit prescrit dans l'imitation de cette pratique mystérieuse. Tullus Hostilius fut lui-même foudroyé parmi les bois sacrés, comme de nos jours M. Richmann l'a été à Petersbourg, en répétant l'expérience de Marly-la-Ville avec trop peu de précaution. Tite Live rapporte le même fait de Tullus Hostilius. Les anciens avoient admis aussi un Jupiter Elicien, Elicium quoque accepimus Jovem. Jupiter qui, dans d'autres circonstances, étoit appellé Stateur, Tonant, Férétrien, avoit dans cette occasion le nom d'Elicien. Pendant la nuit qui précéda la vic- toire que Posthumius remporta sur les Sabins, les jave- APPENDIX. 267 lots Romains jettoient la même clarté que des flambeaux. 3Lorsque Gylippus alloit à, Syracuse, on vitune flamme gur la lance. Gylippo Syracusa petenti, visa est stella super ipsam lanceam constitisse. In Romanorum castris visa sunt ardere pila, ignibus scilicet in illa delap- sis: qui sæpe, fulminum more, animalia ferire solent et arbusta, sed si minore vi mittuntur, defluunt tantum «et insident, non feriunt nec vulnerant.* Suivant Pro- cope, le ciel favorisa du même prodige le fameux Beli- saire dans la guerre contre les Vandales.f On lit dans Tite-Live, que Lucius Atreus ayant acheté un javelot pour som fils, qui venoit d'être enrólé parmi les soldats, cette arme parut embrasée, et jetta des flammes pendant plus de deux heures sans être consumée par le feu.f Plutarque, dans la vie de Lysandre, parle d'une appa- rence lumineuse qu'on doit rapporter à l'électricité: dans le chapitre trente deuxieme il fait emcore mention de deux faits de cette nature. ** In Siliciâ militibus aliquot spicula, in Sardiniâ muro circumeunti vigilias equiti, Scipionem, quem in manu tenuerat, arsisse, et littora crebris ignibus fulsisse.” Les piques de quelques sol- dats en Sicile, et une canne que portoit à sa main un cavalier, em Sardaigne, parurent em feu. Les cótes fu- rent aussi lumineuses, et brilloient de feux fréquens. Pline a observé le même phénomene. J'ai vu, dit-il, une lumiere sous cette forme, sur les piques des soldats qui étoient em faction la nuit sur les ramparts, vidi noc- turnis militum vigiliis inhærere pilis pro vallo fulgorem effigie ea—hominum quoque capiti vespertinishoris magno præsagio circumfulgent. § Cesar, dans ses Commen- taires, rapporte que pendant la guerre d'Afrique, après * Senec. Natur. Quaest. lib. i. cap. !. + Procop. de Bell. Vandal. lib. ii. cap. 2. f Tite Live, livre xliii. § Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. ii. -. ā 268 APPENDIX. un orage affireux, qui jetta toute l'armée Romaine dans le plus grand désordre, la pointe des dards d'un nombre de soldats brilla d'une lumiere spontanée; phénomene que M. de Courtivron * a appliqué le premier à l'élec- tricité. Rapportonsici tout au long le passage de Cesar. Vers ce temps-la parut dans l'armée de Cesar un phé- moméne extraordinaire, au mois de Fevrier: vers la seconde veille de la nuit il s'eleva subitement un nuage épais, suivi d'une grèle terrible ; et la même muit, les pointes des piques de la cinquième légion parurent s'em- flammer. ** Per id tempus ferè Caesaris exercitui res accidit in- credibilis auditu, nempè vigiliarum signo confecto, cir- citer vigilia secunda noctis, nimbus cum saxea grandine subito est cohortus ingens; eâdem nocte legionis quintae cacumina sua sponte arserunt.*f-—Tous ces faits que nous vemons de tirer des anciens, prouvent qu'om a dit avec raison, que pour juger sainment des ouvrages des an- ciens, il faut penser qu'il y a beaucoup de fabuleux dans leurs histoires, et beaucoup de vérité dans leurs fables; que nous croyons trop facilement les premiers, et que nous n'examinons pas assez les secondes pour entirer les vérités utiles qu'elles renferment. Joignons ici d'autres faits analogues, observés par les modernes, qui tous prouvent l'indentité rigoureuse qui regene le tonnerre et l'électricité. Sur um des bastions du château de Duino, situé dans le Frioul, au bord de la mer Adriatique, il y a, de temps immèmorial, une pique dressèe verticalement la pointe en haut: dans l'été, lorsque le tems paroit tourné à l'orage, le soldat qui monte la garde en cet endroit, examjne le fer de cette pique, en lui présentant de près * IIistoire de 1'Académie, [752, page 10. + Caesaris Comment. de Bello Africano, cap. vi. APPENDIX. 269 le fer d'une hallebarde (brandistoco,) qui est toujours là pour cette èpreuve: et quand il s'appercoit que celui de la pigue étincelle beaucoup, ou qu'il y a à sa pointe une petite gerbe de feu, il sonne une cloche qui est auprès, pour avertir les gens qui travaillent aux champs, ou les pècheurs qui sont en mer, qu'ils sont ménacés du mauvais tems; et sur cet avis tout le monde rentre. La grande ancienneté de cette pratique est prouvée par la tradition constante et unanime du pays, et par une lettre du P. Imperati benedictin, datée de 1602, dans laquelle il dit, en faisant allusion à cet usage des habitans de Duino: “ Igne et hastà hi mire utuntur ad imbres, grandines procellasque praesagiendas, tempore praesertim aestivo.” M. Watson rapporte, dans les Transactions Philoso- phiques, i que, selon plusieurs rélations venues de France, M. Binom, curé de Plauzet, avoit assuré, que pendant vingt-sept ans qu'il y a résidé, les trois pointes de la croix du clocher paroissoient environneis d'un corps de fiamme, dans les grandes tempètes; et que quand ee phénomene s'étoit montré, la tempète n'étoit plus à craindre, le calme succédant aussi-tòt. M. Pacard, secrétaire de la paro- isse du prieuré de la montagne de Breven, vis-à-vis le mont Blanc, faisant creuseur les fondemens d'un chalet qu'il vouloit construire dans les prairies de Plianpra, il survint un violentorage, pendant lequel il seréfugia sous un rocher peu éloigné, et il vit le feu electrique tomber à plusieurs reprises sur la tète d'un grand levier de fer planté en terre qu'il avoit laissé en se retirant.f Si on montesur la cime d'une montagne, on pourra ètre electrisé dans certaines circonstances immédiatement, et sans ap- º Lettera di Gio. Fortunato Bianchini. dott. medic. intorno un nuovo fenomeno elettrico, all. Acad. R. di Secinze di Parigi, 1758. Memoires de l'Académie des Sciences, 1764, page 408, et suiv. i Transactions Philosophiques, tom. xlviii. partie 1, page 210. i Voyage dans les Alpes, &c. tom. ii, p. 56. 27Os APPENDIX. pareil par une nuée orageuse, comme le sont les pointes des girouttes et des mâts, c'est ce qu'ont éprouvé en 1767, M. M. Pictet, de Saussure et Jallabert, fils, sur la cîme du Breven. Le premier de ces sçavans, à mesure qu'il marquoit sur son plan la position de quelque montagne, en demandoit le nom aux guides qu'on avoit pris, et pour la leur désigner, il la montroit du doigt en élevant la main. * Il s'appercut que chaque fois qu'il faisoit ce geste, il sentoit au bout de son doigt une espece de frémissement, ou de picotement, semblable à celui qu'on epreuve lors- que l'on s'approche d'un globe de verre fortement élec- trisé." L'electricité d'un nuage orageux, qui étoit vis-à- vis fut la cause de cette sensation. L'effet fut le même sur les compagnons et les guides du voyage; et la force de l'electricité augmentant bientôt la sensation produite par l'electricité, devint à chaque instant plus vive, elle étoit même accompagnée d'un espece de sifflement. M. Tal- lebert, qui avoit un galon à son chapeau, entendoit au tour sa tête un bourdonnement effrayant, que les autres personnes entendirent aussi quand elles mirent ce même chapeau sur les têtes. W On tiroit des etincelles du bouton d'or de ce chapeau, de même que de la virole de métal d'un grand baton. L'orage pouvant devenir dangereux, on descendit à dix ou douze toises plus bas, où on ne sentit plus d'electricitè. Bientôt après il survint une petite pluie, l'orage se dissipa, et on remonta au sommet, où on ne trouva plus aucun signe d'electricité.*- Berth. Elec. Met. P. S. Mr. Howard mentions a luminous appearance in the clouds, on the 31st March, 1812, as * an exten- sive appearance of light in the clouds to the West, with rapid coruscations passing through them, in the manner of an aurora borealis. This phaenomenon was apparent- * Voyage dans les Alpes, &c. tom. ii. page 55 —Histoire de l'Aca- démie, 1767, page 33. APPENDIX. 271 tuate i truments ºnuºſeAænd asotu ºsº[qeņ933A uo ºsſetuțuy ºuøyw go 88Se38ıq qºtſ AA 1I]S *ºpuſą Kroņeužlyſ go 9oueuedddw 4594 el pue qsuță ºpąoņou sºļoņºottºong ſo ‘ēļaujºsotoſ qeqAA irty minutes. *uututo!) S, onrI aCI Âg ·iºnauonoalq &q suopeoſpui, ºleuauouøbųā Ļeņoſseooo Jðiņo Jo ‘oſeſſ “Suoºņºſ, ºžuļuqqºyſ JeqqaqAA ºo? ºurſe) y so Kuujoys Jaqqaqa 'uºqņeæAA atņ Jo 0oue ſeaddy Ieuauaſo ºpnoÍO Jo suoņeogſpoſºſ șºurogſun 80Aou Jo ‘sºsnÐ ug 8į puțAA 9q) JøqnºqAA * 1949uuoueuv ue ſq pºuquuqayap ‘puțAA aqh go 2010 I ºsuooſteg uļy do spmoto &q uÅouſ ºdoqe 8ļuaianº) Jo suoņ09ațCI ºpuțAA 9113 go uoņoarțCI ºuoņeAxasqO ,seſ ºouſ 8 uºſ ſeg uſe? I go Ángulan@ hich observations on the ºuoņeauesqo ,seſ aouſs toņedodeAg go 899.Jºaq (*8,91ms8neſs) x3) ºugou3&H yoºņeņS It continued twenty or th *dºņaudoueg jo qq$țæH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 1617 is 19 l * 1949ulouunºtſ J, jo qq;äțøH ºuoņeð 198q.O jo eſmių ſu puſe unoſą ºuoņeAxesqO Jo KeōI puſe “qquoſq ºuva x y I refer the reader also to various accounts of the Feux St. Elme, and other curious electrical phaenomena, in Bertholon Elec. Met. above quoted. I subjoin the following plan of a more perfect kind of ly not more elevated then the cloud then occupying the meteorological journal, than I have hitherto observed in sky, and was certainly not produced by a light s Nicholson's Phil. Jour, March 1812. COIIllſºn OI) tº Se II, W below them. of meteorology, &c. should be made several times a day. ~); • *- *** * * yº <}. ExPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Pl, J. Fig. 1. Fig. 8. Pl. II. Fig. 1. . Fig. 2. Fig. 3. *- Fig. 4. Pl. III. Fig. I. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Pl. IV. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Pl. W. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 2. * g Represents a comoid cirrus. This is the variety called the Mare's Tail. - A cirrus lengthened out into a long pointed tail, above it is a long straight Hinear cirrus. Are cumuli; others are seen below them in the distance. Cirrus beginning to change to the cirrocumulus. The cymoid cirrostratus, a stormy feature of the cloud. Nascent cumuli forming in the top of the straius soon after sunrise. A fine thin stratus ascending in the morning. A cirrocumulus. A cirrostratus seen in profile. - A mottled cirrostratus, there is a cirrocumulative tendency in its burred nebeculae. 4. Another long cirrostratus seen in profile in the horizon. Another cirrus figured like the cyma of architecture. Lines of cirrostratus. The same cloud breaking out into cirrocumulus for being influenced by the cumulostratus below. Cumulostratus. Many of the long cirrostrati alight on its summits. A nimbus pouring rain. The cirrose crown. A dense feature of cirrocumulus, often seen before St0rms. Little cumuli entering the storm from below. Pi. VI. (Frontispiece.) Fig. I. A halo. * Fi g. 2. A double halo. - Fig. 3. A discoid or coronoid halo. Pig. 4. A corona or burr. Fig. 5. A parhelion. Fig. 6. A caudate meteor or falling star. THE END, C. Baldwin, Printer, New Bridge-street, London. : ~~~~ ! |-", …’- · ſº: …º.º.º., Z.,|-^ ae ºraz z º.º.º.,,,e^*, º* e *, . -ſae ae.| . . . . . .---|- (~~~~ … ::: ~~~~ · · · - .*ºnºvº º ſº zawaer.|-„aeaeae |.*,,+.* * *^^ ------ -vaevae aer. ||×|-|- ſz: , , , | T.:|- |- |-|- |- | 2 ſae.(. . . .|- |-| . . . . . . | . . . |- |- |× º, ,…ºº^, º aer. non ). | CIRCULATING * ~ --- ---------rºr---- ~- - -- ~~~~ — & $ *t t; liſtſ -- ! i. } | # 3 9015 02802 1163 B518. gº Aſ ' , , , . ■ ■ t. ºA s. 4...).3.5,...),„ſae ►ae