ILLINOIS. STATE LIBRARY, Sfield. Archives division. Ler CATALOG RULES: SERIES for ARCHIVES MATERIAL REVISION NO. 1 Springfield, Illinois, 1939. EDWARD J. HUGHES Secretary of State and State Librarian. Z 695.1 •A6 132 Suppl. And h 6-17-40 Gou lik lef Exer Sepist lebony 613-96 183. REVISION NO. 1. Substitute for Paragraph 183 in the Original Edition (1938) the following: 6. Historical and Bibliographical Cards. Repetition on catalog cards of bibliographical data re- lating to the history of departments involving changes in name, organization, etc. is avoided by the use of History Cards. These History Cards, typed on blue cards to make them stand out in the catalog, are filed in front of the departmental entry cards for the respective departments. ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY CATALOG RULES: SERIES FOR ARCHIVES MATERIAL. a. History cards give the following data: 1) The name of the Elective Officer, Department or Institution in the exact form which is to be used on all main entries, in capitals. 2) Date of creation. 3) Department or Institution which it succeeded. Regulatory laws enforced by courts before the creation of a distinct department should be mentioned. 4) All changes in name (in capitals), with dates. 5) Composition of administering body, number of mem- bers, how appointed or elected, term of office, dates of important changes. 6) Major functions, noting dates of important changes. Sub departments (in capitals), with dates of creation. 7) Date of abolition, reorganization, etc. 8) Name of successor (in capitals) Examples: LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY. Lincoln EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING OF IDIOTS AND FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN IN THE STATE OF ILLI- NOIS. Jacksonville. Operated by board of trustees 1865. FOU ซ 1871. 1875. 1877. 1909. 1917. 1885. 1903. of Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. 1907. ILLINOIS INSTITUTION FOR THE EDUCATION OF FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN. Successor to EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL operated by School for the Deaf. 3 trustees, appointed by governor. 6 year terms Appropriation for new building and site. Located at Lincoln. ILLINOIS ASYLUM FOR FEEBLE- MINDED CHILDREN. LIVE STOCK COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF Trustees abolished. Governed by Board of Administration. Name changed to LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY. Board of Administration abolish- ed. Powers and duties to De- partment of Public Welfare. Created. 3 live stock commissioners, appointed by governor, 3 year terms. STATE VETERINARIAN, appointed by governor, to carry out or- ders of the Board. Duty: "To cause to be investime gated any and all cases... of contagious or infectious diseases among domestic ani- mals, and to provide for the extirpation thereof." Power to quarantine or order destruction of animals. Bangl Board to appoint BOARD OF VETERINARY EXAMINERS and license veterinarians. Inspection and condemnation of meat and meat products unfit for human food. $ b. C. d. 1907. 1917. Build and manage STATE BIOLO- GICAL LABORATORY. Enforce laws relating to con- tagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals. Abolished by Civil Administra- tive Code. Duties with re- spect to license of veterinarians to DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION. Important divisions under a major department should have separate History Cards. Private institutions which later were taken over as governmental institutions should also have History Cards. Differentiate private institutions from .public institutions by capitalizing initial letters only of the words forming the name of the private in- stitution. Example: Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago. Private institution prior to 1871. 1867, 1869. State appropriations for treatment of state charitable patients. 1871 buildings destroyed by Chicago fire. Site deeded to State. State created EYE AND EAR INFIRMA- RY OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CHARITABLE Explanatory cross reference cards should be made from early names of the department not used for the main entry, also from headings under which the catalog user might look for the department. Examples: EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING OF ODIOTS AND FEEBLE- MINDED CHILDREN IN THE STATE OF ILLI- NOIS. 1865-71. See present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY IDIOTS AND FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN, EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING OF. Jacksonville · 4 e. 1865-71 see present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY. Lincoln http FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN, EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING OF IDIOTS AND. Jacksonville. 1865- 71. See present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY SCHOOL FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND TRAIN- ING OF IDIOTS AND FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, EXPERIMENTAL. Jacksonville. 