B 1.001561 ſ \ GIF"I" OF GEORGE C. MAHON, Esq. to THE LIBRARY of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Z. 797 LoGUE – catalogue ºf VALUABLE LIBRARY of the late REV. JAMES H. TODD, D.D. S.F.T.C.D. Ex-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL. IRISH ACADEMY, PRECENToR or sAINT PATRICKs's cathedral, Etc., etc. COM-PRISING àciett 25iblical ſliterature; the i)istorp, 2ntiquitieg, and 3Language of jrciant ; - MISC E L L A NEA, --- EMBRACING MANY WORKS OF - RARITY, WITH COPIOUS MANUSCRIPT ANNOTATIONS: and an important collection or 39atristic, jrigſ), and other ºanuscripts ON VELLUM AND PAPER ; (Lo be #Polt by 2(uction - JOHN FLEMING JONES, AT HIS LITE RA R Y SAL E R O O M S, No. 8, D'O LIER STREET, BY ORDER OF THE ExecutoRs, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1869, And Five following days, commencing each day at One o'clock. DUBLIN : MDCCCLXix. C O N D IT I O N S OF S A. L. E . Uſermg (Tagſ). I.—The Highest Bidder will be declared the Buyer, but if any dispute should arise, the Lot must be put up again. II.-No bidding to be less than three-pence—after the Lot has risen to ten shillings, six-pence—after one pound, one shilling—and so on in proportion. III.-Every Purchaser to deposit Five Shillings in the Pound, as earnest in part payment, or the full amount if required. IV.-Such Books as may be left on hands by the non-perform- ance of these conditions will, on the expiration of two days from the close of this sale, be resold, with loss of deposit, and the expense of such re-sale be recoverable from the defaulter. W.—The Books are presumed to be perfect, but if, on examination before removal, any should prove imperfect, the purchaser shall be at liberty to take or reject them. tº Gentlemen who cannot attend the sale may have their Conumissions faithfully executed by the Auctioneer, if sent previous to one o'clock each day. CATALOGUE of The LIBRARY OF THE LATE REW, DR, TODD, S.F.T.C.D. THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, Erc, ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. 00TAVO ET INFRA. 37- 1 Alexander on Prophecies of Isaiah Glas. 1sº *2– º º 2 Alber, (Joan. Nep.) Interpretatio Sacrae Scripturae per omnes vo.2° /º et Nov. Test. libros, 16 vols. Pesthini 1801- %. 2.ºf- This is an Hermeneutic and Exegetical Commentary, undertaken in 1790, in conformity with the Canon of the Council of Trent, “ Ut Scriptura Sacra, quae Fons omnis et salutaris Veritatis, et Morum Discipli- nae sit, non tantum discatur, verum etiam ediscatura Clericis,” and by desire of the Primate of Hungary, who required the Regius Professor of Theo- logy to prepare it for Divinity students. At the time that post was filled by the author, and, after ten years of laborious toil, he produced his first volume, having during that period perused all the Commentaries and Homilies of the Fathers of the Church upon the Scriptures, whose iden- - tical words, whenever it was possible, are introduced and mingled with his own. The book is but little known in this country, though much esteemed in its own. Zºn 2/ o/o 3 American Biblical Repository, first, second, and third series,” o/woº | - 36 vols. half bound Andover and New York 1831-47 - // - 4 Aureoli Breviarium Bibliorum, 1647; The Apocalypse Revealed, Aº- , , , 1857; Anthems, by Jellett, 1821 (3) /cºa, cºy 4. 5 Archer (Rev. James,) Sermons, 4 vols. Lon. 17852 aAve - 6 Bardwell on Temples Ancient and Modern, or Notes on Church M o Ž º 7// Architecture, plates ib. 1837, +2- 2 ſº% - A copy selected for Dr. Todd by the author, MS. note. 2 <^* vº!, º 8 Barrow on the Pope's Supremacy; Barwick’s Treatise on the Ž 04/ % 7 Barrow (Isaac,) Whole Works, 3 vols. Lon. 1847 4.aſ a % } / . Church; Bisse's Beauties of Holiness in the C. Prayer (3) 2- ' ' '-9 Bates Lectures on Ecclesiastical History Lon. 1844 /3 or */ 10 Barlow (Bishop,) Genuine Remains ib. 1693 A 2/ 11 Bassett (Joshua,) Essay towards a Proposal for Catholick Com- Ž. ºn- - ib. 1705/7 //? z Inunloll 1D. 1 a 7. “% With a long bibliographical note by the late owner. 1 2 THEOLOGY. /- ') 12 Beaven's Life of St. Irenaeus Lon. isſiº _2 - 3 13 Religious Celibacy, Tracts (3) ib. IS41/92/ 2_/y 14 Bedae (Ven.) Epistolae Duae, illust. Waraco . Dub. 1664 - 15 Beelen Chrestomathia Rabbinica et Chaldaica, 3 vols. half - /6/. 777.07"Occo Lovan. 1841 ºwſ, 2 * 16 Bellett's Parochial Sermons Lon. n. d. c 2. * º 17 Ben-Ezra on the Coming of Messiah, translated by Rev. Edward -, % Irving, 2 vols. ib. 1827-4 Tº - 18 Bengelius’ Introduction to the Apocalypse, and Ordo Temporum, / º % &c. (3) T'ſ tº £aſ. /~/.19 Bentley's Works, edited by Dyce, 3 vols. Lon. 1836°/ct ſº 0 Berington and Kirk's Faith of Catholics, revised by Waterworth,” ſºn, ſº / //0 3 vols. ib. 1846 o / 21 Berruyer (I. J. Soc. J.) Histoire du Peuple de Dieu, jusqu’à la - Naissance du Messie.—Histoire depuis la Naissance duº, 3 /{ Messie, jusqu'à la fin de la Synagogue; in all 18 vols. Yº k R / Paris, 1742), TN. “Cette histoire, mélée de traits singuliers et brillans, &crite avec chaleur et avec 6légance, tissue avec art, semée de reflexions très judi- - cieuses, est une preuve que Berruyer &tait né avec beaucoup d'esprit.”— FELLER. - His writings were condemned by the Pope on account of their too liberal º sentiments. - 3 ſ: BIBLE, revised by Robert Young Edin. isºs 3.4 º 37. 23 Bible, interleaved with MS. notes, 2 vols. ib. 1830. - º % * ºr 24 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, a Frey, 2 vols. scored russia / Lon. 1812 Dublin University Prize for Hebrew in 1826 to the late owner. A A 25 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, V. Hooght ib. 1823. 2% º/-º ºlia Hebraica, idem, russia extra ib. issiº, ºr 27 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, ediderunt Doederlein et Meisner r 3 Lips. º, , , 728 Biblia Hebraica, Bagster's Polyglot with English, morocco Woº, º 5 vols, calf Bielefeld 1847-9 jºr 30 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, Simonis cura, interleaved with /3% Lon. 1828– ". %29 Biblia Hebraica, etc. Polyglotten-Bibel, von Stier und Theile, , / 7/7 /ø/ - MS. notes, in 5 vols. Hale 17676?º, , 31 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, Jahn, 4 v. Wien. 1806 (º. // 32 Biblia Latina, sittis Gothitis 1 Yona - Impres, per M. Jacobum Sachon 1511 y OCTAVO. 3 'ſ ---- - - /* - 33 Biblia Graeca, Tischendorf, 2 vols. Lips. 1850ſ?- zºyl) 34 Bible—Discours Historique sur les Bibles Polyglottes, rare / 2 - p. 3/3 alſº 35 Biel, Lexicon in Lxx et alios Interpretes, et Scriptores Apocry- / p 2 p pocry phos, 3 vols. Hag. Com. ; "| 4 ºy 36 Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church, 9 vols. in 8 - /º. ... .ºz. 2. ſ 37 Blaney, Pentateuchus Hebr.-Samarit. Oxon. 1790% % 38 Bosworth's Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, in parallel columns, ſº /º- with the Versions of Wycliff and Tyndale Lon. 1865 % º 39 Book of Common Prayer, bordered with cuts from Old Masters? // - - - - % ºwn Pickering, ib. 1853 - / / 40 Book of Common Prayer in Greek, Holy Bible, and Boys’ Key / ſ ^2 to the Psalms (3) ^^24, 47//% 41 Bossuet, ses (Euvres revues, 43 vols.; Histoire de Bossuet, par Q V M. le Cardinal De Bausset, 4 vols., in all 47 vols., neauvº. //wo half bound, 8vo. Versailles 1815-19 - “In all French literature there is nothing finer than the writings of |. - Bossuet and Fenelon.—Charles Butler. 2. ! // 42 Bowden's Life of Gregory VII 2 vols. Lon. 1840.0/~~ % 43 Breviarium Romanum, $ºiteris Gothitis, rub. et nig. ~// - { Jehan Petit, Paris 1531. . / */ 44 Brevint on the Roman Mass oxf 18472/ ſ/e 45 Brevint's Saul and Samuel at Endor, and The Mass Explained, ºº, ‘º */ 2 vols. ib, tºº/* % 45*Brett's Collection of Liturgies Lon. 17 20% a A.ſº % 46 Brett on the Eucharist, on Church Government, and º ºn Z Bibliotheca Parochialis (3) & ! … º! // 47 British Critic, (The) 14 nos. 1838-3 ºnV- / /d/ 48 British Magazine, (The) vol. 1 to 36, and Index in manuscript, 2. * - % 3 vols. Lon. 1832–49. % 49 British Magazine, duplicate, 36 vols. 1832–49 &º 2/ 50 same, wanting vol. 28 1832–49 £º 372 51 same, wanting 7 vols. 1833–49 ſº % /(3 52 Bull (Bishop,) Sermons and Life, 4 vols. Lon. 1713 % º Burnet on the Articles, by Page ib. 1837 ºzºl, ºf 54 Burgh on the Book of Revelation Dub. 1839. Sº Glasg. 1824 T \\ 55 Butler's Analogy of Religion, with MS. notes by Dr. Todd ſº*/ - - 1* 4 THEOLOGY. $º ſt 56 Butler's Analogy, by Bp. Fitzgerald Lon. 1860 § nºva-L //~57 Butler's (W. Archer) Reply to Dr. Newman on the Development of Christian Doctrine Dub. 1850 | - // owº 58 Butler's Lives of the Saints, 4 vols. ib. 1833 2. 59 Buxtorfii Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, Glasg. 1824.— / , º, Catalecta.-De Epistolis Hebraicis conscrib. (3) (, zaſ. 260 Bythneri Lyra Davidis Glas. 1823 30, * / 1 Calendar of the Prayer-Book, illustrated, and the chief Christian * 1: Emblems from Early Monuments, plates Oxf. 1866 // fºſſ. Calamy's Life and Times, 2 vols. Lon. 1830 - 3 Calvini in N. Testamentum Commentarii, cura Tholuck, 7 vols. 4. º Berol. 1833 27 sº Calvini Institutio Christ. Religionis ib. 1834 J’ - 65 Cardwell's Annals of the Reformed Church of England, 2 vols. /3 ſº º Oxf. 1839 6 2 - f ^2/r, an ** Cardwell's History of Conferences on the Book of Common Prayer ib. 1840 !, 67 Postils, by R. Taverner ib. 1841 2 *kºº Rabbinica, a Millio, 2 vols. Traj. 1728 º 9 Cave on Ancient Church Government; The Catechist's Manual; *_2^^^_tº ſº Cecil's Remains (3) /9 tº 2–70 Chiarini, Theorie du Judaisme, 2 vols. Paris 1830 34%7…a ºžl Choralist (The), St. Columba Chants, 4 vols. V. y. 2 on- 2 Christian Remembrancer (The), 58 nos. Lon. 1854-68 /202 ºv)73 D. Clementis Romani Opera Paris 1568 - 2–74 Clarke's Ante-Nicene Library—Translations of the Fathers down ſº /~ to A.D. 325, vol. 1 to 12 Edin. 1867-9 4 2 º' 5 Concilium Ecclesiae Militantis super Veritate divinissimi Eucha- cº 2 * ristiae Sacramenti, Authore Benedicto Verniero Paris 1554 do Zawºda 76 Conybeare's (W. D.) Bampton Lectures Oxf. 1839 * 2:42 Zºº;Courayer on English Ordinations ib. 1844 º 78 Courayer, a duplicate, 1725; Conybeare on Revealed Religion; * Clarke on the Attributes, &c. (6) . zlºw oº) 79 Cotton's List of the Editions of the Bible in English Oxf. 1821 2, Q º, 80 Cotton's Memoir of a French New Testament, in which the Mass tº and Purgatory are found in the sacred text Lon. 1863 Jº (2a 81 Cranmer's (Archb.) Catechism Oxf. 1829 4- a 200 82 Cruden's Concordance to H. S. Lon. 1836 £d, a yº Davidson on Biblical Criticism Edin. 1859 - 4: % - V. º - - OCTA.W.O. *z a a-2 /2. º %. > à, isco //cº * // % 87 De Burgh's Commentary on the Book of Psalms, 2 vols. ib. 1860 2/ 88 De Rossi, la Vana Aspettazione del Messia; Deacon's View of fºo) % 2/% 84 Davison's Discourses on Prophecy Oxf. 1s54%% A. 2% 85 Danki Historia Revelationis Divinae Veteris Testamenti /32 - 77. º Viºl: ; % // 86 De Burgh's Exposition of Revelation Dub. 1857 - 86*De Burgh's Donnellan Lectures ib. 1853 /* @ º - Christianity ; Defense des Peres sur le Retour futur 22, , , is º d'Elie, &c. (4) /? / 89 De Wette's Introduction to the Old Testament, by Parker, 2 wº r 2 Bost. 1850 - (0/90 De Wette's Introduction to the New Testament ib. jºa ſº * * ºn 91 Dobbin on the Codex Montfortianus Lon. 1854 %20ow €3 ney, 5 vols. ib. 1839 f - A Charles Dodd is only a fictitious name, which Mr. Tierney, the ºfºre 6.A. of this edition, seems to have been ignorant of. The author's real nam - 1A was Hugh Tootle.—MS. note. t 92 Dodd's Church History of England, with continuation by Tier- / //// y » y /3 07 - 2/% 93 Dodwell's (Henry) Works, with his Life by Brokesby, 19 vºl. 2^2/4.) - in all Lon. 1681-1715 . - 2 94 Doddridge's Family Expositor, 6 vols. ib. 1811 %22%. - 95 Doney, Catechisme du Concile de Trente, avec des notes, 2 tom. 72 Dijon ...”. _%/ 96 Dowling, Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum Veteris Ecclesiae */ Oxon, 1839 - 2// 97 Dowling's Introd. to Ecclesiastical History Lon. 1838 / 2.24/44 /3 98 Dowling's Sermons at Gloucester ib. 1841-? 64. 7./99 D'Oyly's Life of Archbishop Sancroft, 2 v. ib. 1821 % 2101 Du Moulin, Anatomie de la Messe, 2 vols. Sedan 1636 4// 102 Ecclesiastic (The), and Theologian, 7 vols. Lon. ;4 ſº % 103 Enchiridion Theologicum, 2 vols. Oxf 1812?(22°, 104 Englishman's (The) Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance, 2 vols. a /, ^^_^, 5% Lon. 184 º 3// 105 Ennodii Episcopi Opera, cum notis J. Sirmondi, morocco 20M/ 44 % Pari aris 1611 3. % 106 Etheridge's Targums Translated Lon. 1862 cº / 107 Explications des Principales Propheties, par Joubert, 5 vols.A. 2 2A º Avignon 1749 - 108 Faber's Sacred Calendar of Prophecy, 3 vols. Lon. 1828 غ ſ/ 2. 6 THEOLOGY. - º ſº, ºr 7 109 Faber on the Seventy Weeks; Advice on the Study of Diviz, ſº ºwº nity; Fleury Catechisme Historique (3) W. º 00 / 2/ 110 Fabricii Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, 2 vols. º */ nº - Hamb. 1703 ! /3 ^ 111 Fallow on Baptismal Offices Lon. 1838 -/ º & 112 Febronius (his real name, Jean Nicolas de Hontheim) Traite du 0° D Gouvernement de l'Eglise, 3 v. Venise 1767 / / 113 Fenelon, ses (Euvres, Correspondence, Histoire de Fenelon pºly dºnºſ, 4. 7 O De Bausset, avec supplement par Tabaraud, 39 vols. - Versailles 1820-2 º, , - Neatly half bound, uniform with Bossuet, No. 41. º ( 1, rendon. Opuscules Inédits pºi, issoſºſ" //2,115 Feri Comment. in S. Matthaeum Lugd. 1562 ºr 4 116 Ferne on the Reformation Lon. 1655 ºf - /47, 117 Flavel's Whole Works, calf, gilt ib. 1820ſovº. , ſ/ 118 Fleury, Histoire Ecclesiastique, 6 vols. Paris 1840 Goºd ſº, 119 Formularies of Faith, temp. Henry VIII. Oxf. 1825.4 - * //. 120 Forster's Gospel Narrative - - - Lon. 1845 /30ºr. º 121 Franck, La Kabbale, ou La Philosophie Religieuse des Hebreux / * l 7% pºisºthºlº 122 France, Memoires Historiques sur les Affaires Ecclesiastiques tº Z f //) de France, pendant les premières années du 19me siecle, 3 vols. ib. ::/ ſ ^2/ 123 Freeman's Principles of Divine Service, 2 vols. Oxf. 1855–7/62 º/ 3, 124 Frey's Joseph and Benjamin, 2 vols. N. York 1837 /* ſ ~~~ ‘ī; Froude's (R.H.) Remains, 2 vols. Lon. 1838 ' . .3 * 126 Fry on the Catholic Church Hobart Town 1843 6 º * 128 Fürst (Dr. Julius) Hebräisches und Chaldaisches Handwórter- º 7 - buch, 2 v. - Leipzig 1857 - 129 Fürst's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, translated by Davidson?”, (. º/, 127 Fuller's Church History, 3 v. Lon. 1837 ſº % ^3 . ib. 1867 1, /37 130 Fürst, Bibliotheca Judaica, 3 v. ib. 1849-632, a º 131 Funeral of the Mass; Festa Anglo-Romana; Fogg Theologi / ſ Speculative Schema (3) % tº aſ 2%. 132 Genesis, Hebrew-English Bagster, Lon. #ſº 2 133 Genesis in Hebrew, by Wright ib. 185 nº 2 º º 134 Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon, by Robinson ib. 1855 º, ºn º - º OCTAWO. 7 /a/ 135 Gesenius Der Prophet Jesaia, 3 vols. Leip. 1s232 * Q_ 2 £ow ºf “Admirable volumes, so rich in philological and historical elucidation, and generally so faithful in giving the genuine sense of the words, how- ever adverse they may be to his own theory of the prophetic character.”— z/ Smith's Messiah. 2^ 0^2 º 136 Geijer, Israelitisches Gebetbuch Breslau 1854'''“. . º. 7 * 137 Geddes' Tracts against Popery, 2 vols. Lon. 1715?? 70 v.2.0 ſ: Gibbings on Roman Forgeries Dub. 1842 // 7/º 139 Gieseler, Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte, 3 in 6 vols. ) º Bonn 1831-40 * // 4% 140 Gieseler's Text Book of Ecclesiastical History, by Cunningham, / 2 - 3 vols. Philad, 1836%, ’ºn, º/ 141 Ginsburg's Essay on the Kabbalah Lon. 1865/* UM / 142 Glaire, Dictionnaire Universel des Sciences Ecclesiastiques, º_A^ ºf /º 2 vols. Paris 1868 “In this edition a much more luminous and satisfactory view of Bibli- cal Criticism is given. The author's own edition must be consulted for his religious views; while the improved one by Dathe and Bauer will be found more suited to the present state of Biblical Criticism.”—Orme. 2./ 143 Glassii Philologia Sacra, a Dathio, 4 in 3 vols, Lips. 1786 /?, ºff| * /// 150 Griselini Vita del F. Paolo Servita; Groneman Diatribe in Wicliffi vitam; Gerard on Biblical Criticism, &c. (4) / º 3% 151 Gude and Godlie Ballates Edin. 1868 152 Hall's (Bishop) Works and Life, with considerable ...alſº 12 vols. Oxf. 1837 0. º º / “Bp. Hall may be fearlessly named among the best and holiest persons / / ſº that any age or country has produced. . . . Hall's fund of general litera- ture was extensive; his biblical learning admirable: but it is for his practical and devotional works, including, especially, his contemplations and sermons, that he will continue to be read with profit, and remembered with grateful veneration. Feeling, earnestness,-above all, a truly catholic spirit, unconfined by any limits narrower than those of substan- / 3%% 144 Gousset, Theologie Dogmatique, 2 vols. Paris 1850 2 / . . 4%. 145 Grant's Bampton Lectures - Lon. 1845 ° 22 tº 24 / ºf 147 Greswell Fasti Temporis Catholici, et Origines Kalendariae, ºf //%º cum figuris, with Supplement and General Tables, 6 vols. Oxf. 1852 | - // 148 Gresswell's Dissertations on a Harmony of the Gospels, 3 vols. º - ib. 1830 149 Gresswell, Harmonia Evangelica ib. 1830 ºt - º “The Harmony, together with the Dissertations, will enable the critical student to make himself master of the whole range of inquiry relating to the i. of º: i. * and the structure and f composition of the Gospels.”—Eclectic Review. º gº TheologY. ºf 204 iss Mºſ 155 156 6, owfºº) ºf , , , 158 ºf 6 159 Øv-w649-160 1 º, ºnló J tº wº 2. ºf ſºvº º fºotnº. 164 º * 155 166 ſº ...?. 67 yºff168 Herzog (J. J.), Das Leben Johannes Oekolampads und die Re- formation der Kirche zu Basel, 2 vols. Basil 1843 / */ , 169 Hey's Lectures in Divinity, 4 vols. Camb. 1822 / k’o, tº 170 Hickes' (Geo. D. D.) Works, 8 vols. Lon. 1705-13 - 13a. ſº 171 Hirtii Biblia Ebraica Analytica Jena 1769 ºrſ. 172 Histoire Ecclesiastique pendant le xviii. Siecle, par Picot, ſº ºr ** vols. Paris 1815 % ſ uſ-4 v. 173 Hildrop's Treatise of the Three Evils of the Last Times / Lon. 1711 ſ) ſ loº ^ 174 Jaſºns ſº its ſº 177 lºowoº 178 179 154 Hagenbach (K. R.) Encyklopaedie und Methodologie der Theo- º º “ Homilies temp. Eliz. (3) tial Christian truth, constitute the basis of their popularity.”—Cattermole's Church of England Literature. Haag, (Eug.) Histoire des Dogmes Chretiens, 2 vols. Paris 1862 2/| logischen Wissenchaften Leip. 1861, i. Håvernick (H. A. C.) Handbuch der Historisch-Kritischen Ein- / f leitung in das Alte Testament, vol. 1 in 2 parts Erlang. 1836-7 2 Håvernick, Commentar über Ezechiel ib. 1843 / Băvernick's Introduction to the Pentateuch Edin. 1850 // 3 Håvernick’s Introduction to the Old Testament ib. 1852 ºf / Haymonis Comment. in Apocalypsim Colon. 1529 ſt Hebrew Bible, Van der Hooght, 4 vols. Lips. 1861 /// Hebrew New Testament Lon. 1821 3 Hebrew Common Prayer, morocco ib. 1836 % Herder, Histoire de la Poesie des Hebreux, trad. par De Car- / ſ lowitz Paris 1845 / Herder, Geist der Ebraischen Poesie, 2 vols. Leip. 1825 2/, Hermant, Histoire des Conciles, 4 vols. Rouen 1715 % Heidegger (J. H.) Concilii Tridentini Anatome Historico-Theo- logica, 2 vols. Tiguri 1672 Hengstenberg on the Revelation, 2 v. Edin. 1851 Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church, with translation by / % Thorpe, 11 parts Lon. 1843-6 y Hoffman (A. G.) Das Buch Henoch, 2 vols. Jena 1833 3 / Hook, (Dean) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, both , , , , series, 7 vols. (wants vol. 2 of the first) Lon. 1860-68 % Horsley's (Bishop) Sermons, complete ib. 1839 - Horne's Introduction to the Scriptures, 4 vols. ib. 1828 Howel's History of the Pontificate; Hody on the Resurrection; º º OCTA.W.O. 9 */ 180 Hug's Introduction to the Writings of the New Testament, w/Jyuuº 2 . Wait, 2 vols. Lon. 1827 7 ſ 181 Hurd's Sermons on Prophecies, 2 vols.; Index to the Sermons /3, º ºf / published since the Restoration (3) ſ - /h 182 Herbert (A.) Cyclops Christianus Lon. 1849 kº ^ 3 ºf 1/3 183 Index Expurgatorius of Rome, by Gibbings Dub. 18370 × 77 184 Irenaei Sancti Opera Omnia, edidit A. Stieren, Gr. et Lat., p - / u 2 vols. Lips. 1853 0 0 wº) ſ185 Irenaei Fragmenta Anecdota Hag. Com. 1715 * /* ſ 186 Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 3 vols. and 6 numbers Dub. 1866-8 %.ſ ". 7//, 187 Ittigius de Bibliothecis Patrum Lips. 1707 /* 7 188 Jacob Ben Chajim's Introduction to the Rabbinic Bible, - 3, Hebrew and English, by Ginsburg Lon. º: 6 'yº k f// 189 Jackson's (Thomas, D.D.) Works, 12 vols. Oxf. isſiºnſ? ſ 190 Jackson, a Synoptical Table of same Lon. 1838 & º ſº 91 Jahn's Biblical Archaeology Andover 1832 /30, º). 5 /. 192 Jahn's Introduction to the Old Testament N. York 1827C2-ya WY - 193 James (Thomas) on the Corruption of Scripture, Councils, and ſº º / Fathers Lon. 1688 * (0^+.) 194 James, Bellum Papale ib. 1678 // an Dr. James was a Wykehamist, and one of the most eminent bibliogra- / phers of the seventeenth century, as well as one of the greatest polemics | of his day. This little book was occasioned by his finding in the Bodleian, of which he was the first librarian, the editions of the Vulgate of 1590 and of 1592; the former, though corrected, sheet by sheet, by Pius V. himself, and protected from alteration by sentence of excommunication upon the delinquent, exhibiting upwards of 2000 slips of printed correc- /T tions, pasted over as many passages by order of Clement VIII., who reprinted the Vulgate, thus corrected, in 1592. % 195 Jebb (R.) Case of Bishop Hampden Lon. 1849 / 197 Jebb's Divine Economy of the Church ib. 1840 198 Jellett (F.T.C.D.) on Moral Difficulties of the Old Testament º Dub. 1867 %* 199 Jesuites, La Morale des, par Nic. Perrault, 3 vols. Mons 1702 uſAſ)) 24 ſ 200 Jonas Illustratus, cura Frid. Alb. Christiani Lips. 1683 /3ow/ / - % 201 Jonas the Prophete, by William Tyndale, in facsimile, with in- - troduction by F. Fry Lon. 1863 (22. - 196 Jebb (John) on the Psalms, 2 vols. ib. 1846 l/º t - /202 Jones (William). Theological and Miscellaneous Works, with %ſ his Life by Steevens, 6 vols. ib. 1826??” / % 203 Journal of Sacred Literature, 24 numbers consecutive ib. 1862-8 O / %º Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, No. 1 to 11 ºn cºmi, 1854.s. 2 10 THEOLOGY. ! 2, wººz05. Justini Martyris Opera, edidit J. C. Otto, Gr. et Lat., 3 in 2 / 3 / t vols. Jenae 1847 ) |Yvº | | 206 Justorum Semita, or the Path of the Just; Saints' Days and 3 Lives, 2 vols. Edin. Isis "ſº ºw tºº?07 Kauffer (J. E. R.) de Biblica Notione Zofi Aloua, Dresd. 1838 ſ J Kłowº*) 208 Kearnaei (Barnabaei Hiberni) Heliotropium, sive Conciones de * Mysteriis Paris 1633 / - j/c,ºf 209 Keith (Rt. Rev. Rob.) Historical Catalogue of the Scottish / t | Bishops to 1688, continued by Russel, hf. rus. Edin. 1824 J } , w/º: ! U1910 Kennicott (B.) Dissert, super Ratione Textus Hebraici Vet. (ſ | Test.: Collation of MSS., and two Dissertations, 4 vls. v. y. Ørw º Kimchi's Comment. upon Zechariah Lon. 1837 3 3 Qua P. 2 CA212 Kirschii Chrestomathia Syriaca Lips. 1836 | 213 Kitto (John) Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature, edited by Alex- % ºf ander, plates, 3 vols. Edin. 1862 | º “It is not too much to say that this Cyclopædia surpasses every bibli- cal dictionary which has preceded it; and that it leaves nothing to be desired in such a work which can throw light on the criticism, interpre- tation, history, geography, archaeology, and physical science of the Bible.”—Horne. 7. t , k, 14 Kliefoth Das Buch Ezechiels, 2 vols. Rostock 1864 /3 Java. N-214*Klee, Manuel de l’Hist, des Dogmes Chretiens, 2 v. Paris 1848 . ('ſ whº'ſ 215 Klee's Treatise on the Church, by Cox Lon. 1847 ' * - ſ/ ft. Kluit, Explicatio Lxx Hebdomadum Danielis Mediob. 1774) / º ') ºw-M k 217 Krazer de Antiquis Liturgiis Occid. Aug. Win. 1786 & | ºſ ſ 218 Kreuzer (J.), Le Saint Sacrifice de la Messe exposé historique- 3 ſ ment, 2 vols. Nancy 1861 º % uſ) ſ Laº (219 Lactantii Opera, a Spark Oxon. 1684 º ſ - W220 Larroque, Histoire de l'Eucharistie Amst. 1671 J () 4 nºw 221 Laurence's Bampton Lectures; Visitation of the Saxon Re- formed Church; Efficacy of Baptism (3) v. y. |^ſ| 222 Landau (M. J.) Rabbinisch-Aramäisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch, ſ 3 vols. Prag. 1835 ty 223 Lambert, Exposition des Predictions, et des Promesses faites - * a l'Eglise, 2 vols. Paris 1806 % ow º, Lardner's (Dr. Nathaniel) Works, with a Life by Dr. Kippis, 4 10 vols. Lon. 1829 ^^^* ! - 225 Lee (William D. D.) on Miracles ib. 1861 /{ CT † : Legion, or Feigned Excuses New York 1856 (3- Jºſſ tº 227 Leighton's Works and Life, 4 vols. Lon. 1825 7) uº.º º 228 Leti, Vita di Sixto W.; Langii Clavis Hebraei Codicis; Laborde ſ Defence sur l'Usure; Loredano's Life of Adam (6) v. y. G OCTAVO. 11 f ſ º 229 Letters on Church Matters, by D. C. L. (A. J. B.-Beresford- /ſ. ſ - Hope) Lon. 1851-2 / , 230 Levita's Exposition of the Massorah, with notes by Ginsburg/ ( 0. 20 ib. 1864 2/ / º 231 Lewis's History of the Several Translations of the Bible into /a ^- English Lon. 1739 ſ, ſ, ſº 232 Lewis's Life of Bishop Fisher, 2 vols. it is; 1 tº //Z 233 Lewis's Lives of Wyclif and Pecock, 2 vols. Oxf. 1820 0/vº 7/2 234 Levi on Prophecies of Messiah, 2 vols. Lon. 1817 (2/vo 235 LIBRARY of Anglo-Catholic Theology, complete in 87 vols. tºwº) ///, cloth Oxford. 1841-6 236 LIBRARY of THE FATHERs of the Holy Catholic Church, trans- Pſ0/ % U lated, 40 vols. : Bibliotheca Patrum, 9 vols., cloth, in all ſº º 49 Oxford 1838–62 - 237 Lightfoot (John, D.D.) Whole Works, edited by º | 2 A. %4. º 13 vols., half morocco, gilt top Lon. 182 º/ 0. “The profound Rabbinist, Lightfoot.”—Pye Smith. “The celebrated Dr. Lightfoot, a man who, for the amiableness of his disposition, the purity of his manners, and the extent and depth of his literary knowledge, had, even in that age of profound learning, no - superior, and since no equal.”—Clarke's Bibliog. Dict. 4. /3 238 Lowth de Sacra Poesi Hebræorum Oxon. 1821 ſyah.” ſ % 239 Lowth on Isaiah - Lon. 1833 * 40 Lumper (P. J.), Historia de Vita, Scriptis, atque Doctrina Sanc- - ///º . *... 13 vols, p - º Wind. 178 aſ wº º , 241 M'Leod's Scripture Atlas, coloured Lon. 1853 }nºw %. , 242 Macquer Abrege de l’Histoire Ecclesiastique, 2 vls. Paris 1757 º, %243 Martyrologe Universel, par Saint-Allais ib. 1823/4 waſ...} 4/ 244 Maurer, Commentarius in Vetus Testamentum, 4 vs. Lips. 1835 wº.'ſ %. 245 Maitland on the Dark Ages Lon. 1844 a % 246 Maitland's Essays on the Reformation in England ib. 1849 f/ - % 247 Maitland's Eight Essays ib. 1852 *f - 4/248 Maitland's Essay on False Worship ib. 1856 // //3/249 Maitland's Collected Tracts, 3 vols. ib. v. y. A-2//- ,250 Mant's Common Prayer Book, 2 vols. . Oxf. 1824 (ºnza / %2. Martigny, Dictionnaire des Antiquites Chrétiennes Paris 1865 £2 Q2 252 M'Farlan's Version of Ezekiel; M'Caul's Old Paths; Lloyd' % Lectures, &c., (4) V. º 253 Maskell (Rev. W.) Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, ſº º f /3. 3 vols., with the author's Presentation acknowledging/6A - º Dr. Todd's aid in the work Lon. 1846 º - 2* 12 The OLOGY. fcºa, * 254 Maskell on the Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, and | º his Tract on Cranmer's Remains (2) Lon. 1844-6 Pºs Mºnºtiºn ib, Isis 2.1% 9 yaw TTº 256 Maskell on the Doctrine of Absolution ib. 1849 º 6, iſ ſº 57 Maimbourg on the Prerogatives of the Church of Rome, and of ſt --- her Bishops ib. 1685 ! 3 - 258 Milman (Dean) History of Latin Christianity, 6 vols. ib. 1854.5, | 3 (fnſ) 0. “Gibbon’s ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ is in great part, 3 % - however reluctantly or unconsciously, the history of ‘the rise and pro- () gress of the Christian Church. His true conception of the grandeur of his subject extorted from him that just concession which his own natural prejudice would have refused ; and it was remarked not many years ago, by one then of note in Oxford, that up to that time England had pro- duced no other ecclesiastical history worthy of the name. This reproach has since been removed by the great work of DEAN MILMAN ; but it is the distinguishing excellence of that very history that it embraces within (? ſ ſ its circumference the whole story of mediaeval Europe.”—A. P. S. ('''''' (259 Milner's History of the Church, 4 v. ib. 1834%/ // 260 Morton (Bishop of Durham) on Episcopacy ib. 1670 / J / t 4 ^ 260*Morton's Discharge of Five Imputations of Mis-Allegations º ib. 1633 * T261 Morton Apologiæ Catholice, rare ib. 1606 % * f 262 Morison (J. C.) Life of Saint Bernard ib. 1863 / 3 A tºº,0263 Mosheim (J. L.) de Beghardis et Beguinabus Lips. 1790 3% w/º. Uſ/~264 Moshemii Dissertationes ad Hist. Eccles. pertin. 2 v. Alton. 1767 / % 4 tº) //w ſº. Moshemii Institutiones Hist. Eccles. Franc. 1726 66 Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, with additions by Soames, ºvº-v º 4 vols. Lon. 1841 ° ſº 67 Mosheim's Memoirs of the Christian Church in China, with , / ºf ". ... / %. introduction and notes by Gibbings Dub. 1862 | * - Lſ ſº 26 4nºw 268 Moehler on Symbolism, by Robertson Lon. n. d. / /Aſy- 269 Mullois on the Clergy and the Pulpit in relation to the People, // 2 translated ib. 1867 V/3 // aſ, woº/270 Neal’s History of the Puritans, 5 vols. ib. 1822 // 1 Neander Die Bedeutung des Thomas Arnold; Middleton's 7% - ſº - 1 - Popery and Paganism; Nelson on the Festivals and Fasts * M2, ſº (3) - - v. y. ''' % t %. 272 Newman's Hebrew-English Lexicon, 2 vols. Lon. 1834 4a ^^{273 Newman (Rev. J. H.) Sermons, 7 vols. ib. 1840–43 * /…//*/ 274 Newman's Lectures on Justification ib. 1838 (ſ º 275 Newman on Romanism and Popular Protestantism ib. 1837 / - º º 276 Newman on the Arians of the Fourth Century ib. 1854/ - ºt º - OCTAVO. 13 277 Newton (Bishop) Works and Life, 6 v. Lon. *of wº /| 278 Newton on the Prophecies ib. n. d./º ** 279 Nicolas (M.) Le Symbole des Apotres Paris 1867 // 280 Nolan on the Greek Vulgate N. T. Lon. 1815 &^^ //, 281 Novatiani Opera, ed. Jackson ib. 172s ſº do yº) 281*Orologion. To Mega Ven. 1864 Ž , ſº 0 23. // 282 O'Sullivan on the Apostacy predicted by S. Paul Dub. 1842/8-2, // 282"Paretelaine, Histoire dela guerre contre les Albigeois Paris 1833 13 283 Paley's Works and Life, 5 vols. Lon. 1825 #22 ovºo * 284 Patres Apostolici, edidit Jacobson, 2 vols. Oxon. 1838 º 5 285 Palmer's Treatise on the Church, 2 vols. Lon. 1838 ºf 285*Palmer (Rev. W.) Origines Liturgicae, or Antiquities of the f English Ritual, 2 vols. Oxf. 1832 ++ - 286 Paleotti (Card.) Acta Concilii Tridentini ib. 1842 ºz. ºf º , 287 Parkhurst's Hebrew Lexicon ib. 1823 & 6) twº % 288 Patrum Apostolicorum Opera, a Dressel Lips. 1857 %2 gºº, 89 PARKER SocIETY Publications complete, with Index by Gough, %2. / 45 vols. Camb. 1841-45 /rºſ. 4. t 290 Parker Society—Zurich Letters, second edition ib. 1846 //07)2 (7), 291 Paule's Life of Archbishop Whitgift Lond. 1699 6% 292 Peltier, Le Grand Catechisme de Canisius, 7 v. Paris 1865 /? 04 tº 3 (3 293 Pearson on the Creed, M.S. notes Lon. 18242 (ſla) 294 Perrone Prælectiones Theologica, 2 vols. Paris 1842 A*// / / /. 295 Poole's Life of Saint Cyprian Oxf. 1840ſ? f *A. 77/296 Potter (Archbishop) Works, 3 vols., 1. p. ib. 1753% tºº - 7/.297 Potter on Church Government Lon, 1839 nº % - 298 Pope Gregory XVIth's Letter, 4 copies Dub. 1836/ ſºo’. 299 PRIMER (The) set furth by the Kinges Maiestie and his Clergie,” * /o º §lack ſetter, very rare R. Grafton, Lon. 1546% (A/2 Fully described in the following number. % 300 Primers (Three) put forth in the Reign of Henry VIII., re- //, - printed Oxf. 1834-) º º 302 Prophetarum XII. Min.lib. GEgyptiaca, ed. Tattam Oxon. 1836 20/49 Edward VI, compared, with MS. additions ib. 1838" % 2 - - - - - - y r) º % 303 Prophecies, a Dictionary of Writers on the, with MS. notes/ t ſ! 0. % - % 301 Prayer Books (The two Common) set forth in the reign of //ſ - % interleaved Retford n.d." 304 Puller's Moderation of the English Church Lon. 1679 ºn.” 305 Psalter, with Chants by Turle ib. jº w º ºn 306 Psalter in Hebrew; Pictet Sermons; Owen's Glorious Mystery;) º / Powell's Nathanael of Cana (4) v. y." 14 THEOLOGY. ſº | 307 Pusey (Dr.) on the Royal Supremacy, with eight of his Letters, Tracts, and Sermons - Oxf. 1837-50 Rº 80s Phalam, (William, D.D.) Remains, 2 vols. Lon. 1832 (32ºTº” 309 Popery, a full view of, in a Satyrical Account of the Lives of / the Popes, by a Spanish Convert ib. 1737 º 311 PATREs EccLESIAE ANGLICANA: ; Aldhelmus, Arnulfus, Beda, - Bonifacius, Lanfrancus, S. Thomas, Joannes Sarisburi- ensis, Petrus Blesensis: edidit J. A. Giles, 35 vols. - Oxon. 1844-8 lºſſ. Reflexions upon the Devotions of the Roman Church, by Dr. - John Patrick Lon. 1674 J ſ tº 0N 0°313 Rees' Essay on the Welsh Saints ib. 1836 2 rºſva* Renan (E.), le Cantique des Cantiques traduit de l’Hebreu - Par. 1860 % 607) * Reeves' Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, &c., 2 vols. Lon. 1717 uſ ſſº *310 Reuss (Ed.) Histoire der Canon de Saintes Ecritures */ 3/6 ſ //, /47 º ſº - Strasb. 1863 3 %. wo/Y317 Reynolds' (Bishop) Works, with his Life by Chalmers, 6 vols. - ſ Lon. 1826 /º | lº, ** Roe (R. B.) Analytical Arrangement of the Holy Scriptures, 2 vols. ib. 1851 / -(3,7 319 Rougeyron (G.) de l'Antichrist Paris 1861) //, 320 Rougeyron, Les Derniers Temps ib. 1866 ºwo, whº 321 Robinson's Scripture Characters, 4 vols. Lon. 1815 Z A ky 322 Rosenmülleri (J. G.) Historia Interpretationis Librorum Sacro- '** * * rum in Ecclesia Christiana, 5 in 2 vols. Hildeb. 1795 // 323 Rosenmülleri (E. F. C.) Scholia in Ezekiel Lips. 1826 // 324 Rosenmülleri Scholia in Prophetas Minores, 4 v. ib. 1827 ty 325 Rosenmülleri Scholia in Pentateuchum, Jesajam, Psalmos, Nov. Testamentum, in all 12 vols. ib. 1795-1804 2/A. 326 Ruth, Book of, in Hebrew and Chaldee, edited by Rev. C. H. - t Wright Lon. 1864 ſ tóſ º/ 327 Salkeld (John) Treatise of Angels ib. 1613 - £2 0.2 !, 328 Saravia (Hadrian) on the Different Degrees of the Christian - yº, Priesthood Oxf. 1840 */ % º Sanderson (Bishop) on Episcopacy Lon. 1678 !, 331 Saywell's Evangelical and Catholick Unity ib. 1682 ! /? % 7% //// % 329 Sacrarum Ceremoniarum lib. III. . Col. º - OCTA.W.O. 15 º 332 Sancta Clara (alias Father Davenport) Apologia Fººt- - - | rare Col. Agrip. 1640 (200 º This is the book which Archbishop Laud refused to permit to be printed. He gives an account of it in answer to the 17th article of his impeachment. |º 333 Sadler's Church Doctrine; Bible Truth; Tracts on Holy Bapºº, ^2 /2,~ i 3 Lon. 1855–68 - % tism (3) n º, - 334 Schmidii Concordantiae Graecae., mor. ib. 1830 f 335 Selvaggii Antiquitatum Christianarum Institutiones, 4 Vºlºſ?…, 77, 2 Vercellis 1779 /') 336 Schroeder Nova Janua Hebraica, vol. 1 and 2 Lips. 1835.207"º £337 Schellingii Descript. Codicis Manuscripti Hebræobiblici, Loca ,/ O ſº ! Difficiliora Jesaiae, 2 vols. Stuttg. 1775-99 338 Schleiermacher's Essay on St. Luke Lon. 1825 - 339 Scrivener (F. H.) Exact Transcript of the Codex Augiensis º ſ Camb. i.7// Aſro /% 340 Seiler (G. F.) Biblical Hermeneutics . Lon. 1835 - 341 Sermons by Oxford Tractarians, 2 vols. ib. 1848-9 ºn- Tº % 342 Sharp (Thos. D.D.) on the Rubric oxf. 1834//º 343 Shirley (W. W.) Catalogue of the original Works of Johºr º 3/ Wyclif ib. 1865 % With * note of the * relative to those in T.C.D. **º 344 Shrewsbury's Notes on Ezekiel Lon. 1863 . 345 Sinclair's Dissertations on the Church ib. 18334 ^va wº ” º 2346 Sismondi's History of the Albigenses ib. 1826 – T * */3347 Skelton's Complete Works, by Lynam, 6 v. ib. 1824 20 ºzo - 348 Skinner on Anti-Christ; Sandys' Selections; Sherlock on / - % Church Unity; Psalters (6) v. y. (º, a rv 349 Smith (George) the Britons and Saxons not Converted to/4, & /.4. - / / Slater on the Covenant of Grace, 2 vols. 1726-48 ºr - % * Smith (William) Dictionary of the Bible, plates, 3 vol%24, wów, / Lon. 1860–3 51 South (Robert) Sermons, 7 vols. Oxf. º 2%2/ - t /7 ( “South, who had the strongest arm that ever wielded a sledge- timer ^^*_2^uſ, - - in this kind of warfare [defence of the Church].”—Southey's Colloquies. 2/3 A. - / / 3 352 Sparrow on the Common Prayer ib. 172 % 353 Sparke on the Feasts and Fasts ib. 16s243ew /79354 Spinckes' Meditations; Sick Man Visited; Sermons; 4 vols. ſ % ... ſº ſ/ % Popery; Two Discourses on the Eucharistic Elements; 9 16 THEOLOGY. 3 vols. published by the Bannatyne Club Edin. 1850 ſ |º 355 Spottiswood (Archbp.) History of the Church of Scotland, o - P // 356 Spottiswoode Society Miscellany, 2 vols. ib. 1845 // 357 Keith's History, vols. 1 and 2 ib. 1844 // 358 Bishop Sage's Works, 3 vols. ib. 1834 // 359 Funerals of Bishop Forbes ib. 1845 //, 4a ſway ſ 360 Stephens (A. J.) Book of Common Prayer, with notes, large paper, vols. 1 and 2 Lon. 1849 / % / º º Stephens' Book of Common Prayer for Ireland, from the Rolls fº/ . // Manuscript, Dublin, large paper, 3 vols. ib. 1849 ºf fºgó2 Stephen (Thomas Life of Archbishop sharp ib. 1839 /3 /300 - ! 363 Strachey's Commentary on Isaiah Brist. 1860 7 º, 4 Strype (John) Works complete, 27 vols. bound in 24, half f ſ ſº ^{A_ green turkey, gilt top Oxf. 1812-28 & º- - The life of Cranmer is on large paper. / º tº 365 Sylloge Confessionum Reform. Eccl. ib. 1837 2/ 4 /.../w 366 Taylor's Ancient Christianity, 2 vols. ib. 1839 % & 29 367 Tertulliani Opera Omnia, edidit Oehler, 3 vols. Lips. 1853 / - / 368 Testamentum Vetus, juxta Septuaginta Interpretes, edidit / Grabe, cum figuris, 9 vols. Oxon. 1707 ſ - Jº t’’, 369 Testamentum Vetus, juxta Lxx. Interpretes, ed. Field ib. 1859 / // 0 JO); 370 Testament, the Septuagint Version, translated by Sir L. C. , ^a ** Brenton, 2 vols. Lon. 1844 /o/ % 371 Testamentum Novum Græcum, Pickering's Editio Hellenistica, (yº *} with Grinfield's Scholia, 4 vols. in 3, antique calf, red // edges ib. 1843-8. ſ “One of the noblest theological labours of our age. . . . For ‘impro- bus labor’ it rivals the Kircheriand the Trommii of past generations... The plan of the work is simple, but most admirable. The New Testa- ment text is printed entire, and to each verse is appended all that is to be found, either in the Lxx. or the Apocrypha, illustrative of it. The versions of Theodotion, Symmachus, and Aquila, and the writings of Philo and Josephus are also laid under contribution occasionally. Here, then, are not only collected together, but digested into the most conve- nient form for use, all those excellent materials for sacred study, which the one great body of writings kindred to the New Testament so richly supplies.”—Christian Remembrancer. / 2-w ſ** 872 Testamentum N. Graece, Griesbach, 2 vols. ib. 1809 //, /º 22 373 Testamentum N. Graece, Baskerville's Birm. 1763.2 % /~0ſ. 4 Testamentum N. Graece, adnot. Water Halis S. 1824 //: 5 Testamentum N. Syriace, a Gutbirio Hamb. 1664 / ! ºn 376 Testament (New) by Townsend, 2 vols. Lon. 1825 3. OCTAVO. 17 - - º 377 Theodoreti Interpretatio Psalmorum, Gr.-Lat., edidit Schulze > jº Halae lºo, ºx { / 378 Theodoreti Interpretatio Epistolarum S. Pauli, Gr-Lat., edidit N lt 2) Oesse ib. 1771 # ! 379 Theiner, Il Seminario Ecclesiastico Roma 1834 … - - r 380 Theiner, Histoire des Institutions d'Education Ecclesiastiqueſ. % o ºſ- - par Cohen, 2 vols. Paris 1841 7% 381 Theological Critic (The), edited by Dr. Arnold, 2 vols. // ( TY —º Lon. 1851-2 - 4. / 382 Tillemont's History of the Arians and of the Council of Nice,//no ty 20 / translated, 2 vols. ib. 1732 - 383 Tittman Libri Symbolici Eccles, Evang. Mis 1827 //4 º A. º// ſ -- The most convenient edition of the Symbolical Books is the º ſ / ( one of Tittman; and the preface contains some valuable remarks on the - subject of this work.”—Rose's Protestantism in Germany. 384 Todd's (Rev. J. H.) Lectures on Antichrist Dub. isoſ - - - 385 Townley on Biblical Literature, 3 vols. Lon. 1821 Aco ºf Ox) 3.%(3 “For everything relative to the literary history of the holy Scriptures' we refer the reader to Townley's Biblical Literature.”—Horne's Introduc- tion. / 7 386 Townsend's Old Testament, 2 vols. - ib. 1821 '' /ſ) %; Tracts for the Times, 5 vols. ib. 1834-40/~ ºf %. 388 Tracts by Theologians, Sermons, &c. (40) V. y. */ /389 Tregelles on the Greek Testament ib. 1854 º º ^. % 90 Trollope, Analecta Theologica, 2 vols. ib. 1830 | %%391 Tyndale and Frith's Works, 3 vols. ib. 1831 loº - % 392 Tyler on Worship of the B. Virgin ib. 1844 3a. 393 Ullmann's Life of Gregory of Nazianzum ib. 1851 22 ºv, ºff, / % 394 Ultzen, Constitutiones Apostolicæ Lips. 1583 ºzoa ºo 395 Ussher's (Archbishop) Whole Works, with his Life by Elrington, | hºJ7. - // 0 large paper, 17 vols. Dub. 1864 The total cost of this great work to the University, that is to say, of the printing and paper, exclusive of the payments made to transcribers: advertising, and other incidental expenses, amounts to the large sum of £3,800.-James H. Todd. % ^396 Van Gilse, Comment. in Ezech. xvii. Amst. º ſ $397 Vaughan's Life of John De Wycliffe, 2 v. Lon. 183 - % 398 Venida del Mesias, Observ. de Ben-Ezra, 3 vols. ib. 1825, , , - Z/3 899 Voluntary System (The), 7 parts in isº/ſº // 400 Waddington's History of the Church ib. 1883/203/vº Ø 401 Wahl, Clavis Novi Testamenti, 2 vols. * 1829 ºl º, T - 18 THEOLOGY. | - 402 Walchii (J. G.) Bibliotheca Theologica selecta, et Bibliotheca WQ0A-420 Patristica, 5 vols. Jenae 1757-70 “All who are conversant in Sacred Literature have borne willing testimony to the accuracy and research of Walchius.”–Horne. “A work full of valuable information respecting books in every department of Theology.”—Orme. h 403 Walchii Bibliotheca Patristica, a Danzio ib. 1834 // 404 Walch de Processione Spiritus Sancti ib. 1751 tº ſº 405 Walchs (C. W. F.) Historie der Kezereien, 11 vols. Lip. 1762 -áo 2% _ 406 Walch's History of the Popes Lon. 1759 407 Waldenses—Acland's Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of V/º A ſº-47 wº their Valleys, plates ib. 1827 ty 408 Waldenses—Gilly's Excursion to Piedmont, and Researches, plates, 2 vols. ib. 1827-31 */ 409 Waldenses—Maitland's Facts relating to the Albigenses ib. 1832 , 410 Waldenses—Peyran's Defence of the Vaudois, with additions . by Sims ib. 1826 & % !, 411 Waldenses—Authentic Details of, plates ib. 1827 ') Six volumes in half green moroccn. / ſ J wº/1/~412 Waltoni (B.) in Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena, a Dathe - Lips. 1777 /3 % | waſ,"… * Waltoni Prolegomena, ed. Wrangham, 2 vols. Cant. 1828 // “Mr. Wrangham has inserted very numerous observations, explaining, ſº confirming, or correcting the text of Walton, which are derived from the - best critical sources, both ancient and modern, besides references to the best writers who have treated on Biblical criticism.”—Horne. 9'cowº 414 Wall (C. W.,) on the Ancient Orthography of the Jews, 3 in 4 */ p º vols. Lon. 1835-56 Wºwºwººms wall on the Text of the Hebrew Bible ib. 18.7 4/ O)ºn ~~ ºf 416 Warburton's (Bishop) Works, with his Life by Hurd, and Lite- y rary Remains, 14 vols. ib. 1811-41 / // 417 Waterland's (Rev. D.) Works, reviewed by Bp. Van Mildert, 6 vols. Oxf. 1843 //, t/ 418 Watson's Collection of Tracts, 6 vols. Camb. 1785 - uſſ/ſ)/o º 419 webb's Annotations on D'Aubigné's Sketch of the Early Brit- "y, ish Church Lon. 1857 // 420 Welsh MSS. Society—Lives of the Cambro-British Saints, by /- ſ A. Rees Llandovery 1853 % //C/ 2 (ºf 421 Iolo Manuscripts ib. 1848 % Oxf. 1 / º, º ſº?? Wheatly on the Common Prayer - 423 Winer (G. B.,) Biblisches Realwoerterbuch, 2 vols. Leips. 18 7 º º ſºa 424 Winer, Lexicon Hebraicum ib. 1828 3 Y // - OCTAVO. 19 º 425 wilson on the xxxix. Articles, and Divinity Manual; wiligº.” on Ecclesiastes; Waterland on the Eucharist (4) v. y. - - - - /(10426 Wolfii Anecdota Graeca, Sacra et Profana, 4 v. Hamb. 1724 **2. f/0.427 Wolffsohn Comment. in Jobum, Hebr. Wien. 18062. º~~ /0 428 Woodward's (F. B.,) Tracts and Sermons Lon. 1865× ºn- ^_ $429 Wotton's (W.,) Works, 2 vols., scarce in 171s077 on/ / 430 Woodgate's Bampton Lectures Oxf. 1839//20ſº 431 Young's Hexaglot Pentateuch Edinb. n.d. ºf - - - - | */ 432 Zosimi Historia, Gr.-Lat. Oxon. 16792 º3. IMPERIAL 00TAV0, half wellum, gilt top. 7. - / 433 S. Augustini Opera omnia, editio Benedictina nova, in 15 vols. * º// //9 Paris. 1836 ſº /0434 S. Basilii Opera, 6 vols. in 3 ib. 1839 '' /º/, 435 S. Bernardi Opera, 4 vols. ib. 1839 // /ſ)//0 436 S. Chrysostomi Opera, 13 vols. ib. 1837-9 Z/ QUART0. - | / 437 Angels—Lehman de Apparitione; Fesselius de Sanctis Angelisſ, 4% º and 5 others, in 1 vol. *:::: 2 3438 Articles of Religion, Edward VI and Eliz, half mor, Lon. 1811 2004 439 Articles, Injunctions, Canons Ecclesiastical, chiefly in the times Ø ^ 2% . /* of Edward VI. and Charles I. ib. 1684 !, 440 Aquinatis (S. Thomas, Doctoris Angelici) Opera, et Vita ab º & /? Echardo, 28 in 14 vols., vellum Venetiis 1775 - “The Angelical Doctor, ... honoured by all as the light and ornament of his time.”—Clarke's Sacred Lit. º 441 Austin's (Saint) Religion and Summes Lon. 1625 ovº % 442 Bar-Hebraei Chronicon Syriacum Lips. º / / Written in the 13th century; it abounds in most valuable information” * @º/” º respecting the Oriental Christians at that period.—“An elegant writer of the Syriac tongue, a poet, physician, and historian. The account of his life and writings is perhaps the most curious article in the Bibliotheca / of Assemannus, under the name of Gregorius Bar-Hebraeus.”—Gibbon. Á2.2% 3 442 Bellarmini de Scriptor. Ecclesiast. lib. Colon. 16840 a / 443 Bengelii Gnomon Novi Testamenti Tubing. 177 *2 ºwſ: L 1 - “No writer has more successfully, and with greater freedom from all** º 3 parade of words, exhibited the less obvious niceties and beauties of Scrip- - ture, than the learned BENGEL; and none has more invariably made the attainments of the critic and philologist auxiliary to pure and elevating piety. Of late years his Gnomon has been rising in public estimation, and, . - ſ if I mistake not, it will rise yet higher.”—Jebb's Sacred Literature. 2 º º - 444 Beveridge, Codex Canonum Eccles. Primit. Lon. 1678 3* * - 20 THEOLOGY. ßa, 2-o 445 Biblia Hebraica, 2 vols., russia R. Stephens, Paris 1543 7),,,, m^ ^Q 446 Biblia Hebraica, cura Michaelis - Halae 1720 2-/^o^^ ©.447 Biblia Hebraica, studio Opitii IKiloni 1712 2r-4 g 448 Biblia Sacra, cum notis Tremellii Hanov. 1618 /?, ta- A 2Aglau- (The Holy), an exaet reprint of the authorized version of }^^ ^ ^ L 1611, half morocco Oxf. 1833 2-10 ^.- -9450 Bible, Bagster's English Hexapla Lon. 1841 C, ^^» 51 Bible, Bagster's Comprehensive - ib. 1827 // 452 Bible, Bagster's Biblia Polyglotta ib. 1831 77T.A53 Bible, (The Holy) in morocco Camb. 1668 3. **^-^_ Lon. 1586 One of the curious flat books known as the preaching Bibles, from the use made of them in the pulpit. //?o/, 354 Bible, (The Holy) in $latk 3£rffrr, with two Profitable Concord- '/ © ances and Booke of Psalmes, brass bosses and clasps - The Breeches edition. See Genesis, iii. 7. „£ oo y % 455 Bible, (The Holy) and Commentary by Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby, 6 vols. ib. 1822 /% ^ a^. 456 Bible, (The Holy) with references Oxf. 1733 /? .. , 457 Bible, (The Douay-Rhemish), 8 vols. fine copy /u/) 4, ,* J. Covsturier, Rouen, 1633-5 The Rhemish version and the notes are the production of Cardinal Allem and his associates at Rhemes. “ La traduction avec une préface destinée à faire connaitre le but de ce travail, et des notes qui avait pour objet soit d'expliquer les passages difficiles, soit de redresser et de réfuter les erreurs et les opinions des traducteurs hétérodoxes. Le plus grand nombre de ces notes ne portent em génèral que sur le sens de l'Ecriture, mais la justice nous oblige d'ajouter que quelquesunes de ces notes ont aussi le cachet de l'époque à laquelle elles ont été éerites. . . . Ces notes et leur tendance véritable ont été caractérisées avec beaucoup de justesse dans un journal écrit de nos jours par des Catholiques Anglais, * Les motes du N. T. avaient incontestablement pour l'objet de préparer 1'opiniom publique à l'invasion projetée par Philippe II, au moment où ce prince armait dans son dessein som invincible Armada.'"—Notice sur la Bible de Douai et N. Test. de Reims, 1841. The Doway version was by Cardinal Allem, Gregory Martin, and Richard Bristol, the Notes by Tho. Worthington. ** Quoiqu'on trouve encore quelquefois dans ces nouvelles notes um certain souvenir des pas- sions qui avaient dicté les premiéres, il est juste de reconnaitre qu'il y a sous de rapport amélioration notable. Soit que le temps eat affaibli les ressentiments si vifs, soit que l'expérience des événeménts eat averte les traducteurs que la victoire n'était ni aussi facile ni aussi prochaine qu'ils ravait d'abord espéré."—Ibid. £t*, - L. ,,458 Bingham (Jos.,) Origines sive Antiquitates Ecclesiasticæ, 11 in - - V. 4 vols. Halae 1724 I,! )/!, | QUARTO. 21 459 Bilson, (Thos.) The True Difference between Christian saleſ/0%)º - tion and Unchristian Rebellion, &lath £ºtter Oxf. 1585 It was written at the instigation of the Queen, under whose auspices it was presented to the public, and answered her immediate purpose very well; but was of fatal tendency to Charles I., few books being more fre- º quoted by the malcontents to justify their resistance to that Tince, - º 2| º 460 Bilson's Perpetuall Government of Christes Church, suſ,, ſº º L’ §etter Lon. 1593 This was the work that procured the author his bishopric, and all his - subsequent honours. * , 461 Bilson, the same reprinted ib. 1610- " |/ 462 Bilson, the same in Latin ib. 1611”000 º, 463 BREVIARIUM ABERDoNENSE, ad Usum et Consuetudinem Eccle- 3 / siae Scotorum, 2 vols., reprinted from the very rare edition 4-0ſ /ſ % 0 of 1509-10, in the old style, with the Rubrics in red, half bound morocco, uncut Edinburgi 1854 Formed on that of Salisbury by Bishop Elphinstone, who died in 1513. Only four copies of the edition, 1509-10, are known to exist. 2/ſ " Britannia Sancta-Lives of British, Scottish, and Irish Saints, */ with portraits and rare plates introduced, 2 parts in 1 vol. - 7/207"occo Lon. 1745 |- Attributed to Bishop Challoner. || | 465 Buxtorf (Jo. fil.) Anticritica; De Punctorum origine; Disser- // /0 tationes Philolol.-Theologicae (3) V. y. --> 2/ 466 Buddei (J. F.) Historia Ecclesiastica Weteris Testamenti, 2 vls.fhº º, º Halae 1744 %; Buddei Institutiones Theolog. Moralis Lips. 1727 A. | º 468 Buddei Institutiones Theolog. Dogmaticae ib. 1741 - º, 469 Buddei Dissert. Theolog. Syntagma Jenae 1715 */ / , 470 Buddei Isagoge Hist-Theologica, 2 vols. Lips. 1730 */ 3./º 471 Buddei Miscellanea Sacra, 3 vols. Jenae 1727. Zºº) - 472 Canons, Constitutions, Synodalles Provincial, an Abstract of, 4. * ſ temp. Elizab. n.d. / O #.".†.of º, * Strype's Annals, vol. 3, part i., p. 338, xto ition, also p. , 10101. %3. 473 Carpzovii (J. G.,) Apparatus Antiquitatum Sacri Codicis, alſº Gentis Hebraeae Francof. 1748 / 474 Carpzovii Critica Sacra Vet. Test. Lips. lºw”- 2 The OLOGY. ... 2 Ø ºw)º Carpzovii Introductio ad libros Canonicos Bibliorum Vet. - Testamenti Lips. 1731 f) 476 Carpzovii Comment. in Nov. Test. ib. 1730 “Carpzovius was a man of profound erudition and indefatigable indus- try. His work contains the principal materials which had been afforded by his predecessors, perspicuously arranged and augmented by his own valuable observations. It is also partly employed in the confutation of Hobbes, Spinoza, Toland, and other antiscripturists.”—Bp. Marsh. ^a * 477 Casauboni (Isaaci) de Rebus Sacris et Ecclesiasticis Exercit. Francof. 1615 Casaubon was engaged by James I. to write this work. “Exercita- º/, tiones egregiae sunt atque omni lectione dignae.”—Walch. J.ſ0 way 478 Castelli Lexicon Syriacum Goett. 1788 M. 2.4% 479 Catalogue of the Bishops of the several Sees of Scotland down to 1688, by Robert Keith, rare Edin. 1755 480 Ceillier, (S. P. Dom. Remy) Histoire Generale des Auteurs º Sacres et Ecclesiastiques, avec Table Generale, 24 vols. Paris 1729-82 t Ouvrage estimeč, et dont les exemplaires sont rares.—Brunet. // / ſ-U/. '481 Controversial Letters (Fourteen) concerning the Temporal “His accessit animus pius, magnoque pro causa Dei fervore accensus, cui immortale Intellectuale Systema opus debemus, Atheismi fautoribus oppositum ; de quo cum saepius mentionem fecerimus, plura non cumu- lamus, praecipue cum incomparabilis Moshemii versione latina, emenda- tionibuset illustrationibus auctum, jamin omnium manibus sit, qui veteris philosophiae cognitionem solidam amant et sectantur.”—Bruckeri Hist. - Phil. ſº Cudworth on the Lord's Supper, and Union of Christ and the Church; Hinde on the Morall Law, 3 in 1 vol. Lon. 1623-42 ſ Authority of the Popes Lon. 1674-75 - 2 ſnºw f 482 Chants, Ancient and Modern, Responses, &c., arranged by Rev. Thomas Helmore Dub. 1865 // 483 Choralist (The): Psalms, Chants, and Hymns, edited by H. Bus- sell, 2 vols. ib. n. d. ty 484 Church Psalter, (Oxford) by Mercer, 2 vols. Lon. 1864 2 owſ. 5 Chronicon Hebræorum Majus et Minus, cum notis Meyeri Amst. 1699 & 000°4'486 Comber on Roman Forgeries Lon. 1689 /) ºw ſº* Conybeare and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, plates, - 2 vols., morocco extra ib. 1860 */ 488 Cosin's (Bishop) History of the Canon ib. 1683 489 Cudworthi (R.,) Systema Intellectuale hujus Universi, cum haºV_ notis Moshemii, 2 vols. Lug. Bat, 1773 º º Zºº & ſ/ * | ||3 | /2/. %), 4%, sº, - % º ! º QUARTO. 23 - | 491 Cumberland de Legibus Naturae 492 Crakanthorp Defensio Ecclesiae Ang. ib. 1625 % 0 / 4/49, Decretalium D. Pape Gregorii IX. compilatio, 493 Dansey (N.,) Horae Decanicae Rurales, 2 vols. ib. 1844 With the author's autograph note acknowledging contributions from Dr. Todd. º/* Deylingi (S.,) Observationes Sacrae, cum fig, 5 vols. Lips. 1785.9, // Pt “Even a syllabus of this learned work would fill many pages. The learning of the author was extensive, his sentiments orthodox, and his diligence worthy of a German divine. He tells us every thing which critics now alive or long since dead have written on the point in hand, exposes their mistakes, and replies to them.”—Orme. Basileae 1500 2/.496 Dodwell's Sinfulness of Schism Lon. 1679 '497 Dunfermelyn (Registrum de) Bannatyne Club Edin. 1842 °498 Eisenmengers (J. A.) Entdecktes Judenthum, 2 vols. /3 Konigsb. 1711 “Primum 1700 editum, sed suppressum.”—Wolfti Bibl. Hebr. “Stupendum hoc est opus, sive scriptorum Rabbinicorum, ex quibus congestum est, molem spectes, et varietatem et raritatem, cum caritate, sive scriptoris ipsius navitatem, et indefessum studium, et linguarum ex- oticarum peritiam, et rerum Judaicarum gustum.”—Bibliotheca Reim- 7nanzana. / 499 Erpenii Rudimenta Linguae Arabicae L. Bat. 1770 500 Explications de plusieurs textes difficiles de l’Ecriture Paris iwoº, * Lon. 17272 rºb 501 Fleury's Ecclesiastical History, vols. 1 and 2 502 Forshall on St. Matthew's Gospel, in Greek text, with notes % 3/503 604 Ganz, Chronologia Sacra et Profana 505 // / * ib. 1864 Franco of Villare, his Life by Archdeacon Rowan Dub. 1858 Gerbert (M.) Monumenta Veteris Liturgia, Alemannicæ, 2 vols. • Lon. 1672 rºº /* //ſ 3 iteris 6this? r / / º */ * //, % A º 2 º' º L. Bat. 1644?) º San Blasis . t 0-0 *% - This Liturgy seems to have escaped the notice of Zaccaria and Mr. Palmer. The Monumenta are divided into four parts, I. and II. Quae ad Celebrationem Missae et Sacramentorum Officia pertinent; III. Ritualia; IV. Hermeneutica; forming two volumes, dedicated to the Emperor Joseph II. The press of San Blas was in the Benedictine monastery of the same name in the Black Forest, and produced the works only of the fathers belonging to it. Lips. 1829-42 Gesenii (Gul.,) Thesaurus Linguae Hebraeae et Chaldaeae, 3 vol.) º 24 THEOLOGY. ſign ºg 508 Glossary tº the Wycliſite Bible, with note of tation f ſº Ossary to the Wyclittite 151ple, with note of presentation from // - 3 Sir F. Madden 1850 9 Paris 1724!/5 | 4% ſº 507 Glasgow Cathedral, Inventory of the Ornaments, Reliques, Jewels, Westments, Books, &c. therein 1432, by º for the Maitland Club Glas. 1831 /º | 510 Guarin (P.) Grammatica Hebraica et Chaldaica, 4 vols. º º 3, 511 Hartmanni et Ruelii Concilia Illustrata per Ecclesiasticae His- toriae Dilucidationem, 4 vols. Norib. 1675 3- “Suppeditat id notitiam cum Vet. Conc. tum colloq. post emendata sacra institutorum, quorum ultimum est Casellanum 1661 habitum. Enarrantur non solum Conciliorum Decreta ac Canones, sedetiam in- terpositae Dissertationes lucem illis variisque Antiquitatis Ecclesiasticae capitibus praebent.”—Walchius. º º| 60 512 Hebrew and other Tracts, by Jo. Buxtorf, Schickhard, Dauber, &c. 8 in 1 vol. V. y. ſ v nºw ºf ſ 513 Hieronymi (Sancti) Opera, post recensionem Benedictinam, etc. cum notis D. Wallarsii, 22 in 11 vls. vellum Venetiis 1766 ſ //, ^ º 514 Histoire Critique des Dogmes et des Cultes de l'Eglise, par / , , ºn ºf Jurieu, cum fig, 2 vols. Amst. 1704-5 º- r “Historia de magna variaque eruditione auctoris testatur.”—Walch. * - ſt ſy % º15 Hottingeri (J. H.,) Bibliothecarius Quadripartitus Tiguri 1664 . | / º (, º 516 Hottingeri (J. J.,) Fata Doctrinae de Praedestinatione, et Gratia ^) - Dei salutari - ib. 1727 Ø tºw º Ignatii (S.) Epistolae, cum annot. Smithi Oxon. 1709 'ſ º ſow. 518 Innes (Thos) Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, /// A.D. 80-818 (Spalding Club) Aberdeen 1853 / 1 / |º, ſº ſ 519 Irish Ecclesiastical Journal, 6 vols. Dub. 1840-52 // - ſº Jackson's Chronological Antiquities, 3 vols. Lon. 1752 2. A work of great labour, recommended by Bishop Watson-Lowndes. - ſ 521 Jarchi (S.,) Commentarius in Vet. Testam. 3 vols. Gothae 1713 // / º 52.2 Jewel's (Bishop) Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of 2T) Englande, §lath £etter - Lon. 1567 | 523 Kabbala Denudata, sive Doctrina Hebræorum Transcendentalis, ºf º ſ *Concerning the miraculous origin and preservation of the Cabbala the Jews relate many marvellous tales. They derive these mysteries from Adam; and assert that whilst the first man was in Paradise, the Angel Rasiel brought him a book from heaven, which contained the doctrines of heavenly wisdom; and that when Adam received this book, angels - et Metaphysica, atque Theologica, 4 vols. Sulzb. 1677 / |/ QUARTO. 25 came down to him to learn its contents, but that he refused to admit them to the knowledge of the sacred things intrusted to him alone; that after the fall this book was taken back into heaven; that after many prayers and tears, God restored it to Adam ; that it passed from him to Seth; that this book was again lost in the degenerate ages before the flood; was restored by revelation to Abraham; similarly to Moses, to Ezra, and from him it has been transmitted to posterity.”—See Enfield's - Philosophy and Stehelin's Rabb. Lit., &c. - | 524 Kiorning (O. G.) De Consecrationibus Episcoporum Magna, 2 -- - 2009-20 Britanniae Helmst. 1739 ///, 525 Lampe (F. A.) Commentarius Evangelii secundum Joannem, 4 a. 3 vols. Amst. 17 “Lampe's commentary is both extensive and valuable. . . . Learn prolegomena are prefixed to it, in which everything relating to the life and writings of the evangelist is diligently collected.”—Bibliotheca Bib- 2 º º lica º (2 . º tºvº. º Langii (J.) Historia Ecclesiast. Wet. Test. Halae 1718 527 Le Long et Boerneri Bibliotheca Sacra, continuata ab A. º:// Masch, 2 vols., half mor. Halae 1778-83 “It contains much curious information, and will be found an invalu- able acquisition to the Biblical scholar. It contains the additions of the original Hebrew and Greek Text, also the Greek, Oriental, and Latin Versions, with a Supplement. It is far more complete in these depart- ments than the former edition.”—British Librarian. - % 528 Lenfant, Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites, et du Concile de º * Basle, portraits, 2 vols. Utrecht 1731 º 529 Lenfant, Histoire du Concile de Constance, portraits by Picart, 3 2 vols. Amst. 1714 “This history of the Council by Lenfant is composed with great accu- 3. - racy and elegance.”—Mosheim. // 530 Lenfant, Histoiredu Concile de Pise, portraits, 2 v. Utrecht 1731 // A. º 531 Linton's Abstract of Eccles. History Lon. 18552 ºvºvº 532 Leusden, Philologus Hebraeo-Graecus; Philologus ...? zº, ſº ſº - 3. r Mixtus; Philologus Hebraeus, 3 vols. L. Bat. 1685-9 - % 532*Liturgies (in Greek) of S. Chrysostom, S. Basil, and S. Gregory, A/º% Venice 1765 533 Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, opera E. Renaudotii, 2 vols. (9 ºrſy Paris 1716 ſ', / ſ Eusebius Renaudot was one of the greatest Orientalists of his day, and enjoyed both the friendship and patronage of the Cardinal Archbishop Noailles, at whose request Clement V. presented him with the Priory of Frossay, as a substantial aknowledgment of the merits of his celebrated - collection of Oriental Liturgies. ſº Luca (F.) Sacrorum Bibliorum Vulgatae editionis Concordantiae //? t */ Luca 1677 - % 535 Mabillon (Joan.) De Liturgia Gallicana lib., scarce Paris 1854 º º f “In one of his journeys Mabillon discovered a Lectionary which he 4 º 26 THEOLOGY. perceived to have belonged to the Gallican rite. . This he published at Paris in 1685, with a very learned introduction and notes, adding thereto the three Missals which Thomasius had printed about two years before, amending the very faulty text which the Italian had given with scarcely any alteration from the MS.”—Forbes. ſº V7 sº M. Laudunense, 2 vols. Lauduni 1782 tº 24 a ſº. 587 Martyrologium Romanum (Baronii) Mog. 1631 /3 rº 538 Martene, Veterum Scriptorum Collectio Nova, tom. 1 fºod tº - Rotom. 1700 539 Matthaeum, S., Evangelium secundum, ex codice rescripto in lºoſa ºQ_2 Bibliotheca Colleg. SS. Trinitatis, Dub., opera J. Barrett Dub. 1801 This copy has been collated with the original by S. Prideaux Tregelles for Dr. Todd, see MS. Note. “A truly elegant volume. . . . . . . The Codex Montfortianus has acquired much celebrity as being the only MS. that has the much contested clause in 1 John, v. 7, 8.”–Horne's Introduction. 540 Michaeli (J. H.) Annotationes in Hagriographos Vet. Testa- - menti libros, 3 vols. Halae 1720 ^-541 Miracoli del Santiss. Sacramento, raccoltigiã dal R. D. Nicola Laghi da Lugano, configure, etil Fropugnacolo della Vera Presenza, del G. Polacco, in one volume Venetia 1615 / 542 Mischna, Hebraice, 6 in 3 vols. Berlin 1831 ºx-ºw , The Mischna is a digest of the Oral Law, and of the Comments of the most famous Jewish Doctors, made by JEDUHAH HAREDosh in the second century. It comprehends all the laws, institutions, and rules of / life which, besides the Scriptures, the Jews then supposed themselves bound to observe. There is not a traditionary usage alluded to in the New Testament, regarding the ancient Jews, but what may be verified from the Mischna, so that in this respect it furnishes a perpetual Com- mentary on both the Old and New Testament. Af. T 544 Missale de Arbuthnott, with Preface by A. Forbes, Bishop of (ºv, Brechin Burntisland 1864 º/ 545 Moshemii (J. L.,) Institutiones Historiae Ecclesiasticae - - - Helmstadii. 1755 546 Mosheim de Rebus Christianorum ante Constantinum Magnum - ib. 1753 4.t/ ſ º 547 Moshemii. Historia Tartororum Ecclesiastica:—Comment. de Duraeo; Gudii Paganus Christianorum laudator et fautor, 1741; 3 vols in 1. /…, "/ 548 Mosheim, Institutiones pertinentes ad Saeculum Primum Helms. 1739 / (1550 Mortoni Causa Regia adversus Card. Bellarminum ib. 1620 551 Mortoni Antidotum contra Merita Cantab. 1639 * Monº ſº. Anological % O tº ſº ºã49 Mortoni (Episc.) Apologiae Catholice pars secunda Lon. º 3/ - * /. QUARTO, 27 55 > º, 552 Morton's Grand Imposture of the Church of Rome Lon. 1628) (22 vºx) - 553 Morton's Innocencie of the Three Ceremonies of the Church of Z) º //, England ib. 1619 /, 554 Museum Italicum, seu Collectio Veterum Scriptorum, ex Bibl. 2. / ſ º Ital, eruta a Mabillon, 2 vols. Paris 1724 Z)0 This curious collection of inedited pieces was formed by Mabillon and Germain in their journey through Italy in 1685. The first volume con- tains 12 Homilies of Marimus Taurimensis, Liber Diurnus Romanorum Pontificum, Historia Belli Sacri, of which there is an abridgment in the - Gesta Dei, &c., and the second is altogether occupied with Antiqui - Libri Rituales S. Romanae Ecclesiae. / , 555 Neumanni Genesis et Exodus, Hebraice Norimb. 1696 - 556 Orsi (Cardinal,) Istoria Ecclesiastica, completa da Bottari, con 2. º / % la continuazione da F. A. Becchetti, in all 50 vols. scarce ºvſ ' f // Paris 1747-97 Cardinal Orsi's own part of the work is confined to the first six centu- ries; the concluding volume, the 21st. of the series, was compiled from his papers by Bottari, his biographer. Becchetti's Continuation extended only to the fourteenth century, and was comprised in 17 vols. He then began the history of the last four centuries, and the 12th volume, the last of the series of 50 vols., brings the history of the Church down to the year 1587. The 38 vols., to the close of the 13th century, were reprinted * at Rome in 1749-88, in 38 vols. 12mo., copies of which ccasionally occur for sale at an average of £6 to £7; and a later reprint of the same portion at Venice in 1822-26, in 42 pocket volumes, now out of print, may also be obtained at a similar price. The original quarto, however, is the only complete edition. “I congratulate Italy on the happy production with which you have enriched it. M. Fleury had occasion for a writer to fill up the chasms in his history; for it must be confessed that he has but slightly touched a number of very important facts. Sometimes it is dangerous to be solici- tous of being too concise—this gives sketches only, instead of finished pieces. I sincerely wish that your labour may meet with a brilliant re- compense, not for your glory but for the glory of the Church.”—CLEMENT V. A ºr //' 557 Owen (Joan.) De Theologia Bremas 1684 ºº, 558 Pagi (F.) Breviarium Historico-Chronolog. Criticum, illustriora | / Pontificum Romanorum Gesta, Conciliorum Generalium ſºſ7. | */ Acta complectens, 4 vols. vellum Antwerp. 1717 - / This work, intended to correct the chronological history of the Popes, is by the nephew of Anthony Pagi, whom he assisted in his “Critica Chronologica” on Baronius. The author shows that important dates were i. corrupted, and had produced no little confusion in ecclesiastical istory. º Z/2 559 Palladii de Vita S. Johannis Chrysostomi Dialogus, Gr. et Lat. ſº 2nº cura Bigotii Paris 1680 - % 60 PAMPHLETs AGAINST Poperty published during the reign of º ſ/ % James II., with a Catalogue by Edward Gee, in 31 vols. º */ | Lon. 1689 º 4* 28 THEOLOGY. º, 561 Pearsoni (Episc.) Windicia: Epistolarum S. Ignatii Cant. 1672 % 3 562 Pearsoni Opera Posthuma Lon. 1688 */ “These Dissertations are written with that accuracy and judgment, ſ 3. that they have been admired and quoted by the most curious and learned z - of foreign countries.”—Biog. Brit. 20 wº.] 563 Peck's (F) Catalogue of all the Discourses for and against ſ | Popery in the time of James II. ib. 1735 | ſº 0^0 tº 564 Pfeifferi (A.) Opera Omnia, 2 vols. Ultraj. 1704 / ſ A." 8% Pinti (Hect.) in Ezechielem Prophetam Commentaria !) º A_ l - / Antv. 1570 / */ 566 Popery, the History of, plates, 2 vols. Lon. 1735 /3 2, #66 Portiºn, secundum morem et consetued. Ecclesiae Sarisburi- ensis, cum Ordinali suo.—Pars Hyemalis /0/4 y / / 567 Prideaux, Fasciculus Controversiarum Oxon. 1652 - tu 568 Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate Regis } 3. ſ % Henrici VIII. (by Cranmer) Lon. 1640 “‘Cranmer's Reformatio Legum, although unpossessed of public au- thority, has often been appealed to as a record of very great importance. In our Senate, and in our Courts of Law, it has been cited to illustrate points of ecclesiastical jurisprudence. By our divines it is frequently brought forward as a comment on the Articles of Religion. This unau- thoritative code was often altered in its progress through the reigns of Henry and Edward, in vain endeavoured to be brought into use in that of Elizabeth, merely reprinted in that of Charles I., and lastly, and in- effectually, suggested to public notice, with a view to its establishment, by Bishop Burnet.”—Todd's Life of Cranmer. P! /7,| 569 Racine (Abbe B.) Abrege de l’Histoire Ecclesiastique, 13 vols. /61 r Col. 1762 / ſºvaya- ſ/ 570 Richerii (E.) Historia Conciliorum Generalium, Pars 1 et Iv., in / 2 vols. Col. 1681 3. /9 waſ * 1 Richard (C. L.,) Analyse des Conciles, 5 vols. Paris 1772 ** A most useful work for those who cannot conveniently obtain the large ‘ſ Kº, 0 & / º collections. “Le style en est clair et concis, la doctrine saine et ortho- Tºwn doxe, lacritiquesage et judicieuse, lesrecherches curieuses, utiles, et exactes, 4. ^les raisonnemens solides et convaincans.”—Approbation du Prof. en Theo. 2- logie de Paris. / º %, ºnzº B72 Rituale ad usum Dioecesis Tornacensis Torn. 1784 % º f 573 Rituale ad usum Dioec. Atrebatensis Atreb. 1757 //, 40% 574 Robertson, Thesaurus Linguaº Sanctae Lon. 1680 / 3 % .2/ 575 Rogers (Thomas) on the Faith Professed in the Realme of / Englande, scarce ib. 1607 ſºlº * 6 Romish Doctrine in the case of Conspiracie and Rebellion - - ib. 1605 MW ~ QUARTO. 29 º 577 Rondinino (P.) de S. Clemente ejusque Basilica in Roma, fig. - Roma 1706 578 SAINTs, (Wies des) par Adrien Baillet, 10 vols. Paris 1739 3.| //t) “Baillet était d'une lecture vaste et profonde, et d'un travail assiduet prodigieux . . . . il a donné d'excellentes Vies des Saints, précedés d'un discours plein d'erudition, etil estle premier quiles ait donné purgées , - - de fables, defaux miracles, et d’histoires supposées.”—Moreri. ºº - 3º 579 Saunders' (Richard) Discourse of Angels Lon. 1701 ſº º 580 Sarpi (Fra Paolo.) Histoire du Concile de Trente, avec notes %.-- % º */U par Le Courayer, 3 vols. Amst. 1751 f 581 Schickardi Jus Regium Hebræorum, Lips. 1674; Wolfii Notitia CAA */ / Karaeorum, 2 vols. in 1 1721 582 Scotland—Antiquities, Ecclesiastical and Territorial, of the 3//0/, Parishes of Scotland, (The Bannatyne Club) 2 in 3 vols. Edin, 18514. 3/583 Schultens (A.) Origines Hebraeae L. Bat. 176100 Tºvº) % 584 Schultens, Proverbia Salomonis, Heb. et Lat. ib. 1748 */ 585 Schultens, Comment. in Jobum, 2 vols. ib. 1737 º/- - 4. ſ “These works exhibit the system of Schultens, whom Michaelis ...? ( ?/ ? (A. nounces to have been the greatest master of Oriental learning in his age.” º —Bibliotheca Biblica. 2 586 Schroederi Observationes Selectae ad Origines Hebræas, MS. tf additions Groning. 1762 587 Schoettgenii (C.) Horæ Hebraicae et Talmudicae in universum r 3/ ſ Nov. Testamentum, 2 vols., very scarce Dresdae 1733-42 / “A work which ought never to be off the table of the theological student.”—Archd. Lyall. 588 Scriptorum Veterum Nova Collectio, e Vaticanis Codicibus, 4%2/(/, 3./// edita ab Angelo Maio, 10 vols. Romae 1825–8 - / This most valuable collection is, like Cardinal Mai's Bibliotheca Nova Patrum, his “Spicilegium Romanum,” and his “Auctores Classici Graeci et Latini, e Vaticanis Codicibus editi,” indispensable to every library in which either theological or philological literature holds a prominent rank. I * - - - - º/ 589 Siberus de Collaribus Clericorum, 1710; De Anulorum Auregº rum Origine; Phrontisma Plinianum Yº owſ% 1614, in 1 vol. /ſ590 Sibs' Bowels Opened, or Sermons on the Canticles Lond. 1683% a/~, º 4/5, ºniºlinºis Open Paris 1599 Rozwº 592 Simonis (Joh.) Onomasticum Vet. Testamenti Halae I74 - ve/2 “The most learned and accurate work which has been published o this subject.”—Orme. % 593 Smith's (John) Select Discourses Lond. wº A/º A writer of great erudition and strength of mind.—Lowndes. % 30 THEOLOGY. |^o/ º 594 Spalding Club—Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, 2 vols. |) / - Edin. 1845 " º aſ , (ſ595 Spalding Club—Selections from the Records of the Synod of º/ | - \ 2 vols. in 1 ib. 1635-7 // ſhaº2,597 Starckii (J. F.) Commentarius in Ezechielem Francof 1731 “Primus ac solus est Starkius inter theologos nostros, qui pleniorem // 3 - Aberdeen ib. 1846 7, º ſo 596 Sparrow on Confession; Shelford's Five Pious Discourses, / | commentarium in Ezechielem conscripsit, meritoque laudem, laboris sui praemium, accepit.”—Walchius. º ſ 598 Stock (Bishop,) Isaiah, Heb. and Engl. Bath 1803 ſ 599 Suiceri (J. C.) Symbolum Niceno-Constantinopolitanum Expo- ſº rºya 2 situm - Traj. ad Rh. 1718 % With autograph, Dan. Waterland. Query, whether Dr. Waterland be not largely indebted to this book for his quotations from the Fathers.- C. J. B., M.S. Note. ſº ºw Supplication for Toleration to James I. by Silenced Ministers, 1609, reprinted with notes by Maitland Lon. 1859 // / tſ/ --- º Sutcliffe's (Matth.,) Challenge concerning the Romish Church, % - - §lath ºffer ib. 1602 3/? ſ /gº Sylloge Dissertationum Philologico-Exegeticarum, 2 vols. Leidae 1775 */ 4. 6 Testament (The New,) published by Tyndale, reprinted, with * Cº-º-º- his Life by G. Offor, morocco Bagster, Lon. 1836 /% ſt a ſºZ 2." Testament (The Old,) Hebrew and English, half morocco Bagster, ib. n. d. ///w 4, º Testamentum Novum Syriacum, cura Leusden et Schaaf - L. Bat. 1709 ºr waſ º £66"testament Neuen (Erlauterungen zum) Riga 1775 ' 607 Testamentum Novum, ex Talmude et Antiquit. Hebr. Illustra- 7- ºſcºw tum, a Meuschen Lips. 1736/ “Besides Meuschen's own productions, this work contains various Dissertations by Danzius, Rhenferdius and Scheidius. Many subjects which belong to the Christian dispensation are illustrated from the an- cient rites of the Mosaic economy or the doctrines of the modern Jews. The work is in high reputation with those who attach importance to the kind of writing it contains.”—Bibliotheca Biblica. غw-rººmsºmº. Col. Allob. 1620 /? - 608 Three Discourses on Transubstantiation, Invocation of Saints º / and Angels, Worship of Images, by J. M., an inhabitant - ^ of the Queen's County Dub. 1707 ſ A very scarce volume, P. H.-MS. Note. QUARTO. 31 º 609 Tillemont (Lenainde,) Histoire Ecclesiastique des VI. Premiers - Siecles de l'Eglise, 16 vols., French morocco, gilt edges *ſºn, , / - Paris 1701-12 º 610 Tillemont, Histoire des Empereurs et des autres Princes qui ont - regné durant les six premiers siecles, 6 vols., uniform with - - the last number ib. 1700 “Ouvrages tirés du sein des auteurs originaux, souvent tissus de leurs proprès termes; exprimant toujours leur sens avec fidélité, et rangés avec - un ordre, une justesse, et un précision dont le merite ne se fait bien - sentirque a ceuxquisavant par leur experience combiencoutent cessortes de travaux.”—Moreri. “Apres Messieurs Pithou, M. de Tillemont est le seul qui ait assez possedé l'histoire pour s'engager dans la méme car- rière. Il a tiré des loix pour l'histoire les secours qu'ils avoient tirés de l'histoire pour les loix.”—Vie de P. Pithou. // 611 TRACTs—History of the Kentish Petition ; Letter on Penal // / Laws and Tests; W. Penn's Advice to abolish same ; Persecution of the Valleys of Piedmont ; Goodman on Auricular Confession; Prince of Orange, his Declaration; A. Poulton, a Jesuit, his Conference with Tenison; A. Marvel's Essay on Councils, Creeds, and Impositions; The Faithful Pastor, his Sad Lamentation to his Apostate - Flock, &c., 19 in 1 vol. 1686-1701 - / 612 TRACTs—The Naked Truth, by Croft; Turner's Animadversions y t /. on the same ; and other Answers by Gunning, Burnet, 2. _2 and A. Marvel; Tullie on Worship of Images; 18 Sermons - by eminent Divines, in 3 vols. v. y. 1675-81 // 613 Tracts—Bp. Morton's Satisfaction concerning Romish Rebel- 4 - / t lion; The Catholike Moderator; The Golden Balance of” ºn tº / Tryall; Counterblast against Robert Parsons; Polyander's ^. Refutation; Hall's Peace of Rome proclaimed by Bellar- mine; Morton's Answer to Higgons, 8 in 1 vol. 1603–23 7. (j- ! /3 1614 Usseriſſac.) Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates Dh. 1639 º A. - 3615 Venema (H.) Commentarius in Jeremiam, 2 vols. Leov. 1765 º/, 7 & 0. / 0616 Venemae Comment. ad Psalmos, 6 vols. ib. 1763 º º 617 Vignolii (Joan.) Liber Pontificalis, seu de Gestis Rom. Pon- º ſºº/A. /// - tificum, large paper, 3 vols. Romas 1724 0 - “Accuratissimam diuturni laboris diligentiam arduo in opere egregie prºbavit vir J. Vignolius Bib. Vat. Praefectus, &c.”—Approb. Virorum - Illust. º 3.º 618 Vitringae (C.,) Archisynagogus; Observationes Sacrae - º - / Franeq. 1685 - \ 32 THEOLOGY. ! º '. taſzy 0.619 Wagenseilii (J. C.) Tela Ignea Satanae Norib. 1681 | | This work is a collection of Jewish blasphemies written by the Jewish Rabbies against Christ and the Christian religion, with able refutations and large notes, “and which,” says Dr. Adam Clarke, “is a scarce and curious work.” |ſ º 620 Weismanni (C. E.) Introductio in Historiam Sacram Novi Z. Testamenti, 2 vols. Halae 1745 3 “I would take this opportunity of observing that they who have seen cause to regret that the History of Mosheim presents rather an external than an internal view of the Church of Christ, and who perceive that the pious Milner did not altogether possess the extent of information or the freedom from party spirit requisite to his undertaking, will find in the History of Weismann both the piety of the latter, and the historical fulness - p-TT. and accuracy of the former.—Conybeare's B. Lect. (**** White (Francis,) Orthodox Faith and Way to the Church 1 ſ Explained Lon. 1617 % / 622. Witsii (Economia Foederum Traj. ad Rh. 1594 ſ’ Cºwoº 528 Wolfii (J. C.) Cure Philologica et Critica in Nov. º - editio optima ; et Analecta Exegetica, in all 6 vols. Basilie 1741-66 // 624 Wolfii Bibliotheca Hebraea, 4 vols. Ham. 1715 / t - This work, which is referred to by Marsh, Horne, &c. contains not only the Hebrew authors, but accounts of the Old Testament Scriptures, their editions and Apocryphal books, Hebrew lexicographers, Christian writers ** against the Jews, &c. | º625 Zanchii (Hier.) Opera, 2 vols. Hanov. 1597 , , This celebrated Reformer was the friend of Peter Martyr, and shared / 3 with him the moderate views of Bucer. º10/*/ 626 Zanolini Lexicon Chaldaicum Patav. 1747 // - FOLIO. Kºo, v0) 627 Acta Sanctorum, Bollandi, 5 vols. (January, 2 vols.; March, / º April, May—l of each) Venetiis 1734 Ž. ºn 4 1628 Abarbanelis (Rabbi Isaaci) Commentarius in Pentateuchum, // Hebraice Hanov. 1710 y */ 629. Abarbanelis Comment. in Prophetas Priores, Hebraice - Lips. 1686 // ; !, 630 Abarbanelis Commentarius super Jesaiam, Jeremiam, et Pro- phetas Minores, Hebraice - Amst. 1642 /% º º 20A “Uno degli uomini più grandiche per ingegno e per politica.”—De Rossi. º20 on 631 Albertini (Edmund.) De Eucharistiaº Sacramento lib. /// |/! Daventriae 1654 “Opus luculentum atque eruditum.”—Walchius. In the Hora Syriace & Wiseman this is quoted as the best and most learned treatise published by the Protestants on the subject. l FOLIO. 33 º º // % * Athanasii (Sancti) Opera Omnia, editio Benedictina, 4 vols. A///º % // // 632 Ambrosii (Sancti) Opera, studio Monachorum Ord. Benedicti, ſ 2 vols., editio optima Paris 1686-90 The “Te Deum laudamus” was compiled by St. Ambrose. His works are particularly referred to in Archbishop Cranmer's Visitation Articles as requisite for Cathedral libraries. His “Commentaries” on the Old Testament embrace the six days, the patriarchs before and after the Flood, the book of Job, and the Psalms; and on the New Testament, the Gospel of St. Luke, St. Paul's Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. Gerberon Paris 1720 The disputes between Anselm and the Red King led to the Archbishop quitting the kingdom by stealth and visiting Rome, whence he accompa- nied the Pope to the Council of Bari, and distinguished himself by refuting the objections of the Greeks to the procession of the host. At the Synod of Westminster in 1102 he enforced the celibacy of the clergy, who up to that period, in England, had enjoyed the privilege of marrying. 633 Anselmi (Sancti) Opera, necnon Eadmeri Historia, studio g// º ſ Scarce Patavii. 1777 This edition is preferred by some to the original Benedictine in conse- quence of those works of Athanasius contained in the Nova Collectio of Montfaucon being here first incorporated with the others. 634*Augustini (Sancti) Opus de Civitate Dei, £iteris (50thitis 2. Nic. Jenson, Venetiis, McCocLxxv 635 Auncient Ecclesiastical Histories, translated by M. Hanme Lon. 1619 636 Babington's (Bishop) Works, port. ib. 1637 637 Bedae (Venerab.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, Latine // 7./6, et Saxonice, cura J. Smith Cant. 1722 // A presentation, with note signed W. Caulfeild. 638 Barbosae (Aug.) Tractatus de Canonicis et Dignitatibus 2) Lugd. 1640 639 BARONII (Caes. Cardinal.) ANNALEs EccLESIASTICI, cum continua- tione Raynaldi, critice. Pagi, notis Mansi, in all 38 vols. 30 */ wellum Lucae 1753-87 */ The Annals of Baronius finrnish the only complete and connected ac- count of Christian affairs during the first twelve centuries of the Church, and with the Supplements of Raynaldus and Spondanus, and the Chrono- logical Apparatus of Pagi and Mansi's Notes, bring the Ecclesiastical History down to the year 1640 in one continuous narrative, introducing documents from the Papal Archives which serve to elucidate profane history at the same time, and to which, in the earlier portion more parti- cularly, Baronius had access both as Cardinal and intimate friend and confessor to Pope Clement VIII. 640 Bellarmini (Card.) Opera, editio novissima, opera Joan. Vitzk, 4 vols. - Pragae 1721 - º/ſº º M/7/), º, * º a ſº - º !º 2,2'ſ ^^^* aſſ º 5 34 THEOLOGY. | 1 BIBLIA SACRA Polyglotta Waltoni, et Lexicon Heptaglotton Mºvº Castelli, portraits and plates, tall fine copy in calf gilt, 8 vols. Lon. 1657-69 “Complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum (cum Pentateucho Samaritano) Chaldaicum, Graecum; Versionesque antiquas, Samaritanam, Graecam, Chaldaicam, Syriacam, Arabicam, AEthiopicam, Persicam, et Vulgatam Latinam, cum omnium Translationibus Latinis, et Apparatu, Appendicibus, Tabulis, etc. nec non Grammaticis omnium VIII Lingua- runn. -- - - 0 nº 642 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, et commentaris Rabbinorum, edidit Buxtorf, 4 in 3 vols. Basilae 1665 “A particularly valuable edition.”—Bibliotheca Susseriana. “Bux- - torſius in editione sua innumeris locis punctationem verum restituit, loca depravata emendavit, Masorae errata plurima castigavit, itaut perimmen- sos viri clarissimi labores Basiliensis haec editio omnibus Venetis merito praeferenda sit.”–Masch. “It contains the commentaries of Jarchi, Aben Ezra, Kimchi, Levi ben Gerson, and Saadias Haggaon. An ap- pendix is subjoined, containing, beside the Jerusalem Targum, the great Masora corrected and amended, the various lections of Ben Aschar and Ben Naphthali.”–Horne. ſ/ 643 Bibliorum Hebraicorum Concordantiae Joh. Buxtorfii ib. 1632 ^ f ºnwaa ſº Biblia Hebraica: eorundem Latina Interpretatio Pagnini - Anty. 1672 645 Biblia Latina R. Stephanus, Paris 1528 %, A ºn a w/ The first of Stephens’ recensions: and was, says Townley, “corrected - ~from the best MSS. he could procure of the Vulgate version, as well as from the Complutensian Polyglott, and from all other printed editions he could obtain.” This, as well as all Stephens' editions, were put on the list of prohibited works. / ſſº 646 BIBLIE SACRE TEXTUs, cum glosa ordinaria, Nicolai de Lyra / l Lº / º postilla, Pauli Burgensis additionibus et Thoringi replicis, #iteris 60thitis, 6 vols. Lugduni 1520 “Un Recueil célébre.”—Simon, who give a critical notice of the various authors. “Commentarios hos de Lyrani industria non solum, sed etiam eruditione locuplenter testari, atque inter reliquas Scrip. Sac.explanationes, tempore hoc compositas, omni jure principemlocum tueri, communis viro- rum eruditorum sententia est.”—Walch. ſ 60AM, £47 Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinae Versiones antiquae, opera Saba- tier, 3 vols., fresh calf Paris 1751 “An edition of exceeding interest, inasmuch as it contains all the - - Fragments of the Vetus Italica, or old version, which the learned editor / could obtain by the most diligent search.”—Bibl. Susseriana. ſ An ºr " 648 Biblia Sacra, cum annot. Watabli, 2 vols. in fresh calf, uniform f with the last number Paris 1729 ſ V/ º 649 Bible, Kennicott's Family, plates Dub, 1793 ºu * 650 Bible, the Apocrypha, by Beza n. d. º *O % // % / /, //. % / % % FOLIO. 35 - ſ º 651 BIBLIoTHECA MAXIMA Patrum et Antiquorum Scriptorum º jø siasticorum, cura P. Despont, 27 vols.; S. Asterii Opuscula, 00/20 et Historia Haeresis Monothelitarum, opera Combeſis, 2 vols. in all 29 Ludg. 1677 - - r Bibliotheca Graecorum Patrum Auctarium Novissimum, Gr-Lat. 70 ° tis Monumenta, in Act A SANCToRUM voluminibus praefixa, - - Brownrig's (Bishop) Sermons, 2 vols. Lon. 1674 Bulli (Episc.) Opera Omnia, a Grabe ib. 1721 Groºv Nov. Testamenti, Dictionarium Historicum, etc. fig. 10 vls. Dissertationes in S. Scripturam, a J. D. Mansi, 2 vols., in cum notis F. Combeſis Paris 1672 Bollandi, aliorumque Praefationes, Tractatus, atque Antiquiº, O// º/ 3 vols. Venetiis 1749 //07) Buxtorfi (J.) Lexicon Chaldaicum Basiles 16392 (2° ºn Calmeti (Aug.) Commentarius Literalis i libros Vet. et - almeti (Aug.) Commentarius Literalis in omnes libros We "Z. ºſ- ºl all 12 vols. Aug. Wind. 1732-5; Venet. 1734 ſ 658 Campbell (Hon. Archb.) Doctrines of a Middle State betwº/ a / nº Death and the Resurrection. Lon. 1721, | º 659 Cappelli (L.) Commentarii in Vetus Testamentum, item Arcanum / ſº Punctationis Amst. 1689 | % 660 Cave (Guil.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria,3, /n^2 ºf a w vols. Oxon. 1740-3 - % 661 Cave Historia Literaria, 2 vols. - Lon. 1688- tº a % 2/ 662 Chillingworth's (W.) Works ib. 174 º 563 Clementis Alexandriniopera, Gr-Lat.recognita perJ.Potterum,”) - 4. 9/9 2 vols. Oxon. 1715%-2^**(v %/* Collier's (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Pºgº. # #40 º* // /* 665 Comber's Companion to the Temple it, igss!/wº p p ſ % 666 Canones et Decreta Concilii Tridentini, Romae 15642 º 667 Centuriae Magdeburgenses, sive Historia Ecclesiastica Centu- - - - - , ſº ſ /. riarum, I. ad. XIII., in old stamped hogskin, with clasps, 2. ºut ºf / '', ') 7 vols. Basileae 1560-74 ſ “In favour of Protestantism, the Centuriae Magdeburgenses gave rise to a work similarly extensive by Caesar Baronius in favour of Romanism.”— SoAMEs. / 7/50s Coquaei (L.) Antimornaeus, id est, Confutatio Mysterii Ini- // - quitatis, 2 vols. Mediol. ...? 70 wº /ſ' 669 Corpus Juris Canonici, 3 vols. Venetiis 1604 - y - - 36 TIIEOLOGY. £) - ^ 670 Corpus Juris Canonici, Gregorii XIII. P.M. jussu editum, a . . (^u) ^«, P. Pithoeo, 2 vols. Aug. Taur. 1746 ** P. Pithou était un des plus grands hommes de son siècle, et um ge ceux ls plus solidement savant, et qui a eu le plus d'ètendue de connais- sances."—DuplN. Zw//2 1^ 671 Cotelerii (J. B.) Opera SS. Patrum qui temporibus Apostolicis '/ός, // - floruerunt, Gr. et Lat. cum notis, 2 vols. Amst. 1724 ] fn^^^ Q, 672 Crakanthorp (R.,) Treatise of the Fift General Councel held at // ! Constantinople Lon. 1634 /) 673 Concilii Florentini exactissima Narratio, Græce scripta per -I Sylvestrum Sgvropulum, transl. in Lat. cum notis R. 2// Creyghton Hag. Com. 1660 t ; 674 CRITici SAcri, sive Annotata in Vetus ac Novum Testamentum, 3 ! /. 9 vols. Amst. 1698 **The most important collection of Biblical Critics ever made."— Dr. AdAM CLARkr. // $ Criticorum Sacrorum Appendix Francof. 1701 - A 3, tr^ Paris, 1720 /^ t 2 %si; £ypriani (Sancti) Opera, recognita per Joan. Oxoniensem t_n_^ ^_^_77 Episeopum (Fell) Bremæ, 1690 '6 CyRILLI (Sancti) Opera, cura A. Touttee, Monachi Benedictini 7// () 7/, '0^^^® 678 Cypriani (Sancti) Opera, Editio Benedictina Venetiis, 1758 / A./ 07 4, (n^^^^ 79 D'Acherii (L.) Spicilegium Veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in - Galliæ Bibliothecis delituerant, ed. De la Barre, 3 vols. - Paris, 1723 V; 680 Daubuz (C.) Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, best edition Lon. 1720 ^; 681 Delectus Actorum Ecclesiæ Universalis, cum notis ad plerosque - Canones, 2 vols. Lugd. 1706 / [v® %* Deodati's Annotations on the Bible Lon. 1664 12. 00Vo \ 683 Dionysii (Sancti) Areopagitæ Opera, cum scholiis S. Maximi, ///, i. et notis Corderii, Gr. et Lat. 2 vols. Antv. 1634 //1 / 684 Dionysii Carthusiani (alias Denis Rickel) Enarrationes piæ ac Col. 1533-58 The Commentaries of Denis Rickel, Ryckel, or Rikel, as his name is / ' L- Q/ / L! eruditæ in Vetus et Nov. Testamentum, in 5 vols. vellum -. • I *, a^ differently spelt, better known as Dionysius Carthusianus, are said to be a prodigy of erudition, and bis scholastic learning to be supreme. His name he derived from the place of his birth, of which his family were the *eigneurs, a small town near Liege, and, on his becoming a Carthusiam FOLIO. 37 - in 1423, he all but dropped it, and for the remainder of his life devoted \ to the compilation of his works, he called himself generally Dionysius Carthusianus. At the date of his death, in 1471, he left no less than 206 distinct works. But there appears still to have been a hankering to pre- serve his indentity with posterity, for the title of the very rare volume, the first of his works which appeared in print, reads thus in the colophon: —“Speculum conversionis peccatorum Magistri Dionysii de Lewis alias Rikel Ordinis Cartusiensis.” It is the first book, with a date, printed in Belgium. º º 685 DUGDALE's Monasticon ANGLICANUM. A HISTORY OF THE ABBEYs AND other MonASTERIES, HospitaLS, PRIoRIES, A) AND CATHEDRAL AND Collegiate CHURCHES IN ENGLAND '' º AND WALEs, and all such Scotch, Irish, and French ſ Monasteries as were in any manner connected with the ( Religious Houses in England. Greatly enlarged and improved, and continued from Leiger Books, Chartularies, Rolls, and other National Documents, by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel; 8 vols. 250 plates, half bound, morocco, uncut Lon. 1846 f t | /// 686 Englishman's (The) Greek Concordance of the New Testament º, ^ A 7/ j ib. 1839 - - 687 Erasmus's Paraphrasis upon the Newe Testament, First º, - | §lath £etter, wants Title, Prefaces and Epistle f 4 /,- E. Whitchurche, Lon. 1548 This Commentary was appointed by public authority to be placed in all our Churches. - ſ - 2%688 Eusebii Pamphili Ecclesiastica Historia, ed. Reading, 3 vols.4/ºn */ russia Cantab. 1720 / (2. 689 Eusebii Chronicorum Canonum libri duo, opera J. J. Scaligeri , - Amst. 1658 */ 690 Field (R.,). Five Bookes of the Church Oxf. 1628 ° 691 Forbes a Corse (Johan.) Opera Omnia, 2 vols. Amst. 1703 º / Son of the Bishop of Aberdeen, where he became Professor of Eccle- // siastical History. He was an Episcopalian, and because he refused to sign the Solemn League and Covenant, he was ejected in 1640. º 4./ , 692 Fox (John,) Acts and Monuments of Matters in the church.” ſ / / //º ninth and best edition, large paper, plates, 3 vols., caffº º U / , , extra Lon. 1684 ºº/ ſº 693 Fuerstii (J.) Librorum Sacrorum Veteris Testamenti Con- º / cordantiae Hebraicae et Chaldaicae, morocco Lips. 1840, 3 694 Gauden (J.) Tears, Sighs, Complaints and Prayers of the ſº --- º 3 Church of England Lon. 1659 ºz. - / - 38 Theology. tº 9 695 Gavanti (Barth.)Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum, seu Commentaria || 0 º - in Rubricas Missalis et Breviarii Romani, 3 vols. in 1 - Aug. Wind. 1763 !) 696 Gersoni (Joannis) Opera Omnia, edente Lud. Ell. Du Pin, 5 vols. Hag. Com. 1728 He died in 1429. “From the time of St. Bernard,” says his editor, Du Pin, “the Church never had an author of greater reputation, more !, Jſ wº profound knowledge, and more solid piety, than Gerson. | Ulº ('897 [Gibson (Bp.)] Preservative against Popery, 3 vols. Lon. 1738 - | 698 Godwin (Francis) De Praesulibus Angliae Commentarius, cum , /Cºnnº r annot. Richardson, best edition, large paper, portraits t Cant. 1743 ſ 596 Gratii (Orthuini) Fasciculus Rerum expetendarum et fugien- ſ º | AA Cº-º-º/- darum, opera Edv. Brown, 2 vols. Lon. 1690 | 1 This curious and esteemed work is a collection of fugitive pieces in- tended to display the Errors of the Church of Rome.-LowNDEs. 3. | | º| /3 O ſ 700 Gregorii (Sancti) Opera Omnia, studio et labore Monachorum (ſ , gº tº ºvºº * Benedictin. 4 vols. Paris 1705 701 Gregorii (S. Nazianzeni) Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. studio 3 ſº|0 *** *** Monachorum Benedictin. et A. B. Caillau, 2 vols calf super eactra ib. 1842 ſ { ºº Hackett (John) Scrinia Reserata; a Memorial of John Williams, º/ \ D.D., Archbishop of York Lon. 1693 h 03 Hafenrefferi (Matth.) Templum Ezechielis, Commentarius in () - Prophetam Tubingae 1613 | ! 704 Halloix (P.) Illustrium Ecclesiæ Orientalis Scriptorum Vitae et / ſ º Documenta Duaci. 1636 7 “By the learned this work is highly prized.”—WALCH. (ºſ, ºtos Hºnºr. (Henry, D.D.) w. 4 vols. Lon. 1684 (6/, | ſº Ž706 HARDUINI (Joan.) Conciliorum Collectio (Ann. 304-1714) / Á ſ et Opera Selecta, 12 vols. scarce Paris 1715 °/9 () غ ; Hebraeae Linguae Lexicon, authore Elia Levita 1541 º/ ºn 708 Heylyn (P.) Historical Tracts Lon. 1681 ſuſ ºv709 Heylyn's History of the Presbyterians ib. 1672 - º 710 Heylyn's Summe of Ch. Theologie ib. 1673 / º 711 Heylyn's Life of Archb. Laud Dub. 1719 - / º o, , ,712 Hilarii (Sancti) Opera, studio et labore Monachorum Benedictin. / ſ/ º Paris 1693 º 2.713 Hodii (Humf.) De Bibliorum Textibus Originalibus, Versionibus - Graecis, et Latina Vulgata Oxon. 1705 º º 714 Homilies of the Church, $lath £etter, calfertra Lon. 1635 º / roLIO. 39 715 Irenaei (Sancti) Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. edidit D. R. Massuet, %As ſº ./ editio Benedictina et optima, calf extra Paris 1710 */% 716 Isidori(Sancti) Opera Omnia, edita per M. De la Bigne ib. 1585 * . º º, 717 Josephi (Flav.) Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum notis J. Hudsoni, º 02) º 2 vols. Oxonii 1720 4./ 718 Josephus's Works, translated by W. Whiston, large paper.” 1.0 -º - 2 vols. Lon. 1737 f % 719 Justini(S.Martyris)Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat.studio Monachorum // º - ºf r ord. Benedictini, editio optima Paris 1742 º 3/ 2/ 720 Kettlewell's (John) Works and Life, 2 vols. Lon. 1719 ºf ºº 721 Langii (Joac.) Gloria Christi et Christianismi Apocalyptico-). /7 Prophetica, nec non Antisociniana et Antijudaica, 2 vols.”/ º º in 1 Amst. 1740 % 722 Lapide (Corn. a) Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum, Epistolas /. Canonicas, et Apocalypsin Antv. 1717 %: Lapide, Commentaria in quatuor Prophetas Majores ib. 1625 // 724 Laud's (Archbishop) Conference with Fisher the Jesuite (alias - º/ John Percy or Piers) in 1673/% º, % 725 Laud, History of his Tryall and Execution, or Canterburies / Doome, by William Prynne, front. by Hollar, but wan the two º y Lon. 164 20-1944 - 726 Launoii (Joan.) Opera Omnia, cum notis dogmaticis, historicis, / criticis, Auctoris vita, etc. aucta et illustrata, 10 vols. /*/!) vellum Col. Allob. 1731 “M. de Launoy was an enemy to vice, free from ambition, charitable, benevolent, a kind friend, and ever consistent in his conduct. His works were collected by the Abbé Granet, they discover great learning, and extensive knowledge of Ecclesiastical affairs. He forcibly defends the liberties of the Gallican church, and shews much penetration and skill in criticism.”—LADvocat. % 727 Le Neve (John) Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanæ Lon. 1716 // % 728 Leslie's (Charles) Theological Works, 2 vols. ib. 1721 // 729 L’Estrange (Hamon) Alliance of Divine Offices, exhibiting º, ſ / the Liturgies of the Church of England since the Refor-f u/A º /3 mation . ib. 1690 - º, A duplicate sold from Archbishop Marsh's library. - -*. ſº Leti's Life of Pope Sixtus the Fifth ib. 1754 ºf º 731 Limborchi Theologia Christiana Amst. 1695 /Kºw 732 Lombardi (Petri) Sententiarum libri Lovan. 1568 Scriptures, and the compilations of Peter Lombard were preferred to the - Doctrines and Precepts of Jesus Christ.”—MosherM. “The Book of Sentences was in much greater repute than the Holy 2 ſ 07/ % 40 TheoLOGY. 733 Lombardica Historia, seu Legenda Sanctorum, a Jacobo de wº % ^ A a " gine, 3 iteris 60thitis, very rare, in old stamped hogskin, ſº % - Impress. Argentine, McCocxc. £iteris 60thitis F. Bryckman, Lon. 1525 An ancient Edition of Lyndwood, appears to have belonged to Henry Dodwell, given me by Sir John Hawkins.—Old M.S. note. ty 735 Mabillon (Joan.) Vetera Analecta, sive collectio vet, operum et /3. opusculorum; cum Itinere Germanico, &c. Paris 1723 See Manuscripts. // 734 Lyndwoode (Guil.) Provinciale: seu Constitutiones Anglie, /%% º * - “Scriptor ex Benedictinorum Ordine sine controversia doctissimus, atgue in illustranda Historia Ecclesiastica indefatigabilis; judicio, mode ratione, experientia, et libertate honesta sentiendi, multis aliis sui Ordini- nis et religionis longe superior.”–Weismann. 736 Mabillon, Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti, cum figuris, 6 vols. in 2/ */ - old stamped vellum, with brass clasps and corners ib. 1703 Aoyº, 737 Mabillon, Acta Sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti, collegit L. 7% /. - Z///, /, D'Achcry, notis illust. Ruinart, 9 vols. vellum Venetiis 1733 º 738. Malvenda (Tho.) De Antichristolib., 2 vols. in 1, scarce / º Ludg. 1647 % As might be expected, the Reformers are not spared, and the scarlet mantle is cast upon that branch of the Church which had seceded from Rome, Luther being termed Antichristus, and his “nefarious” acts brought under review, whilst there is no small castigation bestowed upon the Church of England, and Queen Elizabeth figures as a persecutor of - Tºza, the Church. gº tº 1739 Marechal (B.) Concordantiae Sanctorum Patrum Ecclesiae % - Graeca, 2 vols. Aug. Wind, 1769 y | º u/ 740 Martene (Edm.) et Durand Veterum Scriptorum et Monumen-y torum Collectio, 9 vols., vellum Paris 1724–330 % - - 741 Martene, De Antiquis Ecclesiae Ritibus, 4 in 2 vols. * % º ºv–4. A Bassano 1788.3// - “The most valuable collection of records relative to the occasional / offices of the Western Churches has been published by Martene in his work ‘De Antiquis Ecclesiae Ritibus.’”—PALMER's “Origines Litur- -- - º gicae ſº0.0// º 742 Martene et Durand, Thesaurus Novus Anecdotorum, 5 vols. £º - 7 Paris 171 / ºf 743 Masoni (Franc.) Vindicia, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ Lon. 1638 Z ſºnº (14 Mede's (the Pious Joseph) Works ib. 1872 // 745 Menologium Graecorum, jussu Basilii Imper. Graece olim editum, º, "" cum figuris, 3 vols., vellum Urbini 1727 % ~ - FOLIO. 41 - - . - - - - - - ... / / º 746 Mischna; sive totius Hebræorum Juris Systema, Hebraice, yº anº Latinitate donavit ac notis illust. G. Surenhusius, 6 vols. in 3, vellum Amst. 1698–1703 - /?% 747 Missale Herbipolense, £iteris 60thitis, in stamped vellum, wit Voºr 7. / clasps s. d. % 748 Missale Romanum, ex decreto Concilii Tridentini */ ºv-2 - 7 / cum figuris Col. Agr. 1629 % Printed in Black and Red, with musical notes, but wants folios 277-8. 2- - /// 749 Morini (Joan.) Commentarius de sacris Ecclesiae ordinationibu fº a - 7) secundum Latinos, Graecos, Syros, &c. Antv. 16 - º 2 750 Morton (Bishop) of the Institution of the Sacrament Q 0.04/ 20 Lon. 1635 truſ % 751 Morton's Catholike Appeale for Protestants ib. 1610 ſ º 752 Natalis Alexandri Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Novique Testa-7- / 3/% menti, cum Supplemento; 9 vols.; Expositio Evangeliorum, 7 (6.7 ° 0. r Commentarius in Epistolas S. Pauli, 2 vols. in 1; Theo- logia Dogmatico-Moralis, 2 vols., in all 13 vols. Venetiis 1772–8 - / 753 Nathan (Rabbi Mardochai) Dictionarium Hebraico-Latinum // rhº - Basileae 1556 - 2/ 754 Nicholls (W.) Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer %10/09 Lon. 1712 755 Oudini (Cas.) Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesiae Antiquis, % illorumque scriptis, 3 vols. Francof. 1722 º - A Oudin's Commentary forms a necessary Companion to Cave's “Lite- rary History,” “which,” says Wiesmann, “it partly incorporates and corrects, or partly fills up and augments.” ſº - 2/ 756 Pandectae Canonum SS. Apostolorum et Conciliorum, abºº - "/37 - Ecclesiá Graecă receptorum, coll. a G. Beveregio, 2 vols. Oxon. 1672 % 757 Paulo (Car, a S.) Geographia Sacra Amst. 1704 ſº v * 758 Petavii (Dion.) Opus de Theologicis Dogmatibus; de Con- / cilii Tridentini interpretatione; Dissertationes Ecclesias- º ſſ - % º V ticas; Diatriba de Potestate Consecrandi; et Dissertatio de Poenitentia publica, 6 vols. in 3 Antv. 1700 Petavius is praised by both Romanist and Protestant writers for his industry, learning, and great acuteness. Gibbon calls him “profound, but the slave of the Fathers;” and Dr. Wotton, with more truth, praises “his accuracy, though inclinable to Arianism.” º % 759 Photii Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca, Gr. et Lat. ed. A. Schotto / º º Genev. 1612 6 - 42 The OLOGY. ſ / ſhºwſſ º ſ - Interpretum, 5 vols. Lon. 1669-76 760 Poli (Matth.) Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturæ | | / D The London edition of Poole's Synopsis is much more correctly printed, and in a far more readable type than either of the foreign reprints. Appendix, rare Duaci. 1626 The Appendix, frequently wanting, contains copies of many valuable 761 Reyneri (Clem.) Apostolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia, with the /% documents, and amongst others: Concordia Regularum S. Dunstani, Statuta Lanfranci, Acta Priscorum Capitulorum Ordinis, etc., etc. tº: Roberts (Francis) Clavis Bibliorum Lon. 1665 */ ſº Laº º Commentario Hist. Chron. Crit. illustrata, 2 vols. 763 Rubeis (J. F. B. Maria de) Monumenta Ecclesiae Aquilejensis, 2% 7 Argent. 1740 His book of the Primitive Martyrs was compiled from manuscript 764 Ruinart (Theod.) Acta Primorum Martyrum sincera et selecta - & a ſº OY__ Amst. 1713 % -40 and printed sources, both Greek and Latin. Of the former but few had been used elsewhere, and amongst those first brought to light by him were the narrative of the Martyrdom of Ignatius, from the Colbert M.S., not given by Cotelerius; the Passion of St. Felix, in Latin verse; the Martyrdom of St. Vincent the Levite; of Probus, Andronicus, and Tarachus in Pamphylia, a curious Greek narrative; and various others, º throwing considerable light upon the state of the Apostolic Churches of - ~765 Asia Minor and Africa during the early struggles of Christianity. 2/ Sanderson's (Bishop) xxxiv Sermons Lon. 1671 / ſq 07 T66 Serry (J. H.) Exercitationes de Christo, ejusque Virgine matre - º 2-4 Ludg. 1767 *... Mºº (w/v/. º Ø (A) / º scarce ib. º// ^ - 71 Suavis (Petri) Historiae Concilii Tridentini libri hº O Lºſ - 767 Smalridge's Sixty Sermons Oxf. 1724 68 Spelman (Henrici) Concilia, Decreta, Leges, Constitutiones, in - re Ecclesiarum Orbis Britannici Lon. 1639 r 769 Spotswood (John) History of the Church of Scotland ib. 1655 770. Stillingfleet's (Bishop) Works, with his Life, port., 6 vols., * 1 Aug. Trinob, 1620 %. This translation was made by Sir Adam Newton, tutor to Prince Henry, M. A. de Dominis, and Bp. Bedell. A., - / Zºº º Suiceri (J. C.) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus, e Patribus Graecis, /% - 72 editio optima, 2 vols., calf, gilt Traj. ad Rh. 1746 º ſhav / º Thesaurus Theologico-Philologicus, sive Sylloge Dissertationum Elegantiorum ad Selectiora et Illustriora Vet. et Novi 3 3. Testamenti Loca, 2 vols. Amst. 1701 i FOLIO. 43 , º, - \ ºº 774 Thesaurus Novus Theologico-Philologicus, Dissertationes Exe- / /nºAſ | `-- geticae ad Vet. et Nov. Testam. ex Musaeo Hasaei, 2 vols. ſ Ludg. Bat. 1732 // - Necessary to complete sets of the Critici Sacri. 775 Testamentum Vetus Hebraicum, cum variis lectionibus, ed. B. º, Kennicott, 2 vols. Oxon. 1776 r 3/ 776 Testamentum Vetus Graecum versionis Septuagint. ed. R.” ºſ º/ſ Holmes, 4 vols., calf, gilt ib. 1795–1827' 4 7// - With Mr. Holmes’ receipt for Twelve Guineas from one of his sub- scribers for a copy of the work, dated 1800, Register Trin. Coll. Dub., July 12, 1788, fol. 63. “It was agreed to subscribe fifteen pounds yearly, for three years, to Mr. Holmes to encourage him in his undertaking to collate the MSS. and editions of the Greek version of the Old Testa- 3. ment.”—MS. note. 3/4/7 77 Testamentum Novum Graecum, opera et studio J. J. Wetstenii, // - 7 2 vols. Amst. 1751 // (778 Testamentum Novum, Erasmi, Gr. Lat. Basil 1519 779 Trommii (Ab.) Concordantiae Graecae versionis Lxx. Interpret. // 3 4 ſ Vet. Testam., 2 vols. Amst. 1718 | 780 Tornielli (Aug.) Annales Sacri, et ex Profanis praecipui, ab orbe // - /// condito ad eundem Christi Passione redemptum, cum com- - f mentariis A. M. Negri, 4 vols., vellum Lucas 1757 avec exactitude; son ouvrage ne content passeulement l'histoire, mais encore l'éclaircissement des difficultés de Chronologie, de Géographie, de Topographie, et touchant les Rites qui se recontrent dans la narration de - l'histoire; en sorte que cet ouvrage peut 6tre consideró comme un excel- lent Commentaire des Livres historiques de l'Ancien Testament.”— DUPIN. / / 781 Ussher's (Abp.) Body of Divinitie, 1648, and his Immune 2 ^^2, 1649, with Beard's Theatre of God's Judgements, 1648, “Tourniel est le premier qui ait traité cette matière avec 6tendue et in one volume. - / 782. Ussher's Body of Divinity, portrait Lon. lsº 0 783 Vitringa (C.) Commentarius in librum Jesaiae, 2 vols. - /3 Leov. 1724 r “ Vitringa," says Rosenmüller, “left all the interpreters of Isaiah ^ Mºº behind him.” “Inter omnes Jesaiae interpretes Vitringa principem/M locum sibi fecit, ac magnam laudem laboris sui praemium consequtus est.”—Walch. º / º º % % () 84 wº (Hen.) Anglia Sacra, sive Collectio * º! VOIs. Il. #//7 º, % 85 Willet's (Andrew) Synopsis Papismi ib. 1600 - *786 Wheatly (C.) on the Common Prayer ib. 1720 º º - 6* 44 THEOLOGY. LIBRI HEBRAICI, ETC. FOLIO. ET QUART0. 9, ºt , is Abraham ben Asher Liber Luminis Intellectus Venetiis 1561). 788 Abraham de Balmis Grammatica Hebraea ib. 1523, 789 Arnulphi (Jo.) Veterum Rabbinorum in exponendo Penta- Z. / f) 2Jºo ºv teucho moditredecim 1620 O In Proverbia Salomonis Comment. trium Rabbinorum S. Isacidis., A. A. Ezrae, L. B. Ghersom, illust. A. Giggeius 1620 Targum seu Paraphrasis Caldaica Jonathani 1556 ſ In one volume. %. º "Wºgo Abarbanelis (Is.) in Danielem Commentarii; ejusdem De / ſ - / Mundi Creatione, 2 vols. in 1 Venetiis !) - hº C. 791 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, interleaved, 8vo. in folio. //º ºva º Bythneri Lyra Davidis - Lon. º - | 793 Cohen de Lara (David) De Convenientia vocabulorum Rabbi- /* - nicorum Amst. 1638 Jíºſ' 794 Donati (F.) Poma Aurea Heb. Roma, 1623 */ 795 Dachs (F. B.) Talmudis Babylonici Codex Succa º / Traj. ad Rh. 172 7) alz2 a 796 Exodus, Deuteronomy, Numbers, with the Targum of Onkelos | - ſº- and Commentary of Rashi, 2 vols. Hamburg 5547 J/, ºw. ºn, ſº 9797 Exodus in Samaritan character Jerusalem 1864 f 798 Edzardo (G. E.) Tractatus Talmudici; Hoseas Illustratus a % _0 H. Von der Hardt, etc. (4) in 1 vol. Hamb. 1705 %, ( 799 Hoseas Propheta, cum Comment. R. Is. Abarbanelis / jº. Gron. 1676 / '. ſ 800 Kimchi (D.) in Psalmos, cum Comment, very rare 1542 // f AA % O AA 4A David Kimchi and his brother Moses, Spaniards by birth, claim most "º honourable mention amongst the learned men of the i3th century. The Commentaries of the former are of great value and authority, and he is acknowledged to be the greatest grammarian the Jews have ever had. / a | 801 Kimhi Comment. in x primos Psalmos Const. 1544 Uſº º tº 802 Kimhi Comment in Haggaeum, etc. Paris, 1557 th 3 803 Kimhhi Comment. in Psalmos, a Janvier, ib. 1666) - 804 Langii (Joac.) Mysterium Christi ac Christianismi, in fasciis | typicis antiquitatum Biblicarum W. T. Halae 1717 & . | ſº X 805 Meyer (C.), Vera Immanuelis Generatio Amst. 1723 5 806 Michaelis (C. B.), Syriasmus, id est Grammatica Linguae) Syriacae Halae, 174 FOLIO ET QUARTO. 45 ſtº 807 Michaelis Syntagma Commentationum, 2 vols. Goett. 17 |- º /808 Misnæ Pars: cum comment. G. Guisii Oxon. 16907 ) tº kºj ſº ///) 309 Munsteri (Seb), Hebraicus Pentateuchus, etc. Venet. 1551 l / 3. 810 Munsteri Kalendarium Hebraicum Basil, 1527 ſſºvº& * (811 Maimonidis (M.), Doctor Perplexorum, Latinë translatus 4. ib. 16290 AA 702 0. % º Palaestra linguarum orientalium, cura Geo. Othonis - Francof. 1702. ſº Pareau (A. H.), Commentatio ad Elegiam Davidis in Saulum et %| Jonathanem Gron. 1829 %. º v 814 Psalmi Iv. Hebræo-Latini, cum Paraphrasibus et Commentariis / D. Kimhi Paris, 1619 0. - */ - / 815 Sepher Beth Aaron ; Index of Biblical passages explained i #4. º - ºn the two Talmuds Frankf. 1690 () / 816 Sheringham (R.), Joma : Codex Talmudicus Lon. 1648.0 /ºwn - - 817 Schwarzius (F. I.), Exercitationes in utrumque Samaritanorum, % Pentateuchum vitemb. 1753 //ſºº 818 Targum in lib. Chronicorum, cum versione Latina, a D. Wil- . % kins Amst. 1715 -" 819 Targum Hierosolymitanum in v. lib. Legis, Latine, opera F. /2 Tayleri ion. 1649, . ^ 820 Tishbi (Eliae) Lexicon, Hebraicë, no title or preface, Jenae, 154 º/\!/ rº ^ 821 Talmud laschon Ibri, containing the Elements of the Hebrew */ , ſ language Vienna, 1827 /822 Tractat. Talmud. Sota Wagenseilii, hoc est, Liber Mischnicus- / ) de uxore adulterii suspecta : Excerpta Gemarae lib. en /* AAº Jacob Altdorfii, 1674 /823 Tractat—Disputationes Philologicæ Septem; Theologia Ritus- que Talmudistarum; R. Abarbanelis in Nahum Comment.; Pentaphyllum Rabbinicum, studio Loscani (10) 1703-72 - 00TAVO ET INFRA. - - ſ 824 Abarbanelis (Is.) Comment. in Esaiae Prophetiam 30 º/ º 4. - L. Bat. 1631 7. ºf 825 Amama (Sixt.), Grammatica Ebraea Amst. 1634 Ø º 7 y 826 Buxtorfii Thesaurus Linguae Hebraeae, et Grammatica Chaldaica, Cº º y 2 vols. Basil. 1629-85 º - ſ 827 Buxtorfii Lexicon Hebraicum, 4 vol. Romae, 1789 - º/Lº. A. 828 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis, J. Athias Amst. 1700 a ſ 46 THEOLOGY. 42O9 vºſ 829 Biblia, Humas de Parasiothy Aftharoth, trad dela Hebr. en' 'b Espanhol,-Menasseh Ben Israel, morocco, clasps 1626 (830 Biasi (vºl. de), Grammatica Hebrica Wien. 1854 ".wº/vv8. K831 Ben-Gannach (Jona) Grammaire Hébraïque, par Goldberg - - - Francf. 1856 - p.'00 tº 832 Coch (Jo.), Tractat. Talmud. Sanhedrin et Maccoth / - Amst. 1629 9 Zºo AA ſt 838 Celsii (Olavi) Hierobotanicon, sive de Plantis S. Script. 2 vols. / /* - ib. 1748 Z Z834 Danaeus (Lamb.), Prolegomena in xii. Prophetas minores s. d. ! º º 835 Erpenii Rudimenta Linguae Arabicae L. Bat. 1628 2 836 Eliae Judaei Accentuum Hebr. lib. Basil, 1539 |ſ | 837 Fuerst (J.), Jesurun, sive Prolegomenon in Concord. Wet. Tes- 2- - tam. Grim. 183 w 7. º, %838 Hottingeri Grammatica Chald. Syriac. Tig. 1652 ſ 2× ana o/A 839 Hebraicae Grammat. Tractatus // 840 Israel filius Mosis, Disputatio Cabalistica de Anima, interp. De w / Voysin Paris, 1635 ſ 841 Jehuda Ben Koreisch epistola de studii Targum utilitate, cum ( -) // / notis J. J. L. Barges ib. 1857 ſ r - / 842 Joel et Malachias, cum Comment. D. Kimhi Basil, 1530 843 L'Empereur (Const.), Clavis Talmudica, Codex Middoth, Itine- - º 2.04 * rarium D. Benjaminis, Institutiones Mosis Kimchi, 4 §: / }º 1630-4 º, & 844 Lette (J. G.) Animadversiones Sacrae ad Textum Hºbº - 1 // 7 ſ Q_ | Vet. Testam. L. Bat. 1759/? y 845 Levitae (J. Is.) Physica Hebraea, R. Moses de Astrologia, Elias / Levitae Accentuum expos. capitula cantici, Traditio Tra- ditionis, 4 vols. 1539-55 ſ (846 Mayr (Geo.), Institutiones Lingua Hebraicaº Lugd. #7 - º 847 Millii (D.), Dissertationes selectae Traj. ad Rh. 172 . - 848 Munsteri (Seb.) Evangelium sec. Matthaeum, Heb. Lat. ; Gram- ſo Q_ matica Heb. Eliae, 3 vols. Bas. 1537-82 * * /849 Nethivoth Olom (Paths of Eternity), in 5 parts Lon. 1839 / taſ.2 2,850 Othonis (J. H.), Lexicon Rabbinico-Philologicum º ſº ſ Genevae 1675 ſº * º 2. 851 Oppenheimeri (D) Collectio Davidis Hamb. 1826 * 852 outlini Dissertationes Critics L. Bat. 1717 º, º, sº Pentateuch (The) with Commentary in Hebrew, with German º - translation, 5 vols. Berlin, 1783 OCTAVO ET INFRA. 47 | - t º 854 Pfeifferi (Aug.) Introductio in Orientem Jenae, Ingº, 855 Pinsker (S.), Einleitung in das Babyl.-Hebr. Punktationssys- (20. º tem Wien, 1863 856 Psalmorum lib. cum Commentario Rashi, with translation inL' German, 2 vols. Fürth, 1809 857 Psalmi, Cantica, etc. Interlin. curā Montani } º | | 858 Psalmorum lib. Heb. a Leusden Amst. 1666 /º/, § 859 Psalterium Hebraicum, Basil. 1532, et Graecum, Argent. 1524, º, 2 in 1 vol., with antique binding, brass bosses, clasps, corners, and edges a 2 860 Psalmorum lib. Hebr. with Commentary by D. Kimchi t %, /. - 3. / Venezia, 1795 / º aſ ') >861 Rashion the Law (Hebrew), explained, and provided with an ) introduction by Löw Dukes, 5 vols. Prag. 1833 % 862 Schaaf (C.), opus Aramaeum L. Bat. 1686 ſº. /_{ 2. v 863 Semlers (J. S.), Uebersetzung des Buchs Massoreth Hamasso- reth - Halle, 1772–2 5 864 Sepher Massoreth ham Massoreth Sulsb. 7% /0 (865 Sepher Halichoth Orach Lon. 1851 2 % ‘866 Starck (J. A.), Davidis aliorumque Poetarum Hebræorum Car- 2. mina, 2 vols. Lips. 177 /4 867 Van Voorst Dissertatio Philologica, First Book of Kings with // - Rabbin. Commentary, 3 vols. 1778-1800 - % 868 Weckherlin (C. F.), Hebraische Grammatik, 2 vols. A-24 a 2/27, Stuttg. 1819 - MISC E L L A N E O U S. 00TAVO ET INFRA. ſ /4 869 Abbott (Tho. K.) on Sight and Touch Lon. 1864 (º . 870 AEschines et Demosthenes, a Stock, AEsopi Fabulae, Gr. et - - / 3 Ameilhon Commerce des Egyptiens (4 W. W. ºlº gy º 871 Airy's Mathematical Tracts; Analytic Geometry; J. Brown's 4.22% Essays; Anthems (4) v. V. , - º 872 Ancient History, a Dissection of the Saxon Chronicle * … º % - Lon. 1830 Aſ '873 Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1852.4 Copenh. º . . º 1874 Antiquaries (of London), Proceedings of the Society, plates, 20 || º º Numbers, and List of the Printed Books in their Library) 7 1861–9. 48 MISCELLANEOUS. / - - - A. ºn', 875 Archaeologia Cambrensis, and Journal of the Cambrian º/ — aeological Association, 1851 to 1869, plates, 79 Numbers wº, ſ 876 Aristotle's Ethics, Illustrated, with Essays by Sir A. Grant, vols." % /tºſ (, ). 1 and 2 Lon. 1857.8 7% º r) tº ſº 877 Ascham's (R.) Scholemaster, by Mayor ib. 1863 /. | 7 ºt -Tº: Aslak Bolts Jordebog, af Munch Christ. 1852\º 2 J. J.CAA/ 7. 879 Athenian Oracle, Athenian Sports, by John Dunton, 5 vols. 4. - ib. 1704-7 2^{880 Aubrey (John) Letters, 3 vols., calf, gilt Lon. 1813 % º 4×4 tº 881 Aucher's Armenian Engl. Grammar Venice 1832 / - - jº BAcon's (LoRD) WoRKs, by Basil Montagu, 17 vols., calf t Ž, anº ib. 1825-34 / ſ */ 883 Baconi Opera, Novum Organum; Barrett on the Zodiac; Blair's / 2\ Sermons (6) V. y. y ^ a kºssa Bay (C. F.) Danish Lexicon, 2 vols. Copenh. 1820 (3. Kºrº ^885 Beeston (W.) Hieronymian Hebrew Lon. 1843' % *viš86 Benfey (T) Sanskrit Grammar ib. isg33 / 27 87 Bialloblotzky (C. H. G.) Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph Ben ſº ſº Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi, translated from the Hebrew, % (?, - 2 vols. ib. 1836 º º 888 Blair's Chronological Tables, by Rosse ib. 1856 % 2, 2 s º BoccACE, Le Decameron, with 100 engravings, large pºpº 5 - - vols., 8vo., calf Lon. (Paris) 1761–7 % */ 890 Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae, King Alfred's Anglo- /. Saxon version, with Translation and notes by J. S. Car- /0/, dale Lon. 1829 / º aſº, a 891 Bond (J. J.) Handy-Book of Rules and Tables for verifying A. % - Historical Dates ib. 1866 - // 2% 892 Bourdon, Elemens d'Arithmetique Paris 1827) // º – ,893 Bourdon, Application de l'Algebre à la Geometrie ib. 1828 D f ſh ſwº’s24 Brady (J.) Clavis Calendaria, 2 vols. Lon. 1812 / 895 Browne (Sir Thomas) Works and Life, edited by S. Wilkin, 4, //, / /3 O-ºſ)^2_ vols., calf ib. 1836/ / 896 Brown (Thomas) Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind, 4 ºdowº vols., with MS. notes. Edin. 1824 ſ - 897 Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, avec supplement, 7 vols. !) º Paris 1820–34 () º 898 Brydges (Sir Egerton) Restituta ; or, Titles, Extracts, and ſ Ø º/Tºva, vº Characters of Old Books, 4 vols., half russia, uncut /9 ſ Lon. 1814 OCTAWO ET INFRA. 49 ºn 's (Bishop) History of the Reformation, 6 vol 8 . . urnet's (Bishop) History of the Reformation, 6 vols., roy. ::/ - .." russia Oxf. 181 %20ºf 22 % 900 Burnet's History of his own Time, 6 vols., calf, with Additional // Annotations, in all 7 ib. 1823 - ')% 901 Buxtorfii Lexicon Hebraicum, De Abbreviaturis "...?o/-, - Epitome Grammaticae Hebraeae, Cocî Censura Scriptoru 4 in 3 - V. y. - // % 902. Butler's (W. Archer) Lectures on the History of Ancient riºwº| - J sophy, 2 vols. Camb. 1856 - 903 Buxton's (Sir T. Fowell) Memoirs; Burlamaqui on Natural Law,”A/OA tº /. % Buxtorfii Abbreviat. Hebr. (3) V. y. % 904 Cambrian Archaeolog. Association—Gesta Regum Britanniae, Z. - by Francisque-Michel 1862 (905 Catalogue of Roman Silver Coins in the Library of T.C.D. (by'—, % 5 Dr. Malet) Dub. 1839%/~ cº, 7 906 Catalogue of English Books printed before the year 1600, now) - in the Lambeth Library, n.d. - /6 907 Catafago's (Jos.) Arabic and English Dictionary, in two º!. cºnvºſº r Lon. 1858 - /2/908 Chassant (L. A.) Dictionnaire des Abreviations, Lat. et Fran % du º Age, interleaved Evreux i.7 ſnºwv ſ'. 909 Chaucer's (Geof.) Canterbury Tales, with notes, edited by T. ///, wº 2 : y Lon. is: /ſº ^^2, ſ 910 Chronicon Monasterii De Bello ib. 18462, ov 24 911 Curtius (Dr. G.) on the Results of Comparative Philology #-6, / reference to classical scholarship Oxf. 1851 tº 912 CHRONICLEs of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, from Public and 2////ſº Private Documents, published under the direction of (ſynºv !. MASTER of THE Rolls, royal 8vo. 91 vols., half bound Lon. 1858-69 - % 913 Churton's (R) Life of Dean A. Nowell, portraits and plates, º /. 9 mor, uncut Oxf. 1809/ 2 914 Churton's Lives of Bishop Smyth and Sir Richard Sutton, por: ^))^_^ ſº20 % traits, and plates inserted, hf mor, uncut Oxf. 1800 ſ 915 Ciceronis Opera, 20 vols. (want the 12th) Glasg, 1749 9/(22% 916 Cicero, Middleton's Life of 2 vols. Dub. 1741 2 º 917 Cicero de Nat. Deorum, emend. J. Walker; Caesaris Commen- A. ſ tarii; Clarke's Wonders of the World (3) V. Yº 2 - º 918 Clarke's (Dr. A.) Bibliographical Dictionary, 6 vols., and Mis- º , cellany, vol. 2 Liverp. 1802-6 O | 7 50 MISCELLANEOUS. T %20r. 919 Clement (F.) Choix des principales Séquences du Moyen Age 2% Paris 1861 3%24 www. º Coddington's (Henry) Optics, plates Camb. 1823, / - º 921 Cooley's (W. D.) Early History and Geography of Central Africa Lon. 1841/ º ºn 922 Coleridge's (Herbert) Dictionary of the oldest Words in the 7 English Language ib. 1862 | ſ 24-42 923 Cotton's (H.) Typographical Gazetteer, both series, 2 vols. / 3./ Oxford 1831-66/~/1 ſ. nº. 924 Cousin (V.) Introduction et Histoire de la Philosophie du xviii" siecle, 3 vols., calf Paris 1828-9 */ ſ 925 Cousin sur la Philosophie de Kant ib. 1844 7 / Caloº. 926 Cowper's (B. H.) Syriac Grammar Lon. 1858 13 º 927 Daniel (S.) Cours de Plain-Chant Paris 1845 A % L* Darling (James) Cyclopædia Bibliographica, 3 vols., half bd. Zº a A204-82. Lon. º:// º/ º * 9 929 Dessauer (J. H.) Leschon Rabbanan Erlang. 1849- A 990 De Feller (F. X.) Biographie Universelle, avec Supplement, 13 º 2. A 21- vols., half bd. Paris 1833.8 /7/, Å) aſ wºu 931 De Morgan's (Aug.) Book of Almanacs Lon. 1851 2. / a sº 932 Demosthenes et AEschines, a Stock, and translation by Leland; O ^ - Debrett's Peerage, (7) v. y. 7. / (, zººſ $33 Dibdin's (T.F.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, plates, 2 vols. - - uncut Lon. 1836 /4 1934 Dixon (W. H.) Fasti Eboracenses; Lives of the Archbishops // J. A ſ, 1% of York, edited by Raine, vol. 1 ... % Øa 44- 935 Donaldson's (J. W.) Hebrew Grammar ib. 1853 / % º, 936 Donaldson on Scholarship and Learning Camb. 1856 1. ...” Du Cange Glossarium Manuale ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae 7 2 (1/ ^_ Latinitatis, in Compendium redactum, 6 vols. Halae 1772 / // , 938 Dunton (John, Citizen of London) His Life and Errors, to * () waſ // cºwº, which are added his conversation in Ireland, etc., 2 vols. 3. 2 / London 1818 (9a L. 939 Duvernay Culture des Abeilles Paris 1856 ſ */ 940 Edinburgh (The) Gazetteer, 6 vols. Edin. lº, % a 941 Ellesmere's (Lord) Guide to Northern Archaeology, by the Royal º º Society of Copenhagen Lon. 1848 / /vº942 Elwell's (W. O.) German Dictionary Bruns. 1851 % º - 943. Elwell's German Dictionary ib. 1853 º OCTAVO ET INFRA. 2/ 51 Zº 944 Eruvin ; or, Miscellaneous Essays [by Maitland] Lon. 1831 * , º, º: Ewald (G. H. A.) Grammatik der Hebräischen Leip. 1828 %, / 0. ! (946 Ewald Grammatik ib. isºl 947 Fabliaux ou Contes du xii” et du xiii" siecle, avec des notes par, 2 Le Grand, 5 vols. Paris Hºſº * - /* Fagel Library, T. C. D., a Finding Catalogue for the, marked 42,0 wº2 º with habitats and notes Lon. 1802 . . / 949 Faris's Grammar of the Arabic it issº (2n ſºy 3. 950 Fetis (F. G.) Methode de Plain-Chant Paris 1843 ^2. - 951 Flügel's German Dictionary, with additions by Feiling and * % *i. 2 vols. y y Lon. 1sºy 0.27 951*Forster (Charles) A New Plea for the authenticity of the Text 04 4/ / - // of the Three Heavenly Witnesses Camb. 1867 952 Fournier (Jgn.) Dictionnaire Portatif de Bibliographie, russia 7, // // Paris 180 º // 953 Frisii (U. E.) Vetus Græcia illustrata L. Bat. 1626 Anº 954 Fürst (J.) Lehrgebäude der Aramäischen Idiome Leip. 1835 º4 º 955 Gaillard Histoire de Charlemagne, 2 vols. Paris 1819 º º * º,956 Galbraith and Haughton, Manuals of Tides, and Euclid; Fitz- a 2% // gerald's Hebrew Grammar; Francoeur Mathematiques, (4) ſº * 957 Ganot(A) Traite de Physique Exper. Paris 18 /º *… // 958 Gesenii Lexicon Hebraicum in W. T. Lips. 1833 7. %2 * 7 959 Gesenius Hebräische Grammatik (2) ib. 1815-25 2.1 ºn - A /* Gibbon (E.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman - //t, Empire, with notes by Milman and Guizot, edited by 4%, Smith, 8 vols. Lon. 1854 - //j961 Gildas De Excidio Britannie ib. 1838 //o/, // // , 962 Giraldus Cambrensis de Instructione Principum ib. 1846 22, 20,º % 963 Gray (Mrs. H.) The Empire and the Church, from Constantine to Charlemagne Oxf. 1857 ºf ſ 964 Hamilton (Sir W. R.) Lectures on Quaternions, presentation ſ ſ * copy from the author Dub. 1853 (a/º 2044 ſº 965 Hamilton's Elements of Quaternions, edited by his son, pre sentation copy from the editor Lon. 1866/7” 966 Hartshorne's (C.H.) Book Rarities in the University of Cam-7 y bridge jº / * Haughton (Rev. Dr.) The Three Kingdoms of Nature briefly A4 (ſ % described ib. 1868 º - º% 968 Haydn's (J.) Book of Dignities ib. 1851 *oº, 4.%969 Herschel (Sir J. F.W.) on Astronomy, plates ib. 1850 /º - 52 MISCELLANEOUS. 6. 0-0 + 970 Herodotus Græce, edidit Gaisford, 2 vols. Oxon. 1840 3 / º ſ to ſº 971. Herodotus, translated by Laurent, 2 vols. ib. 1837 ^e 20ºf 972 Herodotus, Larcher's Notes on, 2 vols. Lon. 1844 J. / 973 Herodotus, by Drury, Questions on. Hamilton on Study of w ( 0 º Hebrew Scriptures. Helsham's Lectures (4) V. y. ſ Q Coyo, 974 Historical Collections, relating to the Inhabitants of Great ſ w - 7 Britain to the Norman Conquest Lon. 1706 /*****Accompanied by numerous vignettes, 2 vols., morocco, gil - 5 HoRATII OPERA (Pyne's edition) engraved throughout, and * * - _2^ rºº edges ib. 1733-7 FIRST EDITION: preferred on account of the impressions of the plates; page 108 contains the medal of Caesar, with the words Post est, which in _- the second edition is corrected to Potest. 42.9% 976 Homeri Ilias, a Clarke ; Odyssea, a Walker; Hutchinson's Inquiry (4) v. y. */ 977 Irby and Mangles' Travels in the East; Drinkwater's Siege .." of Gibraltar, in 1 vol. Lon. 1845 2La 2^_y 978 James (Tho.) Catalogus Bibliothecae Bodleianae Oxon. 1605 //, //3 // 2 4 a 2–6 979 Junius's Letters, portraits Lon. 1810 980 Karlamagnus Saga ok Kappa Hans, af Unger, vol. 1 ^a 2%. Christ. 1859 // - */ 981 Kayat (A. Y.,) Eastern Interpreter, or Arabic without a master// ' ib. 1844 - 2- ſo Øay % 982 Kirby and Spence's Introduction to Entomology ib. 1858 / /". 2-4 c. 983 Labaume's (E.) Campaign in Russia ib. 1815 ſ ſº ^*(AL º Labbe Eruditæ Pronunciationis Catholici Indices ; Miller's ſ/ Longinus; Kocheri Vindicias S. Textus; Huntington's Art of Book-keeping (4) V. y. // 85 Lacroix (S.F.) Mathematiques, 4 vols., half russia Paris Ž,2 ºn vº986 Laing (S.) Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, from the Icelandic - of Snarro Sturleson, 3 vols. - Lon. 1844 987 Lappenberg's (J. M.) History of England under the Anglo- ſ ſo, AAA 27 * Saxon Kings, by Thorpe, 2 vols., calf by Riviere London 1845 U./ //º 988 Lardner on Calculus ; Alg. Geometry, (2) ib. 1823-5 - Presentation copy from the author. - ººyov'ſ 989 Layard's (A. H.) Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon, plates, 8vo. ib. 1853 990/Lemon's (R.) Catalogue of Printed Broadsides, in the possession - - } ^n wº t_º_ *~ of the Society of Antiquaries ib. 1866 - - OCTAVO ET INFRA. 53 ! & 991 Leslie's (J.) Philosophy of Arithmetic Edin. 1817 £2.2% * 992 Lexicon Hebraicum, ed. Leopold Lips. 1850 % 2 % 993 Lichtenberg (G. C.) Wermischte Schriften, 5 vols. _% 4 Götting. 1800 º% / 7 994 Lloyd (Rev. Dr.) On Light and Vision Lon. j% º 995 Lloyd's Wave Theory of Light ib. 1857 (22.2%. 996 Lloyd's Optics; Legendre Geometrie (2) v. y. ..., 22, a //2 997 Livii. Historia, cum notis a Walker, 7 vols. Dub. 1797/** % 998 Livii. Historia, cum notis a Walker, 4 vols. ib. 1862 & 24 2 999 Longfield's (Rev. Dr.) Introduction to the study of the Chaldee // ? % / (3 Language Lon. 1859 1000 Lowndes's (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual, enlarged by Bohnſº) 2/ %a, //4 with Appendix, 11 vols. ib. 1864 - %. Lowndes' British Librarian, all publ. ib. jº ana º - %ioog Mºmoiº. (Sir J.) Progress of Ethical Philosophy, with 4/, 7) / / preface by Whewell Edin. 183 , , 1003 Macray’s (W. D.) Manual of British Historians, to A.D. lsºſº % - Lon. 1845 - º 7 1004 Maigne (W.) Abrégé de la Science des Armoires, avec figurº, ºnJºſ % Paris 1860 / - % 1005 Mansel (H. L.) Prolegomena Logica Oxf. jº * % 1006 Mansel Artis Logicae Rudimenta ib. 1852 * 1007 Martin (Henri). Histoire de France, 17 tom. Paris 1851% ºn 10 % D With two long autograph notes from the Author, on literary topics, inserted. w - / Martin's (M.) Description of the Western Islands of sº '^ Lon. 171 7 Mahon's (G. C.) Mineral Agent's Handbook ib. ºn 24 Müller (P. E.) Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, euſ. 7/vt. */ commentar, duae partes Havniae 1839. - Murray's Handbook for Italy Lon. ...Tº 2. º Newman's (H.) Spanish Dictionary, 2 vols. it, isoq º Nichols' (John) Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, ºnºſ/ 9 vols. in 10, 1812-15; Illustrations of the Literary His- - tory, a Sequel to same, 6 vols., 1817-31, together 16 vols. - portraits, scored calf, gilt ib. 1812-31 “In running one's eye down the names of persons in the alphabetical order in which they occur in the index, we find such a body of personal anecdote as almost irresistibly compels us to buy the work, costly as it has now become, and to make it a sort of travelling as well as a library companion.”—Dibdin, 54 MISCELLANEOUS. a wº º-2 ºf ºv - - 1014 Nordheimer's (Isaac) Hebrew Chrestomathy N. York 1838 (. º 2% 1015 Newman's Hebrew Grammar; Major's Caesar, lib. iv.; 2 - Morgan's Questiones Grammat.; Catalogues (6) v. y. º ("w vºidió Newtoni (Isaaci Eq. Aur.) Principia Mathematica, cum Com- - ment. Le Seur et Jacquier, 4 vols. Glas. 1822 A%ay /º | 1017 Nennii Historia Britonum, cum notis Car. Bertrami, fine paper, rare, old morocco Hauniae 1758 6 a 2% 1018 Ovidii opera, Burmanni, 3 vols. Traj. Bat. 1713 1019 Poems collected by Dodsley, Pearch, and Mendez, 11 vols. 2.! (want vol. 6), calf, gilt Lon. 1775–83 º */ 1020 Paul (Father) on Ecclesiastical Revenues; Potter's Antiqui- t ties of Greece, plates, 2 vols. (3) v. y. 4, £2 00 wº 1021 Pertz (K.) De Cosmographia Ethici Berl. 1853 7 1022 Petroni and Davenport's Italian, French, and English Dic-, 4.0% woº tionary, 2 vels. in 1 Lon. 1860 - 1023 Phenix (The); or, a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces / ºny º from the remotest Antiquity, 2 vols. ib. 1707.8 /. Containing: Reformation of the Church in Ireland; Naunton's | Fragmenta Regalia: Apology for the Prince of Orange; Account of Lady Jane Gray; Discourse of the Troubles at Frankfort; Calvin's Common Prayer Book; Barlow's Account of the Hampton Court Con- º ference; and many others. _- ſ wº º / | 1024 Phillips's (J.) Memoirs of W. Smith, LL.D., plates ib. 1844) - "1025 Philpott's (H.) Documents relating to St. Catherine's º r Cambridge, not published Camb. 1861 20/001026 Piales, Traite de l'expectative des Gradués, des Droits, et /º Priviléges des Universités, 6 vols. Paris 1757 "/ | (a 2/. 1027 Platonis Phaedo, cum comment. Bekkeri; Plato's Apology, by w - Stanford; Plutarchi Vitae, ed. Elrington (3) V. y. 4 Jwſ, rºw 1028 Plutarch's Lives, by Langhorne Lon. 1828 1% Port Royal Latin Grammar, 2 vols.; Histoire Abrégée de la *** {\! demiere persecution de Port Royal, 3 vols., in all 5 v. y. º !, a 10% Pope's (A.) Translation of Homer, with illustrative notes by % | Wakefield, 5 vols. Lon. 1817 / Ø 1031 Persii Satyrae, cum comm. J. Bond, and Translation; with / > ſº Polybius trans. by Hampton (3) v. y. Aº º 1032. Prisciani Caesariensis Grammatici opera; lect var, adjecit A. ºf Krehl, 2 vols. Lips. 1819 % º 1033 Prevost, ses (Euvres, precedees des Eloges de Le Sage, avec /. - ºtº - figures, 39 vols. Paris 1823 ºf / OCTAVO ET INFRA. - 55 l/ * 108, Raº (E. c.) Danish Grammar by Rºpp corn 1846 %, ſº º 1035 Renan (E.) Histoire Generale des Langues Semitiques % An on 2 A. y’ Paris 1855 / 1086 Richards (T,) British or Welsh-English Dictionary, anº/a^. // r Grammar Brist. 1753 1037 Reid's Abstract of Newton's Chronology, noted in manuscript; 22% /* Robinson's Mechanics, with Ringwood's Theocritus (3) ^, V. y. --> 3 * 1088 Sabine (Edw.) On the Magnetic, Isoclinal, and iºnºſ, / Lines of the British Islands Lon. 1839’ / (AQ // 1039 Sainthill (Rich.) An Olla Podrida, or Scraps Numismatic, ſº - ºſ / Antiquarian, and Literary, plates, 2 vols. ib. 1844-5%"?”" % 1040 Sallustii Opera; Sulpicii Severi Opera, cum Hornii commeſ.” ſ º (3 Map of Rome, (3) v. y. - % 1041 Schleicher (A.) Les Langues de l’Europe Moderne Paris isºff #ºw %. 1042 Scott (R. H.) On Volumetrical Analysis Lon. 1862, ſ % ſ 1043 Schwegler (A.,) History of Philosophy in epitome, by J. H. ' /74 Seelye N. York 1866% ſº 1044 Selss' (A. M.) Critical Outline of the Literature of º /R_ - 7T) Lon. 1865 - 2% 4. 1045 Smith (A.) On Moral Sentiments, 2 vols. ib. 1797 & - - // 1046 Somerville's (M.,) Physical Geography, 2 vols. ib. 1849 %º ſo ^ 1047 Sophoclis Tragoediae, cum notis Brunckii, 3 vols. Lon. **) (?, aſ Z 1048 Spurrell's (W.) Welsh Dictionary Carm. 1859 - 1049 Stewart's (Dug.) Philosophy of the Human Mind, noted º */ MS. 2 vols. Lon. 181 ºr º * { // 1050 Stewart's (D) Arabic Grammar it, 1stiºn awe %: Steele's (W. F.) Handbook of Botany Dub. 1851% ºf % 1052 Stuart's (M.) Hebrew Grammar Oxf. 1831 (2 1053 Swift's (Dean) Works, by Hawkesworth, 21 vols. Lon. 1766 ºg 1054 Terentius, cum emend. Reinhardt; Tacitus, ed. Stock; Rodd' / Catalogue of Elegant Literature (4) W. .4% º - º Terentius, cum Comment. Variorum Lugd. Bat. 1662 *… 1056 Thucydides in English, by Hobbes Oxf. 1823 tº //1057 Thierry (A.) Histoire des Gaulois, 2 vols. Paris 1857 tº 2004, /* 1058 Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of 2 º - Social Science 1. Isºjº 1059 Vince (S.) On Trigonometry, Conic Sections, Astronomy, and Hydrostatics, 4 in 1 vol. Camb. 1810-20 t 56 MISCELLANEOUS. Tº º 1060 Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV., XV. Paris 1856 | ^2.40. 1061 Virgilii Evang. Christiados lib, a Rosaeo ; Waltheri Ellipses º Hebraicae; Martyn's Georgics of Virgil (3) V. y. f 1062 Waterston's (W.) Manual of Commerce Edin. 1865 Ø (ºf 1063 weidmann Geschichte der Bibliothek von St. Gallen 1841 _%, 240-271064 Weisse's (T. H.) German Grammar Lon, 1863 %a2-4, 1065 Weisse's Grammar, first edition; Wilmsen Geschichten für º Kinderstube; Warder on Bees (3) V. y. - ty. 1066 Woodhouse's (R.) Astronomy, 2 vols. Camb, 1823 º - 21007 Worsaae's (J. J. A.) Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, by ſ ſ º Thoms, plates Lon. 1849 ºw aw M 068 Wright's (W.) Arabic Grammar, from the German of Caspari, vol. 1 ib. 1859 º uſ/ 1069 Wood's Elements of Algebra; Newton's Universal Arith- Aw of AAL metic, by Wilder ; Whittaker's History of the Britons (3) v. y. 4a_{ 1070 Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus, translated by Spelman; Á De Maistre, CEuvres completes; Alphabete Orientalischer und Occident. von F. Ballhorn (3) V. y. Z) Lºſº3,1071 Zanelli (D.) La Biblioteca Vaticana, dalla sua Origine fino al / º ^^ Presente Roma 1857 MISCELLANEOUS. - - QUART0. 2T /…/ 1072 Aelteste Urkunde des Menschengeschlechts, 2 vols. º | Riga 1774 - *::::: or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to *"... } A wº A published by the Society of Antiquaries, plates, vols. 8 3. ſ to 39 Lon. 1853-63 Wants part 1 of vol. 38. / (0M. / 1074 Beveregii (G.) Inst. Chronolog. lib. ib. º *10. 5 Beretning om Kongeriget Norges okonomiske Tilstand, / - (1851-5) Christ. 1858)/" 1076 Boccaccio (G.) Il Decamerone Firenze 1527 - ſ This is the counterfeited edition of Florence, 1527. It was really - printed at Venice in 1729, in imitation of the old Edition, which is extremely rare. The criteria by which the counterfeits are known are noted in this volume in MS. - - 1077 Botfield (B.) Praefationes et Epistolæ, Editionibus principibus ſº º ººº Auctorum Veterum praepositae Cantab. 1861 - With note of presentation from the author inserted. QUARTO. 57 23. % 1078 Bradley's (J.) Miscellaneous Works and Correspondence, with%.ºu. ſ supplement, plates, half russia Oxf. 1832 - A Biographical Account of John Hadley and his brothers George and Henry Hadley, in 8vo., accompany this volume, and two long autograph letters from the Editor, S. P. Rigaud, to Dr. Todd, are inserted. *//4 ſ 1079 Burney’s (C.) History of Music from the Earliest Ages, plates, º, / 4 vols., half russia, uncut Lon. 1789 Sir William Jones says, “Dr. Burney gave dignity to the character of the modern musician, by joining it with that of the scholar and | philosopher.” zº iſ. - 3./ſ 1080 Burney's Account of the Musical Commemoration of Handé, º - in 1784, plates, half russia, uncut ib. 1785 2. 1081 Camden's (W.) Remaines concerning Britaine, portrait, MS / notes, 1636, with H. Estienne his Art of making Devises, translated by T. Blount, plates º º 7/// 1082 CAMDEN SocIETY Works (The) including the DescriptiveCºº "C Catalogue, 100 vols., cloth Lon. 1838-1869 1083 Chetham Society—Popery Tracts, 2 vols., edited by Thomas º ///, Jones Manch. 1865 3% 1084 Chetham Society—Same, duplicate, part 2 ib. 1865 */ - 1085 Dodwell (H.) De Veteribus Graecorum, Romanorumque Cyclis, y Annales Thucydidei et Xenophontei, in 1 vol. *ool, - Oxon. 1701-2- * - % 1086 Erpenii (Tho.) Grammatica Arabica, ed. Schultens: Excerpt: a cuſha º/ Anthologiae Veterum Poetarum Arab. L. Bat. 1 -- 1087 Evelyn's (John) Memoirs, edited by W. Bray, plates, 2 vols., / half russia Lon. 1819 º - “Few, if any similar publications of our own days morestrongly attracted public attention on their first appearance, or are likely to retain a more permanent station in our national literature, than the Diary of Evelyn, a man the more highly honoured and valued, as our acquaintance is per- mitted to become closer.”—British Critic. %% 1088 Glasgow—Records of the University of Glasgow from its fºundation, 1450, in 1797, published by the Maitland " Club, plates, 4 vols., uncut Glas. 1854 / 1089 Hamilton on Conic Sections ; Clark's Amateur's Assistant, º p plates; Antiquaries of Scotland, Proceedings, 2 parts, in - - all 4 V. y. / ſ1090 Holyrood Charters, published by the Bannatyne Club º º Edin. 1840. Autograph note from Dean Butler inserted. 8 58 MISOELLANEOUS. y) tº 1091 Islands Landnamabok, hoc est, Liber Originum Islandiae ;| 2/- Island. et Lat. cum notis Jo. Finnaei, rare Hauniae 1774 J tº ſº. ºlog2 Laplace (P. S.) Systeme du Monde, with manuscript notes d - Paris 1824 /~, 6,000. 1093 Leland's (T,) Life of King Philip Lon. 1761 % 2. 2. Pº Tylo)4 M'Leod's (W.) Middle-Class Atlas, col. ib. 1864 */ AY 1095 Manuscript—The Science Medal Course, T.C.D., 1823, Ex- / º- aminer, Dr. Macdonnell // - 1096 Mary Queen of Scots—Catalogue of her Jewels, Dresses, / % /aw ºnly 4. A_ Furniture, Books, and Paintings, with facsimile, published %} by the Bannatyne Club Edin. 1863 - To the Rev. J. H. Todd, D.D., with Lady Susan Bourke's compli- ments. ſ aſ ". ºx1097 Nares's (R) Glossary of Words which require Illustration in /* … English Authors Lon. 1822 º %2 A 1098 Newtoni Optica, M.S. notes ib 1706 5° º * AL. ,1699 Niebuhr (C.), Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien, &c., plates, 7 - 2 vols. Copenh. 1774 / ^ // 1100 Niebuhr, Beschreibung von Arabien, plates ib. 1772 º 1101 Notes AND QUERIES, First, Second, and Third Series, 36 vols., M. // with vols. 1 and 2 of the Fourth, and Index to the First, %% in all 39 vols., cloth Lon. 1849–68. 1102 Panzer (G. W.) Index Bibliographicus, Index Urbium et , 7 tºº" Bibliographorum, interleaved, in 3 vols., no titles // || * //0 Norimb. 1793 J 1103 Pepys' (Samuel) Memoirs and Diary, edited by Lord Bray-/ brooke, plates, 2 vols., half russia. Lon. 1825 // 7. aſ:º a 1104 Phoenix Britannicus: a collection of scarce and curious Tracts, 3.%/ - collected by J. Morgan ib. 1732-’’’) ^2 /L. 1105 Philips's Physical Atlas, reduced, col. ib. 1866 Qpowº A 1106 Polybius translated by Hampton, 2 vols. ib. 1772 %7 1107, Saxon Chronicle (The), with English Translation and notes, %, a A 2 ſ by Rev. J. Ingram, plates ib. 1823 %% - - With the Author's Autograph. !, - 1108 Shakespeare (W.) The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince * (^^^^^^o of Denmark, fac-simile of the first edition ib. 1603 One of the forty copies lithographed by direction and at the expense of the Duke of Devonshire, and presented by his Grace to Dr. Todd through J. Payne Collier, Esq., September, 1858. QUARTO. 59 2/ 1109 Simpson (J. Y.) on The Cat-Stane, Edinburghshire: plates / 24/ - - Edin. 1862 - Dr. Todd, with the Author's regards.-Autograph. --- %. 1110 Spalding Club—Records of the University of Aberdeen, tº ſº. ! 1854, port. Aberd. 1854 % 1111 Spalding Club—Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and / n/*0 ſ' Banff, vol. 2 ib. 1847 44. % 112 Spalding Club—The Family of Kilravock, plates Edin, 1848 ºn uſ/ ". 1113 Spalding Club—A breiffe narration of services done to Three'ſſº 2M. 3, noble Ladyes by Gilbert Blackhal, edited by Jo. Stuart' Aberd. 1844 Two Autograph notes from the Editor inserted. ſ ſ %1114 Spalding Club Miscellany, vols. 2 and 5 ib. 1842-52 /o - *1115 state Papers temp. King Henry the Eighth, including corres- |^ ſ|ſ, //// pondence between the Governments of England and Ire- _0 - land, 5 vols. ib. 1830–6 % 1116 Sullivan on the Feudal Law ; Goodwin on Two British ſ /7 M_ Shields found in the Isle of Ely; and Roe's Principles of Rhythm (3) V. y. /3 1117 Symbolae ad Historiam antiquiorem rerum Norwegian/ ſº, wºu edidit P. A. Munch Christ. 1850 2/ 1118 Todd (Rev.Dr.) Wycliffe's Apology for the Lollards Lon. 1842 Pºyº, /3 1119 Weneroni Dictionnaire Italien Fr., 2 vols. Paris 1723 &ſ Lyº, º 1120 Victor (H,) Tesoro de las tres lenguas Espanola, Francesa / Italiana Geneve j Kº A ſº º //, / 1121 Wallace (Sir William)—Documents illustrative of his Life a ºn % and Times, published by the Maitland Club Edin. 1841 ſ aſſ . º ſº 1122 Walton's (Is.) Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, andſ) ºhº - % Sanderson, with notes by Zouch, plates York 1796. 1123 Wood (Anthony a) Athenæ Oxonienses, with additions by P., 7% Bliss, 5 vols. Lon. 18137 A Tact written by E. D. in vindication of the Historiographer of ** Oxford and his works, 1693, with an old engraving of twenty-six Acade- mical Habits of Cambridge, 1748, accompany Wood. FOLIO. /% 1124 Ancient Laws and Institutes of England (Public Record com. º 0. mission) Lon. 1840 8* 60 MISCELLANEOUS. | 125 leaves 4to., paper, in an Italian hand of the 17th century. Les Nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. Z. ºv º 350 leaves folio, paper, in writing of the sixteenth century. - - De Ronde, Les faits de Paris et de la Ville Vienne. A Made- // moiselle Anne de Graville, dame du Loys Maslesherbes. 212 pages folio, paper, written in latter half of the 15th century. Tamulicae Linguae Grammatica. /º, Written in a beautiful hand by Constantius Josephus Beschi, a Jesuit missionary, e Missione Madurensi, 29th December, 1728. 8vo. pp. 266; damaged. Riflessioni sopra le Regole e l’Uso della Critica, opera del se/ º D. Ciro de Alteriis. ºn & 140 pages 4to., paper. Circa 1700. f : Certain Rules and Orders of State in France, followed by % ºf ſ Lists of the Cities, Dukes and Counts, Kings, etc. of France, with some chronological notes, of the date 1453; in old French. Vellum MS. sec. xv., 4to., 14 folios. An Oriental Work, in 202 leaves 4to., paper. */ A Syriac Treatise on the Glory of our Lord the Messiah, de- º scribed in the Book “ Garden of Eden" in verse, by theſ /71/MA, holy Mar Ebedyeshooa, Metropolitan of Tsaubo in Armenia. º 4to. vellum, sec. xv. On the fly leaf at the end is written, “This booke belongs to 109 leaves small 4to., paper. - º The latter Translation of the Apocalypse, by Wyclif SmallZ. ovº M 10 74 #|anuscripts. º, Mr. Peter Dowdall, which he bought in France the 25th July, 1601,–IIenry Fow. 1351 Liber Venerabilis fratris David ordinis Minorum, de Interiori º homine, sive alias de triplici religiosorum statu. P A beautiful little MS. on the finest vellum, and in perfect preser- vation; written late in the 13th century. 141 fol., small 4to. by a Divine of the Church of England, written in a small ſ ! |4- ſ1352 Sermons preached in various years between 1682 and 1716, %/ - J º Roº, distinct hand. 168 pages 8vo. 1353 Psalmi Davidis, Litania, et Collecta. % 220 leaves small 8vo. vellum, beautifully written, with gilt and coloured initials; damaged at the back. 1354 Quaedam Ordinem Celestinorum tangentia:- %ſ . Regula S. Benedicti. . Constitutiones fratrum Celestinorum provinciae Franciae. Ceremoniae. . Ordinationes quae tangunt ordinarium [missae.] . Ordinationes quae tangunt missam. . Annotationes fratrum provincialium, a tempore adventus Ce- lestinorum ab Ytalia ad Franciam usque ad annum praesen- tem [i. e. ab anno 1381 ad 1510.] 7. Nomina fratrum provincialium, a recentiori manu continuata ab anno 1513 ad 1534. Paper MS. of 140 fols, in small square 16mo. Written in 1513. This little MS. probably belonged to the monastery of the Celestins of Amiens. i ſ º, anz W. iss, Devotional, containing the Litany of the Virgin, and other y Offices, in the Dutch language. / % Small 4to., paper and vellum. Illuminated capitals and margins, Litaniam, Officium B. Marie Virginis. | - beautifully written, about 1450. - | º j 1856 Liber Officiorum Devotionalis, continens Psalterium, Hymnos, / ſ /º 4to., paper and vellum, in a heavy German hand of the 15th cen- tury, with illuminated capitals. Some of the rubrics at the end are in Dutch. ſ wº 357 Kimchi (Rabbi David), Commentary on the Psalms, in He- º brew, dated 1562. / /º 258 pages, 4to. - - 1358. A collection of Ecclesiastical Treatises, as follows:– - 1. Petri Blesensis Basiligeronticon, sive compendium super Job.” º 2. De colloquio virtutum. - 3. De colloquio vitiorum. * 3ìamu$tripfs. 75 . Gerhardi Zutphaniensis Tractatus de reformatione virium animæ perutilis religiosis. . Petri de Alliaco Processus pro homine habitus contra diabolum *apud curiam Christi. . Johannis Gerson Testamentum peregrini. . Excerpta ex Vincentio in Speculo Historiali. . Sermo S. Bernardini de Senis de beata Maria. . Epistola beati Ignatii ad beatam virginem. 10. Extracta de libro S. Bernardini de Senis qui intitulatur De euangelio eterno. 11. Quædam exempla de monasterio Cluniacensi. 12. Traité de la Confession, en vieux Gaulois. 13. Speculum ecclesiæ Hugonis a Sancto Caro. 14. De Septem Sacramentis. 15. De quatuor euangelistis qui in figuris quatuor animalium :54 describuntur. 4to. paper, 205 folios, of latter half of the 15th century. Belonged tothe monastery Celestinorum de Ambianis (Amiens) / ] 1359 Revelaciones Sanctæ Brigidæ de Suecia. 2. t ^^ ^ | / - The manuscript is defective at the commencement, but the fol- I / lowing is the title of the sixth book:— Incipit liber reuelacionum dei sextus beate brigide de regno suecie diuinitus reuelatus. Verba matris dei ad sponsam narrancia pulcritudinem Christi. Qualiter fre- $ judei maligno agone cordis positi ibant ad aspicien- um vultum eius et consolabantur. The Colophon has :—Explicit liber celestis imperatoris ad - reges, ad honorem dei et beate marie uirginis et beate bri- gide principisse Nericie de Regno suecie ei diuinitus reuela- tus. - Annexed to this is: Epistola solitarii ad reges, the author of which was Elfonsus É Gyme'tis, vir sanctissimi vite et doctor in theologia qui tandem spiritus sancti in- stinctu episcopatum dimittens vitam duxit eremiticam. 4to., contains 478 writtem pages, written soon after the middle of the 15th century. Belonged to the monastery Celestimorum Ambianensium (Amiens.) 1360 Liber Divinæ Doctrinæ Katerine de Senis. ^oo … The title is, Incipit liber diuine doctrine date per personam eterni I / // / atris intellectui loquentis alme et admirabilis virginis f. É de Senis ihu Christi sponse fidelissime sibi sub / habitu beati dominici famulantis conseriptus ipsa dictante set vulgari sermone dum esset in extasi siue raptu actualiter audiens. This was the celebrated St. Catherine of Sienna. The Colophon adds : Iste liber latinizatus est a fratre Stephano de Senis, priore, licetindigno pariterinuito, domus sancte marie de gratia prope papiam, ordinis cartusiensium, ad instanciam aliquorum É seruorum ibi degencium, anno domini 1419, xv. Aprilis. - 4to. paper, fols. 195. Mid. of 15th century. This MS. belonged to the monastery Celestinorum Ambianensium, that is, of Amiens, 10* 76 3Ìamuscripfs. »»% É ^) L 1361 Sermons on the Gospels of the Sundays after Trinity, trans- £, lated and accommodated from Balthazar Meisner's Dis- courses, preached in the year 1669 4 A. 640 pages 4to. /// | [/ 1362 De Matrimonio Tractatus, 4to. / Z- () £? 1363 De Septem Sacramentis Tractatus, 4to. ! ®® 1364 Theological Treatises, principally of the 15th century. 2 1. Tractatus Heinrici de Urimaria de Instinctibus. (Ascribedty* Spanheim to Heinricus de Hessia). 2. Dieta Salutis, Gwillonis de Ordine Minorum, - 3. Epistola Pilati de Nece Domini. 4. Sermones xii. Abbatis Ysaac Syrie. 5. Epistola bona de fratribus reformandis. 6. Meditacio in Jesum. 7. Oleum Devocionis fratris Carthusiani. 8. Breviloquium de puritate consciencie. 9. De luxuria quædam notabilia. 10. Speculum mentalis oracionis. 11. De morte loquenti cuidam magistro. 12. Compendium de disputacione corporis et anime. 13. De suspiracione ad Jesum. 4to. paper, with vellum wrappers and insets, of 300 fols., written in the latter partofthe 15th century. The volume belonged to 1 the monastery of S. John the Baptist of Rebdorf in Bavaria. í / 1365 Examen beati Ambrosii de operibus sex dierum. / - 77 folios 4to., vellum, double columns, a MS. of the close of the - 13th century. Liber Arnaldi Gheel de Buschodno. ", 1366 Sermones fratris Guillelmi Lugdunensis super Evangelia de dominicis diebus. Small folio, vellum, double columns, a MS. of the close of the 14th century, beautifully written and in perfect preserva- tion, 206 folios. | 1367 Tractatus tres— 3/, / - 1. Liber Magistri Ugonis de area Noe. fols. 1—52. - J 2. De vii. principalibus viciis, et vii. petitionibus, et vii. doni, / Spiritus saneti.—fols. 53—90. 1 3. Träetatus beati Bernardi de vii. gradibus superbie contra- riis xii gradibus humilitatis.—fols. 91-122. | SmalI folio, vellum, written early in the 13th century. On the face of the penult. folio is written by the originál hand : LIBER : s. : MARIE : ppl., that is, of Poplet, a mönas- tery qf Catalonia in Spain ; and at the foot of the last page is written “ Donne par un Espagnole au M. de Giac, le7 Novembre, 1828, tire du Convént de Popelette ineendie.” 1368 Joannis Gersonii Collectorium super Magnificat, anno / ß0J , ! Mccccxxvii compositum, et in xii. tractatus distributum. 'Q - LV V. A MS. in small folio of the middle of the 15th century, on paper, - double cols., amd in the finest condition, §anuscripts. 77 ! / - - /. 1370 Richardi de Colonia, Prioris ecclesiae B. Marie de Insula, |ſ Liber Glosarius. MS., large 4to., paper, double cols., written in 1445, fols, 88. On verso of last fol. is the colophon in the original hand- writing, “Iste liber est Celestinorum de Ambianis,” and at head of fol. 1 is “Celestins d’Amiens.” This copy differs in many places from the text as printed in Gerson's Works, tom. iii., pp. 230–512 (Hagae Com. 1728.) Monastery of St Martin at Tournay, by Herimann, the º 1369 A History of the Building or Restoration of the Church and third Abbot of the same, translated into English. 210 pages, 4to. The writer thus describes the work in his preface:– Impaciens proprie impericie et ignorancie seu ruditati. Quamplurimorum compaciens nouiciorum istius ecclesie de Insula [Lisle] gloriose virginis Marie presentium et futuro- rum quiad legendum de die in diem juxta morem mei ordinis ascribuntur, decrevi, Ego frater Rychardus de Colonia humilis prior istius ecclesie totum vetus testamentum et nouvim nec nonet alios quamplures libros perlegendo trans- currere; Incipiens in dei nomine Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo quadragesimo quarto, nonas Aprilis, et finiens cum spiritu sancto ipso die Penthecostes que fuit vi. KL. juliis in Anno Domini xlv. ad laudem dei et profectum nouiciorum predictorum Vocatur enim dictus liber Glosarius quia glosas rarorum vocabulorum secundum tabulam alfabeti evidenter et breviter exprimit et ostendit. */ 1371 Reponse de Louis Ant. M. l'Archevesque de Paris a º M - nelon, l'Archevesque de Cambray. yº / - Touching the controversy of Madame Guyon. Fol. in paper cover, pp. 64, in French hand of latter half of 17th century. 1372 Liber de malis et vitiis, de bonis et virtutibus. 07) f Folio, paper, with vellum wrappers and insets of the staves. It appears to have been a second volume, as it commences abruptly “parui qui maledicebant helyseo,” although the numbering of the folios is in rubric by a contemporary hand. This MS. is of the early part of the 15th century. 1373 Expositio sancti Ambrosii, Mediolanensis episcopi, super % Psalmum centesimum octavum decimum. º 105 folios, double columns, vellum, with handsomely coloured capitals and rubrics. A beautiful MS. of the 13th century, and in very fine preservation. On the title is added, “Liber Sanctæ Mariae de Parcho- Si quis abstulerit anathema sit.” //?" º º 78 3ìamu$tripts. 1374 Johannis de Turre- cremata [Torquemado] Cardinalis S. Sixti ^ , ^T^^- • ^_ 1. opuscula quædam. Z !, 2. Contra invectivam Basiliensium. Tractatus de potestate Pape et Concilii generalis. 3. Declaratio addita ad tractatum precedentem, 4. Responsio ad quasdam propositiones pro parte Basiliensium, A. D. 1439. Folio, beautifully written in a $ hand on paper, with vellum insets to the staves. In remarkably fine pre- servation. - A MS. of the middle of the 15th century. / } ^* ^* 1375 Christus Cyclopeus, or an Essayillustrative of the Christianity / of Britain in the fifth and succeeding centuries. '3 - 341 pages, folio. The autograph of the late Hon. Algernon Herbert. k,Q^vo // 1876 Antiphonarium Benchorense, orAntiphonary of Bangor, copied % _ / from the text printed in Muratori's Anecdota; folio. 1377 Aurelii Augustini episcopi et aliorum opera quædam:— %. ? //4-,-% . Contra Felicem Manichæum libri duo. Contra Pelagium et Celestinum de gratia Christi, et peccato originali, libri duo. . Liber de gratia Novi Testamenti ad Honoratum. íïí åëåéíïíïòìiìju$ €€i€§i§îiôùí dogmatum. . Aurelii Cassiodori senatoris liber magnus de anima. . Decretum Gelasii Papæ de Scripturis recipiendis seu non recipiendis. Folio, vellum. A MS. of the 12th century. Beautifully written, with rubrics. // 1378 Evangelium Sancti Johanis, cum glosis. /2Z Q. ; Folio, vellum, 87 folios ; a manuscript of the 13th century. λως, 1379 Postille omnium Evangeliorum Dominicalium magistri An- /4/ thonii de Parma. 7 - Folio ; paper ; double columns; in writing of the 15th century. /V. fi/issa Gregorii Papæ Noni Decretales, cum glosis. Folio; vellum; double columns; a manuscriptofthe 14th century. Z 1381 S. Bonaventura in librum secundum Sententiarum. 7 Commences with the words of the prologue-[S]olum modo hoc /(, /- inveni quod deus fecit hominem rectum. - Folio ; on vellum ; double columns; in a beautiful small hand of the 14th $. The matter contained in its 233 folios fills 540 printed pages of the 4th vol. of the writer's works (Lugd. 1668.) 1382 Jacobi de Voragine Legenda Aurea // / ύωνuU 0/; Commences, “Incipit Prologus super legendis sanctorum qua - §anuscripts. 79 compilavit frater Jacobus nacione Januensis ordinis predica- torum. Folio; vellum ; double columns; in a hand of the 14th º century. ºſ) - - | 1383 Humberti de Romanis Expositio seu Commentarius in Regº, lam Sancti Augustini. (2/M. Folio; paper; double columns. This manuscript was finished in July, 1435. - The Expositio was printed Comi, 8vo. 1605; and Monti, 4to. 1645. 1384 Repertorium Cortosii. Ludovici de Cortosiis seu de Padua, ºº % %% J. U. D., Repertorium vocabulorum juris. This work, which is an alphabetical digest of civil law, was com- menced, as the compiler states in the colophon, in the year 1379, and completed in 1398. Folio; paper; double columns; coloured initials; in beautiful condition. A MS. of the 15th century, formerly belonging to the Carthusian monastery of St. Alban, near Treves. -º / 1385 1. Sermones in Evangelia et de passione Domini.—fols. 1-84. 004//2. º 2. Epistolae Canonicae Glosatae ex glosis sanctorum secundum º fratrem Augustinum de Ancona.-fols. 85–140. 3. Petri d'Aillyaco Commentarius super libro Boetii de Con- solatione Philosophiae.—fols. 141–171. Folio, on paper; in double cols.; written early in the 15th centur At §. end of the third tract is the Colophon :-Explicit parysiis completus per me Io. Grub. Detur pro penna scriptori pulchra puella, Quam si non dederis cras minus aptus eris, &c. 39atrigtic and other ºanuscripts on Eſclium. ADVERTISEMENT.-In the following Catalogue the words, or parts of words, commencing the second folio of each volume are given in accordance with the antient mode of identification. / 1386 S. Gregorii Magni Moralium partes III, IV. Z º/ Vellum, in folio, double columns, contains 169 leaves º (21 fasciculi of 8 leaves, and 1 leaf over). Fol. 2, qui - prouocaribonis. A Manuscript of the Twelfth Century, initials ornamented in red and green. A slip from the upper margin of fol. 1 (which probably 80 §anuscripts. contained the name of the Monastery or Library to which the volume formerly belonged) is cut off. The following title, in rubric, occurs p. 1, col. 1, “Incipit pars tertia. Mo- ralia beati go. pp. per contemplationem sumpta in lib". beatiiob.” At the beginning of Lib. xvii. in this rubric—“Explicit liber sextus decimus terciae partis. Incipit Liber xvii, in expositione beati iob Moralia beati go. pape per contem- plationem sumpta. Pars quarta libri sex.” A colophon at the end has been erased. This seems as if it had been dishonestly abstracted from the Library to which it belonged. 1887 Magistri Hugonis de S. Victore Liber de Sacramentis. “Incipit - % ſ prologus in libro de sacramentis ad secundam eruditionem? %/) wºº' sacri eloquii quod est fundamentum scientiae: in duabus - partibus.” This title in alternate red and green capitals occupies the whole of the first page. Wellum, in folio, double columns, contains 174 leaves. Fol. 2, si potuit. This is a Manuscript of great value of the Twelfth Century, coe- val with the author, who died A.D. 1140. From its writing and style of illumination, it appears to have been part of the - Library of St. Martin's of Tournay, as it exactly resembles some MSS. of the present collection which are expressly said to have belonged to that monastery. But no note of the kind occurs in this volume. Part I. consists of nine fasciculi of 8 leaves (the ninth has 10 leaves) numbered on the lower margin of the last page of each fasciculus, thus jº. iſ"...... utiij". Part II. The fasciculi here are marked by letters of the alphabet, a, b . . . . m., the fasciculil and m, containing 10, the . 8 leaves; thus part I contains 74, part II 100 leaves. “Magister Hugo de sacramentis,” occurs in the old MS. Catalogue of the books of the Abbey of S. Martin of Tour- nay, in Boulogne Library (mentioned under No. 7). p. 105. See an analysis of this book, de Sacramentis, in Ceillier's Hist, des Auteurs eccles. tom. xxii, p. 221. This work was first printed, Argent. 1465, fol. The whole works of Hugo de S. Victore were printed, Paris, 1526, 3 tom. fol. ; cura Tho. Garzonii, Venet. 1588, 3 tom. fol.; Colon. 1617, 2 tom. fol.; Rothom. 1648, 2 tom. fol. /| º 1388 S. Hieronymi Presbyteri Interpretatio super explanationem º - Hieremiae prophetae sex libris. ſ/% / - Wellum in folio, double columns, 80 leaves (viz. 10 fasciculi of 8 leaves). Fol. 2, Post explanationes. A Manuscript of the Twelfth Century with ornamented initials. This vol. belonged to the monastery of S. Martin of Tournay, as appears by the following note, written on the lower margin of fol. 2. #lamustripts. 81 “Liber sci Martinii Torn. servanti benedictio, auferenti maledictio.” And again on the last leaf, “Liber sci Martini Torn. servanti benedictio. Amen.” An antient catalogue of the books of this monastery, written A.D. 1202, is preserved in a copy of Isidore Merca- tor's Collection of Decretals, written in the twelfth century, and now preserved in the Library of Boulogne sur Mer. That this catalogue is a list of the books belonging to S. Martin's of Tournay is evident from the mention of Alulphus in it, who is called “monasterii nostri” and “precentor hujus loci.” See Catal. des. MSS. composant la Bibl. de la ville de Boulogne sur Mer, p. 100 et sq. Amongst the works of S. Jerome in this catalogue (p. 102) occurs, “Iheronimus super Ieremiam,” 1 vol. which is pro- bably this very book. But no further note is given by which it may be identified. 1389 B. Hilarii Pictaviensis episcopi Opera varia. */º Vellum, folio, double columns, contains 133 leaves. Fol. 2, * “satisfecisse.” *The following sum of the contents of this vol. is in rubric on the first page. “In hoc codice continentur summi doctoris hy- larii pictauiensis epi, cont. arianos detrinitate lib. xij. Item ejusdem de sinodis lib. j. Item ejusdem ad constantium libri jjj. Item ejusdem contra auxentium lib. i.” A Manuscript of the Twelfth Century, which probably also be- longed to St. Martin's of Tournay; but a piece of the last page, which probably contained the name of this monastery, is cut away. It does not, however, occur in the antient ca- talogue already referred to. 1390 Angelomi monachi Luxoviensis explanatio ex opusculis docto- ºº /º rum super quatuor libros regum. º Vellum, folio, double columns, contains 138 leaves. Fol. 2, “iacob.” A Manuscript of the Twelfth Century, with ornamented capitals, which belonged to the Monastery of S. Martin of Tournay, and appears in the antient Catalogue, p. 106. Angelomus flourished A.D. 856, see Mabillon, Annal. Bened. tom. ii. . 561. This work has been printed in the Bibl. Patrum, }. d. 1677, tom. xv. p. 307. - here are many marginal additions and corrections, and in some places (especially in lib. iii) whole pages, which are, *ntly, in the handwriting of Alulfus. See No. 1392, Illira. At the end are 34 leaves, not in the printed copies, which have this title in rubric, “He sententie quesequunturusque in finem voluminis sunt excerpte de expositione rabani, et quedam de his in superiori expositione Angelominequaquam inveniuntur, alie autem diverso modo ponuntur, alibi per omnia concordant.” 90 11 82 #lamustripts. The MS. is written in fasciculi of 8 leaves: and the order is right in the first 10 fasciculi; but confusion begins in xi and xii, which consist of six and four leaves respectively; but without any defect in the text. In fasciculi xiv, xv, as also in xvi and xvii, the leaves are transposed by the binder, but there is no imperfection. The correct sequence is indi- cated by Arabic numerals in the lower maagin of each folio. This MS. is very valuable from its early date, and the au- thority of Alulfus, by whom it was corrected, if not written. It corrects many of the mistakes and omissions of the printed copy. - 391 Hegesippi de bello Judaico et excidio urbis Hierosolymitanae / - ſº * ſº libri quinque. fº/ º º º º ſº UVellum, fol. double columns, initials ornamented in red and | - - blue. Fol. ii., “amicitie fidei,” contains 125 leaves. º * This work is printed Bibl. Patr. (Lugd. 1677), tom. v., p. 1124. ſº The author, who is in this §ºn. Egesippus }. - º graphus, is supposed to have flourished in the fourth century. . - Cave suggests that the name is a corruption of Josephus, and - that the present work is an abridgment of the history of that writer; from a supposed similarity of style he attri- - butes it to S. *..."). Script. i., 265). This opinion is - refuted by Oudin, who supposes the writer to have assumed the name of the Hegesippus mentioned by S. Jerome as ha- ving lived in the age gº the Apostles, and to have flourished about 1120 (Vid. Oudin. De Scriptor. ii, p. 1026). If so, the present MS. must be very nearly coeval with the author, for it is certainly a MS. of the twelfth century, and the title “Egesyphus Hystoriographus’ given to him by a contemporary scribe does not look as if he was unknown or seeking to put forth his work under the name of an older writer. - This MS. formerly belonged to the monastery of St. Mary at Pontigny. It is in excellent preservation, and perfect, but it wants the “Anacephalaeosis” given at the end of lib. v. in the Bibl. Patrum. (loc. cit. p. 1209), which may, perhaps, be the work of a later author. 1392 ALULF1, B. MARTINI ToñNAcENSIs MonACHI ET PRECENTORIs, 22 ſ/ GREGoRIALIS PARs QUARTA. - º/- Vellum, double columns, fol. initials ornamented in red and green. Fol. ii, “anglorum socios,” contains 93 leaves This is a MS. of great value. It is the ORIGINAL Autograph of Alulfus, and is thus mentioned in the ancient Catalogue of St. Martin's of Tournai:— “Excerptiones Domini Alulphi, monasteriinostri, ex opus- culis beati Gregorii pape, quasab eo appellamus Gregoriale. 4 voll. Prima pars, GregorialisdeveteriTestamento, *g. a Domino Alulpho monacho et precentore hujus loci. Se- cunda pars, Gregorialis de Psalmis et prophetis, Tertia pars, de Novo Testamento, Quarta pars, de diversis Sententiis.” §amustripts. 83 The present vol. is this fourth part. The work remained in the monastery of Tournai at the time when the Benedictines were preparing their edition of S. Gregory's works, and was then recognized as the autograph of Alulphus. In the Praef. to tom. iv. part 2, of S. Gregory's works, the editors say that having found MS. copies of the Gregorialis in which the compiler's name did not appear, and it being uncertain who he was, a part of it having been printed under the name of Paterius, suspicion arose that it may have been the work of Alulfus, who was said by Heri- man, in the interesting narrative of the restoration of S. Martin's Abbey at Tournai, to have compiled such a work. This suspicion became certainty when the autograph MSS. of Alulphus at Tournai were examined. “Suberat tamen non levis conjectura” (say the editors”) “parentem nobilis fetus esse Alulfum, Sancti Martini Tornacensis Monachum, sua aetate celeberrimum. Nec fefellit; subinde enim offend imus in MScriptos codices optimae fidei, quales sunt Longi- - pontanus et Ragiomontanus, in quibus hæc eadem prorsus Expositio Novi Testamenticontinetur, praefixo Alulfi nomine. Nectamen id nobis satis fuit; nam adipsum fontem recur- rentes consulere curavimus codices laudati monasterii Tor- nacensis id benigne concedente religiosissimo et illustrissimo Abbate.” At that time the four vols. were still preserved at Tournai, and the learned Benedictines proceed to give an account of each of them. Tom. I, they say, contained the Gregorialis De Veteri Testamento with the general Preface to the whole work, which has since been published by Mabillon (Vet. Ana- lect. p. 131, 2nd edit. fol. Par. 1723). Tom. II. was entitled “Gregorialis De Psalmis et Prophetis.” Tom. III. contained the exposition of the New Testament. This portion of the work (which Mabillon, loc. cit. calls the second part, whereas it is really the third) was printed at Paris in 1516 under the name of Paterius, and was reprinted, under the name of the true author, in the Benedictine ed. of the works of St. Gre- gory, tom. iv, part 2, col. 587. Of Tom. IV, the Benedictine editors tell us only that it was en- tiled “Gregorialis de Sententiis,” and that it ended “with two verses” (really with four) composed by the author, of which we shall speak presently. This description agrees exactly with the MS. before us. The curious narrative of the restoration of the Abbey of S. Martin at Tournai, by the monk Heriman, is published by D'Achery in the Spicil. tom. ii, p. 888 (fol. edit.). This writer, who was abbot of the monastery in the twelfth cen- tury, gives the following account of Alulfus, who was his nephew. Sigerus, father of Alulfus, was precentor of the Canons of St. Mary at Tournai, and a secular clerk of that church. Having resolved to adopt the monastic life, Alulfus, without his father's knowledge, attached himself to the bre- thren of St. Martin's. When Sigerus found it out, he as- * Dom Denis Sammarthen and Dom Guil. Bessin. 11* 84 ğanuscripts. Fol. sembled his relations, and came to St. Martin's in a great rage (furibundus); he seized the young man by the hair, threw him down, and beat him severely. He then carried him home by force. The next day Alulfus, on pretence of going to St. Mary's, made his escape, and returned to the monastery. His father carried him off again, and put him in fetters. The same thing happened several times, Alulfus returning to St. Martin's whenever he could escape his father's vigilance, and the father taking him away by force as soon as he was missed. This was in the time of Abbot Odo, who became abbot in 1098, and died Bp. of Cambray in 1113. It appears that the inmates of St. Martin's were not at that time under monastic vows, but were merely living together as friars or brethren under the rule of Odo, profes- sing poverty. Hence Sigerus was able to carry off his son, who was under no legal tie to the abbot. But it happened that just at this time Haimeric, abbot of Aquigny (Aquici- nensis), arrived at Tournay. Odo told him the story of Alulfus, and the trouble his father had caused them. ai- meric advised, as the only remedy, to make all the inmates of the house become monks. To this they all consented, and the next day twelve of them (including Alulfus), all clerics, received the monastic benediction from the abbot Haimeric at the altar of St. Martin's. Sigerus, upon this, gave over his opposition, and soon after he himself, with his brother Heriman, became a monk in the same monastery. Alulfus was made Armarius and Precentor, which offices he held for forty-seven years: he devoted himself especially to the study of St. Gregory's works, and compiled the Gregorialis, of which his uncle Heriman gives the following account: “Omnes libros beati Gregorii saepius relegens, imitatus Pa- terium, universas tam veteris quam novi Testamentisenten- tias abeo expositas excerpens, tres exinde codices composuit, et quartum de diversis et valde utilibus sententiis superad- didit, eique Gregorialis nomen indidit, sicque xlviii conver- sionis suae anno in bono proposito vitam terminavit.” i.e. about 1140. The monastery of St. Martin of Tournay was rebuilt at a much later period: Louis XIV. laid the first stone of its church; but the building, including the church, is now se- cularized, and devoted to the purposes of a Town Hall, or Hotel de Ville. It remains now to describe the contents of this MS. 1 is no part of the work, but the writing it contains is in the same hand as the rest of the volume. Page 1 is blank. On page 2 the author has written in the first column some extracts from St. Augustine and St. Gregory; and in the second column a sort of abstract of the matter which occurs again in the preface to this fourth part of the Gregoriale. This abstract is very interesting, as proving beyond all doubt that this is the autograph of the author, for it is evidently the author's first rough draft of this part of the work; and it appears from it that he originally intended to divide it into nine books only, although he afterwards found matter §amustripts. 85 Fol. l Fol. l Fo l Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. for sixteen. This was no doubt the reason why he cancelled this first leaf, and re-wrote his preface on the next. 2 page 1, is occupied by the title of the book in these words, “Liber ecclesie Sancti Martini Tornacensis. In quo conti- netur iiija pars Gregorialis que appellatur Gregorialis de sententiis.” This is not in the handwriting of the rest of the MS., but it is a hand of the same period, perhaps some fifty years later. In the lower part of the same page are the words “Sentences de St. Grégoire,” in a French hand of the eigh- teenth century. Page 2. The Preface, or prologue, in the author's hand. The following title begins the first column, in green and red capitals: “Incipit Gregorialis de sententiis. Prologus se- quentis operis.” Here the work is called “Gregorialis;” in another place, the author callsit “Gregoriale.” The prologue begins thus: “Gregorialis ex melleis defloratus opusculis beati Gregorii pape, }. est domus Dei candelabrum, et flos universalis ecclesie, diversis voluminibus, quatuor videlicet partibus dividitur.” Then follow the general divisions of the work, and the headings or subjects of the sixteen books into which this fourth part is distributed Then follows a chapter from lib. iiii of the Dialogues of St. Gregory, headed in rubric, “Quod debeamus credere eterna et invisibilia existere.” This ends on the second column of the next page, where follow the capitulation of Book 1, with the rubric, “Incipiunt capitula libri primi.” 3, page 2, Lib. I, begins. .9, page 2. Here there is a great defect in the MS.; this page ends in the middle of cap. 24 of lib. I. All the remainder of that book (which contained 27 chapters) is wanting, together with the whole of books II. and III., with the first 16 and part of the 17th chapters of book IV. 10, page 1. This page begins in the middle of chapter 17 of book IV. 10, page 2. Book V begins. 14, page 2. Book VI. “Incipit lib. V. de prelatis et subjectis.” 22, p. 2. Book VII. “Incipit lib. VII., de vertutibus.” Between fol. 23 and 24, there is a slip of parchment in- serted, containing an addition to the text, written on one side o only, referring to a mark # 3" in the margin of folio 24a. Many such additions occur throughout the volume; some written on the margins, some, as in the present case, on sepa- rate slips inserted. This is a strong presumption that this is the author's copy and autograph, all such insertions being evidently in the same hand as the text. In some instances, it is to be feared, the inserted slips are lost., as there are re- ferences in the text without any corresponding slip or note, 30, p. 1. Incipiunt capitula libri VIII, “de vitiis.” 86 ğlamustripts. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. 39, p. 1. Incipit Lib, VIIIjde virtutibus electorum et temp- tationibus. 47, p.2. Incipit Lib, x, de flagellis Dei et temptationibus diaboli. 52.8.2. Incipit Lib. xj, de peccatoribus et misericordia dei. This book ends fol. 60, p. 2, and on fol. 61, p. 1, is the 11th cap. of Lib. 12. But there is no defect. This page ap- pears to have been originally left blank; and the author af. terwards inserted on it this additional chapter, referring it to its proper place, three leaves further on, by the mark 3-#c 61, p. 2. Incipit Lib. xii. De animabus ante resurrectionem. 64, p. 2. Incipit Lib. xiii. De antichristo et de fine mundi. 68, p. 2. Incipit Lib. xiiii. De iudicio et penis reproborum. 74, p. 2. Incipit Lib. xv. De gloria sanctorum. 78, p. 2. Incipit Lib. xvi. The subjectis dictionibus diversas in scriptura sacra significationes habentibus. Here follow fifty-three words in alphabetical order, whose mystical and figurative significations in Scripture are after- wards explained. This book, which completes the work, ends fol. 87, p. 2. 88, p. 1. This first column of this page is occupied with the following verses in capital letters, each line being alternately red and green, but the initial letter of each verse is in the colour different from that of the rest of the lines: the green are here marked by italics; the lines are distinguished by the vertical marks, l Gregorii li | bris extractus || Gregorialis Terminat hic | finem benedic |tus sit deus, Amen. Hec de Grego | rii qui traxit opuscula libris Gregorii preci bus iu pace qui escat Alulfus | The first distich is separated from the latter by an orna- mented border occupying a line. Column 2 of this page, and the remaining 10 pages, (to folio 93, p. 1 inclusive) are occupied by various additions, which have been made in several parts of the work, and aré O referred to in their proper places by the signs c)3 <> O &c. &c. Some of these additions are of considerable length. At the end of column 2, fol. 93, p. 1, is the inscription in a hand of the fourteenth century, “Liber sº Martini torii seruanti benedictio Amen. The next page, which is the last in the volume, contains only some scribbling in hands of the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries. The following are some of these :— Liber sº Martini tornacéser. Dominus sit in corde tuo et in labiis tuis ad pronuntiandú uerbú sà, i. Omnia uincit amor et nos cedamus amori. Omnia pretereunt preter amare deun. The same verses are also repeated in another hand, - 3tlanuscripts. 87 / . 1393 “Liber sancti Martini Tornacensis.” Primum volumen ſº ſº º theronimi super Isaiam prophetam, Continens X libros. Vellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in red and green. Fol. iii. Côpendiis: grandis vie. Contains 140 leaves. Then follows on the same page — “Lectiones isaie prophete que admissae in ecclesia legun- tur et in hoc volumine continentur.” Then follows the list with references to the days, and to the book and chapter in which the passages of Isaiah are to be found. Then follows another list, entitled “Cautica que ad vigilias lectionum xii. “im cantantur et in hoc uolumine continentur.” These are all in the original hand; and the same hand has also written, over the title, as above given, a Gloss on the passage—Quis est iste qui venit de Edom. On the back of fol. 1, in large capitals, in four lines, alter- nately red and black, is the following title:— Incipit pars prima explanationis sci Hieronimi orbi super Isaiam prophetam Prologus eiusdem operis It appears therefore that this work was originally in two volumes, of which this is the first ; and this agrees with the entry in the ancient Catalogue of S. Martin's of Tournay, already referred to, which is as follows:– “ OPUSCULA HYERONIMI PRESBYTERI Theronimus super Isaiam . . . . . . 2.” It is an MS. of the twelfth century, and is apparently in the handwriting of Alulfus. See No. 168. It contains the first ten books of St. Jerome's Commentaries on Isaiah, and would supply some important various readings and corrections of the printed editions. There is also in the handwriting of the original scribe a gloss over the text in many places; and - in the margin, in several places, there are longer notes, which are no part of S. Jerome's Commentary, and seem to be either quotations from other writers, or the original remarks of the scribe. In many cases these marginal notes have been injured by the knife of the binder. In Book IV. of the Commentary there is a defect of eight leaves between those now numbered fol. 32 and 33, containing the Comm. on ch. vii, 3, to ix, 1, inclusive. At the beginning of the volume the fasciculi; consisting of eight leaves each, are numbered on the lower margin of the last leaf as far as fasciculus VII. (fasciculus V being lost, has occasioned the defect mentioned above); but the fasciculi are not numbered in the remainder of the volume. - At the end, in a hand of the fourteenth century, is written, “Liber ºf Martini Torii. servanti benedictio, Amen.” This is undoubtedly a MS. of very great value, especially as being most probably the autograph of Alulfus, and ought to be preserved in some public library, 88 §amuscripts. 1394 Opuscula Innocentii Papae % | - Vellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in red 204 04 and blue. Fol. ii. “Sint amministratorii sps.” Contains 105 leaves. A manuscript of the fourteenth century. The contents of this vol. are as follows:– Fol. 1. “Incipit prefatio Innocentii pape iii, de officio misse.” This is the Treatise “De mysteriis Missae,” attributed to .." Innocent III., and printed Lipsiae 1534, Antwerp. 1540, and in the collected works of Innocent, Colon. 1575. Fol. 34, b. “Incipit expositio Innocentii pape iii. super vii. psalmis penetentialibus.” This work has been printed Antw. 1551, Venet. 1578, Colon. 1578, fol. and in the collected works of Innocent III., Colon. 1575. Innocent III. was elected Pope, 8th Jan., 1198, and died 16th July, 1216. - º 1395 S. Aurelii Augustini Opuscula 2/3ſ Wellum, folio, initials ornamented in red. - Fol. II, “libro cum respondissem.” Contains 141 leaves. A Manuscript of the fourteenth century Fol. 1. “Incipit retractatio Aurelii Augustini epi in libris de libero arbitrio.” Fol. 3. “Explicit retractatio in libris de libero arbitrio. Incipit retractatio Aurelii Angustini epi; in libris soliloquiorum.” Fol. 3, b. At the end of the Retract. in libris soliloquiorum, which left half a page blank, we find in capital letters in the hand of the original scribe— “Liber scè marie Pontiniacensis.” After which is the following list of the contents of the volume— “Hec sunt opera beati Augustini epique in hoc volumine continentur. De libero arbitrio, libri iii. Soliloquiorum, libri ii. De anime quantitate, liber unus. De Magistro, liber unus. Dialogus cum Orosio, liber unus. De decem cordis, liber unus.” Fol. 4. “Incipit liber primus Aurelii Augustini epi de libero arbitrio. [The interlocutors in the dialogue are marked by the letters &a and a for Wodius, i.e. Euodius and Augustinus.] Fol. 14, b. Lib. II. The rubric, however, is as follows: Explicit Aurelii Augustini Unde malum. Incipit de libero voluntatis arbitrio liber primus.” Fol. 32, b. Lib. III. The rubric here is, “Explicit AureliiAugus- tini delibero arbitrio libert,”. incipit it.”.” but a later hand in black ink has changed tº into it", and it” into fit". §ìamustripts. 89 ¢, 1396 / Fol. Fol. Fol. 1 Fol. Fol. 1 Fol. Ends fol. 56. These are the three books de libero arbitrio, which will be found in the Bened. Edit. of St. Augustine's works, vol. 1. Then follows a paragraph of 13} lines, which does not appear in the primted works, begimming, “ Qui falsa de Deo credit, vel de aliqua parte doctrine quæ ad fidei pertinet edificationem.” Then on the same page, Lib. I. Soliloquiorum, with this rubric, ** Incipit soliloquiorum liber primus sci Augustini. 65, b. “ Explicit liber primus. Incipit Soliloquiorum liber secundus.” These two books of the Soliloquies are printed by the Bened. editors, vol. 1 of the works of St. Augustine. 77, b. ** Explicit Soliloquiorum liber ii. Incipit de quanti- tate anime sci Augustini.” This is published by the Benedictine editors, vol. 1, 401. But they mark the interlocutors in the dialogue E. and A., whereas in this MS. they are Adeodatus and Augustinus. 105, b. “Explicit liber beati Augustini de quantitate anime. Incipit retractatio ejusdem libri." 106, “Explicit retractatio. Incipit retractatio beati Augus- tini epi in libro de Magistro.” And on the last line of this page, “Explicit retractatio. Incipit liber de Magistro." This book is in the Bened. edit. of S. Augustine's works, vol. 1, p. 541. 122. Incipit liber dialogorum beati Augustini epi percunc- tante Orosio presbytero.” This is erroneously attributed to S. Augustine, as the Bened. editors have shown. They have printed it, Opp. S. Aug. tom. VI, Append. p. 7, under the title of “ Dialogus quæstionum lxv., sub. titulo Erosii percontantis, et Augus- tini respondentis.” 133. “Incipit liber beati Augustini episcopi de decem cordis " (i.e. de decem chordis seu præceptis decalogi). This is Sermo IX, Classis I, of S. Augustine's Sermones ad Populum, ed. Benedict. tom. V., p. 48. / vellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in red, A. green, and blue. Fol, ii, “debat altissimus gentes." Manuscript of the twelfth century. Contains 121 leaves I. ** Explanationis ieronimi super iezechielem liber [nonus] in- cipit.** The word nonus is erased fol. 1 “ Finit liber ix. Incipit decimus” fol. 16, b. “ Finit liber decimus. Incipit undecimus" fol. 31, b. “ Finit undecimus. Incipit duodecimus ” fol. 53, b. “ Explicit liber duodecimus. Incipit xiii." fol. 72, b. * Opp. S. Hieron. edit. Vallarsii, tom. v, part 1. 12 /*, S. Hieronymi Opuscula. , 90.3 §anuscripts. * , 1397. S. Gregorii Magni, Homeliae in Ezechielem . II. [There is a defect of 4 leaves between what is now fol. 81, and the following. Fol. 81 ends with “Reconciliati sumus Deo in sanguine filii:” at the close of the Comm. on chap. xliiii. 17; and fol. 82, begins “-cant manus transacto sabbato veniant ad diem resurrectionis octavam,” near the end of the Comm. on xliii. ult.] “Explicit liber xiii. Incipit xiiii.” fol. 88, b. Sermo sciiheronimi presbiteri de Assumptione sce Marie virginis.” fol. 110, b. This work is of course spurious, for its author speaks of the Feast of the Assumption,” “solempnitatem Assump- tionis Beate Virginis celebrari in ecclesiis,” a festival which did not begin to be celebrated until the eighth century. It appears, moreover, that the author of this “Sermo" inten- ded to deceive, and that he designedly put forth the work under the name of S. Jerome, from his addressing it to Paula and Eustochium, in the words, “ Cogitis me, O Paula et Eustochium, immo caritas Christi me compellit, qui vobis dudum tractatibus loqui consueveram,” &c. Nevertheless it was from this palpably spurious tract that the Lessons for the Feast of the Assumption were taken in the old Breviaries. See the Brev. of Aberdeen, Pars Astiv. fol. lxxx. See also Portiforium ad usum Sarum, ad Aug. 15. The Reformed Breviary now in use in the Roman Church has corrected this error. See Opp. S. Hieron. Ed. Vallarsii, tom. xi, Ed. Bened. tom. v. (Ed. Erasm. tom. iv, p. 84, Froben, 1525). At the end of the volume, in a hand of the eighteenth century, are the words, “Ex libris Petri Gossin advocati, 1786.” Wellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in green and red. Fol. ii, “qui de interpretatione somnii” Contains 132 leaves. I. “Incipit liber sancti Gregorii pape in prima parte hiezechielis prophete" fol. 1 na. II. “Explicit omelia xii. beati Gregorii pape in prima parte hiezie- chielis prophete. Incipit omelia prima beati Gregorii pape, in secunda parte hiezechielis prophete.” fol. 73 This volume is quite perfect. It is written in fasciculi of 8 leaves, numbered i-xvj, and 4 leaves over. Opp. S. Gregorii, tom. i, 1169, Ed. Bened. * That it is much later than the time of St. Jerome was admitted by Baronius, as it contains an allusion to the Nestorian and Eutychian heresies, Ann, tom. i, anno 48, No. 1, Not in Martyrol: Rom. Aug. 15. See also Suarez, in 3 parte S. Thom. tom. ii, qu. 37, art. 4, disp. 21, sect. 1. But nevertheless Bellarmine cites it to prove the antiquity of the Feast of the Assumption, lib. iii, De cultu sanctorum, cap. 16, and maintains that it is either by S. Jerome, or by his con- temporary Sophronius. */// §amustripts. 91 This is a MS. of the thirteenth century which formerly belonged to the monastery of S. Mary of Pontigny, as appears from the following colophon, in the hand of the original scribe, at the end of the volume: “Liber sce marie Pontiniacensis; I. cujus manus fraude perierit, pereat ipse de consortio O - nitatis.” 1898 Bede in evangelium S. Marci expositio % Vellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in blue, green, and red. Fol. ii, “talis cecedit.” Contains 96 leaves This is a MS. of the thirteenth century. It is written in fasciculi of eight leaves, numbered i-xii, but these numbers have in some instances been cut off by the binder; the vol. is quite perfect and in excellent preservation. There is no note or mark to indicate the original possessors of this book, but on the first blank leaf (not counted in the pagination) is this note in a French hand of the nineteenth century—“Commen- taire au l'Evangile selon St. Marc, par Béde, prêtre, et religieux Anglais, mort au 8° siecle. J.A.” Fol. 1. “Incipit Prologus venerabilis Bede presbíteri in exposi- tione evangelii sedm. Marcum.” Fol. 1, b. Explicit Prologus. Incipiunt Capitula.” These Capitula are not given in Dr. Giles's recent edit. of Bede. They divide St. Mark's Gospel into forty-six Capitula. The modern chapters are marked in a hand of the fifteenth century At the end (fol. 96, a) is the following rubric, “Expositionis in evangelio Marci, Liber Quartus explicit, Bede famuli xpi et psbiteri. Deo laudes, Amen.” This is the only indication of the division into books which this MS. contains. The books are not marked in the usual places. Bede, in the prefatory epistle to Bp. Acca, prefixed to this Commentary, tells us that he made frequent use of the writings of the fathers—putting in the margin references to the names of those whose works he had so quoted. These references he requests all transcribers of his Commentary to reserve—“Lectoremaue supplex obsecro’’ (he says,) “utsi aec nostra opuscula transcriptione digna duxerit, adnotatio- mem quoque nominum eorum quae supra in margine apposita sunt diligens scriptura conservet,” &c. Nevertheless, very - few MSS. have preserved these references. Dr. Giles does not appear to have met with one; and it is probable that being made merely by the initial letters of the names of the authors quoted, they were not understood by the majority of transcribers, and so omitted. In the present MS. we find occasionally in the margin A. or AU. i.e. (we may presume) Augustinus, Gr. or Grºr. i.e. Gregorius. N. for Mota fre- quently occurs in the margin. - - 1399 Bedae Retractiones in Actus Apostolorum - isrl isrl. (sic) % - Fol. ii, “ubi tow et non tu” 12* 92 §amuscripts. Vellum, folio, double columns, initials beautifully orna- mented in red, green and blue. A MS. of the thirteenth century. Contains 21 leaves, without any signatures. The chapters are noted in the upper margin in a hand of the fifteenth century. Fol. I, “In dei nomine Retractationis Bede presbyteri in actus apostolorum incipit libellus.” This MS. exhibits some various readings differing from the printed text of Bede ; but not always improvements. The Greek words occasionally inserted are in the same characters as the Latin. • 2// 1400 “Incipit Commentarius Sci Ambrosii epi super Lucam Wellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in red, - º Fol. ii., “Deus qui operatur omnia.” Contains 138 leaves A Manuscript of the thirteenth century, in the same hand as the preceding. - The title quoted above is written in the upper margin of fol. 1 in a hand of the fifteenth century. At the end of the volume, in rubric and in the original hand, is the colophon, “Explicit expositio sci Ambrosii episuper Lucam.” The chapters are noted in the upper margin, in a hand of the fifteenth century (the same that wrote the title given above). Certain sections are denoted by illuminated letters; and it was originally intended that the Books should have been marked by rubrics, for which the spaces are left in the MS., and the words to be so written in are given in a small hand (coeval with the MS.) in the margin. In some cases the chapters are marked in rubric, in a hand which seems older than that in which they are noted on the upper margins, but these are sometimes wrong. This is a very beautiful MS. and in excellent preservation. 1401 Liber Magistri Petri Cantoris Parisiensis, quidicitur Verbum 4. º ſ - abreviatum' º ſ º Wellum, folio, double columns, initials ornamented in red - and green. Fol. ii, “quod plantatum est etc. usque faciet.” Contains 89 leaves. A Manuscript of the early part of - the thirteenth century, in excellent preservation. On a fly-leaf, in a hand of the present century, there is written in pencil, in English, the following note :- “There is a copy of this work amongst the MS.” (sic) “in the Cottonian #. in the British Museum, but which is imperfect, wanting part of the beginning. See the Catalogue Claudius, E. I. 106. “Verbum abbreviatum Magistri Petri primum Cantoris Parisiensis, postea novitii Longi-pontis, in quo novitius defunctus est; initium desideratur.” On the next leaf is the following note in a French hand of the nineteenth century:- 3tlanuscripts. 93 “Verbum abbreviatum. “Principal ouvrage de Pierre, surnommé le Chantre par- i. 6tait revétu de cette dignité dans l'Eglise de Paris; il fleurit au commencement du 13° siécle.” F. A.3 + " The date here assigned to Peter the Chanter is erroneous, inasmuch as he died at the close of the twelfth century (A.D. 1197), and therefore was not flourishing at the com- mencement of the thirteenth.* The Chronicle of William de Nangis records his death at the date here mentioned (1197) in these words:– “Petrus Cantor Parisiensis, vita et scientia clarus, apud Coenobium quod Longus-pons dicitur obiit.” Ap. Dacherii Spicil. tom. iii, p. 19. For a further account of him see Launoii Opp. tom. iii, part I, p. 170; part II, p. 513-14; tom. ii, part I, p. 676; part II, p. 616. Peter Cantor is not mentioned by Cave or Ceillier, but an account of him will be found in Oudin (ii, p. 1662), and Visch. Biblioth. Cisterc. p. 263. The Verbum abbreviatum, so called from the words with which it begins, Verbum ab- eviatum fecit Dominus super terram) was printed at Mons (Montibus Hannoniae) 40, 1639, by Georges Galopin, monk of Saint Guislain. See Thomae Waldensis, Opp. ed. Bona- ventura Blanciotti, tom. i, Praef. p. xl. (Venet. 1757). On the lower margin of fol. 1 of the present MS. we have the following note in a hand of the fifteenth century:- “Liber sci Martini tornacén. servanti benedictio.” and at the end, on the last page, in another hand of the same date— “Liber sci Martini Törn. Servanti benedictio, auferenti maledictio. Amen, Amen. Fiat, Fiat.” On the back of a fly-leaf at the end, in a somewhat later hand, but of the same century, are the words:– “Liber sci Martini torn. Fr. [frater] Jacobus.” Hence it appears that this volume belonged to the monas- tery of St. Martin at Tournay, although it is not mentioned in the ancient Catalogue of the Library of that monastery, already so often referred to. But as that Catalogue was written in 1202, it is probable that the present volume had not been then transcribed or acquired. It appears that Peter Cantor was in some way connected with Tournay, for he was elected Bishop of Tournay on the death of Everard d'Avesnes in Dec. 1170. The fact was communicated to the Abp. of Rheims (in which province Tournay then was, although it is now in the province of Cambray) by Stephen, Abbot of Ste. Généviève in Paris, who prayed the Abp. to remedy theirregularity of Peter's election, which had taken place in the absence of the king (Louis VII), and consequently without the royal license. The Abp. how- * The error of “F. A. **,” whoever he was, appears to have been taken from Trithemius, who says of Peter Cantor, “claruit temporibus Henrici sexti, anno Domini 1200.” De Scriptor. eccl. (Colon. 1546, 4to) p. 176. 94 ğamscripts. ever, refused to confirm the election, and caused this very Stephen to be himself promoted to the vacant see. Such is the account given of the matter by the authors of the Gallia Christiana, tom. iii, col. 214, F. The letter of Stephen, Abbot of Ste. Généviève, will be found in the Bibl. Patrum, (Paris. 1654, tom. iii, col. 825, Lugdun. 1677, tom. xxv, col. 38), Epist. 173. But the entry of Peter Cantor's death in the Necrology of the church of Tournay (quoted Gall. Christ. ubi supr.) states that he himself declined the bishopric:-“x Kal. Oct. obiit egregius doctor Petrus Cantor Parisiensis; qui in episcopum hujus ecclesiae electus, vocationem humiliter declinavit, as- sumpto Cisterciensi habitu, in monasterio Longi-Pontis.” And the same statement is made in the epitaph which was on his tomb, in the church of the monastery of Long-Pont, when Martene and Durand visited it. This inscription, how- ever, gives a date both as to the day and year of his death, which is inconsistent with the authorities above quoted; but it is of little weight, because it was of modern date. The original ancient inscription, as Martene and Durand tell us, (Voyage Literaire, part 2, p. 8), was this— “Hic jacet in loculo Petrus venerabilis ille Egregius Cantor, Parisiense decus. But the modern inscription, which had replaced this, and which they found there [it is to be regretted that they do not state what the probable date of this inscription was] is as follows:– “D. O. M. “Hic jacet Petrus Cantor Parisiensis, doctor celeberrimus, quiin episcopum Tornacensem electus humiliter declinavit, et suis auditoribus scientiae ac norma morum existens, assumpto in hoc monasterio Cisterciensi habitu, vitam beato fine com- plevit xiv. Calendas Junii, anno M.c.Lxxx.corpus ejus emor- tuum mirificum ac suavissimum odorem exhalavit.” Conf. Pagius Annal. in an. 1197, n. vi. At the end of the last column in the present MS. is this note in a hand of the fifteenth century:- cºm “IIIj. xx. xIII. folia.” proving that the volume then contained four score and thir- teen leaves. It now contains however only 89. It was written in fasciculi of 8 leaves; and there are twelve such fasciculi, of which the twelfth originally consisted of six only. But the seventh has now lost one leaf, and the eighth four; the book therefore originally consisted of 94 leaves; of which one must have been lost when the above quoted note was made in the fifteenth century, unless we suppose the writer of it to have made an error in his count. On the last page of the fly-leaf at the end of the volume, in a handwriting of the fourteenth century, is this collect:- “Concede quaesumus, Omnipotens Deus, utinos, unigeniti tui nova per carnem nativitas liberet, quos sub peccati jugo vetusta servitus tenet. Amen. Amen. Alleluia.” - §anuscripts. 95 º º 1402 Missale Roman UM, vel Romano-GALLICANUM. ºº º A Manuscript of the twelfth century. Fol. v. (which is fol. ii. of the original MS.) “scripturarum spem.” Contains 130 leaves, including one added at the begin- ning and one at the end. Written in fasciculi of 8 leaves. Vellum, folio, double columns, initials in red and blue. Fol. 1. This leaf seems to have been originally a fly-leaf of the book, or a subsequentinsertion. On the first page, in a hand of the fourteenth century, is written an office entitled, “Offi- cium scé eucharistie admissam introitus.” The second page is blank. 2. This leaf and the next were originally blank, but they are included in the first fasciculus of the MS. and are an integral part of the vol. Fol. 2, p. 1. On this page and the next, in a hand of the thir- teenth century, we have the Office, “In vigilia natalis Domini,” with the same collect as in the present Roman Office, but different lessons, &c. Fol. 3, p. 1, col. 1. (In a hand of the fourteenth century) “In cim. natale sanctarum xi militi virginum.” Ib. col. 2. (In the same hand) “In festo scé corone. Ad missam introitus,” continued on next page. Fol. 4. Here the original MS. begins with the usual “Proprium de Tempore,” the Mass for Advent Sunday, &c. Fol. 7, p. 1. In the lower margin of col. 1, in a hand of the thirteenth century, is this note, “In vigilia natalis Dni Hodie scietis, etc. oiá Verte retro v. folia,” referring to the office already noticed on fol. 2. Several additions to the rubrics, most of them in a hand coeval with the MS., are to be found in the margins throughout the volume; but we shall only notice those that are of later date, or which are for some special reason remarkable. It is to be observed that the Sundays are counted from Pentecost, as in the Roman and Gallican Missals, not from Trinity Sunday, as in the Sarum and present English Liturgy. Fol. 65, p. 1. The Canon of the Mass. The ornamental initial letter of the prayer, “Teigitur clementissime Domine,” has been cut out with a knife, and its place supplied by a piece of paper. Ib. p. 1. In the margin opposite the prayer for the pope, bishop, king, &c. over against the words, “una cum famulo tuo papa nostro ill, et antistite nostro ill. et rege nostro ill.” are written in a hand of the fourteenth century, “Dni Regis Francie.” And also in the margin opposite to the Memento for the living is written in a hand of the same period, “Dni Edwardi Regis Anglie, Margarete de Clere countissa Cornubie.” This was no doubt Edward II, and Margaret daughter of Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, Countess of Edmund Planta- genet, Earl of Cornwall, who died A.D. 1300. Fol. I 96 §amuscripts Fol. This memento was written originally as follows, the words in brackets having been interlined in a hand of the fourteenth century:— “Memento domine famulorum famularumque tuarum et omnium circumstantium ſomniumque fidelium], quorum tibi fides cognita est, et nota devotio [pro quibus tibi offerimus, well quitibi offerunt hoc sacrificium,” &c. 66, p. 2. Here in the margin, opposite the Memento for the dead, is the name (in a hand of the fourteenth century) “Edmundi comitis Cornubie,” and in a hand of about a century older, “Domini Roberti Cardinalis. Adele Regime.” These were no doubt Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Corn- wall, already mentioned, who died A.D. 1300; Robert Kilwardy, Archbishop of Canterbury, who resigned the archbishopric, and went to Italy on being made Cardinal in 1277, where he died the same year, not without suspicion of having been poisoned [Godwin de Praesulibus, p. 97]; and Adelaide or Adele de Savoie, daughter of Humbert II, Count of Maurienne and Savoie, Queen of Louis VI. or le Gros, King of France, and afterwards married to Matthew de Montmorency, constable of France. She died in religious retirement in the abbey of Montmartre (which she had her- self founded).A.D. 1154. These commemorations show that this missal was used in France, in some church or monastery connected with the family of Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall. In the prayer “Communicantes,” the saints commemorated are the same as in the present Roman Missal, except that Chrysogonus is spelt Grisogonus as in the Sarum Missal. In the names of the Apostles, S. Paul is placed next to S. Peter, and S. Matthias omitted as in the Roman. In the clause “unde et memores,” the original reading of this MS. was “sed et plebs tua sancta Christi filii tui domini Deinostri beate passionis necnon et,” &c. which has been rendered conformable to the reading of the present Roman Missal by the insertion, in a hand of the fourteenth century, of the words “ejusdem "before Christi, and “tam ” before beate ; and similar corrections are made in some other places where the text exhibited errors of the scribe. The prayer said secretly in the Roman mass, on dropping the Particle into the chalice, beginning Haec commiactio et consecratio, is omitted, as in the Sarum and other English Missals. After the Collect, Libera nos quaesumus Domine, follows Paz Domini, &c., Agnus Dei, &c., Haec sacrosancta commiactio, &c. as in the Roman Missal; all between this and the prayer Domine Jesu Christe fili Dei vivi in the present Roman mass is omitted. But this last prayer is given with the readings which distinguish the English “Uses,” instead of the Roman. . It may beinteresting to note these readings. The following is the text of the present Roman Missal, the readings of the present MS. being inserted in brackets, with the letters S. B. H. denoting that the Sarum, Bangor, and Hereford uses of the English Church have the same readings:– {tlanuscripts. 97 Fol. Fol. Fol. Fol. “Domine Jesu Christe, Filii Dei vivi, qui ex voluntate Patris, cooperante Spiritu sancto, per mortem tuam mundum vivificasti: libera meſqueso B.] per hoc sacrosanctum corpus et sanguinem tuum ab omnibus [a cunctis, S. B.] iniquitati- bus meis, et ab universis malis, et fac me tuis semper in- hterere-ſobedire S. B. H.] mandatis et a te nunquam [in rpetuum S. B. H.] separari permittas [this MS. is pecu- iar in reading “et nunquam in perpetuum a te separari per- mittas,” S. B. H. read, “permittas separari.”] Quivivis et regnis,” &c. And here ends in this MS. the Canon of the Mass, fol. 67 a. 67, b. The “Proprium sanctorum,” in which we need only note the following peculiarities:– In the Festival of S. Thomas a Becket (Dec.29) the original scribe appears to have left spaces for the Collect before the Epistle and Gospel, also for the Secreta, and the Post Com- munion Collect, all which are inserted by another hand. It is evident therefore that this Missal must have been written about the time when S. Thomas was canonized, which was in 1173, before the Office for his Festival was fully settled. In the lower margin of fol. 70, b, is a reference ºf to a corresponding mark in the text, with the rubric “Guillelmi episcopi et confessoris, totum sicut descó nicholao,” together with these rude lines in a handwriting of the thirteenth cen- tury:- Alleluia. Ante thronum Trinitatatis Miserorum miserator Guillerme vas pietatis Sis pronobus exorator: Causam nostre paupertatis Coram Deo sustine Et veniam de peccatis Servis tuis optine (sic). This was William Berruyer, afriar of the Cistercian order, who became Archbishop of Bourges in 1200, and died 10 Jan. 1209. He was canonized in 1218, but his name does not occur in the Roman Martyrology. His festival is cele- brated on Jan. 10 in many parts of France, of which king- dom he is regarded as a patron. This is another evidence that the present Missal is French, and older than the thir- teenth century. 77, b. In the lower margin a hand of the fifteenth century has written, “De sco Georgio qré i. 9r” i.e. (no office for St. George being given in the text) “De S. Georgio quaereunius confessoris.” 80, a. A more recent hand, but probably of the thirteenth century, has written in rubric in the margin, “de sco Jo- hanne ante portam Lat:” referring to the office which was omitted by the original scribe, but is added by a later hand on the last leaf of the volume. 81, b. In the margin, in rubric, partly cutoff by the binder, “[J}ohis et Pauli [q]uere totum in [finem libri,” (26 June). But this office is not now to be found at the end of the volume, 13 98 §anuscripts. Fol. Fo I Fol. Fol. | Fol. Fol. I Fol. l The Fol. Fol. Fol. 85, b. In the lower margin, in a hand of the thirteenth century, is this rubric, “In solempnitate scé corone, quere in principio libri, et invenies,” referring to the office already noticed, fol. 3, a, 2. .87, a. We have here the feast of S. Bernard: he died in 1153, and was canonized by Pope Alexander III. in 1165. These }. fix the date of this MS. It cannot be older than 1153; ut it is not improbable that in France an office in honour of S. Bernard may have been used in some places before his formal canonization. The present MS. is therefore to be as- signed to the last half of the twelfth century—the same conclusion to which we have already arrived from otheri considerations. 94, b. In the margin is this rubric in the later hand, some- what injured by the binder, “[In flesto undecim millium virginum ſqujere in principio libri,” referring to the office already noticed at fol. 3. 95, a. A similar rubric in the margin, “vigilia omnium * Qr, in fine] libri,” referring to the office, fol. 128, b. 96, a. In the upper margin a similar rubric, “In natalisci Edmundi episcopi et confessoris quere in fine libri,” where the office has been inserted, fol. 129, a. This was Edmund Rich, Archbp. of Canterbury, who died 16 Nov. 1242, and was canonized in 1246. This enables us to date the addi- tions made to this MS. in the later hand. 96, b. In the lower margin, in a hand of the thirteenth cen- tury, is the rubric, “* Katerine virginis, totum sicut de scă Lucia, verte folium.” 97, a. In the side margin, in black ink, and in a hand of the fourteenth century, is the note, “-H De sancto Eligio fiat sicut de sco Nicholaſo),” meaning St. Nicholas of Myra (Dec. 6), the office for whose festival occurs on the same page. Ecclesiastical year ends fol. 98 a, with the Feast of St. Tho- mas the Apostle, and the remainder of the volume is occu- pied with the usual general offices, “In natale apostolorum,” “In natale evangelistarum,” “In natale unius martyris,” ‘...." fol. 128, a, where the original twelfth century Missal enols. 128, b. In a hand of the thirteenth century the office, “In vigilia omnium Sanctorum.” 129, a. “In festo sci Edmundi epi et conf.” Seefol. 96, a, Supra. 129, b. In a later hand, of the fourteenth century, we find in col. 1, the following Collect for the King (probably Charles V. or le Sage, who was King of France i364–89), “Quesumus, omnipotens Deus, utfamulus tuus rex Karolus atque regina, cum liberiseorum, qui tua miseratione regni gubernacula susceperunt, virtutum eciam omnium percipiant §lanuscripts. 99 incrementa, quibus decenter ornariet viciorum monstra devi- tare, et hostes superare, et ad te qui via veritas et vita es graciosi valeant pervenire, Qui vivis.” Then begins the Secreta of an office for the King, which is left unfinished. Ibid, col. 2. “Officium sci Ludovici sicut sci Ieronimi colte [collectae]sequuntur hic.” This is of course Louis IX. King of France, who died 1270, and was canonized 1297. His festival is Aug. 25th, the day of his death. The Collect, Secreta, and Post Comm. Collect of S. Louis follow ; but there are no Collects of St. Jerome's day, although he is mentioned in the rubric. Fol. 130. “Johannis ante portam Lat.” See above at fol. 80, a.º. 1403 Liber Exodi, cum glossa ordinaria et interlineari et commen- 22 tº 20 º º tario Rabani Mauri, Archiepiscopi Moguntini, etc. Vellum, folio, generally in triple columns, initials orna- mented in red and blue. Fol. ii (in the text), “-ter - opprimamus.” A Manuscript of the Fourteenth, or early in the Fifteenth Cen- tury, consisting of 130 leaves. The text is written in a large bold character; the commentary is at each side of the text. That on the inner side of each age is the Glossa ordinaria, which was too long to be written É. the lines of the text: that on the outer side is the Commentary of Rabanus. Besides these there is an inter- linear gloss over the words of the text. The Glossa ordinaria is usually attributed to Walafrid Strabo, Abbot of Reich- enau, or Augia Dives (a disciple of Rabanus Maurus), who died 849. The Glossa interlinearis is by Anselm de Laon, Dean of the Cathedral of Laon, who died 1117. (See Ceillier, Hist, des Auteurs Eccl. tom. xxi. p. 592). Rhaban wrote his Commentary on the Pentateuch A.D. 830 (Mabillon, Act. SS. Bened. tom. 6, p.40). His Commentary consists chiefly of extracts from more ancient interpreters, whose names he gives, in an abbreviated form, before each extract; as Is, or Iss. for Isidore; Or, for Origen; Gr. for Gregory; B. for Bede ; &c. This copy has been carefully perused by a most diligent student in the fifteenth century, who has written copious marginal notes in a very small hand. The volume is written in fasciculi of 8 leaves; there are 15 such fasciculi, and one, the last in the volume, consisting of 10 leaves, making in all 130 leaves. The book is quite perfect and in excellent preservation. - On the upper margin of the last page is the following note:– “Hic liber est Sancte Marie Pontigniacensis Autissiodo- rensis diocesis.” 1404 Liber Levitici, cum glossa ordinaria et interlineari, et com- º º / º - mentario Rabani Mauri, etc. - Z) ºn / Wellum, folio, exactly similar to the foregoing, and evi- - 13* - 100 - §anuscripts. dently in the same handwriting. Fol. ii. “ii. agnis vel. hedis.” A Manuscript of the Fourteenth, or early in the Fifteenth Cen- tury; consists of 101 leaves. This Manuscript is altogether similar to the preceding, and is co- piously noted throughout in the margin, in the same hand as the preceding. It is written in fasciculi of 8 leaves, and con- tains 12 such fasciculi, with five leaves over, equal 101. The volume is quite perfect, and in beautiful preservation. 1405 Jeremias, cum glossis ordinaria et interlineari; commentario || || -- - - - - - |ºſ, Rabani Mauri, etc. Q_0. A º Vellum, folio, exactly similar to the preceding, and evi- - dently in the same handwriting. Fol. ii. (in the text), “ deserto in terre.” - A Manuscript of the Fourteenth or early in the Fifteenth Cen- tury; contains 24 leaves. This book is also noted in the margin throughout, by the inser- tion of copious notes in the same hand apparently, but more carefully written than the preceding. The volume, how- ever, is imperfect; it consists of three fasciculi of 8 leaves, which are perfect as far as they go, but end in the middle of Jer. xvi. 10. “Quare locutus est Dominus super nos omne Illa. . . . . . . . -- These three volumes, 26, 27, and 28, appear to have been arts of a great Biblia Glossata. It was a custom in the º Ages to cut up a Bible into parts, and lend the sepa- rate parts, by which practice many fine books were rendered imperfect. !/ 1406 “Incipit tractatus Rabani supra actuum [sic] */ Vellum, folio, initials in red, blue, and green, double ſº columns. Fol. ii. “de duobus.” A Manuscript of the Twelfth Century. 40 leaves (five fasciculi of 8.) This is the Commentary of Rhabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mayence in the ninth century. This volume is quite perfect, and in excellent preservation. 1407 Epistolae SS. Augustini et Hieronimi. º3. 7 Mº º * Vellum, small folio, in double columns, initials coloured in green and red, and ornamented. Fol. iv. “In Cenchris.” Contains 92 leaves, viz. ten fasciculi of 8* and two fasciculi of 9, and 2 leaves at the beginning. It is in beautiful preservation, but imperfect at the end. A Manuscript of the Twelfth Century. - Fol. 1, a, is blank. On Fol. 1, b, in capital letters, the initials of each paragraph alternately green and red, is the following summary of the contents of the volume — "Fasciculi iii. and viii. have 9 leaves. glamustripts. 101 “ In hoc volumine continentur epistole sanctorum Augustini et ieronimi quas sibi invicem dirigunt disputantes. Epistola ieronimi ad Marcellinum de anima. Item excerpta de libris Ieronimi contra Rufinum. Consultatio S. Augustini ad S. Ier, de anima. Item ejusdem ad eundum de sententia Jacobi Apostoli. Item sermo S. Augustini de scö Laurentio. Item ejusdem sermo de assumptione sancte Marie.” Fol. 2, a, has, in double columns, “ Capitula libri,” being a more minute table of the contents of the volume, which is divided into 20 Capitula, continued on fol. 2, b, the initials coloured as before.* Fol. 3, a. In lines, alternately red and green, we have the fol- lowing Preface. “ Incipit liber disputationis scörum Augus- tini et Jeronimi per epistolas quas ad in vicem dirigunt : et de quibusdam aliis et maxime de illo capitulo epistole Pauli ad galathas; ubi idem Apls Petrum reprehendisse se eique in faciem restitisse commemoratur, ieo quod non recte ingre- deretur ad veritatem evangelii, et gentes # iudaizare. Cum enim scs Augustinus expositionem scï Jeronimi super eandem epistolam legisset, et invenisset hunc locum exposi- tum secus quam veritas intemerata sibi videretur exposcere, sicut ipse ait, graviter doluit, et scribens ad eum primum ac deinde secundam epistolam, expositionis ejus sensum quid adversi consequeretur ostendit, et ud illud opus suum ipse corrigeret, benevolenter eum ac reverenter admonuit. Inde cetere utriusque ad alterutrum epistole alterna rescribendi respondendique vicissitudine connectuntur. Sed ut eviden- ter appareat quae nam fuerit inter tantos viros occasio con- certandi, tota ipsius seriem exposition is super eundem locum epistole ad galathas secerptam hic ponimus.” Then follows the extract from S. Jerome's Comm. on Gal. which gave rise to the controversy [Comm. in. Gal. ii. 11, 12, Ed. Vallarsii, tom. vii., part 1], and at the end of this extract is this rubric (fol. 6, a): “ Huc usq. excerpendumfuit de expositione epis- tole ad galathas, quia hec inter utrunque scm, vel sola vel precipua controversandi mataria. In marg. “ Cap I. Ex- cerptum expositionis eple ad galat.” Fol. 6, a. b. “ Incipit epistola sancti Augustini adhuc presbyteri ad sanctum ieronimum presbitervm, prima. Capitul. secun- dum.” Opp. S. Aug, tom..ii. epist. 28 Ed. Bened. Opp. S. Hieron. tom. i. part 1, Epist. 56. (Ed. Vallarsii.) Fol. 9, b. b. Epist. S. Aug. ad S. ieronimum 11" “Cap. iii.” Opp. S. Aug. ubi supr. Epist. 40 Opp. S. Hieron. ubi supr. Epist. 67. Fol. 13, b. a. “Cap.” Ep. Aug. ad ieronm. iiia. Opp. S. Aug. - Ep. 67. Opp. S. Hier, Ep. 101. Fol. 14. a. b. “ Cap. v.” Ep. Augi. ad ieronm. iiiia. Opp. S. Aug. Ep. 71. Opp. S. Hier. Ep. 104. * On the lower margin of this page, in a handof the eighteenth century, are the words, “ Ex Bibliotheca Pontiniacensi.” vv 102 ſtlanuscripts. Fol. 16. b. a. “ Cap. vi.” Epist. sancti ieronimi ad S. Aug. ia. Opp. S. Aug. Ep. 68. Opp. S. Hier. Ep, 102. 17, b. b. “ Cap, vii.” Ep. Augi ad ieronm. va. Opp. S. Aug. Ep. 73. Opp. S. Hier. Ep. 110. There are some notes on this and the preceding letter, written in the margin, in a hand coeval # the MS. Fol. 23, a. b. “ Cap. viii.” Epist. Sci Ieronimi presbyteri ad Aug. episcopum.” ija. Opp. S. Aug. Epp. &# S. Hier. Ep. 103. 24, a. a. “ Cap. ix.” “Sequens epistola Sancti Augustini ad Presidium iccirco inter has alterutrius ad utriumq. sanctum epistolas ponitur; quoniam ad eandem disputationis contro- versiam pertinet : Per hunc enim Presidium Augustinus a Ieronimo proxime scriptam suscepit, et superiorem suamid est quamvis existinem, misit epistolam. De qua in sexta sua ad eundem Jer. epta nescire se dicit utrum in manus ejus venire meruerit.” This rubric is in capital letters, the lines alternately red and blue. Opp. S. Aug. epist. 74. Opp. S. Hier. Ep. 111. Fol. 24, b. a. “ Cap. x.” Epla. S. Ieron. ad S. Aug. iii. Opp. S. Aug. Ep. Opp. S. Hier. Ep. 105. Fol. 27, a. a. “ Cap. xi.” Terrorix.] Epla S. Ieron. ad S. Aug. iiii. Opp. S. Aug. Ep. Opp. S. Hier. Ep. 112. Fol. 41, b. a. Cap. xii. Terror ## Epla S. Ieron. ad S. Aug. va. Opp. S. Aug. Ep. Opp. S. Hier Ep. 115. Fol. 42, a. a. Cap. xiii. [errorxii.] Epla S. Augi. ad S, Ieron. via. “ In hac omnibus que sibi ab eodem Ier. in illa superiori eplafuerant responsa, respondit.” Opp. S. Aug. Ep. Opp. S. Hieron. Ep. 116. 59, b. a. Cap. xiiii. “ Epla S. Jeroni ad Marcellinum, que fuit causa consultationis Si Augustini ad eundem Ier. de origine anime qui in hac ipsa epla de anima rescribens sui meminerat.” Red and blue letters. Opp. S. Aug. Opp. S. Hier. Ep. 126. Fol. 61, a. a. Cap. xv. “ Excerpta de libris sci Ieronimi contra Rufinum, cunctationem suam velignorationem de statu anime confitentem.” Red and blue letters. “ Tres super animarum statum, &e. Opp. S. Hieron. (Ed. Vallarsii, Venet. 1767, tom. ii. p. 498). Contra Ruffin. lib. ii. sect. 10. Fol. 62, a. b. “ Item ejusdem sci Ier.” ad eunde Rufinü. Transis ad animarum statum, &e. Fol. 62, b. a. “ Et post pauca. Dein Celestia, &c. Ibid. “ Et paulo post. Ergo misi tibi, &c. Fol. 63, a. b. “ Et post aliquanta, Scribisapud ecclesiasticos, &e.' Ibid, p. 558. Lib. 3, s. 30. Ibid. “ Item infra. An iccirco, &c.” Fol. 63, b. a. Cap. xvi. “ Incipit retractatio sci Aug"t. in Libros consultationis ad S. Ieronim.” Scripsi etiam libros, &c. Fol. 64, a. a. “ Incipit consultatio S. Augustini ëpi ad S. Lero- Fol. I Fol. l Fol. l §anuscripts. 103 min. De origine anime.” Deum firm quinos, &c. Opp. S. Aug. (Ed. Bened.) tom. ii. Ep. 166. Fol. 78, b. a. Cap. xvii. “Incipit consultatio sci Aug"tini ad sem Iernimä de sententia Jacobi apli. Quicumque totam legem servavit, offendat autem in uno factus est omnium reum.” Red and bluelines alternately. “Quod adte scripsi, &c.” Opp. S. Aug. tom. ii. Ep. 167. Fol. 88. b. a. Cap. xviij. “Incipit Epla Si. Ieronimi rescripta ad consultationes Si Aug. Epi.” Domino vere Sancto, &c. Opp. S. Aug. Epd. 172. Fol. 89, b. b. Cap. xix. “In Festivitate Beati Laurentii Mris Sermo Bi Aug"t. Epi.” Opp. S. Aug. tom. v. Sermo. 304. Fol. 92, b. b. Here ends the Sermon on the Feast of S. Laurence; with the Rubric in alternate lines of red and blue, “Incipit Prefatio in Tractatum" sci Aug"tini Epi De assumptione beate et gloriose semper virginis i.e. Genetricis Marie ;” but all the remainder of the volume is lost. - | tº 1408 “Incipit expositio Berengarii super Apocalypsym” Yº!º Wellum, small folio, initials coloured in red and blue. Fol. ii. “breve est. Iohannes septem ecclesiis.” Contains 151 leaves, or nineteen fasciculi, of 8 leaves each, except the last, which has only 7. The book is quite perfect. The original numberings of these fasciculi have been (ex- cept in a few instances) cut off by the binder. This is a Manuscript of the Twelfth Century, in excellent pre- servation. On the upper margin of fol. 1, in a hand of perhaps the fourteenth century, is the Rubric, “Incipit expositio Berengarii super Apocalypsim ;” but the name is a mistake, as we shall see.— Ceillier, Hist, des Auteurs Eccl. tom. xx. p. 301. The author divides the Apocalypse into seven visions; the first containing Apoc. i-iii. fol. 1, a-20, b. The second, Apoc. iv. fol. 20, b–31, a. The third, Apoc. v.–viii. 5, fol. 31, a-63, a. The fourth, Apoc, viii. 6—xv. 4, fol. 63, a—101, a. The fifth, Apoc. xv. 5–xx. 10, fol. 101, a-126, a. The sixth, Apoc. xx. 11—xxi. 10, fol. 126, b. to 135 a. The seventh, Apoc, xxxi. 11 to the end, fol. 135, a to 154, a. At the end (fol. 154-a)in the original hand, is this note:– “quisquis visscire nomen actoris fº litteras expositionum in capitibus septem visionum primas attende. Quatuor uo- cales que interponenda sunt he sunt, e. e. a. v.” To understand this it is necessary to observe that there is a short chapter introductory to the Commentary on each of the seven visions: these chapters begin respectively with the * This tract on the Assumption is of course spurious. Nothing except the title remains in our MS., but it was probably the same which is printed Opp. S. Aug. tom. vi. Append. p. 1668. The Benedictine editors suppose it to have been written in the age of Charlemagne. 104 §amuscripts. letters B. R. N. G. U. D. S. and if we insert the vowels e. e. a. u. we obtain the name of the author BeBeNGaul)uS, or BeReNGUaDuS, or perhaps Bernegaudus. This work has been attributed to S. Ambrose,” to Beren- garius, Archdeacon of Angers (eleventh century), to Berend- gaud, Abbot of St. Maximin of Trêves (twelfth Century), and to Berengaud, monk of Ferrieres:(ninth century). See Opp. S. Ambrosii, Ed. Bened. fol. Par. 1690, tom. ii. Append. p. 408. Ceillier, Hist, des Auteurs Eccles. tom. xxii. p. 67. tom. xix. 397. Cave. Hist. Lit. ii. p. 131, Oxon. 1743 (sub nom. Berengarii.) The present copy is undoubtedly older than any of the MSS. from which the work has hitherto been printed ; and the colophon, explaining the manner in which the name of the author has been introduced, differs from that given in the Benedictine edition, where the vowels are not named, but only described in the mysterious words, “Numerus quatuor vocalium quae desunt, si Graecasposueris, estLXxxi.” i. e. e-He-Ha-Hveš-H5+1+70–81, and then follows a long address from the author to the reader, which is not in our MS. In several places there are corrections of the text in a hand coeval with the MS., and these corrections have in many in- stances been introduced into the text, the erroneous reading having been erased and the corrections written instead, in a hand of the same period, if not by the scribe of the MS. himself. ſ /) /º *1409 Homiliae B. Gregorii Papae. º ºAM ºn Aº Vellum, small folio, double columns, initials ornamented in - red and blue, with grotesque figures of men and animals. Fol. ii. col. 1, “redemptoris nostri voce.” Contains vi". xvj. leaves [i. e. six score and sixteen], as numbered in a hand of the fifteenth century; but there is missing in the middle of the vol. an entire fasciculus of 10 leaves, con- taining foll. 63-72 incl. of which, however, foll. 65-70 still exist, but are misplaced between foll. 82 and 83, so that the two outer leaves only of the fasciculus are lost; with the exception of this defect the vol. is in excellent preser- vation. It is a Manuscript of the Fourteenth Century. The fasciculi were generally written in 10 leaves, but fasci- culus 6th contains 12. There is an error in the numbering of the leaves: the 122nd page having been accidentally omitted, and the 123rd num- bered viºij. the error is continued in the subsequent leaves to fol. 127, which is numbered correctly viºvii. so * Opp. S. Ambrosii, Paris, 1548. 3tlamustripts. 105 that the total number of leaves is correctly stated 136, of which 132 only now remain. The upper margin of fol. i is cut away, leading to the suspicion º/ 1410 I / that it contained the name of the individual or monastery to which the vol. belonged, and that the MS. was dishonestly abstracted from its proper owner. There is not now any mark or note in the book to shew to whom it originally belonged. It was bound apparently in France about the middle of the last century, and the binder's plough has mu- tilated several of the numberings of the leaves, as already noticed. At the end is the Colophon, “Expliciunt Omelie Beati Gregorii Pape;” but there is no general title to the vol. It is a copy of the Forty Homilies of St. Gregory the Great on the Dominical Gospels of certain Sundays and holidays, delivered by him, as it is supposed, on the occasion of the antient Rogations, or Stations, in certain churches or ceme- teries of martyrs in Rome. See the Admonitio prefixed to the work Opp. S. Gregor. Ed. Bened. tom. I, 1431 sq. (Paris, 1705). But he himself says nothing of these stations. In the prefatory Epistle, addressed to Saturnius, a Sicilian Bishop, he says that some of these homilies were read to the ople by a Motary, and others delivered by himself, and faithfully taken down, at the solemnization of the Mass on certain days on which, in accordance with the custom of the Roman Church, lessons from the Gospels were usually read. “Inter sacra Missarum solemnia, ex his quae diebus certis in hac Ecclesia [sc. Romana] legi ex more solent, sancti Evangelii xl. lectiones exposui. Et quarundem quidem dictata expositio, assistente plebe ſour MS. reads assistenti plebi] est per Notarium recitata: quarundem vero explana- tionum coram populo ipse locutus sum: atque itaut loquebar, excepta est.” Opp. tom. i, 1434. A. Homilia xl. B. Gregorii in Evangelio. Vellum, small folio, initials ornamented in red, blue, and green, the first initial, R, gilt. Fol. ii. “veniant innotescit.” Contains 110 leaves as numbered in a hand of the seventeenth or eighteenth century. But the vol. contains now 14 fasciculi of 8 leaves; the first fasciculus wanting two leaves, one containing from the be- ginning of Hom. II. to the words “[a]varitiae lucra sectatur,” with which what is now p. 4 of the MS. (but was originally É. 5) begins (Ed. Bened. tom. i. 1443. I*.), and the other having been probably a leaf preceding that which now stands first in the MS. and which was either blank or contained a table orindex of contents. An older numbering of the leaves, apparently of the fifteenth century, was made before the loss of § leaves, and represents the total number of leaves as 112. The 14th fasciculus ends imperfectly in the middle of Hom. xxxix. with the words, “Tunc anima per cognitionem reatus.” Opp. S. Greg. tom. i. 1647. D. 14 106 §amuscripts. Fol. 1, a. Incipit prologus xl. omeliarum beati Gregorii pape. Fol. 1, b. Explicit prologus. Incipiunt capitula omel. libri primi Incipit liber omeliarum Sci Gregorii pape urbis Rome. Fol. 49 (now 47) a. Explicit omelia vicesima. Incipiunt Capitula. This is another copy of the 40 Homilies of S. Gregory the Great, and is a MS. of the latter part of the thirteenth or beginning of the fourteenth century. It is in excellent preser- vation, and appears to have been bound in the middle of the eighteenth century. The order of the Homilies in this and in No. 32 differs both from each other and from the Bene- dictine edition of St. Gregory's works. On the upper margin of fol. 1 a, in a hand of the fifteenth century, are these words, now nearly illegible, “Liber xla. omeliarum in universo. . . . . . -- The 40 Homilies of St. Gregory on the Gospels are often mentioned in antient episcopal “capitula” and visitations, as one of the books with which a parish priest should be well acquainted. Thus Hincmar, Abp of Rheims, A.D.851, in his “Capitula ad presbyterosparochiae suae,” enacts, Cap. viii. “Homilias xl. Gregorii quisque presbyter studiose legat et intelligat.” Hardouin, Concil. tom. v. 392. D. And so also Riculfe, Bp. of Soissons, in the Constitutio, or Pastoral In- struction given by him to his clergy in 889, enjoins, “Item praemonemus, ut unusquisque vestrum Missalem, lectiona- rium, evangelium, martyrologium, antiphonarium, psalte- rium, et librum quadraginta homiliarum beati Gregorii cor- rectum atque distinctum pernostroscodices, quibus in sancta matre ecclesia [i.e. the Cathedral Church of the Diocese] utimur, habere laboret.” Const. Riculfi, cap. vi. (Harduin Concil. t. vi. 415). And Regino, Abbot of Prum, in the beginning of the tenth century, in his book de Ecclesiastica Disciplina (ed. Baluz. Par. 1671), directs the Bishops in their visitations of the Clergy to enquire, “Sihabeat quadraginta homilie Gregorii et eas studiose legat atque intelligat.” It is evident therefore that these MSS. Nos. 32, 33, are specimens of the volumes of the Forty Homilies written for i. use of the clergy in accordance with the above ordinances. 1411 SUMMA VIRTUTUM. º L- - º Vellum, folio, double columns, the initials at the beginning ornamented in gold, red, and blue, all the rest in rubric. The book begins on the second page of fol. 1. Fol. ii. “=paratum est convivium earum. Osee iiii’.” Con- tains 220 leaves" in fasciculi (not numbered) of 12 leaves, and is quite perfect. * The first fasciculus consists of......... 13 leaves Then follow 17 full fasciculi of......... 204 , And the last fasciculus has only...... 3 , º §amustripts. 107 The first page was originally blank; but now contains the follow- ing entries in a band of the fifteenth century:- “Sūma titutu A 13 Iste lib, est monachorum congregatiois de observantia scte Justine,” deputatus monasterio seté Justine paduane. Quem librū codā [guondam] bone méorie dis Antonius Zeno [de .." decretorum doctor, ac vicarius dili epipad'. testamento suo legauit eisdem monachis. Obiit 1447 mense octobr. repositus in eodem mon”. Oret pro àiā eius. 278 " he number 278 is in a later hand, and is probably a library mark. The book is divided into five parts. I. De virtute in com- muni. II. De tribus virtutibus theologicis. III. Deseptem virtutibus cardinalibus. IV. De donis. W. De beatitudi- nibus. The author of this work was Gulielmus Peraldus (or de Petra-alta) a Frenchman, whose vernacular name was pro- bably Perault; but he is also called Peira, Peyra, and de Peyrauta. He became a Dominican in 1219, and died 1275. (See Cave, Script. Eccl. II. p. 319. Ed. Oxon. 1743). He is said to have i. Archbp. of Lyons, but was probably only suffragan or coadjutor bishop. His Summa de Virtuti- bus (with the Summa de Vitiis) has been often printed: Colon. 1749. (For some other edd. in the fifteenth century see Hain, Repertorium Bibliograph.) Cave mentions the following: Venet. 1432, 1497, 8° Basil. 1497. In the Li- brary of Trin. Coll. Dublin, is the edit. of Lugd. 1585. (E. ll. 13, 14), also the Summa Virtutum alone, Lugd. 1554, (CC. ll. 54); Antv. 1571, (CC. ll. 56). The last edition of this work is said to have been that of Paris, 1663. The present MS. of it is in fine preservation and perfect, with the exception of the last leaf, .. appears to have contained five lines only of the Capitula, or summary of the work. These are now supplied by a hand of the fifteenth century at the end of col. 2 of the last page, and at the end of the first col. in the lower margin is this note; “Iste liber 6 monachorum cogregatiois Scé Justine ad usum mon. eiusdem scé Justine de padua,” followed by the library marks 278 |#. in the same handwriting as the corres- ponding memorandum on the first page. There is no note fixing the date of the MS. itself, but it was probably written about the middle of the fourteenth century. At the end of the second column (last page) there is an erasure, made by scratching the MS. with a knife, which has * Peaila is written as a glossover “Zeno,” but is very obscure. It is evidently the place to which Antonio Zeno belonged. It may be Aito, or perhaps Arto. f “A reformation of the Benedictine Order was settled in this house [viz. in the Monastery of St. Justina of Padual in 1817, which was propagated in many parts of Italy under the name of the Congregation of St. Justina of Padua.” See Butler, Lives of the Saints, at Oct. 7. 14* 108 3rish flamuscripts. made the parchment so thin that in one spot it has been worked into a hole. No word is now legible, but the erased memorandum appears to have been in a hand of the fifteenth century. The book is in modern binding (eighteenth century), and the binder appears to have used some parchment on which was written something in Turkish; apparently a Turkish version of the Gospels. 3rigſ, ºanuscripts. - 1412 Forus feasa ar Eirinn.—Dr. Geoffrey Keating's History of Ire- | 7 |} ^^* Q. land. º A fine copy of the original, transcribed by the Rev. Morgan O'Brien, P.P., of Newcastle, Co. of Limerick, a celebrated Irish preacher, who died about the year 1798. Folio. On verso of first leaf is a notice of Dr. Keating's church of Tubrid, in Dr. O'Donovan's handwriting, dated Sept. 5th, 1840. 1413 Vitae Sanctorum aliquot Hibernicorum, scilicet :— / ly| . Finbarri. . Flannani. . Monynnae. . Ruodani. . Fintani. Lugidi. Brandani. . Finnani. . Kerani. . Brandani. Transcribed in 1856 from the MS. commonly called the Codex Salmanticensis, preserved in the Burgundian Library at | - Brussels. / 1414 Focloir Gaedhelg—The Irish Glossary of Michael O'Clery, //// º º arranged in strict alphabetical order by Eugene O'Curry, and transcribed by Mr. Anthony Curry, 4to. % 1415 A Description of the Contents of the Irish Manuscript com- / ſ)/ monly known as the Book of FERMoy, folio, pp. 81, by, - and in the handwriting of the late Eugene O'Curry, July, 1858. 2T) / 1416 Gildae Lorica—The Lorica of Gildas, copied by Dr. O'Dono- tº 7-4 van, 4to., pp. 20. Printed by Mr. Whitley Stokes in his - Irish Glosses (Irish Archaeological Society's Series) §rish ſtianuscripts. 10 9 ſº º, 1417 The Ulster Visitation Book of 1622, transcribed from the 7, manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. % - Contains a True State of the temporalities of the sees, and of the incumbents and parishes in the dioceses of - Armagh, Meath, Kilmore, Ardagh, Clougher, Derry, Raphoe, Down, and Connor. Folio. 2//0.1418 Bibliotheca Hibernica–Catalogue of Irish Books printed and ſ/ * manuscript, by Charles Vallancey, folio, 266 pp. - 1419 The Leabhar Gabhala, or Book of Conquests, compiled by º ſ Peregrine O'Clery, and beautifully copied by Mr. Anthony !/ Curry from the original preserved in the library of the Royal Irish Academy. Prefixed to which is a detailed account of the contents, and an alphabetical index to the poems, by Eugene Curry. Folio. 306 written pages. 1. º //4. 1420 Irish Glossary, by the Rev. Peter O'Connell, 4to. 241 ºL^ º f Copied from a MS. in the library of Trinity College, by Anthony Curry, 1843. 1421 Sanas Cormaic, or Cormac's Glossary, 4to, 44 pp., with MS. t notes by Charles O'Conor, Edward O'Reilly, and Dr. / 4. O'Donovan. - % 1422 Irish Glossary, copied from Dr. O'Donovan's Colº-. the Royal Irish Academy. C-17 | 7~~~ % 1423 Focloir Gaedhelg, The Irish Glossary of Michael O'Clery, 8vo. // // Brother Anthony Purcell, at the order of Donatus Monaeus - / (Donogh Mooney), Provincial in Ireland in 1617, 4to. 141 pp. Copied from the original in the Burgundian Library of Brussels, in 1861. An account of this important work may be seen in the Poceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. iii. p. 482. % / 1425 The Irish Romance called Mac Conglinne's Vision, translated º by the late Eugene O'Curry, 4to. pp. 55. - / 1426 The Correspondence of Archbishop Marsh, Smith, Dodwell, % /7 - Rawlinson, &c., folio, 416 pp. - º Transcribed from the Smith MS. in the Bodleian Library. - 78 pp. ſt º 1424. History of the Franciscan Order in Ireland, compiled */% 110 §rish flamustripts. /.4% 1427 A Collection of Indexes to the Poems of St. Columba, the 10/, Dinnsennchus, and other ancient Irish Works, together with the Litany of Aengus, Irish and English, folio. - 1428 AEngus the Culdee–Senchas naom Erend, Pedigrees of the % / 6-ſy. 0. Saints of Ireland, by AEngus, 4to., pp. 95. 7 - Copied by Eugene O'Curry from the tract in the book of Lecan; ..º. by a copious Index Nominum, and numerous notes by Dr. Todd. 29 AEngus—Felire of Ængus the Culdee. % / A portion containing the metrical prologue, and the text of the poem to the middle of March. 8vo. vellum. Copied for John McNamara, about the year 1806. Belonged to George Petrie in 1848, by whom it was pre- sented to Dr. Todd. /* * 1430 A·ngus–Notes, Historical and Topographical, on the Scho- º liast of the Felire of AEngus the Culdee. / From January 1st to August 4th. By, and in the handwriting of, Dr. John O'Donovan. - % 1431 AEngus—A critical and historical examination of the ancient 20 7 / Irish Calendar, called the Felire of AEngus the Culdee, as r preserved in the Leabhar Breac, with a biographical ac- count of the author, and an Index Nominum. By the late Eugene O'Curry, in the handwriting of Mr. Anthony Curry. - - 4to. pp. 305. 1432 The Felire of Ængus the Culdee, containing that ancient me- // trical calendar of the Saints of Ireland, written about the ſy 7.44– year 800; with the original prologues, the subsequent glosses, and the running commentary, compiled about the fourteenth century; all carefully transcribed from the an- cient copy in the Leabhar Breac, and accompanied by a literal English translation by the late Eugene O'Curry. 1433. A fair copy of the unpublished portion of O'Donovan's Irish º Glossary. / º The Supplement to O'Reilly's Irish Dictionary published by Mr. Duffy contains only those words which were found in Dr. O'Donovan's copy of O'Reilly on the blank sheets with which it was interleaved. But a large number of words and additions were written by Dr. O'Donovan on the printed Rºges of O'Reilly, which are omitted in Duffy's edition. These are collected in the present volume. Folio. 7%. º º §rish flamuscripts. 111 /ſº 1434. The Annals of Inisfallen, compiled by the Right Rev. Doctor - º O'Brien, author of the Irish Dictionary, and John Conroy. 7, Translated into English. 4to. pp. 468. Concerning this compilation, see Dr. O'Donovan's note on the Four Masters, at the year 1014, p. 778. - º, 1435 The Annals of Ulster, 2 vols., 4to., 574 pp. #4, - &T) º) Transcribed by the late Eugene O'Curry from a vellum MS. 2 - the library of Trinity College, Dublin, and compared by Dr. O'Donovan with another MS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, in 1846. This copy was used by Dr. O'Donovan when editing the Annals of the Four Masters. Introduc. p. xxxiv. 1436 An Account of the Flight of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrcon- -3 nell from Ireland, written in Irish in the year 1609, %/4, r and copied on tracing paper from the original MS. preserved at St. Isidore's in Rome. 4to. pp. 133, in mo- rocco extra, with clasps. Purchased by Dr. Todd for 12 guineas, the cost of transcription. It is largely quoted in Rev. C. P. Meehan’s “Flight of the Earls.” { 437 The Leabhar Gabhala, or Book of Invasions, 4to. 126 pp: * % A very beautiful MS., in the handwriting of Michael O'Clery, - the chief of the Four Masters. Formerly belonged to Edward - - O'Reilly. 1438 Leabhar Sil Dalaigh, the book of the O'Donnells, a 4to. vol. /% %/ of 398 pages, containing a large collection of original Irish A. º - poems on various members of that ancient house, collected - and copied by Semus Mhaguidhir (James Maguire), 29th May, 1727. 2% 1439 Nineteen Erse Poems respecting the race of the Feine, col- º / %// lected in the Highlands in the summer of 1784 by Edward O'Reilly; 4to. pp. 2// 1440 Miscellaneous Extracts respecting Ireland, in the handwriting º ſ of William Molyneux. 8vo., pp. 131. 7 1441 Leabar Breathnach—The Irish version of the **:- 2 / num, by Nennius, 4to., pp. 41 * LA ºf Copied from the book of Lecan by Eugene O'Curry. This tract - was printed by Dr. Todd in his Irish Nennius, published by the Irish Archaeological Society. % 1442 Index Nominum et Rerum in Vitam et Gesta S. Patricii, in / Žº | libro Armachano asservata. 4to. pp. 77. 112 §rish glamuscripts. 1443 THE BREhon Laws of IRELAND, consisting of Fragments of the 20/ ſ/ () ſº to / e—ſº - Senchus Mor, Septiads, etc., with commentary on the same; ºnwa or a The Book of Aicill; Breatha Comhaitheleasa; Tracts; N. - Triads. In 17 vols., folio. Transcribed from the original IRISH MS. in the libraries of Tri- nity College and the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin; the | British Museum, and the Bodleian Library, Oxford; by Eugene O'Curry and John O'Donovan, and copied by anas- tatic printing for THE BREHoN LAw CoMMIssion ERs. º, ºf 1444 Irish GLoss ARY, being an alphabetical Index to the Irish º/ º * /ſ' 2,4- words and interpretations contained in Zeuss's Gramma- - - ºv tica Celtica, Dr. O'Donovan's Irish Grammar, Cormac's 20 wº Glossary, Petrie's Tara, The Liber Hymnorum, and other - authorities, compiled by W. S., 2 vols., folio. 1445 Io. Lyncaei Historia Ecclesiastica Hlberniae, 2 vols., folio. */ J ſ/ “This book was transcribed for me by Mr. John Rathbone from the original in the Bodleian Library. It was finished in February, 1863. I gave Mr. Rathbone 4:30 for his labour, which included the expense of paper, &c., but not binding. —March 11, 1863.” J. H. Todd. This valuable work was compiled by Dr. John Lynch principally from Irish sources, and forms a most important companion to Ware's Irish Bishops. No. 1330. º 1446 Historical Collections relative to Trinity College, Dublin. 547 - Folio, 388 pp. '70 Copied from the manuscripts of the Rev. Doctor Barrett, Vice- - Provost of Trinity College, with marginal additions by the late Doctor Todd. 1447 Irish Martyrologies and Ecclesiastical Poems. 4% º Copied by Eugene O'Curry in 1849, in his best style, from the / * ſ) O'Clery manuscript preserved in the Burgundian Library at Brussels. It contains:– 1. Poems, Rules, and Litanies of some ancient Irish saints. 2. Prologue and Notes, prose and verse, to the Felire of Ængus. 4. 3. The Felire of Ængus the Culdee. - 4. The Irish Calendar of Marian Gorman. 5. The Martyrology of Tallaght. 4to. pp. 709. º 1448 The Martyrology of Donegal, copied by Eugene O'Curry from 5 / the original MS. preserved in the Burgundian Library of | |U) Brussels. From this volume the text was printed under Dr. Todd's editor- ship in the series of the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society's publications 4to. pp. 427. §rish flamistripts. 113 ſ 449 THE ANNALs of ULSTER, an English version made in the for- - - º 0. mer half of the seventeenth century. 7, Folio. Transcribed for the late owner in 1844, from vols. 49 and 20 of the Clarendon collection in the British Museum. This is the copy which Dr. O'Donovan used when prepa- ring his edition of the Annals of the Four Masters. It was his opinion that the translation was executed for Ussher or Ware by Tully Conry, a distinguished Irish scholar. “But whoever was the author, the translation is .# valu- able; for it has preserved to posteritythe equivalent English. of a great portion of the Irish language, as it was understood by one of the hereditary seamachies or chroniclers of Ire- land, above two centuries ago.—Introd. Remarks, vol. i., p. 34. !) 1450. A rough draft of the Catalogue of a portion of the Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. vol. 30, pp. 509, 652; vol. 31, pp. 22, 161,260,404; and 7%/ ºº For some account of this MS. and extracts, see British Magazine, - vol. 32, p. 48. by Mrs. Mant, and presented to Dr. Todd by Bp. Mant, i the year 1840. 1452 Disputations, Orations, Poems, and other occasional composi- D tions, chiefly academical, during the years 1666, 1670, 1 / // º 1682, 1683, by and in the handwriting of Anthony Dopping, Fellow of Trinity College, Vice-Chancellor of the University, and Bishop of Meath, 8vo. At the end (reversed) are:—“The Art of Short Wri- ting;” “An advice for Studies by the Bishop of Down (Jeremy Taylor), 1659;” “List of Livings in the College gift.” This precious M.S., which contains the compositions of a most distinguished alumnus of Trinity College, and principally academic, should be secured by the heads of Trinity College. 453 Forus feasa ar Éirinn : Doctor Jeoffrey Keating's History of . 2% Ireland, 3 vols. 4to. ſ Copied by the Hate Eugene O'Curry, in his best style, from the oldest known transcript of the original, namely, that by John Torna O'Mulconry, a contemporary of Keating, now preserved in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. This is, beyond question the finest and best copy of Keating's Irish text in existence. 1454 THE Book of Lismore, copied by Mr. Long from the original Irish MS. in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire; 4. 3./// - p folio; 240 leaves. 15 1451 Consuetudinarium Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. PATRICII, Dublin. %. 14 tº 99.4/ ^^ Purchased from the late Mr. Rodd, bookseller, London, Z ſ/ 114 3rish ºlanuscripts. | ºt. 1455. The Book of Fenagh, or ancient Irish MSS. of St. Caillin, / º º/. translated in 97 folios; with the Life of St. Brendan, in º - - Irish, and translation, in 39 folios, in 1 vol. ; folio. 1456 LEABHAR-NA-H-UIDHRI, a transcript by Eugene O'Curry from the original in the library of the Royal Irish Academy; folio. The Leabhar-na-H-Uidhri is an ancient Irish MS. written on vellum, transcribed from an old record of the eleventh cen- tury, by Maolmuire, a learned scribe of the abbey of Clon- Inacnoise. tains, amongst other interesting matters on Irish history and antiquities, a very curious account of the cemeteries and sepulchres of º of the Four Masters. It is considered a very valuable work, and con- *// agan Kings of Ireland.—Mote to Annals 1457 A Breviary of the State of the Roman or Western Church andź / Empire, the decay of True Religion and the rising of the Papacy, from the time of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ till Martin Luther, gathered by Michael Dalton of Lincolne's Inn, 1634, with engraved portrait of Michael Dalton, Arm., anno 1623, astatis suae 64, inserted in the volume, 8vo, pp. 178 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- _ - - - - - - - - [-115-1 PAMPHLETS-UNBOUND. 0 1458 Tracts for the Times, No. 83; Crofton's Genesis and Geology; Christie's Windication of the Church in Scotland; The Talmud; Hebrew Chronology; The Real Presence, by R. F. Littledale; The Pious Miscellany, by the Right Rev. Dr. Coyle; The Cathedral, by Reichel; Dobbin's Plea for Tolerance; Butler's Argument on Miracles, by Napier; Propitiatory Sacrifice and the Sacrifice of Christ according to Catholic Antiquity; Bellett on Papal Supre- macy; Haughton's Essay on Pauline Theology; Maitland on Townsend's Notes to Fox's Martyrs, &c.—45 in all 1459 Charges and Pastoral Letters, including those of Archbishops */ - Magee, Beresford, and Trench ; Bishops Fitzgerald, Forbes, Hinds, Russell, Graves, Butcher, Mant, Higgins, O'Brien, &c.—28 in all. 1460 Sermons preached in Ireland by Archer Butler, Newland, 3 Leper, Reichel, Salmon, Fitzgerald, Moeran, Maguire, - Jellett, Crosthwaite, O'Sullivan, Stopford, Wynne, Elring- ton, Mac Neece, Plunket, Rice, Jebb, Massy, &c.— 68 in all 1461 Scela na Esergi, a Treatise on the Resurrection, Irish and . º% English, by Crowe; Sufferings of the Church and the º Intolerance of Dissent; Restoration of St. Patrick's Cathe- dral; James's Introduction into Divinitie; Heathcote on the xxxix Articles; Jephson on the Roman Catholic System; Sankey's Epitome of Christian Institutions; Smith on Eternal Punishment; O'Connell's support of the Catholic Dogma of Church Infallibility; Groves on the Eucharist; Bp. Forbes on the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, &c.—32 in all - 1462 Tracts on Church Matters; Dickenson's List of Printed / Service Books; Selwyn's Letter to Pope Pius IX. ; Hume º on the Census of Religious Worship; Dames' Legal Aspect of Ritualism; Rivington against extreme Ritualism ; - Maskell on the Royal Supremacy; the Jews at K'Ae-Fung- Foo; &c.–26 in all 15* º º 116 PAMPHILETS. ºº º t º º º ^ a 1468 Sermons in England and elsewhere by Langley, Alford, Pusey, Girdlestone, Wordsworth, Jelf, Jebb, Hook, Campion, &c.—32 in all 1464. The Uses of Creeds and Confessions of Faith; Gibbings' Case of a Minorite Friar, and of Fulgentio Manfredi; Maitland on Mesmerism ; Court Martial on Lieut. Dawson; Perle's Meletemata; Peschitthoniana; Mayor's Letters of Archbi- shop Williams; Delitzsch de Psalmis ; Chrysostomide Sa- cerdotio lib. Graece; Wordsworth on Bunsen's St. Hippo- lytus; Allix de Conciliis; Van Drival, Grammaire des Langues Bibliques; Fables de Lokman, Arab. et Franc., &c.—26 in all 1465. Theological Tracts, chiefly relating to the Holy Scriptures, by Donaldson, Quarry, Hamilton, McCaul, Maitland, De Burgh; Jashar, Comment. a Donaldson; and Remarks on same by Perowne, &c.—15 in all 1466 Shepherd's Five Letters to Maitland on the Authenticity of St Cyprian's Writings Lon. 1852–3 1467 Correspondence between the Archbishop of Armagh and A. Stephens, Esq. with Stephens' opinion respecting Synodical Action; Clark on the Pew System; Todd's Ob- servations on the case of Bishop Colenso; Irwin's Report of a Case, Stewart v. Crommelin, &c.—16 in all 1468 Blacker's Sketches of Booterstown and Donnybrook; Account of the Samaritans; Windication of the Saints, Churches, and Towers of Ireland, against Keane; Butcher on the Study of Eccles. History; Origines Hibernicae; Lee's Lec- tures on Eccles. History; Rose on Eccles. History; Car- tulary of St. Mary Magdalene, Lanercost; Brady on the Alleged Conversion of the Irish Bishops; The Apostolical Canons, by MacNally; Canons of the Episc. Church in Scotland; J. H. Smith on the Church of St. Michael Le Pole, and Ancient Building at St. Doulough's; Tracts on Irish Antiquities, &c.—23 in all 1469 Tracts on the Irish Church by Bishop O'Brien, Jebb, A. De Vere, Lee, Bence Jones, C. H. Todd, Bp. Fitzgerald, Dickenson, Ball, Massingham, Stopford, Hardinge, Stewart, - &c.–42 in all 1470 The Colonial Church Chronicle, 1849-69 PAMPHLETS. 117 , 1471. The Ecclesiastic for 1849, '50, '54, '57, '60 to '67 ſº% /* 1472 Catalogues of Valuable Books and MSS. of a Nobleman, sold by Sotheby, Aug. '65, priced, 2 parts (Lord *...?? ºº º 3/ ſ another of the Savile Manuscripts, priced; Muller's H ) ( ?/ ?/ - -- brew Stock; Almanzi's Hebrew and Oriental, &c.—35 in all - 1473 Wallancey's Collectanea, No. 5 and 6; Martin sur les ...”o/º /0 quites Irlandaises; Dean Butler's Annals of Ireland ; / º Hartshorne's History of Carnarvon Castle; Monson's - Feuds of Lincolnshire Families; O'Hanlon's Life of St. AEngus; Nicholson's St. Patrick; Col. Smythe's Notice of St. Patrick's, Jordanstown; Nugent's Facts and Fic- tions in Irish History; Confession of St. Patrick, &c.—30 in all, some privately printed 1474 Archeologie Irlandaise, par De Buck; Brash on the Round // / . Tower of Brechin; Emblems of Geffrey Whitney; But- % ler's Castle of Trim ; A. Smith on Irish Coins; Madden's - Monuments of Antiquity; Report of Northern Antiqua- ries; Anglo-Saxon Legends of St. Andrew and St. Vero- | nica; Records of the Sept Coffey; Fictions of our Fore- - fathers; Curry's Sick-bed of Cuchulainn ; Bindon on Irish MSS.; others on Archaeology.—40 in all 1475 Haughton on Granites; Lloyd on the Climate of Ireland º Kinahan on the Rocks of Yar-Connaught; Dixon on Gai- º, vanic Currents; Directions for the Dipleidoscope; Lyons º y on the Microscope; Harpur on Visible Magnitude; Curtis on the Gyroscope; Crampton's Lunar World; Huggins', Corps Celestes; A. Smith's Blowpipe Wade Mecum, &c. –30 in all 1476 Todd's Account of the Book of Fermoy; Joyce on Spenser's º %ſ Irish Rivers, and on Irish Topographical Names; Ad- dresses to the Royal Irish Academy, and their Proceedings &c —50 in all 7 Past and Present; Andrews' Studium Generale; Excerpta / e Corpore Statutorum Universitatis Oxon.; Corrie on In- terference of the Crown with the English Universities; Various on University Reform, &c.—18 in all. 1477 Halmagrand Origine de l’Universite; Dollinger's Universities º 118 PAMPHLETS, - lºſſ 1478 Zwei Fabliau von A. Keller; Van Drival sur le Grand Mo- - nument Funeraire Egypt. du Musée de Boulogne; Memoire sur M. Libri; Mystere des Bardes de l'Ile de Bretagne, &c.—in all 16 foreign 1479 Sedding's Antient Carols; Choron Corpus Cantus Ecclesiastici, 7 ſwww. U.W. pars 1; Stewart's Lecture on Music; Moulinie's Sermon * on Sacred Music; Gregorian Chants; Opinions on the : . Law of Intonation in Churches; Mainzer, Ecole Chorale, &c.–20 in all ſ 1480 Tracts on Education by Whately, Guillemard, Mac Ivor, |UW 7 * 3. Ringwood, Kennedy and Sullivan, Baker, Woodward, - - Newland, Napier, Hoare, Cooke Taylor, &c.—33 in all - (% ^_ 1481 Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 41 Nos. 1861-6 1482 M'Ivor's Essay on Homer; Hincks on Cuneiform Writing; Wallcott on Mediaeval English Words; Donaldson's Prin- غw, ſ/ ciples of Classical Philology applied to the Analysis of Lºſ º Hebrew; Turton on the Text of the English Bible; Grin- - field on the Interpolated Curse in the Vatican Septuagint; Lindsay's Lord's Prayer in Fifty Languages; Jolowicz on the Correction of the Text of the Hebrew Scriptures; Benmohel's Strictures on Mosheim; Rustic Proverbs current in Ulster, &c.—14 in all ºº 1483 Medical Tracts by Osborne, R. B. Todd, Stokes, Dickson, - --- Wilde, Geoghegan, Haughton, Law, Register of the College of Physicians, Ireland, &c.—26 in all ^ 1484 Literary Societies—Addresses by Guthrie, Ball, Mallet, Old- Tw wºſº ham, Lloyd, Brodie, Wrixon, Butcher, Dixon, Anster, º_-Dickinson, Evelyn, Gibbings, Atkinson, Dowden, &c.— 25 in all 1485 Miscellaneous Tracts by Beresford Hope, Tennent, Tattam kºſſ B. Corney, Hancock, Maguire, Benmohel, Glover, Ingram, in Earl of Rosse, Butt, Sewell, C. H. Todd.—75 in all PRINTED BOOKS OMITTED. / º 1486 Dublin Directory, The, 27 vols. not consecutive 1772-1832 J / / (1487 Horatii Epistolae, notes by Hurd, 2 vols. Dub. 1768 º, ſº Bellarmann (J.J.) Geschichtliche Nachrichten aus dem Alter- thume uber Essaer und Therapeuten Berlin 182 % % % % % PAMPHLETS. 119 / ) 1489 Tractatus Judiciorum, Processus Sathane contra Gen. Huma- ſºº/1/ - num, per Don. Bartolum de Saxo Ferrato; Guillermus º Parisiensis de Septem Sacramentis, £itºris 60thitis, 2 in 1 vol. Jehan Petit, Paris 1500 º 1490 Pentateuchus Syriace, ed. Kirsch Hoſe 1787 —ººt tº // º/” va/ */? /- 2. 2. 200 ºr a 0 – 7 //3 - /~ * º/ º ', 33 / → – ºn ºzº /33 -/3 = % */, +/- z 3.24-72 - 4 - * … * * º º-o-º: - *** VALUATIONS of Household Goods, Books, Works of Art, or any Chattels, for Probate or other purposes, completed with | dispatch in any part of the kingdom. *{ -" & b c 31 utti on cer'g ſpam met. Not long ago a friend asked me at the close of a day's sale, “Why have you not something more matty? I see that some of your brethren have hammers of silver.” I replied, “On account of old associations connected with this time-worn piece of ivory, which is now serving a third generation.” Seventy years ago my granduncle, John Fleming, sold with it in Fownes-street; as did subsequently my father in Trinity- street, making his voice heard on the libraries, amongst others, of Vice-Provost John Barrett, D.D., Bishop Young, William Monck Mason, Hon. Sackville Hamilton, Mr. Blachford of Altadore, Mr. Magrath, Mr. Bradish, &c., and after his death his temporary successor, Henry Toole, used it to disperse the collection of Arch- bishop Magee. - For thirty years I have employed it in the sale of collections belonging to James Hardiman, Esq., Rev. Aug. Beaufort, Sir W. Hamilton, George Petrie, Esq., John O'Donovan, LL.D., R. R. Madden, M.D., John Windele, Esq., James Ferguson, Esq., Joseph Cooper Walker, Esq.-all names well-known amongst the Irish literati. Is there a divine amongst my readers who has not heard of Bishop Brinkley, Rev. Thomas Kelly, and Rev. Sam. O'Sullivan Ž or a lawyer who forgets Daniel O'Connell, M.P., Baron Greene, Judge Stock, Sir Henry Meredith, Bart. 2 or a physician to whom the names of Crampton, Neligan, Hutton, and Collis are not familiar In the sale of the libraries of all these eminent men within my own day that hammer has done good service in my own hand. And now I have to add another distinguished name to this list of Irish worthies, that of James Henthorn. Todd, D.D. Have I not made out a good case for my old hammer, and given a good reason why one of silver or gold could not sound so musical to me or to my literary friends? - John FLEMING Jones, - - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ||||||||| 1 3363 5874