1865-71. see present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY. Lincoln FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN ILLINOIS INSTI- TUTION FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE. Jacksonville. 1871-77. see present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN, ILLINOIS ASYLUM FOR. 1877-1909 see present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN, ILLINOIS ASY- LUM FOR. 1877-1909 see present name LINCOLN STATE SCHOOL AND COLONY. Examples: The name of an institution or a department may not suggest its work. General subject reference cards, also blue, refer the catalog user to institutions or de- partments dealing with those subjects. Insane hospitals see JACKSONVILLE STATE HOSPITAL ELGIN STATE HOSPITAL ANNA STATE HOSPITAL Date Established 1847 1869 1871 1877 KANKAKEE STATE HOSPITAL CHESTER STATE HOSPITAL (for Criminal Insane) Tone Domingue QARSELÜ 1889 G PEORIA STATE HOSPITAL (for Incurable Insane) WATERTOWN STATE HOSPITAL CHICAGO STATE HOSPITAL AT DUNNING ALTON STATE HOSPITAL Banks 1895 1895 1911 1911 1851-65 supervised by BANK COMMISSIONERS 1865-- supervised by AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Election Returns, Canvass of (Other than by State Canvassing Board). Under Constitution of 1870. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, Attorney General, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Treasurer. Canvass of returns and contests settled by General Assembly. Constitution Art. V Sect.3 see also Election Contests. Correctional Institutions see names of individual institutions, as GIRLS, STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR, AT GENEVA PENITENTIARY, ILLINOIS STATE, AT JOLIET PENITENTIARY, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS REFORMATORY, STATE ST. CHARLES SCHOOL FOR BOYS f. Main entry should be under the name of the institution, not that of the governing board, which may reorganized, be abolished or succeeded by some other board, without affecting the entity of the institution or its records. General reference cards, also blue, should be made from the name of the governing board, if at all distinctive, to the name of the institution. Examples: AGRICULTURE, STATE BOARD OF Conducted business of, and for records pertaining to, see AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF, 1871-1917 g. EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, BOARD OF see NORMAL UNIVERSITY, ILLINOIS STATE. Normal. Title of Board of trustees for the ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY, 1857-1917 Abolished 1917. Powers and duties to DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION. Historical notes relating to subjects, functions and other governmental items likely to be sought in the catalog or frequently asked for in reference work can be brought out in these general historical cards. Examples: Flag, State. 1915 created. Description (Laws 1915 p.445): "The reproduction of the emblem only on the 'great seal of the State of Illinois be authorized and permitted when reproduced in black or in the National colors upon a white sheet or background for use as a State banner or insignia." Flower, State The native violet. See Laws 1907/08 p.98. Illinois and Michigan Canal. 1822. 1825. 1826. U.S. donated land in aid of Illinois and Michigan Canal Company. Charter repealed 1826 Governor authorized to negotiate loan for building canal. 1829-33. BOARD OF CANAL COMMISSIONERS. 1833. Board abolished. AUDITOR, ATTORNEY GENERAL AND TREASURER to settle accounts. 1835-43. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. 1843-71. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. 1 1871. CANAL COMMISSIONERS to close trust, take charge of and exercise full control over the canal. 1881. Chicago sewage into Illinois and Michigan canal, 1882. People voted to cede canal to U.S. Not accepted. : 1887. Locks and dams in Illinois river ceded to U.S. 1889. Act ceding canal to U.S. repealed. Dams at Henry and Copperas Creek ceded to U.S. on condition of removal. If not accepted within four years Canal Commissioners to remove dams.. Sanitary districts authorized. Deepening of channel of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers. 1903. Chicago sanitary district en- larged. 1913. Commission on building locks at Lockport connecting the Illinois and Michigan canal with the Sanitary district canal and fill- ing in Illinois and Michigan canal from Lockport to Chicago. Canal not subject to Rivers and Canals Commission. 1917. CANAL COMMISSIONERS abolished by Civil Administrative Code. Powers and duties to DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS. 1925-33. Under DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES AND CONSTRUCTION. 1933. Returned to 1935. Returned to jurisdiction of DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS. Abandoned as canal. Canal and 90 foot strip made a State park. HOTEL INSPECTOR, STATE see HEALTH, STATE BOARD OF. Lodging inspection. Insurance Regulation Under 1851-93. AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1893-1917. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT 1917-33. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE. 1933-- DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE.