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"f" , | 产事​, : t 是非T 我的​” 的 ​, 我 ​- , - ht . , ,, . , ! , , ”。 A. . 4 : , “ . | :, + Isr是事基准​. ” |...…. 亲 ​: “ : : 是 ​手 ​” 。 章4.1 “! -- 来说​, ,, 費​, 中​: , 身 ​| 化量 ​13、 … .. : , : 主 ​, . : 軍事爭 ​学 ​; : 其中​: 等​。 大学生​, . :: 我 ​: . . 事 ​. 14 量​+。 . : "" , 14: , , , 。 車重​, , . - 事 ​分 ​+ . 生 ​… , " 一 ​: : : : , ,, ' … 中 ​1. · ' ! . - !.. ! . : , : :: .. 是​” . ” “ 指导 ​ . . في = * د؟ . - وان : "و " با ما و ماده 1 خش' در 15 , م : * به ا بینا ا ین . با با : . م م ع نا" بات .. ا اس ن ه. "نة" م ا . . . ۰۹ : . ': ت اند . + . خه ه . . . کر : * 1 محرم انسان اگر انسان می و عد اج باد UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN it TUI. INT 3 9015 03433 3594 A BSTRACT OF THE ANSWERS AND RETURNS Made pursuant to an Act, passed in the First Year of the Reign of His Majesty King GEORGE IV, INTITULED, “ An ACT for taking an Account of the Population “ of GREAT BRITAIN, and of the Increase or “ Diminution thereof." Preliminary Dbservations. Enumeration Abstract. Parish- Register Abstract. M. DCCC. XXI. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 July 1822. 502. А4 1121 11821 THIS BOOK IS TO BE PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF GONVIL AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. 1822. 1 ! - VUN ) ! 1 . TA * II. Ø mo. PAGON 1299888-190 CO N T E N T S. Preliminary Dbservations: 1. ~ ENUMERATION ABSTRACT . - - II. - PARISH-REGISTER ABSTRACT - - III. — INCREASE OF THE POPULATION - IV. - TABLES OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES - - - - • . - P. V - - - p. xxi - - - p. xxvii • pp. xxxii to xxxv Enumeration abstract: 198 COUNTY OP BEDFORD - - - - - p. 1 Summary and Ages - - .. BERKS - - - - - 5 Sunimary, p. 11 - - Ages BUCKINGHAM - - - Summary and Ages - CAMBRIDGE - - - Sunnmary, p. 23 - - Ages CHESTER - - - .. Summary and Ages - - CORNWALL - - - Summary, p. 41 - - Ages - CUMBERLAND - - - Summary, p. 50 - • Ages - DERBY - - - .. Summary, p. 59 -- Ages DEVON - - - - Summary, p. 71 - - Ages DORSET - - - - Summary, p. 82 - - Ages DURHAM - - - - Summary, p. 91 - - Ages - ESSEX - - - - - 93 Summary, p. 102 - - Ages - 103 GLOUCESTER - - - - 104 Summary, p. 117 - • Ages, 118, 119 HEREFORD - - - - 120 Summary, p. 126 - - Ages - 127 HERTFORD - - - - Summary, p. 131 - - Ages • 132 HUNTINGDON - - - - 133 Summary, p. 135 - - Ages - 136 KENT - - - - - - 137 Summary, p. 148 - - Ages - 149 County OF LANCASTER - - - - p. 150 Summary, p. 160 - • Ages - 161 LEICESTER . . . . 162 Summary, p. 169 - - Ages - 170 LINCOLN - -. Parts of Holland - 171 ... Parts of Kesteven 172 --. - Parts of Lindsey - 177 Summary, p. 187 - - Ages, 188, 189 MIDDLESEX - . 190 Summary, p. 196 - - Ages - 197 MONMOUTH - - - - Summary, p. 202 - - Ages - 203 NORFOLK - - - - - 204 Summary, p. 219 - - Ages, 220, 221 NORTHAMPTON - - - 222 Summary, p. 230 - - Ages. 231 NORTHUMBERLAND - - 232 Summary, p. 244 - - Ages - 245 NOTTINGHAM , - - 246 Summary, p. 252 - - Ages - 253 OXFORD - - - - - 254 Summary, p. 261 - - Ages - RUTLAND - - - - - 263 Summary, p. 264 - - Ages - SALOP - - - - - 266 Summary, p. 274 - - Ages - 275 SOMERSET - - - - 276 Summary, p. 289 - - Ages, 290, 291 SOUTHAMPTON - - - 292 Summary, p. 301 - - Ages - 302 STAFFORD - - - - - 303 Summary, p. 311 - - Ages - 312 SUFFOLK - - - - - 313 Summary, p.323 - - Ages, 324, 325 SURREY - - - - - 326 · Summary, p. 330 - - Ages - 331 . 84 262 265 502, CONTENT S. COUNTY Or COUNTY or SUSSEX - - - - - p. 332 WORCESTER - - - - p. 368 Summary, p. 341 - - Ages - 342 Summary, p. 374 - - Ages - 375 WARWICK - - - - - 343 YORK - - - - East Riding - - 376 Summary, p. 349 - - Ages - 350 Summary, p. 389 - - Ages, 390, 391 WESTMORLAND - - - 351 ---- North Riding - - 392 Summary and Ages - - - 354 Summary, p. 406 - • Ages - 407 WILTS - - - - - 355 --..- West Riding - - Summary, p. 365 - - Ages, 366, 367 Summary, p. 425 - - Ages - 426 SUMMARY of ENGLAND - - - p. 427 YTT 408 - Ages : 434 459 461 462 468 COUNTY OF COUNTY OF ANGLESEY - - - - 431 FLINT - - - - - - Summary, p. 433 - - Ages - 434 Summary and Ages - - - BRECON - - - - - 435 GLAMORGAN - - - - . Summary, p. 438 - - Ages - 439 Summary, p. 467 - - Ages - CARDIGAN - - - - 440 MERIONETH - - - - Summary, p. 443 - - Ages - 444 Summary, p. 470 - - Ages - CARMARTHEN . 445 MONTGOMERY - - - Summary, p. 448 - - Ages Summary, p. 475 - - Ages. CARNARVON - - - - 450 PEMBROKE - - - - Summary, p. 452 - - Ages - 453 Summary, p. 480 - - Ages - DENBIGH - - - - - 454 RADNOR - - - - - Summary, p. 457 - - Ages - 458 Summary, p. 484 - - Ages · SUMMARY of WALES - '. - - p. 486 469 471 472 476 449 481 482 485 516 517 496 518 499 500 519 521 522 ibid 523 524 526 SHIRE OP SHIRE OF ABERDEEN - • - - 489 KINCARDINE; Ages - - - Summary, p. 491 - - Ages - 492 KINROSS; Ages - - - - ARGYLL - - - - - 493 Summary, p. 494 - - Ages. 495 STEWARTRY OF AYR - - - - KIRKCUDBRIGHT; Ages - - Summary, p. 497 - • Ages - 498 SHIRE OF BANFF; Ages - - LANARK - - - Summary and Ages - BERWICK; Ages - - LINLITHGOW; Ages - BUTE; Ages - - 501 NAIRN; Ages - - - - CAITHNESS; Ages - ORKNEY and SHETLAND - - CLACKMANNAN; Ages 502 Summary, p. 525 - - Ages DUMBARTON; Ages. 503 PEEBLES; Ages - - - - DUMFRIES ibid PERTH Ages - - - - Summary and Ages - - - EDINBURGH 505 RENFREW ; Ages - - Summary and Ages - ELGIN; Ages ROSS AND CROMARTY; Ages FIFE - - ROXBURGH - - - Summary and Ages Summary and Ages - - 511 SELKIRK; Ages - - Ages STIRLING; Ages - HADDINGTON; Ages INVERNESS SUTHERLAND; Ages - : : : : 514 Ages - WIGTOWN; Ages SUMMARY of SCOTLAND - - - p. 539 S 527 528 504 TYY 506 530 531 532 533 507 508 510 534 FORFAR . : : 535 : 512 536 513 537 538 GENERAL SUMMARY of GREAT BRITAIN APPENDIX ADDENDIYSISLANDS in the BRITISH SEAS - - (METROPOLIS - - - - - - 542 545 550 CONTENTS. 111 Parish - Begister abstract: 97 - 99 100 107 108 COUNTY OF BEDFORD - Summary - - - - 2 BERKS • • - - 3 Suminary - - - - 7 BUCKS - - 8 Summary CAMBRIDGE Summary CHESTER - Summary CORNWALL Summary CUMBERLAND Summary DERBY . Summary DEVON - Summary DORSET - Summary DURHAM - Summary ESSEX Summary GLOUCESTER Summary HEREFORD Summary HERTFORD Summary HUNTINGDON Summary KENT - - Summary LANCASTER Summary - - - 61 LEICESTER Summary : : : : 62 LINCOLN .. - Parts of Holland - - - - Parts of Kesteven, ibid --- Parts of Lindsey - 66 Summary 70 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX Summary MONMOUTH Summary NORFOLK - - Summary NORTHAMPTON Summary NORTHUMBERLAND Summary NOTTINGHAM - Summary OXFORD - Summary RUTLAND- Summary SALOP Summary - - - SOMERSET Summary SOUTHAMPTON Summary STAFFORD Summary SUFFOLK - Summary SURREY Summary SUSSEX - Summary WARWICK Summary WESTMORLAND Summary WILTS Summary - - - WORCESTER . Summary YORK ... - East Riding Summary - -- ... - North Riding - Summary - ---- West Riding - Summary - 110 111 112 113 117 1 - 118 120 - 121 123 123 124 125 126 127 128 - 133 135 136 138 139 141 142 144 - SUMMARY of ENGLAND - - - p. 145 - - 150 ibid 151 COUNTY OF ANGLESEY; Summary - - 147 BRECON; Summary - - ibid CARDIGAN; Summary 148 CARMARTHEN; Summary - - ibid CARNARVON; Summary - - 149 DENBIGH; Summary - - - ibid SUMMARY of WALES COUNTY OF FLINT; Summary - • GLAMORGAN; Summary - MERIONETH ; Summary - MONTGOMERY; Summary - PEMBROKE; Summary - RADNOR; Summary - - • p. 153 ibid - . 152 ibid IN SUMMARY of ENGLAND and WALES - - 154 ISLANDS in the BRITISH SEAS DEAS . - - 156 THE METROPOLIS - - - . . 157 APPENDIX IN Tv CONTENT S. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS: I. Enumeration Abstract. Questions addressed to Overseers in England; and to Schoolmasters) in Scotland - - - - - - P. V COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the Enumerations of 1801; 1811; and 1821 p. viii RANGEMENT - - - - - - p. ix p. x IS ARRANGEMENT of Counties and Hundreds - - - ...... Cities and Towns - - - - -- Parishes and Townships - - - - - - - Extra-parochial Places, and Liberties pp. xi. xii - - - p. xiii COMPLETION of Returns Turis - - - - - - - - - - - . p. xiv ibid. Ages of Persons - sons - - - - - - - COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the Ages of Persons in the several Counties of England, Wales, and Scotland; in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, &c.; and in The Metropolis - - - -) pp. xv. XX II. Parish Register Abstract. QUESTIONS addressed to Officiating Ministers in England Number of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages - Concerning the Registry of Marriages - - - - - - - - of Burials - ........ of Baptisms - - - - - - P. xxi p. xxiii p. xxiv p. XXV p. xxvi III. Increase of Population, TABLE OF POPULATION throughout the last Century, England and Wales p. xxix [v] PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. vas a THE ACT which was carried into effect in the Year 1801, “ for taking an .“ Account of the POPULATION of Great Britain, and of the Increase or “ Diminution thereof,”—having now been repeated in the Years 1811 and 1821, a Comparison of the Results of these National Investigations seems to be required, not only as the Population Abstracts of 1801, 1811, and 1821, may hereafter be referred to in connection with each other, but because a large volume, consisting chiefly of Names and figures, cannot be readily and effectually consulted without such previous Explanation as may serve to shew the Method and Order pursued in digesting and connecting the Subject matter of the ENUMERATION Abstract and of the PARISH-REGISTER Abstract ; and in so doing on the present occasion, the OBSERVATIONS prefixed to the volume of 1811 will be repeated, with such alterations and additions as have become necessary from another Repetition of the Population Act, which affords a further Comparison of Results, and contains a new Enquiry regarding the Ages of Persons. ERSONS. Enumeration abstract. THE QUESTIONS, by means of which was to be ascertained the Number of Houses, Families and PERSONS, (with the Ages of Persons in the Year 1821) were as follow; Viz. QUESTIONS ADDRESSED TO THE OVERSEERS IN ENGLAND; AND TO THE SCHOOLMASTERS IN SCOTLAND: Who are respectively required to take an Account of the Resident Population, by proceeding from House to House, on the Twenty-eighth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, and on the days immediately subsequent thereto, if one day shall not be sufficient; and they are also required to specify in writing the Name of the Parish or Place in the Schedule, and whether it be usually called a Parish, Township, Tything, Quarter, or by what other Denomination. 1"~HOW many Inhabited Houses are there in your Parish, Township, or Place; and by how many Families are they occupied ? 2° _HOW many Houses are now building, and therefore not yet inhabited ? 502. 3-IION PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 34 - HOW many other Houses are Inhabited ? 4th-WHAT Number of Families in your Parish, Township, or Place, are chiefly employed in and maintained by Agriculture, or by Trade, Manufacture, or Handicraft; and how many families are not com- prized in either of the Two preceding Classes ? N. B.-The total Number of Families in Answer to this Question, must correspond with the Number of Families in Answer to the 1st Question; and if any Doubts shall arise as to the Class in which any Family or Families ought to be comprized, such Doubt is to be stated as a Remark (under Question 7th,) not omitting therein to specify in which Class such Family or Families may have been comprized in your Answer to the 4th Question. 5th_HOW many Persons (including Children of whatever Age) are there actually found within the Limits of your Parish, Township, or Place, at the Time of taking this Account, distinguishing Males and Females, and exclusive of Men actually serving in His Majesty's Regular Forces, in the Old Militia, or in any embodied Local Militia, and exclusive of Seamen either in His Majesty's Service, or belonging to Registered Vessels? Gh-REFERRING to the Number of Persons in one thousand eight hun- dred and eleven, To what Cause do you attribute any remarkable Difference in the Number at present? 71If you are of Opinion that in making the preceding Enquiries (or at any Time before returning this Schedule, the Ages of the several Indi- viduals can be obtained in a Manner satisfactory to yourself, and not inconvenient to the Parties, be pleased to state (or cause to be stated) the Number of those who are under 5 Years of Age, of those between 5 and 10 Years of Age, between 10 and 15, between 15 and 20, between 20 and 30, between 30 and 40, between 40 and 50, between 50 and 60, between 60 and 70, between 70 and 80, between 80 and go, between go and 100, and upwards of 100, distinguishing Males from Females ; — And are there any other Matters which you may think it necessary to remark in Explanation of your Answer to this or any of the preceding Questions ;-And in what Manner and to what Place of Residence and Post Office Town are Letters intended for you usually directed ? SIMILAR QUESTIONS had been asked under the authority of the Population Act of 1801 ; excepting only that in the Acts of 1811, and 1821, the Question regarding “UNINHABITED Houses” was divided, for the sake of distinguishing Unfinished Houses, and “therefore not yet Inhabited," from Houses uninhabited from any other cause: and excepting an Alteration in the Question regarding “ OCCUPATIONS," which in the Act of 180i applied to Persons, but in those of 1811 and 1821 to Families. The additional Question of 1821, concerning Ages, will require particular notice in a subse- quent part of these Observations, The propriety of distinguishing New, but unfinished Houses, an indication of pros- perity,-- from Houses in decay, or uninhabited from any other cause authorizing an opposite inference,-needs no explanation ;-and to have proceeded further, so as to have defined more exactly in the first question, What is to be deemed an inhabited House ? might have produced new difficulties, and would certainly have destroyed the power of comparison between the Returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821 ; yet unavoidable doubts bave occurred PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION S. vii occurred in making the Return; Are conjoined tenements inhabited by distinct families, and distinctly rated and taxed, to be deemed distinct Houses, or otherwise? Of a much more doubtful class are the Flats or Floors usual in the large Towns in Scotland; so are Stables and other Outhouses to which Bed-rooms are attached. But these distinctions and others which may be traced in some of the Returns, were deemed upon consideration to be too minute in putting a general question, and are merely mentioned for the sake of the curious enquirer, who may have occasion to draw inferences from the number of Houses as entered in the Abstract. The Question of 1801 relating to the Occupations of Persons, was found in practice to produce no valuable Result. In some instances, a Householder seemed to understand that the Females of his Family, his Children, and Servants, ought to be classed with himself; but generally these appear to have been referred to the Third Class, as being neither Agricultural nor Commercial : insomuch that in some places, where the Popula- tion was known to be almost entirely Agricultural, the Returns of 1801 do not assign above a third part to that Class; and in Commercial Towns a similar paucity of Persons employed in Trade, is sometimes observable. When the Returns came in, the failure of the Question was manifest, and accordingly no labour was bestowed in attempting to correct the Answers in which the Number of Persous ascribed to the Three Classes did not coincide with the total Number of Persons. In fact it appears to have fallen short of that Total by above Half a Million; a sufficient indication that no inference can safely be drawn from the columns of the Abstract of 1801, purporting to class the Population according to Occupations. It may be seen that the amended Question in the Acts of 1811 and 1821 enquires, “ What Number of Families (not of Persons) are chiefly employed in or maintained by “ Agriculture? How many by Trade, Manufacture, or Handicraft? and how many “ Families are not comprized in either of these Classes ?”-and in general the Answers appear to have been made with care and sufficient distinctness. The same kind of doubt as in the Question regarding inhabited Houses remains, and, for the same reason, must remain, regarding Families. What is to be deemed a distinct Family? One single person inhabiting a house cannot but be returned as a Family, although the word Family usually denotes more persons than one. But there is difficulty regarding Inmates, who in the various degrees of connection arising in domestic arrangements, may be deemed of the same family, or a distinct family. Single persons lodging in houses inhabited by a family, seemn not usually to have been reckoned as distinct Families ; never perhaps when they are boarded also. In some few of the Returns of 1821 the Question of 1801 was answered, the number of Persons instead of Families appearing in the classification ; in some the number of Houses instead of Families was accounted for ; but these and other casual inaccuracies occurred too seldom to invalidate any general conclusion; and in all cases of doubt, Letters were dispatched to the Overseer or Schoolmaster, and explanation procured. In many Schedules where the intention was evident, though the Number or Classification was erroneous, correction was applied; and upon the whole, it may be said, that in the formation of the Abstract nothing occurred to create a wish for any further alteration of the Question regarding Occupations, unless it were possible to settle in which of the classes Miners, Fishermen, and those employed in Inland Navigation ought to be placed. Several of the Returns of 1821 contained the desired remark on this subject, show- ing to what class such persons had therein been assigned. These remarks are not omitted in the Notes, which are inserted at the bottom of the page throughout the Abstract. In the Answers respecting the Families employed in Agriculture, a remarkable proof occurred of the difficulty of putting any Question which shall be universally understood in the same manner. In some few places the Occupiers of Land, but not Labourers in Agriculture, are supposed to belong to that Class; in other places exactly the contrary. Doubts are expressed in some of the Returns, whether Shepherds and Graziers (as they are not, strictly speaking, employed in the Culture of the earth,) ought to be ascribed to the Agricultural Class; such opinions, however, are usually notified, or otherwise apparent, and any mistake resulting from them has been corrected in entering the Return in the Abstract. 02 The subject of Classification may be dismissed by stating, that the Third or Negative Class appears to consist chiefly of superannuated Labourers, and Widows resident in small Tenements; this may serve to shew that scarcely any information can be drawn from the numbers which appear in the Third or Negative Class : Froin the Two former Classes, and especially the Agricultural, important inferences may with confidence be deduced ; for instance, that in the year 1811, rather more than one-third part of the Population of Great viji PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Great Britain (or, more accurately, 352 in 1,000) were employed in raising subsistence for the other two-thirds; that in the year 1821, the proportion had decreased to one-third (333 in 1,000) :-the degree in which the Population of the several Counties of Great Britain is Agricultural, may of course be easily deduced from the respective. County Summaries. SUMMARY AND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE ENUMERATIONS OF 1801; 1811; AND 1821. Rate of Rate of Population Population Population 1801. 1811. 1821. In- crease, p. Cent. 141 Dimi- nution, p. Cent. In- / Dimi. crease, nution, p. Cent. P. Cent. 8,331,434 9,538,827 | 18 1 11,261,437 ENGLAND .. WALES --- WALES 541,546 717,438 611,788 1,805,688 SCOTLAND - 1 1,599,068 2,093,456 10,472,048 11,956,303 14,072,331 14 36 ARMY, NAVY, &c. 470,598 610,500 - 50 319,300 TOTALS - TOTALS - - 10,942,646 15 - 12,596,803 143 - 14,391,631 A Calculation has also been made upon the Comparative Population of each County, in the same periods. [See pp. xxxii-x.xxv.] The Number of Males composing the ARMY, NAVY, &c. includes The Regular Army, The Artillery, and The British Regular Militia, all according to official documents; the Regiments of Local Militia, which were embodied for Training and Exercise on the 27th May 1811, were ascribed to their respective Counties : pot so, nor on the present occasion, the Regular Militia; because the Substitutes serving therein, (by far the greater proportion of Regular Militia-Men) are not always taken from among the Inhabitants of the County for which they serve. With the Navy are included The Royal Marines: and to all these are added The Seamen employed in navigating Registered Vessels. None of these Classes can be ascribed to particular Counties, nor consequently taken into account in the foregoing Comparative Statement, otherwise than in the General Total ;-nor properly in that, without inaking allowance for the large number of Foreigners (perhaps 100,000) employed as Merchant Seamen during the War, and consequently taken into account in 1811 :- nor without considering, that many Soldiers and Sailors are attributable to Ireland; which consideration would operate proportionally upon the larger Number of Men serving in 1811, as compared with the smaller Number in 1821. In order therefore to avoid the uncertainty hereby indicated, the Rate of Increase has been separately calculated on the respective numbers of Females only, viz. 1801. 1811. 1821. Increase p. Cent. Increase p. Cent. 14 or 14.02 15 FEMALES - 5,492, 354 6,262,716 7, 253, 728 FEMALES or 15.82 And the absolute Increase of Population in Great Britain (if measured by doubling that of FEMALES only) appears to have been about One Million and a Half in the first period, Two Millions in the second period. How far this apparent Increase is sustained by a comparison of the Baptisms with the Burials (as entered in the Parish Registers) during these periods, will be discussed in a subsequent PRELIMIN AHY OBSERVATION $. subsequent part of these Observations; in this place it seems proper rather to explain the order in which the Returns have been digested for ready Reference,--such Explanation being necessary, or at least serviceable to all who may have occasion to consult the Population Abstract. THE leading Division of England into Shires or Counties appears to have been esta. blished by our Saxon Ancestors above a thousand years since; almost all the Counties being mentioned in History before the extinction of the Saxon Heptarchy. In the Popu- lation Abstract the Counties are placed in Alphabetical order, and in England each distinctly; but in Scotland it has been found necessary to join the Shires of Cromarty and Ross, the former being as it were scattered in about Fifteen separate fragments throughout the latter, and being indeed usually considered in modern Laws as forming part of it. Much inconvenience is experienced by the Inhabitants of the Shires of Ross 1 two Acts of the Parliament of Scotland in 1685 and 1698, in favour of an Individual, whose estate was thus consolidated into one jurisdiction. · The further Division of the Southern parts of England into Hundreds is also unquestion- ably of Saxon origin, and probably in imitation of similar districts which existed in their parent Country : * but in what manner the Name was here applied, is not certain. At least one hundred (which in Saxon Numeration means one hundred and twenty +) Free Men, Householders, answerable for each other, may be supposed originally to have been found in each Hundred; for that the Hundreds were originally regulated by the Free Population is evident from the great number of Hundreds in the Counties first peopled by the Saxons. Thus Kent and Sussex at the time when Domesday Book was compiled, each contained more than Sixty Hundreds, as they do at present; and in the Counties which composed the antient Kingdom of Wessex, the Hundreds are almost as numerous. In Lancashire, a County of greater area than any of these, there are no more than Six Hundreds in Cheshire, Seven : and upon the whole, so irregular is this distribution of territory, that while several Hundreds do not exceed a square Mile in area, nor One thousand Persons in Population, the Hundreds of Lancashire average at Three Hundred square Miles in area, and the Population contained in one of them (Salford Hundred) is above 320,000.. This striking irregularity seems to have been felt as an inconvenience as early as the time of Henry VIII, when a remedy was attempted by ordaining Divisions (called also 22° Hen. VIII, Limits or Circuits) which still exisı (more or less manifestly) in most of the English a A. D. 1531. Counties. These Divisions appear to have been formed by a junction of small Hundreds, or a partition of large Hundreds, as convenience required in each particular case, and are recognized in subsequent Acts which regard the Maintenance and Relief of the Poor. 43" Eliz. & 12-13° Car. II. But time, which had caused the irregularity of the ancient Hundreds, gradually has the same effect on more modern arrangements; so that to alter the Names or Limits of the ancient Hundreds would really be equivalent to inventing and being forced to learn a new and changeable language, instead of retaining in use that which has been established for ages. An instance of the inconvenience of such reform occurs in Wales, several of the Counties of which were created by Act of Parliament in 1535, and the ancient Districts 270 Hen. VIII. called Cantrefs and Commots altered into Hundreds, by virtue of a Commission under the s c. 26; See p. 471. Great Seal for that purpose; but the alteration was attended with much unexpected difficulty, Enum. Abst. three years, and afterwards three years further, being allowed for it by subsequent Acts of 3 Parliament; and after all this deliberation), the new Counties and Hundreds exhibit more 31° Hen. VIII. instances of indistinct boundary, that is, of Parishes and Townships not conterminous with the County or Hundred, than do the ancient Counties; while the abolished Cantrefs and Commots are not yet quite forgotten, and occasionally cause some confusion. Such Innovations are really unnecessary, as Temporary Districts for present con- venience will always be settled by the Civil Magistrates, or by custom, around each place where 28° Hell. VIII. C. 3. C. 11. * Tacitus seems to describe a Hundred-Court very exactly: Eliguntur et principes qui jura per pagos vicosque reddunt: Centeni singulis ex plebe comites, concilium simul et auctoritas, adsunt. De Morib. German. + Numerus Anglice computatur i Cent. pro CXX. Domesday Book, Vol. 1. p. 336. In Civ. Linc. 502. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS where Petty Sessions are usually holden *: and in like manner for the business of the Lieutenantcy of each County, Sub-Divisions are formed from the ancient Hundreds, subject to such alteration as circumstances may require. In the Northern Counties, formerly exposed to hostile Invasion, Wards and Wapen- takes stand in place of Hundreds; and in the Population Abstract they are alike arranged in Alphabetical order in each County. Where the Divisions are very ancient, as the Lathes of Kent and the Rapes of Sussex, or where necessary from the multiplicity of the Hundreds, as in Hampshire and Dorset, they are preserved, and their several Hundreds ranged under them. The Rapes of Sussex were Military Divisons at the time when Domesday Book was compiled ; and the Lathes of Kent may have had a similar origin, connected perhaps with the Cinque Ports, and for the Defence of the Coast against invasion. The Divisions of Dorset underwent a change in the year 1740. One exception to the general arrangement occurs in regard to the larger Towns, which as usual are placed at the end of their several Counties. For this there is a better reason than at first sight appears: Corporate Towns and some others have a peculiar Jurisdiction, and really are not in any Hundred. The degree of separation and exemption varies infinitely, as might be expected, and cannot be reduced to any general rule, being indeed sometimes a subject of Litigation. Hence the strict propriety of placing many Cities and Towns at the end of the respective Counties :-and for the sake of comparison, other Towns, which have risen into importance since the disuse of granting Charters and Immu- nities, are placed with the rest, although these Towns are for every purpose included within some Hundred of the County. The most ready way therefore of finding the Popu. lation of a principal Town, is to refer to the Summary of its County, before searching for the Hundred in which it is locally situate, where however a proper reference will always be found. The METROPOLIS presents an unusual difficulty, as extending into Two Counties, and therefore has been necessarily inserted distinctly in an Appendix t. In the County Summaries the Total of entire Hundreds is usually to be found; in the Body of the County all recognized Sub-divisions of the Hundred are distinguished, each with its separate Total. So far the arrangement of the ensuing Volume differs little from those of 1801 and 1811, nor indeed from the several Poors Rate Returns of 1776, 1786, and 1803; nor ought it to differ from established precedent, without good reason for so doing. But the very repe- tition of such enquiries has been found to render it absolutely necessary to enter more minutely into the relative connection and the identity of places than before. This necessity will best be understood by stating, that there are in England and Wales about 550 Parishes which are known to extend into Two Counties, or into more than One Hundred, or other Division; and that every one of these places creates a danger of Duplicate Entry. No person entrusted with the care of rendering complete the Population Returns, can fail to refer to all preceding Authorities; nor, doing so, can fail to apply for Returns to Parish Officers, who apparently, but not really, have made default: Nor can any effort of Memory prevent this; the orthography of the Names of Places being too little settled, and indeed many names identically the same occurring too often, to permit any certain recognition of the same place. The best method of avoiding these difficulties appeared to lie in a more careful attention to the Parochial connection of places; besides that for many purposes, particularly Ecclesiastical, the knowledge of the Population of a Parish is at least as useful as that of its constituent parts. The Instruction prefixed to the Questions of the Printed Schedule was intended to produce Information of this kind; which indeed had before been asked with some effect, as appears in the Poor Return Abstract of 1803; with the help of which and of the present Returns, it is hoped that a successful attempt has been made, to ascertain the Parochial connection of all places in Great Britain; so that no Parish should be named in the Enumeration Abstract without a Reference to all its constituent parts; and that no such part should be named without a Reference to its Parish; and this whether the whole Parish be in the same County, or otherwise dis- joined in entry. In * Information has recently been requested from the several Clerks of the Peace, as to the number of places in England and Wales where Petty Sessions or Divisional Meetings are usually holden; they amount to 595; and the number of acting County Magistrates is 4,430; but many of these no doubt act under more than one Commission of the Peace, which must make the real number much less. (For particulars, see p. xxxiv.) + Enum. Abstr. pp. 550, 551. Par. Reg. Abstr. pp. 157-160. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. In this attempt some difficulty has occurred, which renders it necessary to enter into a brief Statement respecting the Parochial Division of the Kingdom; which may be deemed Ecclesiastical rather than Civil. The Country Parishes of England (in the modern sense of the word Parish) seem ori- ginally to have been of the same extent and limits as the several Manors; nor could it well be otherwise, because when it became settled, during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, that Tythe was generally due to the Church, every Lord of an independent Manor would of course appoint a Clergyman of his own chusing, in default of which the Tythe would have become due to the nearest Mother Church. Hence the Parochial Division of England appears to have been nearly the same as now established, in the Taxatio Ecclesiastica, which was compiled in the Reign of King Edward the first. (A. D. 1288---1292. In the Towns indeed there is considerable variation, personal Tythes having been much more productive before the Reformation of Religion than afterwards, and consequently a greater number of Clergymen maintained in populous places. Thus the City of London (within and without the Walls, but not including the Borough of Southwark) which now reckons One Hundred and Eight Parishes, forming no more than Seventy-two Ecclesiastical Benefices, had at that time One Hundred and Forty ; Norwich in like manner is reduced from Seventy Parishes to Thirty-seven, and other ancient Cities in proportion : a sufficient indication that the number of Parishes in Towns was formerly suffered to increase in pro- portion to the Population : and (besides that personal Tythes and Dues must always have been in a great degree voluntary,) it appears from the Taxatio Ecclesiastica, that the Profits accruing from one and the same Parish were not confined to one Spiritual Person, nor even to one Religious House or Community. Under such circumstances, it is not likely that Town-Parishes were anciently limited either in number or extent; but the conflicting Rights of Tythe-Owners, and the Perambulations ordained by The Canon Law, must have established the Boundaries of Country Parishes much earlier. In later times the Boundary of every Parish has been settled with precision, and indeed rendered immutable by any authority short of a special legislative enactment. This exact- ness has been produced by the Laws for the Maintenance and Relief of the Poor, whose claims on a Parish being regulated by their legal Settlement in it, and the Assessment or Poor's Rate which takes place in consequence, being levied according to the property of the other Inhabitants, a double motive for ascertaining the Boundary of a Parish con- tinually subsists, and has been frequently a subject of litigation since the Poor Laws became burdensome. When this began to take place, the Parishes of the Northern Counties were found to be much too large for the due administration of the Poor Laws, which must always be founded upon a personal knowledge of the situation and character of every one applying for relief, and is therefore a subject to which no general rule can with propriety be applied. The inconvenience which was felt in the Northern Counties from this cause will be easily ex- plained, by stating, that Thirty or Forty square Miles is there no unusual area of a Parish; and (generally speaking) Parishes in the North average at Seven or Eight tiines the area of those in the Southern Counties. Hence in the 13th year of Charles II. (soon after his Restoration) a Law was passed, permitting Townships and Villages, though not entire Parishes, severally and distinctly to maintain their own Poor, assigning as a reason for this innovation, " That the Inhabi- “ tants of Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Northumberland, the Bishoprick “ of Durham, Cumberland, and Westmorland, and many other Counties of England and “ Wales, by reason of the largeness of the Parishes within the same, have not and cannot "reap the benefit of the Act of Parliament (43° Eliz.) for the Relief of the Poor." Under this Law the Townships of the North have become as distinctly limited in prac- tice as if they were separate Parishes ;* and of course make separate Returns, which in the Abstract of 1801 are placed alphabetically in their several Wards and Hundreds, but are now arranged under their respective Parishes; whereby the perplexity arising from a crowd of explanatory Notes has been avoided, and the convenience of those who have occa- • sion to ascertain the Population of a whole Parish, is best consulted. This arrangement appeared in all the Counties North of the Humber and the Dee, and occasionally elsewhere, in S ( * Yet in some cases the above Law of Cha. II. has not been deemed to have effected its purpose finally, so that the Townships seem to remain always liable to separation and partition upon ap- plication to neighbouring Magistrates : an opinion by which private property is largely endangered, and a new source of Litigation opened. Might it not be judicious to prevent these evils by a decla- ratory Law, against alteration of the limit of any District, now maintaining the Poor separately? xii PRELIMINARY. OBSERVATIONS, . in the Abstract of 1811, and is now extended throughout the Kingdom. The arrange- ment originated in Northumberland and Westmorland,* but in extending it to the South- ern Counties, the place which gives name to the whole Parish is always called Purish, though it be only part of the Parish (the less important designation merging in the other); inor could this be avoided without departing from the customary manner of speaking. A proper Note of Reference will always be found to accompany the name of every Parish which occurs oftener than once, as not wholly contained in the same Hundred or other Division. Besides this immediate and indispensable purpose of the Noies, they will be found to embrace such other information as may tend to elucidate the arrangement and connection of places, or to obviate doubts which frequently arise where well-known places seein to have been omitted, being indeed included in the Return of their Parish. Many Notes are of a miscellaneous kind, extracted from the Returns themselves, whenever the Degge Pars. Coun. P. 1. c. 12. increase or dimninution of the Population. In attempting an arrangement of the kind above described, comprehending the whole Kingdom, the Question, What is a Parish ? has often occurred, and has been found not easily deterininable. It has been asserted, that a Parochial Chapel is that which hath the privileges of administering the Sacraments (especially that of Baptism) and the Office of Burial. “ For the liberties of Baptism and Sepulture are the true distinct Parochial “ Rights: and if any new Oratory had acquired and enjoyed this immunity, then it dif- « fered not from a Parish Church, And till the year 1300, in all trials of the Rights of “particular Churches, if it could be proved that any Chapel had a custom for free Bap- “ lism and Burial, such place was adjudged to be a Parochial Church.” But however true this may have been until the date of the Taxatio Ecclesiastica before mentioned in the present sense of the word Parish, it is evidently fallacious, inasmuch as almost every Chapel of Ease would thereby constitute a separate Parish : and in the various degrees of the de- pendence of Chapels on their Mother Churches (as some rule must be adhered to) it has been deemed safe to assume, that where the Curate is appointed and removable by the Incumbent of the Mother Church, and more certainly where Church-Rates still continue to be paid towards the Repair of such Churchi, the Chapelry is not Parochial. On the other hand, a perpetual Curacy has not been struck out of the List of Parishes merely because the Curate is appointed by the Incumbent of the Mother Church, his permanent Tenure (especially if the Curacy has been augmented under the Laws which direct the dis- tribution of Queen Anne's Bountyt) seeming to alter the case materially. But this atteinpt at definition is rather meant to shew what has been aimed at, than what has been accom- plished; it being impossible to ascertain minutely all such circumstances. Nevertheless, the doubtful cases are not many; and for any general purpose the number of Parishes and Parochial Chapelries in England and Wales may safely be taken at - - 10,693. The Number of places in England and Wales of which the Population is distinctly stated in the present Abstract, is - - - - - - - - 15,773. The Number of Parishes in Scotland is 948; of Population Returns is - 1,046. It has been found practicable in this Volume, without too much increasing the Notes, to state in one Total the number of Inhabitants in each Parish, when returned in Town- ships or Tythings; not without an especial view to the Ecclesiastical purposes of the Population Abstract, as regarding the Cure of Souls, and the degree of accommodation afforded in the several Parish Churches; the total number of persons in each Parish being every where shown in the Note referring to such Parish; or to the largest part of a Parish, when not entirely in the same County, Hundred, or other Division. In such cases, before the word Parish, the words (part of) are inserted. Το * Mr. Davidson, Clerk of the Peace for the County of Northumberland, arranged the Townships of that County under their several Parishes, in 1777; and W. W. Carus Wilson, Esq. an active Magistrate in Westmorland, did the same for that County, in 1802 ;-in arranging the other Counties, when original information could not be procured, recourse was had to Mr. Carlisle's Topographical Dictionary, which experience proved to be worthy of confidence. + The Act of 1° Geo. I. c. 10. § 4. is not positive on this point; for, after declaring “ that all 6 such Churches, Curacies, and Chapels, which shall be augmented by the Governors of the “ Bounty of Queen Anne, shall be from the time of such augmentations, Perpetual Cures and “ Benefices,"—in the next Section ($ 5.) it goes on to provide, “ That no Rector or Vicar of the “ Mother Church having Cure of Souls within the Parish or Place where such augmented Church “ or Chapel shall be situate, shall thereby be divested or discharged from the same; but the Cure of Souls, with all other Parochial Rights and Duties, shall hereafter remain in the same state, « plight, and manner, as before the making of this Act, and as if this Act had not been made." PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xiii S To arrive at a settled Orthography of the Names of places 'would manifestly be for general convenience, and this object has not been slighted, the name which appeared on each Return not having been adopted withoat collation with the former Population Abstract of 1811, and occasionally with the several Poor Return Abstracts, wherebģ frequent errors have been corrected; but it is to be understood that this kind of correca tion has been applied only to the Enumeration Returns, not to those of the Clergymen; 80 that in the Parish-Register Abstract every name will be found exactly as it appeared to be spelled in the original Return. Besides Parishes and their Tythings or Townships, there are many places not contained within the Limits of any Parish, and thence called Extra-Parochial; and from some of these, Returns of their Population are not easily procurable. They are found usually to have been the site of Religious Houses, or of ancient Castles, the owners of which did not permit any interference with their authority within their own Limits; and the rude times, the existence of such exemptions froin the general Government of the King- dom is not surprising. At present the case is widely different; and there weteners to be no good reason for permitting Extra-Parochial places still to avoid sharing the burdens borne by the rest of the Community. Thus an Extra-Parochial place enjoys a virtual exemption from maintaining the Poor, because there is no Overseer on whom a Magistrate's Order may be served; from the Militia Laws, because there is no Constable to make Returns ; from repairing the Highways, because there is no Surveyor; besides all which, the Inha- bitants have a chance of escaping from direct taxation of every kind. For in the language of the antient law of England, such places were not Geldable nor Shireground, non sub districlione curiæ Vicecomitis: and as the Sheriff was the Receiver General in bis County till about the time of the Revolution, Extra-Parochial places were réithet taxable nor within the ordinary pale of civil jurisdiction ; and the Inhabitants are stil virtually exempt from many civil duties and offices served not without inconvenience by others for the benefit of the community at large. The number of such places is not inconsiderable, though difficult to be discovered the present Volume exhibits above 200 of them; and the subject is the more worthy of attention, inasmuch as the acquisition of new Land, whether by reclaiming Forests, Drainage of Fens, or Embankment from the Sea, furnishes frequent occasion for endea- vouring even now to establish Extra-Parochial Immunities. The subject of complaint being an unreasonable exemption from certain general Laws, the remedy might be applied to that defect only; so that all places, where any person is found ready to act as Overseer of the Poor, Constable, and Surveyor of the Highways, imight be permitted to remain as they are ; but the Magistrates of each County might be empowered to annex all other Extra-Parochial places to adjoining Parishes for the purposes above described. Districts of larger extent may be found, which under the name of Liberties interrupt the general course of Law as affecting Hundreds, in like manner as Extra-Parochial places that of Parishes. In Dorsetshire, where this inconvenience chiefly prevails, the Grants of some of these Liberties are dated as late as the Reign of Henry VIII, and even of Elizabeth. The proper Remedy for the Inconveniencies arising out of these in provident Grants, might be to subject them to abolition by the County Magistrates, whenever by default in the appointment of proper Officers, these Liberties (under whatever title) are found to obstruct the due adıninistration of Justice or of the Laws. Other deformities there are in the Territorial arrangement of England and Wales, which may be deemed the more worthy of attention, as of more easy remedy. Such have been already mentioned as causing Duplicate Returns, where Parishes extend into more Counties, or into more Hundreds than one. The number of places of the first class, in so far as they have been noted, is 134, scarcely any County not affording an instance, and some having Parishes intermixed with every surrounding County. The Parishes which extend into more Hundreds or Divisions than one, are much more numerous, and still more consi- derable is the number of those places which lie at a distance from their own County or Hundred, to the frequent inconvenience of the Inhabitants and of the Public. lndeed several of the Hundreds are so strangely scattered, that they might be advantageously merged in others, as from the conjoint bame of some Hundreds seeins formerly to have been done. Instances of the inconvenience here alluded to, and of the remédy, are most frequent in Wiltshire. Winkley Hundred in Somersetshire, Farringdon Hundred in Berkshire, that of Barton-Stacey in Hampshire, and some others, are remarkable instances of irregularity still in existence. The consideration of all these Anomalies might be referred to the County Magistrates, who alone could accurately point them out, and who best know by experience how far such places are inconvenient to the Inhabitants, or to the 502. Public See the rea spective Note: xiv PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Public at large. After reasonable time allowed for the investigation, a single Act of Parliament might be passed, authorizing and enforcing the several alterations pointed out by the Magistrates. The Land Tax Acts, which were annual in the last century, fre- quently make arrangements of this kind, applicable to the Assessment of the Land Tax, but not for other purposes. THE ENUMERATION of the whole Population may be considered as complete, no place being known finally to have omitted making Return. In cases where the name of a place differs from the Abstract of 1811, or where two places are included under one title, all the former Names are preserved in a Note, and in cases where any place has been trans- ferred from one Hundred to another, explanation is afforded in the same manner. The proportion of the Sexes was as 100 Males to 110 Females of the Resident Popu- lation in the years 1801 and 1811 ; at present to only 106 Females, a difference which may obviously be ascribed to the cessation of War, and the consequently smaller number of Males in the Army and Navy. In conclusion, it is proper to mention, that where the Total of any County, as laid before Parliament in February 1822, shall be found to differ from the Total in the present Volume, the latter is to be considered as the authentic Total, a few corrections on dis- covery of duplicate entries, of omissions, and of clerical errors, having been made on the final revision of the work. The only material error discovered in the Abstract of 1811, upon Collation with the present Abstract, occurs in the North Riding of the County of York, where from some clerical error in adding the Columns of the Liberty of Langbaurgh, an omission of 13,061 Persons took place, whence a diminution of Population between the Enumeration of 1801 and 1811 was ascribed to the North Riding, inaking it appear a singular and unaccountable exception from the general increase. The error is now rectified in the Comparative Table of Counties. [p. xxxii.] Concerning the Enumeration Abstract, nothing more remains to be said, but that the Population of the Islands of Mann, of Jersey, of Guernsey, and its adjacent Isles, has been obtained for the first time, and is entered in the Appendis, p. 545. AGES OF PERSONS. Connected with the Enumeration of Persons, a new QUESTION concerning their Ages was added in the Year 1821 ; viz. If you are of opinion that in making the preceding Enquiries (or at any time before returning this Schedule) the ages of the several Individuals can be obtained in a manner satisfactory to yourself, and not incon- venient to the Parties, be pleased to state (or cause to be stated) the Number of those who are under 5 years of age, of those between 5 and 10 years of age, between 10 and 15, between 15 and 20, between 20 and 30, between 30 and 40, between 40 and 50, between 50 and 60, between 60 and 70, between 70 and 80, between 8o and go, between 90 and 100, distinguishing Males from Females ? IT will be perceived, from the tenor of this QUESTION, that the Answers to it were purposely left optional, both as regarding the Returning Officer, and the Persons to whom the Question was to be proposed by him. Doubtless it was foreseen that no complete Return to such a question was to be expected; but it was also obvious that the Result sought, would be attained with sufficient degree of certainty, without endeavouring to enforce the enquiry upon the entire Population. In fact the Return of Ages embraces Eight- Nonths of the Persons enumerated ; a proportion which shews so much general good- will in execution of the Population Act, that the less laborious task of mere enumeration, cannot but have been performed in a careful manner to that extent at least. The Ages of PERSONS (as returned) appear at the end of each County, but do not and cannot afford means of Comparison, unless by a Calculation which supposes the same number of Persons to exist in every County. This has been accomplished as far as Six places of Figures, and appears in the annexed TABLE. For the sake of Compression, the two last places of Figures are omitted, unless where they are necessary for accuracy in the Columns which contain the more advanced stages of Human Life, 1 m PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION S. XV 1.-ENGLAND. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the AGES OF PERSONS in the several Counties of ENGLAND, on the 28th day of May 1821, as deduced from the Returns made under the POPULATION ACT; shewing, what would be the Number of Persons of the several specified Ages, supposing (for the sake of Comparison) the Number of Males whose Ages were returned from each County to have been Ten Thousand, and the Number of Females to have been Ten Thousand, respectively. N. B.--The DECIMAL PARTS having been omitted for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Error, not exceeding One in the Ten Thousand. MALES. FEM A L E S. 90 100 Under 20 30 50 80 90 100 COUNTIES of ENGLAND. Under 5 Years. to COUNTIES of ENGLAND. to 10 100 upwards. Years. 60 90 100 upwards. ST 3.71 1254 462.9 53.56 .23 BEDFORD - - - BERKS . . BUCKS ... 1008 1098 1596 1440 1505 1207 1183 1229 1054 979 1017 4.85 1336 1385 1339 1313 1405 1366 468.8 489.9 502.7 459.4 1051 1097 1050 1292 1286 1053 941 985 32 1136 1180 1158 3.00 6.61 4.70 505.0 476.5 1052 1740 1580 1645 1682 4.71 1400 1568 1137 1051 657.5 709.1 702.3 648.3 595.2 651.6 607.3 2.56 1313 1100 1224 1638 1022 CAMBRIDGE - CHESTER . . CORNWALL . CUMBERLAND 394.7 . . 1161 1681 1490 1429 1393 1550 1465 1496 1511 1446 1403 1374 1332 1551 1549 1448 1301 902.2 928.0 915.6 909 9 895.2 856.4 905.3 891.3 899.4 930.5 860.8 1336 1255 1352 4.43 3.73 7.74 1202 1035 1115 1055 1069 1597 1535 1047 1032 1043 1007 987 BEDFORD - - - - BERKS - BUCKS -. CAMBRIDGE .. CHESTER . . . . CORNWALL - - . CUMBERLAND -- DERBY ... DEVON ... DORSET ... DURHAM . .. 442.7 395.6 509.9 529.6 1636 1134 1341 1197 991 66.37 1360 1106 1109 1073 1150 1078 1145 1041 1250 1674 1201 437.3 446.5 455.0 495.5 1223 660.0 1340 1178 1147 1 987 DERBY ... DEVON ... DORSET ... DURHAM - _ 1540 1563 1503 1544 4.67 4.45 8.81 1230 1156 1221 1193 2.15 5.10 6.36 10.68 4.81 7.65 9.91 12.73 44.8 1389 1362 1362 1368 1402 1323 1484 1376 1355 1408 536.6 1051 968 965 1013 1223 1222 1261 433.0 539.4 534.2 510.8 1001 1055 1065 1607 1653 1646 1609 1642 969 974 1188 89.01 70.15 51.72 61.66 81.98 88.86 59.66 83.62 77.29 99.09 60.34 79.24 109.42 67.22 62.11 9.06 1143 484.2 464.5 ESSEX . - - 1535 1163 954 1464 1135 950.1 3.28 1497 1351 1084 956 1157 466.8 GLOUCESTER ... 1488 172 1004 1480 1102 960.7 4.04 1395 1065 999 1633 1166 6.51 1268 904.3 648.3 964.7 701.7 965.6 692.3 926.4 644.8 875.1 568.6 895.4 702.8 915.1 691.4 859.9 618.1 926.0 714.1 970.6 711.5 910.9 689.0 921.0 645.4 960.5 680.8 963.8 727.6 924.3 623.4 873.0 661.4 909.9 625.9 868.5 527.0 921.11 645.3 929.8 667.9 1061.2 679.3 648.2 965.2 703.1 950.1 719.8 673.6 914.3 643.5 81.99 213.3 276.0 267.8 217.6 208.4 267.8 271.3 217.5 276.8 264.7 276.6 213.9 272.1 294.2 223.3 223.2 207.8 167.6 234.8 237.2 160 5 269.0 282.7 256.5 284.3 228,6 HEREFORD . . . HERTFORD - .. HUNTINGDON...! 4.29 676.0 705.2 649.3 661.7 686.8 776.1 645.2 687.1 703.2 564.3 690.2 697.7 1317 1520 1523 1326 473.2 568.7 442.4 498.1 1191 1225 1185 11.66 ESSEX - - GLOUCESTER - HEREFORD . HERTFORD ...| HUNTINGDON . 1003 991 1016 1117 1108 1420 1436 1439 1431 1073 1132 961.9 915.2 897.1 955.1 2.74 495.8 572.7 444.8 502,1 1238 1297 1361 14.15 972 1013 983 1560 1646 1582 1151 1181 1112 3.20 4.78 1417 1043 3.57 1512 1123 1587 1195 1 : 912 1360 11.46 458.9 3.35 KENT , - - - - - 1349 1097 053 1662 1205 420.3 55.58 4.41 KENT - - • • .. LANCASTER ... LEICESTER ... LINCOLN • • • • 1262 1394 1436 1307 887.9 343.8 1711 1475 1504 1678 1018 1004 3.71 1437 1538 1524 1508 1582 1441 1441 1143 1126 1109 3.01 2.68 1128 1129 LANCASTER - - - LEICESTER - - - LINCOLN - - - 1334 1289 1073 1005 1157 1053 1051 482.9 456.2 1217 1188 1136 40.70 60.40 71.13 4.55 1315 1022 4.96 1308 1026 1655 6.15 942.9 936.0 1164.9 990.7 1112 962 874 1524 MIDDLESEX ... MONMOUTH -- 1395 1320 1721 1630 719.3 673.1 1529 362.1 469.3 2.05 7.29 226.6 51.51 277.9 75.66 269. 31 70.11 . 202.6 52.31 193.4 53.24 229.7 54.69 240.6 227.8 59.69 248.8 60.61 280.5 68.96 251.9 83.74 216.5 50.22 241.1 63.52 289.4 226.0 57.11 234.5 56.63 231.1 52.84 154.1 38.92 240.1 62.31 236.0 65.90 137.7 25.63 221.9 72.63 282.0 70.11 290.5 276.8 82.00 235.0 63.16 263.0 69.65 274.8 71.70 262.2 71.70 232.6 61.73 232.4 64.76 207.8 52.23 270.0 67.93 178.6 38.25 245.2 57.98 263.9 67.10 289.1 76.39 71.71 249.9 68.28 235.0 64.76 311.0 94.47 190.7 221.9 MIDDLESEX .. MONNIOUTH -.. 1311 1404 1002 1274 830 1048 947 995 351.0 479.7 470.6 391.0 544.2 508.0 542.5 51.0 1247 1113 1008 37.51 91.23 2046 1576 1644 1247 1195 944.6 3.99 10.17 8.35 1124 5.86 952 NORFOLK . - - . NORTHAMPTON .. NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM - .. 1332 1311 1356 684.4 715.2 1135 1474 1427 1449 1078 1065 1088, 1430 1423 1524 1496 1457 1499 498.5 547.6 484.5 56.68 1003 1014 1013 1064 1618 961 3.95 3.01 10.74 4.33 669.7 680.1 NORFOLK . ... NORTHAMPTON - - NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM -- OXFORD .... 1271 1265 1241 1276 1211 1003 1030 1075 1092 1147 1156 1136 1165 1330 900,2 1063 1023 1676 1710 13.96 4.37 1345 1461 1071 468.5 1430 451,1 OXFORD - - .. 1416 1287 1142 1110 1516 2100 676.9 494.0 4.57 1.812 1285 1071 991 1564 1154 972.3 711.5 249.3 6.09 1432 1288 1151 1079 1401 1042 923.4 937.0 882.2 925.7 920.2 926.7 970.8 911.5 934-5 895.8 879-3 732.2 597.5 3.26 RUTLAND .... 1351 1235 1015 997 1573 1056 984.4 771.3 323.4 9.74 1329 1238 1022 1426 508.8 1534 908.7 1366 1385 264.1 1006 987 1322 983 1163 1494 1332 1204 1324 1684 505.5 606.9 526.3 519.7 441.6 424.3 484.3 473.7 4.90 3.41 4.62 4.24 1087 1122 1162 1130 1061 1404 1550 1578 1592 1555 1431 1602 1142 1000 1060 1116 1139 1223 1231 1137 905.1 912.3 1179 936 1452 1325 1435 SALOP .... SOMERSET ... SOUTHAMPTON . STAFFORD - - SUFFOLK . . SURREY - - - SUSSEX - - . 85.05 62.82 93.22 61.08 76.54 76.81 94.88 75.29 60.07 59.43 84.26 48.52 54.85 66.51 100.98 68.79 79.18 256.8 223.9 212.9 966 982 1002 405.9 1515 1430 1426 1377 1284 1431 1406 889.3 677.4 694.0 667.8 599.0 671.3 682.3 603.6 1655 1653 1618 1760 7.79 6.23 5.20 6.06 6.87 6.32 4.11 1010 1467 1234 1185 1122 1236 1310 4.58 1129 500.1 267.2 1414 1493 1064 988 901 1315 504.2 409.7 450.1 1105.2 3.08 1353 1207 945 954 1357 1111 427.6 431.1 197.3 224.1 2.76 953 1602 1443 917.8 1027.2 842.4 962.7 1163 RUTLAND -... SALOP .. ... SOMERSET .. SOUTHAMPTON STAFFORD .. SUFFOLK .. SURREY .. SUSSEX ... WARWICK .. WESTMORLAND - - WILTS - ..... WORCESTER ... YORK (East Riding) - (North Riding) - - (West Riding) - ENGLAND (collectively) 1568 1003 1485 1503 1518 979 6757 672.9 679.2 614.7 671.3 718.4 651.3 710.5 670.7 691.5 679.1 709.8 715.4 612,1 665.6 4.07 2.74 1416 1481 1488 1445 1473 1013 1079 5.00 7.35 1012 1399 1133 1121 1188 1147 925.8 514.2 504.2 506.7 484.0 1277 1306 1321 1319 1339 1359 1403 1006 686.8 739.3 725.9 672.8 257.3 498.0 547.0 525-5 478.1 4.71 261.3 309.5 260.6 262.1 1401 1067 886.0 11231 936.6 1093 933.9 1070 919.8 1148 987.4 1121 1032.9 1079 890.8 1124 855.3 1155 941.0 929 970 987 981.8 5.26 1464 1036 1058 974 4.32 1367 1166 1143 1171 1173 1185 1129 1143 950.1 WARWICK .. 1426 1234 WESTMORLAND 1262 WILI'S ... 1221 WORCESTER --- 1275 YORK (East Riding) - 1 1372 (North Riding) - 1 1359 1234 - (West Riding) - 1608 1365 ENGLAND (collectively) 1444 | 1268 5.81 1701 1557 1632 1691 1674 1530 1586 | 1684 3.88 1334 974.5 1498 1416 1673 1538 1167 1195 1214 971 1003 1033 1405 1384 1442 451.9 541.9 403.8 1093 1036 1006 996 1050 9.67 3.50 683.4 704.8 592.4 952.9 846.9 10.81 462.1 561.8 411.5 239.4 318.6 187.2 45.12 1256 70.94 4.72 114.13 49.10 13.93 64.85 5.75 15 1343 1169 988 1470 447.6 56.25 4.15 .12 1056 995 1210 932.6 | 653.3 458.0 228.2 .22 . - . 502. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xvji 2.-WALES. A COMPARATIVE-STATEMENT of the AGES OF PERSONS in the several Counties of Wales, on the 28th day of May 1821, as deduced from the Returns made under the POPULATION ACT; shewing, what would be the Number of Persons of the several specified Ages, supposing (for the sake of Comparison) the Number of Males whose Ages were returned from each County to have been Ten Thousand, and the Number of Females to have been Ten Thousand, respectively. N.B.—The DECIMAL PARTS having been omitted for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Error, not exceeding One in the Ten Thousand, M A L E S. COUNTIES 40: 30 20 to 80 90 100 Under 5 Years. of to to 100 and upwards. 10..1 WALES. 30 50 40. ANGLESEY - - - - 1575 1499 1238 982 1385 1062 889.9 464.3 4.26 590.6 682.3 232.6 273.8 1341 1288 1143 1028 1538 1162 912.8 519.7 11.64 1535 1494 1268 1042 1325 1096 862.6 459.2 6.44 1604 1473 1020 1389 1039 808.0 6.89 1259 1205 244.5 218.3 238.4 256.3 1492 1484 998 1389 1135 890.4 5.97 1511 1367 1190 991 1429 1147 880.1 BRECON ---- CARDIGAN - - - - CARMARTHEN .. CARNARVON ... DENBIGH ...- FLINT - ..... GLAMORGAN -.. MERIONETH ... MONTGOMERY .. PEMBROKE .. RADNOR ... 9.52 76.13 98.73 69.44 75.12 60.74 73.18 56.68 62.45 96.09 82.46 77.70 1555 1370 1250 1003 1527 1123 845.3 188.1 597.7 663.7 443.9 623.2 477.2 663.81 481.8 647.7 428.8 635.3 443.4 677.6 574.7 646.6 676.7 484.7 640.7 556.6 4.93 1460 1323 1201 1032 1566 1156 888.8 223.9 8.09 1.105 1406 1151 1010 1313 1146 882.1 327.7 11.09 1476 1321 1190 998 1452 1152 925.2 491.6 4.25 1619 1475 1197 986 1364 843.9 260.5 246.7 305.3 1019 1096 10.44 1478 1361 1158 1002 1141 863.7 90.26 6.19 WALES (collectively) | 1514 1407 1210 1009 646.3 474.8 14331109871.4 243.6 74.09 . 'FEM A L E S. Under COUNTIES of WALES. I to 100 and upwards. Years. 10 100 1 ANGLESEY - - - - 1419 1296 1047 983 1589 1150 261.0 5.32 521.6 546.8 BRECON ..... 1341 1218 1060 998 1589 1209 327.5 90.84 103.12 98.30 9.80 CARDIGAN, ... 1361 1333 1185 986 1552 1172 514.0 263.7 8.05 CARMARTHEN . 1412 1290 1096 1051 1556 1148 516.0 261.7 94.83 100.22 CARNARVON ... 1328 1269 1721 1025 1549 1170 297.9 648.7 679.8 655.9 675.4 673.8 697.6 6647 629.2 751.6 691.6 DENBIGH ... - 13.30 10.95 12.01 1398 1322 1081 971 987.7 916.4 868.9 885. 2 925.6 924.4 897 3 901.6 963.5 946.3 887.4 1473 1149 527.4 575.1 476.1 288.2 107.82 FLINT - - - - - 1501 1326 1115 1026 1515 1120 256.2 92.46 9.37 GLAMORGAN -.. 1397 1297 1004 1619 1180 494.7 252.0 101.89 9.84 -.1113 1053 MERIONETH . . 1259 1170 996 1450 1241 621.2 347.4 137.17 9.64 MONTGOMERY :- 1366 1213 1100 969 : 565.6 295.8 104.24 1547 1670 10.56 16.44 1264 1033 986 1118 677.2 561.3 297.2, 120.67 PEMBROKE RADNOR ... -- 1366 1367. 1291 1082 1071 1474 1165 882.8 668.6 572.2 283.3 129.43 10.71 WALES (collectively) 1382 11281 1093 1003 - 1560 163 94. 6 672.6 535.5 281.4 I 104.76 10.95 502. 09 xviii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS 3.-SCOTLAND. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the Ages of PERSONS in the several Shires of SCOTLAND, on the 28th day of May 1821, specified Ages, supposing (for the sake of Comparison) the Number of Males whose Ages were returned from N.B..The DECIMAL PARTS having been omitted for the sake of brevity in the Number of Persons under - M A L E S. SHIRES 90 100 Under 5 Years. to and of 80 15 SCOTLAND. 90 100 upwards. ABERDEEN . .. 1402 1248 1203 989 1456 1134 942.8 285.5 86.91 8.06 1.01 548.5 478.8 ARGYLL - • • - - 15621 1480 1295 1110 1404 1021 761.8 203.7 16.96 .42 AYR - - - 1592 1265 1033 1475 1083 421.2 694.5 609.8 593.8 702.3 576.6 214.8 55.53 60.53 100.09 6.58 BANFF .. 1403 1269 1362 . 1424 1240 990 1394 1035 590.8 305.7 850.8 941.6 861.2 880,6 7.07 BERWICK . . . . 1473 1508 1095 1074 25. 262.0 494.5 62.68 BUTE . . . . 1396 1360 434 1046 1410 942 670.9 471.9 306.9 74.03 CAITHNESS . . 1250 1402 1297 1173 1514 983 848.1 719.2 530.4 219.8 56.35 6.34 CLACKMANNAN .. 1599 1532 1454 1045 1278 978 902.8 650.9 144.6 48.22 2.68 DUMBARTON ... 1472 1329 262 1077 1615 999 684.9 187.3 7.80 854.8 858.8 45.95 63.15 DUMFRIES - -. 1520 1459 1307 1078 1054 364.3 365.8 437.0 337.3 556.2 1372 1639 221.3 EDINBURGH - .. 1501 1368 1175 961 1310 956.3 138.5 624.7 580.2 627.3 682.2 30.94 1420 1292 1252 1060 1493 1011 882.2 318.2 79.56 ELGIN - - - - • FIFE .... FORFAR ..... 1473 1261 998 1402 1074 939.0 510.5 54.20 3.91 1360 1285 243.4 277.6 1356 1151 1067 1382 1109 934.0 75.67 6.48 774.7 605.1 580.0 503.0 HADDINGTON . . 1536 1426 1282 992 1457 1038 884.9 214.2 55.50 5.97 1469 1458 1286 1073 1420 1068 780.5 684.1 470,8 197.7 14.67 1265 1358 1010 1402 966 921.7 722.6 311.9 7.00 1249 76.23 82.45 71.05 61.00 1153 1085 1511 1038 INVERNESS .. KINCARDINE .. KINROSS .... KIRKCUDBRIGHT LANARK .... LINLITHGOW ... 2.73 1301 1563 587-3 563.0 431.4 340.0 781.6 640.8 336.2 203.0 1466 1339 907.3 871.9 946.1 964 1381 1068 10.80 1606 1345 1266 1013 1548 1144 599.0 152.1 37.44 3.29 1570 1393 1316 946 1545 1093 907.8 534.0 234.8 40.51 5.52 414.3 615.5 . 1367 1271 1276 1025 1358 1127 925.8 702.4 278.0 52.12 2.48 NAIRN . . .. ORKNEY and I SHETLAND ) - 1 1365 1258 1161 1029 1466 1009 913.1 780.1 639.0 296.1 78.96 4.39 1439 1406 1050 1630 973 550.1 366.7 44.33 4.03 872.5 898.6 1229 1072 1060 72.84 7.29 1238 1197 1213 1557 1636 1349 1050 1037 849.7 4.79 771.9 589.2 701.0 686.9 1398 245.8 245.5 169.6 243-3 226,6 171.6 1020 1380 1099 PEEBLES 1418 PERTH . .. . . 1294 RENFREW .... 1680 ROSS and CROMARTY 1497 ROXBURGH ... 1 1527 SELKIRK .. . | 1526 STIRLING .... SUTHERLAND. .. 1369 WIGTOWN ... | 1551 865.2 18.12 407 1249 991 1403 1086 552.3 392.5 479.3 440.3 343.2 462.1 550.1 916.6 43.08 80.20 61.79 56.16 35.30 5.66 1139 1457 1101 904.8 645.9 3.12 1522 1269 1102 1500 1033 197.3 4.01 1331 1263 1198 1477 1051 909.3 836.9 868.2 606.4 678.2 664.4 194.8 44.19 5.41 1480 1215 964 1412 1025 480.6 255.4 72.35 10.07 1.26 _ SCOTLAND (collectively) 1494 1357 1247 1032 | 1490 | 1095 895.4 649.9 458.1 | 216.3 58.22 6.71 -43 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xix 3.-SCOTLAND. as deduced from the RETURNS made under the POPULATION ACT; shewing, what would be the Number of Persons of the several each Shire to have been Ten Thousand, and the Number of Females to have been Ten Thousand, respectively. 40 Years of Age, the Totals become liable to apparent Error, not exceeding one in the Ten Thousand. FEM A L E S. Under 60 SHIRES of SCOTLAND. 90 to 100 100 and upwards. Years. 60 70 90 86 1077 968 997 1683 1229 10.96 325.1 203. 2 1482 1365 1148 977 1481 1175 730.3 12.88 1404 1244 1118 1108 1712 1154 227.4 992.5 872.9 883.0 1013.9 876.5 984.6 1221 1105 912 935 1661 883.3 310.2 1196 1176 99.94 65.04 65.02 91.92 69.50 66.91 52.99 48.17 8.47 8.48 6.32 6.83 1304 1231 1014 1034 1760 682.4 276.3 256.7 1199 1167 1135 1116 1681 1066 742.9 1083 1147 1060 1119 1792 1176 985.6 190.1 4.37 1455 1278 1247 999 1633 1207 887.4 169.9 2.54 ABERDEEN - - - ARGYLL - .... AYR .... BANFF ... - - BERWICK ... BUTE • • • • • • CAITHNESS - ... CLACKMANNAN - DUMBARTON ... DUMFRIES - - EDINBURGH .. ELGIN ---.. FIFE . . . . . FORFAR - -.. HADDINGTON .. INVERNESS ... KINCARDINE .. 1313 1199 1186 1845 1105 880.4 57.55 14.78 1106 1138 316 1981 1028 1670 1168 909.9 6.99 1108 1043 1074 2096 1363 953.7 1213 1160 2.80 817.5 | 612.6 487.2 627,2 448.9 662.3 568.1 577.6 806.7 583,5 677.0 393.0 640.1 452.6 653.2 508.6 583.6 364.8 855.8 752.0 566.8 585.2 749.8 534.8 777.6. 476.4 861.2 663.1 811.8 597.3 671.0 473.2 617.9 387.0 556.7 868.8 833.8 199.9 246.5 156.2 329.9 260.8 1027 929 1040 1627 1223 1023.5 686.9 74.19 39.55 86.85 67.25 58.17 10.25 1290 1171 1053 979 1205 5.26 1704 1785 945.3 1010.7 1128 1049 1059 1028 1226 824.9 238.2 5.52 1311 1233 1022 1036 1656 1178 922.1 272.1 72.95 11.52 1338 1268 1092 1072 1597 1198 873.1 197.5 87.05 17.82 1147 1050 1016 923 1707 1229 983.7 312.5 8.85 98.03 63.38 KINROSS 1197 1133 1021 997 1758 1121 1004.4 290.1 4.88 KIRKCUDBRIGHT - 1366 1252 1068 1043 1800 1180 218.9 70.84 8.36 1373 1165 1139 1217 165.6 839.7 933.6 892.2 47.44 LANARK - .... LINLITHGOW ... NAIRN ..... 3.95 1083 1048 1434 1231 929 1136 689.4 244.5 70.94 7.51 1093 998 965 1019 1530 1205 1072.1 353.2 51.34 10.27 ORKNEY and ? SHETLAND 1121 1015 840 1788 1238 | 1079,5 872.9 717.0 337.1 87.59 4.83 1373 1276 1156 1122 1037 426.8 183.8 9.88 1909 1798 1134 1114 1049 1037 1203 236.7. 5.76 PEEBLES - . PERTH ... RENFREW , ... ROSS and CROMARTY 1550 1250 11.42 1117 1817 1080 840.3 546.9 384.5 586.7 176.6 5.32 1224 1173 972 957 1707 1270 223.8 16.27 ROXBURGH 1324 1272 1065 989 1706 1158 853. 61 632.3 995.9 816.3 588.9 968.5 805.8 929.0 697.7 894.5 635.2 928.2 692.8 947.3 813.2 908.5 685.1 526.9 260.6 29.64 63-36 47.89 90.98 65.63 58.28 65.06 61.17 72.36 4.65 17.48 SELKIRK .. . 1413 1390 1116 988 1693 1165 419.6 209.8 STIRLING . .. 1385 1260 1007 1101 1721 1128 519.4 7.90 183.5 188.2 1204 1153 1076 1082 1687 1215 4.70 SUTHERLAND ... WIGTOWN .... 568.5 550.2 1348 1281 1103 994 1689 1123 237.2 9.19 SCOTLAND (collectively)] 1294 1048 937.9 711.6 1177 1057 11769 11204 509,2 225.5 65.18 7.42 XX PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION S. 4.-ISLANDS OF GUERNSEY, JERSEY, &c. . COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN THE ISLANDS OF GUERNSEY, JERSEY, AND MANN. M A L E S. . Under 100 ISLANDS OF 90 to 100 and upwards. 1370 1150 958 1329 1915 235-3 2.10 GUERNSEY .. 1454 JERSEY ...-1 1527 1343 1064 962 6 924.5 1015. 6 926.8 491.6 415.1 462.9 159.3 74.59 53.62 59.69 672.5 658.2 4.60 MANN · · · · · 1457 1369 1191 1026 1496 1119 230.9 3.14 Total of MALES . | 1478 1361 1141 1465 1186 954.1 646.4 | 454.5 209. 5 61.19 | 3.36 FEM A L E S. 30 Under 100 90 to ISLANDS OF arid 100 lupwards. 1183 1149 948 942 1374 795.9 512.0 276.8 102.58 5.31 GUERNSEY ... JERSEY . ... 1223 1130 94.6 987 1815 1690 1578 1306 895.8 1020.3 968.8 776.6 569.6 255.2 7.07 88.72 83.16 MANN . . . . . 1332 1258 1088 1095 1117 688.2 540.5 244.2 5.74 Total of FEMALES - 1201 1190 1009 1024 1671 1239 968.3 742.5 543.3 255.5 89.57 5.—THE METROPOLIS. Under 40 80 90 100 5 to to TOTAL OF to 60 Years. 50 100 and upwards. MALES 1397 1095 936 865 1718 1548 1203.9 938865 12039 730.7 | 353.6 198.5 22:47 | 730.7 198.5 22.47 1.69 .21 353.6 388.8 FEMALES . - - 1 1216 995 959 2062 1567 1092.4 690.9 156.4 34.64 3.93 .32 IN the application of the foregoing Tables, some allowance ought to be made for the increasing duration of Life during the last hundred years ; that is to say, persons of advanced age would be more numerous at present, (because fewer of them would have died) had the chances of life been as high during the last hundred years as they are now become. Something more on this subject will be found in a subsequent part of these Observations. (See p. xxvi.] The number of Females, between the Ages of 20 and 30, exceeds the corresponding number of Males as stated in every County (except Monmouth); and the higher ages of Females probably partake of the same fallacy, so far as to induce Calculators to rely on the Table of Male Ages only. They may also be induced to attach an inferior degree of credit to the Ages of Males as well as Females in Scotland, where is wanting in a great degree the Record of Parish Registers, and very advanced Ages cannot but rest on repute rather than on knowledge and evidence. U PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxi Parish Register Abstract. THE Second object of the Population Act of 1801, was to ascertain the Increase or Diminution of the Population during the preceding Century, by means of the PARISH REGISTERS; to effect which object certain Questions were appointed to be answered by the officiating Minister of every Church and Chapel in England and Wales : and the Population Acts of 1811 and 1821 repeat the same Questions, each for the preceding Ten Years. The Population Act of 1801 extended this enquiry to Scotland also; but it appeared in the sequel, that few Registers are kept in that Country, only 99 Returns having been received; so that it was useless to repeat the Question as regarding Scotland, in the Acts of 1811 and 1821. The Questions respecting Parish Registers, and Chapelry Registers, were as follow : QUESTIONS Addressed to the OFFICIATING MINISTERS in England, by whom a Return is to be made to the Bishop, on or before the 21st day of June 1821. 154_WHAT was the Number of Baptisms and Burials in your Parish, Town- ship, or Place, in the several Years 1811, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20; distinguishing Males from Females ? 24_WHAT has been the Number of Marriages in your Parish, Township, or Place, in the several Years 1811, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 ? 34_ARE there any Matters which you think it necessary to remark, in Explanation of your Answers to either of the preceding Questions? Especially whether any and what annual Average Number of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, may, in your opinion, take place in your Parish, without being entered in the Parish Register ? . THE Clergy of England and Wales were enabled to answer the two first of these , by having recourse to the PARISH REGISTERS, which have been established in England ever since the Reformation, and were further regulated by Law in the year 1812. When it was enacted in the Reign of Henry VIII, that the Church of England should be no longer subject to the Pope, Thomas Cromwell was appointed the King's Vicegerent for Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction ; and in that capacity issued certain Injunctions to the Clergy in the year 1538. One of these Injunctions ordains, That every officiating Minister shall, for every Church, keep a Book, wherein he shall register every Marriage, Christening, and Burial; and the Injunction goes on to direct the manner and time of making the Entries in the Register- Book weekly; any neglect therein being made penal:-and in the first year of Edw. VI, (Anno 1547) all Episcopal authority was suspended for a time, while the ecclesiastical Visitors then appointed, went through the several Dioceses to enforce divers Injunctions, and among others that respecting Parish Registers. This Injunction was again repeated in the beginning of the Reign of Elizabeth, who also appointed a Protestation to be made by the Clergy, in which among other things, they promised to keep the Register-Book in a proper manner. The Canons of the Church of England, which are now in force, date their authority from the beginning of the Reign of James I, (Anno 1603). One of them prescribes very minutely in what manner Entries are to be made in the Parish Registers ; herein reciting the Injunction of 1538, and ordering an attested Copy of the Register of each successive Year to be annually transmitted to the Bishop of the Diocese or his Chancellor, and to be preserved in the said Bishop's Registry 502. This - 11 s Registe Bishopted copy xxii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. This Canon also contains a retrospective Clause, appointing that the ancient Registers, so far as they could be procured, but especially since the beginning of the Reign of Eliza- beth, should be copied into a Parchment Book, to be provided by every Parish. This wise regulation appears to have been carried into full effect at the time; so that the ancient Parish Registers now extant, usually commence with that Queen's Reign, and some of them earlier, quite as far back as the Date of the original Injunction. That part of the Canon which directs the Register-Book to be kept in a Coffer in the Church, has not been enforced, as it was found by experience that the Book was liable to be damaged by the moisture prevalent in uninhabited Buildings, and also to be purloined with the other contents of the Church Coffer. The Register-Book was heretofore usually kept in custody of the Officiating Minister, at his own House, if resident on the Benefice, otherwise in that of the Parish Clerk; but the Act 52 Geo. III, c. 146, has made some alteration in this and other particulars. This Law is intituled, “ An Act for the better regulating and preserving Parish and “ other Registers of Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in England,” but does not appear to fulfil its intention as to Births. It received the Royal Assent on the 28th July 1812, and enacts that the Registers of Parishes, and of Chapelries (where the ceremonies of Baptism, Marriage and Burial are performed) shall be kept in Books of Parchment, or of good and durable paper, whereon shall be printed the Heads of Information required to be entered; also a printed number prefixed to each future entry, such entries to be divided by a printed line. The King's Printer was charged to provide and transmit such Register Books as soon as conveniently might be after the passing of the Act, which was to take effect on the 1st January 1813 : and with no small exertion on his part, the entire number of Register Books, upwards of 33,000, (three to each Parish and Chapelry) were printed, bound and transmitted, before that time, although no preparation could be hazarded before the Act received the Royal Assent, as it was very likely to stand over to a future Session. The provisions of this Act are not such (generally speaking) as were likely to affect the Returns of Registers under the Population Act of 1821, excepting only that a very distinct mention of the Registry of Baptisms “ whether Private or Public,” has evidently added to the number of Registered Baptisms, (to an uncertain amount indeed) and in so far has been useful; but it precludes any inference which otherwise might be drawn from a com- parison of the respective numbers of Registered Baptisms which took place before and since the end of the year 1812. The Act proceeds to direct, that the Register Books shall be kept in a dry well-painted iron chest, to be kept at the residence of the officiating Minister, or in the Parish Church or Chapel; also that Copies on Parchment of all Registers shall be sent annually to the Registrar of each Diocese; enforcing in this respect the before mentioned Canon, with particular directions as to the form and manner of transmissal, and subsequent arrange- ment of these Copies by the Registrar; but this last intention cannot be accomplished until proper Buildings or Receptacles in each Diocese, and a fund for payment of the persons employed in such arrangement, shall have been provided. The Act extends to Cathedrals, and to Churches and Chapels of all sorts, though not Parochial; and this has somewhat augmented the number of Returns received under the Population Act, although it has added very little to the number of Baptisms or of Burials returned. At the close of the Act of 1812, it is specially provided, That nothing therein con: tained shall extend to repeal any provision of the Marriage Act; of which it will be ne- cessary to say something in the proper place; the strictness of its provisions as to the Registry of all Marriages, having furnished excellent and most useful Returns under the successive Population Acts. THE Number of Returns of Parish Registers and Chapelry Registers received from England and Wales in the year 1801, (including a Supplementary Return) was supposed to be 11,065, which was not far from the number really due; but from the circumstances of a new inquiry, some of these were redundant, some were duplicate, and in many instances (on the contrary) no Return was made. The discovery of a large degree of inaccuracy in the Supplement of 1801, arising from Duplicates, and a certain knowledge that the Parish Register Abstract of that year had necessarily PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION S. xxiii necessarily been formed with a degree of expedition not permitting sufficient investigation, was a cogent reason for proceeding more cautiously on the next occasion; and this was the more necessary, as the Return of 1811 was to be compared with that of 1801, which standing alone, and being intended merely to show the Increase or Diminution of the Population during the last Century, was not much less effectual for its own particular purpose, although a considerable proportion of the Parish Register Returns were not brought to account; the result of a comparison of the several years with each other, not being much affected by it. This consideration, though a sufficient excuse for attending to expedition rather than to the completion of the Returns of 1801, was no longer valid in 1811; and particular care was then taken accordingly, both by marking the name of every supposed Benefice and Curacy on a set of County Maps, and checking the Returns by that criterion, ås well as by all other authorities which could be obtained; this was a laborious task, and gave rise to above Two Thousand Applications to officiating Clergymen and others, and to a large correspondence, which however produced 857 additional Returns, and left no room to doubt but that sufficient knowledge was thus procured to insure a complete Return on any future occasion. It is obviously needless in the year 1822, to detail the process by which the Returns of 1801 and 1811 were connected for the purpose of comparison; on a balance of the redun- dant and the deficient, the Baptisms were deemed to be deficient as One to Thirty-two; the Burials as One to Twenty-nine ; the Marriages as One to Fifty; and additions were made accordingly, to which it is sufficient to refer without repeating a page of figures and calculations, which was very necessary in the Preliminary Observations of 1811. The number of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, in the last Twenty years (1801-1820) is here subjoined, as not liable to imputation of uncertainty, such as has been above explained. NUMBER OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. YEAR. YEAR. MARRIAGES. Males. Females. Total. Males, Females. Total. | 99,504 1804 1808 1801 120,521 116,508 237,029 1802 139,889 133,948 273,837 1803 | 150,220 143,888 294,108 150,583 144,009 294,592 1805 149,333 142,868 292,201 1806 147,376 144,553 | 291,929 1807 153,787 300,294 151,565 144,509 296,074 1809 | 152,812 147,177 299,989 1810 152,591 146,262 298,853 1811 155,671 149,186 304,857 1812 153,9491 148,005 301,954 1813 160,685 153,747 314,432 1814 163,282 155,524 318,806 1815 · 176,233 1168,698 344,931 1816 168,801 161,398 330,199 1817 169,337 162,246 331,583 1818 169,181 162,203 331,384 1819 191,107 | 162,154 | 333,261 1820 176,311 167,349 | 343,660 1801 101,352 1802 1803 102,459 1804 91,538 1805 91,086 1806 92,289 1807 97,996 1808 102,614 1809 97,894 1810 | 104,907 1811 94,971 1812 95,957 1813 93,726 1814 103,525 1815 99,442 1816 103,954 1817 101,040 1818 107,724 1819 106,749 1820 104,329 103,082 204,434 199,889 101,269 203,728 89,639 181,177 90,154 181,240 91,163 183,452 97,855 195,851 98,149 200,763 93,577 191,471 103,277 208,184 93,572 188,543 94,445 190,402 92,751 186,477 102,878 ! 206,403 97,966 197,408 102,005 | 205,959 98,229 199,269 105,900 213,624 106,815 213,564 104,020 208,349 67,228 90,396 94,379 85,738 79,586 80,754 83,923 82,248 83,369 84,470 86,389 82,066 83,860 92,804 99,944 91,946 88,234 92,779 95,571 96,833 The Number of Returns of Parish Registers and Chapelry Registers collected under the Population Act of 1811 was 11,1:59 ; under the Act of 1821, the Number is increased to 11,342, from a cause which has been already stated, but which does not materially affect the comparison of the two Abstracts. Further xxiv PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. UU Further it may be proper to remark, that the Number of Benefices in England and Wales is by no means equal to the Number of Parishes; because in many instances Two or more Parishes are permanently united as one Benefice; and in the Diocese of Norwich. which includes Norfolk and Suffolk, the Diocesan has the privilege of granting a personal Union of Parishes, on account of the small extent and value of many Benefices in those Counties. The Parish-REGISTER ABSTRACT has been framed with special Reference to the SUMMARY of each County in the ENUMERATION ABSTRACT; so that every Total of Persons which there appears, may be compared with a corresponding Annual Total of Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages; and an Annual Average of these for each entire County, may be obtained by the easy process of dividing the Total (which appears under each County Summary) by Ten;--and further to facilitate general Calculations, the Annual proportion of the Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, to the Population of each County, is also given at the end of these Observations. Every place which has made Return of a Register, is distinguished in the Parish- Register Abstract, as Rectory (R.) Vicarage (V.) Parochial Chapelry (P.C.) Chapelry or Curacy (C.). As the Marriage Register may be deemed correct; next to it, the Register of Burials : and lastly, the Register of Baptisms, it will be found most convenient to treat of each distinctly, and in that order. CONCERNING THE RegisTRY OF MARRIAGES. 1 Geo. III. c 53. MANY Inconveniencies having arisen from the undue Solemnization and Registry of Marriages, an Act was passed in the 26° Geo. IT, “ for the better preventing of Clandes- tine Marriages," which directs a certain Formula for the Registry of Marriages, to be attested and signed by the Minister officiating, the Persons married, and two or more Witnesses ; and declares any Erasure or Mutilation of the Marriage Register, or any False Entry therein, to be Felony without Benefit of Clergy; nor can a Marriage be legally solemnized in any Chapel consecrated, since this Law was made. A retrospective Relaxa- tion of the Act in this particular case took place in 1781, under an Act by which Mar- riages already solemnized in such Chapels, were declared to be valid ; but the Registers of such Marriages were ordered to be forthwith removed to the Parish Church. Some few Persons are known to evade the provisions of the Marriage Act, by a Mar- riage in Scotland; but the Registry of Marriages in England is not much affected thereby, because the Parents or friends of the Female who has been thus Irregularly married, usually cause such Marriages to be afterwards solennized according to the Law of England. The Marriages of Dissenters of every denomination take place in the Established Church; but not those among Quakers, who are permitted to intermarry in their own Congregation. To these may be added the Jews, who marry according to their own peculiar Ceremonial; but neither of these religious Sects are numerous; so that the Re- turns made, pursuant to the Population Act, ought to comprehend almost the total Number of actual Marriages; and the above causes of a small deficiency are not (all of them) likely to be removed. A great variation in the annual Number of Marriages is caused by the circumstances of the times, and especially by the price of provisions ; the difference arising from this cause is such, that no safe inference concerning the Increase or Diminution of Population can be drawn from the comparison of any single Years with each other : But the average Amount of the Marriages for five years together, or for a longer period, is the best evidence on the subject, because the Register of Marriages may be deemed perfectly correct. As it is intended, throughout the present Observations, to give the most important Results of the Acts of 1801 and 1811, as well as of 1821, the following TABLE not only shows PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. XXV shows the Number of Marriages in each Year since 1754, but also the average Amount of Marriages for every Five, and for every Ten Years since the Marriage Act has been fully in force. It will appear in the sequel of these Remarks, that Results drawn from this Table would be very similar to the Results drawn from the Registered Baptisms. In the YEAR 1755 the number of MARRIAGES (adding a Supplementary Fiftieth . part, for deficiency of Returns under the Act of 1801,*) was 49,379; Nuniber of Marriages in each Year, from 1755 to 1800. PERIODS. Medium Medium Average of Average of Five Years. Ten Years. A. D. Marriages. A. D. Marriages. A. D. Marriages. 1755 to 1760, inclusive 1 52,666): 1760 to 1765 - dº - ; 59,883 ) 56,275 1765 to 1770 - dº - 59,0437 1770 to 1775 - dº -60,741 59,892 1775 to 1780 - dº - 64,238) 1780 to 1785 - do- , 66,722 1756 50,972 1757 48,300 1758 50,672 1759 55,537 1760 57,848 1761 58,101 1762 56,543 1763 62,233 1764 63,310 1765 59,227 1766 57,043 1767 55,324 1768 58,331 61,825 1770 62,693 1771 60,612 1772 60,337 1773 59,769 1774 60,512 1775 B2,473 1776 65,462 1777 65,020 1778 | 62,727 1779 63,671 1780 64,309 1781 63,768 1782 63,071 1783 66,287 1784 68,935 1785 71,509 186 68,992 1787 76,448 1788 70,032 1789 70,696 1790 70,648 1791 72,590 1792 74,919 1793 72,880 1794 71,797 1795 68,839 1796 73,107 1797 74,997 1798 79,477 1799 77,557 1800 69,851 1785 to 1790 1790 to 1795 - dº. I 71,363 1 71,784 - dº - 72,205 | 1795 to 1800 - d. 74,9987 1800 to 1805 - do -183,465 S 79,231 1805 to 1810 - d., 82,9537 85,985 1810 to 1815 - dº89,012 1769 61.82 1815 to 1820 - d. 03,073 For the Marriages in each year from 1800 to 1820 inclusive, see p. xxiii. The Annual proportion of Marriages to the Population is as one to 134 in England and Wales, the several Counties ranging from one in 106 to one in 179; [See p. xxxiii.] the extremes take place in Middlesex and in Hertfordshire, the custom of surreptitiously marrying in the Metropolis increasing the number of Marriages therein, at the expence of the adjacent Counties. JL CONCERNING THE REGISTRY OF BURIALS. THE Registry of Burials may be supposed to be deficient, on the following consi- derations : 1. Many Congregations of Dissenters, inhabiting Towns, have their own peculiar Burying-grounds; as have the Jews, and the Roman Catholics, who reside in London. 2. Some Persons from motives of poverty or convenience, inter their Dead without any religious ceremony. But in estimating the deficiency from this cause, it should be con- sidered that a place must be very populous before the establishment of cheap Burial- grounds can become a profitable speculation. Such there are in the Metropolis, in Bristol, and in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. But the Number of Interments within the London + See Par. Reg. Bills of Mortality is not wholly unknown t; and of the Interments at the Ballast-Hills Abstr. p. 200. near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a Register or Account is kept, of which a Return was received, and entered. 3. Children who die before Baptism are interred without any religious ceremony, and consequently are not registered. 4. Negligence Ir * This fact was ascertained very carefully in 1812, as is detailed in the Preliminary Observations to the Abstract of 1811 (p. xix.) 502. xxvi PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 4. Négligence may be supposed to cause some omissions in the Registers, especially in those of small Benefices, where the Officiating Minister is not resident. 5. Many Persons employed in the Army, and in Navigation, die Abroad; and conse- quently their Burials remain unregistered. The Annual Number of Burials, as collected in pursuance of the Three Population Acts, authorizes a satisfactory inference of diminishing Mortality in England; the average Number of Burials not differing materially from the Year 1780 to the Year 1800; the first Five Years of that period, the last Five Years, and the whole period, giving the same average result ; not but that the effect of the Dearths by which England was afflicted in 1795 and 1800, is very perceptible in the increased mortality of those years. Many other, and no doubt very various considerations would occur to every Investigator of such a subject; especially the doubt as to how many years of the Burial Register ought to be applied as a Divisor to existing Population. If, for instance, the average Number of Registered Burials in the preceding Ten Years, is applied to the Number of persons resident in England and Wales in the Year 1821, the Annual Mortality very little exceeds one in Sixty ; but if the Registered Burials of the Year 1820 are applied in like manner, the result is a mortality of one in Fifty-seven or Fifty-eight, which last propor- tion (Burials not brought into the account considered) is perhaps nearest to the truth. The same calculations, founded on the numerical results of the Population Act of 1811, shew a Mortality of one in Fifty-two, and one in Fifty respectively. The rate of Mortality in the Year 1801 has heretofore been taken at one in Forty-seven ; in 1790, at one in Forty-five ; in 1780 at one in Forty*: so that on the whole the annual Mortality seems to have decreased from one in Forty, to one in Fifty-eight (nearly one-third) in Forty Years. The causes of increase in the duration of human life (hereby indicated) will no doubt be investigated by those who are able to elucidate the subject;-houses less crowded, better food, better clothing, and more cleanliness among the numerous classes of Society, cannot have been without some effect; and to these may be added the increased extent of drainage, which may have acted beneficially on the health of the Agricultural Population. The improved treatinent of Diseases is stated in many of the Returns, as a cause of increasing Population, and especially the substitution of Vaccination for the Small Pox;m infectious Fevers have almost disappeared, even in the Metropolis; and Intermittents, which till lately under the name of Ague, infested the Country very extensively (especially the Fen Districts) are no longer spoken of. So in former times, the Plague (as it was called) disappeared as soon as the City of London had been rebuilt after the great Fire of 1666; so the Land-Scurvy, and before that the Leprosy, became gradually extinct when the Reformation of Religion, and improvements in Agriculture, had removed the necessity of eating Salt-fish and Salted Meat during the greater portion of the year. The Mortality in the several Counties of England ranges between one in 47, and one in 72 ; Middlesex and Sussex being the extremes. In Anglesey, the Mortality is stated at one in 83. * See Prelim. Observ, 1811. P. xxii. CONCERNING THE Registry or BAPTISMS. THE Registry of Baptisms is deficient from the same causes as that of Burials, and from most of those causes in a greater degree. 1. Many Dissenters of every denomination (those especially who reside at a distance from any other Burial-place) from motives of decency or convenience bury their dead in the Cemeteries of the Established Church, though they baptize after their own manner, or not at all. The Question respecting Unentered Baptisms and Burials showed a differ- ence of nearly Four to One in the degree of Deficiency in the year 1811, the Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisins (as stated at the end of the several Counties) having been 14,860; of Burials (setting aside London) 3,899; at present the proportion is Five to One in the degree of deficiency, the Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms (as stated at the end of the several Counties), being 23,066 ; of Burials, setting aside London, 4,657. Nor does this represent the full amount or proportion of Un- entered Baptisms, the Clergy of the most populous places, especially where many of the Inhabitants PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS, xxvü Inhabitants are Dissenters, usually declining to hazard an Estimate. A Burial Ground on the contrary is a visible object, and among the persons connected with it, the Clergyman can usually procure an Account (more or less accurate) of the Number of Interments. 2. Some irreligious Persons, especially in large Towns, neglect the Rite of Baptism altogether. 3. Some Children die immediately after Birth, unbaptized; these however not being registered among the Burials, the Comparison is not affected from this cause. The great defect in Baptismal Registers heretofore arose from Private Baptism, which is carried to an extent not at all in the contemplation of the Founders of the Church of England; for the Canon ordaining Registers applies to Christenings, without further explanation ; and this word is usually understood to mean Publick Baptism only. The practice of the Clergy is not uniform on this point; and it appears from the Remarks subjoined to some of the Parish-Register Returns of 1811, that the Registry of Private Baptisms was refused in many places, from a conscientious desire thereby to induce persons to cause their Children to be publickly received into the Congregation : but the Parish Register Act of 1812 no longer leaves this optional, and the effect of it has been such, that Registered Baptisms, which heretofore were 147 to 100 as compared to the Burials, are increased since the year 1811, so as to exceed the Burials in the proportion of 162 to 100. 4. Negligence may be supposed to cause the same proportion of Omissions in the Registry of Baptisms as in that of Burials. The whole Number of Baptisms collected for the purposes of the Population Acts of 1801, 1811, and 1821, appears to be 12,570,083: of these, 6,418,422 Males; 6,151,661 Females : So that the Baptisms of Males are 10,433 to 10,000 Females. The whole Number of Burials appears to be 9,126,031: of these, 4,568,828 Males, 4,557,213 Females; a remarkable equality in so large a number; whence it may be inferred, that the larger proportion of Males born (4} per cent,) is also the proportiori dying Abroad in the en- ployments of War and Commerce. The proportion of Baptisms to the Population is as one to 35 in England and Wales; the several Counties of England range between one in 31, and one in 47 ; Kent and Monmouth being the extremes. In Brecon the proportion is stated at one in 53. III. Jncrease of the population. FROM the Registers of BAPTISMS, BURIALS, and MARRIAGES, as collected in 1801, an Estimate of the Increase of the POPULATION of Great Britain throughout the last Century was then to be attempted ; and so far as the Marriage Register of England and Wales extends, there was no danger in depending on it for that purpose: but from the many alleged causes of deficiency in the Registry of Burials and Baptisms, it may be urged, that no safe deduction can be made therefrom. It cannot be denied that the Mortality, and consequently the number of Burials, in any insulated year, is an irregular criterion of Population. The Registered Burials from the year 178o prove this abundantly. And as the Number of Baptisms is much more steady, and in a great degree dependent on the Number of Marriages, recourse has been had to the Baptismal Register in calculating the Population for the early part of the last Century, of which only every Tenth year appears in the Abstract of 1801. The Objection usually urged against the authority of any Collection of the Parish Registers of Baptisms is, that Registers were in former periods more defective froin negligence, than they have been in the Years nearer to the present time. As no particular Date can be assigned when the improvement happened, it must be supposed to be progressive quite to the present time; and as the manner of registering Marriages according to the Act which took place in 1754, admits of no suspicion of de- ficiency in that Register, it would thence follow, that the Registered Baptisms must ex- hibit an increasing proportion to the Marriages quite to the present time. If this be not the case, the objection drawn from the supposed progressive improvement in the Registry, cannot be applicable since the date of the Marriage Act (1754). It is therefore fit to ascertain xxvii VA PRELIMINA . PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONSascertain this proportion at as many periods as the collection of Registers affords an opportunity of so doing; and herein it is reasonable to assume, that the Marriages of any current year, and of the Four preceding years, must chiefly influence the Number of Baptisms in it. The medium Average of Marriages in 1760 and the Four years preceding it (as col- lected in 1801, and now corrected) may be taken at 52,666; the Registered Baptisms of the same year 1760 appear to have been 192,900; therefore the Registered Baptisms were at that time as 366 to 100 Marriages. see p. xxv. In this Manner the following TABLE of PROPORTIONS has been formed : MARRIAGES. - - 100 100 100 - - BAPTISMS. I 1760 - - - - 366 - - to 1770 - - 361 - - to 1780 -... 356 - - 1785 - -. - 366 - 1790 - - 359 - - 1795 - • 353 - 1800 .. - 340 - 1805 - • 350 - 1810 - - 360 - 1820 - ... 369 - - to 100 100 - - 100 - - 100 100 - - - - 100 100 U It appears hence that the Proportion of Registered Baptisms to Marriages continued much the same to the year 1810;* the extremes of the fluctuation differing only a Four- teenth part, and that difference tending to prove not that the Registers are more accurate, but rather less accurate now than formerly. So that from the year 1755, the amount of Registered Baptisms will give very nearly the same results as that of Marriages, in any calculation of the Increase of Population in the last Half of the Eighteenth Century. Of the earlier part of that Century, the want of an accurate Marriage Registry renders it impossible to speak so confidently; as far as analogy is of weight, a similarity with the later period may be supposed; and in the Abstract of 1801, appears a further reason for believing that the correctness of the Registers has not been unequal throughout the last Century: for in the first years which appear in the Abstract of 1801, the amount of Re- gistered Baptisms stands thus: In 1700, 152,000; in 1710, 139,000; in 1720, 155,000; and this fluctuation is different from what must have happened if the deficiencies of Re- gistry were greater the further we go back in the examination. It is true indeed, that in the years 1709 and 1710, England was afflicted by a dearth, which must have lowered the proportion of Births in 1710 as happened in 1795 and 1800; the scarcity which prevailed in 1710, causing the average price of Wheat to rise to 62 shillings per quarter; whereas the average price of the Ten preceding years was only 30 shillings per quarter. The scarcity of 1800 caused the average price of Wheat to rise to 110 shillings per quarter; whereas the average price of the Ten preceding years was no inore than 54 shillings per quarter. Therefore the severity of the dearths of 1710 and of 1800 may be assumed to have been equal, and the effect of both in diminishing the Births and Baptisms to have been also equal. In the year 1800, the Baptisms were 255,000, though the Five years average is 264,000. By applying a proportional Increase to the Baptisms of 1710, the Number from whence the Population of 1710 is to be deduced, becomes 146,000 instead of 139,000. If the latter Number were used, the Population of 1710 would appear to have been no more than 5,003,000 in the ensuing TABLE. Having * The increased proportion of Baptisms in 1820 arises from the Parish Register Act of 1812, under which Private Baptisms are more frequently registered than heretofore. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxix Having premised these Remarks in order to establish the authority of the Register of Baptisms for forming an Estimate of the Increase or Diminution of the Population during the last Century, it is necessary in the next place to determine at what Number to take the existing Population of 1801.-The Enumeration of that Year amounts to 8,872,980 Persons for England and Wales; and to this Number an appropriate share of the Soldiers and Mariners is to be added. These appear to have been 470,598; and supposing Two- thirds of them in 1801 to have been Natives of England and Wales, about a Thirtieth part may be added to the then Resident Population. Therefore the existing Population of England and Wales in 1801, is taken at 9,168,000 in the following TABLE; and the Population therein attributed to the other years is obtained by the Rule of Proportion. Thus: If 263,409 Baptisms (the average Medium of the Five Years 1797-1800) were produced from a Population of 9,168,000; from what Population were 157,307 (the Baptisms of 1700) produced ? T YT TABLE OF POPULATION THROUGHOUT THE LAST CENTURY. ENGLAND AND WALES. IN THE YEAR POPULATION. IN THE YEAR POPULATION. 1700 - - 1710 - - 1720 - - 1730 1740 - - 1750 - - 5,475,000 5,240,000 5,565,000 5,796,000 6,064,000 6,467,000 1760 - - 1770 - 1780 - 1790 - - 1801 - - 6,736,000 7,428,000 7,953,000 8,675,000 9,168,000 Hereby it may be seen, that although the beginning of the Eighteenth Century exhibits a decreasing Population, the lost Number had been regained in 1720; since which time a continual though irregular Increase appears. For the year 1790, the average Medium of the Baptisms of each year with the four preceding years is taken. The Baptisms of every year previous to 1780 were not called for by the Act of 1801. It was supposed, that when the Enumeration Returns of 1811 were collected and arranged, a considerable Deficiency in those of 1801 would become manifest; but this did not happen, the seeming Deficiencies of 1801 so constantly disappearing upon enquiry and explanation, as to leave scarcely Twenty places additional in 1811, and those among the smallest of the 15,741 which made separate Returns. The variation from this number in the present Abstract, (which contains 15,773 Enumeration Returns) entirely arises from the conjunction or division of parts of the same Parish, at the option of the Overseer, or of the other persons employed in the Enumeration, and of course does not indicate any real defect or redundancy, nor affect the Total Return of any Parish, nor of the Abstract generally. It has been reasonably supposed, that the first Enumeration of the People in Great Britain, especially as it took place in time of War, was rendered somewhat defective from backwardness or evasion in making the Answers required, inasmuch as direct taxation, and more obviously the levy of men in every place, might possibly be founded on the results of such an investigation. But as no such effect was perceived to take place, the Returns of the year 1811 were in all probability more full and accurate than those of 1801; and the War having now ceased, there remains no reason to suspect the least deficiency in the Return of 1821. Indeed, the voluntary Return of the Ages of Persons, an enquiry of far more labour than that of the enumeration of Houses, Families and Persons, proves, by the extent of the Answers, that the Population Act has been carried into effect in the year 1821, not merely with willingness, but even with zeal, throughout the greatest part of the Kingdom. 502. How 1 t XXX PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. How far the Increase of 14 per Cent. in the period between the Enumerations of 1801 and 1811, and of nearly 16 per Cent. in the period from 1811 to 1821, (as computed on the Female Population only) may have been produced from such causes, cannot be dis- covered; but that the effect was not very different in the two respective periods, may be reasonably inferred by shortly adverting to the Parish Register Abstract. It may be stated, that the Increase of the Population of Great Britain from 1801 to 1811, was 1,654,000, according to the respective Enumeration Returns; and of this Increase, 1,277,000 in England and Wales :-- the Registered Baptisms are 2,878,906; the Registered Burials 1,950,189; showing an Increase of 928,717 : so that, even allowing the Deficiency of the Baptismal Register not to be greater than of the Burial Register, more than Two-thirds of the Increase is established upon incontrovertible grounds. Again, in the period between the Enumerations of 1811 and 1821, the Increase of Popu- lation in England and Wales appears to have been 1,828,000; while a comparison of Registered Baptisms and Burials gives an apparent Increase of 1,245,000, or rather more than Two-thirds of the actual Increase. This similarity of result seems to prove, that the Enumeration of 1801 was no more defective, as compared with that of 1811, than the Enumeration of 1811 is to that of 1821. The annual excess of Unentered Baptisms over Unentered Burials is estimated at 13,561, in answer to the third question put to every officiating minister ; but three times this number, after making every allowance, would scarcely reconcile the Parish Register Abstract with the actual Increase, as resulting from the three successive Enumeration Abstracts. But that the Register of Baptisms is much more deficient than that of Burials has already been shown, although it does not seein possible to ascertain (by direct evidence) in what degree one Deficiency exceeds the other. The proximate causes of the Increase of Population in Great Britain, are obviously the diminished Rate of Mortality, and the increasing Number of Children born; the first of these causes has been already adverted to, and the Remarks on the Schedules, in answer to the 6th Question, assign many local causes of Increased Population, and are briefly inserted in the Notes whenever any remarkable Increase appears really to have taken place. The instances of Diminished Population are very few, and almost always noticed. The Remarks which state the Increase of Population to have resulted from the operation of the Poor Laws, are too frequent for distinct insertion; they suppose persons to inarry with a direct view of thereby obtaining a weekly allowance, or at least in reliance on that kind of resource in time of need; nor can it be denied, but that such an effect seems very natu- rally to follow from the compulsory nature of the Relief afforded to the Poor in England; and it is quite certain, that whenever employment is scarce, the married man will have a preference, lest he should be constrained to apply to the Overseer for gratuitous aid. But there is reason to suspect that the Poor Laws are much less conducive to an Increase of Population than they are usually stated to be in argument, and in the Remarks on the Population Schedules ; because it must be recollected, that although in Scotland there is no Poor's Rate, the ratio of Increase since 1811 is nearly 16 per cent. upon the Resident Population; while in England it is no more than 18 per cent. (as computed upon the Resident Population of both Countries ;) a small difference, and such as probably would be expected, had Poor Rates equally, or not at all, existed in both Countries. A class of Remarks inore frequent in Scotland than in England, goes some length in accounting for the Increase of the Agricultural Population; not immediately from the prosperity of Agriculture during the first Twelve or Thirteen years of the present Century, but consequentially, from the disuse of Farm-house Servants (Male Servants especially) when the Master began to live in a very superior manner to his domestics, and the Mistress to dislike the trouble of providing for them. The dismissed Labourer in such cases could not but become a Cottager, and in his new situation could scarcely fail to become a Married Man. The Manufacturing Population is naturally on the Increase; not only as every short period of prosperity and increased wages produces imprudent Marriages, but also because in many Manufactures, Children are able to inaintain themselves at an early age, and so to entail little expense on their Parents, to the obvious encouragement of narriage. But this is not a proper place for going deeply into the causes of increasing Population; which may be deemed a solid good, or a dreadful evil, according to the circumstances of - the PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxxi the country in which it occurs. If a commensurate increase of Food and of Raiment can be produced by Agriculture and by Manufacture, an accession of Consumers in the home market cannot but be beneficial to all parties; and the Increase of Population in such case may be deemed equally desirable in itself, and conducive to National strength and National prosperity. Froin the Collection of Parish Registers it is not difficult to compute the Increase or Diminution of the Population of the several Counties of England and Wales during the last Century; from the Year 1801, the Enumerations furnish a much more authentic comparison, which also includes Scotland. In the Columns in the succeeding pages which exhibit these Comparative Statements, Seven other Colunins have been annexed, partly founded on a coinbination of the Abstracts of ENUMERATION and of PARISH REGISTERS contained in this Volume; partly exhibiting other particulars, deemed to be not irrelevant or useless in furtherance of such invesii- gations as usually cause reference to be made to the POPULATION ABSTRACT, and to these PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS arising froin it. 1 Jno Rickman, June, i822. xxxii IV.TABLE OF COMPARATIVE ENGLAND. POPULATION. COUNTIES 3. OF 1700. 1750. 1801. Increase 1811. 1821. percent. Increase per cent 18 - 10 BEDFORD - BERKS - - BUCKINGHAM CAMBRIDGE - CHESTER - CORNWALL - CUMBERLAND 72,600 122,300 121,600 104,500 234,600 223,900 138,300 DERBY - DEVON - DORSET DURHAN ESSEX - GLOUCESTER HEREFORD - HERTFORD - HUNTINGDON - - KENT - - LANCASTER - LEICESTER LINCOLN 48,500 74,700 80,500 76,000 107,000 105,800 62,300 93,800 248,200 90,000 95,500 159,200 155,200 60,900 70,500 34,700 153,800 166,200 80,000 180,000 624,200 39,700 210,200 119,500 118,000 65,200 79,000 16,600 101,600 195,900 118,700 117,200 152,700 154,900 91,400 96,600 28,600 153,900 88,200 MIDDLESEX - MONMOUTH • 53,900 92,700 90,700 72,000 131,600 135,000 86,900 109,500 272,200 96,400 135,000 167,800 207,800 74,100 86,500 32,500 190,000 297,400 95,000 160,200 641,500 40,600 215,100 123,300 141,700 77,600 92,400 13,800 130,300 224,500 137,500 160,000 156,800 207,100 107,400 140,000 36,300 168,400 108,000 85,500 117,200 361,500 65,500 112,800 111,000 92,300 198,100 194,500 121,100 166,500 354,400 119,100 165,700 234,000 259,100 92,100 100,800 38,800 317,800 695,100 134,400 215,500 845,400 47,100 282,400 136,100 162,300 145,000 113,200 16,900 172,200 282,800 226,900 247,100 217,400 278,000 164,600 215,100 43,000 191,200 143,900 144,000 160,500 582,700 85,400 134,700 136,800 124,400 275,500 262,600 159,300 217,600 447,900 147,400 211,900 295,300 342,600 105,300 132,400 49,800 434,600 1,074,000 178,100 288,800 1,167,500 72,300 351,300 165,800 203,000 190,700 139,800 18,900 210,300 362,500 289,000 347,900 276,000 406,700 237,700 280,000 52,400 226,600 188,200 194,300 187,400 815,400 13 - VLK 191,700 396,100 128,900 183,600 260,900 295,100 97,300 115,400 43,700 385,600 856,000 155,100 245,900 985,100 64,200 301,800 146,100 177,900 168,400 123,200 17,000 200,800 313,300 253,300 304,000 242,900 334,700 196,500 236,400 47,500 200,300 165,900 173,000 171,100 675,100 NORFOLK NORTHAMPTON NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM www OXFORD RUTLAND - - - SALOP (Shropshire) - SOMERSET - SOUTHAMPTON (Hampshire) STAFFORD SUFFOLK SURREY SUSSEX - - WARWICK - WESTMORLAND WILTS - - WORCESTER - YORK, East RIDING Dº - North RIDING - Dº - West Riding - II l I Z 96,200 12 10 98,600 236,700 14 ENGLAND WALES - - - - | - 1 5,108,500 366,500 6,017,700 8,609,000 449,300 559,000 6,467,000 i 9,168,000 9,870,300 632,200 16} 15} 16 11,486,700 731,800 13 5,475,000 141 10,502,500 12,218,500 REMARKS. Col. 4 & 5.-THE Population of Great Britain in the year part is added, the Army and Navy having decreased since 1811. 1811, as here ascribed to the several Counties, is less by 243,000 This tends to lessen the per Centage increase ascribed to the than in the Table (page viii) not more than Two thirds of the several Counties, between the years 1811 and 1821. Army, Navy, &c. at that time being supposed to be Natives of Great Britain ; the other third part of the Army and Navy be Col. 6.—The Area of the several Counties of England and ing attributed to Ireland and Foreign Countries, and a majority Wales, in Square Statute Miles, is here given as measured of the Seamen who then navigated Registered Vessels. On these upon Arrowsmith's large Map (date 1815-16) which being considerations no more than a Thirtieth part was added to the founded on the Trigonometrical Survey, is little liable to future Resident Population of each County for its share of the Army, alteration; and the measurement of it having been accomplished Navy, &c. and the same proportion is continued backward in by means of an actual Division of the Surface into Square Miles, the preceding Columns, 1, 2, & 3.—But to the Resident Popu scarcely admits of error as to the Area of England and Wales ; lation of Great Britain in the year 1821, no more than a Fiftieth nor would the Area of each County be less accurate supposing its ENUMERATION : AT: FIVE: PERIODS. xxiii - - - . . ENGLAND. COUNTIES - AREA in Square Miles (English.) Divisional | Meetings, or Petty Sessions. 8. Acting County Magis trates, g. 10. 11. 12. . Number of ANNUAL PROPORTIONS. Number Number of Parish of Population. Register | One 1 One One Returns, Baptisın Burial Marriage Parishes. 1821. 1821. toto Returns, OF 10 463 756 173 151 147 230 202 128 160 206 175 - - BEDFORD. BERKS. BUCKINGHAM. 240 131 145 144 126 11 167 176 504 go 128 136 CAMBRIDGE. CHESTER. CORNWALL. CUMBERLAND. 218 154 203 104 154 302 337 487 139 465 271 75 205 137 188 472 267 99 403 309 302 153 127 154 143 150 DERBY. DEVON. DORSET. DURHAM. ESSEX. GLOUCESTER. 188 406 740 858 1,052 1,327 1,478 1,026 2,579 1,005 1,061 1,532 1,256 860 528 370 1,537 1,831 804 2,748 282 431 179 439 041 - 136 225 339 219 132 193 - 170 132 179 281 150 107 446 HEREFORD. HERTFORD. HUNTINGDON. 95 22 98 168 411 402 KENT. 100 70 464 LANCASTER. LEICESTER. LINCOLN. 52 133 110 - - 203 259 623 201 127 216 629 197 138 106 200 39 MIDDLESEX. MONMOUTH. 498 125 348 745 239 158 751 346 534 269 154 731 694 136 306 2,092 1,017 1,871 837 298 100 217 236 88 212 NORFOLK. NORTHAMPTON. NORTHUMBERLAND. NOTTINGHAM. 134 145 133 307 752 OXFORD. 153 148 149 1,341 1,642 308 155 16 234 479 311 1,628 11 109 130 110 62 110 165 134 216 475 298 145 510 142 RUTLAND. SALOP (Shropshire.) SOMERSET. SOUTHAMPTON (Hampshire.) STAFFORD. SUFFOLK. SURREY. SUSSEX. 180 517 349 350 523 161 329 128 139 . . 502 144 11 148 310 302 1,148 1,5.12. 758 1,463 902 763 1,379 729 61 265 209 121 388 151 123 155 145 143 127 205 32 300 171 237 183 193 3.14 247 WARWICK. WESTMORLAND. WILTS. WORCESTER. - - YORK, East Riding. - - Dº - NORTII RIDING. - - Dº. WEST RIDING, 202 246 224 298 48 93 110 5,961 450 533 668 151 131 57 50,535 7,425 511 84 3,968 462 9,860 833 14,532 1,241 10,487 855 | 35 41 133 156 1 1 - - ENGLAND. |- - WALES. *. * For the several Counties of Wales, see the neat page. . 57,960 595 4,430 10,693 15,773 11,342 35 58 | 134 REMARKScontinued. its detached parts to be all known. Of such irregularities, Fifty- I measure 60,86-4 Fathoms (on the authority of General Mudge) three have been taken into account in these Calculations, and the Area of an English Square Mile to the Geographical Square those which remain undiscovered, are presumed to be of incon Mile is as 300 to 398. O. siderable dimensions, though perhaps not few in number. Most The English Square Mile contains 640 Statute Acres. of the detached parts are assessed in the County wherein they Scotland (with its Islands) is about equal to Ireland in Area, are locally situate. To convert the English Square Nile into and is Half as large as England and Wales; but in computing the a Measure applicable to the Maps of all Civilized Nations (for Area of Scotland in English Square Miles, it is right to mention that the purposes of comparison) it is only necessary to reckon it as the Scottish Mile is 5,952 English Feet, or (compared with the Three-fourths of the Area of the Square Geographical Mile; English Mile) as 9 to 8:-But it is rapidly falling into disuse. in other words, that Four English Square Miles are equal to. Three Geographical. This proportion may be deemed exact; Col. 8.-The Number of County Magistrates who have qua- for supposing a Degree of Latitude (between 51° and 52") to lified themselves to act, is considerably less than the Total of this 502. xxxir IV.-TABLE OF COMPARATIVE WA L E S. ΡοΡυΙΑΤΙΟ Ν. COUNTIES 2. 3. or 1700. 1750. 1801. 1811. 1821. Increase percent. Increase per cent. 20 35,000 ANGLESEY - - BRECON - - - CARDIGAN - . CARMARTHEN - CARNARVON DENBIGH - - - FLINT - . . . GLAMORGAN - - MERIONETH .. MONTGOMERY - - PEMBROKE - - RADNOR - - - - 22,800 27,200 25,300 49,700 24,800 39,700 19,500 49,700 23,800 27,400 41,300 15,300 26,900 29,400 32,000 62,000 36,200 46,900 29,700 55,200 30,900 32,700 44,100 69,600 43,000 62,400 41,000 74,000 30,500 49,300 58,200 19,700 38,300 39,000 52,000 79,800 51,000 66,400 48,100 88,000 32,000 53,700 62,700 21,600 46,000 44,500 59,000 92,000 59,100 78,000 54,900 103,800 35,100 61,100 75,500 23,500 37,000 44,800 19,200 Totals - 366,500 449,300 559,000 632,600 16 731,800 REMARKS continued. this Column, many of them acting for more than one County Col. 9. Parishes not being always conterminous with the or Jurisdiction. Those who act for the Isle of Ely are included County in which the Parish Church is situate, it is necessary to in Cambridgeshire; and the Justices acting for the Ainstey of remark, that 268 Parishes in England and Wales are known to the City of York, are included in the East Riding. One hundred extend into Two Counties, Two Parishes into Three Counties and eighty-three Cities and Towns have Magistrates who lay each; (for particulars the Abstract may be consulted) but the claim to an ercluside Jurisdiction ; but most of them exercise Parish is herein uniformly ascribed to the County in which only a concurrent Jurisdiction with the County Magistrates, and the Parish Church is situate. The Parish Churches in England some of them no Jurisdiction at all. and SCOTLAN D. - POPULATION. Number 101 of Number of Population Returns, 1821. SHIRES. 1801. 1811. Increase Parishes. 1821. OF Increase per cent. per cent. - 14 ABERDEEN ARGYLL - - - AYR - - - - BANFF - - - BERWICK - . AN - na 139,600 88,400 107,400 37,900 31,800 12,400 24,200 BUTE - - . CAITHNESS - CLACKMANNAN DUMBARTON - - 12,400 DUMFRIES EDINBURGH - - - ELGIN - - FIFE - - - FORFAR - - 127,200 74,300 87,100 37,000 31,600 12,200 23,400 11,200 21,400 56,400 127,100 27,600 96,900 102,400 31,000 76,800 27,200 6,900 30,200 A c A co coa na T 25,000 65,100 153,600 29,000 104,600 110,800 32,200 80,900 28,400 7,500 34,800 158,500 99,300 129,800 44,400 34,100 14,100 30,800 13,500 27,900 72,300 195,300 31,800 116,800 115,700 35,800 92,000 29,700 7,900 39,700 HADDINGTON 1 INVERNESS -- KINCARDINE - KINROSS - - - - KIRKCUDBRIGHT - 1 G 28 LANARK ENUMERATION AT FIVE PERIODS. XXXV WA L E S. 6. I 7. 18. 9. AREA Divisional | Acting Number in Square Meetings, County of Miles, l or Petty couny (English.) | Sessions. Magistrates. Parishes. 10. 11. 12. Number Number of ANNUAL PeoporTIONS : of Parish Population Register One One One Returns, Returns, | Baptism Burial | Marriage 1821. 1821. I to to COUNTIES to OF 271 146 754 120 ANGLESEY. - - BRECON. CARDIGAN. CARMARTHEN. 675 158 159 142 149 109 974 124 544 CARNARVON. DENBIGII. 154 633 244 792 ooooooooon 68 190 158 180 663 163 FLINT. - - GLAMORGAN. - - MERIONETH. - - MONTGOMERY. - - PEMBROKE. - - RADNOR. 92 160 839 610 141 159 158 75 426 21 52 52 159 7,425 84 462 833 1,241 855 41 156 - Totals. REMARKS-continued and Wales are no more than 10,458 in number, 139 Parishes | Parochial places, and Returns of Constabularies instead of being annexed to others as far as concerns the Offices of the | Townships, in some of the Northern Counties. Church, and 96 Parishes having no Church whatever, or none Col. 11.-This Column includes the Returns received from fit for Divine Service, Col. 10.-The Number of Places which separately and dis- 889 Chapelries. tinctly levy a Rate to maintain their own Poor is 14,640, Col. 12.–The Unentered Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, according to the Poor Return Abstract of 1815: the larger num mentioned in the Parish Register Abstract at the end of the ber of Returns under the Population Act, arises from Extra- several Counties, are included in these Computations. SCOT L A N D. POPULATION. Number of Number of Population Returns, 1821. SHIRES. or 1801. 1811. 1821. Parishes. Increase Increase per cent. per cent. LANARK 26 LINLITHGOW ... NAIRN ORKNEY and SHETLAND PEEBLES - - - PERTH - - - - - RENFREW - - ROSS and CROMARTY - ROXBURGH - - SELKIRK - - - - - STIRLING - - SUTHERLAND - 151,600 18,400 8,500 48,400 9,000 130,600 80,700 57,200 34,800 5,200 52,500 23,900 23,700 198,100 20,100 8,500 47,700 10,300 139,600 96,100 62,900 38,500 6,100 60,200 24,400 27,800 249,300 23,100 9,200 54,200 10,200 141,800 114,400 70,200 41,700 6,800 66,700 24,300 33,900 WIGTOWN TOTALS - 1,652,400 13 1,865,900 14 1 2,135,300 948 1,046 REMARK. TO the Resident Population in Scotland for the Years 1801 and 1811, One-thirtieth Part is here added for the probable proportion of Army and Navy; to the Resident Population of 1821, One-fiftieth Part is added. numeration Abstract - - - - - - - - page 1 to 551. (after which a new series of Folios commence, with) Parish Register abstract - - - - - - - page 1 to 160. Enumeration Abstract. 502. County of Bedford. HOUSES : PERSONS ; PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES OTHER . On TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how man Faniilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : | FAMI- FAMI- | ALL LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families eni- cd in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu thie Two AGRI. factures, I proced- orHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. CUL- 118 132 110 2 324 84 11 GOOC 311 221 913 635 450 2,039 447 352 BARFORD Hundred. BARFORD, Great - - - - Parish Colmworth - - - - - - Parish Eaton-Socon with Wyboston - Parish Goldington - - - - - - Parish Ravensden - - - - - - Parish Renhold - - - - - - - Parish Roxton - - . Parish Wilden - - - - - - - Parish 229 1,126 220 76 108 82 206 426 47 51 126 263 59 101 45 55 115 cocia +- O alma " I 176 137 164 278 216 259 231 340 537 447 57 71 992 1,117 902 70 2,446 2,691 5,137 1 47 11 25 52 69 54 1,336 99 123 2,778 448 459 18 13 1,442 63 151 34 117 BIGGLESWADE Hundred. Astwick - - - - - - - Parish Barford, Little - - - - - Parish | Biggleswade - . - - - - - Parish (with Holme and Stratton) - Hamlet Cockayne-Hatley - - - - Parish Dunton with Millo - - - - Parish Edworth - - - - - - - Parish Everton - - - - - - () Parish Eyworth - - - - - - - Parish Langford - - - - - - Parish Potton - - - - - - - Parish Sandy (part of) with Gritford (b) Parish Sutton - - - - - - Parish Tempsford - - - - - - Parish Wrestlingworth - - - - - Parish 68 20 20 20 53 25 24 37 wa mifum 22 66 45 lo 323 308 13 103 298 150 63 100 II" 1901-I 23 130 324 162 63 120 91 118 177 102 771 332 87. 154 111 631 1,498 1,178 369 577 400 727 605 573 11 60 174 195 269 103 308 189 81 56 3 211 1,426 1,565 1,027 130 4,197 4,257 8,454 114 292 103 69 270 204 206 562 410 618 126 133 296 30 10 322 26 10 56 108 253 CLIFTON Hundred. Arlsey - - - - - - - Parish Campton - - - - - (bb) Parish Shefford - - - - - - Hamlet Chicksands - - - - - Extra Par. Clifton - - - - - - () Parish Henlow - - - - - - - Parish Holwell - - - - - Parish Meppershall - - - - - - Parish Shitlington (part of) - - (d) Parish Holywell - - - - - - Hamlet Stondon, Lower - - - - Hamlet Stondon, Upper - - - - - Parish Stotfold - - - - - - - Parish 96 120 26 136 230 324 364 89 ITIM!!!!!! - 90 80 will IIIIIINNN 199 236 27 65 198 234 23 483 688 179 397 470 50 135 33 o 70 19 123 333 360 693 865 | 966 666 2,344 | 2,430 4,774 122 100 326 342 +- 139 76 pod 205 174 668 379 888 172 56 145 92 176 co 401 437 104 95 110 501 127 254 287 III Lomond and I 281 FLITT Hundred. Barton in the Clay - - - - Parish Caddington (part of) - - () Parish with Market St. (part of) - - Hamlet Clophill - - - - - - - Parish (Flitton - - (f) Townsh. Flitton Par. de Silsoe - - - Hamlet Gravenhurst, Lower - - - Parish Gravenhurst, Upper - - - Parish Haynes - - - - - - - Parish Higham-Gobion - - - - - Parish | Hyde, East & West - - Hamlet Luton Leegrave, or Lightgrave Hamlet Par: Limbury cum Biscott - Hamlet (8) Luton - - - - - Town (Stopsley - - • - Hamlet l 33 30 orico e colorco oo 568 63 291 137 154 147 mondo i 122 381 394 47 775 86 l 261 53 139 39 247 143 135 1,387 234 508 282 276 2,986 I 49 141 52 155 80 TOT 558 88 426 1,599 15 243 477 (a) Tetworth, part of the joint Parish of Everton with Tetworth, is in Toseland Hundred (Huntingdonshire) and there entered. ) The entire Parish of Sandy with Gritſord, including Beeston in Wixantree Hundred, contains 1,392 Inhabitants...(bb) The entire Parish of Campton contains 1,028 Inhabitants. Several Females employed in making Straw-plat and Lace., form part of families attributed herein to Agriculture, from the occupation of the Males of the family. This observation applies very generally in this County.- (4) Shitlington Parish is partly Clifton Hundred. ) Part of Caddington, including part of Market Street Humlet, is in Dacoruin Hundred (Hertfordshire) and there entered; the entire Purish contains 1,549 Inhabitants - (º) The joint Parish of Flitton with Silsoe contains 1,069 Inhabitants. 3) The entire Parish of Luton contains 4,529 Inhabitants. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. - COUNTY OF BEDFORD-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS. FANI PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR By how mary Families Fa- MILIES chiefly em- ployed TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbubited. OF Un-Inhabited. Building. IIES chiefly OTHER Employ- Families ed in not com- TRADE, I prized in Manu- the Two factures, preced- orHandi- ling craſt. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupie Agri. CUL- TURE. 238 237 FLITT Hundred-continued. Palloxhill - - - - - - Parislı Shitlington (part of) - - - () Parish Streatley - - - - - - - Parish with Sharpenhoe - - - - Hamlet Sundon - - - - - - - Parish 256 238 142 194 475 494 309 167 193 387 1,860 2,159 15 25 1,360 664 5,008 158 21 436 86 21 162 27 151 ვნა 165 118 24 110 145 many i la l 358 412 65 352 1,004 329 64 848 151 710, 1,831 816 870 827 157 168 100 135 416 400 460 410 l 78 82 58 199 398 73 198 199 195 28 10 240 102 34 627 170 12 247 102 566 656 532 119 393 62 1,283 572 2,749 237 302 301 1,414 271 1,335 124 156 2 MANSHEAD Hundred. Aspley-Guise - - - - • Parish Battleden - - - - - - Parish Chalgrave - Parish Dunstable - Parish Eaton-Bray - - - - - - Parish Eversholt - - - - - - Parish Harlington - - - - - - Parish Hocklifle - - - - - Parish Holcutt - - - - - - - Parish Houghton-Regis - - Parish Husborn-Crawley - - - - Parish Leighton-Buzzard Township Leighton- Billington - - Chapelry Buzzard Eggington - - Chapelry Parish (h) Heath & Reach(+) Chapelry (Standbridge - Chapelry Milton-Bryant. - - - - - Parish Potsgrove - - - - - - Parish Salford - - - - - - - Parish Studham (Humbershoe • • Hamlet (part of) Market St. (part of) Hamlet Parish) (Studham .- - - Hamlet Tilsworth - - - - - - Parish Tingrith - - - - - - - Parish Toddington - - - - - - Parish Totternhoe - - - - - - Parish Westoning - - - - - - Parish Whipsnade - - - - - - Parish Woburn - - - - Parish 49 48 58 46 146 vionari III A N N N N TITIWILI OTOT I found 345 381 726 l m till 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 407 193 162 83 184 346 183 145 165 100 167 198 312 363 79 94 50 25 346 133 - 84 329 854 *173 246 155 1,665 450 634 199 1,656 113 71 811 219 307 102 763 94 1 125 231. 327 1 157 39 358 97 37 310 1 311 888 1 14 1,898 1,330 611 9,040 9,697 18,737 112 162 239 687 560 251 840 593 297 241 248 320 3,569 3,839 REDBORNESTOKE Hundred. Ampthill - - - - - - - Parish 2951 323 Cranfield - - - - - - - Parish 1 166 Elstow - - - - - Parish 102 109 Flitwick - - - - - - - Parisli 92 107 Houghton-Conquest Parish 142 145 Kempston - - - - - - Parish 273 330 Lidlington - - - - - - Parish 137 166 Marston-Moretaine Parish 172 Maulden - - - - - - Parish 195 223 Millbrook - Parish 76 Ridgmont - - - - - - Parish 161 Steppingley - - - - - - Parish Wilshampstead - - - - - Parish 100 Wootton - - - - - - Parish 178 207 748 I AM W NICH IACO Ii Men i colorin 111 100 163 331 671 342 442 473 179 397 457 wao now on CLAA 1,527, 1,153 548 489 651 1,419 739 899 1,017 405 810 323 749 944 544 212 193 391 165 140 64 419 56 90 73 156 372 167 377 181 493 451 2,135 2,446 20 28 1,713 | 546 187 5,610 6,063 11,673 42 135 STODDEN Hundred. Bolnburst - - - - - - Parish Clapham - - - - - - (k) Parish Dean, Nether and Upper - - Parish Keysoe - - - - - - - Parish Knotting - - - - - - - Parish 264 204 38 33 / 99 118 27 1 42 101 124 ܟܝܘ ܝܕ ܟܬ ܟܨ mooool 102 244 129 102 235 340 479 115 309 649 ܙ 75 135 (d) Shitlington Parish is partly in Clifton Hundred, partly in Flitt | Parish, part of which Parish is in Dacorum Hundred (Herts) and there Hundred; the entire Parish contains 1,149 Inhabitants. The entered; the entire Parish of Studbam contains 774 Inliabitants.com entire Parish of Leighton-Buzzard contains 4,421 Inhabitants. (k) The Parishes of Clapham, Milton-Ernest, and Oakley, form (near () Market Street is partly in Caddington Parish (Flitt Hundred); partly | Bedford) a detached Portion of the Hwdred of Stodden. in Flamstead Parish, Dacorum Hundred (Herts); partly in Studham | M.DCCC.XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF BEDFORD_-continuech HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : Fabio PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR ΤΟΤΑΣ By how many Families Oc- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly to OTHER chiefly Families employ- em- ed in not com- in Manu- "s the Two AGRI- ! factures | preced- or Handi ing TURE. craft. Classes. ployed Building OR | TRADE. I prized in FEMALES. NALES. upied. PERSONS. 52 134 211 242 162 244 364 486 11 STODDEN Hundred-a-continued. Melchbourn • - - - - Parish Milton-Ernest - - - - () Parish Oakley - - - - - - (b) Parish Pertenhall - - - - - - Parish Risley - - - - - - - Parish Shelton - - - - Parish Staughton, Little - Parish Tilbrook - - - - - - - Parish Yielding, or Yelden - - - Parish Tico I ANTII 110 153 244 162 387 69 201 145 136 324 790 403 23 129 77 60 205 152 56 40 406 297 279 143 966 1,037 12 11805 2,457 2,593 5,050 202 230 141 191 191 153 157 iB D C CON 238 393 38:3 298 429 121 73 54 ' 35 14 118 104 222 83 WILLEY Hundred. Biddenham - - - - - - Parish Bletsoe - - - - - - - Parish Bromham - - Parish Carlton • - Parish Chellington - 1) Parish Farndish - - Parish Felmersham - (m) Parish Radwell - - - - - - Hamlet Harrold - - - - - - - Parish Odell - - Parish Pavenham - Parish Puddington - - - - - - Parish Sharnbrook - - - - - - Paristi Souldrop - - - - - - Parish Stagsden - - Parish Stevington - - - - - - Parish Thurleigh - Parish Turvey - - - - - - (n) Parish Wynington - - - - - - Parish 194 85 515 211 424 75 La la IIIIIIIIIIIII IN NIIIIIler i norsk i cili 237 85 105 110 146 132 168 939 439 455 581 691 223 542 485 237 304 357 126 285 37 202 218 277 334 97 257 235 232 395 120 56 85 113 103 93 250 132 130 114 200 58 1 l, ő iawnow w Soos 245 487 882 262 52 53 142 1,499 8 i 14 3,848 4,215 8,063 109 540 87 111 256 197 274 294 262 199 284 208 332 294 262 405 606 588 102 131 120 Il all I + IIa WIXAMTREE Hundred. Blunham - - - - - (°) Parish Moggerhanger - - - • Hamlet Cardington - - - - - (P) Parish East-Cotts - - - - Chapelry Cople - .- - - - - - Parish Northill (including Ickwell) - (9) Parish Thorncote, Hatch, Brookend, u, Hamlet Budnor, and part of Beeston * Upper and Lower Caldicotts - Hamlet Old Warden - - - - - Parish Sandy (part of) ( ) Par. :-Beeston Hamlet Southill Dawn (Broom - - Hamlet " Southill - Township Stanford - - Hamlet Willington - - - - - - Parish 524 391 192 114 127 241 369 62 Tio A croroonan con ote 182 100 121 341 670 187 329 107 108 38 46 39 46 107 118 314 Paris 108 142 368 214 226 682 257 286 45 122 50 58 46 135 140 146 1,026 1,226 101 2,939 | 3,060 5,999 130 64 27 248 BEDFORD Borough. Cuthbert, St. - - - - - John, St. - - - - - - Mary, St. - - - - - - Paul, St... - Peter, St. - - . . . 142 78 330 578 13 182 352 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 137 146 locos 61 176 170 349 1,484 245 459 1,591 898 3,075 609 134 723 153 501 62 68 408 653 1,074 | 1,242 750 1 3451 2,490 2,970 1 5,466 - (*) The Parishes of Clapham, Milton-Ernest, and Oakley, form (near contains 945 Iuhabitants.----(") The entire Parish of Cardington con- Bedford) a detached Portion of the Hundred of Stodden. () The tains 1,194 Inhabitants. East-Cutts includes Cotton-End, Harrowden, Parishes of Carlton and Chillington were heretofore much interinixed; and Fenlake ') The entire Parish of Northill contains 1,001 Inha- but since the year 1801, a distinct Boundary has been established under bitants. () Most part of Sandy Parish is in Biggleswade Hundred, the authority of au Inclosure Act.- (m) The entire Parish of Feliner- and there entered. ) The entire Parish of Southill contains 1,165 sham contains 390 Inbabitants. One Female upwards of 100 years | Inhabitants. of age in the Parish of Turvey:- O The entire Parish of Blunham ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration; COUNTY OF BEDFORD-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD. P - HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMIO ALL HUNDREDS, FAMI- LIES By LIES chiefly TOTAL &c. Inhabited. OT bow many Families Oc. cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OTHER chiefly employ. Families ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, ſprized in in Manu. | the Two AGRI- \factures, preced- CUL- or Handi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 1 no 6 6 7 130 902 1,027 666 1,360 145 408 242 664 2,446 4,197 2,344 5,008 9,040 135 992 992 1,117 1,426 1,565 865 966 1,860 2,159 3,569 3,839 2,135 2,446 966 1,037 1,499 1,776 1,026 1,226 1,898 Hundred of BARFORD - - • BIGGLESWADE CLIFTON - - FLITT - - - MANSHEAD - - REDBORNESTOKE STODDEN - - WILLEY - - - WIXAMTREE - Borough Town of BEDFORD - - - - - - Totals --- 2,691 4,257 2,430 5,355 9,697 6,063 2,593 4,215 3,060 5,137 8,454 4,774 10,363 18,737 11,673 5,050 8,063 5,999 1,713 5,610 805 546 180| 355 2,457 103 3,848 918 101 2,939 1,074 1,242 | 17 | 13 | 750 345 2,496 2,970 5,466 147 15,412 17,373 105 202 10,754 4,827 1,792 40,385 43,331 83,716 Ayes of Persons. M A L E S. Under Hundred of TOTAL. 3. lo 430 236 387 208 55 690 330 562 492 216 625 234 427 223 529 329 661 1,262 536 BARFORD BIGGLESWADE - CLIFTON - FLITT MANSHEAD REDBORNESTOKE STODDEN WILLEY . - WIXANTREE 469 291 471 307 609 1,153 657 281 440 332 394 780 1,426 905 395 598 910 153 385 245 197 134 319 860 593 485 210 314 | 253 276 110 199 83 103 55 236 112 361 191 265 132 124 216 106 ללך 371 733 1,294 769 371 616 452 398 966 628 246 374 315 246 413 166 316 545 248 400 2,446 4,197 2,334 5,013 9,056 5,611 2,437 3,829 2,929 2,529 56 484 495 372 272 183 BEDFORD, TOWN 331 302 332 281 239 196 136 Total of MALES - 16,444 5,395 4,873 4,255 6,016 4,069 3,643 2,655 (1,893 915 208 40,381 TOTAL 40 427 53 554 190 17 261 619 626 Vi Qori e 1,380 857 461 FEM A L E S. Under 16 20 Hundred i to to 10 15 20 ) 30 50 of BARFORD 376 315 250 454 297 233 170 101 2,689 BIGGLESWADE - 707 455 441 707 445 396 249 92 4,254 CLIFTON - - 405 297 274 428 245 220 146 111 42 12 2,441 FLITT 789 695 597 902 457 301 241 105 5,354 MANSHEAD 1,228 999 1,071 1,734 1,127 582 193 9,691 REDBORNESTOKE - 935 741 638 621 1,037 550 432 269 125 6,063 STODDEN 395 347 260 274 284 184 129 2,584 WILLEY - 574 489 375 403 760 508 312 225 | 135 30 4,241 WIXANTREE - - 469 408 321 330 515 264 214 | 130 52 22 | 3 3,062 BEDFORD, TOWN 329 308 299 589 218 | 148 76 14 2,937 Total of FEMALES - 16,410 5,434 4,551 4,560 7,538 4,923 3,917 2,808 2,005 924 232 | 13 | 1 43,316 THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Bedford being ... 83,716, ... and the Number of Persons whose ages are returned (as above) being ... 83,697, ... it thence appears, that the ages of almost all the persons therein enumerated have been olitained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Bedford, was 147, every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, or incorrect in the respective numbers of Malcs and Females. 681 412 232 52 334 376 299 281 i M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Berks. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL inany Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OP Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- | ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Mamu- the Two AGRI- | factures. preced- CUL JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS - cupied. C 148 79 136 355 BEYNHURST Hundred. BISHI AM - - - - - - Parish Hurley - - - Parish Remenham - - - - - Parish Shottesbrook - - - - - - Parish White-Waltham - - - - - Parish 352 133 196 222 72 82 17 / 26 127 | 161 540 met cocoon ca 37 178 707 1,065 380 135 525 202 72 397 21 63 103 ons 398 795 545 639 3 15 376 162 | 101 1,534 1,548 3,082 100 35 86 BRAY Hundred. | Bray - - - Division Bray Parish) Maidenhead (b) Division (a) Touchen - - Division (Water-Oakley - Division 221 234 63 105 210 187 147 92 SI 496 472 384 246 465 473 394 229 961 945 778 475 156 120 28 106 81 13 12 636 717 5 1,598 1,561 3,159 43 215 112 CHARLTON Hundred. Barkham - - - - - - - Parish Finchamstead - - - - - Parish Hurst - - - - Parochial Chapelry Whistley Hurst - • - () Liberty Shinfield, East side - • (d) Parish Sonning Parish ():-Early - Liberty Swallowfield (part of) - - () Parish 552 88 272 423 174 847 127 280 424 297 228 188 107 wwo i Aa 282 579 447 219 159 347 514 592 105 50 1,544 1,443 2,987 143 293 COMPTON Hundred. Aldworth - - - - - - - Catmere - - - - - - - Chilton - - Compton - - Farnborough - - - - - - Ilsley, East - - - - - - Ilsley, West - - - - - - 51 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 50 14 50 100 47 119 229 42 116 230 ca I + 1 + odarow ico 150 47 113 252 103 335 107 482 55 107 125 86 341 165 210 676 328 84 163 464 496 399 13 1,144 | 1,163 | 2,307 COOKHAM Hundred. (8) Binfield - - - - - - - Cookham - - - - - - - Sunninghill - - - - - - 116 106 Parish Parish Parish | 202 509 225 243 614 Gaa 259 21 100 37 535 1,344 572 1,057 2,734 1,125 1,390 553 230 58 1,087 158 2,451 | 2,465 4,916 62 151 162 289 313 274 563 450 214 ივნ vero A 239 225 464 22A 248 584 181 579 936 FAIRCROSS Hundred. Beedon - - - - - - - Parish 60 Boxford - - - - - - - Parish 1108 with Westbrook - - - (b) Tything Bright-Waltham - - - Parish Brimpton - - - - - - Parish Chieveley - - - - - (i) Parish Leckhamstead - - - Chapelry Winterbourn - - - - Chapelry Frilsham - (+) - - - - Parish Hampstead-Norris - - - - Parish Newbury Parish (K):-Sandleford Priory Peasemore - - - - - - Parish 161 Shaw cum Donnington - - - Parish 111 Speen P. S Speenhamland - - Tything 158 (0) Woodspeen & Bagnor Townsh. Stanford-Dingley - - - - Parish 28 1,163 76 358 74 - OOIIIIIIIIIII 171 177 150 81 321 42 223 go 565 171 1,111 546 148 17. 284 118 TA 0o-icon 258 531 136 273 381 302 437 292 142 142 818 594 135 67 68 (1) The entire Parish of Bray contains 3,159 Inhabitants.- ) The ) Swallowfield Parish is mostly in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts); the town of Maidenhead is partly in the Parish of Bray, partly in the Parish entire Parish contains 983 Inhabitants. (6) Bracknell, part of the of Cookham; One Female upwards of 100 years of age in Maiden Hundred of Cookham, is included in the Return of Easthampstead (Rip- head. The Parochial Chapelry of Hurst is partly in Sonning plesmere Hundred.) (h) The Tything of Westbrook is in kintbury. Hundred, partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts); the entire Parish con- | Eagle Hundred, but the entire Parish of Boxford is included in this Re- tains 2,0gi Inhabitants. (d) The West side of the Parish of Shinfield | turn. (i) The entire Parish of Chieveley (which includes the Tythings is in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts), and another portion of the Parish is of Oare, Courage, and Snelsmore,) contains 1,842 Inhabitants. k) The in Theale Hundred (Berks); the entire Parish contains 1,065 Inha Town of Newbury is entered at the end of the County, The Pa- bitants.-) Sonning Parish is mostly in Sonning Hundred. I rish of Speen is partly in Kintbury-Eagle Hundred. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF BERKS—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL en. EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Up-Inhabited. FAM FAMI- ALT. LIES LIES chiefly Other chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. in 18 57 461 486 171 947 158 329 13 13 68 26 177 39 37 554 108 31 504 122 1,058 230 - 1 1,342 332 4,980 4,945 9,925 147 306 159 1,150 397 1,121 149 2,271 271 FAIRCROSS Hundred-continued. Thatcham Greenham - (m) Chapelry Parish (Midgham - - Chapelry Wasing - - - - - - - Parish Welford • - - - - - (") Parish 197 207 Yattendon - - - - - - Parish| 43 45 1,881 2,064 | 20 FARRINGDON Hundred. Barrington, Great - - - Parish Coxwell, Great - - - - - Parish Farringdon, Great (part of (P) Parish Coxwell, Little - - - Township Hospital - - - - (P) Tything Inglesham - - - - • (9) Parish Langford (part of) - - - Parish Farringdon, Little - - Tything Shilton - - - - - - () Parish 655 752 GANFIELD Hundred. Buckland with Carswell - Paris 151 | Hatford - - - - - - - Parish 24 Hinton-Waldrist - - - - Parish 46 Longworth (part of) - - () Parish Charney - - - - - Chapelry Pewsey - - - - - - - Parish 21 Shillingford - - - - - - Parish Stanford-in-the-Vale (part of) (4) Parish 151 Illegar 387 216 81 141 171 59 115 140 46 40 11 256 I wo 442 1,855 1,776 3,631 11 173 141 430 26 463 70 153 262 62 162 893 132 315 537 98 275 col para con la 49 co i nervoon 127 60 243 54 08 67 116 62 139 387 1,633 132 385 122 271 772 156 119 34 594 541 1,652 3,285 III o IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA III w I co il coli TITI NI 38 70 16 261 508 HORMER Hundred. Abingdon - - - - (V) Borough Aldates, St.ſGrampound, or } Tything Parish (Ⓡ) Grand-pont - Bagley-Wood - - - - Extra-P. Besselsleigh - - - - - - Parish Botley - - - Tything Bradley - - - Tything Chawley - - Tything Chilswell Liberty Cumner Cumner Township Parish ( Henwood - Tything Hill-end - - Tything Stroud - - Tything Swinford - Tything Whitley - - Tything ( Wootton - Chapelry (Barton - - - - Helen, St. Pumney - - - Farm Parish Norcott - - - Township (Y) Sandford - - Township Shippon - - Township Hinksey, North - • Parish Hinksey, South - - - - - Parish Radley - - - - (2) Parish Kennington - - - - Township Thruppwick - - - - Liberty 102 . 1 Ano no III, 10 il mio IIII w 1 I HITAI IIIIIII QR 100 - II 166 310 14 4 50 71 100 138 69 196 216 82 14 182 142 412 171 30 (a) No Return appears to have been received from Greenham | 638 Inhabitants. ) Shilton Parish is partly in Bampton Hundred Chapelry in the year 1811; it was then supposed to be included in (Oxfordshire), but the entire Parish is included in this Return the Return of the rest of Thatchain Parish (Reading Hundred.) Longworth Parish is partly in Ock Hundred. The entire Parisb con- (n) The Parish of Welford extends into Kintbury-Eagle Hundred; but tains 974 Inhabitants. (u) Stanford-in-the-Vale Parish, is partly in the entire Parish is included in this Return. The Parish of Great Ock Hundred. The entire Parish contains 931 Inhabitants. The Barrington is mostly in Slaughter Hundred (Gloacestershire) and there Borough of Abingdon is entered at the end of the County.- ) The entered. It is remarked, on the Schedule returned from Great Tything of Grampound is included in the Return of St. Aldates (City of Farringdon, that the Poor Laws tend to the increase of Population, Oxford.)-no(*) The entire Parish of Cumner contains 1,303 Inhabi- The Tything of Hospital, heretofore returned in Farringdon Hundred, tants. The Parish of St. Helens forms the chief part of the Borough is now included with Wadley, in Shrivenham Hundred. The entire of Abingdon, which is entered at the end of the County. Barton and Parish of Farringdon contains 2,784 Inhabitants. (9) Inglesham Parish | Purney are detached farms, not attributable to any particular Town. is mostly in Highworth Hundred (Wilts) and there entered. ) Lang- ship. () The entire Parish of Radley contains about 500 Inhabitants, ford Parish is locally situate in Oxfordshire. The entire Parish contains 1 part of the Township of Kennington being in the Parish of Sunningwell. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. 2. COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES chiefly OR TOTAL By how many Families OC- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OP Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMIC FAMI- ALL LIES chiefly | OTIIER employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADB. (prized in int Manu-' the Two Agri factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. Building. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. HORMER Hundred.--continued. Seacourt - - - - - - - Parish Sunningwell - - - - - (a) Parish Wytham - - - - - - - Parish 15 148 14 129 112 29 277 42 44 129 241 587 629 548 1,697 | 1,557 3,254 38 39 77 83 209 448 167 55 38 45 198 182 122 148 90 69 268 489 96 108 105 141 399 98 141 156 641 219 247 293 Ic IIIAIIIIIIII KINTBURY-EAGLE Hundred. (6) Avington - - - - - - Parish Chaddleworth with Woolley - Parish Enborne - - - - - - - Parish Fawley with Whatcombe - - Parish Hampstead-Marshall - - - Parish Hungerford - - - - - () Parish Eddington with Hiddon - Tything Sandon-Fee - - - - Tything Inkpen - - - - - - - Parish Kintbury - - - - - (+) Parish Letcomb-Bassett - - - - Parish Letcomb-Regis - - - - (d) Parish Challow, East - - - Chapelry Challow, West - - - Chapelry Shalbourn (part of) - - - () Parish Shefford, East - - - - - Parish Shefford, West - - - - - Parish Speen Parish ſBenham - - Tything () (Church Speen - Tything Woodhay, West - - - - - Parish 202 227 324 53 105 349 212 304 1,130 421 474 617 1,763 280 289 185 121 - 5 Loivono co v5 Woci 896 867 52 49 138 84 87 142 197 128 191 -388 56 128 256 156 36 36 84 72 114 101 15 272 259 531 34 15 118 59 490 98 25 244 191 246 189 380 116 304 296 600 22 28 70 74 144 1,721 2,033 1,356 312 4,533 14,546 | 9,079 637 Lam- | East LAMBOURN Hundred. Garston, East - - - - (5) Parish | Blagrave and Hadley - Tything Eastbury and Bock- bourn { nampton - - }Tything Parish - Lambourn, Upper - - Tything (Lambourn, Chipping Township 330 235 215 307 216 183 85 co E-LIW 451 398 354 1,096 54 188 166 208 551 545 497 650- 484 148 1 1,519 1,417 2,936 15 38 1001 IC a Nord nodi lol 01 I hodina 23 171 175 335 1.66 337 onovi 180 351 Hamlet 73 355 686 154 215 104 MORETON Hundred. Allhallows Parish (i) Clapcot - - - Liberty Ashamstead - - - - - - Parish Aston-Tirrold - - - - - Parish Bassildon - - - - - - - Parish Blewberry) Upton and Not- Parish (k) 1 Liberty [ tingham-Fee - Brightwell - - - - - - Parish Dudcote - - - - - - - Parish Garston, East - - . - (8) Parisb Hagborne, Hagborne, East - Liberty Parish ( ) | Hagborne, West - Liberty Harwell - - - - - - - Parish Moreton, North - - - - - Parish Moreton, South - - - - - Parish Moulsford - - - - - - Parish Sotwell - - - - - Parish Streatley - - Parish Wallingford - - - - -(m) Borough 111 276 270 546 106 197 250 274 90 524 184 A A A Cow I w 94 343 358 701 157 191 181 183 348 364 176 145 32 83 93 1 w mo il mondo 79 115 121 275 315 590 1,242 964 175 103 2 ,796 | 2,764 | 5,560 (9) Sunningwell Parish contains part of the Township of Kennington. , cross Hundred. The entire Parish of Speen contains 2,392 Inhabitants. O Part of Boxford Parish is ia Kintbury-Eagle Hundred, but the (5) The Parish of East Garston is partly in Moreton Hundred, entire Parish is entered in Faircross Hundred; Leverton is also in this partly in Wantage Hundred ; but the entire Parish is entered in Lam- Hundred, but is included in the Return of Chilton Foliot Parish, Kin bourn Hundred. ) The entire Parish of Lamboum contains 2,299 wardstone Hundred (Wilts.) The entire Parish of Jungerford Inhabitants.- ) Allhallows Parish is mostly in the Borough of Walling- contains 2,025 Inhabitants. (di The entire Parish of Letcomb-Regis ford. (k) Blewberry Parish is mostly in Reading Hundred. contains 800 Inhabitants. (O) Part of the Parish of Shalbourn is in I (") The entire Parish of Hagborne contains 708 Inhabitants. (m) The Kinwardstone Hundred (Wilts), and there entered. The entire Parish Borough of Wallingford is entered at the end of the County. contains 941 Inhabitants. The Parish of Speen is partly in Fair- ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF BERKS - continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- FAMI- | Ву оп TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. OF Un-Inbabited. Building ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed iz notcom- ployed TRADI, prized in Manu. (the T'wo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL• lorHandi- ing craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. TURE. 162 142 III 47 38 103 268 230 199 208 304 85 498 407 133 327 194 61 72 156 62 171 43 98 96 156 429 829 '6A I OCK Hundred. Appleton - - - - - () Parish Eaton - - - - - - Township Drayton - - - - - - - Parish Fyfield - - - - - - - Parish Hanney, West, Par:() Lyford Chapelry Kingston-Bagpuze - - - - Parish Longworth, Par:(P) DraycotMoore, Ham. Marcham - . . . - (9) Parish Frilford - - - - - Township Garford - - - - - Chapelry Milton - - - - - - - Parish Stanford-in-the-Goosey and Vale, Par:() | Circourts ything Steventon - - - - - - Parish Sutton-Courtney - - - (5) Parish Appleford - - - - - Chapelry Sutton-Wick - - - - Township Tubney - - - - - - - Parish Wittenham, Little - - - - Parish Wittenham, Long - - - - Parish 103 152 192 421 83 91 had lo loco 1 7 w I w II l liorer - Dicono Low 33 35 76 159 122 112 326 326 652 105 369 769 166 36 35 78 40 32 114 400 83 103 62 53 243 2. 25 76 161 217 138 107 496 24 23 54 253 107 102 14 1,245 (1,354 1,091 207 56 3,108 3,133 1 6,241 80 58 208 229 437 130 109 285 287 125 183 184 248 200 555 588 209 154 485 490 1 Ang i 572 1,143 975 276 121 1 22 nn 154 18 READING Hundred. Beenham - - - - - - Parish Blewberry (part of) - - -() Parish Bucklebury - - - - - - Parish Cholsey - - - - - - (4) Parish Giles, St. Par: () Whitley (+) Hamlet Mary, St. Par: (W) Southcot - Tything Pangbourn - - - - - - Parish Reading - - - - - (*) Borough Stratfield-Say, Par: Beech-Hill (Y) Tyth. Sulhampstead-Abbotts (part of) (2) Parish Graisley - - - - - - Tything Thatcham (part of) - - - () Parish Tilehurst - - - - - - - Parish 85 110 WNIIIIIIIII 346 703 129 138 vw to No. 274 279 85 2,401 14 20 145 141 48 1,208 922 37 468 489 314 365 233 1,193 838 353 1,760 1,652 1,862 1,327 | 394 141 4,545 | 4,481 9,026 364 112 | 292 RIPPLESMERE Hundred. Clewer - - - - - - - Parish Easthampstead - - - - (b) Parish Winkfield (with Ascot) - - - Parish Windsor - - - - - - () Borough 04 489 135 328 103 22 1,055 319 829 osco! 1,060 296 847 2,115 615 1,676 288 1 191 80 57 756 952 406 394 152 12,203 | 2,203 4,406 do 250 248 498 77 SHRIVENHAM Hundred. Ashbury (part of) - - -(d) Parish Idstone - - - - - - Tything Odstone - - - - - - Tything Buscot - - - - - - - Parish Coleshill - - - - - (dd) Parish Compton-Beauchamp - - - Parish Eaton-Hastings - - - - - - Parish i 154 31 19 III - lai 77 12 213 I w IIIIN 208 166 421 Rio 158 A 324 103 178 () The entire Parish of Appleton contains 389 Inhabitants. | is situated near Wallingford. The Parish of Saint-Giles forms The Parish of West-Hanney is mostly in Wantage Hundred, and part of the Borough of Reading. (W) The Parish of Saint Mary there entered with the Township of East-Hanney ; although part of the forms part of the Borough of Reading. (*) The Borough of Reading last inentioned place is in Ock Hundred, and in the year 1811 made a | is entered at the end of the County.my) The Parish of Stratfield-Say distinct Return. The Parish of Longworth is mostly in Ganfield is mostly in Holdshott Hundred (Hants). The Tything of Becch-Hill is Hundred (9) The entire Parish of Marcham contains 1,173 Inha locally situated in Charlton Hundred. (2) The entire Parish of Sul- bitants.- - () The Parish of Stanford-in-the-Vale is mostly in Canfield hampstead-Abbotts contains 364 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish · Hundred. ) The entire Parish of Sutton-Courtney contains 1,147 of Thatchamu (which is partly in Faircross Hundred) contains 3,677 In- Inhabitants. One Female upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. habitants. (b) Part of the Parish of Eastlampytcad is in Cook- c) The Parish of Blewberry is locally situated near Wallingford, ham Hundred, but is included in this return. ) The Borough of and is partly in Moreton Hundred : it contains 941 Inhabitants. The Windsor is entered at the end of the County. (d) The entire Parish of increase of Population is attributed to a Charity School, which is | Ashbury contains 683 Inhabitants.- du, Lint, part of Coleshill Paristi, said to attract and retain parishioners. ) The Parish of Chulsey | is in Highworth Hundred (Wilts,) but is included in this Return. M.DCCC.XXI.] 9 THE POPULATION Act, I GEO. IV. Ci 04. .: COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. I HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 11 Ву ...... . OR how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Families Inhabited OCCUPATIONS: | FA MI- | FA MI- ALL Lies · LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manua the Two AGRI- | factures, proced- CUL. orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classės. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. bied. 44 no 45 132 110 242 I co 696 275. ... 1 .. : Bo've SHRIVENHAM Hundred-continued. Farringdon, Gr. SWadley, or Little-7 Ty. R Par:(): worth and Thrupp í (+) Shrivenham (with Beckett) (f) Parish 131 Bourton - - - - - - Tything Fernham' - - - - - Hamlet Longcot ---- Chapelry Watchfield - -.- Township Sparsholt, Kingston-Lisle? Par: (6) 1 and Farlow Ċ Chapelry Uffington - - - - - -(b) Parish Baulking - - - - - - Hamlet|: : 17 Wolstone - - - - - Township 347 349 · 148 ... 127 . 92 | 91 ... 210 156 150 183 • . 209 419 . 306 il 1 IN 182 175 357 179 247 82 276 523 155 134 .73 113 247 898 1,089 1. 41 14 145 79 2,581 2,531 1.5,112 132 113 245 264 10 SA 148 116 222 SONNING Hundred. Arborfield - - - - - - Parish Hurst, (i) Newland - - Liberty Par: Chap: Winnersh - • Liberty Ruscomb - - - - - - - Parish Sandhurst (+) - - - -(k) Parish Sonning (part of) - - - -(1) Parish Sandford and Woodley Townships Wokingham (part of) Berks - Division Par: (m) STown - Division 96 38 491 208 42 102 92 771 viirco iri. 95 85 142 162 325 56 23 269 . 107 480 195 397 *496 - 101 291 247 362 -452 800 156 33 44 192 353 100 122 : 77 176 580 1287 442 759 948 1,542 100 742 1,136 269 2,966 2,704 | 5,670 326 327 653 467 479 453 - 179 428 - 164 ..138 1,021 THEALE Hundred. Aldermaston - - - - - - Parish 128 Bradfield -, - - - - - Parish 178 Burghfield - - - - - - Parish Englefield - a - o (+) Parish Padworth - - - - - - Parish Purley - ... - - - Parish Shinfield (part of) 7 Hartley } Par: (n) - -Dammerſ Liberty : 43 Stratfield-Mortimer - - Parish 107 Wokefield - - - - - - Tything Sülham .... - - - - Parish.|| Sulhampstead- Lower End ? · Bannister (P) ? Upper Ends: am 22 Ilamarsh - - .. - - - -Parish 1 :: 28 Ufton - -i- - - - - Parisia Woolhampton - - - - - Parish Ö N oroväco ne coinvolto 946 881 343 271 196 323 88 ar to tiar a .I mara 170 340 647 63 108 153 307 42 1 - 74 - - 75 82 | - 61 - - 167 194 Parish 1.32 my OY ONYO • 75 OOOH 105 152 150 165 139 orer Ö * 183 193 - 350 387 ant : 4 30 195 102 2,926 2,782 5,708 * 85 134 1,053 I WANTAGE Hundred. Ardington - - - - - - Parish 73 Childrey -:- - - - - - Parish Denchworth - - - - - - Parish, Garston, East. - - - -(9). Parish Hanney, West (part of):- () Parish : 75 Hanney, East - - - Township 121 Hendred, East - - - - - Parish 148 Hendred, West - - - - - Parish 190 2131 403 · 2191 * 259 :: 478 120 134 254 Toreros Lju: 77 182 V 387 587 124 87 205 296 447 150 291 152 co LO 416 49 169 863 319 :: ☺) The Parish of Great-Farringdon is mostly in Farringdon Hundred. | The entire Parish contains 2,493. Inhabitants.- (m). Part of Woking- (*) The entire Parish of Shrivenliam contains 1,879 Inhabitants. lam Parish forms a detached part of Anesbury Hundred (Wilts). The 6) The Parish of Sparsholt is mostly in Wantage Hundred. (b) The entire Parish contains 2,810 Inhabitants. ). The Parish of Shinfield entire Parish of Uffington contains 925 Inhabitants. The Parochialis partly in Charlton Hundred, partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wilts). Chapelry of Hurst extends into Charlton Hundred, and into Amesbury o The entire Parish of Stratfield-Mortimer contains 752 Inhabit- Hundred (Wilts).-(k) The increase of Population in the Parish of | ants. One NIale upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish.--- The Sandhurst, is attributed to the establishment of a Military College, and entire Parish of Sulhampstead-Bannister contains 315 Iuhabitants.--- to an Inclosure of Land in the year 1815. () Part of Sonning Parish (4) East-Garston Parish is entered in Lambourn Hundred.-- Ü) The is in Charlton Hundrell, and there entered. Part of the Parish, called entire Parish of West-Hamney contains 1,107 Inhabitants. It is partly in Eye and Dunsden Liberty, is entered in Binfield Hundred, Oxfordshire, 1 Ock Hundred. 10 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- chiefly chiefly employ- By how iwany OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. O! Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI: ALL LIES LIES OTHER Families em- ed in not com- ployed in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures.) preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Familie Building. Oc- cupied. FEMALES. | TRADE, prized in MALES. PERSONS. WANTAGE Hundred continued. Lockinge (East and West) - - Parish Betterton and West.Ginge Tythings Sparsholt (part of) - - -() Parish Wantage - - - - - -(tj Parish| 520 43 Grove - - - - - - - Hainlet 74 106 91 169 245 1,302 104 173 215 ا اد ابر 342 460 347 93 1,258 2,560 44 111 96 215 481 98 90 11 230 251 944 481 117 3,677 3,672 7,349 1,462 1,542 | 5 | WARGRAVE Hundred. Waltham, St. Lawrence - - Parish | 116 | 123 | 117 | Warfield - .... . . Parish 178 223 3 4 Wargrave - - - - - - Parish 274 282 318 320 98. 135 638 1,155 20. 599 556 177 731 678 1,409 568 | 628 | 524 410 162 / 561.618 La 3,202 ABINGDON Borough. Helen, St. - - - - -(4) Parish Nicholas, St. - . Parish 48 970 1,001 120 130 852 90 942 101 27 128 2,228 2,340 276 1293 4,568 569 1,090 1,131 61 2,504 | 2,633 5,137 NEWBURY, Town of Newbury - - - - - -( Parish 1,132 1,137 61 800 331 2,492 | 2,855 1 5,347 READING Borough Giles, St. - - - - (+) (W) Parish Lawrence, St. . ... - Parish Mary, St. .... -(*) Parish | 2,189 2,185 826 873 | 2 | 33 748 862 2 24 872 1,071 2,806 73 / 435 | 365 | 1,825 13 593 256 1,906 189 697 185 2,254 275 1,725 806 | 5,985 4,014 4,091 4,762 2,508 2,446 | 6,882 12,867 . . 99 . WALLINGFORD Borough. Allhallows . . . . .() Parish Leonard, St. - - - - - - Parish Mary, St. the More - - - Parish Peter, St. - - - - - - - Parish | Wallingford-Castle - - - Extra P. 18 127 133 85 47 315 317 632 452 873 . . . 223 248 . 471 18 3 11 . . . 366 393 225 128 1,024 1,069 1 2,093 IL- 703 5 10 WINDSOR Borough. Windsor, New .. ... Parish Windsor, Old - - - - - Parish Windsor-Castle and Lower-Court- 68 677 190 50 62 96 370 39 | 205 265 70 51 1,964 495 125 2,324 555 235 4,288 1,050 360 co 2 917 961 1120 164 | 411 386 2,584 3,114 | 5,698 3) The entire Parish of Sparsholt (which is partly in Shrivenham Hun- | Reading Hundred, contains 4,290 Inhabitants.---() The entire Parish dred) contains 817 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Wantage of St. Mary (Reading) which is partly entered in Reading Hundred, contains 3,256 Inhabitants.- du) The entire Parish of St. Helens, Abing contains 4,883 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Allhallows don, (which is partly entered in Hormer Hundred) contains 4,901 Inha (Wallingford) which is partly entered in Moreton Hundred, contains 137 bitants. Sandleford-Priory is entered in Faircross Hundred.-- Inhabitants. (W) The entire Parish of St. Giles (Reading) which is partly entered in M.DCCC.XXI.] 1. ! : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BERKS. HOUSES : PERSONS: ALL HUNDREDS, Ву TOTAL &c. Inhabited. diow inany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : Famil- FA MI- Lies LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families em- not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- CUL- lor Handi- ing TUBE. | craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. factures, preced- - - - 376 BEYNHURST - - BRAY - - - - - 101 545 | 639 636 717 1,534 1,598 1,548 1,561 364 1 514 592 437 CHARLTON - - - - - COMPTON - - - - - COOKHAM - - - 399 464 936 496 1,087 A w now i arc 1,544 1,144 2,451 1,443 1,163 2,465 3,082 3,159 2,987 2,307 4,916 9,925 3,631 3,285 506 1,881 2,064 4,945 FAIRCROSS - - FARRINGDON - - GANFIELD - - 4,980 1,855 1,652 442 541 1,776 594 670 . 1,633 HORMER - - - - 629 548 1,697 1,557 3,254 a KINTBURY-EAGLE 2,033 1.256 4,533 4,546 9,079 LAMBOURN - - - - - 497 1 650 1,519 1,417 2,936 MORETON - - - · - | 1,069 1,242 2,796 2,764 5,560 OCK. - - - - - - - - 1 1,245 11.354 3,108 3,133 6,241 - READING - - - RIPPLESMERE - - 1,652 1 1,862 756 952 1,327 406 4,545 2,203 4,481 2,203 9,026 4,406 T SHRIVENHAM - - SONNING - - - aor A - A voi - 1 2,531 898 1,021 1,089 1,136 2,581 2,966 5,112 5,670 2,704 THEALE - - - - . 1,053 1,138 2,926 2,782 5,708 WANTAGE - - - . WARGRAVE - - - 1,462 11,542 3,672 3,677 1,648 7,349 3,202 568 1,554 Borough of ABINGDON - .-... | 1,090 1,131 | - | 24 2,504 2,633 5,137 Town of NEWBURY ..... NEWBURY . 1,132 1,137 1 - 28 6 800 2,492 2,855 5,347 Borough of READING - - - - - - | 2,446 2,806 | 37 102 275 (1,725 5,985 6,882 12,867 Borough of WALLINGFORD INGFORD -.-- .... 1 366 393 | 40 225 128 1,024 1,069 2,093 · Borough of WINDSOR - - ... 11 411 2,584 3,114 | 5,693 Total - - - 24,70527,700154 622 14,769|8,773 4,158 | 65.546 66,431 131977 12 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Oy 20 to 30 1 tol to Hundred of TOTAL. Up- Un 228 83 741 252 194 217 172 161 386 156 138 136 69 683 699 465 247 159 216 158 107 308 253 93 175 208 546 374 396 355 206 231 325 379 492 285 BEYNHURST 221 180 144 218 184 146 BRAY 227 140 200 181 171 126 CHARLTON 232 184 204 168 127 120 68 COMPTON 106 173 91 76 COOKHAM 351 259 202 360 292 221 174 FAIRCROSS 606 448 709 521 327 FARRINGDON - 272 240 247 GANFIELD 232 179 182 221 148 112 86 HORMER - 255 230 167 242 162 157 116 KINTBURY-EAGLE 490 473 364 219 187 LAMBOURN 141 196 152 129 107 88 MORETON 359 351 334 271 227 221 OCK 479 399 345 497 368 262 READING 670 615 524 619 350 415 297 RIPPLESMERE 240 181 320 255 232 189 SHRIVENHAMI 344 358 293 250 335 251 162 150 SONNING ვივ 274 245 406 259 239 169 119 TIEALE - 372 393 327 291 394 248 191 124 WANTAGE 472 344 465 318 295 256 168 WARGRAVE - - 178 213 175 131 131 ABINGDON, BORO' . 322 291 243 396 289 245 163 NEWBURY, TOWN - 333 283 255 334 338 242 185 135 READING, BORO - 621 584 479 713 593 417 320 1 197 WALLINGFORD, BORO’ 150 118 116 91 179 120 76 86 T 44 WINDSOR, BORO' - 366 369 221 389 314 287 187 | go Total of MALES - 8,908 8,566 7,318 6,056 8,837 6,795 5,740 4,386 3,030|1,719 468 | 30 459 I will neco de nos i co od on Air 334 1,534 1,597 1,544 1,146 2,451 4,902 1,855 1,657 1,673 3,601 1,519 2,636 3,414 4,323 2,192 2,448 2,496 2,747 13,391 1,643 2,504 2,492 4,492 1,013 2,584 1 161,854 268 a Ca 218 323 311 469 488 231 224 203 375 115 309 274 FEM A L E S. Under 15 to 20 to. 30 Hundred 40 TOTAL 5. 30 of 206 175 249 143 70 213 238 221 210 147 154 253 186 114 129 134 120 223 161 135 171 168 113 106 121 77 171 165 203 182 171 125 327 564 221 145 Acil mondo 92 376 309 218 253 463 75 651 553 466 318 120 648 249 224 230 i89 156 152 179 410 760 281 241 218 528 233 179 122 118 43 229 190 194 207 139 114 | 54 68 1195 207 497 172 42 338 357 82 BEYNHURST BRAY CHARLTON COMPTON COOKHAM FAIRCROSS FARRINGDON - GANFIELD HORMER. KINTBURY-EAGLE LAMBOURN MORETON OCK READING RIPPLES MERE SHRIVENHAM SONNING - THEALE - WANTAGE WARGRATE - ABINGDON, BORO' NEWBURY, TOWN - READING, BORO' - WALLINGFORD, BORO' WINDSOR, BORO 183 365 495 707 413 151 299 397 491 235 253 276 287 485 648 139 148 316 141 257 330 414 237 209 246 503 589 290 329 293 170 444 162 307 392 451 273 269 289 289 260 118 76 189 140 228 178 301 | 230 | 163 125 137 170 134 1,548 11,561 1,411 1,165 2,490 4,850 1,776 1,633 1,550 3,640 1,417 2,596 3,422 4,357 2,203 2,420 2,433 2,618 3,372 1,552 2,633 2,855 4,341 1,062 3,114 Ner I Ainong ni 300 365 203 214 212 243 362 321 362 341 172 120 365 271 174 386 426 466 362 351 243 172 376 179 217 153 164 154 75 385 402 362 488 243 483 482 787 200 637 110 188 255 135 192 334 347 510 138 347 252 316 314 348 201 147 284 331 506 107 331 296 325 455 116 290 534 258 412 297 44 Had No co w od 103 186 55 67 123 315 120 441 316 211 134 69 Total of FEMALES - 8,472 8,014 6,807 5,836 9,800 7,316 5,983 4,352 3,1321,712 552 41 2 62,019 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Berks being .... 131,977, .... and the Number of Persons whose ages were returned, being ... 123,873, ... it thence appears, that the ages of upwa:ds of one-sixteenth part of the persons therein enuncrated, have not been obtained iu compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Berks was 230, nine of which contained no answer to the question concerning the ages of persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, -or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI. 13 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Bucks. - HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FA3l- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employs em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE prized in in Manu- 1 the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorlandi Classes. TURE. crait. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. MALES. FEMA PERSONS. ing 163 339 14 i III 40 84 43 47 114 117 231 1,060 524 128 536 135 263 181 170 92 198 169 68 379 339 160 1,212 604 608 inconscioglic coco - Til 133 286 60 149 159 29 157 312 68 324 ASHENDON Hundred. ASHEN DON with Pollecot - Parislı Aston-Sandford - - - - - Parish Beckley (3) P.:-Studley (part of) Chap. Boarstall - - - - - - - Parish Brill - - - - - - - - Parisha Chearsley - - - - - - Parish Chilton, with Easington - - Parish Claydon, East - - - - (b) Parish Claydon, Middle - - - - Parish Crendon, Long - - - - - Parish Dinton (9) Par.:--Aston-Mollins Hamlet Dorton - - - - - - - Parish Grandborough - - - - - Parish Grendon-Underwood - . . Parish Hogshaw with Fulbrook · - Parish Ickford - - - - - - () Parish Illmire - - - - - - - Parish Kingsey - - - - - - - Parish Ludgershall and Tetchworth (©) Parish Kingswood - - - - • Hamlet Marston-Fleet - - - - - Parish Marston, North • - - - - Parish Oakley (+) - - - - - - Parish Oving - - - - - - - - Parish Pitchcott - - - - - - - Parish Quainton - - - - - () Parish Shipton-Lee - - - - - Hamlet Quarrendon - - - - - - Parish Shabbington - - - - - Parish Towersey - - - - - - Parish Waddesdon - - - (8) Parish Westcott (+). . Hamlet Woodham - - - - - Hamlet Winchendon, Nether - - - Parish Winchendon, Upper - - - Parish Wootton-under-Wood - - - Parish Worminghall - - - - - Parish 40 107 204 271 520 26 97 249 30 24 284 200 IIIIIIIIIIII colori hond IIIIIIII and II 112 56 43 558 19 274 182 382 185 187 21 372 23 coco 439 44 911 60 472 46 106 68 35 33 138 181 662 OINTI 60 coli 103 186 665 129 241 367 1,327 261 14 28 132 14 147 105 180 171 137 111 164 284 216 344 314 62 143 2,244 2,623 | 12 | 26 | 2,117 1 416 90 6,014 | 5,989 12,003 138 207 328 395 145 30 723 185 29 86 99 108 79 113 197 296 620 2 324 546 mond la land color 136 504 1,050 10 234 78 AYLESBURY Hundred. AYLESBURY - - - - () Borough Aston-Clin-1 Aston-Clinton - Township ton (1) Par. [Leonard, St. • Hamlet Bierton with Broughton - - Parish Bledlow with Bledlow-Ridge - Parish Brands-fee - - - - - (k) Liberty Buckland - - - - - Parish Cuddington - - - - - - Parish Dinton (part of) - - - - 0) Parish Ellesborough - Parish Haddenham - - - - - Parish Halton - - - - Parish Hampden, Great - - - - Parish Hampden, Little Parish Hartwell (m) Parish Horsendon - - - - - - Parish Hulcott - - - - Parish Kimble, Great - - - - - Parish Kimble, Little - . - - - Parish 262 286 496 547 794 98 136 408 281 106 TAIIIII er or INN I III 99 581 238 208 653 261 386 300 641 103 135 43 Iwo 34 92 146 AC IN OT A Como com 45 1,294 195 281 88 133 50 139 360 Toilo 75 192 168 34 89 165 (*) The Chapelry of Studley, in the Parish of Beckley, is mostly in | Borough of AYLESBURY is entered at the end of the County:-() The Bullington Hundred (Oxfordshire), and there entered. - b) East entire Parish of Aston-Clinton contains 908 Inhabitants. -(k) No dis- Clavdon, including Bottle-Claydon. (9) The Parish of Dinton is 1 tinct Return from the Liberty of Brands-fee, which extends into the mostly in Aylesbury Hundred; partly in Desborough Hundred. - Parishes of Great-Missenden, Little-Missenden, and Hitchenden ; (the (°) The Parish of Ickford extends into Ewelme Hundred (Oxfordshire), latter in Desborough Hundred.) () The Parish of Dinton extends but the whole is here entered.- (e) The entire Parish of Ludgershall iuto Ashendon Hundred and into Desborough Hundred; the entire Parish contains 576 Inhabitants. (*) Quainton, including Doddershall and contains 817 Inhabitants. (M) The decrease of Populati ation in the Deubam ; the entire Parish contains 1,017 Inhabitants.-- (6) The Parish of Hartwell, is explained by its having been the residence of the entire Parish of Waddesdon contains 1,616 Inhabitants. (h) The King of France and his Court in the year 1811. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF BUCKS--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed | TRADF, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 33 32 101 97 857 878 169 389 425 AYLESBURY Hundred-continued. Lee. - - - - - - • Parish Missenden, Great - - - - Parish Missenden, Little - - - - Parish Risborough, Monks Parish Risborough, Princes - - - Parish Stoke-Mandeville - - - - Parish Stone - - - - - - - Parish WENDOVER - - - Borough & Parish Weston-Turville - - - - Parish 332 156 187 367 84 467 467. 205 408 86 171 982 303 108 '184 259 79 153 148 101 976 197 336 198 1,735 814 934 1,958 402 716 1,602 611 205 131 281 97 376 794 380 808 305 196 15 121 306 3,001 3,545 2,546 713 8,167 8,504 16,672 46 43 89 184 209 141 154 62 393 295 113 251 175 118 60 YA 54 126 108 131 160 119 247 519 127 Tavoiti TITO! 10 ago 121 284 104 235 68 BUCKINGHAM Hundred. Addington - - - - - - Parish Adstock - - - - - - - Parish Akely '- - - - - - - Parish Barton-Hartshorn - - - w Parish Beachampton - - - - - Parish Biddlesdon - - - - - - Parish BUCKINGHAM - (m) Borough & Parish Caversfield - - - . () Parislı Chetwood - - - - - - Parish Edgecott . . - - - - - Parish Foxcott - - - - - - - Parish Hillersdon - - - - - - Parish Leckhampstead - - - - - Parish Lillingstone-Dayrell - - - Parish Luffield-Abbey - - - () Extra P. Maidsmoteton - - - - - Parish Marsh-Gibboři - - - - - Parish Padbury - - - - - - - Parish Preston-Bissett - - - - (P) Parish Radclive with Chackmore - Parish Shalstone - - - - - - Parisha Steeple-Claydon - - - Parish Stowe - - - - - - Parish Stratton-Audley - - - - (PP) Parish Thornboroughi • - - - - Parish Thornton - - - - - - - Parish Tingewick - - Parish Turweston - • Parish Twyford - - - () Parish Charndon - - - - - - Hamlet Pounden - - - Hamlet Water-Stratford - - - - - Parish Westbury - - - - - - Parish 27 102 196 do III IIIIIIIIIIIIleri IIIIIIIII 211 101 IN NICI II I Am I i III WIIIIIIII 381 407 738 118 120 357 293 618 SI COPILIA Ølámowierő, will minē ILOTA 81 188 396 127 325 208 169 107 296 13 42 45 94 201 152 393 411 239 478 283 289 78 368 148 832 1o Cool1 33 464 166 187 1 180 314 387 165 1 87 1 35 69 40 93 175 91 167 74 1 0 170 345 . 1,667 | 12 | 20 | 1,589 og 1 301 4,603 | .4,993 9,596 562 357 206 149 364 227 BURNHAM Hundred. AGMONDESHAM, or Amersham Boro'& P. Beaconsfield - - - - - - Parish Burnham - - - - - - Parish Boveny, Lower - - - - Liberty Chalfont, St. Giles - - - - Parish Chalfout, St. Peters - - - Parish Chenies - - - - - - - Parish Chesham - - - - - () Parish Cheshain-Bois - - - - - Parish Dorney - - - - - - - Parish 32 478 328 312 40 216 254 102 1,000 33 53 Toosilico 1?2 75 40 240 288 117 1,323 43 1,243 .. 852 · 890 115 · 513 .. 642 · 298 2,360 71 153 1,369 · 884 826 87 591 709 297 2,672 2,612 1,736 1,716 202 1,104 1,351 595 5,032 160 147 507 36 30 | 89 54 4 126 279 (m) The Borough of BUCKINGHAJI is entered at the end of the County. I ployed in making Thread Lace.-) The entire Parish of Twyford contains () Caversfield Parish extends into the Township of Bicester-Marker-End, 623 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Burnham, including Cip- Ploughley Hundred (Oxfordshire.) The entire Parish of Caverstield penliam and other Liberries, called Toun, Wood, Brittwell, East Burnham, contains 208 Inhabitants, Luffeld-Abbey, Extra-parochial, and and Beveney, contains 1,918 Inhabitants. (1) The Return of the partly in the County of Northampton, is included in the Return of the Parish of Chesham, includes Ashley-Green, Billington Hamlet, Chart- Parish of Stowe.- ) Preston-Bissett, including Cowley.- (1) ridge (with Hundridge and Ashridge) Hamlet, and Lattimers (with Stratton-Audley Parish, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Ploughley Waterside and Botley) Chapelry, all which in the year 1811 made dis. Hundred (Oxfordshire.) ---() At Tingewick the females are mostly em- | tinct Returns. M.DCCC.XXL) THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. €. 94. . COUNTY OF BUCKS-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL Ву OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- not com- ed in ployed 'the Two factures | preced. for Handi- ing TURE. I oft | Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF 1 FEMALES. in | TRADE, prized in MALES. Manua PERSONS. AGRI- I 131 62 126 38 49 315 686 39 BURNHAM Hundred-—-continued. Farnbam - Royal (part of) - () Parish Hedgerley-Dean - - - - Hamlet Seer-Green - - - - - Hamlet Hitcham - - - - - - - Parish Penn - - - - - - - - Parish Taplow - - - - - - - Parish 199 371 101 129 32 36 264 48 37 36 II CH 1 98 135 78 543 287 37 214 113 94 182 160 511 172 1,054 586 97 30 299 31 1,859 1,469 635 8,593 9,155 17,748 175 146 187 321 ocou 154 66 341 132 259 *Qalacsony smallarim!!!! 133 NON IW 10 · .4 l 128 272 184 188 372 o 56 42 O 251 240 165 491 314 149 44 rojo co che c 47 243 239 91 482 18 86 121 208 212 11.4 co co 89 94 99 iilor lo med cow w OO 276 308 21 23 50 54 3,344 3,963 COTTESLOE Hundred. Aston-Abbots - - - - - Parish Cheddington - - - - - - Parish Choulesbury - - - - - () Parish Cublington - - - - - - Parish Creslow - - - - - - - Parish Drayton-Beauchamp - - Parish Drayton-Parslow - Parish Dunton - - - Parish Eddlesborough - - - - (W) Parish Dagnell - - Hamlet Hudnall - - - - - - Harlet Northall - - - - - - Hamlet Grove - - - - - - - - Parish Hardwicke - - - - - (*) Parish 34 Weedon - - - - - - Hamlet Hawridge - - - - - - - Parish Hogston - - - - - Parish 44 Horwood, Great - - - (V) Parish 114 124 Singleborough - - - - - Hamlet Horwood, Little - - - - - Parish Ivinghoe - - - - - - (3) Parish Aston - - - - - - - Hamlet Horton and Seabrook - - Hamlet Margaret, St. - - - - - Hamlet 120 Linslade - - - - - - - Parislı Marsworth - - - - - - Parish Mentmore, Parish (a):-Ledburn Hainlet Mentmore - - - - - Township Mursley with Salden - - - - Parish Piglesthorne - - - - - (b) Parish Nettleden and Friesden - Chapelry Shenley, Parish :( - Brook-end Hanılet Slapton - - - - - - - Parish Soulbury - - - Parish 111 Stewkley - - - - - - - Parish Swanbourne - - - - - - Parishi 133 Tattenhoe - - - - - - - Parish Whaddon - - (1) Parish 113 123 Nash - - - Hamlet Whitchurch - - - - - - Parish 122 164 Wing -.-:- - - - - - Parish | 157 Wingrave with Rowsham - - Parish 142 Winslow - - - - - - - Parish 260 291 Jo 101 com o 207 266 192 11 222 285 190 207 420 208 188 584 104 429 551 382 139 593 370 391 165 75 81 a Inner I - III III i II 19 AC OTTA II and III and I co i and 29 107 75 B co co 288 305 188 207 77 88 64 229 137 473 Co v w TA Oon 244 178 53 102 353 175 55 122 152 Jwer 108 224 160 312 Een Giorno ivi con i med N 288 216 474 304 259 459 547 933 616 312 Co Co 9 7 16 240 285 76 525 375 80 178 377 197 & 468 845 244 52 524 110 100 28 124 562 331 630 344 592 144 1,086 675 1,222 23 2,846 3,526 | 15 50 | 2,448 784 294 8,005 8,369 | 16,374 DESBOROUGH Hundred. Bradenbam - - - - - - Parish Dinton, Parish:(0)—Moreton (+) Liberty Fawley - - - - - - - Parish Fingest - - - - - - - Parish 98 .8 122 ... 6 I 11 Ia co III Voico 220 14 276 am 145 131 143 152 295 ☺) The Parish of Farnham-Royal includes part of Salt-Hill. The | The entire Parish contains 688 Inhabitants. The entire Parish entire Parish contains 1,149 Inbabitants. -— Ï At Choulcsbury, or of Ivinghoe contains 1,665 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of | Cholesbury, the adult Females are Lace-Makers, the Children Platters Mentriore contains 302 Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Pigles- of Straw. (W). The entire Parish of Eddlesborough contains 1,378 thorne contains 461 Inhabitants. () Shenley Parish is partly ip Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Hardwicke contaius 627 Inha Newport Hundred.-nd) The entire Parish of Whaddon contains 900 bitants. O The increase of Population in the Parish of Great Hor Inhabitants.--(e) Tire Parish of Dinton is mostly in Aylesbury Tſun- wood is attributed to the custom of allowing Bread Money to the Poor. | dred, partly in Ashendon Ifundred. 16 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BUCKS-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By FAMILIES LILS l chiefly | OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. . how many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. cupied. OTHER chiefly employ. Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- Jor Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. 180 15 25 15 186 51 139 145 162 44 632 649 90 98 593 139 1,154 608 654 133 10 1,281 188 1,247 272 2,532 1,231 1,378 DESBOROUGH Hundred-continued. Hambledon (+) - - - - Parish Hedsor, with Lilliffee - - - Parish Hitchenden, or Hughenden - () Parish Ipstone - - - - - - (8) Parish Marlow, Great - - - - Borough Marlow, Greats - - - - - & Parish Marlow, Little - - - - - Parish Medmenham - - - - - - Parish Radnage - - - - Parish Saunderton - - - - - - Parish Turville - - - - - - - Parish Wooburn - - - - - - - Parish Wycombe, Chipping, (h) or | Borough High-WYCOMBE - J & Parish Wycombe, West - - - - - Parish 623 365 410 775 crowa w INN OOO Barrio 61 191 75 177 32 A 85 55 112 178 189 101 171 965 1,531 1,424 810 369 366 210 362 1,831 2,864 2,735 1,545 346 367 109 191 866 1,333 1,311 735 516 539 143 563 569 287 376 191 287 177 103 281 7 3,486 3,772 1,643 1,259 870 8,896 9,717 | 18,613 18 145 184 263 118 179 283 363 106 110 238 141 135 521 276 40 59 2592 coco er orci Acomo 271 20 20 12 35 223 271 45 80 101 438 558 215 287 256 96 197 485 cylilla IIIIIIItlo! - Illa ilma lailam IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 95 191 173 370 197 151 103 348 48 116 101 129 ibro ng CO NCO O 411 48 47 155 121 15 279 10 55 211 152 IIIo low IIIIIINinco and I coulwar 226 323 NEWPORT Hundred. Astwood - - - - - - - Parish Bletchley - - - - - - (1) Parish Stratford, Fenny - - Chapelry Water-Eaton - - - - Township Bradwell - - - - - - - Parish Bradwell-Abbey - - - Extra Parochial Brayfield, Cold - - - - - Parish Brickhill, Bow - - - - () Parish Brickhill, Great - - - - - Parish Brickhill, Little - (k) Parish Broughton - - - Parisha Calverton - - - - Parish Castle-Thorpe ... - - - Parish Chicheley - - Parish Clifton-Reynes Parish Crowley, North Parish Emberton . - - - - () Parish () Gayhurst - - - (m) Parish Hanslope - - Parish Hardmead Parish Haversham - - - - - - Parish Lathbury - - Parish Lavendon - - Parish Linford, Great () Parish Linford, Little Parish Loughton - - Parish Milton-Keynes · - Parish Moulsoe - - - - - - - Parish Newton-Blossomville - Parish Newton-Longville - - Parish Newport-Pagnell - - - Parish Olney - - - - - - - - Parish Ravenstone - - - - - - Parish Shenley, Par:--Church-End (0) Townsh. Sherrington - - - - - - Parish Simpson - - - - - - () Parish Stanton-Bury - - - - - Parish Stoke-Goldington - - - - Parish Stoke-Hammond - - - - Parish 17 46 219 230 775 549 90 1,479 75 289 164 293 19 617 40 - 44 862 35 149 140 32 82 32 141 N Anar l 82 111111111111111111111111111111 613 13 82 285 195 33 137 328 213 40 408 73 O 156 179 293 159 No 131 129 125 338 260 243 486 3,103 2,339 22 382 649 195 773 557 524 282 272 1,730 1,267 227 111 112 95 51 118 214 1,373 1,072 191 114 365 186 18 418 wo i Ancoar o 431 209 225 796 395 40 818 22 159 62 387 431 149 171 320 () It is remarked in the Return of the Parish of Hughenden, that | Bletchley Parish, partly in Simpson Parish. Exclusive of Fenny-Strat- “ the Increase of Population must be attributed especially to the early ford, the entire Parish of Bletchley contains 639 Inhabitants.- (k) At “ aud improvident Marriages which the Poor-Laws so openly encourage. Bow-Brickhill and Little-Brickhill, the Females are said to be employed “ The most industrious Labourers earn no more for their Families than in making Lace. () The Return of Emberton includes the Parish “ a bare subsistence, and the most idle and wasteful are secure of that." of Okeney cum Petsoe. m) The Return of Gayhurst includes Gore. Brands-fee is partly in this Parish. (See Aylesbury Hundred.)- (8) The fields, Extra-Parochial.- () At Great-Linford, four Families live in Parish of Ipstone extends into Piston Hundred (Oxfordshire), but the turf-huts, and cultivate Woad. The entire Parish of Shenley, whole is here entered. (The entire Parish of High-WYCOMBE con- which is partly in Cottesloe Huudred, contains 449 Inhabitants. tains 5,599 Inhabitants. () Fenny-Stratford Chapelry is partly in M.DCCC.XXI.] 17 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF BUCKS--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI | ALL | OTHER FA M1- LIES chiefly Ву OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. ployed many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inbabited. OF Building. LIES chiefly Families employ- not com- ed in hot com- TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two factures, preced- orHandi- ing craft. Classes. 146 FEMALES. MALES, PERSONS. RI• CUL- TURE. 1 210 452 517 108 I Icov 969 530 244 94 286 110 35 12 204 19 Im 52 50 145 386 NEWPORT Hundred_continued. Stratford, Stony () West-sideſ United ? - - - - East-side Parishes Tyrringham with Filgrove - - Parish Walton - - - - - - - Parish Wavendon -' - - - - Parish Weston-Underwood Parish Willen - - - - - - - Parish Woolstone, Great - - - - Parish Woolstone, Little - - - - Parish Woolverton - - - - - - Parish Woughton-on-the-Green - - Parish 108 231 44 49 23 no 1 ANI ICT 335 189 39 59 52 162 136 Innocom 102 721 420 83 108 114 335 299 62 173 163 4,684 5,316 20 109 2,866 1,740 | 710 10,673 12,434 23,107 178 839 131 192 456 561 1,189 346 432 383 628 1,395 175 75 1,080 75 57 165 35 24 83 STOKE Hundred. Colnbrook ---- (9) Chapelry Datchett - - - - - - - Parish Denham - - - - - - - Parish Eton - - - - - - - - Parish Fulmer - - Parish Hedgerley • Parish Horton - - - - - - - Parishi Iver - - - - - - - - - Parish Langley-Marish - - - - Parish Salt-Hill - - - - - - (1) Village Slough - - - - - - () Town Stoke Poges - -. - - - Parish Upton Parish with Chalvey - - Hamlet Wexham - - - - - - - Parish Wyrardisbury, or Wraysbury - Parish 63 32 146 305 297 88 2,475 340 158 796 1,663 1,616 398 823 398 840 217 816 800 Ic IIIIIIIA III Marii acowana por alo.wii a 194 542 531 1,073 217 203 235 36 110 623 645 149 91 21 50 1,268 33 83 245 71 275 154 520 108 2,064 2,428 1,121 888 419 6,225 / 5,866 12,091 AYLESBURY (™) Borough, and Aylesbury ------ Parish 865 | 890 411 239 2,117 2,283 4,400 1 662 26 833 1,495 8 24 50 BUCKINGHAM Borough. BUCKINGHAM (4) Borough and Parish | 283 Bourton - - - - - • Hamlet 8 Bourtonhold - - - - - Hamlet 110 Gawcott - - - - - - Chapelry 120 Lenborough - - - - - Hamlet Prebend-end - - - - - Precinct | 145 N 297 256 273 mind 553 566 75 726 34 Coll i 41 316 410 675 756 211 337 208 1,574 1,891 3,465 () The West-side of Stony-Stratford formed the Parish of St. Giles; 1 partly in Stoke-Poges, partly in Upton; and its Population is included the East side was the Parish of St. Mary Magdalen.--(9) The Town in the Returns of those Parishes respectively.- (1) It is remarked, of Colnbrook is situated partly in Horton, partly in Iver, partly in Lange that Charitable Institutions have drawn seventy families to Aylesbury. ley-Marish, and partly in Stanwell (Middlesex); and its Population is (“) The entire Parish of Buckingham contains 3,465 Inhabitants. included in the Returns of those Parishes respectively.---(") The Females at Gawcott are said to be much employed in making Thread village of Salt-Hill is partly in Upton Parish, partly in Farnhain-Royal Lace. Parish (Burnbam Hundred.)--() The Town of Slough is situated 18 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER NE Y COUNTY OF BUCKS-continued. SU M M A R Y OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF BUCKS. HOUSES : PERSONS: By - - HUNDREDS, &c. TOTAL Inhabited. mpany Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI | All LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in hoc com ployed in AGRI. | factures preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. TRADE, prized in Mamu-' | the Two MALES. PERSONS. 26 416 go 286 158 12 / 20 95 Hundred of ASHENDON - - 2,244 2,623 12 AYLESBURY - - - - - - | 3,001 3,545 28 BUCKINGHAM - 1,667 2,048 BURNHAM - - 3,344 3,963 31 COTTESLOE - 2,846 3,526 DESBOROUGH - - - - - 3,486 3,772 NEWPORT - 4,684 5,316 STOKE - - - - | 2,064 | 2,428 Borough of AYLESBURY - 865 8901 6 BUCKINGHAM 675 2,117 2,546 713 1,589/ 301 1,859 1,469 2,448 784 1,643 1,259 2,866 | 1,740 1,121 888 635 294 6,014 8,167 4,603 8,593 8,005 8,896 10,673 6,225 5,989 8,504 4,993 9,155 8,369 9,717 12,434 5,866 12,003 16,671 9,596 17,748 : 16,374 18,613 23,107 12,091 870 710 419 240 211 411 337 239 208 756 2,117 | 2,283 1,574 11,891 4,400 3,465 24,876 28,867| 148 | 54916,6408,318 3,909 3,909 64,867 | 69,201 | 134,068 Ages of Persons. M A L E S. Under Hundred TOTAL of 874 | 689 1 996 864 626 1 1 853 1 A Cococo a ONA 1 ASHENDON 627 544 / 699 6ვა 517 410 276 165 52 AYLESBURY - 1,230 1,053 849 1,094 735 | 459 211 62 BUCKINGHAM - 1637618 536 476 688 486 341 237) 158 BURNHAM 1,361 | 1,213 1,006 822 1,198 930 542 404 216 COTTESLOE 1,238 1,101 963 818 | 1,119 730 592 553 400 228 DESBOROUGH - 1,308 1,170 1,014 782 1,129 915 706 564 392 208 NEWPORT 1,536 1,375 1,296 1,036 1,545 1,089 1,044 316 STOKE 809 1813 979 1749 808 648 376 136 AYLESBURY, BORO' - 1 331 280 221 239 343 233 180 155 BUCKINGHAM - 249 210 184 154 238 165 149 108 Total of MALES - 9,573 8,522 7,822 6,469 8,861 6,690 5,825 4,468 5;487. 8,180 4,652 8,599 7,811 8,237 10,735 6,225 2,117 1,574 1 793 623 1 614 254 1 1 | 68 1 163,617 FEM A LES. Under 60 Hundred to 10 to to 20 TOTAL. of lo 30 40 60 60 wards./ 590 867 6:34 371 5,650 824 598 400 ASHENDON AYLESBURY BUCKINGHAM BURNHAM COTTESLOE DESBOROUGH - NEWPORT STOKE 965 526 990 590 319 599 582 841 567 822 1,350 513 | 827 883 1,465 849 1,393 861 1,467 1,753 2,137 509955 262 381 833 | 744 1,198 1,109 725 685 1,302 1,227 1,269 | 1,030 1,267 1,201 1,597 1,433 800 799 289 320 258 224 770 546 962 440 1,053 911 927 1,031 827 1,473 11,287 721 608 263 203 235 163 635 280 | 174 217 254 132 449) 221 315| 212 451 252 668 260 156 95 54 983 1,193 62.0 II I IIIIIII 8,501 5,045 9,163 8,261 9,057 12,419 5,866 2,283 1,892 366 921 403 168 - AYLESBURY, BORO? . BUCKINGHAN . 233 212 191 364 121 Total of FEMALES - 19,538 8,763 7,153 6,710 (11,206 7,889 6,579 4,717 3,247|1,825 478 / 32 - 68,137 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Buckingham being . . . 134,068, ... and the Number of Persons whose ages are returned (as above) being ... 131,754, ... it thence appears, that the ages of one fitty-eighth part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumerution Returns received from the County of Buckinghain was 240, four of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus narked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,ếor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. .M.DCCC.XXI.] 1.9 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Cambridge. HOUSES. OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMIO | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Oc. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building, FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not coni- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI-1 factures, preced- CUL- orHandi. TURE. craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. ing ARMINGFORD Hundred. 28 49 218 47 156 I20 531 86 113 511 85 233 1,042 171 36 19 41 183 63 122 185 368 101 274 18 296 53 260 55 570 108 505 91 245 ABINGTON-IN-THE-CLAY : Parish Bassingbourne - - - - (a) Parish Kneesworth - - - - - Hamlet Croydon with Clapton - - Parish Guilden-Morden - - Parish Hatly, East - - - - Parish Littlington - - - - - () Parish Melbourn - - Parish Meldreth - - Parish Royston - - - Parish Shingay - - - Parish Steeple-Morden - - - - - Parish Tadlow - - - Parish Wendy - - - - - Parish Whaddon - - - - - Parish @iis 149 1!1!1w0IAIwwerv 633 1,179 95 337 546 312 643 . - 15 115 49 37 86 108 292 322 614 147 74 20 66 159 68 159 134 318 53 896 1,229 4 950 257 3,132 | 2,986 6,118 CHESTERTON Hundred. 234 24 523 20 11 11 221 30 Chesterton (+) - - - - - Parish 216 Childerley - - - - - - Parish 5 Cottenham - - - - - - Parish 210 Dry-Drayton - - - - - - Parish 57 Histon - - - - - - - Parish89 Oakington Par. (d):-Westwick Hamlet 8 33 I will 614 30 763 205 338 25 725 51 10 1,137 50 1,488 420 678 47 215 340 117 22 585 | 807 63 551 | 172 84 1,975 1,845 | 3,820 CHEVELY Hundred. TO 75 172 257 Ashley cum Silverley - - - Parish 72 Cheveley - - - - - - - Parish 96 Kirtling - - - - - - - Parish / 110 Newmarket, All Saints - - () Parish | 96 Wood-Ditton - - - - - - Parish 97 109 129 121 150 179 264 305 372 393 351 521 627 322 704 120 16 332 419 14 812 47158413 372 95 117 1,502 1,513 | 3,015 CHILFORD Hundred. . 176 161 40 127 og 130 118 337 257 120 48 238 46 124 109 310 - Abington, Great - Abington, Little - Babraham - - Bartlow • - - Castle-Camps - Hildersham - - Horseheath - - Linton - - - Pampisford - - Shudy-Camps - West-Wickham - 308 - - - - - - - - - - 138 40 - - - - - - - - - - • - - Parish | 62 - - Parishi - - Parish - () Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish 39 - - Parish - - Parisha 65 34 Dioger 90 92 | 214 103 197 795 145 94 618 193 413 1,519 285 333 517 3:5 61 216 724 140 170 274 127 47 57 66 103 85 163 243 778 1,014 1 5 8 655 | 250 109 2,426 | 2,378 | 4,804 FLENDISH Hundred. O co a I 111 100 228 239 249 474 .. 235 2121 Cherry-Hinton • - -.- (3) Parish 96 Fen-Ditton - -,- - - - Parish 67 Fulbourn - - - - () Joint Parish | 159 Horningsea - - - - . - - Parish 61 Teversham - - - - - - Parish 21 461 1,023 62 49 47 499 147 524 138 75 285 155 37 35 80 1 404 538 413 86 39 1,214 1,184 | 2,398 (*) The entire Parish of Bassingbourne contains 1,213 Inhabitants. (otherwise called Stevington) part of Freshwell Hundred, Essex, resort (5) Straw-platting is inentioned as an unprofitable employment at Litt- | to Bartlow Church, and contribute towards maintaining it in repair.- lington---- () Royston Parish is mostly in Odsey Hundred, Herts, (5) An extensive inclosure of land is assigned as the cause of increased where the whole is entered.--- Oakington Parish is mostly in Population in Cherry-Hinton Parish. (h) Fulbourn includes the Northstow Hundred. ----(0) The Parish of Newmarket St. Mary is in Parishes of All-Saints and St. Vigor. Lackford Hundred, Suffolk. — The Inhabitants of Bartlow-Eud 20 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDE IC COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE- continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ī FAMIO | ALL FAMI• LIES OTHER LIES chiefly OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. chiefly employ. Families em- I ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, ſprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. i OF PERSONS. 395 142 13 357 752 111. 58 406 LONGSTOW Hundred. Bourn - - - Caldecote - - - - - - - Caxton - - - - - - - Croxton • . Eltisley - - Eversden, Great - Eversden, Little - Gamlingay - - - - - - Gransden, Little Hardwicke - - - Hatley, St. George - Kingston • - - - - - - Longstow - - Toft - - - - - Nancy Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 53 210 106 160 135 114 PO - 100 locales IIIIIII+Ilamai 196 119 159 133 118. 606 123 61 227 I! III+IIIIII601 Tani con la ar 225 319 268 232 1,256 261 134 650 138 to com 51 54 105 144 99 131 134 92 128 878 191 259 40 783 1,010 1 5 65 2,393 2,404 4,797 142 326 75 183 149 188 51 NORTHSTOW Hundred. Girton - - - - - - - Parish Impington - - - - - - Parish Landbeach - - - - - - Parish Lolworth - - - - - - - Parish Longstanton, All Saints Parish Longstanton, St. Michael Parish Madingley - - - - - - Parish Milton - - - - - - - Parish Oakington (+) - - - - () Parish Rampton - - - - - Parish Waterbeach • - - - - - Parish 60 195 371 111 370 Nosotools loo 69 175 65 111 176 134 231 341 393 217 52 165 188 107 205 45 178 110 424 150 390 814 601 739 8 625 80 1,805 | 1,652 3,457 51 65 163 av 111 324 107 54 174 PAPWORTH Hundred. Boxworth - - - - - - Parish Conington (+) - - Parish Elsworth - - - - - - - Parish Fen-Drayton . - - - - Parish Graveley - - - - - - - Parish Knapwell - - - - - - - Parish Over - - - - - - - - Parish Papworth, St. Agnes - - (K) Parish Papworth, St. Everard - - - Parish Swavesey - - - - - - - Parish Willingham - - - - - - Parish 154 91 449 151 120 66 32 25 25 III illa iit 122 70 317 202 773 325 242 136 802 74 117 1,029 1,170 119 176 428 16 36 374 38 16 22 26 142 212 168 | 256 iles 63 54 514 120 515 186 571 599 763 1,058 5 4 837 | 162 59 2,567 2,620 5,187 154 | 480 479 959 153 164 190 317 II-ico RADFIELD Hundred. Balsham - - - - - - - Parish | Brinkley - - - - - - - Parish Burrough-Green - - - - - Parish Carlton Parislı, with Willingham Hamlet Dullingham - - - - - - Parish | Stetchworth • - - - - Parish Westley-Waterless' - .. - Parish Weston-Colville - - - - - Parish West-Wratting - - - - - Parish 191 381 ვივ 625 WN ITO!!! 186 321 242 70 Joc vao 177 304 220 75 218 462 83 419 92 201 - 330 I 128 366 696 609 870 | 7 10 713 120 37 2,187 ) 2,193 4,380 (1) Oakington Parish contains the Hamlet of Westwick, Chesterton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 440 Inbabitants. (k) Papworth St. Agnes Parish extends into Toseland Hundred, Huntingdon. M.DCCC.XXI.] 21. THE POPULATION : ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. · COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- FAM-1 ALL LIES OTHER chieily | Families By or TOTAL LIES chiefly em- ployed employ- ed in how many Families Uc. cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. not com- prized in Un-Inhabited. Building TRADE, li he two NIanu. in FEMALES. MALES. OP PERSONS. AGR factures, CUL- lurlaudia TURE. craft. preced- My Classes. 164 549 1,123 l w 229 69 140 TAINE Hundred. Bottisham - - - - - Stow with Quy - - - - Swaffham-Bulbeck - - - Swaff ham-Prior - - - Wilbraham, Great - - - Wilbraham, Little - - - 71 116 178 378 - Parish - Parish - Parish () Parish - Parish - Parish 359 684 1 149 167 483 av Illor 574 200 325 496 245 136 979 495 274 250 138 55 od 1 844 14 651 146 1,957 1,976 3,933 סלל 200 100 748 346 128 222 113 ACNO 724 STAPLOE Hundred. Burwell - - - - - - - Parish | 276 Chippenham - - - - - - Parish Fordham - - - - - - (m) Parish 159 Isleham - - Parish 342 Kennett - - - - - - - Parish 20 Landwade - - - - - - Parish Snailwell . - - - - - Parish Soham - - Parish 537 Wicken . . . - - - - Parish 111 330 518 358 1,518 607 1,042 1,716 164 881 277 524 835 85 8 w III ANI - 36 5 79 20 35 42 No oo ! I 116 12 106 1,378 394 222 2,856 691 159 1,478 358 19 752 1,596 1,987 | 11 1,334 1 348 305 4,468 4,429 8,897 264 277 202 541 368 UA 263 529 236 10 # THRIPLOW Hundred. Foulmire - - - - - Foxton - - Harston - - Hauxton - - Newton - - Shelford, Great - Shelford, Little - Stapleford - Thriplow - - - Trumpington - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 25 166 266 115 76 342 222 194 121 70 146 103 718 216 438 408 12 214 184 64 80 187 ja 371 540 120 13 249 291 684 879 3. 11 578 176 2,078 | 2,217. 4,295 99 WETHERLEY Hundred. Arrington - - - - - - Barton - - - - - - - Barrington - - Comberton - Coton - - - - - - - Grantchester - - - - - Harlton . . Haslingfield - - - - - - Orwell - - - - - - - Shepreth - - - - - - - Wimpole - - - - - - - 95 136 240 204 105 194 273 483 383 137 243 179 123 183 110 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 228 161 - Pa 111 274 270 344 221 544 475 51 237 158 263 238 162 230 72 493 576 .784 642 42 1,984 | 1,974 3,958 133 116 605 WHIITTLESFORD Hundred. Duxford • - - - - - - Hinxton (+) - - - - - Ickleton - - - - - - - Sawston - - - - - - - Whittlesford - . 63 291 145 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 136 69 140 168 100 98 100 Coorii 312 602 107 314 167 296 350 236 306 00 699 79 349 250 486 464 613 613 5 8 465 465 122 122 26 26 1,341 1,341 1,363 2,704 2,704 (') Swaff ham-Prior includes the joint Parishes of St. Cyric and St. Mary.-- () The great increase of Population in Fordham Parish is ascribed to the grievous effect of the Poor Laws. 22 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By chiefly | OTHER OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES All LIES chiefly employ. Families em ed in not con- ployed Trade, prized 1.1 Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- horHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes, Un-Inhabited. OT Building: FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. ELY Hundred. (*) Downham ..... - Littleport - - - - - - - Parish Parish ISLE OF ELY. 254 289 31 - 36 360 | 493 - 5 1 371 85 14 37 687 1,198 663 1,166 1,350 2,364 226 691 677 1 258 166 124 76 434 146 99 414 362 313 179 189 WISBEACH Hundred.. Elm - - - - - - - - Parish 254 Leverington - - - - - O Parish 166 Parson-Drove - - - - Chapelry Newton - - - - - - - Parish Outwell - - - - - - (P) Parish Thorney - - - - - - - Parish 281 Tyd, St. Giles - - - - - Parish 109 Upwell - - - - - - (9) Parish 196 Welney (Part of) - - - Chapelry | 52 Wisbeach, St. Mary's - - - Parish | 236 Wisbeach, St. Peter's --- Parish 1,418 60 258 342 158 6 x 1 1 1 2 1 1 237 1,368 848 675 368 398 1,970 781 1,148 312 1,362 6,515 201 999 393 565 161 702 3,017 139 171 50 197 971 388 583 151 660 3,498 58 273 1,501 244 257 05 111 WITCHFORD, NORTH Hundred. Chatteris - - - - - - - Parish 659 730 Doddington - - - - - () Parish 116 135 Benwick - - - - - Chapelry | 92 94 March (+) - - - - Chapelry | 870 851 Wimblington - - - - - Hamlet | 151 1159 Whittlesey (+) - - - - Parish 719 1,110 ovi 1671 EV #1or 22 11 262 22 of control 1,604 339 264 1,924 433 2,613 537 1,679 3,283 337 676 250 - 514 1,9261 3,850 4:26 | 859 2,663 5,276 * 306 71 66 110 177 140 342 325 657 315 877 WITCHFORD, SOUTH Hundred. Coveney - - - - - - () Parislı Manea - - - - - - Chapelry Grunty-Fen-House - - () Extra-Par. Haddenham - - - - - - Parish Mepal - - - - - - - - Parish Stretham - - - - - - º Parish Thetford - - - - - Chapelry Sutton - - - - . - - - Parish Welches-Dam - - - - Extra-Par. Wentworth or Wingford - - Parish Wilburton - - - - - - Parish Witcham - - - - - - - Parish Witchford - - - - - - - Parish Piirigi 197 57 147 8.13 20:) 429 III IWI NINI AMA 140 my pa i III C III 1,7:25 406 875 2:29 446 111 11 ܝܕ ܒܝܘ 1 ܝ ܟ ܝܕ ܟ ܟ ܙ ܚܙ ܝܕ ܙ 1 118 245 193 21 160 581 576 69 1,157 . 156 87 80 218 59 139 247 73 101 238 465 473 401 69 235 198 82 . 203 7,273 8,580 1711 111 5,601 2,147 832 20,303 | 20,622 40,925 66 109 172 385 272 35 549 1,149 704 505 938 2,211 1,267 156 CAMBRIDGE Borough. All-Saints - - - - - Andrew, St. the Less - - - Andrew, St. the Great - - - Benedict, St. - - - - - - Botolph, St. - - - - - - Clements, St. - - - - - Edward, St. - - .. Giles, St. - - - - - - - Mary, St. the Great - - - Mary, St. the Less - - - - Michael, St. - - - .. 334 247 108 127 66. 175 393 321 174 136 179 156 393 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisli Parish 967 716 !!+! 426 132 148 146 314 137 110 Tigo w ricono 176 · 339 1,062 563 462 290 375 391 772 414 298 152 127 199 397 419 863 466 772 810 1,635 880 648 379 ! 136 12 148 132 350 57 58 227 oro (*) The City of Ely is entered at the end of the County, and includes | habitants.- () The entire Parish of Doddington contains 5,899 Inha- the Hamlet of Stuntney in Trinity-Ely Parish. The entire Parish bitants. (*) The entire Parish of Coveney contains 982 Inhabitants. of Leverington contains 1,523 Inhabitants.- Part of the Parish of | () It is uncertain whether the Inhabitants of Grunty-Fen-House are Outwell is in the Hundred of Clackclose, Norfolk, and there entered. included in the Return of Haddenham or of Wilburton; they are not The entire Parish contains 954 Inhabitants. Part of the Parish included in the Return of Wentworth. (u) The entire Parish of of Upwell, and part of the Chapelry of Welvey, are in Clackclose Hun Stretham contains 1,184 Inhabitants, dred, Norfolk, and there entered. The entire Parish contains 3,782 In. | M.DCCC XXI.) 23 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. . -- COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI | LIES LIES chiefly 10T OTHER chiefly efly l employ-Families ed in not com- ployed in TRADE, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures. I preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. or Building FEMALES. Ос- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 111 130 139 481 CAMBRIDGE Borough-continued. Peter, St. - - - - - - - Parish Sepulchre, St. - - - - - Parish Trinity, The Holy - - - - Parish University of Cambridge (~) - 143 234 291 127 80 247 354 645 327 416 411 815 * 978 1,793 i 2,594 2,954 | 67 | 21 95 2,123 736 6,508 7,634 | 14,142 56 ELY, City. Ely College (+) - - Ely-Trinity - - - - Mary's, St. - - - - Chettisham - - - - Extra P. 19 - - Parish 1 500 - () Parish 324 | - Chapelry 19 749 316 1532801 152 88 34 1,671 712 3,438 328 17 748 47 16 1,460 91 11 44 1,068 1,113 11 316 373 424 2,461 | 2,618 5,079 The resident Members of the University of Cambridge are included | Return was made.- (W) The entire Parish of St. Mary (Ely) con. in the Returns of the respective Parishes : In the Year 1811 a separate tains 1,551 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE. 950 2.57 551 3,132 1,975 1,502 372 896 1,229 585 | 807 471 584 778 | 1,014 404 538 783 1,010 739 2,426 655 413 Hundred of ARMINGFORD .. - CHESTERTON ---- CHEVELEY - - CHILFORD - - FLENDISH - - LONGSTOW - - - NORTHSTOW - . PAPWORTH - - RADFIELD - - STAINE - - - - STAPLOE - i. THRIPLOW - WETHERLEY' - - WHITTLESFORD ...- 738 601 763 coö Aer coooo wo er och Avar o or A aw os 1,058 625 837 1,214 2,393 1,805 2,567 2,187 1,957 2,986 1,845 1,513 2,378 1,184 2,404 1,652 2,620 2,193 1,976 4,429 2,217 1,974 1,363 6,118 3,820 3,015 4,804 2,398 4,797 3,457 5,187 4,380 3,933 8,897 4 295 3,958 2,704 1 Omo 609 724 844 1,596 1,987 684 | 879 1 784 713 651 1,334 578 642 120 146 348 176 4,468 2,078 576 100 o co E 1,984 1,341 464 465 22 Isle of ELY - ... - - - - 17,273 Borough and University of 1111 2 20,303 | 20,622 40,925 City of . ELY . - - - - - - - - |1,068 1,1132 | 11 | 316 373 424 ' 2,461 12,618 5,079 TOTALE - 20,869|25,603 217/247 | 15,5366,964 13,103 | 60,301 | 61,608 121,909 24 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE–continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES Hundred Under 5. TOTAL, of 429 392 320 205 ARMINGFORD - CHESTERTON - CHEVELEY CHILFORD 473 208 208 261 135 144 143 199 469 197 228 349 118 92 172 366 339 308 209 1 202 395 139 265 105 79 196 209 232 120 241 163 268 369 349 148 155 263 129 270 170 240 255 204 450 224 3,132 1,361 1,505 2,428 1,214 2,408 1,601 2,456 2,192 1,962 1 256 FLENDISH LONGSTOW NORTHSTOW PAPWORTH RADFIELD STAINE - STAPLOE - 205 196 238 365 132 235 198 343 354 110 175 144 1 299 307 295 247 241 523 263 320 288 666 166 107 292 602 277 197 481 709 1 1 390 4,468 338 193 306 214 THRIPLOW WETHERLEY - WHITTLESFORD 322 126 114 89 275 223 298 301 171 207 201 107 181 141 1 1 1 160 | 128 129 168 - 2,6 1,680 12. 1 2,073 1,984 1,196 15,764 6,506 2,428 ELY, ISLE OF - CAMBRIDGE BORO' and UNIVERSITY ELY, CITY 1,676 2,470 1,758 723 1,190 219 358 261 933 1,415 652 220 1 858 1,045 374 170 1 393 | 324 270 1 Total of MALES - 15,746 8,475 | 6,046 4,975 3,545 2,512|1,108 286 14 - 54,678 F E M A L E S. _ _ Under 20 Hundred to to 40 TOTAL. of 30 50 wards. 387 356 172 | 124 70 204 ARMINGFORD - CHESTERTON - CHEVELEY CHILFORD 484 200 219 354 103 273 134 146 491 200 268 364 311 150 141 143 187 357 179 240 155 234 | | | 21? 25.5. 157 172 112 FLENDISH LONGSTOW 127 | 212 240 343 282 248 IK | 226 207 151 135 371 233 335 323 182 290 241 ܝܕ ܙ 2,986 1,322 1,510 2,377 1,184 2,389 1,464 2,532 2,198 1,971 4,433 2,215 1,974 1,196 225 307 241 170 383 298 218 145 ܙ 366 263 NORTHSTOW PAPWORTH RADFIELD STAINE . STAPLOE - THRIPLOW WETHERLEY WHITTLESFORD 187 ܕ 175 401 731 611 708 443 ܙ 119 301 1 142 118 364 315 235 310 193 276 141 347 314 158 235 203 125 203 192 137 ܚܝ ܝܝ ܝܕ 134 87 2,149 1,012 ܢܝ ELY, ISLE OF - - CAMBRIDGE BORO'T and UNIVERSITY ELY, CITY 2,564 990 369 1,654 2,770 1,723 1,499 71,030 1,622 936 605 417 316 1228 482 ܝܕ - 16,033 7,534 - 2,563 LY 273 ܝܙ Total of FEMALES - 8,668 8,668 7.338 5,787 5,769 8,401 6,147 |5,177 |3,603 2,4741,216 289 12- 55,881 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cambridge being .... 121,909, .... and the Number of Persons whose ages were returned, being .... 110,559, .... it thence appears that the ages of one-eleventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Cambridge (including the Isle of Ely) was 176, seven of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. - M.DCCC.XXI.) 25 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO IV. c. 94. County of Chester. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI FAMI- | ALL LIES Tono OR TOTAL enploy. Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. or Un-Inhabited. Building, LIES ehiefly OTHER chiefly em- not com ployed Trade. I prized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. Classes. FEMALES. NALES. in PERSONS. craft. II 491 210 103 57 B 125 272 | 24 22 138 12 12 Tic 78 13 130 III IIIII 168 . Coc 117 96 A 47 0 197 429 1 129 127 256 147 22 46 17 3 206 164 122 370 431 8 214 35 78 172 352 BROXTON, High Division. AlDFORD Parish : (a) Aldford - - - - - Township Churtou - - - - - Township Bunbury, (part of) Parish : ) Burwardsley - - - - Chapelry Coddington Parish : 0) Aldersey - - - - - Township Chowley - - - - - Township Coddington - - - - Township Farndon Parish : (1) Barton - - - - - - Township Churton by Farndon - - Township Clutton - - - - - Township Crewe - • - - - Township Farndon - - - - - Township Handley Parish : ) Handley - - - - - Township Harthill - - - - - - - Parish Kingsmarsh - . - - - Extra-P. Malpas Parish : © Agden - - - - - - Township Bickerton - - - - - Township Bickley - - - - - Township Bradley - - - - - Township Broxton - - - - - Township Bulkeley or Buckley Township Chidlow - - - Cholmondeley - • Township Chorlton - - - Township Cuddington · Township Duckington - - - - Township Edge - - - • Township Egerton - - - - - Township Hampton - - Township Larkton - - Township Macefen - - - - - Township Malpas - - - - - - Township Newton juxta Malpas - - Township Oldcastle - - - - - Township Overton • - - - - Township Stockton - - - - - Township Tushingham with Grindley Township Wichaugh - . - - - Township Wigland - - - - - Township Shocklach Parish : (1) Caldecott .- - • - - Township Shocklach, Church - - Township Shocklach, Oviatt - - Township Tilston Parish: (1) Carden - - - - - - Township Grafton - - - - - - Township Horton - - - - - - Township Stretton - - - - - Township Tilston - - - Township 88 178 Township 143 15 297 124 a I WIon LTO-MOW D Viooz, roco 58 121 154 66 126 37 247 mund 44 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII may III III 143 155 54 81 298 115 207 61 107 100 11 11 31 60 11 10 204 48 592 21 535 10 1,127 45 93 4 43 18 14 101 32 283 149 134 III III Norrő vil 35 195 21 141 106 370 14 58 43 21 183 187 1,506 1,695 | 6 16 1,104 309 282 4,435 4,362 8,797 (4) Most part of the Parish of Aldford is in the Lower Division 1 The entire Parish of Malpas contains 4,917 Inhabitants. The Town- of the Hundred. ) Most part of Bunbury Parish is in Eddisbury ship of Iscoyd is entered as part of Maylor Hundred (Flintshire;) and Hundred, First Division.-- ) The entire Parish of Coddington con- it also extends into Branfield Hundred (Denbigh.)- (6) The entire tains 346 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Farndon contains Parish of Shocklach contains 422 Inhabitants.-- () The entire Parish 857 Inhabitants. Part of Handley Parish is in the Lower Divi- l of Tilston contains 833 Inhabitants. sion of the Hundred. The entire Parish contains 332 Inbabitants. H 26 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CHESTER~continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- | All LIES LIES chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OF Uu-Inbabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI | ОтнER chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- | Trade, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- lorHaudi-l ing · TURE. craft. Classes. 88 ployed Building TRADE, || C FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 94 34 444 ! i III I IIIA I III 1 - 384 ! ! 20 had mad ! ! 1. 146 42 35 170 and I ! I BROXTON, Lower Division. Aldford Parish: (0) Boughton, Great - - - Township Buerton - - - - - Township Churton Heath, or Bruera Chapelry Edgerley - - - - - Township Backford Parish : () Conghall or Coughall - Township Christleton Parish: (0) Christleton - - - - Township | 120 Cotton-Abbots - - - Township 2 Cotton-Edmunds - - - Township | 11 Littleton - - - - - Township | Rowton - - - - - Township Doddleston Parish : ) Doddleston - - - - Township Kinnerton, Lower - - - Township Eccleston Parish : (m) Eaton - - - - - - Township Eccleston - - - - - Township Guilden-Sutton - - • • Parish Handley Parishi: (1) Golborn-David - - - Township 12 Mary, St. Parish : (*) Marlston with Leach - - Township Moston - - - - - - Township Upton - - - - - - Township Oswald, St. Parish : (*) Bach - - - - - - Township Huntington - - (+) Township Lea-Newbold - - - - Township Newton by Chester - - Township Saighton - - - - - Township Wervin - - - - - Township Plemonstall Parish: O. Hoole - - - - - - Township Pickton. - - - - - Township Mickle-Trafford - - - Township Pulford Parish : ) Poulton - - - - - - Township Pulford - - - - - - Township Tarvin Parish : 0 Foulk-Stapleford - - - Township Tattenhall Parish : (9) Golborn-Bellow - - - Township 10 Newton by Tattenhall - Towr:ship Tattenhall - - - - - Township Waverton Parish: ) Hatton - - - - - - Township | 26 Huxley - - - - - Township 38 Waverion - - - - - Township 53 1- II I II II had IIIIII III II II II I had II II III III l 21 133 61 192 118 14 ai 139 291 129 237 42 Y . 155 319 132 186 08 I c Iico II II noma so mi 127 136 45 41 86 37 438 855 1 26 48 75 hard II 125 157 247 !! 122 157 146 303 5 38 847 223 198 3,520 | 3,406 6,926 BUCKLOW Hundred. 1,209 1,268 Ashton-upon-Mersey Parish; ☺ Ashton-upon-Mersey - Township | 161 163 Sale - - - - - - Township | 159 | 174 93 13 431 wer 444 533 875 1,049 90 516 (i) Part of Aldford Parish, and most part of Handley Parish, are in 1 of the County. Part of Plemonstall Parish, and most part of the Higli Division of the Hundred. The entire Parish of Aldford con- | Tarvin Parish are in Eddisbury Hundred (Second Division.) The tains 1,684 Inhabitants. (j) Most part of Backford Parish is in entire Parish of Plemonstall contains 710 Inhabitants. The entire Wirrall Hundred. ) The entire Parish of Christleton contains 954 Parish of Pulford contains 318 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Inhabitants. -- () The entire Parish of Doddlestou contains 351 Inhabi Tattenhall contains 1,016 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Wa- tants.--. m) The enire Parish of Eccleston contains 358 Inhabitants. verton contains 707 Inhabitants.-- () Sale is locally situate in the Parish (n) For part of St. Mary's, and part of St. Oswald's, sce Wirrall of Great Budworth, about 20 Miles from its own Parish, Ashton-tipon- Huudred (Higlier Division) and Chester City, which is entered at the end | Mersey. Including Sale, the said Parish contains 2,924 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 27 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: FAMI | ALI PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- | facturcs, preced- CUL- LorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Un-Inha OF Building. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS 12 32 298 77 2,302 392 458 28 16 84 I a II III III 1,120 206 230 44 212 256 mai ai lui Noi TATI! 1,182 186 228 40 221 275 552 449 208 433 531 1,090 140 102 538 509 226 : 357 958 434 20 o 326 683 11 107 210 231 103 222 173 453 207 380 pod 316 296 612 38 81 Township 43 275 501 226 56 121 78 54 21 105 BUCKLOW Hundred-continued. Bowdon Parish: ) Agden - - - - () Township Altrincham - -. - - Chapclry | Ashley - - - - - - Township Baguley - - - - - Township Bollington - - - () Townsłup Bowdon - - - - - Township Carrington - - - - - Chapelry Dunham-Massey - - - Townslip Hale - - - - - - Township 171 Partington - - - - - Township Timperley - - - - - Township Budworth, Great, Parish: () Anderton - - - - - Township Antrobus - - - - - Township Aston by Budworth - Chapelry | 66 Barnton - - - - - Township Bartington - - - - Township Budworth, Great Cogshall - - Township Comberbach - - - - Township Crowley - - - - - Township Dutton - - Township Hull and Appleton Township Leigh, Little - - - - Chapelry Marbury - - Township Marston - - - - - Township Peover, Little - Township Pickmere - - Township Plumnley - - - - - Township Seven-Oaks - - - - Township, Stretton - - - - - Township Tabley,Inferiore Township :11 Whitley,Lower - - - Township Whitley, Over - - - Township Wincham - - - - - Township Grappenhall, Parish: ♡ Grappenhall - - - - Township Latchford - - - - - Chapelry Knutsford, Parish : (W) Bexton - - - - - - Township 1 Knutsford, Nether - - Township | 495 Knutsford, Over - - - Township Ollerton - - - - - Township Toft - - - - - - Township mand loco coliei Icon - Ô 161 III II II Om IllIIlIlIII 1 1 692 110 226 149 323 1,435 359 w WielriovéIn , como 164 743 178 19 228 181 16 35 176 404 21 37 '88 51 100 117 217 84 182 366 141 135 70 142 50 277 110 60 128 108 236 244 125 223 491 208 400 1 0 192 წვი 616 1,252 19 O: TAlwi CN: I donde lo 37 1 32 69 1 1,404 1,349 109 131 2,753 231 1 122 1 115 113 246 123 1 236 388 229 1,042 594 co Dollfil songs Bloc 1,048 604 2,090 1,198 1 1 cur 88 1 180 854 a 145 1 Lymm - - - - - - - - Parish Mobberley - - - - - - Parish Rosthern, Parish : (5) Agden - - - - - - Township Bollington - - - - - Township 1 Leigh, High - - - - Chapelry:. Martall with Little Warford Township | Mere - - - - - - Township Millington - - - - - Township Peover, Superior - - - Chapelry 1 Rosthern - - - - - Township Tabley, Superior - - - Township' Tatton - - - - - - Township 424 146 101 92 430 121 279 198 268 1 Nii Wali 267 566 334 287 136 275 49 1 193 180 543 373 450 227 1 223 44 0 87 43 1 () Agden Township and Bollington Township, are said to be partly Factory. The entire Parish of Knutsförd contains 3,535 Inha- in Rosthern Parish. Including the whole of these Townships, the entire bitants. A House of Correction, which has been built át Nether-Kauts- Parish of Bowdon contains 7,442 Inhabitants.— (4) Great-Budworthford, increases the Population there. (*) Part of the Parish of Rosthern Parish extends into Northwich Hundred and Eddisbury Hundred : the is in Macclesfield Hundred; the entire Parish contains 3,791 Inhabitants, entire Parish contains 14,346 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of besides those in Agden and Bollington Townships, which have unavoidably Grappenhall contains 1,652 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in been ascribed to Bowdon Parish. the Township of Latchford is attributed to the establishment of a Cotton ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how inany Families cbiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: Fami FAMI- LIES ALL LIES chiefly | OTHER employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURL. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 20 62 148 36 197 103 13 26 25 197 77 75 CO I 1ow I in 71 541 BUCKLOW Hundred-continued. Runcorn, Parish : () Acton-Grange - - - Township Aston-Grange - - - - Township Aston by Sutton - - - Township Clifton, alias Rock-Savage - Township Daresbury - - - - - Chapelry Halton - - - - - - Chapelry Hatton - - - - - - Township Keckwick - - - - - Township Moore - - - Township Newton by Daresbury - Township Norton - - - - - - Township Preston-on-the-Hill - - Township Runcorn - - - - ( Township Stockham - - - - - Township Sutton - - - - - - Township Thelwall - - - - - Chapelry Walton, Inferior - - - Township Walton, Superior • - - Township Weston - - - - - - Township Warburton - - - - - - Parish 10 211 32 115 525 186 24 128 66 146 1,066 397 56 243 124 294 47 19 58 44 61 150 206 1,514 144 185 391 T 3,103 27 52 125 266 162 1,589 25 141 165 176 113 142 251 177 106 152 327 353 219 294 509 258 6,637 7,013 24 129 3,407 2,484 1,122 | 18,671 18,521 37,192 82 88 - 282 242 524 200 207 332 107 106 209 234 335 114 86 409 441 667 221 175 23 89 AR Ico III 20 IN OREN I 153 294 123 1 Tier IIIIIIIIIII I 141 63 268 89 265 22 77 533 166 591 129 30) 290 70 59 111 262 EDDISBURY Hundred, First Division. Budworth, Little - - - - - Parish Bunbury, Parish:(3) Alpraham - - - - Township Beeston • - - - - - Township Bunbury - - Township Calveley - - Township Haughton · Township Peckforton - - - - - Township Ridley - - - Township Spurstow • . Township Tilston-Fernall - . Township Tiverton - - - - - Township Wardle - - - - - - Township Delamere, Parish : (*) Delamere - - - - - Township Eddisbury - - - - - Township Oakmere - - - - - Township Middlewich, Parish : 0) Weever - - - - - . Township Oswald's, St. Parish : ) Eddinshall. - - Township Over, Parish : (a) Oulton, Low - - - - Township Over - - - - - - Township Wettenhall - - - - Township Tarporley, Parish : (-) Eaton - - - - - - Township Rushton - - - - - Township Tarporley - - - - - Township Utkinton - - - - - Township Whitegate or New Church Par:0) Daruhall - - - - - Township Marton - - - - - - Township Ili 31 go 177 1 i Teri wo 201 1,080 133 60 2,157 1,077 164 297 250 1 öico 227 159 409 477 315 156 391 800 38 278 253 ii Ini 531 26 150 207 107 303 - 582 100 279 5,110 1,757 1,931 12 34 1,067 484 380 5,215 10,325 ♡ The entire Parish of Runcorn contains 7,738 Inhabitants. The Quarries at Runcorn, which afford Stone for the Docks and other public Works at Liverpool, have caused an increase of Population.---() Part of the Parish of Bunbury is in Broxton Hundred; the entire Parish con- tains 4,021 Inhabitants. - (a) The Parish of Delamere did not exist in 1811, having been subsequently created by Inclosure of the Forest of that name ; it now contains 424 Inhabitants.--- () Most part of Mid- dlewich Parish is in Northwich Hundred. ) For St. Oswald's Parish, see Wirrall Hundred, and the City of Chester: it is sometimes called Saint Werburgh's. The entire Parish of Over contains 2,514 Inhabitants.---(C) The entire Parish of Tarporley contains 2,123 Inha- bitants. The entire Parish of Whitegate contains 789 Inhabitauts. M.DCCC.XXI.] 29 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families TUTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FA MI- LIES ALL LILS chiefly Other chiefly employ- Families em. cd in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- ihe Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ОР Building Oc- FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. 76 20 56 204 189 393 249 41 II 24 135 122 155 286 381 289 + 1 391 107 575 772 230 48 123 336 143 129 115 307 101 65 139 142 812 492 199 142 744 481 179 442 182 284 1,556 973 378 924 65 61 1 +IamII and 175 482 333 109 20 60 224 434 460 239 11 24 I 205 EDDISBURY Hundred, Second Division. Barrow, Parish : (*) Barrow, Great - - - Township Barrow, Little - •.• Township Budworth, Great, Parish : (6) Castle-Northwich - - Township Hartford - - - - - Township Winnington - - - - Township Frodsham, Parish : (0) Alvanley - - - - - Chapelry Frodsham - - - - - Township Frodsham - - - - - Lordship Helsby - - - - - - Township Kingsley - - - - - Township Manley - - - - - - Township Newton by Frodsham - Township Norley - - - - - - Township Ince - - - - - - - - Parish Plemonstall, Parish: (*) Bridge-Trafford - - - Township Tarvin, Parish : (1) Ashton - - - Township Bruen-Stapleford - - - Township Burton - - - - - - Township Clotton-Hoofield - - - Township Dudden - - - Township Hockenhull - - - - Township Horton with Peele - - - Township Kelsall - - - - - - Township Mouldsworth - - - - Township Tarvin - - - - - - Township Thornton, Parish : (m) Dunham - - • -.. Township Elton - - - - - - Township Hapsford - - - - - Township Thornton-in-the-Moors - Township Wimbolds-Trafford - - Township Whalley, Parish : (*) Willington - - - (n) Township Weaverham, Parish : 0 Acton - - - - - - Township . Crowton - - - - - Township Cuddington - - - - Township Onston - - - - - - Township Wallerscoat - - - - Township Weaverham cum Milton - Township Weaverham - - - - Lordship 414 268 148 40 38 78 388 181 207 122 21 243 17 38 0 36 112 112 293 23 305 82 503 598 138 1,022 193 g 519 33 306 179 II III I II II I IIIIIII 89 162 117 101 151 236 150 219 129 36 301 455 282 Da warehou 35 71 158 162 373 233 376 10 749 492 86 86 59 259 2,507 2,701 1,699 611 391 7,153 7,115 14,268 229 I w MACCLESFIELD Hundred. Alderley Parish : (P) Alderley, Superior - - Township Alderley, Inferior - - Township Warford, Great - - - Township Astbury Parish : (9) Somerford-Booths - - Township Cheadle Parish : (0) Cheadle, Bulkeley - - Township 1 0 244 359 167 473 668 309 169 o 336 50 51 142 143 285 547 597 80 1 441 76 + 1,565 | 1,664 | 3,229 () The entire Parislı of Barrow contains 642 Inhabitants. (h) Most | as if Willington is usually said to be in Whalley Parish, for po better rea- part of Great Budworth Parish is in Bucklow Hundred. The son than that it formerly belonged to Whalley Abbey. For parochial riles entire Parish of Frodshain contains 5,451 Inbabitants.- (k) Most part of the Inhabitants resort to St. Oswalds, Chester, but they pay part of the Plemonstall Parisli is in Broxton Hundred. (1) Part of Tarvin Parish great tythes to the Rector of Wem, and part to the Rector of Tarvin. is in Broxton Hundred: the entire Parish contains 3,485 Inhabitants. © The entire Parish of Weaverhamn contains 2,360 Inhabitants. (") The entire Parish of Thornton contains 853 Inhabitants. - (n) The " The entire Parish of Alderley contains 1,477 Inhabitants.----(9) Most extensive Parish of Whalley is chiefly in Lancashire (Blackburn Hundred) part of Astbury Parish is in Northwich Hundred. ) The entire partly in Yorkshire (Stainclitfe and Ewcross Wapentake:) but it seems | Parish of Cheadle contains 6,508 Inhabitants. 30 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- ALL 1,148 | OTILER By OA en- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how nany Families Oc- Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA MI- | LIBS chiefly chiefly , employ- V. Families ed in 110c com. | Trade. Iprized in Manu- the Two factures, preced- CUL lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. ployed in NALES, TOTAL OF PERSONS. FEMALES. cupied. 292 70 284 287 128 197 215 753 859 Ila 781 886 296 42 1,534 1,745 141 125 o 426 378 804 82 230 284 88 247 279 237 261 58 60 tot ito a 356 iwwi! 48 348 368 284 679 162 982 1,080 714 162 962 1,079 311 331 514 563 1,393 324 1,944 2,159 1,609 1,580 386 280 271 286 291 788 218 209 לדל 821 803 co 126 124 128 135 398 776 321 6ვა 180 190 553 504 23 24 328 856 867 92 125 284 II 67 a wie to w 262 288 291 1,057 47 1,723 546 579 65 203 327 12 30 36 104 99 147 180 11 22 207 428 221 526 215 MACCLESFIELD Hundred continued. Cheadle Parish-continued. Cheadle, Moseley - - - Township) Handforth with Boxden - Township Gawsworth - - - - - - Parish Mottram-in-Longden-Dale Parish : (5) Godley - - - - - - Township Hattersley - - - - - Township Hollingworth - - - - Township Matley - - - - - - Township Mottram-in-Longden-Dale Township Newton - - - - - Township Stayley-Bridge - - - Township Tintwisle - - - - - Township Northen or Northenden Parish : (0) Etchells (part of) - - - Township / Northen or Northenden - Township Prestbury Parish : (u) Adlington - - - - - Township Birtles - - - - - - Townsluip Bollington - - - - - Township Bosley - - - - - - Chapelry Butley - - - - (u) Township Capesthorne - - - - Chapelry Chelford - - - - - Chapelry Eaton - - - - - - Township Fallybroom - - - - Township Henbury with Pexall - - Township Hurdsfield - - - - - Township Kettleshulme - - - - Township Lyme-Handkey - - - Township Macclesfield-Forest - - Chapelry Macclesfield - - - (°) Township Marton - - - - - - Chapelry Mottram, St. Andrew - Towaship Newton - - - - - Township Poynton - - - - - Chapelry Pott-Shrigley - Chapelry Prestbury - - Township Rainow - - - Chapelry Rode, North - Township Siddington - - Chapelry Sutton - - - Township Tytherington - Township Upton - - - - - - Township Wildboar-Clough - - - Township Wincell - - - - - Chapelry Withington, Lower Township Withington, Old - - Township Woodford - - - - - Township Worth - - - - - - Township Rosthern Parish : Snelson - - - - - Township Stockport Parish: (W) Bramhall - - - - - Township 1 Bredbury - - - - Township Brinnington - - - - Township Distley - - - - - - Chapelry Duckinfield - - - - Towuship Etchells (part of) - - - Township, Hyde - - - - Township 161 556 193 121 1,082 354 253 132 124 136 260 II and III w ITALIIIIIIIIIIII!!Ali 1 III 100 1 190 151 341 197 185 382 53 42 95 102 272 161 # # I 268 170 219 751 133 242 1,468 180 221 779 129 239 1,523 202 26 540 331 440 1,530 262 481 2,991 600 I 69 382 10 26 78 - I 206 85 208 230 102 326 236 289 85 52 414 466 615 164 383 406 I 79 201 211 182 195 GV 72 137 224 659 218 321 349 275 777 127 471 173 263 400 alvi 700 991 1,027 808 2,517 376 1,647 198 369 873 132 1,359 2,010 2,124 1,533 5,096 749 3,355 1,019 1,097 725 2,579 373 1,708 419 83 505 490 The entire Parish of Mottran-in-Longden-Dale contains 10,086 | habitants. Macclesfield is entered at the end of the County. One female Inhabitants. The introduction of Steam-weaving is stated to have in in the Township of Stockport upwards of 100 years of age. One male in creased the Population in Newton Township.- ) The entire Parish the Township of Butley upwards of 100 years of age. Most part of Northenden contains 1,406 Inhabitants. The Township of Etchells of Rusthern Parish is in Bucklow Hundred. ) The entire Parish is partly in Stockport Parish, and so entered.- () The entire Parish of Stockport contains 44,957 Inbabitants. of Prestbury (including the Town of Macclesfield,) contains 17,230 In- | M.DCCC.XXI.] 31 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES chielly 1 chiefly em- FAMI-L ALI LIES 1 OTIER OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how mpany Families Oc- cupied. ployed TRADE, PE Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. employ- Families ed in not coni- |Trade, ſprized in Manu-' the Two OF FEMALES. jal MALES. Manu PERSONS. AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, 487 356 1,332 2,646 - 44 39 1,314 334 203 346 680 58 131 79 216 4,342 47 595 181 4,256 30 MACCLESFIELD Hundred continued. Stockport Paris continued. Marple - - - - - - Chapelry 441 Norbury - - - - - Township 105 Oferton - - - - - Township Romily - Township 208 Stockport - - - (W) Township 13,405 Torkington - - - - Township 40 Wernith - - - - - Township Taxal Parish: (*) Taxal - - - - - - Township Whaley with Yeardsley - Township Wilmslow Parish: (v) Bollen-Fee - - - - - Township Chorley - - - - - Township | Fulshaw - - - - - Township 45 Pownal-Fee - - - - Townsluip 235 10,495 142 932 198 586 11,231 151 879 401 1,181 21,726 293 1,804 205 Will I WIGNITI 132 109 241 216 205 421 873 340 333 85 88 888 230 127 692 248 227 52 | 26 144 1 1,761 478 256 48 248 129 740 1,432 2,898 12,190 1,117 43,267 44,212 87,479 56 CV 134 273 159 34 65 s 140 2 88 79 167 105 261 505 UV 102 106 208 !!!!!imira I 24 24 48 Ociwo 4,5 95 59 157 134 291 46 44 90 32 10 21 111 89 102 191 854 o 388 96 71 185 137 66 40 183 186 369 - o GB 1 worden Owo Borrillmarillion 662 14,551 16,205 192 385 NANTWICH Hundred. Acton Parishi: () Acton - - - - - - Township Aston juxta Mondrum - Township Austerson - - - - Township Baddington - - Township Brindley - - - Township Burland - - - - - Township Cholmondstone - - - Township 30 Cool-Pilate - Township Eddleston - - Township Faddiley - Township Henhuiſ Township Hurleston - - - - - Township Newhall - - - - - Township 175 Poole - - - Township 35 Stoke - - Township, Worleston - - • Township Audlem Parish : (a) Audlem - - - - - Township 269 Buerten - - - - - Township 95 Dodcot cum Wilkesley (a) Township Hankelow - - - - - Township Tittenley - - - - - Township Baddiley - - - - - Parish Barthomley Parish : (b) Alsager - - - - - Chapelry Barthomley - - - - Township) Crewe - - - - - - Township Haslington - - - - Chapelry 188 Copenhall Parish: () Copenball, Church - - Township! Copenhall, Monks - - Township Marbury, Parish; (d) Marbury with Quoisley - Township Norbury - - - - - Township Minshull, Church - - - Parish Nantwich, Parish : ) Alvaston - - - - - Township Leighton - - - - - Township 31 / 45 645 1,307 524 abo O!!! 264 336 334 670 127 131 258 36 com en els com 141 129 66 201 226 158 26 !! 359 450 297 59 224 159 474 138 511 985 183 366 !! 146 co ww 190 205 395 ai 213 438 - - 255 13 528 20 37 !! 17 133 1 137 270 ( The entire Parish of Taxal contains 662 Inhabitants. The entire Parisha of Wilmslow contains 3,927 Inhabitants.moms) The entire Parish of Acton contains 3,767 Inhabitants. Ö The entire Parish of Audlem contains 3,085 Inbabitants. (1) Bartliomley Pa- rish extends into Statiordshire (Pirehill Hundred.) The entire Parish contains 2,333 Inhabitants.--- () The entire Parish of Copenhall contains 512 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Marbury con- tains 833 Inhabitants.- ) The entire Parish of Nantwich contains 5,633 Inhabitants. 32 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES 1 LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- | the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing 'TURE. | craft. | Classes, OF Building. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. to 111 620 220 2,222 9 34 4,661 65 109 402 woo 759 218 32 123 g 113 49 174 co 332 l lwin $11.41 Stihl 196 Inco 183 29 NANTWICH Hundred-continued. Nantwich, Parish-continued. Nantwich - - - - - Township Woolstanwood - - - Township 1 Sandbach, Parish : (*) Bechton - - - - - Township Hassall - - - - - - Township Whitchurch, Parish : (5) Wirswall . - - - - - Township Wistaston - - - - - - - Parish Wrenbury, Parish: () Bromhall - - - - - Township Chorley - - - - - Township Dodcot with Wilkesley (6) Township Woodcot - - - - - Township Wrenbury with Frith - - Township Wybunbury, Parish: (i) Bartherton - - - - - Township Basford - - - - - - Township Blakenhall - - - - - Township Bridgemere - - - - Township Checkley with Wrinehill Township Chorlton - - - - - Township Doddington - - - - Township Hatherton - - Township Hough - - - - - - Township Hunsterson - - - - Township Lea - - - - - - - Township Rope - - - - - - Township Shavington with Gresty - Township Sound - - - - Township Stapeley - - - - - Township Walgberton - - - - Township Weston - - - - - - Township Willaston . . Township Wybunbury - - - - Township 526 01 II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII co III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII w 118 121 225 107 112 103 233 108 211 45 46 16 23 91 39 213 418 TO CO CO CO E O NABOI AAVIA 96 117 205 106 122 37 202 239 71 95 274 46 49 141 133 121 39 126 247 143 186 32 124 122 226 237 329 246 463 209 429 Ro 97 82 112 218 33 34 211 I 22,331 66 AA 948 1,310 3,428 16,405 56 16 96 108 58 71 129 115 569 1,143 lori cowo 14 308 NORTHWICH Hundred. 3,832 1 4,261 | 17 | 81 | 2,507 | 1,254 | 500 | 11,118 111,213 Astbury, Parish: (*) Buglawton - - - - - Township 1150 151 443 505 Congleton - - - - - Chapelry |1,196 116 2,977 Davenport - - - - - Township 15 11 Hulme-Walfield - - - Township 50 Moreton with Alcumlow - Township 21 58 Newbold-Astbury - - - Township 281 288 Odd-Rode - - - - - Township 208 582 561 Radnor - - - - - - Township Smallwood - - - - - Township 100 276 Summerford - - - - Township 55 Brereton with Smethwick - - Parish 319 Budworth, Great, Parish: (') Allostock - - Township 75 221 Birches - - Township Hulse - - - - Township Lack-Dennis - Township 20 24 Lostock-Gralam - - - Township 257 268 Northwich - - - - Township 291 786 Peover, Nether - - - Chapelry 126 Rudheath - - - () Township Witton with Twambrook - Chapelry 479 1,204 584 107 IIIIIIIII I IIIIIIII oer Tolimo room and ! 305 624 240 i 24 30 here con 461 8 54 44 525 1,490 250 704 124 T 128 1,201 2,405 Most part of the Parish of Sandbach is in Northwich Hundred. 4,146 Inhabitants. ---(k) The Parish of Astbury extends into Maccles- (6) Most part of Whitchurch Parish is in Salop (North Bradford Hun- field Hundred. The entire Parish contains 10,383 Inhabitants. dred.) (h) The entire Parish of Wrenbury contains 934 Inhabitants, I (1) Most part of Great Budworth Parish is in Bucklow Hundred. Eighty besides those who are ascribed to Audlem Parish as residing in Dodcot cum 1 of the Inhabitants of Rudheath (which is mostly in Davenham Parish) Wilkesley Township. The entire Parish of Wybunbury contains reside in Witten Chapelry. M.DCCC.XXI.) 33 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LVL ALL OR By how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. Fanilies Oc- cupied. OF Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families ein- led in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI. | factures, preced- CUL- jorHandi- ing TURE. I craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. NORTHWICH Hundred-continued. 25 273 239 512 81 186 93 174 379 18 e LAT o vino 610 101 193 10 582 95 1,192 196 182 17 ვივ 48 92 32 64 148 853 100 395 36 71 132 14 29 27. Ön mod co i od 1 243 582 168 226 630 181 12 768 TITAITOTITITI Ori 52 469 1,212 349 13 25 Church-Lawton - - - - - Parish Davenham, Parish : (m) Bostock - - - - - - Township Davenham - - - - Township Eaton - - - - - - Township Leftwich - - - - - Township Moulton - Township Newhall - - - - - Township Rudheath - - - (m) Township Shipbrook - - Township Shurlach - - - - - Township Stanthorne - - - - - Township Wharton - - - - - Township Whatcroft - - - - - Township Middlewich, Parish : (*) Byley with Yatehouse - - Township Clive - - - - - - Township Croxton - - - - - Township Kinderton with Hulme - Township Middlewich - - - - Township Minshull-Vernon - - - Township Mooresbarrow with Parme Township Newton - - - - - Township Occlestone - - - - - Township Ravenscroft - - - - Township Sproston - - Township Stublach - - - - - Township Sutton - - - - - - Township Wimboldsley -- Township Sandbach, Parish: ( Arclid - - - - - - Township Blackden - - - Township Bradwell - - - Township Church-Hulme - - - Chapelry Cotton - - - - - - Township Cranage - - - - - Township Goostrey with Barnshaw - Chapelry Leese - - - - - - Township Rudheath - - - () Township Sandbach - - - - - Township Twemlow - - - - - Township Wheelock - - - - - Township Swettenham, Parish: (P) Kermincham - - - - Township Swettenham - - - - Township Warmingham, Parish: (9) Elton - - - - - - Township Moston - - - - - - Township Tetton - - - - - - Township Warmingham - - - - Township 1,520 94 26 I TRIQUITAI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III 148 III 64 32 121 10 32 33 05 lco 104 87 140 191 282 142 189 397 47 208 34 229 150 81 433 298 204 148 65 + 1 or cowl A 70 135 on or AI ŅINA ÖNCIN 1,528 2,905 1,377 60 236 70 130 458 222 76 1 91 141 118 259 + 193 77 84 186 66 86 205 379 143 170 386 181 5,799 6,157 40 186 2,038 3,239 15,292 15,912 31,204 140 WIRRALL Hundred, Higher Division. Backford Parish : (*) Backford - - - - - Township Chorlton - - - - - Township Lea - - - - - - - Township Mollington, Great - - Township Bromborrow (part of) - - (5) Parish 14 10 دم بہ دن یہ 11 11 IIA 87 122 0 147 305 c (“) The entire Parish of Davenham contains 3,470 Inhabitants ;97 I mostly in Davenhain Parish) being attributable thereto. The en- of the Inhabitants of Kudheath being attributable to Great Budworth | tire Parish of Swettenhamn contains 435 Inhabitants. (9) The entire and Sandbach Parishes. (n) Middlewich Parish is partly in Eddis- | Parish of Warmingham contains 1,069 Inhabitants. (1) Part of the bury Hundred. The entire Parish contains 4,350 İnhabitants. Parish of Bachford is in Broxton Hundred. The entire Parish contains ☺ Sandbach Parish is partly in Nantwich Hundred. The entire Parish 450 Inhabitants. (5) Bromborrow Parish is partly in the lower divi- contains 6,369 Inhabitants; 17 of the Inhabitants of Rudheath (which is I sion of the Hundred; the entire Parish contains 446 Inhabitants. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. M HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI FAMIO | ALL By OR H01 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. LINS LIES chiefly O'TTIER chiefly employ- Families eni cd in notcom. ployed Trade, prised in Manu- / the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUI. JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classcs. MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL of PERSONS. 10 1 168 326 78 155 188 Il II III II 12 - 1 1 von II AS A 35 101 162 88 368 112 24 74 182 329 177 80 164 40 178 404 188 394 WIRRALL Hundred, Higher Division.- continued. Burton Parish : (0) Burton . . - - - - Township Puddington - - - - Township Eastham Parish : (4) Eastham - - - Township Hooton - - - - - - Township, Pool, Nether - - - - Township Pool, Over - - - - Township Sutton, Great - - Township Sutton, Little - - - - Township Thornton-Childer - - Township Whitby (part of) (4) - · Township Holy Trinity Parish: ♡ Blacon with Crabhall - Township Mary, St. Parish : (™) Mollington, Little - Township Neston Parish: (™) Lidsham - - - - - Townslip Leighton - - - - - Township: Ness - - - - - - Township Neston, Great - - - - Township: Neston, Little - - - - Township :/ Raby - - - - - Township Thornton-Mayow - - Township Willaston - - - - - Township Oswald's, St. Parish : (V) Croughton - - - - Townslup Shotwick, Parish : (*) Cappenhurst - - - - Township Kingswood - - - - Township 1 Saughall, Great - - - Township Saughall, Little - - - Township Shotwick - - - - - Township Woodbank, alias Rough Shotwick - - - - Shotwick-Park - - - - Extra P. Stanlow-Hlouse - - - - Extra P. Stoke, Parish : (V) Stanney, Great - - - Township Stanney, Little - - - Township Stoke - - - - - - Township Whitby (part of) - - - Township, 323 206 595 151 823 165 1,418 71 316 II --!!!! Taigail - III III III 88 145 204 38 42 i viiw 99 124 261 III II I II III I - IIUIIII I 161 44 343 94 Township | -971 11 Dolci - 118 65 228 129 14 42 44 1,310 1,394 24 804 346 244 3,521 3,687 7,208 100 149 116 216 167 316 45 WIRRALL Hundred, Lower Division : Bebbington Parish : (2) Bebbington, Higher - - Township Bebbington, Lower - - Township Poulton with Spittle - - Township Storeton - - - - Township Tranmore - - - - Towuslip Bidstone Parish : (*) Bidstone with Ford - - Township Birkenhead - - - - Chapelry Claughton with Grange - Township Moreton - - - - - Township Saughall-Massey - - - Township 121 409 II IIIo mind 56 99 416 101 220 825 TR111 111! couco 8 mio 133 124 86 68 138 86 114 51 135 79 257 200 119 273 165 I (1) The ontire Purish of Burton contains 481 Inhabitants. mo () The | contains 3,216 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Shotwick .con- entire Parislı of Eastlana contaivs 1,430 Inhabitants. Part of Whitby i tains 719 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Stoke contains Township is in Stole Parisb. li) Holy Trinity Parish, St. Mary's | 461 Inhabitants. Part of Whitby Township is in Eastham Parish. Parish, and St. Oswald's Parish, constitute part of the City of Chester, 1 ;) The entire Parish of Bebbington contains 1,678 Inhabitants.mo entered at the end of the County. d(") The entire Parish of Neston a ) The entire Purisha of Bidstone contains 1,014 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 35 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL OR chiefly TOTAL By how many Fainilies EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OP Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : FA MI- FA MI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly employ- Families enll- ed in not com- ployed in Mami-' the Two i AGRI- factures.I preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing craft. Classes. 23 TRADE, I prized in! FEMALES. MALES. (PERSONS. T CUDICU. 141 119 114 153 233 127 183 noe 01670 Vivi O 90 157 173 219 207 225 345 380 444 90 66 WIRRALL Hundred, Lower Division-Continued. Bromborrow (part of) Parish : (b) Brimstage - - - - - Township Heswall Parish : Gayton - - - - - - Township Heswall with Oldfield - - Township Thurstaston - - - - - - Parish Upton, or Over-Church - - - Parish Wallazey Parish : (4) Liscard - - - - - - Township Poulton with Seacomb - Township) Wallazey - - - - - Township West-Kirby Parish : (0) Caldey, Great and Little • Township Frankby - - - - - Township Grange - - - - - - Township Greasby - - - - - Towuship Hoose - - - - - - Township Meolse, Great - - - Township Meolse, Little - - - Township Newton with Larton - - Township West-Kirby - - - - Township Woodchurch Parish : (*) Arrow - - - - - - Township Barnston - - - - - Township Irby - - - - - - - Township, Landican - Township Noctorum - - - - - Township Oxton - - - - - - Township Pensby - - - - - - Township Prenton - - - - - Township Thingwell - - - - - Township Woodchurch - - - - Township I 5IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I II I col A CON AW I olurilor colocolani ww IL 125 235 114 159 131 DU 48 172 72 93 145 30 __ Lowo i onom o 169 173 215 3,364 1 3,309 6,673 111 485 182 57 805 270 5,098 565 _ 2,779 _ 11,117 1,208 CHESTER CITY. Bridget, St. - - - - - - Parish | 165 176 Cathedral-Church, - -(+) Precinct | and Little St. John - - - Ex-Par. 51 John, St. Baptist - - - - Parish (1,035 | 1,079 Martin, St. - - - - - - Parish 07 Mary, St. upon-the-Hill (3) - Parish 620 (part of) - - - - Michael, St. - - - - - - Parish 146 Olaves, St. - - - - - - Parish 118 171 Oswald, St. (part of) - - (b) Parish 928 Peter, St. - - - - - - - Parish 189 208 Spittle-Boughton - Extra-P. or reputed Vil. Trinity, Holy and Un-2 }. rin (1) Parish divided (part of) -> 554 3,861 4,529 320 88 2,319 235 1,593 289 257 2,031 470 335 130 70 330 1,783 423 330 2,303 546 3,376 712 587 853 542 200 22 4,334 1,016 150 34 70 80 760 319 1,303 1,733 3,036 186 2,552 1,147 8,975 10,974 | 19,949 Macclesfield ----- - Town 13,008 3,662 37 / 64 99 13,240 | 323 8,421 9,325 17,746 (6) Bromborrow Parish is mostly in the Higher Division of the Hon. | Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,736 Inhabitants. (h) The Pa- | dred. ) The entire Parish of Heswall contains 386 Inhabitants.--- rish of St. Oswald extends into Broxton Hundred and into Wirrall Hun- (~) The entire Parish of Wallazey contains 1,160 Inhabitants. The 1 dred. The Parish contains 5,126 Inhabitants. The Parish of the entire Parish of West-Kirby contains 1,140 Inhabitauts. ai) The Holy Trinity extends into Wirrall Huudred. The entire Parish.contains antire Parish of Woodchurch contains 835 Inhabitants. (*) The Pa- | 3,111 Inhabitants. wish of St. Mary-on-the-Hill extends into Broxton Hundred and Wirrall 36 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CHESTER—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI. ALL By HUNDREDS, how TOTAL &c. Inhabited. many Families Oc- Building Un-Inhabited. FA MI- LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families em- ed in uot com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu: the Two AGRI- | factures, 1 preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TUPE. | craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. cupied - - - - - - Hundred of BROXTON - - BUCKLOW - - EDDISBURY - MACCLESFIELD NANTWICH - - NORTHWICH - WIRRALL - - City of CHESTER - - Town of MACCLESFIELD 2,715 2,963 11 54 - | 6,637 1 7,013 24 | 129 4,264 4,632 37 71 - (14,551 16,205 192 385 3,832 4,261 17 - 5,799 6,157 40 - 2,427 2,602 27 56 1,951 532) 480 3,407 | 2,484/ 1,122 2,766 1,095 771 2,898 (12,190 / 1,117 2,507 | 1,254) 500 2,038 3,239 1,624 519 459 7,955 7,768 15,723 18,671 18,521 37,192 12,368 12,225 24,593 43,267 44,212 87,479 11,118 11,213 22,331 15,292 15,912 31,204 6,8856,996 | 13,881 81 - - - - - - 186 - - - - | 3,861 | 4,529 29 186 830 2,552 1,147 8,975 10,974 19,949 - - - - 1 3,008 3,662 37 1 64 99 3,240 323 8,421 9,325 | 17,746 Totals - - - 47,094|52,024 414 1,212 18,120 27,105 6,799 132,952 137,146 270,098 Ages of Persons. MALES. 20 / 30 Hundred Under 5. toto TOTAL. 15 of ward BROXTON - - - - 1,181 1,092 / 1,100 7881,115 817 702 480 343 198 BUCKLOW - - - - | 2,988 2,677 2,349 1,941 2,765 1,979 1,722 1,099 700 344 EDDISBURY - 2,074 | 1,886 1,446 | 1,289 1,656 / 1,247 1,0601 675 MACCLESFIELD 7,298 5,844 5,320 4,505 6,639 4,976 3,796 2,476 1,504 665 NANTWICH - - 1,738 | 1,698 1,369) 1,150 1,597 1,107 943 703 | 477 297 NORTHWICH - - - | 2,781 | 2,105) 1,80g 1,523 | 2,146 1,681 1,361, 909 1611 | WIRRALL - - - - | 1,116 | 1,1281 922 753 1,078i 8091 592 444 322 ܒܝܘ ܠܛ 6- ܨܢ ܘ ܘ 7,877 18,665 12,247 43,212 11,178 15,367 7,367 CHESTER, CITY - - | 1,276 | 1,1571 949 MACCLESFIELD, TOWN | 1,361 | 1,129 1,042 827 | 1,285) 1,194 830 1,2331 961 995 751 586 363 149 554 414 | 121 ܟܘܟ 8,841 8,421 Total of MALES - 121,813 (18,71616,306 13,606 19,514 14,771 (11,922 7,926 5,257 2,575 7091 59 1 133,175 FEM A L E S. to 85 TOTAL. TOTAL. wards 1 - Under | 15 20 30 40 L Hundred to to to 1 to 1 to 5. 1 10 15 20 of 30 140 / 50 BROXTON - - - - | 1,058 / 979 817 836 1,298! 870 693/ 462 382 214 66 BUCKLOW - - - - 2,880 2,554 2,194 1,843 / 3,017 2,052 1,653 1,031 752 406 133 EDDISBURY - 1,957 | 1,793 1,385/ 1,246 1,790 1,288 1,021/ 686 551 3091 79 MACCLESFIELD 7,071 6,002 4,9:30 4,848 7,711 5,300 3,604 2,291 1,433 658 185 185 | 9 i NANTWICH - - - | 1,702 1,5701 1,208 | 1,131 | 1,753 1,1741 980 632 553 278 | 94 94 | 11 | NORTHWICH 2,639 2,060 1,862 1,657 | 2,577 1,698 1,436 904 629/334 123 WIRRALL - - - - | 1,1701 9771 802 735 1,338 858 678 482 330 186 1 . 1000 cer cov 7,682 18,523 12,106 44,043 11,086 15,925 7,609 48 CHESTER, CITY - - NACCLESFIELD, TOWN 1,366 1,242 1,027 1,028 1,962 1,499 1,122 748 484 318 87 18 • 10,901 1,417! 1,155 | 1,072 982 | 1,622 | 1,186 8201 595 1314 1157 | 35 | - | - | 9,325 N Total of FEMALES - 21,260 18,332 15,297 14,306 23,068 15,925 12,007 17,801 5,428 2,859 846 1 137,200 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Chester was . . . 270,098, . ., and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was . . . 270,375, • . . the excess arising from a duplicate Return of part of the Parish of Lower Bebbington, in Wirrall. The Total Number of Enumeration Returis received from the county of Chester, was 504, two of which contained no answer to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (+). And a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant or incorrect in the respective numbers of Malcs and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 37 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Cornwall. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву . OR how many Famili TOTAL Inhabited. Un-I nhabi ted. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. | Families em. ed in not com. ployed TRADE, (prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building. OP FEMALES. OC- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 218 268 105 74 636 685 473 1,321 2,388 27 177 107 1,178 1,210 441 102 110 EAST Hundred. (Middle Division.) CALLINGTON - Borough & Parish Calstock - - - - - - - Parish Dominick, St. - - - - - Parish Ive, St. - - - - - - - Parish Mellion, St. - - - - - Parish Menheniot - - - - - - Parish Pillaton - - Parish Quethiock - - Parish South-Hill - - - Parish 127 114 368 322 690 601 85 286 59 61 NCM I INN C 154 214 44 176 48 174 75 118 91 1o CAC 315 167 594 231 348 270 80 576 221 336 321 1,170 452 684 534 12 91 98 82 264 1,388 1,557 | 14 | 915 443 199 4,107 4,054 8,161 230 206 115 436 229 coco i ci 214 101 152 221 318 460 o Olio 435 623 305 148 393 853 182 168 556 524 EAST Hundred. (North Division.) Egloskerry - - - - - - Parish Laneast - - - - - - - Parish LAUNCESTON - - - - (a) ~ Lawhitton - - - - - - Parish Lewannick - - - - - - Parish Lezant - - - - - - - Parish Linkinhorne - - - - - - Parishi North-Hill - - - - - - Parish Petherwin, South - - - - Parishi St. Stephens - - - - - - Parish with NEWPORT - - - - - Borough Stoke-Climsland - - - - Parish Thomas, St. the Apostle - (9) Parish Thomas, St. Sireet - - Hamlet Tremayne - - - - - - Parish Tresmeer - - - - - - - Parish Trewen - - - - - - - Parish 153 143 553 536 147 131 en 1,080 1,089 914 471 443 arco ooo - CTN 10 Walioa com o concluir war o FÖ 106 496 481 977 213 197 גלל 753 54 153 148 154 153 i lor Tiara 1,524 307 301 125 173 6A 61 85 108 88 98 206 1,486 1,746 | 30 1,261 370 115 4,745 4,527 9,272 434 608 50 2,642 422 3 1,210 145 1,209 1,432 152 297 438 490 1,195 1 36 167 87 EAST Hundred. (South Division.) Antony, St. Jacob - - - () Parish Botusfleming - - - - - - Parish GERMANS, St. - - Borough & Parish John, St. - - - - - - Parish Landrake with St. Erney - - Parishes Landulph - - - - - - - Parish Maker (part of) - - - 0 () Parish Rame - - - - - - () Parish Sheviock - - - - - - - Parish Stephens, St. (by Saltash) - (8) Parish SALTASH - - - - - - Borough 91 122 I-IIIIwwer 78 424 270 991 439 39 102 34 159 121 301 402 137 182 70 236 266 367 2,189 2,787 417 309 805 368 246 2,404 178 841 579 1,796 807 491 1,325 1,548 140 97 63 20 245 651 147 23 674 825 211 249 723 651 734 | 1,402 6,170 6,738 12,908 56 59 682 53 179 162 1,851 254 472 183 643 KERRIER Ilundred. Anthony, St. (in Meneage) - Parish Breage (+) - - - - - (b) Parish Budock - - - - - - (i) Parish Constantine - - - - - - Parish Cury - - - Parisli Falmouth - - - - - (3) Parish Germoe - - - - - - - Parish Gluvias - - - - - -(k) Parish PENRYN - - - Borough 322 326 297 290 89 83 262 148 Toalmari woocool 11 168 1,817 991 878 254 1,197 417 386 1,676 330 3,668 1,634 1,671 505 1,982 830 745 2,933 793 251 785 413 359 1,257 373 473 154 157 124 117 467 352 40 224 (a) The Parish and Borough of LAUNCESTOn is entered at the end of the County. The Borough extends into Lawhitton Parish. The Parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, with the Hamlet of St. Thomas-Street, (sumpctimes decmed Extra-parochial) contains 608 Inhabitants. The situation of the Parish of Antony St. Jacob, near Plymouth-Dock, is a con- venient residence for naval officers, wbichi bas increased the Population.- © Part of the Parish of Maker is returned in Roborough Hundred (County of Devon) by the name of Vaultersholme; the entire Parish contains 3,018 Inhabitants. The cessation of War has lessened the Population of the Parishes of Maker and Rame, which are adjacent to Plyinouih-Dock. The entire Parish of St. Stephen (by Saltash) coutains 2,873 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the Parish of Breage is attributed to a mine now worked there. (i) One Female in Budock Parish upwards of 100 years of age. This Parish exo tends into the Town of Falmouth. (j) The Town of Falmouth is entered at the end of the County. The entire Parish contains 6,374 Inhabitants. (K) The entire Parish of Gluvias contains 3,678 Iuliabitants. 38 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CORNWALL-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR How many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Fainilic Oc- OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly ! | OTHER chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in Manu- the Two Agri- factures, preced- CUL JorHandi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building OP FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 50 12 181 355 252 26 49 1,165 460 128 986 6,294 1,299 203 71 60 108 310 254 88 2,505 387 457 591 504 1,050 KERRIER Hundred-continued. Grade - - - - - - - - - Parish Gunwalloe - - - Parish Gwennap (+) - • Parish Keverne, St. • - - - - - Parish Landewednack - - - - - Parish Mabe • - - - - - - - Parish Manaccan - - - Parish Martin, St. (in Meneage) Parish Mawgan (in Meneage) - - - Parish Mawran • - - - - - - Parish Mullion - - - - - - - Parish Mylor - - - - - - - - Parish Perran-Arworthal - - - - Parish Ruan, Major - - - - - - Parish Ruan, Minor - - Parish Sithney - - - - Parish Stithians - - - - - - - Parish Wendron - - - - - - (kk) Parish Helston - - Borough & Chapelry 88 175 199 139 93 95 174 117 135 3,068 3,226 1,206 184 225 232 281 250 509 541 246 290 334 935 1,258 670 692 98 89 157 1,131 794 2,114 2,079 1,147 | 1,524 536 NOON NII w w w w Na mo and N OTĀ I 12 121 381 358 692 515 243 28 117 118 55 28 31 115 91 221 20 66 367 277 782 261 136 1,107 424 299 820 2,193 1,362 187 293 2,238 1,688 4,193 2,671 166 894 530 69 241 446 560 36 283 7,415 8,504 86 381 2,573 2,107 3,824 20,116 22,630 42,746 55 121 42 138 229 164 461 885 30 CI DOMA 30 .87 175 63 58 68 88 177 130 65 125 108 424 186 93 333 133 687 59 100 130 48 LESNEWTH Hundred. Advent - . - Parish Alternon - - - - - - - Parish Clether, St. - Parish Davidstow - - - - - - Parish Forrabury - - - - - - Parish Gennys, St. . - - - - - Parish Juliot, St. - - - - - - - Parish Lanteglos with CAMELFORD Par. & Bor. Lesnewth - - - - - - - Parish Michaelstow - - - - - - Parislı Minster - - - - - - - Parish Otterham - - - - - - Parish Poundstock - - - - - - Parish Tintagell with BossInEY Parish & Bor. Treneglos - - - - - - - Parish Trevalga - - - - - - - Parish Warbstow- - - - - - - Parish 347 43 120 363 223 680 263 1,256 123 130 569 64 229 24 31 116 216 114 47 20 36 107 37 121 160 219 100 206 425 V Oldal + 1 33 212 158 172 140 380 744 80 426 112 364 451 119 877 42 119 238 26 28 26 62 71 133 76 11 228 211 439 1,402 1,572 | 43 | 1,113 1 333 126 3,737 3,744 7,481 PENWITII Hundred. 195 36 26 392 180 714 3,005 586 10 145 781 3,214 2,007 829 587 1,966 237 1 775 145 44 661 692 83 22 113 179 113 Burian - - - - - - - Parish 246 257 1 419 Camborné - - - - - () Parish 1,158 1,158 24 | 35 Crowan - - - - - -(!!) Parish 698 742 Erth, St. - - - - - - - Parish 73 285 Gulval - - Parish 257 270 Gwinear - Parish 423 441 Gwithian - - - - - - - Parishi 86 86 Hilary, St. - - (m) Parish 268 292 Marazion - • - - Town 2-30 252 Illogan - - - - - - - Parish 912 972 Ives, St.- - - - Borough & Parish Just, St. - - - - - - - Parish 650 723 Lelant, Uny - - - - - - Parish 241 259 Levan, St. - - - - - - Parish 88 go Ludgvan - - - - - - (n) Parish | 315 ვნ) Madron - - - - - - (nn) Parish 337 373 · Penzance - - - - - Chapelry | 1,084 Michael, St. Mount - - Extra P. 50 ܟ ܠ ܘ ܘ ܗܝ ܝܕ ܒ ܙ ܀ ܟ ܝܕ ܙ ܝܙ ܟ ܟ ܗ 1 58 189 1,495 6,219 3,973 1,604 1,353 2,383 412 1,558 1,253 5,170 3,526 3,666 1,271 490 1,839 2,011 5,224 1,188 202 783 704 2,683 1,880 1,792 652 97 686 . 725 777 69 1,195 210 775 549 2,487 1,646 1,874 619 226 901 966 2,190 274 49 434 121 130 80 553 10 119 1 264 33 938 176 83 242 114 429 648 1,045 3,034 110 50 11 39 113 223 (kk) The entire Parish of Wendron, which includes the Borough of of St. Hilary contains 2,811 Inhabitants. The increase of Pupu. HELSTON, contains 6,864 Inhabitants. (1) Miners and their families llation in the Parish of Lucgvan is attributed to a mine there... are included in the third column of Occupations. (1) One Female in (nn) The entire Parisha of Madron contains 7,235 Inbabitants. Crowan Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (m) The entire Parish M.DCCC.XXI.] 39 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CORNWALL–continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. OP OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES | chiefly | ОтнER chiefly employ- Families ein- ed in not con- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu- the I'wo factures, I preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building. / Un-Inhabite FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. AGRI- factures, 30 26 325 3,790 137 496 54 690 158 483 929 182 PENWITH Hundred--continued. Morvah - - - - - - - Parish Paul - - - - - - - - Parish Perran-Uthnoe - - - - - Parish Phillack (+) . - - - () Parish Redruth - - - - - - - Parish Sancreed - - Parish Sennen - - Parish Towednack - - - - - - Parish Zennor - - - - - - - Parish 164 1,834 397 1,212 · 786 61 764 158 517 1,319 196 96 113 129 Sort Pantanir 88 247 99 | 984 161 1,956 389 1,317 3,421 495 3,186 506 2,529 6,607 1,001 84 19 48 350 637 110 122 287 285 378 SO 65 297 337 582 715 58 10,853 11,849 142 3,081 3,237 5,531 29,121 | 31,521 60,642 POWDER Hundred (East Division.) 937 753 3,105 3,070 163 1,179 165 AW 20 aw or lo low 467 67 74 471 278 269 301 314 846 626 585 817 2218 418 Austell, St. - - • - - (P) Parisha Blazey, St. - - - - - (P) Parish Dennis, St. - - - - - - Parish bwe, St. - ---- (P) Parish FOWEY - - Borough and Parish Gorran - - - - - - - Parish Ladock - - - - - - - Parish Lanlivery - - - - - (P) Parish LOSTWITHIEL (PP) Borough and Parish Luxulion - - - - - - - Parish Mevagissey - - - - - - Parish Mewan, St. - - - - - (P) Parish Michael, St. Carhaise - - - Parish Roach - - - - - - - Parish Sampson's, St. - - - - - Parish St. Stephens (in Brannel) - - Parish Tywardreth - - - - - (P) Parish 388 662 122 211 155 208 315 199 28 656 420 723 1,116 513 6,15,5 938 592 1,663 1,455 1,203 806 1,318 933 1,276 2,450 1,174 174 1,425 cu corolla liicer A mod ng O 235 539 303 553 1,334 557 137 617 89 25 64 85 Wolf, 222 30 243 50 513 221 158 41 428 49 130 41 8 ! 756 130 1,256 248 669 118 1,223 597 137 105 305 93 2,172 180 641 2,479 1,238 3,982 4,893 1,541 w | 1,180 12,765 | 12,782 25,547 POWDER Hundred (West Division.) 10 198 471 179 2,306 168 400 1,037 26 528 28 78 21 42 36 148 279 102 no 97 1,269 90 131 362 67 540 273 306 22 73 144 22 228 116 18 105 4.95 288 I o wwe om Avon ww 208 182 105 298 157 302 524 569 Allen, St. - - - - - - Parisha Anthony, St. (in Roseland) - Parish Clements, St. - - - . () Parish Cornelly - - - - - - - Parish Creed - - - - - - - (9) Parish GRAMPOUND - - - Borough Cuby • - - - - - (99) Parish TREGONEY - - - - Borough Erme, St. - - - - - - Parish Feock - - - - - - - - Parish Gerrans - - - - - - - Parish Just, St. (in Roseland) - - - Parish with St. MAWES - - - Borough Kea - - - - - - () () Parishi Tregavethan - - - - - Manor Kenwyn - - - - - - () Parish Lamorran - - - - - - Parisha Merther - - - - - - - Parish Michael, St. Penkevil - Philleigh, or Filley - - - - Parish Probus - - - - - - () Parish Ruan-Lanyhorne - - - - Parish Truro, St. Mary's (") Borough and Parish Veryan - - - - - - - Parish 176 668 140 1,035 561 1,093 732 1,648 3,142 338 a III a II 1601 160 161 lama maro 371 596 752 Cros 394 896 1,600 37 3,278 66 13 1,131 204 1,542 29 2,943 50 171 6,221 93 43 Eiririci 47 370 Parish 86 167 395 274 A 7 W G-- 199 81 192 682 194 1,537 725 1,353 71 203 671 182 1,175 696 61 376 424 410 216 1 519 1 2 303 | 6 2,712 1,421 160 52 14,284 5,213 73 156 1,727 2,531 | 955 12,142 | 13,454 25,596 () Miners and their families, in the Parish of Phillack are included in the third column of Occupations.- () The Peturns of St. Mustell, St. Bluzey, St. Ewe, Lanlivery, St. Mewan, and Tywardreth, attribute the increase of Population in those Parishes to the discovery of mines. (PM) The Borough of LostwITHIEL (strictly speaking) extends beyond the Parish so called, into the adjacent Parishes of Lanlivery and St. Win- now.. (9) The entire Parish of Creed contains 947 Inhabitants, pro- vided that part of the Burough of GRAMPOUND, which is in Probus Pa- rish, is included in the Return of that Parish.--(99) The entire Parish of Cuby contains 1,175 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Kea contains 2.208 Inhabitants.-- (s) The Parishes of St. Clements and Kenw yn extend into the Town of Truro, which is said to be nearly threc times as populous as the Borough appcars to be in the above Return. The miners of Kenwyn aud Kea are included in the second column of Occupations. 40 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CORNWALL–continued. HOUSES ; PERSONS; PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI- ALI LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ. Families en ed in not coin- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, Families Un-Inhabited. OF Building. Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 1,099 45 1,012 214 40 269 no co 104 166 32 5,762 1,225 950 80 10 166 39 259 453 227 26 2,928 626 131 1,266 640 190 68 m. N and in co co wiem 2,834 599 128 1,227 657 199 170 405 204 166 12 2,493 1,297 389 322 833 54 152 142 428 218 PYDER Hundred. Agnes, St. - - - - - - Parish Breock, St. - - - - - - Parish Colan - - - - - - - - Parish Columb, St. Major Parish Columb, St. Minor - - - - Parish Crantock - - Parish Cubert - - Parish Enoder, St. - - - - - () Parish Ervan, St. - - - - - - Parish Eval, St. - - - - - - - Parish Issey, St. - - - - - - - Parislı Lanhydrock - - - - - - Parish Lanivet - - - - - - - Parish Mawgan (in Pyder) Parish Merryn, St. - - Parish Newlyn - - - - - - () Parish Padstow - - - - - - - Parish Perranzabuloe - - - - - Parish Petherick, Little - Parish Wenn, St. - - - - - - Parish Withiel - - - - - - - Parish I 422 52 112 157 323 133 w urocomari A coco a poco ovveroooooo 338 322 660 39 125 126 251 147 803 131 107 93 393 280 410 300 280 257 191 194 530 324 329 wo i Anar And Now 141 47 171 321 770 854 114 515 930 848 103 295 580 537 1,045 1,700 1,702 217 589 339 34 30 22 11 wo wo wo 17 294 e 180 159 3,877 4,342 45 146 2,017 1,935 390 10,747 11,001 21,748 Coo 406 238 212 121 278 529 118 571 174 201 142 128 101 STRATTON Hundred. Boyton (part of) - - - - (4) Parish Bridgerule (part of) - - - () Parish Jacobstow - - - - - - - Parish Kilkhampton - - - - - Parish Launcells - - - - - - Parish Marham-Church - Parish Moorwinstow - - - -("Y) Parish Poughill - - - - - - - Parish Stratton (+) - - (W) Parish Tamerton, North - - Parish Week, St. Mary - - - - - Parish Whitstone - - - - - - Parish 1,024 891 152 194 117 293 495 420 315 550 187 759 471 332 ali doni ttaa 79 : 647 215 62 223 284 326 104 and on II 541 191 821 263 409 1,091 378 1,580 479 782 216 141 84 373 224 242 466 1,487 1,665 1:14 | 28 1,101 452 112 4,410 4,143 | 8,553 576 144 254 21 1,397 1,505 2,902 183 193 376 115 637 446 77 112 100 213 171 44 Jowcooo 313 283 locow! Ico 324 271 109 TRIGG Hundred. BODMIN - - - - . (x) Blisland - - - - - - Breward, St. or Simonward Egloshayle - - - - - Endellion - - - - - - Helland - - - - - Kew, St. - - - - - - Mabyn, St. . - - - - Minver, St. Highlands - - - Lowlands - - Teath, St. - - - - - - Temple - - - - - - Tudy, St. - - - - - - 612 554 1,174 too, how Borough & Parish - Parishi - Parish - Parish - Parish Parish - Parish - Parish Parish ſ. - Parish | - Parish - Parish 256 224 45 547 138 603 253 Trileri 602 126 615 354 345 1,149 264 1,218 715 128 134 101 361 123 139 99 368 162 713 395 59 153 70 251 70 198 and I ner i I Joier at Don 152 491 499 990 cle, 16 11 27. 606 103 114 310 296 1,977 2,315 2092 1,351 594 370 5,734 5,906 11,640 127 253 WEST Hundred. Boconnoc - - - - - - Broadoak - - - - - - Cardinham - - - - - Cleer, St. - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish 109 49 43 124 183 33 39 101 1 covico پر دم دہ うかい ​126 126 391 511 141 235 775 985 384 474 188 155 . (') The Borough of Midsall, or St. Michael, is in the Parishes of Age.- (W) The increase of Population in the Parish of Stratton is of St. Enoder and Newlyn. -() The entire Parish of Boyton contains | tcmporary, is consisting of canal-diggers.com ) The staff of the Cornish · 489 Inhabitants. Northcot Hamlet is in the Hundred of Black-Tor Militia, and several Chelsea and Greenwich Pensioners, reside at Bodnin. rington, Devon. The entire Parish of Bridgerule contains 436 The entire Parish contains 3,278 Inhabitants.- () The entire Parish Inhabitants : part of ihis Parish is in the Hundred of Black-Torrington, I of St. Miuver contains 1,028 Inhabitants. Devon.-- ") One Male in Moorwinstow Parisha upwards of 100 years M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CORNWALL-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: | FAI- FAMI- ALL I chiefly Other chiefly employ. Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu-' the 'Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- forHandia ing craft. Classes, Un-Inhabited. Or Building. FEMALES. MIALES. in PERSONS. TURE. 119 119 103 779 33 27 113 119 4 22 76 404 82 324 439 153 629 165 187 39 880 178 30 llwvalno i onda 33 499 1,088 142 389 205 64 128 528 106 170 53 205 375 71 305 441 474 1,335 531 195 433 282 241 35 WEST Hundred continued. Duloe - - - - - - - - Parish Keyne, St. - - - - - - Parish Lanreath - - - - - - - Parish Lansalloes - - - - - - Parish Lanteglos (by Fowey) - - - Parish czu Borough LISKEARD - - - v & Parish Martin's, St. - - - (3) Parish Looe, East - - - - - Borough Morval - - - - - Parish Neot, St. - - - - - - - Parish Pelynt. - - Parish Pinnock, St. - - - - Parish Talland - - - - (b) Parish Looe, West - - - - - Borough Veep, St. - - - - - - - Parish Warleggon - - - - Parish Winnow, St. • - - - - - Parish 565 973 2,423 1,096 411 770 68 216 AAVA DN couco Bw CNN 27 109 3,37 169 130 210 146 124 333 608 173 647 615 1,255 750 100 386 364 לל 209 431 839 187 112 72 191 103 108 50 153 199 135 42 539 116 54 alla 82 222 398 236 303 157 449 441 303 282 139 457 36 585 296 175 156 12 906 2,847 3,275 1381,794 942 539 8,200 8,378 16,578 Borough Town of LAUNCESTON ---- () Parish 245 | 439 124 269 46 974 1,209 2,183 Town of Falmouth - ·---() Town 441 1,045 il 9 53 416 576 1,849 2,543 4,392 () One Female in Liskeard upwards of 100 years of age. () The entire Parish of St. Martin contains 1,181 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Talland contains 1,378 Inhabitants. (C) The Borough of LAUNCESTON extends into Lawhitton Parish, so that (strictly speaking) the Borough contains more Inhabitants than the Parish of Launceston. O The entire Parish of Falmouth contains 6,374 Inhabitants ; and adds considerably to the Population. S UMM A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL, (NOT INCLUDING THE SCILLY ISLANDS.) Hundred of EAST - ----- - 5,063 6,090 57 259 2,827 1,547 1,71615,022 15,319 | 30,341 KERRIER - - 7,425 8,504) 86 2,573 2,107 3,824 20,116 22,630 42,746 LESNEWTH - - - - - 1,402 1,573 12 1,113 333/ 126 3,737 3,744 7,481 PENWITH - - 110,853 11,849 142 3,237 5,531 29,121 31,521 60,642 POWDER - - 8,266 10,106 126 3,268 3,711 3,127 24,907 | 26,236 | 51,143 PYDER - - 3,877 4,342 2,017 10,747 11,001 | 21,748 STRATTON . 1,487 1,665 14 4,143 8,553 TRIGG - . 1,977 2,315 1,351 5,734 5,906 11,640 WEST - • • - 2,847 3,275 31 | 138 1,794 8,200 8,378 16,578 Borough Town of LAUNCESTON --... 245 439 il 7 1241 2691 974 1,209 2,183 Town of FALMOUTH - - - - - - | 441 | 1,045 53 416 576 1,849 2,543 4,392 1,101 4,410 1241 209 46 Totals - - -|43,873 51,202 | 535|1,82019,302 15,543|16,357 | 124,817 | 132,630 | 257,447 M 42 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CORNWALL-continued. Ages of Persons. MALE S. Under TOTÁL. Hundred 5 40 100 : of 1,716 EAST .. KERRIER LESNEWTH. |2,247 2,247 1,988 - 2,497 1557 | 501 | 2,207 1,609 2,078 1,479 1,299 | 549 463 363 PENWITH POWDER - PYDER - 14,878 - 15,191 - 33737 - 27,967 24,875 10,777 4,875 3,793 3,924 3,281 3,592 3,044 4,326 2,957 2,301 1,621 853-493 105 2,851 | 2,4893,849 2,733 2,077 11,714 1,175 620/150 - ang wong to wou 1,405 II II III III STRATTON TRIGG.. WEST - 511 459 771 - 1,274 1,097 3,617 5,734. . - 984 8,199 1 mag egter - LAUNCESTON, BORO' - 146 167 129 100 169 117 103 FALMOUTH, TOWN - 316 270 214 198 253. 182 153 129 | 80 Total of MALES - 18,836 15,945 14,176 12,348 17,641 12,657|10,1017,685 5,158/2,709 645 44 1,122 1,849 117,96 FEM A L E S. Under Under | io TOTAL. Hundred vards. of EAST - - KERRIER LESNEWTH - . PENWITH - POWDER - - PYDER - - STRATTON - TRIGG - - WEST - - - 2,149 1,959 1,647 1,472 2,313 1,798 1,403 773 409 129 2,198 1,836 1,827 2,944 | 849 476 156 -| 517 469 383 582 450 348 -4,810 3,868 3,210 3,055 15,020 13,307 | 2,612 - 13,820 3,207 2,677 | 2,674 4,507 2.954 2,322 2,322 1,827 1,365 666 1,520 1,414 1,285 1,118 1,755 1,292 - 540 | 448 379 - 829 726 579 697 - 1,156 1,057 899 868 1,280 931 810 - 15,167 117,583 - 3,758 1 30,446 - 26,236 - 11,004 485 401 965 | 3,381 5,906 | 8,372 LAUNCESTON, BORO' - FALMOUTH, TOWN -1 156 305 168 266 134 241 123 239 1,362 2,543 245 1 - 478 Total of FEMALES - |18,226 15,780 |13,270 12,661 20,574 |14,264|11,260 | 8,838 6,412 3,368/1,051 80 320 | 238 128 66 28/ 4 1 - FEMALES - THE Total Number of l'ersons in the County of Cornwall being .... 257,447, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages are returned (as above) being .... 243,703, .... it thence appears, that the Ages of one-nineteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Returns received from the County of Cornwall was 218, four of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus (+); and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages. were somewhat deficient, or redun. dapt,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. The Ages of Persons in St. Thomas-Street, are returned with Launceston. M.DCCC.XXI. 43 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Cumberland. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL employ. Families ed in not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chietly OTHER chiefly em- ployed TRADE, Manue the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- or Handi- TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. 3 in Families Oc- cupied. OF Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. ay 24 244 478 111 many m 328 655 209 ALLERDALE Ward, above Darwent ARLECDON - - - - () Parish Bees, St. (part of) Parish : (0) Bees, St. - - - - - Township Ennerdale - - - - - Chapelry Eskdale and Wasdale - () Chapelry Hensingham - - - - Township Kinneyside - - - - Township Lowside-Quarter - - - Township Netherwasdale - Chapelry Preston-Quarter - - - Township Rottington - - - Township Sandwith - - - - - Township Wheddicar - - - - - Township Whitehaven - - - (b) Township 327 112 164 403 104 97 132 457 121 296 860 225 353 211 188 165 105 ore on LOL 106 2,132 28 2,124 28 4,256 56 broncon 173 185 358 28 52 656 # # 545 COCO 57 198 112 390 192 60 1,752 -76 136 128 III+II 101 III II | 100 l m III III I III III ] #mommaa I 40 199 55 taie de o pasto i 207 2,038 206 184 206 51 3,790 405 391 416 102 210 51 99 188 201 55 Bootle - - - - - - - - Parish Bridget's, St. Beckermet () - Parish Brigham Parish : (0) Blindbothel - - - - Township Brigham - - - - - Township Buttermere - - - - Chapelry CockERMOUTH - - Borough Town Eaglesfield - - - - - Township Embleton - - - - - Chapelry Graysouthen - - - - Township Mosser - - - - - - Chapelry Setmurthey - - - - Chapelry Whinfell - - - Township Cleator - - - - - - - Parish Cloffock - - - - - () Extra Par. Corney - - - - - - - Parish Crosthwaite (part of) Parish : (8) Borrowdale - - - (5) Chapelry Braithwaite - - - - Township Coledale, or l'ortingscale - Township Newlands - - - - - Chapelry Thornthwaite - - - - Chapelry Dean Parish : (b) Branthwaite - - - - Township Dean - - - - - - Township Ullock, Pardsey, and Dean-Scales T. Distington - - - - - - Parish Dregg Parish: (i) Carleton - - - - - Township Dregg - - - - - - Township 348 165 289 187 346 108 II trial of O ongelooco 1 131 49 70 214 294 115 164 178 94 152 355 168 309 495 988 F 68 144 II 139 289 895 110 Egremont - - - - - Gostorth - - - - - Hale with Wilton - - - Harrington - - - - Irton - - - - - - Santon and Melthwaite John's, St. Beckermet - Lamplugh - - - - 447 127 - - Parish - (k) Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (1) Parishi - Township - - Parish - (m) Parish 348 139 40 347 45 44 of Wa on 441 122 1,058 787 ali mara III a 1,741 888 249 1,845 269 297 549 661 131 138 153 284 79 144 265 307 103 108 354 (a) Arlecdon Parish includes Frizington High and Low, and Whilly- | cluded in the second column of occupations. . (h) The entire Parish of moor Towriships - The entire Parish of St. Bees, (including the Dean contains 832 Inhabitants.-ama(i) The entire Parish of Dregg con- Town of Whitehaven, which is entered at the end of the County) con tains 433 Inhabitants; among them a female upwards of 100 years of tains 19,169 Inhabitants ; besides which Loweswater Chapelry is or was! age.---- () The Return of the Parish of Gosforth includes High and in St. Bees Parish (C) Eskdale and Wasdale include the Township of 1 Low Bolton, and Boruwood Townships. The entire Parish of Wasdale-head. (d) St. Bridget's-Beckermet Parish includes the Irton contains 566 Inhabitants. The Return of the Parish of Township of Calder, in Copeland, (c) The entire Parish of Brighain Lamplugh includes Ketton-Quarter, Lamplugh, Murton or Aloor-Town, contains 6,037 Inbabitants.- 0 ( lotfuck Extra-parochial is men- and Winder, Townships, all of which, in the year 1811, niade distinct tioned in the Note on Workington. Crosthwaite Parish is mostly ! Returns. in Allerdale Ward, below Darwent. The miners of Borrowdale are in- | ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- Ali, LIES LIES chiefly | ОтнER 'ainilies chiefly employ- en- ployed in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- TURE. ed in Uu-Inhabited. Inhabited. not coin- U prized in | TRADE, OF Building FEMALES. Oc- MALES. cupied. PERSONS. JorHandi- ing | craft. | Classes. 202 od NAI 151 49 213 140 353 100 440 10 227 58 101 43 124 153 251 320 127 167 241 171 214 219 460 il mondo III AA IIIII I ICI 144 154 315 ALLERDALE Ward, above Darwent continued. Lorton Parochial Chapelry: (*) Brackenthwaite - - - Township Lorton - - - - - - Township Wythop - - - - - Chape!ry Loweswater - - - () Par: Chap: Millom Parish: (P) Birker and Austhwaite - Township Chapel-Sucken - - - Township Millom, Lower - - - Township Millom, Upper - - - Township Thwaits - - -'- () Chapelry Ulpha - - - - - - Chapelry Moresby Parish: (1) Moresby - - - - - Township Parton - - - - - - Township Muncaster with Birkby - Par: Chap: Ponsonby and Newton - - - Parish Salter and Eskat - - - - Extra P. Waberthwaite - - - - - - Parish Whicham - - - - - - - Parish Whitbeck - - - - - - - Parish Workington Parish : () Clifton, Great - - - - Township 1 Clifton, Little - .. - Township Stainburn - - - - - Township Winscales - - - - - Township Workington --- (") Township 1,224 368 85 N c I o mod corcoCo od onio -- III A Town 438 122 193 223 272 496 115 555 150 37 138 19 68 613 301 134 95 221 113 138 251 99 104 III pred poor co HII 77 61 84 203 138 157 6,439 27 27 73 1,751 1,155 2,758 3,681 7,088 7,978 2,731 / 2,593 2,654 | 18,465 20,146 138,611 ALLERDALE Ward, below Darwent. 38 119 100 219 132 304 632 122 41 63 328 119 158 cacã 241 347 war Alam 189 277 102 260 537 65 66 157 164 321 802 103 All allows . - - - - - Parish Aspatria Parish: (5) Aspatria and Brayton - - Township Hayton and Melay - Township Outerside and Allerby .. Township Bassenthwaite - - - - - Parish Bolton Parish: (1) Bolton-High-side - - - Township Bolton-Low-side - - - Township Bridekirk Parish: (º) Bridekirk - - - - Township Broughton, Great - - Township Broughton, Littie - - - Township Dovenby - - - - - Township Papcastle and Goat - - Township Ribton - - - - - - Township Tallentire - - - - - Township Broomfield (part of) Parish : (") Allonby - - - - - Chapelry Broomfield, Crookdake & Scales Town. Langrigg and Mealrigg - Township Newton, West - - - - Township 25 7 72 144 105 204 435 114 231 123 109 210 237 214 105 DOA 174 384 15 36 21 140 40 104 244 me lio TCOIN 158 165 122 330 62 42 176 379 187 93 136 709 ვნე 194 309 101 50 173 - (n) The entire Parish of Lorton contains 593 Inhabitants. 439 sailors are said to be from home. (5) The entire Parish of As- ☺) Loweswater includes Mockerkin, and is a Parochial Chapelry, patria contains 1,220 Inhabitants. Labourers at the coal-pits are included sometimes attributed to the Parish of St. Bees. (P) The entire in the second column. The entire Parish of Bolton contains 1,123 Parish of Millom contains 1,815 Inhabitants, Chapel-Sucken being Inhabitants. Bolton.High-side Township is sometimes called Bolton- included in Thwaits Chapelry. 9) The entire Parish of Moresby Gate ; Bolton-Low-side is called Bolton-Wood, and Quarry-Hills. contains 934 Inhabitants. It is remarked in the Return of the (u) The entire Parish of Bridekirk contains 1,694 Inhabitants. Parish of Workington, that “there is a place adjacent called Cloffock, Broomfield Parish is partly in Cumberland Ward. The entire Parish containing 3 Houses, 7 Males, 8 Females. It is extra-parochial.” contains 2,107 Inhabitants, exclusive of 603 sailors employed in registered The entire Parish of Workington contains 7,188 resident Inhabitants, and | vessels, and 3 soldiers. M.DCCC.XXI.1 :45 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- I ALL LIESI LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Fainilies en ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP Uu-Inhabited. Building FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS 120 50 148 348 272 720 596 109 | 128 312 49 86 149 i III Ön covor 332 620 53 12 26 96 60 200 3,514 41 43 34 103 2,214 97 1,300 98 294 272 883 403 89 1,018 254 566 1,901 487 89 233 112 279 106 129 236 515 621 133 319 ALLERDALE Ward, below Darwent continued. Caldbeck Parish : (W) Caldbeck, High . - Township Caldbeck, Low - - - Township Caldbeck-Haltcliffe · · Township township | Cammerton Parish : () Cammerton - - - - Township Seaton - - - - - - Township Cross-Cannonby Parish: () Birkby - - - - - - Township Cross-Cannonby - - - Township Crosby - - - - - - Township Mary-Port - - - - - Chapelry Crosthwaite (part of) Parish : (2) John's, St. Castlerigg & Wythburn c. Keswick - - - - - Township Under-Skiddaw - - - Township Dearham Parish : (a) Dearham - - - - - Township Ellenborough & Unerigg - Townships Fliinby - - - - (b) Parish Gilcrux - - - - - - - Parish Holme-Cultram Parish: () · Abbey - - - - - - Quarter East-Waver - - - - - Quarter Low - - - - - - - Quarter St. Cuthbert - - - - Quarter Treby, High, Parish : (d) Ireby, High .- - - - Township Ireby, Low - - - - Township Isall Parish : (0) Blindcrake, Isall & Redmain Townships Isall, Old-l'ark - - - Township Sunderland - - - • - Township - - - - () Parish Torpenhow Parish: (5). Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth Townships Blennerhasset and Kirkland Townships Bothel and Threapland • Townships Torpenhow with Whitrigg - Township Uldale - - - - - - - - Parisb| Westward Parish : (h) Brocklebank and Stoneraise Township | Rosley - - - - - - Township Woodside - - - - - Townsbip 376 377 N Nicol No To Nnar 54 367 391 268 758 82 85 134 234 502 1 Al 441 370 811 333 701 164 146 293 146 311 90 hand oo o III 24 48 396 97 i A ii 384 256 50 343 108 110 328 162 50 63 Il mondo 293 140 171 621 302 364 68 193 4,563 4,959 26 130 2,101 | 1,849 1,009 11,536 12,504 24,040 CUMBERLAND Ward. Aikton Parish : (0) Aikton - - - - - - Township Biglands and Gamelsby - Townships Wampool - - - - - Township Wiggonby - - - - - Township 123 126 249 191 54 97 169 con (W) The entire Parish of Caldbeck contains 1,588 Inhabitants. | Holine-Cultram contains 2,772 Inhabitants. The entire Parish (*) The entire Parish of Cammerton contains 706 Inhabitants. (9) The 1 of Ireby contains 457 Inhabitants. O The entire Parish of Isall entire Parish of Cross-Cannonby contains 3,870 Inhabitants, exclusive | contains 449 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to of 603 sailors belonging to Maryport; but inclusive of 113 persons, inclosure of common lands, and improved agriculture. V The said to be attributable to Ellenborough Township. One Feniale in increase of Population in the Parish of Plumbland is ascribed to a free- Marypurt upwards of 100 years of Age. (2) Crosthwaite Parish is school, and new collieries. (6) The entire Parish of Torpenhow partly in Allerdale Ward above Darwent; the entire Parish contains contains 961 Inhabitants. h) The entire Parish of Westward contains 4,087 Inhabitants.-- ) The entire Parish of Dearham contains 1,1361,287 Inhabitants, (i). The entire Parish of Aikton contains 706 In- Inhabitants.— 0) Exclusive of seamen. The entire Parish of l habitants. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR By how many Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE.. OCCUPATIONS: Fam- ALL LIES LIES ОгHER chiefly chiefly Families em- not com- prized in in the I'wo AGRI- factures, CUL- forlandi. ing TURE. Classes. craft. Inhabited. ed in loved TRADE, Un-Inhabited. Building MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL OP PERSONS. Manu- preced- 19 ܒܝ 14 , 21 178 145 323 12 99 264 104 207 ܝ | ܕ 203 471 418 222 65 196 .63 ܐ 128 and I am I II III 105 216 | ܐ 111 161 155 3,16 · 47 80 304 150 | | ܚܕ ܒܝ . 33 154 73 124 92 154 254 130 103 ܙ 195 122 ܝ ܟ 62 161 62 108 25 170 283 124 201 ܙ ܙ • 46 21: 170 340 ܕ 284 CUMBERLAND Ward-continued. Beaumont - - - - • (*) Parish Þowness Parish : (') Anthorn - - - - - Township Bowness - - - - (k) Township Drumburgh - - - () Township Fingland - - - - Township Broomfield Parish: (m) Blencogs - - - - - Township Dundraw - - - - - Township Burgh-upon-the-Sands, Parish: (*) Boustead-Hill - - - - Township Burgh-by-Sands, or Burgh-Head T. Longburgh, - - - - Township Moorhouse - - - - - Township Westend - - - - - Township Cuthbert, St. (part of) Parish : (0) Blackwell, or Blackhall High Townsh. Blackwell, or Blackhall Low Townsh. Carleton - - - - - Township Harraby - - - - - Township Upperby' • - - - - Township Dalston, Parish : (P.) Buckhowbank - .. Township Cumdevock - - - - Township Dalston - - - - - Township Hawkesdale - - - - Township Ivegill - - - - - - Township Raughton and Gatesgill - Township Grinsdale - - - - • - - Parish Kirk-Andrews-upon-Eden - (b) Parish Kirk-Bampton Parish : (1) Kirk-Bampton - - - Township · Bampton, Little - - - Township Oughterby - - - - - Township Kirk-Bride - - - - - - Parisḥ Mary, St. (part of) Parish :( Wreay - - - - - - Chapelry Orton Parish : (PP). Baldwin-Holme - : - Township · Orton - - - - - - · Township Rockcliff Parish : (99) Rockcliff, Church - - - Township · Rockcliff, Castle - - - Township Sebergham Parish: (2 Sebergham, Church, or Low Township Sebergham, Castle, or High Township Stanwix (part of) Parish: Cargo, or Craghow •• Township Stainton - - - - - Township 173 ocit - I wear © - von Bo Giwwi Nowi No 458 ܗ ܝ. ܚܕ ܚܕ ܚܙ ܙ 286 160 497 169 570 333 955 336 129 167 70 59 152 142 294 III IIIIIIIIIII a II ܗ | 138 141 | ܝܕ ܙ · 90 .52 193 172 105 308 ܟܝܘ ܝܢ 130 234 ܙ | 121 100 113 108 8 : 208 195 190 362 ܗ ܟܬ 360 338 ܟ ܬ ܟܬ 1 ő iť p 565 II II 55 ܒܝ | 129 274 12 34 (8) In Beaumont Parish, Bowness Township, and Kirk-Andrews | at the end of the County.-- () The entire Parish of Dalston contains Parish, an unfinished canal is the assigned cause of the Increase of 2,716 Inhabitants. New collieries have produced an increase of Popu- Pupulation ; also in Drumburgh Township, where eleven fatuilies in that lation. The entire Parish of Kirk-Bampton contains 470 Inha- occupation are entered in the third column. The entire Parish bitants. (PP) The entire Parish of Orton contains 442 Inhabitants. of Bowness contains 1,220 Inhabitants. m) Broomfield Parish is | (99) The entire Parish of Rockcliff contains 722 Inhabitants. The partly in Allerdale below Darwent.-- (") The entire Parish of Burgh- | entire Parish of Scbergham contains 903 Inhabitants.- () Stanwix upon-the-Sands contains 907 Inhabitants. O St. Cuthbert's Parish Parish is mostly in Eskdale Ward. and St. Mary's Parish, are mostly in the City of Carlisle, and entered M.DCCC.XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSIIIP, OR TO TAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. OCCUPATIONS: | FAMI- 1 FAMI ALL LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. , Un-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. in 1 48 43 114 143 257 CUMBERLAND Ward- continued. Thursby Parish : () Parton - - - - - - Township Thursby, High - - - Township Crofton-Quarter - - - Townsluip Warwick (part of) Parish: (º) Aglionby - - - - - Township Warwick - - - - - Township Wetheral (part of) Parish : () Cumwhinton and Coathill Township Scotby - - - - - - Township Wetheral - - - - - Township Wigton, Parish : (*) Oulton - - - - - - Township Waverton, High and Low Township Wigton - - - - - - Township Woodside-Quarter - - Township 239 472 233 153 230 165 318 221 451 OG NA MALO 28 164 336 83 244 1,932 172 233 477 2,124 4,056 309 1587 729 128 97 51 278 3,394 3,822 | 24 1,771 | 1,699 352 9,222 9,316 18.628 81 81 v 228 102 Noin 213 108 965 441 210 1,812 847 229 261 490 195 386 213 la 191 202 91 107 415 97 117 188 224 576 147 1,301 2,448 96 15 46 71 184 193 ! - 377 54 33 21 ESKDALE Ward. Arthuret Parish: (*) Brackenhill - - - -' Township Lineside - - - - - Township Longtown - - - - - Township Netherby - - - - - Township Bewcastle Parish: (V) Bailie - - - - - - Township Belbank - - - - - Township Bewcastle - - - - - Township Nixons - - - - - - Township Brampton Parish : (2) Brampton - - - - - Township Easby - - - - - - Township Nawarth, or Naward-Castle Township Carlatton - - - - - Extra Par. Castlecarrock (Town and Outside) - Parish Crosby-upon-Eden Parish : (0) Brunstock - - - - - Township Crosby, High - - - - Township Crosby, Low - - - - Township Walby - - - - - - Township Cumrew Parish : (b) Cumrew, Inside - - - Township Cumrew, Outside - - - Township Cumwhitton Parish : 0) Cumwhitton - - - - Township Moorthwaite & Northsceugh Townsh. Denton, Nether - - - - - Parish Denton, Upper - - () Par: Chap: Farlam Parish : (9) East-Farlam - - - - Township West-Farlam - - - - Township 172 10 I won w Bacoor no row ou coisas como !! 42 149 136 126 in oro 133 140 51 147 259 287 100 49 275 lo 216 491 art 85 172 ( ) The entire Parish of Thursby contains 515 Inbabitants:--- | of age. The entire Parish of Bewcastle contains 1,213 Inha- © Warwick Parish is partly in Eskdale Ward; the entire Parish con- bitants; one Female upwards of 100 years of age. (2) The entire tains 518 Inbabitants. Wetberal Parish is partly in Eskdale Parish of Brampton contains 2,921 Inhabitants.--- ) The entire Parish Ward; the entire Parish contains 2,192 Inhabitants, the Population of Crosby-upon-Eden contains 419 Inhabitants. O) The entire Parish having been much increased by an inclosure of land- () The entire :of Cumrew contains 231 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Parish of Wigton contains 5,456 Inhabitants; the increased Population Cumwhitton contains 544 Iuhabitants. (d) Upper, or Over-Denton i in the Town is attributed to increased trade. (*) The entire Parish sometimes attributed to Abby-Lanercost Parish, 0) The entire of Arthuret contains 2,953 Inhabitants; one Female upwards of 100.years | Parish of Farlam contains 663 Inhabitants. 48 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISY, TOWNSHIP, FA MI | FAMIO By OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. LIES ALL .LIES | chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL for Handi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FENALES. ΤΟΤΑΙ. 08 PERSONS. 156 175 233 144 331 491 280 136 III IN 251 O NA 133 232 450 44 118 218 53 114 . 78 97 0 108 222 162 33 + 4 128 129 624 102 322 256 102 A INCI 302 260 142 516 55 55 158 300 & C 143 146 397 398 795 134 385 260 391 GB 776 532 101 117 272 307 - 316 623 I owo med moder IV ESKDALE Ward--continued. Hayton Parish : (*) Faugh and Fenton - - - Township Hayton - - - - - - Township Talkin - - - - - - Township Irthington Parish : (6) Irthington - - - - - Township Leversdale - - - - - Township Newby - - - - - - Township Newtown - - - - - Township Kingmoor ------ Extra-P. Kirk-Andrews-upon-Esk Parish: ( ) Kirk-Andrews, Middle - Township Kirk-Andrews, Nether - Township Moat - - - - - - Township Nichol-Forest - - - - Chapelry Kirk-Liuton or Kirk-Levington Par.: (i) Hethersgill - - - - - Township Middle-Quarter - - - Township West-Linton or Levington Township Lanercost-Abby Parish: (k) Askerton - - - - - Township Banks - - - - - - Township Burtholme - - - - - Township Kingwater - - - - - Township Waterhead - - - - - Township Scaleby Parish : (0) East-Scaleby - - - - Township West-Scaleby - - - - Township Stanwix (part of) Parish : (m) Etterby - - - - - - Township Houghton - - - - - Township Linstock - - - - - Township Rickerby - - - - - Township Stanwix - - - - - Township Tarraby - - - - Township Stapleton Parish : (*) Belbank - - - - - - Township Solport - - - - - - Township Stapleton - - - - - Township Trough - - - - - - Township Walton Parish : () Walton, High- ..Township Walton, Low - - - - Township Warwick (part of) Parish : (P) Corby, Little - - - - Township Wetheral (part of) Parish: (9) Corby, Great - - - - Township Warwick-Bridge -.- - Township 251 129 ! ! ! ! 252 151 112 174 wouni 111 503 280 223 331 175 157 93 82 ! 127 II 255 ვნო 172 35 32 60 on 144 144 105 288 43 126 50 231 108 22 58 223 100 400 153 i 11 1111 10111! 110 73 169 252 wo 1 INI IA 137 360 487 143 74 97 77 144 -59 303 I NA 90 IL 31 NE 119 153 306 303 648 119 150 342 100 w 3,971 4,306 30 140 2,379 1,380 547 10,997 11,289 | 22,286 () The entire Parish of Hayton contains 1,102 Inhabitants, is sometimes ascribed to it, but the Pupulation not therein included. (6) The entire Parish of Irthington contains 1,020 Inhabitants. The () The entire Parish of Scaleby contains 618 Inhabitants. (m) Stan. Township of Newtown is stated to have declined in Population since wix Parish is partly in Cumberland Ward ; the entire Parish contains 1811 from the failure of the cotton manufactory, but in fact there is an 1,592 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Stapleton contains 1,127 increase of 34 Persons. One Male, and one Female, upwards of 100 Inhabitants. One Male upwards of 100 years of age mm (º) The entire years of age. (h) The entire Parish of Kirk-Andrews-upon-Esk con Parish of Walton contains 480 Inliabitants.-- Warwick Parish is tains 2,235 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Kirk Linton or mostly in Cumberland Ward.——(9) Wetheral Parish is mostly in Cun- Kirk-Levington, contains 1,931 Inhabitants.----(k) The entire Parish berland Ward. The increase of Population in the Eskdale part of it, of Abby-Lanercost contains 1,512 Inhabitants. Upper-Denton Chapelry | arises from the establishment of a cotton mill at Warwick-Bridge. M.DCCC.XXI.] 49 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. . COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: TAI. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- By how OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited, Un-Inhabited. Building. OF ALL LIES OTHER cmploy. | Families ed in not com- TRAD ized Manu- the Two | factures, preced- or Handi- ing craft. Classes. LIES chiefly en- ployed in AGRI- CUL- TURE. Oc- FEMALES. MALES, PERSONS. cupied. 138 141 79 279 153 151 111 72 the base of a T w-il 79 58 240 2,212 518 278 2,199 619 '669 4,411 1,288 1 TIINI cwn !!! IAIN Iwon ove In Ng 127 . 150 121 129 64 48 248 279 112 160 213 73 - 104 87 109 166 12 182 348 474 430 904 - 112 139 120 251 250 130 66 62 128 28 129 53 255 126 16 14 97 30 117 214 140 LEATH Ward. Addingham Parish : (0) Gamblesby - - - - - Township Glassonby - - - - - Township' Hunsonby and Winskill - Townships Salkeld, Little - - - - Township Ainstable with Rushroft - - - Parish Aldstone - - - - - - () Parish Garrigill - - - - - Chapelry Castle-Sowerby Parish: () Bustabeck - - - - - Township How-bound - - - - Township Row-bound - - - - Township Southernby-bound - - Township Stocklewath-bound - - Towuship Croglin - - - - - - - Parish Dacre - - - - - - - () Parish Edenhall Parish: (º) Edenhall - - - - - Township Langwathby - - - - Chapelry Greystock Parish: (*) Berrier and Murrah - - Townships Blencow, Little - - - Township Greystock - - - - - Township Hutton-John • - - - Township Hutton-Roof - - - - Township Hutton-Soil - - - - Township Johnby - - - - - - Township Matterdale - - - - - Chapelry Motherby and Gill - - Townships Mungris-Dale - - - - Chapelry Threlkeld - - - - - Chapelry Water-Millock • - - - Chapelry Hesket-in-the-Forest Parish : (*) Hesket, Nether and Upper Township Itonfield - - - - - - Township Petterell-Crooks - - - Township Plumpton-Street - - - Township Calthwaite - - - - - Township Hutton-in-the-Forest Parish: (v) Hutton-in-the-Forest - - Township Thomas-Close - - - - Township Kirkland Parish: (?) Culgaith - - - - - Chapelry Kirkland and Blencarn - Townships Skirwith - - - - - Township Kirk-Oswald Parish : (*) Kirk-Oswald . . - - Township Staffield, or Staffol - - - Township Lazonby Parish: (0) Lazonby - - - - - Township Plumpton-Wall - - - Township Mary's, St. (part of) Parish: (0) Middlesceugh & Braithwaite Hamlets 140 53 46 153 146 280 99 299 112 110 126 236 153 I low bor use FAOI CON Iūr- Toowf or comů ww ws the lar -vri E CON IL 1 WwDort w ve 150 303 IN I n I com a A ICH NI INI 186 224 410 422 358 112 98 780 210 513 128 OX 1 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 231 168 157 128 129 100 257 100% 217 125 113 238 I NII 383 144 760 309 165 20 274 141 259 127 i u 115 106 221 (*) The entire Parish of Addingham contains 694 Inhabitants. I habitants. (*) The entire Parish of Hesket-in-the-Forest contains (°) The entire Parish of Aldstone contains 5,699 Inhabitants. () The 1,799 Inhabitants. (') The entire Parish of Ilutton-in-the-Forest entire Parish of Castle-Sowerby contains 1,012 Inhabitants. Ù The contains 252 Inhabitants. (?) The entire Parish of Kirkland contains Return of the Parish of Dacre, includes Dacre, Great-Blencow, Newbiggin, I 712 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Kirk-Oswald contains 1,069 Soulby and Stainton Townships, all of which in the year 1811 made dis- Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Lazonby contains 801 Inha- tinct Returns. The entire Parish of Edenhall contains 501 Inha- bitants. ------ ) Middlesccugh and Braithwaite are detached Hamlets of bitants. The inclosure of waste lands has caused a large increase of St. Mary's Parish, City of Carlisle. Population.-_ (W) The entire Parish of Greystock contains 2,419 In- 50 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES By OR how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : [ FAMI- All LIES | chiefly Other chiefly employ- Families em ed in not coni- ployed Trade, I prized in Manu the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL lorHandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. Families Oc. cupied. Un Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. : OF PERSONS. LEATH Ward continued 1 - 2 : 41 1 123 250 18 72 124 126 26 36 · 148 49 800 128 Melmerby ----- · Parish Newton-Rigny Parish : (0) | Catierlen - - - - - Township Newton-Rigny - - - - Township Ousby - - - - - - - - Parish Penrith - - - - - - () Parish Renwick . . - - - - - Parish Salkeld, Great - - () Parish Skelton, Parish :(5) Lamonby - - - - - Township Skelton - - - - - - Township Unthank - - - - - Township wali 780 2,482 2,903 174 276 5,385 364 22 42 190 Ni 1 con il 91 213 190 403 s is to 139 www 135 170 137 162 115 274 332 252 4,127 4,809 2,069 1,522 1,218 | 12,370. 12,365 | 24,735 - City of CARLISLE. Mary, St. Within (part of) Parish: (h) Abbey.street - - - - Township Castle-street - - - - Township Fisher-street - • - • Township Scotch-street - - Township 197 588 172 4361 371 530 * 164" - 229 741 .871 :54 com www 1,024 901 393 1,612 333 709 1,928 1 1,987 262 65 42 250 555 3,915 512 1,235 278 680 Caldew-gate - - - - Township 504 Cummersdale - - - - Township Ricker-gate - - - - Township 175 Cuthbert, St. (part of) Parish: (i) Botchard-gate - - - - Township | 172 Botchardby - - - - Township Brisco or Birksceugh - - Township 60 English-street - • - - Township 462 298 2,202 125 22 10 20 16 680 | 1,017 60 | I . 140 1,576 1,185 65 168 1,673 308 26 3,249 1,986 3,181 2 70 201 2,779 | 201 7,238 / -8,238 | 15,476 Town of WHITEHAVEN. (In St. Bees Parish) (k) •-•--2,117 12,749 | 2 | 89 45 1,324 1,380 1 5,772 6,666 | 12,438 (d) The entire Parish of Newton Rigny contains 250 Inhabitants. Townships of Caldew-gate, Cummersdale, and Ricker-gate, are not (e) The Return of the Parish of Penrith, includes Burrowgate, Dockray, | (strictly speaking) in the City of Carlisle o St. Cuthbert's Parish Middlegate, and Sandgate, Netherend-Bridge and Carleton, Town and is partly in Cumberland Ward ; the entire Parish contains 6,878 Inha- Plumpton-Head, Townships, all of which, in the year 1811, made dis bitants. Botchardby Township is a suburb of the City. The unfinished tinct Returns.--To The inclosure of Inglewood-Forest has caused Carlisle Canal increases the Population of the City-- (k) The Popu- houses to be built, and increased the Population of Great-Salkeld. lation of Whitehaven is said to have decreased in the last two years (6) The entire Parish of Skelton contains 858 Inhabitants. (h) St. from decrease of trade. The sailors belonging to registered vessels Mary's Parish is partly in Cumberland Ward, partly in Leath Ward, I (about 800 in number) are reckoned as such elsewhere. and is so eutered ; the entire Parish contains 9,943 Inlıabitants. The SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. Ward of ALLERDALE, above Darwent - - 17,088 7,978 ALLERDALE, below Darwent - - 4,563 | 4,959 CUMBERLAND - - 3,394 3,822 ESKDALE - - - - - - - 3,971 4,306 LEATH 4,127 4,809 City of CARLISLE - - - - - -] 1,986 3,181 | 2 Town of WHITEHAVEN - - - - - | 2,117 | 2,7491 2 1 89 2,731 | 2,593 / 2,654 | 1,849 1,009 1,699 352 2,379 1,380 547 2,069 1,522 1,218. 18,465 | 20,146 | 38,611 11,536 12,504 24,040 9,222 9,316 18,538 10,997 11,289 22,286 12,370 12,365 24,735 2,7791 201 8,238 15,476 45 1,324 1,380 5,772 6,666 12,438 Totals - - 27,246 31,804 155 908 (11,297 |13,146| 7,361 75,600 80,524 156,124 M.DCCC.XXI.) 51 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-oontinued. Ages of Persons. MA L E S. 10 1 15 20 Ward of Door TOTAL. 20 30 2,938 | 2,687 2,337 1,794 2,628 1,118 750 458 111 6 - 18,474 ALLERDALE, 1. above Darwent ALLERDALE, I. below Darwents 1 1.841/ 1.533 1,407 | 1,224 | 1,960 | 1,424 1,0 751 | 5511 321/ 75 | 11 1 - 112,171 596 1 460 235 64 6 9,222 CUMBERLAND - ESKDALE - - - - 1,325 1,176 1,020 905 1,690 1,484 1,383 1,095 1,605 1,163 902 1 5671 29711 10,998 LEATH - - - 1,732 1,631 | 1,518 1,308 2,008 | 1,370 1,136 529) 285.96 | 12,364 1,228 677 1,107 878 697 288T 136 16 7,238 CARLISLE, CITY - WHITEHAVEN, TOWN WHITEHAVI TOWN 948 719 665 553 861 756 545 319 259 102 5,772 • Total of MALES - 11,702 {10,226 9,125 7,556 11,523 8,770 6,902 4,630 3,404 1,834 506 59 276,239 + F E M A L E S. | 30 Ward Under 5 5 tot to I to I TOTAL. 5. 10 20 130 140 150 of 2,833) 2,532 2,199 1,974 3,311 2,325 1,819 1,404 11,029 526 177 18 120,148 ALLERDALE above Darwents ALLERDALE below Darwent - - 1,774 / 1,607 1,269 1,226 2,067 | 1,446 1,099 889 6361 356 124 12 12,506 CUMBERLAND - . | 670 543 2381 70 19 628 346 113 6 9,355 3 11,286 ESKDALE - - - 1,618 1,448 1,268 LEATH - - - 1,743 1 339 116 11 12,368 CARLISLE, CITY 1,162 797 1,476 1,090 1 8,238 6,666 WHITEHAVEN, TOWN 8901 601 1,166 869 625 59 15 - Total of FEMALES - 110,349 10,024 | 8,558 7,851 13,322 9,560 7,281 5,501 4,214 2,159 707 85 6 79,567 | * K THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cumberland being .... 156,124 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages are returned, being ... 155,806 .... it thence appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Cumberland was 302, every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of persons. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, ---or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. ABSTRACT 1 TEnumeration. OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Derby. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ов TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | | ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- TRADE, Iprized in Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. L 104 149 o sos 117 140 221 289 aam In 22 302 39 259 102 100 2022 r I II II c 11 74 1 W 40 104 235 ē, ai I 73 OY 171 330 93 104 197 165 372 155 320 104 63 155 121 97 110 286 352 258 724 544 486 97 237 249 265 86 wa at 218 123 536 439 241 425 843 · 100 76 37 155 463 1,239 89 324 112 107 INWOW so IIII colori 324 1,309 1,381 271 221 118 418 1,302 3,511 235 895 273 302 1,418 94 3,724 248 23 1o 1 No Down Joe F COW o APPLETREE Hundred. ASHBORNE (part of) Parish : (?) Hulland - - - - - Township Hulland-Ward - - - - - Hamlet Hulland-Ward- Intacks - Township Sturston - - - - - - Hamlet Yeldesley - - - - - Hamlet Barrow (part of) Parish : (b). Synfin and Arleston - - - Liberty Twyford and Stenson - - Chapelry Barton-Blount - - - - - Parish Boylstone - - - - - - - Parish Bradborne (part of) Parish : (9) Atlow - - - - - - Chapelry Bradley - - - - - - - Parish Brailsford - - - - - . - Parish Breadsall - - - - - - - Parish Chaddesden - - - - - - Parish Church-Broughton and Sapperton Parish Cubley - - - - - - - Parish Dalbury with Lees - - - - Parish Doveridge - - - - - • Parish Duffield - - - - . (d) Parish Belper - - - - - () Chapelry Hazlewood - - - - - Township Heage - - - - - - Township Holbrook - - - - - Township Shottle and Postern - - Township Turnditch - - - - - Chapelry Windley - - - - - - Township Edlaston and Wyaston - . - Parish Etwall Parish : ) Etwall and Bearward-Cote Townships Burnaston - - - - - - Hamlet Kedleston - - - - - - Parish Kirk-Hallam (part of) Parish : (8) Mapperley - - •. Township Longford Parish: () Alkmonton - - - - - Township Bentley, Hungry - - - - Liberty Hollington - - - - - Township Longford - - - - - Township Rodsley - - - - - - - Hamlet Marston-upon-Dove (1) Parish Hatton - . • • • Hamlet Hilton - - - - - - Township Hoon - - - - - - Township Marston-Montgomery - - - Parish Mugginton - - - - - (j) Parish Mercaston - - - - - Township Ravensdale-Park - - - - Hamlet Norbury and Roston - - - - Parish Osmaston - - - - - - - Parish Radbourn - - - - - - - Parish 2,683 7,235 483 1,742 563 325 181 847 290 305 190 607 111 11111111111 111111111 IIIIIIIIIII!!!! לל 194 22 ܘ ܟ ܟܝ ܨ 102 97 384 199 277 144 133 229 216 ܝ ܝ 445 IC 148 ܟ 50 109 175 338 38 43 ܙ ܝܕ 81 88 40 156 158 314 101 279 ܞ ܩ 294 109 573 208 107 16 54 38 42 106 ܝܕ ܩ ܣ ܙ 120 271 WAT ili licor ei cu cori o 105 262 AN II A co Torri III 225 533 20 40 ܗ 234 469 235 149 159 308 88 ܩ ܝܕ 26 25 251 247 144 126 166 51 498 296 260 ܗ ܟ 152 134 (a) The Parish of Ashborne is mostly in Wirksworth Hundred, partly | has been greatly increased by the enlargement of a cotton manufactory. in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred 0 The Parish Church of () The entire Parish of Etwall contains 593 Inhabitants. (8) The Barrow, and great part of the Parish, is in Morleston and Litchurch | Parish Church of Kirk-Hallam is in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred. Hundreii.- ) The Parish Church of Bradborne, and great part of (h) The entire Parish of Longfurd contains 1,264 Inhabitants. m Parish, is in Wirksworth Hundred.- ! W arisa Gurch of Bradborne, and great part of (d) The entire Parish of () The entire Parssh of Marston-upon-Dove contains 905 Inhabitants. Duffield contains 13,896 Inhabitants.-- () The Population of Belper j) The entire Parish of Mugginton contains 525 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. · COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - ALL OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | FA MI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- em- ed in not com- ployed prized in TRADE, the Two Manu- AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing Classes. TURE. craft. Building. OY FEMALES. Oc- in MALES. PERSONS. cupied. APPLETREE Hundred-continued. 249 510 261 156 153 309 18 · 30 12 114 136 250 462 239 223 45 104 595 59 591 175 1,186 357 182 Scropton and Foston - - - - Parish Shirley - - - - - - () Parish Stydd - - - - - - Township Yeaveley - - - - - Township Snelston - - - - - - - Parish Somersall-Herbert - - - - Parish Spondon - - - - - - () Parish Stanley - - - - - - Chapelry Sudbury -- - - - - Parish Sutton-on-the-Hill - - - (m) Parish Ash - - - - - - - (m) Hamlet Osleston and Thurvaston - Township Trusley - - - - - - - Parish Wirksworth (part of) Parish : (*) Alderwasley • - - - Township Ashleyhay - - - - - Township Biggin - - - - - - Township Idridgehay and Allton - Township 1 III II III III 320 308 628 74 77 21 214 26 226 151 47 440 114 218 104 119 86 454 223 160 160 74 26 78 82 29 91 2,815 2,603 652 15,642 15,727 | 31,369 378 350 856 357 926 728 1,782 872 446 426 162 350 188 27 31 58 40 21 19 44 96 1,036 582 115 316 604 5,560 6,070 HIGH PEAKE Hundred. Bakewell Parish : (0) Ashford - - - - - - Chapelry | Bakewell - - - - - Township Baslow - - - - - - Chapelry 165 Beeley - - - - - - Chapelry Blackwell - - - - - Township Brushfield - Township 7 Bubnell - - Township 18 Buxton - - - Chapelry 184 Calver - - - - Hamlet Chelmerton - Chapelry Curbar - - - - Hamlet Flagg - - - - - - Township Froggatt - - - - - Township Harthill or Hartle - - - Township Hassop - - - - - - - Hamlet Longstone, Great, with Holme Chapelry Longstone, Little - - - - Hamlet Monyash - - - - - Chapelry Over-Haddon - - - - Township Rowland - - - - - Township Rowsley, Great, and part of Aport T. Sheldon - - - - - Chapelry Taddington and Priestcliffe Chapelry Wardlow (part of) - - Towuship 52 454 288 127 188 117 135 204 NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII or EU 103 262 392 220 179 60 128 89 jo norococrc i Iwo i wool MNAA con poc? 442 145 197 381 51 128 58 266 109 238 775 110 68 214 143 249 463 34 90 168 60 214 210 80 496 993 219 435 Castleton - - - - - - (p) Parish Edale - - - - - - Chapelry Chapel-en-le-Frith Parish : (9) Bowden’s-Edge - - - Township Bradshaw-Edge - - - Township Coombs-Edge - - - - Township í como II 196 230 108 333 361 562 866 531 842 219 191 1,093 1,708 433 214 (k) The entire Parish of Shirley contains 589 Inhabitants. (1) The | Bakewell contains rather less than 9,162 Inhabitants; an undistinguish. entire Parish of Spondon contains 1,543 Inhabitants. (") The entire able part of the Township of Wardlow being in Hope Parish, but the Parish of Sutton-on-the-Hill contains 638 Inhabitants. The Township whole is here ascribed to Bakewell. The entire Parish of Castleton of Ash is said to have made no Return in 1811,- (n) The entire Parish contains 1,428 Inhabitants. (!) The entire Parish of Chapel-en-le. of Wirksworth contains 7,315 Inhabitants. The cntire Parish of Frith contains 3,234 Inbabitants. 54 FEnumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER . COUNTY OF DERBY--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL | OTHER By OR how many Families TOTAL FAMI- LIES chiefly em- ployed EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. Building. OF LIES chiefly employ- Families ed is not com- TRADE, I prized in Manu- the Two factures, proced- orHandi-l ing craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. AGR CUL- TURE. - - 59 105 583 la er 270 123 592 239 120 1,175 509 243 221 483. 1,021 538 153 108 298 move 197 175 104 481 508 157 524 530 193 120 332 1,005 1,038 145 152 25 71 11 26 228 79 73 666 685 1,351 147 169 93 101 705 353 328 118 25 217 14 115 20 179 348 48 659 voor Ovoici WIA IIWILION EO ooo 129 147 72 555 1,009 352 331 57 522 1,090 144 258 308 48 IWANA BORA ACTA ÅToiner una co 149 1,077 2,099 293 499 504 340 758 243 58 241 261 178 395 36 162 ვნე 28 141 169 110 141 475 509 316 278 HIGH PEAKE Hundred-continued Darley-Dale (part of) - - () Parish Edensor with Chatsworth - () Parish Pilsley - - - - - - Hamlet Eyam Parish : (*) Eyam (+)- - - - - Township Foolow - - - - - - - Hamlet Woodland-Eyam - - - Township Glossop Parish : (4) Beard - - - - - - - Hamlet Charlesworth - - - - Hamlet Chinley-Bugsworth & Brownside Chap. Chunat - - - - - - Township Dinting - - - - - Township Glossop - - - - - Township Great-Hamlet - - - - Township Hadfield - - - - - Township Kinder - - - - - - - Hamlet Ludworth and Chisworth - Township Mellor - - - - - - Chapelry Olerset - - - - - - Hamlet Padfield - - - - - Township" Phoside - - - - - - Liberty Simondsley - - - - Township Thornsett - - Hamlet Whitfield - ... - - Township Whittle - - - - - - Hamlet Hathersage - - - - - (W) Parish Bamford - - - - Hamlet Darwent - -i- - - Chapelry Outseats - - - - - - Hamlet · Stoney-Middleton - - Chapelry Hope, Parish : (*) Abney - - - - - - - Hamlet Aston and Thornton - - - Hamlet Bradwell - - - - - - Hamlet Brough and Shatton - - - Hamlet Fairfield - - - - - - Chapelry Fernilee . - - Township Grindlow - - - - - Township Hazlebadge - - Liberty Highlow - - Township Hope - - - - - - Township Hucklow, Great- - Hamlet Hucklow, Little - - - - Liberty Nether-Padley - Hamlet Offerton - - - - - - Hamlet Stoke - - - - - - Township Thornhill - - - - - - Hamlet Wardlow (part of) - - (*) Township Woodland-Hope . - - - - Hamlet Peak-Forest - - - - - Extra Par. Tideswell - - - - - (Y) Parish · Litton - - - - - - - Hamlet Whestone - - - - - Hamlet Wormhill- - - - - - Chapelry 857 839 III 1 - 1 od 1 IIIIA IIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIvirea loc illermo Iii Timonen 984 1,696 658 65 327 126 ♡ 42 331 137 68 14 263 123 28 96 177 635 102 300 335 20 73 22 10 56 143 102 1,130 20 - 561 569 48 45 93 III tom 242 231 240 191 53 482 422 66 119 30 21 51 or I donde la Hd Aer com riwnico 21 262 256 126 121 518 274 218 18 40 32 74 139 118 III III 101 225 124. 360 - 320 324 807 680 1,543 710 736 372 96 A 13 35 338 31 66 59 193 154 347 W (1) The Parish of Darley is partly in Wirksworth Hundred; the en- | ships now make distinct Returns, which, in 1811, were comprised in the tire Parish contains 1,830 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Return of Glossop Township.-- W) The entire Parish of Hathersage Edensor contains 752 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Eyam contains 1,856 Inhabitants.- ) The entire Parish of Hope contains contains 1,516 Inhabitants. The failure of lead mines in the Township | 4,102 Inhabitants, besides those which reside in part of the Township of Foolow has caused a decrease of Population therein. (u) The en- of Wardlow, the whole of which are entered in Bakewell Parish. tire Parish of Glossop contains 13,766 Inhabitants; the increase of Popu (Ý) The entire Parish of Tideswell contains 2,666 Inbabitants. lation being ascribed to increased cotton manufactories. Several Town- M.DCCC.XXI.] 55 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. i COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly ОтHER chiefly employ. Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, Iprized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. Oc- FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. TURE. 5 51 - HIGH PEAKE Hundred-continued. Wirksworth (part of) Parish : (3) Iron-Brock-Grange - - - Hamlet Youlgrave (part of) Parish : (0) Birchover - - - - - Chapelry Gratton - - - - - - Hamlet Starton - - - - - - Chapelry Winster - - - - - - Chapelry Youlgrave - - - - - Township 58 121 27 24 51 145 See ole 361 710 200 147 201 188 115 451 349 477 928 185 39 97 489 466 955 87 3462,463 3,681 2,183 | 21,516 | 21,620 | 43,136 23 101 III 177 841 105 66 461 In 266 547 361 401 768 281 144 991 552 307 2,024 271 163 1,033 220 569 152 228 365 418 198 504 167 265 1,073 319 493 706 341 X2 207 689 640 1,329 18,025 8,327 MORLESTON & LITCHURCH Hundred. Alkmund, St. (part of) Parish : (b) Chester, Little - - - Township Darley-Abbey - - - - Township Eaton, Little - - - - Chapelry Allestrey - - - - - - - Parish Ashborne (part of) Parish : (*) Clifton and Coinpton - - Township 152 Aston-upon-Trent - - - - Parish Barrow (part of) - - - (d) Parishi Crich (part of) - - - - (©) Parish Dale-Abbey - - - Extra Par. Denby - - - - - - - Parish Egginton - - - - - - Parish Elvaston - - - - - - - Parish 101 Hallam, West - - - - - Parish 131 Heanor Parish : (*) Codnor and Loscow - - Township | 239 262 Codnor-Castle and Park-Liberty E. P. 77 Heanor - - - - - - Township 423 Shipley - - - - - - Township 103 111 Horsley Parish: (8) Horsley - - - - - Township 121 Horsley-Woodhouse - - Township Kilbourne - - - - - Township 96 Ilkeston - - - - - - (b) Parish 724 Kirk-Hallam (part of) - - (1) Parish Kirk-Langley, with Meynell-Langley P: 104 Mackworth -- - -(k) Parish Mark-Eaton - - - - Township Michael, St. (part of) Parish: (1) Alvaston - - - - - Township | Mickleover - - - - - (m) Parish Findern - - - - - Township Little-Over - - - - Township Morley Parish : (*) Morley - - - - - - Township Smalley - - - - - Township 135 II mond loi Iwi i IIIA III 66 305 693 388 1,201 301 1,163 294 2,364 595 126 323 312 624 592 125 106 301 280 266 1,830 232 498 42 280 1,851 53 272 222 3,681 95 552 72 392 258 86 184 - I'mod I 140 314 179 195 184 399 631 363 379 51 · 133 140 344 273 I 383 727 . T (2) The Parish of Wirksworth is mostly in Wirksworth Hundred. i collieries have been opened there, and the families therein employed () The entire Parish of Youlgrare contains 3,593 Inhabitants; it is (to the number 78) are entered in the ad column of Occupations. partly in Wirksworth Hundred. (b) Most part of the Parish of St. 6) The entire Parish of Horsley contains 1,714 Inhabitants.- () The Alkuund is entered at the end of the County, as part of the Borough of increase of Population in Ilkeston is ascribed to the facility of erecting Derby. The increase of Population in the Township of Darley-Abbey is cottages therein in preference to the adjoining Parishes. ----() The en- attributed to indulgence of the poor, and improvements in medical tire Parish of Kirk-Hallain contains 433 Inhabitants; partly in Apple- management; in Little-Eaton Chapelry, stone quarries have been tree Hundred.- (k) The entire Parish of Mackworth contains 650 opened () Ashborne Parish is mostly in Wirksworth Hundred. Inhabitants. (1) Most part of the Parish of St. Michael and of the (4) The entire Parish of Barrow contains 616 Inhabitants ; partly in Parish of St. Peter is entered at the end of the County, as part of the Appletree Hundred. ) The entire Parish of Crich contains 2,961 Borough of Derby. (m) The entire Parish of Micklcover contains Inhabitants; partly in Wirksworth Hundred, partly in Scarsdale Hun- 1,373 Inhabitants. (") The entire Parish of Morley contains 1,000 dred. ----(*) The entire Parish of Heanor contains 4,981 Inhabitants; i Inhabitants. 56 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL chiefly OR Faniilies TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly employ- em- ed in not com ployed TRADE, . prized in Manu-l the Two AGRIS CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. factures. I preced. - - Classes. 241 | 4 149 1 51 599 1,203 255 253 508 849 786 1,635 88 80 168 35 58 93 209 229 438 114 292 587 MORLESTON and LITCHURCH Hundred, continued. Ockbrook - - - - - • - Parish Pentrich Parish : Pentrich - - - - () Township Ripley - - - - - - Township Peter, St. (part of) Parish : (1) Boulton - - - - - Township Litchurch - - - - - - Hamlet Quarndon -- Parish Sandiacre - - - - - - - Parish Risley (part of) -- (P) Township Sawley Parish : (9) Breason - - - - - Township Draycott and Wilne - - - Liberty Hopwell - - - - - - Liberty Long-Eaton - - - - Township Risley (part of) - - (P) Township Sawley - - - - - - Township Stanton-by-Dale - - - - () Parish Weston-Underwood - - Township Weston-upon-Trent - - - - Parish | Willington - - - - - - Parish Wiln and Shardlow - - - () Parish 277 302 579 117 205 536 566 109 201 3 127 1,102 15 34 136 333 19 349 144 682 288 958 511 NII II III eta 144 447 239 121 -197 458 219 107 · 200 80 64 163 228 397 411 993 76 213 198 170 493 500 6,155 16,458 | 33 112 2,283 3,597 | 578 16,903 16,890 133,793 596 I wa 298 29 1 wo 298 34 159 63 179 338 167 190 1 1 0 98 357 192 156 150 306 129 39 84 0 11 c II I II III III III i co REPTON and GRESLEY Hundred. Appleby (part of) - - - - () Parish Caulk . - - - - - - - Parish Chellaston . . . - - - Parish Burton-upon-Trent (part of) Parish : (Ⓡ) Winshill - - - - - Township Chilcote - - • - (W) Chapelry Church-Gresley - - - - (*) Parish Castle-Gresley - - - - Hamlet Drakelow - - - - - Township Linton - - - - - - Township Swadlincote - - - - - Hamlet Oakthorpe & Donisthorpe (*) Hamlets Croxail with Edinghall - - (V) Parish Catton • - - - - - Township Derby-Hills - - - - (2) Extra. Par. Foremark - - - - - - (a) Parish Ingleby - - - - - Township Hartshorn - - - Parish Lullington - - - - b) Parish Coton-in-the-Elmes - - Township Measham - - - - - - ( ) Parish Melburn - - - - - - - Parish 127 222 65 45 114 237 348 241 459 i II II w INIII Tor 384 732 185 . 1 0 1 0 - 1 0 419 -v 149 165 717 141 870 301 285 1,404 2,027 152 120 687 1,037 o o I 271 12 412 103 990 © The entire Parish of Pentrich contains 2,143 Irihabitants. The | Church-Gresley contains 1,951 Inhabitants, including the whole of Oak- Population has decreased one-third in the Township of Pentrich since thorpe, which is partly in Stretton-en-le-Field and Measham; and in- 1811; which is said to be owing to the insurrection which took place cluding the whole of Donisthorpe, which is partly in Nether-Seale Parish, there in 1817, in consequence of which the Duke of Devonshire's agents Sparkenhoe Hundred, Leicestershire. ) The entire Parish of Croxall destroyed many of the houses. ") The Township of Risley is entered contains 305 Inhabitants. It is partly in Omow Hundred, Staffordshire. wholly in Sawley Parish.- (9) The entire Parish of Sawley contains (*) The Extra-parochial Place called Derby-Hills, is situated 9 miles 3,643 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Stanton-by-Dale contains south of Derby. (a) The entire Parish of Foremark contains 203 686 Inhabitants. A large poor-louse belonging to several Town Inhabitants. (b) 'The entire Parish of Lullington contains 586 Inha- ships, has been built at "Viln. Most part of the Parish of Appleby bitants.- 10 The Parish of Measham has sustained a decrease of Po- is entered in the Hundred of Sparkenhoe, Leicestershire. (u) Most pulation from the failure of cotton trade, and of collieries : it extends into part of the Parish of Burton-upon-Trent is in North Omow Hundred, Oakthorpe Township, entered with Church-Gresley Parish ; Measham, Staffordshire.- (") Chilcote Chapelry is connected with Clifton Camp. Stretton-en-le-Fields and Willesley, form a detached portion of the Hun- ville Parish, OfHow Hundred, Staffordshire. ----(*) The entire Parisli of dred, being locally situate in Leicestershire. A1.DCCC.XXI.] 57. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI | ALL PARISI, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. I'AMIC LIES ALL LIES chielly | OTIER chiefly employ- Families cm ed in not com- ployed | Trade, prized iri in | Mariu-thic Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. REPTON & GRESLEY Hundred-continued coco 135 150 126 144 77. 127 261 294 26 82 159 129 108 256 81 n 189 1,802 101 899 903 16 302 59 Newton-Solney - - - - - Parish Normanton - - - - - - Parislı Osmaston - - - - - - - Parislı Packington (Part of) - - - (d) Parish Ravenstone (Part of) - - - (d) Parish Repton - - - - - - (@) Parish Bradby - - - - - - - Hamlet Rosliston - - - - - - - Parish Smisby - - - - - - - Parislı Stanton-by-Bridge - - - - Parish Stapenhill - - - - - () Parish Cauldwell - - - - - - Hamlet Stanton and Newhall - - Township Stretton-en-le-Fields - - () Parish Swarkestone - - - - - - Parish | Ticknall - - - - - - - Parish Walton-on-Trent - - - - Parish Willesley - - - - - - () Parish 137 170 164 co I Acr m ! All homes al meglio 158 82 32 108 359 322 * 190 535 117 32 117 33 215 281 A 254 82 157 31 205 30 114 101 566 47 75 533 69 120 20 20 50 20 40 190 -C7 Wri 1 1,099 116 243 1,274 416 274 123 590 206 274 684 63 10 58 8 31 210. 31 .62 3,291 | 3,418 1,962 894 562 | 8,388 8,585 16,973 811 891 679 135 2,174 1,219 505 53 110 10 57 2,515 1,287 323 336 282 339 50 47 4,689 2,506 605 675 856 457 1,245 110 431 87 DA 1a Aco in ITA 229 220 641 62 302 425 228 604 48 1,151 165 2,345 316 210 1,166 2,317 72 315 550 1,079 130 22 150 2,732 313 185 418 462 74 141 5,077 629 395 770 SCARSDALE Hundred. Alfreton, with Alfreton-Outseats Parish Ashover (part of) - - - - (5) Parish 500 Ault-Hucknall - - - - (h) Parish 113 Barlborough - - - - - - Parisht 125 Beauchief-Abbey - Extra-Par. Beighton - - - - - - - Parish 167 Blackwell - - - - - - - Parish 87 Bolsover - - - - - - (i) Parish 228 Glapwell (part of) - - - Township 22 Brampton - - - - - - - Parislı 393 Cutthorpe -- - Chesterfield ( +) ---- (k) Parish 1,048 Brimington - - - - Township 127 Calow - - - - - - - Hamlet į 79 Hasland - - - - - Township | 158 Newbold and Dunstan - - Hamlet Normanton, Temple - Township 30 Pilsley, - - - - - - Hamlet 50 Tapton - - - - - - Township 30 Watton - - - - - Township 168 Clown - - - - - - - - Parish Crich (part of) Parish : (0) Wessington - - - - Township Dronfield - - ... - - (m) Parish Coal-Aston - - .- - Township Dore - - - - - - - Hamlet Holmesfield - - - - Township Totley - - - - - - - Hamlet Unstone - - - - - Township 105 Eckington Parish : () Eckington - - - - - Township Mosborough - - - - Township 352 196 500 67 962 143 Gy Ow color 141 284 149 783 68 81 370 coco er of ou o comum A DA O 413 312 132 304 616 87 279 150 115 209 771 169 488 1,522 304 751 135 236 29 240 476 499 2:56 162 311 243 14:3 305 203 574 148 199 157 522 491 1,013 con 88 410 408 818 (d) Most part of the Parishes of Packington and Ravenstone is in contains 1,355 Inhabitants, including part of Glapwell.- (k) The Goscott Hundred, Leicestershire. (c) The entire Parish of Repton entire Parish of Chesterfield contains 9,190 Inhabitants. Crich contains 2,104. Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Stapenbill con Parish is mostly in Morleston and Litchurch Hundred.- (m) The entire tains 1,791 Inbabitants. The entire Parish of Ashover contains Parish of Dronfield contains 3,680 Inhabitants, and a small part of Barlow 2,998 Inhabitants. It is partly in Wirksworth Hundred. ) The Township, entered in the Parish of Stavely. (n) The entire Parish Return of Ault-Hucknall Parish includes Stainsby; and part of Glapwell, I of Eckington contains 3,598 Inhabitants. which is mostly in Bolsover Parish. O The entire Parish of Bolsover 58 TEnumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Building.. OCCUPATIONS: FA 1. FAMI ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-| Families elle ed in not coin- ployed TRADE. I prized in Maqu. th the Two AGRI- Jfactures. I preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. FEMALES. Oc- cupied. MALES. Or PERSONS. in 111 46 288 551 606 610 178 1,216 352 411 779 195 174 394 216 385 37 74 153 22 70 I l I al alev II ara os 178 73 175 497 789 331 201 211 559 328 908 149 353 1,056 1,697 681 529 494 334 139 120 96 350 246 104 283 103 SCARSDALE Hundred-continued. Eckington Parish-continued. Renishaw . - - - - Township Troway - - - - - Township Elmton - - - - - - - Parish Heath - - - - - - - - Parish Killamarsh - - - - - - Parish Langwith - - - - - - - Parish Morton - - - - Parish Brackenfield - - Township Normanton, South - - Parish Norton - - - - - - - Parish Pinxton - - - - - - - Parisha Pleaseley - - Parish Scarcliff - - - - - - - Parish Shirland - - - - - - (P) Parish Higham - - - - - - Hamlet Staveley - - - - - - (9) Parish Barlow - - - - Township Sutton with Duckmanton - - Parish Tibshelf . - - - - - - Parish Whittington - - - - - - Parish Whitwell - - - - - - - Parish Wingerworth - - . . Parish Wingfield, North - - - () Parish Claylane - - - - - Township Stretton - - - - - - Township Tupton - - - - - - Township Woodthorpe - - - - Township Wingfield, South • - - - Parish no ä с to a conocer las colori 262 232 300 124 314 614 12 307 284 1,041 591 2,051 409 ar 134 1,010 352 325 356 360 708 119 135 685 141 131 128 364 347 711 680 of 132 185 172 3:36 448 873 92 92 344 425 238 134 459 290 55 105 235 465 120 av 221 156 230 241 101 113 525 110 40 248 101 489 40 202 44 44 98 211 119 211 114 526 1,051 9,198 9,738 3,389 4,298 2,051 24,232 23,946 48,178 2,188 949 31 1,239 30 61 38 341 162 : 179 von I NCO .246 246 124 686 710 WIRKSWORTH Hundred. Ashborne (part of) - - - () Parish Eaton and Alsop-le-Dale Township Newton-Grange - - - - Liberty Offcoat and Underwood - - Liberty Ashover Parish : (). Dethwick-Lea and Holloway Hamlet Bentley - - - - - - - Parish Bonsall - - - - - - - Parish Bradborne (part of) - - (º) Parish Aldwark - - - - - Township Ballidon - - - - - Township Brassington - - - - Township Lea-Hall (+)- - - - - Hamlet Carsington - - - - - - Parish Crich (part of) Parish : (W) Tansley - - - - - - Hamlet Darley (part of) Parish : () Winsley and Snitterton - - Hamlet 105 105. 44 co i co i co 492 242 1,396 210 92 102 689 23 270 51 333 12 51 356 11 146 124 i 211 238 449 Ô 21 655 .... . . . O The entire Parish of Morton contains 502 Inhabitants. The 1 Appletree Hundred.- 0 Ashover Parish is mostly in Scarsdale Hun. entire Parish of Shirland contains 1,205 Inhabitants. (9) The entire dred. (4) The entire Parish of Brad borne contains 1,313 Inhabitants. Parish of Staveley contains 2,759 Inhabitants; including the whole of (*) The Parish of Crich is mostly in Alorleston and Litchurch Barlow Township, partly attributable to Dronfield Parish:-- ) The Hundred. ) The Parish of Darley is mostly in High-Peake Hun- entire Parish of North-Wingfield contains 1,857 Inhabitants.- () The dred. entire Parish of Ashborne contains. 4,708 Inhabitants. It is partly in | . . . . . - . M.DCCC.XXI.) . TAE POPULATION ACT, Í GEÒ. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FA MI- - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Arl By how OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families Oc- Un-Inhabited. ОР Building. FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly Lennie employ- Fainilies em- ed in uot com- ployed TRADE, ſprized in in | Manu- tlie Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- JorHandia ing TURE. Classes FENIALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. coat 38 244 201 518 59 78 215 - 146 62 274 216 220 435 149 321 77 il I to w w On .417 435 848 292 661 165 130 31 o II Tallinn I o I 78 37 205 98 WIRKSWORTH Hundred-continuci. Hartington Parish : (V) Town-Quarter - - - Township Middle-Quarter with Earl-Sterndale T. Nether-Quartér - - - Township Upper-Quarter - - - Township Hognaston - - - - - - Parish Kirk-Ireton - - - - (2) Parish Ireton-Wood - - - - Township Kniveton - - - - Parish Mappleton - - • - - - - Parish Matlock - - - - - - - Parish Parwick - - - - - - - Parish Thorpe - - . . Parish Tissington - - . - Parish Wirksworth (part of) - (a) Parish Callow - - - - - - - Hamlet Cromford - - - - - Township Hopton - - - - - - Township Ible - - - - - - . Townsltip Middleton by Wirksworth - Iſamlet Youlgrave (part of) Parish : (b) Elton - - - - - - Township Middleton and Smerrill - Chapelry 37 413 143 340 88 189 103 1,536 279 88 265 1,926 394 201 2,920 605 1,384 272 92 101 28 iš seno Forlog wiövalo ar o 115 74 231 1,861 820 774 15 232 19 er mad i to o AW O 47 53 203 496 3,787 100 1,242 116 135 271 651 591 58 72 58 25 25 III 63 188 211 436 468 904 128 26i 287 126 52 548 Ti Aco 52 143 137 280 37 141 1,425 2.467 790 10,921 11,540 22,461 675 18 | 12 4,444 4,682 Borough of DERBY. Alkmunds, St. (part of) - - () Parish 793 All-Saints - - - - - - - Parish 687 788 Michael, St. (part of) - - () Parish 1197 Peter, St. (part of) - - - (9) Parisha 788 830 Werburgh • - - - - - - Parish 1,034 | 1,045 255 630 702 144 713 770 1,627 1,766 451 1,880 2,547 1,835 1,979 474 2,094 2,770 3,462 3,745 925 3,974 5,317 3,381 3,711 | 73 | 64 245 2,965 501 8,2719,152 17,423 ♡ The entire Parish of Hertmgtori contains 2,218 İnhabitants; among Parish is mostly in High-Peaké Hundred. ) Tire Parishes of whom one Male upwards of 100 years of age, in the Town-Quarter.-- St. Alkmund, St. Michael, and St. Peter, extend into Morleston Hun- I () The entire Parish of Kirk-Ireton contains 826 Inbabitants, dred. The entire Parislies contain respectively 5,087, 1,314, and 4,735 a) The entire Parish of Wirksworth, which extends into High-Deake | Inhabitanis. and Appletree Hundreds, contains 7,315 Inhabitants. (b) Youlgrave . W- VAL S U N M AR Y OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DERBY. 43,136 Hundred of APPLETREE - - ... 5,560 6,070 29 912,815 2,603) 652 15,642 15,727 | 31,369 HIGH-PEAKE - - - - - | 8,025 8,327 87 | 3462,463 / 3,681 2,183 21,516 21,620 MORLESTON and LITCHURCH 6,155 6,458 112 2,283 3:597 578 16,903 16,890 33,793 REPTON and GRESLEY - - 3,291 3,418 90 1,962 894 562 8,388 8,585 16,973 SCARSDALE - - - - - - 9,198 9,738 24,232 23,946 48,178 WIRKSWORTH - - - - - 1 4,444 4,682 | 37 | 141 1,425) 2,467 790 10,921 11,540 | 22,461 Borough of DERBY -------3,381 3,711 73 62 245 2,965 501 8,272 9,152 17,423 Totals - - - 40,054 42,404 305|1,07214,582 20,5057,317 105,873 107,460 213,333 . 37 230) - . . ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. . Ages of Persons. M A LES 5 10 15 20 Under 5. to TOTAL Hundred 20 of APPLETREE 1 - 15,638 HIGH-PEAKE - - 13,207 046 433 91 - 20,997 2,100 1,656 2,467 1,729 1,482 1,114 742 364 118 16,842 1,267 |1,182 1,080 879 | 821 1,122 821 1,122 879 MORLESTON and LITCHURCH - 2,703 2,356 ſ REPTON and GRESLEY 1,267 1,182 SCARSDALE - - WIRKSWORTH - - 1,638 1,476 | 794 | 536 | 399! 2241 57 -|8,367 1,439 11,071 515147 1 - 121,852 1 10,899 1,117 1,591 1,171 930 780 535 | 291 | 64 4 DERBY, BORO' . - 11,175 1,085 1 903 884 1,332 1,002 876 541 284 142 42 - 8,2701 Total of MALES - 15,843 14,28812,580 10,547 14,879 11,085 9,168 6,789 4,680 2,343 614 48 1 102,865 F E A A L E S. Under Hundred of TOTAL. 5. APPLETREE 4 - 15,722 HIGH-PEAKE - - 3,231 12,543 2,381 3,273 2,340 1,712 1,236 815) 448 - 20,972 MORLESTON and LITCHURCH . - 2,607 2,352 / 1,986 1,744 2,773 1,921 1,327 1,002 | 716 362 95 - 16,889 U REPTON and GRESLEY 565 398 230 60 8,5581 - 13,220 2,890 2,604 2,109 3,135 2,381 11,882 1,321 | 9761 436 1134 - 21,101 SCARSDALE - WIRKSWORTH - - 1,605 1,473 1,313 1,142 - 11,527 DERBY, BORO' - - 1,196 1,065 938 1,068 1,677 1.883 9,152 Total of FEMALES - 115,418 13,926 12,242 10,918 16,704 11,924 8,936 6,423 4,500 2,260 620 50 - 103,921 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Derby was ..... 213,333, ...., and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was . . . 206,786, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one thirty-third part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Derby was 337, three of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1. GEO. IV. C. 94. : 11 · County of Devon. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. ed in OP Inhabited. how inany Fanuilies OC- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chicfly employ. Families em- not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two Auri- factures, preced- CUL JurHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building. Un-Inhabited. MALES. FENIALES. PERSONS. 10 161 331 342 hand made II 228 10 759 64 180 166 170 944 177 185 270 73 1,703 357 351 529 73 100 100 259 28 28 59 132 49 AXMINSTER Hundred. AXMINSTER Parish : (a) Beerhall - - - - - - Tything Town - - - - - - - Tything Westwater - - - - - Tything Wyke - - - - - - Tything Axmouth - - - - - - Parish Combpyne - - - - - - Parish Combrawleigh - - - - - Parish HONITON - - - Borough & Parish Kilmington - - - - - - Parish Luppitt - • . - - Parish Membury- . . . Parish Musbury - - • - - Parish Roosdown • - - . (b) Extra-P. Thorncombe - - - - (9) Parish Uplyme - - - - - - - Parish Up-Ottery - - - - - - Parish Yarcombe - - - - - - Parish 136 149 1,565 1,731 59 685 109 152 681 104 130 W NOOITA A COA INARI Love To A cor a wooden tot 238 nier woco - Vil 246 285 3,296 484 739 837 118 136 375 436 155 111 364 401 168 53 207 375 9 14 257 257 667 655 1,322 129 122 414 848 176 158 102 177 117 464 392 434 422 401 886 793 1,173 1,084 | 392 6,491 6,777 13,268 110 211 98 11 2,464 2,649 BAMPTON Hundred. Bampton - - - - - - - Parish 294 332 Burlescombe - - - - - (d) Parish 173 213 Clayhanger - - - - - - Parish 54 Hockworthy - - - - - - Parish 42 73 Holcombe-Rogus - - (©) Parish | 157 | 157 Morebath - - - - - - Parish 72 Uffculme - - - - - - - Parish 405 862 524 168 192 55 Niilor 44 EANINO 1,633 1,073 342 354 771 549 174 162 413 203 1,018 бд 26 416 829 78 76 50 182 390 189 212 961 415 1,979 34 1,182 1,313 9 725 440 148 3,335 3,290 6,625 11 need 12 39 75 74 I 36 31 377 43 133 136 397 774 A 1 146 Á AUDI 153 79 mod orma I o I NI 299 157 880 168 465 41 183 83 384 201 512 978 466 95 103 198 d le iw Aw 196 389 100 272 1.57 125 BLACK-TORRINGTON Hundred. Abbotts-Bickington - - - - Parish Ashbury - - - - - - - Parish Ashwater - - Parish Beaworthy - - - - - - Parish Belstone - - - - - - - Parish Black-Torrington - - - - Parish Boyton (part of) Parish : (*) Northcott - - - - - - Hamlet Bradford - - - - - - - Parish Bradworthy - - - - - - Parish Bridgerule (part of) Parishi Broadwood-Kelly - - - - Parish Clawton - - - - - - - Parish Cookbury - - - - - - Parish Exbourne - - - . - - Parish Giles, St. on-the-Heath - - Parish Halwell - - - Parish Hatherleigh - - - - Parish Highampton - - Parish Hollacombe - - Parish Holsworthy - . . . - - Parish Honeychurch - Parish Inwardleigh - - - - - - Parish Jacobstowe - - Parish Luffincott - - - - - - - Parish Milton-Damerell - - Parish Monk-Oakhampton - - - Parish Northlew - - - - - - - Parish Northpetherwin - - - - - Parish Oakhampton (part of) Parish : ( ) Kigbear - - - - (+) Hamlet is a N 503 50 253 164 114 , - para coloriario - Glos 26 216 31 IKO 751 748 286 43 14 56 BO OOO ar now more Soco Covo cow 14 colari C Am c 146 50 711 199 193 262 534 282 250 137 301 102 1,499 136 282 46 - 96 729 i 1,440 26 251 540 133 269 35 329 661 103 229 417 868 467 955 240 11 A CO No won moda Iii 01 AN 66 11 92 289 44 136 13 go 55 332 104 42 43 126 Ön Ni 153 TOU 145 149 451 185 488 18 18 116 I i I ..^ The entire Parish of Axminster contains 2,742 Inhabitants.-mal (5) Roosdown is locally situated in the Parish of Axminster. The Parisli of Tboru.combe, including Ford Abbey, is a detached portion of the County of Devon, being surrounded by Dorsetshire. () The Parish of Burlescombe extends into the Hundred of Halberton; but the whole is here entered. ) A temporary increase of Population of Holcombe. Rogus is said to result from workmen employed in digging a. new Canal. The Parish of Boyton is mostly in Stratton Hundred, Cornwall. ) The Parish of Bridgerule is partly in Stratton Hun- dred, Cornwall; the entire Parish contains 436 Inhabitants. (h) The Parish of Oakhampton is mostly in Liſton Hundred. 6:2 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | ALL Ву TOTAL o14 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF Inhabited. how miany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES | chiefly Orier chiefly employ. Families en- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in the Two Agri- fuctures, / preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. MALES. FEMALES. in PERSONS. Dlanu- . . Classes. 90 87 110 C A loci 69 INITI 529 630 1,017 405 256 304 330 533 224 131 251 326 213 |9,086 225 300 484 181 125 266 309 212 Co Co Gerardo 97 517 635 425 17,652 56 2,444 565, 169 20 774 45 2,217 21 856 ,038 161 98 5,079 53 2,862 330 130 109 318 26 648 52 93 76 203 22 a to 249 889 98 241 810 67. 151 475 194 490 1,699 165 288 1,032 422 36 137 213 557 62 Troleico IOIA I WIAI INI mora oto en 228 272 68 290 562 SIA owner OT UNIOTIC Wwa 2 156 307 811 106 351 137 BLACK-TORRINGTON Hundd—continued. Pancrassweek - - - - - Parish Pyworthy - - - - - - Parish 109 Sampford-Courtenay Parish 188 193 Sutcombe - - Parish Tetcott - - - - - - - Parish 48 49 Thornbury - - - - - - Parish 105 Werrington - - - - - - Parish 111 111 Westputford - - - - - - Parish 60 78 2,924 13,178 RRAUNTON Hundred. Ashford - - - - - - - Parish 23 1 23 BARNSTAPLE - - Borough & Parish Berryn-Arbor - - - - - Parish Bittadon - - - - - - - Parish Bratton-Fleming - Parish Braunton - - - - Parish 331 Buckland, East - - Parish 25 Buckland, West - - - - - Parish Comb-Marten - Parish Down, East - - Parish Down, West - - - - - - Parish Filleigh - - - - - - - Parish Georgeham - - - Parish Goodleigh - i Parish Heanton-Puncharden - - - Parish Ilfracombe - - - - - - Parish Kentisbury - - - - - - Parish Marwood - - - Parish Morthoe - - - - - - - Parish 51 Pilton - - - - - - - - Parish 233 244 Trentishoe - - - - - - Parish 2 4 24 3,183 3,589 BUDLEIGH, East, Hundred. Aylesbear - - - - - (j) Parish 77 77 Newton-Poppleford - - - Tything 104 122 Bicton - - - - - - Parish Budleigh, East - - - - - Parish 362 Clist, St. George - - - - Parish Clist-Honiton - - - - - Parish Clist, St. Mary - - - - - Parish Clist-Sackville - - - () Tything Colaton-Rawleigh - - - - Parish Dotton - - - - - - Extra-P. ) Farringdon - - - - -(k) Parish Gittisham - - - - - - Parish Harpford - - - - - - - Parish Littleham and Exmouth() (+) Parish 559 Lympston - - - - - - Parish 221 Otterton - - - - - - - Parish 206 257 Rockbear - - - - - () Parish Rawleigh - - - - () Tything Salcombe, Regis - - Parish - 74 77 Sidbury - - - - - - - Parish 307 334 Sidmouth - - - - - (m) Parish 480 562 Venn-Ottery - - - - - Parish 23 Withycombe-Rawleigh - (*) Parish 185 242 Woodbury - - - - - - Parish 212 304 151 379 181 233 1,135 143 439 140 564 485 2,622 307 84 42 141 60 432 170 252 1,487 164 430 140 666 74 | 9,672 869 1909 44 47 280 1,230 24 56 130 | 37 1,481 1,683 8,255 | 17,927 182 191 229 252 115 44 89 373 481 204 1,706 345 262 768 172 938 67 173 198 185 383 64 145 art8, Eva en 383 387 סלל 13 loco il collo low or more I 10 188 175 67 | 191 176 com I CA 1-w7EAVEIWILMA JOUW 126 136 1,629 55 66 140 243 379 351 262 2,841 1,020 1,071 1,212 434 487 215 119 586 JO1 584 go 98 83 228 443 46 1 color 193 243 436 206 103 782 830 274 1,206 1,541 23 54 23 60 60 1,612 2,747 120 1,054 1,494 85 112 45 461 3 171 593 792 54 79 702 ... 3,441 13,899 46 194 | 1,481 1,564 854 8,323 9,927 18,250 (i) One Male npwards of 100 years of age in Georgeham Parish. (i) The entire Parish of Aylesbear contaius 854 Inhabitants. (k) The Îything of Clist-Sackville is returned, partly in the Parish of Sowion (Wonford Hundred,) partly in Farringdon Parish. The Tytbing of Rawleigh is partly in Bicton Parish, partly in Rockbear Parish, and partly in Whimple Parish (Cliston Hundred.) () Sidmouth is become à fashionable place of resort as a watering-place; hence the Population has greatly increased. (n) Part of Exmouth extends into the Parish of Withycombe-Rawleigh. - .- M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR Ву how chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: | FAMI- FAMI- JIES ALL LIES chiefly | OTHER employ- Families em. cd in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in ini Manu- ine Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. Un-Inhabited. . OP Building FEMALES. MIALES. PERSONS. 185 132 56 1,002 161 321 BUDLEIGH, West, Hundred. Cheriton-Fitzpaine - - - - Parish Bradley - - - - (°) Tything Fulford - - - - (P) Tything Poughill - - - - - - - Parish Shobrooke - - - - (P) Parish Stockley-English - - - - Parish Stockley-Pomeroy- - - Parish Upton-Hillions - - - - - Parish Washfield - - - - - - Parish III Col II 144 w NWN TIN 121 arco i lowo i los 737 19 20 363 65 118 374 62 108 43 32 83 127 226 168 457 85 28 86 217 240 566 595 | 5 452 119 24 1,526 1,512 3,038 CLISTON Hundred. NU 921 414 28 70 Broadclist - - - Butterleigh - - - Clist-Hydon - - - Clist, St. Lawrence Whimple - - - . - - - - - - - (9) - - - - (1) Parish Parish 1 Parish Parishat Parish 402 28 52 30 onde pode cococo ő or coa 964 74 161 68 276 136 1,885 144 297 149 Stow can 30 81 281 96 120 557 608 647 11 432 128 1,543 1,489 3,032 COLERIDGE Hundred. 117 w 294 325 619 226 621 21 606 6 1,227 40 618 312 125 114 131 120 61 CV 306 321 637 104 316 288 356 109 147 319 607 348 704 183 103 401 885 11 Ashprington - - - Blackauton - - - Buckland-Toutsaints Charleton - - - Chivelstone - - - Cornworthy - - - Dittisham - - - Dodbroke - - - - Halwell - - - - Harberton - Petrox, St. - - - Pool, South - - - Portlemouth, East Saviour, St. - - - Sherford - - Slapton - - Stokefleming - - - Stokingham - - - TOTNESS - - - - Townstall - - - 142 117 50 267 126 246 - - - Parish - - - Parish - (5) Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish Parish - (5) Parish - - - Parish Parish - (5) Parish - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish Borough & Parish - (5) Parish 69 276 239 Con All-IIIIA ONNITIAT 468 1,425 COBANO AVIlon 700 388 47 976 72 103 21 248 484 222 725 588 245 200 1,356 209 353 356 493 19 72 564 83 21 191 933 220 280 $8 71 267 78 123 118 286 346 171 133 100 133 391 2,289 429 689 688 1,487 3,128 1,220 336 330 728 78 317 83 759 651 226 87 27 413 1,325 277 1,803 105 97 515 2,926 3,973 | 23 138 1,613 1,434 926 8,769 10,249 19,018 COLYTON Hundred. - - 150 155 / 42 6 - - 109 288 40 / 410 773 1,945 399 993 116 - - - - - - - - 167 239 346 Branscombe - Colyton - - Cotleigh - - Farway - - Leigh, North Leigh, South - Moukton - - Offwell - - Seaton - - Beer - - Shute - - - Widworthy - 10 mand In Aars - - - - 95 214 - - Parish - - Parish Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish O Parish - - Tything - - Parish - - Parish - - - - COLLO ვfვ 952 123 179 119 165 75 205 217 162 61 327 136 96 234 104 258 563 174 272 693 306 126 379 489 1,256 593 274 - - - - - - 105 moet wo i 287 123 50 50 148 1,330 1,404 19 28 802 266 336 3,396 3,575 6,971 © Bradley is included in the return of Crediton Parish, Ful- | with Loddiswell, Stanborough Hundred. — (3) The Parishes of St. ford is partly in Shobrooke Parish, but is returned wholly in Crediton Petrox, St. Saviour, and of Townstall, form the Borough of Clifton-Dart- Parish. (9) Butterleigh is a detached portion of the Hundred of MOUTH Hardness. . The entire Parish of Seaton contains 1,745 Cliston, to the northward. ) Buckland-Toutsaints is connected | Inhabitants. 64 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how mauy Families Oc- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. of Building OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI | LIES ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ Families em ed in not conu. ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preecd- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. I craft. | Classes. | Uu-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. int PERSONS. cupied, 103 58 438 437 578 212 CREDITON Hundred. Colebroke - - - - - - Parish CREDITON - - () Borough & Parish Kennerley - - - - - - Parish Morchard-Bishop - - - - Parish Newton, St. Cyres - - - - Parish Sandford - - - - - - - Parish 431 18 156 | 164 1,149 1,221 20 20 347 373 230 380 452 er ini coco 2,475 46 883 875 5,515 93 1,935 1,083 1,906 3,040 47 1,052 533 982 215 191 163 236 550 600 63 164 924 2,267 2,460 95 1,142 1,025 293 5,316 6,091 11,407 ERMINGTON Hundred. 152 i - - - - - - - - - - - - 99 448 252 508 700 181 Aveion-Gifford - Bigbury - - - Cornwood - - Ermington - Harford - - Holbeton - - - Kingston - - - Modbury - - - Newton-Ferrers - Ringmore - - Ugborough - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish | Parish Parish Parish 196 100 190 187 29 196 Nooo 1 Osco Av 476 284 549 670 90 554 273 1,007 189 924 536 1,057 1,370 199 1,083 525 2,194 719 105 11 11 89 367 la 1 + 1 + 1 ia - - (+) - - - - - - 446 - - - - - - - - - - 109 529 252 1,187 353 166 664 138 366 60 70 162 765 328 241 244 1,429 1,688 1,901 1,263 1506 132 5,196 5,168 1 10,364 EXMINSTER Hundred. 45 136 283 - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish ܟ ܟܬ ܘ 124 147 134 430 41 40 147 105 258 946 167 155 384 516 1,066 987 224 1,467 Parish Parish 2,053 2,700 356 200 1,233 191 96 50 165 30 104 461 467 928 Ashcombe - - - - Ashton - - - - - Bishops-Teignton - - Chudleigh - - - - Dawlish - - - Doddiscombsleigh Dunchideock - - Exminster - - Ide - - - - - - Kenn - - - - - - Kenton - - - Mamhead - - - - Powderham - - - - Shillingford, St. George Teignmouth, East · Teignmouth, West - - Trusbain - - - - - 118 71 167 144 167 131 163 399 407 411 179 - - - - - - 136 724 906 1,891 986 317 495 905 157 406 58 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - - - - - - ♡ - - 51 & ܙ ܝܝ ܟ ܛܣ ܝ ܝܕ ܠ ܙ ܘܽܒܶܝܢ 1 46 105 320 216 31 10 263 486 10 308 163 111 39 938 1,422 85 192 99 - - 70 1,466 2,514 192 402 528 1,092 107 136 547 37 34 11 2,984 3,182 30 188 1,194 1,461 527 | 7,416 8,607 | 16,023 FREMINGTON Hundred. - - - - - - 63 170 200 537 144 149 . 402 24 24 384 76 153 68 53 Alverdiscott - - .- Fremington - - - Giles, St. - - Horwood - - Huntshaw - - Instow - - Leigh, West - Newton-Tracey - - Roborough - - - Tawstock - - - - Torrington, Great - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish c m A win iiiwi 174 164 334 562 1,099 786 144 138 291 179 353 452 36 523 1,237 1,403 ] . 2,538 OK 229 223 48 84 102 - - - - - - - - - - (V) 97 240 455 254 616 1,135 269 · 621 08 545 HALBERTON Hundred. 1,437 1,589 23 79 897 3,776 4,065 7,841 Burlescombe (part of) Halberton - - - - - (W) Parish - Parish - 802 796 1,598 (u) The Parish of Crediton extends into West-Budleigh Hundred. The place; hence the unusual increase of Population. (W) One female up- entire Parish consists of the Borough of CREDITON, with the Tythings of wards of 100 years of age in Great Torrington Parish. (W).This part Canon-Fee, Bradley, Fulford, Knowle, Rudge, Town, Uford, Úton, and of Burlescombe Parish is called Ashford, and is included with the rest of Woodland. - East-Teignmouth is become a fashionable watering. I the Parish, in Bampton Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] 65 ' THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.: COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By i Fami-1 ALL FAMI- OTHER chiefly OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. ОР Un-Inhabited. Building LIES LIES chiefly employ- Families cm- ed in not com- ployed The TRADE, ſprized in jul Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- for Handi. ing TURE. craft. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. Classes. HALBERTON Hundred—continued. Sampford-Peverell - - - - Parish Willand - - - - - - - Parish Whitrey - - - - (*) Tything 131 11 171 59 32 20 362 III 377 149 739 32 140 289 507 582 400 134 1,304 | 1,322 | 2,626 HARTLAND Hundred. 78 528 199 373 Clovelly - - - Hartland - - - Wellcombe - - Wolfardisworthy Yarnscombe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 184 261 48 119 68 325 42 122 51 413 975 121 393 238 993 126 941 1,968 247 755 463 140 86 363 66 225 - 0 680 849 | 2 | 22 633 197 2,140 2,234 4,374 HAYRIDGE Hundred. - 50 150 123 273 285 345 134 799 1,511 180 712 458 141 44 892 144 35 49 365987 %'******E FOTO - Ion I wil 434 110 114 1,760 155 242 236 3,410 Bickleigh - - - - - - Parish Blackborough - - - (Y) Parish Bradninch - - - - - - Parish Broadhembury - - - - - Parish Cadbury - - - - - - - Parish Cadeleigh - - - - - - Parish Cullompton - - - - - - Parish Feniton - - - - - - - Parish Kentisbere with Blackborough (Y) Parish Nether-Exe - - - - - - Parish Payhembury - - - - - Parish Plymtree - - - - - - - Parish Rewe (part of) Parish : (?) Up-Exe - - - - - - Tything Sheldon - - - - - - - Parish Silverton - - - - - (+) Parish Tallaton - - - - - - - Parish Thorveton - - - - - - Parish 75 321 132 122 1,650 166 585 50 266 228 558 cw All Coin Song Covic 53 41041=+*|*| **** | * | -15**33**--** *14033 ***********57283) 1,143 103 507 185 241 196 381 47 92 91 186 32 150 45 95 676 170 1,308 III 72 632 223 644 393 276 115 | 106 673 1,317 2,316 2,597 13 1,315 | 1,063 6,113 6,202 12,315 HAYTOR Hundred. 99 46 . 203 234 679 56 30 163 203 12 102 231 924 152 19 146 576 140 67 581 3,046 Osco 367 76 361 113 122 2,457 422 61 365 167 437 1,255 4,503 789 137 726 280 255 412 815 50 133 186 226 168 377 438 112 121 233 Albots-Kerswell - - - Berry-Pomeroy - - - - Brixham - - - - - - Broadhempston - - Buckland-in-the-Moor - Churston-Ferrers - - - Cockington - - - - - Coffinswell - - - - - Denbury - - - - - - Ipplepen - - - - - - Woodland - - - - - Kingskerswell - - - - Kingswear - - - - - Little-Hempston - Marldon - - - - Mury-Church, St. Paington - - - - - - Staverton - - - Stoke-Gabriel - - - - Torbryan - - - - - - Tor-Moham with Torbay - Widecombe-in-the-Moor - Woolborough - - . - Parish - Parish 152 - Parish | 800 Parish Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish Chapelry - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - Parish Parish 183 - Parish 128 - Parish 52 - Parish (3) Parish 145 b) Parish 342 1929 to i co w VARIA - WIIIIIIII 365 0938587186967 179 176 192 199 72 508 208 359 ვი9 314 149 147 192 497 797 505 300 137 830 489 166 160 70 999 537 679 328 323 384 1,005 1,796 1,042 633 277 1,925 934 1,859 201 30 338 308 116 140 1,095 445 1,039 125 20 298 446 820 54 3,755 4,303 44 243 1,636 1,275 | 1,392 9,716 11,316 21,032 yr (0) Whitrey is included in the Return of Uplowman Parish, Tiverton church or chapel of their own. () The Parish of Rewe is mostly Hundred. ) The Parish of Black borough is included in the Return | in Wonford Hundred.- () Buckland-in-the-Moor, and Wideconibe- of Kentisbere Parish. There are, in fact, 74 Persons resident in Black- in-the-Moor, form a detached portion of Haytor Hundred, to the north- borough Parish; they resort to the church of Kentisbere, having no west. Woolborough includes the Township of Newton-Abbots. 66 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration · COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- į FAMI- | All LIES LIES OTHER chicfly chiefly eniploy- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, Iprized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- Tor Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 87 73 19 247 513 42 148 315 HENYOCK Flundred. Awliscombe - - - - - - Buckerell - - - - - - Church-Stanton - Clayhedon - - Culmstock - - - - - - Dunkeswell - - - - - - Hemyock Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish · 142 100 63 193 153 304 431 175 1.147 298 43 21 143 oco como 266 167 443 407 622 228 575 419 415 mm 862 822 735 65 OOH 213 584 1,357 441 1,159 277 o 95 1,092 770 352 55 2,708 5,469 LIFTON Hundred. 1 115 | 11 13 112 377 50 328 115 705 787 411 U 376 131 422 131 326 42 258 or arilo 748 126 324 73 30 44 163 109 con Iconic III Tolol 142 127 53 161 109 501 143 360 628 568 i 36 Bradstone - - - - - - Parish 17 Bratton-Clovelly - - Parish 106 Bridestowe - - - - - - Parish 126 Bradwood-Widger - - Parish 125 Coryton - - - Parish Dunterton - - - - (+) Parish Germans-Week - - - - - Parish Kelly - - - - - - - - Parish 37 Lamerton - - - (+) () Parish 133 Lewtrenchard - Parish Lidford - - - - - - - Parish | 139 Lifton - - - - - - - Parish 1206 Mary-Stow - - - - - - Parish Mary-Tavy - - - - - - Parish OAKHAMPTON - (º) Borough and Parish Peter, St. Tavy, Parish : (0) Willswortby - - - - - Hamlet Sourton - - - - - - - Parish Stowford - - - - - - - Parish Sydenham-Damarel - Parish Thurshelton - - - - - - Parish Virginstow - - - - - - Parish : 16 30 Imalla a la II + aaralan 118 174 vow 218 1,069 344 734 '1,214 376 933 1,907 201 374 586 193 503 941 52 183 31 430 966 50 36 86: 259 I donde poder II AcūI 197 287 197 145 191 53 546 394 288 143 206 63 397 116 I . - 1,773 2,155 31 38 1,505 492 158 6,035 5,650 11,685 AIOLTON, South, Hundred. 83 171 - - - - - - 1. 30 35 110 230 170 110 540 871 660 877 ovo w co 220 1,200 1,748 227 IIIIA II 132 259 79 230 Anstey, East - - Anstey, West - - Bishops-Tawton - - Chittlehampton - George-Nympton Knowstone - - Landkey - - - - Molland - - - - Molton, North - Molton, South - - Satterleigh - - Swimbridge - - Twitchen - Warkley - - - - 444 122 127 214 353 - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - - werer SIA AI ODAI 330 683 77 214 334 151 - - 456 1,847 3,314 - 172 257 675 242 915 1,514 30 696 438 932 1,800 25 179 678 hot mod co i 55 1,374 242 30 48 79 162 268 - - 83 131 - 24 137 2,308 2,502 1,337 831 334 5,914 | 6,287 12,201 693 715 21 326 246 143 1,749 1,773 3,522 OTTERY, ST. MARY, Hundred. Ottery, St. Mary - - - - Parish PLYMPTON Hundred. Brixton - - - - - - - Parish PLYMPTON-EARL - Borough and Parish Plympton, St. Mary - - - Parish Plymstock - - - - - - Parish Revelstoke - - - - - - Parisha 145 88 32 427 103 152 165 41 328 308 trovara 119 434 588 427 434 1,025 1,370 244 408 854 762 2,044 2,735 484 1,019 1,365 240 499 11 80 za 103 - m . (0) Lamerton and Sydenham-Damarel form a distinct portion of Lifton Hundred, being surrounded by Tavistock Hundred. The Parish of Oakhampton extends into Black-Torrington Hundred; the entire Parish contains 2,023 Inhabitants. The Parish of St. Peter-Tavy is mostly in Roborough Hundred. The entire Parish contains 444 Iu- habitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 67 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL By OR how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. - Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em cd in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- lihe Two AGRI. | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. Oco PERSONS. cupied. I PLYMPTON Hundred-continued. Shaugh - - - - - - - Parish 156 190 Wembury - - - - - - Parish 195 Yealmpton - - - - - - Parish 1274 168 21 ..1 262 551 | 109 לל 12 20 289 304 624 260 241 132 89 1.53 611 564 1,235 1,536 2,015 13 855 850 310 4,596 4,633 9,229 į "* 32 22 100 1,103 240 361 70 198 131 238 2,198 138 1,095 217 555. 457 oir no co 622 76 331 1,177 689 358 74 101 · 175 ROBOROUGH Hundred. Andrews, St. (part of) Parish: (™) Weston-Peverel, or Penny-Cross Ty. Beer-Ferris - ... (6) Parish Bickleigh - - - - - - - Parish Buckland-Monachorum - - Parish Budeaux, St. - - .• - - Parish Charles the Martyr (part of) Par: (*) Compton-Gifford - - - - Tything Eggbuckland - - - - - - Parish Maker, Parish: (b) Vaultershome - - - - Tything Meavy - - - - - - - Parish Peter-Tavey (part of) (5) Parish Sampford-Spiney - a Parish Sheepstor - - - - - - - Parish Tamerton-Foliatt - - - - Parish Walkhampton - - - - - Parish Whitechurch ::. - ... - Parish 476 478 ; 954 576 646 180 141 183 175 170 1,222 32,1 358, 333 129 1,101 670 692 19 163 75 544 404 358 165 96 88 103 54 557 266 334 119 1,758 2,029 97 | 1,065 397 567 5,429 | 5,285 1,10,714 lo SHEBBEAR Hundred. - . 187 - - - - - - 61 72 . . 199 189 386 386 582 . 110 110 22 . 683 . 187 197 282 1,802 522 137 81 326 57 245 300 2,251 521 137 74 306 44 4,053 1,043 274 155 Iniiiiiin + 7 wo es o IN Incoming owliiiii i med ora and cu r o con col Italia Now i loco conosco NCTI OO NA Aer I made in . 101 632 . . 61 118 - - - - - - . 482 237 43 12 40 . 83 778 144 111 388 Albotsham - - - Alwington -'- - Beaford - - - Bideford - - - Buckland-Brewer Buckland-Filleigh Bulkworthy- Frithélstock - - Huish - - - - - Iddesleigh - - - Landcross Langtree - - - - Littleham - - - Meeth - - - - Merton - - - Monkleigh - - - Newton, St. Petrock Northam - - - - Parkham - : - - Peters-Marland - Petrockstow - - Putford, East - Shebbear - - - Sheepwash - - Torrington, Little - Ware-Gifford 390 - - - Anino Giocooniliw car - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - - - 47 167 200 367 137 133 146 122 270 697 349 348 - - - 265 91 49 509 278 20 244 130 1,421 477 542 YO 179 -- 148 1,129 490 175 278 145 59 168 293 2,550 967 343. 571 194 1,006 96 98 32 202 92 102 98 500 506 212 436 - - - 88 224 258 234 247 235 SA 595 469. 98 3,197 3,471 Co 127 1,898 748 825 8,720 1 9,414 | 18,134 SHERWILL Hundred. 93 Arlington - Brendon - - Challacombe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish os N 50 147 114 177 275 240 41 o 1 © The Borougb of Plymouth, which includes most part of the Parishes of the county. (6) Beer-Ferris Parish includes the Borough of of St. Andrews and St. Charles the Martyr, and with it Stoke-Damerall BEERalston.-- (h) The Parish of Maker is mostly in Cornwall East and East-Stonehouse (all in Roborough Ilundred) is entered at the end | Hundred.) 68 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: | FA MI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Familics em | ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL. forHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MIALES. in PERSONS. I SHERWILL Hundred-continued. 46 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 18 165 55 143 157 63 135 322 118 278 632 49 118 -19+110-1 STTM 2398382333 296 Charles - - Countisbury - Highbray - Linton - - Loxhore - - Martinhoe - Paracombe - Sherwill - - Stoke-Rivers 336 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 37 241 47 43 43 69 111 19 111 96 176 - - - 69 130 108 188 324 137 - - - - - - - - 44 69 128 47 204 364 645 291 134 321 54 154 692 738 | 5 | 16 | 620 87 31 1,855 1,855 1,932 3,787 STANBOROUGH Hundred. = 1 300 615 - - - - - - - - - - - - 81 1 118 107 128 246 84 111 315 403 375 235 219 712 689 20 581 131 oier uw i 1,086 - 778 1,401 2,240 316 602 - 359 52 99 - - 52 103 109 143 1,154 176 311 280 140 291 281 341 97 56, 107 100 312 653 68 219 Allington, East - Allington, West - Brent, South - - Buckfastleigh :- Churchstow - - Dartington - - Dean-Prior . . Diptford - - - Holne - - - - Huish, North Huish, South Kingsbridge • . Loddiswell - - Malborough - - Milton, South Moreleigh - - Rattery - - - Thurlestone . - Woodleigh - - 1111111111111111111 Parish | Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 78 LIRIAONA A over en Gooi 237 - 76 189 191 203 194 797 394 410 440 383 1,430 762 633 158 133 - - 111 212 802 1,552 movi 356 - - (hh) - - - - - - - - - - 181 105 - - - - - - - - 368 750 175 97 291 235 156 268 191 202 559 ..426 37 142 298 2,159 | 2,714 1,569 957 188 6,8767,108 13,984 TAVISTOCK IIundred. 84 Brentor - - - - Milton-Abbot - - TavISTOCK (+) - - - - Parish - - - Paris Borough & Parish 18 154 680 19 218 1,194 67 573 co 578 151 1,151 5,483 375 351 2,563 | 2,920 852 1,431 26 524 529 -1810**1*30*104-10 1995 333333523623599331991 $200009998788850003 a $2!14910101 arginigisol 378 3,225 / 3,560 16,785 TAWTON, North, with WINKLEY Ilundred. - - 145 - - 185 420 438 858 183 101 162 113 270 265 192 405 467 - - - - 23 23 59 62 72 173 872 134 335 939 192 54 151 108 465 370 792 56 6 75 120 121 33 302 162 474 422 23 330 392 106 Ashreigney, or Ringsash Atherington - - - - Bow, or Nymet-Tracey - Brushford - - - - Bundley - - - - - Burrington - - Chawley - - - Clanaborough • Coleridge - - - Dolton - - - Dowland - - - Down, St. Mary - - Eggesford - - - High-Bickington - Lapford - - - - Nymet-Rowland - - Tawton, North - - - Wembworthy - - Winkley - - - - - Zeal-Monachorum - - 632 Parish Parish Parisha Parish Parisha Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish | o cerer wuni coor ID T-QAA 356 90 748 196 400 - 201 199 144 125 127 60 352 84 396 145 144 16 355 - - - - 51 75 12 124 16 51 281 306 840 748 674 102 1,563 349 1,436 681 65 319 51 723 184 710 302 55 - - - - 66 280 115 262 148 69 165 726 379 104 91 19 2,205 2,420 15 111 1,503 648 269 5,8486,346 12,194 (hh) The Return of Malborough Parish includes the Chapelry of Salcombe. M.DCCC.XXI ] fg THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. - - - COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL em EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ор Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI: 1 ALL LIES LIES OrHER chiefly chiefly enploy. Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. 232 60 44 MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 396 778 486 1,875 36 1,528 153 309 148 3,403 301 603 1,685 74 52 111 343 142 28 241 817. 107 678 TEINGBRIDGE Hundred. ASHBURTON. - Borough and Parish Bickington - - - - - - Parish Bovey, North - - - - - Parish Bovey-Tracey - - - - - Parish Hennock • - - Parish Highweck - - Parish Ideford - - - Parish Ilsington - - - - - - - Parish Kingsteington - - - - (i) Parish Lustleigh - - - - - - Parish Alanaton - - - - - - - Parish Moreton-Hampstead - - - Parish Teingrace - - - - - - Parish 196 907 75 103 325 129 182 73 189 219 54 56 386 23 - INCI ANII 294 868 323 487 183 543 561 141 n paro n a receriö 356 199 355 420 173 579 570 184 224 52 161 153 42 28 218 223 9 1,122 1,131 325 403 1,932 131 11 179 993 24 939 63 21 68 2,171 2,668 | 14 | 55 1,472 982 214 6,314 6,663 12,977 TIVERTON Hundred. 0 20 93 153 138 6 62 Calverleigh - - - - - - Parish Huntsham - - - - - - Parish Loxbear - - - . - - Parish Tiverton Borough and Parish: (k) Clare - - - - - - - Quarter | Pitt - - - - - - - Quarter Pryors - - - - - - - Quarter Tidcombe - - - - - - Quarter Town - - - - - - - Quarter Uplowman - - - - - () Parish 202 Toli vow 179 Tellim.IT Talal 1 + 114 370 326 114 84 66 997 80 381 696 476 1 anota 249 84 66 227 174 3,657 202 124 1,262 | 80 212 3,055 223 979 16 386 6,712 425 16 28 550 1,013 | 182 4,504 4,9569,460 188 569 527 1,096 18 46 50 96 145 125 769 1,506 737 21 339 19 40 > 114 24 652 124 86 118 42 322 24 11 623 140 313 301 149 79 221 289 84 253 163 474 1,469 1,745 . WITHERIDGE Hundred. Bishops-Nympton - - - - Parish 211 Cheldon - - - - Parish 20 20 Chulmleigh - - - Parish 303 327 Creacombe - - Parish Cruwys-Morchard Parish 113 King's-Nympton - - - - Parish 144 Mari-Ansleigh - - Parish Meshaw - - Parish Oakford - - - Parish Puddington - - - - - - Parish | Rackenford - - - ... - Parish Romansleigh - - - - - - Parish Rose-Ash . . - - - - Parish Stoodley with Highley, St. Mary Parish Templeton - - - - - - Parish 39 Thelbridge - - - - - - Parish 24 Washford-Pine - - - - - Parish 26 Witheridge - - - Parish Woolfardisworthy . . - - Parish 36 Worlington, East - - - - Parish 44 Wortington, West - - - - Parish 128 29 96 80 176 Oo - IIOII mooara Ialtaan now verileri NINAI, 192 103 395 214 203 111 222 264 108 87 214 202 436 466 COM 75 246 554 106 567 198 168 139 1,121 213 253 172 36 107 1 128 97 125 75 1,653 1,780 | 1265 1,220 411 | 149 4,562 4,328 1.8,890 116 588 1,070 221 44 | 78 221 63 303 WONFORD Hundred. Alphington - - - - - - Brampford-Speke - - - - Bridford - - - - - - - Chagford - - - - - - - Cheriton, Bishop - - - - Christow - - - - - - - Combintinhead - - - - (m) Drewsteington . . - - Parish Parish| Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 91 290 142 106 276 al motora 482 149 267 760 373 154 224 743 ão co ou com 491 1,503 753 127 96 100 222 382 274 257 224 531 107 179 577 403 1,188 243 611 (1) Kingsteington was formerly remarkable for the frequency of agues and other diseases; but this has been remedied by drainage of surface water.-- ) The entire Parish of Tiverton contains 8,631 Inhabi- tant.. Uplowman Parish extends into Halberton Ilundred. The whole Population is entered here. (m) Stokeintinhead Parish includes Shaldon Green, and, with Combintinhead and Haccombe, forms a distinct portion of the Hundred near Newton-Bushell. 70 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FADII PARISHI, TOWNSHIP, ALI. оп TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how niany Familics Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. FAMI- | LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly cin- employ- Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures, proced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craſt. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS Classes. UR 126 819 442 62 20 19 377 59 14 121 13 27 coci 211 134 569 88 684 75 1,253 21 163 43 134 .103 237 28 88 84 172 87 206 16 42 233 59 42 255 119 607 362 GT Beivocach 969 vvalo Tolo con ico 59 WONFORD Hundred-continued. Dunsford - - - - - - - Parish Gidley - - - - - - - Parish Haccombe - - -(+) (m) Extra-P. Heavitree - - - - - - Parish Hittisleigh - - - - - - Parish Holcombe-Burnell - - - - Parislı Huxham - - - - - - - Parish Leonard, St. - - Parish Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish Ogwell, East - - - - (n) Parish Ogwell, West - - - - (1) Parish Pinboe - - - Parish Poltimore - - - - - - Parish Rowe (part of) - - - - (°) Parish Sowton - - - Parish Spreyton - - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Cannon - - - - - Parish Stokeintinhead - - - - (m) Parish Tawton, South - - - - - Parish Tedburn, St. Mary - - - - Parish Thomas, St. the Apostle - (9) Parish Throwley - - - - - - Parish Topshain - - - - - - () Parish Upton-Pyne - - - - - - Parish Whitstone - - - - - - Parish 159 102 106 ÔNÁ covawvl and cool Rand had givico iiieeiiee'''' 227 127 la N icon I had no il lol lol III o IOA 55 136 22 250 143 91 183 210 167 295 42 477 270 188 339 97 156 398 63 90 286 129 303 113 914 132 345 122 777 337 610 1,878 709 3,245 386 * 386 492 607 170 324 964 323 1,654 190 1,751 228 271 60 60 567 619 383 1,591 196 1,405 203 314 228 3,156 85 90 431 585 101 1113 14 C 4,166 2,287 1,667 870 11,401 | -12,154 23,555 EXETER City, and County of the same. 82 184 253 100 157 21 321 437 698 377 20 20 16 34 85 119 - 103 111 365 180 772 198 492 346 309 997 262 206 261 147 619 110 202 128 368 79 112 237 89 86 fico 190 Allhallows, Goldsmith-street - Parish Allhallows-on-the-Walls - - Parish Bedford-Circus - - - Precinct Bradninch - - - (s) Precinct Close - - - - - - Precinct David, St. - - - - - - Parish Edmund, St. on the Bridge - Parish George, St. - - Parish John, St. - - - Parish Kerrican, St. Parish Lawrence, St. .. Parishi Martin, St. - . Parish Mary, St. Arches - - - - Parish Mary, St. Major - Parish Mary, St. Stepps - - - - Parish Olave, St. - - - - - - Parish Pancras, St. - - - - Parish Paul, St. and Bradninch - - Parish Peterock, St. - - - - - Parish Seidwell, St. - - - - - Parish Stephen, St. - - - - - Parish Trinity, Holy - - - - - Parish 88 CO I Cili otcr iii loll All Iwi 463 1,285 759 425 306 200 369 203 280 1,690 591 147 62 öncevovococo ao AIHA co Tioloco II w III 101 296 110 50 70 75 ON 345 2,282 1,378 793 543 390 665 329 544 3,084 1,090 922 388 1,550 294 4,372 247 387 126 264 1,394 499 404 117 635 267 212 79 97 518 136 51 238 228 189 61 184 50 696 196 192 382 196 8:34 163 665 193 716 131 1,871 193 986 50 906 71 513 2,501 59 259 452 63 339 379 12 131 1,391 2,377 3,256 5,155 3,511 1,509 10,335 | 13,144 23,479 Borough of PLYMOUTII and SUBURBS. CO Andrew, St. - - - Charles-the-Martyr Stoke-Damerall - - Stonehouse, East - - - - - - () Parish 1,350 2,995 | 10 157 - (u) Parish 1,034 / 2,155 | 19 | 76 - - Parish 3,147 17,844 13 1148 - - Parish 717 11,471 18 | 62 92 1,684 1,219 84 | 1,292 779 61 3,239 | 4,544 811 595 795 | 5,159 4,110 14,867 2,321 7,047 5,275 18,711 3,722 12,206 9,385 33,578 6,043 16,248 14,465 / 60 443 318 6,810 7,337 26,457 34,755 61,212 1 (n) East-Ogwell, and West-Ogwell, form another distinct portion of of age in the Parish of Topsham.-- () Bradninch is included in the | the Hundred near Newton-Buslicll. ) The Parish of Rewe is partly Return of St. Paul's Parish. Part of the Parish of St. Andrew is in Hayridge Hundred. The entire Parish contains 280 Inhabitants. entered in Roborough Hundred ; the cntirc Parish contains 12,444 In- (o) The Parish of Sowton extends into East-Budleigh Hundred. - habitants. One malc upwards of 100 years of age.--(u) Part of the (9) The Chapelry of Aldridge is included in the Return of the Parish Parish of Charles-the-Martyr is entered in Roborough Hundred; the of St. Thoinas the Apostle. (1) One female upwards of 100 years | entire Parish contains 9,560 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DEVON-coniinuca. Ś UMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DEVON. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : I FAMI- FAMI- LIES ALI II UNDREDS, By Famili TCTAL &c. how many Inhabited. Families Oc- OF Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES chictly OTHER chiefly employ- em led in not coni- ployed Trade, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, prcccd- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied. 1 392 9 I 565 9,086 2,464 1,182 |1,313 2,924 3,183 3,441 566 148 169 425 854 9,672 24 87 608 | 647 1,173 1,084 725 440 2,444 1,481 1,683 1,481 1,564 452 119 432 128 1,613 1,434 266 1,025 506 1,461 510 400 926 1,330 336 293 132 1 5257 . 2 22 633 Hundred of AXMINSTER - - - - - BAMPTON - - - - - - BLACK-TORRINGTON - - BRAUNTON - - - - BUDLEIGH, EAST - - BUDLEIGH, WEST - - - - CLISTON - - - COLERIDGE - COLYTON - - CREDITON - - ERMINGTON - - . EXMINSTER FREMINGTON - - HALBERTON - - HARTLAND - - HAYRIDGE - - HAYTOR - - - - HEMYOCK - - LIFTON - - - - MOLTON, SOUTII - - OTTERY, ST. MARY PLYMPTON - - - ROBOROUGH - SHEBBEAR - - SHERWILL - - STANBOROUGH . TAVISTOCK - - - - TAWTON NORTH, 7 with WINKLEY - TEINGBRIDGE - - TIVERTON - - - WITHERIDGE - - WONFORD - - - - - - 2,926 3,973 1,404 2,267 2,460 1,688 1,901 2,984 3,182 1,437 1,589 507 | 582 680 849 2,316 2,597 3,755 4,303 1,092 1,177 1,773 2,155 2,308 2,502 693 715 1,536 2,015 1,758 2,029 3,197 692 738 2,159 2,714 1,315 1,636 1,063 1,275 352 1,392 6,491 6,777 | 13,268 3,335 3,290 6,625 8,566 17,652 8,255 17,927 8,323 9,927 18,250 1,526 1,512 3,038 1,543 1,489 3,032 8,769 10,249 19,018 3,396 3,575 6,971 5,316 6,091 11,407 5,196 5,168 10,364 7,416 8,607 16,023 3,776 4,065 7,841 1,304 1,322 2,626 2,140 2,234 4,374 6,113 6,202 12,315 11,316 21,032 2,761 / 5,409 6,035 5,650 11,685 5,914 6,287 12,201 1,749 1,773 3,522 4,596 4,633 9,229 5,429 5,285 10,714 8,720 9,414 18,134 1,855 1,932 3,787 6,876 7,108 13,984 3,225 3,560 6,785 5,848 6,346 12,194 6,314 6,663 12,977 4,504 4,956 9,460 4,562 4,328 8,890 11,401 . 12,154 23,555 9,716 2,708 סלל 55 492 158 1,505 1,337 326 831 334 143 246 855 310 1,065 567 3,471 1,898 825 31 620 1,569 852 | 1,431 524 529 2,205 2,420 1,503 i 269 214 182 2,171 2,668 1,469 1,745 1,653 1,780 4,824 1,472 982 550 1,013 1,220 411 2,287 1,667 149 870 135 3,5111,509 10,335 13,144 23,479 CITY OF EXETER, and County of the same - - 3,256 5,155 58 118 Borough of PLYMOUTII and SUBURBS - 6,248 14,465 60 443 318 6,810 7,337 26,457 34,755 61,212 Total - - - 71,486 90,714 756 3,082 37,037 33,985 19,692 208,229 230,811 439,040 72 FEnumeration. A ÁSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Under TOTAL. Hundred of 791 er | 472 345 A 565 530 67 1 103 851 1 c 496 332 551 596 590 N 511 460 255 4,195 684 A 409 C 140 124 340 246 219 A 890 682 bone 5,562 622 972 A 277 1 l 293 623 678 l AXMINSTER - - 11,001 880 645 960 684 4511 6,506 BAMPTON - 520 480 429 313 211 154 | 98 3,335 BLACK-TORRINGTON 1,336 1,232 945 1,503 548 9,017 BRAUNTON . -1,282 1,051 965 848 1,174 906 8,250 BUDLEIGH, E. & W. - 1,334 1,151 830 1,269 8,647 CLISTON - - - 211 / 209 229 1,543 COLERIDGE 1,481 1,255 1,144 1,019 8,789 COLYTON 3,397 CREDITON 819 598 5,317 ERMINGTON 494 EXMINSTER - 1,224 956 896 845 7,416 FREMINGTON - 588 502 414 393 3,773 HALBERTON 189 165 145 1,304 HARTLAND 286 211 2,140 HAYRIDGE 618 569 HAYTOR - 1,615 1,371 1,168 1,090 1,125 9,726 HEMYOCK 384 376 405 LIFTON - - 789 536 1,011 MOLTON, SOUTH - - 588 | 898 659 OTTERY, ST. MARY 231 269 1,749 PLYMPTON 506 4,596 ROBOROUGH - 643 818 5,489 SHEBBEAR 11,156 1,073 1,309 932 522 8,718 SHERWILL 260 225 167 129 1,863 STANBOROUGH 471.327 165 6,867 TAVISTOCK 28 18 12 662 TAWTON, NORTH, with 865 WINKLEY - TEINGBRIDGE . 941 6,314 TIVERTON 595 580 584 4,504 WITHERIDGE - . 608 544 455 540 4,562 WONFORD - - 1,698 1,318 1,081 - 11,390 EXETER, CITY and U. COUNTY .. -}|1,505 1,335 1,047 1,077 1,449 1,393 1,061 | 705 1 - 110,335 PLYMOUTH, BORO’and] SUBURBS - S14 ||4,898 4,103 2,791 | 1,994 2,631 3,494 2,891 1,879 1,114 508 127 | 10 | 1126,441 Total of MALES - 31,617 27,545 (23,387 19,959 28,375 23,162 18,193|13,675/10,024|5,033|1,226 90 | 2 873 745 252 190 193 w A 635 503 A 713 859 498 672 718 od 337 2364 897 A 220 324 o 998 L I 93 c 5,846 49 608 744 477 421 or cool 567 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Devon was .... 439,040,.... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ...425,923, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of one thirty-third part of the persons thercia enumerated, have not been obtained in com- pliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.] 73 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. : COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. Ages of Persons. FEM A L E S. Under TOTAL. Hundred or 946 982 529 . 93 .89 981 888 304 546 936 724 380 363 260 586 863 ou vwo onco N A co o foco A u erdvi + 5 win 5 8 630 485 104 | - 179 190 161 GE 1 703 642 392 317 248 542 813 427 AXMINSTER - • 937 847 651 1,094 593 486 368 6,792 BAMPTON 477 · 474 387 251 472 371 304 212 3,290 BLACK-TORRINGTON 1,310 1,087 873 1,320 722 8,519 BRAUNTON - 1,227 1,159 924 | 1,001 1,641 (1,118 939 670 9,661 BUDLEIGH, E. & W. - 11,420 1,122 922 924 1,755 1,187 815 9,710 CLISTON - - - 198 220 142 171 152 1,495 COLERIDGE 1,492 1,218 1,013 1,638 1,292 719 570 10,231 COLYTON 493 467 354 418 243 216 3,576 CREDITON - -1 818 645 446 6,090 ERMINGTON - 600 491 440 645 452 3,981 EXMINSTER 1,152 1,075 1,555 1,050 737 8,657 FREMINGTON .. 566 493 358 298 4,065 HALBERTON :- 182 141 149 1,322 HARTLAND - - 296 - 302 204 370 256 2,234 HAYRIDGE 766 519 1879 494 418 5,526 HAYTOR - 1,409 1,206 1,177 1,685 1,387 1,026 915 563 11,313 HEMYOCK - 389 350 274 254 2,761 LIFTON - - 771 689 560 5,079 MOLTON, SOUTH 614 1,045 752 611 6,286 OTTERY, ST. MARY - 154 265 169 1,773 PLYMPTON - - 749 554 416 4,623 ROBOROUGH .. 801 : 691 652 359 276 5,321 SHEBBEAR - -11,314 1,089 676 SHERWILL 284 128 STANBOROUGH 1.889 7,010 TAVISTOCK - - 1 84 106 640 TAWTON, NORTH, with WINKLEY - 963 6,355 TEINGBRIDGE - 812 589 6,663 TIVERTON 659 : 563 881 450 425 352 289 4,958 WITHERIDGE - 593 535 1650 | 530 404 312 272 130 4,316 WONFORD • -11,648 | 1,456 1,204 11,169 2,012 | 1,480 / 1,091 915 706 1378 12,157 EXETER, CITY and 11.352 1,389 1,131 1,374 2,618 1,747 1,321 1,011 710 350 COUNTY 113 | 16 - 113,138 PLYMOUTH, BORO’andil SUBURBS and}|4,791 4,195 3,088 3,061 6,019 5,130 3,626 2,419 1,536 696 178 16 - 134,755 - Total of FEMALES - 30,767 (27,361 22,398 21,648 36,977 27,509 20,708|15,971 12,0626,191|1,870 171 2 223,635 218 obo 740 590 2 21 101 124 331 741 538 | 230 469 884 1,571 825 499 9,406 1,932 237 vo 493 3. 554 855 500 o ar con co - The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Devon was 487; nine of which did not contain any answer whatever he question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, ar redundantmor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 74 Emimoration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Dorset. The Returns of the Population are arranged according to the Divisions-and-Subdivisions of this-County, and the Hundreds precede the Liberties in each Division. ..' w HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, _ Ву" OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES OTHER chiefly Families em- OR LIES chiefly TOTAL **. employ- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ог :. many Families Oc- cupied Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. LU ed in not.com. Trade; prized in mitandao wameletes Building. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. Manu- the Two AGRI-'Ifactureel preced- CUL- JorHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes, . . - 78 22 BLANDFORD (North Division.) COOMBS: DITCH Hundred: 1 ANDERSON - - - - - - Parish Blandford, St. Mary - - - Parish Blandford-Forum .--. (a): Town Bloxworth - - (+) - - Parish Thomson - - - - - - - Parish Winterborne-Clenstone . - Parish Winterborne-Whitechurch - . Parish 358 was liiiii 99 - Lola 210 NI III 23 43 73 493 19 40 83 218 15 15 105 46 34 37 112 295 279 574 203 49 III w I c I o II 93 110 PIMPERNE Hundred. Bryanston - - - - - - Parish Durweston - - - - - - Parish Fifehead-Neville · - (b). Parish Hammoon . - - - Parish Haselbury-Bryan - - b) Parish Houghton-Winterborne -.. Parish Langton-Long-Blandford' - - Parish Pimpernë - - - • and Parish Stepieton-Preston - - - Extra-P. Strickland-Winterbourne - - Parish Stourpain - - - - - - - Parish Tarrant-Hinton - - - - - Parish Tarrant-Keynston' - - - - Parish Tarrant-Launceston - - - Parish Tarrant-Ran'ston - - - - Parish 82 160 27 110 II NOI CONIIIIvir and I ! A WN AVw OWN CO! 224 426 10 75 202 13 179 234 134 112 185 265 144 108 46 220 25 RUSÂMORE Hundred. Winterborne-Zelstone - - - Parish II 140 245 194 386 loi 192 131 113 244 | 16 | 16 154 2,788 2,934 | 5,722 DEWLISH Liberty. Dewlish - - - - - . - Parish Milbourne-Churchstone, and i St. Andrew • - - - 1,020 | 1,196 BLANDFORD (South Division.) CORFE-CASTLE Hundred. CORFÈ-CASTLE (d) Borough & Parish 156 North-Division - - - - Tything South-Division - - - - Tything! 380 443 823 III cond 188 196 129 129 188 438 953 BEER-REGIS Hundred. Beer-Regis - - - - () Parish Sbitterton - - - - - - Tything Milbourne-Styleham - - - Parish Winterbourne-Kingston - - Parish mod no A voso 62 515 65 127 47 134 130 226 264 464 238 140 HUNDREDSBARROW Hundred. Aft-Puddle - - - - () Parish | Bryants-Puddle - - - - Tything Turners-Puddle - - - - - Parish Stoke, East, Parishi: Worgret - - - - (8) Tything NA No 1 HASILOR Hundred. Arne - - - - - - - - Church-Knowle - - - (b) Holme, East - - - - - - 134 Parish Parish Parish III 400 42 (a) The Town of Blandford-Forum is entered at the end of the County. | 1,465 persons. The entire Parish of Beer-Regis contains 1,080 (0) Fifchead-Neville and Haselbury-Bryan form a detached portion Inhabitants. Beer-Heath is included in the Return. ) The entire of the Blundred and Division, being locally situate in Cerne Division. Parish of Aff-Puddle contains 441 Inhabitants. (8) Worgret Tything (9) M:lbourne St. Andrew, included in this Return, is in Dorchester is included in the Return of East-Stoke (Winfrith Hundred.) (b) The Division. -- d) The Borough and Parish of Conte-Castle contains Return from Church-Knowle includes Bradle and Creech Tytnings. M.DCCC.X-X1:1 THE POPULATION ACT, 1. GEO. IV. C. 94. - COUNTY OF DORSET)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | ALL -*3 camer By: OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE how ipany Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES O'TIER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- 1: played | Trade, prized in Nanu- the Two factures, preced-. CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. Classes. OF | Un-Inhabited. Purpring FEMALES. MALES. in AGRI- PERSONS. cupied. | BLANDFORD (South Division)--continued. HASILOR Hundred-continued. | Kommeridge: - - - - - Parish Steeple - - - - - - - Parish Tyneham - - - - - - Parish 90 gen 42 117 : . 48 1:16: 123 233 ܟܕ ܝܕ 117 240 ROWBARROW Hundredi Langton-Matravers - - - - Studland - - - - - - . Swanage - - - - - - - Worth-Matravens - - - a Parish Parish Parish Parish 124 84 307 317 218 ܝܕ $ 6 ܝܕ 837 628 382. 1,607 325 170 III Tim. 111111 1-28 WINFRITH Hundred. Coombe-Keynes - - - - - Lullworth, East - - Moreton - - - - - - - Poxwell - - - Stoke, Last- Warmwell - - - - - - bad made lo.. En ܗ ܟ ܒ Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 61 162 124 67 191 132 353 256 34 39. ܙ ܒܝ ܝܕ ܨܢ 269 40 365 250 42 73 519 82 Rez1220 2. 399 764 Woodsford - - - - - - Parish 159 oni ܕܝܘ 119 184 230 1:21) 181 223 240 365 453 BINDON Liberty. : Chaldon-Herring - - - - Parish Lullworth, West - - - - - Parish : Wool - - - - - - - - Parish OWERMOIGNE Liberty.. Owermoigne - - - - - Parish STOBOROUGH Liberty. Stoborough - . (i) Liberty I ܝܕ if | ST1*.*. 12 | 354 | 5,636 | 6,026 / 11,662. 558 161 1,325 1,481 531 89 395 620 179 27 2,202 | 2,432 BRIDPORT Division. (ii) BEAMINSTER-FORUM and REDHONE Hundred. (K) Beaminster - - - - Town & Parish 518 Bradpole . - - - - - - Parish 178 279 Chardstock - - - - - - Parish 230 Chedington - - - - - - Parish 28 Corscombe - - - - - - Parish 120 Mapperton Parish Mosterton - - - - - - Parish Netherbury - - - - (1); Parish Perrott, South - - - - - Parish Poorton, North - - - - - Parish 19 Stoke-Abbas - - - - - - Parish Toller-Porcorum, Parish: (m) Over and Nether-Kingcombe Tything Wambrook - - - - . - Parish 636 80 317 101 two w l w long 14 ord er | 2,806 926 1,266 164 632 123 284 1,954 317 89 84 3.15 62 155 1,015 61 129 34 289 939 138 45 179 44 123 293 322 615 8 A Illi la limo II III III III arco n or 159 201 95 100 113 190 2:34 EGGERTON Hundred. Askerswell - - - - - - Hooke - - - - - - - Longbredy - - - - - - Poorstock . - . () Winterborne-Abbas - - - - Wraxall - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Niocol 291 Tal coco m 170 GODDER-THORNE Hundred. (°) Allington - - - - - - - Parish Shipton-George - - - - Par. Chap. Wallditch - - - - - - Parish 201 228 612 Orco 197 16 527 153 158 1,139 311 141 29 30 . 76 Stoborough Liberty, as a suburb of the Town of Warcham, is cu- tered with it at the end of the County, (ii) The Boroughs of BRID- PORT and LYME-Regis are entered at the end of the County.. (W) Little-Winsor is included in the Return from Broad-Winsor Liberty. - The Return from Netherbury includes Aish, Bowood, Melplash, and Netherbury Tythings. -(m) Most part of the Parish of Toller- Porcorum is in Dorchester Division (Tollerford Hundred.) (n) For the whole of Poorstock Parish, including West-Milton, Nettlecombe and South-Poorton Tythings (Eggerton Hundred) see Poorstock Liberty. O Sturthill Tything is included in the Return of Burton-Bradstock Parish (Frampton Liberty.) . 76 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families ed in Un-Inhabited. not com- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families en- ployed TRADE, prized in Trade, in Manu- the Two AG CUL- orHaudi- diling TURE. craft. Classes. 28 ОР Building. FEMALES. MALES. Oc- PERSONS. cupied. factures, preced- 15 116 16 203 27 104 119 257 350 607 137 111 344 BRIDPORT Division-continued. WHITCHURCH-CANONICORUM Hundred. Burstock - - - - - - - Parish Catherston-Lewston - - - Parish Charmouth - - - - - - Parish Cbideock - .. Parish Marshwood - - - - - (P) Parish Pilsdon - - - - - - - Parish Stockland - - - - - () Parish Symondsbury - - - - • Parish Whitchurch-Canonicorum . () Parish Stanton, St. Gabriel's - - Par: Chap: Wootton-Fitzpain - - - - Parish BRIDPORT - - - - () Borough 171 111 21 90 371 254 278 46 17 54 III or col.colori I made a na viovlic 207 572 181 204 202 251 21 499 Toivatni 715 532 100 1,147 1,076 1,317 112 446 aa 575 577 666 220 651 55 206 68 240 - BROADWINSOR Liberty. Broadwinsor - - - - - () Parish 236 307 - A. de la 683 04 1,387 29 62 80 FRAMPTON Liberty: (*): Bettiscombe : - - - - - - Parish Bincombe - - - - (+) Parish Burton-Bradstock - - - - Parish Compton-Vallance - - - - Parish Frampton - - - - - - Parish Winterborne-Came (part of) - Parish 16 170 1 Iloil. I. 178 1 III vol dir 98 358 854 11 46 496 40 223 86 195 13 418 21 I 34 70 385 205 448 176 1 Jou LOTHERS and BOTHENHAMPTON Liberty. Bothenhampton - --- - Parish 53 Lothers - - - - - - - Parish 142 LYME-REGIS --- (5) Borough POORSTOCK Liberty :º) Poorstock - - . - - Parish 214 | 057 od 134 515 495 1,010 4,912 44 | 110 | 2,860 (-1,426 626 11,307 | 12,310 23,617 95 100 “ 135 195 4,296 CERNE (Sub-division.) BUCKLAND-NEWTON Hundred. Buckland-Newton Parish: (0) Brockhampton and Knowle - Tything | Buckland-Newton - - - Tything | Duntish - - - - - - Tything Mintern, Parva - - - - Tything Plush - - - - - - - Tything! Mappowder - - - - - - Parish Pulham, East - - · (W) Parish Pulham, West - - - - Manor Wootton-Glanville - - - () Parish 140 275 5.3 101 అలులు : 3 ని 47 105 - III and III and 88 ALIN 60 : 79 120 127 167 247 272 309 | 144 163 : 189 540 CERNE, TOTCOMBE, and MODBURY Hundred : Cattistock - - - - - - Parish Cerne-Abbas - - - - - Parish Cerne, Nether - - - - - Parish Compton-Abbas - - - - - Parish Godmanstone - - - - - Parish Hawkchurch (part of) Parish : (?). Wyldecourt - - - - - Tything Hilfield - - - - - - Par: Chap: 1931 382 520 1,060 31 60 36 80 128 44 ! & I LICO I NO 6 | - లు 67 61 lov 168 298 127 1 66 (n) The Parishes of Marshwood and Whitchurch-Canonicorum are much intermixed, but the Population is properly attributed to each. The latter Parish includes in its Return, Barn, Abbotswooten, Vale, and Wild Quarters.-- (9) Stockland forms a detached portion of the Hundred and County, being surrounded by Devonshire. - The Boroughs of Bridport and Lyme-Regis are entered at the end of the County.— () Broadwinsor Liberty and Parish includes Childhay, Deberford, and Drimpton Tythings; Little Winsor is also included in the Population Retuin, though in Redhone Hundred. ) The Liberty of Frampton is composed of Bettiscombe, near Lyme-Regis; Burton-Bradstock, near Bridport; Bincombe and Winterborne-Came, south of Dorchester; Frampton and Compton-Vallance, westward of Dorchester. Winterboine- Came extends into the Hundred of Culliford Tree.- () The entire Parish of Buckland-Newton contains 843 Inhabitants. — (W) The Pa- rish of East-Pulhan, including West-Pulham Manor, contains 272 Inha- bitants. Wootton-Newland Tything is included in the Return of Wootton-Glanville.-- () Middlemarsh Tything is included in the Return of the Parish of Mintern, Magna (Puddletrenthide Liberty.) I ) Most part of the Parish of Hawkchurch, under the name of Philly- holm, is in Dorchester Division (Uggscombe Hundred.) M.DCCC.XXI.] 77 ny THE POPULATION 1 ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94: : COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FM FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly em employ. Families ed in notcom- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS 53 66 157 112 CERNE Sub-division—continued. WHITEWAY Hundred. Cheselborne - - - - - - Parish Hilton - - - - - - - Parish Ibberton - - - - - - - Parish Melcombe-Horsey - - - - Parish Milton-Abbas - - - - - Parish Stoke-Wake - - - - - - Parish Woolland - - - - - - Parish 116 278 332 50 108 114 I a III w w 336 610 222 153 ma nö nart IIOONIAN 82 376 767 139 135 35 i 86 co 100 107 ALTON PANCRAS Liberty, Alton-Pancras - - - - - Parish PIDDLETRENTHIDE Liberty. Mintern, Magna - - - (a) Parish Piddletrenthide - - - - - Parish SYDLING, ST. NICHOLAS, Liberty. Sydling, St. Nicholas - - (b) Parish 49 311 NI 160 298 151 292 111 590 127 133 5 v to 280 283 563 e 1,343 1,614 | 14 34 374 197 3,873 3,966 7,839 139 282 143 30 206 45 30 203 409 43 DORCHESTER Division. . CULLIFORD-TREE Hundred." Broadway - - - - - - Parish Buckland-Ripers - - - - Parish Chickerell, West - - - - Parish Herringstone - - - () Chapelry Knighton, West - - - - - Parish Osmington - - - - - - Parish Radipole - - - - - (c) Parish Stafford, West - - - - - Parish Whitcombe - - - - - - Parish Winterbourn-Came (part of) Parish : Cripton - - - - (+) Tything Winterbourn-Monkton • - - Parish 88 229 115 160 318 II - I - IF I a II II w II w II ANON ni waarin 184 oooooooo 146 277 58 GEORGE Hundred. Bradford-Peverell and Muckleford Parish Broadmayne - - - - - - Parish Charminster - - - - - - Parish Stinsford - - - - - - - Parish Stratton with Grimstone - - Parish Winterbourn, St. Martin - - Parish 130 wo had 10 II m lan - o co cowo 131 147 266 153 129 290 74 184 133 277 556 337 262 342 164 15 79 PIDDLETOWN Hundred : (d) Admiston, or Athelampton - Parish Burlestone - - - - - - Parish Piddletown - - - - - - Parish Tincleton - - - - - - - Parish Tolpuddle - - - - - - Parish 40 28 11 210 II w II Ncr #wi 199 63 961 142 462 66 158 OX 9.3 351 48 96 56 12 26 102 31 57 49 106 289 278 567 57 TOLLERFORD Hundred. Chelborough, East - - - - Parish Chelborough, West - - - - Parish Chilfroom - - - - - - Parish Evershot - - - - . (+) Parish Froome-St. Quintin - - - Parish Froome-Vauchurch - - - Parish Maiden-Newton - - - - - Parish Melbury-Sampford - - (+) Parish Rampisham - - - - - - Parish Toller-Fratrum - - - - - Parish Toller-Porcorum - - - () Parish Winford-Eagle - - - - - Parish 55 Torre oorwoorli TII II Low I i 50 275 35 120 105 520 245 43 78 180 368 188 16 37 164 1 176 78 340 152. 74 | O Mintern, Magna Parish extends into Cerne, Totcombe, and Mod- | wives and children of the ist regiment of Royal Dragoons, residing within pury Hundred ; and into Fordington Liberty. The whole Population is the Barracks at Radipole, are not included in the Return from that Pa- here included. (b) Sydling, St. Nicholas, is the mother church of | rish. ) The Population of Milbourne St. Andrew's is included with Hillfield Parochial Chapelry--(C) Herringstone, or Winterbourne- | that of Church-Stone, in Dewlish Liberty, Blandford Division- Herringstone, claims to be Extra-Parochial; together with Winterbourne- | () The entire Parish of Toller-Porcorum contains 418 Inhabitants. It antingdon, which is included in the same Population Return. () The extends into Beaminster and Redhone Hundred. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: I FAML PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR TOTAL how wany EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families OC- cupied. Building Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES | chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em 1 ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in | Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. or PERSONS. 30 420 126 ܗ ܝܕ ܙ ܝܕ ܐ 11 79 22 65 132 DORCHESTER Division-continued. UGGSCOMBE Hundred. Abbotsbury - - - - - - Parish Bredy, Little - - - - () Parish Kingston-Russell - - - - Hamlet Chilcombe - - - - - - Parish Fleet - - - - - - - - Parish Hawkchurch (part of) Parish : (5) Phillyholme - - - - - Tything Langton-Herring - - - - Parish Litton-Cheney - - - - - Parish Portisham - - - - - - Parish Puncknowle - - - - - - Parish Swyre - - - - - - - Parish Winterbourn-Steepleton - - Parish DorchESTER - - - - () Borough 558 81 194 230 306 111 ܝܕ ܒ ܟ ܗ ܗ ܙ ܫܝ ܙ 294 152 424 600 300 210 148 108 161 618 ܟ ܢܟ 1,275 143 FORDINGTON Liberty. Fordington - - - - - - Parish Hermitage - - - - - (i) Parish Mintern, Magna Parish : Hartly - - - - - - (*) Tything Stockland Parish: Dalwood - - - - () Chapelry ܙ ܝܕ 71 248 ISLE OF PORTLAND Liberty. Portland - - - - - - - Parish 393 ܘ 1 95 1,144 2,254 PIDDLEHINTON Liberty. Piddlehinton - - - - - Parish 761 ܝܢ 358 SUTTON-POINTZ Liberty. Preston - - - - - - () Parish Sutton-Poyntz - - - - Tything Stockwood - - - - - (m) Parish 37 171 ܙ | ܒ Upway WAYHOUSE Liberty, - • • -. Parish 100 1 2 1 6 11 222 WYKE-REGIS and ETWALL Liberty. Wyke-Regis - - - - - - Parish 149 / 159 101 100 437 ܛ 477 914 1 43 | 88 2,087 ] 8,994 9,308 18,302 66 honde moi ca, 135 246 135 111 134 123 210 l 12 210 123 201 144 A 208 3,366 13,776 SHASTON, (East Division.) BADBURY Hundred. Chalbury - - - - - - - Parish Gussage, St. Michael - - - Parish Hinton-Martell - - - - - Parish Hinton, Parva or Standbridge - Parish Horton - - - - - - - Parish Moore-Critchell - - - - - Parish Shapwick - - - - - - Parish Tarrant-Crawford with Preston Parish Wimborne-Minster - - - (n) Parish Cowgrove - - - - - Tything 113 Holt - - - - - - - Tything 215 Leigh - - - - - - - Tything COGDEAN Hundred Canford-Magna - - - - Parish / 136 Kingston or Kinson - - Chapelry 128 Longfleet - - - - - - Tything 125 Parkston - - - - - - Tything | i 35 41 25 420 267 409 76 1,387 638 1,180 358 118 653 325 581 160 734 313 599 198 74 w O honest 882 440 304 374 442 315 619 I 436 810 85 178 207 385 (') The entire Parish of Little-Bredy contains 205 Inhabitants. (k) Dalwood is locally situated in Devonshire.- (1) The entire (6) The entire Parish of Hawkchurch, composed of Philly holme Parish of Preston contains 508 Inhabitants. (m) Stockwood is locally Tything, and Wyldecourt Tything (Cerne Division) contains 856 In situate in Sherborne Division.— (9) The entire Parish of Wimborne | habitants. (h) The Boroughs of DORCHESTER and WEYMOUTH are Minster contains 3,563 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Canford, entered at the end of the County. (1) Hermitage is a detached portion | Magna contains 2,696 Inhabitants. of the Division, locally situate between Cerne and Sherborne Divisions. M.DCCC. XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 QEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF DORSET--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR chiefly EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc. Inbabited. ein- Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI. / Fami. ALL LIES LIES chiefly 1 OTHER einploy-/ Faiqilies ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu: (the Two- AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi-) ing craſt. Clusses. Un-Inhabited. FEMALES. MALES. TOTAL OP PERSONS. in cupied . 50 8 304 ܒܨ ܙ 137 274 155 544 50 8 313 158 305 ܟܬ ܨܢ ܒܝ 304 102 121 135 609 283 261 361 544 715 354 ܤ 10 na 2001 Ola!!-! 307 259 ܗ ܘ ܒ 1,823 262 45 con la SHASTON (East Division continucd. COGDEAN Hundredcontinued. Charlton-Marshall - - - - Parish Corfe-Mullen - - - - - Parish Hamworthy - - - - - - Parish Lytchett-Matravers - - - Parish Lytchett-Minster - - - - Parish Sturminster-Marshall • - (P) Parish | CRANBORNE Hundred (part of.) Cranborne - - - - - (°) Parish Edmonsham - - - - - - Parish Hampreston - - - - - () Parish Parley, West - - - - - Parish Pentridge - - - - - - Parisli Tarrant-Rushton - - - - Parish Witchampton - - - - - Parish KNOWLTON Hundred Gussage, All-Saints - - - Parish Long-Critchell - - - - - Parish Woodlands - - - - - - Parish LOOSEBARROW Hundred. Almer and Mapperton - - - Parish Morden - - - - - - - Parish Spetisbury - - - - - - Parish 880 132 412 99 150 892 150 38 29 204 943 130 480 105 156 102 225 anya com a ܝܕ ܝܝ ܝܕ ܟ 116 272 104 217 206 442 il 7 bo 177 «la ܟܝܘ ܙ 171 61 198 348 108 395 Al ܙ 197 i 98 188 lova ܝܕ ܩܙ ö con 90 330 320 650 108 ܗ 233 313 546 MONCKTON-UP-WIMBORNE Hundred : (9) Chettle - - - - - - - Parish| 31 Tarrant-Monckton - - - - Parish 66 ܟܬ ܝ non ro - 126 110 36 SIXPENNY-HANDLEY Hundred (part of.) Handley ------ (°) Parish 167 418 2 I WIMBORNE, ST. GILES, Hundred. West-Woodyates - - - Extra-P. Wimborne, St. Giles, and) - Parish Allhallows - - - - 39 181 203 384 3,559 4,008 51 100 2,596 863 549 9,298 9,753 19,051 80 166 97 192 SHASTON (West Division.) CRANBORNE Hundred (part of.) Ashmore • - - - - - - Parish Bellchalwell - - - - - () Parish Farnham - - - - . ( Parish Farnham-Tollard - - - Tything Shillingstone, or Shilling- quy Parish Okeford - - - of Tarrant-Gunville - - . - Parish Turnworth - - - - - ( ) Parish 75 208 III IIII 10 A linco 214 430 247 240 Incrcrcro icono che al poble 178 365 189 368 77 SIXPENNY-HANDLEY Hundred (part of.) Cann (St. Rumbold) - - - Parish Compton-Abbas - - - - Parish Fontmell, Magna - - - Parish Hartgrove - - - - - Tything Iwerne-Minster - - - - Parish Melbury-Abbas - - - - - Parish Orchard, East - - - - - Parish Orchard, West - - - - - Parish 240 459 274 53 - A mand I was in 142 325 114 66 622 167 178 105 345 193 173 95 ALCESTER Liberty. Shaston, St. James - - : (*) Parish 1 (P) The Tything of Coombe-Almer is included in Sturminster-Marshall | Woodcots Tythings, are included in the Parish of Handley.- ) The Parish. ?) The Tythings of Alderholt, Beveridge, and Farewood, are entire Parish of Farnham contains 283 Inhabitants. It extends into the included in Cranborne Parish, as also the Tythings of Blagdou, and County of Wilts (Chalk Hundred.) (u) Bellchalwell, Shillingstone, Monckton-up-Wimborne (in Monckton-up-Wimborne Hundred.) and Turnworth, forna a detached portion of the Division of Shaston.- Long-Ham, part of Hampreston Parish, is in Westover Liberty, (W) The entire Parish of Fontmel-Magna contains 733 Inhabitants.- Hants; but the Population is included in the Return of Hampreston ) Alcester Liberty, and Shaston St. James, form part of the Borough Farishi.. ) The Chapelry of Gussage, St. Andrew, Minchinton and of Shaston or SHAFTESBURY, entered at the end of the County. 80 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how many Families OR employ- Families TOTAL en OCCUPATIONS: FAM • FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly elu- not com- rea TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- Tractures.) preced- CUL- lorHandi- ling TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. 1 OF Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. SHASTON (West Division)--continued. GILLINGHAN Liberty. Gillingham - - - - - (Y) Parish Bourton - - - - - Chapelry | Motcomb - - - - - - Parish 436 456 4. 11 126 | 174 201 103 123 27 | 1,070 378 563 1,176 435 621 2,246 813 1,184 214 9 1,581 1,803 4 31 1,152 438 213 4,162 4,510 8,672 15 45 109 256 78 533 174 30 161 88 86 145 312 62 Bonn 80 223 142 458 146 149 269 rad III in Oil and II 109 SHERBORNE Division. SHERBORNE Hundred. Beer-Hacket Parish Bradford-Abbas - - - - - Parish Castleton - - - - - - Parish Caundle-Bishop - - - - (2) Parish Caundle-Marsh - - - - - Parish Caundle-Purse - - - - - Parish Compton, Nether Parish Compton, Over - Parish Folke - - - - Parish Haydon - - - - - - - Parish Holnest - - - Parish Lewston - - Extra Par. Lillington - - - - - - Parish Longburton - - - - - - Parish Lydlinch - - - - - - - Parish North-Wootton - - - - - Parish Oborne - - - Parish Sherborne - - - - - (a) Parish Thornford - - - - - - Parish Up-cerne - - - - - - (b) Parish YETMINSTER Hundred. Batcombe - - - - - - Parish Clifton-Mabank - - - - - Parish Melbury-Bubb - - - - - Parish Melbury-Osmond - - - - Parish Yetminster - - - - - © Parish Chetnole - - - - - Chapelry Leigh - - - - - Chapelry III III and IIIIIIII and the II 102 162 8 185 327 364 163 & co mori -AINIAI -0107-A116 Gori 189 GTA IDB-T i 34 64 bo 123 oli 179 329 47 84 w 177 38 66 II w III c m Auto w 159 66 129 319 543 239 343 115 170 272 124 173 HALSTOCK Liberty. - - - - - - Halstock - Parish 91 1 2 76 23 - in 223 224 447 RYME-INTRINSICA Liberty. Ryme-Intrinsica - - - - Parish II. i 34 23 91 3 .77 82 lo 159 1,110 1,367 | 8 | 86 3,089 3,265 6,354 61 325 144 170 513 987 W nő co 88 Il cerco 155 474 44 138 101 STURMINSTER Division. BROWNSHALL Hundred. Caundle-Stourton - - - - Parish Stalbridge - - - - - (4) Parish Gomershay - • Tything Thornhill - - - - Tything Weston - - - • Tything Stock-Gayland - - - - - Parish REDLANE Hundred. Buckhorn-Weston - - - - Parish Child-Okeford - - - - - Parish Fifehead-Magdalen - - - - Parish Hanford - - - - - - Extra Par. Iwerne-Courtnay - - - () Parish .44 134 272 224 30 123 33 63 pro Agent i coordo 175 327 694 III Ico ORANI 332 155 3 251 152 362 141 10 261 296 13 512 () The entire Parish of Gillingham contains 3,059 Inhabitants. situate near Cerne-Abbas.-- () The entire Parish of Yetminster con. (2) The Return of Caundle-Bisbop Parish includes Caundle-Wake (Stur tains 1,125 Inhabitants. (4) The entire Parish of Stalbridge contains minster Division). ) The Town of Sherborne is entered at the end 1,571 Inhabitants. (E) Iwerne-Courtuay is sometimes called Shroton; of the County. o) Up-Cerne is a detached portion of the Division, 1 it includes Farringdon Chapelry. M.DCCC.AT1 Si XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.' COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: TAMIL ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- enll- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Building Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES cliefly | OTHER chiefly employ. Families ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Nanu- | the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. cupied. 246 : 58 240 82- 486 STURMINSTER Division-continued. REDLANE Hundred-continued. Kington-Nagna - - - - - Parish Manston - - - - - - - Parish Silton - - - - - - - Parishi Stower, East - - - - - - Parisha Stower, West - - - - - Parish Sutton-Waldron - - - - - Parish Todber - - - - - - - Parish 204 140 409 205 CONCOR ma Iloi An 238 238 476 108 97 i 120 86 57 205 206 127 24 45 135 10 297 STURMIINSTER-NEWTON-CASTLE Hundred. Hinton, St. Mary'- - - - Parish 66 Marnhull - - - - - - Parish 240 Margaret-Marsh - - - - Parish 10 Okeford-Fitzpaine - - - - Parish 90 Sturininster-Newton-Castle (+) Parish 353 120 145 599 o 1,273 erini 43 152 674 41 270 860 84 32 229 - 752 140 124 499 | 1,612 STOWER-PROVOST Liberty. Stower-Provost - - - - - Parish 125 392 1 408 800 134 165 1,842 2,194 1 5 15 50 | 328 571 | 346 5,015 | 5,400 10,415 BLANDFORD Town. 583 275 296 1,447 | 2,643 740 2 1 8 165 493 1821,642 2,100 3,742 Blandford-Forum - - - - Parish | 433 | BRIDPORT, Borough of BRIDPORT - - - - - - Parish | 594 594 DORCHESTER, Borough of All-Saints - - - - - - Parish 91 Holy Trinity - - - - - Parisli 181 Peter, St. - - - - - - - Parish 121 89 1422 233 140 14 15 292 190 487 360 565 502 652 1,052 1,039 103 537 393 515 35 382 1,316 1,427 1 2,743 377 | 480 4 / 20 59 | 194 227 956 1,313 2,269 LYME-REGIS, Borough of LYME-REGI3 - - - - - Parish SHAFTESBURY, or SHASTON, Boro' of Holy-Trinity - - - - - - Parish James, St. - - - - - () Parish Alcester - - - - - - Liberty Peter, St: - - - - - - Parish 248 80115 221 92 513 50 205 101 66 2 i9 59 602. 1,115 231436 288 568 1,064 123 157 131 496 211 200 634 166 | 388 80 1,345 -2,903 776 89 626 61 1,560 2,062 * 3,622 583 SHERBORNE, Town of Sherborne - - - - - - Parish | 634 • WAREHANI, Borough of Holy-Trinity - - - - (5) Parish 59 Stoborough - - - - - Liberty 58 Lady St. Mary and Out-Parish Parish 197 Martins, St. - - - - - - Parish 76 29 168 138 311 38 15 65 206 86 143 142 425 176 149 34 536 280 961 379 81 203 250 108 886 1,045 1,931 2 698 | 140 172 453 og 1,796 1,061 Borough of 395 433 WEYMOUTH and NELCOMBE-REGIS. Melcombe-Regis (+) - - - Parish 639 840 mouin - - ; - - Par. Clap. 451 1631 1,090 1,471 Town and County of the Town of POOLE. St. James' ..'.- . - l'arisht 1,108 1,378 2,456 1,309 4,252 2,370 34 89 8 870 593 2,857 3,765 6,622 17 55 1,311 | .65 3,014 | 3,376 | 6,390 ~ The Parish of St. James, Shaston, including the rest of Alcester Liberty, contains 724 Inhabitants. Wareham, including Stoborough Liberty, contains 591 Inhabitants. The Parish of IIoly Trinity, 82 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DORSET. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI• DIVISIONS, By how many OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly 10 OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in &c. Families Building. Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. TOTAI, OF PERSONS. AGRI- factures, preced- CUL Jor Handi-l ing TURE craft. Classes. Division of BLANDFORD, NORTH - - -1,020 823 219 154 2,788 5,636 2,934 6,026 5,722 11,662 BLANDFORD, SOUTH - 1,407 BRIDPORT - - - ő 2,860 11,307 12,310 23,617 CERNE - - - - - to 3,873 3,966 7,839 1,143 1 2,087 DORCHESTER - 8,994 9,308 18,302 1 Ő 2,596 9,298 9,753 19,051 SHASTON, EAST - - SHASTON, WEST -.. 1,152 4,162 4,510 8,672 SHERBORNE - - 65 1 3,089 3,265 6,354 1,110 1,367 1,842 2,194 15 o en cuenta STURMINSTER - - - - 1,2771 5,015 5,400 10,415 3! - | 15 ã 12 12 275 296 1,196 1 Town of BLANDFORD -...- Borough of · BRIDPORT ------ 2,643 1 . 218 | 493 182 1,642 2,100 3,742 Borough of DORCHESTER - - - - - 1 1 61 6 o 382 / 98 1,316 1,427 2,743 Borough of 480| 4 | 20 956 1,313 2,269 Borough of SHAFTESBURY, or SHASTON - | 1,558 2,903 Town of SHERBORNE - - - - - 634) 776 1 7 1 61 1,560 2,062 1 3,622 75 886 1,045 1,931 Borough of WAREHAM - ----- 395 433 7 15 Borough of WEYMOUTH and MELCOMBE-} 1.090 1,471 34 1 89 REGIS - - - - - SI 81 870 593 2.8.671 3.565 | 6,622 Town and County of POOLE - - - - - - - | 1,108 1,378 | 17 | 55 11,311 3,014 3,376 6,390 TOTALS · · - 25,926 30,312 278 766 14,821 10,811 4,680 68,934 75,565 144,499 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, Í GEO. IV. Č. 94. COUNTY OF DORSET-corténued. Ages of Persons. AL A L E S. Under Division 15 to 20 30 toto TOTAL, 10 30 of 243 2,668 514 393 995 213 | 144 74 | 309, 197 525 226 7780 257 537 1,019 390 845 895 BLANDFORD, NORTH -1 400 | 341 | 297 BLANDBORD, SOUTH -1 873 | 7931 717 ᏴᎡᏗDᏢ0ᎡᎢ - -1,757 1,597 11,427 CERNE - - - 542 472 457 DORCHESTER - -11,307 1,224 11,081 SHASTON, EAST - - 1,416 1,229 1,142 SHASTON, WEST 554 540 SHERBORNE 415 414 STURMINSTER - 652 525 383 296 689 538 1,447 | 1,208 588 399 1,141 859 1,204 412 457 335 360 5,613 11,145 3,873 8,660 819 ANCO coor ö on 481. 949 650 9,283 647 892 374 294 533 242 584 280 368 192 4,177 3,089 4,230 207 272 676 604 386 366 166 175 128 118 145 224 147 190 176 178 151 148 161 134 194 112 145 108 132 84 BLANDFORD, TOWN - BRIDPORT, BORO' - DORCHESTER, BORO'. LYME-REGIS, BORO' -| SHAFTESBURY, BORO' SHERBORNE, TOWN -| WAREHAM, BORO WEYMOUTH and MEL-1 COMBE-REGIS, BORO'S| 1,196 1,642 1,439 948 1,345 1,560 143 188 152 09 211 162 129 101 02 70 - Ila 892 194 111 1,061 POOLE, TOWN and COUNTY - - - 451 367 | 281 310 550 359 3,014 | 359 | 279 207 6,377 9,046 (6,854 16,126 4,643 3:538|,847 454 58 - 65,835 Total of MALES - 9,893 8,966 F E M A L E S. | 10 401 90 15 to 80 100 20 30 toto Under Division to TOTAL. 100 1 369 346 300 262 314 162 BLANDFORD, NORTH - BLANDFORD, SOUTH - BRIDPORT 665 559 1,146 881 1,313 399 - 151 315/ 158 43 623 296 107 213 123 39 474 230 66 CERNE - DORCHESTER 1,846 1,568 507 | 465 1,143 1,176 1,403 1,221 - - 297 454) 339 592 935 1 685 1,047 1,973 | 1,445 367 1692 460 904 1,396 1,077 890 1,465 11,128 447 732 536 487 444 668 505 890 997 1,056 609 2,807 6,024 12,2581 3,9551 8,975 9,7571 4,486 3,281 | 4,475 SHASTON, EAST - SHASTON, WEST SHERBORNE - STURMINSTER - 639 480 544 444 | 404 979 416 304 423 746 296 244 324 2471 205 . 301 424 78 21 616 593 528 323 184 119 125 28 2n 122 22 206 189 105 132 88 104 167 134 107 156 120 120 288 BLANDFORD, TOWN . BRIDPORT, BORO' - DORCHESTER, BORO'. LYME-REGIS, BORO' - SHAFTESBURY, BORO' SHERBORNE, TOWN -1 WAREHAM, BORO' WEYMOUTH and MEL-U COMBE-REGIS, BORO'S 155 254 157 118 1,447 2,100 1,448 1,313 1,558 2,062 1,045 1,309 214 219 356 223 176 221 113 185 151 129 118 166 111 45 POOLE, TOWN and COUNTY - - 467 320 | 3ò1 346 698 414 | 300 | 251 | 167 414 87 1916 - 3,376 Total of FEMALES - 9,712 8,759 7,563 6,921 11,800/8,513 16,957 15,100 13,829 1,897 554 554 721-171,076 - 171,676 THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Dorset being . . . 144,499, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned being . . . 137,511, ... it thence appears, that the Ages of one in twenty-one of the persons therein enumcrated have not been olitained in con- pliance with the question to that effect. The Totul Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Dorset, was 309, six of which did not return any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 84 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Durham. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI- PARISY, TOWNSHIP, By how OR TOTAL niany cm)- FAMI- LIES ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chietly cmploy- Families ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in MIanu- the Two EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families OC- cupied. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. crafi Classes, 94 64 46 231 71 1,419 933 353 5,593 45 1,156 929 1,862 733 6,174 | 11,767 380 Bicou cor 16 16 235 98 692 607 109 2,243 1,303 107 1,867 1,884 3,638 3,520 575 41 128 2,054 1,646 5,247 4,098 2,286 3,921 3,530 8,885 7,618 398 CHESTER Ward (East Division). Bedlington (+) - - - - () Parish 292 389 Boldon - - - - - - - Parish | 140 | 102 Gates-Head - - - - - (b) Parish 1,618 2,673 Jarrow Par: Chap: (9) Harton - - - - - - Township 56 Heworth - - - - - Chapelry 729 875 Monkton and Jarrow - (©) Township 757 Shields, South - - - () Chapelry 724 Westoe (+) - - - - Township 790 1,743 | Monk-Wearmouth Par: Chap: (0) Fulwell - - - - - - Township 37 Monk-Wearmouth - - Township 320 Monk-Wearmouth-Shore - Township 620 1,334 Southwick - - - - - Township 197 Washington Parish : (0) Barmston - - - - - Township Usworth - - - - - Township Washington - - - - Township 256 Whitburn - - - - - - () Parish 158 50 53 3,3 210 III ICONII Owner 130 2 148 745 168 549 2,095 507 68 152 729 2,829 497 118 320 1,278 4,924 1,004 579 197 179 Oo Aari Döö, 13 10 35 285 149 664 100 208 647 44 701 596 441 79 1,365 1,243 856 144 17 415 6,705 11,580 4.6 140 6,748 4,113 23,035 26,713 49,738 354 811 330 212 832 215 202 278 258 449 44 255 10 704 867 682 1,025 115 1,082 35 90 405 335 1,135 1,643 1,386 1,892 205 2,217 49 237 1,720 714 25 15 CHESTER Ward (Middle Division.) Chester-le-Street Par: Chap: (5) Beamish (+) - - - - Township Birtley - - - - - - Township Chester-le-Street - - - Chapelry Edmondsley - - - - Township Harraton - - - - - Township Hedley - - - - - - Towuship Kibblesworth - - - - Township Lamesley - - - - - Chapelry Lintz-Green (+) - - - Township Pelton - - - - - (8) Township Plawsworth - Township Ravensworth - - - - Township Urpeth - - - Township Ouston - - - - - - Township Waldridge - - - Township Oswald, St. Parish : (h) Broom - - - - - - Township 115 43 385 133 116 406 148 256 122 841 879 360 123 52 I al-IIIIIIIIIII 229 116 354 293 111 522 46 29 36 80 81 131 135 350 172 227 161 650 304 300 132 49 69 56 125 21 38 93 830 549 | 1,230 13 6,026 0,119 / 12,145 0 186 358 2,219 2,609 CHESTER Ward (West Division.) Edmondbyers Par: Chap: (1) Edmondbyers - - - - Township Hunstonworth - -. - - Chapelry | Kimbleworth - - - - - Extra P: Lanchester Par: Chap: (k) Benfield-side - - - - Township Burnop and Hamsteels - Township 198 + w 411 32 1 21 169 341 +!. 127 (2) The Parish of Bedlington, which is locally situate in the County | Township of Usworth includes also North-Biddick. Great and Little of Northumberland, near Murpeth, contains the Townships of Bedlington, Usworth are in one Return.-- Whitburn includes also Cleadon Chanıbois and North-Blyth, Choppington, Netherton, East-Sleckburn, Township. The Parish of Chester-le-Street extends into the and West-Sleckburn, cach separately returned in 1801, but now (as in North Division of Easington Ward. The entire Parish contains 13,936 1811) included in one Return. ---- O Seamen belonging to registered Inhabitants. Tanfield colliery is partly in Beamish and partly in Lintz- shipping seem to have been improperly included in the Return of Gates Green Townships. One feniale upwards of 100 years of age in Pelton head. One female upwards of ioo vears of age. The entire Parish Township._ h) Most part of the Parish of St. Oswald (or Elvet) is of Jarrow contains 24,189 Inhabitants. Headworth, and Ilebburn are entered with the City of Durham, at the end of the County-- (i) The included in the Return of Monkton anii Jarrow Township, in which is one entire Parish or Chapelry of Edmondbyers contains 769 Inhabitants. inale lipwards ot 100 years of age; one also in South-Shields Township. (k) The entire Parish of Lanchester contains 4,979 Inhabitants ; it (a) The entire Parislı:of Monk-Wearniouth contains 7,644 Inhabitants. The extends into the N. W. Division of Darlington Ward. Dipton and Pontop families of seamen (about 400) are in the third column of Occupations. are included in the Return of Collierly. ☺) The entire Parish of Washington contains 2,687 Inhabitants. The M.DCCC.XXI.1 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL Ву OR ho TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many amil Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly 10 OTHER chiefly employ- Families eni- ed in not com- ployed Tune I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. ОР Building. FEMALES. Oc MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 29 11 116 226 28 110 268 556 mm A c A 76 141 45 200 470 229 - - Towno 161 19 109 292 122 76 112 121 239 314 51 228 238 448 CHESTER Ward (West Division)continued. Lanchester Par: Chap :-- continued. Butsfield - - - - - Township Collierly - - - - - Township Conside and Knitsley - - Township Billingside - - - - - Township Ebchester - - - - - Chapelry Esh - - - - - - (W) Chapelry Greencroft - - - - - Township Heelyfield - Township Holmside - - - - - Township Ivestone - Township Kyo - - - - - - - Township Lanchester - - - - Township Langley - - - - - Township Medomsley- Satley - - - - - - Chapelry Muggleswick - - - - - Par. Chap. Ryton Parish : (1) Chopwell - - - - - Township Crawcrook - - - - - Township Ryton - - - - - - Township Ryton-Woodside - - - Township Stella - - - - - - Township Winlaton ---- (1) Township Whickham Parish : (m) Fellside - - - - - - Township Lowside - - - - - Township Swalwell - - - - - Township Whickham - - - - - Township Witton-Gilbert - - -(") Par: Chap. 91 178 107 85 116 117 209 345 46 241 50 co 1 coin III 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - Il a Chapelry 659 97 461 103 153 125 278 237 cer 308 101 190 45 76 120 198 98 126 153 198 522 196 1,729 39 111 155 247 535 225 1,566 445 1,057 421 3,295 71 549 618 468 261 23 180 194 570 580 100 236 259 185 101 255 294 185 95 455 1,150 1,320 216 664 A 000 146 354 656 434 189 788 81 122 33 175 364 2,941 3,227 902 1,692 1633 7,857 7,792 15,649 119 112 231 .28 94 coi. IIIIIIIII 117 58 30 204 77 DARLINGTON Ward (South-East Division.) Auckland, St. Andrew Par: Chap : (0) Byers-Green - - - - Township Counden-Grange - - - Township Eldon - - - - - - Township Middlestone - - - - Township Midridge-Grange - - - Township Old-Park . - - - Township Sunderland-Bridge - - Township Westerton - - - - - Township Windleston - - - - Township Aycliffe Parish : (P) Aycliffe, Great - - - Township Brafferton - - - - - Township Preston-le-Skerne - - Township Woodbam - - - - - Township Coniscliffe Parish : (9) Coniscliffe, High - - - Township Coniscliffe, Low - - - Township Darlington Par: Chap: (*) Archdeacon-Newton - - Township Blackwell - - - - - Township Cockerton - - - - - Township Darlington with Oxenhall, or Township Oxneyfield - - - - Township i co lcov oiiii!!! 173 190 807 263 126 182 III II 122 123 245 146 70 76 12 64 145 268 47 91 # 00 II 27. 123 235 2,737 469 234 3,013 876 876 1,213 5,750 (*) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Esh Chapelry. the Parish.. Most part of the Parish of Auckland, St. Andrew is ♡ The entire Parish of Pyton contains 5,763 Iuhabitants. One male in the North-West Division of Darlington Ward () The entire Parish and one female upwards of 100 years of age in Winlaton Township. 1 of Aycliffe contains 1,379 Inhabitants. (9 The entire Parish of (W) The entire Parish of Whick han contains 3,713 Inbabitants. Coniscliffe contains 391 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Dar- (") The Return for Witton-Gilbert includes also the outside part of lington contains 6,551 Inhabitants. 86 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: Fadlº PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL By or TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. ОР Building LIES LIES chiefly | Other chiefly employo | Families em ed in not com. ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. 1 craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 27 la 125 122 105 CI 76 icon i 203 NN 466 99 12 271 DARLINGTON Ward (South-East Division) continued. Gainford Parish : (*) Denton - - - - - - Chapelry Houghton-Lee-side - - Township Haughton-le-Skerne Parish : (0) Barmpton - - - - - Township Burdon, Great - - - - Township Haughton - - - - - Township Whessoe - - - - - Township Heighington Parish : (“) Coastamoor - - - Township Heighington - - Township Killerby - - - Township Midridge - - Township Redworth - - - Township School-Aycliffe - - - Township Walworth - - - Township Merrington Parish : (0) Chilton - - - - - - Township Ferry-Hill - - - - - Township Hett - - - - - - - Township Merrington - - - - - Township Whitworth Par: Chap: (*) Tudhoe - - - - - - Township Whitworth - - - - (W) Township 51 I m co rol 97 olin III IIIIIII II 286 56 104 161 557 107 201 307 146 20 37 162 1 90 92 269 305 Dicon 182 574 233 122 140 111 150 290 174 124 298 To 53 58 111 2,408 | 2,884 | 6 | 74 1,099 1,295 490 6,463 6,934 | 13,397 DARLINGTON Ward-South-West Division. 121 | 21 5 64 25 267 266 533 1,649 1,932 3,581 23 III IA 10 56 65 21 58 3 2) 121 126 500 232 295 68 234 162 139 47 266 70 156 43 103 III a III-wil 1 90 1 109 212 31 - 1 16 - 15 110 1 2 126 5 236 124 Cockfield - - - - - - (*) Parish 113 Gainford (part of) Parish : (v) Barnard-Castle - - - Chapelry | 393 Bolam - - - - - - Township Cleatlam (part of) - - (Y) Township 24 Gainford - - - - - Township 110 Headlam - - Township Ingleton - - - - - Township Langton - - - Township Marwood - - - - - Township Morton-Tynemouth - - Township Pierse-Bridge - - - - Township Staunton and Streatlam - Township Summerhouse - - - - Township Westwick • -- . • Township Whorlton - - - - - Chapelry Middleton-in-Teasdale Parish : (2) Egglestone - - - - (?) Chapolry Forest and Frith - - - Township Middleton-in-Teasdale - Township Newbiggin - - - - - Township Staindrop Parish: (a) Cleatlam (part of) - - - Township Hilton - - - - - - Township 22 Langley-Dale and Shotton Township Raby and Keverstone - - Township -•. 251 189 Col III 1 100 53 l 44 144 swi. 156 A 300 - 231 464 376 723 643 233 347 620 189 227 1,263 416 TIL INI III o I o 59 32 104 113 198 203 92 111 (5) Most part of the Parish of Gainford is in the South-West Division 1 lington Ward; the entire Parish contains 6,508 Inhabitants. Cleatlam of Darlington Ward. () The Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne extends is partly in Gainford Parish, partly in Staindrop Parish ; but the whole into the North-East Division of Stockton Ward, the entire Parish con. Township is included in this Return, (2) The entire Parish of Mid- tains 1,245 Inliabitants. The entire Parish of Ileighington contains dleton-in-Teasdale contains 2,866 Inhabitants. The Township of Forest 1,383 Inhabitants. The cntire Parish of Merrington contains 1,279 and Frith consists of Ettersgill part, Middle-Forest part, and Harwood Inhabitants. (W) The Chapelry of Whitworth contains 409 Inha part. One inale upwards of 100 years of age in Egglestone Chapelry... bitants. It is dependent on Brancepeth Parish N. W. Division of the (@) The entire Parish of Staindrop contains 2,047 Inhabitants, besides Ward. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Whitworth Township. thosc attributable to it in Cleatlan Township, which is entered in Gain- -(*) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Cockfield Parish. ford Parish. © The Parish of Gainford is partly in the South-East Division of Dar- 31.DCCC.XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DURHAM --continued. . HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES 1 Ali OR TOTAL By how many Familie Oc- cupied EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- | FAMI- LIES chiefly , | Other chiefly CM- ployed | Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- TorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. employ-Families ed in not com- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS DARLINGTON Ward (South-West Division) continued. Staindrop Parish-continued. Staindrop - - - - - Township Wackerfield - - - - Township Woodland - - - - - Township Winston - - - - - - - Parish 247 115 108 605 668 01 54 82 73 33 46 1,273 105 155 287 148 139 1,847 1,126 612 5,878 16,116 11,994 26 53 Ila I 59 97 60 123 247 545 561 119 220 1,106 351 366 479 49 147 195 237 23 1,008 116 149 274 82 204 171 242 26 1,172 106 157 I a III-I 2,180 222 306 121 278 552 78 356 376 160 732 11 145 117 other 72 115 DARLINGTON Ward (North-West Division.) Auckland, St. Andrew (part of) Par: C. (6) Auckland, St. Andrew (+) Township Auckland, St. Helen - - Chapelry Auckland, West - - - Township Bedburn, North - - - Township Bedburn, South - - - Township Barony - - - - - - Township Binchester - - - - - Township Bishop-Auckland - - O) Township Coundon - - - - - Township Evenwood - - - - - Township Hamsterley - - - Chapelry Hunwick and Helmington Township Lynesack and Softley - - Township Newfield - - - - - Township Newton-Capp - - - - Township Pollards-Lands - - . Township Shildon - - - - - - Township Thickley, East - - - - Township Brancepeth Parish : (9) Brancepeth - - - - - Township Brandon and Byshottles - Township Crook and Billy-Row - - Township Hedley-Hope - - - - Township Hemlington-Row - - - Township Stockley - - - - - Township Willington - - - - - Township Escombe - - - - - Par: Chap: Lanchester Parish: Cornsay - - - - - Township Stanhope Parish : (d) Forest-Quarter (+) - - Township Newland-Side - - -.. Township Park-Quarter (+) - - Township Stanhope-Quarter - - - Township Witton-le-Wear - - - Par: Chap: Walsingham - - - - - - Parislı II 539 102 Coco 609 a care 103 228 28 51 IIIII and I 154 103 04 117 221 112 120 232 135 114 249 436 666 i III a 107 1,939 383 148 185 575 82 185 228 142 216 313 101 476 649 796 1,796 380 610 788 225 1,147 3,735 763 1,259 1,584 531 2,197 96 21 21 219 55 108 306 390 149 1,050 | 15 115 1,146 1,075 1,782 9,882 9,814 19,696 2,176 1,598 469 3,224 4,003 EASINGTON Ward (North Division.) (0) Bishop-Wearmouth Parish : (*) Bishop-Wearmouth (+) - Township 1,361 Bishops-Wearmouth-Pans Township 47 Burdon - - - Township Ford - - - - - - - Township Ryhope . . . . . Township Silksworth . . Township Tunstall - - Township 101 4,173 229 87 415 185 icial 5,304 254 62 376 183 9,477 483 149 791 368 113 210 33 ox (") The Parish of Auckland, St. Andrew is partly in the South-East Division of Darlington Ward ; t!:e entire Parish contains 8,223 Inhabi- tants. South-Church is included in the Return of Auckland, St. Andrew Township. One male upwards 100 years of age in (Bongate) Bishop- Auckland Township. (C) The entire Parish of Brancepeth contains 1,905 Iuhabitants, besides those in the Chapelry of Wbitworth. (0) The entire Parish of Stanhope contains 7,341 Inhabitants. Wcardale Chapel is in this Parish.-- North-Bayley, with St. Mary-le-Bow, and South-Bayley, with Little St. Mary, are entered with the City of Durham, at the end of the County. The entire Parish of Bishop- Wearmouth contains 11,542 Inhabitants. A flourishing colliery bas much increased the Population of Great-Lumley Township. 88 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL mans EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- { FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Familics em- ed in not com- ployed prized in in AGRI- factures, P EUL- Vorhandia ing TURE. Un-Inhabited. - OR Building. Families Oc- cupied. TRADE, FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. Manu-' tlie Two factures, preced- craft. Classes. 11 130 62 258 163 40 37 - 14 11 183 22S 642 168 598 293 1,240 351 183 21 14 10 ave III 12 72 95 167 193 45 216 613 526 1,139 42 21 59 43 19 EASINGTON Ward (North Division) continued. Chester-le-Street (part of) Parish : (3) Lambton - - - - - Township 1 Luinley, Great - - - - Township Lumley, Little - - - - Township! Dalton-le-Dale Parish; (b) Dalton-le-Dale - - - Township Dawdon - - - - - Township Hesleton, Cold - - - Township Morton, East - - - - Township Houghton-le-Spring Parish : (i) Bidick, South - - - - Township Bourn-Moor - - - - Township Cocken - - - - - - Township Eppleton, Great - - - Township Eppleton, Little - - - Township Herrington, East and Middle Township Herrington, West - - - Township Hetton-le-Hole - - (i) Township Houghton-le-Spring - (i) Township Moorhouse - - - Township Moorsley - - - - - Township Morton. Grange - - - Township Newbottle - - - - (i) Township Offerton - - - - Township Painshaw - - - (1) Chapelry Rainton, East - - - - Township Rainton, West - - - () Township Varden-Law - - - - Township Seaham Parish: (0) Seaham - - - - - - Township Seaton and Slingley - - Township Sunderland - - - - - () Parish 67 38 179 133 329 150 la coca o 546 373 102 1,398 14 28 919 2,905 29 48 50 308 379 449 1,507 15 20 181 1,178 102 1,045 352 622 127 1,128 96 1,045 38 401 112 230 38 447 364 2,306 198 2,090 671 1,160 119 2 319 238 27 538 14 20 oof of 103 20 95 4,108 673 2,845 1,982 12,952 13,433 26,385 EASINGTON Ward (South Division.) - Parish 123 158 281 290 593 Township Township Township Township 114 1 139 17 115) 303 56 77 127 01 140 264 37 10 Castle-Eden - - - - - Easington Parish: (1) Easington - - - - - Haswell - - - - - - Hawthorn - - - - - Shotton - - - - - Kelloe Parish : (m) Cassop - - - - - - Coxhoe - - - - Kelloe, Church - - - Quarrington - - - - Thurnley - - - - - Wingate - - - - - Monk-Hesleton Parish : (*) Hulam or Holom - - Hutton, Henry - - - Monk-Hesleton Nesbit - - - - - - Sheraton - - - - - Thorpe-Bulmer .. wieri Ce lo co 78 Township Township Township Township Township Township 191 Alco Ivi ni 132 101 177 os cont 60 131 16 Iiiii ! Township Township, Township Township Township Township 174 164 III w II i onda od Etos (6) Most part of the Parish of Chester-le-Street is in the Middle of age in Newbottle Township. (j) The entire Parish of Seaham contains Division of Chester Ward. (h) The entire Parish of Dalton-le-Dalc | 198 Iuhabitants. (k) The Town of Sunderland is entered at the end contains 211 Inbabitants. (i) The entire Parish of lloughton-le-Spring of the County -- D) The entire Parish of Easington contains 1,112 contains 12,550 Inhabitants. The Population of the Townships of Heitun Inhabitants. () The cntire Parish of Kelloe contains 679 Inhabi- le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring, Newbotile, and West Rainton, is greatly tants. The entire Parish of Monk-Hesleton contains 503 In- increased by the extension of collieries; that of Painshaw has declined habitants." from the opposite reason. One male, one female, upwards of 100 years M.DCCC.XXI.) 89 : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94 COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. TY HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMILIES LIE8 chiefly OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how niany Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. 1 OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- | I ALL OTHER chiefly employ- Families eni ed in !not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, CUL- lorHandia Classes. TURE. craft. Building. | Un-Inhabited. - FEMALES. MALES. - preced- PERSONS. 19 207 367 EASINGTON Ward (South Division) continued Oswald, St. Parish: () Shincliffe - - - - - Townslup Pittington Parish: (0) Hall-Garth • (+) - Township Shadforth - - - - - Township Sherburn - - - - - Township Sherburn-House - - - - Extra P. Trimdon - - - - - - Parish Whitwell-House - - - - Extra P. 139 304 | | | | liniiiii C | 165 108 131 115 150 223 281 67 38 302 154 20 18 38 813 877 | 16 24 | 589 2 75 2,073 2,084 | 4,157 213 395 NN 182 71 43 61 43 132 86 541 283 258 211 193 166 law 404 330 35 44 176 20 106 207 446 255 29 30 STOCKTON Ward (North-East Division.) Billingham Parish: (9) Billingham - - - - Township Cowpen-Bewley - - - Township Newton-Bewley - - - Township Wolviston - - - - - Chapelry Bishops-Middleham Parish: (0) Bishops-Middleham - • Township Cornforth - - - - - Township Garmondsway-Moor - - Township Mainsforth - - - - - Township, Thrislington - - - - Township Elwick-Hall - - - - - - Parish Greatham Parish: (5) Claxton - - - - - Township Greatham - - - - - Township Grindon Parish : (0) Grindon - - - - - Township Whitton - - - - - Township Hart Parish: (*) Dalton Piercy - - - - Township Elwick - - - - - - Township Hart - - - - - - Township Throston - - - - - Township Hartlepool - - - - - - Parish Sedgefield Parish : (*) Bradbury - - - - - Township Butterwick - - (W) Township Embleton - - - - - Township Fishburn - - - - - Township Foxton and Shotton -.- Township Mordon - - - - - Township Sedgefield - - - - - Township Stainton Parish : (*) Elstols - - - - .:. Township Stainton, Great - - - Township Stranton Parish: (*) Brierton - - - - - Township Seaton-Carew - - - - Township Stranton - - - - - Township 36 I Time in w Ali II III III III III I II III III 104 117 109 213 231 35 114 • 36 679 71 1,249 152 54 5 có 1 v 1 1 9 51 101 - 28 102 192 63 124 1,268 56 666 298 up 002 orii cu CONTAMI 28 6 - 126 N 8 ! 14 135 190 177 181 21 312 371 1,604 1,685 1,048 294 343 3,743 3,864 7,607 (") The Parish of St. Oswald, or Elvet, is mostly entered with the City of Durham at the end of the county ; it is partly in Chester Ward, Mid- de Division. The entire Parish of Pittington contains 878 Inha. ortants.. ) The entire Parish of Billingham contains 1,154 Inhabit. S....(The entire Parish of Bishops-Middleham contains 827 ..dabitants. (5) The entire Parish of Greatham contains 484 Inha. | tants. (') The entire Parish of Grindon contains 314 Inhabitants. (") The entire Parish of Hart contains 590 Inhabitants, besides those in the Chapelry or Parish of Hartlepool. -(W) The entire Parish of Sedgefield contains 1,955 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Butterwick Township. (*) The entire Parish of Stainton contains 154 Inbabitants. The entire Parish of Stranton contains 704 Inhabitants. A a 90 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWER:S AND R:ETURNS UNDER : COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, or By how chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many : Inhabited. Faniliesils Oc- cupied. Uo-Inhabited. or Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI-1 All LIES LIES OTHER | chiefly 07 emploi, i Families em cd in not com- TRADE. !prized in in Mania | thc Two AGRI- factures, proced- C!!l. locHandic ius TURF.. crafl. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 182 365 26 62 33 29 278 538 111 166 332 44 105 osca STOCKTON WARD (South-West Division.) Bishopton Parish: (3) Bishopton - - - - - Township Newbiggins, East and West Township Stainton, Little - - - Township Craike - - - - - - (2) Parish Dinsdale, Low - - - - • Parish Eaglescliffe Parish : 0) Aislaby - - - - - Township Eaglescliffe - - - - Township Newsam - - - - - Township Elton - - - - - - - - Parish Haughton-le-Skerne (part of) Parish : (9) Coatham-Mundeville - Township Sadburge - - - - - Township Hurworth Parish : (1) Hurworth - - - - - Township Neasham or Nysam - - Township Middleton, St. George - - - Parish Newton, Long - - - Parish Norton - - - - - (+) Parish Red-Marshall Parish : (0) Carleton - - - - - Chapelry Red-Marshall - - (+) Township Stillington - - - - Chapelry Sockburn (part of) -- - () Parish Stockton-upon-Tees Parish: (8) Hartburn - - - - - Township Preston-upon-Tees - - Township Stockton-upon-Tees - (+) Township 174 400 153 ICO i inostra oso ao Tivi Gä 411 160 811 313 209 105 64 1 iii Prior coi 168 104 170 680 338 506 1,186 140 75 49 9 43 - 57 30 10 893 1,113 2,082 2,347 121 57 5,006 2,304 2,702 813 739 4,9421 5,654 10,596 ☺ I 255 2 13 659 719 11,378 ISLANDSHIRE: (h) Ancroft - - - - - - Par: Chap: Belford (part of) Parish: (1) Ross - - - - - - Township Holy-Island - - - - - - Parish Kyloe - - - - - - - Par: Chap: Tweedmouth - - - - Par: Chap: .: 26 9 139 185 759 a 29 375 II poo 385 187 e lülci 55 760 990 4,673 489 501 2,491 2,182 1,347 1,697 3,734 | 4,122 7,856 e 163 413 450 863 143 91 84 142 95 35 285 186 173 I N 89 NORHAMSHIRE : (*) Norham Parish : () Cornhill - - - - - Chapelry Duddo - - - Township Felkington - - - () Township Grindon - - Township Horncliffe - - Township Loan-End - Township Longridge - Township Norhamn - - Townsliip Norham-Mains Township Sboreswood - . Township Thornton - - Township Twizel - - - Township 68 187 164 351 w w w 70 73 143 36 81 480 178 22 52 NO w w 421 65 126 52 901 122 261 20 135 119 157 232 50 35 113 151 10 10 308 e in | 725 755 | 23 398 185 172 1,900 2,006 3,906 (2) The entire Parish of Bishopton, contains 453 Inhabitants. (a) The Parish of Craike is locally situate in Yorkshire (Buliner Wa- pentake.) O The entire Parish of Eaglescliffe contains 542 In- habitants.—-10 The Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne is miosily in the South-East Divisiou of Darlington Ward. (d) The entire Parish of Hurworth contains 1,124 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Red- Marshall contains 264 Inhabitants. The Parish of Sockburn is mostly in Allertonshire Wapentake, North Riding of Yorkshire. () The entire Parish of Stockton-upon-Tees contains 5,184 Inhabi- tants. (h) Islandshire is locally situate north of the County of Northumberland, and adjoining Berwick-upon-Tweed.-- () Belford Parish is mostly in the North Division of Bainbrough Ward, County of Northumberland, as is the Township of Ross, here ascribed to Durham. (*) Norhamshire is contiguous to Islandshire, westward.--- (The entire Parish of Norham contains 3,906 Inbabitants. Fellington Town- I ship also includes Grievestead. M.DCCC:XXH) Il :: THE: ROPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94 OSO COUNTY QE DURHAM-continued; HOUSES: PERSONS: OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI LIES LLES OTHER PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL Ву chiefly OR chiefly Y how many. Families TOTAL coploy-/Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building Oc- FEMALES. emn e d in notcom- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures preced- orHandi- ing TURE. Classes. MALES. PERSONS. copied. bi CUR | 55 ܒܝ ܚܕ CITY OF DURHAM. Castle Precincts - - - Extra-ß. College - - - - - Extra-P. Giles, St. Gilligade. - :-·- - Barista Mary, St. le-Bow, with North Parich Bailey - - - - :-p Mary, St. Little - .- - (m) Parish Nicholas, St. - - :- - - Parish Oswald, St. (part of), Parisha : (*) Crossgate, or St. Margaret's Chapety Elvet - - - - - - () Barony Elvet - - - - - - Borough Framwellgate - - - Township 112 1,237 448 157 2,215 ܚܕ ܟܨ܂ 344 681 336 152 169. 115 142 ܝܕ ܝܕ ܟܙ ܗ 034 1,454 1,720 90.1 1,523 194 340 364 742 ܂ 1,15? 2,132 6 | 17 195 1,362575 4,476 5,346 19,822 Town of Sunderland - - - - (+) Parish 1,618 4,064 5 40 949 3,1016,149 14,725 (m) Little St. Mary Parish includes the South Bayley and Gaol.- (n) The Parish of St. Oswald, or Elvet, extends into the Middle Division of Chester Ward, and into the South Division of Easington Ward. The l entire Parish contains 6,148 Inhabitants. 100 years of age in Elvet Barony. One Feniale upwards of s SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. 40,624 77,532 22,864 44,087 CHESTER WARD, Three Divisions - ... -11,865 17,416 57 370 2,170 9,670 5,576 36,908 DARLINGTON WARD, Three Divisions - .... 7,479 9,467 37 | 233 3,087 3,496 2,884 | 22,223 EASINGTON WARD, Two Divisions - ... - 4,921 6,377 129 1161 1,262 3,058 2,057 STOCKTON. WARD, Two Divisions - ... - 3,686, 4,032 9 | 114 1,843 1,107 1,082 ISLANDSHIRE - - - - - - 1,347 1,697 1.2 458 385 854 NORHAMSHIRE ...... 15,517 39,547 9,518 18,203 7,856 3,906 "City of 195 1,362 575 5,346 9,822 DURHAM ..... - 1,152 2,182 61 17 Town of SUNDERLAND ----- 1,618) 4,064| 5| 401 949 3,101 | 6,149 | 8,576 | 14,725 TOTALS - - - 132,793 45,940|257 1 966 Ab 20.212 16.301 | 9,427 20,212 99,100 | 108,573 207,673 ve : : Kaun i 92 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF-DURHAM-continued. Ages of Persons. UN Under WARDS, &c. TOTAL. | 20 30 40 2,532 1,720 1,487 671 206 947 587 210 CHESTER WARD - - 15,095 3,571 2,804 3,705 3,053 DARLINGTON WARD 2,807 2,671 | 2,433 1,897 2,715 2,094 EASINGTON WARD - 11,657 1,439 1,378 1,078 1,657 2,842 STOCKTON WARD - 1 836 716 642 648 ISLANDSHIRE - - - 457 405 503 346 NORHANSHIRE - - 1 3 29,545 17 | 2 19,443 12,325 5,842 923 | 846 | 627 | 523 3,734 1,901 DURHAM, CITY - - | 1482 | 294 | 260 12842 4,476 SUNDERLAND, TOWN Total of MALES - 11,931 10,568 9,220 7,523 10,289 9,657 16,651 5,017 3,741 1,946 647 70 6 177,266 FEM A L E S. 120 l 30 40 | 501 WARDS, &c. Under to toto to to 017080 TOTAL 401 CHESTER WARD - - 14,720 4,251 3,516 DARLINGTON WARD | 2,758 12,507 | 2,060 EASINGTON WARD - |1,553 STOCKTON WARD - 1 3,233 5,209 3,745 3,019 | 2,303 (1,603 853 284 37 2,154 3,276 2,259 1,868 1,456 1,071 630 4 132,777 2 20,310 110,075 6,296 822 616 ISLANDSHIRE - - - NORHAMSHIRE - - ვივ 172 1 - 2,006 DURHAM, CITY - - 512 396 311 160 1 5,347 SUNDERLAND, TOWN Total of FEMALES - 11,397 10,204 | 8,61 113,024 9,252 7,372 5,576 4,134 2,239 802 103 L 4.1342,239 5o2 pos 9 180,933 THE Total Number of l'ersons in the County of Durham being .... 207,673, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned being .... 158, 199, .... it thence appears, that the Ages of one-fourth part of the Persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Durhan was 302, thirteen of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are thus marked (+); and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were soinewhat deficient, or redundant,---or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. .:-1," " . .. '. .. TTT M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I CEV. IV. c. 94. 93 " . County of Essex. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By OR cnploy- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF FA MI- LIES LIES | OrHER chiefly chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in | Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building > FEMALES MALES. ill PERSONS. 46 177 126 43 268 247 133 88 96 mad pol lol NANO 146 911 100 106 141 180 950 101 96 303 515 221 242 1,861 201 202 235 & 94 . 176 148 356 . 167 0 C 315 133 . A i 67 N 0 186 407 66 221 233 234 21 206 226 186 459 420 24 45 212 418 BARSTABLE Hundred. BENFLEET, North - - - Parish Benfleet, South - - - - - Parish Bowers-Gifford - - Parish Bulphan - - - - - - - Parishi Burstead, Great - - - - (a) Parish Burstead, Little - - - - - Parish Chadwell, St. Mary's Parish Corringham - - - Parish i Doddinhurst - - - Parish Downham - - - - - - Parish Dunton - - - - - - - Parish Fobbing - - - - - Parish Horndon, East - - - - - Parish Horndon-on-the-Hill - - (a) Parish Horndon, West - - - - - Parishi Hutton - - - - - - - Parislı Ingrave - - - - - - - Parislı Laindon - - - - - - (aa) Parish Basildon - - - - - Chapelry Langdon-Hills - - - - - Parish Mucking - - - Parish Nevendon - .. Parish Orsett - - - - - - - Parish Pitsea - - - - Parislı Ramsdon-Bellhouse I'arish Ramsdon-Crays - - - - - Parish Shenfield - - - - - - - Parish Stanford-le-Hope - - - - Parish Thundersley - - - - - (b) Parish Thurrock, Little - - - - Parish Tilbury, East - - - - () Parish Lee, East, or Chapel (+) - Liberty Tilbury, West - - - - - Parish Vange - - - - - - - Parish Wickford - . - - - - - Parish 223 204 ~ NC .IIIIIIIII and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! 427 402 239 LA IACO Inco Olii i wc020 1 OO AI 10 co N c oci 163 Golavuoto 1 Altooi Trou A OON COSTA 84 142 .. 96 N coco mar Ini Inico il modo m 38 109 109 104 205 189 186 1,130 208 607 523 116 213 95 60 61 173 202 142 301 175 134 110 318 276 619 301 126 50 165 148 101 91 I 135 119 313 192 254 10 5 128 249 II 72 206 121 52 175 124 381 60 40 1,755 475 161 6,590 5,847 12,437 542 97 20 147 1,361 211 1,492 596 76 2,034 2,391 BECONTREE Hundred. Barking Parish : () Town - - - - - - - Ward 519 | Chadwell - - - - - - Ward 89 108 Ilford - - - - - - - Ward 518 Ripple - - - - - - - Ward | 73 | Dagenham - - - - - - Parish | 262 | 377 Ham, East - - - - - - Parish 212 253 Ham, West (+) - - - () Parish 1,722 1,980 Alford, Little - - - - - Parish Leyton, Low - - - - - Parish 676 Walthamstow - - - - - Parish 685 830 Wanstead - - - - - - Parish | 229 234 Woodford, St. Mary - - - Parish 395 1,219 250 1,480 196 945 735 4,472 165 919 24 689 2,580 461 2,972 361 1,864 1,424 9,753 - 87 3,374 4,304 1,354 2,699 917 624 15 183 439 10 245 130 15 38 239 192 148 110 128 552 5,281 49 1,822 2,318 745 1,373 1,552 1,986 609 1,326 73 51 471 168 175 5,392 6,158 2,106 2,611 1,441 14,808 16,425 131,233 186 349 733 CHAFFORD Hundred. Aveley - - - - - - - Childerditch - - - - - - Cranham - - - Ockendon, North - - - - Ockendon, South . Rainham - - - - 136 30 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 128 No 47 50 154 1 ANTICO 67 - Ni 384 161 157 165 399 295 132 160 289 289 325 777 573 378 278 110 8 Paris 0.? One Male upwards of 100 years of age in Great-Burstead , Tilbury Parish, with Lea-Chapel Liberty, contains 264 Inhabitants. tarish; one Female upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of (d) The entire Punish of Barking contains 6,374 Inhabitants. (C) The Horndon-on-the-Hill. (aa) T'he entire Parish of Laindou contains Return of West-Ham includes the Four Wards into which the Parish is 544 Inhabitants. (b) Part of Thundersley Parish is in Rochford divided. Hundred. The entire Parish contains 550 Inhabitants. East- Bb 94 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FADII- FANI-ALL J.IES OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. LIES chiefly | Orller chiefly employ. Families cd in not com- ployed | Trade, I prized in in 1 Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. craft, Classes. NALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. cupied. 213 137 54 22 583 279 139 552 723 99 308 42 142 CHAFFORD Hundred-continued. South-Weald - - - - () Parish ] . 199 Brentwood - - - - Chapelry Stifford - - - - - - - Parish 40 Thurrock, Grays - - - - Parish 142 Thurrock, West and Purfleet - Parish 97 Upminster - - - Parish 163 Warley, Great - - - - - Parish Warley, Little - - - - - Parish Wennington - - - Parisli! 1,135 1,423 206 700 107 372 435 512 261 370 742 829 191 394 IIii LAIN 174 114 440 952 97 260 90 521 32 89 18 63 179 128 63 1,517 | 1,899 | 12 | 42 1,035 544 320 4,683 4,418 9,101 259 324 791 1,603 381 58 84 812 175 99 206 35 103 202 118 134 339 318 657 + 123 440 918 321 624 03 174 123 106 978 273 478 303 249 2,544 522 2,450 115 4,994 217 37 40 102 9 12 11 38 36 74 192 209 20 1,005 126 612 54 79 CHELMSFORD Hundred. Baddow, Great - - - - - Parish Baddow, Little - - - (5) Parish Middle-Mead - - - - Hamlet Blackmore - - - - - - Parish Boreham - - - - - - - Parish Broomfield - - - - - - Parislı Buttsbury - - Parish Chelmsford - - Parish with Moulsham - - - - Hamlet Chignal-St. James - - - - Parish Chignal-Smealy - - - - - Parish Danbury - - - - - - (b) Parish Fryerning - - - - - - Parislı Hanvingfield, East - - - - Parish Hanningheld, South - - - Parish Hanningfield, West - - - - Parishi Ingatestone - - - - - - Parish Leighs (part of) Great - - (i) Parish Leighs, Little - - - - - Parish Margaretting - - Parish Mountnessing Parish Rettendon - Parish Roxwell - - Parish Runwell - . Parish Sandon - - Parish Springfield - - Parish Stock - - - - Parishi Waltham, Great - - - - Parislı Waltham, Little - Parish Widford - - - - - - - Parish Woodham-Ferris - - - - Parish Writtle - - - - - - - Parish 500 305 208 100 248 398 176 26 89 33 505 307 190 76 220 367 75 94 ni model mondo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA III vi od we co co on 19 NA ITIN Lovol mod Aion med os 380 36 31 27 31 91 144 74 242 94 21 149 25 106 86 237 385 313 442 166 260 343 9 119 88 130 121 20 267 161 139 43 817 307 60 91 488 99 292 108 115 253 127 344 79 128 375 141 228 718 300 896 301 59 732 310 77 246 75 987 2 319 354 126. 28 166 1,450 610 1,883 620 118 865 2,100 24 126 59 479 1,064 386 399 507 1,036 4,273 5,070 2,706 1,539 825 | 12,762 12,222 24,984 176 coco 164 554 254 222 101 174 527 216 338 1,081 470 CLAVERING Hundred. Berdon - - - - - - - Parish Clavering - - - - - - Parish Farnham - - - - - - - Parish Henham (part of) Parish : (0) Pledgon - - - - - - Hamlet Langley - - - - - - - Parish Manewden - - - - - - Parish Stanstead-Mountfitchet (part of) Par. () Bentfield - - - - - - Hamlet Ugley - - - - - - - - Parish and 84 76 160 Taa VIII had 144 176 292 320 656 have 364 101 271 513 242 177 I 152 329 48 681 795 5 11 645 104 1,983 1,884 3,867 () South-Weald Parislı, including Brook-sirect and Brentwood | which is in Dengie Hundred. The entire Parish of Great Lcigls, Chapelry, contains 2,558 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Little- most part of which is in Witham Hundred, contains 667 Inbabitants. Baddow, contains 583 Inhabitants. Middle-Mead is locally situated in (j) Stansted-Mountfitchet Parish, and Henham Parish, are mostly in Dengie Ilundred. (h) The Return of Danbury includes Russels, Uttlesford Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] 95 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. : COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: T PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR LIES I ALL chiefly | OTHER employ-| Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES chiefly ein- cd in not com- ployed Trade. I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- lorHandi. ing TURE. craft. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. DENGIE Hundred, Classes. . 50 204 21 28 117 159 254 82 485 694 123 148 74 419 677 103 42 352 156 904 1,371 226 152 234 147 69 83 ONN OOO II w co mico 124 110 87 Althorne - - - - - - - Asbeldham - - - - - - Bradwell-near-the-Sea - - - Burnham - - - - - - - Cold-Norton - - - Creekseа - - - Dengie - - Fambridge, North - - - Hazeleigh - - - Latchingdon - - Lawrence, St. . Mayland - - - - - - - Mundon - - Purleigh - - Southminster - Steeple - - - - - - - Stow-Nſaries - - - - - - 60 62 66 Parisha Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 128 245 414 229 128 122 218 101 96 129 454 45 180 136 134 513 285 184 750 695 309 967 1,445 533 242 100 go 286 140 6 176 247 102 464 181 216 946 61 Woodham, Mortimer Woodham, Walter - - - - - une co o - - 52 - 87 88 64 340 454 238 1,576 1,801 22 1,304 | 326 171 5,173 4, 594 9,767 42 41 109 108 297 218 121 O 597 91 193 118 Chickney - overco Rotor - 11 .27 IIIIIIIIIIIII co 229 62 TICO DANN DI Aar 110 300 241 131 39 1,195 175 262 444 383 156 434 249 66 2,409 342 478 1,214 167 216 130 819 150 375 372 147 169 755 58 303 184 47 DUNMOW Ilundred. Barnston - - - - - - - Parish Broxted - - - - Parisht Canfield, Great - - Parish Canfield, Little - Parish Parisha Dunmow, Great - - Parish Duninow, Little - Parish Easter, Good - - Parish Easter, High - - Parish Easton, Great - - - - - Parish Easton, Little - - - - - Parish Lindsell - - - Paris Mashbury - - - - - - Parish Pleshey - - - - - - - Parish Roothing, Abbots (part of) Parish : (k) Barwick - - - - - - Hamlet Roothing, Aythorpe - - - Parish Roothing, Berners - - - (1) Parislı Roothing, High - - - - - Parish Roothing, Leallen - - - - Parish Roothing, Margaret - - - Parish Roothing, White (+) - - (m) Parish Shellow-Bowels - - - - - Parish Thaxted - - - - - - - Parish Tilty - - - - - - - - Parish Willingale-Doe - - - - (1) Parish Willingale-Spain - - ... Parisha 38 146 I co i colori co i III e III CA A 353 85 289 20 143 14 54 43 108 97 234 126 48 45 O 209 93 388 157 10 10 Tile IIIIIIII 179 80 97 112 confcrooier wa Hero III - 236 203 209 439 114 2,045 23 49 65 404 1,017 36 78 15 76 42 1,028 42 209 91 58 225 434 203 112 1,654 561 | 241 6,111 5,777 111,888 127 398 802 2,142 2,456 FRESHWELL IIundred. Ashdon - - - - - - - Parish 170 Bartlow-End - - - - () Hamlet 42 Bardfield, Great - - - - - Parish 186 Bardfield, Little - - - - Parish | 60 Bardfield, Saling - - - - - Parish 1 43 Bumpstead-Helion - - - - Parish 136 173 404 96 28 116 212 203 110 438 158 66 449 150 133 392 887 308 282 773 47 149 e 148 381 (k) Abbots-Roothing Parish is mostly in Ongar Hundred. (1) A | Hamlet, which is in Ongar Hundred. ) Bartlow-End, otherwise house, situate partly in Berners-Ruothing, partly in Willingale-Doe, con- Stevington, is sometimes attributed to Bartlow Parish, Cbilford Hundred, tains 12 persons, who are not included in the Return of Bemers-Ruothing | Cambridgeshire. Farish.. (m) The Parish of White-Roothing includes Morrell-Roothing 1 96 . ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER 13 Enumeration . COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how nany Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | FAMI- I ALL LICS LIES chiefly OTIIER chiefly employ- . Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manu-'the Two factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. Looft Classes Un-Inhabited. Building MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupicd. TO FRESHWELL Hundred-continued. 73 80 194 392 114 - - - - 198 329 655 Hadstock - - - - Hempstead - - - Radwinter - - - Sampford, Great - - Sampford, Little - - - - - - 326 - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish | 18 380 146 | 179 145 150 74 81 393 oored 376 380 773 756 173 192 365 1,189 1,346 12 1,048 207 91 3,089 3,116 6,205 122 17 678 97 99 152 123 390 09 00 108 co wc 354 244 995 324 226 347 188 470 1,928 124 933 165 325 HARLOW Hundred. (F) Hallingbury, Great - - - - Parish Hallingbury, Little - - - - Parish Harlow - - - - - - - Parish Hatfield-Broad-Oak Parish: (9) Brumsend-Quarter - . Township Heath-Quarter - - - Township Town-Quarter - - - - Township Wood-Row-Quarter - Township Latton - - - - - - - - Parish Matching - - - - - - - Parish Netswell - - - - - - - Parish Parndon, Great - - - - - Parish Parndon, Little - - - - - Parish Roydon (part of) - - - - () Parish Sheering - - - - - - Parish 160 235 271 219 274 11a 111111-111- 187 187 323 182 191 276 454 545 ვნა 378 107 ml mail to 599 50 156 306 192 150 204 51 396 52 103 73 13 61 86 - 102 283 242 525 go 17 228 211 439 1,298 1,537 424 1,073 321 143 3,867 3,648 7,515 1 HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER Liberty. Havering-atte-Bower - - - Parish Hornchurch - - - - - (5) Parish Romford - - - - - - - Parish 47 - 9 106 352 389 ვივ 675 44 249 260 B co 198 154 1,019 1919 1,823 1,954 834 1,938 3,777 306 268 553 421 302 3,040 3,027 6,067 126 244 118 156 293 662 318 11 352 129 685 99 310 608 104 86 226 137 344 180 172 329 356 298 231 1 229 1,277 1 1,509 100 . 95 1,607 299 329 477 484 229 226 460 2,786 588 279 103 43 1 N!! !inarnºm!!!!!!!! 36 320 1,085 HINCKFORD Hundred. Alphamstone - - - - - - Parish 40 Ashen - - - - - - - - Parish 57 Ballingdon - - - () Par: Chap: Belchamp, Otton - - - - Parish / 46 Belchamp, St. Paul - • - • Parishi 135 Belchamp, Walter - - - - Parish Birdbrook - - - - - - - Parish 84 Bocking - - - - - - - Parish Borley - - - - - - - - Parish Braintree - - - - - - () Parish 621 Bulmer - - Parish 74 Bumpstead, Steeple . - Parish 116 Bures - - - - Parish Feelstead - - - Parish 231 Finchingfield - - - - - - Parish Foxearth • Parish 93 Gestingthorpe - - Parish 86 Gosfield - - - - - - - Parish 106 Halstead - - - - - Parish 819 Haverhill - - - - - - (W) Parish Hedingham, Castle Parish 257 Hedingham, Sible - - - - Parish 432 Henny, Great - - - - - Parish Henny, Little - - - - - Parish Kitton, or Kęddington - - (W) Parish 176 111 1,376 195 2,983 628 961 11 113 63 73 ON 340 223 279 941 455 1,724 783 395 1,019 2,007 1 82 111 227 401 101 135 121 1,009 436 1 362 332 694 598 87 21 13 1 435 292 282 310 2,033 111 3,858 43 osco 1 328 188 288 1,825 117 549 1,011 186 29 614 228 1,163 2,060 211 82 368 Iloco !!! 1,049 182 30 43 59 94 52 (*) Ryehill Hamlet is entered in Waltham Hundred, with the rest of making. The Parish of Brundon is merged in the Hamlet of Bal- the Parish of Epping. Ilastingwood and Thornwood Hamlets are included lingdon, which may therefore be deemed parochial. (u) The increase in the Return of North-Weald-Passett, Ongar Hundred (9) The en- | of Population in Braintree is attributed to the establishment of a silks tire Parish of Hatfield-Broad-Oak contains 1,693 Inhabitants. The manufactory.- (W) The Parish of Bures is mostly in Babergb Hundred, entire Parish of Roydon, which is partly in Waltham Hundred, contains Suffolk ; the Parishes of Haverhill and Kitton mostly in Risbridge Hun- 796 Inhabitants.- (s) The increase of Population in Hornchurch Parish, | dred, Suffolk. is attributable to the establishment of an iron foundry, and to brick- M.DCCC.XXI.] 97 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF ESSEX-continuerl. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSIIIP, FAMI- By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building, Un-Inhabited. LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families ein ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. 169 162 39 217 157 331 73 34 211 428 156 313 Jil WC 50 59 84 109 149 129 134 263 111 10 293 308 601 II w II vil IIIIII 155 68 155 168 175 310 343 551 HINCKFORD Hundred-continued. Lamarsh - - - - - - - Parish Liston - - - - - - - Parish Maplestead, Great - - - - Parish Maplestead, Little Parish Middleton Parish Ovington - Parish Panfield - - - - - Parish Pelmarsh - - - - - - Parish Pentlow - - Parish Rayne - - - - Parish Ridgwell - - - - - - - Parish Saling, Great - - - - Parish Shalford - - - - - Parish Stamborne - Parish Stebbing - - - - - - - Parish Stisted - - - - - - - Parish Sturmer - - - Parish Tilbury (juxta Clare) - - - Parish Toppesfield - - - Parish Twinsten - - - - - - - Parish Weathersfield - - Parish Wickham, St. Paul - - - - Parish Yeldham, Great - - - - - Parish Yeldham, Little - - - - - Parish 114 294 165 56 Ini linico in modo Lo III III I 161 326 144 130 99 89 voor O DONNA COCO Larvin GEO - LAN- 318 352 107 73 217 235 285 152 195 633 670 432 1,311 790 311 152 117 215 678 387 152 96 450 403 43 213 189 135 928 26 195 90 41 325 75 116 66 804 117 478 112 754 160 290 135 mod lico I 59 168 262 152 202 1,558 328 552 63 287 52 132 4,809 902 17,647 18,333 35,980 353 105 110 151 164 341 314 694 662 14 376 793 295 122 829 38 273 1,651 562 LEXDEN Hundred. 16,701 7,897 (Colchester Division.) (*) Bergholt, West - - - - - Parish 109 143 Birch - . - - - - - (*) Parish 128 Boxted - - - - - - - Parish 127 169 Dedham - - - - - - - Parish 366 Donyland, East - Parish 95 izo Easthorpe - - - - - - - Parish 20 30 Fordham - - - Parish 101 139 Horksley, Great - - - - Parish 126 131 Horksley, Little - Parish 29 46 Langham - - - - - - - Parish 148 164 Mount-bures - Parish 33 Stanway - - - Parish | 97 Wivenhoe - - - - - - Parish 157 Woriningford - - - - - - Parish 28 122 80 175 ner now and oli pod imi 696 115 11 348 417 822 289 95 355 313 113 369 121 241 597 225 341 310 125 623 34 124 356 139 88 238 725 260 479 1,287 453 238 690 69 228 1,487 1,951 7 18 1,242 371 338 4,658 4,640 1 9,298 - 212 53 59 517 44 55 115 176 220 245 135 114 75 223 155 1,505 626 286 204 147 435 331 2,896 1,229 547 417 298 12 55 64 Tiaomi Tata III LEXDEN Hundred. (Witham Division.) Aldham - - - - - - - Parish Chappel, or Pontisbright - - Parish Coggeshall, Great - - - - Parish Colne, Earl's - - - Parish Colne, Engain - - Parish Colne, Wakes - Parish Colne, White Parish Copford - - - Parish Feering - - Parish Inworth - - Parish Markshall .. Parish Messing - - Parish Pattiswick - - - - - - Parish Tey, Great - - Parish Tey, Little . . Parish Tey, Marks .. Parish 1,391 603 261 213 151 284 317 217 On 115 115 308 592 615 122 143 84 89 9 31 115 298 220 28 349 160 298 25 160 437 59 705 320 356 58 66 128 160 327 100 625 121 8 40 24 49 351 53 191 1,702 2,044 6 33 1,152 585 307 4,914 4,992 9,906 () Including Great-Birch and Little-Birch. Some of the Parishes in the Colchester Division of Lexden Hundred are connected with COLCHIESTER Borough, and so entered. . Cc 98 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. L. WITT HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. em. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FA M1- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families I ed in not coin- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. ing 51 53 143 57 323 108 300 277 1,696 139 807 I WOW 108 276 583 18 307 74 14 57 164 172 lo 16 43 125 80 16 38 166 1 1 bed or I monde pour lovu 388 244 55 120 341 220 52 116 131 ვ.6 729 464 107 236 979 408 COW Parlop wooo 46 485 494 69 130 198 88 144 216 450 ONGAR Hundred. Bobbingworth - - - - - Parish Chigwell - - - - - - - Parish Fyfield - - - - Parish Greenstead - . Parish Kelvedou-Hatch - - - - Parish Lambourne (+)- - Parisha Laver, High - - Parish Laver, Little - - Parish Laver-Magdalen Parisha Loughton - - - - - - - Parish Moreton - - - - - - - Parish Navestock - - - Parish Norton-Mandeville - - - - Parish North-Weald-Bassetta . (Y) Parish | Ongar, Chipping - - - - Parish Ongar, High - - - - - - Parish Roothing, Abbots - - - (2) Parish Roothing, Beauchamp - - - Parish Roothing, Morrell - - (Hamlet Shelley - - - - - - - Parish Stanford-Rivers - - - - - Parish Stapleford, Abbots, Rivers - - Parish Stapleford, Tawney - - - - Parish Stondon-Massey - - - - Parish Thoydon-Bois - - - - - Parish Thoydon-Garnon, or Coopershall Parislı Thoydon, Mount - - - - Parish 192 390 840 55 131 22 116 28 76 65 141 o icono coco no rio F III NII IIIIIII va IIIIIIII 139 20 121 123 214 827 432 1 1 18 396 132 230 23 558 395 372 568 66 103 768 1,126 1 1 1 , 73 108 139 211 91 88 143 61 179 792 412 380 AWAO 241 147 217 136 458 47 48 114 116 11 Acomod l coco 76 283 230 446 o Ñ OCT w 217 139 32 229 34.6 132 ვივ 113 709 245 2,577 22 38 | 1,674 522 381 6,808 6,532 13,340 18 i 54 43 97 58 136 164 394 129 338 234 293 732 64 100 296 530 59 48 198 367 161 21 168 107 565 329 23 362 784 905 196 166 144 1 370 194 474 89 com l w or owo non pode III co i med 12 2,271 ROCHFORD, Hundred. Ashingdon - - - - - - Parish 11 Barling - - - - - - - Parish 44 Canewdon - - - - - - Parish 121 Eastwood - - - - - - Parish Farnbridge, South - Parish Foulness - - • - Parish Hadleigh - - - - Parish Havengore-Marsh - Extra P. Hawkwell - - - - - (la) Parish Hockley - - - - Parish 139 Leigh - - - - Parish 111 Paglesham - - - - - - Parish | 72 Prittlewell with Milton - - - Parish 340 Rawreth - - - Parish 43 Rayleigh - - - - Parish 228 Rochford - - - - Parish 263 Shoebury, North - - - - Parish Shoebury, South Parisli Shopland - - - Parish Southchurch - - - - - - Parish Stambridge, Great - - Parish Stambridge, Little - - Parish Sutton - - - - - Parish Thundersley Parish : Thunderstey - - - - (b) Hamlet 44 Wakering, Great - - - - Parish 150 Wakering, Little - - - - Parish 173 414 431 223 916 167 396 350 104 1,006 TII III IIII o I ONI NIINIT 62 (160 2 621 1,922 327 1,203 1,382 210 582 690 100 692 110 81 72 153 18 16 34 151 353 172 401 202 229 54 49 i 46 100 40 89 111 233 moc 126 412 152 364 776 41 110 262 2,092 2,414 | 21 1,453 607 354 6,6095,963 12,572 The Parish of North-Weald-Bassett is partly in Harlow Hundred, I of Morrell-Roothing is Included in the Return of the Parish of White- but the whole is entered here, including Hastingwood and Thornwood | Roothing, Dunmow Hundred. (*2) One Male upwards of 100 years Hamlets. (2) The entire Parish of Abbots. Roothing, which extends of age in Hawkwell Parish. O Most part of Thundersley Parish is into Duomow llundred, contains 236 Inhabitants. The Hamlet | in Barstable Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.) 99 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ву how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. I'AMI I ALL LIES LIFS chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families ein- ed in not com- Proyed | TRADE, Iprized in in Manu: the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 38 280 42 209 149 731 224 121 656 210 270 1,387 66 434 58 110 55 118 411 794 Oslo i Wilma Ni 78 ვივ 198 204 421 109 113 403 803 725 210 83 50 143 314 162 74 212 402 822 1,528 693 349 1,075 494 693 263 536 104 242 104 127 45 TENDRING Hundred. Alresford - - - - - - - Parish Ardleigh - - - - - - - Parisb Beaumont, with Moze - - - Parish Bentley, Great - - - - - Parish Bentley, Little - - Parish Bradfield - - - - - - - Parish Brightlingsea (+) - Parish Bromley, Great - Parish Bromley, Little - Parish Clacton, Great - - - - - Parish Clacton, Little - - - - - Parish Elmstead - - Parish Frating - - Parish Frinton - - Parish Holland, Great Parish Holland, Little Parish Kirby - - - - Parish Lawford - - - Parish Manningtree - Parish Mistley - - - Parish Oakley, Great - - Parish Oakley, Little - - Parish Osyth, St. Chich - - - - Parish Ramsey - - - - - - - Parish Tendring - - - - - - - Parish Thorpe-le-Soken - - - - Parish Thorrington - - - - - - Parish Walton-le-Soken - - - - Parish Weeley - - - - - - (d) Parish Wix, or Weeks - - - - - Parish Wrabness - - - - - - Parish w w III 60 192 N16 ANNUIT !-no convinto en 379 187 539 252 365 136 19 221 37 449 339 572 354 515 116 735 36 175 143 404 147 88 413 73 853 688 1,265 778 52 349 12 693 108 110 240 115 110 29 170 134 275 165 187 424 A 41 134 990 475 146 55 262 320 148 132 247 47 240 100 112 139 1,414 676 679 339 345 337 130 700 150 74 III i co od I had l w w 571 76 56 355 577 186 139 327 56 167 154 341 1,148 353 293 668 818 253 98 116 104 35 128 167 51 147 392 426 126 42 127 3,079 4,253 29 | 2,756 1,015 | 482 10,631 10,265 20,896 75 103 76 218 101 oco cr 241 445 124 423 459 868 251 958 192 158 THURSTABLE Hundred. Goldhanger - - - - - - Keybridge - - - - - - Langford - - - - - - - Tollesbury - - - - - - Tolleshunt, Darcy - - - - Tolleshunt, Major - Tolleshunt, Knights - Totham, Great - - - - - Totham, Little - - - - - Wickbam, Bishops - - - - 497 142 126 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish OwC 127 461 304 ce a roller in 361 665 227 200 195 62 ö ! No co 422 376 580 267 92 101 176 298 131 225 282 136 52 100 105 60 242 467 853 1,092 | 16 758 261 2,755 5,313 217 198 160 133 112 176 381 92 415 336 755 192 353 6- 14 71 UTTLESFORD Hundred. Arkesden - - - - - - Birchanger - - - - - - Chesterford, Great - - - - Chesterford, Little - - - - Chishall, Great - - Chishall, Little (+) Chrishall - - - Debden - - - - Elmdon - - - - Elsenham . . Haydon - - - - Henham (part of) - - Littlebury (+) . - - - - Newport (+) - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 92 So Sorco o co 374 100 183 42 210 460 293 208 139 170 29 201 480 411 Can Imioni i love 166 940 117 308 601 50 226 434 56 133 147 102 318 114 140 114 326 272 644 66 147 380 386 430 422 852 - ♡ The Parish of Brightlingsea is a Member of the Town and Port | Parish of Weeley.- (C) The entire Parish of Henham, which extends 01 Sandwich, one of the Cinque Ports in Kent. The removal | into Clavering Hundred, contains 804 Inhabitants. of the extensive Barracks has caused a decrease of Population in the 100 . ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER O Enumeration COUNTY OF ESSEX-fontinued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OF Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES LIES chiefly | OTIIER chiefly einploy- Families en ed is not com- ployed Tradi, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft, 1 Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 25 58 doo 74 225 82 194 156 419 1,005 18 516 489 26 54 UTTLESFORD Hundred-continued Quendon - - - - - - - Parish Rickling - - - - - - - Parish Stansted-Mount-fitchet (part of) () Parish Streethall - - - - - - - Parish Takeley - - - - - - - Parish Wendens-Ambo (+) - - - Parish Wendon-Lofts - - - - - Parish Wicken-Bonant - - - - - Parish Widdington - - - - - - Parislı Wimbish with Thunderley - - Parish 173 548 586 1,134 162 49 11 on NOOR 18 174 34 336 33 26 59 122 202 72 149 165 379 367 140 430 809 2,396 14 15 1,807 | 431 158 15,796 | 5,715 | 11,511 172 427 837 395 112 839 410 849 209 1,688 458 99 249 1,989 WALTHAM Hundred. Chingford - - - - - - - Parish 166 Epping - - - - - - - Parish 290 Epping-Upland - - (8) Chapelry 17 with Rybill - - - - • Hamlet Nazeing - - - - - - - Parish 125 Roydon (part of) - - - - (b) Parish 43 Waltham-Abbey or Holy-Cross (1) Parish 422 Holyfield - - - - - - Hamlet 52 Sewardstone - - - - (i) Hamlet 120 Upshire - - - - - - Hamlet 144 394 146 744 271 462 1,021 156 4:23 350 125 1,076 137 430 353 2,097 293 853 87 123 149 107 13 386 739 1,459 1,664 5 775 718 171 4,041 3,939 1 7,980 WINSTREE Hundred. 93 203 250 472 72 131 47 39 127 100 312 603 Abberton - - - - - - - Fingringhoe - - - - - - Langenhoe - - - - - - Layer-Breton - Layer-de-la-Hay - Layer-Marney - - - - - Mersea, East - - - - - - Mersea, West - - Peldon - - - - Salcott - - - - Virley - - - - - - - - Wigborough, Great - - - - Wigborough, Little . - - - 44 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 110 222 59 132 291 126 137 372 205 Tillerier i com 120 145 400 233 71 67 30 28 138 58 410 210 200 51 18 44 95 570 835 3 3 153 23 2,107 2,000 4,107 162 155 256 252 63 179 WITHAM Hundred. Bradwell-next-Coggleshall - - Parish Braxted, Great - - - - - Parish Braxted, Little - - - - - Parish Coggleshall, Little - - Cressing - - - - - - - Parish Fairsted - - - - - - - Parish Faulkbourn - - - - - - Parish Hatfield-Peverell . . . - Parish Parish Kelvedon - - - - - - - Parish Leighs, Great (part of) Parish : (k) Chatley - - - - - - Hamlet 183 238 142 83 251 121 23 85 168 29 148 49 580 521 1,101 121 134 651 677 1,328 16/ 275 211 486 The eutire Parish of Stanstead-Mountfitchet, which extends into | Abbey contains 3,982 Inhabitants. The Population of the Town bas de Clavering Hundred, contains 1,518 Inhabitants. (6) The entire Parish creased from the reduction of labourers employed in the Gunpowder of Epping contains 2,146 Inhabitants. Ryhill is in Harlow Hundred, but Mills. The Return of Sewardstone Hamulet includes a gang of Gypsies its Population is here included with that of Epping-Upland. -— (h) The to the number of 45. (k) The entire Parish of Great-Leighs (which Parish of Roydon is chiefly in Harlow Hundred. This part in Waltham is partly in Chelmsford Hundred contains 667 Inhabitants. Hundred is called the Hamlet Part.- (i) The entire Parish of Waltham- M.DCCC.XXI.] 101 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- 1 OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Mauu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 75 208 88 76 111 158 212 210 185 WITHAM Hundred-continued. Notley, Black - - - - - Parish Notley, White - - - - - Parish Rivenhall - - - Parish Terling - - - - - - - Parish Ulting - - - - - - - - Parish Witham - - Parish 418 397 OSA 101 111 316 275 591 öll - co 410 117 165 27. 563 781 18 24 92 371 83 1,354 175 157 2,578 1,224 5,082 1,857 12,131 15 1,257 4,997 10,079 COLCHESTER Borough and Liberties. 80 163 242 72 23 25 64 405 122 2,130 1,326 438 964 1,166 610 509 309 115 277 716 264 246 273 112 242 123 510 590 675 co co oo ooo oo wool co 1,265 Parish 202 201 425 844 All-Saints - - - - - - - Parish Bere-Church - - - - (1) Parish Botolph, St. - - - - - Parish Giles, St. - - - Parish Greenstead - - (1) Parish James, St. - Leonard, St. - - - - - - Lexden (-) - - - - (1) Parish Martin, St. .. . . - Parish Mary, Saint, at-the-Walls - - Parish Mary, St. Magdalen - - - Parish Michael, St. Mile-End - - () Parish Nicholas, St. - .... Parish Peter, St. - - - - - - Runwald, St. - .--.. Trinity, Holy -... - Parish N 1 N 1 III el I CILI 475 EiEerrierii 457 390 155 196 209 501 646 80 230 111 99 231 232 932 843 1,147 471 447 980 1,647 240 215 541 890 66 202 218 Parish 283 or o W 439 757 205 232 Paris 221 426 113 289 521 2,631 3,122 14 1 516 1,650 / 956 6,500 17,516 14,016 · HARWICH Borough. Dover-Court - ---- - Parish Nicholas, St. - - ... - Parish 173 492 179 787 - 1 2 31 161) 60 267 58 394 5201 1,291 419 | 1,906 813 3,197 665 9661 1327 578 1,685 | 2,325 | 4,010 MALDON Borough. 146 All-Saints - - - - - - Parish! Mary, St.- -. - - - - Parish Peter, St. - - .---- Parish 133 216 236 244 - 51 82 | 36 103 56 96 324 1435 587 551 105 6 1 759 1,138 1,301 258 106 644 657 585 648 1 97 281 270 1,555 | 1,643 3,198 SAFFRON-WALDEN, Town of Saffron-Walden - ... - Parish 850 910 | 12 | 18 | 311 371 228 | 2,015 2,015 2,139 4,154 (1) The Parishes of Bere-Church, Greenstead, Lexden, and St. Michael, Mile-end, are not situate within the Town of Colchester. They contain 2,011 Inhabitants, who seem rather to belong to the Colchester Division of Lexden Hundred than to the Borough of COLCHESTER. Dd 102 (Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMIO | ALL HUNDREDS, ΤΟΤΑΙ, &c. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OF Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em. ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prizea ized in in Many- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. Hundred of BARSTABLE - ----- Ô 1,755 475 161 6,590 | 5,847 | 12,437 BECONTREE - 5,392 6,158 50 202 2,106 2,611 1,441 16,425 31,233 14,808 4,683 CHAFFORD - - 1,035 544 320 4,418 9,101 CHELMSFORD - - 2,706 1,539 12,762 24,984 12,222 1,884 CLAVERING - - 645 104 1,983 3,867 DENGIE - - - - - 1.304 171 4,594 9,767 5,173 6,111 DUNMOW - 2,142 2,456 1,654 241 11,888 - - - - .... FRESHWELL 1,048 91 control 3,089 6,205 5,777 3,116 3,648 3,027 HARLOW 321 143 3,867 7,515 HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER - 1,085/ 1,276 553 421 302 3,040 6,067 35,980 HINCKFORD - - - - 4,809 2,186 902 parte por 17,647 18,333 LEXDEN - - - - 2,394 1956 645 9,572 9,632 19,204 ONGAR - - - - o 2,271 | 2,577 | 22 1,674 522 6,808 6,532 \ 13,340 ROCHFORD - - 1,453 6,609 5,963 12,572 TENDRING - - - 3,079 4,253 6 2,7561, 10,631 | 10,265 20,896 a la ge THURSTABLE - - - 758 2,755 2,558 5,313 UTTLESFORD - - - - - | 1,989 2,396 14 ū 1,807 158 5,796 5,715 11,511 WALTHAM - - - 718 4,041 3,939 7,980 WINSTREE w 659 153 2,107 2,000 4,107 WITHAM 1,857 | 2,131 | 15 | 42 | 1,257 573 301 5,082 4,997 10,079 14 123 516|1,650 | 956 6,500 7,516 14,016 de este de DATOTY 1 Borough and Liberty of COLCHESTER - - - - - | 2,631 | 3,122 Borough of HARWICH - - - - - 665 966 Borough of MALDEN - - - - - - - 5851 648 Town of SAFFRON-WALDEN - - - | 850 910 327 578 1,685/ 2,325 4,010 1 uso 281 270 | 1,555 1,643 13,198 12 18 371 2,015 2,139 4,154 TOTALS - - - 49,978 59,629 298 1,164 33,206 17,160 9,263 144,909 144,515 289,424 M.DCCC.XXI.] 103 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF ESSEX —continued. Ages of Persons. SODS MALES. / 90 Under 15 to 20 to 30 30 to Hundred to | 1001 & up- wards. TOTAL. 5. of | 655 8173 825 663 889 732 833 828 887 456 326 428 567 525 326 324 121 618 BARSTABLE 984 860 724 612 1912 1785 534 319| 108 BECONTREE -1,556 1,505 1,238 856 1,459 1,293 1,070 690 | 442 182 CHAFFORD | 674 594 1 564 426 675 597 469 323 | 230 85 CHELMSFORD 1,905 1,812 1,492 1,227 1,832 1,449 1,203 | 618 231 CLAVERING 304 270 239 225 290 202 168 131 96 41 DENGIE - 591 432 530 304 | 176 81 DUNMOW - 675 607 582 499 425 291 | 150 FRESHWELL 443 334 331 291 204 1651 87 HARLOW - 578 410 534 372 217 222 103 HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER 432 1394 335 282 490 356 228 HINCKFORD -2,774 12,495 2,008 1,704 2,669 1,851 1,529 1,167 900 453 128 LEXDEN - -1,530 (1,336 1,158 899 1,407 1,012 810 481 281 ONGAR - 886 / 943 1807 655 | 908 1723 637 432 271 136 ROCHFORD 1,040 880 1752 576 1,039 855 700 417 234/ 75 TENDRING 1,614 1,426 11,085 973 1,340 1,121 966 409) 213 THURSTABLE 453 398 300 267 326 261 169 109 44 UTTLESFORD 735 648 572 415 276 261 118 WALTHAM 594 571 494 378 579 479 201 WINSTREE 300 258 219 WITHAM - 738 602 742 553 335 COLCHESTER, BORO' 936 792 669 567 857 726 420 HARWICH, BORO' 302 170 112 184 174 115 MALDON, BORO' - 228 220 184 147 235 153 185 104 34 SAFFRON-WALDEN, T. 268 236 226 340 207 189 109 Total of MALES - 121,093|19,270 15,978 13,110 20,109 (15,590 13,054 9,091 16,3822,975 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | 6,525 - 10,336 4,673 12,650 1,983 5,172 5,867) 3,089 3,874 3,0401 117,682 9,593 6,424 6,591 9,831 2,755 4,779 4,041 2,107 5,076 6,046 1,685 1,555 2,015 638 422 519 684 518 379 277 224 211 340 267 145 767 468 469 617 143 359 137,389 F E M A L E S. 15 to Under 70 20 to 30 50 to Hundred 30 to 40 60 | to I 40 tol 50 TOTAL. 20 wards. 718 724 582 505 615 338 562 845 307 336 306 400 246 86 27 457 210 55 308 175 60 22 835 123 134 222 152 421 294 185 167 237 125 1,219 9611 624 | 504 247 | 79 388 | 268) 137 | 35 325 | 185 74/ 12 603 375 176 343 560 351 164 BARSTABLE 900 795 | 640 | 546 939 739 518 BECONTREE 1,622 1,378 1,180 1,017 1,998 1,448 1,051 CHAFFORD 637 642 | 490 396 711 539 437 CHELMSFORD 1,715 1,288 1,075 11,973 11,452 1,141 CLAVERING 268 204 176 263 203 172 DENGIE - 685 426 411 DUNMOW - - 756 557 416 FRESHWELL - 443 473 HARLOW - 578 1514 423 339 549 364 329 HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER 438 392 268 307 HINCKFORD 12,368 1,957 1,834 2,994 | 1,992 1,665 LEXDEN - -11,465 1,283 1,032 891 - 1,568 1,089 845 ONGAR - 935 891 1697 574 948 1711 606 ROCHFORD 1,051 862 629 723 549 TENDRING 1,525 1,363 | 1,033 1,518 1,055 THURSTABLE 394 279 224 423 UTTLESFORD 710 661 442 514 WALTHAM 495 459 434 378 WINSTREE 349 279 193 191 349 227 WITHAM - 673 541 442 808 COLCHESTER, BORO'. 902 764 738 1,314 HARWICH, BORO' - 291 237 207 MALDON, BORO - 200 233 185 181 159 SAFFRON-WALDEN, T. 280 239 226 226 Tin 11-ci cu A INCIU-17 og 2,508 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5,838 11,145 4,418 12,142 1,885 4,590 5,472 3,116 3,639 | 3,027 118,136 9,634 6,188 5,960 9,511 2,568 4,705 3,949 2,001 4,987 7,041 2,325 1,643 2,139 60ვ 956 932 873 407 315 236 138 548 677 649 320 | 2461 121 605 408 184 235 169 263 118 756 329 550 848 713 662 372 194 192 426 302 01 277 247 399 190 Į 13% 10972 | 18 LE Total of FEMALES 20,373 18,384 14,756 13,014 22,337 15,738 12,531 8,781 6,3512,911 821 61 1 136,059 THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Essex was ... 289,424,... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned Was . . . 273,448,... whence it appears, that the Ages of one forty-eighth part of the persons therein enumerated have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the county of Essex was 431, ten of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, of redundant--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. .104 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enuineration. County of Gloucester. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TOTAL OR By how many Families OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chictly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures,l preced- CUL- TorHandi- iug TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. BARTON REGIS Hundred, is entered with the City of Bristol, at the end of the County. BERKELEY Hundred (Lower Division.) 27 1 225 477 252 101 102 203 115 210 ALMONDSBURY (part of) Parish : (a) Almondsbury - - - Tything Elberton - - - - - - - Parish Filton - - - - - - - Parish Henbury (part of) Parish : (b) King's-Weston - - - Tything Lawrence-Weston - - Tything Hill - - - - - - - () Parish Horfield - - - - - - - Parish OLIN I II the oo Anco 154 78 172 130 335 259 198 104 · 94 311 255 914 922 1,836 BERKELEY Hundred (Upper Division.) 132 | 715 353 234 362 264 380 579 498 836 456 182 522 35 73 79 216 1,101 152 437 346 963 221 157 74 189 483 480 88 72 160 - 932 953 1,885 556 - 561 1,117 339 : 703 Arlingham - - - - - - Parish Ashelworth - - • - Parish 85 Berkeley - - - - - - (d) Parish 165 Alkington - - - - - Tything Bradstone - - - - - Hamlet Hamfollow - Hamlet Hinton - - - - (d) Tything Ham and - - Tything Stone - - - - - - Chapelry Beverstone - ... Parish Cam . .. .... - Parish Coaley - - - - - - - Parish Cromhall-Abbots with - - () Parish Cromhall-Lygon - - - Tything Dursley - - - - - -(+) Parish Kingscote - ----- Parish Newington-Bagpath -- - Parish Nibley, North . ... - Parish Nymphsfield - ---- Parish Owlpen ------- Ozelworth - - Parish Rockhampton - - - - (f) Slimbridge - - - - - • Parish 161 Stinchcombe - - - - Parish Uley · ------- Parish Wotton-under-Edge - - (8) Parish | 968 968 1,1607 4,482 4,987 72 140 1,687 3,186 1,499 129 135 137 · 112 266 247 1,553 799 · 248 462 Parish 232 134 59 .. - 401 807 218 406 214 1,260 2,372 501 432 2,655 5,004 1,395 2,632 834 1,491 2,917 | 579 | 11,622 1 12,269 23,891 () The Parish of Almondsbury is mostly in Langley Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,408 Inhabitants.- (b) The Parish of Henbury is mostly in Henbury Hundred. ) The Parish of Hill is locally situated in Upper Berkeley Hundred; otherwise the Upper and Lower Divisions of the Hundred are quite distinct. () The entire Parish of Berkeley contains 3,835 Inhabitants. The digging of a canal is said to have increased the Population of Hinton Tything. — (0) A coal-mine has been opened at Cronihall, whereby the Population has been in- creased. ) Rockhampton is mostly in Langley Hundred, where the whole Population is entered.---(6) The Parish of Wotton-under-Edge includes the Tythings of Huntingford, Sinwell and Bradley, Syinonds- Hall and Combe, and Wortley, : M.DCCC.XXI.] 105 • THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- ALL By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHLAL LACE. Inhabited. ОР many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly 1 OTIER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not coni- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AURI- factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi- l ing TURE. craſt. Classes. NALES FEMALES. PERSONS. BISLEY Hundred. 750 2,884 7,421 - - - - - - - - - Parish | 1,150 Parish 25 Parish 2,537 61 243 134 514 2 271 237 303 156 858 - - O Tything Tything Tything Tything 341 161 190 155 1,627 725 olm cim i II 65 Bisley - - - - Edgeworth - - - Miserden - - - Painswick Parish: (h) Edge - - - - Shepscomb - - Spoonbed - - - Strondend - - Sapperton Parish: (i) Sapperton - - Frampton - - Stroud - - - - Winstone - - - 370 in 174 155 769 355 378 373 117 880 - - 79 502 439 812 45 148 295. 33 82 181 - - - - - Tything - Tything - () Parish - - Parish 147 99 3,667 86 1,419 | 1,493 | 41 41 23 47 118 1,144 9 231 3,430 7,097 192 106 3,591 3,750 36 106 935 2,444 371 8,482 9,396 17,878 . BLIDESLOE Hundred. - 3 1 3 7 132 Alvington Awre - - Lidney - Aylburton - - - 15 110 - - - - - - - Parish (+) O Parish | - - (m) Parish - - Chapelry 54 | 59 208 | 219 175 66 576 Nonco in Eco 140 562 482 174 272 1,138 1,040 353 - - 72 558 22 179 503 233 219 1,445 1,358 2,803 BOTLOE Hundred. ܝ 58 284 179 156 335 I a I 810 748 137 ܘ ܝܕ 1,558 301 50 / 164 215 408 Il Bromsberrow - - - - - Parish Dymock - - - - - - - Parisha Kempley - - - - - - - Parish Newent Parish : (™) Boulsdon and Killcot - (+) Tything Compton - - - - (+) Tything Cugley - - - - - (+) Tything Malswick - - - - (+) Tything Newent (+) Liberty Oxenhall - . (+) Parish Pauntley - - - - - - - Parish Rudford - - - - - - Parish Taynion . - - - Parish Upleadon - - - - - - Parish ܛ ܟܨ ܒܝ ܟܬ 193 217 197 186 184 35 103 255 ܛ i II a III 73 667 158 620 165 157 66 403 381 181 1,287 323 280 97 516 182 ܟܬ 47 52 123 ܐ 16 16 ܟܨ 59 38 102 871 33 278 238 89 37 ܝܕ ܟܙ 93 1,172 1,279 1534 915 247 | 117 3,235 6,252 BRADLEY Hundred. - - Parish do 148 246 Aston-Blank - - - Bibury (part of) Parish : (P) Winson - - - - Coln-Rogers - - - - Compton-Abdale - - Dowdeswell - - 91 - Chapelry - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish Parish - (9) Parish - Chapelry 185 139 184 a loro 11 181 NI Niori od 1 245 121 Hampnett - Hazleton - - Yanworth - - - - - - - - 146 119 .(h) The entire Parish of Painswick contains 4,044 Inhabitants. 1,393 Inhabitants.-- (") The entire Parish of Newent contains 2,660 (1) The entire Parish of Sapperton (including Frampton-Marshall) con Inhabitants. The Parish of Rudford extends into Dudstone and tains 476 Inhabitants. ----(k) The increase of Population at Stroud, is King's-Barton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 189 Inhabi- attributed to the fourishing state of the clothing trade..() The tants. Most part of the Parish of Bibury is in the Hundred Parish of Awre includes the Tythings of Blakeney, Blidesloe, Etloe and of Brightwell's-Barrow. ----(9) The entire Parish of Hazleton contains Etloe-Duchy, and Hagloe.--() The entire Parish of Lidney contains | 265 Inhabitants. Ee 106 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI 1 Ву FA MI- LIES chiefly OR TOTAL how many Faiuics EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OT Building. Л. LIES chiefly / OTHER employ- Families en cd in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in | Manu- llicl'wo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- Jorllundi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 121 220 103 391 95 382 198 773 BRADLEY Hundred--- continued. Naunton (part of) Parish : (*) Aylworth - - - - - - Hamlet Eastington - - - - - Chapelry Notgrove - - - - - - - Parish Northleach - - - - - - Parish Salperton - - - - - - - Parish Sevenhampton - Parish Shipton-Oliffe Parish Shipton-Sollars - - - - - Parish Stowell - - - - - - - Parish Turkdean - - - Parish Whittington - - Parish Withington - - - - - - Parish 96 173 198 386 hote 93 84 177 29 62 oor en oor loc 15 18 29 33 228 37 107 32 121 110 376 105 215 161 164 138 383 759 949 1,043 772 162 2,507 | 2,365 4,872 BRIAVELLS, St. Hundred. 46 96 - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish | Parish 42 105 216 i 119 280 559 254 215 534 1,112 I 553 180 417 1 440 527 379 533 394 857 1,060 773 170 - wiol - - - - - - - ! (+) Extra-P. - Pxtra-P. - Fxtra-P. (+) Fxtra-P. - Fxtra-P. - Extra-P. - - Parish 24 19 43 353 801 787 245 644 570 406 ao Boero & SAI Gnocer war o lo 1,588 1,214 807 Abinghall () - - Bickuor, English - Briavells, St. - - Dean Forest : (0) Denby Walk - - Herberts-Walk - Little-Dean-Walk Speech-house-Walk Worcester-Walk - York-T Valk - - Dean, Little (™) - Newland Parish : (*) Breem - - - - Clearwell - - Coleford - - - Lea-Bailey - - Newland - - - Flaxley - - - - Hewelsfield - - - Lea (W) - - - - Mitchell-Dean - - Ruardean - - - Staunton - - - - 401 - XX 216 201 307 417 583 1,804 276 913 891 21 46 47 259 227 486 - Chapelry - Tything - Chapelry - - Tything - - Tything (+) Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - - - - - - - - Tico TAI IIA II Eh bo ou ő v too ooo 93 103 cooter 205 229 55 283 196 4.34 89 15 133 152 43 34 273 359 104 163 156 46 556 370 729 200 96 2,698 2,867 | 25 (122 884 | 1,363 620 7,019 6,771 13,790 BRIGHT-WELLS-BARROW Ilundred. 171 158 184 176 160 347 318 361 65 127 Aldsworth - - - - - - Parish Barnsley - - - - - - - Parish Bibury (*) - - - - - - Parish Ablington - - - - - - Tything Arlington - - - - - - Tything Cold St. Aldwins - - - - Parish East-Leach-Martin, otherwise ? Į l'arishi Burthorpe - - - - - East-Leach-Turville - - - Parish Fairford - - - - - - - Parish Heatherop - - - - - - Parish 317 o w ra mão Iwi 1 A III II 177 62 143 204 393 174 189 117 160 735 114 231 173 812 333 315 1,547 290 143 147 (5) Most part of the Parish of Naunton is in Slaughter Hundred. (3) The Return of Abinghall includes an Extra-parochial District, border- ing on the Forest of Dean. (1) The Extra-parochial Population ascribed to the Forest of Dean, appears to exceed 5,500 persons. A rail-way and the consequent extension of coal mines has caused a considerable increase since the year 1811.- () The Return of the Parish of Little | Dean includes 123 Persons resident in an adjoining Extra-parochial Dis- | trict. The entire Parish of Newland contains 3,383 Inhabitants. (W) One half of the Parish of Lca is in Greytree Hundred (Here- fordshire) and there entered. The entire Parish contains 180 Inhabi- tants. (*) The entire Parish of Bibury contains ggo Inhabitants. Part of it, called Winson, is in Bradley Ilundred. M.DCCC. XXI.] 107 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER--continued. HOUSES. OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISII, TOWNSHIP, FAMI. FA MI- ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. emi- By how many Families Uc- Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. or Building. LIES LIES | chiefly . OTHER chicfly employ. | Fainilies not con- ployed TRADE, I prized in Mlanu- the Two- AGRI- factures, proced- CUI- Jor Handi-l ing TUNE. craft. Classes. FENILES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. BRIGIIT-WELLS-BARROW Ilundred. continued. Kempsford - - - - - - Parish Leachlade - - - - (9) Parish Quennington - - - - - - Parish Southrop - - - - - - - Parish 18 173 221 63 173 287 151 120 87 63 415 565 173 163 423 589 172 150 838 1,154 345 313 57 44 1,386 1,514 957 341 216 3,412 3,502 | 6,914 CHELTENHAM Hundred. 28 Charlton, King's - - Cheltenham - (+) - Leckhampton - - - Swindon - - - - - 1 - - (2) - - - - Parish 294 | 321 3 1 51 Parish 2,297 2,837 119 134 Parish Parish 381 41 I ! 1 21 272 362 1,824 743 6,088 162 864 7,308 156 1,607 13,396 318 50 56 10 29 96 105 201 |122 142 456 2,111 1 688 7,089 8,433 15,522 CLEEVE, or BISHOP'S CLEEVE, } 2,685 3,255 ITundred. Bishop's-Cleeve Parish : (*) Bishop's-Cleeve - - - Townsh. 106 117 Gotherington - - - - - Ilamlet 66 86 Stoke-Orchard - - - - Hamlet | 57 Southam and Brochampton - Hamlet 44 Woodmancott - - - - - Hamlet 56 ا 237 221 186 108 58 ن ہ تب | | 458 348 239 248 162 131 110 129 138 126 255 316 361 3 779 los 769 1,548 134 289 80 590 365 I 182 130 1 177 lä с noi 110120181* o - se tice 59 CROWTHORNE and MINETY llundred. Ampncy-Crucis - - - - - Parish Ampney-Down - - - - - Parish Ampney-St. Mary, otherwise ? Parish Ashbrook - - - - - Ampney-St. Peter, otherwise . Parichi Easington - - - - Badgington - - - - - - Parish | Baunton - - - - - - - Parish Cerney, South - - - - - Parisha CIRENCESTER (6) - Borough and Parish Coates - - - - - - - Parish Daglingworth - - - - - Parish Drillield - - - - - - - Parish Duntsborne-Abbots - - Parish | Duntsborne-Rouse - - - - Parish | Harnhill - - - - - - - Parish Maisey, Hampton - - - - Parishi Ninety - - - - - () Parish Preston - - - - - . - Parish Siddington-St. Mary, and St. Parish · Peter - - - - - - J Stration - - (+)- - - - Parish 137 129 922 c Aw AlIw I Am I also icon | Ili o as 439 had to wait 0 + 145 309 253 144 171 I 116 271 co to 1079 100 75 362 562 160 349 271 76 167 149 182 122 55 INUTI 1 . 1,094 1,211 33 1182 50 2,583 2,623 5,206 168 a DEERHURST Hundred (Lower Division.) Deerhurst (part of) - - () Parish Elmstone-Hardwicke Parish : (*) Uckington - - - - Chapelry Leigh - . . a (5) Parish with Evington - - - - - - Ilamlet 331 co 179 a 181 I 159 340 (") The Return of the Parish of Leachlade includes Linhill, which is in Bampton IIundred, Oxfordshirc.-- () The great increase of the population of Cheltenham is attributable to the mineral spring, which causes inuch resort to the Town. — (a) The entire Parish of Bishop's- Cleeve contains 1,548 Inhabitants.----_) The Borough of Curen- CESTER is entered at the end of the County. ) The Parish of Duntsborne-Abbots extends into Rapsgate Hundred. The entire Parish contains 256 Inhabitants. Minety is locally situate near Malms- bury in Wiltshire. The Parish of Deerhurst is mostly in West- minster Hundred. The entire Parish contains 742 Inhabitants.-- (1) Most part of the Parish of Elmstone-Hardwicke is in Westminster Ilundred. ) Evington is in Westininster Hundred; but the Popu- lation is not distinguished in the Return. 108 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fullo ALL FAM FAMIL OR chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building LIES LIES OTILER chiefly employ- Families en ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in | Manu- the Two Acri, factures, preced- CUL. forHandi- ling TURE. | craft. | Classes FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. DEERHURST Hundred (Lower Division) continued. Prestbury - - - - - - - Parish Staverton - - - - - - Parish Tirley, with Haw - - - - Parish Woolstone - - - - (b) Parish 152 110 460 906 262 48 37 145 446 117 221 45 100 -75 20 443 will ico 222 44 22 20 89 434 511 367 121 23 1,230 1,157 | 2,387 DEERHURST Hundred (Upper Division.) 30 30 16 99 80 60 Coln, St. Dennis - - - - Parish Compton, Little - - - - - Parish Preston-upon-Stower, with Alscote Parish Welford - - - - - () Parish 47 I wo er 159 70 ܝܕ ܟܬ ܟܝ 81 179 314 334 641 155 177 323 75 110 157 140 147 w 318 299 1 318 248 11 754 714 1,468 128 DUDSTONE & KING'S BARTON Hundred, (Lower Division.) Churcham (part of) Parish: (K) Higham, Over, and Linton - Hamlets Hartpury - - - - - - - Parish Lassington - - - - - - Parish Maismore - - - - - - Parish Preston - - - - - - - Parish Rudford (part of) Parish : (1) High-Leadon - - - - - Hamlet 124 416 31 252 811 12 395 21 i la in 10. 206 198 13 51 36 15 17-11 17 50 266 327 41 6 265 1539 870 828 1,698 160 197 158 49 355 104 157 w oli 74 83 229 391 a Riigi III 162 111 lol marimi i 126 DUDSTONE & KING'S BARTON Hundred, (Middle Division.) Brookthrop - - - - - - Parish Catherine, St. - - - (m) Parish Elmore - - - - - - - Parish Harescomb - - - - - - Parish Hempstead - - - - (n) Parish South-Hamlet - - (*) Hamlet Littleworth - - - - - - Extra P. Mary, St. de-Lode, Parish : (*) Barton, St. Mary - - - - Hamlet Tuffley - - - - - - - Hamlet Matson - - - - - - - Parish Michael, St. Parish: ) Barton, St. Michael's - - lIamlet Pitchcomb - - - - - - Parish Prinknash-Park - - - - - Extra P. Quedgley (part of) Parish : (P) Woolstrop - - - - - - Hamlet Upton, St. Leonard's - - - Parish ] Whaddon - - - - - - - Parish 1 295 670 122 35 156 3.37 ner - 107 or 11 ir 16 171 | 21 442 II 453 69 70 895 139 715 808 35 472 26076 1,826 2,008) 3,834 (1) Woolstone, a detached portion of Deerhurst Hundred, is near of Kingholm Hamlet (partly in both) is therewith included.-() The Tewkesbury; and Preston is near Campden. ) The Parish of Wels | entire Parish of Hempstead contains 598 Inhabitants. The increase of furd (which is near Evesham) extends into Barlichway Hundred, War- | Population in South Hamlet is attributable to a mineral spring. wickshire. The entire Parish contains 702 Inhabitants. (k) Most 10 Most part of the Parish of St. Michael is in the City of Gloucester, part of Churcham Parish is in Westbury Hundred.. (1) Most part of entered at the end of the County. Most part of the Parish of Rudford is Botloe Hundred. ) The Parishes of St. Catherine and Quedgley is entered in Whitstone Hundred. of St. Mary-de-Lode form part of the City of Gloucester; and the Returu M.DCCC:XXI.] 109 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. c. 94. T COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER.--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSIIIP, | Fami- ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIESI chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ. Families cm- ed in not com- Trade, prized in in Manu. | the Two AGRI- lfactures. I preced- CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ployed Building MALES. FEMALES. OP PERSONS. 347 a 0 - co 368 177 178 215 208 715 392 386 cu 58 113 I TiB 55 265 217 250 515 222 439 DUDSTONE & KING'S BARTON Hundred, (Upper Division.) Badgeworth - - - - - - Parish Barnwood - - - - - - Parish Brockworth - --- - - Parish Catherine, St. (part of) Parish : (9) Longford, St. Catherine's - Hamlet Churchdown - --- (1) Parish Huckle-Cot - - - - - Hanlet Hatherley, Down ---- Parishı Hatherley, Up - - - - - Parish Mary-de-Lode, St. Parish : (9) Longford, St. Mary - - - Hamlet Twigworth - - - - - - Hanilet Wooton - - - - - - Hamlet Norton - - - Parish Sandhurst - - - - - - Parish Shurdington, Great - - - - Parish Whitcombe, Magna - - - Parish 80 170 1 102 90 397 170 II II a I i II 10 227 177 232 349 wur 241 53 49 76 473 102 155 ng 828 2,172 4,430 TO GRUMBALD'S ASH Hundred, (Lower Division.) 114 215 101 260 101 266 58 526 106 10 10 48 Acton-Turville - - - Dirham and Hinton - - Dodington - - - - Iron-Acton - - - - Littleton, West - - - Sodbury, Chipping - - Sodbury, Little - - - Sodbury, Old . . Tormarton - - - - Wapley, with Codrington - - - - - - () - - - - - - 28 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish II 59 516 228 80 20 201 21 145 50 543 109 1,059 107 23 Il mondo colonii 54 53 410 803 55 - - 145 393 175 150 - - 320 307 55 04 157 650 742 4 21 449 1,769 1,783 | 3,552 GRUMBALD'S ASH Hundred, (Upper Division.) 112 123 240 1 224 (+) - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parislı Parishi Parish lico 1 158 235 464 297 344 101 139 166 44 1 178 1 Alderley - - - - - Badminton, Great - - Boxwell, with Leighterton Charfield - - - - - Didmarton - - - - Hawkesbury Parish: (0) Badminton, Little - Hawkesbury - - - Hillesley - - - - Upton - - - - Horton - - - Oldbury-on-the-Hill Tortworth - - - Wickwar - - - - 54 - - - 43 187 405 800 273 548 - Tything - Tything - Tything - Tything Parish Parish Parish Parish con coco i 202 395 275 212 201 130 462 173 385 170 371 147 277 919 457 1,021 1,125 5 24 590 353 182 2,616 | 2,611 5,227 s ♡The Parishes of St. Catherine and of St. Mary-de-Lode are entered | Iron-Acton Parish, which is entered in Thornbury Hundred. The the City of Gloucester, at the end of the County. The entire entire Parish of Hawkesbury contains 1,834 Inhabitants. Hillcott, Sad- wish of Churchdown contains 954 Inhabitants. Acton-Agar, | dlewood, and Tresham, are included in the Retuin from Hillesley. part of this Hundred, is not distinguisheci (as heretofore) from the rest of Ff 110 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | FAMI-1 LIES LIES ALL Ву OTHER OR how chiefly TOTAL cmploy- Families ein- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. inany Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Ов Building Oc- FEMALES. in MIALES. not coin- ployed Taane, prized in | Manu. the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. PERSONS. cupied. 35 431 HENBURY (Lower) Hundred. Henbury (part of) Parish: (º) Henbury - - - - - - Township Redwick and Northwick - Chapelry Stowick - - - - (") Tything Westbury-upon-Trym - - (W) Parish Shirehampton - - (W) Chapelry Stoke, Bishops . - : - Tything 191 126 gogo +1 og 240 131 224 243 257 467 Til Fotos 185 202 17 586 617 134 25 107 1,203 635 121 10 85 11 228 244 756 391 1,127 343 391 134 1,883 837 932 315 329 288 2,146 | 2,730 1 4,876 i 18 42 101 150 HENBURY (Upper) Hundred. Compton-Greenfield - - - Parish Henbury (part of) Parish : (“) Aust - - - - - - Chapelry Charlton - - - - - - Tything Compton - - - - - - Tything Stoke, Gifford - - - - - Parish Tytherington (part of) Parish :(*) Itchington - - - - - - Tything Yate - - - - - - - - Parish 91 146 75 76 192 296 151 376 1 · 190 186 Il wwo Con I - III 80 64 144 827 401 426 348 1,022 1,006 2,028 110 382 188 I coer 40 87 41 235 428 . 172 OTA 119 291 211 163 374 322 307 222 629 288 510 KIFTSGATE Hundred (Lower Division.) Aston Somerville - - - - Parish Buckland-with-Laverton - - Parish Charlton-Abbots - - - - Parish Childs-Wickham - - - - Parish Didbrook - - - - - - - Parish Dumbleton - - - - - - Parish Guyting, Lower, or Power (Y) Parish Guyting, Temple - - - - Parish Hailes - - - - - - - - Parish Hawling - - - - - - (2) Parish Rowell - - - - - - Hamlet Pinnock --- . - Parish Snowshill - - - - - Parish Standley-Pontlarge - - - - Parish Stanton - - - Parish Sudeley-Nianor - - - - - Parish Toddington - - - - - - Parish Twining - - - - - - (a) Parish Winchcombe - - - - (b) Parish Wormington - - - - - - Parish 109 I II IN Tim IIII I III rode III 16 143 28 140 301 48 20 129 269 12 iv III 36 54 90 229 355 436 849 557 126 413 1,150 35 157 239 475 17 1,090 3,240 17 14 48 83 1,468 1,675 421 139 3,842 / 3,600 I 7,442 21 116 108 19 KIFTSGATE Hundred (Upper Division.) Aston-Subedge - - - - - Parish Batsford - - - - - - - Parish Campden, Chipping - .. - () Parish Berrington - - - - - - Hamlet Campden, Broad - - - - Hamlet Wessington and Combe - - Hamlet 667 Vam 1,249 171 250 86 114 oli 68 128 (“The entire Parish of Henbury (partly in Berkeley Hundred) con- Chapelry.- (2) The entire Parish of Hawling contains 227 Inha- tains 2,283 Inhabitants; one Female in Stowick upwards of 100 years of bitants.--(a) The Return of the Parish of Twining includes Mythe age.----(W) The entire Parish of Westbury-upon-Trym contains 3,721 and Mythe-hook (Tewkesbury Hundred), the whole Parish being near Inhabitants; one Female in Shirehampton upwards of 100 years of age. | Tewkesbury. The Return of Winchcombe Parish includes all the (1) Most part of Tytherington Parish is in Thornbury Hundred. ten Hamlets heretofore separately returned. ) The entire Parish c! (1) The Return of the Parish of Guyting Power, includes Framcote | Campden contains 1,798 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 111 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISHI, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: Famio | Fami- LIES LIES OTHER I ALL OR | chiefly chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Fami!ics Oco cupied. employ-| Families Inhabited. OF Un-Inbabited. Building. em- not cum ployed in Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 16 41 81 56 169 40 164 333 cw i rod 58 63 121 103 278 257 535 25 105 KIFTSGATE Hundred (Upper Division) continued. Condicote (part of) - - - (d) Parish Cow-Honeyborne - - - - Parish Dorsington - - - - - - Parish Ebrington ---- -(9) Parish Ilmington, Parish : (*) Lark-Stoke - - - - - Hamlet Longborough with Bankfee - Parish Marston-Sicca - - - - - Parish Mickleton - - - - • (6) Parish Pebworth - - - - - - - Parish Quinton - - - - - (h) Parish Admington - - - - - Hamlet Saintbury - - - - - - Parish Season-Cote - - - - - - Parish Swell, Upper - - - - - Parish Weston-upon-Avon (part of) (i) Parish Weston-Subedge - - - - - Parish Willersey - - - - - - - Parish voor 526 52 47 101 112 131 121 260 142 279 301 230 272 574 266 130 295 319 206 620 VIIIIIIIIA Coco Icon 436 on in mod A II Terwowo inio poi cu ce 162 156 86 82 ...in 50 93 165 168 347 301 1,402 1,507 40 1,163 277 3,354 3,398 6,752 I 113 001 124 209 237 405 LANCASTER, Dutchy of. Bulley - - - - - - - - Parish Huntley - - - - - - - Parish Lower - Longhope (0) - Longhope Parish Upper Upper - - - Minsterworth . - - - - Parisha Rodley - - - - - - - () - Tibberton - - - - - - - Parish 258 196 245 131 503 156 238 287 462 224 il - 145 137 282 401 | 6 19! 304 go 1 54 1,130 1,046 | 2,176 1110 1111552 O 252 500 66 LANGLEY and SWINEHEAD, Hundred, (Lower Division.) Almondsbury (part of) Parish: () Hempton and Patchway - Tything Over - - - - - - - Tything Tockington, Lower - - - Tything Alveston (part of) - - - (m) Parish Littleton-upon-Severn - - - Parish i Olveston, Parish : (*) Olveston - - - - - - Tything Tockington, Upper - - - Tything Rockhampton - - - - - Parish 133 177 o bilico 83 72 150 133 133 116 102 10 340 345 81 341 325 78 681 670 159 SO 28 32 16 - I al camo I noon 499 539 429 75 35 1,416 | 1,308 | 2,724 93 I 273 507 234 883 228 LANGLEY and SWINEHEAD, Hundred, (Upper Division.) Alveston (part of) - - - (m) Parish Bitton, Parish: (º Bitton - - - - - . - Hamlet Hanham - - - - - Chapelry Oldland - - - - - Chapelry Doynton - - - - - - - Parish Frampton-Cotterell - - - - Parish Winterbourne - - - - (P) Parish Hambrook - - - - - - Hamlet 132 342 228 INO 1,788 1,086 70 i 126 511 121 846 72 483 415 236 868 78 335 334 186 W 264 12 184 905 575 2,228 206 794 763 6 2,069 209 816 896 176 4,297 415 1,610 1,659 306 321 w ! A 259 39 173 456 512 968 98 501 1,130 29 918 2,381 2,549 13 60 6,074 6,256 12,330 ( The Parish of Condicote is partly in Slaughter Hundred; the | Inhabitants. ----(i) The entire Parish of Longhope contains 790 Inha. entire Parish contains 165 Inhabitants. ) Charingworth and Hitcoat- bitants. - (k) Rodley is included in the Return of Westbury-upon- Boyce are included in the Return of the Parish of Ebrington. Severn, Westbury Hundred. (1) The Parish of Almondsbury is ♡ Ilmington Parish is in Warwickshire (Kington Hundred.) partly in Berkcley Hundred; the entire Parish contains 1,408 Inha- © Mickleton contains Hitcoat-Batrim Hamlet; also Upper and Lower bitants. (m) The entire Parish of Alveston contains 657 Inhabitants. Clapton. (h) The entire Parish of Quinton contains 598 Inhabitants. (n) The entire Parish of Olvestun contains 1,351 Inhabitants. ♡ The Parish of Weston-upon-Avon extends into the Alcester Division LO) The entire Parish of Bitton contains 7,171 Inhabitants- ( The " Darlichway Hundred, Warwickshire; the entire Parish contains 107 | entire Parish of Winterbourne contains 3,627 Inhabitants. KO 112 [Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER--continued. - LL HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES FAMI- ALL TOTIER chiefly employ. LIES OR chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. em- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building OF ployed | TRADE, in Manu- AGRI- Families ed in not com prized in the Two factures, preced- orHandi- ling craft. Classes. FEMALES. NIALES. PERSONS. CUL- TURE. LONGTREE Hundred. 272 101 578 11 222 47 758 1,005 411 47 770 1,034 540 113 1,761 2,307 1,118 215 3,565 4,907 2,038 971 Avening - - - - - (9) Parish Cherrington - - - - - - Parish Horsley - - - - - (9) Parish Minchinhampton - - (9) Parish Rodborough - - - Chapelry Nailsworth - - (9) Chapelry Rodmarton - - - - - - Parish Shipton-Moyne - - - - - Parish Tetbury - - - - - - - Parish Weston-Birt with Lashborough - Parisha Woodchester - - - - - - Parish 176 NICI OD I- DO CURTO CO CTO 102 1,804 2,600 1,067 497 175 200 1,378 101 401 182 190 1,356 898 357 12 11 76 74 527 36 180 580 390 2,734 198 40 97 186 443 486 929 3,512 3,689 31 778 2,622 289 8,361 / 8,988 | 17,349 PUCKLE-CHURCH Hundred. 146 Abson with Wick Cold-Ashton - - Puckle-Church - Siston - - - - Westerleigh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 Parish Parish | Parish | Parish Parish 146 53 118 4 10 378 147 307 462 337 137 305 440 879 127 179 310 715 284 612 902 1,817 104 - - - 177 310 - 93 155 938 804 818 273 329 2,232 2,098 4,330 RAPSGATE Hundred. 348 562 . novi TOVITIT Brimpsfield - - - - - - Parish Cerney, North - - - () Parish Chedworth - - - - - - Parish Coldsborne - - - - - - Parish Cowley - - - - - - - Parish Cranham - - - - - - - Parish Cubberly - - - - - - - Parish Dunsbourn-Abbotts (part of) Parish : (0) Dunsbourn-Leer - - - Township Elkstone - - - - - - - Parish Rendcombe - - - - - - Parish Side - - - - - - - - Parish 483 127 113 174 122 975 245 273 179 291 492 118 160 147 115 321 Lacco coco no 237 40 45 85 154 101 19 142 89 21 296 190 743 820 3 22 1,7731,799 3,572 SLAUGHTER Hundred (Lower Division,) 230 462 o O M 232 87 361 ANNWOOLA 1 ioi 72 159 397 758 56 62 118 439 218 Barrington, Great - - () Barrington, Little - - - - Bourton-on-the-Water - - - Clapton - - - - - - - Naunton and Harford (part of) (W) Rissingion, Great - - - - Rissington, Little - - - - Rissington, Wick - - - - Sherborne - - - - - - Slaughter, Lower - - - - Slaughter, Upper - - - - Widford - - - - - - - \Vindrush - - - - - - 446 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishı Parish og 117 er med i Iwi i lola, 118 221 222 112 113 290 114 131 22 229 231 52,5 235 128 242 245 8 114 29 160 51 60 157 317 847 926 15 15 624 243 2,118 110 1 2,104 4,222 (9) Nailsworth Chapelry is mostly in the Parish of Avening, but ex- | bourn-Abbotts is mostly in Crowthorne Hundred.- () The Parish rends into the Parishes of Horsley and Minchinhampton. Heretofore, it I of Great-Barrington extends into Berkshire (Faringdon Hundred ;) ina iv no separate Return.--- () The entire Parish of Minchinhampton but the whole is here entered. (") The entire Parish of Naunton contains 7,843 Inhabitants. The Return of North-Cerney includes | contains 471 Inhabitants ; it is partly in Bradley Hundred. Calnısden and Woodmancote Tythings. The Parish of Duns- M.DCCC.XXI.] 113 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. · COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER —continued. HOUSES; OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL Fami- FA MI- | LIES | chicfly chiefly OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ву how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. LIES | Other employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in | Manuthe Two Agri- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 123 106 173 229 I! 49 54 167 147 149 340 296 42 84 67 SI.AUGHTER IIundred (Upper Division.) Adlestrop - - - - - - - Parish Bledington - - - - - - Parish Broadwell . - - - - - Parish Condicote (part of) - - (*) Parish Eyford - - - - - - - Parish Iccomb (part of) - - - (V) Parish Oddington - - - - - - Parish Stow-on-the-Wold (+) - (2) Parish Donnington - - - - - Hamlet Mangersbury - - - - - Hamlet Swell, Lower - - - - - Parish Westcote - - - - - - - Parish 9 9 IN ANC IIIIIII 228 230 458 !Bora Glico Iwc vil co con 641 663 1,304 35 98 114 201 47 103 112 226 50 135 128 263 35 95 90 185 731 1803 | 11 | 37 | 492 261 1,823 | 1,848 3,671 166 166 185 TEWKESBURY Hundred (Lower Division.) Ashchurch Parish : (*) Aston-upon-Carron · · · Tything Fiddington and Natton - - Tything Northway and Newton - - Tything Pamington - - - - - Tything Boddington (part of) - (b) Parish Forthampton - - - - - Parish Kemerton - - - - - - Parish Oxenton - - - - - - - Parish Tredington - - - - - - Parish TEWKESBURY - - - ☺) Borough Walton-Cardiff . . . . . Parish TIINA I I III 126 179 474 520 119 Troero A LA 22 91 178 138 i 51 447 349 80 1,118 1,065 2,183 TEWKESBURY Hundred (Upper Division.) 166 146 312 174 151 305 Alderton with Dixon - - - Parish Ashton-under-Hill - - (d) Parish Bourton-on-the-Hill (part of) (9) Parish Clifford-Chambers . . - - Parish Lemington, Lower - - - - Parish Prescott- - - - - - - Extra-P. Shenington - - - - - - Parish Stanway - - - - - - - Parish Washborn, Great - - - - Parish 29 27 188 213 381 193 202 43 415 80 37 326 13 907 883 1,790 200 206 568 220 THORNBURY Hundred (Lower Division.) Iron Acton -- - - () Parish Thornbury - - - - (5) Parish Falfield and Moorton Clapelry Kington - - - - - Tything Oldbury-upon-Severn - Chapelry Rangeworthy - - - - Chapelry Tytherington (part of) - (h) Parish 246 167 1,122 1,261 844 597 439 162 11 IC IN 408 554 664 405 423 258 145 160 831 107 42 50 270 151 528 296 330 00 170 879 935 516 225 | 194 2,603 2,609 5,212 . Condicote Parish is partly in Kiftsgate Hundred. The entire | Ashton-under-Hill is mostly in Tibaldstone Hundred, and the whole is Farish contains 165 Inhabitants. (y) Most part of the Parish of there entered. ) The Parish of Bourton-on-the-Hill is mostly in Iccomb is in Worcestershire (Upper Oswaldslow Hundred.) (?) The Westminster Hundred, and is entered accordingly.- ) The Parish of entire Parish of Stow-on-the-Wold contains 1,731 Inhabitants. Iron-Acton extends into the Hundred of Grumbalds-Ash, but the whole © The entire Parish of Ashchurch contains 643 Inhabitants. is here entered.- ) The entire Parish of Thornbury contains 3,760 ♡ Most part of the Parish of Boddington is in Westminster Hundred. Inhabitants. () The Parish of Tytherington is partly in Henbury ure Parish contains 413 Inhabitants. The Borough of Hundred. The entire Parish contains 474 Inhabitants. sen kesbury is entered at the end of the County. (d) The Parish of I GS 114 A B'STRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. MIT COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, A1.L OR TOTAL By how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Lubabited. Un-Inhabited. OF OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FA MI | Lies LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families ein- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- | the Two AG factures, proced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. Building, Oc- FEMALES. DIALES. PERSONS. cupied. THORNBURY Hundred, (Upper Division.) Marshfield ------ Parish 274 257 38 ) may 768 1,569 TIBALDSTONE Hundred. Ashton-under-Hill - - - - Beckford - - - - - - j Hinton-on-the-Green - - • Parish Parish Parish 5 149 222 152 220 102 301 442 HO Os Iwco 39 40 93 195 195 2 162 208 / 464 474 938 127 116 243 49 102 188 92 lini CD WESTBURY Hundred. Bláisdon - - - - - (+) Churcham (part of) - - (Ky Newnham - - - - Tidenham - - - - Westbury-upon-Severn - - (1) Wollastone - - -(+) (m) 238 481 47 98 171 189 372 Parish : Parish Parish. Parish Parish Parish 243 527 485 205 Livorno con 574 528 35 144 311 136 401 or w 1,012 1,102 1,889 884 169 954 474 935 410 173 1,046 1,118 | 10 | 19 749 244 125 | 2,852 2,759 5,611 117 242 11 204 446 WESTMINSTER Hundreå, (Lower Division.) Boddington (part of) - (n) Parish Corse - - - - - - - - Parish Deerhurst (part of) Parish : 0 Apperley and Whitefield. - Hamlet Deerhurst-Walton - - - Hainlet Elmstone-Hardwicke (part of) (©) Parish Hasfield - - - - - - - Parish Leigh Parish : (P) Evington - - - - - - Hamlet 215 86 186 87 401 173 vli Il CN NI TI CI TO IN 98 80 120 117 237 321 352) 2 304 1 878 791 1,669 WESTMINSTER Hundred, (Upper Division.) Bourton-on-the-Hill (part of) (9) Parish Moreton-in-the-Marsh - - - Parish | Sutton-under-Brails (0) - - Parish Toddenham - - - - - - Parish 89 6 1 2 79123 34 212 91 Ni wa 51 180 1,015 236 503 114 229 9 512 122 211 8 6 IA 20 440 383 398 | 2 OD 149 | 114 | 135 1 935 936 | 1,871 - A 1:34 448 'WHITSTONE Hundred, (Lower Division.) Eastington Parish : (5) Alkerton - - - - - - Tything Eastington - - - - - - Tything Frampton-upon-Severn - - Parish Frocester - - - - - - - Parish King-Stanley - - - Parish Leonard, Stanley, St.- Parish Stonehouse - - - - - - Parish Wheatenhurst - - - - - Parish 198 126 183 515 368 20 - ono 350 516 114 480 996 64 19 204 437 438 2,269 447 144. 354 116 1,051 382 1,011 183 138 399 48 233 1,218 375 1,115 187 757 448 360 20 2,126 75 30 35 370 1,594 1,729 13 4101,201 118 4,145 4,491 8,636 10 (1) The Return of Beckford Parish includes Bengrave and Grafton, Tewkesbury Hundred. The entire Parish contains 413 Inhabitants. 'heretofore returned separately. ſk) The Parish of Churchám is partly The Parishes of Deerhurst and Elmistone-Hardwicke are partly... in Dudstone and King's-Barton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1 Deerhurst Hundred, and entered accordingly. The latter contains a ..733 Inhabitants. m oll) The Return of Westbury-upon-Severn inclades Inhabitants. (P) The Purish of Leigh (or, The Leigh) is mostly Rodley. (See Duchy of Lancaster Hundred.) (m) Tidenham and 1 Deerhurst Hundred, where the whole is entered. () The Par Wollastone form a detached portion of Westbury Hundred; the Cha- Bourton-un-the-Hill is partly in Tewkesbury Hundred. The entire! pelry of Lancaut is ecclesiastically connected with the latter; with the il contains 354 Inhabitants. () Tbe Parish of Sutton-under-bra former in all other things, and the Population is accordingly included in locally situate in Warwickshire (Kington'Hundred.) The that of Tidenham.- (") Part of the Parish of Boddington is in 1 Parish of Eastingtor contains 1,681 · Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 115 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER---continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FA MI- By how OR Todos many · EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly OTHIER chiefly employ- Families emn. ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu-' the Two factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Families Uo-Inhabited. Building. MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL ОР PERSONS. - cupied. AGRI- | factures, P WHITSTONE Hundred, (Upper Division.) 46 1 109 101 210 - I Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 227 339 116 1 a 1 I Fretberne - - - - - • Hardwick - - . - - - Haresfield - . . - . . Longney - --- · - - Moreton-Valence - - - - Quedgley (part of) - - (") Randwick - - - - - - Saul - - - - - - - Standislı - - - - - - - 226 0 195 - I 446 662 443 348 227 984 467 525 Parish 1 115 < . 147 484 I Parish Parish Parish 500 191 276 0 oli 1 262 263 820 890 1 27 I 472 366 52 2,233 2,079 4,312 -- 30 76 97 970 TIIU 313 2,945 703 530 4,376 823 499 Parish 165 19 35 64 653 4,953 1,584 125 3,851 359 398 37 65 142 333 incize:3. 59 53 1,155 143 179 55 BRISTOL City. All-Saints - - (+) - - Parish 30 30 Augustin, St. - (+) - - Parish (1,030 1,735 Castle-Ward - - (+) - - Precinct 238 342) Christ-Church - (+) | 137 209 Ewin, St - - - (+) - - Parish 21 21 James, St. (part of) (+) (4) Parish | 1,295 2,426 John-the-Baptist, St. (+) (W) Parish 111 200 Leonard, St. - - (+) - - Parish Mary-le-Port, St. (+) - - Parish 44 Mary-Redcliffe, St. (+) - - Parish 1,390 Michael, St. - - (+) - - Parish 798 Nicholas, St - - (+ Parish 241 497 Paul, St. (part of) (+) (“ Parish 1,704 Peter, St. . .$+) (W) Parish 232 Philip-and-Jacob, St. . (2) Parish (part of) - - - Stephen, St. - - (+) -- Parish 234 484 Temple . . - (+) - - Parish 823 1,347 Thomas, St. - - (+) - - Parish 317 Trinity - - - - - (W) Ward Werburgh, St. • (+) . . Parish 7,736 12,784 231 961 492 Til I co www we riiviviams 419 351 123 2,696 1,521 843 3,099 371 146 173 7,321 1,526 1,029 99 8,804 757 285 302 5,827 3,445 1,892 7,320 1,623 3,673 2,078 5,343 1,276 3,131 1,924 1,049 1,070 1,528 175 4,221 III 700mm 1 l IIIII 135 .97 | 175 593 711 910 810 912 1,979 1,157 2,753 1,694 921 2,590 605 232 850 176 276 671 22 22 22 58 58 116 202 19,096 3,486 | 23,502 | 29,387 52,889 713 423 3,332 2,483 1,322 Parish 651 294 BARTON-REGIS Hundred. Clifton ... (+) - - Parish 1,088 1,472 42 77 61 698 George, St. - .. (*) Parish 1,102 1,152 6 52 348 381 James, St. Out, and Paul, St. Out 735 of | 25 | 52 | 51 | Mangotsfield - -'-.-- Parish 610 674 14 | 28 543 Philip, St. and St. Jacob, }(+) (4) Parish 1,875 2,531 (part of) 1,990 - - 39 138 - - Stapleton - - - (+) - - Parish 412 154 5,738 7,009 (117 361 674 4,060 5,479 2,851 2,283 1,639 6,312 1,126 8,811 5,334 3,605 3,179 11,824 2,137 1,540 68 5,512 4731 226 ne 445 65 1,011 2,275 15,200 19,690 | 34,8 90 ndo ♡ The entire Parish of Quedgley contains 263 Inhabitants; it | deemed to reside in it. The entire l'arish of St. Philip and St. Jacob Catends into Dudstone and King's-Barton Hundred. ) The Parishes contains 15,497 Inhabitants; those of St. James and St. Paul 19,729 of St. James, of St. Paul, and of St. Philip and St. Jacob, are mostly in Inhabitants; but these cannot be distinctly ascribed, the Return of the Barton-Regis Hundred, which is subjoined to the actual Returns of the Out part of these Parishes (so called) being conjoined.-mm (W) Trinity County of the City of Bristol, in order to afford a just view of the Ward, which heretofore made a separate Return, is now included in the Population of that City. Some of the Parishes of Bartou-Regis Hundred Returns of the Parishes of Christ-Church, St. John Baptist, and St. cannot indeed properly be deemed suburbs of the City; but on the Peter's. The Hospital in the Parish of St. Peter contained 168 Males, south side of the River Avon, the suburb of Bedminster cannot be in- and 273 Females, at the time of making the Returi...--(*) In the cluded, as being in Somersetsbire ; upon the whole, the City of Bristol is Parish of St. George, one Female upwards of 100 years of age. tous represented as containing rather more inhabitants than may be 116 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER—continucd. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, or employ-| Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how inany Faipilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- ALL LIES LIES chicfly OTHER chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed Manu- | the Two factures, preced. CUL- lorHandi-! ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Un Inhabited. Building. ОР TRADE, ! prized in FENALES. MALES. in PERSONS. AGRI- factures, 135 25 111 336 380 112 131 226 233 151 478 716 1,047 1,277 600 183 106 446 GLOUCESTER City. Aldate, St. - - - - - - Parish Catherine, St. (part of) - () Parish John-the-Baptist, St. - - - Parish Mary-de-Crypt, St. - - - - Parish Mary-de-Grace, St. - - - Parish Mary-de-Lode, St. (part of) - (Y) Parish Michael, St. (part of) - - (Y) Parish Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish Owen, St. - - - - - (2) Parish The Holy Trinity ... 963 269 46 48 191 49 349 184 122 560 231 Iloco no ou 569 677 517 147 705 531 1,194 190 310 161 396 271 160 421 79 109 378 622 1,265 917 2,332 372 1,138 66 106 1 . 124 182 Parish 109 15 276 586 1,732 2,319 13 49 240 1,624 455 4,534 5,210 9,744 Borough Town of CirencesTER - - - . . Parish 1,006 1,107 4 11 140 751 216 | 2,286 2,701 4,987 Borough Town of TEWKESBURY ---- · Parish 1,044 1,172 - 88 122 865 185 2,368 2,594 4,962 ) The entire Parish of St. Catherine contains 1,262 Inhabitants; the entire Parish of St. Mary-de-Lode, 2,544 Inhabitants ; the entire Parish of St. Michael 1,254 Inhabitants ; all these are partly in Dudstone and King's-Barton Hundred, and entered accordingly.-- (3) The City Prison, in St. Owen's Parish, contained 4 Males and 13 Females at the time of making the Return. M.DCCC.XXI.] 11hry TIIE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.: COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER INCLUDING THE COUNTY OF THE CITY OF BRISTOL. - By &c. Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. FEMALES. MALES. in 371 9,396 503 219 247 109 3,502 6,914 9,962 1,185 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: FAMI- | | FAI- LIES ALL HUNDREDS, LIES | chiefly | OTHER how chiefly employ- Families TOTAL many em- ed in not com- Families ОР ployed | TRADE, I prized in OC- | Manu- the Two || PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- for Handi-l ing TUNE. craft. Classes. Hundred of BARTON-REGIS - See the City of Bristol. BERKELEY - - - 4,793 5,328 | 73 | 146 | 1,746 2,971 611 | 12,536 13,191 ) 25,727 BISLEY - - 3,591 3,750 36 106 935 2,444 8,482 17,878 BLIDESLOE - 1544 92 1,445 1,358 2,803 BOTLOE - - - 1,172 1,279 3,235 3,017 6,252 BRADLEY - - - - - • 1949 2,507 2,365 4,872 BRIAVELLS, St. - - - - 2,698 2,867 620 7,019 6,771 13,790 BRIGHTWELLS-BARROW 1,386 1,514 3,412 CHELTENHAM - - - - 2,685 3,255 7,089 8,433 15,522 CLEEVE - - - - - - - 316 361 779 769 1,548 CROWTHORNE and MINETY - 1,094 1,211 2,583 2,623 5,206 DEERHURST - - - - - 733 829 1,984 1,871 3,855 DUDSTONE & KING'S-BARTON | 1,809 | 2,074 4,868 5,094 GRUMBALD'S-ASH - - 1,671 1,867 4,385 4,394 8,779 HENBURY - - - - 1,324 3,168 3,736 6,904 KIFTSGATE - - - - 2,870 3,182 2,278 7,196 6,998 14,194 LANCASTER, Duchy of - - - 401 448 1,130 1,046 2,176 LANGLEY and SWINEHEAD 2,880 3,088 930 1,205 7,490 7,564 15,054 LONGTREE - - - - 3,512 3,689 778 8,361 8,988 17,349 PUCKLE-CHURCH 804 818 2,232 2,098 4,330 RAPSGATE - - - - - - 820 1,773 1,799 3,572 SLAUGHTER - 1,578 1,729 3,941 3,952 7,893 TEWKESBURY - - 740 1813 2,025 1,948 3,973 THORNBURY - - - - - 1,153 3,404 3,377 6,781 TIBALDSTONE - - 195 208 474 938 WESTBURY - - - 1,046 1,118 2,852 2,759 5,611 WESTMINSTER - - 704 750 | 453 151 146 1,813 1,727 WHITSTONE - -...- 2,414 2,619 | 19 70 882 1,567 170 6,3786,570 12,948 City of BRISTOL with BARTON-? REGIS Hundred- } - 13,474|19,793 160 1,038 876 13,1563,761 ) 38,702 | 49,077 | 87,779 Borough of CIRENCESTER - -.. 1,006 1,107 4 11 216 2,286 2,701 4,987 City of GLOUCESTER ----- 1,732 2,319 13 | 49 | 240 1,624 455 4,534 5,210 9,744 Borough of TEWKESBURY - - - - - 1,044 1,172 | - | 88 122 865 1185 2,368 4,962 Total - - - 60,881 72,156 | 7052,555 23,17035,907|13,079 160,451 175,392 335,843 304 273 743 96 464 3,540 TY - нь 118 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. Under 15 20 toto 20 30 TOTAL. Hundred of 15 713 1478231 ) - 111,1161 8,482 862 1,7281 2,490 6,4;2 210 186 247 313 176 745 614 3 3,412 998 355 2,435 1,988) 533 BARTON-REGIS - -| Entered with the City of Bristol. BERKELEY - 1,824 1,450 1,218 1,218 1,677 1,228 1,026 BISLEY - ---- 1,211 1,145 1,048 912 1,299 903 BLIDESLOE 115 107 125 102 123 92 BOTLOE - - 289 228 BRADLEY - . . - 355 265 251 422 BRIAVELLS, ST. 1,007 883 BRIGHTWELLS) 340 BARROW -] CHELTENHAM - - 135 CLEEVE CROWTHORNE and ? 319 276 MINETY - - - DEERHURST - - - 283 261 DUDSTONE and 1 KING'S-BARTONS 678 674 GRUMBALD'S-ASH - 606 HENBURY - - - - 464 384 KIFTSGATE - • -1,051 LANCASTER, Dutchy of 157 LANGLEY and I SWINESHEAD - LONGTREES - - - 1,292 PUCKLE-CHURCH . 325 285 RAPSGATE - --- SLAUGHTER - - 478 TEWKESBURY - - 255 244 312 THORNBURY - .. 500 508 TIBALDSTONE - - 56 59 75 48 WESTBURY - - 251 225 222 258 253 WHITSTONE - - - |1,039 846 748 565 482 320 219 108 4,876 4,273 3,170 421 234 027 7,1991 138 1,130 7,490) 1,019 8,261 2,232 240 251 199 266 1,775 468 376 1 456 252 3,322 2,029 3,414 428 370 509 54 243 463 1,768 220 1 224 215 1,818 6,318 co - 7,039 330 20 343 BRISTOL CITY, with 21 BARTON REGIS Hd 930 819 532 CIRENCESTER, BORO' 276 275 135 GLOUCESTER, CITY - 632 476 448 799 605 TEWKESBURY, BORO 330 296 233 237 330 180 Total of MALES - 17,341 15,419 13,658 11,692 17,246 12,841 11,192 8,001 5,513 2,809 740 47 2,286 4,526 318 1 - 2,368 - 116,4 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Gloucester was ... 335,843, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 237,785,... whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-third and onc-fourth (say, two-sevenths) of the persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.) 119 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. Ages of Persons. FEM A L E S. Under 5 10 15 to I tol to 10 | 15 | 20 20 30 tolto | 30 | 40 | 50 TOTAL. Hundred 5. wards or 734 1 11,500 629 1 9,297 73 62 1 1 105 1 BARTON-REGIS - - Entered with the City of Bristol. BERKELEY --- 1,700 1,413 1,269 1,171 1,917 1,336 1,049 BISLEY - ----|1,147 1,047 1,000 997 | 1,559 1938 BLIDESLOE - 119 115 85 88 107 BOTLOE - - - - 225 215 196 146 205 | 189 151 BRADLEY - - - - 229 BRIAVELLS, ST. - . 582 BRIGHTWELLS 1 BARROW •S 356 CHELTENHAM - - CLEEVE - - - - 108 776 1,529 2,345 6,201 1 1 509 1 3,503 1 248 1 1,122 1 769 CROWTHORNE and MINETY 273 202 370 3 2,483 1 202 147 259 147 1 1,8541 5,108 500 851 457 345 26 1 487 1 471 375 468 422 725 675 366 779 719 1,064 93 156 389 350 688 319 255 163 4,271 3,737 6,985 1,046 703 1 121 120 1 891 712 1,155 850 1 DEERHURST - - - DUDSTONE and 2 KING'S-BARTON GRUMBALD'S-ASH - 1 HENBURY - --- 452 KIFTSGATE . - - 925 LANCASTER, Dutchy of 136 LANGLEY and 1,155 1,053 ŚWINESHEAD - LONGTREES - - - | 1,286 1,069 PUCKLE-CHURCH - | 272 RAPSGATE - - - - 222 SLAUGHTER - - - TEWKESBURY . . THORNBURY - - - TIBALDSTONE - - WESTBURY - - - WESTMINSTER - - 235 WHITSTONE - - - 949 909 1 204 1 156 198 188 1 919 1,508 1,028 325 233 277 296 480 395 188 281 518 7,564 8,988 2,098 1,799 3,295 1,944 3,372 465 459 332 1 224 296 1 369 248 1 52 59 1 225 186 78 275 1 1,706 166 251 1 1 1,722 6,547 878 662 1,040 436 2961 1,022 945 1,496 11,013 BRISTOL CITY, with V BARTON REGIS Hd 111,138 CIRENCESTER, BORO' GLOUCESTER, CITY - | TEWKESBURY, BORO' 324 264 1 69 513 1 266 348 673 260 | 467 356 280 155 149 Total of FEMALES - |16,921 |15,120 |12,921 12,114 19,802 14,144 11,650|8,257 6,014|3,300 961 79 441 237 8,753 2,701 5,212 2,594 3 121,286 271 1 HE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received froin the couuty of Gloucester was 439 ; thirty-nine of which did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning Ages, and are marked thus (+): among which are all the Parishes (except one) of the City of Bristol, vilton also, and Cheltenham. A sinall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 120 .' ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [EnumerationLI County of Hereford. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FADIC By OR TOTAL how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- ) ALL LIES LIES chiefly ОтнЕВ chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not con- ployed TRADE. I prized in in Manu- 'the Two AGRI- fuctures, preced- CUL- lorHandia ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. Or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 82 86 207 172 504 333 187 120 13 46 161 460 32 964 12 14 30 62 249 80 585 642 110 295 123 137 272 1,227 565 126 107 104 89 293 296 278 86 199 202 18 14 39 28 25 65 35 100 35 120 67 of my It II a I o I am and I a 31 107 275 585 145 134 135 22 22 24 73 62 41 119 93 212 402 379 781 BROXASH Hundred. AVENBURY - - - - - Parish Bodenham - - - - - - Parish Bredenbury - - - - - - Parish Bromyard - - - - - (a) Parish Linton - - - - - () Township Norton - - • Township Winslow · - Township Bockleton (part of) Parish : (0) Hampton-Charles - - - Hainlet Collington - - - - - - Parish Cowarne, Little - - - - - Parish Cowarne, Much - - - - - Parish Felton - - - - - - - Parish Grendon-Bishops - - - - Parish Marden - - - - - - () Parish Amberley - - - - - Chapelry Ocle-Pitchard - - - - - Parish Pencombe - - - - - (d) Parish Şapey, Upper - - - - - Parish Stanford-Bishop - - - (9) Parish Stanford-Regis - Township Stoke-Bliss - - - - - () Parish Stoke-Lacy - - - - - - Parish Sutton-St. Michael . (8) Parish Sutton-St. Nicholas - - - (8) Parish Tedstone-Delamere - - - - Parish Tedstone-Wafer - - - - - Parish Thornbury - - - - - () Parish Ullingswick - - - - - - Parish Wacton - - - - - - - Parish Whitbourne - - - - - - Parish Withington - - - - . () Parish Preston-Wynne - - - Chapelry Wolferlow . - . - - - Parish 17 34 17 139 233 85 TIAIIIIIIIIIIII Do I co IIIIA III 220 159 164 121 116 46 34 83 83 179 179 358 21 51 119 101 127 202 246 50 98 86 183 m lata wa 124 254 56 421 57 400 336 821 125 303 639 29 gi 76 167 117 21 57 2,217 2,425 1,786 514 125 5,578 5,397 10,975 191 183 166 65 158 157 448 394 134 123 125 141 EWYASLACY Hundred. Clodock Parish : (K) Crasswall, Lower & Upper Township Llanveynoe - - - - Chapelry Longtown - - - - - Chapelry Newton - - - - - Township Cusop - - - - - - - - Parish Cwmyoy Parish: () Bwlch - - - - - - Township Toothog - - - - - Township Llancillo - - - - - - - Parish Margaret's, St. - - - - - Parish Michael-Church-Eskley - - Parish Rowlstone - - - - - - Parish Walterstone - - - - - - Parish 44 44 47 lol lol lol lo A w ro 151 220 42 166 204 68 88 424 145 77 39 88 176 676 1,715 1,666 GREYTREE Hundred. Aston-Ingham - • - - - Brampton-Abbots - - - - Brockhampton - - - - - 114 288 263 Parish Parish Parish 114 29 84 26 54 (1) The entire Parish of Bromyard contains 2,767 Inhabitants. One shire, Doddingtree Hundred; the entire Parish contains 303 Inhabitants. Female in the Township of Linton upwards of 100 years of age. - () The Parish of Sutton-St. Michael is said to be united to Sutton- 6) Most part of Bockleton Parish is in Doddingtree Hundred, Wor St. Nicholas, except in church rates and authes. (h) The Return cestershire; the entire Parish contains 385 Inhabitants. The of the Parish of Thornbury includes Westwood Township, Wolphy entire Parisli of Marden contains 815 Inhabitants. (d) The Parish Hundred. ) The entire Parish ot' Withington contains 806 In- of Pencombe includes the Townships of Grendon-Warren and Marstone habitants.- ik) 'The entire Parish of Clodock contains 1,796 Inha- Stannett.— () The entire Parish of Stanford-Bishop contains 317 In bitants. (1) Most part of Cwinyoy Parish is in Abergavenny Hun- habitants. The Parish of Stoke-Bliss extends into Worcester- | dred, Monmouthshire; the entire Parish contains 679 Inliabitants. Mt. 121 .DCCC.XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94;!. 1 COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how · nany TOTAL - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- | LIES ALL LILS | chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families eni. ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in . in Manu- ihe Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUI- lorHandi- ing TURF. craſt. | Classe3. Un-Inhabited. • OP Building: Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 21 10 .9 115 866 156 26 146 117 18 19 21 22 91 . - 115 93 630 GREYTREE Hundred-- continued. Dormington - - - - (m) Parish | Bartestree - - - - - Chapelry Townhope oca - -:- Parish Foy . : .: - (n) Parish Hope-Mansell -'- - - Parish How-Caple - - - - - - Parish Lea (part of) - - - ( Parish Linton - - - -- - - - Parish Marcle, Much - - - - (P) Parish Yatton - - - - - - Township Mordiford - - - - - (9) Parish Putley - - - - - - - Parish Ross-Borough Parish 3 Ross-Foreigns Sollers-Hope - - - - - Parish Upton-Bishop - - - - - Parish Walford ... - - - - - Parish Weston-under-Penyard - () Parish! Woolhope - - - - - (s) Parish 150 120 189 41 143 36 III w Nowi w III illi pod 27 coons and mod coer it or no more liar to - 46 331 · 445 100 314 . 78 wiem vionio Torico All Alol 83 133 112 30 28 85 415 110 204 124 299 432 877: 183 324 638 163 1,052 1,977 532 980 91 | .187 304 1,060 343 674 825 - 448 . 29 96 75 90 613 255 526 227 121 154 309 - 534 1 - 331 - 424 137 190 29 301 401 90 1,446 690 235 | 5,473 5,551 11,024 117 I 153 270 259 139 120 s w inn SOCO 58 107 47 42 - 79 223 208 Olomouc JC 1o 202 190 100 431 392 paved 211 111 292 CO 634 105 342 94 199 2,133 2,371 GRIMSWORTH Hundred. (1) Bishopstone - - - - - :- Parish Breinton - - - - - - - Parish Bridge-Sollers - - - - - Parish Brinsop - - - - - - - Parish Brobury - - - - - - - Parishi Burghill - - - - - - (ų) Parish Tillington - - - - - Township Byford - - - - - Parish Canon-Pion - - - - - - Parish Credenhill - - - - - - Parish Dinmore (Preceptory) - - Extra P. Hampton-Bishop - - - (W) Parish Tupsley - - - - - Township Holmer and Shelwick : - (*) Parish Huntington - - - (x) Chapelry Kenchester - - - - - - Parisli Mansell-Gamage - • . (Y) Parish Mansell-Lacy - w:: - Parish Monninglon-upon-Wye Parish Morton-upon-Lugg - - Parishi Norton-Canon - - - Parish Pipe and Lyde - - - - - Parish Staunton-upon-Wye Parish Stretton-Sugwas - Parish 28 Wellington - - - Parish 145 Wormsley - - - Parish Yazor - - - - - - Parish. 32 ... 14 204 108 166 Tailwiii and I will I II III 203 239 woli me mad Inco heed Moned 340 442 82 *38 45 49 72 ... 94 154 287 144 58 116 OCT. Oni oro 50 54 110 184" 347 163 65 263 141 101 I ir 514 151 83 147 317 672 24 WN D co w 106 18. - 65.1 : 131 .75 3,288 6,620 I 1,330 1,388 | 11 991 263 134 nin . 264 .L. 242 506 . HUNTINGTON Hundred. Brilley - - - - - - - Parish Clifford - - - - - - - Parish Vowmine - - - - (2) Township Lardisley - - - - - - Parish 106 95 112. - 136 - 407 816 olar 1 100 3.11 683 {") The entire Parish of Dormington contains 172 Inhabitants. in 1811. -Ű The City of Hereford is entered at the end of the 1() Eaton-Tregues Township is included in the Return of Foy Parish, County.- ü The entire Parish of Burghill contains 823 Inhabitants. |. Wornelow Hundred ; the reverse of this happened in 1811. The (*) The entire Parish of Hampton-Bishop contains 544 Ipha- Parish of Lea is partly in St: Briavells Hundred, Gloucestershire, and bitants. The entire Parish of Holmer contains 524 Inliabitants. there entered; the entire Parish contains 180 Inhabitants. (P) The The population of Huntington Chapelry has decreased, a large school entire Parish of Much-Marcle contains 1,060 Inhabitants, (9) An having been discontinued. - One Female. in Mansetl. Gainage lliclosure of land at Nordiford since 1811.- (1) Increase of machinery, I Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (2) Vowmine Township is partly idleness, is supposed to have caused an increase of included in the Return of Clifford Parish, and partly in that of Dorstone bastardy at Weston-under-Pen yard. (5) The Return of Wuolhope Parisl, Webtree Hundred, farish includes Buckenhill and Putley Townships, separately returned i. GROORSA [ Ich _ 122 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISII, TOWNSHIP, FA AI- OR TOTAL By how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : KAMI. | ALL LIES LIES OTHER chicfly chiefly employ- Families en ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in | Manue the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, Un-Inhabited. OP Building. FEMALES. NIALES. PERSONS. ied. 38 399 100 1,009 215 1,980 178 357 HUNTINGTON Hundred—continued. Huntington - - - - - - - - Parish Kington - - - - (1) Parish Barton, Bradnor & Rustrock Township Chickward, Pembers-Oak & Lilwall T. Both-Hergests - - - Township Whitney - - - - - - (b) Parisli Willersley - - - - - - () Parisit Winforton - - - - - - Parish 163 115 971 179 168 76 128 TIe7 19 lieci 6-10 il 69 331 145 268 140 34 81 88 169 975 1,089 17 581 338 170 2,771 2,711 5,482 i col 203 195 398 100 56 44 1 298 se c | | | | 149 RADLOW Hundred. Ashperton - - - - - - Parish Aylton - - - - - - - Parish Bishops-Froome Parish : (0) Bishops-Froome - - - Township Eggleton - - - - - Township Halmonds-Froome - - Township Leadon - - - - - - Township Walton - - - - - - Township Bosbury with Upleadon - Parish Canon-Froome - - - - - Parish Castle-Froome - - - - - Parish Coddington - - - - - - Parish Colwall - - - - - - - Parish Cradley (East) . . - - () Parish - (West) 275 16 14 188 Troco Il coco 205 966 12 34 95 29 34 35 29 35 101 96 88 386 142 171 782 129 = | | | | - | - | 1 155 149 739 396 375 ვივ 125 109 102 7 ore on QI wõib w retran www com la COA Ô 364 357 52 51 720 103 475 - - ILTIMIWI--- WARRAFW-It Illow 228 11 87 636 40 1,725 3,421 8 247 47 1,696 31 282 82 36 II 24 336 86 618 168 64 Eastnor - - - - Evesbatch - - - Ledbury - - Parkhold - - - Lugwardine - - - Marcle, Little - - Morton-Jeffries - - Munsley - - - - Pixley - - - - - Stoke-Edith - - - Westhide - - - Stretton-Grandsome Tarrington - - - Weston-Beggard - - Yarkhill - - - - 28 - - Parish - - Parish - () Parish - Township - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (5) Parish - Par: Chap: - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish go 92 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 | | | | | q | 1 73 1 182 132 302 59 147 Orno I 98 79 267 139 223 155 95 71 233 131 212 193 150 500 270 1 82 435 1 2,311 2,493 11 1,558 329 6,148 6,078 12,226 11 104 331 368 699 14 60 STRETFORD Hundred. Almeley ------ (Parish Aymestrey Parish: (i) Conhope - - - - - Township Birley - - - - - - - - Parish Dilwyn - - - - - - - Parish Eardisland - - - - - - Parish Kingsland - - - - - - Parishi Kings-Pyon - - - - - - Parish Kinnersley - - - - - () Parish 20 63 119 www wow I - 134 124 503 399 523 169 1,020 791 196 167 524 188 171 3 392 465 188 169 989 376 340 ☺) The entire Parish of Kington contains 2,813 Inhabitants. The bury contains 3,476 Inhabitants. One Male upwards of 100 years of increase of Population is attributed to the establishinent of an iron foun- age.----(6) The entire Parish of Stoke-Edith contains 495 Inhabitants, dry, and nail manufactory. The increase of Population in Whitney provided the Chapelry of Westhide is to be deemned part of it. d Logaston Parish is attributed to the residence of the principal land-owner, who in (h) The Return of Almeley Parish includes Hopley's-Green and Log arishi, 1811 was a minor. () The Parish of Willersley contained no more | Townhips, Wolphy Hundred.- (i) Most part of Aymestrey P than one house in 1811 ; ii is probably included in one of the adjoining which includes the Township of Upper-Ley, in Stretford Hundred, Parishes, but no Return could be obtained.— () The entire Parish of Wigmore Hundred. (k) The Return of Kinnersley Parish inclue Bishops-Frooine contains 897 Inhabitants. © The entire Parish of New-Church Township, Wolphy Hundred. Cradley contains 1,459 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Led- is in M.DCCC.XXI.] 123 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. r COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FANI- By how LIES chiefly OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: { FAMI- ALL LIES OTHER chiefly employ. Fa Farvilies em 1 ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in | Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. 1 Classes. Families Oc- cupicd. Building Un-Inhabited MALES. FEMALES. OP PERSONS. 16 45 95 166 170 104 466 STRETFORD Hundred-continued. Letton (part of) Parish : (!) Letton (+) - - - - Township Lyonsball - - - - - - Parish Monkland - - . - - Parish Pembridge - - - - - - Parish Shobdon - - - - - - - Parish Stanton-upon-Arrow (part of) (09) Parish Stretford - - - - - - - Parish WEOBLEY - - - Borough & Parish 43 46 98 40 227 896 187 1,203 267 103 19 a cila III 614 269 119 Hoe om weer o 430 89 589 285 60 20 The Icelona 536 20 8 163 251 59 28 371 119 48 739 159 368 I 12 1,173 345 245 4,106 4,153 8,259 112 1 ܗ ܚ 250 246 116 267 523 513 ܙ 21 co w o obrava i on 45 120 163 379 112 192 56 | & ܙ ܝܝ ܟܬ ܕ ܙ ܝܕ ܝܕ 264 149 74 139 170 339 208 145 301 1,676 1,763 WEBTREE Hundred. Abbey-Dore - - - - - - Parish Allensmore - - - - - - Parish 116 All-Saints Parish : (*) Grafton - - - - - Township Bacton - - - - - - - Parish Blakemere - - - - - - Parish Bredwardine - - - - - - Parish Bullingham, Upper } . .(0) Parish - Lower Callow - - - - - - - Parish Clehonger - - - - - - Parish | Devereux, St. with Didley - - Parish Dinedor - - - - - - - Parish Dorstone Parish : (P) Dorstone, Lower - - - Township 111 · Dorstone, Upper - - - Township Dulas - - - - - - - - Parish Faton-Bishop - - - - - - Parish Ewyas-Harrold - - - - - Parish Haywood-Forest-Liberty - Extra P. Honn-Lacy - - - - - - Parish Kender-Church - - - - - Parish Kent-Church - - - Parish Kingstone - - - Parish 93 Madley - - - Parish Moccas - - - Parish 36 Peter-Church - - Parish 146 Preston-upon-Wye Parish Thruxton - - - - - - - Parish Tiberton - - - - - - - Parish Turnastone - - - Paris) Vowchurch - - - (9) Parish Wormbridge - - - Parish 191 I had iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii con ܙܗܘ ܝܕ - A co 211 81 42 402 189 108 29 31 60 238 214 452 192 220 40 204 40 165 214 412 63 389 14 185 37 146 דל 311 192 406 191 129 475 ܙ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ ܟ ܝܝ ܝ ܝܕ ܝ ܝܕ ܝܙ ܚ ܝܕ 463 938 w civio COW QI 86 185 107 99 348 143 338 686 12 29 129 25 79 272 54 146 20 11 27 33 60 172 367 195 53 95 1,679 1,812 1,377 344 ܙܩ 4,435 4,235 8,670 WIGMORE Hundred. 11 11 28 12 145 26 um 54 717 121 f 351 366 Aston - - - - - - - - Parish Aymestrey - - - - - (5) Parish Brampton-Bryan (part of) Parish : (0) Brampton-Bryan - - - Township Boresford & Pedwardine (+) Township Il cor 20 14 oil I co 43 48 101 112 20 (1) Letton Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred. The entire Parish | Inhabitants.--(9) The Return of Vowchurch Parish includes the Town- contains 163 Inhabitants.-- (m) Most part of Stanton-upon-Arrow ships of Monington and Straddle.- 1).Jymestrey Parish includes Earls- Parish is in Wigmore Hundred. ) All-Saints Parish is in the City Lenthall, and Upper-Ley, which is in Stretfurd Hundred. The entire of Hereford. The entire Parish of Bullingham contains 376 In- | Parish contains 318 Inhabitants.-- () The Lordship of Stanage, part habitants. Dorstone Parish includes pait of Vowminc Township, of Brampton-Bryan Parish, is in Knighton Hundred, County of Radnor. the other part is included in Clifford Parish, Huntington Hundred. The The entire Parish contains 341 Inbabitants. entire Parish (exclusive of those in Vowmine Township) contains 591 | 124 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAAL By how many Families Oc- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chietly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE. Iprized in Manu- the Two AGRI- RI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. Op FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. I 22 134 111 I IIIIIII VON CO CO CO A 93 107 131 105 107 VI AF 212 125 197 183 WIGMORE Hundred-continued. Bucknill (part of) Parish : () Buxton and Coxall - - Township Burrington - - - - - - Parish Byton - - - - - - - - Parish Downton - - - - - - - Parish Elton - - - - - - - - Parish Kinsham, Lower and Upper - Parish Knill - - - - - - - - Parish Leinthall-Starkes - - - - Parish Leintwardine Parish: (0) Adforton, Payton & Grange Townships Brakes - - - - - - Township Heath and Jay - - - - Township Kinton - - - - - - Township Leintwardine - - - - Township Marlow - - - - - - Township Walford, Letton & Newton Townships Whitton and Trippleton - Township Lingen - - - - - - - Parish Presteigne Parish : “ Coombe - - - - - Township Litton, and part of Cascob Township Rod, Nash & Little Brampton Township Stapleton and Frog-Street Township Willey - - - - - - Township Radnor, Old (part of) Parish: Harpton, Lower - - (W) Township Stanton-upon-Arrow (part of) (*) Parishi Titley - - - - - - - - Parish Wigmore - - - - - - (Y) Parish 346 I II III 68 103 208 l 105 38 138 41 146 284 148 150 TY 20 115 I h i j iiiico AO 76 14 49 135 131 149 220 155 266 304 429 94 Torino11 coco Icono E 78 209 1,007 1,077 36 806. 103 2,624 2,566 / 5,190 ♡ TI WOLPHY Hundred. 118 20 34 29 " 100 140 278 Almeley - - - - - - (2) Parish Brimfield - - - - - - - Parish Croft - - - - - - - (a) Parish · Newton - - - - - Township Docklow - - - - - - (b) Parish Edwin-Ralph with Butterley () Parish Eye Parish : (1) Eye-Moreton and Ashton - Townships Luston - - - - - - Township Eyton - - - - - - - Parish Ford's-Bridge - - - - Extra P. Hatfield - - - - - - - Parish Hereford, Little, with Upton - Parish Hope-under-Dinnore - - - Parish Humber - - - - - - (©) Parish Risbury - - - - - Township | Kimbolton - - . - Parish Kinnersley - - - - - () Parish I 007 I had a les III LIAI 1 i oor wives to II AN c I coorv II woor 400 125 31 153 353 258 528 34 69 150 634 () Most part of Bucknill Parish is in Purslow Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish contains 385 Inhabitants.----(%) Wigmore Parish includes entire Parish contains 465 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Limebrook Township.---- () Hople y's-Green and Logaston Townships Leintwardine contains 1,277 Inhabitants. Most part of Presteigne in Almeley Parish, Stretford Hundred, are included in the gencral Parish is in Radnor Hundred, County of Radnor, and most part of Return of the Parish. The entire Parish of Croſt contains 119 Cascob Parish is in the Borough of New Radnor. The entire Parish of Inhabitants. (b) Docklow Parish includes Fencott Township. , Presteigne contains 1,941 Inhabitants; and that of Cascob, exclusive (9) Edwin-Ralph with Butterley is locally situate in Broxash Hundred. of the portion included in Litton Township, contains 117 Inhabitants.- (d) The entire Parish of Eye contains 678 Inhabitant: The (W) Niost part of Old Radnor Parish is in the Borough of New Radnor. entire Parish of Humber contains 219 Inhabitants. (*) Newchuren, County of Radnor. The entire Parish contains 1,331 Inhabitants, part of Kinnerslev Parish is included in the general Return of the Paris. (*) Stanton-upon-Arrow Parish is partly in Stretford Hundred. The | (See Strettord Fundred.) M.DCCC.XXI. 1252 THE : POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. i COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: I’ERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL OR By how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. LIES LIIS chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Fanilies en-led in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Nanu- ihe Two Agri- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. FEVIALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. WOLPHY IIundred-continued. 39 1 227 227 114 1,673 167 355 Evo 113 1,978 319 3,651 og 674 68 33 88 181 93 41 44 85 10 58 59 206 163 I OMOTI 0 110 1 Nala I II III III II II Laysters - - - - - - - Parish LEOMINSTER - (8) Borough and Parish Broadward - - - - (8) Township Ivington - - - - - (6) Township Letton (part of) Parish : (b) Hurstley - - - - - Townsliip Lucton - - - - - - - Parish Ludford (part of) - - - - (i) Parish Middleton-on-the-Hill - - : Parish Orleton - - - - - - - Parish Puddlestone with While - - (k) Parish Richard's-Castle (part of) - (1) Parish Rochford . . - - - - - Parish Sarnesfield - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Prior Parish: (m) Stoke-Prior - - - - Township Wickton and Risbury - - Township Stottesden Parish : (*) Farlow - - - - - - Chapelry Thornbury - - - - - Parish Yarpole - - - - - - (P) Parish 369 574 101 co Ę OCO - 287 287 159 123 316 100 229 I 264 55 121 47 102 co 175 162 337 140 69 71 1 o 172 345 1 132 0 10 321 301 622 2,429 2,659 9 132 1,409 814 1 436 1 6,087 6,138 112,225 267 274 103 24 107 111 24 0 5 g Aer 56 541 118 522 270 252 21 1 1 1 327 WORMELOW Hundred. (Lower Division.) Bridstow - - - - - - - Parish Ganerew - - - - - - - Parish | Garway - - - - - - - Parish Goodrich Parish: Glewston - - - - - Township Goodrich - - - - - Township Huntisham - - - - - Township Hentland - - - - Parish Llangarran - - - - - - Parish Llanrouthall - - - Parish Marstow - - - - - - - Parish Peterstow - - Parish Tretire with Michael-Church - Parish Welsh-Newton - - - - - Parish Weonards, St. - - - - - Parish Whitchurch - - - - - - Paris 384 108 NAIIIIII i mod 1 Tim. 301 276 519 497 O = 1 to 5 3 577 1,016 118 Nail and IIA a 1 al 60 58 21 16 20 42 21 132 70 154 62 123 31 65 61 277 126 220 126 - 1 44 100 114 93 155 117 - 342 364 103 300 366 642 0 730 1,039 1,186 42 904 219 2,912 | 2,818 | 5,730 63 WORMELOW Hundred. (Upper Division.) Acconbury - - . - - - Parish Ballingham - - - - Parish Birch, Little - - Parish Birch, Much - - - - - Parish Boulstone - - Parish Dewchurch, Little Parish Dewchurch, Much - . - Parish Dewsall - - - - - - - Parish Foy - - - - - - - (9) Parish 148 127 310 353 154 II NCI 199 154 41 34 75 330 151 286 105 179 299 14 146 585 19 33 147 293 m.)The entire Parish of LEOMINSTER contains 4,646 Inhabitants. The increase of Population (which is not remarkable) js attributed to the effect of the Poor Laws. Broadward Township includes Brierley, daloll, Hennor, Stretford and Whartun. Ivington Township includes vodstrey, Hideash, Newtown, Slagbatch, and Wintercott. (h) Most part of Letton Parish is in Stretford Hundred. (1) Most part of Ludlord Parish is in Munslow Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish ains 280 Inhabitants. (k) The Parish of Puddlestone-with-While ciudes Brockmanton Township. (1) Most part of Richard's-Castle Parish is in Munslow Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish contains 490 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Stoke-Prior contains 477 In- habitants.- (") Most part of Stottesden Parish is in Stottcsden Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish contains 1,608 Inhabitants.-- (©) Westwood, part of Thornbury Parish, is included in the Return of the Parish. (See Broxash Hundred.) - Yarpole Parish includes Bircher Township.--- (9) Foy Parish includes Eaton-Tregoes Township, locally situate in Greytree Hundred. Kk 126 SEnumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . Ву OR how employ. Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: í FAMI- FAMI- ALL | LIES LIES | chiefly OTHER chiefly em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- horHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Un-Inbabited. Families Oc- OF Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 36 WORMELOW Hundred (Upper Division) continued. Harewood - - - - - - Parish Haywood Liberty - - - - Extra P. Killpeck - - - - - - - Parish King's-Caple - - - - Parish Llandinabo - - - - - - Parish Llanithog - - - - - - Extra P. Llanwarne - - - - - - Parish Orcop - - - - Parish Pencoyd - - • • Parish Sellack - - - - Parish Treville - - - - - - Extra P. 129 138 w cost to coa 26 novi ovim ar A ico 14 181 Tiroli 143 cos e o Rwvo 119 263 324 491 228 88 150 161 301 151 42 32 74 826 883 5|191 626 130 127 2,275 2,096 4,371 643 1,131 253 City of HEREFORD. All-Saints - - - - - (") Parish Baptist, St. John - - - - Parish Martin, St. - - - - - - Parish Nicholas, St. - - - - - - Parish Owen, St. - - - - - - - Parish Peter, St. - - Parish 198 527 220 183 197 274 362 575 371 1,410 712 472 599 2,541 1,287 843 1,084 1,386 1,949 116 211 328 424 485 612 922 229 774 25 138 1,027 1,763 2,057 299 1,108 650 4,096 4,994 9,090 (1) Grafton Township, part of All-Saints Parish, is in Webtree Hun. | The increase of Population in the City of Hereford is ascribed to vac- dred, and there entered. The entire Parish contains 2,586 Inhabitants. | cine inoculation, to the peace, and to the convenience of a market. SUMMA RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD. BROXASH 3,381 .. 1,446 . 20 - 3,332 5,482 - Hundred of - - - 2,217 2,4251 61 6 111 | 1,786 514 125 5,578 EWYAS-LACY-.. . - . 1 676 714 8 602 94 18 1,715 | GREYTREE - .. 2,133 2,371 | 18 90 1,446 690 235 5,473 GRIMSWORTH. 1,330 1,388 HUNTINGTON ---- 581 2,771 RADLOW- - - 2,311 2,493 1,558 6,148 STRETFORD - 1,676 1,763 4,106 WEBTREE - - 1,679 1,812 1,377 4,435 WIGMORE - . 1,007 1,077 1806 2,624 WOLPHY - - 2,429 2,659 1,409 8 6,087 WORMELOW . 1,865 2,069 | 349 | 10 | 5,187 5,397 | 10,975 1,666 5,551 11,024 3,288 6,620 2,711 6,078 12,226 4,153 8,259 4,235 8,670 2,566 6,138 12,225 4,914 1,173 5,190 1,53 10,101 City of HEREFORD - - - - - - | 1,763 \ 2,057 | 11 299 1,108 650 4,096 4,994 9,090 Totals ... 120,061 (21,917 132 804 13,558 | 5,633 2,726 'ALS 51,552 51,691 103,243 M.DCCC.XXI.] 127 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. NA COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. 20 Under 30 to Hundred of TOTAL 40 50 BROXASH 710 711 581 520 229 226 775 237 765 155 538 147 5,570 1,715 5,422 707 579 2 722 435 444 448 EWYAS-LACY - GREYTREE GRIMSWORTH - HUNTINGTON - RADLOW - STRETFORD e lo sco 3,ვვg) 325 266 390 346 438 824 626 843 562 792 536 526 393 537 396 2,763 6,147 4,049 4,431 2,589 6,144 WEBTREE 549 546 415 687 417 326 381 233 835 WIGMORE WOLPHY - - WORMELOW - HEREFORD, CITY 601 / 575 280 576 525 1 303 771 646 475 700 515 630 761 550 497 422 I co no m 5,141 - 442 453 522 540 4,036 Total of MALES - 6,765 6,509 6,114 5,151 7,293 5,738 4.939 3,985 2,920 51,345 FEM A L E S. Under Hundred TOTAL of 677 613 5,395 1,666 496 396 317 606 078 447 BROXASH 602 525 533 413 EWYAS-LACY - 221 159 190 239 188 145 GREYTREE 712 617 620 542 404 GRIMSWORTH - 439 433 313 226 HUNTINGTON - 376 346 258 238 254 182 RADLOW. - 756 STRETFORD 358 609 488 437 WEBTREE 556 417 506 366 317 WIGMORE - - 347 317 254 269 WOLPHY - - 787 790 913 732 614 477 WORMELOW - 529 448 793 417 HEREFORD, CITY -1 527 537 451 581 948 600 487 Total of FEMALES - 16,823 16,368 5,522 5,002 8,029 5,921 4,959 3,744 2,947|1,514 563) 60 A co vw v A or An er oor 289 5,540 3,289 2,697 6,084 4,133 4,203 2,554 6,196 4,703 4,994 249 408 262 181 648 581 689 520 535 336 358 2 151,454 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Hereford was ..... 103,243, ..... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was ... 102,799, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumerution Returns received from the County of Hereford was 281, two of which did not contain any answer wbatever w me question concerning the Ages of persons, and are marked thus(+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, of redundant, or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 128 TEnumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Hertford. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ; IL OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied: Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER chietly i chiefly em- ploycu Tonne prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- Itactures. i preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. employ- Families cd in not com- Un-Inhabited. Building FEMALES. NALES. TOTAL OF PERSONS. in 610 93 1,743 233 244 195 MAS 604 26 25 42 111 45 29 490 321 17 4 5 13 33 120 93 110 | 58 BRAUGHIN Hundred. BisnoP-STORTFORD - (a) Parish Braughin - - - - - - - Parish Eastwick - - - - - - - Parish Gilstone - - - - - - - Parislı Hunsdon - - - - - (5) Parish Sawbridgeworth - - - - Parisha Standon - - - - - - - Parish Stanstead-Abbots Parish Thorley - - - - - - - Parish Thundridge - - Parish Ware - - - Parish Westmill - - - - - - - Parish Widford - - - - - - - Parish 1 33 384 117 402 414 196 3,358 1,228 212 213 584 2,071 2,135 950 99 104 304 1,040 1,054 476 223 59 269 1,615 · 624 113 109 280 1,031 1,081 474 197 272 1,879 202 1 Ô III i I cower III w os 211 181 108 48 voow 10 Aco oo 71 189 386 76 670 4.08 257 1,965. 213 222 529 3,844 415 95 4 239 461 2,837 3,150 1,262 750 8,116 8,270 | 16,386 BROADWATER Hundred. Paris 87 95 24 260 74 115 . 509 160 Parish Parish Parish 233 286 758 249 86 118 792 311 240 96 Parish 110 99 1,550 658 494 204 347 254 108 158 1,615 90 60 42 158 316 670 ვნა 3,215 44 82 162 Aston - - - - - - Ayott, St. Lawrence - - - Ayott, St. Peter - - - - - Baldock - - - - Bennington - - Datchworth - - Digswell - - Graveley - - Hatfield, Bishop - (9) Knebworth - - Letchworth - - - - - - Munden, Great - - - - - Munden, Little - - - - - Sacomb - - Stevenage - - - - - - Totteridge - Walkern - - - - - - - Watton - - Welwyn - - Weston - - - Willian - - - - - - - Wymondley, Great - - - - Wymondley, Little - - - - 12 A och vui orario Toco 38 251 244 III Concrcr o IAIIIIII con la 266 76 515 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parislı Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 82 1,600 104 38 264 220 165 862 12 103 104 68 355 72 139 464 II INANI III collion lori 65 176 343 193 341 1,664 490 (a) 64 802 234 309 37 256 110 322 631 132 153 179 108 406 215 406 628 241 659 167 48 130 145 46 470 457 133 157 136 812 1,287 927 269 329 227 58 51 34 172 37 99 128 2,816 3,155 52 2,022 471 7,785 7,852 115,637 341 242 853 880 343 268 1,733 1,399 723 848 280 676 907 261 329 1,755 104 246 110 50 122 507 232 795 144 149 397 CASHIO Hundred, cr Liberty of St. ALBANS. Abbots-Langley - - - - - Parish Aldenham - - - - () Parish! Barnet, Chipping - - - - Parish Barnet, East - - - - - - Parish Braintfield - - - - (*) Parish Codicote - - - - - - - Parish Hexton - - - - - - - Parish Idlestree, or Elstree - - - - Parish Michael, St. (part of) - (8) Parish Newnham - - - Parish Northaw - - - - - - - Parisi Norton - - - - - - - Parish Pauls, St. Walden - - - - Parislı Peter, St. (part of) Parish : (h) Sleep, and part of Smallford (h) Hamlet Tittenhanger - - - -. - Hamlet 175 ÔIlioni 1 Enfoco 398 163 alla illa AIIII 1 157 152 338 309 158 133 477 917 440 51 255 148 15 61 311 165 96 566 313 52 179 193 164 458 448 906 127 133 121 105 639 336 321 303 121 I 301 622 (a) The increase of Population at Bishop-Stortford is attributed to the prosperity of the inalting trade.---- In Hunsdon Parish, widows re- siding in two alms-houses, and the poor in the workhouse, amounting to 34 persons, have been taken as three families, and are placed in the third column of Occupations. One Femalc upwards of 100 years of age in the Parislı of Bishops-Hatfield. ----(d) Totteridge Parish is a detached portion of the Hundred near Barnet. The increase of Population is prin- cipally owing to the establishment of two schools since 1811.- ) The Return of Aldenham Parish includes the Hamlet of Theobald-Street, Dacorum Hundred. — () Braintfield is locally situate in Fíertford I/un- dred; Codicote and Shephall in Broadwater Hundred; Hexton and St. Pauls Walden in Hitchen Hundred ; Newnham and Norton in Odsey Hundred; all distinct from each other._ () St. Michacl's Parish is partly in the Borough of St. Alban's, which is entered at the end of the county. The entire Parish contains 1,370 Inhabitants. (h) St. Pe ter's Parish is partly in the Borough of St. Alban's. The entire Parish contains 2,461 Inhabitants. Smallford Hamlet is partly in St. Stephen's Parish. M.DCCC.XXI.) 129 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. TYY COUNTY OF HERTFORD-continued. UL HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES By OTHER OR TOTAL chicfly EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- Gupied. Un-Inhabited. Of Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- All LIES chiefly einploy- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, to prized in in the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEJALES. MALES. Manu- PERSONS. 33 853 337 800 149 271 317 663 56 129 1,784 3,940 155 216 16 313 38 130 lol NACZ 1,961 189 410 195 140 CASSIO Hundred, or Liberty of ST. ALBANS-continued. Redbourn - - - - - - Parish Rickmansworth - - - - - Parish Ridge - - - - - - - Parish Sandridge - - - - - - Parish Sarratt - - - - - - - Parish Shephiall - - - - - - - Parish Stephen, St. . - - - -(i) Parish Watford with Cashiobury Parish : (*) Cashio - - - - - Hamlet Levesdon - - - - - - Hamlet Oxbey - - - - - - Hamlet Town - - - - - - - Hamlet O 6. 929 1,979 201 413 202 81 778 41 orto 390 823 397 187 1,580 06 wool or I + ci son 106 190 802 144 158 84 156 789 404 70 118 589 I lol 59 CE 394 231 256 1,354 395 173 304 1,576 560 722 1 215 | 297 | 210 / 2,960 4,388 5,089 33 85 2,619 1,462 1,008 12,460 12,497 24,957 DACORUM Hundred. 133 | 144 | 316 360 676 262 499 178 146 450 300 211 308 116 49 175 111 171 195 115 1,208 775 637 656 230 253 198 125 194 492 2,310 1,507 1,170 1,392 1,096 531 1,693 i III Am I a Ivo 230 1,102 732 533 736 527 267 822 1,931 474 148 - 316 58 569 264 871 342 Aldbury - - - - - - - Parish | Aldenham - - - - - (1) Parisli Amersham and Beaconsfield Parishes: (m) Coleshill - - - - - - Hamlet Berkhampstead, Great - - - Parish Bushey - - - - - - (1) Parish Caddington (part of) - Parish Flamsted - - - - - - Parish Gaddesden, Great - - - - Parish Gaddesden, Little - - - - Parish Harpenden - - - - - - Parish Hemel-Hempstead - - - (P) Parish Bovingdon - - - - Chapelry Flaunden - - - - - Chapelry Kensworth - - - - - - Parish King's-Langley - - - - - Parish North-Church or Berk- Parish hampstead St. Marys - - North-Mimms - - - - (n) Parish Puttenham . - - - - - Parish Shenley - - - - - - - Parish Studham (part of) - - - (9) Parish Tring - - - - - - () Parish Wheathampstead - - - - Parish Wigginton - - - - - - Parish 214 3,962 105 307 735 178 55 120 248 846 201 55 IACO walio ni osho on Tool A 230 132 47 2,031 480 129 299 658 136 107 268 584 003 205 536 202 222 27 48.2 51 492 525 61 557 115 1,514 954 277 615 1,242 1,028 1,007 112 1,132 238 3,286 1,584 477 215 50 26 143 41 Non i cili 575 123 48 554 277 85 672 306 277 285 199 דל7 1,772 807 243 85 74 234 4,977 5,456 | 48 129 2,924 1,774 758 | 12,993 13,788 / 26,781 EDWINSTREE Hundred. - - - - 132 301 596 115 62 102 100 97 222 215 377 440 455 771 222 - - 124 55 107 176 45 136 69 173 236 med 63 117 ng 695 Albury - - - - Anstey - - - - Aspeden - - - - Barkway - - - Nuthampstead - Barley - - - Buckland - . Hadham, Little - Hadham, Much - - Hormead, Great Hormead, Little Layston - - - Meesden - - - - Pelham, Brent - - Pelham, Furneux - - Söngle Toor - Parish - Parish Parishi Parish - Hamlet Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - Parish - Parish גל1 146 Com man alla Coll CP 295 218 240 394 105 327 166 381 58.5 288 51 510 78 144 278 406 623 276 230 107 123 19 61 22 204 343 787 1,208 564 112 1,014 164 280 566 199 33 48 116 504 86 - - - - CO col 136 1 288 ...(!) St. Stephen's Parish includes Park, Smallford and Windridge 1 (Flitt Hundred,) and there entered. The entire Parish contains 1,549 Wards. (k) The entire Parish of Watford with Cashiobury contains Inliabitants. The entire Parisli of Hemel-Hempstead contains 4,713 Inhabitants. () Theobald's-Street Hamlet is included in the 5,193 Inhabitants. ----(9) Part of Studham Parish is in Bedfordshire Return of Aldenham Parish, Cashio Hundred. (m) Coleshill Hainlet (Mansliead Hundred,) and there entered. The entire Parish contains is partly in Agmondeshamı (Amersham) Parish, and partly in Bcacons 774 Inhabitants. Tring Parish includes Long-Marston and Wil. held Parish, Burnham Hundred, Bucks. Bushey Parish, and stone Hamlets.coms) The entire Parish of Barkway contains 993 In- Worth-Mimms Parish, are locally situate in Cashio Hundred, distinct | babitants. Irom each other.- O Part of Caddington Parish is in Bedfordshire L1 130 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HERTFORD-continued. HOUSES : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: By OR employ-Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc. cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES Отнып chiefly | chiefly cm- ed in not com- ployed prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft Classcs. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS.) 150 EDWINSTREE Hundred-continued. Pelham-Stocking - - - - Parish Throcking - - - - - - Parish | Wakely - - - () Extra-P. Wyddiall - ... - - - Parish 13 3 108 41 11 117 225 1,824 2 4,388 4,282 8,670 228 1A 526 584 1,110 125 131 39 128 1 317 330 153 154 177 1,570 HERTFORD Hundred. Amwell, Great - - - () Parish 205 Hoddesdon (part of) - («) Hamlet All-Saints Parish : (W) Anwell, Little - - - - Liberty | 34 Brickendon - - - - - Liberty Bayford - - - - - - - Parish 51 Bengeo - - - - - - - Parish Berkhamstead, Little - - - Parish Broxburn - . () Parish Hoddesdon (part of) - - - Hamlet 282 Cheshunt, St. Mary (+) - (Y) Parish 799 Essendon - - - - - - - Parish 106 Hertingfordbury - - - - - Parish 127 Margaret, St. - - - - - Parish Stapleford - - - - - - Parish 37 Tewin - - - - - - - Parish 79 Wormley - - - - - - - Parish 100 379 v co wulo 352 09 94 218 TI TII II + I + III 274 691 534 221 260 663 2,261 297 287 852 109 1,354 2,115 298 149 436 17 17 mond II co i 4,376 595 827 97 212 477 391 47 97 246 233 50 115 231 259 105 492 2,256 2,449 15 73 1,077 644728 6,110 | 6,344 12,454 HITCHIN and PIRTON Hundred. 1,000 2,088 467 - - - - 86 - - - - 886 66 - - - - 345 66 (2) - - - - - - 230 4,486 442 113 Hitchin - - Ickleford - - Ippollitts - - Kimpton - - King's-Walden Lilley - - - Omey - - - Pirton - - 106 333 671 162 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 866 2,398 212 338 444 465 216 422 162 osaaa 11 il coloco hand crawo 461 926 82 84 - - - 427 - - - - - - 143 147 74 143 121 - - - - - - 147 165 211 457 321 416 873 144 309 630 1,737 1,950 15 37 1,145 596 209 4,523 4,798 9,321 ODSEY Hundred. 180 148 457 458 12 11 - - (a) - - - - 59 24 22 187 171 (a) - - 209 Taladrova 201 Ashwell . - - - - Broadfield - - - - Bygrave - - - - - Caldecott - - - - - Clothall - - Cottered - - ... Hinxworth - - - - Kelshall- Radwell - - Reed - - - Royston - - - - - Rushden - - Sandon - - - - - Therfield • - - - - Wallington - - - - Yardley - - - - - 126 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 121 113 45 95 46 91 38 50 108 b) 686 106 788 214 1,474 275 66 69 167 3.33 107 116 316 166 330 467 6416 - - - - - - - - 189 169 74 40 42 405 114 286 210 92 114 98 96 331 13 3 617 1,219 | 1,392 | 15 933 275 184 3,411 3,360 6,771 Wakely, Extra-parochial, was heretofore a Parish. ) The 1 of Broxburn (including that part of Hoddesdon Hamlet, situate in Great Students in the East-India College were included in the Return for Great Amwell Parish) contains 1,888 Inhabitants.mo() Cheshusit, St. Mary Amwell in 1811; but when the present Return was taken, were absent in Parish, includes Cheshunt-Street, Waltham-Cross, and Woodside Wa vacation. One Female, upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. |-- (Y) Hitchin Parish includes the Hanlets of Missenden, Preston, and Höddesdon Hamlet is partly in Broxburn Parish, where the whole is Temple-Dinsley.- (1) Broadfield is annexed to Cottered.- Home entered.. (W) Most part of All Saints Parish is in the Borough of ston Parish is partly in Cambridgeshire (Armingford Hundred) but HERTFORD, entered at the end of the County. ) The entire Parish | whole is here entered. M.DCCC.XXI.) 131 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 CEO. IV. c. 94. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | ALL OR chiefly TOTAL how many Familie EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FAMI• LIES LIES chiefly | ОтнER employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two factures. preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Oo. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- 205 115 76 556 665 HERTFORD Borough. All Saints - - - - - () Parish Andrews, St. within - -(0) - St. without ..'Parish John, St. within -- - (6) Parish John, St. without - - - () Liberty 564 734 124 16 | 91 111 1,120 1,399 202 745 799 368 107 15 377 583 38 216 649 769 76 355 338 2,272 1,993 1 4,265 431 546 81 3 61 1,319 ST. ALBAN'S Borough. Alban's, St. otherwise the Abbey Parish Michael, St. (part of) - - () Parish Peter, St. (part of) - - - (5) Parish - 96 I 83 215 826 518 1,500 227 682 2,819 453 1,200 294 199 il 3 9 6 37 664 | 115 6 | 729 / 936 157 115 2,063 2,409 4,472 (5) All Saints Parish is partly in Hertford Hundred. The entire Parish of St. John contains 1,544 Inhabitants. Most part of St. Parish contains 2,023 Inhabitants. d) The entire Parish of St. An. Michael's Parish is in Cashio Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,370 drew contains 1,601 Inhabitants. (C) The Blue Coat School belonging | Inhabitants. Most part of St. Peter's Parish is in Cashio Hun- to Christ's Hospital, is situate in the Liberty of St. John's. The entire dred. The entire Parish contains 2,461 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF HERTFORD. 1,138 750 662 471 1,008 Hundred of BRAUGHIN - - - - - 1 2,837 3,150, 20 | 69 | 1,262 BROADWATER - - - .. 2,816 3,155 23 52 CASHIO - - - - 4,388 5,089 DACORUM - - - - - - 4,977 5,456 EDWINSTREE . . . . 1,570 1,824 HERTFORD . . . 2,256 HITCHIN and PIRTON 1,737 ODSEY ....... 1,219 1,392 7 15 933 8,116 18,270 7,785 7,852 12,460 12,497 12,993 13,788 4,282 6,110 6,344 4,523 4,798 3,411 3,360 16,386 15,637 24,957 26,781 8,670 12,454 9,321 6,771 40388 649 769 -21 76 355 338 2,272 | 1,993 4,265 Borough of HERTFORD - - - ... Borough of ST. ALBAN'S -...- 729) 936 916 157 664 115 1 2,063 2,409 42472 Totals - - - 123,178|26,170 172509 13,485 7,935 4,750 64,121 65,593 129,714 .132 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HERTFORD--continued. Ages of Persons. MA LE S. Under Hundred TOTAL. of FO 522 365 172 44 713 475 8,121 7,785 12,483 (1,444 796 816 - 112,990 BRAUGHIN --- 1,225 1,174 1,011 | BROADWATER - - 11,168 | 1,071 943 CASHIO - - - - - 1,835 1,769 1,486 1,198 DACORUM - - - - 2,140 | 1,893 i 1,000 1,264 EDWINSTREE - - - 656 HERTFORD - - - HITCHIN and PIRTON - | 691 656 ODSEY - - - - - 536 450 562 1,193 1,734 | 1,449 | 1,199 441 359 453 403 317 4,370 610 354 276 3,956 4,524 12 1 280 510 381 440 374 304 3 : 3,420 | 228 HERTFORD BORO' - 1 248 486 ALBAN'S, ST. BORO' - 308 | 273 242 298 232 Total of MALES - 9,423 | 8,872 7,595 | 6,140 8,899 |6,869 169 i 139 215 146 2,272 2,063 5,673 | 3.999 |2,7421,401354 1 - 61,984 F E N A L E S. Under Hundred TOTAL . .. of 60 964 811 935 903 662 966 1,057 1,607 1,795 496 479 766 BRAUGHIN - - - - 1,251 BROADWATER .. 1,175 CASHIO - --- -1,716 DACORUM - • - - 2,036 EDWINSTREE - - - 641 HERTFORD - - - - 1 502 HITCHIN and PIRTON - 1,340 ma 772 790 1,270 1,139 | 2,137 1,491 1,155 2,285 1,605 1,296 383 475 375 592 389 8,055 7,852 12,275 13,603 4,294 19424 793 459 1 a 3,860 4,798 ar ODSEY - - - - - 444 3,343 259 211 234 186 1,993 2,409 296 295 2 - HERTFORD, BORO' - 1 262 128 ALBAN'S, ST. BORO' - 1 319 243 245 227 1 162 - Total of FEMALES - 9,032 8,103 | 72071 | 6,328 (10,284 7,378 5,775 3,895 2,7791,395 420 20 2 162,482 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Hertford was .... 129,714, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was .... 124,466, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one twenty-fifth part of the Persons therein enumerated were not obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Hertford was 150, one of which (Chesliunt) did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning the Ages of persons, and is marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. .. . . .. . ....-, . .. .... . M.DCCC.XXI.] 2133 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Huntingdon. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inliabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAI- FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families ein- ed in not cum- ployed ed 1 Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUI orHandi-! ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. ОР PERSONS. LA HURSTINGSTONE Hundred. 312 323 635 145 81 73 o I w 351 187 157 245 337 108 164 180 235 340 212 480 334 674 159 371 186 388 RO 215 34 616 79 4 Cow BLUNTISIIAM - - - - - Parish Broughton - - - - - - Parish Bury - - - - - - - - Parish Colne - - - - Parish Earith - - - - - - - Parish Hartford - - - - - - - Parish Hinchinbrook - - - (7) Extra-P. Holywell, with Needingworth - Parish Houghton - - - - - - Parish Hurst, Old - - - - - - Parish Ives, St. - - - - (+) - Parish Pidley, with Fenton - - - Parish Ranisey - - - - - - - Parish Raveley, Great - - - - - Parishi Raveley, Little - - - - - Parish Ripton, Abbotts, with Wennington Par: Ripton, King's · - - b) Parish Somersham - - - - - - Parish Stukeley, Great - - - - - Parish Stukeley, Little - - - - - Parish Upwood - - - - - © Parish Warboys - - - • - Parish Wistow - - - - - - - Parish Witton, or Wytton - - - - Parish Woodhurst'. - - - - - Parish 544 - 75 557 78 394 212 77 1,432 172 1,405 Tai!!!! - IIII!! III-III 577 89 75 325 45 15 56 II COA Colori #istina Icones o co 8 1,345 202 1,409 113 32 782 427 156 2,777 374 2,814 222 68 379 260 I am III II III - OP 1 109 299 ccm 206 36 173 135 163 562 604 1,166 64 165 176 52 341 385 178 80 388 65 204 68 43 68 207 189 661 167 123 165 11 185 138 170 1,353 352 261 335 2,761 3,343 53 2,076 1,009 258 7,797 / 7,891 | 15,688 LEIGHTONSTONE Hundred. 424 185 359 783 197 382 25 53 51 220 220 509 555 78 86 76 104 1,064 164 151 75 141 152 261 293 529 268 34 36 70 80 139 172 III W NOW I I and III AIINIT - 170 90 174 239 344 102 257 496 11 33 Alconbury - - - - - - Parish Alconbury-Weston - - - - Parish Barham - - - Parish Brampton - - - - (d) Parish Brington - - - Parish Buckworth . . Parish Bythorn . . - - - - - Parish Catworth, Great Parish Coppingford - - Parish Covington - - Parish Easton . . - Parish Ellington - - - - - - - Parish Gidding, Great - - Parish Gidding, Little - - Parish Gidding, Steeple - - - - Parish Graff ham, with East-Perry - - Parish Hamerton - - - - - - Parish Keyston - - - - - - - Parish Kimbolton - - - - - - Parish Leighton - - - - - - - Parish Luddington-in-the-Brook (*) Parish Molesworth - - Parish Spaldwick - - - Parishi Stow . - - - - - (f) Parish Swineshead - - Parish Thurning - - - - (8) Parish - . - - - - - Parish Weston, Old - - - - - - Parish ll'inwick - - - - . (b) Parish Woolley - - - - - - - Parishi 64 43 18 51 III may limilla IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 134 267 27 27 65 42 101 46 300 295 141 196 1,562 95 811 222 751 224 446 85 106 157 191 175 95 332 Torcow i vodoivent 99 194 118 245 Upton 77 156 I NII 127 79 75 179 149 29 76 200 152 35 151 379 301 64 1,521 1,8306 23 1,309 382 139 4,709 4,764 | 9,473 . Hinchinbrook is partly in St. Mary's Parish, Huntingdon, and extra-Parochial.- ) King's-Ripton Parish includes the Han. sapley- () Tenements have been mistaken for Houses in the cum of Upwood. The actual number of Houses is 56.--- Thirty- korkmen employed in building a mansion house, but not constantly Brampton Parish, are included in the Return.-- () The Parish of Luddington-in-the-Brook is partly in Polebrook Hundred, Northamptonshire, where the whole is entered. (*) Stow, or Long- Stow, with Little-Catwick. (5) Thurning Parish extends into North- amptonshire, Polebrook Hundred. (h) Winwick Parish is partly in Polebrouk Hundred, Northamptonshire, but the whole is bere entered. resident in B Mm 134 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By TOTAL OR how EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF Inhabited. many Families Oc. cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- 1 ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly einploy- Families em- ed in not com- ployed- | prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- or Handi ing craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. TRADE, MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. TURE. 257 51 18 44 130 23 51 116 46 374 95 CY W WC 215 99 44 90 411 785 83 76 99 104 159 203 171 187 358 58 112 311 151 42 NORMAN-CROSS Hundred. Alwalton - - - - - - - Parish Caldicote - - - - - - - Parish Chesterton - Parish Conington Parish Denton - - Parish Elton - - - Parish Fletton - - - - - - - Parish Folksworth - - - - - - Parish Glatton - - - - - - - Parish Haddon - - - - - - - Parish Holme - - - - - - - Parish Norborn - - - - - - - Parish Luddington-in-the-Wold - (i) Parish Orton--Longville - - - - Parish Orton-Waterville - - - - Parish Sawtry-All Saints - - - - Parish Sawtry-St. Andrew - - - - Parish Sawtry-St. Judith - - (k) Extra-P. Sibson with Stibbington - - - Parish Standground - - - - - (1) Parish Farcett - - - - - Chapelry Stilton - - - - - - - Parish Wasbingley - - - - - (m) Parish Water-Newton - - - - - Parish Woodstone - - - - - - Parish Woodwalton - - - - - - Parish Yaxley - - - - - - (n) Parish Ico ra si IIIIIIIIIIII bord I love the 95 IIIc IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII co la maneno owo viwowo -ö omrörli Hironio 104 109 154 252 128 249 501 163 156 101 319 207 56 184 374 124 106 190 245 253 343 280 525 499 69 157 19 246 367 710 48 24 68 70 32 22 43 202 91 138 149 211 1,070 47 A mod 72 104 535 43 107 535 219 142 70 1,581 1,752 1,208 401 1 143 3,999 1 4,030 8,020 TOSELAND Hundred. 68 90 392 216 207 464 74 185 509 83 973 32 34 32 157 149 101 421 482 114 430 244 109 61 82 65 55 hots III IC i IIIIIIIA de la OCO A LA Tiile cu lant Dioce con 903 776 1,953 545 297 400 475 303 375 968 286 157 213 224 150 21 1,041 120 401 985 259 140 187 251 153 22 1,231 117 Abbotsley - - - - - - Parish Buckden - - - Parish Diddington - - - - - - Parish Eynesbury - - Parish Fen-Stanton - - - - - - Parish Godmanchester - - Parish Gransden, Great - - - - Parish Hail-Weston - - - - - Parish Hemingford-Abbots Parish Hemingford-Grey - - - - Parish Hilton - - - - - (+) Parish Midloe - - - - - - Extra-P. Neots, St. - - - - - - Parish Offord-Clüney - - - - - Parisha Offord-Darcy - - - - - Parish Papworth-St. Agnes - - (0) Parish Paxton, Great - - - - - Parish Paxton, Little - - - - - Parish Southoe - - - - - - - Parish Staughton, Great, Parish : (P) North-Side - - - - Division | South-Side - - - - Division Tetworth - - - - - (9) Parish Toseland - - - - - - - Parish Waresley - - - - - - - Parish Yelling - - - - - - - Parish 54 43 482 2,272 237 106 108 214 IOI CI 126 126 250 124 175 140 128 301 268 390 424 179 180 Til I og ng i Lioco DO I C C D 359 180 93 65 144 79 110 152 121 145 231 297 2,488 2,809 13 63 1,720 819 2706,244 | 6,540 12,784 (1) Luddington-in-the-Wold is partly in Willibrook Hundred, North- amptonshire, where the whole is entered. (k) Sawtry, St. Judith, Extra-P. heretofore a Parish.- (1) The entire Parish of Standground contains 1,024 Inhabitants. (M) A mode of relief called head-moncy, is said to encourage carly marriages, and pauper Population at Wash- ingley.- (n) The discontinuance of the barracks has caused a dimi- rution of Population at Yaxley.--- Papworth-St. Agnes is chiefly in Papworth Hundred, Cambridgeshire, and there entered.--- The entire Parish of Great Staughton contains 1,173 Inbabitants. - (9) Everton, part of the joint Parish of Everton-cuin-Tetwortlı, is in Biggleswade Hundred, Bedfordshire, and there entered. The entire Parish contains 334 Inhabitants: M.DCCC.XXI. 135 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES ALL | chiefly | OTJER By how many OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Familics OCCUPATIONS: FAMI: FAMIA LIES chiefly em- employ- Families ed in not com- TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. [Classes. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. ployed OP Building. Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- 67 49 20 241 439 BOROUGH OF HUNTINGDON : All-Saints - - - - - - - Parish Benedict, St. - - - - - - Parish John, St. - ------ Parish Mary, St. - --. (") Parish 72 174 190 198 338 318 377 cow I won 715 749 142 148 | 171 528 73 431 477 222 132 426 903 663 2 8 122 326 215. 1,280 1,526 2,806 (1) Ilinchinbrook is parily in Harstingstone Hundred, partly in St. Mary's Parish. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. Hundred of HURSTINGSTONE - - - - 2,761 17 | 53 2,076 7,797 7,891 15,688 LEIGHTONSTONE - - - 1,521 1,830 4,709 4,764 9,473 NORMAN-CROSS - - . 1,581 | 1,752 3,990 4,030 8,020 TOSELAND • ... - 2,488 2,809 6,2441 6,540 12,784 Borough of IIUNTINGDON - - .-- 528 663 2 8 122 326 | 2151 1,280 1,526 2,806 OC TOTALS - - 8,879 10,397 46 168 6,435 2,937 1,025 24,020 | 24,751 48,771 136 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANI) RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON- continued. Ages of Persons. MALE S. Hundred TOTAL of HURSTINGSTONE - -| 774 | 651 1984 653 157 299 | 135 | 28 | 21-16,426 LEIGHTONSTONE - - 653 | 476 1 - 4,695 NORMAN-CROSS - - | 1 272 221 | 91 | 26 - 13,990 TOSELAND - - - - 893 1882 | 746 607 1 825 | 649 167| 45 5 1 - 16,096 HUNTINGDON, BORO' | 178 | 167 | 140 91 53 22 4 - - 11.229 Total of MALES - 3,416 13,177 2,657 2,279 3,228 2,339 2,012 1,541 1,117 526 127 8 1 - 22,427 FEMALE S. - Hundred Under to TOTAL. 100 HURSTINGSTONE - - 11,038 41 ~ 16,347 LEIGHTONSTONE - - 1 742 445 ! 728 518 1 - 14,752 NORMAN-CROSS - - 1 | 257 205 103 31 4,018 TOSELAND - - - - | 145 | 47 | 51 - 16,382 HUNTINGDON, BORO' 188 155 301 | 1731 134 134 98 93 | 33 8 11 - 1,526 C Total of FEMALES - 13.482 13,134 2,586 2,264 3,642 2,560 2,010 1,523 1,156 514|143 | 11 1 - 23,025 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Huntingdon was .... 48,771 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 45,452 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-fifteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Huntingdon was 107, two of which (St. Ives and Hilton) did not contain any answer whatever to the question concerning tho Ages of persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 137 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. c. 94: County of Kent. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, Fami-| ALL • OR By how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families em- | ed in not com- ployed prized in in the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandiam TURE. craft. Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. | TRADE, Manu. MALES. PERSONS. 131 84 140 109 353 693 04 85 727 362 29 365 35 L 12 15 64 39 21 72 14 1,302 20 110 3,136 LATHE OF ST. AUGUSTINE. BEWSBOROUGH Hundred. | BUCKLAND-near-Dover - - Parish Charlton (part of) - - (a) Poriche Charlton (part of) - - - - Clifle, West - - - - - - Parish Coldred - - - - - - - Parish Deal .. - - - - -. (b) Parislı Ewell - - - - - - - - Parish Guston - - - - - - - Parish Hougham (part of) - - © Parish Langdon, West - - - - - Parish Lydden -.- - - - - - Parish Margaret, St, at-Cliffe - - - Parish Poulton - .. - Parish River - - - - - - - - 'Parish Sibbertswold - - - - - - Parish Whitfield - - - - - - - Parish 53 3,675 160 52 125 6,811 340 206 37 3,5 96 0 I OWO INI A criva Iico IllIINII osco 180 420 45 180 110 240 41 92 351 21 380 86 149 52 262 613 29 701 105 136 299 112 207 191 242 198 1,135 1,675 190 591 857 178 319 70 BLEANGATE Hundred. Chislett - - - (+): - - Herne •, - - - - - () Hoath - - - - - - - - Reculver - - - - - - - Stourmouth - - - - - - Sturry . - - - ... - - Swalecliffe - - - - - - Westbeer - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 59 36 348 266 40 Tico i coi 544 818 170 130 120 437 al ooiivooo 36 136 45 40 157 41 107 168 137 441 257 878 20 78 143 104 194 311 202 112 BRIDGE and PETHAM Hundred. Beaksbourne - - - - (€) Parish Bridge :- - - - - - - Parish Hardres, Lower - - - - - Parish Hardres, Upper - - - - - Parish Horton - - - - - () Chapelry Nackington - - - - - - Parish Patrixbourne - - - - - Parish Pethain - - - - - - - Parish Waltham - - - - - (8) Parish il mondo di 149 230 101 101 432 213 243 ocorot oor 86 165 268 121 102 147 263 323 273 536 582 I I VITITI I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! 33 153 347 56 138 287 60 143 53 113 17 135 146 400 CORNILO Hundred. Langdon, East - - - - • Mongeham, Great - - - - Mongeham, Little - - - - Northbourne - - - - - - Oxney: - - - - - - - Ringswould - - - - () Ripple - - - - - - - Shoulden -'. Sutton-by-Dover - - - - Walmer - - - - - (i) 757 11 w me on fi iiiii Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisi Parish Parish 4 96 244 251 495 21 25 81 90 171 285 VAN ...Ojo morro 142 82 154 1,568 169 53 53 • DOWNHAMFORD Hundred. Adisham - - - - - - - Parish Fordwich - - - - - - - Parish lçkham - - - - - - - Parish Littlebourn - - - - - - Parish Staple next Wingham - - - Parish Stodnjarsh. fin. - -.- Parish Wickhambreux - - - - - Parish 121 273 94 127 136 121 248 320 : 226 55 378 305 242 521 698 467 122 469 241 67 82 28 91 236 233 !1"' (°). The largest part of Charlton Parish is distinguished in the Return | Felborough Hundred, Lathe of Scray.- O) A poor-house belonging to as being in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The entire Parish con- | Twelve United Parishes is situate in Waltham Parish, and contains 57 tains 791 Inliabitants. ~:) The decrease of Population in the Parish males and 41 females, included in the Return of that Parish. of Deal (to the amount of 540 persons) is attributed to the cessation of (h) Ringswould Parish is in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. · The 35 war. Hougham Parish is partly in Folkestone Hundred, Latbe of 1 families in the third column of Occupations, are-chiefly einployed in lish- Skepway, and partly in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The entire ing.-- Walmer Parish is in the Cinque Port Liberty of Sandwich. Parish contains 834 Inhabitants. (d) The increased Population in the | The decrease of Population (to the amount of 586 persons) is attribute- Parish of Herne is attributed to the building of lodging-houses at Hearn able to the comparative disuse of the barracks. One female upwards of Bay Beaksbourne Parish is in the Cinque Port Liberty of Hast. | 100 years of age at Walmer, ings. () Horton Chapelry is included in the Return of Charthan, Nn 138 [Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER - COUNTY OF KENT-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL or By how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES | chiefly | OTHER chiefly eniploy- Families em ed in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced. CUL- TorHandi- ling TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. FEDIALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. 115 II 2 OR 73 LATHE OF ST. AUGUSTINE, continued. EASTRY Hundred. Barfreston - - - - - - Parish Bartholomew, St. Hospital (k) Extra-P. Betteshanger - - - - - Parish Chillenden - - - - - - Parish Denton - - - - - () Parish Eastry - - - - - (m) Parish Eythorn - - Parish Ham - - - - - Parish Knowlton - - - - - - Parish Tilmanstone - - - - - - Parish Waldershare - - - - - - Parish Woodnesborough - - - - Parish Word, or Worth - - Parish 25 98 551 511 . 209 Nole iloilor 181 16 on COWA - Forello 911 II w And I 10 IIIIIII I II C IIIII 21 147 196 1,062 390 26 34 303 69 689 22 12 151 41 11 152 35 34 358 101 208 331 230 438 479 912 KINGHAMFORD Hundred. Barhamn - - - - - - - Parish Bishopsbourne - - - - - Parish Kingstone - - - - - - Parish Wootton - - - - - - Parish 130 63 176 325 Tocong 433 149 176 parere Encü 46 126 301 61 131 PRESTON Hundred. Elmstone - - - - - - Preston-by-Wingham - - 76 - - Parish Parish 12 79 Ce oi 33 249 255 504 27 346 Spa 790 3,634 700 1,601 7,843 920 182 RINGSLOW Hundred, or the ISLE of THANET. Birchington - - - - (n) Lawrence, St. in-Thanet - - Margate - - - - - (n) Minster - - - - - - - Monkton - - - - - - - Nicholas, St. at-Wade - - - Peter, St. - - - - - (™) Ramsgate - (+) - (") Sart - - - - - - (n) Stonar - - - - - - - Wood - - -- () 497 187 Parish | 119 124 Parish 315 339 Parish 1,345 1 1,503 Parish 170 Parish 73 Parish 122 Parish 461 464 Ville 1,063 Ville Parish Ville 348 354 811 4,209 423 161 289 1,081 3,334 107 i II a II w co II In 80 @ NC ON 16 180 642 301 1,020 2,697 590 2,101 6,031 191 1,216 97 23 21 44 119 212 103 108 296 543 132 328 719 34 15. 64 111 372 65 II owo i II w I Co. ww Oil WESTGATE Hundred. (™) Dunkirk (Ville) - - - - Extra-P. Dunstan, St. - - - - - - Parish East-Bridge - - - - () Extra-P. Gregory, St. (Ville) - - .' Extra-P. Hackington, or St. Stephen - Parish Harbledown, St. Michael (P) Parish Holy-Cross-Westgate (part of) 2 . without (9) Staplegate - - - - - Extra-P. Thanington - - - () Parish WHITSTABLE Hundred. Cosmus, St. and Damian-in- Parish the-Blean - - - - of Seasalter (Liberty) - - - - Parish Whitstable - - - • (s) Parish 247 391 17 209 176 320 440 123 180 349 138 153 432 134 194 257 65 374 82 238 200 134 128 275 his I i 309 844 345 767 296 (6) The Hospital of St. Bartholomew is eutered with Sandwich at the fashionable watering-places. O) East-Bridge, Extra-P. partly used end of the county.- ) Denton Parish is partly in Kinghamford Hun as an Hospital. The poor-house of five united Parishes, contain- dred, but is wholly entered in Eastry Hundred. ) Eastry Parish is ing 48 persons, is situate in Harbledown, St. Michael's Parish.- partly in Wingham Hundred, but is wholly entered in Eastry Hundred. (9) Holy-Cross, Westgate Parish, is partly in the City of Canterbury, as (n) The Return for Birchington Parish is exclusive of the officers is the Precinct of the Archbishop's Palace; so also is Longport Borough, and men on the Preventive Service, with their families. Birchington, and the St. Augustine Almonry and Monastery, forming part of St. He Margate, St. Peters and Wood, are in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover; ter's Parish. The entire Parish of Holy.Cross-Westgate contains 1,07 Ramsgate and Sarr-Ville in the Cinque Port Liberty of Sandwich. The Inhabitants. Harwich Hamlet is included in the Return of Whitstable; Ville of Broadstairs is included in St. Peter's Parish. The increase of Whitstable Hundred. ) Thanington Parish includes the Hamlet of Population at Margate and Ramsgate is attributeable to their being 1 Milton.----(5) Whitstable Parish includes the Hamlet of Harwich. M.DCCC.XXI. 139 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF KENT-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMILIES OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL By how many Families Inhabited. ployed | TRADE, Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI• | ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- CUL- TURE. craft. | Classes. OF Building. Oc. in MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied | fictures. preced. for Handi- ing LATHE OF ST. AUGUSTINE, continued. WINGHAM Hundred. Ash-near-Sandwich - - - Parish Goodnestone - - - - - - Parish Nonington - - - - - - Parish Wingham - - - - - - Parish Womenswould . . . . . Parish 391 265 360 65 129 190 36 1,031 223 81 129 + III I co i 110 989 209 351 526 101 113 379 2,020 432 730 1,085 233 194 40 37 559 115 118 11,098 12,324, 75 722 5,175 3,661 3,488 31,523 32,372 63,895 LATHE OF AYLESFORD. BRENCHLEY and HORSEMONDEN Hundred. Brenchley - - - - - - Parish Horsemonden - - - - - Parish Lamberhurst, part of - (1) Parish 390 147 64 All 43 11 1,185 586 286 1,079 638 25% 2,264 1,224 538 CHATHAM and GILLINGHAM Hundred. Chatham - - - - - (4) Town Gillingham - - - - (W) Parish Grange, otherwise Grench (*)Hamlet or Ville Lidsing or Lidgen - - - - Ville 1,041 20 lãi 444 2,966 3,243 6,209 112 42 19 257 566 29 309 24 53 70 220 475 255 411 82 828 15 62 134 115 22 90 251 29 144 201 178 80 ვივ 622 97 EYHORNE Hundred. Bearstead - - - - - - - Bicknor - - - - - - - Boughton-Malherb - - - - Boughton-Nonchelsea - (Y) Bredhurst - - - - - - Broomfield - - - - - - Chart-next-Sutton-Valence - - Frinsted - - - - - - - Harrietsham - - - - - - Headcorn - - - - - - Hollingbourn Hucking - Langley - - - - - - - Leeds - - - Lenham - - - - - - - Otham . . Otterden - - Stockbury - - Sutton, East - - - - - Sutton-Valence - - - - - Thornham - - Ulcombe . . . . Witchling - - - - - - Wormshill - - - - - - Iori al l m II III a mal IIIIIIIIII 535 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 90 26 46 III color and not allow long 25 42 143 255 1,004 * =ះ ជី ១ដី។ ឧឧខ្លួន។ ននង៖ ឧទះ ៖ 53 417 52 53 249 72 344 569 465 68 120 260 955 172 85 288 143 528 254 310 222 on woro --www ww with ON ONLARI 500 152 707 1,191 1,000 158 ჩვ 515 1,959 337 172 594 312 1,058 523 668 137 165 165 306 169 co i5ower 115 1 21 74 74 - 142 11 259 199 350 HOO Hundred. Allhallows • - • • • • Parish Halstow, High - - - - - Parish Hoo, otherwise St. Werburgh . Parish James, St. (in-the-Isle-of- } (9) Parish Grain) - - - - - St.-Mary's, Hoo - - - - Parish Stoke - - . - - - - Parish 521 960 - w i ono od co IOAA 136 151 439 118 119 157 254 167 286 350 193 Most part of Lamberhurst Parish is in Pevensey Rape, County | included only in the Columns of Persons. The entire Parish of Gillirige of Sussex. The entire Parish contains 1,325 Inhabitants. (u) The bam (including the Persons above mentioned) contains 6,363 Inhabi- Town of Chatham is entered at the end of the County. (W) In the tants. (*) The Hamlet of Grange is a Member of the Town and Port Return of Gillingham Parish are included 19 Families occupying apart. of Hastings. Boughton-Monchelsea Parish extends into the ments in the Ordnance Barracks, and the women and children on board Hundred of Maidstone. (?) Otterden Parish is partly in Faversham me following Ships lying in the River Medway; viz. Alfred, Bulwark, Hundred..-(a) The increase of Population in the Parish of St. James mberland, Eagle, Hastings, Isis, Menelaus, Shannon, Undaunted, and in the Isle of Grain, is attributed partly to the Families of the Preventive We Unité, who have not been considered as occupying Houses, and are 1 Service. 140 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF KENT- continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Familia Oce cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inliabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- All LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- - Families & em-led in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu. the Two AORI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. I craſt. Classes. or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. .36 113 115 228 24 45 1,136 aviã ww LATHE OF AYLESFORD-continued. LARKFIELD Hundred. Addington - - - - - - Parish Allington - - - - - - - Parish Aylesford - - - - - - Parish Burham (+) - Parish Birling - - - - - - - Parish Ditton - - - - - - - Parish Leybourne - - - - - - Parish Malling, East (+) - - - - Parish Malling, West - - - - - Parish Cffham - - - - - - - Parish Ryarsh - - - - - - - Parish Snodland with Paddlesworth (b) Parish Trotterscliffe or Trosley - - Parish Wouldham - - - - - - Parish 236 21 571 107 220 92 565 129 239 100 143 700 24 40 157 oi vosa novi 459 192 300 1,403 1,205 70,3 557 CO Pre 144 274 182 177 359 240 ANCOS 198 438 120 93 .243 53 276 LITTLEFIELD Hundred. Mereworth - - - - - - Peckham, West - - - (©) 142 Parish Parish eco 348 91 word n 249 249 498 212 161 406 1,166 MAIDSTONE Hundred. (0) Barming - - - - - - - Parish Boxley - - - - - - - - Parish Debtling - - - - - - - Parish Farleigh, East (+)- - - Parish Linton and Crockhurst - - - Parish Loose - - - - - - - - Parish MAIDSTONE (d) - - - - Borough 58 78 228 62 200 122 182 46 166 200 I willari 1 Aer coi Garwo 5c 194 5891 155 1 321 551 1,143 349 882 155 592 100 686 107 166 337 448 434 1 ا 90 206 218 82 146 146 ا ا ا ا 424 673 347 116 334 646 15 31 SHAMWELL Hundred. Chalk - - - - - () Cliffe - - - - - - - - Cobham - - - - - - - Cooling - - - - - - - Cuxton - - - - - - - Denton - - - - - () Frindsbury - - - - - - Halling - - - - - - - Higham - - - - - - - Shorne and Merston - - - Stroud-Extra, part of - () 71 T I., 200 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parislı 1:4 384 ا ا د 334 142 776 1,562 279 50 87 58 203 143 262 346 306 26 112 568 ton 102 145 341 115 پر مر مر دم v 423 353 776 283 778 1,461 2,018 26 3,814 12 12 TOLTINGTROUGH Hundred. Gravesend - - - - - - Parish Ifield - - - - - - - - Parish Luddesdown - - - - - - Parish Meopham - - - - - - Parish Milton-next-Gravesend - (8) Parish Northfleet - - - - - - Parish Nursted - - - - - - - Parish 646 1907 12 35 111 462 397 110 In III 167 1,796 29 125 433 1,310 979 1 141 Leo coco iš 235 833 400 694 351 1,459 985 16 17 7 .. 985 u Parish 277 Parish 1,155 1 236 1603 907 3,532 850 3,874 1,757 7,406, Lowey of TONBRIDGE. (6) Hadlow (+) - - - - - Tonbridge (+)... (h) . TWYFORD Hundred. Farleigh, West - - - - - Hunton - - - - - - - Netilestead - - - - - - ici AA 25 o Parish Parish Parish 58 116 34 15 1 8 184 180 3391 344 125 1301 49 " 21 O) Paddlesworth is said to have been united to Snodland-Parish from 1 chester, and -with it is entered at the end of the County. The entire the earliest period ; and the Inhabitants are known to have married, Parish contains 2,704 Inhabitants. () The Families of Watermen baptized, and buried at Snodland, since the reign of Queen Elizabeil. | 19. the Parish of Milton (part of the Town of Gravesend) are cntered (-) Oxenoath is included in West-Peckham Parisl. (d) Brough: | in the Second Column of Occupations, to the number of 191.- () The t011-Nonchelsea, Pinnendon-Heath, and Coxheath, are parily in Maid: | Parish of Caple extends into the Lowey of Tonbridye. The Town called stone Hundred, parily in Eyhorne Hundred. The Borough of Toubridge Wells is partly in the Parish of Tonbridge, partly in Speld- Milbstone is entered at the end of the County.- ) Denton Pacish Thurst Parish, and partly in Fraset Parish, Rotherlield Hundred, Rape is included in the Return of Chalk Parish. There is no Church at of Pevenscy, County of Sussex.. wy. Nowca. : ... ; . .. . Denton. ) Siruud-Infra is in the jurisdiction of the City of Roo M.DCCC.XXI. 141 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF KENT-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, F A MI- By OCCUPATIONS : | FAMI: ALL | Lies OTHER chiefly ♡ Families employ- / em- ployed LIES OR how chiefly TOTAL many T EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Un-Inhabited. apili Inhabited. Building. or FEMALES. in MALES. ed in not com- | Trade, prized in Manu- the Two (factures, preced. orHandi-l ing | craft. Classes. PERSONS. AGRI- . TURE. 278 246 80 LATHE OF AYLESFORD-continued. TWYFORD Hundred-continued. Peckham, East - - - - - Parish Teston - - - - - - - Parish Wateringbury - - - - - Parish Yalding - - 38 814 364 53 182 910 127 48 176 354 132 439 1,724 259 915 2,414 476 Parish 321 1,233 1,181 20 34 WASHLINGSTONE Hundred. Ashurst - - - - - - - Parish Bidborough - - - - - - Parish Caple - - - - - - - (b) Parish Pembury - - --- - - - Parish Speldhurst -- - (+) (!) Parish Tudeley - - - - - - () Parish 63 war w III 103 100 181 467 1,065 277 208 192 330 15 121 105 92 149 424 1,232 269 174 891 149 297 392 2,297 57 99 546 115 448 WROTHAM Hundred. Ightham - - - - - - - Shipborne - - - - - - Stanstead - - - - - - Wrotham - - - - -(b) 65 Parish Parish Parish Parish ON I 419 192 134 1,184 867 402 292 2,357 51 210 158 1,173 54 408 45 317 515 135 63 2,646 12,771 15,360 76 345 1 39,575 39,188 178,763 LATHE OF SCRAY. BARNFIELD, East, Hundred. Hawkhurst - - - - - () Parish 382 414 | 2 8 | 219 1,129 1,121 2,250 a I BARCLAY Hundred. Biddenden - - - - - - Parish 135 1814 730 1,544 288 BLACKBOURNE Hundred. Appledore - - - - - - Halden, High - - - - - Kenardington - - - - - Shadoxhurst - - - - - - Woodchurch - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 90 129 42 45 192 lalim 66 107 42 40 WHI o nins 559 .724 196 271 351 86 127 545 373 110 117 550 244 147 1,095 203 1 616 BOUGHTON-UNDER-BLEAN Hundred. Boughton-under-Blean - - - Parish Graveney - - - - - - Parish Hernhill - - - - - - - Parish Selling - - - - - - - Parish 621 105 241 89 II 236 277 1,237 194 477 573 Aw 296 Charing CALEHILL Hundred. - - - - - - - Parish 557 546 142 1,103 43 161 303 478 412 890 Egerton - - - - - Pluckley with Pevington Smarden - - - - - Westwell - - - - - - - - 192 29 122 86 184 107 - - - - AI AIC Parish Parish Parish Parish | 371 663 164 123 202 143 141 25 114 97 137 135 1101 CCO COM 292 483 424 555 443 1,038 867 469 522 1,445 117 151 1,328 521 187 480 142 24 117 2,773 1,001 162 659 31 23 77 28 CHART and LONGBRIDGE Hundred. Ashford - - - - - - • . Parish Bethersden - - - - - - Parish Brook - - - - - - (m) Parish Chart, Great . Parish Hinxhill - - - - - - - Parish Hothfield - - - - - - - Parish Kennington - - Parish Kingsnorth - - - - - - Parish Mersham - - - - - - Parish Sevington - - - - - - Parish Willesborough - - - - - Parish 357 82 220 85 302 64 218 146 of WO OW, 5W + D 438 IIIIIIIIII 222 225 204 410 127 168 366 37 274 447 372 776 86 483 49 209 Speldhurst Parish extends into Somerden Hundred, Lathe of Sut. hurst Parish is attributed to the great addition of hop plantations, and con-at-Hone.-- (j) Tudely Parish extends into Twyford Hundred. to a boarding school of 70 boys, which has been established since 1811. The Return for Wrotham Parish includes the Townships of Hale, This Parish extends into the County of Sussex (Hundred of Henhurst, repicar, Plaxtol, Winfield, and Roughway, which Townships in 1801, Rape of Hastings,) but the whole is here entered. ") Brook Parish and also in 1811, made distinct Returns. The increase in Hawk | extends into Wye Hundred. Oo .142 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration, COUNTY OF KENT-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL OR TOTAL employ- Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Fanuilies Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER cliefly en ed in not com- ployed | Trade, Iprized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, I preced- CUL or Handi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. LATHE OF SCRAY-continued. CRANBROOKE Hundred. Cranbrooke - - -- (+) Parish Frittenden - - - - - - Parish Goudhurst - - - - - (^) Parish Staplehurst - . . . - (n) Parish 134 379 286 1,855 1,828 387 3,683 799 110 412 Li 59 113 22 151 67 84 11 406 207 1,870 149 a rii IIII IC IIIIIII 199 2,049 140 29 3,919 289 37 8pcoat ON 21 FAVERSHAM Hundred. Badlesmere - - - . - - - Parish Buckland - - - - - - - Parish Davington - - - - - Parish Eastling - - - - - - - Parish Faversham-In-Liberty - 01 Town & S 639 Faversham-Out-Liberty -S Parish Goodneston - - Parish Harty, Isle of - - Parish Leaveland - - - - - - Parish Luddenham - Parish Newnham - - - - - - Parish Norton - - - Parish Oare - - - - - - - - Parish Ospring-Liberty - - - - Parish Otterden - - - - - - (P) Parish Preston-next-Faversham Parish Sheldwick - - - - Parish Stalisfield .. - - - - Parish Stone-next-Faversham - - . Parish Throwley - - - - - - Parish 35 178 164 356 on topla 88 og hv BioEnvio N-ro Basic 34 96 192 52 109 452 - 168 267 183 98 197 912 460 102 56 183 278 157 34 292 351 545 340 75 607 41 in 315 fo a 381 137 FELBOROUGH Hundred. Challock - - - Chartham - - - - - (9) Chilham - - - - - - - Godmersham - - - - - Moldash - - - - - - - 855 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 185 155 193 I ini pada w 199 435 540 204 215 420 485 1,025 414 210 163 378 MARDEN Hundred. Goudhurst - - - - - () Marden - - - - (+) (0) Staplehurst - - - - - () 385 462 326 100 Parish Parish Parish 354 236 i erm 282 201 18 1,299 1,100 774 1,280 951 739 2,579 2,051 1,513 A növeva 996 4 307 325 160 155 298 266 111 352 242 650 508 160 75 109 140 70 porösa Ancol 220 300 MILTON Hundred Bapchild - - - - - - - Bobbing - - - - - - - Borden' - - - - - - - Bredgar - - - - - - - Halstow, Lower - - - - - Hartlip - - - - - - - Iwade. - - - - - - () Kingsdown - - - - - - Milstead - - - - - - - Milton-next-Sittingbourn Murston - - - - - - - Newington - - - - - - Rainham - - - Rodmersham Sittingbourne Tong - - - - Tunstall - - - - - Upchurch- - - 145 31 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 29 32 44 109 1,019 317 993 20 75 191 2,012 141 629 1,030 m 1: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 74 67 361 23 115 191 41 325 103 306 164 525 159 41 323 505 148 748 122 307 294 wwr 789 1,537 29 33 , 216 get a coz c 160 414 218 196 .: ROLVENDEN Hundred. Benenden: - - - - - - Rolvenden - - - - - - Parish Parish 2741 306 834 21 230 11 Coco 1,746 157 165 912 702 701 1,403 (n) The Parishes of Goudhurst and Staplehurst, are partly in Cran- Hundred.. (9) The Return for Chartham Parish includes Horton brook Hundred, partly in Marden Hundred, where they are wholly Chapelry in Bridge and Petham Hundred, Lathe of St. Augustine. entered. Faversham is in the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover. The () The Parishes of Goud hairst, Marden am Staplehurst, are partly in entire Parish contains 4,208 Inhabitants. The In-Liberty of Faversham Cranbrook Hundred.--. (3). Chetney Hill is in Iwade Parish. The contains two females upwards of 100 years of age. - Otterden public works there, are now discontinued. Parish, partly in Faversham Hundred, is wholly entered in Eythorn 1 M.DCCC.XXI.] 143 " THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famre OR TOTAL 79 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. 1 ed iri Un-Inhabited. OP Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER Families employ- ein. not com- ployed TRADE, prized in the Two Manu- AGRI- factures, preced- CUI- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un. Inbab MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. LATHE OF SCRAY--continued. 1 SELBRITTENDEN Hundred. 1 Ņewenden-Liberty - - - - Parish | Sandhurst - - - - - - Parish 17. 73 151 1,182 I w 149 577 97 113 12 385 12 20 1,228 Liberty of the ISLE of SHEPPY. East-Church - - - - - - Parish Elmley, Isle of -, - - - - Parish Leysdown - - - - - - Parish Minster-in-Sheppey - - - - Parish Sheerness - - ... - Ville QUEENBOROUGH - Borough & Parish Warden -- -- --- Parish INITI - lin 75 57 300 3,868 3201 705 11 23 132 3,729 7,597 391 817 481 881 145 426 160 400 - 13 21 ö TENTERDEN Hundred. Ebony - - - - - () Tenterden . . . iw Parish Parish öl 1,600 1,659 3,259 TEYNHAM Hundred. Doddington - - - - - - Linstead' - - - - - - - | Teynlam - - - - - - - Ini 11 214 Parish Parish Parish ini 237 455 435 291 451 890 600 100 309 75 248 205 453 · WYE Hundred. Boughton-Aluph - - ... Parish Brook - - - - - - (*) Parish Crundale - - - - - - - Parish Eastwell -. - - - - - - - Parish Wye - - - - - - - - Parish 29 16 I!!! 123 62 Š will 127 250 72 134 758 ! 1,508 269 150 750 11,577 14,264 / 81 255 17,275 4,661 2,328 38,093 / 36,994 | 75,087 AT LATHE OF SHEPWAY. (a) ALOESBRIDGE Hundred. Brenzett (part of) - (*) - - Brookland - - - - - - Fairfield -.. -.-.- - - Parish Parish Parish 101 | 19 28 245 44 24 242 42 372 BIRCHOŁT Franchise and Barony. (*) Aldington (part of) * - - (3) Parish Bircholt :- - - (+) - - Parish Brabourne - - - - - - Parish Hastingleigh - - - - - - Parish Smecth - - - . - - - - Parish 18 a la la li-- 356 15 273 728 33 599 326 33 89 194 105 200 193 393 FOLKESTONE Hundred. Acrise - - - - - (a) Alkham - - - - - - - Capel-le-Ferne - - - - - Cheriton - - - - - O Folkestone - - - - - - 98 264 Parislı Parish Parish Parish Town 33 la lit porno 1 245 81 600 2,127 114 521 1,862 209 862 509 195 1,121 3,989 794 (a) The Liberty of Romney Marsh extends into several of the Hundreds of the Lathe of Shepway, so that if a Parish is not found in its Hundred, it is probably entered in the Liberty of Romney Marsh. A few Parishes (marked thus *) are entered partly in their respective Hundreds, partly in the Liberty; but no part of the Hundreds of Langport and Martin Pountney, and Worth, nor of New Romney Liberty, is entered otherwise than as included in Romney Marsh, which is inserted last of all in this Lathe. () The decrease of Population in Sheerness Ville is attributed to a reduction in the Dock-yard and Ordnance establishments; the entire Parish of Minster contains 8,414 Inhabitants. (u) Ebony Parish is partly in Tenterden Hundred, but wholly entered in Oxney Hundred, Lathe of Shepway. (W) Tenterden Parish is in the Cinqne Port Liberty of Hastings. ) Brook Parish is partly in Wye Hundred, but is wholly entered in Chart and Lyngbridge Hundred. The Barony of Bircholt is sometimes attributed to the Lathe of Scray; the Barony contains Bircholt, Braybourn and Hastingleigh; the Franchise contains part of Aldington and Smeeth. () Aldington Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney Marsh ; the entire Parish contains 735 Inha- bitants.- ) Acrise Parish is partly in Folkestone Hundred, but wholly entered in Loningborough Hundred. ) The Return of Cheriton Service Men. 144 A BSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF KENT-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. OCCUPATIONS: 1 FAMI FA M1- | ALL LIES LIES | chiefly Other chiefly emplov. Families em- ed in not com- played | TRADE. I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. ОР Building. FEMALES, Oc- cupied. MALES. PERSONS. LATHE OF SHEPWAY-continued. 291 261 69 63 FOLKSTONE Hundred-continued. Folkestone - - - - () Parish I Hawkinge - - - - - - Parish Hougham (part of) - - (d) Parish Newington-next-Hythe - - Parish Swingfield . - - - - - - Parish Col 552 132 414 205 wol 209 259 178 239 498 T. 126. 304 HAM Hundred. Orlestone (part of) * - - (©) Warehorne - - - - - - III Parish Parish 60 B 128 262 262 493 HAYNE Hundred. Postling - - - - - - Saltwood - - - - - - 89 86 175 - - Parish Parish II 280 570 co w co I HYTHE Hundred Hythe, West - - - - () Parish HYTHE, St. Leonard CAS Cinque Port 1 Hythe, St. Leonard (') { and Parish 119 69 960 -50 1,221 20 2,181 LANGPORT Hundred. * 89 186 1,168 LONINGBOROUGH. Acrise - - - - - (a) Parish Elham - - - - - (8) Parish Lyminge - - - - - (hi Parish Lyminge - - - - - - Extra P. Paddlesworth - - - - - Parish 591 577 I II III i cvic 330 MARTIN POUNTNEY Hundred. * NEWCHURCH Hundred. Bilsington (part of) *. - (1) Ruckinge - - - - - - - orari Parish Parish 145 177 I 331 62 OXNEY Hundred. Ebony - - - - - - Stone - - - - - - - Wittersham - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish 151 425 I III 448 911 i com o ROMNEY, Cinque Port. * 215 95 454 STOUTING Hundred. Elmsted - - - - - - - Monks-Horton - - - - - Standford - - - - - - - Stelling - - - - - () Stouting - - - - - - - 186 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 111 118 Webcrc 132 115 121 III II III 75 STREET Hundred Bonnington (part of )* (*) Hurst (part of) * - - - (1) Lympne (part of) * - - (m) Sellinge - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Jörn 13 54 11 194 129 24 444 469 250 245 224 WORTH Hundred *. ( Part of Folkestone Parish is independent of the Town of Folkestone, which is a separate jurisdiction ; the entire Parish contains 4,541 Inha- bitants. Hougham Parish is partly in Bewsborough Hundred, Lathe of St. Augustine; this part of the Parish is within the Liberties of the Town and Port of Dover. The entire Parish contuins 834 Inba- bitants. - Orlestone Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney Alarsh; the entire Parish contains 453 Inhabitants. () West-Hythe Parish is within the Liberties of the Town and Port of Hythe, which place has increased in the number of Houses, but rather decreased in Population; the Families of the Military, and Labourers on public Works being withdrawn. Stelling is partly in Loningborough Hundred, but wholly entered in Stouting Hundred. ) A Workhouse for several United Parishes has been built at Elham.--(h) The entire Parish of Lyminge contains 718 Inhabitants. () Bilsington Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney Marsh; the entire Parish contains 299 Inba. bitants. (j) Stelling Parish is partly in Loninborough Hundred. (k) Bonnington Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney Marsh ; the entire Parish contains 152 Inbabitants.- (1) Hurst Parish is partly in the Liberty of Romney Marsh; the entire Parish contains 30 Inha- bitants. — (m) Lympne Parish is partly in the Liberty of Ronney Marsh; the entire Parish contains 467 Inliabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 145 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF KENT-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | ALL By OR how ໝດາວy TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly | OTHER em- employ. Families not com- ployed TRADE, prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- Torllandi- ing TURL. craft. | Classes. Families Oc. cupied. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 49 La !!!!! 23 188 56 94 543 Fã mtu VASO WA SHEPWAY LATHE-continued. ROMNEY MARSH Liberty (™). Aldington (part of) - - - - Parish Bilsington (part of) - - - - Parish Bonnington (part of) - - - Parish Brenzett (part of) - - ( Parish Broombill - - - - (P) Parish Burmarsh, - - - - - - Parish Dymchurch - - - - - - Parish with Blackmanstone - - - - - Parish East-Bridge - - - Parish Hope, All Saints - - - - Parish Hurst (part of) - - - Parish Ivy-Church - - - - - - Parish Lydd - - - (+) Parish Lympne (part of) - - - - Parish Mary's, St. - - - - - - Parish Midley - - - - Parish New-Church - - - - - Parish Orgarswick - - - - - - Parish Orlestone (part of) - - - - Parish Romney, New -- ſ Cinque Port land Parish Romney Old, - - - - - Parish Snargate - - - - - - - Parish Snave - - - - - - - - Parish 18 Talo I ovo III a II III !!!! 48 Til A IIIIIIIIIII II pored III 290 731 252 1,437 23 13 30 103 !! 12 33 116 6 ! 101 281 10 191 962 539 153 mari !!! 172 47 51 93 108 4,200 4,897 | 29 1392,488 1,080 1,329 12,736 | 12,684 | 25,420 1 . 92 101 80 14 233 94 106 30 272 292 1,815 282 102 1,778 505 574 3,593 1,077 586 144 -546 332 531 254 3 93 75 LATHE of SUTTON at HONE. AXTON DARTFORD and WILMINGTON Hundred. Ash - - - - - - - - Parish Darenth . . - - - - - Parish Dartford - - - - - - - Parish Eynesford - - - - (9) Parish Farningham - - - - - - Parish Fawkham - - Parish Hartley - - - - - - - Parish Horton-Kirby - - - - - Parish Kingsdown - - - - () Parish Longfield - - - - - Parish Lullingstone - - - - - - Parish Ridley - - - - - - - Parish South fleet . - - - - - Parish Stone-near-Dartford - - - Parish Sutton-at-Hone - - - - - Parish Swanscombe - - - - - - Parish Wilmington - - - - - - Parish 74 168 161 263 274 212 537 ܝܘ ܙ 6 ܝܕ ܟ ܢܚ ܙ ܝܝ ܀ ܙ ܙ ܩ ܟܗ ܗ 226 438 I holde vi ai il 1 1 1 1 1 1 wo i 68 45 113 26 15 41 10 38 125 74 1577 95 514 157 36 305 279 414 456 335 272 235 449 452 863 908 163 124 318 653 208 710 916 313 BLACKHEATH Hundred (5). Charton-next-Woolwich - - Parish : 294 Eltham - - - - . :) Parish Mottingham - - - () Hamlet Kidbrooke - - - - () Liberty 7. Lee - - - - - - - - Parish 119 Lewisham - - - - - - Parish ( 1,409 408 1.8 ; ; 898 40 985 54 15 1,626 1,883 94 73 737 8,185 39 34 149 1,591 ܝܕ ܙ - 44 602 509 294 3,630 443 4,555 (") Part of Aldington Parish is in Bircholt Franchise; part of Bil. 1 partly in Aloesbridge Hundred. The entire Parish contains 238 Inha- sington is in Newchurch Hundred; part of Bonnington is in Street 1 bitants. (P) Broomhill Parish is partly in Langport Hundred, and fundred; part of Brenzett is in Aloesbridge Hundred; Broomhill is in partly in Goldspur Hundred; Rape of Hastings, County of Sussex bangport Hundred; Burinarsh, Dymchurch with Blackmanstone, East (9) Éynesford Parish includes Crockinhill Hamlet. -) Kingsdown Bridge and Orgarswick are in Worth Hundred ; Hope, All Saints and Parish extends into Codsheath Hundred.- (5) The Towns of Deptford, ddare in Langport Hundred ; Ivy-Church and Midley are in Martin Greenwich and Woolwich, are entered at the end of the County fountney Hundred ; St. Mary's and Nex-Church are in New-Church 1(0) Mottingban Hamlet extends into Chiselhurst Parish, Ruxley Hun. nord; Snargate and Snave are in Aloesbridge Hundred ; Hurst and dred. The entire Parish of Eltham contains 1,977 Inhabitants.mmmm yapne are partly in Street Hundred, and Romney (New and Old) 1 (0) Kidbrooke Liberty, heretofore a Parish. to the Cinque Port Liberty of that name.. Brenzett Parish is 101 PP 146 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF KENT—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: . PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LA OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE.. em- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI- | All LIES LIES chiefly TIER chiefly employ- Families ed in not cons- ployed eu Trave, prized in in Manu- the Two Agri- factures, | preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. | cruft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. FEMALES. Oc. NALES. PERSONS. cupied. LATHE of SUTTON at HONE continued. 196 2 46 91 558 486 289 193 622 / 1,180 1,651 3,147 1,496 73 108 970 72 501 415 133 158 42 812 469 397 110 181 34 BROMLEY and BECKINGHAM Hundred. Beckenham - - - - - - Parish Bromley - - - (+) - - Parish CODSHEATH Hundred. Brasted - - - - - () Parish Chevening - - - - - - Parish Halstead - - - - - - - Parish Kemsing - - - Parish Leigh - - - - - - () Parish Otford - - - - - - - Parish Seal - - - - - - - - Parislı Seven-Oaks - (+) - (y) Parish Riverhead - (+) - - - Liberty Weald - - (+) - - - Liberty Shoreham - - - - - - Parish Sundridge - - - - - (2) Parish 243 88 81 178 359 159 143 42 70 115 115 241 362 230 89 114 con car c m Lion and .ow 169 125 272 464 312 412 876 630 318 678 82 168 51 135 418 73 1,006 60ვ 105 239 121 178 220 642 1,108 613 300 453 549 1,320 2,114 1,216 612 891 1,129 108 138 312 438 580 380 co 139 191 1,866 LESSNESS Hundred. Crayford - - - - - - - Erith - - - - - - - - Plumstead - - - - - - Wickham, East - . - - - 315 223 281 Parish Parish | Parish Parish 99 euro 919 711 1,140 947 652 1,246 158 | 461 479 140 1,363 2,386 317 52 12 159 466 co os mes como o 233 151 403 128 1,164 2,311 145 132 10 418 1,147 338 735 264 342 160 851 756 1,586 40 12 136 *2.21 h 144 165 76 452 422 42 25 129 116 245 11111 111111111111111 11111 48 178 364 Parish! Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 121 111 336 683 340 RUXLEY Hundred Bexley - - - - - (a) Chelsfield - - - - - - Chiselhurst - - - - () Cray, Foot's - - - - - - Cray, St. Mary's Cray, North - - Cray, St. Paul's - Cudham - - - - - - - Down - - - Farnborough - Hayes - - - Keston - - - - - - - Nockholt - - - - - - - Orpington - - - Wickham, West - - - - - SOMERDEN Hundred. (Ⓡ) Chiddingstone - - - - - Cowden - - - - - - - Hever - - - - - - - Penshurst - - - - - - Speldhurst - - - (b) 75 21 ****98*8 553 155 261 222 wooo wo er and had 40 21 347 185 292 207 114 215 410 290 30 10 ov I II III al XIIIIIIII 138 43 429 252 407 754 555 192 344 265 102 161 26 589 507 1,096 683 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 80 68 160 98 93 155 354 313 Trio 329 293 658 606 165 734 1,392 WESTERHAM Hundred (w). Edenbridge - - - - - - Parish Westerham - - - - - - Parish co 158 230 301 764 690 1,454 1,742 1156 880 862 5,921 3,965 2,614 31,038 31,676 62,714 199 454 255 545 462 1,007 10,626 12,500 98 284 CANTERBURY CITY. All-Saints - (+) - - - Parish 82 Alphage, St. - - - - - - Parish 204 Andrew, St. - - - - - - Parish Archbishop's Palace - - - Precinct | Christ-Church - - - - - Precinct George, St. the Martyr - - Parish 207 Holy-Cross, Westgate, within (part of) - () Parish - 89 536 29 A ovo con i Oliina 242 93 294 116 209 239 36 152 623 zoa 444 1,067 39 89 111 200 (W) Bradsted Parish extends into Westerham Hundred.- Leigh | Hundred.- 0) Speldhurst Parish is entered in the Lathe of Aylsford Parish extends into Somerden Hundred. The entire Parish of | (Washlingstone Hundred.) () Most part of Holy-Cross, Westgate Seven-Oakis contains 3,944 Inhabitants. () A manufactory of paper | Parish, is in Westgate Hundred, Lathe of St. Augustine. at Sundridge bas increased.-- () Bexley Parish extends into Lessness M.DCCC.XXI.) 147 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF KENT—continued. PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how wany TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FANI All LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed in the Two AGNI- | factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. OF Un-Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. | Building TRADE. prized in FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. Mapu- ing 126 76 388 403 84 37 76 320 86 123 94 104 610 247 CANTERBURY City-continued. Margaret, St. - - - - - Parish Martin, St. - - (+) - - Parish Mary-Bredin, St. - - - - Parish Mary-Bredman, St. - - - Parish | Mary-Magdalen, St. , - . Parish Mary, St. Northgate - - - Parish Mildred, St. - - Parish Paul, St. - ---- (d) Parish Longport - - - - - Borough Augustine, St. - - - Almonry Augustine, St. - - - Dis. Mon. Peter, St. - - - - - - Parish | 79 258 213 239 1,095 814 55 241 791 163 578 460 480 2,444 1,732 721 429 Oom low O CANOWA 281 1,349 918 392 160 143 9 684 wachezo 313 23 102 371 · 30 53 76 178 ' 152 1881 172 311 438 749 87 394 1,750 746 5,7806,965 12,745 | 293 1,451 1,5936,881 7,873 14,754 29 87 11 51 387 69 901 777 518 42 228 1,927 1,541 626 286 2,202 1,753 617 129 514 4,129 3,294 1,243 596 86 205 20 2,408 2,890 11 Town of Chatham (part of) - (+) - (9) Parish 2,549 3,337 26 135 And City of ROCHESTER. Cathedral Church - - - - Precinct Chatham (part of) -(+) - () Parish 96 122 Margaret, St. - - - - - Parish Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish 691 Stroud, infra .. . (f) Parish | 171 256 4,135 5,336 Town of DEPTFORD. Nicholas, St. . -- () Parish 1,161 1,523 Paul, St. (part of) -- b) Parish 2,481 3,411 Town of Greenwich ---- () Parish 3,007 4,002 | 17 17 1 346 6,649 8,936 36 Town and Port of DOVER (1) James, St. the Apostle - - Parish 301 Mary, St. the Virgin - - - Parish 1,574 2,701 2,250 11,245 12,818 24,063 374 1,148 2,931 1,805 1,3266,382 3,406 7,143 6,337 13,525 117 | 1,224 2,661 10,740 9,972 20,712 3,403 5,135 20,053 20,521 | 40,574 272 | 1 50 780 251 794 894 / 4,658 1,674 8,653 1,065 3,995 1,115 | 4,775 5,552 | 10,327 1,846 2,192 1770 Borough of MAIDSTONE - - (+) - - Parish 2,131 2,348 42 103 451 1,577 320 6,083 1 6,425 | 12,508 - 18 Town and Port of SANDWICH. (j) St. Bartholomew Hospital - Extra-P. St. Clement - - - - - - Parish St. Mary-the-Virgin - - - Parish St. Peter-the-Apostle - - - Parish 26 35 161 177 400 160 5 1 25 147 911 68 - 28 112 100 187 217 61 777 914 1,160 377 · 427 496 487 207 664 21 30 102 / 2051 2921 1,326 | 1,586 2,912 546599 Town of - - - - - - Parish 2,520 4,293 Woolwich 11 227 14 | 1,652 2,627 7,606 9,402 17,008 (4) The entire parish of St. Paul contains 1,636 inhabitants. County of Surrey. The entire Parish contains 14,481 Inhabitan's. One O Chatlam is partly within the jurisdiction of the City of Rochester, male and one female, upwards of 100 years of age, in the Parish of and wholly adjoins to that City. The entire Parish contains 15,268 St. Paul.- (i) The Increase of Population in Greenwich is partly Inbabitants. (f) Most part of Struud Parish (Stroud-Extra) is in attributable to the Naval Asylum, and Increase of Resident Pensioners. Shamwell Hundred, Lathe of Aylesford. The entire Parish contains The Parishes of Deptford and Greenwich make one large town, and the 2,704 Inhabitants.- 6) The Decrease of Population in the Parish of | Total appears accordingly. -(j) Several places which are within the Nicholas Deptford, is ascribed to the Reductions in the Dock-yard. jurisdiction of the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover, and of Sandwich, One e female, upwards of 100 years of age, in the Parish of St. Nicholas. | arc entered in the respective Lathes and Hundreds wherein they are -(") St. Paul's Parisha (Deptford) is partly in East Brixton Hundred, | locally situate. St. Nicho 148 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF KENT-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF KENT. HOUSES : PERSONS: ALL HUNDREDS, By how many Families TOTAL &c. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA MI- FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- | Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE. I prized in in | Manu. the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classés. Un-Inhabited. JE Building FEMALES. Oe- MALES. PERSONS, upied Låthe of ST. AUGUSTINE - 2 - - |11,098 |12,324/ 75 1 722 31,523 32,372 63,895 39,575 39,188 78,763 38,093 5,175 3,661 3,488 4,480 2,646 7,275 4,661 2,328 2,488 1,080 1,329 3,965) 2,614 36,994 AYLESFORD -...•12,771 15,360 SCRAY - ...... 11;577 SHEPWAY ------| SUTTON-AT-HONE - - - - 10,626 12,500 75,087 12,736 31,038 12,684 25,420 31,676 | 62,714 City of CANTERBURY - - - - - 2,408 2,890 11 87 394 1,750 746 5,780 6,965 12,745 · Town of CHATHAM, - and -- City of ROCHESTER - - - - 14,135 5,336 33 188 385 2,701 2,250 11,245 | 12,818 | 24,063 Towns of DEPTFORD and GREENWICH 6,649 8,936 36 736 398 3,403 5,135 20,053 20,521 40,574 Town and Port of DOVER - ...... 1,846 2,192 17 70 32 1,045 1,115 | 5,552 10,327 Borough of MAIDSTONE .....2,131 2,348 | 42 | 103 | 451 / 1,577) 320 6,083 6,425 12,508 Town and Port of SANDWICH - ..... 546 599 2 30 102 205 292 1,326 1,586 2,912 Town of WOOLWICII - - - - - - | IL 2,520 4,293 11 227 14 1,652 2,6271 71606 9,402 17,008 Totals - - - 20,507 85,939|511 3,186 30,869 30,180 24,890 209,833 216,183 426,016 .M.DCCC.XXI.) 149 'THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. 11 : COUNTY OF KENT-continued. Ages of Persons. MA LES. 15 20 30 40 Under Lathe TOTAL. of ST. AUGUSTINE -- 4,079 3,545 3,081 | 2,507 3,487 2,730 2,297 1,680 AYLESFORD - 5,267 4,528 3,763 | 3,170 4,711 3,775 3,034 2,262 1,350 6261 SCRAY - - - - - 5,667 4,936 4,099 3,538 5,236 3,964) 3,105 2,206 1,448 780 SHEPWAY - - - .|| 1,947 1,625 | 1,415) 1,239 1,783 1,346 1,042 770 509 266 SUTTON-AT-HONE - 4,258 3,901 4,019 3,158 2,688 1,911 1,221 628 1 25,284 32,652 35,173 12,023 27,646 493 533 415 368 269 131 299 166 58 668 390 539 4 2,718 1,245 1,890 2,233 CANTERBURY, CITY - | CHATHAM TOWN, and ROCHESTER CITY SI DEPTFORD TOWN, and. GREENWICH TOWNS) 4, DOVER, TOWN and PORT 7 MAIDSTONE, BORO' - | SANDWICH, TOWN and/ 184 PORT 196 - - - - S WOOLWICH, TOWN - 1,596 1,225 5,515 4,136 20,053 4,775 | 115 158 162 974 135 812 93 1,326 7,606 1 884 Total of MALES - 27,962 24,564 21,063 16,062 23,972 20,201 16,828 12,389 8,085 4,072 1 |176,1891 FEM A L E S. 20 Under 30 40 tol toto Lathe 3 TOTAL. 5. of ST. AUGUSTINE - - 3,804 3,480 AYLESFORD - - - 1 5,108 4,533 SCRAY - - - - - 5,660 4,801 SHEPWAY • - - - 1,870 1,668 SUTTON--AT-HONE - 4,165 2,747 2,302 4,072 2,826 2,211 1,651 1,118 603 170 3,568 3,184 5,130 3,644 2,739 1,966 1,258 611 3,873 3,478 5,440 3,915 2,917 1,909 1,342 702 1,397 1,165 1,938 1,008 719 3,045 2,481 4,741 | 3,432 2,603 1,785 24,997 31,901 34,229 11,966 27,973 CANTERBURY, CITY -1 831 734 CHATHAM TOWN, and | 661 ROCHESTER CITY - DEPTFORD TOWN, andll GREENWICH TOWN 2,000 2,378 | 2,223 DOVER, TOWN and PORT| 728 702 MAIDSTONE, BORO' - | SANDWICH, TOWN andll 1 2131 206 | 188 PORT - - - - - WOOLWICH, TOWN - 1,505 1,305 833 632 408 322 178 408 440 289 198 86 3,247 2,768 2,260 1,498 548; 1,081 407 289 6,609 4,659 2 20,524 | 5,551 567 | II a III 156 170 247 173 714 1,708 1,422 96 82 498 288 115 1,586 9,362 1842 1 44 Total of FEMALES - 127,05624,197|19,680 17,098 29,814 21,61916,320 (11,226 7,539 3,727|997 79 5 1179.357 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Kent was .... 426,016, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was .... 355,546, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-sixth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Kent was 446; twenty of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a sipall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Qa 150 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Lancaster. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, or chiefly | OTHER cmploy- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- I ALL LIES LIJS chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE. (prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures. I preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building OF TENIALES. in MALES. PERSONS. 10 167 156 373 376 323 749 o ao 298 250 548 209 w 110 151 99 126 277 140 160 44 20 111 358 346 494 20 76 III wo i ma 704 943 148 587 936 80 288 12 460 449 72 299 476 17 258 208 con viejo, o rio marco 26 43 co 253 511 198 406 I 141 478 1,043 565 127 391 121 409 248 800 21 53 145 106 92 310 114 298 608 110 445 430 953 899 224 875 1,852 419 o 196 A A DÖNA TINI I AMOUNDERNESS Hundred. BISPIIAM Parish : (a) Bispham with Norbreck - Township | Layton with Warbrick - Township 130 Garstang Parish: (0) Barnacre with Bonds - Township Billisborrow - - - - Township Cabus - - - - - - Township 49 Catteral - - - - - Township 117 Claughton - - - - () Township Clevely - - - - () Township Forton - - - - - - Township 125 Garstang - - - - - Township Holleth - - - - - - Hamlet Kirkland - - - - - Township Nateby - - - - (6) Township Pilling - - - - - - Chapelry Winmarleigh - - - - Township Wyersdale, Nether - - Township | Kirkham Parish : (9) Bryning with Kellasnergh - Township Clifton with Salwick - - Township | Eccleston, Little, with Larbrick T. Freckleton - - - - O Township 16 Goosnargh - - - - - Chapelry 12 with Newsham - - - Townships Greenalgh with Thistleton Township Hambleton - - - (9) Chapelry 76 Kirkham - - - - () Township | 503 Medlar with Wesham - - Township 38 Newton with Scales - - Township 68 Ribby with Wrea - - - Chapelry 90 Singleton - - - - - Chapelry 78 Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Township Warton - - - - - - Chapelry Weeton - - - - - - Township Westby with Plumptons () Township 127 Whittingham - - - - Township Lancaster (part of) Parish: (0) Bleasdale - - Chapelry 36 Fulwood - - - - - Township Myerscough - - - - Township Preesall with Hackersall - Township Stalmine with Stanall - - Chapelry 1 98 Lytham - - - - - - Parish 228 Michael, St. Parish : (0) Eccleston, Great - - - Township 130 Elswick - - - - - 'Township 57 Inskip with Sowerby - - Township 138 Rawcliffe, Out - - - Township 101 Rawcliffe, Upper with Tarnicar - T. 111 Wood-Plumpton - - - Chapelry Poulton Parish : () Carleton - - - - - Township 69 Hardhorn with Newton - Township 65 Marton - - - - - () Township 260 Poulton - - - - - Township 216 Thornton - - - - - Towislip 78 517 223 172 1,432 116 338 Ia III III a mad III III III I II and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - 190 166 1,303 99 190 248 286 400 220 257 2,735 215 380 500 501 760 252 136 215 360 248 91 468 216 384 473 387 771 661 BIC 333 3-8 104 36 76 97 221 Os A co w NO 283 108 209 274 357 253 636 soro de Arte Cori ova coloro 212 430 557 700 507 1,292 148 98 258 343 254 656 130 648 57 16 290 141 81 323 145 357 284 325 145 382 314 335 739 07 And onco 109 76 598 308 643 277 119 294 101 1 805 830 1,635 193 163 356 198 392 264 219 146 A A ANO 62 104 55 697 454 194 700 557 1,397 1,011 146 138 439 436 875 () The entire Parish of Bispham contains 1,072 Inhabitants. | ham to the increase of trade, generally. One male upwards of 100 ycars b) The entire Parish of Garstang contains 7,403 Inhabitants. Clevelyofage in Hambleton Township, another in Westby Township. Most Township is partly in Cockerham Parish, Lonsdale Hundred (South of the part of the Parish of Lancaster is in Lonsdale Hundred (South of the Sands.) Tlie increase of Population at Claughton is ascribed to the 1 Sands.) The Borough is entered at the end of the County:---- ) !!! linen manfacture; at Nateby, to improved agriculture. The che entire Parish of St. Michael contains 4,553 Inhabitants. (') The entire tire Parish of Kirkhain contains 11,925 Inhabitants. The increase of Parislı of Poulton contains 4,091 Inbabitants. The increase of Popular Population at Freckleton is ascribed to a sacking manufacture; at kirk- 1 tion at Marton is ascribed to an extension of trade. M.DCCC.XXI.] 151 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. PERSONS: By on TOTAL Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. • OF Building FEMALES. MALES. Manu- the Two PERSONS. I 217 308 39 137 168 197 414 307 615 37 76 147 284 175 343 97 658 12,719 24,575 72 L 151 33 87 184 CO AVO 328 330 11,856 14,989 18 79 451 1948 497 30,164 30,766 60,930 597 121 627 125 41 1,224 246 728 121 ő i II 391 337 76 192 ő 198 390 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly how chiefly employ- / Families many chi- ed in not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families ployed TRADE, PR prized in Oc- in cupied. AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing AMOUNDERNESS Hundird-continued. TURE. craft. | Classes. Preston Parish : (8) Barton - - - . - - Township 69 Broughton - - - - - Chapelry 110 43 50 | 20 Elston - - - - - - Township 11 Fishwick - - - - - Towuship Grimsargh and Brockholes Township Haighton - - - - - Township Lea, Ashton, Ingol, and Cottam T. 125 127 74 PRESTON - - - - (8) Borough 4,014 115 4,629 29 Ribchester (part of) Parish : (b) Alston with Hatherall - - Township | 143 | 151 - 3143 96 12 10,462 (11,687 68 317 3,092 7,540 1,055 BLACKBURN Hundred. (lligher Division.) Bury (part of) Parish: (i) Coupe-Lench, Newhall- Township 187 hey, and Hall-Carr - 198 Henheads - - - - - Township 38 Musbury - - - - - Township 111 Mitton Parislı: (k) Laund, Old Booth - - Township Whalley (part of) Parish : (0) Accrington, New - - (1) Township 690 Accrington, Old - - - Chapelry 216 221 Altham - - - - - - Chapelry | 73 74 Barley with Whitley-Booths Township 131 Barrowford - - - - Township 450 Booths, Higher - - - Township 576 596 Booths, Lower - - - Township 295 214 Brierscliffe with Extwistle Township 247 254 195 Burnley - - - - (1) Chapelry 1,029 1,227 1,167 Chatburn - - - - - Township 103 | 103 82 CLITHEROE - - - () Borough 501 582 Cliviger - - - - - Chapelry 196 196 190 Colne - - - - - () Chapelry 11,270 1,423 1,365 35 Dunnockshaw - - - - Township 11 Downham - - - Chapelry 104 110 Foulridge - - - - - Township 242 Goldshaw-Booth - - - Chapelry | 159 174 161 Habergham-Eaves - - Township 891 Hapton - - - - - - Township 104 77 Heyhouses - - - - - Township 32 37 35 Higham-Booth - - - Township Hallows-Reedly, Filly-Close, and New-Laund-Booth -S Huncoat - - - - - Township 116 121 Ightenhill-Park - - () Township Marsden, Great - - - Chapelry 311 326 Marsden, Little - - - Township Mearley - - - - - Township 13 Mitton, Little - - - () Township New-Church with Deadwin- Clough - - - () - Jon Chapelry 1,592 1,673 Padiham - - - - - Chapelry 559 692 Pendleton - - - - - Chapelry 234 Ora ci Nic 704 co 1+ OVO 20 min10ti W co 2,035 654 129 313 375 1,109 402 2,074 607 226 390 1,059 1,592 748 714 3,149 Divic II C 1,580 765 693 4,109 1,261 439 765 2,168 3,172 1,513 1,407 6,378 552 3,213 1,314 7,274 620 1,307 287 427 79 .6 iii 1,533 664 3,525 3,229 265 1,680 650 3,749 40 313 36 76 77 239 661 819 849 108 ni, Iori - Arie 307 646 414 2,229 287 98 461 lavoro II + P II 405 2,383 201 89 430 198 4,612 568 187 891 422 172 ce ii coin to 00-07 Coco Coco 224 311 318 629 38 105 103 encontro co ő € - 950 943 1,030 208 1,893 2,052 89 357 407 13 45 14 1,022 44 53 4,228 1,524 46 99 o i 4,329 1,536 106 8,557 3,060 1,319 216 213 693 626 - 1 . The entire Parish of Preston contains 27,300 Inhabitants. The increase of Population, especially in the Townships of New-Accrington, arge increase of Population in the Borough of Preston is ascribed to Burnley, Clithero, Colne, and Wiswell, is ascribed to the extension of me extension of trade. (h) Most part of Ribchester Parish is in manufacture in spinning cotton thread, weaving and printing calico, and ackburn Hundred. The entire Parish of Bury contains 34,581 | a new colliery has been opened in the Township called Ightenhill-Park. bhabitants. Most part of Bury Parish is in Salford Hundred. (k) The Deadwin-Clough, Tunstead, Wolfenden, and Bacup are included in the parish of Mitton is mostly in Yorkshire, W. Riding, (Staincliffe and Return of New-Church; Hewthorn and Coalcoates, in the return of Little swcross Wapentale.) The entire Parish of Whalley (which is Mitton. The Parish is said to extend into Cheshire (Eddisbury Hundred) partly in the Lower Division) cuntains 84,198 Inhabitants. The great 1 and Yorkshire (Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake.) 152 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LANCASTER—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By how OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- em- ed in not coin- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- t the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandid ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. Op FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. I 64 260 146 488 BLACKBURN Hundred. (Higher Division.) continued. Whalley Parish-continued. Read - - - - - - Township Rough-Lee-Booth - - - Towuship Simonstone - - Township Trawden-Forest - - - Township Twiston - - - - - Township Whalley - - - - - Township Wheatley-Carr Township Wiswell - - - - - () Township Worsthorn - - - - - Township Worston - - - - - Township Yate and Pick-up-Bank - Township 205 250 470 191 1,254 116 159 67 470 32 219 441 32 510 958 396 2,507 236 1,0:58 375 16 191 Tiia III-a la IIIIolovci 184 Al N NAI CU CU 518 32 14 1,253 120 540 37 324 303 10 69 121 127 359 683 328 631 123 34 34 95 83 22 233 178 238 246 706 653 1,359 1,146 11,941 528 35,820 36,326 72,146 ܟ 99 393 312 488 434 ܙ ܕ ܟ 3,969 95 28 11,514 289 I 82 1,091 373 1,121 10,426 309 84 1,147 3,295 127 237 1,050 109 3,416 O ܙ ܝܕ 6 ܝܕ ܟ ܝܕ ܝܕ ܟ ܟܙ ܚ ܟ 705 922 | 21,940 598 166 2,238 6,711 238 456 2,104 210 1,664 1,981 319 297 809 I mad IIIIIIIIIIIII or liori 54 111 219 1,054 101 855 967 164 309 271 555 212 625 183 ܙ ܟ 12,510 13,615 223 276 BLACKBURN Hundred. (Lower Division.) Blackburn Parish: (m) Balderston - - - - - Chapelry: 109 / 112 Billington - - - - - Chapelry! 157 i 160 Blackburn - - - Township 13,944 4,337 Clayton-le-dale .. Township 93 Cuerdale - - - - - Township 28 Darwen, Lower Township 357 377 Darwen, Over- Chapelry 1,114 1,157 Dinkley - - - Township 35 37 Eccleshill - - - Township Harwood, Great - Chapelry 380 Harwood, Little Township Livesly - - - - - - Township 281 Mellor - - - Township 330 Osbaldeston - - - - Township 52 Pleasington - - - - Township 95 Ramsgrave - - - - Township 86 Rishton - - - - - Township Salisbury - - - - - Chapelry Sainlesbury - Chapelry 321 325 Tockholes . - - - - Chapelry 207 208 Walton-le-Dale - - - Chapelry 1,070 Wilpshire - - - - - Township Witton - - - - - - Township Chipping Parish: (*) Chipping - - - - - Township 223 Thornley-with-Wheatley - Township 1 84 Mitton Parish : (*) Aighton Bailey & Chaigley Township 233 Ribchester Parish : (part of) (0) Dilworth - - - - - Township 160 Dutton - - - - - - Township Ribchester - - - - - Township | 297 Whalley (part of) Parish : 0) Bowland with Leagram - Township Church-Town - - - - Chapelry 107 145 Clayton-le-Moors - - - Township 207 349 Haslingden - - - - Chapelry 11,170 1,170 Oswaldtwistle - - - Townsluip 789 1850 11 206 1 70 1,014 155 316 263 615 215 983 662 2,763 146 559 996 ܙ ܨܢ ܟ ܝ ܟ 534 1,170 427 1,979 1,269 5,740 287 1,067 191 954 48 607 2,977 141 508 904 51 46 01 ܝ 1 201 111 ܝܢ | 631 258 598 248 | 1,229 506 ܒܝܘ 865 622 -1,487 ni o 156 ܟ 139 471 255 498 266 969 521 1,760 ܟ ܟܨ 863 897 62 62 189 370 140 ܝܢ ܝܝܘ ܟ 367 Faili 325 509 773 995 3,312 2,451 181 385 968 3,283 2,509 752 1,963 Į 6,595 l 4,960 ܗ 12,493 13,499 70 358 111,050 1,295 | 36,822 37,640 74,462 (k) The Parish of Mitton is mostly in Yorkshire, West Riding to the introduction of Vaccine Inoculation. A colliery has been opened (Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake.) () See Nole on preceding | at Over-Darwin. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Black. page. (m) The entire Parish of Blackburn contains 53,350 Inhabi- burn Township. The entire Parish of Chipping coutains 1,735 tants. The great increase of Population in this extensive Parish is | Inhabitants. O) The entire Parish of Ribchester, which is partly in ascribed to the extension of cotton manufacture in all its branches, and I Amounderness, contains 4,198 Inhabitants. M.DCCC. XXI.] 15% THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LANCASTER--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES | OTHER OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- 1 FAMI All LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Fainilies ein- ed in not con- prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- (factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ployed TRADE, PE Building OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. LEYLAND Hundred. 34 256 1,370 ܕ ܗ 18 204 1,241 805 3,634 769 3,681 47 1,574 7,315 42 132 122 w ܙ | on 131 261 375 668 holio Oto 254 748 1,367 476 98 99 ܛ ܝ. ܒܝܘ ܟ 248 137 293 833 415 789 89 ܟܬ 270 1,616 537 i co i no Twiiwi 364 51 | ܝܙ ܝܕ ܟ 142 ვივ 132 160 731 727 274 339 1,461 248 32 730 36 216 $0i Go Eco 1 ܟܬ 102 319 125 325 644 146 403 398 801 w ܟ 275 239 Brindle - - - - - - - Parish | 246 Chorley - - - - - - (P) Parish 1,275 Croston Parish: (9) Bispham - - - - - Township 42 Bretherton - - - - - Township 129 Croston - - - - - Township 237 Hesketh with Becconsall - Chapelry Mawdesley - - - - - Township 137 Tarleton - - - - - Chapelry 291 Ulnes-Walton - - - - Township 86 Eccleston Parish : (0) Ecclesion - - - - - Township 121 Hisken - - - - - - Township Parbold - - - - - - Township 68 Wrightington - - - - Township 248 Hoole Parish : ) Hoole, Little - - - - Township Hoole, Much - - - - Township 123 Leyland Parish : (0) Clayton-le-Woods - - Township 139 Cuerden - - - - - Township 88 Euxton - - - - - Chapelry 228 Heapey - - - - - - Chapelry i Hoghton - - - - - Township Leyland - - - - - - Township Wheelton - - - - - Township 188 Whittle-le-Woods - - - Township 361 Withnell - - - - - Township 184 Penwortham Parish : ( Farrington - - - - - Township Howick - - - - - Township 23 Hutton - - - - - - Township Longton - - - - - Chapelry 307 Penwortham - - - - Township 243 Rufford - - - - - - - Parish 169 Standish Parish : (w) Adlington - - - - - Township Anderton - - - - - Township Charnock-Heath - - - Township Charnock-Richard - - Township Coppull - - - - - - Chapelry Duxbury - - - - - Township 52 Shevington - - - - - Township Standish with Langtree - Township Welsh-Whittle - - - - Township Worthington - - - - Township 18 84 ܙ ܝܕ ܝܕ ܗ ܕܝ 104 66 353 294 688 259 1,063 349 368 551 672 271 1,048 1,559 591 1,032 521 1,614 569 1,360 530 2,111 3,173 1,186 2,083 1,146 208 184 II III II w rori II 377 ܗ ܝܕ ܙ 190 320 168 row 595 1,051 561 585 ܢܕ | 25 101 330 269 63 307 208 | ܟܬ ܟܨ_ non Ő CON I 894 244 73 306 897 764 530 513 136 613 1,791 1,501 1,073 250 737 543 | 125 496 ܟܨ ܝܕ ܚ 1,043 432 53 216 400 394 823 cocco IIc | ܟ 794 1,017 Tini IIII 547 216 423 400 499 172 419 1,036 76 518 120 57 126 34 101 256 13 312 ܝܕ ܒܝ ܟ 140 417 1,029 836 370 29 75 29 25 | ܙ | 2,065 151 143 13 75 68 49 134 1,757 5,712 459 22,278 | 22,305 | 44,583 - 11 12 18 389 371 7,528 7,928 LONSDALE Hundred. (North of the Sands.) Aldingham - - - - (*) Parish 141 144 Cartmell Parish: (V) Allithwaite, Lower - - Township | 160 Allithwaite, Upper - - Township 135 145 Broughton - - - - - Chapelry 760 161 418 421 839 Ico 394 197 73 73 381 lon con .) The increase of Population in the Parish of Chorley is ascribed to | ing Townships. (U) The entire Parish of Penwortham contains 4,554 the establishment of new cotton-factories. (9) The entire Parish of Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Standish contains 7,616 Inba- Croston contains 5,831 Inhabitants. The entire Parisb of Eccles- bitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to the establishment of on contains 2,801 Inhabitants.- ) The entire Parish of Hoole con- new cotton-factories. (*) The Return of Aldingham includes the tans 860 Inhabitants.-- () The entire Parish of Leyland contains Townships of Glaston and Leece, of Upper and Lower Aldingham ; all 12.959. Inbabitants. The pleasant and healthy situation of Leyland | which made separate Returns in 1811. ) The entire Parish of Lowasmp is said to have attracted many Inhabitauts from the neiglıbour. | Cartmell contains 4,923 Inhabitants. Rr. 154 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. . HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how inany Families Oc- cupiod. Inbabited. Un-Inbabited. Buildings OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI All LIES LIES chiefly OTIER chiefly employ. Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Mamu. the Two HORI- factures preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. ОР FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 49 212 159 203 band 534 557 181 190 570 ai 371 1,091 1,120 350 1,627 550 176 792 174 835 110 165 125 goed wat a ē ar 347 i fii 714 710 367 260 276 343 253 233 513 509 214 I pored II 238 413 211 160 452 829 416 215 147 426 307 LONSDALE Hundred (North of the Sands) continued. Cartmell Parish-continued. Cartmelfell - - - - Chapelry Holker, Lower - - - Township Holker, Upper - - (y) Township Stavely - - - - - - Township Coulton - . . . - - () Parish Dalton-in-Furness Parish : (*) Dalton - - - - - - Township Hawcoat-above-Town- - Township with Ireleth - - - - Township Yarleside - - - - - Township Hawkeshead Parish: (0) Claife - - - - - - Township Hawkeshead --.- Township Monk-Coniston & Skellwith Township Satterthwaite - - - - Chapelry Kirkby-Ireleth Parish : (9) Broughton - - - - - Chapelry Dunnerdale - - - - Township! Leathwaite - - - - - Chapelry Low-Quarter - - - - Township Middle-Quarter - - - Township Woodland and Heathwaite Township Pennington - - - - - - Parish Ulverstone Parish : (?) Blawith - - - - - - Chapelry Church-Conistone - - - Chapelry Egton - - () Chapelry Lowick - - - - - - Chapelry Mansriggs - - - - - Township Newland i - - - - Towüship Osmotherley - - - - Township Satterthwaite (d) Chapelry Ulverstone - - - - - Township Torver - - - - - - Chapelry Urswick - - - - - - () Parish 268 opio wwNN e Olma O co colori v ovoco 635 1,253 143 26 38 I III 618 75 97 296 282 134 208 572 117 gb 111 276 222 133 136 suc I I 148 Of Gör voor 94 305 261 106 216 254 I o I i III 198 35 213 131 180 27 227 133 62 440 45 22 264 80 74 06 I o 1,967 141 1 2,348 122 52 147 154 4,315 263 787 147 87 397 390 1 18 147 1,891 1,645 904 11,392 11,498 22,890 1 306 309 190 168 4,248 4,440 LONSDALE Hundred. (South of the Sands.) Bolton-le-Sands Parish: (ee) Bolton-le-Sands - - - Township | 105 | Kellet, Nether - - - - Township 62 Kellet, Over - - - - Chapelry | 102 Styne with Hest - • - Township Burton-in-Kendal (part of) Parish : () Dalton - - - - - - Township Claughton - - - - - - - Parish Cockerbam Parish : (8) Cockerham - - - - Township 134 Ellel - - - - - - Chapelry 294 +1 -1 248 147 52 21 1 18 69 1 1 397 904 376 947 () The increase of Population at Upper-Holker is ascribed to the 1 at Egton is ascribed to the disuse of a cotton mill. Slate-quarries are prosperity of trade, and the improvement of medical knowledge. opened at Satterthwaite- O) The Return of Urswick Parish includes (3) The Return of the Parish of Coulton includes the Townships of East the Townships of Adgarley, Bardsea, Stainton, and Bolton; all which and West-Coulton, Haverthwaite, Finthwaite, and Rusland, and Nib inade separate Returns in i811.- ee) The entire Parish of Bolton-le. thwaite; all which made separate Returns in 1811, () The entire Sands contains 1,821 Inhabitants. A Township called Boltou made Parish of Dalton-in-Furness contains 2,446 Inhabitants. The Return of 137 Inhabitants in 1811; but is supposed on enquiry to have entire Parish of Hawkeshead contains 2,014 Inhabitants. The increase been a daplicate Return of part of Bolton-le-Sands Township. (21€ of Population is ascribed to the depressed state of the manufacturing Parish of Burton-in-Kendal is mostly in Westmoreland ; (Kendal Ward, districts, causing the Inhabitants to resort to agricultural Parishes. and Lonsdale Ward.) (6) The entire Parish of Cockerham contains (©) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Ireleth contains 2,947 Inhabitants. A 2,624 Inhabitants; not including part of Clevely Township, which siniilar remark to that on Hawkeshead.. .(d) The entire Parish of wholly entered in Garstang Parish, (Amounderness.) Ulverstone contains 7,102 Inhabitants. A small decrease of Population Chich is MDCCC.XXI.) 155 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Fami- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, A By how LIES I ALL chiefly | OTHER entploy- Families OR many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families Oc. cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES chielly em ed in not cum. ployed Trade, prized in Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- forHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. TOTAL OP PERSONS. FEMALES. MALES. in 434 101 267 11 85 44 117 4.2 Om os con la por la 18 45 18 52 200 242 91 111 1,107 201 176 185 1 N 89 1 511 108 109 96 177 183 329 293 587 220 344 67 91 100 275 75 mai 167 180 343 286 696 228 ვნე 672 579 1,283 29 84 448 161 לל L 131 386 388 774 LONSDALE Hundred (South of the Sands) continued. Halton - - - - - - - (b) Parish Aughton - - - - - Chapelry Heysham - - - - • - - Parish Lancaster (part of) Parish: (i) Aldcliffe - - - - - Township Ashton with Stodday - - Township Bare - - - - - - - Township Bulk - - - - - - Township Caton - - - - - - Chapelry Gressingham - - - - Chapelry Heaton with Oxcliffe - - Township Middleton - - - - - Township Overton - - - - - Chapelry Poulton - - - - - - Chapelry Quarmoore - - - - (i) Township Scotforth - - - - - Township Skerton - - - - - - Township Thurnham. - - - - Township Torrisholme - - - - Township Wyersdale, Over - - - Chapelry Melling Parish : (k) Arkholme with Cawood - Township Farleton - - - - - Township Hornby - - - - - - Chapelry Melling with Wratton - - Township Roburndale - - - - - Township Wennington - - - - Township Wray - - - - - - Township Tatham Parish : ( ) Ireby - - - - - - Township | Tatham . . - - - Township Tunstall Parish : (m) Burrow with Burrow - - Township Cantsfield - - - - - Township Leck - - - - - - Chapelry Tunstal - - - - - - Township Warton Parish : (*) Borwick - - - - - Township Carnforth - - - - - Township Hutton . - - - - - Township Silverdale - - .. Chapelry Warton with Lindreth - - Township Yealand Conyers - - - Township Yealand-Redmayne - - Township Whittington - - - - • • Parish 63 176 357 181 44 to , TO I DAC ano a cr Electro Jaro won os no Ingin Ang 102 252 mare med at tro 477 47 225 107 100 103 210 137 237 82 410 398 808 56 115 405 360 765 availor 99 99 198 120 284 38 68 87 155 136 251 143 115 151 294 113 213 113 243 100 130 278 132 121 280 43 - Catalii 132 39 106 558 264 227 461 234 227 ! 2,226 | 1,010 381 19,869 9,727 19,596 : 3,459 3,617 | 12 SALFORD Hundred. Ashton-under-Lyne Parish : (°) Ashton-Town . - - - - District 1,643 | 1,74032 Audensbaw - - - - District 620 670 Hartshead - - - - - - District 1,548 | 1,607 1 1 Knott-Lanes - - - - - District 644 1 770 19 1,680 24 | 640 1,508 717 | 42 4,514 1,923 4,505 1,978 4,708 1,858 4,632 1,849 9,222 3,781 9,137 3,827 a) The entire Parish of Halton contains 1,027 Inhabitants. (1) The į to the Parish of Thornton, in Lonsdale, the church of which is in Yorkshire, Parish of Lancaster extends into Amounderness, and including the Bo- | (Staincliffe and Ewcross Wapentake.)- (m) The entire Parish of Tunstall hego Town of LANCASTER, (entered at the end of the County) contains contains 757 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Warton contains 19;272. Inhabitants. In the Township of Quarmoore, the inclosure of an 2,050 Inbabitants. The entire Parish of Ashton-under-Lync con- weusive common has increased the Population. --(k) The entire Parish tains 25,967 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to Melling contains 2,340 Inhabitants. (1) The cntire Parish of the extension of the cotton manufacture. mam contains 880 Inhabitants; but perhaps Ireby rather appertains of Tath 156 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. PERSONS: chiefly | OTHER TOTAL Inhabited. Building. U11-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA 1- FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly employ Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. craſt. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. - 32 12 215 67 110 1,208 50 19 394 4,170 1,683 105 1,228 11,391 4,743 59 97 10,646 4,515 375 489 860 338 2,436 22,037 9,258 713 963 1,729 677 (151 474 213 Our Aco 869 329 118 348 332 T10110010mm ilmi il ao co nor i sw CONO 10o C - 823 115 311 170 20 1,809 300 499 930 986 457 924 104 296 1,854 134 100 280 576 151 169 O 320 583 2,065 Osw 313 1,027 846 1,075 270 1,038 832 1,015 CV 1,678 39 2,099 2,086 10,583 2,897 HOUSES: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Oc- cupied. SALFORD Hundred continued. Bolton Parish : (P) Anglezarke - - - - - Township 31 Blackrod - - - - - Chapelry 434 | 474 Bolton, Great - - - - Township 13,791 14,396 Bolton, Little - - - (P) Char, iry 1,662 1,871 Bradshaw - - - - - Cha, lry | 118 122 Breightmet - Township 165 170 Edgworth - - - - - Township | 275 290 Entwisle - - - - - Township 120 Harwood - - - - - Township 335 | Lever, Darcy - - - - Chapelry 158 175 Lever, Little - - - - Township 3:20 347 Longworth - - - - Township Lostock - - - - - Hamlet 91 Quarlton - - - - - Township 37 Rivington - - - - - Chapelry 94 Sharples - - - - (P) Township 335 391 Tonge with Haulgh - (P) Township 302 335 Turton - - - - - - Chapelry 354 377 Bury (part of) Parish : (9) Bury - - - - - - Township 1,934 | 2,160 Elton - - - - - - Township 451 507 Heap - - - - - - Chapelry 1,060 | 1,134 Tottington, Higher - - Chapelry 299 308 Tottington, Lower - - Chapelry 1,181 |1,303 Walmersley - - - - Township 478 | 531 Dean Parish: (1) Farnworth - - - - Chapelry 334 378 Heaton - - - - Township 137 Hilton, Little - - - - Chapelry 396 Hilton, Middle - - - Township 170 Hilton, Over - - - - Township 95 Horwick - - - - () Chapelry 471 515 Halliwell - - - - - Township Kearsley - - - - - Township 303 327 Rumworth - - - - - Township 168 Westhoughton - - Chapelry 698 Eccles Parish : () Barton (+) - - Township 1,280 1,474 Clifton - - - - (9) Township 171 201 Pendlebury - - - - Township 162 180 Pendleton (+) - - - Township (1,032 ' 1,106 Worsley - - - Township 1,097 1,272 Flixton, Parish : (0) Flixton - - - - - - Township 245 Urmston -:- - - - Township Manchester Parish : (*) Ardwick - - - - () Chapelry 735 Beswick - - - - Township Blackley (+) - (°) Chapelry 472 528 Bradford - - Township 18 20 Broughton - - - - Township 146 148 Burnage - - - - Township 92 98 Cheetham (+) - Chapelry 375 suo or at o de Foc - 367 1,018 233 1,220 458 5,191 1,408 3,220 903 3,678 1,592 5,392 1,489 3,332 825 3,655 1,698 6,552 1,728 7,333 3,290 1,053 139 342 107 398 75 406 458 w Ivou 154 111 59 laitai ta 991 420 1,215 455 319 1,454 1,137 939 445 2,087 2,044 826 2,465 938 591 2,873 2,288 1,833 416 479 1,250 483 272 1,419 1,151 894 402 2,124 452 377 306 132 525 160 | 671 847 4,211 7,977 1,227 187 4,050 583 I 1,168 Gw I co o 161 3,987 585 539 2,784 3,498 508 992 1,062 3,164 3,693 1,047 5,948 7,191 160 1,604 782 317 822 328 114 645 510 1,596 3,545 II IIII + 19 1,949 16 1,420 35 hoivienotai 408 12 1,491 45 426 50 2,911 95 880 454 63 257 256 513 369 894 1,133 2,027 (P) The entire Parish of Bolton contains 50,197 Inhabitants. The l of Eccles contains 23,331 Inhabitants. The increase of the bleaching great increase is attributed to the extension of the cotton manufacture. trade is mentioned in the Return of Barton; and new collieries opened The Return of Little Bolton Township speaks of the revival of trade; at Clifton.- (t) The entire Parish of Flixton contains 2,249 Inba. and that of Tonge Township, states the general prosperity of trade and bitants. (u) The entire Parish of Manchester, including the Town of manufacture, notwithstanding occasional checks during the last ten years. Manchester and its Suburb Salford (entered at the end of tbe County One female upwards of 100 years of age in Sharples Township. contains 186,942 Inhabitants. The new Road to Manchester, and the (9) The entire Parish of Bury (which is partly in Blackburn Hundred) establishment of print-works and dye-houses, is mentioned as a cause contains 34,581 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Dean contains of increased population at Blackley. One male, upwards of 100 years 18,916 Inhabitants. The increase of the manufacture of calico printing | age at Ardwick, is stated in the Return of Horwick Township. (S) The entire Parish 1 M.DCCC.XXI- 157 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. .) COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FADI-ALL LIES 1 OTHER or chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building FA MI- LIES chiefly emploň. | Families em. ed in not com. ployed TRADE, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- | factures preced- CUL- JorHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes Ов FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. 298 3,657 326 16 1,256 105 351 390 466 1,023 107 466 var Iloriano, 410 543 284 232 55 56 50 1,469 1,594 782 148 3,276 1,051 1,985 374 1,353 347 749 624 8,209 910 2,012 933 2,855 3,358 1,604 297 6,958 2,084 4,234 768 172 593 2,577 497 574 913 2,173 892 890 ar i oww Her A la recerco A CO 4,552 444 989 467 1,386 1,764 822 149 3,682 1,033 2,249 394 81 297 1,284 247 252 487 1,079 436 536 317 109 25 91 16 81 415 296 1,293 66 250 Timor I 67 322 148 120 4.26 215 143 1,094 456 58 266 826 143 33 783 137 612 C 196 595 21; 681 SALFORD Hundred-continued. Manchester Parish :-continued. Chorlton with Hardy - - Chapelry 110 Chorlton-Row - - - Township 1,630 Crumpsall - - - - - Township 139 160 Denton - - - - Chapelry 323 369 Didsbury - - - - - Chapelry 156 172 Droylsden - - - - - Township 389 426 Failsworth - - - - - Township 509 599 Gorton - - - - - - Chapelry 261 Harpurhey - - - - - Township Heaton-Norris (+) - - Chapelry 1,050 1,429 Houghton - - - - - Township 323 356 Hulme - - - - - - Township Levenshulme (+) - - Township 133 140 Moss-Side (+) . Township 26 Moston (+) - - Township 89 100 Newton - - Chapelry 421 453 Openshaw - - Township 86 94 Reddish - - Township 91 94 Rushulme - - Townsłup 180 Stretford - - - - - Chapelry 378 397 Withington. - - - - Township 156 Middleton Parish: (W) Ainsworth - - - - - Township 297 Ashworth - - - - - Chapelry 41 40 Birtle with Bamford - - Township 200 220 Hopwood - - - - - Township Lever, Great - - - - Township Middleton - - - - - Township 1,006 1,07 Pilsworth - - - - Township 77 Thornham - - - - - Township | 204 / 209 Oldham cum Prestwick Parish : (x) Alkrington - - - - - Township 58 67 Chadderton - - - - Township Crompton - - - - - Township 985 1,007 Heaton, Great - - - - Township 33 Heaton, Little - Township 102 116 Oldbam - - - - - Township 3,691 14,199 Pilkington - - - - - Township 1,442 Prestwick - - - - - Township. 456 503 Royton - - - - - - Chapelry 764 808 Tonge - - - - - - Township 222 261 Radcliffe - - - - - - - Parish 516 Rochdale Parish : (*) Blatchinworth - - - Chapelry | 537 Butterworth - - - - Township 905 978 Castleton - - - - - Township | 1,420 | 1,536 Spotland (Further Side) - Township Spotland (Nearer Side) - Township 172,2422-555 Todmorden - - - - Chapelry and Walsden - - - Township Wardleworth - - - - Township (1,006 | 1,225 | 7 | 23 Wuerdale and Wardle - Township | 956 1,016 Wigan, Parish : (2) Aspull - - - - - - Township 276 | 325 12 12 170 110 963 116 1,609 280 1,207 1,384 631 5,809 499 1,374 306 703 325 2,833 248 703 olt 2,976 251 671 nor ö ö ni Grco 1 101.! Il 826 / 068 182 2,576 365 5,124 6,482 3,279 110 40 224 o o o o Aloo 17 51 887 964 32 97 4,008 1,56:3 418 808 183 2,548 3,203 114 314 10,730 4,415 1,368 2,486 316 145 87 ve 10,932 4,561 1,356 2,447 707 1,501 630 21,662 8,976 2,724 4,933 1,390 3,089 230 683 o 1,588 * 600 ou 35 502 903 1,466 2,420 1,603 2,838 3,823 6,771 1,540 2,716 4,071 6,682 3,143 5,554 7,894 13,453 o 122 co co si 1881 1,155 932 2,485 3,173 2,890 2,500 3,278 2,739 4,985 6,451 5,629 83 221 60 949 945 1,894 159,472 164,120 323,592 154,030 60,173 6891447 4,170 52,152 3,851 (2) The entire Parish of Middleton contains 12,793 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Oldham-cum-Prestwick contains 52,510 Inha- l entire Parish of Rochdale contains 47,109 Inhabitants. It extends into wants. Additional factories are said to be the cause of increased Popu- Agbrigg Wapentake, W.R. of Yorkshire.-- () The Parish of Wigan alon at Oldham, Chadderton, and Crompton ; the Return of Royton 1 is mostly in West. Derby Hundred. mentions Children Apprentices brought from London ; and states the I Ss 158 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL LIES By Or. how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. • OP Building. Oc- FEMALES. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI| Art FAMI- LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ-Families em | ed in not com- ployed | Trade, prized in in Manu- | theTwo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. | craft. | Classes. 42 28 135 MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 70 2261 238 265 234 655 624 499 1,279 38 38 163 328 21 on NC 165 70 447 127 874 139 117 160 427 332 480 298 630 934 116 454 214 51 248 462 268 164 72 310 108 172 WONN INN I co van Ni 710 1,620 107 159 332 910 341 673 970 455 515 12 18 ; 106 169 328 501 307 115 170 117 127 629 469 970 337 127 89 354 347 373 280 691 720 89 528 163 863 209 152 194 47 102 446 592 48 1 1 - 417 582 174 343 136 1,174 310 699 116 356 0 mod II II Ô woni ili iwe and will no 306 340 WEST DERBY Hundred. Altcar - - - - - - - - Parish Aughton - - - - - - - Parish Childwall Parish : (*) Allerton - - - - - Township i Childwall - . • Township Garston - - - - - Chapelry Hale - - - Chapelry Halewood - - Township Speke - - - Township Wavertree • - -. Chapelry Woolton, Little . . Township Woolton, Much - Township Croxteth-Park - - - Extra-P. Halsall Parish: (0) Down-Holland - - - Township Halsall - - - - - - Township Lydiate - - - - - Township Niaghull - Chapelry Melling - - Chapelry Huyton Parish: (*) Huyton - - - - - - Township Knowsley - - - - - Township Roby - - - - - - Township Tarbock - - - - - Township Leigh Parish : (0) Astley - - - - - - Chapelry Atherton - - - - - Chapelry Bedford - - - - - - Township Pannington - - () Township Tyldesley - - Township West-Leigh - . (1) Township LIVERPOOL - - - - () Borough North-Meols - - () Parish Ormskirk Parish: (8) . Bickerstaffe - - - - Township Birkdale - - - - - Township Burscough - - - Township Lathom - - - Township Ormskirk - - Township Scarisbrick - - - - - Township Skelmersdale - - - - Chapelry Prescot Parish: (1) Bold - - - - - - Township Cronton - - Township Cuerdley - - Township Ditton - - - Township Eccleston - Township Parr - - - - - - Township Penketh Township Prescot - - - - Township Rainford - - - Chapelry Rainhill - - Township Sankey, Great - - Chapelry Sutton - - - - - - Township Whiston - - - - - Township Widness with Appleton Township Windle - - - - - - Township 318 570 790 449 480 678 412 542 824 461 I OB 0 - 1 - 742 433 490 811 419 929 2,001 1,420 1,332 2,062 1,173 953 2,144 1,410 1,450 2,263 1,235 1,882 4,145 2,830 2,782 4,325 2,408 548 1,375 1,388 2,763 194 60 166 62 235 361 547 199 845 197 74 332 545 782 279 102 327 519 50 163 665 215 910 1,542 1,812 819 332 1,212 414 1,755 2,997. 3,838 1,455 738 67 49° 265 101 2:25 1,584 36 765 290 622 135 112 427 818 03 188 358 321 2,3 50 391 170 159 209 959 766 ONNco w AOW INR No Oper All 278 268 74 842 274 455 1,931 1,523 477 243 IIIIIIIIII - III 1,184 869 162 246 972 757 234. 2,154 662 351 283 1,146 650 4,468 281 109 1,375 640 113 119 105 37 551 438 99 431 204 276 843 2,329 2,314 713 289 268 1,183 656 697 2,362 145 1,306 204 286 914 243 45 170 804 7 742 1,439 2,458 4,820 (a) The entire Parish of Childwall contains 6,618 Inhabitants. I is entered at the end of the County- -(f) One malc upwards of 100 (6) The entire Parish of Halsall contains 3,538 Inhabitants. The years of age at North-Meuls. The entire Parish of Orinskirk can. entire Parish of Huyton contains 3,046 Inhabitants. The cessation of tains 12,422 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age.. war is said to have increased the Population. The entire Parish Latlon Township. (h) The entire Parish of Prescott contains of Leigh contains 18,372 Iuhabitants. Sundry manufactures are men- | Inhabitants. An extension of collieries at Parr has increased ibe Fopus tioned as prevalent at Pennington; and new facturies have been esta- lation. blished at Tyldesley and West-Leigh. The Parish of Liverpool M.DCCC.X81. 159 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR TOTAL Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIES | chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families ein ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two Agri- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. O Building FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. ing 116 260 144 326 348 173 674 186 252 220 GTNOD 261 240 35 92 359 472 501 75 186 217 40 94 115 w or wo 102 193 147 196 389 153 300 12,829 Guany 5,869 6,960 378 12 16 808 ca 430 1,349 226 760 646 192 a Wor osºitric 611 174 518 163 v 624 220 544 2,695 2,109 418 1,257 1,035 1,273 390 1,171 6,304 517 649 170 627 3,609 28 114 420 By how EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Oc- cupied. WEST DERBY Hundred-continued. Sephton Parish : () Aintree - - - - - - Township Crosby, Great - - - - Chapelry Crosby, Little - Township Ince-Blundell - - - - Township Litherland - - - - - Township Lunt - - - - Tomship Netherton - - Township Orrell and Ford - - - Township Sephton - - - - - - Township Thornton - - - - - Township Toxtetb-Park - - - - () Extra-P. 2,224 Walton-on-the-Hill Parish: (0) Bootle with Linacre - - Township 124 132 Everton - - - - - - Chapelry 320 332 Fazakerley - - - - - Township 67 74 Formby - - - - - - Chapelry | 219 219 Kirkby - - - - - - Chapelry 174 Kirkdale - - - - () Township 149 Simonswood - - - - Township 56 Walton-or-the-Hill - - Township 162 179 West-Derby -- - ) Chapelry 1,100 11,148 Warrington Parish: (m) Burtonwood . - - - Chapelry 148 | 163 Poulton with Fearnhead - Township | 115 | 117 Rixton - - - - - - Township 152 162 Warrington - - - - Township 2,748 2,929 Woolstone with Martinscroft Township 106 111 Wigan Parish: (*) Abram - - - - - - Township 72 Billinge (Chapel-End) - Chapelry 194 Billinge (Higher-End) - Towuship 106 Dalton - - - - - - Township 85 Haigh - . Township 220 220 Hindley - - - - - (n) Chiapelry 627 648 Ince - - - - - - (^) Township Orrell . . (") Township 390 Pemberton - (") Township 660 Upholland - - - - (n) Chapelry 542 WIGAN - - - - (n) Borough Winstanley - - - - - Township 129 ! Winwick Parish : (0) Ashton-in-Mackerfield - Chapelry 867 1,071 Culcheth - - - - - Township 339 Golborne - - - - - Township 211 Haydock - - - - - Township 148 Houghton, Middleton, & Arbury Town. 48 Kenyon - - - - - - Township 64 Lowton - - - - - - Chapelry NEWTON-in-Mackerfield Bor. & Chap. 271 289 Southworth and Croft - - Township 204 230 Winwick - - - - - Township 99 111 50 2 1 911 38 631 452 318 478 tool 35 Allerco linijiari ärill 459 313 512 6,392 125 2,637 115 990 13,570 596 7,178 287 309 + 55 150 285 471 · 341 253 504 1,002 670 94 219 531 329 233 631 87 14 180 486 +ä 1 000 669 586 1,908 246 246 37 agotovati 201 375 12 1,849 673 1,088 1,818 1,504 1,300 3,757 1,362 2,106 3,679 3,042 689 1,018 1,861 1,538 611 592 568 106 447 124 392 408 800 14 412 106 955 305 2,799 1,106 626 in rap. I to narcoco 5,674 2,163 1,310 225 2,875 1,057 684 448 32 189 130 165 468 916 45 27 136 novinarstwo 59 144 200 37 280 396 1,988 196 1,001 312 414 376 987 844 221 182 40 799 616 282 1,643 1,257 602 109 641 320 36 ?0 26,588 29,142 212 714 6,926 18,237 3,979 75,028 179,012 154,040 m! The entire Parish of Sephton contains 3,433 Inhabitants. Salford Hundred, and contains 36,818 Inhabitants. The extension of Toxteth, which seems not to have been included in any ancient Parish, the collieries at Haigh, Orrell, and Pemberton, is stated to have caused possesses two places of Divine Worslip, St. James's and St. Michael's, an increase of Population; new factories at Hindley and Ince have had we last recently consecrated. (!) The entire Parish of Walton-on the same effect; and both these causes at Upholland. The Borough of le Hill contains 14,765 Inhabitants. The County House of Correction Wigan is entered at the end of the County. - O The entire Parish at Kirkdale contained 520 inmates in May 1821. The neighbourhood of of Winwick contains 16,299 Inhabitants. A resort of persons from neigh- perpool accounts for the increase of Population at West-Derby, and bouring Townships is stated in the Return of Ashton in Mackerfield; her ownships. (m) The entire Parish of Warrington contains and an extension of the Haydock collierics, as causing an unusual increase o inhabitants. (n) The entire Parish of Wigan is partly in 1 of Population. moh 100 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER IT COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc. cupied. Inhabited OCCUPATIONS : | FAMI FAMI- ALY. LIES LIES OTHER chiefly einploy. Families ein- ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures,l preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. Or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. Borough of LANCASTER ---- (F) Borough 1,792 2,079 14 97 116 | 1,193 770 4,737 5,4 07 10,144 Borough of LIVERPOOL - -'(9) Borough & Parish 19,007 25,309 192 1,140 130 11,421 13,758 54,340 64,632 118,972 22 22,161 4,955 686 444 51,520 12,453 Town of Manchester (+) - - - (:) Township 16,653 22,869 116 604 Salford (+) ---- () Township | 4,503 | 5,449| 48 267 121,156 28,318 164 871 Borough of WIGAN - - - - - - (3) Parish 3,176 3,366 24 88 56,496 108,016 13,319 | 25,772 69,815 133,788 72 27,116 1,130 63,973 3,254 69 8,581 9,135 17,716 (P) The entire Parish of Lancaster, which is partly in Amounderness, | and Hulnie, to become constituent parts of the actual Town, which on partiv in South Lonsdale Hundred, contains 19,272 Inbabitants. A taken curtains 149,756 Inhabitants; but for the sake of unitormity with ncrease of Population in the Borough; | the Abstracts of 1801 and 1811, Salford only is here entered. worsted manufacture has caused an increase of Population in the Borough ; The entire and the County Lunatic Asylum is established at Lancaster. (?) Two Parish of Manchester contains 186,942 Inhabitants. The New Bailey males and four females upwards of 100 years of age at Liverpool. prison at Salford, contained 594 inmates in May 1821.- ) A resort (O) The great enlargement of the Town of Manchester, in consequence of of persons from Ireland is nientioned in the Wigan Return. its manufactures, has caused the Towuships of Ardwick, Charlton-Row, SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF LANCASTER. Hundred of AMOUNDERNESS ... -10,462 11,687 68 317 30,164 | 30,766 30,766 60,930 72,642 | 73,966 | 146,608 3,092 7,540 1,055 2,300 22,991 1,823 1,757 5,712 459 1,891 1,645 904 BLACKBURN - - - - - - 25,003 27,114 293 634 LEYLAND -....-7,528 7,928 49 134 LONSDALE, North of the Sands - 4,248 4,440 18 LEYLAND 22,278 22,305 44,583 11,392 11,498 22,890 LONSDALE, South of the Sands - 3,459) 3,6171 12 9,869 9,727 19,596 153,472 164,120 323,592 75,028 79,012 154,040 4,737 5,407 110,144 SALFORD - - - - - - - 54,030 60,173 689 1,447 4,170 52,152 3,851 WEST-DERBY ----- 26,588 29,142 212 714 6,926 18,237 3,979 Borough of LANCASTER - - - - - - 1,792 2,079 14 97 116 1,193 770 Borough of LIVERPOOL - - - - - - 19,007 25,309 192 1,140 130 11,421 13,758 Town of MANCHESTER - - - - - 21,156 28,318| 164 8711 7227,116 1,130 Borough of WIGAN -..-.-3,176 3,366 24 88 43 3,254 69 54,340 64,632 | 118,972 63,973 69,815 | 133,788 8,581 9,135 / 17,716 | TOTALS - - - | 176,449 203,173|1,735 5,759/22,723 152,271 28,179 1 512,476 540,383 1,052,859 M.DCCC.XXI.] 16 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LANCASTER--continued. Ages of Persons. MALE S. 15 20 30 60 Under to 70 to 80 80 to 90 90 100 to & 100 w TOTAL. Hundred 5. 10 of 29,657 72,761 22,276 576 293 80 11,371 AMOUNDERNESS -4,874 4,000 3,620 3,072 4,382 3,181 2,671 1,793 1,222 653 169 BLACKBURN - - 113,185/10,653 / 9,481 / 7,564 10,403 7,871 5,895 / 3,9392,4231,054 269 LEYLAND - - 3,882 3,211 2,926 2,312 3,212 2,402 LONSDALE, } - 1,689 1,634 1,328| 1,152) 1,631 1,317) 954 North of the Sands | 712 LONSDALE, ? South of the Sands 1,472 | 1,384 1,179 1,008 1,426 1,004 897 594 472 257 75 SALFORD - - - 124,944 20,465 18,802 15,660 22,333 16,772 12,534 7,933 4,581 1,880 490 WEST-DERBY - 12,932 10,779 9,611 7.758 10,369 8,237 | 6,493 4,173 2,7461,348 9,772 146,432 | 1 74,779 LANCASTER, BORO' - 670 589 537 473 708 604 473) 357| 194 112 18 4,737 LIVERPOOL, BORO' -9,163 8,547 6,413 4,406 6,828 7,299 6,066 3,2381,631 577 155 15 2 54,340 MANCHESTER, TOWN - WIGAN, BORO'. 1,551 1,163 982 844 1,190 2,018 803 577 309 112 32 -1 - | 8,581 Total of MALES - 174,362 62,425 54,879 44,249 62,482 49,705 38,599 24,531 14,9476,698|1,692 1311 6 434,706 FEM A LES. | | o 80 90 10 to 60 70 100 15 to Under 5. 20 t o & Hundred to 10 TOTAL 15 20 wards of 30,409 73,250 22,259 AMOUNDERNESS -4,745 4,002 3,396 | 2,962 4,962 3,518 2,801 1,859 1,257 682 205 20 BLACKBURN - - |12,681 10,130 8,697 8,407 12,001 8,621 5,931 3,029 2,336 1,131 269 LEYLAND - - 3,693 3,148 2,698 2,275 3,587 | 2,521 | 1,829 1,180 793 LONSDALE, North of the Sands } - 1,682 1,335/ 1,187 1,076 1,745/ 1,373 / 1,0191 803 650 337 LONSDALE, Soutlı of the Sands } - 1,499) 1,292 1,104 946 1,413 1,063 870 613 513 SALFORD - - - 124,452 19,926 18,147 16,364 (25,967 18,026 |12,410 7,517|4,508 WEST-DERBY - - 112,269 (10,765 9,037 8,371 13,046 9,237 6,783 4,236 3,095 11,442 9,642 149,753 78,826 LANCASTER, BORO' - 632 5771 506 558 983 703 528 424 308 32 3 - 5,407 LIVERPOOL, BORO' - 8,719 8,266 6,747 6,815 11,154 9,250 6,535 3,781 2,157 955/ 224 25 4 164,632 MANCHESTER, TOWN - WIGAN, BORO'. - 1,569| 1,122 | 1,078 1,021 1,468 1,050 789 523 344 129 39 31 - 9,135 ' C Total of FEMALES 71,941 60,663 52,597 48,795 76,326 55,362 39,495 23,965 15,961 7,622 1,851 1698 454,755 WAS THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Lancaster was . . . 1,052,859, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned :::889,461, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-sixth part of the persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. W Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Lancaster was 464 ; ten of which (including Manchester and Salford) colitain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns ses were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. conto Tt 162 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UN DER County of Leicester. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA HI- | FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES | Other chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade. Iprized inl | Manu- the Two Agri- factures, I preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. OP Sudung FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 30 70 132 60 ** 174 167 ACA 341 88 39 224 88 49 497 145 210 192 1,070 282 435 80 61 573 137 225 135 137 129 326 327 161 ! 120 45 136 361 24 62 81 . 81 114 268 96 140 148 *! Saat 20 11111111111111111111111111111111 49 115 80 91 242 FRAMLAND Hundred. AB-KETTLEBY .. (1) Parish Holwell - - - - - Township Barkstone - - - - - - Parish Belvoir - - - - - () Extra P. Bottesford, with Normanton - Parish Branston - - - - - - - Parish | Broughton, Nether - - - - Parish Buckminster - - - - () Parish Sewstern - - - - - Chapelry Burton-Lazars - - - - - Parish Claxton, or Long Clawson - - Parish Cold-Overton - - - () Parish Coston - - - - - - - Parisha Croxton-Keyrial - - - - Parish Beskaby - - Place Dalby, Little Parish Eastwell - - - Parish Eaion - - - - Parish Edmondthorpe - - - - - Parish Garthorpe - - Parisli Goodby-Marwood Parish Harby - - - - Parish Harston - - - - - - - Parish Hose - - - - - - - - Parish Kerby-Bellars - Parish Knipton - - - - - - - Parish Melton-Mowbray -.' ) Parish Freeby - - - - - Chapelry Welby - - - - Township Muston - - - - - - - Parish Plungar - - - - - - - Parish Redmile - - - - - - - Parish Saltby - - - - - - - Parish Saxby . Parish Scalford - - - - - . - Parish Somerby - - - - - () Parish Sproxton - Parish Stapleford - Parish Stathern - - - - - - - Parish Stonesby - - - - - - - Parish Sysonby - - - - - - - Parish Thorpe-Arnold - - - - - Parish Waltham-on-the-Wolds - - Parish Withcote - - - - - d Parish Wyfordby, with Brentingby - Parish Wymondham - - - - - Parish 215 171 457 III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII and more IIIIIII 89 162 165 116 325 I am lovini o IOOL EDITION Di I co w w w BIG HEIDI 42 56 537 150 160 87 160 1,462 :53 310 1,353 2,815 110 57 35 30 65 122 102 206 120 101 242 203 411 205 121 153 m 16 to open to the corner 75 212 188 192 108 227 113 78 226 196 180 110 - - 218 229 126 120 28 456 246 67 109 622 58 51 09 310 312 23 28 , 72 126 22 112 54 305 319 624 A ممننننملنمنمت 1,907 819 380 7,662 7,652 | 15,314 302 624 2,907 3,106 GARTREE Hundred. Billesdon - - - - - () Parish 135 Goadby - - - - - Chapelry Rolleston - - - - - Chapelry Blaston - - - - - - - Parish 11 Bowden, Magna - - - (8) Parish | 219 225 Market-Harborough - - - Town 310 Bringhurst - - - - (h Parish 21 Drayton - - - - (h) Township 32 Easton, Magna - - - Chapelry Burrough - - - - - - - Parish| 33 7 11 | 322 45 15 31 439 51 16 27 Ima la copa IMMY 100 116 522 961 III come il 288 883 1,873 990 55 21 102 38 45 59 + 117 135 269 260 101 529 37 82 183 + (*) The entire Parish of Ab-Kettleby contains 319 Inhabitants. I increase of Population in Melton-Mowbray is chiefly attributed to a large (b) The Inhabitants at Belvoir are chiefly servants with their families, hunting establishment being kept in the town and neighbourhood. The and mechanics employed by his Grace the Duke of Rutland, and occu entire Parish contains 2,990 Inhabitants. (f) The entire Parish o! pying the detached offices belonging to Belvoir-Castle, excepting only an Billesdon contains 751 Inhabitants. ----(8) The entire Parish of Bowden, innkceper and his family. Belvoir is partly in the Soke of Grantham, | Magna contains 2,834 Inhabitants.moh) The entire Parish of Brmba County of Lincoln.- () The entire Parish of Buckminster contains hurst contains 736 Inhabitants. The diminution of Population at Draya 625 Inhabitants, (d) Cold-Overton, Somerby and Withcote, form a ton is attributed to an inclosure, and to putting out many apprentices. detached portion of Framland Hundred to the southward. () The M.DCCC.XXI.] 103 Y THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LEICESTER--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- | FAMI OR TOTAL A EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families OC- cupied. Inhahited. Un-Inhabited. ployed OF Building LIES ALL LIES chicfly | OTHER chicfly employ- Families em- ed in not com- TRADE, prized in Manu- lihe Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. 111 PERSONS. i co 51 25 186 383 ! - 1 2 29 68 125 1 19 145 I mod m 42 1 1 ! ! ! 154 48 121 or ! and il 94 159 309 90 215 318 101 ... 159 55 ! mm 117 Se 257 s. 140 225 188 225 195 450 383 96 39 | | | | | | | | | | 11 18 la i pored in one 1 1 1 340 1111 697 17 142 289 67 75 132 157 315 329 644 22 28 31 53 | | | | 49 97 con e GARTREE Hundred continued. Burton-Overy - - - - - Parish Carlton-Curlieu - - - () Parish Illston-on-the-Hill (part of) Chapelry Church-Langton Parish : (k) Langton, East - - - Township Langton, West - - - Chapelry Thorp-Langton - - - Chapelry Tur-Langton - - - - Chapelry Cranoe - - - - - - - Parish Dry-Stoke (part of) Parish : 0) Holy-Oakes - - - - - Liberty Evington - - - - - w Parish Fleckney - - - - - - - Parish Foxton - - - - - - - Parish Gaulby - - - - - (m) Parishi Frisby - - - - - - Chapelry Glen, Magna - - - (n) Parish Stretton, Magna - Chapelry Glooston - - - - - - - Parislı Gumley - - - - - - - Parish Hallaton - - - - - - - Parish Holt and Bradley - - - - Parish Horninghold - - - - - - Parish Houghton-on-the-Hill - - - Parish Hungerton (part of) Parish: () Baggrave - - - - - - Liberty Ingarsby - - - - - - Hamlet Husband-Bosworth - - - - Parish Kibworth-Beauchamp - (P) Parish Kibworth-Harcourt - - Township Smeeton-Westerby - - Township Knaptoft (part of) Parish : (9) Mowsley - - - - - Chapelry Knossington - - - - - - Parish Laughton - - - - - - - Parish Lubenham - - - - () Parish Medbourne - - - - () Parish Norton, King's, Parish: (1) King's-Norton- - - - Township Illston-on-the-Hill ((part of) Chapelry Stretton, Parva - - - Chapelry - - - - - - Extra-P. Ouston, with Newbold - - - Parish Pickwell, with Leesthorpe (4) Parish Saddington - - - - - - Parish Scraptoft - - - - - - - Parish Shangton - - - - - - - Parish Slawston - - - - - - - Parish Stonton-Wyville - - - - Parish Stockerston - - - - - - Parish Theddingworth (part of) - (W) Parish Thurnby - - - - - (*) Parish Bushby - - - - - - Hamlet Stoughton - - - - - Chapelry 14 117 babe in modo il 390 | | | | | | 817 - 1200 427 283 197 588 305 199 194 194 396 388 30 263 37 99 35 83 193 173 | | | | 133 94 90 277 266 12 NN NN 531 107 248 514 Nosley 1 1 1 1 1 121 tarihin a 129 107 of the origa to 128 18 212 167 232 let og et la Iaco F161 ital- לל 116 116 60 66 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 126 1 44 26 118 55 110 - 27 104 1 1 1 1 228 122 50 202 146 87 167 4.2 82 Illston-on-the-Hill Chapelry is partly in King's-Norton Parish, but (1) Lubenham Parish contains part of Thorp. Lubenham, which is wholly entered under Carlton-Curlieu Parish, wherefore the entire Parish mostly in Marston-Trussell Parish, Hundred of Rothwell, county of of Carlton-Curlieu contains less than 174 Inhabitants. ) The Town. Northampton, and there entered. (5) The entire Parish of Medbourne ships of East-Langton, West-Langton, Thorp)-Langton and Tur-Langton, contains 567 Inhabitants, provided the Chapelry of Holt and Bradley form the Parish of Church-Langton. The entire Parish contains 932 is to be deemed part of it; this appears to be doubtful.-- () Illston- Inhabitants. (1) Nost part of Dry-Stoke Parish is in Wrangdike on-the-Hill Chapelry is party in Carlton-Curlieu Parish, where the whole Hundred, County of Rutland. The entire Parish contains 59 Inha. is entered, so that the entire Parish of King's-Norton contains more than bitants. (m) The entire Parish of Gaulby contains 114 Inhabitants. 199 Inhabitants.-() Pickwell is a detached portion of the Hundred, "The entire Parish of Glen-Nagna contains 714 Inhabitants. north-eastward. ) Thedding worth Parish is partly in Rothwell Most part of Hungerton Parish is in East Goscote Hundred. Hundred, County of Northampton. The cntire Paristi contains 264 The entire Parish of Kibworth-Beauchamp contains 1,372 Inhabit- | Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Thurnby contains 400 Inha- 16. Most part of Knaptoft Parish is in Guthlaxton Hundred. | bitants. 164 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LEICESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By bow TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. ОР OCCUPATIONS: + FAMI FAMI- ALL 1 LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Familics en ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Families Building. Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. ܗ | ܟ 34 to 1 74 ܟ 4 1 36 25 1 155 7,826 143 8,180 298 16,006 74 1,599 1,396 564 10 2 37 228 74 424 89 74 163 The F 123 119 222 235 242 457 55 10 34 36 70 21 101 91 802 766 306 26 26 58 62 192 1,568 120 735 164 378 404 798 23 O Orico I Cow I will pood o 110 175 357 394 14 127 141 205 174 197 140 316 197 cupied. GARTREE Hundred—continued. Tilton (part of) Parish : () Marefield - - - - - Township Tugby (part of) Parish : (?) Keythorpe - - - - - - Liberty Welham - - - - - Parish Wistow . - - - - (a) Parish Newton-Harcourt - - Township 61 3,351 3,559 GOSCOTE, East, Hundred. Allexton - - - - - - - Parish Ashfordby - - - - - - Parish Ashby-Folville - - - - (b) Parish Barsby - - - - - - Chapelry Barkby - - - - - - (9) Parish Barkby-Thorpe - - - Chapelry 12 Thurmaston, North - - Chapelry 38 39 Barrow-upon-Soar (part of) - (d) Parish 320 Beeby - - - - - - - - Parish Belgrave (part of) - - - ) Parish 150 Thurmaston, South - - Chapelry Brookesby - - - - - - Parish Cossington - - - Parish Croxton, South - - - - - Parish Dalby, Nagna - - - Parish Dalby-on-the-Woulds - - - Parish Frisby-on-the-WVreak - - - Parish Gaddesby - - - - - - - Parislı Grimston - - - - - - - Parish Hoby - - - - - - - - Parish Humberstone - - - - - Parishi Hungertun (part of) · - (f) Parish Quenby - - - - - - Ilamlet. Launde - - - - - - Extra-P. Loddington - - - - - (5) Parislı Whatborough (part of) - - Liberty Lowesby - - - - - - (b) Parish Newton, Cold - - - Chapelry Norton, East - - - - - Parislı Prestwould • - - - - (i) Parish Burton-on-the-Woulds - Township Coates - - - - - - Township Hoton - - - - - - Chapelry! Queeniborough - - -'- - Parish 110 Ragdale - - - - - - - Parish 19 Ratcliffe-on-the-Wreak - - - Parisha Rearsby - - - - - - - Parish Rotherby - - - - - - - Parish Rothley (part of) Parish: (*) Keyham - - - - - Chapelry Wartnaby - - - - - Chapelry Wyeomb and Chadwell - Clapelry Saxelby - - - - - - () Parish Shoby - - - - - - - Hamlet Seagrave - - - - - - - Parish Sileby - - - - - - - Parish Skeffington - - - - - - Parish Syston - - - - - - - - Parish 262 402 179 IIIII i osor IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII w Inow III INI II ICON WRAAN Low I wo wo w Ā AI I had 142 110 376 282 200 90 168 184 207 352 208 116 415 233 30 C rce Coila!!-22 ta 148 18 113 22 35 200 104 120 72 416 74 16 39 216 35 207 76 205 412 245 224 469 DOI ANI, A CONCO IN LETI 1- A5 98 22 63 220 231 124 451 143 14 64 118 210 90 101 · 103 o altri The Lili 16 31 213 280 286 coloer i 211 636 87 424 1,328 692 82 274 1701 421 619 169 645 | 1,264 Most part of Tilton Parish is in East-Goscote Hundred. | 1,904 Inhabitants. Hungerton Parish is partly in Gartree Hun- (°) Most part of Tugby Parish is in East Goscote Hundred. ) The dred, The entire Parish contains 292 Inhabitants. The entire entire Parish of Wistow contains 307 Juhabitants. The entire Parish of Loddington contains rather less than 166 Inhabitants ; What- Parish of Ashby-Folville contains 405 Inhabitants. The entire borough Liberty being partly in Tilton Parish; but the whole is here Parish of Barkby contains 719 Inhabitants. — (4) The House of In. entered. (h) The entire Parish of Lowesby contains 217 Inhabitants. dustry at Barrow-upon-Soar was supported by cight Parishes only in (i) The entire Parish of Prestwould contains 974 Inhabitants. 1811, but it is now extended to twenty-six Parishes. Most part of 1 (k) Most part of Rothley Parish is in West Goscote Hundred. Barrow-upon-Soar Parish is in West Goscote Hundred. ) Belgrave () The entire Parish of Saxelby contains 134 Inhabitants. Parish is partly in West Goscote Hundred. The entire Parish contains M.DCCC.XXI.) 165 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LEICESTER--continued. S HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- - ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. - By how many Families Ос- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families em ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, l:prized in Manu- the 'Two AGRI: factures. I preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES, in PERSONS 106 54 12 241 to os 225 97 93 466 180 187 GOSCOTE, East, Hundred-continued. Thrussington - - - - - - Parish Tilton (part of) - - - - (m) Parish Halstead - - - - - Township Whatborough (part of) - - Liberty Tugby (part of) - - - - (*) Parish Twyford - - - - - - () Parish Thorp-Satchville - - (oo) Hamlet Walton-on-the-Woulds - - - Parish Wimeswould - - - - - Parish GOL Acre 110 129 239 Ilona 147 166 313 90 182 92 144 289 54 104 222 145 -525 230 100 536 1,061 3,747 20 104 | 1,994 1,340 413 | 8,754 8,747 17,501 2 I I ! 532 1,876 6 2,061 144 11 3,937 290 58 146 نن د 246 693 co oco 740 1,422 1,503 1,067 ما 1 1 oh I 564 96 3 14 ง 1 199 172 342 511 153 322 220 1 1 1 1 533 176 664 1,044 329 1,257 14 111 645 612 3,546 GOSCOTE, West, Hundred. Anstey-Pastures - - - Extra-P. Ashby-de-la-Zouch - - - (P) Parish 756 Blackfordby - - - - Chapelry Barrow-upon-Soar, Parish : Mountsorrell - - - - Chapelry | 298 Quorndon - - - - () Chapelry | 300 Woodhouse - -.- (°) Chapelry 202 Beaumanor - - - - - Extra-P. Beaumont-Leys - - - - Extra-P. Belgrave (part of) Parish : (ss) Birstall - - - - - Chapelry Belton including Gracedieu - - Parish Breedon - - - - - - () Parish Staunton-Harrold - - - Township 57 Worthington - - - - Chapelry / 240 and Newbold - - - Liberty Broadgate (+) - - - - Extra-P. Charley - - - - Extra-P. Cole-Orton - - - - - - Parish 180 Diseworth - - - - Parish 108 Donington, Castle - - - - Parish Garendon - - - - - Extra-P. Gilroe - - - - - - Extra-P. Hathern - - - - - Parish 235 Kegworth - - - (4) Parish Isley-Walton - - - - Chapelry Langley-Priory - -. Extra-P. Leicester, Abbey - - - Extra-P. 2 Lockington - - - - - (W) Parish Hemington - - - - Township 81 Loughborough Parish : (*) Loughborough - - - - Town 1,492 Knight-Thorpe - - - Township Wood-Thorpe - - - - Hamlet Newtown-Linford - - - - Parish Osgarthorpe - - - - - - Parish Packington (part of) with Snibston(y)Parish Ravenstone (part of) - - - (3) Parish 4 10 24 18 42 114 401 883 482 380 338 49 319 1,206 18 718 2,560 25 43 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 1 254 168 562 785 582 822 34 1,144 1,607 31 65 13 9 15 106 206 100 222 199 421 3,626 3,739 7,365 10 1 1 3 13 22 40 280 1269 174 178 227 219 134 121 549 352 1 1 - 1 446 255 (m) Tilton Parish is partly in Gartree Hundred. The entire Parish work knitting (8) Most part of Belgrave Parish is in East Goscote contains rather more than 399 Inhabitants; Whatborough Liberty being Hundred. ) The Hamlets of Tongue and Willson, which hereto- partly in Loddington Parish, and there wholly entered.- () Tugby fore made separate Returns, are included in the Return of Breedon Parish is partly in Gartree Hundred. The entire Parish contains 265 Parish, which contains 2,630 Inhabitants. (u) The entire Parish of inhabitants. The entire Parish of Twyford contains 495 Inhabi Kegworth contains 1,672 Inhabitants.-- () The entire Parish of fants...(0) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Thorp-Satchville Lockington contains 627 Inhabitants. The increase of Popula- Hamlet.- P) The entire Parish of Ashby-de-la-Zouch contains 4,227 tion (1,965) in the Town of Loughborough. is attributed to the sale, in Inhabitants.---(9) Barrow-upon-Soar Parish is partly in East Goscote lots, of a considerable estate ; to the inclosure of Charlwood Forest; Flundred. The entire Parish contains rather less than 5,560 Inhabi and to the establishment of a lace manufactory about 12 years ago. The als; the South part of Mountsorrel Chapelry ja Rothley Parish, being entire Parish of Loughborough contains 7,494 Inhabitants. Pack- muudeu m this Return. ) The increase of Population in Quorndon ington Parish is partly in Repton and Gresley Hundred, County of apelry is attributed to a lace manufactory which has been recently es- tablished at that Derby. The entire Parish contairis 702 Inhabitants. (?) The Xos- ablished at that place.----() The increase of Population (174), and of | pital at Ravenstone for the Parishes of Cole-Orton and Ravenstone, and 49 families employed in Agriculture in the Chapelry of Woodhouse, is | Township of Swannington will account for the considerable number of to the inclosure of a considerable tract of waste land ; and the aged females. Ravenstone Parish is partly in Repton and Gresley Hun- uld have been still greater but from the decline of frame- I dred, County of Derby. The entire Parish contains 444 Inhabitants, attribut - - U u 160 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LEICESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. inany Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI- ALL | LIES LIES OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- not coin-1 ployed TRAVE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL, SorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied, 201 210 97 104 471 477 948 20, 223 655 568 592 f 1,815 1,160 3,464 1,649 3 10 125 oro 19 625 313 GOSCOTE, West, Hundred – continued. Rothley ----- (a) Parish Mountsorrel - - - (?) Chapelry Seal, Nether and Over - b) Parish Sheepshead - - - - () Parish Shermans-Grounds - - - Extra-P. Sweepstone, with Newton - - Parish Swithland - - - - - - Parish Thorpacre, with Dishley - - Parish Thurcaston - - (+) - (d) Parish Anstey - - - - - Chapelry Cropston - - - - - Township Ulvercroft - - - - - Extra-P. Wanlip - - - - - - - Parish Whatton, Long - - - - - Parish Whitwick - - - - © Parish Swannington - - - - Township Thringstone - - - - Township i9 i com lovi cativ 312 168 174 168 177 144 336 351 784 133 ל27 1 404 380 51 21 47 98 87 24 62 ܕ;; 170 113 49 66 424 577 274 396 151 223 113 210 242 142 569 128 820 1,146 541 1,171 79 267 119 214 A mond N 106 585 586 8,038 8,564 197 2,702 4,970 20,205 20,583 40,788 GUTHLAXTON Ilundred. 91 100 222 145 459 280 56 58 32 102 84 32 110 237 135 92 267 6: T1100 iv 176 540 10 ai i 31 32 128 96 273 66 204 500 374 197 II pored III IIIIIII 427 989 741 14 36- 99 111 143 127 210 270 150 80 OOT OF CO I 173 348 80 84 164 149 11 Arnesby - - - - - - - Parish Ashby, Magna - - - - - Parisha Ashby, Parva - - - - - Parish Aylestone (part of) - - () Parish Glen, Parva - -(+) - Township Bitteswell - - - - - - Parish Blaby - - - - - - (8) Parish Countess-thorpe - - - Chapelry Broughton-Astley Parish : (h) Broughton-estley - - Township Prime-Thorp - - - - Township Sutton-in-the-Elis - - Township Brunting-thorpe - - - - - Parishi Cal-thorpe - - - - - - Parish Castle-View - () - Extra-l'. Liberty Claybrooke, Parish : (*) · Bittesby - - - - - - Liberty Claybrooke, Great - - Chapelry Claybrooke, Little - - Township Ullesthorpe - - - - - Hamlet Wigston, Parva - - - Township Cosby, with Little-thorpe - - Parish Cottesbatch - - - - - - Parish Dunton-Bassett - - Parish Foston - - - - - - - Parish Frowlesworth - - - - - Parish Gillınorton - - - - - - Parish Kilby - - - - - Parish Kilworth, North . Parish Kilworth, South - - - - Parish Kimcote - - - - - () Parish Cotes-De-Val - - - - Hamlet Knaptoft (part of) - - (m) Parish Shearsby - - - - - Chapelry Walton - - - - - - Hainlet 1220 16 197 27 312 VIII Told mo ! 1 OCH 458 54 598 116 286 17 121 19 178 38 79 162 883 41 439 58 219 12 168 118 460 104 104 +1 444 60 241 12 133 362 24 301 III IIIIIIIIIIII w 146 3.56 718 88 209 66 200 197 194 409 391 450 97 100ml 223 227 103 237 261 498 4 3 33 73 I ICHI 27 155 155 60 310 231 55 104 1.27 (2) Rothley Parish is partly in East-Goscote Hundred. This part of tants. (C) The entire Parish of Whitwick contains 2,858 Inhabi- the Parish includes Rothley-Temple Liberty, Extra-Parochial. The tants. Aylestone Parish is partly in Sparkenhoe Ilundred. The North end of Mountsorrel Chapelry is in Barrow-upon-Soar Parish ; entire Parish contains. 749 Luhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of the South end being returned with it though in Rothley Parish. The Blaby contains 1,730 Inhabitants.ca (1) The entire Parish of Bruugil- entire Parish of Rotlley contains rather more than 1,949 Lubabitants. 1 ton Astley contains 630 Inliabitants. (i) Castle-View adjoins the () Donisthorpe Hamlet is partly in Nether-Seal Parish, and partly | Borough of LEICESTER, which is entered at the end of the County.-- in Church-Gresley Parish, Repton and Gresley Hundred, County of 1 (*) The entire Parish of Claybrooke contains 1,200 Juhabitants Derby, where the whole is entered. (9) The increase of Population 1 ) The entire Parish of Kimcote contains 505 Inhabitants.- in Sheepshcad is attributed to the inclosure of Charnwood Forest, and to m) Knaptoft Parish is partly in Gartree Hundred. The entire Parish the frame-work kuitting trade, which employs a large part of the Popu- contains 864 Inhabitauts, lation. (d). The entire Parish of Thurcastou contains 1,159 Inliabi- M.DCCC.XXI.] 167 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. OUNTY OF LEICESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE By. how many Families Oca cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAI- ĻIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in notcom- ployed TRADE, (prized in Manu-' the Two AURI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. OP MALES. FEMALES. in PERSONS. 48 ata 40 119 | 282 202 1,007 233 1,095 435 55 2,102 186 383 286 GUTHLAXTON Hundred-continued. Leire - - - - - - - - Parish Lutterworth - - - - (mm) Parish Margaret (part of) Parish : (*) Knighton - - - - - Chapelry Misterton - - - - () Parislı Oadby - - - - - - - Parish Peatling, Magna - - - - Parish Peatling, Parva - - - - - Parish Shawell - - - - - - - Parish South-Fields - - - - (P) Liberty Swinford - - - - - - - Parish Westrili and Stormore - - - Extra-P. Whetstone - - - - - - Parish Wigston, Magna - - - - Parish| 437 Willoughby-Waterless - - - Parish 1 197 253 409 192 Alica 447 106 539 856 228 0. CV 82 gi 99 Ticililili 173 209 762 AIII mano | 230 450 110 319 220 3 465 1,031 168 6 418 883 143 12 1,058 154 2,089 322 1 363 10,194 10,334 | 20,528 593 592 wa 47 790 33 1,185 80 1,504 714 36 81 10 25 69 554 1,095 16 260 15 81 1007 176 149 2 297 4,232 4,402 | 26 96 | 1,630 2,409 SPARKENHOE Hundred. Appleby (part of) .. (9) Parish 229 16 Aston-Flamville - - ) Parish 12 Burbage and Sketchley - Chapelry Aylestone, Parish: (s) Lubbesthorpe - - - - Chapelry Bardon-Park- - - - - - Extra-P. Barwell - - - - - (0) Parish Potters-Marston - - - - Hamlet Stapleton - - - - - - Hamlet Bassett-House - - - - - Extra-P. Cadeby - - - - - () Parish Osbaston - - - - Township Congerston - - - - - Parish Croft - - - - - - Parish Desford - - - - - (W) Parish Barrons-Park - - Hamlet Drayton, Fenny - - - - - Parish Elmsthorpe - - - - - - Parish Enderby - - - - - - - Parish Glenfield - - - - () Parish Braunstone - - - - Chapelry Braunstone, Frith - - - Liberty Glenfield-Frith - - - - Liberty Kirkby-Frith - - - - - Liberty Kirby-Muxloe - - - Chapelry Gopsall Liberty'. - - - - Extra P. Heather - - - - - (y) Parish Higham-on-the-Hill, - - - Parish witla Lindley · 5 Hinckley - - - - - (3). Parish Hinckley-Bond - - - Township Dadlington - - - - Chiapelry Stoke-Golding - . - Chapelry | 124 Wykin - - - - - - - Hamlet 12 864 3 118 +II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 59 17 29 46 I i acolo IIIIAO HILI INI I WIIN. I 597 546 215 1,143 4309 100 214 10 Robert 256 ng 106 411 533 1,619 4,216 317 746 873 2,180 2,036 90 319 179 85 275 594 50 48 98 (mm), One female upwards of 100 years of age in Lutterworth Parish. (n) Most part of St. Margaret's Parish is in the Borough of Lei- CESTER, which is entered at the end of the County.-- O Misterton Parish includes the Hamlets of Poultney and Walcote. ) No dis- tinct Return was made for South-Fields in 1811, nor does any such place appear to have been noticed. The observation upon the present Returi is, that in 1811, there were only six houses in South Fields; and the excess of Females is attributed to the great number of servants, amongst hoin there are only two Male servants. (9) Appleby Parish is partly in Repton and Grosley Hundred, County of Derby. The entire rish contains 1,781 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Aston- Jamville contains 1,584 Inhabitants. (8) Aylestone Parish is in Gutblaxton Hundred. Lubbesthorpe is called in the present Return) an Extra-Parochial Liberty.- () The entire Parish of Barwell.con- tains 1,371 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Cadeby contains 343 Inhabitauts. Osbaston Township is partly in Market-Bosworth Parish.-----(W) The entire Parish of Destord contains 872 Inhabitants. 6) The entire Parish of Glenfield contains 932 Inhabitants, (Ý) A coal pit has been opened in Heather Parish, and several new houses are inhabited by colliers.-----() Hinckley includes the Hamlet of Hydes-Pastures, situate in the Hundred of Knightlow (Southern Di. vísion) County of Warwick. The entire Parish of Hinckley contains 6,706' Inliabitants. The Population of Hinckley is said to have increased froin 1811 to 1815; and since that to have declined, in consequence of the cessation of trade with America ; hence also paupers have increased, and are very burthensome on the rest of the Inhabitants, 168 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LEICESTER- continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS PERSONS: FANIA I ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES LIES chietly | OTHER OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied.) Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. OF Building. chiefly lemploy. | Families em ed in notcon- ployed | Trade, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- TURE. crait. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 201 77 126 10 124 home coor 45 508 347 550 336 149 1,058 683 296 1,771 56 339 11 147 913 T A 251 858 33 71 38 564 190 553 1,117 79 299 318 80 9 102 116 o 194 354 1,078 ♡ 218 c era il pod licower II 54 C 14 73 183 103 112 141 62 390 ner Bro A VIN Hilariilor ieri 120 308 576 70 166 86 326 S 33 SPARKENHOE Hundred-continued. Ibstock - - - - - - (a) Parish Hugglescote and Donnington Chapelry Kirkby-Mallory - - - - (b) Parish Earl-Shilton - - - - Chapelry Leicester-Forest - - - - Extra-P. Market-Bosworth - - - Parish Barleston - - - - - Chapelry Barton-in-the-Beans - (9) Township Carlton - - - - - Chapelry Osbaston (part of) - - (9) Township Shenton - - - - - Chapelry Sutton-Cheney - - - Chapelry Markfield - - - - - - Parish Merevale - - - - - - () Parish Mythe - - (+) - - Extra-P. Nailstone - - - - - (©) Parish Barton-in-the-Beans (part of) Township Normanton-le-Heath - Chapelry Narborough - - - - - () Parisha Huncote - - - - - - Hamlet Newbold-Verdon - - - - Parish Norton juxta Twycross - - (8) Parish Bilstone - - - - - Township Orton-on-the-Hill - - - - Parish Peckleton with Tooley - - - Parish Ratby • - - - - - - () Parish Botcheston and Newton - Township Grooby - - - - - - Hamlet Sapcote - - - - - - (i) Parish Shackerstone - - - - (k) Parish Barton-in-the-Beans (part of) Township Odestone - - - - - - Hamlet Sharnford - - - - . . Parish Sheepy-Magna -.. - () Parish Ratcliffe-Culey - - - Chapelry Sheepy-Parva - - - - - Parish Sibson - - - - - - (in) Parish Upton - - - - - - Township Snarestone - - - - - - Parish Stanton-Stoney - - - - - Parish Temple-Hall ... () Extra-P. Thornton - O Parish Bagworth with Bagworth- Park - - - - - Stanton-under-Bardon and Horsepool - - -S Thurlaston - - - - - (P) Parish Newparks - - - - - - Liberty Normanton-Turville - - Hamlet Twycross - - - - - - Parish Witherley - - - - - (9) Parish Atterton - - - - - - Hamlet O 195 176 370 359 175 166 304 52 193 106 310 614 87 18 160 164 35 397 124 112 324 797 270 100 226 216 460 215 112 212 99 51 126 36 nad III i Ipod and NAIINTI Inco IIIII 427 211 87 237 141 80 166 268 111 61 190 356 265 65 40 183 arcu i Colle i Noci 533 105 405 389 Chapelry 174 144 302 253 260 513 17 13 190 192 19 373 183 204 41 396 75 6,616 7,039 17 1742,976 3,640 423 17,187 17,122 | 34,309 (a) The entire Parish of Ibstock contains 1,741 Inhabitants. Norton contains 502 Inhabitants.- (h) The increase of Population in (b) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Mallory contains 2,067 Inhabitants. Ratby Parish, is attributed to the increase of frame-work knitting. The Barton-in-the-Beans is partly in Nailstone Parish, partly in Shacker entire Parish contains 1,025 Inhabitants. ----() Fifty-five persons are stone Parish, but wholly entered here; so that the entire Parish of in a house of industry at Sapcote, and it is difficult to determine in what Alarket-Bosworth contains rather less than 2,677 Inhabitants. Osbaston column some families ought to be placed. --(k) The entire Parish of Township is parily in Cadeby Parish, and entered accordingly ; part of Shackerstone contains rather more than 486 Inhabitants; the Township, the Township of Osbaston is said to be included in the Return of Market of Barton-in-the-Beans being partly in Market-Bosworth Parish, and Bosworth. (d) Merevale Parish is partly in the Hundred of Hen the whole therewith entered. () The entire Parish of Sheepy-Magna lingford (Atherstone Division) County of Warwick, where the whole is contains 638 Inhabitants.- (m) The entire Parish of Sibson contains entered. - The entire Parish of Nailstone contains rather more 378 Inhabitants.-- ) Temple-Hall includes Willsborough Extra- than 574 Inhabitants; Barton-in-the-Leans being partly in Market Parochial.-- Danon-in-the-Beans, being party " warneta D ) The entire Parish of Thornton contains 1,096 Inhabi- wholly entered. The entire Parishta tants. The entire Parish of Thurlaston contains 549 Inhabitants. of Narborough contains 1,064 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of (º) The entire Parish of Witherley contains 471 Inhabitants. : M.DCCC XXI.) 169 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LEICESTER- continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FADIIC | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву OR hoiv TOTAL niany EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER employ- Families em- 1 ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF Building FEMALES. Oc- cupied. MALES. PERSONS. 1,712 655 680 129 / 134 105 108 moi 596 109 88 10 1,728 277 241 320 3,440 597 490 249 Borough of LEICESTER. All-Saints - - - - - - Parish Black-Friars - - - - - Extra-P. Leonard, St. with Abbey and ļ Parish Woodgate - - - - - Margaret, St. (part of) with Bishop's Fee ----5\? "}(") Parish Martin, St. - - - - - - Parish Mary, St. - - - - - - Parish New Works or Newark - () Liberty Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish White-Friars - - - - Extra-P. ! 34 3,148 560 | 568 1,086 1,157 38 40 316 340 48 3,148 527 908 30 281 36 7,340 1,487 2,546 88 7,686 1,713 2,860 131 780 112 15,026 3,200 5,406 · 219 1,540 207 !!! 760 49 95 6,085 6,389 89 453 220 5,723 446 14,562 15,563 30,125 () The Parish of St. Margaret is partly in Guthlaxton Hundred; and garet with Bishop's Fee Parish. ) The difference in the number a considerable portion of the Parish called “ Bishop's Fee,” is locally of Females in Newark Liberty, between the Returns of 1811 and 1821, situate in Gartree Hundred. The increase of Population is partly is accounted for by the removal of a large female boarding school; and attributed to the return of discharged and disenibodied soldiers, together the large proportion of old persons in so small a place, is in con. with a continuance of public tranquillity. The entire Parish contains sequence of an hospital containing upon an average forty aged persons of 15,409 Inhabitants; one male upwards of 100 years of age in St. Mar- l both sexes. SUMM A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. FRAMLAND 564 1,340 413 Hundred of FRAMLAND ----- 2,907 3,106 13 43 1,907 819 380 GARTREE - - - - 3,351 3,559 9 74 1,599 1,396 GOSCOTE, EAST - 3,546 34747 1,994 GOSCOTE, WEST - 8,038 8,564 2,702 4,970 GUTHLAXTON - - - - 4,232 4,402 | 26 1,630 2,409 ვივ SPARKENHOE - - - 6,616 7,039 17 174 3,640 423 Borough of LEICESTER - - --- - 6,085 6,389 89 453 220 5,723 446 Torals - - - 34.775|36,806 225 1,141 13,028 (20,297 3,481 7,662 7,826 8,754 20,205 10,194 17,187 7,652 8,180 8,747 20,583 10,334 17,122 15,314 16,006 17501 40,788 20,528 34,309 892 14,562 15,563 30,125 86,390 | 88,181 174,571 Xx 170 fEnumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LEICESTER- continued. Ages of Persons. . " MA LES • Hundred TOT FRAMLAND - - 1,101 959 7,561 GARTREE 971 1,009 7,7231 GOSCOTE, EAST - 1,257 | 1,144 1,011 | 851 | 1,2687 952 1 8,748 GOSCOTE, WEST - 3,204 2,717 2,238 | 1,924 3,0392,341 1,803 1 ,408 943 456 127 - 20,2071 - 10,140 GUTHLAXTON - SPARKENHOE - - 1,588 1,384 1,088 997 | 1,515 | 1,164 / 913 | 674 1488257) 71 - 2,338 2,261 1,968 1,814 2,616 1,918 1,592 1,064 810 414 117 1 1 - 16,913) LEICESTER, BORO' - 2,201 1,752 1,60g 1,576 2,427 1,700 1,501 974 540 23543 3 1 14,562|| Total of MALES - 12,660 11,226 9,684 8,623 13,202 9,672 8,095 5,926 4,1462,061 535 23 5 ,854 FEM A L E S. Under Hundred of _ _ FRAMLAND - - 1,091 1,242 7,645) GARTREE 1,108/ 788 1,256 8,171 GOSCOTE, EAST 1,207 1,186 989 1,383) 8,748) GOSCOTE, WEST 3,029 2,810 2,087 2,093 3,460 2,487 1,7 1896 514 133 20,600 GUTHLAXTON - 657 516 233 i 10,213 1,562 1,333 1,053 1,024 2,551 2,243 1,885 1,699 SPARKENHOE - 1 2,722 1,957 1,613 1,035 855 388 17,062 LEICESTER, BORO' - 2,123 1,800 1,565 1,867 2,977 1,942 1,496 938 612 286 57 | 10 | - |15,473 - Total of FEMALES - |12,671 11,332 9,258 8,836 14,748 10,442 8,098 | 5,673 |,217 2,061 531 FEMALES - 1 40 2 2 87,912 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Leicester was .... 174,571, . . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was ... 173,766, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumerution Returns received from the County of Leicester was 348; four of which (very small in amount of Persons) did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective uumbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 1971 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Lincoln. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OTIER OR how chiefly leinplov- em- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. tohny I OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly la einploy- Families ed in not coni- Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. GRI. factures, preced- CUL. Uh orHandi-! ing TURE. craft. | Classes. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. ployed OF Building MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied. 78 16 119 511 III 102 403 55 146 42 398 242 50 120 273 137 776 986 295 70 ܙ ܝ ܙ ܕܘ ܗ ܙ ܟܬ ܩܗ ܚܕ 55 42 472 715 337 445 PARTS OF HOLLAND. ELLOE Wapentake. CowBIT - - - - - (a) Parish Crowland - - - - - (a) Parish Deeping-Fen - - - (b) Extra-P; Fleet - - - - - - - - Parish Gedney - - - - - () Parish Gedney-Hill - () Chapelry Holbeach - - - - - - - Parish Moulton - - - - - - - Parish Pinchbeck - - - - (a) Parish Spalding - -- .- 1a) Parish Sutton, Long, or St. Mary's (1) Parish Sutton-Bourne, or Sutton, St. Nicholas - - - - Sutton, St. Edmund's - Chapelry Sution, St. James - - Chapelry Tydd, St. Mary's -.. . Parish Weston - - - - - - - Parish Whaplode - - - - () Parish Whaplode-Drove - - - Chapelry lai to 265 255 1,082 225 383 719 179 1,836 865 1,110 2,454 1,233 340 764 699 324 419 1,070 467 354 14 18 468 448 209 256 1,031 2,113 173 393 723 ·1,442 165 344 1,785 3,621 1,629 989 2,099 2,753 5,207 1,157 2,390 673 265 549 343 378 244 1 1,204 252 540 ܗ 325 135 oml ܚ 333 284 mod tim ܙ ܝ 166 177 CU INITI 149 96 398 776 498 88 254 249 i ovat ܘ ܟ ܢܝ ܕ 238 614 590 288 92 109 88 4,880 5,127 40 | 3,553 1,180 394 12,661 12,452 | 25,113 KIRTON Wapentake. l 15 105 117 116 602 331 320 135 112 271 307 11 627 17 6 343 357 I have had l w 805 833 184 69 1,638 424 79 03 i 120 118 688 339 136 343 o 222 8ვვ 1,618 15 million om III a 35 32 I 826 866 64 67 1,692 111 136 Algarkirk - - - - - - - Parish Bicker - - - - - - - - Parish Coppin Sike and Ferry Corner ExtraP. Donington - - - - - - Parish Fosdyke - - - - - - - Parish Frampton - - - - - - Parish Gosberton - - - - () Parish Harts-Grounds - - (6) Extra-P. Kirton . . .. . (h) Parish Brothertoft - - (+) - Chapelry North-Forty-Foot-Bank ..or Fen-Corner - - }(+) Extra-P. Dº - near Pelham's-Lands Extra-P. Dº - near Fosdyke (+) - Extra-P. i Quadring - - - - - - - Parisha Skirbeck (i) (part of) Parish: Skirbeck-Quarter - - - - Hamlet 1 Surleet - - - - - - - Parish Sutterton - - - - - - - Parish Swineshead - - - - - - Parish Waste-Lands - - - (k) Extra-P. Wigtoft - - - - - - - Parish Wyberton - - - - - - - Parish I II I 16 27 90 179 704 I 362 °42 54 i 158 325 167 116 393 167 419 477 142 196 345 812 196 155 337 369 I love I - ort! 1,014 1,696 310 841 855 . 135 117 316 637 + 321 248 86 I w 84 239 487 2,637 2,814 | 10 34 1 2,090 236 | 6,761 | 6,740 13,501 SKIRBECK Wapentake. 219 Bennington Butterwick Fishtoft - 18mm - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - () L Amor Parish Parish Parish 406 482 258 210 456 The increase of Population in the Parishcs of Cowbit, Corwland, Swineshead Parish. The Extra-parochial places in the Hundred of Kirton Pinchbeck, Spalding, and Whaplode, is attributed to Inclosures ; in | arise from the improved drainage of the Fens. (b) The entire Parish Gedney Hill, to the improved state of Agriculture. The apparent of Kirton contains 1,803 Inhabitants. (i) Skirbeck Parish is mostly diminution of Population in Deeping-Fen, arises from many of the Inha in Skirbeck Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,307 Inhabitants. bitants being now returned in the parts of Kesteven The entire (*) The Waste-Lands are supposed to be now included in the Return Parish of Geoney contains 1,786 Inhabitants. (d) The entire Parishi froin Bostou, as Extra-parochial.- - () The increase of Population in of Long-Sutton contains 3,955 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Fishtoft, Leake, and Boston, is attributed to the Iuclosure of Common Whaplode contains 1,744 Inhabitants. The increase of Population Lands and Feus; in the latter place noreover, to the depressed state of in Gosberton is attributed to Iníclosure, and the prevalence of Bastardy. | Agriculture, which is supposed to cause a greater resort to Towns. One) - Harts-Grounds, or Gibbet-Hills, Extra-parochial, are adjacent to | female upwards of 100 years of age in Boston. 172 TEnumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR | chicfly | OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how niany Faniilies Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMIL All LIES LIES chiefly employ- Families em | ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Manus the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. PARTS OF HOLLAND-continued. SKIRBECK Wapentake-continued. Frieston - - - - - - - Parish Leake - - - - - - 0 Parish Leverton - - - - - - - Parish Skirbeck (part of) - - () Parish Wrangle - - - - - - - Parish 180 288 862 435 693 188 294 106 217 197 105 locrosco 157 119 150 95 110 147 159 27 427 724 291 12 118 1 63 11 253 206 172 485 4 544 982 497 511 484 995 890 172 216 3,161 2,983 6,144 104 954 5,494 18 10,330 24 * 1,346 4 1 1,350 4,836 25 4,861 43 - - 23 23 106 958 5,512 10,373 55 116 105 NIIN 1,203 1,278 Borough of Boston - - ()- S. Parish & 2,176 2,404 (+) Extra-P. 9 10 12,185 2,414 PARTS OF KESTEVEN. ASWARDHURN Wapentake. Asgarby - - - Parish 12 12 Aswarby - - - - - - - Parish 20 20 Aunsby - - - - - - - Parish 21 Burton-Pedwardine - - - - Parish 21 Evedon - - - - - - - Parish Ewerby - - - - - - - Parish Hale, Great - - - - (m) Parish Hale, Little - - - - Township Haydor (part of) Parish :(*) Culverthorpe - - - - Township 11 Kelby - - - - - - Chapelry Heckington - - Parish Helpringham - - - - - - Parish Howell - - - - - - - Parish Ingoldsby - - - - - - - Parish Kirkby-le-Thorpe Parish Quarrington - - - - - - Parish Scredington - - - - - - Parish Silk-Willoughby - - - - - Parish Sleaford, Old - - - - - - Parish South-Kyme (part of) - () Parish Swarby - - - - - - - Parish awarnai 124 Tara!!+! 89 315 1*118*! ! cco crv 119 298 147 279. 139 577 286 61 18 57 || Ooo T 101 708 352 730 341 124 1,438 693 67 196 35 164 80 or a carico 67 65 con il-IIIIIC 36 120 ***** !! 3 alni! 360 166 132 256 197 215 516 143 103 108 278 94 107 238 72 27 71 1,176 1,253 910 244 99 3,100 2,935 6,035 AVELAND Wapentake. 168 150 318 21 67 3 20 162 II brio 47 39 358 387 745 421 13 all + oil III 1,039 990 2,029 3t 35 Aslackby - - - - - (P) Parish Graby - - - - - - - Hamlet Milthorpe - - - - - - Hamlet | Billingborough ----- Parish Bourne, Parish: (9) Bourne - - - - - - Hamlet Cawthorpe - - - - - Hamlet Dyke - - - Hamlet Dembleby - Parish Dowsby - - - - - - - Parish Dunsby - - - - - - - Parish Falkingham - Parish Haceby - - Parish Hacconby - - - - (5) Parish Stainfield - - - - - - Hamlet 69 26 71 73 144 11 30 28 35 38 III and I I I G6 201 · 105 93 31 97 122 125 Il mos 363 396 35 30 140 123 I - () See Note on preceding page... (") The entire Parish of Hale contains 863 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Great Hale.- ) Most part of the Parish of Ilaydor is in the Wapentake of Winnibriggs and Threo. O Kyme Parish is partly in Laogoe Wapentakc; the entire Parish contains 799 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Aslackby contains 4.90 Inhabitants... (9) The entire | Parish cf Bourne contains 2,242 Inhabitants. (1) Fukingham Castle is now become the house of correction for the parts of Kesteven. (*) The entire Parish of Hucconby contains 321 Inhabitants. .M.DCCC.XXI.] 173 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF LINCOLN—continued. HOUSES : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: By OR employ-fainilics how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: Fania | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES Orner | chiefly chicfly 1 ein- not com- ployed TRADE prized in | Manu. the Two AGRI. factures. preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. Oc- in MALES. FEMAL cupied. PERSONS. 35 72 28 11 103 83 491 167 11 111 76 511 276 110 84 218 256 84 34 235 144 78 210 99 314 254 162 428 PARTS OF KESTEVEN-continued. AVELAND Wapentake-continued. Horbling - - - - - - - Parish Kirkby-Underwood - - - - Parish Laughton - - - - - - - Parish Morton - - - - - - () Parish Hanthorpe, or Harmthorpe - Hamlet Newton - - - - - - - Parish Osbournby • - - - - - Parish Pickworth - - - - - - Parish Rippingale - - - - - - Parish Scott-Willoughby - - - - Parish Semperingham • • - • (º) Parish Birthorpe - - - - - Township Pointon - - - - - Township Spanby - - - - - - - Parish Swaton - - - - - - - Parish | Threckingham, - - - - - Parish with Stow - - - - - - Hamlet ſi Walcot - - - - . - • Parish 186 117 611 12 Ilom av era il 1 m 1 23.4 - 1 22 43 29 174 40 162 101 101 202 152 73 1,751 1,325 383 127 4,562 4,529 |9,091 NI 56 59 79 114 131 como alco 115 144 245 577 43 283 294 27 16 58 10 116 223 51 581 276 27 208 51 394 88 90 58 BELTISLOE Wapentake. Basingthorpe, with Westby - Parish Bitchfield - - - - - - - Parish Burton-Coggles - - - - - Parish Bytham, Castle - - - - (W) Parish Counthorpe - - - - - Hamlet Holywell, with Awnby - Chapelry Bytham, Little · · · · - Parish Careby - - - - • - - Parish Colsterworth Parish : (*) Twyford - - - - - Township Corby - - - - - - - - Parish Creeton - - - - - - - Parish Edenham - - - - - - (Y) Parish Grinsthorpe - - - • • Hamlet Ellsthorp - - - - - - Hamlet Scottlesthorp - - - - - Hamlet Gunby - - - - - - - Parish | Irnham - - - - - - (2) Parish Bulby - - - - - - - Hamlet Hawthorp - - - - - - Hamlet Lavington, otherwise Linton (*) Parish Hanby - - - - - - Hamlet Keisby - - - - - - - Hamlet Osgodby - - - - - Township Skillington - - - - - - Parish Stainby . . . . . - - Parish Swayfield - - - - - - - Parish Swinstead - - - - - - Parish Withamn-on-the-Hill - (b) Parish Manthorpe - - - - - Hamlet Toft with Lound - - - - Hamlet. Witham, North - - - . (©) Parish Lebthorpe - - - Hamlet Witham, South - - - - - Parish 115 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 54 62 Tiara II I II IIIIIIIIIIIIII a 07 134 149 250 105 58 123 CTCA Troop INN III icon il mio 40 40 49 46 196 95 12 364 85 73 102 157 122 158 206 104 262 124 62 319 246 107 114 81 93 19 210 174 35 345 181 164 1,065 1,172 810 282 80 3,046 2,886 5,932 ♡.The entire Parish of Morton contains 765 Inhabitants. lu) The | contains 413 Iuhabitants. (a) The entire Parish of Lavington con- entire Parish of Seinperingham contains 462 Inhabitants.- (W) Bytham tains 330 Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Withain-on-the-Hill Castle Parish.contains 36 Inhabitants. *) Most part of Colster contains 563 Inhabitants. -- () The entire Parish of North Withain worth Parish is in the Soke of Grantham.- () The entire Parish of contains 209 Inhabitants. Edenliam contains 657 Inhabitants. (2The entire Parish of Irnhain | Y y 174 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, -- FAMI- Ву All OTIER OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. low inany Families Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly en;ploy- Families em- ed in not con- ployed Trade, prized in the Two Agri- fuctures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. Oce in | Manu- PERSONS. cupied. - PARTS OF KESTEVEN-continued. BOOTHBY GRAFFO, Wapentake. (High Division.) Boothby - - - - - - - Parish Coleby - - - - - - - Parish Eagle (part of) Parish: (?) Eagle-Hall - - - - - Hamlet Harmston - - - - - - Parish Morton - - - - - - Extra-P. Navenby - - - - Parish Skinnand - - - - Parish Swinethorp - - - - (+) ExtraP. Welbourn - - - - - - - Parish Wellingore - - - - - - Parish | 1 +10II-a 'All cu oricarii vas 9 14 55 79 254 93 141 235 372 150 355 489 727 520 | 5853 15481 27 1,361 2,774 BOOTHBY GRAFFO Wapentake: (Low Division.) 113 29 22 54 315 109 54 298 123 123 222 108 613 74 294 10 12 33 41 1% 144 86 73 39 152 156 308 Auborn - - - - - - (©) Parish Haddington (part of) - - Township Bassingham - - - - . () Parish Boultham - - - - Parish Carlton-le-Moor Lands - - - Parish Doddington - - - - - (8) Parish Whisby - - - - - Township Eagle (part of) - - - - (1) Parish Eagle Woodhouse - • Extra-P. Hyckham, North - - Parish Hyckham, South - - - (©) Parish Norton-Disney - - - - - Parish Scarle, North- Parisha Skellingthorpe - - Parish Stapleford - - - - - - Parish Swinderby - - - - - - Parish Thorpe-on-the-Hill - Parish Thurlby - - - - - - - Parish Ilai Illai illaliloo a VIIIIICOS AI! AR AN COINVID - IC 137 296 46 159 56 109 231 105 102 214 434 - (*) 194 203 176 101 169 370 213 112 196 130 58 365 105 235 102 44 793 838 674 112 52 | 2,185 12,002 4,187 FLAXWELL Wapentake. 125 246 79 155 60 109 - - - - - - - - IIIIIII Anwick - - - Ashby - - - Bloxham - - - Brauncewell - - Cranwell - - - Digby - - - Dorrington - - Leasingham - - Roxholme - Rauceby, North - Rauceby, South - Roulston - - - Ruskington - - Sleaford, New - Holdingham - Temple-Brewer - - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - (h) Parish - - (h) Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - (i) Parish - - Hamlet - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish 19 (+) - Parish (+) (k) Parish| 436 • - - Hamlet - - Extra-P. 132 138 Icon INTI I OIIIIIIIIIIIo 145 146 127 155 277 284 259 132 1 44 43 140 124 47 64 - - - - - - - . tt vod 131 252 255 123 678 2,094 126 112 131 59 336 1,099 62 18 342 229 140 23 64 34 52 979 1,074 595 323 156 2,624 2,605 5,229 (1) Eagle Parish is mostly in the Lor Division of Boothby-Graffo 1 pasture into arable lands. () The entire Parish of Doddington · Wapentake; the entire Parish contains 353 Inhabitants.- Y) Auborn contains 227 Inhabitants. (b) A large quantity of land has been Parish contains 330 Inhabitants, reckoning therein that part of Had brought into cultivation a: Brauncewell, since the Return of 1811; also dington Townsbip, which (stricily speaking) is in South-Hyckliam at Cranwell. The entire Parish of Leasinghain contains 346 In. Parish; to which Parish 12. Houses and 56 Inhabitants would thus be habitants. (k) The entire Parish of New Sleaford contains 2,220 added. ) The increase of population in Bassingham is attri- | Inhabitants. buted to drainage operations ; in Skellingthorpe to the conversion of M.DCCC.XXI.] 175 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FADI- ALL or By chiefly | OTHER employ- / Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc. cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly em- ed in notcom- ployed- Tade. I prized in ed in Mauu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. I craft. Classes. "Op FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 158 851 PARTS OF KESTEVEN-continued LANGOE Wapentake. (First Division.) Billinghay - - - - - (°) Parish | Døgdyke - - - - - Township Walcott - - - - - - Hamlet Kirkby-Green - - - - - Parish Kyme (part of) Parish : (m) Kyme, North - - - - Township Timberland - - - - - (n) Parish Martin - - - - - - Hamlet Thorpe-Tinley - - - Township 437 112 246 33 414 119 226 231 472 35 68 Ilal 1-11 151 264 283 132 234 271 498 318 49 47 589 96 491 570 113 410110 50 1,6101,478 1 3,088 90 250 245 210 i 81 108 LANGOE Wapentake. (Second Division.) Blankney - - -'- - - - Parish Dunston - - - - - - - Parish Metheringham - - - - - Parish Nocton - - - - - - - Parish Potter Hanworth - - - - Parish Scopwick - - - - - - Parish Washingborough - - - () Parish Heighington - - - - Township 196 495 406 626 318 75 . III- laro 77974748| co I wouloriiv 308 207 289 131 241 194 41 169 185 101 237 202 376 374 232 478 396 100 77 105 79 584 | 667 19 555 93 | 1,716 1,667 | 3,383 LOVEDEN Wapentake. 86 90 221 - - - - - - - - - - 98 96 220 428 439 430 881 200 och has 130 150 126 21 111 114 596 31 218 210 453 294 75 284 280 112 56 119 148 * 567 114 605 Ancaster - - - - Beckingham - - - | Bennington, Long - Breughton Brant - Carlton-Scroop - - Caythorpe with Friston Claypole - - - - Doddington, Dry - Fenton - - - - Foston - - - - Fulbeck - - .. Hough-on-the-Hill Haigham - - - - | Leadenham - - Marston - - - Normanton - - - Stragglesthorpe - - Stubton - - - - Westborough - - - 22 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 302 73 283 325 115 43 - 204 271 BA II w 93 222 227 99 426 555 LIIIIIIIIIIIONI ION 107 112 284 278 99 105 60 116 255 533 - - - 63 146 289 290 144 285 204 88 574 I VW v STA 189 393 - - - - - - 101 51 49 95 189 100 174 227 - - - 79 120 47 37 / 5 107 1,435 1,585 | 7 7 21 1,080 ( 341 164 | 3,734 1 3,719 I 7,453 NESS . Wapentake. 31 80 74 - - - 133 33 145 330 352 32 1 79 30 35 154 682 198 186 1,385 40 '1 85 316 324 204 Barbolm - - - - Baston - - - - Braceborough - - Carlby - - - - Deeping, St. James Deeping, Market - | Deeping, West - - Greatford - - - - Wilsthorpe - Langtoft - - - - Stowe - - - "Fallington 20 - - - - 150 - - Parish | - (9) Parish - - Parish Parish - - Parish - (9) Parish - - Parish - (0) Parish - Chapelry - (9) Parish Parish - - Parish 119 101 675 504 155 142 58 262 Now Berni 710 512 147 116 44 1,016 302 - 110 223 258 102 485 21 240 12 9 - 127 113 _() The entire Parish of Billinghay contains 1,554 Inhabitants. Hamlets, heretofore returned separately. (9) An inclosure of land has Wost part of the Parish of Kyme is in Aswardham Wapentake: taken place at Baston; the Return of which place, as well as of Market- 5) The entire Parish of Timberland contains 1,183 Inhabitants. Deeping and Langtoft, includes the Population of certain Extra-Parochial © The entire Parish of Washingborough contains 874 Inhabitants. | places in the Fens. () The entire Parish of Greatford contains - The Return of Hough-on-the-Hill includes Brandon and Gelston 360 Inhabitants. 176 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES 1 OTHER By OR how TOTAL many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- ALL. LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRIC factures, preced- CUL- orHandi ing TURE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. Oc- MALES. in eupied. PERSONS. craft. Classes. 62 Parts of KESTEVEN-continued. NESS Wapentake continued. Thurlby () with Northorpe and } .- - - Parish Obthorpe - - Uffington - - - - - - - Parish 261 213 474 1 12 69 io 67 136 1 5 102 20 18 244 222 w 466 1,148 1,297 21 557 335 405 3,146 2,971 6,117 WINNIBRIGGS and THREO Wapentake. . 188 324 169 347 in 56 54 rco 23 359 177 living room IIIII 350 ܗܞ ܝ ܙ ܣ ܒܨ ܝܕ ܝܝ ܗ ܝܕ ܟ ܗ 160 80 76 Allington, West - - - - - Parish Barrowby - - - - - - Parish Boothby-Pagnell -.. - - Parish Granthain - - - - - () Parish Harrowby - - - - - Township Spittlegate - - - - Township Haydor (part of) - - - (º) Parish Honington - - - - - - Parish Ponton, Little - - - - - Parish Ropsley - - - - - - (W) Parish Humby, Little - - - - Hamlet Sedgebrook - - - - - - Parish Somerby with Great Humby - Parish Stoke Parish : (*) Stoke, North - - - - Township Stroxton - - - - - - - Parish Syston - - - - - - - Parish Welby - - - - - - - Parish Wilsford - - - - - - - Parish Woolsthorpe - - - - - - Parish Wyvill with Hungerton - - .. Parish 82 248 98 241 IIIIIIIIIII - OIIII 34 31 113 127 117 119 230 246 it cv-is VW molio 128 140 188 Tier III | ܝܢ - ܩܰ ܤ ܟ 194 169 172 377 341 566 291 275 21 66 58 124 1,017 1,128 12 20 742 257 129 2,769 2,690 5,459 GRANTHAM Borough, with the SOKE. 35 215 416 88 and I am 201 90 47 353 20 50 178 97 703 147 103 273 155 126 177 881 577 350 304 375 1,969 174 104 368 743 314 4,148 Barkston - - - - - - - Parish Belton - - - - - - - Parish Braceby - - - - - - - Parish Colsterworth - - - - (Y) Parish Denton - - - - - - - Parish Gonerby, Great - - - - - Parish GRANTHAM (2) - - - Bor: & Par: Manthorp with Little-Go- nerby - - - - - Hartaxton - - - - - - Parish Londonthorpe - - - - - Parish Ponton, Great - - . - Parish Sapperton - - - - - - Parish Stoke, South - - Easton - - - - - - - Hamlet 730 247 258 568 2,179 607 175 84 214 a Ilmi 1,175 389 195 - G 201 29 418 55 + 13 12 48 113 46 94 38 34 93 206 1,783 2,011 25 36 654 1 905 452 4,746 9,394 BOROUGH of STANFORD. 1,388 - 32 119 774 636 1,191 All Saints - - George, St. - - Jolin St. Baptist Mary, St. - - Michael, St. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 257 1 300 223 258 176 218 48 188 214 wierci ACN CO A 93 614 555 503 126 539 500 48 1,003 357 45 231 572 111 90 1,111 892 1,038 663 337 2,337 2,713 5,050 O The entire Parish of Thurlby contains 622 Inhabitants. () Harrowby and Spittlegate Townships are in the Parish of Grantham, most part of which is entered in the Sok of Grantham ; this Soke is sur- rounded by the Wapentake of Wimibriggs and Threo, in a very irregular manner, and extends to Belvoir Castle, which is in Frajoland Hundred, Leicestershire -- () The entire Parish of Haydon (which extends into Aswardhurn Wapentake) contains 522 Inhabitants. The entire | Parish is mostly in the Soke of Grantham, and contains 428 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Colsterworth (which extends into Beltisloe Wapentake) contains 776 Inhabitants, including several woodmen, wbo were resident lodgers at the time of the enumeration. ----(*) The entire parish of Granthan, which extends into the Wapentake of Winnibrigos and Threo) contains 6,077 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 177 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em | ed in not com- ployed Trade, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- forHandi ing TURE, craft. Classes. OT Building Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 00 55 14 17. 121 29 34 372 197 PARTS OF LINDSEY. ASLACOE (East) Wapentake. Caenby - - - - - - - Parish Firsby, East - - - - - - Parish Firsby, West - - - - - Parish Glentham - - - - - - Parish Hackthorn - . - - Parish Hanworth, Cold - - - - Parish Normandy - - - - - - Parish Norton, Bishop - - - () Parish Atterby - - - - - Township Owmby - - - - - - - Parish Saxby - - - - - - - - Parish Snitterby - - - - - - - Parish Spridlington · - Parish 126 175 130 28 160 256 29 57 168 328 WI INIII IIIIIII 150 153 | 6o ANN Coco or 57 91 303 110 196 105 105 73 153 33 98 101 199 370 448 392 1,158 1,105 2,263 184 73 142 45 19 ASLACOE (West) Wapentake. Blyborough - - - - - - Parish Cammeringham - - - - - Parish Coates - - - Parish Fillingham - - - - - - Parish Glentworth -. Parish Harpswell - Parish Hemswell - - - - - - Parish Ingham - - - - - - - Parish Willoughton - - - - - - Parish Janvier 135 144 143 279 275 woweraviljai 001 IAIN II l III WIINIAI 79 39 136 140 200 132 40 135 147 209 271 287 409 398 984 987 1,971 16 79 60 139 20 105 118 231 49 229 460 172 176 348 170 143 313 351 BOLINGBROKE (East) Soke. Carrington - - - - (b) Township East Ville - - - - (b) Township Halton-Holegate - - - - Parish Hundleby - - - - - - - Parish Keal, East - - - - - - Parish Lusby - - - - - - - Parish Mavis-Enderby - - - - - Parish Mid-Ville - - - - (b) Township 20 Reithby - - - - - - - Parish 131 Spilsby - - - - - - - Parish Steeping, Little - - - - - Parish 50 Thorpe - - - - - - - Parish 63 Toynton, All-Saints - - - Parish 61 Toynton, St. Peter's - - - Parish 66 104 85 IIIIIIIIII and I ai 82 57 35 91 215 222 626 139 197 608 139 184 156 191 625 - Awilowera w Armor 1 126 189 139 180 1,234 278 381 342 394 186 203 813 888 3 / 19 608 2,412 | 2,229 4,641 1 36 לל 358 395 150 122 753 272 91 14 46 BOLINGBROKE (West) Soke. Asgarby - - - - - - - Parish 15 Bolingbroke . - - . (b) Parish 153 Frith-Ville - - - - ) Township 38 Hagnaby - - - - Parish Hareby - - - - - - - Parish Keal, West - - - - - - Parish Kirkby, East - Parish 163 Miningsby • - Parish 22 Revesby - - - Parish 111 osey - - - - - - - Parish 255 Stickford . - - - - - - Paris) 35 45 36 71 wo er al-Ain 243 259 183 502 164 70 64 300 703 134 572 1,354 Sibsey - - 272 651 172 276 171 343 m2 The entire Parish of Norton Bishop contains 413 Inhabitants. The Townships of Carrington, East-Ville, Mid-Ville, Frith-Ville, and West-Ville, (also Langrick-Ville and Thornton-le-Fen, in Horncastle Soke,) were created as such by Act of Parliament, on occasion of a very ex- tensive Drainage of Fen Lands, and are not dependent on any Parish. als Act (which was passed in the year 1812) recites the Acts for drain- ug and allotting Wildmore Fen, and the West and East Fens, and states the public utility and convenience of dividing about 14,000 acres (part thereof) into Seven Townships; in order that the general public laws now in force, concerning Constables, and for the Relief and Employment of the Poor, might be put in force. Most of the Parishes in the Soke of Polingbroke appear to have increased in Population, by reason of Allot- ments of Fen Lands; and especially the Parish of Bolingbroke, from lots of ten acres each, leased on condition of building Houses thereon. Z z 178 [Enumeration. D RETURNS UNDER ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR By how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. employ-| Families ed in not coin- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- 1 FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly em- ployed | TRADE, (prized in in Agri• factures, preced- CUL or Handi-| ing TURE. craft. Classes. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. Manu- the Two PERSONS. PARTS OF LINDSEY-- continued. BOLINGBROKE (West) Sokem-continued. Stickney - - - - - - - Parish West-Ville .... ) Township 154 15 123 15 369 763 - 15 11 61 41 102 1,014 1,101 14 18 818 201 82 2,725 2,656 5,381 88 191 74 142 111 109 220 160 39 39 45 78 ON 94 16 58 105 viol A CO CO NA IW CO a folla!! #lalal 228 70 406 84 123 154 237 114 26 w 21 73 81 iiiiii pod iionerNico con il coins 32 NO 28 60 DO 389 191 50 1,543 198 64 1,521 51 114 34 BRADLEY HAVERSTOE Wapentake. Ashby, with Fenby - - Aylesby - - - - - - - Parish Barnoldby-le-Beck - - - - Parish Beelsby - - - - - - - Parish Bradley - - - - - - - Parish Brigsley - - - - - - - Parish Cabourn - - - - - - - Parish Clee - - - © Parish Cleethorpe - Township Coates, Great - - - - - Parish Coates, Little - - - - - Parish Coates, North - - - - - Parish Cuxwold - - - - - - - Parish Fulstow - -... - - Parish Grainsby - - - - - - - Parish GRIMSBY, GREAT - - Bor : & Par: Hatcliffe - - - - - - - Parish Hawerby, with Beesby - - - Parish Healing - - - - Parish Holton-le-Clay - - - - - Parish Humberston - - - - - - Parish 'Irby-upon-Humber. - - Parish Laceby - - - - - - - Parish Marsh-Chapel - - - - - Parish Ravendale, East - - () Parish Ravendale, West - - Township Rothwell - - - - Parish Scartho - - - - - - - Parish Swallow - - - - - - - Parish Swinhope - - - - - - - Parish Tetney - - Parish Thoresby, North - - () Parish Waith - - - . - - - Parish Waltham - - - - - - Parish Wold-Newton - - - - - Parish 244 3,064 48 99 28 54 27 55 40 94 106 220 113 114 104 93 217 217 124 251 272 523 207 co to IO OI osa II Ô owvl 1 A ricoricio DNAN DI og 525384588523935584891992332.9998933 a 5******108*9889 32.888*438*43*5874*4*18898237349995731959881438888 game 8993410**84535380308455658384591594838 139*****8*33393723 20 105 37 89 122 19 94 125 128 296 326 253 114 88 www con la mo 622 484 231 13 17 6 112 15 258 268 30 526 68 57 125 2,031 2,171 88 1,160 644 367 5,013 | 4,881 9,894 95 192 226 114 130 CALCEWORTH Hundred. (Marsh Division.) Aby, with Greenfield • - - Parish Anderby - - - - - - - Parish Belleau - - - - - - - Parish Claythorpe - - - - - - Parish Calceby - - - - - - - Parish Cawthorpe, Little Parish Cumberworth - - - - - Parish Gayton-le-Marsh - Parish Haugh - - - - - - Extra-P. Hogsthorpe - - - - - - Parish Huttoft - - - - - - - Parish Legbourn - - - - - - - Parish Mablethorpe, St. Mary - Parish Mablethorpe, St. Peter - - - Parish Mumby, Park with Chapel Mumby Clap: Reston, South - - - - - Parish 170 276 Inwicii INIIIII 5 295 - I wavio IIIIIII 591 226 öncörr om Olari I 144 2 296 175 208 100 20 295 401 412 204 100 15 200 287 582 111 63 135 Swaby - - - - - - - Parish 54 142 160 302 0) See Note on preceding page. ) The entire Parish of Clee | contaius 95 Inhabitants. (C) It is stated, that persons resort to and contains 560 Inhabitants. -- The entire Parish of East-Ravendale settle in North-Thoresby, as being an uninclosed Lordship. M.DCC.XXI.] 179 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. THE POPULA VA COUNTY OF LINCOLN-:continụed. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMIALL OR By chiefly OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, 1 preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing TURE. 1 craft. Classes. ОР FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. PARTS OF LINDSEY_continued. CALCEWORTH Hundred (Marsh Division) continued. Theddlethorpe, All Saints () Parish Theddlethorpe, St. Helens - - Parish Thoresby, South - - - - - Parish Tothill - - - - - - - Parish Trusthorpe - - - - - - Parish 211 100 114 75 34 111 125 74 239 149 38 72 44 124 138 262 896 1,028 5 15 825 141 62 1 2,437 2,459 4,896 304 307 705 801 1,506 132 26 64 68 214 202 45 416 52 53 97 101 106 59 CALCEWORTH Hundred. (Wold Division.) Alford - - - - - - - Parish Beesby-in-the-Marsh - Parish Bilsby and Thurlby - - Parish Claxby - - - - - - - Parish Farlsthorp - - - Parish Hagnaby, with Hannay - - - Parish Maltby-le-Marsh - - - - Parish Markby - - - - - - - Parish Rigsby, with Ailsby - - - - Parish Saleby, with Thoresthorpe - - Parish Strubby, with Woodthorp - - Parish Ulceby, with Forthington - - Parish Well and Derthorpe - - (5) Willoughby - - - - (h Parish Withern - - - - - - - Parish 103 96 199 49 124 45 49 111 130 105 94 107 235 255 35 125 66 109 214 19 19 69 135 108 108 54 248 266 66 46 180 163 514 343 839 8913 91 567 215 | 109 | 2,209 | 2,245 4,454 35 39 co 97 176 224 434 79 469 235 903 483 248 204 666 602 1,268 CANDLESHOE Wapentake. (Marsh Division.) Addlethorpe - - - - - - Burgh-in-the-Marsh - - - | Croft - - - - - - - - Friskney - - - - - - - Ingoldmells - - - - - - North-Holme - - - - - | Orby - - - - - - () | Skegness - - - - - - - Wainfleet, All Saints - - - Wainfleet, St. Mary - - - - Winthorpe - - - - - - Tovara III la 24 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish A com 8A 71 20 33 44 21 186 82 136 75 56 25 190 108 o 73 146 75 442 247 120 155 155 282 150 878 544 233 436 99 102 297 113 35 45 43 i 948 1,092 | 10 740 224 128 2,668 | 2,559 5,227 2A 3 140 179 132 251 53 99 42 82 CANDLESHOE Wapentake. (Wold Division.) Ashby - - - - - - - Parish Braytoft - - - - - - - Parishı Candlesby - - - - - - Parish Dalby - - Parish Driby - - - - - - .. Parish Firsby - - - - - - - Parish Gunby - - - - - - - Parish Irby-in-the-Marsh . Parish Partney - - - - - - - Parish Scremby, with Grebby - - - Parish Skendleby - - - ... - Parish Steeping, Great - - - - • Parish Sutterby - - - - - - - Parish Welton-in-the-Marsh, with Boothby Par: 119 40 69 ܝܙ ܚܕ ܩ ܝܕ ܙ ܟ ܙ ܚܝ ܗ ܙ ܗ ܗ ܬ ܕ 44 Selvi Ari Aarir 34 149 78 293 1 144 104 200 95 134 115 148 14 210 278 33 355 19 1 171 184 395 459 3 7 361 1,168 1,218 | 2,386 ) One female upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Thed- | Sloothby.- (i) The increase of Population in Orby is attributed to the diethorpe-All-Saints. The Return of Well includes Derthorpe and improved state of agriculture and drainage. 180 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN--continued. 1 HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FADI- - ALL LIES LIES Other chiefly employ- Families em- not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures. I preced- CUI orHandi. ing craft. Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Uo-Inhabited. OF Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS 86 15 13 981 103 102 102 1,284 1,332 143 146 257 250 2,767 266 247 229 3,126 153 46 I 105 119 984133 11 63 PARTS OF LINDSET --continued. CORRINGHAM Wapentake. Blyton, with Wharton - - - Parish Corringham, Great and Little - Parish Gainsborough - (+) (b) Parish Morton - - - - - - Hamlet Stockwith, East - - - - Hamulet Walkerith - - - - - Hamlet Grayingham - - - - - - Parish Greenhill - - - - - Extra-P. Heapham - - - - - - Parish Kirton (in Lindsey) - - - - Parish Laughton Parish: (1) Laughton - - - - - Township Wildsworth - - - - - Hamlet Lea - - - - - - - - Parish Manton Parish: (m) Cleatham - - - - - Township Northorpe - - - - - - Parish Paddocks - - - (+) - Extra-P. Pilham - - - - - - Parish Scotter - - - - - - - Parish Scotton - - - - - (n) Parish Ferry, East - - - - - Hamlet Southorpe - - - - - Extra-P. Springthorpe - - - - - - Parish III. a II 136 III in Ici No 00111 cococo ܗ | ܗ 101 * 20 20 184 | ܝܕ ܙ ܒܨ ܗ ܢܝ ܙ ܙ ܟ 443 IIII! 51 495 168 938 196 1*78**** 364 151 75 18 104 76 16 96 34 32 30 200 2,549 2,656 905 1,430 321 5,903 6,245 12,148 GARTREF (North) Wapentake. 97 189 90 l 170 272 490 made a coil-I 92 149 218 15 135 133 19 269 Asterby - - - - - - - Baumber, otherwise Bamburgh - Belshford - - - - - - - Cawkwell - - - - - - Donington-upon-Bain . Edlington - - - - - - Goulsby - - - - - - - Hemingby - - - - - - Ranby - - - Scamblesby - - - - O Stainton, Market - - - - Stenigot - - - - - - - Sturton, Great - - - - - Parish Parisha Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 116 *oivono convinto w 134 130 128 162 66 187 *********3*5* 135 I 55 297 121 160 347 59 +1 131 107 50 68 19 77 145 512 572 451 1,558 1,398 | 2,956 GARTREE (South) Wapentake. 134 107 Tiwi III and III oled lool win i 15 3*3 61 150 126 Bucknall - - - - - Dalderby - - - - • Gautby - - - - - Horsington - - - - Kirby-upon-Bain - - Tumby - - - - - Kirkstead - a - Langton (near Horncastle) Martin - - - - - Minting - - - - Scrivelsby - - - - Stixwould - - - - Tattershall - - - - Thornton - - Thorpe - - 130 171 - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish (P) Parish - Township - - Parish . - Parish - - Parish Parish - - Parishi - - Parish - - Parish Parish Parish 164 62 A co icon övlar 30 25 144 126 72 81 100 308 55 270 153 214 114 115 121 319 66 27 28 87 39 134 (k) The entire Parish of Gainsborough contains 6,761 Inhabitants. | 515 Inhabitants. The increase of Population at Scamblesby is The entire Parish of Laughton contains 422 Inlabitants. ascribed to the einployment of labourers by occupiers of land on part of (m) The entire Parish of Manton (which is party in Manley Wapentake) the Wold, which is not in the Parish, and where are few cottages. contains 198 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Scotton contains () The entire Parish of Kirby-upon-Bain contains 591 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 181 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | OR By how TOTAL niany EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, OF Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chiefly Other chiefly leinploy- Families en cd i not com- loyed TRADE, Iprized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. GARTREE, South, Wapentake-continued. Waddingworth - ... - Parish Wispington - - - - - - Parish | Woodhall - - - - - - - Parish Iconi *18 70 36 191 Too 638 697 567 1,855 1,750 3,605 22 IT 50 22 117 80 119 36 107 254 48 Ominar Icon 14 . 59. 114 68 140 80 148 105 270 533 Parish HILL Hundred Ashby-Puerorum - - (9) Parish Aswardby - - (+) - - Parish Brinkhill - - - - - - - Parish Claxby-Pluckacre - - - - Parish Enderby, Bag - - - - - Parish Fulletby - - - - - - - Parish Greetham - - - - - - Parish Hagworthingham . Parish Hameringhain - - - - - Harrington - - - - - - Parish Langton (by Spelsby) - - - Parish Ormsby, South, with Ketsby Parish Oxcomb - - - - - - - Parish Salmonby - - Parish Sausthorpe - - - - - - Parish Scrafield - - - - - - - Parish Somersby - Parish Tetford - - Parish Walmsgate - - - - - - Parish Winceby - - - - - - - Parish | Worlaby - - - - - - - Extra P.| 149 73 54 77 116 1 l m l l 1a a la II CVI CITIT 105 167 90 145 261 Iloi 10 mondo con lielii 14 28 89. 43 84 83 167 50 12 111 95 253 531 Iloilo 278 28 40 56 38 17 15 32 546 603 12 12 | 503 79 1,602 1,573 3,175 91 91 78 189 189 378 351 244 91 845 1,651 41 37 339 37 651 36 196 806 104 1,440 107 295 92 1,618 88 314 3,058 195 609 HORNCASTLE Soke. | Ashby, West - - - - - Parish Coningsby - - - - - - Parish Haltham-upon-Bain - - - Parish Horncastle - - - - - - Parish Langrick Ville - - - () Township Mareham-le-Fen - - (3) Parisha Mareham-on-the-Hill - - - Parish | Moorby - - - - - - - Parish | Roughton - - - - - - - Parish Thimbleby - - - . (5) Parish Thornton-le-Fen - - () Township Toynton, High - - - - - Parish Toynton, Low - - - - - Parish Wiiksby - - - - - - - Parish Wood-Enderby - - Parish 65 133 In ialam IIIIIIII 61 57 118 Scoacã ã osa como oli TIIRI - II orion or wo wo wo Suruhan 58 C 203 181 74 110 384 141 159 95 29 89 94 183 1,528 1,586 33 | 988 478 120 3,655 3,813 7,468 37 33 70 114 245 72 0 74 157 148 186 98 88 LAWRESS Wapentake. Aisthorpe - - - - - - - Barlings - - - - - - - Brattleby - - - - - - - Broxholme - - Burton (by Lincoln) Buslingthorpe - - - - - Carlton, North - - Carlton, South - - - - - Dunholm - - - Faldingworth. - ... - - Fiskerton - - - Friesthorpe - • - Greetwell - - 55 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish TOO ANCO I Color illico a library 31 96 105 111 171 194 220 276 294 148 128 155 139 23 22 21 45 45 (9) The Retum of Ashby-Puerorum includes Stainsby IIamlet, and Holbeck Extra-Parochial. () Langrick-Ville, and Thornton-le-Fen are two of the Townships mentioned in the note on the Soke of Boling- broke ) The increase of Population in Mareham-le-Fen and Thimbleby, is ascribed to the drainage and inclosure of Wildmore Fen. A a a 182 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER . . . COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, OR By how. Famil TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ed in not com- many Families Oc- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: Fadile FA MI- { ALL LIES LIES chietly Other chiefly employ- em- ployed | TRADE. prized in the Two AGRI- factures preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. Manu- PERSONS. cupied | 39 93 192 285 356 345 701 95 280 292 191 117 232 130 572 423 247 48 PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. LAWRESS Wapentakem-continued. Margaret, St. in-the- - () Parish 49 Close (part of) Mary-Magdalen, St. Roy Parisht 128 in-the-Bail - - Nettlehan - - - - - - Parish Paul, St. in-the-Bail - (0) Parish 102 Reepham - - - - - - - Parish Riseholme - - - - () Parish 10 Saxelby, with Ingleby - .. Parish 110 Scampton - - - - (W) Parish Scothern - - - - • - - Parish Snarford - - - - - - - Parish Sudbrooke - - - - - - Parish Thorpe, West - - - - - Parish Torksey, with Harwick - (*) Parish Welton - - - - - - - Parish Willingham, Cherry - - - Parish 73 278 o avatar III III 283 115 123 561 238 181 185 366 39 41 145 240 28 122 244 484 16 44 45 1,167 1,273 20 781 252 240 13,322 3,326 | 6,648 120 264 144 28 120 62 d io 242 34 122 51 59 114 127 503 243 LOUTH-ESKE Hundred. (Marsh Division.) Alvingham - - Carlton, Castle - - - - - Carlton, Great - - - - - Carlton, Little - - - - - Conisholm - - - ... Grainthorpe, with Ludney and Wragholme - - - - - Grimoldby - - - - Manby - - - - - - - Reston, North - - - - - SaltHeetby, All Saints - - - Saltfeetby, St. Clements - - Saltfieetby, St. Peters - - - Skidbrooke, with Saltfleet-Haven Somercoates, North - - - Somercoates, South - - - - Yarburgh - - - - - - 260 152 146 298 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Dad - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish av IIIIIIIIIIIIII had loco iloilo ad im II 108 128 26 236 46 20 101 117 67 cover coor o ra 218 126 185 II l 1 ANGÔ ovie o Ō III 87 98 178 352 187 365 332 163 138 684 301 207 43 113 94 768 2,002 1,976 3,978 49 74 39 100 161 60 186 103 113 206 74 268 LOUTH-ESKE Hundred. (Wold Division.) Authorpe - - - - - - - Parish Burwell - - - - - - - Parish Calcethorpe - - - - - - Parish Cockerington, St. Leonard - Parish Cockerington, St. Mary . Parish Elkington, North - - - - Parish Elkingtou, South - - - - Parish Farforth, with Maiden-Well - Parish Gayton-le-Wold - - - - - Parish Hallington - - - - - - Parish Haugham - - - - - - Parish Keddington - - - - - - Parish Kelstern - - - - - () Parish Lambcroft - (+) - - - Hamlet Louth - - - - - - (3) Parish Louth-Park - - - - - Hamlet Muckton - - - - - - - Parish Raithby, with Maltby - - - Parish Ruckland - - - - - - - Parish 40 141 46 63 TITAI-IN!!!!!! 94 122 III IIIIIIIIII and III 75 100 179 Til ñ Iconiiiico I 148 20 1,217 2,863 3,149 6,012 43 !!!! da 11 131 120 33 ☺ St Mary Magrialen in the Bail, St. Paul in the Bail, and St. Mar- 1 365 Inhabitants...-(y) The entire Parish of Kelstern contains 179 garet in the Člose, are locally situate in the City of Lincoln, which is Inhabitants.-- ) The Population of Louth is said to have been in- entered at the end of the County. The entire Parish of St. Margaret creased by the demolition of cottages in neighbouring Parishes, and the contains 403 Inbabitants.---- () The Return of Rischoline includes consequent residence of Agricultural labourers in the town. The entire Grainge-de-Ligne, Extra-Parochial.---(w) The increase of Population | Parish contains 6,055 Inhabitants. One female, upwards of 100 years at Scainpton is attributed to the division of farms. (*) Turksey is of age, in Louth. ucall; situate in the Wapentake of Well. The entire Parish contains M.DCCC.XXI. 7 183 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS; 11 PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FANI | ALI. OR FAMI- LIES chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. eni. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building ployed in AGRI- LIES chiefly | OTHER employ- Families not com- | Trade, prized in Manu-' the Two factures, I preced- orHandi-l ing craſt. | Classes, FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. CUL- TURE. PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. LOUTH ESKE Hundred : (Wold Division-continued.) Stewton - - - - - - - Parish Tathwell - - - - - - - Parish Wilton-le-Wold - - - - - Parish Withcall - - - - Parish Wykeham, East - - Parish 29 34 63 a 37 139 133 272 Tui 88 56 144 89 65 24 12 17 29 1,648 1,793 844498 | 654 641 14,302 1 4,438 8,740 LUDBOROUGH Wapentake. 115 72 104 70 219 142 109 198 Brackenborough - - - - Covenham, St. Bartholomew - | Covenham, St. Mary - - - Fotherby - - - - - - - Grimsby, Little - - - - - Ludborough - - - - - - Ormsby, North - - - - - Utterby - - - - - - - Wyham with Cadeby - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish TOWOT AWAI 37 67 150 !!!!! 284 111 165 107 86 11 58 233 275 248 720 627 1,347 54 101 121 288 168 338 39 17 166 19 87 46 420 193 , Boor-cü , 407 827 MANLEY Wapentake. (Eastern Division.) Bottesford . . . . (a) Parish Ashby - - - - - - Township Burringham - - - - - Township Holm - - - - - - - Hamlet Yaddlethorpe . - - - - Hamlet Broughton - - - - (b) Parish Frodingham - - - - © Parish Bromby - - - - - Township Scunthorpe - - - - Township Hibalston - - - . - Parish Manton - - - - - (d) Parish Twigmoor - - - - - - Hamlet Messingham - - - . (e) Parish Butterwick, East - - - Township Redbourn - - - - Parish Scawby with Sturton - - - Parish Wadingham - - - - - - Parish 14 14 68 34 26 60 128 37 10 co war III i vei 106 47 112 210 110 257 265 26 22 522 48 19 14 173 105 424 431 33 855 248 55 126 orn 135 270 55 174 95 I 22 135 419 222 164 419 225 8:38 447 64 1,136 7 --11II8100 m Iarna | 25 i 769 254 13 2,701 2,646 / 5,347 B 266 268 210 218 · 534 428 762 388 1,008 MANLEY Wapentake. (Northern Division.) | Appleby - - - - - - - Parish | 82 Aukborough . - - . Parish 88 Burton-upon-Stather - ) Parish Bottesford Parish:(*) Crosby - - - - - Township Flixborough - - - - - - Parish Halton, West - - - - - Parish 12 with Gunbouse - - Hamlet Roxby with Risby Parish Whitton - - - - Parish Winteringham - - - - - Parish 159 Winterton - - - - - - Parish 374 110 on G C Ang 146 216 374 181 76 106 193 168 105 392 525 350 182 107 354 490 105 212 746 1,015 151 112 858 998 1 13675194 129 2,360 2,423 4,783 dhe entire Parish of Bottesford (which is partly in the East, partly 1 bitants. (C) The entire Parish of Messingham contains 1,103 Inhabi- the North Division of the Wapentake) contains 999 Inhabitants. tants. The Population of Burton-upon-Stather is increased by the 1 ? Broughton, with Manby and Castlethorp. The entire Parish residence of labourers who work in neighbouring Parishes. This Parish rodingham contains 406 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of extends into Corringham Wapentake. walton, which is partly in Corringham Wapentake, contains 198 Inha. | 184 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By Or. employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- OCCUPATIONS: TAMIL Famil Λι.ι LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly cm- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Namu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUI Forllandi- ing TURE. lasses. Un Inhabited. Building MALES. FEMALES. • or PERSONS. cupied. 13 139 113 252 45 53 168 178 346 43 142 137 279 289 214 718 PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. MANLEY Wapentake-continued. (Western Division.) Althorp - - - - - (8) Parish Amcotts - - - - - Township Keadby - - - - - Township Belton - - Parish Crowle - - - - - () Parish Eastoft - - - - - - Township Epworth - - - - - - - Parish Haxey - - - - - - - Parish Luddington - - - - (1) Parish Garthorp - - - - - Township Owston - - - - - (k) Parish Butterwick, West, & Kelfield, Township Wroot - - - - - - - Parish 295 879 719 850 128 1,437 1,729 34 50 403 234 383 47 273 340 928 370 I am co 10 tavol 412 98 77 104 835 931 224 253 647 1,888 462 62 97 269 500 194 238 247 653 329 135 1,300 120 340 120 - 54 669 57 150 285 43 | 1,705 | 549 145 15,530 | 5,612 11,142 20 30 35 93 120 315 11 43 WALSHCROFT Wapentake. 2,045 2,399 (North Division.) Caistor Parish:. (1) Holton-le-Moor - - - Chapelry Claxby - - - - - - - Parish Kelsey, South - - - - - Parish Kingerby - - - - - - Parish Newton (by Toft - - - - Parish Normanby-on-the-Wold - - Parish Osgodby with Kirkby - - - Parish Owersby, North Parish - South Rasen, West - - - - . - Parish Thornton-le-Noor - - - - Parish Toft (next Newton) - - - - Parisli) Usselby - ... - - - - Parish 11 96 INITIIII!!! 33 46 109 136 68 214 272 136 117 50 12 34 75 389 433 151 4 354 1,136 1,143 2,279 01 256 241 155 138 12 101 52 6 26 243 101 29 38 26 69 69 WALSHCROFT Wapentake. (South Division.) Binbrooke, St. Gabriel - - - Parish Binbrooke, St. Mary - (m) Parish Croxby - - - - ... - Parish Linwood - - - - - - - Parish Rasen, Market - - - - - Parish Rasen, Middle, and Drakes - Parish Stainton-le-Vale --- - Parish Tealby - - - - - (n) Parish Thoresway - - - - (°) Parish Thorganby - - - - - Parish Walesby - - - - - ( ) Parish Willingham, North - , · Parish 138 592 1,166 56 118 21 508 574 258 66 384 TOILETICO IT 250 55 371 wc NV Now 76 40 121 755 116 102 239 211 49 117 53 122 105 34 106 840 922 5401 257 125 2,139 2,074 4,213 WELL Wapentake. 48 62 110 201 102 99 99 99 198 33 26 59 Burton, Gate - - Kettlethorpe - - - Fenton - - - - Knaith - - - - Marton - - - - Newton-upon-Trent Stow - - - - - Bransby - - - Normanby - - - Sturton - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - Parish (P) Parish - • Hamlet - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish (9) Parish - Township - Township • Township TomSCOTT 189 395 ܝܕ ܟ ܗ ܝܕ ܟ | | | | | 141 206 154 168 295 334 39 75 166 36 11 145 10 21 268 123 (5) The entire Parish of Althorp contains 877 Inhabitants. (h) The entire Parish of Crowle contains ig6i Inhabitants. The inclosure of a common has caused an increase of Populalion. (i) The entire Parish of Luddington contains g62 Inhabitants.----(k) The entire Parish of Owston contains 1,969 Inhabitants. A drainage work causes a temporary increase of Population.-- () Most part of the Parish of Caistor is in Yarborough Wapentake. (m) The Return from Binbrooke includes Orforth, Extra-Parochial. In the Parish of Tcalby, onc female up. wards of 100 years of age. The improved state of cultivation is stated as a cause of increased Population at Thoresway and Walesby. (P) The entire Parish of Kettlethorpe with Laughtoni, contains 399 Inhabitants.“ (9) The entire Parish of Stow, (including Stow Park,? contains 693 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 185 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TAMI | ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. OF OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com. Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Building ployed MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. WELL Wapentake continued. 'Torksey Parish: (*) Brampton - - - - - Townslip Upton - - - - - - () Parish Kexby - - - - - - Township Willingham - - - - - - Parish 54 44 98 i 106 go 146 115 81 221 171 • 292 146 - 1 521 577 1,363 1,375 2,738 103 92 195 93 49 183 22 346 37 72 126 · WRAGGOE Wapentake. (East Division.) Barkwith, East - - - - - Barkwith, West - - - - - Benniworth - - - - - - Biscathorpe - - Burgh, with Grisby - Hainton - - - - Hatton - - - - Kirmond-le-Mire - - - - Langton (near Wraghy) - - - Ludford - - - - Panton - - - - - - - Six-Hills - - - - - - - Sotby - - - - - - Willingham, South - - - - Parish | Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 128 228 165 71 193 426 37 A III III IIc III 95 197 42 '83 229 41 73 66 105 141 128 202 28 97 469 1 3 4 407 1,283 1,153 1 2,436 70 108 ONIIIIA IAITU 18 valor i coor Avia 69 473 481 139 954 45 23 22 26 26 52 50 45 95 142 WRAGGOE Wapentake. (West Division.) Apley - - - - - - - - Parish Bardney - - - - - - - Parish Bullington - - - Parish Fulnetby - - - - - - - Parisha Goltho - - - - - - - Parish Holton, with Beckering Parish Legesby - - - - - - - Parish Lissington - - - - Parish | Rand - - - - - - - - Parish Snelland - - - - - - - Parish Stainfield - - - - - - - Parish | Stainton (by Langworth) - () Parish Torrington, East - - - - Parish Torrington, West - - - - Parish Tupholme - - - - - Extra-P. Wickenby - - - - - - Parish Wragby - - - - - - - Parish 108 Taimo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII at color ani in love 53 231 183 102 133 103 182 89 55 133 34 71 57 303 125 633 330 569 1,747 1,665 | 3,412 15 47 40 YARBOROUGH Wapentake. (East Division.) Croxton (+) - - - - - Parish with Yarborough - - - Hamlet Habrough - - - - - - Parish Halton, East - - - - - - Parish Imingham - - - - - - Parish Keelby - - - - - - - Parish Killingholme, North) 50 102 150 216 103 231 286 468 207 462 77 South (“) Parish 136 252 104 231 74 149 129 197 110 75 VAG o concepto 138 151 287 243 421 114 224 Kirmington - - - - - - Limber, Magna - - - - - Limber, Parva, with Brocklesby Riby - - - - - - - - Stallingborough . - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 146 256 168 93 174 169 343 608 680 556 35 1,713 1,666 | 3,379 ..) The Parish of Torksey is mostly in Lawress Wapentake. I Return of Stainton-by-Langworth, includes Newball and Reasby. W The entire Parish of Upton contains 392 Inhabitants. c a(1) The 1° The entire Parish of Killingholme contains 438 Inhabitants. r ." B bb .............. 186 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND. RETURNS YY UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. _ HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL LIES OTHER chiefly • Faniilies By how OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. inany Families Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- · LIES chiefly em- ployed in AGRI- CUL- TURE. OY TRADE, lihe Two employ- ed in Yo not com- prized in Manu- (actures, preced- orHandi. ing Classes. craft. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied. 297 299 172 62 57 636 072 1,307 142 264 295 652 258 285 54 1,191 118 110 PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. YARBOROUGH Wapentake. (North Division.) Barrow-upon-Humber - - - Parish Barton, St. Mary - - - - Parish Barton, St. Peter - - - - Parish Bonby - - - - - - - Parish Elsham - - - Parish Ferraby, South - - - - - Parish Goxhill - - - Parish Horkstow - - Parish Saxby - - - - - - - Parish Thornton-Curtis - - - - Parish Ullceby - - - - Parislı Wootton - - - - - - - Parish Worlaby - - - - - - - Parish 539 621 133 202 206 684 142 181 1,305 275 283 64 247 453 158 en liioiiioo ci 356 736 . 90 112 60 185 380 110 121 143 234 198 135 200 233 328 455 397 262 111 80 59 231 199 50 56 127 1,563 1,652 13 1,026 1400 220 3,627 3,898 7,525 I 45 29 177 316 94 190 152 151 303 208 1,253 YARBOROUGII Wapentakc. (Suuth Division.) Barnetby-le-Wold - - - - Parisht Bigby - - - - - - - Parish Cadney - - - - - - - Parish with Housham Townslip Caistor - - - - - - (ny Parish Clixby - - - - - - - Parish Grassby - - . - - - - Parish Kelsey, North - - - - - Parish Melton-Ross - - - - - - Parish Nettleton - - - - - - - Parish Searby with Owmby - Parish Somerby - Parish Wrawby with Kettleby - - (*) Parish Glandford-Brigg -- Chapelry 12 626 32 143 287 57 627 35 156 286 60 193 299 121 120 573 or hoe o 66 160 123 124 hand o 247 79 13 34 45 233 101 337 223 882 456 330 792 1,674 1,137 1,209 16 261 638 508 63 l 2,974 1 2,962 5,936 LINCOLN CITY and LIBERTY. 285 628 296 139 131 26 142 38 So 343 289 75 340 585 155 09 362 117 106 118 Benedict, St. - - - - - Parish Botolph, St. • - - - - - Parish Bracebridge - - - - - () Parish Branston - - - - - - () Parish Canwick - - - - - - (Y) Parish John, St. in Newport - - - Parish Margaret, St. in-the-Close (part of) - • • - - 1 (Y) Parish Nark, St. - - - - - - Parish Martin, St. - - - - - - Parish Mary, St. le-Wigford - - - Parish Michael, St. on-the-Mount - Parishi Meer - - - - - - (y) Hospital Nicholas, St. in Newport - - Parish Peter, St. at Arches - - - Parish Peter, St. in Eastgate - - - Parish Peter, St. in Gowts - - - - Parish : Swithin, St. - - - - - - Parish Waddington - - - - - () Parish House of Industry - - - Extra-P. 376 120 IIIIIII OATIIIIIIIII 122 Ticorn Anianco - IACOIN 78 76 232 934 320 377 Toto Swo 1o to En Cnor 198 834 270 339 e Qevero eros 430 1,768 590 716 130 143 50 116 223 68 261 181 498 28 333 49 82 82 119 382 140 1 107 237 152 266 901 352 120 283 549 968 1,869 417 140 395 26 349 701 51 69 120 2,076 2,166 60 532 1,371 263 4,970 5,397 10,367 (W) The entire Parish of Caistor, which is partly in Walshcroft southward. On the other hand, the Parishes of St. Mary-Magdalen. Wapentake, contains 1,388 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of in-the-Bail, St. Peter-in-the-Bail, and part of St. Margaret in-the-Close, Wrawby-with-Ketileby contains 2,130 Inhabitants.- ) Bracebridge, the collective Population of which appears to be 1,409, are locally Branston, Canwick and Waddington, with Meer Hospital, in which situate in the City of Lincoln, but are ascribed to Liwress Wapen. collectively, the Population appears to be 1,781, constitute the Liberty take. Meer Hospital, included in the Return of Waddington, contains of the City of Lincoln, but are situate out of the actual City to the | 15 persons. voor Icoana M.DCCC.XXI.) 187 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- I ALL chiefly TOTAL Inhabited. ein- Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : | F'adir- LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly leny | employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUI- for Handi-l ing TURE. craft Classes. Or FEMALES. MALES. in HUNDREDS, By how &c. many Families Oc- cupied PARTS OF HOLLAND. Wapentake of ELLOE - - - - - - - 4,880 5,127 40 KIRTON - - - - - - - 2,6371 2,814 10 34 SKIRBECK - - - - - - | 1,203 Borough of BOSTON - - - - - - - | 2,185) 2,414 | 23 | 23 PERSONS. 3,553 2,090 890 1,180 488 394 236 12,661 6,761 3,161 12,452 6,740 2,983 25,113 13,501 6,144 1 8 23 172 216 1,350 4,861 5,512 10,373 244 PARTS OF KESTEVEN. Wapentake of ASWARDHURN - - - AVELAND BELTISLOE - - - BOOTHBY-GRAFFO FLAXWELL - - - - LANGOE - - - - - LOVEDEN NESS - - - - WINNIBRIGGS and THREO - Borough of GRANTHAM, with the Soke - - Borough of STAMFORD - - - - 1,176 1,253 1,751 | 1,835 1,065 1,172 1,313 1,423 979 1,074 1,075 | 1,237 1,435 1,585 1,148 1,297 1,017 1,128 AVwcoor CON 910 1,325 810 1,155 595 965 1,080 383 282 189 323 203 341 3,100 4,562 3,046 3,598 2,624 3,326 3,734 3,146 2,769 2,935 4,529 2,886 ვ,ვივ 2,605 3,145 3,719 2,971 2,690 6,035 9,091 5,932 6,961 5,229 6,471 7,453 6,117 5,459 335 257 1,783 1 905 4,746 9,394 4,648 2,337 892 1,038 | 11 | 16 30 663 337 1 2,713 5,050 . 2,142 2,092 4,234 4 1,426 5,137 4,885 10,022 + LA 5,013 4,881 9,894 9 171 4,646 4,704 9,350 o5 5 3,836 5,903 3,413 3,777 6,245 3,148 7,613 12,148 6,561 PARTS OF LINDSEY. Wapentake of ASLACOE - - - - • -1 61 317 722 108 Soke of BOLINGBROKE - - - - 1 Wapentake of BRADLEY-HAVERSTOE - - 1 Hundred of CALCEWORTH - - - - - | 1,735 1,919 24 | 1,392 356 Wapentake of CANDLESHOE - - - - - | 1,343 1,551 1,101 285 CORRINGHAM - - - - - | 2,549 2,656| 10 905 1,430 GARTREE - - 1,018 1159 Hundred of HILL - - - - - - - - Soke of HORNCASTLE - - - - - 1,528 1,586 Wapentake of LAWRESS - - - - - - 1,167 1,2731 781 252 Hundred of LOUTH-ESKE - - - - - | 2,416 2,654 | 11 Wapentake of LUDBOROUGH - - - - - | 248 MANLEY - - - - - - 1 3,911 | 4,533 3,149 997 WALSHCROFT - - - - - | 1,229 | 1,355 9 21 894 320 WELL - - - - - - - - 521 577 1 3 88 WRAGGOE 1,110 4 820 YARBOROUGH - - 3,308 3,541 | 12 2,220 1,003 City of LINCOLN .. - - - - - | 2,076 | 2,166 / | 2,076 | 2,166 91 601 532 1,371 1 2 503 1,602 1,573 3,175 . - 988 3,655 3,813 7,468 0 3,322 3,326 6,648 6,304 6,414 12,718 26 720 5 - - 0 8 - 627 10,681 3,217 1,375 2,818 8,526 10,591 3,275 1,363 3,030 8,314 465 1,347 21,272 0,492 2,738 5,848 16,840 24 152 318 983 138 263 4,970 5,397 10,367 TOTALS - - - 53,813,58,760 302 979 34,900 15,845| 8,015 141,570 | 141,488 | 283,058 HR 188 AASTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES TOTAL. Under Parts of HOLLAND: Wapentake of ELLOE - - - - 12,027 11,664 KIRTON - - - - 11,020 865 SKIRBECK - - 521 469 - 12,662) 1,304 11,257 2,135 (1,521 758 633 | 1,031 736 326 | 309 326 455 382 1,142 591 518 246 98 6,5271 271 3,161 BOSTON BORO' - - 780 623 481 425 1 709 697 528 4,836 487 469 341 293 632 478 426 328 Parts of KESTEVEN: Wapentake of ASWARDHURN - - AVELAND - - - BELTISLOE - - - BOOTHBY-GRAFFO FLAXWELL - - - LANGOE - - - - LOVEDEN - - - NESS - - - - - WINNIBRIGGS and? THREO - - - 419 337 524 350 394 151 84 315 462 324 396 154 473 505 181 3,103) 4,561 3,114) 3,559) 476 168 450 682 495 527 229 529 542 433 303 342 107 215 | 124 | 80 | 11 253 118 213 150 223. 185 104 68 30 263 136 202 1110 1701 62 81 1,2871 433 280 379 113 347 377 325 383 344 55 3,355 425 378 552 528 476 4231 298 350 302 3,672 331 3,146 204 450 310 70 2,7581 224 520 629 | 556 GRANTHAM BORO'? with the Soke - STAMFORD BORO' - 753 1 551 127 4,630 506 274 445 246 288 290 327 273 104 2,337 226 250 230 194 152 2251 563 2,146) 5,091 446 297 595 566 co v li 580 268 5,004 500 4,587 401 601 254 382 336 313 3,836] 3,130 217 566 502 Parts of LINDSEY: ASLACOE, Wapentake - | 295 284 BOLINGBROKE, Soke 798 BRADLEY HAVERSTOE, Wapentake - - - CALCEWORTH Hundred 718 Wapentake of CANDLESHOE - - 630 CORRINGHAM - - 433 GARTREE - - - HILL, Hundred - - HORNCASTLE, Soke - 543 LAWRESS, Wapentakeſ 453 LOUTH-ESKE, Hundred 913 Wapentake of LUDBOROUGH - - | 124 97 MANLEY - - - - 1,482 1,384 11,193 WALSHCROFT - - 523 456 354 WELL - - - - - WRAGGOE - - - 395 370 YARBOROUGH - - | 1,213 | 1,005 993 *! 3,413 238 156 435 351 355 169 426 379 639 349 296 299 152 319 324 560 231 86 301 1,575 128 or 482 409 3,665 361 352 66, 565 961 OI AO in or woco 3,313 DO 478 6,315) 85 1 65 38 7201 996 824 10,595) 84 99 78 1,106 11,562 1,115 333 489 339 160 322 145 442 342 850 1,240 847 331 211 3,272 161 155 196 468 132 274 770 78 170 295 N CU N 1,372 3,020 8,315 88 N 4,959) LINCOLN, CITY -- 749 667 623 493 685 581 496 345 203 Total of MALES - (20,61118,016 15,471 14,006 20,884 |15,202 |12,826 9,561 16,252|3,234 903 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Lincoln was .... 283,058, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 273,688,... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-thirtieth part of the Persons therein enunjerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effcct. M.DCCC.XXI.) 189 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN-continued. - . Ages of Persons. FEMALES. TOTAL Under Parts of 5. HOLLAND: Wapentake of ELLOE - - - - 11,868 KIRTON - - - - 974 SKIRBECK - - - 470 1,264 2,159 co wow l 12,475 6,541 2,982 142 296 449 380 BOSTON, BORO' - - 765 616 532 563 1,086 729 c 5,494 2,937 312 458 345 322 509 Parts of KESTEVEN: Wapentake of ASWARDHURN - - AVELAND - - - BELTISLOE - - - BOOTHBY-GRAFFO FLAXWELL - - LANGOE - - - LOVEDEN - - NESS - - - - WINNIBRIGGS and? THREO - - - 4,526 279 489 274 298 113 296 494 744 465 534 200 500 179 140 49 297 245 111 204 160 219 170 311 272 444 284 320 94 367 i Inco - co 74 63 378 129 353 408 334 120 339 378 289 2,987 3,326 1,171 3,134 3,721 2,938 250 367 230 150 281 177 217 (143 351 304 283 255 Co N 2,688 1801 526 GRANTHAM BORO'? with the Soke - STAMFORD, BORO' . 544 464 304 266 1 o 4,744 2,712 314 339 271 130 213 584 186 410 123 109 249 wond 560 212 3441 224. 800 846 562 738 492 2,087 4,869 4,990 4,686 481 314 25 a mond 403 309 632 206 | 159 403 Parts of LINDSEY: ASLACOE, Wapentake - BOLINGBROKE, Soke - 1 735 BRADLEY-HAVERSTOE, 1 Wapentake - - - CALCEWORTH, Hundred 715 Wapentake of CANDLESIIOE - - 539 CORRINGHANI - - | 395 GARTRCE 497 444 HILL, Hundred - - - 231 237 HORNCASTLE, Soke - 375 LAWRESS, Wapentake - 429 LOUTH-ESKE, Hundred 743 Wapentake of LUDBOROUGH - - 99 82 MANLEY 1,520 1,399 WALSHICROFT - - 487 442 WELL 205 191 WRAGGOE - - - | 429 | 389 YARBOROUGH . - 1,056 348 380 344 476 468 218 396 340 651 1,090 302 162 449 319 354 275 295 139 344 290 669. 589 160 242 167 191 144 95 65 274 174 208) 148 NAC - VIA 3,778 3,109 3,156 1,520 3,7131 3,325 | 6,400 535 639 433 408 620 966 685 60 ,161 379 139 67 1103 į 691 57 1,120 1,628 11,151 1,043 290 507 373 293 143 230 129 1133 309 403 315 247 11,356 1 922 814 599 902 651 518 44 | 22 767 487 206 (148 92 72 180 620 421 od l and coll 627 110,681 3,217 1,375 2,818 8,514 313 - 1,126 975 573 LINCOLN, CITY - TON 708 659 364 261 131 40 71 - 5,413 Total of FEMALES - 19,689 17,872 14,363 14,026 22,614 15,524 12,706 9,127 6,43 5 136,654 E Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Lincoln was 745 ; twelve of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a siuall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Сcc 1 190 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. County of Middlesex. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL em- By bow maily Families Oc- cupied. ed in EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: [ FAMI• { FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families ployed TRADE, PT prized in Manu- "the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- JorHandi- TURE. not com- Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS ing craft. | Classcs. 478 514 398 482 410 681 3,855 4,039 991 392 4,045 4,188 915 534 7,900 8,227 1,906 198 125 34 48 926 EDMONTON Hundred. Edmonton - - - Parish (1,334 | 1,390 Enfield - - - - - () Parish 1,309 Mims, South - - - - - Parish Parish 357 357 Monken-Hadley - - Parish | 156 Tottenham Parish: (0) High-Cross --..Ward 305 356 Lower - - - - - - - Ward 2401 261 Middle - - - - - - - Ward 435 Wood-Green - - - - - Ward | 105 | 113 200 764 621 974 803 1,143 314 326 1,738 1,424 2,055 595 254 90 912 50 14 281 4,132 4,690 | 28 156 | 1,493 | 1,811 1,386 | 11,855 | 12,916 | 24,771 415 994 159 360 59 42 120 1,042 190 150 296 138 312 123 20 - 2,036 349 288 608 415 977 1,228 472 78 198 164 111 498 611 479 229 ELTHORNE Hundred. Brentford, New - - - - - Parish Cowley - - - - - () Parish Cranford - - - - - Parish Drayton, West Parish Greenford - - - - - - Parish Hanwell - - - - - - - Parish Harefield - - - - - - - Parish Harlington - - - - - - Parish Harmondsworth - (+) (5) Parish Hayes - - - - - - - Parish Hillingdon - - - - () Parish Uxbridge - - - - - Chapelry Ickenham - - - - - - Parish Northolt - - - - - - - Parish Norwood - - - - Precinct Perrivale - - - - - - Parish Ruislip - - - - - Parish 182 241 97 212 617 227 245 on . Wit me out on a bit 552 73 132 267 537 506 1,076 298 748 1,530 2,886 587 595 524 782 1,419 1,387 153 212 549 12 1,467 1,363 128 243 65 2,750 281 48 56 455 575 195 5 239 13 704 1,124 25 | 1,343 288 639 3,110 3,568 1,321 1,441 806 | 8,967 8,876 17,843 GORE Hundred. 109 142 280 677 | 596 551 3,017 45 209 188 Edgware - - - - - Harrow-on-the-Hill - Weald and Greenbill Hendon - - - - - Kingsbury - - - - Pinner - - (+) - Stanmore, Great - - Stanmore, Little - - 39 73 135 - - Parish (h) Parish - - Hamlet (i) Parish - - Parish - - Parish () Parish Kj Parish 271 1,660 1,603 168 450 180 503 3,100 66 80 54 16 1,357 1,497 192 553 500 ვfo 181 134 28 ovw 00 180 360 1,076 203 222 127 523 490 22 990 118 35 112 41 51 352 712 1,694 | 1,954 10 | 51 884 626 444 5,067 1 4,739 9,806 NIS ISLEWORTH Hundred. LU 241 Heston - Isleworth Twickenham 231 - - - - - - - - 447584 899 1,082 Parish Parish Parish 112 303 - - on + 2,810 1 5,269 1,402 2,484 1,849 420 31 లేరం 1,408 2,785 2,357 (m) 519 395 4,206 2,084 2,611 16 1692 1,109 810 5,735 6,550 | 12,285 OSSULSTONE Hundred (Finsbury Division.) Artillery-Ground, Old - - - Liberty Charter-House - - - - Extra-P. 19 303 82 802 685 102 1,487 11 11 11 42 144 (8) Edmonton was heretofore returned as divided into four Wards. | thirty and forty persons died of a fever in the years 1818 and 1819 at The inerease of Population is ascribed to the resort of persons to places | Harmondsworth.- (h) Harrow-on-the-Hill was heretofore returned as near the Metropolis, where wages are higher than elsewhere.— En- | divided into two Hamlets and the Town).- (i) One female upwards of field was heretofore returned as divided into four Quarters. At Enfield 100 years of age at Hendon, where the increase of Population is ascribed was a manufactory of small arms, until the end of the late war. At ! to boarding-schools, and to the residence of the infant poor of St. Clement Monken-Hadley many cottages have been built, froin the known liberality | Danes and of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. (k) Several seminaries of of the neighbourhood. A manufactory has been transferred from academics for education bave been established at Grcat Stanmore and Nottingham to Tottenham. The Parish of Tottenham contains 5,812 Little Stanmore. (1) The Town of Hounslow is partly in Heston Inhabitants.-- () At Cowley several cottages have been demolished. Parish, partly in Isleworth Parish. New inclosures at Heston and () Inclosure of land has taken place at Crauford and at Hillingdon; Twickenhain, and many houses built on small allotments. (") One and niany houses bave been built on the small allotments. Hillingdon ferrale upwards of' 100 years of age at Twickenham. Parish, including Uxbridge, contains 5,636 Inhabitants. () Between M.DCCC.XXI.] 191 ; THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES OR By how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI- ALL LIES chiefly | ОтнER chiefly employ. Families em- } ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the T'wo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. I craſt. | Classes. Uu-Inhabited. Building. ОР FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 72 93 1 407 213 16,953 2,701 1101 52 136 17 239 96 307 323 1,543 2,682 w l Na 18,533 20,572 39,105 1,129 1,220 2,349 274 260 534 717 1,358 1,917 2,205 4,122 9,550 | 12,867 | 22,417 641 113 cupied. OSSULSTONE Hundred, (Finsbury Division)--continued. Clerkenwell, St. James's (n) Parish 4,995 9,726 Finchley - - - - - - - Parish 359 Fryern-Barnet - - - - - Parish 102 | 105 Glass-House Yard -- Liberty 168 335 Hornsey - - - - - (P) Parish | 640 | 743 Islington, St. Mary - (9) Parish 3,495 4,244 124 172 Luke, St. Parish : (5) City-Road . - - - Liberty 1,677 Finsbury, East - - Liberty 1910 1,514 Finsbury, West. Liberty 679 | 1,370 Golden-Lane - - - - - Liberty | 830 | 1,692 Old-Street - - - - - Liberty | 769 | 1,818 Whitecross-Street - - - Liberty 652 1,317 Sepulchre, St. (part of) (51) - Parish 1,156 1 - 19 Stoke Newington, St. Mary - Parish 398 | 450 | 34 10 OOOoo 1,894 959 1,199 1,612 1,624 5,658 2,887 2,559 3,093 3,273 2:517 2,381 1,117 6,260 3,473 2,616 2,968 3,100 2,472 2,359 1,553 11,918 6,360 5,175 6,061 6,373 4,989 4,740 2,670 1,298 940 555 216 197 140 113 593 19,148 8,431 | 56,316 | 63,486 | 119,802 - 13,824 2,461 | 12,316 | 14,176 26,492 4,454 1,905 4,548 2,105 9,002 4,010 268 97 171 16,427128,172 447 739 OSSULSTONE Hundred, (Holborn Division.) Andrew, St. Holborn, (above- the-Bars) and St. George Parish 12,829 6,285 | 29 130 the-Martyr - (+) - (O) Saffron-Hill, Hatton-Garden lliberties 2,244 and Ely-Rents - - (0) ou Clement-Danes - (+) (u) Parish 487 836 Ely-Place - - - - - - Extra P. 45 | 48 Giles, St. in-the-Fields, and Parish 4,456 12,255 George, St. Bloomsbury S Hampstead, John St. (+) - Parish 1,047 1,455 | 15 Lancaster, Duchy of - (W) Precinct | 67 | 63 | - Mary, St. le-Bone - - xy Parish 9,761 22,516 261 (143 | Paddington - - - - - - Parish 1,139 | 1,448 | 28 13 Pancras, St. - - - - (Y) Parish 8,824 (16,382 181 1400 Rolls-Liberty - - - (2) Extra P. 3131 602 6 4 Savoy, St. John-Bap-1 } Parochial Precinct | 31 4917 tist - - - - 29,910 64,183 555 1,253 OSSULSTONE Hundred, (Kecsington Division.) Acton - - - - - - - Parish 326 1356 17 Chelsea, Luke, St. - - (a) Parish 3,602 5,829 146 | Chiswick - - - - - b) Parish 654 | 825 Ealing, with Old Brentford (+) Parish 1,116 1,325 Fulham - - (+) - (©) Parish | 987 1,219 Hammersmith - (+) Chapelry (1,406 | 1,887 Kensington - - (+) (a) Parish 1,984 3,218 14 68 Twyford - - - (-+) - Extra-P. Wilsdon - - - - - - - Parish -1,826 418 507 329 | 12 36 8,366 3,889 161 494 800 34 29 20 12,608 9,888 4 760 684 377 | 8,752 17,253 504 98 3415 24,289 | 27,504 | 51,793 3,104 4,159 7,263 227 262 489 41,386 54,654 96,040 2,852 3,624 6,476 31,796 40,042 71,838 1,415 1,322 2,737 101 222 121 562 37,721 25,900 | 123,942 152,688 276,630 C 968 200 2,575 201 234 - 100 275 2,979 390 269 235 437 273 1,140 332 1,621 1 127 | 821 334 QiB Jan 961 11,623 1,984 3,185 2,949 4,032 5,749 1,929 26,860 4,236 6,608 6,492 8,809 14,428 15,237 2,252 3,423 3,543 4,777 8,679 16 721 448 474 1,265 3 17 | 278 33 75 692 1,413 10,312 14,940 222 396 2,048 6,944 5,948 31,192 39,616 70,808 (*) The administration of the Poor Laws is supposed to cause an in- 1 of Saffron Hill, is attributed partly to the greater facility of obtain- crease in the Population of Clerkenwell; all, who can make out a case of ing Returns of Males, when not apprehensive of serving in the militia; apparent poverty, being relieved ; St. James and St. John's form the and to the diminished mortality of infants. (u) The Parish of Parish of Clerkenwell. O Glass-House Yard is deemed to be in St. Clement Daves is mostly in the City of Westminster, and so the Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate (City of London without | entered.- (W) The Duchy of Lancaster Precinct is part of the tie Walls.) Several houses are said to have been demolished, but the | Parish of St. Nary-le-Strand, Westminster.- ) In the Return from Population is as in 1811.---- The Town of Highgate is partly in Mary-le-Bone, lodgers have very generally been taken as distinct fami- Hornsey Parish, partly in St. Pancras Parish. Anew inclosure at Hornsey, lies. When the Enumeration was taken, many principal families were has caused an increase of Population. (9) One female upwards of gone out of town. Onc male, and six females, upwards of 100 years of 100 years of age at Islington. The entire Parish of St. Luke's age, in this Parish. Four females, upwards of 100 years of age, in contains 40,876 Inhabitants. (rr) The most populous part of the thie Parish of St. Pancras, which extends into the Town of Highgate. Parish of St. Sepulchre is distinguished as Saint Scpulchre without News (2) Oue inale upwards of 100 years of age in the Rolls Liberty. gate, as is entered as part of the City of London. without the Walls. ja) One male upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Chelsea. © Part of the Parish of St. Andrew (Holborn) is in the City Knightsbridge is partly in Chelsea, partly in Kensington, partly in St. of London-without-the-Walls. The entire Parish, or United Parishes | Margaret's (Westminster.) Onc feinale upwards of 100 years of St. Andrew and St. George-the-Martyr, thus contain 41,728 In- | age at Chiswick. The Parish of Fulham (including Hammersmith) habitants. () The apparent increase of Population in the Liberty I contains 15,301 Inhabitants. 192 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: .: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI• By cmploy-| Families TOTAL Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FASI ALL LIFS LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in the Two AGRI- factures, PR reced. CUL- JorHandi. TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. Manu- PERSONS. 9 2,330 44 | 1,119 28 1,834 2,496 528 892 939 482 6,195 4,590 5,600 5,868 6,424 5,065 6,036 5,898 12,619 9,655 11,636 11,766 6,429 842 158 OR how EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PIACE. many Families Oc- cupied. OSSULSTONE Hundred : (Tower Division.) Bethnall-Green, St. Matthew, Parish: (0) Church - - - - - Division 2,361 | 2,867 117 Green - - - - - - Division 1,759 2,055 Hackney-Road - - - Division 2,030 2,801 Town - - - - - - Division 1,945 2,978 Botolph, St. without Aldgate, Parish or East-Smithfield-Liberty 941 1,575 Bromley, St. Leonard .: Parish 976 10 61 Catherine, St. by the Tower - Precinct 4271 685 Christ-Church, Spital-fields - Parish 2,300 George, St. in the East (+) · Parish 5,345 7,612 188 365 Hackney, St. John - - - - Parish 3,715) 4,653116206 Limehouse, St. Anne - - () Parish 1,6831 2,3171 119 Norton-Falgate-Liberty - Extra-P. 267 1 498 Shadwell, St. Paul - - (+) - Parish 1,682 2,3991 Shoreditch, St. Leonard - - Parish | 8,269|12,828 494 Stepney Parish : (*) Mile-End, New-Town - - Hamlet 946 1,720 51 43 Mile-End, Old-Town - - Hamlet 4,284 / 5,399 | 157 323 Poplar and Blackwall - - Hamlet Ratcliffe - - - - / +) • Hamlet 1,136 1,718 Stratford-le-Bow, St. Mary - Parish 464 Tower of London - - - - Parish 117 Tower, Old, Without - (8) Precinct | 41 Wapping, St. John - - -(h) Parish 822 150 Whitechapel, St. Mary (+) · Parish 4,225 | 7,418 283 4,752 -1 38 341 1,130 429 755 112 527 4,506 233 5,049 2,563 1,883 2,583 1,249 1,064 337 161 2,399 8,284 4,502 3,032 2,115 1,300 9,025 14,740 9,766 4,589 869 4,482 24,843 3,397 2,245 1,324 9,625 17,788 12,728 5,216 1,027 5,075 28,123 4,360 2,624 18,650 32,528 22,494 9,805 1,896 9,557 831 18 7/143 52,966 1,715 2,104 2,044 610 3,272 580 3,396 10,151 6,052 3,107 7,091 22,876 12,223 6,973 2,349 404 375 1,135 3,695 12,725 6,171 3,866 1,214 287 106 1,646 15,013 1,107 56 108 12 259 3,463 9 176 463 99 29 563 3,955 1,432 14,394 205 3,078 29,407 291 . 47,179 69,337 1,036 3,072 527 45,302 23,508 | 136,956 154,694 291,650 SPELTHORNE Hundred. 67 331 27. 12 ודך 16 962 142 154 357 238 489 101 222 190 423 512 987 568 265 2,288 14.1 348 450 1,301 693 287 256 288 94 Ashford - - - - - - - Parish Bedſont, East, with Hatton - - Parish Feltham - - - - - - - Parish Hampton - - - - - - (i) Parish Hampton-Wick - - - - Hamlet Hanworth - - - - - - Parish Laleham - Parishi Littleton - - - - - - - Parish Shepperton - - - - - - Parish Staines - Parish Stanwell - - - - - - (k). Parish Sunbury - - (+) - Parish Teddington - - - - - - Parisha 1,261 103 89 COINVOINNIN 243 75 74 66 412 782 23 158 396 237 317 131 1 294 24 121 370 949 621 884 427 1,008 604 893 436 1,957 1,225 1,777 105 168 62 68 863 2,449 2,794 908 927 959 6,514 6,903 13,417 LONDON CITY, Within the Walls. 96 120 1 120 281 320. 1 230 62 Alban, St. Wood-street Allhallows, Barking - Allhallows, Bread-street Allhallows-the-Great - Allhallows, Honey-lane Allhallows-the-Less - 352 68 920 - - - - - - - - - - - () Parisha || Parisha Parish Parisha Parish Parish | 311 744 176 274 54 67 1 1 HOP 144 252 118 26 22 1 69 68 59 - (d) The entire Parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal-Green, contains have been demolished in the Parish of St. John of Wapping, for the 45,676 Inhabitants, ainong whom, one male and one female upwards of I purposes of the London Docks. Warehouses and coach-houses have 100 years of age in Green Division. The West India Docks and been deemed uninhabited houses. The Parish of Hampton (in- East India Docks have caused a great increase of the Population of cluding Hampton-Court Palace) contains 3,549 Inhabitants. Some in- Limehouse. ) The Parish of Stepney contains 49,163 Inhabitants. crease of Population has arisen from the establishment of a calico-printing One male upwards of 100 years of age at Mile-End, Old-Town. At manufactorv.- (k) The Parish of Stanwell extends into the Town of | Ratcliffe the ages of persons could not he obtained, the question being Colnbrook.-- (1) In the Parish of Allhallows-the-Less, dwelling-houses thought to have connection with service in the militia.— (6) Many have been demolished, or converted into warehouses. houses demolished on the site of the New Mint. ) Many houses M.DCCC. XXI.) 193 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: E PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI - Fami I ALL LIER LIES OTHER chiefly employ-Familes em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, Iprized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. ОР U11-Inhabited. Building, FEMALES. Oc- in MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 99 202 94 281 299 580 110 394 111 340 871 105 III II 806 271 619 306 141 276 ܩ ܘ ܩܤ ܗ ܟ ܗ 275 50 61 587 135 76 152 163 188 623 218 162 I 538 356 100 334 86 106 ܗ I 103 296 265 265 1,508 189 414 ICI ܗ ܘ ܗ 1,677 577 1,206 287 1,161 690 561 2,938 365 307 339 511 290 552 142 1,430 176 161 166 67 146 173 I - 1 243 268 1 1 0 141 257 149 295 115 77 1 30 353 27 1 1 ܨܢ ܝܕ ܛ ܟܬ ܗ ܙ ܟ ܠ ܙ ܙ ܛܫ ܩ ܗ ܝܕ 952 107 1,050 77 191 2,002 735 658 45 84 51 39 123 394 150 273 123 1 1 1 1 1 397 791 192 245 175 210 64 497 89 658 211 117 381 LONDON CITY Within the Walls—continued. Allhallows, Lombard-Street - Parish Allhallows, London-Wall - - Parish Allhallows-Staining - - - Parish Alphage, St. near Sion-College - Parish Andrew, St. Hubbard - - - Parish Andrew, St. Undershaft - - Parish Andrew, St. by-the-Wardrobe - Parish Anne and Agnes, St.2 - (") Parish within-Aldersgate) Anne, St. Blackfriars - - - Parish Antholin, St. - - - () Parish Augustine, St. - - - - - Parish Bartholomew, St. by-the- ro o Parish Royal-Exchange - os Bennet, St. Fink - - - - Parish | Bennet, St. Gracechurch - - Parish Bennet, St. Paul's-Wharf - - Parish Bennet, St. Sherehog - - () Parish Botolph, St. Aldgate - (9) Parish Botolph, St. Billingsgate - - Parish Christ-Church - - - (99) Parish Christ-Churcb - - - - Hospital Christopher, St. le-Stock - (0) Parish Clement, St. near East-Cheap - Parish Dionis, St. Backchurch - - Parish Dunstan's, St. in-the-East - Parish Edmund, St. the-King - - Parish Ethelburga, St. - - - - - Parish Faith, St. the-Virgin-under St. Paul's - - - - - Gabriel, St. Fenchurch-Street - Parish George, St. Botolph-Lane - - Parish Gregory, St. by St. Paul's - - Parish Helen, St. near Bishopsgate .. Parish James, St. in Duke's Place (s) Parish | James, St. Garlick-Hythe - (3) Parish Jobn, St. Baptist - - - - Parish | John, St. Evangelist - - - Parish John, St. Zachary , - - - Parish Katherine, St. Coleman - - Parish Katherine, St. Cree-Church, Parish otherwise Christ-Church - Lawrence, St. Jewry - - - Parish Lawrence, St. Pounteney - - Parish Leonard, St. East-Cheap - - Parish Leonard, St. Foster-Lane (part of) (1) Par: Magnus, St. - - - - - - Parish Margaret, St. Lothbury - (") Parish Margaret, St Moses - - - Parish Margaret, St. New Fish-Street Parish Margaret, St. Pattens - - - Parish Martin, St. Pomroy, Iron- } monger-Lane - Parish - - S Martin, St. Ludgate - - - Parish Martin, St. Orgars - - - Parish Martin, St. Outwich - - - Parish Martin, St. Vintry. - (0) Parish Mary, St. Abchurch - - - Parish Mary, St. Aldermanbury - - Parish 231 . 373 505 172 1 ܝ 137 62 32 200 494 171 98 293 1 1 1 at 50 248 108 1,155 442 704 999 343 215 1,468 696 732 473 417 86 107 144 ܟܝ ܝܕ ܠܟ ܒܝܗ ܗ ܠܟ ܙ ܝܝ ܟܝ 117 782 382 377 232 139 31 686 314 355 241 199 54 126 1 1 218 32 22 1 55 161 322 103 161 405 712 1,814 20 ܘ 1 991 114 1 348 702 307 823 354 152 155 186 108 159 1 200 352 1 152 307 1 191 377 ܟܝܘ ܙ ܕܘܕ ܝܝܝܙ ܫ ܙ 1 227 119 172 1 לל 331 149 344 1 169 1 175 89 : 185 1 ܝܝ 1 96 66 605 *132 235 1 ܚ 35 50 595 197 72 153 . 55 26 116 118 1 1,200 350 252 205 505 136 87 1 50 50 112 185 1 ܝ ܙ ܂ 256 249 110 112 159 1 431 452 883 (") Part of St. Anne and St, Agnes, and part of St. Leonard Foster- | 2,737 persons.-- () St. Christopher-le-Stock and St. Margaret Loth- lade is in the Liberty of St. Martin-le-Grand, belonging to the City of hury are united. (s) In St. James's Duke's Place and St. James Westminster, but the whole Population is here returned. (n) St. An- Garlick-Hythe certain Houses have been demolished, and not yet rebuilt. tholin and St. John Baptist are united. In the Parish of St. Bar- () Many Houses have been demolished in the Parish of St. Martin's Tholomew by the Royal Exchange, many of the Houses are said to be Vintry, to give access to the new Southwark Bridge ; and in the Parisles het as Offices, and Families not resident in them.- (P) St. Bennet. of St. Leonard Foster-lane, and St. Michacl-le-Quern, to form a Site for Sherchog and St. Stephen Walbrook are united. (9) St. Botolph the intended new Post Oflice. In the other part of St. Leonard Foster-lane Adgate is mostly without the Walls, and the whole is there entered. (heretofore called the Liberty of St. Martin's-le-Grand, and attributeable 1.149) The Parish of Christ Church including the Hospital) contains I to Westminster) all the houses have been demolished for that purpose. D d d 194 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDE 18 . COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR bow TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Iohabited. many Families O.c- cupied. Building. OCCUPATIONS. FA MI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families em od in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AORI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ling TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS 206 223 174 194 429 368 223 275 109 116 148 127 410 111 163 408 818 337 384 721 138 182 300 358 126 270 . 221 35 107 93 241 162 176 144 114 113 270 98 406 236 130 308 Anar Aer AW A VOA Wonwool h 1 c A mond oo A. 206 511 228 714 492 576 Y 256 268 353 129 308 716 ვივ 123 106 186 254 LONDON, CITY, Within the Walls-continued. Mary, St. Aldermary - - - Parish Mary, St, le Bow - - - - Parish Mary, St. Bothaw Dowgate - Parish Mary, St. Colechurch - - (º) Parish Mary, St, at Hill - - - - Parish Mary, St. Magdalen, Old Fish- Street Parish - - - - - - - Mary, St. Magdalen, Milk-street Parish Mary, St. Mounthaw - - - Parish | Mary, St. Somerset . - - Parish Mary, St. Staining - - - - Parish Mary, St. Woolchurch-Haw - Parish Mary, St. Woolnorth - - - Parish Matthew, St. Friday-Street - Parish Micbael, St. Bassishaw · · Parish Michạel, St. Cornbill - - - Parish Michael, St. Crooked-Lane - Parish Michael, St. Queen-Hithe. - Parish Michael, St.- le Quern - - () Parish Michael, St. Paternoster-Royal Parish Michael, St. Wood-Street - - Parish Mildred, St. Bread-Street - - Parish Mildred, St.-in-the-Poultry - (4) Parish Nicholas, St. Açons - - - Parish Nicholas, $t. Cobe-Abbey - - Parish Nicholas, St. Olave - - - Parish Olave, St. Hart-Street - - - Parish Olaxe, St. Old Jewry - - - Parish Olave, St. Silver-Street - - Parish Pancras, St. Soper-Lane - - Parish Peter, St. Cornbill - - - (W) Parish Peter, St. near Paul's Wharf - Parish Peter, St. le Poor, in-Broad-2x *(*) Parish Street - - - - - - Peter, St. Westcheap - : - Parish Stephen, St. Coleman-Street - Parish Stephen, St. Walbrook - - (P) Parish Swithin, St. London-Stone - Parish Thomas, St. the-Apostle - - Parisłı Trinity-the-Less - - - - Parish Vedast, St. Foster-Lane - (Y) Parish 75 181 247 160 433 169 to lillo 1 1 1 A 1 it II III WIIIII n I w IIIIIIIIIIII! 141 S 92 125 172 130 88 103 178 582 271 180 228 350 1,012 . . . . 106 48 430 113 126 239 302 554 581 3.5 94 96 365 1,135 190 731 108 T14 366 149 346 co N er 9 -- 197 300 114 576 266 276 152 1,487 126 247 1,575 152 261 3,062 278 110 508 261 304 257 565 245 co w 225 173 398 1,960 27,506 28,668 56,174 1 - 1,1781 3,078 | 3,156 6,234 LONDON, CITY, Without the Walls. Andrew, St. Holborn - - (3) Parish with Barnards-Inn - • Extra-P.SI Bartholomew, St. the Great (+) Parish Bartholomew, St. the ? Parish ] Less (+) - - (); S & Hospital) Botolph, St. without Alders- }(6) Patish I KOZ gate - - - - - - Farlo 1 1,427 | 1,504 2,931 1 431 392 823 - - co 812 60 f 2,953 2,050 4,003 () See Note upon preceding page. See Note upon preceding (2) Most part of St. Andrews is in the Holborn Division of Middlesen. page.-- () St. Mary Colechurch and St. Mildred Poultry are united. 1 -(2) The Return of St. Bartholninew the Less includes 471 Patiens (W) In the Parish of St. Peters Cornhill, scveral Houses have in St. Bartholomen's Hospitali (bSt. Botolph without Aldersze been demolished to enlarge Leadenhull icarket.-- ) The Houses in extends into the Finsbury Division. The entire Parish contains 5,3 St. Peter-le-Poor are mostly occupied as counting-houses, no person or Inhabitants. Several Houscs have been deniolished. The entire fara only servants lodging in them at night.-ma In the Parish ufi of St. Sepulchre (which extends into the Finsbury Division) code Si. Vedast, Foster-lane, four houses were destroyed by fire since 1811. ' 13,011 Inhabitants. taios M.DCCC.XXI.) 195 'THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSIIIP, By 1 OTIIER OR low TOTAL Inbabiteil. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FADIL- ALL LIES LIES chiefly chiefly Families employ- em- ed in not com- ployed in the Two AGRIfactures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP TRADE, prized in FEMALES. TIanu- MALES. PERSONS. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. inany Families OC- cupied. LONDON CITY, Without the Walls--continued. Botolph, St. Aldgate - - () Parish (1,196 2,199 Botolph, St. without-Bishopsgate Parish 1,246 2,597 Bride, St. otherwise Bridget, St. Parish | 799 1,870 Bridewell-Hospital with - - Extra-P. - Bridewell - - - - 1 Precinct 75 Dunston, St. in-the-West - - Parish ; 1845 Giles, St. without-Cripplegate(d) Parish 1,495 2,988 Julchre. St. without-New-key Parish I 852 gate (part of) - - - - Parish 852 1,875 Trinity-in-the-Minories - () Parish 92 | 151 White-Friars Precinct - - Extra-P. 121 1,484 1,829 1,082 715 765 788 40 35 4,332 4,796 3,640 212 1,705 6,593 4,228 III i II wol .801 4,735 5,344 3,648 231 1,844 6,445 4,043 371 99 9,067 10,140 7,288 443 3,549 13,038 8,271 680 1,247 1,063 460 1,415 81 no 309 337 163 626 621 101 100 281 208 Inns of Court and Chancery :() Barnard's-Inn - - - - (8) - - Clement’s-Inn - - - - (8) - - Cliford's-Inn - (+) - - Extra-P. | Furnival's-Inn - - - - Extra-P. Gray's-Inn - - (+) - Extra P. Inner-Temple - - - - Extra-P. Lincoln's-Inn - - - - Extra-P. Middle-Temple - (+) - Extra-P. New-Inn · · · - () - - - Serjeant's-Inn, Chancery- Lane - - (+) Extra-P. Serjeant's-Inn, Fleet-Street (+) Extra-P. Staple-Inn - - - - • Extra-P. 6 353 281 311 II i IAITU il I IIIIII 405 268 298 Co v 31 94 41 33 9,232 16,497 73 455 55 11,599 4,850 34,441 34,819 | 69,260 WESTMINSTER, City and Liberty. 3,236 -5,316 1,678 4,873 569 678 4,244 3,168 2,342 7,285 7,930 5,437 20,864 25,520 16,195 | 17,624 15,215 10,753 46,384 33,819 . 7,898 8,937 16,835 Anne, St. Soho - - - () Parish 1,408 3,805 Clenient, St. Danes (+) - (1) Parish 1,088 2,356 George, St. Hanover ļ - Parish 4,863 9,221 Square - (+) - - James, St. - - - - () Parish 3,149 17,440 James's, St. Palace (+)- ( Extra-P. John, St. - (+) - - (m) Parish 2,089 4,630 Leonard, St. Foster-Lanel } (1) Parish (part of) - - - - - Margaret, St. - - - Parish ( 2,472 5,733 Martin, St. in-the-Fields (P) Parish 2,664 6,533 Mary, St. le-Strand - (9) Parish | 170 1 457 Paul, St. Covent-Garden - - Parish 553 1,247 Privy, Gardens - - - - Extra-P. Whitehall - - - - () Extra-P. The Close of the Collegiate Fun DI Church of St. Peter - S Verge of the Palaces of St.Tas 21 | James's and Whitehall (+)70 Extra-P. | 18,502 41,554 391 382 2,180 3,466 5,441 | 1,092 147 955 292 9,942 13,618 863 2,769 12,445 14,634 921 3,065 22,387 28,252 1,784 5,834 310 F 6 26 78 103 181 96 254 387 641 308 25,126 16,120 85,082 / 97,003 | 182,085 - () In the Parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate, two males upwards of verge of the Palaces of St. James's and of Whitehall, with Privy Garden, 100 years of age ; this Parish is partly Within-the-Walls, but the whole are comprized in one Return; separate Returns were received in 1811. is entered here. The Return of St. Gile's-without-Cripplegate (m) The Milbank Penitentiary, containing 713 persons in May includes the New Prison for Debtors, White-Cross Street. (c) The 1821, and houses built in Tothill Fields, have much incrcased the Popu- Parish of St. Sepulchre is partly in the Finsbury Division of Mid lation of St. John's Parish. The Liberty of St. Martin's-le Grand dlesex. The entire Parish contains 13,011 Inhabitants. Each (part of the Parish of St. Leonard's, Foster Lane) is converted into a Bet of Chambers in the Inns of Court and Chancery appears to have site for an intended New Post Office, so that all the houses and inha- been deemed a separate House. (6) Barnards-Inn is included in bitants have disappcared. One male and one female in the Parish the Return of St. Andrews, Holborn ; Clement's Inn and New-Inn in of St. Margaret upwards of 100 years of age.-- () Many houses in the Return of St. Clement-Danes. Westminster. (h) The removal Whitcombe-Street, Cockspur Street, and the Haymarket, and the of the higher classes to the Western part of London, who are replaced whole of Suffolk-Street, have lately been demolished, to make room for by more numerous room-renters, has increased the Population of St. new streets and improvements, otherwise the Parish of St. Martin's-in- Anne's Parish. ali) The entire Parish of St. Clement-Danes (which the-Fields would have been more populous.- (9) The entire Parish of extends into the Holborn Division) contains 14,763 Inhabitants. St. Mary-le-Strand contains 2,273 Inhabitants, including the Duchy of (*) In the Parish of St James, many houses have been demolished | Lancaster, llolbum Division of Mido of Middlesex, to make room for the New Street towards Mary-le-bone. (?) The .196 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. S UM M A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : By FAMI: FAJI- LIES 1 LIES chiefly chiefly ALL OTHER TOTAL HUNDREDS, how niany Fainilies Oc- cupied. em- Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. OP Building. &c. FEMALES. employ-| Families ed in not com- TRADE, Iprized in Manu- | the Two factures, preced- ployed MALES. PERSONS. in CUL- Jur Handic ing TURE. craft. | Classes. 1,811 1,386 11,855 Hundred of EDMONTON ----- 4,690 28 156 ELTHORNE - ---- -3,110 3,568 | 49 | 80 ....... 1,694 | 1,954 10 51 ISLEWORTH - - - - - 1 2,611 16 63 8,967 8,876 1,441 626 692 1,109 GORE 12,916 | 24,771 17,843 4,739 19,806 6,550 12,285 806 444 810 5,067 5,735 OSSULSTONE: FINSBURY Division - - - |16,427 28,172 447 | 739 HOLBORN Division - - - 129,910 64,183 (555 1,253 KENSINGTON Division · - |10,312 14,940 222 396 TOWER Division - - - - 147,179 69,337 1,036 3,072 593 19,148 8,431 | 56,316 | 63,486 119,802 562 37,721 25,900 123,942 152,688 276,630 6,944 5,948 31,192 | 39,616 | 70,808 45,302 23,508 | 136,956 154,694 291,650 908 927 959 6,514 6,903 13,417 SPELTHURNE Hundred 2,449 2,794 20 120 City of LONDON within the Walls - - LONDON without the Walls - 7,938 11,571 32 560 9,232 16,497 | 73 455 2 9,609 1,960 55 11,592 4,850 27,506 34,441 28,668 56,174 34,819 | 69,260 City of WESTMINSTER - - - - - 18,502 41,554 391 | 382 308 25,126 16,120 85,082 97,003 182,085 Totals - - - |152,969 261,871 2,8797,327 9,393 161,356 91,122 533,573 610,958 1,114,531 M.DCCC.XXI. 197 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. 100 Under 20 30 40 Hundred TOTAL. TOTAL. of 774 EDMONTON --- 1,839 1,799 1,570 952 1,642 1,428 1,063 - 11,891 ELTHORNE -. -1,255 1,114 969 786 / 1,290 986 834 575 - 8,424 GORE ----- 615 | 663 1670 464 | 686 508 293 262 165 98 4,444 IBLEWORTH --- 846 752 711 494 894 695 553 374 259 1241 28 51 5,735 OSSULSTONE, FINSBURY Division - 8,419 6,599 5,318 4,895 | 9,325 8,355 6,324 4,076 2,057 694 140 10 - 56,212 HOLBORN Division - 14,928 |11,218 8,985, 8,733 19,559 17,818 12,900 7,631 3,4221,173229 | 19 2 (106,607 KENSINGTON Division 1 2,059 2,249 2,077 1,260 2,133 1,812 2,664 800 744 387165 1 15,260 TOWER Division - 16,138 12,702 10,628 8,200 13,797 14,067 |11,795 7,657 3,8772,567255 3 100,701 SPELTHORNE - -- 799 693 635 562 857 687 597 377 278 123 17 5,689 City of | LONDON, within Walls H2,603 1,932 | 2,579|3,393 6,227 4,538 / 3,104 1,895 879 298 55 2 - 127,505 LONDON, Without the Walls 3,820 2,960 2,329 2,395 6,330 5,260 3,865 2,369 1,078 373 2 30,848 WESTMINSTER - - 15,801 4,435 4,289 4,880 10,201 8,402 6,364 3,688 1,677 555 91 1 1 1 150,385 Total of MALES - 59,122 47,116 40,760 37,014 |72,941 64,555 49,356 30.478 15,543 5,834 1,086 879 125,701 Il co F E MI A L E S. 1 Under Hundred 20 to 30 30 to 40 up- 'wards. TOTAL 20 of EDMONTON - - - 1,749 1,786 1,301 1,150 2,391 1,669 1,151 295 72 81 - 13,018 ELTHORNE -.- 1,159 1,117 902 762 1,378 1,057 801 529 401 189 49 7 - 8,351 GORE ----- 555 537 422 361 753) 545 418 279 182 95/ 34 4 1 4,186 ISLEWORTH --- 896 766' 6211 589 1,1871 8711 623 457 | 342 149| 45 | 3 | 1 | 6,550 | OSSULSTONE, FINSBURY Division - 8,281 | 6,544 5,397 6,083 12,988 9,472 6,452 4,263 12,689|1,024255 | 31 1 163,480 HOLBORN Division - 119,545 11,904 9,771 12,008 30,850 22,515 14,6399,009 4,703 1,830421 10 137,248 KENSINGTON Division 2,375 2,418 | 2,174 1,932 2,856 / 2,487 1,976 1,515 1,026 308 87 119,178 TOWER Division · - 16,036 13,081 10,97810,800 19,471 16,083 11,813 7,727 4,523 2,094 453 40 1 113,100 SPELTHORNE - -- 826 740 569 535 1,066 764 656 395 263 142 35 5 - 5,996 City of LONDON, within the Ulei within Walls } 2,757) 2,120 2,017 3,172 7,0454,733 3,137 1,939 1,039 373 84 71 - 28,423 LONDON, without thell Walls 3,860 3,172 2,402 3,340 6,809 4,983 3,677 2,308 1,351 568109 71 - 32,586 WESTMINSTER - - 5,948 | 4,734 3,984) 5,498 13,083 9,476 6,457 3,889 1,974 769187 | 17 | 1 156,017 Total of FEMALES - 163,987 148,91940,538 146,230 99,877 '74,655 151,800 33,161 (19,0887,8361,831/195 | 16 438,133 1 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Middlesex was .... 1,144,531, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned Has .... 911,834, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of about one-fifth part of the Persons therein enuinerated have not been obtained in pursuance of the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Middlesex was 239 ; twenty-seven of which did not contain any answer cu the question concerning the Ages of Persous, and are thus marked (+): and a certain proportion of the Returns of Ages were deficient, a few oners redundant,-mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Eee. 198 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. County of Monmouth. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | FANI | ALL FAMI- | LIES OTHER LIES chiefly chiefly employ- TOTAL OR By how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building FEMALES. Families not com- ployed Trade, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, MALES. OC PERSONS. cupied 37 1,665 16 616 108 62 571 2,394 4,059 258 255 156 513 66 · 137 302 233 293 535 160 438 90 ABERGAVENNY Hundred. (Upper Division.) Abergavenny (part of) Parish : (*) Hardwicke - - - - - - Hamlet Aberystwith - - - . - Parish Goytrey - - - - - - - Parish Lanellen - - - - - - - Parish Lanfoist - - - - - - (b) Parish Langattock-nigh-Usk - - - Parish Lanbileth - - - - - - () Parish Lanover, Higher Division - - Lower Division - - ! Lansaintfread - - - - - - Parish Lanvair-Kilgidin - - - - Parish | Lanvihangel-nigh-Usk - - - Parish Lanwenarth-Ultra - - - (d) Parish Mambilad - - - - - - Parish Trevethan - - - - - (°) Parish I with Pont-y-Pool - - - Towaship 70 - 190 248 353 w NCI III w wer woco er vw 853 1,863 1,010 135 51 147 13 28 226 41 ១។ 306 do Tecnol i la mawa 327 112 52 1,052 130 2,121 15 114 47 761 107 1,810 45 16 1,813 237 3,931 coo 720 17 100 49 41 606 1,687 334 8,116 | 6,444 14,560 1 1,574 1,814 3,388 ta 52 121 69 101 154 av 104 152 166 310 2,480 2,627 ABERGAVENNY Huudrod. (Lower Division.) Abergavenny - - - - () Parish 679 Lloyndû - - - - - Hamlet Cwmyoye, (). Upper Division - - - Parish!! Lower Division - - - Lanarth (part of) - - - - () Parish Langattock-Lingoed - - - () Parish Lanthewy-Rytherch - - - Parish Lanthewy-Skirrit - - - - Parish Lantilio-Pertholey, Citra Leis Parisid Ultras Lanvapley - - - - - - Parish Lanvetherine - - - - - - Parisha Lanviangel-Crucorney part of) () Parish Lanwenarth-Citra - - - () Parish, Old-Castle - - - - - - Parish 15 88 144 104 154 163 cm + 1 tai mati COA COC Ir i coi loc i la 36 | 166 173 180 207 58 54 112 Grco I 119 212 151 93 148 : 92 96 37 30 1,353 1,423 14 61 630 614 3,154 | 3,373 6,527 162 289 54 48 20 112 181 CALDICOTT Hundred. (Upper Division.) Arvans, St. - - - . (kk) Parish Caerwent - - - - - - - Parish Crick - - - - - - Hamlet Caldicot - - - - - - - Parish Chepstow - - - - - - Parish Howick - - - - - () Extra-P. Itton - - - - - - - () Parish Lanvair-Discoed - - - (m Parish Dinham - - - - - - Hamlet ang 394 21 118 II - OTTI 213 242 1,420 498 256 1,588 531 620 3,008 34 20 14 24 123 39 40 co (*) Most part of Abergavenny Parish is in the Lower Division of the entered accordingly. The Upper Division includes Llantony-Abbey: | Hundred.- (b) The increase of Population in the Parish of Lanfoist, The entire Parish contains 679 Inhabitants. ----(8) Most part of Lanarth in the Higher Division of Lanover Parish, and in the Parish of Treve Parish is in the Lower Division of Ragland Hundred. (h) One te- than is acribed to the extension of iron works. A colliery has been male upwards of 100 years of age at Langattock-Lingoed. ) Lan- upened at Lanhileth. Lanwenarth Ultra, aná Lanwenarth Citra, tillio Purtholey, Citra and Ultra, form the Parish of Lantillio-Periboley. (which is in the Lower Division of this Handred) form the Parish of The entire Parish contains 726 Inhabitants. (j) Llanfihangel Crucor- Lanwenarth. The entire Parish contains 2,001 Inbabitants. The ney Parish is partly in Skenfreth Hundred, Upper Division. The entire increase of Population in the Upper Division of Lanwenarth Parish, Parish contains 366 Inhabitants.- (k) Lanuenarth Ultra, part of particularly among the males, is attributed to the recent establislıment Lanwenarth Parish is in the Upper Division of Abergavenny Hundred, of cullieries and forges, at Carn-y-Derris in the Parish of Lanwenarth. and entered accordingly dlik) The Parish of St. Arvans extends into () Abergavenny Parish is partly in the Upper Division of this Upper Ragland Hundred. The entire Parish contains 307 Inhabitants. Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,592 Inhabitants. Cwm (1) Howick seems in some respects a Hamlet of the Parish of Itton. yoye Parish is partly in Gwyas-Lacy Hundred, County of Hereford, and 1(m) The entire Parish of Lanvair-Discoed contains 211 Inhabitants, M.DCCC:XXI.] 199 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. le h en bereiten der m COUNTY OF MONMOUTH-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI-1 ALL OR Ву bow TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIA:L PLACE. em- Inħabited. many Families Oc- OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in | Manu the Two AGRI- factures, pre preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classss. Un-Inhabited. Building. . OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. Parish Parish 55 / 1 - 26 12 201 24 374 52 28 CALDICOTT Hundred. (Upper Division)-continued. Mathern - - - - - - - Mounton - - - - - - - Newchurch: () East Division - - - (n) West Division - - - - Penterry - - - - - - - Pierre, St. with Runston - - Portscuett - - - - - - Shire-Newton - - - () Shire-Newton - - - - - 206 216 422 140 60 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisha Village 30 38 81 86 168 92 428 46 219 126 209 135 261 1,205 1,340 568 516 | 256 3,190 3,353 6.543 CALDICOTT Hundred (Lower Division.) 153 132 53 30 257 300 149 557 297 134 24 268 50 161 21 46 Bishton - - - - - - - Parish Brides, St. Netherwent - (P) Parish Landevenny - - - - - Hamlet Christ-Church - - - (9) Parish Caerton-ultra-Pontern - - Hamlet Gold-Cliff - - - - - - Parish Ifton - - - - - - - - Parish Lanmartin - - - - () Parish Llanbeder - - - - - - Hamlet Langstone - - - - ($) Parish Lanvaches - - - - - - Parish Lanvihangell near Roggiet - - Parish Lanwern - - - - - - - Parish Magor - - - - - () Parish Redwick - - - - - Chapelry. Nash - - - - - - - - Parish Penhow - . - - - - - Parish Roggiet - Parish Undy - - Parish Witston - - - - - - - Parish Wilerick - - - - - - - Parish 64 co Til a II III III IIIII 10.1 IIIIIIIIIII 122 125 * Irlooiwo IANA ION Iow 20 15 184 125 12 200 113 125 247 45 27 384 238 233 220 42 280 91 47 109 124 101 119 20 22 146 134 48 43 30 17 703 733 7 1 26 612 1,884 1,812 3,696 18 226 153 57 314 74 125 RAGLAND Hundred (Upper Division.) Arvans, St. Parish : (tt) Portcassegg - - - - - Hamlet Chapel-Hill - - - - (Ⓡ) Parish Cwmcarvan - - - - - - Parish Kilgwrrwg - Parish Landogo - - - - - - - Parish Langoven - - - - - - Parish Parish Lanishen - - - - - - - Parish Lansoy - - - - - - - Parish Lanviangel-Tor-y-mynydd - Parish Mitchel-Troy - - Parish Penalth - - - - - - - Parish Tintern, Little - - - - - Parish Trelleck - - - - . (W) Parish Trelleck - - - - - - Town Trelleck-Grange - - - Chapelry Wolves-Newton - - - - - Parish 10 238 140 56 298 63 130 464 293 113 612 137 255 131 pand ACT N 63 Anfonervariis mooi Iwer oor acrw covoard 108 139 213 105 153 56 1 - 0 0 Loorilor 240 224 305 464 285 135 150 346 149 410 756 69 138 22 65 27 92 111 111 222 886 944 60 560 26. 121 2,323 2,183 1,506 (") In the East Division of Newchurch Parish, 60 families of the 85 I (5) The entire Parish of Langstone contains 171 Inhabitants; one female | employed in Agriculture, are occasionally occupied in the Wouds, cutting upivards of 100 years of age at Langstonc.-- () The entire Parish of and converting wood into charcoal; the entire Parish contains 563 Magor contains 622 Inhabitants.-- (") Most part of St. Arvan's Parish nhabitants. The entire Parish of Shire-Newton contains 689 In is in Caldicot Hundred, Upper Division, - u) Chapel-Hill Parish in-| babitants. The entire Parish of St. Brides Netherwent contains cludes Tintern-Abbey.-_-(W) Trelleck Parish consists of the Parish 185 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Christ Church contains 854 Division, Town Division, and Grange Division; the cntire Parish contains muhabitants. m o) Lanmartin Parish includes Landevand Hamlet. I 986 Inhabitants. 200 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR TOTAL employ. Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Faipilies OC- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly ed in not coni- Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, proced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. ployed MALES. in PERSONS. I . 44 40 132 RAGLAND Hundred (Lower Division.) Bettus-Newydd - - - - - Parish Bryngwyn - - - - - - Parish Dingestow - - - - - (*) Parish Lanarth Parish : () 133 265 91 83 174 197 376 Parish 160 351 Parish 28 0.7 3 Landenny - - - - - - Llanvihangel-Ystern-Llewern (part of) - - - - (2) 1 Penrose - - - - - - - Pen-y-Clawdd - - - - - Ragland - - - - - - - Tregare - - - - - - - 197 188 385 21 Parish Parish 8 Parishi | 125 Parish | 66 41 633 | 125 20 269 160 364 175 335 541 587 34 1,410 1,295 2,705 370 331 130 11 140 43 31 376 SKENFRETH Hundred. (Upper Division.) Grosmont - - - - - - Parish Langua - - - - - - - Parish Lantillio-Grossenny - - (a) Parish Lanfihangel-Ystern-Llewern ? Parish (part of) - - - - OS Skenfreth - - - - - - Parish Llanfiargel-Crucorney (part of) Parish:(9) Penbiddle - - - - - - Hamlet | D I DA Ai colo 44 256 334 28 232 15 I | 17 36 31 67 405 1,125 987 | 2,112 70 174 186 SKENFRETH Hundred. (Lower Division.) (°) Dixton-Newton Parish: (0) Dixton-Hadnock - - - - Ilamlet Dixton-Newtori - - - - Hamlet Llangattock-Vibon-Avel . - Parish Maughans, St. - - - - - Parish Rockfield - - - - - - Parish Welsh-Bicknor - - - - - Parish Wonaston - - - - - () Parish 95 110 270 an ovan 360 205 514 141 335 113 244 67 164 74 171 61 52 85 64 149 321 371 | 19 321 930 887 1,817 USK Hundred (Upper Division.) - - - - - - 11 15 | Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 41 22 139 296 Gwernesney - - - - Kemeys, Commander - Kemeys, Inferior - - Langeview - - - Llangwn, Icha (3) ? Ucha - Llanllowell - - - Llantrissaint - - - Tredunnock - - - - Trostrey - - - - - Usk (part of) - - - - Gwehellog - - - ooo or I ACO NAMI! er ó oeroco Decorar 35 63 134 86 137 271 32 Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish -(1) Parish - - Hamlet 92 178 39 96 109 37 207 60 205 989 223 467 174 522 63 175 349 535 580 331 370 150 54 1,365 1,450 2,815 (*) Dingestow Parish includes Grace-Dieu Park, Extra-Parochial.- of Llanfihangel-Crucorney Parish is in Abergavenny Hundred, Lower () Lanarth Parish is partly in Abergavenny Hundred, Lower Divi- | Division.-d) The Borough of MonmoutII, locally situate in the sion. The entire Parish contains 686 Inbabitants. Most part of Lower Division of Skenfreth Hundred, is entered at the end of the Llanfihangel-Ystern-Llewern Parish is in the Upper Division of Skenfreth County.--- () The entire Parish of Dixtun-Newton contains 565 Inha. Hundred. (a) The Parish of Llantillio-Grossenny made two distinct bitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age at Wonastou. Returns in 1811, divided by Upper and Lower.- O Llanfihangel --() The entire Parish of Llangwn contains 337 Inhabitants. Ystern-Lleweru Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Ragland Hun. (b) Usk Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Usk Hundred. The dred. The entire Parish contains 133 Inhabitants. Most part | entire Parish contains 1,338 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 201 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. ed in OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | All LIES LIES OTHER chicfly chiefly Families employ- em- not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Munu- the Two Agri- factures, preceed- CUL- forHandi-| ing TURE. | craft. Classes. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. MALES. TOTAL 08 PERSONS. FEMALES. . 26 191 178 369 20 16 5 126 a colma 65 155 208 37 228 143 525 245 298 1,062 537 249 28 74 71 USK Huudred : (Lower Division.) Lanbadock - - - - - - Parish Landegveth - - - - - - Parish Langattock, near Caerleon (1) Parish Caerleon - - - - - • Town Langibby - - - - - - - Parish Lanhennock • - - - - - Parish Lanthewy-Vach . - - Parish Lanvibangel-Lantarnam - Parish | Lanvihangel-Pont-y-Moile - Parish Llanvrechva, Lower - (K) Parish - Upper S Monkswood - - - - - Extra-P. Panteague - - - - - () Parish Usk (part of) Parish : (m) Glascoed - - - - - - Hamlet 32 111 26 cilën il öarlico 90 82 294 494 145 172 565 271 82 319 76 158 W 133 343 662 174 137 non - - TaiN 32 273 73 311 156 1,478 770 708 11 105 96 201 1,171 11 730 53 3,123 | 3,074 6,197 112 ODA 116 133 325 337 228 662 76 193 I 40 96 36 ဂ 67 Go a 128 WENTLLOOG Hundred (Upper Division.) Bassaleg (part of) Parish : (*) Duífrin - - - - - - Hamlet Rogerstone - - - - - Hamlet Bettws - - - - - - - Parish Bride, St. Wentlloog Parish Coedkernew - - - - - - Parish Hentlis - - - - - - - Parish | Malpas - - - - - - - Parish Marshfield - - - Parish Mellons, St. - - Parish Michaelstone-Vedow - - - Parish Peterstone - - - - - - Parish Risca - - - - - - Parish Rumney - - - - - - - Parish Woollos, St. (°) with . Parish Newport - - - - - - Town 98 209 169 34 111 86 240 269 104 ost I w a Tierra 243 282 483 I come l 113 40 551 106 91 35 23 100 65 154 197 122 100 Os 358 57 204 123 478 132 255 186 473 9.51 1 w 913 9516 485 315 151 2,314 | 2,268 | 4.582 l 220 219 439 WENTLLOOG Hundred. (Lower Division.) Bassaleg (part of) Parish : (P) Graig - - - - - - - Hainlet Bedwas (part of) Parish: (9) Bedwas, Lower - - - - Hamlet Bedwas, Upper - - - - Hamlet Bedwelty, Parish : (*) Ishlawreoed - - - - - Hamlet Mamhole - - - - - - Iſamlet Ushlawreoed - - - - - Hamlet Machen ---- () Parish 145 148 127 . 150 272 298 487 I owcow or 491 127 299 590 978 127 311 788 605 976 2,090 1,550 504 1,764 3,640 1,032 196 11 528 (") The entire Parish of Langattock contains 1,360 Inhabltants. 1 port, where the Inhabitants are chiefly employed in shipping coal, iron, (5) The entire Parish of Llanvrechva contains 973 Inhabitants. &c. and bringing the same from coal and iron workis on the hills, as () The increase of the Population in the Parish of Panteague is as- | Halliers Most part of Bassaleg Parish is in the Upper Division cribed to the establishing of iron and tin works since 1811, but which are | of the Hundred of Wentlloog.-— (9) Bedwas Parish is partly in Caer- not, at this time, in full operation. (m) Most part of Usk Parish is | philly Hundred, County of Glamorgan, and entered accordingly. The in the Upper Division of the Hundred of Usk.- (") Bassaleg Parish entire Parish contains 650 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of is partly in the Lower Division of the Hundred of Wentlloog. The Bedwelty contains 6,382 Inhabitanis. The increase of Population in entire Parish contains 1,329 Inhabitants.--O The increase of Popu the Hamlets of Ishlawreoed, Mamhole, aud Ushlawreoed, is attributed lation in St. Woollos Parish is attributed to the erection of cottages and to the extension of the coal and iron works in the neighbourhood. other buildings at Pillgwenlly, and other places near the Town of New Machen Parish, consisting of ile Upper and Lower Divisions. Fff 202 . ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANI) RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FANI- | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- cm- ed in not coni- ployed in Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi TURE. I craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. WENTLOOG Hundred. (Lower Division.--continued.) Mynyddyslwyn () Parish Clawrplwyf . - - - - - Hamlet Mynyddmaen - - - - - Hamler Penmain - - - - - Hamlet 0 18 662 588 1,250 180 136 198 202 136 1 134 102 | 22 | 138 11 271 240 511 1,425 217 + 837 588 47 413 1,151 456 6,364 1 5,245 11,609 1,929 2,020 | 39 Borough of MONMOUTH - - - - - - Parishi l 769 1 8736 43 171 430 / 272 11,980 l 2,184 | 4,164 ☺) The entire Parish of Mynyddyslwyn contains 3,186 Inhabitants. SU M M A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. Hundred of ABERGAVENNY - - - - 1 3,833 4,050 | 63 11,270 9,817 | 21,087 5,165 10,239 CALDICOTT - - - - - 1,908 2,073 5,074 RAGLAND 1,019 3,733 3,478 7,211 SKENFRETH - - 682 2,055 1,874 3,929 USK - - - - - - 1,706 1,827) 14 834 4,488 4,524 9,012 16,191 WENTLLOOG ----- 898 1,466 607 8,678 7,513 Borough of MONMOUTH - - - - - 1 7691 873 1 6 1 43 171 430 272 1,980 2,184 | 4,164 TOTALS - - 113,211 |14,122 | 166 520 6,020 6,147 | 1,955 37,278 | 34,555 71,833 M.DCCC.XX1. 303 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH-continued. Ages of Persons. MI A LES 5 10 20 Hundred Uuder to TOTAL. 5. of - - | 1,219 12,090 1,513 لا ABERGAVENNY -- 1,357 CALDICOTT ... 11,250 4,928 354 1240 123 نه RAGLAND - - - - نه 3,692 2,053 SKENFRETH - - - نه USK - - - - - - 1 595 573511 328 223 119 م 4,489 WENTLLOOG - - - 1,252 498 351 | 176 ده 8,652 MONMOUTH, BORO' - | 284 بن 1,972 Total of MALES - 14,891 14,618 4,124 3,732 6,036 4,617 3,669 2,493 1,738 822 269 27 1 - 37,936 FEMALE S. Hundred TOTAL. of ABERGAVENNY - - 1,340 1,170 969 1,042 579 580 256 9,815 CALDICOTT - - - 562 431 312 238 135! 5,014 RAGLAND - - - - 353 331 260 2161 132 54 3,474 SKENFRETH - - - 149 108 62 | 1,879 USK - - - - - - 499 469 298 | 233 137 4,527 WENTLLOOG - - - |1,178 778 713 448 354 / 162 7,524 MONMOUTH, BORO' - 262 248 | 223 219 185 | 144 | 427 - 2,184 Total of FEMALES - 11,873 926 314) 35 3 134,417 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Monmouth was .... 71,833 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 71,453 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance withi the question to that effect. The Total Number of En'imeration Returns received from the County of Monmouth was 158 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewbat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 204 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANY RETURNS UNDEK County of Norfolk. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OTHER Ok TOTAL how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Or OCCUPATIONS: Elmi | FAMI ALL LIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGNI- I factures. I preced- CUL- TorHandi-l ing TURE. craft, Classes. Un-Inhabited. Families Oc- pied. Building. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 202 120 52 979 20 142 work III and liv 31 178 75 97 131 BLOFIELD Hundred. BLOFIELD - - - - - • Bradestone - - - - - - Brundall . - . - - - - Buckenham - - - - - - Burlingham, St. Andrew Burlingham, St. Edmund Burlingham, St. Peter - - - Cantley - - - - - - - Freethorpe - - - - - - Hasingham - - - - - - Liinpenhoe - - - - - - Lingwood - - - - (a) Plumstead, Great - - - - Plumstead, Little . Postwick - • - - - - - Southwood - - - - - - Strumpshaw · .. Thorpe (next Norwich) - (b) Witton - - - - - - - 151 120 153 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Tomo III no IIIIIIIIIII l oooooooooooo 251 304 103 57 46 no cravo el COI ANNU 70 142 147 138 137 127 25 167 395 hond wo hand I wil 72 145 150 110 127 15 288 247 254 40 151 72 318 807 112 18 412 49 63 824 917 16 641 199 2,385 2,329 | 4,714 52 61 96 III 113 187 91 39 102 67 A Pico 110 BROTHERCROSS Hundred. (5) Burnham-Deepdale - -. - Parish Burnham-Norton - - - - Parish Burnham-Overy - - - - Parish Burnham-Thorpe - - - - Parish Burnham-Ulph and Sutton - Parish Burnham-Westgate - - - - Parish Creake, North - - - - - Parish Creake, South - - - - - Parish Waterden - - - - - - Parish 283 225 167 508 177 344 168 152 163 315 Ty 192 117 165 124 i com now 937 618 484 290 367 328 361 168 148 728 i 777 811 | 14 | 12 578 169 | 64 11,906 1,860 / 3,766 210 152 440 230 136 288 33 B C to 1A 30 63 20 99 86 185 142 137 279 111 135 770 520 07 371 280 1,100 336 417 141 436 90 399 240 944 372 74 155 104 2,044 708 136 I -NITRO I co wwiinin 26 icon 62 199 476 968 47 107 CLACKCLOSE Hundred. Barton-Bendish - - - - - Parish Beachamwell - - - - - Parish Bexwell - - - - - - - Parish Boughton - - - - - - Parish Crimplesham - Parish Denver - - - Parish Dereham, West - Parish Downham-Market - - - - Parish Fincham - - - - - - - Parish Fordham - - - - - Parish Hilgay - - - - - - - Parish Holme (next Runcton) Parish Marham - - - - - () Parish Outwell - - - - - ☺ Parish Roxham - - - - - - - Parish Runcton, South - Parish Ryston - - - - - - Parish Shingham - - Parish Shouldham - - Parish Shouldham-Thorpe Parish Southery - - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Ferry - - - - - - Parish Stow-Bardolph - - - - - Parish Stradsett - - - Parish Tottenhill - - - - - - Parish Upwell - - - - () Parish Welney (part of) -- () Hamlet 492 91 319 198 136 117 359 678 22 290 266 556 ci iloi IIIIIIII o I o I had I III Elimit o A eno 19 21 40 Coow 60 14 30 28 141 buah 338 341 166 33% 119 41 107 362 139 331 341 350 81 collo Soco 352 27 176 öö valor 95 176 956 172 348 253 203 972 191 1,928 394 © An inclosure of land, and small tenements built thereon, is men- | which is partly in Brothercross Hundred, is entered wholly in Smithdon tioned, in the Return of Lingwood, as having caused an increase of Hundred. ) One male upwards of 100 years of age in Marham Population.— O) The Norfolk Lunatic Asylum, containing 111 persons, Parish. Outwell, Upwell and Welney, are mostly in Cambridge. is in the Parish of Thorpe, which is partly in the City of Norwich, and so shire (Wisbeach Hundred), and so entered. entered. The entire Parish contains 1,091 Persons. Thoruham, M.DCCC.XXI.] 205 TIE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES ALL By OR TOTAL how many Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES chictly Other chiefly employ. Families enie ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building OF FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. CLACKCLOSE Hundred- continued. 10 10 28 96 235 - - - - - 253 262 106 Wallington, with Thorpland Watlington - - - - - Wereham - - - - - - Wimbotsham - - - - Wormegay - - - - - Wretton - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 114 Ilmai med i incor 284 546 85 188 67 225 192 . 197 170 222 413 362 419 80 83 57 19 2,729 3,341 21 59 | 2,097 | 768 476 8,123 | 8,154 | 16,277 CLAVERING Hundred. 248 475 woo 336 227 304 181 · 134 179 207 125 259 160 339 137 147 284 196 369 IQTITI I IIIIIII 266 117 Aldeby - - - - - - - Parish Brooke - - - - - - - Parish Burgh-Apton - - - - - Parish Burgh, St. Peter - - - - - Parish Ellingham - - - - - - Parish Geldestone - - - - - - Parish Gillingham All Saints, and - Parish Gillingham St. Mary - - - Parish Häddiscoe .- , - - - - - Parish Hales - - - - - - - - Parish Heckingham - - - - () Parish Howe - - - - - - (8) Parish Kirby-Cane - - - - - - Parish Norton-Subcourse - - - - Parish Raveningharn - - ... - Parish Stockton • - - - - - - Parish Thorpe, next Haddiscoe - - Parish Thurlton - - - - - - - Parish Toft-Monks - - - - - - Parish Wheatacre, All Saints - - - Parish House of Industry and / or Futup Hospital - (+) ) " 316 252 146 135 77 50 180 192 TAO I ONIIN OIA AO 99 175 340 367 Ivo Lino ricoão J 138 261 44 48 92 51 45 96 209 145 205 137 414 83 76 282 159 395 210 185 895 1,137 6 13 865 | 187 84 3,015 | 2,958 5,973 - DEPWADE Hundred. 53 204 160 395 214 192 418 379 352 774 869 274 432 h 437 142 . 313 - 139 132 325 638 136 148 159 84 owo liner 10-ON TÖ il 102 30 128 Ashwellthorpe - - - - - Aslacton - - - - - - - Bunwell. . - - Carlton-Rode - - - (h) Forncett, St. Mary - - - - Forncett, St. Peter - - - - Fritton - - - - - (i) Fundenhall - - - - - - Hapton - - - - - - - Hardwick - - - - - - Hempnall - - - - ) Morning-Thorpe - - - Moulton, St. Michael - - - Shelton - - - - - - - Stratton, Long, St. Mary Stratton, St. Michael Tacolneston - - - - - - Tasburgh - - - - - - - Tharston - - - Tibbenham - - - - Wacton-Magna - - 109 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parislı Parish Parish Parish 275 307 186 237 1,014 160 417 224 22 432 582 19 · 83 61 220 197 - 109 127 236 35 102 314 636 322 · 117 27 112 229 416 246 192 223 185 290 122 184 469 369 553 233 263 111 O c I- 1,369 1,833 14. 1,204 107 4,438 4,624. 9,062 (9 The Loddon and Clavering House of Industry and Hospital is si- years of age in Carlton-Rode Parish. (i) The younger part of the tuate at Heckingham, and contains 395 Inhabitants.---- (6) Howe is | Population of Fritton are now employed at bonibazine looms; but at cally situate in Henstead Hundred. (h) Que female upwards of 100 | Hempshall the consequences of machinery are thought to be injurious. Ggs 206 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK - continued. 2 HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I OR Ву how many Families TOTAL | chictty | OTHER employ-/ Families ed in not com- Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI ALL LIES LIES chiefly em- ployed | Trade, Iprized in in AGRIC CUL orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classcs. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Iuliabited. Building. OT MALES. FEMALES. Mariu. the Two factures, preced- PERSONS. 88 91 332 54 III 49 24 204 118 123 141 370 .201 400 1,287 · 159 397 702 405 804 2,764 325 404 1,477 166 26 ܗ ܗ ܒܝܙ ܠ ܗ ܙ ܟܝܘ ܛ ܟ v 40 6 DISS Hundred. Bressingham - - - - - - Parish Burston - - - - - - - Parish Dickleburgh - - • - () Parish Diss - - - - - - - - Parish Fersfield - - - - - - - Parish Frenze - - - - - - () Parish Gissing - - - - - - - Parish Roydon - - - - - - - Parish Scole, otherwise Osmondiston - Parish Shelfanger - - - - - (m) Parish Shimpling - - - - - - Parish Thelveton - - - - - - Parish Tivetshall-St. Margaret - - Parish Tivetshall-St. Mary - - - Parish Winfarthing - - - - - - Parish 34 285 259 544 313 601 288 249 219 468 III Icon III 221 219 94 85 72 90 | 82 ܝܕ ܒܝܘ ܗ̄ . 174 173 177 155 332 42 110 149 344 339 683 1,211 1,752 991 600 161 4,350 4,466 8,816 .. EARSHAM Hundred. 280 3 321 32 serii 92 · 98 601 190 385 54 194 191 308 111 293 601 100 353 750 Alburgh - . - - - - - Billingford - - - - - - Brockdish - - - - - - Denton - - - - - - - Farsham - - - - - - - Mendham - - - - (n) Needham - - - - - - - Pulham, St. Mary Magdalen - Pulham, St. Mary the Virgin, Reddenhall, with Harlegton - Rushall - - - - - - - Starston - - - - - - - Thorpe-Abbots - - - - - Wortwell - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisha Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 56 126 139 133 397 168 520 411 917 361 1,009 797 183 489 386 724 145 217 118 226 202 38 134 1,641 279 437 246 56 51 82 42 114 220 128 42 70 260 486 1,090 1,544 1 951 3,700 4,073 | 7,773 ERPINGHAM (North) Hundred. . * Aldborough Antingham Aylmerton - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 134 112 Ilma 134 110 147 137 40 22 42 24 23 - - - - - - 106 132 66 - - - 206 238 149 1,023 165 531 no o - III OU CO 83 - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish 142 173 Barningham-Winter Beckham, East - - Beeston-Regis - - Bessingham - Cromer - - - - Felbrigg - - Gimingham - - - Gresham - - Gunton - - Hanworth - - - Knapton - - Matlask - - Metton - - Mundsley Northrepps Overstrand Plumstead - Roughton - - - Runton - - Sherringham Sidestrands - - I c d e II III IIIIIIIIIIIIII 492 82 158 178 28 134 162 31 - 11.6 150 - -. 91 93 1 ml mo aliw tal mot om 51 164 169 - - (°) - - 252 277 79 75 80 - - - vow In a 165 79 1.72 211 206 356 - - - 26 69 338 77 (*) The Parish of Dickleburgh includes the Hamlet of Langmere in Earsham Hundred; but the whole is entered in Diss Hundred.-- (1) The Parish of Frenze (or Thorpe parva) was included with Scole, in she Return of 1811.mim) One male upwards of 100 years of age at Shclfanger. The Parish of Mendham is mostly in Humne Hundred, Suffolk, and there entered. The increase of Fishery, is mentioned in the Return froni Mundsley, the establishment of a school at Trunch. M.DCCC.XXI.] 207 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: ni PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By On how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Faniilies 1 OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FA AI- ALL LIES LIES OTIIER chiefly chiefly Families employ- cin- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu. the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- orHandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. Jmping OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 321 72 37 335 123 115 ERPINGILAM (North) Hundred continued. Southrepps - - - - - - Parish Suffield - - - - - - - Parish Sustead - - - - - - - Parish Thorpe, Market - - - - - Parish Thurgarton - - - - Parish Trimingham - - - - - - Parish Trunch - - - - - º Parish 26 63 Ilaog III Jarmo 71 98 121 73 230 656 238 134 192 248 147 94 | 127 10 74 20 211 441 1,689 1,917 13 1,103 | 587 227 4,416 4,491 8,907 591 397 46 10 161138 303 1,853 148 138 945 121 133 36 165 908 125 123 111 12 246 256 122 mo 79 233 154 133 69 169 359 204 co CS A WA I read and I can 145 C o acciono 228 105 38 104 240 92 465 55 32 116 44 504 184 929 191 i II i II Mod 1 Al mondo non era il collari mon covo 80 124 264 92 464 130 359 238 187 49 267 51 138 47 326 80 213 ERPINGHAM (South) Hundred. Alby - - - - - - - - Parish Aylsham - - - - - - - Parish Baconsthorpe - - Parish Banningham - - - - - - Parish Barningham, Little Parish Beckham, West - Parish Belaugh - - - - - - - Parish Blickling - - - - - - - Parish Booton - - - Parish Brampton - - Parish Burgh (next Aylsham) Parish Buxton - - - - - - - Parish Calthorpe - - - - - - Parish Cawston - - - - - - - Parish Colby - - - - - - - - Parish Coltishall - - - Parish Corpusty - - - Parish Erpingham - - Parish Hautboys, Great Hevinghamı - - Parish Heydon - - - Parish Ingworth - - - Parish Irmingland - - - - - - Parish Itteringham - - - - - - Parish Lammas - - - - - - - Parish with Little-Hautboys Parish Mannington - - - - - - Parish Marsham - - Parish Oulton - - () Parish Oxnead - - Parish Saxthorpe - - Parish Scottow - - - Parish Skeyton - - - - - - - Parish Stratton-Strawless Parish Swanton-Abbott - - Parish Thwaite - - - - - - - Parish Tuttington - - - - - - Parish Wickmere - - Parish Wolterton - - - - - - Parish 162 685 451 349 102 744 Parish 17 122 57 349 170 74 395 163 333 87 161 16 8 166 168 334 146 284 Bronco Bico 16 (n) Toivoli co na cialio Co 315 09 624 382 197 185 28 25 175 213 167 53 342 434 153 221 171 96 324 187 424 116 wil mondo III 196 228 54 62 NOW A co 110 228 118 131 17 285 154 20 37 2,478 2,878 18 1,793 723 3626,295 6,614 12,909 45 102 29 292 124 129 57 16 298 124 175 34 590 248 333 158 EYNSFORD Hundred. Alderford Bawdeswell - - - - - - Billingford - - - - - - Bintree - . - - - ... - Brandistone - Bylaugh - - Elsing - - Foulsham - - - - (9) Foxley - - • - Guestwick . Guist - - - - 12 46 or Parish Parisha Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 45 42 179 93 51 195 59 374 835 131 180 410 136 425 114 47 51 87 250 171 308 39 73 148 (1) An in closure has taken place at The increase of Fisbury is mentioned in the Return from Aluds- | for several united Parishes.-- sey, the establishment of a school at Trunch.---(P) Bombazines and Foulsham. Worsteds are now manufactured at Marsham; at Oulton is a workhouse 208 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES: L’ERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OTHER OR how chicfly employ- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. OCCUPATIONS: TAMII FAMI- All LIES LIES chicfly Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Nanu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi. ing TURE. | craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 43 310 ort 129 19 159 29 129 35 160 33 III i co 80 372 756 88 72 160 1 288 293 79 581 74 164 153 345 EYNSFORD Hundred_continued. Hackford (by Reepham) - - Parish Haveringland - - - - - Parish Hindolveston - - - - - Parislı Kerdiston - - - - Parish Lyng - - - - - - - - Parish Norton-on-the-Hill - - - - Parish Reepham - - - - - - - Parish Ringland - - - Parish Sall - - - - - - - - Parish Sparbam - - - Parish Swannington Parish Tliemelthorpe - - - - - Parish Thurning - - - - Parish Twyford - - - - - - - Parish Weston - - - • - - - Parish Whitwell - - - - - - - Parish Witchingham, Great - - - Parish Witchingham, Little, otherwise St. Faith - Parish - - - - Wood-Dalling - - - - - Parish Wood-Norton - - - - - Parish 181 148 133 157 180 286 245 330 365 c? I alworm mai mtoto i ti cercov 109 i Nimi i od III o 54 112 36 197 195 196 250 392 414 218 264 514 24 28 257 158 102 49 527 270 155 313 1,542 2,048 1,466 468 | 114 4,955 4,936 9,891 167 366 772 424 71 406 209 41 215 78 FLEGG (East) Hundred. Caistor (next Yarmouth) ... Parish Filby - - - - Parish Mautby ------- Parish Ormsby, St. Margaret, with Parish Scratby - - - - - Ormsby, St. Michael - - - Runham - - - - - - - Parish Stokesby, with Herringby - - Parish Thrigby - - - - - - - Parish I con i coller | 37 354 687 Paris 37 333 114 117 151 22 261 TINA I c 211 III 147 94 143 24 294 46 537 596 | 11 11 1,355 1,418 2,773 72 32 219 396 20 260 498 FLEGG (West) Hundred. Ashby, with Oby - - - - Parish Billockby - - - - - - - Parisl. Burgh, St. Margaret's - - - Parish Clippesby - - - - - - Parisli Hemsby - - - - - () Parish Martham - - - - - - - Parish. Repps, with Bastwick ... Parish Rollesby - - - - - () Parisha Somerton, East - - - - - Parish Somerton, West - - - - - Parish Thirne - - - - Parish Winterton - - - - - - Parish 238 419 845 426 Lincoloco III 114 Ilmia IIIIIII 105 287 619 76 332 29 104 68 298 197 133 88 247 545 551 119 108 1,920 1,793 3,713 196 191 188 of to 200 232 FOREHOE Hundred. Barford - - - - - - - Barnham-Broom - - - - Bawburgh, with Bowthorpe - Brandon, Parva - - - Carleton-Forehoe - - - - Colton - - - - - - - Costessy - - - Coston - - - Crownthorpe - Deopham - - - - - - Easton - - - - - - - 20 23 64 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 29 121 66 127 53 AII IC II II - IOI IN Iwv 110 140 412 412 13 190 12 20 100 49 56 68 240 82 49 ( An inclosure of land has taken place at Heinsby.--(s) The Return of Rollesby includes 231 paupers, resident in the House of Industry (or Work house) of the Hundreds of East and West Flegg. M.DCCC.XXI.] 209 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, . By or chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oce cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI• LIES All LIES chiefly 1 OrHER employ-Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AORI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. or FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 1 44 121 107 726 1 156 165 68 1 92 87 138 131 99 1 222 1,442 321 145 179 269 201 160 166 672 AlbiIIam Cosco +19++ 102 83 I FOREHOE Hundred-continued. Hackford - - - - - - Parish Hingham - - - - - - - Parish Honingham - - - - - - Parish Kimberley - - - - - - Parish Marlingford - - - - - - Parish Morley, St. Botolph Parish Morley, St. Peter Parish Runhall - - - - Parish Welborne - - - - - - Parish Wicklewood - - - - - - Parish Wramplingham - - - - - Parish Wymondham Parish : (0) Downham - - - - - Division Market-Street - (+)- - Division Silfield - - - - - - - Division Suton - - - - - - - Division Towngreen - - (+) - - Division Wattlefield - - - - - Division 1 77 1 II AC IVA II IIIINOT 85 1 321 351 1 102 113 215 169 461 684 935 269 474 624 211 1,308 85 122 ca 10 233 Il mod Ico 323 444 645 189 172 78 395 322 494 246 889 87 55 241 487 1,995 2,445 11 36 1,417 847 cm 5,977 6,215 12,192 11 I 63 19 122 79 53 34 193 1,100 343 30 +1111676760 91 551 172 131 278 168 279 266 יייייי 102 549 171 148 256 178 279 90 224 464 179 126 534 346 545 187 109 mot-a-tittm I a lo 474 188 97 250 454 180 126 TO FREEBRIDGE-LYNN Hundred. Anmer - - - - - - - Parish Ashwicken - - - - - - Parish Babingley - - - - - - Parish Bawsey - - - - - - - Parish Bilney, West - - - - - Parish Castle-Acre - - - - - - Parish CASTLE-RISING - Borough & Parish Congham - - (+) - - Parish Dersingham - - - - - - Parish Flitcham - - - - - - - Parish Gayton - - - - - - - Parish Gayton-Thorpe - Parish Gaywood - - - (+) - - Parish Grimstone - - - Parish Harpley - - - - Parish Hillington - - - - - - Parish | Leziate - - - - - - - Parish Massingham, Great - - - Parish Massingham, Little - Parish Middleton - - - Parish Mintlyn - - - - - - - Parish Newton, West- Parish Pentney - - - - - - - Parish Roydon - - - - - - - Parish Runcton, North - - Parish Sanderingham - - - - - Parish Setchey - - - - - - - Parish Walton, East - Parish West-Acre - - Parish Winch, East - - Parish Winch, West - Parish Wolverton - - - - - - Parish Wootton, North - - - - - Parish Wootton, South - - Parish o 70 49 61 IIIIIIIIIIIII od lielli con i pro IIIIIIIII 62 ao lillo III o II w IIIIIIIIIIIIII 918 359 252 123 738 125 665 367 152 68 371 57 342 323 18 30 105 12 106 207 211 98 211 418 205 314 72 158 156 c, 38 94 92 16 174 (W) 189 173 362 181 376 195 166 149 cal and IIIOITE! 75 84 315 159 187 151 19- 90 97 21 31 74 2,122 | 12 1,652 373 5,221 10,537 1,769 FREEBRIDGE-MARSH-LAND Hundred. Clencbwharton - - - - - Parish Emneth - . . . x) Parish | 192 Lynn, West - - - - (Y) Parish 80 Lynn, North - - - - - Parish 82 456 93 225 83 225 472 135 231 498 970 37 184 183 43 367 '85 In he entire Parish of Wyınondham (or Windham) contains 4,708 | an increase of Population at Emneth.- ) A temporary increase of tants. The Return froin North Runcton includes Hard- | Population at West Lynni, and at Wiggenhall, St. Germans, is ascribed namlet. (W) West-Acre includes Custhorpe, in South Green to ibe Eau-Brink Drainage operations. noe flundred. ) An inclosure of land is mentioned as having caused Hhl 210 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-contimied. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By . OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Hamilies Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES | chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families em. ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- lorllandi-ling TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. FEMALES. Oc. cupied. MALES. PERSONS. 279 col 725 683 292 122 73 1,408 85 245 101 301 282 583 61 208 52 28 404 50 117 48 100 196 138 OIIN ww 98 84 236 FREEBRIDGE AFARSH LAND Hundred : continued. Terrington, St. Clements - - Parish Terrington, St. John's - - - Parish Tilney, All Saints - - Parish Tilney, with Islington • Parish Tilney, St. Lawrence - · Parish Walpole, St. Andrew - - - Parish Walpole, St. Peter - - - - Parish Walšoken - - - - - - Parish Walton, West - - - - - Parish Wiggenhall, St. Germans (V) Parish Wiggenhall, St. Mary-Magdalen Parish Wiggenball, St. Mary - - - Parish Wiggenhall, St. Peter - - - Parish 70 59 285 185 175 195 180 256 143 III IW A 19 na more i 552 360 1,102 1,240 546 628 366 556 612 ვნა 310 277 122 139 735 274 584 98 Icon O 274 551 117 65 239 122 1,801 2,075 | 17 | 42 | 1,590 326 159 5,000 | 4,994 9,994 GALLOW Hundred. 36 69 the are 14 25 11 101 co to a IIIA I co 102 203 66 11 i Oriola 39 11 863 124 1,626 70 331 322 143 156 299 106 209 100 130 230 Bagthorpe - - - - - - Parish Barmer - - - - - - - Parish Barsham, East - - - - Parish Barshan, North - - Parish Barsham, West - - - - - Parish Broomsthorpe - - - - - Parish Dunton, with Doughton - - - Parish Fakenham-Lancaster - (2) Parish Alethorpe - - - - - - Hamlet Fulníodeston, with Croxton - Parish Helhoughton - - - - - - Parish Hempton - - - Parish Houghton, New - - - - Parish Kettleston - - - - - - Parish Pensthorpe - - - - - - Parish Puilding-Norton - - Parishi Rainham, East - - Parish Rainham, South, St. Martin Parish Rainham, West - - - - - Parish Rudham, East - - - Parish Rudham, West - - - - - Parish Ryburgh, Great - - Parish Ryburgh, Little - - - Parish Sculthorpe - - Parislı Shereford - - - - - Parish Snoring, Little - - - Parish Stibbard - - - - - (a) Parish Syderstone - - - - - - Parish Tatterford - - - - - - Parish Tatterset - - - Parish Testerton Parish Toft, Trees - - IAI OOC Am. 12 1 I II III Col II c I w IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Liivo 130 III 1 AN mod I wocow An IIIIIIIIIloil and 101 56 168 169 413 200 265 172 394 176 110 260 58 53 111 220 246 53 137 466 98 134 271 to o Corror cow 223 Iloco croor Parish 13 44 43 1,441 1,689 1,083 392 214 3,892 4,042 7,934 GREENHOE (North) Hundred. 146 59 103 121 2.20 21 218 11 20 37 Barney - - - - - - - Parish Binham - - - - - - - Parish Cockthorpe - - - - - - Parish Egmere - - - - - - - Parish l'ield-Dalling - - - - - Parish Hindringham - - - - - Parish Holkham - - - - Parish Houghton, St. Giles-in-the-Hole Parish Quarles - - (+).- - Extra-P. Snoring, Great - - - - - Parish 53 75 66 Tail. A III- RICO COC 168 154 TIerniiiii 150 150 124 325 140 133 43 107 olie i 402 114 332 408 40 92 11 12 23 188 (º) A temporary increase of Population at West-Lynn, and at Wiggenhall, St. Germans, is aseribed to the Eau-Brink drainage operation. (2) The entire Paris, of Fakenham-Lancaster, contains 1,635 Inhabitanis. (a) An iuclosure of land has taken place at Stibbard. .M.DCCCC.XI.] 211 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. C. 94, COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву OTHER or how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OF OCCUPATIONS: . FA MI- FA MI - 1 ALL LIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manue' | the Tivo AGPI. factures, preced- CUL- forHandi- ing 1 craſt. Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. TURE. 186 164 182 350 356 174 GREENHOE (North) Hundred : continued. Stiffkey - - - - - - - Parish Thursford - - - - - - Parish Walsingham, Great - - Parish Walsingham, Little - - Parish Warham All Saints, with Parish Warham St. Mary - - Wells-next-the-Sea - - - - Parish Wighton - - - - - - - Parish 196 217 413 227 252 No i Oil 79 84 490 192 577 208 1,067 400 2,950 139 1,400 648 696 113 1,850 2,078 76 19 267 1,550 249 507 1,068 | 690 1 320 4,486 4,719 9,205 GREENHOE (South) (WW) Hundred. modo in 44 46 187 206 53 179 90 340 385 37 238 15 126 వారం నలు.. వాస్ jill 22 112 194 ANOS O NICOLI 206 amman 178 400 160 32 101 Parisla Parish Parisha Parish Parisa Parish Parish Parish Parisha Parisha Parisha Parish Parisha Parish Parish Parish Paris! Parish Parish l S39 m Bodney - - - - - - - Bradenham, East - - - - Bradenham, West - - - - Caldecot - - - - - - - Cockley-Cley - - Cressingham, Great - Cressingham, Little Didlington - - - Foulden - - - - - - - Gooderstone - - . Hilborough - - - - - - Holme-Hale - - - - - - Houghton-on-the-Hill Langford - - - - - - - Narburgh - - - - - - Narford - - - - - - - Necton - - - - - - - Newton (by Castleacre) - - Oxborough - - - - - - Pickepham, North - - - - Pickenham, South - - - - Shingham - - - - (b) South-Acre - - - Sporle, with Palgrave - - - Swaffham - - - - - - 230 172 198 349 39 237 209 177 224 11 18 157 I co i 23 422 34 29 ఏం 294 pod i All 67 137 .62 4:30 4:37 36 32 148 1.29 :867 68 320 218 146 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 180 I Aa v 1. 61 g 16 56 Oli 367 149 587 44 339 1,478 100 706 234 | 263 1,358 2,836 1,530 1,875 18 37 1,247 | 483 | 145 . 4,605. 14,5401 9,145 GRIMSHOE Hundred. do 29 3.3 49 246 13 43 245 128 35 10 37 122 560 422 245 180 124 593 424 77 1,153 846 154 12 Buckinghana (near Tofts) - - Parish Colveston - - - - - - Parish Cranwick - - - - - - Parish | Croxton - - - - - - - Parisha Feltwell St. Mary and St. Nicholas Parish Hockwold, with Wilton - - - Parish Ickborough - - - - - - Parish Lynford - - - - - - - Parish Methwold - - - - - - Parish Mundford - - - - - - Parish Northwold ---- () Parish Santon - - - - - - - Parish Stanford - - - - - - - Parish Sturston - - - - - - - Parish | Toft, West - - - - - - Parish Weeting, with Brumhill - - Parish IIII III - tco III 25 220 230 col III - I 13 Ilerno II A Collie Anne 589 575 1,164 לך 196 201 corridos la cu 397 187 495 486 11 -77 981 21 73 150 Ov 59 69 194 42 128 399 205 1,109 1,209 11 826 222161 12,934 | 2,940 5,874 (WW) Custhorpe is in South Greenhoe Hundred, but is included in the Return of West-Acre (Freebridge-Lynn Hundred.) © Shingham Parish is mostly in Clackclosc Hundred, where the whole is entered. ) Cottages have been built at North- wold by'proprietors of lands adjoining the Parish, thus throwing the eventual burthen of Paupers on the Parish of Northwold. 212 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OP Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- em- ed in not com- ployed .in Manu- ' the Two AGRI- factures, CU orHandi- ing TURE. Classes. craft. FEMALES. . TRADE. I prized in MALES. PERSONS. preced- GUILT CROSS Hundred. 216 216 172 606 589 - - - - - - 67 54 177 164 350 1,195 341 700 162 124 350 9 18 53 60 113 86; - - 124 177 33 412 56 18 Banbam - - - - - Blo'-Norton - - - - Garboldisham - - - Gasthorpe - - Harling, East - - - Harling, West . Kenningball - - - - Lopham, North - - - Lopham, South - - Quiddenham - - - - Riddlesworth - - - Rushford, with Snarehill Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish | Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 455 60 618 176 22 258 149 - - 655 - - 116 1,273 741 147 367 374 403 418 821 113 17 15 58 63 - - - - - - or cos 10 39 44 121 83 168 25 85 83 948 1,279! 6 767 344 | 168 3,286 | 3,253 6,539 HAPPING Hundred. 16 90 59 34 304 257 100 581 w Scooter 523 31 40 51 151 358 - 45 205 95 277 266 112 321 50 213 99 370 148 173 - Brumstead - - - - Catfield - - - - - Happisburgh - .. Hemstead, with Eccles - Hickling - - - - - Horsey (next the Sea) Ingham - - - - - Lessingham - - - - Ludham - - - - - Palling - - Potter-Heigham - - - Ruston, East - - - Stalham - - - - - Sutton - - - Walcott - - - - - Waxham - - - - - 418 - - Parish - - Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish (d) Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parishi Parish - - Parish - () Parish - - Parisha Parish - - Parish - - Parish TOIMI-Ionico is a conti! 96 195 780 102 410 152 46 300 126 57 58 126 88 53 100 340 128 306 120 251 146 317 61 132 63 37 1,033 1,282 14 891 271 120 2,889 2,944 5,833 HENSTEAD Hundred. 12 115 C am C 0 184 Il mondo III - 1 150 - 1 0 14 103 201 407 1 212 195 I Arminghall - - - - - - Parish Bixley - - - - - - - Parish Bramerton - - - - - - Parish Caister, St. Edmunds Parish Framingham, Earl - - - - Parish Framingham, Pigot - - - - Parish Holverstone - - - - - - Parish Kirby, Bedon - - - - - Parish Poringland, Great, or East - - Parish ? Poringland, Little, or West - Parish | ľ Rockland - - - - - - - Parish Saxlingham, Nethergate - () Parish Saxlingham, Thorpe - - - Parish Shottesham, All Saints - Parish Shottesham, St. Mary and Parish St. Martin - - - - Stoke, Holy Cross - - - Parisha 55 Surlingham - - - - - - Parish 52 Trowse, with Newton - - - Parish 130 Whitlingham - - - - - Parish Yelverton - - - - - - Parish 13 5 - 160 281 158 318 314 G 66 67 A2 U 234 0 195 383 - 166 1 II III I I 303 403 203 200 255 294 - 4 U 0 549 12 37 42 79 781 1,002 14 | 14 630 302 70 i 2,406 4,818 2,412 (d) “ The Parish of Horsey principally consists of low marshes, bogs, “ several families settling therein about that period, who are now in a " and water, is nearly insulated by the sea to the east; the Hundred " distressed state from the diminished price and scarcity of labour. " stream, or river which divides Happing from East Flegg to the south, I “ (Signed) William Dausun, Overseer." (c) An inclosure of land « Eelfleet Dike and Horsey Mere to the west and north. The said at East Ruston, and many cottages built on small allotments. “ Parish of Horsey was inclosed about seven or eight years ago by 1 (*) A manufacture of bombasin is established at Saxlingham, Nether- “ Act of Parliament, which caused an increase of Population, by l gate. M.DCCC.XXI.] 213 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL | OTHER By how OR ehiefly TOTAL employ- many OP Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : ! FAMIL FAMI- LIES LIES chicfly Families en- ployed in ADE, the Two | Manu- AGRI- factures, CUL- forlandia ing Classes. TURE. craft. Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Building, ed in not con- | Trade, prized in Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 50 144 108 206 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 121 407 141 148 396 58 157 134 118 265 803 298 282 221 7,89 742 103 Parish 378 357 411 385 334 346 680 49 93 44 159 149 634 158 101 HOLT Hundred. Bale, or Baithley - -- - Blakeney - - - - - - - Bodham - - - - - - - Briningham - - - - - - Brinton - - - - - - - Briston - - - - Cley (next the Sea) - - Edgefield - - - Glandford, with Bayfield Gunthorpe - - - - - - Hempstead - - - - - - Holt - - - - - - - - Hunworth - - - - - - Kelling - - - - - - - Langham - - - - - - - Letheringsett - - - - - - Melton-Constable, with Burgh - Morston - - - - - - - Salthouse - - i Saxlingbam - - - - - - Sharrington Stody - - - - - - - - Swanton-Novers Thornage - - - Weybourne - - Wiveton - - - - - - - 109 317 289 1,348 220 163 140 714 111 74 1 III o NN III w pod ws on Icer A NOI mod 89 163 324 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisb Parish Parish Parish Parish · Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 161 119 murwarm Garanliginiuto, 132 52 251 111 139 281 150 147 112 63 M 123 62 154 123 111 148 235 125 302 264 230 209 141 119 111 53 98 1,868 2,008 9 | 36 | 1,218 214 1 4,463 4,665 9,123 HUMBLEYARD Hundred. 141 260 Ja toinen 262 78 113 456 471 Bracon-Ash - - - - - - Parish Carlton-East - - - - - Parish Colney - - - - - - - Parish Cringleford - - - - - - Parish Dunston - - - - - - - Parish Flordon - - Parish Hethel - - Parish Hetbersett . Parish Intwood - - - - - - - Parish Keswick - - - - - - - Parish Ketteringham - - - Parish Merksball, or Mattishall Heath, Parish Melton, Great - - - - - Parish Melton, Little - - - - - Parish Mulbarton - - - - - - Parish Newton-Flotman - - - (8) Parish Swainsthorpe - - - - - Parish Swardeston - - - - - - Parish Wreningham - - - - - Parish 150 111 159 209 927 44 104 175 21 Terriccio, Ölonger w co 13 208 10 178 G8 386 210 417 390 225 112 192 195 91 143 217 185 195 94 148 210 291 427 54 774 963 2,378 2,430 4,808 LAUNDITCH Hundred. 124 - - - 324 183 342 173 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 666 356 172 anno 1 1 w 85 Beeston, with Bittering - - Beetley • - - - - - Bilney, East - - - - - Brisley - - - - Colkerk - - - - - - Dereham, East Parish : (*) Dillington - - - - - Dunham, Great . - - - Dunham, Little - - - - 87 362 - wonder 187 178 175 180 358 w New 1 I 29 - Hamlet - Parish - Parish 17 227 12 241 and no 468 307 146 ♡ The increase of Population at Newton-Flotman is said to arise from its situation between incorporated Hundreds, the poor endeavouring 1 to gain a settlement where there is no workhouse. (h) East Derebam Parish is mostly in Mitford Hundred. Iii 214 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Fainilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. ОР OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chietly Families employ- em- ed in not com- TRADE. Iprized in Manu The Two AGRI- factures, CUL- lur Handi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. 96 54 ployed in FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. factures, preced. 113 523 523 1,046 35 173 149 322 37 16 105 45 422 228 104 100 LAI 123 59 439 115 131 861 AI CORSO 113 2:28 29 123 27 91 95 186 47 45 123 131 LAUNDITCH Hundred continued. Elmham, North - - - - Parish Fransham, Great - - - - Parish Fransham, Little - - - - Parish Gateley - - - - - - - Parish Gressenhall - - Parish Hoo - - - - - - - Par. Chap: Horningtoft - - Parish Kempston - - - - - - Parish Lexham, East Parish Lexham, West Parisli Litcham - - - - - - - Parisli Longham - - - - - - Parish Mileham - - - - - - - Parish Oxwick, with Pattesley Parish Rougham - - - - - - Parish Scarning - - - - - - - Parish Stanfield - - - - - - - Parish Swanton-Morley - - Parish Tittleshall, with Godwick Parish Weasenham, All-Saints - - Parish Weasenham, St. Peter's - - Parish Wellingham - - - - - - Parish Wendling - - - - Parish Whissonsett - - - - - - Parish Worthing - - - - - - Parish 293 144 293 154 586 298 516 111 Toli ili im III and coli IIIIIII 13 46 79 66 278 33 168 268 102 330 498 31 42 145 209 162 230 107 362 221 139 361 97 97 CONVOER er or cow 225 58 59 44 145 57 59 51 164 723 446 284 293 140 3.51 129 _ 30 28 76 _ 167 43 124 64 184 237 124 285 522 15 : 24 14 10 54 59 113 1,936 2,345 77 37 1,674 481 190 | 5,844 5,639 | 11,483 - 81 88 169 234 110 166 10 343 223 124 177 247 37 151 470 79 42 151 302 28 82 160 78 400 163 761 LODDON Hundred. Alpington, with Yelverton - - Ashly - - - - - - - - Bedingham - Broome - - - - - - - Carleton - - Chedgrave - Claxton - - Ditchingham Hardley - - Hedenham - Hillington - Kirstead - - Langley - - Loddon - - Mundham - Seething - - Sisland -.- Thurton .. Thwaite - - Topcroft - - - - Woodton' - - - - 111 152 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisli Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII o i IIII o N 1101 Il et lilci in ANNO I OTTAID www 361 111 131 30 118 165 533 161 222 283 63 33 230 Joon 7 w J o o cw coco no 54 141 349 1,038 44 112 184 505 143 182 40 91 304 . 204 386 61 101 79 170 43 51 94 218 269 202 236 420 505 90 1,104, 1,3511 940 323 3,339 3,344 6,683 113 129 168 1,546 242 163 18245488431605829 331 630 3,244 L 166 MITFORD Hundred. Burgh, South - - - - - Cranworth - - - - - - Dereham, East - - - (1) Garvestone - - - - - - Hardingham - - - - - - Hockering - - Letton - - - Mattishall - - - - - - Mattishall, Burgh Reymerston - - - - - - Shipdham . . Thuxton - - - - - 330 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Ila-lillai 392 1,698 164 239 195 70 457 · 112 222 197 57 · 473 · 107 18 129 142 40 930 219 26 40 -129 156 285 40 233 360 221 131 841 801 1,642 15 48 30 (1) Part of East Dereham Parish is in Launditch Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,273 Inhabitants. An inclosure of the Parisii, and the consequent erection of cottages, is supposed to have increased the Population. M.DCCC.XXI.) 215 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: TTTT PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL how niany Familics EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI- ALL LIES LIES | chicly OTHER chictly employ. Families em. I ed in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. Building. oc- FEMALES. MALES. OP PERSONS. cupied. 110 mondo 246 91 118 50 524 MITFORD Hundred-continued. Tuddenham, East - - - - Parish Tuddenham, North - - - Parish Westfield - - - - - - - Parish Whinbergh - - - - - - Parish Wood-Rising - - Parish Yaxham - - - - - - - Parish 278 182 78 186 368 165 26 to III | 61 87 92 31 Eco il 196 Na 20 16 104 65 264 54 119 75 101 63 241 505 1,586 2,072 9 1,344550 178 5,054 5,104 10,158 .. 1 328 1,659 347 g6 isto 836 273 24 139 519 37 143 358 823 246 26 155 362 574 61 388 38 280 61 165 234 23 165 227 50 294 720 1,134 122 760 w celu SHROPHAM Hundred. Attleburgh - - - - - - Besthorpe - - - - - - Brettenham - - Bridgeham - - - - - - Buckenham, New - Buckenham, Old - - Eccles - - - - - - - - Ellingham, Greai Hargham - - Hockham - - - Illington - - - - - - - Kilverstone - - - - - - Larling - - - - - () Rockland, All Saints - - - Rockland, St. Andrews - - Roudham - - - - - - Shropham - - - - - - Snetterton - - - - - - Wilby - - - - - - - - Wretham, East - - - - - Wrethain, West - - - - 560 61 372 34 245 72 525 - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish IIIIIIc III and I had la llarga , 15 I 54 42 96 col 1 III IC IIIA I er Ariler i 14 17 80 135 91 31 171 267 132 143 I 229 w wo coco i 72 41 228 126 58 184 72 457 225 103 342 158 1,327 1,620 11 1,151 96 3,948 3,814 7,762 T 17 29 210 12 188 35 66 40 69 24 184 385 385 398 75 135 770 1,107 139 231 -IIIIIIIIII 560 547 75 344 30 160 64 SMITHDON Hundred. Barwick - - - - - - - Bircham, Great - - Bircham-Newton Bircham-Tofts- Brancaster - - Docking - - - - - - - Fring - - - - - - - - Heacham - - - - - - Holme (next the Sea) - - - | Hunstanton - - - - - - Ingoldesthorpe - - - - - Ringstead, Great, $t. Anola drew and St. Peteras () Sedgeford - - - - - - Shernborne - - - - - - Sạettisham - - - - - - Stanhoe, with Barwick - - - Thornham - - - - - - Titchwell . - - - - - - 710 366 112 CO 0 0 0 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisli Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish 107 219 209 224 120 225 228 433 247 453 534 284 250 68 67 135 181 487 Le che in III IC 111 472 242 315 203 312 68 959 445 627 136 130 17 68 1,179 1,638 1,058 346 234 3,770 | 3,781 7,551 55 I osco 105 37 69 TAVERHAM Hundred. Attlebridge - - - - - - Beeston, St. Andrew - - - Catton - - - - - - - Crostwick . .. Drayton - - - - - - - Felthorpe- . frettenham - - - - - - 32 276 123 639 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 67 www lol too! 150 188 363 69 133 182 127 136 283 370 121 248 = © One male in Larling Parish, upwards of 100 years of age.-(1) The Return of Ringstead Parish includes the Hamlet of Chosell. 216 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK —continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL OTHER By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Faniilies Oc- Ull-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI. | FAME. LIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families en- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, ſprized in | Manus the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. crait. Classes. OF FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. I cupied. 31 239 484 245 28 251 261 512 353 382 57 TAVERHAM Hundred-continued. Hainford - - - - - - - Parish Hellesdon (part of) - - - (m) Parish Horsford - - - - - - - Parish Horsham, St. Faith - - - - Parish Horstead, with Staininghall - Parish Newton, St. Faith - - - - Parish Rackheath - - - - - - Parish Salhouse - - - - - - - Parish Spixworth - - - - - - Parish Sprowston - - - - - (n) Parish Taverham - - - - - - Parish Wroxham - - - - - - Parish 244 182 137 256 248 212 123 394 101 orcovacion 219 43 31 404 428 171 16 65 99 169 93 182 192 351 U 1,158 1,353 10 23 | 441 / 116 3,295 3,401 6;696 TUNSTEAD Hundred. 66 - - - - - - 62 200 192 188 179 29 - 95 44 aiIIVIINN 223 100 40 197 89 179 420 - - - - av av stora 86 175 361 134 268 182 134 225 137 440 - - Ashmanhaugh - - - Bacton - - - - - Barton-Turf - - - - Beeston, St. Lawrence - Bradfield . - - - Crostwight - - Dilhan - - - Edingthorpe - - - - Felmingham - - - Honing - - - Horning - - H-oveton, St. John - - Hoveton, St. Peter - - Irstead - - Neateshead - Paston - - Ridlington Sco-Ruston - - - - Sloley - - Smallburgh - - Swafield - - (+) Tunstead - - - - - Walsham, North Westwick - - Witton - - - - - Worstead - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Paris Parish Parish Parish Parish 270 215 133 56 61 117 WAS How Do II 60 Inco ANTHI 78 152 294 74 282 105 102 576 133 101 238 203 - - 48 55 103 166 308 100 358 - - 79 491 AIWI NAI I pored w 142 364 68 245 1,100 88 722 131 501 2,303 491 228 63 256 1,203 94 110 374 45 45 11 182 - - - - 50 99 126 236 706 39 332 D 1,764 2,036 | 13 | 32 | 1,213 582 241 4,742 | 4,890 | 9,632 WALSHAM Hundred. 136 698 244 347 129 217 116 351 115 232 139 449 255 95 90 185 182 Acle - - - - - - - - Beighton - - - - - - - Halvergate - - - - - - Hemblington - - - - - Moulton - - - - Ranworth, with Panxworth - Reedham - - - - - - - Tunstall - - - - - - - Upton, with Fishley - - - - Walsham, South, St. Mary and St. Lawrence - - - - - Wickhampton - - - - - Woodbastwick - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 352 CI - AI IIII Ico Il Barriolo 170 213 224 36 43 241 272 224 252 524 59 53 112 116 120 236 642 829 617 | 170 421 2,041 1,995 4,036 (m) Hellesdon Parish is mostly in the City of Norwich.- (n) Manu- | built on the allotments. The Return of Smallburgh includes the House factory has increased at Sprowstun within the last four or five years.-- of Industry there situate, containing 131 males, 107 females. ) A () Agricultural labourers not residing in the farm-house, are induced to silk manufactory has been established at North-Walsban. One female marry young.- ) One female in Irstead Parish upwards of 100 years | in this Parish upwards of 100 years of age. of age. (9) The common has been inclosed at Sloley, and ten cottages M.DCCC.XXI.] 217 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. c. 94. 11 COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL By OR chiefly | OTHER TOTAL how niany Fami em- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly employ. Fainilies not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL orHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Or Building. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. = 117 280 91 26 134 66 17 154 299 74 420 579. 140 351 771 62 196 236 45 117 102 84 WAYLAND Hundred. Ashill - - - - - - - Parish Breckles - - - - - - - Parish Carbrooke : - - - - - Parish Caston - - - - - - () Parish Ellingbam, Little Parish Griston - - - - Parish Merton - - - - - - - Parish Ovington - - - - - - Parish Rockland, St. Peter's Parish Sabam-Toney - Parish Scoulton - - - Parish Stowledon - - - - - - Parish Thompson - Parish Threxton - Parish Tottington - Parish Watton - - - - - - - Parish col ovoo O Coco con i 123 96 78 117 166 480 52 102 183 445 164 432 240. 198 162 219 349 925 339 290 427 34 284 894 175 154 219 136 208 18 16 143 443 141 451 1,249 1,303 984 254 65 3,103 1 3,180 6,283 BOROUGH of KING'S LYNN. 352 308 con 235 | 152 835 1,606 coa 1 214 825 1,506 mondo 89 148 469 108 442 All Saints, South Gate Parish Edmund, St. North End - - Parish Margaret, St. Parish: () Chequer. - - - - - - Ward | 200 Jew's-Lane - - Ward 162 Kettlewell - - - - - Ward 268 New-Conduit - - - - - Ward 238 Paradise - - - - - - Ward 246 Sedgeford-Lane - - - • Ward 347 Stone-Gate - - - - () Ward 268 Trinity-Hall - - - • - Ward 165 651 522 594 37 to co on to ar 146 617 158 574 421 114 114 141 84 hellere il 1,120 964 1,136 1,069 1,023 1,766 1,270 793 I co loco 542 452 449 810 574 334 275 296 211 956 696 459 174 59 115 2,554 2,891 go | 18 | 41 1,328 1,522 5,524 6,729 12,253 CITY of NORWICH. 21 190 253 330 234 677 411 841 4 440 427 230 458 303 741 536 1,076 741 1,518 1,627 1,125 2,364 886 589 1,288 497 579 118• 59 204 17 59 215 387 185 419 677 167 59 m o oco o no coro AWON 290 GA 57 273 352 115 702 158 908 1 311 88 189 330 333 464 1,610 797 1,422 - 253 863 All-Saints - - - - - - Parish 148 Andrew, St. - - - - - - Parish 202 Augustine, St. - - - - - Parish! 323 Benedict, St. - - - - (u) Parishi 276 Clenient, St. - - (+) - - Parish Earlham, St. Mary - - - - Parish 14 Eaton, St. Andrew - - - - Parish 91 Edmund, St. - - - - - l'arish 151 Etheldred, St. - - - - - Parishi George, St. Collegiate (+) - Parish 313 George, St. Tombland -. - Parish 171 Giles, St. - - - - - - Parishi Gregory, St. - - - - - - Parish Heigham - - - - - - Parish 355 Helen, St. - - - - - () Parish 75 Hellesdon (part of) (+) Parisli John, St. Madder-Market - - Parislı 195 John, St. Sepulchre - - - - Parish James, St. - - - - - (Y) Paris Pockthorpe - - - - - Hamlet 298 Julian, St. - - - - - - Parish 208 Lakenham - - - - - - Parish Lawrence, St. - - - - - Parish 219 Margaret, St. - - - - - Parish 274 Martin, St. at Palace - - (“) Parish Martin, St. at Oak - - - (0) Parishi -- a oo l licovi IIA III Toow i arī 237 559 563 664 681 1,244 · 294 4.20 92 32 - 300 88 20 ----- 1,503 425 839 2:27 119 198 32 -- 129 248 --- 236 230 446 511 --- 325 378 716 883 - 331 353 --- 168 620 635 648 158 390 266 - --- 9:57 1,599 1,208 1,313 932 1,875 1,092 38 418 403 452 1991 fo conta co 175 180 228 267 203 273 239 577 678 514 979 549 523 300 304 543 41.5 569 1,141 838 C 105 6:33 Vwo 1,202 2,477 1 1,336 ? An inclosure has taken place at Caston. ) The entire Parish worsted inanufacture at Norwich. (") The hospital for ancient people 1, St. Margaret contains 9,141 Inhabitants. One female in Stone-Gate is in St. Helen's Parish.-- Hellesdon Parishi is partly in Taverliamı vard upwards of 100 years of age. (u) The increase of Population Hundred. The entire Parish contains 293 Inhabitants. The en- in the ne Parishes of St. Benedici, Sr. Martin at Palace, St. Martin at Oak, | tire Parish of St. James contains 2,581 Inhabitants. and St. Stephen, is ascribed to the flourishing state of the silk and K k k 218 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER - - - COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: OCCUPATIONS: 1 FAI- | A YT TOT PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL FAMI- | LIES OTHER LIES chiefly cbiefly employo By OR Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- Inhabited. ployed TRADE, Un-Inhabited. Building. em 1 od in not com- prized in in Manu- The Two RI. faotures I preced- CUL- JorHandling TURE. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS, cupied. AGI craft. | Classes, 339 1,521 721 1,340 69 389 697 619 161 801 985 238 Parish 465 1,750 549 335 228 949 1,175 273 1,593 2,160 98 137 or coi vc co w oko 511 507 CITY of NORWICH-continued. Mary, St. - - - - - - - Parish Michael, St. Coslany - - (2) Parish Michael, St. at Plea .. Parish Michael, St. at Thorne - Paul, St. - : . .. - · Parish Peter, St. Hungate - - - - Parish Peter, St. Mancroft - - - - Parisha Peter, St. per Mountergate - - Parish Peter, St. Southgate - - . Parish Saviour, St. - (+) --- Parish Simon and Jude, St. - - - Parish Stephen, St. - - - - - () Parish Swithin, St. - ---- - Parish Thorpe, St. Andrew (part of) (2) Parish Timberhill, St. John Baptist ( +) Parish Trivity or St. Mary in the Marsh Parish Trowse, Carrow and Bracondale Parish 137 349 258 1,078 536 468 141 2,672 1,789 371 981 102 122 530 270 300 1,266 282 96 76 98 447 808 245 563 200 1,279 333 122 525 639 many31 526 2,927 145 174 285 703 247 1,648 417 162 576 366 265 750 C 1 Ia me @ I 248 284 1,101 259 102 105 55 76 583 505 112 112 240 10,624 12,478 | 158 626 9,783 2,069 | 22,686 27,602 50,288 226 251 Borough of THETFORD. Cuthbert, St. (in Suffolk) - - Mary, St. - - - - - - - Peter, St. - - - - - - - 143 ܗ Parish Parish Parish 36 30 516 356 576 410 ܩ 156 197 | 1,092 1 766 1,064 239 ܝܙ 129 535 5291 579/ 703 128 431 144 1,407 1,515 / 2,922 Borough of YARMOUTH, Great - () Parish 3,981 4,318 20 157 10 1,286 3,022 7,649 10,391 18,040 () The Parish of Thorpe St. Andrew is mostly in Blofield Hundred. The flourishing state of weaving is noticed at Thorpe St. Andrew, and St. Michael Coslany.- () One male upwards of 100 years of age in Great Yarmouth, M.DCCC. XXI.] 219 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. SUM M A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI-L ALL FAMI- LIES Inhabited. Building Un-Inhabited. FEMALES. MALES. TOTAL OF PERSONS, in 927 160 813 2,385 1,906 8,123 3,015 4,438 4,350 3,700 1 4,466 4,416 4,936 474 1 1,590 202 LIES Ву HUNDREDS, chicfly | Other how chiefly employ-ta Families many em- &c. ed in not com- Families ployed TRADE, prized in Oc- Manu. |thie Two cupied. AGRI- factures, preced- CUL for Handi ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Hundred of BLOFIELD - - - 641 199 BROTHERCROSS ... . -1 578 CLACKCLOSE . .. 12,729 13,341 2,097 CLAVERING - 895 1,137 865 DEPWADE - - - - - 1,369 1,833 1,204 522 DISS - - - - - - - - 1,752 EARSHAM - - - - - - 1,090 1,544 ERPINGHAM, NORTH -- 1,689 1,917 ERPINGHAM, SOUTH - 2,478 2,878 EYNESFORD - - 1,542 2,048 FLEGG, EAST - .. 537 596 FLEGG, WEST - .. 551 760 FOREHOE ...... 1,995 2,445 FREEBRIDGE-LYNN - - - 11,769 2,122 373 FREEBRIDGE-MARSHLAND - 1,801 2,075 326 GALLOW - - - - - - 11,441 | 1,689 1,083 GREENHOE, NORTH - - - 1,850 2,078 1,068 OREENHOE, SOUTH 1,530 1,875 1,247 GRIMSHOE • - - 1,109 1,209 826 222 GUILTCROSS - - 948 1,279 HAPPING 1,033 1,282 891 HENSTEAD - - - 781 1,002 302 HOLT - - . 1,868 2,008 1,218 576 HUMBLEYARD - 774 963 701 210 LAUNDITCH - -1,936 2,345 1,674 LODDON - - - - 1,104 1,351 940 323 MITFORD - - - - 1,586 2,072 1,344 550 SHROPHAM - - 1,327 1,620 1,151 SMITHDON - - 1,179 1,638 1,058 TAVERSHAM - 1,158 1,353 TUNSTEAD - - 1,764 2,036 1,213 WALSHAM - - 642 829 WAYLAND - - - - - - 1,249 1,303 Borough of KING'S-LYNN - - - - - 2,554 2,891 | 18 | 41 1,328 1,522 City of NORWICH - - - - - - 10,624 12,478 158 249 626 9,783 2,069 Borough of THETFORD - - - - - - 702 | 1518 Borough of YARMOUTH, GREAT - - - 13,981 4,318 | 20 157 | 10 | 1,286 3,022 2,3294,714 : 1,860 3,7661 8,154 16,2771 2,958 5,973 4,624 9,062 8,816 4,073 7,773 4,491 8,907 6,614 12,909 9,891 1,418 2,773 1,793 3,713 6,215 12,192 5,221 10,537 4,994 9,994 4,042 7,934 4,719 9,205 4,540 9,145 2,940 5,874 3,253 6,539 2,944 5,833 2,412 4,665 2,430 4,808 5,639 11,483 3,344 6,683 5,104 10,158 3,814 7,762 3,781 7,551 3,401 6,696 4,890 9,632 1,995 4,036 3,180 0,283 6,295 4,955 1,355 1,920 5,977 5,316 5,000 3,892 4,486 4,605 2,934 3,286 2,889 2,406 4,463 2,378 5,844 3,339 5,054 403 344 630 4,818 9,128 481 3,948 796 3,770 3,295 4,742 2,041 3,103 5,524 6,729 12,253 22,68627,602 50,288 128 1,407 1,515 2,922 7,649 | 10,391 | 18,040 TOTALS - - - 62,274 74;498 525 1,269 36,368 26,201 11,928 166,892 177,476 344,368 220 [Enumeration, NYI ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Under Hundred TOTAL of - 315 246 371 211 152 252 252 2,383 1,906 223 212 183 110 248 1,156 277 1,205 929 787 501 8,121 435 238 2,797 659 o na nowo wo wo AA - cu 18 = 443 . 4,548 4,350 413 340 582 493 665 942 711 3,699 4,416 500 401 426 411 455 597 507 142 202 6,295 598 427 579 499 149 157 186 115 4,969 1,355) 1,929 4,995 14 176 264 149 588 434 v 436 4,928) 484 627 445 339 BLOFIELD - - - - 357 BROTHERCROSS - - 243 CLACKCLOSE - - 1,324 CLAVERING DEPWADE - ... DISS - - - - EARSHAM - - - - ERPINGHAM, North- ERPINGHAM, South EYNESFORD - - - FLEGG, East - - FLEGG, West - - FOREHOE - - - - FREEBRIDGE-LYNN - FREEBRIDGE-MARSH-| LAND - - - - GALLOW - - - - GREENHOE, North - - GREENHOE, South - - GRIMSHOE - - - - GUILTCROSS - - HAPPING - - - HENSTEAD - - HOLT - - - HUMBLEYARD - LAUNDITCH - LODDON - - MITFORD - . SHROPHAM . SMITHDON - - TAVERSHANI - - - 4,987 408 595 396 308 416 448 405 479 494 672 515 465 3,874 4,475 4,698 2,936 407 419 268 488 333 289 197 - - o 1 o 358 336 266 413 665 417 454 421 376 328 326 310 298 214 3,263 311 261 237 193 182 2,861 2,393 4,479 459 250 494 241 617 433 ვნა 208 347 146 410 229 565 2,386/ 587 5,818 517 304 471 343 376 10 3,3301 702 458 5,052 - 498 396 - 369 - oo - A Non o - 3,955 352 253 566 571 508 678 3,770 3,298 - 299 226 434 368 523 245 - 296 TUNSTEAD - - WALSHAM - - 4,655 2,033 213 168 127 1 - WAYLAND. - 423 344 288 213 3,103 - - 1,863 1 coi | 1,459 5,450 19,613 | 1,407 KING'S-LYNN, BORO' | 797 526 837 660 558 NORWICH, CITY - - 2,760 2,322 1,932 3,178 2,486 1,967 THETFORD, BORO' - 198 169 1 169 | 159 206 160 135 94 YARMOUTH, GREAT } |1,352 | 1,156 910 705 | 839 | 803 739 492 | 385 BORO' - - - - Total of MALES 24,720 21,602 18,231 16,262 23,903 '17,488 14,976 11,100 8,085 4,573 1,137 95 A f VIII 17,649 1 + 4 162,178 THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Norfolk was ..., 344,568, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 333,371, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one in thirty-one of the Persons therein enumerated have not been returned in com- pliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.] 221 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK—continued. Ages of Persons. FEM A L E S. Under Hundred TOTAL of 360 1323 210 3891 215 274 219 154 122 229 216 292 186 985 568 292 545 48 481 BLOFIELD - - - - | BROTHERCROSS - - CLACKCLOSE - CLAVERING - - - DEPWADE - : DISS - - - - EARSHAM - - ERPINGHAM, North - ERPINGHAM, South - EYNESFORD - FLEGG, East - - FLEGG, West - FOREHOE - - - - On 1 or 00 AA co co lolote 446 2,338 1,860 8,180 2,782 4,603 4,456 3,981 4,491 6,614 199 295 329 295 | 204 310 474 479 449 467 443 378 462 614 694 ,072 146 | 01 670 490 דלג 359 4,898 1,418 172 146 104 202 110 1 225 562 531 323 289 1,779 5,029 4,840 T 573 595 329 T 5,009 co 456 412 305 464 476 390 235 144 47 FREEBRIDGE-LYNN - FREEBRIDGE-NARSH-7 LAND - - - GALLOW - - - - GREENHOE, North - - GREENHOE, South - GRIMSHOE - - - GUILTCROSS - HAPPING - - HENSTEAD - - HOLT - - - 515 524 298 282 428 303 337 120 189 487 362 316 231 4,052 4,730 4,541 2,938 3,251 2,951 2,413 4,665 2,426 454 297 233 214 167 2 385 692 505 352 v AC AAC Am A in co ocor HUMBLEYARD 233 168 900 5,558 539 534 312 479 376 201 360 254 552 3,344 5,104 3,813 789 616 635 469 LAUNDITCH - LODDON - - MITFORD - - SHROPHAM - - SMITHDON - - TAVERSHAM - TUNSTEAD - - WALSHAM - - WAYLAND - - - 373 co 3,781 384 305 605 740 231 324 3,396 540 456 191 130 3:25 183 476 | 376 4,834 2,000 3,180 293 N o I KING'S-LYNN, BORO' 841 609 717 473 / 369 177 40 16,754 NORWICH, CITY - - 12,9 2,148 2,106 1,343 2,924 2,297 1,829 1,288 - 23,280 THETFORD, BORO' - 206 1 164 153 249 197 142 105 85 - 1,515 YARMOUTH, GREAT ? BORO' - - - - }|1,334 1,226 1,060 1,088 1,796 1,233 1,005 734 530 299 | 80 | 0 - 10,391 Total of FEMALES 24,483|21,754 17,177 16,292 28,146 19,646 16,523 12,036 8,696'4,839|1,456 143) 4 171,195 151 question THE Total Number of Enumeratiou Returns received from the County of Norfolk was 751; twelve of which did not contain any answer to the estion concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages are somewhat deficient, or chuddant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. L11 223 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Northampton. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FA01 I ALL LIES By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Familics Uc- cupied. Or Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not coin- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. 29 33 29 16 15 119 102 94 45 333 444 235 301 CHIPPING-WARDEN Hundred. Aston-LE-WALLS - - - () Parish Appletrée - - - - - - Hamlet Boddington, Lower & Upper (b) Parish Byfield - - - - - - () Parish Chipping-Warden - - - - Parish Edgcott - - - - - - - Parish Eydon - - - - - - - Parish Greatworth - - - - - - Parish Sulgrave - - - - - - - Parish Woodford, with Membris - - Parish 205 459 253 903 91 129 205 105 15 130 49 133 171 29 co III o TATII 33 62 548 122 285 42 263 100 284 412 113 120 294 578 171 354 928 986 | 12 695 210 81 2,2391 2,224 | 4,463 CLELEY Hundred. לל 100 177 + 166 175 341 276 61 283 559 76 137 12 102 112 223 209 214 432 Alderton - - - - - - () Parish Ashton - - - - - - - Parish Cosgrove - - - - - - (©) Parish Easton-Neston, with Hulcote • Parish Furtho - - - - - - () Parish Grafton-Regis - - - - () Parish Hartwell - - - - - - - Parish Old-Stratford - - - - (C) Hamlet Passenham - - - (©) Parish Paulers-Pury - - - - Parish Potters-Pury - - - - - (C) Parish Yardley-Gobion - - - - Hamlet Roade - - - - Parish Stoke-Bruerne - - - - (d) Parish Shuttlehanger - - - Chapelry Wicken - - - - - - - Parish IIIII laida II III 10000 399 354 527 753 II w IIWN II 1971 159 216 159 119 101 79 cilian concini Aci 542 176 397 1,069 845 565 000 129 108 225 480 448 297 255 213 160 273 211 colo 424 308 471 148 198 102 1,352 1,452 1,059 | 340 3,251 3,536 6,787 CORBY Hundred. - - 177 119 367 owl 190 121 50 - - 63 oven a 240 113 22 214 101 187 529 508 144 80 1,037 - - - - 1 Anar Moner med bred low 251 26 471 220 37 63 139 345 207 - - - - 116 A 230 85 232 192 os 377 117 185 107 107 73 34 I Ashley - - - Blatherwycke - Brampton - - Brigstock - Bulwick - - - Carlton, East - Corby - - Cottingham - - Middleton - - Deene - - Deenthorpe - Dingley - - - Fineshade - - Geddington - - Gretton - - Harringworth Laxton - - - Newton - - - Oakley, Great Oakley, Little Rockingham - • Stanion - - - - Stoke-Albany - Sutton-Bassett - Wakerley - - Weekley - - - 1 - - - - Parisha - (f) Parish - - Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish - (8) Parish - Township . - Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish - - Parish - - 13 76 175 176 137 175 180 376 751 78 375 338 188 349 162 IAL 1 wc on liian 350 - (h) 31 1007 48 II ONNI med vil Col I cow vun 121 1 126 163 - - - 297 152 134 189 - - - 174 68 102 74 363. 142 209 255 1 107 - - 123 132 D (3) The entire Parish of Aston-le-Walls contains 271 Inhabitants. O) Lower Boddington and Upper Boddington were returned separately in 1811. - 'The introduction of machinery is supposed to have prevented the increase of Population at Byfield. (d) Lace-making is mentioned as the cause of an increasing Population at Alderton, Grafton- Regis, and Stoke-Bruerne. The entire Parish ot' Stokc-Bruerne contains 732 Inhabitants.-- ) The Hamlet of Old Stratford is partly in the Parish of Cosgrove, partly in the Parish of Furtho, partly in the Parish of Passenham (which Parish includes the Hamlet of Denshanger,) and partly in the Parish of Potters-Pury. The entire Parish of Potters-Fury contains 1,410 Inhabitants. (1) Blatherw ycke comprizes the Parisbes of St. Mary Magdalen and the Holy Trinity; united in the year 1448. (t) The entire Parish of Cottingham contains 839 Inhabitants. 1 (h) The decrease of Population in the Parish of Laxtout, is in conse- quence of some families being removed to an adjoining Parishi. M.DCCC.XXI.) 223 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON- continued. HOUSES: . OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR chiefly | OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how mariy Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. Building. Fami- FAMI-| AL. LIES LIES chiefly em- employ-|Fainilies ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. ocs. m 66 162 339 CORBY Hundred Weldon, Great - - Weldon, Little - - Weston (by Welland) Wilbarston - - - continued. - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish 86 22 233 69 106 50 157 112 50 162 Call 480 177 247 113 357 107 340 220 697 47 2,132 2,251 15 39 1,544 464 243 5,043 5,134 10,177 FAWSLEY Hundred. 51 141 272 547 120 155 260 120 162 294 93 126 156 ova 645 301 616 14 131 253 344 620 56 111 1,719 1100 58 1,236 114 232 3,326 247 49 639 43 122 426 40 125 | Ashby, St. Ledger's - - - - Parish | Badby - - - - - - - Parish Barby, with Onely - - - - Parish Braunston - - - - - - Parish Catesby-Abbey - - - - - Parish Newbold-Grounds - - - Hamlet Charwelton - (+) - - - Parish Daventry - - - - - (i) Parish Dodford - - - Parish Everdon - - - - - - - Parish Farthingstone - - - - - Parish Fawsley - - Parish Hellidon - - Parish Kilsby - - Parish Litchborough - Parish Newnham - - Parish Norton - - - - - - () Parish Preston-Capes - - Parish Staverton - - - - - - Parish Stowe-Nine-Churches - - - Parish Weedon-Beck - - - - - Parish Welton - - - - - - - Parish 121 1,607 122 324 142 640 48 IIIa IIIIIIIIIIII-laar 316 123 12 206 265 ANA IIIiivi lewo i oci i to on 10 89 154 22 408 202 352 192 280 338 201 294 121 95 82 Ý N , WOW 690 393 574 474 441 474 249 225 206 104 233 198 582 241 197 15 395 247 68 108 596 123 130 111 16 1,178 567 3 282 285 2,680 2,791 1,490 | 939 362 16,541 l. 6,599 113,140 GREENS-NORTON Hundred. to í al - 225 140 71 I co had er 463 289 135 32 171 740 16 I 93 147 359 Blakesley - - - - - - (m) Parish Woodend - - - - - - Hamlet Bradden - - - - - - - Parish | Cannons-Ashby - - - - (n) Parish Adstone - - - - - Chapelry Greens-Norton - - - - - Parish Luffield-Abbey - - - Extra-P. Maidford - - - - - - - Parish | Morton-Pinkney - - - - Parish Plumpton - - - - - - Parish Silverstone - - - - - - Parish Slapton - - - - - - - Parish Weston, and Loys-Wcedon - - Parish Whittlebury - - - - - - Parish II l Co, TINI 164 260 319 116 540 13 29 398 837 | 123 5 155 280 34 439 101 233 318 177 45 101 141 100 201 I made my loo 27 244 477 642 65 324 1,027 1,085 5 614 303 168 2,423 2,486 | 4,909 GUILSBOROUGH Hundred. 199 176 886 375 1,797 911 10 25 46 Ashby, Cold - Buckby, Long Murcott - Clay-Coaton - Cottesbrook - Creaton, Great Crick - - - - - - - - Parish - (+) - (P) Parish - (+) - · Hamlet - - - - - Parish - - - - - Parish | - - - - (P) Parish - - - • Parish 73 414 10 27 62 108 221 II III arco lavorat 52 155 235 47 142 99 297 492 257 111 228 498 470 968 . Daventry Parish includes the Hamlet of Drayton. ) The Parish of Stow.~-(P) The greater part of the families in the second increase of Population in Newnham Parish is partly attributed to lace column of occupations, were brought up in the woollen manufactory, making, partly to a school for boys having been established since 1811. which a few years back flourished in the village of Long-Buckby; but m.) Norton Parish includes the Hamlets of Muscott and Thorpe. that trade having failed, nearly the whole are maintained by agricultural The entire Parish of Blakesley contains 752 Inhabitants.-- (n) The labour; so likewise in Great-Creaton Parish, many families are now entire Parish of Cannons-Ashby contains 203 Inhabitants.- :O) Luffield employed in husbandry who formerly were occupied in the woollen bey, Extra-Parochial, is partly in Greens-Norton, partly in Buckingham manufactory. Including Murcott, the Parish of Long-Buckby contains suadred, County of Buckingham, and is included in the Return of the 1 1,843 Inhabitants. 224 Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI: ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OP By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building FAMI- LIES 1 110L LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em 1 ed in not con- ployed TRADE, 'prized in in Manu- i thelwo AGRI factures, preced- CUL JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. lasses. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 28 28 127 46 65 54 co 12 61 134 60 337 126 439 125 125 334 153 454 139 371 228 60 45 126 141 115 326 GUILSBOROUGH Hundred-continuerd. Elkington - - - - - - Parish Guilsborough - - - (9) Parish Hollowell - - - - - - Hamlet Haddoni, West - - - () Parish Lilbourn - - - - - - - Parish Naseby - - - - - - - Parish Ravensthorpe (part of) Parish: (*) Coaton - - - - - - Hamlet Stanford - - - - - - - Parish Thornby - - - - - - - Parish Watford - . Parish Welford - - - - - - - Parish Winwick - - - - - - - Parish Yelvertoft - - - - ) Parish 10 Alcoi lorowi 25 57 6 10 10 42 36 88 88 168 iar a cor 55 56 Svala 20 176 331 1,005 137 230 178 221 28 138 163 514 79 491 58 320 27 138 95 334 654 1,943 2,147 1,392 554 201 4,717 4,660 9,377 HAMFORDSHOE Hundred. 79 90 205 - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish 178 11 205 102 34 100 237 503 81 29 298 122 102 Doddington, Great - Earls-Barton - - - Ecton - - - - - Holcot - - - - Mears-Ashby - Sywell - - - - Wellingborough - - Wilby - - - - 566 - - - - - - - - . - () () - - is nown 44 442 Parish IIIIIcon 105 Taalra? 473 268 215 212 144 2,064 162 42 - - - Parish Parish Parish 47 978 227 230 121 2,390 185 442 265 4,454 347 111 720 147 76 48 1,570 1,725 4 29 541 991 1193 3,743 4,191 7,934 HIGHANI-FERRERS Hundred. 148 199 338 416 754 elő 162 155 317 82 96 178 39 38 153 96 96 192 190 401 476 877 Bozeat - - - - - - - Parish Chelveston, with Caldecott - - Parish Easton-Maudit - - - - - Parish Hargrave - - - - - - - Parish HIGHAM. FERRERS - Bor : & Par: Higham-Park - - - - Extra-P. | Irchester - - - - - - - Parish Newton-Bromshold - - - - Parish Raunds - - - - - - - Parish Ringstead - - - - - - Parish Rushden - - - - - - - Parish Stanwick - - Parish Strixton - - - - - - - Parish Wollaston - - - - - - Parish 158 88 324 365 24 II III and II III 19 65 IIIIIIII a tali 100 50 317 101 132 24 252 120 205 81 6 163 665 284 14 689 115 1,301 583 1,077 424 121 220 co in un amico 66 299 491 207 31 463 97 586 84 217 45 12 12 25 56 182 104 528 991 1,429 1,660 925 572 163 3,604 3,964 7,568 HUXLOE Hundred. TIT 122 256 116 106 134 117 134 76 233 240 T 90 166 66 49 Addington, Great - - - - Parish Addington, Little - - - - Parish Aldwinkle, All Saints - - - Parish Aldwinkle, St. Peters - - - Parish Barnwell, All Saints - - - Parish Barton-Seagrave - - - - Parish Burton-Lattimer - - (W) Parish Cranford, St. Andrew, & St. John Parish Denſord - - - - - - - Parish Finedon, or Thingdon - - - Parish Grafton-Underwood - - - Parish IIIIIIII 1.1 -mal-Ilala 115 223 43 109 420 247 114 422 182 103 842 268 515 68 os coco 157 153 310 1,159 566 140 593 145 285 (9) The entire Parish of Guilsborough contains 950 Inbabitants. bitants. (u) The increase of Population in the Town of Wellings () The apparent increase of Population in West-Haddon Parish, and 1 borough is attributed to the numerous families of journeyman shole at Yelvertoft, is attributed to the return of inhabitants, who, in 1811, makers who went to reside there during the war; the manufacture of shoes were working upon the line of the l'hion Canal, and to the return of other being the principal trade in that town. (w) The increase of Populile inhabitants then serving in the Army and Navy.-- () Most part of tion in the Parish of Burton-Lattimer is attributed to a silk manufacture Ravensthorpe Parish is in Nobottle-Grove Hundred. ) The Return on an extensive scale: and in the Parish of Irthlingborough to vaccina. of Sywell Parish includes an Extra-Parochial place, containing 12 Inha- | tion and early marriages. M.DCCC.XXI.] 225 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON -- continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR employ- Fainilics TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Fainilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly ein- ed in not com- ployed You Trade, I prized in in | Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandia ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 226 220 100 98 528 113 35 10 54 800 200 510 HUXLOE Hundred continued. Irthlingborough - - - - - Parish Islip - - - - - - - - Parish Kettering - - - - - () Parish Lilford, with Wigsthorpe Parish Lowick - - - - - - - Parish Slipton - - - - - - - Parish Sudborough - - - - - - Parish Twywell - - - - - - - Parish Warkton - - - - - - - Parish Woodford - - Parisli 544 261 1,898 70 214 OG 20+ la III 101 290 1,770 60 205 66 158 Nilions on 1,072 .551 3,668 130 419 135 294 200 247 572 69 136 98 42 102 50 53 124 TILFI 132 r 103 115 292 280 2,320 2,472 | 12 | 34 | 1,225 5,730 5,902 11,632 KING'S-SUTTON Hundred. 141 105 ვნე 356 719 f 1 135 41 367 412 779 121 501 571 231 254 170 1,072 485 376 206 275 306 1 On 224 581 468 476 93 115 43 226 215 86 244 250 271 102 675 39 486 188 1,323 326 239 oart+- am CS -11 Aynho - - - - - - - Parish BRACKLEY Borough: Brackley, St. James - - - Parish | Brackley, St. Peter - - - Parish Chacombe - - - - - - Parish Croughton - - - - - - Parish Culworth - - - Parish Evenley - - - - - - - Parish Farthinghoe - - - - - - Parish Helmdon - - - - - - - Parish Hinton-in-the-Hedges - - - Parish King's-Sutton - - - (Y) Parish Marston, St. Lawrence - - Parish Middleton-Cheney - - - - Parish Newbottle - - -- () Parish Radston - - - - - - - Farish Stean - - - - - - - - Parish Stutchbury - - - - - - Parish Syresham - - - - (3) Parish Thenford - - - - - - - Parish Thorpe-Mandeville - - - - Parish Wappenham - - - - (2) Parish Astwell - - - - - - Hanlet Warkworth - .- - - (a) Parish Whitfield - - - - - - - Parisha 648 107 312 90 229 197 683 482 1,398 715 IIIII Tom III NIII and I feel I 178 352 94 174 118 81 11 12 21 212 33 32 725 356 ვნა 121 90 215 113 97 234 187 TV 233 448 102 23 82 62 118 219 56 207 141 426 58 64 !!!! 156 297 2,370 2,609 18 43 1,733 582 294 5,778 6,119 11,897 40 54 48 68 NAVISFORD Hundred. Clapton - - - - - - - Pilton • - - - - - - - Stoke-Doyle - - Thorpe-Achurch - - - - Thrapstone - - Titchmarsh - - - Wadenhoe - - - - 68 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 73 Social IIIIII 94 116 141 239 54 200 cm 110 129 159 163 854 161 418 347 168 49 49 436 401 117 114 39 748 243 476 513 321 132 1,171 / 1,264 2,435 440 874 165 160 31 NOBOTTLE-GROVE Hundred. Brington - - - - - - Parish Brockhall - - - - - - Parish Bugbrooke - - Parish Chapel-Brampton Parish Church-Brampton Parish Dallington - - - Parish Duston - - - - Parish Floore - - - - - - - Parish 69 159 835 39 Ad I will co 403 106 98 170 434 38 432 107 81 199 242 213 179 369 74 do 71 103 230 242 121 240 181 484 861 434 ♡ In the Return of the Parish of Kettering it is remarked, that out | Wappenbam Parish, where the whole is entered, and includes Falcutt o the total of persons in that Parish 1,805 are Paupers. (King's- Hamlet: the entire Parish of Wappenbana (with this addition) contains con Parish includes the Hamlets of Astrop, Purson, Walton, and part 1 566 Inhabitants. (a) Warkworth Parish includes the Hamlets of or Charleton, which is partly in Newbottle Parish, and included therein. | Grimsbury and Nethercote. - Astwell Hamlet is part!y in Syreshani Parish, and partly in M mm 226 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI-T ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade. Iprized in in Manu- the Two KORI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURË. craft. Classes. Families Building. Un-Inhabited. FEMALES. MALES. OP cupied. PERSONS. 135 340 277 617 121 135 100 139 88 140 283 345 211 281 342 95 689 422 211 NOBOTTLE-GROVE Hundred-continued. Haddon, East - - - - - Parish Harlestone - - - - - - Parish Harpole - - - - - - - Parish Heyford, Nether- Parish Heyford, Upper - - - - Parish Holdenby - - - - - - Parish Kislingbury - - - - - Parish Ravensthorpe (part of) - - () Parish Teeton - - - - - - - Hamlet Upton - - - -'. - - Parish Whilton . - - - - - - Parish 26 26 66 56 28 29 84 65 149 133 117 102 19 WIIIIII osa 319 222 Bar No 324 278 39 20 182 73 25 188 370 1,647 1,780 24 1,135 372 273 4,051 4,042 8,093 172 221 102 454 473 927 לל 215 55 4 ORLINGBURY Hundred. Brixworth - - - - - - Parish Broughton - - - - - - Parish Cransley - - - - - - - Parish Faxton - - - - - - - Parish Hannington - . Parish Hardwick - - - - - - Parish Harrowden, Great - - - - Parish Harrowden, Little - - - - Parish Isham - - - - - - - Parish Lamport - - - - . (©) Parish Hanging-Houghton . - Hamlet Old, or Wold - Parish Orlingbury - - - - - - Parish Pitchley - - - - - - - Parish Scaldwell - - - - - - - Parish Walgrave - - Parish IIIIIIIIIIIIIII com von Avion 73 211 209 158 420 164 71 322 51 122 111 450 56 221 166 218 167 263 55 229 177 234 156 266 343 70 452 323 529 112 120 28 1,007 1,142 1 237 128 2,567 2,626 5,193 POLEBROOKE Hundred. 11 121 134 218 226 66 60 : 68 59 1,110 434 Barnwell, St.-Andrew - - - Parish Benefield - - - - - - - Parish Hemington - - - - - - Parish Luddington-in-the-Brook - (1) Parish Oundle - - - - - - () Parish Ashton - - - - - - Hamlet Polebrook - - - - - (f) Parish Armstón - - - - - - Hamlet Thurning - - - (?). Parish Warmington - - - - - (8) Parish Winwick (part of) - - Parish 255 444 134 119 2,150 129 1,040 Illwii wa 67 62 167 316 a 149 13 10 23 91 258 261 519 744 833 391 303 2,007 2,082 4,089 107 103 210 6 149 159 308 6 ROTHWELL Hundred. Arthingworth - - - - - Parish Barford - - - - - Extra-P. Bowden, Little - - - (1) Parish Oxenden, Little . - Hamlet Braybrook - . • Parish Clipston • - - - - - - Parish Desborough - - - - - - Parish Draughton - - - - - - Parish Farndon, East - - - - - Parish Glendon - - - Parish III may a III TITANITI 379 200 395 429 179 418 479 813 908 .89 81 170 250 111 16 139 21 0) Ravensthorpe Parish is partly in Guilsborough Hundred. The | Elmington, the latter of which is locally situate in Willybrook Hundred entire Parish contains 710 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of The entire Parish contains 2,279 Inhabitants. The entire Paris, Lamport contains 233 Inhabitants.--(d) Luddington-in-the-Brook of Poolebrook contains 339 Inhabitants.__(6) Warmington Parish Parish 18 party in Leigntonstone Funared, Huntingdonshire, but the includes the Hamlet of Warmington, locally situate in Willybroos ... whole is here entered. On the contrary, Thurning Parish, parily in this dred. (h) Winwick Parish, partly in Polebrook Hundred, is partly Hundred, is entered in Leightonstone Hundred, Huntingdonshire. Leightonstone Hundred, Huntingdonshire, where the whole is entered. () Oundle Parish includes the Hamlets of Biggin, Church-field and ! - The entire Parish of Little-Bowden contains 314 Inhabitants M.DCCC.XXI.] 227 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL Inhabited. inany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF OCCUPATIONS: 4 FA MÌ• | FAMI• ALL LIES LIES OTHER | chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- cd in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURL. craft. | Classes. Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 184 170 o odsoner 214 279 215 111 137 ROTHWELL Hundred continued. Harrington - - - - - - Parish Haselbeech - - - - - - Parish Kelmarsh - - - - - - Parish Loddington - - - - • - Parish Maidwell - - - - - - Parish Marston-Trussel - . - - Parish Thorpe-Lubbenham • (k) Township Oxenden, Great - - - - Parish Rothwell - - - - - - () Parish · Orton - - - - - - Chapelry | Thorpe-Underwood - - - Hamlet Rushton, All-Saints & St. Peters, Parish Sibbertoft - - - - - - Parish Sulby - - - - - - - - Parish Theddingworth Parish : (m) Hothorpe - - - - - - Hamlet Thorpe-Malsor - - - - - Parish 872 now I will now INC 870 46 45 - Aloilu 277 1,742 91 12 366 406 178 211 188 34 31 31 62 56 38 146 153 299 1,617 1,720 541 339 3,793 1 3,847 7,640 SPELHOE Hundred. 26 175 31772 150 36 40 177 613 Abington - - - Billing, Great - Billing, Little - Boughton - - Kingsthorpe - - Moulton - - - Moulton-Park Overstone - - Pisford - - - Spratton - - - Creaton, Little Weston-Favell - 218 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 were 613 532 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - () Parish (n) Extra-P. - - Parish - - Parish - () Parish - - Hanilet - - Parish 334 76 351 1,226 1,072 540 40 95 226 192 506 106 106 A B C 97 280 429 52 410 839 22 54 106 לל 182 207 389 1,076 1,142 | 223 2,557 | 2,709 5,266 TOWCESTER Hundred. 13 80 70 76 Abthorpe - - - - - (P) Parish Cold, Higham - - - - - Parish Gayton - - - - - - - Parish Pattishall - - Parish Tiffield - - - - - - - Parish Towcester - - - - - (9) Parish or CO NAHI 197 157 196 343 417 314 389 220 157 193 352 161 28 529 695 127 64 63 | 244 1 190 1,194 1,360 2,554 944 1,054 343 | 226 | 2,151 | 2,345 4,496 WILLYBROOK Hundred. 129 171 128 182 257 353 159 82 192 A pethorpe - Colly-Weston Cotterstock - Duddington - Laston - - Elmington Fotheringhay Glapthorn - King's-Cliffe - - - - - - - - - - 352 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (°) Hamlet - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish In It Door va II w co 1 1 1 160 357 332 689 160 149 178 563 176 309 354 1,080 517 - Thorpe-Lubbenham Township is partly in Lubbenham Parish, | Hamlet is situate in Guilsborough Hundred. The entire Parish of Spratton Jartree Hundred, County of Leicester, but the whole is here entered. I contains 945 Inhabitants. P) Abthorpe Parish includes the Hamlets The entire Parish of Marston-Trussel (with this addition) contains 217 | of Charlock and Foscote, and the Families “chiefly employed in Trade" inbabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Rothwell contains 1,845 Inha in this Parish, are manufacturers of silk stockings and bone lace. ollants. (W) Most part of Theddingworth Parish is in Gartree Hun- | (9) Towcester Parish includes the Hamlets of Caldicott, Handley and med, County of Leicester. The entire Parish contains 264 Inhabitants. Wood-Burcot. Elmington Hamlet is included in the Return of ) Moulton-Park, Extra-Parochial, entered separately in 1811, is Oundle Parish, Polebrook Hundred. How included in the Return of Moulton Parish. 0) Little Creaton 1 Hint ... . . . . . . . . 228 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON~-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how or : TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ОР Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly lemoloy- / Families em- I ed in not cum. ployed Trade, I prized in in Manu- | the Two AGRI- \factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Families Oc. cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. WILLYBROOK Hundred-continued. 50 88 40 115 189 31 / 16 273 - - - - 101 282 50 555 Lutton - - - Nassington - - Southwick - - Tansor - - - Warmington - - Wood-Newton - Yarwell - - - 59 - - () Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish -() Hamlet - - - Parish -:- - Parish 109 234 50 119 115 - 177 - - 185 362 60 147 165 312 1,058 1,168 co 16 396 120 2,666 2,648 5,314 WYMERSLEY Hundred. 127 1 147 353 197 696 424 25 65 I wil med i 343 227 63 131 53 owocow G 124 39 95 260 26 - 61 81 223 252 128 w arco 278 316 319 340 184 1 172 3.56 Blisworth - - - - - - - Parish Brafield-on-the-Green - - - Parish Castle Ashby - - - - º Parish Cogenhoe, or Cocknoe - - - Parish Collingtree - - - - - - Parish Courteenhall - - - - - - Parish Denton - - - - - - - Parish Grendon - - - - - - - Parish Hardingstone - - - - (W) Parish Far-Cotton, with Paper-Mills, " Hainlets and Delapree-Abbey - S Horton - - - - - - - Parish Houghton, Great - - - - Parish Houghton, Little - - - - Parish Milton, or Middleton-Malzor - Parish Piddington - - - - - () Parish Hackleston - - - - - Hamlet Preston-Deanery - - - - Parish Quinton - - - - - - - Parish Rothersthorpe - - - - - Parisha Whiston - - - - Parish Wootton - - - - - - - Parish Yardley-Hastings - - - - Parish Ili me la Aloiiiiiiiii 46 co 1 hod 1 41 136 267 114 265 87 249 501 492 469 402 108 120 113 234 227 234 193 40 53 128 235 o 209 Orvelão , 115 144 24 47 12 129 237 Ini 19 l 123 23 302 475 581 279 442 186 917 1,592 | 1,772 | 11 | 29 | 1,217 374 | 181 l 3,897 4,227 | 8,124 Borough of NORTHAMPTON.. All-Saints - (+) - - Giles, St. (+) --- Peter, St. - - - - - Sepulchre, St. - .. 2,802 1,012 5,800 2,132 ő werd - - Parish 1,114 11,283 - () Parish 408 512 - - Parish | 76 | 78 - (Y) Parish 425 488 1,236 44 462 45 63 11 414 152 2,998 1,120 220 1,255 256 1,130 476 2,385 22 2,023 2,361 2,175 152 5,593 | 10,793 - NASSABURGH or PETERBOROUGII Liberty. 88 162 379 205 174 82 55 Bainton - - - - - - (2) Parish Barnack - - - - - - (a) Parish Pilsgate - - - - - - Hamlet Southorpe - - - - - Hamlet Borough-Fen (Ville) - - - Extra-P. Castor - - - - - - b) Parish Ailesworth - - - - - llamlet Sutton - - - - - - Chapelry Upton - - - - - - - Chapelry IIIIIIII I INN I INCO wc on Inno Ola! 100 III 71 62 109 252 131 153 117 204 494 249 113 242 118 3 60 50 103 . () Lutton, or Luddington-in-the-Wold, is partly in Norman-Cross | lation in the Parish of St. Gilcs is ascribed to the great increase of houses Hundred, County of Huntingdon, but the whole is here entered. since 1811; and that in the Parish of St. Sepulchre to the same cause, o Warmington Hamlet is included in the Return of Warmington Parish, which, in the latter Parish, are chiefly occupied by shoemakers, who ang Polebrook Hundred. () Tlie decrease of Population in the Parish of full employment in that branch of trade. (?) One female upwards on Castle-Ashby is ascribed to the absence of the family of the Marquess of 100 years of age at Bainton. (a) The entire Parish of Barnack com Northamptoi.---(W) Hardingatone Parish includes Cotton-cnd Hamlet. tains 649 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Castor contaius Oto The entire Parish contains 1,012 Inhabitants. The entire Parish Inhabitants. of Piddington contains 871 Inhabitants. The increase of Popu- 1 M.DCCC.XXI.] 229 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON- continued. APTIT HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR chictly TOTAL By how many Families Oc. cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: | FA MI- FADI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER employ- Families elle led in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- lorHandi. ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. NASSABURGH or PETERBOROUGH Liberty-continued. Parish 1 c 143 375 188 c 184 198 * Etton, with Woodcroft - - - Eye - - - - - - - - Parish Glinton - - - - - - - Parish Helpstone - - . . - Parish John, St. the Baptist Parish: () Dogsthorpe - - - - - Hamlet Eastfield, with Newark - - Hamlet Longthorpe - - - - - Hamlet Marholm - - - - - - Parish 191 188 1 379 116 247 240 125 58 120 20 1,190 36 1 199 175 1 1 1 - 1 Martins, St. Stamford-Baron (1) Parish Woothorpe - - - - - Hamlet Maxey ------ () Parish Deeping-Gate --- - Hamlet Newborough - - - - - - Parish Northborough -.--- Parish Paston - - - - - () Parish Gunthorpe - - - - Hamlet Walton - - - - - - Hamlet Werrington - - - Hamlet Peakirk -- - - Parish Thornhaugh - - - - Parish Ufford - - - - (8) Parish Ashton - - - - - - - Hamlet Wansford - - - - - - - Parish Whittering --- - - - - Parish 81 1 70 219 - 253 84 - 96 28 138 1 1 266 148 131 179 183 1 1 37 84 1 1,618 1,908 | 439 4,338 4,220 | 8,558 City of PETERBOROUGH. John, St. the Baptist - - (b) Parish Minster Close -..- Precinct 919 | 943 11 21 31 38 | 631 1 34 306 665 2,059 49 2,390 100 4,449 149 950 981 11 22 10 2,108 2,490 4,598 1 1) St. John Baptist Parish is in fact the City of Peterborough, Paston contains 764 Inhabitants. (6) The entire Parish of Ufford although it extends beyond the limits of the city. c a(d) The entire contains 379 Inhabitants. (h) St.-John-Baptist Parish extends into Parish of St. Martin-Stamford-Baron contains 1,226 Inhabitants. It is the Liberty of Peterborough. The entire Parish contains 5,315 Inha- a suburb of the Borough of Stamford (Lincolnshire). () The entire | bitants. Farish of Maxey contains 544 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of | Nnn 230 (Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: FAMI- ALL By HUNDREDS, TOTAL &c. how many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Iubabited. · OF Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly | Orher chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- pogeu TRADE, prized in in Manu- thelwo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS, cupied. 695 1,059 1,544 1,490 614 210 340 464 939 81 53 243 362 1 303 168 1,392 201 193 541 Handred of CHIPPING WARDEN CLELEY - - - - CORBY - - - FAWSLEY - - GREENS NORTON - GUILSBOROUGH - HAMFORDSHOE - HIGHAM-FERRERS HUXLOE . - - - KING'S-SUTTON - NAVISFORD - - NOBOTTLE-GROVE ORLINGBURY · · POLEBROOK - - ROTHWELL - - SPELHOE - - TOWCESTER WILLYBROOK - - WYMERSLEY - - 163 928 986 | 5 1,352 1,452 71 2,132 2,251 15 39 2,680 2,791 1,027 1,085 1,943 2,147 1,570 1,725 1,429 1,6607 2,320 2,472 12 2,370 2,609 18 476513 1,647 1,780 1,007 1,142 1 744 833 1,617 1,720 1,076 1,142 944 1,054 1,058 1,168 1,592 | 1,772 554 991 512 972 582 925 1,225 1,733 2,239 3,251 5,043 6,541 2,423 4,717 3,743 3,604 5,730 5,778 1,171 4,051 2,567 2,007 3,793 2,224 4,463 3,536 6,787 5,134 10,177 6,599 13,140 2,486 4,909 4,660 9,377 4,191 7,934 3,964 | 7,568 5,902 11,632 6,119 11,897 1,264 3,435 4,042 8,093 2,626 5,193 2,082 4,089 3,847 7,640 2,709 5,266 2,345 5,314 4,227 8,124 321 132 372 237 60 273 128 1,135 777 391 - - 139 339 840 303 541 223 343 396 128 2,557 226 4,496 652 120 2,151 2,666 3,897 2,648 | 1,217 274 81 34 2,1751 152 5,200 5,593 | 10,793 1 NORTHAMPTON .... 2,023 | 2,361 33 30 Liberty of PETERBOROUGH -..- 950 981 11 | 22 City of PETERBOROUGH - - - - 1,618 1,908 10 39 10 306665 2,108 2,490 4,598 439 4,338 4,220 8,558 TOTALS - - - 132,503, 35,552 179527 18,974 11,695! 4,883 | 79,575 | 82,908 | 162,483 M.DCCC.XXI. . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON--continued. Ages of Persons. MA L E S. 100 | Under Hundred & TOTAL up- wards of 279 278 250 232 124) 323 482 369 317 321 723 576 445 692 655 289 459 333 470 691 656 353 | 185 235 326 444 508 284 365 377 546 254 500 593 448 166 727 354 542 590 268 526 395 488 162 52 234 191 791 420 1326 352 1251 181 135 320 240 156 240 2041 91 254 180| 407 325 159 425 271 517 547 380 222 372 380 333 506 377 431 379 610 515 493 432 386 526 87 894 762 CHIPPING-WARDEN - CLELEY CORBY - - - - - FAWSLEY - - - - GREENS-NORTON . GUILSBOROUGH - HAMFORDSHOE HIGHAM-FERRERS - HUXLOE - - - - KING'S-SUTTON - . NAVISFORD NOBOTTLE-GROVE - ORLINGBURY - - POLEBROOK - - ROTHWELL . SPELHOE - - - TOWCESTER - .. WILLYBROOK - - - WYMERSLEY - - - 807 743 164 695 748 648 117 568 556 872 161 597 402 III INNI A CON 198 564 562 130 386 270 223 377 125 63 2,283 3,249 5,049 4,935 2,433 3,855 3,742 3,604 5,819 5,545 1,171 4,041 2,575 2,019 3,789 2,548 2,150 2,676 3,904 550 427 73174 103 398 220 193 287 268 177 134 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 548 391 304 524 346 276 446 127 308 111 261 155 368 398 335 299 282 125 | 55 211 352 253 232 298 415 159 158 236 218 254 112 269 372 61 236 235 394 354 356 210 119 597 505 442 586 358 233 210. 203 182 264 140 105 1,386 NORTHAMPTON BORO' PETERBOROUGH LIBERTY - - PETERBOROUGH CITY 156 482 678 II 538 436 730 491 4,344 2,108 347 . 255 213 183 325 275 199 1 13 Total of MALES - 10,958 9,604 8,312 7,429 10,451 7,799 6,861 5,237 4,010 2,127 415 22 73,225 FEMALE S. 30 100 Under Hundred TOTAL up- wards of 272 202 317 479 733 240 380 270 410 671 665 356 595 348 453 491 470 532 716 535 459 545 361 497 314 235 511 532 337 402 460 478 345 520 431 249 367 400 392 517 597 116 552 258 367 431 425 591 639 137 419 517 CHIPPING-WARDEN - CLELEY - - - - CORBY - - - - - FAWSLEY - - - GREENS-NORTON GUILSBOROUGH - HAMFORDSHOE HIGHAM-FERRERS HUXLOE - - - KING'S-SUTTON - - NAVISFORD - NOBOTTLE-GROVE ORLINGBURY - - POLEBROOK - - ROTHWELL - - SPELHOE - - - TOWCESTER . . WILLYBROOK . . . WYMERSLEY - - - 12,263 3,536 5,137 4,880 2,486 3,727 4,178 3,960 5,902 5,918 1,264 284 447 540 402 697 676 140 il modo in mod od w w All 873 163 145 245 176 83 420 317 | 151 360 273 138 154 | 122 68 333 206108 311 279 188 77 440 314 143 382 310158 73 66 263 167 146 148 123 300 183 114 789 787 727 422 529 749 650 961 941 219 646 461 344 580 419 538 848 190 723 165 541 313 617 467 376 225 6,027 4,616 373 237 204 605 111 339 251 203 349 322 234 211 319 261 239 291 544 258 198 2,072 494 432 3,840 382 340 392 330 257 286 272 2,708 315 269 401 377 250 235 287 421 171 118 2,346 392 287 222 145 585 349 691 4 420 468 190 Õli ol wwo mondo che NORTHAMPTON BORO' 231 308 123 PETERBOROUGH 629 LIBERTY - - 384 687 306 219 PETERBOROUGH CITY | 210 251 287 244 151 | 7o 1012 Total of FEMALES - 10,810 9,607 7,822 7,295 12,290 8,780 7,291 5,466 4,130 1,948 477 30 4 386 2,648 4,220 1,485 4,234 2,490 75,937 254 468 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Nortliampton was ... 162,483, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was .... 149,162, ..., whence it appeurs, that the Ages of one-twelfth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been oblained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Northampton was 346 ; five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages in this County were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. ABSTRACT or ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER {Enumeration, 232 County of Northumberland. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - - - OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc. cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI | FANI ALL LIJS LIES | | chiefly OTHER chiefly l'emploi. Fanilies em- Proyee TRADE, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- TURE. craft. | Classes. cd in notcom. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 181 159 183 03Coco 50 27 CO Color Fotoooooo FC 194 BAMBROUGH Ward. (North Division.) BAMBROUGH Parish : (?) Adderstone - - - - - Township Bambrough - - - (a) Township Bambrough-Castle - - Township Bradford - - - - - Township Beadnell - - - - (*) Chapelry Budle - - - - Township Burton - - - - - - Township Elford - - - - - - Township Fleetham - - - - - Township Glororum - Township Hoppen - - - - - Township Lucker - - Chapelry Mouson - - - - - Township Newham - Township Newstead - (b) Township Outchester - - - - Township Ratchwood - - - - Township Shoston - - - - - Township Spindlestone - - - - Township Sunderland, North - - Township Swinhoe - - - - - Township Tuggal - - - - - - Township Warrenton - - - - - Township Warnford, or Warrington Township Belford (part of) Parish: (9) Belford - - - - - - Township Detchant - - - - - Township Easington - - - - - Townslip Easington-Grange - - Township Elwick - - - - - - Township Middleton - - - - - Township 73 -ilov Il liviersoor IWD, n oor **************&$28587*** 149 44 298 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 109 al III. et II Drillic III liarni 10 10 30 20 263 303 566 126 19 51 48 128 182 574 1,208 128 25 57 10 on riigi **** 12 944 1,025 | 4 | 25 633 287 | 105 2,452 2,618 5,070 1 L 122 108 16 nio 51 11 11 I will 32 39 127 130 10 29 34 21 BAMBROUGH Ward. (South Division.) Ellingham Parish : (1) Charlton, North - - - Township Charlton, South - - - Township Chathill - - - - - Township Ditchburn, East & West - Township Doxford - - - - - Township Ellingbam - - - - - Township Preston - - - - -' - Township Shipley - ---- - Township Embleton Parish : (*) Brocksfield - - - - - Township Bruton, High and Low - Township Craster - - - - - - Township Dunston - - - - - Township Embleton - - - - - Township Fallowdon - - - - - Township Newton - - - - - Township Renington - - - - - Chapelry Rock - - - - - - Chapelry Stamford - - - - Township Howick - - - - - - Parish Lesbury Parish : (*) Alemouth - - - - - Township Lesbury with Hawkhill - Township 32 75 ***** ****25823 71 -IIII IIIIIIIIIII 106 A Crawo coco o 107 210 203 w mom er oi! 52 120 60 127 144 93 128 92 1 236 170 288 wi 406 576 o 108 288 (a) The entire Parish of Bambrough contains 3,342 Inhabitants. One entire Parish contains 1,783 Inliabitants. (d) The entire Parish of female in Bambrough Township upwards of 100 years of age. Certain Ellingham contains 1,027 Inhabitants. (C) The entire Parish of Em. lime-works and collieries have been discontinued at Beadnell. The bleton contains 1,806 Inhabitants. Part of Lesbury Parish is Return for Newstead Township includes Brickwoodhall, Rayhugh, in Coquetdale Ward (East) but the whole is included here. The entire Rosebrough, Clattery, Common fiat, and Lanie-head. ) Bellord | Parish contains 982 Inhabitants. Parish is partly in the County of Durham, (see Islandshire.) The M.DCCC.XXI.] 233 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. EL HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, or By how niany | FAMI- FAMILIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ- cin- I ed in TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. I ALL OTHER Families not com- ployed Trade, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRIfactures, preced- CUL- for Handi-l ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. FEMALES. Oc- cupied. MALES. PERSONS. BAMBROUGH Ward. (South Division)--continued. Longhoughton Parish: (B) Boulmer and Seaton-House - Township Houglaton, Little - - - Township Longhoughton - - - Township Mill-Little - - - - (8) Township 104 i pod il 54 42 92 77 469 245 224 269 100 2,298 2,401 4,699 1 718 1 1,957 1,895 247 3,852 470 223 148 200 's 182 267 330 467 124 809 - ol + P II coot 119 996 27. 132 25 Fin!!!!! 243 1,805 52 271 1,795 100 66 28 220 139 797 420 998 57 43 60 113 127 240 138 12 141 CASTLE Ward. 933 964 | 3 | 32 | 595 (East Division.) All Saints Parish: () Byker (+) - - - (b) Township 431 888 Heaton - - - - - - Township 82 Andrew, St. Parish: (i) Crainlington - - - - Chapelry Jesmond (+) - - - - Township Earsdon Parish : (K) Blackworth - - - - Township Blyth, South (+) and Newsham - - - - Township 443 Brierdean - - - - - Township Earsdon - - - - - Township Hartley - - - () Township 415 Holywell - - - - - Township 19 Seaton Delaval - - - Township Sighill - - - - - - Township 25 Gosforth (part of) Parish : 0) Gosforth, North - - - Township Gosforth, South - - - Township Horton Par: Chapelry: (m) Bebside - - - - - Township Cowpen (+) - - - (m) Township 443 443 Hartford, East - - - Township Hartford, West - - - Township 201 Horton - - - - - - Township 29 Long-Benton (+} - - - (1) Parish 983 1,025 Morpeth Parish : 0 Catchburn - - - - ) Township 24 Liepscot - - - - - Township 32 35 Tynemouth Parish : (P) Chirton (+) - - - - Township 579 Cullercoats - - - - Township 92 Monkseaton - - - (P) Township 106 Murton otherwise Moortown Township 116 116 Preston (+) - - - (P) Township 109 136 Shields, North (+) - - Township 853 2,081 Tynemouth (+) - - - Township 1,525 2,214 | Whitley - - - - () Chapelry L 96 114 Wallsend - - - - - - (9) Parish 560 1,0504 !! 174 11 23 55 w 889 68 876 123 1,765 !!!!! 15 Ost 20 28 29 57 29 52 139 1 2,891 2,656 5,547 22 82 '@'ni e' riege. !! 82 164 c0 Tattoo 20 2,261 ! 4,351 536 238 258 2,090 298 279 290 96 537 266 556 348 627 8,205. ! - 100! * 762 669 279 3,845 4,192 264 2,590 89 4,360 5,262 290 2,513 9,454 554 5,103 a 1,024 7,359 10,734 62 218 793 16,052 3,889 23,064 24,900 47,964 ...(9) The entire Parish of Longhoughton contains 650 Inhabitants. Little-Mill Township is included in the Return for Little Houghton.- (5) All Saints Parish is mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. earthenware manufactory has been established in Byker Township. 10) St. Andrew's Parish is partly in the West Division of the Ward, but mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (k) The entire Parish of Earsdon contains 4,644 Inhabitants. At Hartley the glass bottle manufactory has been diminished (1) Gosforth Parish is mostly in the West Division of Castle Ward. (m) The entire Parish of Horton contains 2,099 Inhabitants. The Population has been increased by the marged establishment at the Cowpen colliery. The Return of Long-Benton includes the Townships of Killingworth, Long-Benton, Walker, and Weetsted ; all which in the year 1811 ipade distinct re- turns.---O) Morpeth Parish is partly in the West Division of Castle Ward, but mostly in Morpeth Ward (West Division). Catchburn Townsirip includes Morpeth-Castle, Parkhouse, and Stobhil.- (P) The entire Parish of 'Tynemouth contains 24,820 Inhabitants. Whitley lime quarry, and the new colliery have increased the Population of Whitley and Monkseaton Townships. Barracks have been converted into dwell- ing houses at Preston.— (9) The return of Wallsend Parish includes the Townships of Howdon-Pans, Walls-End, and Wellington; each of which in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. The collieries in this Parish have been much enlarged since the year 1811. Ooo 234 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL I FAMI- FAMI- LIES | chiefly chioily employ. OR | TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. By bows many Families gc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. LIES OTHER Families om- ed in not com- prized in in Manu- the Two AQRI- | factures preced- CUL- JorHandil ing TURE. | craft. Classes. ployed TRADE, Building. OT FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 21 c 143 127 48 23 63 la i ar 63 de 109 III had no 360 412 101 at 273 335 570 127 233 224 1,204 10 10 II For 11 22 236 262 88 1,296 לל 232 642 232 793 Toia 464 195 28 294 56 1,360 88 156 a CASTLE Ward. (West Division.) Andrew, St. Parish: (0) Tenham . - - - - Township Bolam Parish: (0) Trewick • - - - - Township Gosforth Parish: (1) Brunton, East - - - - Township Brunton, West (+) - Township Coxlodge - - - - - Township Fawdon - - - - - Township Kenton, East and West - Township Heddon-on-the-Wall Parish: (0) Eachwick (part of) - (°) Township Heddon, East - - - Township John, St. Parish : (W) Benwell - - - - - Township Elswicke - - - - - Township Westgate - - - - (W) Township Meldon - - - - - - - Parish Mitford Parish: (*) Edington - - - - - Township Molesden - - - . - Township! Morpeth Parish: () Newminster-Abbey - Township Shilvington - - - - Township Tranwell, and High Church Township Twizell - - - - - Township Newburn Parish : (3) Black-Callerton - - Township Butterlaw - - - - Township Denton, East - - - Township Denton, West Township Dissington, North Township Dissington, South Township Newbiggin - - Township Newburn - - - Township Newburn-Hall - - Township Sugley - - - - Township Throckley - - Township Wallbottle - - - - - Township Whorlton, East & West - Township Woolsington - - - - Township Ponteland Parish : () Berwick-Hill - - - Township Brenkley - - - - Township Callerton-High - Township Çatlerton, Little - Township Coldcoats - - - Township Darras-Hall - - - - Township Dinnington - - - - Township Higham-Dykes Township Horton-Grange - - - Township Kirkley - - - - (a) Township Mason - - - - - Township Milburn - - - - - Township Milburn-Grange - - - Township I and I had I IIII II III I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII bouche en Iwwero Tlow ricono 69 15 261 205 287 38 12 12 199 27 37 cowo a 1 c 1 c 1 AW I liniileri ww sivo-IWOII INI-ri de 21 26 va poco poucos cuco o Garo ooo oooc ero conhece 474 174 110 44 41 116 323 128 444 306 138 82 312 364 11 oven voo Io lo pod A Noin hand co LAVIA II IWC voor (1) The Parish of St. Andrew is mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Westgate township being pleasantly situated, has become Tyne, and partly in the East division of Castle Ward. (5) Bolain | populous suburb. (*) Mitford Parish is mostly in Morpeth Ward Parish is mostly in Tindale Ward (North-east division), partly in Mor (West Division).- ) Morpeth Parish is mostly in Morpeth Ward, peth Ward, West Division.--- Gosforth Parish is partly in the East | West Division, and partly in the East Division of Castle Ward.com Division of the Ward. The entire Parish contains 3,295 Inhabitants. (2) Newburn Parish is partly in Tindale Ward, East Division. 16 (u) The Parish of Heddon-on-the-Wall is mostly in the East Division of entire Parish contains 4,202 Inhabitants (a) The entire fam Tindale Ward. The Township of Heddon-on-the Wall is there entered. Ponteland contains 1,524 Inhabitants. Kirkley Township includes belo Most part of Eachwick Township is in Tindale Ward, East Division. | ridge and Cartermoor. (W) The Parish of St. John is mostly in the Town of Newcastle-upon- ! M.DCCC.XXI.] 235 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND- continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | Fami- | ALL 012 Ву how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. man Or Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. Families Oc- cupied. Building. LIES LIES chiefly ОтнER chiefly employ- Families en- I ed in notcom- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 44 10 166 358 75 24 30 CASTLE Ward. (West Division.) continued. Ponteland Parish -- continued. Ponteland - - - - - Township Prestwick - - - - - Township River-Green - - - - Extra-P. Stannington Parish : (6) Blagdon - - - - - Township · East Division - - - - Township North and West Division Township Plessey with Shotton - Township South-Division - - - Township Whalton Farish : (0) Newham - - - Township Ocle or Ogle - - - - Township Riplington - - - - - Township Whalton - - - - - Township 147 287 TIL I mod III III Ai I ICH TO wi on Ji won 217 212 395 - - Townshin 20 - 76 148 11 67 138 147 285 2,522 2,806 12 72 832 1,355 619 7,027 6,968 13,995 8 512718 2,673 3,254 5,927 91 265 289 13 554 hun 6 108 211 08 07 299 503 COQUETDALE Ward. . (East Division.) (d) Alnwick - .. . - - () Parish Felton Parish: (*) Acton, and Old Felton - Township Elyaugh. - - - - - Township Felton - - - - - - Township Greens, and Glantlees - Township Swarland - - -' - Township Longframlington Par : Chap. (8) Brinkburn, High Ward - Township Brinkburn, Low Ward - Township Longframlington - - - Towaship Shilbottle Parish : (h) Guyson - - - - - Township Hazon - . - - - Township Newton-on-the-Moore Township Shilbottle - - - - - Township Whittle - - - - - Township Woodhouse - - - - Township Warkworth Parish : (1) Birling - - - - Township Brotherick - - - Township Buston, High - - - Township Buston, Low - - - - Townslip Starton-Grange - - - Township Walkmill . - - - - Township IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII c 86 87 173 51 117 48 127 99 244 289 CO NO C7 oca . 1,439 2,094 4 48 520 741 833 4,255 4,929 9,184 ©) The Returns of Stannington Parish in 1801, 1811 and 1821 re- / “ (what is technically called) laid in that is, discontinued to be worked quiring explanation, a circumstantial letter from the Vicar of the Parish “ or carried on; from which circumstance about 300 pitmen removed is here inserted ;-viz. “ The Parish of Stannington naturally forms itself “ froin the Parish to the Chapelry of Cowpen, where a fresli pit or " into two Divisions, viz. north and south, the river Blythe, as nearly as “ colliery was opened, and where they continue to dwell. This statement " may be, running through the middle of it. It is then subdivided into “ will account for the great decrease in the Population of the Parish of " 8 Townships. The North Division comprizes the 2 Townships of “ Standington, and also in that of inhabited houses, and satisfy you that Stannington; that of Bellasis and Bogghall, Saltwick, Duddo and “. no part of the Parish has been omitted in taking the Population, which " Whipny-Hill, Clifton and Coldwell; total 6. The South Division " might naturally enough appear to have been the case, without the " consists of 2 Townships (viz.) Blagdon and Stumpy-Riggs, and that “ explanation in question. I can throw no other light upon the subject. " of Plessey and Sbotton. The Population of the North Division, as " but trust what I have bere given, may be sufficient for the purposes "returned to me by the Overseer thereof, consisted of males 265, females “ required.” The entire Parish of Stannington contains 963 Inha- 239; making an aggregate of 504. This subtracted from the total bitants. The entire Parish of Whalton contains 534 Inha- amount 963, as returned to you, will leave for the South Division 459; bitants. d) Bilton and Wooden are in Coquetdale Ward (East which. I dare say. may be a very correct account of the Population. 1. Division) but are included in the return of Lesbury Parish, Bambrough "Now as to the proportion of males and females in the South Division, Ward (South). ) Denwick, included in the Return of Alnwick, is Thave no document by me to shew them, or of the inbabited houses in in Bambrough Ward (South). One male and one female in Alnwick, either Division; but I apprehend you will not have much difficulty in upwards of 100 years of age. A great number of workmen are employed methodizing or classing them from such documents as have been sent at Alnwick by the Duke of Northumberland.- Part of Felton Parish you, jambled together as they are. The most important consideration is in Morpeth Ward (East); part in Morpeth Ward West Division. The 1. , apprehend, with you is, to come correctly at the Population, and I | entire Parish contains 1,516 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of pareisay 963 may be a very true account of it for the great decrease Longframlington contains:815 Inhabitants. h) The entire Parish of ...ithe Population of the Parish, as compared with that of the last census Shilbottle contains 1,153 Inhabitants...(0) Warkworth Parish is 11011, I can very satisfactorily account. About 8 years ago, a very | mostly in the East Division of Morpeth Ward. extensive colliery in the South Division and Township of Plessey, was 236 [Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF:NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI-L ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ..... how many Fainilies Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- 1 LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families · em- ed in not com- ployed Trane. Iprized ili Manu- ne Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. I craft. Classes. OC- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. O V or I - - alt 110 NI ONCOL. 103 13 86 53 124 61 COQUETDALE Ward (North Division.) Alnham Parish; (5) Alnham - - - - . - Township Prèndick - - - - - Township Screnwood - - - .- - Township Unthank - - - - - Township Edlingham Parisb: ) Abberwick . - - - - Township Bolton - - - - - - Township Broom-Park - - - - Township Edlingham - - - - Township Learchild - - -,- - Township Lemmington - - - - Township Eglingham Parish : (m) Bassington - - - - - Township Beanly - - - - Township Bewick, New - - - - Township Bewick, Old - - - - Township Brandon - - Township Branton - - - - - Township Crawley - - - - - Township Eglingham - - - - Township Hareup, or Harehope Township Hedgeley - - - - - Township Lilburn, East - Township Lilburn, West - - - - Township Titlington - - - .. - Township Wooperton -" - - Township Ilderton Parish : (0) Ilderton ; - - - - Township Middleton-Hall - Os • Township Middleton, North Township Middleton, South - - - Township Roddam - - - - - Township Rosedon ·- - - - - Township Ingram Parish : (0) Fawdon, Clinch & Hartside Township Ingram, Linop & Green- Į Townshin sidehill - - - - -S Reaveley -. Whittingham Parish: () Callaley and Yetlington - Township Glanton :- - - .- - Township Lorbottle - - - - - Township Ryle, Great - - - - Township Ryle, Little - - - - Township Shawdon - -.-.- - Township Whittingham - - - - Township III III.1 :IIII..III. III1II. III. IIIIII IIII or more Lion GIMNO II i III 1 M Han II Aini Gior Iii NOI do have . То: - 182 18 231 243 50 Wonio 42 0 29 19 41 36 117 277 311 912245 138 2,406 2,525 4,931 49 | 13 155 144 299 882 COQUETDALE Ward (South Division.) Elsdon Parish : (9) Elsdon-Ward - - - - Township 57 Monkridge-Ward - - - Township! Otterburn-Ward - - - Township | Rochester-Ward - - Township Troughend-Ward -.- - Township Woodside-Ward - - - Township 'Ramshope - - - - - Extra-P. · 1 , 61 48 109 388 97 57 THAI CU N 189 269 212 199 222 185 Torico 29 1 1 333 368 223 .54 | 91 · 978 877 1,855 . (k) The entire Parish of Alnham contains 269 Inbabitants. (1) The l of Ingram contains 228 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Whit entire Parish of Edlingham: contains 666 Inhabitants. - Lemmingion 1 tingham contains 1,749 Inbabitants. A colunin for Pauper families Township includes Batile-Bridge and Lemmington Mills. (m) The exclusively, is recommended as likely to produce useful information entire Parish of Eglingham contains 1,440 Inhabitants. The entire occasion of any future Population Act (9) The entire Parish Parish of Ilderton contaius 579 Inhabitants. The entire Parish Elsdon contains 1,848 Inhabitants. · M.DCCC.XXI.] 237 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR chiefly employ- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly | ОтНЕВ Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in The Two AGRI- | factures. preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURF. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. MIALES. TCTAL or PERSONS. in Manu- 106 166 179 o con 76 107 17 41 oco cocon 69 107 132 181 97 COQUETDALE Ward (West Division.) Allenton, or Allwinton Parish : (0) Allenton - - - - - Township Biddleston - - - - - Township Borrowdon - - - - - Township Clennell - - - - - Township Fairhaugh - - - - - Township Farnham - - Township Linbriggs - - - - - Township Netherton, North side - Township Netherton, South side - Township Peals - - - - - - Township Sharperton - - - - - Township Hallystone Parochial Chap: (*) Barrow - - - - - - Township Dueshill - - - - - Township Hallystone - - - - - Township Harbottle - - - - Township Linsheeles - - - - - Township Kedland - - - - - - Extra-P. Rothbury Parish : (0) Bickerton - - - - - Township Caistron - - - - - Township Chartington - - - - Township Debdon - - - - - - Township Fallowlees - - - - - Township Flotterton - - Township Hellinghill - - - - - Township Hepple - - - - - - Township Hepple-Demesne - (t) Townshin Hesley-Hurst - - - - Township Lee-Ward - - - - - Township Mounthealy - - - Township Newtown - - Township Paperhaugh - - - - Township Raw - - - Township Rothbury - - - (1) Township Rye-Hill - - Township Snitter - - - Township Thropton - - - - - Township Tossen, Great - - - - Township Tossen, Little - - - - Township Trewhitt, High & Low - Township Warton - - - - - - Township Whitton - - - (0) Township Wreigh-Hill - - - - Township IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I II IIIIIIIIIII - IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII!! - II ov IQ.IIIIIIIII-a a CUC II maailm 1 1001111111 1101 111011!!!!! lol !! Toini coco i oww To Aloner ANIIIIII TÕSi no niiiierico C G COA లు పలు O 130 111 ထ တ ထ com os o cow a vu 25 15 38 8 148 478 891 22 49 81 160 158 110 !!! 55 117 24 A G cov 46 110 29 820 502 180 | 138 1,967 2,072 4,039 Parish 7206 744 1,460 GLENDALE Ward. (East Division.) Chatton - - - - - - Chillingham Parish: () Chillingham - - - - Hibburn - - - - - Newton - - - - - Doddington Parish : (W) Doddington - - - - Earl, otherwise Yeard-Hill 146 Township Township Township lang 48 93 57 117 a co . Io 88 Township Township 194 iw 225 26 419 _ 2 The entire Parish of Allenton contains goo Iuhabitants. Bambrough Ward (South). The Township of Hepple Demesne includes The entire Parish of Hallystone contains 468 Irhabitants. The | Whitefield House. One female in Rothbury Township, and one in Parisli of Ruthbury contains upwards of 2,609 Inhabitants, Banka | Whitton Township, upwards of 100 years of age. The entire Lownship being wholly included in the Return of Chartington; I Parish of Chillingham contains 356 Inhabitants. (W) The entire Pa- Muşlarıds Township in the Return of the Parish of Longhoughtori, 1 rish of Doddington contains 865 Inhabitants. land and S Ppp 238 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Fainilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- I ALL LIES LIES chiefly 1 OTHER employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the I'wo AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. } craft, Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. GLENDALE Ward (East Division) continued. Doddington Parish-continued. Ewart - - - - - - Tovuship 27 Humbleton - - - - Tounship 39 Nesbitt - - - - - Township 11 Lowick - - - - - - - Parish / 346 Wooler - - - - - - - Parish 315 8 8 25 11 106 21 11 52 914 885 1 354 1 413 845 985 1,799 1,830 127 | 140 103 172 388 87 138 293 1,302 5 3,088 3,222 6,310 122 131 726 oor o 253 1,370 242 352 1,176 GLENDALE Ward (West Division.) Branxton - - - - - - - Parish 47 Carham - - - - - () Parish 240 Ford - - - - - - - - Parish | 352 Kirknewlon Parish : (*) Akeld - - - - - - Township Couldshouth and Thomp- \ Township son's-Walls - - -) Coupland - - - - - Townsbip Crookhouse - - - - Township Grey's-Forest - - - Township Heathpool - Township Howtell - - Township Kilham - - Township Kirk-Newton - Township Landon - - Township Milfield - - - - - Township Newton, West - - - Township Paston - - - - Township Selby's-Forest - Township Yeavering - - - - Township ountries IoT er 33 40 36 I! INO-Ion 135 259 A co Come to our c 95 124 47 100 38 32 48 109 209 63 64 12 32 922 9322 856 59 17 2,499 2,632 5,131 110 AC ܝܝ ܛܣ ܝܕ ܚ 40 MORPETH Ward (East Division.) Bothall Parish: (2) Ashington and Sheepwash - Township Bothall-Demesne - - Township Longhirst - - - - - Township Oldmoor - - - - - Township Pegsworth - - - - Township Felton Parish: (a) Bockenfield - - - - Township Eshott - - - - - - Township Thriston, East and West, Township with Shot-haugh - of Ulgham - - - - - - Par: Chap: Warkworth Parish : (0) Anible - - - - - - Township Acklington - - - - Township Acklington-Park - - - Township Bullock's-Hall - - - Township Chivington, East - - Township Chivington, West - - Township Glosterhill - - - - Township Hauxley - - - - - Township Hadston - - - (0) Township Morrick - - - - - Township fo I Col WTA! ܙ ܝܙ ܒܝ 194 109 I o A wiwilAI IAI - AI 50 103 ܚܘܣ ܝ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝܙ ܙ ܚ - III l 14 () The Return of Carham Parisi includes the Townships of Carham | Division of the Ward. The entire Parish of Bothall contains 1,22 and Shidlaw, Downhain, Hagg, New Learınouth, West Learmouth, Min- 1 habitants. (?) Felton Parish is partly in the West Division of drim (East and West,) Moneylaws, Preston, Tythehill, Wark and Ward; but mostly in the East Division of Coquetdale- Vary Wark Common; all of which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. I (D) Warkworth Parish is partly in the East Division of Coquet () The entire Parish of Kirknewton contains 1,701 Inhabitants. | Ward. The entire Parish contains 2,265 Inhabitants. One seni (2) Part of Bothall Parishı, called Hebburn Chapelry, is in the West | Hadstou Township upwards of 100 years of age. on S. of Coquetdale. One female in M.DCCC.XXI.] 239 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. Tr COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | FAMI- FAI- ALL OR By how mang TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. OF Building. 1 LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employu Families em ed in not com- Trade, l.prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. tin ployed FEMALES. Oc- cupied. MALES PERSONS. 17 46 2 102 594 208 388 MORPETH Ward (East Division) continued. Warkworth Parish-continued. Togston - - - - - Township Warkworth - - - - Township Widdrington - - - - Par: Chap: Woodhorn Parish : (0) Cresswell - - - - - Township Ellington - - - - - Township Hurst. - - - - Township Linmouth - - Township Newbiggin - Township Seaton, North - - - Township Woodhorn - - - - Township Woodhorn - - - - Demesne 167 131 136 303 255 INC7 II IN 20 124 22 11 213 42 22 11 221 434 83 79 159 155 2 1,0871 4 36 617 222 248 | 2,572 2,667 5,239 I III Oro CIA 1 Cow 75 31 150 986 MORPETH Ward (West Division.) Bolam Parish : ) Bolam - - - - - - Township | 10 Bolam-Vicarge - - - Township Gallow-Hill - - - - Township Felton Parish : (0) Brinkburn, South Side - Township! 5 Hartburn Parish : () Angerton, High - - - Township Angerton, Low - - - Township Corridge - - - - - Township Hartburn - - - - - Township Hartburn-Grange Township Highlaw's - - - - - Township Longwilton - - - - Township Middleton, North - - Township Middleton, South - - Township Rothley - - - - - Township Thornton, East - ) Township Thornton, West - - - Township Todridge - - - - - Township Whitridge - - - - - Township Hebburn - - - (8) - - Par: Chap: Causey-Park - Township Cockle-Park - - Township Earsdon - - - Township 17 Earsdon Forest - - - Towuship Fenrother - - - - - Township Hebburn - - - - - Township Tritlington - - - - Township Longborsley Parish : (5) Bigges, or Carlisle's-Quarter, Township Freeholder's-Quarter - Township Longshaws - - - - Township Riddles-Quarter - - - Township Stanton - - - - - Township Todburn - - - - - Township Wingates - - - () Township Witton-shiels - - - - Township Mitford Parish: (i) Benridge - - - - - Township TriDOLI I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ino IIIIII DNC INNL1III and IIIIIIIINida Red I Ő vo wo wo o 8 coucovinnvocar com Davao A lai warna oo oorcol Aioiiii cowo! OA WITO am a liai 1 - CV IIIIIIIIII o avalanti a 262 128 50 20 102 86 109 38 206 168 25 21 I į 90 © The entire Parish of Woodhorn cuntains 1,378 Inhabitants. part of the Parish of Bothall, which is mostly in the East Division of the ♡ Bolam Parish is mostly in Tindale Ward (North East Division,) and Ward. (h) The entire Parish of Longhorsley contains 1,006 Inhabi- partly in Castle Ward (West Division. c) Felton Parish is partly in tants. The Return of Wingates Township includes Chirm, Garrotlee, the East Division of the Ward ; but mostly in Coquetdale Ward (East Wholm, and Wingates-Moore. ) Part of Mitſord Parish is in Castlé vision. O Hartburn Parish is partly in the north East Division Ward (West Division.) The entire Parish contains 625 Inhabitants. udale Ward. The entire Parish contains 1,474 Inhabitants. The Heighley Township includes Espley, Heighley-Gate, and Norpeth North- Keturn of East-Thornton Township includes East Thornton-Moor and I Gate. macicon-Park Corner.- (6) The Parochial Chapelry of Hebburn forms! - --- 240 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Inhabited. how Hany Faniilies Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI-ALL FA MI - LIES | OTHER chiefly employ. Families ein- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | asses. Un-Inhabited. ОР Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. MORPETH Ward (West Division) continued. Mitford Parishcontinued. Heighley, High and Low - Township Mitford - - - - - Township Newton-Park - - Township Newton-Underwood Township Nunridge - - - - - Township Pigdon - - - - - - Township Spittle-Hill - - - - Township Thropple - - - • Township Morpeth Parish: (k) Buller's-Green - - - Township MORPETI - - - - Borough Netherwitton Parochial Chapelry: (1) Coat-Yards otherwise Coalo į Township • Yards - - - - - Ewesley - - - - - Township Healy and Comb-Hill . Township Nether-Witton - - Township Nunnikirk - - - - - Township Ritton-Coltpark - - - Township Ritton-Whitehouse - - Township 23 113 142 1,839 253 201 431 225 1,576 3,415 18 G GW SA C me co i Ja Iconi- 31 12 1,628 751 725 595 308 3,470 1 3,792 1 7,262 ovo +1 colori in To +- 1,180 TINDALE Ward (East Division.) Bywell, St. Andrew, Parish : (m) Bearl - - - - - - Township Broom-haugh - - - - Township Riding - - - - - - Township Stocksfield-Hall - - - Township Styford · -·-· - Township Bywell, St. Peter's, Parish : (*) Acomb, East - - - - Township Broomley - - - - - Township Bywell, St. Andrew, aud St. Peter - - - Township Espershields and Millshield Township Fotherly, High - - - Township Heally - - - - - - Township Newton - - Township Newton-Hall - - - - Township Newlands - - - - - Township Stelling - - - - - Township Whittonstall - - - - Chapelry Corbridge Parish : (* Aydon - - - - - - Township Aydon-Castle - - - - Township Clarewood - - - - - Township Corbridge - - - - - Township Dilston - - - - - - Township Halton - - - - Township Halton Shields - - - Township Thornborough - - - - Township Whittington, Great - - Township Whittington, Little - - Township Heddon-on-the-Wall Parish : (P) Eachwick (part of) - (P) Township Nilili co De wool 11 I pored i od + 1 + + 1 # # 1 11 302 102 613 35 76 20 1 Toorn Co AB II Co 1112 -loor co 1001 111 w (k) Morpeth Parish is partly in the East, and partly in the West fourth of the Population is attributable to Bywell, St. Andrew. Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish contains 4,292 Inhabi () The entire Parish of Bywell, St. Peter, contains 1,406 Inhabitants, tants. The Return of Morpeth Borough includes the Gaul, House of subject to the foregoing remark. The entire Parish of Corbs Correction, and Pours-house. (1) The entire Parish of Nether-Witton contains 2,037 Inhabitants. The Parish of Heddon-on-the-Wall contains 460 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Bywell, St. An is partly in the West Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish Coll drew, contains upwards of 399 Inhabitants; the Township of Bywell | tains 770 Inhabitants. Eachwick Township is partly in Castle being wholly entered in the Parish of Bywell, St. Peter, though one- | West Division. Castle Ivard, M.DCCC.XXI.] 241 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER OR chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. em- ployed einploy-Fanilies ed in not coni- TRADE, prizeci in OF FEMALES. NALES. 'yo : Manu- PERSONS. AGRI- CUL- TURE. factures, I prcccd. orHandi- ing craft. Classes I no con 100 362 38 57 i 122 IC NIII 124 168 55 TINDALE Ward (East Division) continued. Heddon-on-the-Wall Parish—continued. Houghton and Clowhouse Township Heddon-on-the-Wall - - Township Heddon, West - - - - Township Whitchester - - - - Township Newburn Parish : (9) Dalton - - - - - - Township Ovingham Parish : (0) Dukeshagg - - - - Township Eltringham - - - - Township Harlowhill - - - - Township Hedley - - - Township Hedley-Woodside Township Horsley - - - - - Township Mickley - - Township Nafferton - - - - - Township Ovingham - - - - - Township Ovington - - Township Prudhoe - - Township Prudhoe-Castle - - - Township Rouchester - - - - Township Spittle - - - - - - Township Welton - - - Township Whittle - - - - - - Township Wylam - - - - - - Township Shotley Parish : (9) Blanchland, High - - Chapelry Newbiggin - - - - - Township Shotley - - - - - - Township Slaley ------ () Parish 135 88 257 90 178 20 19 39 IIIIIIIIIIIII 134 265 131 189 uga Gialla on Bioni Awin 362 0 293 1 1 1 2 35 1 32 17. 15 NO ONNI Color IIIII to 373 355 90 207 412 15 15 112 205 39 298 30 311 94 69 609 co I III 122 132 302 280 582 1,751 1,911 721,026 4,530 | 4,538 | 9,068 TINDALE Ward (North-East Division.) 1 213 393 152 027 62 102 97 193 co che una ini j col 40 87 pored Birtley - - - - - Par: Chap: Bolam Parish : (*) Belsay - - - - - - Township Bradford - - - - - Township Harnham - - - - - Township Shortflatt - - - - - Township Chollerton Parish : (V) Barrasford - - - - - Township Broomhope and Buteland - Township Chollerton - - - - - Township Colwell and Swinburn - Township Gunnerton and Chipchase Township Corsénside - - - - - - Parish Hartburn Parish : (W) Cambo - - - - - - Township Deanham - - - - - Township Favinley otherwise Farnlaws Township Greenleighton - - - Township i Hartington - - - - Township Hartington Hall - - - Township Harwood - - - - - Township לל 1. III 11 Noi - IIIIIII 1. II 1.1 to 03 II III cu 197 206 ovo onom Gosco 149 403 409 218 191 254 233 487 Llieri (1) Newburn Parish is mostly in the West Division of Castle Ward. | Ward, and partly in the West Division of Castle Ward. The entire - The entire Parish of Ovingham contains 2,742 Inhabitants. The Parish contains 651 Inhabitants. " The entire Parish of Chollerton pitmen's families are placed in the third coluijn of Occupations. contains upwards of 1,241 Inhabitants, part of Buteland and Broomhope The entire Parish of Shotley contains 1,090 Inhabitants. The being returned with Birtley. Whitesidelaw and Little Swinburn are netum of Slaley includes the whole Parish; heretofore there were two included in the Return of Chullerton Township.- ) Hartbura Piirial: tums. Bolam Parish is partly in the West Division of Morpeth is inostly in the West Division of Morpetl Ward. : Q q q 242 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. - HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI | ALL FINI- OR By EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Iohabited. LIES LIES chiefly O'TIER chiefly amilies cm ed in not com- ployed | Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURL. craft. Classes MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. III 101 205 10 102 and e cotone TINDALE WARD (North East Division) continued. Hartburn Parish-continued. Shafto, East - - - - Township Shafto, West - - - - Township Wallington-Demesne - Township Kirkharle Parish : (*) Hawick - - - - - Township Kirkharle - - - - - Township Kirkheaton - - - - Chapelry Kirkwhelpington Parish: (v) Bavington, Great - - Township Capheaton - - - - Township Catcherside - - - - Township Coldwell - - - - - Township Crogdean - - Township Fawns - - - - - - Township Harle, Little - - Township Harle, West - - Township Kirkwhelpington - - Township Whelpington, West - - Township Stamfordham Parish : (2) Bitchfield - - - - - Township Blackheddon - - Township Cheeseburn-Grange Township Fenwick - - - - - Township Hawkwell - - - Township Heugh - - - - - - Township Ingoe - - - - Township Kearsley - - - Township Matfen, East - - Township Matfen, West Township Nesbit - - - Township Ouston - - - Township Ryall - - - - Township Walridge - - - - - Township Thockrington Parisli : (*) Bavington, Little Township Cary-Coats - - - - Township Sweethope - - - - Township 'Thockrington - - - - Township ilim Ainari o IIIIIIIIII a compact Om in II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII + II i colici govori o prilico Neri Örn com 136 262 512 239 115 Il mer A1 OO IN NISI 11 152 WIon Line Icon LA occorror N 80 150 21. 307 co 17 con coca lilo 23 1,197 | 4 | 56 785 | 276 | 202 3,154 3,240 6,394 TINDALE WARD (North West Division.) | Newbrough - - - - - Par: Chap. 87 99 - 7 61 13 25 213 238 451 63 CCO 278 291 569 Sinonburn Parish : (0) Haughton - - - Humshaugh - - Simonburn - - Bellingham Bellingham - - Charlton, East - Charlton, West- Leemailing - Nook, The - - Tarretburn - - - (b) Township - - Chapelry | - - Township Parish: - - Township - - Quarter Quarter Quarter - - Quarter - - Quarter 186 218 on 67 76 82 133 49 19 47 61 105 152 52 130 134 () The entire Parish of Kirkbarle contains 354 Inhabitants. The habitants. The Parish of Falstone consists of Falstone, Plashets, and Return of Kirkharle Township includes the Townships of Belridge, Great. | Wellhaugh, and contains 501 Inhabitants. The Parish of Gaystead consists law, Kidlaw, Mirlow-House, Shield-Hill, and Thrivewell. The of Chirdon and Smalesmouth, and contains 246 Inhabitants. The Paris entire Parish of Kirkwhelpingtou contains 793 Inhabitants. The of Thorneyburn consists of Tarset and Thorneyburn, and contains 358.) entire Parish of Stamfordham contains 1,827 Inhabitants. (a) The en habitants. The Parish of Wark consists of High-Shitlington, Low-Sim tire Parish of Thockrington contains 201 Inhabitants. The extensive lington, Wark, and Warks-Burn, and contains 866 Inbabitants; leaving Parish of Simonburn, or more properly speaking, the six Parishes into to the Motlier Church of Simonburn, a Parish containing 1,030 Iobabitants. which it was divided by Act of Parliament (51° Geo. III, c. 194) con consisting of Haughton, Humshaugla and Simonburn Townships. tains 4,397 Inhabitants. The new Parishes are thus described in the Paper Mill at Haughton not being in use at present, the Population Act,- The Parish of Bellingham consists of Bellingham, East and West that Township is less numerous tban usual. Charlton, Leemailing, The Nook, and Tarretburn, and contains 1,396 In- M.DCCC.XXI.] 243 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: PERSONS: OR Ву chiefly employ- Fan TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc. cupied. Un-Inhabited. ОР Building OCCUPATIONS: Finn | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTIIER chiefly in Families em- I ed in notcom- ployed. Ta Trade, prized in the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. craft. lasses, FEMALES. cd in 1 Manu- NIALES. PERSONS. woo! in TINDALE WARD (North West Division) continued. Simonburn Parish (6)-continued. Falstone Parish : Falstone - - - - - - - Plashets - - - - - Township Well-haugh - - - - Quarter Gaysteаd Parish : Chirdon - - - - - Township Smalesmouth - - - - Township Thorneyburn Parish : Tarset, West - - - • Quarter Thorneyburn - - - - Township Wark Parish : Shitlington, High - . Quarter Shitlington, Low - - - Quarter Wark - - - - - - Quarter Warksburn - - - - Township Warden Parish : (0) Brokenhaugh - - - - - Quarter Dean-Raw - - - - - Quarter Haydon Chapelry, otherwise Quarter Elrington - - - - Lipwood - - - - - - Quarter Warden - - - - - Township N c m I WA WI III WA menang A 104 105 367 290 155 128 269 co 6 166 crow 1 192 535 358 526 498 105 273 253 238 A 260 1,286 1,399 2 55 3,391 3,529 6,920 790 | 148 | 210 | 112 | 527 2,430 2,199 4,629 147 166 1,230 106 75 563 303 667 455 457 758 378 835 135 34 557 736 1,293 143 236 136 210 TINDALE WARD (South Division.) Allendale .....(d) Parish Hexham Parish : (*) Hexham Township: Gilligate - - - - - Ward Hencoats - - - - - Ward Market - - - - - - Ward Priestpopple - - - () Ward Hexhamshire, High-Quarter - - - Township Low-Quarter - - - Township Middle-Quarter, North - Township Middle-Quarter, South - Township West-Quarter - - - Township John-Lee, St. Parish : () Acomb, West - - - - Township Anick - - - - - - Township Anick-Grange - - - Townhsip Bingfield - - . Township Cocklaw - . Township Hallington - Township Portgate - - Township Sandhoe - - Township Wall - - - Township Fallowfield - Township 88 85 279 446 173 179 ont occaeco 91 43 125 118 243 255 278 533 166 43 111 101 199 129 ISOTNA OI 15 33 180 88 92 236 229 465 42 51 93 1,934 2,571 19 46 733 | 870 968 15,851 6,166 12,017 59 118 TINDALE WARD (West Division.) Haltwhistle Parish : (5) Bellester - - - - - Township Blenkiosop - - - (8) Township Coanwood, East - - - Township Featherston - - - - Township Haltwhistle - - - - Township Hartley-Burn - - - - Township 59 162 155 317 31 Tailor Ilmai i oven 75 go 165 239 130 109 135 326 381 707 45 47 () See preceding page. o Walwick, Extra-Parochial, is included in ihe Returns of Warden Farish. The entire Parish of Warden contains 2,072 Inhabitants. ? The Townships of Allendale, Allendale West, Cotton, Keenty, Broad- side, and Forest, included in the Return of Allendale Parish, were all separately returned in 1811. In the year 1811, this Parish was divided into Five Rectories and Parishes. ) The entire Parish of Hexham contains 5,436 Inhabitants. One female in Priestpopple-Ward upwards of 100 years of age.- ) The entire Parish of St. John Lee contains 2,952 İnbabitants. The entire Parish of Haltwhistle contains 3,583 Inhabitants. The Population of Blenkinsop Township is increased from the extension of the collicry. 244 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration, COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FADI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL Ву OR hov TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ОР Inhabited. many Families OC- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES LIES chiefly | ОтНЕП chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed | Trade, Iprized in in Manu- the Two Agri- factures, preced- CU1,- TorHandi- | craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 114 20 297 45 148 288 84 113 te con i 296 140 100 118 136 231 TINDALE WARD (West Division) continued. Haltwhistle Parish-continued. Henshaw - - - - - Township Melkridge - - - - Township Plainmellor - - - - Township Ridley - - - Township Thirlwall - - Township Thorngrafton - - - - Tovuship Wall-Town - Kirkhaugh - - - - - - Parish Knaresdale - - - - - - Parish Lambley Parish: (*) Ash-holni - - - - - Township Lambley - - - - - Township Whitfield - - - - - - - Parish 1 - 1 111 11 Aco io mode IAA .157 132 247 Township 15 115 62 .127 109 54 114 293 22 60 122 139 n 1 65 152 47 137 289 1 i 906 985 53 627 202 | 156 2,463 2,520 4,983 Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed - (i) Parish 1,024 2,030 | 116 11,061 | 853 3,964 4,759 8,723 Town and County of the Town of NEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE. All-Saints · (+) - () Parisli 1,872 4,180 Andrew, St. • (+) - (b) Parish 846 | 1,624 John, St. - - (+) - (k) Parish | 770 1,407 Nicholas, St. - (+) - - - Parish | 543 1,086 14 145 oou 328 577 13,847 1,019 1,125 1,055 7,493 3,099 2,889 2,444 | 9,062 16,555 4,132 | 7,231 3,401 1 6,290 2,661 | 5,105 275 4) 13 Gra A 26 4,031 8,297 46 45 7,046 1,206 15,925 19,256 35,181 (*) The entire Parish of Lanıbley contains 261 Inhabitants. (i) The increase of Population at Berwick, is ascribed to the employment of workmen on the New Pier, to Vaccinc Inoculation, and to the Dis- pensary lately established for the benefit of the Poor. - (k) All Saints Parish is partly in the East Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish contains 20,877 Inhabitants. The Parish of St. Andrew is partly in the East and partly in the West Division of Castle Ward. "The cntire Parish contains 8,115 Inhabitants. The Parish of St. John extends into the West Division of Castle Ward. The entire Parish contains 9,410 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the Town of Newcastle, is attributed to the effect of Peace, as causing soldiers and sailors to return home; besides that, in the time of War, there was a difficulty in obtaining a full Return of Males, who were liable to serve in the Militia. Gates. head, a suburb of Newcastle, separated from it by the River Tyne, col- tains 11,767 Inhabitants. SU M M A R Y OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Ward of BAMBROUGH - - - - - | 1,877 1,989 7 57 CASTLE - - - 9,881 13,540 74 COQUETDALE - - - - - 3,375 4,194 GLENDALE -... 2,098 2,234 MORPETH - - - - - - 2,166 2,715 TINDALE - - - - - - 7,074 8,129 Town of BERWICK-UPON-TWEED - | 1,024 | 2,030 | 31 1,228 556 205 1,625 7,407 4,508 1,907 1,087 1,200 310 817 556 3,827 2,144 2,158 1,477 4,750 30,091 9,606 5,587 6,042 19,389 5,019 9,769 31,868 61,959 10,403 20,009 5,854 | 11,441 6,459 | 12,501 19,993 39,382 1,342 116 1,061 853 3,964 4,759 8,793 Town and County of the Town of NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE - 4,031 | 8,297) 46 240 45 7,046 1,206 TOTALS - - - 131,526 43,128 190 1,16611,567 20,565 10,996 19,256 | 35,181 15,925 95,354 103,611 198,965 M.DCCC.XXI.] 245 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND--continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES Under Ward of TOTAL 4,751 335 238 185 845 541 26 BAMBROUGH - - . 704 686 542 441 679 529 CASTLE - - - - - 2,078/ 1,705 / 1,5441,309 | 1,991 1,432 1,093 COQUETDALE • • - 1,341 1,285 1,195 1,004 1,348 1,010 824 GLENDALE - - - - 797 803) 755 568 816 569/ 553 MORPETH - ... 781 794 723 620 / 8361 684 587 TINDALE - - - - | 2, 2,193 1,870 2,792 2,028 1,578 Do w a ã Ea 12,890 9,607 5,592 6,050 18,608 Y BERWICK-upon-TWEED, I). Town and County of the 605 Town - - - - - 535 492 416 443 435 421 275 209 104 25 4 - 3,964 NEWCASTLE-upon-TYNE, Town and County of the Town - - - - - Total of MALES - 9,077| 8,333 7,444 6,228 8,905 6,687|5.422 (4,116 2,978 1,701 504 66 61,462 F E M A L E S. Under I to Ward toto to to | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 TOTAL. BAMBROUGH - - - 633 613 531 552 619 344 261 146 | 46 CASTLE - - - - - 1,934 1,675 1,511 1,289 2,175 1,509 1,146 803 529 297 COQUETDALE - 1,305 1,276 1,091 1,114 1,736 1,183 966 745 745 564 312 GLENDALE - - - 799 745 609 701 9641 533 426 382 300 160 MORPETH ---- 725 743) 692 685 1,076 767 633 458 376 231 TINDALE - - - - 2,609 2,450 2,008 2,023 / 3,205 2,136 1,712 1,259 4,998 13,001 10,406 5,672 6,456 19,183 BERWICK-upon-TWEED, N). Town and County of the 572 502 489 491 840 581 490 352 280 125 35 2 - 4,759 Town - - - - - NEWCASTLE-upon.TYNEN Towu and County of the 1] Town - - - - - - 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - - -|-|-|- Total of FEMALES - 8,577 8,004 6,931|6,855 10,8087,328 5,804 4,343 |3,295/1,033| 60190 64,475 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Northumberland was . . . . 198,065, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were elumed was . . 125,937, . . whence it appears, that the Ages of more than one-third of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained la compliance with the question to that effect. Total Number of Enumerution Returns received from the County of Northumberland was 534 ; fourteen of which (ainong them all the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Returns) did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportiou of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males aud Females. Rir 246 (Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Nottingham. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- FAMI- LIES ALL OTHER OR chiefly TOTAL By how many Families employ. Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. U.-Inhabited. Or Building. LIES chiefly em- ployed in AGRI- CUL- TURE. FEMALES. TRADE, Manu- ed in not com- prized in the Two factures. preced- orHandi- ing craft. Classes. MALES. cupied. PERSONS 60 219 382 416 801 182 95 197 419 87 99 207 113 125 224 A CONT 237 e e OB co I co o ar 444 219 145 310 289 106 165 146 454 196 124 173 143 434 231 115 36 205 181 210 142 118 318 330 68 35 154 Y2 42 111 142 BASSETLAW Wapentake. (Hatfield Division.) BABWORTH - - - - - Parish Blyth - - - - - - - (a) Parish | Barnbymoor, with Bilby - Township Hodsock - - - - - Lordship Styrrup - • () Township Torworth - - - - - Township Bothamsall - - - - - - Parish Boughton - - - - - - - Parish Carlton-in-Lindrick - - - Parish Cuckney - - - - - - O Parish Holbeck - - - - - Township Langwith - - - - - Township · Norton - - - - - Township Edwinstow - - () Parish Budby - - - - - - Township Carburton - - - - - Chapelry Clipstone - - - - - Township Ollerton - - - - - Chapelry Perlethorpe - - - - Chapelry Elksley - - - - - - - Parish Finningley - - - - - (d) Parish · Aukley - - - - - Township Harworth - - - () Parish Styrrup (part of) (a) Township Haughton - - • - - () Parish Styrrup (part of) () Township Mattersey - - - - - - Parish Misson - - - - - - (8) Parish Ordsall - - - - - - - Parish Retford, West - - - - - Parish Rufford (Liberty) - - Extra-P. Walesby - - - - - - - Parish Wallingwillis - - - Extra-P. Warsop - - - - - - (b) Parish Sokeholme - - - - Township Welbeck - - - - - - Extra-P. Woodhouse-Hall - - - Estra-P. Worksop - - - - - . - Parish 291 285 576 15 50 93 18 II III IN CODI I WNANI 1 Nilijioni IIII pored !CI AVECCI!!!! 181 166 i ciou on the Int 208 160 150 207 20 | 422148420812385988573'193868347850953593296 217 129 148 80 148 143 366 209 354 315 305 in 317 266 160 156 1 163 ! 152 571 323 308 7 ! 6 523 202 210 549 1,072 ! 38 31 36 28 ! 944 1978 355 2,250 2,317 4,567 i 3,275 3,442 21 | 45 | 2,163 857 8,632 8,540 17,172 21 54 49 36 103 193 104 18 37 436 449 959 210 illoi lo 1,929 109 19 970 221 65 72 BASSETLAW Wapentake. (North Clay Division.) Applesthorpe, otherwise Alblethorpe Parish Bolë - - - - - - - - Parish Burton, West - - - - - Parish Clareborough - - - - () Parish Clayworth - - - - - (k) Parish Wyeston, or Wlseton - - Township Gringley-on-the-Hill- Leverton, North - - - - Parish Leverton, South - - - - (1) Parish Cottam - - - - - Chapelry Littleborough - - - - - Parish Misterton - - - - - (1) Parish Stockwith, West - Township 431 61 126 21 143 - Pari 139 Tilt-IIIIIII! 109 e cioco e Docco 339 647 CU Siri 1 A Avari 61 308 126 49 174 67 42 146 3:1 154 43 13 vwo mode or w vo 3:2 33 405 170 170 811 406 317 90 618 (a) Blyth Parish is partly in Southwell and Scrooby Liberty, partly | Population in Harworth Parish is ascribed to the return of labourergator in the North, and partly in the South Division of Strafforth and Tickliil their Parish from want of employment elsewhere. ) The Return of Wapentake, West Riding of the County of York. The entire Parishi Haughton Parish includes Serlby,- (6) The increase of Population! contains 3,456 Inhabitants, including Styrrup Township; which is partly Misson Parish is ascribed to the establishment of a brewery.- ) The in 'Harworth Parish, and partly in Houghton Parish. The increase of entire Parish of Warson contains 1,141 Inhabitants. Clarcborough Population in the Parish of Blyth is ascribed to the improved state of is sometimes reckoned part of Southwell and Scrooby Liberty. In agriculture, and the consequent employment of labourers.-- (") The increase of Population in Clareborough Parish is attributed to the small entire Parish of Cuckney contains 1,435. Inhabitants. The entire amount of the poor-rates. (k.) The entire Parish of Clayworthoorsta Parish of Edwinstow contains 1,753 Inhabitants. --- Ò Finningle:9 | 557 Inhabitants.- (1) The entire Parish of Sonth-Leverton contains Parish is partly in the Soke of Doncaster (West Riding of Yorkshire). 374 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Misterton contains 1,429, The entire Parish contains 782 Inliabitants. The increase of 1. Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 247 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: OCCUPATIONS: FAM FAMI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR LIESI LIES chiefly | OTIIER ky employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. chiefly em- ed in not coin- ployed Tant prized in Un-Inhabited. - OF Building. FEMALES. Dt. MALES. | Manu- the Two PERSONS. AGRI. factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. Classes. i rott 501 508 52 359 97 1,108 1,357 BASSETLAW Hundred. (North Clay Division) --- continued. RETFORD, East - - Boro' & Parish Saundby - - - - - - - Parish Sturton - - - - - - - Parish Walkeringham - - - - : Parish Wheatley, North - - - - Parish Wheatley, South - - - - Parish 2,465 jo 16 56 15 107 83 124 100 300 605 305 248 214 270 518 74 227 441 27 20 47. 2,100 1,044 868 188 4,782 | 5,028 9,810 18 48 30 125 127 252 78 75 135 131 153 266 117 48 139 269 80 146 130 66 292 121 Ila III and my loi - Inco 1110110 TOP I 272 564 94 171 149 212 BASSETLAW Wapentake. 1,932 (South Clay Division.) Bevercoates - - - - - - Parish Bilsthorpe - - - - - - Parish Darlton - - - - - - - Parish Drayton, East - - - - - Parish Drayton, West - Parish Dunham - - - (1) Parish Ragnall - - - - - Chapelry | Eakring - - - - - - - Parish Eaton - - - • Parish Egmanton - - • Parish Gamston - - - - - - Parish Grove - - - . : Parish Headen, with Upton - - - - Parish Kirkton - - - - - - - Parish Kneesall (part of) Parish: Ompton - - - - - Township Laxton, or Lexington, with Moorhouse P. Markham, East - - - - • Parish Markham, West - - Parish Ranipton - - - - - - - Parish Stokeham - Parish Treswell - - - - - - - Parish Tuxford . .. Parish 197 Wellów - - - - • Parish 320 173 Old A o own OA B ONAI 385 53 106 120 121 241 105 200 10 53 53 106 308 w Il tir i T 307 382 113 374 96 615 756 209 391 45 199 192 !!! 26 19 51 216 116 492 dinar 100 487 211 100 979 23 210 234 444 1,382 1,487 23 1,096 287 104 3,535 3,508 17,043 326 142 342 784 790 386 1,574 382 149 46 768 41 104 109 213 93 15 107 48 278 199 45 268 190 118 546 BINGHAM Wapentake. (Nort). Division.) Bingham - - - - - - (P) Parish Bridgford, East - - - - - Parish | Car-Colston - - - - - - Parish Elton - - - - Parish Flintham . - - - - - - Parish Granby, with Sutton : Parish Hawksworth - - - - - - Parish Kneeton - - - - - - - Parish Langar, with Barnstone - - Parish Orston - . - - - - (9) Parish Scarrington - • • • Parish Screveton . - - - - - Parish | Thofoton - - - - - - Parish Whatton - • - - ) Parish | Aslaeton - - - • - Chapelry 72 389 215 97 50 54 104 ܝ ܤ ܤ ܚܕ ܚ ܚܝ ܗ ܙ ܗ - | ܟܬ ܚ ܟ 16 287 130 188 82 391 157 203 89 141 72 co III lol lol lol lol 151 171 292 145 196 73 194 140 390 133 273 1,131 1,191 16 525 376 2,933 2,918 5,851 50 102 | BINGHAM Wapentake. (South Division.) Bridgford, West Parislr : (s) Gampston - - - - - Hamlet Broughton-Sulney - - - - Parish Colston-Basset . - - - - Parish Cotgrave - - - - - - - Parish Cropwell-Bishop - - - - Parish 57 348 100ői 186 168 405 162 142 374 198 310 779 150 104 78 194 392 rol? The entire Parish of Duuhum contains 415 Inhabitants. —-l part of Flawborough Chapelry, the other part of which is in Staunton 1) Racesall Parish is mostly in Thurgarton Wapentake, North Division. | Parish, South Division of Newark Wapentake. The entire Parish th The Return of Bingham Parish includes part of Newton Township, of Whatton contains 663 Inhabitants.- 0) Most part of West Bridge Rinorber part of which is in the Parish of Shelford, Sjuth Division of ford Parish is in the North Division of Rushcliffe Wapentake. guam Wapentake. (9) The Return of Orston Parish includes 248 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCILAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | FAMI - ALL LIES LIES chiefly Other chiefly emplov. Familics en- ed in not com- ployed TRADE.I prized in l Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUI- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building. Un-Inhabited. FEMALES. MALES. in OF PERSONS 101 112 33 249 248 108 Anco 28 61 97 184 186 497 205 370 138 72 66 BINGHAM Wapentake. (South Division)-continued. Hickling - - - - - - - Parish Holm-pierrepoint - - - - Parish Kinoulton - - - - - - () Parish Owthorpe - - Parish Plumtree (part of) Parish : (™) Clipston - - - - - Township Radcliffe-on-Trent - - - - Parish Shelford - - - - - - (W) Parish with Newton (part of) - - Township Saxondale - - - - - Township Tollerton - - - - - - - Parish Tythby - - - - - - (x) Parish Cropwell-Butler - - - Township 43 483 29 181 510 288 72 993 106 110 265 55 118 Lilico o 26 69 24 146 89 102 244 245 1,033 1,126 4 817 238 71 2,873 5,665 184 326 55 15 16 554 691 653 125 101 694 671 388 339 245 383 142 31 1,828 1,839 1,080 932 687 486 251 220 100 BROXTOW Wapentake. (North Division.) Annesley - - - - - - (Y) Parish Felly - - - - - - - Hamlet Arnold - - - - - - - Parish Basford - - - - - - - Parish Bulwell - - - Parish Hucknall-Torkard Parish Kirby-in-Ashfield - - - - Parish Linby - - - - - - - - Parish Mansfield - - - - - - - Parish Mansfield-Woodhouse Parish Papplewick - - - - - (2) Parish Newstead - - - - - - Priory Selston - - - - - - (a) Parish Skegby - - - - - - - Parish Sutton-in-Ashfield - - - (b) Parish Hucknall-under-Huthwaite - Hamlet Teversall - - - - - - - Parish 82 40 1,744 1,760 1,025 1,008 733 230 3,714 751 330 245 69 1,650 92 35 74 35 209 71 3,572 3,599 2,105 1,940 1,420 439 7,861 1,598 593 174 1,321 Toda lari Ini 1,753 170 1,433 150 4,147 321 130 156 35 847 105 81 279 105 28 314 27 77 278 243 115 00-0-o 22 20 70 39 1 137 196 79 2 97 690 293 1,954 350 631 291 584 118 808 150 655 16 729 127 1,989 3,943 712 49 362 189 75 77 N 53 22 225 414 5,829 6,120 30 172 1,243 1,243 4,372 505 15,077 15,595 30,672 21 431 152 32 283 96 392 112 780 823 208 1,534 309 15 21 754 133 208 39 158 291 91 233 51 441 25 90 BROXTOW Wapentake. ) (South Division.) Attenborough Parish : (d) Chilwell - - - - - • Hamlet Toton - - - - - - - Hamlet Beeston - - - - - - - Parish Bilborough - - - Parish Bramcote - - - - - - - Parish Brewhouse-Yard - - - - Extra-P. Cossal - - - - - - - - Parish Eastwood - - () Parish Greasly - Parish Lenton - Parish Nuthall - - - - - - - Parish Radford - Parish Stapleford - - - - - - - Parish Strelly - - Parish Trowell - - - - - - - Parish Wollaton - - (f) Parish 149 209 215 ar i IIII India IT! 168 598 40 712 210 166 506 226 82 317 1,206 4,241 1,240 772 254 130 2,216 608 244 2,289 90 38 465 913 237 879 143 17 608 2,025 632 221 2,517 547 174 237 290 4,806 1,104 557 350 63 85 45 176 227 281 464 112 114 58 571 3,312 13,574 | 39 | 89 887 12,350 337 9,025 I 9,126 18,151 (1) The Return of Kinoulton Parish includes Lodge-on-the-Woulds, | - (0) The entire Parish of Sutton-in-Ashfield contains 4,655 Inbabi Extra.parochial.- (u) Plumtree Parish is mostly in the North Division tants. - Standard Hill, Extra-parochial, which is locally situate in of Rushcliffe Wapentake.-(") The entire Parish of Shelford contains South Broxtow Wapentake, is entered with the Town of Nottingham, at 671 Inhabitants. The other part of Newton Township is in Bingham | the end of the county. (d) The entire Parish of Attenborough con, Parish, (Bingham North Wapentake).- (x) The entire Parish of tains 1,031 Inhabitants. An increase of collieries in Eastwood Tythby contains 635 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Annesley Parish, since 1811. ) Several houses having been demolished i contains 397 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Papplewick coni- Wollaton, the Population is decreased. lains 767 Inhabitants. () An increase of collieries is noticed at Selston. M.DCCC.XXI.] 249 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI LIES All LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two Agri- factures. preced- CUL- JorHandi- TURE. craft. | Classes. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 111 108 219 242 148 147 49 375 345 144 120 37 267 136 430 341 NEWARK Wapentake. (North Division.) Clifton, North - - - - (5) Parish Clifton, South - - - Township Harby - - - - - - - Hamlet Spalford - - Collingham, North - - - - Parish Collingham, South - - - - Parish Girton - - - - (b) Parish Langford - - - •• Parish South-Scarle - - - - () Parish Besthorpe • • - - Chapelry Thorney - - - - - -(k) Parish Broadholme - - - - - Hamlet Wiggesley - - - - - - Hamlet Winthorpe - - - - - - Parish 88 94 76 86 805 686 182 147 151 271 129 57 144 62 27 30 78 34 128 107 235 633 496 | 193 1,777 1,828 3,605 176 387 386 773 120 127 82 189 36 185 247 374 74 11 80 112 221 NEWARK Wapentake. (South Division.) Balderton - - - - - - - Parish Barnby-in-the-Willows - - - Parish Coddington - - - - - - Parish Cotham - - - - - - - Parish Elston - - - - - - - - Parish Farndon - - - - - -.. Parish Hawton - - - - - - - Parish Kilvington - - - - - (1) Parish I | Alverton - - - - - - Hamlet Shelton - - - - - - - Parish Sibthorpe - - - - - - - Parish Staunton - - - - - - () Parish | Flawborough (part of) (1) Chapelry 225 264 446 Q 499 216 24 IvIIIIIIIIIIII co i co 105 142 142 O 19 85 Y 26 129 Thorpe - - - - - - - Parish 24 96 666 1718 526 131 61 1,661 1,691 3,352 con 190 221 92 403 410 208 191 255 395 RUSHCLIFFE Wapentake. (North Division.) Barton - - - - - - - Parish Bradmore a - - - - - Parish Bridgford, West - - • - (m) Parish | Bunny - - - - - - - - Parish | Clifton, with Glapton - - - Parish Edwalton - - - - - - - Parish Keyworth - - - - - - Parish Plumtree (part of) - . - (n) Parish Normanton-on-the-Wolds Township Ratcliffe-upon-Soar - - - - Parish Ruddington - - - - - - Parish Stanton-on-the-Wolds, - - - Parish | Thrumpton - - - - - - Parish Wilford - - - - - - - Parish 51 213 189 116 204 215 68 248 144 I wier IIIIIlo 470 119 454 206 169 313 98 96 12 11 - 101 On aivÖw 82 571 194 168 1,138 119 567 22 68 25 49 109 569 95 | 14 273 296 790 602 285 91 2,516 2,553 5,069 73 176 inco RUSHCLIFFE Wapentake. (South Division.) | Costock, otherwise Cortlingstock Parish Gotham - - - - - - - Parish Kingston-upon-Soar - - - - Parish Leake, East - - - - - - Parish Leake, West - - - - - - Parish 341 165 306 109 made 319 a I 28 159 74 625 166 783 92 408 111 165 375 o 100 211 N mi The entire Parish of North-Clifton contains 864 Inhabitants. partly in the Return of Kilvington Parish, and partly in that of Staunton Fenty persons have emigrated to North America.- (1Mering, which Parish. The entire Parish of Staunton contains 227 Inhabitants. The entered in the North Division of Thurgarton Wapentake, and called other part of Flawborough Chapelry is incluried in the Return of Orston tra-parocbial, is said to be in the Parish of Girton; it is entered in Parish, Bingham (North) Wapentake. (m) West-Bridgford Parish durgarton (North) Wapentake. ) The entire Parish of South is partly in Bingham (South) Wapentake. The entire Parish contains Scarle contains 422 Inhabitants. (k) The entire Parish of Thorney | 310 Inhabitants. () Plumtree Parish is partly in Bingham (South) amns 364 Inhabitants. () The Hamlet of Alverton is included | Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 579 Inhabitants. Sss 250 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM-continued. 1 HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL LIES By OR how einploy- Families TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: - . | FAMI- FAMI- LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly ema ed in not con- ployed | TRADE, Iprized in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL orHandi- houdilt ing TURE. craft. Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. OP Building MALES. FEMALES. in PERSONS. 172 154 169 326 58 39 83 199 368 160 28 86 RUSHCLIFFE Wapentake. (South Division.) continued. Normanton-upton-Soar - - - Parish Rempstone - - - - Parish Stanford-upon-Soar - - Parish I Sutton-Bonnington - - Parish 1 192 Thorpe - - - - - Parish Widmer-Pool - - - - - Parish Willoughby-in-the-Wolds - . Wysall - - - - - - - Parish 205 60 | 122 23 74 481 19 983 502 14 110 33 119 Parish 223 227 133 229 450 287 154 934 1,0086 551 380 2,530 4,962 54 54 136 246 105 134 269 Aer i hand 7F 270 515 290 744 150 136 347 397 179 317 164 344 138 22 142 22 317 49 SOUTHWELL and SCROOBY Liberty. (°) Askham - - - - - - - Parish Beckingham - - - - - - Parish Bleasby - - - - - - - Parish Blidworth - - - - - () Parish Blyth (part of) Parish: (9) Ranskill - - - - - (9) Township Edingly -- - - - - - Parish Everton - - - - - - () Parish Scaftworth - Township Farnstield - - - - - - - Parish Halam - - - - - - - Parish Halloughton Parish Hayton - Parish Kirklington - Parish Lanebam - - Parish Morton . . Parish Scrooby- - Parish Southwell - - (*) Parish Sutton - - - - - - - () Parish Lound - - - - - - Township Upton - - - - -. - Parish 171 394 151 , I had I 19 Inari cowo 641 100 811 310 101 46 138 180 324 51 417 159 55 108 117 170 66 134 1,570 176 189 211 136 123 177 244. 240 347 150 o tabo 84 57 269 610 573 47 60 135 1,481 171 181 221 83 96 olā 3,051 347 370 432 96 5 1,931 49 1,270 241 4,942 4,951 9,893 97 94 221 246 99 191 467 184 75 115 1:14 00 50 95 104 199 THURGARTON Wapentake. (North Division.) Averham - - - - - - - Parish Caunton - - - - Parishi Cromwell - - - - - - - Parish Flędborough - - Parish Hockerton - - - - - - Parish Holme - - - - - - - Parish Kelham - - - - - - - Parish Kneezal (part of) . () Parish Kersall - - - Hamlet Maplebeck - - - - - - Parish Marnham - - - - - - (W) Parish Grassthorpe - - - - Township Mering - - - - - -(*) Extra-P. Muskham, North . . . (y) Parish Bathley - - - - - Township Muskham, South - - • () Parish TaaIIIIIIIIIIII 204 Torriol Nil 210 43 39 414 82 193 254 101 92 122 132 51 46 97: 445 4 210 91 148 3 235 81 130 172 278 .. © Of the Parishes constituting the Liberty of Sopthwell and Scrooby, | take, West Riding of the County of York. A boarding school esta- Bleasby, Edingly, Farnsfield, Halam, Halloughton, Kirklington, Morton, 1 blished at Ranskill has increased the number of Males. The entire and Upton, are, around Southwell, and separate the North from the Parish of Everton contains 741 Inhabitants.-- () The inmates of the South Division of Thurgarton Wapentake : Everton, Hayton, Mattersey, house of correction (96 in number) are included in the Population of Rankskill, and Sutton are contigious to Scrouby, nearly separating the Southwell. A silk and cotton factory has caused a further increase North Clay from tbe Hatfield Division of Bassetlaw Wapentake; Becking- () The entire Parish of Sutton contains 717 Inhabitants.--- (4) Kneesal! ham is in the North Clay Division, and near Gainsborough ; Askhan Parish is partly in the South Clay Division of Bassetlaw. The entire and Lauehum,are in the Souih Clay Division; Blidworth is locally situate Parish contains 602 Inhabitants. (W) The entire Parish of Marnhan in Bruxtow. Wapentake. Clareborough, sometimes reckuned part of the contains 351 Inbabitants. (*) Mering, here called Extra-Parochial, Liberty of Southwell and Scrooby, is entered in the North-Clay Division is said to be in the Parish of Girton, North Division of Newark Wapen. of Bassetlaw. cp) The improvement of agriculture is mentioned as take. ) The entire Parish of North-Muskham contains 617 Inhar a cause of the incrcase of Population at Blidworth. (9) The Parish of bitants. (3) The Return of South-Muskham Parish includes South- Blyth is mostly in the Hatfield Divition of Bassetlaw; and it extends | Carlton. into the North and South Division of Stratforth and Tickhill Wapen- M.DCCC.XXI.) 257 THE POPULATION ACT; I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, T FAMI- FAMILIES ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building Un-Inhabited. LIES OTHER chietly employ- Families em- led in not coin- ployed | TRADE, ſprized in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. | MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. . 154 143 225 51 297 476 251 60 111 154 287 THURGARTON Wapentake. North Division-continued. Normanton-upon-Trent - - Parish Norwell - - - - - - () Parish Norwell-Woodhouse - - Township Carlton-upon-Trent - - Chapelry Ossington - - - - - - - Parish Park-Leys - - - - - Extra-P. Rolleston - - - - - - - Parish Staythorpe - - - - - - Parish Stoke, East, near New ik - (6) Parish Sutton-upon-Trent - - - - Parish Weston - - - - - - - Parish Winkbourn - - - - - - Parish irl or No ano 133 148 153 301 AOW I ol Valor I 10 141 165 29 306 69 424 40 204 62 119 220 446 438 884 134 166 88 300 27 23 co g 71 159 1,272 | 1,4016 16 1,007 300 3,489 3,4226,911 I 238 270 508 ou 73 69 142 212 558 506 55 20 103 66 250 166 65 263 176 oor n 82 249 250 688 THURGARTON Vapentake. (South Divis. in.) Burton-Joyce - - - - - ©) Parish Bulcote - - - - - - - Hamlet Calverton - - - - - - - Parish Colwick - - - - - - - Parish Epperstone - - - - - - Parish Fiskerton - - - - - - - Parish Gedling - - - - - - (d) Parish Carlton - - - - - - - Hamlet Stoke-Bardolph - - - Township Gonaldston - - - - - - Parish Hoveringham - - - - - Parish Lambley - - - - - - - Parish Lowdham - - - - - () Parish Caythorpe - - - - - Township Gunthorpe - - - - - Township Oxton - - - - - - - Parish Snenton - - - - - - - Parish Thurgarton - - - - - - Parish Woodborough - - - - - Parish 306 657 84 1,064 120 513 342 499 1,345 173 96 335 690 89 IlaIII II 111 111'ci Il I na 100 na 166 169 306 coco in mod nord 679 384 354 152 188 397 285 79 182 167 401 162 231 119 240 559 370 798 1,212 330 717 50 71 B 653 164 355 166 362 121 36 834 1,083 125 5,143 5,075 10,218 1,907 12,042 45 Borvugh Town of NEWARK-UPON-TRENT - - Parish | 1,620 | 1,823 | 29 | 42 | 121 1923,827 4,257 8,084 Town and County of the Town of NOTTINGHAM. Mary, St. (+) - - - - - Parish 5,923 7,150 Nicholas, St.-' - - - Párish 807 1 855 Peter's, St. - - - - - - Parish 608 710 Standard-Hill, and Limits of the he Extra-P. Castle of Nottingham - ()- 37 67 215 | 261 16,732 11 37 19 -1.18 | 15,292 117,420 132,712 1,817 2,300 4,117 1,541 1,820 3,361 99 126 225 17,375 8,752 68 270 8,043 427 18,749 21,666 40,415 : () The entire Parish of Norwell contains 874 Inhabitants. East (c) The entire Parish of Lowdham contains 1,334 Inhabitants. Stoke is sometimes attributed to Bingham, sometimes to Newark Wa O Standard-IIill (adjacent to the Town of Nottinghanu) is in the South Pentake. () The entire Parishi of Burton-Joyce contains 650 Inha | Division of Broxtow Wapeutake. bitants.-- O The entire Parislı of Gedling contains 2,017 Inhabitants. 252 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS. AND RETURNS UNDER S UM M A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMILIES HUNDREDS, By how TOTAL &c. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Op Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL LIES | chiefly | Other chiefly employ - Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Many- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. Hundred or Wapentake of BASSETLAW, Hatfield Division - - - - 3,275 3,442 21 North-Clay Division --- 1,932 2,100 5 South-Clay Division - - - - 1,382 1,487 422 8,632 45 37 2,163 1,044 1,096 868 188 4,782 3,535 8,540 5,028 3,508 17,172 9,810 7,043 BINGHAM, North and South Divisions - • 2,164 2,317 25 1,542 614 1615,806 5,710 11,516 BROXTOW, North and South Divisions - -1 9,141 9,694 69 261 2,130 6,722 842 | 24,102 24,721 48,823 NEWARK, North and South Divisions - - 1,299 324 143 3,438 1 3,519 | 6,957 RUSHCLIFFE, North and South Divisions - -11,724 1,986 7 39 1,153 665 168 4,985 10,031 Liberty of SOUTHWELL and SCROOBY -11,931 | 2,070 | 20 | 49 | 1,2701 559 | 241 | 4,942 4,951) 9,893 Hundred or Wapentake of THURGARTON, North and South Divisious - - 3,179 3,443 | 51 | 52 | 1,841 1,383 219 8,632 8,497 17,129 Borough of NEWARK-UPON-TRENT - 1,620 1,823 29 42 121 1,510 1923,827 4,257 8,084 Town and County of the Town of NOTTINGHAM ----- 7,375 8,752 68 270 282 8,043 42718,749 31,666 40,415 TOTAL - - - 135,02238,603 288 | 859 13,664 (21,832 3,107 | 91,4911 95,382 186,873 M.DCCC.XXI.] 253 · THE" POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM--continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. 15 20 30 40 TOTAL 5. 40 8,6231 758 425 316 583 413) 229 326 2591 113 36 242 | 199 105| 32 4,786 3,5381 672 627 843 61 514 408 262 154 461 5,806 Hundred or Wapentake Under of BASSETLAW, Hatfield Division - - - North-Clay Division - . South-Clay Division - 1 BINGHAM, North and South Divisions | 881 BROXTOW, North and South Divisions | 3,865/ 3,367 NEWARK, North and South Divisions RUSHCLIFFE, North and South Divisions SOUTHWELL and SCROOBY LIBERTY SI THURGARTON, North and South Divisions 3,012 2,463 3,405) 2,573 / 2,242 | 1,557/1,009) 449|103 | 91 - 124,054 68 332 248 1811 96 33 2 3,479 366 2371 1511 444 5,097 313 248 120 T- 4,844 9161 764626 4251 216 54 8,644 420 3,8271 NEWARK-UPON-) TRENT, BORO'S NOTTINGHAM TOWN, and COUNTY of the 435 392 385 401 596 417 354 245 249 1491 70 13 - - 3,457 TOWN - - - Total of MALES - (11,416 (10,243 9,012 8,100 11,128 8,155 7,050 5,179 3,568 1,790481 33 - 76,155 FEMALE S. 30 to TAL 8,448 537 | 390 237 55 325 256 | 142 252 194 99 م ي ا 5,028 3,508 950 656 494 Hundred or Wapentake Under of BASSETLAW, Hatfield Division · .. 1,158 North-Clay Division - - 627 South-Clay Division - -1 507 BINGHAM, North and South Divisions 801 BROXTOW, North and South Divisions 3,809 NEWARK, North and South Divisions 536 RUSHCLIFFE, North and South Divisions SOUTHWELL and 1 SCROOBY LIBERTY 1 709 363 274 120 42 م 5,700 ه - 24,719 335 352 574 239| 183 74 181 ه 3,521 به 4,985 YYY م L ! 4,054 4,851 THURGARTON, North and South Divisions 916 805) 1,369 956 776 585 406 213 3 - | 8,504 نه 4261 291 209 100 22 ده 4,257 NEWARK-UPON- TRENT, BORO'J " NOTTINGHAM TOWN, and COUNTY of the } TOWN - - - - 392 392 5401 972 536 | 3 - 4,246 Total of FEMALES (11,124/ 9,921 | 8,491 | 7,959 13,301 9,062 / 7,110 5,004 3,508 1,778475 | 341 - 177,767 THE Total Number of Returns in the County of Nottingham was . . . 186,873, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, :::.153,922, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly one-sixth part of the persons therein enumerated, have not betri oblained in compliance with the question to that effect. e Total Number of Enumeration Returns received froin the County of Nottingham was 269; every one of which (the large parish of St. ary, in the town of Nottingham, excepted) contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A sınall proportiore of this octurns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, -or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. The' Ttt 254 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. - County of Oxford. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OTHER By OR how TOTAL many - - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Op Un-Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not con. ployed Trade, prized in in Mathe I'wo AGRI factures, preced- CUL forHandi ing TURE. I craft. Classes. 66 FENIALES. MALES. PERSONS. 1 185 357 72 71 312 188 365 714 172 177 746 329 1,460 330 52 45 maal al al I 20 24 22 162 111 265 336 174 115 243 49 226 105 508 86 vm CO NC con Amiiii ocu 48 50 64 718 114 1,409 691 145 330 53 277 132 120 243 I TOITII IIIIIIIII 11 11 OTTI BAMPTON Hundred. AlvesCOTT • - - - - - Parish Asthall and Asthall-Leigh - · Parish Bampton (with Weald) - - (). Parislı 285 Aston and Cote - - - - Hamlet 117 Brighthampton (part of) - - Hamlet Chimney - - - - - - Hamlet Shifford - - - Chapelry Blackbourton - - - Parish 45 Broadwell (+) - :- (b) Parish Filkins - - - - - - - Hamlet Holwell - - . - - Chapelry 18 Broughton-Poggs - - - - Parish Burford -. - - - - - Parish 290 Upton and Signet - - Ilamlet 53 Clanfield - - - - ... - Parish Ducklington - - - - - () Parish Hardwicke• - - - - Hamlet Kęlmscott - - - - - - Parish Kencoft - - - - - - - Parish Lángford (part of) Parish : (*) Grafton - - - - - Township, Radcutt - - - - - - Hamlet Norton, Brize - - - - - Parish Shilton • - - - - - () Parish Standlake - - - - - - Parish with part of Brighthampton (9) Hamlet 113 Westwell... . - - Parish Witney - - - - - - (5) Parish | 533 Crawley - - - - - - Hamlet 46 Curbridge - . - Hamlet Hailey - - - - Hamlet 203 Lew - - - - - - - Hamlet Yelford .. . - - - - - Parish 2 247 192 181 490 373 ! 14 17 279 249 138 327 er von D In 1 316 81 29 ! Il es la m + III 643 160 2,827 221 606 1,301 107 179 541 133 1,526 114 193 557 133 372 219 55 1,098 266 46 11 16 2,576 12,930 1,615 284 6,620 | 6,883 13,503 651 1,778 748 408 390 266 1,618 931 630 73 920 718 3,396 1,851 1,348 293 25 2 147 74 254 102 243 497 BANBURY Hundred. BANBURY (+) - (h). Boro' and Parish Neithrop - - - - - - Hamlet Charlbury - - - - - (i) Parish Fawler (+) - - - - - Hamlet Finstock - - - - - - Hamlet Clattercott - - - - - Extra-P. Cropredy (+) --:-(k) Parish Bourton, Great and Little - Hamlet Claydon - - - - - Chapelry Prescott - - - - - - Hamlet Wardington - - - - Chapelry Swalcliffe - - - - - - 0) Parish Epwell - - - - - Chapelry Shutford, East - - - Chapelry Shutford, West - - - Towaship 262 208 118 548 441 252 oli loc CV i 19 5 286 233 134 10 405 181 179 19 173 420 63 175 176 14 356 355 33 24 172 344 2,104 | 2,290 12 / 80 1,003 | 1,094 | 193 | 5,120 | 5,300 10,430 (a) The entire Parish of Bampton contains 2,304 Inhabitants. The | female in Witney Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-- () The Hainlet of. Brighthampton, or Brittenton, is partly iri Bampton Parish, entire Parish of Banbury contains 5,247 Inhabitants.-- (The entire partly in Standlake Parisb.--- The entire Parish of Broadwell con Parish, of Charlbury, which is party in Cbadlington Hundred, contains ains 594 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Burford contains 2,877 Iuhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to leather- 1,686 Inbabitants, (d) The entire Parish of Ducklington contains. dressing, and the manufacture of gloves.- (k) Cropredy Parish is 497 Inhabitants.- (e) Langford Parish is mostly in Farringdon Hup partly in Bloxham Hundred, and extends into Kington Hundred (War. dred, Berks. Shilton is partly in Banpron Hundred, forming wickshire). The entire Parish contains 2,395 Inhabitants. Warding a delached portion of Berkshire (see Farringdon Hundred, Berks), and ton Chapelry includes Williamscott or Willscott, and Coton.com Leachlade, otherwise Linhill, partly in Bampton Hundred, and partly (1) Swalclitre Parish is partly in Bloxham Hundred; the entire Parish in Brightwells-Barrow Hundred (Gloucester) is entered in the latter contains 1,798 Inhabitants. Plush weaving has been established (): The entire Parish of Witney contains 4,784 Inhabitants. One ! West-Shutford. M.DCCC.XXI.) 255 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.. COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS:. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families OG- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | Fámi- | All LIBS LIES chiefly OTHER any employ- Familics not com- prized in the I'wo AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- Jorhandi- ing TURE. | crait. ClassC8. Un-Inhabited. chiefly em- ed in ployed TRADE, in Manu. Building OP FEMALES. MALES capied. PERSONS. 80 86 76 127 204 179 258 50 | 81 In 658 659 383 1,317 49 43 101 223 BINFIELD Hundred. Bis - - - ! - - - - Parish Caversham - - - - - - Parish 239 Harpsden, with Bolney - - - Parish Henley-upon-Thames - - - Parish 1 696 Rother field-Grays - - - - Parish Rotberfield-Peppard - - - Parish Shiplake - - - - - - - Parish 101 Sonning (part of) Parish : (m) Eye and Dunsden - - - Liberty 166 844 162 | 410 | 309 122 1,583 359 1,926 358 3,509 719 401 77 219 182 264 112 112 15 264 528 | 145 417 845 428 | 3,837 6 45 | 726 571 486 1 4,086 7,923 124 469 1 72 191 62 315 455 211 61 3:23 924 402 123 638 190 38 su no loco , CU COTA 96 94 83 75 296 685 158 1,300 111 615 109 116 143 110 148 220 286 291 1,562 1,783 BLOXHAM Hundred. Adderbury, East - - Parish Adderbury, West - - • Township Barford, St. John - - Chapelry 23 Badicott - - - - - Chapelry 143 Milton - - - - - - • Hamlet Alkerton - - - - - - - Parish 31 Bloxham - . - . . . ( Parish Milcombe - - - - - Chapelry Broughton - - - - - (P) Parish Newington, North - - • Hamlet Cropredy (part of) Parish: (9) Mollington - - - - ' Chapelry Drayton - - - - - - - Parish Hanwell - - - - - - - Parish Horley - - - - - - () Parish Hornton - - - - - Chapelry Swalcliffe (part of) Parish : (s) Şibford-Ferris - - - - Hamlet Sibford-Gower - - - - Hamlet Tadmarton - - - - - - Parish Wigginton - - - - -() Parish .55 Wroxton - - - - - - U Parish 116 Balscott - - - - - - Hamlet 140 88 185 170 97 147 161 256 139 156 121 273 529 Teri Al Al con 216 105 80 · 93 - 242 200 135 494 401 123 252 201 156 304 100 291 47 101 42 274 578 214 I : 42 114 1,754 | 1,890 4 | 47 | 1,264 471 155 4,088 4,205 8,293 a 776 90 136 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a couver 180 270 393 312 212 181 154 127 158 131 258 203 193 BULLINGTON Hundred. Albury - - - - - - (W) Parish Tiddington - - - - - Hamlet Ambrosden - - - - - (x) Parish Arncott - - - - - Chapelry Blackthorn - - - - Chapelry Baldon-Marsh - - - - - Parish Baldon-Taot - - - - - - Parish Beckley - - - - - - (Y) Parish Studley with Horton - - Chapelry Clements, St. - - - - - Parish Cowley - - - - - - - Parish Cuddesden - - - - - (2) Parish Chippinghurst - - - - Hamlet Denton - - - - - - Hamlet Wheatley - - - - - Chapelry Elşfield - - - . . - - Parish Forest-Hill - - - - - - Parish | Garsington - - - - - - Parish 396 181 A i ! And Logos de Co III i wa I 158 371 v min lalo moooolto + 339 770 472 232 49 131 399 240 136 13 61 443 15 267 28 134 73 II mati 173 456 899 101 87 188 86 157 595 1 313 · 282 (*) Sonning Parish is mostly in Sonning Hundred, and partly in practice of relieving the poor by head money (according to the number ( Charlton Hundred (Berks. n) The entire Parish of Last-Adderbury of persons in a fainily) operated as an inducement to early nutrriages, contains 2,237. Lubabitants. The entire Parish of Bloxbam (North ! especially when corn was dear.comin (U) The entire Parish of Wroxton and South) contains 1,520 Inhabitants.---- () The entire Parish of contains 792 Inhabitants...eman W The entire Parish of Albury contains Broughtout contains 517 Inhabitants (Cropredy Parish is nowstly 2 14 Inhabitants.c (X) The entire Parish of Ambrosdcn coutaius 843 in Banbury. Hundred'; it also extends into Kington Hundred, County of Inhabitants, tened ) The entire Parish of' Beckley, which is partly in Warwick. 5). The entire Parish of Horley contains 846 Inhabitants Ashendon Hundred (Bucks.) contains 825 Inhabitants, 4(%) The en- - () Swacliffe Parish is mustly in Banbury Hundred.- (t) The li tire Parish of Cuddesden contains 1,328 Inhabitants. 256 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY or oXFORD-- continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMIO | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMILIES LIES chiefly ОтHER chiefly employ- Families em. 1 ed in not con- ployed Trade, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. \factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ling TURE. | craft. Classes. ОР FEMALES. MALES PERSONS. cupied. 533 137 III Ai i co 554 123 128 263 159 1,087 260 264 527 ci - 354 180 81 340 82 BULLINGTON Hundred-continued. Headington - - - - - - Parish Holton - - - - - - - Parish Horsepath - - - - - - Parish Illey - - - - - - - () Parish Littlemoor - - - - (a) Liberty Marston • - - - - - - Parisb Merton - - - . . . - Parish Milton, Great Parish : (0) Chilworth - - - - - - Hamlet Nuneham-Courtney - (9) Parish Piddington - - - - - - Parish Sanford - - - - - - - Parishi Shotover - - - - - - - Parish Stanton, St. John's Parish Stow-Wood - Parish Waterperry - - - - - - Parish Wood-Eaton - - - - - - Parish 163 Invici Inelco 33 143 312 187 94 359 193 99 III in III 223 41 245 10 113 468 26 129 242 I · 42 27 69 1 1,953 2,273 1 72 45 | 1,606 502 | 165 5,390 5,294 10,684 CHADLINGTON Hundred. Ascott - - - - - - - - Parish 79 199 210 409 i 64 40 114 250 141 19 50 l IIIIIIIIIIIIII 116 214 co w warrio com co 8C 166 160 146 74 69 136 551 106 Charlbury (part of) Parish : () Chadlington, East - - Chapelry Chadlington, West (+)- - Tything Chilson (+) - - - () Chapelry Chastleton - - - - - - Parish Churchill - - - - - - - Parish Cornwell - - - - - - - Parish Enstone, Church Parish: (*) Cleveley - - - - - - Hamlet Enstone, Church - .. Hamlet Enstone, Neat - - - - Hamlet Gagingwell - - - - - Hamlet Lidstone - - - - - - Hamlet Radford - - - Hamlet Fifield - - - - - - - - Parish Fulbrook - - - - - Parish Idbury. -'... - . . . Parish Kiddington Parish: Kiddington, Over - - - Hamlet Kingham • - - - - - - Parish Minster-Lovell • .'. Parish Northmoor - - - - - - Parish Norton, Chipping (8) Parish Norton, Over - - - - - Hamlet Norton-Hook - - - - (b) Parish Southrope - - Township Rollright, Great - - - - - Parish Rollright, Little - - - - - Parish Salford - - - - - - - Parislı Sarsden - - - - - - - Parish Shipton-under-Whichwood. ) Parish Langley - - - Chapelry Leafield - - - - - Chapelry Lyneham - - - - - Chapelry Milton - - - - - - Chapelry Ramsdon - - - - - Chapelry Tag - 1o W Ilw-whitãow warnar Iwwe w r in 193 127 226 125 29 238 252 464 326 44 180 146 177 366 10 196 189 1,140 188 1,126 426 75 232 56 162 45 202 2,266 374 1,072 558 279 150 228 l w IIIIIIIIIII w Iwi and I - 12 - 186 514 129 191 16 144 52 224 30 419 28 1 149 20 76 217 113 12 134 33 I er os hond Tara 256 297 140 293 120 lif 194 274 197 (*) The entire Parish of IAcy (with Hockmoor) contains 881 Inhabitants. Littlemoor Liberty extends into the Parish of St. Mary-the-Virgin (City of Oxford.) () Great-Milton Parish is mostly in Thame Hundred. - () Additional houses have been built at Nuneham-Courtney by a Harcourt, (°) Charlbury Parish is mostly in Banbury Hundred, and Wallcott Hamlet is included in the Return of that part of the Parish. Pudlicott and Shorthampton are attached to Chilsou Chapelry. (*) The entire Parish of Church-Enstone contains 1,077 Inhabitants.-- The Return of Over-Kiddington includes the Parish of Nether-Kiddington, which is locally situate in Wootton Hundred. ) The entire Parish of Chipping-Norton contains 2,640 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Hook-Norton contains 1,351 Inhabitants. The increased Pupu. lation is said to consist of paupers only. The entire Parish ol Shipton-under-Whichwood contains 2,275 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.T. 257 " THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. . COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL By how OR TOTAL many lainili EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. LIES chiefly elu- ployed Un-Inhabited. Building. OF LIES chiefly | OTHER employ- Families ed in not com- Trade, prized in Manu. the Two factures, preced- orHandi- ling craft. | Classes, FEMALES. MALES. Oc- PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- CUL- TURE. 109 112 1 610 CHADLINGTON Hundred-continued. Spelsbury - - - - - - (K) Parish Swerford - - - - - - - Parish Swinbrook - - - - - - Parish Taynton - - - - - - Parish 81 33 cial 305 209 104 176 305 186 104 148 36 71 395 208 324 . 2,652 2,958 10 | 48 | 2,078 | 628 | 252 7,278 6,928 14,206 1:1 - 32 118 DORCHESTER Hundred. Bensington (part of) Parish : () · Fifield - - - - - - - Hamlet Burcott - - - - - - - Parish Chiselhampton - - - - - Parish Clifton-Hampden - - - - Parish Culham - - - - - - - Parish Dorchester - - - - - - Parish Drayton - - - Parish Stadhampton - - - - - - Parish South-Stoke - - - - - - Parish with Woodcote - - - - - Liberty 143 183 359 168 z oo & S B Il tonia 134 176 436 179 418 164 129 125 854 343 254 739 371 368 627 672 522 113 1,541 1,550 13,091 486 473 959 88 86 129 143 174 272 14 538 31 182 284 254 18 10 ivio iwwe 13 101 EWELME Hundred. Bensington (Benson) (part of) ( ) Parish Berrick-Salome - - - - Parish Brightwell, Baldwin (+) - (m) Parish Cadwell - - - - - - Tything Chalgrove -...•(9) Parish Rafford - - - - - - Liberty Cuxham - - - - - - - Parish Easington - - - - - - Parish Ewelme - - - - - - - Parish Haselėy, Great - - - - () Parish Haseley, Little - - - Township Ickford - - - - - - (P) Parish Nettlebed ... - - - Parish Newington - - - - - (9) Parish Berrick-Prior - - - - - Liberty Brightwell-Prior - - - Chapelry Brockhampton - - - - Tything Holcomb - - - - - - Tything | Nuffield - - - - - - - Parish Swincomb - - - - - - Parish Warborough (+) - - Parish Warpsgrove - - - - - - Parish 25 INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 81 16 319 239 84 573 475 153 TONN Lion Brölicoici 545 23 41 152 47 92 110 198 39 LA A 0-1 106 166 345 128 179 347 13 684 337 . 14 I 27 1,101 1,214 877 240 2,898 2,742 5,640 64 51 53 53 45 142 101 460 LANGTREE Hundred. Checkendon - - - - - - Crowmarsh-Gifford (+) - - | Goring - - - - - - - Ipsden - - - - - - () Maple-Durham - - ... - Mongewell - - - - - - Newnham-Murren (+) - - North-Stoke - - - - - - Whitchurch - - - - - - 42 149 100 103 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 295 230 867 583 308 149 127 109 27 153 129 407 275 251 73 öc la osci A CO ܤ ܟ ܗܗ ܛ | ܨ ܨ ܣ | 257 69 508 142 45 124 136 108 319 95 260 203 647 129 135 328 679 754 3 5 619 go 45 1,900 1,835 3,735 Spelsbury Parish includes the Hamlets of Dean, Ditchley, Pull. | Parish of Great-Haseley contains 628 Inhabitants ; Latchford, Rycote well and Taston. ) Bensington Parish is mostly in Ewelme Hun. dred. The entire Parish, which is partly in Dorchester Hundred, contains partly ia Ewelme Hundred, partly in Ashendon Hundred (Bucks) is 901 Inhabitants, the Hamiet of Crowmarsh-Battle included. (m) The entered in the latter.. (9) The entire Parish of Newington contains entire Parish of Brightwell-Baldivin contains 286 Inhabitants. The 445 Inhabitants.- ) The Return of Jpsden includes Stokerow Liberty. chtire Parish of Chalgrove contains 569 Inhabitants. The entire Uuu 258 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF OXFORD--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: 1 FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES By how chiefly OR TOTAL maily EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. OP Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- ALL LIES Oruer chiefly Families en ed in not com- ployed Tradf., prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS LEWKNOR Hundred. 12 22 44 186 438 432 143 25 113 41 182 88 104 433 120 432 40 112 43 Adwell - - - - - - - Parish Aston-Rowant - - - - () Parish Britwell-Salome - - - - - Parish Chinnor - - - (1) Parish Henton - - - - - - - Liberty Crowell - - - - - - - Parish Eminington - - - - - - Parish Lewknor (+) - - - - () Parish and Postcombe - - Chapelry Sydenham - - - - - - Parish [ Stoken-church ---- (W) Parish 83 36 76 232 159 32 13 77 352 691 339 184 511 69 193 183 367 1,102 198 55 591 atitin 11 Talool I a I eo I i 10 841 955 | 2 | 18 619 | 131 | 2,270 | 2,329 4,599 80 28 101 308 PIRTON Hundred. Pishill - - - - - - - - Parish Pirton (+) - - - - - () Parish Shirburn - - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Talmage - - - - - Parish | Watlington - - - - - (V) Parish | Weston, South - - - - - Parish Wheatfield - - - - - Parish 64 28 118 131 63 24 295 l 354 22 17 75 314 153 70 702 57 179 70 20 151 155 622 332 140 1,479 108 79 ללל 1910, wo 23 51 39 40 567 391 1,410 1,505 2,915 33 3 107 84 / 191 n 141 130 1,092 271 2,273 10 52 100 119 282 570 127 143 - 108 164 235 307 136 274 PLOUGHLEY Hundred. Ardley - ------Parish Bicester, Parish :(2) Kings-end - - - - - Township Market-end (part of) - - Township Caversfield, Parish:(a) Bicester, Market-end (part of) Township Blechingdon - - - - - - Parish Boycutt - - - - - (6) Extra P. Bucknell - - - - - - - Parish Charlton-upon-Otmore - - Parish Fencot and Murcot - - - Hamlet Chesterton - - - - - - Parish Cottesford - - - - - - Parisha Finmere - - - - - - - Parish Fringford - - - - - - - Parish Fritwell - - - - - - - Parish Goddington - - - - - - Parish Hampton-Gay - - - - - Parish Hampton-Poyle - Parish Hardwicke - - - - - (b) Parish Hethe (+) - - - - - - Parish Heyford, Lower - - - - - Parish Heyford, Warren or Upper - - Parish Islip - - - - - - - O Parish Kirtlington - - - - - - Parish Launton - - - - - - - Parish Lillingstone. Lovell . . Parish 192 138 200 73 67 192 392 140 395 203 151 Nino w ovouwi Omolilivom | #nal QQ Quand nour and NOT ON ITII od ponad Lirico N IIIA 230 56 246 289 476 45 110 86 153 47 98 187 350 257 238 127 495 257 141 133 655 130 321 379 271 334 318 121 100 23 282 ♡ 85 75 (5) The Return of Aston-Rowant Parish includes the Liberties of Chal- 1 Warmscomb Hamlet, included in the Return of Watlington Parish, were ford and Kingston-Blount, which in the year 1811 made distinct Returns. separately returned in 1811,- () The entire Parish of Bicester con- () The entire Parish of Chinnor contains 1,097 Inhabitants. A tains 2,544 Inhabitants. The Township of Bicester-Market-End is boarding school increases the number of males.-- Part of Lewknor partly in Caversfield Parish. ) Cavershield Parish is mostly in Parish is locally situate in Desborough Hundred (Bucks.) Lewknor, Buckingham Hundred (Bucks.) The Township of Bicester-Market-End Uphill, and Ashamstead Chapelry are included in Lewknor Parish.---- | is mostly in Bicester Parish. Boycutt, Extra-parochial, is included (w) Amanufacture of chairs has been established at Stoken-Church.--. | in the Return of the Parish of Stowe (Bucks.) () The entire Parish (*) The Return of Pyrton Parish includes the Hamlets of Assendon, Clare, 1 of Charlton-upon-Otmore contains 581 Inhabitants. Tivo boarding Golder and Standhill, and the Liberty of Christmas-Cominon, all which | schools have been established at Islip. (b) Tusmore Parish is included in the year 1811 made distinct Returns. ) Greenfield Liberty, and in the Return of the Parish of Hardwicke. M.DCCC.XXI.) 259 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI ALL By OR how employ-| Families TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES LIES OTIIER chiefly chicfly em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu-7 the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL lorHandi TURL. craft. Jasses. Inbabited. Fannilies Un-Inhabited. ОР Building Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. FLOUGHLEY Hundred continued. Middleton-Stoney - - - - Parish 155 185 340 !!! 153 336 143 168 166 208 192 110 Newton-Purcell - - - Noke - - - - - - Oddington - - - - Shelswell - - - - - Somerton - - - - - Souldern - - - - - Stoke-Lyne - - - - Bainton - Fewcot - - - - - Stratton-Audley - -- Tusmore - - - - - Wendlebury - - - - Weston-on-the-Green - - - Parish - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - () Parish - - Hamlet - - Hamlet (6) Parish () Parish - - Parish - - Parish IIIIIIIIIIIII 245 246 110 52 11 6710 Ii Iii com o 51 400 491 303 A1111AI16011 161 31 142 22 Ila III III 58 68 80 181 161 148 342 107 237 93 225 200 462 17 24 556 300 6,596 6,539 13,135 2,523 2,713 THAME Hundred. Attington - - - - - - Extra P. Milton, Great - - - . () Parish | 106 127 | Ascott - - - - - - - Hamlet 8 11 Milton, Little - - - - - Parish 100 Tetsworth - - - - - - Parish 105 110 Thame (+) - - - - - (k) Parish 479 502 Waterstock - - - - - - Parish 26 26 ich I go III ali 302 21 221 243 80 291 24 221 252 1,281 60 593 45 44% 495 2,479 132 106 1,198 24 72 816 878 1 5 321 1 171386 | 2,063 2,131 4,194 WOOTTON Hundred. 59 151 145 196 94 25 71 - - - - - - 199 49 184 208 138 296 395 120 339 404 155 196 103 106 115 253 52 50 - 195 185 102 380 130 64 66 - 163 28 178 I lailaag i 191 - Loiva mi mar i 341 52 230 452 * 6 11 | Aston, North - - Aston, Steeple - - Aston, Middle - Barford, Great - - Barton - - - - Barton, Westcott - Begbrooke - - Bladon - - - - Hensington - Cassington - - - Worton - - Cogges - - - - and Wilcote - - Conibe, Long - - Deddington - - - Clifton - - - - Hempton - - - Dunstew - - - - Ensham - - - - Glympton - - - Handborough - - Haythrop - - - with Dunthrop - Kiddington, Nether - Kidlington - - - Gosſord - - - Thrup - - - - Water-Eaton - - 269 - - Parish - ) Parish - Township - - Parish - () Parish - - Parish - (n) Parish • ° Parish . - Hamlet - (P) Parish - - Hamlet - (9) Parish - Township - - Parish - () Parish - Township - Township - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish - - Hamlet - () Parish - () Parish - Township - - Hamlet - Township 564 ar Iloi ng co on näol NWO NANG H co o con 24 222 · 5 295 696 131 - - - - - - - - - - III made IIIIII-AIOII III 314 40 80 32 78 316 140 92 235 812 103 225 893 87 1,404 271 172 460 1,705 141 885 136 26 54 431 454 183 489 - - - - - - 449 21 938 47 113 13 34 55 14 57 (9) The Return of Mixbury Parish includes Fulwell Hamlet and Wil. | Townships. (n) A female boarding-school has been discontinued at Jason Township. The entire Parish of Stoke-Lyne contains 509 Begbrooke. The entire Parish of Bladon contains 510 Inhabi- Inhabitants. (B) Stratton-Audley Parish extends into Buckingham tants.---(P) The entire Parish of Cassington contains 393 Inhabitants, Hundred (Bucks.) - (h) Tusmure Parish is included in the Return of (9) The entire Parish of Cogges contains 463 Inhabitants. the Parish of Hardwicke. ) Great-Milton Parish is partly in Bulling () The entire Parish of Deddington contains 1,847 Inhabitants.- ton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 701 Inhabitants.- (k) The is Nether-Kiddington Parish is included in the Return of Upper-Kid- Increased Population of Thame chiefly consists of paupers. The dington, Chadington Hundred. The entire Parish of Kidlington entire Parish of Steeple-Aston contains 515 Inhabitants. (M) Barton contains 1,153 Inhabitants. A large boarding school for boys has been Fansh consists of Middle-Barton, Steeple-Barton, and Sesswell-Barton 1 established here. 260 [Enumeration. . ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TOTAL OR By how nany Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI- | All LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- | Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Nanu- | the Two Agri- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. FENIALES. MALES. Oc- PERSONS. cupied. WOOTTON Hundred-continued. 122 303 73 168 88 289 148 218 82 232 78 72 111 25 124 107 257 75 312 259 294 Leigh, North - - - Leigh, South - - - - Newington, South - - Rousham (+) - - - Sandford - - - - Shipton-upon-Cherwell Stanton-Harcourt - - Stonesfield - - - - Tackley - - - - - Tew, Great - - - - Tew, Little - - - Woolvercott - - - - Wootton - - - - - Worton, Nether - - - Worton, Over - - - Yarnton, or Yarington - 239 - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish - (u) Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (W) Parish - Chapelry - - Parish - () Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (Y) Parish Nong covewo co con Anerlo Trivia a III NI I oww~ III - III 234 244 234 297 116 239 531 229 113 90 493 1,084 229 254 534 49 550 47 10 อิง 25 141 31 54 132 273 3,133 3,486 40 2,384 1814 | 288 | 8,383 | 8,259 16,642 City and University of OXFORD. 325 902 969 Aldate, St. All Saints Ebbe, St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 340 102 83 310 353 102 397 324 cross 1,871 600 1,332 682 223 294 290 650 709 509 65 807 1,516 144 155 473 982 6 170 213 - (2) Parish - (3) Parish - (3) Parish Parish - (3) Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (2) Parish Parish - - Parish - (2) Parish Parish - (2) Parish - () - - Holywell - - - - - John's, St. - - - - Mary-the-Virgin, St. - Mary-Magdalen, St. - Martin, St. - - - • Michael, St. - - - - Peter-le-Bailey, St. - - Peter, St., in-the-East - Thomas, St. - - - - University of Oxford - BIOTIINI-II 1,063 262 84 IIIIIIIIIII 182 347 26 167 201 191 297 993 244 663 Llos mer 19 w wo i pand 516 -525 125 383 2,056 506 1,041 1,265 1,385 1,839 1,463 602 637 748 354 970 869 148 1,315 2,431 3,040 $54 | 35 49 2,042 949 8,633 1 7,731 16,364 Liberty of OXFORD. Binsey ----- -- Parish Blenheim-Park - - - - Extra-P. Woodstock - - - Boro' & Parish 14 16 45 41 90 318 275 704 751 1,455 275 3531 12 279 140 790 837 1,627 (U) The Return of Sandford Parish includes Grove-Ash and Ledwell | St.Thomas, mention the increase of lodgers, &c. members of the University. Hamlets. (W. The entire Parish of Great-Tew contains 760 Inhabi - The cause to which the difference may be attributed (between tants.--() The glove manufacture has much increased at Wootton.- | the numbers inhabiting the colleges and halls in 1811 and 1821) is (*) Cottages having been built at Yarnton to afford more accommodation | chiefly the increase of persons seeking their livelihood in the learned to the then Inhabitants, the Population has increased thereupon, and professions, in consequence of a return to a state of peace; but the dif- over-filled the new cottages also. (The Return of St. Aldate's Pa- | ference can never be very considerable, taken in the mode in which this rish includes the Tything of Graidpound, which is locally situate in Hor: Enumeration has been taken, because, unless new colleges are erected, mer Hundred (Berks.) The Return of this Parish, of All Saints, of the building cannot well hold more than a given number. St. Ebbs, of Holywell, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Peter-le-Bailey, and M.DCCC.XXI.) 261 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: By ALL HUNDREDS, TOTAL how niany Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. Or Building &c. FAMI- FAMI. | LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly / chiefly Families employ- em- not com- | ed in ployed in | Trade, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lurHandia ing TURE, craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. : Hundred of BAMPTON - - 2,576 2,930 16 1,615 | 1,031 6,620 6,883 13,503 BANBURY - - 2,104 1,003 1,094 5,120 5,300 10,420 BINFIELD . . • • • - 1,562 1,783 726 3,837 4,086 7,923 BLOXHAM - - - 1,754 1,264 4,088 4,205 8,293 BULLINGTON - 1,953 2,273 1,606 5,390 5,294 10,684 14,206 CHADLINGTON - - 2,652 2,078 6281 7,278 6,928 DORCHESTER - - - - - 627 522 1,541 1,550 3,091 EWELME - - - 1.101 2,898 2,742 5,640 LANGTREE - - - - 670 1,900 1,835 35735 4,599 LEWKNOR . - 2,270 2,329 PIRTON - - - 1,410 1,505 2,915 PLOUGHLEY :. 2,523 6,596 6,539 13,135 THAME - - - 816 878 1 5 2,063 2,131 4,194 16,642 WOOTTON ...... 3,133 3,486 40 44 814 288 8,383 8,259 City of OXFORD - .....2,431 3,040 54 35 49 2,042 949 8,633 7,731 16,364 Liberty of OXFORD . - - - - - - 275 353 - 12 34 279 40 T790 I°37 Lyon 1,627 TOTALS -. - 125,594 28,841 | 245 531 15,965 8,9713,905 68,817 68,154 136,971 silietiniai Xxx 262 Enumeration, COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. Ages of Persons. MAL E S. - Under Hundred TOTAL 912 783 932 642 639 464 386 306 283 371 354 450 558 421 438 576 568 858 455 494 571 694 905 230 416 370 390 379 507 455 1 381 179) 219 132 89 265 199 97 306 229) 151 365 293 134 375 605 792 1,007 6,505 3,152 3,844 4,094) 5,392 6,870 587 586 796 968 855 598 475 BAMPTON - - BANBURY - - BINFIELD - - . BLOXHAM - - BULLINGTON - - - CHADLINGTON - - DORCHESTER - - - EWELME - . . LANGTREE - a LEWKNOR - - PIRTON . , , PLOUGHLEY o 696 157 220 181 197 13541) 373 286 245 237 2,414 247 206 161 346 216 248 162 179 199 108 155 225 258 239 158 1,663 1,932 1,996 6,400 107 116 733 893 616 201 151 1,004 813 136 99 1,243 / 1,114 644 75 121 THAME • - - WOOTTON - - • - 107 1,152 75 859 8,3381 1,069 845 905 978 821 OXFORD, CITY - - OXFORD, LIBERTY - 757 1,58% 1994. 666 8,573 104 98 75 go 75 24 790 Total of MALES - -- 8,985 851697,250 7,045 9624 6,979 5,840 4,296 3.135, 1,669 442 29-163,46 FEMALE S. Under .. Hundred TOTAL .. of : 957 872 484 539 987 485 727 368 760 311 460 485 457 472 500 222 298 3641 146 659 617 496 674 302 384 368 469 685 610 6,770 3,169 4,104 4,201 5,269 568 655 293 413 419 476 662 494 291 778 552 587 386 709 810 845 950 690 3531 6,435 BAMPTON . . . BAMBURY . . BINFIELD ... - BLOXHAM - - - BULLINGTON - CHADLINGTON .. DORCHESTER - EWELME - - LANGTREE - - LEWKNOR - in PIRTON - - - PLOUGHLEY - 199 139 240 338 no ve van cs 1 11 268 295 212 1,550 2,254 1,582 248 201 285 214 265 213 163 II II II III II III 159 122 190 10 140 671 1,976) 1,189) 6,300 gog 834 1:16 596 966 402 THAME . - - WOOTTON - - - - 09 8481 79 950 1,202 925 527 8,160 OXFORD, CITY - - OXFORD, LIBERTY -1 990 856 727 982 11,487 | 1,119 82 186 103 710 478 7,805 105 70 74 837 Total of FEMALES - |8,820 8,027 6,691 6,1909,767 7,208 | 6,072 4.443 3,157|1,557|478 | 38 | |62,449 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Oxford was .... 136,971, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 125,912, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-twelfth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained w The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Oxford was 307; fifteen of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persous, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returis of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI. 263 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Rutland. HOUSES: PERSONS : Fami- | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building OCCUPATIONS: FANI. LIEST LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families ein- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- orHandi ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. Or PERSONS. 47 -- 108 · 112 45 100 25 168 arms t 276 220 22% 497 195 231 54 145 363 51 .. 372 735 ALSTOE Hundred. Ashwell • - - - - - Parish Burley - - - - - - - - Parish Cottesmore - - - - - () Parish Barrow - - - - - - Hamlet Exton • - • Parish Greetham - Parish Horn - - - - - - - - Parish Market-Overton - Parish Stretton - - - - - - - Parish Teigh - - - - Parish Thistleton - - Parish Whissendine - - - - - - Parish Whitwell - - - - Parish 285 256 541 .10 105 46 238 468 230 101 94 195 32 30 96 1. 82 178 32 33 Movie 94 126 116 354 387 181 701 112 15 - 60 - - 52 - - 1758 863 16 71 590 186 87 2,081 1 2,084" 4,165 EAST Hundred. išg 63 -17 146 29 45 15 . 131 Browar 101 - Co I 186") 48 . 383 I A CO 376 759 33 85 Casterton, Great - - - - Parish Cásterton, Little - - - - Parish Empingham • - - - - • Parish Essendine - - - - - - Parish Ketton - - - - - - - Parish Pickworth - - Parish Ryall - - - - - - - - Parish with Belmisthorp • - - - Hamlet Tickencote - - - - - - Parish Tinwell - - - - - - - Parish with Ingthorp - - • - - Hamlet 175 1.a 797 140 411 76 227 73 212 53 1 1 439 126 245 to on 121 124 32 | 609 690 2 12 491 | 151 1,610 | 1,490 3,100 MARTINSLEY Hundred. 110 - - - - - - - - - 53 - - 1.50 151 301 150 158 58 48 115 308 106 organg oo 114 Ayston - - Edith-Weston Hambleton - Lyndon - - Manton - - Martinsthorpe Normanton - Preston - - Ridlington - Uppingham • Wing - - - 229 - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - - - iliwili ili Talla!!lat 2 22 15 149 26 . 12,5. - -,- - - 11 146 ...122 823 141 - - 807 - - - - 308 295 247 1,630 273 132 v 694 737 | 4 19 352 : 245 140 1,746- | .1,7833,529 OAKHAM-SOKE Hundred. 196 198 394 28 197 423 53 110 113 iiiinin Belton - - - - - Gunthorpe - - Braunston - - - Brooke - - - - Chipsham - - - - Egleton - - - - Langham - - - - Oakham-Deansbold with Barleythorpe - Oakham-Lordshold - with Leigh-fields - | Wardley - - - - 221 131 - - - - - - - - - - - - - • (b) Parish 84 - - Lodge - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish 27 - - Parish 110 3 - Parish | - Chapelry - - Parish - - Lodge 17253 - - Parish Tico limitano il 226 57 108 66 277 428 65 294 368 571 1 796 112 N v. 669 695 ia 1,364 52 11 29 23 806 864 13 1,988 2,0811 4,069 () The entire Parish of Cottesmore contains 602 Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Belton contains 401 Inhabitants. 264 ABSTRACT OP ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF RUTLAND—-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By TOTAL OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF Inhabited. bow many Families Oc- cupied. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | Fami- ' Arr LIES LIES OTHER chieſly chicfly employ- Families cm- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, (prized in in | Manu- the Two factures, preced- CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. AGRI-1 69 36 261 263 119 104 223 136 128 274 188 291 303 594 421 209 WRANDIKE Hundred. Barrowden - - - - - - Parish Bisbrooke - • Parish Caldecott - - • Parish Glaston - - - Parish Liddington -- Parish Luffenham, North .. . Parish Luffenham, South -... Parish Morcott ---Parish Pilton - - - - - - - Parish Seaton - - - - - - () Parish Thorpe (by Water) - - - Hamlet Stoke-Dry - - - - - (d) Parish Tixover - - - - - - - Parish Log II Ador a wc Act 1 Co 274 443 66 182 8 C 13 108 | 782 | 9 10 | 521 | 199 62 1,798 1,826 3,624 (9) The entire Parish of Seaton contains 457 Inhabitants. (1) Stoke-Dry Parish extends into Gartree Hundred, Leicester, and contains 59 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OP RUTLAND. Hundred of ALSTOE - - - - - - - 863 61 71 590 186 87 2,081 1,610 2,084 / 4,165 1,490 3,100 EAST - - - - - MARTINSLEY - - 1,746 1,783 3,529 OAKHAM-SOKE . 1,988 2,081 4,069 WRANDIKE 1,798 1,826 Totals .. 3,589 3,936 25 61 2,410 9,2239,264 | 18,487 VELV VI M.DCCC.XXI.] 265 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF RUTLAND-continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES Uuder Hundred TOTAL 5. of ALSTOE - - - - - 291 288 212 296 / 200 1661 15 49 13 il - 2,081 EAST - - - - - - | 224 214 183 / 195/ 237 | 101 | 155 | 112 701 38 | 13 | MARTINSLEY - - - 1 122 111 53 14 - - 1,746 OAKHAM-SOKE - 309 263 207 188 141 116 64 / 11 e WRANDIKE - - - 268 230 192 179 123 130 49 15 1,798 Total of MALES - 11,318 1,186 1,060 993 1,290 959 853 674 550 253 | 66 3 - 9,205 FEMALES. Hundred TOTAL. of ALSTOE - - - - - 278 | 220 189 316 208 215 EAST . - - - - - | 1801 133 | 150 | 225 | 1691 152 1 8 81 55 10 MARTINSLEY - - - | 171 172 143 | 114 | OAKHAM-SOKE 1229 | 304 | 231 217 | 151 | 125 55 17 en WRANDIKE 222 222 207 1 170 295 197 154 | 147 | 124 | 64 | 13 11 - 1 1,816 Total of FEMALES - 1,249 1,142 | 938 1 922 1,454 976 910 713 561 299) 71 9,244 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Rutland was .... 18,487, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages are returned, was .... 18,449 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Rutland was 56; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persony. A very small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective nuinbers of Males and Females. Y yy 266 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. County of Salop. HOUSES : PERSONS: TYTO PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR cmploy- / Families TOTAL By how many Fanili Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS. | FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly cm- not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I precede CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. OF Un-Inhabited. Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 181 71 124 197 434 378 174 938 66 186 155 74 747 BRADFORD (North) Hundred. DRAYTON Division. ADDERLY - - - - - - Parish Cheswardine - - - - - - Parish Childs-Ercall - - - - - Parish Drayton-in-Hales (part of) (a) Parish Hinstock - - - - - - - Parish Hodnet - - - - - (b) Parish Weston and Wixhill-under-au Red-Castle - " Chapelry - - - S Moreton-Sea, otherwise Say - - Parish 389 76 759 128 308 3,700 504 203 1,723 372 It may al my 0 128 300 121 249 1,977 299 671 302 916 879 1,795 23 58 68 164 158 322 138 3 T 32 79 185 Muckleston (part of) Parish:(9) Bearston - - - - - Township Dorrington cton - - - - - - - Township Gravenhanger - - - Township Woore - - - - - - Township Norton-in-Hales - - - - - Parish 91 102 200 94 98 181 o QA im ! 184 365 110 241 a como alg! _ 21 Stoke-upon-Tern, Parish :() Eaton - - - - - - Ollerton - - - - - Stoke - - - - - - Westanswick - - - - 32 Township Township Township Township I per a Joar 123 133 541 188 _ 107 201 TY WHITCHURCH Division. 261 Ightfield - - - - - Lee-Brockhurst - - - Moreton-Corbet - - - - - - - () Parish Parish Parish ITT cowoco 142 83 132 119 79 103 162 235 51 54 Prees, Parish : (*) Calverhall - - - Prees and Steel - Sandford - - - Whixhall - - - 149 734 234 294 - - - - - - - - 293 1,525 Chapelry Township Township Chapelry 28 218 68 do poco III I Biar o o 144 791 283 278 561 413 398 811 Shawbury (part of) (5) Edgbolton - - - Shawbury - - - 238 - - - - Township Township al 219 171 168 457 339 134 who Stanton-upon-Hine-Heath, Parish :(h) Booley - - - - - - Township Harcourt - - - - - Township High-Hatton - - - - Township Moston - - - - - Township Stanton - - - - - Township I - NI 193 I 143 273 133 262 129 220 197 238 200 Wem, Parish : () Aston - - - Cotton - - - Edstaston - - Horton - - Lacon - - - Lowe and Ditches Newtown - - - - Northwood - - Soulton - - - Township Township Chapelry Township Township Township Chapelry Township Township I IIII com hd INN I IcoG Liilator (4) Drayton-in-Hales Parish is partly in Pirehill (North) Hundred, | Darleston, Fauls, and Mickley. The entire Parish of Prees contains 3,290 County of Stafford; the entire Parish contains 4,426 Inhabitants. Inhabitants. () Shawbury Parish is partly in Pimhill Hundred, parily () The entire Parish of Hodnet contains 2,117 Inhabitants. Most in the Liberties of Shrewsbury; Edgvolton Township includes Muckleston part of Muckleston Parish is in Pirehill (North) Hundred, County of | and Great-Witchford, and Shawbury Township includes Little-Witch- Stafford; the entire Parish contains 1,753 Inhabitants.- (d) The entire | ford. The entire Parish contains 1,133 Inhabitants. h) The entire Parislı ot Stoke-upon-Tern contains 985 Inhabitants. Moreton- | Parish of Stanton-upon-Hine-Heath contains 700 Inhabitants. Corbet Parish includes the Township of Preston-Brockhurst, which is (i) Wem Parish extends into Pimnhill Hundred, but the whole is bere partly in Shawbury Parish, Pimhill Hundred. ) Calverhall Cha- | entered; the entire Parish contains 3,608 Inhabitants. pelry includes Williston and Millenheath; Sandford Township includes M.DCCC.XXI.) 267 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ed in riot com- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- 1 - FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES OTHER | chiefly chiefly Families employ ene ployed prized in in the Two AGRI- CUL• lorHandi- ing Classes. TURE. craft. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. OT Building. TRADE, Manu- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. - factures, preced- BRADFORD (North)-continued. WHIITCHURCH Division--continued. Wem, Parish-continued. Tilley - - - - - - Township Wem - - - - - - Township Wolverley - - - - - Township Whitchurch (part of) - (k) Parish Wirswall - - - - - Township 54 2 185 721 163 15 145 348 332 140 834 1,555 36 31 67 1,071 516 194 2,591 2,785 5,376 4,611 4,934 1,360 792 12,533 12,805 25,338 33 cei 144 274 91 101 288 566 188 30 1,048 192 291 QUOS AQUI! BRADFORD (South.) NEWPORT Division. Bolass, Magna, and Neeson - Parish Chetwynd - - - - - - Parish Edgmond - - - - - () Parish Cherrington - - - - Towuship Chetwynd-Aston - - - Township Church-Aston - - - Chapelry Tibberton - - - - Chapelry Kinnersley - - - - - - Parish Lilleshall -(+)- - - - Parish Longdon-upon-Terne - - - Parish Longford - - - - - - - Parish Newport - - - - - - - Parish Sheriff-Hales (part of) Parish: (m) Woodcote - - - - - Hamlet 73 IIIIIII67I Home and I 130 278 534 97 146 180 154 329 lgi laica 514 95 145 149 149 130 1,616 45 109 1,127 303 48 123 253 630 16 3,143 95 1,527 50 125 1,216 39 234 10 2,343 I 98 188 54 235 105 2,631 127 254 135 2,516 11,058 489 240 5,147 251 1,952 124 54 343 996 341 74 956 78 390 75 194 188 90 222 196 187 119 -CGT LISIC o contain i 375 209 50 101 WELLINGTON Division. Atcham - - - - - - - Parish Buildwas - - - - - - - Parish Dawley, Magna - - - (") Parish Eaton-Constantine - - - - Parish Ercall, Magna - - - - - Parish Eyton-upon-the-Wild-Moors ) Parish Leighton - - - - - - - Parish Preston-upon-the-Wild-Moors Parishi Roddington - - - - - - Parish Stirchley - - - - - - - Parish Uffington - - - - - - Parish Uppington - - - - - - Parish Upton, Magna - (+)- (P) Parish Upton-Waters - Parish Wellington - - - - - - Parish Withington - - - - - - Parish Wombridge - - - - (9) Parish Wrockwardine - - - - - Parish Wroxeter - - - - - - Parish 445 223 84 1-Orav III-Ion - 1000 39 88 I had ac i ONIOIIon IWI 25 69 23 101 23 rol 50 115 331 85 3:36 80 Litiriri 172 139 111 667 165 8,390 179 · 1,860 2,240 1,700 1,871 221 4,137 36 42 91 4,253 89 912 1,112 361 422 112 386 330 253 Co 467 948 1,128 349 124 | 89 - 24 11 310 (659 6,835 128 | 1,943 4,160732 16,665 16,675 33,340 11 6,321 BRIMSTREE Hundred. HALES OWEN Division. Boscobel - - - - - () Extra-P. Claverley - - - - - - Parish | 254 1 255 Hales-Owen (part of) - () Parish 1,472 11,48513 Worfield - - - - - - - Parish| 315 1319 SHIFFNALL Division. Albrighton . . . - - - Parish 198 203 Boningale, otherwise Boninghall Parish Coi 657 175 192 222 1,170 19 648 4,119 792 4,068 30 1,305 8,187 1,582 73 790 470 109 I w 968 160 28 78 (*) Whitchurch Parish includes the Townships of Alkington, Great miners at Eyton-upon-the-Wildmoors, are entered in the 3d column of Ash, Little-Ash, Black-Park, Broughall, Dodington, Edgeby, Hinton, Occupations. --- The Return of Upton-Magna Parislı includes the Hollyhurst, and Chimneil, Tilstock and Whitchurch; all of which Town Population of an Extra-Parochial Place, called Haughmond Deniesne, ships made separate Returns in 1811. Wirswall Township, part of containing 60 Inhabitants; in 1811 this place seems not to have been Whitchurch Parish, is in Nantwich Hundred, Chester, and there entered. included in any Return. (9) The depression of the iron trade de The entire Parish contains 5,489 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish creased the Population of Wombridge Parish in 1816 and 1817; it has of Edgmond contains 2,163 Inhabitants.--(m) Most part of Sheriff since increased to nearly its former amount.- - ) Boscobel is coil- Hales Parish is in West Cuttleston Hundred, County of Stafford; the nected with Donington Parish, so that it is not clearly Extra-Parochial. entire Parish contains 1,064 Inhabitants.com(n) Dawley, Magna Parish - (s) Hales-Owen Parish is partly in Halfshire Hundred, County of includes the Townships of Dawley, Parva, and Malins-Lee, both of which | Worcester; the entire Parish contains 10,946 Inhabitants. were separately returned in 1811.- The families of colliers and 268 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | la FAMI- о. By how inany TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building FAMI All LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed TRAVE, prized in in Manu- the 'wo Agri. factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. Oc- cupied. PERSONS. 67 W.A. 64 172 158 130 330 130 49 35 62 BRIMSTREE Hundred continued. SHIFFNALL Division continued. Donington - . . . (1) Parish Kemberton - - - - - - Parish Ryton - - - - - - - - Parish Shiffnall - - - - - - () Parish Hatton - - - - - - Township Priors-lee, with Oakengale Chapelry · Woodside - - - - - Township | Stockton - - - - - - - Parish Sutton-Maddock - - - - - Parish Tong - - - - - - - - Parish 260 131 1,463 588 35 290 109 367 722 315 116 389 281 TUTTI III 246 937 1,851 69 741 307 914 243 246 195 275 - DC 90 79 -*1982=106 266 254 509 500 417 536 78 100 222 261 100 27 0 3,634 17 148 1,368 1,883 383 | 9,439 9,378 | 18,817 1 283 110 721 1,442 197 3,537 CHIRBURY Hundred. Chirbury - ------ Parish | 259 Church-Stoke (part of) Parish : (u) Brompton with Riston - Township Hyssington (part of) Parish : (W) Mucklewick - - - - Township Shelve - - - - - - - - Parish Wortben Parish : (*) Bing-Weston - - - - Quarter Bromblow - - - - - - Quarter Heath, Upper - - - - - Quarter 30 Worthen - - - - - - Quarter 108 # - Il 12 11 11 " 231 174 155 317 mar 243 389 504 708 319 526 585 1 10 | 351 150 1,766 1,665 3,431 45 I II - Tallava II-IIIIIIIIIIIII 41 119 111 37 350 267 12 307 688 690 1995 | 9 | *1410immingais 230 75 657 1,378 504 295 179 248 256 CONDOVER Hundred. Acton-Burnell - - - - (Y) Parislı Ruckley and Langley - Chapelry Berrington - - - - - - Parish Condover - - - - - - - Parish Cound - - - - - - - (2) Parish Cressage - (+) - - - Chapelry Frodesley - - - - - - - Parish Harley - - - - - - - Parish Kenley - - - - - - - Parish Leebotwood - - Parish Longnor - - - Parish Pitchford - - - - - - (3) Parish Preen, Church - - - - - Parish Pulverbatch, Church Parish Smethcott - - - Parish Stapleton - - - - - - - Parish Woolstaston - - - - - - Parishi 148 98 water ovoc sa con 147 81 114 149 121 172 100 104 104 118 104 122 39 34 321 204 222 226 73 539 347 240 93 266 273 185 *121 162 119 45 48 1,023 1,113 891 | 181 41 2,969 2,849 | 5,818 - 167 165 332 48 27 ܗ ܙ ܝܙ ܟ 35 FORD Hundred. Abberbury or Alberbury (part of) Parish : (b) Alberbury - - - - - Township Benthal and Shrawardine Townships Eyton - - - - - - Township Rowton and Amaston - Townships Wollaston - - - - - Township Cardeston - - - - - - Parish with Watlesborough - - Township Ford - - - - - - - - Habberley - - - - - - Parish 65 121 227 Otro >> + ܩ 234 106 207 150 441 147 297 Paris 104 ܐ ܒܝ ܝܙ 108 212 .. 79 72 151 : ) See preceding page. The entire Parish of Shiffrall contains | The entire Parish of Worthen contains 2,116 Inhabitants. ) The 4,411 Inhabitants. (u) Church-Stoke Parish is partly in Cawrse entire Parish of Acton-Burnell contains 305 Inhabitants. The Hundred, partly in Montgomery Hundred, County of Montgomery. The entire Parish of Cound contains 799 Inhabitants. The apparent entire Parish contains 1,388 Inhabitants, (W) Most part of Hyssing decrease of Population in Pitchford Parish is attributed to the absence of ton Parish is in Montgomery Hundred, County of Montgomery. The nearly the whole of the Honourable Ceci: Jenkinson's family.- (b) Al- entire Parish contains 283 Inhabitants. - Worthen Parish is partly berbury Parish is partly in Cawrse Hundred and partly in Deythur in Cawrse Hundred, County of Montgomery. Bing-Weston includes Hundred, in the County of Montgomery; Alberbury Township include: Beachfield, Walton and Rewins-Farm. Worthen includes Brockton, Cardiston and Ford Townships. The entire Parish cuntains 1,940 Aston-Rogers, Aston-Pigott, Nether and Upper Heath and Habberley. | Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 269 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - ALL OR By LIES LIES how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- 1 OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed prized in the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ОР Building. FEMALES. Oc- cupied. MALES. in 'RAD Manu- PERSONS. - 57 63 195 182 coco 189 FORD Hundred-continued. Pontesbury Parish: (9) Cruckton - - - - - - Quarter Edge - - - - - - - Quarter Longdon - - - - - - Quarter Pontesbury - - - - - Quarter Westbury Parish : Minsterley - - - • (d) Chapelry Westbury - (+) - - - Township | 377 372 387 1,322 192 209 195 695 | 627 olii come la 145 232 368 390 130 713 758 1,395 682 1,098 1,300 266 3,187 3,197 16,384 de manera molt i ou a co 157 187 89 105 101 110 265 275 540 12 12 48 colori 26 25 io so 51 124 354 333 687 116 229 298 271 569 208 226 434 88 92 180* I 110 II 101 MUNSLOW Hundred. (9) Abdon - - - - - - - - Parish Acton-Scott - - - - - - Parish Ashford-Bowdler - - - - Parish Ashford-Carbonell (part of) () Parish Bromfield Parish : (8) Bromfield - - - - - Township Dinchope - - - - - Township Halford - - - - - Chapelry Cardington - - - - - - Parish Clee, St. Margaret's - - - - Parish Culmington - - - - (h) Parish Diddlebury Parish : (i) Diddlebury - - - - - Division Middlehope - - - - - Division Peaton - - - - - - Division Sutton - - - - - - - Division Easthope - - - - - - - Parish Holdgate Parish : (k) Bouldon - - - - - Township Brookhampton - - - Township Holdgate - - - - - Township Hope-Bowdler - - - - (1) Parish Hopton-in-the Hole - - - - Parish Ludford (part of) - - - - (m) Parish Munslow - - - - - - - Parish Onibury - - - - - - - Parish Priors-Ditton Parish : (*) Ruthale and Ashfield - Township Richard's-Castle (part of) Parish : (0) Moor, with Batchcott - Townslıp Overton - - - - - Township Woolferton - - - - Township Rushbury - - - - - () Parish Stanton, Lacy - - - - - Parish Stanton, Long - - - - - Parish Stoke St. Milborough Parish : (9) Heath - - - - - - Chapelry Stokesay - - - - - - - Parish Stretton, Church - - - - (1) Parish 11 III III ti IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-III II not nota a ovi IONC i ICLINIII IIIAALIA ANI 85 60 101 77 179 24 195 708 13 in I 102 347 215 445 } 135 261 12 10 91 243 10 Ainil C 235 634 478 1,267 261 21 41 100 18 a od 1 290 20 274 622 564 1,226 248 262 604 .() The entire Parish of Pontesbury (including Little Hanwood, locally | Upper and Lower Parks and Westhope. The entire Parish of Diddle- situate in the Liberties of the Town of Shrewsbury), contains 2,458 In- bury contains 907 Inhabitants. m k ) The entire Parish of Holdgate habitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Pontesbury | contains 238 Inhabitants. (1) Hope-Bowdler Parish includes Chilmick Quarter.- (1) The 41 Families in the third column of Occupations in and Ragdon Township, which made a separate Return in 1811.- the Chapelry of Minsterley consist of lead miners. The Township of (m) Ludford Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred, County of Hereford. Westbury includes Westley and Yockleton Townships, separately re | The entire Parish contains 280 Inhabitants. (n) Most part of Priors- turned in 1811. The entire Parish contains 2,153 Inhabitants. Ditton Parish is in the Liberties of Wenlock. Richards.Castle (9) Bitterley Parish is partly in Munslow Hundred (sec ()vers Hundred). Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred, County of Hereford. The entire Most part of Ashford-Carbonell Parish is in Stottesden Hun- Parish contains 490 Inhabitants. Rushbury Parish comprizes the ured. () The entire Parish of Bromfield contains 674 Inhabitants. Townships of East-Wall, Gretton, Lutwytch and Stanway, Rushbury, O") The increase of Population in Culmington Parish is partly attri- Stone-Acton, and Wall-under-Haywood; all of which made separate puted to a School baving been established, chiefly for the education of Returns in 1811.---(9) Most part of Stoke St. Milborough Parish is in Jarmers children, whose parents for the most part reside in other Parishes. the Liberties of Wenlock. Church-Stretton Parish comprizes the ) The Townships of Crofton and Splashford, which made a Return Townships of All-Stretton, Church-Stretton, Little-Stretton and Minton, 1811, are now included in the Return of Diddlebury Division, and separately returned in 1811. ne three other Divisions in like manier comprchend Lawton and Poston, Dute Z z z ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OF OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI ALL LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Familes em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manila the Two Agri- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Unn-Inhabited. Building. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. MUNSLOW Hundred-continued. 40 42 95 186 91 16 268 296 24 564 1,5851 385 97 5,256 5,222 10,478 506 529 24 561 116 407 183 1,035 39 1,167 225 15 606 109 443 26 120 850 Tugford - - - - - - - Parish Weston, Cold - - - - - Parish Wistanstow (part of) - () Parish 109 112 1,888 2,067 1645 OSWESTRY Ilundred. Felton, West (+) - - - - Parish 180 Halston - - - - - (9) Parish Kinnerley - - - - - - Parisha | 215 240 Knockin - - - - - - - Parish 45 48 Llanyblodwell - - - - - Parish 173 Llansillin (part of) Parish : (Ⓡ) Soughton - - - - - Township 51 Llanymynech - - - (W) Parish Martin, St. Parish : (*) Ifton-Rhyn - - - - Township Weston-Řhyn and - - Townships 192 195 Bron-y-gat! - Melverley - - (+) - - Parish 44 Oswestry - - - - - () Parish 692 751 Oswestry - - - - - - Town 844 848 Ruyton-in-the-Eleven-Towns - Parish 168 Selattyn - - - - - (?) Parish 204 Whittington - - - - - - Parish 273 123 126 249 89 231 198 123 462 935 473 448 123 469 917 43 34 114 1,835 379 35 104 111 1,778 1,748 451 482 904 2,162 411 168 225 3,613 3,910 862 959 1,749 118 477 214 368 - 192 845 1,665 ) 1,300 636 | 8,378 17,189 541 523 1,064 104 122 176 191 36 35 226 365 377 68 III IN CU 44 63 62 116 115 3,346 3,601 12 OVERS Hundred. Bitterley - ---- (a) Parish 191 Burford Parish : (0) Buraston and Whetmore - Township Burford - - - - - Township Nash, Tilsop, and Weston Township Whitton - - - - - Township Greet - - - - - - - - Parish Milson - - - - - - - Parish Neen-Sollors - - - - - Parish Silvington - - - - - - Parish | 9 487 11 13 PINHILL Hundred. Baschurch - - - Parish 207 Ellesmere - - - - - - Parish 1,143 [1,165 Fitz - - - - - - - - Parish Hordley - - - - - Parish 53 Loppington - - Parish Mary, St. (part of) Parish : 0) Albrighton - - - - - - - - Chapelry Leaton - - - - - - Township Woolascott - - - - Township 21 17 495 307 83 105 1,301 1,272 2,573 L 215 75 666 1,277 6,056 449 12 2,993 125 39 40 229 611 3,063 104 154 312 53 10 cico III IIIwi 154 310 622 o 4 ) 75 34 116 223 Gº Il 1 1 2 () Wistanstow Parish is partly in Purslow Hundred. The entire Pa- habitants. (2) The increase of Population in Selattyn Parish, is rish contains 883 Inhabitants. Halston was formerly a Preceptory | attributed to the number of cottages built upon land cultivated since of the Kinghts Templars. (u) Most part of Llansillin Parish is in 1811. (a) Bitterley Parish extends into Munslow llundred. The Chirk Hundred, County of Denbigh. The entire Parish contains 1,697 decrease of Population, in this Parish, is accounted for by a boarding Inhabitants.- (") Llanyinynech Parish includes the Townships of school ceasing to exist since 1811, and by the absence of two families Llwyntlanan and Treprenal. The entire Parish of St. Niartin froin their mansions. The 87 families, in the third column of Occupa. contains 1,852 Inhabitants.- ) Oswestry Parislı includes the Town tions, are colliers and miners. One ſemule upwards of 100 years of ships of Llanforda, Trefarclawdd, Pontregaer, and Lynymon, Maesbury, age in Bitterley Parish.— (1) The entire Parish of Burford contains Murton and Crickheath, Middleton, Aston, Hisland and Wooton, 1,036 Inhabitants. (C) St. Mary's Parish is partly in the Borouges Weston, Sweeney, Treflach and Tresonna, separately returned in 1811. ] and partly in the Liberties of Shrewsbury. The entire Parish, including the Town of Oswestry, contains 7,523 In. | M.DCCC.XXI.] 271 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FA MI- or By how niany Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: Ī FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chicfly OTHER chiefly employ-| Families em- ed in not com- ployed yea TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. Or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 143 428 405 232 517 285 280 144 300 580 109 253 PIMHILL Hundred—continued. Middle (part of) .. () Parish Montford - - - - - - Parish Ness, Great - - - - () Parish Ness, Little - - - - Chapelry Petton - - - - - - - Parish Shawbury (part of) Parish : (*) Besford - - - - - Township Preston-Brockhurst - - Township Shrawardine - - - - (8) Parish Welch-Hampton - - - - Parish Ila III 48 ora 1 ORA 85 269 94 177 234 244 478 2,112 | 2,248 | 5 | 27 1,424 696 128 | 5,987 5,887 11,874 . 93 72 25 56 324 rosii la Eco 167 @ to con 174 783 141 164 833 123 165 341 1,616 264 167 331 406 milo ocow 386 190 119 142 229 136 173 792 419 255 315 wa I.co vě lãi 195 208 245 233 229 PURSLOW Hundred. Bedstone - - - - - - - Parish Bettus - - - - - - - Parish Bishop's-CASTLE (+) - Ch Borough Bucknill (part of) -- () Parish Clun Parish : (*) Clun - - - - - - Township Edeclift - - - - - Township Hubendrid - - - - Township Newcastle - - - - Township Clunbury Parish : (?) Clunbury and Obley - - Townships Clunton and Rempton - Townships Clungunford - - - - - - Parish Dinmore - - (+). - Extra-P. Edgton - - - - - - - Parish with Brunslow - - - Township and Harderlea - - - Extra-P.JI Hopesay - - - - - - - Parish Hopton-Castle - - - - - Parish Llanvair-Waterdine - - - Parish Lydbury, North - - (m) Parish Lydhain (part of ) - (+) - (") Parishi Mainstone (part of) - - () Parish Mindtown - - - - - - Parish More - - - - - - - - Parish Norbury - - - - - - - Parish Ratlinghope - - - - (P) Parish Sibdon-Carwood - - - - Parish | Stow - - - - - - - - Parish Wentnor - - - - - - - Parish Wistanstow (part of) - (9) Parish 359 441 474 12 w IIIIIIIIII and I was I in mod IIIIIINII I o 108 112 220 nco 303 26 262 612 150 477 428 309 74 215 464 53 136 60 160 16 892 113 296 15. 31 ANC I Icon Nw Co OO 1 141 001, Folgu Ö 136 Foorovolow 199 170 178 107 32 277 377 277 61 157 583 319 88 306 277 - 150 169 1,884 2,048 10 61 12.00 1,290 425 333 5,455 5,171 | 10,626 111 STOTTESDEN Hundred. Acton · Round - - - - - Parish] Alveley (part of) Luiſ Parish with Nordley, Regiss Township 214 38 157 . 103 427 158 135 21 404 831 . (') Middle Parish is partly in the Liberties of Shrewsbury. The en-1 tire Parish contains 1,190 Inhabitants. The entire Parisb of Ness contains 833 Iubabitauts. - Shawbury Parish is partly in Norib- Bradford Hundred, and partly within the Liberties of Shrewsbury, Preston-Brockhurst Township is included in the Return of Moreton- Corbet, North-Bradford Hundred. (B) The decrease of Population in Shrawardine Parish is ascribed to a fainily of nine persons having left the Parish, and from an increase of Burials over that of Baptisms. () The entire Parish of Bishops-Castle contains 1,880 Inbabitants. 4. Backnill Parish is partly in Wigmore Hundred, County of Hereford. The entire Parish contains 465 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Cluri contains 1,781 Inhabitants... (1) The entire Parish of Clun- bury contains 800 Inhabitants. (m) North-Ledbury Parish includes the Townships of Acton, Brockton, Down, Eaton and Choulton, Eyton and Plowden, Ledbury and Totterton, separately returned in 1811.- Lydham Parish is partly in Montgomery Hundred, County of Mont- gomery. The entire Parish contains 225 Inhabitants. Mainstone Parish is partly in Montgomery Hundred, County of Montgomery. The entire Parish contains 451 Inhabitants. Ratlinghope Parish comprizes the Townships of Gatton and Ratlinghope, scparately re- turned in 1811.— (9) Most part of Wistanstow Parish is in Munslow Hundred. O Alveley Parish is partly in the Borough of BRIDG- NORTH. The entire Parish contains 975 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in Alveley Parish. 272 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR chiefly chiefly employ- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how iany Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- ALL LIES LIES | ОтHER employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade. I prized in | Manu-the Two AGRI- | factures, I preced- orHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL OF PERSONS, 10 C STOTTESDEN Hundred-continued. 38 11 107 211 23 113 21 104 315 114 349 664 230 116 34 93 176 123 194 442 228 936 72 494 230 230 52 458 454 85 224 23 119 328 814 l Awal od A ANNWA ed Income 788 1,602 89 173 - 32 121 271 295 566 ܗܘ ܞ ܨ ܟ ܟܬ ܝܣ ܤ ܥܛ | $ ܟܬ ܩ ܒܝܘ ܠܛ ܝ ܨ ܛ ܛ LINNÖInwendini 86 201 33 21 223 33 227 38 Ashford-Carbonell (part of) (5) Parish Astley, Abbots - - - - - Parish Aston-Botterell - - - - - Parish Billingsley - - - - - - Parish Burwarton - - - - - - Parish Cainham - - - - - - - Parish Chelmarsh - - - - - - Parish Chetton - - - - - () Parish Loughton - - - Chapelry Cleobury-Mortimer - - - - Parish Cleobury, North - - - - Parishi Corely - - - - - - - Parish Dowles - - - - - - - Parish Glazeley - - - Parish Highley - - - - - - - Parish Hope-Baggot - - - - - Parish Hopton-Wafers - - - - - Parish Kinlet - - - - - - - - Parisha Middleton-Scriven Parish Morvill - - - - - () Parish Aston-Eyre - - - - Towuship Neen-Savage - - - - - Parish Neenton - - - - - - - Parish Oldbury - - - - - - - Parish Pattingham (part of) Parish: (W) Rudge - - - - - - Township Quatford (part of) Parish: (*) Eardington - - - (*) Township Quatt-Malvern - - - (Y) Parish Shineton - - - - - - - Parish Sidbury - - - - - - - Parish Stottesden - - - - (2) Parish Tasley - - Parish Upton-Creszett - Parish Wheathill - - - - - - Parish 424 71 459 286 266 42 44 173 194 367 34 239 485 con i Il mo ܙ 157 306 191 151 342 88 nice INAA - ܩ ܩ ܛ ܙ ܀ ܝܝ ܙ ܝܕ 43 50 182 93 1,263 232 Ti 10 il 637 626 45 50 36 33 69 23 80 ac, 141 2,426 | 9 | 89 | 1,632 1,632 586 208 6,027 6,133 | 12,160 82 62 2,334 Borough of BRIDGNORTH. Alveley (part of) Parish: (a) Romsley - - - - - - Liberty Leonard, St. - - - - - - Parish | Mary-Magdalen, St. - (b) Parish 432 Quatford (part of) - - (9) Parish 26 144 550 - 16 992 1,169 2,161 51 - 370 76 235 / 58 17 - 104 190 14 483 1,019 1,935 916 52 31 53 105 988 1,096 - 33 335 335 627 134 12,042 2,303 | 4,345 Borough of LUDLOW. Lawrence, St. Parish: (d) Broad-Street and Castle - - Wards Corve-Street ....- Ward Old-Street - - - - - - Ward 227 443 160 403 482 171 - 1 4 2 5 113 229 92 280 54 93 903 318 899 1,305 422 973 2,208 740 1,872 486 1,006 1,139 3 43 164 601 374 2,120 2,700 4,820 () Ashford-Carbonell is partly in Munslow Hundred. The entire bitants. Quatt-Malvern Parish extends into the Liberties of Bridg- Parish contains 316 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Chetton north. ) Stottesden Parish is partly in Wolphy Hundred, County contains 573 Inhabitants. (U) The entire Parish of Morvill contains of Hereford. The entire Parish contains 1,608 Inhabitants. Most 430 Inhabitants. (W) Most part of Pattingham Parish is in Seisdon part of Alveley Parish is in Stottesden Hundred. ) The decrease of Hundred, County of Stafford. The entire Parish contains 935 Inhabit- | | Population in St. Mary-Magdalen Parish is attributed" to the deficiency, ants.-- (*) Quatford Parish is partly in the Borough of BRIDGNORTH, of the manufacture and iron-foundery."- ) Most part of Quatford The increase of Population in Eardington Township is ascribed to the in- | Parish is in Stottesden Hundred.. (d) The entire Parish of St. Law. crease of iron works. The entire Parish of Quatford contains 411 Inha. rence contains 4,820 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 273 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. _ COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families Un-Inhabited. 07 | Building, Oc- OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI… | All LIES LIES I chiefly | OTHER iefly employ- Families ed in not com- TRADE, ſprized in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. 239 148 1,217 FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 32 99 795 3,296 120 Borough of SHREWSBURY. mond. St. . () - - Parish Chad, St. - - (-+) (C) Parish Holy-Cross and St. Giles if Parish Julian, St. - - - - - - Parish Mary, St. (part of) (+) (8) Parish Meole-Brace - - - - 16 Parish A TAI 80 158 308 370 1,322 1,485 299 324 506 540 955 1,030 213 242 633 86 90 917 3,918 811 1,293 2,685 1,712 7,214 1,444 2,556 5,328 1,348 13 370 465 1,263 2,643 645 552 110 703 3,603 3,991 now 463 2,506 1,022 9,275 | 10,327 | 19,602 SHREWSBURY Liberties. 13 64 co ci 40 177 214 157 Ã o 204 306 Battlefield - - - - - - Parish Broughton - - - - - - Parish Grinsbill - - - - - - - Parish | Hanwood, Great - - - - Parish Hanwood, Little • • (1) Township Mary, St. (part of) Parish : () Astley - - - - - - Chapelry Clive - .-. .. Chapelry Middle (part of) Parish: (1) Hadnall-Ease - • - - Chapelry Preston-Gubbals - - - () Parish Merrington - - - - Township Shawbury (part of) Parish : (*) Acton-Reynold ••• Township Sutton • • • • • • • Parish voor 363 166 203 168 71 396 3 3 295 91 36 1,043 | 1,050 | 2,093 WENLOCK Borough and Liberties. 132 96 462 55 19 12 285 60 219 141 277 2,373 344 72 243 144 277 2,441 301 926 554 4,814 645 145 30 19 49 110 31 311 255 Badger - - - - - - - Parish 28 Barrow - - - - - - - Parish Beckbury - - (+) - - - Parish 54 Benthall - - - - - - - Parish 119 119 Broseley - - - - - () Parish 1,019 1,093 Ditton, Priors - - - (P) Parish 146 Deuxhill - - Parish Eaton - - - Parish 78 Hughley - - (+) - - - Parish Linley - - - - - - - Parish Madeley - - - - - - - Parish 1,081 Monkhopton - - - - - - Parish Posenball - - - - - Extra-P. Shipton • - - - - - - Parish | 18 Stoke, St. Milborough. (9) Parish 90 | Wenlock, Little - - - - - Parish Wenlock, Much - - - - - Parish 492 Willey - - - - - - - Parish 32 onu,or IIIIIIÖT LIIIc II 45 56 19 51 45 566 101 96 5,379 168 2,626 91 2,753 34 14 66 60 97 292 126 554 965 2,200 58 262 508 1,120 132 457 16 1,080 357 20 71 - 84 155 3,503 3,702 15 149 1,101 | 2,251 350 | 17,265 .) The Return of St. Chad includes a few military, then in the town; | dred, partly in the Borough of SurEWSBURY.- (1) Most part of Mid- also the staff of the Shropshire Militia.-- () Holy-Cross and St. Giles ble Parish is in Pimhill Hundred.- (m) The entire Parish of Preston- Parish include Abbey-Foregate, and a small part of Coleham, in the Gubbals contains 369 Inhabitants. (Ó) Shawbury Parish is partly in Borough of SHREWSBURY.- ) St. Mary's Parish is partly in Pimhill Bradford Hundred, and partly in Pimhill Hundred. The de. Hundred, and partly in the Liberties of Shrewsbury. The entire Parish | pression of trade is stated as the cause of a diminution of the Population contains 6,165 Inhabitants.----(h) In the Parish of Meole-Brace is the at Broseley, which contained 4,850 Inhabitants in 1811. - ) Priors- werkhouse, or house of industry for all the town Parishes; it contains Ditton Parish is partly in Munslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 290 Inhabitants, all ascribed to Meole-Brace in the Return. -(i) Lit 685 Inhabitants. (9) Stoke, St. Milborough Parish is partly in fle-Hanwood Township is included in the Return of Pontisbury Parish, I Munslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 595 Inhabitants. Hundred of Ford. a{k) St. Mary's Parish is partly in Pimbill Hun- 1 4 A 274 NY [EnumerationABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER n II . - COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. V- SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP. M . HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: . T FAMI- . ALL HUNDREDS, TOTAL &c. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER | chieity chiefly employ- .em- ed in not com- ployed | Trade, I prized in in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi-l ing TURE. asses. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. .. 2,782 1,360 7921 12,533 12,805 25,338 Hundred of BRADFORD, NORTH --- 4,611 BRADFORD, SOUTH --- 6,321 BRIMSTREY - :- --:-- 3,537 45. 128 732 16,665 16,675 33,340 4,160 1,368 1,883 18,817 150 1,766 1,665 3,431 CHIRBURY - - - - CONDOVER - :: - 801 412,969 2,849 5,818 FORD -.. .- - - - 1,098 1,300 1 10 818 1 266 216) 2 3,1873,1976,384 6,384 MUNSLOW -.. 1,585 385 5,256 5,222 10,478 OSWESTRY - - - - - - 3,346 1,665 3,601 | 12 1,300 8,378 11 8,811 17,189 OVERS in n - - - 487 495 1 1. 307 83 105 2,573 PIMHILL - - - - ... | 2,112 2,248 / 5 1,424 696 128 5,987 11,874 PURSLOW - - - 1,290 425 10,626 STOTTESDEN 1,632 586 208 6,0271 6,133 12,160 Borough of BRIDGNORTH - -.. 988 1,096 - 33 335 627) 134 2,042 2,303 4,345 Borough of LUDLOW ------ 1,006 1,139 3 | 43 164 601 374 | 2,120 Borough and Liberties of SHREWSBURY - - -. - 3,999 4,413 15 84 | 758 2,597 1,058 10,318 | 11,377 | 21,695 | Town and Liberties of WENLOCK - - - - - - 13,503 3,702 15 149 | 1,101 | 2,251/ 350 8,613 / 8,652 17,265 . TOTALS - - - 38,663 41,636179 1,012 18,414 | 17,485 5,737 102,056 104,097 206,153 TI P - - -. * *. - - - - - - M.DCCC.XXI.) 275 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES - | 15 20 30 40 - - Under T . Hundred TOTAL - - of - - 1,333 1,594 1,020 642 603 b c 437 304 233 622 431 a . 1,167 1,330 1,430 138 253 272 196 84 1,750 2,279 1,372 243 409 441 827 1,021 12,607 14,753 10,101 | 1,766 2,831 | 2,862 5,419 98 316 379 387 BRADFORD, North - - 1,831 1,665 1,575 1,260 BRADFORD, South - - 2,137 2,065 1,877 | 1,498 BRIMSTREY - - - 1,496 1,319 1,179 1 942 CHIRBURY - - 247 244 243 200 CONDOVER - 303 300 FORD - - - 296 MUNSLOW - - 758 682 537 OSWESTRY - - 1,145 1,048 816 OVERS - - - PIMHILL - - 765 761 741 PURSLOW - - - - 613 530 STOTTESDEN - - - 802 794 378 372 636 306 305 636 244 201 ვნა 480 ! o ca s s = 903 875 7,684 182 1165 150 140 196 105 286 414 78 322 2:28 34.0 --- 711 TUNU 1 153 653 479 590 832 672 519 387 1,301 5,935 4,348 6,011 60 742 893 352 567 2 401 172 1 5 243 co BRIDGNORTH, BORO' 260 295 225 185 231 203 LUDLOW, BORO'. - 303 252 263 294 141 SHREWSBURY, FORO'Z 451 536 460 320 431 441 227 and LIBERTIES - - WENLOCK, TOWN and 11,210 1,139 1,087 850 1,199 627 450 LIBERTIES - - - Total of MALES - 12,881 12,200 11,359 9,378 13,090 9,974 8,909 16,201 4,669 2,042 2,110 3,584 8,416 362 דלן 1 x 658 45 - 91,770 FEMALES. 15 | 20 Under TOTAL. Hundred of 687 378132 1,520 1,634 1,077 1,138 1864 1,310 1,000 793 584 12,881 14,827 2,047 2,206 1,448 206 743 1,337 159 9,178 371 79 226 212 117 86 1,665 284 298 371 181 2,721 236 202 389 BRADFORD, North - - 11,733 | 1,701 11,381 11,293 BRADFORD, Suuth - - 2,195 12,085 | 1,826 (1,310 BRIMSTREY - - - 1,324 1,114 900 CHIRBURY - 226 207 CONDOVER - 301 321 FORD . . - 420 294 MUNSLOW . 692 OSWESTRY . 1,157 1,110 832 OVERS - - 165 136 131 PIMHILL - - 724 PURSLOW - - - 513 441 387 STOTTESDEN . 829 596 320 67 Sico 2,922 471 870 583 745 337 286 ONA NA ceriö on 601 908 CO 5,398 887 523 1,227 200 1 471 186 76 32 739 681 686 920 640 512 | 320| 73 194 214| 105 308 177 8,196 1,272 5,883 4,018 6,139 379 270 422 585 366 889 710 914 559 196 134 N 286 302 371 i 516 556 345 195 236 434 BRIDGNORTII, BORO' 249 289 225 279 202 LUDLOW, BORO' - - 273 SHREWSBURY, BOROU 475 497 412 and LIBERTIES - 525 si WENLOCK, TOWN and i 866 1,218 924 LIBERTIES - - - Total of FEMALES - 112,631 12,317110,554 9,300 (14,181 10,52818,399 a co w NO 2,303 2,700 3,857 8,469 823 624 - 6,261 4,865/2,441 877 72 3 92,429 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Salop was .... 206,153, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was... 184,199,... whence it appears, that the Ages of one-ninth part of all the Persons therein enunuerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Salop was 308 ; fifteen of which did not contain ang answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns were somewhat deficient, or redundant, of incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females; especially in the Hundred of Brimstrey. 1on 276 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. County of Somerset. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | All LIES ILIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly employ Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE. I prized in Manu- | the Two AGILI- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. OP Un-Inhabited. Building FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS 20 179 378 ܙ ܝ ܘ 199 99 101 87 114 186 215 13 19 ܙ ܟ 38 212 184 268 32 396 565 297 ܤ 40 73 ܙ 90 ܙ ܟܨ ܗ 246 215 168 461 1,192 600 256 18 119- Inco il tian I+ 262 518 ܗ ܝܕ 32 ABDICK and BULSTONE Hundred. ASHILL - - - - - - - Parish Beer-Crocombe - - - (*) Parish Bickenball - - - - - - Parish Bradon, North and South • • Parish Broadway - - - - () Parish Buckland, St. Mary - Parish Cricket-Malherbie" . . Parish Curland - - - - Parish Curry-Mallett - - - - - Parish Curry-Revell - - - - - Parish Donyatt - - - - - - - Parish Dowlish, West - - - - - Parish Drayton - - - - - () Parish Middleney • - - - - Tything Earnsbill - . • (+) · - Parish Fivehead - - - - - - - Parish Hatch-Beauchamp · · · - Parish Ilminster - - - - - - - Parish Ilton - - - - - - - - Parish Isle-Abbotts . . . Parish Isle-Brewers - (+) - - - Parish Lackington, White . Parish Puckington - - - - - - Parish Staple-Fitzpaine - - - - - Parish Stocklinch, Magdalen. Parish Stocklinch, Ottersay . Parish Swell - - - - . - • Parish 14 215 ܟ ܚ 229 13 444 ÖTTIIIIII 0 - 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - LILIT ܙ ܟܘ ܚ 172 129 1,130 13 326 245 2,156 460 342 ܛ ܙ ܝ 154 116 1,026 237 163 105 133 116 198 223 179 114 219 | ܟܬ 109 ܝܙ ܝܕ ܟ + AIIIII 104 187 242 220 385 om 79 ܝ ܙ 140 133 60 1,584 1,912 1,262 545 105 4,822 4,823 9,645 ANDERSFIELD Hundred. 66 166 240 249 405 407 65 al 62 Broomfield - - - Creech, St. Michael Durleigh - - - - Enmore - - - - Goathurst - - - Lyng - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1) - - - - - - (d) Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parisb 127 140 147 169 1111111 62 173 185 342 150 335 432 1,208 | 1,184 | 2,392 BATH FORUM Hundred. 621 709 () - - - - 253 136 559 18 131 50 275 149 844 ვნო 325 1,574 70 2,435 (0) 20 136 57 1,330 688 4,009 127 587 248 103 lö.ww-vole Ew you 10 11cm - - - - 278 309 50 140 16 Bath-Easton - - - - Bath-Ford - - - - Bathwick - - - - Catherine, St. - - - Freshford - - - - - Kelston - - - - - Langridge - - Lyncomb and Widcomb Moncton-Comb - - - Stoke, North - - - - Stoke, South - - - - Swainswick • - - - Walcott - - - - - Weston - - - - - Wolley - - - - - 52 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 108 51 2,571 1,363 876 151 3,309 5,880 - - - - - - - - - - () - - - - IMITIRIM 425 68 119 61 139 CNN oo 179 202 893 1,026 46 1,919 101 23 22 55 2,727 3,636 179 174 1,036 1,413 1,187 7,3371 | 9,278 16,615 () Capland Tything, which is partly in Beer-Crocombe Parish, and partly included in the Return of Lyng, partly in Whitley Hundred partly in Broadway Parish, is wholly included in the Return of the latter. 170) The Liberty of Easton and of Amrill is included partly in Bath-Easto, (b) The Parish of Buckland St. Mary extends into the Hundreds of Parish, partly in St. Catherine's Parish.-- () Walcott Parish is entert Martock and South-Petherton. An inclosure of land has taken place in with the City of Bath, at the end of the County. The large increase this parish. The entire Parish of Drayton contains 469 Inhabi- | Population in most of the Parishes in Bath-Forum Hundred, is attributable tants. (d) Creech St. Michael, and Lyng with Athelney, form a | to the vicinity of Bath. distinct portion of the Hundred of Andersfield; and Boroughbridge is | M:ĐCCCXXI.): 277 THE POPULATION ACT, 1. GEO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. .. HOUSES : PERSONS: | FAMI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву · TOTAL OR how chiefy OCCUPATIONS: 1 FAMI LIES LIES OTHER chielly employ.. Families em- ployed Trade, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, precced- many Familia ed in Un-Iuhabited. Inhabited. not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. FEMALES. MALES. • OP PERSONS. in cupied . TURE. | craft. | Classes. T: 11 169 47 126 335 -- -dedi.d.ti 73 . 411 136 14 ow ! 45 86 la motovil... 440 480 BEMPSTONE Hundred : Allerton, Chapel -:- - Parish 46 Biddesham - - - - - Parish · 18 Breane - - - - (5) Parish 14 Burnham o'io - - - - Parish 143 Huntspill Parish : Aston-Morris - ; - (h) Tything - Mark · - - - - , . Parish I 198 Weare in - - - - - Parish Wedſore - . .. ) Parish | 590 920 t 127 572 389 : 148 | .478 .Lol. --.. :1,150 .411 : 800 1,546 | 3;079 + 1.100 15 1,533 1,136 1,286 876 21 189 3,214 1 3,292 6,506 BRENT with WRINGTON Hundred. 83 449 820 - - - - 44 134 105 Berrow - - - Brent, East - - Brent, South - - Burrington - - Lympsham - - Wrington - with 68 122 116 103 134 - () - - - -:- - (1) - - . (1) 215 399 364 279 21 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 234 421 400 280 764 66 128 118 559 496 95 Dwn. 249 247 . .. -21: :85 1. 72 466 457 · 203 671 - 223 923 426 719 902 | 5 | 17 | 583 | 186 | 133 | 2,195 | 2,242 4,437 5 . ...ILU . . . . .... 600 . BRUTON Hundred : (m) Brewham, North Parish Brewbam, South - -''. Parish Bruton ---- (ny Parish Discove -1 - - -i- • Tything Redlynch'-:- - - - - Tything Weeke Champflower - Chapelry Eastrip - ... - - Extra-P. Milton-Clevedon - - - - Parish Pitcomb - ... O Parish Hadspen :. - - Tything Upton-Noble - . - - - - Parish Yarlington - - - - - : Parish . ! ! ! 188389 296 304 -1,078 1,858 24 19 :43 521 41 : 1 411 17 !. I - - 2 ! ! in mi ni nini w o I 189 107 113 185 ! 1 o o 124 246 139 122 146 173 62 34 285 - 1 1 5 ..128 301 .. | 801 801 893 | 121.30 540 302 511,947 2,341 · 4,288 CANNINGTON Hundred. . . . . 90 611 213 604 35 Aisholt otherwise Asholt Cannington - . - - Edstock and Beer - Charlinch - - - Fiddington - - - - Otterhanipton - - - Over-Stowey . - - Spaxton - - - - - Stockland-Bristol - - - - - - Stringston - - - - - • Parish (P) Parish' - - Hamlet - - Parish; - - Parish. - - Parish (9) Parish - - Parish - - Parish () Parish - - Parish | 36 176 1,215 13 251 185 221 80 co on.com wlan Im III alar Wer wo Aioriai 33 71 119 88 118 310 132 97 103 277 414 109 132 587 33 35 129 116 29 132 24 144) 402 816 183 43 262 30 199 250 677 90 685 60 26 1,362 131 27 71 - - 874 1,040 26 722 236 82 2,5782,578 5,156 - - c) Breanc is separated from the rest of Beinpstone Hundred, to the 1 in Bruton Hundred, is included in the Return of Maperton Parish, Catsash N. West. (h) Aston-Morris Tything is included in the Return of the Hundred. The entire Parish of Bruton contains 2,076 Inhabi. rest of Huntspill Parish, Huntspill and Puriton Hundred. ) The tants. The entire Parish of Pitcomb contains 431 Inhabitants ; Return of Wedmore includes Panborough, Glaston Hundred. The the Tything of Cole is included in the Return of Pitcomb Parish.- Population of Berrow is decreased since 1811, supposed to be from the (P) The entire Parish of Cannington contains 1,228 Inhabitants.- unprosperous state of agriculture. (1) Burrington and Wrington form (9) A silk manufacture has been established at Over Stowey. distinct portion of the Handred of Brent with Wrington, to the N.West. Stogursey Parish includes Fairfield (Williton and Freemanners the entire Parish of Wrington contains 1,349 Inhabitants.- () Clapton | Hundred.) 278 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumérâtion. COUNTY OF SOMERSÉT-continued. ... - PERSONS: HOUSES : FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, BY TOTAL OR how many Faniilies Oc- cupied Un-Inhabited. ОР Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly ОтHER chiefly employ- Families em- not com- | TRADE, prized in in Manu. the Two AGRI | factures, preced- CUL- JorHaudi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. ployed Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. CARHAMPTON Hundred. 13 104 304 587 123 20 10 11 45 664 308 122 183 112 179 68 895 434 202 373 283 25 356 481 171 244 663 29 86 horaris et il soos 237 203 184 481 387 1,239 258 Carhampton - - - - - - Parish Culbone, otherwise Kilner - - Parish Cutcombe - - Parish Dunster - - - - - - Parish Exford - - - - - - - Parish Luckham - - - - - - - Parish Luxborough - - - - - Parish MINEHEAD - - Bor. & Par. Oare - - - - - Parish Porlock - - - - - - - Parish; Selworthy - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Pero - - - - - - Parish | Timberscomber Parish Treborough - - - Parish Withycombe - - - - - - Parish Wootton-Courtney - - - - Parish 280 576 A. 37 12 361 408 151 100 230 41 188 83 13 74 20 17 253 40 202 64 157 215 20 n 207 49 162 196 AA WW I 61 113 319 411 14 I 1,499 838 284 377 1,333 3,613 3,709 7,322 CATSASH Hundred. 136 68 153 209 68 147 213 75 73 202 232 67 OWAII woco i 300 422 142 155 82 166 269 368 501 178 184 362 71 69 140 138 257 Alford - - - - - - - Parish| Almsford - - - o - - - Parish Babcary - - - - Parish Barrow, North . . . . . Parish Barrow, South - - - - - Parish Barton, St. David - - - - Parish Cadbury, North - - - () Parish Galhampton - - - - - Hamlet Yarlington, Woolston and Hamlets Clapton - - - - - Cadbury, South - .'. Parish Castle-Cary - - - - - - Parish: Compton Pauncefoot - - - Parish Keinton-Mansfield - - - - Parish, Kingweston - - - - - - Parish Lovington - - - - - - Parish Lydford, West - - - - - Parish Maperton - - - - - () Parish Queen-Camel - - - - - Parishi Sparkford - - - - - - Parish Sutton-Montis, or Montague - Parish Weston-Bamfyld - - - - Parish 54 333 119 753 107 874 299 41 www NCO IANN nwariow 1,627 121 228 186 163 - 64 106 349 111 206 437 223 1o - mond NWO ILIMI I 47 100 214 77 371 146 144 37 25 341 127 71 32 54 119 1,231 1,464 888 492 1 84 3,4983,6771 7,175 CHEW Hundred. 368 108 403 928 956 323 1,884 681 126 358 260 630 576 1,206 como la 214 454 A III ower 240 19 24 43 60 58 118 ar N Chew-Magna - - - - (°) Parish Chew-Stoke - - - - - - Parish Clutton - - - - - - - Parish Dundry - - - - - - - Parish Norton-Hawfield - - - - Ville Norton-Malereward ... Parish Stowey - - - - - - - Parish Timsbury - - ... - (Ⓡ) Parish CHEWTON Hundred Broekley - - - - - (*) Parish Cameley - - - - - - - Parish Chewton-Mendip • - - (V) Parish Widcombe - + - - Tything 208 113 533 as 1,090 173 604 111 225 19 112 268 109 311 587 I made aa 1,159 168 88 36 :O) The entire Parish of North-Cadbury contains 1,003 Inhabitants. () The Return of Maperton Parish includes Clapton, in Bruton Hundred. ) The Return of Chew-Magna Parish includes the Tythings of Bishop-Sutton, Knowle, and Knighton Sutton, North Elm, and Stow, all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. 1 (W) The prosperous state of the collieries has increased the Papulnmar of Timsbury.mn() Brockley and Kingston-Seymour form a distus portion of Chewton Hundred to the North West. A large schols established at Brockley, has caused an increase of Population thercorum ) The entire Parish of Chewton-Mendip contains 1,327 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI. 279 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV, C. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET=continuod. HOUSES: PERSONS: FAMI| ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES ALL OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI | LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, 'prized in in ! Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL orHandi- ling TURB. craft. Classes. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ОР Building: FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. S . > 241 Onar 272 233 262 132 254 122 474 534 250 118 . 103 Ai Ni i wc 272 526 142 264 162 158 3:20, 438 426 864 CHEWTON Hundred-continueil. Cbilcompton - - - - - Parish Compton-Martin - - - - Parish Emborrow - - - - - (2) Parish Farrington-Gurney - - - - Parish Hinton-Blewett - - - - - Parish Kingston-Seymour - - - - Parish Littleton, High, with Hallabrow Parish Midsummer-Norton (3) Parish : Clapton - - - - - - Tything Downside - - - - - Tything Midsummer-Norton - - - Tything Wilton - - - - - - Tything Paulton - - - - - - - Parish Stone-Easton - - - - - Parish Ubley, otherwise Obleigh • - Parish Westharptree - - - - - Parish 56 50 106 . 195 247 451 442 . ... 103 128 893 885 . 502 I was w In The 215 171 145 272 78 - 66 98 . 3 442 383 692 205 688 214 . 15 1,380 419 393 .. 70 199 194 109 68 267 261 528 .. 2,968 3,309 37 53 1,320 921 1,068 / 8,188 17,878 16,066 . nny CREWKERNE Hundred. 284 * R 16, Crewkerne - - - Hinton, St. George - Merriott - - (+) Misterton - - - Sea-Borough - - - Wayford - - - - - - - - - - 536 1 580 | 14 | 14 144 | 2231 235 - - Parish - - Parish | - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - () Parish * Il a ait 1,622 340 590 176 82 188 42 NI WW I | 1,812 397 622 186 51 115 3,434 737 1,212 362 דל * 17 41 92 18 35 34 109 224 1,033 1,115 | 18 647 399 69 2,878 3,183 / 6,061 CURRY, (North) Hundred. 807 323. 59 838 199 168 Curry, North - - • - (5) Parish Hatch, West - - - - - - Parish Stoke, St. Gregory - - • (d) Parish Stath Division - -'- - Tything Thorne-Falcon - - - - - Parish Thurlbear - - - - - - - Parish 218 | | = A + 2 1,645 367 1,102 i NAV 591 511 140 43 267 40 127 107 106 221 114 109 30 215 713. 748 11 13 534 181 | 33 1,937 1,880 3,817 FROME Hundred. 254 785 109 860 271 152 1,645 550 312 and 61 11 68 33 230 Beckington - - - - - - Parish | 246 Berkeley - - - - - - () Parish Cloford - . - - - - - Parish 43 Cranmore, East - - - - - Parish 10 Elm, (Great and Little) - () Parish 66 Fronie-Selwood - (+) - (5) Parish 2,307 Laverton - - - - - - - Parish Lullington - - - - - - Parish Marston-Bigott - - - - - Parish Nunpey - - - - - - () Parish Trudox-bill - - (+) - Hamlet Orchardleigh - - - - - Parish 12,526 279 160 35 219 6,601 102 106 243 hand 16 coloro i ona 87 39 5,810 118 228 387 Inaal 449 12,411 189 224 471 828 292 27 86 180 441 145 147 12 15 (3) Whitnet Tything is included in the Return of Emborrow Parish, and Morland Divisions in 1811. ) Berkeley and Standerwick which is called, Emborrow In and Out. () The entire Parish of made a joint Return in 1811 ; they have been separated in consequence Midsummer-Norton contains 2,326 Inhabitants. The Return off of the new County Rate arrangement. The Population of the Wayford includes the Tythings af Asbcomb and Oathill. (9) The Parish of Elm has been increased by the establishment of extensive iron Retum of North-Corry Parish includes the Tythings of Knapp, Lillis works. The increase of Population at Frome is attributed to don, and Wrantage, each of which, in the year 1811, made a distinct | Peace, and the return home of soldiers at Rodden to its vicinity to Retur. () The entire Parish of Stuke St. Gregory contains 1,369 Frome. h) The entire Parish of Nunney contains 1,120 Inha. lababitants. Distinct Returns were made from the Higher, Middle, (bitants. . , 280 : ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Eriúmeration COUNTY OF SOMERSET--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву OR how chiefly TOTAL many OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES Other chiefly employ- Faniilies cm- ed in not com- ployed in | Manu- the Two AGRI- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE: Families Oc- cupied. Building FEMALES. TRADE, I prized in MIALES. PERSONS, - fuctures, preced- - FROME Hundred-continued. - - 232 :42 213 1,217 - .34 136 "646 136 48 272 - 14 38 86 154 312 Road - - - - Rodden - - - Standerwick - - Wanstrow - - Weston - Whatley - - - Witham-Friary. Woolverton - - - - (i) Parish - - (8) Parish - . () Parish - - (k) Parish - - Hamlet - - - Parish - - (1) Párish - - - Parish 36 II...Lk. wi 158 49 194 301 354 107 30 589 160 288 91 108 13 · 93 184 3,729 4,077 9,810 10,755 20,565 327 53 . 131 65 GLASTON-TWELVE-HIDES Hundred. (m) · Baltonsborough - - - - - Parish 107 Bradley, West - - - - - Parish 18 Glastonbury St. Benedict - - Parishi 80 Glastonbury, St. John - - - Parish | .453 Meare - - - - - - - - Parish 185 Nyland, with - - - - - Parish 61.. 6 Batcombe - - - - - Tything I Pennard, West - - - - - Parish | 1231 Wootton, North - - ... - Parish · 43, 54 344 61 226 1,149 IT - 01.m. limina la 671 114 417 2,213 1,151 568 191 1,064 583 18 445 139 20 38 : - - . . - . . . - - - - !".!! 445 139 890 278 1,015 1,1497 22 183 2,820 2,952 5,772 -HAMPTON and CLAVERTON Hundred. (*) Bathampton - - - - - - Parish Charlcome - - .. - Parish Claverton - - - - . - Parish 17 19 11 37 16 26 130 70 243 124 72 137 !! * 79 232 1272 504 202 53 | 48 682 486 421 13. HARTCLIFFE with BEDMINSTER Hundred Ashton, Long - - - - (+) Parish Backwell - - - - - - () Parish Barrow-Gurney - - - - Parish Bedminster - - - - - () Parish Butcombe - - - - - Parish · Chelvey .. - - - - - Parish Windford - - - - - - - Parish 126 .86 39. 611 442 47 143 - **pr! . 13 4,149 104 1,168 863 285 7,979 213 62 849 142 3,830 109 31 443 . . 34 | 1451 31 9 127 130 | 406 ... . ..- .. .. -- -- - - - - ... - - 494 1 734 1,092 5,462 15,957 | 11,419 .- - . - - 214 458 217 489 -- | 1919 11 105 216 -- - 224 469 - 1,962 HORETHORNE Hundred Abbas and Temple-Combe - - Parish Charlton-Horethorne - - - Parish 103 Cheriton, North - - - - - Parish Corton-Denham - - - - Parish Goatbill - - - - Parish Henstridge - - - - - - Parish Holwell and Backshaw .. Parish Horsington - - - - - - Parish Marston, Magna - - - - - Parish Borough)] : MILBORNE-PORT - (9) - and (Parish JI Pointington-...----- Parish 244 272 111 245 10 481 178 473 10 20 I o Irao iliiii. 430 Olyi 342 164 452 154 925 170 324 728 1,440 100 **** Siz - 188 . . . ☺) The increase of the woollen manufactory is mentioned as having caused an increase of Population at Road. See preceding page. (b) The entire Parish of Wanstrow contains 397 Inhabitants. A new road has added to the local advantages of the place. (). Witham Friary is an Extra-episcopal liberty, containing Charter-House-on-Mendip, which is entered in Winterstoke Hundred. -;m) Panborough is in cluded in the Return of Wedmore (Bempstone Hundred) and West-Holm in the Return of Pilton (Whitstone Hundred). (n) The places attri- buted to the small Hundred or Liberty of Hampton and Claverton, are locally contained in Bath-Forum Hundred.-MO) Coal works have been | established at Backwell. The great increase of Population at Bed- minster is ascribed to its contiguity to Bristol, being a large suburb on the Sonersetshire side of the river.- (9) Many Inhabitants have lately | settled at Milborne Port, in consequence of its being a Borough Town, M.DCCC.XXI.] 281 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | . OR chiefly TOTAL By How many Families Oc- cupied. 20 Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- Ali LIES LIES OTHER chicfly employ- Families em- n100 con- ployed prized in in AGRIC CUL- 'orHandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OP Building. TRADE, the Two FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. Manua' the Two factures, preced. HORETHORNE Hundred.--continued. Sandford-Orcas - Stowell - - - Trent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish - 62 il 21 159 45 173 57 332 102 479 214 267 212 1,260 1,370 359 134 3,227 | 3,442 | 6,669 در 215 72 294 120 185 68 287 82 225 205 ا مر پر یہ 91 100 HOUNDSBOROUGH, BERWICK and COKER Hundred. Barwick with Stafford - - - Parish Chilton-Cantilo • - - - () Parish Chinnock, East - - - - - Parish Chinnock, Middle - - - - Parish Chinnock, West - Parish Chisleborough - - - - - Parish Closworth - - - - - - Parish Coker, East - - - - Parish Coker, West - - - - - - Parish Hardington-Mandeville- - , Parish Haslebury-Plucknett - - - Parish Norton-under-Hambdon - Parish Odcombe - - - - - - - Parish Pendomer - - - - - - Parish Perrot, North - - Parish Sutton-Bingham - - - - - Parish 400 140 581 173 477 434 187 1,103 oscar on 85 252 229 102 550 502 210 553 928 ا دن بہ دن بن لا دن ب م 426 251 355 286 413 268 236 246 482 114 288 38 252 32 192 41 Ini 540 70 387 ن ا 195 37 2 78 1,269 | 1,547 | 10 | 38 | 619 1710 | 218 3,516 3,769 1 7,285 HUNTSPILL and PURITON Hundred. Huntspill - ... . (1) Parish Puriton with Woollavington - Parish 28 668 669 274 66 283 | 1 4 | 214 76 -1 11 61 176 174 1,337 350 1,687 340 359 1 5 275 | 32 | 844 843 KEYNSHAM Hundred. 643 38 173 10 42 67 166 TA-Ier 98 573 37 124 174 379 870 154 170 373 1,216 75 222 344 752 1,761 281 73 264 286 11 127 Brislington - - - - (u) Parish | Burnett - - - - - - - Parish Chelwood - - - - - - - Parish| Compton-Dando - - - - - Parish Farmborough - - - - - Parish 1 Keynsham - - - - - - Parish Marksbury - - - - (W) Parish Houndstreet - - - - - Tything Nempnett-Thrubwell - - - Parish Priston - - - - - - - Parish Publow - - - - - - - Parish Queen-Charleton - - . - Parish Saltford - - - - - - (*) Parish Stanton-Drew - - - - (Y) Parish Stanton-Prior - - - - - Parish Thomas, St. in Pensford - - Parish Whitchurch, otherwise Felton - Parish 33 128 136 146 410 66 140 426 836 car i et ouvir A 81 149 147 327 178 302 75 320 622 158 22 83 162 221 157 182 Xo 319 403 51 42 1,498 1,648 | 6 | 54 898 438 312 4,003 4,083 | 8;086 :0 Chilton-Cantilo (including Nether Adber Chapelry), is separate | new Lunatic Asylum at Brislington contains 125 persons. from the rest of Houndsborough Hundred, to the north east. (W) The entire Parish of Marksbury contains 354 Inhabitants. en © The Return of East Coker Parish includes North-Coker. (*) An increase of Bastardy is mentioned as prevalent at Saltford, and The Return of Huntspill Parish includes the Tything of Aston- | in some other Parishes in the vicinity of Bath and Bristol. ) A Morris, which is locally situate in Bempstone Hundred. () The manufactory has been removed from Stanton-Drew since 1811, 4C 282 (Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER AND UNDER RETURNS COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISHI, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- Į LIES LIES 1 chiefly ОП By how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS. FAMI- ALL OTHER chiefly employ. Families not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in | Nanu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. 1 craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. FEMALES. Oc- cupied, MALES. PERSONS. KILMERSDON Hundred. 219 79 829 37 - - - - (2) - - (a) - - 76 219 450 80 221 156 440 15 16 31 72 160 Ashwick - - - - Babington - - - Buckland-Denham - Hardington - - - Hemington - - - Holcombe - - - Kilmersdon - - - Radstock - - - - Stratton-on-the-Foss Writhlington - - - Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 163 253 112 323 527 1-12 II w C7 C7 II C IN 274 169 388 - - - - - 1,991 - - (b) © - - - - 969 491 1,022 411 169 902 164 74 38 139 178 317 216 41 128 88 1,156 | 546 2,832 2,900 5,732 KINGSBURY (East) Hundred. (1) 1 184 628 1,330 - - - - - - - Tything - Tything - Tything 75 One 702 178 180 330 356 Chard Parish: d) Chard - - - - Crim-Chard - - Old-Chard - - Poor-House - - South-Chard - - Tatworth and Forton Combe-St.-Nicholas Huish-Episcopi - - Kingsbury-Episcopi - Winsham - - - - - 107 II Aro 140 221 Ewowa w ID Arco - - Tything - - Tything - - Parish - - Parish (©) Parish - - Parish 211 686 26 269 437 1,046 472 1,470 878 - - - - 197 75 280 156 17 129 216 532 228 746 451 514 244 724 427 303 46 39 112 201 KINGSBURY (West) Hundred. (*) Ash-Priors - - - - - - Parish Bishops-Lydeard (+) (8) Parish Buckland, West - - - - - Parish Fitzhead - - - - - - - Parish Wellington - - - - - - Parish Wiveliscombe - (+) - - Parish 1,016 42 208 160 54 837 225 171 For COC - 49 ow I com 1 63 139 119 48 207 209 89 513 379 149 2,243 1,515 503 371 151 1,927 1,276 750 300 12 524 323 842 656 4,170 111 124 543 2,791 3,063 3,436 | 34 117 | 1,425 1,493 518 | 7,757 8,443 | 16,200 1 DIARTOCK Hundred. (h) Martock ----•- • Parish 376 544 i 14 260 232 52 1,204 | 1,356 2,560 MELLS and LEIGH Hundred. Leigh-upon-Mendip - - - - Parish Mells - - - - - - - - Parish 149 | 149 260 148 50 329 581 666 1,147 126 566 380 409 1 127 04 903 910 | 1,813 MILVERTON Hundred. 111 22 297 282 579 105 Ashbrittle - - Bathealton - - Kittisford - - - Langford-Budville Milverton - - 56 - - - - - - - - - - 49 () - - - - - - (K) ovo o Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish coi Jailor 84 175 95 220 282 91 282 1,034 564 415 166 | 896 1,930 (2) A brewery and coal-works have been established at Ashwick. brook and Lake, and Stembridge, each of which, in the year 1811; (a) The cultivation of Tcasles (which are used in the woollen manufac- | made a distinct Return. (j West-Kingsbury is in two liniconnected tory), has increased the Population of Buckland-Denham.- (0) The portions (West and South West of Taunton) ; Wellington and Bucht Return of Kilmersdon Parish includes the Hamlets of Charltoni, Coleford, forming one; Aslı-Priors, Bis!:ops- Lydeard, Fitzhead and Wiveliscombe, Kilmersdon, Kilmersdon-Common, Luckington, and Lypeat, all which, in the other.---(6) Bishops-Lydeard includes the Tythings of Bishops- the year 1811, made distinct Returns. Coal-inines have caused an in Lydeard, Coombs-Ash, East-Bagborough, East-Coomb Hill, Lydcarı!. crease of Population, Coal-inines have caused an increase of Punchardon and Quanıock. ) Buchland St. Mary, partly in Lartos Population at Radstock,- Chard and Combe St. Nicholas, Huish- | Hundred, and partly in South-Petherton Hundred, is entered in abdick Episcopi, Kingsbury-Episcopi, and Winslam, in four unconnected por Hundred. (i) The Tything of Greenham is included in the Return o tions (East and South-East of Taunton), form tliat part of the Hundred Wards West-Ashbrittle Parish.- ) One female in Milverton Parish 1p. called East-Kingsbury. The entire Parish of Chard contains 3,106 l of 100 years of age. The establishment of u silk manufactory Inhabitants. (c) The Parish of Kingsbury-Episcopi includes the Parish has caused an increase of Population. Tythings of Barrow, Kingsbury-Episcopi, East-Lambrook, West-Lam. actory in this M.DCCC.XXI.] 283 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By chiefly OR LIES chiefly how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc cupied. Ог Un-Inbabited. Building. FAMI- LIES | ALL | OTHER employ- Families en- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- fictures, preced- CUL- for Handia TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. MILVERTON Hundred-continued. 22 51 90 191 Runnington - - - Sampford-Arundell - Stawley - - - - | Thorn, St. Margaret - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish 376 107 88 24 69 76 195 145 779 852 10 33 535 40 l 2,021 2,138 4,159 NORTON-FERRIS Hundred, 38 42 186 180 Nos como 80 366 320 169 151 275 1 281 556 www: vico www! I | Bratton, St. Maur - - - - Parish Charlton-Musgrave - - - - Parish Cucklington, with Clapton-Forms Parish Kilmington - - - - () Parish Maiden-Bradley Parish : (m) Yarnfield - - - - - - Hamlet Penscellwood - - - - - Parish Shepton-Montague - - - - Parish Stoke-Trister, with Bayford (*) Parish Stourton (part of) Parish: Brook, alias Gasper - - - Hamlet Wincanton - - - - - - Parish 94 176 332 182 36- to 202 175 377 ö 136 1,017 176 1,126 312 2,143 390 119 242 a 876 980 8 517 383 80 2,404 | 2,543 | 4,947 PETHERTON (North) Hundred. - - 189 183 372 472 - Bawdrip - - - - BRIDGWATER - - Chedzoy - - - Chilton-Trinity - - Durston - - - - Pawlett - - - - Petherton, North - St. Michael-Church - Thurloxton - - - Wembdon - - - - - Parish (P) Borough - - Parish - - Parish Parish Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish 35 240 26 106 260 1,517 233 23 105 269 1,574 83 our own IAIN 49 211 529 3,091 50 - - - - 405 10 24 26 85 148 178 49 145 293 934 1,036 2 28 762 2,595 2,650 5,245 PETHERTON (South) Hundred. 215 110 238 115 154 35 453 225 270 75 116 40 80 64 144 155 164 319 Barrington - - - - Chaffcombe - - - - Chillington - - - - Cricket, St. Thomas - Cudworth - - - - - Dowlisb-Wake - - - Knowle, St. Giles - - Lopen - - - - - - Petherton, South - - Seavington, St. Mary - Seavington, St. Michael Dinnington - - - Shinton-Beauchamp - Whit-Staunton - - - (9) Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish () Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish (5) Parish - Chapelry - - Parisha () I arish DAN conici commer 49 42 91 94 219 a III had mode mode BooTONI A cov $36 996 206 1,094 164 425 2,090 319 212 155 42 106 106 41 107 101 208 105 257 179 310 567 327: 49 1 67 148 1,039 11,207 14 35 824 261 122 12,784 2,941 5,725 _? Kilmington is a detached portion of Ferris-Norton Hundred, to. | commonable pasture called West Moor, no part of the Population of wards Frome. (m) Maiden-Bradley Parish is mostly in Mere Hun- which is included in the Barrington Return, though partly in that Parish. med, Wilts. (a) French Prisoners were on their parole at Stoke- () Parishioners have increased at Dowlish-Wake, by taking pota- brister in 1811.- ) Stourton Parish is mostly in Mere Hundred, tve ground for that purpose. The entire Parish of St. Michael (") The Borough of BRIDGWATER is entered at the end of | Seavington contains 420 Inhabitants. Whit-Staunton is a distinct County..-(9) Many houses are said to have been built on a portion of South-Pethierton Hundred, to the westward. Wilts. 284 ABSTRACT. OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. AT COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- 1 PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc. cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly Other chiefly em- employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRIC factures, preced- CUL- Torllandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 169 516 PITNEY Hundred : (*) Langport-East-over - - (W) Muchelney - - - - - - Pitney - • • - • - - Parish Parish Parish 1,004 132 51 64 488 154 inco * 175 142 329 70 159 301 247 318 1 2 or 121 182 15 833 1801 1,634 PORTBURY Hundred. 54 | - - - - A 156 71 286 - - - - - - - - - () - - 161 86 295 103 coco 93 99 317 157 581 192 2,109 1,678 e 395 440 Abbots-Leigh - - Clapton - - - - Clevedon - - - - Flax-Bourton - - Easton-in-Gordano Nailsea - - - - Portbury - - - - Portishead - - - Tickenham - - - Walton-in-Gordano Weston-in-Gordano - Wraxall - - - - 1,009 850 - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish | Parish Parish 186 335 289 105 and I loloer ico in wil ~10 00 - Deco or corrow coco 303 1,100 818 291 261 195 594 86 112 73 - - (V) - - - ... - - - - (+) - color cod 245 210 :87 506 405 42 L 30 42 21 74 60 161 111 20 18 116 143 121 362 769 407 3,807 1,339 1,536 16 33 781 472 3,7737,580 SOMERTON Hundred: (2) 228 454 Aller - - - Camel, West Charlton-Adam - - - 304 155 185 162 263 377 309 - - - - Parish - (+) - Parish - - - - Parish Parish - - - - Parish - - - - Parish - Parish - Parish - (+) (?) Parish - (+) - Tything 536 Kingsdon - - Long-Sutton - - Lydford, East - Somerton - - Yeovilton - - Bridghampton 226 149 192 147 273 420 68 846 75 Tico. Il mico 138 23 301 23 856 ܝܕ ܝܕ ܝܘ ܟ ܒܝܗ ܝܳܗܟ݂ܺܝܕ ܝܕ ܐ 140 16 239 4.36 69 137 379 32 24 · 797 75 1,643 150 105 17 20 49 56 829 1,040 | 9 | 19 759 216 2,419 2,452 | 4,871 STONE Hundred. - - - - 110 Ashington - - Brimpton - - - Chilthorne-Domer Limington - - Draycott - - Lufton - - - Mudford - - - Preston - - - Yeovil - - - Parish - - Parish Parish - ) Parish - Tything - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish Parish - - - - - 123 14 - - - - - 237 31 I a II a la 124 114 17 12 182 175 2,488 21 375 | 193 142 2,167 317 780 680 4,655 1,023 1,145 369 | 733 2,857 3,219 | 6,076 TAUNTON and TAUNTONDEAN Hundred. 32 64 - - - - - - - - - o - 12 80 161 21 CONI 421 Angersleigh - - - Bagborough, West - Bishop's-Hull - - Bradford - - - Cheddon-Fitzpaine Combe-Florey - - Corfe - - - - - 100 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish I to mora 928 525 258 130 o o o 272 - - - 156 116 150 306 No 116 I . (1) Middleney, which is locally situate in Pitney Hundred, is entered I (2) Somerton Hundred is in three distinct portions; West-Camel and with the Parish of Drayton, in Abdick Hundred. (w) The coal Yeovilton being to the south-east, East-Lydford to the north-east of the trade has increased at Langport, in consequence of the navigable river; main part of the Hundred. (3) The entire Parish of Yeovilion con. and with it, the Population. (*) Easton-in-Gordano, otherwise the | tains 255 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Limington contains Parish of St. George. ) The Population at Portishead has been | 268 Inhabitants. increased by the inclosure of a common down, and other waste land. M.DCCC.XXI.] 285 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.-.. I . . COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: . PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR how TOTAL · EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- | FAMI | LIES LIES | chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families ed in Dut com- | TRADE, I prized in in Manu- ) the Two AGRI- factures.J preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ployed Building MALES. FEMALES. ОР PERSONS. . cupied. 21 108 131 ci 483 1121 ... 468 128 TAUNTON and TAUNTONDEAN Hundred-continued. Cothelston - - - - - - Parish Heathfield - - - - - - Parish Hillfarrance - - - - - - Parish Kingston Parish: (9) Eastern-Division - - - Tything Western-Division - - Tything Hestercombe - - - - - Hamlet Lydeard, St. Lawrence - - - Parish Norton-Fitzwarren - - - - Parish Nynehead - - - - - - Parish | Oake - - - - - - - - Parish Orchard-Portman - - - - Parish Otierford - - - - - - - Parish Pitminster - - - - - () Parish Rimpton - - - - - - () Parish Ruishton - - - Parish Staplegrove - - - - - - Parish Stoke, St. Mary. - - - - Parish TAUNTON - - - - () Borough Tolland - - - - - - - Parish Trull - - - - - - - - Parish Wilton . . Parish Withiell-Florey - - - - () Parish 228 164 938 16 618 475 308 189 100 96 247 144 93 42 174 58 35 192 366 262 30 TA and I Inco Nermo IN AN I wo had Lo al coco avvoca 705 711 107 1,416 219 . 112 148 - 181 329 188 215 127 403 248 121 49 269 99 64 259 251 45 113 528 579 86 101 328 A 12 12 41 1,722 2,054 | 19 | 56 1,409 481 164 5,128 . 5,273 10,401 TINTINHULL Hundred. 157 48 195 21 220 nd Nico ILCHESTER or Ivelchester (6) Bor: & Par: - - - - Gaol Kingston - - - - - - (h) Parish Montacute -. - - - - Parish Northover - - - - - - Parish Stoke-under-Hamdon ... (i) Parish Thorn-Coffin - - - - - Parish Tintinhull - - - - - () Parish Stock-Dennis. - - - - Tything 973 399 403 802 152 40 192 133 131 264 461 5.12 65 121 531 1,072 53 44 97 1941 194 388 37 110 56 541 is in 1 A 732 308 | 98 | 1,991 1,928 / 3,919 WELLOW Hundred. 181 och to 480 · 287 - - - . - - - - (+) - - - - - - - - 118 524 353 119 · 186 193 1,004 640 237 368 182 172 Icopa 365 Camerton - - - Charterhouse-Hinton Conıb-Hay - - - Corston - - - - Dunkerton - - - English-Combe - - Farleigh, Hungerford Forscote - - - - Newton, St. Loe - Norton, St. Philip - Tellisfurd - - - Tiverton - - - Wellow - - - 154 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish vonare i co w nieco ܝܘ ܝܙ ܙ ܙܝܕ ܝܕ ܝܕ | | ܟ ܝܕ ܩ ܙ ; 8 157 92 Targer - 1. 33 - 82 - 82 214 327 50 1 72 217 342 311 174 115 431 669 167 1,500 817 134 - - - 76 29 289 142 111 27 23 720 425 780 392 1 163 175 1,212 1,330 446 531 | 353 3,455 3,343 6,798 1 . (9) The entire Parish of Kingston contains 934 Inhabitants. © The Return of Pitminster Parish includes Blagdon, Duddlestone, kalford, Leigh, Puundisford and Trendle Tythings. Withiell- Florey is a distinct portion of the Hundred of Taunton, and Tauntun- Dean, to the west ; and Rimpton (another distinct portion) is beyond lichester, and at the south-east corner of the County.- () The Borough of Taunton is entered at the end of the County.- () The entire Parish of Ilchester contains 994 Inhabitants. (h) The Return of Kingston Parish includes the Hamlet of Allowenshay.--() The manyfacture of gloves is mentioned as having increased the Population of Stoke-under- Hamdon. (k) The entire Parish of Tintinhull contains 398 Inha- bitants. . 4 D 286 ABSTRACT OF ANSVERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration; COUNTY OF SOMERSET--. continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: TAMI- FAMI- LIES PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OTHER By LIFS chiefy chiefly . OR hon many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. employ. Families em- ed in not con- ployed TRADE, ſprized in in Manu. the Two factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, FEMALES. MALES. TOTAL or PERSONS. cupied. 86 165 136 198 134 270 59 43 87 - 88 590 182 85 1,253 196 378 141 WELLS-FORUM Hundred. Binegar - - - - - - - Parish Cranmore, West - - - () Parish Dinder - - - - - - - Parish Evercreech - - . - () Parish Litton - - - - - - - Parish Priddy - - - - - Parish Wells, City: Andrew, St. - - - - Extra-P. || Cuthbert, St. In - - - - - Parish Cuthbert, St. Vut - - - Parish Westbury - - - - - - Parish. Wookey - - - - - - - Parish / Tiwi III Arbowa ww cool 53 103 128 673 544 15 406 103 495 510 118 190 1,387 1,278 300 512 374 102 147 195 298 1,637 3,024 1,288 2,566 322 1622 528 1,040 128 223 19 50 1,920 2,217 | 1,000 737 480 4,826 5,304 110,130 pod 128 410 792 175 174 154 168 230 130 I wo 379 64 115 742 262 FF 649 1,223 130 100 325 633 50 99 WHITESTONE Hundred. Batcombe - - - - (m) Parish Croscombe (+)- - Parish Ditcheat - - - - - - - Parish Doulting - - - - - - - Parish Downbead - - - - - - Parish Hornblotton - - - - - - Parish Lamyatt - - - - - - - Parish Pennard, East - - - - - Parish Pilton-with-Wotton - - (*) Parish Pylle - - - - - - - - Parish Shepton-Mallet - - - - - Parish Stoke-Lane, or Stoke-St. Michael Parish 40 20 208 111 24 60 382 ვივ 574 308 109 · 51 123 360 543 87 2,335 474 36 50 120 243 131 IAIN 395 152 557 153 227 36 1,075 229 209 28 1,060 228 32 89 2,686 755 1,100 176 5,021 1,000 217 526 2,434 2,591 | 30 1,042 5,709 6,295 12,004 WHITLEY Hundred. (°) 380 78 332 129 38 176 101 712 154 ܙ ܙ ܝܕ ܗ 76 403 237 406 256 25 809 493 26 ܙ 121 147 268 ܝܙ ܙ 32 108 148 512 129 441 116 114 21 124 237 953 240 235 605 1,004 35 121 106 110 99 311 294 | | | | ܝܕ ܙ ܝܙ ܟ 198 103 Ashcott - - - - - - - Parish Blackford - - - - - - - Parish Butleigh - - - - - - - Parish Compton-Dundon - - (P) Parish Littleton - - - - - - Hamlet Cossington - - - - - Parish Greinton - - - - - - - Parish High Ham - - - - - - Parish Holford - - - - - - - Parish Holton - - - - - - - Parish Middlezoy - - - - - (9) Parish Monkton, West - - - - - Parish Moorlinch - - - - (0) Parish Catcott - - - - Chapelry Chilton-upon-Poldon - - Hamlet Edington - - - - - Chapelry Stawell - - - - - - Hamlet Sutton-Mallet - - - - Hamlet Othery - - - - - - (9) Parish Podimore-Milton - - - - Parish Shapwick - - - - - - - Parish | Street - - - - - - - - Parish Walton - - - Parish Weston-Zoyland - . - - (9) Parish Wheathill - - - - - - Parish Woollavington -: - - - Parish 489 59 131 Tonem co IIICIIOIN INN ICI o co 53 115 T11600 al mat It I may I 2000 dan 117 296 178 515 134 283 174 181 251 579 16 160 100 100 1 ܙ ܙ ܝܙ ܙ ܚ 77 250 86 2 148 102 98 137 126 ܝ ܠ ܒ 259 go 214 386 344 420 25 175 200 405 291 387 22 185 ܙ ܒܝ 20 206 381 8. 1,962 2,315 24 1,620 472 29 223 5,772 5,636 11,408 (1) Cranmore and Evercreech, with Chesterblade, form a detached | Wincanton, Holford near Quantoxhead, West-Monkton near Taunton, portion of Wells-Forum Hundred, to the eastward. The Hamlet of Podiinore-Milton near Ilchester, and Wheathill near Castle-Cary.- Chesterblade is included in the Return of Evercreech Parish. ('') The entire Parish of Compton-Dundon contains 544 Inhabitants. (m) Batcombe is a detached portion of Whitestone Hundred eastward. (9) Boroughbridge (Andersfield Hundred) is included in the Return (i) Pilton Parish includes West-Hulin, Glaston Hundred.-- of Middlezoy, Othery, and Weston-Zuyland. The entire Parisi © The main part of the Hundred of Whitley consists of King's Sedg- of Moorlinch contains 1,887 inhibitants. moor. It's five unconnected portions are, Blackford and Holton near M.DCCC.XXI.) 287 THE POPULATION ACT, I GĖO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET=continued. - HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OTT FAMI-L ALL on By how many Families! TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu. the Two AGRIO factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes, Building. ОР FENIALES. Öc- MALES. in nied. PERSONS. 29 125 126 52 232 140 109 366 405 166 173 145 295 251 449 771 311 337 280 600 1,865 36 145 164 135 305 941 54 593 94 119 360 177 924 15 115 59 534 93 113 1,127 187 101 12 113 146 155 225 WILLITON & FREEMANNERS Hundred. (*) Bicknoller - - - - - - Parish Brompton-Ralph · • - - Parish Brompton-Regis (+) • - Parish Brushford - - - - Parish Chipstable - - - - - - Parish Clatworthy . - - - - Parish Crowcombe - - - - - - Parish Deucuman, St. - - Parish Dodington - Parish Dulverton - Parish Elworthy - - - - - Parish Exmoor - - - - - - Extra-P. | Exton - - - - - - - - Parish Halse . . . - Parish Hawkridge - - - - - - Parish Huish-Champflower Kilton - - - Parish Kilve - - - - Parish Lilstuck (+) - - - - - - Parish | Monksilver - - - - - - Parish Nether-Stowey - Parish Nettlecombe - - Parish Old Cleeve - - - .. Parish Quantoxhead, East - - - - Parish Quantoxbead, West - - - Parish Raddington - - - Parish Sampford-Brett - - - - - Parish Skilgate - - - - - - - Parish Stogumber - - Parish Upton - - - - Parish Winsford - - - Parish Wilhypoole -- Parish 222 26 133 24 Parish ca a ma di condamnar imate med la loi + To i pod iliilor III INI. I and I had lorii Iwi 301 447 50 317 149 184 TOO - A - Ao color local cioco ma non c A לל 72 263 127 42 153 136 29 12 71 153 40 153 385 388 189 183 220 254 612 149 639 154 52 ver co 122 103 57 91 118 306 773 372 1,251 276 225 101 194 226 1,281 297 15 28 29 41 122 44 103 108 617 148 239 97 243 158 664 202 49 58 97 149 279 107 518 35 29 204 2,422 2,705 20 54 1,731 173 7,054 6,972 14,026 172 499 988 489 155 164 210 68 290 231 699 731 319 1,430 1,068 535 260 - 252 211 102 21 314 - 106 518 21 533 258 57 926 32 441 249 58 871 115 1,797 393 13 23 55 153 170 824 75 WINTERSTOKE Hundred. Axbridge - - -. - () Parish Badgworth - - - - - - Parish Banwell - - - - - - - Parish Blagdon - - - - - - - Parish Bleadon - - Parish Charterhouse Ville Chedder - - - - - - (W) Parish Christon - - - - - - - Parish Churchill - - - - - - - Parish Compton-Bishop Parish Congresbury - Parish Harptree, East - Parish Hutton - - - Parish Kenn - - - Parish Kewstoke - Parish Locking - . Parish Loxton - - - - - - - Parish Puxton - a Parish Rodney-Stoke - - - - - Parish Rowberrow - - - - - - Parisb Shipham - - - - . (*) Parish Uphill - - - - . - - Parish Weston-super-Mare (+) - (Y) Parish 211 221 598 130 139 OOCNI and I love hear IwNTI IWI AA IN 513 1,202 627 325 - O alom Hias III a II i la 294 383 264 604 333 154 143 202 102 go 171 276 133 227 429 198 165 70 137 120 272 46 181 128 140 152 153 312 137 347 323 133 334 635 270 738 126 51 147 391 ,, Fairfield, which is locally situate in Williton and Freemanners | Persons to the then Population. In Shiphan Parislı, 80 Families Hundred, is included in the Return of Stogursey, Cannington Hundred. employed in the lead mines and calamine works, are included in the () Lodging-houses have been built by the sea side at Old Cleeve. third columu of Occupations. () The Hamlets of Ashcombe and The increase of the male population at Axbridge is ascribed to Milton are included in the Return of Weston-super-Mare, in which the cessation of war.------- Charterhouse Ville is connected with many Houses have been built for the sake of residence near the sea. itham Friary, Frome Hundred.-(W) 'The Return of Chedder The Population of Worle (the adjoining village) has increased in con- sh in 1811, included Batcombe and Nyland ; an addition of 40 | sequence of the demand for poultry, and other marketable commodities. Paris! 288 TEnumeration ABSTRACT: OP ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL FAMILIES TOTIIER LIES chiefly OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. ОР Un-Inhabited. Building. chiefly employ- Families ein- I ed in not com- ployed TRADE, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS.) 52 .ا د 267 WINTERSTOKE Hundred continued. Wick, St. Lawrence' -. - Parish Winscombe - - - - (3) Parish Worle - - - - - - (). Parish Yatton, East - - Yatton, West - }. () Parish 41 231 148 716 48 255 130 ,96 314 140 1,428 70 673 ده بن IwN A CO A 119 712 340 290 477 333 398 100 181 76 101 598 918 جن 30 441 2,985 3,488 1,958 1 811 719 8,547 17,119 CITY of BATH. 827 59 3,444 James, St. --... - Parish 1,632 1,656 Michael, St. - - - - - - Parish 433 778 Peter and Paul, St. . - - - Parish 362 | 654 Walcott - - - - - (b) Parish 2,730 5,458 476 582 302 64 2,339 2,834 1,545 1,368 9,541 1,917 1,657 1 6,278 3,462 3,025 24,046 13 13,006 14,505 191 4,891 13,464 | 15,288 21,523 136,811 5,157 8,546 79 258 Borough of BRIDGWATER ..... Parish 1,059 1,186 16 35 132 817 - 237 2,9393,216 6,155 James, St. 6 - - Mary Magdalen, St. - - - Parisb 342 450 . a Parish (1,161 11,256 9 8 18 | 38 | 150 218 33 | 1,069 1 82 958 154 | 2,787 | 1,290 1 3,499 2,248 | 6,286 1,503 1,706 2746 1831,287 236 3745 4.789 () See preceding page.— () The Population of the Parish of Winscombe has been increased by Inclosure of a Common, and cottages built on small allotments. The entire Parish of Yatton contains 1,516 Inhabitants. (0) Walcott Parish extends into Bath Forum Hundred. im M.DCCC.XXI.] 289 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 Geo. iv. c. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. LLL PERSONS : FAMI• ALL TOTAL Sic. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS 4,822 1,208 179 11 302 51 82 921 9,645 2,392 16,615 6,506 4,437 4,288 5,156 7,322 7,175 16,066 6,061 3,817 4,647 20,565 5,772 1,068 7,337 3,214 2,195 1,947 2,578 3,613 3,498 8,188 2,878 1,937 2,404 9,810 2,820 232 647 383 v oro & co co ve a commence a car HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES By LIES HUNDREDS, | OTHER chiefly how chiefly employ- Families many cm- ed in not com- Families ployed Trade, prized in Oc- Manu. the Two cupied. AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- jorHandi- ing TUPE. | craft. Classes. Hundred of ABDICK and BULSTONE - - |1,584 1,912 | 10 | 42 | 1,262 | 545 | 105 ANDERSFIELD - - - - - | 432 | 464 1 5 9 1354 79 31 BATH FORUM - - - - - 2,727 13,636 1,036 1,413 1,187 BEMPSTONE - - - - . |1,136 876221 189 BRENT, witli WRINGTON - - 719 902 5 583 į 186 | 133 BRUTON - - - - 801 893 540 CANNINGTON - - - - 874 1,040 722 236 CARHAMPTON - - - - - |1,333 1,499 838 377 284 CATSASH 1,231 1,464 888 492 CHEW and CIIEWTON 2,968 13,309 1,320 CREWKERNE - - - - - 1,033 1,115 399 CURRY, NORTH - - 713 748 534 181 33 FERRIS-NORTON - - - - 517 FROME - - - - - - - | 3,729 4,077 843 GLASTON-TWELVE-HIDES - 193 HAMPTON and CLAVERTON - HARTCLIFFE, with - 1,962 2,320 494 BEDMINSTER - 1 HORETHORNE - - - - - 1,260 877 359 HOUNDSBOROUGH 1,269 1,547 710 218 HUNTSPILL and PURITON - 1 340 / 359 275 32 KEYNSHAM - - - - - - 1,498 1,648 898 312 KILMERSDON - - - - - 11,156 KINGSBURY, East and West - 13,063 3,436 1,425 1,493 DIARTOCK - - - - 376 260 MELLS and LEIGH - - 380 1409 198 127 MILVERTON - - 779 852 535 277 PETHERTON, North 934 1,036 762 216 PETHERTON, South 1,039 1,207 122 PITNEY - 247 318 182 PORTBURY 1,339 1,536 781 283 SOMERTON - - - - - - 829 | 1,040 216 STONE - - - - - - - 1,023 369 733 TAUNTON and TAUNTONDEAN 1,722 2,054 1,409 TINTINHULL - - - - - | 849 443 308 WELLOW - - - - - - |1,212 1,330 446 531 353 WELLS-FORUM - - - - 1 1,920 2,217 1,000 737 480 WHITESTONE - - - - - 2,434 2,591 1,042 1,130 419 WHITLEY - - - . -11,962 1 2,315 1,620 472 223 WILLITON and FREEMANNENS 2,422 / 2,705 | 1,731 801 WINTERSTOKE - - - - - 2,985 3,488 1,958 1 811 773 82 504 734 5,462 4,823 1,184 9,278 3,292 2,242 2,341 2,578 3,709 3,677 7,878 3,183 1,880 2,543 10,755 2,952 272 5,957 3,442 3,769 843 4,083 2,900 8,443 1,356 910 2,138 2,650 2,941 801 3,773 2,452 3,219 5,273 1,092 134 1,370 619 52 438 door 321 345 546 544 232 A 824 261 Ang Ö con 3,227 3,516 844 4,003 2,832 7,757 1,204 903 2,021 2,595 2,784 833 3,807 2,419 2,857 5,128 1,991 3,455 4,826 5,709 5,772 7,054 8,547 11,419 6,669 7,285 1,687 8,086 5,732 16,200 2,560 1,813 4,159 *5,243 5,725 1,634 7,580 4,871 6,076 10,401 3,919 6,798 10,130 12,004 11,408 14,020 17,119 472 759 TIT 481 7 732 1,928 3,343 5,304 6,295 5,636 6,972 8,572 20/54 173 719 City of BATH - ----- - - 5,157 8,546 79 258 1191 4,891 3,464 | 15,288 | 21,523 | 36,811 191 Borough of BRIDGWATER - ... |1,059 1,186 16 35 132 817 | 237 2,939 | 3,216 | 6,155 Borough of TAUNTON - - - - - - 1,503 1,706 2746 183 1,287 236 3,745 1 4,789 8,534 Totals - - - 61,852 73,537 850 1,974| 31,448 27,132 170,199 | 185,115 355,314 14,957 4 E 290 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Under Hundred TOTAL of 668 194 561 141 469 125 757 155 4,670 1,208 7,232 910 1,033 884 730 279 524 183 388 321 501 303 358 225 153 3,214 347 239 351 194 156 113 102 2,195 230 223 201 mer in III II. 1,947 380 Y CY Cm 371 486 233 322 133 178 251 238 486 113 2131 2,376 3,613 528 414 375 794 349 803 358 499 1,151 614 185 342 30 7,517 3,494) 666 104 73 44 56 156 611 1,968 4,003 o 2,8201 2321 I 111 994 438 307 242 209 568 500 464 496 107 323 378 302 3,227 3,518 2209 182 147 101 81 104 82 52 ABDICK & BULSTONE ANDERSFIELD - - 154 BATII-FORUM . - - 1,189 783 BEMPSTONE ... - 515 417 BRENT with WRINGTON 289 BRUTON - - - - 300 244 237 CANNINGTON . . - CARHAMPTON - - 544 CATSASH - - - - 470 390 CHEW & CHEWTON - 1,146 1,045 970 CREWKERNE - - - 111 82 CURRY, North - - - 356 299 237 FROME - - - - 578 GLASTON-TWELVE- HIDES 422 - - - HANIPTON and CLAVERTON - :40 S HARTCLIFFE with 143 BEDMINSTER HORETHORNE - - - HOUNDSBOROUGH - HUNTSPILL & PURITON 98 KEYNSHAM - - - KILMERSDON - - - 323 KINGSBURY, East & West 849 MARTOCK - - - - MELLS and LEIGH - MILVERTON - - - NORTON-FERRIS - - 297 PETHERTON, North 324 PETHERTON, South - PITNEY - - - - - 138 124 PORTBURY - - - 561 424 SOMERTON - - - 220 STONE - - - - - 321 TAUNTON and TAUNTON-DEAN TINTINHULL - - WELLOW - - - 513 357 WELLS-FORUM - 689 542 WHITESTONE - - - WHITLEY - - - - 888 664 WILLITON and I FREEMANNERS - 840 753 WINTERSTOKE : -1,294 1,139 1,007 w od or I 844) OOO 521 455 599 ვი9 451 313 652 4,093 2,844 472 816 189 606 413 236 515 110 427 286 5,888] 186 80 117 99 1,204 I wo 56 124 n5 904 195 195 2,021 302 313 233 264 2,394) 374 263 250 178 2,595 350 244 375 247 185 128 82 126 86 23 2,779 833 97 406 59 en ford Il band and and 302 76 331 536 397 225 3,401 356 202 323 146 447 293 383 231 415 178 298 160 2,140 2,861 517 716 443 TTTTT 326 193 565 216 374 92 5,131) 1,998 3,056) 456 196 265 474 529 503 doet wo wo er 181 310 261 432 747 553 721 843 736 1,004 15,3 678 619 4,896) 5,356) 812 135 187 357 381 348 304, 127 44% | 402 219 | 378 184 595 630 5,750 722 775 | 1,254 919 BATH, CITY -•. 2,492 1,630 1,532 1,584 2,879 1,862 1,383 994 575 BRIDGEWATER, BORO' 523 407 362 295 416 336 263 | 162 TAUNTON, BORO' - 494 458 404 368 479 410 362 200 147 | 48 | 24 Total of MALES (23,625 20,155 17,729|14,980 22,770 17,11213,896 10,258 7,3833,546 941 2,937 pogo Honda 3,395 15. 152,447 THE Total Number of Persons in the county of Somerset was .... 355,314, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were return was ... 317,804 ... whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-uinth and one-tenth part of the Persons thercin enumerated, were not ou tained in compliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.] 291 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. Ages of Persons. FEM A L E S. 6 Under Hundred of 6 ܕ TOTAL ܐ 503 117 456 472 613 147 957 ܒ ܝ | 130 196 111 1,233 906 457 m Osmaa 324 514 213 79 ܒܝ | ܚ 348 240 304 283 128 59 40 588 343 148 119 139 | 129 156 145 172 126 270 251 157 180 281 293 359 478 743547 134 1,741 1,171 381 372 259 360 305 403 304 370 489 1,129 131 94 ܟ 241 241 258 317 320 671 367 285 190 218 241 362 373 681 64 180 368 4,766 1,175 9,278 3,290 2,243 2,341 2,577 3,699 3,667 7,099 759 1,852 4,149 560 532 ܝܝܕ ܟܬ ܟܨ ܗ 531 490 369 261 915 990 809 310 114 98 60 57 287 ܢܕ ܟܟ 259 285 203 139 338 718 505 296 ܕ TITUT 342 217 39 ܝܕ 2,952 32 11 ܝ 272 ABDICK & BULSTONE 688 ANDERSFIELD 172 BATH-FORUM - - - 1,210 BEMPSTONE - - 570 BRENT with WRINGTON BRUTON - - - - CANNINGTON - - - 376 CARHAMPTON - - 530 CATSASH - - - - CHEW and CHEWTON -|1,125 CREWKERNE - - - CURRY, North - - - FROME - - - - - GLASTON-TWELVE- HIDES - - - - HAMPTON and 1 CLAVERTON - - HARTCLIFFE with 1 BEDMINSTERS HORETHORNE - - - 1 442 HOUNDSBOROUGH 579 HUNTSPILL & PURITON 107 KEYNSHAM KILMERSDON - - 436 KINGSBURY, East & West MARTOCK - - - - 185 MELLS and LEIGH - MILVERTON - - - NORTON-FERRIS - - PETHERTON, North - PETHERTON, South PITNEY - 123 PORTBURY - - 534 SOMERTON - - STONE - - - - 99 48 21 ܝܕ 983 TY 332 501 642 396 435 361 362 362 85 ܚܕ ܒܝ 101 73 133 109 115 ܚܕ 243 | 205 103 2051 99 46 150 20 304 211 499 ܗ 576 447 308 432 298 107 270 221 264 623 797 ܙ ܚܟ 649 608 971 144 241 127 143 528 382 735 142 108 254 302 ܟܬ ܘ 88 79 ܘ 363 746 138 121 257 309 ვნა 377 116 450 361 3,432 3,769 843 4,184 2,888 6,265 1,356 912 2,138 2,545 2,650 2,941 791 3,411 2,173 3,217 257 4:23 220 ܟ 161 150 237 249 159 181 146 ܤ ܟ 438 285 259 79 309 447 130 564 346 360 98 403 69 165 42 45 ܙ ܢܝ 343 215 155 335 206 315 357 248 235 354 196 ܝܕ ܝܙ 612 391 285 ܩ TAUNTON and TAUNTON-DEAN TINTINHULL - - - 367 ܝܢ 5,265 1,927 3,049 5,304 300 387 264 152 52 - 682 046 129 5.36 578 ܕ ܒܨ ܚ cu 734 705 137 215 373 479 374 505 WELLOW - - - WELLS-FORUM - WHITESTONE - - WHITLEY - - - WILLITON and FREEMANNER WINTERSTOKE - 524 613 533 5,916 874 453 565 864 537 955 504 646 1,003 784 1,360 367 205 300 147 598 804 635 ܒܝ 5,582 915 11 ܝܙ 6,558 - 1,243 ܒܝ 1,072 8,186 .܂ BATH, CITY - - - 12,356 1,983 1,820 2,301 4,312 3,133 2,292 1,661 1,059 474 | 138 | 4 21,533 BRIDGEWATER, BORO'| 464 372 347 378 | 581 385 | 280 195 131 64 17 21 - 3,216 TAUNTON, BORO' - 490 457 412 | 470 811 534 442 273 189 87 34 | 51 - 4,204 Total of FEMALES 22,908 19,906 16,536|16,317 (27,845 20,221 15,959 11,476 |8,593|4,247|1,245 103 - |165,357 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Somerset was 517; twenty-tbree of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a sruall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Feinales. 292 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. County of Southampton (Hants.) HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied, Inhabited. OP Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- Famio! ALL LIES LIES chiefly | ОтHER chiefly employ. Fanilies en- ed in not com- poden ployer in Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- orHandi- ing : TURE. | craft. Classes. 34 200 16 MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. ALTON (North Division.) ALRESFORD Liberty. ALRESFORD, New - - () Parish 210 599 620 1,219 1,255 167 140 1,244 494 426 459 137 1 175 1841 200 42 452 Jo IWW 2,499 946 1,006 417 523 -43 63 53 201 4 169 ALTON Hundred. Alton - - - - - - - - Parish Binsted - - - - - - - Parish Bramshott - - - - O Parish Chawton - - - - - - - Parish Frensham (part of) Parish : () Dockingfield - - - - - Tything Froyle - - - - - - - Parish Greatham - - - - - - Parish Hartley-Naudit - - Parish Holybourne - - - - - - Parish Kingsley - - - - - - - Parish Neatham - - - - Extra-P. Worldham, East - - - - Parisha Worldham, West - - - - Parish 137 112 26 371 97 363 734 177 40 80 26 1 30 241 Lilon II 241 195 178 1111 00- c 48 69 48 231 474 91 BISHOP'S-SUTTON Hundred. Bighton - - - - - - - Parish Bishop's-Sutton . - - - - Parish Parish Headley - - - - - (d) Parish Ropley - - - Parish Tisted, West - - - - - - Parislı 50 ICA od rond o A coco 232 94 231 117 526 ვივ 243 115 567 367 114 193 140 1,093 730 206 92 65 SELBORNE Hundred. Empshot - - - - - - - Parish Faringdon - - - - - - Parish Hawkley - - - - - - - Parish Newton-Valence - - - - Parish Selborne - - - - - - - Parish Tisted, East - - - - () Parish with Rotherfield - - - - Tything l II 61 43 51 253 53 128 orco 238 137 142 ON W ICI 116 138 143 471 422 1 44 53 131 147 278 v 2,150 2,617 | 6 | 32 | 1,668 | 644 | 305 6,989 6,725 | 13,714 171 1,286 248 105 282 266 622 266 233 64 wo oo 548 499 134 175 70 91 ALTON (South Division.) EAST-MEON Hundred. East-Meon - - - - () Parish Froxfield - - - - - - - Parish Steep - - - - - - (8) Parish Ambersham, North - - - Tything Ambersham, South - - - Tything FINCH-DEAN Hundred. Blendworth. - - - - (b) Parish Buriton - - - - - () Parish Catherington - - - - - - Parish Chalton - - - - - (5) Parish Idsworth - - - - - - Tything Clanfield - - - - - - - Parish PETERSFIELD (1) Borough & Parish Sheet - - - - - - - Tything 32 109 140 130. 146 156 399 368 22 403 45 45 É so o 129 395 120 141 35 44 21 310 36 96 196 169 100 690 157 250 33 101 46 1 756 1,446 58 68 149 306 1,081 1,342 865 358 119 3,529 3,434 / 6,963 (a) Old Alresford is in Fawley Division, Fawley Hundred. The entire Parish contains contains 1,336 Inhabitants.--(*) The en. 6) Bramshott Parish includes Liphook.-- (C) Frensham Parish is tire Parish of Steep contains 808 Inhabitants. North and South Am- mostly in Farnham Hundred (Surrey).-_ Headley is a detached bersham are locally situate in the County of Sussex, eastward of Mid- portion of Bishop's-Sutton Hundred, on the eastern border of the county. hurst. (h) The increase of Population at Blendworth, and at Cather: © The Population of East-Tisted includes the workmen employed ington, is attributed to the inclosure of the Forest of Berc.--() Nursted in rebuilding Rotherfield-House. The Return of East-Meon Pa and Weston Tythings, which are here included in the Parish of Buritoll, rish includes the Tythings of Bordean, Coombe, East-Meon, Langrish were separately returned in the year 1811.- ork) The entire Parish of and Riplington, which, in the year 1811, were separately returned. Part Challon, or Chalkton, contains 559 Inhabitants. The entire of East-Meon Parish is in Meon-Stoke Hundred (Portsdown Division.) | Parish of Petersfield contains 1,752 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 293 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 Geo. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: FAI- FAI- | ALL LIES LIES OR By how many Families chiefly chief | OTHER ejuploy-Farnilies TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. ployed OP Building. FEMALES. Oc- cupied. in en- ed in not com- TRADE, prized in Manu the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL• orHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. PERSONS. 9 2 126 121 144 101 18 25 242 306 2,087 526 646 794 284 340 2,036 52 133 909 4,123 18 44 96 145 ANDOVER Division. ANDOVER Hundred. Abbots-Ann - - - - - () Parish Amport - - - - - - (n) Parish ANDOVER - (0) Borough and Parish Foxcote - - - - - Chapelry Appleshaw - - - - - - Parish Clatford, Upper - - - - - Parish Enham, Knights - - - - Parish Fyfield - - - - - - (P) Parish Grately - - - - - - -, Parish | Kimpton - - - - - - - Parish Monkston - - - Parish Penton-Mewsey - - - - - Parish Quarley - - Parish Tidworth, South - - - - Parish Thruxton - - - - - - Parish Weyhill - - - - - - (9) Parish 194 176 37 95 ru w wow wow AO 18 278 370 77 201 142 366 257 202 106 68 203 74 163 134 123 213 114 114 108 125 200 198 115 240 408 208 114 581 123 BARTON-STACEY Hundred. (1) Barton-Stacey - - - - () Parish Colemore - - - - - - Parish Headbourn-Worthy - (+) - Parish King's-Worthy - - - - () Parish Pamber - - - - - - - Parish Prior's-Dean - - - - - Parish 176 de vidro 344 409 150 al 001 III i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII go 50 103 40 98 201 i KING'S-SOMBOURN Hundred. | Ashley - - - - - - - Parish Farley-Chamberlayne - - (°) Parish Houghton - - - - (W) Parish Leckford - - - - Parish Longstock - - - - - - Parish Romsey, Extra - Romsey, Infra ſ - () Parish Sombourn, King's - (+) - Parish Sombourn, Little - - - - Parish STOCKBRIDGE - - Borough and Parish Timsbury - - - - - - Parish 200 82 623 107 200 1,526 994 523 24 344 93 197 1,592 1,016 382 397 3,118 2,010 991 - 208 192 468 35 59 161 371 93 715 188 I w 95 75 168 386 391 16 ללל . 10 28 44 82 35 78 160 101 250 THORNGATE Hundred : (*) Bossington - - - - - Parish Broughton - - - - • () Parish French-Moor - - - Tything | Dean, East - - - - - - Parish Lockerley - - - - - - Parish Mottisfont - - - - - - Parish Sherfield-English - - - - Parish Shipton Bellinger - - - - Parish Tytherley, otherwise Tuderley, East Parish Tytherley, otherwise Tuderley, West Parish Wallop, Nether - - - - - Parish Wallop, Over - - - - - Parish Wellow, East - - - - - Parish with Embley - - - - Tything 26: 181 504 501 327 no o vanno 254 239 146 124 119 237 413 244 267 259 143 140 257 426 255 161 494 839 499 288 52 56 127 (n) Abbots-Ann Parish extends into Wherwell Hundred. () The Barton-Stacey Parish includes the Tythings of Barton-Stacey, Bransbury, Return of Amport Parish includes the Tythings of Chulderton and Drayton, and Newton-Stacey, all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Sarson, wbich, in the year 1811, made separate Returns. The Returns. -(1) Kingsworthy Parish extends into Mitcheldever Hundred entire Parish of Andover contains 4,219 Inhabitants. (P) Fyfield (Basingstoke Division.) Farley-Chamberlayne Parish includes Parish includes Redenham Hamlet. (9) Weyhill Parish includes Slackstead, which is in Basingstoke Division. (W) Houghton Parish Clanville, Nutbin, and Penton-Grafton. (1) The Hundred of Barton is partly in Buddlesgate Hundred, Fawley Division, where the whole is Stacey contains six Parishes, of which, Barton-Stacey is south-east of entered.--.(*) Cadnam, in Thorngate Hundred, is partly included in Andover; Colemore and Priors Dean are near Petersfield ; Headbourn Eling, partly in Minstead Parish (New Forest, East Division ;) Wigley Worthy and King's-Worthy are near Winchester; and Pamber is near 1 is included in Eling Parish. The entire Parish of Broughton basingstoke, northward. Sutton Scotney is included in the Return of contains 821 Inhabitants, Pittleworth being included in the Return of the Wonston (Fawley Division ;) Inherst and Ham in the Return of Baug. 1 Parish. * The entire Parish of Romsey contains 5,128 Inhabitants. hurst, Evingar Hundred (Kingsclere Division.) () The Return of | 4 F 294 ABSTKACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- FAMI- ALL OTHER OR By LIES LIES chiefly TOTAL how int employ- not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. em. OP Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. TRADE, prized in chiefly / chieny Fainilies ed in ployed the Two Manu- AGRI- factures, CU:- JorHandi. ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. preced- -- - - ANDOVER Division continued. WHERWELL Hundred. Abbots-Ann Parish: (2) Little-Ann - - - - - Bullington - - - - - - Goodworth-Clatford - - - Longparish - - - - - - Turton, therwise Tuckington Wherwell, with Westover - - - 75 210 Tything Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 12 co ICNI Parish' 134 149 693 340 73 353 83 309 156 122 124 313 622 | 31 57 3,106 1,479 723 | 12,658 12,484 25,142 166 527 546 1,073 255 1,499 240 3,165 1,666 215 129 455 135 264 NA rad 34 33 96 90 4,781 5.308 BASINGSTOKE Division. BASINGSTOKE Hundred. Basing - - - - - - - Parish 1971 Basingstoke - - - - - - Parish 588 Brainley - - - - - - - Parish Cliddesden - - - - - - Parish Eastrop - - - - - - - Parish Maplederwell - - - - - Parishi Monk's Sberborne Parish : (*) Chineham - - - - - Tything Nateley-Scures - - - - - Parish Newnham - - - - - - Parish Sherborn, St. John - - - - Parish Steventon - - - - - - - Parish Tunworth - - - - - - - Parish Up-Nately - - - - - - Parish Winslade - - - - - - Parish with Kempshot - - - Tytbing, Bentley-Liberty: Bentley - - - - - - Parish 15 1 TIINNI IIIII I 25 123 122 245 266 129 OH NO Ooco no 315 596 151 119 143 20 158 22 w co 12 354 336 203 100 42 393 218 BERMONDSPIT Hundred. Dummer - - - - - - - Parish Ellisfield - - - - - - - Parish Farleigh-Wallop - - - - - Parish Herriard - - - - - - (b) Parish Nutley - - - - - - - Parish Preston-Candover - - - - Parish Upton-Gray . - - - - () Parish Warnborough, South .- - - Parish Weston-Corbett - - - - Extra-P. 190 118 42 198 171 369 I had colli 69 249 201 ON 10 CRONDALL Hundred. 116 1 - 4 260 265 525 og 233 151 11 256 161 223 315 141 247 Aldershott - - • - - - Parish Crondall Parish : () Ewshott - - - - - - Tything Dippenhall - - - - - Tything Crondall and Swanthorpe - Tything Crookham - - - t - - Tything Farnborough - - - - - - Parish Long-Sutton - - - - - - Parish Yately - - - - - - () Parish Cove - - - - - - - Tything Hawley . - - Tything Minley - - Tything 128 308 55 65 10 maal 172 146 156 352 195 123 123 352 79 208 102 129 353 20 308 13 (2) Abbots-Ann Parish is mostly in Andover Hundred, where the whole is entered. ----(a) Monk's-Sherborne Parish is mostly in Chutely Hundred (Kingsclere Division). The Tything of Woodgarston is in. cluded in the Return of that part of the Parish. (") Herriard Parish includes Soutbrop, which is in Odibai Hundred. ) Hoddington is in Fawley Hundred, but is here included in the Return of Upton Gray. 1- (d) The entire Parish of Crondall contains 1,894 Inhabitants. ) The entire Parish of Yately contains 1,801 Inhabitants. The appa. rent increase of Population arises from a large omission in the Returiol 1811. MEDCCC.XXI.] 295 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)- continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI ALL By OR how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FABII- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER Fainilics employ- em- ed in not coin- ployed Mapu- the Two AGRI- CUL- JorHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. prized in TRADE, Families Oc- cupied. . Building FEMALES. in MALES. Or PERSONS. factures preced- ing 122 30 300 91 rio 187 til my 10 272 156 116 III III a 115 i 122 114 329 307 243 o o 270 636 513 407 go 203 204 i had 156 NN II 184 274 123 221 340 495 238 I 115 369 BASINGSTOKE Division-continued. HOLDSHOTT Hundred. Eversley - - - - - () Parish Bramshill, Great - - Tything Bramshill, Little - - . Tything Hartley-Westpole - - - - Parish Heckfield Parish : (*) Heckfield - - - - - Tything! Mattingley & Hazely-Heath, Tythings Silchester - - - - - - Parish Stratfield-Mortimer Parish : (hy Mortimer, West - - - Tything Stratheld-Say (part of) - () Parish Stratfield-Turgis - - - - Parish MITCHELDEVER Hundred. (K) Mitcheldever - - - () Parish Northington - - - - - - Parish Popham - - - - - - - Parish Stratton, East - - - - - Parish ODIHAM Hundred. Bentworth - - - - - - Parish | Dogmersfield - - - - - Parish Elvetham - - - - - - Parish Grewell - - - - - - - Parish Hartley-Wintney - - - - Parish Hazely-Heath (part of) - (m) Tything Lasham - - - - - - Parish Odiham - - - - - (n) Parish Lyss-Turney - - - - • Tything Rotherwick - - - - - - Parish Shalden - - - - - - - Parish Sherfield-upon-Lodon - - - Weston-Patrick - - - - - Parish Winchfield - - - - - - Parish 459 152 50 202 125 48 828 277 98 oon 184 386 292 112 256 101 251 246 119 548 213 497 230 935 111 III II who III and II III and 172 a II CP Im I a I osa i nail 460 475 39 84 104 1,208 274 188 2,423 505 1,215 108 26 286 192 560 402 210 23 66 149 Parish 110 111 83 274 93 114 522 22 ici le lo cowo icon 248 96 112 189 226 35 4,761 5,499 3,563 1,284 27,223 129 254 125 153 248 FAWLEY Division. BOUNTISBOROUGH Hundred. (*) Godsfield - - (+). - Extra-P. Itchin-Abbas - - - - - Parish Itchin-Stoke, with Abbotston () Parish Swarraton - - - - - - Parish BUDDLESGATE Hundred.) Chilbolton - - - - - - Parish Compton - - - - - - - Parish Crawley - - - - - () Parish Hunton - - - - - Chapelry 54 109 190 06 356 143 267 354 o N c o s o co 124 167 64 187 58 173 192 665 637 122 365 1,302 108 2,124 59 49 992 1,132 Hursley - - - - - - - Parish Littleton - - - - - - - Parish Milbrook - - - - () Parish Mitchelmersh Parish : (*) Awbridge - - (+) - - Hamlet Brushfield - - (+) - • Hamlet Mitchelmersh - (+) - - Hamlet 46 1 125 125 250 ܤ ܟܨܢ 153 131 284 183 191 374 () The entire Parish of Eversleg contains 767 Ihabitants. ----(6) The | Holdshott Hundred. ) The Return of Odiham Parish includes the entire Parish of Heckfield, which also includes Holdshott, contains | Tythings of Hillsidc, Rye and Stapeley, Murrell-Green, and North- 1,149 Inhabitants. Hazely-Heath extends into Hartley-Wintney Parish, Warnborough ; which, in the year 1811, were separately returned. The Odiham Hundred.- () Stratfield-Mortimer Parisb is mostly in Theale entire Parish contains 2,983 Inhabitants. Chilland is included in Hundred (Berks. Stratfield-Say Parish is partly in Reading Hun the Return of Martyr-Worthy (Fawlev Hundred.) Abbotston is said to dred (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 769 Inhabitants. The be Extra-Parochial.- West-Sparkford is included in the Returu of Tything of Abbots-Worthy is included in the Return of Kingsworthy the Parish of St. Faith (City of Winehester) entered at the end of the Parish, Barton-Stacey Hundred (Andover Division.) Flackstead is in i County.- (9) The entire Parish of Crawley contains 476 Inbabitants. cluded in the Return of Farley.Cbamberlayne, Aridover Division. - Houghton-Drayton Parish extends into King's-Sombourn H::n. ♡ The Return of Mitcheldever Parish includes the Tythings of North- dred Andover Division.) (5) The entire Parish of Mitchelmersii brook, West-Stratton, and Weston-Colley, which, in the year 1811, made contains go8 Inhabitants. ) Millbrook includes the village of Red- separate Returns. () The Tyıbing of Hazely-Heath, which is partly bridge, Redbridge Hundred. Hartly-Wintney Parish, is wholly entered with Heckfield Parish, 296 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)---continued. PERSONS: HOUSES : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. OCCUPATIONS: Fami: | Fami. ALL LIES LIES OTHER cbietly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed the Two AGRI- factures, CUL- lör Handi- ing: TURE. Classes. Un-Inhabited. FEMALES. | TRADE, prized in MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. preced. craft. 321 316 637 14 269 296 FAWLEY Division--continued. BUDDLESGATE Hundred_continued. Nursling, otherwise Nutshalling - Parish Otterbourne - - - - - - Parish Sparsholt - - - - - (u) Parish Stoke-Charity - - - - - Parish Week - - - - - - - - Parish Wonston - - - - - - - Parish wat 187 Vrlo 183 565 370 144 53 19 80 NU 330 338 134 235 210 445 99 96 195 500 1,007 507 249 214 73 63 86 72 218 209 427 152 293 158 167 325 110 102 FAWLEY Hundred. Alresford, Old - - - - - Parish Avington - - - - - - - Parish Bishop's-Stoke - - - - - Parish Cheriton - - - - - (W) Parish Beaworth - - - - - - Tything Chilcomb - - - Parish Easton - - Parish Exton - - - - - - - - Parish Hinton-Ampner - Parish Kilmeston - Parish Martyr-Worthy - (*) Medsted - . Parish Morestead - - Parish Ovington - - - - - - Parish Owlesbury - - - - - - Parish Privett . Parish Titchbourn - Parish Twyford - - - - - - - Parish Wield - - - Parish West-Meon - - - - - - Winuall - - - - - - - Parish 237 o ovo convosco N o coor 125 213 comercial Anar a larou omov mla IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII a IIIII III III maar 181 no inviwono III w wariilor ad IIIII and a lot willic 101 112 308 118 32 44 229 257 36 295 111 114 490 108 39 143 558 114 169 39 1,048 222 378 62 MAINSBOROUGH Hundred. Candover-Brown - - - - Candover-Chilton - - - - Woodmancott - - - - - Parish Parish Parish los 40 33 Con Dosiero _ _ 48 145 359 MANSBRIDGE Hundred. ) Badderley, North --- - Botley - - - - - - - Chilworth - - ... - - Hamble-en-le-Rice - - - - Hound - - - - - (3) Stoneham, North - - - • Stoneham, South - - () 20 78 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 141 331 69 226 132 26 108 66 85 195 202 185 387 - 62 81 404 3ง 58 406 130 467 344 1,128 750 2,262 148 1,134 3,537 4,418 | 19 | 59 | 2,965 912 541 11,357 10,853 22,210 52 KIGSCLERE Division. CHUTELY Hundred. Church-Oakley -- • - Hannington - - - - - - Monk Sherbourn - - (b) Wootton, St. Lawrence - - Worting - - - - - - - 112 114 49 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish a la 1110 wa Öner 134 131 259 322 88 28 0 0 + 194 342 71 21 65 1 EVINGAR Hundred. Ashmansworth - - - - - Baughurst - - - - (©) 95 - Parish Parish con 101 237 197 1 (u) The Return of Sparsholt includes Lainson (Mansbridge Hun- , hurst, and Dummer Andrews Swathling (Extra-Parochial;) it is also partly dred.)- (") The entire Parish of Cheriton contains 599 Inhabitants. in the Town of Southampton. The entire Parisin contains 2,702 - (*) Martyr-Worthy includes Chilland (Bountisborough Hundred.) bitants. Its vicinity to the Town of Southanipton, and the division and O Boyat is included in the Return of Otterbourn (Buddlesgate sale of an estate in sinall parcels, lias contributed to increase i Hundred.) Dunner Andrews Swathling (Extra-Parochial) is included in tion of this Parish. (b) Monik-Sherbour Parish is party." the Return of Soutlı-Stonehain. Lainson is included in that of Sparsholt 1 stoke Hundred. The entire Parish contains 494 mm abitant (Buddlesgate Hundred.)- (2) Netley-Abber and Woolstone are in | (c) Baughurst is a detached portion of Evingar Hundred, Hound Parish.--(a) The Return of South-Stoneham includes the and contains Inhurst and Hani (Barton-Stacey Hurdred.) Tythings of Allington, Barton, Bittern, Eastley, Pollick and Shamble- | IV M.DCCC.XXI.] 297 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI. | FAMI. I ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oca cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- not com- ployed TRADE, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 126 116 383 380 763 6 68 41 27 225 232 200 204 457 404 KINGSCLERE Division-continued. EVINGAR Hundred-continued. Burghclere - - - - - (d) Parish Freefolk - - - - Parish or Manor Highclere - - - - - - Parish Hurstborne-Priors - - - - Parish Kingsclere Parish : (*) Ecchinswell - - - - - Chapelry Mary, St. Bourne - - - - Parish Newtown, near Newbury - - Parish WHITCHURCH (partly +)(){ vaBorough & Parish Woodhay, East - - -. : Parish Imo III III! 208 562 399 1,053 268 127 191 491 141 735 585 197 699 1,434 1,206 621 11 KINGSCLERE Hundred. Ewhurst - - - - - - - Parish Kingsclere - - - - - (8) Parish Sidmonton - - - - Chapelry Litchfield - - - - - - Parish Woolverton - - - - - - Parish 1,166 IIiari 90 18 2,296 156 85 213 50 100 TII AW II w I ATITI II SL v 1 ci ilin Bionicis now own orien Deco COAC polo 18 ooooooo 44 20 Ilorii 114 100 157 101 1,341 597 373 660 79 43 681 299 172 197 25 122 298 201 IT talis OVERTON Hundred. Ashe - - - - - - - - Parish Bradley - - - - - - () Parish Dean - - - - - - - - Parish Laverstoke - - - - - - Parish Overton - - - - - - - Parish Tadley - - - - - - - Parish Waltham, North . . . (i) Parish PASTROW Hundred. Combe - - - - - - - Parish Crux-Easton - - - - - - Parish Faccombe - - - - - - Parish Hurstbourn, Tarrant Parish Linkenholt - - - - - - Parish | Tangley - - - - - - • Parish Vernham-Dean - - - - - Parish Woodcutt - - - - - - - Parish 74 107 188 34 74 40 153 29 145 Turi na meno II 369 152 397 42 136 358 49 305 766 73 256 628 92 31 120 270 43 49 100 1 16 3,132 13,375 | 16 45 2,544 567 8,413 7,946 16,359 NEW FOREST, East Division. BEAULIEU Liberty. Beaulieu - - - - - - () Parish 223 i 168 1,206 BISHOPS-WALTHAN Hundred (part of.) (1) Exbury (with Leap) - - - - Parish 42 Fawley • - - - - - (m) Parish | 325 40 151 ai e O __ 311 1,684 DIBDEN Liberty. - - - - - - Dibden - Parish ' 52 | 13 211 443 o I 13 | 44 | 192 1,431 | 1,733 1 3,164 LYMINGTON Liberty. . LYMINGTON - - (n) | Borough & . Old Town NEW FOREST Hundred, East. Boldre - - - - - - (™) Parish Brockenhurst - - - - - Parish 1,109 2,180 W 4051 436 147 159 1,071 400 418 818 ,(Earlston, (Kingsclere Hundred) is included in the Return of Burgh. | Tadley is another detached portion, on the northern border of the coun- ciere (Evingar Hundred.) One female in Burghclere Parish upwards of ty. The prevalence of bastardy is mentioned in the Return of North 100 years of age.- ) Kingsclere Parish is mostly in Kingsciere Hun- | Waltham, as attributable to the crowded state of the cottages, without se- dred. The Return of Whitchurch Parish includes the Tythings of parate lodging rooins.- (k) Beaulicu Parish includes an Extra-parochial Charlcott, Cold-Hurley, Freefolk and Freefolk Prior, and Whitchurch, all I place, containing 11 Houses and 77 Inhabitants, in the year 1811.- which in the year 1811 were separately returned. These Tythings made (1) The other Parishes of Bishops Waltham Hundred, are in Portsdown no Return of the Ages of Persons, although the Borough appears to have | Division, and entered accordingly. (m) Brightminstone and Storie (part wade such Return. ) Kingsclere Parish is partly in Evingar Hun- 1 of Redbridge Hundred) are included in the Return of Fawley Parish.- · The entire Parish contains 2,695 Inhabitants. (h) Bradley is 1 (n) Sway and Walhampton (Christ Church Hundred) are iri Boldre Parish, a deta detached portion of Overton Hundred (south-eastward) near Alion. I and the Borough of LYMINGTON is a Parochial Chapelry within it. 4 G 298 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANI) RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- chicfly OR TOTAL em. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI. LA I ALL LIES LIES OTHER ehiefly employ- Families not coni- ed in Trade, Pin prized in the Two AORI- factures preced- CUL- JorHandia ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building ОР FEMALES. MALES. in Manu- PERSONS 202 407 202 627 1,170 1,007 511 NEW FOREST, East Division continued. NEW FOREST Hundred, North. Bram.shaw (part of) - (+) - (0) Parish Linwood - - - - - (P) Extra-P. Lyndhurst - - - - - - Parish Minstead - - - - - - (9) Parish Ringwood Parish : (5) Burley - - - - - - Tything! with Bistern-Closes - - Ville 1 Burley-Lodge, &c. - - - Extra-P. Ringwood (part of) - - - Township Woodgreen (+) - - - Extra-P. III wil colocar lor 141 303 14 20 10 30 43 357 175 72 819 839 7 13 462 215 | 162 2,169 2,145 4,314 REDBRIDGE Hundred. Eling - ------ (9) Parish RINGWOOD Hundred, (part of.) Milford Parish : Pennington - - - - () Tything 1 3,210 3,544 21 1,751 1,131662 8,647 | 8,948 17,595 1 NEW FOREST, West Division. BREAMORE Liberty. Breamore - - - - - - Parish 84 82 2014 o 259 290 549 369 2,178 | 2,466 1 4,644 tai ō 112 112 108 136 256 352 517 702 1,332 676 CHRISTCHURCH Hundred. () CHRISTCHURCH -- () & Street Harbridge Parish : Efford - - - - - (W) Tything | Hordle - - - - - - (*) Parish Milton - - - - - - - Parish | Milford - - - - - (V) Parish with Keyhaven - Sopley - - - - - - Parish FORDINGBRIDGE Hundred. Charford, North - - - (3) Parish Charford, South - - - - Tything Ellingham • - - - - - Parish Fordingbridge - - - (4) Parish Godshill - - - - - - Tything Hale - - - - - - - - Parish Ibsley - - - - - - - - Parish Rockburne - - - - - - Parish 261 350 656 495 483 978 12 34 36 64 NI NII ANTI NO O WITNŐ Ali - 23 39 220 1,230 177 1,214 397 2,444 265 25 31 3 80 92 158 181 57 89 169 223 148 317 10 241 464 RINGWOOD Hundred. Harbridge - - - - - - Parish Ringwood (partly +) • - (0) Parish 678 720 189 1,664 163 1,764 352 3,428 WESTOVER Liberty. Holdenburst - - - - - - Parish 125 | 130 w 279 301 580 3,334 3,676 28 91 1,974 1,168 534 8,407 8,768 17,175 (O) Bramshaw Parish is partly in the Hundred of Cawden and | Parly, Iford and Tuckton, Winkton and Burton, which in the year 101 Cadworth (Wilts.) The entire Parish contains 726 Inhabitants. made distinct Returns; of these Iford ard Tuckton are in Westorer () Linwood was returned in 1811, conjunctly with Godshill, (see | Liberty, which contains also North-Ashley (Ringwood Parish) and Long Fordingbridge Parish) and Woodgreen; it is situate half-way between Ham, the Population of which is included with that of Hampreston Minstead and Ringwood'; but no certain intelligence could be obtained Parish, (Shaston, East Division, Dorsetshire.) (W) The Tything of as to the Return of its present Population. The village of Redbridge Efford is included in the Return of Milford Parish. Harbridge Parish is is included in the Return of Milbrook Parish (Buddlesgate Hundred.) entered in Ringwood Hundred.— O) The increase of Population al in(9) Cadnam (part of Thorngate Hundred) is partly included in the Hordle is attributed to an inclosure of waste lands. (°) Milford Parish Return of Eling, partly in that of Minstead; Wigley is also included in extends into Ririgwood Hundred (New Forest, West Division.) - the Return of Eling. Redbridge Village is in Milbrook Parish (Buddles () The entire Parish of North Charford contains 132 Inhabitants. gate Hundred) and included therein. () Ringwood Parish is mostly 3) The entire Parish of Fordingbridge (including Godshill, sometimes in Ringwood Hundred (New Forest, West Division.) () Pennington deemed Extra-Parochial) contains 2,602 Înhabitants. (") Ringwood Tything is included in the Return of the rest of Milford Parish (Christ. Hundred extends into New Forest, East Division. Ringivood! church Hundred.) () Sway and Walhampton in Christchurch Hun. | partly in the Hundred of New Forest, North (New Forest, East Divis dred, are in Boldre Parish (New Forest East. (u) The Return of The entire Parish contains 3,804 Inhabitants. Christchurch Parish includes the Tythings of Bure and Hinton, Hurn and ! M-DCCC.XXI.) 299 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famí | ALL Ву OR TOTAL Families Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI LIES LIES OTIIER chiefly chiefly lemploy- / Families not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURI. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. how ipany EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Oc- cupied. PORTSDOWN Division. ALVERSTOKE and GOSPORT Liberties. Alverstoke - -... () Parish 830 940 | Gosport - - - - - - Town | 1,241 |1,366 1 OP PERSONS. 215 NA 4 | 141 | 2 311 295 378 430 988 2,038 2,706 2,750 3,478 4,788 6,184 378 402 BISHOPS-WALTHAM (part of) Hundred. (4) Bishops-Waltham - - - - Parish Bursledon • - - - - - Parish Droxford - - - . - - - Parish Durley - - - - - - - Parish St. Mary-Extra, otherwise Weston (4) Parish Upham - • - - - - - Parish 96 246 1,019 234 106 47 55 III 170 wuivoő 693 58 1,107 239 717 146 487 224 2,126 473 1,410 319 983 493 10 173 496 269 179 156 BOSMERE Hundred. Hayling, North - - - - - Parish Hayling, South - - - - - Parish Warblington - - - - - - Parish with Emsworth - - - Tything c II 139 202 241 295 443 1,850 106 210 891 959 o ang . Fareham FAREHAM Hundred. - - - - - - - Parish 6 1725 | 4 | 22 | + 421 | 135 1,783 1,894 | 3,677 HAMBLEDON Hundred. Hambledon - - - - - (5) Parish 278 38 or I 220 115 50 1,001 1,886 HAVANT Liberty. - - - - - - bouercy. | Havant - Parish - 8 106186 87 1,059 | 1,040 2,099 - 20 .: 83 168 MEON-STOKE Hundred. () Corhampton • - - - - - Parish East-Meon Parish: (8) Westbury and Peak • - • Hamlet Meon-Stoke - - - - - - Parish Soberton - - - - - - - Parish Warnford . . . . . . . Parish 28 22 50 worri I 168 Wri 200 427 173 368 882 65 191 364 192 413 I 221 113 291 92 205 PORTSDOWN Hundred. (*) Bedhampton - - - - - - Parish Boarhunt - - - - - - - Parish Farlington - - - - - () Parish Porchester - Parish Southwick - - - - - - Parish Widley - - - - - - - Parish Wymering - - - - - ~ Parish 101 145 119 160 144 w w w III 162 132 262 395 343 269 310 97 Own 553 757 711 544 625 368 275 315 114 126 132 TICHFIELD Huudred. Rowner - - - - - - - Titchfield - - - - - - - - - - Wickham - - - - - - - cor 69 69 Parisbl Parish Parish 20 347 594 688 243 2 98 41 170 en wil 1,730 541 138 3,528 1,134 | 1,798 593 203 70 92 2,567 2,551 2,424 17,969 19,497 37,466 de 6,642 7,542 31 ISLE of WIGHT Division. EAST MEDINA (or MEDHAM) Liberty. Arreton - - - - - - - Parish 1 277 Binstead - - - - - - - Parish 43 Bonchurch - - - - - - Parish 21 21 290 842 هم در بس 915 113 1,757 225 112 61 61 122 () The entire Parish of Alverstoke, contains 10,972 Inhabitants. | ham Hundred and Parish.) () East-Meon Parish is mostly in East- The decrease of Inhabitants at Gosport is attributed to the return of Meon Hundred, (Alton, South Division.)- (h) Portsdown Hundred peace. Part of Bishops-Waltham Hundred is in New Forest, contains Portsea Guildable, which is entered as part of Portsmouth, at cast Division. St. Mary-Extra is adjacent to the Town of Southampton. | the end of the County.--) Farlington Parish includes a house in the Bittern and Pollack are included in the Return of South-Stoneham, 1 Mudlands, Extra-Parochial. The increase of Population is ascribed to dansbridge Hundred. (C) The Return of Hambledon Parish, includes the inclosure of the Forest of Bere. ----(k) The decrease of Inhabitants the Tythiugs of Den.nead, Earvils, Glidden, Chidden, and Hambledon, at Porchester, is attributed to the removal of the establishment hereto- hich in the year 1811 made distinct Returns. (1) Meon-Stoke fore attendant on the depót of French prisoners at Porchester Castle. hundred contains Burwell, part of the Parish of Hambledon, and Lyss (1) The decrease of Population at Wymering is attributed to the Abbess, the Population of which is included in that of Lyss-Tumey (Odi- | barracks at Hilsea being comparatively unoccupied. 300 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- - LIES Ву OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE.. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families emed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu: the Two AGRI- \factures, preced- CUL- OrHandi-l ing TURE. I craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. • OP Building.. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 422 2,023 1,214 804 400 1 48 96 | ISLE OF WIGHT Division-continued. EAST MEDINA (or Medham) Liberty, : continued. Brading - - - - ....() Parish Godshill - - - - - • Parish Helen's, St. - - - - - - Parish Lawrence, St. - - - - - Parish Newchurch - - - - () Parish Niton - - - - Parish Shauklin • - Parish Whippingham - - • - - Parish Whitwell - - - - - - - Parish Wooton - - - - - - - Parish Yaverland - - - - - - Parish ܘܰܗ ܒܝܘ ܝܙ ܗ ܝܕ ܗܘܰ ܝܙ | | 1,010 1,013 626 ..588 404 48 1,951 1,994 211 232 72 83 1,016 1,052 3,945 443 155 | 2,068 246 242 488 26 30 47 56 98 338 686 19 128 21 144 a R II - III III III III 59 123 594 629 ვნა 2,431 235 450 131 4,670 473 876 WEST MEDINA (or Medham) Liberty. Brixton :- - - - - - - Parish Brook - - - - - - - - Parish Calbourn - -' Parish 107 Carisbrooke - - - - (P) Parish Chale - - - - - - - - Parish 80 Freshwater - - - . - Parish 154 Gatcomb - - - - - - - Parish Kingston - - - - - - - Paris 7 Mottiston - - - - - - Parish . 27 NEWPORT - - - Borough & Parish 695 Nicholas, St. Castle-Hold - - Parish 43 Northwood -:- - - (9) Parish 534 Shalfleet - - - - - - - Parish 134 Shorwell - - - - - - - Parish 84 Thorley -.- - - - - - Parish ? 19 YARMOUTH - - - Borough & Parish | 94 44 · 348 .64 398 2,239 238 - 426 116 40 • 72 1,841 132 1,703 464 297 78 28 | | ܛ ܘ ܟܘ ܒܝܘ ܟ , iܗ ܙ ܗ ܛ | ܝܿܕ ܒ | 8 77 2,218 149 1,876 414 279 54 285 149.: 4,059 281 3,579 : 878 576 132 564 131 111 24 109 | 40 279 4,881 5,769 32 142 2,460 2,022 1,287 | 15,407 16,209 31,616 97 275 53 455 158 186 102 · 66 135 252 QV CU T City of WINCHESTER Bartholomew, St. -• (") Parish Lawrence, St. - - - - - Parish Mary, St. Kalander - - - Parish Maurice, St. - - - - - Parish Peter, St. Colebrook -:- • Parish Thomas, St. - - - . () Parish The Close of Winchester, 3 - 1 . and Precinct 51 The Widows College - J - • U sicili 367 411 112 217 730 344 778 1,427 377 688 - 158 72 79 739 . 219 798 226 OI 594 7 i I 173 SOKE Liberty Bartholomew, St. Hyde-street (5) Parish Faith, St. - - - - S. Parish with Hospital of St. Cross Extra-P. John, St. - - - - - - - Parish Michael, St. - - - - - - Parish Milland (Ville) - - - - Extra-P. Peter, St. Cheesehill - - - Parish Swithin, Little, St. - - () Parish 134 311 394 203 101 lai+ 296 50 320 126 131 57 263 117 28 581 36 17 190 316. 1,219 1,432 18 21 | 102 918 3,650 4,089 7,739 (m) One female in Brading Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. Parish of St. Bartholoniew,which is partly in the City of Winchester, and (n) The Return of Newchurch Parish includes the North and South Di- | partly in Soke Liberty, is wholly included in the Return of the former, visions, and the Town of Ryde, which, in the year 1811, were separately The County Bridewell is in this Parish, and the large public school of returned. © Calbourn Parish includes the Borough of NEWTON. Hyde. Abbey:-(5) The Return of St. Thomas's Parish includes () The Return of Carisbrooke Parish includes the Hamlets of Bil-. | 34 males and 85 females in the Barracks, and 58 males and 4 females.. lingham, Bowcomb, and Carisbrouke ; which, in the year 1811, made the gaol. ----( The Parisha of Little St. Swithin extends into the City distinct Returns. The great increase of Population in the Parish of of Winchester. In this Parish are included two schools ; one of the Carisbrooke arises from the situation of the Borough of New PORT, the containing 148 innates; also Winchester College, containing 70 scholers increasing suburb of which is in Carisbrooke Parish. (9) The Town of besides servants, and the families of the Warden and of the Second West Cowes is in the North Division of Northwood Parish. The | Master; so that the total number of inmates therein is go. M.DCCC.XXI.] 301 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL • OR By how niany Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- 1 FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two factures, I preced- CUL- orHandi-! ing TURE. craft. Classes. OC- FEMALES. MALES. OP PERSONS. cupied. AGRI Borough of PORTSMOUTH. Portsmouth - - - - - - Parish |1,100 Portsea - - - - 1 } Portsea-Guildable (0) - Parish J16,809 - U 718 1,784 7,894 782 11 16 31 645 1,136 510 3,529 3,855 179 271 332 2,881 / 4,388 15,858 i 18,927 1,686 1,908 7,269 34,785 3,594 692 4,445 5,323 20,425 25,223! 45,648 593 575 202 726 1,523 2,162 955 376 లు - | - 324 784 3,685 1,739 8,627 10,460 Town and County of SOUTHAMPTON. All Saints - - - - - - Parish Holyrood - - - - - - - Parish 272 John's, St. - - - - - - Parish 99 185 Lawrence, St. - - - - - Parish | 61 99 Mary, St. - - Parishi Michael, St. - - - - - - Parish 265 1 417 Stoneham, South, Parish : Portswood - - - - (") Tything 90 91 20 286 365 651 165 66 878 33 180 279 459 1,015 122 2,210 743 2,498 928 4,708 D 1,671 -1 -1 30 43 18 235 440 2,161 2,960 | 44 | 44 46 2,331 583 5,931 7,422 13,353 (") Portsea-Guildable is that part of the Paris! not within the juris- | to contain fewer Inhabitants tha:r at the end of the war, though nore diction of the Borough of Portsinuutli, being in the fluired of Ports- | than in 1811.- (W) Souih Stoneham Parish is mostly in Mansbridge down. The entire Parish of Portsea cortairs 38,377 Inliabitants, among | Hundred (Fawley Division.) whom, one male upwards of 100 years o age. This Parish is supposed 1 SUM M A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (OTHERWISE HAMPSHIRE OR HANTS.) 644 723 652 Division of ALTON, NORT! - - • - 2,150 2,617 6 ALTON, SOUTH - .. 1,081 1,342 ANDOVER - - - 4,781 5,308 5,308 31 57 BASINGSTOKE - 4,761 5,499 FAWLEY - - - - 4,418 KINGSCLERE - - - - 3,132 3,375 NEW-FOREST, EAST 3:210 3,544 NEW-FOREST, WEST - 3,334 3,676 PORTSDOWN ....6,642 7,542 31 628 ISLE OF WIGHT --- -4,881 5,769 32 142 3,537 1,668 305 6,989 6,725 865 358 119 3,529 3,434 3,106 | 1,479 12,658 12,484 3,563 1,284 13,896 13,327 2,965 11,357 10,853 2,544 7,946 662 8,948 1,974 8,407 8,768 2,567 | 2,551 2,424 17,969 19,497 1,287 i 15,407 | 16,209 13,714 6,963 25,142 27,223 22,210 16,359 17,595 17,175 37,466 567 8,413 8,647 1.751 dyl081 534 31,616 Borough of : PORTSMOUTH and -1 8,627 10,460 17 628 692 4,445 5,323 20,425 25,223 45,648 Town of PORTSEA . - - TAN Town and County of SOUTHAMPTON ...-2,161 2,960 44 44 46 2,331 583 5,931 7,422 13,353 City of WINCHESTER and SORE LIBERTY --- 1,219) 1,432 18 21 102 918 412 3,650 4,089 7,739 Portsmouth Harbour - - od the Hulks in - - 1,095 TOTALS • • . 49,516 57,942 287 |1,948 24,303 19,810 13,829 138,373 144,925 283,298 CONVICTS on Board the Hulks in 1,095 4 H 302 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS) continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Under Division TOTAL. 5. wards of 7,044) 418 343 478 has ALTON, NORTH - - 1,087 | 1,017 893 736 962 738 615 ALTON, SOUTH - 522 514 407 310 ANDOVER - - 1,807 1,602 1,418 1,323 1,131 BASINGSTOKE - 1,986 1,846 1,530 1,954 | 1,491 1,201 FAWLEY - .. 1,586 1,484 1,348 1,033 1,523 1,246 1,026 KINGSCLERE - - - 1,103 1,129 888 726 NEW-FOREST, EAST - 1,235 1,235 1,112 939 925 NEW-FOREST, WEST - 11,220 / 1,072 860 728 PORTSDOWN - - - 2,928 2,600 2,122 ISLE OF WIGHT - - 680 (653 | 718 502 14851 596 396 13,527 12,101 13,397 10,820 | 8,259 1 8,106 - 7,682 80 542 764 1,220 1,000 2,122 509 1,20 17,7511 | 15,402 959 1 1,555 2,215 2,765 2,061 1,352 797 330 811 20,4251 PORTSMOUTH BORO', U || 3,732 13,217 2,314 and PORTSEA TOWN SOUTHAMPTON TOWN and COUNTY - -! WINCHESTER CITY and\/ SOKE LIBERTY - 507 622 1,004 | 718 586 3 - 6,010 904 815 659 | 439 | 453 | 407 Idee 426 370 250 161 79 il - 3,670 Total of MALES - 121,178,19,189 15,822 12,562 17,785 15,595 12,541 9,114 6,357 3,119 869 62 | 1 | 134,194 FEM A LES. Under 5 to 10 to Division 5. TOTAL of 535 6,840 3,434 1 11,951 ALTON, NORTH - - 1,047 | 932 706 | 647 1,044 | 757 | ALTON, SOUTH - - 522 506 380 320 523 | 402 290 ANDOVER - - - 1,688 1,532 1,295 1,138 1,953 1,357 1,108 BASINGSTOKE - - - 2,029 1,805 1,427 1,195 1,919 1,425 1,185 FAWLEY ---- |1,577 1,430 1,089 | 923 1,638 1,276 KINGSCLERE - - - 1,138 1,063 889 754 1,203 845 736 531 NEW-FOREST, EAST - 11,221 802 1,399 1,013 563 NEW-FOREST, WEST - 1,136 1,057 833 725 553 PORTSDOWN - - - 12,707 12,554 2,062 ISLE OF WIGHT - - 2,498 2,276 1,364 1,019 12,945 10,345 7,835 1,121 894 8,4671 [1,272 8,027 11,331 1 - 19,403 Ti 16,289 1 - 25,2231 D PORTSMOUTH BORO',71 13,274 2,588 2,394 4,308 3,562 2,338 (1,552 937 and PORTSEA TOWNS SOUTHAMPTON TOWN?| 910 855 | 636 / 846 | 1,585 | 450 291 118 and COUNTY - - ] WINCHESTER CITY and d. || 443 SOKE LIBERTY - 417 453 437 709 534 400 400 270 181 112 37 To 7422 311 11 -3,988| Total of FEMALES - 120,638 18,822 15,072, 13,740 23,536 17,506 12,970 9,494 6,2783,183 854 74 2 142,169 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Soutuampton (Hampshire), was .... 283,298, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were re:urned was .... 276,363, .... whence it appears, that the ages of one in forty-one of the Persons therein enumerated, bave not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect.. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Southampton (Hanıpshire), was 349 ; nine of which did not contain any áuiswer, and two very defective answers, to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the other Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant...or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.) 303 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Stafford. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By DR how chiefly FAMI. | Fami LIES LIES | chiefly | OTHER employ. Families ployed TRADE, ſprized in TOTAL mally Families em- ed in not com- Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OT Inliabited. Building. Oc- cupied. FEMALES. ill MALES. PERSONS. | Manu- the Two AuRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandising TURE. craft. Classes. 279 280 301 135 261 120 559 562 255 1,180 255 1,083 3 244 2,263 499 109. 308 297 605 359 407 766 355 72 192 110 287 231 76 CUTTLESTONE (East) Hundred. BASWICH, or Berkswich (a) Parish Acton-Trussel - - - - Township Bednall - - - - - - Township Brockton - - - - - Township Brewood Parish: (0) Brewood - - - - - Township Coven - - - - - - Liberty Bushbury Parish : (0) Essington - - - - - Township Cannock Parish: () Cannock - - - - - Township Cannock-Wood - - - Township Cheslyn-Hay - - - - Township Hednesford and Leacroft - Township Huntington - - - - Township Wyrley, Great - - - Township 1 Castle-Church ---. - Parish Penkridge Parish : (*) Coppenhall - - - - Chapelry Dunston - - - - - Township Penkridge - - - - - Township Rugeley - - - - - - - Parish Shareshill - - - - - (f) Parish Saredon, Great and Little Township Tiddesley-Hay --- Extra-P. Wolverhampton (part of) Parish :(8) Featherstone - - - - Township Hatherton - - - - - Township Hilton - - - - - - Township Kinvastan - - - - Township 73 Iiii icmö Fai - co non o co ro wow 163 261 211 65 247 597 442 138 531 1,118 103 284 521 50 58 406 112 1,159 1,319 108 234 2,299 2,677 122 1,140 1,358 138 160 17 494 148 286 137 297 43 29 167 201 49 153 320 55 19 13 77 1,518 1,152 330. 7,590 7,438 | 15,028 92 317 287 124 136 CI 122 116 390 723 có 3 cô Út 333 418 411 829 99 333 169 702 12 12,796 3,000 CUTTLESTONE (West) Hundred. Blymhill, with Brincton - - - Parish 121 121 Bradley-in-the-Moors (h) - Parish Church-Eaton . - . (i) - Parish 151 156 Forton and Meer - - - - - Parish 123 140 Gnosal Parish : (h) Apeton - - (+) Quarter Cowley - - - - Quarter Gnosal - - - - - Quarter 182 Knightley - - - - - Quarter 61 Moreton - (+) - - Hamlet 154 Haughton - - - - - - - Parish Lapley - - - - - - () Parish Wheaton-Aston - -. - Township 132 Norbury - - - - - () Parish Weston-Jones - - - - Township 59 90 182 I III IIIIIIIII 30 260 515 9 1 oC ( 4.98 1,038 322 61 29 238 523 165 394 246 49 157 105 360 I TO I i III. 754 473 105 96 198 1 2 1 1 4 227 102 372 112 346 718 220 89 108 36 C G (^) The entire Parish of Baswich contains 1,376 Inhabitants. Wal- 1 ton is mostly in North Seisdon Hundred, and partly in the Hundred of ton and Milford are included in the Return of Baswicb. The en Oftow, South.. .(h) The Return of Bradley Parish includes the Liber- fire Parish of Brewood contains 2,762 Inbabitants. The Return of 1 ties of Billington and Woollaston. The Population of Alstone, Brough Brewood Township includes the Liberties of Chillington and Somerford, and Rule, heretofore deemed Extra-parochial, appears to be included with and the Townships of Bishop's-Wood, Hide and Wooley, Kiddermore that of the Parishes of Bradley and Gnosal, 33 persons being attributable Green, and Park Lane's.- C) Bushbury Parish is mostly in the North to the foriner, 28 to the latter. The Population of Apeton is, in like man: Diviston of Seisdon Hundred. (d) The entire Parish of Cannock con ner, included partly in Bradley, partly in Gnosal. The entire Parish of tams 2,780 Inhabitants. (0) Penkridge Parish extends into the West Gnosal contains 2,672 Inhabitants. The Return of Church-Eaton Division of Cuttleston Hundred. The Return of Penkridge Township in Parish includes the Townships of Murston, High-Own and Little-Own, cludes the Townships of Lovedale and Drayton, Mitton, Otherton, Pile: 1 each of which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. It also includes north Water-Eaton, Rodbáston, Whiston and Bickford. The entire Parish Oslow and Wood-Eaton. a pk) The entire Parish of Lapley contains Peakridge contains 2,641 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of 916 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Norbury contains 309 Share darestill contains 583 Inhabitants. The Parish of Wolverhamp. | Inhabitants. OP 304 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- LIES PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OTHER .. TOTAL , OR . EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. not com- By how many Families Oc- cupied. ed in Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES chiefly chiefly Families employ- em- ployed TRADE, IPF prized in in AGRI- factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. crant Classes. ОР FEMALES. MALES. Manu-'the Two PERSONS. I CUTTLESTONE (West) Hundred, continued. Penkridge - - - - - (m) Parish Sheriff-Hales - - - () Parish Weston-under-Lizard - - - Parish 167 | 181 148 462 414 157 876 296 20 26 139 1,539 1,637 11 11 1,153 392 92 4,247 4,152 8,399 - OFFLOW (North) Hundred. 490 202 78 33 489 220 206 coal 1 37 50 11 38 612 110 278 w Os I cao öc lao i 833 36 334 1,921 215 422 173 195 2,193 197 488 4,114 412 910 341 374 GV GV 168 179 48 1 126 - 1 124 333 A 117 1 { 12 19 155 112 m I 166 112 226 Alrewas - - - - - O Parish Fradley - - - - - - Hamlet Orgreave - - - - - - Hamlet Alrewas-Hayes - - - - Extra-P. Bromley-Regis - - - - - Parish Burton-upon-Trent (part of) () Parish Branson - - - - - Township Burton-Extra - - - - Township Horninglow - - - - Township Stretton - - - - - Township Chad, St. (part of) Parish: (9) Curborough, with Elmhurst Township Clifton-Campville -- () Parish with Haunton - - - - Township Harleston - - - - - Chapelry | Croxall Parish : ) Oakley - - - - - Township Draycott - - - - - - - Parish Edinghall, otherwise Edingale (1) Parish Hamstall-Ridware - - - - Parish Hanbury Parish : (Ⓡ) Coton - - - - - - Township Fauld - - - - - - Township Hanbury - - - - - Township Hanbury-Woodend - - Township Marchington - - - - Chapelry Marchington-Woodlands Township Newborough - - - - Chapelry Stubby-Lane - - - - - Hamlet Mavesyn-Ridware - - - - Parish Michael, St. Parish : (hr) Fisherwick - - - - Township Freeford - - - - - - Hamlet Haselor - - - - - Township Streethay . - - - - - Hamlet Needwood-Forest - (*) Extra-P. Pipe-Ridware - - - - - Parish Rolleston - - - - - (Y) Parish Anslow, otherwise Annesley Township Tamworth (part of) Parish : (2) Syerscote, otherwise Sterscote Liberty IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 21 121 135 IIIII and I am not 247 158 160 20a lai Ilmi viesinimii wvl 1 375 88 89 TI 309 III - III T 114 284 131 ! 2 (m) Penkridge Parish is mostly in the East Division of Cuttlestone Hundred, where the whole is entered. ) Sheriff-Hales Parish is partly in the Hundred of South Bradford (Salop.) The cntire Parish contains 1,064 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Alrewas contains 1,492 Inbabitants. The Population is decreased, owing to the stoppage of a cotton manufactory. The Parish of Burton-upon-Trent is partly in Repton and Gresley Hundred (Derby.) The entire Parish con- taius 6,700 İnhabitants. Want of employment is mentioned as having checked the increase of Population. The Parish of St. Chad is mostly in the City of Litchfield. The entire Parish of Clifton- Campville contains 838 Inhabitants. Croxall Parish is Diostly in Repton and Gresley Hundred (Derby.) () Part of Edinghiall Parish is included in the Return of Croxall Parish, Repton and Gresley Hulie dred (Derby.) (u) The entire Parish of Hanbury contains 2,195 Inhabitants. (W) The Parish of St. Michael is mostly in the City.of Litchfield, and partly in the South Division of Offlow Hundred ) Needwood-Forest, teretofore Extra-parochial, is included in the des turns of the several Parishes, to which it was allotted for inclosure. 1 The entire Parish of Rolleston contains 869 Inhabitants...(2.18000 worth Parish is mostly in the South Division of Offоw Hundred, and partly in Hemlingford Hundred, Warwick. M.DCCC.XXI.7 305 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. .COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI-1 ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES OR By how many TOTAL Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Un-Inhabited. of Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families cmp ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in in Manus | the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. 1 Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 76 11 223 203 624 426 1,287 141 86 87 180 OFFLOW, North, Hundredcontinued. Tatenhill - - - - - - (2) Parish Barton-under-Needwood - Chapelry Dunstall - - - - - Township Wichnor - - - - - Chapelry | Thorpe-Constantine - - - - Parish Tutbury - - - - - - (b) Parish Whittington - - - - - () Parish Tamborn - - - - - Hamlet Yoxhall - - - - - - () Parish 24 4 ieri non mi coer 97 91 23 682 353 266 124 1 199 101 view con 162 17 1 40 762 / 1,444 354 16 583 1,145 611 707 11 97 213 105 562 350 82 261 11 140 2,202 1,330 | 617 10,195 / 10,336 | 20,531 The 132 159 139 148 406 381 57 414 382 17 17 day 42 374 820 763 99 793 24 5,585 140 419 0Wow Hivino 1,060 2,862 246 2,723 222 211 go 468 85 424 202 36 213 112 128 1,444 448 90 218 157 82 3,082 777 1,400 1,950 252 1,638 329 682 955 119 718 C 346 80 48 995 131 562 250 264 128 553 C 0 1,115 669 116 358 311 13 353 10 317 123 1 3,802 4,149 OFFLOW, South, Hundred. (*) Aldridge - - - - - - () Parish 162 Bar, Great - - - - Chapelry Bentley - - - - - - - Liberty Armitage, with Handsacre - - Parish Can well - - - - - - Extra-P. Darlaston - - - - - - (5) Parish 1,080 Drayton-Bassett - - - - - Parish Elford - - - - - - - - Parish Farewell, with Charley - - - Parish Hammerwick - • - - - Parish 45 49 Handsworth, with Soho - - (b) Parish 502 610 Perry-Barr - - - - - - Hamlet 120 129 | Harbone - - - - - - () Parish 271 Smethwick - - - - - Hamlet 334 | Hints - - - - - - - - Parish 49 | Longdon - - - - - - - Parislı 234 Norton-under-Cannock - - - Parish with Little-Wyrley - - Township Ogly-Hay - - - - - Extra-P. Rushall - - - - - - - Parish Shenstone - - - - - (k) Parish Statfold - - - - - - - Parish St. Michael (part of) Parish : (1) Burntwood, Edgehill, and - - Township | 133 Woodhouse - - 146 Pipe-Hill - - - - - Hamlet 14 Wall - - - - - - Hamlet TAMWORTH (part of) (my Borough and Parish 1 324 : Biddescote - - - - • Township Bonehill - - - - - - Township 50 Fazely - - - - - - Township | 189 | Hopwas-Hayes - - - Extra-P. | 1 | Wiggington - - - - Township 152 1154 Tipton, otherwise Tibbington (+)(") Parish | 1,973 | 2,204 Walsall (+) - - - - - () Parish | 1,145 | 1,216 · Walsall-Foreign (+) - (°) Township 1,236 1,272 Wednesbury - - - - - (°) Parish 1,194 1,325 Weeford - - - - - - (P) Parish| 45 46 Swinfen - - - - - - Hanulet 18 21 Packington - .. - - - Liberty West-Bromwich - . - - O Parish 1,790 | 1,883 23 670 1,699 29 845 854 14 15 u 1 347 328 675 36 56 43 41 84 1,636 827 36 809 34 136 70 205 28 129 279 1,128 143 503 NIE I 625 1 3 410 747 106 34 5,656 22 2,079 916 913 1,208 337 5,890 2,719 3,417 3,305 152 225 2,785 2,993 3,166 126 49 11,546 5,504 6,410 6,471 278 109 53 9,505 60 Ērris 29 24 104 1,763 4,860 4,645 ♡ The entire Parish of Tatenhill contains 2.050 Inhabitants. nl is partly in the North Division of Offlow Hundred, but moshy mine ♡ The increase of Population at Tutbury is ascribed to the inclosure City of Litchfield.. (0) Tamworth Parish is partly in North Omow of Needwood Forest. The entire Parish of Whittington contains Hundred, and partly in Hemlingford Hundred (Warwick); the entire 723 Inliabitants. (d) The entire Parish of Yoxhall contains 1,756 Parish contains 7,185 Inhabitants. Wiggington includes Comberfield and Coton. The improved treatment of children is said to have conduced of Offlow, South, but the whole is entered in Halſshire Hundred (Wor to the increase of Pupulation at Tamworth. The Population of cester.) () The entire Parish of Aldridge contains 1,682 Inhabi Tipton has been increased by the coal and iron trades. The tants.-- () Many families have removed fronu Darlaston, to work at entire Parish of Walsall, which includes Bloxwich, contains 11,914 the collieries of Wednesbury and West Bromwich. (h) The entire Inhabitants. The Population of Walsall-Foreign, of Wednesbury, and Fansh of Handsworih contains 3,859 Inhabitants. The Population has of West-Bromwich, has increased with the increase of the collieries. lucreased, caused by the vicinity of Birmingham.-- () The entire (P) The entire Parish of Weeford contains 440 Inhabitants. The estab- Farish of Harbone contains 3,350 Inhabitants. (k) An extensive | lishment of a school has increased the Population. closure bas taken place at Shenstone.--(1) The Parish of St. Michael 41 306 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS: UN DER Enumeration. 2 : COUNTY OF STAFFORD- continued. 1 HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By on bow, chiefly employalt TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI-FAMI- All LI:ES1 LILS 1 chiefly 1. OTHER emplov- Families em- ed in notcom- ployed Trane. Iprized.in in 1 | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JarHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes, Un-Inhabited. Building. Oc FEMALES. ? MALES. PERSONS. cupied. OFFLOW, South, Hundred-continued. Wolverhampton Parish: (9) Pelsall - - - - - (9) Chapelry Wednesfield - .- -.- Chapelry: Willenhall (+) - - - Chapelry 317 108 270 701 125 2901 - 784 4 15 1.04 .109 174 622 12 832 262 579 6361,468 1,791 1 3,965 67 95 2,174 2,282 10,624 1,282 36,745 34,917 71,662 72 37 109 157 210 127 22 II III 21 48 10% 1.09 · 54 381 130 130 583 163 ..308 22 192 282 145 95. 261 , 553 92 1208 97 292 116 53 524 1001 484.. 1,008 III may mos me lara 121 121 242 932 58 115 2,027 791“ 467 1465 875 | 1,666 4,714 4,985 9,699 233 244 1 477. 103 35 25 15 68 136 260 4 ) 115 113,266 14,188 75 549 PIREHILL, North, Hundred.. Abdaston Parish : () Abdaston - - - - - Township Bishop's-Offlow - -' Township Flashbrook - - - () Township i Tunstall - - - - - Townsłup 13 Ashley . - - - - - - - Parish 149 150 Audley Parish: (™) Audley - - - - - - Township Bignall-Eġd. - - - - Township | Eardley-End - - - - Township Halmer-End - - - - - Liberty Knowl-End - - - - Township Park-End - - - - Township Talk-o'-th’-Hill - - - Township | 196 Barthomlėy Parish : (Ⓡ) Batterley - - - - - Township Batchacre - - - - - - - () Betley - - - - - - - - Parish Biddulph - - - - - - (*) Parish Burslein - - - - - - (*) Parish Hulton-Abbey -- Township 981 Drayton-in-Hales Parish : (V) Almington - - - -. - Township Bloore-in-Tyrley - . - Township Hales - - - - - - Towship Eccleshall Parish : (7) Aspley - - - - Township Bromley - - - - - Township Broughton - - - - - Township Charnes - Township Chatcull - - Township Chorlton - - Chapelry Chorlton-Hill Township Coldmeece - Township Cotes Township Croxton - - - - - Township Eccleshail - - Town Horseley Township Mitmeece - - - - - Township Pershall - - Township Podmore- Township Slindon - - - Township Sugnall, Magna Township Sugnall, Parva Township Three-Farms - - Township Walton - - - Township Wootton - - Township Keele - - - - - Parish Madeley - - - - Parish 210 Maer Parish : (*) Maer - - - - - - Township 42 Maerway-Lane --- Hamlet 124 99 121 131 49 40. 135 LOCO 102 52 29 - 42 32 -43 1 45 oco III oOC I cowo AS I COM A War II NOS 100 1:22 300 128 383 1 235 III IIIIIIIIII may IIIIIIIIII !! 3 in Cerco Ilic IIIIIIIIIII and II. Hiti 615 639 1 1 A 10 oso 1 ga pa . C OO 73 58 548 513 1,061 114 601 565 1,166 34 232 109 3 35 103 1. 219 34 (9) The Parish of Wolverhampton is partly in the North Division of Offlow factory, an earthenware manufactory, and an iron forge have been estab- Hundred, but mostly in the North Division of Seisdon Hundred. One lished at Biddulph siuce 1811.- ) The entire Parish of Burslen, female in Pelsall Liberty upwards of 100 years of agrim () The entire | which includes Sneyd, contains 10,276 Inhabitants. It is resorted.to Parish of Abdaston contains 596 Inhabitants.- ) Batchacre, here for the purpose of learning the earthenware manufacture. The tofore erroncously deemed to be Extra-parochial, is now included in the Parish of Drayton-in-Hales is mostly in North-Bradford Hundred, Salop. I Return of Flashbrook Township. The entire Parish of Audley (2) The entire Parisłr of Eccleshall contains 4,227 Inhabitants.-- contains 2,940 Inhabitants. (u) Barthoinley Parish is mostly in (a) The entire Parish of Maer contains 452 Inhabitants.. Nantwich Hundred (Cheshire.) Three new collieries, a cotton 1 . . .. M.DCCC.XXI.] 307 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TYTT UUTIC FANIA | FAMI-T By OR TOTAL how many families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. yr Un-Inhabited. Building. Oc. LIES LIES chiefly OTIIER chiefly employ- Families en- cd in notcom- ployed- Trade, Iprized in ed in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- or Handi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FENALES. MALES. PERSONS to be 277 141 76 148 a mã NA 86 136 2 93 47 179 47 94 116 110 226 101 how en ut 190 1,793 910 18 40 -- 123 w Ai 260 569 69 309 220 1,924 i 75 W 2,707 3,429 2,446 cupied. PIREHILL, Nortlı, Hundred continued. Muckleston Parish : (0) Aston - - - - - - Township Kneighton - - - - 'Township Muckleston otherwise Muxon, Township Oakley - - - - - Township Winnington - - - - Township | Norton-on-the-Moors Parish : (9) Bermersley - - - - Township Norton-on-the-Moors - Township Offley, High, Parish : (0) Loynton - - - - - Township Oxley, High - - - - Township Standon - - - - - - - Parish Stoke-upon-Trent - - (5) Parish 826 1828 Clayton - - - - - - Liberty 31 32 Hanley - - - - - Chapelry 1,105 Longton and Lane-End - Township 1,349 1,455 Penkhul and Boothen - Township | 954 1954 Seabridge - - - () Township 20 24 Shelton - - - ( Township 1,423 Swinnerton - - - - - - Parish 141 148 Trentham Parish: (f) Blurton & Lightwod-Forest, Chapelry Butterton - - - - - Township Clayton-Griffith . . . Township Hanchurch - - - - Township Handford - - - - - Township 95 100 Trentham • - - - - Township 121 Whitmore - - - - - - Parish 44 Wolstanton Parish : (8) Brerehurst - - - - - Hainlet 131 Chatterley - - Township Chell - - - - - - Township 72 Chesterton . Township 181 199 Kautton - - - - - Township 143 Oldcott Township 135 Rajnscliff . - - - - Township 113 Stadmerslow - Township 46 49 Thursfield - .. Chapelry Tunstall-Court - - - - Liberty 520 Wedgwood - - Township Wolstanton - - - - Township! 196 202 195 2,045 77 2,915 3,671 2,469 70 3,763 416 415 3,969 152 5,622 7,100 4,915 140 7,325 832 1,536 70 3,562 op 416 152 411 844 433 11 20 35 Till 11 14 105 A SERI wa A 119 20ვ 227 22 34 224 490 589 302 113 289 300 136 44 me 166 128 00 324 714 35 390 106 179 98 204 63 221 400 in the car c 508 466 974 152 809 119 113 + or coca cola 410 338 420 139 399 277 259 125 615 679 57 · 114 58 580 13 151 1,281 264 265 2,622 1,341 13 39 29 68 502 1 456 958 13,245 14,054 185/669 | 2,885 9,271 1,898 | 34,955 | 35,020 69,975 PIREHILL, South, Hundred. 231 231 305 108 777 | Barlastan - - - - Bromley, Abbots - Blithfield - - - Newton - - - Chartley-Lodge - - 756 - - - - - III - - Parish ) Parish () Parish - - Liberty | - Extra-P. 462 1,533 207 33 113 43 53 94 137 126 263 O Muckleston Parish is partly in North Bradford Hundred (Salop.) | Parish. The Township of Shelton includes part of Cobridge, and The entire Parisla contains 1,753 Inhabitants. The entire Parish Etruria. The entire Parish of Stoke-upon-rent contains 29,223 Inhabi- of Norton-un-the-Moors contains 1,983 Inhabitants. The entire tants. (*) The entire Parish of Trentham contains 2,203 Inhabi- Parish of High-Omey contains bog Inhabitants. Loynton was heretofore tants. The entire Parisli of Wolstanton contains 8,572 Inhabi- lucluded in the Return of High-Oitley, as was Batchacre, now returned tarts (h) The Return or Bromley-Abbuis Parish includes Bromley. with Flashbrook Township, Abdaston Parish. ( ) The Parish of Baguts Liberty, and Bromley-Horst Township, whichi, in the year 1811, stoke-upon Trent includes also the Townships of Bagnall, Butleslaw, made separate Returns.- (1) The entire Parish of Blithfield contains buckball, Eaves, Feston-Calvert, and Fenton-Vivian, which, in the 470 Inhabitants. year 1811, made distinct Returns. Seabridge is partly in Swiunerton 308 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI LIES By OR chiefly how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- capied. OCCUPATIONS : FAN CAMIOARE ALL LIES OTHER chiefly employ- Fami Families em ed in not con- ployed | Trade, prized in in Manue' (the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS ing ܙ 67 181 ܗ ܙ ܝ 26 196 18 279 11 290 831 815 107 112 6 co 1o ano + m ܘ ܝ. ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 151 152 66 136 132 59 268 249 51 ܙ ܙ ܛ | ܝܕ 228 20 45 211 19 106 1 PIREHILL, South, Hundred-continued. Chebsey - - - - - (b) Parish Cold-Norton - - - - Township Colton - - - - - - - Parish | Colwich Parish : (?) Colwich - - - - - Township Fradswell - - - - - Chapelry Creswell - - - - - - Extra-P. Ellenhall - - - - - - - Parish Gayton - - - - - - - Parisli Ingestrie - - - - - - - Parish Mary, St. Lichfield, (part of) Parish : (m) Hopton and Coton - () Liberty Marston - - - - - Chapelry Salt and Enson - - - Township Tillington - - - - - Township Whitgreave - - - - Townslup Mary, St. and St. Chadlo (Stafford) (part of)S Worston - - - - - Township Milwich - - - - - - - Parish Ronton - - - - - • Monastery Ronton - - - - - - - Parish Sandon - - - - - - - Parish Seighford - -- - () Parish Stone Parish : (P) Beech - - - - - - - Liberty | Hilderstone - - - - - Liberty Kibblestone - - . . - Liberty Normicott - - - - - - Liberty Stone - - - - - - - Liberty Stowe - - - - - - (9) Parish Tixall - - - - - - - - Parisha Weston-upon-Trent - () Parish Yarlett - - - - - - Liberty Para 12 11 121 289 378 56% 11 ܙ ܒܝ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܒܝܘ 174 160 334 100 265 513 20 810 441 164 36 414 156 109 832 162 299 181 154 532 838 1,591 1,089 88 554 424 759 535 434 1,420 601 38 96 301 184 160 555 239 27 101 878 171 299 444 1,435 584 2,855 225 64 33 1,185 198 ܗܝ ܗ ܟ ܣ ܩ ܒܘ ܛ ܙ | ܟ ; 102 26 93 3 96 211 231 442 3 3 12 21 2,047 1,102 452 9,447 / 9,895 18,742 74 285 569 12 13. 61 ܒܝܘܝܢ ܒܝ ܟ 26 187 284 29 192 30 379 5,508 5,514 11,022 3,416 3,601 SEISDON, North, Hundred. Bushbury - - - - () Parish 111 Moseley - - - - - - Hamlet Hiniley - - - - - - - Parish Kingswinford ---- - Parish 2,051 Penn Parish : (*) Penn, Lower - - - - Township | 37 39 Penn, Upper - - - - - Liberty 116 116 Rowley-Regis - .. Parish 1,034 Sedgley • - - (+) - - Parisha 2,991 3,357 Tettenhall-Regis, with }(w) - Parish Tettenhall-Clericorum 1 315 Oaken - - - - - (W) Hamlet 46 Pirton, with Trescott - • Hamlet 46 47 Wolverhampton - (+) - (*) Parish 3,338 4,208 Bilston - - (+) - - Chapelry 2,228 2,509 116 114 50 1,217 ܙ ܟܘ ܛ $ ܩ 230 539 6,062 17,195 1,464 301 74 11,136 112 13,073 110 1145 36 31 63 14,047 20 1,980 260 3,064 8,697 730 117 137 9,239 6,141 279 2,998 8,498 734 127 122 9,141 5,862 244 259 17 ܟܝ ܝܝ Es | $ 98 509 18,380 12,003 | 12,368| 14,2381 64 352 770 12,278 1,190 34,507 | 33,894 68,401 (*) The entire Parish of Chebses contains 421 Inbabitants. - is partly in East-Cuttlestone Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,299 (1) The entire Parish of Colwich contains 1,865 Inhabitants. Great Inhabitants.- () The entire Parish of Penn contains 769 Inhabitants. Haywood and Wolseley are included in the Return of Colwich Township, ---(4) Mines have been opened at Rowley-Regis. The Return in (m) The Parish of St. Mary is mostly in the City of Lichfield. cludes the Upper and Lower siues of the Parish.- (w) Tettenhall Parish A Lunatic Asylum at Hopton and Coton contains 102 Inmates. is partly in the South Division of Seisdon Hundred The entire Parish (") The Parish of St. Mary and St. Chad is mostly in the Borough of contains 2,478 Inhabitants ; provided Oaken Hamlet (which is said, 10 STAFFORD.-_ (0Seighford Parish includes Aston and Doxey Town- | the Return, to be in the Parish of Codsall, South-Seisdon Hundred)! sbips. (P) The entire Parish of Stone contains 7,251 Inhabitants. I really in Tettenhall Parish. Aj The Parish of "Volverhampton ! (9) In the Parish of Stowe, land has been divided into small allot. | partly in South-Offlow Hundred, and partly in East-Cutilestone Hundred. ments, and many houses built thereon.-- 0) The entire Parish of The entire Parish contains 36,838 inhabitants. Several additional ture Weston-upon-Trent contains 475 Inhabitants.-- () Bushbury Parish i naces for smelting lead ore have been established. M.DCCC.XXI.) 309 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - - By oe how chiefly employ- TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ed in Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER Families em- not com- ployed prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- forHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. Families Un-Inhabited. or TRAD Building. FEMALES. Oc- FEMALES MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 360 355 715 83 80 19 203 190 23 65 69 393 134 885 166 116 151 376 215 120 153 380 445 327 440 332 Piese or on 659 842 414 428 860 875 29 29 80 SEISDON, South, Hundred. Areley, Upper -. . . - Parish Bobbington - - - - - (V) Parish Broom - - - - - - (2) Parish Clent - - - - - - - - Parish Codsall - - - - - - () Parish | Enville - Parish Kinfare - - - - - - - Parish Patsbull - - - - - - - Parish Pattingham - ---- () Parisha Swinford, Old (part of) Parish : (9) Amblecoat - - - - - Hamlet Tettenball (part of) Parish : () Pendeford - - - - - Township Wrottesley - - - - - Hamlet Trysull and Seisdon - - - - Parish Wombourne - - - - - () Parish Orton - - - - - - - Liberty Woodford-Grange - - - Extra-P. 1,735 144 866 175 175 445 421 TIA Own A AION AWN o - 553 604 1,157 46 112 40 4 48 118 320 # Fi 129 134 274 666 124 124 265 642 253 258 539 1,308 170 252 31 1 89 81 1 14 1,977 2,164 5 54 1,085 810 269 5,035 5,037 10,072 TOTMONSLOW, North, Hundred. 142 336 677 21 341 55 108 37 144 21 37 196 151 69 151 196 570 565 150 www ovo me im 396 392 1,135 788 560 269 244 291 216 460 110 101 134 123 346 349 252 695 595 343 144 144 288 33 30 63 S 92 1 NII - WIIIIIIII II!!!! 264 283 291 86 low - ONO I Coco C Am I IVANI 555 527 244 04 64 178 Allstonefield - - - - - () Parish Elkstone, Lower - - - Township Elkstone, Upper - - - Township Fairfield-Head - - - Township Heathy-Lee - - - Township Hollinsclough • . • Township Longnor - - - - - Chapelry Quarnford - - - - Chapelry Warslow - - - - - Chapelry Blore Parish : (6) Blore with Swainscoe - Township Calton - - - - - (8) Chapelry | Caverswall . - - - - () Parish Weston-Coyney and Hulme Township Cauldon - - - - - - - Parish Cheddleton - - • - (1) Parish Basford - - - - - Township Cunsall - - - - - Township Dilhorne - - - - - - (k) Parish Forsbrook - - - - - Township Grindon - - - - - - () Parish Grindon - - - - - Township Horton and Horton-Hay - (m) Parish Blackwood and Croborough Township llam (with Throwley and Casterton) Parish Ipstones (part of) - · · () Parish Kingsley (part of) Parish : 0 Whiston - - - - - Township Leek Parish : (P) Bradnop - - - - - Townsbip Endon - - - - - - Chapelry 172 350 204 43 28 205 44 542 154 519 128 1,061 282 182 29 96 86 il mondo a i en und Insert i em 365 744 336 665 379 329 114 119 200 236 219 O 122 100 181 263 108 381 ar 298 561 145 253 25 23 N i 212 191 247 242 ma i I co oro 489 239 206 445 ♡ Bobbington Parish extends into Brimstree Hundred (Salop.) and Waterfall Parish (South Totinonslow Hundred ;) and the Population (2) Broom is locally situate in Worcestershire, east of Kidderininster. | is distributed accordingly. The entire Parish of Caverswall con. () The Parish of Codsall contains 903 Inhabitants, provided Oaken | tains 1,082 Inhabitants.--- () The entire Parish of Cheddleton contains Hamlet (North-Seisdon Hundred) is included as part of it.- O Pat. 1,525 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Dilhorne contains 1,409 tugbam Parish is partly in Stottesden Hundred, (Salop.) The entire Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Grindon contains 455 Luhabi. Parish contains 935 Inhabitants.- () Old-Swinford Parish is mostly tants.---(m) The entire Parish of Horton contains 942 Inhabitants.com m the Lower Division of Halfshire Hundred (Worcester.) Tet (1) Ipstones Parish is mostly in the South Division of Totmonslow tenball Parish is mostly in the North Division of Seisdon Hundred. Hundred. O Kingsley Parish is inostly in the South Division of & he entire Parish of Wombourne contains 1,478 Inhabitants. Totionslow Hundred. ) Leek Parish is partly in South-Tutmonslow !!!he entire Parish oi Allstonefield contains 5,169 Inhabitants. One Hundred. Hundred. The Townships ascribed to this Parish contain 4,292 Inha- The Townships ascribed to this r In Allstonefield, and one in Heathy-Lee Township, upwards of bitants; and it is probable that some other Township (or part of Town- years of age.-- () The entire Parish of Blore contains 351 Inha- ship) ought to be added to it, as the entire Parish is stated on the 18. Calton Township extends into Croxden Parish, Mayfield Parish, 1 schedule to contain 4,855 Inhabitants. bitants 4 K 310 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : Il PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL LIES LIES 1 OTHER chiefly | chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, (prized in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 64 167 53 73 183 205 418 186 388 73 156 101 TOTMONSLOW, North, Hundred : continued. Leek Parish-continued. Longdon - - - - - Township Heaton - - - - - Township Leek-Frith - - - - Township Onecote - - - Chapelry Rushton-James - Township Rushton-Spencer - - Township Stanley - - - - - Township Tittisworth - - - Township Oakover - - - - - - - Parish 350 391 806 149 100 62 302 283 585 65 Im A AIA O WA 14 1 5 186 186 168 III 16 In 64 173 ********** 60 354 359 113 288 53 20 20 146 142 38 10 10 31 3,020 3,093 115 | 2,004 | 849 | 240 8,360 | 7,876 16,236 09093 17 TOTMONSLOW, South, Hundred. 200 211 534 245 118 216 569 194 112 182 1,103 439 230 FCO 398 189 35 17 17 40 84 91 44 1,900 774 61 166 1,962 3,862 1,591 05 817 256 223 479 258 141 117 and co w IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 15 291 288 579 350 *******************5* *** 48 40 86 182 120 88 152 373 191 123 Alveton - - - - - . - (9) Parish Cotton - - - - - - Township Denston - - - - - Township Farley - - - - - - Township Bramshall - . . . - - Parish Bradley-in-the-Moors (+) - Parish Cheadle - - - - - - () Parish Checkley and Tean - - - () Parish | Madeley-Holme - - - - Liberty Croxden - - - - - - () Parish with Great Yate - - - Township Calton - - - - - () Township Draycott-in-the-Moors (+) - Parish Ellastone - - - - - - (W) Parislı Calwick - - - Township Prestwood - - - - - Township Ramshorn - - - - - Township Stanton - - - - - Township Wootton - - - - - Township Gratwich - - - - - - - Parish Ipstones (part of) - - - (x) Parishi Morrage and Toxt - - Township Kingsley - - - - - - (Y) Parish Kingston - - - - - - - Parish Leek Parish: (2) Rudyard and Caudery - Township Leigh - - - - - - -(a) Parish Field - - - - - - Township Mayfield Parish : (6) Butterton - - - - - Township Calton (part of) - - (°) Township Mayfield - - - - - Township Woodhouses - - - - Township | Rocester - - - - - - - Parish Sheen - - - - - - - - Parish Ottoxeter - - - - - () Parish Waterfall - - - - (d) Parish · Calton - - - (º) Township Wetton - - - - - Parish 122 245 22 187 76 70 482 209 462 185 45 480 206 455 170 115 962 415 917 355 O 176 49 17 li 112 72 41 9 206 226 44 132 156 890 TIINI III III ვივ 9 26 184 43 527 17 548 223 2,459 225 210 1,037 69 489 206 2,199 69 429 926 1 4,658 941 95 236 95 15 112 461 73 15 35 38 122 64 323 286 609 14,379 4,538 | 12 137 | 1,817 |2,040 681 / 11,410 11,742 | 23,152 (9) The entire Parish of Alveton contains 2,170 Inhabitants. The | The entire Parish contains 1,320 Inhabitants. () Leck Parish is increased number is to be attributed to the number of workmen employed I mostly in North-Totmonslow Hundred. -- (a) The entire Parish o! by the Earl of Shrewsbury in beautifying the Abbey.on(i) One female | Leigh contains 1,019 Inhabitants.--() The entire Parish of Mayne in Cheadle Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The entire Pa- contains 1,435 Inhabitants. A cotton factory has been rebuilt since rish of Checkley contains 2,070 Inhabitants. d) The entire Parish 1811.- ) The Return of Uttoxeter Parish includes the Townships of Croxden contains 273 Inhabitants. (u) Calton Township (which I of Crakemarsh. Creighton, Stramshall, and Woodlands, and Loxley appears three times in South Totinonslow, is partly in Blore Parish, Liberty; all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. A branca North Totnonslow Hundred. (W) The entire Parish of Ellastone of the Grand Toupk Canal Navigation having been extended to Uttore contains 1,328 Inhabitants. (*) The Parish of Ipstones is partly in has caused a great increase of Population. (d) The entire di North-Totnionslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,425 Inhabi. | Waterfall contains 53+ Inhabitants. tants.-- ) Kingsley Parish is partly in North Totmonslow Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] git THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By chiefly | OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: | FAMI FAMI- Į LIES All LIES chiefly | employ- Families enie 1 ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Many- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- or Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 396 42 102 City of LICHFIELD. Chad, St. - - - - - () Parish Mary, St. - - - - () Parish Michael, St. - - - - (8) Parish The Close - - - - (h) Extra-P.) 874 328 473 256 64 570 269 252 342 97 1,266 665 942 1,455 1,816 2,721 1,318 220 653 67 63 157 1,121 | 1,302 1.16 257691 1354 2,868 3,207 6,075 Borough of NewcasTLE-UNDER-LYNE - - - 11,399 1,726 13 981 135 1,184 407 | 3,394 3,637 1 7,031 Borough of STAFFORD. Mary, St. and St. Chads - (i) Parish 991 1,090 5 14 130 712 248 2,915 | 2,821 5,736 I ) The Parish of St. Chad (Lichfield) is partly in North Offlow Hun- | dred. The entire Parish contains 2,066 Inhabitants.- (t) St. Mary's Parish is partly in South-Pirebill Hundred. The entire Parish contains 4,016 Inhabitants. One fe:vale in this Parish upwards of 100 years of age. St. Michael's Parish is partly in the North and partly in the South Division of Oflow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 2,413 Inhabitants. (") Many families absent on the 28 May, to which the apparent decrease is attributable. (1) The Parish of St. Mary and St. Chads is partly in the South-Pirehill Hundred. The entire Parish contains 5,759 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD. 11,590 23,427 46,940 45,253 92,193 Hundred of CUTTLESTON, East and West - 1 4,335 4,637 8 88 2,671 1,544422 OFFLOW, North and South - - 117,068 (18,337 4,484 11,954 1,899 PIREHILL, North and South - - 16,661 17,655 210 4,932 10,373 2,350 SEISDON, North and South - - 14,345 16,402 69 406 1,855 13,088 1,459 TOTMONSLOW, North and South 7,399 7,631 29 252 3,821 2,889 921 44,402 39,542 19,770 44,315 88,717 38,931 78,473 19,618 | 39,388 City of LICHFIELD - ...-.1,121 1,302 16 Ty 141 257 691 354 2,868 3,207 6,075 Borough of NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE - 1,399 1,726 13 98 135/ 1,184) 407 3,394 3,6377,031 Borough of STAFFORD -.-. 991 1,090 5 17) 130 712 248 2,915 2,821 5,736 TOTAL - - - 63,319 68,780 429 2,326 18,285 42,435 8,060 171,668 169,372 341,040 312 [Enumeration; ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF STAFFORD-continued. Ages of Persons. Ons MALE S. Under Hundred TOTAL. - 11,466) CUTTLESTON, East and I, 678 1,601 | 1,322 1,063 1,619 1,318 1,012/ 795 587 West - - - - - OFFLOW, North & South 4,984 4,608 4,083 3,811 2,987 1,906 1,361 682 PIREHILL, North & South 7,413 6,486 5,532 3,878 2,552 1,567 SEISDON, North & South 2,486 1,658 TOTMONSLOW, North and South - - - - Solny",15% 2,382 1,975 2,739 2,042 5,031 132,581 43,969 15,460 - 19,443 2,868 LICHFIELD, CITY - 388 350 NEWCASTLE UNDER- } 5571 462 LYNE, BORO' - 1557 402 363 390 396 273 343 343 420 468 400 323 3901 342 240 3,412 STAFFORD, BORO' - 409 337 342 354 354 466 466 354 293) 195 | 101 | 531 8 2,915 Total of Males - $1,032 18,841 16,30713,244 18,953 14,926 11,835 8,121 5,505 2,746 132,114 FEM A LES. Under Hundred of TOTAL. - 11,159) 1 32,107 CUTTLESTON, East and l and 1,498 1,247 1,062 1,795 | 1,612 1,234 West - 998 - 693 | - - - SI 1,234 OFFLOW, North & South 3,167 5,349 3,756 PIREHILL, North & South 6,997 6,245 / 5,052 4,432 7,344 5,022 3,914 2,622 (1,675 757 SEISDON, North & South 2,482 2,465 1,653 TOTMONSLOW, North South - - - -|| 2,849 2,695 2,134 1,892 3,065 2,193 1,670 1,214 - 44,286 - 15,422 24 3 19,288 3 1 | 3,2177 NEWCASTLE-UNDER- - 3,619 LICHFIELD, CITY - 367 347 319 329 601 420 318 LYNE, BOROVIN} 541| 469 403 381 623 411 351 | 214 STAFFORD, BORO - 377 332 342 292 308 246 173 1111 51 / 16 Total of FEMALES - |19,984|18,548 |14,718 12,951 21,813 14,997 (11,7327,902 \5,597|2,808 21 - 2,821 1 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Stafford was . . . . 341,040, . . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was . . 264,033, • . whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-fourth and one fifth (say two-ninths) of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Stafford was 350 ; eleven of which including Walsall a Wolverhampton) did not return any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proport of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,- or incorrect in the respective uumbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 313 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Suffolk. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | By OR TOTAL how many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES ALL LILS chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE. I prized in Manu-the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL forHandi- ing TURF. craſt. Classes. Oco FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. 82 275 280 130 134 268 109 265 555 264 533 743 117 103 29 388 355 94 196 102 149 411 37 112 149 298 426 48 102 242 20 160 837 1,215 647 140 12 568 50 97 128 438 137 180 139 99 47 459 305 133 351 164 897 656 297 - 42 55 83 72 206 210 416 159 BABERGH Hundred. ACTON - - - - - - - Parish Alpheton - - - - - - - Parish Assington - - - - - - Parish Boxford (part of) - - - - (a) Parish Boxted - - - Parish Brent-Eleigh Parish Bures, St. Mary Parish Cavendish . Parish Chilton - - - Parish Cockfield - - - Parish Cornard, Great Parish Cornard, Little - Parish Edwardstone - - - - - - Parish Glemsford - Parish Groton - - Parish Hartest - - - - - - - Parislı Lavenham - Parish Lawshall - - - Parish Melford-Long - - - - - Parish Milden - - - Monks-Eleigh - - - - - Parish Nayland - - - - - - - Parish Newton, near Sudbury Parish Polstead - - - - - - - Parish Preston - - - - Parish Shimpling - (+) - Parish Somerton - - - - - - Parish Stanstead - . - . Parish Stoke, near Nayland - - - Parish Waldingfield, Great - - - Parish Waldingfield, Little Parish Wiston otherwise Wissington - Parish 279 127 160 673 301 602 296 ვ69 897 wa Lorow colba GS DAWION co room 1,275 597 740 1,898 155 371 425 375 182 493 450 1,001 387 1,195 837 1,093 11 Parish 29 79 88 139 186 511 29 143 233 85 192 100 364 199 349 516 173 451 165 75 2,288 167 713 1,019 343 900 320 503 170 449 148 155 87 *235 215 68 450 88 156 06 47 . 160 341 250 152 126 181 717 357 185 125 1,393 711 111 676 354 201 121 87 1030 386 246 44 3,968 4,588 46 2,815 1,431 342 | 10,832 10,952 21,784 BLACKBOURN Hundred. 190 345 - - - - - - 155 217 427 358 210 329 172 687 - - - 369 1 1 1 1 1 no pod lii TATA ANTO BA 197 210 128 214 - - - - - - - - - 424 261 291 133 132 159 313 628 37 35 93 106 103 261 Ashfield, Great - - Badwell, Ash - - Bardwell - - - Barnhamn - - - Barningham - Coney-Weston - - Culford - - - - Elmswell - - - - Euston - - - Fakenham, Magna Hepworth - - Hinderclay - . Honington - - | Hopton - - - - Hupston - - - Ingham . . Ixworth - - (+) Ixworth, Thorpe - Kneettisball - - - Langham - - - Livermere, Parva - Norton - - - - Rickinghall, Inferior Sapiston - - - - Stanton - - - - Stowlangtoft - . - Stow, West - - - 1 315 71 108 262 211 110 254 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 192 140 270 - 164 214 523 403 250 524 178 - - IlaIIIIIIIIo malam IIIIIIII 68 NI 33 92 mondo 1 1 1 35 90 185 - - - 12 100 95 445 79 507 69 952 148 l - - 6 37 33 70 130 138 268 27 98 89 187 691 117 341 - - - - - - - - - 100 88 ni 1 ci i O nas os B co - N, 56 - (d) - - - - - - - () - - - - 350 200 130 228 428 30 28 112 453 121 486 188 | 27 | 207 29 242 939 172 179 28 84 38 103 I .. Boxford Parish is partly in Cosford Hundred. The entire Parish | Return from Shimpling; and that no more than four marriages between contains 944 Inhabitants. (b) The Parish of Bures is partly in persons not of that class, have taken place in the last ten years.---- nckford Hundred (Essex.) Tie entire Parish contains 1,292 Inha (4) At Little-Liverniere, land has been brought into cultivation. Imma () The early marriages of paupers is mentioned in the l o Stanton All-Saints Parish includes Stanton St. John, bitants 4 L 314 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL OR | chiefly | OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By bow many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI' | LIES LIES eny employ- Families cm- 1 ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- orHandi ing TURE. Classes. Op FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 68 39 102 83 19 264 - 8o 53 512 371 194 BLACKBOURN Hundred-continued. Thelnetham - - - - - - Parish Troston - - - - - - - Parish Walsham-le-Willows . - () Parish Wattisfield - - - - - - Parish Weston-Market - - - - - Parish Wordwell - - - - - - Parish 206 122 1,081 248 177 537 317 171 544 279 161 74 41 8 596 332 71 10 19 48 1,834 2,671 13 16 1,851 523 | 297 6,5266,563 13,089 BLYTHING Hundred. 161 154 123 315 224 101 264 249 21 74 316 I ONI I ol so mi 66 107 215 133 sa o 92 354 226 103 314 148 212 141 94 ვივ 261 97 15 222 1,154 208 118 487 oo 200 co 24 390 168 1,012 203 2,166 411 48 150 202 399 197 205 151 478 181 165 386 476 954 103 50 83 164 Aldringham - - - - - - Parish Binacre - - - - - - - Parish 18 Blythburgh - - - - - (5) Parish with Hinton and Bulcamp - Hanlets Blythford Parish Bramfield - - - - - - Parish 121 Brampton - - - - - - Parish Chediston - - - - - - Parish Cookley - - - - - - - Parish Cove, South - - - - - - Parish Cratfield - - - - - - - Parish Darsham, near Yoxford - () Parish DUŅwich - - - Borough and Parish Easton-Bavents - - - - - Parish Frostenden - - - - - - Parish Halesworth - - - - - - Parish 414 Haveningham - - - - - Parish 77 Henstead - - - - - - () Parish Holton - - - - - - - Parish Huntingfield - - - - - - Parish Knodishall - - - - - - Parish Leiston with Sizewell . Parish Linstead, Magna - - - - Parish Linstead, Parya or Lower - - Parish Middleton - - - (*) - Parish with Fordley - - - J North-Hales, otherwise Covehithe Parish Peasenhall - - - - - - Parish Reydon - - - - - - - Parish Rumburgh - - - - - - Parish Sibton - - Parish Sotherton - Parish Southwold - Parish Spexhall - - - Parish Stovan - - - - - - - Parish Theberton • Parisb Thorington - Parish Ubbeston - - - - - - Parish Uggeshall - - - Parish Walberswick • - - - - - Parish Walpole - - - - - - - Parish 124 Wangford - - - - - o Parish 76 Henham - - - Hamlet Wenhaston with Mells - - - Parish Westhall - - - - - - - Parish 50 Westleton - - - - - - Parish 8 9 Wissett - - - - - - - Parish : 64 Wrentham - - - - - (b) Parish 124 Yoxford - - - - - - - Parish 129 House of Industry - - - (8): - TI I IIIIIIIIII am and many mo iiiiiii! mot malo litio illo III HIALI Toal Icom L AO 81 104 181 109 170 93 360 169 76 386 748 157 168 325 216 229 280 445 569 289 91 823 :8 34 853 178 1,676 172 80 60 116 280 557 CO C 158 81 94 150 135 158 128 303 303 181 308 263 605 302 . .. OOITA CO 58 223 30 312 73 450 217 432 210 484 518 259 356 7822 82 32 225 511 435 995 1,073 _ 104 555 276 I 535 3,245 4,468 | 11 2,726 1,253 489 11,338 11,565 | 22,903 (*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Walsham-le-Willows, is ascribed to the incorporation of small farms; those who lived as farm- servants formerly, being now induced to marry improvidently. (5) The House of Industry is situate in Bulcamp Hamlet. (h) At Darsham, and at Wrentham, many cottages have been built on the waste. Henstead Parish is partly in Wangford Hundred. The entire Parisi. contains 50g Inhabitants. (). The entire Parishi of Middleton con- tajns 564 Inhabitants. (!) The entire Parish of Wangford contains 746. Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 315 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SUFFÓLK continueid. - HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ī FAMI- FAMILIES S . ALL By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. mpany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. LIESI chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families ém led in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- (the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. 58 120 248 1ì8 130 Duroy 84 coolico 406 43 439 190 590 217 104 845 387 1,300 81 421 60 197 710 204 133 76 59 435 147 21 86 21 61 237 162 120 855 290 1 20 420 143 172 156 328 112 396 451 135 847 136 Y SA 271 167 BOSMERE and CLAYDON Hundred. Akenham - - - - - - - Parish Ash-Bocking - - • - • Parish Badley - - - - - - - Parish Barham - - - - - (m) Parish Barking - - - - - (ny Parish Needham, Market - - . Hamlet Battisford - - - - - - Parish Bayleham - - - - Parish Blakenham, Great - Parish Blakenham, Little - - - - Parisb Bramford - - - - - - - Parish Bricett, Great - - - - - Parish Claydon - - - - - - - Parish Coddenham - - - - - - Parish Creeting, All Saints - - - Parish Creeting, St. Mary - - - - Parish Creeting, St. Olave - - - - Parish Crowfield - - - O Pas : Chap: Dormsden - - - - - - Parish Flowton - - - - - - - Parislı Gosbeck - - Parish Helmingham Parish Helmingstone - - - - - Parish Henley - - Parish Mickfield - - - - - - - Parish Nettlestead - - - - - - Parish Offton - - - - - - - - Parish Ringshall'- - - Parish Somersham - - - - (By Parish Stonham, Aspel - Parish Stonham, Earl - - - - - Parish Stonham, Parva - - - - - Parish Swilland - - - - - (9) Parish Westerfield - - - - () Parish Willisham - - - - - Parish House of Industry - (m) - - Sarping i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl mio 35 N cover llorvoo I CONCU 16, 345 IIIIII and more Ho III in IIIIIIIIIIII IAIIIII 39 74 68 163 Fiona os cã are ca ma w to or corn coorwash como para 150 308 169 156 145 169 325 153 322 116 241 118 125 128 47 163 246 38 85 165 328 154 184 304 377 633 319 336 677 Tivi CT I COI 193 314 341 144 107 135 89 371 167 88 154 195 289 173 1,855 2,332 1,642 532 158 5,971 6,129 12,100 166 173 127 339 262 135 45 28 128 122 O OG TI-83 250 413 209 33 55 217 124 93 CARLFORD Hundred. Bealings, Great - - () Bealings, Little - - - - • Brightwell - - - - - - Burgh - - - - - - - Clopton - - - - - - - Colpho - - - - - - - Foxhall - - Grundisburgh - - - - - Hasketon • • Kesgrave - - Martlesham - Newbourn - Otley - . . Playford - - - Rushmere . . Tuddenham . . Waldringfield . Witnesham - - - 423 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 815 392 251 279 Il a altura IIIa II 530 VIHNNIcon Al 53 102 50 208 205 413 on 1.900 92 181 629 112 326 303 134 ig 231 206 159 149 264 437 308 163 515 85 78 70 112 273 242 803 1,211 922 3,092 2,874 5,966 ) The House of Industry for the Hundred of Bosmere and Claydon the causes of increased Population at Somersham. (9) At Swilland, us included in the Return of Barham Parish. The House contained 198 and some other places in the Hundred of Bosmere and Claydon, Popu- uomates in the year 1811, at present 489.- () The entire Parish of lation appears to have decreased, although there is an increase of 1,385 barking contains 1,637 Inhabitants. At Crowfield, many cottages persons in this Hundred, collectively taken. ) Westerfield Parish Dave been built on the waste land, by permission of the Lord of the Ma- | extends into the Borough of Ipswich. The general amelioration por: Crowfield is sometimes deemed a Chapelry in the Parish of Codden- of the condition of the poor is mentioned as a cause of increased Population bam. The improvement in medical treatment is mentioned amoug | at Great-Bcalings 3:16 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. IN HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES By LIES chiefly OR . TOTAL how many Familie EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL | OTHER chiefly lenuplov- Families en- not com- ployed | Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUI- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classcs. ОР Building, FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. TY JO 131 138 269 148 285 137 189 41 196 385 80 13 39 67 125 288 COLNEIS Hundred. Bucklesham - - Falkenham - - - - - - Fèlixstow - - - - - - - Hemley - - Kirton - - - - - - - Levington - - - Nacton - - - - - () Trimley, St. Martin Trimley, St. Mary - - - - Walton - - - - - - - House of Industry - - - - 290 578 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish - - 46 108 97 109 113 268 205 527 28 10 259 205 93 436 58 46 175 231 204 389 116 379 160 171 34 175 394 126 783 242 617 825 3 11 547 178 100 100 2,102 2,067 4,169 54 146 146 416 292 398 814 105 201 45 280 21 11 131 166 192 1,369 311 96 149 145 179 1,560 504 3 371 576 629 COSFORD Ilundred. Aldham - - - - - - - Parish Bildeston, otherwise Bilson - - Parish Boxford (part of) Parish: (º) Hadleigh - - - - - - Hamlet Brettenham - - - - - - Parislı Chellesworth, otherwise Chelsworth Parish Elmsett - - - - - - - Parish Hadleigh - - - - - - - Parish Hitchan - - - - - - - Parish Kersey - - - - - - - Parish Kettlebaston - - - - - - Parish Layham - - - - - - - Parish Lindsey - - - Parish Naughton - - - - - -· Parish Nedging - - - - - - - Parish Semer - - (+) - (W) Parish Thorp-Morieux - - - - - Parish Wattisham - - - - - - Parish Whatfield - - - - - - Parish House of Industry - (+) (W) - - 122 187 209 136 461 2,929 965 125 293 95 304 121 328 95 24 190 595 119 121 42 291 111 72 83 155 96 203 107 144 183 118 86 186 107 160 369 193 60 166 326 go 79 169 1,650 1,938 1,195 21 4,640 4,838 9,478 HARTISMERE Hundred. 58 51 24 149 113 355 360 109 715 96 78 21 30 584 277 90 37 121 192 10 307 80 442 153 170 495 170 937 324 344 527 41 > 246 90 339 60 171 174 281 943 227 313 939 1,882 35.5 86 124 208 04 307 88 69 226 221 Aspall - - - - - - - - Parish Bacton - - - - - - - Parish Botesdale - - - - - - - Parish | Braiseworth - Parish Brockford and Wetheringsett - Parish Broome - - - - - - - Parish Burgate - - - - - - - Parish Cotton - - - - - - - Parish Eye - - - Bor: & Parish Finingham - - - - - - Parish Gislingham - - - Parish Mellis - - - - - - - - Parish Mendlesham - Parish Oakley - - Parish Occold - - - - - - - Parish Palgrave - - - - - - - Parish Redgrave - - - - - - Parish Redlingfield - - - Parish Rickinghall, Superior Parish Rishangles - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Ash - - - - - - Parish Stuston - - - - Parish Thorndon, All-Saints - - - Parish Thornham, Magna - - - - Parish Thornham, Parva - - - - Parisht 57 174 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - III III III INNI ILI 146 254 75 83 658 48 awion che I was 216 592 187 220 313 347 117 241 435 620 447 1,250 403 461 654 713 222 705 208 138 341 366 go 145 105 136 42 330 94 375 114 172 114 330 158 94 208 er er S 310 328 183 342 19 159 76 63 139 v (W) The Ilouse of Industry (V) Many cottages have been built on the heath at Nacton.- (") Boxford Parish it mostly in Babergh Hundred. is at Semer, but distinctly returned in the schedule. M.DCCC.XXI.] 317 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Fainilies Oc- cupied. Building: OCCUPATIONS : FA MI | I ALL LIES LIES | Other chiefly chiefly employ. Families en- ed in not com. ployed Trade, prized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures, preced CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. · 148 330 HARTISMERE Huudred-continued. Thrandeston - - - - - - Parish Thwaite - - - - - - - Parish Westhorpe - - - Parish Wickham-Skeith - - - - Parish Wortham - - Parish Wyverstone - - Parish Yaxley - - - - - - - Parish 57 on a 31 62 112 96 66 88 29 47 onlara 182 55 124 277. 460 132 166 51 110 246 475 128 201 112 234 523 935 260 425 33 50 80 co n 224 2,264 3,217 2,127 793 297 17,853 8,333 | 16,186 13 20 16 51 - - - 20 408 49 408 170 161 198 100 816 319 149 167 318 48 229 62 64 46 128 174 44 143 153 468 131 470 617 297 16 31 105 143 53 135 135 138 614 232 83 220 71 191 507 559 HOXNE Hundred. Athelington - - - - - Badingham (+) - - - Bedfield - - - - - - Bedingfield - - - - - Brundish - - Carlton - - Denham - - Dennington - Fressingfield Horhamn Hoxne Kelsale - - Laxfield - - Mendham .. Metfield - - Monk-Soham - - - - Saxtead - - - - - - Southolt - - - Stradbrook - Syleham - - - - - - Tannington - - - - - Weybread - - - - - Wilby - - Wingfield - - - - - Withersdale - - - - - Worlingworth - - - - 218 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 133 134 158 520 540 578 427 126 259 938 1,231 423 1,066 1,060 1,158 835 682 388 453 203 1,400 580 105 232 169 127 105 418 84 88 417 349 333 - 190 198 225 228 106 97 692 708 185 TOO 175 - - - 360 36 106 209 99 344 680 103 336 294 301 132 106 120 35 142 88 106 282 277 576 - - - 578 20 25 85 83 168 685 84 109 355 330 2,182 674 139 7,684 7,774 15,458 34 240 283 523 863 907 139 1,770 261 277 122 151 176 40 126 346 356 170 339 163 695 203 366 1,871 2,995 | 6 LACKFORD Hundred, (º) Barton-Mills - - - - - Parish 91 Brandon - - - - - - - Parish Cavenham . - - - - - Parish 39 Elvedon otherwise Elden - - Parish Eriswell - - . - - Parish Exning - - - - - - - Parisha 142 Freckenham - - - - - - Parish | 48 Gazeley - - - - - - (2) Parish Herringswell - - - - - Parish 26 Icklingham, St.James & All-Saints Parish Lakenheath - - - - - - Parish 189 Mary, St. Newmarket - - Parish 304 Mildenhall, St. Andrews • • Parish Santon-Downham - - - - Parish 11 Tuddenham - - - - - - Parish 64 Wangford - - - - - - Parish . 10 Worlington - - - - - - Parish 70 1 1 - 1 - 10 ÖNANT to IDIOOFD 105 110 60 197 227 108 529 215 424 1,042 1,810 2,974 889 567 141 412 513 921 1,484 36 153 1,490 43 10 79 163 316 iala 10 ఉండి 63 7,8 34 184 19 176 360 2,040 2,439 25 40 1,396 1381 5,745 5,776 11,521 , Mendham Parish extends into Earshan Hundred, (Norfolk) so bridge Hundred, where the whole is entered.--- (3) The Hamlet of that about one-third part of the Population here entered, is, strictly | Higham Green (partly in Lackford Hundred) is wholly entered with the speaking, attributable to that County. - The Parish of St. Cuthbert | rest of Gazeley Parish in Risbridge Hundred _(a) The Parish of libetford) locally situate in Lackford Hundred, is entered with the All-Saints Newmarket is in Chevely Hundred, Cambridgeshire, aud borough of TherFond at the end of the County of Norfolk; and Kent- there entered. und Parish extends into Lackford Hundred, but most part is in Riy- 4 M 318 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMILIES Ву OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Iuhabited. OCCUPATIONS: | FA MI- ALL LIES 1 chiefly OTHER chiefly employ. Families en ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu-] the Two AGRI- lactures, preced- (UL orHindi- ing TURF. Crail. Classes. MALES. FEAIALES. ini PERSUNS. 80 11 226 55 23.2 102 165 28,5 186 159 177 201 189 312 140 329 641 371 44 196 LOES Hundred. (0) Brandeston - - - - - - Parish Butley - - - - - - - - - Paris Campsea-Ash - - - - Parish Charsfield - - - - - - Parish Cretingham - - - - - - Parish East Sohain - Parish Easton - - Parish Eyke - - - - - - - Parish Framlingham Parish Hacheston - Parish Hoo - - - - Parish Kenton - - - - - - - Parish Kettleburgh - Parish Letheringham Parish Marlesford . Parishi Monewden - - Parishi Rendlesham - - - - - - Parish Woodbridge - - - - - ( ) Parish BIANIE OBCI O Alco 175 197 1,136 273 396 199 1,191 261 2,327 534 106 84 90 174 131 252 175 121 185 ill!!!!! 85 go 55 221 89 26 215 99 117 1,795 44 45 436 188 249 4,660 132 640 880 116 203 2,265 1,943 | 2,495 | 3 | 43 11,205 | 916 374 5,841 6,367 1 12,208 w 17 | 136 126 190 195 136 448 IIIIIIIII 195 253 136 121 ვნე 184 36 47 118 351 142 146 48 191 16 272 239 714 375 34 174 222 1,928 18 97 113 414 891 MUTFORD & LOTHINGLAND Hundred. Ashby - - - - - - - - Parish Barnby - - - - - - - Parish Belton - - - - - - - Paris Blundeston - - Parish Bradwell - - - - - - - Parish Burgb, Castle - - - - - Parish Carlton-Colville - - - - - Parish Corton - - Parish Flixton - - Parish Fritton - - Parish Gisleham - Parish Gorleston - - - - - • (d) Parish Gunton - - Parish Herringfleet - Parish Hopton - - - - - - - Parish Kessingland - - - - - - Parish Kirkley - - Parish Lound - - - - Parish Lowestoft - - Parish Mutford - - - - - - - Parish Oulton - - - (©) Parish Pakefield - - - - Parish Rushmere - - - - - - Parish Somerleylon - - - - - () Parish South-Town - - - - - - Parish House of Industry - - - () - - TECO IA Icons Icon riigiri IIA II-II 109 1,037 44 43 A - 6 Rలు 8+ to - - | 2 -లు | - - ల రలు 88 168 139 135 291 274 579 122 66 288 153 184 337 83 196 416 756 220 1,711 192 3,675 23 1,964 195 235 177 387 95 met II + III i acol 236 172 53 61 179 471 349 114 349 1,039 233 225 242 396 170 643 100 133 - 2,621 2,867 1,148 (1,275 444 16,537 / 7,028 13,565 - 1,212 258 72 571 335 238 641 375 710 236 474 PLONESGATE Hundred. ALDEBURGH - - Borough and Parish Benhall - - - - - - - Parish Blaxhall - - - - - - - Parish Bruisyard - - - - - - Parislı Chillesford - - - - - - Parish Cransford - - - - - () Parish Farnham - - - - - - Parisha Freston - - - - - - - Parish Glemham, Great - - - Parish 136 269 To o corocco - 68 152 133 72 142 107 228 294 106 213 224 197 216 O) The Parishes of Bredfield and Dallinglov are partly in Loes Hun- dred, but are wholly entered in Willoru Hundred. The decrease of Population at Woodbridge, is ascribed to the disuse of the barracks. ---(d) Gorleston and South-Town are united, and frequently reckoned as one Parish.-- ') The IIouse of Industry is situate in Oulton Parish, - The low wages paid to single men, and the absolute want enployment, is said to produce early marriages at Cranstord, paroch relief being thereby procured. M.DCCC.XXI.] 319 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FABI- | ALL By FAMI LIES OR chiefly how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. inany Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Or Building Oc- LIES OTHER chiefly lenyplov. Families em ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the 'Two AGRI- factures | preced- CUL- for Handi-l ing TURE. 1 craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 68 21 176 12 55 173 44 188 349 99 ვივ 1,119 216 132 175 532 227 PLOMESGATE Hundred-~-continued. Glemham, Little - - - - Parish Haselwood - - - - - - Parish Iken - - - - - - - - Parish ORFORD - - (5) Borough and Parish Parham - - - - - - - Parish Rendham - - - - - - Parish Saxmundham - - - - - Parish Snape - - - - - - - - Parish Sternfield - - - - - - Parish Stratford, St, Andrew Parish Sudborne - - - - - - Parish 587 221 229 448 49 223 22 9 Tiilor la III 207 113 105 516 IIIIIIIIII 473 246 94 109 284 272 86 104 452 989 518 180 213 561 367 22 57 277 191 176 - - - Tuustall - Wantisden 653 - - - - - - Parish Parish 324 136 22 329 66 62 128 2,212 1,207 501 5,207 5,409 ; 10,616 37 87 175 !!! 88 243 17 124 244 487 14 31 47 28 116 697 240 1,487 333 171 113 129 418 790 103 237 498 VINO 79 790 372 261 87 161 160 186 133 729 160 166 327 166 319 374 270 1,498 RISBRIDGE Hundred. Barnardiston - - - - - () Parish 24 | Bradley, Great - - - - - Parish 89 Bradley, Little - - - - - Parish Chedburgh - Parish Clare - - - - - - - - Parish Cowling - - - - - - - Parish Dalham - - - - - - - Parish Denham - - - - - - - Parish Denerdistan orherwise Denston - Parish Depden - - - - - - - Parish Gazeley - - - - - - () Parish Higham-Green - - Hairlet 43 Haverhill - - - - - (b) Parish 289 Hawkedon - - - - - - Parish 45 Hundon - - - - - - - Parish 133 Kedington (part of) - . (') Parish Kentford - - - - - - () Parish Lidgate - - - - - - - Parish Moulton - - - - - - - Parish Ousden - - - - - - - Parish | Poslinford with Chipley - - - Parish Risbridge, Monks - - () Extra-P. Stansfield - - - - - - Parish Stoke, by Clare - - - - - Parish Stradishall - - Parish Thurlow, Great - - - - () Parish Thurlow, Little - - - - - Parish Whixoe - - - - - - - Parish Wickhambrook - - Parish 149 Withersfield - - - - - - Parish Wratting, Great - - - - Parish 48 Wratting. Little - - - - - Parisha 41 159 188 137 692 169 477 298 62 182 479 No more mono II III Iulie w co III and for 271 1,421 329 956 513 109 389 242 59 50 200 I +1a Tacol a la II 156 312 179 155 331 295 252 352 451 110 64 394 746 217 216 234 219 72 228 217 243 To 0 433 462 436 147 1;295 484 263 654 641 100 Tori GV D II 249 235 58 123 140 86 41 97 183 2,228 2,978 | 15 21 2,132 745 101 7,327 7,392 14,719 28 16 40 255 73 66 132 192 608 206 123 174 638 366 SAMFORD Hundred. Belstead - - - - - - - Bentley - - - - - - - Bergholt, East - - - - - Brantham - - Burstall - - - - Capel. St. Mary - - - - Chattisham - - - Chelmondiston - - - - - Copdock • - - - 266 179 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parislı Parish 38 Il CPC 1 milli 103 100 co loivo 1,246 385 203 561 231 366 288 273 103 128 41 195 171 41 149 129 . Gedgrave is included in the Return of Orford. ) Monks. Isbridge, which contains 11 Inhabitants, is included in the Return of Barnardiston Parish. (i) The entire Parish of Gazeley contains 144 Inhabitants. Highain-Green Hamlet extends into Lackford sundred. (k) Haverhill Parish is partly in Hinckford Hundred, Essex. The entire Parish contains 1,649 Inhabitants..- (1) Keding- ton, otherwise Ketton Parish, is partly in Hinckford Hundred, Essex. The entire Parish contains 607 Inhabitants. (m) Kentford Parish extends into Lackford Hundred.- Que female in Great Thurlow Parish upwards of 100 years of age. 320 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TOTAL Or. By liow niany Families Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building FA • LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families en ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manu- | the Two AGRI- tacitires, proced- CUL- for Handi-i ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FENALES. Oc- MALES. TAT 1111 PERSONS. cupied. or coco 5 WA 72 103 141 142 160 120 55 276 111 127 286 348 293 38 114 100 266 L a IIIIIII-a I - a III SAMFORD Hundred-continued. Erwarton - - - - - - Parish Freston - - - - - - - Parish Harkstead - Parish Higham - - - Parish Hintlesham - - Parish Holbrook - - - Parish Holton, St. Mary Parish Raydon - - - Parish Shelley - - - - Parish Shotley - - - - - - - Parish Sproughton - - - - - - Parish Stratford, St. Mary - - - Parish Stutton - - - - - - - Parishi Tattingstone - - - - ) Parish Washbrook - - - - - - Parish Wenham, Great - - - - Parish Wenham, Little - - - - Parish Wherstead - - - - - - Parish Woolverstone - - - -.- Parish House of Industry - - - - o - 99 235 63 own - 130 68 164 339 91 67 175 265 305 242 241 146 309 86 175 195 233 171 182 105 45 120 377 O Tico w G 100 45 122 141 129 205 90 242 128 269 3 190 319 1,558 / 2,058 1,484 | 427 147 5,402 5,227 10,629 218 239 93 104 361 84 457 736 85 169 205 392 35 107 : STOW Hundred. Buxhall - - - - - - - Parish Combs - - - - - - - Parisha Creeting, St. Peter, or West - Parish Fimborough, Great - - - - Parish Fimborough, Little - - - Parish Gipping- - - Parish with Stowmarket - - - Hamlet Harleston - - - - - - Parish Haughley - - - - - - Parish Newton, Old - - - Parish with Dagworth - - - Hamlet One-House - - - - (P) Parish Shelland - - - - - - - Parish Stowmarket - - - - - - Parish Stow-Upland - - - - - Parish Wetlerden - - - - - - Parish House of Industry - - - - (P) - 94 427 854 577 283 294 92 49 1,197 185 104 93 55 1,055 441 os IIIII ona 2,252 836 395 65 236 468 232 125 110 235 1,180 887 | 500 1163,698 3,838 | 7,536 2 60 133 57 345 122 61 357 42 22 116 85 98 103 196 213 223 198 68 THEDWESTRY Hundred. Ampton - - - - - - - Barton, Great - - - - - Beyton, otherwise Beighton Bradfield Combust - - Bradfield, St. Clare - - - Bradfield, St. George - - - Drinkstone - - - - Felsham - - - - - - - Fornham, St. Geneveve Fornban, St. Martin - - - Gidding - - - - - Hessett - - - - Livermere, Magna - Pakenham - - Rattlesden - - - Rougham - . Rushbrook - - - - - - Stanningfield - - - - - Thurston - - - Timworth - - Tostock - - - Parish | Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 222 VOS - Iown on a conco IIIIIIIIIII a pod ad IIIII il A INAIIII Col I had I CONI 233 191 76 116 70 193 134 106 74 200 144 393 60 117 251 106 178 248 472 928 199 92 456 536 496 1,032 778 161 396 382 94 100 143 | 187 116 AICO · 147 190 94 157 124 O The House of Industry for the Hundred of Samford, is sitnate in Tattingstone Parish. Stow, is situate in One-House Parishı. The Ilouse of Industry for the Hundred of 31.DCCC. X.XI.] 321 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISHI, TOWNSHIP, ок By how nany TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Fanilies OF Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- ALL 1 LIES LIES chiefly OTIIER chiefly eniptoy- Families ein- ed in not cum ployed | Trade, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- \factures. I preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. Oc- FEMALES MALES. PERSONS. cupied. THEDWESTRY Hundred-continued. Welnetham, Great - - - - Parish Welnetham, Little - - (9) Parish Woolpit - - - - - - - Parish CO 63 11 202 coli 30 96 197 416 80 399 176 801 110 All 79 70 30 385 1,406 1,977 24 | 1,424 | 375 178 4,582 1 4,696 | 9,278 THINGOE Hundred. 755 377 135 39 276 286 378 141 304 65 155 167 64 193 19? 211 84 Barrow - - - - - - - Parish Brockley - - - - - - - Parisha ! Chevington - - - - - - Parish Flempton - - - - - - - Parish Hornham, All-Saints - - - Parish Hargrave and Southwell-Park - Parish Hawstead - - - - - - Parish with Hardwick - - - Extra-P. | Hengrave - - - - - - Parish Horningsheath - - - - - Parish Ickworth - - - Parish Lackford - - Parish Newton - - - - - - - Parish Reed - - - Parish Risby'. - - Parish Saxham, Great Parish Saxham, Little - - - - - Parish | Westley - - - - - - - Parish | Whepstead - - - - - - Parish Ô CON GWANI, co or For A DI INCOINIvo O 1 Arvio 590 129 305 360 404 168 539 82 163 171 239 293 260 286 7 36 46 81 90 120 119 145 118 148 142 108 62 333 25 125 202 124 664 331 2,848 841 1,168 4 41 930 | 177 1 61 2,876 5,724 59 141 THREDLING Hundred. | Ashfield, with Thorpe - - - | Debenham - - - - - - Framsden - - - - - - | Pettaugh - - - - - - - Winston - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 40 187 8 6 36 310 161 120 135 l col III w I LA 734 347 131 168 801 355 123 182 309 1,535 702 254 366 46 74 44 71 184 393 629 449 156 1,537 1,629 3,166 126 I had l 246 99 15 332 151 113 226 93 1,897 239 472 192 3,493 1,313 1,977 703 1,596 610 879 105 112 1,098 114 III Vw 5 có 219 233 121 78 77 4 | 155 209 100 109 WANGFORD Hundred. All-Saints, South-Elmham - Parish Andrew, St. Ilketshall - - - Parish | Barsham - - - - - - - Parish Beccles - - - - - - - Parish Pungay, Holy-Trinity - - - Parish Bungay, St. Mary - - - - Parish Cove, North - - - - - - Parish | Cross, St. South-Elmham, Parish with Sandcroft - - - Ellough - - - - - - - Parish Flixton - - - - - - - Parish Henstead Parish: (1) Hulverstreet - - - - - Hamlet Homersfield - - - - - - Parishi Jobn, St. Ilketshall - - - - Parish James, St. South-Elmham - Parish Lawrence, St. Ilketshall - - Parish Margaret, St. Ilketshall - - Parish Margaret, St. South-Elmham - Parish | Mettingham - - - - - - Parish Alichael, St. South-Elníham - Parishi Nicholas, St. South-Elmham - Parish Peter, St. South-Elmham - Parish IIIIIIII od 1 I II I INOTI 5 109 132 241 201 107 32 34 66 167 184 126 351 255 129 144 1 25 269 IT INIIIIII 1 to U SA Ca 0 0 1 6 180 181 349 128 91 139 (9) The incrcase of Population at Little-Welnetham is said to be confined to paupers, who marry carly. (1) Henstead Parish is mostly in Blything Hundred. 4 N 322 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: I FAMI• | All PARISH, TOWNSIIIP, Ву OTIER 1 LA OR TOTAL em- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA MI- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE. I prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 145 97 68 WANGFORD Hundred continued. Redisham - - - - - - Parish Ringsfield - - - - - - Parish Shadingfield - - - - - - Parish Shipmeadom - - - () Parish Sotterley - - - - - - - Parish Weston - - - - - - - Parish Willingham - - Parish Worlingham - - - - - - Parish House of Industry . . (5) -- A Iloi bai II 142 145 287 87 179 . - 91 111 109 79 110 97 170 221 206 2,135 2,506 | 10 | 38 | 1,236 876 394 6,044 | 6,550 12,594 1 288 201 566 278 213 25 414 19 110 204 44 208 198 92 402 185 73 157 49 162 WILFORD Hundred. Alderton - - - - - - - Bawdsey - - - - - - - Boulge - - - - - - - Boyton - - - - - - - Bredfield - - - - - () Bromeswell - - - - - - Capel, St. Andrew - . Dallinghoo - - - - () Debach, with Boulge - Hollesley - - - - - - - Melton - - - - - () Petistree - - - Ramsbolt - - - - - - Shottishamn - - - - - - Sutton - - - - Ufford - - - - - - - - Wickham-Market - - - - House of Industry - - () 303 co woo conico coco, o con I c I IIII od ponad 1 III III Parish Parish Perish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parishi Parish Parish - 59 141 54 289 113 117 575 128 I WA CUI A CONTIivo- 286 295 123 312 607 137 260 29 80 174 98 111 32 99 102 124 289 330 R382322369*332897219931999999999 35411888.' 288 235 577 629 138 468 299 547 116 138 1,015 254 867 1,310 878 303 1293,367 3,351 6,718 Borough:of BURY ST. EDMUNDS. James, St. - - - - - - Parish | Mary, St. -- (+) - - Parish 79 909 912 | 30 | 25 964 1,041 826 | 690 2,273 2,298 2,496 2,932 4,769 5,230 93 258 1,873 1,953 100 1,516 337 4,5711 5,428 9,999 916 4,424 551 130 81 409 426 20 1,994 380 230 1,528 293 2,430 401 273 1,686 781 48 248 503 3,214 167 138 341 "634 111 Borough of IPSWICII. Clements, St. - - - (W) Helen, St. - - - - () Lawrence, St. - - - - - Margaret, St. - - - Mary, St. at Elms - - Mary, St. at the Quay - - - Mary, St. Stoke - - - - - Nary, St. at the Tower - - Matthew, St. - - - Nicholas, St. - - - (Y) Peter, St. - - - Stephen, St. - - - - (a) Westerfield - - (h) Whitton - - - 336 437 29 40 31 773 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish l'arish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 1551 175 84 88 705 131 130 152 118 145 168 225 340 184 207 292 87 387 752 III w Willico iloverwover 80 914 369 56 145 228 140 520 930 120 66 198 365 394 792 443 708 241 643 1,722 1,086 359 150 859 320 1,567 33 501 33 127 128 233 - 3,264 13,769 34 114 257 2,188 1,324 7,831 9,355 17,186 “) The House of Industry is situate in Shipmcadom Parish. at the Tower. It is observed in the Return from St. Nicholas, o The Parishes of Bredfield and Dallinghoo are partly in the Hundred that the labouring classes resort to the town, in order to avoid being placed of Locs, but wholly entered here. The House of Industry for l in the Hundred-Houses (Work houses), and for the sake of placing their the Hundreds of Loes and Wilford is situate in the Parish of Melton, children at Charity Schools. (?) Many small teicinents have been (w) Wycks-Bishop Hamlet is included in the Return of St. Clement's built in the Parish of St. Peter; which, added to general causes, such as Parish. Cold-Dunghiills, Extra-parochial, is included partly in St. Cle vaccination and carly marriages, have much increased the Population on ment's Parish and partly in St. Margaret's.. .) The decrease of the Parish.- (a) One female in St. Stephen's Parish upwards of 10 Population in the Parish of St. Helens, is attributed to the demolition of 1 years of age.- (b) Westerfield Parish is parily in the Hundr cottages, and the absence of the inilitary in time of peace. The im- Bosmere and Claydon, where the whole is entered. The provement of medical science is mentioned in the Return from St. Mary 1 of Whitton Parisi includes Thurlston Hundred. M.DCCC.XXI.] 323 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK—continued. 1 HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSITIP, By OR TOTAL low many Families cn- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : I'AMI- | FAMI- ALL LIES LIFS Oruer chiclly chicfly employ. Families cd in not con- ployed Tour prized in Manu- | theTwo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- forllandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. Un-Inbabited. OF Building. FEMALES. RAD Oc- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. Borough of SUDBURY. All Saints - - - - - - Gregory, St. - - - - - - Peter, St. - - - - - - Parish | Parish Parish 238 222 359 286 256 413 | 14 12 13 261 13 180 163 230 153 508 561 766 621 599 1,129 1,160 1,661 30 895 | 819) 955 15 10 55672 229 1,835 2,115 3,950 SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 297 2,7261 ngo .. 22 22, 5,966 617 826 178 221 139 Hundred of BABERGH - - - - - - 1 3,968 4,588 2,815 1,431 342 10,832 10,952 21,784 BLACKBOURN ---- - |1,834) 2,6711 1,851 | 523 6,526 6,563 13,089 BLYTHING - - - - - - 3,245 4,468 11,338 11,565 32,903 BOSMERE and CLAYDON 1,855 2,332 532 5,971 6,129 12,100 CARLFORD - - - - 803 3,092 2,874 COLNEIS - - - - - - 547 100 2,102 2,067 4,169 COSFORD - - - - - . - - 1,650 1,938 1,195 522 4,640 4,838 9,478 HARTESMERE 2,264 3,217 2,127 793 297 7,853 8,333 16,186 HOXNE - - - 1,871 2,995 2,182 674 7,684 - 7,774 15,458 LACKFORD - - - - 2,040 2,439 1,396 662 381 5,745 5,776 LOES - - - - 1,943 2,495 1,205 916 374 5,841 6,367 12,208 MUTFORD and LOTHINGLAND 2,621 2,867 1,148 1,275 444 6,537 7,028 13,565 PLOMESGATE - - - - 1,498 2,212 1,207 504 501 5,207 5,409 10,616 2,228 2,978 2,132 745 101 7,327 7,392 14,719 SAMFORD - - 1,558 2,058 1,484 427 147 5,402 -5,227 10,629 STOW - - - - - - - | 1,180 1,503 887 116 -3,838 7,536 THEDWESTRY 1,406 1,977 8 24 1,424 375 4,582 4,696 9,278 THINGOE - - - - - - | 841 1,168 | 44 2,848 2,876 5,724 TIIREDLING - - 393 629 - 3 156 1,537 1,629 3,166 WANGFORD - - - | 2,135) 2,506 10 38 876 6,044 6,550 12,594 WILFORD - - - - 867 1,310 715 303 3,367 3,351 6,718 Borough of BURY ST. EDMUNDS - - - 1,873 1,953 45 | 42 | 100|1,516 337 4,571 9,999 Borough of IPSWICH ..... - 3,264 3,769 34 114 257/2,188 1,324 7,831 9,355 17,186 Borough of SUDBURY - - - - - - 1 955 15 10 55 671 229 1,835 2,115 3,950 Totals - - - 42,773 55,064 270 1656 30,795/17,4186,851 132,410 138,132 270,542 500 3,698 930 177 449 5,428 324 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SUFFOLK--continued. Ages of Persons. M A LE S. Under 5 to 10 Hundred 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to l to TOTAL. 5. | of 593 742 568 382 294 516 ללל BABERGH - - - 1,597 1,528 1,299 1,074 1,484 BLACKBOURN - 919 869 735 659 882 BLYTHING 1,779 1,598 1,377 1,146 1,642 BOSMERE and CLAYDON 928 787 655 655 CARLFORD 512 439 358 278 COLNEIS - - 279 247 COSFORD - - 644 587 452 10,680 6,092 11,338 5,982 1,233 633 196 1158 381 73 3,093 2,102 4,407 448 1 829 bongo HARTESMERE HOXNE - 1,207 1,037 1,127 1,010 7,842 - - 780 733 1407 7,276 877 616 624 LACKFORD LOES 372 258 386 296 150 901 819 673 5,738) 5,8477 596 620 MUTFORD and LOTHINGLAND 1,025 1922 760 - 635 466 313 1 - 6,532 PLOMESGATE - 779 Ang 573 545 365 1.292 15,208) RISBRIDGE 1,170 462 7,335 937 738 509 265 5,466) SAMFORD STOW 559 505 256 198 3,698 604 549 454 291 245 4,572 THEDWESTRY - THINGOE - . THREDLING 696 408 258 472 268 121 2,846/ 01 1,537 986 683 6,054 WANGFORD WILFORD 522 378 1 - 2,273 BURY ST. EDMUNDS 11 205 BORO' - 331 237 163 288 - 94 52 11 IPSWICH, BORO' -1,235 1,082 914 690 1,069 945 846 527 SUDBURY, BORO' 310217 187 257 194 163 | 140 104 l. 52 | 18 120,054 17,765 15,284 13,021 (18,236 13,684 11,339 8,657 6,502 3,482 876 - 7,831 192 | - 1,835 59 | - 128,959) THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Suffolk was . ; . 270,542, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was .., 262,833, : . . whence it appears that the Ages of about a thirty-fifth part of the Persons therein enumerated, has not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. 60) . M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. ** . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. Ages of Persons. .. F EM A L ES. Under Hundred i to to to 30 to 40 TOTAL of - (10,737 6,027 BABERGH - - 1,546 BLACKBOURN = -1 865 799 628 BLYTHING - - 1,764 1,604 1,256 BOSMERE and CLAYDON 899 800 650 966 1,661 1,188 565 | 971 644 1,082 1,852 1,328 603 1,039 1664 1,042 576 1,085 30 775 570 299 403 1333 186 727 511 408 315 co co ovvic Nvw.o 13.5 290 258 370 253 181 116 CARLFORD COLNEIS - COSFORD - - 201 441 324 719 PC 482 448 497 341 218 11,573 6,114 2,872 2,068 4,642 8,332 7,365 5,782 6,361 872 794 HARTESMERE - HOXNE 1,308 1,078 916 780 570 427 514 351 785 751 648 663 503 361 283 LACKFORD LOES . - . . . 873 886 569 943 646 1,060 741 421 1336 MUTFORD and LOTHINGLAND'' - 1,017 648 1,169 807 680 455 321 192 7,025 532 888 599 450 370 258 5,378 PLOMESGATE • RISBRIDGE - - - 716 11,138 647 7,386 604 470 488 1279 SAMFORD STOW 5,223 3,838 354 418 365 van or I co co co o Hvorno 508 409 498 474 THEDWESTRY - THINGOE - - THREDLING 316 309 205 4,696 2,889 1,715 175 155 WANGFORD 700 642 1,072 723 553 454 1310 6,542 WILFORD 365 ვf6 370 3,343 BURY ST. EDMUNDS 297 / 308 249 268 470 BORO' - 303 226 159 72 15 2,496 - 869 IPSWICH, BORO' SUDBURY, BORO' 9,355 1,264 1,093 957 39 11,207 268 243 195 185 371 259 202 153 131 | 85 23 19,640 17,545 14,252 12,888 21,660 15,121 12,287 8,987 6,6953,577 1,128 92 ia - 2,115 133,874 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Suffolk was 523 ; six of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): a very small proportion of the Returns of Ages in this county, were some. 1: What deficient, or redundant,--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. activism 40 326 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Surrey. : HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TALL On employ. Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied.) Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FANI. [ FAMI- LILS LIES chiefly | ОтнER chiefly em- ed in notcom- ployed Tradu, prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. in |PERSONS 237 233 357 258 op Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 350 320 122 101 owo pod nos or more 50 BLACKHEATH Hundred. (First Division.). ALFOLD - - - - - - - Bramley - - - - - - - Dunsfold - - - - - - - Hascomb . - - - - - - Martha, St. - - - - - (a) Shalford - - - - - - - Wonersh - - - - - - - (Second Division.) Albury - - - - - - (b) Cranley - - - - - - - Ewhurst - - - - - - - Shere. - - - - - - () o co in 197 143 158 357 387 744 185 185 cu 503 415 918 n co 152 382 87 150 383 656 765 1,182 208 21 526 Parish Parish Parish Parish 143 166 156 202 Na w 125 11 436 161 214 821 385 513 145 564 1,077 20 98 635 699 79 98 57,638 1,366 | 1,549 | 3 | 33 | 1,019 | 398 | 132 | 4,029.1 3,683 7,712 BRIXTON Hundred. (Eastern Division.) () Battersea (part of) Parish : (*) Penge (+) - - - - - Hamlet 41 42 122 106 228 Bermondsey - - - - - - Parish 4,278 6,715 / 51 362 1,238 12,125 13,110 25,235 Camberwell (+) --- () Parish 3,0io 3,632 |141 1581 - 2,634 7,504 10,372 117,876 Christchurch - - Parish Clapham (+) - - - - - Parish 11,132 1,564 3,124 | 4,027 7,151 Deptford, St. Paul (part of) Parish 183 | 227 50 464 492 956 Lambeth (+) - - - - (b) Parish 9,294 113,047 447 6,969 5,631 25,792 31,846 Newington, St. Mary - - Parish 5,819 7,935 160 405 148 4,373 3,414 14,917 118,130 33,047 Rotherhithe - - - - - Parish 2,098 2,9:34 114 1,915 885 5,757 6,766 12,523 Streatham - - - - - - Parish 535 | 235 248 181 1,669 1,947 3,616 (Western Division.) Barnes - - - - - - - Parish 208 209 107 55 585 655 1,240 Battersea (+) - - - -(k) Parish 1,162 235 2,168 2,596 4,764 Merton - - - - - Parish 186 223 85 34 574 603 1,177 Mortlake (+) - - Parish 403 526 106 196 224 1,169 1,315 2,484 Putney (+) - - Parish 539 650 176 346 128 1,584 1,810 3,394 Tooting-Graveney - - - - Parish 241 357 161 935 928 . 1,863 Wandsworth - - - - - - Parish | 984 / 1,308 270 790 248 3,280 3,422 6,702 Wimbledon - - - - - - Parish 318 382 118 170 1,179, 1,016 2,195 (1) 134 38 47 801 x2 00 104 38 158 11 94 182,089 28 18 497 1,428 443 1,462 940 2,890 85 132 1,550 8 170 314 |30,070 41,577 1718 1,621 2,519 23,284 15:774| 82,948: 99,141 COPTHORNE Hundred. (First Division.) Banstead - - - - - - - Parish 165 180 134 Epsom - - - - - - - - Parish| 430 559 | 6 | 16 141 | 216 202 Ewell - - - - - - - (m) Parish 290 306 21 71 89 755 795 Walton-on-the-Hill - - - • Parish 42 135 (Second Division.) Ashtead - - - Parish 111 280 Chessington - - - - - - Parish 78 Cuddington - - Parish Fetcham - - - - - - - Parish 184 193 Headley - - - - - - - Parish 97 Leatherhead - - - - - - Parish 256 754 724 Mickleham - - - - - - Parish 247 258 Newdigate - (n) Parish 185 579 150 6, 117 377 87 184 811 1,478 505 48 187 372 1,557 1,800 18 43 791 | 536 473 4,747 4,709 9,456 (a) St. Martha is the name of a chapel frequented by the Inhabitants - (h) Lambeth Parish includes the Hamlets of Brixton-Causeway, of Chilworth, who are here returned under that title. The increase Kennington, Stockwell and Vauxhall, and Lambeth-Palace, Extra-pa. of Population at Albury, is attributed to the establishment of a paper rochial. (i) The Parish of St. Mary Newington includes the Hamlet manufactory. ) Married men being sure of employment in prefer of Walworth. Two females in Newington Parish upwards of 100 years ence to single men, or of obtaining relief if unemployed, early marriages of age.- (k) The entire Parish of Battersea contains 4,992 Inhabi- are become usual at Shere. d) The Eastern Division of Brixton tants. The Hamlet or Ville of Penge is near Sydenham, in the Eastern Hundred contains the Manor of Hatcham, and the Liberty of the Clink, Division of Brixton Hundred.- (1) Mortlake Parish includes East- part of St. Saviour, Southwark.-- ) Camberwell Parish includes the | Sheen. (m) Ewell Parish is partly in the First Division of Reigate Hamlets of Dulwich and Peckham. Christchurch Parish is mostly Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,737 Inhabitants.--(n) The in the Borough of Southwark, where the whole is entered. (B) The entire Parish of Newdigate contains 579 Inhabitants. The Hamlet is in Parish of St. Paul, Deptford, is mostly in the Town of Deptford, (Kent.) | the Hundred of Reigate, and there entered. M.DCCC.XXI.] 327 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GŁO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SURREY- continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited By how many Families Oc. cupied. OCCUPATIONS : FA MI- FAMI- LIES ALL LIES chiefly ОтнER chiefly employ- Faniilies cm ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu the Two Agri- \ factures, preced- CUL- lorHandia ing TURE. I craft. Classes Un-Jnhabited. FEMALES. MALES. TOTAL OF PERSONS. in 124 64 EFFINGHAM Hundred. Bookham, Great - - - - - Bookham, Little - - - - - Effingham - - - - - - 41 34 358 Parish Parish Parish 22 30 elation 25 732 153 499 80 221 64 12 r 259 158 56 45 L 725 659 1,384 ELMBRIDGE Hundred. (First Division.) Moulsey, East - - - - - Parish Moulsey, West - - - - - Walton-upon-Thames - - Parish Weybridge - ... - (b) Parish 271 526 211 12 100 255 219 911 405 430 1,891 897 980 492 177 667 673 1,340 (Second Division.) Cobham - - - - - - (9) Parish Ditton, Thames Parish : (0) Ember and Weston • - - Hamlet Esher - - - - - - - (s) Parish Stoke-D’Abernon. - - - () Parish 125 498 536 535 572 144 1,033 1,108 317 11 173 ALL 1,366 1,558 639 | 419 | 500 | 3,664 / 3,878 7,542 325 283 608 3,132 1,419 21 436 1,713 433 91 869 197 231 FARNHAM Hundred. Elstead - - - - - - - Parish 112 Farnham - - - - - - (º) Parish 571 Badshot and Runfold - - - Tything Runwick - - - - - - Tything Culverlands and Tilford - - Tything Wrecklesham and Bourn - - Tything Frensham - - - - - - (W) Parish Chart and Pitfold - - - - Tything | Seal - - - - - - - - Parish 17 no with Tongham - - - - - Hamlet | 08 Waverley (Vill) - - - - Extra-P. 19 106 226 393 294 365 260 457 758 554 710 122 111 368 342 190 174 364 30 28 58 1,557 3,787 3,920 17,707 1 423 337 | 329 | 1 1,365 GODALMING Hundred. (First Division.) Compton - - - - - - - Parish| 49 Godalming - - - - - - Parish Hambledon - - - - - .. Parish Nicholas, St. Parish : () Artington - - - - - - Tything Peper-Harow - - - - - - Parish | Puttenham - - - - - - Parish 212 2,042 215 211 2,056 166 4,098 381 247 Ici w 242 489 130 III III NCI 300 536 463 (Second Division.) Chiddingfold - - - - - - Parish HASLEMERE (+) - Borough & Parish Thursley - - - - - - - Parish | Witley - - - - - - - - Parish 167 er nooi 427 460 125 250 308 999 887 608 1,264 300 641 169 623 1,607 1,905 1,068 586 251 4,865 | 4;803 9,668 or The Return of Walton-upon-Thames Parish includes Common- | is here entered. ) Oakshot Hamlet is included in the Return of vide, Hersham and Burnwood, and Town Divisions, which in the year Stoke-D'Abernon Parish. - " The entire Parish of Farnham contains 1011 were separately returned. A large printing-office and ex. 5,413 Inhabitants. The Hamlets or Tythings do not appear to be very lensive iron-works, which were established at Weybridge in 1811, no accurately defined in this extensive Parish, the Population not being longer exist there, which has caused a decrease of Population. One returned under the same titles as in 1811. W) Frenshanı Parish is malc in Cobham Parish upwards of 100 years of age. Thames said to extend into the North-Alton Division of Hampshire; see Docken- Farish is partly in the Second Division of Kingston Hundred field. The entire Parish contains 1,433 Inhabitants. (*) St. Nicholas Reche entire Parish contains 1,592 Inhabitants. (5) The Parish of Parish is mostly in the Borough of GUILDFORD. her extends into the Hundred of Kingston, but the whole Population Ditton 328 (Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SURREY-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL einploy-| Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied: Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI Fani. I ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTIER chiefly em ed in not com- ployed Trade, / prized in Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, preced- orHandi- ing TURE. | craſt. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. in PERSONS. 2 262 144 655 629 1,284 273 52 137 105 GODLEY Hundred. (First Division.) Ash Parish : () Frimley - - - - - - Chapelry | Bisley - - - - - - - - Parish Byfleet - - - - - - - Parish Chobham - - - - - - - Parish Horsell - - - - - - - Parish Pyrford - - - - - - - Parish (Second Division.) Chertsey - - - - - - - Parish Egham . - - - - - - (2) Parish Thorpe - - - - - - • Parish ana 136 222 885 427 328 AOC 205 834 293 150 1,719 617 324 144 294 301 598 827 720 93 230 2,141 1,780 246 2,138 1,836 263 4,279 3,616 509 71 16 15 102 1,381 736 444 6,5336,485 13,018 843 262 617 55 2,450 2,458 535 86 276 35 2 10 426 FITI On Cove 43 115 314 4,908 961 222 516 5,994 107 202 2,545 71 71 636 3,449 KINGSTON Hundred. 2,292 2,561 (First Division.) Kingston-upon-Thames - - () Parish Ham with Hatch . - - - Hamlet 150 / 176 Hook - - - - - - - Hamlet 48 49 Petersham - - - - - - Parish Richmond - - - - - (b) Parish 1,226 (Second Division.) Ditton, Long - - - - - () Parish Talworth - - - - - Hamlet Ditton, Thames Parish : (0) Cleygate - - - - - - Manor 102 Kew - - - - - - - - Parish 111 123 Malden - - - - - - - Parish / 41 mod ng 168 193 110 361 234 1 124 102 22 318 559 TON 123 275 135 241 408 115 683 250 46 36 13,055 | 23 626 1,304 1,125 6,750 7,938 14,688 179 IN 909 121 44 144 490 145 419 147 527 292 200 1 10 607 | 1,134 1 · 104 83 187 496 w w 567 256 1,063 453 1 197 REIGATE Hundred. 2,430 (First Division.) Betchworth - - - - - © Parish 177 Buckland (+) - - - - - Parish | 38 Charlwood . - - - - - Parish | 156 Ewell (part of) Parish : (*) Kingswood - - - - - Liberty 34 Horley. ... - - - • Parish 176 Leigh - - - - - - - - Parish | 65 Newdigate (part of) Parish : (8) Newdigate - - - - - - Hamlet REIGATE - - - - - (h) Borough 213 - - - - - • Foreign 286 (Second Division.) Burstow - - - - - - - Parish 106 Chipstead. - - - - - - Parish 53 GATTON (+) - - Borough & Parish 22 Merstham - - - - - - Parish 140 Nutfield - - - - - - - Parish 124 21 06 34 1 go 207 Aboud 117 626 245 1 702 819 1,328 321 217 814 1,633 125 110 62 383 248 332 715 84 192 11 11 Alcoi 68 22 146 130 67 via III 52 440 135 796 707 20 408 354 388 10 353 1,611 1,846 1,153 1532 161 5,187 4,812 9,999 TANDRIDGE Hundred. (First Division.) BLECHINGLY - - Borough & Parish Crowhurst - - - - - - Parish Godstone - - - - - - - Parish Horne . . - - - - - - Parish 243 120 106 630 557 1,187 195 22 159 38 115 99 214 242 TAI 101 613 1,210 597 266 10 319 585 (°) The Parish of Ash is partly in Woking Hundred. The entire 1 of Long-Ditton contains 5.95 Inhabitants.-- (d) Thames-Ditton Parish Parish contains 1,867 Inhabitants. The neighbourhood of the military is mostly in the Second Division of Elmbridge Hundred. The college at Sandhurst has caused an increase of Population at Frimley.-- Population of Betchworth has decreased (by 98 persons) since 1811, (9) Many cottages have been erected on the waste at Egham. when many workmen were employed there in building and otherwise. (1) The entire Parish of Kingston-upon-Thames contains 6,091 Inha- (Ewell Parish is mostly in the First Division of Copthorne Hundred. bitants. An increase of houses is mentioned in the Returns of Ham and (6) Newdigate Parish is in Copthorne Hundred. (h) The entire Houk; likewise at Petersham and Richmond. (b) One female in Parish of Reigate contains 2,961 Inhabitants. Richtuond Parish upwards of 100 years of age. O) The entire Parish M.DCCC.XXI.) 329 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF SURREY-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI-L ALL OR By how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- | | LIES ALL LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ. Families em- ed in notcom- ployed Trade, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- Jorhandi JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES MALES. PERSONS. pied 193 49 103 271 41 918 325 275 129 473 861 384 222 156 94 445 823 393 199 1,684 777 421 TANDRIDGE Hundred. (First Division) continued. Limpsfield - - - - - - Parish Lingfield - - - - - - - Parish Oxted - - - - - - - - Parish Tandridge - - - - - - Parish (Second Division.) Catterham - - - - - - Parish Chelsham - - - - - - Parish Farley - - - - - - - - Parish Tatsfield • - Parish Titsey - - - - - - - - Parish Warlingham - - - - - - Parish Woldingham • - - - - - Parish 241 126 194 91 435 217 58 26 84 82 174 92 go 245 167 V 176 421 28 1,136 403 142 4,497 4,044 8,541 56 184 170 354 166 92 74 Unio!!!!! !!**81 516 1,895 298 4,485 101 218 4,769 1,366 1,681 WALLINGTON Hundred. (First Division.) Addington - - - - - - Parish 52 68 Chaldon - - - Parish 28 Coulsdon - - - - - - - Parish 94 Croydon - - - - - - - Parish 1,667 Sanderstead - - - - - - Parish Woodmansterne - - - - - Parish (Second Division.) Beddington - - .- - - () Parish 76 Wollington - - - - -. Hamlet Carshalton, otherwise Casehorton Parish 329 Cheam - - - - - - - Parish 175 179 Mitcham . - - - - - - Parish 883 Mordon - - - - - - - Parish 120 Sutton - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parish Parish | 1711 192 31 9,254 189 171 96 75 III II Ilmari cu 238 242 480 151 18 847 444 870 403 905 115 127 366 1,775 792 4,453 296 426 2,188 728 98 47 2,265 331 307 460 638 69 451 911 3,553 4,090 51 51 go 1,328 1,704 1,058 10,189 10,357 20,546 291 292 261 211 112 67 193 21 313 320 203 114 100 235 25 **11*** 498 53 583 472 1,120 107 1,590 1,810 326 833 622 54 757 866 600 361 254 I w I wo oor er ma co 944 676 WOKING Hundred. (First Division.) Ash - - - - - • - (k) Parish Purbright - - - - - - - Parish Stoke next Guildford - - - - Parish Wanborough - - - - - Extra-P. Windlesham - - - - - - Parish Woking - - - - - - - Parish Worplesdon - - - - - (1) Parisha (Second Division.) Clandon, East (+) - - - - Parish Clandon, West - - - - - Parish Horsley, East - - - - - Parish Horsley, West Parish | Merrow - - - - Parish Ockham - - - - Parish Send - - - - - - - - Parish and Ripley - - - - - Chapelry Wisley - . . . - - - Parish 1,276 52 122 189 86 108 172 230 53 24 97 95 115 290 44 114 123 49 118 246 25 321 122 308 644 361 192 611 240 565 1,283 141 118 257 639 66 $235 1226 I w 19 75 1,871 2,154 | 11 35 1,366 309 5,435 5,146 10,581 WOTTON Hundred. (First Division.) 356 742 Abinger - - - - - - - Ockley - - - - - - - Wotton-Low-Hill & Up-Hill - Parish Parish Parish 120 109 104 386 337 303 642 100 20 305 286 20 589 Capel (Second Division.) 30 22 Capel - - Dorking - - - . - - - - - 456 - - - - Panish Parish 420 112 697 876 3,812 1,878 1,934 161 842 | 14 30 15 37 308 335 650 417 199 269 1,107 3,360 3,301 6,661 The entire Parish of Beddington contains 1,327 Inhabitants. tains 1,867 Inhabitants. (l) The Return of Worplesdon Parislı in- The Tything of Normandy is included in the Return of the Parish cludes the Tythings of Burgham, Perry-Hill, West-End, and Wyke, all Ash, which extends into Godley Hundred. The entire Parish con. | which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. 4 P 330 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration, COUNTY OF SURREY-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TOTAL or eipplov. Familie, By how many Families OC- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. OF OCCUPATIONS : FAMI-| FAMI- | All LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly cm- ed in not com- ployed | Trade, Iprized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL- for Handic ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. NALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 56 a me I do avo 145 165 519 617 329 615 693 128 1,134 1,310 107 20 388 ליל 50 | 417 204 1,465 1,696 1 3,261 GUILDFORD, Borough Town of Holy-'Trinity - - - - - - Parish 189 209 Mary, St. the Virgin - - - Parish 225 302 Nicholas, St. - - - - - () Parish 128 160 542 1671 3 15 SOUTHWARK, Borough Town of Christchurch (+) - - - () Parish 1,811 3,193 George, St. the Martyr - (0) Parish 5,149 / 8,901 271 John, St. Horselydown (+) - Parish 1,527 2,209 18 Olave, St. - - - - - - (P) Parish / 1,221 | 2,105 4 59 Saviours, St. - - - - - - Parish 2,639 4,445 47 Thomas, St. - - (9) Parish 130 354 12,477 21,207 208 502 13 33 21 65 123 88 2,303 869 1 6,280 7,009 (2,827 17,516 1,465 725 4,379 1,223 881 4,154 2,751 1,528 8,423 324 | 30 938 13,339 36,368 9,163 19 7,059 18,852 4,784 8,385 1 4,266 8,420 50 . 869 16,808 1,807 272 15,075 5,860 41,690 44,215 85,905 pm) St. Nicholas Parish is partly in Godalming Hundred. The eutire for the Indigent Blind, 49 males and 47 females; in the Freemason's Parish contains 1,206 Inhabitants. (n) Christ-Church Parish extends School, 67 females ; in the Magdalen Hospital, 3 males and 80 females; into the East Division of Brixton Hundred. The total number | and in Bethlem Hospital, 125 males and 122 females. One female in of Persons in St. George's Parish includes in the King's Bench Prison, St. George the Martyr's Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-- ) St. 495 males and 20 females ; in the Marshalsea Prison, 77 males and 22 Olave's Parish extends into the City of London.. (9) The Population females; in the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 140 males and 103 females; | of St. Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals is included in that of St. Thomas's in the Philanthropic Society, 129 males and 51 females ; in the School Parish. Distinct Returns were received in 1811. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SURREY. 473 659 3,683 7,712 99,141 182,089 4,709 9,456 1,384 3,878 7,542 3,920 4,803 6,485 7,938 4,812 Hundred of BLACKHEATH ---1,366 1,549 3 33 1,019 398 1324,029 BRIXTON - - 130,070 41,577/718 1,621 2,519 23,284 15,774 82,948 COPTHORNE 1,557 1,800 18 791 336 4,747 EFFINGHAM - - 210 259 158 | 56 451 725 ELMBRIDGE- - - 1,366 1,558 639 419 500 3,664 FARNHAM - - 1,365 1,557 788 465 304 3,787 GODALMING - 1,905 6 1,068 586 251 4,865 GODLEY - - - 2,292 2,561 1,381 736 444 6,533 KINGSTON - 2,430 3,055 23 55 626 1,304 1,125 6,750 REIGATE - - - 1,611 1,846 33 1,153 532 161 5,187 TANDRIDGE - - - 1,366 1,681 28 1,136 403 142 4,497 WALLINGTON 3,553 4,090 90 1,328 1,704 1,058 10,189 WOKING - - - - 1,871 2,154 35 1,366 479 309 5,435 WOTTON - - - 1,107 1,336 151 650 417 269 3,360 Borough of · GUILDFORD - -----| 542 6711 31 15 50 4171 204 1,465 Borough of SOUTHWARK - - - - - 112,477 21,207 208 502 272 15,075 5,860 41,690 7,707 9,668 13,018 14,688 nel 3 9,999 8,541 20,546 10,357 5,146 3,301 10,581 6,662 1,696 3,161 44,215 85,905 TOTALS - - 64,790 88,806 1,096 2,741 14,944 46,811 27,051 189,871 208,787 398,658 M.DCCC.XXI.] 331 TIIE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SURREY-continued. Ages of Persons. Persons. M A L E S. 15 20 30 40 | 100 90 Under Hundred TOTAL. of - 4,029 - 41,487 4,8291 684 606 | 483 52 725 412 456 240 195 542 392 259 548 395 789 619 459 806 680 308 BLACKHEATH - - - 541 | 583 1 560 409 538 443 | 364 286 BRIXTON - - 6,093 5,504 4,680 3,123 5,998 5,637 5,029 13,072 2,605 616 COPTHORNE - - 668 571 327 239 EFFINGHAM 114 93 66 32 ELMBRIDGE - 552 375 FARNHAM - - 480 387 325 171 GODALMING .. 652 513 370 321 | 234) GODLEY - • 586 021 788 315 KINGSTON - - - - 666 1,074 470 REIGATE - - 569 331 TANDRIDGE - 518 470 699 496 329 225 WALLINGTON . - - 1 1,297 1,190 1,193 1,413 1,198 WOKING - - - - 802 593 452 815 629 493 WOTTON - - - - 476 436 1422 357 522 | 360 306 221 GUILDFORD, BORO' - 1 214 | 183 172 | 147 | 219 193 141 95 SOUTHWARK, BORO' - 4,332 3,421 2,931 | 2,789 4,928 4,655 3,912 2,275 Total of MALES - 19,530 27,520 15,311 12,299 20,370 17,952 15,082|9,803 5,591/2,437 3,664 3,787 4,437 6,533 6,750 4,836 4,497 10,189 5,296 3,360 om I wong lito Ana Air 433 689 391 1,476 1,046 683 721 383 1,465 - 30,576 42 1 136,460 FEMALE S. Under Hundred to to TOTAL. of 669 456 326 21 582 | 525 424 5,514 4,623 683 487 52 465 413 541 405 455 699 51 675 BLACKHEATH - - - BRIXTON - - - - COPTHORNE - .. EFFINGHAM - ELMBRIDGE FARNHAM - - GODALMING - GODLEY - - KINGSTON - - REIGATE - - TANDRIDGE 478 586 339 345 539 | 429 310 236 173 4,340 8,552 | 6,620 4,981 13,307 446 788 584 47 111 75 76 316 419 266 409 642 405 378 249 739 472 321 204 611 1,002 826 426 849 1,611 1,062 457 649 511 273 355 593 331 308 208 1,822 | 1,340 1,011 649 434 1591 458 343 230 479 353 292 205 | 1571 269 3,683 47,040 4,800 659 3,878 3,919 4,344. 6,485 7,938 4,509 4,044 10,353 5,055 3,301 774 764 525 415 I wrowo owo Anici 416 210 1 478 640 502 596 604 453 1,397 11,311 1,001 | 729 530 531 445 | 407 1,068 WALLINGTON - - - WOKING WOTTON 463 802 337 GUILDFORD, BORO' - | 241 SOUTHWARK, BORO' - 4,206 208 3,300 171 2,837 142 304 211 1 152 103 3,071 6,041 5,109 3,812 2,240 1,181 463 71 1 13 - 1,696 132,345 Total of FEMALES - 19,495 | 17,391 14,233 13,616|25,349 19,544 14,797|9,828 |6,160/2,842 699 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Surrey was .... 398,658, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was.... 280,509, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-third and one-fourth, (say, two-sevenths) of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Surrey was 161 ; thirteen of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are marked thus (+); (among which arc Cainberwell, Clapham and Lambeth.) A small proportion of the melumns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 332 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Sussex. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By Fami-| FAMI- | LIES ALL | chiefly | OTIIER OR how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. OF Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES chiefly employ- Families em ed in not con- ployed Tradi, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. RAPE OF ARUNDEL. ARUNDEL Hundred. Arundel - - Borough and Parish 460 1814 29 | 372 1,175 1 1,336 2,511 33 90 49 128 49 130 a 91 75 109 the w 291 290 AVISFORD Hundred. Barnham - - - - - - Parish Binsted - - - - - - - Parish Climping - - - - - - Parish Eastergate - - - - - - Parish Felpham near Bognor (1) Parish Ford - - - - - Parish Madehurst - - - - - - Parish Middleton - - - - - - Parish Southstoke and Offham - - Parish Tortington - - ... Parish Walberton - - - - - - Parish Yapton - - - - - - - Parish 12 pode cow wiowfwwil 38 N l d 58 128 49 3.51 105 co 311 579 66 72 242 138 2 262 504 24 BURY Hundred. Bignor - - - - - - Bury - - - - - - - Coates - - - - - - - Coldwaltham - Fittleworth - - - - - Hardham - - - - - - - - - Wisborough-Green - - - 41 - Parish (b) Parish - Parish Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish () Parish 170 314 357 93 co mond in III 317 60 54 631 114 162 35 83 873 79 806 1,679 POLING Hundred. 131 491 119 406 897 37 - - - - - - Gomilalawwö Fornillo 223 - - - - - - 104 141 235 286 10 22 476 43 Angmering - - - Burpham - - - Ferring - - - - Goring - - - - Kingston - - - - Leominster - - - Warningcamp Little-Hampton - - North-Stoke - - - Poling - - - - Preston, East - - Rustington - - - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish (d) Parish - Tything - Parish Parish - Parish - Parish Parish 112 145 241 21 287 57 570 III Aer cond 275 56 562 18 22 113 - - 205 224 596 26 1,166 12 37 - - - - 34 101 go 116 143 167 160 IIIc III III WII-IIIIII 51 14 36 128 vorini 118 11 14 32 ROTHERBRIDGE Hundred. Barlavington - - - - - Parish Burton - - - - - - - Parish Duncton - - - - - - - Parish Egdean - - - Parish Kirdford - - Parish Lurgasall - - - - - - Parish Northchapel - - - - - (©) Parish Petworth - - - - - - - Parish Stophanı - - - - - - - Parislı Sutton - - - - - - - Parish Tillington Parish Woolavington, East and West - Parish 204 282 117 848 339 90 246 66 1,602 664 749 147 moi low co N III 754 325 383 1,420 366 543 158 2,781 26 16 74 62 1,361 65 193 368 136 160 114 die 353 681 313 136 272 WEST-EASWRITH Hundred. Amberley - - - - - () Parish Billingshurst, East (5) 7 76 109 1 273 548 - - • Parish R 150 the op 135 Parish 1 103 275 409 307 385 - Westo] 111 268 (*) The increase of Population at Felphan, is attributable to the vicinity of Bognor, a fashionable watering-place. The Tything of Westburton is included in the Return of Bury Parish. () Wis- borough Parish extends into the Hundreds of Rotherbridge and West- Easwrith, and includes the Chapelry of Loxwood-End. - The cntire Parish of Leominster (Limister) contains 675 Inhabitants. (C) One male in Northchapel Parish upwards of 100 years of age. T The Hamlet of Rockham is included in the Return of Amberley. Parish... ) The entire Parish of Billingshurst contains 1,369 Talde bitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 333 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un Inhabited. Building: OCCUPATIONS: Fania | Fami- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, ſprized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- | factures. preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 117 90 336 302 638" 12 RAPE OF ARUNDEL---continued. WEST-EASWRITH Hundred-continued. Chiltington, West - - - (1) Parish Greatham - - - - - - Parish Parham - - - - - - - Parish Pulborough - - - - - - Parish Rudgwick - - - - - - Parish Slinfold - - - - - - () Parish Storrington - - - - - - Parish Wiggonholt - - - - - - Parish 33 39 10 38 38 910 331 140 84 161 ܝܕ ܙ ܗ ܟ ܠܛ ܛ $ ܟ 343 162 110 173 77 1,901 974 453 991 521 348 472 27 296 644 901 429 20 8 47 4,391 5,382 29 95 | 690 14,627 13,988 28,615 623 | 685 | 10/100 | 101 101 311 273 | 2,067 32 RAPE OF BRAMBER. BRIGHTFORD Hundred. Broadwater - - - - - () Parish Clapham - - - - - - - Parish Durrington - - - - - - Parish Findon - - - - - - - Parisha Heene - - - - - - - Parish Lancing - - - - - - - Parish Sompting - - - - - - Parish 1,658 141 110 104 84 38 willió 233 Toa or 3,725 245 194 477 178 590 472 244 89 284 242 89 116 306 92 218 BURBEACH Hundred. Beeding, Upper (k) 1 I. - - Parish o Lower -S Edburton - - - - - () Parish Ifield - - - - - - - - Parish Tiwi 281 224 499 405 18 111 I mor 48 181 44 · 338 92 -- . 420 758 160 349 EAST-EASWRITH Hundred. Chiltington, West - - - () Parish Itchingfield - - - -' - Parish Slinfold - - - - - - () Parish Sullington - - - - - (n) Parish Thakeham - - - - - Parish Warminghurst - - - - - Parish Tiri III lai 133 269 287 100 603 62 116 28 FISHERGATE Hundred. Kingston-by-Sea otherwise - Parish Kingston-Bowsey - - SHOREHAM, New - Boro. and Parish Shoreham, Old . - - - - Parish Southwick - - - - - - Parish , 28 203 472 c 11- 56 1,047 235 374 575 115 218 120 156 HORSHAM - (P) Borough and Parish 2,325 2,250 4,575 PATCHNIG Hundred. Patching - - - - - - - Parish 12 120 102 222 SINGLECROSS Hundred. Nuthurst - - - - - - - Rusper - - - - - - - Warnbam - - - - - - 114 340 628 Parish Parish Parish 69 wil 268: 288 219 431 487 148 483 914 98 22 62 STEYNING Hundred. BRAMBER - - Borough and Parish Buttolphs - - - - - - Parish Coombs - - - - - - - Parish STEYNING - - Borough and Parish Washington - - - - - - Parislı Histon - . . - - - - Parish 28 70 1,324 232 254 124 132 647 344 130 704 32 163 293 West-Chillington and Slinfold Parishes extend into East-Easwrith | Arundel Rape, and there entered. (n) Part of Sullington, containing hundred (Bramber Rape;) but the entire Population is here entered. about 100 Inhabitants, is locally situate near Horsbam.-- At V Broadwater Parish includes Worthing, a fashionable watering Thakeham is situate a house of industry, belonging to seven united place, which accounts fer the large increase of Population in this Parish. Parishes; it contains 69 innates, who are included in the Return of ? The entire Parish of Beeding contains 904 Inhabitants. Thakehaiy Parish. From the Parish of Horsham, threc Returns Laburton Parish extends into Poynings Hundred (Rape of Lewes,) I were received in 1811, distinguishing the Borough-part, the North-part, as entered accordingly. The entire Parish contains 269 Inhabitants. I and the South-part; the increase of Population is attributed to the ) The Parishes of West-Chiltington and Slinfold are mostly in | inclosure of 800 acres of land. 4 Q 334 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration . COUNTY OF SUSSEX--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву OR How TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Iubabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL for Handi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Uo-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. TRADE, prized in MALES. | FEMALES. PERSONS. RAPE OF BRAMBERcontinued. TARRING Hundred. Tarring, West - - - - - Parisha ܬ 120 No 328 3 44 360 TIPNOAK Hundred. Alboum - , - - - - - Henfield - - - - - - - Woodmancote - - - - - ܟ ܞ Parish Parish Parish i ori 1921 · 168 704 1 141 1,404 ܗ 153 294 112 ܝܕ ܝ WEST-GRINSTEAD Hundred, Ashington - - - - - - Parish Ashurst, near Steyning - - - Parish Shipley - - - - - (9) Parish West-Grinstead - - - - - Parish 56 - Ing 117 205 633 229 394 ܒܝܘ 1,159 148 143 571 1 1,229 ܟ WINDHAM and EWHURST Hundred. Cowfold - - - - - - - Parish | Shermanbury - - - - - Parish hot 138 109 25 110 | 42 413 409 151 1 ܠ ܟ ܒܝܘ 822 320 1 169 4,322 4,969 | 32 | 180 2,671 1,496 802 13,681 13,259 26,940 1,851 95 RAPE OF CHICHESTER. ALDWICK Hundred. Bersted, South - - - - - Lavant, East and West - - - Pagham - - - - - - - Slindon - - - - - - - Tangmere - - - - - - 65 54 Parish 1 303 1 Parish Parish | 193 Parish 70 Parish 11 mod I wo li arco e 897 188 537 249 954 176 472 222 145 anot to 364 1,009 471 55 25 87 · 174 116 one 539 BOSHAM Hundred. Bosham - - - - - - - Chidham - - - - - () Funtington - - - - - - Stoke, West - (+) - () Thorney, West - - - - - 219 55 155 137 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 1,049 293 510 156 406 51 110 11 441 847 16 49 43 92 12 111 450 405 855 55 78 133 I ov IIIIIIIIIIIII + II INI II IC I NII ICO 443 868 425 140 BOX and STOCKBRIDGE Hundred. Aldingbourn - - - - - - Parish Lidsey - - - - - - - Hamlet Westergate - - - - - Hamlet Appledram - - - - - - Parish Boxgrove - - Parish Donnington - - - - - - Parish Eartham - - (+) - - - Parish Fishbourn, New - - Parish Huuston - - - - Parish Merston - - - - - - - Parish Mundham, North - Parish Oving - - - - - Parish Rumbold’s-Wyke - - Parish Upwaltham - - - - - - Parish Westhampnett - - - - - Parish 127 55 132 79 87 ő is co IG Cow coc 62 221 332 148 58 214 45 201 305 155 41 49 107 30 DUMPFORD Hundred. Chithurst - - - - - - Didling - - - - - - - Elstead - - - - - - - Harting - - - - - (85) Rogate - - - - - - - Turwiek - - - - - - - Trayford - - - - - - - Trotton - - - - - () Parish Parish Parish Parish Parislı Parish Parish Parish 190 No ano 100 Iii 558 II III Cow so y orico 106 1,072 724 116 368 356 11 61 51 112 137 77 54 212 178 (9) At Shipley the poor-house contuins 53 persons, who are included in the Return. ) An inclosure of land is mentioned as the cause of a Alarge increase of Population at Chidham. The regular Return from West-Stoke was not received, and no information could be procured, ex- Recept of the number of Males and Feinales ; so that the number of Houses and Families berein attributed to West-Stoke is taken from the Return of 1811, as an approximation, and for the sake of conformity-(") The increase of Population at Harting is attributed to the return of the poor to their own Parishes, from the growing scarcity of agricultural emplos ment. (1) Trotton Parish extends into Ease bourrie Hundred, inciuc ing Milland Chapelry. The Population of the whole Parish is bere entered. M.DCCC.XXI.] 335 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. · COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву OR how TOTAL mang EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI | ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly | chiefly employ- Families em- I prized in in the Two | preced- CUL orHandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. not com- ed in Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. OY Building. ployed TRADE, Manu- AORI- | factures, FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. ons 67 174 166 395 257 382 106 256 120 RAPE OF CHICHESTER-continued. EASEBOURNE Hundred. Bepton - - - - - - - Parish Cocking - - - - - - - Parish Easebourne - - - - () Parish Lodsworth Liberty - - Clapelry Farnburst - - - - - - Parish Graffham - - - - - - Parish Heyshot -- Parish Iping - - - - - - - - Parish Linch - - - - - - - - Parish Linchmere - - - - - - Parish MIDHURST - - - Burough and Parish Selbam - - - - - - - Parish Stedham - - - - - - - Parish Woolbeding - - - - - - Parish er en wo 317 140 340 777 513 593 343 309 305 72 Ilog i ļao i na II 276 167 154 142 176 155 64 1 68 163 lte 39 77 55 148 134 691 282 1,335 l 644 252 41 80 1 207 453 1 246 135 wo 126 293 22 לל - MANHOOD Hundred. Birdham - - - - - - - Earnley, with Almodington - Itchenor, West - - - - - Selsey - - - - - - - - Sidlesham - - - - - - | Wittering, East - - - - - Wittering, West - - - (W) 24 39 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 152 a IIIIII ! ! بم بم نہاد col vower 366 95 532 148 181 766 1,029 216 504 102 400 537 112 254 - 492 104 40 100 250 son 33 114 212 317 34 119 185 305 233 397 622 11 18 WESTBOURN and SINGLETON Hundred. Binderton - - - - - - Parish Compton - - - - - - - Parish Dean, East - - - - - - Parish Dean, West - - Parish Marden, East - - - - - Parish Marden, North - - - - - Parish Mid-Lavant - - Parish Racton - - - - - - - Parish Singleton - - - - () Parish Charlton - - (+) - - Tything Stoughton - - - - - - Parish Upmarden - - - - - - Parish Westbourn - - - - - - Parish COW DO I - 00 were 37 20 I or + 1 m illam 1 mm 124 243 51 119 49 146 100 285 139 46 100 199 84 82 14 99 • 271 166 115 61 395 42 383 42 10 145 | 129 248 140 967 519 306 1,852 121 885 4,659 5,561 | 24 149 3,449 1,396 1 716 14,228 13,648 27,876 43 co 159 131 340 RAPE OF HASTINGS. BALDSLOW Hundred. Crowhurst - - - - - - Hollington - - - - - - Leonards, St. - - - - - Ore - - - - - - - - St. Mary's-in the Castle (Y) (part of) § ® Westfield - - - - - - - 46 181 141 53 287 21 co il Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 272 100 47 126 546 16 55 60 ve wiara w 115 897 o 443 BATTLE Hundred. Battle - - - - - - - Whatlington - - - - - - - Parish| 460 Parish 516 iu 1,437 145 1,415 140 2,852 285 58 L BEXHILL Hundred. Bexhill - - - - (2) Parish 295 334 | 1 | 15 | 169 94 71 975 9321,907 ♡ The entire Parish of Easebourne contains 1,290 Inhabitants. ) Pilots and sworn King's Officers are included in the Return of West Wittering comme (*) The entire Parish of Singleton contains 484 Inhabitants. | inn fy) The Parish of St. Mary-in-the-Castle is mostly in the Cinque. Port of Hastings, and entered' accordingly. ) The Population of Bexhill was increased during the war, troops being stationed there in barracks. 336 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. NE COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL O'R TOTAL By how many Families Oc- Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI | FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ Faniles em- ed in not con- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. Classes. Un-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. OP PERSONS. cupied. B craſt. 1 RAPE OF HASTINGS-continued. FOXEARLE Hundred. Ashburnham - - - - - - Parish Hertsmonceux - - - - - Parish Wartling - - - - - () Parish 94 196 132 389 379 668 93 122 iwi 218 768 1,318 990 166 516 156 240 712 659 1,371 21 57 124 GOLDSPUR (1) Hundred. Beckley - - - - - - - East-Guldeford - Iden: - - - - - - - - Peasmarsh - - - - - - Playden - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 94 a Oreo wir 542 282 448 166 260 465 151 913 327 GOSTROW Hundred. Brede - - - - - - - - Udimore - - (+) - - - 1 22 445 Parish Parish li 126 / | 36 8 457 214 902 428 214 7 88 240 237 477 GUESTLING Hundred Fairlight - - - - - - - Guestling - - - - - - - Icklesham - - - - - • Pett . . - - - - - - i 132 356 Parish Parish Parish Parish | 341 120 60 284 301 138 697 585 300 162 C 341 84 156 1,077 1,102 375 Cinque Port of HASTINGS.) All-Saints - - - - - - Parish St. Clements - - - - - - Parish St. Mary-Bulverhithe (+) - Parish St. Mary-in-the-Castle (part of)() Parish St. Mary-Magdalen - - - - Parish The Priory - - - - - Extra-P. - 2,197 2,360 34 1,113 1,120 | 1,258 17 677 39 127 162 Co o ar an 7 124 17 436 48 are 294 HAWKESBOROUGH Hundred. Burwash - - - - - () Parish Heathfield - - - - - - Parish Warbleton - - - - - - Parish 318 363 296 203 278 268 202 roi 1,011 | 926 8291784 590 577 1,937 1,613 1,167 168 124 HENHURST Hundred. Etchingham - - - - - - Hawkhurst - - - - () Salehurst - - - - - (8) 121 103 14 310 625 315 Parish Parish Parish if vil 111 1,071 1,050 2,121 2 103 NETHERFIELD Hundred. Brightling -.--. - Parish Dallington - - - () Parish Mountfield - - - - - - Parish Penburst - - - - - - - Parish 342 289 05 299 259 329 104 ind 34 !! 53 100 NINFIELD Hundred. Catsfield - - - - - - - Hooe - - - - - - (b) Ninfield - - - - - - - 278 Parish Parishi Parish ili 297 312 310 288 575 600 618 111 308 en www Cinque Port of RYE. - - - - -. (j) Rye - , - Parish 601 710 5 10 02 1,768 1,831 | 3,599 a U SHOYSWELL Hundred. Ticehurst - - - - - - Parish | 254 340 3 14 5 973 993 1,966 c 1 . () The facility of obtaining Parish relief is mentioned as the cause of 1 Henhurst Hundreds, but is entered wholly in Hawkesborough Hundred. increased Population at Wartling.- () Broomhill Parish is partly in The Return of paupers to their Parishes is mentioned as a cause of the Goldspur Hundred, but is wholly entered in the Liberty of Ronney increase of Population here ard at Dallington, but cannot be generally Marsli, Lathe of Shepway (Kent.)- O) The Town and Port of Hastings applicable.---(f) Hawkhurst Parish is mostly in the Lathe of Scrag contained 3,848 Inhabitants in 1811, at.present 5,085 Inhabitants, it (Kent,) where the whole is entered. (8) Rotherbridge or Roberts. being a fashionable watering place; the families of fishermen are included Bridge is in Salehurst Parish.- (h) Sixty-four families, out of eighty. in the third coluinn of Occupations. (d) The Parish of St. Mary-in four employed in agriculture at Hooe, receive parochial relief. the-Castle is parily in Baldslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1 (i) The increasing cultivation of hops has caused an increasc of Popu. 1,228 Inhabitants.- ) Burwash Parish extends into Shoyswell and | lation at Rye, and in the neighbouring Parishes. - M.DCCC.XXI. 337 THE POPULATION ACT, 1. CEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Ву how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | ALL FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu: the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. : in PERSONS. RAPE OF HASTINGS-continued. STAPLE Hundred. Bodiam - - - - - - - Parish Ewburst - - - - - - - Parish Northiam - - - - - - Parish Sedlescomb - - - - - - Parish 42 9 161 180 219 190 78 Iwi 55 222 262 125 sati 573 153 652 684 331 314 1,225 1,358 667 674 co 336 Cinque Port of WINCHELSEA. St. Thomas-the-- postle - - Parish 153 386 431 817 6,634 8,188 51 1914,512 2,281 1,395 22,213 22,098 44,311 . RAPE OF LEWES. BARCOMB Hundred. (6) Barcomb - - - - - - - Hamsey - - - - - - - Newick • - - - - - - je 11 INI 144 128 Parish Parish! Parish 121 42 394 6 6 1. 266 278 359 271 282 753 537 540 103 70 280 268 269 22 BUTTINGHILL Hundred. Ardingley - - - - - - Parish Balcomb - - - - - - (1) Parish 1. Bolney - - - - - - - Parish Clayton - - - - - - - Parish Crawley - - - - - - - Parish Cuckfield • - - - - - Parish Hoathly, West - - - - - Parish Hurst-Perpoint - - Parish Keymer, North and South - - Parish Slaugham - - - - - - Parish Twineham - - - - - - Parish Worth - - . . . . . Parislı 101 97 73 51 324 119 213 112 123 III Col A Ini! - , --Cilvio 275 6 1 cô ô ô ô ô 5 - 6 6A 299 338 291 242 174 1,250 523 642 359 497 148 211 160 1,135 420 579 606 560 453 334 2,385 943 1,321 679 679 84 320 436 127 794 933 38 275 1,725 264 221 931 DEAN Hundred. - - - - - - Patcham - Parish 75 w 209 194 0 403 FISHERGATE Hundred. Hangleton - - (+) - - Portslade - - - - - - 26 Parish Parish ♡co II - 1 1 233 188 421 HOLMSTROW Hundred Newhaven otherwise Meeching (m) Parish Piddinghoe - - - - - - Parish Rodmell - - - - - - - Parish Southease - - - - - - Parish Telscombe . - . - - - Parish 158 29 447 137 175 927 251 114 I III -11o + 1 cu - 3 161 52 336 112 113 59 54 LEWES Hundred. - - - - - () Borough LEWES , 1 I POYNINGS Hundred. Edburton Parish: (0) 1. Pulking - (+) - - - Hamlet New-Timber - - - - - Parish Poynings - - - - - - - Parish Piecombe - - - - - - Parish I-II iuri Coach o anco 1 - 1 = 177 161 232 80 109 99 123 218 Hove - Preston PRESTON Hundred - - - - - - - - - - - - 149 163 - Parish (P) Parish in 11 312 319 - 129 190 $9 Southover, part of Barcomb Hundred, is entered with Lewes at the with its Suburbs (Southover and Cliff,) is entered at the end of the mul of the county.- ) Balcomb Parish extends into Street Hundred. | county. Edburton Parish is partly in Burbeach Hundred (Bran- inmates of the Parish workhouse are entered as one fanily in the 1 ber Rape.) The entire Parish contains 269 Inhabitants. (P) The nind column of Occupations. (m) Pilots and Preventive Officers are two female schools at Preston cause a disproportionale number of females uded in the Population of Newhaven. () The Borough of Lewes, I in the Returii. 4 R 338 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration, COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- | FAMI• ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-| Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu. the Iwo AGRI- factures, preced- Jorlandi- ing TURE. craft. lasses. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited Un-Inhabited. OP Building MALES. FEM. PERSONS. CUL- 111 447 946 122 108 RAPE OF LEWES-continued. STREET Hundred. Chailey - - - - - - - Parish Ditchelling - - - - - (9) Parish Plumpton - - - - - - Parish Street - - - - - - - Parish Westmeston - - - - - (1) Parish East-Chiltington - - - Chapelry Wivelsfield - - - - - - Parish 499 420 144 424 128 SAA 272 own centre !!!!!!! 108!!!- I or MC לל 75 119 251 132 141 275 102 243 262 537 SWANBOROUGH Hundred. Iford - - - - - - - - Parish Kingston, near Lewes - - - Parish !! -- wi 157 172 WHALESBONE Hundred. Brighthelmstone - - - () Parish Westblachington - - - - Parish i !! ii YOUNSMERE Hundred. Falmer - - - - - - () Ovingdean. - - - - - - Rottingdean - - - - - (°) 11 191 437 Parish Parish Parish 12 246 39 361 40 79 156 87 411 772 148 3,234 3,873 17 56 2,595 | 848 430 11,195 10,378 21,573 RAPE OF PEVENSEY. ALCISTON Hundred. Alciston - - - - - - - Alfriston - - - - - - - Lullington - - - - - - 114 Parish Parish Parish| 247 28 10- 4 TT 18 - 133 324 24 VA 19 20 BISHOPSTONE Hundred. Bishopstone - - - - - - Denton - - - - - Parish | Parish 26 | 44 24 -! 130 61 22 133 BURLEY ARCHES or BURARCHES Hundred. Lindfield - ------ Parish 238 266 2 5 149 93 729 681 1,410 1 DANEHILL HORSTED Hundred. Horsted Keynes - - - - - Parish | Selmeston - - - - - - Parish Tarring-Neville - ... - Parish 116 | 135 30 336 Ili «!! 377 109 42 16 DILL Hundred. Hailshami. - - - - - (W) Parish Hellingly - • •-. - (1) Parish 2 | 227 | 2 237 178 662 686 616 627 1,278 - 2 1,313 : EASTBOURNE Hundred. Eastbourne -... - (1) Parish 465 487 3 46 165 1,226 1,381 o 2,607 EAST GRINSTEAD Hundred. EAST-GRINSTEAD - Borough & Parish 439 | 587 1 1 - 3 356 | 141 1,636 1,517 3,153 (9) The discontinuance of farm servants in the house, causes young | tion of Rottingdean. (W) Hailsham Parish extends into the Libera men to marry earlier than formerly. The entire Parish of West of the Corporation of Pevensey. The prevalence of bastardy meston contains 494 Inhabitants. — () The Town of Brighthelmstone mentioned in the Hailsham Return as resulting from impunitya is entered at the end of the County-- () Many workmen are attracted (*) Au inclosure of land bas taken place at Hellingly. to Falnier, by employment afforded by the Earl of Chicester.- () The wives and families of soldiers and sailors at Eastbourne, are less bude Preventive service has caused an accession of 30 persons to the Popula. | rous by 221 persons than in 1811. M.DCCC.XXI.] 339 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SUSSEX—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how inany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly Families em- not com- ployed rized in TRAI in Mann. the Two AGRI. | factures.) preced- CUL- forHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. OY FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. RAPE OF PEVENSEY-continued. FLEXBOROUGH Hundred. East-Blatchington · · · (2) Parish | Heighton - - - - • - • Parish | SEAFORD - - Cinque Port & Parish vil ila 88 41 521 187 71 1,047 198 201 526 50 141 227 HARTFIELD Hundred. Hartfield, North - Southſ South S - . - - © Parish Withyham - - - - - (b) Parish 183 Tori a por 247 495 741 474 966 1,393 3 652 223 8A LONGBRIDGE Hundred. Arlington - - - - - - - Berwick - - - - - - Folkington - - - - - - Littlington - - - - - - Wilmington - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 11-1 "I cam 614 172 186 133 91 95 75 58 11. 176 321 160 100 LOXFIELD-DORSET Hundred. Buxted - - - - - - - Parish | Framfield - - - - - - Parish Isfield - - - - - - - Parish | Uckfield - - - - - - - Parish 160 251 95 190 11 i 796 733 286 509 704 283 590 1,509 1,437 569 1,099 1 acinaia LOXFIELD-PELHAM Hundred. Lamberhurst - - - - - Parish Mayfield - - - - - - Parish Wadhurst - - - - - - - Parish 98 149 162 400 ვივ 94 355 270 416 1,398 1,123 371 1,300 1,013 787 2,698 2,136 r wel Lowey of PEVENSEY. Pevensey - - - - - - - Westham - - - - - - Parish Parish 18 1 140 309 152 274 292 583 121 26 I 41 26 133 RINGMER Hundred. () Glynd , - - - - - - - Parish Ringmer - - - - - - - Parish Southmalling - - - - - Parish Stanmer .-..- - () Parish 224 Taoi 117 635 144 636 250 1,271 620 103 114 39 304 316 22 1 77 46 123 . ROTHERFIELD Hundred. Fant, otherwise Frant - - () Parish Rotherfield - . .. - (8) Parish 199 877 280 444 1,727 850 1,325 288 1,445 2,770 Med 12 RUSHMONDEN Hundred. Fletching - - - - - - - Parish Horsted, Little - - - - - Parish Maresfield - - - - - (b) Parish 250 244 898 792 140 146 45 215 con II III II II 1,690 286 1,439 733 706 20 22 96 181 il mondo 85 465 405 SHIPLAKE Hundred. Chalvington - - Parish Chiddingly - - - - . - Parish | Easthothly - - - - - - Parish Laughton - - - - - - - Parish Ripe - - - - - - - - Parish Waldron - - - - - - () Parish 870 55 258 510 112 40 252 373 202 500 358 162 731 364 N 143 143 465 965 (9 The Return of East-Blatchington must have been very errancous 1 of Ringmer Hundred) is entered with Lewes at the end of the county. In 1811, if the Inhabitants were then really no more than 14" (as (C) Stanmer is locally situate in the Rape of Lewes. Much en- stated in the present Return) but it is probable that the wives and ployment is afforded at Stanmer by the Earl of Chichester. ) The families of soldiers then in the barracks, swelled the number to 362; | Town called Tonbridge Wells is partly in the Parish of Tunbridge, and this is the more probable, from the females appearing to be two to partly in that of Speldhurst (Lathe of Aylesford, Kent) and partly in one at that time. (a) The entire Parish of Hartfield contains 1,440 | Frant Parish, which extends into that county. The two houses bhabitants. The number of Houses is the sanie as in 1811 ; but the and families subjoined to the Return of Rotherfield Parish, dwell on Increase of Inbabitants is 190.- ) At Withyham more land is under the boundary line, and not being returned with Mayfield Parish are mature than in 1811, and many cottages have been built.- () Lam- thus included. (b) The impunity of bastardy is complained of at hurst Parish is partly in the Lathe of Aylesford (Kent.) The entire Maresſield. An extensive Common has been inclosed at nish contains 1,325 Inhabitants. (d) St. Thomas in-the-Cliff (part 1 Waldron. berhur 340 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF SUSSEX -continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly ОтнER chiefly employ-Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. fractures, preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. RAPE OF PEVENSEY_continued. TOTNORE Hundred. Beddingbam - - - • • • Parish West-Firle - - - - - - Parish 28 255 411 11 118 121 2 391 21 - 782614 127 348 128 296 644 o WCO II NI 42 10 151 145 80 296 83 WILLINGDON Hundred Dean, East - - - Dean, West - - - - - - Friston - - - - - - - Jevington - - - - - - Willingdon - - - - - - 163 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 13 10 on 28 34 62 51 147 257 153 263 300 92 520 6,735 8,133 46 1475,290 2,038 805 23,054 | 21,776 44,830 City of CHICHESTER. a 191 294 103 295 413 108 148 46 99 1 126 32 All-Saints, otherwise the Pallant - Parish Andrew, St. · · · · · Parish Bartholomew, St. - - - - Parish The Close - - - - - Precinct Martin, St. ---- Parish New Town ..... Extra-P. Olave, St. • • - - - - Parish Pancras, St. Within 7 . (k) Parish - Without Peter, St.-the-Great, otherwise Subdeanry - - - () { Parish Subdeanry-Without - -) Peter, St.-the-Less - - - • Parish 82 260 104 taa com o + 123 370 154 277 411 781 578 1,778 3,332 1,554 210 224 257 434 422 70 165 1,245 1,429 1,102 258 3,276 4,086 7,362 + Borough of LEWES. 260 747 319 1,586 691 112 1 372 | 271 928 1,795 All-Saints - - -- - - Parish St.-John-Baptist, (Southover) (m) Parish St.-John-under-the-Castle - (9) Parish The-Castle - - • (m) Precinct St-Michael - - - - - - Parish St.-Peter & St.-Mary-Westout (º) Parish St.-Thomas-in-the-Cliff - () Parish 12 15 5 145 961 435 526 339 322 730 661 1,362 215 ძვ 1,116 | 1,312 8 294 3,412 3,671 | 7,083 SI Town of BRIGHTHELMSONE (+) - (P) Parish 3,947 4,718 360 352 92 3,834 792 11,019 13,41034,429 lled (b) The entire Parish of St. Pancras contains 1,058 Inhabitants. One | Houses in this Parish is greatly increased since 1811, and the Population male upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish.. !) The entire in like proportion. This Parish extends into Swanborough Hundred. Parish of St. Peter-the-Great contains 3,766 Inhabitants. (m) The 1 (0) The Return of the Parish of St. Peter and St. Mary (always calles Parishes of St.-John-Baptist-Southover, and of St.-Thomas-in-the-Cliff | St. Ann's) included, in 1811, the Wives and Families of the Soldiery" are not within the jurisdiction of the Borough of Lewes, but form part of | quartered in the Barracks, since demolished. The Population the Town. The Boundary of the Extra-Parochial Precinct of the Castle Brighthelnıstone, in 1811, was 12,012 ; so it has more than.co has been minutely ascertained since 1801, and restricted to four houses. in ten years, chiefly from this Town being the occasional renden - The Return of the Parish of St.-John-under-the-Castle includes His Majesty. the Inmates of the House of Correction. The number of inhabited | on darble M.DCCC.XXI.] 341 • THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. ÇOUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX. HOUSES : PERSONS: By : R A P ES, OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- 1 FAMI- - ALL LIES LIES | ОтнER 1 chiefly lo chiefly em- ployed in TOTAL &e. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. employ- Families : ed in not com- Trade, prized in Manu-' the Two OP FEMALES MALES. PERSONS. AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- lor Handil ing TURE, craft. Classes. Rape of ARUNDEL -...-- 4,391 5,382 29 95 | 3,160 1,532 | 690 14,627 13,988 28,615 BRAMBER - - - - - - 14,322 4,969 32 180 2,671 || 1,496 | 802 13,681 13,259 26,940 CHICHESTER - - - - - 14,659 5,561 24 149 | 3,449 / 1,396 | 716 14,228 | 13,648 27,876 HASTINGS - - - - - - 16,634 8,1 1914,512 2,281 1,395 22,213 22,098 44,311 LEWES - - - - - - - 13,234 3,87 | 562,595 430 | 11,195 10,378 21,573 PEVENSEY .....16,735 8,133 | 46 147 5,290 2,038 805 | 23,054 | 21,776 44,830 City of CHICHESTER ----- 1,245 1,429 9 74 69 2583,276 4,086 1 7,362 Borough of LEWES -.--.-- 1,116 1,312 8 28 82 936 294 3,412 3,671 7,083 BRIGHTHELMSTONE BRIGHTHELMSTONE - - - 3,947 4,718 360 352 92 3,834 792 11,019 | 13,410 24,429 Totals · - - 136,283 43,565 576 1,272 21,920 15,463 6,182 116,705 116,314 233,019 4 S 342 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SUSSEX--continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES 20 30 40 15 to TOTAL.) Rape of 1 ARUNDEL - - - - 2,293 2,061 | 1,756 1,362 2,038 | 1,568 | 1,308 |1,05 1 14,611 BRAMBER - --- 13,683 CHICHESTER - - - 1,307 1,918 1,501 14,123 HASTINGS - ... 2,101 3,249 2,324 1,901 - 21,965 LEWES - - - - - 1,762 1,575 | 1,362 | 1,075 | 1,604 1,207 1,007 670 - 11,076 PEVENSEY - - - - 3,835 - 23,062 CHICHESTER, CITY -] 471 | 450 2761 LEWES, BORO' - - - | 4171 1161 CO BRIGHTHELMSTONE, TOWN - - - - Total of MALES - 16,860 15,058 13,008 |10,030 14,90311,222 9,322 | 6,853 |4,736|2,580 2 105,212) FEMALES. 130 140 90 to TOTAL 40 100 Rape of ARUNDEL - - - 13,993) BRAMBER - - - - 2,037 1,848 1,592 1,299 2,191 CHICHESTER - - - 2,110 1,854 | 1,479 13,257 13,483 121,801 HASTINGS - - - LEWES - - - - - 1,708 1,546 1,217 1,520 1,106 1 - 10,250 PEVENSEY - - - - 3,650 3,375 2,686 1,991 3,085 2,296 1,858 1,326 838 506129 - 21,743 CHICHESTER, CITY - 4,086 LEWES, BORO' - - . 3,667 BRIGHTHELMSTONE, 1 TOWN - - - "J Total of FEMALES 16,372 14,761 (11,893 9,759 16,041 (11,360 8,616 6,174 4,409 2,292 561 42 - 102,280) THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Sussex was . . . 233,019, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 207,492, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of about one-ninth of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been olitained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Sussex was 329; eight of which did not contain an answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): among which is the town of Brighthelinstone. A very small proportion of the Returns of Ages in this County, were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 343 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Warwick. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: I FAMI- FAMILIES chiefly OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, By how mpany Families TOTAL Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building ALL LIES | OTHER chiefly employ- Families eni- ed in vot com- | TRADE, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL. JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft, Classes. Oc- ployed TR FEMALES. NIALES. PERSONS. cupied. 220 106 465 55 56 2,229 317 1 1,064 154 153 119 290 137 154 55 120 - 273 335 653 138 370 375 745 BARLICHWAY Hundred. ALCESTER Division. ALCESTER - - - - - - Parish Alne, Great - - - - - - Parish Arrow with Ragley (part of) - (a) Parish Coughton - • - - - - (b) Parisi Sambourn - - - - - - Hainlet | Ipsley - - - - - () Parish Kinwarton - - - - - - Parish Morton-Baggott - - - - - Parish Spernall - - - - - - - Parish Studley - - - - - - - Parish Tardebigg (part of) Parish : ) Tutnal and Cobley - - - Hamlet Weethley - - - - - - - Parish Weston-upon-Avon (part of) Parish: () Milcott - - - - - - - Hamlet 41 AICI CO 22 88 19 80 168 56 57 113 257 045 693 1,338 254 206 460 30 54 li - 14 1,311 | 1,355 688 489 | 178 3,296 3,399 6,695 OPO Il 113 251 iog 83 HENLEY Division. Beaudesert - - - - - - Parish Claverdon . - - - () Parish Langley - - - - - - Hamlet Pindley - - - - - - Hamlet Preston-Baggott - Parish Rowington - - - - - - Parish Wootton-Waven - - - - (8) Parish Aspley and Fordhall - - - Hamlet Henley-in-Arden - - - Chapelry Ullenhall - - - - - Chapelry 12 209 465 192 26 219 888 44 al mi oa tao 99 176 y 120 450 280 107 20 261 a 438 261 48 668 172 58 541 106 1,249 581 180 89 352 872 1,017 2,154 2,093 4,247 315 114 315 630 230 1 Aich 225 438 213 33 du co i IIA 289 265 554 210 SNITTERFIELD Division. Alveston - - - - - - - Parish | Bearley - - - - - - - Parish Budbrook - - - - - - - Parish Fulbrook - - - - - - - Parish Hampton-Lucy, otherwise Bishop's pariete Hampton - - - - - - Haseley - - - - - - - Parish Hatton - - - - - (b) Parish Beausall - - - - - Chapelry Shrewley - - - - - Chapelry Honily - - Parish Loxley - - Parish Norton-Lindsey - Parish Sherborne - - Parish Snitterfield - - Parish Wolverton - - Parish Wroxall - - - Parish 111 152 133 nauw coño, foram a 5 an 99 135 131 123 287 265 127 36 - I et col mondo i cristã co loi 159 250 63 311 149 27 152 69 80 217 104 302 113 340 75 97 642 152 80 Il 177 925 1,019 753 163 | 103 | 2,415 2,241 4,656 ( Arrow Parish is partly in Stratford Division of Barlichway Hun- 1 (f) The entire Parish of Claverdon contains 683 Inhabitants. () The dred. The entire Parish contains 501 Iuhabitants. The entire entire Parish of Wootton-Waven contains 2,248 Inliabitants. The in- Parish of Coughton contains 926 Ivhabitants.- () One male upwards | crcase of Population in the Hamlet of Henley-in-Arden “ may partly be O! 100 years of age in the Parish of lpsley.- (d) Most part of Tarde “ attributed to omissions in the former Return.” The stoppage of a large bigg Parish is in Hulfshire Hundred (Upper Division) County of Wor- l paper mill has caused a decrease of Population in the Wootton-Waven cester. The entire Parish contains 3,458 Inhabitants. - () Most part part of the Parish. (h) The entire Parish of Hatton contains 806 In- 1 of Weston-upon-Avon Parish is in Kiftsgate Hundred, (Upper Division) liabitants. County of Gloucester. The entire Parish contains 107 Inhabitants. 344 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration COUNTY OF WARWICK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 1 OR By LIES chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHLAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. 01 Building. OCCUPATIONS. FAN - 1 FAMI- ALL LIES OTHER chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- played TRADE, pri prized in in | Manus | the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 211 43 • Hamlet 103 | 464 640 108 413 877 181 243 579 12 1,219 14 114 232 118 113 201 96 BARLICHWAY Hundred-continued. STRATFORD Division. Arrow (part of) Parish: (1) Oversley - - - Aston-Cantlow - - - - - Parish Bidford - - - - - - (k) Parish Billesley - - - - - - - Parish Binton - - - - - - - Parish Exball . - Parish Haselor - - - - - - - Parish Salford - - - - - - - Parish Stratford, Old - - - - (1) Parish Luddington - - - - - Hamlet Stratford-upon-Avon - - - Town Temple-Grafton and Arden - Parish Welford Parish : (m) Bickmersh & Little-Dorsington Ham. Wixford - - - - - - - Parish 200 186 408 220 478 211 35 35 405 518 · 83 1,636 161 - 81 1,433 175 996 164 3,069 336 35 26 61 11 28 55 55 110 1,791 652 230 4,318 | 4,392 8,710 113 357 110 ვივ 100 720 41 12 210 42 86 445 2,169 466 60 59 1,011 167 507 119 50 Quorum Ortal 64 1,710 HEMLINGFORD Hundred. ATHERSTONE Division. Ansley - - - - ... - Parish Baxterley - - - - - - - Parish Caldecote - - - - - - - Parish 15 Chilvers-Coton - - - - (n) Parish Corley - - - - - Parish Fillongley - - - - Parish Lea-Marston - - - - Parish Mancetter . . - Parish · Atherstone .. - Township Hartsbill - - - - - - Hamlet Oldbury - - - - Hamlet Maxstoke - - - - - - - Parish 65 Merevale - - - - - - (P) Parish Nuneaton - - - - - - (9) Parish 1,492 Shustoke with Blythe . - () Parish 47 Bentley - - - - - - Hamlet 52 Weddington - - - - - - Parish Whitacre, Nether - - - - Parish 75 Whitacre, Over - -... Parish | 44 316 980 284 307 3,434 69 164 44 1,158 149 473 165 143 1,733 352 37 179 104 1,701 - ALI I Tool - er forli 718 131 662 310 42 11 81 185 35 1,564 79 364 208 6,610 331 246 3,642 otasi 104 2,968 158 124 46 219 152 10 173 122 45 189 140 91 408 49 292 44 1,128 2,590 3,625 3,851 40 133 8,4869,311 17,797 152 852 · 908 1,760 BIRMINGHAM Division. Birmingham - - - - - () Town Coleshill - - - - - - - Parish Curdworth - - - - - () Parish Minworth - - - - - Township Sheldon - - - - - Parish Sutton-Coldfield - - - - - Parish Whishaw - - - - - - - Parish with Moxhall - - . - - Hamlet 337 50 51 19 nö on or 146 146 268 · 287 423 89 227 122 141 201 1,774 · 101 222 1,692 118 117 3,466 8 219 } 41 1,234 1,307757 643 4331. 231 3,176 3,247 6,423 (1) Most part of Arrow Parish is in Alcester Division of Barlichway | chiefly belongs to small proprietors, and this, added to the salubrity of Hundred. ) Bidford Parish includes the Hamlets of Barton, Broom the air, and the excellence of the situation, may account for the very and Marlclift. ) The increase of Population in Old-Stratford is at great increase (213) of Population."--(P) Merevale Parish estends tributed to a number of houses (59) having been erected since 1811. The into the Hundred of Sparkenhoe, County of Leicester, but is wholly en. entire Parish contains 4,229 Inhabitants. (m) Most part of Welford tered here. ----(9) Nuneaton Parish includes the Hamlets of Attleborough Parislı is in Upper-Deerhurst Hundred, County of Gloucester. The en and Stockingford. (1) The entire Parish of Shustoke contains 571 tire Parish contains 702 Inhabitants. (n) There has been an increase Inhabitants. - () The Town of Biriningham (with Aston and Lot of the ribbon Ipanufactory at Chilvers-Coton.-- The entire Parish of baston) is entered at the end of the county. The entire Parisi Mancetter contains 4,482 Inhabitants. In Hartshill Hamlet the property | Curdworth contains 555 Inhabitants. orie UI M.DCCC.XXI.] 345 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF WARWICK-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMIO! ALL LIES OTILER LIES chiefly OR By TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building Oc- chiefly eny employ- Families em. ed in not com- ployed Trade, pr prized in in Mom the Two AGRI• \factures. preced- CUL• lorlar orHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied 18 21 2 79 74 II 65 173 171 140 344 338 740 335 728 1,468 55 276 117 20 110 313 648 HEMLINGFORD Hundred, continued. SOLIHULL Division. Baddesley-Clinton - - - - Parish Barston - - - - - - - Parish Berkeswell - - - - - - Parish | Bickenbill, Church - . (u) Parish Elmdon - - - - - - - Parish Hampton-in-Arden - (W) Parish Balsall - - - • Chapelry Kinwalsey - - - - - Hamlet Knowle - - . - Hamlet Nuthurst - - - - Hamlet Meriden - - - - - - () Parish Packington, Great - - - - Parish | Packington, Little - - - - Parish Solihull - - - - - - (Y) Parish 134 20 114 237 79 146 296 114 17 81 155 279 Ilala ilma III 538 1,056 162 524 259 532 12 523 20 218 ori loco - I or I i I 145 559 1,082 16 34 76 42 468 183 31 459 175 927 176 351 26 73 1,401 150 2,817 552 311 153 112 1,416 1,803 2,056 8 | 25 1,401 438 | 217 l 4,924 1 4,839 9,763 255 98 | 96 107 99 106 282 268 287 267 284 691 32 54 106 270 215 242 107 96 345 76 TAMWORTH Division. Austrey - - - - - - - Parish | Baddesley-Ensor - - - - Parish | Grendon, with Whittington - - Parish Kingsbury - - - - - - Parish Middleton - - - - - - Parish | Newton-in-the-Thistles, or New-l..., ton-Regis --..ja Polesworth - - - - - - Parish Seckington - - - - - - Parish Shuttington - - - - - - Parish Tamworth (part of) - - - (2) Parish Almington and Stone-Delph Township Bolehall and Glascote (3) Township Tamworth-Castle - - - Liberty Wilnecote with Dosthill - (2) Hamlet I NO I CON II III 54 202 937 TIANGO iw Irvine 542 535 554 1,345 623 410 1,834 126 169 1,938 208 897 365 236 71 23 30 393 26 55 86 83 1,021 409 52 78 127 257 132 917 130 189 10 343 225 9 310 414 19 139 1 141 56 19 653 I 1,807 1,904 9 36 981 723 200 4,743 4,676 9,419 184 93 103 35 35 201. 1,233 245 221 603 630 93 158 14 M N I INN-ico 176 316 158 14 169 28 337 KINGTON Hundred. BRAILS Division. Barcheston with Willington - Parish Barton-on-the-Heath - - - Parish Brails - - - - - - - - Parish Burmington - - - - - - Parish Cherington - - - - - - Parish Compton-Wyniates - - - Extra-P. Honington - - - - - - Parish Idlicote - - - - Parish Long-Compton - - - - (b) Parish Pillerton-Hersey - - Parish Pillerton-Priors - - - - - Parish Stretton-on-the-Foss - - Parish Whatcott - - - - - - - Parish Whichford - - - - - (d) Parish with Ascott - - - - - Hamlet Stowerton - - . - - Hamlet Wolford, Great - - - - () Parish Wolford, Little - - - - Hamlet 168 40 19 161 88 860 449 411 Til Two Arocco w iconoco 126 142 100 268 211 111 so I | 225 185 99 410 100 199 200 100 105 T. II co w 380 203 272 257 98 129 120 143 137 1,120 1,203 3 2,872 | 2,7515,623 (C) Church Bickenhill Parish includes Lyndon and Marston Quarters. . ) The entire Parish of Hampton-in-Arden contains 2,772 Inha- bitants. () The increase of Population in Meriden Parish is attri- buted to the establishment of a school, and an addition to the numbers in die house of industry, since 1811.- (Y) One fenale upwards of 100 years of age at Solihull.- 1) Tamworth Parish is partly in North vtilow, but mostly in South Omow Hundred, County of Stafford. The Micrease of Population is attributeable to vaccination, and to the better mode of preserving health. The entire Parish contains 7,285 Inhabitants. the Hamlet of Wilnecote is chiefly owing to the establishment of collieries and brick and lime kilns.----() The decrease of Population in the Parish of Idlicote is accounted for by the mansiun-house and a farm-honse being unoccupied at this time, which were inhabited in 1811.- ) The in- crease of Population in Long-Compton Parish is attributed to nearly all the poor belonging to the Parish having been brought home by orders of removals. Stretton-on-the-Foss is separated from the rest of Brails Division, by a part of Worcestersbire. ---() The entire Parish of | Whichford contains 583 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Wol- ford contains 529 Inhabitants. de Township of Bolehall and Glascote form a small part of some of the streets in the Borough of TAMWORTII. The increase of Population in The 1 4 T 346 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF WARWICK_continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI: ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, JU chietly | OTHER OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inbabited. OP Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 121 maar 121 355 315 + l 1 KINGTON Hundred-continued. BURTON DASSETT Division. Avon-Dassett - - - - - Parish Burton-Dassctt - - - - - Parish Cropredy Parish : (*) Mollington - - · Chapelry Farnborough - - - - - Parish Fenny-Compton - - - - Parish Privrs-Hardwick - - - - Parish Priors-Marston - - - - - Parish Ratley and Upton - - • Parish Shottswell - - - - - - Parish Shuckburgh, Lower - - - Parish Warmington and Arlescote .. Parish Wormleighton - - - - - Parish 280 120 132 281 173 138 Tilaa ti 402 178 292 131 312 229 130 90 198 - 47 a tairol 76 166 437 239 95 76 171 789 836 12 612 | 73 | 2,068 2,072 4,140 21 52 139 136 17 118 333 308 98 143 KINGTON Division. Atherstone-upon-Stour - - Parish Butlers-Marston - - - Parish Chadshunt - - - - - - Parish Compton-Verney . .. Extra-P. Eatington, Lower and Upper - Parish Gaydon - - - - - - - Parish Halford, or Halford-Bridge - Parish Ilmington - - - - - (5) Parish with Compton-Scorpion - - Hamlet Kineton, or Kington - - (b) Parish Combrook - - - - - Chapelry Lighthorne - - - - - - Parish Oxhill - . .- . . . Parish Radway - • - - - - - Parish Tysoe with Westcote - - - Parish Whitchurch - - - - - (8) Parisha II II al 1 - III am ვივ 359 31 388 LA 1 IA Ind i mer o co con Iloi 394 150 139 & 169 147 163 80 178 168 63 80 218 58 8 1,070 540 125 530 137 55 262 6 941 262 199 2,865 2,813 5,678 55 112 na 315 356 298 61 301 159 112 119 1,227 1,302 WARWICK Division. Barford - - - - - - - Parish | 141 Bishop's-Tachbrook (part of) (b) Parish Charlcote - - - - - - Parish Chesterton - - - - - - Parish and Kington, otherwise Little } Hamlet Chesterton - - - - Lapworth - - - - - (1) Parish Morton-Morrell - - - - - Parish Newbold-Pacey and Ashorn - Parish Packwood - - - - - - Parish 50 Tanworth - - - - - (k) Parish 401 Wasperton - - - - - - Parish 45 Wellesbourn-Hastings and Walton Parish Wellesbourn-Montford - - - Parish a II i III-II 105 331 wilonw in A on Icono i 308 136 156 160 1,052 122 295 263 314 121 175 119 941 149 305 262 279 1,993 271 45 120 115 600 127 29 35 525 1,343 1,442 4 982 336 | 124 3,379 3,331 6,710 (*) Cropredy Parish, mostly in Banbury Hundred, is partly in Blox. | Parish is partly in Knightlow Hundred, Kenilworth Division. The entire ham Hundred, County of Oxford. The entire Parish contains 2,395 In- | Parish contains 654 Inhabitants.- Lapworth Parish includes part habitants. (5) Ilmington and Whitchurch are separated from the of the Hamlet of Kingswood. (k) Tanworth Parish contains the rest o ngton Division by a part of Worcestersbire. Whitchurch in- | Liberty of Monks-Riding, locally situate iu Knightlow Hundred, brez cludes Broughton, Crimscott, and Wimpstone Hamlets, separately re- | Division, said at this time to have no Inhabitants. One male upwa turned in 1811.- (1) The entire Parish of Kineton contains 1,071 | of 100 years of age in the Parish of Tanworth. Inhabitants; one male upwards of 100 years of age. Bishops-Tachbrook yards M.DCCC.XXI. 347 · THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF WARWICK-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS ; PERSONS; Ī FA311- | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how mariy employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Families Un-Inhabited. FAMI- | LIES LIES chiefly ОтнER T chiefly en- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu. the l'wo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. OF Building FEMALES. Oce MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 32 ii 02 86 178 28, 55 | 135 146 26 29 55 118 247 314 614 KNIGHTLOW Hundred. KENILWORTH Division. Ashow - - - - - - - Parish Brginton - - - - - - () Parish Bishop's-Tachbrook Parish : (m) Tachbrook-Mallory - - - Hamlet Bubbenhall - - - - - - Parish Cubbington - - - - - - Parish Harbury, otherwise Harberbury - Parish Kenilworth - - - - - - Parish Leamington-Priors - - - (n) Parish Leek-Wootton - - - - - Parish Lillington - - - - - - Parish Milverton with Edmonscott - ( Parish Offchurch - - - - - - Parish Radford-Semele - - - - - Parish Stoneleigh - - - - - - Parish Ufton - - - - Parish Whitpash - - - - - - Parish 59 132 228 550 536 129 300 509 1,318 1,254 128 1,259 929 399 100 I INNI A w co o coiii 1,045 2,577 2,183 436 226 222 214 42 114 87 170 193 112 106 167 227 59 94 245 660 299 37 56 731 85 153 337 472 1,391 154 287 . 69 134 2,191 2,306 | 43 98 1,259 | 755 292 5,210 5,466 10,676 844 167 57 CV CV or 404 135 153 1,615 440 132 140 1,904 57 778 267 293 3,519 211 757 108 103 o 11 397 360 388 102 459 847 117 219 18 17 35 82 41 170 41 175 73 345 78 ila a col 11 + 151 241 Brinci noi i III-lea and HD con c KIRBY Division. Allesley - - - - - - - Parish Arley - - - - - - - - Parish Astley - - - - - - - Parish Bedworth - - - - - - Parish Binley - - - - - - - Parish with Earnsford - - - - Liberty Brinklow - • . - Parish Bulkington - - - - - (P) Parish Barnacle - - - - - - Hamlet Bramcott - - - - - - Hamlet Marston-Jabbett - - - - Hainlet Ryton - - - - - - - Hamlet Weston - - - - - - Hamlet Burton-Hastings - - - - Parish Claybrooke (part of) Parish (9) Wibtoft - - - - - - Hamlet Combfields, otherwise Comb-, Tot Abbey - - - - - - Harborough-Magna --- Parish Holy-Trinity, (part of) Parish : (0) Coundon - - - - - - Hamlet Willenhall - - - - - Hamlet Monks-Kirby - · () Parish Copston-Magna - - - - Hamlet Easenhall - - - - - - Hamlet Paitton - - - - - - Hamlet Stretton-under-Foss and Hamlet Newbold-Revel - Shilton - - . - - - - Parish Sow (part of) - - - - - () Parish Stretton-Baskerville - - - Parish Tanworth Parish : (0) Monks-Path, or Monks-Riding Liberty Willey - - - - - - - Parish 115 112 Extra- 97 173 170 319 106 107 45 23 110 53 213 100 584 Io 1 1 1 298 18 98 164 116 121 552 261 396 0 1 lai is i Nora 55 46 101 The decrease of Population in the Parish of Baginton is attributed | Inhabitants. ----(I) Most part of Clay brooke Parish is in Guthlaxton to the slutting up of a boarding school.- (m) Most part of Bishops- | Hundred, County of Leicester. The entire Parish contains 1,312 lo- Tachbrook Parish is in Kington Hundred, Warwick Division. The habitants.we () Most part of The Holy-Trinity Parish is in the City increase of Population (1,640) in the Parish of Leamington-Priors, is of Coventry. --(*) The entire Parish of Monks-Kirby contains 1,659 attributed to the influx of Persons who resort there for the benefit of the Inhabitants. Most part of Sow Parisli is in the City of Coren- waters.-- O The decrease of Population in Milverton Parish, is owing try.- (0) Tanworth Parish is in the Warwick Division of Kington to the failure of a cotton mill. (0) The increase of Population in the Hundred, and Monks-Path Liberty contains nu Inhabitants, the Person Farish of Bulkington is ascribed to the building of houses, required in who occupies the land residing at Brinklow. consequence of a ribbon manufacture. The entire Parish contains 1,679 | 348 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF WARWICK-continued. PERSONS: FAMI- ALL Orier OR TOTAL employ- Families many Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. FEMALES. Trade, prized in Manu- the Two MALES. PERSONS. 64 13 191 351 851 168 68 107 420 1 160 431 147 46 162 309 6,308 6,502 12,810 202 401 322 164 112 322 FileE' 199 158 59 171 179 117 476 159 137 381 372 240 53 151 193 123 471 145 116 398 947 304 253 I c OTIINI OCI I II II - 779 193 162 Inco la fl-It Snow O COLA 355 412 213 27 HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES By LIES chicfly how chiefly EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. en- ed in not coin- Families ployed Oc- in KNIGHTLOW Hundred-continued. cupied. AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- for Handi- ing KIRBY Division-continued. TURE. craft. Classes. Wolston (part of) Parish : (W) Brandon and Bretsford - - Hainlet Wolvey - - - - - - - Parish 181 Withybrook - - - - - .. Parish with Hopsford - - - - • Hamlet 2,696 151 821 1,433 1,295 RUGBY Division. Bilton - - - - - - - - Parish Bourton-upon-Dunsmoor - - Parish with Draycot - - - - Tything Brownsover - - - - - - Parish AL 131 - Churchover - - - - - - Parish Clifton-upon-Dunsmoor - () Parish Newton and Biggin - - - Hamlet Dunchurch - - - - - () Parish with Toft - - - - - - Hamlet Thurlaston - - - - - Hamlet Frankton - - - - - - - Parish Hillmorton - - - - - - Parish Lawford, Church - Parish Newbold-upon-Avon - (2) Parish Cosford - - - - Hamlet Lawford, Little - - - - Hamlet Lawford, Long - - • Hamlet Newnham-Regis - - - - Parish 28 Rugby - - - - - - (3) Parish Ryton-upon-Dunsmoor - • Parish 110 Stretton-upon-Dunsmoor 1 - Parish per and Princethorpe 170 s Willoughby - - - - - - Parish. 92 Wolston (part of) - - - - (b) Parish | } 126 with Marston - - - - - Hamlet 2,046 2,105 627 219 SOUTHAM Division. Birdinbury - - - - - - Parish 48 Chapel-Ascote - - - - Extra-P. Grandborough - - - - - Parish Hodnel - - - - - - Extra-P. Hunningham - - - - - Parish Hydes-Pastures - () Hamlet Itchington, Bishops - - - Parish Itchington, Long - Parish 180 Ladbrooke - - - Parish Leamington-Hastings Parish 93 Marton - - - - - - - Parish Napton-on-the-Hill - - - - Parish Radbourn, Lower - - - Extra-P. Radbourn, Upper - - - Extra-P. Shuckburgh, Upper - - - - Parish Southam - - - - Parish 101 Stockton - - - - Parish Wappenbury - - - - - - Parish Eatbrope - - - - - - Hamlet Watergall - - - - - - Extra-P. Weston-under-Weatherly - - Parish Wills-Pastures - - - - Extra-P. Wolfhamcote- - - - - - Parish 55 15 250 73 199 28 12 224 61 1,027 241 1 349 415 1,273 257 411 239 311 27 474 134 2,300 498 760 421 182 96 128 279 590 12 5,298 4,780 10,078 108 105 213 12 254 229 483 9 104 193 100 cerca Bricola 219 211 430 @iii 398 438 127 236 124 208 836 251 444 317 163 oliveri icoaroor IT i816 437 455 13 10 17 30 4 25 22 610 1,161 551 184 160 344 } 284 237 13 49 135 97 232 12 413 201 212 1,390 1,441 998 277 | 166 3,389 3,241 6,630 (W) Most part of Wolstan Parish is in the Rugby Division of Knightlow į is ascribed to the flourishing state of the school.(0) Wolstan Par Hundred. --(*) The entire Parish of Clifton contains 612 Inhabitants. partly in the Kirby Division of Knightlow Hundred. The entire Parish - The entire Parish of Dunchurch contains 1,251 Inhabitants. com contains 941 Inhabitants.- ) Hydes-Pastures Hamlet is included in (7) Newbold-upon-Avon Parish includes the Hamlet of Little-Harbo the return of Hinckley, Sparkenhoe Hundred, County of Leicester.. rough, which Hamlet is in Great-Harborough Parish, Kirby Division. ( The decrease of Population in the Parish of Lcamington-Hastings, The entire Parish of Newbold Avon contains something less than 968 is attributed to several large families having left the Parish, and their Inhabitants. Many houses have been built upon the waste land at 1 places supplied by smaller families. Long-Lawford. (*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Rugby, M.DCCC.XXI. 349 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. [V. C. 04.. COUNTY OF WARWICK—-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how niany Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI+ 1 | ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ Families em ed in not com- (TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TurHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP ployed in FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 160 Town of BIRMINGHAM (+) Aston (+) - - Edgbaston - - - 146 - - () - - 17,323 19,526 88 - - (*) Parish 3,787 / 3,962 54 | 281 - - - Parish | 3771 3781 6 120 6 504 97 19,374 3,222 165 236 40,855 | 44,561 | 85,416 9,265 / 9,924 | 19,189 908 1,209 | 2,117 116 21,487 23,866 148 1,461 607 22,761 498 51,028 55,694 106,722 City of COVENTRY. Holy Trinity (part of) - - (5) Parish John, St. Baptist, with Michael, St. (b) Par. 1,548 1,618 4 37 124 | 1,580 2,729 3,343 38 114 144 2,816 14 383 3,175 6,860 3,570 7,637 6,745 14,497 168 4,396 397 10,035 11,207 21,242 1 16 102 er wo mand 105 oro 103 3971 2,663 205 775 378 2,274 | 4,2771 4,961 | 42 151 County of the City of COVENTRY. Anstey - - - - - - - Parish 131 42 Exhall - - - - - - - Parish 161 | 163 Foleshill - - ---- · Parish 1,046 1,060 Michael, St. (part of) Parish : (h) Keresley - - - - - - Hamlet Radford - - - - - - Hamlet 41 Sow (part of) - · · - (i) Parish 180 182 Stivichall - - - - - - Parish 22 Stoke - - - - - - - - Parish 129 133 Wyken - - - - - - - Parish 13 185 201 386 99 107 206 LIIIA II loro in 448 42 O 434 882 54 · 96 299 361 - 79 572 15 12 43 1,706 1,748 13 374 1,285 3,844 4,294 8,138 IS Borough of WARWICK. (K) Mary, St. . - - - - - Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish 2,101 Parish / 422 1,268 | 9141 492 ללל 3 6 59 455 184 2,972 1,047 3,131 1,085 6,103 2,132 12 249 1,523 1,760 14 53 95 1,026 639 4,019 4,216 8,235 (c) Birmingham consists of the Parishes of St. Martin and St Philip. of St. John-Baptist, with St.-Michael, contains 15,089 Inhabitants, in. o Aston Parish includes the Chapelry of Deritend.- 6) Holy | cluding Rudford. Most part of St. Michael's Parish is in the City of Trinity Parish is partly in Kirby Division, Knightlow Hundred. The | Coventry.---- () Sow Parish is partly in Kirby Division, Knightlow increase of Population is ascribed to the increase of trade a few years | Hundred. The increase of Population is attributed to a colliery and to ago, and to a number of labourers coming to reside in the Parisb from the ribbon-trade. Thirty-three of the families in the third column of adjoining Parishes and Hamlets, in consequence of the cottages in those Occupations are coal-miners and boat-men. The entire Parish of Sow places having been taken down. The entire Parish of The Holy-Trinity | contains 1,212 Inhabitants.- (k) The increase of population in the contains 7,058 Inhabitants, including as part of it the Hamlet of Cam- | Borough of WARWICK is attributed to the increase of factories and other den, Kirby Division of Knightlow Hundred.- (h) The entire Parish | buildings. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WARWICK. . - 12,183 21,329 11,184 20,205 12,125 24,308 22,073 43,402 10,967 | 22,151 19,989 40,194 802 Hundred of BARLICHWAY - - - - - 1 4,818 5,182 | 50 165 2,961 1,633 588 HEMLINGFORD - 8,469 9,118 4,153 4,184 781 KINGTON - - - - - - 4,479 1 4,783 | 15 3,472 / 950 361 KNIGHTLOW: 8,323 8,705 57 4,949 2,954 Town of BIRMINGHAM - - - - - 21,487 23,866 148 1,461 | 607 22,761 / 498 City of COVENTRY - - - - - 4,277 4,961 168 4,396 COUNTY OF THE SAME - - | 1,706 | 1,748 374 1,285 Borough of WARWICK - - - - - - 11,523 1,760 | 14 | 53 1 95 1,026 | 639 51,028 55,694 106,722 10,035 3,844 11,207 | 21,242 4,294 18,138 4,019 / 4,216 8,235 TOTALS - - - 155,082 60,123 403 12,408 16,779139,189 4,155 13 27 140,565 274,392 4 U 350 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF WARWICK--continued. Ages of Persons. - MA LES Uuder Hundred TOTAL. of 4 1 12,190 BARLICHWAY - .- 1,715 1,622 HEMLINGFORD - - 13,303 2,820 2,447 | 1,964 3,071 2,327 | 1,964 1,537 1,136 569 1 - 21,308 KINGTON - - - - 11,591 1,463 11,271 1,139 1,589 (1,165 1,096 806 1642339 7 2 11,197 KNIGHTLOW - - - 2,890 2,547 12,009 2,984 2,220 1,866 | 1,409 1,082 556131 71 - 20,0561 - - 908 10,091 BIRMINGHAM, TOWN 106 | 125 | 120 - COVENTRY, CITY - 11,601 11,142 1,019 (1,088 1,627 1,271 960 722 COÚNTY OF THE SAME 638 504 | 397 | 356 520 455 378 WARWICK, BORO' - 574 454 447 | 471 687 524 361 Total of MALES - 112,418 10,6779,476 8,383 12,385 9,392 7,830 5,940 4,299 2,206 561 34 3,845 4,009 383,604 FEMALES. | 15 20 | Under Hundred of $ TOTAL. 91 - 112,124 1,541 1,1 1 22,173 BARLICHWAY - - - 1,637 HEMLINGFORD - - 3,281 12,151 3,569 2,561 2,074 KINGTON --- - 1,623 1,444 1,163 1,011 1,645 1,194 1,059 KNIGHTLOW - - - 2,849 2,513 810 620 294) 6 - 10,946 1,354 11,001 5231 19,892 96 164 | 80 | 41 | 15 | 3 | 1,209 BIRMINGHAM, TOWN 94 122 1 COVENTRY, CITY - - 1,576 1,218 COUNTY OF THE SAME 635 525 WARWICK, BORO' - 568 467 1,030 161 345 1,188 2,114 477 | 745 489 543 4,296 430 409 414 | 373 | 796 535 267 178 104) 30 - 4,216 EMALI 12,263|10,613 8,711 18,425 14,629 |10,033|8,280 (1,907 |1,285/2,247 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Warwick was .... 274,392, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 169,611 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of more than onc-third of the Persons therein enumerated, have not beeli obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Warwick was 265; two of which (from the Town of Biriningham and the adjoining Parish of Aston) did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked, (+):* remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficicut, or reduudant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Sales and Females. M.DCCC.XXI. 351 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Westmorland. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR chiefly employol TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. 'OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FA HI- 1 LIES ALL LIES chiefly OTHER Families em- played Trupe prized in in Manu- the Two preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing Classes. not com- | ed in Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building OF FEMALES. MALES. AGRI- factures, PERSONS. URE. craft. 145 824 75 20 20 ܙ ܐ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 22 I IIIINI croin, 141 100 93 20 108 | 207 214 101 637 ܝܙ | | ܙ Giaco 320 68 150 317 66 150 88 134 300 204 116 201 ܟ 478 462 ܙ ܙ 90 in 1 w IIA II 940 180 101 616 44 118 306 310 ܕ 88 105 ܙ ܙ 37 193 80 ܕ 269 242 511 EAST Ward. APPLEBY, St. Lawrence Parish: (*) APPLEBY - - Borough & Township Burrals - - - - - - Township Colby - - - - - - Township Drybeck - - - - - Township Hoffe - - - - - - Township | Scalergate - - ... - - Township Asby - - - - - - (b Parish Bongate Parish: (0) Bongate and Langton - - Township Crackenthorpe - - - - Township Hilton - - - - - - Township Murton - - - - - - Township Brough Parish : (+) Brough - - - - - () Township Brough-Sowerby - - - Township Hilbeck - - - - - - Township Stainmore - - - - - Chapelry Crosby-Garrett Parish : () Crosby-Garrett - - - Township Musgrave, Little - - - Township Dufton - -..-- () Parish Kirkby-Stephen Parish : () Hartley - - - - - - Township Kaber - - - - - () Township Kirkby-Stephen - - - Township Mallerstang - - - - Chapelry Nateby - - - - - - Township Smardale - Township Soulby - - Chapelry Waitby - - - - - - Township Wharton - - - - - Township Winton - - - - - - Township Kirkby-Thore Parish : (h) Kirkby-Thore - - - - Township Milburn & Milburn-Grange Chapelry Temple-Sowerby - - - Chapelry Long.Marton - - - - - - Parish Musgrave, Great - - - - - Parish Newbiggin - - - - - - Parish Ormside - - - - - - - Parish Orton - - - - . (i) Parish Ravenstone-Dale . . . - Parish Warcop Parish : (K) Bleatarn - - - - - - Hamlet Burton - - - - - - - Hamlet Sandford - - - - - - Hamlet Warcop · · - - Hamlet liria Sció de la vě orico 32 71 65 136 37 Joni La monavā WILDI Owsif Grotto e poco o tō w - No 164 1,312 315 608 57 126 ܝܕ ܙ ܙ ܝܙ | | | | | | 80 704 117 75 243 Il mondo ci il word 140 26 65 29 130 23 41 163 55 251 121 23 40 121 81 284 ܟ 196 181 377 + ܙ ܒ 303 16 183 II Enco 157 188 round 371 a Vonio F G 353 714 . 188 152 112 31 33 313 ܙ | ܐ ܝܕ ܝܕ ܙ 22 103 76 108 792 559 94 733 202 OO 268 1,525 1,059 243 60 129 I IN Lini 25 27 ܙ | | | 52 163 61 93 182 70 187 ვ69 2,529 |2,903 | 15 | 59 | 1,729 673 501 | 6,968 7,006 13,974 ) 'The entire Parish of Appleby St. Lawrence contains 1,341 Inha- than in 1811. ) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Stephen contains bitants.- () The Return of Asby Parish includes the Townships of | 2,712 Inhabitants. An academy, containing about 140 inmates, has "Asby-Coatsforth, Little-Asby, and Asby-Winderwath ; each of which, been discontinued since 1811 ; on the other hand, house-rent being in the year 1811, made a distinct return.- (C) The entire Parish of | low, paupers belonging to other Parishes (122 in number) reside in the | Bongate contains 1,275 Luhabitants.- )Part of the Township of Kaber | Township of Kirkby-Stephen. In the Township of Winton, a boy's school (entered in Kirkby-Stephen Parish) is in Brougha Parish. Brough Town- | increases the male population. (h) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Thure ship consists of Brough Town and Church-Brough. The entire Parish contains 1,051 Inhabitants.- ) The Return of Orton Parish includes of Brough contains 1,837 Inhabitants, besides those attributable to it in part of Birbeck-Fells (Shap Parish, West Ward) and of Fawcet-Forest, Kaber Township.---- () The entire Parish of Crosby-Garrett contains (Kendal Parish, Kendal Ward).-(k) The entire Parish of Warcop 273 Inhabitants. (0) One female in Dutton Parish upwards of 100 | contains 713 Inhabitants. years of age. More labourers are now employed in the lead mines 352 ABSTKACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | ܝܐܙ8 Вт LIES OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. hon many Families Oc- cupied. Op Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI- LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in the Two Manu- ced- AGRI- factures, prec CU - Classes. TURE. craft. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. lorHandi' ing 158 118 412 418 48 10 war 54 59 22 11 44 263 68 38 214 477 vuoo IN CA 205 193 398 838 457 159 381 165 175 144 324 J1o 142 317 299 155 109 406 781 375 69 21 51 120 125 371 765 249 715 1,401 394 686 182 93 348 166 91 178 184 219 108 227 119 51 36 18 KENDAL Ward. Beetham Parish : (1) Beetham - - - - - Township Farlee - - - - - - Township Haverbrack - - - - Township Methop and Ulpha - - Township Witherslack - - - - Chapelry Burton-in-Kendal (part of) (m) Parish Preston-Patrick · - · Chapelry Grasmere Parish : (*) Ambleside - - - - - Chapelry Grasmere - - - - - Township Langdales - - - - - Township Rydal and Loughbrigg - Township Heversham Parish: () Crosthwaite aud Lyth - Hincaster - - - - - Township Levens - - - - - Township Milthorpe and Heversham Township Preston-Richard - - - Township Sedgwick - - - - - Township Stainton - - - - - Township Kendal Parish: (P) Crook - - - - - - Chapelry Docker - - - - - - Township Fawcet-Forest - Township Grayrigg - - - - - Chapelry Helsinglon - - - - Chapelry Hugil - - - - - - Chapelry Kentmere - - - - - Chapelry Kirkland . . - - (P) Township Lambrigg - - - - - Township Long-Sleddale - - - - Chapelry Natland - - - - - Chapelry Nether-Graveship - - Township Nether-Staveley - - - Township New-Hutton - - - - Chapelry Old-Hutton and Hólmescales Chapelry Over-Stavely - - - - Township Patton - - - - - - Township Scathwaiterigg-Hay and Hutton-i'th'-Hay } Township Selside with Whitwell (P) Chapelry Skelsmergh - - - - Township Strickland, Kettle - (P) Township Strickland-Roger - (P) Township Underbarrow and Bradley-field - () Chapelry Whinfell - - - - - Township Winster - - - - (P) Chapelry Windermere Parish: (9) Applethwaite - - - - Township Troutbeck - - - - - Chapelry | Undermilbeck - - - (P) Township 109 120 150 - VONNOISSA COW INTA NNCO Or 118 54 229 268 300 212 153 110 638 147 102 740 1,378 84 80 95 164 185 90 129 115 couco III ONI a Ivi AINONI NOI ANI I Ainon 33 106 64 45 226 171 44 188 176 135 217 160 115 123 173 II INTAI 186 wc 247 504 109 417 195 181 355 222 154 334 135 144 32 2,660 3,075 | 24 122 1,744 906 425 8,235 7,899 | 16,134 (1) The entire Parish of Beetham contains 1,618 Inhabitants. (m) Burton-in-Kendal Parish is mostly in Lonsdale Ward, and partly in the Hundred of South Lonsdale (Lancashire). The Township of Homescales, part of this Parish, is returned with Old Hutton, in Kirkby-Kendal Parish.-- " The entire Parish of Grasınere contains 1778 Inhabitants. Ambleside Township extends into Windermere Parish. The entire Parish of Heversham contains 3,996 Inha- bitants. Levens Township extends into Kendal Parish.- (P) The en- tire Parish of Kendal, which is partly in Loudsdale Ward, contains 17,417 Inhabitants; of these the Town of Kirkby-Kendal, which is en- tered at the end of the county, contains 8,984 Inhabitants. T'he Town- ship of Fawcet-Forest extends into the Parish of Orton (East Ward), and into the Parish of Shap (West Ward). The Return of Winster Chapelry is included in that of Undermilbeck (Winderniere Parish ;) these two places are united in the maintenance of the poor. The Town. ship of Kirkland adjoins the Town of Kendal, and is greatly burthened with poors-rates. The apparent increase of Population in Selside and Whitwell Township arises from labourers employed in making a road. The inclosure of a common in Strickland-Kettle Township, the like at Underbarrow, and einployment at a manufactory in Strickland-Roger Township, are stated as causes of increased Population. (9) 110 entire Parish of Windermere contains 1,441 Inbabitants. Amblesiae, Township, which is partly in Windermere Parish and partly in that os Grasmere, is wholly entered in the latter, M.DCCC.XXI.] 353 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND- continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: FAMI- | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families LIES chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited, Un-Jnhabited. FAMI- 1 LIES chiefly OTIER employ- molov. Families em- I ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- orHandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP Building OC FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. O 63 420 89 V LONSDALE Ward. Burton-in-Kendal (part of) Parish: (1) Burton-in-Kendal - - Township Holme - - - - - () Township Kendal Parish : (*) Dilliker - - - - - Township Kirkby-Lonsdale Parish: () Barbon - - - - - - Chapelry Casterton - - - - - Township Firbank - - - - - Chapelry Hutton-Roof - - - () Chapelry Killington - - - - () Chapelry Kirkby-Lonsdale - - - - Town Lupton - - - - - () Township Mansergh - - - - - Chapelry Middleton - - - - - Chapelry 176 IIIIIIII i on 144 172 133 107 133 192 Icono man i 102 124 42 52 297 143 11 t-alta mo ay 348 277 209 257 335 1,643 221 157 322 822 129 821 92 66 157 34 30 49 13 32 53 91 165 906 8| 30 516 320 2,495 2,456 4,951 52 22 178 l II 177 85 C cm 355 162 77 108 316 298 614 168 154 135 322 282 11 19 81 155 105 190 121 244 WEST Ward. Askham Parish: (º) Askham - - - - - Township Helton - - - - - - Township Bampton - - - - - - (W) Parish Barton Parish : (*) Barton, High - - - - Township Hartsop and Patterdale - Chapelry Low-Winder - - - - Township Martindale - - - - Chapelry Sockbridge - - - - Township Yanwath & Eamont-Bridge Township Brougham - - - - - - Parish Cliburu - - - - . - (Y) Parish Clifton - - - - - - - Parish Crosby-Ravensworth - - (2) Parish Lowther - - - - - - - Parish Morland Parish (a) Bolton - - - - Chapelry Kings-Meaburn - - - Township Morland - - - - - Township Newby - - - Township Sleagill - - - Township Strickland, Great - - - Township Strickland, Little - - - Township Thrimby - - - - - Chapelry Shap - - - - - - - (b) Parish 123 65 78 143 103 137 443 Ni Coco Draco 102 146 420 205 283 863 599 311 288 Ji I lol co iw loon! Ilm I 220 225 445 88 88 176 180 162 192 27% 338 76 81 120 157 246 126 62 53 115 10 1, 11o 34 62 28 498 148 471 969 1,267 1,437 17 42 969 292 | 176 3,676 3,640 7,316 Town of -- | Kirkby-Kendal 11,881 2,048 | 49 | 48 | 138 1,610 | 300 | 4,139 4,845 8,984 .() Burton-in-Kendal Parish is partly in Kendal Ward, and partly 517 inhabitants. (W) The Return of Bampton Parish includes part of in the Hundred of South-Lonsdale (Lancashire); the entire Parisb con- | Mardale. The entire Parish of Barton contains 1,212 Inhabi. lains 1,642 inhabitants. The cutting of a canal has increased the popu | tants. An inclosure of land has taken place in the Parish of ation in Holme Township. The same observation is applicable to Kilo | Cliburn. () The Return of Crosby. Ravensworth Parish includes mgton Township in Lonsdale Parish.- (5) Kendal Parish is mostly part of Birbeck-Fells.-- () The entire Parish of Morland contains 2. Kendal Ward. The entire Parish of Kirkby-Lonsdale con- | 1,911 Inhabitants.-. (b) Ìhe Parish of Shap contains part of Mar- tains 3,769 Inbabitants. Newbiggin is included with Hutton-Roof; dale, of Birbeck-Fells, and of Fawcet-Forest. The latter is eutered in lowbrow with Lupton. (u) The entire Parish of Askham contains | Kendal Parish. 4 X 354 Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNĐER COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. HOUSES : PERSONS: WARDS, TOTAL &c. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. ed in Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FANI | FAMI- | All LIJS LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly eniploy- Families em- notcom- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE, 1 craft. ] Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. manam 673 501 13,974 IT 7,006 7,899 906 425 16,134 YA EAST WARD - - - - - - KENDAL WARD -----| LONSDALE WARD . . | WEST WARD --.1,267 the southe 6,988 8,235 2,495 3,676 320 139 4,951 292 3,640 7,316 Town of KIRKBY-KENDAL - - - . to | 138 1,610 4,139 4,845 TOTALS - - . 19,243 (10,438 113 301 / 5,096 3,801 | 1,541 25,513 25,846 51,359 Ages of Persons. MALES. Under TOTAL EAST WARD ... 11,022 KENDAL WARD - - 11,316 LONSDALE WARD - 1 WEST WARD - - - KIRKBY-KENDAL, Town 408 | 287 | 184 85 | 26 1 1 1 - - Total of Males - 3,837 3,333 2,862 2,583 | 3,798 | 2,790 | 2,3841,712 738 1957 - 25,526 FEM A LES 1 10 Under TOTAL 5. 10 EAST WARD - - - KENDAL WARD - - 1,225 710 524 415 25 LONSDALE WARD - 212 WEST WARD - - - | 3 601 487 390 266 147 43 1 -4,845 KIRKBY-KENDAL, Town 630 567 498 1414 801 414 Total of FEMALES 3,617 |3,262 2,790 2,401 2,955 | 2,393 1,911 1,418 800 261 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Westmorland was .... 51,359, .... and the Ages as returned (being of 51,374 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Westmorland, was 221. M.DCCC.XXI.] 355 - THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. - County of Wilts. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES 1 ALL OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI- LA LIES 1 chiefly whicho | OTHER chiefly employ-| Families em ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. 1 craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL OP PERSONS. . ALDERBURY Hundred. 96 20 588 291 111 153 229 297 118 155 90 143 UND - cour 308 183 93 115 258 107 20 ALDERBURY - • • (a) Parish Farley - - - - - () Chapely Pitton - - - - - - - Chapelry Clarendon-Park (Liberty) - - Extra.P. Dean, West - - - - () Parish Grimstead, East - - - Chapelry Grimstead, West - - - - Parish Idmiston Parish: (*) Ford - - - - - - Tything Gomeldon - - Tything Idmiston - - Tything Porton - - - - - - Tything Shripple - - - - - Tything Laverstock and Ford () Parish | Melchet-Park (Liberty) - (0) Extra-P. Plaitford - - - - - () Parish Winterbourne-Dantsey - - - Parish Winterbourne-Earls - - - Parish Winterbourne-Gunner - - - Parish Winterslow, East and West - Parish 50 Ovo vil I will love II III III ölcoi in mod cu 1 anni in II w Nos 177 140 51 A NATIO -I- A creovlar Ini 203 4 124 276 152 74 104 106 150 210 132 70 375 135 373 748 751 651 130 104 2,162 2,050 4,212 .64 11 172 26 33 372 31 438 810 63 128 : 65 140 900 onwil 53 269 32 200 l na tri l 129 72 77 102 102 149 472 232 184 201 240 186 370 102 236 AMESBURY Hundred. Allington - - - - - - - Parish Amesbury • - - (+) - Parish Boscombe - - - - - - Parish Bulford - - - - - - - Parish Cholderton - - - - - - Parish Durnford - - (+) - (8) Parisha: Durrington - (+) - - - Parish Figheldean - - - - - - Parish Hurst (part of) Parochial Chapelry: (h) Broad-Hinton - - - - - Liberty LUDGERSHALL - - Bor: & Parish Milston and Brigmis - - - Parish Newton-Toney - - - - - Parish Shinfield-Westside (part of) (i) Parish Swallowfield (part of) - (k) Parish Tidworth, North - - - - Parish Wellow, West - - - () Parish Wokingham (part of) - (m) Parish 437 VWNu, .-TOGA, 1101 238 489 245 251 232 49 127 477 25 98 49 155 . 282 79 8A 163 ܐ ܕ CON laoi la ♡ 321 ܢܢ 315 170 181 157 636 327 395 320 On 214 149 171 C 1,339 6 34 952 258 129 2,907 2,979 5,886 792 131 333 173 7561 29 1,735 325 740 2,025 317 248 1,180 BRADFORD Hundred. Bradford, Great - - - (™) Parish 733 Atworth - - - - - Chapelry | 110 Leigh-Wooley - - - Tything 306 Holt - - - - - - Chapelry | 163 Winsley, with Limpley-Stoke Chapelry 616 Wraxall, South - - - Chapelry Broughton-Gifford - - - - Parish Chalfield, Great - - - - - Parish n . with Little Chalfield & Cottles Extra-P. 829 388 458 111 557 679 3,760 642 1,569 846 2,979 435 776 - Có 3 số 8 - 7 1,411 239 393 1,568 196 145 99 383 57 100 (*) The entire Parislı of Alderbury contains 1,125 Inhabitants. The Hospital, with ten Almshouses at Farley, are not reckoned as separate houses. The entire Parish of West-Dean contains 365 Inbabit. ants.---- () The entire Parish of Idmiston contains 438 Inhabitants. (1) Laverstock Parish is partly in Underditch Hundred. The en- tire Parish contains 904 Inhabitants. Two Lunatic Asylums have con- tributed to the incroase of Population. The Mansion-house in Melchet Park not inhabited in May 1821.- () Plaitford is a distinct portion of Alderbury Hundred, southward. ) The Return of Durn- ford Parish includes Little-Duruford, Netton, New-Town and Salterton. -(*) Hurst Parochial Chapelry is mostly in the Hundreds of Charl- ton and Sonning (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 2,091 Inhabitants. (i) Shinfield Parish is mostly in Charlton and Theale Hundreds (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 1,065 Inhabitants.- (K) Swallow- field Parish is partly in Charlton Hundred (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 983 Ivhabitants. (1) An inclosure has taken place at West- Wellow since 1811. The Parish of East-Wellow is in I{ampshire (Andover. Division.)- (m) Wokinglian Parish is mostly in Sonning Hundred (Berks.) The entire Parish contains 2,810 Inhabitants. The en- tire Parish of Great-Bradford, with Trowl, contains 10,231 Inhabitants. 356 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR how TOTAL em- many Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LICS от HER chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures. preced- CUI- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 188 43 34 159 180 28 174 347 354 2,481 536 1,863 825,636 6,172 11,808 109 207 - I 639 227 1,253 528 274 BRADFORD Hundred-continued. Monkton-Farley - - - - - Parish | Winkfield, with Rowley - - Parish 61 2,272 BRANCH and DOLE Hundred. Berwick, St. James - - - - Parish Fisherton-Anger, near Salisbury Parish Fugglestone, St. Peter - ☺ Parish Langford, Little - - - - - Parish Langford, Steeple - - - - Parish Maddington - - - - - - Parish Newton, South - - - (P) Parish Orcheston, St. Mary - Parish Sherrington - - - - (9) Parish Shrewton - - - - - - - Parish Stapleford - - - - - - Parish Tilshead - - - - - - - Parish WILTON . - - () Bor: & Parish Wily, with Deptford - - - - Parish Winterbourne Stoke - - - Parish 56 Wishford, Great - - - - - Parish 32 14 288 118 614 254 18 269 182 274 45 81 ooooooooo II va 187 305 II 84 225 236 152 153 204 221 305 125 2,058 390 1,081 +oara 236 466 II a 977 230 137 182 82 144 190 281 372 1,770 272 3,963 4,225 | 8,188 85 162 10 20 77 24 2,387 44 970 438 423 | 109 i 4 2,162 1,597 CALNE Hundred. Barwick-Bassett - - - - - Parish 29 Blackland - - - - - - Parish CALNE - - - (5) Bor: & Parish | 879 Bowood - - - - - - Liberty Calstone-Willington - - - Parish Cherbill - - - - - - - Parish 71 Compton-Bassett - - - - Parish Heddington - - - - - - Parish Yatesbury - - - - - Parish 4,549 34 35 163 346 124 +Intal 229 17 183 251 150 121 480 146 113 296 234 53 1,211 1,334 736 472 126 2,965 3,244 / 6,209 . 88 95 16 560 20 G 68 135 51 53 149 289 67 170 355 210 148 157 81 109 Lowo w Niin 358 164 168 CAWDEN and CADWORTH Hundred. (0) Barford, St. Martin - - - - Parish Baverstock - - - - - - Parish Bramshaw (part of) - - Parish Britford - - - - - (W) Parish Burcombe, South - - Parish Coombe-Bissett - - - - - Parish Fovant, otherwise Foffont - - Parish Harnham, West - - - Parish Homington - - - - - - Parish Nether-Hampton - - Parish Odstock . - - - Parish Stratford, St. Anthony - - - Parish Sutton-Mandeville - - - - Parish Whitchbury - - - - - - Parish 163 270 253 123 94 144 co na novo 68 * AVACO 1-OOVN O 66 3 - 72 112 78 al I 138 78 37 790 945 702 186 | 2,044 2,189 4,233 46 44 ne 224 CHALK Hundred. Alvesdiston - - - - Berwick, St. John Bower-Chalk - - - - Broad-Chalk - - - - - Ebbesborne-Wake - 83 112 198 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish . - 79 cum in no 386 358 58 Tor Ani 112 188 182 345 123 176 142 140 361 space 48 45 116 239 Fugglestone St. Peter includes Bemerton. The Return of Park, and in making roads and other alterations in and about the town. South-Newton Parish includes Burden's-Ball, Chilampton, South-New. () The entire Parish of Calne contains 4,612 Inhabitants. ton, Stoford, Ugford and Wishford, which, in the year 1811, made dis- 1 (1) Bulbridge, part of Cawden and Cadworth Hundred, is included in the 'tinct Returns. (9) Sherrington is a detached portion of Branch and Return of Wilton (Branch and Dole Hundred.) (u) Bramshaw Pari Dole Hundred, westward. ) The Return of Wilton includes the is mostly in New-Forest East Division (Southampton.) The entire Parish Tythings of Bulbridge (Cawden and Cadworth Hundred) and Ditch contains 726 Inhabitants. (W) The Return of Britford Parish includes ainpton; the woollen manufactory not being prosperous, many who were the Hamlets of East-Harnham and Longford. occupied in that branch of trade are now employed in Lord Pembroke's M.DCCC.XXI.] 357 : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR ΤΟΤΑΙ, EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI. ALL LIES LIES | ОтнER chiefly chiefly emplov. Families em- ed in (not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu-' the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. or PERSONS. cupied. CHALK Hundred continued. Fifield Bavant - - - - - Parish Semley - - - - - - (*) Parish | Tollard-Royal - - - - () Parish 10 19 23 123 10 1291 42 675 com lol Iwi 337 149 338 42 139 288 583 650 23 1,455 1,463 2,918 CHIPPENHAM Hundred. 88 176 208 - 188v8xã how 88 179 14 387 Ilia or 27 685 i Alcoi. ci 257 330 136 1,336 747 13 651 696 320 1,500 53 1,443 635 315 1,701 3,201 110 103 92 195 8 426 10 462 1,340 35 INN BAIN 1,387 51 888 2,727 86 81 70 Alderton - - - - - - (*) Parish Biddestone, St. Nicholas (2) Parish Biddestone, St. Peter - - Box - - - - - - - - Parish Bremhill . - - - - - - Parish Castle-Combe . . . . . Parish CHiPPENHAM - - . (^) Borough Allington - - - - - Tything Tytherton-Stanley and Nethermore - -> Tything Christian-Malford Parish : (0) Avon - - - - - • Chapelry Colerne - - - - - - - Parish Corsham - - - - - - - Parish Ditteridge - - - - - - Parish Easton-Grey - - - - - *) Parish Hardenhuish - - . - - Parish Hullavington Parish: (9) Surrendral - - - - Tything Kellaways - - - - - - Parish Kingswood - - - - - (d) Parish Kington, West - - - - - Parish Laycock - - - - - - - Parish Langley-Burrel - Parish Leigh-de-la-mere - - - - Parish Littleton-Drew - . Parish Luckington - - - - - *) Parish Pewsham - - - - - Extra-P. Sherston, Magna - - - (*) Parish Sherston-Pinckney - (*) Parish Slaughterford - - - - - Parish Sopworth - - - - - (*) Parish Wraxham, North - - - - Parish Yatton-Keynall - - - - - Parish 151 70 19 15 700 154 IlIII Irina II ali lai 691 131 895 15 1,391 285 1,682 787 3.-1 YAMRUBICI --B 226 202 428 59 125 155 76 66 79 150 w carrier III Aerior!! on N 130 280 153 243 567 579 66 57 06 55 322 1,146 123 121 222 345 430 129 93 180 265 212 218 3,503 4,024 2779 | 1,926 1,500 598 9,100 9,454 18,554 DAMERHAM (North) Hundred. 205 il 15 431 878 354 Lo 176 w Christian-Malford - - - () Parish Grittleton - - - - - - Parisha Kington, St. Michael, Parish: (*) Easton-Percey - - - Tything Kington, St. Michael - Tything Langley - - - - - Tything Nettleton - - - - - - Parish 19 10 y8 29 436 229 102 report and I 257 207 207 247 216 504 88 423 523 575 71 71 378 143 54 1,319 1,305 2,624 () Semley is a detached portion of Chalk Hundred, north westward. | is mostly in Malmesbury Hundred. (1) The Parish of Kingswood is " Tollard-Royal Parish is partly in Dorsetshire, (Shaston, West locally situate in Gloucestershire, near Wickwar. The flourishing state Dwvision.) The entire Parish contains 571 Inhabitants, erroneously of the fine woollen manufacture has attracted many strangers; and chil- stated at 283 in the Dorsetshire abstract. (*) The Parishes thus dren finding profitable emplogineni, marriages and population are greatly marked, are separated from the southern portion of Chippenham Hun increased. ) Christian-Malford is a distinct portion of North- ured, North-Damerham Hundred intervening.-- () The entire Parish Damerham Hundred, eastward. The entire Parish, which is partly in siddestone contains 414 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Chippenham Hundred, contains 896 Inhabitants. (*) The entiro nippenham contains 3,506 Inhabitants. (0) Christian-Malford Pa- | Parish of Kington, St. Michael, contains 969 Inhabitants. 18h is mostly in North-Damerham Hundred. - Hullavington Parish 4 Y 358 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration, COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OK chiefly | Orien tiuploy- Families TOTAL By how wany Families Oc- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly em ed in not con- ployed Trade, I prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- forHandi-l ing TURE. 1 craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OY FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 267 H 4 143 · 315 10 DAMERHAM (South) Hundred : (6) Compton-Chamberlain o. Parish Damerham, South . - - - Parish Deverhill, Longbridge - - - Parish Deverhill, Morickton - - - Parish Martin - - - - - - - Parish · 124 290 643 53 14 1101 151 1.29 33 0 - 10 706 605 1,349 181 = N 87 94 249 279 528 530 62671 15 395 191 40 1,393 1,537 2,930 DOWNTON Hundred: (hy Bishop's-Fonthill - - - - Parish Bishopeton - - - - - - Parish Bodenham and Nunton - - Parish DOWNTON - - Borough and Parish HINDON - - - Borough and Parish 4 112 56 117 330 145 1,661 60 566 694 111 333 141 1,453 400 473 20 228 .663 286 3,114 830 954 159 163 152 167 430 187 37 - 481 Standlinch - - (+) - - Parish 22 1,097 1,296 761 375 160 12,931 3,186 6,117 DUNWORTH Hundred. و 139 327 ا م 22 44 22 ا 55 08 114 281 .243 ا Anstey - - - - - Berwick, St. Leonard - Chicklade - - - - Chilmark - - - - with Ridge - - - - Donhead, St. Andrew - Donhead, St. Mary - - Fonthill-Gifford - - - Sedgbill - - - (+) Swallowcliffe - - - Teffont-Evias - - - Tisbury - - - - - - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - Tything - - Parish - (1) Parish - • Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (j) Parish 379 145 243 374 III am Illar ر د 280 656 705 96 205 139 524 753 1,361 471 213 252 147 2,132 266 35 98 115 27 46 ا ا ا ا د 121 48 29 239 131 77 27 27 70 978 215 179 1,144 www w ū aw allörivere swin 1,001 | 1,113 735 219 1 1591 3,004 3,349 | 6,353 ELSTUB and EVERLEY Hundred. 238 238 384 139 - - - - - o com a 379 65 73 158 · 158 - - Parish - () Parish - Tything - - Parish - - Parish 7 - Tything - (?) Parish - (°) Parish - (W) Parish - Tything co ICNN lined co 142 87 158 w A Collingbourn-Ducis Endford - - - - Fyfield - - - - Everly - - - - Fittleton - - - - with Hacklestone Ham - - - - - Hinton, Little - - Nether-Avon - - Chisenbury - - Overton Parish: (0) Alton-Priors - - with Stowell - Patney - - - - Rollstone - - - - Stockton - - - - Westwood, with Iford Wroughton - - - 126 - - - - 209 III – III i II mit 22 68 - - - - - - - - Chapelry 1 - Tything - () Parish - () Parish - (1) Parish Parish - 0 Parish er Öco ili wūnow So I wm 18 129 236 138 226 735 99 246 462 646 1,381 1,023 1,150 2,635 2,733 5,368 (8) of the five Parishes which constitute South-Damerham Hundred, Compton-Chamberlain is a distinct portion, near Wilton; Longbridge- Deverhill, near Warminster; and Monckton-Deverbill, near Mere. (h) Bishop's-Fonthill, East-Knoyle, and Hindun, are far removed from Downton, westward. Bishopston is another distinct portion of the Hundred, near Wilton.- (1) The Tythings of Charltoi, Doguell, and Haystone, which are included in the Retum of Donbead Parish, in the year 1811, were separately returned. (j) The Return of Tisbury in- cludes the Tything of Chicksgrove and Staple.- (k) The entire Parish of Endford contains 901 Inhabitants.ca(l) Rollstone is a detached portion of Elstub and Everley Hundred, south westward; and Stockton, another portion in that direction; Little-Hinton is near Swingon, east- ward; Wroughton is southward of that place ; Ham is on the border of Berkshire, near Hungerford ; Patney is near Devizes ; Westwood is on the border of Somersetshire, near Trowbridge.- (m) The entire Parish of Nether-Avon contains 464 Inhabitants. ) Overton Pa- rish is mostly in Selkley Hundred, where the Population of basis Overton Township (strictly speaking in Elstub and Everley Hundred) is included. M.DCCC.XXI.] 359 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI-L A ALL LIES By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES chiefly 1 OTHER chiefly einploy. Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied. FRUSTFIELD Hundred. asscs. 12 Landford - - - Whiteparish - - with Earldoms - - - - - - - - - - Parish - Parish Extre-P.17 204 24 / 4 147 | 38 109 570 213 1,169 226 o 599 266 703 679 1,382 will loo 139 284 153 179 145 73 202 89 130 177 381 80 169 128 240 HEYTESBURY Hundred. Boyton - - - - - - - Parish with Corton - - - - Township Brixton-Deverill • • • • Parish Chiltern, All Saints - - - Parish Chillern, St. Mary - - - - Parish Codford, St. Mary . . . . Parish Codford, St. Peter - - - - Parish with Ashton-Gifford - - Township HEYTESBURY - - Borough and Parish Hill-Deverill - - - - - Parish | 22 Horningsham - - • ( Parish Imber, (South part) - - (P) Parish Knook - - - - - - - Parish Orcheston, St. George - - - Parish with Elston - - - - - Tything ing} 32 Tytherington - - - - - Parish Upton-Lovell - - - - - Parisha 258 170 347 243 656 65 1,329 135 1,267 621 134 268 claims lex long 90 87 81 66 177 147 230 108 122 986 1,130 2,531 2,614 5,145 202 I 888 461 125 mond 427 138 31 145 263 65 I o 189 334 OO M 228 500 457 1,028 28 12 21 i 58 136 l 58 412 215 o 81 HIGHWORTH, CRICKLADE, & STAPLE Hundred. (9) Ashton-Keynes - - - () Parish Leigh - - - - - - Chapelry Blunsdon, St. Andrew · · - Parish Castle-Eaton - - - - - Parish CRICKLADE Borough: St. Mary - - - - - - Parish St Sampson - - - () Parish Whidhill - - - - Township Eisey - - - - - - (1) Parish Water-Eaton - - - - Township Hannington - - - - - - Parislı Highworth Parish : ) Broad-Blunsdon - - - Chapelry Fresdon - - - - - Tything Highworth - - - - Tything with Eastrop & Westrop Tything Marston, South - - - Chapelry | Sevenhampton - - - Tything laglesham • - - - - (") Parish Latton ... - - - - - Parish Liddiard-Millicent Parish Marston-Maisey - - - - Parish Poulton - - - - - - - Parish Purton - - - - - - (W) Parish Braydon . . - - - • Hamlet Rodbourn-Cheney · · · · Parish Sborocutt - - - - - - Parish Somerford-Keynes . - . - Parish Stanton-Fitzwarren - - - - Parish Stratton, St. Margaret's - (1) Parish 552 ler 10 24 1,888 wo 966 150 922 149 299 124 118 66 242 129 156 315 204 391 l m icon wo i mind I had no 95 184 153 156 836 309 1,696 10 37 860 33 276 70 15 268 10 164 120 392 No more w 160 142 353 544 25 324 262 745 139 2,201 2,367 46 1 431 5,787 5,874 11,661 O One male in Horningsham Parish upwards of 100 years of age. progress in 1811, which caused a temporary increase of population. $) Imber Parish, which is partly in Heytesbury fundred, and partly TO The entire Parish of Eisey contains i94 Inhabitants, (u) The in Swanborough Hundred, is wholly entered in the latter._ (!) Lynt entire Parish of Highworth contains 3,005 Inhabitants. (0) Ingle- Highworth Hundred, but is included in the Return of Coleshill, sham is partly in Farringdon Hundred, (Berks) but the whole is here nvenbam Hundred, (Berks.) The entire Parish of Ashton- I entered. (w) The entire Parish of Purton contains 1,766 Inha- cynes contains 1,151 Inhabitants. The cutire Parish of bitants. Upper-Stratton Tything is included in the Return of 1. Sampson (Cricklade) contains 1,049 Inhabitants. A canal was in Stratton St. Margaret's. 360 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI | FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly eny cinploy- Families en- 1 ed in not com- ployed | Trade, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. Oc- MIALES. in 1 PERSONS. cupied. 202 32 28 527 550 400 1,077 158 415 815 142 152 4 137 !! 202 151 4 143 171 76 118 4 161 O KINGSBRIDGE Hundred. Chisledon - - - - Parislı Cliffe-Pypard - - - - - Parish Draycot-Foliatt - - Parish Hillmarton - - - - - - Parish Lineham - - - - - - - Parish Lyddington - - Parish Lydiard-Treegooze Parish Swindon - - - - - - - Parish Tockenham - - - - - - Parish Wanborough - - - - - - Parish WOOTTON-BASSETT - Boro' and Parish 16 386 503 232 123 401 407 202 787 910 409 207 83 149 79 137 13 ! - 350 367 דנן 272 376 767 813 76 1,580 26 23 77 153 166 344 1,673 1,919 143 166 es ar met 448 851 455 850 903 1,701 1,119 622 178 4,547 4,529 / 9,076 KINWARDSTONE Hundred. 276 444 100 985 943 92 263 241 1,928 · 504 110 1,195 23 23 55 55 237 199 616 75 579 21 I!!!! Ini 21 61 136 139 100 398 379 דרך CV i II - lala 254 489 69 144 235 75 119 101 156 251 132 132 11 BEDWIN, GREAT - (1) Boro' & Parish Bedwin, Little - - - - - Parish Brimslade - - - - - Extra-P. 1 Burhage - - - - - - - Parish Buttermere - - - - - - Parish Chilton-Foliatt - (b) Parish with Leverton - - - - Tything Chute - - - - - - - - Parish Chute-Forest - - - - Extra-P. Collingbourn-Southton, or Sunton - - - - 5 Collingbourn-Kingstone - - Parish Collingbourn-Vallance - Easton - - - - - - - Parish Froxfield . . . - - - - Parish Hippenscombe - - - - Extra-P. Hungerford Parish : (0) Charnham-Street - - Tything Marlborough Forest : Cadley - - - - - Extra-P. Milton-Lilborne - - - - - Parish Pewsey - - - - - - - Parish Shalbourn (part of) Parish : (0) Shalbourn-West · - - Township Tidcombe - - - - - - Parish Wootton-Rivers - - - - - Parish 233 333 447 210 237 111m1 ^ Ali ÖA i E low we w icoolice 274 508 40 1 21 1677 348 11 22 45 la mod 120 111 632 1,337 291 68 201 45 iiil am 209 115 195 122 205 410 237 400 - 1,887 | 2,173 4 22 | 1,638 | 395 | 140 5,171 / 5,333 10,504 MALMESBURY Hundred, . 31 92 - 169 103 - 25 520 542 1,062 con un III II a 81 Abbey (in Malmesbury) Ashley - - - - - Bremilham . - - - Brinkworth - - - - Grittenham - Brokenborough Charlton - - Crudwell - - - - - Eastcourt - - - - Dauntsey Draycot-Cerne Foxley - - 73 - • Parish - - Parish - - Parish - (f) Parish - Tything - Parish - Parish - (5) Parish - - Tything! - Parish - Parish - Parish 154 TUTTI III! 128 262 281 134 282 210 87 Oow N O 202 70 237 بی ادب پر وہ برم 230 35 (*) The Return of Great-Bedwin includes the Tythings of Crofton, bitants.- ) Hungerford Parish is mostly in Kintbury-Eagle Hun- Martin, Wilton, Wixcombe, and Wolfhall, which in the year 18u, dred (Berks.) - Shalbourn Parish is mostly in Kintbury-Eagle were separately returned.-- O Leverton, part of Chilton-Foliatt Hundred (Berks.) () The entire Parish of Brinkworth contains Parish, is in Kintbury-Eagle Hundred (Berks) but the whole is here agle Hundred (Berks) but the whole is here | 1,216 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Crudwell contains 570 entered. The entire Parish of Collingbourn contains 817 Inha- | Inhabitants. MDCCC.XXI.) 361 " THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. c. 94." COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI-. LIES chiefly FAMI- LIES By ALL OTHER OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. niany Inbabited. Families Oc- cupied. ОР Un-Inliabited. Building. chiefly lemploy. Families cm- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. \ craft. Classes, FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 90 183 144 269 1 A bod I coi 93 124 44 236 2 43 87 101 ܒܘ ܬܗ ܚ ܨ 236 216 472 10x 219 v ܪ 595 435 371 1,322 192 37 171 82 I wo MALMESBURY Hundred-continued. Garsdon - - - - - - - Parish Hankerton - - - - () Parish Cloatly - - - - - Tything Hullavington - - - () Parish Kemble - - - - - () Parish Lea and Cleverton - - - - Parish MALMESBURY - - () M S Borough and Parish Burton-Hill - - - - Tything Cole and West-Park - Tything Corston - - - - - Tything Milbourn - - - - - Tything Rodborne - - - - - Tything Newnton, Long - .. Parish Norton-Coleparle - - - - Parish Oaksey - - - - - Parish Poole-Keynes - - - - - Parish Seagry, Lower and Upper - - Parish Somerford, Broad - . Parish Somerford, Little - - - - Parish Stanton, St. Quinton - - - Parish Sutton-Benger - - - - - Parish Westport, St. Mary - - - Parish 20 ܨܢ ܝܕ ܝܘ ܟ 83 62 No 115 139 306 153 53 56 197 188 110 385 146 72 74 110 ܠ ܩ ܙ ܟܝܘ ܝܕ ܒ ܝܕ ܝܘ ܟ ܗ ܚ 215 Il mondo con la I 105 233 156 248 481 330 52 52 66 174 147 138 285 237 458 108 198 221 445 158 578 1,023 1,986 2,359 1,577 312 5,383 5,764 11,147 1 187 74 191 con CA 188 467 375 904 213 MELKSHAM Hundred. Earl-Stoke - - - - - - Parish Hilperton - - - - - (m) Parish Keevil Parish : (*) Bulkington - - - - Tything Melkshani - - - - O Parish Seend - - - - (+) Chapelry Poulshot - - - - - - - Parish Trowbridge - - - - (m) Parish Whaddon - - - - - - Parish 51 70 160 146 465 116 971 252 66 por Demo 85 913 197 62 1,786 9 2,417 504 2,348 507 306 4,765 1,011 323 9,545 63 157 100 1,986 166 4,400 83 5,145 33 12 - 10 3.0 3,283 3,831 37 160 314 17,292 162 166 328 80 28 116 109 208 526 247 MERE Hundred. Kingston-Deverill - - - - Parish Knoyle, West - - - - - Parish Maiden-Bradley - - (P) Parish Mere Parish : (9) Town - - - - - - Tything Woodlands & Chaddenwicke, Tything Zeals - - - - - - Tything Stourton (part of) - - (5) Parish 226 596 197 132 58 143 tas ao 331 60 ū voor 332 253 152 286 194 1,220 663 539 346 69 641 737 4 387 253 97 1,851 1,979 3,830 318 663 694 POTTERNE and CANNINGS () Hundred. Brombam - - - - (+) Parish Bishops-Cannings. - () Parish Chittoe - - - - - Tything James, St. . - - - - Chapelry Highway - - - - - (4) Parish 1,357 1,224 255 20 613 287 221 53 285 15 153 227 49 159 qaror 201 55 611 157 its content 106 233 298 639 626 59 1,265 108 26 49 Pm . ) The entire Parish of Hankerton contains 356 Inhabitants. pulation. Maiden-Bradley Parish is partly in Fcrris-Norton Hun- Hullavington Parish is parily in Chippenliam Hundred; the entire dred (Soinerset). The entire Parislı contains 620 Inhabitants. ish contains 506 Inhabitants. (k) The Tythings of Ewen and of 119) The entire Parish of Mere contains 2,422 Inhabitants. () Stourton Wick is included in the Return of Kemble Parish. () The entire Parish is parily in Ferris-Norton Hundred (Somerset). The entire Farish of Malmesbury contains 1,976 Inhabitants. (1) The increase Parish contains 658 Inhabitants. (5) The borough of Devizes is en- of Population at Hilperton and at Trowbridge, is ascribed to the increas- | tered at the end of the County.- 10 The entire Parish of Bishops- ing woollen nanufacture. ) Keevil Parish is mostly in Whorwels Cannings contains 2,722 Inhabitants. (u) Highway is locally situate down Hundred. The entire Parish of Melksham contains 5,776 near Calne, being a detached portion of Potterne and Cannings Hun- Muhabitants. The discovery of a saline spring, tends to increase the Poo | dred. 42 362 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. 1 HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR employ- Families TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI+ 1 FAMIL ALL LIES LILS chiefly | Orier chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in 1 Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OR Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. TURE. 144 go 299 237 327 88 260 POTTERNE and CANNINGS Hundred continued. Lavington-West - (W) Parish Littleton-Pannell - - Tything Potterne - - - Parish Marston - - - - - Tything Warton - - - - - Tything Row.de - - - - - - - Parish 123 116 229 40 254 133 550 626 497 1,119 192 298 961 44 62 223 58 208 Telm II I R 569 97 145 492 95 153 469 139 1,635 1,806 1,134 1416 3,889 13,991 7,880 105 161 305 152 267 313 572 13 RAMSBURY Hundred. Baydon - - - - - - - Parish Bishopston - - - - - - Parish Ramsbury Parish : (Y) Axford - - - - - Tything Eastridge . . - - - Tything Town - - - - - - Tything 201 114 428 227 140 819 49 197 :54 834 1,653 477 152 1,652 1,568 3,220 SELKLEY Hundred. (2) 338 22 677 708 1,385 343 336 39 211 III i bor now 345 303 55 688 639 94 Aldbourn - - - - - - - Parish | 277 Avebury - - - - - () Parish | 131 Broad-Hinton - - - - - Parish | 137 Kennet, East - - - - - Parish Mildenhall - - - - (+) Parish Ogbourn, St. Andrew - - - Parish Ogbourn, St. George - - - Parish | Overton - - - - - (b) Parish Preshute - - - - - () Parish | 133 Savernake Park, North Side - Extra-P. Winterbourne Bassett - - - Parish 51 Winterbourne-Monkton - - Parish 27 203 196 TIIN WIN A CO 68 یه هامون در هر ده ن 414 415 493 92 152 147 219 254 380 359 239 354 334 734 I 693 2 60 53 148 143 127 291 201 35 100 la I 101 - 1,156 1,374 20 1,040 264 70 3,037 3,137 6,174 SWANBOROUGH Hundred. 113 291 31 603 °63 132 $ 14 110 102 119 138 156 193 257 144 442 65 79 215 227 117 146 111 141 Allcannings - - - - ) Parish ATington - - - - - Tything Tullaway - - - - - Tything il Alton-Barnes - - - - - Parish Beeching-Stoke - - - - - Parish Charlton - - - - - - - Parish Churton - - - - - () Parish Conock - - - - - Tything Cheverell, Great - - - - Parish Cheverell, Little - - - - Parish Etchilhampton - - - - - Parish Hewish - - - - - - - Parish Iinber - - - - - () Parish Manningford-Abbots - - - Parish Manningford-Bruce - - - - Parish Marden - - - - - - - Parish Market, or East-Lavington (8) Parish Easterton - - - - - Tything Newton, North - - - - - Parish with Hilcott - - - - Tything Rushall - - - - - - - Parish Stanton, St. Bernard - - - Parish Stert - - - - - - - - Parish Uphaven - - - - - - - Parish 57 219 55 awy w IVAONI IN CNA Conrih 195 81 252 112 414 159 222 200 1,061 47 124 40 210 98 102 507 184 554 377 193 139 119 172 93 237 288 248 149 129 160 100 227 193 (W) The entire Parish of West-Lavington contains 1,123 Inhabitants. | Everley Hundred, contains goo Inhabitants. 0) Clatford Tything is The entire Parish of Potterne contains 1,609 Inhabitants.-- included in the Return of Preshute Parish. (d) The entire Parish o! | (Ý) The entire Parish of Ramsbury contains 2,335 Inhabitants. Allcannings contains 749 Inhabitants. (C) Tbe entire Parish of The Borough of Marlborouglı is entered at the end of the County. Churton contains 401 Inhabitants. () Imber Parish extends into (*) Beckhampton Tything is included in the Return of Avebury Heytesbury Hundred.-() The entire Parish of East-Lavington code Parish. b) Lockeridge Township is included in the Return of Overton | tains 1,438 Inhabitants. Parish. The entire Parish of Overton, which is partly in Elstub and M.DCCC.XXI.) 363 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. €. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS«-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By OR chiefly | Orier how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Building Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FANI- FAMI LIES LIES chiefy employ-| Families ein ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI-1 factures, preced- CUL- crHandi- ing TURE. { craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 236 34 203 25 27 435 49 89 39 - CTN ~ SWANBOROUGH--continued. Urchfont • • - - - () Parish Eastcott - - - - - - Tything Wedhampton - - - - - Tything Wilcot - - - - - () Parish Wilsford - - - . - () Parish Manningford-Bobun - · - Tything Woodborough - - - - - Parish 35 119 i conico 23 542 74 105 360 141 123 132 977 123 194 695 259 228 335 40 118 105 170 52 Tian 165 335 1,803 2,154 2 27 1,568 361 225 4,570 4,877 9,447 UNDERDITCH Hundred. 47 155 244 245 489 Laverstock, Parish : () Milford - - - - - - Tything Stratford-under-the-Castle (m) Parish Wilsford - - - - - - - Parish with Lake - - - - - - Tything I Woodford - - - - - - Parish 385 66 133 22 11 211 24 120 87 189 174 363 276 674 683 1,357 WARMINSTER Hundred. 124 788 151 821 275 1,609 517 245 272 157 290 Bishopstrow - - - - - - Parish 50 Corsley, Great and Little - - Parish Dintou - - - - - - - Parish Fisherton-de-la-Mere - () Parish | with Bapton - - - - - Tything Norton-Bavant - - - - - Parish Pertwood, Upper - - (n) Parish Sutton-Veney - - - - - Parish Teffont-Magna - - - (n) Parish Upton-Scudamore - - - - Parish | Warminster - - - - - - Parish 1,107 11,202 Gow Arco 115 10 153 268 23 13 341 689 348 107 170 2,678 113 1 173 2,934 220 343 5,612 1,938 2,184 | 17 | 67 | 740 744 700 14,718 5,128 | 9,846 WESTBURY Hundred. 639 Westbury, Parish : (0) Bratton - - - Ditton - - - Leigh - - - WESTBURY - 1,009 - - - - © Chapelry | 250 - - Chapelry | 394 - - Township 294 - - Borough 416 275 415 313 453 24 | 16862 283 168 248 ܬ ܗ ܒܝ ܛ ܗ ܒܢܝܐ 656 997 673 984 1,295 2,006 1,428 2,117 755 | 120 1,133 1,354 1,456 380 1761 315 3,310 | 3,536 6,846 WHORWELSDOWN Hundred. 150 104 384 183 188 Ashton-Steeple - - - (P) Parislı Ashton, West - - - - Tything Hinton, Great - - - - Tything! Littleton - - - - - Chapelry | Semington - - - - Chapelry Bradley, North - (+) · (9) Parish Southwick - . (+) - - Tything 747 371 202 68 108 10 34 53 94 34 124 517 782 120 244 536 780 280 166 1,053 1,562 „(") The entire Parish of Urchfont contains 1,294 Inhabitants... ♡ The Return of Wilcot Parish includes the Tythings of Draycot- Foliatt, Pure, and Stowel; the first of which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return.-_-(K) The entire Parish of Wilšford contains 487 inhabitants. (1) Laverstock Parish is partly in Alderbury Hundred. the entire Parish contains 904 Inhabitants. The Borough of OLD SARUM is in Stratford Parish, (n) Fisherton-de-la-Mere with bapton, Upper-Pertwood, and Teffont-Magna, are three distinct portions of Warminster Hundred, locally situate in different parts of Dunworth Hundred. - O The entire Parish of Westbury contains 7,846 Inha. bitants. Hawkeridge and Haywood (which made distinct Returns in | 1811,) are here included in the Return of Bratton Township. The | entire Parish of Steeple-Ashton contains 1,632 Inhabitants. An Inclosure of Common Land has taken place, and increased the Population (9) The entire Parish of North-Bradley contains 2,615 Inhabitants. : 364 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS: UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMILLIES OR hy employ. Families TOTAL · EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: 1 FAMI- 1 ALL LIES | chiefly | OTHER chiefly em 1 ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu-'the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. : WHORWELSDOWN Hundred : continued. Coulston, East - - - - - Parish 16 16 46 53 99 90 243 Edington, Parish : (*) Coulston, West, & Baynton Tything Edington - - - - - - Tything Tinhead - - - - - - Tything Keevil - - -- () Parish 244 228 103 103 -1 1 254 242 496 1,119 / 1,178 18 | 20 667 | 404 107 2,935 3,006 | 5,941 Borough of DEVIZES : John, St. the Baptist - - - Parish Mary, St. the Virgin .. • Parish 967 1,005 | 1,972 309 354 457 / 537 1 ) 18 - 27 45 61 1,060 1,176 | 2,236 | 223 | 253 449 336 766 891 1 45 106 2,027 | 2,181 4,208 Borough of MARLBOROUGH: Parish 300 105 928 673 | 1,601 Mary, St. the Virgin - (0) Peter, St. and Paul, St. - (") Parish Parish 262 222 505 327 1 - 100 54 228 712 725 1,437 484 832 2 2 345 333 154 1,640 1,398 | 3,038 City of NEW SARUM : | 754 1,852 2,060 3,912 Edmund, St. . - - - Martin, St. - - - - - - - Parish Parish 1446 978 1,126 2,104 345 982 1,248 2,230 Thomas, St. - - - - - - Parish The Close of the Canons of Liberty the Cathedral Church - j 31 161 | 356 517 - 1,605 1,872 14 65 491,576 | 247 13,973 4,790 8,763 (1) The entire Parish of Edington contains 1,099 Inhabitants. (1) Keevil Parish is partly in Melksham Hundred. The entire Parish contains 802 Inhabitants (1) The Staff of the Wiltshire Militia are quartered in the Parish of St. Mary, Marlborough, and the cottages are more and more crowded with families and inınates. (9) Many labourers who work in the neighbouring Parishes, reside in St. Peter's Parish, in order to evade parochial settlement where they work. M.DCCC.XXI. 365 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WILTS. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Famil FAMI| ALL By HUNDREDS, how chiefy TOTAL many &c. Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. Building. UnInhabited. OF LIES LIES | chiefly ir Other of employ- Families em- ed in not con- Poogee Trade, prized in in Manu: (the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- jorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 651 1130 104 952 536 921 1 577 4,212 5,886 11,808 8,188 6,209 4,233 2,918 o 736 702 945 2,162 2,907 5,636 3,963 2,965 2,044 1,455 9,100 2,712 2,931 3,004 2,635 186 83 1,500 18,554 a to o serã 544 1,926 773 761 2,050 2,979 6,172 4,225 3,244 2,189 1,463 9,454 2,842 3,186 3,349 2,733 679 2,614 5,874 334 375 735 5,554 6,117 6,353 5,368 1,382 5,145 BA5 221 240 12 Hundred of ALDERBURY - - - - - | 751885 AMESBURY - - - - 1,180 1,339 BRADFORD - - - - 2,272 2,481 BRANCH and DOLE - - - (1,597 1,770 CALNE - - - - - - - 1,211 CAWDEN and CADWORTH 790 CHALK - - - - - - - | 583 650 CHIPPENHAM - - - - - 13,503 4,024 DAMERHAM, North and South DOWNTON - - - - - - 1,097 1,296 DUNWORTH - - - - - 1,001 1,113 ELSTUB and EVERLEY 1,023 FRUSTFIELD - - - - - 1266 HEYTESBURY - - - - 986 1,130 HIGHWORTH, CRICKLADET 2,201 2,367 and STAPLE - - - os KINGSBRIDGE • • • • • 11,673 1,919 KINWARDSTONE - ... MALMESBURY - - . - 1,986 2,359 MELKSHAM - - - - 3,283 3,831 MERE - - - - - .: 641 737 POTTERNE and CANN 1,635 1,806 RAMSBURY - - - 608 664 SELKLEY - - . 1,156 1,374 SWANBOROUGH - . 1,803 UNDERDITCH - .. - - 276 303 WARMINSTER - .. 1,938 WESTBURY - - - 1,354 1,456 WHORWELSDOWN - ... 703 683 307 2,531 1,788 5,787 11,661 431 622 1,119 1,638 4,529 5,333 5,764 1,577 - • 811 395 470 2,706 253 416 8,991 387 1,134 477 152 4,547 5,171 5,383 8,301 1,851 3,889 1,652 3,037 4,570 674 4,718 3,310 2,935 1,979 3,991 1,568 3,137 4,877 683 o to po og on to 9,076 10,504 11,147 17,292 3,830 7,880 3,220 6,174 9,447 1,357 9,846 6,846 5,941 1,040 2,154 1,568 210 740 2,20 5,128 3,536 404 3,006 Borough of DEVIZES . - - - - - - 76689 1 1 45 106 | 449 336 || 2,027 2,181 4,208 n Borough of MARLBOROUGH - - - - | 121 2 345 333 154 1 1,640 1 1,398 3,038 3,973 4,790 8,763 City of NEW SARUM ---- 1,605 1,872 14 65 49 247 TOTALS - - - 41,702 47,684 294 |1,139 24,972 16,982 5,730 108,213 | 113,944 | 222,157 5 A 366 [Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Under to | 15 | 20 I to to 120 l 30 to Hundred of TOTAL 202 345 224 156 206 178 | 2,160) 315 253 164 12,119 808 613 389 570 5,636 3,956 458 401 276 328 2,965) 250 2,0441 126 1,455 30, 9,100 252 303 262 2,097 269 407 298 310 297 310 246 272 ALDERBURY - - - 13 AMESBURY - - - BRADFORD --- BRANCH and DOLE CALNE - - - - - CAWDEN and 1 CADWORTH CHALK - - - - - CHIPPENHAM - - - |1,355 DAMERHAM, North and South - - - - - DOWNTON . . . . DUNWORTH - - - ELSTUB and EVERLEY FRUSTFIELD - - - HEYTESBURY - - - HIGHWORTH, CRICK-> LADE and STAPLE -S KINGSBRIDGE - - - KINWARDSTONE . . MALMESBURY - - MELKSHAM - - - | MERE - .'. . . POTTERNE&CANNINGS RAMSBURY - - - SELKLEY - - - - SWANBOROUGH - - UNDERDITCH - - - WARMINSTER - - - WESTBURY - - - WHORWELSDOWN - 2,911 2,906 2,635 702 2,530 228 585 488 5,676) 458 431 4,547 454 525 523 448 5,169 518 560 486 383 5,382 789 1,195 843 480 7,598 og 243 183 145 208 329 157 168 1,849 3,071 1,652 2,817 4,558 326 364 290 442 699 419 476 78 100 66 57 696 503 414 316 6741 4,728) 3,310) 03 496 10 1,635) T 089 191 2,027 231 176 DEVIZES, BORO' - - 1 269 197 154 MARLBOROUGH, BORO' 2 169 110 NEW-SARUM, CITY - 518 507 282 Total of MALES (15,788 13,745 |12,356 |10,461 15,035 |11,132 9,568 7,193 |5,271 2,677 1,640 3,873 401 491 413 1 1 104,022 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Wilts was .... 222,157, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 214,212 .. whence it appears, that the Ages of about one twenty-eighth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. MDCCC.XXI.] 367 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS—continued. Ages of Persons. FEMAL E S. Under - TOTAL. Hundred of 287 292 214 326 ܝܝ 1 240 219 344 | 1 728 192 638 450 2,051 2,115 6,069 4,214 ܝܕ 1 548 516 ܟܬ 1 476 418 321 314 3,244 ܝ 1 265 224 202 ვნა ܝܙ 1 201 154 127 234 | 1 1,180 10,6 1,016 858 1,502 ܗ 430 368 68 256 267 409 ܝܕ 1 ALDERBURY ... AMESBURY - - BRADFORD - 918 BRANCH and DOLE - CALNE - - - - - CAWDEN and 2 CADWORTHS 327 CHALK - - - - - 204 CHIPPENHAM · - - | 1,296 DAMERHAM, North and South - - - - - DOWNTON - - - - DUNWORTH - - - ELSTUB and EVERLEY FRUSTFIELD - - - HEYTESBURY - - - HIGHWORTH, CRICK- LADE and STAPLE KINGSBRIDGE- - KINWARDSTONE - - MALMESBURY - - - B01 424 ܝ 1 308 308 329 ܟ 1 = = 356 284 270 ܚܕ 1 127 ܙ 1 825 253 445 ܟܘ 1 ܛ 1 ܚ 498 1 2,189 1,464 9,444 2,832) 3,164 3,134 2,733 679 2,610 5,959 4,529 5,333 5,755 8,583 1,977 3,297 1,568 2,935 4,877 682 5,128 3,546 1,690 558 454 490 570 906 1 ܒܝܒܘ 91 607 1 MELKSHAM 867 ܗ 1 284 204 203 188 ܙ 1 488 423 352 ܨܢ 1 327 134 229 215 153 ܚܕ 1 MERE . . . - POTTERNE&CANNINGS RAMSBURY - . SELKLEY - - - SWANBOROUGH - - UNDERDITCH - - WARMINSTER - - 345 ܝܕ 336 485 266 469 643 553 | 77 58 | 1 588 ܒܝ 1 488 346 55 ܝܝ 1 WESTBURY - - - - WHORWELSDOWN - 176 141 1 ܟܬ 1 ܟ ܬ ܟܝܘ 1 DEVIZES, BORO' - - 1 236 236 285 281 392 229 191 16 48 16 MARLBOROUGII, BORO' 142 175 174 241 NEW-SARUM, CITY -1 476 494 487 929 529 347 254 141) 3221 Total of FEMALES 15,443 13,457 11,414 10,689 17,987|12,903|10,819 7,999 5,791 2,872 758 58 2,181 1,418 4,790 466 (110,190 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Wilts was 388; nine of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a very small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 368 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Worcester. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL OR employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed ITRADE. I prized in Manu- the Two AGR factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 114 BLACKENHURST Hundred. (Lower Division.) Abbots MORTON - - - - Parish Church-Lench (part of ) Parish: (*) Atch-Lench • - - - - Hamlet Sheriffs-Lench - - . . Hamlet Hampton, Great - - - - Parish with Little Hampton - - Township Norton - - - - - - - Parish with Lench-Wick - - - - Tything Oldberrow - - - - - Ob) Parish 13 192 19 52 102 233 249 590 1,187 BLACKENHURST Hundred. (Upper Division.) Badsey - - - - - - () Parish Aldington - - - - - - Hamlet Bretforton - - - - - - Parish Church-Honeyborn with Poden Parish Littleton, North - - - - Parish I with Middle-Littleton - Township Littleton-South - . .. - Parish Offenham - - - - - - - Parish Wickamford • - - - - - Parish 177 Öloc i licovici 157 41 233 70 46 218 66 ICI I III ha 179 163 342 204 114 180 162 59 342 71 130 395 | 445 41 7 328 1,045 981 2,026 280 294 574 112 170 86 ww 416 368 253 466 213 144 55 108 65 173 386 DODDINGTREE Hundred. (Lower Division.) Abberley - - - - - - - Parish Astley - - - - - - - Parish Bayton - - - - - - - Parish Doddenham • • Parish Mamble - - - - - - - Parish Ribbesford - - - - - (d) Parish BEWDLEY - - - - - Borough Rock - - - - - - - () Parish Shelsley-Beauchamp . () Parish Shrawley - - - - - - - Parish Stockton - - - - - - - Parish Witley-Great - - - - Parish with Redmarley - - - - Hamlet 213 37 36 II ET * 101 1,776 663 3,725 1,266 282 56 1,949 60ვ 154 242 128 112 242 484 31 77 91 168 354 187 167 1701 362 4,380 4,434 8,814 126 189 258 358 294 1,867 1,954 DODDINGTREE Hundred. (Upper Division.) Acton-Beauchamp - .. Parish Arely, Kings - - - - - Parish Bockleton - - - - - (3) Parish Clifton-upon-Teame . • . - Parish Cotheridge - - - - - - Parish Eastham - - - - - - (b) Parish Hanley, Child - - - - Chapelry Orleton - - - - - Chapelry Edvin-Loach - - - () Parish Hanley-William - - - - Parish | Kyre, Great - - - - - - Parish 520 II INAI I ooi Awiw oer oo ooo ܚ ܐ ܟܝܘ ܙ ܟ ܝܙ ܝܙ ܙ ܙ | ܗ () Church-Lench Parish is mostly in the Upper Division of Halſshire Hundred.--- Oldberrow is a detached portion of Lower Blacken. hurst Hundred, to the northward. The demolition of a few cottages has diminished the Population. The entire Parish of Badsey contains 421 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Ribbesford contains 3,798 Inhabitants. (C) The Return of Rock Parish includes the Hamlets of | Alton, Snead, Hightiugton, and Lindons.- ) Shelsley-Beauchamp Parish is mostly in the Upper Division of Doddingtree Hundred. The entire Parish contains 603 Inhabitants. (6) Bockleton Parish... partly in Broxash Hundred, Herefordshire. The entire Parish contains 385 Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Eastham contains 677 Inhabitants. (1) Edvin-Loach is locally situate in Herefordshire. M.DCCC.XXI.] 369 · THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94., . . : COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. : HOUSES: PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By OR chiefly employ- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | LIES LIES OTHER chiefly Families em- ed in not coin- ployed prized in the Two AGRI- factures, prec CUL- JorHandic ing TURE. craſt. Classes. Un-Inhabited. TRADE, Building. Or FEMALES. in | Manu- MALES. PERSONS. 247 202 40 582 544 Am er 1,126 138 86 200 140 124 264 im I 194 DODDINGTREE Hundred, (Upper Division) - continued. Martley - - - - - (b) Parish Hillhampton - - - - - Hamlet Sapey-Pritchard - - - - - Parish Shelsley-Beauchamp Parish: () Shelsley, Kings - - - - Hamlet Shelsley-Walsh - - - - - Parish Stanford - - - - - - - Parish Stoke-Bliss (part of) Parish : (m) Kyre, Little - - - - - Hamlet Suckley , - - - - (n) Parish Alfrick - - - - (*) Chapelry Lulsley - - - - - Chapelry Tenbury - - - - - - - - - º Parish Berrington - - - - - Hamlet Sutton - - - - - - - Hamlet Tenbury Foreign - - - - Hainlet ne iš ili Nii Tror 26 66 121 121 306 219 316 622 100 28 61 on mond oo NN wo er 226 59 538 210 209 470 445 120 1,008 195 205 260 40 100 95 38 109 146 45 96 114 57 1,460 1,585 7 1,229 280 16 | 3,895 3,793 1 7,688 330 723 753 272 699 1,476 1,343 644 311 262 26 3,184 74 67 141 25 3,637 8,945 232 9,266 83 215 105 18,211 447 189 595 141 279 316 331 HALFSHIRE Hundred. (Lower Division.) Belbroughton - - - - - Parish Chaddesley-Corbett - - - Parish Churchill - - - - - . Parish Dudley (+)- • - - • (P) Parish Elmley-Lovett - - - - - Parish Frankley - - - - - - - Parish Hagley ---- --- Parish Parish Hales-Owen (part of) Parish : (9) Cradley - - - - - Chapelry Luttley - - - - - - Hamlet Warley Wigorn - - - - Hamlet Hartlebury Parish : ( Milton, Upper - - - - Hamlet Kidderminster, the Foreign of, (5) Parish Milton, Lower - - - Chapelry Old Swinford • - - () Parish | Stourbridge - - - - Township | Pedmore - - - - - - - Parish Rushock . - - - - - - Parish Stone - - - - - - Parish Wolverley Parish: (*) Kingsford • - - - - - Hamlet 32 22 872 101 423 TITA wa Pili wa writo PACO AINDA 1,696 185 878 155 108 41 41 26 94 411 420 300 483 513 959 1,081 416 799 87 999 1,265 2,459 2,445 932 181 2,043 2,544 4,980 5,090 979 1,044 1,279 2,521 2,645 169 - 84 233 1,034 57 138 97 307 32 86 181 464 231 71554 8;30160 162 910 6,793 598 20,141 20,810 40,951 HALFSHIRE Hundred. (Upper Division.) | Bromsgrove - - - - - - Church-Lench (part of) - (W) Corton-Hacket - - - - - 1,682 | 9 | 63 | Parish 1,513 Parish Parish 7,519 3,645 116 39 456 1,061 | 165 29 18 | 17 | 1 41 12 3,874 87 95 203 35! 187 30 (1) The entire Parish of Martley contains 1,264 Inhabitants. One tion, although other trades are in a depressed state at Dudleg. male in Martley Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (1) Shelsley | () Hales-Owen Parish is mostly in Brimstree Hundred, Salop.. Beauchamp 'arish is paitly in the Lower Division of Doddingtree Hun. © Hartlebury Parish is mostly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. dred. The entire Parish contains 603 Inhabitants. (m) Stoke-Bliss 15) The Town of Kidderminster is entered at the end of the county. Parish is mostly in Broxash Hundred, Herefordshire. The entire | The suburb called The Foreign, has received an accession of Population Parisha of Suckley contains 1,187 Inhabitants. One female in Alfrick froin the increase of trade in the town. Old-Swinford Parish is 1 Shapelry upwards of 100 years of age. The entire Parish of Ten partly in South Seisdon Hundred, Staffordshire. The entire Parish ourg contains 1,663 Inhabitants. Dudley is locally situate in contains 11,227 Inhabitants.--(u) Kingsford Hamlet is included in the low Hundred, Staffordshire. Additional coal mines and iron-stone Return of the rest of Wolverley Parish, Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. mines have been opened, and a correspondent number of iron-works (W) Church-Lench Parish is partly in Lower Blackenhurst Hun- srected since the year 1811, which accounts for the increase of Popula | dred. The entire Parish contains 342 Inhabitants. 10. 5 B 370 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANI) RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ок TOTAL By how many Families Oc- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAUI. | FAMI- | All LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chicfly My Families employ- em- ployed in AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- forHandi- TURE. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF ed in not con- TRADE, prized in Manu-' the Two FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. ing L craft. Classes. 126 378 172 356 734 61 14 336 39 164 21 1,202 190 1,181 2,383 23 45 HALFSHIRE Hundred. (Upper Division continued. Crowle - - - - - - () Parish Dodderhill (part of) - - - () Parish Elmbridge - - - - Chapelry Doverdale - - - - - - Parish Feckenham - - - - - - Parish Grafton-Manor - - - - Extra-P. Hadsor - - - - - - - Parish Hampton-Lovett - - - - Parish King's-Norton - - - - (3) Parish Kington - - - Parish Northfield - - Parish Salwarpe - - - - - - - Parish Tardebigg - - - - - () Parish Upton- (Varren - - - - - Parish Yardley - - - - - - - Parish 440 in mod III and III wycoo I LJICA 19 76 59 135 26 89 176 87 1,887 354 3,651 1,764 79 797 69 31 148 137 0לל 1,567 1 65 arish | 232 83 581 173 1,456 230 1,542 242 462 2,998 463 2,313 58 321 221 1,192 1,121 460 11,551 11,829 23,380 231 233 19. 464 73 37 Itin 47 42 138 46 134 56 1,141 591 193 272 102 2,509 534 294 1,368 1,344 753 20 100 453 57 72 129 I!!! +NIIIIIII co 92 35 93 95 319 186 188 666 1,081 Nico w w w 347 545 120 829 847 1,676 18 INA SA TIIA w I co o 4,465 4,954 | 26 139 | 2,094 : 1139 | 2,094 | 2,400 OSWALDSLOW Hundred. (Lower Division.) Bertow - - - - - - () Parish Bredicot - - - - - - - Parish 7 Broadwas - - - - - - - Parish Churchill . - - - - - - Parish 22 21 Claines - - - - - . (©) Parish 496 179 Whistons - - - - - () Tything 183 Clement's, St. (part of) (d) Parish 105 Croom-D’Abitot - - - - Parish 24 Croom, Earls - - - - - Parish Croom, Hill - - - - - - Parish 31 Grimley - - - - - - - Parish 130 132 120 Hallow - - - - - - () Parish 221 229 169 Hartlebury - - - - - () Parish 326 ვ6 196 Hinlip - - - - - - - Parish Holt - - - - - - - (5) Parish Witley, Little - John, St. Bedwardine Parish : ) John, St. Bedwardine - Township 235 235 Wick-Episcopi - - - Township 247 Kempsey - - - - - - - Parish 235 Knightwick - - - - - (i) Parish - 24 Kenswick - - - - - Chapelry Lindridge - - - - -(k) Parish 116 Knighton-upon-Teame - Chapelry h e with Newnham - - - Hamlet Pensax - - - - - - Chapelry Malvern, Little - - - - (b) Parish 14 Martin, St. (part of) - - - 0) Parish 135 Michael, St. - - - - - (mj Parish 177 College-Precincts - - Extra-P. 22 Norton-by-Kempsey - - - Parish 119 Oddingley - - - - - - Parisha 190 165 129 355 302 152 150 530 631 1,161 285 676 1,263 235 587 506 88 623 1,129 67 7 318 cu DE SON I clientes 246 19 109 296 278 33 34 191 mo i cer ni NA 388 428 97 I 1 osa imi 387 19 260 25 32 (*) Crowle is partly in the Middle Division of Oswaldslow Hundred, 1 greatly increased the Population of this Parisłı. A new gaol at Whistons where the whole is entered. ) Dodderhill Parish is partly in the has a similar tendency. - St. Clement's Parish is partly in the City Borough of Droitwich, and entered at the end of the County. The of Worcester (0) An inclosure of land, and new cottages thereon, at entire Parish contains 1,565 Inhabitants. The Return of King's Hallow. f) Harilebury Parish is partly in Lower Halfshire Hundred. Norton Parish includes Headly, Moseley, Moundsley, and Rednal, The entire Parish contains 1,857 Inhabitants. (5) The entire Parish which in 1811, were separately returned.-- () Tardebigg Parish is of Holt contains 657 Inhabitants. (h) The entire Parish of St. John partly in the Alcester Division of Barlichway Hundred, Warwick ;) Bedwardine contains 2,424 Inhabitants. (i) The entire Parish o! Tardebigg includes Bentley, Reciditch and Wibheath Yields. The entire Knightwick contains 170 Inhabitants. (k) The entire Parish of Parish contains 3,458 Inhabitants; the increase of Population is ascribed Lindridge contains 1,735 Inhabitants. Knighton with Newnılamı, ard to the tbriving manufacture of needles and fish-hooks at Redditch. Pensax," form altogether, a detached portion of Lower Oswaldslowy (O) Berrow, Little-Malvern, Pendock, and Redunarley D'Abitot, are Hundred, near Tenbury.---(1) St. Martin's Parish is mostly in the Chy separate from the rest of the Hundred, it being situate in the south-west of Worcester. ---(m) The entire Parish of St. Michael Bedwar part of the County. () The entire Parish of Claines contains 3,853 | contains 793 Iuhabitants. It forms part of the City of Worcester, and Inhabitants. A branch of the Birmingham and Worcester canal has | incloses the College Precinct, Extra-Parochial. MDCCC.XXI.] 371 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. · COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI• | LIES By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. em- Inhabited. inany Familie Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- ALL LIES chiefly OTHER Chieny employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 355 20 902 139 ܟ | ܢ 912 137 53 216 256 108 42 1,814 276 472 207 955 115 92 161 480 OSWALDSLOW Hundred. (Lower Division)--continued. Ombersley - - - - - (n) Parish Pendock - - - - - - Parish Peter, St. (part of) - - - () Parish Whittington - - - - Chapelry Redmarley D'Abitot - - (b) Parish Ripple - - - - - - (P) Parish Holdfast - - - - - - Hamlet Spetchley • - - • Parish Stoulton - - - - - - - Parish Warndon - - - - - - - Parish Welland - - - - Parish White-Lady-Aston .. Parish Wichenford - - - - - - Parish Wolverley - - - - • (9) Parish 142 | ܝ ܙ | ܝ 475 391 45 780 18 Ôni od will now A co Arco II as w dowo 389 44 59 189 62 55 191 ܙ ܙ ܙ 79 98 94 215 177 OY OS Qra 121 380 177 453 342 334 1,529 54 48 ܙ 238 165 182 769 48 152 256 ܝܕ ܚܕ 117 154 760 51 141 2,541 1,695 1,184 12,371 13,270 25,641 749 664 169 1,413 374 vi 205 450 478 928 108 91 160 135 56 - op 144 142 50 199 304 277 106 461 og eng 241 158 223 316 I look into a mos mer om 451 138 4,698 5,420 OSWALDSLOW Hundred. (Middle Division.) Alvechurch - ... -0) Parish 269 Bishampton - - - - - - Parish| 73 Bredon - - - - - - (0) Parish 202 Norton-by-Bredon · - Chapelry Cropthorn - - - - - () Parish Charlton - - - - - - Hamlet Netherton - (+) - - - Hamlet Crowle - - - - - - (Ⓡ) Parish Elmley-Castle - - - - - Parish Fladbury - - - - - - (W) Parish Hill and Moor - - - Township Hob-Lench otherwise } - - Hamlet Abbots-Lench - Stock and Bradley - - Chapelry Throckmorton - - - Chapelry Wyre-Piddle - - - - Chapelry Hanbury - - - - - Parish Harvington - - - Parish Himbleton - - - - - () Parish Shell - . - Hainlet Huddington - - - Parish Inkberrow - - - Parish 352 Overbury - (V) Parish Alstone - - - - - Chapelry Conderton - - - - - Hamlet Teddington - - - - Chapelry Washbourn, Little - - Chapelry Rouse-Lench - - . - Parish 54 Sedgeberrow - - - - - - Parish 49 Stoke-Prior - - - - - - Parish 176 Tibberton - - - - - - Parish 54 ica rart er all I If I co i co mond er Now oo @ cnc , w ő 108 100 295 102 208 153 178 74 89 520 522 1,042 199 353 I ION 154 227 1 210 18 437 27 45 71 814 54 853 125 1,667 90 179 216 395 i com A 79 woo woo ooo & own 89 41 71 146 27 132 126 oroll Nerad od l 55 258 250 49 134 137 453 136 . 113 447 : 152 900 56 288 2,303 2,536 6 80 1,922 487 127 5,982 11,894 ☺) See preceding page. 1 ) Alvechurch forms a detached portion of Middle Oswaldslow Hun. © The Return of Ombersley Parish includes the Townships of dred, near Bromesgrove ; Harvington and Priors-Cleeve, another such Borley, Hadley and Hay-Elms, Mayeux and Chatley, Northampton Par- portion near Evesham.-- () The Return of Bredon Parish includes sonage and Powers, Ombersley, Sychampton Brookliampton and Co:n the Hamlets of Bredon, Hardwick and Mittons, Kinsham, and West- hampton, Uphampton, Winnall, Actou and Dunhampton, which, in the mancuate ; the Hamlet of Cutsdean (Upper Oswaldslow Hundred) is year 1811, made distinct Returns. The Parish of St. Peter is also in Bredon Parish. The entire Parish contains 1,239 Inhabitants. mostly in the City of Worcester.--- Ripple Parish is partly in O The entire Parish of Cropthorn contains 687 Inhabitants. Lower Pershore Hundred. The entire Parish contains 963 Inhabitants. (1) Crowle Parish extends into Upper Halfshire Hundred.- (W) The 4) Wolverley Parish extends into Upper Halfshire Hundred, and l entire Parish of Fladbury contains 1,387 Inhabitants. (*) The entire corns a detached portion of Lower Oswaldslow Hundred, near Bewd- | Parish of Himbleton contains 482 Inhabitants. The entire Parish sey. The iron and tin manufactures have increased at Wolverley.-- 1 of Overbury contains 764 Inhabitants. 372 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI• All or chiefly employ- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Inhabited. By how many Famili Oc. cupied. Building. qoyu-un OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LIES THER chiefly Families em- ed in notcom- ployed-in ed in Manu- the I'wo AORI factures, I preced- CUL- lor Handi. ing TURE. I craft. lasses. TRADE, prized in MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 8 121 254 235 133 551 ܣ 607 1,158 il lor! 25 21 23 45 ܕ | | ܚ ܛ 97 100 153 OSWALDSLOW Hundred. (Upper Division.) (7) Blockley Parish: (*) Aston, Magna - - - - Hamlet Blockley - - - - - - Hamlet Ditchford - - - (+) - Hamlet Dorne - - - - Hamlet Draycott - - - - - - Hamlet Northwich - - - - - Hamlet Paxford - - - - - • Hamlet Bredon (part of) Parish : () Cutsdean - - - - - Chapelry Cleeve-Prior - - - - - - Parish Daylesford - - - - - - Parish Evenload - - - - - - - Parish Iccomb (part of) - Parish Shipston-upon-Stour - (0) Parish Tidmington - - - - () Parish Tredington - - - - (d) Parish Armscott - - - - - - Hainlet Blackwell - - Hanilet Darlingscott - - - - - Hamlet Newbold - - - - - - Hamlet 57 55 171 112 - 11Hin "111-*11111 343 ܗ ܗ | ܨ 56 103 con 172 47 145 85 748 152 28 61 146 1,562 314 123 814 10 38 32 70 51 122 26 70 104 61 113 48 ܟ ܩ ܩ ܒ Toolo 115 104 138 226 131 228 189 258 85 51 120 1,168 781 348 2,765 2,790 5,555 127 109 236 366 164 398 202 390 165 788 146 164 149 176 172 386 686 357 337 743 1,424 264 326 738 11-*****!!! 241 301 746 1,546 128 264 1,100 PERSHORE Hundred. (Lower Division.) Birts-Morton - - - - - Parish 41 Bushley - - - - - - - Parish 62 Castle-Morton - - - () Parish 137 Chaseley - - - - - () Parish 46 Eldersfield - - - . (f) Parish Hanley-Castle - Parish 256 Leigh - - - - - - (h) Parish Bransford - - - - - Chapelry 49 Longdon - - - - - - - Parish 117 Madresfield - - - - - - Parish Malvern, Great --- () Parish 293 Newland - - - - - Chapelry Mathon - - - - - - - Parish Powick - - - . . (k) Parish Bransford (part of) - (k) Chapelry Clieveload - - - - - Hamlet Woodsfield -.- (6) Hamlet Ripple (part of) Parish : (') Queenhill - - - - - Chapelry | 18 Severn-Stoke - - - - - Parish 142 Staunton - (+) - - f Parish 55 Upton-upon-Severn - - ' : Parish 464 640 52 137 42 321 39 800 136 330 102 818 59 100 750 66 202 1,568 NII IIIA II w icon lo menos III 25 28 125 120 110 633 1,360 313 !!! 22 52 25 149 72 -+ 24 120 66 126 42 342 324 155 153 308 538 144 268 1,188 1,131 2,319 2,592 2,946 19 74 1,978 540 428 6,772 1 6,939 13,711 PERSHORE Hundred. (Upper Division.) Abberton - - - . - Alderminster - - - (m) 1 41 82 Parish Parish | 13 901 94 ** 226 217 443 (3) Alderminster is partly in Upper Oswaldslow Hundred, partly in Upper Pershore Hundred, where the whole is entered.-amma (@) Blockley Parish is locally situate near Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Gloucestershire. The entire Parish contains 1,890 Inhabitants. .) Bredon Parish is mostly in Middle Oswaldslow Hundred. ) Iccomb Parish is partly in Slaughter Hundred, Gloucestershire. The entire Parish contains 164 Inhabitants. Tredington, Shipston-upon-Stour, and Tidmington, form altogether a distinct portion of Upper Oswaldslow Hundred, being locally situate in Warwickshire. The entire Parish of Tredington con- tains 1,032 Inhabitants. () One female in Castle-Morton Parish upwards of 100 years of age. ) Claseley, Eldersfield, and Staunton, form a distinct portion of Lower Pershore Hundred, being the south-west corner of the County. The resort of invalids and others to Malvern Wells, has greatly increased the Population of the Parish of Hanley- | Castle, in which these Wells are situate. (h) The entire Parish of Leigh contains 1,810 Inhabitants, including the whole of Bransford Cha- pelry, part of which (strictly speaking) is in Powick Parish. (l) The entire Parish of Great-Malvern contains 1,693 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Powick contains 1,452 Inhabitants, besides those which belong to it in Brausford Hamlet, which is entered as if wholly in Leigh Parish. One male in Woodsfield Hamlet, upwards of 100 years of age. - (1) Ripple Parish is mostly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. - (m) Alderminster extends into the Upper Division of Oswaldslow Hon- dred, but is locally situate in Warwickshire; Berley is in the north-cast part of the County ; Broadway forms the south-east corner of the County; Dormston is an insulated spot, northward ; and Martin-Hursingures another such spot, near Droitwich. M.DCCC.XXI.] 373 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FA HI- FAMI- I ALL LIES I.IES chiefly | OTHER chiedy employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two NORI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TURE. 1 craft. | Classes. OP FEMALES. DIALES. PERSONS. 177 411 452 863 ܩ ܝܕ ܕܘ ܟ 77 79 156 174 173 347 49 95 | O O O carton 100 139 164 26 ܝ ܚܕ ܗ 69 29 119 85 199 303 154 640 327 1,382 Imer ICO CONOLINI i8 315 325 166 52 ܟ 161 278 673 301 ܗ ܟ 709 56 115 123 PERSHORE Hundred. (Upper Division)--continued. Andrew, St. . - - - (n) Parish Bricklehampton - - - Chapelry Defford - - - - - Chapelry Pensham - - - - - - Hamlet Pinvin . - - - - - - Chapelry Wick-near-Pershore . - Chapelry Besford • - - - - - Parish Beoley - - - - - (m) Parish Birlingham - - - - - - Parish Broadway - - - - (m) Parish Broughton-Hackett - - - - Parish Comberton, Great - - - - Parish Comberton, Little - - - - Parish Dormston - - - - (n) Parish Eckington - - - - - - Parish Flavel, Flyford - - - - - Parish Grafton, Flyford - - - - Parish Holy-Cross - - - - º Parish Wadborough - - - - - Hamlet Walcott with Membris - - Hanlet | Martin-Hussingtree - (m) Parish Naunton-Beauchamp - - - Parish Peopleton - - - - - - Parish Piddle, North - - - - - Parish Pirton - - - - - - - - Parish Strensham - - Upton-Snodsbury - - - - Parish 206 86 ܟܝܘ ܒܝ ܝܕ IIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 172 113 21 21 59 109 145 346 668 25 ܕ ܙ ܝ 322 85 128 688 74 113 159 241 310 340 ܝܙ | ללל Bo On Woocorrono ONA O 68 64 158 113 L 174 örme en llora 1,465 132 332 217 149 104 67 ܟܨ ܝܕ ܟܙ | ܝܕ ܙ 82 137 127 79 264 133 214 312 54 105 147 109 165 Parish ܒܝ 57 ܙ 150 141 291 1,916 9 / 64 1,532 467 150 15,029 5,153 10,182 Borough of DROITWICH. 144 666 137 Andrew, St. and St. Mary - - Dodderhill (part of) - - (P) Nicholas, St. - - - - - - Peter, St. - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish 112 116 84 141 como 1 # Go 324 233 210 277 342 262 213 315 495 423 103 183 592 453 | 567 77 269 221 1,044 11,132 2,176 Borough of EVESHAM. 681 All-Saints - - - Lawrence, St. - - Peter, St. Bengworth - - - - - - - - - Parish 302 333 Parish 241 Parish 1791 187 92 | 191 101 821 80 50 64 806 619 248 528 1,487 1,147 853 25 387 466 722 768 | - | 24 1257 372 139 1,596 ) 1,891 3,487 Town of KIDDERMINSTER (part of) (9) Parish 1,942 2,178 2 56 16 866 1,296 5,2805,429 10,709 - City of WORCESTER. 89 - 81 583 495 556 Alban, St. . . . All-Saints - - - Andrew, St. - - - Block-House - - - Clement, St. (part of) College - - - - Helen, St. - - - 374 . - - - - - - . . Parish | 60 - - Parish! 413 () Parish - Extra-P. | 127 () Parish 269 () Precinct - - Parish 320 172 1,285 1,185 : 342 I lovili 133 1,095 974 305 678 490 122 252 155 310 305 2,380 2,159 647 1,464 I loow 412 7651 897 | 1,662 (*) See preceding page. | wool-spinning and carpet-weaving:--() One male in St Andrew's () The entire Parish of St. Andrew contains 1,963 Inhabitants. I Parish (Worcester), upwards of 100 years of age.-() St. Clemeut's $ The entire Parish of Holy-Cross contains 1,929 Inhabitants.com Parish is partly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. The entire Parish con- 10Dodderhill Parish is partly in Upper-Halfshire Hundred. The tains 1,917 Inhabitants. ☺ College Precinct, Extra-Parochial, is catre Parislı contains 1,505 Inhabitants.----(9) Part of Kidderminster entered with the Parish of St. Michael Bedwardine (Lower Oswaldslow wa Lower Halfshire llundred. The entire Parish contains 15,296 In- | Hundred), which whole Parish forms a part of the City of Worcester, auts. Trade and manufacture has flourished in this place, especially though not within the boundary of the Franchise. 5 C 374 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR chiefly eni- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how 1 many Families Oc- cupicd. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly 1 OTHER employ. Families ed in not coin- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- 7 thelwo AGRI- | fuctures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classcs. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS 500 13 1,157 City of WORCESTER continued. Martin, St. (part of) . (u) Parish Nicholas, St. - ---- Parish Peter, St. (part of) - - () Parish Swithin, St. - - ... - Parish Worcester Gaol and Bridewell (+) 443 381 229 997 Soon! 1,367 1,329 1,244 579 .. 400 78 1,148 472 2,524 2,326 2,392 1,051 113 188 210 26 3,037 3,786 | 31 | 72 | 147 1 3,242 ) 397 7,811 9,212 17,023 (C) St. Martin's Parish is partly in Lower Oswaldslow Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,340 Inhabitants.---() St. Peter's Parish SU M M AR Y OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Hundred of BLACKENHURST - - - - 16281 694 4 106 3,213 37 438 1,642 8,275 1,571 8,227 DODDINGTREE - - - - 3,328 3,539 16,502 HALFSHIRE - - - - - 12,019 13,255 13,004 9,193 | 1,058 | 31,692 64,331 5,244 2,530 |1,350 | 21,118 32,639 21,972 12,092 COSWALDSLOW ....8,101 PERSHORE ------ 4,508 43,090 11,801 - 23,893 Borough of DROITWICH ..... 1 2 19 77 269 221 1,044 1,132 2,176 Borough of EVESHAM ------ 722 768 24 255 372 139 1,596 1,891 3,487 Town of KIDDERMINSTER - ... 1,942 2,278 KIDDERMINSTER 2 | 56 16 866 1,296 5,280 5,429 10,709 City of WORCESTER ----- 3,037) 3,786 31 | 72 147 3,242 397 7,811 / 9,212 | 17,023 Totals - - - 134,738 39,006 | 232 980 114,926 18,5665,514 | 90,259 94,165 184,424 M.DCCC.XXI.) 375 "THE POPULATION ACT, 1 620. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WORCESTER-continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. Under TOTAL. Hundred 101 10 COM 164. BLACKENHURST - - 229 2141 1641. 227 DODDINGTREE - - 1,059 1,058 977 820 1,211 732 63 HALFSHIRE ...3,534 3,083 2,636 2,181 3,342 2,601 / 2,156 1,451 OSWALDSLOW - - - 2,758 2,455 2,010 2,221 1,429 (1,0655291 PERSHORE - --- 1,669 1,542 1,381 1,158 2,634 1,652 8,272 22,743 21,057 1 11,651 106 80 DROITWICH, BORO' 139/ 128 } - | 1,044 EVESHAM, BORO'. 1961 - | 1,596 KIDDERMINSTER, 1 - 8481 652 556 571 TOWN - - - 537 5,294 WORCESTER, CITY - | 1,141 1,0391 795 766 / 1,272 992 739 500 269 | 147 | 23 7,685 Total of Males - 11,861 10,685, 9,293 7,893 11,934 9,296 7,997 | 51500 3,920 2,024 35 380,994 FEM A L E S. 100 Under 5. Hundred 0 40 50 60 70 TOTAL. of BLACKENHURST -. - | 223 DODDINGTREE - - 1,155 1,073 839 797 1,243 HALFSHIRE - -. - | 3,278 3,278 3,087 2,536 2,196 3,969 OSWALDSLOW - - - 2,832 2,892 2,392 2,085 3,520 PERSHORE . . - - 1,633 1,571 118 78 28 680 483 245 2,185 1,448 (1,101 571 2,16 1,501 1,094 628 2,720 2,525 1,571 18;230 23,273 121,832 11,950 DROITWICH, BORO' - 1,132 EVESHAM, BORO' - a! 1,891 KIDDERMINSTER, 1. TOWN - - -] 555 531 987 6701 4891 324 124/1 -1 - 5,342 WORCESTER, CITY - 1,118 937 890 1,078 1,914 1,229 808 547 373 189 58 9,145) Total of FEMALES 22,537|10,759 8,926 8,329. 14,266 978938,016 5,678 4,05 2,211 668 49 2 34,366 1 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Worcester was ... 184,424, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .., 165,360, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one-tentu purt of the Persons therein enuinerated, have not been obtained in coin- pliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Worcester was. 247; five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are marked thus (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or belindant,-- or incorrect in the respective uuinbers of Males and Females. 376 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. County of York (East Riding.) Including the City of York, the Ainstey of the City of York, and the Liberty of St. Peter of York. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- By chiefly employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS : .. | FAMI- | Αιι LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly em- | ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRIS factures, preced- CUL- or Handi- ing TURE. craft. ft Classes. Un-Inhabited. Op Building FENALES. MALES. in PERSONS. BUCKROSE WAPENTAKE. 197 192 co 3 144 294 AcKLAM (part of) Parish : (*) Acklam with Barthorpe (*) Township Leavening * - .:: Township Birdsall . . . . . - Parish Bugthorpe * - - - - - - Parish Burytborp - - Parish Cowlam - - - - - - - Parish Fridaythorpe * - .. Parish Grimston, North *. - - - Parish Helperthorp - - - - Parish w III ô có 1 1 1 1 0 134 146 104 23 139 73 86 106 135 112 10 car w worloon 136 No 109 149 IIIIIIII II III I II III . me no III. rail - - - No con 8 1 136 144 Iloi 512 505 58 = = 8 ra 29 333 = = o o 350 105 95 Heslerton, East - - - Township Heslerton, West - - - Township Kirby-Grindalyth Parish: 0) Duggleby - - - - - Township Kirby-Grindalyth - - Township Tbirkleby - - - - - Township Kirby-under-Dale - - - - Parish Kirkham - - - - - Extra-P. 3 Langton Parish: (a) Kennythorpe - - - - Township 12 Langton - - - - - Township 52 Norton Parish : (*) Norton - - - - - - Township | 229 Sutton - - - - - - Township | 12 Welham - - - - - Township 8 Rillington Parish : (*) Rillington - - - - - Township 137 Scampston - - - - Chapelry 142 Scrayingham Parish : (5) Howsham • - - - - Township Leppington - - - - Township Scrayingham - - • Township Settrington Parish : (h) Scogglethorpe - - - Township Settrington - - - - Township Sherburn - - - - - - - Parish Skirpenbeck * - - - - - Parish Sledmere, (with Croom Hamlet) - Parish Thorp-Bassett - - - - - Parish Weaverthorp Parish: (i) Luttons-Ambo * - - - Township Weaverthorp - - - - Township Westow Parish: (*) Eddlethorp - - - - Township Firby - - - - - - Township Menethorpe - - - - Township Westow - - - - - Township Wetwang Parish: (1) * Fimber - - - - - Chapelry Wetwang - - - - - Township 108 0 = = 110 9 | 251 Nina In o at I want to OO ouw v 6 b + o 112 278 244 132 238 III III III II III IV 88 142 4 5 III Je, co 1 1 4 70 200 - 64 40 o da co 207 COD- * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, ^ Acklam Parish is partly in Langbaurgh Liberty, North Riding of, ton contains 883 Inhabitants. (B) The entire Parish of Scrayingham York. The entire Parish contains 788 Inhabitants. The entire contains 511 Inhabitants.adh) The entire Parish of Scttringtou.com Parish of Heslerton contains 469 Inhabitants. The entire Parish | tains 757 Inhabitants. (i) The entire Parish of Weaverthorpe com of Kirby-Grindalyth contains 376 Inhabitants. The entire Pa- tains 645 Inhabitants. (k) The entire Parish of Westow Com rish of Langton contains 363 Inhabitants. ----(C) The entire Parish of 660 Inhabitants.- (l) The entire Parish of Wetwang con Norton contains 1,168 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Rilling- 526 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 377 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 CEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OTHER . OR TOTAL OCCUPATIONS: Faur. | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly chiefly emploù. Families em- ed in not com- ployed | Trade, prized in, in Manu- the Two EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By low many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OR Building. FEMALES. NIALES. PERSONS. CUL- or Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. 102 iiwill were co 1111 O2 BUCKROSE WAPENTAKE-continued. Wharram-Percy Parish: (m) Raisthorpe and Birdall. Township Thixendale - - - - Township Towthorpe - - - - Township Wharram-Percy - - . Township Wharram-le-Street Parish: Wharram-le-Street · - Township Wintringham Parish : (*) Knapton - - - - - Township, Wintringham - - - - Township Yeddingham - - - - - - Parish od 117 u Age 174 326 co v 15 69 127 6 49 | 1,425 360 2955,839 5,347 11,186 35 I I CUI For 115 I!!! 231 83 B7 123 1 1,951 2,324 4,275 147 74 773 12 9 o cocina 21 1!!!!!! IIIIIIÓ 58 49 107 28 23 158 51 159 317 116 57 164 !!! nieco 321 85 109 94 59 55 203 183 386 1,988 2,080 DICKERING WAPENTAKE. Argam - - - - - - - Parish Bempton • - - - - - - Parish Bessingby - - - - - - Parish Boynton - - - - - - - Parish | Bridlington Parish : 0) Bridlington and Quay . Township Buckton - - - - - Township Easton - - - - - - Hamlet Grindall - - - - - Chapelry Hilderthorp - - - - Township Sewerby and Marton - Township Specton - - - - - - Hamlet Burton-Agnes Parish : (P) Burton-Agnes - - - Township Gransmoor - - - - Township Haisthorp . - - - - Township Thornholm - - - - Township Burton-Fleming or North - • Parish Carnaby - - - - - - - Parish Filey (part of) . . . (9) Parish Flamborough - - - - - Parish Folkton Parish : (*) Folkton - - - - - Township Flixton - - . - - Township Foston-upon-Wolds Parish: () Brigham - - - - - Township Foston-upon-Wolds - - Township Gembling - - - - - Township Kelk, Great - - - - Township Foxholes Parish: (0) Butterwick '.- - Chapelry Foxholes, with Boythorp - Township Fraisthorp, with Auburn - - Parish Ganton, with Brompton - - Parish Garton-upon-the-Wolds * - - Parish Harpham - - - - - - - Parish Hunmanby Parish : Hunmanby - . . - Township / 209 Kelk, Little - - - - - Extra-P. !!! 73 con una co 366 407 130 773 917 468 449 i Iloi col ng In III 74 70 132 144 267 ! 135 56 47 103 !!! iva 300 87 158 93 !! 169 91 !!!! 00nwoo I and II 151 181 127 278 357 251 5 506 I for 512 1,018 26 ! 25 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. () The entire Parish of Wharram-Percy contains 336 Inhabitants. | (9) Filey Parish is partly in Pickering Lythe Wapentake, North T() The entire Parish of Wintringham contains 532 Inhabitants. | Riding of York. The entire Parish contains 1,128 Inhabitants. ton and Newton are included in the Return of Wintringham Town- o The entire Parish of Folkton contains 411 Iuhabitants.--() The sup.com (9) The entire Parish of Bridlington contains 5,034 Inhabitants. entire Parish of Foston-upon-Wolds contains 648 Inhabitants. ( The entire Parish of Burton-Agnes contains 60g Inbabitants. | 0 The entire Parish of Foxholes contains 262 Iuhabitants. 5 D 378 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding continuci. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMIO | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By TOTAL OR how niany Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building FAMI LIES chiefly | OTIIER chicfly employ- Families em- ed i: not con- ployed TRADE, I prized in in / Manu- the I'wo AGRI- factures, proced- CUL- orHandi. ing TIRE. | craft. | Classes. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FEMALES. MALES. ОР PERSONS. 1 190 1921 1 1 131 446 971 16 416 III 202 69 165 149 350 917 DICKERING WAPENTAKE---continued. Kilham *. - - - - - - Parish Langtoft Parish : ) Cotton * - - - - - Township Langtoft * - - - - - Township Lowthorp - - - - - - () Parish Mſuston - - - - Parish Nafferton Parish : (v) Nafferton - - - - - Township Wansford - - - - - Township Reighton - - - - - - - Parish Rudston - - - - - - - Parishi Ruston, Parva - - - - - Parish Thwing - - - - . - () Parish Willerby Parish : (*) Binnington ---- Township Staxton - - - - - Township Willerby - - - - - Township Wold-Newton, - - - - (b) Parish with Forder - - - - Township 463 163 107 344 III il mondo 454 181 110 196 61 153 217 Toieri colori 221 417 79 161 314 24 50 117 III - 18 20 104 33 15 HARTHILL WAPENTAKE. 13,134 13,372 co | 1,598 1,093 681 8,255 8,206 16,461 58 65 - 12 / 4 161 300 202 202 | 196 - 1 398 . 55 2,303 c IA 93 138 434 917 osco BAINTON-BEACON Division. Bainton - - - - - - - Parish | Dalton, North, Parish: (9) Dalton, North - - Township Neswick - - - - - Township Driffield Parish : (d) Driffield, Great * - - - Towuship Driffield, Little * - - - Chapelry Emswell with Kelleythorpe Township Holme-on-the-Wolds - - - Parish Hutton-Cranswick Parish : (0) Hutton-Cranswick - - Township Rotsea - - - - - - Township Sunderlandwick - - - Township Kilnwick Parish: (*) Beswick - - - - - Chapelry Bracken - - - - - Township Kilnwick - - - - - Towuship Lockington (part of). Township Kirk-Burn Parish : (5) East-Burn - - - Township Kirk-Burn - - - - Township South-Burn - - - - Township Tibthorp - - - - - Township Lockington Parish : (b) Aike (part of) - - - - Township Lockington (part of) - - Township Lund - - - - - - - () Parish Middleton - - - - - - Parish Scorbrough - - - - - - Parish III III II III IIA II 93 192 110 230 HII II III III III Ilco 124 20 12 119 103 221 21 - awwal III 29 196 I-III 192 220 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. () The entire Parish of Langtoft contains 432 Inhabitants. $ entire Parish of Hutton-Cranswick contains 1,000 Inhabitants. Rosa (*) A few families have emigrated from Lowthorp to America. maintains its own poor separately.- (f) The entire Parish oi Kilnwick ☺ The entire Parish of Naflerton contains 1,261 Inhabitants. contains 576 Inhabitants. Lockington Township is mostly in Lockington (3) Thwing Parish includes Octon, Octon-Grange, and Wold-Cottage. Parish. - () The entire Parish of Kirk-Burn contains 455 Inliabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Willerby contains 297 Inhabitants. (h) The entire Parish of Lockington contains 426 Inbabitants. slike ( The entire Parish of Wold-Newton contains 225 Inhabitants. is partly in St John's Parish, Beverley; and Lockington Township is ( The entire Parish of North Dalton contains 453 Inhabitants. - partly in Kilnwick Parish. One male in Lund Parish upwards of 7) The entire Parish of Driſlield contains 2,471 Inhabitants. (C) The 100 years of age. MDCCC.XX1.1 379 UNTY THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL LIES OR chiefly TOTAL C EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building Un-Inbabited. FAMI- LIES | ОтнER chicfly employ Families em ed in Lootcom- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES PERSONS. HARTHILL WAPENTAKE-continued. BAINTON-BEACON Division--continued. Skerne - - - - - - - Parish Warter - - - - - - - Parish Watton - - - - - - - Parish 119 251 36 54 9 3 255 168 132 173 139 428 34 307 22 893 392 1783,9.72 3,719 7,691 131 Inn II DA 138 156 64 HIIIIIIIIIII 276 179 540 137 145 65 76 Iwawcow In Cco 44 93 361 TIADITII 199 173 162 145 318 146 125 130 110 271 240 . 78 45 33 Occo 239 123 84 car apo i 10 Ilo in mod Lillains IC I 177 con 116 93 702 120 254 616 1,318 124 HOLME-BEACON Division, 1,371 1,463 5 Aughton Parish : (K) Aughton - - - - - Township Cottingwith, East - - Township Laytham - - - - - Township Brindleys - - - - - - Extra-P. || Bubwith Parish: (1) Breighton - - - - - Township Bubwith * - - - - - Township Foggathorpe. - w - Township Gribthorpe and Willitoft - Township Harlthorpe - - - - Township Spaldington - - - - - Township Ellerton-Priory - - - - - Parish Everingham - - - - - - Parish Goodmanham *- - - - - Parish Harswell . - - - - - - Parish Hayton Parish : (m) Bielby - - - - - - Townsluip Häyton ... - - - - Township Holme-upon-Spalding-Moor - Parish Londesborough - - - - (n) Parish Seaton-Ross - - - - - () Parish Thornton (part of) Parish : (P) Melbourn - -..- Township 73 Storwood - - - - - Township Nun-Burnholme (part of) Parish : (9) Thorpe-in-the-Street - - Township . Weighton-Market Parish : (*) Shipton * - - - - - Chapelry Weighton Market & · Arras * () - -S - Township 3 Wressel Parish : (*) Newsham and Brind - - Townships / 23 Wressel and Loftsome - Township 37 HUNSLEY-BEACON Division. 1,379 1,613 8 Brantingham (part of) Parish : (0) Thorpe-Brantinghain - Township Burton, Bishop . - - - - - Parish 118 Burton, Cherry - - - - - Parish 65 Cave, North Parish : (*) Cave, North - - - - Township 178 Cliff, South - : - - Township Drewlon and Everthorp - Township Cave, South (part of) Parish : (*) | Bromfleet * - . -.. Township Cave, South * - - - - Township 223 213 224 went ra I 184 person 1 o 11. lol I l 838 1,724 Ti se o o 101 37 4 I mod 177 183 or 97 86 31 1,090 327 | 196 4,415 4,154 8,569 94 OY ID 80 264 226 270 191 174 534 417 ricca . 81 402 291 m 783 131 177 142 Tos 75 434 À 885 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. in) The entire Parish of Aughton contains 702 Inhabitants. of Market-Weighton contains 2,093 Inbabitants. One female in Market- The entire Parish of Bubwith contains 1,455 Inhabitauts.- () The 1 Weighton Township, upwards of 100 years of age.- (S) The entire entire Parish of Hayton contains 416 Inhabitants. (11) East-Thorpe Parish of Wressel contains 360 Inhabitants. Brantingham Parish is included in the Return of Londesborough. O At Seaton-Ross, the is mostly in Howdenshire Wapentake. (u) The entire Parish of lucrease of arable land has caused an increase of population. The ! North-Cave contains 1,091 Inhabitants. ") South-Cave Parish is entire Parish of Thornton, which is partly in Wilton-Beacon Division, entered partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish contains 751 Inhabitants. - (9) Nun-Burnlıolme Parish is mostly in contains 1,190 Inhabitants, Hilton-Beacon Division of Harthill Wajentake. ) The entire Parish 380 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding) continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how chiefly employ. TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- Fami- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly Families em- not com- ed in ployed TRADE, prized in the Two Malu- AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- TURE, raft Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. MALES. FEMALES. in PERSONS, 120 1,308 2,479 130 277 1,171 147 211 208 131 169 383 10 11 HARTHILL WAPENTAKE-continued. HUNSLEY-BEACON Division--continued. Cottingham - - - - (*) Parish 505 Dalton, South - - - - - Parish Elloughton, with Brough * • - Parish Etton - - - - - - - - Parish Hotham - - - - - - - Parish Leckonfield - - - - - - Parish New Village - - - - - Extra-P. Rowley Parish : (') Rowley - - - - - Township Wauldby - - - - - - Township Sancton and Houghton Parish : (*) Cliff, North - - - - Township Sancton and Houghton - Township Sculcoates ---- (a) Parish | 1,953 Skidby - - - - - - - Parisha 72 Walkington (part of) Parish: (0) Provosts-Fee - - - - Township 49 i in or 227 425 49 173 89 161 334 10,449 4,502 161 5,947 152 313 49 44 5 109 100 209 3,702 4,426 | 25 247 | 1,266 2,321 839 8,977 10,392 119,369 ! 132 24 w 1 1 3 3 124 to 570 1 1 1 112 111 1 i Ilir i ti co 198 co A ori ci 1 WILTON-BEACON Division, Allerthorpe Parish: () Allerthorpe * - - - - Township Waplington - - - - Township Bishop-Wilton Parislı: () Bishop-Wilton-with- Township Belthorpe - -} Bolton * - - - - Township Youlthorpe-with-Gow- * Township thorpe - - - S Burnby - - - - - - Parish Catton, Low (part of) Parislı: (0) Catton, High - - - - Township Catton, Low - - - - Township Stamford-Bridge, East * Township Fangfoss-with-Spittle - - - Parislı Full-Sutton - - - - - - Parish Gwendale, Great, Parislı : ) Gwendale, Great * - - 'Township Grimthorpe* - - - - Township Huggate - - - - - - - Parish Kilnwick-Percy - - - - - Parish Millington * - - - - - - Parish Nun-Burnholme (part of) Parish ; (8) Nun-Burnholme - - - Township Pocklington Parish : (h) Meltonby - - - - - Township Owsthorpe - - - - Town: hip Pocklington - - - - Township Yapham - - - - - Clapelry Sutton-upon-Derwent - - - Parish Ion An ou wiwo 177 298 1 154 125 1 15 29 1 1 111 188 413 ri 21 %3 282 203 - I wil i II 11 11+1 neri e colli e 1,962 130 18 114 400 • Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, (*) Cottingham Parish contains part of Willerby Township. (Town of of Bishop-Wilton contains 793 Inhabitants.ca(e) Catton Parish is Kingston-upon-Hull.)- (y) The entire Parish of Howley contains 469 partly in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake. The entire Parish contains Inbabitants. (?) The entire Parish of Sancton and Houghton contains 1973 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Gwendale contains 89 Ill. 423 Inhabitants. (a) Sculcoutes is adjacent to Hull. (b) Walking habitants.- 8) Nun-Burnholme Parish is partly in Holme-Beacon lo ton Parish is mostly in Howdensbire Wapentake.-.- ) The entire vision. The entire Parish contains 240 Inhabitants. The charc Parish of Allerthorpe contains 151 Inhabitants. The entire Parish Parish of Pocklington contains 2,163 Inbabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 381 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding) continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL LIES By OR how TOTAL employ-|Fainilics EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FA MI- LIES chiefly Other chiefly en- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUI orHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. OF Building Oc- FEMALES. MALES. cupied. - PERSONS. HARTHILL WAPENTAKE-continued. WILTON-BEACON Division-continued. Thornton (part of) -- (1) Parish Wilberfoss Parish : (k) Newton-upon-Derwent - Township | Wilberfoss - - - - Township 40 33 6 1 109 89 198 44 77 97 44 84 39 57 108 196 205 55 24 189 385 IL 367 122 3,295 3,077 6,372 418 384 802 38 IIII 2% 16 82 158 201 177 378 c 12 1,409 366 432 798 76 160 1 I II 1 - IIIII IC 11 JA TITO 475 2012 | 52 154 1,202 1,288 1642 799 HOLDERNESS WAPENTAKE: Middle Division: Aldbrough Parish : (0) Aldbrough - - - - Township 135 Newton, East - - - Township Newton, West - - - Township Burton-Pidsea * - - - - - Parish Drypool Parish : (m) Drypool - - - - - Township Southcoates - - - - Township Garton Parish : (*) Garton - - - - - - Township Owstwick (part of) - - Township HEYDON or HEDON - Borough and 1 Parish Hilston - - - - - - - Parish Humbleton Parish : (0) Danthorpe - - - - Township Elstronwick - - - - Township Fitling - - - - - - Township Flinton - - - - - Township Humbleton - - - - Township Marfieet - - - - - - - Parish Owthorne (part of) Parish : (P) Waxholme - - - - Township Preston Parish : (9) Lelley - - - - - - Township Preston * - - - - - Township 142 | Rooss - - - - - - () Parisha Sproatley - - - - - - - Parish 58 Sutton and Stoneferry - - - Parish 746 Swine (part of) Parish : (0) Benningholme and Grange Township Bilton - - - - - - Chapelry Coniston - - - - - Township Ellerby - - - - - Township Ganstead - - - Township Marton - - Township South-Skirlaugh Chapelry Swine - - - - - - Township Tbirtleby - - - - - Township Wyton - - - - - - Township Tunstall * - - - - - - Parish Waghen, or Wawn Parish : ) Meux - - - - - - Towuship 11 Waghen, or Wawn * . Township 137 I a II i 119 مير بن بر می دن مر 125 i || mas como 119 828 42 413 213 26 181 1,732 176 1,926 · 442 357 3,658 54 43 CO 53 38 65 97 91 137 233 61 128 II IIIIIIIIIII al and I QVC Nilminii 32 65 129 .ܘ ܒܝܘܝܢ ܘ ܘ ܟ | ܟܬ ܩ Ii Allaw learn 108 121 30 211 229 61 95 163 3 45 50 52 o U 42 32 | ܗ 37 132 119 251 2,448 2,687 | 12 | 131 | 1,198 877 612 6,353 6,491 12,844 Paris * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. DO, Thornton Parish is partly in Holme-Beacon Division. The entire but the Population, as not being distinguished, is wholly entered as if in miso contains 751 Inhabitants.---() The entire Parish of Wilberfoss | Garton Parish. The entire Parish of Humbletori contains 586 In- quins 590 Inhabitants.- () The entire Parish of Aldbrough contains | habitants. Owthorne Parish is mostly in South-Holderness Wa- abitants; it extends into Cowdons Township, Mappleton Parish, pentake. (9) The entire Parish of Preston contains 947 Inliabitants. Orin-Holderness Wapentake. The entire Parish of Drypool con () Swine Parish is partly in North-Ilolderness Wapentake. The 20? Inhabitants.- (") The entire Parish of Garton contains | entire Parish contains 1,604 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of 99-mabitants, including that part of Owstwick which is in Kooss Parish; I Waghen contains 3:25 Inhabitants. 5 E · Enameration. 382 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building Fumi | FAMI ALL LIES Lies chiefly 1 ОтнER chiefly employ-fa . Families em- ed in not com- ployed Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. TRADE, prized in in PERSONS. cupied. 1 171 155 w 326 a I 117 as * 205 Ilmaid cili 11 iii ni 110 271 11 29 100 - 190 18 losi 285 575 290 33 405 loloi 01 Brooi w I had oiar 305 790 i HOLDERNESS WAPENTAKE continued. (North Division.) () Atwiek Parish: Atwick, Arram and - Township Skirlington - S Barmston - - - - - () Parish Beeford Parish: (™) Beeford - - - - - Township Dunnington - - - - Township Lissett - - - - - Township Brandsburton Parish : (*) Brandsburton - - - - Township Moor-Town - - - - Township Catwick - - - - • - (Y) Parish St. John Beverley (part of) Parish : (2) Eske - - - - - - Township Frodingham, North - - - Parish Goxhill - - - - - - - Parish Hornsea with Burton - - (a) Parish Leven Parish: (0) Hempholme - - - - Township Leven - - - - - - Township Mappleton Parish : (0) Cowdons - - - - () Township Hatfield, Great - - () Township Mappleton and Rowlston * Township Nunkeeling with Bewholme - Parish Rise - - - - - - - - Parish Riston, Long - - - - () Parish Routh - - - - - - - - Parish Sigglesthorne Parish: (0) Catfoss - - - - - Township Hatfield, Little - - - Township Seaton - - - - - - Township Sigglesthorne - - - - Township Skipsea Parish : (0) Bonwick - - - - - Township Dringhoe, Upton and Brough Township Skipsea - - - - - Township Ulrome ----- Chapelry Swine (part of) Parish : (*) Skirlaugh, North, and Rowton - - - - - Township Withernwick * .... - Parish 36 343 315 !!! Ili milli 127 111 182 19 21 !!! 10 rili 45 Oni verii 11 INI Il mondo i 73 151 178 79 91 135 125 260 62 I 10 185 185 370 1,398 1,513 8 27 1,004 327 1823,941 3,636 7:577 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. ☺) Hartburn and Hyde, formerly Villages in North-Holderness Wa- | Parish (Middle Division of Holderness Wapentake ;) and of Great pentake, are said to have been washed away by the sea. (u) The Hatfield, which is partly in Sigglesthorne Parish. (d) The entire Pa. entire Parish of Beeford contains 791 Inhabitants. The entire rish of Sigglesthorne contains 538 Inhabitants, besides those in Great Parish of Bransburton contains 591 Inhabitants. The employ Hatfield Township, attributed wholly to Mappleton Parish.-() The ment of married servants in agriculture has increased the Population. entire Parish of Skipsea contains 693 Inhabitants, including the wbole (3) The Parish of St. John is mostly in the Borough of Beverley. The of Ulrome, which is partly in Barmston Parish. a Swine Parisa i two farms at Eske have been converted into one since 1811.-- is mostly in Middle-Holderness Wapentake. The Return of North. (*) Hornsea is resorted to as a bathing-place; hence an increase of Skirlaugh and Rowton Township, includes part of Arnold Township; the Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Leven contains 751 Inhabi other part of which is in Riston Parish, and the Population included tants. The entire Parish of Mappleton contains 460 Inhabitants, accordingly. including the whole of Cowdons Township, which is partly in Aldborough M.DCCC.XXI.) 383 : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEQ. IV. C. 94. : COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding) --continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Fami- | ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, how many Families Oce cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly emplov. Families en- ed in not com- Eployed | TRADE, Iprized in in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- SorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. . . .. 155 . 240 488 - - - 36 - - os in oon 148 315 - 127 133 53 55 133 123 HOLDERNESS WAPENTAKE--continued. (South Division.) Burstwick Parish : (8) Burstwick - - - - - Township Ryhill and Camerton - Townships Easington Parish : h) Easington - - - - - Township Out-Newton - - - - Township Halshamn - - - - - - - Parish Hollym Parish: (i) Hollym - - (+) - Township Withernsea - - - - Township Holmpton - - - - - - Parish Keyingham - - - - - - Parish Kilnsea (with Spurm) - - - Parish Ottringham - - - - - - Parish Owthorne (part of) Parish : (*) Frodingham, South · - Township Owthorne - - - - - Township Rimswell - - - - - Township Patrington - - - - - (1) Parish Paul Parish: (m) Paul - - - - - - Township Thorn-Gumbald - - - Township Sheffling - - - - - - - Parish Sunk-Island - - - - (n) Extra-P. Welwick - - - - - - - Parish Wineştead - - - - - - Parish 102 312 327 92 335 104 II II II III III II III 121 302 71 143 129 1,244 623 1cameras more! 241 245 123 136 99 102 118 214 66 486 259 201 216 410 129 196 63 1,259 1,363 276 157 13,568 | 3,439 7,007 aos 278 144 89 179 } 121 96 101 OC 197 375 dom av 177 339 HOWDENSHIRE WAPENTAKE. Blacktoft Parish : (0) Blacktoft - . - - - Township Scalby - - - - - - Township Brantingham (part of) Parish : (P) Ellerker - - - - - Township Cheapsides --- (°) Extra-P. Eastrington Parish : (9) Bellasize - - - - - Township Eastrington - - - - Township Gilberdike - - - - Township Newport-Wallingfen - - Township Portingten and Cavil - - Township Howden Parish : (*) Asselby - - - - - Township Balkholme - - - - Township Barmby-on-the-Marsh Chapelry Belby - - - - - - Township Cotness - - - - - Township Howden - - - - - Township Kilpin- . Township Knedlington - - - - Township Laxton - - Chapelry Metham - - - - - Township MG 640 339 169 ili Ailii IIII II II 45 98 129 254 105 125 42 264 22 - 525 49 29 2,080 14 I and I was my coi ail 114 1,086 994 159 60 136 27 159 58 132 318 118 4 268 (6) The entire Parish of Burstwick contains 751 Inhabitants. 2. The entire Parish of Easington contains 557 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Hollym contains 368 Inhabitants. (k) Owthorne Parish is partly in the Middle Division of Holderness Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 415 Inhabitants. (1) One male in Patrington Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-om) The entire Parish of Paul contains 745 Inhabitants. The number is diminished, in consequence of discontinuance of ship-building. ~ Sunk-Island was recovered the sea previous to the year 1811. The entire Parish of Blacktoft contains 457 Inhabitants. The Population of Cheapsides (deemed Extra-parochial in 1811,) is included in the Return of Scalby, in this Parisb.----(P) Brantingham Parish is partly in the Hunsley- Beacon Division of Harthill Wapentake. The entire Parish contains | 423 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Eastrington contains 1,649 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Howden contains 4,443 Inhabitants. The increase is attributed to the establishment of a sacking factory, and the demolition of cottages in adjoining villages. 384 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI• ALL OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OP Uu-Inhabited. Building. FAMI LIES LIES chiefly 1 OTHER chiefly employ- | Families em- not con- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 96 179 I coco 109 HOWDENSHIRE WAPENTAKE- continued. Howden Parish—continued. Saltmarsh - - - - - Township Skelion - - - - - - Township Thorpe - - - - - - Township Yorkfleet - - - - - Township Welton Parish : (*) Melton - - - - - - Chapelry Welton - - - - - - Township Walkington (part of) - - (0) Parish 83 112 22 100 221 53 99 199 23 olm cili 52 55 107 116 own 251 167 3:25 157 576 324 1,459 / 1,649 | 9 | 27 970 970 433 2463,863 3,942 17,805 -1 4 1 61 1 12 366 11 A 12 C - 168 30 98 11 279 548 131 260 OUZE and DERWENT WAPENTAKE. Acaster-Malbis (part of) Parish : (4) Naburn - - - - - - Township Catton (part of) Parish : (W) Kexby - - - - - - Township Stamford-Bridge, West Township with Scoreby - -S Dunnington (part of) Parish : (*) Grimston - - - - - Township Elvington - - - - - - - Parish Escrick Parish : (V) Deighton - - - - - Township Escrick - - - - - - Township Fulford-Ambo Parish : (9) Fulford-Gate - - - - Township Fulford-Water* · · · Township Hemingbrough Parish : () Barlby - - - - - - Chapelry Brackenholme with Woodall Township Cliff with Lund - - - - Township Duffield, South - - - Township Hemingbrough - - - Township Menthorp with Bowthorp - Township Osgodby - - - - - Township Heslington, St. Lawrence, Los (part of) * - - - - 3 fans Riccall * - - - - - - - Parish Skipwith Parish : (9) Duffield, North . - · Township Skipwith - - - - - Township Stillingfieet (part of) Parish : (1) Kelfield - - - - - Township Stillingfeet with Moreby * Township Thorganby with Cottingwith - Parish Wheldrake - - - - - - Parish 171 178 349 Coil 47 43 90 249 252 501 181 89 248 92 252 20 500 49 185 Paris 143 292 299 300 599 1 con el I 228 205 143 433 315 172 144 201 142 203 174 307 207 331 286 404 381 638 T- 106 ( 1,394 1,563 | 4 | 26 | 1,147 3,957 3,952 7,909 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. ) The entire Parish of Welton contains 683 Inhabitants. entire Parish of Fulford-Ambo contains 847 Inhabitants. () The (1) Walkington Parish is partly in Hunsley-Beacon Division (Harthill entire Parish of Heminghrough contains 1,855 Inhabitants. ---- Wapentake.) The entire Parish contains 533 Inhabitants. - | (b) Heslington, St. Lawrence Parish, is partly in the Liberty of St. () Acaster-Malbis Parish is partly in the Ainstey of the City of York. Peter of York, and entered accordingly. The entire Parish contains 513 The entire Parish contains 657 Inhabitants.-> (W) Cattoni Parish is Inhabitants. (C) The entire Parish of Skipwith contains 748 Inha- mostly in Wilton-Beacon Division (Harthill Wapentake) () Dun bitants.- () Stillingficet Parish is partly in the cinstey of the City nington Parish is mostly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York.--- of York, and entered accordingly. The entire Parish contains 070 () The entire Parish of Escrick contains 716 Inhabitants. (*) The Inhabitants. 21.DCCC.XXI.] 385 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. :? - COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)--continuedi HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES TOTAL OR By how many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES | ALL chiefly 1 OTHER chiefly employ- Families ed in not com ployed Trade, prized in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- for Handi-ing TURE. craft. | Classes. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FEMALES. MALES. 'or PERSONS. | in cupied. 77: 100 31 ܟܝܘ 61 L 8 209 231 - ܙ 1283 611 752 739 282 ܗ ܗ ܝܕ ܟ 98 1,491 551 209 417 1 · 116 1 105. 221 90. 169 ܝ ܗ 1 163: 324 ܚܝ 212 214 426 i ܙ 109 1 218 ܙ LIBERTY of ST. PETER of YORK. Barmby-upon-the-Moor. - () Parish Brafferton (part of) Parish: () Helperby -. (e) Township Brotherton (part of) Parish : (*) Brotherton • - - () Township Dunnington (part of) - (5) (c) Parish Gate-Helmsley . . . (e) Parish Haxby - - - - - - (e) Parish Heslington (part of) Parish : (h) Heslington - - - - (c) Township Husthwaite Parish : (1) Carlton - - - - - (d) Township Husthwaite - - - - - Township Kirkby-Wharfe (part of ) Parish: (k) Ulleskelf - - - - - (i) Township Kirkdale (part of ) Parish : 0) Norton with Wombleton Township Knaresborough Parish : (m) Beach-Hill - - - • (k) Manor Mary, St. Bishopshill, Sen") Parco (part of) - Dringhouses - - - (8) Township Michael, St. Le-Belfrey, (part of) and I St. Olaves, Parishes : (*) Clifton (part of) - - (e) Township Minster-Yard with Beddern(1) Extra-P. Newbald Parish : (P) Newbald, North - - (a) Township Newbald, South - - (a) Township Osbaldwick Parish : (9) Murton - - - - - (c) Township Osbaldwick - - - - (e) Township Overton (part of) Parish: (?) · Skelton - - - - - (e) Township Salton Parish : (0) Brawby ---- () Township Salton ..:- F Township South-Cave (part of) Parish: (9) Faxfleet - - - - - (a) Township Stillington . . (e) Parish Strensall - . . . . (e) Parish 1 ܝ NUVYA 1 de ܙ ܗ :110 517 200 924 407 ܘ 288 255 543 179 1! ܚ ܟ 134 176 i 86 ܙ ܚܕ ܝ 188 148 III 11 163 ܙ ܗ ܚ 360 338 698 194 184 ) Brafferton Parish is partly in the North Riding of Yorkshire, | Riding of Yorkshire. The Parish of St. Mary Bishopshill, sen" (Buimer and Hallikeld Wapentakes.) The entire Parish contains 832 is mostly in the City of York, and partly in the Ainstey of the City. lahabitants. - Brotherton Parish is ruostly in Barkstone-Asb| Dringhouses extends into the Parish of Holy-Trinity-Micklegate, in the Wapentake, West Riding of York. (8) Dunnington Parish is partly City of York.-- 0 The Parish of St. Michael-le-Belfrey is niostly in in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 623 the City of York. Clifton Township is partly in the Parish of St Diary Inhabitants.---(h) Heslington Parish is mostly in Ouze arid Derwent Olave, Bulmer Wapentake, North Riding. The entire Parish of Wapentake. Heslington Township extends into St. Lawrence Parish, Newbald contains 722 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Osbald- City of York. (Ý) The entire Parish of Husthwaite contains 493 wick contains 310 Inhabitants. (") Overton Parish is mostly in Inbabitants. mk) Kirkby-Wharfe Parish is partly iu Barkstone-Ash | Bulmer Wapentake, (North Riding) where part of Skelton Township Wapenitake (West Riding of Yorkshire.) The entire Parish contains is also entered. ) The entire Parish of Salton contains 336 Inhab- 574 Inhabitants. (1) Kirkdale Parish is mostly in Ryedale Wapen bitants.-- ) South-Cave Parish is mostly in Hunsley-Beacon Division wake, North Riding of Yorkshire.- (m) Beach-Hill is included in the of Harthill Wapentake. Actam of the rest of Kuaresborough Parish, Claro Wapentake, West | - 5 F 386 Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: Еллі- FAMI- I ALL LIES OTHER LIES chiefly Families chiefly employ- & Ву how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Oc Inbabited. Or Un-Inbabited. Building. in em ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in | Manu- the Two AORI- factures, preced- CUL for Handi- ing TUHE. craft. 1 Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. Liberty of St. PETER of YORK, continued. Warthill (part of) Parish : (ų Wartbill • - - (e) Township Wheldrake Parish: Langwith ... (c) Township 23 24 18 T2 · 61 54 5 22 1,681 | 2,045 65 | 1,025 690 330 4,565 | 4,639 9,204 The Ainsty of the CITY of YORK. 51 45 1 11 155 136 291 151 69 186 131 129 409 . 68 191 118 131 79 119 220 70 104 216 149 223 436 141 160 301 Acaster-Malbis (part of) - (W) Parish Acomb Parish: (1) Acomb • - - - - - Township Knapton • - • • - Township Askham-Bryan - - - - - Parish Askham Richard - - - - Parish Bilbrough - - - • .. - - Parish Bilton Parish: () Bickerton - - - - - Township Bilton - - - - - - Township Tockwith - - - - - Township Bishopthorpe - ... - - Parish Bolton-Percy Parish: () Appleton-Roebuck - - Township Bolton-Percy - - - - Towuship Colton - - - - - - Township Steeton - - - - - - Township Healaugh - . . . . . - Parish Kirkhammerton (part of) Parish : (*) Wilstrop • • • • • Township Long-Marston Parish : (0) Angram - - - - - Township | Hutton - - - - - - Township Long-Marston - - - - Township Mary, St. Bishopshill, Ser (part of) Par:(5) : Middlethorpe' - - .: Township arwi i 11 wo wo ni w ov S 66 25. 125 207 388 60 20 - (") Warthill Parish is partly in Bulmer Wapentake (North Riding.) The entire Parish contains 153 Inhabitants. THE Places here entered under the title of the Liberty of St. Peter of York, are locally situate as follows: In the East Riding :- (a) Faxfleet, North-Newbald and South-Newbald, are in Hunsley-Beacon Division. (6) Barmby-upon-the-Moor is in Wilton-Beacon Division. (c) Dunnington, Heslington and Langwith, in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake.. In the North Riding :- (d) Carleton and Husthwaite, in Birdforth Wapentake.- (e) Clifton, Haxby, Gate-Helmsley, Helperby, Murton, Osbaldwick, Skelton, Stillington, Strensall and Warthill, in Bulmer Wapentake.--- () Brawby, Salton, and Nawton, with Wombleton, in Ryedale Wapentake. In the West Riding:- (8) Dringhouses, in the Ainsty of the City of York.--(h) Brotherton, in Barkston-Ash Wapentake, Lower Division. (i) Ulleskelf, in Barkstone-Ash Wapentake, Upper Division. (k) Knaresborough, in Claro Wapentake, Lower Division. In the City of York: (1) The Minster-Yard and Beddern; part of the Minster-Yard or Close of the Cathedral Church is in the Parish of St. Michael-le-Belfrey, part Extra-parochial; the Beddern is entirely Extra-parochial. Besides the twenty-seven Places, and parts of Places, above entered, as being entirely within the Liberty of St. Peter of York-detached parcels of the Liberty are found in most of the Wapentakes of Yorkshire, the Population being included with that of the Township in which such parcels are situate ; viz.--- In the East Riding : Eight parcels in Buck rose Wapentake Five in Dickering Wap: Nineteen in Harthill Wap: Six in Holderness Wap: Four in Ouze and Derwent Wap In the North Riding: Three parcels in Birdforth Wap: Thirteen in Bulmer Wap: One in Gilling-East Wap: Six in Hang. East Wap: One in Hang-West Wap: Oue in Langbaurgh Wap: Two in Ryedale Wap:- In the West Riding: Four parcels in the Ainsty, Ten in Barkstone-Ash Wapentake, Three in Claro Wap: One in Skyrack Wap: Eight in Strafforth and Tickhill Wap : and Two in the Liberty of Cawood and Wistow : In all Ninety-seven detached parcels, which are distinguished throughout York. shire by an asterisk (*) prefixed to the names of the respective Townships of which they constitute a part. (W) Acaster-Malbis Parish is partly in Ouze and Derwent Wapen- | mostly in Claro Wapentake (West Riding.) The entire Parist take. The entire Parish contains 657 Inhabitants. (*) The entire of Long-Marston contains 579 Inhabitants. The Parish of Parishi of Acomb contains 870 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Mary-Bishopsbill Sen' is mostly in York City, partly in the Liberty º Bilton contains 808 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Bolton. | St. Peter of York. Percy contains 1,054 Inbabitants. - Kirkhammerton Parish is MDCCC.XXI. 387 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. . C. 94. : COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: FANI FAMI ALL OR Ву 1. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL Inbabited. how many Families Un-Inhabited. Building. or Oc- LIES LIES chiefly | Orher chiefly employ-t. Families em ed in not con- ployed | Trade, I prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi.) ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 140 281 5 5 5 1. The Ainsty of the CITY of YORK, i continued. Mary, St: Bishopshill Jun' } Par:(d) (part of) Š Copmanthorpe - ... - Chapelry Holgate - - !• - - Township Poppleton, Upper. - - Township Moor-Monkton Parish : () Hessey ... - - - - Township Moor-Monkton. • • Township Poppleton, Nether - - - - Parish. Rufforth: - - - - - - - Parish Stillingfleet (part of) Parish : (*) Acaster-Selby - - - - Township - - il cic 0 ..83 .78 DIA 161 269 146 0 0 135 123 119 140 254 155 295 - 1 10 I 34 12 Tadcaster (part of) Parish : () Catterton - - - - - Oxton - - - - - - Tadcaster - - - - - Thorp-Arch - - - - • Walton - - - - - - - Wighill - - - - - - Township Township Township - Parish - Parish - Parish 176 62 44 riwain 361 164 39 414 179 775 343 247 250 124 NA 123 127 123 1,605) 1,734 1 56 1,206 | 371 157 l 4,290 +290 1 4,450 8,740 YORK CITY, 218 147 61 446 286 464 108 268 · 41 otima i 180 108 13 145 38 73 910 554 185 827 119 to w sobie o 52 408 114 107 220 223 209 102 398 1 268 419 109 102 178 505 387 291 238 588 1,093 881 o 494 387 289 384 504 353 r 341 | All-Saints, North-street - • Parish All-Saints, Pavement - - • Parish Andrew, St. -.--. - Parish Crux, St. - - - - - - - Parish All-Saints, Peaseholm Cuthbert, St. (part of) (b) United Parishes Helen, St. on-the-Walls Dennis, St. - - - - - - Parish Giles, St. in the Suburbs la }(h) - Parish (part of) - - - - - Helen, St. Stonegate • • - • Parish Holy-Trinity, Goodramgate - - Parish Holy-Trinity, King's-Court,l. otherwise Christ-Church . • Parish Holy-Trinity, Micklegate (i) - Parish Dringhouses - - - () Township John, St. Delpike - - - - Parish Joha, St. Micklegate, otherwise Dich Ousebridge End - - - - * Lawrence, St. & Nicholas, St. (b) Parish Margaret, St. Walmgate - - Parish Martin's St. Coney-street - - Parish Martin's, St. with Gregory - • Parish Mary, St. Bishopshill, Jun'? ".} (") Parish (part of) . . . . . Mary, St. Bishopshill, Senlo () Parish (part of) • - - - ! Mary, St. Castlegate - - - - Parish Maurice, St. in the Suburbs - Parish Michael, St.le-Belfrey (part of)(") Parish Michael, St. Spurrier-Gate - Parish Peter, St. the Little • · - - Parish I w I i I i InÔI III i II o IIIIIIIA 185 678 527 737 845 367 938 799 808 610 50% 767 432 506 158 432 to – all walan + Dato' 367 386 220 91 228 102 123 245 422 382 317 427 164 340 147 384 681 297 468 343 203 160 La cei O 521 88 455 989 798 1,343 281 626 717 190 107 223 119 124 288 313 305 347 593 660 (9) The Parish of St. Mary Bishopshill Jun. is mostly in the City of York. () The entire Parish of Moor-Monkton contains 430 Inha- bitants. Stillingficet Parish is mostly in Ouze and Derwent Wapentake. - Tadcaster Parish is mostly in Barkstone Ash Wa. pentake, West Riding of Yorkshirc. (h) The Parishes of St. Cuthbert and St. Giles are partly in Bulmer Wapentake, North Riding of York- abire.- () Dringbopses Township is partly in the Parish of Holy- Trinity Micklegate, and partly in the Parish of St. Mary Bishopshill 1 Sen'. See the liberty of St. Peter of York, where the population of Dringbouses is entered. ) The Parish of St. Lawrence cuntains part of Heslington Township, Liberty of St. Peter of York.- ) The Parish of St. Mary-Bishopshill Jun" is partly in the Aiusty of the City of York. The entire Parish contains 1,477 Inhabitants. ) The Parish of St. Mary Bishopshill Sen' is partly in the Ainsty, and partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, and it contains part of Dringhouses Township, which is entered in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Purish contains 881 Inhabitants. (n) The Parish of St Michael- le-Belfrey is partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish contains 1,543 Inbabitauts. 388 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS | FAMI• PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced. CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. ! craft. Clusses. Un-Inhabited. OP Building FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 21 68 213 210 210 123 12 YORK CITY-continued. Peter, St. le-Willows - - - Parish Sampson, St... - - - - Parish Saviours, St. - - - - - Parish Wilfred, St. Parish: (°) Mint-Yard - - - - - Liberty | Wilfred - - - - - - Township 205 496 - 455 1545 418 1,041 987 204 79 532 Iori la 117 :58 74 132 227 39 25 14 90 137 4,412 27 288 791 9,547 | 11,240 | 20,787 22. 39 ܐ ܗ 56 31 55 111 17 3,206 Borough of BEVERLEY, and Liberties. John, St. Parish : (P) Aike (part of) -, (+) - Township Molscroft - - - - - Township Stockhill and Sandholme - Township Thearne - - - - - - Township Tickton and Hull-Bridge - Township Weel - -. - -, - - - Township Woodmansey and Beverley- Park - • -.-.• -J Martin, St. in Beverley - - - Parish Mary, St. in Beverley - - - Parish | 646 Nicholas, St. in Beverley - - Parish 124 w WNII NOI ܙ ܚܕ ܟ 48 58 48 90 110 101 42 52 51: - 131 ܙ 50. ܝܕ 145 276 668 266 758 684 125 396 214 1,334 1,484 *1,603 1,730 311 2,937 3,214 577 co 50 206 1 753 | 670 3,494 4,009 | 7,503 793 11,412 1,884 3,296 178 1,482 791 567 985 1,587 | 1,7182 | 83 | 295 KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, Town and County of the Town. Town Part: Mary, St. . --; (9) Parish 478 2 Trinity, Holy Parish : (9) First Part - - - - - - Ward | 224 420 Second Part - - - - - Ward 136 220 Austin - . . . Ward 449 Humber (part of) - Ward 581 813 Myton : · North-Division - - Precinct 919 1,252 | 15 South-Division - - - Precinct | 1,321 | 1,510 North (part of) - - - - Ward. 588 829 White-Fryers (part of) - - Ward | 356:! 453 242 187 562 787 691 418 '1,448 1,577 597 1,520 1,854 2,968 3,431 4541 2,153 1,010 2,700 391 438 1,585 434 19 1,100 14,330.2,613 | 13,084" 2,731 3,322 1,445 1,393 4,884 6,022 3,030 2,493 15,507 28,591 138 307 246 107 122 5,052 7,005 | 53 | 246 County Part: Ella, Kirk, Parish: (0) Anlaby (part of) - - - - Township Ella, Kirk - - - - - Township Ella, West - - - - - Township Willerby (part of) - - - Township Ferriby, North, Parish : (*) Ferriby, North - - - - Township Swanland - - - - - Township Hessle - - - - - - (0) Parish 203 Garrison-Side - - - - Extra-P. 26 58 103 200 i o wi Lion 178 59 347 418 205 474 547 89 1,091 173 525 568 - 17 145 | 139 1,346. | 1,488 2,834 O) The entire Parish of St. Wilfred contains 359 Inhabitants.- (°) St. Johu's Parish extends into the North Division of Holderness Vapentake. The entire Parish contains 793 Inhabitants. (9) Huinber- Ward, North-Ward, and White-Friers, are partly in the Parish of St. Mary, partly in that of the Holy-Trinity, but the whole are included in the Return of the Holy Trinity Parish. One male in St. Mary's Parish towards of 100 years of age. The entire Parish of the Holy Trinity contains 25,295 Inhabitants. The Parish of Sculcoates, entered in the Hunsley-Beacon Division of Harthill Wapentake, may be deemed : Suburb of Hull. It contained 8,645 Inhabitants in 1811, at present 10,449. ma!) The entire Parish of Kirk-Ella contains 875 Inhabitants including the whole of Anlaby, which is partly in Hessle Parish. Willerby Township is partly in the Parish of Cottingham Hunsley-Beacow, Hans hill Wapentake. The increase of Population in Hessle Parish is attino buted to the establishment of a shipbuilding yard. - ) The entire Parish of North-Ferriby contains 765 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 389 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF York (East Riding)—-continued. SUMMARY OP HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding). J I HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : FANI- how ite TOTAL 1. &c. Inhabited. Building. LIES ALL chiefly Oruer employ-Families ed in not com- Trade, I prized in Manua' (the I'wo factures. preced- orHaudi ing craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. 2 PERSONS. FAMI By LIES WAPENTAKES, chiefly many em- Families ployed Oc- in AGRI- CUL- TURE. Wapentake of BUCKROSE -.-.-1,988 2,080 1 649 DICKERING - - - - - - 13,134 3,372 3 72 1,598 cupied. 11,186 295 681 5,839 8,255 .5,347 8,206 | 16,461 1,093 al 22 1 893 HARTHILL, Bainton-Beacon Division - - Holme-Beacon Division - - - 3,972 3,719 7,691 31 1,090 4,415 4,154 8,569 Hunsley-Beacon Division • - 3,702 4,426 247 1,266 2,321 8,977 10,392 19,369 Wilton-Beacon Division - - - 42 799 367 3,295 3,077 6,372 11. HOLDERNESS, Middle Division - - - - - 2,448 2,687 | 12 131 1,198 6,353 6,491 12,844 North Division - - - - 1,004 3,941 3,636 7,577 South Division - - - - - 1,259 | 1,363 930 3,568 3,439 7,007 HOWDENSHIRE - - - - 1,459 1,649 070 3,863 7,805 3,942 3,952 OUZE AND DERWENT - - |1,394 1,563 41 261,147 3,957 7,909 Liberty of ST. PETER of YORK - - 1,681 2,045 18 65 1,025 4,565 4,639 9,204 Ainsty of the CITY OF YORK - -.1,605 1,734 YORK CITY • - --3,206 4,412 371 157 1 27 56 | 1,206 93 288 4,290 9,547 4,450 8,740 11,240 | 20,787 .. Borough and Liberties of BEVERLEY ----- 1,587 1,718 | 295 1 753 670 3,494 4,009 7,503 Town and County of the Town of KINGSTON-UPON-HULL - - 5,577 7,573 53 263 346 4,475 2,752 | 14,430 | 16,995 31,425 TOTALS - - - 34,390 40,499 190 1,277 15,480 16,637 8,382 | 92,761 97,688 190,449 poto 190 5 G 390 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding)--continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. Wapentake TOTAL. of BUCKROSE - ... 887 654 | 540 1335 227 3 - 5,842 DICKERING ... 1,236 1837 | 1,195 1 863 1 834 484 378 2351 76 3 - 8,255) HARTHILL, Bainton-Beacon Division 1 18A 427 394 189) 9321 3,994 Holme-Beacon Division - 1 416 4,417 Hunsley-Beacon Division - |1,388 11,262 1,113 943 956 Wilton-Beacon Division - 1 508 459 365 330 3,3031 HOLDERNESS, Middle Division - - 733 624 6,357 North Division - - - 370 3,937 South Division - - - 3,440 HOWDENSHIRE . . | 407 3- 3,884) OUZE & DERWENT - 446 I 353 1302 1901 106 27 3,957 Liberty of ST. PETER of YORK 699 54 299 151 411 il - 1 4,581| Ainsty of the CITY OF YORK - 616 421 600 | 450 450 88 32 421 2 4,306) YORK CITY. -.1,271 1,230 1,135 947 1,396 1,243 715 413 170 170 352 9,6671 BEVERLEY, BORO' and / LIBERTIES- 502 438 400 343 447 359 400 285 173 99 24 2 LIBERTIES - 3,472 KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, Town and County of the }|2,276 Town - - - 1,838 1,663 1,238 1,861 1,710 1,704 1,179 597 276 75 4 1 14,422 Total of MALES - 13,905 12,429 10,834 9,009 13,035 10,402 9,586 6,587 (4,1942,181 601 36 392,809 THE Total Number of Persons in the East Riding of the County of York (ineluding therewith the City of York, the Ainsty of the City of York, and the Liberty of St. Peter of York) was .... 190,449 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 190,346, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been returned in compliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.) 391 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. more COUNTY OF YORK (East Riding) continued. Ages of Persons. FEMALE S. . - Wapentake TOTAL. of . BUCKROSE - - - - 1 874 | 288 216 112 32 121 -5,347 230 58 | 5 - 1 8,225 DICKERING --- 1,175 963 738 HARTHILL, Bainton-Beacon Division - 1 268 - 3,745 Holme. Beacon Division - 259 14,154 Hunsley-Beacon Division - 11,360 | 1,212 | 1,083 1,0391 709 - 110,391 Wilton-Beacon Division - 1 335 312 530 360 198 3,069 HOLDERNESS, Middle Division - - 644 1,060 765 482 North Division - - - 1 249 6,486 3,6361 3,306 South Division - - - 1 206 HOWDENSHIRE 277 195 3,985 98 25 OUZE & DERWENT - 185 100 30 3,952 Liberty of ST. PETER of YORK 618 5091 433743 1 519 1 457 1 327 | 253 | 141 | 47 | 3 - 4,631 | Ainsty of the CITY OF YORK - 612 585 YORK CITY --1,226 1,189 522 433 40 3 1 - 1,450 899 - 11,165 __ BEVERLEY, BORO' and LIBERTIES - - - } 506 427 437 | 389 697 0129o 183) 141 40 3 - 3,999 KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, Town and County of the the }|2,356 1,954 1,682 26 Town - - - - 2,695 2,871 2,191 1,804 1,236 748 376 86 4 - 17,003 Total of FEMALES - 13,380|12,041 10,662/9,813 | 16,332 11,562 9,506 | 6,666 4,508/2,335 692 46 297,544 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the East Riding of the County of York (including therewith the City of York, the Ainsty of the City of York, and the Liberty of St. Peter of York, was .... 450 ; two only of which (and those inconsiderable in amount) did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+); and a remarkably small proportion of the Returus of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Ferales. دندانستنیشان بمناسب 392 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of York (North Riding.) HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI! ALL YYY PARISH, TOWNSHIP, 1 By FADI- LIES chietly chictly 1 OTUIER OR ein- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Ос- cupied LIES employ- Families ed in not com- Manu- " The Two Un-Inhabited. Building. ployed Tude. I prized in MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL OF.. PERSONS. Agri- CUI- TURE. factures, preced- orHandi- ing craft. Classes. !!! III per 2 ili alil 123 144 14 25 191 186 Ini? - 1 07 1 Air Iloil !!!! 1,223 134 2,626 1,303 1,323 3 138 294 1 icon. Il a 79 154 1 24 * ) 365 105 ALLERTONSHIRE WAPENTAKE. Birkby Parish : (*) Birkby - - (+) - - Township Hutton-Bonville - - - Township Smeaton, Little - - - Township Hutton-Conyers - - - - Extra-P. Leak (part of) Parish : (0) Borrowby :- - - - - Township. Crosby - - - - - - Township Kyayton, with Brawith - Township Landmoth, with Catto - Township Leak - - - - - - Township Northallerton Parish : () Brompton - - - - - Chapelry | 246 Deighton - - - - - Chapelry NorthALLERTON Boro' and ? {Township) Romanby - - - - - Township Worsall, High - • - Chapelry Osmotherley Parish : (1) Ellerbeck - - - - - Township Harsley, West - - - Township Osmotherley - - - - Township | 155 Thimbleby - - - - - Township Otterington, North (part of) Parish : (0) Otterington, North - - Township Thornton-le-Beans - - Township | 51 Pickhill (part of) Parish : () Holm, with Howgrave - Township Rouncton, West - - - - Parish Sessay Parish : () Hutton-Sessay - - - Township Sessay - - - - - - Township Sigston, Kirby Parish : (5) Sigston, Kirby - - - Township Sowerby-under-Cotliffe - Township Winton - - - - - - Township Smeeton, Great (part of) Parish : () Hornby - - - - - Township Sockburn (part of) Parish : (*) Dinsdale-Over - . Township Girsby - - - - - - Township Thornton-le-Street Parish: (1) Kilvington, North - - Township 12 Thornton-le-Street - - Township | 25 Wath (part of) Parish: (m) Norton-Conyers - - - Chapelry 19 123 25 124 1 1 247 olwi & air con o no cu coche vê ő weboli i aa - 51 102 1 1 1 100 117 217 62 1 1 129 - no 179 364 1 1 carro 68 138 In wir mal war 1 og 238 cky 1 i la 1 1 15 115 1,783 1,811 | 934 1,165 | 563 | 83 4,370 4,389 8,759 “) The entire. Parish of Birkby contains 261 Inbabitants. O Leak Parish is partly in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,083 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Northallerton contains 4,431 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Osmotherley contains 1,087 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is altributable to two new mills for spinning line. () North-Otterington Parish is mostly in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 585 Inhabitants. () Pickbill Parish is inostly in Hallikeld Wapentake. () The | entire Parish of Sessay contains 493 Inhabitants.---(") The entire Parish of Sigston-Kirby conjains 322 Inhabitants. () Great-Sniceton Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake.- (k) Sockburn Parish is partly in Stockton Hundred (Durham.) The entire Parish contaitis, 194 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Thornton-le-Street con- tains 199 Inhabitants. (m) Wath Parish is mostly in Halliseid Wapentake. M.DCCC.XXI.] 393 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI | ALL By OR how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Or Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building FAMI- LIES Torneo LIES chiefly OTHER employ-Families em- ployed the Two AGRI- factures, preced CU; lorHandia ing TURE. 1 ed in Inot com- TRADE: prized in L FEMALES. in MALES. Manu- PERSONS. craft. | Classes. and 101 144 I i licow w Alii 372 am I - II 348 197 175 73 110 162 cori color 225 no i l i III IIIII Col II i III i Ico III III I 2,29 26 o no eno 403 325 170 155 99 212 68 167 208 BIRDFORTH WAPENTAKE. Ampleforth (part of) * • (*) Parish Bossall (part of) Parish : (*) Sand-Hutton - - - - Chapelry Byland, Old - - - - - - Parish Cowsby - - - - - (P) Parish Coxwold Parish : (9) Angram-Grange - - - Township Birdforth - - - - - Chapelry Byland, cum Membris - (9) Township Coxwold - - • - - Township Newborough - • (9) Township Oulston - - - - - Township Thornton, with Baxly - Township Wildon-Grange - - - Township Yearsley - - - - - Township Cundall Parish: Fawdinton - - - - - Township Felix-Kirk (part of) Parish : () Boltby - - - - - - Township Sutton-under-Whitestone- Cliffe } Township - - - - - Thirlby - - - - - • Township Harsley, East - - - - - Parish Hawnby Parish: (*) Arden, with Ardenside - Township Bilsdale-Westside - - - Township Dale-Town - - - - - Township Hawnby - - - - - Township Kilburn (part of) - - () Parish Kilvington, South Parish: (%) Kilvington, South - - Township Thornbrough • • - - Township Upsal - - - - - - Township Kirby, Cold · · · · · · Parish Kirby-Knowle Parish : (W) Bagby - - - - - - Chapelry Balk . .. . . . Township Kirby-Knowle -- • Townslip Kirby-Wisk (part of) Parish : (*) Newsham, with Brecken- brough - - - - - Leak (part of) Parish : () Gueldable - - - - - Township Silton, Nether - - - Township Otterington, North (part of) Parish : (?) Thornton-le-Moor - - Township Otterington, South - - - - Parish Silton, Over Parish : (*) Kepwick - - - - - Township Silton, Over - - - - Township Thirkleby - - - - - - - Parish 420 39 ap a III III III III and colo Bini - 70 · 67 | 34 127 68 286 119 14 Ang Ico 260 27 118 71 100 185 116 126 II 161 w OO B 242 125 138 64 101 173 wo i mod Ni Til 128 202 co 111 151 294 A II II 143 99 B e Om 102 201 95 5 170 III ONA 42 94 52 147. 146 293 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (") Ampleforth Parish is mostly in Ryedale Wapentake. Bos. | Township is included with that part of Kilburn Parish which is in the sall Parish is mostly in Bulner Wapentake.mn() Liepwick is said to Liberty of Ripon (West Riding.) (4) The entire Parish of South- 10 Partly in Cowsby Parish, and partly in Leak Parish. (9) The en- | Kilvington contains 405 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Kirby- tire Parish of Coxwold contains 2,447 Inhabitants, including Oldstead Knowle contains 505 Inhabitants.-- ) Kirby-Wisk Parish is mostly and Wass (Kilburn Parish,) which are here included in the Return of in East-Gilling Wapentake.--- () Leak Parish is mostly in Allerton- Byland-cum-Membris. Newborough includes Morton, Extra-Parochial. shire Wapentake. (2) North-Otterington Parish is partly in Aller- (') Felix-Kirk Parish is partly in Ripon Liberty (West Riding.) The | tonshire Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 585 Inhabitants. entire Parish contains 1,008 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of The entire Parish of Over-Silton contains 264 Inhabitants. Hawnby contains 620 Inhabitants. Hood and Osgoodby-Grange 5 H 394 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Fan Families ein- ed in not com- ployed Trade. I prized in | Manuá the 'Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL forHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OY FEDIALES. Oc- cupied. MALES. PERSONS. BIRDFORTH WAPENTAKE. continued, 39 35 178 123 119 332 1,223" 102 416 1,310 221 748 2,533 564 577 322 Thirsk Parish : ) Carlton-Islebeck or Miniot* Township Sowerby - - - - - Township THIRSK - - Borough & Township Topcliffe (part of) Parish : (9) Catton - - - - - - Township Dalton - - - - - - Township Elmer wirh Crakehall Township Skipton - - - - - Township Topcliffe*. - - - - Township 1 Welbury - - - - - - - Parish 22 53 LIITITI INI 23 54 14 Iw II ww TAI 47 99 128- 52 107 :40 235 38 78 26 O HOW 56 110 121 123 54 334 130“ 325 659 52 127 257 2,310 2,430 13 63 1,549 726, 155 5,916 5,784 11,700 07 198 !!!!!! 44 bunge 10,-oil 121. Tai IIII 117 i 15 uwagi o 113 122 631 !!!!! III III 299 Tim 190 202 101 101 88- !! w to on BULMER WAPENTAKE. Alne Parish : (0) Aldwork * - - - - Township Alne * - - - - - - Township Flawith * - - - - - Township Tholthorp * - - - - Township Tollerton * - - - - Township Youlton - - - - - Township Barton-in-the-Street (part of) Parish : (9) Coneysthorpe - - - - Township Bossall (part of) Parish: (f) Bossall - - - - - Township Butter-Crambe - - - Township Claxton - - - - - Township Flaxton-on-the-Moor(part of) * Township Harton - - - - - - Township Sand-Hutton - • - - Township Brafferton (part of) Parish: (6) * Brafferton - - - - - Township Bransby, with Stearsby - · · Parish Bulmer Parish : (h) Bulmer - - - - - - Township Henderskelf - - - - Chapelry Welburn - - - - - Township Crambe Parish: () Barton-le-Willows -- Township Crambe - - - - • Township Whitwell-on-the-Hill - - Township Cuthbert, St. & Giles, St. Pihaks (part of) - - - - - Heworth - - Township Dalby, with Skewsby - - - Parish Easingwould Parish: () Easingwould - - - - Township Raskelf - - - - - Chapelry Foston Parish : (m) Foston - - - - - - Township Thornton-upon-Clay. - Township Helmsley, Upper - - - - Parish Holtby - - - - - - - Parish 178 277 - I !Tin icono woo wow III am oo 269 109 1,912 at 11 ai illa vrati con un 440 mas a la oil w 29 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. O) The entire Parish of Thirsk contains 3,502 Inhabitants. | in Hallikeld Wapentake, but mostly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York © Topcliffe Parish is mostly in Hallikeld Wapentake. (d) The entire (E. Riding). (h) The entire Parish of Buliner contains 850 Inbabi- Parish of Alne contains 1,418 Inhabitants. ----(C) Barton-in-the-Street tants. The entire Parish of Crambe contains 522 Inbabitants.---. Parish is mostly in Ryedale Wapentake. (f) Bossall Parish is partly (6) The Parishes of St. Cuthbert and St. Giles are mostly in the City of in Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,365 Inhabitants. York (E. Riding).- (1) The entire Parish of Easingwould contains Part of the Township of Flaxton-on-the-Moor is returned and entered 2,352 Inhabitants. (i) The entire Parish of Foston contains 364 with the Liberty of St. Peter of York.- 6) Brafferton Parish is partly Inbabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 395 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding) continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: FAMI-| FAMI- ALL LIES LIES | chiefly TOTHER OR By how chicfly TOTAL many em- employ-/ Families 1 ed in not com- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. zed in ployed TRADE, IPT Families Oc- cupied. Building. MALES. OY FEMALES. PERSONS. in Manua' the Two Acrl. (factures, preced- COL- JorHandia ing TURE. | craft. Classcs. 1 91 171 57 56 113 l 1 c 182 346 20 30 58 217 228 445 I לל 164 l 49 - II 131 253 242 I WA AI Ioo al cio' 116 153 INW 285 381 BULMER WAPENTAKE-continued. Hovingham (part of) Parish: (º) Scackleton - - - - Township Huntington Parish : () Earswick (part of) * - - Township Huntington *. - - - Township Towthorpe (part of) * - · Township Huttons-Ambo - - - - - Parish Marton-in-the-Forest,l - - Parish V with Moxby - • - - Hamlet (1 Myton-upon-Swale - - - (P) Parish Newton-upon-Ouze Parish : (9) Benningbrough - - - Township Linton-upon-Ouze - - Township Newton-upon-Ouze · - Township Olave, St. Mary Gate Parish : () Clifton (part of) * - - - Township Olave, St. Mary-Gate* - Township Rawcliffe (part of) * - - Township Overton (part of) Parish : (*) Overton - - - - - Township Shipton * - - - - - Township Skelton (part of) * - - Township Stockton-on-the-Forest* - - Parish Sutton-on-the-Forest Parish : (5) Huby - - - - - - Township Sutton-on-the-Forest • Township Sheriff-Hutton Parish : ( Cornbrough - - . . Township Farlington - - - - Chapelry Lillings-Ambo - '. - Township Sheriff-Hutton • - • Township Stittenbam - • - - Township Terrington Parish : (*) Ganthorpe • • - • Township Terrington and Wiggin- \ Township thorpe * - - - - Thormanby - - - - - - Parish Warthill (part of) * - • - (*) Parish Whenby - - - - - - - Parish Wigginton ...... Parish 29 I 201 no 94 201 407 IAS 275 231 222 219 n c m ll 100 70 208 756 81 106 617 mano Tic 1 59 on I mo 118 38 67 66 62 158 129 309 15 151 2,790 3,059 45 1,953 623 1483 7,790 | 7,722 15,512 135 ܝܕ ܟ 266 131 117 123 GILLING-EAST, WAPENTAKE. Ainderby, Steeple Parisb : () Ainderby, Steeple - - Township Morton - - - - - Township Thirntoft - - - - - Township Warlaby - - - - - Township Barton Parish : (2) Barton - - - - - - Township Newton-Morrell - - - Township ܨܵ ܟ ܒܝܟ 240 165 70 45 95 ܙ ܙ 52 97 436 ܂ ܒܘ ܀ | ܚܕ * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (*) Huvingham Parish is niostly in Rgedale Wapentake. The the City of York. Part of Skelton Township, in Overton Parish, entire Parish of Huntington contains 517 Inhabitants. Part of the Town. I is in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish of Overton ships of Earswick and of Towthorpe, is returned and entered with the contains 709 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Sutton-on-the- Liberty of St. Peter of York. ) One female in Myton-upon-Swale | Forest contains 940 Inhabitants. (Ý) The entire Parish of Sheriff- Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (9) The entire Parish of New- | Hutton contains 2,278 Inhabitants. (W) The entire Parish of Terring- ton-upon-Ouze contains 862 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of ton contains 723 Inhabitants._ (*) Warthill Parish is mostly in the St. Olave Mary Gate contains 992 Inhabitants. Clifton Township is Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish of Ainderby partly in the Parish of St. Michael-le-Belfrey, Liberty of St. Peter of | Steeple contains 768 Inhabitants.com () The entire Parish of Barton York; and Rawcliffe is partly in the Parish of St. Michael-le Belfrey in 1 contains 467 Inhabitants. 396 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER " [Enumeration COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES I chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families · em- ed in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, proced. orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. COF MALES. FENALES. .mn PERSONS. CUL- 48 o 00 140 . 65 -- 49 75 51 100 221 275 496 Cocoon Co Co Co 29 48 169 o lo il III-III 179 II o coco 54 113 328 e co 147 77 72 GILLING-EAST, WAPENTAKE-continued. Bolton-upon-Swale Parish : Bolton-upon-Swale - - Township. Catterick (part of) Parish : (*) Ellerton-upon-Swale - Township Kiplin - - - - Township Scorton - - - Township Uckerby - - Township Whitwell - - Township Cleasby - - - - - - - Parish Cowton, East - - . - Parish Croft Parish: (0) Croft - - - - - - Township Dalton-upon-Tees * - - Township Stapleton - - - . () (b) Township Danby-Wisk Parish : (9) Danby-Wisk - - - - Township Yafforth - - - - - Chapelry Easby (part of) Parish : (?) Brumpton-on-Swale - - Township Gilling (part of) Parish : (0) Cowton, North - - Township Cowton, South - - - Chapelry Eryholme - - - - - Chapelry Kirby-Wisk (part of) Parish : () Kirby-Wisk - - - - Township Maunby - - - - - Township Newby-Wisk - ... Township Langton, Great Parish : (8) Langton, Great - - • Township Langton, Little - - - Township Manfield (part of) -- (b) Parish Middleton-Tyas Parish : (i) Middleton-Tyas & Kneeton Township Moulton - - - - - Township Smeaton, Great (part of) - () Parish 149 ão 100 ai mo II 199 189 388 131 139 270 nö 148 94 83 177 90 101 197 Jaro A III II 40 219 221 440 Tro o1 e con low 281 111 47 288 108 133 128 II 569 236 250 15 117 1,453 1,558 9 38 779 | 341 | 438 3,536 3,644 7,180 GILLING-WEST, WAPENTAKE. - Parish 768 744 1,512 š 195 189 384 Township Township Township i Arkengarth-Dale - - - Barningham Parish : (?) Barningham - - - - Hope - - - - - - Scargill - - - - - Bowes Parish: (m) Boldron - -' • Bowes - - - - - - Gillmonby - - - - Brignall - - - - - - 74 136 w o 35 78 90 168 com 350 Township Township Township - Parish Olemmer 745 115 -107 1,095 175 60 109 o * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (²) Catterick Parish is mostly in East-Hang, and partly in West-Hang | bitants. (h) Manfield Parish is partly in West-Gilling Wapentake, Wapeniakes. 6) The entire Parish of Croft contains 648 Inhabi- The entire Parish contains 493 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of tanis. Stapleton extends into the Parish of St. Jolin Stanwick.- () The | Middleton-Tyas contains 805 Inhabitants. (b) Great-Smeaton Parish entire Parish of Danby-Wisk contains 477 Inhabitants. () Easby is partly in Allertonshire Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 488 Parish is partly in West-Gilling Wapentake. The entire Parish contains Inhabitants.- (1) The entire Parish of Barninghan contains 564 10. 765 Inhabitants. Gilling Parish is mostly in West Gilling Wa habitants. () The entire Parisb of Bowes contains 1,438 Inhabi- pentake, partly in Ryedale Wapentake... ( Kirby-Wisk Parish is | tants. The increase of Population arises from three large and increasing partly in Birdiorth Wapentake.' The entire Parish contains 841 Inha Schools. bitauts.- ) The entire Parish of Great-Langton contains 202 Inha- Ber . M.DCCC.XXI.] 397 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL chiefly | OTHER OR By how many Families TOTAL ein EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIRS chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. * OF Building. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. in PERSONS. cupied. 109 III 105 163 ili i 001 C in 1 opini 141 24 86 166 43 198 75 489 432 921 351 285 vode 868 708 700 858 717 760 1,726 1,425 1,460 321 i i 121 248 69 GILLING-WEST, WAPENTAKE-continued. Easby (part of) Parish : (*) Aske - - - - - - Township, Easby - - - - - - Township Skeeby - - - - - Township Forcett Parish : (0) Barforth - - - - - Township Carkin - - - - - - Township Forcett - - (°) Township Ovington - - - - - Township Gilling (part of) Parish : (P) Eppleby - - - - - Township Gilling - - - - - Township Grinton (part of) Parish : (9) Melbecks - - - (9) Township Muker - - - - - - Chapelry Reeth - - - - - - Township Hutton-Magnum Parish : (0) Hutton-Magnum and Į - Township Lane-Head - - S Layton, West - - - - Township Kirkby-Ravensworth Parish : (*) Dalton - - - - • Township Gayles - - - - - Township Kirby-on-the-Hill - - Township New-Forest - - - - Township Newsham - - - - - Township Ravensworth - - - - Township Whashton - - - - - Township Manfield (part of) Parish : () Cliffe - (+) - - - Township Marrick - - - - - - - Parish Marsk - - - - - - - Parish Melsonby - - - - - - Parish Rokeby, - - - - - - Parish - with Eggleston-Abbey of Romald-Kirk Parish : (!) Cotherston - - - - Township Holwick - - - - - Township Hunderthwaite - - - Township Lartington - - - - Township Lune-Dale - - - - Township Mickleton - - - - - Township Romald-Kirk - - - - Township i IIIIIIIIII I 128 109 265 137 109 112 218 T - õa 49 35 15 109 161 73 511 317 140 62 11 29 298 323 152 220 138 53 621 290 440 140 82 65 220 75 42 A 40 mund me i mo II II w I Wiini In Carlin Iloiri 11-1-0 #POCO O interest - 396 310 101 100 706 201 313 181 132 135 108 243 19 128 184 137 172 200 265 356 377 177 A 115 284 Stanwick, St. John (part of) Parish : (W) Aldbrough - - - - Township Caldwell - - - - - Township Layton, East - - - - Township Stanwick, St. John - - Township Startforth - - - - - - - Parish Wycliffe - - - - - (3) Parish nii 93 Oswall 544 188 137 59 30 217 80 243 460 I had 72 152 109 26 26 3,203 3,499 14 ! 79 1,467 1,215 817 --- 9,176 8,666 17,842 - (") Easby Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake. The , 1811.---() The entire Parish of Hutton-Magnun contains 317 Inha- entire Parish of Forcett contains 417 Inhabitants. One male in Forcetti bitants. (3) The entire Parish of Kirkby-Ravensworth contains 1,998 Township upwards of 100 years of age.--() Gilling Parish is partly Inhabitants. Daltop Township is partly in Crott Parish, Gilling-East in East-Gilling Wapentake, partly in Ryedale Wapentake. The entire Wapentake. () Manfield Parish is mostly in East-Gilling Wapentake. Parish contains 2,002 Inhabitants. Forcett and Hutton-Magnum are (u) The entire Parish of Romald-Kirk contaius 2,461 Inhabitants. said to be, or to have been, in Gilling Parish.----(9) Grinton Parish is (W) The entire Parish of St. John-Stanwick, contains 9:28 Inhabi. partly in Vest-Hang Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 5,300 In tants. Stapleton, part of this Parish, is entered in Croft Parish, East- habitants. The number of miners at Melbecks is greatly increased since I Gilling Wapentake. Wycliffe, including Thorpe. 5 1 398 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding) continued. TY HOUSES: PERSONS: TOT PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL how EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. ОР Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- en- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preceed- CUL JorHandi- l ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 138 150 147 154 Os 267 46 no II NI O ANI AD HALLIKELD WAPENTAKE. Bedale (part of) Parish: () Langthorne - • • • Township Brafferton * (part of) Parish : () Thornton-Bridge · - · Township Burneston Parish: (9) Burneston - - - - - Township Carthorp - - - - - Township Exelby, Leeming & Newton Township Gatenby - - - - - Township Theakstone - - - - Township Cundall & Leckby Parish : (0) Cundall and Leckby - • Township Norton-le-Clay · · - Township Kirby-on-the-Moor Parish : (9) Humberton, with Milby - Township Kirby-on-the-Moor - - Township Langthorp - - - - - Township Kirklington Parish: (0) Kirklington, with Upsland Township 295 42 wa wil of Wico ao i 120 190 143 168 337 I 1 TATII II III III IIIIII Tolovi Tii 122 Township Yo 99 slicii Iwo 15 172 Township Township Township Township | Township - Parish 1 162 334 86 43 43 33 13 373 20 336 147 709 Tanfield, East - - - - Pickhill (part of) Parish : () Ainderby-Quernhow - - Howe - - - - - - Pickhill, with Roxby - • Sinderby - - - - - Swainby, with Allarthorp - Tanfield, West - - - - Topcliffe (part of) Parish : (*) Asenby - - - - - - Baldersby - - - - - Dishforth - - - - - Marton-le-Moor - - - Rainton, with Newby - · Wath (part of) Parish : () Melmerby - - - - - Middleton-Quernhow - Wath - - - - - - c010 Iceland Niiri 116 Township Township Township Township Township 230 114 118 162 241 340 201 347 go 111 171 176 III will 122 136 Chapelry Chapelry Township 47 258 102 186 93 93 1,218 1,307 4 947 245 115 2,945 3,013 1 5,958 HANG - EAST, WAPENTAKE. 124 335 620 214 591 1 23 It iwi 60 291 1,137 113 550 Aiskew - - - - - - Township Bedale - - - - - - Township | Burrel and Cowling - - Township Crakeball - - - - () Township Firby - - - - - - Township Brompton, Patrick (part of) Parish : (') Arrowthorne - - - - Township Brompton, Patrick - - Township Newton-le-Willows - - Township 123 I 75 Iw no 133 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (Y) Bedale Parish is mostly in East-Hang Wapentake. (2) Braf- | Birdforth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 2,540 Inhabitants. ferton Parish is mostly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, partly in (6) Wath Parish is partly in Allertonshire Wapentake. The entire Bulmer Wapentake. (3) The entire Parish of Burneston contains Parish contains 633 Inhabitants. (h) Bedale Parish is partly in Hal- 1,326 Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Condall and Leckby likeld Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 2,631 Inhabitants. The contains 312 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Kirkby-Hill (or Return of Rands-Grange is included in that of Crakehall Township. Kirkby-on-the-Moor) contains 453 Inhabitants. Humberton with Milby - j) The Parish of Brompton, Patrick is mostly in Hang-West is partly in Aldborough Parish, Claro Wapentake, West Riding. Wapentake. Arrowthorne aud Hunton Townships are partly in Patrick {") ſhe entire Parish of Kirklingtou contains 491 Inhabitants. Brompton Parish, partly iu Hornby Parish, but are herei ascribed to (c) Pickhill Parish is partly in Allertonshire Wapentake. The entire | the former. Parish contains 686 Inhabitants.- - () Topcliffe Parish is partly in | M.DCCC.XXI.) 399 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many TOTAL em- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly 1 OTHER chiefly , employ- Families ed in not coin- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two Agri- fuctures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- jng TURE. craft. Classes. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF | Families Oc- cupied. Building MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 46 41 43 14 90 142 265 296 561 133 13,5 138 273 23 11 IIA IIIA I room 25 75 126 127 134 102 566 HANG-EAST, WAPENTAKE-continued. Catterick (part of) Parish : (*) Appleton • - - - - Township Brough - - - - - - Township Catterick - - - - - Township Colbourne - - Township Hipswell - - Township and St. Martin's Township Killerby - - - - - Township Scotton . in - - - - Township Tunstall - - - - - Township Hornby Parish : (0) Ainderby-Myers, with Holiby Township Hackforth * - - - Township Hornby * - - - - - Township Kirkby-Fleetham - - - - - Parish Masham Parish : ) Burton-upon-Yore - - Township Ellingstring * - - - - Township Ellingtons * - - - - Township Fearby - - - - - - Township Healy, with Sutton - - Township Ilton, with Pott - - - - Township Masham * - - - - - Township Swinton, witt: Warthermask* Township Scruton - - - - - - - Parish Thornton-Watlass Parish: (0) Clifton-upon-Ure - - - Township Rook with - - - - - Township Thirn - - - - - - Township Thornton-Watlass - - Township Well Parish: (0) Snape - - - - - - Township Well - - - - - - Township 88 170 204 107 97 28 75 77 152 102 204 128 112 209 214 413 138 266 iiii noi con i liv + 582 589 1,171 85 177 411 50 76 126 180 144 I hold 351 338 689 80 187 183 370 11 40 906 678 608 4,918 1 5,196 10,114 323 318 87 94 369 396 641 181 765 293 872 154 2,063 2,192 HANG-WEST, WAPENTAKE. Aysgarth Parish : (P) Abbot-side, High - - - Township 116 Abbot-side, Low - - - Township Askrigg - - - - - Township Aysgarth - - - - - Township Bainbridge - - - - Township Bishop-Dale - - - - Township Burton, with Walden . . Township Carperby - - Township 62 Hawes - - - - - - Chapelry 270 Newbiggin - - - - - Township Thoralby - - - - - Township Thornton-Rust - - - Township / 33 Brompton, Patrick (part of) Par:(9) Hunton * - - - - () Township 104 438 44 95 106 228 Tinimalica o 136 691 139 434 51 250 147 717 67 168 81 61 174 54 478 283 1,408 128 342 135 248 248 496 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (k) Catterick Parish is partly in East-Gilling Wapentake, and partly | Inhabitants, (P) The entire Parish of Aysgarth contains 5,621 In- in West-Hang Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 2,788 Inha- | habitants. The Return of High-Abbot-side Township includes Cotter- bitants. () The Parish of Hornby contains 315 Inbabitants, not dale, Hardrow, Litherskew, Lund, Sedbusk, Show, and Simonstono, including any part of Arrowthorne Township or Hunton Township, which all which, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns. () Brompton, extend into this Parish.- (m) The entire Parish of Masham coutains Patrick Parish is partly in Hang-East Wapentake. The entire Parish 2,767 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Thornton-Watlass con contains 968 Inhabitants. tains 432 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Well contains 1,059 400 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeratio. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding) – continued. - HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, on chiefly lensploy- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By low many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER wlow. Families en- I ed in not con- ployed Trade, Iprized in Mariul- the Two AGRI- 1 factures. I preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, Un-Inbabited. OF Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 160 o 305 68 63 55 137 A OA O I Talli! 1!1i 131 103 280 398 112 146 212 OTAAL 10 rv ow com pened an 23 60 HANG-WEST, WAPENTAKE-continued. Catterick (part of) Parish: (*) Hudswell - - - - - Chapelry 65 Coverham Parish: (3) Agelthorpe - - - Township Caldbridge - - - - Township Carlton - - - - - Township Carlton-Highdale - Township Melmerby - - - Township Scrafton, West - - - Township Downholme Parish : (0) Downholine - - - - Township Ellerton-Abbey - - - Township Stainton - - - - - Township Walburn - - - - - Township Finghall Parish: (º) Akebar - - - - - Township Burton-Constable - - Township Finghall - - - - - Township Hutton, Hang - - - Township Grinton (part of) - - - -(W) Parish Haukswell Parish: (*) Barton - - - - - - Township Garriston - - - - - Township Haukswell, East and West Townships Middleham - - - - - - Parish Spennithorn Parish : (y) Bellerby - - - - - Township Harmby - - - - - Township Spennithorn - - - - Township Thornton-Steward - - - - Parish Wensley Parish : (2) Bolton, Castle - - - Township Leybourn - - - - - Township Preston-under-Scar - - Township Redmire - - - - - Township Wensley - - - - - Township Witton, East, Within (+) (2) Parish -Without-S 17 "Il 49 Witton, West .. . -(b) Parish 43 204 126 25 338 689 59 106 27 52 176 436 444 880 - III III III I II i 197 407 94 210 100 135 194 114 249 265 1 126 139 Ooo v 134 144 278 398 412 194 378 184 195 157 222 204 160 222 145 269 399 317 444 303 519 158 250 2,858 3,127 71 67 1,304 714 1,109 7,271 / 7,436 14,707 26 183 332 LANGBAURGII Liberty :( (East Division.) Brotton Parish : (d) Brotton - - - - - Township Kilton - - - - - - Township Skinningrove - - - - Township Danby - - - - - - - Parish Easington - - - - - - Parish Egton - - - (+) - - - Parish Glaisdale - - - - - Parish . 51 100 60 32 28 287 +Il Amara 683 1,373 96 690 266 500 507 241 537 176 116 1,037 1,043 171 193 500 543 () Catterick Parish is mostly in Hang-East Wapentake ; partly inhabitants. () 'The entire Parish of Wensley contains 2,182 Inhabi- East-Gilling Wapentake.---- () The entire Parish of Coverhain contains tants. (?) The entire Parish of East-Witton contains 747 Inhabitants. 1,170 Inhabitants. Coverham is included in the Return of Agelthorpe. 1 - O) Iinprudence in making parishioners, is said to have caused the (1) The entire Parish of Downholme contains 251 Inhabitants.---- increase of Population in West-Witton Parish.- ) The Population (4) The entire Parish of Finghall contains 398 Inhabitants. (W) Grinton 1 of Langbaurgh Liberty (East,) is under-cast in the Abstract of 1811; Parish is partly in West-Gilling Wapentake. The entire Parish contains the total should have been 15,479. () The entire Parislı of Brotton 5,300 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Haukswell contains 334 contains 492 Inhabitants. Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Spennithorn contains 850 In- M.DCCC.XXI.] 401 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. · COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES: PERSONS; PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR chiefly employ. TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI • ALL LIES LIES | chiefly OTHER Families em- led in not com- ployed Trade, Iprized in in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. | craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 14 12 124 10 180 43 925 33 43 987 1,912 10 23 36 44 80 26 20 $0 801 113 1,483 236 123 L **1 315 371 200 686 405 205 133 585 118 251 593 1,178 . 145 270 33 125 31 43 37 80 LANGBAURGH Liberty. (East Division)--continued. Guilsbrough Parish: (*) Common, Dale •. - Township Guilsbrough - (+) - Township 435 Hutton-Locras ... - Township Pinchingthorpe - - - Township Tocketts - - - - - Township Hinderwell Parish: () Hinderwell - - - - Township Roxby - - - - - - Township. Kirk-Leatham Parish : (5) Kirk-Leatham - • - Township Wilton - - - - - Township Liverton - - - - - - - Parish Lofthouse . . . . . () Parish Lythe Parish: () Barnby - - • • • Township Borrowby - - - - - Township Ellerby - - - - - Township Hutton-Mulgrave - - Township Lythe - ... - - - Township 248 Nickleby - - - - () Township Newton-Mulgrave - Township Ugthorpe - - - - - Township Marsk Parish : (*) Marsk - - - - - - Township Redcar - - - - - (k) Township Ormsby (part of) Parish : (1) Eston - - - - - - Township Morton - - - - - Township Normanby - - - - Township Upsall - - - - - - Township Skelton Parish : (m) Moorsham, Great . Township Skelton - - - - - Township Stranghow. - - - - Township Upleatham - - - - - - Parish 60 Westerdale - - - - - - Parish Whitby (part of) Parish : (*) Aislaby otherwise Ayslaby • Township 49 40 - 50 90 541 73 593 74 1,134 147 134 275 52 rrrr.Eri ini 143 wnship 129 576 673 .. 279 · 394 272 26 122 . .. 176 177 363 353 791 428 20 91 44 . 117 ... 134 122 147 239 281 253 19 25 1,338 1,068 1,228 122 131 8,141 | 8,617 16,758 i 105 492 3,506 3,634 | 25 93 LANGBAURGH Liberty. (West Division.) Acklam - - - - - - - Parish Appleton-upon-Wisk - - - Parish Arncliffe, Ingleby Parish: Arncliffe, Ingleby - • Township Ayton Parish : (0) Ayton, Great - - - - Township 232 Ayton, Little - - - (°) Township Nunthorpe - - - - Township Carleton • -.. . . . . Parish. Crathorne - • • • Parish Hilton - - - - . . Parisb 331 . Tini - A! 555 12 Dilno ici 1,023 68 110 50 135 260 330 173 66. 135 The entire Parish of Guilsbrough contaios 2,180 Inhabitants. | Redcar Township upwards of 100 years of age.---ma(1) The entire Parish (') The entire Parish of Hinderwell contains 1,719 Inhabitants. of Ormsby, which is partly in West-Langbaurgh Liberty, contains 785 O The entire Parish of Kirk-Leatham contains 1,091 Inhabitants. Inhabitants.mom) The entire Parish of Skelton contains 1,235 Inha- (") Wapley Hamlet is included in the Return of Loſthouse Parish. bitants.--() Aislaby is partly in Whitby Parish, partly in Middleton (1) The entire Parish of Lythe contains 2,194 Inhabitants. One Parish (Pickering-Lythe Wapentake.) The entire Parish of ale in Vickleby Township upwards of 100 years of age. (k) The Ayton contains 1,201 Inhabitants. One female in Little-Ayton Township entire Parish of Marsk contains 1,249 Inhabitants. One female in upwards of 100 years of age. 5 K 402 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES OR By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS. FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Fainilics em- not con- ployed | Tradu. I prized in in Mani the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL forHandi- ing TURE. I Classes. ОР Building. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS, cupied. cili mund i Ērir 108 101 263 78 Tow 22 22 128 49 154 54 40 105 112 217 206 191 397 82 196 21 19 40 119 175 349 LANGBAURGH Liberty (West Division.) . continued. Ingleby-Greenhow Parish : (P) Battersby - - - - - Township Greenhow . - - - - Township Ingleby-Greenhow • Township Kildale - - - - - • • Parish Kirkby-in-Cleveland Parish : (9) Broughton, Great and Little Township Kirkby, otherwise Kirby-in- Cleveland - • - - Kirk-Leavington Parish : (*) Castle-Leavington - - - Township Kirk-Leavington - - - Township Pickton - - - - - - Township Worsall, Low • - • - Township Marton - - - - - - - Parish Middlesborough Parish: (*) Linthorp • • - ... Township Middlesborourgh* • • Township Newton - . - . . . - Parish Ormsby (part of) - - . (). Parish Rudby-in Cleveland Parish : (*) Hutton - - - - - - Township Middleton-upon-Leven - Township Rouncton, East - - - Township Rudby-iu-Cleveland - - Township Skutterskelfe - - - - Township Sexhow • . - - - - Township Seamer - - - - - . - Parish Stainton Parish : () Heinlington - - - - Township Ingleby-Barwick - - Township Maltby • • • • • Towuship Stainton - - - - - Township Thornaby - - - - - Township Stokesley Parish: (5) Busby, Great and Little • Township Easby - - - - - - Township Newby - • • • - - Township Stokesley - • - - (5) Township Whorlton Parish : ( Faceby - - - - - - Township Potto . . • Township Whorlton - - - - - Towuship Yarm . . . . . . . . Parish IIII IllI IIIIIIIIIII la ci vien no collet Opi 20 919 111 135 34 38 114 1 1 2 226 33 96 72 175 168 Law 74 159 197 105 356 92 197 61 65 117 III a 59 124 80 72 875 152 1,897 1,022 10 86 bar 178 207 III + 1 92 103 304 104 279 682 583 373 822 1,504 5,803 12,913 19 89 1,246 1,145 522 6,275 6,825 0,025 113,100 PICKERING LYTHE. - - • Parish 68 211 190 401 64 Allerston • - - - Brompton Parish : (3) Brompton - - - Sawdon - - - - Snainton (2) Troutsdale - - - 23 27 I III 256 516 - - - - - - - - 106 22 116 Township Township Township Township 66 I loval 139 73 120 302 27 301 18 - * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (P) The entire Parish of Ingleby-Greenhow contains 347 Inhabitants. Staintop contains 968 Inhabitants. (). The entire Parish of Stokesley (9) The entire Parish of Kirkby contains 685 Inhabitants.- contains 2,290 Inhabitants. One female in Stokesley Township, op: () The entire Parish of Kirk-Leavington contains 637 Inhabitants. wards of 100 years of age. The entire Parish of Whorlton contains The entire Parish uť Middlesbrough contains 236 Inhabitants. 968 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Brompton contains 1,303 Ormsby Parish is partly in East. Langborough Liberty. The entire Inhabitants, including the whole of Suainton Township, which extends Parish contains 785 Inhabitants.-- " The entire Parish of Rudby- into Ebberston Parish. in-Cleveland contains 1,31 Inhabitants. ---(W) The entire Parish of i M.DCCC.XXI.] 403 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Famra | FAMI- ALL By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. em. Inhabited. many Families Oce cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES | LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE prized in in 1 Maru. the T'wo AGRI- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURZ. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OP PERSONS. - 221 35 wo !! 266 106 w t u ico a co ii 241 119 71 lot more to stand aiBwa 23 121 I had COP não - Olime ö 22 148 321 68 PICKERING LYTHE-continued. Cayton Parish : (a) Cayton-Deepdale and Kil-7 Township lerby- • - - • •S Osgodby - - - - - Township Ebberston •...•(2) Parish Ellerburn Parish: (0) Witton - - • • - • Township Filey (part of) Parish : (0) Gristhorpe - - - - - Township Lilberston · •..• Township Hutton-Bushell Parish: (0) Ayton, West - - - - Township Hutton-Bushell - - - Township Kirkby-Misperton Parish : () Barugh-Ambe - - •' Township Habton, Great - - - - Township Habton, Little - - - - Towaship! Kirkby-Misperton - - • Township Ryton • • • • • • Township Levisham • • • • • - • Parish Middleton Parish: (1) Aislaby (part of) () (+) Township Cawthorn - - - - - Township Cropton - - - - - - Township Hartoft - - - - - - Township Lockton - - - - - - Township Middleton - - - - - Township Rosedale, East side (+) Township Wretton - - • • • Township Pickering Parish: (6) Goadland, otherwise Goath- land - - - . Township Kingthorp • - - . • Township Marrishes - - - - - Township Newton - - - - - - Township Pickering (+) • • • Township Scalby Parish: (6) Burniston - . . . - Township Cloughton • - - - - Township Newby - • • - - - Township Scalby - - - - - - Township Stainton-Dale - - - - Township Throxenby - - · · Township Seamer Parish: (1) Ayton, East - • • • Township Irton . . . . . . Township Seamer - - - - - - Township Sinnington (part of) Parish : (*) Marton - • (+) - Township Sinnington - - - - - Township Thornton-Dale Parish: (1) Farmanby - (+) (') Township Thornton-Dale - - - - Township | 177 Wykeham - - - - - - - Parish 93 134 173 66 155 116 324 169 131 163 WA WI 247 176 95 168 335 VIVO Cookerö, 29 23 94 For 116 112 1,338 52 210 212 2,746 100 1,408 l iarili cori I . 177 178. 347 366 22 227 219. 153 40 446 90 che ūIO 118 333 105 Il 53 299 52 297 596 CON MI I 130 255 343 86 200 403 IANO convert to 430 203 449 879 100 23 286 296 582 2,906 3,060 | 11 | 57 1,796 1,796 659 605 7,690 7,542 115,232 (*) The entire Parish of Cayton contains 519 Inhabitants. (b) El- | Liberty-- () The entire Parish of Pickering contains 3,555 Inhabi. farburn Parish contains part of Farmanby Township (Thornton-Dale tants. ) The entire Parish of Scalby contains 1,559 Inhabitants. Parish. ) () Filey Parish is mostly in the East-Riding (Dickering ---(i) The entire Parish of Seaner contnins 1,034 Inliabitants. apentake). (d) The entire Parish of Hutton-Bushell contains 648 (*) Sinnington Parish is partly in Ryedale Wapentake The entire Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Kirkby-Misperton contains Parish contains 614 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Thorntun. Bog Inbabitants.- ) The entire Parish of Middleton contains 1,727 | Dale contains 1,232 Inhabitants, including the whole of Farmanby Luhabitants. Aislaby is partly in Whitby Parish, East-Langbaurgh Township, which extends into Ellerburn Parish. 404 TEnumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER - - - - COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI On TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how nany Families Oc- cupied. Building. UnInhabited. FAMI- All LIES LIES OTHER chiefly employ-Families em | ed in noi coni- ployed TRADE, I prized in in 1 Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, proced. CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. Classes. FEMALES. OF MALES. PERSONS. craſt. 35 14 109 18 214 176 er 122 129 A 249 173 48 94 law 12 23 334 RYEDALE WAPENTAKE. Ampleforth (part of) Parish: (m) Ampleforth - - - - Township Oswald-Kirk-Quarter - Township Appleton-le-Street Parish : (*) Amotherby - - - - - Township Appleton-le-Street - - Township Broughton - - - - - Township Hildenley - - - - - Township Swinton - - - - - Township Barton-le-Street (part of) Parish: (0) Barton-le-Street - - - Township Butterwick • • • • • Township Edston, Great . .... Parish Gilling (part of) Parish : (P) Cawton - - - - - - Township Gilling - - - - - - Township Grimston - - - - - Township Helmsley Parish : (9) Bilsdale-Midcable - 9) Township Haram - - - - - - Township Helmsley - - - - - Township Laskill-Pasture () · Township Pockley - - - - - - Township Rivalx - - - - - - Township Sproxton - - - - - Township II II III III III I w in Asian Il II av ino: 1ml I a I 176 or in In od 105 168 o 9 56 389 780 90 461 391 233 755 47 280 228 765 44 1,520 91 107 116 120 42 42 227 212 167 33 326 37 29 233 455 162 cow ifrat som - -10,i wait t 84 78 101 112 100 938 213 195 95 | ! INIIIIIII alait - and III lai mans om tal 940 II I. II-III IIII pool IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1,878 Aryholme and Hawthorpe Township Cotton - - - - - - Township Fryton - - - - - - Township Hovingham - - - - Township South-Holme - - - - Township Wath - - - - - - Township Kirkby-Moorside Parish : (*) Bransdale, East-Side (+) Township Fadmore - - - - - Township Farndale, Low-Quarter - Township Gillimoor - - - - - Township Kirkby-Moorside (+) () Township Kirkdale* (part of) Parish : (0) Beadlam - - - - - Township Bransdale, West-Side (+) Township Muscoates - - - - - Township Nawton - - - - - - Township North-Holme - - - - Township Skiplam . - - - - Township Welburn - . . . . Township Wombleton * - - - - Township Lastingham Parish : (0) Appleton-le-Moors - - Township Farndale, East-Side - - Township Farndale, High-Quarter - Township Hutton-le-Hole - - - Township Lastingham - - - - Township Rosedale, West-Side - - Township Spaunton - - - - - Township 75 68 143 136 286 150 . 33 32 162 171 333 79 24 170 112 50 149 265 i civo Illiva 130 276 222 146 233 136 150 Io To co chod 455 286 304 159 145 107 92 118 225 179 109 53 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (m) Ampleforth Parish is partly in Bird forth Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 582 Inhabitants. " The entire Parish of Apple Parish is partly in Bulmer Wapentake. T!:e entire Parish contains 1,115 ton-le-Street contains 873 Inhabitants.- (O) Barton-Ic-Street Parish Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Kirkby-Moorside contains is partly in Bulmer Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 386 Inha 2,903 Inhabitants. The Return of Kirkby-Moorside Township includes bitants. () Gilling Parish is mostly in Gilling Wapentake. Keldholme and Kirkby-Mills (1) Kirkdale Parish is partly in the (9) The entire Parish of Helmsley contains 3,458 Inhabitants. The Return of Bilsdale-Midcable includes Bilsdale-Kirkam Chapelry. The 1,616 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Lastingham contains increase of Populatlon arises from the marriage of farm servants, who 1,834 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oc. cupied. Un-Inhabited. ор Building. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI. | FAMI- ALL LIES LIES1 OTHER chiefly employ. Families em- ed in in not com- 4 TRADE, Iprized in Manu. the Two AGRI. factures, preced. CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. ! craft. Classes. ployed FEMALES in MALES. | Manu- the PERSONS. 473 502 198 1,149 291 277 2021 55 1 001 304 1,190 878 788 2,339 1,666 1,064 211 518 546 96 95 191 20 12 1 1o RYED.ALE WAPENTAKE-continued. Malton, New, Borough : (W) St. Leonards - - - - - - Parish St. Michael - - - - - - Parish Mallon, Old - - - - - - Parish Normanby Parish: (*) Normanby - - - - - Township Thornton-Risebrough - Township Nunnington - - - - - - Parish Oswald-Kirk - - - - - - Parish Scawton - - - - - - - Parish Sinnington (part of) Parish : (0) Edstone, Little - ( +) - Township Slingsby - - - - - - - Parish Stonegrave Parish : (?) Ness, East - - - - - Township Ness, West - - - - Township Newton, East, & Laysthorpe Township Stonegrave - - - - - Township 32 418 Borbo in 208 210 103 74 109 I of II III II III 212 154 16 oo i - 274 74 548 III1 alun 72 29 177 3,633 50 1,710 1,170 1,012 9,737 / 9,787 19,524 WHITBY-STRAND Liberty. 401 433 1- | 39 221 758 944 1,702 34 73 27 70 115 an 120 41 50 55 Fylingdales - (+) - Par: Chapelry Hackness Parish : (*) Broxa - - - - - - Township Hackness - (+) · · Township Harwood-Dale, - - - Township with Silphos Suffield, with Everley (+) Township Sneaton - - - - - - - Parish Whitby Parish: () Eskdaleside - - - - Township Hawsker(+), with Stainsiker Township Newholm, with Dunsley · Township Ruswarp - - (+) - Township Ugglebarnby - - - - Township Whitby - - - (+) - Township 61 143 235 96 97 251 124 127 85 196 199 395 293 341 634 107 55 109 55 126 364 416 82 826 133 1,092 225 87 1,429 1 92 2,131 312 37 / 1,431 15 676 203 4,092 259 1,918 428 8,697 4,605 2,671 3,467 5 84 466 1,074 1,927 6,936 | 7,980 | 14,916 Borough of RICHMOND- - - (+) - - Parish 738 760 - 10 24 615 121 | 1,575 015 | 1,971 / 3,546 Borough of SCARBOROUGH. Scarborough - (+) · () Parish 1,744 1,923 | 3 | 41 | 43711 11,169 | 3,717 Falsgrave - - - - - Township 86 1991 118 44 | 231 321 160 8,188 345 185 1 1,830 (2,0224 49 89 734 1,2013,877 4,656 | 8,533 (*) The Borough of New-MALTOn contains 4,005 Inhabitants. C) The entire Parish of Normanby contains 223. Inhabitants. 1) Sinnington Parish is mostly in Pickering Lythe. ) The entire Parish of Stonegrave contains 373 Iuhabitanis.com. (a) The entire Paristi of Hackness contains 632 Inhabitants. -- (0) The entire Parish of Whithy contains 12,331 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Scar- | borough contains 8,533 Inbabitants. 5 L 406 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration, COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)—continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding.) HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : .PERSONS: FAMIALL JA PENTAKES, employ- Families TOTAL &c. By bow many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER. I chiefly ern ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, (prized in in | Manu- the Two factures, preced- CUL- lurHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. : OP FEMALES. PERSONS. AG Wapentake of ALLERTONSHIRE - - - - 1,783 1,811 9 1,165 563 83 4,370 8,759 4,389 5,784 BIRDFORTH - - 1,549 726 5,916 BULMER - - - - 1,953 623 7,790 7,722 11,700 15,512 7,180 GILLING, East - . 779 341 438 3,536 3,644 GILLING, West - - - • - 3,203 3,499 1,467 817 9,1761 8,666 | 17,842 HALLIKELD - - 947 115 2,945 3,013 HANG, East - - -. 906 678 608. 4,918 5,196 5,958 10,114 14,707 HANG, West - ... | 1,304 1714 1,109 7,271 Liberty of .. "LANGBAURGH, East --- · LANGBAURGH, West - - - 2,803 193 | 1,338 1,068 1,228 8,141 8,617 | 16,758 1,246 1,145 522 6,275 6,825 13,100 Wapentake of PICKERING-LYTHE -- 2,906 RYEDALE ... 3,633 3,060 1157 1,796 605 7,690 7,542 15,232 1,710 | 1,170 1,012 9,737 9,787 | 19,524 738 760 121 1 *1,575 | 1,971 3,546 Borough of RICHMOND - - - ... Borough of SCARBOROUGH .... 1,830 2,022 3,877 4,656 8,533 Liberty of WHITBY-STRAND · · - - | 2,671 | 3,467 | 5 | 84 | 466 11,074 | 1,927 6,936 7,980 14,916 Totals ·. - 135,765 38,731 148 835 16,737 11,570 10,424 90,153 93,228 183.381 M.DCCC.XXI.) 407 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94.. COUNTY OF YORK (North Riding)-continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. Under Wapentake TOTAL. 20 30 of 403 351 739 264 535 691 437 458 395 426 669 821 867 1,135 518 867 1,171 304 394 496 580 954 337 585 869 351 931 316 509 754 317 ALLERTONSHIRE - - 424 315 BIRDFORTH 793 BULMER - - 1,059 1 983 874 GILLING, East - - - | 491 | 360 GILLING, West • - - |1,259 1,437 1,458 HALLIKELD - - 396 408 337 HANG, East - - - - 650 1676 579 HANG, West - • - 1,090 930 812 Liberty of LANGBAURGH, East - 1,039 922 768 LANGBAURGH, West-1890 807 Wapentake of PICKERING-LYTHE - 800 791 RYEDALE - - - - 536 202 162 105 448 306 179 580 272 203 433 226 151 369 314| 173 478 379 253 3,021 5,919 7,801 3,527 9,152 2,945 4,927 6,900 675 753 279 440 599 622 716 866 906 664 490 384 233 69 365 | 213 6,694 6,303 766 855 630 | 278 170 5,788 8,392 923 229 160 RICHMOND, BORO - SCARBOROUGH, BORO' WHITBY STRAND, 125 Liberty - - - Total of MALES - 18,252 9,840 | 115 | 89 127 104 878 106 „840 | 8,653 7,264 (10,0257,811 6,450 5,180 3,924 2,252 684/ 70 2 172,407 FEMAL E S. Under Wapentake TOTAL. of 389 305 464 687 341 621 869 309 617 796 372 892 313 525 704 3,030 5,785 7,732 3,643 621 | 958 827 1,232 372 591 878 1,285 256 455 500 / 793 550 1,061 415 964 352 296 2118 | 167 537 408 1318 | 197 744 540 385 244 343 265 210 142 785 493 257 393 213 183! 96 5261 379 324/ 210 655 561 438 233 586 ALLERTONSHIRE - - 429 BIRDFORTH - - - i 749 BULMER - - - - |1,034 995 GILLING, East - . 430 442 GILLING, West - - 1,205 1,188 HALLIKELD 425 HANG, East - - - - 681 601 HANG, West - • •11,016 Liberty of LANGBAURGH, East - 950 886 | LANGBAURGH, West: 956 803 Wapentake of PICKERING-LYTHE 1804 1 765 RYEDALE - - - - 1,165 1,142 8,624 376 o ovo nö ov 556 3,107 5,169 7,061 833 773 726 1,064 616 | 971 806 499 405 234 119 495 | 420 244 | 102 7,096 6,733 829 593 856 635 510 814 350 252 1471 5,568 908 1,281 917 P03 468 216 8,432 RICHMOND, BORO' - SCARBOROUGH, BORO'L 18 - 15 | 34 | WAITBY-STRAND, 134 114 104 126 139 96 Liberty - - - Total of FEMALES - 9,934 (9,386 7,574 17,278 11,184 8,254 6,963 5,150 4,105 2,828 834 79 - Ting or 185 908 MALES 4 73,073 THE Total Number of Persons in the North Riding of the County of York was .... 183,697, .... and the Number of Persons wl!ose Ages were returned, was .... 145,480 ..., whence it appears, that the Ages of more than one-lifth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returris received from the North Riding of the County of York was 533 ; twenty-six of which including Scarborough, Richmond, and Whitby) did not contain any answer to the question concerning tlic Ages of Persons, and are thus marked, (+): and a sauall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficicnt, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 408 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of York (West Riding.) HOUSES : PERSONS: - - - FAMI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how TOTAL OR Inhabited. many Families Oc-. cupied. Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OF OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. prcced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft, Classes. Building. TRADE, PA FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. or 403 429 746 832 1,515 $ 769 S 733 692 1,827 1,556 1,890 1,475 3,717 3,031 24 210 249 S OÖ 459 949 3,106 38 145 32 3,274 2,452 |631 936 597 2,323 1,531 675 1,568 !I or iron coil ag an di 6,380 4,775 3,099 1,351 270 104 676 11 37 72 35 148 297 198 759 35 · 144 740 2,479 23 732 2,562 23 | 292 1,499 5,041 46 : 212 192 404 250 131 119 AGBRIGG WAPENTAKE. Lower Division. ARDSLEY, East ---- Parish 174 Ardsley, West - - - - - Parish 333 Batley (part of) Parish : (*) Batley.. - - - - - Township 756 Morley - - - - - - Township Crofton . - - - - - - Parish Dewsbury (part of ) Parish : (b) Deswbury - - - - - Township 1,264 Ossett - - - - - - Township | 933 Southill - - - - .- - Township 618 Emley - - ---- () Parish 296 Featherstone (part of) Parish: (d) Acktoni - - - - - Township Whitwood • - - - - Township Methley - - - - -- - Parish Mirfield -:.: .. - Parish 1968 1,036 Newland. - - .. :- Extra-P. Normanton Parish: (0) · Altofts' .. .. . . ... Township Normanton - - - - Township Snydale . - - - - Township Rothwell Parish : (*) Carlton, . .. - Township 1 257 with Lofthouse - - .- Township Middleton - - - - - Township 216 Outton, - - - : in Township I 182 197 with Woodlesford.. - Township 133 Rothwell- - - - .- () Township 458 Thorp - - - - -:- Township Sandall, Great (part of) Parish: (6) Britton, West (part of) - (8) Towuship Crigglestone - - - - Township 271 Sandall, Great - - - Township Walton - - . - - Township Thornhill Parish : (b) Flockton - - - - - Chapelry : 190 196 Shitlington - - - - - Townshiy 311 Thornhill - - - - - Township 370 616 Whitley, Lower - - - Township 162 Wakefield Parish: (1) Alverthorpe, with Thornes Township 917 1941 Hörbury - - - - - Chapelry Stanley, with Wrenthorp - Township 907 Wakefield - - - - - Township 2,223 2,251 Warmfield Parish: (k) Sharlston - - - - .. Township 65 66 Warmfield, with Heath - Township 159 163 62 57 119 690 706 Aco I was Öl Toernov ona i no oni w 191 18 539 557 1,396 1,096 936 458 : 478 278 121 111 312 1,059 44 1,096 2,955 36 80 31 81 o . 73 603 a jo co 154 1,265 888 662 -467 25 179 206 385 NWI III 104 493 800 495 346 109 111 988 1,635 1,932 903 20 444 105 968 432 :471 60 4,448 511 546 913 col 445 501 355 2,069 2,227 2,221 1,220 1,255 2,303 2,317 5,089 1. 5,675 2,475 4,620 10,764 o 1 | 15 .13 421 94 161) 169 428-1 13.13 330 741 14,081 15,008 93 635 2,268 10,088 2,652 34,879 35,784 70,663 (*) Batley Parish is mostly in Morley Wapentake. ---(b) Dewsbury | Green and Rothwell-Haigh, which in the year 1811 made distinct Parish is partly in Morley Wapentake. The entire Parish contains Returns.-----(6) The entire Parish of Great-Sandall contains 2,692. 16,261 Inhabitants. (C) Emley Parish contains a part of Skelman Inhabitants. West-Bretton is partly in Silkstone Parish, Staincross thorpe Townshin, which is included in the Return of Cumberworth Wapentake, and entered accordingly.- (b). The entire Parish of Half, Kirkburton Parisha d y Featherstone Parisli is mostly in Upper Thornhill contains 5,458 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Osguldcross Wapentake. (C) The entire Parish of Normanton con Wakefield contains 22,307 Inhabitants. A Lunatic Asylum for paupers tains. 773 Inhabitants. (f) The entire Parish of Rothwell contains has been established in Stanley and Wrenthorpe Township.-~(*) The 6,253 Inhabitants. The Return of Rothwell Township includes Rodes. | entire Parish of Warmfield, with Heath, contains 1,071 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 499 : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94... COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)continued. .. :: :". HOUSES: PERSONS: YTT PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL • By LIES OR OTHER chiefly OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA MI- | LIES chiefly employ-/ Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, 'prized in | Maqu- | the Two Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. MALES. : FEMALES. * TOTAL or PERSONS. in . . CUL- lorHandi- ing craft. Classes. 958 926 178 igo 912 182 2,909 .502 SC Dornan 798 456 5,679 968 .1,583 900 459 3,501 79 648 1,700 809 2,770 466 785 444 226 233 1,801 413 396 1,043 1,084 921 .824 988 - 1,012 445 760 1 677 113 69 563 145 344 254 285 373 2,127 imma 367 960 687 884 337 172 NANNA Gorlisco van onilla 1,881 1,708 2,000 · 927 1,437 140 72 482 273 179 508 474 10 T how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families OC- cupied. | AGBRIGG WAPENTAKE--continued. “ Upper Division. Almondbury (part of) Parish : (1) Almondbury -.-'- - Township Austonley : - - - - - Township Crossland, South - • - Township 305 308 Farnley-Tyas - ... Township 154 Holme'- - - - - - Township Honley - - - - - - Chapelry. Lingarths - - - - () Township Linthwaite - - - - .. Township Lockwood - - - - - Township Marsden (part of) - - () Chapelry Meltham -:: - - () Chapelry Thong, otherwise Thongue, Nether T. Upper - - -:- Township 258 Huddersfield Parish : (m) Golcar !. - - - - - Township 447 Huddersfield :- - -.. Township 2,521 Lindley - ... - - - - Township 393 Longwood - - - - - Chapelry ? 354 388 Marsden (part of) Chapelry 112 Scammonden - - - - Chapelry i 135 Slaithwaite - - - - () Chapelry 510 Kirk-Burton Parish : (*) Cartworth -.- - - Township 213 Cumberworth, Half () Township 214 Foulston - - - - - Township Hepworth - - - - - Township Kirk-Burton - Township Shelley - - - - Township 240 Shepley - - - - - - Township Thurstonland - - . . Township Wooldale - - - - - Township 658 Kirk-Heaton Parish : (°).. Dalton is - - - - - Township 404 422 Kirk-Heaton - - - ;- Township 387 389 Lepton - - - - - - Township 536 Whitley, Upper - - - Township 153 Rochdale (part of ) Parish : (P) Sąddleworth, with Quick - Chapelry 1,845 2,365 - 1,261 6,612 1,912 397 352 16,672 | 1,688 996 952 2,606 13,284 2,040 1,942 622 381 - 313 946 309 419 1,416 4:36 154 855 510 509 1,455 2,871 in 277 222 103 145 155 188 356 376 152 662 549 567 553 629 5471 501 1,120 .1,033 1730 599. 21 518 1 4821 18 1 531 1 458 il 1,760 1,685 1,211 1,120 1,264 1,048 2,153 1,329 1,000 989 3,445 287 156 IIANAN .com had to co 167 125 660 - .17 ":. 348 264 396 . 1,164 1,153 1,360 387 1 1,125 1,033 | 1,369 377 2,289 2,186 2,729 - 764 . 81 526 .. 150 88 1094 · 28 2,132 205 7,039 | 6,863 13,902 1,073 12,979 1,432 | 42,700 40,928 83,628. -76 139 105 199 : 114,519 15,484 110 675 BARKSTONE-ASH WAPENTAKE. A Lower Division. Birkin Parish : (9) Birkin - - . - - - Township Haddlesey, Chapel - - Township Haddlesey, West - - - Township Hurst-Courtney - - - Township Hurst-Teniple - - -:- Towuship Brayton Parish : () Barlow - - - - - Township Brayton -.- - Township Burn. - - - - - - Township Gateforth - . - - - Township Hambleton - - - - - Township Thorpe-Willoughby - - Township co mot 142" .67 · 68 293 145 141 canli III-001 90 175 131 252 cine 238 131 89 257 103 231 192 488 144. 72 72 LO) The entire Parish of Almondbury contains 23,979 Inhabitants. Marsden Township is partly in Almondbury Parish, partly in Hudders- ield Parish. A cotton factory is mentioned as increasing the Population *** Langarth (or Lingards) Township; and in Meltham Township. The Woollen manufacture has not increased at the last-mentioned place. C) The entire Parish of Huddersfield contains 24,220 Inhabitants. The Return of Dean-Head is included in that of Scammonden Town- ship. The increase of Populatiou at Slaithwaite is attributed to the calon manufactory.- (n) The entire Parish of Kirk-Burton contains | 13,659 Inhabitants. Cumberworth-Half includes part of Skelmanthorpe Township; the other part is included in Elmley Parish, but the whole is in Staincruss Waperitake, Cumberworth is mostly in Silkstone Parish Staincross Wapentake. O The entire Parish of Kirk-Heaton con- tains 21,870 Inhabitants. Rochdale Parish is mostly in Salford Hundred, Lancashire. The entire Parislı contains 61,011 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Birkin contains 917. Inhabitants. 1 () The entire Parish of Brayton contains 1,489 Inhabitants, 5 M 410 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTÝ OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : PERSONS: or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL By how many Families Oc- Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly eniploy- Families en- ed in not com- ployed EU TRADE, prized in Manu the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TUN.. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS cupied. i 27 i no 33 E 549 578 Till Til 130 127 186 BARKSTONE-ASH WAPENTAKE continued. Lower Division-continued. Brotherton (part of) Parish : (*) Byrome, with Pool* - - Township Sutton * - - - - - Township Cawood * - - - - - - - Parish Drax Parish : (9) Camblesforth - - - - Township Drax - - - - - - Township Drax, Long - - - - Township Newland - - - - - Township Monik-Fryston Parish : (0) Burton, Salmon - - - Township Hillam - - - - - Township Monk-Fryston - - - Townslip Ryther, with Ozendike - - (W) Parish Selby * - - - - - - - Parish Snaith (part of) Parish : (*) Carleton - - - - - Chapelry | Wistow * - - - - - - - Parish I er wi!! 257 370 187 269 127 142 93 89 ! - Iwco I 11- 134 199 75 how 135 210 167 182 269 409 335 4,097 840 168 1,974 208 2,123 I 150 140 130 118 366 304 16 409 329 775 633 2,392 31 1,384 5,612 5,839 11,451 195 con 512 970 195 458 447 1971 570 1,017 La ca 1 - mano 86 in 54 212 416 11-1111 426 106 212 moramo 131 BARKSTONE ASH WAPENTAKE. 2,250 Upper Division. Branham Parish : () Bramham * - - - - Township 1 Clifford - - - - - Townsnip Kirkby-Wharf (part of) Parish : (2) Grimston - - - - - Township Kirkby-Wharf, with Milford* Township Kirk-Fenton Parish : (*) Biggin * - - - - - Township Fenton, Little - - - Township Kirk-Fenton - • - • Township Ledsham Parish : (b) Fairburn - - - - - Township Ledsham - - - - • Township Ledstone - - - - - Township Micklewaite-Grange - - Extra-P. Newton-Kyme and Toulston - Parish Ryther (part of) Parish : (9) Lead-Hall - - - - Towuship Saxton Parish: (a) Saxton, with Scarthingwell Township Towton - - - - • Township Sherburn (part of) Parish : (9) Barkston - - - - - Township Huddleston and Lumby - Township Lutherton, with part of Aberford (9) T. Micklefield • - • • Township Milford, South * - - Township Newthorp * - - - - Township Sherburn * - - - - Township Tadcaster (part of) Parish : (*) Stutton, with Hazlewood Township | 52 Tadcaster * - - - • Township 390 213 106 112 34 243 i 50 11 i 378 ne 001 Ordio wody i w 133 118 89 251 184 · 95 209 112 218 o Co Co o 427 84 196 11-11- 330 631 301 45 38 583 561 | 1,144 O 542 4 í 20 38 136 : 120 1256 862 1,651 789 1,851 1,922 9 | 80 1,177 1 523 | 222 4,606 4,715 9,321 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, () Brotherton Parish is partly iu the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish of Kirk-Fenton contains 693 Inhabitants.--(b) The en: entire Parish contains 1,626 Inhabitants. O) The entire Parish of tire Parish of Ledsham contains 881 Inhabitants. () Ryther Parish Drax contains 1,083 Ínhabitants. (U) The entire Parish of Monk is mostly in the Lower Division of Barkstone-sish Wapentake: Fryston contains 860 Inhabitants. (W) Ryther Parish extends into the d) The entire Parish of Saxton with Scarthingwell contains 472.Inha Upper Division of Barkstone-Ash Wapentake. The entire Parish con bitants. The entire Parish ot'Sherburn contains 2,916 Inhabitants. tains 385 Inhabitants. () Snaith Parish is mostly in Lower Osgold The reinainder of Aberford is entered as a Parish in Skyrack Wapentake, cross Wapentake. The entire Parish of Bramham contains 1,987 (*) Tadcaster Parish is partly in the City of York. The entire Inhabitants. () Kirkby-Wharf Parish is mostly in the Liberty of St. ) Parish contains 2,811 Inbabitants. Peter of York. The entire Parish contains 574 Inħabitants. 1) The 1 M.DCCC.XXI.] 411 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV, c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. PERSONS: FAMI- LIES ALL OTHER OR chiefly TOTAL Inliabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES | chiefly / UTHIER employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, I prized in in AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. craſt. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 110 26 248 . arrom w Wii B 236 421 10 115 484 860 23 439 13 128 112 293 243 136 248 225 518 87 68 110 110 1o Oni sono e cow we 65 126 420 go 216 96 109 204 299 304 311 296 610 600 233 37 120 113 139 621 80 326 186 HOUSES : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Oc- cupied. CLARO WAPENTAKE. Lower Division. Aldborough (part of) Parish : (5) ALDBOROUGH • Borough & Township 108 BOROUGHBRIDGE Borough & Township Humberton & Milby (5) Township Minskep - - - - - Township Rocliff - - - - - - Township / 37 Burton-Leonard * - - - - Parish Copgrove - - - - - - Parish Farnham Parish: (1) Farnham - - - - - Township 25 Ferensby - - - - - Township Scotton - - - - - Township Fewston Parish: (1) Blubberhouses - - - Township 20 Clifton, with Norwood - Township 82 Fewston - - - - 0) Township Thurcross - - - - Township 116 Timble, Great - - - Township Hampsthwaite Parish : (*) Birstwith - - - - - Township 116 Felliscliffe - - - - Township 83 Hampsthwaite - - - Township Menwith, with Darley - Township Thornthwaite & Padside (k) Chapelry Haveral-Park - - - - Extra-P. Kirkby-Malzeard Parish: (1) Cozenley - - - - - Township Fountains Earth, - - Township with Middlesmoor - - Chapelry Gravelthorpe - - - - Township 118 121 Hartwith, with Winsley - Chapelry 117 Kirkby-Malzeard • - Township 135 Laverton - - - - - Township 88 Stonebeck Down (+). Township 118 Stonebeck, Upper - - Township Knaresborough (part of) Parish : (m) Arkendale - - - - - Chapelry Bilton & Harrogate - - Township Brearton - - - - - Township 46 KNARES BOROUGH* (+) Bor. and 1. 1,084 1,126 Scriven, with Tentergate Township 247 Lindrick - - - - - - - Extra P. Otley (part of) Parish : (") Denton - - - - - Chapelry | Ouseburn, Great - - - - Parish Ouseburn, Little (part of) Parish: (0) Kirkby-Hall - - - - Township Thorp-Underwoods - - Township Pannall -- - (P) Parish 194 Ripley (part of) Parish : (9) Clint - - - - - - Township Killinghall - - - - Township 108 n COP 105 237 23 I wo or w 295 196 253 328 168 52 490 648 320 141 87 TO do 579 lores et i 226 215 259 358 330 262 276 114 441 527 675 682 268 317 352 430 168 292 178 de F 73 183 oi oi ow I wow 51 364 389 252 18 Biol 140 867 120 2,582 45 145 1,067 106 2,701 668 285 1,934 226 5,283 1,373 62 318 288 181 705 33 col 102 231 192 437 101 206 25 30 55 eri cii oi 179 6 696 618 1,314 207 Jos 205 247 412 519 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. Aldborough Parish is partly in the Upper Division of Claro Wa | Parish of Kirkby-Malzcard contains 4,263 Inhabitants. Knares- pentake. The entire Parish contains 735 Inhabitants. Humberton and borough Parish extends into the Liberty of St. Peter of York E. Riding.) Milby Township is partly in Kirkby-hill Parish, Hallikeld Wapentake, in Otley Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake, but mostly North Riding, and entered accordingly. (b) The entire Parish of in Upper-Skyrack Wapentake. Little-Ousebum Parish is parily furnham contains 548 Inhabitants. (i) 'l'he entire Parish of Fewston in Upper-Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 1,872 Inhabi- contains 1,989 Luhabitants. The failure of a flax manufactory has di tants (P) Pannall Parish contains part of Swindon, the other part of muished ibe Population in the Township of Fewston *) The entire which is in Kirkby-Overblows, Upper-Claro Wapentake, and entered arish of Hampsthwaite contains 2,750 Ir.habitants One male in accordingly.- () Ripley Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake. worthwaite Township, upwards of 100 years of age. The entire ! The entire Parish contains 1,182 Inhabitants. oorth 412 Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued, HOUSES : PERSONS: TI) PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By .: EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. cniploģ- Families TOTAL how mally Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FA MI- ALL LIES LIES | chiefly | OTHER chiefly ein I od in not com. ployed Trade, prized in in | Manu- the Two. AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. craft. | Classes. NALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. 33 261 661 23 123 296 151 10 1,408 777 21 CLARO WAPENTAKE-continued. Lower Division--continued. Ripon (part of) Parish: (*) Aldheld - - - - - - Township Bewerley -:- - - - Township Dacre - - - - - - Township Shelding - - - - - Township Studley-Roger - - - - 'Township Studley-Royal - (+)-(1) Township Winksley - - - - - Chapelry Stainley, South, with Clayton - Parish Staveley - - - - - - - Parish Whixley (part of) Parish : (*) Thornville - - - - - Township 34 IIIIIIII lori 1 118 co 168 i 8 13 5,238 5,566 37 154 1,971 1,849 1,746 13,745 | 13,615 27,360 15 co 80 . a 115 156 to . 276 l'os I II 14 120 a 62 112 111 III A wc 78 101 195 117 CLARO WAPENTAKE. Upper Division. Addingham (part of) Parish: (0) Beamsley (part of) - - - Township Aldborough (part of) Parish : (0) Dunsforth-Law - -.- Township Dunsforth, Upper, with a • Branton-Green :-ſ . Township Allerton-Mauleverer Parish : (W) Allerton-Mauleverer, lo with Hopperton - -S Township Clareton - - - - - Township Cowthorp - . - - - - - Parish Guldsborough Parish : (*) Coneythorp - - - - Township Flaxby - - - - - - Township Goldsborough. - - - - Towyship Harewood (part of) Parish : () Dunkeswith - - - - Township Weeton - - - - - - Township Hunsingore Parish : (?) Cattal '. - - - - - Township Hunsingore - - - - Towuship Ribston, Great, with } Township Walshford - · s Ilkley (part of) Parish : (*) Middleton and Stockhill - Township Nesfield, with Langbar - Township Kirk-Deighton Parish: (6) Kirk-Deighton - - - Township North-Deighton - - - Township Kirkby-Overblows Parish: (9) Kirkby, with Netherby - Township Kirkby-Overblows : • Township Rigton - - - - - - Township Sicklinghall - - - - Township Stainburn - - - - - Chapelry Swindon ; - - ' () Townsbip Kirk-Hammerton (part of) () Parish 10 257 310 0 I c 142 FATA! Aj wer - il öc ani nici 109 11 I A OA 129 207 237 155 .82 I . I 1 103 105 205 210 + 17 i 0 371 198 78 226 + 0 318 198 104 168 231 124 195 31 133 IIIIII + 1 - my 429 257 364 169 52 a 205 204 409 (1) Ripon Parish is mostly in Ripou Liberty. The family usually re- , Upper Division of Skyrack Wapentake.. (?) The entire Parish of sident at Studley-Royal were absent from home. Whixley Parish Hunsingore contains 599 Inhabitants. (^) Ilkley Parish is mostly is mostly in Upper-Claro Wapentake.- ) Addingham Parish is Upper-Skyrack Wapentake.(b) The entire Parish of Kirk Derg mostly in East-Staincliff Wapentake. Beamsley is partly in Skipton contains 412 Inhabitants. ) The entire Parish of Kirkby Orche Parish. lu) Aldborough Parish is mostly in Lower-Claro Wapentake. blows contains 1,646 Subabitants. Swindon is partly in Pamall Paris, (W) The entire Parish of Allerton-Mauleverer contains 290 Inhabi. | Lower-Claro Wapeniake. , Kirk Hammerton Parish is partly" tants. -- ') The entire Parish of Goldsborough contains 385 Inhabi- the Ainsty of the City of York (East Riding.) The entire Parish Cou tants.- ) Harewood Parish is partly in the Lower, but mustly in the 1 tains 504 İnhabitauis. M.DCCC. XXI.] 413 THE POPULATION Act, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.: COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- OR anilies By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA311- ALL LIES LIES chiefly ОтнER chiefly employ ein ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi-! ing TURE. 1 craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied. 41 09 110 161 molto 161 237 312 464 344 179 178 208 112 96 28 62 153 293 31 121 251 CLARO WAPENTAKE-continued. Upper Division. Leathley Parish : (°) Castley • - - - - - Township Leathley - - - () Township Marton, with Grafton • - - - Parish Nun-Monkton - - - • • Parish Otley (part of) Parish : () Farnley - - - - - - Township Lindley . . - - - Township Newhall, with Clifton - - Township Timble, Little - - - - Township Ouseburn, Little (part of) Parish: (5) Ouseburn, Little · • · Township Widdington - • • • Township Ripley (part of) . . . (") Parish Skipton (part of) Parish : (0) Beanısley (part of) - - - Township Hazlewood and Storiths - Township Spofforth Parish : (*) Follifoot .:. .. Township Linton - - - - - - Township Plompton • • • - • Township Ribston, Little - - - - Township Spofforth - - - - - Township Stockeld . - - - • Township Wetherby - - - - - Township Walkingham-Hill, with Occaney, Extra-P. Weston Parish : (0) Askwith - - - - - Township Weston • • • • • • Township Whixley (part of) Parish : (m) Green-Hammerton - - Township Whixley - • • • • Towuship 232 111 109 121 100 209 lironovoot two on non 154 139 77 293 167 208 31 go 100 102 419 108 93 476 32 606 179 895 10 69 . 1,217 14 10 24 169 55 367 108 53 166 245 163 329 467 70 222 81 11 6,4086,098 12,506 1 22 814 419 799 395 793 1,592 382 296 MORLEY WAPENTAKE. 2,365 2,489 7 Batley (part of) Parish : (*) Churwell - - - - - Township | 155 Gildersome .... Chapelry 306 Birstall Parish : () Clackheaton - - () Chapelry 430 436 Drighlington · - · Chapelry 358 Gomersail, Great and Little (+) Township 1,120 11,151 - - - Heckmondwike (+) Township 494 Hunsworth - - - - - Township 154 Liversedge · - . (°) Chapelry 815 Tong - - - - - - Chapelry Wike - (+) . . (°) Township 284 Bradford Parish : (P) Allerton - - - - - Township cables de coco 1,227 832 2,906 1,278 446 2,224 982 1,209 887 3,046 1,301 424 2,035 1,019 486 129 522 289 245 528 2,436 1,719 5,952 2,579 870 4,259 1,893 1,509 154 815 373 377 911 292 778 731 274 376 + 746 742 1,488 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. The entire Parish of Leathley contains 423 Inhabitants. The 10) The entire Parish of Birstall contains 21,217 Inhabitants. Clack- School, hospital, and almshouses are included in the Return. heaton Township includes Scholes and Oakenshaw; at Liversedge, the Otley Parish is partly in Lower-Claro Wapentake, but mostly in increase of manufacture is noticed ; at Wike, an Inclosure has taken Opper-Skyrack Wapentake. (6) Little-Ouseburn Parish is mostly in place. (°) The entire Parish of Bradford contains 52,954 Inhabi. Lower-Claro Wapentake.m- ch) Ripley Parish is partly in Lower tants. It contained no more than 36,358 in 1811. The increase of iron Claro Wapentake. The entire Parisi: contains 1,182 Inhabitants. works is noticed in the Return from North-Bierly; of the worsted ma- Skipton Parish is mostly in Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. nufactory, in that from Bowling. In Bradford Township, the Population bearnsley is partly in Addingham Parish. (k) The entire Parish is nearly doubled (having been 7,767 in 1811) from the unequalled in- of, Spofforth contains 3,044 Inhabitants, -(1) The entire Parish of crease of manufacture. Scribbling mills and worsted mills are noticed Weston centains 475 Inhabitants. (m) Whixley Parish is partly in in the Return from Eccleshill; and the increase of cotton weaving, as Lower-Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 80g Inhabitants. | well as of the woollen manufacture, at Horton. -(") Batley Parish is mostly in Lower-Agbrigg Wapentake.“ 5 N 414 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. - - COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL OTHER OR OCCUPATIONS: FANI- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly Families employ em- ed in not coin- ployed TRADE, prized in By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. Oc- FEMALES. MALES. in OP PERSONS. Manu, the Two 3,053 1,799 6,428 1,794 1,065 2,312 3,017 1,780 6,636 6,070 3,579 13,064 3,609 2,176 695 1,815 + 34 406 Jaco Por otro 4,668 619 1,111 2,356 598 3,633 1,241 755 2,049 482 568 518 3,559 1,233 851 2,051 842 1,217 7,192 2,474 1,606 4,100 1,711 316 788 324 | 12 869 121 wwnn 326 1,333 2,286 3,107 308 1,272 2,380 3,122 634 2,605 4,666 6,229 890 958 992 1,015 2,007 ia w 391 1,100 2,569 752 74 186 6,708 cupied. AGRI- I factures. I preced. MORLEY WAPENTAKE-continued. forHandi. iny TURE. | craft. Classes. Bradford Parish-continued. Bierley, North (+) - (P) Township 1,139 1,181 110 1,054 Bowling - - - - (P) Township 626 629 Bradford - - - - (P) Township, 2,459 17 2,452 Clayton - - - - Township | 697 612 Eccleshill - - - - (Ⓡ) (P) Township 1 443 467 | Hawarth Chapelry 926 1,036 964 Heaton - - Township 229 231 193 Horton - - (P) Chapelry 1,386 1,454 1,059 345 Manningham - Township Shipley - - • Township 3191 224 62 Thornton - (+) - - Chapelry 796 646 105 Wilsden - - - - - Township 324 290 Calverley Parish : (9) Bolton - - - - - - Township 121 Calverley, - - - • Township 493 441 cum Farsley - - - - Township 493 Idle - - - - - - - Chapelry | 934 Pudsey - - - - - - Chapelry 1,219 Dewsbury (part of) Parish : (*) Clifton, - - - - - - Township 254 73 cum Hartshead - - - Township Halifax Parish : (9) Barkisland . - - - - Township 399 419 Elland, with Greetland Chapelry 997 | 1,006 961 Erringden - - - - () Township 254 1254 183 Fixby - - - - - - Township 75 31 Halifax - - - - - - Township 2,734 12,851 2,258 Heptonstall - - - - Chapelry 833 826 Hipperholme, with Brig- 722 house - (+) Township s Langfield - - - - - Township 372 338 Midgley - - - - - Township | 398 398 Norland - - (+) Township 301 301 239 Ovenden - - (+) • Township 1,268 1,287 1,115 Ouram, North - (+) - Township 1,378 1,432 1,259 Ouram, South - (+) - Township 826 866 Rastrick - - Chapelry 550 Rishworth - . Township 252 259 Shelf - - - - - - Township 392 Skircoat . Township | 667 672 Sowerby - Chapelry | 1,245 | 1,297 1,214 Soyland - Township 608 | 608 608 Stainland - - - - - Township | 488 505 Stansfield - - Towuship 1,274 1,392 1,193 Wadsworth - - Township 831 831 823 Warley - - - - sunshin 1 937 983 833 131 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. 135,509 136,706 504 1,244 2,237 131,834 /2,635 (Lower Division.) Adlingfleet Parish : (*) Adlingfleet - - - - - Township Fockerby - - - - - Townsbip Haldenby and Eastoft - - Township Kellington Parish : (*) Beaghall - - - - - Township Egbrough - - - - - Township 42 Kellington - - - - - Township Whitley - - - - - Township 1,124 2,519 719 159 5,920 2,179 1,972 1,000 1,130 823 2,224 5,088 1,471 345 12,628 4,543 3,936 2,069 2,207 1,665 6,360 6,841 754 596 2,364 1,964 1,069 1,077 842 3,154 345 406 3,206 3,433 2,098 3,408 2,158 1,452 4,256 561 741 487 259 la o ar cu o miro v 737 412 380 986 602 1,687 1,344 851 1,012 1,636 3,519 1,612 1,384 3,580 2,246 2,478 3,371 Arlogo 2,796 1,588 1,998 3,323 6,890 3,242 2,814 7,275 4,509 4,982 500 1,630 1,430 3,695 2,263 2,504 92,231 93,537 185,768 1 116 140 256 w III کہ میرا 106 69 1 39 112 282 264 546 106 no Inc به سه ده ن 132 151 215 283 284 143 141 V () See preceding Note. (9) The entire Parish of Calverley con- ' tion of cotton works. A place called Ramble, included with Erringden tains 14,134 Inhabitants.-- ) Dewsbury Parish is mostly in Lower in 1811, is now returned with Sowerby. The entire Parish of Agbrigg Wapentake. The entire Parish of Halifax contains 92,850 Adlingfeet contains 431 Inhabitants. (u) The entire Parish off Inhabitants. It contained no more than 73,415, in 1811, the increase lington coutains 1,328 Inhabitants. 1. is attributable to that of the woollen manufactory, and to the introduc- ] M.DCCC.XXI.7 415 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OCCUPATIONS: Faxi. FAMIA ALL OR By LIES LIES chiefly OTILER how chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many employ- CM- Inhabited. ployed Un-Inhabited. Families Oc. cupied. OF Building Fainilies not com prized in ihe Two Trade, FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. Manu- AGRI- CUL- lor Handi TURE. craft. factures preced- Classes. 107 570 279 152 291 177 72 191 329 905 104 453 232 450 70 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. Lower Division--continued, Snaith (part of) Parish : () Armin - - - - - - Chapelry Balne - - - - - - Township Cowick - - - - - - Township Goole - - - - - - Township Gowdall - - - - - Township Hick - - Township Hensall - - Township Hooke - - - - - - Chapelry Pollington - - - - - Township Rawcliff - - - - - Chapelry Snaith - - - - - - Township Whitgift Parish : (*) 118 SA TAI IONI 46 Darwion GIIIIII 107 122 182 253 726 452 218 125 121 111 181 230 770 414 243 228 233 ვfვ 483 1,496 834 101 314 176 420 45 46 43 117 253 683 - - - - - - 123 151 Township Township Township 151 214 - her 328 117 157 11 136 355 494 163 956 71 I 147 310 Reedness - - - Swinefleet - - - Whitgift - - - Womersley Parish: (*) Cridling-Stubbs - Smeaton, Little - Walden-Stubbs - Womersley - - 10 45 75 - - - - 176 - - - - Township Township Township Township 51 101 81 colm Corinthians 77 144 158 316 172 2,056 2,294 2 1,655 487 | 152 5,371 5,470 | 10,841 259 107 86 67 779 796 1,575 ܙ ܝ 105 181 96 120 123 200 344 184 ܙ ܙ ܟܬ III IIIII 82 ܙ לל 206 144 183 159 389 295 242 151 116 ܙ 338 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE. (Upper Division.) Ackworth - --:- - - Parish Badsworth Parish: (2) Badsworth - - - - - Township Thorp-Audling - - - Township Upton - - - - - - Township Brainwith, Kirk - - - - - Parish Burgh-Wallis - - - - (") - Parish Campsall Parish: (b) Askerne . - - - - Township Campsall - - - - - Township Fenwick :- - Township Moss - - - - - - Township Norton - - - - - • Township Sutton - - - - - - Township Castleford Parish : (0) Castleford - - - - - Township Houghton, Glass - - - Township Darrington Parish : (1) Darrington - - - - - Township Stapleton - - - - - Township Featherstone (part of) Parish : (*) Featherstone - - - - Township Peerston-Jaglin - - - Township Ferry-Frystone - - - - - Parish Kirkby, South Parish : ) Elmsall, North - - - Township Elmsall, South - - - Township Kirkby, South - - - - Township Shelbrooke - - - - - Township 126 330 71 668 ܩ ܙ 74 145 228 ܗ 526 496 1,022 412 85 ܟܬ 212 200 263 257 | 510 ܙ 109 174 163 337 IIIII II II II ܘܘ ܒܝܘ ܗ 113 244 391 131 386 777 - 58 55 231 102 126 113 453 222 ܀ ܝܕ ܝܕ ܙ ܙ 315 318 633 18 61 54 158 163 115 321 54 „M) Snaith Parish is partly in the Lower Division of Barkstone-Ash of Campsall contains 1,918 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 5,909 Inhabitants. (*) The Castleford contains 1,434 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Dar- entire Parish of Whitgift contains 2,202 Inhabitants. () The entire rington contains 619 Inhabitants. (c) Featherstone Parish is partly in Farish of Womersley contains 745 Inhabitants. (3) The entire Parish Lower-Agbrigg Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants. * Badsworth contains 728 Inhabitants.----- () The Return of Burgh- | (t) 'l'he entire Parish of South-Kirkby contains 1,314 Inhabitants. Wallis Parish includes Haywood and Sutton.- () The entire Parish 1. 416 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | ALL FAMILIES ог. By EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL Inbabited. how inany Families Un-Inhabited. Building. OP Oc- cupied. LIES | chiefly OTHER chicfly leinploy-Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in | Manu. ihe Two Agrifactures, proced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. NIALES. PERSONS. 62 268 306 74 72 146 ori noi 64 OSGOLDCROSS WAPENTAKE-continued. Upper Division-acontinued. Owston Parish : (5) Owston - - - - - Township Skellow - - - - - Townsbip Pontefract Parish: (1) Carleton - - - - - Township Hardwick, East ... Township Knottingly - • - - Chapelry Monkbill - - - - - Township PONTEFRACT - Boro' and Township Tanshelf • • • • • Township Pontefract-Park - . - - Extra-P. Wragby (part of) Parish: (1) Hardwick, West - - - Township Hasle - - - - - - Township Hill-top - - - - - Township Hurstwick and Nostal (+) Township 68 osobno po 132 96 3,753 797 11 927 Il mio lai II!! 46 1,907 12 2,095 101 40 1,846 28 2,352 195 24 4,447 356 - - 93 Ilic 139 10 Is 49 4,089 1 144 1,547 11,215 1,327 9,6459,792 19,437 274 305 579 II mo 120 229 48 92 Ic 111 111aila I CH 51 273 314 22 593 124 491 186 106 242 AN A Color! 249 96 3,875 SKYRACK WAPENTAKE. Lower Division Aberford Parish : (*) Aberford * . - () Township 126 Parlington - - - - Township Sturton-Grange • • • Township Bardsey Parish : 0) Bardsey, with Rigton - Township Wothersome - - - - Township Barwick-in-Elmett Parish : (a) Barnbow - (+) - - Township Barwick - - - - - Township 125 Kiddal and Potterton - (+) Township Morwick and Scholes (+) Township Roundhay - - - - - Township Collingham - - - - - - Parish Garforth, West - - - - - Parish 150 Harewood (part of) Parish : (*) Keswick, East - - • Township Kippax Parish : () Allerton-Bywater - - Township Kippax • • - - « Township Preston, Great & Little - Township Swillington - - - - • - Parish Thorner Parish : (P) Scarcroft - • - (P) Township Shaudwell - (+) - · Township Thorner - - - - - Townshup | Whitkirk Parish: (9) Austhorpe - - - - - Township Seacroft - - - - - Township Temple-Newsom (+). Township 253 Thorp-Stapleton • • Township 3 38 90 58 286 389 138 342 731 146 296 175 154 329 AON 466 292 no 220 261 249 510 Tail III lla! 105 197 337 708 IAW na ww ni 80 109 103 446 440 150 886 1,166 609 557 15 3 10 25 1,926 2,060 | 13 591,047 689 324 4,950 4,814 0,764 - ---- - - - - * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (9) The entire Parish of Owston contains 452 Inhabitants.---(h) The | Parish, partly in Harewond Parish, where the whole is entered.com entire Parish of Pontefract contains 8,824 Inhabitants. (i) Wragby () The entire Parish of Barwick-in-Elmett contains 1,267 Inhabitants, Parish is partly in Staincross Wapentake. The entire Parish contains - Harewood Parish is partly in Upper-Claro Wapentake, but 660 Inhabitants, exclusive of part of Fouldby, included in the Return of | mostly in Upper-Skyrack Wapentake. ) The entire Parish of Kippar Sharlston, Lower-dybrigg Wapentale. The entire Parish of Aber- | contains 1,765 Inhabitants. - (P) The entire Parish of Thorner contaills, ford contains goo Inhabitants. Aberford Township extends into Sher- | 1,010 Inhabitants. · An Inclosure bas taken place at Scarcroft.com burn Parish (Barkistone-Ash Wapentakc.) - (1) I'he entire Parish of (9) The entire Parish of Whitkirk contaius 2,227 Inhabitants.. Bardsey contains 372 Inhabitants. Wike Township is partly in Bardsey | M.DCCC.XXI.) 417 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, to | ALL By OR bow TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. OI OCCUPATIONS: FANI | FANI- LIES | LIES | ОтнER | chiefly chielly om- employ- Families ployed ed in not com- TRADE, prized in in Manu- the T'wo AGRI. | factures.! preced- CUL- Tor Handi. ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Building. Oc- cupied. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 120 120 383 171 316 699 57 war 158 329 1,193 | 29 236 came to 3,113 3,063 627 6,176 1,199 572 80 606 23 249 584 337 er E o 170 343 277 1,396 899 1,274 78 607 1,428 860 1,181 158 1,213 2,824 1,759 2,455 418 471 386 SKYRACK WAPENTAKEmocontinued. (Upper Division.) Addle Parish : (*) Addle, cum Eccup - - • Township Arthington • - - • Township 157 Bingley Parish: (9) Bingley and Micklethwaite Township 1,187 Morton, East and West - Township | 223 Guisley Parish : (0) Carlton - - - - - - Township 23 Guisley - - - - - Township 236 Horsforth - - - () Chapelry 573 Rawden - - - - - Chapelry 335 Yeaden - . . . () Township Harewood (part of) Parish : (*) Alwoodley - • Township Harewood - - - - - Township Weardley - - - - - Township i Wigton - - - - - - Township Wike - - - - - - Township i Ilkley (part of) Parish : (*) Ilkley - - - - - - Township Otley (part of) Parish : (*) Baildon - - - - - - Chapelry | 531 Bramhope - - - - - Township Burley - - - - - - Chapelry 187 Esbolt - - - - - - Township Hawksworth - - - .. Township Menstone - - - - - Township i 45 Otley - - - - - - Township Poole - (+)... Township 06 72 427 70 422 168 142 849 191 33 95 96 Til 92 164 75 139 35 254 242 c 496 550 522 19 1,348 178 69 2,679 366 1,200 187 90 60 40 58 GO A Scioara a 1,331 188 504 163 179 146 1,509 150 696 192 144 111 1 1,556 144 355 323 257 3,065 294 633 21 546 649 60 39 248 | 1,057 3,798 481 13,679 13,653 27,332 6449 767 1,570 207 175 382 643 5,174 5,336 56 STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE. (East Division.) Addingham (part of) Parish : () Addingham - - - - Township 319 319 | 12 Arncliffe (part of) Parish : (3) Buckden - - - - - Township Barnoldwick Parish : (*) Barnoldwick - - - - Township 259 Brogden - - - - - Township Coates - - - - - - Township Satterforth - - - - - Township Bracewell • • • • • • • Parish Broughton-in-Aredale Parish: Broughton, with Elslack • Township Burnsall Parish : (0) Appletreewick - - - - Burnsall, with Thorp-sub- Montem - - . . Township Coniston, with Kilnsay · Chapelry Craco - - - - - - Township 40 saa 116 691 117 50 325 1,334 233 17 07 47 361 119 75 101 Gioco co worlww 225 202 427 Tov 143 312 + a2 166 329 137 179 $2 The entire Parish of Addle contains 1,028 Inhabitants. Brearey | Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 911 Inhabitants. and Cookridgc are included in the Return of Addle, cum Eccup Town (*) Otley Parish is partly in the Lower Division, partly in the Upper Saip. The entire Parish of Bingley contairis 7,375 Inbabitants. Division of Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 9,358 Inlja- (). The entire Parish of Guisley contains 8,409 Inhabitants. An bitants. - Addingham Parish is parily in Upper-Claro Wapentake. Imigration of above 100 persons to America, is noticed on the Return The entire Parish contains 1,650 Inhabitants. A considerable fluctuation com Horsforth Township, but the increase of the cloth manufactory and in the Population has occurred since 1811, manufacture liaving tlourished, caching-niills (especially at Yeaden) outweigh that cause of diminution but since declined.-- () Arncliffe Parish is mostly in the West Divi- opulation in the Parish at large. () Harewoud Parish is partly lsion of Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentale.- @) The entire Parish of pper-Clary and Lower-Skyrack Wapentakes. The entire Parish | Barnoldwick contains 2,350 Inhabitants.-- The cntire Parish of lains 2,348 Inhabitants. (W) Ilkley Parish is partly in Upper- | Burnsall contains 1,423 Inhabitants. 50 418 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration, COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: FAMI- ALL | chiefly | OTHER TOTAL Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OP FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in | Manu- | the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 141 180 64 145 222 606 1,218 IIII III CITI A mai 69 و 70 175 139 170 33 345 ن | 36 23 24 59 | بن 43 464 508 170 1,643 4,673 134 972 9,223 663 4,550 315 23 - - Parish V 102 348 262 244 352 933 506 1,870 937 254 691 659 33 401 67 262 211 108 13 215 121 386 32 32 94 81 365 1,350 787 175 1,904 753 CO I 100 i 10-11 ori 140 137 13 930 367 27 1 HOUSES: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Oc. cupied. STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE. (East Division)-continued. Burnsall Parish-continued. Harlington - - - - - Township Hetton, with Bordley - - Township Rilsdon - - - - - - Chapelry Carleton - - - - - - - Parish 235 Gargrave Parish : (0) Bank-Newton . - - - Township 22 23 Coniston, Cold - - - Township Eshton - - - - - - Township 11 Flasby, with Winterburn - 'Township Gargrave - - - - - Township 193 193 Keighley - - - - - - - Parish 1,823 11,850 Kettlewell, 103 with Starbotton ( 39 Kildwick Parish : ) Bradley's-Both - - - Township go 90 Cowling - - - - - Towuship 329 Farnhill, with Cononley - Township 255 Glusburn - - - - - Township 139 144 Kildwick - - - - Township Silsden - - - - - - Chapelry 374 Steeton, with Easburn - - Township 137 Stirton, with Thorlby - - Township 29 Sutton - - - - - - Township 196 Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale, Parish: () (part of) Calton - - - - - - Township 16 18 Linton Parish: () Grassington - - - - Township 224 Hebden - - - - - • Township 71 Linton - - - - - - Township Threshfield - - • - - Township Martin - - - - - - - Parish Skipton (part of) Parish : (6) Barden - - - - - - Township Bolton-Abbey - - - - Chapelry Draughton - - - - - Township Embsay, with Eastby - - Township Halton, East, with Bolton - Township Skipton - - - - (8) Township Thornton - - - - - - - Parish 310 7,217 STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE./ 7,037 (West Division.) Arncliffe (part of) Parish : (b) Arncliffe - - - - - Township Haltongill - - - - - Chapelry Halton, West - - - - Township Hawkswith - - · · Township Litton - - - - - - Township Bentham Parish: (i) Bentham - - - () Township 392 414 Ingleton • - - - - Chapelry 255 Langcliffe - - - - - Township 74 91 Bolton, by Bowland - - - Parish 216 91 168 77 537 144 555 1 1,092 2 10 224 498 983 377 8 485 195 135 130 180 182 178 107 313 237 382 202 ou mwili i II Año collo 11 00 ACO - 123 63 64 219 127 144 279 137 461 135 400 69 1,584 899 861 141 3,411 1,829 72 1,827 930 462 108 217 274 1,663 4,973 581 18,178 18,753 36,931 102 189 114 CON CINNI 102 41 1,008 2,102 255 91 111 1,094 653 199 '649 0,3 1,302 420 11 77 221 605 226 121 600 1,205 (9) The entire Parish of Gargrave contains 1,659 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Kildwick contains 9,595 Inhabitants. The incrcase of trade is mentioned on the schedule from Cowling Township. At Silsden, nail-making and weaving of cotton and of worsted, have much increased. (9) Kirkby-in-Nallam-Dale Parish is mostly in the West Division of Staincliff and Ewcross Wapentake. (f) The entire Parish of Linton contains 1,910 Inhabitants. (8) Skipton Parish is partly in Upper- Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 5,479 Inhabitants. One female in Skipton Township upwards of 100 years of age.---() Ancite Parish is partly in the East Division of Staircliffand Ewcross Wapentake. The entire Parish coutains 1,063 Inhabitants. (i) The entire Parish of Bentham contains 3,824 Inhabitants. A fax mill has been established at Bentham, M.DCCC:XXI. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI. | FAMI: ALL LIRS LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, ſprized in Manu-" the Two AGRI- factures.) preced- CUL JorHandia ing TURE. craft. | Classes. OT FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. c 130 53 556 201 205 283 495 176 a 69 69 982 351 175 141 148 366 380 746 65 328 STAINCLIFF & EWCROSS WAPENTAKE. (West Division)-continued. Clapham, Parish: (*) Austwick - - - - - Township Clapham, with Newby - - Township | Lawkland - - - - - Township Giggleswick, Parish: (1) Giggleswick - - - - Township Rathmill - - - - - Township Settle - - - - - - Township Stainforth - - - - - Township Gisburn, Parish: (m) Gisburn - - - - Township Gisburn-Forest - - - Township Horton - - - Township Middop - - - Township Nappa' - - - - - - Township Newsholme - Township Paythorne - - - - - Township Rimmington - - - - Township 65 281 291 47 a lei 153 731 124 1,508 777 . 111 47 235 126 126 329 690 81 249 008 457 187 12 52 48 190 25 19 av mat a la III 44 34 34 41 44 108 75 242 698 127 334 37 + 588 187 46 204 made and to il may 133 40 102 279 loco 733 254 225 479 181 167 348 Horton-in-Ribblesdale - - - Parish Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale, Parish : (") Airton - - - - - - Township Hanlith - - - - - - Township Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale - Township Malham - - - - - Township Malham-Moor - - - Townsbip Otterburn - - - - - Township Scosthorpe - - - - - Township Long Preston, Parish : (0) Hellifield - - - - - Township Long-Preston - - - - Township Wigglesworth - - - - Township Mitton, (part of) Parish: (F) Bashall-Eaves - - - - Township Bradford, West - - - Township Grindleton - - - - - Chapelry Mitton - - - - - - Township Waddington - - - - Chapelry Sawley, with Tosside - - - Extra-P. Sedbergh Parish : (9) Dent - - - - - - Township | Garsdale - - - - - Chapelry | Sedbergh - - - - - Township 1 Slaidburn Parish : 0) Bowland-Forest, High - Township Bowland-Forest, Low - Township Easington - - - - - Township Newton - - - - - - Township Slaidburn - - - - - Township Thornton-in-Lonsdale Parish : (5) Burton, Black - - - - Township Thornton - - - - - Township 58 107 185 292 579 272 564 1,125 186 546 50 52 ci met 159 324 336 687 131 98 351 264 297 561 372 879 1,782 403 143 411 903 345 1,018 679 334 1,004 328 2,022 35 mooi aap 135 181 52 80 112 156 257 290 102 179 244 291 237 360 501 581 904 112 156 432 472 144 109 383 746 147 110 ვნ. 288 247 535 15,211 5,456 13 130 2,252 2,262 | 942 | 13,889 13,991 27,880 D - ..^) The entire Parish of Clapham, with Newby, contains 1,889 Inha contains 4,483 Inhabitants. Two cotton mills and two woollen factories, bitants. The entire Parish of Giggleswick contains 2,817 In. have been established since 1811.- ) The entire Parish of Slaidburn habitants.- (m) The entire Parish of Gisburn contains 2,530 İnha contains 2,583 Inhabitants. Bowland-Forest is deemed to entend into bitants. () Kirkby-in-Mallam-Dale Parish extends into the East Whalley Parish (Blackburn Hundred, Lancashire.) (*) The entire Division of Stainclitt and Ewcross Wapentake. The entire Parish con Parish of Thornton-in-Lonsdale Parish contains 1,281 Inhabitants. A tain 1,005 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Long Preston contains cotton factory causes an influx of Inhabitants from other places. The 1,491 Inhajitants.-- ) Mitton Parish is parily in Lancashire (Black Inhabitants of Ireby (Lancashire,) resort to the Parish church of burn Hundred.) The entire Parish contains 5,025 Inhabitants. Ani Thornton-in-Lonsdale. increase of manufacture is noticed. ) The catire Parish of Sedbergh 1 420 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK. : COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)- continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By LIES OK how EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. mauv Inhabited. Families Oc- cupied. Building. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- | ALL 1 LIES THER chiefly chiefly families em- ed in not com- prized in the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. cralt. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ployed | TRADE, · in Manu- | MALES, TOTAL OP PERSONS 203 91 164 1,518 og fl. ' 992 392 194 202 396 701 639 214 226 1,340 440 1. I og II l III of 11 Tierw os co ni www oi :D ! 97 189 85 227 | 452 92 81 166 115 | 494 1963 120 235 221 469 1136 437 .134 662 1,412 43 84 86 436 Ô own Ala STAINCROSS WAPENTAKE. Cawthorne ---- () Parish Darefield (part of) Parish : (0) Ardsley - - - - - Township Worsbrough - - - - Chapelry Darton Parish : () Barugh - - - - - - Township Darton - - - - - - Township Kexborough - - - - Township Felkirk Parish: (*) Brierly - - .. . - Township Havercroft, with Cold- Township Hiendley: - - Hiendley, South - Township Shafton - - - - - Township Hemsworth , - - - - - - Parish Hoyland, High, Parish: (*): Člayton, West - - - Township Hoyland, High - - Township Skelmanthorpe -'( ) Township Penistone Parish : () Denby - - - - - Chapelry 262 Gunthwaite - - - - Township Hunshelf • .a Township Ingbirchworth - - - - Township Langsett - - - - - Township Oxspring - - - - - Township Penistone - - - - - Township 135 Thurlestone - - Township 289 301 Royston Parish: (2) Bretton, Monk - - - Township Carlton - - - - - Township Chevett - •' (+) Township Cudworth - - - - Township Notton - - - - Township Roystone - - - - • Township 110 Woolley and Emley .. Chapelry Silkstone Parish: (*) Barnesley : (a) Township 1,441 11,599 Bretton, West (part of) - Chapelry 176 Cumberworth -- () Chapelry 215 225 Dodworth - -. () Township 217 Hoyland-Swaine e Township 140 Silkstone - - - 154 Stainbrough - - - - Township 39 Thurgoland - - - - Township Tankersley Parish : (b) Tankersley - - - - Township 103 106 Wortley . . . - • Chapelry 173 Wragby (part of) Parish : (*) Ryhill - - - - - - Township 29 29 Winterset - - - - - Township 27 27 750 43 218 198 173 Iron ore! Tiina O NAS 218 169 152 126 367 325 247 52 121 325 645 320 797 727 1,524 Tim.m.III AIIIII in 487 916 and IPA w co 161 14 253 429 165 13 234 364 266 240 326 27 487 175 339 283 242 4,285 8,284 189 215 3,999 175 625 594 was so ar ļ mario 670 6ვვ 151 364 1,295 1,227 738 807 194 IIIIII 81 103 382 356 370 130 437 88 ΔΟ 106 185 426 393 819 316 300 and I 625 904 178 448 456 - me to 2 14 20 • 69 147. 135 6,012 | 6,346 65 103 | 1.953 3,644 749 16,960 15,952 32,912 ( ) A new canal and colliery hare caused an increase of the Population | ants. The Township of Baruesley flourishes greatly, containing all kinds at Cawthorne. (u) Darefield Parish is mostly in Strafforth and Thick of linen manufacture, besides iron foundries and wire-drawing. Its Popu- hill Wapentake. ☺ The entire Parish of Darton contains 2,176 lation in 1811 was no more than 5,014, now 8,284. Dodworth partakes Inhabitauts... (w) The entire Parish of Felkirk contains 1,042 Inha in the linen manufacture, and the collieries have increased at Silkstone. bitants. (*) The entire Parish of High-Hoyland contains 1,122 West-Bretton is partly in Great-Sandall Parish (Aybrigg Wapentake); Inhabitants, exclusive of Skelmanthorpe, part of which is in Emley Pa Cumberworth includes that part of Skelmanthorpe which is in the Parish rish, but its Population is included in Cumberworth-Half (Kirk Burton of High-Hoyland. Cumberworth is partly in Kirk-Burton Parish, Agbrige Parish, Agbrigg Wapentake.) The Population of the High-Hoyland part Wapentake (Upper Division,) and contains together 2,415 Inhabitants. of Skelmánthorpe is included in Cumberworth-Half (Sillistone Parish), in () The entire Parish of Tankersley contaius 1,529 Inhabitants. this Wapentake. ) The entire Parish of Penistone contains 5,042 © Wragby Parish is mostly in Upper Osgoldcross Wapentake, and is Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Royston contains 3,126 Inlia- | partly included in Sharlston (Agbrigg Wapentake.) bitants. (3) The entire Parish of Silkstone contains 13,728 Inhabit- M.DCCC.XXI.] 421 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)—continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: FAMI. | FAMI- OR ALL OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. LIES LIES employ. Families em- 1 ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 346 72 140 liri 83 168 234 620 466 -in 232 551 1,171 131 111 326 242 623 i I 297 201 216 417 1 179 181 360 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL WAPENTAKE. (North Division.) Adwick-le-Street Parish: (0) Adwick-le-Street - - - Township Hamphall, with Stubbs - Township Adwick-upon-Dearne - - - Parish Barnbrough - - - - - - Parish 89 Bentley, with Arksey - - - Parish Blyth (part of) Parish : (0) Austerfield - - - - Chapelry Bolton-upon-Dearne - - - Parish 1 Brodsworth Parish: Brodsworth, with Pickburn, Township 1 and Scansby - - - Township Claytoli, with Frickley - - - Parish Darfield (part of) Parish: (*) Billingley - - - - - Township Darfield - - - - - Township Houghton, Great - - - Township Houghton, Little - - - Township Wombwell - - - - Township Doncaster (part of) Parish : () Langthwaite, with Tilts - Township Ecclesfield Parish: (b) Aldward . - - - - Township Bradfield - - - - - Chapelry Ecclesfield - - • • Township 1,356 Hickleton Parish : Hickleton - - - - • Township Hooton-Pagnell (part of) Parish : () Bilham - - - - - - Township Hooton-Pagnell - - - Township | Marr - - - - - - - - Parish Melton, High - - - - - Parish 116 98 214 239 138 49 273 149 63 287 112 811 400 411 11 10 1 Wri ii cuori i Armii i I NW noi , che con i Innoli 22 35 2,814 3,696 2,484 3,467 5,298 7,163 68 gr 153 74 326 162 83 70 642 137 1,259 625 Chapelry 270 Township | 770 1,883 1,252 3,797 1,914 CCA Township 3,308 6,615 96 Rotherham (part of) Parish: (K) Greasbrough - - - - Kimberworth - - - - Sheffield (part of) Parish : (0) Brightside-Bierlow - - Sprotbrough Parish : (m) Cateby - - - - - - Sprotbrough • - - - Thurnscoe . . . Wath-upon-Dearn Parish: () Brompton-Bierlow - (™) Hoyland, Nether - - - Swinton - - - (n) Wath-upon-Dearn ... Wentworth - - - - Township Township Parish 73 164 169 318 98 107 205 CU I in II Na Ora 11 630 235 218 193 633 621 250 608 Township Chapelry Chapelry Township Chapelry 199 534 480 516 1,263 1,229 1,050 1,001 1,269 196 203 246 521 642 234 127 627 17,464 8,076 2,483 4,189 1,404 19,558 | 19,107 | 38,665 (9) The entire Parish of Adwick-le-Street contains 486 Inhabitants. Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 409 Inhabitants. (W) The ) Blyth Parish is mostly in the Hatfield Division of Bassetlaw, entire Parish of Rotherham, which is partly in the South Division of and partly in Southwell and Scrooby Liberty (Notts. It is also partly Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentake, contains 9,633 Inhabitants. in the South Division of Strafforth and Tickħill Wapentake. The entire (1) Sheffield Parish is mostly in the South Division of Strafforth and canish contains 3,456 Inhabitants. Darfield Parish is partly in | Tickhill Wapentake. The entire Parish of Sprotbrough contains DaIncross Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 3,820 Inhabitants. 487 Inhabitants. (n) The entire Parish of Wath-upon-Dearn con- (5) Doncaster Parish is mostly in Doncaster Soke. (b) The en tains 4,812 Inhabitants. The increase of potteries, furnaces and col. ure Parish of Ecclesfield contains 12,496 Inhabitants.- ) Hooton: lieries is noticed in the Return from Brampton-Bierlow, and the earthen- maguell Parish is partly in the South Division of Strafforth and Tickbill ware manufacture in that from Swinton. КР 422 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES OR LIES chiefly 1. TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: 1 FAMI- { All OTHER chiefly Lemplov.l Families em- ed in not coin- ployed | TRADE, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, proced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. ОР FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 376 w 179 400 180 270 776 359 556 286 w 268 I I II 61 495 122 T 543 1,027 c i 217 221 170 281 438 301 131 296 577 546 596 1,142 1 mio ma 101 88 60 189 81 141 226 112 114 358 723 Na w 270 1,104 324 365 281 1,069 326 551 2,173 650 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL WAPENTAKE-continued. (South Division.) Anston, North and South, Parish : Anston, North and South - Township | 152 Armthorpe - - - - - - Parish Aston, with Aughton • - (0) Parish Barnby-upon-Don Parish: (P) Barnby-upon-Don - - Township Thorpe-in-Balne - - - Township Blyth (part of) Parish : (9) Bawtry - - - - - Chapelry; Braithwell Parish : (5) Braithwell - - - - Township Bramley - - Township, Cantley : - - - - Parish Conisbrough - - - - - - Parish Dinnington - - - - - - Parish Edlingtoni - - • - - - Parish Firbeck * - - - - - - Parish Fishlake Parish : (*) Fishlake - - - - - Township Skyehouse - - - () Township Handsworth * - - - - - Parish Harthill, with Woodall - - - Parish Hatfield Parish: (9) Hatfield - - - - - Township Stainforth - - - - - Townsbip Hooton-Pagnell (part of) Parish: (º) Stotford - - - - - Township Hooton-Roberts - - - - - Parish Laughton-en-le-Morthen Parish : (W) Gilden-Wells * (+) - Township Laughton-en-le-Mor . Township then * - - - - Letwell* - - • - - Chapelry Throapham - - - - Township Woodseits * - - - - Township Kirk-Sandall - - - - - Parish Maltby Parish : (*)! Hooton-Levett . - - Township Maltby - - - - - Township Mexborough Parish : (). Dannaby - - - - - Township Mexborough* - - - Township Ravenfield - - - - - Parish Rotherham (part of) Parish : (2) Brinsworth - - - - Township Catcliffe - - - - - Township, Datton - - - - - Township Orgreave - - - - - Township Rotherham - - - - - Town Tinsley - - - - (2) Township 959 989 347 | 1,948 1 694 II AG 42 a 052 II III IIIIIIIIIII li wao ili od III I 135 50 135 192 I 42 351 i 079 I 70 141 865 427 102 108 117 105 101 225 202 97 225 III i 26 1,681 162 124 21 1,867 165 3,548 327 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. O The Return from Aston-with-Aughton included part of Ulley, in | Inhabitants. South-Bramwith Township is now included in the Return 181i; the whole of which is now attributed to Treeton Parish. of Stainfurth. An inclosure has taken place in Hatfield since 1811.- © The entire Parish of Barnby-upon-Don contains 617 Inhabitants. (U) Hooton-Pagnell Parish is mostly in the North Division of Strafforth (9) Blyth Parish is partly in the North Division of Stratforth and and Tickbill Wapentake. (W) The entire Parish of Laughton-cn-le- Tickhill Wapentakc; partly in Southwell and Scrooby Liberty, (Notts. ;) | Morthen contains 1,055 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Maltby but mostly in Bassetlaw, Hatfield Division, (Notts. The entire Parish contains 774 Inhabitants. (Y) The entire Parish of Mexborough con. contains 3,456 Iuliabitants. The entire Parislı of Braithwell con t ains 1,006 Inhabitants. 2) Rotherhain Parish is mostly in...me tains 739 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Fishlake contains | North Division of Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentake. A new colliery 1,274 Inhabitants. Onc female in Skyehouse Township upwards of has been opened at Tinsley. 100 years of age. The entire Parish of Hatfield contains 2,642 M.DCCC.XXI.) 423 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OR TOTAL many Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIES | chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-| Families en ed in not com- Trade, I prized in | Manu- / the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ployed Tara Building Op FEMALES. MALES. TL PERSONS. By how EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families OC- STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL cupied. WAPENTAKE: (South Division)-continued. Sheffield (part of) Parish : (*) Attercliffe, with Darnall • Township 680 Ecclesall-Bierlow - () Township 1,814 | 1,912 Hallam, Nether - - · Township Hallum, Upper - - - Township 189 1195 Sheffield • - - - - - Town 8,726 Stainton, with Hellaby - - Parishi 41 99 78 384 237 1,541 259 | 628 70 520 61 1,615 4,526 1,659 523 20,815 119 1,670 97 158 1,557 4,587 1,541 495 21,342 99 1,793 102 157 3,172 9,113 3,200 1,018 42,157 218 38 דרך 215 3,463 199 315 vida cocow 32 22 54 948 1,830 210 לל 136 364. 175 105 203 111 300 W OA NOI 314 146 614 277 169 335 131 166 439 220 420 859 98 22 212 432 44,151 45,093 89,244 SI Thorpe-Salvin - - - - - Parish Thribergh - - - - - - Parish Tickhill Parish : (6) Stancill, with Wellingley, and Wilsick - - - Township 10 Tickhill - - - - - Township Todwick - - - - - - - Parish 40 Treeton Parish: (9) Brampton-en-le-Morthen • Township Treeton • - - - - Township Ulley - - - - - () Township Wadworth - - - - - - Parish 124 Wales * - - - - - - - Parish Warmsworth - - - - - Parish Whiston - - - - - - - Parish 188 Wickersley - - - • - (0) Parish 98 17,893 18,645 91 1,729 4,303 11,965 2,377 RIPON Liberty. Feliskirk (part of) Parish : (*) Feliskirk - - - - - Township - 2 Kilburn (part of) Parish : (*) Hood-Grange - - - - Township Kilburn - - - - - Township 103 Nidd, with Killinghall - - - Parish Ripon (part of) Parish : (8) Aismunderby, with Bondgate Township 114 121 Bishop-Monckton - - Chapelry 106 Bishop-side, High and Low Township Bishop-Thornton - - - Chapelry Bishopton - - - - - Township Clotherholme - - - - Township Eavestone - - - - - Township Givendale . - - - - Township Grantley, with Skeldin .. Township Hewick-Bridge - - - Township Hewick-Copt - - - - Township Ingerthorpe - - - - Township Markington, with Waller-> thwaite - - Township - - Marston, with Moseby Township Newby, with Mulwith - Township Nunwick, with Howgrave - Township RIPON - - Borough & Township Sawley - - - - - Chapelry Sharrow - - - - - Township 1001 50 278 251 1,081 273 228 551 479 2,072 991 325 322 647 47 136 8 16 NIII os i no hili wow A NII i 34 73 II IIIIIIIIIIIII III 31 233 77 wo Polo, wilölwidth 131 44 - 457 87 77 164 32 20 15 52 28 1,009 13 2,449 2,114 252 4,563 490 238 42 61 103 * Partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York. (*) Sheffield Parish is partly in the North Division of Strafforth and Ulley, wbich is partly in the Parish of Aston-with-Aughton. (d) An Ticklill Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 62,105 Inhabitants. inclosure of land has taken place at Wickersley. ( Feliskirk Parish At Ecelesball-Bierlow, the low ness of the poor's rate is said to cause an is mostly in the North Riding (Birdforth Wapentake.) () Kilburn influx of Inhabitants; and an inclosure has taken place at Thorne. Parish extends into Birdforth Wapentake, North Riding.-- () Ripon (). The entire Parish of Tickhill contains 1,884 Intiabitants.-- () The Parish is partly in Lower Claro Wapentake. The entire Parish contains entire Parish of Treeton contains 703 Inhabitants, including the whole of 13,096 Inhabitants. 424 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding) continued. PERSONS: OR TOTAL Inhabited. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families ein- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- ForHandi. ing TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS 46 152 HOUSES: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Oc. cupied. RIPON Liberty-continued. Ripon Parish continued. Skelton - - - - - - Chapelry | 73 Stainley, North, with ? Township Leningford - - -S Sutton-Grange - - - Township Warsill - - - - - - Township Westwick - - - - - Township Whitcliff, with Thorpe · Townsbips 2,422 2,517 | 1390 Borough of Doncaster ... - - () - 1,789 1,798 21 64 180 205 314 385 86 86 27 68 157 980 712 6,008 6,123 12,131 CASTER 307 1,184 307 3,857 4,687 8,544 186 Tou 392 DONCASTER Soke. Doncaster (part of) Parish : (*) Balby, with Hexthorp - Sandal, Long, with Wheatley Township Finningley (part of) Parish : (0) Blaxton - - - - - - Township Loversall - - - - - - - Parish Rossington - - - - - - Parish ño 00-II WA 67 117 131 04 197 186 383 223 160 14 583 600 1,183 889 877 59 12 278 956 134 147 26 31 1,768 233 1 292 1,476 1,688 1,022 A w JC Allein LEEDS, Town and Liberty of. Peters, St. Parish : (*) Armley (+) - - - - Chapelry | 855 Beeston - - - - - (k) Chapelry 357 Bramley (+)- - - - Chapelry | 952 983 Chapel-Allerton - - - Chapelry | 337 347 East-Division (+) · - Township 1,768 | 1,823 Farnley - - - - - Chapelry 265 271 Headingley, with Burley - Chapelry 390 390 Holbeck - - - - - Chapelry 1,477 1,498 Hunslet or Hunfleet - - Chapelry 1,709 | 1,721 Middle and Kirkgatel • Township | 972 1,035 Division (+) -s Milbill Division (+) - Township 554 North-East, Lower ? - - Division (+) Township 2,102 North-East, Upper Division (+) - S Township 1,410 North-West, Lower Division (+) - - Township 1771 | North-West, Upper Division (+) Township 1,003 1,033 -s Potter-Newton -'. • Township 132 134 South Div;sion (+) - - Township 1,104 1,135 Upper Division (+) - - Township 654 661 Wortley (+) - - - - Chapelry 607 1628 2,134 829 2,459 819 3,662 667 1,024 3,533 4,033 2,339 1,275 4,473 2,139 841 2,462 859 4,039 665 1,130 3,618 4,138 2,430 1,756 4,721 4,273 1,670 4,921 1,678 7,701 1,332 2,154 7,151 8,171 4,769 129 3,031 419 1,963 9,194 261 3,473 6,518 3,045 1,801 136 2,003 3,804 241 arraio 184 949 395 547 2,316 308 2,710 1,508 1,597 2,561 356 2,791 1,700 1,582 4,877 664 5,501 3,208 3,179 264 47 17,419 17,836 114 1,165 610|14,890 2,336 40,532 43,264 83,796 (h) Doncaster Parish (which includes the Borough of Doncaster) is partly in the North Division of Strafforth and Tickhill Wapentake. The entire Parish contains 9,117 Inhabitants. Finningley Parish is mostly in the Hatfield Division of Bassetlaw (Notts.) The entire Parish contains 782 Inhabitants.- (k) The Townships of Beeston- Shaw, Cottingley-Hall, New-Hall, Parkside, Royds and Snickells, are now included in the Return of Beeston Township. An increase of the blauket manufactory is noticed at Arınley, new mills at Holbeck, and the flax trade in other Townships, as causing an increasc of Population. M.DCCC.XXI.] 425 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding.) PERSONS : FAMI- ALL By WAPENTAKES, TOTAL &c. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES LLES OTHER chiefly chiefly | employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. ог Building FEMALES. PERSONS. 76,712 154,291 77,579 10,218 20,153 10,554 20,772 92,231 Wapentake of AGBRIGG - - - - - - 28,600 30,492 1,310 3,341 23,067 | 4,084 BARKSTONE-ASH ---- 4,101 4,314 15 111 2,561 / 1,205 548 CLARO ------ - 7,6038,055 44 235 2,039 MORLEY - ---- - - 35,509 36,706 504 2,237 31,834) 2,635 OSGOLDCROSS - -:--5,931 | 6,383 3,202 1,702 1,479 SKYRACK ---..7,100 7,396 69 2,104) 4,487 STAINCLIFF and EWCROSS - 112,248 12,673 78 404 3,915 STAINCROSS .--.-6,012 6,346 65 103 1,953 3,644 749 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL - 25,357 26,721 16,154 3,781 93,537 15,262 39,866 185,768 30,278 15,016 18,629 18,467 | 37,096 32,067 16,960 63,709 32,744 64,811 15,952 32,912 64,200 127,909 Liberty of RIPON -....--2,422 2,517 13 90 825 980 712 6,008 6,123 12,131 Borough of DONCASTER - - - - - | 1,789 | 1,798 21 64 3,857 4,687 8,544 Soke of DONCASTER ..... 223 229 1 8 160 55 14 583 600 1,183 Town and Liberty of LEEDS - - - - - - - 17,419 17,836 114 1,165 610 14,890 2,336 40,532 43,264 | 83,796 TOTALS - - - 154,814 161,466 1,275 7,230 | 31,613|108,841 (21,012 397,542 401,815 799,357 5 Q 426 [Enumeration. A BSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (West Riding)--continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. 10 15 20 30 40 Under Wapentake I tol to to i to 15 TOTAL. 10 20 30 of - . . AGBRIGG - - - - 113,352 11,078 9,672 7,862 11,080 8,740 6,581 4,739 12,924 1,282 2701 20 BARKSTONE-ASH - - 1,530 1,458 : 1,295 | 1,009 ) 1,337 | 1,097 i 912 1 707 | 508 | 272 781 4 CLARO - - - - - 2,571 | 2,329 1,934 11,839 | 2,441 | 1,907 | 1,529 1,204 / 918 MORLEY - - - - 12,840 (10,483 8,902 16,903 10,301 | 7,741 15,574 13,902 12,536 |1,105 OSGOLDCROSS - - 2,207 | 2,114 2,037 1,476 | 2,116 | 1,609 1,376 1,042 681 SKYRACK - - - - 2,929 | 2,572 2,200 2,031 2,525 1,856 1,356 | 1,122 | 701 STAINCLIFF and 1 í 5,324 / 4,314: 3,831 | 3,286 EWCROSS - - 4,543 / 3,403 2,608 1.930 1,339 698 STAINCROSS - - - 2,831 2,361 ! 1,931 1,897 2,644 1,887 1,435 988 680 248 80 STRAFFORTH and I } - (10,153 8,384 7,178 6.902 9,296 7,731 5,883 / 3,943 2,661 1,271 TICKHILL - - coeren A 77,600 10,207 17,311 70,5371 15,068 17,820 31,453 16,985 , 63,718 i co O 432 299 RIPON, LIBERTY - -! 896 793 607 DONCASTER, BORO' - 566 522 455 394 DONCASTER, SOKE - 1 821 84 62 LEEDS, TOWN and 1 1 2,007 | 1,540 1,328 1,120 LIBERTY - - 835 671 545 520 493 417 81 70 55 1,670 / 1,268 1,013 6,041 3,857 no ima 583 11,213 Total of MALES - 157,288 48,032 41,560 (35,388 49,389 38,473 29,284 20,957 13,8266,530 1,545 120 1 312,393| FEM A L E S. 20 30 Under Wapentake TOTAL 30 40 of - AGBRIGG - - - - |12,657 10,781 | 9,107 17,982 (12,205 8,735 16,353 4,328 BARKSTONE-ASH - - 1,526 1,385 1,234 1,120 1,516 1,131 1,021 747 | 514 | 2741 98 6 CLARO - - - - - 2,391 | 2,230 1,91 1,665 2,569 1,893 1,480 1,168 862 429 119 10 MORLEY - - - - 112,476 10,000 8,419 7,573 11,450 8,214 5,622 3,947 \2,696 1,044 259 | OSGOLDCROSS - - 2,128 | 1,980 2,000 11,744 2,319 1,705 1,273 1915 | 618 289 91 SKYRACK - - - - 2,804| 2,401 | 2,163 1,892 2,744 1,851 | 1,516 1,060 | 711 STAINCLIFF and 1 5,102 4,483 3,676 3.369 | 4,999 3,629 2,701 11,990 1,397 713 EWCROSS - - STAINCROSS - - - 1 2,668 2,293 1,803 1,804 2,462 1,773 1,259 877 593 STRAFFORTH and TICKHILL - - 76,865 10,572 16,727 71,713 15,069 17,591 32,273 - 15,894 | 1 | 64,103 6,553 10,408 7,696 788 610 - 6,125 - 4,687 RIPON, LIBERTY - - DONCASTER, BORO' - DONCASTER, SOKE - LEEDS, TOWN and ? LIBERTY - - 836 599 534 519 831 85 1,977 1,516 1,331 1,198 761 9701 713 912 553 98 75 1,893 1,345 572 477 50 1,041 439 | 330 297 178 35 19 662 416 589 - 11,607 Total of FEMALES 55,283 46,930 39,747 36,105 54,545 39,313 29,117 20,368 14,147 6,435 1,688 135 2 343,815 THE Total Number of Persons in the West Riding of the County of York was . . . 799,357, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 686,208, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of more than one-seventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the West Riding of the County of York was 668; thirty-four of which including those of the Town of Leeds) (lid not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a sinall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Macs and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 427 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. · s . SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN England. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: TOTAL COUNTIES. Inhabited. By how many Families Occupied. Build Un. Inhabited. FAMILIES FAMILIES ALL OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employed employed in 1 not in comprized TRADE, in the Two Agri- Manufactures, preceding CULTURE. or Handicraft. Classes. Or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 105 202 15,412 24,705 24,876 154 148 622 549 10,754 14,769 16,640 4,827 8,773 8,318 1,792 4,158 3,909 83,716 131,977 134,068 17,373 27,700 28,867 25,603 52,024 51,202 31,804 217 20,869 47,094 43,873 27,246 414 247 1,212 1,820 15,536 18,120 19,302 11,297 6,964 27,105 15,543 13,146 40,385 65,546 64,867 60,301 132,952 124,817 75,600 3,103 6,799 16,357 7,361 121,909 270,098 257,447 156,124 535 43,331 66,431 69,201 61,608 137,146 132,630 80,524 107,460 230,811 75,565 108,573 144,515 155 908 BEDFORD • - - • BERKS : BUCKS ••- CAMBRIDGE - CHESTER ... CORNWALL ... CUMBERLAND DERBY .. DEVON ... DORSET ... DURHAM .. ASEX ..... GLOUCESTER - ...] HEREFORD .... HERTFORD ... HUNTINGDON . . 305 756 40,054 71,486 25,926 32,793 42,404 90,714 30,312 45,940 1,072 3,082 766 14,582 37,037 14,821 9,427 20,505 33,985 10,811 20,212 7,317 19,692 4,680 16,301 105,873 208,229 68,934 99,100 213,333 439,040 144,499 207,673 278 257 966 49,978 59,629 298 83,206 17,160 9,263 144,909 1,164 2,555 289,424 335,843 60,881 72,156 23,170 35,907 13,079 160,451 175,392 51,691 804 20,061 23,178 8,879 21,917 26,170 10,397 509 65,593 13,558 13,485 6,435 30,869 2,726 4,750 1,025 5,633 7.935 2,937 30,180 168 103,243 129,714 48,771 KENT - - - - - - 70,507 85,399 511 426,016 51,552 64,121 24,020 209,833 512,476 86,390 141,570 3,186 5,759 1,141 979 203,173 36,806 58,760 261,871 14,122 1,735 225 302 34,775 24,890. 28,179 3,481 8,015 22,723 13,028 34,900 152,271 20,297 15,845 1,052,859 174,571 283,058 2,879 7,327 520 166 91,122 1,955 533,573 37,278 1,144,531 71,833 24,751 216,183 540,383 88,181 141,488 610,958 34,555 177,476 82,908 103,611 95,382 68,154 9,264 525 179 9,393 6,020 36,368 18,974 11,567 13,664 15,965 74,497 35,552 43,128 38,603 1,269 527 1,166 161,356 6,147 26,201 11,695 20,565 21,832 11,928 4,883 266,892 79,575 96,354 91,491 344,368 162,483 198,965 186,873 190 10,995 35,022 288 859 3,107 28,841 531 8,972 3,905 68,817 136,971 61 2,410 1,034 492 9,223 18,487 LANCASTER . . . 176,449 LEICESTER - ... LINCOLN ... 53,813 MIDDLESEX --- 152,969 MONNOUTH - A 13,211 NORFOLK .... 62,274 NORTHAMPTON .. 32,503 NORTHUMBERLAND 31,526 NOTTINGHAM . . OXFORD.... 25,594 RUTLAND ... 3,589 MALOP ... 38,663 SOMERSET .. 61,852 SOUTHAMPTON STAFFORD .. SUFFOLK on 42,773 SURREY ... 64,790 SUSSEX ... 36,283 WARWICK .. 65,087 WESTMORLAND 9,243 WILTS - - - - . 41,702 WORCESTER ... YORK (East Riding) . 1 . 34,390 - (North Riding) - 35,765 - (West Riding). - 154,314 49,516 287 63,319 429 3,936 41,636 73,537 57,942 68,780 55,064 88,806 43,565 60,123 10,438 47,684 39,006 1,012 1,974 1,943 2,326 656 2,741 1,272 18,414 31,448 24,303 18,285 30,795 14,944 21,920 17,485 27,232 19,810 42,435 17,418 46,811 15,463 39,189 3,801 16,982 18,566 5,737 14,957 13,829 8,060 6,852 27,051 6,182 102,056 170,199 138,373 171,668 232,410 189,871 116,705 104,097 185,115 144,925 169,372 138,232 208,787 116,314 140,565 206,153 355,314 283,298 341,040 270,542 398,658 233,019 270 1,096 576 403 26,779 4,155 113 1,541 25,846 2,408 301 1,129 980 133,827 25,513 108,113 90,259 5,096 24,972 14,926 274,392 51,359 222,157 184,424 294 5,730 5,514 34,738 339 190 1,277 40,499 38,731 161,466 148 15,480 16,737 31,613 835 16,637 11,570 108,841 113,944 04,165 97,688 93,228 401,815 8,382 10,421 21,012 92,761 90,153 397,542 190,449 183,381 799,357 : 1,275 7,230 TOTAL = 1,951,973 66,055 773,732 1,118,295 | 454,690 | 5,483,679 5,777,758 11,261,437 siantonen a 5 Q 2 428 [Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN England. M A LES 30 Under TOTAL. COUNTIES. 10 30 60 468 61,65+ 4,386 4,468 446 63,617 7,180 286 1,108 709 133,175 506 76,239 614 13,675 6,854 454 77,266 13,841 1 - AU 116,498 5,673 354 . 51,345 61,981 22,42 187 o 535 oy 1 47,116 40,760 1 BEDFORD .... 6,444 5,395 4,873 4,255 6,016 4,069 3,643 2,655 1,893 915 208 40,381 BERKS ... 8,908 8,566 7,318 6,056 8,837 6,795 5,740 3,030 1,719 BUCKS - - - 9,573 8,522 7,822 6,469 8,861 6,690 5,825 3,198 1,713 CAMBRIDGE .. 8,573 6,218 5,746 8,475 6,046 4,975 3,545 2,512 54,678 CHESTER .. . - 21,813 18,716 16,306 13,606 19,514 11,922 7,926 5,257 2,575 CORNWALL - . . 18,836 15,945 14,176 12,348 17,641 12,657 10,101 7,685 5,158 2,709 645 117.946 CUMBERLAND . . 11,702 10,226 9,125 7,556 11,523 8,770 6,902 4,630 3,404 1,834 DERBY · · · · · 15,843 14,288 12,580 10,547 14,879 11,085 9,168 6,789 4,680 2,343 102,865 DEVON ... .. 31,617 27,545 23,387 19,959 28,375 23,162 18,193 10,024 5,033 1,226 202,288 DORSET ... 9,893 8,966 8,038 į 6,377 9,046 6,126 4,643 3,533 1,847 65,835 DURHAM .. 11,931 | 10,568 9,230 7,523 10,289 9,657 6,651 5,017 3,741 1,946 ESSEX ..... 21,093 19,270 15,978 13,110 20,109 15,590 13,054 9,091 6,382 2,975 137,389 GLOUCESTER · .. 17,341 15,419 13,658 11,692 17,246 11,192 8,001 5,513 2,809 HEREFORD · · 6,765 6,509 6,114 5,152 7,293 5,738 4,939 3,985 2,920 1,486 HERTFORD · · - 9,423 8,872 7,595 6,140 8,899 6,869 3,999 | 2,742 1,401 HUNTINGDON... 3,416 3,277 2,657 2,279 3,228 2,339 2,012 1,541 526 KENT ...... 27,962 24,564 21,063 . 16,062 23,972 80,201 16,828 | 12,389 8,085 4,072 931 176,19 LANCASTER . . . 74,362 | 62,425 54,879 44,249 62,482 49,705 38,599 34,531 14,947 6,698 1,692 434,706 LEICESTER . . . . 12,660 | 11,826 9,684 8,623 13,202 9,672 8,095 5,926 4,146 2,061 85,854 LINCOLN . ... 20,611 | 18,016 15,471 14,006 20,884 | 15,202 12,826 9,561 6,253 3,234 903 1,37,034 MIDDLESEX ... 59,123 37,014 72,941 | 64,555 49,356 30,478 15,343 5,834 1,086 423,701 MONMOUTH ... 4,891 4,618 4,124 3,732 6,036 4,617 3,664 2,493 822 1269 37,036 NORFOLK .... 24,720 21,602 18,231 16,262 23,903 17,488 14,976 11,100 8,085 4,573 1,137 102,176 NORTHAMPTON .. 10,958 | 9,604 8,312 10,451 7,799 6,861 5,237 4,010 2,127 73,225 NORTHUMBERLAND 9,077 8,333 7,444 6,228 8,905 6,687 5,422 4,116 1,701 504 61,462 NOTTINGHAM - .. 11,416 10,143 9,012 8,100 11,128 7,050 5,179 1,790 76,155) OXFORD - • • • • 8,985 8,169 7,250 7,045 4,296 3,135 1,669 442 63,463 RUTLAND .. 1,318 1,186 1,060 993 1,290 959 853 674 550 253 9,905 SALOP .... . 12,881 12,200 11,359 9,378 13,090 9,974 8,909 6,201 4,669 2,406 91,741 SOMERSET . . . . 23,625 20,155 17,729 14,980 22,770 17,112 10,258 7,383 3,546 152, SOUTHAMPTON .. 21,178 19,189 15,822 12,562 17,785 15,595 | 12,541 9,114 6,357 3,119 134,14 STAFFORD · · · · 21,032 13,244 | 18,953 | 14,926 11,835 8,121 5,363 2,746 132,114 SUFFOLK ... - 20,054 17,765 15,284 13,021 | 18,236 13,684 11,339 8,657 3,482 128,959 SURREY - .- 19,530 17,520 15,311 12,299 20,370 17,952 15,082 9,803 5,591 2,437 136,160 SUSSEX · · 16,860 15,058 13,008 10,030 14,003 11,209 9,322 6,853 4,736 2,580 105,133 WARWICK .. 12,418 10,677 9,476 8,383 12,385 9,392 7,830 5,940 4,299 2,206 WESTMORLAND - - 3,837 3,333 2,862 2,583 3,798 2,790 2,384 1,712 1,287 738 WILTS - - - - - - 15,788 13,745 12,356 | 10,461 15,035 11,132 7,193 5,271 2,677 WORCESTER ... 11,861 10,685 9,293 7,893 | 11,934 9,296 7,997 5,500 3,920 80,994 YORK (East Riding) - 13,905 | 12,429 10,834 9,009 13,035 10,402 9,586 6,587. 4,194 - (North Riding) - 1 10,252 9,840 18,653 / 7,264 | 10,025 7,811 6,450 5,180 3,924 2,252 - (West Riding) · 57,288 48,032 41,560 | 35,388 49,389 38,473 29,284 20,957 13,826 1,545 120 Total of MALES - 739,762 645735 562,209 475,052 | 706,757 555,713 452,514 320,092 215,263 106,697 27,052 1,995 57 41808.89* 1,738 1 7,429 415 2,978 3,568 1 8,155 9,624 6,979 1 5,840 1 06 1 1 - 16,307 1 6,502 1 - 1 83,604 25,536 104,022 - 9,568 746 353 w 2,024 2,181 601 w 684 92,80 72,407 342,393 6,530 THE Total Number of Persons in ENGLAND was ....11,261,437, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . . 9,830,461, . . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one-eighth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. M.DCCC.XXI.) 429 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. . - -:- SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN England. FEM A L E S. Under 20 30 40 65 or COUNTIES. TOTA 30 40 100 TO 92 6,807 552 4,717 . . 620 554 Xo1 8,781 3,300 5,002 420 514 15,52 BEDFORD · · · 6,410 5,434 4,551 4,560 7,538 4,923 3,917 2,808 2,005 232 43,316 BERKS · · · 8,472 8,014 5,836 9,800 7,316 5,983 4,352 3,132 1,712 62,019 BUCKS -.. 9,538 8,763 7,153 6,710 11,206 7,889 6,579 3,247 1,825 478 68,137 CAMBRIDGE .. 8,668 7,338 5,787 5,769 9,401 6,147 5,177 3,603 2,474 1,216 | 289 55,881 CHESTER - - - - 21,260 18,332 15,297 14,306 23,068 15,925 12,007 7,801 5,428 2,859 846 137,200 CORNWALL ... 18,216 15,780 13,270 12,661 20,574 14,264 11,260 8,838 6,412 3,368 1,031 125,757 CUMBERLAND 10,349 10,024 8,508 7,851 13,322 9,560 7,281 5,501 4,214 2,159 707 79,567 DERBY .. 15,418 13,926 12,242 10,918 16,704 11,924 8,936 6,423 4,500 2,260 103,921 DEVON .. 30,76727,361 22,398 21,648 36,977 27,509 20,708 15,971 12,062 6,191 223,635 DORSET ... 9,712 8,759 7,563 6,921 11,800 8,513 6,957 5,100 3,829 1,897 71,676 DURHAM .. 11,397 10,204 8,619 8,202 13,024 9,252 7,372 5,576 4,134 2,239 802 80,933 ESSEX . . 20,373 18,384 14,756 13,014 23,337 15,738 12,531 6,351 2,911 136,059 GLOUCESTER 16,921 15,120 12,921 12,114 19,802 14,144 11,650 8,257 6,014 121,286 HEREFORD 6,823 6,368 5,522 . 8,029 5,921 4,959 3,744 1 2,947 1,514 51,454 HERTFORD 9,032 8,103 7,071 6,328 10,284 7,378 5,775 3,895 2,779 1,395 62,482 HUNTINGDON . 3,482 3,134 2,586 2,264 3,642 2,560 2,010 1,523 1,156 23,025 KENT - ..... 27,056 24,197 19,680 17,098 29,814 21,619 16,320 11,226 7,539 3,727 179,357 LANCASTER . . 71,941 60,663 52,597 48,795. 76,326 55,362 39,495 23,965 15,961 7,622 454,755 LEICESTER - ... 12,671 11,332 9,258 8,836 14,748 10,442 8,098 5,673 4,217 2,064 87,912 LINCOLN .. . . 19,689 17,872 14,363 14,026 22,614 12,706 9,127 6,431 3,241 972 136,654 SIDDLESEX ... 63,987 48,919 40,538 46,230 99,877 74,655 51,800 33,161 19,088 7,836 11,831 488,133 MONMOUTH ... 4,832 4,384 3,607 3,425 5,424 4,112 3,251 2,231 1,873 926 34,417 NORFOLK . .... 24,483 21,754 17,177 16,292 | 28,146 19,646 16,523 12,036 8,696 4,839 1,456 4 171,195 NORTHAMPTON - . 10,810 9,607 17,822 7,295 12,290 7,291 5,466 4,120 1,948 75,937 NORTHUMBERLAND 8,577 8,004 6,931 6,855 10,808 7,328 5,804 4,343 3,295 1,833 601 64,475 NOTTINGHAM -- 11,124 9,921 8,491 7,959 13,301 9,062 7,110 5,004 1,778 77,767 OXFORD .... 8,820 8,027 6,691 6,190 7,208 6,072 3,157 1,557 62,449 RUTLAND .... 1,249 1,142 922 1,454 976 910 713 561 299 9,244 SALOP ..... 12,631 12,317 10,554 9,300 14,181 10,528 8,399 6,261 4,865 2,441 92,429 SOMERSET . . . . 22,908 19,906 16,536 16,317 27,845 20,221 15,959 11,476 8,593 4,247 165,357 SOUTHAMPTON .. 20,638 18,822 15,072 13,740 23,536 17,506 12,970 9,494 6,278 3,183 142,169 STAFFORD - ... :9,984 18,548 14,718 12,951 21,813 14,997 11,732 7,902 5,597 2,808 784 131,919 SUFFOLK .. . . 19,640 17,545 14,252 12,888 21,660 15,121 12,287 8,987 6,695 3,577 133,874 SURREY ... 19,495 17,391 14,233 13,616 25,349 19,544 14,797 9,828 6,160 144,049 SUSSEX ... 16,372 14,761 11,893 9,759 16,041 11,360 8,616 6,174 4,409 102,280 WARWICK ... 10,613 8,711 8,425 14,629 10,033 8,280 5,907 4,283 2,247 86,007 WESTMORLAND. 3,617 3,262 2,790 2,401 261 4,024 2,955 2,393 1,911 1,414 800 25,848 NILTS ... - - 15,443 13,457 11,414 10,689 17,987 12,903 10,819 7,999 5,791 2,872 110,190 WORCESTER ... | | 11,537 10,759 8,926 8,329 14,266 9,893 8,016 | 5,676 4,034 2,211 84,366 YORK (East Riding) . 13,380 | 12,041 10,662 16,332 11,562 9,506 6,666 4,508 2,335 692 il 97,544 - (North Riding) - 9,934 9,386 7,574 7,278 11,184 8,254 6,963 5,150 4,105 2,328 834 | 4 73,073 mo (West Riding) - 55,283 | 46,930 39,747 36,105 54,545 39,313 29,117 20,368 14,147 / 6,435 1,688 1 135 2 343,815 Total of FEMALES - | 725,202 636,604 530,226 499,638 845,469 | 607,867 468,336 328,077 230,009 114,572 32,5642,888 111 $5,021,563 314 477 3,508 475 9,767 4,443 938 S 1,120 2,849 2,292 572 4611 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from ENGLAND, was 14,532; three hundred and ninety-four of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked ( +) throughout the Abstract. 430 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Wales. - - - Upper, Abore, Higher. Highest. Lower. - - Ach, Uch, Uwch, Uchaf, - Is, Ys, - . - Isaf, - Cwm - Dwr, Dr, - Eglwys, - Llan, - Mawr, - Tre, Tref, Y - - Ym, Yn, Yng - Yr, - - . Lowest. a Valley. Water. a Church. a Church, an Inclosed place. Great, Large. a House, Home, or Village. of, on. in, at. the. M.431 2 . .1.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, Į GEO. IV. C. 94. DCCC County of Anglesey. HOUSES: PERSONS: - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL OTHER OR . TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI fuctures, preced- CUL: Tor Handi- jug TURE. craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. ОР PERSONS. LLYFON Hundred. 178 549 160 568 172 1,117 332 191 93 98 03. a II a 225 203 428 All I i I am! Ta 241 244 485 273 BODEDERN - -:- (2) Parish Bodwrog - - - - Parish Ceirchiog - - - Parish Holyhead - - Parish Llanbeulan - - - - (b) Parish Llandrygarn, - - - - (9) Parish . with Gwndy - - - - Chapelry Llanfaelog - - - - (b) Parish Llantrisaint (part of) - (9) Parish Llanllibio - - - - () Chapelry Llanynghenedle - - - () Parish Llechcynfarwydd - - - - Parish Llechylched - - - - (b) Parish Rhoscolyn (part of) Parish : (0) Llanfair-yn-eubwll - - Chapelry Llanfihangel-yn-howyn - Chapelry Trewalchmai (part of) - () Parish 538 308 589 19 maa 265 281 48 164 202 150 41 89 367 203 210 117 267 148 162 120 m 310 205 85 ! 100 133 264 131 2,742 1,046 1,078 | 8 | 22 805 | 199 2,852 5,594 MALLTRAETH Hundred. Parish 1,204 Parish 186 621 189 174 375 211 385 Aberffraw - - - - (b) Cerrigceinwen - - - - - Heneglwys - - - - - - Llanbeulan - - - - (b Llangadwaladr, otherwise Eglwys-ael - - - Llangristriolus - - --- Llangwyfan - - - - ( Trefdraeth - . - - (5) Tregayan (part of) - - () Trewalchmai (part of) - - - 188 404 835 421 415 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 113 97 210 601 278 323 200 206 406 879 678 197 145 2,180 2,241 4,421 MENAI Hundred. ( 181 203 Aberffraw .. - - . Llanddaniel-Fab - - Llanedwen - - - - Llanffinnan - - - - Llanfihangel-Esceifiog - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 123 ? 166 76 384 289 154 - .517 ( 258 259 (©). The Parishes or Parochial Chapelries of Bodedern, Budwrog, and Llandrygarn (with Gwndy) are deemed to be, or formerly to bave been, within the Parish of Holyhead, which is partly in Llyfon, partly in Tal-y-bolion Hundred, but is entered at the end of the County. (b) Ceirchiog, Llanfaclog, and Llechylched, in Llanbeulan Parish.---) Llanllibio, Llechgwenfarwydd, and Rhodogeidio (Menai Hundred) in Llantrisaint Parish. .(d) Llanynghenedle and Llanfigel (Tal-y-bolion Hundred) in Llanfachraeth Parish.- ) Llanfair-yn-eubwll and Llanfihangel-yn-howyn, in Rhoscolyn Parish (see Menai Hundred.)- -) Trewalchmai, in Heneglwys Parish...-- (6) Llangwyfan in Trefdraeth Parish. The subjoined Notes of a different kind, are severally referred to by the same marks of reference as above. c) Llanbeulan Parish is partly in Malltraeth Hundred, but the whole of population is ascribed to the cessation of war.- O) Llanbeulan is entered in Llyfon Hundred - Llantrisaint Parish is partly in Parish is partly in Llyfon Hundred, and there wholly entered. (5) The Menai Hundred. The entire Parish contains 979 Inhabitants. increase of Population in Trefdraeth Parish is attributed to the erecting © Rboscolyn Parish is partly in Menai Hundred. The entire Parish of new buildings on the inclosure of the Malltraeth Marsh. (l) Tres contains 1,024 Inhabitants. Most part of Trewalchmai is in gayan Parish is partly in Menai Hundred, and there wholly entered. Malltraeth Hundred; the Church is in Llyfon Hundred. The increase Trewalchmai Parish is partly in Llyfon Hundred. (b) Aber. of population is attributed to the building of many cottages since 1811. ffraw Parish is wholly entered in Malltraeth Hundred. (j) The in The entire Parish eontains 670 Inbabitants. (h) Aberffraw Parish is .crease of 145 persons in the Parish of Llanfihangel-Esceifiog is attributed partly in Menai Hundred, but the whole is here entered. The increase to the establishment of a colliery, and improvement in agriculture. :. I 5 3 Q 432 (Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ANGLESEY-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- 1 PERSONS : Crn PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By LIES / LIES ALL 1 OTHER chiefly employ- OR chiefly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TYT Inhabited. hovy many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. Of em- ployed in AGRI- CUL- TURE. Families ed in not con Trade, pri prized in | Manu- the Two factures, preced- urHandi- ing craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. MENAI Hundred-continued. 21 1 75 154 77 832 184 103 333 905 355 128 586 1,737 688 277 1,121 149 535 20. 21 Llangaffo - - - - - () Parish Llangefni - - - - () Parish 324 Llangeinwen, Isaf, and Uchaf .-'. () Parish 141 Llangwillog - - - - - - Parish Llanidan, - - - - - (i) Parish with Llanfair-yn-y-Cwmmwd Chapelry Llantrisaint (part of) Parish :(9) Rhod-y-geidio - - - Chapelry Newborough, St. Peter's, Parihl 106 or Llanbdr-Newborough of Rhoscolyn - - - - () Parish 111 Tregayan (part of) - - Parish 27 36 38 153 148 412 301 756 140 344 197 111 27 102 25 81 509 178 1,374 1,484 | 4 46 1,076 254 | 154 3,359 1 3,706 7,065 70 149 149 399 81 103 395 382 332 187 176 212 70 199 TAL-Y-BOLION Hundred. Holyhead - - - - - () Parish Llanbabo - - - - - - (m) Parislı Llanbadrig Parish : (0) Cemmaes - - - - - Township Clygyrog - - - - - Township Llanddeusaint - - - (2) Parish Llanfairynghornwy - (m) Chapelry Llanfachreth - - - - - - Parish Llanfaethly - - - - (1) Parislı Llanfecheli - - - - - - Parish Llanfigael - - - - - - Parish Llanfflewyn - - - - º Parish Llanfwrog - - - - (n) Parish Llanrhwydrus - - - () Parish Llanrhyddlad - Parish 714 399 375 324 246 51 - OE OOO A Cor 157 167 125 121 204 TIITINI NINIco 412 174 208 609 66 75 1,035 141 122 20 62 60 137. 148 28.5 38 30 134 39 30 134 84 87 2269 171 622 302 320 931 1,283 1 6 9 964'112 | 207 2,345 2,662 5,007 1,096 5,292 2,588 22 155 43 TWRCELYN Hundred. Amlwch - - - - Parish Bodewryd - - - - () Parish Coedana - - - - - (P) Parish Llandyfrydog - - - (0) Parish Llanelian - - - - (P) Parish Rhôs-Peirio - - - - Chapelry Llaneugrad - - - - (9) Parish Llanallgo - - - - (9) Chapelry Llanfihangel-trer-Beirdd (9) Parish Llanwenllwyfo - - (s) Parish Penrhos-Lligwy - - - - Parish 59 114 234 7. ie iw i ico 362 2,704 21 150 333 591 305 695 1,184 w 22 50 l 325 72 152 325 392 70 593 28 173 205 151 245 261 pod 54 91 54 187 145 249 296 494 92 102 102 I w 264 525 11,898 2,201 18 20 913 327 961 4,783 4,818 9,601 O) Most part of Llantrisaint Parish is in Llyfon Hundred. (1) Tregayan Parish (containing Yrddreiniog in Tyndeathwy Hundred) is partly in Malltraeth Hundred, but wholly entered in Menai Hundred. The Town of Llangefni bas greatly increased since 1811. (1) The Parishes or Parochial Chapelries of Llanddaniel-Fab, Llanedwen, and Llanfair-yn-y-cwmmwd, are deemed to be, er forinerly to have been in Llanidan Parisb. () Llanffinnan, in Llanfihangel-Esceifog Parish.- (K) Llangaffo, in Llangeinwen Parish. And Treyayan, in Llangefni Parish. (in) Llanbabo and Llanfairynghornwy, in the Parish of Llanddeusant.--/n) Llantwrog, in Llantaethly Parish. (0) Llanfflewyn and Llanrhwydrus, in Llanrhyddlad Parish. (") Bodewryd and Coedana, in Llanelian Parish ----(9) Llanallgo, in Llaucugrad Parish,- ) Llanfihangel-trer-Beirdd, in Llandyfrydog Parish.— (s) Llanweullwyfo, in Amlwch Parish. (1) Beaumaris, Llanbedrgoch, Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf, and Pentraeth, in Llanddyfnan Parish.— (0) Llandysilio, in Llanfair-pull-gwyngyll Parish.--(w) Llanfihangel- tyn-sylwy and Llangoed, in Llaniestyn Parish. The subjoined Notes of a different kind, are referred to by the same marks of reference as above. Q) Holyhead is entered at the end of the County.-- () The entire | thereto. The increase of population at Llanelian is attributed to Parish of Lanbadrig contains 1,113 Inhabitants.-- () The entire a greater number of persons being einployed, at this tinc, in the Amuch Parish of Llanddeusaint contains 699 Inhabitants. (5) About the year mines, than in the year 1811. The entire Parish of Llanelian) contains 1811, there was a considerable emigration of men (with their families) 1,234 Inhabitants. ----(9) The entire Parish of Llaneugrad contains 7?? engaged in the copper mines from Amlwch to Liverpool, and other places, Inhabitants.-- ) The 44 tamiilies in the 3d colunin of occupations, i owing to the want of employment; but the mines having materially in- | Llanwellwyfo Parish, are miners. proved of late years, the increase of population at Amlwch is ascribed M.DCCC.XXI.) 433 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF ANGLESEY-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAM. ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how TOTAL OR many cm- Families Inhabited. Un-Iuhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FAMI LIES LIES chiefly | OTIIER chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Og Building Oc- ployed FEMALES. MALES. cupied. PERSONS. AND I 192 199 203 391 179 382 199 201 421 810 147 389 342 266 364 706 99 98 227 115 TYNDAETHWY Hundred. Beaumaris - - - - () Llanbedr-Gôch - - - () Llanddona - - - - - - Llandd; fnan - - - - () Llandegfan - (+) - ja Llandysilio - - - - Llanfaes - - - - - •'. Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf (9 Llanfair-pwll.gwyngyll us Llanfihangel-Tyn-sylwy (Ⓡ) Llangoed • - - - - Llaniestyn - -- - (W) Llansadwrn - - - . . . Penmon. - - - - - - - Penmynydd - (+) - - - Pentraeth - - - - O 157 149 105 45 158 114 11 105 114 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 20 379 111 12 251 11 493 213 712 479 78 552 283 333 333 228 41 300 150 172 37 105 49 The Oriwa II wier 252 133 161 126 283 437 165 48 103 185 291 110 105 165 186 254 402 537 839 1,465 1,514 5 | 149 1,144 90+4 3,588 3,511 7,099 464 64 228 | 172 988 1,217 2,205 Borough of BEAUMARIS - - Borough and Parish Town of Holyhead -.. (*) Parish 759 KO! 881 1 | 23 | 33 543 | 236 102 1,876 2,1954,071 0 BEAUMARIS Borough and Parish is entered at the end of the the Parish of Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf, is attributed to the very County. The increase of Population in Llanddyfnan Parish, is extensive inclosures of coinnion land which have taken place of late attributed to the inclosing of a large common, on which several houses years, aud upon wbich, and in other parts of the Parish, 45 houses have been built. The works carrying on at the new road, and the have been erected. (*) The increase of Population in Llangoed and bridge over the Menai, near to Llandegfan, are the reasons assigned for | Penmon Parishes, is ascribed to the building of the Menai bridge. the increase of Population in that Parish. (u) The increase of The increase of Population in Pentraeth Parish is attributed to the Population in the Parish of Llandysilio, is attribuied to its particularly | inclosing of a large common within the Parish, and to the building of healthy situation, to the continuance of peace, and to a number of persons | several houses. (^) Holyhead Parish is parily in the Hundred of employed at the Menai bridge. The increase of Population in Llyfon, parily in the Hundred of Tal-y-bolion, but wholly entered here. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. 805 678 Hundred of LLYFON - - - - - - - |1,046 1,078 | 8 22 MALLTRAETH - --| 879 | 920 8 16 MENAI ---... TAL-Y-BOLION - - 931 1,283 TWRCELYN - - - 1,898 2,201 TYNDAETHWY . . 1,076 964 2,742 2,180 3,359 2,345 4,783 2,852 2,241 3,706 2,662 4,818 3,588 5,594 4,421 7,065 5,007 9,601 7,099 913 1,144 3,511 Borough of BEAUMARIS - - - - - | 385 464 7 64 228 172988 1,217 2,205 Town of HOLYHEAD - .... HOLYHEAD 2,195 4,072 759 881 23 33 543 236 102 18,737 |9,825 | 73 | 174 6,187 1,702 1,936 1,876 22,784 TOTAL - - - 8, 23,279 45,063 5 R 434 [Enumeration . ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ANGLESEY-continued.. Ages of Persons. MALE S. Under : Hundred i of TOTAL TOTAL . .. 2,8061 2,111 * LLYFON - .-.- MALLTRAETH - - - MENAJ - ---- TAĻ-Y-BOLION - TWRCELYN -- TYNDAETHWY. - - 1988 BEAUMARIS, BORO' - 133 HOLYHEAD, TOWN -1 333 . Tatal of MALES -- 3:332 3,171 2618 2,076 2,929 2,247 1,882 1,249981 - 1,848 19 - 21,148 I E M A L E S. [ Hundred of TOTAL SO LLYFON : - - - 2,943 MALLTRAETH - - - 2,179 MENAT - - - - - 3,705) TAL-Y-BORION 12,589 TWRCELYN . - - 2 4,815 TYNDAETHWY .. - 2,924 2 1,217 BEAUMARIS, BORO' - 111 HOLYHEAD, TOWN 360 2,195) Total of FEMALES - 13,203 2,926 2,362 2,219 3,585 12,596. 2,229 1,464 22,567 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Anglesey was . . . 45,063, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 43;715, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of one thirty-tirird. part of the Persons therein enuinerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect, The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Anglesey was 76; two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females; but the appearance of inaccuracy chiefly arises from Parisbes extending into more than one Hundred, but not so distinguished in the Return of Ages. M.DCCC.XXI.] 435 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO: IV. Č. 94.. County of Brecon. : HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: FAHI PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES ALL OTHER OR By how many Families LIES chictly em- | chiefly employo ed in TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. Or Oc- Families not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRÍ: \factures, preced- CUL• orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, FEMALES. MALES, cupied. PERSONS. BUILTH Hundred. 28 114 246 110 106 110 105 216 230 211 120 106 a 90 164 49 113 202 105 75 149 230 444 195 373 280 ALTHAUR - - - - - - Parish Llan-afan-fawr Parish : (*) First Division - - - - - - Second Division - - - - - - Third Division - - - - - - Llys-dinan - - - - - - Hamlet Llan-afan-fechan, or . . b) Parish Llan-fechan - - Llan-ddewi-Aber-gwessyn - - Parish Llan-ddewi'r-Cwm · · · - Parish Llandulas (New Church) or Tyr-Abbot - - - - - Parish Llan-fair, otherwise Builth - Parish Llanfihangel-Aber-gwessyn - Parish Llanfihangel-bryn-Pabjoan Parish : ) Llanfihangel - - - - - Hamlet Rhosferig - - - - - - Hamlet Llan-gammarch Parish : (0) Pen-buallt - - - - - - Hamlet Treflis - - - - - - - Hainlet Llan-ganton - - - - - - Parish Llan-gynog - - - - - - Parish Llan-leon-well - - - - () Parish Gwaravog (part of) - - - Hamlet Llan-wrthwl Parish : (*) Lower Division - - - - - Upper Division - - - - - - Llan-wrtyd Parish : (*) Claudd-madog - - - - Hamlet Llechweddol - - - - - Hamlet Llan-ynys - - - - - - Parish Maes-Mynis - - - - - - Parish 259 241 508 Iconos ö mv 484 178 59 152 57 No 144 282 138 116 119 235 147 183 157 . 173 84 158 304 356 161 300 coor 142 1,247 2 52 682 377 1881 3,133 | 3,181 6,214 195 104 533 1,008 475 166 73 12 165 331 vw con 284 1,000 781 1,781 1,181 228 653 528 93 1,101 CRICKHOWELL Hundred. Crickhowell. . . - - (€) Parish Llan-beder - - - - - (b) Parish Llanelly Parish: () Aberbaidan - - - - - Parcel 324 Maesgwartha - - - - - Parcel Llanfihangel-Cwmda Parish : (j) Blayney - - . - - - Parcel Kenol - - - - - - - Parcel Kilwych - - - - - - Parcel Tretower - - - - - - Parcel Llangattock Parish : (*) Penallt Prisk and Killey - - Parcels Llan-genny .. . - - - Parish Llan-gynider Parish : () Blaine and Dyffryn - - • Parcel! 100 Vre - - - - - - - . Parcel 124 Partrishoi - - - - - - Parishi 15 toa 113 107 159 151 178 220 312 300 153 149 303 wuo A e o Acra A 302 808 1,947 1,139 177 30 96 204 381 104 376 . 452 253 45 264 828 517 92 47 C 1,679 mol 1.794 105 508 1,092 104 4,862 4,214 9,076 Vlora II. . :. we 1. The entire Parish of Llan-afan-fawr contains 903 Inhabitants. (8) One male upwards of 100 years of age, in Crickhowell Parish. Gwaravog Hamlet is partly in Llan-afan-fechan Parish, partly in 1 in) Llan-beder Parish includes Bysych and Graiuwen Parcels. Llan-lleon-well Parish, where the whole is entcred. (C) Llanfihangel i Aber-baidan and Maesgwartha Parcels form the Parish of Llanelly. and Rhosferig Hamlets form the Parish of Llanfihangel-bryn-Pabjoan. The entire Parish contains 2,962Inhabitants.-- (1) Blayney, Kenol, The entire Parish contains 366 Inhabitants.- Pen-buallt and Treflis | Kilwych and Tretower Parcels form the Parish of Llanfihangel-Cwmdů. namlets form the Parish of Llan-gammarch. The entire Parish contains The entire Parish contains 1,010 Inhabitants. ----(*) Penallt, Prisk, 992 inhabitants. (c) The entire Parish of Llan-wrthwll contains 517 and Killey Parcels, form the Parish of Llangattock, Blaine, with 7 bitants. Claudd-madog and Llechweddol Hamlets form the | Dyffryn, and Vro (Parcels,) form the Parish of Llan-ggnider. The citire irish of Llan-wrtyd. The entire Parish contains 660 Inhabitants.- Parish contains 1,345 Inhabitants. in hine . 436 [Enumeration. ABSTIACT OF ANSWF.RS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BRECON-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FA HI- Ву OR how 1. TOTAL · EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI I ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families en ed in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ing TUHE. craft. ! Classes. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS cupied. - 21 158 . 256 258 103 102 514. 194 ..91 325 156 351 ! Tara 3 I 676 I!! I I 184 340 198 DEVYNNOCK (z) Hundred. David, St. or Llan-faes, (part of)? Upper Division in - (m)s Devynnock Parish: (oj . Callwen, or Cravin-Glyn-2 tawy . - . . .1 Chapel Cray - - - - - - - Hamlet Glynn - - - - - - - Hamlet Maescar . (+) - - - Hamlet Senny - - - - - - - Hamlet Llan-spythid -- - - () Parish Nodrydd - - - - - - Hamlet Pen-Pont . - - - - - Hamlet Llywell Parish : (P) Trayan-Glase - - - - - Hamlet Trayan-Mawr - - - - - Hamlet Ysclydach - - - - - - Hamlet Penderyn, Lower Division (9)7 Upper Division 1 Ystradgynlais, Lower Division (1) 70. - Upper Division -/+ Ystrądvelltey, Lower Division()).. Upper Division of • 85 113 153 85 160 358 384 264 338 203 196 454 570 141 575 742 602 399 1,024 · 281 1,134 348 140 II III allo ..559 Pan 173 | 175 . - *+ Holci 221 162 228 449 149 311 419 338 3,881 - 3,904 7,785. 141 183 10 1 mo lopo 183, 1 110 ao 88 1 Paris 275 11,545 1,557 MERTHYR Hundred. Aberyskir - - - - - - - Parish Battle - - - - - - - - Parish 38 Garth-Brengy - - - - - Parish John, St. 'the Evangelist (part of) Parish: (0) Venny Vach, or Little Aber-1 Hamlet - 24 gavenny - - - - - Llan-de-failog-fach - - - (4) Parish Llanfihangel-fechan - - Chapelry Llandeilo-Vane, Lower and Upper Divisions - - - Llanfihangel-nant-brâne, (W)] Lower Division - - -}. Parish Upper Division - - - Llantħew (part of) (1) - - - Pa Merthyr-Cynog Parish : () Dyffryn Honddu, Lower Di-7, vision - - - - - - - Upper Di-1 - Hamlet vision - - - - - - Yskir-Vawr - - - - - Hamlet Yskir-Vechan - - - - Hamlet Trallong - - - - - - (2) Parish 6 155 . 120 1 . III. . i III + 1 216 1 101 : 98 123 1 1 0 123 130 159 1,786 221 253 . 336 177 1 1 L 674 698 442 589 93 16 1,769 3,555 (m) Must part of St. David's Parish is in the Borough of BRECON, 10 Most part of St. John the Evangelist is in the Borough of Brecon. which is entered at the end of the County.- Callwen or (0) The entire Parish of Llan-de-failog-fach contains 400 Inba- Cravio-Glyn-tawy, Cray, Glynn, Maescar and Senny Hamlets, form bilants.---(W) The entire Parish of Llanfihangel-nant-brâne contains the Parish of Devynnock. The entire Parish contains 1,826 Inhabitants. 549 Inhabitants.-- () Llanthew Parish is partly in l'enkelly Hundred. (0) The entire Parish of Llan-spytlid contains 511 Inhabitants. The entire Parish contains 309 Inhabitants. ) Dyffryn-Houddu,. (P) Trayan-Glase, Trayan-Mawr, and Ysclydach Hamlets form the Lower and Upper, Yskir Vawr and Yskir-Vechan, Hamlets, forin the Parislı of Llywell. The entire Parish contaius 1,743 Inhabitants. Parish of Merthyr-Cynog. The entire Parish contains 895 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Penderyn contains 1,305 Inhabitants. (*) Trallong Parish is partly in. Devynnock Hunnuck, but the whole The entire Parish of Ystradgynlais contains 1,482 Inhabitants. is entered in Merthyr Hundred. (*) The entire Parish of Ystradvelltey coutains 760 Inhabitants. . M.DCCC.XXI.] 437 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF BRECON-—continued." HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By LIES OTHER OCCUPATIONS : FA | FAMI- | All LIES chiefly chiefly Families employ- CWU- cd in not con- in OR TOTAL how inany Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. ployed Building. or FEMALES. Oc- MALES. TRADE.Iprized in Manua' the Two factures,/ preced- PERSONS. cupied. ACRI- factures, CUL- ing JorHandi- craít. TURE. Classes. ܟܨ 151 122 ao I c | I!!! | 112 ܙ ܟܬ ܟܬ 165 76 139 a 69 138 n It 107 215 ܙ 112 1 21 ܒ ܝ PENKELLY Huudred. Cantreff, Lower Division - () Parish Nantddu - - - - - Chapelry Llandefailog-Treyr-Graig - ) Parish Llanywern - - - - Township Llangastey Talyllyn - - - Parish Llanhamlach, Lower Division Parish Llecfaen - - - - - (9) Hamlet Llansaintfraed - - - - - Parish Llanthetty Parish : (0) Dyffrin - - - - - - Hamlet Vro - - - - - - - - Parcel Llanthew (part of) - - - () Parish Llanvigan Parish: () - Glynn-Collwn or Upper Division Hamlet Penkelly, or Lower Division Hamlet Llanvilo - - - - - - - Parish Llanvrynach - - - - - - Parish Llanywern - - - - - - Parish Talachddu - - - - - - Parisb Vainor Parish: (5) Coed-y-Cumar ... - Hamilet Dyffryn - - - - - - Hamlet Geili - - - - - - - Hamlet 149 av 2007 ܙ ܝܕ II 233 281 141 ܩ ܒ C2 144 169 161 175 ܩ ܒܝ carora 145 175 136 165 70 100 289 344 297 340 150 199 ܛ ܟܬ co 99 750 33 ܟܨ ܝܕ ܚܕ la ar 871 82 109 90 1,621 172 217 1 45 23 108 1,006 1,173 40 542 577 54 1 2,696 2,630 5,326 TALGARTH Hundred. 152 154 102 306 85 187 268 Broyn-llis - - - - Cathedine - - - - | Crickadarn, North - South - - Glasbury (part of) - - Aber--llunvey - - - Pipton - - - - - Ģwen-ddwr, North - - Parish - - Parish Chy Parish! () - () Parish - - Hamlet - - Hamlet 1 ܝܕ ܝܝ | ܙ ܝܢ 144 89 175 124 86 227 53 443 100 79 216 47 73 135 152 - South .. (k) Parish 259 290 146 124 144 142 590 188 330 ܕ ܕ ܨ ܟ ܙ ܗ 173 729 166 179 VOANNão OTAC I col Ailinowo www or co 164 61 1,319 339 343 127 23 31 ܙ ܟ 7 110 185 83 92 183 Hay - - - -- - - () Parish Hay - - - - - - - Town Llandevalley, North? -(m Parisht! incarca South - Llan-elieu - . -'. . . Parish Llanfihangel-Tal-y-llynn - - Parish Llangorse, Lower and Upper () Parish Llan-Igon - - - -.. (°) Parish Glyn-vach - - - - - - Hamlet Llyswen - - - - - .. - Parish Talgarth - - - - - (P) Borough Forest - - - - - - - Hamlet Groyne-vawr - - - - - Hamlet Groyne-vechan - - - - Hamlet - Pwll-y-wrach - - - - - Hamlet Trevecca - - - - - llanlet 366 110 183 296 35 224 520 76 10 | ܗ 33 68 371 140 698 35 93 € ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܟ 23 54 178 47 100 165 135 251 1,490 1,565 | 8 117 744 571 250 3,573 3,791 1 7,364 Nantddu is the Upper Division of Cantreff Parish. The entire | Gelli Hamlets, form the Parish of Vainor. The entire Parish contains Parish contains 273 Inhabitants. Llandetailog-Treyr-Graig, sepa. | 2,010 Inhabitants. (h) The entire Parish of Cricladarn contains rately returned in 1811, is included in Llanywern Township, which also 443 Inhabitants. One fenale upwards of 100 years of age.-- () The includes Trevinon, part of Llangurse Parish in the Hundred of Talgarth. must part of Glasbury Parish is in the Hundred of Pains-Castle, County Landevailog-Treyr-Graig and Trevinon are united for all parochi::l pur of Radnor. The entire Parish contains 1,423 Inhabitants. (k) Thic poses, and the Township of Llanywern is quite distinct from the Parish entire Pirish of Gwen-ddwr contains 5-19 Johabitants. ----(1) The entire of that name. (5) Llecfaen is the Upper Division of Llanhainlach Parish of Hay contains 1,649 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 Tanish. The entire Parish contains 277 Inhabitants. (“) Dyffrin and years of age in the Town of Hay.- (m) The entire Parish of Llan- to form the Parish Llanthetty. The entire Parish contains 514 Inha devalley contains 68.2 Inhabitants. Trevinon, partly included in bitants. () Most part of Llanthew Parish is in Merthyr Hundred, the Return of Llanywern Townslij, is partly in Llangorse Parisli. and therc entered. (f) Glynn Collwn, or Upper Division, and Pen () The entire Parish of Llan-Iyon contains 596 Inhabitants. The ells, or Lower Division, form the Parish of Llanvigan. The entire entire Parish of Talgarth contains 1,439 Inhabitants. Satish contains 633 Inhabitants.- () Coed-y-Cuniar, Dyffrin, and ! 5 S 438 [Enumerationi. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BRECON-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL By FAMI- LIES chiefly OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Fanilies Oc- cupied.) Building | Un-Inhabited. LIES chiefly Orner en- employ. Families ed in nor com- Trade, prized in | Manu.' | thelwo AGRI- | factures, preced- CUL- lor Handi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. Borough of BRECON. 1 54 DO Castle Inn (+) - - - (9) Extra-P. Christ's College - - - (5) Extra-P. David, St. or Llan-faes,} Parish 238 Lower Division - - John, St.-the-Evangelist, }(0) Parish ! 360 Upper Division - - Lower Division - Chapelry 430 0 716 1,516 v 730 870 1,600 I > 930 988 12 34 174 574 240 1,939 2,254 4,193 (?) Castle-Inn, Extraparochial, not separately returned in 1811..mi (0) Christ's-College although surrounded by the Borough of Brecon, is in the County of Brecon, and not subject to the jurisdiction of the magistrates of the Borough. This Extra-parochial place was not sepa- rately returned in 1811. ) The Upper Division of St. David's Parish is in Devynnock Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,009 Inhabitants.- 0) St. John the Evangelist's Parish is partly in the Hundred of Merthyr. The entire Parish contains 3,244 Inhabitants. The Chapel of St. Mary is in the Lower Division of this Parish. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OP BRECON. Hundred of BUILTH - - - - - - - 1 3,133 3,181 6,314 CRICKHOWELL - 4,862 4,214 9,076 DEVYNNOC 3,881 3,904 7,785 1,769 1,786 3,555 MERTHYR -.... PÉNKELLY ...... 2,696 12,630 5,326 TALGARTH - - - - - - 3,573 3,791 7,364 Borough of BRECON - ------ 930 988 12 34 12,254 4,193 Totals -- 18,425 9,029 63 468 4,039 3,703 1,280 | 21,853 | 21,760 43,613 M.DCCC. XXI.] 439 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. Ages of Persons. MAL E S. 100 TOTAL. Hundred irds. BUILTH - - - - - | 3,134 CRICKHOWELL - . 4,760 DEVYNNOCK - - - 3,597 MERTHYR - - - 1,769 PÈNKELLY - - - 2,690 TALGARTH . - al - 3,582 BREĆON, BORO' - - 277 1961 531 1,939 Total of MALES - 2,880 2,765 2,454 | 2,207 3,303 2,496 1,960 1,465 1,116588 212 25 121,472 PEM A LE S. Under TOTAL. Hundred of BUILTH - - - - - 1- 3,191 CRICKHOWELL - - 4,210 DEVYNNOCK · · · 1 3,580 1,783 MERTHYR . . . PENKELLY - - - - - 2,625 TALGARTH • • • 23,784 - 2,254 BRECON, BORO' . 274 384 292 240 155 | 124 74 33 1 Total of FEMALES 2,874 2,610 2,273 2,139 3,405 2,592 1,964 1,457 1,172 702 221 21 221,432 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Brecon was . . . 43,613, • . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were retumed, was ... 42,904... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. : The Total Number of Enumeration Retums received from the County of Brecon was 120; two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redendant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males und Females. 440 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Cardigan. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES OTHER OR TOTAL By v how many Families Oc- Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Or OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- LIES chiefly chiefly Fanilies employ- eill- ed in not com- played Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two factures, CUC lor Hand TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- preced- 31 2,058 73 158 284 70 1,498 65.1 149 321 3,556 138 307 102 605 21 65 135 138 149 230 86 Aarwo 234 222 287 464 455 302 GENEUR-GLYNN Hundred. LALANBADARN-FAWR (partof) Parish :() Aberystwith -:- (a) Chapelry Broncastellan. - - • Township Clarach - - - - - Township Cwmrheidol - - - - Township Elerch - - - - - - Township Melin-dwr - Township Parcel-Canol - - - - Township Trefeirig - - - - - Township Uchayn-y-drè - - - Township Vainor-Uchaf - - - Township Vainor-Issa - - - - Township Yn-y-dre-Issa - - - - Township Llancynfelin - - - - - - Parish Llanfihangel-Geneur-Glynn Parish: (0) Caelan-y-Maesmor - - Township Cyfoeth-y-brenin - - Township Cynill-Mawr - - - - Township Henllys - - - - Township Scybor-y-Coed - - - Township Tyr-y-Mynach -. - Township 233 68 144 158 163 a 317 22 OIII a I a I II I II lai 154 61 141 : 285 153 116 294 626: 114 19 · 341 105 248 340 176 118 86 176 124. 86 156 35 260 444 389 222 393 106, دن 508 784 590 434 735 210 301 212 342 104 138 34 1,997 484 977 5,569 5,294 10,863 111 124 112 551 576 86 wo i 63 63 270 304 167 439 272 153 481 122 320 203 I 920 203 47 172 47 ILAR Hundred. (Lower Division.) Cilcenin - - - - - - - Parish Henfynyw - - - - - - Parish Kilie-Ayron - - - - - - Parish Llan-badarn Tref-Eglwys - - Parish Llan-ddinol - - - - - - Parish Llan-ddewi-Aber-arth - (°) Parish Llanrhystyd Parish : (0) Haminiog - - - - - Township Mevenidd. - • - - - Township Llan-saint-flraed - () Parish Llan-ych-aiarn - - - . - Parish Llan-grwyddon - - - - - Parish Trefilan - - - - - ()' Parish 219 449 833 C 130 145 301 365 145 227 - 84 130 314 395 629 329 227 615 760 1,172 630 33 All man mad II 127 21 543 301 279 133 132 1. 501 . 10 322 50 145 278 - - 772 231 529 3,583 3,892 7,475 . 209 180 1,448 1,532 15 | 14 ILAR Hundred. (Upper Division.) Gwnnws Parish : (5) Gwnnws, Isaf - - - Township Uchaf - - - Township Llan-Afan ...... Parish 64 Llanbadarn-Faur (part of) Parish : (*) Llanbadarn-y. Croyddin, ! - Hemleri, Isaf - - Ham - 4.1 - Uchaf - - - Hamlet 105 Llanfihangel-y-Croyddin Parish: (b) Llanfihangel-y-Croyddin, com, Isaf Township - - - 130 - Uchaf -- Township 153 189 822 657 438 880 886 1 402 484 () Llanbadarn-Fawr Parish is partly in Upper Ilar Hundred. The i Hamlet of Aber-deron (4) Haminiog and Mevinidd Townshi entire Parish contains 8,455 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the Parish of Llanrhystyd. The entire Parish contains 1,375 Indiabi Llanbadarn-Croyddin (sal, is attributed to the erecting of a number of tants. (9) Llan-saint-ffraed Parish includes the Hainlet nl Llan cottages upon the farms in the Township. The families in the 3d column (1) Tref-ilan Parish includes the Hamlet of Tul-y-sari).- !!! of Occupations in Aberystwith Township, are mostly labourers and ma entire Parish of Gwuws contains 777 Inhabitants. The chino ciners. -- () The entire Parish of Llanfihangel-Geneur-Glynn contains Parish of Llanfihangel y-Croyduin contains 1,706 Inhabitants. 3,261 Inbabitants. Llan-ddewi-Aber-arth Parish includes the - M.DCCC.XXI.) 441 " THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.. COUNTY OF CARDIGAN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL OR TOTAL -- YYYY EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many. Tanilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- |- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families en- ed in not com. ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. . U11-Inhabited. Or Building FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. | 11 À Om 221 1245 441 468 ILAR Hundred (Upper Division)-continued. Llan-llar Parish : (i) Llan-llar, Lower - -.. Township - Upper - - - Township Llanfihangel-Llethyr-Froed Parish: (k) Lledrod, Isaf - - - - Township Uchaf - - - Township | Rhosdie - - - - - - - Parish Yspytty-Ystwyth - - - - Parish Yspytty-Ystrad-Meiric - (1) Par: Chap: 1 656 349 225 os 485 Tolino 65 over pico 136 339 114 o 170 pando 56 1,213 | 1,369 9 26 664 337 368 3.393 3,598 6,991 MOYDDYN (m) Hundred. 107 172 216 SA . I am I لا 110 99 114 202 202 تسم 212 212 235 355 222 460 827 1,110 1,009 1,317 1,465 270 235 LOCO 239 423 571 510 687 765 149 279 275 275 109 183 112 221 404 539 499 630 700 121 21.2 198 299 402 117 202 50 Bettws-Bleddws - - - - - Parish Bettws-Leiki - - - - - Parish | Dihewid (part of) - - (™) Parish Kellan - - - - - - - Parish Lampeter-pont-Stephen (partof) () Parish Llanarth, North - South " Llan-disilio-Goge, Lower & Upper, Parish Llandyssul-Ywch-Kerdin(part of) (9) Par. Llan-erch-ayron - - - - - Parish Llanfair-Clydogau - - - - Parish Llanfihangel-Ystrad, Lower -----Upper Parish Llan-granog - - -: : - Parish Llan-gyby - - - - - - Parish Llan-ina - - - - - - Parish Llan-llwchaiarn - - - () Parish Llan-wenog, Lower/ - () Parish Upperſ Llan-wnen'. - - - - - Parish Silian - - - - - - - - "Parish| 50 od Niilid 1 mand i colori ANTI Tood 87 II aCY 390 405 207 2 310 609 174 175 60 co colo 427 829 249 I 132 100 439 218 130 403 er med and 966 too # .185 305 391 237 563 340 400 140 129 44 137 791 277 246 49 40 117 1 2,732 2,788 14 | 45 1,499 529 6,301 6,796 13,097 103 238 475 237 134 144 278 · 38 58 96 ar Over 104 IIII o I co E. PENARTH Hundred. Caron or Tref-Garon, otherwise Isclawdd Parish : (*) Argoed and Ystrad - (") Townships Blaen-Aéron - - - - Township Blaen-Caron - - - - Township Croes and Berwyn - - Townships Tre-Cefel - - - - - Township Tref-Lynn - - - - Township Caron Uwch-Clawdd, 2 otherwisc Strata- Florida Chapelry Llanbadarn-Odyn - - - - Parish Llan-ddewr-brefi Parish: (W) Blaen-Penal - - . . Chapelry Dothie-Camddwr - - Township Dothie-Piscottwr - - - Township 110 66 78 214 144 78 155 353 356 709 226 467 236 III. 62 473 145 125 66 The entire Parish of Llan-Ilar contains gog Inhabitants.com 10. The entire Parish of Llaufihangel-Lleth yr-Frued contains 1,141 In- wants.() The decrease of Population in the Parochial Chapelry 1. spytty-y straed-Meiric is attributed partly to the absence of the Dlars from the Grammar School, when the population was taken. earthely Chapelry is partly in Moyddyn Hundred, partly in Penarth ated, Farish of Llan-ddewi-brefi, where the whole is entered. and Parish is mostly in Troed yraur Hundred, and entered mugly. Lampeter-pont-Stephen Parish is partly in Troedv- ca. The entire Parish contains 937 Inhabitants. The ish of Llanarth contains 2,119 Inhabitants. (4) Llandyssul- in is partly in Troedyraur Fundred. The entire Parish con- tains 2,525 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the Parish of Llanfihangel-Ystrad, is ascribed to the too frequent early marriages which take place in order to enable the parties to have a better claim for Parochial relief. The entire Parish contains 1,014 Inhabitants. ee (3) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan-llwchaiarn, is attri- buted to the revival of the herring fishery at that place. One female upwards of 100 years of age.com () The entire Parish of Llan-wenog contains 1,436 Juhabitants. (u) The entire Parish of Curon contains 2,071 Inhabitants. The Township of Uwch-Clawdd, otherwise Strata Florida, is in Ilar Hundred partly, but wholly entered here. One male upwards of 100 years of age, in Argoed Township.----(W) The entire Parish of Llan-ddewi-brefi contains 2,309 Inbabitants. edure Pwch-Kerdin is partly in 11 5 T 44? ADSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration: - -- - COUNTY OF CARDIGAN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSHIP, I CITIT OF chielly TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS : FAMIL FAMI- ALL DIIS LIES OTUER chietly employ- Families 1 em cd in not com- ployed | TRADE, I prized in | Manu- the Two AGTI- toturns) preced- CUL lorlandia ing TURI. | craft. Classcs. Un-Inbabited. Building TEJALES. DIALES. in PERSONS 4.2 60 122 102 CD - ovog 277 155 49 16 58 PENAPTII IIundred-continued. Llan-ddewi-brefi Parish : continued. Garth and Ystrad - - Township Garthely - - - - - Township Gogoyan - - - - - Township Gorwydd - - - - - Township Gwnfil - - - - - - Townshii Llanio - - - - - - Township Prysk and Carvan Township Llan-geithio - - - - - - Parish Nantcwnlle - - - - - - Parish 144 44 !!!!!!! Cl 249 123 107 529 278 63 149 78 67 08 145 25 Coming 135 101 181 316 332 se 142 ! 319 635 1,131 1,197 | 2 18 758 195 244. | 2,339 2,975 5,814 TROEDYRAUR Hundred, 101 90 26 101 39 79 133 48 224 102 199 TIHAN I lo 73 281 109 203 364 505 211 402 ☺ij5 109 Rosii 331 176 د. زاد لسر لمر AICA 18 360 106 135 22 41 119 I 110 211 402 434 Aber-Porth - ---- () Parish Bangor - - - - - - - Parisi Bettws-Evan - - - - - - Parish Blaen-Porth - - - - - - Parish Brongwyn - - - - - - Parish | Dihewid (part of) (Y) - · · Parish Henllan - - - - • Parish Lampeter-Pont-Stephen, (part of) Parish : (?) Tref-y-coed - - - - - Hamlet Llan-dy-friog - ...(^) Parish Llan-dy-gwydd - - - - - Parish Llan-dissul-Ywch-Keruin, roy Parish (part of) - - - - - Llan-fair-Orllwyn - - - - Parish Llan-fair-tref-helygon - - - Parish Llan-goedmore .. - - - Parishi Llan-gynllo - - - - - - Parish Llech-rhyd - - - - Par: Chap: Mount - - - - - - - - Parish Pen-bryn - - - - - - - Parish Tremain - - - - - - - Parish Troed-yr-aur, Luwer (*) -- Parich 480 526 1,006 233 233 505 1,070 565 193 82 185 378 20 14 54 154 185 125 510 310 101 182 125 76 32 34.6 Os o 82 and on most vand i loro mod - NH 49 431 289 157 88 ūI I er cirii coor w ni now i 181 32 84 346 103 941 599 338 172 1,537 240 366 557 361 308 699 838 46 46 85 109 176 259 131 190 298 - 35 47 100 66 Upper - - Parish 122 122 2 Verwick - - - - - - - Parish [ 72 164 197 5,243 5,904 11,147 2,344 2,355 | 26 | 44 | 1,729 533 93 Borough of CARDIGAN. St. Mary - ... - - - Parish| 439 578 | 45 99 | 192 | 287 970 | 1,427 | 2,397 (*) The increase of population in Aber-Porth Parish is attributed to | Pont-Stephen Parish is in Moyddyn Hundred.--() One female in I the division of several Farms, and to the flourisliing state of the Herring the Parish of Llan-dy-friog upwards of 100 years of age.-- () Most Fishery.- ) Dinewid Parish is partly in Moyddyn Hundred. The part of Llan-dyssul-Ywrch-Kerdin Parish in in Noy'ıldyn Hundred entire Parish contains 462 Inhabitants. Most part of Lampeter. (5) The entire Parish of Troed-yr-aur contains 923 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 443 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CARDIGAN-continued. S UM M A R Y OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CARDIGAN. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : 2 TAI- fami-1 ALL . HUNDREDS, By how many LIIS! LIES chiefly chiefly / OTHER Inhabited. Families Un-Inhabited. Building cmploy- Families 1 ed iii 110tcoin- ployea | TRAVE, Iprized in Manu-' | the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL or Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Oc- FEMALES. MA'LES. TOTAL OY PERSONS. cupied Hundred of GENEUR GLYN- ...| 1,997 2,252 17 | 68 5,294 10,863 ILAR, Lower Divizica .:-1,448 1,532 5 3,892 7,475 ILAR, Upper Division -. -1,213 3,598 6,991 MO YDDYN - MOYDDYN - ..... 2,732 6,796 13,097 PENARTH 758 ......|1,131 - 1.131 1,197 218 5,814 TROEDYRAUR - - ... 2,344 2,355) 26 44 1,729 533 93 5,904 11,147 Borough of CARDIGAN - .... 4391 578 4| 5| 99 192 387 970 1,427 2,397 Total - . - |11,304 12,071 77 220 | 6,312 2,501 3,258 27,898 29,886 | 57,784 444 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TTTT COUNTY OF CARDIGAN—continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. UA Hundred TOTAL . of GENEUR GLYN - - 1 733 5,570 ILAR, Lower Division - 1 352 3,604 ILAR, Upper Division - 4 348 3,377 MOYDDYN - - - .|1,057 689 6,313 PENARTH PENARTH .... 300 2,862 TROEDYRAUR - - - 532 5,243 CARDIGAN BORO' - 1 103 1071 601 22 12 - 970 I Total of MALES - 4,290 4,173 11 127,939 F E D A LES TOTAL. Hundred GENEUR GLYN - - 607 5,294 ILAR, Lower Division - 449 3,857 ILAR, Upper Division - 427 844 6,770 PENARTH - - - 1 - 335 . 2,975 TROEDYRAUR - - 655 i 5,904 CARDIGAN BORO 1871 40 121 21 - 1,4271 Total of FEMALES 4,056 3,974 3,532 2,940 4,627 3,495 2,590 1,955 1,532 786 293 24 12 29,806 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Cardigan was ... 57,784, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 57,745,... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Cardigan was 109; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant -or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.) 445 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Carmarthen. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL LIES oft By chiefly TOTAL employ T EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc. cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- 1 FAMI- LIES OTHER - Families em- ed in notcoin- ployed- | Trade, prized in ed in Manu-' the Two factures, preced- CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. AGR 37 423 469 - 892 43 114 516 165 114 559 172 205 256 1,334 CARNWALLAN Hundred. LLANEDY - - - - - - Parish Llanelly Parish: (1) Berwick • - - - - - Hamlet Borough - - - - - • Hamlet Glyn - - - - - - - Hamlet Hengoed - - - - - - Hamlet Westoac - - - - - - Hamlet Llangennech - - - - - - Parish Llan-non Parish : (6) Bleyne - - - - - - - Hamlet Glyn - - - - - - - Hamlet Goytre - - - - - - - Hamlet Ismorlais - - - - - - Hainlet 393 292 1,287 408 550 321 548 2,621 801 1,047 497 125 125 311 632 96 214 234 448 174 209 146 151 188 192 169 167 362 401 315 318 1,660 1,716 18 | 631 418 4,108 4,277 8,385 22 25 61 110 174 407 49 382 177 401 976 951 783 1,927 33 65 277 CATHINOG Hundred. Breckfa - - - - - (©) Parish Llanegwad (part of) - - d Parish Llanfihangel-Ar-Arth - Parish Llanfihangel-Kilfargan - - . Parish Llanfynydd - ... - - Parish Llangathen - - - - - - Parish Llanlloony - - - - - - Parish LlanvihangelRhôs-y-Corn Parish Parish South - os Llan-y-Crwys (part of) Parish: (8) Fforest - - - - - - Hamlet Pencarreg ... - Parish 414 11 289 228 148 126 146 ܝܕ ܟܬ ܟܙ ܝܕ ܝܙ ܐ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ milena II 32 697 555 715 616 1,412 1,171 148 acroscope a 374 764 126 390 305 293 (146 598 288 615 1 53 156 327 142 298 43 ܙ 99 100 171 199 1,047 175 40 539 508 12 37 | 352 346 | 4,440 4,549 8,989 Cyly-cwm Lower Upper .cz ::}(h) Parish ( 127 Parish 717 Orco II 360 354 931 357 388 949 398 742 1,880 226 106 120 70 61 192 175 158 l ai + m 131 367 150 308 1,774 1,838 CAYO Hundred. 143 N 147 176 Conwil-Cayo . - - - - Parish Llandefeyson - - - - - Parish 49 Llandilo-fawr (part of) Parish : (1) Cwmcawlwyd - - - - Hamlet Manordilo, Lower - - - Hamlet - Upper - - - Hamlet Tacbloyan and Rhiewlas - Hamlet Llandingat (part of) Parish : (k) Ystrad - - - - - - Hamlet 30 Llan-Sawel - - - - - - Parish Llan-wrda - - - - - - Parish Llan-y-Crwys (part of) Parish :(1) Mynachty • - - - - - Hamlet Lower - .1 Parish Upper - - 1,385 1,646 1 1 1 1 wo II 1 IN 151 155 306 94 197 - ma 103 492 427 255 919 102 273 528 mir 59 132 Talley - 234 471 Upper 237 305 a 308 613 202 | 30 1,151 | 232 | 263 3,682 3,855 7,537 „. () The entire Parish of Llanelly contains 5,649 Inhabitants. (f) The entire Parish of Llan-y-byther contains 913 Inhabitants. 1. The entire Parish of Llan-non contains 1,396 Inhabitants. (C) The (6) Llan-y-Crwys Parish is partly in Cayo Hundred. The entire Parish increase of Population in the Parish of Breckfa, is attributed to a turn. contains 331 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Cyly-cwm con- pike road which has recently been made through the Parish, and which I thins 1,459 Inhabitants. (1) Llandilo-fawr Parish is partly in Cayo opens a communication between the Counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, | Hundred, partly in Iskennon Hundred, but mostly in Perfedd Hundred. and Glamorgan. (d) Most part of Llanegwad Parish is in Elvet Hun I (k) Most part of Llandingat Parish is in Perfedd Hundred. dred. The Parish of Llanfihangel-Ar-Arth, or Yeroth, consists of (1) Most part of Llan-y-Crwys is in Cathinog Hundred. (m) The the Hamlets of Cwm-Arlloes, Frò, Gwydd Crûg, Gwyddll, and Pencader. entire Parish of Talley contains 1,084 Inhabitants. 5 U 446 TEnumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAM. | FAMI- By OR how mally TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Tear in 'the Two Manu- AGRI- CUL- Jurlandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. 29 50 | 136 OF FEMALES. | TRADE, prized in MALES. PERSONS, cupied. factures. preced- so 421 167 154 I ov 61 o o oo war 86 139 275 lco 93 142 266 2.48 42 276 225 95 104 286 o o 212 6ვა 761 233 105 ir 105 336 í Upper - -}(9) Parish 217 523 219 583 555 1,106 4 DERLLYS Hundred.' Clear's, St. - - - - - - Parish 204 Eglwys Cynimin - - • - Parish Egremont - - - - - - Parish Henllan-Amgoed - - () Parish Eglwys-fair-Achyrig - Chapelry Kiffick - - - - - Parish Kil-y-Maenllwyd (part of) ( Parish Castle-durran - - - - Chapelry Laugharne, or Llacharn (P) Parish Laugharne - - - - Township Lower - - Llanboidy R212 Llandawk - - - - - - Parish Llandilo-Abercowin - - - Parish Llandissilio (part of) - - () Parish Llandowror - - - - - - Parish Llangain ---- - - Parish Llangan (part of) - - - () Parish Llanginning - - - - - - Parish 68 Llangludwen - Parish Llangunnoch - - Parish 156 Llansadurnen - - - - - Parish Llanstephan - - - - - - Parish 242 Llanvalteg (part of) - - () Parish 58 Llanvihangel-Aberecorvin - - Parish 131 :: Llanwinio Eastern 96 - la mo Western - Parish Marros Parish 44 Mydrim - - - - - - - Parish 159 Pendine - - - - - - - Parish 4 16 26 IINA IIIIII oro II 16 I CITATI CITII II III or I II III II 41 36 77 101 101 che voli 264 297 561 184 76 71 207 391 419 124 49 132 68 207 355 135 101 334 689 319 184 127 171 411 228 807 396 36 vw o o o o o 89 36 265 193 104 622 1,185 58 39 563 131 loro, 158 289 138 115 360 399 96 pod nr 1 - 1 oo. go 197 216 97 44 759 413 515 195 941 152 18 23 273 100 4.80 95 173 61 461 33 35 12 79 73 2,704 | 2,827 | 16 | 52 1,715 468 644 7,113 7,562 14,675 389 18 419 121 269 89 1,063 348 1,120 361 245 212 644 117 244 340 151 641 343 193 795 149 840 353 48 179 ELVET Hundred. Abergwilly - - - - () Parish Abernant - - - - - (W) Parish Convil-in-Elvet - - - Chapelry Kennarth - - - - (W) Parish Kilrhedin (part of) Parish Llanegwad (part of) - - Parish Llangeler - - - - - (2) Parish Llanllawddog - - - (W) Parish Llan-pumpsaint - Parishi Merthyr - - - - Parish Newchurch - - - - - - Parish Penboyr - - - - Parish Treleach-ar-Bettws - - Parish 337 646 237 350 245 353 139 hd Il control ico All I had l 10 A wol Co 197 148 824 2,183 709 1,285 1,635 690 1,287 1,573 739 515 247 769 1,123 1,292 139 89 104 749 352 251 126 387 264 122 68 24 24 121 156 362 407 156 229 263 16 133 115 97 229 269 519 651 604 641 171 2,743 | 2,814 | 13 33 | 1,705 789 1 320 1 6,843 14,047 (") The entire Parish of Henllan-Amgoed contains 460 Inhabitants. Parish of Abergwilly, is attributed to the return of peace; and the same - Kil-y-Maenllwyd Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, ! observation applies also to Abernant Parish, to Kennarth Parish, to Llan. County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 579 Inhabitants. llawddog Parish, and to Treleach-ar-Bettws Parish. The entire Parish (©) The entire Parish of Laugharne, or Llacharn, contains 1,953 Inha of Abernant contains 1,994 Inhabitants. In the Parish of Kennarth is bitants. (9) The entire Parish of Llanboidy contains 1,661 Inhabitants. one female upwards of 100 years of age. (*) Kilrhediu Parish is - Llandissilio Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, County of partly in Kilgerron Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish Pembroke. The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants. (3) Llangan contains 941 Inhabitants. () Llanegwad Parish is partly in Cathinog Parish is partly in Dungleddy Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Hundred. The increase of Population is attributed to an inclosure and Parish contains 705 Inhabitants.- () Lanvalteg Parish is partly in cultivation of waste lands. The entire Parish contains 2,070 Inhabitants. Dungleddy Hundred, County of Pembroke. The entire Parish contains (*) The increase of Population in Llangeler Parish is ascribed to the 344 Inhabitants. (u) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan return of peace, to the diminution of malignant fevers, formerly more com- winio, is attributed to the return of peace, and to not having experienced mon and more destructive, but especially to the almost total extirpation any severe fever, or other great illness since 1811. The entire Parish of the small-pox. contains 928 Inhabitants. The increase of Population in the M.DCCC.XXI.) 447 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how inany TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FA MI- ALL LLIES LIES 1 chiefly | OTILER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Un-Inbabited. Building. OF FEMALES. Oc- MALES. pied. PERSONS. ISKENNEN Hundred. 139 130 491 535 139 353 177 360 Osoner 876 211 428 855 454 985 1,026 1,731 939 2,077 428 485 1,092 Bettws - - - - - - - Parish Llan-arthney - - - - () Parish Llanddarog - - - - - Parish Llandebie - - - - - - - Parish Llan-deilo-fawr (part of) Parish: (9) Clynammon - - - - - Hamlet Bryn-y-Beirdd, Trecastle, Hamlet and Tregib - - - - Pentre-Cwm - - - - - Hamlet | Llanvihangel-Aber-bythych - Parish 110 204 191 196 984 94 516 137 . 38 AIA 468 150 409 50 183 287 169 458 867 1,532 1,608 80 3,922 | 4,193 8,115 KIDWELLY Hundred 400 461 861 w w 93 211 110 641 809 1,450 11 143 140 283 10 81 88 169 Ishmael, St. - - - - - (d) Parish 162 Kidwelly, St. Mary, - () Parish 298 - and Suburbs - j 150 Llandeveylog Parish : () Cilmargh and Ishgoed - - Hamlet Kitploith and Portseyborfawr Hanilet Llandeveylog - - - - - Hamlet i Molfre and Iddole - - - Hamlet Llangendeirn - - - - - Parish 427 i Llangwnnor - - - - - (5) Parish ( 176 Pembrey - - - - - - - Parish 311 20 orroco o II wowo 129 242 230 182 113 238 175 11 202 1,048 441 iyi 322 powoli 468 357 2,117 950 1,767 15 1,069 479 9:22 471 209 845 1,624 1,769 685) 3061 778 14,170 PERFEDD Hundred. 4,494 | 8,664 T 42 ܐ li 149 281 ܙ ܐ ܙ 164 ܙ ܙ 132 182 113 346 114 227 194 ܝ ܝܙ ܟ 447 189 1,019 420 81 | ܝܕ ܝܕ 162 480 Llan-ddoysaint Parish : (h) Bluen-Sawthey - - - - Hamlet Llan-ddoysaint - - - - Hamlet Maes-fynnon - - - - - Hamlet Llandilo-fawr (part of) Parish: (1) Llandilo-fawr - - - Villa & Liberty 1 Manerfabon - - - - - Hamlet Taliaris - - - - - Chapelry Tyr-escob and Rhos-maen - Hamlet Llandingat (part of) Parish : (*) Forest - - - - - - - Hamlet Llandovery - - - - - Town Telych - - - - - - Hamlet Llan-fair-ar-y-bryn Parish : (?) Rhandir, Abbott - - - - Hamlet , Ganol - - - - Hamlet , Issa - - - - - Hamlet L , Uchaf - - - - Hamlet Llangadock Parish : (m) Above-Sawdde - - - - Hamlet Duffryn-Cydrich - - - - Hamlet Gwinfe - - - - - - - Hamlet 36 218 ܙ ܟܝܘ ܙ 93 576 121 192 1,292 716 115 236 ܙ | 161 173 334 ܝܕ ܝܝ ܟܨ | co o ac 146 261 | 33 313 494 285 | 144 141 ܟ 422 809 122 134 135 ܗ ܠܛ 818 387 389 445 ܒܬ ܝܝ ܐ .܂ 429 412 ܝ 857 (a) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan-arthney is attri. () One female upwards of 100 years of age in Llangwnnor Parish. buted to the inclosure of a great mountain in the Parish, and to the (h) The entire Parish of Llanddoysaint contains 854 Inhabitants. building of many cottages for labourers employed in the colliery and lime - Llandilo-fawr Parish is partly in Cayo Hundred, partly in kilns.-- One female upwards of 100 years of age in Llanddarog Iskennen Hundred, but mostly in Perfedd Hundred. The entire Parish Parish. Llandilo-fawr Parish is partly in Cayo Hundred, partly contains 4,468 Inhabitants. () The Hamlet of Forest, the Town of in Iskennen Hundred, but mostly in Perſedd Hundred. d) Three Llandovery, the Hamlet of Telych, and the Hamlet of Ystrad, which fourths of the families in the third column of Occupations, in the Parish latter Hamlet is in Cayo Hundred, form the Parish of Llandingat. The of St. Ishmael, are chiefly employed in taking and selling shell-fish. entire Parish contains 1,917 Inhabitants. () Rhandir-Abbott, (*) The increase of Population in Kidwelly Parish is attributed to vac Rhandir-Ganol, Rhandir-Issa and Rhandir-Uchaf, form the Parish of cination becoming more general. The entire Parish contains 1,733 Llanfair-ar-y-bryn. The entire Parish contains 1,426 Inhabitants. Inhabitants. The Hamlets of Cilmargh and Ishgved, Kitploith (m) The Hainlets of Above-Sawdde, Duffryn-Cydrich, and Gwinfe and Portsey borfawr, Llandeveylog, and Moltre and Iddole, form the form the Parish of Langadock. The entire Parish contains 2,484 Parish of Llandeveylog. The entire Parish contains 1,236 Inhabitants. | Inhabitants. 448 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND: RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF.CARMARTHEN- continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- | FAMI- 1 PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR chiefly TOTAL By | how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Un-Inhabited. Building. I ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURF. 1 craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 80 15 528 266 315 262 403 291 246 718 11 307 113 ( 106 598 38 67 | 45 1,263 1654 266 512 240 5,291 5,630 10,921 PERFEDD Hundredcontinued. Llansadwrn, Lower i n pari vyo Ir 98 98 - Uppers ( 102 150 Mothvey, Lower - Parish - , Upperſ 106 1,900 2,157 County of the Borough of CARMARTHEN, Borough and Parish : Gell-street ---- Ward 287 612 King-street - - - - - Ward Lower Franchise - - - - Ward 1 203 305 Miry, St. Street - .. - Ward 184 Priory-street & Upper Franchise Ward 191 470 1,080 2,017 1 152 2 8 1,337 316 111 933 460 203 170 2/ 231 7 76 1,011 715 729 649 904 714 121 81 387 2,348 1,648 1,443 1,489 1,978 314 840 1,074 12 36 25 1,140 852 4,008 4,898 8,906 (") The entire Parish of Llansadwrn contains 2,246 Inhabitants. The entire Parisk of Mothvey contains 1,110 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN. - Hundred of CARNWALLON CATHINOG . CAYO DERLLYS - - 1,660 1,774 1,385 2,704 1,716! 8 1,838 12 1,646 2,827 2,814 13 1,608 11 1,769 11 2,157 667 1,140 1,151 1,715 1,705 4,108 4,440 3,682 7,113 6,843 4,277 4,549 3,855 7,562 7,204 4,193 4,494 5,630 18,385 8,989 7,537 14,675 14,047 8,115 8,664 10,921 ELVET 2,743 1,277 ISKENNEN - KIDWELLY PERFEDD - 1,532 1,624 1,900 685 1,263 1 654 | 240 - 4,170 5,291 - Borough of CARMARTHEN - - - 1,080 | 2017 | 12 | 30 25 1,140 852 4,008 4,898 | 8,906 TOTALS - - - 116,402 18,392 107 333 9,628 4,823 3,941 43,577 46,662 90,239 M.DCC.C.XXI.] 449 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN_continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES Under , Hundred TOTAL 565 418 353 A 537 586 542 491 441 415 402 688 v 252 285 276 445 546 340 291 546 357 N 4,098 4,440 3,653 7,113 6,843 1,017 731 CARNWALLON - - CATHINOG - - - - CAYO - - - - - 529 DERLLYS - - 1,153 1,081 ELVET - - 1,153 1,006 ISKENNEN - 553 593 KIDWELLY - 656 PERFEDD - - - - 1 844 i 726 CARMARTHEN, BORO' 735 592 A 466 460 754 524 co co 3,935 420 360 316 437 o 634 544 726 567 369 A 4,160 5,277 4,008 466 350 379 520 425 288 4,441 6,047 4,523 3,517 2,889 1,982 950327 30 950 327 30 Total of MALES 6,982 3,5 - 43,5271 FEM A L E S. Under to Hundred to to TOTAL. of CARNWALLON 515 486 408 115) 177) 115 259 CATHINOG - - - - | 696 479 492 264 293 268 382 369 640 466 209 108 188 1,177 407 1,155 616 533 456 4,279 4,549 3,894 7,572 7,104 4,194 4,494 5,629 351 470 CAYO - - - 429 DERLLYS - 769 ELVET - - 734 ISKENNEN - 456 | 618 KIDWELLY - PERFEDD - - 640 CARMARTHEN BORO' 556 821 Total of FEMALES 6,581 6,013 5,108 4,897 7,254 222 119 480 743 546 355 394 517 301 303 390 223 120 620 3231 158 - - 583 445 340 | 234| 114 34 4,895 5,351 4,126 3,148 (2,4051,220 1 3 46,6101 THE Total Number of Persons in the Couniy of Carmarthen was ... 90,239, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 90,137, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, liave been obtained, in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Carmarthen was 124; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were soinewhat deficient, or redundant,- or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females 5 X ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNĐER [Enumeration. County of Carnarvon - HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, I ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: 1 FAMI- FAMI- LIES · LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-Families em- I ed in not com- -ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manue the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. | Classes, MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. COMMITMAEN Hundred. 292 623 303 15 611 38 1,234 48 29 450 32 15 11 : 205 22 106 489 206 23 106 84 ABERDARON - - - - - Parish Bardsey=Isle - (+) - Extra-Pi Bod-ferin - - - - - - Parish Bryn-croes - - - . (") Parish Llan-degwning - a Parish Llan-engan (part (b) Parish Llan-faelrhys - - - Parish Llån-gwnadle - Parish Meylltyrn - - . () Parish Pen-llech - - - - - - Parish Rhiw • - i - . - á Parish 86 939 170 III laini i mind ܗ | ܐ ܝܪ | | ܙ | ܙ ; ܟ ; 1.!!! Tot 117 46 VAGA DE 238 133 170 268 129 158 ***32****** 506 262 328 142 140 141 283 139 218 279 162 380 933 947 | 81 61 822 89 36 2,219 ] 2,309 4,528 CREUDDYN Hundred. 74. 7:41 - 165 164 329 Eglwys-Rhos - - - - (9) Parish LlandriHo-yn-Rhôs (part of) Parish : (d) Eirias - - - - - - Township Llan-dudno - - - - - - Parish Llan-gwstennin - - • - (€) Parish | Llys-faen - - - - - - Parish 42 l 106 103 257 97 252 304 248 203 509 129 106 300 “254 604 **** 502 ! ml + 413 · 225 | 128 101 1,082 1,065 2,147 DINLAEN Hundred. a 230 59 633 196 775 215 1,408 411 19 19 58 119 la I Aber-erch - . - - - - Parish Bodvean or Bodcon-in-Lleyn - Parish Ceidio - - - - - - - Parish Edeyrn - Parish Llandudwen - - - - - - Parish Llan-iestyn - - - - - () Parish Llannor - - - - - - () Parish Nevin - - - - Parish" | Pistill - - Parish Tydweiliog - - - - - (8) Parish 86 ***** 73 240 57 519 mod li ma co III 1 148 240 131 525 94 1,033 1,169 1,614 549 CO 229 239 248 340 378 112 118 187 101 579 285 37 514 590 812 284 218 120 116 80 OY 802 265 208 426 1,477 1,563 14 14 21 1965 og 121 3,572 3,788 7,360 ÉVIONYDD Hundred. 105 - 310 117 121 615 254 * 305 276 180 313 530 62 42 315 113 135 315 ვი9 628 Beddgelertior Bethgelard (part of)(") Parish Crickeith - - - - - - - Parish Dol-ben-maen .- - - - () Parish Llan-armon - - - - - - Parish | Llanfihangel-y-Pen-nant Parish Llan-gybi - - - - - - Parish Llan-ystin-dwy - - - - - Parish Pen-morfa - - - - - - Parish. Tref-llys - - .. Parish Ynys-cynhaiarn --- - Parish 120 1-20 60 108 109 132 222 192 16 166 323 115 134 com Ecolii cu 632 109 110 -180 362 HILO ! 357 253 600 600 457 217 498 47 719 1,200 955 -100 885 53 183 98 11 407 478 1,245 1,332 | 10 33 1,021 | 255 56 3,237 1 3,342 / 6,579 ( The Parishes of Bryn-croes and Meylltyrn are partly in the Hun Parishes are partly in Gafflogian Hundred, but wholly entered in:Dinlaen dred of Gafflogian, but wholly entered in Commitinâen Hundred. | Hundred. The increase of Population in Llan-iestyn, is attributed to an © Llan-engan Parish is partly in Gaffogian Hundred. The entire Pa- | inclosure of the conmon, and to the building of several new houses in rish contains 969 Inhabitants. The families in the second column the Parish, since 1811.- (6) The increase of Population in the Parish of Occupations, in the Parish of Eglwys-Rhos, are miners, employed l of Tydweiliog is ascribed to vacciration, only one person having died of in Llan-dudno copper nines.- (d) Most part of Llandrillo-yn-Rhôs the sniall-pox within the Parislı in the last twenty years.- ) Bedd- Parish is in Isdulas Hundred, County of Denbigh. The entire Parish gelert Parish extends into the Hundred of Uwch-Gorfai, and is partly contains 963 Inhabitants. The great increase of Population (216) | in Ardudwy Hundred, County of Merioneth. The entire Parish cun- in the Parish of Llan-gwstennin, is ascribed to the return of paupers 10 tains 867 Inhabitants.--') Dol-beu-waen is annexed to the Parish of the Parish, and to several others coming to reside therein, in consequence Pen-morva. of many cottages having been built.- ( Llan-iestyn and Llannor MDCCC.XXI.) 451 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. 6. 94: · COUNTY OF CARNARVON continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LI OR chiefly chiefly em-; employ- TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families OC- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: Fami, KAMI: All LIES OTHER Families ed in not com- TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- or Handi- ing TURE. I craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. loyed OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 38 29 32 | 5 86 70 GAFFLOGIAN Hundred. (*) Bottwnog o - (+) - - Parish Carn-giwch - - - - - - Parish Denin - - - - - .- (1) Parish) with Pwllheli - - - - • Town Llan-bedrog - - - - - - Parish Llanfihangel-Bachellaeth - . Parish Llau-engan (part of) - - () Parish Llan-gian - - - - - (") Parish Penrhos - - - - - - - Parish 49 124 232 852 I will . 28. 1052 211 107 59 1,044 229 158 251 519 60 193 129 1,876 440 304 463 1,063 110 30 28 4 1 146 98 Tico A I co 101 179 22 170 22 212 544 50 849 1 898 | 11 26 396 180 322 2,171 2,407 4,578 ISAF Hundred. 145 216 492 498 607 1,008 1,105 231 Caer-hun - ... - - - . Parish Conway - - - - - - - Parish Eglwys-Fach (part of) Parish : 0 Maenan - - - - - Township Gyffin - - - - - - - Parish Llanbedr-y-cennin Parish : (P) Ardda and Dôl-y-Garrog Townships Tal-y-Cafn and Llanbedr Townships Llan-gelynin - - - - - Parish 101 Ici li con o 326 444 636 310 26 71 172 132 1 cocoa ..70 163 126 141 335 44 258 mm 664 18389 | 66 | 230 1,922 1.2,005 | 3,927 IS-GORFAI Hundred. 111 i 52 59 2,6373,151 Bettws-Garmon - - - - Parish 21 Llan-beblig - - - - - (9) Parish with CARNARVON - - Boroughly! Llan-beris - - - - - (5) Parish 96 Llan-ddeniolen - - - - - Parish 317 Llan-faglan - - - - - - Parish 39 Llanfair-is-Gaer - - - - Parish 431 Llan-rug - - - - - - () Parish 1821 256 216 326 308 Calcuni ő w I loi i 36 869 92 165 5,788 472 11,727 191 333 788 858 99 51 27 138 168 416 29 372 1,825 1,913 19 37 4,443 4,967 9,410 .. NANT-CONWAY Hundred, 389 210 312 - 119 179 293 261 605 540 279 Bettws-y-coed - - - - - Parish 81 : Dol-wyddelan - - - - - Parish 1.17 Llan-rhychwyn - - - - - Parish| 105 : Llan-rwst (part of) Parish : (0) Gwydir - - - - - Township 79 | Perimachno - - - - - - Parish 182 Tref-riw - - - - - - - Parish 80 Yppytty-Evan (part of) Parish : (0) Eidda (part of) - (+) Township : : 72 194 168 525 177 362 1,033 373 .196 1411 183 1 195 378 716 729 1 32 380 1,786 1,894 3,680 E . (*) The Parishes of Bryn-croes and Mcylltyrn (see Commitmacn Hundred.) Llan-iestyn and Llan-nor (see Creuddyn Hundred.) (). The increase of Population in Denio and Pwllheli, is attributed to the building of houses, and other improvements in the town and neigh- bourliood, and to its vicinity to the sea. (m) Most part of Llan-engan Parish is in Commitmaen Hundred, and entered accordingly.- (n) The increase of Population in tlie Parish of Llan-gian, is attributed to the uticlosing of a common, and to the building of several cottages. © Most part of Eglwys-Fach Parish is in Išdulas Hundred, County of Denbigh. The entire Parish contains 1,517 Inhabitants. The cntire Parish of Llanbedr-y-cennin contains 476 Inhabitants. ( Llan-beblig Parish includes the Townships of Bont-Newydd and Trefan. The increase of Population is attributed to the increased and increasing trade of the place. () The Inbabitants of Llan-beris occupying small grazing farms, most of the men, and boys above 12 years of age, are employed in the slate quarries and copper mines, of which there are a great number in this and the neighbouring Parishes. The farins are, in general, from iol. to 30 l. and 40l.; and the women and children take care of the sheep and cattle, while their husbands, sons and brothers are at work in the quarries and mines. The 29 families in the third column of Occupations in Llan-rug Parish, are quarrympen. --0) Most part of Llan-rwst Parish is in Isdulas Hundred, County of Denbigh. The entire Parish contains 2,639 Inhabitants.- () Most part of Yspytty-Evan Parish is in Isaled Hundred, Cuunty of Denbigh. The entire Parish contains 779 Inhabitants. 452 Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CARNARVON—continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, A1.L ок By how niany Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES chiefly em- ployed in AGRI- CUL- TURE. LIES chiefly OTHER employ. Families ed in not com- TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two factures, preced- orHandi- craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. bied. PERSONS, ing UCHAF Hundred. 9.9 26 308 621 69 Aber - - - - - Dwy-gyfylchi - - Llan-degai - - Llan-fair-fechan - - Llan-llechid - - - 185 - - - - - - - - - (W) Parish Parish (x) Parish - Parish (*) Parish 313 168 1,238 anti 374 259 353 2,341 406 96 96 261 1,103 247 902 508 329 342 210 132 1,062 1,964 967 1,012 496 422 94 3,042 2,745 5,787 Parish Parish 837 858 UWCH-GORFAI. Beddgelert (part of) - - () Clynnog - - - - - - - Llan-dwrog, Lower (2) 7 , Upper - S Llan-aelhaiarn - - - - - Llan-llyfin - - - - - - Llan-wnda - - - - - - 323 1 141 1,695 Parish | 337 386 723 202 Irlalar 323 146 202 128 266 225 0.0 N w nos 525 245 104 198 68 150 139 501 122 285 Parish Parish Parish 331 265 225 573 1,026 616 1,182 1,141 609 576 85 565 1,278 1,290 | 12 | 904 258 128 3,169 | 3,214 6,383 BANGOR - - - (a) City & Parish 565 522 106 1,769 1,810 | 3,579 (W) One female upwards of 100 years of age in the Parish of Aber. | Beddgelert Parish is in the Hundred of Evionydd, where the whole is -(*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan-degai is entered. (3) The entire Parish of Llan-durog contains 1,749 Inha- ascribed to the increasing trade at Port Pen-Rhyn, and to the slate quar- bitants.- " The large increase of Population (1,196 persons in the ries. The same observation applies to the Parish of Llan-llechid. Llan- | City of Bangor is attributable to road-making, and the bridge over the degai includes the Chapelry of Capel-Curig. Most part of Menai Strair, now in progress. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF CARNARVON. 947 101 4,528 2,147 7,360 6,579 4,578 3,927 9,410 3,680 5,787 64 - Hundred of COMMITMACN - - 933 6 822 89 362,219 2,309 CREUDDYN - - - - 413 454 225 128 101 1,082 1,065 DINNLAEN - .. 1,477 1,563 965. 477 121 3,572 3,788 EVIONYDD - .. 1,245 1,332 1,021 255 56 3,237 3,342 GAFFLOGIAN - 849 898 2,171 2,407 ISAF - - - - 1,922 2,005 IS-GORFAI - - 1,825 1,9 4,443 4,967 NANT-CONWAY .... 716 i 729 1,894 UCHAF - - - - - - 1967 1,012 3 194 2,745 UWCH-GORFAI - - - - . 1,278 11,290 | 1234 904 258 128 3,169 3,214 City of BANGOR - - - - - - - 565 655 85 522 | 106 27 | 1,769 1 1,810 Totals - - - 10,932 11,478, 99 215 6,890 2,649 1,939 28,412 | 29,546 - - 1,786 3,042 6,383 3,579 57,958 MDCCC.XXI.] 453 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CARNARVON-continued. . . . . Ages of Persons. MALES. 5 10 to Hundred to TOTAL 10 15 of COMMITMAEN - - . 251 123 380 321 317 371 223 302 198 2,179 1,110 3,592 3,370 2,086 1,926 4,438 1,601 210 240 138 199 211 CREUDDYN - DINNLAEN - - EVIONYDD - - - GAFFLOGIAN - ISAF - - - - - - IS-GORFAI , . - . NANT-CONWAY UCHAF - --- UWCH-GORFAI -- BANGOR, CITY .. 164 '145 287 542 373 184 146 225 451 3,040 366 368 287 3,170 1,969 180 240 258 88 Total of MALES 4,250 4,226 3,432 2,844 3,957 3,233 2,536 1,775 1,359 679 173 17 - 28,481 FEM A LE S. Under Hundred of TOTAL. COMMITMAEN. - - | 236 232 144 374 170 2,270 1,065 - 69 CREUDDYN - - DINNLAEN . - . 83 378 275 3,788 572 306 245 139 437 422 272 250 583 339 246 193 3,463 2,300 1,985 304 EVIONYDD GAFFLOGIAN ISAF . - - - IS-GORFAI . . . - NANT-CONWAY .. UCHAF - - - - - UWCH-GORFAI - - 153 131 355 I 823 438 4,956 211 115 071 1,697 2,695 3,214 1,802 349 293 220 BANGOR, CITY - - 172 193 305 250 150 102 Total of FEMALES 3,884 3,711 3,278 2,998 4,529 3,420 2,706 | 1,970 1,542 871) 293 32 1 29,235 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Carnarvon was .... 57,958, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 57,716 ... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. · The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Carnarvon was 77 ; three of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked ( +): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant- or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 5. Y -454 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDER County of Denbigh. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: Fami, | FAMI- ALL PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LES | LIES BS OTHER OR TOTAL chiefly em- ployed how many [Families Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- TRADE, I prized in Manu-' the Two Building OP FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- TorHandia ing TURE. craft. Classes. 51 BROMFIELD (9) Hundred. Bangor (part of) Parisha : (0) Eyton - - - - - - Township Pickhill ..... Township Royton ..... Township Sesswick - - - - - Township 14 Gresford Parish : (9) Allington - - - - - Township Borras-Riffrey - - - Township Burton - - - - - - Township Earlas - - - Township Eithig - - - - - - Townshịp Gresford - - - - - Township Gwersylt - - - - - Township Llay - - - - - - Township Marford & Horseley - (+) Lordship III III III - olii oi oi o 50 60 234 65 253 400 383 255 239 rond r 104 111 215 - - - - 78 36 81 Holt Parish: (*) Dutton-Cacca - Dutton-Diffreth Dutton-y-Bran Hoſt - - - Ridley - - - Sutton - - - - Township Township Township Township Township Township 158 48 oil col 170 - - - III 866 - - - 24 447 25 116 24 419 20 121 45 • 237 Marchiviel Parish: () Marchiviel - - Sontley - - - 19. 229 - - - - Township Township 456 1 55 93 - Iloil 642 476 13 3,107 Township Townships Townships Township 92 9 1,615 227 1,156 652 300 1,492 234 1,186 700 467 10 461 2,342 1,352 312 98 144 82 76 699 Ruabon Parish : () Christionydd - - - - Dynhynlle, Isa & Ucha - Morton, above & below - Ruabon - - - - - Wrexham (part of) Parish : (%) Abenbury-Vawr - - - Acton - - - - - - Bersham - - - Beiston or Boreston - - Borras-bovah - - - - Broughton - - - - Brymbo - - - - Esclusham, above .. - , below - - Gourton - - - - - Minera - - - - Stansty Wrexham-Abbot - - - Wrexham-Regis - - - 175 174 1,339 57 640 32 25 28 27 55 243 213 554 598 235 1,152 1,089 26 567 Township Township Township Township Township Township 241 Township Township Township Township Township Township Township: 236 Township 665 coiri 1 A 00 Ilorin 522 211 288 70 115 433 271 559 29 23 52 167 428 404 832 50 140 250 706 130, 70 796 118 908 1,615 258 1,704 3,091 420 201 1,476 4,640 4,875 | 63 113 | 1,770 1,965 1,140 | 12,073 12,182 24,255 (3) Erbistock Parish, and Iscoed Township, partly in Bromfield Hun- drcd, partly in Maylor Hundred, Flintshire, are entered in the latter. () Bangor Parish is partly in Maylor Hundred, Flintshire. The entire Parish contains 1,338 Inhabitants.- () The entire Parish of Gresford contains 3,166 Inhabitants. Marford and Horsley are partly in Muld Hundred, Flintshire, but wholly entered in Bromfield Hundred. 1 (d) The entire Parish of Holt contains 1,432 Inbabitants. -(e) The entire Parish of Marchiviel contains 549 Inhabitants. The in- crease of Population in the Parish of Ruabon is ascribed to the extension of the iron and coal works. The entire Parish contains 7,262 Inhabitants. 1- ) The entire Parish of Wrexhan contains 11,081 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXT) 455 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GE0. IV. C. 04. . . COUNTY OF DENBIGH-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR OCCUPATIONS: FAMI PANTALL FA MI- A LIE LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly em- ployed TRADE, TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how biany Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building MALES. OF employ-Families ed in not com- TRADE prized in Manu. the Two factures.) preced- JorHandi ing craft. 1 Classes. FEMALES. in PERSONS. AGRI- TURE. CHIRK Hundred. Parish 281 465 269 550 908 À I do Go 152 Chirk, above . . . (h) ~, below ſ Llanarinon-Diffryn-Ceiriog - Llanarmon-Mynidd-Mawr - Llan-cadwalader - - -- Llan-gedwyn - - - - - 281 73 Parish Parish Parish Parish 147 101 că 208 311 152 159 ** 000 421 * 454 1,330 1,330 Lllan-gollen Parish : (i) Glyn-Traian - - - - Township Llan-gollen-Traian, I and Trefor-Traian 1 - Townships Llanrhaiadr-yn-Mochnant - Parish Llan-saint-ffraid-Glynn-Ceiriog Pr: (k) Lavar, above - - - - Division , below - - - - Division Llan-sillin (part of) - - () Parish 876 2,660 2,229 1,082 98 178 311 151 744 704 i 1,448 Llan-y-Mynerch Parish : (m) Carreghova - - - - Township 64 1 - 1 25 1 8 | 31 175 171 346 1,931 2,027 | 25 | 63 1,076 | 517 | 434 | 5,258 | 5,194 10,452 ISALED Hundred. Cerrig-y-Druídion - - Gwern-Howel - - - Gwytherin - - - - Henllan - - - - - Llan-fairtalhaiarn, Lower - - Parish / (n) Extra-P. - - Parish () Parish 204 14 82 470 505 33 212 1,026 67 11 146 1,188 521 34 209 1,267 318 166 101 134 317 , Upper (partof) (P) P. 77 421 2,455 635 169 453 250 203 221 137 232 Qaroo laa ' # wosos + 1 c 113 99 264 533 184 139 497 474 971 918 936 300 252 188 Llanfihangel-Glyn-y-Myfyr (9) Parish Llan-gerniew, Lower - Upper , (part of) () Parish Llangwm - - - - - - Parish Llan-rhaidar-in-Kinmerch - . Parish Llan-sannan - - - - - - Parish Llan-ufydd - - - - - - Parish Nantglyn - - - - - - Parish | Pentre-voelas, otherwise - - Parish Tir-yr-Abbot- Yspytty-Evan Parish : (*) Eidda - - - - - - Township 1 Prees-Ucha, ļ - Township otherwise Trebrys Tir-Efan, otherwise Tre-Evan Township 636 675 551 169 535 190 1,854 1,311 1,086 359 46 84 106 284 319 60ვ I - a 139 134 273 12,531 2,593 | 11 | 59 | 1,896 | 418 | 279 6,346 1 6,448 | 12,794 (b) The entire Parish of Chirk contains 1,458 Inhabitants. The in l of persons froin the army and navy, and others who were employed at crease of Population is attributed to the extension of the collieries. Manchester and Liverpool in 1811. The same observation applies to the () The entire Parish of Llan-gollen contains 3,535 Inhabitants. Parish of Llan-ufydd.- Llan-fair-talhaiarn Parish is partly in > Lavar, above, and Lavar below, form the Parish of Llan-saint-ffraid Isaled, partly in Isdulas Hundred. The cntire Parish contains 1,228 Glynn-Ceiriog. The entire Parish contains 489 Inhabitants. (1) Llan Inhabitants. () Llanfihangel-Glyn-y-Myfyr includes Cefynpost, sillin Parish is partly in Oswestry Hundred, Salop. The entire Parish which is in Edernion Hundred, County of Merioneth. Oj Llan- contains 1,697 Inhabitants. Llan-y-Mynerch Parish is partly in gerniew Parish is partly in Isaled, partly in Isdulas Hundred. The en- Oswestry Hundred, County of Salop, and partly in Deythur Hundred, tire Parish contains 972 Inhabitants. () Yspytty-Evan Parish is County of Montgoinery. The entire Parish contains 800 Inhabitants. partly in Nant-Conway Hundred, County of Carnarvon, and Eidda, (1) Gwer-Howel is said to be in the Parish of Corwen.- ) The which is partly in Carnarvon and partly in Denbigh, is there entered. increase of Population in the Parish of Henllan, is attributed to the return. The entire Parish contains 779 Inhabitants. 456 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DENBIGH-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL OR employ-Fainilies TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu the Two AGRI- factures, preced- Cul- orHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. | Classcs. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. to mo 1,161 230 1,156 231 98 t - I 455 442 co 521 552 156 co 335 374 m 160 185 con 139 391 369 84 90 43 101 w wyco 324 108 303 116 174 627 224 1 92 all I til 97 1,204 467 oor 189 2,277 1,194 1,073 565 629 I 1,829 | 411 1895,615 | 5,909 | 11,524 101 254 233 487 ISDULAS Hundred. Abergele - - - - - () Parish 426 Asaph, St. (part of) - - a Parish Bettws-yn-Rhôs, 171 Parish otherwise Bettws-Abergele - Eglwys-fach (part of} - (n) Parish 205 Garthgarmon and Tybrith- į Par. Chap. Uchaf - - - - - - George, St. - - • - - - Parish Llan-ddoged - - - - - - Parish Llan-drillo-yn-Rhôs ? (*) Parish 138 (part of) - (+) -S Llan-ddûlas - - - - - - Parish Llan-elian - - - - - - Parish Llan-fair-talhairn (part of) (P) Parish Llan-gerniew (part of) Parish : (0) Branar and Marchaled (+) Chapelry Llan-rwst (part of) - - () Parish Llan-saint-ffraid - - . - Parish 266 2,276 2,429 RUTHIN Hundred. (2) . Bod-fary (part of) Parish : (a) Aberwheeler - - - - Township 77 Clocaenog, Isa -:} 0) Parish | Ucha 3 Derwen ------- Parish 99 Efenechtyd - - - - - Parish Gyffylliog - - . . . - Parish Llanbedr-dyffryn-Clwyd - - Parish Llandyrnoga . Parish Llanelidan - - - - Parish Llanfair-dyffryn-Clwyd - - Parish Llanfwrog - - - - - - Llangwyfan ---- () Parish 39 Llangynbafal - - - - - Parish 95 Llanrhydd - - - - - - Parish 174 Llanychan - - - - - - Parish Llanynys - - - - - - - Parish Ruthin - - - - - - - Parislı 1234 264 2,042 2,295 YALE Hundred. Asaph, St. (part of ) Parish : (0) Meriadog - - Township Wickwer - - - - - Township Bryn-Eglwys - - - - - Parish 69 160 280 138 324 557 205 277 110 cu 578 13 95 274 215 303 437 431 mm 0 303 606 Co w e com va NA ã warna 652 . 0 Parish 554 683 129 241 378 765 122 0 909 1,206 1,448 · 251 470 775 • 123 229 397 21 64 59 124 150 394 456 850 52 561 733 1,294 1,593 | 499 203 | 5,173 | 5,479 10,652 62 8 / 23 212 1 182 394 (") See preceding page. contains 963 Inhabitants. A small portion of Llan-rwst Parish is The increase of Population in the Parish of Abergele is attributed in Nant-Conway Hundred, County of Carnarvon. The entire Parish to the building of a number of houses since 1811.- (u) Most part of contains 2,639 Inhabitauts. (1) Nannerch Parish partly in Ruthin St. Asaph Parish is in Rhuddlan Huudred, Flintshire; and for an account Hundred, partly in Rhuddlan Hundred, Flintshire, is wholly entered in of the Townships, of which the Parish consists, see the note there. It is the latter. -- a) Bodfary Parish is partly in Rhuddlan Hundred, Flint- partly in Isdulas Hundred, and extends into Yale Hundred, Denbigh shire. The entire Parish contains 845 Inhabitants.-~-) The entire shire. The entire Parish contains 2,755 Inhabitants. (W) Eglwys- | Parish of Clocaenog contains 462 Inhabitants. (9) The increase of fach Parish is partly in Isaf Hundred, County of Carnarvon. The entire Population in the Parish of Llan-gwyfan, is ascribed to an excellent dis- Parish contains 1,517 Inhabitants. (*) Llan-drillo-yn-Rhớs Parish is pensary at Denbigh, to which many largely contribute, and from whence partly in Creuddyn Hundred, County of Carnarvon. The entire Parish medicine is amply atforded to the sick, and vaccination to the young. MDCCE.XXI:. 4507 . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.!!. ). COUNTY OF DENBIGH-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | LIES ALL OR TOTAL OCCUPATIONS: FANII- LIES chiefly UTHER chiefly employ- Families cm- ployed | TRADE, I prized in in Nanu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how niany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. ed in not coin- Inhabited. Or Building. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. YALE Hundred-continued. CUL- orHandi- URE. | craft. ing Classes. 136 363 346 709 39 132 120 252 Llan-armon Parish : (4) Creigiog-Isglan - - - - Township Uwchlan · · - Township Erwyrys - - - - - - Township, Llandegla - - • - Parish Llanferras - .- ..- Parish 124 315 649 334 175 176 öo or coco 93 262 279 541 Llandysilio - - - - - - Parish 133 361 382 743 665 7003 | 19 | 253 1,839 1,800 3,639 DENBIGHI - - - Borough and Parish 686 758 - 23 | 208 / 504 46 1,481 1,714 I 3,195 The entire Parish of Llan-armon eontains 1,610 Inhabitants. SUMMA RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH. Hundred of - BROMFIELD 12,073 CHIRK - - - - a 113 | 1,770 1,965 1,140 1,140 1,076 1,896 ISALED - - - - CH 19:1 12,182 5,194 6,448 5,909 5,479 24,255 10,452 12,794 11,524 10,652 .3,639 -- ISDULAS . - - - - | 1,829 -- 1895,615 RUTHIN . - - .. • -2,042 2,295 1,593 . . YALE. ..-.-. -16 Borough of DENBIGH ----- 686 758 -23 208 504 461,4811,7143,195 TOTAL - - - - 114,771 4,771 15,677117 376 8,625 4,399 2,653 37,785 38,726 176,511 5 Z 458 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DENBIGH-continued. Ages of Persons. MA LE S. Under Hundred of TOTAL. 5. BROMFIELD - - - 111,880 CHIRK - - - 1 5,139 6,165 ISALED • - - IŞDULAS les - - 5,152 5,103 RUTHIN - - YALE - - - - 1,839 DENBIGH, BORO' - - 1 162 141 184 177 147 105 42 5 4 1 - 1,481 . Total of MALES - 15,553 5,025 4,376 13,644 5,253 4,215 3,235 2,440 | 1,771 942 26935 - 136,758 FEM A L E S. Under Hundred TOTAL of BROMFIELD - - - 1,919 1,460 1. (12,351 CHIRK - - - 5,313 6,296 ISALED. - - - ISDULAS - - 5,422 RUTHIN - - - - 5,427 YALE - - - - - 1,782 DENBIGH, BORO' - -1 211 | 185 174 166 1264 194 | 176 143 | 1301 471 21 1,714 Total of FEMALES 5,357 | - 38,305 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Denbigh was ...76,511, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 75,063, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of about one-fiftieth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Denbigh was 108 ; three of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,- or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 459 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. County of Flint HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By on how employ- Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly cm- ed in not com- ployed | | TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUI orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. or Building. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. * I 89 201 208 Iwi 54 49 177 409 115 110 223 48 35 1,612 117 106 32 21 14. 283 COLESHILL Hundred. Cilces Parish: (a) Cefn - - - - - - - Township ! Llan - - - - - - - Township Llysdan - - - - - - Township Llys-y-coed - - - - Township Maes-y-gros - - - - Township Michlas - - - - - - Township Tullymin - - - - - Township FLINT - (b) Borougla and Par, Ch. Halkin Parish : (9) Hendrefigillt - - - - Township Lygan-y-lan - - - - Towuship Lygan-y-wern - - Township Northop Parish : (0) Caer-fallwch - - - - Township Golftyn - - - - - - Township Kelsterton - - - - - Township Leadbrook, Major - Township , Minor Township Northop - - Township Saughton - - - - - Township Wepre - - - - - - Township Wbitford - - - - - - Parish 299 370 308 582 678 308 116 274 582 II in I IIII al air Cow I ANNI co w À CON 499 142 44 481 127 980 269 4 43 87 10 40 47 87 29 15 160 381 741 14 ვნა 212 148 1,450 207 419 55 55 134 282 549 563 349 199 1,424 2,874 2,026 2,072 946 894 | 232 5,270 5,069 10,339 119 121 571 106 390 12 505 319 52 12 178 MAYLOR Hundred. Bangor (part of) Parish : (*) Bangor - - - - - - Township Doddleston (part of) Parish : (5) Bodidris - - - - - Township Kinnerton, Higher - - Township Ellesmere (part of) Parish : (h) Penley - - - - - - Chapelry Erbistock - - - - - (1) - Parish Hanmer Parish : (*) Bettesfield - - - - - Township Bronington - - - - - Township Halghton - - - - - Township Hanmer - - - - - Township Tybroughton - - - - Township Willington - - - - - Township Hope - - - - - - - - Parish Malpas (part of) Parish : (") Iscoyd - - - - - - Chapelry Overton - - - - - - - Parish Threap-Wood - - - - (m) Extra-P. Worthenbury - - - - - - Parish Wrexham (part of) Parish : (*) Abenbury-fechan • - - Township 33 365 722 108 382 340 88 129 76 243 226 469 112 294 323 617 Al 36 103 112 215 383 190 193 1,262 493 270 162 1,236 2,498 96 2 96 309 102 85 126 257 122 252 804 216 329 104 864 288 509 1,668 504 658 119 119 320 338 3 6 9 49 62 111 1,955 2,059 1 46 | 1,196 378 485 5,228 5,382 10,610 () The Townships of Cefn, Llan, Llysdan, Llys-y.coed, Maes-y-gros, | dred (County of Flint,) is in that Parish. The whole Parish consists of Michlas and Tullymin form the Parish of Cilcen. These Townships thrce Townships ; Doddleston and Lower Kinnerton, in the County of were not distinctly returned in 1801, or 1811. The entire Parish Chester, and Higher Kinnerton in the County of Flint. The Return of contains 2,729 Inhabitants. Flint is said to be a Township and | 1811 erroncously placed Higher Kinnerton in the Parish of Hope Chapelry, in the Parish of Northop. The increase of population is at (h) Ellesmere Parish is mosily in limhill Hundred, Salup. Tlie entire tributed to the collieries having been more extensively worked than in Parish contains 6,561 Inhabitants.----(i) Erbistock is parily in the former years. The entire Parish of Halkin contains 1,842 Inha- Hundred of Broomfield, Dcubigh; but the whole is here entered. no bitants. The increase of population in the Parish of Northop is (k) The entire Parish of Haomer contains 2,771 Inhabitants.- attributed to the lead mines at Caer-fallwch, and to the fisheries at (1) Malpas Parish is mostly in Broxton Hundred, Cheshire. Iscoyd Golítyn and Wepre. "The cntirc Parish contains 2,894 Inhabitants. Township extends into Bromfield Hundred, Denbigh. The entire Parish () The Return of Whitford Parish includes the Townships of Bychton, contains 5,426 Inhabitants.---(") Since the year 1811, a chapel las Eden Owain Merton, Is Glan, Merton Uwch Glan, Mostyn, Tre Lan been built upou the extra-parochial common of Threapwood, and en- fre'r Abbot, and Whitford Garn. () Bangor Parish is partly in dowed. This place is said to be in the Counties of Chester and Flint. Bromfield Hundred, Denbigh. The entire Parish contains 1,338 Inha (9) Wrexhan Parish is inostly in Bromfield Hundred, Denbigh. The bitants. ---(6) Doddleston Parish is partly in Lower Broxton Hundred, ( entire Parish contains 11,081 Inhabitants. Chester; and Higher-Kinnerton, though locally situate in Maylor Hun- | 460 Enumeration, ABSTRACT ON ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF FLINT-- continued. HOUSES:. OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISHI, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how inany Families OC- cupied. Iuhabited, Un-Inhabited. Surping FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, ſprized in in Manu- (the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craſt. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. . MOLD Hundred 1 I 142 52 118 1 260 1 107 104 1 108 23 212 13 1 36 161 161 1 651 322 1,239 1 588 474 1 IIII oca imi ad av Gresford Parish : (0) Hawarden Parislı : (P) Aston - - - - - - Township Barmele - - - - - Toivnship Bretton - - - - - - Township Broadlane - - - - - Township Broughton - - - - - Township Ewloe and Ewloe Wood - Township Hawarden - - - - - Township Mancoll - - - - Township Manor and Rake - - - Township Moore -.- - Township Pentrobin - - - - - Township Saltney - - - - - - Township Sealand - - Township 34 Sholton - - - - - - Township 40 | Mold - - - - - - () - Parish | 1,245 | 1,262 Nerquis - - - - - - Chapelry 84 84 Treddyn - - - - - Chapelry | 118 118 490 147 964 147 294 38 1 70 1 389 138 771 1 114 12 51 1 156 1 134 T 110 1 75 136 110 3,187 222 285 mod m 529 176 1557 270 220 6,268 441 611 3,081 79 219 ! #1 103 10 326 2,378 2,468 51 40 1,126 768 574 6,216 | 6,163 12,379 127 36 127 43 331 mart II 294 103 - 291 101 922 585 204 1,877 346 46 955 PRESTATYN Hundred. Dyserth • - (+) • • - Parish Gwaenysgor - - - - - - Parish Llan-asaph, or Llan-assa (*) - Parish Meliden Parish: (*) Meliden with Prestatyn - Townships Newmarket - - - - - - Parish Rhuddlan Parish: (0) Řbyl - - - - - - Township 106 112 6 B . 287 282 254 269 560 523 i 1 694 | 745 | 11 367 111 267 1,893 | 1,865 3,758 497 140 2,204 358 61 194 1,178 · 181 497 50 199 86 RHUDDLAN Hundred. Asaph, St. (part of) (º) - - - Parish Bod-fary (part of) - - - Parish Caerwys - - - - - - - Parish Cwm, otherwise Combie - - Parish Dremeirchion - (+) - (W) Parish Nannerch - - (+) - Parish Rhuddlán - - (+) - - () Parish Ysceifog - - - - - - - Parish 39 159 952 20 tara 1 VIA er no IIIIII 772 189 1,116 177 455 194 - 317 214 725 967 120 116 53 129 70 226 369 353 199 742 383 670 413 1,467 1,852 226 50 362 174 102 266 885 17 670 657 322 4,165 | 4,224 8,389 1,469 1,649 Town of Holywell - - - - - - - Parish 1,451 | 1,618 | 2 14 116 723 779 3,961 4,3488,309 O The Lordship of Horseley and Marford, in Gresford Parish, is i extends into Yale Hundred, in the same County. It consists of the mostly in Bromfiele Hundred (Denbigh), and there entered with the Townships of Bodeugan Cilowen, Gwernygron, Talâr, Faenol, Budlewyd- rest of Gresford Parish. The entire Parish of Hawarden contains | dan, Pengwyrn, Brynpolyn, Gwernglefryd, Cyrchynen and Rhydon; 5,059 Inhabitants.----(9) The entire Parish of Mold contains 7,320 | also Meriadog and Higfair, both of which lie in Yale Hundred, Delle Indiabitants. The increase of population in the Parish of Llan- / bighshire. ) Bod-fary Parish is mostly in Ruthin Hundred. Deribogo: asaph is ascribed to the inclosure of the common lands within the Parish, The entire Parish contains 8.15 Inhabitants. (*) Dremeirchion l'arish and to the introduction of vaccination.- () The Townships of Meliden includes the Townships of Tier-Llan, Tre'r-Graig, Tre'r Bachy Graig, and Prestatyn form the Parish of Meliden. ) Rhuddlan Parish is Tre'r Maen Efa, and Tre'r Bryngwyhi (*) Nannerch Parish includes parily in Prestatyn Hundred, partly in Rhuddlan Hundred, where the Penbedw Township, which is locally situate in the Hundred of Ruinin, whole is entered, and in whichi Return Rhyi Township is included. County of Denbigh. (0) St. Asaph's Parish is partly in Isdulas Hundred, Denbighshire, and M.DCCC.XXI.] 461 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF FLINT-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF FLINT. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- FADI | ALL LIES OTHBR. chicfly Families HUNDREDS, By how many Families TOTAL &c. Inhabited. LIES chiefly em- ployed Un-Iobabited. Building OF employ- ed in not com- | TRADE, E, the Two Manu- prized in FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- CUL- TURE. factures./ preced. forHandia ing craft, Classes. 946 894 232 10,610 COLESHILL • 2,026 2,072 5,270 5,069 10,339 MAYLOR .. 1,955 2,059 1,196 378 485 5,228 5,382 MOLD 2,378 2,468 5 40 1,126 768 574 6,216 6,163 12,379 PRESTATYN 694 745 16 367 | 111 267 1,893 1,865 3,758 RHUDDLAN 1,469 1,649 7 670 657 4,165 4,224 | 8,389 HOLYWELL, TOWN - - 1,451 1,618 214 116 3,961 | 4,348 8,309 Totals - - - 9,973 10,611 33 1474,421 (3,531 2,659 | 26,733 27,051 53,784 Ages of Persons. M A LES 90 TOTAL. wards IC I 634 587 881 604 420 368 464 362 Hundred of COLESHILL - - - MAYLOR - - MOLD - - - PRESTATYN - RHUDDLAN - - - HOLYWELL, TOWN - 535 395 106 5,270 5,228 6,204 1,599 2,084 3,961 138 174 128 305 281 257 210 312 246 698 566 487 364 3,785 3.335 3,043 | 2,443 3,718 2,735 2,058 1,577 1,044 458 138 12 644 447 327 218 Total of MALES - - FEMALES. 15 1 20 30 Under TOTAL 5. 451 Hundred of COLESHILL - - - MAYLOR - - - - MOLD ..... PRESTATYN - - 526 482 390 762 646 583 486 770 585 451 373 655 378 931 185 244 636 Total of FEMALES | 3,686 | 3,256 2,738 2,518 |3,720 | 2,750 2,203 1,632 |1,169 629 227| 23 5,069 5,393 6,164 1,574 2,003 4,348 106 144 204 RHUDDLAN - - - HOLYWELL, TOWN - 306 10 119 266 501 447 546 375 24,551 - THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Flint was .... 53,784, ..., and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, ...: 48,897, .... whence it appears that the Ages of about one-eleventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. was.. dhe Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Flint was 68 ; four of which did not contain any answer to the yourselon concerning thc Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+); and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, -ur incorrect in the respective Numbers of Niales and Females. 6 A 462 TEnumero A BSTHACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER ALSO County of Glamorgan. - - - - - - - - - HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI ALL OR By FA HI- LIES chiefly em chietty how LES 1 Orhea employ- Families ed in not com prized in TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Fuhabited. many Families Oc- Un-Inhabited. ployed TRADE, libe Two Building. MALES. FEMALES. cupied. | Manu' the Two factures. I preced- PERSONS. AGRI, GPL- WorHandi- TURI, craft. ing Classes. I 38 427 278 99 84 i++ 187 73 303 213 175 63 178 188 CAERPHILLY Hundred. BedwAS (part of) Parish: (*) Van - - - - - - - Hamlet Eglws-ilan Parish : (0) Ener-Glynn - - - - - Hamlet 192 Glyn-taff - - - - - - Hamlet Hendredenny - - - - - Hamlet Park - - - - - - - Hamlet Rhyd-y-Boithan - - Hamlet Gelli-gaer Parish : (0) Brithdir - - - - - - Hamlet Cefn - - - - - - - Hainlet Garth-gynyd - - - - • Hamlet Hengoed - - - - - - Hamlet Ysgwyddgwn - -.. • Hamlet 18 Llan-vabon Parish: (1) Garth - - - - - - - Hamlet Glyn-rumney - • - - Mamlet Machen (part of) Parish : (0) Rhydgwern - - - - - Hamlet Merthyr-Tidvil - - - () Parish 3,052 Michaelston-Fedw (part of) Parish: (6) Llanvedow - - - - - Hamlet Rudry - - - - - • - Parish 65 Whitchurch - - - - - - Parish / 231 la llar 136 131 55 06 213 11 214 128 126 go 83173 7,852 17,404 3,110 tahun yang 9,552 a 1 137 315 5 24 36 70 231 137 178 158 473 10 77 150 499 972 4,335 4,429 55 52 702 13,402 | 325 12,733 10,937 23,670 45 146 288 142 541 566 1,107 20 20 168 318 703 COWBRIDGE Hundred. (6) Athan, St. - - - - - - Parish Cowbridge - (+) a Parish Eglwys-brewis - - - - - Parish Flemingstone - Parish Gilestone - - - - - - Parish Hilary, St. - - - - - - Parish Llan-blethian - Parish Llan-dough - - - - - Parish | Llan-haran - - Parish Llan-hary - - - - - - Parisha Llan-illid - - • Parish Llan-maes - - - - () Parish Llan-mihangle - - - Parish Llan-sannor - - - - - - Parish Lantwit-Major - - - - - Parish Lisworney - - - - - - Parish Mary-Church, St. . . . . Parish Nash - (+) - - - - Extra-P. Pen-doylon • - - - - - Parish Welsh, St. Donatts- Parish Ystrad-owen - - - . - Parisb 134 63 154 119 III III and III o I INN I III 288 243 124 IIII-a Itill man ini! veco Ivoor w ser o co @ Allen 89 97 91 101 198 27 100 188 993 83 515 79 162 75 148 6 186 179 365 48 136 35 29 104 117 221 1,067 1,199 7 / 27 619 | 220 360 2,880 3,014 5,894 () Most part of Bedwas Parish is in Wenttloog Hundred (Moninouth- | Tidvil Parish includes the Hamlets of Forest, Garthi, Gellideg, co bliver- shire.) The entire Parish contains 650 Inhabitants.- 0) Ener-Glynn, i mood, Taff and Cynon, all which in the year 1811, made distinct Glynn-taff, Hendredenny, Park and Rhyd-y-Boithan Hamlets, and the Returns. The large increase of Population (6,300) in the Parish oi Town of Caerphilly, for the Parish of Eglws-ilan. The Town of Caer Merthyr-Tidvil is attributed to the increase of the iron manufactures. philly is situate in the Hamlet of Ener-Glynn, and included in that Re- (B) Michaelston-Fedw. Parish is partly in Upper Wenttloog Hun. turn. The entire Parish contains 2,503 Inhabitants. () Brithdir, dred (Monmouthshire.) The entire Parish contains 512 Inhabitants. Cefn, Garth-Gynyd, Hingoed, and Ysgwyddgwn Hamlets, form the (1) Rythyo Hamlet, locally situute in tlie Huudred of Cowbridge, 13 Parish of Gelli-gaer. The entire Parish contains 1,247 Inhabitants. - included in the Return of St. Mary, Hill, in the Hundred of our lo Garth and Glyn-rumney Hamlets form the Parish of Llan-vabon. - The increase of Population in the Parish of Llan-maes, 18 The entire Parish contains 681 Inhabitants.- ) Most part of Machen ascribed to the building of some cottages, and to the encouragement ginn Parish is in Lower Wenttloog Hundred, County of Monmouth. The by the Poor Laws. entire Parish contains 1,205 Inhabitants. The Return of Merthyr- M.DCCC. XX1.7 463 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PARQCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. 11 how many Families Oc- cupied. | OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FADI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly Families em- not com- TRADE. I prized in Manu. the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandia ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-hihabited. Building. ОР ployed in T'RADE, 12 FEMALES. MALES. 1 PERSONS. 101 263 536 67 may lalo il 44 273 34 133 33 140 273 58 106 16 114 233 127 36 269 20 241 117 510 118 235 24 84 am 10 I-IIIII:1 l m l I made 43 na at I and I want i la m DINAS POWIS Hundred. Andrew, St. - - - - - - Parish Barry - - - - - - - - Parish Bonvilston - - - - - - Parish Brides, St. super Ely - - - Parish Cadoxton, juxta Barry - - - Parish Cogon - - - - - - - Parish Fagan, St. - - - - - - Parish George, St. - - - - - - Parish Higblight - - - - - Extra-P. Lavernock - - - - - - Parish Leckwith - - - - - - - Parish Llandough, juxta Barry - - - Parish Lancarvan, East . Ik) - West ? - . () Parish || Llan-illtern - - - - - Par: Chap: I lan-trithyd - - - - - Parish || Lythan, St. . - - - - - Parish || Merthyr-Dovan - - - - - Parish Michaelstone-le-Pit - - - Parish Michaelston, super Ely - - - Parish Nicholas, St. - - Parish Pen-arth - - - - - - - Parish Pen-mark - - - - - - Parish Peterstone, super Ely - - - Parish Perth-Kerry - - - - - - Parish Sully - - - - - - (1) Parish Wenooe - - - - - - - Parish 50 40 78 206 41 44 38 199 162 75 119 52 405 179 57 341 101 132 220 108 56 78 90 168 39 43 82 i ll 24 53 329 154 40 243 120 44 availa 29 175 37 234 112 471 or 232 98 54 113 91 204 242 204 446 1,000 14 23 962 152 43 2,845 | 2,811 1 5,656 KIBBOR Hundred. 69 13 250 13 226 33 513 36 625 1,138 Caire, otherwise Cairau • Llandaff - - - - - Llan-edern - - - - Llan-ishen - - - - Lisyane - - - - - Roath - - - - - - - (m) - - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 59 172 176 64 arawan 180 348 366 180 116 114 230 125 144 269 il 2 441 a 1,139 1,275 2,414 LLANGEVELACH Hundred. 101 279 254 1,350 212 158 1,461 208 533 2,811 420 160 318 197 186 383 Llangevelach Parish : (*) Clase, Higher - - - - Hamlet Lower - - - - Hamlet 539 Mawr, Higher - - - - Hamlet -, Lower ·-Hamlet Penderry, Higher - - - Hamlet , Lower - - - Hamlet Rhyndroy-Clydach, Higher Hamlet ., Lower Hamlet Llanguick . .. . (°) Parish Llansamlet, Higher) . Parish 168 , and Lowerſ 1 369 222 I oval T111 TL Ivalo cre7 NC 19 co Öv 44 133 225 137 324 719 439 909 149 338 709 451 447 286 662 1,428 890 1,749 229 208 172 375 840 1,872 1,908 5 55 589 989 330 4,880 l 5,047 9,927 (4) The entire Parish of Llancarvan contains 746 Inhabitants. gevelach contains 5,860 Inhabitants. One female in Lower-Clase Hamiet, i ne ucrease of Population in the Parislı of Sully, is attributed to the 1 upwards of 100 years of age. O) The Return of Llanguick Parish Whole Parish being in the occupation of one person (which in 1811 was includes the Hamlets of Alltygreeg with Mawr, and Blaenegall with mo 14 or 15 small farms) and to the improved state of agri. Racgurwen, which Hamlets form the Parish of Llanguick, and in the culture (") The Return of Llandaff Parish includes the Hamlets of 1 year 1811 were separately returned.-- ) The cntire Parish of Llan- auton, Ely, Fairwatcr, Gabalva, and Llandaff, each of which in the 1 samlet contains 2,639 Inbabitants.. year 1811, inade a distinct Return. (n) The entire Parish of Llan- | divided 464 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN—continued. - HOUSES : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: OR By bow many Families chiefly EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS. FAI- FAI- ALL LIES LIES OTHER employ- Families em- ed in not con- ployed TRADE, I prized in in Manu. the Two AGRI. factures, proced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building Or FEMALES. Oc- NALES. cupied. PERSONS. 101 111 212 460 106 429 889 212 394 749 1,295 325 106 355 1,290 285 2,585 MISKIN Hundred Aberdare Parish : (8) Cefnpennar - - - Hamlet · Cwmdare - - - - - - Hamlet Forehaman - - - - - Hamlet Llwydcod - - - - - - Hamlet Llantrissaint - - - - - Parish Llantwitvairdre, Higher and Parish Lower - - - - - J Llanwonno Parish: (1) Glyn-connon - - - - - Hamlet Havoddryinog ---- Hamlet Pentyrch . . . . . Parish Rhayadar, or Radyr - - - Parish Ystrad-devodwg Parish : (*) Cludach - - - - - - Hamlet Rhigos - - - - - - Hamlet Ystrad-devodwg, Home - Hamlet -, Middle - Hamlet 176 - 1 of 1 ini Aventador 328 192 348 336 411 68 96 CO 166 91 172 338 161 - - 78 - 135 164 299 -- -- 1,548 1,635 | 5 676 551 408 4,131 4,030 8,161 . 1 . . . 176 189 37 107 23 133 489 195 123 150 293 458 352 146 720 289 189 362 299 104 147 101 183 205 341 65 150 NEATH Hundred. Aberavon - - - - - () Parish Baglan Parish: (º) Higher - - - - - • Hamlet Lower - - - - - - - Hamlet Cadoxton Parish: (W) Blaen-honddan - - - - Hamlet Coed-frank - - « - (W) Hamlet Dyffryn-Clydach . . Hamlet Dylais, Lower - - - - Hamlet - Upper - - - Hamlet Neath, Genol, or Middle - Hamlet M, Lower - - - - Hamlet Upper - . . - Hamlet Ynis-y-mond - - - - Hamlet Briton-ferry . - - - - - Parish Glynn-corwg Parish : (*) Glynn-corwg - - - - Hamlet Blaengwrack - - - - - Hamlet Kil-y-bebill, Lower • -(0)7 pin - Upper ..?} Parish Lantwit, Lower, juxta Neath Parish :(2) Clyne - - - - - - - Hamlet Lantwit - - - - - - Hamlet Resolvend - - - - • Hamlet Michaelstone, super Avon Parish : (*) Michaelstone, super Avon, Hamlet Lower - ...if Hamlet Michaelstone, super Avon, Upper .'... Hamlet Neath - - - - - Town and Parish 188 396 ow IBIDAT I Got a Ci 11 11 Ni i IIIIIIIIIII coon la w A 63 122 124 227 1 86 195 132 21 119 52 128 609 134 39 110 207 Hamlet 37 91 188 102 1,366 | 1,457 2,823 640 640 3 2,019 2,038 989 444 1,042 4,834 5,003 9,837 (9) The entire Parish of Aberdare contains 2,062 Inhabitants. Upper, Neath Middle, Neath Lower, Neath Upper, and Ynis-y-mond (T) Glyn-connon and Havoddryinog Haiplets form the Parish of Llanwonno. Hamlets, form the Parish of Cadoxton. The increase of population. T'he entire Parish contains 1,044 Inbabitants. Cludach, Rhigos, the Hanılet of Coed-frank is ascribed to the copper-Würlis. The entire Ystrad-devodwg-Home and Ystrad-devodwg Middle, Hamlets, ſorin the Parish of Cadoxton contains 3,879 Inhabitants. One female in Coed. Parish of Ystrad-devodwg; The entire Parish contains 985 Inhabitants. frank Hamlet upwards of 100 years of age. ) The entire Parisho! -(1) The increase of population in the Parish of Aberavon is attri- Glynn-corwg contains 351 Inhabitants. The entire l'arish . buted 10 the crection of an iron furnace in the adjoining Parish. Kil-y-bebill contains 327 Inhabitants. (^) The entire Parish --(u) The entire Parish of Baglanı contains 304 Inhabitants. Lower Lantwit contains 1,001 Luhabitants. (a) Thc enure Faria (W) Blaen-Honddan, Coed-frank, Dyffryn-Clydach, Dylais Lower and I of Michaelstone-super-Avon contains 395 Inhabitants. UDCCC.XXI.) 465 : THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, - ALL By OR how TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families OC- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families .em- ed in not com- ployed Taupe prized in | Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi. ing TURE. I craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OP Building. in NIALES. cupied. PERSONS. NEWCASTLE Hundred. 48 12 176 168 221 344 178 399 171 328 OAG 157 125 188 81 272 365 162 81 103 228 464 | 1 236 523 953 430 110 112 222 - š 96 128 169 278 Bettws . . - - - - Parish Brides, St. Minor - - - (b) Parish Coychurch Parish : () Coychurch, Higher - - - Hamlet , Lower - - - Hamlet Pencoyd - - - - - Hamlet Peterstone-on-the-Hill - - Chapelry Coyty Parish : (4) , Higher - - - - - Hamlet Lower - - - - - Hamlet Kenfigg', Lower - - - (°) Parish Laleston Parish: () , Higher - - - - Hamlet Lower - - - - - Hamlet Llangonoyd Parish: (5) -, Higher '• . • Hamlet Middle - - - Hamlet Lower or Boyden - - (8) Hamlet Cwmdu - - - - - - Hainlet Margam • • - - - - (b) Parish Newcastle Parish : (1) , Higher - - - - Hamlet M, Lower - - - - Hamlet Newton-Nottage - - - (k) Parish | Pyle - - - - - - - () Parish Tythgeston Parish: (1) --, Higher - - - - Hamlet | -, Lower - - - - Hamlet 86 98 148 uma 81 84 184 302 165 307 2,047 155 380 1,050 121 124 245 47 117 244 508 264 266 102 239 505 444 94 222 222 44 99 101 75 24 AA 200 134 59 1,756 957 482 352 4,369 | 4,628 | 8,997 6 . 1: 179 81 168 86 152 50 146 347 167 303 · G6 164 88 OGMORE Hundred. Andrews, St. Minor - - : Parish Bride, St. Parish: (m) Bride, St. - - - - - - Hamlet Lampha - • • • • • Hamlet Southerndown - - - - Hamlet Ynysawdre - (+) - - Hamlet Colwinstone - - - - - Parish Donatts, St. - - - - - - Parish Ewenny - - - - . (n) Parish Llandow . - - - . Parish Lladdevodog - - - - - Parish Llan-ganna - - - - - - Parish | Llan-geinor-on-the-Hills - - Parish Marcross - - - - - - Parish Mary, St. Hill - - - - ( Parish Merthyr-mawr - - - - - Parish | Monk-nash - - - - - - Parish Penlline, near Cowbridge - - Parish Wick - - - - - - - - Parish Ew w Ou Avorba de , ö i 310 163 269 119 142 I all I may I am made 127. 58 296 143 105 169 48 61 153 126 166 31 125 71 54 182 182 117 57 231 335 79 242 128 117 341 159 76 168 350 1 788 3 24 583 143 1,911 1,993 3,904 W une female in St. Bride's Minor Parish upwards of 100 years of of Havod-y-Porth, Higler Kenfigg, Margam and Brombil, and Trissent; all age. ) The entire Parish of Coychurch contains 1,127 Inhabitants. wbich, in the year 1811, made distinct Returns.-- (i) The entire Parish The increase of population in the Hamlet of Pencoyd is attributed to of Newcastle contains 753 Inhabitants.----_(K) The Return of Newton- my early marriages. (d) The entire Parish of Coyty contains 1,417 Nottage Parish includes the Hamlets of Newton and Nottage.----(1) The babitants. () Kenfigg Lower, otherwise Kenfigg and Pyle, United entire Parish of Tythgeston contains 334 Inhabitants.--(m) The entire Parisbes. (1) The entire Parish of Laleston contains 447 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Llangonoyd contains 958 Inhabitants. One lies in the third column of occupations in the Parisli of Ewenny are gene- male in Lower or Buyden Hamlet upwards of 100 years of age. rally employed upon repairs of the highways, and paid as paupers from The increase of population in the Parish of Margam is attributed to the the poor rates. The return of St. Mary Hill Parish includes the peace, and to early marriages. This Parish includes the Hamlets | Hamlet of Rythyn, locally situate in the Hundred of Cowbridge. бв 466 (Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS, AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | All OTHER OL employ. Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. Ву how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAxt- LIES LIES chiefly chiefly em- ed in not com- yea Txape. I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced. CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. MALES. FEMALES. OP PERSONS. 98 47 227 208 118 1 122 240 53 141 138 279 112 111 305 301 19 51 74 158 119 48 84 186 242 195 99 188 26° 202 128 513 509 397 02 438 SWANSEA Hundred. Bishopstone - - - - - - Parish | Cheriton - - - - - - - Parish Ilston - - - - - - - - Parish John, St. near Swansea - - (P) Parish Knelston - - - - - - - Parish Llandewy - - - - - - - Parish Llangennith - - - - - - Parish Llan-deilo-tal-y-bont (part of) (9) Parish Tyr-yr-Brenkin & Briskedwin Hamlet Llanmadock - - - - - - Parish Llanridian, Higher - - () Parish - Lower - Loughor - - - - - () Borougli Loughor - - - - - - - Parish Nicholaston - - - - - - Parish Oxwick - - - - - - - Parish Oystermouth - - - - - - Parish Pen-maen - - - - - - Parish Pen-nard - - Parish Pen-rice - - Parish Port-eynon - - - - - - Parish Reynoldston - - - - - - Parish Ros-cily - - - - - - () Parish Swansea (part of) Parish : (*) Higher - - - - - • Division Lower - - - - - - Division | Tim Ilma III and all loi IIII Vouw w ilocoso ororoctwo NN and 227 259 224 203 138 120 258 67 119 52 128 473 69 267 218 1,008 148 139 535 71 163 196 193 160 137 140 311 345 149 162 100 132 269 111 Ter $2 252 187 22 315 227 567 414 77 1,890 2,004 16 95 981 495 4,484 5,017 9,501 Town of CARDIFF. John, St. and St. Mary (+) - (W) Parish 639 / 722 | 15 | 17 34 629 / 59 1,680 | 1,841 / 3,521 Town of Swansea - - - (º) Town and Franchise | 1,994 | 2,059 Thomas, St. - - - - - Hamlet 55 65 20 721 1,3184,426 18 | 37 115 5:581 133 10,007 10 1 248 84 2,049 2,124 30 84 30 30 739 |1,355 14,541 4541 5,714 5,714 10,255 (P) The large increase of Population (330) in the Parish of St. John, | lime-stone trade with Devonshire. -(") Swansea Parish is partly is attributed to "the accession of new Copper Works.”- (9) The entered in Swansea Hundred, partly at the end of the County. The Return of Llan-deilo-tal-y-bont Parish includes the Hamlets of Glyn- entire Parish contains 11,236 Inhabitants. The Hainlet of St. Thomas loughor, Gwenlais and Ynisloughor. The entire Parish contains 906 is partly in the Parish of St. John (Swansea Hundred.) The increase Inhäbitants. The entire Parish of Llanridian contains 1,437 of Population (2,002) in the Town and Franchise of Swansea, is attri- Inhabitants. The sixteen families in the third Column of Occupations, buted to the improved state of trade and commerce in the Town and (in the Higher Division of the Parish) are copper smelters and miners. Port of Swansea, and the public spirit of the Inhabitants, and its O) The decrease of Population in the Borough of Loughor, is vicinity. The increase of Population in the Town of Cardis, is attributed to the abandoning of the collieries within the Borough since attributed to the increase of the iron, tin, and coal trades. 1811,- ) The increase of Population at Rhos-cily is attributed to MDCCC.XXI.) 467 • THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN-continues SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : FAMI- I ALL By how many Families ΤΟΤΑΙ HUNDREDS, Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. &c. Building. Oco FAMI- LIES LIZS | Отихи. chiefly chiefly em ployed in AORI-factures. I preced- CUL- forlandia ing TURE, craft Classes. employ. Families ed in not com. TRADE. I prized in | Manus' the Two FEMALES. MALES. Or PERSONS cupied. Hundred of CAERPHILLY - • • - • 4,335 4,429 55 | 325 | 12,733 10,937 23,670 COWBRIDGE COWBRIDGE .... 200 3 2,880 3,014 5,894 DINAS-POWIS - - - - - |1,000 152 2,845 2,811 / 5,656 KIBBOR - - - - - - - | 481 519 1 2 1,139 1,275 2,414 LLANGEVELACH . . 15 55 330 4,880 5,047 | 9,927 MISKIN - - - - - - - 11,548 1,635 | 5/1381 676 1551 408 4,131 4,030 8,161 NEATH - - - - - - - 2,019 2,038 444 1,042 4,834 5,003 9,837 NEWCASTLE 822 4,369 1 4,628 8,997 OGMORE - - - - - | 740 1,911 1,993 3,904 SWANSEA - - - . (1,890 2,004 528 4,484 / 5,017 | 9,501 Town of CARDIFF ...... 639 722 15 17 34 629 59 1,680 1,841 3,521 Town of L .- SWANSEA - . . . . . 2,049 2,124 30 84 30 739 1,355 | 5,714 10,255 - - -- - - - Totals • . - |19,396 120,314 161 645 7,126 8,336 4,852 50,427 | 51,310 | 101,737 - - - ALA 468 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS. UNDER COUNTY OF GLAMORGÂN-continued. Ages of Persons. MALES Under | Hundred to to TOTAL. Ulwards of 1.669 1,199 1,724 1,468 336288 12,715 2,343 392 368 323 2,844) 124 174 173 721 1,148 104 623 675 1,472 / 1,290 2,587 1,659 256 247 1 362 254 301 440 338 144 119 567 475 497 463 599 532 548 600 453 188 263 211 CAERPHILLY - - - COWBRIDGE - - DÍNAS-POWIS - KIBBOR - - - LLANGEVELACH - - MISKIN - - .. NEATH - - .. NEWCASTLE - OGMORE - - SWANSEA - - - - 4,910 4,131 688 4,836] 600 B15 430 4,379 292 248 195 1,866) 645 591 475 4,486) CARDIFF, TOWN .: SWANSEA, TOWN - - 782 615 546 411 585 575 4,541 Total of MALES - 7,03 6,377 5,791 4,975 7,547 59570 4,284 3,062 2,137,1,079 301 148,199 FEM A L E S. Under | 5 10 15 40 20 I to Hundred to 5 to 30 I to 40 TOTAL, 1,772 1,399 LOL osv 10,937 2,445 307 262 243 285 360 284 2,801 334 120 mod co 190 159 753 732 CAERPHILLY ... -1,669 COWBRIDGE - ... DINAS-POWIS 376 KIBBOR -..... LLANGEVELACH : MISKIN .. 610 NEATH -... 705 NEWCASTLE - 577 OGMORE ... 248 SWANSEA - - - 1,272 5,047 4,029 558 412 453 A 643 596 532 602 497 484 203 4,9721 14,588 1,941 5,032 255 231 - 65 598 w CARDIFF, TOWN--. SWANSEA, TOWN -. 727 | 623 556 376 272 118 4610 - 5,714 Total of FEMALES - 6,816 6,327 5,428 4,897 | 7,898 5,755 4,398 3,069 (2,4131,229 497 | 48 | 3|48,778) THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Glamorgan was .... 101,737 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 96,977, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one twentieth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not occ" obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Glainorgan was .... 189; four of which did not answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+); a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were soinewhat redundant, -or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 469 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Merioneth. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL how many 'ami EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLAGE. en- Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES ALL LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly employ- Families ed in not coin- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP Building FEMALES. Oce MALES. PERSONS. cupied. | ܟ 55 126 126 564 206 604 121 ܟܬ ܘ ܙ 321 65 128 609 252 1,168 1,420 351 597 811 183 331 168 266 ARDUDWY Hundred. Bethgelard (part of) Parish : (*) Nantmor - - - - - - Hamlet | Festiniog - - - - - (b) Parish Lan-aber - - - - - (c) Parish Lan-beder - - - - - - Parish Llan-danwg - - - - - - Parish Llanddwywe Parish : (°) Is-Graig - - - - - - Hamlet Uwch-Graig - - - - - Hamlet Llan-decwyn - - Parish Llan-elltyd • (+) - - - Parish Llan-enddwyn - - - - - Parish Llan-fair - - - - - - - Parish Llanfihangel-y-Traethan - - Parish Llan-frothen - - - - - - Parish Maen-twrog - - - - - - Parish Traws-fynydd - - - - - Parish 150 ܟ ܟ 287 137 45 60 244 202 90 101 209 126 336 262 368 76 78 203 197 125 155 105 446 471 704 419 1,011 661 783 1,444 230 131 165 307 ܕ ܝܕ ܙ ܗ ܢܝ ܝܕ ܢ 6 216 449 320 380 110 52 131 562 341 403 771 300 138 673 1,924 2,112 | 5 | 59 | 1,081 336 695 4,700 / 5,419 10,119 55 I 23 144 369 | 273 1,742 2 129 864 179 878 EDERNION Hundred. (*) Bettws-Gwerfil-Goch - - - Parish Corwen (part of) - - - () Parish Gwyddelwern Parish : (5) Cwm - - - - - - - Hamlet Uwchafon - - - - - - Hamlet Uwchmynydd - - - - Hamlet Llandrillo - - - - - - Parish Llangar - - - - - - - Parish Llan-saint-ffraid-glyn-dydwy - Parish 232 490 97 147 258 365 136 690 325 101 43 94 195 III 1-i 181 191 Il 376 407 783 39 114 221 39 24 107 61 28 61 122 932 1963 319 588 151 2,195 4,516 105 276 ESTIMANER Hundred. Llanfihangel-y-pen-nant (6) Penalt - - - - - - - (Talyllyn - - - - - - - Towyn - - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish 251 350 130 130 130 490 123 119 490 336 527 686 766 2,369 316 92 450 1,173 1,196 837 1880 35 509 224 2,235 2,113 4,348 PENLLYN Hundred. - - Parish 203 207 11 6 a 439 477 916 101 102 81 ind 234 239 467 81 w 98 233 239 299 221 478 537 104 1 238 Llan-dderfel - - - - Llan-fawr Parish: (0) Bettws - - - - - Garn - - - - - Penmaern - - - - Rhewardog - - - Llangower - - - - Llan-uwch-y-Llyn - - Llanykil (part of) .. Bala - - - - - 13 - Township - Township - Township - Township (b) Parish • • Parish () Parish - - Town 76 96 243 271 309 396 467 99 243 w In w Sloo oo w norco 41 107 114 176 175 237 734 685 230 651 619 509 271 309 1,385 1,304 1,163 654 1,478 1,495 10 690 189 616 3,440 3,673 7,113 Bethgelard Parish is mostly in the Hundred of Evionydd (Car- Denbigh.) Corwen Parisha contains the sea-port Town of Bar- b) and extends into Uwch-Gorfai Hundred, in the sanie County. į mouth, and is partly in Isaled Hundred (Denbigh.) The entire Parish (ire Parish contains 867 Inhabitants. (b) The increase of Po- ! contains 1,809 Inhabitants. () The entire Parish of Gwyddelwern the Parish of Festiniog is attributed to the works carried on contains 1,375 Inhabitants.--- ) Llanfihangel-y-pen-nant is partly in late quarries in the Parish. The 128 families in the third colunin Tal-y-bont Hundred, but the whole is here entered. The entire ns, are chiefly slate quarry-men. (9) The Return of Parish of Llau-fawr contains 1,878 Inhabitants.----(*) The Townships of e includes Gwern-y-Hywel Township. The entire Dwy-Graig and Uwchafan were separately returned in 1811. ) The handdwywe contains 392 Inhabitants. - (0) Celynpost, in entire Parish of Llanykil contains 2,467 luhabitants. on Hundred, is returned with Llanfihangel (Isaled Hundred, 6 C ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. COUNTY OF MERIONETH-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAI- | FAMI: All LIES LIES! OTHER chiefly cm- einploy- 'Families ed in not com- ployed ° TRADE, prized in Manua': the Two AGRI- factures, preced. orHandia ing I craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. CUL- TURE. TAL-Y-BONT & MOWDDWY Hundred. (m) - Llanegryn Parish : (*) Peniarth - - - - - Township · Rhydyrhin: - - - - Township Llanfachreth ... °) Parish Llangelynin, Higher 54 103 137 271 286 513 965 187 84 23 93 499 149 242 466 276 231 351 Parish ( 166 347 623 Lower} · (P) 212 443 702 Llan-y-mowddwy - . Mallwyd - .... . . (9) Parish Parish 138 249 351 593 88 161 573 1,166 974 988 3 14 415 216 357 2,288 2,410 4,698 Town and Parish of Dolgelly (part of) - - () Dolgelly - - - - - - 278 1 296 1 Parish Town 719 278 502 - 1 2 | 34 142 233 21 42 54 | 297 194 7092,776 2:495 545 902 11,191 2,093 780 841 287 318 | 236 1,621 | 1,967 3,588 (m) Llanfihangel-y-pennant is partly in Tal-y-bont Hundred, but is - The entire Parish of Clinin (otherwise Llangelynin near the sea,) wholly entered in Estimaner Hundred. --(n) The entire Parish of contains 1,066 Inhabitants.----(9) Mallwyd Parish is partly in Ma- Llanegryn contains 799 Inhabitants. The Return of Llan-fachrethclynlleth Hundred, Montgomery; but the whole is here entered. I Parish includes the Townships of Nannau Uwchafon, and Nannau Isafon. ) The entire Parish of Dolgelly contains 3,588 Iuhabitants. SUMMARY OP HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF MERIONETH. Hundred of ARDUDWY - - - - - - 1 1,924 2,112 or 4,700 | 5,4191 10,119 2,195 2,321 4,516 I w 2,235 2,113 4,348 EDERNION ...... ESTIMANER - - - - - - 837 PENLYNN ------ 1,478 TAL-Y-BONT and MOWDDWY 974 Ő 3,440 3,673 7,113 2,288 2,410 4,698 w Town of DOLGELLY - 1841 247 287 318 236 1,621 | 1,967 13,588 TOTALS - - - 6,925 7,279 23 230 | 3,570 1,434 2,275 | 16,479 17,903 | 34,382 M. DCCC. XXI.] 471 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MERIONETH-continued. Ages of Persons. M A L E S. Hundred of TOTAL ARDUDWY - - - - 675 634 EDERNION • - . 2,194 ESTIMANER - - - | 2,205 PENLLYN - - - . 3,425 TAL-Y-BONT and 1 - 293 283 276 2051 MOWDDWY Y 204 - 2,288 Town of DOLGELLY -- 217 | 229 1 2 1 - 1,621 Total of MALES - 12,281 2,282 1,868 1,640 2,131 1,861 1,432 1,100 933 532 156 18 - 116,234 FEMALE S. Under TOTAL. Hundred of ARDUDIY - - - • EDERNION - - - - ESTIMANER - . PENLLYN - - - - 4 - 3,631 TAL-Y-BONT and 1 MOWDDWY -I 307 274 | 256 | 316 i 218 246 186 | 151| Town of DOLGEĻLY - 215 225 151 263 | 249 | 256 148 14580 36 21 - 1,967 Total of FEMALES 2,222 2,064 1,858 1,757 2,559 2,189 1,700 1,326 1,096 613 242 17 - 17,643 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Merioneth was . . . 34,382, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 33,877, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one sixty-eighth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Merioneth was 45; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Agers, and is thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 472 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ANI) RETURNS UNDER - County of Montgomery. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, | FAMI- | All OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how inany Families Occ cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ Families em ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL. JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. OT FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. !! 196 ã one 86 133 co ww vill 412 CAWRSE Hundred. ABBERBURY Parish: (a) Cruggion - - - - - Township Middleton - - - - - Township Uppington - - - - - Township Castle-Caereineon (part of) Parish: (0) Treheligg - - - - - Township Churchstoke Parish : (0) Weston-Madoc - - • Township Forden - - - - - - - Parish Welchpool (part of) Parish : (d) Cyfronydd - - (+) • Township Worthen (part of) Parish : (0) Leighton - - - - - Township Rhosgoch - - - - - Township Trelystan - - - - - Chapelry Wolston, otherwise Weston- ny-end - - - - - Chapelry - 125 w i 13 Inia w o i ã oo mii 386 | 437 68 358 51 28 1,266 | 1,182 2,448 TT 86 210 208 418 70 100 140 301 117 146 383 272 341 573 724 DEYTHUR Hundred. Abberbury Parish : (a) Bauseley - - (+) - Township Llandisilio - ... - - Parish Llandrinio ' . - - - - - Parish Llansantffraid (part of ) Parish : (*) Colfryn - - - - - - Township Llanarchkeela - - - - Township Trewillan - - - - - Township Trederwenfaur - - • Township Myfod (part of) - .. (8) Parish 119 218 50 69 128 397 443 ! - 12 339 73 i 31 1,158 1,076 2,234 1 144 136 51 173 280 936 496 440 346 897 LLANFYLLIN Hundred. Hirnant ....... Parish Llanfihangel, Upper and Lower Parish Llanfyllin - - - - - - - Parish Llangynog - - - - - - Parish Llanwyddyn, with Cowny (b) Parish Myfod (part of) -• - (5) Parish Pennant - - - - - - - Parish 809 199 1,706 402 71 101 203 100 101 272 258 352 375 897 864 367 530 1,761 745 143 153 90 378 1,236 1,344 / 9 30 733 321 3,195 3,165 | 6,360 LLANIDLOES Hundred. 50 57 Carno Parish : (i) Llysyn . . - - - Troascord and Dirlwyn Llandinam - - - - Llangirrig - - - - 108 - Township - Townships - - Parish - - Parish 124 302 317 157 294 810 109 292 211 152 313 826 911 267 297 309 607 1,636 1,784 105 873 () Abberbury, or Alberbury Parish, is partly in Cawrse Hundred, partly 1 in Pool Hundred. (0) Worthen Parish is mostly in Chirbury Hundred in Deythur Hundred, but mostly in Ford Hundred (Salop.) The entire (Salop.) Rhos-goch and Trelystan form the Chapelry of Wolston, other- Parish contains 1,946 Inhabitants.- Castle-Caereineon Parish is wise Weston-ny-end. The entire Parish contains 2,116 Inhabitants.com partly in Mathrafel Hundred. The entire Parish contains 752 Inhabit © Llansautffraid Parish is mostly in Pool Hundred. ) Myfod ants. - Church-Stoke Parish is mostly in Montgomery Hundred, in Parish is partly in Deythur Hundred, partly in Llanfyllin Hundred, this County, partly in Chirbury Hundred (Salop.) The entire Parish where the whole is entered.---(h) Llanwyddyn Parish is a narrow val- contains 1,388 Inhabitants. The Return of Weston-Madoc Township in- ley, divided by a hill called Cernysputty. The entire Parish of cludes Bachelden and Lower Hopton. () Welchpool Parish is mostly | Carno contains 916 Inhabitants. M.DCCC. XXI.] 473 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY-continued. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ТЕдмі- FAMI- LIES OR By how chiefy TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Inhabited. Families Un-Inhabited. ALL LIES chiefly | OTHER employ. Families cm- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, Iprized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- lorHardi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Building OT FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. _ _ _ _ WOON 887 52 1,097 292 302 103 1,984 594 464 231 233 LLANIDLOES Hundred continued. Llanidloes Parish : (*) Kilmarham - - - - Township Llanidloes - - - - - - Town Llanidloes - - - - Third Division Manleth, Birthdir, Treflyn Townships and Croys-lloybin •.5" Llanwnog, Lower and Upper }- . (9 () Parish Parish Penstrowed - - - - - - Parish Tref-Eglwys Parish : (m) Bod-aioch - - - - - Township Dôl-Gwden - - - - Township Eskirieth & Glyn-tref-nant Townships Maes-trif-gomer - - - Township 352 680 328 378 692 314 50 .56 106 NI IW 343 219 30 130 166 114 402 209 177 105 437 194 17 60 ó 839 403 1,866 2,132 11 32 1,113 131 5,212 | 5,551 10,763 212 432 220 224 267 491 MACHYNLLETH Hundred. (*) Cemmes Parish : (*) Brynchil and Tafolog - • Township Gwernybwlch - - . - Township Darowen Parish : (P) Caerseddfan - - - - Township Noddfa . . .'. • • Township Llanbrynmair, Lower • (9) Parish *, Upper - - - Parish Llawrin Parish : (0) Glyncaerig and Llawrin - Townships no 11 oer 216 215 428 212 214 489 475 470 429 959 934 459 225 458 Llanfechan and ļ mundo i 233 171 - - Townships 174 345 1,595 - - - Blaenglepyrch Machynlleth - - Isygarreg - - Uchygarreg - Penegos Parish : (0) Isycoed - - - Uchycoed - - - - - () Parish - Township - Township w o 761 164 191 834 174 179 338 370 - - 183 - - - - Township Township 167 232 mi 350 463 231 1,333 18 30 771 590 | 108 3,723 3,869 7,592 65 1 - 1 164 176 91 13 11 29 34 MATHRAFEL Hundred. Castle-Caereineon (part of) Parish : (0) Gaer - - - - () Township Garthbeibio , - - - - - Parish Llanerfyl - . .... - Parish Llanfair-caereinion - (+) - Parish Llangadfan - - - Parish Llangyniew - - - - - - Parish 154 499 165 487 180 340 319 986 2,514 1,024 616 463 1,216 487 301 1,298 537 175 110 28 315 15 266 1,053 1,423 11 307 2,821 2,978 5,799 (5) The entire Parish of Llanidloes contains 3,145 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to that of the woollen manufacture. () The entire Parish of Llanwnog contains 1,372 Inhabitants. (*) The entire Parish of Tref-Eglwys contains 1,804 Inhabitants.- © Machynlleth Hundred contains part of Mallwyd Parish, which is partly in Tal-y-bont Hundred (Merioneth), where the whole is entered. The entire Parish of Commes contains 923 Inhabitants, (°). The entirc Parish of Darowen contains 857 Inhabitants.---- (9) The entire Parish of Llanbrynmair contains 1,893 Inhabitants. (D) The I entire Parish of Llawrin contains 803 Inhabitants. ) The entire Parish of Machynlleth contains 2,303 Inbabitants-- () The entire Pa- rish of Penegos contains 813 Inhabitants. (u) Castle-Caereineon Parish is mostly in Cawrse Hundred. The Return of Gaer Township includes Moydog, Hydan and Dol (Hundred of Cawrse), and Hydan- Ucha and Nantford (Mathrafel Hundred.) 6 D 84 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- LIES By OR how many TOTAL ein- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS : Faure ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed | Trade, I prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHuidi. ing TORE. craft. Classes. Families Inhabited. Un-Jnhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. Oc MALES. PERSONS. cupied. MONTGOMERY Hundred. 493 193 44 113 117 043 136 179 443 625 400 570 1,195 Churchstoke - -.-. - (W) Parish Hyssington · ---- () Parish Kerry Parish: (Y)' Lower Kerry - - - - - Division Upper Kerry - - - - - Division Lydham Parish : (2) Aston - - - - - - Township Mainstone Parish: () Castlewright - - - - Township Moughtrey with Eskirgilog - - Parish MONTGOMERY - - Borough and Parish Snead - - - - - - · () Parish 63 112 25 100 88 265 538 221 20 155 514 1,062 60 524 34 26 921 1,031 / 5 241 229 2,627 1 l 2,501 15,128 NEWTON Hundred. 1 32 279 552 - - - 421 150 1,168 114 449 170 178 56 421 .:. - - - - - - - - - - - . . 334 103 106 42 2,334 853 437 870 Aberhafesp - Berriew - - Bettws - - Llandyssil - Llanllugan - Llanllwchaiarn Llanmerewig Llanwyddelan Manafon - - Newtown - - Tregynon - - 49 - - - - - - Parish 9 1 - - Parish - () Parish Parish 167 - - Parish • () Parish 189 - - Parish 27 - - Parish - Parish - - Parish 638 - - Parish | 117 273 1,166 432 4:33 167 515 .69 - 274 343 1,717 362 163 492 195 76 330 1,007 145 557 679 95 283 31 114 121 647 129 113 88 3.36 - - - - - - 581 10 1,769 359 3,486 92 27 10 714 2,057 2,204 30 993 1,033 178 5,751 / 5,776 11,527 157 80 379 388 767 23 POOL Hundred. Guildsfield Parish: (0) Garth - - - - - (C) Township Gungrog-fechan - - - Township Llanerchrochwell- hwell . () Township Llan-fechan - - - - Chapelry Tirymynech - - - - Township Trelydan - - - - - Township Varchael - - - - - Township Llansaintffraid (part of) - : - (1) Parish 10 284 327 266 319 550 | 110 646 299 54 154 145 14 14 74 138 41 385 149 128 33 377 335 762 672 337 705 1731 1 439 | 134 158 1,894 1,8993,793 Town of POOL. Buttington Parish: (8) Cletterwood - - Hope - - - - Trewern - - - - - - - - (8) 117 Township Township Township 151 88 268 169 81 177 358 (W) Churchstoke Parish is partly in Cawrse Hundred, and partly Inhabitants. Snead Parish is partly in Chirbury Hundred (Salop), in Chirbury Hundred (Salop). " It includes the Townships of Hurdley, but the whole is here entered. The Townships of Garthgillin and Mellington, and Upper Hopton, in Montgomery Hundred. The and Glanithan, and of Ucheldre and Dolevowin, are included in the entire Parish contains 1,388 Inhabitants. Hyssington Parish Return of Bettws Parish. The Township of Aberbechan and Gwes- is partly in Chirbury Hundred (Salop). The entire Parish contains 283 tyd, and of Hendidley and Kilcowen, forn the Parish of Laullwcbuiarn. Inhabitants. () The Lower Division of Kerry Parish consists of the | The prosperity of the flannel manufacture, aud the new canal, which Township of Brynllavarcb, Kilthrew, Cloddie, and Trefflan; and the terminates in this Parish, have caused an increase of Population (308 Township of Caliber-ucha and Caliber-issa, Celuyberen, Bahaithlon, and persons) since 1811.- ) The entire Parish of Guildsfield contains Gwernygo. The Upper Divisi un consists of the Township of Goitre, 3,121 inhabitants. The Return of Garth Township includes Lower Penygelly, Manllywd-Drefor and Fen, and Gwenthrew, and the Town. Bronyarth, Hendrehene, and Llan-Trowscoed; and the Return of Llan- ship of Weegdolior, Gwemesigub, C'eſnymynach, Graig, and Garthilin. erchrochwell Township includes Upper Bronyarth. (*) Llansanttfraid Lydham Parish is mostly in Purslow Hundred (Salop). The | Parish is partly in Deythur Hundred. The entire Parish contains 1,196 entire Parislı contains 295 Indiabitants. (2) Mainstone Parish is Inhabitants.-6) The entire Parish of Buttington contains 795 Inba. mostly in Purslow flundred (Salop). The entire Parish contains 451 | bitants. One feinale in Trewern Township, upwards of 100 years of age. - . ... . . . W.DCCC. XXI.) : THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. . 475 . COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY-continued. PARISH, TOWNSHIP, HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- | ALL Fann. OR EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. chiefly employ- Inhabited. By how inany Faniilies Oce cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. | LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER Families cm. ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi ing TURE. craft. Classes. NIALES. FEMALES. TOTAL Or PERSONS. Town of POOL- continued. 106 113 Welchpool (part of) Parish : () - Upper - - • Division Middle - - - Division -, Lower - - • Division 576 348 151 402 160 99 / 14 124 158 671 83 280 1,011 385 120 10 296 1,068 420 2,079 805 752 842 437 275 130 2,096 | 2,159 4,255 (1) Pool Parish is partly in Cawrse Hundred. The entire Parish contains 3,535 Inhabitauts. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, PERSONS, AND FAMILIES, IN THE COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY. Hundred of CAWRSE • - - - - - - | 358 1,266 1,182 2,448 DEYTHUR - - - - - - 1 397 339 1,158 1,076 2,234 LLANFILLIN --. 733 3,195 6,360 LLANIDLOES - - 5,212 10,763 MACHYNLLETH 771 3,723 3,869 7,592 . MATHRAFEL - - - - - |1,053 850 2,821 | 2,978 5,799 MONTGOMERY - - 561 241 229 2,627 2,501 | 5,128 NEWTOWN - - 5,751 5,776 11,527 POOL - - - - - 439 134 1 1,894 | 1,899 1 3,793 Town of POOL - - - - - - - 1 752 8421 11 437 1 275 / 130 L 2,096 | 2,159 4,255 TOTALS - - 110,706 12,050 | 50 1946,594 3,882 1,580 29,743 30,156 59,899 47.6 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY - continued. Ages of Persons, AL MA L E S. Under "TOTAL Huadred of 183 159 120 125 95 447 305 3,186 806 656 523 CAWRSE - - DEYTHUR - - - LLANFYLLIN - LLANIDLOES - - • MACHYNLLETH - - MATHRAFEL - - MONTGOMERY -- NEWTOWN - - - - POOL - - - - - 406 746 463 195 366 422 510 290 413 399 204 159 5,203 3,723 1,605 2,628 5,751 1,894 321 726 664 241 220 191 297 179 Town of POOL - - - - 336 283 229 193 306 217 224 | 131 2,096 Total of MALES - 4,172 3,734 3,362 2,819 4,104 3,255 | 2,614 |1,827 28,257 FEM A L E S. Under Hundred | TOTAL. ards of 156 a l 1 121 -1860 1 1 CAWRSE - - - - DEYTHUR - - - - LLANFYLLIN - - LLANIDLOES - - - MACHYNLLETH - - MATHRAFEL . - - MONTGOMERY .. NEWTOWN - - - - POOL - - - 1 464 215 323 429 220 308 399 148 ot – a 3,165 5,549 3,869 1,680 2,493 1 218 1 775 553 1 5,576 257 190 1 1,899 Town of POOL - - • 3131257 230 1861 343 269 210 | 135 | 116 68 28 3 1 | 2,159 - Total of FEMALES 3,878 3,460 3,124 2,751 4,394 3,365 | 2,687 1,964 1,606 1 28,3961 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Moutgomery was ... 59,899, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 56,653, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one-cighteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Montgomery was 92 ; three of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. بی ببیننننننننننننسس M.DCCC.XXI.] 477 . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. _ · County of Pembroke. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | FAMI. | | ALL LIES | LIES chiefly | VT | OTHER chiefly cm- employ- Families ployed ed in not com- Trade, prized in Manu: the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- or Handia ing craft. Classes. Oc- in MALES. FEMALES. OF PERSONS. cupied. TURE. 171 221 392 37 92 116 74 208 menos para mellor 219 105 110 421 555 68 178 202 282 188 40 Supringſ om na IIIIIII dan II 366 CASTLE-MARTIN Hundred. ANGLE - - - - - - - Parish Bosheston - ... - - - Parish Castle-Martin Parish Cosheston - - - - - - Parish Florence, St. Parish Hodgeston - Parish Lamphey - - Parish Manorbier - Parish Nash - - - - - - - (1) Parish Penally - - - - - - - Parish Petrox, St. - - - Parish Pulcrochan - - - Parish Rose-crowther - - - - - Parish Stackpole-Elidor or Cheriton • Parish Twinells, St. - - - - - Parish Warren - - - - - - - Parish 46 146 166 110 111 270 326 ww with Baru Fc 75 312 596 101 297 46 lo 154 55 143 43 40 83 92 107 103 199 icon or 157 136 116 193 318 252 149 22 21 772 - 806 844 18 34 307 { 133 587 124 2,158 | 2,359 4,517 DEWISLAND Hundred. 1 142 1 120 331 355 686 1 367 1 170 246 239 93 1 NIIIM Carina 197 237 245 515 203 160 483 484 906 393 214 391 190 1 56 54 110 1 19 42 1 85 23 123 145 1 1 75 Brawdy - - - - - - - Parish David's, St. Parish : (b) Cylch-Bychan - - - - Hamlet Cylch-Gwylod-y-Wlad - - Hamlet Cylch-Mawr - - - - - Hamlet Cylch-y-dee - - - - - Hamlet Dogwells, St. - - - - - Parish Edrens, St. - - - - - - Parish Elvis, St. - - - - - - Parish Granston - - - Parish Hays-Castle - - Parish Jordanston - - Parish Lawrence, St. - Parish Letterston - - - - - - Parish Llan-deloy - Parish Llan-howel - - Parish Llan-rian - - - Parish Llan-rythan - - Parish Llan-stinan - - - - - - Parish Llan-vair-Nant-y-G Parish Llan-wnda - - Parish | Manorowen - - - Parish Mathry - - - - - - - Parish Nicholas, St. - - - - - Parish Whitchurch - - - - - - Parish 1 er ng co N NNTAR I ww I LATINITINI 146 75 104 212 85 117 216 la o O OO II w Corner IING SOONW 208 291 150 221 428 190 195 1 1 105 1 37 135 102 353 and 112 295 648 81 63 1 narium 22 1 38 1 67 100 443 221 27 64 144 135 221 1,029 150 841 262 939 68 121 586 86 441 122 562 1 12A 164 53 207 53 400 140 377 C 233 29 1 43 161 1,941 1,994 1,474 | 267 253 4,409 5,114 9,523 DUNGLEDDY Hundred. 101 278 - - - 173 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 273 171 162 8 ܝܘ ܤܗ ܩ 551 344 330 2,19 allall og - 67 Ambleston - - - - - Bletherston - - - - - Boulston - - - - - - Clarbeston - .. Crinow - - - - - - Kil-y-Maenllwyd Parish : (0) Grondre - - - - - Llandewy-Vilfrey Parish: (0) Henllan - - - - - Llandissilio (part of) - - - - - Hamlet ܙ 12 26 19 19 - Hamlet () Parish ܝܝ 8 205 384 (*) The entire Parish of Nash, which is partly in Narberth Hundred, contains 113 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of St. David con- tains 2,240 Inhabitants. (C) Kil-y-Maenllwyd Parish is mostly in Derllys Hundred, Carmarthen. The entire Parish contains 860 Inha- bitants. (1) Llandewy-Vilfrey Parish is mostly in Narberth Hun- dred. ) Llandissilio Parish is mostly in Derllys Hundred, Car- marthenshire. The entire Parish contains 945 Inhabitants. 6 E 478 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK COUNTY OF PEMBROKE- continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ох By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Uu-Inhabite d OCCUPATIONS: FAMIA FAMI- ALL LIES I LIES chiefly | ОтнER chiefly employ- Fainilies enu- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building. Or FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS, cupied. 10 16 Vw No 24 55 224 286 455 112 112 594 29 87 DUNGLEDDY Hundred-continued. Llangan (part of) - - . (f) Parish Llanvalteg (part of) - - (8) Parish Llan-y-kevan - - - - - Parish Llawhaden - - - - - - Parish Llys-y-vrane otherwise Llys-y-fran Parish New-Moat - - - - - - Parish Prendregast - - - - - - Parish Rudbaxton - - - - - - Parish Slebech - - Parish Spittal - - Parish Usmaston - - - - - - Parish Walton, East - - - - - Parish Wiston - - - - - - - Parish 59 151 159 607 243 112 Tiara a co salario 519 274 115 op w sūrio 231 308 94 181 310 1,126 289 563 213 189 377 224 107 3911 753 66 173 386 70 75 70 101 99 188 200 111 362 424 36 218 36 136 134 1,409 1,457 963 279 215 3,587 3,830 7,417 KEMESS Hundred. Bayvil - - . Parish 26 26 49 26 35 108 Dinas - - - - - - - - Parish 176 475 98 ܒܕ ܟܬ ܐܢ ܩ a couro 331 111 218 753 2,107 504 62 110 422 1,072 293 1,125 150 83 578 ܞ 1,035 285 712 125 34 108 131 57 43 ܗ ܝܕ ܟ ܟ TITIT 1,837 275 77 243 229 123 795 86 61 135 143 62 420 78 ܝܕ ܚܕ ܝܕ ܢܝ 375 . 156 ŠIO calc 72 84 156 לל1 ܙ 147 !!!- Eglwys-Eirw . . . . . Parish Fishguard, Lower & Upper Parish Henry's Moat - -- - - Parish Llan-dilo - - - - - - - Parish Llan-fair-Nant-Gwyn - . - Parish Llan-golman - - - - - - Parish Llan-llawer - - - - - - Parish Llan-vernach - - - - (h) Parish Llan-y-chare - - - - - Parish Llan-ych-lwydog - - - - Parish Maenclochog - - (1) Parish Vorlan - - - - - - Hamlet Meline - - - Parish Monachlogddu - - Parish Monington -,- - - - Parish Morvil - - - - - Parish Moylgrove - - - - - - Parish Nevern - - - - - - () Parish Newcastle, Little - - - - Parish Newport - - - - - - - Parish Pont-vane - - - - - - Parish Puncheston . . . . . . Parish Whitechurch - - · · (K) Parish Llanfair Nant-y-Gôf - - Chapelry 324 18 ܙ 38 482 220 ܗ ܢܝ 262 244 203 447 43 54 ܝܕ ܙ 97 172 !!!! 95 198 8h0 208 406 295 237 884 | ܒܝܗ ܛ ܒ 1,744 73 155 661 407 181 1,005 422 112 336 1,666 11 39 47 ܙ ܝܕ 1 71 227 35 TOO 124 70 GA 103 156 100 184 340 29 121 221 ! 3,070 31 107 1,813 710 547 6,450 1 7,779 | 14,229 KILGERRAN Hundred. 70 20 157 344 lo 47 187 56 749 103 274 143 Briddell - - - - Chapel-Colman - - Clydey - - - - Kilgerran - - - Kilrhedin (part of) - Llantwood - - - Llanvibangel-Penbedw Manordivy - - - Penrith - - - - Castellan - - - - - - Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish - Parish - - () Parish - - - Parish Parish - - - Parish - - () Parish - - Chapelry | 183 54 452 601 410 130 | ANANI wc ler 1,350 862 251 Im Inico III Owocow oħro 18 126 260 27 133 422 121 134 176 417 35 24 103 12 309 839 190 129 96 24 928 950 2861 | 178 486 2,185 2,452 4,637 o Llangan Parish is mɔstly in - Derllys Hundred, Carmarthenshire. | the four quarters of Crigai, Kilgwin, Morva, and Trewern; each of The entire Parish containy 705 Inhabitants. (5) Llanvaltey Parish is which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return. ) The entire mostly in Darllys Hundred, Carmarthenshire. The entire Parish contains i Parish of Whitechurch, contains 561 Inhabitants. Kilrhedin 344 Inhabitants. (h) An inclosure of land has taken place in the 1 Parish is mostly in Elvet Hundred, (Carmarthen.) The entire Parish Parish of Llanvernach. The entire Parish of Mrenclochog con- | contaius 941 Inhabitants. (m) The entire Parish of Penrith contains tains 362 Inhabitants. — j) The Return of Nevern Parish includes 1 319 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.] 479 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By Lig LIES chiefly ! how OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. có in Un-Inhabited. not com- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAM. | FAMILA OTHER chiefly y emplog. 1 Families cine" ployed prized in Manu- | the Two AGRI- factures, CUL- Tor Handia ing TUKE. craft Classes. inany Families Oc- cupied. OF Building. TRADF., FEMALES. in NALES. PERSONS. I factures. / preced- 317 367 144 94 88 228 192 480 11 ao govorimo 255 220 495 684 483 412 186 28 I wla 69 72 49 ro 23 24 68 123 65 975 141 229 133 1,151 732 845 536 615 245 142 172 124 256 143 175 338 viiiiiiiiiii 125 კივ 324 211 394 482 354 220 678 NARBERTH Hundred. Ambroth otherwise Amroth - - Parish Begelly - - - - - - (a) Parish Williamston - - - - Chapelry Carew - - - - - - - Parish Coedcanlass - - - - () Parish Crunwear - - - - - - Parish Gumfreston - - - - - - Parish Issells, St. - - - - - - Parish Jeffreston - - - - - - - Parish Lampeter-Velfrey Parish Llan-dewy-Velfrey - - - (P) Parish Lawrenney - - - - - - Parish Loveston - - - - - - - Parish Ludchurch - Parish Mertletwy - - - - - (9) Parish Minwear - - - - - - - Parish Mounton - - - - - - - Parish Narberth, North . -- Southſ Nash Parish : (*) . Upton - - - - - - - Hamlet Newton - - - - - - (9) Parish Redberth - - - - - - - Parish Reynoldston - ein - - - Parish Robeston Wathon - - - - Parish Yerbeston . . - - - - Parish 87 27 42 27 ai +Inai + IIIIIIIIIam IIIIII לל i li ih po or 76 INIiiwile11-mawr IW 100-COA 431 153 2:27 107 120 384 154 389 68 773 32 68 136 20 39 Parish 323 2*9***** '-*- 19 710 330 879 1,589 376 706 12 osco 69 6-2 123 54 176 207 110 ვgვ 107 56 51 2,249 2,303 1,070 468 765 5,328 5,993 11,321 ROOSE Hundred. 21 2 74 79 136 308 197 333 460 200 no no no 153 641 931 387 166 . 230 106 478 234 170 105 223 463 127 447 212 910 458 186 X 48 124 Brides, St. - - - - - - Parish Burton - - - - - - - Parish Camrose - - - - - - - Parish Dale - - - - - - - - Parish Freystrop Parish Harroldston, St. Iss Parish Harroldston, West - - Parish Hasguard - - Parish Herbrandston - Parish Hubberston - . Parish Ishmaels, St. - Parish Jobnston - - - Parish Lambston - - Parish Lllan-gwm - Parish Llan-stadwell Parish Marloes - - - - - - - Parish Nolton - - - - - - - Parish Robeston, West - - - - - Parish | Roch - • - - - - - - Parish Rose-market - - - - - - Parish Steynton - - - - - - - Parish Talbenny - - - - - - - Parish Thomas, St. (part of) Parish : (9) Thomas, St. - - - - - Hamlet Treffgarn - - - - - - - Parish Walton, West . . . . . Parish Walwin's-Castle - - - Parish 253 246 98 129 330 ini ad illa and as I c A III 134 101 78 44 644 -*eroin us on****- -*9* ww-sweise verwer ICE W I wicow w+H 333 187 391 204 96 94 58 26 54 724 391 190 112 664 412 2,405 318 139 86 183 346 229 1,337 457 1,068 100 33 92 192 38 90 I made II 52 42 37 205 433 228 175 28 191 366 2,304 | 2,372 22 114 | 1,108 508 | 756 5,612 6,219 11,831 (") The entire Parish of Begelly contains 895 Inhabitants. One fe- | male in Williamston Hamlet, upwards of 100 years of age. One female in Coedcanlass Parish upwards of 100 years of age.- (P) Llan- dewy-Velfrey is partly in Dungleddy Hundred. The entire Parish contains 716 Inlinbitants.- (9) One female in Mertletwy Parish up- wards of 100 years of age.-- (O) The entire Parish of Narberth con- tains 2,295 Inhabitants. The increase of Population is ascribed to the increase of hat-making.-- () Nash Parish is mostly in Castle-Martin Hundred. A dimninution of Population at Newton, is attributable to the cessation of iron-works. " The Parish of St. Thomas is partly in Roose Hundred, but mostly in the Town of Haverford-West. The entire Parish contains 1,108 Inhabitants. One female upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. 480 [Enumeration, ABSTKACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF PEMBROKE-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL ein- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how niany Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : VA MI- FA MI- 1 ALL LIES LIES OTHER cliefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- Jur Handi- TURI. | craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. Op FERIALES: MALES. PERSONS. Haudiol ing Town of HAVERFORD-WEST. 261 313 Martin, St. - - - - - (W) Parish Mary; St. ...... Parish Thomas, St. - - - - - (“) Parish 721 975 348 2 9 | 30 21 54 299 208 255 177 79 511 245 28 150 112 290 608 | 733 434 1,775 1,329 1,708 · 1,018 584 768 906 8 30 2,280 4,055 Borough of PEMBROKE. 2,937 Mary, St. . . . . . (*) Parish Michael, St. .... (x) Parish Monckton otherwise St. Nicholas Parish 462 163 547 198 188 20 30 4 1 2 3 2 30 1. 47 125 373 53 39 144 98 24 1,464 442 492 1,473 525 529 967 103 1,021 808 933 27 | 34 202 266 2,398 2,527 4,925 Town of TENBY. Mary, St. Within 7 col , Without S . l Par Dorich 263 334 332 | 13 391 39 11 21 30 251 9 1 70 - 556 : 72 844 | 1,400 154 U 82 302 373 | 4 4 | 34 | 43 260 70 628 926 1,554 (u) See Note on preceding page.— (W) North Hamlet (Roose Hundred) is included in the Return of St. Martin's Parish, Haverford- West -- () One female in St. Mary's, and one in St. Michael's Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The great increase of Population in the Borough of Pembroke, is attributable to the establishment of a dock- yard. The entire Parish of St. Mary (Tenby) contains 1,554 Inhabitants. SU M M A RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. 587 133 34 43 124 . - 253 279 215 Hundred of CASTLE-MARTIN .. DEWISLAND . . DUNGLEDDY - . KEMESS - - - - KILGERRAN - ... NARBERTH - - - - - - ROOSE - :- .. 806 844 8 1,941 1,994 1,409 1,457 2,976 3,070 928 950 2,249 2,303 16 2,304 2,372 22 1,474 963 1,813 286 2,158 4,409 3,587 6,450 2,185 710 547 486 2,359 5,114 3,830 7,779 2,452 5,993 6,219 4,517 9,523 7,417 14,229 4,637 11,321 11,831 178 468 765 508 1 756 5,328 soso 1 1,108 5,612 Town of HAVERFORD-WEST - - - | 768 906 | 8 | 30 1511 290 1,775 2,280 4,055 Borough of PEMBROKE - - - - - || 808 933 | 27 | 34 | 465 266 2,398 2,527 4,925 Town of TENBY - - - - - - - 1 302 373 4 34 70 926 1,554 TOTALS - . - 114,491 |15,202 | 163 1503 | 7,651 3,779 3,772 | 34,530 / 39,479 1 74,009 .M.DCCC.XX1.] 481 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE-continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES Under Hundred TOTAL, of 292 139 665 2,158 4,400 542 CASTLE-MARTIN - - DEWISLAND ..- DUNGLEDDY ... KEMESS - -... KILGERRAN - . NARBERTH - - ROOSE - - - - - 218 536 449 808 288 3,570 430 311 144 862 650 6,443 2,185 5,325 5,611 355 689 232 197 1 131 | 1,775 Town of HAVERFORD-WEST Borough of PEMBROKE Town of TENBY - - - - 91 238 2,398 108 56 57 | 104 74 47 | 24 17 7 628 74 Total of MALES - 5,586 5,087 |4,129 | 3,401 4,704 3,514 | 2,911 2,334 1,672 851 | 268 36 34,493 FEMALE S. Hundred TOTAL. of 308 272 468 CASTLE-MARTIN - - DEWISLAND - - DUNGLEDDY. 641 646 479 224 500 435 823 398 1,010 785 KEMESS - - KILGERRAN NARBERTH ROOSE - - 240 921 586 1,158 214 382 549 892 691 1,009 524 520 1,100 363 1322 856 - - - - 293 2,359 5,104 3,839 7,778 2,452 5,993 6,272 817 670 - - - 243 2141 2141 252 441 71 2,280 Town of HAVERFORD-WEST Borough of PEMBROKE - - 1 Town of TENBY - - - - 1 414 226 192 506 6 1 2 2,527 82 86 65 97 240 58 56 34 11 926 Total of FEMALES - 15,399 4,998 4,085 3,897 6,603 4,421 3,508 | 2,677 2,2191,175 477 65 639,530 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Pembroke was .... 74,009, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 74,023 .... whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compiiance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Pembroke was 158; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. I very small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, (the balance on the side of the latter being 14;) and a few Returns were incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 6 F 482 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Radnor. HOUSES : PERSONS: OCCUPATIONS: FA HI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By FANI LIES chiefly OTHER LIES cuicfly employ- OR how niany TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Families Oc- cupied. Building. Families en- ed in not coin- ployed Trade, prized prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. COLWYN Hundred. 311 70 128 - - - - - Ô ow our 109 228 130 263 - ABEREDOW - - - - - - Parish Bettws-Disserth - - - - - Parish Cregrina - - - - - - - Parish Disserth - - - - - - (a) Parish Trecoed - - - - - Township Glascombe Parish: (b) Drewerne - - - - - Township Vainor-Glare - - - - Township Llanbadarn-y-Garreg - - - Parish Llanelweth - - - - - - Parish Llan-saint-ffraed in Elvel - - Parish Llanvareth - - - - - - Parish Rulen - - - - - - - - Parish IIIIIIIIIIII 108 215 152 324 - 43 wwcon CA 88 - 86 176 322 157 167 c 57 118 451 385 1,267 1,180 2,447 .. 100 105 205 - No 183 188 i niw 371 416 200 216 1 110 co 113 201 T KEVENLLEECE Hundred. Blethvaugh - - - - - - Parish Kerenlleece - - - - - (9) Parish Llanbadarn-fawr - - - - Parish Llanbister (part of) Parish: (0) Cevenpawl - - - - Township Llandegley Parish : (9) Swydd and Craig - - - Township Trelan - - - - - - Township Llandewy-Ystradenny (part of) Par:() Meistyrrhose-lowry - - Township Llandrindod - - - - - - Parish Llantihangel-Rhydithon - (8) Parish Llangynello Parish: () -, Lower - - Township , Opper -- Township Pillith - - - - - - - - Parish Whitton - - - - - - - Parish ciui are ca AB owoc 161 323 208 1 og To co 183 344 773 NI 145 62 154 297 68 129 30 24 58 71 510 11 BI 1,500 1,507 3,007 216 . . (1) Parish 77 --, Upper 202 250 418 556 306 21 co i R$ 128 32 164 KNIGHTON Hundred. Beguildy, Lower . . Brampton-Bryan Parish: (K) Stalage · •- Lordship Heyop - - - - - - - Parish Knighton - - - - - () Parish Farrington - - - - Lordship with Cwmgilla - - - Township Llananno - - - - - - - Parish Llanbadarn-Fynydd -. - Parish Llanbister - - - - - (m) Parish Gollan - - - - - - Township Llandewy-Ystradenny (part of)() Parish 225 1,000 i 100 191 49 140 243 221 166 469 178 498 er coco 290 464 967 332 228 154 116 38 112 864 1932 2 26 432 316 184 2,367 2,371 4,738 (*) The entire Parish of Disserth contaius 491 Inhabitants. (b) The entire Parish of Glascoinbe contains 539 Inhabitants. () The Return of Kevenllece Parish includes the Townships of Cwmbreeth, Trevouren, and Trebewgoed.mo(d) Llanbister Parish is mostly in Knighton Hun- dred. The entire Parish of Llandegley contains 38.2 Inhabitants. (1) Landewy-Ystradenny is partly in Knighton Hundred. The entire Parish contains 551 Inhabitants. (*) Llanfihangel. Rhydithon Parish, Upper and Lower Divisions in one Return. ) The entire Parisli of Llangynello contains 451 Inhabitants. The entire Parish of Beguildy contains 974 Inhabitants. (*) Brampton-Bryan Parish is mostly in Wigmore Hundred (Hereford). The entire Parish contains 341 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Knighton contains 1,191 Inhabitants. m) The Return of Llanbister Parish includes the Town. ships of Bruullis, Caroge, Cwnılechwedd, Cwmygaist and Llanbister, which, in the year 1811 were separately returned. The entire Parish (which is partly in Levenfleece Hundred, contains 1,409 Inhabitants. The Population is increased since 1811, partly from the prevalence of bastardy.- Llaudewy-Ystradenny Parish is mostly in Kevenfleece Hundred. The entire Parish contains 551 Inhabitants. M.DCCC.XXI.) 483 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF RADNOR-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. OCCUPATIONS: ... | FAMI- | FAMI- 1 ALL LIES LIES chiefly Other employ. | Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE. Iprized in Manu- the Two AGRI. | factures, preced. CUL- for Handi- ing TURE. craft. Un-Inhabited. Building. OY FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. * Classes. PAINS-CASTLE Hundred. 150 320 - - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish 170 174 156 111 te os 273 330 545 167 272 81 43 86 123 356 372 728 Boughrood - - - - Bryngwyn - - - - Clyro - - - - - - Clyro-Bettws - Glasbury (part of) - Llanbeder - - - Llanddewi-vach - - - Llandilo-Graban Llanstephen - - - - Tlowis - - - - - Michael-Church - .. New Church - - - - - 307 129 - - - - - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 151 59 149 136 195 298 156 70 149 126 193 casco con - - 262 388 79 78 157 178 - - 871 91 701 762 11 28 50 1,915 | 1,894 | 3,809 RADNOR Hundred. ܝܝ 70 102 177 148 236 355 164 312 Colva - - - - - - - - Parish Gladestry - - - - - - Parish Norton - - - - - - - Parish Presteigne (part of) Parish : () Dyscoyd - - - - - Chapelry Hereford and Broad-street - Wards High and St. David's-street. Wards 20 ܟ ܟܕ ܩ 53 40 141 353 371 99 724 564 130 293 271 446 77 ! 134 11,175 l 1,115 | 2,290 er 126 124 250 445 212 233 370 423 228 RHAYADER Hundred. Cwm-toyddwr Parish : (9) Dyffryn-Ellan - - - Township Dyffryn-Gwy - - - Township Harmon, St. Parish : (") Claescannon and Rhurworried Township Kennarth - - - - - Township Llanfihangel-Helygen - - - Parish Llanyear - - • .• - () Parish Nantnel Parish : (9) Coidglassion - - - - Township Gwastedin-fawr - - • Towuship Maisgwinn - - - - Township Vainor - - - - - - Townsbip Rhayader - - - - - Par. Chapelry vibanda n 50 89 320 614 n4 + I wao 187 183 129 89 198 180 104 330 163 385 ვივ 233 317 647 738 1,102 16 29 130 114 1,936 2,046 | 3,982 56 103 117 205 183 101 Borough of RADNOR. Cascob (part of) - - - - () Parish Llanfihangel-Nantmellan - (W) Parish Treworn - - - - - Township Radnor, New- - Borough and Parish Radnor, Old, Parish : (*) Ednol - - - - - - Township Evenjobb, Newcastle, Barland and Buroas Township Harpton, Upper - - - Township 221 426 34 175 187 1 °) Glasbury Parish is partly in Talgarth Hundred (Brecon). The ships of Kilgee and Trowscoed, which, in 1811, were separately returned entire Parish contains 1122 Inhabitants. (P) Presteigne Parish is n 0 The entire Parish of Nantmel contains 1,144 Inhabitants partly in Wigmort Hundred (Hereford). The entire Parish contains (4) Part of Cascob Parish is returned with Litton Township, in Presteionc 1,941 Inhabitants. (9) The entire Parish of Cwm-toyddwr contains | Parish (Wigmore Hundred, Hercíord).- () The entire Parish of 595 Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of St. Harion contains 793 | Llanfihangel-Nantmellan contains 388 Inhabitants. The entire Inhabitants. (3) The Return of Llanyear Parisla includes the Town- | Parish of Old Radnor contains 1,255 Inhabitants. 484 "TEnumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF RADNOR--continued. HOUSES : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: Fami- ALL OK chiefly EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly | Orher em- enploy. Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu-| thel'wo factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. AGRI- Borough of RADNORcontinued. Radnor, Old, Parish-- continued. Kinnerton, Talford, 111 216 Raduor, Old, L. and Burlinjobb .S Walton and Womaston · 64 158 318 Township Township 93 181 411 456 417 350 72 1,080 2,186 SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE COUNTY OF RADNOR. - Hundred of COLWYN - - - - - - 451 385 271,267 | 1,180 KEVENLLEECE - - - - - 425 1,500 1,507 1 3,07 KNIGHTON - - 432 2,367 2,371 4,738 PAINS-CASTLE 1,916 1,894 3,809 RADNOR - - - - 177 1,175 1,115 2,290 RHAYADER - - - - 858130 114 1,936 2,046 3,982 Borough of RADNOR - - - - - - - | 411 456 41 7 350 34 1,106 | 1,080 2,186 TOTALS - - - 14,121 14,779 19 | 147 1 3,182 941 656 11,266 22,459 M.DCCC.XXI.) 485 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF RADNOR-continued. Ages of Persons. M A LES Hundred of TYLO1 TOTAL COLWYN • - - - 1 195 16 187 | - | 1,266 KEVENLLEECE .. 203 164 237 1,502 KNIGHTON - - - - 320 290 358 2,355 PAINS-CASTLE . 306 235 288 1,915 RADNOR - - - - 138 150 112 - 1,176 RHAYADER - - .| 233 228 273 1 - 1,960 Borough of RADNOR . . . -|- |1,126 NE Total of MALES - 11,670 1,5 1,132 1,629 1,239 976 724 629 11,300 FEM A L'ES. Hundred TOTAL. TELOL of COLWYN . . . 119 103 1,180 KEVENLLEECE . . 195 179 1,501 KNIGHTON - - - - 270 252 PAINS-CASTLE - - 194 214 1,884 RADNOR 117 128 į 1,141 RHAYADER - - - 209 222 1- 2,044 Borough of RADNOR . . 1 164 | 149 | 108 102 161 138 30 50 41 14 - - | 1,090 CMALES 1,531 1,450 1,212 1,200 1,651 2,305 989 749 64131814512 - 1,203 1 THE Total Number of Persons in the County of Radnor was . . . 22,459, . . . and the Nunber of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 22,503, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the County of Radnor was 75; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. A very small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant (the balance on the side of the latter, being 44); and a few Returns were incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 6 G 486 [Enumeratio ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN. Whales. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: By how TOTAL many Un- COUNTIES. Inhabited. Building. FAMILIES Families ALL OTHER chiefly Families chielly not employed employed in comprized in | TRADE, in the Two Agro, Manufactures, preceding CULTURE. or Handicraft. Classes. OP Families Inhabited. DIALES. FEMALES. PERSONS Occupied. ANGLESEY .. 8,737 9,825 6,187 1,702 1,936 11,784 23,279 45,063 43,613 BRECON - - - - - 8,425 9,022 4,039 3,703 1,280 91,853 21,760 CARDIGAN .... 11,304 12,071 6,312 7,591 3,258 87,89& 29,886 57.784 CARMARTHEN ..! 16,402 18,392 9,628 4,823 3,941 43,577 46,662 90,239 CARNARVON .. 10,932 11,478 6,890 3,649 1,939 38,412 29,546 57,958 DENBIGH .... 14,771 15,677 8,625 4.399 2,653 37,785 38.726 76,511 FLINT . . 9,973 10,811 4,421 3,531 2,659 26,733 127,051 53,784 GLAMORGAN ... 1 19,396 20,314 7,126 8,336 4,852 50,427 51,310 101,737 C MERIONETH - 6,925 7,279 3,570 1,434 2,275 16,479 17,903 34,381 MONTGOMERY .. 10,706 12,056 6,594 3,882 1,580 29,743 30,156 59,899 PEMBROKE. - - . 14,491 15,202 7,651 3,779 3,772 34,530 39,479 74,009 RADNOR - - - - | 4,121 4,779 3,182 941 656 11,266 11,193 22,459 TOTAL - - 136,183 146,706 985 3,652 74,225 41,680 30,801 350,487 | 366,952 717,439 IN the 27° Hen. VIII. c. 26 (A. D. 1535.) an Act was passed “ for Laws and Justice to be ininistered in Wales in like form as it is “ in this Realm.” By this Act, the Marches or intermediate Border Lands between England and Wales were divided into new Counties, or annexed to old Counties The new Counties were, MONMOUTII, which became an English County ; Brecon, DENBIGH, MONTGOMERY, and RADNOR, in Wales: The English Counties augmented by annexations were Gloucester, Hereford, and Salop; the Welsh Counties so augmented, were Cardigan, Carmar. then, Glamorgan, Merioneth, and Pembroke. By the same Act, the Chancellor of England is directed to issue a Commission under the Great Scal, to such persons as to him shall be thought convenient, to enquire and view all the said Shires of Carmarthen, Peinbroke, Cardigan, Monmouth, Brecon, Radnor, Montgomery, Glamorgan, and Denbigh; and thereupon to divide them and every of them into so many Hundreds as they shall think most meet and convenient, and the said Hundreds shall certify into the High Court of Chancery; which Hundreds (after the said Certificate) shall be used and taken as other Hundreds be in every other Shire witbin the Realm of England. By a subscquent Act of 28° Hen. VIII. c. 3. Three years are allowed for correction of the Allotment of Places to the several Shires; and by Act of 31° Hen. VIII. c. 11. Three years further are allowed. KTNI Under the above Commission, and another Commission for enquiry into the Welsh Laws and Customs, certain Ordinances were framed, which were afterwards confirmed; as appears at the end of the Acts of 34° & 35° Hep. VIII. where they are entered as an act of Parliament. M.DCCC.XXI.] 'THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. It. c. 94. SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Wales. M A L E S. A Under COUNTIES. ΤΟΤΑΙ, INGLESEY - - - 2,618 2,076 2,929 2,247 1,882 1,249 981 492 21,148 3,332 2,880 BRECON · ... 2,454 2,207 3,303 1,960 1,465 1,116 588 21,472 3,171 2,705 4,173 6,410 4,226 2,496 3,061 2,912 3,701 2,410 2,670 1,283 27,939 3,543 5,479 3,432 4,441 6,047 4,523 3,517 2,889 1,932 43,527 28,481 3,957 3,233 2,536 1,775 1,359 4,290 6,982 4,250 5,553 3,785 7,036 2,281 2,844 3,644 5,025 4,376 6,253 4,215 2,440 1,771 942 3,235 2,058 3,043 2,443 3,718 1,577 1,044 CARDIGAN - ... CARMARTHEN ..! CARNARVON .. DENBIGH .... FLINT. ... .. GLAMORGAN ... MERIONETH . .. MONTGOMERY .. PEMBROKE RADNOR .. . .1 458 3,335 6,377 2,282 36,758 24,346 48,199 5,791 7,547 2,735 5,570 1,861 4,284 2,137 4,975 1,640 1,079 1,868 2,131 1,432 3,062 1,100 1,827 933 532 26,234 28,257 4,172 3,734 3,362 2,819 3,255 2,614 1,389 736 5,586 5,087 4,129 3,401 4,104 4,704 2,629 3,514 1,911 2,334 34,493 1,672 629 1,670 1,538 1,309 1,132 1,239 976 724 345 11,300 Total of MALES - 151,817 | 48,123 41,404 | 34.534 | 49,023 | 37.949 | 89,815 22,112 | 16,346 958 3 342,154 342,154 FEMALES. 30 Under COUNTIES. og er TOTAL. 15 70 ANGLESEY · · · - | 2,926 2,362 2,219 3,585 2,596 2,229 1,464 1,177 589 22,567 3,303 2,874 2,610 2,273 2,139 3,405 2,592 1,964 1,457 1,172 702 21,432 BRECON - .... CARDIGAN -... 4,056 3,974 2,940 4,627 3,495 2,590 1,955 1,532 786 29,806 3,532 5,108 CARMARTHEN .. 6,013 7,254 5,351 4,126 3,148 2,405 1,220 6,581 3,884 4,897 2,998 46,610 3,711 3,278 4,529 3,420 2,706 1,970 1,542 871 CARNARVON ... DENBIGH .... FLINT. .. . 5,357 3,718 5,644 4,401 3,541 2,672 2,203 1,104 5,064 3,256 4,142 2,738 3,686 2,518 3,720 2,750 2,203 1,632 29,235 38,305 24,551 48,778 17,643 28,396 GLAMORGAN -- 6,816 6,327 5,428 4,897 7,898 5,755 4,398 3,069 1,169 2,413 1,096 1,606 1,229 MERIONETH . . . 2,222 2,064 1,858 1,757 2,559 2,189 1,700 1,326 613 MONTGOMERY .. 3,878 3,460 3,124 2,751 4,394 3,365 2,687 840 1,964 2,677 PEMBROKE .. . 5,399 4,998 4,085 3,897 6,603 4,421 3,508 2,219 1,175 39,530 RADNOR ... . 1,531 1,450 1,212 1,200 1,651 1,305 989 749 641 318 11,203 Total of FFMALES | 49,487 45,853 39,140 35,931 55,869 41,640 32,641 24,083 19,175 | 10,076 3,751 392 18 358,056 THE Total Number of Persons in Wales was .... 717,438 . . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ....700,210, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one in forty-one of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received froin Wales was 1,241; twenty-two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked ( +) throughout the Abstract. 488 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Scotland. M.DCCC.XXI.) 489 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. Shire of Aberdeen. HOUSES: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, PERSONS: OR By how many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. emploj. Families TOTAL en, Families Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: Fau!| FAMI. All LIES LIES OTHER | chiefly chiefly ed in not coin- TRADE, prized in the Two factures, preced. CUL- JorHandia ing TURE. craft. Classes. ployed Oc- FEMALES. MALES. Manu- or PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- ABERDEEN District. 2,023 ܒܝ 12 807 2,084 1,314 ܝ ܗ 98 577 1,199 1,970 649 466 53 612 5,012 4,041 3,839 1,942 767 ܟ 294 99 251 320 107 131 ܟܨ ܝܕ ABERDEEN Burgh & Parish : (a) Crooked - - - - - - Quarter 703 Even - - - - - - - Quarter 586 Foot-Dee - - - - - - Quarter Green - - - - - - - Quarter 247 Banchory-Davenick (part of) y Parish Belhelvie - - - - - - - Parish 320 Drumoak (part of) - - () Parish 131 Dyce - - - - - - - - Parish 110 Fintray - - - • - - - Parish 212 Kinellar. ...... Parish Machar, New - () Parish 207 Straloch-Lands - - - - - 45 Machar, Old, otherwise St. Machar - os • () ♡ Parish 2,102 Parish Newbills - . . . . () Parish 377 Peterculter - - - - - - Parish 233 Skene - - - - - - - - Parish | 324 743 8,958 7,207 7,055 3,264 550 1,391 587 605 996 359 I 110 220 ܬ ܙ ܙ ܙ 319 280 to be on Note IA Digivah so 3,946 3,166 3,216 1,322 299 648 268 325 500 182 403 129 7,945 1,065 539 660 496 66 67 305 118 ܙ ܙ 887 177 484 117 10,367 1,076 246 18,312 4,517 ܝ 317 587 154 149 234 331 ܙ ܝ ܟܙ܂ 557 2,141 1,096 1,440 229 68 780 6,339 12,934) 43 208 2,024 8,471 2,439 24,613 | 30,481 55,094 173 114 826 194 407 430 11 419 459 82 83 889 375 49 104 104 104 87 551 106 ALFORD District. Alford - - - - - - - . Auchindoir, with Kearn - - Cabrach (part of) - - Clatt - - - - - - Glenbucket - - - - - - Keig • - - - - - - - Kildrummy - - - - - - Kinnethmont - - - - - Lochell-Cushnie - - () Rhynie and Essie - - - - Strathdon - . . . - - Tullynessle, with Forbes - - Tough - - - - . - (b) Towie - . . - - - - 268 233 275 479 Parisb 172 Parish 194 Parish Parish Parish Parish 123 Parish 98 Parish Parish 165 Parish 168 Parish | 328 Parish Parish 160 Parisla 114 562 123 101 206 287 257 ONUI AC IAIO I arco 239 204 165 132 117 493 391 408 174 375 368 876 974 766 776 1,698 92 306 328 822 125 62 317 326 643 63 160 115 336 362 265 698 578 56 313 2,138 2,157 1,375 45.9 323 5,165 10,311 309 309 188 803 171 138 119 1,495 188 45 24 1 900 DEER, otherwise BUCHAN District. Aberdour - - - - - O Parish Crimond - - - - - - - Parish Deer, New - - - - - - Parish Deer, Old - - - - () Parish Fergus, St. - - - . (") Parish Fraserburgh - - - - (°) Parish Longside - - - - - - - Parish Lonmay - - - - - (P) Parish 263 460 692 416 1,486 1,543 57 484 1,725 1,816 510 188 100 3,211 3,359 co B AC 1o 607 159 332 452 562 116 574 332 271 236 48 1,337 1,079 770 1,494 1,278 819 2,831 2,357 1,589 332 204 () The entire Parish of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, contains 26,484 In | 47 females in two Lunatic Asylums, all situate in this Parish. The habitants; and adjoining to this Parish, northward, is the Parish of Old increase of Population in the Parish of Newhills arises from the cxten- Machar (containing the old City of Aberdeen), the population of which sion of stone-quarries, and of paper and other manufactories connected Parish being 18,312, produces a total of 44,796 Persons resident in with those of the City of Aberdeen. (5) Cabrach Parish is mostly in Aberdeen. ) Banchory Parish is mostly in the Shire of Kincardine, the Shire of Banff. The church is situate in Aberdeenshire. (h) One and entered accordingly.--- Drumoak Parish is partly in the Shire male in Clatt Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The prosperity of Kincardine. The entire Parish contains 756 Inhabitants.. () The of agriculture before the late depression, is mentioned as a cause of the entire Parish of New-Machar contains 1,133 Inhabitants. Straloch increased Population of the Parish of Lochell-Cusbnie. ) The Po- bands are rated in the Cess-books, and pay Land-tax in the County of pulation of the Parish of Tough, has been increased by the settlement of Banff. The increase of Population in this Parish is ascribed to the sub families on Crofts or Pendicles of Farms. (1) One female in Aber. division of land. In the Parish of Old-Machar are contained the dour Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-- () Old-Deer Parish is principal additions which have of late years been made to the City or partly in the Shire of Banff. The entire Parish contains 4,841 Inha- burgh of Aberdeen. It contains likewise several extensive cotton and bitants.----(n) St. Fergus is locally situate on the coast of Aberdeen, ofber manufactories, some of which have been increased since 1811 ; and but belongs to the Shire of Bantf, and is there entered.--(") One male uso to the City of Old Aberdeen, the Population of which is 1,483. The 1 in Fraserburgh Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The decrease present enumeration contaius 22 inales and 4 females now in Jail; l of Pupulativo is ascribed to the enlargement of farins. 34 males and 8 females in the House of Correction; and 37 inales and i 6 H 49,0 (Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF ABERDEEN- continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR chiefly тоTAIL. how mady EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FANI ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly Families employ- cd in not com TRADE, prized in in Manu- ihe Two AORI. facturcs preced- CUL- or Handi. indiling TURE. . Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OP Families Oc. cupied. ployed Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 1 craft. | Classes. 1,376 10 1 139 - 191 337 18 DEER, otherwise BUCHAN District- continued. (Town & Peterhead 706 • (+) · (9) Parish Pitsligo . .. - - () Parish Rathen - - - - - - - Farish Strichen - - - - - () Parish 416 Tyrie - . F 258 . . (9) .. Parish 1190 182 107 1,029 204 135 17 304 305 422 63 2,850 745 713 282 1,933 785 632 959 929 4,783 1,530 1,345 1,926 1,968 422 250 155 967 487 4 225 198 264 64 115 85 22 316 1,039 466 430 78% 802 193 139 32 372 5,971 16,939 26 2,838 2,873 1,228 13,249 15,629 28,878 ELLON District. 478 242 1,129 1,093 545 230 489 206 550 358 1,129 1,057 822 319 (W) 712 126 am ar mo 89 Cruden - - - - - (°) Ellon · · · Foveran - - Logie-Buchan - - - - - Methlick .....- Slains • - - - - - - - Tarves - - - - - (*) Udny. - - - - - (Y) 20 Parish| 474 Parisli Parish 353 Parish 126 Parish 295 Parish 264 Parish 442 Parish 244 310 640 oina 0. 01 2,258 2,150 1,534 629 1,320 1,152 2,093 1,328 190 680 297 270 156 100 26 510 642 1,092 446 270 149 1,001 691 247 170 ! 37 40 637 2,743 2,772 1,800 712 6,086 6,378 12,464 GARIOCH District. 87 73 245 218 86 175 463 836 400 436 140 ܀ 8 ܟܣ 177 140 345 223 93 651 319 822 344 332 794 531 402 214 122 18 1,616 1,059 221 528 158 203 62 735 63 178 172 394 130 398 838 Bourtie - - - - - - - Parish Culsamond - - - - - - Parish Daviot - - - - - (2) Parishi Garioch, otherwise Logie-Durno Chapelry Insch • - - - - - (9) Parish INVERURY ... (B) { Burgh Keithall and Kinkell - - - Parish Kemnay - - - - - () Parish KINTORE KINTORE - . . . . Burghi (d) . °) 18 Parish Leslie - - - - - - - - Parish Meldrum, Old • - - () Parish| Monymusk - - - - - - Parish Oyne - - - - - - () Parish Premnay - - - - - - - Parish Rayne - - - - - - - Parish 155 AW INN co IWLIA OIL 333 222 440 301 155 350 Impos com a common cool + 1 356 20 157 395 225 04 219 160 91 402 | 186 131 00 793 432 979 657 312 745 444 1,772 867 676 567 1,374 194 131 119 13 81 329 119 74 435 347 280 724 287 300 304 200 13 650 3,121 | 25 | 96 1,634 1,105 382 6,825 1 7,181 14,006 025 171 101 540 1,051 511 716 2,985 KINCARDINE-O'NEIL District. Aboyne and Glentaner. (f) Parish 224 Birse - - - - - - - - Parish 300 Braemar - - - - - - - Parish | L ao and Crathie - - - - - Parish Cluny - - - - - - - Parisha 181 Coull - - - - - - .- - Parish 166 Echt - - - - - - - - Parish 222 Glenmuick, Tullich & Glengairn Parish 463 790 990 468 200 224 472 181 169 ONNI wo wo 109 105 131 460 907 407 331 Ecco 370 517 1,897 867 701 1,030 2,223 513 228 470 1,042 1,181 (9) The entire Parish of Peterhead contains 6,313 Inhabitants. The Parish of Tarves, small crofts of land are now let to labourers and others. increase of Population in ten years appears to have been 1,606; but in for their accommodation. A new church at Udny, now in pros 1811, 300 men serving in the Militia were not included. This reduces gress, causes a temporary increase of Population. One male in the increase to 1,300, which has been occasioned partly by the harbour Daviot Parish upwards of 100 years of age.- (a) The slate-quarries in improvements and the numerous stone-quarries opened in the neighbour the Parish of Insch have caused an increase of Population. ----() The hood, but chicfly by the additional shipping employed in the Whale entire Parish of Inverury contains 1,129 Inhabitants. The increase, is Fishery, and otherwise. The Parish of Piisligo adjoins that of attributable to a cattle market and to a canal.- (C) Land, heretoforo Fraserburgh, with a doubtful boundary, by which a few families are per uncultivated, has been improved in the Parish of Kemnay, which has haps erroneously ascribed to Fraserburgh Parish. ) Fraser of Lovat | caused an increase of Population. The same remark applies to Old. is building a large mansion-house at Strichen, which causes a temporary Meldrun. ) The entire Parish of Kintore contains 1,057 Inhabite increase of Population.- () The entire Parish of Tyrie contains 1,584 ants. One female in this Parish upwards of 100 years of age. Inhabitants. (') The families of Fishermen at Cruden are included ☺) One female in Oyne Parish upwards of 100 years of açe. A quarry in the second column of Occupations.- (W) One male in Ellon Parish, has been cpened in this l'arish, One male in Aboyne Pariso and one in Foveran Parish, upwards of 100 years of age.. (*) In the upwards of 100 years of age. M.DCOC: XXI.) · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. SHIRE OF ABERDEEN-- continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, chiefy | OTHER TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how iany Families Oc- Un-Inhabited. Building OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI 1 'T ALL LIES Lies chicfly enploy. Families en- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, Iprized in in Manu. the Two AGRI• iactures, preced. CUL- lor Handit ing TURE. craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. cupied PERSONS. 406 409 221 130 | KINCARDINE-O'NEIL District continued. Kincardine-O'Neil . - - - Parish Loggie-Coldstone - - - - Parish Lumphanan - - - - - - Parish Midinar - - - - - - - Parish Tarland and Migvie. - . Parish 840 415 953 443 94 36 108 23 197 154 155 215 199 154 155 217 366 367 1,793 858 733 900 964 97 445 132 455 494 470 3,151 3,183 29 | 80 1,792 639 752 6,963 7,560 14,523 398 158 398 158 171 8 6 850 221 150 272 STRATHBOGIE District. Cairney (part of) - • () Parish Drumblade - - - - - - Parish Forgue - - - - - - - Parish Gartly (part of) · - - (b) Parish Glass (part of) - - - () Parish Huntley • - • • • Town & Parish 446 457 111 457 97 100 1,783 871 2,000 534 69 28 933 425 1,077 272 445 1,872 923 262 443 1,477 178 22 177 667 888 884 124 132 569 183 3,349 2,175 968 872 335 4,401 5,024 9,425 313 238 69 1,954 TURREFF District. Auchterless • • • • (b) Parish| 313 Fyvie - - - - - . (k) Parish 626 King-Edward - - - iki Parish 405 Monquhitter . . . . . . Parish 424 Turreff . . . . . () / Town & 232 Parish 298 61 ܐ ܗ ܩ ܟ ܟ 273 109 435 O A cool 751 1,481 852 351 268 237 46 204 787 1,521 970 1,031 533 763 234 887 1,538 3,002 1,822 1,918 922 1,484 272 298 3 4 151 62 389 721 ܗ 2,298 2,420 33 | 1,344 1898 178 5,081 5,605 10,686 (6) Cairney Parish is partly in the Shire of Banff. The entire Parish contains 1,854 Inhabitants. (h) Gartly Parish is partly in the Shire of Banff. The entire Parish contains 979 Inhabitants. - Glass Parish extends into the Shire of Banff, but the whole Population is here entered. ) One male in King-Edward Parish upwards of 100 years of age. The subdivision of farms is mentioned as a cause of the increase of Population in tliis Parish; also in Auchterless and Fyvie Parishes. 1 (1) The entire Parish of Turreff contains 2,406 Inbabitants. The | increase is partly attributable to the peace, several persons who were in the Army and Navy being settled at Turreff. SUMMA RY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ABERDEEN. 260 District of ABERDEEN - 6,339 12,934 43 208 2,024 8,471 2,439 ALFORD - - 2,138 2,157 17 1,375 459 1323 DEER - - - 5,971 6,939 26 455 2,838 2,873 1,228 ELLON - - 2,743 2,772 1,800 712 GARIOCH - - - - 2,985 3,121 1,634 1,105 KINCARDINE-O'NEIL 3,151 3,183 29 80 1,792 639 752 STRATHBOGIE - • . 1,954 2,175 | 452 968 872 335 TURREFF • - - • - - 2,298 2,420 1,344 898 178 Totals - - - 27,579 35,701186 996 13,775|16,029 5,897 24,613 5,165 13,249 6,086 6,825 6,963 4,401 5,081 72,383 30,481 55,094 5,146 10,311 15,629 28,878 6,378 12,464 7,1811 14,006 7,560 14,523 5,024 9,425 5,605 83,004 155,387 19 10,686 492 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF ABERDEEN---continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. | Under 5 to 10 to | 15 15 to 20 District of . 20 to 30 40 to 30 to 40 TOTAL ABERDEEN - - - - 13,731 3,132 2,940 2,334 3,334 3,026 2,556 1,622 1,140 491 | 166 - 24,484) 599 15,165 ALFORD - - - · | 729 | 618 DEER ..... - - 1,353 1,365 1,389 1,090 1 10,535 non lo acow vs blog ELLON - - - - - 949 5,999 GARIOCH . - - - 1,122 6,826 KINCARDINE-O'NEIL 1,048 6,963 STRATHBOGIE. - - 647 || 636 4,440 TURREFF · · · · 669 629 1 769 558 | 305/ 193 44 5,081 Total of MALES 9,744 8,674 8,361 6,875 10,117 7,881 6,552 4,826 3,812 1,984 604 56 7 169,493 FEMALES. 5 10 | 15 15 20 40 50 Under to to District of wa TOTAL 20 Ni 575 737 25 1 - 30,364 628 553 475 483 664 462 396 5,146 ABERDEEN. ... ALFORD - . · · DLER ..... ELLON ..... 346 1,206 1,168 1,884 i 112,034 782 | 6,336 GARIOCH - • . 903 7,2411 KINCARDINE-O'NEIL 937 7,560 STRATHBOGIE - - - 583 5,062 NA TURREFF 678 | 373 245 68 13 - 5,605 Total of FEMALES 9,412 8,550 7,679 7,914 13,358 9,749 7,875 6,487 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Aberdeen was .... 155,387, ..., and the Number of Persons whose Ages were retumed, was ... 148,841 ... whence it appears, that the Ages of one twenty-fourth part of the Persons thereia cnumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effech The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Aberdeen was 93 ; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundantwoor incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 493 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. .94. Shire of Argyll. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: FAMIL | FAMI- ALL PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES OTHER · OR TOTAL einploy-/ Families EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how inany Faniilies Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building. OF LIES LIES chiefly | chicfly 1. em- ployed } ed in not com- TRADE, prized in Manu-7 the Two preced- forllandia ing craft. FEMALES. MALES. in Acri- CUL- TURE. PERSONS. factures, pre Classes. 586 35 531 106 96 438 3,089 901 1,077 195 ARGYLL District. ARDNAMURCHAN (part of) }(2) Parish 572 with Sunart - - - - Craignish - - - - - - Parish 185 Glenaray - - - - - - - Parish 176 Inishail - - - - - - - Parish / 136 INVERARAY - - - Burgh and Parish 103 Kilmallie (part of) - - - (b) Parish Kilmartin - - - - - - Parish Kilmichael-Glasry - - - () Parish 701 Knapdale, South - - - - Parish 360 535 152 814 252 101rasco 1,481 1,608 463 542 394 420 519 618 1,221 1,263 736 716 2,332 2,251 985 1928 447 369 286 127 30 120 234 221 451 289 860 1,137 2,484 1,452 4,583 1,913 494 373 118 2,966 3,343 12 31 1,887 1,887 504 952 8,648 | 8,802 17,450 COWAL District. - - - - - - 367 229 1,054 2,177 Parish Parish Parish Parish 318 Dunoon and Kilmun Inverchaolain - - Kilfinan - - - - Kilmodan - - - Kilmorich - - Lochgoilhead - - Strachur - - - Strathlachlan - - 338 106 343 110 1,123 333 881 958 115 351 118 .81 128 all tilla 651 1,839 731 357 374 75 212 350 436 - - - Parish Parish Parish TNIAI 694 123 146 86 224 344 326 253 376 - - - 152 90 - 249 702 502 1,327 1,402 18 22 372 529 3,874 : 3,858 7,732 ISLAY District. 8 148 ico 129 623 Bowmore - - - Collonsay - - Jura - - - - Kildalton - - - Kilchoman - - Kilmenny - - Knapdale, North - - - () Parish ........... - - Island - - - - Parish - - - - Parish - - - - Parish - - - - Parish - - () Parish 673 148 237 422 702 282 418 432 728 316 OLINA iar 1,870 1,907 | 3,777 454 - - 450 - 904- 641 1,264 1,219 1,208 2,427 1,993 1,973 3,966 983 1,018 2,001 1,334 2,654 577 48 V 408 n 144 216 449 321 45 2,246 447 429 8,476 8,517 16,993 2,790 1,237 287. 3,655 1,334 2,892 3,122 KINTYRE District. . CAMPBELTOWN 409 1,409 CAMPBELTOWN ..(riſ Burgh - - () 18 Parish 345 378 Gigba and Cara - - - - - Parish 106 Kilberry - - - - - - (5) Parish 217 Kilcalmonell - - - - 8) Parish 445 464 Killean and Killchenzie - - Parish 564 570 Saddle - - - - - - - Parish 167 173 Skipness - - - - - - - Parish 213 214 Southend « * **•"-" -" Parish | 372 1 481 108 II Acord 888 34 45 107 240 355 85 172 286 528 202 6,445 2,571 573 1,067 2,511 3,306 539 1,257 . 1,639 435 1,254 1,667 19 424 859 22 20 693 639 109 1,332 2,004 48 1. 324 977 T 1,027 2,823 4,014 869 895 | 2,250 9,854 10,814 | 20,668 ... : ! LORN District. 138 Appin - Ardchattan Dalavich - Glenorchy Kilbrandon - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - . - 336 178 1,194 823 - - - 43 Parish| 494 | Parish | 298 Parish 96 Parish Parish 314 494 314 96 218 and I cov Carloos 4 222 24 132 | 1,271 12,465 840 1,663 258 1480 584 1,122 727 11,492 190 35 538 765 3,36 135 (*) Ardnamurchan Parish is partly in the Shire of Inverness. The | Crinan Canal.—(0) One male and one female in Bowmore Parish, upwards entire Parish contains 5,422 Inhabitants. (b) Kilmallie Parish is of 100 years of age.--- () The Crinan Canal passes through the Parish mostly in the Shire of Inverness. The entire Parish contains 5,527 of North Knapdale... (f) The entire Parish of Campbeltown contains Inhabitants. The apparent decrease of Population results froin the 9,016 Inhabitants.- () The subdivision of a large farm has increased removal of persons occupied in making the Caledonian Canal in 1811. | the Population of the Parish of Kilberry; as has the improved state of () One male in Glasry Parish upwards of 100 years of age. the herring fishery in the Parish of Kilcalmonell. The village of Loch-Gilp head has greatly increased in consequence of the 6 I 494 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. SHIRE OF ARGYLL-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, chiefly OR Families By how many Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA HI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES JUTHER chiefly employ-1 em- ployed in 1 Mamm. the Two AGRI- liactures, preced- CUL- JorHandi ling TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Imbabited. Building. ed in not coin- ' | TRADE, I prized in NIALES. or FEMALES. Oc- PERSONS. cupied. LORN District-continued. ܗ 143 194 957 ܟ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 005 284 247 259 107 70 148 1,946 1,152 591 69 ܙ ܙ 206 Kilbride - - Kilchattan - Kilchrenan - Kilmelford - Kilmore . . Kiluinver - Lismore - - Muckairn - Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 401 423 264 107 74 151 141 310 163 989 547 307 195 396 345 821 408 804 - - - • - 56 685 134 307 | ܝܙ ܚܙ ܒܬ 177 110 340 817 425 23 123 1,638 - - - - - 163 24 16 406 831 2,827 13,091 19 | 1,246 826 1,019 7,584 7,6186 15,270 MULL District. 2341 126 22 86 654 680 680 716 813 362 694 610 | 1,917 2,101 998 1,264 3,967 4,357 1,995 2,050 2,256 997 112 342 342 206 1 ܠ Coll - - - - - - - (b) Parish Kifinichen & Kilvickeon - - Parish Kilninian & Kilmore - - - Parisha Norvern - - - - - - - Parish Small-Isles (part of) Parish : (i) Canna (+) - - - - - • Isle Muck (+ --.. . - Isle • Isle Rum (+)'. -..-- - Isle Tiry, (Eastern District) (b) 2 Tiry, (Western District) () Torosay - - - - - - - Parish 230 73 57 65 ܟ 436 321 176 ܟܝܘ 206 145 277 606 1,454 1,125 221 500 217 611 1,510 1,163 Island 394 1,217 2,964 2,288 140 309 217 511 340 340 123 3,224 3,337 | 20 1,020 2,240 424 673 9,339 9,864 19,203 (b) The entire Parish of Tiry and Çoll contains 5,445 Inbabitants. | Parish of Tiry and Coll, including barns, byres, &c. as uninhabited One female in the western District of Tiry upwards of 100 years of age. houses, and producing a total too large by about 1,000.- (1) The The remarkably large number of Uninhabited Houses attributed to the Island of Eigg, part of the Parish of Small-Isles, is in the Shire of Shire of Argyll, arises from the singular Return received from the Inverness. The entire Parish contains 1,620 Inhabitants. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ARGYLL. District of ARGYLL - -.--.2,966 3,343 12 COWAL - - 1,327 1,402 ISLAY - - 2,892 3,122 KINTYRE - 2,823 4,014 LORN 2,827 3,091 19 DIULL - - - 3,337 17,450 7.732 16,993 1,887 501 2,246 869 1,246 2,240 504 | 952 372 529 447 429 2,250 826 1,019 673 8,648 8,802 3,874 3,858 8,476 8,517 9,854 ) 10,814 7,584 7,686 9,339 1 9,864 895 20,668 15,270 19,203 1,020 424 Totals - - - |16,059 18,309 | 96 |1,273 8,989 3,468 5,852 47,775 49,541 97,316 M.DCCC.XXI.) 495 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. SHIRE OF ARGYLL--continued. Ages of Persons. MALES. - Under District TOTAL. - of ARGYLL ---- |1,330 907 13 í 8,650 COWAL 419 1 - 3,874 ISLAY - - - - - |1,248 1,259 1,099 1,106 1,166 18,478 KINTYRE - - - - 1,694 1,571 1,301 1,002 9,870 1,098 991 826 509 366 198 7,575 LORN MULL - - - - -... - 1,210 |1,312 546 414 133 34 8,732 Total of MALES - 17,372 6,982 16,110 5,238 6,625 4,817 13,594 | 2,877 12,259 961 262 80 / 2 147,179 FEM A L E S. Under District TOTAL. of ARGYLL - - - - 1,299 8,802 COWAL .. | 620 470 3,858 ISLAY - - - . -1,215 1,202 1 KINTYRE . - - 11,578 1,453 1,337 1,162 1,602 1,2 8,5051 10,808 7,698 9,225 LORN - - - - - |1,158 1,129 MULL - - - - - 1,378 1,284 1,033 973 | 1,399 | 1,076 660 405 169 Tila Total of FEMALES 17,248 / 6,675 15,612 14,778 7,241 5,745 4,268 3,571 (2,382 993 / 318 63 2 148,896 THE Total Nomber of Persons in the Shire of Argyi was ....97,316,.... and the Number of Persons whose Age's were returned, was . . . 96,075, ... whence it appears, that the Ages uf one seventy-ninth part of tho Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Argyll was 56; three of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Agey were soinewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Fernales. 496 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT. OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Ayr. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: | FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL - OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. By how many Families Oc- cupied. Building. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER y employ. Families eni- lari | ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. FENALES. MALES. OP PERSONS ill Classes. CARRICK District. 113 50 626 654 102 23 90 54 426 98 48 988 388 120 BALLANTRAE - - - - - Parish Barr - - - - - - - - Parish Colmonell - - - - () Parish Dailly. - • Parish Girvan - - - - - O Parish Kirkmichael - - - - () · Parish Kirkoswald - - - Parish Maybole - - - - - d Parish Straiton - - - - - - Parisha | 2.43 265 157 167 387 421 448 807 1,548 3351 405 330 355 735 1,022 226 257 a la mostra 139 1,318 23 275 189 207 206 159 329 122 175 1,280 .837 1.980 2,161 4,490 2,235 1,847 5,204 1,292 411 992 1,032 2,227 1,110 911 2,570 644 24 1,129 2,263 1,125 936 2,634 648 97 99 525 1168 130 . 3,608 4,888 25 110 1,690 2,586 612 10,523 | 10,803 21,326 CUNNINGHAME District. 522 . :33 54 244 548 478 596 218 23 139 29 13 423 90 197 48 138 192 1,663 2,359 1,709 450 513 947 CA or our cloroso 1,442 2,046 1,604 406 516 905 3,029 625 10 nier med moralom 49 107 48 166 591 3,978 3,105 4,405 3,313 856 1,029 1,852 7,007 1,333 1,371 12,769 1,660 3,696 708 3 1273 95 681 690 68 213 151 120 12,506 | 251 447 5,972 795 1,958 6,797 865 1,738 Ardrossan - - - - () Parish 389 599 Beith (part of) . . . ) Parish 979 Dalrey - - - - - - - Parish 670 Dreghorn - - - - - - Parish 1 142 151 Dunlop (part of) - - - (8) Parish 190 Fenwick - . - - (h) Parish 263 | 347 IRVINE - - - - Burgh & Parish 1,025 1,637 Kilbirnie - - - - - - - Parish 1 202 | 288 Kilbride, West - - . (i) Parish Kilmarnock - - - - Town & Parish 1,320 2,696 Kilmaurs - - - - - - Parish 264 331 Kilwinning - - - • - • Parish 755 Largs Parish : (*) Town and Suburbs - - - - - Fairlie, &c. - - - - - Village 119 Loudoun Parish: (0) Darvel - - - - - - - 134 229 Landward-Part - - - - - - 190 208 New Milns - - - - - Town 156 Stevenston - - - () - Parish Stewarton Parish : () Country - - - - - - - - Suburbs - - - - - - - - 58 101 Town - - - - - - - - - 200 437 222 950 816 353 1,766 128 31 : 713 15 i loia 202 46 280 317 517 579 751 1,673 513 589 792 · 1,885 1,030 1,168 1,543 3,558 mod 22 241 252 1:12 200 674 715 11 209 238 1,389 447 1,820 24 310 875 945 7,419 11,775 30 143 2,375 7,505 1,895 26,426 | 29,404 | 55,830 KYLE District. - 76 731 4,111 70 221 51 Auchinleck - - AYR - - - - Coylton - - - Craigie - - - Cuninock, New - Cumnock, Old - Dalmellington - Dalrymple - - Dundonald - - 705 - - - - - - - - - 227 1 2961 944 1,541 250 127 145 301 395 34 - - Parish Burgh & Parish (") Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish - - Parish ) Parish () Parish 120 16 94 111 - - - - - - - vercer cowo 273 co III Allow 793 3,344 692 392 817 1,149 488 449 1,233 128 172 50 100 . 1,524 7,455 1,397 803 1,656 2,343 976 933 2,482 496 216 176 411 839 1,194 488 484 1,249 150 169 470 15 O 288 36 (a) The increase of Population in the Parish of Colmonell is accounted in Renfrewshire. The entire Parish contains 1,097 Inhabitar.ts.- for by the goodness of the roads, which has produced a great improve (h) There has been an increase of trade, and improvement in agriculture ment in cultivation of the lands. A considerable increase of the in the Parish of Fenwick. (i) An influx of strangers settled in the cotton manufactory has taken place at Girvan.-- () The practice of Parish of Kilbride. ) The entire Parish of Largs contains 2,479 feuing small parcels of land has increased the Population in Kirkmichael Inhabitants. (1) The entire Parish of Loudoun contains 3,741 Inha- Parish. (0) One female in Maybole Parish upwards of 100 years of bitants. The entire Parish of Stewarton contains 3,656 Inhabi- age. The increase of trade has been considerable in this Parish. tants.---- () The Collieries in the Parish of Coylton have increased (5) Saltcoats (Sea-port Town) is partly in the Parish of Ardrossan, partly since 1811. A large farm has been subdivided in the Parish of in Stevenston.- Beith Parish is partly in Renfrewshire. The Dalrymple. The formation of a Harbour at Troon, and Railways, entire Parish contains 4,472 Inhabitants.-- (8) Dunlop Parish is partly I have much increased the Population in the Parish of Dundonald. M.DCCC.XXI.] 497 :: THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV, c. 94. SHIRE OF AYR-continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how mally Families Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- | LIES | LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly employ-Families em- cd in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in / Mamu lihe Two AGRI- factures, i preced- CUL- 'orHandi-l ing TURE. I craft. Classes. OP Building. Oc- FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 641 cu 204 46 391 168 425 w 362 A 510 Á 852 KYLE District continued. Galston - - - - - - Parish Mauchline - - - - Town & Parish Monkton - .... (9) Parish Muirkirk - .... (1) Parish Newton-upon-Ayr.. () Parisha Ochiltree - - - Parish Quivox, St. - .. () Parish Riccarton - - . . (“) Parish Sorn - - - - Parish Stair - - - - - - - - Parish Symington - . - Parish Torbolton - - - - - - Parish 1,716 979 839 1,381 1,958 742 2,655 1,022 1,725 co 11-os vilniſ 319 1,088 | 389 3,442 2,057 1,744 2,687 4,027 1,573 5,392 2,122 3,865 1,726 1,078 905 1,306 2,069 831 2,737 1,100 2,140 390 399 1,122 208 com or uw ooA 194 356 . 51 | 43 203 746 26 29 216 53 93 356 345 1,053 744 2,175 15 6,815 9,982 | 32 | 153 | 2,142 4,917 2,923 | 24,1 28 | 26,015 50,143 (9). The influx and settlement of strangers (Irishmen) is noticed in the Schedule returned from Monkton, and in many others from the Kyle District of Ayrshire. Ironworks have been abandoned in the Parish of Aluirkirk. © Extension of the collieries and of trade in general, has taken place at Newton-upon-Ayr.--- () The Parish of St. Quivox has been enlarged, at the expense of the Parish of Newton. (u) The Parish of Riccarton has beeu enlarged by a Decree of the Court of Session. S UM M A R Y OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF AYR. 2,586 District of CARRICK --...3,608 4,888 25 CUNNINGHAME -..-7,419 KYLE - - - - - - - - 6,815 9,982 32 153 2,142 612 1,895 10,523 26,426 10,803 29,404 22,326 55,830 4,917 2,923 | 24,12826,015 50,143 17,84% 26,645 87 1 6,207 | 15,008 / 5,430 | 61,077 66,222 127,299 6 K 498 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF AYR-continued. Ages of Persons. D A LES Under District to 15 | 15 to 20 20 to 30 TOTAL of CARRICK ... -11,561 1,386 1,197 1,040 1,683 1,308 894 | 248 66 u - 10,515 CUNNINGHAME - - 14,298 3,634 3,330 2,794 3,722 12,801 12,174 1,552 13 - 26,140 * . - . KYLE ....3,823 3,510 3,167 2,446 3,563 | 2,477 | 2,105 1,383 1,016 KYLE 16 - 24,143 Total of MALES 9,682 8,530 7,694 6,280 8,968 .6,586 5,173 3,610 2,561 1,306 368 40 - 160,798 F E M A L E S. Under 5 to 10 District 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 to TOTAL. of CARRICK ... •|1,497 1,402 1,186 1,094 1,667 1,379 1,009 679 500 297 | 81 | 11 i 110,803 CUNNINGHAME • 4,153 3,579 (3,247 | 3,208 5,250 3,295 2,480 1,904 1 - 19:10 29,316 KYLE .... KYLE 3,633 3,244 2,960 3,029 4,406 2,957 | 2,351 1,565 1,06 1,057 a les 1 1 - 26,015 Total of FEMALES 19,283 | 8,225 17,393 7,331 11,323 7,631 5,840 4,148 2,969 1,504 430 56 1 166,134 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Ayr was . . . 127,299, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was 1 ... 126,932, . . . whence it appears, thiet the diges of nearly all the Persons ttierein edusperated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Ayr was 51; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficieut, or redundant-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females M.DCCC.XXI. 499 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C: 94. Shire of Banff. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- ALL By OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. how many Families Oc- Un-Inhabited. Building, OP FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. | cupied. / 216 223 567 212 558 223 945 197 134 2,161 492 521 1,694 556 320 274 600 531 695 191 | 136 117 289 119 11 10 341 1,059 1,079 3,855 1,087 661 572 1,290 562 119 298 69 690 266 296 32 775 ..71 320 201 118 119 39 677 228 326 600 1,480 254 i69 367 94 613 215 ABERLOUR • - • - - - Parish Alvab - - - . . . . . Parish BANFF . • • Burgh & Parish Bellie (part of) • • • (a) Parish Boharm (part of) - . () Parish Boériphnie - - • - • - Parish Boyndie - - - - • - - Parish Cabrach (part of) • • () Parish Cairney (part of) - • • (d) Parish CULLEN - • - (9) Burgh & Parish Deer, Old (part of) · - ) Parish Deskford - - - - • - - Parish Fergus, Si. - • • • (5) Parish Fordyce - • - • • • - Parish Forglen - - - - Parish Gaṁrie . Parish Gartly (part of) - Parish Glass - - - - - - Parish Grange ..... Parish Inveraven (part of) (+) 13 Parish Inverkeithny • Parish Keith . - - - - - (m) Parish Kirkmichael - - Parish Marnoch - - - Parish Mortlach - - - • • j Parish Ordiquhill - - - - - - Parish Rathven - - - • - . - Parish Rothiemay - - - - - - Parish Straloch-Lands - - - -- 1 CD ASUVA i nö color vom ASIANTONIO IN OO.CO.W.AA. A Toto oso w co vócsa Boom, 1,452 482 693 11,356 · 3,245 750 3,716 445 -756 1,765 411 1,993 157 339 1,723 679 91 219 226 329 329 123 488 500 65 24 278 24 316 56 443 706 1,052 • 299 1,743 733 1,028 1,014 776 1,301 278 2,183 837 1,182 1,030 278 112 112 854 1,037 320 337 499 512 432 447 122 124 1,118 | 253 99 1,482 2,353 577 3,926 1,570 2,210 2,044 606 5,364 1,154 76 220 302 49 67 228 401 23 303 19 2,510 2,854 526 628 Totais- • - - 18,971 (9,885 120 210 4,150 2,939 2,796 20,193 | 23,368 Bellie Parish is mostly in the Shire of Elgin. The entire Parish | the Shire of Banff. (h) Gartly Parish is mostly in. Aberdeenshire contains 2,235 Inhabitants. O Boharm Parish is partly in the Shire (Strathbogie District.) The entire Parish contains 979 Inhabitants.- of Elgin. The entire Parish contains 1,206 Inhabitants.- 0 Cabrach 1) Glass Parish is partly in Aberdeenshire (Strathbogie District,) where Paristi is partly in the Shire of Aberdeen (Alford District.) The entire the whole is entered. In the Parish of Grange, farins have in- Patrali contains 937 Inhabitants. Moss fuel is plentiful in this Parish. creased in extent, and the Population is somewhat diminished.. Cairney Parish is mostly in the District of Strathbogie, Shire of | () Inveraven Parish extends into the Shire of Elgin. The entire Parish Aberdeen. The entire Parish contains 1,854 Inhabirants. The contains 2,481 Inliabitants. The village of Fife-Keith has been increase of Population at Cullen is greatly attributable to the fishery: | built since 1811.- (") In the Parish of Marnoch, the village of Aber- Fishertitet's families are placed in the second cotamn of Occupations... | cherder has greatly increased since 1811; and there is a new village in y Old-Deer Parish is mostly in the Shire of Aberdeen (Alford District.) the Parish of Mortlach. For Straloch-Lands, see New-Machar Fhie etnite Parish contains 4,841 Inhabitants. (C) Si. Fergus is locallý | Parish, Aberdeenshire (District of Aberdeen.j Atuate on the east coast of Aberdeenshire, but the whole is entered in Ages of Persons. Total 20 Under TOTAL of I . I 2,333 2,280 1,820 2,562 | 1,903 / 1,731 | 1,291 1,086 562 | 184 1,731 18,383 FEMALES - - - - 2,591 2,344 1,934 1,984 3,523 2,538) 2,151 1,874 1,405 658 195 18 - 21,215 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Banff was ... 43,561, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ini 39,598, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly one-eleventh part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Banff was 27; two of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages; and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 500 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Berwick. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, chiefly 1 OTHER TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. en- Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : 1 FAMI- FAMI- - ALL LIES LIES chiefly employ-Families 1 ed in not com- ployed Trade, Iprized in Manu-' the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes, Un-Inhabited. Or Building EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. T - 72 78 150 1,481 245 672 22 140 113 93 376 370 787 O 43 730 106 oliini OIAI O me 116 279 236 80 43 130 208 80g 411 360 648 471 1,382 1,475 87 1,973 541 495 1,293 1,326 69 1,800 817 875 432 22 336 217 141 284 1,189 966 2,675 2,801 156 3,773 1,705 1,900 1,516 1,165 888 1,025 198 725 30 498 311 394 274 197 85 78 165 250 78 528 791 637 71 214 255 469 ABBEY, ST. BATHANS - - Parish Ayton - - - - - - (©) Parish Bunkle and Preston - - - - Parish Channelkirk - - Parish Chirnside - - - - (a) Parish Cockburnspath - - - - - Parish Coldingham - - - - - - Parish Coldstream - Parish Cranshaws - Parish Dunse - - - Parish Earlstown - - - - () Parish Eccles - - - - - - - - Parish Edrom - - Parish Eyemouth - - - - - - Parish Fogo - - - Parish Foulden - - - - - - - Parish Gordon - - - - - d Parish Greenlaw - - - - - - Parish Hume - - - - - - - - Parish Hutton - - - - - - - Parish Ladykirk - - - - - - - Parish Langton - • - - Parish LAUDER - - - - - Burgh & Parish Laverock, or Leveret-Law () Parish Legerwood - - - - (d) Parish Longformaciis - - - - - Parish Mertoun - - - - - - - Parish Mordington - - - - - - Parish Nenthorn - - - - - - - Parish Oldhamstocks (part Parish Polwarth - - Parish Stitchell - - - Parish Swinton - - - - - - - Parish Whitsome - - - - - - Parish Westruther - - Parish 51 109 130 183 327 637 396 740 1,349 207 213 413 712 200 576 00 201 30 100 401 542 1,118 20 258 SOCCO monte e ancoo+traigon maritia 269 58 22 219 258 527 477 1,845 336 100 926 919 8 39 21 226 191 250 476 402 I for IIIAIII more on Nel mondo che i no 115 302 308 610 56 168 134 202 69 302 393 CO 191 65 99 66 148 34 150 298 455 919 188 119 157 211 126 175 464 315 442 346 661 428 870 5,803 7,165 276 3,334 1,923 1,908 15,976 17,409 33,385 (1) Arable land has been converted into pasture in the Parish of a diminution of Population at Gordon ; also in Legerwood Parish.- Chirnside, in the Parish of Cranshaws, and in the Parish of Longforma- | () Laverock-Law is a pendicle of the Parish of Ayton; and if so, the cus. One female in Dunse Parish upwards of 100 years of age. | Population of that Parish becomes 1,520 persons. ) Oldhanistochs Marsh land has been drained, and brought into cultivation, which has | Parish is mostly in the Shire of Haddington. The entire Parish contains tended to increase health and population. () Weaving has been in- | 725 Inhabitants.- ) Stitchell Parish is partly in the Shire of Rox. troduced, and flourishes in the village of Earlstown.- old) The im- | burgh, where the whole is entered ; it is united with the Parish of Hume provement of agriculture having thrown small farms together, has caused | in Berwickshire. Ages of Persons : 15 20 Total Under to to to to TOTAL. 5. 40 of MALES - - - - - | 2,351 | 2,173) 1,955 2,406 1,714 1,374 920 1 - 115,9551 FENIALES 2,271 2,144 1,765 3,065 2,048 1,526 1,188 989 17,410| THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Berwick was . . . 33,385,... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 33,365, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the l'ersons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Berwick was 34; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages: a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,--or incorrect in the respective Number of Males and Females. M.DCCC. XXI.) 501 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94: Shire of Bute. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: FAMI- ALL NY PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES LIES chiefly TOTAL OR By how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. FAMI- OTHER chiefly employ- Families eni- not com- ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. craft. i Classes. OP Building. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. A - - - - - - - - - - 112 145 14 333 73 | 58 493 532 CUMBRAE - Killbride - - Kilmory - - Kingarth - - Rothesay - - ROTHESAY - 669 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Burgh WIT100 61 - - - - - - 80 - - - - - - 707 707 156 171 242 1299 495 Tool voo - - - 297 360 156 1,261 1,453 1,887 1,940 - 444 446 91 811 791 11,774 l 2,333 657 2,714 3,827 890 1,602 4,107 30 55 153 | 1,001 491 426 In TOTALS Totals ---2,205 2,855 17 301,314 730 811 6,474 7,323 13,797 Ages of Persons. Under 15 301 40 Total TOTAL of IC MALES - ... 905 FEMALES -.-- | 878 882 855 930 831 678 914 817 1,231 611 571 781 / 721 435 306 199| 48 51 - 6,484 423 188 5 - 7,323 FEMALES I THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Bute was .... 13,797 .... and the Ages as returned (being of 13,807 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Bute was 6; every one of which contained an answer to the question conceruing the Ages of Persons. Shire of Caithness. ov i 1,486 2,128 121 Parish 339 429 BOWER - - Canisbay - - - Dunnet - - - Halkiik - - - Latheron - - - Olrick - - - Reay (part of) - TILURSO • - - Wattin - - - Wick - - - over - - - Parish 278 331 - - - - Parish 420 459 - - - (a) Parish 348 - - - (a) Parish 479 - - - (b) Parish 1,215 1,260 - - - - Parish 208 209 - - . (©) Parish 500 - (a) Town & Parish { 648 779 - - - - Parisha 232, 232 (b) Burgh & Parish 1,050 1,339 | 19 208 333 181 419 386 180 870 mara 107190 714 982 753 1,224 3,106 541 1,276 1,786 551 3,263 10 772 1,146 883 1,422 3,469 552 1,482 2,259 607 3,450 19 1,636 2,646 6,575 1,093 2,758 4,045 1,158 6,713 508 HA at my or 354 268 428 150 63 19 260 573 506 TOTALS ---5,319 5,944 | 58 | 39 3,052 2,188 | 504 | 14,196 | 16,042 (30,238 (3) The increase of population in the Parishes of Dunnet, Halbirk, theron, and in the Burgh of Wick.-- () Reay Parish is partly in the Reay and Thurso, is attributed partly or wholly to an influx of persons Shire of Sutherland. The entire Parish contains 3,815 Iuhabitants. Sutherland. The prosperity of the herring | One female upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish. fishery has caused a crat increase of population in the Parish of La- from We C Ages of Persons. - 20 30 5 to 10 Under 5. 10 tol 15 Total TOTAL. 20 to 40 30 50 upo of 9 14,196 MALES - - - - - 2,774 | 1,990 1,842 1,666 2,150 1,395 1,204 1,021 753 312 80 FEMALES - - - - 1,737 1,840 2,700 1,795 2,874 1,886 1,581 1,294 936 116,041 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Caithness was ... 30,238, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, Was ... 30,237, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returus received from the Shire of Caithness was 10 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. 6 L 502 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER TEnumeration Shire of Clackmannan. - - - HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSOAS: ✓ FAMIO | ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, employ. Families TOTAL OIL By how many Families OC- cupied. } ed in 1 Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Or Building. FAMI- LIES LIES TIER chiefly chiefy ew a in not com- ployed Trade, 'prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- i factures, preced- CUL- lorHandia ing TURE. 1 craft. Classcs. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 2,623 2,954 5,577 c .EE 1,921 2,135 4,056 v 654 641 1,295 AlĻon (+) .... - Parish Clackmannan .... Dollar ------ () Parish Logie (part of} . . . . () Parishi Stirling (part of ) Parish: (1) Abbey District - - - - - - Tillicoultry ...-- () Parish 492 479 971 102 201 567 596 ) 1,163 TOTALS - - - 12,145 2,881 | 12 | 62 1,418 1,029 6,356 6,907 13,263 (*) One male and one female in Clạckmannan Parish upwards of 100 | Return of 1811.— (4) Stirling Parish is mostly in Stirlingshire. The years of age.--() The great increase of population at Dollar is attri entire Parish contains 7,314 Inhabitants.-- () The great increase of butable to an academy established there. Logie Parish is partly population in the Parish of Tillicoultry, is attributed to the flourishing in Perthshire, partly in Stirlingshire. The entire Parish contains 2,015 state of trade there. Inhabitants. The Abbey District was included with Logie Parish, in the Ages of Persons. 15 50 60 70 80 Under Total | 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 TOTAL. 5. of - - MALES - - - - - 597 47 136 54 18 3,733 FEMALES - - - - 574 504 | 492 392 644 | 476 | 267 155 67 19 1 / 1 3,944 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Clackmannan was .... 13,263 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 7,677, .... whence it appears that the Ages of between one-second and one-third (say two-fifths) part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that elſect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Clackmannan was 6; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. _ _ _ .M.DCCC.XXIY 563 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. c. 94. .) Shire of Dumbarton. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how OR chiefly | Onir employ- Families TOTAL many Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly ed in not coni- ployed TRADE. Iprized in in Manu. the Two AGRI factures, preced- or Handi- ing TURE. craft. / Classes. Un-Inhabited. Families cupied Building OF FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. | 345 75 612 605 6 6 24 40 362 405 235 332 347 180 1,368 1,519 1,451 1,595 490 4 – cô ca 292 125 300 | 248 781 167 ARROCHAR - - - - (3) Parish Bonhill - - - - - - - Parish Cardross - - - - - - - Parish Cumbernauld (+) - - - - Parish DUMBARTON - - (b) Burgh & Parish Kilmarnock - - - - - - Parish Kilpatrick, New or East - (©) Parish Kilpatrick, Old or West - (dj Parish Kirkintilloch - - - - (©) Parish Luss - - - - - - - () Parish Roseneath - - - - - - Parish Row - - - - - - - - Parish 188 72 498 Gollore o mio 262 409 60 289 758 196 1,635 1,586 1,413 1,886 510 795 2,007 2,327 605 384 927 153 158 376 3,003 3,106 2,864 3,481 1,008 1,545 3,692 4,580 1,150 754 1,759 3 | 517 750 1,685 2,253 663 837 2 | 506 30 43 204 129 545 210 158 338 19 = | 115 83 179 370 249 93 832 TOTALS - - - 3,536 5,341 18 78 1,168 2,602 1,571 13,046 14,271 87,317 (1) The families of fishermen and of shepherds are placed in the | Parish. Cotton mills have caused an increase of population. The second colunin of Occupations, in the Return from Arrochar.- ) A cotton manufacture, chiefly weaving, flourishes al Kirkintilloch, and has dock-yard has been established at the Burgh of Dumbarton. caused an increase of Inhabitants. The slate quarries at Luss () Lime works and collieries have been discontinued at New Kilpatrick. are become more extensive since 1811. (d) One female upwards of 100 years of age in Old Kilpatrick Ages of Persons. 5 10 30 Under 15 20 toto 20 30 40 to Total to TOTAL. 5. 15 40 of 9 - 11,535 MALES -... | 1,698 1,533 1,571 1,242 1,863 1,152 986 FEMALES -.-1,688 1,542 1,422 1,5251 2,372 1,421 | 1,132 790 422 216 53 823 | 582 112,858 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Dumbarton was .... 27,317, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 24,393, .... whence it appears that the Ages of one-ninti part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. · The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Dumbarton was 13 ; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerniny Ages, and is thus marked (+); a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. Shire of Dumfries. 121 316 473 96 236 153 2,325 469 1,593 649 234 go 89 86 4,486 943 3,084 1,206 1,682 1,561 85 189 2,161 474 1,491 557 807 748 169 359 875 C ANNAN - Applegarth - Canonby - - Carlaverock - Closeburn - Cunmertrees Dalton - - Dornock - - Dryesdale - DUMTRIES - Duuscore - - Durisdeer - Eskdaleinuir - 910 146 623 265 320 292 134 162 439 2,481 291 53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 - () Burgh & Parishi 802 - - - - Parisha 141 - - - - Parish 603 - - - - Parish 245 Parish 278 - - - - Parish 268 - - - - Parishi 130 - - - - Paris!: 153 - - - - Parish 386 (b) Burgh & Parish 1,394 - - - () Parisk | 267 - - - - Parish - - - - Parish 43 24 767 ΔΟ 201 1,031 2 813 398 384 1,185 6,033 152 1,066 | 1,280 52 79 5,019 732 770 339 759 1743 2,251 11,052 1,491 1,601 651 276 322 831 117 119 26 141 U 312 (2) A commonty (common land) has been divided and occupied at ! ) The incrcase of population in the Parish of Dunscore, and in the Annan, which is a very fourishing market town. (") One male and Parishes of Jolinstone, Kirkmahoe, Muffat, and Penyout, is attributed ore female in Duintries Parish, upwards of 100 years of age.--.l to the improvement of agriculture. 504 (Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF DUMFRIES- continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- LIES PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OTHER By on employ- Families how niany Fuuilies TOTAL OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES chicfly chiefly el- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manus | the I'wo Agri- factures, preced- CUL- SorHandi- ing TURF. | craft. | Classcs. Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Building. OP FEMALES. MALES. il cupicd. PERSONS. 40 153 161 60 419 373 15 148 166 109 884 914 997 112 30 121 309 180 272 767 472 1,031 281 873 532 413 596 510 569 148 391 583 477 198 203 177 241 337 228 74 506 865 157 121 743 571 6:31 821 875 104 175 31 152 380 436 428 Ewes - - - - - - - - Parish 60 Glencairn - - - - - - Parish 371 Graitney - - - - - - - Parish 350 Halfmorton - - - - - - Parish 110 Hoddam - - - - - - (d) Parish 301 Holywood • - - Parish 167 Hutton & Corrie - - - - Parish 137 Johnstone - - - - . Parish 192 Keir - - - - - - - - Parish 159 Kirkconnel - - - - - - Parish Kirkmahoe - - - - - () Parish 305 Kirkmichael - - - - - (f) Parish 203 Kirkpatrick-Fleming - - - Parish 310 Kirkpatrick-Juxta - - - - Parish 151 Langholm .. - - - - - Parish LOCHMABEN - - - Burgh & Parish Middlebie - - - - - - - Parish Moffat - - - - - - () Parish 353 Morton - - - - - - - Parish Mousewald - Parish 160 Mungo, St. . Parish Penpont - - - - - - () Parish 195 Ruthwell - - - - - - - Parish 233 260 SANQUHAR ----(){. & Parish 146 Wanlockhead - - - - Town 145 Tinwald - - - - - - - Parish Tortborwald - - - - - (n) Parish 244 Tundergarth - - - - - Parish Tynron - - - - - -.- Parish 89 Wamplray - - - Farish Westerkirk - - - - - - Parish | 113 586 292 113 180 130 351 Droonilovő Aer coer love oncoer i OJO 97 1,125 1,260 881 1,091 832 314 1,881 1,945 553 1,640 1,004 804 1,179 987 1,075 1,608 1,202 1,696 912 2,404 2,651 1,874 2,218 1,806 795 709 1,082 1,285 1,357 963 706 1,248 1,205 518 513 554 672 423 476 1,279 1,391 993 1,127 974 409 368 566 229 247 325 411 07 97 105 386 126 63 215 2 59 67 341 516 234 189 616 669 [ Burghi 354 143 608 181 44 476 160 152 328 228 224 126 122 598 574 255 100 93 106 749 487 378 650 631 283 262 293 361 50 96 16 235 251 261 311 3 130 32 TOTALS - - - 12,248|14,458 85 285 4,340 4,706 5,412 33,572 37,306 170,878 (0) See Note on preceding page. d) The cotton manufacture ! collieries, and to the increase of the cotton manutacture ; but a check has increased at Hoddam, so that the Inhabitants are increased nutwith- has been experienced in building and agricultural improvenients, from standing emigration. The cheapness of fuel in the Parish of ! the disputed leases on the Queensbury Estates. The entire Parish con- Kirkmichael encourages settlement and increases the population. tains 3,026 Inhabitants. (h) The increase of population in the Parish O lhe population of the Parish of Sanquhar has greatly increased of Torthorwald is a tributed to granting leases of small portions of land, since 1811, which is ascribed to the flourishing state of the mines and with plenty of moss fuel. Ages of Persons. 10 15 20 30 Under 40 to to Total TOTAL 10 30 40 50 of 33,569 MALES - - - - - 5,102 4,897 4,387 3,620 4,606 3,537 2,883 2,097 1,467 743 212 17 FEMALES ---4,895 4,767 4,232 3,823 6,212 4,345 3,385 2,430 1,892 917 276 26 1 1 37,201 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Dumfries was ... 70,878 .... and the Number of Persons whose edges were returned, was . ... 70,770, .... whence it appears that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received fron the Shire of Dumfries was 45; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant-or incorrect in the respective nurubers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.) 505 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. Shire of Edinburgh. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By low many Familie: TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. employ- Families cd in. not com- U11-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI• ALL LIES LIES chiefly | OTHER chiefly em- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Building OF Oc- FEMALES. MALES, in cupied. PERSONS. preced- 271 209 287 60 41 643 722 702 688 303 96 186 44 140 49 26. 297 I 711 747 107 ! 102 377 74 44 242 128 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 451 416 451 161 153 266 266 117 55 266 1,345 1,410 1,458 550 1,925 2,019 1,321 1,735 954 1,195 1,715 5,169 352 i 118 275 886 994 656 857 474 585 837 2,408 275 1,039 1,025 665 878 480 610 878 2,761 141 88 209 co A 53 24 63 288 347 1,178 106 347 725 w 213 155 505 - - 279 81 15 81 BORTHWICK - - - - - Calder, Mid - - - - - - Calder, West - - - - - Carrington otherwise Primrose - Cockpen - - - - - - - Collington - - - - (4) Corstorphine - - - - - Cramond (part of) - - b) Cranston - - - - - - - Crichton - - - - - - - Currie - - - - - () Dalkeith - - - - - (d) Duddingston Parish : (0) County-part - - - - - Duddingston, Easter - - - Duddingston, Wester - - Joppa - - - - - - Portobello - - - - - - Fala (part of) . - - - () Glencross - - - - (8) Heriot - . - - - - - luveresk - - - - - - - Kirkliston (part of) - - (b) Kirknewton and East Calder- Laswade - - - - - - - Libberton - - - - - - Newbattle - - - - () Newton - - - - - () Pennycuick - - - - - - Ratho - - Stow - - • - • - - (1) Temple - - - - - () concreto us to conneclut oven to con 32 209 I Ale i cili mund 100 781 142 558 182 209 227 1,912 277 661 13 110 19 348 298 1,653 105 47 1,385 163 147 3,578 340 279 101 128 127 1,131 135 313 151 4,258 268 757 2,102 2,199 897 1,119 1,015 639 99 297 240 812 49 65 - - Parish Parish 116 Parish Parish 1,653 Parish Parish Parish Parish | 897 Parish 333 Parish Parish 352 Parish Parish Parish 222 756 A 900 436 183 152 154 312 187 137 954 613 379 57 185 305 7,836 608 1,513 4,186 4,276 1,719 2,150 1,958 1,444 1,313 1,156 w Ni mund Nor I 2,084 2,077 822 1,031 943 805 640 577 429 441 249 242 245 70 219 225 200 45 89 65 88 673 75 81 579 547 3,071 5,183 3,022 | 25,660 | 27,619 1 53,279 1,042 1,632 490 311 834 9,918 11,276 59 CITY OF EDINBURGH, (Antient and Extended Royalty.) Andrews, St. - - - - - Parish 976 2,681 College Church - - - - - Parish 172 807 George, St. Church - - - - Parish 402 1,083 Grey-Friars, New - - (m) Parish 236 849 Grey-Friars, Old - - - - Parish 216 1,107 High-Church - - - - - Parish 123 Lady-Yesters - - · (") Parish 97 New-North-Church - - - Parish 79 475 Old-Church - - - - - - Parish 107 Toll-Booth-Church - - - - Parish | 129 Tron-Church - - - - - Parish 117 246 306 526 - 558 of ! AN Icon LA wov 542 577 227 264 255 331 214 6,565 1,906 2,398 2,183 2,264 1,140 1,069 1,034 1,362 1,458 1,523 9,283 2,079 3,672 2,449 2,464 1,423 1,264 1,147 1,566 1,684 1,835 15,848 3,985 6,070 4,632 4,728 2,563 2,333 2,181 2,928 3,142 3,358 479 217 - 711 389 697 www 308 385 (The increase of Population in the Parish of Collington is attributable to l are in progress, in the Parish of Glencross. (h) Kirkliston Parish is the flourishing state of the paper manufactory; to snuff niills and corn mills, mostly in the Shire of Linlithgow. The entire Parish contains 2,213 In- erected since 1811; to the bleach-field at Ingles-Green; and the freestone habitants. The increase of collieries is mentioned in the Returns quarries, which have increased, for the purpose of building at Edinburgh. made from Newbattle, Newton, and Temple Parishes. — (k) One fe- b) Cramond Parish is partly in the Shire of Linlithgow. The entire | malc in Ratho Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-- (1) It is nen- Parish contains 1,804 Inhabitants. ----(C) The Union Canal, and the tioned on the Return from the Parish of Stow, that labouring men, fed Nourishing state of the paper-manufactory have increased the Population and lodged in the farm-houses, have increased since 1811: in all other of the Parish of Currie. (d) One female in Dalkeith Parish upwards places, this class of farm-servants, when noticed, is said to have de- of 100 years of age.-- () The entire Parish of Duddingston contains creased, and agricultural Population to have increased, from their becom- 3,088 Inhabitants. Portobello is become a fashionable resort for sea- | ing married cottagers. ) The Return of New Grey Friars Parish bathing, and a variety of manufactures flourish there. Fala Parish | includes 189 males and 365 females in a charity workhouse. ") The is partly in the Shire of Haddington. The entire Parish contains 405 In- | Return of Lady-Yester's Parish includes 100 males, and 123 females in habitants.-- () Public works, for the supply of Edinburgh with water, I the Royal Infirmary. 6 M 506 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF EDINBURGH-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL FA HI- LIES chiefly em- EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how inany Families Occ cupied. | ed in Un-Inhabited. Inliabited. of Building FAMI- | ALL LIES OTHER chiefly Families employ- not com- TRADE, prized in Manu- "the Two factures, preced- ing craft. | " Classes. FEMALES. ployed MALES. PERSONS. CITY OF EDINBURGII-continued. AGRI- CUL- TURE. orHandi- Suburbs : Canongate - - - - St. Cuthbert's - -- Leith, North - -- Leith, South · - - O Parish 427) 2,3626 1,829 533 4,503 5,367 9,870 (P) Parish 3,381 10,741 50 422 1,688 | 5,064 3,989 22,453 28,144 50,597 (9) Parish 1,417 1,547| 16 | 89 31 485 1,031 3,216 7,025 () Parish | 1,280 4,342 | 14 | 18 9 1,693 2,640 | 9,025 | 9,950 | 18,975 9,15929,193 150 1616 | 1,759|13,517 1,759 13,517 13,917 62,099 76,136 138,235 3,809 (°) The Canongate Parish, being inhabited by poorer classes of society than heretofore, the Population increases, in proportion as the houses and apartinents are subdivided. The Return of this Parish includes 30 fe. males in the Magdalen Asylum, 21 males and 3 females in the Canongate Tolbooth. (f) The families of all labourers in St. Cuthbert's Parish | are placed in the Agricultural column of occupations.-(9) The Popu. I lation of North Leith has increased from the vicinity of the new Docks. om ) It appears that upwards of 400 sailors, employed in navigating vessels belonging to Leith, are included in the Return of South Leith. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF EDINBURGH. ---- •9,918 11,276 59 547 3,071 5,183 3,022 25,660 27,619 53,279 A Shire of EDINBURGH City of EDINBURGH -----9,159 29,193 150 616 1,759 13,517 13,917 Totals • . - 19,077 40,469 209 1,168 4,830 |18,700|16,939 62,099 76,136 138,235 87,759 103,755 191,514 Ages of Persons. MAL ES. ſ TOTAL. 70 80 15 | 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Under Unue to to to to to 5. 10 15 20 30 40 50 Shire of EDINBURGH - - 3,879) 3,553 3,328 2,496 4,043 2,885 2,240 1,538 City of EDINBURGH - - 19,273 8,432 6,966 5,922 10,313 8,589 6,138 3,545 1,876 680 157 17 DINBURGH . - 25,696 2 61,910 Total of MALES: - 113,152 (11,985/10,294 8,418 14,356 11,474 8,378 5,08312,955 1,213 271 1 2 87,606 FEMALE S. 15 20 30 40 50 Under 1 5. 20 to 60 70 80 90 100 to tol to TOTAL 10 40 50 60 70 Shire of DINBURGH - 2 27,639 EDINBURGH - - 3,806 3,377 2,969 2,681 4,935 3,275 2,600 1,837 1,360 612 174 11 City of EDINBURGH - - 8,736 | 8,083 7,823 8,431 16,742 10,824 7,262 4,198 2,412 1,003 235 18 Total of FEMALES 12,542 11,460 10,792 11,112 21,677|14,099 9,862 | 6,035 3,772|1,615 409| 29 4 75,771 103,410 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Edinburgh was .... 191,514 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 191,016, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Edinburgh was 46 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages. A small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 507 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GŁO. IV. C. 94. Shire of Elgin, or Moray. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FANI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By chiefly OR how many employ. Families Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Luhabited. Building. FAMI1 AT ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly om- ed in not con- ployed (TRADE, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures. preced- CUL for Handi- ing | craft. | Classes. FEMALES. MALES. TOTAL OP PERSONS. in TURE. 99 259 195 202 277 677 266 210 202 110 31 552 456 114 120 Comer Good oro A 437 280 500 82 42 137 62 86 137 124 216 124 182 248 311 479 errecsésse: ECE 491 497 648 202 297 319 536 567 1,007 211 231 406 249 248 94 102 91 94 144 137 1,229 947 934 1,148 384 545 630 1,015 1,060 1,950 1,154 1,460 1,233 5,308 3,540 20 269 493 co to tintora Tomisla ABERNETHY (part of) () Parish Alves - - - - - - - - Parish Andrews, St. Lanbride - - - Parish Bellie (part of) - - - Parish Birnie - - - - - - Parish Boharm (part of) - .. Parish Cromdale (part of) Parish Dallas - - - - Parish Drainy - - - Parisb Duffus - - - - - Parish Duthel (part of) Parish Dyke and Moy - - - Parish Edinkillie - - Parish ELGIN - - - (k) Burgh & Parish FORRES - - - () Burgh & Parish Grantown - - Inveraven (part of) (+) (*) Parish Kinloss - - - Parish Knockando - - - - - - Parish Rafford - - - - - Parish Rothes - - - - - () Parish Speymouth - - - - - - Parish Spynie, New - - - - () Parish Urquhart - - - - - - - Parish 943 445 255 325 530 624 wala langt mac II - I com a 318 135 29 813 303 82 295 1,085 730 1,304 949 217 294 647 577 2,387 1,555 409 656 2,921 1,985 171 594 . 27 69 59 207 230 50 298 568 796 94 503 618 475 750 327 198 353 295 241 - تب جا کن بر من 70 202 403 325 242 221 153 114 37 104 658 128 1,071 1,414 970 1,642 1,401 996 1,003 495 892 743 553 524 132 72 155 83 50 219 443 479 6 34 TOTALS -.- 16,668 7,327 113 162 2,676 2,330 2,321 14,292 31,162 * ) Abernethy Parish is partly in Inverness-shire. The entire Parish old unmarried women are said to subsist each on one shilling per week, contains 1,968 Inhabitants. The increase is attributable to the fir tim and out of this to pay a fourth-part for the stance (or ground rent) of ber, which is cut and sold in greater quantity than heretofore. their huts.----(K) An increasing academy has been established in the () Bellie Parish is partly in Banffshire. The entire Parish contains Town of Elgin ; and road-making and drainage furnish employment in 2,235 Inhabitants. O) Boharm Parish is mostly in Bantfshire. The the country part of the Parish. The almost universal influx of in- entire Parish contains 1,206 Inhabitants. Cromdale Parish is babitants from the country into towns, is mentioned on the return of mostly in Inverness-shire. The entire Parish contains 2,897 Inhabitants. Forres, as a cause of the increase of Population at that place. - ) A new village of 30 families has arisen in the Parish of Dallas. (m) Grantown is included in the return of Cromdale Parish (Inverness.) O Lossiemouth, in the Parish of Drainy, is a fashionable bathing- > n) Inveraven Parish is mostly in Banffshire. The entire Parish place; and the fishery is improved since 1806.— () Three new villages contains 2,481 Inhabitants of the Population of Rothes, 776 have been established in the Parish of Duffus, and Burgh-head has been Persons inhabit the village. One male in Spynie Parish upwards almost wholly rebuilt.-.-) Duthel Parish is partly in Inverness-shire, 1 of 100 years of age. The entire Parish contains 1,739 ]nhabitants. At Edinkillie, 40 Ages of Persons. 5 10 20 30 60 70 Total Under 5. 90 100 to & 90 100 up- TOTAL. 30 40 | 80 wa of -- - -- 1 .. MALES - - - - - 2,017, 1,835 1,778 1,505 2,121 1,436 1,253 891 790 452 113 11 FEMALES -... | 1,924 | 1,703 1,540 1,725 2,698 | 2,028 1,697 1,419 1,139 547 144 17 1 14,203 - 16,581 . THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Elgin was ... 31,162, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned was ... 30,784, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one eighty-second part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Elgin was 23 ; one of wbich did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant-or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 508 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Fife. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMIO | ALL OR By how many Fainilies employ. Fainilies TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. ployed Building F.MI- LIES LIES chietly | ОтиER chiefly em- not com- ed in a prized in TRADE, AGRI- factures, I proc CUL- TURE. OT MALES. FEMALES. Manu-' the Two PERSONS. Cupico. ANDREWS, ST. District. orHandi-l ing craft. Classes. 186 11 89 162 55 498 262 106 231 60 86 27. 37 108 221 232 238 26 187 504 513 856 124 1 Al wind to 331 460 141 91 228 69 70 42 13 151 15 129 157 56 396 570 262 176 672 187 224 357 205 134 135 85 55 70 9 ANSTRUTHER-EASTER Burgh & Parish ANSTRUTHER-WESTER Burgh & Parish Cameron - - - - - - - Parish Carnbee - - - - - - - Parish ! CRAIL - - - - - Burgh & Parish Denino - - - - - - - Parish Elie - - - - - - - - Parish Ferry-Port-on-Craig - - - Parish Forgan - - - - - - - Parish Kemback - - - - - - - Parish Kilconquhar - ... (*) Parish KILRENNY - - (b) Burgh & Parish Kingsbarns - - - - - - Parish Largo - - - - - - © Parish Leuchars - - - - - - - Parish Newburn - - - - - - - Parish PITTENWEEM - - - Burgh & Parish ST. ANDREWS - d) Burgh & Parish St. Leonards - - - - () Parish St. Monance - - - - - - Parish 423 289 1,035 634 561 128 455 242 183 116 307 138 228 592 1,090 242 429 564 1,068 535 1,048 998 1,854 192 343 966 789 1,461 514 937 345 1,282 2,317 783 1,494 530 998 1,244 2,301 1,731 212 398 669 | 1,200 2,725 4,899 513 513 1912 333 222 552 1 VHOAN OBA O O 60 114 106 131 711 468 1,057 416 332 391 115 145 16 916 1 A mod cow I wvl AN 81 209 800 81 333 38 213 420 82 815 186 531 2,174 214 399 1,141 459 73 48 103 229 36 299 151 187 44 2,598 2,093 | 12,079 14,514 26,593 401 III a ܫܢ ܟܝܘܒܝ 834 150 63 17 15 118 222 26 337 171 433 87 104 1,316 432. 1,331 118 1,438 9 70 533 t 222 57 255 71 2,754 965 2,840 1,030 394 1,509 530 64 78 500 188 206 41 101 1,110 49 4,775 6,233 CUPAR District. Abdie - - - - - - - - Parish / 163 Abernethy (part of) · - ) Parish Arngask (part of) • • (6) Parish Auchtermuchty - - - - - Parish 565 632 Balmerino - - - - - - Parish 196 206 Ceres - - - - - - - - Parish 503 503564 Collessie - - - - - - - Parish 213 1.213 Creich - - - - - - - Parish 69 80 Cults - - - - - - - - Parish 146 / 184 CUPAR - Burgh & Parish 882 | 1,346 Dairsie - - Parish 133 Dunbog - - - - - - - Parish 35 Falkland Parish Flisk - - Parish Kettle - - Parish 397 Kilmany - - - - - - - Parish 156 Iogie - - - - - - (b) Parish 94 100 Monimail - Parish 265 281 Moonzie - - - - - - - Parish 35 37 Newburgh - - . - - - Parish 290 554 Strathmiglo - - - - - - Parisk 335 421 401 853 99 54 452 3,185 118 41 38 2,707 262 - 84 1,162 327 584 ܟ - 6 ܒܝܘ ܠ ܠ ܒܝ ܗ ܟ ܟ ܟ ܗ ܗ ܒܝ ܒܝ ܟܬ ܒܘܘ 5,892 589 176 2,459 301 2,046 1 338 119 man I ovaalaala mo li or more 92 1,297 155 1,066 58 17 146 58 420 235 156 406 751 36 980 345 209 618 105 1,024 147 21 5 231 609 104 1,166 991 440 1,227 209 2,190 1,842 12 167 375 151 89 851 5,050 24 124 1,353 3,382 1,512 | 13,285 | 14,879 | 28,164 96 84 782 37 33 6,247 DUNFERMLINE District. Aberdour - - - - - - - Parish 235 350 Beath - - - - - - (i) Parish 135 146 Carnock - - - - - (b) Parish 222 245 | Dalgety - - - - - - - Parish 179 191 DUNFERMLINE (k) Burgh & Parish 2,057 2,881 INVERKEITHING - - Burgh & Parish | 368 591 Saline . - - - - - - Parish 230L 238 Torryburn - - - - - - Parish 278 352 170 76 23 376 27 Toncier NN 707 353 568 414 6,677 1,181 537 99 123 47 117 2,285 163 51 1284 1,489 1729 568 1,136 498 912 7,004 13,681 1,331 1,123 804 1,443 490 106 51 377 2,512 133 54 65 639 3,704 4,994 17 104 | 1,018 3,140 836 | 11,076 11,949 | 23,025 O A weekly market has been established at Kilconquhar since 1811. | Leonard's.-- () Abernethy Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The en- (b) The increase of Population in the Burgh of Kilrenny is chiefly tire Parish contains 1,701 Inhabitants. Arngask Parish is partly attributable to the fishing station established in Nether-Kilrenny, or Cel in Kinross-shire, partly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains 680 Jardyke. - O A fax spinning-mill has been established, and is in full Inhabitants. ----(h) The apparent increase of Population in the Parish employment in the Parish of Largo. ----(d) New schools have been of Logie arises froin an extension of boundary, at the expense of the established at St. Andrew's, and the University is improved and increas Parish of Leuchars.- (i) The new coal-work at Thistleford has con- ing; the manufactory of cotton cloth has been introduced since 1811. duced to increase the Population of the Parish of Beath.- (k) Thu C) A large boarding school for young ladies has been established at St. | Population of Carnock has increased from the vicinity of Dunfermline. M.Dccc.xxi.] 509 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. SHIRE OF FIFE-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FA MI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly Oruer chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed prized in in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures, preced. CUL orHandi- TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. Families Oc- cupied. TRAD OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. A *ing KIRKALDY District. RO 478 211 1,582 60 136 723 765 Abbotshall - - - Auchterderran . . Auchtertool - - Ballingry - - - - BURNTISLAND - - - - - Parish . . (1) Parish - - - Parish - - - Parish Burgh and Parish Gor cu 249 138 1,685 | 3,267 1,488 536 287 1,179 2,136 287 149 292 957 DYSART Burgh and Parish : (m) Boreland - - - - - - - - os 107 120 į 170 147 w 136 735 923 443 486 Dysart-Town - - Gallaton - - Hackley Moor - Path-Head - - - - St.-Clair-Town - - 227 317 1,658 929 269 1,918 1,211 44 131 138 896 1,022 324 228 30 588 0 Avvco foi 150 182 888 761 1,136 217 207 90 493 391 471 389 1,307 534 2,388 1,188 2,473 1,083 1,649 2,443 1,027 4,452 2,200 4,661 2,042 30 484 2,064 1,012 2,188 16 310 791 328 378 314 344 460 A 959 Kennoway - - - - - - KINGHORN - - (n) Burgh and Parish Kinglassie - - º - - - Parish KIRKALDY - - (P) Burgh and Parish Leslie - . .----- Parish Markinch - .. - - (9) Parish Sconie - -.-- .- (") Parish Wemyss Parish : (*) Buckhaven - - - Coultown, East - - Coultown, West Country parts - Kirkland - - Methil - - - - Wemyss, East --- Wemyss, West ..... 596 545 56 131 71 1,141 127 273 310 142 155 155 N 1 - 1 1 0 1 195 213 280 278 1 1 491 101 150 1147 220 428 648 | 181 - 253 339 592 5,415. 8,275 20 159 1,347 4,628 2,300 17,100 19,674 36,774 (1) One male in Auchterderran Parish upwards of 100 years of age. ( for the increase of population. ---(") A colliery and four spinning-mills The increase of coal-works, and the improvement of the moral habits of { at kirkaldy have caused an increase of population.- ) A fluctuation the colliers, is mentioned; as also a thriving bank for savings. of trade is remarked at Markinch, but, on the whole, the increase of (n) The entire Parish of Dysart contains 6,529 Inhabitants. About 60 population is considerable. An iron foundry and a pottery have seamen, serving in registered vessels, are included by mistake.me been established at Sconie since 1811.. (s) The entire l'arish of (n) A large spimming-mill has been established in the West Burgh of Weinyss contains 4,157 Inhabitants. The increase is accounted for by Kinghorn.--) A spinning-mill and lime-quarry at Kinglassie accounts | the prosperity of fishing, and of the weaving trade. 6 N 510 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE or Fire-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF FIFE. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS : FAMI LIES TOTAL niany em- Un-Inhabited. Inhabited. OF &c. Building. FEMALES. Trade. Iprized in MALES. in PERSONS. factures, preced- craft. Classes. FAMI- ALL By LIES OTHER how chiefly chiefly DISTRICTS, employ- Families Families ot coin- Oc- ployed cupied. AGRI- CUL- TURE, District of ANDREWS, SAINT - - 1,542 2,598 2,093 CUPAR - - - - 5,050 6,247 24 124 1,353 3,382 1,512 DUNFERMLINE 4,994 17 104 1,018 3,140 836 KIRKALDY - - - - - - 1 5,415 8,275 20 159 1,347 4,628 2,300 TOTALS - - - 118,944 25,749 105 527 | 5,260 5,260 13,748 6,741 4,775 44 140 *75 6,233 12,079 14,514 26,593 13,285 14,879 28,164 11,076 | 11,949 23,025 17,100 | 19,674 | 36,774 53,540 | 61,016 114,556 Ages of Persons. MALES. Under District TOTAL. wards. of G a Goos ANDREWS, SAINT - 1,613/ 1,613 1,585 1,218 1,599 1,315) 1,205 CUPAR - - - - - | 1,866 1,729 1,646 1,316 1,970 1,470 1,283 91 DUNFERMLINE 1,886 | 1,645 1,346) 1,031 1,531 1,150 984 KIRDALDY - - - - 2,542 2,316 2,192 1,792 2,426 1,831 1,570 1,212 838 12,073 13,285 11,076 17,260 . 110 5 Total of Males - 7.907 7,303 6,769 5,357 7,526 5,766 5,042 3,663 2,741|1,307|291 21 MALES Z 53,694 TEMA LES Under District TOTAL. ANDREWS, SAINT - 1,679 1,584 1,467 1,385 2,345 1,810 1,569 1,179 905 452 124 CUPAR - - - - - 1 1,805 1,750 1,603 1,514 2,545 1,818 1,352 1,102 827 361 95 DUNFERMLINE - .| 1,841 1,492 1,248 1,124 2,039 1,356 1,047 8171 640 2671 KIRKALDY - - - - 2.523 1,933 3,436 2,342 1,881 1,4751,075 596 115 Total of FEMALES - | 7,848 7,121 6,402 5,956 (10,365/ 7,326 5,849 4,573 3,447|1,586 409 w or ö leo -,514 14,777 11,949 91 - 19,674 60,914 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Fife was ...114,556; ... and the Ages as returned (being of 114,608 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Fife, was 76; every one of which contained an answer to the question con- cerning the Ages of Persons. M DCCC.XXI.] 1511 THE POPULATION ACT, 1. GEO. IV. C. 94: : 1 . 7 Shire of Forfar. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By chiefly OR how inany TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Familie OF Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES LIES OTIER chiefly Employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu, the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. Oc- MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 528 206 come il 37 75 115 25 1,1551 308 488 519 2,502 38 11 95 116 - 87 302 58 18 116 1291 828 40 162 278 624 66 270 733 I NI A C I 1,068 2,651 110 5,906 16 143 80 496 359 168 4 14 101 39 472 705 143 280 31 605 96 307 101 4,223 216 3,1 13,568 mod 1 and to DH I 322 145. 684 323 45 448 512 1,040 493 981 543 1,062 3,315 5,817 182 330 632 1,357 3,255 130 240 577 11,073 990 840 1,545 149 292 325 17,007 30,575 749 1,433 341 664 004. 502 316 599 411 3,1135,897 1,052 2,009 582 1,144 278 555 502 966 979 1,785 653 1,215 517 732 309 566 426 813 2,656 5,056 950 79 · 283 197 2,784 214 1600 27.00 avoc a 362 102 ABERLEMNO - - . - - Parish 199 199 Airly - - - - - - - Parish 188 192 Arbirlot - - - - - - - Parish 206 YARBROATH, otherwise can ABERBROTHOCK (4) Burghi & Parish | 726 1,494 Alyth (part of) -:- - - () Parish. Auchterhouse - - .. . - Parish Barrie - - - - - - - - Parish BRECHIN - - - (9) Burgh & Parish 11,530 Careston - - - - - - - Parish 56 .56 Carmylie - - - - - - - Parish 227 1 227 Cortachy and Clova (+) -- Parish 201 203 Craig - - - - - - - (d) Parish 245 Cupar-Angus (part of) - - (5) Parish 55 Dun - - - - - - - (f) Parish / 136 DUNDEL (+) - - - Burgh & Parish 2,651 17,704 Dunnichen - - - - - (8) Parish als 291 Eassie and Nevay - ; - Parish 147 Edzell (part of) - - .: (b) Parish 200 204 Farnell - - - - - - - Parish 111 117 Fearn - - - - - - - - Parishi FORFAR - - - Burgh & Parish 803 1,538 Glammis (-+) - - - - - Parish 451 Glenisla - - - - - - - Parish 233 Guthrie - - - - - - - Parish 108 110 Inverarity - - - - - (i) Parish 184 Inverkeilor - - - - - - Parish Ketins - - - - - - - Parish 247 263 Kingoldram - - - - - - Parish 104 107 Kinnell - - - - - - - Parish 139 Kinnettles (+) - - - - - Parish 112 Kirkden - - - - - - - Parish Kirriemuir, otherwise - Town & Parish | Killamuir (+) s Lantrathen - - - - - - Parish Lethnot and Navar - - - (k) Parish Liff and Benvie - - - - - Parish -521 Loch-Lee. - - - - - - Parish 108 Logie-Pert - . - - - - Parish Lunan - - - - - - - Parish Lundic - - - - - - (1) Parish Mains, otherwise Strath-Dighty - Parish Marytown - - - - - - Parish 93 Menmuir - - - - - - - Parish 189 Monifieth - - - - - (m) Parish| 444 467 Monikie - - - - - - - Parish 276 MONTROSE - - - - Burgh & Parish | 1,137 2,611 Murroes - - - - - - - Parish 117 Newtyle - - - - - - Parish 1761 Oathlaw . - - - - - Parish 70 957 233 562 277 464 806 182 364 389 A II won circit 0 562 261 137 256 354 257 387 378 108 poc.+ de 161 1,188 2,400 57 K8 489 255 452 283 1,251 278 117 461 1,334 294 551 163 32 208 Hadi Awon critico de los cu Hd A 570 100 192 941 538 2,585 572 1,01-2 306 401 1,084 476 889 2,107 | 1,325 10,338 629 c o 7 +1200 tot to 143 193 514 220 424 947 620 256 465 1,160 705 5,762 328 4,576 301 178 60 373 423 796 201 204 405 (The increase of the sail-cloth and linen manufactures, accounts for the increase of population at Arbroath. Including the town part of the Parish of St. Vigeans, Arbroath contains 8,972 Inhabitants. (") Alyth Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains 2,569 İnbabitants. One female in Erechin Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (C) In the Parish of Craig, the fishery at Ferryden has much increased. Cupar-Angus Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains 2,622 Inhabitants. (1) In the Parish of Dun many cotters houses (cottages) have been demolislied, whence a decrease of population.m) In the Parish of Dunnicher, the village of Letham lias greatly increased.---(1) Edzell Parish is partly in Kin- cardineshire. The entire Parish contains 1,043 Inhabitants.- () More land is now under lease at Inverarity than was so in 1811. 1 K) One male in Lethnot and Navar Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (1) The Parish of Lundie is united to that of Easter-Fowlis in 1 the Shire of Perth.- (m) In the Parish of Monifieth the village of Broughty Ferry has inuch' increased from feuing, and the prosperous condition of the spinning trade. Other villages in this Parish are Drum- stardy Muir, and Easi-Ferry. 512 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS. AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF FORFAR—continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how TOTAL OR many Families OCCUPATIONS: Fami-Fami ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ-1 Families em- ed in not com- " ployed cized in TRADE, AT in / Manu- the Two AGRI- factures preced- CUL- lorlandi. ing TURE. craft. Classes. Inhabited. OP EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. | Un-Inhabited. Building FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. Panbride - - ... () Parish o 573 702 1,275 Rescobie - - - - - - Parish 425 449 874 Ruthven - - - - - Parish 175 313 un Strathmartin - - - - - Parish 327 368 695 264 316 580 Strickathrow - .. Tannadice - -. Tealing ---- 635 737 1,372 346 379 725 a loob Vigeans, St. - - - - (9) Parish 976 1,347 / 7 271 1,033 43 2,650 2,933 5,583 TOTALS - - - 116,812 26,718/112 576) 5,114 15,3486,256 | 52,071 61,359 1113,430 (") The population of the Parish of Panbride, and in the Parish of Tealing, has decreased from the enlargement of farms. ) A large spinning will has been established at Ruthven. -) An increase of population is alleged and accounted for on the Tannadice Return, so that the boundary of the Parish may have been altered, unless there be a mistake of 1,310 instead of 1,510 Persons in 1811.— (9) The Parish of St. Vigeans is adjacent to the Town of Arbroath, and partakes in the prosperity of the sail-cloth ard linen manufactures. Ages of Persons. Under TOTAL Total TOTAL . of MALES - - - - - 4,605 4,366 3,911 3,623 4,695 3,767 3,172 2,631 1,970 943 257 22 1 33,963 FEMALES - - - - 4,501 | 4,186 4,224 4,102 7,120 4,891 4,031 3,290 2,334 950 232 22 1 39,884 · THE Total Number of Persons in the Sbire of Forfar was .... 113,430 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 73,847, .... whence it appears that the Ages of above one-third part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returris received from the Shire of Forfar was 56 ; five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a sinall proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.7 513 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 04. Shire of Haddington. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how OR TOTAL Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI ALL LIES LIIS Other chiefly chictly employ-| Families cn- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. inany Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Building OF FEMALES. MALES. in PERSONS. 242 228 562 111 144 54 45 470 429 480 214 205 220 59 262 386 141 119 26 918 18 147 61 284 1,207 1,033 909 1,694 315 1,315 5,272 776 168 644 2,490 180 728 671 2,782 20 16 60 68 128 105 117 167 172 365 | 365 806 1,206 183 193 196 797 1,623 5,255 837 195 143 122 ABERLADY - - - - - - Parish Athelstaneford - - - - - Parish Berwick, North - Burgh & Parish Bolton - - - - - - - Parish Dirleton - - - - - - - Parish DUNBAR - - - (a) Burgh & Parish Fala (part of) (+) - - - (b) Parish Garvald - - - - - - - Parish Gladsmuir - - - - - - Parish HADDIXGTON - - - Burgh & Parish Humbie - - - - - - - Parish Innerwick - - - - - - Parish Moreham - . - - - - (©) Parish Oldhamstocks - - - - (d) Parish Ormiston - - - - - - Parish Pencaitland - - - - Parish Prestonkirk - - - - - - Parish Prestonpans - Parisli Salton - - - - - - () Parish Spott - - - Parish Stenton - - - - - - - Parish 'Tranent - - - - - - - Parish Whitekirk & Tyningham - - Parish Whittingham - - - - - Parish Yester otherwise Gifford - - - Parish 924 425 826 2,721 424 493 120 296 412 and I III III II III c? 11 - Ilavila 372 797 2,534 413 431 121 330 367 551 883 241 626 135 169 186 779 249 251 102 330 392 98 147 200 594 929 1,116 1,145 1,812 2,055 271 489 6, 228 939 170 125 38 109 431 834 184 130 151 8 10 271 582 102 113 · 333 403 311 354 1,737 140 614 222 134 687 180 139 3,366 786 232 135 249 140 106 1,629 487 367 535 561 1,048 383 12 103 750 197 128 565 1,100 TOTALS - - - 16,230 7,934 14 379 3,009 2,947 1,978 16,828 18,299 35,127 %) A cotron factory lias been established at Dunbar, and caused an | Northrigg and Colualc, Renton-hall and Haggs, and Sandingstone.- influx of Inhabitants. Fala Parish is mostly in Edinburghshire. I d) Oldhanistocks Parish is partly in Berwickshire. The entire Parish The entire Parish contains 405 Inhabitants.- () The Retuin of More- | contains 725 Inhabitants. (C) Liine works have been established at ham Farish includes Beech-hill, Mainshill and Crossgatchall, Moreham | Salton, mains, Moreham-bank, Moreham and Loanhead, West-Moreham, Ages of Persons. Under 1 100 to | 15 20 30 40 tol to to to 120 130 140 150 Total of TOTAL 5. | 1001 1p- wards. w MALES - - - - - 2,574 2,390 2,149 1,662 2,441 1,740 1,483 1,014 843 359 93 10 FEMALES - - - - 2,390 2,248 1,864 1,389 3,019 2,148 | 1,681 1,367 975 496 133 21 - - 16,758 18,231 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of lladdington was .... 35,127, .... and the Nuruber of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 34,989, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of inearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Haddington was 25; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+): a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant,--or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. i o 514 [Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSIERS XD RETURNS UNDER Shire of Inverness. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISII, TOWNSITII, or By how many Familics.5 employ- Families TOTAL Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: Fani FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly cul- ed in not con- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manu-' the Tiro AGRI• factures, I preced- CUL- orHandi-l ing TURE. 1 craft. | Classes. Un-Iuliabited. or Building EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FEMALES. (c- NALES. PERSONS. I cupied. 90 43 394 739 | 103 961 1,387 Parish 2,333 2,303 Paris 345 443 632 1,095 1,084 1,045 1,001 88 1,026 w I wil ni iwo II Parish + Ö Ő aer co i Ō 000 w 518 755 1,238 1,219 1,051 1,102 79 1,241 2,096 2,103 167 2,267 957 1,750 223 463 494 1 396 363 163 823 927 738 835 1,967 | 2,180 1,573 707 20 l 4,147 I 122 585 108 Abernethy (part of) - (2) Purish 144 Alvie - - - - - - - - Parish Ardeseir - .... (0) Parish Ardnamurchan --- (9) Barra - -.-- () Boleskine and Abertarff - (0) Bracadale - - - - () Parish Calder (part of) --- (5) Parish Cromdale (part of) -. (b) Parish Croy (part of) ---- () Parish Daviot and Dunlichity (+) (*) Parish Dores - - - - - - - - Parish Durinish - ---- (1) Parish 669 Duthel Parish : (m) Rothymurchus - - - Township 118 Glenelg ----- (") Parish.471 Harris - - (+) - - - Parish 800 INVERNESS - (+) - Burgh & Parish 2,149 Kilmallie (part of) . . (°) Parish 497 Kilmamvaig - - - - (P) Parish Kilmorack - (+) --- Parish 554 Kilmuir -- - - Parish Kiltarlity - ---- () Parish Kincardine ---- () Parish Kingussie - - (+) - - - Parish Kirkbill - - - - - - - Parish Laggan - - (+) · - - l'arishi Moy - - - - United Parishes and Dalrossies Petty - - ------ Parish Portree ..... () Parish Sleat - - - - - - Parish , a 341 603 Io 1,611 566 267 373 331 1 c m co mi w I 288 1,374 1,887 5,263 1,443 1,454 1,312 1,594 1,102 297 1,433 2,022 7,001 1,600 1,388 1,550 1,793 1,327 511 2,807 3,909 12,264 3,043 2,842 2,862 3,387 2,429 129 504 457 633 426 72 1 299 A co to i giorno 212 203 926 367 92 687 1 1 1,078 885 639 2,004 1,572 1,234 120 102 595 241 170 120 64 341 221 386 727 41 276 383 207 A W 1 1 cois J 830 1,531 497 1,758 3,174 2,608 928 1,643 1,332 555 420 19 1,276 (*) Abernethy Parish is mostly in the Shire of Elgin. The entire Pa | causes of increased Population in the Parish of Durinish. One male and rish contains 1,968 Inhabitants. One male in Ardeseir Parish up- three females upwards of 100 years of age in this Parish.__(m) Duthel wards of 100 years of age.- ) Ardnamurchan Parish is mostly in Parish is mostly in Elginshire. The entire Parish contains 1,739 Inha- Argyllshire. The entire Parish contains 5,422 Inhabitants. The bitants. ") Glenelg Parish is composed of the Districts of Glenelg, Population of the Parish of Barra has increased considerably (378,) not Knowdart, and Morar, otherwise Morror. One female in this Parish up- withstanding the emigration of 350 persons to Nova Scotia.- ) The wards of 100 years of age. The Population has increased, although 1,389 increase of Population in the Parish of Boleskine is partly attributable persons are known to liave emigrated. ☺) Kilnallie Parish is partly to the Caledonian Canal. () In the Parish of Bracadale are nu un- | in Argyllshire. The entire Parish contains 5,527 Inhabitants. Fort inhabited houses, the proprietors destroying their cottages, and disposing William and Maryburgh are in Kilmallie Parish. Onc male in of the timber at quitting them.-- (5) Calder Parish is mostly in the Kilmamvaig Parish upwards of 100 years of age.— (9) Two females up- Shire of Nairn. The entire Parish contains 1,120 Inhabitants. wards of 100 years of age in Kiltarlity Parish. Kincardine Parish (b) Cromdale Parish is partly in Elginshire. The entire Parish contains is mostly in Ross-shire, where tlic whole is entered. ---(5) The united 2,897 Inhabitants. — (i) Croy Parish is partly in the Shire of Nairn. Parishes of Moy and Dalrossie are partly in the Shire of Nairn. The Tlie entire Parish contains 1,538 Inhabitants. (k) Emigration is said entire Parish contains 1,332 Inhabitants. Two males and four ſe- to have prevailed in the Parish of Daviot and Dunlichity.--(1) The males upwards of 100 years of age in Portree Parish. --(u) One female subdivision of farms, and the public works in progress, are assigned as | in Sleat Parish upwards of 100 years. M.DCCC.XXI.] 51-5 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. SHIRE OF INVERNESS--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIIS LIES | ALL OR By how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Faniilies Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- chielly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, prized il in Manu- the Two Aori- ' factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing 'TURE. craft. 1 Classes. Un-Inhabited. Building. ор FEMALES. Oca MALES. cupied. PERSONS. 224 vi 1,304 1,259 245 1,485 1,360 Small-Isles (part of) Parish: (*) Eigg - - (+) - - - Island Snizort - - - - - - - Parish Strath - ---- • (*) Parish Vist, North - - - - - - Parish with Boseray - - - - - Island Uist, South - - - () Parish Urquhart - - - - - (2) Parish Glenmorristone - - - Township Urray (part of) - - - () Parish 2,401 469 2,789 2,619 4,971 6,098 2,180 606 1 2,982 2,570 3,056 1,185 I wool 995 112 265 341 TOTALS - - - 117,055 18,324 83 413 10,215 2,447 5,662 42,304 47,853 90,157 (W) The Parish of Small-Isles is mostly in Argyllshire. The entire () One male and two females in South-Vist Parish upwards of 100 Parish contains 1,620 Inhabitants. (*) Three females in Strath Pa- years of age.--() The entire Parish of Urquhart contains 2,786 Inha- rish upwards of 100 years of age. The subdivision of farms into small bitants. (*) Urray Parish is mostly in Ross-shire, where the whole is lots appears to prevail in this Parish, and generally in the Isle of Skye. I entered. Ages of Persons : Under Total 15. to to TOTAL. of MALES - ---| 4,606 4,570 4,032 3,365 4,453 3,348) 2,447 2,145 1,476 | 620 | 239 46 6 131,353 FEMALES -..4,581 4,341 / 3,740 3,669 5,468 4,101 2,989 2,662 1,631 676 298 61 | 16 34,233 . THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Inverness was . . . 90,157, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 65,586, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of above one-fourth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with tlıe question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Inverness was 37; seven of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 516 Enumcration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Kincardine. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TOTAL OR By how niany Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: Faali- FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly Lemploy. Fanilies I ed in not com- ployed | Trade. I prized in in Alanu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUI. JorHandi- ling TURE. craft. | Classes. Or Building. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. FEMALES. MALES. PERSOXS. 34 46 452 476 104 121 190 813 869 and A 177 341 379 347 207 184 344 384 389 277 ara a 928 1,682 1,729 1,406 798 29 619 931 787 606 0 61 486 1,092 1,641 368 i 392 223 120 885 90 man 27 169 COSTS 40 303 200 40 434 wo 103 756 79 844 430 41 142 137 12 953 515 1,797 945 205 18 19 52 93 ARBUTIINOTT - - - - - Parisha Banchory-Davenick (part of) (a) Parish Banchory-Ternan - - - - Parish Benholme - - - - (aa) Parish BERVIE, otherwise } (b, Burgh & Parish INVERBERVIES Cyrus, St. - - - - (©) Parish Drumoak (part of) - - (d) Parish Dunnottar - - - - () Parish Durris - - - - - Parish Edzell (part of) - - - () Parish Fettercairn - Parish Fetteresso - - - Parish Fordoun - - - - - (h) Parish Garvock - - - - - (©) Parish Glenbervie - - - - (i) Parish Kinneff, with Catterline - Parish Laurencekirk - - - Parish Maryculter - - - - Parish Marykirk, otherwise . (1) Aberluthnott - Parish Nigg - - - - - - (m) Parish Strachan - - - - - - - Parish 379 191 127 683 355 3.3 554 82 287 338 0AC0 Oc7 I 361 861 493 81 265 188 303 167 332 258 620 124 11 120 Dow mw 7 ci o raw 2,071 1,113 226 608 504 141 120 206 889 2,412 1,262 217 669 532 831 435 1,008 676 483 93 132 684 425 359 172 384 277 209 1,572 4,483 2,375 443 1,277 1,036 1,515 860 1,839 1,281 955 211 106 color 1 64 25 188 831 605 472 205 123 27 59 TOTALS - - - 5,894 6,685 50 213 3,025 2,301 1,359 | 13:540 15,578 29,118 (2) Banchory. Davenick Parish is partly in Aberdeenshire. The entire | inblae, in the Parish of Fordoun, contains 404 Inhabitants. (1) An Parish contains 2,232 Inhabitants.-- (aa) Containing Johnshaven and influx of manufacturers is noticed at Drumlithie, in the Parish of Glen- County part, separately returned in 1811. (1) The Burgb of Bervic bervie.- (k) The actual village of Laurencckirk contains 921 Inha- contains 5,06 Inhabitants, the village of Gourden 225 Inhabitants, besides 1 bitants.-—(1) In the Parishes of Maryculter, Marykirk, an. Sirachan, 161 country Inhabitants.-- () The enlargement of farms is noticed in | the cultivation and improvement of hereiotore barren land lias increased the Parish of St. Cyrus, and in the Parish of Garvock. (O) Drumoak the number of Inhabitants now settled on their lots or feus. The Parish Parish is mostly in Aberdeenshire. The entire Parish contains 756 Inha of Marykirk includes 400 Inhabitants of Lathermuir. (in) The returi bitants. (C) Dunottar Parish includes the old town of Stonehaven, in of Nigg Parish includes Altens, Balnagask, North and South Kirkhill, which are 847 Inhabitants. Edzell Parish is nuostly in the Shire North and South Loirstown, Middletown, Tulloes, and reserved lands in of Forfar. The entire Parish contains 1,043 Inhabitants.-- () One the Town of Aberdeen. female in Fetteresso Parish upwards of 100 years of age..----(h) Auch- Ages of Persons : Under 5 10 Total 15 20 30 40 50 tu ) to tol to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 100 TOTAL, ward of MALES -... 1,754 1,627 1,746 1,299 1,803 1,242 1,185 929 | - 12,856 FEMALES - - - - 1,685) 1,542 1,493 1,356 | 2,507) 1,805 1,445 1,265 974 | 459 144 | 13 1 14,6891 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Kincardine was ... 29,118,. ., and the Number of Persons whosc Ages were returned, was . . . 27,545, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of one-nineteenth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that eifect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Kincardine was 21 ; one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus inarked ( +). M.DCCC.XXI.) 517 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. - - - - - -- Shire of Kinross. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, chiefly TOTAL OR Ву how many Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. OCCUPATIONS. FANIC FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRAVE, I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, I preced- CUL orHandi-l ing TURE. | craft. | Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building FEMALES. in MALES. PERSONS. 107 110 217 ARNGASK (part of) · (~) Parish Cleish - . ...... Parish i 299 564 Forgandenny (part of) - (b) Parish 11 Fossoway, with Tulliebole (part of) (9) Parish 118 240 284 524 span Kinross - - - - - - - Parish 1,219 2,563 Eco v Orwell . - . - - - 1,170 1,359 2,529 Portmoak • - - - - - - Parish 653 701 1,354 Totals ... 1,419 1,827 11 34 446 735 646 3,660 | 4,102 7,762 (*) Amgask Parish is partly in Fifeshire (Cupar District), partly in | 913 Inhabitants.-- () Fossoway Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The Perthshire. The entire Parish contains 680 Inhabitants.- ) For- entire Parish contains 1,344 Iuhabitants. yandenny Parish is mostly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains Ages of Persons: Under Tutal TOTAL. 30 of MALES - - - - - 426 422 380 1 - 3,659 2.680 FEMALES - - - - 1 491 465 419 | 409 1 721 460 333 245 119 4,102 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Kinross was . . . 7,762, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 7,761,... wheuce it appears, that the Ages of all the Personis therein enurueraled, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Euumeration Returns received from the Shire of Kinross was 7; every one of which coutained answers to the question coule cerning the Ages of Persons. 6 P 518 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMIFAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, TOTAL ок By how many Fainilies Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un Inhabited. OP EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building I ALL LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed prized in Manu- the Two GRIO | factures, preced- CUL forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes TRADE, 1" FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 37 425 123 180 153 186 242 161 457 205 ܕܝܢ ܟܨ ܝܕ ܟܙ ܙ 139 167 681 420 455 680 484 537 152 108 1179 195 108 463 486 238 611 18 236 ܝܕ 158 711 231 16 621 ܩ 557 6 ܝ 115 948 845 912 1,361 947 1,023 474 1,322 1,299 1,151 1,895 1,104 2,416 790 2,595 782 776 1,519 1,473 880 179 112 556 433 140 334 a ANWORTH - - ... - Parish Balmaclellan - - - - - - Parish Talmaghie - - - - - - Parish Borgue - - - - - - - Parish Buitule - - - - - - - Parish Carsphairn . . Parish Colvend and Southwick Parish Crossmichael . - - - - Parist, Dalry - - - - - - - - Parish Girthon - - - - - - - Periste Kells - - - - - - - - Paris's Kelton - - - - - - - Parish Kirkbean - - - - - - - Parish Burghi hiRRODRIGHT . . (& Parish Kirkgunzion - - - - - - Parish Kirkmabreek - - - - - Parisi: Kirkpatrick, Durliam - - - Parish Kirkpatrick, Iron-Gray - - Parish Lochrutton - - - - - - Minnigaff a . . . (*) Parish Newabbey -- . - Parish Parton - . - - Parish Rerwick ... Parisle Terregles - - Parish Tongland - - - - - - - Parish Troqueer - - - - - - - Parish Twynholm · Parishi Urr - - - - - - - - Parish now and AO NINJ and 1111c1 c m uw will NOAS. 118 208 521 175 608 135 137 339 287 158 ܩ ܟ ܟ ܗ ܛ ܣ ܩ ܙ ܘ 131 53 678 594 947 548 1,265 429 1,456 412 405 797 748 455 335 1,020 606 426 707 1,151 361 1,139 370 371 722 725 425 259 903 271 269 150 Parish ܗ ܗ 594 1,923 1,112 ܬ 506 144 845 ܛ ܘ 203 419 671 321 1,378 29 330 651 155 586 116 167 947 32 ܝܕ ܗ ܩ ܟ 416 474 2,305 113 125 385 71 292 46 180 426 1,996 357 1,351 147 1 03919 | 25 890 4,301 783 12,862 534 | 639 167 1,511 TOTALS - - - 16,441 17,912 | 57 190 3,0 12,2382,627 | 18,506 20,397 138,903 () Woodcutters, with their families, resident in huts, form part of the Population of Minnigaff Parish. The increase of Population in several Parishes of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, is attributed to the influx of Irish settlers. Ages of Porsons. TOTAL. 40 10 15 20 Under Total of MALES - -.--2,895 2,716 2,480 1,785 2,559 1,978 1,615 1,187 799 376 113) 201 - FEMALES -.. -12,777 2,545 2,172 2,120 3,677 2,398 1,707 1,364 962 445 144/ 17 1 - 18,523 20,328 THE Total Number of Persous in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright was ... 38,903, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 38,851, . .. whence it appears, that the Ages of ucarly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in com- pliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright was 28; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages : a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,-or incorrect in the respective nunibers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.) 519 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. Shire of Lanark. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FANI- FAMILIES LIES chiefly ALL OL TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how many Families Oc. pied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building: Oy ОтнER chiefly cmploy-| Fa V. Families ein- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI. factures. I preced- CUL- JorHandia ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. I MIDDLE Ward. 160 - - 473 980 330 900 N ا حب دم من 1 مم 101 276 605 9 ******** 224 190 332 85 AVINDALE - - Blantyre - - - Bothwell . . Cambuslang - - Cambusnetham - Dalzell - - - Dalserff - - - Glasford - - - Hamilton - - Kibride - - - Monkland, New Monkland, Old - Shotts - - - - Stonehouse - - 404 - () Parish 674 | 1,020 - (b) Parish 213 Parish 836 - © Parish - - - Parish 658 - - - Parish 176 - - - Parish - - - Parish 288 Towu and Parish 955 1,633 Town and Parish 505681 - - () Parish | 989 1,542 - - - Parish 1,216 1,327 - - - Parish 608 628 Town and Parish 359 388 245 346 252 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,452 1,103 2,390 1,122 1,454 486 1,013 .750 3,658 1,751 3,553 3,476 1,602 987 2,578 1,527 2,454 1,179 1,632 469 1,041 754 3,955 1,734 3,809 3,507 1,695 1,051 5,030 2,630 4,844 2,301 3,086 955 2,054 1,504 7,613 3,485 7,362 6,983 3,297 2,038 96 158 ه م 300 995 338 8 64 il 9193 480 333 1,145 97 1,217 206 88 250 د م م 1376 8,086 10,669 40 251 2,129 7,301 1,239 25,797 27,385 53,182 UNDER Ward. 20 192 2,798 - - - Cadder - - - Carmunnock - - Govan . . - RUTHERGLEN - - - - 12 637 - - Parish 504 506 () Parish | 91 120 () Parish| 442 | 754 ſ Burgb U 543 835 os and Parish | 74 I ara no hay 242 58 433 736 1,396 308 1,842 2,032 1 263 1,402 329 1,933 2,059 286 - 3,775 4,091 549 - - 29 1,654 2,308 11 551 533 1,469 306 5,841 | 6,009 11,850 ! UPPER Ward. 378 190 200 840 1,440 475 1,395 887 1,485 194 28 488 65 254 1,493 475 0 462 85 1,727 2,925 | 963 2,888 937 171 526 1,914 971 467 1 100 1 261 953 499 16 234 1 Biggar - - - - - - - Parish | 309 1 Carluke - - - - - - - Parish | 549 552 Carmichael - - - - - - Parish 194 Carwoath - - - - (8) Parish 645 Carstairs - - - - - - - Parish 181 193 Cathcart (part of) - Parish 28 Covington - - Parish 100 Crawford - - - - - () Parish 392 414 Crawfordjohn - - - - - Parish 176 191 Culter - - - - - - - Parish 92 Dolphinton - - - - - - Parish Douglas - - - - - - - Parish Dunsyre - - - - . (1) Parish Lamington - - - - - - Parish LANARK - - (k) Burgh and Parish 790 Lesmahagow .... . Parish 999 1,110 Liberton - - - - - - - Parish 166 Pettinain - - - - - - - Parish 100 Symington - - - - - - Parish 100 Walston - - - - - - - Parish 85 86 Wiston and Roberton - - - Parish 186 196 236 Q 263 I 23co I COLORINSo Wron poco no 125 1,117 154 192 86 265 961 472 233 111 1,078 136 167 3,274 2,773 358 255 228 23 Q 1521 14 1,089 389 3,811 292 2,195 290 359 7,085 5,592 785 490 472 392 927 166 73 96 96 29 2,819 427 335 244 209 491 60 36 31 35 183 111 42 436 5,632 6,564 28 1,825 2,902 1,837 15,628 16,684 32,312 () The Return of Arendale Parish includes the Town of Strathaven, 1 habitants are now, 4,325. One female in this Parish upwards of 100 b) New cotton works are mentioned at Blantyre, and many other years of age. -(8) The Return of Carwoath Parish includes the Town places in this Shire.- ) Emigration from Cambuslang has only niade of Wilsontown. The Population is much decreased, extensive public room for other Inhabitants. (d) The Town of Airdrie (a Burgh of works at Wilsontown and Climpey, having been discontinued. (h) The Barony) in the Parish of New Monkland, contains 4,860 persons, the miners at Lead-Hills, in the Parish of Crawford, have increased since rest of the Parish, 2,502.---) Cathcart Parish is nostly in Renfrew 1811.- () The Population of the Parish of Dunsyre has decreased shire. The entire Parish contains 2,056 Inhabitants. Part of this Parish since 1811, niany small farms having been thrown together since that was erroneously included in the Return of Carniunnock Parish in 1811. time. (*) The increase of Population in the Parish of Lanark, arises - Govan Parish is partly in Renfrewshire. The entire Parish partly from persons employed on a new bridge at Cartland Craigs, and coutains 19,170 Inhabitants, if taken according to its ancient boundary; on new roads; besides which, it is remarked that 400 children belongiug but the greatest part of it is now added to Gorbals Parish, forming a to a public work, were omitted by mistake in 1811. Suburb of Glasgow. Including the Renfrew part of the Parish, the In- 520 ABSTRACT ON ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Enumeration. . SHIRE OF LANARK-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. By how inany Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. OCCUPATIONS: FAXI- FAMI. | ALL LIES LIES | OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families cm- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Manuá , the I'wo factures, preced- CUL- lorHandi. ing TURE. | craft. Classes. Or FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. AGRI- | factures, o 679 3,282 (1,074 1,038 529 3,156 eneo 1,084 7,198 7,038 7,263 7,965 5,731 560 734 671 878 1,091 674 c 961 GLASGOW CITY. () East - - - - - - - - Parish 1,736 1,753 Enoch, St. .... () Parish James, St. ...... Parish John, St. - .... (•) Parish 1,812 1,825 6 Middle, or St. Andrews - - - Parish North, or St. Mungo's - - Parish North-West, or Ramshorn - Parish South, or Blackfriars - - - Parish 1,656 1,6711 South-West, or St. Mary's • • Parish 1,597 1,611 10 West, or St. George's ... Parish 1,867 1,905 Suburbs : Barony - - - - o Parish l10.781'10.8861110 Gorbals .... (P) Parish| 4,634 4,679 27 460 3,916 3,882 3,815 4,213 3,176 4,813 3,346 3,390 3,770 5,353 a 3,448 3,752 2,555 4,010 2,667 2,876 3,095 4,250 8,823 6,013 or 708 522 en ar 889 811 782 800 1,074 6,266 6,865 ő er 827 1 9,603 5,560 5,001 3,387 1,226 24,628 10,400 27,291 11,959 66 51,919 22,359 - 31,644 31,956 244 1,917 396 18,104 13,45668,119 78,924 147,043 (1) THE following Certificate was attached to the Abstract of the Enumeration of the City of Glasgow, and its Suburbs. “ I Certify, that the Parocbial Officers have made oath, that the above is a faithful Return of the number of Inhabitants in their respective Parishes ; (two additional Churches having been built since 1811, the Population is now divided into twelve, instead of ten Parishes.) The classification and calculations have been made by me, from which I have drawn the following results :- Since 1811, the increase of the Inhabitants has been 46,294 ; this number is to be accounted for, from the great increase of trade and manufactures during the war, and for some time after its termination. Of late years, there has been a falling off of the Population, arising chiefly from emigration and the want of employment. From the year 1812 to 1817, the houses were nearly all occupied ; whereas, at present, there are 1,917 un-occupied houses, (not tenements) calculated to accommodate 8,818 persons. The average number of persons in each family is 4 and is oo; Children under ten years of age, are equal to 1 and 1060, of the whole Population ; persons under lwenty years of age, are equal to ; and 1000, of the whole Population; persons under thirty years of age, are equal to f and 706, of the whole Population. For every apartment, there are two persons to occupy it. (Signed) “ James Clelund, “ Saperintendent of Public Works for the City." IT would be unjust not to mention in this place, that Mr. Cleland has transmitted printed documents, containing very numerous and very useful statistical details concerning the City and Suburbs of Glasgow; and that the example has produced imitation in some other of the principal towns of Scotland, though not to the same extent of minute investigation, by wbich Mr. Cleland's labours are distinguished. 1 (m) Two females in St. Enoch Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. (n) One female in St. John's Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. O One female in Barony Parish, upwards of 100 years of age. ) One male and one female in Gorbals Parisli, upwards of 100 years of age. M.DCCC.XXI.) 521 .. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. SHIRE OF LANARK-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF LANARK. HOUSES: PERSONS : FAMI- | ALL WARDS, By how TOTAL &c. Inhabited. many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. Of Building. OCCUPATIONS: FA HI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ- Families em- ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in Manue the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. MIDDLE WARD - - - - - 8,086 UNDER WARD UPPER WARD ..... ... 1,654 2,308 11 533 1,469 306 5,632 6,564 28 190 1,825 / 2,902 1,837 25,797 5,841 15,628 27,385 53,182 6,009 11,850 16,684 / 32,312 City of GLASGOW - - - - - · 31,644 31,956 244 1,917 396 18,104 13,456 68,119 78,924 147,043 TOTALS - - - 47,016 51,497 323 12,413 4,883 29,776 16,838 115,385 129,002 244,387 Ages of Persons. MA L E S. Under TOTAL. coco 25,795) 5,841 15,629 MIDDLE WARD • • 4,278 3,700 3,268 2,604 4,072 2,786 2,179 UNDER WARD - - | 964 754 745 622 929 610 514 UPPER WARD .. 2,382 2,164 2,047 1,696 2,358 1,726 1,298 900 City and Burgh of GLASGOW - - 10,905 8,901 8,543 6,762 10,509 8,082 6,925 4,147 2,198 912219) 15 Total of MALES - 18,529|15,519|14,603 11,684|17,868'13,204|10,916 i 168,119 115,384 FEM A L E S. 5 Under 10 to 15 20 Under 30 i to 40 50 I to ļ to 60 I to to TOTAL TOTAL 10 so 20 30 60 70 80 90 120 MIDDLE WARD - - 4,167 3,567 3,200 3,029 4,702 3,016 2,378 1,578 1,0964 27,384 UNDER WARD - -1 898 792 671 696 | 1,031 678 528 349 237 6,009 UPPER WARD --2,300 2,059 1,911 1,846 2,948 1,876 1,418 1,099 762 - 16,683 City and Burgh of GLASGOW - - 110,345 | 8,613 8,184 9,121 15,403 10,134 7,719! 4,945 (2,898 325 36 5 78,924 Total of FEMALES (17,710 15,031 13,966 14,692 24,084 15,704 12,043 : 7,971 4,993|2,137 612 51 / 6 (129,000 1 1 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Lanark was . . . 944,387, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was.... 244.384.... whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Lanark was 51; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages: a remarkably small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 6 Q 522 Enumeration. ABSTRACT. OF. ANSWERS AND RETURNS ONDER Shire of Linlithgow. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : Fami- ALL FAMILIES OTHER PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how POTAL Inhabited. Ог many Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building LIES I chieny T OTHER chiefly employ - Families em- I ed in not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in Mariu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 28 126 765 332 232 arco CA 506 1,534 1,345 633 121 538 1,044 1,749 3,283 1,673 | 3,018 796 1,429 31 69 733 1,495 146 303 591 1,605 11 38 296 122 762 o o o 157 2 | 3 ABERCORY - - - - - (™) Parish; 173 207 Bathgate - - - . . - Parish 468 Borowstowness - - (0) Parish 344 744 Carriden, .. - - - Parish 183 323 Craniond (part of) --- () Parish Dalmeny - - - - - - - Parish 202 Ecclesmachen ..... Parish 58 Kirkliston (part of) - .. (d) Parish 243 LINLITHGOW Burgh & Parish : (*) Country-part - • - - - - - 1 240 Town-part - - - - - - - - 312 Livingstone - ... - Parish 201 QUEENSFERRY -() Burgh & Parish Torphichen - - - - - - Parish 234 Uphall .....- () Parish 206 210 Whitburn - - - - - Parish 419 TOTALS - - - 13,302 4,965 42 220 201 14 756 1,410 422 320 578 79 1 ooő - Öoco 01 824 | 1,580 1,702 3,112 522 944 380 690 1,197 497 | 1,016 1,013 1,900 ego 114 619 42 108 519 348 887 133 192 1,224 1,817 1,924 15 96 10,703 11,982 22,685 (*) In the Parish of Abercorn the increase of population is attributed gress. () The entire Parish of Linlithgow contains 4,692 Inhabi- to the Union Canal, and to improvements making by the Earl of Hope- tants. *) An increase of marriages is observed at Livingstone, in town and other heritors. The trade of Borrowstowness, especially consequence of the low price of provisions, the rate of wages remaining the whale fishery, is increased since 1811,- () Çramond Parish is stationary.- (6) The Burghi and Parish of Queensferry coincide, and mostly in the Shire of Edinburgh. The entire Parish contains 1,804 although the herring fishery has failed, and the soap manufacture declined, Lahabitants. (d) Kirkliston Parish is partly in Edinburghshire. The and the works at the landing places have been completed, yet an increase entire Parish contains 2,213 Inhabitants. The Parish church stands in of population is observable in Queensferry.- (h) The Union Caual the county of Linlithgow. The increase of population in this and other and the Houston colliery have caused an increase of population in the adjuining Parishes is partly attributed to the Union Canal, now in pro- | Parish of Uphall. Ages of Persons. 5 | 10 | 15 | Total of Under 5. TOTAL. | 10 20 30 40 580 1 - 10,861 MALES - - - - - FEMALES -.. - 1,705 / 1,513 1,429 1,028 1,678 | 1,187 | 986 1,718 | 1,475) 1,256 1,113 2,110 1,361 | 1,069 826 667 293 851 91 - 11,982 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Linlithgow was ... 22,685, ... and the Ages as returned (being of 22,843 Persons) appear to be rather redundant, but in reality are not so; 158 registered seamen, whose ages are returned, having been purposely omitted in the Enumeration Abstract. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Linlithgow was 15; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. M.DOCC:XX1.] 523 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 'GEO. Ty. c. 94. . . .Shire of Nairn. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, chiefly OTHER TOTAL OR chiefly en- By how many Pantie's Oc- cupled. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES 'LIES employ- Families ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in | Manu- the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ling TURE. | craft., | Classes. Building Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. MALES. FEMALES. ОР PERSONS.! - | ARDCLACH - - - - - - Parish v 565 17221;287 723 1,523 bo 426 983 Auldearn · ----· - Parish Calder (part of) .... () Parish Croy (part of) - - - - (b) Parish Moy & Dala- ited Parishes rossie (part of)(+ 277. 581 53 108 i 1,491 3;228 NAIRN - - - -() Burgh & Parish Urquhart (part of) - - - () Parish o 547 1,326 TOTALS - - - 2,012 2,131 | 15 | 54 | 799 429 903 4,082 4,924 | 9,006 (*) Calder Parish is partly in Inverness shire. The entire Parish con- 1 (d) The fishermen at Nair are one-third more numerous than in 1811, tains 1,120 Inhabitants. -_-(b) Croy Parish is mostly in Inverness and the depression of agriculture has driven many persons into the shire. The entire Parish contains 1,538 Inhabitants. An improvement Burgh. - (0) Urquhart Parish is mostly in Ross-shire. The entire of moor land by pensioners and others, is mentioned as a cause of in Parish contains 2,822 Inhabitants. The population of the Nairnshire creased population.- ) Moy and Dalarossie are partly in Inverness part of the Parisbi has declined from the distress of the times, which is shire. The entire Parish contains 1,332 Inhabitants. A few small farms | particularly felt here. having been thrown together, the population is therefore diminished. Ages of Persons. Uader TOTAL. Total of MALES - - - - - 551 Į 512 514 1413 547 | 454 373 283 248 112 | 2111 - 4,029 FEMALES 532 486 4701 496 745 587 522 | 423 406 172 25 | 5 - 4,869 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Naim was .... 9,006 .... and the number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 8,898, .... whence it appears that the Ages of one eighty-third part of the Persons therein enudierated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Naira was 7 ; one of which did not cotitain any answer to the question concerning Ages, and is thus marked (+). 524 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER 11 Shire of Orkney and Shetland. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI+ 1 OR TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly employ- Families em- not com- ployed Trade, prized in Manu- the Two Agri• factures, preced- CUL. orHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 155 110 26 19 382 475 364 155 364 153 113 12 687 857 1,526 691 134 134 90 839 378 462 313 171 127 90 89 349 233 545 ORKNEY ISLES. MAINLAND: (*) Andrews, St. - - - - Birsay - - - - - - Dearness - - - - - Evie - - - - Firth - - - - - - Harray - - - - - Holm and Paplay - - KIRKWALL - - - Ola Saint - .. Orphir with Cava Island Rendall - - - - - Sandwich - - - - - Stenness - - - - - 158 102 328 (b) Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parishes - Burgh Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish - Parish 171 127 161 145 542 232 110 312 391 432 1,274 543 499 719 773 2,212 1,034 lol I c IIIIIIIIIIII 90 US 182 145 309 154 180 96 133 125 385 133 341 938 491 407 240 433 280 940 174 79 906 278 G6 191 518 930 132 497 125 89 316 596 556 164 394 1,296 400 2,236 708 Stronness - - - - - - Parish 124 308 2,759 3,345 1,442 947 956 6,670 8,392 | 15,062 125 324 349 110 116 673 226 il 7 IIIIlic oreo in lo 79: 420 44 207 444 417 834 362 779 199 415 Šta i 216 296 477 505 North Isles : Eday and Pharay - - - - Islands Egilshay (+) - - - - Island Enhallow (+) - - - - Island Gairsay (+) - - - - Island Ronaldshay, North - . - Island Rousay (+) - - - - - Island Shapinshay . . . . Island Sanda Island : Burness - - Parish Cross - - - - - - Parish Lady - - - - - - Parish Stronsay Island : Lady-Kirk • • - • - Parish St. Peter's - - - - - Parish] including Papa-Stronsay Islandſ St. Nicholas - -,- - Parish Westray Island : North or Lady-Kirk Parish East - - - - - - - Parish West - . . . - Parish Papa-Westray- Island Wier (+)-'.-- - Island 403 880 ŏ to ao 315 II 144 148 171 162 310 or 190 198 388 402 824 248 422 287 161 535 ii Iwi Icono couro 291 130 138 297 36 159 44 80 1,435 1,598 To 1,186 216 196 3,745 | 4,177 7,922 116 129 245 10 IIII 153 297 144 104 127 116 220 161 288 SOUTH ISLES: Burray - - - - • Island Copinshay - - - - - Island | Flotta and South-Faira - - Islands Gramsay . - - - - - Island Hoy . - - - - - - Parish Walls Island: North-Walls - - - - Parish South-Walls - - - - Parish Ronaldshay, South, Island : St. Peter's or North-Kirk - Parish Lady or South-Kirk - - Parish Swannay and Pentland-Skerries Islands A wird nico + 158 277 196 318 354 595 275 117 8 654 246 1,396 117 742 307 15 553 +1 22 37 737 804 15 525 111 1 168 1,854 2,141 3,995 (a) What is called the Mainland, is the largest of the Orkney Isles, Islands ; the present arrangement was furnished by the Sheriff Substitute sometimes called Pomona. The arrangement of the Shire of Orkney in of Orkney.- (b) One female in St. Andrew's Parish upwards of 100 the Abstract of 1811, was not suitable to a County consisting wholly of 1 years of age. : M.DCCC.XXI.) 525 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. SHIRE OF ORKNEY AND SHETLAND--continued. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many TOTAL EXTR.4-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES cbiefly | OrH2R chiefly erly employ- Families ein ed in not com- ployed | Trade, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI factures, preced- CUI JurHandi- ling TURE. craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. O Building FEMALES. Oc- in MALES. PERSONS. cupied. 308 6 301 259 317 8621,022 846 1,021 1,884 1,585 1,818 302 69 | 116 1,695 2,103 3,798 253 57 5 346 984 / 1,240 172 2,224 354 SHETLAND-ISLES. Aithsting and Sandsting (+) (9) Parish Bressay, Burra, and Quarff(+) () Parish Delting ..... . . Parish Dunrossness, Sandwick, Cunnisburgh, and Faira- (+) Parish Isle - - - - - - Lerwick - - - - - - - Town and Gulberwick • • • - Parish Ministry of Nesting: Lunnasting, Nesting, Skerries, and Whel- ) United Parishes say (+) ...) Northmavine - (+) - - - Parish Tingwall, Whiteness, and and } (d) pas Parish Weisdale (+) - - Unst · . · (+) • . • Parish Walls, Sandness, Papa, and 1 Foula - - (+) Parish - - - - Yell, North, and Fetlar - (+) Parish Yell, South and Mid . (+) Parish 335 892 | 1,113 2,005 372 364 1,039 | 1,225 | 2,264 ci i - 1 1 1o 354 296 1,043 | 1,266 2,309 2,598 360 1,176 1,422 1 326 917 1,074 1,991 717 869 237 265 1,586 1,729 768 961 4,245 | 4.736 27 3,451 250 2,035 11,801 14,344 26,145 The mixed occupation of the Inhabitants of Aithsting and Sand- | - (d) The discovery of a cod-bank is mentioned in the Tingwall Re- sting, and of Brassay and Barra, has caused almost all the families to turn. The Returns of the Shetland Isles very generally ascribe part of be ascribed to agriculture in the latter, to the fishery in the former. In the increase of Population to persons returned from the navy and army the rest of Shetland, they are generally ascribed to agriculture. In some at the peace, and to the subdivision of land; besides which, the fishery of the Orkney Islands, the same doubt has evidently had a like effect. is an inducement to early inarriages. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ORKNEY AND SHETLAND. ORKNEY-ISLES : MAINLAND • - - - - - 2,759 | 3,345 / 5 956 6,670 8,39215,062 NORTH-ISLES - - .. a 196 3,745 4,177 7,922 SOUTH-ISLES - - - - - 168 1,854 2,141 3,995 SHETLAND-ISLES - - - - - 4,245 4,736 27 64 1,035 11,801 14,344 | 26,145 Totals - - - 9,176 10,483 38 94 6,604 1,524 2,355 24,070 29,054 53,124 6 R 526 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF ORKNEY AND SHETLAND-continued. Ages of Persons. MALE S. TOTAL . ORKNEY-ISLES : MAINLAND - - 9061 876 767 654 936664 | 2 - 6,696 NORTH-ISLES - - 1 406 305 228 1 - 1 3,169 SOUTH-ISLES - - 1 234 224 186 157 SHETLAND-ISLES . . ] 321 226 225 - 1,953 Total of MALES - 1,867 1,721 1,588 1,407 12,006 1,380 1,249 1,061 | 874 405) 108 61. - 13,672 FEM A L E S. Under 10 to 15 I to 20 20 I to 30 30 I to 40 | TVIOL TOTAL ORKNEY-ISLES : MAINLAND -. 903 1,054 3 18,424 NORTH-ISLES - - | 413 396 1 3,527 SOUTH-ISLES - - 224 277 2,151 SHETLAND-ISLES . . 316 323 - 2,443 Total of FEMALES 1,856 1,680 1,391 1,485 2,960 2,960 2,050 1,787 2,145 1,78 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Orkney and Shetland was . . . 53,124, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 30,217, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-second and one-third part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Orkney and Shetland was 56; sixteen of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): among which are all (except two) of the Shetland Isles. A small proportion of tlic Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant-or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI. 527 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GÉO. IV. C. 94. Shire of Peebles. HOUSES : PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL clicfly employ- OR TOTAL By how many Families Oc- cupied. ed in OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FA11- LIES LIES chiefly ОтнER Families em. ployed tone prized in in | 'the Two AGRI- factures.] preced- CUL- forlandia ing TURE. Classes. craft. not com- Un-Inhabited. O Inhabited. - EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. MALES. FEMALES. Manu- PERSONS. I 1 144 260 135 116 158 392 293 418 810 121 118 319 147 170 584 182 BROUGHTON --- - - Parish Drumelzier Parish Eddlestone ..... - Parish Glenholm -... - - Parish Innerleithen (part of) - (*) Parish Kilbucho - ...... Parish Kirkurd . ..... Parish Linton ....... Parish Lyne and Theggate - .. Parish Manor - - - - - - - Parish Newlands ...... PEEBLES (part of) - (™) Burgh & Parish Skirling • • • • • - - Parish Stobo . ... . . . . Parish Traquair ..-.. Parish Tweedsmuir - - - - - - Parish 610 i i on co vc 1 to w II or to come com a mesma o ar wat 239 662 328 352 1,194 176 324 1,041 2,701 345 413 164 505 1,330 160 536 1,371 166 218 179 195 325 141 643 265 44 á TOTALS - - .1,750 1,962 | 2151 837 474 4,973 5,073 10,046 () Innerleithen Parish is partly in the Shire of Selkirk. Parish contains 705 Inhabitants. The entire | -- O) Part of the Parish of Peebles is in the Shire of Selkirk. The entire Parish contains 2,705 Inbabitants. of Persons. - Under TOTAL. Total 5. 70 80 90 of MALES . - . | 704 714 521 809 | 122 22 433 4,963 5,061 FEMALES . . . . 568 966 520 432 320216031 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Peebles was . . . 10,046, . . . and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, · was . . . 10,024, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persous therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Peebles was 16; every one of which coutained an answer to the question concerning Ages: a small proportion of the Returu of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. 528 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Perth. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, ALL OTHER By how TOTAL or EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. many Families Oce OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly chicfly emplog. Families em- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manu- the Two factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. cralt. Classes. Un-Inh a bited Building OP FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. cupied. AGRI- factures, P 88 16 94 148 145 54 23 246 24 111 80 12 283 368 219 46 49 450 573 92 170 311 44 22 20 444 349 751 134 1,116 111 1,421 1,164 584 375 445 90 440 217 AA 102 244 381 800 135 1,271 130 1,449 1,314 640 391 947 1,244 1,183 1,104 1,238 834 480 130 1 AC 1 ANAWA ANI A ma 135 370 945 313 535 543 195 270 411 126 233 167 246 334 161 490 730 1,551 269 2,387 241 2,870 2,478 1,224 766 1,892 2,493 2,253 2,031 2,348 1,617 942 691 2,614 4,216 1,434 2,330 551 1,249 1,070 927 1,110 783 152 526 489 510 352 201 140 573 1,048 234 304 184 138 124 228 38 462 47 104 57 175 165 3.58 457 66 655 N 325 177 ABERDALGIE - - - - - Parish Aberfoil - . . . . (3) Parish Abernethy (part of) - - Parish Abernyte - - - - - - - Parish Alyth (part of) - .. Parish Arngask (part of) - - (do Parish Auchlerarder - - - () Parish Auchtergaven . .. Parish Balquhidder - - - - - - Parish Bendochy - - - - - - Parish Blackford - - - - - - Parish Blair, Atholl, & Strowan - .. Parish Blairgowrie - ... () Parish Callandar - - - - - - Parish Caputh - - - - - - - Parish Cargill - - - - - - - - Parish Clunie - - - - - (8) Parish Collace . - - - - Parish Comrie .. . - - - - Parish Crieff - - - - - - - - Parish Culross .. () Burgh & Parish Cupar-Angus (part of) • (i) Parish Dowally - - - - - - - Parish Dron - - - - - - - - Parish! Dull - · · · · · (b) Parish Dunbarney - - - - - - Parish Dunblane · · · · () Parish Dunkeld . . . · Town & Parish Dunkeld, Little · .... Parishi Dunning - .. . . . Parish Errol ..... . . . Parish Findogask ... - - Parish Forgandenny (part of) · (m) Parish Forterrot - - - - • • • Parish Fortingull - - - - (n) Parish Fossoway (part of) - - (° Parish Fowlis-Easter - - - - - Parish Fowlis-Wester... (P) Parish Glendovan ...... Paris! Inchture · · · · · · Parish Invergowrie · ... (9) Parish Kenmore - .... (0) Parish Killin . . . - - - - - Parish Kilmadock with Donne - - - Parish 255 379 126 333 1,252 1,955 652 1,080 253 640 06 129 102 264 2,261 782 1,250 298 239 2,330 608 1,634 727 106 928 225 uw varor innē cocoon Coco B Now ovo vow is voo oläo o Fwvavši 523 2,178 556 4,508 866 225 552 119 601 638 399 149 219 622 1,501 637 1,439 168 1,538 1,164 3,135 1,364 2,977 1,876 2,887 522 436 185 45 106 905 537 1 Al mom w III 1 word cu 1 N N N T 456 1,430 971 1,457 271 109 251 662 109 183 144 669 435 467 902 16 140 661 159 15 395 402 1,673 797 321 266 3,189 820 172 1,516 402 69 418 80 193 905 215 408 361 108 911 1,816 139 11 70 62 100 511 985 2 18 18 36 695 672 355 420 142 279 101 l mondo II 1 - 303 226 407 141 113 80 236 39 114 273 650 147 501 1,616 990 1,404 323 1,131 1,731 1,113 1,746 399 1,257 3,347 2,103 3,150 722 28 Kincardine-in Monteith with Thornhill - . . . Parish 470 100 2,388 a (2) In the Parish of Aberfoil, a pyroligneous acid manufactory has been į numerous by 500, if taken in February before the departure of those who established, and a slate quarry opened. b) Abernethy Parish is partly seek summer service in the Lowlands; such persons are noticed in the in Fifeshire. The entire Parish contains 1,70i Inhabitants.- ) Alyth Kirkmichael Return, and elsewhere. ) A mineral spring has been Parish is partly in the Shire of Fortar. The entire Parish contains 2,569 | discovered at Dunblane. (m) Forgandenny is partly in ihe Shire or Inhabitants. - Arngask Parish is partly in the Shire of Fire, partly Kinross. The entire Parish contains 913 Inhabitants (n) The con- in Kinross. The entire Parish contains 680 Inhabitants. (C) The version of land to sheep pasture, prevails in the Parish of Furtingull. cotton Trade, inalting, and distilling, have increased at luchterarder since Fussoway Parish is partly in the Shire of Kinross. The entire Parish 1811.- (1) A spinning mill has been erected at Blairgowric. contains 1,344 Inhabitants. (P) An enlargement of farms is mentionca (8) Emigration and the enlargement of farins, are inentioned in the Re- as having caused a decrease of Population at Fowlis-Wester, at St. Naro turns from Clunie and Weem. (h) The coal works, forinerly carried tin's, Meigle, Monivaird, and Muthill, and in many other l'arishes. on in the Parish of Culross, have ceased, and the Burgh is in a state of Į (9) Invergowrie is partly in the Shire of Forfar, but the whole is herc, decay. It is locally situate in Fifeshire.- (i) Cupar-Angus Parish is l entered. ) One female in Kenmore Parish, upwards of 100 years of partly in the Shire of Forfar. The entire Parish contains 2,622 Inhabitants. | age. Part of the Population of this Parish has been removed to neige c ) The Populatiou of the Parish of Dull would have appeared more bouring Parishes. M.DCCC.XXI.] 529 .. 'THE POPULATION-ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. SHIRE OF PERTH-continued. HOUSES: PERSONS : - PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how TOTAL OIC employ. Families many Families Un-Inhabited. OF Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly OTHER clicfly em- ed in notcom- ployed- ed in | Trade, prized in Manu. the Two AGRI- factures. I preced- CUL- or Handi ing TURE. craſt. Classes. Building. Oc FEMALES. MIALES. PERSONS. cupied 194 99 22 480 506 986 142 75 381 209 206 w IN en voorno 14 21 290 258 120 32 337 223 1,280 324 781 133 201 175 1,478 722 31 207 o 37 657 w II I 236 283 1 330 69 73 822 138 Aos 352 171 160 195 201 1 mod co 100 487 517 180 420 Kinclaven - - - - - () Parish Kinfauns - - Parish Kinloch - - - - - - - Parislı Kinnaird - . - - Parish Kinnoul - - Parish Kippen (part of) - . . . ) Parisl Kirkmichael - - . - -(k) Parish Lecropt (part of) - ... - (u) Parish Lethendy - - - - - - - Parislı Logie (part of) - • - - () Parish Logierait . - - - - - - Parish Longforgan - - (*) Town & Parish Madderty - - - - - Parish Madoes, St. • . - - -(Y) Parish Martins, St.- ..--(P) Parish Meigle .. -- (P) Parish Methven - - - - () Parish Moneydie - . Parish Monivaird - - · · · (P) Parish Monzie - - - - (2) Parish Moulin - - - - - Parish Muckart - - • • (a) Parish Muthill - - . . - (P) Parish Port - - - . Parish Rattray - - - Parish Redgorton - - - - - - Parish Rhind - - - - Parish Scone - - ... . (b) Parish Strowan - - - Parish Tibbermuir - - - - - - Parish Trinity-Gask - - - Parish Tulliallan - - - - - - () Parish Weem - - - - - - (8) Parish 421 802 415 242 465 1,394 2,674 661 770 1 1,551 128 261 408 201 376 1,617 3,095 1,544 362 714 331 1,004 427 2,904 1,178 272 539 1,167 1,039 1,915 704 1,516 2,862 1,614 568 1,057 843 1,589 426 1,115 2,155 337 841 1,634 847 190 636 224 477 212 c 141 1,489 114 617 95 56 271 1,415 561 267 477 876 105 U10 DEC AC A cor o @@@'Errie 690 416 12 132 354 350 481 139 192 346 1,346 320 189 74 57 811 803 677 269 371 310 225 298 96 11 III - orari Al 1 32 114 108 149 73 73 19 13 221 336 472 59 327 55 286 489 746 205 1,040 168 793 341 1,545 169 371 15 217 44 512 109 er 5 A PORA 338 125 794 679 52 599 255 2,013 709 265 65 3,558 1,354 153 645 21,73425,986 102 651 7,722 10,149 18,115 | 57,258 62,724 119,982 Burgh of PERTI. 873 Church, Fast - - ----- -11,738 1,738 Church, West - - - - - .|1,039 1,039 | Middle-Church - - -() - · -|1,364 1,364 St. Paul's-Church ------ 843 2 177 - 52 3,237 1,861 3,718 2,065 2,719 814 504 535 689 322 2,374 2,558 16,955 | 3,926 4,956 3,231 675 843 2,237 1,440 520 1,791 4,984 4,984 11 309 8,775 10,293 19,068 (*) An enlargement of farms has taken place at Kinclaven. | Sacra. The Return of Monzie Parish includes the Lands of Abercairney, () Kippen Parish is inostly in Stirlingshire. The entire Parish contains Auchnafree, Callander, Cultoquhey, Glenalmond, and Monzie; each of 2,029 Inhabitants. (u) Lecropt Parish is partly in Stirlingshire. The which, in the year 1811, made a distinct Return.- ) New Turnpike entire Parish contains 513 Inhabitants.- (W) Logie Parish is partly in Roads have caused an increase of Population in the Parish of Muckart. the Shire of Clackmannan, partly in that of Stirling. The entire Parish b) A bleach-field has been established at Scone, and the Population contains 2,015 Inhabitants. (*) A Quarry has discontinued working of the Village has increased. (°) Tulliallan is locally situate in the at Ringoody, in the Parish of Longforgan. One female in St. Shire of Fife. The Shipping has been prosperous, and employs inany of Madoes' Parish, upwards of 100 years of age.--13) The boundary of the Inhabitants. (d) Many Tenants ejected from Highland Parishes, Methven Parish, as assumed in 1811, was not the same as in 1821 ; so have fixed their abode at Perth. in Monzie Parish it was taken (1821) quoad Civilia, heretofore quoad | 6 S 530 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Enumeration. SHIRE OF PERTH-continued. I .... . . - SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF PERTH. HOUSES : PERSONS: FAMI- SHIRE, By how TOTAL many Families em. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- All LIES LIES chiefly OTAER chiefly employ- Families ed in not com- ployed TRADE, I prized in Manu- the Two factures, preced- CUI- JorHandi- TURE. crait. Classes, Un-Inhabited. &c. Building. FEMALES. ОР PERSONS. Oc- cupied. MALES. in Shire of PERTH - - - • 21,734 25,986 102 651 7,722 10,149 8,11557,258 62,724 119,982 Town of PERTH . . . . 4,984 4,984 11 309 52 2,374 2,558 8,775 10,293 19,068 Totals - - - 126,718 30,970|113 960 7,774 12,523 10,673 66,033 73,017 139,050 Ages of Persons. MALES. Under to to 1 TOTAL. TOTAL. 5. 1 40 50 60 70 80 I to I to 80 90 Shire of PERTH - • - 7:287 7,064 7,175 6,110 9,056 5,948 4.979 4,377 3,202 1451 435 41 Town of PERTH - - .|1,241 1,036 | 986 957 1,204 1,041 / 943 710 438 | 1671 45 71 - 8,775 Total of MALES - |8,528 8,100 8,161 7,067 10,260 6,989 5,922 15,087 |3,640|1,618 480 481 - 165,900 FEMALES. Under TOTAL ward Shire of PERTH - • - 7,149 7,073 6,676 6,514 11,233 7,437 6,134 5,061 3,432 1,481 394 36 2 162,622 Town of PERTH - • -1,119 1,048 973 1,045 1,879 1,336 1,128 891 556 245 68 6 - 10,294 Total of FEMALES 8,268 8,191 7,649 | 7,559 13,112 8,773 7,262 5,952 3,988 1,726 462 42 / 2 172,910 THE Total Number of Persons in the Sbire of Perth was . . . . 139,050 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 138,816,... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Sbire of Perth was 83; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Iges. Several of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, or incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC. **1.) 531 THE POPULATION Act, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. Shire of Renfrew. PERSONS : FAMIHI FAMT ALL. By chiefly | chiefly TOTAL miany Families Oc- Inhabited. OF Un-Inbabited. Building. ini MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS. CUL- lor Hand 1 4.210 166 9,609 10,966 20,575 1 29 38 67 1 930 955 1,885 68 12 1 land i 932 2,650 495 1 167 478 í 257 HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, LIES | LIES OTHER OR how employ. Families cm. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. ployed ed in not con- TRADE, ! prized in Manu: the Two cupied. AGA | factures, preced- ing TURE. craft. Classes. ABBEY -..-- () Parish 1,459 356 3,688 Beith (part of) - - Parish Cathcart (part of) --- () Parish Dunlop (part of) - - Parish 12 Eaglesham - - Parish 219 384 Eastwood - - - - - (f) Parish 527 1,151 Erskine - - - - - - - Parish 143 48 80 109 71 (East - - - - Parish 206 533 Greenock (5) Middle - - - Parish 364 | 1,866 503 1,356 (West - - - Parish 2,698 1,273 1,350 Houstoun and Killellan - (i) Parish 208 433 100 320 13 Inchinnan - - - - - - Parish 76 Innerkip - - - - - - - Parish 478 478 106 Kilbarchan - - - - - Parish 827 143 Xilmalcolm - - - - - Parish 247 310 Lochwinnoch - - Parish 507 844 523 Mearns ... .. (k) Parish 282 167 37 Neilston -- ----- Parish 679 1,269 1,040 25 PAISLEY - - - - - (1) Burgh 1,616 5,730 4,541 832 Pott-Glasgowo --.- (m) Town 1,285 1,295 | 45 676 Renfrew • - - Burgh and Parish 358 1512 43 TOTALS - - - 10,49023,977 55 | 546 2,725 15,780|5,472 796 796 ! Conar 57 1,610 3,011 525 75 4,760 i 105 59 294 139 995 1,927 3,026 5,676 973 293 550 1,993 3,603 4,249 7,260 6,465 11,225 1,237 2,317 582 1,242 2,344 2,227 4,213 822 1,600 2,155 4,130 2,295 3,592 6,549 14,295 | 26,428 2,991 1,382 2,646 402 mod A 206 95 1,080 288 1,102 1,986 778 1,975 1,027 2,957 12,133 2,271 1,264 1 405 201 1,268 ooo 1 oo 574 5,262 co 111 358 51,178 60,997 112,175 (3) The Return of the Abbey Parish includes that part of it which is sitúate East of the River Cart, and from which a separate Return was received and entered in 1811. Rather more than half the Population of the Parish may be ascribed to the Town of Paisley, which is surrounded by the Abbey Parish. Beith Parish is mostly in Ayrshire (Cun- ningham District.) The entire Parish contains 4,472 Inhabitants. (©) Cathcart Parish is partly in Lanarkshire. The entire Parish contains 9,056 Inhabitants. The increase of Population arises from its contiguity to Glasgow.- ) Dunlop Parish is mostly in Ayrshire. The entire Parish contains 1,097 Inhabitants. A cotton mill has been esta- blished at Eaglesham since 1811. One male in Eastwood Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-- (6) Govan Parish is mostly in Lanark- shire. The entire Parish contains 4,325 Inhabitants. (b) It appears, that in the Return of the West Parish of Greenock, pearly 500 seamen belonging to registered vessels, were included ; these have been deducted. The three Parishes together appear to coutain 22,088 Inhabitants.- () One male in Houstonn and Killellan Parish upwards of 100 years of age.- ) Bleach-fields have been much increased at Mearns, and the Population also from that cause. (l) The Burgh of Paisley consists of Three Parishes ; of which the High Church Parish contains 12,442 Inhabitants, the Middle Parish 8,421 Inhabitants, the Low Parish 5,565 Inhabitants ; add to which the Suburb comprized in the Return of Ibbey Parish, containing 11,620 Inhabitants, so that the total number of Inha. bitants in Paisley may be estimated at 28,000. One male and one female in the Burgh of Paisley, are upwards of 100 years of age. (m) One male in Port Glasgow upwards of 100 years of age. Ages of Persons : Under Total 70 80 90 100 I to | to | to , & | 80 90 1001 up TOTAL. 5. of wards MALES - - - - - FEMALES ---- 9,125 7,329 6,501 5,705 8,889 5,634 4,615 3,200 2,132 921 234 26 9,033 7,282 6,654 6,507 10,586 6,293 4,896 3,431 2,240 1,029' 279 31 4 54,315 1 58,262 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Renfrew was ... 112,175 ... and the Ages as returned (being of 112,577 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Renfrew was 22 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question conceruing the Ages of Persons. 532 Enumeration, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shires of Ross and Cromarty. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, V ... By how OR TOTAL many EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- | FAMI- | ALL LIES LIES chiefly | ОтнER chiefly employ- tai Families em ed in (nor cum- TRADE, prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- orHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. Families Oc- cupied. Un-Inbabited. OB Building. FEMALES. MALES. IL RSONS. 60 55 640 267 525 397 529 414 504 43 | 141 271 | 12 152 341 114 489 169 15 146 1,391 824 1,186 40 43 | 202 312 15 921 630 1,402 997 1,382 1,009 1,138 378 1,101 855 260 508 374 529 405 316 161 349 204 356 425 527 131 222 163 278 463 106 159 111111111111111 198 87 211 15 197 930 425 797 490 361 444 119 314 485 115 916 527 2,410 94 372 642 624 236 107 298 133 648 139 224 326 327 445 210 459 457 896 000 to a coloro come si vuon Öron coor color ALNESS - - - - - - - Parish Applecross - (+) - (a) Parish Avoch - - - - - (b) Parish Barvas - - - - - () Parish Contin - - - - (d) Parish Town Cromarty . - • - . and Parisht DINGWALL - (+) Burgh and Parish Edderton - - - - - - - - - - Parish Féarn - - - - - - (a) Parish Fodderty. - (+) • . - Parish Geirloch - - (+) - - - Parish Glenshiel - - - - - ) Parish Killiernan - - - - - - Parish Kilmuir, Easter - - - - - Parish Kiltearn - - Parish Kincardine - Parish Kintail - - Parish Knockbain - Lochalsh - - Parish Lochbroom - Parish Locharron - Lochs - - - Parish Loggie, Easter Parish Nigg. - - - - - - () Parish Resolis - - - Parish Rosemarkie - (+) - Parish Rosskeen - - - - - - - Stornoway - - (m) Town and Parish TAIN - - - - - Burgh and Parish Tarbat - - - - - () Parish Uig. - - - - - - (n) Parish Urquhart (part of) - - º Parish Urray (part of) . . - (P) Parish O Angono volim i ciA www in his www per i to na co 38 316 86 91 824 857 1,036 2,108 396 729 757 806 987 552 1,130 1,268 2,345 976 1,356 451 122 475 .1,270 2,793 1,821 2,568 1,930' 1,993 : 656 2,031 915 1,654 1,952 4,518 768 1,371 1,381 1,454 - 1,811 -1,027 1,973 2,492 4,540 1,932 2,669 · 813 1,436 1,201 1,571 2,581 4,119 2,861 1,6:25 2,875 1,496 2,731 Parish 125 163 230 171 182 843 45 722 112 444 204 450 450 877 345 589 221 331 265 300 572 788 Parish ვნg 80 589 221 255 589 36 336 81 1,224 2,195 956 1,313 362 660 522 731 1,178 1,814 1,356 776 50 679 840 ' 68 Parish 400 278 359 6451 851 663 381 592 314 48 575 221 203 115 113 144 147 126 172 347 403 239 242 70 473 181 65 74 160 7,947 (3,356. 3,203 756 364 566 300 616 1,403 2,305 1,505 869 1,531 825 1,490 110 68 1,344 671 1,241 620 386 TOTALS - - - 13,638 14,506 146 345 | 32,324 | 36,504 | 58,828 .: (?) The increase of Population in the Parish of Applecross, is attributed to the herring fishery; so in the Parishes of Fearn, Lochalsh, Lochbroom, Nigg, and Tarhat. (b) A new harbour, and other improvements, are remarked at Avoch. One male and two females in Barvas Parish, upwards of 100 years of age.md) One male in Contin Parish upwards of 100 years of age.-- () Emigration is prevalent in the Parish of Glenshiel, yet the Population is on the increase.--(f) One male in Lochalsh Parish upwards of 100 years of age...a (8) Two males and two females upwards of 100 years of age in Lochbroonu Parish. ch) Four females upwards of 100 years of age in Locharrou Parish..() Four males and three females upwards of 100 years of age in Lochs Parish.-- (*) Resolis, or strickly speaking, Kirkmichel and Cullicudden, united. (l) The Return of Rosemarkie Parish includes the Burgh of Fort- rose. (m) One male and four females in Stornoway upwards of 100 years of age. (") One male in Vig Parish upwards of 100 years of age. (°) Urquhart Parish is partly in the Shire of Nairn. The entire Parish contains 2,822 Inhabitants.- Urray Parish is partly in the Shire of Inverness, but the whole is here entered. - Ages of Persons : 5 10 | 15 20 30 40 50 to 60 to 70 Under / . 5. Total LO TOTAL. 10 of MALES - - - - - 3,884 3,626 3,147 2,647 3,579 2,851 2,244 1,818 1,243 631 208) 47 11 25,936 FEMALES -... | 3,686 3,532 2,929 2,883 5,141 3,824 / 2,917 | 2,427 11,767 674/274 49 15 30,118 _ 1 . THE Total Number of Persons in the Shires of Ross and Cromarty was .... 68,828 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 56,054 . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of between one-fifth and vue-sixth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shires of Ross and Cromarty was 33 ; five of which contained no answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 333 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. ! Shire of Roxburgh. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI- | ALL OR By how many employ. Families TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Families Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly OTHER chiefly cin- ed in not com- ployed Trade. Iprized in in | Manu. | the Two Agri- factures, I preced- CUL- lorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. 01 FEMALES. MALES. cupied. PERSONS. 127 135 coor: 298 ნშ6 338 203 195 344 453 56 501 421 954 2,038 120 955 1,083 - CASTLETOWN-MELROSE District. BosweLLS, St. - - - - Parish Bowden - - - - - - () Parish Castleton - - - - - - - Parish Lindean, with Galashiels by Parish I (part of) - - - - - º Parish Lilliesleaf - ---- - () Parish Maxton - - - - - - - Parish Melrose - - - - - - - Parish 31 i 90 97 187 37 428 co 12 93 593 93 728 351 209 1,697 779 463 3,467 298 254 1,770 280 150 1,520 1,788 - 6 832 533 423 4,053 4,053 I 4,471 1 8,524 66 244 6 54 HAWICK District. Ashkirk (part of) - - - - (d) Parish Cavers - - - - - - - Parish Hawick - - - - Town and Parish Kirktown - - - - - - - Parish Robertown (part of) - - - () Parish SELKIRK (part of) () Burgh and Parish Wilton - - - - - - (8) Parish 177 741 2,153 192 14 150 183 763 2,234 165 203 15 881 ვგი 1,504 4,387 315 384 32 1,661 181 17 780 ! 245 144 96 1,172 1,808 32 654 790 364 4,199 4,444 8,643 JEDBURGH District, 724 51 136 1 w moi 748 120 120 Ancrum - - - - Bedrule - - - - Crailing - - - - Hobkirk - - JEDBURGII · -· Minto - - - - - Oxnam - - - - Southdean - - - - - - Parish ! 2681 290 - - - Parish 50 - - - Parish 135 - - - Parish Burgh and Parish 794 1,158 - - - Parislı 83 - - - Parish 127 1 133 - - - Parish 147 151 662 152 355 325 2,499 233 335 406 l ocar a Bow co 192 393 327 2,752 239 1,386 344 652 5,251 472 A 459 16 11 358 693 431 837 1,714 2,130 | 91 832 650648 4,967 5,416 10,383 KELSO District. 32 10 608 69 25 14 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 - - - - - - 56 - - - - - - Eckford - Ednam - Hounain - Kelso - - Linton - Makerston Morebattle Roxburgh Smaitholm Stitchel - Sprouston - Yetholm - 331 165 2,587 503 525 270 162 2,273 215 169 158 73 466 243 - - Parish 214 | 219 - - Parish 120 120 - - Parish 54 - () Parisli | 535 11,127 - - Parish -8 - - Parish 58 Parish 184 207 - () Parish 199 Parish 111 Parish - () Parish 294 - - Parish 231 317 59 44 JCONCU ON AW G co 525 1,133 601 327 4,860 458 345 1,070 926 520 451 1,371 1,280 - - - 176 545 496 280 - - - - - CEC 156 160 72 75 175 122 - - 103 11 430 240 194 605 581 257 - - 57 766 108 87 699 2,181 | 2,913 8178 78 | 1,295 849 | 769 6,189 1 7,153 13,342 (") Pasturage has been converted to tillage in the Parish of Bowden. | The entire Parish contains 2,728 Inhabitants.---- () Several carding- (6) Galashiels Parish is mostly in the Shire of Selkirk. The mills have been erected in the Parish of Wilton since 1811.- (h) One decrease of Population in the Parish of Lillieslief is very recent, and female in Kelso Parish upwards of 100 years of age.- ) Female perhaps temporary.--- () Ashkirk Parish is partly in the Shire of labour in agriculture is still prevalent in the Parish of Roxburyl, though Selkirk. The entire Parish contains 544 Inhabitants.---() Robertown not to such a degree as heretofore. The first part of this observation is Parish is partly in the Shire of Selkirk. The entire Parish contains 674 | applicable to the Parish of Sprouston. a(k) Stitchel is partly in the Tuhabitants. (*) Selkirk Parish is mostly in the Shire of Selkirk. I Shire of Berwick; but the whole is here entered. 6T · 534 Enumeration. ABSTNACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SHIRE OF ROXBURGH-continued. SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE SHIRE OF ROXBURGH. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: Ву. how many Families DISTRICTS, TOTAL Un-Inhabited. ОР Inhabited. &c. Building. 1 FAMI- FAMI- ALL LIES LIES chiefly ОтИЕп chiefly employ- Fumilies cuu- ed in not coin- ployed TRADE. I prized in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I proced- CU:- lor Handi jug TURE. } craft. Classes. FEMALES. Oco. MALES. in PERSONS. I cupied. Districts of CASTLETOWN-MELROSE - - HAWICK - - - - JEDBURGH . . . KELSO . . . . . 832 1,520 1,788 6 53 832 533 / 423 1,172 1,808 4 654 790 1,714 2,130 650 2,181 2,913 1878 | 1,295 6,587 | 8,639 27 2423,613 2,822 2,204 364 648 769 4,053 4,471 8,524 4,199 4,444 8,643 4,967 5,416 10,383 6,189 7,153 13,342 19,408 | 21,484 | 40,892 849 'ALS Ages of Persons. MA L E S. Under Under District TOTAL of www do 303 CASTLETOWN.? :}.. 603 MELROSE -S 578 | 424 | 606 | 412 491 HAWICK - .. .. 675 549 509 398 594 514 391 JEDBURGH - ..-776 707 641 464 688 557 461 KELSO - - - - - 911 898 784 | 639 836 626 / 564 Total of MALES - 2,965 2,732 2,425 1,925 2,724 2,109 4,211 4,967 6,189 MALES - 1 -19,420 FEM A L E S. Under District TOTAL of 1716 491 435 223 419 | 223 110 23 4,471 CASTLETOWN-7 MELROSE HAWICK - - - JEDBURGH - - - - KELSO - - - 505 239/ 102 20 4,444 543 736 8:22 495 660 594 692 882 488 543 915 764 1,276 5,416] ולל 842 629 7,154 Total of FEMALES 2,845 2,734 2,289 12,125 3,665 2,488 1,996 1,499 10 1 21,485 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Roxburgh was ... 40,892 ... and the Ages as returned (being of 40,905 Persosis) are rather redundant than deficient The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Roxburgh was 34; every one of which contained an answer to the question conceri:iny The Ages of Persons. M.DCCC.XXI.) 535 . THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.: Shire of Selkirk. HOUSES : PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By how On TOTAL many em- OCCUPATIONS: FAMI- FAMI ALL LIVS LILS chiefly OTHER chiefly employ-Families not com- ployed TRADE, prized in in | Manu. the Two AGRI. factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURE. | craft. Classes. ed in 1 EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Fanilies Building ОР FEMALES. MALES. cupied. PERSONS. ܒܝ ܨ 33 64 25 4 10 135 1 184 485 1,358 43 ܗ ܕ ASHKIRK (part of) - (^) Parish Etterick -- - - -- - Parish Galashiels (part of) - - b) Parish Innerleithen (part of) - (5) Parish Peebles (part of) Parish: (1) Glensax - - - - - - - - Robertown (part of) - · () Parish SELKIRK (part of) () - Burgh & Parish Stow - ... - - - - Parish Yarrow • - • - - - - Parish ܐ ܝܕ 130 ܝܪ 1,255 4 290 2,696 328 1,249 ܚ 227 155 612637 TOTALS - - - 1,081 1,372 421 409 542 3,205 3,432 6,637 ) Ashkirk Parish is mostly in Roxburghshire. The entire Parish contains 544 Inhabitants. Galashiels forins part of the Parish of Lindean with Galashiels (Roxburghshire.) The entire Parish contains 1,545 Inhabitants. -- () Innerleithen Parish is mostly in the Shire of Peebles. The entire Parish contains 705 Inhabitants. Peebles Parish is mostly in the Shire of Peebles. Rubertown Parish is mostly in the Shire of Roxburgh. The entire Parish contains 674 In. habitants.-om Selkirk is partly in the Shire of Roxburgh. The entire Parish contains 2,728 Inhabitants. Ages of Persons. Under 55 TOTAL. Total of MALES - -.- 489 503 | 671 353 290 207110 55 18 1 - 3,205 365 347 477 | 383 | 339 467 581 FEMALES - - - - 485 400 307 218 144 7220 - 3,432 TIIE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Selkirk was . . . 6,637, . ., and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was also . . . 6,637, . . . whence it appears, that the ages of all the Persons enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Shire of Selkirk was 9; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. * Le 536 [Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER - - --- - Shire of Stirling. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP, OR By how inany Families Oc- cupied. Inbabited. Un-Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE, Building. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- FAMI- LIES ALL LIES chiefly OTHER chietly eniploy- Families em ed in ployed TRADE, in Manu- 7 the Two Agri- factures, preced- CUL- forHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. 232 116 124 70 prized in TOTAL OF PERSONS. MALES. FEMALES. 244 90 945 955 200 598 1,900 1,150 892 552 448 967 : 23 316 389 173 2,041 ܝ | ܝܕ ܟܙ ܙ ܝܕ ܛ ܒܝ ܙ 444 1,074 446 o A escova ő a 35 895 144 13 129 390 449 373 2,526 1,611 438 108 806 199 46 105 763 4,927 3,364 1,661 2,401 1,753 8.25 387 286 172 56 go 836 298 coan 130 306 168 338 644 ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 26 31 A co wrou 57 169 9 84 85 6,085 023 AIRTH - - - - - - - Parish 406 Alva - - - - - - ) Parish 254 Baldernock • - - - - - Parish 166 171 Balfron - - - - - - - Parish 201 Bothkennar - - - - (b) Parish 163 Buchanan - - Parish 155 Campsie - - - - - () Parish 960 Denny - - - - - - - Parish 444 691 Drymen - (+) - · · · Parish Dunipace Parish : (0) Denovan, Little - - - - District Denovan, Meikle . . District Dunipace - - - - - - District Torwood . - - - District Falkirk - - - - - Parish 1,408 Fintry - - - - - - - Parish 112 198 Gargunnock • - - - - - Parish 182 Killearn - - - - - - - Parish 181 Kilpatrick, New or Easter - - Parish I 125 184 Kilsyth - - - - Parish 832 960 Kippen (part of) • .. Parish 312 313 Larbert - - - - Parish 369 661 Lecropt (part of) - - - () Parish 47 Logie (part of) - - - () Parish 139 Muiravonside (+)- . Parish 281 296 Ninians, St. (+). . . - Parish Polmont - (+) - - - - Parish | 442 Slamanan - - - - - - Parish 185 STIRLING -- ) Burgh & Parish 711 1,688 Strathblane - - - - • • Parish 119 160 | 3 1,606 98 590 5,451 512 433 20 111 ܘ ܝܙ ܒܘ ܝܝ ܙ 151 429 563 11,536 | 1,102 862 1,126 985 4,260 205 563 28 44 496 489 144 12:2 81 454 91 303 30 62 162 137 2,157 709 1,778 123 1,368 221 2,103 659 1,713 129 311 ܛ ܕ ܝܕ ܝܕ ܙ ܒܗ ܘ ܒ 3,491 252 668 1,678 109 20 357 82 105 404 | 1,042 906 1,209 cu o ora il coco 65 8,274 61 22 339 18 ܩ 42 120 15 45 3,972 1,084 482 3,275 376 772 4,302 1,087 499 3,838 - 372 2,171 981 7,113 748 1,138 109 13 1 TOTALS - - - 8,984 13,733 66 338 2,600 6,641 4,492 31,718 133,658 65,376 The extension of blanket and plaid manufacture is mentioned in the Shire of Perth. The entire Parish contains 2,029 Inhabitants.com the Return from Alva.--() The collieries are increased in the Parish ( The apparent decrease of Population in the Parish of Larbert is sup- of Bothkennar. (C) The linen printfields have continued in a flourish- posed to arise from a defective Return in 1811, the Carron foundry and ing state at Campsie; also coal-works and lime-works; hence the great iron-works being situate in this Parish, and continuing in a flourishing increase of Population. The entire Parish of Dunipace contains state.- (i) Lecropt Parish is mostly in the Shire of Perth. The entire 1,168 Inhabitants. Milton is included in the Return of Meikle-Denovan, Parish contains 513 Inhabitants.---(k) Logic Parish is partly in the (9) The works on the Union Canal have caused an increase of Po. | | Shire of Clackmannan, partly in Perthshire. The entire Parish contains pulation at Falkirk, in the Parish of Muiravonside, and in some other | 2,015 Inhabitants.- (l) Stirliny Parish is partly in the Shire of Clack- | Parishes. The coal-works at Banton have caused an increase of mannan. The entire Parish contains 7,314 Inhabitants. | Population in the Parish of Kilsyth.- (6) Kippen Parish is partly in Ages of Persons. 15 Total Under 5. 20 30 40 50 tol to to 301 40 50 60 TOTAL 15 of C 10 - 24,932 MALES - - - - - 13,796 13,386 3,165 2,748 3,741 2,575 2,267 | 1,512 1,152 492 FEMALES - - - - 13,684 3,351 2,677 2,929 4,575 3,000 2,468 1,842 1,381 488 173 21 - 26,589 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Stirling was . . . 65,376,... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 51,521, ... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly onc-fifth part of the Persons therein enumerated, liave not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received froin the Shire of Stirling was 29; four of which did not contain any Answer to the question concerning Ages, and are thus marked (+): a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat delicicnt, or redundant, or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 537 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C.:04. Shire of Sutherland. HOUSES: PERSONS: PARISH, TOWNSHIP FAMI- - ALL Ву how OR TOTAL Inhabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. many Families Oc- cupied Un-Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA MI- LIES LIES | chiefyl OTHER chicfly employ- Families chi- ed in not com- ployed | Trade. I prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL or Handi- TURE. / craft. Classes. Building ОР FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. ing 547 ܟ 460 71 ܙ ܘ 432 389 140 520 178 239 376 | | 178 All our er | | 678 374 2,803 1,874 2,354 630 2,470 1,004 1,229 1,994 1,036 565 1,094 2,008 1,057 ܙ ASSINT ... - - - - - Parish 547 Clyne - - - - • - - - Parish 399 Creech - - . (*) Parish 389 DORNOCH s Burgh 132 - () - { and Parish 520 Durness - • • - • b) Parish Edderachillis -.--Parish 239 Farr --- - (b) Parish Golspie - - - . . (b) Parish 230 Kildonan - - O Parish Lairg - - - Parish 219 Loth · .. . (9) Parish 400 Reay (part of) ... (d) Parish 192 Rogart -- - . - () Parish Tongue - - - - - - - Parish TOTALS --- 14,654 931 202 1,315 | 1,488 878 996 1,120 1,234 295 335 1,148 | 1,322 456 548 551 1,063 555 280 285 620 937 1,071 503 554 1,059 944 11,088 12,752 ܩ 481 ච ච ච ܙ 1 - ܟܝ 474 227 417 198 ܗ ܝܕ 420 1 1 - ܙ 420 318 927 792 1,986 350 285 ܛ 1,736 - 1 60 21 3,362 642 | 818 642 23,840 (1) The entire Parish of Domoch contains 3,100 Inhabitants. Many | such transfer of Inhabitants has not prevented an increase of Population families have lately settled on improveable Moors; the same observation in the Shire of Sutherland generally.- ) The Parish of Loth in- is applicable to the Parish of Creech... ) Small tenants are said to cludes the fishing station of Helmsdale, where the Population is greatly bave been removed, and sheep-farms established in the Parishes of Dur increased. - ^) Reay Parish is mostly in the Shire of Caithness. The ness, Farr, Golspie, Kildonan, Lairg, and (in some degree) Rogart; but entire Parisha contains 3,815 Inhabitants. Ages of Persons. 60 to | 70 Under 3. 70 to 80 80 to 90 100 up TOTAL. Total of 4050 6 - 11,088 FEMALES -... |1,536 1,470 1,372 | 1,372 1,380 2,151 1,549 1,208 1,037 1725 24078 6 - 12,752 . THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Sutherland was . . 23,840, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was alsu . . . 23,840, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. question concerning the Ages of Persons. 6 U 538 [Enumeration: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Shire of Wigtown. D HOUSES PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву how TOTAL OR many Un-Inhabited. Families Inhabited. OCCUPATIONS: FA AI- | FAMI ALL LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly Families employ- em- not com- cd in prized in in the Two AGRI- CUL- TURE. craſt. Classes. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building ployed | TRADE, Manu- FEMALES, MALES. Oc. OF PERSONS. capied. factures. preced- JorHandia ing 153 544 1,133 513 1,253 18 97 / 99 32 18 41 10 161 885 936 675 750 608 738 1,090 1,138 296 981 128 1,057 2,386 1,821 1,283 1,488 2,210 2,332 609 1,957 1,871 1,120 1,194 268 72 313 216 . GLASSERTON ---- · Parish Inch - .-... - (1) Parish Kirkcolm - ... - - (b) Parish Kirkcowan - Parish Kirkinner Parish Kirkmaiden - () Parish Leswalt - - - - (*) Parish Luce, New - - - - - - Parish Luce, Old, or Glenluce - - Parish Mochrum - - .. . - Parish Penningham - ---- (4) Parish and Newton-Stewart - - - Town Portpatrick - - - - - () Parish Sorby - ------ () Parish Stoneykirk - - - Parish STRANRAER - - - Burgh & Parish 401 WHITHORN - - - - Burgh & Parish WIGTOWN - • - - Burgh & Parish 338 Totals - - - 5,819 6,774 976 984 236 887 241 1,460 1,630 3,090 845 4.96 619 1,512 1,098 1,081 973 700 1,621 1,365 1,280 1,120 1,818 1,319 3,133 2,463 2,361 81 195 91 408 193 147 440 212 188 922 2,042 69 150 3,525 2,089 1,160 15,837 17,403 33,240 (1) The increase of population at Inch, at Leswalt, and in most of the influx of Irish Settlers, who require nothing but the cheapest and coarsest other Parishes in the Shire of Wigtown, is ascribed to the influx of Irish | food, producing an increase of population without restraint.--One male Settlers.-- (b) In the Parish of Kirkcolm, feus have been granted, and upwards of 100 years of age, in Kirkmaiden Parish.-- ) A great lands sublet to small tenants. (C) At Port-Nessock in the Parish of increase of population is noticed at Newton-Stewart, in the Parish of Kirkmaiden, the construction of a harbour pier has caused a temporary Penningham. The improvement of the harbour of Portpatrick, increase of population; but the decay of careful Scottish manners which has created employment, and attracted new Settlers. One male checked early marriages, is another cause much more efficient : the upwards of 100 years of age in Sorby Parish. Ages of Persons. 15 1 10 to 20 30 Uuder 5 to 10 Total TOTAL. 5. 20 30 40 of UT 215,895 MALES - ... |2,466 2,352 1,932 1,532 2,244 1,630 1,380 1,056 | 764 FEMALES .... 2,347 2,231 1,920 1,731 2,941 1,955 1,582 1,193 958 413 126 16 - 17,413 THE Total Number of Persons in the Shire of Wigtown was .... 33,240 .... and the Ages as returned (being of 33,308 Persons) are rather redundant than deficient. The Number of Euumeration Returns received from the Shire of Wigtown was 17; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. 2.DCCC.XXI.] 539 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. . SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN Scotland. - HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: TOTAL SHIRES. Juhabited. By huw many Families Occupied Un- Building. FAMILIES FAMILIES ALL OTHER chiefly | chiefly Families employed employed in not TRADE comprized in the Two Agri- Manufactures, preceding CULTURE. (or Handicraft. Classes. FEMALES. OF Inbabited. MALES. PERSONS. ERDEEN - - - - 35,701 996 13,775 16,029 5,897 83,004 155,387 18,309 1,273 8,989 3,468 5,852 72,383 47,775 61,077 97,316 27,579 16,059 17,842 8,971 5,803 49,541 66,222 406 6,207 15,008 5,430 26,645 9,885 7,165 210 4,150 2,939 ESYLL - • ... ER .... XFF- .- BWICK .. TE ..... THNESS - 2,796 20,193 276 3,334 1,923 1,908 15,976 127,299 43,561 33,385 13,797 30,238 13,263 2,205 2,855 30 1,314 730 811 23,368 17,409 7,323 16,042 6,907 14,271 6,474 14,196 5,319 5,944 3,052 2,188 704 2,145 2,881 434 1,418 1,029 6,356 ACKMANNAN .. IBARTON --- 5,341 1,168 1,571 13,046 3,536 12,248 27,317 70,878 SIFRLES, .. 14,458 2,602 4,706 18,700 285 5,412 33,572 37,306 NBURGH . 19,077 40,469 1,163 16,939 87,759 4,340 4,830 2,676 5,260 103,755 16,870 6,668 7,327 162 2,330 2,321 14,292 18,944 25,749 527 13,748 53,540 61,016 6,741 6,236 191,514 31,162 114,556 113,430 35,127 26,718 576 5,114 15,348 EN ... E.... ERPAR - .. .. DDINGTON. - . VERNESS ... NCARDINE - .. 52,071 16,812 6,230 61,359 18,299 7,934 3,009 379 2,947 1,978 16,828 . 17,055 413 10,215 2,447 5,662 42,304 18,324 6,685 1,827 47,853 15,578 90,157 29,118 5,894 213 2,301 1,359 13,540 1,419 735 646 4,102 7,762 3,025 446 3,047 4,883 3,660 18,506 6,441 7,912 igo 2,238 20,397 SROSS · · · RKCUDBRIGHT NARK ... KLITHGOW ... IRN .... 38,903 2,627 16,838 47,016 51,497 2,413 115,385 129,002 244,387 29,776 1,817 3,302 4,965 1,224 1,924 10,703 11,982 22,685 9,006 2,012 2,131 799 429 903 4,082 4,914 KNEY and . . 9,176 6,604 10,483 HETLAND > 2,355 1,524 24,070 29,054 53,124 1,750 1,962 837 651 474 4,973 5,073 10,046 26,718 30,970 7,774 12,523 66,033 73,017 139,050 960 546 10,673 5,472 10,490 23,977 2,725 15,780 51,178 60,997 112,175 EBLES - - - - RTH ..... APREW ... . ASS and CROMARTY OXBURGH , -- LKIRK .... RLING. .. 13,638 14,506 345 7,947 3,356 3,203 32,324 36,504 68,828 6,587 8,639 242 3,613 2,822 2,204 19,408 21,484 1,081 421 542 3,205 3,432 40;892 6,637 65,376 8,984 409 6,641 642 4,492 31,718 1,372 13,733 4,892 6,774 33,658 2,600 35362 THERLAND - 4,654 818 11,088 12,753 23,840 POTOWN .. 5,819 150 3,525 2,089 1,160 15,837 17,403 33,240 TOTAL - 341,474 447,960 2,405 12,657 | 130,699 190,264 | 126,997 I 983,554 | 1,109,904: 2,093,456 -540 [Enumeration ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Scotland. M A L E S. Under SHIRES. TOTAL. UC min 15 40 50 70 ABERDEEN - - .! 9,744 7,881 6,552 4,826 3,812 1,984 10,117 6,625 ARGYLL - - - - - 8,674 6,982 8,530 7,372 3,594 961 8,361 6,110 7,694 2,280 6,875 5,238 6,280 1,820 4,817 6,586 2,877 3,610 2,259 2,561 69,493 47,279 60,798 18,385 9,682 8,968 5,173 1,306 562 ! 2,618 2,333 2,562 1,903 1,731 1,086 1,291 920 2,173 2,351 1,747 1,955 2,406 1,714 1,374 789 7 418 15,95€ AYR - - - - - BANFF . .. . BERWICK ... BUTE - - - - - CAITHNESS .. CLACKMANNAN - na I i II i - . - 905 882 930 678 914 611 571 435 306 6,484 1,774 1,842 1,990 1,666 2,150 an 1,395 1,204 1,021 312 14,19 597 572 543 390 477 365 243 136 3,736 337 986 DUMBARTON . 1,698 1,242 1,863 1,152 790 422 216 11,535 DUMFRIES ... 5.102 1,571 4,387 10,294 3,537 2,883 1,533 4,897 11,985 1,835 1,467 3,620 8,418 4,606 14,366 33,56 87,606 11,474 2,097 5,083 891 8,378 2,955 1,213 2 1,778 1,505 2,121 1,436 1,253 790 452 - 14,203 7,303 6,769 | 7,526 5,766 5,042 3,663 2,741 1,307 - 53,694 5,357 3,623 4,366 3,911 4,695 3,767 3,172 2,631 1,970 943 33,962. 2,390 2,149 1,662 2,441 1,740 1,483 1,014 843 359 - 10 16,758 4,606 4,570 4,032 3,365 3,348 4,453 2,447 2,145 690 1,476 31,354 12,856 1,627 1,746 1,299 1,803 1,242 1,185 929 755 401 l 476 457 422 397 553 380 332 286 123 I 3,650 2,716 2,480 1,785 2,559 1,978 1,6151 799 376 18,593 ' 1,187 6,912 15,519 14,603 11,684 17,868 13,204 10,916 3,923 - 115,384 1,705 1,513 1,429 1,028 1,678 1,187 986 580 450 10,861 ' EDINBURGH 13,152 ELGIN . .. . 2,017 FIFE . .. - - 7,907 FORFAR - ... 4,605 HADDINGTON 2,574 INVERNESS ... KINCARDINE - 1,754 KINROSS ---- KIRKCUDBRIGHT - 2,895 LANARK • - 18,529 LINLITHGOW . - - NAIRN · - • 551 ORKNEY and . SHETLAND 1,867 PEEBLES -.. PERTH ..... 8,528 RENFREW .... 9,125 ROSS and CROMARTY - 3,884 ROXBURGH .. 2,965 SELKIRK .. .. STIRLING ....1 SUTHERLAND .. 1,518 WIGTOWN .... 512 514 413 547 454 373 283 112 4,029 ' 1,721 1,588 1,407 2,006 1,380 1,249 1,061 874 405 " 13,67 704 714 698 521 483 273 182 122 ' 809 10,260 8,100 8.161 7,067 6,989 5,922 5,087 3,640 1,618 ' 7,329 5,705 8,889 5,634 4,615 3,200 2,132 921 ' 3,626 3,147 1 2,647 i 3,579 2,851 2,244 1,818 | 1,243 25.936 - - - - 2,732 2,425 1,925 2,724 2,109 1,780 1,334 19,420 ' 489 503 3651 347 3 467 353 290 20 110 ' 3,305 - 3,796 3,386 3,165 2,748 31741 2,267 1,512 1,152 492 2,575 1,166 - - 1,476 1,401 | 1,328 928 752 610 . 216 1,638 2,244 24.933 11,088 15,895 2,466 2,359 1,932 1,532 1,630 1,380 1,056 764. 406 2 Total of MALES • | 137,956 125,298 115,183 95,319 | 137,645 101,107 | 82,695 | 60,014 | 42,309 19,977 5,377620 1 40 923,540 THE Total Number of Persons in Scotland was . . . . 2,093,456, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . ... 1,956,706,.... whence it appears, that the Ages of one fifteentha part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. A:DCCC.XXI.] 541 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. - SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Scotland. FEM A L E S. Under 39 to TOTAL. SHIRES. ABERDEEN :- - - 9,412 7,679 13,358 9,749 7,875 4,861 2,580 79,348 7,914 4,778 6,487 3,571 ARGYLL .... 5,612 7,241 5,745 2,382 993 6,675 8,225 7,248 9,283 2,591 AYR 48,896 66,134 · · · 11,323 7,631 4,268 5,840 2,151 2,969 1,504 BANFF - . 7,393 1,934 1,765 2,344 3,523 2,538 4,148 1,874 1,188 1,405 658 7,331 1,984 1,800 817 21,215 BERWICK - 2,271 2,144 3,065 1,526 989 17,410 BUTE - - - - - 878 855 831 1,231 2,048 781 1,886 721 544 423 188 7,323 .6,041 1,700 1,795 2,874 1,581 1,294 936 305 492 394 644 4761 350 267 155 3,944 1,422 1,525 2,372 1,421 1,132 823 582 12,858 4,232 3,823 6,21% 4,345 2,430 1,892 917 37,201 3,385 9,862 10,792 11,112 14,099 6,035 3,772 1,615 103,410 1,540 1,725 2,028 1,697 1,419 1,139 547 16,581 6,402 5,956 7,326 5,849 4,573 3,447 1,586 60,914 7,121 4,186 21,677 2,698 10,365 7,120 3,019 5,468 4,224 4,102 4,031 3,290 2,334 950 CAITHNESS - - - 1,737 1,840 CLACKMANNAN 574 504 DUMBARTON ... 1,688 1,542 DUMFRIES - -- 4,895 4,767 EDINBURGH 12,542 11,460 ELGIN ..... 1,924 1,703 FIFE ...... 7,848 FORFAR - ... - 4,501 HADDINGTON .. 2,390 2,248 INVERNESS ...! 14,341 KINCARDINE - .. 1,685 1,542 KINROSS -- - 491 465 KIRKCUDBRIGHT :1 2,777 2,545 . ... 17,710 15,031 LINLITHGOW ...! 1,718 1,475 NAIRN .... 532 486 39,884 1,864 1,889 4,891 2,148 4,101 1,681 1,367 975 496 18,231 3,740 2,989 2,662 1,631 .676 3,669 1,356 34,233 14,689 1,493 2,507 1,805 1,445 1,265 97-1 459 419 409 721 460 412 245 119 4,102 "333 1,364 2,120 3,677 2,398 1,707 445 20,328 2,172 13,966 15,704 12,043 7,971 4,993 2,137 129,000 14,692 1,113 24,084 2,110 1,256 1,361 1,069 8:26 667 293 11,982 470 496 745 587 522 423 406 4,869 ORKNEY and 1,856 1,680 1,391 1,485 2,960 2,050 1,445 1,178 558 16,545 SHETLAND PEEBLES - 695 585 | 568 520 320 215 5,061 - - .. PERTH .. 8,268 8,121 7,649 1 7,559 966 13,112 10,586 8,773 7,262 5,952 3,988 1,726 72,916 58,262 RENFREW - - 9,033 7,282 6,654 6,507 6,293 4,896 3,431 2,240 1,029 ROSS and CROMARTY 3,686 | 3,532 2,929 2,883 5,1411 3,824 2,917 2,427 1,767 30,118 2,734 2,289 2,125 2,488 1,996 1,499 1,132 ROXBURGH SELKIRK STIRLING . . 2,845 485 3,684 477 383 3,665 581 4,575 339 400 218 307 144 21,485 3,432 26,589 3,351 2,677 2,929 3,000 2,468 1,842 1,381 SUTHERLAND - 1,536 1,470 1,372 1,380 2,151 1,549 1,208 1,037 240 12,752 WIGTOWN ....1 2,347 2,231 1,920 1,731 2,941 1,955 1,582) 1,193 958 16 1 a 17,413 Total of FEMALES 1133,71 121,573 | 109,247 | 108,306 182,712 | 124,380 | 96,991 | 73,518 51,868 | 23,298 6,734 | 766 / 62 11,033,166 THE Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from SCOTLAND was 1,046; forty-nine of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked ( +) throughout the Abstract. 6 X 547 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Enumeration. . General Summary OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN Great Britain. Great England. Wales. Scotland. Army, Navy, Marines, and Seamen in Registered Vessels. Britain. - -- -- - 1,961,973 136, 189 341,474 2,429, 630 -1 2,346,717 146,706 - . 2,941,383 HOUSES, Inhabited - - - - By how many families occupied - Building - - - - - Un-Inhabited - - - 985 - - 21,679 447,960 2,405 12,057 18,289 66,055 3,652 - - - 82,364 FAMILIES, chiefly employed in Agriculture - 1. 773,732 74,225 130,699 978,656 in Trade, Manufacture or Handi- craft - - - - - 1, 118,295 41, 680 190, 264 1,350,239 e all other Families not comprised in the Two preceding Classes - }| 451,690 30,801 126,997 612,488 PERSONS, Males - - - - - 5,483, 679 1 983,552 319,300 7,137,018 350, 487 366,951 Females - . 5,777,758 111, 109,904 7, 254,613 TOTAL OF PERSONS - -11,261,437 717,438 2,093,456 319,300 14, 391,631 REMARKS: 1. IN the Number of Males attributed to the Army (Column 4.) are included certain Militia Battalions, which happened to be embodied on the 28th day of May 1821, in the following Counties, viz.; in Bedford 336 Men; in Bucks 611; in Cambridge 478; in Derby 914; in Dorset 436; in Hertford 509; in Huntingdon 175; in Kent 1,208; in Middlesex (London) 526; in Northampton 614; in Somerset 817; in Southampton (Isle of Wight) 66; in Stafford 1,134 ; in Suffolk 999; in Surrey 759; in York 789; in Brecon 213; in Carnarvon 141; in Denbigh 372 ; and in Glamorgan 413 ;-in all, 11,510 Men. These Men not having been included in the Enumeration Abstract of the several Counties, the number of Males, and consequently the Population of those Counties, is (strictly speaking) rather understated as compared to that of the other Counties: Those who serve in the Militia being generally, though not always, taken from among the Inhabitants of the County for which they serve. 2. The Abstract of the Returns obtained from the Islands in the British Seas, is not included in the General Summary of Great Britain, but appears in the subsequent Appendix (A.); and in another Appendix (B.) are collected the Parishes and Places which may be deemed to constitute the Metropolis of the British Dominions. (Signed) Jn° Rickman, Appointed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, to digest and reduce into Order the Population Returns. M.DECG.XXI.] 543 i. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO, IV. C. 94. General Summary OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN Great Britain. MALES. Under | 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 90 to 100 TOTAL Years. 20 | 30 ENGLAND - - . 739,762 645,735 562,209 | 475,052 706,757 | 555,713 452,514 320,092 215,263 100,697 27,052 1,995 | 57 4,808,898 WALES ..... 51,817 18,123 41,404 34,53+ 49,023 37,949 29,815 22,112 16,246 8,335/ 2,6535' 253 | 3 | 342,154 SCOTLAND - --. 137,956 / 125,298| 115,183 95,3191 137,645 101,107| 82,695 60,014° 44,509 19,977 5,377 620 40 923,510 Total of MALES 929,535 819,156 718,796 604,905 893,425 694,769 565,024 402,218 273,818 135,009 34,964 2,873 100 6,074,592 FEMALES. Under to 10 10 to 15 15 20 tol to 20 30 30 t o 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 70 | 80 to į tol to 70 80 90 to 100 TOTAL Years. do . ENGLAND ... | 725,202 636,604 | 530,226 499,638 845,469 607,867 468,336 328,077 230,009 114,572 32,564 2,888 111 5,021,563 WALES -... 49,487 45,853 39,140 35,931 | 35,869 41,640 32,641 24,083 19,175 10,076 3,751 392 18 358,056 SCOTLAND ... | 133,711 181,573) 109,247 108,306 182,712 | 124,380 96,991 | 73,518 51,868 ! 23,298 6,734 766 | 62 |1,033,166 Total of FEMALES - 908,400 804,030 678,613 643,875 1,084,050 773,887 | 597,968 425,678 301,052 147,946 43,049 4,046 191 16,412,785 THE Total Number of Persons in GREAT BRITAIN (not including the Army, Navy, and Seamen in Registered Vessels) was .... 14,072,331, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was ... 12,487,377 ... whence it appears, that the Ages of one ninth part of the Persons therein enumerated, have not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received was 16,819; four hundred and sixty-five of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+) throughout the Abstract. 544 [Enumeratiou. ABSTKACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDER - Jslands in the British Seas. M.DCCC.XXI.] 545 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. c. 94. APPENDIX. Appendix (A.) Island of Guernsey, and the adjacent Isles. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, FAMI FAILIES cbiefly 1 ALL Ву OTHER hot OR TOTAL inany Famil Oc- cupied. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Un-Inhabited. Building. LIES chiefly emplov. Families em- I ed in not com. ployed TRADE. I prized in in Manue the Two Agri• factures, preced- CUL- JorHandi- ing TURÉ. craft. Classes. OY FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. 19 383 841 416 799 Parish 906 1,747 115 279 105 169 225 293 318 611 693 736 1,429 1,093 576 431 838 ANDREW, St. - - - - - Parish Câtel, The ..... Forest - - - - Parish Martin, St. - - - - Parish Peter-du-Bois, St. Parish Sampson, St. - - Parish Saviour, St. .. Parish Torteval - Parish Vale, The - ...... Peter, St. Port - - Town and Parish 1,460 2,363 SERK - - - - - - - - Island HEKM - - - - - - - Island JETIIOU - - - - - - - Island 1 523 1,022 Tinto a covoar 517 407 499 194 627 4,788 181 375 182 588 1,215- 11,173 6,385 233 488 TOTALS - - - 13,083 4,298 | 21 | 107 | 1,676 2,175 | 447 9,519 111,308 20,827 Ages of Persons. 15 to 20 to 30 Under 5. TOTAL TOTAL. Total of MALES - --- - |1,384 1,304 | 1,095 | 912 1,265 NIALES 1,157 | 2 - | 9,519 FEMALES - - - - 1,338 1,299 1,072 1,065 2,053 1,554 1,013 900 579 313 116 | 6 - 111,308 THE Total Number of Persons in the Island of Guernsey was .... 20,827, .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was also .... 20,827, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Island of Guernsey was 14 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. 6 Y 546 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Appendix (A.) Islands in the British Seas - continued. Island of Jersey HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- | ALL FAMI- PARISH, TOWNSHIP, Ву TOTAL OR how many Families Oc- cupied. Inhabited. OF Un-Inbabited. EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Building. LIES LIES OTHIER chiefly chiefly nery employ- Families em.. em- ed in notcome ployed | TRADE, prized in in Manu- the Two AGRI• factures, preced- CUL- TorHandi- ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. l 391 40 936 1,717 781 404 1 534 122 75 206 158 229 108 179 1,468 902 4,546 938 | 1,917 10,118 1,657 1,015 5,572 886 1,012 445 125 w 771 276 w 1,872 BRELADE, St. - .... Parish 305 Clement, St. - Parish 146 Grouville - - Parish 278 Helier, St. . Parish 1,216 John, St. - .. - - Parish 238 Laurens, St. - - - - Parish Martin, St. . - - Parish Mary, St. - - Parish Ouen, St. - - Parish 323 Peter, St. . - Parish 296 Saviour, St... Parish 221 Trinity ...... - Parish or 910 860 781 475 966 166 w wo 295 1,691 1,020 2,081 1,854 1,687 2,048 240 545 1,115 1,018 895 | 1,106 836 i o 270 792 - Parish No 210 942 1- TOTALS - - - 14,053 15,813 | 28 | 41 2,310 2,756 747 13,056 15,544 28,600 Ages of Persons. Under Total TOTAL. TOTAL. MALES - - - - - 1,994 1,753 11,389 1,256 1,983 1,651 1,326 878 542 208 1 70 6! - 113,0561 FEMALES - - - - 1,902 1,757 1,472 1,536 2,628 2,032 1,587 1,208 886 397 138 11 - 15,554 THE Total Number of Persons in the Island of Jersey was . . . 28,600, ... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 28,610, . . . whence it appears, that the Ages of all the Persons enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Island of Jersey was 12; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages: A small propurtion of the Retums of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant, (the balance on the side of the latter being 10,) and a few others were incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. M.DCCC.XXI.] 547 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94, . Appendix (A.)—Islands in the British Seas-continued. Isle of Mann. HOUSES: PERSONS : PARISH, TOWNSHIP, By OR how many TOTAL EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE. Inbabited. Families OCCUPATIONS: | FANI FAMI- { LIES ALL LIES chiefly OTILER chiefly employ- Families en- ed in not com- ployed Trade, prized in in Manus the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- lorlandia ing TUAL. | craft. Classes. Un-Inbabited. Building. OF Oc. FEMALES. MALES. cupied. PERSONS. ; ANDREAS - - - - Pari 400 409 1,115 2,229 - - - 274 Ballaugh - - - Braddan .. Bride - - - - 776 ܒܝܙ ܟ - - Parish Parish Parish - - 292 189 928 1,467 1,754 1,001 - ܟ > 504 497 252 ܟ 683 Concon - Castletown - - - - - - - - Parish Parish 768 233 308 - 1,451 2,036 450 ܟ 984 1,052 - - - Town 736 1,295 ܗ 2,673 3,381 6,054 - - - Parish 256 275 ܕ - - - 52 ܟܬ Douglas · -. Kirk-Arbory - • Kirk-Christ - - Kirk-German . Kirk-Malew - . Kirk-Michael - Kirk-Patrick - - - Kirk-St. Anne - - 476 311 330 Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish 172 ܟܬܒܝܘ ܚ 712 1,263 929 1,251 693 989 743 1,305 920 1,398 734 1,042 401 1,455 2,568 1,849 2,649 1,427 2,031 • - - - 230 254 - - 357 374 ܗ • - 129 132 ܙ 399 800 - 318 ܟ 908 Lonon Lezayre - • - • - - - - - - Parish Parish 327 428 1,846 2,209 - 720 ܟ 938 1,110 644 1,099 215 222 ܟ 557 Parish Parish - 1,201 1,514 265 274 ܟ 738 776 Marown - - - Maughold - - - Peel .. .. Ramsey - .... - - | Turby - - - - - - • Town ܟ 300 441 913 996 1,909 - Town 373 ܝ 690 1,523 833 566 - Parish 184 186 542 ܙ | 1,108 Totals - - - 6,627 7,858 49 279 | 3,520 2,864 1,474 19,158 20,923 40,081 Ages of Persons. Under I toto TOTAL. Total 5. | 90 of - 119,098 MALES - ----| 2,782 2,615 2,274 1,960 2,857 2,138 1,770 1,257 884 441 114 6 2,787 2,633 2,277 2,292 3,302 2,337 2,027 1,440 1,131 511 174 12 FEMALES - 20,923 THE Total Number of Persons in the Isle of Mann was .... 40,081,..., and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was . . . 40,021,... whence it appears, that the Ages of nearly all the Persons thereiu enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Isle of Mann was 21 ; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning Ages : a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient, or redundant,mor incorrect in the respective Numbers of Males and Females. 548 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Appendix (A.)—Islands in the British Seas-continued. : SUMMARY OF HOUSES, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS, IN THE ISLANDS IN The British Seas. HOUSES: OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI | Mal All OTUER chiefly By TOTAL ISLANDS. how wany Families Oc- 1 cupied. Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. OF Building FAMI- LIES LIES chiefly employ- Families em ed in not com- ployed Trade, Iprized in in Manu- the Two AGRI- factures, I preced- CUL- JorHandi-l ing TURE. craft. Classes. FEMALES. MALES. PERSONS. GUERNSEY, &c. - - - - 3,083 4,298 21 10 9,519 11,308 20,827 28,600 JERSEY - - - - - - - 4,053 5,813 | 13,056 1,676 2,275 447 2,310 2,756 747 3,520 2,864 1,474 7,506 7,795 2,668 MANN - | 19,158 20,923 40,081 - - - - - 6,627 7,858 Total --13,763 17,969 98 427 41,733 | 47,775 89,508 REMARK.-The Population of the Scilly ISLANDS was not regularly ascertained, for the purpose of insertion in this Abstract; but on the authority of the Rev. J. Wallis, jun. of Bodmin, may be safely stated at 2,614 Persons. S SUMMARY OF THE AGES OF PERSONS IN THE ISLANDS IN The British Seas. MA L E S. Under ISLANDS. TOTAL. 5. 30 40 100 up vards GUERNSEY, &c. - - 1,384 | 1,304 1,095 912 1,265 1,157 880 757 9,519 1,994 1,753 1,389, 1,256! 1,983 1,651 1,326, 878 542 - 13,056 JERSEY - - - - - NANN - - - - - 2,782 2,615 | 2,274 1,960 2,857 2,138 1,770 1,257 | 884 441 / 1141 1 - 19,098! Total of MALES - ,160 5,672 4,758 4,128 6,105 4,946 3,976 2,892 1,894 873 255 14 - 41,673 FEM A L E S. Under ISLANDS. to TOTAL 20 GUERNSEY, &c. - -|1,338 1,299 1,072 1,0721,082,058 1.544,018300570919 1 -11,308 JERSEY - - - - - 1,902 1,757 1,472 1,536 2,628 / 2,032 | 1,587 | 1,208 / 886 397 | 138 | 11 | - |15,564 MANN - - - - - 2,787 2,633 2,277 2,292 3,302 2,337 2,027 1,440 1,131 511 174 112 20,923 Total of FEMALES 6,027 5,689 4,821 4,893/ 7,983 5,923 4,627 3,548 2,596 1,221 428 29 47,785 THE Total Number of Persons in these Islands was ..... 89,508, ..... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 89,458; whence it appears, that the Ages of almost all the Persons therein enumerated, have been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. The Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from these Islands was 47; every one of which contained an answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons. ..M.DCCC.XXI.] *549 . THE POPULATION ACT, 1. GEO. IV. C. 94.: .. . The Metropolis. 6 Z 550 Enumeration. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURN'S UNDER * - . Appendix (B.) The Metropolis. HOUSES: PERSONS: FAMI- | ALL By Reference to Abstract. how many employ- Families TOTAL Inhabited. Families OCCUPATIONS : FAMI- LIES LIES | ОтHER chiefly chiefly em- ! ed in not com- ¡ T'rade, prized in | Maru- the Two AGNI- factures, I preced- CUL- or Handi. TURE. , craft. Classes. Un-Inhabited. OF Building. ployed FEMALES. Oc- cupied. in MALES. PERSONS: 2 9,609 1,960 27,506 28,668 56,174 CITY of LONDON, Within-the-Walls - - - 194 7,938 11,571 | 32 560 Without-the-Walls, not in- cluding any part of South-4 195 9,232 16,497 73 455 wark - - - - - - 55 11,592 4,850 34,441 34,819 69,260 CITY of WESTMINSTER, and LIBERTIES U. } 195 18,502 41,554 391 / 3 30825,126 16,120 85,082 97,003 182,085 - 3,824 2,461 | 12,316 | 1.6,176 26,492 303 82 6851 802 1,487 5,354 1,238 12,125 13,110 25,235 mmol 2,841 129 22,253 3,032 102 11 23,423 3,397 42 9,625 7,059 2,105 45,676 6,429 144 18,650 13,339 4,010 233 4,506 2,303 1 869 9,025 6,280 1,905 507 329 WITHIN THE LONDON BILLS OF MORTALITY. 18,533 20,572 39,105 29 227 262 486 268 171 OUT-PARISHES in MIDDLESEX and SURREY : St. Andrew, Holborn, above Bars (part of,) with St. 4191 | 2,829 6,285 29 130 George-the-Martyr - -) Artillery Ground, Old - - 190 187 Bermondsey, St. Mary Mag-}|206 1938 dalen - - - - - - None Bethnal-Green, St. Matthew 192 8,095 Botolph, St. without Aldgate - 1921 941 1,575 Charter-House ---- Christ-Church, Spital-fields 192 2,300 Christ-Church in Surrey - 330 1,811 | 3,193 Clement, St. Danes (part of) 191 487 Clerkenwell, St. James and 191 St. John 995 9,726 1851 - - - - - Duchy of Lancaster (part of) 191 67 Ely Place - - - - - - | 191 Giles, St. in-the-Fields, and George, St. Bloomsbury -s' 191 4,456 12,255 27 431 George, St. in-the-East - - 5,345 7,612 188 George, St. Southwark - - 5,149 8,901 123 271 Glass House Yard - - - 191 168 335 1 Hackney, St. John - - - |192 3,715 3,715 4,653 116 206 Horsleydown, St. John . - 330 1,527 2,209 18 Islington, St. Mary - . 191 3,495 4,244 124 Katherine, St. near the Tower 192 427 1685 Lambeth, St. Mary - - - 9,294 13,047) Limehouse, St. Ann - - - 192 1,683 2,317 Luke, St. Middlesex - -191 5,517 Newington Butts, St. Mary 326 5,819 7,935 160 Olave, St. Southwark el 330 1,221 2,105 Rolls Liberty - - - - - 602 Rotherhithe, St. Mary - - 326 326 2,098 2,934 Saffron-Hill and Hatton- 7 | Garden 911 2,244 - 77 - - - - 8,366 3,889 24,289 27,504 | 51,793 330 5,049 2,563 7,009 1,827 239 96 1,883 2,583 1,465 725 1,543 / 2,682 158 5,631 4 | 1,249 1,064 47 8,586 1,977 148 4,373 3,414 14,740 17,516 641 9,766 4,379 9,550 1,300 25,792 4,589 19,987 14,917 4,154 1,415 17,788 18,852 717 12,728 4,784 12,867 1,324 31,846 5,216 20,889 18,130 4,266 1,322 6,766 32,528 36,368 1,358 22,494 9,163 22,417 2,624 57,638 9,805 40,876 33,047 8,420 2,737 12,523 326 1,223 504 5,757 1,826 418 4,454 4,548 9,002 11.DCCC.XXI.) 551 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. Appendix (B.)-THE METROPOLIS-continued. HOUSES : OCCUPATIONS: PERSONS: FAMI- ALL By Reference to Abstract. TOTAL Inhabited. Un-Inhabited. Building. FA MI- LIES LIES OTHER chiefly chiefly employ. Families em- ed in not com- ployed | TRADE, Frized in Manu' the Two AGRI- factures, preced- CUL- ortlandi ing TURE. craſt. Classes. OF FEMALES. il MALES. PERSONS. Page. 166 2,751 | 1,528 8,385 34 121 1 216 WITHIN THE LONDON BILLS OF MORTALITY, continued. how many Families Oc- cupied. OUT-PARISHES in MIDDLESEX and SURREY, continued. Saviours, St. Southwark - 330 2,639 4,445 Savoy, St. John Baptist - 191 31 Sepulchre, St. (part of) - | | 555 1,156 Shadwell, St. Paul .. 1,682 2,399 7 Shoreditch, St. Leonard - 8,269 12,828 93 Stepney, St. Dunstan - 1192 8,386 11,479 272 Thomas, St. Southwark - 30 354 Tower Liberty - - - Tower, Old Precinct - - Wapping, St. John - - 192 822 Whitechapel, or St. Mary J. Matfelon 4,225 7,418 29 - - - - 940 2,399 - 8,284 4,502 6,473 4,964 8,423 101 2,381 4,482 24,843 22,706 938 2,359 5,075 28,123 26,457 16,808 222 4,740 9,557 52,966 49,163 1,807 463 205 330 869 117 176 287 106 12 259 99 1,432 563 1,646 3,078 3,955 | 3,463 | 14,394 | 15,013 | 29,407 u 68 PARISHES not within the LONDON BILLS of MORTALITY: Chelsea, St. Luke - ... - 191 3,602 5,829 146 138 275 2,979 2,575 11,623 | 15,237 | 26,860 Kensington - - - 1,984 3,218 14 332 1,621 1,265 5,749 8,679 14,428 St. Mary-le-bone - 9,761 22,516 261 20 12,608 9,888 41,386 54,654 96,040 Paddington - - - 1,139 1,448 28 13 760 684 2,852 3,624 6,476 Pancras, St. - - - - - -1191 8,824 (16,382 181 400 377 | 8,752 7,253 31,796 40,042 | 71,838 Totals - - - 164,681 287,101 3,299 8,246 3,020 184,239 99,842 570,236 655,458 1,225,694 Ages of Persons. Under Total TOTAL 90 100 of MALES - - - 61,284 48,030 41,072 37,937) 75,385 67,938 52,824 32,058 15,513 5,639 986 74 9 438,749 FEMALES - - 160,993 49,907 41,835) 48,136 103,433 78,604 54,806 34,663 19,505) 7,849 1,738 197| 16 | 501,682 THE Total Number of Persons in the Netropolis was .... 1,225,694 .... and the Number of Persons whose Ages were returned, was .... 940,431, .... whence it appears, that the Ages of one fourth part of the Persons therein enumerated, bave not been obtained in compliance with the question to that effect. Tlie Total Number of Enumeration Returns received from the Metropolis was 175; twenty-one of which did not contain any answer to the question concerning the Ages of Persons, and are thus marked (+): and a small proportion of the Returns of Ages were somewhat deficient or redundant, or incorrect in the respective numbers of Males and Females. [For Remarks on the assumed Limits and Extent of the Metropolis, See Parish Register Abstract, pp. 159, 160.] Parish Register Abstract. : Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 July 1822. . 502. Parish Register abstract. VO ENGLAND: - - 3 8 11 YY COUNTY OF BEDFORD - BERKS - - . BUCKS .' - CAMBRIDGE CHESTER • CORNWALL - CUMBERLAND DERBY . - DEVON - - DORSET DURHAM - ESSEX - - GLOUCESTER HEREFORD . : HERTFORD - . HUNTINGDON KENT - - LANCASTER LEICESTER - - - - LINCOLN -.- Parts of Holland ....... Kesteven --...... Lindsey COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX MONMOUTH . - NORFOLK - - NORTHAMPTON - NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM ... OXFORD RUTLAND - SALOP - - - . SOMERSET - - . SOUTHAMPTON STAFFORD .. SUFFOLK - SURREY. .. SUSSEX . '.' WARWICK - - - WESTMQRLAND. - WILTS. - - - WORCESTER - - YORK - . - East Riding - --- North Riding ... West Riding - 113 121 - 136 - . . - • 139 - 142 - SUMMARY OF ENGLAND . - . . . - p. 145 WALES: - - - p. 150 - - . . . - p. 147 . ib. COUNTY OF ANGLESEY - BRECON . . CARDIGAN CARMARTHEN CARNARVON - DENBIGH . . COUNTY OF FLINT - - GLAMORGAN - MERIONETH . MONTGOMERY PEMBROKE RADNOR . . 140 . . . ib. . . . ib. SUMMARY OF WALES - - - - - - p. 153 SUMMARY OF ENGLAND AND WALES . - . p. 154 APPENDIX: (A.)-ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS - (B.)-THE METROPOLIS . .. - - - - . - p. 156 157 M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT,' I GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Bedford. HUNDRED OF BARFORD. HUNDRED OF FLITT. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males re- Total. Males Fe | Total. | Years. / Mar- Years. Males Fe- Total Total Years. | Mar- linales. males. lolal. Males Fe- males. riages. are males. riages. S . 111 42 309 72 95 LO 63 103 128 | 328 79 95 88 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 175 108 182 100 1811 156 153 1812 145 | 145 290 1813 162 166 1814 162 165 327 1815 2071 389 1816 | 166 153 319 1817 167 361 1818 172 347 1819 185/179) 364 1820 170 164 334 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 140 82 155 69 86 155 191 108 212 106 211 95 186 114 187 971 861 183 93 84 177 105 70 85 73 158 194 175 78 114 183 99 183 108 The above APSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Great Barford V. Colmworth R. Eaton Socun V. Goldington V. Ravens- don V. Renhold 1. Roxton . and of Wilden R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Barton in the Clay R. Caddington V. ☺ Clophill R. Flitton with Silsoe V. Lower Gravenhurst R. Upper Gravenhurst P. C. Haynes V. Higham Gobion R. Luton V. Pulloxhill V. Shitlington V. (d) Streatley V. and of Sundon V. ☺) Caddington is partly in the Hundred of Dacorum, Herts. The Return of the Parish Register includes the Register kept at Market- street, where there is a private Chapel. © Shitlington is partly in the Hundred of Clifton. HUNDRED OF BIGGLESWADE. (*) HUNDRED OF MANSHEAD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fes | Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. litales, 173 91 106 93 140 114 105 98 CIN elerden 126 135 1811 | 91 82 1812 99 192 1813 117 1814 97 124 1815 140 112 252 1816 1817 | 137 113 | 250 1818 | 143 134 | 277 1819 147 1820 | 114 | 121 235 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 123 1811 | 221 2171 438 1081 135 243 1812 | 283) 241/ 524 133 258 1813 527 135 | 124, 259 1814 245 246 491 134 | 152 286 1815 243 2401 483 | 157 176333 1816 | 165| 1551 320 1817 248 231 479 | 129 | 163 292 1818 479 | 144 | 144/ 288 1819 | 224 2451 469 124) 1651 289 1820 235 2461 481 1151 | 189/ 340 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 112 | 59 | 118 | 61 | 122 121 92 183 130 co 112 478 133 126 131 132 158 138 59 278 146 62 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----- Ast- wick R. Little Barford R. Biggleswade V. Cockayne Hatley R. Dunton (with Millo) V. Edworth R. Eyworth V. Langford V. Pot- ton V. Sandy R. Sutton R. Tempsford R. and of Wrestlingworth R. (*Everton with Tetworth being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Toscland (Hunts) the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aspley Guise R. Battlesden R. Billington C. Chalgrave V. Dunstable R. Eaton Bray V. Egginton C. Eversholt R. Harlington V. Heath and Reach C. Hockliffe R. Houghton Regis V. Hulcott R. Husborne Crawley V. Leighton Buzzard V. Milton Bryant R. Potsgrove R. Salford V. Stanbridge P.C. Studhain V.☺) Tilsworth V. Tingrith R. Toddington R. Totternhoe V. Westoning V. Whipsnade R. and of Woburn P.C. (C) Studham is partly in the Hundred of Dacorum, Herts. IN HUNDRED OF CLIFTON. () HUNDRED OF REDBORNE-STOKE. U BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Males Fe- males. | Years. Years. Mar- riages. Total. Years. 1 Mar- Total. Males! Fc- males Males Fe- males. Males! Fec| Total. males. riages. - 63 131 38 68 33 go 32 173 125 24 155 84 106 104 116 220 73 114 187 931 92 185 107 199 117 189 37 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1019 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1811 166 167 333 1812 165 338 1813 316 1814 179 161 | 340 1815 353 1816 172 171 | 343 1817 | 198 171 | 369 1818 373 1819 177 205 | 382 18:20 186 172 358 175 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1016 1817 1818 1.819 1820 99 89 112 26 44 94 150 142 91 85 126 | 211 119 124 243 101 | 120 | 221 91113 204 130 88 97 155 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, am Arlsey V. Campton (with Sheiford) R. Clifton R. Henlow V. Holwell R. Mappershall R. Stondon R. and of Stotfold V. (") Shitlington being partly in this Hundred, parily in that of Flitt, the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Ampi- hill R. Cranfield R. Elstow, P.C. Flitwick V. Houghton Conquest R. Kempston V. Lidlington V. Marston Moretaine R. Maulden R. Milbrooke R. Ridgmont V. Steppingley R. Wilhamstead V. and ot Wootton V. therein. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF BEDFORD-continued. HUNDRED OF STODDEN. HUNDRED OF WIXAMTREE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe. | Alar- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Years. Males Fe- Total. Total. Males) Fe- males, Ycars. Mar- riages. males. riages. males. 57 38 42 122 90 96 125 41 37 1811 | 65 1812 45 1813 49 1814 1015 1816 1817 1818 1819 1 79 1820 74 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 progomet 483778 1811 1812 1813 82 1814 1815 80165 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 89 | 76 | 165 140 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 18:20 152 o bem como | 29 | 41 70 51 50 101 42 / 88 | 35 40 i 75 135 1 141 | 141 73 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Boln- hurst R. Clapham V. Dean P. C. Keysoe V. Knottiug R. Melch- bourn V. Milton Earnest V. Oakley V. Pertenhall R. Riseley V. Shelton R. Little Stoughton R. Tilbrook R. and of Yelden R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Blun- ham R. Cardington V. Cople V. Eastcotts C. Northill P. C. | Southill V. Old Warden V. and of Willington V. HUNDRED OF WILLEY. BOROUGH TOWN OF BEDFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. NARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Pears. Males Fe- Total. Males Fen | Total. males. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. AlalesFe- Total. Years. Mar- males. niales. riages. 1811 79 97 41 84 60 85 | 83 168 69 70 | 139 117 150 1812 56 105 108 94 144 102 | 113 142 119 1811 104 200 1812 1813 215 1814 179 1815 189 1816 1817 122 100 1818 146 97 1819 144 | 125 | 269 1820 121 120 241 e 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 8116 1817 1818 1819 1820 104 75 | 83 | 158 146 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 222 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 °4 88 123 e com go on 243 115 120 96 112 102 110 149 56 56 104 135 67 89 146 84 45 43 121 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,-St. Cutn. bert R. St. John R. St. Mary R. St. Paul V. and of St. Peter Martin or Martin St. Peter R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Bidden- ham V. Bletsoe R. Bromhanı V. Carlton R. Chellington R. Farn- dish R. Felmersham V. (f) Harrold V. Odell R. Pavenham P. C. Puddington with Hinwick V. Sharnbrook V. Souldrop R. Stagsden V. Stevington V. Thurleigh V. Turvey R. and of Wimington R. (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Radwell, in Felmerslam Parish. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Femalcs. Total, Years Marriages. 572 523 684 620 641 619 556 603 566 610 685 661 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,033 1,069 1,135 1,074 1,237 1,102 1,240 1,249 1,247 1,215 1,028 1,001 1,081 1,084 1,168 1,117 1,165 1,192 1,246 1,188 2,061 2,070 2,216 2,158 2,405 2,219 2,405 2,441 2,493 2,403 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 740 1,192 1,164 1,222 1,295 1,401 1,434 1,364 1,483 1,370 1,426 689 608 730 649 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 659 684 ვა 664 745 756 753 682 721 727 679 747 684 TOTALS | 11,601 | 11,270 | 22,871 6,324 7,027 | 13,351 6,536 The SUMMARY of the County of Bedrord is collected from the Registers of One hundred and twenty-threc Parish Churches and Five Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials anci Marriages, to thie following amount; viz i ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 118,—Burials, 53.-Marriage, 1. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. SI County of Berks. IIUNDRED OF BEYNHURST. HUNDRED OF COMPTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males! Fe- Fe- Tolal. Males Fc- malcs Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe males. Total. Males males. į Mar- Years. Total. male's. riages. 44 40 24 11 15 ♡ 20 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1314 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 23 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 16 21 ♡ 21 10 18 177 1 47 14 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---- Bis- liam V. Hurley V. Remenham R. Shoitesbrook R. and of White Waltham V'. The above ABSTRACT is collected from thc Registers of, --- Ald- worth V. Catmerc R. Chilton R. Compton V. Farnborough R. East Ilsley R. and of West Ilsley R. . . - .----- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - . - - - e . . iuc _ _***- HUNDRED OF BRAY. HUNDRED OF COOKHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. NARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fec| Total. Malcs fe- males. males. Total. Years Mar- | riages. Years. Males Fc- Total. Males Fec. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males uales. 28 12 41 43 BB B E 147 133 142 153 155 racco 38 / 80 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 87 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 | 1819 1820 Öcoco 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 157 46 89 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 14 163 74 145 102 29 1. 151 90 e | 37 23 156 50 | 411 91 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, —- Bray V. (a) (including part of Maidenhead.) () Maidenhead is situate partly in the Parish of Bray, partly in tlic Parish of Cookliam. There is no Burial Ground at Maidenhead, nor any Register of Baptisms appertaining distinctly to that Town. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bin- field R. Cookham V. (d) (including part of Maidenhead), and of Suuning Hill V. ($) Maidenhead is situate partly in Bray, partly in Cookham, in which parishes the Baptisins are registered. There is no Burial Ground at Maidenhead. HIUNDRED OF CHIARLTON. HUNDRED OF FAIRCROSS. ) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. • BURIALS. MARRIAGES. lcars. Males FC- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Ycars. Malcs! Fe- Males. Total. Males! Fe- males. | Years. Total. Mar- riages. 52 30 231 60 69 122 143 62 49 Tor O co 116 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 w Over 120 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 133 247 1812 105 233 1813 135 255 1814 121 246 1815 148 275 1816 135 258 1817 139 119 258 1818 143 252 1819 130 123 253 1820 | 138 127 | 265 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 103 148 13 123 | 75 69 68 137 17 109 10 67 i 57 91 100 124 124 191 58 41 99 13 - The abuve ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bark- ham R. Finchamstead R. Shinfield V.(©) and of Swallowfield P.C.(C) (b) Shinfield is partly in Theale Hundred, partly in Aniesbury Hun- dred (Wiltshire.) () Swallowfield is partly in Ameshury Hundred (Wiltshire.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Becdon V. Posford R. Bright Waltham R. Brimpton V. Chiereley (with Oare) V. Frilsham R. Greenhain C. Hampstead Norris V. Leck- hampstead C.(*) Midgham C. Peasemorc R. Shaw (with Don- nington) R. Stanford Dingley R. Wasing R. Welford (with Wick- liam) R. Winterbourne C. and of Yattendon R. (©) The Parish of Speen being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Kintbury Eagle, the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. (f) There being no Burial Ground at Leckhampstead, the Inhabit- ants bury at Chieveley. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF BERKS--continued. HUNDRED OF FARRINGDON. (6) HUNDRED OF KINTBURY-EAGLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males' Fe | Total. Total. 1 Males Fe- males. Years. Mar- Years. Males! Te- inales Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Total. Mar riages. nales. riages. males 32 83 326 73 | 98 | 171 172 182 | 88 93 181 89 328 03 1 64 101 165 101 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 48 48 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 18201 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 96 1811 150 143 293 1812 167 159 1813 159 151 310 1814 172 156 1815 179 | 172 | 351 1816 154 173 327 1817 187 174 361 1818 | 179 | 186 365 1819 171 174 | 345 1820 185 146 | 331 99 55 51 4642 106 1104 223 186 | 99 109 208 101 | 94 | 195 103 113 216 88 100 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Great Coswell V. Farringdon (with Little Cuxwell) V. and of Langford (withi Little Farringdon) V. () The Parish of Great Barrington being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Slaughter (Gloucestershire) the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein ; for the same reason the Parish Register of Shilton is entered in Bampton Hundred (Oxfordshire), and that of Inglishan in Highworth Hundred (Wiltshire.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Aving- ton R. Chaddleworth (with Wooley) V. East Challow C. West Challow C. (h) Enborne R. Fawley and Whatcombe V. Hampstead Marshal R. Hungerfurd 1. Inkpen R. Kinībury V. Letcombe Bassett R. Letcombe Regis V. Shalbourn V. (0) East Shefford R. West Shefford R. Speen V. and of West Woodhay R. (1) There being no Burial ground at West Challow, the Inha- bitants bury at Letcombe Regis. j) The Parish of Shalbourn is partly in Kinwardstone Hundred (Wiltshire.) HUNDRED OF GANFIELD. HUNDRED OF LIMBOURN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, ARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. EURIALS. MARRIAGES. L Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Imales! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. nuale 101 56 23 54 53 50 30 1811 1812 1813 1814 19 1811 1812 103 108 83 86 82 53 47 53 16 1813 17 lla 1815 56 46 112 1811 1812 1813 1814 1015 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 96 81 92 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 157 | 46 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 120 116 103 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 18191 1820 83 102 30 | 123 24 103 53 32 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bucklandi V. Charney C. Hatford R. Hinton Waldrish R. Longworth R. Pusey R. Shellingford R. Stanford (rvith Goosey) V. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, ---- East Garston V. and of Lambourn (with Eastbury) V. HUNDRED OF HORMER. HUNDRED OF MORETON. (j) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, Males! Fe- males | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males 53 145 44 25 32 73 3 / 78 138 1811 1812 1813 1814 | 45 | 43 1815 | 44 | 44 | 1816 | 59 | 38 1817 | 44 | 50 | 94 1818 1819 46 | 36 | 1820 36 | 43 | 79 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | Years. Males' Fe| Total. Males Fec| Total. | Years. | Mar- males. nales. riages. 1811 76 69 60 104 1811 1812 151 66 1812 1813 1813 1814 144 1814 1815 169 1815 1816 93 72 165 1816 1817 142 1817 1818 154 1818 1819 69 71 1819 25 1820 70 66 119 1820 27 90 | 79 41 84 70 172 86 68 140 | 136 53 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bessel- sleigh R. Cumner V. North Hincksey P. C. South Hincksey P. C. Radley V. Sunningwell (with Kennington) R. Wootton C. and of Wytham (with Seacourt) R. The abuve ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ash- ampstead P.C. Aston Tirrold R. Basilden V. Brightwel R. Dud- cote R. Hagbourne l. Harwell V. North Moreton R. South Mureton R. Moulsford P. C. Satwell P. C. and of Streatley V. (j) Blewbury, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Ilundred 0! Reading; East Gärston, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Lambourn. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. HUNDRED OF OCK. (K) HUNDRED OF RIPPLESMERE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males males. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- males Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males) Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. 89 88 177 39 135 43 86 42 50 | go 182 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 49 53 102 96 92 47 55 | 102 1811 1812 1813 1814 96 122 100 E 195 179 184 1815 1811 177 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 127 90 Oc7v 1817 192 128 Bestel to Become CO o to go 1816 1817 1818 1819 1818 1819 1820 102 101 108 100 90 158 156 142 162 188 1819 161 1820 | 103 1820 The above ABSTRICT is collected from the Registers of,—-Clewer R. Easthampstead R. and of Winkfield V. IT HUNDRED OF SHRIVENHAM. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Appleford C. Appleton (with Eaton) R. Drayton P.C. Fyfield P.C. (1) Garford C. (m) Kingston Bagpuze R. Marchiam 1. Milton R. Steventon V. Sutton Courtney V. Little Wittenham R. and of Long Wittenham 1. (k) The Register of Lyford Chapelry is included in the Return of Hanney (Wantage Hundred.) The Register of Goosey Chapelry is in- cluded in the Return of Stanford (Ganfield Ilundred.) (1) The Register of Fyfield includes the Baptisins, Burials and Mar. riages of Tubney, there being no Church in that Parish. (*) Burials and Marriages take place at Marcham, the Mother Church. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years Males Fe. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. | 116 142 | 35 | 80 144 123 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 ვი 158 149 | 160 27 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ---- Asli- bury R. Burscot R. Coleshill V. Compton Beauchamp R. Eaton Hastings R. Kingston Lisle C. (r) Longcott (with Farnham) C. Shrivenham (with Watchfield and Bourton) V. and of Uffington (with Woolston and Baulking) V. (n) The Inhabitants of Kingston Lisle bury at Sparsholt (Wantage Hundred.) HUNDRED OF READING. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. l'ears. Malcs! Fe. males. Total. Males! Fe | Total. males, Years. Mar- riages. HUNDRED OF SONNING. | 79 162 | 136 66 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Mar- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. riages. 1811 123 135 258 1812 | 127 | 105: 232 1813 | 121 | 130 251 1814 | 139 | 1041 243 1815 | 154 | 143 : 297 1816 | 113 134 1 247 1817 | 139 | 137 | 276 1818 | 124 | 147 | 271 1819 | 158 121 | 279 1820 | 147 134 | 281 gi 142 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 95 146 40 108 60 | 79 | 139 94 | 187 | 86 | 181 | 85 | 172 73 72 108 169 111 1811 | 94 189 1812 122 100 222 1813 124 | 118 | 242 1814 | 118 120 238 1815 / 110 120 | 230 1816 | 126 | 107 | 233 1817 | 110119 229 1818 112 111 1819 126 | 116 242 1820 125 104 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 158 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---- Been- ham V. Blewbury (with Upton and Astou Upthorp) V. Bucklebury (with Marlstone) V. Cholsey V. Pangbourn R. Sulhaistead Abboits R. Thatcham V. and of Tylehurst R. 99 147 141 130 104 | 229 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Arbor- field R. Hurst P.C. (0) Ruscombe P.C. Sandhurst P.C. Sunning V. and of Wokingham P. C.(P) “) The Liberties of Newland, Winnersh, and Whistley Hurst, forin the Paruchial Chapelry of Hurst. (F) Wokingham is partly in Amesbury Hundred (Wiltshire.) ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. 10 - R M COUNTY OF BERKS--Continued. HUNDRED OF THEALE. (9) C ul's. BOROUGH TOWN OF ABINGDON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- Tmales. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Malos' Fe- males. Total. Diales Fe- Total. Years. Mar- males. riages. 9.5 167. 1811 29 28 52 | 63 115 47 | 44 | 91 157 1812 | 92 169 40 84 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 32 七g女士参考 ​54 16 120 1811 101 1812 66 67 | 13:3 1813 | 56 56 112 1814 136 1815 86 68 154 1816 56 67 123 | 66 69 135 1818 52 53 105 1819 8372 1820 48 102 80 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1810 18:20 171 95 91 186 182 151 81 | 8o 161 176 | 174 29 30 99 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 39 1817 29 The 113 103 95 55 64 155 129 51 101 51 64 85 . The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Helen V. and of St. Nicholas R. The abovc ABSTRACT is collected fron, the Registers of, Alder- manston V. Bradfield R. Burghfield R. Englefield R. Padworth R. Purley R. Stratfield Mortimer V. Sulham R. Sulhamstead Ban- nister R. Tidmarsh R. Ufton R. and of Woolhampton R. (1) Stratfield Saye, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Basing- stokc Division (Hants); Shinfield, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Charlton. HUNDRED OF WANTAGE. BOROUGH TOWN OF READING. - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Total. Years. Males Fe- males. Males Fe- Total. Mlar- Years. nales. Total. her !males. riages. 56 117 45 129 52 . 1107 . . . 1811 117 | 104 | 221 1812 100 99 199 1813 111 99 210 1814 122 106 228 1815 | 97 | 120 | 217 1816 107 871 194 1817 | 104 | 91 | 195 1818 | 134 1119 | 253 1819 98 96 194 1820 | 122 | 104 | 226 .. Beton 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 109 103 104 112 | 58 | 55 | 113 144 109 60 69 / 129 1811 159 129 288 1812 | 181 | 130 | 311 1813 172 | 149 | 321 1814 139 | 175 | 314 1815 156 | 179 | 335 1816 161 149 310 1817 196 170 366 1818 172 170 342 1819 177 179 356 1820 189 195 | 384 112 | 129 | 241 1 18111 125 133 106 239 1812 ) 117 100 94 | 194 1813 / 116 230 18141 146 131 | 142 273 1815 | 120 131 | 137 268 1816 103 1817 132 128/116 | 244 1 1818 | 139 | 149 | 126 | 275 1819 135 113 100 213 | 1820 120 . 279 . . 44 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Arding. ton V. Childry R. Denchworth V. Hanney (with Lyford) V. East Hendred R. West Hendred V. East Lockinge R. Sparsholt V. and of Wantage (including Grove, Charlton, and West Lockinge), V. The above Abstracr is collected from the Registers of, — | St. Giles V. St. Lawrence V. and of St. Mary V. HUNDRED OF WARGRAVE. BOROUGH TOWN OF WALLINGFORD. () BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Mar- Years. Males' fee | Total. Males Fe- Total. | Ycars. males. riages. Years. Males te Total. ules! Fe- Total. Years. Nlar- riages. males imales. 15 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 | 54 | 53 | 107 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 | 24 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 27 1818 | 28 1819 | 28 1820 49 1817 21 | 35 1818 1819 26 45 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, tham St. Lawrence V. Warfield V. and of Wargrave V. Wal- St. Leo- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of nard R. St. Mary R. and of St. Peter R. © The church at Allhallows is demolished. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF BERKS-continued. BOROUGH TOWN OF WINDSOR. TOWN OF NEWBURY. .- - .--. - . -. -. - - - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1 ta Years. Males Fe- | Total. Diales Fc. males. males. Total. Total. | Years. / Nar- malo | Pears. Mar- riages. Years. Males re- | Total. Males' fe- males. malcs. | riages. - -,- --- | 66 143 34 62 | 63 125 230 1811 122 122 244 181293 | 87 180 1813 122 72 194 1811 105 101 206 1815 117 1816 74 1817 1 971 89 186 1818 87 | 83 | 170 1819 89 / 180 1820 97 | 180 | 126 | 135 85 124 119 154 100 128 109 1811 | 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 163 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 124 145 135 151 166 48 | 45 | 93 1811 40 35 i 75 1812 34 3872 1813 41 | 46 87 1814 48 43 91 91 1815 46 | 55 47 102 1816 55 · 49 | 104 1017 46 | 37 | 83 1818 52 | 53 | 105 | 18191 38 54 50 104 1820 162 142 | 101 153 The above Avstract is collected from the Registers of, —- New Windsor V. and of Old Windsor V. The above Abstract is collected from the Register of, ---Newbury R. Ś U M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF BERKS. NO M N1UIVA . . Ᏼ1 PTIS I . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. I Alales. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. 1,778 1,780 1,793 1811 1812 958 853 878 1813 1814 963 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1815 1,929 1,914 1,934 1,935 2,129 1,973 2,036 2,011 2,020 2,088 1,893 2,023 1,851 3,707 3,694 3,727 3,828 4,152 3,824 3,995 3,963 3,920 4,031 1,116 1,141 1,046 1,184 1,023 1,220 1,153 1,274 1,197 1,211 1,178 1,082 1,044 1,115 1,129 1,237 1,070 1,191 1,231 1,216 2,294 2,223 2,090 2,299 2,152 2,457 2,223 2,465 2,428 2,427 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 944 854 908 1,959 1,952 1,900 1,943 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 974 967 1,002 Totals 19,969 18,872 38,841 • / 11,565 | 11,493 23,058 9,301 The SUMMARY of the County of Benks is collected from the Registers of One hundred and forty-seven Parish Churches and Thirteen Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisins and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 61,-Burials, 25. 12 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Bucks. HUNDRED OF ASHENDON.(a) HUNDRED OF BUCKINGHAM. (6) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- wales males." Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Few males. Totu Males! Fe- Total. Years. / Mar- Years. | riages. males. males. 112 214 63 75 83 161 185 93 181 182 155 337 1179340 182 367 163 336 189 179 368 187 193 380 173 309 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 60 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1815 189 217 183 105 195 211 99 186 112 105 198 1811 318 1812 | 130 | 132 | 262 1813 147 | 135 282 1814 | 149 | 160 1815 147 146 293 1816 145 160 305 1817 | 180 139 | 319 1818 314 1819 147 1820 200 1701 370 133 1811 71/ 68 / 139 1812 771 70 147 1813 78 79 157 | 1814 | 75 | 72 147 93 / 90 183 1816 153 85 | 90 | 175 1818 | 95 | 99 | 194 1819 119 120 239 1820, 107 104 87 1817 155 199 185 384 191 193 384 207 192 399 195 328 96 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ashen- don P.C. Aston Sandford R. Borsta! P.C. Brill P. C. Chearsley P.C. Chilton P.C. East Claydon with Bootle Claydon V. Middle Claydon R. Long Crendon P. C. Doreton P.C. Grandborough V. Grendon Underwood R. Ickford R. () Ilmer V. Kingsey V. Lud- gershall R. Fleet Marston R. North Marston P. C. Oakley V. Oving R. Pitchcott R. Quainton R. (-) Shabbington V. Towersey V. Waddesdon R. Nether Winchendon P. C. Over Winchendon V. Worminghall V. and of Wotton Underwood P.C. (*) There is no Church at Quarrendon. ☺) Partly in Ewelme Hundred (Oxfordshire.) () No Church existing in the Parish of Hogshaw, the inhabitants frequent the Church of Quainton. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Adding- ton R. Adstock R. Akeley with Stockholt R. Barton Hartshorn P. C. Beauchampton R. Biddlesden P. C. Caversfield V. Chitwood P.C. Edgecote R. Foscolt R. Gawcott C. Hillesdon P. C. Leckhamp- stead R. Lillingston Dayrell R. Maidsınorton R. Marsh Gibbon R. Padbury V. Preston Bissett R. Ratclive R. Shalstone R. Steeple Claydon V. Stowe cum Membris V. Thornborough V. Thomton R. Tingewicke R. Turweston R. Twyſord R. Water Stratford R. and of Westbury V. (6) The Town of Buckingham is entered at the end of the County. HUNDRED OF AYLESBURY.O) HUNDRED OF BURNHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Feo males. Total. Years. | Nar- riages. males. males.) 111 120 128 229 193 110 1811 217 230 447 1812 185 252 437 1813 | 228 223 451 1814 203 215 418 1815 234 | 234 468 1816 217 240 | 457 1817 233 249 482 1818 207 206 413 1819 235 227 1 462 1820 | 270 243 / 513 116 Years. (Males Fe- Total. Males Fe Total. Years. Mar- males riages. 1811 201 | 170 371 145 140 285 1811 | 130 1812 198 191 389 146 274 1812 111 1813 193 386 | 119|123 242 1813 103 1814 196 210 406 128 151 279 1814 112 1815 210 209 419 141 131 272 1815 1816 217 | 180 397 | 139 137 1816 102 1817 206 208 414 127 | 129 256 1817 1818 226 2271 453 164 147 311 1818 100 1819 193 196 389 184 155 339 18191 124 1820 222 205| 427 155 159 314 | 1820 | 119 1139 249 111 143 254 121 108 143 256 145 257 171 323 118 145 143 263 1149 167 316 140157 297 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 116 152 111 276 263 .107 94 12 127 159 The above A136TRACT is collected from the Registers of, —— Amer- sham R. Beaconsfield R. Burnham with Chippenham and Boveney V. Chalfont St. Giles R. Chalfont St. Peter V. Chenies R. Cheshan V. Chiesham Bois R. Dorney V. Farnham Roval R. Hitcham R. Latimers C. Penn 1, and of Taplow R. D The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aston Clinton R. (C) Bierton Broughton V. Bledlow with Bledlow Ridge V. Buckland P. C. Cuddington P. C. Dynton V. Ellesborough R. Had- denhain V. (0) Halton R. Great Hampden R. Little Hampden P. C. Hartwell R. Horsendon R. Hulcott R. Great Kimble V. Little Kimble R. Lee P. C. Great Missenden V. Little Missenden V. Monks Risborough R. Prince's Risborough St. Mary P. C. Stoke Mandeville P.C. Stone V. Wendover V, and of Weston Turville R. (d, The Town of Aylesbury is entered at the end of the County. ©) Including St. Leonards. (*) Also from a Register of Anabaptists at Haddenham. QUALCO M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF BUCKS--continued. HUNDRED OF COTTESLOE. MY HUNDRED OF NEWPORT. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - BURIALS. Alales Ecra / Total. Males Feue Total. Years, 1 Mar- lilales. riages. 575 Years. Males Fe. | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. / Mar- inales. males. riages. 1811 331 304 635 203 186 389 1811 179 1812 295 298 593 207 247 | 454 1812 189 1813 343/ 287 630 190 | 2:32 422 1813 181 1814 29.2 273 494 1814 201 1815 329 702 218 271 489 1815 1816 307301 608 500 1816 203 1817 136313181 681 1216259 | 475 18171 175 1818 348 | 342 690 233 ) 262 495 1819 280 309 589 1206 | 263 469 | 18191 192 1820 321 340 661 207 | 245 452 1820 184 2242 1811 120 18.12 103 1813 95 1814 130 1815 / 152 1816 124 1817 137 1818 142 1819| 128 18201 129 1811 | 221196 417 115 109 224 1812 | 214 | 194 408 | 121 | 105 226 1813 | 217 | 224 | 441 | 156 111 267 1814 260 222 482 1133143 276 1815 | 298 2471 545 1119 | 139 | 258 1816 | 256 202 458 136 152 288 1817 1 260 254 514 140 140 280 1818 246 301 547 120 | 135 | 255 1819 255 218 473 11:36 | 171 307 1820 | 287 1 245 532 | 127 | 143 270 224 220 280 | 1818 207 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Aston Abbots V. Cheddington R. Choulsbury P. C. Cublington R. Drayton-Bcauchamp R. Drayton-Parslow R. Dunton R. Edles- borough V. Grove R. Hardwick R. Hawridge R. Hoggeston R. Grear Horwood R. Little Horwood V. Ivinghoc V. Linslade P.C. Marsworth V. Mentmore V. Mursley R. Nettleden C. Pitstone or Pightlesthornc P. C. Slapton R. Soulbury P.C. Stewkeley V. Swanbourne V. Tattenhoe R. Whaddon-with-Naslı V. Whit- church V. Wing V. Wingrave-with-Rowsham V. and of Winslow V. (*) The Church of Creslow R. is demolished. Shenley, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Newport. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ast- wood V. Bletchley R. Bradwell V. Cold-Brayfield P.C. Bow- Brickhill R. Great Brickhill R. Little Brickhill R. Broughton R. Calverton R. Castlethorpe P. C. Chichley V. Clifton-Reynes R. North Crawley R. Emberton (k) R. Gayhurst R. Hanslope V. Ilardmead R. Havershamn R. Lathbury P. C. Lavenden V. Great Linford R. Little Linford () P. C. Loughton R. Middleton or Milton-Keynes R. Moulsoe R. Newton-Blossomville R. Newnton- Longville R. Newport-Pagnell V. Olney (with Warrington) V. Ravenstone V. Shenley R. Sherrington R. Stantonbury V. Stoke- Goldington R. Stoke-Hammond R. Fenny-Stratford C. St Giles and St. Mary Magdalen, Stoney-Stratford P. C. Sympson R. Tyrring- ham with Filgrave R. Walton R. Wavendon R. Weston-Under- wood P.C. Willen V. Wolverton V. Great Woolstone R. Little Woolstone R. and of Woughton R. (*) 'The Church of Okeney with Petsoe being ruinated, the Pa- rishioners resort to the Church of Emberton. (") Little Linford possesses no Burial ground. - - -r - +- - -. - - - - - - - - HUNDRED OF DESBOROUGH. (1) HUNDRED OF STOKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTIS.US. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- | Total. Males Fe- males. males. Total. | Ycars. / Mar- riages. Mar- riages. 577 . 534 177 206 383 . 1811 280 261 541 1157 | 185 342 1812 | 308 269 138 147 | 285 1813 258 236 | 494 1 162 160 322 1814 267 267 1815 263 273 132 139 271 1816 276 254 530 | 187 352 1817 | 253 / 237 | 490 1148 | 148 | 296 1818 275 552 155 161 1819 248 506 206 | 202 408 245 51,3 187 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- ! Total. Ycars. males. males, 1811 157 | 102 309 339 99 112 211 1811 1812 174 176 | 3.50 109' 119228 1812 1813 187 | 160 | 347 93 103 | 196 1813 1814 | 1671 171 | 338 | 114 131 245 1 1814 1815 201 187 | 388 119 98 217 1815 1816 161 159 320 107 102 | 209 1816 1817 195 165 | 360 112 98 210 1817 1818 | 168 156 324 (112 113 225 1818 1819 169 179/ 348 1126 | 126 | 2521 1819 1820 | 169 186 | 355 116 103 219 1820 - - 536 1811 | 128 1812 137 1813 | 105 1814 98 1815) 128 1816 113 18171 98 1818 | 105 1819 | 107 1820 119 165 - . - - - 316 - - . 1820 268 173 360 - 79 - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -----Braden- ham R. Farley R. Fingest R. Hambledon R. Hedsor R. Hitchen- don or Hugliendon V. Ibstune R. (j) Great-Njarlow 1. Little- Marlow V. Medmenham 1. Radnaye R. Saunderton R. Turville V. Wooburn V. High-Wycombe 1. and of West-Wycombe 1. () Asklampstead C. locally situate in this Hundred, is in Lewknor Parish and Hundred (Oxfordshire.) () Ibstone is partly in the Hundred of Pirton (Oxfordshire.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Coln- brooke C. Datchet V. Denham R. Eton College. Fulmer R. Hed- gerley R. Horton R. Iver V. Langley-Marish P. C. Stoke- Poges V. Upton (with Chalvey) V. Wexham R. and of Wyrardis- bury V. TO [Parish-Registers, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF BUCKS- continucil. BOROUGH TOWN OF BUCKINGHAM. BOROUGH TOWN OF AYLESBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. --- - Years. Males Fe- Total. Males inales Il Tutal. Years. Mar- riages. Ycars. JM al Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. Total. Years. Dlar- riages. males niales. males. Total. NEET 42 22 43 50 52 44 47 | 43 22 23 68 37 २४ 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1816 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 102 92 142 141 131 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18:20 13 37 55 63 118 59 / 66 125 102 148 35 33 40 60 / 100 80 / 68 80 65 29 35 64 145 26 | 42 | 68 The above Abstract is collected from the Register of ham V. and from a Register of Dissenters at Buckingham. Bucking- The above ABSTRICT is collected from the Register of, Aylesburyl. SU M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN TIIE COUNTY OF BUCKS. DIY BAPTISMS. BURLILS. JLARRLIGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Malcs. Females. / Total. lears. Marriages. 930 928 883 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,838 1,760 1,869 1,830 1,993 1,881 1,992 1,928 1,855 2,041 1,755 1,778 1,765 1,796 1,954 1,800 1,874 1,961 1,874 1,974 3,593 3,538 3,634 3,626 3,947 3,681 3,866 3,889 3,729 4,015 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,052 1,046 1,078 1,137 1,076 1,180 1,094 1,144 1,239 1,185 1,106 1,120 1,086 1,320 1,159 1,310 1,182 1,213 1,363 1,296 2,158 2,166 2,164 2,457 2,235 2,490 2,276 2,357 2,602 2,481 1811 1812 1813 1814 181) 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 937 1,017 9.36 927 960 9:58 1,029 TOTALS 18,987 | 18,531 37,518 11,231 | 12,155 | 23,386 9,50,5 The SUMMARY of the County of Bucks is collected from the Registers of Two hundred Parish Churches and Six Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Unentered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms, 192,-Burials, 105,-Marriages, 2. M.DCCC.XXI.] 11 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iy. C. 9.4. County of Cambridge. HUNDRED OF ARMINGFORD. (*) HUNDRED OF CHILFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. . | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1 Years. Males' fe- | Total. Males Fc- inales. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males, fe- males. Total. Total. Males Fe- males. Years. 1 Mar- | riages. . 57 31 59 26 114 150 74 58 27 32 ... 146 OSTO DETAILS ROSSO 67 104 1811 159 1812 147 1813 183 1814 74 77 1815 1816 731 1817 88108 1818 102 91 1819 841 88 172 1820 | 981 101 | 199 91 77 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 18119 1818 1819 1820 ISIE V 102 88 92 111 109 32 41 53 166 AC The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—--Abington by Shengey R. Basingbourne V. Croydon with Clopton V. Guildon Mardon V. East Hatley R. Litlington V. Melbourne V. (b) Mel- dreth V. (6) Shengay V. Steeple Morden V. Tadlow V. Whendy V. and of Whaddon V. (*) Royston, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Odsey Hundred (Hertfordshire), wherein the Church is situate. 6) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Melbourne and Meldreth. · The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Great Abington V. Little Abington V. Babraliam V. Bartlow R. (d) Castle Camps R. Hildersham R. Horseheath R. Linton V. Pampis- ford V. Shudy Camps V. and.of West Wickham C. (d) Bartlow extends into Freshwell Hundred (Essex). HUNDRED OF CHESTERTON. (©) HUNDRED OF FLENDISH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- "males. Total. Males' Femi Total. males.) Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe- Imales Total. Years. Mar- riages. 35 19 30 21 14 29 47 70 76 84 75 30 25 17 13 20 48 25 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18:20 105 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 21 83 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817. 1818 1819 1820 15 71 101 14.. 17 24 57 40 28 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Ches- terton V. Cottenham R. Dry Drayton R. and of Histon V. () There is no Church at Childerley or at Westwick; the Register for which last place is returned with Oakington (Northstow Hundred). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Hinton V. Fen Ditton R. Fulbourn All Saints V. St. Vigor R. Horningsea P. C. and of Teversham R. Cherry Fulbourn HUNDRED OF CHEVELEY. HUNDRED OF LONGSTOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1. Years. Males! Fe- Mar- Total. Males Fec| Total. males. Years. . males Years. Mar- | riages. riages. | 29 | 26 19 / 9 . . 1811 1812 1813 1814 14 23 23 | 22 1815 1816 Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fec| Total. inales. males. 1811 142 1812 121 1813 151 1814 138 1815 120 1816 126 1817 133 1818 144 1819 1820 73 58 / 131 261 61 62.58 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 26 22 28 | 15 1811). 21 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1817 1818 1819 1820 56 | 103 126 2 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Ash- ley R. Cheveley R. Kirtling V. Newmarket All Saints R. and of Wood Ditton V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bouru V. Caldecot V. Caxton V. Croxton R. Eltisley V. Great Eversden V. Little Eversden R. Gamlingay V. Little Gransden R. Hardwick R. Hatley St. George R. Kingston R. Long Stowe R. and of Toft R. Solidariteit a anmaktada 12 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE-continued. HUNDRED OF NORTHSTOW. HUNDRED OF RADFIELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- Total. Males! Fe- / Total. Years. Mar- riages. mai Total. Males Fe- inalcs. Total. Years. Mar- riayes. males. males.! 20 26 103 96 32 T L 103 102 . 105 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2756 | 31 | 58 . 116 140 112 155 127 145 110 168 139 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 23 22 | 18 54 51 105 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 li 49 50 57 129 41 89 25 55 | 107 29 98 59 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Gir- ton R. Impington V. Landbeach R. Lolworth R. Longstanton All Saints V Longstanton St. Michael R. Madingley V. Milton R. ! Oakington with Westwick V. Kampton R. and of Waterbeach V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Bals- ham R. Brinkley R. Burrough Green R. Carleton with Willinghanı R. Dullingham V. Stechworth V. Westley Waterless R. Weston Col- ville R. and of West-Wratting V. HUNDRED OF PAPWORTH. HUNDRED OF STAINE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- los Fe- | Total. I Cass. Medicul males Total. Years. | Mar- Years. Males Fe. inales. Total. males. Males Fe-1 Total. | Ycars. | Mar- riages. males. | riages. 110 72 د 112 116 د 97 112 70 د ن c د 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 با تن من دا بن دن یہ وہ دن 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 31 119 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Bot. tisham V. Stow with Quy P. C. Swaff ham Bulbeck V. Swaffham Prior V. Great Wilbraham V. and of Little Wilbraham R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Box- worth R. Connington R. Elsworth R. Fen Drayton P. C. Graveley R. Knapwell R. Over R. Papworth St. Agnes R. (©) Papworth St. Everard R. Swavesey V. and of Willingham R. (*) Papworth St. Agnes is partly in Toseland Hundred (Huntingdon. shire). M.DCCC.XXI.] 13 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE-continued. HUNDRED OF STAPLOE. HUNDRED OF WHITTLESFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fec Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Malesi Fen Total. Males Fec| Total. Years. Į Jar- males. iales. males. riage 61 42 61 270 o 1811 143 1301 273 1812 | 127 | 121 | 248 1813 151 119 1814 141 127 1815 144 132 1816 | 143 | 134 1817 | 155 | 141 | 1818 140 136 1819 | 146 | 167 1820 158 141 299 1051 64 1 79143 72 151 43105 94 177 190 152 114 190 75 81 156 47 | 62 | 109 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1812 1813 18141 1815 1816 1817 1818' 1819 1820 1811 38 | 47 1912 29 ! 36 1813 1814 | 34 | 25 | 1315 48 35 1 83 1816 1817 1818 1819 44 | 31 1820 1 3331 o 14. co 71 69 70 1819 1820 20 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Bur- well V. Chippenham V. Fordham V. Isleham V. Kennet R. Landwade P. C. Snailwell R. Soham V. and of Wicken P. C. The allove ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Duxford St. John 1. Duxford St. Peter R. Hinxton V. Ickleton V. Saws- ton V. and of Whittlesford V. ny HUNDRED OF THRIPLOW. BAPTISUS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fer Years. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. NIar- riages. ISLE OF ELY. males. 46 100 23 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 90 Years. Total Inales Fe- i Males! Fe- males. Total. 105 59 | 110 Years. Mar- riages. inales. 1811 54 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 106 117 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 419 350 403 ვნg 135 133 64 121 77. 155 844 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1811 | 592 651 1,243 | 472 473 945 1812 6045891,193 420392 812 1813 | 740710 1,450 306 334 640 1814 734 698 1,432 352 355 707 1815 1771 751 1,522 | 430 414 1816 | 665 1 700 1,365 366 315| 681 1817 738 1731 1,469 425 380 1818 779 714 1,493 496 401 897 1819 1 779 747 1,526 1 466452 918 1820 751 814 1,565 | 390 452 842 342 28 2856 42 805 372 376 ----- -- -- . . . - 364 | 1819 375 1820 441 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Foulmire R. (O) Foxton V. Harston V. Hauxton V. Newton V. Great Shelford V. Little Shelford R. Stapleford V. Thriplow V. and of Trumpington 1. © Also from a Register of Dissenters at Foulmire. HUNDRED OF WETHERLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Benwick C. (6) Chatteris V. Coveney R. Doddington with Wimbling- con R. Downham R. Elm R. Haddenham C. Leverington R. Littleport V. Manea C. March C. Mepal R. Newton R. Outwell (St. Clement) R. (") Parson-Drove C. Stretham R. Sutton V. Thetford ('. Thorney Abbey P. C. Tyd St. Giles R. Upwell R. (") Welney C.(") Wentworth or Winford R. Whittlesea St. An- drew V. Whittiesca St. Mary V. Wilburton P. C. Wisbeach St. Mary P. C. Wisbeach St. Peter V. Witcham V. and of Witch- ford V. (5) The Inhabitants of Benwick bury and inarry at Doddington. (") Outwell, Upwell and Welney, are partly in Clackclose Hundred (Norfolk). Years. Males Fe- ules Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years.' Mar- riages. 43 45 98 55 / 115 89 25 24 1 22 1811 55 1812 18133 1814 1815 1816 1819. 61 1818 1819 1820 56 124 1811 17 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 24 1817 17 1818 1819 1820 i 30 126 130 130 121 32 55 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Arring- ton V. Barrington V. Barton V. Comberton V. Coton R. Grant- chester V. Harlton R. Haslingfield V. Orwell R. Shepreth V. and of Wimpole R. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish- Registers. COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE-continued. BOROUGH OF CAMBRIDGE. CITY OF ELY. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Mar- riages. Years. Malcs Fe- males. Total. Males l'e- males. Total. | Years. Alar- riages. 74 94 74 87 235 49 42 94 לל BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Years. Males Fer. Total. Males Fe- Total. males. males. 1811 | 140 | 164 304 1135 | 131 | 266 1812 | 155 136 291 120 115 1813 172 173 345 141 99 213 1814 144) 139 283 138 139 277 1815 193 182 375 ვივ 1816 | 176/1661 342 | 144 266 1817 187 1841 371 107 242 1818 189 188 377 159127 286 1819 | 208 218 426 | 153 | 142 | 295 1820 2031 2261 429 142 143 285 1811 18121 1813 1814 1815 1816 101 116 195 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 | 122 1818 1 99 1819 : 112 1820 | 88 159 182 167 175 196 180 213 195 209 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1813 1819 98 1817 1818 1819 103 145 56 59 / 115 63 | 60 | 123 151 118 99 129 131 62 118 1820 152 96 184 1829 49 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, All Saints V. St. Andrew the Great V. St. Andrew thc Less C. St. Bene- dict V. St. Botolph R. St. Clementz V. St. Edward R. St. Giles V. St. Mary the Great V. St. Mary the Less P. C. St. Michael V. St. Peter P. C. St. Sepulchre V. and of Holy Trinity 1. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, The Cathedral Church C. Chettisham C. Ely Trinity P. C. St. Mary P.C. and of Stuntney C. SUM M A R Y OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years. | Males. Females. Į Total. years. Marriages. 1,040 986 853 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,661 1,681 1,866 1,842 2,011 1,764 1,949 2,017 2,028 2,065 1,693 1,602 1,806 1,767 1,955 1,847 1,928 1,956 1,977 2,076 18,607 3,354 3,283 3,672 3,609 3,966 3,611 3,877 3,973 4,005 4,141 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,042 1,058 904 988 1,136 1,051 1,084 1,245 1,173 1,034 1,002 1,185 1,050 973 1,127 1,159 1,085 2,082 2,044 1,757 1,990 2,321 2,101 2,057 2,372 2,332 2,119 1811 1812 1813 181 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 918 884 973 955 964 974 999 1,055 1,038 1,134 Totals | 18,884 37,491 - - 10,715 | 10,460 | 21,175 9,894 The SUMMARY of the County of CAMBRIDGE is collected from the Registers of One hundred and sixty-three Parish Churches and Twelve Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 118,--Burials, 37 www .binden ننننلمن ننننيننوتنسين M.DCCC.XXI.] 15 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Chester. HUNDRED OF BROXTON. HUNDRED OF MACCLESFIELD. (k) () BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. Leo. -..- Total. Males Fe. Total. P- Total. Males For Total. Years. I llar- Years. Males Fe-1 males. Years males. Mar- riages. riages. males. 110 695 407 456 95 831 1811 221 | 180 401 1191 229 1811 1812 203 204 115 1111/ 226 1812 1813 238 218 112/ 207 1813 1814 221 | 1961 417 11171 133/ 250 1814 1815 238 / 2001 438 132 | 117) 249 | 1815 1816 225 210 435 123/ 111| 234 1816 1817 1250 232 482 109 1281 237 | 1817 58 1818 243 193 436 129 114 243 1818 1819 234 236 470 | 128 | 126| 254 1819 56 1820 222 2061 428 129 131 260 | 18201 56 1811 1026 915 1,941 7581 845 1,603 1811 706 1812 8961 9051 1,801 8091 815/ 1,624 1812 1813 916 932 1,848 746 804) 1,5501813 680 1814 1142/10451 2,187 | 9091 956 1,865 1814 1815 1209 1105) 2,314 878 9251,803 1815 985 1816 11721067 2,239 8201 7751,595 1816 865 1817 1081 1095 2,176 875 957 1,832 | 1817 721 1818 11441030 2.174 941 1020 1,961 | 1818 1819 1179|1095 2,274 1 914 932 1,846 1819 935 | 1820 '122011197/ 2,417 110281043 2,071 | 1820 (1,008 817 The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Ald- ford, R. Bruera or Churchen-Heath C. (*) Burwardsley C. ) Chris- tleton R. Coddington R. Dodleston R. Eccleston R. Farndon P. C. Guilden-Sutton P.C. Handley R. Hargrave C. (*) Harthill P. C. Malpas R. Plempstall V. Pulford R. Shocklack P. C. Tartenhall R. Tilston R. and of Waverton R. (3) Bruera or Churchen-Heath C. is in St. Oswald's Parish (Chester); Burwardsley C. is in Bunbury Parish; Hargrave C. is in Tarvin Parish. (b) l'ntil the year 1818 the Register of Burwardsley was included in that of Bunbury Parish (Eddisbury Hundred). HUNDRED OF BUCKLOW, The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of --Alder- ley R. Bosley C. (m) Capesthorne C. (m) Chaukirk C. (M) Cheadle R. Chelford C. (in) Christchurch C. (*) Disley C.(m) Forest Chapel C.(m) Gawsworth R. Marple C.(m) Marton C. (M) Mottram in Longden- dale V. Northenden R. Pointon and Norbury C. (m) () Pott-Shrig- ley C. (m) Prestbury V. Rainuw C. (m) Siddington C. (m) Stock- port R. Taxall R. Wilmslow R. Wincle C. (m) O and of Wood- head C. (m) (k) Also from Three Registers of Dissenters at Bredbury, Hyde and Tintwhistle. (!) Stayley Bridge, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hun- dred of Salford (Lancashire). (m) Bosley C. Capesthorne C. Chelford C. Christchurch C. Forest Chapel C. Marton C. Pott-Shrigley C. Rainuw C. Siddington C. and Wincle C. are in Prestbury Parish; Chadkirk or Romiley Č. Disley C. and Marple C. are in Stockport Parish; Pointon and Norbury C. extends into both Parishes, Woodhead C. is in Mottram Parish. (°) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Pointon and Norbury C. O The Registers of Wincle, previous to the year 1813, were in- cluded with those of Macclesfield. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Fe- Years Malesin males. Total. Males Fe- / males. Total. Years. | Mai | Mar- riages. 256 HUNDRED OF NANTWICH. (Ⓡ) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Nales! Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Mar- Years. riages. males. 1811 521 493 1,014 | 294 301 595 1811 237 1812 506 515 1,021 3031 3101 613 1812 224 1813 454 493 947 317) 294 611 1813 : 202 1814 4891 441 930 1 382 349| 731 1814 265 1815 | 5341 486|1,020 1335/ 341 | 676 1815 284 1816 52915271,056 13271 298 625 1816 299 1817 | 5291 502 1,031 362 331 | 693 1817 269 1818 | 492 543|1,035 13851 371 756 1818 1819 | 544 | 535/ 1,079 1 324 368 | 692 1819 | 329 1820 553 5271 1,080 363 360 723 1820 325 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Altrin- cham C.) Aston C. (C) Ashton upon Mersey R. Bowdon V. Great Budworth V. Daresbury C. (C) Grappenhall R. Halton C. Knutsford V. Latchford St. James C. (9) High Leigh C. () () Little Leigh C 0) (8) Lymm R. Mobberley R. Over Peover C. ) Ring- way C. () Rostherne V. Runcorn V. Thelwall C. () and of War- burton P. c. ☺ Altrincham C. and Ringway C. arc in Bowdon Parish ; Aston C. and Little Leigh C. are in Great Budworth Parish ; Latchford St. James C. is in Grappenhall Parish ; High Leigh C. is in Rost. herne Parish ; Daresbury C. Halton C. Over Peover C. and Thel- wall C. are in Runcorn Parish. (d) The Return of Bowdon includes the Register of Carrington C. (9) The Inhabitants of Halton burg and marry at Runcorn. (*) The Chapel at High Leigh was re-built in the year 1815. (*) The Inhabitants of Little Leigh bury and marry at Great Budworth, 358 1811 326 309 635 1812 341318659 1813 330 340 670 1814 347 352 699 1815 412 3671 779 1816 13601317 | 677 1817 330 326 656 1818 327337 664 1819 339 336 | 675 1820 1 347 3551 702 175 183 191 1891 380 175 197 372 190 175 365 182 180 362 209 218 427 205172 377 193 176 369 168. 181 195 171) 366 1811 134 1812 | 137 1813 139 1814| 161 1815 | 154 1816 | 129 1817 | 131 1818 118 1819| 117 1820 ! 152 HUNDRED OF EDDISBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males, Years. finales. Tota Mar- riages. imales. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Acton V. Alsager C. (0) Audlem V. Baddiley R. Barthomley R. Church-Minshulī P. C. Coppenhall R. Haslington C. (°) ( Marbury P. C. Nantwich R. Wistaston R. Wrenbury P. C. (5) and of Wybun- bury V. (©) Whitchurch, partly in this Hundred, is entered in North Bradford Hundred (Salop). (9) Alsager C. and Haslington C. are in Barthomley Parish. The old Chapel of Haslington was pulled down in August 1810, and the new one consecrated in November 1811; previous to which time no Burials were allowed there. (5) The Parish Register of Wrenbury includes the Baptisms which take place at Burley Dam Chapel. 210 119 328 Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. malcs. 1811 389 396 785 207 417 1812 355 368 723 160 168 1813 409 342 | 751 166 1814 1398 380 778 | 224 202 426 1815 397 348 745 1816 1 352 384 736 370 1370370 740 1369/383 752 | 218 210 428 1819 4011385) 786 197 1020 401 385 786 390 169 204 210 414 1811 1812 | 109 1813 | 117 1814 124 1815 | 1816 105 1817 126 1818 115 1819 124 1820 132 187 407 223 203 420 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alvanley C. (h) Barrow R. Little Budworth P. C. Bunbury P. C. Frodsham V. (0) Ince P. C. Over V.(j) Tarporley R. Tarviu V. Thornton in the Moors R. Waverham V. and of Whitegate V. (") Alvanley C. is in Frodshan Parish. () The Quakers keep a Register at Newton in Frodsham Parish. (3) The Parish Register of Over includes the Baptisms which take place at Wettenhall C. 16 Parisb-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CHESTER-continued. HUNDRED OF NORTHWICH, CITY OF CHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. al' Mar- lears. Males Fec| Total. nlales Fer Total. | Years. Alales Fe- males. riages. males! Total, 664 187 591 1813 235 295 Years. Total. (Males Fe-. | Total. | Years. / linales. riages. 1811 284271 | 555 186 2021 388 1811 286 1812 263 242 | 505 204 194 1812 300 351 328 679 208 2011 404 1813 324 1814 | 324 335 659 1181219 400 1814 1815 13131307 | 620 1239 230 469 1815 1816 1 2861 306 592 1244 1 266 510 1816 1817 294 302 596 251 | 224 475 1817 392 1818 338 287 625 264 237 501 1818 385 1819 322 339 | 661 230 279 | 509 1819 37.2 1820 1363 337 | 700 1274 230 / 504 | 1820 383 633 1811 1 491 493 984 1338 326 1812 574 549 1,123 307 304 611 1813 5141523 1,037 310 281 1814 478 4731 951 368 354 722 1815 545 497 | 1,042 318 315 1816 506 488 994 1333 334 667 1817 537 4871,024 1375 357 | 732 1818 : 476 461 937 1320 | 297 | 617 1819 '594 496 1,090 1277 305 / 582 1820 .551 1505/1,056 285 332 / 617 ვნი 1811 243 1812 1813 206 1814 1815 245 1816 196 1817 224 1818 213 1819 259 1820 | 266 343 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Astbury R. Brereton with Smethwick R. Church-Hulme C. Congleton C. Davenham R. Goostry C. , Lawton R. Middlewich V. Lower Peover C. Sandbach 1. Sweetenham R. Warmingham R. and of Wilton C. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ----St. Bridget R. Cathedral Church C. Holy Trinity R. St. John the Baptist 1. St. Martin R. St. Nary R. St. Michael C. St. Olave C. St. Oswald l'. :nd of St. Peter P. C. HUNDRED OF WIRRALL. TOWN OF MACCLESFIELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- nuales. Total. Males Felotal. Years, Mar- riages. males. males. males. 64 189 177 360 460 P 1811 184 | 174 | 358 1125 115 240 1811 1812 181 | 152 333 | 126 | 121 247 1812 1813 208 / 168 376 97 | 131 | 228 1813 1814 182 | 195 / 377 1124 | 115 | 239 1814 1815 210 161 371 141 | 156 297 1815 1816 | 198 | 165 | 363 156 | 141 | 297 1816 1817 191 221 412 155 135 | 290 | 1817 38 1818 | 200 | 183 / 383 141 | 144 | 285 | 1818/ 40 1819 191 | 206 | 397 153 | 134 | 287 | 18191 41 15320 213 213.426 124 113 237 | 182038 WALET :.. 1811 219) 183 402 1812 188 377 1813 183 1814 219) 241 1815 | 236 248 | 484 1816 231 241/ 472 1817 199 227 1818 | 242 228! 470 1819 | 220 226 446 | 263 274 537 585 * 146 70 | 77 | 147 148 129 124 140 175 145 75 | 121 | 94 95 189 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1819 1818 1819 1820 426 AIS . 1820 'T . V O The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Back- ford V. Bebington R. Bidston P. C. Birkenhead C. Brombrow P. C. Burton P. C. Easthain V. Heswall R. Great Neston V. Overchurch P. C. Shotwick P. C. Stoke P. C. Thurstaston R. Wallezey R. Westkirby R. and of Woodchurch R. The above Abstract is collected from the Register of Maccles- field C. ☺ The Town of Macclesfield being in Prestbury Parish, the Mar- riages are solemnized in the Mother Church, the Register of which (as also of some of the Macclesfield Chapels) is entered in Macclesfield Hundred. TY S U N M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, IND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 3,661 1,834 3,508 1,782 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,414 3,441 3,527 3,658 3,719 3,705 7,075 6,949 7,124 7,458 7,813 7,564 7,543 3,597 3,800 4,094 3,859 3,781 3,831 4,024 4,133 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,260 2,380 2,285 2,289 2,196 2,255 2,563 2,564 2,482 2,545 2,465 2,400 2,612 2,606 2,652 2,653 2,437 2,623 2,679 | 2,678 -4,640 4,574 4,451 5,127 5,027 4,865 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,792 2,033 2,262 2,050 1,959 2,000 2,233 2,360 3,762 5,218 7,476 3,645 3,854 3,999 7,878 8,132 5,305 5,060 5,357 TOTALS 38,288 | 36,724 75,012 | 24,631 24,993 49,624 - - | 20,305 The SUMMARY of the County of Chester is collected from the Registers of Eighty-seven Parish Churches and Forty-one Chapels, and from Three Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Buriuls, to the following amount; viz: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 178,—Burials, 59. .M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEo: 1V. C. 94. . County of Cornwall. . HUNDRED OF EAST. HUNDRED OY LESNEWTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Tota!. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- riages. males. males.' 42 624 44 1.92 109 1811 462 468 930 275 238 513 1812 1 5101 439 949 1327 297 1813 98;3 | 243 2491 492 1814 | 522 4741 996 300 242 542 1815 559 502 1,061 252 241 493 1816 542 495 1,037 257 261 518 1817 | 491 463 954 | 202 | 218 420 1818 | 4831 444 927 | 233 210 443 1819 | 5001 4451 945 283 2801 563 1820 507 481 988 291 267 558 1811| 243 1812 239 1813 229 1 1814 254 1815 229 1816 205 1817 200 1818 204 1819 | 217 1820 | 215 Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Tutal. males. males. 1811 100 91 / 191 42 52 1812 98 73 171 1813 111 223 1814 192 1815 | 102 203 1816 193 41 49 90 1817 195 1818 92 109 201 1819 112 117 229 1820 1:7 102 229 47 43 92 111 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 59 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Antony St. Jacob V. Botus Fleming R. Callington P. C. Calstock R. St. Dominick R. Egloskerry P. C. St. German's P. C. St. Ive R. St. Johu R. Landrake-St. Earney V. Landulph R. Laneast P. C. Lawhitton R. Lewannick V. Lezant R. Linkinhorne V. Maker V.(a) St. Mellion R. Menheniott V. Northill R. South Pether- win V. Pilaton R. Quethiocke V. Rame R. Saltash C. Sheviock R. Southill R. St. Stephen's-by-Launceston C. St. Stephen's-by-Saltash V. Stoke-Climsland R. St. Thomas-the-Apostle-near-Launceston P.C. Tremaine C. Tresmore C. and of Trewen C. The above ABBTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. Advent P. C. Altarnun V. St. Clether V. Davidstow V. Forra. bury R. St. Genny's V. St. Juliot C. Lanteglos with Camelford R. Lesnewth R. Michaelstow R. Minster R. Otterham R. · Pound- stock V. Tintagell V. Treneglos V. Trevalga R. and of Warbstow C. (8) Part of the Parish of Maker is in Devon. E . HUNDRED OF KERRIER. (6) HUNDRED OF PENWITH.(5) my BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- BURIALS. Total. Males Fe- Total. males. Years. | Mar- riages. Males Fe- Total. Years. Males! Fe- males. males. Mar- Years. nales. riages. 319 609 946 386 297 836 ONI. 1811 568 578 1,146 | 286 273 559 1812 575 1 564 1,139 288/ 310 598 1813 551 5121,063 307 302 1814 614 596 1,210 393 386 779 1815 | 637 604 1,241 | 285 248 533 1816 | 606 582 1,188 288 552 1817 1 653 / 587 1,240 | 289/ 2781 567 1818 1 660 1 566 1,226 313 287 1 600 1819 | 608 542 1,150 332 315| 647 1820 | 677/ 598 1,275 | 300 305 605 1811 265 1812 | 226 1813 268 1814 1815 325 1816 264 1817 263 1818 294 1819 | 291 1820 286 1811 18801 802 / 1,682 1.436.397 833 1812 830 825 1,655 1453 432 885 1813 | 866 | 841 1,707 1 466480 1814 993 875 | 1,868 435 401 1815 996 1010 2,006 439 466 1816 1038 973 2,011 462 396 858 1817 969 952 1,921 413 426 839 1818 977 944 1,921 381 421 802 1819 944 909 1,853 473 522 995 1820 110601029) 2,089 427 439 866 905 264 1811 327 1812 1813 1814 416 1815 1816 422 1817 414 1818 395 1819 445 | 1820. 438 490 . . agaan "The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Anthony in Meneage V. Breage R. ☺) Budock P. C. (d) Con- stantine V. Cury P. C. Germoe R. ☺) St. Gluvias (including Penryn) V.(d) St. Grade R. Gunwalloe P. C. (C) Gwennap V. Helston P. C. St. Keverne V. Landewednack R. Mabe V. (©) Manackan V. St. Martin-in-Meneage R. ( Mawgan-in-Meneage R. (°) Mawnan R. St. Mullin V. Mylor V. (©) Perranaworthall V. Ruan-Major R. St. Ruan-Minor R. Sithney V. Stythians V. and of Wendron V. (b) Sereral of the Returns in this Hundred state the great proportion of Burials to be occasioned by Bodies washed ashore from Shipwrecks. (©) Breage, Germoe and Gunwalloe are united. (4) Budock and St. Gluvias are united. © Mabe and Mylor are united. () Mawgan and St. Martin are united. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Buryan R. Camborne R. Crowan V. St. Erth V. Gulval V. Gwinear V. Gwithian R. St. Hilary V. Illogan R. St. Ives P. C. St. Just. V. Uny-Lelant V. St. Levan P.C. Ludgvan R. Madron V. Marazion P.C. Morvah P. C. Paul V. :Penzance P.C.(*) St. Perran- Uthnoe R. Pbillack R. Redrath R. Sancreed or St. Creed V. Sennan P. C Towednack P. C. and of Zennor V. (6) The Burials which take place at St. Michael's Mount, aru in. cluded in the Return from St. Hilary. The Baptisms take place at Marazion. (b) The Register of Penzance is annually transferred to that of Madron, the Mother Church ; but Two Returns were received. . 18 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF CORNWALL-continued. HUNDRED OF POWDER. HUNDRED OF STRATTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males. Pe- Years. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Fe- Mar- riages. Fe- Years. Malestina Tutal. 8. Malestinalcsi Total. Malesi... Years. Mar- riages. males. 94/ 35 81 184 54 92 96 101 1811 1812 1813 1814 1811 321 318) 639 1812 | 5571531/ 1,088 | 297 335 | 632 1813 | 603 567/ 1,170 317 301 618 1814 | 617 1 610 1,227 | 381 | 3241 705 1815 686 685/ 1,371 369 289 658 1816 645 620 1,265 330 329 659 1817 709 5731,282 326 327 653 1818 646 677 1,323 347 3651 712 1819 | 680 6481,328 324 342 666 1820 778 667 1,445 337 346 683 1815 1811 270 1812 273 1813 332 1814 342 1815 357 1816 ვივ 1817 1818 350 1819 383 1820 434 1811 | 98 192 1812 | 103 1813 115 109) 224 1814 109 1051 214 1815 | 131 | 119) 250 1816 | 1191 102) 221 1817 | 131 | 1061 237 1818 100 110 210 1810 | 113128 241 1820 | 132 138 270 75 326 45 32 1816 1817 1818 1819 125 52 | 112 60 18201 56 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----St. Allen V. St. Antony in Roseland P. C. St. Austell V. St. Blazey 1. C. St. Clement's V. Cornelly C. Creed (including Grampound) R. St. Dennis P. C. St. Erme R. St. Ewe R. St. Feock V. Fowey V. Gerrans R. Gorran V. St. Just-in-Roseland R. Kea V. (1) Ken- wyn V.(i) Ladock R. Lamorran R. Lanlivery V. Lostwithiel V. Luxulyan V. Merther P. C. (j) Mevagissey V. St. Mewan R. St. Michael Carhayes R. & V. St. Michael Penkevil R. Philleigh R. Probus V.(j) St. Roche R. Ruan-Lanihorn R. St. Sampson P. C. St. Stephen's in Brannel P. C. Tregony-with-Cuby V. Truro St. Mary R. Tywardreath P. C. and of V'eryan V. The above Abstract is collected froin the Registers of, - Boy- ton, P.C. Bridgerule in the West V.) Jacobstow R. Kilkliamp- ton R. Launcells V. Marham Church R. Moorewinstow V. Puug- hill V. Stratton V. North 'Tamerton P.C. Week St. Mary R. and of Whitstone R. () Bridgèrule is entered partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Black Torrington (Devon), wherein is thic Parish Church. HUNDRED OF TRIGG. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. (i) Kea and Kenwyn are united. (j) Merther and Probus are united. Years. Maled Fc Males males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 65 1812 HUNDRED OF PYDAR. 1811 | 156| 142 | 298 142 1301 272 1813 165/ 148 313 1814 173 164 337 1815 185 176 361 1816 | 172 198 370 1817 176 168 344 1818 | 178 374 1819 170 164 334 1820 | 201 197|| 398 63 | 89 | 152 161 146 176 68 96 164 701 73 143 78 62 | 140 149 100 190 107 95 202 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Diales Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. 196 nales. 289 125 335 595 661 1811 277 285 562 1812 1 300 293 E93 1813 1307/ 288 1814 3261 1815 3471 333680 1816 336 349 685 1817 332 298 630 1818 | 327 328 655 1819 | 339 304) 643 1820 411.3561767 150 139 1811 115 143 136 279 1812 132 151 283 1813 149 183 1.94 377 1814 161 145. 171. 316 1815 192 157 | 121. 278 1816 152 1411 293 1817 133 1721 151323 1818 141 149151 300 1819 150 141631 310 | 1820 131 147 163 310 135 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bliss- land R. Bodmin V. St. Bruard V. Egloshayle V. St. Endellion R. Helland R. St. Knee, otherwise St. Kew, otherwise l'anow V. St. Mabyn R. St. Minver V. Sl. Teath V. and of St. Tudy R. (m) The Church of the Parish of Temple is in ruins. HUNDRED OF WEST. --- -- - -- ------ - -.-. .- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,--St. Agnes P. C.(k) St. Breock R. Colan V. St. Columb Major R. St. Columb Minor P. C. St. Crantock P. C. Cubert V. St, Enoder V. St. Ervan R. St. Eval V. St. Issey V. Lanhydrock C. Lanivett R. St. Mawgan-in-Pydar R. St. Merin V. St. Newlyn V. Padstow V. Perranzabbuloe V. Little Petherick or St. Petrock Minor R. St. Wenn V. and of Withiel R. Fe- Years. Males males. Total. Males males. Total. Years. Mar- ringes. (k) Also from a Register of Methodists and of Calvinists at St. Agnes. 464 101 1811 | 220 204 424 121 | 109 | 230 1812 | 246 216 462 92 124 | 216 1813 1 230 234 100 891 189 1814 | 229 222 451 213 1815 | 298 246 544 (1081 99207 1816 254 251 | 505 111 | 102 213 1817 : 261 216 477 114. 109| 223 1818 / 2651 229 494 | 112 | 108 220 1819 | 269 247 | 516 105 | 87 | 192 1820 | 284 252 536 146 182. 328 1811 121 1812 81 1813 91 1814 99 1815 | 105 18101 95 18171 91 1818) 108 1819 90 | 1820 97 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,mobo- connoc R. Broadoak R. Cardynbam R. St. Cleere V. Daloe : St. Keynes R. Lanreath R. Lansallos R. Lanteglos by Fowey : Leskeard V. St. Martyn by Looe R. Morval V. St. Neott V. Pelynt l. | St. Pinnock R. Talland V. St. Veep V. Warleggan R. and of St. Winnow V. M.DCCC.XX!.] TIIE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF CORNWALL-continued. BOROUGH TOWN OF LAUNCESTON. TOWN OF FALMOUTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males Total. Malcs fc- wa Fc- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total, IMules Fe- / mal Total. (Mules | Total. [ Years. males, males. Mar. riages. 21 16 8 79 88 68 147 73 | 161 50 180 85 216 129 . 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 16 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 13 182023 1811 100 95 195 1812 1171 99 216 1813 1814 105 111 1815 86 111 1816 117 | 120 | 237 1817 109 19.8 1818 102 175 1819 102 1820 102 871 189 197 114 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 36 122 117 151 197 105 120 41 65 49 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of Magdalen P. C. St. Mary The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, mouth R. Fal- - SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1,748 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,434 3,344 6,778 3,506 3,276 6,782 3,568 3,410 6,978 3,827 3,607 7,434 4,069 3,919 7,988 3,964 3,829 7,793 3,962 3,567 7,529 3,862 3,708 7,570 3,876 3,627 7,503 4,315 1 3,941 18,256 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,845 1,860 1,800 2,054 1,815 1,840 1,731 1,849 1,913 1,802 1,910 1,763 1,722 1,701 1,769 1,984 1,967 3,593 3,773 3,602 3,964 3,578 3,562 3,432 3,618 3,940 3,915 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,562 1,472 1,725 1,835 1,938 1,713 1,672 1,712 1,868 1,866 1,956 1 1,948 TOTALS 38,383 36,228 | 74,611 18,698 | 18,279 36,977 17,36:3 The SUMMARY of the County of CORNWALL is collected from the Registers of One hundred and ninety-six Parish Churches and Nine Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 199 ;--- Burials, 20;-Marriages, 2. 20 [Paríslı-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Cumberland. " . ALLERDALE WARD ABOVE DARWENT. CUMBERLAND) WARD. --- BAPTISMS.. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, M-ARRIAGES. Fe- Years. Males Fe- 1 Total. Males males. wales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- Males Fe- uales. Total. Males Fe. | males. Total. Years. 1 riages. 475 75 1811 505 4771 982 248 229477 1812 476 460 936 244 253 497 1813 1524 521 1,045 273 256 | 529 1814 530 477 1,007 | 256 299 555 1815 592 573 1,165 304) 598 1816 1 527 527 / 1,054 302 299 601 1817 552 509|1,061 268 2701 538 1818 527 4651 992 | 290 266 1819 544 509/1,053 | 291 337 | 628 1820 593 505 1,098 317 320 637 294 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 271 221 250 241 254 279 226 1811 220 227 1812 208 2131 421 1813 264 211 1814 | 288 261 549 1815 280 257 537 1810 281 282 563 1817 | 270 268 538 1818 254 | 263) 517 1819 3191 304623 1820 | 281 261 542 1131 132 245 113 | 148 | 261 113 137 132 269 153 182 335 122 152 274'. 167 176 147 168 315 | 141 | 151 292 | 178 | 152 330 | 169 156 325 1811 70 1812 1813 1814 100 1815 | 105 1816 112 18171 95 1818/ 110 1819 91 1820 109 343 556 252 266 1 249 . The above AUSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ack- ton R. Beaumont R. Bowness R. Burgh by Sands V. Dalston V. Grinsdale P.C. Higlicad C. (9) Kirkandrews-upon-Eden R. Kirk- bampton R. Kirkbride R. Orton R. Rowcliffe P. C. Seberghan P.C. Thorsby V. Warwick P. C. Wetheral P. C. Wigton V. and of Wreay C. (*) No Burials take place at Highead. ESKDALE WARD. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ------Arlec- don P.C. St. Bees P. C. Bootle R. Borrowdale C. St. Bridget's P.C. Brigham V. Buttermere C. Cleator P.C. Cockermout C. Corney R. Dean R.(a) Dissington R. Drigg P. C. Egremont R. Embleton C. Ennerdale C. Eskdale C. Gosforth R. Hail P. C. Harrington R. Hensingham C. St. John's P. C. Irton P. C. Lamp- lugh R. Lorton P. C. Loweswater P. C. Nillom V. Moresby Ř. Mosser C. Muncaster P. C. Netherwasdale C. Newlands C. (6)() Ponsonby P. C. Setmurthy or Seckmurthy C. (©) Thornthwaite C.18) Thwaites C. Ulpha C. Waberthwaite R. Wasdale-Head C. (d) Whicham R. Whitbeck P. C. Workington R. ©) and of Wythop C. () Also from a Register of Quakers at Pardshaw-Hall in Deun Parish. (6) There being no Burial Ground at Newlands, the Inhabitants bury as well as marry at Cockermouth, the Mother Church. (9) There being no Burial Ground at Setmurthy, the Inhabitants bury at Cockermouth or Isell. (?) Wasdale-Head Chapel has no Burial Ground annexed to it. (9) Workington includes the Registers of Clifton, Stainburn and Winscales. () The Inhabitants of Wythop bury at Lurton and Embleton. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males, Total. Years. | Mar- riages. 1811 295 3001 595 148 144 292 1812 284 248 532 137| 153 290 1813 328/ 263/ 591 167 163 330 1814 315 317 632 194 215 409 1815 304 299 6031 155 186 341 1816 291 292 -583 201 213 414 1817 318 2831 375 1818 298 276 ვივ 1819 2931 3141 607 181/ 165 346 1820 | 345 286 631 355 1811 110 1812 108 1813 107 1014 127 1815 120 1816 115 1819 106 1818 102 1819 96 1820 127 205 no ALLERDALE WARD BELOW DARWENT. 196 1 BAPTISMS. 1991 BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 184 Years. Males Fe. Total. Males! Fe- Total. Years. (males. males. Mar- riages. 362 1811 341 316 657 1812 353 313 666 1813 343 341 684 1814 373379 752 1815 346 3551 701 1816 | 3901 3701 760 1817 388 364 752 1818 379 363 742 1819 382 346 728 1820 1 364 371 735 The above. ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, — Ar- thuret R. Bewcastlc R. Brampton V. Castlecarrock R. Crosby- upon-Eden V. Cumrew P. C. Cumwhitton P. C. Nether Denton R. Over Deuton P. C, Farlam P. C. Haytun P. C. Irthington V. Kirkandrews-upon-Esk R. Kirklinton R. Lanercost P. C. Nichol- Forest C. (i) Scalcby R. Stanwix V. Stapleton. R. and of Walton P. C. (i) The Burial Ground at Nichol-Forest Chapelry was not conse- crated till the year 1818. 1811 161 1812 168 1813 158 1814 179 1815 193 1816 178 1817 148 1810 164 1819 145 1820 151 377 327 172 | 190 362 334 197 212 409 377 178 194 193 387 1 179 1891 368 186 363 LEATH WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- males. Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. . 212 . The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, All- hallows P. C. Allonby C. Aspatria V. Bassenthwaite P. C. Bol- ton R. Bridekirk V. Bromfield V. Caldbeck R. Camerton P. C. Crosscanonby P. C. Crosthwaite V. Dearham V. Flimby P. C. Gilcrux V. Holin-Cultram P. C. St. John's C. Ireby P. C. Isell V. Maryport C. Plumbland R. Torpenhow V. Uldale R. West- ward P. C. and of Wythburn C. (B) (6) The Inhabitants of Thornthwaite, Wythburn, and Newlands bury at Crosthwaite. 144 1811 333315 648 1812 346 334 680 1813 370 341 711 1814 362 315 677 1815 408 386 794 1816 368 366 1817 1 341 330 671 1818 374 3351 709 1819 390 387 1 777 1820 389 378 1 767 203 176 379 220 173 393 184 396 209 207 416 232 170 402 203 415. 194 | 1881 382 175 182 | 357 202 212 414 201 2151 416 1811 164 1812 | 161 1813 196 1814 1815 181 1816 | 170 1817 166 1818 149 1819 | 181 1820 162 734 212 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Adding- ham V. Ainstable V. Alston (including Garragill) V. Croglin R. Culgaith C. Dacre V. Edenhall V. Greystoke R. Hesket P.C.(j) Hutton R. Kirkland V. Kirkoswald V. Langwathby C. Lazonby V. (k) Matterdale C. Melmerby R. Mungrisdale Č. Newton V. | Ousby R. Penrith V. Rangłtoil-Head C. Renwick P. C. Great Salkeld R. Skellon R. Castle Sowerby V. Tlırelkeld C. and of Watermelock C. (j) Hesket includes Armatlıwaite C. (k) Lazonby includes Plumpton C. M.DCCC.XXI.T 21 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.: COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND-continued. CT CITY OF CARLISEE. TOWN OF WHITEHAVEN. · BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- nales. Total. Males Fe- Bales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males tres | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. 120 143 119 1811 | 238 2011 439 1812 | 226 | 2161 442 1813 | 247 216. 463 1814 234 221 455 1815 245 256 501 1816 | 246 248 | 494 1817 240 245 485 1818 217 248 465 1819 | 251 262 513 1820 263 215 478 126 1261 252 1811 161 | 1751 336 1812 100 185 1841 369 1813 107 177 198 375 1814 133 166.158 324 1815 156 1184/ 165! 3491816 131 1817 | 143 399 1818 143 | 209 188 397 1819 | 117 1 200 220 420 1820 131 1.811 1541 180 334 1812 180 186 366 1813 277 243 520 1814 | 2251 222 447 1815 | 2691 2371 506 1816 270 238 508 1819 | 228 248 476 1818 | 241 202 443 1819 | 218) 197 | 415 1820 | 239/ 197 | 436 ON COS META 136 159 295 | 158 189 347 145 163 308 163 151 | 314 2101 259 469 169 1491 318 2031 2551 458 188 1801 368 246 2491 495 2001 1901 390 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1819 1818 1819 1820 217 Qii 100 133 118 138 116 85 86 90 422 Laser St. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of James C. St. Nicholas C. and of The Holy Trinity C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— St. Cuth- bert's P. C. (1) and of St. Mary P. C. (1) Also from a Register of Quakers, and from a Register of Dis- senters at St. Cuthbert's. 1 SUM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Tota). Years. Marriages. 2,086 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 181.9 1820 4,102 4,043 4,489 4,519 4,807 2,073 2,353 2,327 2,444 2,373 2,337 2,290 2,397 2,474 2,016 1,970 2,136 2,192 2,363 2,323 2,247 2,152 2,319 2,213 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,158 1,223 1,280 1,324 1,328 1,432 1,413 1,334 1,501 1,437 1,144 1,278 1,248 1,442 1,414 1,417 1,454 1,364 1,496 1,474 2,302 2,501 2,528 2,766 2,742 2,849 2,867 2,698 2,997 2,911 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 '1819 1820 1,039 954 993 1,057 1,127 1,123 1,000 1,005 4,696 4,584 4,442 4,716 982 4,687 1,019 TOTALS | 23,154 1.21,931 45,085 13,430 13,731 27,161 | 10,299 The SUMMARY of the County of CUMBERLAND is collected from the Registers of One hundred and four Parish Churches and Thirty-three Chapels, and from Three Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 218;---Burials, 38; -Marriages, 7. 22 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Derby. HUNDRED OF APPLETREE. (a) HUNDRED OF MORLESTONE AND LITCHURCII. (0) BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fc- Total Years. Total. | Years. Males Fe- Total. Total. Males Feu. Years. Males Ft Years. Mar- riages. Mar- riages. males. males malcs. 188 763 191 563 439 863 1811 1350 340 690 1812 335 3271 662 1813 386 364 750 1814 385 337 722 1815 431 427 858 1816 1378 3461 724 1819 393 378 771 1818 400 | 347 | 747 1819 387 | 358/ 745 1820 368 319 687 196 384 183 2141 397 163 | 326 238 448 210 405 190 403 220 444 220 433 235 239 474 208 178 386 1811 191 1812 157 1813 196 1814 203 1815 203 1816 206 1817 208 1818 208 1819 232 1820 1811 363 382 745 1812 388 1375 1813 373 423 796 1814 388 380 768 1815 424 1816 403 423 826 1817 414) 3581 772 1818 399 369 768 1819 423 398 1820 | 458 394 | 852 229 | 212 441 213 191 404 220 207 | 427 270 293 257 249 506 248 255 503 226 261 | 487 290 535 286 287 | 573 228 490 1811 182 1812 173 1813 1814 153 1815 | 215 1816 200 1817 | 194 1818 191 1819 196 224 - 245 213 1820 | 199 239 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Atlow C. Barton-Blount R. Belper C. Boyleston R. Bradley R. Brailsford R. Breadsall R. Chaddesden P. C. Church-Broughton V. Cubley R. Dalbury R. Doveridge V. Duffield V.(0) Edlaston R. Etwall V. Kedleston R. Longford R. Marston-Montgomery P. C. Marston- upon-Dove V. Mugginton R. Norbury R. Osmaston P. C. Rad- bourne R. Scropton P. C. Shirley V.) Snelston P. C. Somersall- Herbert R. Spondon V. Stanley C. Sudbury R. Sotton-on-the- Hill V. Trusley R. Turnditch C.(?) and of Twyford C. (1) Barrow being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Morlestone, the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. (b) Duffield includes the Register of Holbrook C. () Shirley includes the Register of Yeavely C. (d) The Chapelyard at Turnditch not being consecrated, the Inha- bitants bury at Duffield. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Alles- trey P.C. Alvaston C. Aston-upon-Trent R. Barrow V. Boulton C. Breaston C.(j) Crich V. Dale Abbey C. Darley Chapelry C. (k) Denby P. C. Little Eaton C. Long Eaton C. (1) Egginton R. Elvaston V. Findern C.(n) Kirkhallam V. Westhallam R. Heanor V. Horsley V. Ilkeston V. Kirk-Langley R. Littleover C. Mackworth V. Mickleover V. Morley R. Ockbrook V. Pentridge V. Quam or Quarndon P.C. (") Risley C. Sandiacre P. C. Sawley C. Smalley C. Stanton-by-Dale P.C. Weston-upon-l'rent R. Willington V. and of Wilne P. C. (1) Barrow is partly in the Hundred of Appletree. (i) There is no Burial Ground at Breaston. (*) Darley Chapelry was erected in 1819. (") The Inhabitants of Long-Eaton bury and marry at Sawley. (m) No Register kept at Findern till the year 1813. (") The Churchyard at Quarndon was not consecrated till the year 1.820. HUNDRED OF HIGHPEAK. HUNDRED OF REPTON AND GRESLEY. O BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISDIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Feel nales. Total. Males! Fe- Total. | Years. males. Mar- riages. 103 229 107 1811 1 689|624 1,313 355/361 | 716 1811 281 1812 | 648 555 | 1,203 | 3231365 | 688 1812 260 1813 624 606 1,230 332 309 | 641 1813 246 1814 645 650 1,295 778 1814 313 1815 732 773 1,505 349 323 672 1815 304 1816 680 689 1,369 353 365 718 1816 295 1817 65616271,283 385 367 752 1817 235 1818 | 682650 1,332 | 388426 814 1818 | 282 1819 | 664 | 650 1,314 395 407 | 802 1819 | 281 1820 7171694 1,411 411 416 827 | 1820 288 1811 215 226 441 130 141 271 1812 226 201 427 102 107 209 1813 227 220 447 106 100 206 1814 219 448 | 123 | 147 | 270 1815 239 255 494 125 1091 234 1816 248 241 489 109 | 114 | 223 1817 249 475 121 92 213 1818 435 97 1201 217 1819 | 228 | 2131 441 | 121 | 131 | 252 1820 234 2381 472 1136 | 1181 254 1811 113 1812 1813 81 1814 18151 93 1816 36 1817 1818 1819 1820 84 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ash- ford C. Bakewell V. Baslow C. Beeley C. Birchover C. Buxton C. Castleton V. Chapel-en-le-Fritl: P. C. Chelmorton C. Chipley C. Darwent C. () Durley or Darleigh R. Edale C. Edensor V. Eyam R. Fairfield C. Glossop V. Hathersage V. Ilayfield C. Hope V. Great Longstone C. Mellor C. Monyash C. Peal-Forest C. Shel- don C.) Stanton C. Stoney-Middleton C. Taddington C. Tides- well V. Winster C. Wormhill C. and of Youlgrave V.(*) (9) The Inhabitants of Darwent bury and marry at Hathersage. Also from a Register of Roman Catholics at Glossop, and from Registers of Dissenters at Charlesworth, Glossop, Hadfield, and Whit- field (in Glossop Parish.) (6) The Inhabitants of Sheldon bury and marry at Bakewell, the Mother Church. (*) Youlgrave includes the Register of Roxter C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Brad- by C.(P) Calke P. C. Chellaston V. Chilcot C. Church-Gresley P.C. Croxall V. Formaske P.C. (9) Hartshorn R. Lullington V. Mea- sham P. C. Melbourn V. Newton-Solney P. C. Normanton P.C. Os- maston P. C. Ravenstone R.(O) Repton P. C. Rosliston P. C. Smithsby P. C. Stanton-by-Bridge R. Stapenhill V.(5) Stretton- en-le-Field R. Swarkiston R. Ticknall P. C. Walton-upon-Trent R. and of Willesley R. (°) Appleby being partly in this Hundred, partly in that of Sparkenlive (Leicestershire), the Parish Register is entered in the latter, the Church being situate therein. For the same reason, Pocklington, partly in this Hundred, partly in that of West Goscote (Leicestershire), is entered in the latter. C) The Inhabitants of Bradby bury and marry at Repton. (?) Formaske includes the Register of Inglesby.' () Ravenstone is partly in the Hundred of West Goscote (Leices- tershire). (5) Stapenhill includes the Register of Cauldwell C. M.DCCC.XXI.] 23 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DERBY-continued. HUNDRED OF SCARSDALE. HUNDRED OF WIRKSWORTH. DIY BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. | Fc- Ycars. Males inales. Total. Males! Fe- inales. Total. Years. | Mar- Years. | riages. Mar- riages. 153 1811 699 652 1,351 458, 414 872 1812 1 690; 652 1,342 | 385 1 702 787 1813 1 775 | 687 1,462 1 391 | 3301 721 1814 | 736 665 1,401 420 412 832 1815 756 736 1,492 394 392 786 1816 745 705 1 1,450 | 409 412 821 1817 1 754 729 1,483 391 348 739 1818 687 646 1,333 1385 402 787 1819 | 691 663 1,354 484 456 940 1820 778 762 1,540 431 391 822 O 1811 297 1812 245 1813 249 1814 299 1815 302 1816 277 1817 265 1818 255 1819 | 273 1820 Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. imalcs. males. 1811 330 331 661 194 199 393 1812 363 3101 673 | 210 198 408 1813 328 351 679 679 168 193 361 1814 338 3181 656 | 193 2351 428 1815 372 322 694 164 161) 325 1816 344 3271 671 1 196 | 188) 384 1817 | 299 2771 576 | 1991 175) 374 1818 | 303 3141 617 211 201 412 1819 295 337 632 | 195 219 414 1820 / 322 309| 631 | 192 | 233 425 1811 151 1812 149 1813 1814 167 1815 146 1816 155 1817 156 1818 | 152 1819 | 145 1820156 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alfre- ton V. Ashover R. (1) Barlborough R. Great Barlow C. Beauchieff C. Beighton V. Blackwell V. Bolsover V. Brampton P.C. Brimington C. Chesterfield V.() Clowne R. Dore C.) Dronfield V. Eckington R. Elmton V. Hault-Hucknall V. Heath V. Holmesfield V. Killa- niarsh P.C. Langwith-Bassett R. Norton R. (W) South Norman- ton R. Norton V. Pinxton R. (*) Pleasley R. Scarcliffe V. Shirland R. Stavelcy R. Sutton-with-Duckmanton R. Tibshelf V. Whittington R. Whitwell R. Wingerworth P.C. North Wingfield R. and of South Wingfield V. The above AESTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—--Allsop- le-dale C. Ashbourne V. Fenuy-Bentley R. Bonsall R. Bradborno | V. (y) Brassington C. Carsington R. Earl Sterndall C. Elton C. Hartington V. Hognaston P. C. Kirkireton R. Kniveton P.C. Ma- pleton R. Matlock R. Middleton C. Parwich P. C. Thorp R. Tissington P.C. and of Wirksworth-with-Cromford V.(2) (º) Bradborne includes the Register of Ballidon. () Wirksworth is partly in Appletree Hundred, and includes the Return of Alderwasley, at which place there is a private Chapel. BOROUGH OF DERBY.(a) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- riages. “) Ashover includes the Register of Dethick Chapelry (Wirksworth Hundred). (4) Chesterfield includes the Register of Temple-Normanton C. Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Dore. (“) Morton includes the Register of Brackenfield. (*) Pinxton is partly in Broxtow Hundred (Notts). Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males. Toto haled Fe- Total. males. males. 1811 248 214) 462 134 140 274 1812 243/ 235 478 | 171 124 295 1813 266 227 1 493 | 130 | 118/ 248 1814 228 485 149 141 290 1815 555 144 135 279 1816 498 148 153 301 1817 502 180 150 330 1818 | 2781 246 524 | 192 | 1931 385 1819 | 257 210 467 | 153 159 312 1820 | 243 245| 488 157 158 315 257 ca 1811 172 1812 170 1813 196 1814 203 1815 271 1816 1817 234 1818 | 260 1819 266 1820 244 Ciara 234 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---St. Alk- mund V. (b) All Saints P. C. St. Michael V. (b) St. Peter V. (6) and of St. Werburgh V. () Also from three Registers of Dissenters in the Town of Derby. (b) Part of St. Alkmund's, St. Michael's, and of St. Peter's, is in Morlestone Hundred. row SUM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DERBY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. DIales. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1,663 1,601 1,420 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,894 2,893 2,979 2,978 3,257 3,040 3,016 2,962 2,945 3,120 2,769 2,655 2,878 2,797 3,204 2,987 2,846 2,794 2,829 2,961 5,663 5,548 5,857 5,775 6,461 6,027 5,862 5,756 5,774 6,081 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,688 1,587 1,510 1,745 1,628 1,676 1,722 1,783 1,869 1,797 1,579 1,677 1,617 1,800 1,898 1,722 3,351 3,188 2,930 3,609 3,207 3,353 3,339 3,583 3,767 3,519 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,387 1,257 1,312 1,445 1,534 1,473 1,386 1,441 1,459 TOTALS 30,084 28,720 58,804 17,005 | 16,841 33,846 14,226 The SUMMARY of the County of Derby is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Thirty-eight Parish Churches and Fifty Chapels, from One Register of Roinan Catholics, and from Seven Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisnis, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 293,--Burials, 84,---Marriage, 1. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. . County of Devon. HUNDRED OF AXMINSTER. HUNDRED OF BRAUNTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS MLARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Alales Fe. male Total. Males Fe- males. Totil. Years. Mala riages. Years. Nules Fec| Total. Males Fes | Total. males. males. Years. Mar riages. 326 342 87 110 m 97 101 1811 174 | 152 1812 160182 1813 200 / 173 373 18:41 202 219 421 1815 221 221 442 1816 196 / 183 379 1817 1195 205 400 1818 165198 363 1819 1231 | 211 | 442 1820 214196 | 114 212 197 198 113 209 85 190 84 103 184 87 119 221 1112 147 259 1102 106 208 1811 93 1312 88 1313 1314 1815 1816 1817 82 1018 70 1819 87 1820 100 532 1811 213 200 | 413 192 1812 211 234 445 123 140 263 1813 231 255 486 108 |119227 181.1 | 271 254 | 525 132 | 117 | 249 1815 | 278 254 111 101 212 1816 | 240 255 495 110|144 254 1817 298 249 547 114 124 1818 236 | 222 458 122116 1819 | 273 / 227 | 500 | 142 | 152 | 294 1820 | 281 | 292 573 139 141 1811 102 1812 112 1813 95 1814 140 1815 120 1816 118 1817 | 105 1818 125 1819 | 123 1820 | 146 167 238 238 102 410 280 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Axmin- sier VAxmonth V. Coonbpyne R. Combrawleigh R. Honiton R. Wilmington P. C. Luppitt V. Niembury P.C. Musbury R. St. Pancras alias Penny Cross R. () Thori.combe V. lpyme R. Upottery V. and ut Yarcombe V. (a) St. Pancras, alias Penny Cross, being a Sinecure, within the Parish of Axmouth, and the Chapel never having been fitted up for Divine Service, the rite of Burial only has buen periornied there in the Family Vault of its Possessors. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ashford V. Barnstaple V'. Berry-Narber R. Bittaden R. Bratton-Fleming R. Braunton V. East Buckland R. West. Buckland R. Combmartin R. East Down R. West Down V. Filleigh R. George-ham R. Goodleigh- Prior R. Heaton-Punchardon R. Ilfraconibe V. Kentisbury R. Marwoud R. Morthoe V. Pilion P. C. and of Trentishoe R. HUNDRED OF BAMPTON. HUNDRED OF BUDLEIGH, EAST. BAPTISNIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- finales. Total. Males Fem inales. Total, | Years. Dar- riage's. Males Fe.. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- inales. males. riages. 101 48 83 29 250 106 35 276 473 63 | 100 267 134 1811 109 210 1812 | 92 198 1813 92 107 199 1814 106 103 209 1815 116 109 225 1816 109 102 211 1817 200 1818 79 168 1819 | 89 | 93 | 182 | 59 | 54 | 113 1820 106 96 202 111 1811 1812 1813 1814 1315 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 253 503 115 116 231 1812 253 249 502 127 149 1813 | 239 234 122 | 126 248 1814 266 262 528 129 138 1815 295 250 545 105 139 1816 299 276 | 575 145 139 284 1817 | 281 267 548 134 135 1818 290 | 293 583 132 137 | 269 1819 288 297 | 585 166 206 | 372 1820 | 296 295 591 174 | 165 | 339 244 1811 130 1812 125 1813 133 1814 1815 126 1816 1817 104 1818 | 119 1819 121 1820 | 118 94 138 269 818 | 891 37 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Bampton (with Petton) 1. Burlisco!ube V. Clayhanger R. Hockworthy 1. Ilolcombe-Rogus l'. Morebath V. and of Uffculm V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ayles. bear 1. Bicton R. East Budleigh V. Clist St. George R. Clist- Honiton P. C. Clist St. Mary R. Colaton-Rawleigh V. Farringdon R. Gittisham R. Harpford V. Littlcham (with Exmouth) V. Lyinp- stou R. Otterton V. Rockbear V. Salcomb Regis V. Sidbury V. Sidmouth V. Ven-Ottery V. Wythycomb-Rawleigh C. and of Wood- bury P.C. HUNDRED OF BLACK-TORRINGTON. - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. T Years. 'Males! Fe- Fe- Years. vales HUNDRED OF BUDLEIGH, WEST. 1249 274 103 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Males Total. | Mar- males. riages. 1811 254 503 99 98 197 1811 1812 217 491 99 | 95 | 194 1812 94 1813 258 241 439 110119 229 1813 | 102 1814 263217 109 216 1814 1815 284 548 97 | 97 194 1815 122 1816 264 254 104 102 206 1816 116 1817 247 | 260 507 103 96 | 199 1817 117 1818 1305 | 256 561 118 | 101 | 219 | 1818) 111 1819 250 246 | 496 151 138 289 1819 114 1820 | 281 284 565 107 | 131 | 238 480 114 Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males. males. Total. 264 Years. Dlar- riages. fi 518 37 15 ederhana 40 1820 139 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 8 66 A S 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 77 33 57 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers uf, - Abbots- Bickington P.C. Ashbury R. Ashwater R. Beaworthy R. Belston R. Black-Torrington R. Bradford R. Bradworthy V. Bridgerule-in-the- East V.O Broadwood-Kelly R. Clawton P. C. Cookbury P.C. Exbourne R. St. Giles-011-the-Heath P. C. Halwell R. Hatherleigh V. Highampton R. Hollacombe R. Holsworthy R. Honey-Church R. Inwardleigh R. Jacobstowe R. Luſſincott R. Milton-Damarel R. Monkoakliampton R. Northlew R. Pancrass-Wyke P. C. North Petherwin V. West Putford R. Pyworthy R. Sampford. Courtenay R. Sutcombe R. Tetcott R. Thornbury R. and of Werrington P. C. (6) Bridgerule is partly in Stratton Hundred (Cornwall), and there entered; the Church is in Devon. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Cheriton- Fitzpaine R. Poughill R. Shobroke R. Stockleigh-English R. Stock- leigh-Pomeroy R. Upton-Hellions R. and of Washfield R. M.DCCC.XXI.] 25 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HUNDRED OF CLISTON. HUNDRED OF CREDITON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males! Fe. males. Total. Males) Fc- Total. Years. Diar- riages. Males Fe- males. | riages. 35 29 19 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Years. Males fe- / Total. Total, 1 Years. | Mar- males. males. 1811 156 152 308 30869 85 154 1811 1812 173 144 317 75 73 148 1812 1813 170 144 314 172 1813 1814 161 186 347 | 116 103 219 1814 1815 21: 392 156 1815 96 1816 191 170 361 145 1816 1817 155 169 324 206 1817 1818 168 175 343 1 91 112 203 1818 68 1819 1 165 195 1 360 1951 117 | 212 1819 80 1820 199 156 355 127 123 250 | 1820 79 23 / 43 105 113 87 108 24 · The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Broad- Clist V. Butterleigh R. Clisthydon R, Clyst St. Lawrence R. and of Whimple R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Cole- brooke V. Crediton V. Kennerleigh R. Morchard-Bishop R. New- ton St. Cyres V. and of Sandford P. C. HUNDRED OF COLERIDGE. HUNDRED OF ERMINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. viales Fe- Total. Males Fe. Total. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- riages. males males. 128 68 59 149 1811 245 237 | 482 | 143 | 133 | 276 | 1811 1812 247 270517 189 176 365 1812 151 1813 287 251 538 | 130 | 140 270 1813 112 1814 282 258 540 (132140 272 1814 139 1315 1 272 264 536 138 125 263 1815 149 1816 288 262 550 124 | 145 269 1816 1817 305 263 140 148 288 1817 133 1818 13171 281 598 | 153 | 1731 326 1818 | 133 1819 3141 292 606 135 135 270 1819 | 140 1820 352 302 654 1601 169329 | 1820 149 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. niales. males. 1811 159 146 | 305 117 1812 | 127 | 131 | 258 140 1813 161 310 126 1814 162 162 324 135 1815 159 313 1816 1701 330 78 61 | 139 1817 171 1601 331 67 | 74 | 141 1818 | 142 1591 301 1819 / 164 1601 324 80 | 69 | 149 1820 173 189 362 79 96 175 138 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 155 568 145 57 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ash- prington R. Blackauton V. Buckland-Toutsaints (annexed to Loddis- well) V. Charlton R. Chivelstone P. C. Cornworthy V. Dittisham R. Dordbrooke R. Halwell P. C. Harberton V. St. Petrox (Dartmouth) P. C. South Poole R. Portleniouth R. St. Saviour's (Dartmouth) V. Sher- ford P. C. Slapton P. C. Stoke-Fleming R. Stokenham V. Totnes V. and of Townstall V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of ---Aveton- Giffard R. Bigbury R. Cornwood V. Ermington V. Harford R. Holbeton V. Kingston P. C. Modbury V. Newton-Ferrers R. Ringe- more R. and of Ugborough V. HUNDRED OF COLYTON. HUNDRED OF EXMINSTER. BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Ft- males.) males. Total. Years. Mar- Total. Years. | Mar- | riages. Years. Males! Fe- | Tata Total. Males! Fe- inales males. riages. 99 61 78 103 99 98 94 96 106 208 1811 | 94 801 174 1812 124 227 1813 85 198 1814 115 1815 251 1816 (109) 96 1817 120 1106 226 1818 114 207 1819 106 89 195 1820 126 232 | 124 | 127 116 64 57 205 123 121 100 100 106 102 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 207 215 422 96 95/ 191 1812 200 225 425 97| 114 211 1813 197 214 411 97 195 1814 | 222 450 93 190 1815 256 484 no 961 171 1816 233 461 216 1817 1 240 522 84/ 101 185 1818 | 269 504 125 128 253 1819 | 237 | 2401 477 1152 | 1401 1820 271 | 2431 514 117 143 260 97 1191 117 105 83 104 97 124 115 106 66 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Brans- combe V. Colyton V. Cotleigh R. Farway R. North Leigh R. South Leigh R. Monckton P. C. Offwell R. Seaton and Beer V. Shute P. C. and of Widworthy R. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, ---Ash- combe R. Ashton R. Bishopsteington V. Chudleigh V. Dawlish V. Doddiscombsleigli R. Dunchideock R. Exminster V. Ide P. C. Kenn R. Kenton V. Mamhead R. Powderham R. Shillingford St. George R. East Teignmouth P. C. West Teignmouth P. C. and of Trushamn R. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF DEVON--continued. HUNDRED OF FREMINGTON. HUNDRED OF HAYRIDGE. BAPTISMS. i BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Year Males Fe- ll I'otal. Inales Fe- males. niales. Total. Ycars. Nar- riages. Ycars. Males Fe. Total. Malcs Fco | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. males. 55 1811 1812 53 80 333 284 75 1813 306 73 241 1811 118 106 224 1812 | 94 | 119 213 1813 108 114 222 1814 13:1 1'110 1815 118 99 1 217 1816 117 103 220 1817 129 117 246 1818 | 113 116 229 1819 122 125 | 247 1820 142134 276 177 101 95 105 143 98 101 105 110 1:36 140 8g 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 159 174 1812 152 132 1813 137 169 18141 168 172 1815 232 1816 190 166 1817 1167 212 1818 159 183 1819 187 173 1820 197 167 91 | 86 177 103 116 219 100 205 82 104 | 186 185 193 .62 110 172 113 234 131 134 265 113 100 213 340 409 356 379 342 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 64 63 66 74 61 364 go The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alver- discott R. Fremington V. ☺ St. Giles P. C. Horwood R. Hunt- shaw R. Instow R. Newton-Tracey R. Ruborough R. Tawstock R. Great Torrington V. and of Westleigh V. (9) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Fremington. The above ADSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Bick- leigh R. Bradninch V. Broadhembury V. Cadbury V. Cadeleigh R. Cullompton V. Feniton R. Kentisbeare R. Netherex P. C. Pay- hembury V. Plymtrec R. Sheldon P.C. Silverton R. Tallaton R. and of Thorverion V. HUNDRED OF HALBERTON. HUNDRED OF HAYTOR, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. NIales! Fe. Total. Males Fe | Total. males. Years. Mar- fi riages. Years. (Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe. | Total. inales. Totale panniales. Years. Dar- riages. males 37 27 699 201 388 158 180 14 20 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 342 208 386 361 1811 1812) 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 362 337 | 1812 1303 318 621 1813 332 321 653 1814 287 629 1815 345 706 1816 339 296 635 1817 340 327 | 667 1818 295 299 594 1819 | 353 339 692 1820 321 305 | 626 187 196 185 381 156 160 316 178 161 300 338 160 146 173 319 184 1781 362 145 187 161 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 15 | 34 164 324 1818 1819 1820 27 43 / 70 332 153 Halber- The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ton V. Sampford-Peverell R. and of Willand R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers uf,--Abbots- kerswell V. Berry-Pomeroy V. Brixham V. Broadhempston V. Buckland-in-the-Moor P. C. Churston-Ferrers P. C. Cockington P.C. Coffinswell P.C. Denbury R. Little Hempstone R. Ipplepen V. Kingskerwell P.C. Kingsware P.C. Marldon P.C. St. Mary Church 1. Paington V. Staverton V. Stoke-Gabriel V. Torbryan R. Tor- moham P. C. Widecombe-in-the-Moor V. Wolborough C. and of Woodland C. IIIN TUL HUNDRED OF HARTLAND. HUNDRED OF HEMYOCK. III. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Mar- Years. 1 riages. Vears. Males Fe- males. Total. Total. Malcs Fe- males. Years. males. males. Mar- riages. 57 36 108 134 128 26 25 57 | 31 59 1 43 1 74 38 127 46 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 172 126 132 145 149 160 123 172 147 117 152 116 148 125 134 1811 1812 1813 1814 15| 37 1815 20 34 54 1816 1817 1818 1819 17 | 33 50 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 143 90 67 72 15 128 | 105 43 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Clovelly R. Hartland P. C. Welcomb P. C. Woolfardisworthy P. C. and of Yarnescomb V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Awlis- combe V. Buckerell V. Churchstanton R. Clayhidon R. Culmstock 1. Dunkeswell P. C. and of Hemyock R. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF DEVON—continued. HUNDRED OF LIFTON, TIUNDRED. OF PLYMPTON. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. -- - - -- Years. Diales Fe- malcs. Total. Malcs! Fe- iliales. Total. Years. | Mar- Ycars. Males). FC Total. Males, fe- nial Total. 1 Years. Mar- riuges. riages. inales. 83 1:103 1: 79 179 52 87 76 16:3 52 137 1501 306 144 1811 : 171 136 307 1812 i 187 | 146 | 333 1813 168 | 153 321 1814 | 156 150 1815 1851173 358 1816 165 179 344 1817 183 166) 349 1818 193 147 340 1819 | 180173 | 353 1820 188 187 375 102 179 80 152 128 70 1 63 66 129 | 82 1 76 158 | 80 72 152 · 83 47 | 130 108 93 201 77 55 132 1811 18121 1813 52 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819 18201 95 1811 125119 244 1812 -137 113 | 250 1813 164 | 138 | 302 1814 | 159 | 116 275 1815 i 172 148 320 1816 | 147 | 149 : 296 1817 | 139 159 | 298 1818 | 137 | 131 | 268 1819 | 126 | 107 | 233 1820 153 | 131 | 284 1811 49 1812 1813 10141 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 38 161 88 68 | 156 681 72 : 140 79/ 64 | 143 | 881 93 | 181 82 7477 151 1 64 152 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brad- stone R. Bratton-Clovelly R. Bridestowe R. Broadwoodwiger. P. C. Coryton R. Dunterton R. Kelly R. Lamerton V. Lewtrenchard R. Lifton R. Lydford R. Marysto:v V. Marytavy R. Okehampton V. Sourton P. C, Stowford R. Sydenham-Damarell R. Thrustleton V. Virginstow R. and of Wcek St. German's P. (. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Brix- ton P.C. Plympton St. Mary B.C. Plympton-Maurice P. C. Plynn- stock P.C. Revelstoke P: C. Shaugh-Prior P. C. Wembury P.C. and of Yealmpton V. HUNDRED OF SOUTI-MOLTON. HUNDRED OF ROBOROUGII. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ka Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Foo | Total. inalcs. Years. nales. Diar- riages. males. 105 80 | 147 86 108 194 100 33 42 139 171 159 152 | 134 86 / 99 196 | 92 172 1811 1521401 292 1812 164 163 327 1813 155 135 290 1814 151 | 1531 304 1815 179 171 1816 166 172 1817 171 168 339 1818 167 344 1819 185 167 352 1820 204 173 377 308 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1 1819 | 1820 350 338 1811 205 1812 117 228 1813 153 271 1814 138 130 268 1815 156 1816 273 1817 140 283 1818 132 113 | 245 1819 140 139 | 279 1820 179 125 304 94 175 79105 184 77 64 141 111114 | 225 100 | 114 | 214 98 88 186 159 162 | 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 177 1100 88 62 92 135 189 167 159 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, East Anstey R. West Anstey V. Chittleliampton V. George-Nympton R. Knowstone V. Landkey P.C. Molland V. North Molton V. South Molton P. C. Satterleigh R. Swimbridge P.C. Bishop's-Tawton V. Twitching P. C. and of Warkleigh R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Beer- Ferris R. Bickleigh V. Egg-Buckland V. Buckland-Nonachorum V. St. Budeaux P. C. Meavy R. Pennicross C. Petertavy R. Samp- | ford-Spiney P. C. Sheepstor P. C. Tamerton-Foliott V. Walk- hampton V. and of Whitchurcb V. - - - ---- --- HUNDRED OF OTTERY SAINT MARY. HUNDRED OF SHEBBEAR. DAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISNIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- inales Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. Y'cars. Mar- riages. Ycars. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. į dlar- Total. Years. 1 I riages. malcs. 67: 30 | 26 56 13 102 60 28 16 98 107 137 76 1811 1812 32 1813 | 43 1814 37 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 25 | 11 | 36 20 33 53 20 16 36 | 19 | 27 101 1815 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 243 486 1812 256 | 2191 475 1813 262 | 2741 536 1814 | 251 216 467 1815 274 306 1 580 1816 254 255 509 1017 270 268 538 280 244 | 524 1819 287 240 | 527 1820 266 297 563 101 108 209 128 123 251 244 119 221 111 114 225 122 238 111 221 143 137 280 136 129/ 265 127 129 256 1811 136 1812 100 1813| 128 1814 119 120 1816 126 1817 114 1818 1819 | 132 1820 | 136 84 10 1818 129 Ottery The above Abstract is collected from the Register of, St. Mary V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Abbots- ham V. Alwington R. Braford R. Bideford R. Buckland-Brewer V. Buckland-Filleigh R. Bulkworthy P. C. Frithelstock P. C. Huish R. Iddesleigh R. Lancras R. Langtree R. Littlehan R. Neeth R. Merton R. Monkleigh V. Newton-St. Petrock R. Northam V. Parkliam R. Peters-Morland P.C. Petrockstow R. East Putford P.C. Shebbear V. Sheepwash P. C. Little Torrington R. and of Wear- Gifford R. . 28 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DEVON- continued. HUNDRED OF SHERWELL. HUNDRED OF NORTH TAWTON AND WINKLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Total. Males Fe- males. males. niales. 85 | 18 89 322 318 95 93 179 334 ვნე 150 1811 1812 43 1813 | 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 152 157 150 168 6.2 | 73 | 135 93 | 88 | 181 168 1 53 Years. | Mar. riages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 18171 1818 1819 1820 102 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 157 165 1812 165 153 1813 157 1814 172 1815 207 1816 215 1817 183 1818 | 186 169 1819 191 175 1820 109 380 21 117 83 110 21 382 381 355 366 411 24 15 162 98 110 93 203 74 1 123 83 93 176 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,---- Ar- lington R. Brendon R. Challacombe R. Charles R. Countisbury P. C. Highbray R. Linton P. C. Loxhore R. Martinhoe R. Paracomb R. Shirwell R. and of Stoke-Rivers R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ash- reigney R. Atherington R. High-Bickington R. Boneleigh R. Bow or Nymet-Tracey R. Brushford P. C. Burrington V. Chawleigh R. Clannaborough R. Coldridge 1. Dolton or Dowilton R. Dowland P.C. Down-St.-Nary R. Eggisford R. Lapford R. Nymnet-Rowland .R. North Tawton R. Wimbworthy R. Winkleigh V. and of Zeal- Monachorum R. HUNDRED OF STANBOROUGH. HUNDRED OF TEINBRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- riages. | Years. / Mar- males. males. riages. 68 90 162 259 Route 127 98 183 195 169 402 1811 184 165 349 1812 187 200 387 1813 180 172 352 1814 206 196 1815 196 181 377 1816 189 2151 404 1817 | 194 166 360 1818 189 180 369 1819 201 213 414 1820 200 212 412 Go on 192 180 97 123 220 98 175 88 101 189 114 119 233 119 96 102 113 215 Years. Males Fe- Total. Malcs Fe- | Total. males. inales. 1811 172 | 177 349 85 87 172 1812 148 148 296 105 217 1813 325 93 206 1814 154 333 84 1815 201 393 1816 186 157 | 343 160 1817 | 139 | 146 | 285 1.67 | 92 | 159 1818 160 185 205 1819 150 145 295 109 204 1820 169 169 | 338 93 121 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 181164 1812 72 1813 86 1814 113 1815 1816 1817 76 1818 1819 1820 . 215 . 214 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ish- burton V. Bickington P. C. Norih Bovey R. Bovey-Tracey 1. IIennock V. Highweek V. Ideford R. Ilsington V. Kingsteington V. Lustleigh R. Manaton R. Moreton-Hampstead R. and of Teingrave R. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, - East Allington R. West Allington V. South Brent V. Buckfastleigh V. Churstov V. Dartington R. Dene-Prior V. Diptford R. Holne V. North Huish R. South Huish P. C. Kingsbridge V. Loddiswell V. Marlborough P.C. South Milton C. Morleigh R. Rattery V. Sal. combe C. (1) Thurlestone R. and of Woodleigh R. (d) There being no Burial Ground at Salcombe, the Inhabitants vury at Marlborough. HUNDRED OF TAVISTOCK. HUNDRED OF TIVERTON. BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fa- Years. Males Fem | Total. Males males. Total. 1 Years. | Mar- Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- 1 Total. Years. | Mar- males. riages. nialcs. | riages. 58 72 37 130 134 104 | 112 154 1811 | 116 99 | 215 1812 94 | 85 | 179 1813 871 85 172 1814 223 1815 90 93 183 1816. 195 1817 1 74 80 154 1818 91 71 162 1819 1820 101 93 194 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 113 | 103 216 111 1812 229 1813 120 | 112 | 232 1814 144 135 279 | 83 1815 132 | 120 | 252 61 151 1816 129 118 247 1817 124 146 | 270 1818 141 144 195 1819 121 131 252 1820 ( 163 147 310 ( 83 105 188 102 111 118 109 121 95 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 18171 1818 18191 1820 132 85 CONTENERELTRINKETGAN TERRO 285 - 0 179 117 66 Brent- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Torr P. C. Milton-Abbott V. and of Tavistock V'. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Cal- verleigh R. Huntsham R. Loxbearc R. Tiverton R. and of Up- lowman R. M.DCCC.XXI. 29 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DEVON-continued. HUNDRED OF WITHERIDGE. CITY OF EXETER, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Mar- Years. Males fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males, Total. Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fee | Total. Males inales males. riages. 114 54 | 220 414 48 451 533 446 - 271 1811 123 237 1812 216 1813 243 1814 252 1815 1816 137 132 269 1817 | 121 | 124 | 245 1818 152114 | 266 1819 136 136 | 272 1820 145 121 367 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 - 62 128 60 108 72 | 69 | 141 65 54 119 50 | 83 | 139 62 45 | 107 62 | 68 | 130 115 142 66 | 86 | 152 1811 295 545 1812 276 269 545 1813 217 1814 280 1815 296 1816 258 512 1817 302 595 1818 556 1819 288 : 305 593 1820 327 273 600 194 1171181 352 1238 224 462 198 248 183 191 374 209 225 434 1244212 1228 227 455 1275 1321 | 596 206 231 437 1811 249 1812 | 187 1813 220 1814 | 204 1815 258 1816 244 1817 259 1818 250 1819 249 1820 262 - 293 254 456 302 52 266 1820 52 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Chel- don R. Chulmleigh R. Creaconibe R. Cruwys-Morchard R. Marian- sleigh P.C. Meshaw R. Bishop's-Nympton V. King's-Nympton R. Oakford R. Paddington R. Rackenford R. Romansleigh R. ` Rose- Ash R. Stoodley R. Templeton R. Thelbridge R. Washford-Pyne R. Witheridge V. Woolfardisworthy R. East Worlington R. and of West Worlington R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---All- hallow's Goldsmith-street R. Allhallows-on-the-Walls R. (©) Bedford Precinct Extra P. C. St. David P. C. St. Edmund R. St. George R. St. John R. St. Kerrian R. St. Lawrence;R. St. Martin R. St. Mary- Arches R. St. Mary-Major R. St. Mary-Steps R. St. Olave R. St. Pancras R. St. Paul R. The Precinct of the Close of St. Peter V. St. Petruck R. St. Sidwell P.C. St. Stephen R. and of the Holy Trinity R. (©) The Church of the Parish of Allhallows-on-the-Walls being demo- lished, the offices of the Church were transferred to St. Niary Steps in 1805 ; previously, St. John's was used for that purpose; a separate Return has been, however, received for it, which appears to have been extracted from the Register of St. Alary-Steps. HUNDRED OF WONFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! FecTotal. Years. males. Mar- riages. males. BOROUGH OF PLYMOUTH, AND SUBURBS. Mar- 1814 34.8 1811 1315 330 645 136 162 298 1812 307 329 66 155 i 170 | 325 1813 323 291 ] 614 186 162 348 296 1332 628 192 1815 368 322 690 150 164 314 1816 1345 324 669 160 161 1817 13:38 326 | 664 186 | 198 | 384 1818 368 338 706 1177 206 1819 13271227 | 654 209 : 2451 454 1820 1386 1 345 731 1197 232 | 429 1811 / 156 1812 | 133 1813 148 18141 160 1815 179 1816 168 1817 | 170 1818 | 153 1819 173 1820 188 321 383 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. males. males. riages. 1811 1,189 949 2,138 | 888 734 1,622 1811 968 1812 1,991 1,486 3,477 984 955 1,939 1812 1,254 1813 1,370 1,212 2,582 899732 1,631 1813 1,106 1814 1,303 1,165 2,468 11,082 925 12,007 1814 1,252 1815 1,452 1,256 2,708 | 8741716 1,590 1815 1,224 1816 1,357 1,086, 2,443 699 646 1,345 1816 898 1817 1,137 1,001 2,138 5705171,087 1817 760 1813 1,128 888 2,016 875 869 1,744 1818 781 1819 1,087 757 1,844 697 585 1,282 1819 731 1820 1,049783 1,832 649 640 1,289 | 1820 661. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,_ Alphing- ton R. Bampford-Speke V. Bridford R. Chagford R. Cheriton- Bishop R. Christow V. Combintinhead R. Drewsteington R. Duns- ford V. Gidleigh R. Haccombe R. Heavitree V. Hiltisleigh R. Holcombe-Burnell V. Huxham R. St. Leonard's R. St. Nicholas V. East Ogwell R. West Ogwell R. Pinhoe V. Poltimore R. Reeve R. Sowton or Clist St. Founson R. Spreyton V. Stoke-Canon P. C. Stokeinteignhead R. South Tawton V. Tedbourne St. Mary R. St. Thomas the Apostle (with Cowick) V. Throwleigh R. Topshan P. C. Upton-Pyne R. and of Whitestone R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. An- drew V. Charles V. Stoke-Damarell R. and of East Stonehouse P. C. . S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DEVON. BAPTISNIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years Marriages. 3,336 3,808 TH 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 6,285 6,985 6,486 6,713 7,246 6,912 6,659 6,674 6,663 7,032 5,842 12,127 6,415 13,400 6,233 | 12,719 6,375 13,088 6,832 14,078 6,336 13,248 6,432 13,091 6,094 12,768 6,121 | 12,784 . 6,423 | 13,455 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,448 3,714 3,612 3,814 3,383 3,297 3,208 3,807 4,025 3,660 3,460 3,854 3,322 3,395 3,219 3,886 4,002 3,887 6,784 7,522 7,072 7,668 6,705 6,692 6,427 7,693 8,027 7,547 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,449 3,595 3,479 3,965 4,090 3,507 3,233 3,236 3,269 3,441 TOTALS | 67,655 | 63,103 1130,758 35,968 36,169 | 72,137 - . | 35,264 i The SUMMARY of the County of Devon is collected from the Registers of Four hundred and Sixty-five Parish Churches and Seven Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following anount; viz; ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 763,--Burials, 117,-Marriage, 1. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. County of Dorset. DIVISION OF BLANDFORD, NORTH. (*) DIVISION OF BRIDPORT. BAPTISMS.. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. DIARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fc- nales. Total. Total. MalcsFe- Tinales. Years. 1 Mar. inales riages. 76 22 55 36 | 33 113 69 575 624 To 65 111 184 1811 153 1818 1813 101 | 75 176 1814 86 81 167 1815 1 76 1816 | 92 1817 84 92 176 1818 105 | 80 | 1819) 84 60 144 1820 101 | 80 | 181 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818. 1819 1820 748 1811 296 313 689 147 | 137 | 284 1812 294 | 281 158 133 291 1813 321 303 | 149 | 174 323 1814 331 3101 641 165 349 1815 388 369 172 152 324 1816 347 283 630 176 1731 349 1817 325 388 160 160 320 1818 1371388 759 |150|170 320 1819 1 354 354 | 708 166 | 192 | 358 1820 | 359 1368 727 1174/ 221 | 395 1811 120 1812 107 1813 132 1814 138 1815 184 1816 148 1817/ 156 1818 137 1819 146 1820 159 39 41 80 713 78 30 48 39 53 RE The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Ander- ston R. Bloxworth R. Bryanston R. Dewlish V. Durweston R. Fifehead-Neville R. Hammoun R. Hazelbury-Bryan R. Iwerne- Stapleton or Stapletyn-Preston R. Langton-Long-Blandford R. St. Mary Blandford R. Milbourne-St.-Andrew V. Pimperne R. Stour- paine V. Tarrant-Hinton R. Tarrant-Keyniston R. Tarrant-Raw- ston R. Thomson R. Winterbourne-Clenstone R. Winterbourne- Houghton R. Winterborne-Strickland R. Winterborne-Whitchurch V. and of Winterborne-Zelstone R. () Tarrant-Launeestun is returned with Tarrant-Monkton (Sec East. Shaston Division). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Al- lington P.Ç.(0) Askerswell R. Bcaminster C. Betiscombe R. Bincombe R. Bothenhampton P. C. Bradpole V. Broadwindsor V. Burstock V. Burton-Bradstock R. Caine-Winterborne R. Chard- stock V. Charmouth R. (©) Cheddington R. Chidcock P. C. Comp- ton-Vallence R. Corscomb R. Frampton V. Hook R. Loders V. Longbredy R. Mapperton R. Mosterton R. Netherbury V. South- Perrott R. Pilsdon R. f) North-Poorton R.) Powerstock with Milton V. Shepton-Gorge C.(*) Stockland V. Stoke-Abbot R. Symondsbury R. Walditch P. C. Wambroke R, Whitchurch- Canonicorun with Marshwood and Stanton-St.-Gabriel V. Winter- bourne-Abbas R. Wotton-Fitzpaine R, and of Wraxall R. (d) There is no Burial Ground at Allington. ☺) The Return of Charmouth includes the Register of Catherstone- Lewsterne. The Inhabitants of Pilsdon bury at Burstock. (6) The Inhabitants of North-Poorton bury at Powerstock. (*) The Inhabitants of Shepton-Gorge bury at Burton-Bradstock. DIVISION OF BLANDFORD, SOUTH. (0) SUBDIVISION OF CERNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Males! Fe- nales Total. Males Fe- Total. males Years. males. Mar- riages. 66 72 62 138 174 78 34 174 150 193 118 15 la 185 Years. riages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 18151 1816 18171 1818 86 1819 102 1820/ 90 1811 166 142 308 1812 | 155) 139 294 1813 164156 320 1814 1 150 154 304 1815 171 356 1816 167 143 310 1817 191 165 1818 159 134 293 1819 166 156 | 322 1820 174 178 352 160 191 181 1811 176 44 44 88 1811 1812 168 101 1812 1813 1813 1814 177 41 | 59 | 100 1814 1815 92 120 1815 1816 94 112 1816 1817 110 195 113 1817 1818 108 190 1818 1819 | 102 93 195 1819 1820 | 115 | 79 | 194 143 | 55 | | 981820 190 180 356 85 82 AROCCO 164 99 84 103 187 72 86 | 158 128 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Affpud- dle V. Arne P.C. Bere-Regis V. (©) Chaldon-Herring V. Church- Knowle R. Coomb-Keynes V. Corfe-Castle R. Kimeridge P.C. Langton-Matravers R. East-Lulworth V. West-Lulworth P. C. Moreton R. Owre-Moigne R. Poxwell R. Steeple R. East-Stoke R. Studland R. Swanage R. Turnerspuddle R. Tyneham R. Warm- well R. Winfrith-Newburgh R. Winterbourne-Kingston P. C. Wood- ford R. Wool V. and of Worth-Matravers V. (6) There is no Church at East-Holme, which is sometimes called Extra Parochial. (9) Bere-Regis includes Milborne-Styleham. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Alton- Pancras V. Buckland-Newton V. Cattistock R. Cerne-Abbas P. C. Nether-Cerne P. C. Cheselbourne R. Compton-Abbas or West- Compton R. Glanvilles-Wootton R. Godmanstone R. Hillfield V. Hilton V. Ibberton R. Nappowder R. Melcombe-Horsey R. | Milton-Abbas V. Great-Minterne R. Pulham R. Piddletrenthide V. Stoke-Wake R. Sydling-St.-Nicholas V. and of Woolland P. C. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. VY COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. DIVISION OF DORCHESTER. (1) DIVISION OF SHASTON, WEST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Y'cars. Alales! Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar. riages. males. Total. males. males. 132 53 57 52 37 556 111 94 1811 | 294 251 545 136 268 1812 254 | 238 492 166 171 337 1813 | 265 256 | 521 | 135 | 142 | 277 1814 ! 273 283 130 | 150 280 1815 294 277 571 155 159 314 1816 301 237 538 156 | 142 | 298 1817 278 252 | 530 111 | 137 | 248 1818 264 257 | 521 1163 128 | 291 1819 304 267 571 140 139 279 1820 311 295 / 606 193 | 161 354 1811 92 1812 103 1813 85 1814] 119 1815 130 1816 1817| 111 i 1818 131 1819 134 | 1820 130 1811 104 1161 220 126 1812 | 96 | 97 | 193 128 1813 | 125 | 112 | 237 122 1814 123 234 56 | 53 | 109 1815 114 109 223 | 43 51 94 1816 120 234 1 21 1817 125 125 250 102 1818 109 / 137 24650 | 67 | 117 1819 1171 96 213 1820 114 117 | 231 63 | 134 1811 1812 1818 18141 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 77 50 114 69 52 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ash- more R. Belchalwell R. Bourton C. Cann or Shaston-St.-Rumbald R. Compton-Abbas R. Farnham R. Great-Fontmell R. Gillingham V. Iwerne-Minster V. Melbury-Abbas R. Motcombe P. C. East-Or- chard P. C.() West-Orchard P. C. Shillingstone R. Tarrant-Gun- ville R. and of Turnworth R. (1) The Inhabitants of East-Orchard burg at Iwerne-Minster. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- bury V. Bradford-Peverell R. Little-Bredy with Kingston-Russell P.C. Burleston and Athelhampton R. Broadmayne R. Broadway R. Buck- land-Ripers R. Charminster P.C. East-Chelborough-Lucam R, West- Chelborough R. Chickerill R. Chilcombe R. Chilfrome R. Dalwood C. Eversholt R. Fleet V. Fordington V. Frome-St.-Quintin R. Frome- Vauchurch R. Hawkchurch R. Hermitage V. West-Knighton R. Langlon-Herring R. Litton-Chency R. Maiden-Newton R. Osming- ton with Ringstcad V. Piddle-Hinton R. Piddle-Town V. Portis- ham V. Portland R. Preston with Sutton-Pointz V. Puncknoll R. Radipole R. Rampisham R. West Stafford R. Stinsford V. Stock- wood R. Stratton P. C. Swyre R. Tincleton R. Toller-Fratrum (witir- Winford-Eagle) V. Toller-Porcorum V. Tolpuddle V. Upway R. Whitcombe P. C. Winterbornc-St.- Martin V. Winterborne-Monk- ton R. and of Winterborne-Steepleton R. (i) Melbury-Sampford is returned with Melbury-Osmonde (Sherborne Division). _ DIVISION OF SHASTON, EAST. DIVISION OF SHERBORNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fc- males. nales. Total. Ycars. Mar- riages. Years. (Males Fe- | Total | Mar- Males Fe | Total. | Years. males. riages. males. / Total 391 82 107 170 160 172 37 108 55 112 112 191 1811 206 185 1812 1981 198 396 1813 227 | 248 | 475 1814 | 230 2251 455 1815 238 239 477 1816 249 477 1817 248 250) 498 1818 244 237 | 481 1819 205 423 1820 276 254 530 91 98 121 219 | 103 | 140 | 243 116 | 166 | 282 118 143 261 122 129 251 144 270 113 135 248 127 125 252 146 170 316 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 114 1812 | 101 1813 102 1814 112 1815 166 1816 | 110 1817 113 1818 140 1819 1820 166 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 228 126 90 99 64 144 185 go go 257 108 96 | 98 107 | 194 218 130 127 94 183 74 121 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bat- combe R. Beer-Hackett R. Bradford-Abbas (including Clifton- Mabank) V. Long-Burton V. Castleton P.C. Caundle-Bishop R. Caundle-Marsh R. Caundle-Purse R. Up-Cerne R. Chetrole C. Nether-Compton R. Over-Compton R. Folke R. Halstock P. C. Hanford C. Haydon V. Holnest V. Leigh C. Lillington R. Lyd- linch R. Melbury-Bubb R. Melbury-Osmond (including Melbury- Sampford) R. Oborne V. Ryme-Intrinsica R. Thornford R. North- Wooton P. C. and of Yetminster 1". The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Al- mer R. (j) Great-Canford (with Longfleet and Parkston) V. Chal- bury R. Charlton-Marshall P. C. Chettle R. Corfc-Mullen P.C. Cranborne V. Long-Critchell R. Moor-Critchell R. Edmondsham R. Gussage-All-Saints V. Gussage-St.-Andrew C. Gussage-St.-Nichael R. Hampreston R. Hainworthy P. C. (k) Handley P.C. Little-Hinton alias Stanbridge R. Hinton-Martell R. Horton with Woodlands V. Kingston (in Great-Canford Parish) C. Lytchet-Matravers R. Lytchet- Minster P. C. Morden V. West-Parley R. Pentridge R. Shapwick V. Spetisbury R. Sturminster-Marshall V. Tarrant-Crawford P. C. Tarrant-Monkton (including Tarrant-Launceston) V. Tarrant-Rush- ton R. Wimborne-St.-Giles R. Wimborne-Minster, Collegiate ChurchR. and of Witchampton R. (i) The Return of Almer includes the Parish Register of Char- borough. () There being no Church at Hamworthy, the Inhabitants baptize and marry at Lytchet-Minster. 32 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DORSET--continued. DIVISION OF STURMINSTER. BOROUGH OF DORCHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe. | Total. nales. Years.. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males leo | Total. | Years, 1 Mar- males. riages. males. 82 30 27. 57 17 77 157 146 141 160 75 88 163 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1.816 1817 1818 1819 1820 152 144 296 139 126 265 153 125 278 146 139 285 177 174) 351 154 134 288 1801 155 335 166 1351 301 158 151 309 173 156 329 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 islio 1811 1812 17 1813 1814 18151 1816 1817 1818 14 1813 19 18201 2:} 149 141 154 172 116) 181 95 | 77 28 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,-.-All- Saints R. St. Peter R. and of The Holy Trinity R. O O Also from a Register of Dissenters in the Parish of The Holi Trinity The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Buck- horne-Weston R. Child-Okeford R. Fifehead-Nagdalen V. Hinton- St.-Mary P. C. Iwerne-Courtney or Shroton R.(m) Great-Kington R. Manston R. Margaret-Marsh P. C. Marnhull R. Ókeford-Fitzpaine R. Siltor: R. Stalbridge R. Stock-Gayland R. East-Stour P. C. Stour- Provost R. West-Stour P. C. Stourton-Caundle P. C. Sturminster- Newton V. Sutton-Waldron R. and of Todbere R. (",) (m) The Parish-Register of Iwerne-Courtney includes the Return of Farringdon Chapelry. (") The Inhabitants of Todbere bury at Stour-Provost. TOWN OF BLANDFORD. BOROUGH OF LYME-REGIS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTIS JIS. BURIALS. DIARRIAGES. - Years. Nales) Fe- -- Total. Males! Fe | inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- | Total. Mar- riages. - males. Iniales. 34 22 | 46 1811 1812 70 13 11 24 8 20 53 1813 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819) 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, ----Bland. ford-Forum V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, ---Lyme- Regis V. and from a Register of Dissenters. BOROUGH OF BRIDPORT. BOROUGH OF SHAFTSBURY. BAPTISMS. Barilo BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. Total. Years. Nara riages. Total. | Mar- | Years. Years. Males Fe. les males. Total Total. Males Fe- males. males males. riages. 15 23 124 46 | 161 - - 1811 | 66 | 52 | 118 | 40 | 49 89 1812 ( 60 119 109 1813 116 101 1814 121 1815 58 55 113 1810 143 | 66 | 63 | 129 1817 | 92 | 35 571 1818 | 122 | 39 | 39 1819 1820 55 57 | 112 | 43 | 94 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 - - + 18 5792 21 21 112 The above Abstract is collected from the Register of,—--Brid- port R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. James R. St. Peter R. and of The Holy Trinity R. 11.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF DORSET-continued. TOIVN OF SHERBORNE. BOROUGH OF WEYMOUTH AND MELCOMBE-REGIS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. Total Total. Males Fc- Total. Years. | Mar- Fe. Total. Males males Total. Years. Years. Males Fe-1 males. males. riages. Mar- riages. ola 50 95 56 54 VCI | 20 | 46 | 66 41 95 | 82 Y'cars. Males' Fe- - males. 1811 37 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 34 53 1820 48 39 188 a • San 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 1811 108 90 198 1812 191 1813 98 1814 107 103 210 1815 97 62 159 1816 89 78 167 1817 110 115 225 1818 86 91 177 1819 98 91 189 1820 126 105 231 - 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 CI 48 / 116 109 V . 24 47 | 95 72 | 156 59 Sher- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, -- borne V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, combe-Regis R. and of Wyke-Regis (Weymouth) R. Mel- TT BOROUGH OF WAREIAM. TOWN OF POOLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Nlar- Years. Males Fen Total. Males Fe) Total. Years. 1 Alar- riages. males. males riages. niales. males 12 114 97 43 97 15 138 126 92 8 | 18 | 13 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 o co tio couro ť 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 a tertoto | 19 | 18 1811 51 1812 57 34 91 1813 1814 57 1815 132 1816 83 79 162 1817 104 202 1818 i 106 95 | 201 1819 58 | 89 | 147 1820 | 106 | 107 | 213. 57 | 101 46 46 44 / 38 44 | 36 80 121 451 88 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 get out stones 52 | 98 | 12 | 15 19 15 14 | 13 19 15 | 2.4 | 85 128 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of James P. C. St. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, Ware- ham R. (Ⓡ) (P) This Return is from the United Parishes of Lady St. Mary, The Holy Trinity, and St. Martin's. S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DORSET. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - - - - -- - ... -- Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 812 813 846 2,186 3,796 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,900 1,761 1,930 1,918 2,096 2,071 2,066 2,047 2,006 2,201 1,744 3,644 1,671 3,432 1,903 3,833 1,878 1,991 4,087 1,830 3,901 1,999 4,065 2,015 1,930 3,936 2,103 | 4,304 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 962 1,019 1,981 1,024 1,119 2,143 1,011 1,175 1,038 1,114 2,152 1,052 1,128 2,180 1,095 1,151 2,246 990 1,105 2,095 1,016 1,098 2,114 1,074 1,191 2,265 1,159 1,346 2,505 | 10,421 | 11,446 | 21,867 | 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 955 1,126 975 953 947 1,043 1,084 4,062 TOTALS | 19,996 39,060 9,554 The SUMMARY of the County of Dorset is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and fifty-eight Parish Churches and Nine Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due... Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 191,—Burials, 36,-Marriage, 1. K ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. County of Durham. CHESTER WARD. DARLINGTON WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- 296 316 1817 307 1819 1820 317 13516 1,466 040 407 655 177 175 , 1791 - 1800 - - - - 520 20 386 Years. Males! Fe | Total. Malcs! Fee | Total. Years. (Males! Fem | Total. Males! Fe- / Total. | Years. Mar- males, males, •riages. inalcs. | riages. 1811 1,128 1,095 2,223 695) 7211,416 1811 600 1811 597 563 1,160 310322 632 1811 281 1812 1,282 1,085 2,367 812 766 1,578 1812 516 1812 607 568 | 1,175 313 356 669 1812 1813 1,197 1,115 2,312 799 719 1,518 1813 512 1813 660 634 1,294 1 336 325 | 661 1813 268 1814 1,163 1,122 2,285 1781 768 1,549 1814 571 1814 1 678 640 1,318 343 374 717 1814 292 1815 1,299 1,245 2,544 781 782 1,563 1815 707 1815 726 621 1,347 340369 709 1815 1816 1,263 1,162 2,425 1 7681713/1,481 | 1816 | 659 1816 663 629 1,292 387 411 798 1816 | 280 1817 1,936 1,203 2,439 793 750 1,543 1817 565 1817 1 637 625 1,262 322 350 672 1818 1,835/1,159 2,394 780 798|1,578 1818 | 600 1818 | 656 / 605 / 1,261 | 365324 | 689 1818 310 1819 1,2431,210 2,453 ( 7601 731 1,491 | 1819 / 629 1819 685 631 1,316376365 741 1820 1,3291,203 2,532 711 726|1,437 | 1820 582 1820 731 406 365 771 303 The abovę ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Bed- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. lington V. Boldon R. Chester-le-Street (with Birtley) P.C. Ebches Andrew-Auckland P. C. () St. Helen-Auckland C. Great Aycliffe V. ter C. Edmondbyers R. Esh C. Gateshead R. () Heworth C. (b) Barnard-Castle C. Brancepeth R. Cockfield R. Coniscliffe V. St. Hildas (in South Shields) C. Hunstonworth C. Jarrow P. C. Darlington P. C. Denton C. Egglestonc C. Escomb P. C. Gain- Lamesley C. Lanchester P. Ć. Medoinsley C. Monkwearmouth P. C. ford V. Hamsterley C. Haughton-le-Skerne R. Heighington V. Muggleswick P. C. Ryton R. Satley C. Tanfield C. (°) Washing Merrington V. Middleton R. Staindrop V. Stanhope R. Wear- ton R. (C) Whitburn R. Wickham Ř. and of Witton Gilbert P.C. dale-St.-John C. () Whitworth P. C. Whorlton C. Winston R. Witton- (2) Also from a Register of Presbyterians at Gateshead. le-Wear P. C. and of Wolsingham R. o In 1812 Ninety-one Persons were killed at Heworth by a Blast of (9) The Return of St. Andrew-Auckland includes the Baptisms which Fire Damp in Felling Colliery ; and in 1813 Twenty-four Persons takes place at St. Anne's Chapel. perished in the same Mine by a similar cause. © Weardale-St.-John C. is in the Parish of Stanhope. . ) The Chapelry of Tanfield, which is in the Parish of Chester-le- Street, comprises the Townships of Beamish and Lintz-Green. (1) REMARKS subjoined to Parish-Register Return of Washington. FIRST QUESTION. Total of Baptisms in the Ten Years, 867. This number exceeds the Baptisms of any l'en Years before. And if the Baptisms are compared with the Burials, the ercess of the Baptisms above the Burials is not only greater than it has been before, but greater in a most unusual ratio. The following Table, compiled from the Registers for the last Fifty Years, will show these results. Excess Periods of Ten Years. Baptisms. 1 Burials. Marriages. of Baptisms, From 1771 to 1780, both inclusive - - 233 115 „ 1781 - 1790 - 478 168 761 586 166 , 1801 - 1810 799 188 , 1811 - 1820 - , 867 165 By this Table it will be seen, that the excess of Baptisms above the Burials, in its unusual amount, arises partly from the actual increase of Baptisms, partly from a great diminution of Burials; and as the Marriages have not increased during the last Forty years, the progressive increase of the Population indicates that a greater proportion of the Children of the several families is reared to maturity; or that the families are more prolific ; or both; which I believe to be the case. Of the Baptisms of the last Ten years, viz. 867, I reckon 630, or nearly Three-Fourths, to be Baptisms of Children belonging to persons immediately employed in the Collieries, viz. Pitmen, Waggoners, Engine Wrights, Smiths, Agents, &c. The Pitmen commonly marry at an early age ; and in this Parish they have, most of them, numerous families. It is an advantage to them to have families ; because their Boys find work in the Pits when they are very young ; beginning to get work and wages from the age of seven or eight. The Earnings of the Pitmen far exceed those of Agricultural Labourers. If they have two working Boys, or even one, their Earnings on an average are double those of Agricultural Labourers; whilst their Girls have the same advantage of Field-work as others. But the work of the Pitmen requires a more nourishing diet than is necessary for a Farming Labourer; and they are liable to casualties, which disable them at times. Their work is hard and laborious, and they are apt to overwork theinselves to finish their task the sooner; in other respects, their employment does not seem to be unhealthy. Few of them are very robust, or attain to a great age; and few are positively sickly; and, upon the whole, in respect of health and strength, they are a race holding a middle place between the higher and the lower standard of the Peasantry and the Manufacturing Population. They form a very distinct race, inasmuch as they marry almost exclusively among themselves, and bring up their Sons to their own course of life. They also live very much together, keeping little society with other classes of people. Hence there is a strong sympathy, and little inprovenient of understanding among tliem. The facility with which the Boys obtain work and fair wages, when they are young, is of great disadvantage to them as to their manners and right education ; because it tempts the Parents too often to forego a due control over them for the sake of the wages which they bring home; and the Boys, by their hard labour having a right to indulgence, soon become the masters. Their occupation promotes their health in' this way, that it induces an absolute necessity of a certain degree of cleanliness ; fur a Pitnian must wash himself copiously aſter coming out of the Pit, and he must do this every day, and froin hicad to foot. This constant bathing I consider tu be a chief preservative of the tone and strength of their constitution ; and, combined with the quality of their diet, it serves to support thein against the severe exertions of their labour, and prolongs their lives in tolerable health. Total of Burials in Ten Years, 386, being the smallest number of Burials in the same period during the last Fifty years, under a continued increase of Population. The probable causes of this Decrease of Burials are, ist, the suppression of Small Pox: 2d, a superior degree of comfort and increased means of subsistence : 3d, improved habits of temperance and sobriety; the practice of hard drinking especially being much diminished in this neighbourhood. The results which have been stated on a comparison of the Baptisms and Burials in this Parish during the last Ten years, and on a comparison of them with the Baptisms and Burials of former periods of Ten years, must be taken with some qualification before we can infer from them the absolute Increase of Population ; because the families of Pitmen enigrate to and fro; and it is possible that young people, or young thriving families, may have come into the Parish, and old people, or decayed and old familics, may have gone out in such proportions as to have given to our Registers a more favourable balance than they would have had without such migrations, and to have carried to some other Parishes morc Deaths and fewer Births than would have appeared in their books, if such interchange had not taken place. On this account some correction of the results may be necessary ; to what extent I cannot exactly judge ; but there is no known reason for thinking it ought to be any thing considerable. SECOND QUESTION. There is a Decrease in the Marriages of the last year. This I attribute to a considerable change of Inbabitants which took place in one quarter of the Parislı, by the laying off of an old Colliery. The younger Pitmen who had belonged to it readily found work elsewhere, and migrated to it; and the settlers who have come in to occupy the houses which they left, probably have not brought an equal number of persons of a marriageable age, or their recent arrival may not have given equal scope to them to forma connections of Marriage. THIRD QUESTION. I have no knowledge of any Burials or Marriages in this Parish, beside those which are duly registered. I believe that a few Baptisms take place which are not registered, and it is possible that a few Children may be born who are not baptized. The number of Children whom I suppose to be baptized, without being registered, is very small. They are Children baptized among the Methodist Scctaries. (Signed) John Davison, Rector. M.DCCC.XXI.] 35 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. EASINGTON WARD. ISLANDSHIRE. (k) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. Males Fe. males. Total. Males Fe.. Total. Years. Mar- males. males. riages. males. riages. 207 392 73 135 27 185 220 204 226 435 156 401 215 197 227 250 453 1811 321 339 660 1812 311 1310 | 621 1813 368 389 | 757 1814 1389 1360 | 749 1815 395 439 834 1816 442 393 835 1817 422 381 1818 440 816 1819 428 406 834 1820 435 429 297 223 218 279 1811 / 191 1812 204 1813 | 190 1814 212 1815 249 1816 283 1817 204 1818 320 1819 1820 | 232 547 456 484 518 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 101 127 103 149 147 142 80;3 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 376 217 443 230 864 123 153 229 217 446 | 43 | 44 | 15 The above Abstracr is collected from the Registers of ---An- croft P.C. Holy-Island P.C. Kyloe P. C. and of Tweedmouth P. C. (k) The Parish of Belford, partly in Islandshire, is entered in Bamborough Ward (Northumberland.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Castle- Eden P. C. Croxdale C. (6) Dalton-le-Dale V. Easington R. Houghton-le-Spring R. (") Kelloe V. Monkhesilden V. Penshaw C. Pittington-Halgarth V. Seaham V. Sherburn-Hospital C. Trim- don P. C. and of Bishop-Wearmouth R. (6) The Inhabitants of Croxdale bury at St. Oswald's (Durham), the Mother Church. (h) In 1815 Forty Persons were killed at Houghton-le-Spring by the explosion of Fire Damp. STOCKTON WARD. NORHAMSHIRE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. URIALS. MARRIAGES. 1 Years. Males! Fe- imales. Males Fe- Total. Total. Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe Total. Total. Males Fes males. Years. ** 1 Mar- | riages. males. Imales. 25 47 0300 com 468 1811 230 211 441 152 165 317 1812 211 212 423 148 140 288 1813 243 225 129 159 288 1814 256 221 477 162 167 329 1815 250 266 516 144 141 285 1816 258 236 494 1159 161 | 320 1817 252 261 513 141 151 292 1818 273 251 | 524 1159 1174 | 333 1819 239 | 256 495 143 | 175 1 318 1820 311 264 575 137 146 283 1811 115 1812 107 1813 113 1814 106 1815 129 1816 114 | 1817 | 111 1818 114 1819 118 1820 121 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 come one go w voos - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of | hill C. and of Norbam V. Corn- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Billing- ham V. Bishopton V. Craike R. Dinsdale R. Egglescliffe R. Elton R. Elwick-Hall R. Greatham V. Grendon V. Hart V. Hartlepool P. C. Hurworth-upou-Tees R. Middlehain-Bishop V. Middleton-St.-George R. Long-Newton R. Norton V. Redmar- shall (with Carleton and Stillington Chapels) R. Sadberge C. (1) Sedgefield R. Sockburn V. Great Stainton R. Stockton-upon-Tees V. Stranton V. and of Wolviston C. (1) () Sadberge C. is in the Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne. (i) The Inhabitants of Wolviston bury at Billingham. 36 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWER AND KETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF DURHAM-continued. TOWN OF SUNDERLAND. CITY OF DURHAM. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. 1 DIARRIAGES. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. Ye Males Fe- | Total. (Males Fe- | Total. males. niales. Years. Years. | Niar- Nlar- riages. | riages. 168 75 83 163 | 103 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. walesmales. so niales. 1811 126 121 247 | 96 | 72 1812 125 118 243 1813 154 126 280 | 113 113 226 1814 168 138 306 | 88 99 187 1815 1157 | 134' 291761 96 1 172 1816 (142 140 282 91 105 | 196 1817 135 131 26696109 205 1818 160 132 292 931 93 186 1819 137 124 261 109/ 98 207 1820 123 123 24691 106 197 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 2191211 | 430 212 | 203 | 415 1812 207 | 205! 412 195 180 | 375 1813 217 | 2011 418 | 143 | 160 303 1814 200 | 224 424 188 230 | 418 1815 i 265 | 250 515 217 1 199 | 416 1816 215 245 460 1214 208 | 422 1817 235 240 475 195 220 415 1818 198 1 306 504 $246 287 533 1819 265 1 300 565 211|240 | 451 1820 248 | 264 512 1220 188! 408 1811 130 1812 1813 89 1814 118 1315 152 1816 | 166 1817 | 166 1818 | 164 1820 169 Sunder- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of land R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of;---The Cathedral Church C. St Giles P. C. St. Margaret C. St. Mary-le- Bow (North Bailey) R. St. Niary-the-Less (South Bailey) R. St. Nicholas P. C. and of St. Oswald V. SU M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Marriages. 2,578 2,544 2,740 2,759 3,020 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,672 2,802 2,906 2,927 3,154 3,044 2,989 3,021 3,085 3,239 5,250 5,346 5,646 5,686 6,174 5,906 5,887 5,923 6,087 6,317 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,862 2,898 2,902 3,002 | 3,078 1,734 1,876 1,789 1,864 1,936 1,954 1,904 1,973 1,906 1,898 1,788 1,845 1,747 1,962 1,918 1,925 1,916 2,051 1,917 1,842 3,522 3,721 3,536 3,826 3,854 3,879 3,820 4,024 3,823 3,740 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1813 1819 1820 1,420 1,332 1,257 1,403 1,622 1,622 1,456 1 1,617 1,542 1,516 TOTALS 29,839 28,383 58,222 - 18,834 | 18,911 | | 37,745 14,787 The SUMMARY of the County of DURIIAM is collected from the Registers of Seventy-five Parish Churches and Twenty- four Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 448,-—Burials, 83,--Marriages, 5. M.DCCC.XXI.] 37 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94.. County of Essex. HUNDRED OF BARSTABLE. HUNDRED OF CHELMSFORD. (d) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Y cars. Males! Feci -- | Total. (Males Fe- inales Total. years. Mar- Y cars. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. | riages. males, riages: 'males. males. . - .- . - - 203 1814 1811 190 174 364 | 1061 96 202 1812 180 158 338 | 80 196 1813 | 240 1891 429 132 | 105 | 237 1814 | 214 | 183 397 1145 1124 | 269 1815 225 212 | 437 118| 82 | 200 1816 | 238 211 419 122 | 96 | 218 1817 | 222 | 185 1 407 | 111 | 99 | 219 1818 | 242 213 455 148 150 298 1819 218 175 393 137 120 257 1820 | 209 207: 416 116 124 | 240 1811 84 1812 79 1813 100 1 1814! 91 1815 1816 1817 1818 82 1819 77 18201 78 1811 357 331 | 688 209 | 178 | 387 1812 369 1 333702 206 | 1731 379 1813 356 354 710 224 208 432 1814 352 319 671 182 385 1815 376 341 | 717 202 190 | 392 1816 330 343 673 (185 1817 1354 318 672 159/1721 331 1818 1355 1 316 671 253 / 2061 459 1819 353 293 646 1201 160 361 1820 341 323 664 159 182 341 1811 173 1812 143 1813 164 150 18151 176 1810 1817 140 18181 151 1819! 120 18201 157 378 131 1 ! . . The above APSTRACT is collected from the Registers of - Basil- don C. Noril Benfieel R. South Bentleet V. Bowers-Gifford R. Bulvan R. Great Burstead (with Billericay) V. Little Burstead R. Canvey-Island C. (a) Chadwell-St.-Mary R. Corringham R. Dod- dinghurst R. Downham R. Dunton-Waylet R. Fobbing R. East Horndou-All-Saints R. Horndon-on-the-Ilil V. Hutton R. Ingrave (with West Horndon).R. Laindon R. Langdon-Hills R. Mucking V. Nevendon R. Orsett R. Piisca R. Ramsden-Belhouse R. Ramsden- Crays R. Shenfield R. Sianford-12-hope R. Thundersley R. Little Thurrock R. East Tilbury V West Tilbury R. Pange R. and of Wickford R. (a) Canvey-Island is in Nine several Parishes. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Great Baddow V. Little Baddow 1. Blackmore V. Boreham V. Broom- field V. Buttsbury P.C. Chelmsford R. Chignal-St.-James R. Chignal- Smeley R. Danbury R. Fryerning R. East Hanningfield R. Soutlı Hanningfield R. West Hanningfield R. Ingatestone R. Great Leighs R. Little Leighs V. Margaretting V. Mountnessing V. Rottenden R. Roxwell P. C. Runwell R. Sandon R. Springfield R. Stock R. Little Waltham R. Widford R. Woodham-Ferris R. and of Writtle P.C. (d) The Parish-Register Return of Great Waltham could not be obtained, although application was made by letter, and personally, to the Vicar, Dr. George Somers Clark. HUNDRED OF BECONTREE. HUNDRED OF CLAVERING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males' Fee Total. Males Fec| Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. M Total. Years. Mar- "males. males 1 riages. 578 94 18 18 81 101 47 54 1811 1367 362 729 1290 288 1812 316 354 670 303 243) 546 1813 396 416 812 254 | 237 1 491 1814 405 417 822 291 315/ 606 1815 1438 411 849 317 2841 601 1816 401 421 | 822 2802671 547 1817 425 444 869 295 | 282 577 1818 396 417 813 1361 269) 630 1819 429 435 864 281 261 542 1820 435 433 868 322 341 663 1811 | 156 1812 153 1813 128 1814 141 1815 178 1816 149 1817 | 139 1818 153 1819 146 1820 149 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 23 28 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 42 44 86 | 27 | 33 / 60 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Barl- ing V. (6) Dagenhamn V. East Ham V. West Ham V. Little Ilford R. Leyton V. Walthamstow-St.-Mary's V. Wanstead R. and of Woodford R. (b) Barking includes the Register of St. Mary's Chapelry, Great Ilford. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Ber- | don P. C. Clavering V. Farnham R. Langley V. Manewdon V. | and of Ugley V. HUNDRED OF CHAFFORD. HUNDRED OF DENGIE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. Į BURIALS. Total. {Males Fe- Total. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe Total. males. inales. Years. ! Mar- es. Years. Males Fe. Years. ' Mar- males. males. 1 riages. 199 78 67 46 1811 | 151 147 298 1812 | 134 | 125 | 259 1813 128 | 136 264 1814 | 148 138 286 1815 | 147 | 153 300 1816 138 137 | 275 1817 | 139 | 157 | 296 119 133 252 1819 139 | 130 269 1820 | 135 | 135| 270 98 9:5 193 103 691 172 74' 54 128 88 98 186 | 901 83 173 68 166 88 82 170 89 90 179 93 100 193 | 95 | 81 176 1811 1812 1813 48 1814 1815 1816 1817 43 1818 18191 1820 : 55 348 1811 162 156 318 1812 167 | 141 | 308 1813 185 155 340 1814 | 164 172 336 1815 1816 174 | 142 | 316 1817 | 194 186 380 1818 161 140 | 301 1819 171 | 154 325 1820 156 153 | 309 | 107 | 92 89 | 75 | 164 85 : 59 144 78 69 | 147 1 79 83 162 82 74 1 156 80 69 149 93 99192 1109 83 | 192 87 | 86 | 173 1811 | 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 54 1818 50 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Ave- ley V. Brentwood C. (9) Childerditch V. Crapham R. North Uckendon R. South Ockendon R. Raynham V. Stifford R. Gruys Thurrock y. West Thurrock V. Upminster R. Great Warley Ř. Tittle Warley R. South Weald V. and of Wennington R. © There being no Burial Ground at Brentwood Chapelry, the Inhabitants bury as well as marry at South Wcald. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Al- thorne V. Asheldam V. Bradwell-by-the-Sea R. Burnham V. Crick- sea R. Dengie R. North Fambridge R. Hazeleigh R. Latchingdon R. St. Lawrence R. Mayland V. Munden V. Cold Norton R. Purleigh R. Southminster V. Steeple (with Stangate) V. Stow-Muries R. Tilling- ham R. Woodham-Mortimer R. and of Woodham-Walter R. 38 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. HUNDRED OF DUNMOW. LIBERTY OF HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Mar- riages. Years. Males re- nales. Total. |Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. inalcs. inales. 81 71 96 46 142 42 99 111 150 165 62 Years. |Males Feo Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. males. 1811 |133 128 261 75 | 66 | 141 1811 1812 133 | 147 280 175 1812 1813 138 131 269 70 58 128 1813 1814 133 | 128 | 261 1814 1815 130 151 281 79 68 147 1815 1816 163 145 308 1816 1817 165 149 314 1817 1818 164 153 317 1818 1819 159 151 310 158 1819 1820 167 138 305 | 200 1820 126 138 1811 165 1812 691 146 1813 81 | 98 179 1814 80 85 1815 96 103 / 190 1816 176 1817 | 93 93 92 185 1818 100 90 | 190 1819 116 110 226 99 84 183 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 27 | 93 | 170 55 47 102 14.0 186 149 167 145 102 98 85 57 63 120 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. Edward-Romford P. C. Havering-atte-Power P. C. and of Horn- church V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of -- Barn- ston R. Broxted V. Great Canfield V. Little Canfield R. Chickney R. Great Dunmow V. Little Dunmow P. C. Good Easter V. High Easter V. Great Easton R. Little Easton R. Lindsell V. Mash- bury R. Pleshey P. C. Roding-Eythorpe R. Berners-Roding P. C. High-Roding R. Leaden-Roding R. Margaret-Roding R. White Roothing R. Shellow-Bowels R. Thaxted V. Tilty P. C. Willingale- Doe R. (©) and of Willingale-Spain R. (Ⓡ) (9) The Churches of Willingale-Doe and Willingale-Spain are in one Churchyard. HUNDRED OF FRESHWELL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe- males, Total. Males Fe. | Total. nuales. Years. HUNDRED OF HINCKFORD. (6) Mar- riages. 87 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 80 79 163 153 42 74 89 38 Years Males! Fe. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. 164 Mar- riages. males. males. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 181 163 157 160 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 258 | 504 208 209 244 162 258 185 117 120 | 113 1811 410 361 771 1812 :340 379 719 1813 405 354 759 1814 432 | 397 829 1815 454 426 880 1816 418 429 847 1817 14101 372 782 1818 4.62 411 873 1819 443 466 909 1820 475 458 933 245 278 523 246 258 218 222 440 247 265 512 247 271 244 282 207 266 | 473 262 506 268 534 292 308 297 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 518 526 146 260 55 1820 259 293 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Asli- don R. Great Bardfield V. Little Bardfeld R. Bardfield-Saling P.C. Buinstead-Helion V. Hadstock R. Hempsted P. C. Radwinter R. Great Sampford V. and of Little Sampford R. 339 241 HUNDRED OF HARLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Tot Total. Males Fe- males.! Total. Years. i Mar- riages. males. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Alphan- stone R. Asben R. Ballingdon (with Brundon) P. C. Belchamp- Otron R. Belchamp-St.-Paul's V. Belchamp-Walter V. Birdbrook R. Bocking R. Borley R. Braintree V. Bulmer V. Steeple-Bumpstead V. Felsted V. Finchingfield V. Foxearth R. Gestingthorpe V. Gosfield V. Halstead V. (1) Castle-Hedingham P.C. Sible-Hedingham R. Great Henny R. Lamarsh R. Liston R. Middleton R. Great Mapple- stead V. Little Mapplestead P. C. Ovington R. Panfield R. Peb. marsh R. Pentlow R. Rayne R. Ridgwel! V. Great Saling V. Shalford V. Stambourne R. Stebbing V. Stisted R. Sturmer R. Tilbury-by-Clare R. Topperfield R. Twinsted R. Wethersfield V. Wickham-St.-Paul R. Great Yeldham R. and of Little Yeldham R. (8) The Parishes of Haverhill and Keddington, partly in this Hun. dred, are chiefly in Risbridge Hundred (Suffolk), and there entered. The Parish of Bures, for the same reason, is entered in Babergh Hundred (Suffolk). ) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Halstead. 85 93 94 38 40 42 105 1811 178 1812 89 98 187 1813 80 93 173 1814 78 183 1815 | 125 | 96 221 1816 98 102 200 1817 103 103 1818 | 121 99 220 1819 871107 194 1820 115 113 228 89 115 129 102 119 119 128 125 125 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 206 1819 1320 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ---Great Hallinghury R. Little Hallingbury R. Harlow V. Hatfield-Broad- Oak V. © Latton V. Matching V. Netteswell R. Great Parndon R. Little Parndon R. Roydon V. and of Sheering R. ( Also from a Register of Dissenters at Hatfield-Broad-Oak. M.DCCC.XXI.] 39 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. - - - HUNDRED OF ROCHFORD. HUNDRED OF LEXDEN. (INCLUDING COLCHESTER DIVISION AND WITHAM Division.) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BATTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- ; ;, Total. Males males! Total. Years. Years. Į riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Mar- Yenrs. I Males fc- males. Total. |Males! Fc- Total. males. 1711 461 2241 200 143 Years. | Mar- | riages. 1811 140 1812) 116 1813 103 1814| 135 1815 | 155 1816 138 1817 157 1818) 157 1819 154 1820 177 1811 247 248 495 148 174 322 1812 222 239 150 150 300 1813 233 251 484 135 142 277 1814 268 532 136 | 155 291 271 235 506 131 | 140 271 1816 489 | 153 151 304 1817 238 252 490 110 134 244 1818 275 266 | | 134 157 | 291 1819 256 263 519 162 176 338 1820 | 293 256 549 177 154 331 1811 181 352 1812 201 1851 386 1813 249 207 456 1814 209 433 1815 409 1816 | 234 197 431 1817 | 228 2161 444 1818 | 214/213| 427 1819 | 2001 2151 415 1820 226 176 402 163 1281 291 1811 93 112 95 207 1812 111 | 127 96 223 1813 | 113 211 157 368 18141 102 153 1815 100 1111 94| 205 1816 | 109 961 92| 188 1817 | 119 157 | 126 | 283 1818 | 101 1461 134 | 280 1819 | 115 154 131 285 | 18201 98 296 1815 6 227 262 541 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ald- ham R. West Bergholt R. Great and Little Birch R. Boxted V. Great and Little Coggeshall V. Earls-Colne V. Colne-Engnin R. Wakes- Colne R. White-Colne P.C. Copford R. Dedham V. East Donyland R. Feering V. Fordham R. Great Horksley R. Little Horksley P. C. Inworth R. Langham R. Markshall R. Messing V. Mount-Bures R. Pattiswick P. C. Pontisbright or Chapple P. C. Stanway R. Great Tey V. Little Tey R. Marks-Tey R. East Thorp R. Wivenhoe R. and of Wormingford V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Aslung- don R. Great Barling V. Canewdon ('. Eastwood V. South Fam- bridge R. Foulness R. Hadleigh R. llawkswell R. Hockley V. Leigh R. Paglesham R. Prittlewell V. Rawreth R. Rayleigh R. Rochford R. °North Shoebury V. South Shoebury R. Shopland V. Southchurch R. Great Stambridge R. Little Stambridge R. Sutton R. Great Wakering V. and of Little Wakering V. - - - - - - --------- HUNDRED OF TENDRING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. DIARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. males. 191 1811 321 322 643 204 222 426 1812 296 | 320 616 | 199 212 411 1813 330 339 669 171 126 297 1814 353 359| 712 187 167 354 1815 324 305 629 152 155| 307 1816 363 302 665 | 159 168 327 1817 | 340 346 686 11331391 272 1818 381 353 158) 165 323 1819 3551 344 699 191 187 378 1820 325 331 656 170 170 340 Years | Mar- riages. 1811, 163 1812 144 1813 1814 171 1815 149 1816 156 1817 168 1818 1819 159 1820 154 734 144 HUNDRED OF ONGAR. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. NI Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- 1 Total. | Years. | Mar- males. " males. Total. riages. 1811 174 178 352 102 901 192 1811 64 1812 188 151 339 101 | 100 201 1812 1813 156 179 335 1 92 92 184 1813 1814 180 166 346 | 135 | 1101 245 1815 | 168 | 189 357 121 | 100 221 1815 1816 187 186 373 108 1091 217 1816 1817 184 186 102 941 196 1817 1818 193 195 388 128 | 132 260 1818 1819 191 183) 374 1131 122 235 1819 1820 203 / 191 | 394 | 109 | 1011 210 1820 87 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alres- ford R. Ardleigh V. Beaumont (with Mose) R. Great Bentley V. Little Bentley R. Bradfield V. Brightlingsea V. Great Bromley R. Little Bromley R. Great Clacton (with Little Holland) V. Little Clacton V. Elmstead V. Frating R. Frinton R. Great Holland R. Kirby-le-Soken V. Lawford R. Manningtree P.C. Mistley R. Great Oakley R. Little Oakley R. St. Osyth P.C. Ramsey V. Tendring R. Thorpe-le-Soken V. Thorrington R. Walton-le-Soken V. Weeley R. Wix P. C. and of Wrabness Ř. 66 1814 68 370 HUNDRED OF THURSTABLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- niales Total. Males Fc- ! Total. Years. Mar- riages. males.! 132 34 165 - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- Roding R. Beauchamp-Roding R. Bobbingworth R. Chigwell V. l'yfield R. Greensted R. Kelvedon-Hatch R. Lambouru R. High Laver R. Little Laver R. Magdalen Laver R. Loughton R. More- ton R. Navestock V. Norton-Mandeville P.C. Chipping Ongar R. High Ongar R. Shelly R. Stanford-Rivers R. Stapleford-Abbots R. Stapleford-Tawney R. Stondon-Massey R. Theydon-Bois P. C. They don-Garnon R. Theydon-Mount R. and of North Weald- Bassett V. --- - - 171 184 150 -- 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 128 88 41 78 41 73 148 1:02 52 34 86 41 | 32 73 | 45 92 55 64 : 119 54 ! 100 150 - mooo 46 39 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, cold- hanger R. Heybridge V. Langford R. Tollesbury V. Tolleshunt- Darcy V. Great Tolleshunt V. Tolleshunt-Knights R. Great Tothien V. Little Totham P. C. and of Wickhan-Bishops R. 40 [Parislı-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. HUNDRED OF UTTLESFORD. HUNDRED OF WITHÁM. (K) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mo. Years. Males Fe- nales. Total. Sales inales.' Total. ben. Tutal. Years. 1 Mar- riages. | Years. Males Fc- niales. Total. Mules Fe- males. 81/ by 2 246 1116 61 79 100 84 165 89 95 | 184 70 72 142 83 91 | 174 731 68 141 104 110 214 1 75 831 158 86 163 90109199 102 87 | 189 1811 143 131 | 274 1812 145 1441 289 1813 134 127 261 1814 | 152 136 288 1815 | 161 1401 301 1816 142 146/ 288 1817 167 157 324 1818 | 184 140 324 1819 | 184 1781 362 1820 172 159 331 Total. Years.) Mars riages. 203 | 1811 71 164 1812 149 1813 161 1814 130 1815 1816 129 1817 136 1818 1819 64 147 18201 59 1811 137 109 1812 133 | 108 241 1813 136 135 271 1814 120 1221 242 1815 1461 1816 141 130 271 1817 127 134 261 1818 111 238 1819 . 1251241 249 1820 142| 132 | 274 125 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 271 147 127 | 67 | 69 156 96 70 --.-- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Arkes- den V. Birchanger R. Great Chesterford V. Little Chesterford R. Great Chishall V. Little Chishall R. Chrishall V. Debden R. Elm- dou V. Elsenham V. Heydon R. Henham V. Lililebury R. Newport l'. Quiendun R. Rickliny V. Stansted-Mountfitchet V. Streethall R. Takeles V. Wendons-Ambo V. Wendon-Lofts R. Wicken-Bonant R. Widdington R. and of Wimbish (with Thunderley) V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Brad- well-by-Coggeshall R. Great Braxted R. Little Braxted R. Cressing V. Fairsted R. Faulkbourn R. Hatfield-Peverel V. Kelvedon, alias Easter- ford l'. Black Notley R. White Notley V. Rivenhall R. Terling V. Ulting V. and of Withanı V. (k) Little Coggeshall is entered with Great Cougeshall (Lexden Hundred). HUNDRED OF WALTHAM, () BOROUGH AND LIBERTIES OF COLCHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Malesi- Males Fe- malcs. Total Total. Males Fen Total. Years. Nlar- riages. Years. Males flors Total. Males Fe- Tota!. Years. males. niales. riages. 133 45 108 37 154 127 119 | 44 | 109 120 1811 116/118 234 1812 116 1181 234 1813 125 110 235 1814 | 971 97 194 1815 | 110130 240 1816 118/130 248 1817 127 142 269 1818 113 119 232 1819 125/ 109 234 1820 132 135 | 267 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 234 2481 482 1812 | 179 175 354 1813 | 219 2541 473 1814 | 228 | 1931 421 1815 216 210 426 1816 188 1531 341 1817 181 | 159 340 1818 ! 206' 179 385 1819 184 1801 364 1820 162 145 307 147 174 321 151 145 296 294 | 138 155 | 293 274 | 140|134 | 103 216 167 127 294 277 105107 212 136 1811 171 1812 125 1813 163 18141 149 1815 164 1816 151 1817 106 1818 146 1819 127 1820 119 274 163 132 65 138 51 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Ching- ford R. Epping V.(i) Nazing V. and of Waltham-Holy-Cross P. C. (i) Roydon is chiefly in Harlow Hundred, and thete entered. (j) The Parish-Register of Epping includes Epping-Upland Chapelry, The above Abstracr is collected from the Registers of, All- Saints R. Bere-Church P.C. St. Botolph P.C.(1) St. Giles R. St. An- drew's East-Greenstead R. St. James R. St. Leonard's R. Lexden R. St. Martin R. St. Mary-at-the-Walls R. St. Mary-Magdalen P. C. St. Michael's Mile-End R. St. Nicholas R. St. Peter V. St. Runwald R. and of The Holy Trinity R. () The Church of St. Botolph being in ruins, the Inhabitants bap- tize and marry at All Saints. HUNDRED OF WINSTREE. BOROUGH OF HARWICH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- ( Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Malesi Fe- Total. Years. |Males Fe- IT | Total. males. Years. Mar- inales. males. niales riages. 96 26 39 90 46 82 106 33 54 VAN 96 113 1811 1812 42 40 1813 57 60 117 1814 54 57 111 1815 | 5261 | 113 | 25 1816 1817 | 61 44 | 105 1818 68 : 61129 1819 | 51 59 110 1820 48 56 | 104 103 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1813 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 63 1820 62 142 96 92 45 141 56 43 99 52 301 82 401 92 39 / 43 40 | 31 | 71 48 | 52 100 1 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 Lo 129 183 158 82 30 63 30 139 152 Dover- The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of court V. and of St. Nicholas, P.C. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of —-Abber-- ton R. Fingringhoe V. Langenhoe R. Layer-Breton R. Layer-de-la- Haye P.C. Layer-Marney R. East Mersea R. West Mersea V. Peldon R. Salcot V. Virley R. Great Wigborrow R. and of Little Wigborrow R. M.DCCC.41. .]. THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. XXI.: 11 _ COUNTY OF ESSEX-continued. BOROUGII OF MALDON. TOWN OF SAFFRON-WALDEN. ---- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. 1 BURIALS. | MARRIAGES, - - - Fe- Years. Males Fe- | Total. Jalales! Fe- males. males. Tutal. | Years. | Mar. Years. Males. males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. | riages. Mar- riages. 47 27 19 49 1811 1812 1813 1814 23 33 22 com o 1811 1812 44 1813 52 1814 | 1815 1816 1817 39 1818 1819 1820 | 46 35 | 26 | 61 20 | 18 | 38 33 22 55 16 17 27 | 23 50 24 / 26 / 50 23 | 20 43 1811 / 33 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 36 16 17 29 29 The abore ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Saints and St. Peter V. and of St. Mary P.C. All The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of,—-Saffron- Walden V. and from a Register of Dissenters. S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males: Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,874 3,667 4,086 4,064 4,141 4,058 4,142 4,271 4,141 4,180 3,719 3,610 3,985 3,906 4,041 3,911 4,020 3,994 4,005 3,977 7,593 7,277 8,071 7,970 8,182 7,969 8,162 8,265 8,146 8,157 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,600 2,451 2,294 2,569 2,409 2,369. 2,165 | 2,604 2,568 2,530 2,471 2,265 2,075 2,449 2,230 2,322 2,198 2,468 2,517 2,513 5,071 4,716 4,369 5,018 4,639 4,691 4,363 5,072 5,085 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,963 1,836 1,969 1,959 2,090 1,925 1,919 2,031 2,028 2,006 TOTALS 40,624 39,168 79,792 24,559 | 23,508 1 48,067 . 19,726 1 The SUMMARY of the County of Essex is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and Ninety-nine Parish Churches and Four Chapels, and froin Three Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return (except that of Great Waltham) remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials, and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 410;—Burials, 162 ;—Marriage, 1. M ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETUUNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. County of Gloucester. *** The Hundred of BARTON-REGIS is entered with the City of BRISTQL, at the end of the County. HUNDRED OF BERKELEY.(a) HUNDRED OF BOTLOE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. DIARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Feo | Total. Males! Fe- males. males. Total. Years. Mur- riages. Years. Males' Fe- | Total. Males) Fe | Total. | Years. 1 Mar- males. males.' riages. 34 32 180 162 161 159 184 167 193 323 339 351 362 349 156 70 1 114 91 95 85 641 1811 281 284 565 1812 324 299 623 1813 321 309630 1814 320 1321 1815 1816 391 370 761 1817 1431 405 836 1818 417 1819 1415398 813 1820 444 408 852 172 237 1811 119 1812 123 1813 132 1814 147 1815 199 1816 208 162 1818 222 1819 220 1820 | 167 189 1811 179 1812 84 170 1813 1814 197 1815 1816 188 1817 111 1818 1111 91 | 202 1819 | 94 | 92 | 186 1820 107 101 | 208 455 e to 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 87 223 1817! 199 111 792 395 93 231 454 221 210 199 409 192 179 371 94 77 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alinonds- bury V. Arlingham V. Ashelworth V. Berkeley V. Beverstone R. Cam V. Coaley V. Cromhall R. Dursley R. Elberton V. Filton R. Hill or Hull P.C. Horfield P. C. Kingscote P. C. Vewington- Bagpath R. North Nibley P. C. Nymphsfield R. Owlpen P. C. Ozleworth R. Slimbridge R. Stinchcombe P. C. Stone C. Uley R. and of Wotton-Underedge V. (*) Rockhampton is entered as part of Langley and Swineshead Hundred. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Bromes. berrow R. Dymock V. Kempley V. Newent V. Oxenhall V. Pauntley P. C. Rudford R. (9) Taynton R. and of Upleadon P. C. (9) Rudford is partly in Dudstone and King's-Barton Hundred. HUNDRED OF BISLEY. HUNDRED OF BRADLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Total. Males fe- males. Years. I Mar- Years. Males Fe-. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- ! riages. riages. males. males. - 78 171 71 71 136 134 112 774 13 102 56 1814 202 193 395 237 107 106 141 169 1811 190 179 369 | 87 | 95 | 182 1811 1812 | 206 186 392 113 123 236 1812 1813 | 183 179 362 93 111 | 204 1813 1814 139 1815 227 464 | 78 1815 146 1.816 424 88 122 210 1816 143 1817 220 219 439 86 | 99 | 185 1817 1818 235 217 452 126 237 1818 156 1819 239 240 | 479 1133 | 122 255 1819 139 1820 252 248 / 500 136 117 1 253 | 1820 | 138 230 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 208 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 216 149 FSO Pomoc 104 127 140 143 153 72 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----Bisley V. Edgworth R. Miserden R. Painswick V. Saporton R. Stroud P. C. and of Winstone R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aston- Blank V. Coln-Rogers R. Compton-Abdale P. C. Dowdeswell R. Lastington C. Farmington R. Hampnett and Stowell R. Hazle- ton R. Northleach V. Notgrove R. Salperton P. C. Sevenhamp. ton P. C. Shipton-Sollars (and Cliffe) R. Turkdean V. Whit. tington R. Winson C. Withington R. and of Yanworth C. HUNDRED OF BLIDESLOE. HUNDRED OF ST. BRIAVELLS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- riages. niales, 47 109 47 34 106 109 108 123 22 16 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 84 Males Fe- / Total. Males Fe- Total. males. males. 1811 188 155 343 88 83 | 171 1812 184 179 363 105 | 87 | 192 1813 198 150 | 348 119 103 222 1814 153 156 309 111 10: 212 1815 200 202 402 83 77 1816 189 194 | 383 110 | 91 | 201 1817 156 157 | 313 92 | 105 | 197 1818 129 152 281 108 108 1819 140 134 | 274 83 | go 173 1820 146 | 141 | 287 | 90 | 184 160 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819 1820 113 1811 121 1812 90 1813 90 1814 | 1815 115 1816 103 1817 1818 1819 1820 101 108 128 107 216 135 68 10 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alving- ton P. C. Awre V. (b) and of Lidney (with Ailburton Chapelry) V. (6) Awre includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at the Chapelry of Blakeney: The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abing. hall R. English-Bicknor R. Briavel's P. C. Little Dean P. C. Mitchel Dean R. Flasley P. C. Hewelsfield P. C. Lea P. C. New- land V.(d) Ruardean P. C. and of Staunton R. (d) Newland includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at the Chapelries of Bream and Colford. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continuod. HUNDRED OF BRIGHTWELLS-BARROW. HUNDRED OF CROWTHORNE AND MINETY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, Maleg Fe- inales. Total. Males) re- males. Total. | Years. I War. riages. Imales. 102 100 39 46 22 104 138 28 1811 1 85 105 190 1812 88 101 189 1813 84 93 177 1814 100 101 | 201 1815 109 100 | 209 1816 119 103 215 60 50 1817 91 109 200 1818 111103 | 214 1 47 1819 96 102 198 1820 98 86 | 184 125 85 37 BAPTISM3. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males! Fe Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. i 'Mar- males. riages. 1811 135 | 30 1 40 1811 28 1812 128 | 34 1812 1813 1813 1814 140 1814 1815 148 1815 1816 70 69 139 39 29 88 1810 1817 140 1817 1818 153 1818 1819 | 154 1819 1820. 74 149 1820 38 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 41 110 30 34 117 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alds- worth P, C, Barnsley R. Bibury V. Coln-St.-Aldwin's V. Fast- leach-Martin R. Eastleach-Tourville P. C. Fairford V. Hatherop R. Kempsford V. Leachlade V. Quenington R, and of Southrop V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Ampney- Crucis V. Ampney-Down V. Ampney-St.-Mary P. C. Anpney- St.-Peter P. C. Badgington R. Baunton P. C. South Cerney V. Coates R. Daglingworth R. Driffield V. Duntesbourn-Abbots R. Duntesbourne-Rous R. Harnhill R. Aleysey-Hampton R. Minety V. Preston V. Siddington R. and of Stratton R. HUNDRED OF CHELTENHAM. HUNDRED OF DEERHURST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- Years. Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. (Males Fe | Total. Males! Feel Total. inales. males. Mar- riages. males. ya 62 96 1811 116 53 23 119 135 85 72 87 121 132 148 1811 119 142 261 1812 118140 258 1813 184 173 357 1814 120 145 | 265 1815 183 178 361 1816 | 176 188 364 1817 216 180 396 1818 223 195 418 1819 208 220 428 1820 268 213 481 115 140 68 137 70 781 1192 108 | 210 | 98 871 185 199 102 192 85 | 187 1231113 736 1812 97 1813 62 1814 1815 91 1816 121 1817 | 134 1818 | 137 1819 159 1820 142 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 124 124 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 211 119 124 | 127 27 | 119 1820 24 The above ABSȚraer is collected froin the Registers of,~--King's- Charlton P.Ç. Cheltenham P. C. Leckhampton R. and of Swindon R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -Coln- St.-Dennis R. Little Compton P. C. Deerhurst P. C. Leigh V. (9) Prestbury V. Preston-on-Stour V. Staverion V. Tyrley V. Uck- ington C. Welford R. and of Woolştone R. () The Parish of Leigh is partly in Westminster Hundred. · HUNDRED OF CLEEVE. HUNDRED OF DUDSTONE AND KING'S BARTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. | Mar- Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- males. niales riages. 19 / 14 12 141 71 1811 1 28 1812 13 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 vooowwoo Da ö Total. Males Fe- Total. nales. 1811 118 108 226 | 54 112 1812 117 194 1813 89 184 114 1814 91 189 127 1815 120 101 | 221 112 1816 | 97 | 96 | 193 69 | 135 1817 113 95 208 1818 121 119 | 240 1819 104 | 118 | 222 146 1820 117 107 | 224 118 1811 70 1812 58 1813 1814 1815 1816 72 1817 91 1818 101 1819 108 1820 / 136 128 137 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, ---Bishop's Clçcve R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Badg- worth V. Barnwood V. Brockthorp V. Brockworth V. Church- down P. C. Elmore P. C. Hares-Combe R. Hartpury V. Down- Hatherley V.) Hempstead R. Lassington R. Maisemore P. C. Matson V. or R. Norton P. C. Pitchcocube R. Preston V. Sand- hurst V. Shurdington P. C. Upton-St.-Leonard's P. C. Whaddon P. C. and of Great Witcombe R. (*) There is no Church at Up-Hatherley. 44 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HUNDRED OF GRUMBALD'S-ASH. HUNDRED OF KIFTSGATE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. 1 MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- marmales. Total. | Years. Mar. riages. Years. Males Feo | Total. Males Fe. | Total. Iniales. pales. | Years. Mar- riages. males. 54 96 143 128 153 97 | 212 109 144 312 112 103 1811 117 119 236 1812 125 109 234 1813 124 | 135 | 259 1814 119 99 218 1815 109 129 238 1816 126 | 100 226 1817 137 1 94 ! 231 1818 129 125 254 1819 107 | 117 | 224 1820 129 | 131 120 146 126 139 129 160 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 48 1818 1819 1820: 62 1811 189187 376 105 1119 | 224 1812 | 181 | 182 | 363 111|112 | 223 1813 181 200 381 | 104 | 108) 1814 205 186 392 145 | 167 1815 218 | 200 | 418 1103 102 | 205 1816 246 194 | 440 ( 79 118 | 197 1817 185199 384 107 109 / 216 1818 i 193 | 208 | 401 1110 | 124 | 234 1819 ; 198 2031 401 117 118 235 1820 i 223 181 404 115 120 235 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 60 66 92 87 95 260 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Acton- Turville P.C. Alderley R. Great Badminton V.(5) Boxwell (with Leighterton) R. Clarfield R. Didmarton R. Dodington R. Dyrliam and Ilinton R. Hawkesbury V. (1) Horton R. West Littleton P.C.() Oldbury-on-the-Hill R. Chipping-Sodbury 1. Little Sodbury R. (j) Old Sudbury V. Tormarton R. Tortworth R. Wapley (with Cod- rington) V. and of Wickwar R. (8) Great Badminton includes the Return of Little Badminton Cha- pelry. (h) Hawkesbury includes the Baptisms which take place at Tresham C. () The Register of West Litileton was included in that of Tormar- ton until the year 1813. (i) There being no Burial Ground at Little Sodbury, the Inhabitants bury at Old Sodbury, The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Aston. Somerville R. Aston-Subedge R. Batsford R. Buckland (with Laver- ton) R. Chipping-Campden V. Charlton-Abbotts V. Childs-Wick- ham V. Condicote R. Didbrooke (with Pinnock) V. Dorsington R. Dumbleton R. Ebrington V. Farmcote C. Lower Guiting V. Temple Guiting P. C. Hails P.C. Hawling R. Longborough (with Sozincote) V. Long Narston (or Sicca) R. Mickleton V. Pebworth V. Quinton V. Sainībury R. Snowshill P. C. Stanton R. Sudeley R. ( Upper Swell R. Toddington (with Stanley-Pontlarge) V.(i) Twyning V. Weston-upon-Avon V. () Weston-Subedge R. Willersey R. Winch- combe (with Gretton) V. and of Wornington R. (") The Inhabitants of Sudeley bury at Winchcombe. (m) Toddington includes Prescot. (") Weston-upon-Avon includes Milcot. DUCHY OF LANCASTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total, Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Mar- riages. inales. 31 39 1811 | 12 HUNDRED OF HENBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 | 35 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 14 31 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 18171 1818 1819 1820 Years. Total. |Males Fe- 1 Total. Males Fe. males. Years. Mar- riages. males. 50 7. 28 96 93 77 28 1811 181279 1813 | go 1814 72 1815 1816 1817 110 1818 1819 ! 72 1820 159 143 181 151 177 161 208 156 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bully P.C. Long Hope V. Huntley R. Minsterworth V. and of Tibberton R. 90 82 go 104 80 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 - 33 163 HUNDRED OF LANGLEY AND SWINESHEAD. 187 84 117 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males' Fer. Total. Males Fe-. | Total. Years. Nlar- riages. males males. The above ABSTRACT is cullected from the Registers of,---- Aust C Coinpton-Greenfield R. Henbury V. Northwick C. Stoke-Gifford V. Westbury-upon-Trym P. C. (k) and of late R. (K) Westbury-upon-Trym includes Redland, Shirehampton, and Stoke-Bishop. 44 79 1811 | 157 162 319 1812 183 364 1813 | 193 182 375 1814 174 18:2' 356 1815 206 213419 1816 180 : 175 355 1817 1 225 185 | 410 1818 215206 | 421 1819 | 245 246 1 491 1820 226;194 420 | 72 | 105 | 177 163 (102 801 182 | 87 1 90 177 84 | 107191 212 | 83 | 82 165 1106 84 190 101 80 190 120 93 213 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1919 55 1820 / 57 -- - .. . -- - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Alves- tou V. Bitton V. Deynton R. Frampton-Cotterell R. Hanham C. () Littleton-upon-Severn R. Oldland C. ☺ Olveston 1. Rocklamp- tun R. and of Winterbourne R. © The Registers of Hanliam C. and Oldland C. were included in those of Birton previous to the year 1813. M.DCCC.XXI: 45 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.: 7 COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. HUNDRED OF LONGTREE. HUNDRED OF SLAUGHTER. (9) - + - BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- Total. Years. Iriages. 95 107 123 105 100 pod · BAPTISMS. : BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. · Ycars. males. males. riages. 1811 | 155 170 325 981 go 188 1811 | 1812 1 163) 180 343 1051 101 206 1812 100 1. 1813 174 139 313 | 80 180 1813 106 1814 185 165): 350 129/ 1331 262 1814 111 1815 | 201 197 398 103 1815 159 1816 214 175 389 118 133 251 1816 - 1817 | 168 199) 367 1151 1817 136 1818 180 2041 384 108 128 236 1818 145 1819 | 198. 219 417 112 | 108 | 220 1819 1 155 · 1820 204 189 393 | 91 83 174 1820 175 Years. Males Fe- Total. · Males Fe- males. males. 1811 108 100 208 1812 120 105 225 1813 110 112 222 1814 111 205 18151 247 1816 219 1817 224 1818 | 108 | 121 | 229 1819 114 112 226 1820 111 96 207 128 83 186 pod 1811 1812 1813 .1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 164 103 106 121 149 132 · The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Aven- ing R. (") Cherrington R. Horsley V.(). Minchinhampton R. (Ⓡ) Rodborough C. Rodniarten R. Shipton-Moyne R. Tetbury V. Weston- Birt-R, and of Woodchester R. (P) Nailsworth C. is situate in the Parishes of Avening, Horsley and Minchirhampton ; in the Returns of which Parishes are included the Baptisins which take place at that Chapelry. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Adles- trop P. C. Creat Barrington V. Little Barrington V. Bledington V. Bourton-on-the-Water (with Clapton) R. Broadwell R. Naunton R. Oddington R. Great Rissington R. Little Rissington R. Wick Ris- sington R. Sherborne V. Lower Slaughter P.C. Upper Slaughter (including Eyford) R. Stow-on-the-Wold R. Lower Swell V. West- cott R. Widford R. and of Windrush V. (9) Iccomb, partly in this Hundredy is entered in Oswaldslow Hundred (Worcestershire). - - - -- - - - - - -.- -. .- HUNDRED OF PUCKLE-CHURCH. HUNDRED OF TEWKESBURY. (1) . BAPTISMS. : BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. : MARRIAGES. Total. | Years. | Fe- Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- \ Total. Total. Males males males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. inales. 49 | 39 26 15 1 26 : 149. 1 . 115 21 17 107 15 110 1811 - 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 maa 124 : | 1811 1812 1813 | 1814 61 | 1815 1816 1817 1818 | 18191 26 1820 15 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 54 57 95 111 2 52 97 55 103 55 | 59 | 114 24 24 27 | 152 • The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Cold- Aston R. Puckle-Church V. Siston (ór Silston) R. Westerleigh P.C. and of Wick (with Abston) P.C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Alder- ton R. Ashchurch P. C. Boddington V. Clifford-Chambers R. Forth- ampton P.C. Kemerton R. Lemington P.C. Oxenton R. Shening- ton R. Stanway V. Treddington P.C. Walton-Cardiff P.C. and of Washbourne P.C. (*) Ashton-under-Hill is entered in Tibaldstone Hundred; Bourton- on-lhe-Hill in Westminister Hundred. . . . . HUNDRED OF RAPSGATE. HUNDRED OF THORNBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Males Fe- Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Mar- Years. Total. Males Fe- | Total. Mar- riages: | Years. Year's. Males! Te- males. riages. inales, inhales. 50 24 93 57 27 144 28 @ 3160 20 36 81 563*3* -1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 DA CO 80 1811 :1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 :1817 1818 1819 1820 on other the contro 1811 | 91 91 182 1812 | 110 971 207 1813 99 180 1814 | 112) 86 198 1815 124 108 232 1816 98 1817 1818 94101 195 1819 98 195 1820 | 104 | 125 229 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820) 182 92 29 84 93 212 98 106 37. 118 51 | 96 65 24 26 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brimps- field R. North Cerney R. Chedworth V. Cobberley R. Colesborne R. Cowley R. Cranham R. Elkstone R. Rendcombe R. and of Side R. The abore ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Iron- Acton R. Marshfield V. Rengeworthy'C.(5) Thornbury V.(9 and of Tytherington V. (*) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Rangeworthy. ☺) Thornbury includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Falfield and 1 Oldbury-on-Severn. 46 [Parish-Registers, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER- continued. HUNDRED OF TIBALDSTONE. HUNDRED OF WHITSTONE. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. . BURJALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. | Fee | Total. Total. Mar- Years. Years. Males Fe- / Years. | Mar- Total. Males males. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- males. riages. males.) Hipales. riages. 60 22 18 153 | 175 poco 3 / 90 / 181 1811 1812 1813 1814 10 | 13 ! 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18207 overorocco osci voco concio 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 vuota orico 1811 157 130 287 1812 149 | 155 | 304 1813 175 328 1814 161 144 305 1815 202 180 382 1816 202 188 | 390 1817 173 357 1818 200 1841 384 1819 213 213 426 1820 189 204 393 82 149 1811 159 1812 146 1813 1814 88 83 171 1815 98 117 215 1816 ( 97 | 88 | 185 1817 101 | 89 | 190 1818 94 111 208 | 1819 129 89103 | 192 | 1820 90 184 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ashton- under-Hill P. C. Beckford V. and of Hinton-on-the-Green R. The abore ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Easting- ton R. Frampton-on-Severn V. Fretherne R. Frocester V. Hard- wick P. C. Haresfield V. Longney V. Moreton-Vallence P. C. Quedgeley P. C. Randwick P.C. Saul P. C. Standish V. King's. Stanley R. Stanley-St.-Leonard's P. C. Stonehouse V. and of Wheatenhurst P. C. CITY OF BRISTOL, AND ADJACENT HUNDRED OF BARTON-REGIS. ♡ HUNDRED OF WESTBURY. BAPTISNS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Nar- riages. 709 36 38 30 Years. Males Fe- ! - Total. Males Fe- Imales. wales. 1811 | 174 1812 170 1813 140 1814 189 1815 1816 1817 190 1818 1819 18:20 181 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Mar- males. riages. 1811 1,131 1,150 2,281 655 706 1,361 1811 1,262 1812 11,207 1,1361 2,343 698 1,407 1812 | 1,152 1813 1,247 1,264 2,511 | 736 791 1,527 1813|1,099 1814 1,178 11,241 2,419 11,346 1814 1,265 1815 1,315 (1,311 2,656 711 755 11,466 1815 | 1,329 1816 (1,203 1,165 2,368 757 1771 1,528 1816 1,277 1817 1,218 1,125 2,343 746 1672 1,418 1817 | 1,172 1818 1,271 (1,219 2,490 | 821 1758 1,579 1818 | 1,284 1819 1,284 1,232 2,516 640 1766 1,4061819 1,359 1820 1,299 1,252 2,551 959 912 1,871 1820 1,350 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 185 192 157 187 28 36 9 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Blays- don R. Churcham V'. Newnbam P.C. Tiddenham V. Westbury-on- Severn V. and of Wollaston R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---All Saints V. St. Augustine V. Cathedral C. Clifton P. C. Christ Church (with St. Ewins) R. St. George V. St. James P.C. St. John-the- Baptist R. Mangotsfield P. C. St. Mary-le-Port R. St. Mary-Red- cliffe P. C. St. Michael R. St. Nicholas (with St Leonard's) V. St. Paul's P.C. St. Peter R. St. Philip (with Jacob) V. Stapleton P.C. St. Stephen R. Temple V. St. Thomas P. C. and of St. Werbergh R. ♡ The number of Clandestine Marriages in some of the Parishes of Bristol and its Suburbs, was complained of in the year 1811; but the practice does not appear to have ceased, nor even to have diminished since that time, the number of Marriages not being much less than that of Burials in the present Abstract of Burials and Marriages in the City of Bristol. HUNDRED OF WESTMINSTER. ) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. CITY OF GLOUCESTER. - Total. ----... l'ears. 'Males! Fe- mules. --- Total. Males fe- miles. vwNlar- Years. riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 88 10 Years. Aales! Fe- Total. Alales Fe- males. Total. 14 Years. | Mar- males. riages. a 21 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 113 1816 1817 91 1818 1819 1820 | 54 | 39 | 93 32 20 52 34 17 51 26 12 38 38 30 68 27 | 31 | 58 23 221 45 | 23 | 24 | 47 们中叶的归仍39 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 90 20 172 94. to 102 100 1811 137 148 285 1812 147 | 146 | 293 1813 154 326 1814 | 132 | 125 257 1815 160 167 327 1816 195 175 | 370 1817 204 190 | 394 1818 204 | 226 430 1819 227 | 208 / 435 1820 229 227 | 456 (102 85 187 118 146 | 264 112 206 125 | 118 | 243 200 123 136 259 120 | 131 | 251 133 | 118 | 251 111 | 101 | 212 | 158 133 291 | 1811 | 128 1812 80 1813 103 1814 113 1815 133 1816| 134 1817 144 1818 129 1819 146 1820 164 18 The above AESTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Bour- ton-on-the-Hill R. Corse V. Elmstone-Hardwick V. Hasfield R. Moreton-in-the-Marsh P.C. Sutton-under-Brails R. and of Todden- ham R. ) The Parish of Leigh is chiefly in Deerhurst Hundred, and there entered. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Aldate P.C. St. Catharine P. C. St. John-the-Baptist R. St. Nary- de-Crypt R. St. Mary-de-Lode V. (W) St. Margaret and St. Mary Magdalen Hospital C. St. Michael and St. Mary-de-Grace R. St. Nicholas P.C. and of The Holy Trinity P. C. (*) (W) St. Mary-de-Lode includes the Return of the Cathedral Church. (*) The Church at The Holy Trinity was built and consecrated in 1817. M.DCCC.XX1.1 47 : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER-continued. BOROUGH OF CIRENCESTER. BOROUGH OF TEWKESBURY. BAPTISMS, BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fec| Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. | Mar- male males. males. riages. 73 32 72 22 127 84 111 84 136 97 110 100 119 | 50 118 105 46 26 1 124 1811 1812 48 1813 1814 1815 1 58 61 1816 66 62 1817 | 1818 1819 1820 57 61 39 | 45 41 36 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 120 1813 108 1814 123 1815 140 1816 46 11470 65 1817 53 | 60 | 113 41 | 45 1818 119 1819 138 1820 47 59 | 106 | 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 128 120 4065 135 86 100 121 102 100 35 44 36 Ciren- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, çester P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, bury V. Tewks- SU M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 4 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,157 4,307 4,389 4,277 4,938 4,718 4,723 4,772 4,795 4,988 4,149 4,137 4,272 4,275 4,705 4,398 4,472 4,653 4,791 4,755 8,306 8,444 8,661 8,552 9,643 9,116 9,195 9,425 9,586 9,743 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,263 2,530 2,479 2,555 2,321 2,646 2,577 2,733 2,570 2,929 2,346 2,417 2,485 2,610 2,451 2,723 2,558 2,681 2,697 2,822 4,609 4,947 4,964 5,165 4,772 5,369 5,135 5,414 5,267 5,751 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,730 2,521 2,505 2,841 3,137 2,956 2,731 3,070 3,201 3,192 TOTALS / 46,064 | 44,607 90,671 - - | 25,603 25,790 51,393 28,884 The SUMMARY of the County of GLOUCEster is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and twenty-seven Parish Churches and Fourteen Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 277;-Burials, 209; -- Marriage, 1. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. County of Hereford. HUNDRED OF BROXASI. HUNDRED OF GRIMSWORTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- Ycars. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- males. riages. nales. riages. 52 91 8:3 117 110 113 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- Total. males. 1811 161 152 313 81 58 139 1812 146 132 278 96 85 181 1813 157 153 310 73 104 177 1814 158 | 132 290 91 | 108 | 199 186 1701 356 1 80 75 155 1816 162 163 325 | 67 | 82 | 149 1817 156 154 310 157 1818 145 | 142 287 92 80 172 1819 154 144| 298 102 | 126 228 1820 | 142 | 1681 310 1911 1 91 88 179 91 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 176 1811 54 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 70 1815 1811 99 74 173 1812 | 174 1813 75 | 172 1814 1815 94 | 190 1816 77 169 1817 102 201 1818 1170 1819 | 94 | 93 187 1820 93 181 120 6754 118 65 59 124 1 1816 . 2 86 | 126 114 1817 1818 1819 1820 881 116 51 The above AiSTRACT is collected from the Registers 01, Amberley Chapelry C. Avenbury V. Bodenhain V. Bredenbury R. Broin- yard R. ☺ Collington R. Little Cowarne P. C. Much-Cowarne V. Felton V. Grendon-Bishop P. C. Marden V. Ocle-Pitchard V. Pencombe R. Preston-Wynne C. Upper Sapey R. Stanford-Bi- shop P. C. Stoke-Bliss V. (b) Stoke-Lacey R. Sution-St.-Michael C. Sutton-St-Nicholas R. Tedstone-Delamere R. Tedstone-Wafer R. Thornbury R. Ullingswick R. Wackton P.C. Whitborne V. With- ington V. and of Wolferlow V. (*) Broinyard includes the Return of Linton-near-Ross. b) Stoke-Bliss includes the Return of Little Kyre (Doddingtree Hundred, Worcestershire.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -- Bishop- stone R. Brainton P. C. Bridge-Sollers V. Brinsop V. Brobury R. Burghill V. Byford R. Canon-Pyon 1. Credenhill R. Hampton- Bishop R. Holmer V. Huntington C. Kenchester V. Mansell- Gainmage V. Mansell-Lacy V. Monington-upon-Wye R. Moreton- upon- Lugg R. Norton-Canon V. Pipe-and-Lyde V. Staunton-upon- W'ye R. Stretton-near-Sugwass R. Wellington 1. Wormsley P.C. and of Yazor V. HUNDRED OF EWYASLACY. HUNDRED OF HUNTINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. . MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. | Mar- Males Fc- Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. males. Years. | Mar- riages. males. riages. males. 31 17 87 41 138 146 166 98 22 88 102 28 149 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 162 the technologen 20% 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 154 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 31 / 38 80 # B 7. 15 150 140 168 176 104 51 49 100 54 | 46 | 100 31 | 21 | 52 27 90 40 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Clo. duck V. (9) Cusop R. Llancillow P. C. St. Margaret P.C. Michael- Church-Eskley P. C. Roulstone P. C. and of Walterstone P.C. ) Clodock includes the Returns of Lanvcynve C. and Longlown C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bril- ley P. C. Clifford V. Eardisley V. Huntington P. C. Kington 1. Whitney R. Willersley R. and of Winforton R. HUNDRED OF GREYTREE. (d) HUNDRED OF RADLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Year's Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. | Mar- Year's. Years. Males Fec| Total. Males! Fe- males. males. Total. Years. | Mar- males. riages. riages. 86 159 54 | 167 | 81 6:3 62 65 1811 | 145 174 319 1812 151 138 | 289 192 1813 161 168 329 169 1814 | 166 | 150 | 316 11899/ 217 1815 1 186 335 144 1816 157 146 303 | 89 | 89 178 1817 173 (169 342 | 98 | 108 | 206 1818 ! 165 | 155 | 320 | 1181111 | 229 1819 130 162 | 312 107 | 106 | 213 1820 144 166 310 100 108 208 1811, 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 149 1811 144 | 311 1812 | 175 | 171 | 346 1813 169 | 189 358 1814 | 156 | 1601 316 1815 (172 177 349 1816 | 165 | 190 355 1817 | 166 | 166| 332 1818 1159 | 166 | 325 1819 | 200 1771 377 1820 1 142 1941 336 80 161 1811 | 106 104 210 1812 95 89! 184 1813 111 112 | 223 1814 81 99 180 1815 115 117 | 2:32 1 2.22 1816 112 93 | 205 1817 110 119229 1818 10 | 115 225 1819 102 110 212 | 1820 59 1817 1818 - - - - 1819 1820 58 67 79 70 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Aston- Jugham R. Bartestree C.(C) Brampton-Abbots R. Brockhampton P.C. Dornington V. Fownlope V. Hope-Mansell R. How-Caple R. Lin- ton V. Mordiford R. Much-Marcle V. Putley R. Ross R. Sollers- hope R. Uplon-Bishop V. Walford 1. Weston-under-Penyard R. and of Woollope V. (d, Foy, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Wormelow. Lea, partly in this Hundred, is entered in St. Briavell's Hundred (Gloucesterslıire). ) There being no Burial Ground at Bartestrec, the Inhabitants bury at the adjoining Parish of Dornington. The above Austract is collected from the Registers of, Ashper- ton P. C. Ayiton R. Bosbury V. Coddington R. Colwall R. Crad- ley R. Donnington R. Eastnor R. Eresbatch R. Bishop-Froonie 1. Canon-Froonie V. Castle-Froome R. Ledbury V. Lugwardine 1. Little Marcle R. Moreton-Jeffries P. C. Munsley R. Pixley R. (*) Stoke-Edith R. Siretton-Gransome V. Tarrington 1. Westinide P. C. Weston-Beggard V. and of Yarkhill V.. o The Inhabitants of Little Marcle and of Pixley bury at Ledbury. . M.DCCC.XXI.] 49 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF HEREFORD- continued. HUNDRED OF STRETFORD. (Ⓡ) HUNDRED OF WIGMORE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- Total. Males Fe, Tutal. Mar- riages. Total. ! Ycars. males.) males.) Mar- riages. 68 56 36 61 74 | 135 124 147 240 64 47 80 149 39 45 66 1811 1112 111 223 1812 | 125 115 1813 115 119 234 1814 124 104 1815 108 1816 1817 | 120 114 1818 | 105 113 1819 122 112 234 1820 107 120 227 Years. Malcs' Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. imales 1811 24 1812 55 49 104 1813 108 1814 101 1815 | 35 31 1816 123 1817 1 122 1818 132 181966 128 1820 1 70 49 | 119 106 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 74 140 143 153 159 133 128 133 160 108 46 31 / 38 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 40 RA 36 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aline- ley V. Birley V. Dilwyn V. Eardisland V. Kingsland R. King's- Pyon V. Kinnersley R. Letton R. Lyonshall V. Monkland V. Penbridge R. Shobden R. Stanton-upon-Arrow V. (™) Stretford R. and of Weobley V. (6) The Return of Bullingham Chapel is included with Eardisley (Huntington Hundred). (") Stanton-upon-Arrow is partly in Wigmore Hundred. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of As- ton R. Aymestry V.(1) Brampton-Bryan R. Burrington V. Byton R. Downton V. Elton P.C. Kingsham P.C. Knill R. Leinthall-Starks P.C. Leintwardine V. Lingen P. C. Titley P. C. and of Wigmore V. j) Aymestry includes the Return of Earl's-Leinthall C. HUNDRED OF WEBTREE. HUNDRED OF WOLPHY. (K) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Total. Males Males! Fe- Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- Ycars. Males Fe | Total. Males! Fer males. Total Years. riages. Mar- males. males. nales. 99 1118 41 56 97 84 141 155 167 173 - 221 - 1811 102 201 1812 109 193 1813 112 109 1814 116 115 231 1815 141 257 1816 245 1817 256 1818 120 105 225 1819 1261 96 | 222 1820 | 116 | 113 | 229 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 161 Oo oo I riuges. 1811 / 109 1812 68 1813 71 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 64 1819 78 1820 182 1811 | 169;159 328 215 1812 | 152 161 31398 99 197 1813 | 168 148 : 316 106 1 90 196 1814 | 158 | 141 299 1 96 82 178 1815 341 97 103 ; 200 1816 | 193 167 360 100 | 105! 205 1817 | 104 | 109 213 1818 166 134 300 90 103 193 1819 176 164 340 110 84 194 1820 191 177 368 110 96) 206 165 138 355 158 173 170 1818 1819 1820 1 155 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Abbey- Dore R. Allensmore V. Bacton R. Blakemere V. Bredwardine V. Bullingham P. C. Callow P. C. Clehonger V. St. Devereux R. Dorstone V. Dulass P. C. Dynedor R. Eaton-Bishop R. Ewias- harold V. Honi-Lacy R. Kenderchurch R. Kentchurch R. King. ston V. Madley V. Moccas R. Peter-Church V. Preston-upon- Wye V. Thruxton R. Tiberton P.C. Turnaston R. Vow-Church V. and of Wormbridge R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—Brim- field P.C. Croft R. Docklow P.C. Edwin-Ralph R. Eye V. Eyton P. C. Farlow C. (j) Ford C. Hatfield P. C. Little Hereford V. Hope-uuder-Dinmore P. C. Humber R. Kimbolton P.C. Leomin- ster V. Leysters P. C. Lucton P.C. Ludford P. C. (k) Middleton-on- the-Hill P.C. Orleton V. Pudleston R. Rochford R. Sarnesfield R. Stoke-Prior P. C. and of Yarpole V. (j) Tlie Inhabitants of Farlow bury and marry at Stoddesden, the Mother Church. (k) Ludford is partly in Munslow Hundred (Salop), in which Hundred is entered the Parish of Richard's-Castle (partly in this Hundred). with the il 50 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HEREFORD-continued. HUNDRED OF WORMELOW. CITY OF HEREFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- riages. Years. \Males! l'e- niales. Total. IMales! Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. miale 66 AS 1 76 86 52 91 98 W Years. Males Fe- Total. Males I'er. Total. males. males. 1811 133 265 142 1812 132 273 154 1813 133 123 256 73 | 60 133 1814 125 256 73 | 92 165 1815 137 | 153 290 72 | 57 | 129 1816 | 152 143/ 295 66 | 58 | 124 1817 151 | 130 281 84 / 67 151 1818 157 | 132 289 82 166 1819 | 131 | 1401 271 144 1820 132 | 127| 259 64 73 131 101 121 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 53 1811 | 90 | 117 207 1812 | 118 115 233 1813 | 126 124 250 1814 116 121 237 1815 | 131 | 130 261 1816 1201 142 262 1817 124 107 231 1818 | 111|117228 1819 | 96 | 1061 202 1820 121 1111 232 112 128 108 150 133 119 72 67 | 139 124 | 131 55 | 127 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 83 76 54 82 90 . 137 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Acorn- bury P.C. Ballinghain P. C. Great Birch P.C. Little Birch R. Bolston R. Bridstow V. Great Dewchurch V. Little Dewchurch P. C. Dewsall V. Foy V.) Ganerew R. Garaway P.C. Goodrich V. Harewood P. C. Hentland P, C. Kilpeck P.C. King's-Caple P.C. Landinabo R. Langarron V. Lanrothal V. Llanwarne R. Marstow P.C. Orcop P.C. Pencoyd P. C. Peterstow R. Sellack V. Tretyre-with- Michael-Church R. Welch-Newton P.C. St. Weonard's P. C. and of Whitchurch R. (1) Foy is partly in the Hundred of Greytree. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - AU Saints V. St. John-the-Baptist V. St. Martin V. () St. Nicholas R. St. Owen R. and of St. Peter 1.. (m) The Parish of St. Martin possesses no Burial Ground, nor did the other Parishes until after the year 1791, when the Dean and Chapter found it necessary to close the Cathedral Church-yard, wliere all Burials took place before that time. SUMM A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD. BAPTISIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. 1. Total. Years. Marriages. 791 611 1,341 1,369 863 586 705 823 813 890 818 611 1,396 1,366 899 633 788 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,511 1,453 1,330 1,289 1,389 1,313 1,457 1,438 1,391 1,330 1,365 1,448 2,671 2,658 2,785 2,679 2,968 2,891 2,887 2,722 2,816 2,832 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 735 1,496 1,686 1,631 1,789 1,570 1,654 1,667 1,759 1,755 1,741 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 842 592 546 782 812 822 870 884 867 1,496 845 1,392 1,451 1,384 889 871 530 673 874 685 Totals 14,159 13,750 27,909 - 8,408 1 8,340 16,748 6,202 The SUMMARY of the County of HerEFORD is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Nineteen Parish Churches and Six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisns, 17;-Burials, 7;–Marriage, 1. M.DCCC.XXI.] 51 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Hertford. HUNDRED OF BRAUGHIN. HUNDRED OF DACORUM.) BAPTISMS. JURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males, Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years Nar- Years. Males! Fe | Total. Males! Feel Total. Years. / Mar- males. niales. riages. males. males. riages. 438 129 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 206 151 169 1811 | 237 201 140 134 274 1812 218 215 433 129 107 236 1813 238 200 438 121 | 138 | 259 1814 218 424 282 1815 270268 538 142 139 281 1816 1218/2151 433 | 147 | 161 | 308 1817 | 232 229 | 461 1 151 123 | 274 1818 21712291 446 148 146 | 294 1819 212 218 | 430 140 | 124 | 264 1820 216 | 209 425 140 116 256 1811 344 335 679 1812 351 293 644 1813 318 1333 651 1814 329/333 662 1815 | 342 342 347 | 689 1816 349 348 697 1817 333 3501 683 1818 354 / 336 690 1819 377 361 738 1820 367 356 723 1816 170 | 195 365 202 1851 387 204 2131 417 194 2191 413 189 358 207 243 450 226 237 463 220 2031 423 192 215 407 196 173 369 1811 1812 148 1813 119 1814 152 1815 188 1816 151 1817 138 1818) 139 1819 182 1820 148 1817 95 1818/ 92 1819 99 1320 106 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of;— Bishop- Stortford V. Braughin V. Eastwick R. Gilstone R. Hunsdon R. Sawbridgeworth V. Standon 1. Stanstead-Abbots 1. Thorley R. Thundridye V. Ware V. Westmill R. and of Wydford R, The above ABSTRACT is collected fron, the Registers of, Ald- bury R. Berkhampstead-St.-Peter's R. Burringdon C. Bushey R. Flamstead R. Flaundon C. Great Gaddesden V. Little Gaddesden R. Harpenden P.C. Hemel-Hemsted V. ☺) Kensworth V. King's- Langley V. North-Church or Berkampstead-St.-Mary R. North Mimms V. Puttenhamn R. Shenley R. Tring P.C. (d) Wheathan- stead R. and of Wigginton P. C. ☺ (b) Caddington, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Flitt-Hundred (Bedfordshire). Studham, in Manshead Hundred (Bedfordshire). (9) Also froin a Register of Quakers, and from a Register of Baptists at Hemel Hemsted. (d) Tring includes Long Marston. 1°) The Inhabitants of Wigginton, previous to the year 1918, married at Tring. HUNDRED OF BROADWATER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males Fec| Total. Nales fica males. Total. Y cars. 1 | Mar- riages HUNDRED OF EDWINSTREE. 1951 1811 1812 1131 232 97 83 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGLS. 18131 Years. Males! Fe- nales. Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. 1811 237 432 112 101 213 1812 215 232 447 1191 1813 214 222 | 436 108 114 | 222 1814 219 221 440 122 1171 239 1815 270236 506 108 121 229 1816 224 244 | 468 139 1071 246 1817 224 248 472 149 | 114 | 263 1818 227 244 471 164 136 300 1819 263 237 | 500 130 114| 244 1820 | 258 206464 1154 119 273 46 1814 102 1815/ 106 1816 75 1617| 100 18181 116 1819) 95 1820 95 253 1811 122 116 238 1812 1813 240 1814 125 110 235 1815 151 137 | 288 1816 235 1817 281 1818 | 143 | 123 | 266 1819 138 | 118 | 256 1820 146 127 | 273 651 82 | 147 68 54 122 123 73 57 130 149 62 | 67 | 129 53 | 61 | 114 67 | 68 | 135 71 90 161 1001 89 | 189 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aston R. Ayott-St. Lawrence R. Ayott-St.-Peter R. Baldock R. Bennington R. Bishops-Hatfield R. Datchworth R. Digswell R. Gravely (with Chesfield) R. Knebworth R. Letchworth R. Great Nunden R. Little Munden R. Sacombe R. Stevenage R. Totteridge P. C. Walk- erne R. Watton R. Welwyn R. Weston V. Willian V. Great Wymondley V. and of Little Wymondley P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Al- bury V. Anstey R. Aspcden R. Barkway V. Barley R. Buck- land R. Little Hadhan P. c. Much Hadham R. Great Hormead V. Little Hurmead R. Layston V. Meesden R. Brent-Pelham V. Furneux-Pelham V. Stocking-Pelham R. Throcking R. and of Widdial R. HUNDRED OF CASHIO, OR LIBERTY OF ST. ALBAN’S. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF HERTFORD. Fe- | Total. Years. 'males. Total. Mar- riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 624 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Ycars. Mar- riages. males. 177 347 181 40 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males males. 1811 316 308 175) 1661 341 1812 318 308 626 176 1813 297 319 616 191 372 1814 361 | 324 685 185 187 1815 353 370 723 372 1816 336 304 640 449 1817 353 369 722 230 175 405 1818 |345324, 669 211 429 1819 359 358 717 214 427 358 380 738 240 2471 487 52 176 215 na casa 1811 118 1812 92 1813 115 1814| 145 1815 138 1816| 111 1817| 119 1818| 102 1819 156 1820 124 1811 125 136 261 1812 | 141 | 137 | 278 1813 146 291 1814 154 305 1815 158 326 1816 179 176 | 355 1817 1818 1819 177 156 333 1820 164 168 | 332 70105 175 1 96 104 200 105 102 207 1121 94 206 109 112 221 105 | 108 | 213 103 112 215 102 112 214 1118 105 223 109 113 222 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1820 153 173 313 نن C من 343 47 49 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- Langley V. Aldenham V. Chipping-Barnet P. c. East Barnett R. Bramfield R. Codicote V. Elstree R. Hexton V. St. John-Red- bourne V. Newnhum V. Northaw P. C. Norton V. St. Pauls- Walden V. Rickmansworth V. Ridge V. Sandridge V. Sarrat V. Sheeplall V. St. Stephen V. and of Watford V. © The Parishes of St. Michael and St. Peter, partly in Cashio Hundred, are entered with the Borough of St. Alban's, at the end of The above. ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Great Ainwell V. Bayford R. Bengeo V. Little Berkhamstead R. Brox- bourn (including Hoddesdon) V. ☺ Cheshunt V. Essendon R. Hertingfordbury R. Stanstead-St.-Margaret's P. C. Stapleford R. Tewin R. and of Wormley R. There is a Chapet at Hoddesdon, partly in the Parish of Great Amwell, and partly in the Parish of Broxbourn; bụt it is private Pro- perty, and at present shut up. the County. :52 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF HERTFORD-continued. HUNDRED OF HITCHIN AND PIRTON. BOROUGH OF HERTFORD. 4. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURLALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Diales Fec| Total. [ Years. males. Mar- riages. Year's. Males) re 1 Total. Males Fe- | Total ! Veg Years. males. Mar. riages. males. 227 59 13 23 26 222 12:2 1811 111116 | 64 119 1812 134 124 258 103 1813 124 103 227 119 1814 108 114 138 1815 1148 101 | 249 1816 140 | 127 | 267 70 | 43 | 113 1817 107 | 131 | 238 225 162 | 76 | 138 1818 190 1819 138 128 | 266 6392 155 1820 | 148 | 128 | 276 77 72 149 1811 1812 1813 1811 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 114 103 121 105 131 126 | 134 119 125 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 - = 236 158 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Hitchin V'. Ickleford R. St. Ippollits V. Kimpton V. King's-Walden P. C. Lilley R. Officy V. and of Pirton V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Revisters of, lll Saints and St. John (with Brickendon and Little Amwell) V. and of St. Andrew and St. Nicholas R. UN HUNDRED OF ODSEY.() BOROUGH OF SAINT ALBAN'S. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Mar- Ycars. Males He- miales. Total. Total. Alales inales Years. Niar- Total. Males Fe-. Total. Years. Males Fe- inales Years. riages. riages. 44 89 177 176 163 99 99 51 125 157 160 106 90 72 173 165 1811 102 1812 90 1813 1814 92 1815 114 1816 92 1817 90 1818 108 1819 | 91 | 97 1820 | 106 105 83 75 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 57 88 1813 1814 1815 1816 | 80 1817 1818 | 93 1819 117 93 109 101 133 133 105 215 169 203 195 188 113. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 107 213 172 182 178 210 187 87 108 | 115 112 118 Det 101 166 150 211 37 1820 00 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---St. Alban's R. St. Michael's V. and of St. Peter V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- well V. Bigrave R. Caldecot R. Clothall R. Cottered R. Hinx- worth R. Kelshall R. Radwell R. Reed R. Royston V. Rushden 1. Sandon V. Therheld R. Wallington R. and of Yardley V. (8) The Church of Broadfield is in ruins. SUMM A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF HERTFORD. --- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Niales. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 932 973 3,315 3,375 3,343 3,416 681 683 647 986 778 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,721 1,716 1,681 1,750 1,978 1,803 1,817 1,836 1,941 1,920 1,594 1,659 1,662 1,666 1,900 1,759 1,872 1,777 1,822 1,867 3,878 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,023 1,012 1,131 1,137 1,166 1,132 1,178 3,562 3,689 3,613 3,763 3,787 968 947 1,001 1,043 1,030 1,108 1,059 1,119 1,126 1,113 1,900 1,920 1,987 2,066 2,042 2,239 2,196 2,285 2,258 2,291 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 807 722 730 766 817 755 TOTALS | 18,163 | 17,578 35,741 . - 1 10,670 | 10,51.4 | 21,184 7,386 The SUMMARY of the County of HERTFORD is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Thirly Parish Churches and Two Chapeis, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; vizi... Ammual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 269;—Burials, 180;-Marriages, as The above number of Marriages in HERTFORDSHIRE is below the usual proportion; this is attributed to the custom of being married, or pretenang to be married, in London. M.DCCC.XXI.] 53 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. - County of Huntingdon. IIUNDRED OF HURSTINGSTONE. HUNDRED OF NORMANCROSS. (6) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fen Total. Males Fe, Tutal. Years. Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- nales. Total. Mar- Years. males males. inales. riages. 129 98 182 168 188 91 77 109 68 133 132 185 154 122 1811 166 167 333 1812 188 149 337 1813 198 209 407 1814 | 180 163 343 1815 | 187 | 197 | 384 1816 195 167 362 1817 | 199 225 1818 | 195 213 408 1819 | 198 192 390 1820 372 112 104 216 | 97 112 200 124 122 246 122 127 249 117 95 212 97 121 133 254 141 133 274 136 109 245 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 102 103 112 125 138 124 110 129 1811 123 133 256 1812 135 131 266 1813 | 128 153 281 1814 252 1815 257 1816 140 144 284 1817 126 130 256 1818 153 109 262 1819 126 |115 | 241 1820 142 146 288 118 123 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 117 65 / 58 424 189 58 / 25 / 111 125 133 122 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Blun- tisham (with Earith) R. Broughton R. Bury P. C. Colre P. C. Hartford V. Holywell (with Needingworth) R. Houghton R. St. Ives V. Oldhurst P. C. Pidley (with Fenton) P. C. Ransey P. C. Little Raveley P. C. Abbot's-Ripton R. King's-Ripton R. Somers- ham R. Great Stukeley V. Little Stukeley R. Upwood (with Great Raveley) P.C. Warboys R. Wistow R. Woodhurst P. C. and of Wyton R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ----Alwal- ton R. Caldecott R. Chesterton R. Connington R. Denton R. Elton R. Farcet C. Fletton R. Folkesworth R. Glatton R. Had- don R. Holme P. C. Morborne R. Orton-Longville R. Overton- Waterville R. Sawtry-All-Saints R. Sawtry-St.-Andrew R. Stan- ground V. Stibbington R. Stilton R. Water-Newton R. Woodstone R. Woodwalton R. and of Yaxley V. (0) Washington is united with Lutton or Luddington-on-the-Wold. See Willybrook Hundred (Northampton.) HUNDRED OF LEIGHTON-STONE. (*) HUNDRED OF TOSELAND. (™) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe | Total. Males' Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Males l'e- males. 65 252 199 278 59 276 1811 120132 1812 1 100 99 1813 | 141 | 137 1814 | 143 | 133 1815 158 | 166 1816 | 130 1817 1177 169 1818 161 157 1819 118 117 1820 150 181 Years. Total. Males Fe- 1 males. inales. Total. 1811 170 1591 329 96 108 204 1812 174 1671 341 108 106 214 1813 | 200 | 176 | 376 89 87 176 1814 | 182 160 342 | 112 | 123 | 235 1815 208 | 422 89 | 191 1816 170 324 112 208 1817 208 182 390 100 97 197 1818 401 237 1819 178 194 372 101 106 207 1820 196 189 385 | 88 100 188 214 102 Years. | Mar- riages. 1811 121 1812 88 1813 96 1814] 110 1815 89 1816 92 1817| 112 1818) 103 1819 111 1820 85 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1120 126 138 142 119 129 135 185 92 168 | 75 | 155 324 263 133 346 318 235 211 1 28 331 70 100 - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Alcon- bury (with Weston) V. Barham P. C. Brampton V. Brington R. Buckworth R. Bythorn P.C. Great Catworth R. Copingford R. Covington R. Easton V. Ellington V. Great Gidding V. Little Gid- ding R. Steeple-Gidding R. Graff ham R. Hamerton R. Keystone R. Kimbolton V. Leighton-Bromeswold V. Molesworth R. Spaldwick V. Long Stow P.C. Swineshead R. Thurniny R. Upton R. Old Weston P.C. Winwick V. and of Woolley R. (*) The Chapel of Little Catworth (formerly dependent on Long Stow) is in ruins. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- ley V. Buckden V. Diddington V. Everton (with Tetworth) V. (d) Eynesbury R. Fenstanton V. Godmanchester V. Great Gransden V. Hale-Weston P. C. Hemingford-Abbots R. Hemingford-Grey V. Hilton P. C. St Neot's V. Offord-Cluny R. Offord-Darcy R. Great Paxton V. Little Paxton P. C. Southo V. Great Staughton V. Toseland P.C. Waresley V. and of Yelling R. ☺) Papworth-St.-Agnes, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Papworth Hundred (Cambridgeshire). (1) Everton (with Tetworth) is partly in Biggleswade Hundred (Bedfordshire). .. P : ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish. Registers. COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON continued. TOWN OF HUNTINGDON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. IMales Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe males Total. Years. | Mar- riages. 33 40 19 51 54 17. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 116 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 15 18181 1819 1820 29 27 15 22 27 27 19 | 46 - The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ----All Saints and St. John R. and of St. Mary and St. Benedict R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. NT BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. 1 Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 618 396 762 747 407 588 364 336 366 383 418 397 708 335 753 613 1,230 1,225 1,412 1,300 1,468 1,282 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 346 384 612 637 704 687 721 663 749 748 655 719 829 717 747 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 432 367 346 350 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 381 619 378 382 733 1,482 341 350 724 691 849 843 378 706 428 666 740 1,454 1,321 1,459 430 407 421 413 379 379 403 380 786 TOTALS 6,895 i 6,738 | 13,633 3,898 3,803 7,901 3,776 The SUMMARY of the County of HUNTING DON is collected from the Registers of Ninety-seven Parish Churches and One Chapel; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 64;-- Burials, 22. M.DCCC.XXI.] 55 THE POPULATION ACT, I GÉO. Iv. c. 94. County of Kent. LATHE OF SAINT AUGUSTINE. (á) LATHE OF SCRAY.) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. (Males Fe- males. Total. IMales Feo males. Total. | Years. Mar- 1814 479 Years. (Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- "males. males. riages. 1811 1,010|1,003 2,013 660 538 1,198 1811 513 1812 1,034|1,000 2,034 1698 559|1,257 1812 475 1813 997 986 1,983 627 474 1,101 1813 455 1814 1,006 981 1,987 620 562 1,182 1814 489 1815 1,059 1,023/ 2,082 686 599 1,285 1815 1816 (1,036 980 2,016 588 513 1,101 | 1816 431 1817 1,078 950 2,028 482 478 960 1817 393 1818 1,020 945 1,965 638 535 1,173 1818 436 1819 11,018) 953 / 1,971 5861571/1,15% | 1819 445 1820 1,048 975 2,023 624 535 1,159 18201 497 1811 1,090|1,054 2,144 698 608 1,306 1811 495 1812 1,093 1,095 2,188 683 633 1,316 1812 526 1813 1,1441,072,216 555 583 1,138 1813 500 1814 1,088 1,034) 2,122 1700 676|1,376 1815 1,254/1,161 2,415 729 619|1,348 1815 | 560 1816 1,052 1,072 2,124 | 660 | 6431,303 | 1816 510 1817 1,195 1,131 2,326 612 543 / 1,155 | 18171 486 1818 1,174 1,115 2,289 1 639 616|1,255 1818 524 1819 1,177 1,102 2,279 645 577 1,222 1819 556 1820 1,191 1,135 2,326 627 537 1,164 1820 544 447 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,— Adis- ham R. Ash P.C. Barfreston R. Barham P.C. Beaksbourne V. Beiteshanger R. Birchington P. C. Bishopsbourne R. Bridge P. C. Buckland-near-Dover P. C. Charlton-by-Dover R. Chillenden R. Chislett V. West Cliffe V. Coldred V. St. Cosmus and Damien- in-the. Blean V. Deal R. Denton R. St. Dunstan's V. Eastry V. Elmstone R. Ewell V. Eythorne R. Fordwich R. Goodnestone P. C. Guston P. C. Hackington or St. Stephen V. Ham R. Harbledown R. St. Nicholas Hospital Harbledown C. Lower Hardres R. Upper Har- dres R. Herne V. Hoath P. C. Hougham V. Ickham R. Kingston R. Knowlton R. East Langdon R. West Langdon P.C. Littlebornc V. Lydden V. St. Margaret-at-Cliffe V. Great Mongeham R. Monk- ton V. Nackington P.C. St. Nicholas-at-Wade V. Nonington P. C. Northbourne V. Patrisbourne V. Petham V. Preston-next-Wing- ham V. Reculver V. Ringswould R. Ripple R. River V.(0) Sea- salter V. Shepherdswell (otherwise Sibertswould) V. Shoulden P.C. Staple P. C. Stodmarsh P.C. Stour-Mouth R. Sturry V. Sutton-by- Dover P.C. Swalecliffe R. St. John's-in-Thanet (Margate) V. St. Laws rence-in-Thanet (Ramsgate) V. Minster-in-Thanet V. St. Peter's-in- Thanet V. Thanington P. C. Tilmanstone V. Waldershare V. Wal- mer P.C. Waltham V. Westberc R. Westgate-Holy-Cross V.(9) Whitfield or Beauxfield P. C. Whitstable P.C. Wickhambreux R. Wingham P.C. Woodnesborough V. Womenswould P.C. Wootton R. and of Worth P.C. (a) The Church of Little Mongchain is ruinated; and no Church or Chapel now remains at Stonar, or Sarr, in Thanet. (b) Also from a Register of the Work house at River.-- The Parish of Westgate- Holy-Cross is partly in the City of Canterbury. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Apple- dore V. Ashford V. Badlésmere R. Bapchild v. Benenden v. Bethersden R. Biddenden R. Bobbing V. Borden V. Boughton- Aluph V. Boughton-under-Blean V. Bredgar V. Brook R. °Chal- lock'P. C. Charing V. Great Chart R. Little Chart R. Chartham R. Chilham V. Cranbrook V. Crundale R. Davington P. C. Dod- dington V. East Church R. Eastling R. Eastwell R. Egerton P.C. Faversham V. Frittenden R. Godmersham V. Goodnestone R. Goudhurst V. Graveney V. High Halden R. Lower Halstow V. Harilip V. Harty P. C. Hawkhurst P. C. Hern-Hill V. Hinx- hill R. Hothfield R. Iwade P. C. Kennardington R. Kennington V. Kingsdown R. Kingsnorth R. Leveland R. Leysdown V. Linsted V. Luddenham R. Marden V. Mersham R. Milsted R. Milton V. Minster-Sheppy P. C. Molash P.C. Murston R. (6) Newenden R. Newington V. Newnham V. Norton R. Owre P. C. Ospringe V. Pluckley R. Preston V. Queenborough P. C. Rainham V. Rod- mersham V. Rolvenden V. Sandhurst R. Selling V. Sevington R. Shadoxhurst R. Sheerness Garrison C. Sheldwich V. Sittingbourn V. Sınarden R. Stalesfield V. Staplehurst R. Tenterden V. Teyn- ham V. Throwley V. Tong V. Tunstall R. Upchurch V. Warden R. Westwell V. Willesborough V. Woodchurch R. and of Wye P. C. (f) The Parish Church at Buckland (Faversham Hundred) is in ruins. (5) The Church at Elmley being dilapidated, the Return is included in that of Murston. LATHE OF AYLESFORD. (d) LATUE OF SHEPWAY.(h) BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe | Total. males, Males Fe- | Total. nales.! Years. | Mar- riages. 1 856 663 1811 1,111(1,095 2,206 | 750 670 1,420 1812 1,1411,057 2,198 658 629 1,287 1813 1,202 1,158 2,360 748 702 1,450 1814 1,1791,206 2,385 838 730 1,568 1815 1,3331,284 2,617 17781 745 1,523 1816 1,2541,230 2,484 767 | 675 1,442 1817 11,181 1,255 2,439 675 645 1,320 1818 1,317 1,158 2,475 831 816|1,647 1819 $1,300 1,189) 2,489 | 914 806|1,720 1820 1,296 1,265/2,561 1769 7061,475 1811 594 1812 577 1813 | 532 1814 1815 675 1816 1817 606 1818 627 1819 661 1820 647 632 1811 449 407 | 260 233 493 1812 512 464 | 976 279 2301 509 1813 490 467 | 957 238 | 1731 1814 479 431 | 910 287 | 2171 504 1815 469 436 905 269 218 487 1816 1400 1400 | 800 230 237 467 1817 479 433 912 189|159 348 1818 1 444 1434 | 878 255 180 435 1819 423 404 | 827 | 231 / 206 437 1820 444 408 | 852 215 1881 403 1811 207 1812 197 1813 1814 182 1815 190 1816 186 1817 | 193 1818 | 169 1819 201 1820 171 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of;-- Adding- ton R. Allhallows V. Allington R. Ashurst R. Aylesford V. Barming Ř. Bearstead V. Bicknor R. Bidborough R. Birling V. Boughton- Malherbe R. Boughton-Monchelsea V. Boxley V. Bredhurst P. C. Brenchley V. Bromfield P.C. Burham V. Chalke V. Chart-next- Sutton-Vallence V. Cliffe R. Cobham V. Cooling R. Cuxion R. Debtling V. Ditton R. East Farleigh V. West Farleigh V. Frinds- bury V. Frinsted R. Gillingham V. Gravesend R. Hadlow V. Hal- ling v. Halstow V. or R. Harrietsham R. Headcorne V. Higham V. Hollingborne V. Hoo-St. Mary R. Hoo-St.-Warburgh V. Hors- monden R. Hucking P.C. Hunton R. St. James (Isle of Grain) V. Ifield R. Ightham R. Lamberhurst V. Langley R. Leeds P. C. Len- ham V. Leybourne R. Linton V. Loose P. C. Luddesdown R. East Malling V.° West Malling V. Meopham V. Mereworth R. Milion- next-Gravesend R. Nettlested R. “Northfleet V. Nursted R. O1f- ham P. Otham R. Otterden R. East Peckham R. and V. West Peekham V. Pernbury V. Plaxtol C. Ryarsh V. Shipbourne P.C. Shorne V. Snodland and Paddleworth R. Speldhurst R. (©) Stan- stead P.C. Stuckbury V. Stoke V. Strood P. C. East Sutton P. C. Town-Sutton (otherwise Sutton-Vallence) V. Teston V. Thornham V. Trotterscliffe R. Tudley and Capel V. Tunbridge V.() Ulcomb R. Wateringbury V. Wichling R. Wormshill R. Wouldham R. Wrotham R. and of Yalding V. (d) The Church of Denton is ruinated. Tej The Baptisms which take place at Tunbridge-Wells C. are included in the Returns of Tunbridge and Speldhursi. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Acrise R. Aldington (with Smeeth) R. Alkham V. Bilsington P. C. Bonning- ton R. Brabourne V. Brenzet V. Brookland V. Burmarsh R. Caple-le-Fern P. C. Cheriton R. Dynchurch R. Eastbridge R. Ebony P.C. Elham V. Elmstead V. Fairfield P. C. Folkston P. C. Hastingleigh R. Hawkinge R. Hope-All-Saints R. (1) Hythe-St.- Leonard's P. C. West Hythe C. Ivey-Church R. Lydd 'V. Ly- minge R. Lympne V. St. Mary's R. Monk's Horton R. New- church V. Newington-next-Hythe V. Orgarswick R. Orlestone R. Paddlesworth P. C. Postling V. New Romney V.(0) Old Romney R. Ruckinge R. Saltwood R. Sellinge V. Smeeth P. C. Snargate R. Snave Ř. Standford P. C. Stelling P. C. Stone-in-Oxney V. Stow- ting R. Sivingfield P. C. Warehorn R. and of Wittersham R. (1) There is no Church at Bircholt; and the Church of Orgarswick is dilapidated. Broomhill and Midley Churches (Romney Marsh) are demolished; and Hurst Church is in ruins. The Parish Church of Hope-All-Saints being in a ruinous state, the Inhabitants baptize, bury, and marry at New Romney; but there are separate Registers kept for the two Parishes. 56 Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF KENT-continued. LATHE OF SUTTON-AT-HONE. TOWNS OF DEPTFORD AND GREENWICH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- | Tutal. males. Years. Mar- riages. malcs. 1811 901 | 8571,758 538 464 1,002 1812 886 | 866 1,752 596 547 | 1,143 1813 832 853 1,685 537 489 1,026 1814 832 863 1,695 5831571 1,154 1815 900 947 1,847 1532617 1,149 1816 888 881 (1,769 5991515 1,114 1817 1922 | 884|1,806 152714601 987 1818 930 909 1,839 552590 1,142 1819 887 | 829 | 1,726 580 608 1,188 1820 971 936 1,907 550 544 1,094 1811 695 1812 633 1813 587 1814 641 1815 691 1810 | 645 1817 611 1818 589 1819554 1820' 648 Years. Males! Fc- Total. Males Fc Total. Years. Mar- males. riages. 1811 566 | 586|1,152 466 439 905 1811 222 1812 555 | 553 1,108 1483 428 911 1812 234 1813 585 590 1,175 | 424 428 852 1813 197 1814 1614 579 1,193 479 480 959 1814 240 1815 678 638 1,316 544 497 | 1,041 1815 226 1816 1619 630 1,249 550 548 |1,098 1816 206 1817 1619 | 5871,206 1436 443 | 879 1817| 166 1818 607 579 1,186 556 479 1,035 1818 | 162 1819 629 620 1,249 438 420 858 1819 174 1820 581 617 1,198 426 451 877 | 1820 196 The abovc ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Nicho- las-Deptford V. St. Paul-Deptford R. and of Greenwich V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,m-Ash. next-Dartford R. Beckenham R. Bexley V. Brasted R. Bromley P. C. Charlton R. Chelsfield R. Chevening R. Chidingstone R. Chislehurst R. Cowden R. Crayford R. Fouts-Cray R. St. Mary- Cray P. C. North Cray R. Paul's Cray R. Cudham V. Darenth V. Dartford V. Down P. C. Earith V. Edinbridge P. C. Eltham V. Eynsford V. Farnborough P. C. Farninghanı V. Fawkham R. Hal- sied R. Hartley R. Hayes R. Hever R. Horton-Kirby V. Kemp- sing V. Keston R. Kingsdown R. Lee R. Leigh V. Lewisham V. Longfield R. Lullingston R. Nockholt P. C. Orpington V. Otford P. Č. Penshurst R. Plumstead V. Ridley R. Seal P. C. Seven- oaks V. Shoreham V. Southfleet R. Stone-near-Dartford R. Sun- dridge R. Sutton-at-Hone V. Swanscombe R. Westerham V. East Wickham P. C. West Wickham R. and of Wilmiągton V. - CITY OF CANTERBURY. TOWN AND PORT OF DOVER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Yeurs. 'Males Fe- Total. Males Total. Years. 1 Mar- inales Males Fe. males. males. Total. ( Yen males riage's. 136 | 1811 1812 10:2 82 238 1813 1811 247 229 476 1812 226 277 503 1813 238 215 | 453 1814 198 1801 378 1815 229 256 | 485 1816 200 231 431 1817 225 214 439 1818 208 215 423 1819 202 211 413 1820 233 215 193 153 346 167 143 310 132 106 155 | 121 276 207 422 139 131 | 270 107 219 124 139 263 127 282 147 133 280 1811 1812 118 1813 82 1814| 120 1815 138 1816| 130 1817 108 1818 128 | 1819 132 | 1820/ 126 1811 225 237 | 462 1162 | 114 | 276 1812 180 | 167 | 347 | 126 | 103 | 229 1883 194 188 382 Tuo 95 205 1814 | 174 | 166 340 122 | 99 | 221 1815 213 199 412 119 122 241 1816 219 201 420 | 126 | 105 | 231 1817 | 189 200 | 389 | 104 | 103207 lion 103 207 1818 | 183 175 | 358 1136 105 241 1819 | 202 204 406 1117 96 213 1820 232 / 198 430 | 123 | 102 225 112 1814 100 1815 | 111 1816; 121 1817 83 1818 106 1819 88 1820 126 150 223 456 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. James R. St. Mary-the-Virgin P. C. and of the Garrison at Dover-Castle C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, All Saints R. St. Alphage R. St. Andrew R. Christ-Church Cathedral C. St. George-the-Martyr R. (and St. Mary-Nagdalen R. united). St. Margaret R. St. Niartin R. Si. Mary-Brediu V. St. Mary-Bred- man R. St. Mary-Northgate V. St. Mildred R. St. Paul V. and of Si. Peter R. Li ---- - TOWN OF CHATHAM WITH CITY OF ROCHESTER. BOROUGH TOWN OF MAIDSTONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. lears. Alales Males' Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. NIar- riages. Years. Males Fes. Total. Males Fer. Total. Years. | Mar- riages. males. males. males. 262 209 232 172 163 84 88 111 1811 469 414 883 13:301234 564 1811 261 1812 402 447 | 849 1 323 242 565 1812 319 1813 469 | 464 933 260 209 469 1813 1814 438 381 819 1 364 291 655 18141 321 1815 444 447 891 506 312 818 1815 337 1816 1496 1412 | 908 439 255 694 1816 315 1817 443 440 883 492 221 713 1817 1818 420 417 837 5031313 816 1818 302 1.819 447 412 ; 859 484 283 767 | 1819 290 1820 397 394' 791 493 293 786 | 1820 257 1811 208 199 407 175 153 | 328 1812 191 204 395 125 118 243 1813 202 411 134 98 1814 211 217 428 120 118 238 1815 | 265 213 | 478 110 111 | 221 1816 224 229 453 135 125 1817 | 271 203 474 1108 | 78 | 186 1818 233 213 130 93 1819 233 221 454 1135 1133 | 268 1820 261 233 494 | 125 | 107 | 232 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 260 336 92 446 223 11? 135 102 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Cathedral Church of Rochester C. Chatham P.C. St. Margaret-next-Ro- chiester V. and of St. Nicholas V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of,—--Maid- stone P. C. M.DCCC.XXI.] 57 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF KENT-continued. TOWN AND PORT OF SANDWICH. TOWN OF WOOLWICH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- | Total. Males' Fe- inalcs. inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total, Males' Fco | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages. 51 15 98 106 20 440 1270 716 83 112 100 47 53 21 | 31 31 14 99 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1 1819 1 111 35 29 | 64 36 30 29 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820) 94 1811 1357 | 330 687 407 299 706 1812 394 343 737 1813 379 3841 763 430 285 715 1814 363 363 726 462 281 743 1815 417 406 | 823 1374 233 607 1816 372 394 | 766 4511321 / 772 1817 363 / 339 702 1248/190 | 438 1818 1343 295 638 301 236 | 537 1819 298 323 621 255 211 466 1820 325 294 619 619 294 228 522 1811 70 1812 1813 1814 1815 100 1816 1817 1818 18191 56 1820 47 15 111 60 | 51 | 111 55 | 105 49 / 100 27 1820 | 51 21 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Cle-i inent (with St. Bartholomew's Hospital) V. St. Mary V, and of St. Peter-thc-Apostle R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, wich R. Wool- WO. SU M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF KENT. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ars. Males. Females. Total. Ycars. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 3,932 3,482 3,427 1811 6,680 6,462 13,142 1812 6,673 6,520 13,193 1813 6,800 6,630 13,430 1814 6,629 6,454 13,083 1815 7,321 7,061 14,382 1816 6,809 6,705 13,514 1817 7,020 6,695 13,715 1818 6,939 6,506 13,445 1819 6,866 6,533 13,399 1820 7,030 6,727 13,757 Totals 68,767 66,293 135,060 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,669 4,605 4,221 4,751 4,897 4,720 3,998 4,694 4,574 4,416 3,939 3,665 4,177 4,309 4,098 3,456 4,123 4,080 3,849 8,601 8,544 7,886 8,928 9,206 8,818 7,454 8,817 8,654. 8,265 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,087 3,453 3,665 3,370 3,144 3,223 3,319 3,332 45,545 | 39,628 | 85,173 . 33,502 The SUMMARY of the County of Kent is collected from the Registers of Three hundred and Ninety-four Parish Churches and Eight Chapels, and from One other Register; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 702 ;-Burials, 105. 58 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Lancaster. HUNDRED OF AMOUNDERNESS. HUNDRED OF LEYLAND. . . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Feral Total. Males Fe | Total. males. males. | Years. / Mar- I lears. riages. Ycars. Males! Fe- | Total. Males' Fc- | Total. jmales. males. Years. | Mar- riages. 1812 278 1813 1811 667 652 1,319 422 407 829 1811 289 1812 1654 627/ 1,281 414 407 | 821 1 1812 1813 688 646 1,334 420 4641 884 1813 342 1814 1774 / 683 / 1,457 1 439 433 872 1814 410 1815 7591 709 1,468 1 412 401 813 1815 393 1816 750170411,454 515! 539 1,054 1816 401 1817 1 791 749 1,540 (420 416 836 1817 374 1818 922 8441,766 496 501 997 1818 416 1819 951 875 1,826 460 3951 855 1819 393 1820 953 830 1,783 419 3981 817 1820 374 1811 592 560 1,152 260 263 523 1812 517 455 972 345 331 676 574 5171,091 400 360 760 1814 594 5431 1,137 1404 1363 767 1815 ; 600 568 | 1,168 307 314 621 1816 584 559' 1,143 | 365 369 7:34 1817 556 1 510' 1,066 394 432 826 1818 595 544 1,139 384 359 : 743 1819 617 ! 579 1,196 333 :333 666 1820 571 547 1,118 333 299632 1811 225 1812 260 1813 243 1814 320 1815 i 317 1816 292 1817 261 1818 320 1819 327 1820 293 The abovis ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Bisp- ham P. C. Broughton C. Garstang V. Kirkham V. (3) Longridge C. Lytham P. C. St. Michael-upon-Wyre V. (6) Pilling C. Poulton V. Preston V. © Stalmine-and-Preesal C. and of Woodplumpton C. () Kirkham includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Goosnargh, Hambleton, Lund, Ribby-with-Wrea, Singleton, and Warton. (b) The Return of St. Michael-upon-Wyre includes the Baptisms at Cop Chapelry. © Also from a Register of Roman Catholics at Preston. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Bic- consal C. Brindle R. Chorley R. Corpul C. Croston R. and V. Douglas C. (i) Eccleston R. Euxton C. Heapey C.(k) Huole li. Leyland V. Longton C. () Penwortham P. C. Rufford R. Stan- dish R. and of Tarleton C. (i) The Register of Eccleston inclucies the Burials and Marriages which take place at Douglas Chapelry. (k) The Register of Leyland includes the Burials and Marriages which take place at Heapey Chapelry. () The Church-yard at Longton was consecrated in the Year 1816. HUNDRED OF BLACKBURN (4). HUNDRED OF LONSDALE, NORTH OF THE SANDS. BAPTISMS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. 288 139 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- males. males riages. 1811 1,510 1,280 2,790 794 876 1,670 1811 852 1812 1,346|1,366 2,712 1,017 1,036 2,053 1812 815 1813 1,576 1,473 3,049 994) 983 1,977 1813 983 1814 1,737 1,717 3,454 11,031 (1,019/ 2,050 | 1814) 1,282 1,782 1,718 3,500 866 951 1,8171 1815/ 1,183 1816 1,653 1,584 3,237 11,156 (1,204 2,360 1816 1,096 1817 11,528 1,5221 3,050 1,107 1,092) 2,199 1817! 997 1818 1,636 1,600 3,236 1,162|1,219 2,381 | 1818! 1,250 1819 1,682 1,580 3,262 1,021 1,0241 2,045 1819 1,145 1820 1,609 1,564 3,173 969 932 1,901 1820 1,211 Males Fe- Total. Alales Fe- Total. Years. Dlar- males. males. riages. 1811 1 3001332 632 1461133 279 1811 148 1812 345 314 659 142 146 1812 139 1813 336 317 | 653 139 281 1813 1814 355 325 680 176 175 351 1814 150 1815 380362 742 144 153 297 1815 122 1816 379 348 727 225 216 441 1816 146 1817 | 367 317 | 684 1 192 186 | 378 1 1817 131 1810 366 325 691 | 161 155 | 316 1818. 128 1819 357 355 712 164 141 | 305 1819 136 1820 388 339 727 | 177 175 352 1820 147 . The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Accring- ton C. Altham C. Bacnp C. (C) Balderston C. Blackbim V. (with Blackburn St. John'sC.) Burnley C. Chipping V. Church-Kirk C.(*) Clitheroe C. Colne C. Over-Darwen C. Downban C. Goodshaw C. Great Harwood C. Haslingden C. Holme or Cliviger C. () Lango or Billington C. Marsden C. (*) Newchurch-in-Pendle C. (") New- Church-in-Rossendale C. Padiham C. Ribchester | Salesbury C. Samlesbury C. Tockholes C. Walton-le-Dale C. and of Whalley V.() (d) Part of Mitton Parish is in this Hundred, but the Register is The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of — Al- dingham R. Blawith C. Broughton-in-Furness C. Cartinel P. C. (') Colton P. C.(") Conistone C. Dalton V. (© Dendron C. (™) Fins- thwaite C. Hawkeshead (including Satterthwaite) P.C. Kirkby-Irelyth V. () Lowick C. Pennington P. C. Seathwaite C. Torrer C. Ulverston P. C.“) and of Urswick 1. (m) The Return of Cartmel includes the Registers of the Chapelries of Field-Broughton, Flook borough, Carimelfell, Lindal, and Staveley: (") The Return of Colton includes Rusland C. ( The Register of Dalton iicludes the Baptisnis which take place at Irelith Chapelry. © The Register of Dendron, previous to the Year 1813, was in- cluded in that of Aldingham, in which Parish it is situate. ( The Register of Kirkby-Irelyth includes the Baptisms which take place at Woodland Chapelry. The Return of l'lverston includes Egton with Newland C. (9) Bacup C. Church-Kirk C. and Holme or Cliviger C. are in Whalley Parish. (1) Lango or Billington C. is in Blackburn Parish. (3) The Register of Marsden C. previous to the Year 1813, was included in that of Colne. (6) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Borley, in Newchurch-in- Pendle Township. (i) Whalley includes the Return of Pendleton near Clitheroe. . M.DCCC. XXI7 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. .] COUNTY OF LANCASTER--continued. HUNDRED OF LONSDALE, SOUTH OF THE SANDS. HUNDRED OF WEST-DERBY. (j) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES: Years. Males, te- inales Total. 'Males Fe- nales. Total. ' Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- males. I Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- riages. males 1811 256 257 513 1812 268 231 499 1813 280 260 540 1814 283 236 519 1815 294 277| 571 269 258 | 527 1817 296 233 529 1818 251 246 497 1819 | 2751 2701 545 1820 | 304 292 596 120 130 250 1811 110 100 210 1812 118/ 1441 262 1813 | 135 137 272 1814 122) 1142361815 80 139 136 275 1816 81 121 114! 235 1817| 73 252 1818 121 | 125 | 246 1819) 98 179 160 339 | 1820 91 1811 1,922 1,793 3,715 11,173|1,271 2,444 1811 794 1812 1,795 1,741 3,536 1,169|1,197 2,366 1812 617 1813 1,793|1,800/3,523 1,2231,767 2,490 | 18131 724 1814 1,920 1,816 3,736 11,287 1,425 2,712 1814| 853 1815 2,144 2,029 4,173 11,491 |1,381 2,812 18151 920 1816 2,012|1,9233,935 11,989 1,337 | 2,626 1816 843 1817 1,868 1,839 3,707 1,398 1,320 2,7181817 724 1818 1,8691,8241 3,686 1,515 1,517 3,032 1818\ 779 1819 1,973 1,955 3,928 11,397 1,403 2,800 1819 822 1820 2,1961,927 4,053 1,294 1,298 2,592 18201 885 1816 - 123 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ad- marsh C. Bolton-le-Sands V. (*) Caton C. Claughton R. Cocker- ham V. Ellel C. ) Gressingham C. Halton R. (") Heysham R. Hornby C. Over-Kellet C. Leck C. Melling V. (w) Overton C. Poulton C. Shireside C. ) Silverdale C. Latham R. Tathan)- Fell C. Tunstal V. Warton V. Whittingtou R. and of Over-Wyers- dale C. (5) Boiton-le-Sands includes the Return of Nether-Kellet C. (0) Ellel C. and Shireside C. are in Cuckerham Parishı. (“) Halton includes the Return of Aughton Chapelry. The Register of Hornby, previous to the Year 1813, was included in that of Melling. (W) Melliug includes the Return of Arkholme Chapelry. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Altcar P. C. Ashton C. (k) Astley C. Atherton C. Aughton R. Bil- linge C. Burtonwood C. Childwall V. Great Crosby C. () West Derby C.() Edge-Hill-St. Mary's C. (™ Everton C. (©) Farn- worth C. (P) Formby C. Garston-and-Speke C. Hale C. Halsal R. St. Helen Ć. ( Hindley C. Hollinfare C. (9) Huyton V. St. James Church (Toxteth Park) C. (C) Kirkby C. Leigh ř. !Lowton C. Maghull C. (5) Melling (with Curnscough) C. North Meols R. St. Michael (Toxteth Park) C. () New-Church C. (°) Newton C. Orms- kirk V. Prescot V. Rainford C. Sankey C. Sephton R. ^ Skel- mersdale C. Upholland C. Walton-on-the-Hill R. Warrington R. Wavertree C. and of Winwick R. (j) The Marriages which take place at Liverpool lessen the number in West Derby Hundred, as here entered, distinct from Liverpool Town, which is inserted at the end of the County. (k) Also froin One Register of Quakers, and Four Registers of Dis- senters, in Ashton Parish. () The Inhabitants of Great Crosby bury and marry at Sephton. (m) The Inhabitants of West Derby bury and marry at Walton-011- the-Hill. (") The Church of St. Mary (Edge-Hill) was opened for Divine Service in 1813. O The Church of Everton was consecrated in October 1814. (°) Farnworth C. and St. Helen's C. are in Prescot Parish. (9) Hollinſare C. is in Warrington Parish. ☺ St. James's Church (Toxteth Park) is depindent upon Walton- on-the-Hill. (*) The Inhabitants of Maghull bury and marry at Halsal. u The-Church of St. Michael (Toxteth Park) was opened for Divine Service in 1818. ) New-Church C. is in Winwick Parish. ☺ Sephton includes the Return of Seaforth Chapelry. HUNDRED OF SALFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Feo | Total. Lues Fe- males. inales. Total. Years | Mar- riayes. 1811 3,912 3,97917,891 12,4032,453 4,856 1811 1,854 1812 3,614 3,665 7,279 12,57112,625 5,196 1 1812 1,687 1813 3,733 13,57417,307 12,673 2,8485,521 | 18131,776 1814 (4,4734,240|8,713 3,221 3,1616,382 1814 2,388 1815 4,9934,6279,620 12,8392,834 5,673 1815 12,603 1816 14,774 4,3879,161 13,16513,1091 6,274 1 1816 2,285 1817 4,144 3,934 18,078 2,9852,950 5,935 1817 1,971 1818 1,043|3,907 17,950 13,329 3,457|6,786 1818 2,259 1819 1,3514,320/8,671 12,995|2,992 5,987 1819 12,515 1820 1,495 4,246 8,741 3,1443,300 6,444 1820 2,547 BOROUGH OF LANCASTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. } MARRIAGES. Total. Malesi Feo | Total. | Years. Years. Males! Fe imales. Mar- riages. 346 246 179 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ard- wick C.(*) Ashton-under-Lyne R. Ashworth C. Birch Chapel C. (*) Blackley C. (x) Blackrod C. Bolton-le-Nloors V. Little Bolton- All-Saints C. (9) Little Bolton St.-George C. Bradshaw C. Bury (including St. John's) R. Cheetham-St.-Marks C. (*) Chorlton (with Hardy) C. ($) Cockey C. (2) Dean or Rumworth V. Denton C. (*) Didsbury C. ($) Eccles V. (a) Edenfield C. Plixton P. C. Frier- mere C. Gorton C. (*) Heaton-Norris C.(*) Heywood C. (b) Holcombe C. Hollinwood C. ☺) Horwich C. West Houghton C. Lees C. (d) Lever C. Littleborough C. © Middleton R. Alilnrow C.) Newton C.) Oldham P. C. Peel Chapel C. (f) St. Peter's Chapel Oldham C. Prestwich R. Radcliffe R. Ringley C. (6) Rivingtou C. Rochdale V.(1) Royton C. Shaw C. (5) Stayley- Bridge C. (1) Stretford C. (*) Todmorden C. Totlington C. Tur- ton C. Unsworth C. aud of Whitworth C.) ($) The Eleven Chapels, thus marked, are in the Parish of Flan- chestcr; and the Marriages which chicfly take place in the Town of Manchester, at the Mother Church, lessen the number in Salford Hun- dred, as here entered distinct from Manchester Town, which is entered at the end of the County. (Y) The Registers of Little Bolton-All-Saints C. and Bradshaw C. previous to the Year 1813, were included in that of Bolton-le-Moors. (?) Cockey C. is in Middleton Parish. aj Eccles includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Ellenbrook, Pendleton, and Worley or Swinton-St.-Peter. (6) Fleywood C. is in Bury Parish. ) Hollinwood or Chadderton C. is in Oldham Parish. id) Lees C. is in Ashton-under-Lyne Parish. ) Littleborough C. Milnrow C. and Whitworth C. are in Rochdale Parish. (*) Peel C. is in Dean Parish. Ringley C. and Shaw C. are in Prestwich Parish. it) Rochdale includes the Return from St. Mary's or Wardlesworth Chapel. () Stayley-Bridge is partly in Macclesfield Hundred (Cheshire). 1811 | 1761 1812 353 1813 196 193 1814 204 392 1815 1211 408 1816 201 400 1817 | 227 1196423 1818 212 193 405 1819 1212 | 161 373 1820 193 204 397 113 133 118 87 205 88 113 201 143 139 282 171 140 311 194183 377 122 128 | 250 144 114 258 113 | 109 | 222 144 135 279 1811 138 1812 146 1813 150 1814 1815 147 1816) 137 1817 148 1818 130 1819 120 1820 130 RM The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of,- caster V. Lan- ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Register's. COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. BOROUGH OF LIVERPOOL. (W) TOWN OF MANCHESTER. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males fco | Total. | Years. inales. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- ! Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- - males. Total. Imanī riages. 1811 2,027 1,9383,965 1,460|1,362 2,822 } 1811 1,221 1812 1,863 1,8563,719 1,202 1,138/2,340 1812 1,056 1813 1,695 (1,685 3,380 11,128|1,22412,352 1813 | 1,136 1814 1,892 1,7983,690 1,231f1,2342,465 1814 | 1,250 1815 1,947 1,944 3,891 1,485|1,54513,030 1815 1,612 1816 2,1281,955 4,083 1,416|1,366 2,812 1816 1,560 1817 12,355|2,344|4,699 (1,210 1,279 2,489 | 1817 | 1,418 1818 2,1742,116 4,290 1,743 1,673 3,416 1818 1,477 1819 12,502|1,430 3,932 1,493|1,518/3,011 1819 1,557 1820 2,330 2,210 4,540 (1,438|1,506 2,944 1820 | 1,523 1811 1,631 (1,607 3,238 606577 1,183 1811/ 1,503 1812 1,452|1,473 2,925 | 755 738 1,493 1812|1,329 1813 1,497 1,404 2,901 Lowlana 2.901 7671 802 1,569 1813|1,358 1814 11,408|1,479, 2,887 1 7711 768/1,539 i 1814|1,354 1815 11,765|1,677 3,442 7111 7201 1,431 1815 2,164 1816 (1,503|1,517 3,020 7871 903 1,690 1816 1,972 1817 11,585 1,570 3,155 | 942 873 1,8151 18171,691 1818 1,585|1,596 3,181 1,911 1,239 2,450 1818 2,022 1819 1,745 1,631' 3,376 928 950 1,878 1819 2,222 1820 1,613|1,792 : 3,405 793 822 1,615 | 1820 2,043 -- . The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, ---Liver- pool R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --St. Ann's R. from the Register of The Collegiate and Parish Church of Manchester (™) St. George's C.(2) St. James C. St. John R. St. Luke C. St. Mary's R. St. Michael's C. Salford C. and of St. Stephen's Salford C. (*) The Parish of Manchester contains 186,942 Persons, and Twenty- one Places of Worship under the Established Church. See Salfurd Hundred. (The Collegiate and Parish Church includes the Returns of St. Clement C. and of St. Peter C. (?) The Church of St. George was consecrated in the Year 1818. (") AN ACCOUNT of all the Churches, Chapels and other Buildings in which the Established Liturgy is used, in the Parish of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster. NO - 1810. NO 1. The Parish Church of St. Peter, consecrated in the year - 1704. 8. The Church or Chapel of The Holy Trinity, opened in - 1792. 2. The Parochial Chapel of Our Lady and St. Nicholas, probably) 1770 9. - - - ditto - - - of St. Stephen - - ditto - - 1792. erected between the years 1200 and 1300, but being! & 10. - - - ditto - - - of St. Matthew - - ditto - - 1795. minous, re-built and opened between the years - - 1780. 11. - - - ditto . - - of Christ - - - - ditto - - 1799. 12. - - - ditto . . . of St. Mark - - - dicto - • 1815. CHURCHES OR CHAPELS NOT PAROCHIAL. 13. - - - ditto . . . of St. Andrew - - ditto - - 1815. 14. - - - ditto - - - of St. Philip - - - ditto - - 1815. 3. The Church or Chapel of St. George, opened in - 1739. 15. The small Chapel or Oratory of St. Mary, as the Public) in 1800 4. - - - ditto - - - of St. Thomas - ditto - - - 1748. lick & 5.- - - ditto - - . of St. Paul - - ditto - - - 1769. Cemetery for the Poor, consecrated between - 6. - . - ditto - . - of St. Anne - - ditto - - - 1773. 16. The Chapel of All Saints, licenced by the Magistrates, and 7. - - - ditto - - • of St. John - ditto - - - 1785. in which the Liturgy is used, opened before the year. " In a short time the following Churches will probably be added to the above described List : 1. St. Michael's Church, the Walls, Roof and Spire of which have lately been finished by the Parishioners, at the expense of nearly £. 35,000, raised by a Rate on the Inhabitants, but now found to be insufficient to complete the work. It will probably contain about 2,000 Persons, and almost the whole of the lower part or Ground Floor is proposed to be free for the Poor. 2. St. Luke's Church, now commenced and to be soon completed by the Corporation, at their sole expense, which will probably amount to £. 20,000, exclusive of the Ground, which is very valuable ; it is calculated at least to contain 1,300, and it may be hoped that a liberal number of Sittings will be free for the Poor. 3. À District Free Church, which there is encourageinent to believe will be erected by a Grant from the National Fund, as the Commissioners have been pleased to approve of a Plan which has been submitted to them, and Ground for Burials, &c. has been or will be provided. Ten of the existing Churches in Liverpool may be calculated to contain from 800 10 2,000, and the others from 300 to 700 Persons. 9. AN ACCOUNT of all Dissenting Chapels, or Buildings of that nature, from the respective Register Books of which were collected and comprised the Returns made to His Majesty's Government in the Year 1821, from Liverpool. 1. A Chapel for those termed Baptists, in - Byrom-street. | 15. A Chapel for those termed Westley's Methodists, Moss-street. 2. - ditto - for - ditto - - - - - - Lime-street. 16. • ditto - for ditto - Welsh - ditto - Benn's-Garden, 3. - ditto - for - ditto - - - - - - Comus-street. 17. - ditto - for • ditto - Whitfield's ditto - Pall-Mall. 4. - ditto - for - ditto . - - - - - Great-Cross-Hall-strect. 18. - ditto - for - ditto - Dissenters - - - Murray-street. 5. - ditto - for . ditto - Unitarians - Paradise-street. 19. - ditto - for ditto - - - - - - - Russell-street. 6. . ditto - for ditto - - - - - - Renshaw-street. 20. A Scotch Kirk - - - - Oldham-street. 7. - ditto - for ditto - Dissenters - Cockspur-street. 21. ditto Chapel - - - - - - Gloucester-street. 8. - ditio - for ditto - Independents Renshaw-street. 22. A Roman Chapel - - - - Edniund-street. 9. - ditto - for - - - - - - Duncan-street. 23. - ditto - - - - - - Seel-street. 10. - ditto - for ditto - - - - - - Great-Cross-Hall-street. 24. . ditto - - - - - - - - In Scotland-road. u. - ditto - for ditto - - Great George-street. 25. . ditto - - - . - - - .. Blake-street. 12. - ditto - for · ditto - Westley's Methodists, Leeds-street. 26. A Meeting House for Quakers - - Hunter-street. 13. - ditto - for ditto - - - - - - - - Mount-Pleasant. | 27. A Synagogue for Jews - - - - . - . Seel-strect. 14. - ditto - for - ditto - - - - - - - - Pitt-street. Established Churches and Chapels, &c. - - . - - - - 16 Distsenting Chapels and Buildings . 27 TOTAL Number in Liverpool - 43 ditto IN the Account sent to Government in the Year 1821, the numbers were stated at 38, not as now at 43, which was occasioned through the Methodists having only one Register Book for the use of several of their Chapels, in which the Baptisms and Burials at them were inserted. With the exception of seven or eight, which are large and commodious, these Buildings are small, and cannot probably contain more than from 300 to 500 Persons. The great number of Dissenting Places of Worship has undoubtedly been principally, if not wholly, owing to the facility of obtaining Licences for them, and the deficiency of Churches for the admittance of the Poor in a due proportion to the rapidly increased Population for at least Fifty years last past. For in 1770 the Inhabitants were calculated to aniount only to 34,000, and in the late Censuis were found to be upwards of 118,000, exclusive of a very populous part of tlie Town, which is not within the limits of the Parish. Liverpool, 3d January 1822. (Signed) R. H. Roighsedge, Rector. M.DCCC.XXI.1 61 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LANCASTER-continued. BOROUGH OF WIGAN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males Pe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mara riages. males. 742 678 482 1811 368 374 1812 381 297 1813 356 315 1814 358 384 1815 398 379 1816 389 374 1817 365 359 1818 362 1368 1819 405 379 1820 394 421 671 742 777 194/210| 404 190 157 | 347 234 248 236 200 | 436 215 220 435 244 230 474 243 263 203 211 414 174 146 320 176 188 364 1811 188 1812 188 1813 224 1814 | 270 1815 259 1816 281 1817 225 1818 236 1819 | 267 763 724 730 506 784 815 1820 | 273 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,man-St. Gcorge C. and of Wigan R. _ SUM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF LANCASTER. BAPTISMS. BURILS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. NIales. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 7,815 7,962 8,592 9,054 8,773 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 13,361 12,414 12,654 13,998 15,273 14,642 14,082 14,008 15,070 14,976 12,942 | 12,199 12,184 13,409 14,487 13,808 13,573 13,563 13,535 14,372 26,303 24,613 24,838 27,407 29,760 28,450 27,655 27,571 28,605 29,348 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 7,691 8,033 8,187 9,074 8,703 9,525 9,134 10,471 9,199 9,066 15,506 15,995 16,779 18,128 17,476 19,117 18,187 21,045 18,335 18,279 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 7,299 6,611 7,168 9,104 9,800 9,094 8,013 9,110 9,602 9,517 9,592 9,053 10,574 9,136 9,213 Totals / 140,478 134,072 | 274,550 89,083 89,764 178,847 185,318 The SUMMARY of the County of LANCASTER is collected from the Registers of Sixty-nine Parish Churches and One hundred and Thirty-four Chapels, from One Register of Roman Catholics, and from Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 5,610;-Burials, 1,542 ;„Marriage, 1. The Number of Chapels erected in Lancashire since the Marriage Act (1754) is such, that Eighty-seven of the Returns contain no Marriages; and at many other new Chapels in this County no permanent Register is kept, as being incorporated annually with that of the Mother Church. R ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Parish-Registers. County of Leicester. HUNDRED OF FRAMLAND. HUNDRED OF EAST GOSCOTE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGEE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Yeers. Mar- | riages. Total. Maleol Fe 7 Mar- Years. Males FC- males. Total. males. Years. Total. Wales! Fe- males. males. riages. 99 83 1811 207 233 440 1812 198 222 420 1813 230 191 | 421 1814 226 223 449 1815 234 | 233 467 1816 226240 466 1817 264 230 494 1818 222 213 435 1819 252 225 477 1820 257 229 486 129 134 463 103 101 204 94 99 193 120108 228 91121 212 | 128 | 124 | 252 119 115 234 131 124 | 255 1171132 249 129 121 | 250 1811 1812 1813 85 1814 68 1815 90 1816 102 1817 118 1818 | 106 1819/ 96 1820 | 111 1811 263 250 | 513 | 147 | 132 279 1812 245 265 510 155 157 | 312 1813 236 232 468 127 119 | 246 1814 255 258513 1134 155 289 1815 259 275 | 534 134 (148 282 1816 287 1 274 | 561 1159 1178 | 337 1817 256 262 518 158 150 | 308 1818 251 | 238 489 1134 1161 | 295 1819 | 283 | 238 521 1138 | 170 | 308 1820 240228 468 148 | 135 | 283 1811 116 1812 110 1813| 109 1814 97 1815 | 140 1816 | 115 1817 | 122 1818 131 1819 103 1820 113 | -- - - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ab- Kettleby and Holwell V. Barkstone V. Bottesford R. Branston R. Nether-Broughton R. Buckminster-with-Sewstern V. Burton-La- zars P. C. Claxton otherwise Long-Clawson V. Coston R. Croxton- Keyrial V. Little Dalby V. Eastwell R. Eaton V. Edmonthorpe R. Freeby C. Garthorpe V. Goadby-Marwood R. Harby R. Hareston R. Hose V. Kirby-Bellars P. C. Knipton R. Melton-Mowbray V. Muston R. Cold-Overton R. Plungar V. Redinile R. Saltby V. / Saxby R. Scalford V. Somerby V. Sproxton V. Stapleford V. Stathern R. Stonisby V. Thorpe-Arnold (with Brentingby) V. Waltham-on-the-Wolds R. Withcott R. Wyfordby R. and of Wymondhan R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alexton R. Asfordoy R. Ashby-Folville V. Baresby C. Barkby V. (a) Barkby- Thorpe C. Barrow-upon-Soar V. Bechy R. Belgrave V. Brooksby R. Cossington R. South Croxton R. Great Dalby V. Dalby-on-the- Wolds P.C. Frisby-on-the-Wreak V. Gaddesby P. C. Grimston P'. C. Hoby R. Hoton C. Humberston V. Hungerton V. Keyhan C. Loddington R. Lowesby V. Cold-Newton C. East Norton P. C. Prestwold V. Queneborough V. Ragdale P.C. Ratcliffe V. Rearsby R. Rotherby R. Saxelby R. Segrave R. Sileby V. Sketlington R. Syston V. Thrussington V. Thurmaston-South-End C. Tilton-with- Halstead V. Tugby V. Twyford and Thorpe-Satchville V. Walton- on-the-Wolds R. Wartnaby C. Wymieswold V. ard of Wycomb and Chadwell C. (a) Barkby includes the Return of Thurmaston-North-End C. HUNDRED OF GARTREE. HUNDRED OF WEST GOSCOTE. (6) BAPTISAIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - - Years. Males Males Fe- Total. Males, Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. (Males Fes | Total. wales. ( Years. Nar- riage's. Rales. males, 96 99 107 284 22 263 87 316 ن 1811 183 203 386 1812 200 171 | 371 1813 204 | 179 ვივ 1814 178 193 371 1815 209 193 402 1816 188 195 383 1817 197 195 392 1818 195 1819 192 191 1 383 1820 210 199 409 135 142 277 148 130 | 278 268 141 138 275 154 149 303 132 246 130 116 246 160 122 122 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 104 1817 91 1818 117 1819 114 1820 | 115 1811 | 461 | 432| 893 364 362 726 1812 482 423 905 325 318 643 1813 537 504 1,041 275/253 | 528 1814 558 504 1,062 3111311 | 622 1815 646 630 1,276 13061318 624 1816 535 563 1,098 326296622 1817 584 542 1,126 306 317 623 1818 538 571/1,109 376 332 708 1819 541| 460/1,001 | 361 / 347 | 708 1820 463 483 946 266 285 551 1811 | 287 1812 307 1813 1814 1815 | 348 1816 1817 1818 325 1819| 296 1820 319 318 ن 13 263 314 1181 376 125 En 1122 282 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Billes- donV. Blaston-St.-Giles R. Blaston-St.-Michael C. Great Bowden P.C. Bringhurst-with-Drayton R. Burrow R. Burton-Overy R. Carlton- Curlieu R. Cranoe R. Great Easton C. Evington V. Fleckney P.C. Foxton V. Galby R. Great Glenn V. Glooston R. Goadby C. Gum- ley R. Hallaton R. Market-Harborough P.C. Holt-and-Bradley P. C. Horninghold V. Houghton-on-the-Hill R. Husband's-Bosworth R. Ilston-on-the-Hill C. Kibworth-Beauchamp R. Kuossington R. East Langton R. Thorpe-Langton C. Tur-Langton C. West Langton C. Laughton R. Lubbenhain V. Medbourn'R. Mowsley C. Norton- by-Galby V. Ouston P. C. Pickwell-with-Leesthorpe R. Rulleston C. Saddington R. Scraptoft V. Shangton R. Slawston V. Stonton- Wyville R. Stockerston R. Stoughton C. Great Stretton C. Little Stretton C. Thedingworth V. Thurnby-with-Bushby V. Welliam V. and of Wistow (with Newton-Harcourt) V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Ansty C. | Ashby.de-la-Zouch V. Belton V. Birstall C. Blackfordby C. Bree- don V. Colc-Orton R. Diseworth V. Diskby-with-Thorpe-Acre P.C. Castle-Donington V. Hathern R. Isley-Walton C. ☺) Kegworth R. Lockington (with Hemington) V. Loughborough R. Mountsorrel C. Newtown-Linford P. C. Osgathorpe R. Packington V. Quarndon C. Rothley V. Scale R. Sbeepshead V. Swepson R. Swithland R. Thurcaston R. (d) Wanlip R. Long Whatton R. Whitwick (with Thringston and Swannington) V. Woodhouse C. and of Worthing- ton C.) (6) Staunton-Harrold is a Donjestic Chapel in this Dundred. () Burials are not solemnized at the Chapelry of Isley-Walton. (d) The Chapel formerly at Cropston is demolished. (©) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Worthington. M.DCCC.XXI.] 63 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LEICESTER- continued. 3 HUNDRED OF GUTHLAXTON. HUNDRED OF SPARKENHOE. () BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- / Total. | Years. Mar Mar- riages. Males Fe- / Total. Males Fe-Total. Years. 011 nales. males. males. lales riages. 562 916 a aq CQ 279 1811 259 245 504 1153 | 179 332 1812 283 263 546 (173 154 327 1813 242 239 | 481 142 128 270 1814 238 265 503 171 171 | 342 1815 288 292 580 148 153/ 301 1816 293 267 560 (159 168 327 1817 1 272 257 | 529 1861691 355 1818 277 292 569 132 136 268 1819 1 250 273 523 161 180 341 1820 281 | 253 534 1152 | 126 | 278 1811 117 1812 143 1813 122 1814 146 1815 181 1816 167 1817 149 1818 | 128 1819 139 18:20 160 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ailes- ton R. (*) Arnsby V. Great Ashby V. Little Ashby R. Bitteswell V. Blabye R. Broughton-Astley R. Bruntingthorpe R. Catthorpe R. Claybrook V. (6) Cosby V. Cotesbatch R. Countessthorpe C. Dun- ton-Bassett V. Foston R. Frowlesworth R. Gilmorton R. Kilby P. C. North-Kelworth R. South Kelworth R. Kimcote R. Knaptoft R. (h) Knighton C. Leire R. Lutterworth R. Misterton R. Oadby V. Great Peatling V. Little Peatling R. Slawell R. Shearsby C. Swin- ford V. Whetstone P. C. Great Wigston V. and of Willoughby- Waterless R. (f) Aileston includes Little Glen and Lubbesthorpe. (6) The Parish Register of Claybrook includes Great and Little Claybrook, Ullesthorpc, and Little Wigston; also Wibtoft, in Knight- low Hundred (Warwickshire). () The Church at Knaptoft is in ruins, but a distinct Register of Baptisms has been received for it. 1811 421 416 837 278 284 | 1811 257 1812 404 434 838 | 253 / 272 525 1812 237 1813 476 440 208 445 1813 224 1814 462 452 | 914 293 573 1814 1815 1806 foi 496 501 997 243 532 1815 292 1816 1 484 1 464 948 1 298 279 577 1816 260 1817 485 460 945 268 289 557 1817 235 1818 514 467 | 981 263 278 541 1818 241 1819 485 1 417 902 902 250 249 499 499 | 1819 237 1820 486 463 949 267 266 533 533 1820 245 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Ap- pleby R. Aston-Flamville R. Bagworth C. Barlston C. Parwell (with Stapleton and Marston) R. Braunstone C. Burbach C. Cadeby R. Carltou C. Congerston R. Croft R. Dadlington C. Desford" R. Fenny-Drayton R. Enderby V. Glenfield R. Heather R. Higham- on-the-Hill and Lindley R. Hinckley V.(j) Hugglescote C. Ilstock R. Kirkby-Mallory R. Kirby-Muxloe C. Market-Bosworth R. Marli- field R. Nailstone R. Narborough R. Newbold-Verdon R. Nor- manton-on-the-Heath C. Norton-by-Twycross R. Orton-on-the-IIill V. Peckleton R. Ratby V. Ratcliffe-Culey C. Sapcote R. Shackcrston V. Sharnford R. Great and Little Sheepy Ř. Shenton C. Earl-Shilton C. Sibstone R. Snareston P. C. Stoke-Golding C. Stoncy-Stanton R. Sutton-Cheney C. Thornton V. Thurlaston R. Twycross P. C. audi of Witherley R. (1) Elmsthorpe Church is in ruins. (j) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Hinckley. BOROUGH OF LEICESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. DTales Fe- males. Total, Males) Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 264 274 1811 426 384 810 1812 463 280 743 1813 393 359 752 1814 388 373 761 1815 447 475 | 922 1816 513 461 | 974 1817 447 410 857 1818. 470 456 926 1819 472 364 836 1820 482 431 913 3082381 546 261 239 500 269 263 532 294 568 278 304 | 582 288 605 373 3201 693 317 289 606 304 279 583 333 353 1811 257 1812 245 1813 1814 305 1816 379 329 1817 317 1818 333 1819 354 1820 367 317 1816 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, All- Saints V. St. Leonard V. (k) St. Margaret V. St. Martin V. St. Mary V. and of St. Nicholas V. (k) There is no Church at St. Leonard's. . SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. I Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,220 2,275 2,318 2,305 2,579 2,526 2,505 2,453 2,475 2,419 2,163 2,058 2,144 2,268 2,599 2,464 2,356 2,432 2,168 2,286 4,383 4,333 4,462 4,573 5,178 4,990 4,861 4,885 4,643 4,705 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,514 1,418 1,305 1,412 1,383 1,541 1,541 1,474 1,461 1,455 1,471 1,371 1,177 1,473 1,425 1,482 1,492 1,445 1,473 1,408 2,985 2,789 2,482 2,885 2,808 3,023 3,033 2,919 2,934 2,863 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,229 1,224 1,172 1,298 1,552 1,395 1,346 1,381 1,339 1,430 TOTALS 24,075 22,938 | 47,013 14,504 | 14,217 | - 13,30 13,366 The SUMMARY of the County of LEICESTER is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Thirteen Parislı Churches and Forty-six Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; vizi ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 310 ;-Burials, 152 ;-Marriages, 3. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER (Parish-Registers. County of Lincoln. PARTS OF HOLLAND. WAPENTAKE OF ELLOE. BOROUGH OF BOSTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Mar- Years. Males Fe- imales. Yeurs. Males Fe- Total. Males! T'e- Total. wales. nales 117 946 282 234 Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. | males. riages. 822 | 315 304 619 1811 213 830 291 233 524 1812 184 943 258 252 510 1813 252 516 1814) 200 1,004 | 214 456 1815 205 903 255 193 1816 169 230 222 1817 255 241 1818 214 990 280 298 578 1819 198 313 268 581 1820 224 376 1811 1445 377 1812 412 418 1813 490 1453 1814 488 458 1815 533 471 1816 461 442 1817 492 464 1818 500 478 1819 519471 1820 505 473 105 Mar- riages. 1811 1812 97 1813 106 1814 1815 101 1816 70 1817 18181 18191 129 18201 102 242 1811 164 186 350 201 1812 178 171 349 178 78 | 156 1813 181 160 341 1113 226 1814 186 190 100 178 1815 191 168 359 70 132 1816 151 (157 308 1817 169 189 358 117 | 78 | 195 1818 181 162 | 343 232 1819 164 330 | 97 184 1820 188 168 103 93 196 00 | 74 | 154 956 448 | 452 496 177 978 86 978 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of ton 1. Bus- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Cowbit P. C. Crowland-Abbey R. Fleet R. Gedney V. Gedney-Hill P.C. Holbeach. V. Holland-Fen C. (a) Lutton-Bourne (or Sutton-St.- Nicholas) C. Moulton V. Pinchbeck V. Spalding P. C. Sutton- St.-Edmund C. Sutton-St.-Janies C. Long-Sutton (or Sutton-St.- Mary) V. Tydd-St.-Mary R. Weston V. Whaplode V. und of Whaplode-Drove C. (2) Holland-Fen Chapel is a Chapel of Euse to the Parislies of Kirton, Suiterton, and Algarkirk. PARTS OF KESTEVEN. WAPENTAKE OF ASWARDHURN. ' WAPENTAKE OF KIRTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. Years. |Males Fc. | Total. Males! Fe- | males males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. 133 48 117 40 398 50 95 1811 | 222 176 151 168 | 319 1812 179 204 383 146/143 | 289 1813 | 220 206 426 137 137 274 1814 199 198 397 112 111 223 1815 199 200 | 399 (102 86 188 1816 204 177 381 | 135 133 | 268 1817 225 205 430 106 120 226 1818 226 200 1211131 234 1819 | 190 1189 | 379 | 146 145 | 291 1820 | 218 189 407 | 128/146 | 274 103 1811 109 201 1812 113 211 1813 122 211 1814 184 1815 111 | 122 233 1816 127 230 1817 1117 120 | 237 1818 117 | 106 | 223 1819 98 107 205 1820 101 105 1811 118 1812 / 104 1813 104 1814 106 1815 99 1816 105 1817 80 1818 1819 101 1820 110 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 110 196 102 426 93 206 53 55 56 52 1 108 The above AbstrACT is collected from the Registers of Algar- kirk R. Bicker V. Brothertoft C. Donington V. Fosdyke P. C. Frampton V. Gosberton V. Kirion '. Quadring V. Surteet V. (O) Sutterton V. Swineshead V. Wigtoft l'. and of Wyberton R. (0) Surfleet includes the Return of Cressy Chapel. The above AusTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ils- garby R. Aswardby R. Aunsby R. Burton-Pedwardine V. Eve- don R. Ewerby (or Iwardby) V. Great Hale V. Heckinglon V. Helpringham V. Howell R. Ingoldsby R. Kelby C. Kirkby-la- Thorpe R. Soutla-Kyme P. C. Quarrington and Old Sleaford R. Scredington V. Silk-Willoughby R. and of Swarby V. WAPENTAKE OF SKIRBECK. WAPENTAKE OF AVELAND. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males wa Fe- inales. Tutal. Total. vales Fe- males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Fe- Total. Males Total. Years. Mar- riages. nales inales 90 38 98 73 58 249 70 146 134 1811 98 188 46 111 1812 77 701 147 67 72 139 1813 118 98 216 g6 1814 103 100 1815 98 1816 52 53 105 1817 119 113 232 55 | 48 | 103 1818 | 114120 | 234 | 48 | 97 1819 101 99 200 1820 / 110 110 | 220 | 81 | 76 | 157 51 | 120 123 159 | 122 94 105 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 134 232 164 1812 115 134 137 1813 146 145 291 1814 132 266 152 1815 127 274 159 1816 140 134 274 155 1817 159 299 67 95 162 1818 | 139 | 125 264 74 69 143 1819 155 135 290 165 1820 | 147 158 305 171 | 91 | 162 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 140 147 59 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Ben- nington R. Butterwick v. Fishtoft R. Freiston V. Leake V. Leverton R. Skirbeck R. and of Wrangle V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of As- lackby V. Billingborough V. Bourn V. Dembleby R. Dowsby li. Dunsby R. Folkinghani and Laughton R. Haceby or Hareby . Hacconby V. Horbling V. Kirkby-Underwood R. Morton . Newton R. Osbournby V. Pickworth R. Rippingale R. Sem. pringham V.(d) Spanby R. Swaton V. Threckingham V. and of Walcot P. C. Scott-Willoughby is a Sinecure, and possesses no Register. The Church of Laughton is ruinated. (d) There being no Church at Birthorpe, or at Pointon, the Innabla ants frequent the Church of Sempringham. M.DCCC.XXI. 65 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN; PARTS OF KESTEVEN- continued. WAPENTAKE OF BELTISLOE. WAPENTAKE OF LANGOE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Y | Years. | Mar- riages. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. ales malcs. Years. Mar- riages. niales. males. males 84 85 39 61 79 40 95 179 79 88 lo | 101 1811 169 1812 68 83 151 1813 1814 1815 104 92 196 1816 90 97 | 187 1819 | 90 | 80 | 170 1818 112 84 196 1819 184 1820 100 | 77 87 1811 1812 1813 1814 86 1815 39 42 81 1816 1817 1818 | 46 | 101 1819 | 47 | 911 1820 to come other 1811 166 1812 143 1813 167 1814 168 1815 147 1816 93 169 1817 103 184 1818 107 | 92 | 199 1819 95 180 1820 | 91 | 82 173 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 44 32 46 177 441 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Basing- thorpe (with Westly) V. Bitchfield V. Burton-Coggles R. Castle- Bytham (with Counthorpe) V. Little Bytham R. Careby R. Corby V. Creeton R. Edenham P. C. Gunby R. Holywell C. Irnham (with Bulby and Hawthorpe) R. Lenton or Lavington V. Skillington V. Stainby R. Swayfield R. Swinstead V. Witham-on-the-Hill V. North Witham I?. and of South Wirham R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Billing- hay V.() Blankney R. Dunston V. Kirkby-Green V. Mether- ingham V. Nocton V. Potter-Hanworth R. Scopwick V. Timber- land (with Martin) V.(8) and of Washenburgh (with Heighington) R. (*) There is no Church at Walcote Chapelry in Billinghay Parish. (6) The Register of Tiinberland includes that of Thorpe-Finley: WAPENTAKE OF BOOTHBY-GRAFFOE. WAPENTAKE OF LOVEDEN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe-1 Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe-1 males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. 47 | 42 89 1811 36 219 41 1812 186 118 132 83 112 111 53 1811 109 | 97 | 206 1812 97 197 1813 103 108 211 1814 96 96 192 1815 (114 | 95 209 1816 | 95 121 | 216 1817 108 201 232 1819 98 100 198 1820 126 124 | 250 32 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 28 o to to en 1811 120 99 1812 98 88 1813 117 106 223 1814 121 98 219 1815 (123 107 1816 1817 114 132 1818 | 114 | 105 | 219 1819 135 / 95 230 1820 128 128 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 127 108 122 1818 131 113 120 121 110 50 1820 111 112 256 51 The above ABSTRICT is collected fron the Registers of,—Au- bourn V. Bassingham R. Boltham R. Boothby-Graffoe R. Carlton- le-Moorland V. Coleby V. Doddington R. Eagle V. Ilarmston V. North and South Hykeham R. © Navenby R. Norton-Disney V. North Scarle R. Skellingthorpe V. Skinnand R. Stapleford V. Swinderby V. Thorpe-on-the-Hill R. Thurlby P. C. Welborn R. and of Wellingore V. (*) There is no Church at North Hykeham. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, An- caster V. Beckingham R. Long-Bennington V. Brant-Broughton R. Carlton-Scroop R. Caythorpe (with Frieston) R. Claypole R. Fenton P.C. Foston P. C. Fulbeck R. Hough V. Hougham R. Leadenham R. Marston R. Normanton R. Stragglethorpe P. C. Stubton R. and of Westbrough (with Doddington) R. WAPENTAKE OF FLAXWELL. WAPENTAKE OF NESS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Dales Pe- males. Total. Jales Fc- | Total. niales. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- 1 Total. males. Years. Nar- riages. Males. 85 63 34 | 30 1811 32 52 37 170 53 40 60 1811 1812 88 1813 1814 1815 1816 80 1817 91 1818 1819 1820 (107 148 156 131 147 147 149 166 160 150 189 69 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 35 | 29 | 64 52 | 31 | 83 1811 110 99 209 61 | 601 121 1812 | 105 104 / 209 138 1813 123 110 | 233 1814 | 95 136 231 1815 129 111 240 | 67 | 59 | 126 1816 119 89 208 59 | 46 | 105 1817 134 110 244 6340 1818 106 101 | 207 173 1819 127 1112 | 239 80 | 60 | 140 1820 | 108 | 105 | 213 1 57 | 62 | 43 75 103 1818 wand 18191 1820 82 | 39 | 55 | 94 38 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Anwick V. Ashby-de-la-Launde V. Bloxham R. Brauncewell R. Cran- well V. Digby V. Dorrington V. Lessingham (with Roxholm) R. North and South Rauceby V. Roulston V. Ruskington R. and of New Sleaford V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Bar- holm (with Stow) V. Baston V. Braceborough R. Carlby R. Deeping-St.-James V. Market-Deeping R. West Deeping R. Great- ford R. Langtoft V. Tallington V. Thurlby V. Uffington R. and of Willsthorpe C. 66 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN; PARTS OF KESTEVEN--continued. WAPENTAKB OF WINNIBRIGGS AND THREO. PARTS OF LINDSEY. WAPENTAKE OF ASLACOE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Aales Fe- males. Total. | Years. | Mar- riages. Imales. Males Fe- Years. |Males feo | Total. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages inales 116 | 29 | 36 30 27 22 114 136 113 126 139 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 150 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1 74 23 126 . . 61 135 1820 The above Abst&act is collected from the Registers of,—-East Allington C. West Allington R. Barrowby R. Boothby-Pagnell R. Haydor, and Calverthorpe V. Honington V. Hungerton (with Wyvill) R. Little Ponton R. Repsley (with Little Humby) R. Sedgbrook R. Somerby (with Great Humby) R. Stroxtou R. Syston V. Welby R. Wilsford R. and of Woolsthorpe R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Bly- borough R. Caenby R. Cameringham V. Coates V. Fellingham R. Furzby R. Glentham V. Glentworth V. Hackthorn V. Cold-Han- worth R. Harpswell P. C. Hemswell P. C. Ingham V. Normanby V. Bishops-Norton (with Atterby) V. Owuby R. Saxby R. Snit- terby P. C. (h) Spridlington R. and of Willoughton V. (1) The Inhabitants of Snitterby bury and marry at Waddingham, (Manley Wapentake). BOROUGH OF GRANTHAM, AND SOKE OF THE SAME. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe Total. Males re- Tota!. Years. Mar- riages. males. ipales. 156 83 V 72 S . 57 N SOKE OF BOLINGBROKE. 75 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 157 313 1812 142 133 275 1813 156 141 297 1814 159 134 293 1815 122153 | 275 1816 160 153 | 313 1817 165 161 1818 172160 332 1819 153 | 148 301 1820 171 1166 337 82 165 1811 | 85 165 1812 137 1813 106 200 1814 108 185 1815 83 78 161 1816 79 | 89 | 168 | 1817 103 100 203 | 1818 | 1819 75 155 1820 Year Males Fe | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. 326 Dlar- riages. males. nales 81 83 95 82 94 111 255 74 . 93 103 196 166 135 130 155 140 - 1811 144 1812 122 | 140 262 1813 147 287 1814 150 151 301 1815 154 154 308 1816 162 156 318 1817 157 312 1818 155 142 297 1819 169 163 | 332 1820 200 176 376 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Barkston R. Belton R. Braceby P. C. Colsterworth R. Denton R. Great Gonerby V. Grantham (including Spittlegate, Harrowby and Manthorpe with Little Gonerby) V. Harlaxton R. Londonthorpe V. Great Ponton R. Sapperton R. and of Stoke-Rochford (with Easton and North Stoke) R. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 138 146 152 153 | 177 89 93 BOROUGH OF STAMFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males/ Fe- | males.) Tom Mar- Total. Total. Males! Fe- inales. Years. riages. The above ABSTRACT is collected fro:n the Registers of,—--Asgarby R. Bolingbroke R. Carrington (including Frith Ville and West Ville) C. (0) Hagnaby V. Halton-Holdgate R. Hareby R. Hundleby 1. East Keal R. West Keal R. East Kirkby V. Lusby R. Mavais-Enderby R. Miningsby. R. Raithby R. Kevesby P.C. Sibsey near Boston V. Spilsby P. C. Little Steeping R. Stickford V. Stickney R. Thorpe V. Toynton-All-Saints V. and of Toynton St. Peter R. (i) There is a Chapel in the East Fen belonging to the Townships of East Ville and Mid Ville, but it not having yet been consecrated, no Register is kept there. The Chapel at Carrington was consecrated in the Year 1818. 138 66 no 1 60 122 138 1811 70 68 1812 136 1813 1814 1815 1816 | 74 | 144 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 87 1.74 | 56 | 58 114 1:34: 32 88 58 65 123 53 56 | 109 78 61 138 1811 - 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 154 85 161 37 108 85 1820 1 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -All Saints (with Saint Peter) V. St. George and St. Paul R. St. John (united with St. Clement) R. St. Mary R. and of St. Michael R. M.DCCC.XXI.] 67 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN; PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. WAPENTAKE OF BRADLEY-HAVERSTOE. WAPENTAKE OF CANDLESHOE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- males. Total Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Mâles Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. Diar- riages. males males 305 99 | 90 | 189 65 161 138 45 131 294 1811 156 | 149 1812 | 167 1813 169 158 1814 1157 137 1815 178 199 377 1816 160 158 1817 163 169 332 1818 164 170 1819 173 153 326 1820 1193 170 363 178 91 | 87 | 178 318 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 | 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 98 1103 1812 109 102 1813 104 100 1814 118 1815 137 135 272 1816 117 | 99 | 216 1817 121 / 126 247 1818 256 1819 124 139 | 263 1820 135 110 245 Qay C a | 55 | 59114 60 55 115 110 109 111 84 63 59 114 114 1 75 167 1 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 64 | 70 | 134 122 334 90 66 87 1 74 156 161 73 142 36 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Ailes- by P. C. Ashby (with Fenby) R. Barnoldby-le-Beck R. Bcelsby R. Bradley R. Brigsley.R. Cabourn V. Clee V. Great Coaies R. Little Coates V. North Coates R. Cuxwold R. Fulstow V. Grainsby R. Great Grimsby V. Hatcliffe R. Hawerby (with Beesby) R. Healing R. Holton-le-Clay V. Humberston P.C. Irby-upon-Humber R. Laceby R. Marsh-Chapel P. C. East Ravendale V. West Ravendale C. Roth- well R. Scartho R. Swallow R. Swinhop R. Tetney V. North- Thoresby R. Waith V. Waltham R. and of Woldnewton R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Addle- thorpe R. Ashby-by-Partney R. Bratoft R. Burgh V. Candlesby R. Croft V. Dalby P.C. Driby R. Firsby R. Friskiney V. Gunby R. Ingoldmels R. "Trby P.C. Örby V. Pártney R. Scremby R. Skeg- ness R. Skendleby V. Great Steeping: V. Sutterby R. Wainfleet- All-Saints (including North Holme) R. (k) Wainfleet-St. Mary's P. C. Welton-in-the-Marsh R. and of Winthorpe V. (*) 'The Inhabitants of Wainfleet-All-Saints bury in the Churchyard of North Holmne, the Church of which has long since been destroyed. TI WAPENTAKE OF CORRINGHAM, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe- | Total. males. Niales Fe-1 Total. | Ycars. | Mar- nales. riages. 144 | 112 96 168 9:1 187 07 102 113 HUNDRED OF CALCEWORTH. (j) 1811 168 312 108 220 | 1811 7:5 1812 171 324 95 191 1812 101 1813 340 96 · 1813 1814 164 345 129 128 257 1814 100 1815 162 141 ვივ 215 1815 73 1816 160 160 320 · 86 108 194 1816 95 1817 155 | 319 123 256 1817 93 1818 162 | 157 319 | 124101 | 225 1818 1819 176 | 164 | 340 1151 92 207 1 18191 109 1820 | 167 1167 | 334 103 | 107 | 210 | 1820 112 164 133 BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 79 pars. Males Years. Mar- riages. males 240 140 Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Total. males. 1811 140 114 254 | 58 | 54 112 1812 126 114 119 1813 124 264 40 | 50 | go 1814 139 119 258 · 52 59 111 1815 277 60 60 | 120 1816 268 120 1817 305 127 1818 | 147 133 280 1819 137 143 126 18:20 147 134 281 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Blyton V. Corringham V. Gainsborough V. Grayingham R. Heapham R. Kirton- in-Lindsey V. Laughton V. Lea R. Northorpe V. Pilham R. Scot- ter R. Scotton (with East Ferry) R. and of Springthorpe R. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 130 138 159 146 106 WAPENTAKE OF GARTREE, 143 63 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. DLARRIAGES. Years. (nales Fe- 1 Total. Males) Fe- / males. males. Total. Ycars. | Mar- riages. 83 | 62 48 86 24 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alford V. Anderby R. Belleau R. Beesby-in-the-Marsh R. Billesby V. Little Cawthorpe V. Claxby V. Cumberworth R. Farlsthorp V. Gaiton-le- Marsh R. Hannagh (with Hagnahy) R. Haugh V. Hogsthorpe P.C. Huttoft V. Legbourne P.C. Mabblethorpe R. Maltby-in-the-Marsh R. Markby P. C. Níumby V. South Reston R. Rigsby (with Ailby) P. C. Saleby (with Thoresthorpe) V. Strubby R. Sutton-in-the-Marsh V. Swaby R. Theddlethorpe-All-Saints V. Theddlethorpe-St.-Helen R. South Thoresby R. Tothill R. Trusthorpe R. Ulceby R. Well R. Willoughby R. and of Withern R. 214 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 121 1811 701 153 1812 70 162 1813 103 104 207 1814 111 1815 1816 109 206 1817 120 209 1818 | 128110 238 1819 110 | 105 | 215 1820 | 121 | 109 | 230 219 37. 53 1817 1818 | 1819 1820 47 56 (i) Calccby is united with South Ormesby (Hill Hundred). 32 491 81 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—--Asterby R. Baumber or Bamburgh P.C. Belcliford R. Bucknall R. Calkweil V. Donington-on-Bain R. Edlington V. Gadtby R. Goulesby V. Hem- ingby R. Horsington Ri Kirkby-Bane (with Tumby) R. Kirk- stead P.C. Langton-by-Horncastle Ř. Market-Stainton P.C. Martin Ri Minting V. Rariby V. Scamblėsby P: C: Scrivelsby and Dalderby R. Stenegot R. Stixwold.V: Great Sturton V. Tattershall P.C. Thorn- ton V. Wadingworth V; Wispington V. and of Woodhall V. 68 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER 1 COUNTY OF LINCOLN; PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. HUNDRED OF HILL. HUNDRED OF LOUTHESKE. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | males Total. | Years. | Mar- niales inales, riages. 97 17 13 108 76 86 1811 1812 96 1813 1814 97 1815 141 1816 105 1817 63 113 1818 50 97 1819 57 120 1820 | 45 | 48 | 93 158 TOGOS DE 17 21 19 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 1811 168 178 346 1812 | 191 | 169 360 1813 204 | 378 1814 11871 160 347 1815 205 363 1816 177 | 157 334 1817 | 189 178 367 1818 201 | 183 384 1819 173 198 371 1820 221 166/ 387 - 36 111 (1 22 233 1811 97 | 89 89 178 1812 | 95 | 97 | 192 1813 91 114 205 1814 106 88 194 1815 110 101 211 1816 104 | 97 | 83 | 180 1817 108 172 18181 93 113 (109 | 222 | 18191 92 197 1820 130 -- | 17 | 30 | 47 | 101 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of -- Ashby- Puerorun V. Aswarby R. Bag-Enderby R. Brinkhill R. Fül- letby R. Greetham R. Hagworthinghain R. Hameringham (with Scrafield) R. Harrington R. Langton-by-Partney R. South Or- mesby (with Calceby) Ř. Oxcombe Ř. Salmonby Ř. Sausthorpe R. Somersby R. Tetford R. Walmsgate P. C. Winceby R.. and of Worlaby P. C. (') () There is no Church at Worlaby, but a distinct Return has been received for it. The above Aistract is collected froni the Registers of, Alving. ham P. C. Authorpe R. Burwell (with Walmsgate) V. Calcethorpe R: Castle-Carlton R. Great Carlton V. Little Carlton R. Cocker- ington-St.-Leonard V. Cockerington-St.-Nlary P. C. Conisholme R. North Elkington V. South Elkington V. Farforth (with Maidenwell) R. Gayton-le-Wold R. Grainthorpe P. C. Grimoldby R. Haug. liam R. Keddington V. Kelsterne V. Louth V. Danby R. Muck- ton R. Raithby (with Hallington and Maltby) R. North Reston V. Ruckland R. Saltfleetby-All-Saints R. Saltfleetby-St.-Clement R. Saltfleetby-St.-Peter R. Skidbrooke V. North Somercotes V. South Somercotes R. Stewton R. Tathwell V. Welton-le-Wold R. With- call R. and of Yarburgh R. SOKE OF HORNCASTLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fec| Total. males. Males males. Years. Mar- riages. (") No Church remains at East Wykeham. 73 75 64 59 84 73 43 1811 84 | 157 1812 171 1813 137 145 282 1814 1121 108 229 1815 1816 126 119 / 245 1817 122 106 228 1818 119 115 1819 | 97 106 1820 115 110 120 72 140 43 | 99 154 118 272 en 1 127 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 234 203 139 127 126 56 WAPENTAKE OF LUDBOROUGH. 225 118 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. niales. Years. | Mar- riages. | 10 18 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --West Ashby P. C. Coningsby R. Haltham-on-Baine R. Horncastle V. Langrick-Ville C. (m) Mareham-le-Fen P.C. Mareham-on-the-Hill R. Moorby (with Claxby-Pluckacre) R. Roughton R. Thimbleby R. Thornton-le-Fen C.(ñHigh Toynton P. C. Low Toynton R. Wilks- by R. and of Wood-Enderby P. C. (m) The Churches at Langrick-Ville C. and Thornton-le-Fen C. were consecrated in 1818. 12 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Na Hd ය එය දල 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 ඊ Gavē To WAPENTAKE OF LAWRES.S. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. 'Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. 1 Mar- riages. 49 | 47 | 96 39 47 186 185 46 53 99 40 37 43 The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Brack- enborough P. C. Covenham-St.-Bartholomew R. Covenham-St.- Mary R. Fotherby V. Little Grimsby V. Ludburgh R. Nun- Ormsby V. Utterby V. and of Wyham (with Cadeby) R. 1811 78 170 1812 85 183 1813 177 1814 90 99 189 1815 91 | 197 1816 96 190 1817 194 1818 83 178 1819 | 1041 89 193 18201 108 801 188 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 48 52 93 101 95 44 | 104 34 78 | 109 54 ! 108 47 | 96 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ais- thorpe R. (with Thorpe-in-the-Fallows V.) Barlings P.C. Brattleby R. Broxholnje R. Burton (by Lincoln) R. Buslingthorpe R. North Carlton P. C. South Carlton P. C. Dunholm V. Faldingworth R. Fiskerton R. Friesthorpe R. Greetwell P. C. St Mary-Magdalen R. Nettleham P, C. St.-Paul-in-the-Bail R. Repham V. Saxilby V. Scampton R. Scothorn V. Snarford R. Sudbrook R. Torksey P.C. Welton V, aud of Cherry-Willingham R. M.DCCC.XXI.] 69 DO THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF LINCOLN; PARTS OF LINDSEY-continued. WAPENTAKE OF MANLEY. WAPENTAKE OF WRAGGOE. I BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. SMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males! Fe- imales. Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males Fe- la Fem | Total. Males Fe- males Total. Years. riages. Mai- riages. males males. 183 169 1811| 156 1812! 151 1811 1812 1813 1814 37 152 189 1811 2771 303 : 580 1812 337 299 636 1813 i 3161310 ! 626 1814 333 313 646 1815 334 308 642 1816 314 353 667 1817 325 347 ; 672 1818 1 376 350: 726 1819 340 296 636 1820 1 347\3:30 677 1815 160 343 166 335 124 156 280 178 173 351 341 183 153 189 195 384 330 228 169 | 397 148 182 | 330 1811 91 1812 78 109 1813 891 85 1814 102 1815 97 1816 113 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 95 | 93 | 1813 155 1814 1815 138 1816 | 156 1817 154 1818 | 124 1819 110 1820 166 336 159 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 40 The above APSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Al- thorp R.☺ Appleby V. Aukborough V. Belton R. Bottesford V. Broughton R. Burton-Stather V. Crowle (with Eastoſt) V. Epworth R. Flixborough R. Frodingham V. West Halton R. Haxey V. Hibald- stow V. Luddington V. Manton (including Cleatham and Twigmoor) R. Messingham V. Owston (with West Butterwick) V. Redbourn V. Roxby (with Risby) V. Scawby V. Waddingliam R. Whilton V. Winterton V. Wintringham R. and of Wroot Ř. (“) Althorp includes Burringham, Keadby, and Amcotts. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Ap- play P. C. ) Bardney V. East Barkwith R. West Barkwith R. Benniworth R. Biscathorpe R. Burgh-upon-Baine V. Goltho (with Bullington) P. C. Hainton V. Hatton R. Holton-in-Bickering R. Kirniond V. Langton-near-Wragby V. Legsby V. Lissington R. Lud- ford V. Panton R. Rand (with Fulnetby) R. Sixhills V. Snelland R. Sotby R. Stainfield P. C. Stainton-by-Langworth V. East Tor- rington R. West Torrington V. Wickenby R. South Willingham R. and of Wragby V. - WAPENTAKE OF WALSHCROFT. (") There is neither Church nor Chapel at Applay, but a distinct Return has been received of Baptisms and Burials ;-Marriages are entered in the Register of Stainfield. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Cotal. Males Fe. | Total. inales.) Years. / Mar- riages. 8A 26 28 63 34 / 72 WAPENTAKE OF YARBOROUGH. Years. Males Fe- males. 1811 161 1812 165 1813 13 | 94 | 91 | 185 1814 184 1815 128 961 224 1816 104 91195 1817 83 192 1818 | 129 981 227 1819 114 111 225 1820 107 | 105 212 56 | 101 37 86 | 45 | 96 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 109 92 Years. Mar- riages. 100 | 53 | 104 122 18201 57 Years. Males! Fe | Total. Males! Fe- / Total. males. males. 1811 232 248 480 | 116 | 133 | 249 1812 233 244 ) 477 | 105 114 219 1813 227 232 459 | 1171 92 209 1814 236 | 117 | 147 | 264 1815 220 258 151 / 116 267 1816 247 276 173 140 313 1817 252 236 1 488 | 124 | 118 | 242 1818 250 230 480 108 119 227 1819 | 277 220 | 497 | 149/ 136 | 285 1820 278 252 | 530 | 144 155 299 238 478 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bin- brook-St.-Gabriel V. Binbrook-St.-Mary R. Claxby R. Croxby R. Holton le-Moor C.(P) South Kelsey R. Kingerby V. Kirkby (with Osgodby) V. Linwood R. Newton-by-Toft R. Normanby R. Owersby'v. Market-Rasen V. Middle Rasen, Tupholme or Drax V. West Rasen R. Stainton-le-Hole R. Tealby or Tevelby V. Thores- way R. Thurganby R. Thornton-le-Moor K. Toft (next Newton) R. Usselby P. C. Walesby R. and of North Willingham V. () Previous to the Year 1813, the Registers of Holton-le-Moor were included with those of Castor (Yarborough Wapentake). 523 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 97 96 111 103 99 123 100 115 95 108 WAPENTAKE OF WELL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe i ra Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,_ Bar- netby-le-Wold V. Barrow V. Barton-St.-Mary V. Barton-St.-Peter V. Bigby R. (5) Bonby V. Brocklesby R. Cadney (with Housham) V. Castor (with Clixby) V. Croxton R. Elsham V. Ferriby R. Gox- hill V. Grassby V. Haburgh V. East Halton V. Horkstow V. Immingham V. Keelby V. North Kelsey V. Killingholme V. Kir- mington V. Great Limber V. Melton-Ross P. C. Nettleton R. Riby V. Saxby R. Searby (with Owmby) R. Somerby R. Stal- lingburgh V. Thornton-Curtis V. Ulceby V. Wootton V. Worlaby V. and of Wrawby (with Brigg) V.(5) (5) The Register of the Chapelry of Brigg is included partly in the Return of the Parish of Wrawby, and partly in that of Bigby. 51 20 | 24 44 14 29 54 14 1811 25 1812 | 45 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18:20 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 39 10 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bramp- ton C. Burton-Gate R. Kettlethorpe (with Fenton) R. Knaith P.C. Marton V. Newton V. Stow (with Bransby, Normanby, and Stur- ton) P. C. Upton (with Kexby) V. and of Willingham V. (9) There is no Churchyard at Knaith. 70 [Parish-Registere ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF LINCOLN; PARTS OF LINDSEY- continued. CITY OF LINCOLN. - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Be | Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. 98 72 1811 141 150 291 | 1991 75 184 1812 132 138 270 | 102 80 182 1813 148 150/ 298 | 116 | 101 217 1814 168 153 321 1815 | 150177 327 1121 671 179 1816 | 137 | 152 289 93 119 212 1817 | 173 154/ 327 | 90' 86 176 1818 | 158/157 315 | 116 | 129/ 245 1819 | 159 143 302 107 | 124 231 1820 157 164 321 | 95 | 86 181 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - St. Bene- dict P. C. St. Botolph V. Bracebridge V. Branston R. Canwick V. St. John-Newport V. ☺ St. Margaret P, C. (U). St. Mark P. C. St. Martin V. St. Mary-le-Wigford V, St. Michael nn-the-Mount P. C. St. Nicholas-in-Newport V. St. Peter-at-Arches R. St. Peter- Eastgate P. C. (4) St. Peter-at-Goats P. C. St. Swithin P. C. and of Waddington R. There being no Church or Churehyard in the Parish of St. John- Newport, the Inhabitants bury at St. Nicholas. “The Parishes of St. Margaret and St. Peter-Eastgate are consoli- dated, and have but one Church. (™) The Church of St. Nicholas being dilapidated, no Marriages take place there. S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Feinales. Total. Years. | Males. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 4,138 4,771 4,407 4,296 1 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,038 4,465 4,420 4,635 4,435 4,616 4,711 4,611 4,840 3,875 4,030 4,250 4,206 4,421 4,303 4,465 4,371 4,312 4,478 8,013 8,068 8,715 8,626 9,056 8,738 9,081 9,082 8,923 9,318 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,391 2,232 2,153 2,350 2,233 2,333 2,262 2,413 2,610 2,433 2,380 2,175 2,143 2,382 2,148 2,254 2,242 2,307 2,463 2,469 4,732 4,381 4,587 4,504 4,720 5,073 4,902 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,09:3 1,947 2,091 2,071 2,136 2,023 2,050 2,072 2,118 2,291 TOTALS 44,909 42,711 87,620 23,410 22,963 46,373 20,892 The SUMMARY of the County of LINCOLN is collected from the Registers of Six hundred and Nine Parish Churches and Fourteen Chapels ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Buriaks to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 137 ;-Burials, 35. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Middlesex. HUNDRED OF EDMONTON. HUNDRED OF ISLEWORTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fec| Total. Males Fe- Tinales. males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. inales. Iniales. Diar- riages. 92 77 479 81 Q 1811 268 285) 553 225 222 447 1811 1812 1299 | 272 571 229 206 435 1812 113 1813 375 249/ 524 262 1813 1814 253 298 551 204 2481 452 1814 89 1815 322 309) 631 | 1852071 392 1815 | 117 1816 296 2871 583 214| 180 394 1816 117 1817 334 | 305639 | 212 192 404 1817 112 1818 316 315631 233 231 | 464 1818 | 128 1819 307 | 270 577 | 2381 221 / 459 1819| 118 1820 309 310 619 225/ 2461 471 | 1820 | 120 1811 | 175179 354 1812 150 165 315 1813 | 174179 | 353 1814 | 1734 183 | 356 1815 218 199 417 1816 193 197 390 1817 | 202 189 | 391 1818 | 194 197 391 1819 180212 392 1820 | 227 202 429 132 | 124 | 256 137 1261 263 101 134 235 118| 138 | 256 1114 120 163 166 329 147| 111 | 258 195 | 162 357 150 133/ 283 132 133 265 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819 18201 82 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----Heston V. Hounslow C. Isleworth V. and of Twickenham V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers uf, ---Edinonton (including Soutbgate) V. Enfield V.(a) South Mimms V. Mopken- Hadley R. and of Tottenham V. (a) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Enfield. - - - - - - -- - - HUNDRED OF ELTHORNE. HUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, DIVISION OF FINSBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. DIA RRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years Mar. riages. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Mates Ye- Years. Males! Fe- 1 Total. Males! Fe | Total. males. males. Total. Years. | Map- males. males. | riages. - ---- -- - -- 1811 (250 263 ( 513 160 170 330 1811 104 1812 1271 512 | 152 | 119271 1812127 1813 251 |: 231 | 482 311 1813 | 100 1814 235 202 | 437 (153176 | 329 1814| 91 1815 1270 554 1815 ( 103 1810 239 509 1179136 315 ( 1816 117 1817 263 279 542 373 1817 99 1818 262 237 499 229 | 185 | 414 1818 | 104 1819 266 253 | 519 1187 1197 384 1819 | 110 1820 | 288 | 268 | 556 1158 185 | 343 1820 123 284 306 270 1811 858 895 1,753 704718 1,422 1811 635 1812 881 926 1,807 766 757 1,523 | 1812 656 1813 929 920*1,849 1856 772 1,628 1813 813 1814 943 96511,908 809 863 1,672 | 1814 634 1815 973 996 1,969 828828 1,656 1815 Gipung 947 1,041 1,988 825 834 1,659 1816 1817 1,0581,003 2,061 836 | 793 1,62g / 1817| 702 1818 | 968 1,026 1,994 833 829 1,662 1818 1819 1,019,1,107 2,156 859 876 1,735 1819 759 1820 1,116 1,100 2,216 944 905 1,849 1820 857 1816 679 755 The above AESTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---New Brentford P. C. Cowley R. Cranford R. West Drayton V. Great Greenford R. Hanwell R. Harefield P. C. Harlington R. Harmonds- worth V. Hayes or Heese V. Hillingdon V. Ickenham R. North- all V, Norwood C. Perrivale (atherwise Little Greenford) R. Ruislip V. and of Uxbridge C. The above ABSTRACT is collected front the Registers of Charter- Honse C. St. James Clerkenwell P. C. St. John Clerkenwelf R. Finchley R. Fryern-Barnet P. C. Highgate C. (b) Hornsey R. Islington V. St. Luke R. © Pentonville C. and of Stoke-Newington R. (b) Highgate is party in Hornsey Parish, partly, in Pancras Parish. (9During the last Ten Years 10,148 Burials have taken place at Bunhill-fields Burying-ground. No authentic account of Baptisnis las been obtained, but they are taken to be nearly double the nuniber of Burials. - - . - . . - - - HUNDRED OF GORE. HUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, DIVISION OF HOLBORN. (d) BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. 34 29 125 1811 126 105 231 1812 109 118 227 1813 116 255 1814 256 1813 242 1816 262 1817 1818 290 1819 127 | 122 | 249 1820 | 134 133 | 267 95 94 189 | 146 82102 184 | 170 107 86 193 951 86 181 112 96 208 1321106 | 238 97100 197 971118 | 215 Years. Males Fen Total. Biales Fe- Total. Years. Mar males. males. . riages. 1811 2,348 2,164 4,512 11,850 1,7833,633 1811 | 1,706 1812 2,399 2,396 4,795 1,8641,7783,642 | 1812 1,660 1813 2,437 2,450 4,887 11,869 2,005 3,874 | 18131,573 1814 2,425 2,331 4,756 12,247 2,226 4,473 1814 1,844 1815 2,610 2,670 5,280 1,938 1,971 3,909 1815 | 1,807 1816 2,5792,535 5,114 2,0632,099 4,1621816 | | 1,832 1817 12,756 2,614 5,370 1,928 2,01073,938 | 1817 | 1,918 1818 2,698 2,689 5,387 182,127/2,252 4,379 | 1818 | 1,927 1819 12,763 2,774) 5,537 12,296/2,295 4,591 | 1819 | 2,047 1820 2,900 2,701 5,601 $2,276|2,204 4,4801820 2,058 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 18:17 1818 1819 1820 33 ao a 49 259 50 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -- Edge- ware P. C. Harrow-on-the-Hill V. Hendon V. Kingsbury P. C. Pinner P. C. Great Stanmore R. and of Little Stanmore P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - St.George Bloomsbury R. St. George-the- Martyr R. St. Giles-in-the-Fields R. St. John Hampstead P. C. Sr. Niary-le-bone P. C. Paddington P. C. St. Pancras V. and of The Savoy P. C. (d) Also from a Register kept at the German Lutheran Chapel, Savoy. 72 [Parish-Registers ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. HUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, DIVISION OF KENSINGTON. CITY OF LONDON, WITHIN THE WALLS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males' Fe. | Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fec| Total. Males Fe- | Tutal. males. males. Totill, Years. Mar- males. riages. 1811 652 634 1,286 | 611 618 1,229 1811 357 1812 668 663 1,331 589 | 604 | 1,193 1812 391 1813 1597 1611 | 1,208 596 613|1,209 1813 367 1814 16:34 644 1,278 | 712 721 | 1,433 1814 | 401 1815 701 666 | 1,367 | 630 622 1,252 1815 1816 696 642 1,338 683 665 1,348 1816 410 1817 724 762 1,486 1760 665 1,425 1817 1745 721 778 691 1,469 1818 432 1819 748 791 1,539 715 679 1,394 1819 1820 1785 749 1,534 788 823 1,611 | 1820 475 1811 1585 558 | 1,143 572 501|1,073 | 18111,073 1812 639 595 | 1,234 617 591 1,208 1812|1,041 1813 1622 1624 | 1,246 606 534|1,140 1813 1,062 1814 1 648 1575 | 1,223 1662 | 654|1,316 1 1814|1.200 1815 640 1684 1,324 | 639 569 11,208 1815 1,235 1816 602 556 1,158 613 558 1,171 1816 1,225 1817 1669 1619 1,288 580 538|1,118 | 1817|1,020 1818 1635 1627 1,262 632 563|1,195 1818 1,068 1819 1630 545 1,175 1 630 570/1,200 1819 1,058 1820 597 570 1,167 | 614 585 1,199 | 1820 956 427 1818 1,466 381 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Acton R. Chelsea R. Chiswick V. Ealing V. Fulliain V. Hamiersinith C. Kensington V. Twyford-Abbey C. (©) and of Willesden V. (9) The Chapel at Twyford-Abbey is private Property. HUNDRED OF OSSULSTONE, TOWER DIVISION. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. i Mar- 1811 3,144 3,227 6,371 2,438 2,184 4,622 1812 3,083 3,095 6,178 12,641 2,429 5,070 1813 3,259 3,217 6,476 12,480 2,146 4,626 1814 3,358 3,250 6,608 1815 3,704 3,6707,374 12,579 2,360 4,939 1816 3,376 3,470 6,846 2,576 2,497 5,073 1817 3,607 3,519 7,126 12,484/2,228 4,712 1818 3,647 5,702 7,349 2,574 2,436 5,010 1819 3,612 3,655 7,267 12,464/2,369 4,833 1820 3,779|3,824 7,603 2,501 2,452 4,953 | riages. 1811 2,128 1812 2,063 1813 2,080 1814 2,424 1815 2,500 1816 2,274 1817 ; 2,407 1818 2,446 1819 2,582 1820 2,487 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Alban Wood-street and St. Olave Silver-street R. Allhallows-Bark- ing V. Allhallows Bread-street R. Allhallows the Great and Less R. Alihallows Honey-lane R. Allhallows Lombard-street R. Allhallow's London-wall R. Allhallows-Staining R. St. Alphage R. St. Andrew- Undershaft R. St. Andrew-Wardrobe R. St. Anu's and Agnes Alders- gate R. St. Ann Blackfriars R. St. Antholin (with St. John Baptist)R. Št. Augustine R. St. Bartholomew Exchange R. St. Bene't-Finck P.C. $1. Bene't Gracechurch and St. Leonard Eastcheap R. St. Bene't Paul's-wharf R. St. Bennet-Sherehog R. St. Botolph by Billings- gate R. St. Catharine-Coleman R. St. Catharine-Cree V. Christ- Church V. St. Christopher-le-Stock R. St. Clement Eastcheap R. St. Dionis-Backchurch R. St. Dunstan's East R. St. Edmund-the- King-and-Martyr R. St. Ethelburga R. St. Faith R. St. Gabriel Fenchurch R. St. George Botolph-lane R. St. Gregory by St. Paul's R. St. Helen V. St. James Duke's-place P.C. St. James Garlick-hythe R. St. John-the-Evangelist R. St. John-Zacharay R. St. Laurence- Jewry V. St. Laurence-Pountney V. St. Leonard Foster-lane R. St. Magnus by London Bridge R. St. Margaret New-Fish-strect R. St. Margaret Lothbury R. St. Margaret-Moses R. St. Margaret- Pattens R. St. Martin Ironmonger-lane R. St. Martin Ludgale R. St. Martin-Orgars R St. Martin-Outwich R. St. Martin-Vintry R. St. Mary-Abchurch R. St. Mary-Aldermanbury P. C. St. Mary- Aldermary R. St. Mary-le-Bow R. St. Mary-at-Hill and St. Andrew- Hubbard R. St. Mary-Magdalen Old-Fish-street R. St. Mary-Mount- baw R. St. Mary-Somerset R. St. Mary-Woolchurch-Haw R. St. Dlary-Woolnoth R. St. Matthew Friday-street R. St. Michael Bassishaw R. St. Michael Cornhill R. St. Michael Crooked-lane R. St. Michael Queenhithe and Holy-Trinity-the-Less R. St. Michael- le-Quern R. St. Michael-Royal R. St. Michael Wood-strect (with St. Mary-Staining) R. St. Mildred Bread-street R. St. Mildred Poultry and St. Mary-Cole R. St. Nicholas-Acons R. St. Nicolas Cole-Abbey R. St. Nicholas-Olave R. St. Olave Hart-street R. St. Olave Jewry V. St. Pancras Soper-lane R. St. Paul's Cathedral C. St. Peter-ad-Vincula within the Tower R. St. Peter Cheap R. St. Peter Cornhill R. St. Peter Paul's-wharf R. St. Peter-le-Poor R. St. Stephen Coleman-street V. St. Stephen-Walbrook R. St. Swithin (with St. Mary-Bothow) R. St. Thomas-the-A postle R. and of St. l'edast in Foster-lane R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, St. Ann Limehouse R. St. Leonard Bromley P. C. Collegiate Church of St. Katharine-by-the-Tower P. C. Christ Church R. St. Dunstan's Step- ney R. St. George-in-the-East R. St. John-at-Hackney V. St. John- at-Wapping R. St. Leonard Shoreditch V. St. Mary Stratford-le- Bow R. () St. Mary Whitechapel R. St. Matthew Bethnal-green R. St. Paul Shadwell R. and of Poplar P. C. (t) Also from a Register of Dissenters at St. Mary Stratford-le-Bow. HUNDRED OF SPELTHORNE. CITY OF LONDON, WITHOUT THE WALLS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Males Fe- ! Tout | Total. Wales! Fe. inales. males. Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males) Fe- | Total. Males) Fe- inales. Total. Total. Years. | Mar- riages. males. riages. 1811 | 150 153 | 303 1 96 | 901 186 1812 164 180 344 91 | 93 | 184 1813 173 181 354 88 89 177 1814 160 163 323 110 220 1815 168 342 101 1 74 175 1816 171 145 316 86 | 85 1817 344 79 76 | 155 1818 | 172 170 342 79 11 | 190 1819 182 184 | 366 | 91 | 93 | 184 1820 | 189 180 | 369 1107 | 117 | 224 1811 105 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 87 181 1818 1819 1820 | 100 98 1811 11,595 1,614 3,209 11,028 9772,005 1812 1,5241,4612,985 1,152|1,093 2,245 1813 1,614 1,5073,121 1,019 973 1,992 1814 1,5491,5493,098 11,2011,1132,314 1815 1,705 1,5863,291 1,1281,10112,229 1816 1,6861,781 3,467 11,088 998 2,086 1817 1,882 1,857 3,739 1,0031 988/2,051 1818 1,884 1,670 3,554 (1,188|1,036) 2,224 1 1819 1,854 1,789 3,643 1,1481,161/2,309 1820 1,7191,757 3,476 1,127 1,144 2,271 1811 1,183 1812 1,155 1813 1,160 1814 1,336 1815 1,435 1816 1,283 1817 1,255 1818 | 1,318 1819 1,325 1820 1,306 171 89 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ash- ford P. C. East Bedfont V. Feltham V. Hampton V. Hanworth R. Laleham V. Littleton R. Shepperton R. Staines V. Stanwell V. Sunbury V. and of Teddington P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers vf, St. Andrew Holborn R. St. Bartholoinew-the-Great R. St. Bartholomew- the-Less V. St. Botolph Aldersgate P. C. St. Botolph Aldgate P. C. St. Botolph Bishopsgate R. St. Bride's V. Bridewell llospital and Precinct C. St. Dunstan's-in-the-West V. St. Giles Cripplegate V. Lincoln's Inn C. St. Sepulchre V. Temple Church C. and of Trinity- in-the-Minories P. C. .M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX-continued. CITY OF WESTMINSTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. inales. Years. Males Fec. Total. Males Fe Total. Years. Mar- males. riages 1811 2,330 2,371 4,701 12,101|2,0524,153 1811 2,982 1812 2,360 2,358 4,718 12,361 2,191 4,552 1812 2,770 1813 2,401'2,269 4,670 12,196 2,0794,275 1813 2,533 1814 2,307 2,216 4,523 3,037 2,715 5,752 1814 3,003 1815 2,595 2,616 5,211 12,643 2,512 5,155 1815 3,010 1816 2,485 2,426 4,911 12,7072,542 5,249 1816 2,946 1817 2,592 2,553 5,145 12,535 2,357 4,892 1817 2,744 1818 2,607, 2,536 5,143 12,53812,482 5,020 / 1818 2,924 1819 2,614 2,556 5,170 12,487 2,382 4,869 | 1819 | 3,033 1820 2,604 2,464 5,068 12,431 2,386 4,817 | 1820 2,885 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. Ann R. St. Clement-Danes R. St. George Hanover-square R. St. James R. St. John-the-Evangelist R. St. Margaret R. (6) St. Martin- in-the-Fields V. St. Mary-le-Strand R. St. Paul Covent-garden R. The Collegiate Church of St. Peter Westminster C. and of The Royal Chapel Whitehall C. (3) The Burials which take place at the Broadway Chapel are in- cluded in the Return of St. Margaret. There are no Baptisms nor Marriages at this Chapel. SUM M A R Y OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males. Femalcs. Total. Years. Males, Females. 1 Total. Years. | Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 12,481 12,448 24,929 12,547 12,470 25,017 12,871 12,554 ) 25,425 12,816 12,501 25,317 14,025 | 13,977 28,002 13,416 1 13,466 26,882 14,388 / 14,002 | 28,390 14,280 / 14,028 28,308 14,332 14,258 28,590 14,647 | 14,258 28,905 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 10,012 10,676 10,311 12,043 11,053 11,292 10,910 11,538 11,362 11,400 9,533 10,056 9,819 11,510 10,595 10,846 10,253 11,084 11,076 11,298 19,545 20,732 20,130 23,553 21,648 22,138 21,163 22,622 22,438 22,698 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 10,476 10,178 9,727 11,191 11,497 11,112 10,884 11,285 11,643 11,482 Totals 135,803 133,962 269,765 110,597 | 106,070 | 216,667 | 109,475 The SUMMARY of the County of Middlesex is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Eighty-seven Parish Churches and Fourteen Chapels; from Two Registers of Dissenters, and from One other Register; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 3,719;-Burials, 3,175;–Marriages, 17. 34 [Parish-Registere ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Monmouth. HUNDRED OF ABERGAVENNY. HUNDRED OF RAGLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Nales/ fe- males, Total. Ycars. Males Fe- Males. Totul. Males Fe- moles. Years. Mar- ringes. 8,5 11811 38 111 1812 94 109 328 1811 | 183 172 355 1812 168 163 331 1813 186 167 | 358 1814 154 174 18155 | 214 159) 373 1816 199 171 1817 168 174 342 1818 163171 334 1819 196 177 373 1820 | 231 | 197 428 137 | 120 | 257 152 154) 306 166 142 308 151 126 277 127 | 136 | 263 125 138 263 158 146 304 185 171 356 158 | 1601 318 166 | 145 | 311 93. 1811 109 1812 106 1813 109 1814 135 1815 168 1816 1817/ 132 1818 119 1819 179 1820 192 1811 | 91 85 176 1812 98 105 | 203 1813 | 109 85 194 1814 1071 921 199 1815 83 182 1816 | 100 | 1031 203 1817 | 101 831 184 1818 95 93 188 1819 86 176 1820 99 87 186 1813 1814 1815 1816 370 104 1817 108 111 100 106 96 1818 18191 18201 42 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers o.,~Aber- gavemy (with Hardwicke and Lloyndů) V. ☺ Aberystwith P. C. (a) Blean-Ofon C. Cwmyoy P. C. Goytre R. Lanarth and Clytha V.. Lancllen V. Lanfuist R. Langattock-Lingoid V. Langattock-nigh- Usk R. Lunbilleth R. Lanover V. Lunsanfrcad R. Lanthewy-Rhy- Therch V. Lanthewy-Skirrid R. Lanthony C. Lantillio-Pertholey V. Lanvapley R. Lanvayer-Kilgeddin R. Lanvetherine R. Lavihangel- Crucorney V. Lanvihangel-by-Usk R. Lawenarth R. (®) Muhi- lad P.C. Old-Castle P. C. and of Trevethin P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bettus- Newydd P.C. Bryngwyn R. Chapel-Hill P. C. Cwmcarvan P. C. Dingestow V. Kilyarrock P.C. Landago P.C. Landeny V. Lan- fiangel-tor-y-Monydd R. Langoven P. C. Lanishen P.C. Lansoy R. Micheltroy 'R. Penalt P.C. Penrose P. C. Penyclawdd P. C. Rag- land V. Tintern-Parva R. Tregare P. C. Trelleck V. Trelleck's- Grange C. and of Wolvemewton R. HUNDRED OF SKENFRETH. (a) Also from Registers of Independents, Baptists, Roman-catholics, and Jews, at Abergavenny; from a Register of Baptists at Aberystwith; and from a Register of Baptists at Lanwenarth. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years, Males! Fe | Total. Nalea FC- nialcs. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 18 27 16 24 HUNDRED OF CALDICOTT.(0) 1811 46 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1813 1820 :65 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- nales: Total. Malcsl fer | Total. 61 Mar- riages. 29 33 - males/ Total. 216 1811 56 72 | 73 | 175 1812 46 1811 94 | 122 115 203 1812 116 | 103 219 1813 136 155 291 140 1814 | 142 137 279 | 71 | 93 164 164 1815 131 130 261 891 78 167 167 1816 169 112 281 65 61 126 1817 110 105 215 85 72 157 1818 116 109 93 100 193 1819 133. 126 | 259 ] 88 | 88 1.76 ; 1820 153 119 / 272 86 75 161 The above XBSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Dixton V. Grosmont R. Langattock-Vibonavil V. Langun R. Llantillio-Gros- senny V. Lanviangel-Istern-Llewerne R. St. Maughan's P. C. Rock- field V. Skenfreth V. Welsh-Bicknor R. and of Wonastow V. 18:13 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 225 HUNDRED OF USK. BAPTISM6. BURIALS. NARRIAGES. Years. Dules Fe-, males. Tatal. Males) Fe- males. 1 72 לר The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --St. Ar- vaus P. C. St. Brides-Netherwent (including Landeveney) R. Caor- went V. Caldicott V. Chepstow V. Christ-Church V. Goldclift V. Itton R. Langstone R. Lanmartin R. Lanvaches R. Lanvaire-Dis- coed P. C. Lanvihangel-by-Rogiett R. Lanwern R. Magor V. Mathern V. Mounton P. C. Naslı V. New-Church P. C. Penhowe R. Fenterry P.C. St. Pierre R. Portskewett R. ☺) Redwick P. C. Rogieti-with-Iftun R. Shire-Newton R. Undy otherwise Nundy V. Whitson V. and of Willerick R. | 84 144 | 143 149 183 1811 1812 78 1813 1814 | 97 | 1815 106 1816 64 1817 | 68 1818 1819 | 64 1820 74 Total. | Ycars. 1 Mar- riages. - 1811 40 107 1812 49 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 63 175 (6) The Church at Bishton was broken into in the commenceinent of the year 1821, and the Registers stolen ; so that no Return could be obtaincd from that Parish. Portskewett includes Sudbrooke. 140 128 134 123 83 | 157 The above Abstract is collected froin the Registers of, ---Gwernes- ncy R. Keneys-Commander P. C. Kemeys-Inferior R. Lanba- dock P. C. Landegvith R. Langattock-near-Cacrlcon V. Lange- view P. C. Langibby R. Langwiu V. Lanhcnog P.C. Lanllowel R. Lanthewyvach P. C. Lantrissent V. Lunvihangel-Lantarnam P. C. Lanvihangel-Pont-y-Moil P. C. Lanvreckva P. C. Monk's-Wood C. Pantenguc R. Tredonnog R. Trostrey P. C. and of Usk (with Gonclog and Glascocd) V. M.DCCC.XX1.] 75 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. 72 COUNTY OF MONMOUTH-continued. HUNDRED OF WENTLLOOGE. BOROUGH OF MONMOUTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- Years. Males Fe- males. Total. |Males! Fe- nales. Total. 1 riages. | Years. Mar- riages. -- 57 49 24 24 -- 29 - - לו 185 -- 225 Tears. Males Fe Total. (Males FC. Total. males. 1811 | 85 | 76 161 116 1812 101 | 101 202 71 120 1813 108 65 117 1814 95 71 | 62 | 133 1815 104 102 206 70 | 56 | 126 1816 181 100 | 81 | 181 1817 86 | 80 | 166 95 | 89 | 184 1818 232 84 | 75 159 1819 242 195 1820 | 127 | 103 230 | 95 | 77 | 172 1811! 144 1812 | 116 1813 141 1814 104 1815 139 1816 110 1817 | 118 1818 1819 1820 154 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 - 86 145 136 72 1820 Mon- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, mouth V. The above A ASTRACT is collected frun the Registers of;---Bassaleg V. Bedwar R. Bedwelty P. C. Betius P. Ç. St. Bride's-Wentloog V. Coedkeniew P.C. Henllis C. Machen R. Malpas P. C. Marsh- field V. St. Mellons V. Michaelstone-vedw or Lanviangel-vedw R. Monydd ysloine P. C. Newport-St.-Woolos V. Peterstone-Went- llooge P. C. Risca P. C. and of Rumney V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Femalcs. Total. Ycars. | Males. Fenales. Total. Years. Marriages. 607 416 839 620 649 613 1,227 1,262 423 449 472 429 400 466 915 663 1,400 887 436 737 728 684 481 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 415 444 421 925 843 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 753 436 506 641 638 586 422 452 1811 1812 1813 1814 1816 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 730 899 1,412 1,394 1,368 1,219 1,293 1,346 1,490 391 633 528 447 490 1,018 655 1818 573 518 638 725 799 428 458 527 621 1819 1820 506 1,091 1,025 938 519 484 691 454 575 Torals 7,012 6,399 13,411 4,803 4,577 9,380 4,586 The SUMMARY of the County of MONMOUTI is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Twenty-two Parish Churches and Five Chapels, and froin Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that One Return only (that of Bishton) is wanting (the Register having been stolen from the Church).-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 203 ;-Burials, 90;-Marriages, 11. **76 (Parish-Registers. - ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Norfolk. HUNDRÉD OF BLOFIELD. HUNDRED OF CLAVERING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Years. Males! Fel males. Total. Males! Fe- Total. Years. Mar- males niales. riages. 62 82 144 93 77 170 45 44 . 78 165 170 se Totul. Males Fe- | Total. l Years. I Mar- malcs. riages. 64 1811 37 141 1812 31 150 18131 147 1814 157 36 38 74 | 1815 27 157 1816 36 136 1817 23 1818 31 149 1819 27 54 45 99 | 1820 20 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 89 58 64 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 39 84 | 47 | 102 351 72 48 106 46 110 125 184 194 183 193 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 · 1818 1819 1820 91 105 100 93 94 103 197 89 86 175 90 103 193 95 | 56 | 114 47 90 53 • The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of;-----Birling- han-St.-Andrew R. Birlingham-St.-Edmund R. Birlingham-Sti- Peter R. Blofield R. Braydeston R. Brundall R. Buckenham- Ferry R. Cantley R. Freethorpe V. Hassinglan R. Limpenhoe V. Lingwood P. C. "Great Plumstead P. C. Little Plumstead R. Post- wick R. Southwood R. Strumpshaw R. Thorpe-Episcopi R. and of Witton R. · The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aldeby P. C. Bergh-Apton R. Brooke V. Ellingham R. Geldestone R. Gillingham R. Hadiscoe R. Hales P. C. Heckingham R. (b). Howe (with West Poringland) R. Kirby-Cane R. Norton-Subcorse P. C. Raveningham P. Č. Stockton R. Thorpe-by-Hadiscoe R. Thurlton R. Toft-Monks R. Wheatacre-All-Saints R. and of Wheatacre-Burgh, or St. Peter R. (b) Also from a Register of the House of Industry at Heckingham. HUNDRED OF BROTHERCROSS. HUNDRED OF DEPWADE.. - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males Fe. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fem | Total. | Years. Mar- riages. males. males males. 66 22 253 241 56 52 56 121 73 | 126 29 68 119 108 140 127 127 240 97 7057 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 69 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1127 1126 1812 | 131 | 110 1813 120 120 1814 118 117 1815 135 | 112 1816 113 1817 145 109 1818 | 97.120 1819 132 116 1820 122 126 235 247 229 254 217 248 116 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 124 56 | 67 | 123 68 78 1146 110 125 90 | 98 5086 136 37 188 70 68 68 136 22 248 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Burn- ham-Deepdale R., Burnham-Norton R. Burnham-Overy V. Burnham- Sutton (with Ulph) R. Burnham-Thorpe R. Burnham-Westgate R. North Creake R. South Creake V. and of Waterden R.: The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of;----Ashwell- thorpe R. Aslacton P. C. Bunwell R. Carlton-Rode R. Fornceit- St. Mary R. Forncett-St.-Peter R. Fritton R. Fundenhall P. C. Hapton P. C. Hardwick R. Hempnall V. Moulton-St.-Michael R. Mourningthorpe R. Shelton R. Long Stratton-St.-Mary R. Stratton- St.-Michael R. Tacolneston R. Tasburgh R. Tharston V. Tiben- ham V. and of Wacton R. HUNDRED OF CLACKCLOSE. (a) HUNDRED OF DISS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years, Males Fec Total. Males Fe- Tutal. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. niales. males. 371 75 73 78 | 115 74 101 1811 196|175 | 121 |111232 1812 203 1901 393 108 | 95 | 203. 1813 201 | 199 400 107 | 181 1814 190 212 402 1112) 94 206 1815 234 184 1.418 113 228. 1816 227 204 431 237 1817 229 234 | 463 120 | 91 | 211 1818 223 238 461 117 | 105 | 222 1819 251 222 473 | 122 | 110 | 232 1820 226211 437 127 110 237 97 1811 1812 1813 1814) 106 1815 1816 1817 89 1818 112 1819 100 1820 98 121 91 1311 104 | 108 212 46 9611811 96 1812 107: 97 | 204 54 61 1812 1813 134 112 246 41 | 51 | 92. 92. 1813 1814 122 86 208 132 1814 1815 | 121 135 | 256 : 56 | 57 113 1815 1816 118 100 218 159 | 62 121 1817 119 117 1817 1818 123 137 | 260 40 53 1818 1819 139 130 269 68 147 1819 1820 | 104 115 219 | 50 | 55 | 105 1820 1810 236 94 59 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ------Barton- Bendish R. Beachamwell R. Bexwell R. Boughton R. Crimple- sham V. Denvir R. West Dereham P. C. Market-Downham R. Fincham R. Fordham P. C. Hilgay R. Holm (with Runcton, Wal- lington, and Thorpeland) R. Marham V. Ryston (with Roxham) P.C. Shingham V. Shouldham P.C. Shouldbam-Thorpe P. C. Southery R. Stokeferry P. C. Stow-Bardolph V. Stradsett v. Tottenhill P. C. Watlington R. Wereham P. C. Wimbotsham R. Wormegay P. C. and of Wretton P. C. (*) Outwell and Upwell are mostly in Cainbridgeshire, and are there entered (Wisbeach Hundred). The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of Bres- singhanı R. Burston K. Dickleburgh R. Diss R. Tersfield Pu. Frenze R. Gissing R. Roydun R. Scole R. Shelfanger R. Shimp- ling R. Thelveton R. Tivetshall-St.-Margaret R. Tivetshall-St.- Mary R. and of Winfarthing R. M.DCCC.xxi.] 77 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HUNDRED OF EARSHAM. ) HUNDRED OF ERPINGHAM (SOUTH). (©). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- | Fe- Total. Years. Males | Total. Males! Fc- males. males. Years. Years. Males males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Mar. Years. riages. males. | riages. 323 82 89 1811 125 99 1812 120 99 1813 | 115 117 1814 | 95 110 1815 110 121 1816 102117 1817 | 110 100 1818 | 120 100 1819 135 101 1820 111 99 224 219 232 205 231 219 68 | 66 | 134 58 50 108 50 53 103 61 63 124 60 60 120 50 | 66 | 116 115 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820) 1811 163 162 325 102 109 211 1812 157 | 166 91 92 183 1813 176 216 392 87 1 771 164 1814 | 192 | 181 373 212 1815 191 2001 391 204 1816 208 201409 110| 107 | 217 1817 203 181 384 95 105 | 200 1818 194 203 397 92 108 200 1819 212 | 198 | 410 89 112 201 1820 200211 411 1 125 121 246 1811 18121 1813 1814 1815 1816 | 1817 89 1818 83 1819 112 1820 90 hree 210 91 220 2:36 210 113 # # t 54 | 59 | 113 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,-_ Al- burgh R. Brockdish R. Denton R. Earsham R. Needham P. C. Pirleston or Billingford (with Little Thorpe) R. Pullam-St.-Mary- Magdalen P. C. Pulham-St.-Mary-the-l'irgin R. Redenhall (with Harleston and Wortwell) R. Ruishall V. Starston R. and of Thorpe- Abbots R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Alby R. Ayisham V. Baconsthorpe R. Bunningham R. Little Barning- ham R. West Beckham P. C.(*) Belawgh R. Blickling R. Booton R. Brampton R. Burrough-next-Ayisham Ř. Buxton V. Calthorpe V. Cawston R. Coleby R. Coltishall R. Corpusty V. Erpinghain Ru Great Hautbuis R. Hevingham R. Heydon R. Ingworth R. liter- ingliam R. (5) Lainmas (with Little Hautbois) K. Marshain R. Oulton V. Oxnead R. Saxthorpe V. Scottow V. Skeyton R. Stratton-Strawless R. Swanton-Abbott R. Thwaite R. Tuttington V. Wickmere R. and of Wolterton R. C) The Church of Irmingland is in ruing. if I he Return of West Beckham includes East Beckham. 1 (6) Itteringham includes Mannington. The Parish of Mendham is mostly in Suffolk (Hoxnc Hundred) and there entered. TIUNDRED OF EYNESFORÐ. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males Fem | Total. | Years. inales. riages. 90 HUNDRED OF ERPINGHAM (NORTH). (d) 81 74 52 142 146 314 302 288 330 286 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | 186 152 1 75 144 53 89 | 142 143 188 70 | 160 85 157 85 | 169 Males! Fe- Years. | Mar- riages. Total. Males fe- | Total. males 1811 155 1812 149 | 153 1813 1814 150 180 1815 139 1816 1817 1818 174 1819 1146 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 inales. 171 150 328 291 66 327 103 119 113 129 300 87 191 359 184 75 115 130 1811 135 125 260 1812 129 117 246 1813 118 105 223 1814 141 256 1815 132 169 301 1816 125 138 263 1817 134 122 | 256 1818 162 302 1819 133 | 145 278 1820 168 304 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 140 119 124 11) 120 62 | 135 136 o The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, Alder- ford R. Bawdswell R. Billingford R. Bintry R. Brandeston R. Bylaugh P. C. Elsing R. Foulsham R. Foxley R. Geist V. Guest- wick V. Hackford 1. llaveringland V. Hindolveston V. Lyng R. Morton R. Reepham (with Kerdiston) R. Ringland V. Sali R. Sparham R. Swaninyton R. Theinilthorpe R. Tliorning R. Twy- furd R. Weston-Longville R. Whitwell V. (1) Great Witching ham R. Little Witchingham R. Wood-Dalling V. and of Wood- Norton R. (") Previous to the Year 1813, the Registers of Whitwell were included with those of Hackford. 62 HUNDRED OF FLEGG (EAST). The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of Albo- rough R. Antingham R. Aylinerton R. Barningham-Norwood R. Town-Barningham R. Bassingham R. Beeston-Regis R. Cromer 1. Felbrigg R. Gimingham R. Gresham R. Gunton R. Hanworth V. Knapton R. Matlaske R. Metton R. Mundsley R. Overstrand R. Plumstead R. North Repps R. South Repps R. Ronghitun V. Run- ton R. Sherringham V. Sidestrand R. Suffield R. Sustead P. C. Thorpe-Alarket V. Thurgarton R. Treminghain R. and of Trunch R. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males) fe- Total. Malesi Fe- males. Total. Ycars. Mar- 1 riages. males. (d) The Church of East Beckham is in ruins, and the Registry in- cluded in that of West Beckham (South Erpingham Hundred). B so | 48 | 40 1811 | 36 | 20 | 23 | 43 1812 88 1142842 1813 64 | 13 | 22 | 35 1814 53 42 | 20 | 23 | 43 1815 80 | 8 | 14 | 22 1816 90 | 12 | 24 | 1817 87 | 15 | 19 | 34 1818 50 | 45 1819 5346 | 14 | 19 33 1820 45 401 12 | 23 | F# 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 | 1817 1818 1819 18:20 14 -- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Caister (next Yarmouth) R. Filby R. Mautby R. Ormesby-St.-Margaret (with Scratby) V. Ormesby-St.-Michaci P. C. Runham V. Stokesby (with Herringby) R. and of Thrigby R. X 78 [Parish-Registers TY ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HUNDRED OF FLEGG (WEST). HUNDRED OF FREEBRIDGE-MARSHLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males. Males Fe- 'males. Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. males. Mar- riagey. . -- . 26 169 1811 160 1812 110 99 106 18 154 138 292 | 108 | 1141 222 1001 176 67| 163 88 1813 101 21 83 162 127 96 197 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 88 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 26 1811 132 301 1812 193 184 | 377 1813 171 161 332 1814 207 ვნა 1815 198 175 373 1816 173 197 | 1817 1170 187 1 357 1818 180 187 | 367 1819 182 | 175 | 357 1820 206 186 392 1814 126 1815 1816 131 1817 | 60 | 601 120 1818 77 | 51 128 1819 124 1820 76 145 370 74 99 110 103 204 177 133 | 130 | 263 881 961 184 117 93 210 24 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Asliby (with Oby and Thirne) R. Billockby R. Burgh-St.-Margaret R. Clippesby R. Hemesby V. Martham V. Repps (with Bastwick)P. C. Rollesby R. (0) East Somerton C. West Somerton P. C. and of Winterton R. (1) Also from a Register of the Work house at Rollesby. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Clench- warton R. Emnetb P. C. Islington V. West Lynn-St.-Peter (in- cluding North Lynu-St.-Edmund) R. Terrington-St.-Clement 'V. Terrington-St.-John V. Tilney-All Saints V. Tilney-St.-Laurence V. Walpole-St.-Andrew V. Walpole-St.-Peter R. Walsoken R. West Walion R. Wiggenhall-St.-Germain V. Wiggenhall-St.-Mary-Mag. dalen V. Wiggenhall-St.-Mary-the-Virgin V. and of Wiggenhali- St.-Peter V. HUNDRED OF GALLOW. () HUNDRED OF FOREHOE. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, Y curs. Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fe- / Total. males. males. Years. i Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fem | Total. Mar- | Years. | inales. riages. males. 1811 55 97 32 67 26 86 156 113 67 70 26 80 151 161 68 102 123 122 176 70 100 1811 163 167 330 1812 154 297 1813 147 160 307 1814 165 322 1815 152 311 1816 176 1817 155 330 1818 169 1 188 1819 179 178 357 1820 185 203 388 1812 181 181 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 61 1820 60 68 75 144 89 173 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 322 137 84 al 26 | 15 | ni 66 137 30 18 48 24 357 92 176 | 128 26 105 | 114 | 219 82 89 171 27 53 99 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bar- ford R. Barnham-Brooin R. Bawburgh V. Little Brandon R. Carleton-Forehoe R. Colton R. Cosstesey P. C. Coston P. C. Crownthorpe R. Deopham V. Easton V. Hackford R. Hingham R. Hobingham V. Kimberly V. Marlingford R. Morley-St.-Botolplı R. Morley-St.-Peter P. C. Runhall V. Welbourne R. Wicklewood V. Wrampliughanı R. and of Wymondham V. The above. ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,--Bag- thorpe R. East Barsham V. North Barsham R. West Barsham V. Dunton (with Doughtou) V. Fakenham R. Fulmodestone (with Croxton) R. Helhoughton V. Houghton (with Harpley) V. Kettle- stone R. South Rainham-St.-Martin V. East and West Rainhain R. East Rudham R. West Rudham V. Great Ryburgh R. Little Ryburgh V. (1) Sculthorpe R. Sheringford R. Little Snoring R. Stibbard R. Sydersterne R. Tatterford R. Tattersett R. and of Toftrees V. (1) Bariner and Testerton in this Hundred are Extra-parochial; and the Churches of Broomsthorpe, Hempton, Peasthorpe, zod Pudding- Norton, are ruinated. (m) The Church at Little Ryburgh being dilapidated, Marriages take place at Great Ryburgh. HUNDRED OF FREEBRIDGE-LYNN. (j) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Year Males! Fec| Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. / Mar- HUNDRED OF GREENHOE (NORTH). (") males.) males, | riages. 65 144 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 62 Years. Males! Foi | Total. Malesi Fe- males. Total lalesi res Years. Mar- riages. inales. lalo 96 1811 283 94 200 1812 148 127 275 64 134 1813 | 178 | 151 | 329 141 1814 | 182 140 322 194 1815 | 163 172 335 181 1816 181 171 352 193 1817 | 164 166 330 | 911 78 169 1818 202 187 | 389 104 70 174 1819 176 1701 346 97 90 187 1820 188 204 | 392 96 74 170 69 91 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 311 110 1811 166 1812 275 1813 | 138 | 133 | 271 1814 152 142 | 294 1815 178 146 324 1816 144 146 290 1817 159 | 147 | 306 1818 151 173 324 1819 143 | 145 | 288 1820 162 169 | 331 101 134 235 77 90 167 65 | 66 131 73 98 171 84 | 73 | 157 101 86 187 | 94 | 88 | 182 89 | 80 | 169 98 | 90 | 188 174 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 83 53 81 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Aminer R. Ashwicken (with Leziate) R. Babinyley R. West Bilney P. C. Castle-Acre V. Castle-Rising R. Congham-St.-Andrew (with St. Mary) R. Dersinghain V. Flitcham P. C. Gayton V. Gayton- thorpe R. Gaywcod R. (k) Grimiston R. Harpley R. Hillington R. Great Massingham R. Little Massinghain R. Middleton V. West- Newton R. Pentney P. C. Roydon R. North Runcton R. Sand. ringbam P East Walton V. Westacre P. C. East Winch V. West Winch R. Wolferton R. North Wootton V. and of South Wootton R. (1) The Church of Nintlyn is dilapidated. a) The Church at Bawsey having been dilapidated for many years, the Inhabitants frequent the Church at Gaywoud. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Bar- | ney V. Binham V. Cockthorpe R. Field-Dawling V. Hindringham V. Holkham V. Houghton (next Walsingham) V. Great Snoring R. Stiffkey R. Thursford R. Little Walsingham P. C. Old Walsing. ham P. C. Warham-All-Saints R. Warhanı-St.-Mary R. Wells R. and of Wighton V. (") The Church of Egmere is desecrated. M.DCCC.XXI.] 79 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF NORFOLK- continued. HUNDRED OF GREENHOE (SOUTH). (O) HUNDRED OF HAPPING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males. males. Total. Years. | Mar- males males. riages. riages. 721 245 256 144 110 103 112 1812 | 132 48 54 31 163 50 66 138 168 143 147 99 156 66 1811 136 109 | 124 1813 138 269 1814 141 279 1815 147 303 1816 151 128 279 1817 156 142 298 1818 182 154 336 1819 133 158 291 1820 166 144 183 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 162 1812 160 1813 175 1814 1815 1816 1817 96 182 1818 106 104 / 210 1819 82 104 186 1820 102 115 | 217 69 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 100 199 170 116 148 52 | 50 | 102 | 47 | 86 39 72 43 52 95 47 | 104 | 172 310 65/ 128 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Bod- ney R. East Bradenham R. West Bradenham V. Cockley-Cley R. Great Cressingham R. Little Cressingham R. Didlington (with Col- vestone) V. Foulden V. Gooderstone V. Hilborough R. Holm-Hale R. Houghton-on-the-Hill R. Langford R. Narburgh V. Narford V. Neighton R. or V. (P) Newton V. Oxborough R. North Pickenhamn R. South Pickenham R. Southacre R. Sporle (with Palgrave) V. and of Swaff ham V. O The Church of Caldecot is desecrated. (P) Also from a Register of Baptists at Neighton. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brum- stead R. Catfield R. Happisburgh V. Hempstead (with Eccles) R. Hickling V. Hörscy V. Ingham P. C. Lessingham R. Ludham V. Palling V. Potter-Heigham V. East Ruston V. Stalham V. Sutton R. Walcott P. C. and of Waxham R. HUNDRED OF GRIMSHOE. (') HUNDRED OF HENSTEAD.) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe-1 Total. Years. Mar- males! males. males. riages. 32 89 88 61 50 111 52 1811 1812 1813 1814 38 Years. Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fe- inales. 1811 94 82 176 48 1812 | 166 1813 98 162 1814 88 103 1815 196 1816 100 95 195 141 142 1817 189 1818 174 | 33 43 1819 89/ 85) 174 1820 951 88 183 34 1811 1812 1813 1814 191 171 169 159 168 165 147 173 104 1815 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1816 98 92 86 92 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 184 116 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 70 116 157 | 174 57 82 52 52104 47 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,-—- Cran- wich R. Croxton V. Feltwell-St.-Mary (with St. Nicholas) R. Hock- wold (with Wiltou) R. Ickborough R. Meithwold V. Mundford R. Northwold R. Santon-House R. Stanford V. West Tofts R. and of Weeting-St.-Mary and All-Saints R. (9) There is no Church at Little Buckenham, Colverstone or Lyn- ford. The Church of Sturston is in ruins. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Arming- hall P. C. Bixley R. Bramerton R. Caister-St.-Edmund's R. Framing- ham-Earl R. Framingham-Pigott R. Kirby-Bedon R. Great Poringland R. Rockland-St.-Mary R. Saxlingham R. Saxlingham (with Nethergate and Thorpe) R. Shotesham-All-Saints V. Shoteshan- Št.-Mary and St.-Martin V. Stoke-Holy-Cross V. Surlingham V. Trowse-Newton V. and of Yelverton (with Alpington) R. (0) West Poringland is included with Howe (Clavering Hundred); at Holvestone is no Church ; and the Chapel of Witlingham is demo- lished. HUNDRED OF GUILT-CROSS. HUNDRED OF HOLT. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 20 Years. Males Fe- / males. Total. Total. (Males' Fe- uales. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Mar. Total. Years, malės. riages. 58 156 131 1811 1812 1813 1814 | 1291 128 73 155 85 102 187 85 175 73 156 115 248 169 1815 55 113 1811 44 38 90 1812 40 68 1813 38 51 59 / 110 1814 46 45 91 1815 53 45 98 1816 52 38 41 79 1817 36 5241 9318181 42 50391 891 1819 47 199 1820 34 1811 122 121 243 1812 260 1813 112 240 1814 172 1815 162 138 1816 157 | 161 1 1817 138 | 268 1818 180 143 323 1819 161 | 145 | 306 1820 178 | 142 | 320 306 | 300 | 318 1816 1811 46 1812 61 1813 1814 1815 1816 18171 1818 1819! 1820 78 91 79 90 153 115 138 134 85 164 187 152 149 170 1817 208 130 96 200 1818 1810 1820 95 84 179 102 110 212 77 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of-Ban- ham R. Blo-Norton R. Garboldishain R. Gasthorpe R. East Har- ling R. West Harling R. Keninghall V. North Lopham R. South | Lopham R. Quidenham R. Riddlesworth R. and of Rushford P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,~Bale R. Blakeney R. Bodhan R. Briningham P. C. Brinton R. Briston V. Cley-next-the-Sea R. Edgefield R. Glandford P. C. Gunthorp R. Hempstead V. Holt R. Hunworth R. Keling R. Langham-Epis- cupi V. Letheringsett R. Melton-Constable R. Alorston R. Salt- house R. Saxlinghain R. Sharrington R. Stodey R. Swanton-Novers R. Thornage R. Waborne P. C. and of Wiveton R. 80 Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HUNDRED OF HUMBLEYARD. () HUNDRED OF MIDFORD. BAPTISJS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Diales! Fc- Total. Years. Dlar- riages. Years. / Mar. males. males. riages. . - -.- 60 70 130 31 146 39 79 - 144 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 Years. Males! Feln - Total. Males Fen | Totus .:. Total. males, males. 181 157 166 323 84 146 1812 137 | 144 | 281 143 1813 156 144 300 71 140 1814 141 144 285 154 1815 189 176 171 1816 142 166 308 166 1817 153 | 137 | 290 1818 170 1721 342 141 1819 169 | 169 166 1820 188 172 165 365 1816 1817 1811 1812 1813 1811 1815 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 115 1818 1819 1820 1820 338 360 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Bracon- Ash R. East Carlton R. Colney R. Cringleford P.C. Dunston P.C. Flordon R. Hethel R. Hetherset R. Intwood (with Keswick) R. Ketteringham V. Great Melton R. Little Melton V. Mulbarton R. Newton-Flotman R. Swainsthorp R. Swardeston V. and of Wrening- ham R. ) The Church of Merkshall is ruinated. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,--South Burgh R. Cranworth (with Letton) R. East Derehanı V. Garveston R. Hardingham R. Hockering R. Maitishall 1. Mattishall-Bergh R. Reymerston R. Shipdham R. Thuxton R. East l'uddenham V. North Tuddenham R. Westfield R. Whinbergh R. Woodrising R. and of Yaxham R. HUNDRED OF LAUNDITCH. HUNDRED OF SHROPHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. EURIALS. MARRIAGES. Yea Males! Fe | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Nlar- Years. Total. | Total. Males! Fe- inales. Years. MalesFe males. Mar- riages. males males. riages. 297 68 69 68 50 68 118 50 | 62 | 112 51 | 57 | 108 68 | 59 | 127 8:3 88 116 1811 | 150147 91 159 1812 157 146 303 81 | 89 170 1813 156 (149 305 63 71 | 134 1814 | 170 161 331 107 195 1815 | 210184 394 1061 92 198 1816 184 173 357 | 91 71 162 1817 201 163 364 69 68 137 1818 401 66/ 65 | 131 1819 | 223 192 | 415 | 891 86 175 1820 190 209 | 399 | 94 | 85 179 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 89 94 1811 105 97 202 1812 1113 116229 1813 117 117 | 234 1814 1161 96 212 1815 | 127 128 255 1816 111/117 | 228 1817 108 236 1818 129 111 240 1819 122 119 | 241 1820 125 | 90 | 215 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 107 128 20 99 97 70 | 79 | 149 56 | 49 | 105 52 | 63 | 115 139 65 134 88 1 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Beeston- next-Mileham R. Beetly R. East-Bilney R. · Brisley R. Colkirk R. Great Dunham R. Little Dunham R. North-Elmhamn V. Great Fransbam R. Little Fransham R. Gately V. Gressenhall R. Hoe P. C. Horningtoft R. Kempstone V. East Lexham R. West Lexham R. Litcham R. Longban R. Mileham R. Oxwich R. Rougham V. Scarning R. Stanfield R. Swanton-Morley R. Tittleshäll (with Godwick) R. Weasenham-All-Saints V. Weasenham-St.-Peter V. | Wendling R. Whissonsett R. Willingham R. and of Worthing R. .) Dillington is included in East Dereham (Midford Hundred). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of — Attle- borough R. Besthorpe V. Brettenham R. Bridgham R. New Buckenham P. C. Old Buckenham P. C. Eccles R. Great Elling. ham V. Hargham R. Hockbam V. Illington R. Kilverstone R. Larling R. Rockland-All-Saints (with St. Andrew) R. Roudham V. Shropham V. Snitterton R. Wilby R. and of East and West Wreathai R. TI HUNDRED OF LODDON. (™) HUNDRED OF SMITHDON. (*) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. JARRIJGES. Mar- Years. Fe- Males Total. Years. Dar- riages. Dales. Years. Walesfee | Total. males. riages. males. 62 74 121 59 96 116 89 Ycars. Males Fe- | Total. Males! Fel Total. males.! 1811 112 76 188 1812 | 81 | 77 | 158 1813 | 75 105 180 1814 105 ! 96 201 1815 103 86 189 47 54 101 1816 | 95 | 90 1817 105 | 114 219 1818 93 104 1819 105 101 / 206 158 107 1820 124 111 33 40 73 56 71 68 136 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817! 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 99 79 178 1812 1111 207 1813 113 105 218 1814 122 92 214 1815 102 1816 1817 132 134 266 1818 264 1819 251 1820 121 114 235 238 - 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 to not to 115 139 98 124 148 114 - 185 52 42 -- 55 110 ily 229 6:3 43 75 | 73 - - 197 127 - 46 46 Pen? 130 118 235 61 57 53 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Ashby R. Bedingham V. Brome R. Carlton-St.-Peter R. Chedgrave R. Claxton R. Ditchingliam R. Hardley P. C. Hedenhain R. Helling- ton P. C. Kirstead R. Langley P. C. Luddon V. Mundham P. C. Seathing P. C. Sisland R. Thurton P. C. Topcroft R. Twaite R. and of Woodton R. (“) Alpington is included with Yelverton (Henstead Hundred). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registcrs of, Great Bircham R. Bircham-Newton R. Birchana-Toits R. Brancaster R. Docking V. Fring P. C. Heachanu V. Holme-next-the-Sea . Hunstanton V. Ingoldisthorpe R. Ringstead R. Sedgeford V. Sherborne V. Snettisham V. Stanhoe R. Thornham 1. and of Titchwell R. () The Church of Barwick is ruinated. M.DCCC.XXI.] THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GÉO. IV. c. 94.' COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. HUNDREN OF TAVERHAM. HUNDRED OF WAYLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. Total. Males Fe- males. || Years. Total. Years. Males Fe- Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. | 97 41 35 25 92 | 96 el 182 195 202 203 196 54 | 91 | 92 | 57 | 111 1811 85 97 1812 110 1813 1171 1814 | 118 1815 | 102 1816 117 1817 103 1818 120 1819 112104 1820 120 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 103 85) 188 1812 94 190 1813 95 187 1814 | 109 | 1051 214 1815 | 131 | 93 224 1816 | 106 | 122 | 228 1817 | 124 | 83 | 207 1818 104 111 215 1819 | 99 112 211 1820 119 102 221 80 62 130 51 | 37 | 88 57 55 112 197 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 41 94 75 36 189 219 216 1818 | 60 | Qe sa | 53 | 100 1819 1820 54 59 113 45 127 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Atile- bridge V. Catton V. Crostwick R. Drayton R. Felthorpe R. Fret- tenham R. Hainford R. Hellesdon R. Horsford V. Horshan-St.- Faiths (with Newton-St.-Faiths) P.C. Horstead R. Rackheath R. Salehouse V. Spixworth R. Sprowston (with Beeston) P. C. (W) Taverham R. and of Wroxham V. (W) There being no Church at Beeston-St.-Andrew, the Inhabitants frequent the Church at Sprowston. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ashill R. Brecoles l'. Carbrooke V. Caston R. Little-Ellingham R. Griston V. Merton (including Sturstone) R. Ovington R. Rockland-St.-Peter R. Saliam-Toney R. Scoulton R. Stow-Bedon V. Threxton R. Tomp- son P. C. Tottington V. (©) and of Walton V. (y) The Church at Sturston being in ruins, the Inhabitants frequent the Church at Tottington. BOROUGH OF KING'S-LYNN. HUNDRED OF TUNSTEAD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males) al fe- males. Total. Years. Malesi fel Total. Finales. Years. Mar- riages. 75 246 59 89 119 116 144 59 Years. Males Fe-1 Total. Males Fe- Total, | Years. Mar- males jinales. | riages. 1811 172 351 | 202 195 397 1811 1812 207 | 216 | 423 104 122 | 226 1812 109 1813 188 169 357 164 157 321 1813 1814 1175 | 167 342 128 132 260 1814 95 1815 208 200 408 128 140 268 1815 112 1816 | 188 189 377 1132 | 150 | 282 1816 | 107 1817 205 205 410 140 | 110 | 250 1817 110 1818 217 : 441 235 1818 142 1819 | 217 221 438 1164 | 148 | 312 1819 110 1820 222 | 240 462 123 | 154 277 1820 136 1811 135 111 1812 143 (110 | 253 1813 126 148 | 274 1814 | 151 131 | 282 1815 136 143 279 1816 151 | 143 294 ! 1817 136 135 271 1818 129 160 289 1819 142 164 306 1820 167 150 317 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 87 224 119 08 South The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Lynn-All-Saints V. and of Lynn-St.-Margaret P. Č. (2) (3) The Return of Lynn-St. Margaret includes St. Nicholas. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -- Ashman- haugh P. C. Bacten V. Barton-Turf V. Beeston-St.-Laurence R. Bradfield R. Crostwight R. Dilham V. Edingthorpe R. Felining- ham R. Honing V. Horning V. Hoveton-St.-John V. Hoveton-St.- Peter V. Irstead R. Neatishead V. Paston V. Ridlington R. Sco- Ruston P.C. Sloley R. Sınallburgh R. (X) Swafield R. Tunstead V. North Walsham 1. Westwick R. Witton V. and of Worstead V. (*) Also froin a Register of the Poorhouse at Smallburgi. CITY OF NORWICH. (a) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Na males. - - - . .-- . 1811 HUNDRED OF WALSHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- l'otal. Males Fe- | 'Total. | Years. males riages. 1811 609 556 1,165 427 488 915 385 1812 568 | 602 1,170 412 426 838 1812 398 1813 603 522 1,125 448 471919 1813 369 1814 | 625 542 | 1,167 445 514 959 1814 411 1815 652 646 | 1,298 461 498 959 1815 546 . 1816 | 679 690 1,369 1 405 420 825 1816 | 478 1817 729 657 1,386 437 440 877 1817 | 486 1818 748 : 735 | 1,483 538 511 1,049 1818 | 498 1819 780 7.14 | 1,494 722 793 1,515 1819 589 1820 838 796 1,634 511 542 1,053 | 1820 | 600 Years. |Males) Fe- | Total. Wales) Fc | Total. | Years. males Mar- riages. males. 116 115 23 22 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 othe 26 1811 1812 1813 1814 18151 18161 1817 18181 1819 1820 Os 1818 to 1819 1820 58 128 26 35 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Acle R. Beighton R. Halvergate V. Heniblington P. C. Moulton V. Ran- Worth-St.-Helen V. Reedham R. Tunstall P. C. Upton-St.-Margaret V. South Walsham-St.-Lawrence R. South Walshanu-St.-Mary V. Wick- hampton R. and of Wood-Bastwick V. The above ABSTRACT is colletted from the Registers of, ---All- Saints R. St. Andrew P. C. St. Augustine R. Št. Benedict P. C. St. Clement R. Earlhai V. Eaton-St.-Andrew V. St. Edmund R. St. Etheldred P. C. St. George-Colgate P. C. St. George-at-Tomb- land P. C. St. Giles P. C. St. Gregory R. Court of Guardians C. Heigham R. St. Helen P. C. St. James R. St. John-Maddermarket R. St. Jolin. Sepulchre P. C. St. John-at-Tinberlill R. St. Julian R. Lakonham V. St. Lil rence R. St. Margaret R. St. Martin-at-Oak R. St. Martin-at-Palace P. C. St. Mary-Coslany P. C. St. Mary-in-the- Marsh R. (b) St. Michael-at Coslany R. Si. Michael-at-the-Pleas R. | St. Michael-at-Thorn R. St. Paul R. St. Peter-at-Hungate R. St. | Peter's-Nancroft P. C. St. Peter. by-Mountergate R. St. Peter's- | Southgate R. Pockthorpe C. St. Saviour P.C. St. Simon-and-Jude R. St. Stephen V. and of Si. Swithio R. (a) Also froin a Register at Norwich M'ork house. b) The Return of St. Mary-in-the-Marsh includes Norwich Cathe- dral.' 82 [Parish. Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORFOLK-continued. BOROUGH OF THETFORD. BOROUGH OF GREAT YARMOUTH. BAPTISMS. · BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe Total. Years. Mar. riages. Years. Males Fec| Tutal. Males Fe | Toral. linales. Years. | Mar- riages. males es. 46 36 40 15:3 a DON 215 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 350 339 | 689 1812 | 327 335 662 1813 361 311 672 1814 334 305 639 1815 329 299 628 1816 315 335 650 1817 312 291 / 603 1818 332 303 635 1819 | 3241 316 640 1820 311 283 594 N Capela da 243 208 451 198 175 373 | 262 525 201 408 150 139 239 165 187 352 169 137) 306 176 189 365 218/194 412 169 202 371 1811 288 1812 230 1813 1814 172 1815 1816 162 1817 156 1818 | 155 1819 134 1820 138 LO 53 17 A The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - St. Cuth- The above Abstract is collected from the Register of Yarmouth R. Great ☺ St. Cuthbert is chiefly in Suffolk. SU M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. 5 BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAG; ES. Years. | Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,854 4,787 4,895 5,159 5,404 5,210 4,534 4,670 4,648 4,661 5,067 5,165 4,994 5,406 9,388 9,457 9,543 9,820 10,471 10,375 10,280 10,938 10,763 | 11,224 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,949 2,574 2,534 2,847 2,711 2,822 2,598 2,784 3,267 2,908 2,968 2,687 2,712 2,932 2,766 2,917 2,517 2,721 3,387 3,041 5,917 5,261 5,246 5,779 5,477 5,739 5,115 5,505 6,654 5,949 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,479 2,286 2,369 2,541 2,797 2,529 2,584 2,713 5,286 5,532 5,472 5,724. 2,718 5,500 2,736 ST. TOTALS 52,323 · 49,936 102,259 . 27,994 28,648 | 56,642 25,752 The SUMMARY of the County of NORFOLK is collected from the Registers of Six hundred and Ninety-one Parish Churches and Three Chapels, from One Register of Dissenters, and from Four other Registers; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 421 ;-Burials, 49;—Marriages, 3. M.DCCC.XXI.] 83 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Northampton. HUNDRED OF CHIPPING-WARDEN. HUNDRED OF FAWSLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males leal Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riage's. males. males. males. 41 62 76 121 136 125 140 128 1811 1812 1813 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1814 1811 106 181 102 1813 | 103 1814 92 1015| 108 1816 79 190 1811 181 177) 358 | 101 106 207 1812 160 165 325 126 114 240 1813 225 | 158 383 1118 91 209 1814 187 377 | 149 | 119 268 1815 | 182 | 192 374 11051 107 | 212 1816 | 190 190 380 129|123 | 252 1817 193 | 1771 370 105 104 | 209 1818 | 210 227 | 437 125 122 247 1819 | 166 185 | 351 119109 228 1820 | 214/216 430 |135/118 | 253 106 44 80 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 137 61 | 64 | 125 113 147 1817 1818 1819 1820 97 30 32 93 97 - - - - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Aston- le-Wall R. Bodington R. Byfield R. Chipping-Warden R. Edgecot R. Eydon R. Grctworth R. Sulgrave V. and of Woodford-cum-Mem- bris V. - The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ashby- St.-Ledgers V. Badby V. Barby-with-Olney R. Braunston or Bran- deston R. Catesby V. Charwelton R. Daventry P. C. Dodford V. Everdon R. Farthingston R. Fawsley V. Hellidon . C. Kilsby R. Litchborough R. Newnham V. Norton V. Preston-Capes V. Staver- ton V. Stowe-nine-Churches R. Weedon-Beck V. and vf Welton V.. - _ . L * 1 HUNDRED OF CLELEY. HUNDRED OF GREENS-NORTON. - BAPTISNIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- riages. Ycars. Males! Feu | Total. Imales! Fe- males. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. - 184 65 61 126 55 28 | 108 67 33 Years. (Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe 1 Total. males. males. 1811 93 91 107 1812 90 181 1813 105 | 86 191 100 1814 | 91 | 80 | 171 132 1815 I go 105 1816 105 95 200 134 1817 | 108 113) 221 1818 | 110 110 220 126 1819 | 100 | 112 | 212 137 1820 | 98 | 96 | 194 50 IIO 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 52 75 110 84 183 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 8 | 104 1811 1812 1813 1814 1315 1816 1817 1818 1.819 1820 921 | 45 80 29 101 58 | 105 107 The abovc ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alder- ton R. Ashton R. Cosgrove R. Easton-Neston R. Furtho R. Grafton- Regis R. Hartwell P.C. Passeriham R. Paulers-Pury R. Potters- Pury (including Yardley-Gobion) V. Roade P. C. Slıuttlehanger C. Stoke-Bruerne R. and of Wicken R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ad- ston C. Blackesley and Woodend V. Bradden R. Canons-Ashby P. C. Greens-Norton R. Lewesdon or Loys-Weedon V. Maidford R. More- ton-Pinkney P. C. Plumpton R. Slapton R. and of Whittlebury (with Silverstone C.) P. C. HUNDRED OF CORBY. HUNDRED OF GUILSBOROUGH. (6) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. NIARRIAGES. Ho Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! te- males. | Total. NIar- Total. Males fe- males. Years. males. riages. 60 . 77 74 sol Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. nales. 1811 107 112 219 164 1812 | 138 123 261 152 1813 134 125 259 141 1814 131 133 264 84 104 188 1815 140' 126 266 89 | 172 1816 257 118 | 206 1817 133 144 277 93 94 187 1818 154! 125 | 279 107 104 1819 108 | 203 1820 130 134 264 84 170 221 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1819 1818 1819 1820 132 1811 112 97 209 75 154 1812 | 120 83 203 110 197 1813 | 141 | 114 | 255 164 1814 105 121 226 72 94 166 1815 104 117 1816 | 125 | 108 | 233 | 84 | 81 | 165 1817 122 98 | 22074 | 55 | 129 1818 100 193 1819 79 83 162 1820 97 99 196 135 132 1811 | 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 87 211 o 93 116 143 304 77 - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ash- ley R. Blatherwycke R. Bramptou-by-Dingley R. Brigstock V. Bul- wick R. Carlton R. Corby R. ·Cottingham-with-Middleton R. Deene and Deenthorpe R. Dingley R. Geddington V. Gretton V. Harring- worth V. Laxton P.C. Newton P.C. Great Oakley P. C. Little Oakley R. Rockingham R. Stanion P. C. Stoke-Albany R. Sutton- Bassett V. Wakerley R. (2) Weekley. V. Weldon R. Weston-by- Welland V. and of Wilbarston V. (a) Wakerley includes Fineshead. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Cold- Ashby V. Long-Buckby V. Clay-Coton R. Cottesbrooke R. Great Creaton R. Crick R. Guilsborough V. West Hadden V. Lilbourne V. Naseby V. Stanford-upon-Avon V. Thornby R. Watford V. Wel- ford (including Selby) V.() Winwick R, and of Yelvertoft R. (6) The Church of Elkington long since demolished. Also from a Register of Dissenters at Welford. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON-continued. HUNDRED OF HAMFORDSHOE. HUNDRED OF KING'S-SUTTON. (d): BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Total. (Males Few males. Total. | Years. Males Pe- males. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- finales. Total. 1 Years. Jinales. Mar- riages. 66 72 196 196 175 | 80 | 156 91 105 .62 146 101 52 93 144 7, 1811 199 1812 | 76 1813 90 1814 170 1815 87 96 183 1816 106 182 1817 83 70 153 1818 179 1819 1820 196 65 146 80 140 82 148 104 117 80 70 150 65 80 145 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 151 136 287 I 74 101 1812 147 154 1 75 114 | 189 1813 139 144) 283 | 82 | 104 186 1814 176 | 167 343 | 102 103 205 1815 165 1781 343 | 851 95 180 1816 181 | 171 352 (103 | 107 | 210 1817 i 184 | 188 372 90 102 | 192 1818 206 161 | 367 103 110 213 1819 169 | 168 337 1112131 | 243 1820 174 | 162 336 109'114 | 223 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 82 221 93 176 96/ 58 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Great Doddington V. Earls-Barton V. Ecton R. Holcott R. Mears-Ash- by V. Sywell R. Wellingborough V. and of Wilbye R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,- Aynho R. Brackley-St.-Peter with St. James V. Chalcombe V, Croughton R. Culworth V. Evenly V. Farthinghoe R. Helmdon R. Hinton-with-Stene R. King's-Sutton V. Marston-St.-Laurence V. Middleton-Cheney R. Newbottle-with-Charlton V. Radstone P. C. Syresliam R. Thenford R. Thorpe-Mandeville R. Wappenham R. Warkworth P. C. and of Whitfield R. (d) The Church of Stuchbury is in ruins. HUNDRED OF HIGHAM-FERRERS. HUNDRED OF NAVISFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males! Fe- / Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar. males. riages. Years. Males Fer. Total. Males Fe- Total. Year's, | Diar- males. males. illales. . riayes. 91 / 186 56 51 11 16 102 125 133 62 13 19 68 al 16 123 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 95 73 79 | 152 103 871 190 76 158 81 861 88 185 1 61 63 88 151 50 87 88 175 82 | 58 140 62 119 181 ! 62 65 119 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1811 1812 1813 1814 18151 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 136 15 20 o arco er A 108 117 112 127 2 59 67 21 1820 22 Clap- Thrap- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Bozeat V. Chelveston with Caldicot P. C. Easton-Maudit V. Har- grave R. Higham-Ferrers V. Irchester V. Newton-Broinswold R. Raunds V. Ringstead P.C. Rushden R. Stanwick R. Strixton R. and of Wollaston V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ton R. Pilton R. Stoke-Doyle R. Thorpe-Achurch R. ston R. (©) Titchmarsh R. and of Wadenhoe R. ) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Thrapston. HUNDRED OF HUXLOE. HUNDRED OF NOBOTTLE-GROVE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- ! Toto Males! Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe. Total. Years. į Llar- males. inales. males. riages. . 116 224 183 1811 1812 97 59 52 78 90 1813 99 1811 | 120) 104 92 801 172 1812 831 100 85 77 | 162 1813 | 147 144 291 159 1814 109/ 116 225 120 234 1815 | 126 | 129 | 255 102 101 ) 203 1816 | 1561135 | 291 103 105 / 208 1817 | 142 139 | 281 | 86100 | 186 1818 | 139 | 144 | 283 103 102 | 205 1819 | 163 129 106 82 188 1820 | 149 160 309 | 89 85 174 1811 102 102 204 1812 98 80 178 1813 90 93 183 1814 103 99 202 1815 113 98 211 1816 | 96 106 1817 | 88 | 108 196 1818 133 102 | 235 1819 120 115 235 1820 | 122 | 103 | 225 1814 1815 120 1816 87 1817| 102 1818 118 1819 118 1820 85 202 134 135 112 144 61 | 94 | 155 142 122 55 | 66 | 121 59 | 70 | 129 | 62 | 119 1811 | 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 | 1819 1820 292 63 58 49 57 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Great Addington R. Little Addington V. Aldwinkle-All-Saints R. Ald- winkle-St.-Peter R. Barnwell-All-Saints R. Barton-Seagrave R. Burton-Lattimer R. Cranford-St.-Andrew R. Cranford-St.-John R. Denford V. Finedon or Thingdon V. Grafton-Underwood R. Irth- lingborough K. Islip R. Kettering R. Lilford-with-Wigsthorp V. or R. Lowick R. Slipton V. Sudborough R. Twywell R. Warkton R. and of Woodford R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,- Bring- ton R. Brockhall R. Bugbrook R. Church-Brampton R. (Ⓡ) Dal- lington V. Dustou V. Floore V. East Haddon V. Harlestone R. Har- pole R. Heyford R. Holdenby R. Kislingbury R. Ravensthorpe R. Upton P.C. and of Whilton R. There is no Church or Chapel at Chapel-Brampton. enak M.DCCC.XXI.] 85 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON--continued. HUNDRED) OF ORLINGBURY. HUNDRED OF SPELHOE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. _ _ Years. Males Fe- Years. Mar- riages. ole males. inales 73 Total. Males! Fe- / Total. males. 137 | 58 100 16 137 1811 1812 1813 1814 136 314 64 127 155 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males' Fe- ' 'Theel Total. Males Fe- Tutal. | Years. Mar- marcinales. riages. 1811 i 131 43 | 59 | 102 1811 35 1812 1812 1813 141 1813 1814 120 1814 30 1815 141 1815 1816 139 1816 1817 6961 130 1818 177 1818 1819 139 1819 1820 76 167 1820 39 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1815 w 87 35 119 158 160 149 159 So So 49 | 52 | 101 105 100 56 54 | 110 至于太太大 ​1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 83 76 80 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brix- worth V. Broughton R. Cransley V. Faxton P. C. Hannington R. Hardwick R. Great Harrowden V. Little Harrowden V. Isham R. Lamport (with Hanging-Houghton) R. Orlingbury R. Pitchley V. Scaldwell R. Walgrave R. and of Wold or Old R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abing- ton R. Great Billing R. Little Billing R. Boughton R. Kings- thorpe R. Moulton V. Overstone R. Pisford R. Spratton V. and of Weston-Favell R. HUNDRED OF POLEBROOK. HUNDRED OF TOWCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. Males Fe- males. Tutal. Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years. | Mar- inales. 100 92 22 64 61 44 81 94 72 127 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 125 127 119 124 119 105 132 122 102 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 39 AU 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 99 93 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 40 | 72 134 O . 119 94 127 110 111 73 | 59 95 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Barn- well-St.-Andrews R. Benefield R. Hemington V. Luddington R. Oundle V. Polebrook R. and of Warmington V'. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ab- thorpe V. Gayton R. Cold-Higham R. Patrishall V. Tiffield R. and of Towcester V. HUNDRED OF ROTHWELL. (6) HUNDRED OF WILLYBROOK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fer Total. Males Fer Total. Ycars. | Mar- riages. Yeurs. Males Fe- niales. males. Total. Midesi Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. - 56 | 73 | 129 40 103 71 38 125 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 89/6 33 78 78 66 110 1811 83 171 1812 53 122 1813 143 1814 78 156 1815 I Sol 81 1816 86 84 170 1817 96 90 186 1818 85 | 88 173 92 1820 109 107 | 216 1816! 57 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 74 | 146 61 80 93 | 60 | 122 1817 | 54 | 68 | 122 | 1818 1819 176 138 1820 94 112 78 64 88 78 38 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—--Arthing- worth R. Little Bowden R. Braybrook R. Clipston R. Desbo- rough V. Draughton R. East Farnden R. Harrington R. Hasle- beech R. Kelmarsh R. Loddington R. Maidwell R. Marston. Trussell R. Great Oxenden R. Rowell (with Orton) V. Rushton- All-Saints (with Rushton-St.-Peter) R. Sibbertoft V. and of Thorpe- Malzor R. (6) Sulby is Extra-Parochial. There is no Parish Register at Glendon. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of — Ape- thorpe P. C. Colly-Weston R. Cotterstock V. Duddington P. C Easton R. Futheringhay V. Glapthorne P. C. King's-Cliffe R Lutton R.(h) Nassington V. Southwick V. Tansor R. Wood-Newtda P. C. and of Yarwell P. C. (h) There being no Church at Washingley, the Inhabitants frequen the Church at Lutton. 86 (Parish-Registers, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON.--continued. HUNDRED OF WYMERSLEY. CITY OF PETERBOROUGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Mar- Years. Males Fe- Imales. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. males riages. 89 79 168 64 | 114 124 44 50 84 59 | 77 136 116 40 243 | 107 159 166 135 1811 1812 198 182 1813 97 108 205 1814 136 107 1815 106 120 226 1816 117 103 220 1817 118 117 235 1818 128 117 | 245 1819 118 113 231 1820 117 111 228 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 181 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 148 106 128 142 136 150 144 163 122 138 154 152 67 / 85 92 78 85 1 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Jubn- Baptist V. and of the Precinct of the Cathedral of Peterborough C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of — Blis- worth R. Brafield-on-the-Green V. Castle-Ashby R. Collingtree R. Cooknoe R. Courteenhall R. Denton P. C. Grendon V. Hardin- stone V. Horton V. Great Houghton R. Little Houghton V. Milton otherwise Middleton-Malzor R. Piddington including Hackleton P. C. Preston-Deanry V. Quinton R. Rothersthorpe V. Whiston R. Wootton R. and of Yardley-Hastings R. BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON. LIBERTY OF PETERBOROUGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- inales. Total. "Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Total. Males Fe- Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. liiales.) 79 63 46 206 223 287 191 1811 114 | 81 | 195 152 1812 | 113 | 93 77 79 156 1813 107 108 215 92 87 | 179 1814 133 118 251 | 74 | go 164 1815 152 | 135 1816 | 140 | 140 280 | 89 | 104 | 193 1817 138 245 115 256 1818 1108 126 | 234 1104 | 106 | 210 1819 | 128 | 133 261 | 971 751 172 1820 | 138 111 | 249 (104 | 106 210 141 138 112 147 128 132 130 1811 1812 1813 1814 95 1815 | 107 | 1816 89 1817 113 1818 106 1819 117 1820 / 116 1811 111 117 228 1812 129 105 | 234 1813 | 122 101 1814 | 99 116 215 1815 \132 262 1816 113 221 1817 229 1818 1819 1820 137 135 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 108 75 57 107 132 147 265 130 69 74 143 84 | 71 | 155 272 All The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Saints V. St. Giles V. St. Peter R. aud of St. Sepulchre V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Bain- ton P. C. Barnack (with Pilsgate, Southorpe and Walcot) R. Castor (with Milton, including Ailsworth) R. Etton R. Eye P. C. Glinton Ị. C. Helpston V. Nĩarholin R. Maxey (with Deepingate) V. North- borough R. Paston (with Werrington) R. Peakirk R. St. Martin- Stamford-Baron V. Sutton C. Thornlaugh R. Ufford (with Ashton) R. Upton C. Wansford P. C. and of Whittering R. S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Ycars. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,042 1,954 2,150 2,088 2,165 2,916 2,158 2,326 2,213 2,303 1,887 1,823 2,014 2,034 2,144 2,129 2,114 2,201 2,097 2,278 3,929 3,777 4,164 4,122 4,309 4,345 4,272 4,527 4,310 4,581 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,290 1,353 1,175 1,465 1,251 1,418 1,328 1,388 1,404 1,387 1,371 1,359 1,244 1,550 1,453 1,587 1,371 1,481 1,462 1,490 2,661 2,712 2,419 3,015 2,704 3,005 2,699 2,869 2,866 2,877 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,158 1,168 1,190 1,188 1,336 1,105 1,280 1,348 1,271 1,302 TOTALS 21,615 20,721 | 42,336 13,459 | 14,368 1 27.82 my 12,346 The SUMMARY of the County of NorthAMPTON is collected froin the Registers of Two hundred and Ninety-thrce Parish Churches and Five Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 327;-Burials, 94 ;-Marriage, 1. M.Dccc.xxi.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 geo. IV. C. 94, County of Northumberland. BAMBOROUGH WARD. GLENDALE WARD. · BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Yeary. Males Fe- males." Total. Males! Fe | Total. 1 Years. | Mar- ales. | riages. Years. Males Fem. Total. Males. Fe- males. males. Total. Years.. Mar- riages. 86 156 177 38 147 175 168 1811 105 90 195 1812 107 85 192 1813 109 | 97 | 206 1814 | 85 | 96 | 181 1815 | 112 | 105 11217 1816 115 102 217 1817 104 83 187 1818 108 | 99 | 207 1819 123 102) 225 1820 136 109 245 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 145 129 1811 62 1812 1813 1814 | 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18:20 | 68 64 1 75 115 | 125 115 148 134 133 139 131 73 | 148 45 113 84) 91 175 122 971219 87 87 174 8979 100. 104 204 107| 79 | 186 107 102 209 90 86. 176 10194 195 79 96 175 1811 21 18.12 37 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 25 1818 1819 | 1820.) 30. 159 164 71 80 130 151 43 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bam- burgh P. C. (8) Beadnell C. Belford P. C. Ellingham V. Embleton V. Howick R. Lesbury V. Longhoughton V. Lacker C. Rennington C. and of Rock C. (8) Also from Two Registers of Dissenters at North Sunderland and at | Warenford, in Bamburgh Parish. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Branxton and Cornhill V. Carham P. C. Chatton V. Chillingham V. Dod- dington P. C.(h) Ford R. Kirknewton V. Lowick P. C. and of Wooler V.() ("). Doddington bas been Parochial from 1725: (0) Also from Three Registers of Dissenters at Wooler. CASTLE WARD. MORPETH WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. males. Males! Fe | Total. inales. Years. 1 Mar- riages. 881 1811 1812 Years. Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fc- Total. Years. Mar- males. riages. 1811 638 1652 1,290 1 461 420 11811 349 1812 689 1675 1,364 484 483 967 | 1812 382 1813 743 772 1,515 433/476 gog 1813 354 1814 736 662 (1,398 486 468 | 954 1814 343 1815 733 1742 | 1,475 | 595 546 11,141 1815 401 1816 1785 709 1,494 1 496 4301 926 440 1817 1724 693 1,417 1 454 452 1817 357 1818 1764 | 689 | 1,453 15151483 998 1818 375 1819 1749 764 1,513 1513 491 | 1,004 1819 360 1820 1752 163 1,515 | 491 490 | 981 1820 432 1811 145 132 277 | 87109 | 196 1812 173 157 | 330 330 109 120 229 1813 191 153 | 344 91 93 184 1814 178 175 353 138 115 | 253 1815 146 157 303 109 88 197 1816 1831 159 | 342 107 115 222 1817 162 | 136 298 113 130 243 1818 164 125 111 236 1819 170 154 324 88 124 | 212 1820 177 163 340 88 110 | 198 AICO II. 187 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1906 335 . . The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Long- Benton V. Cramlington C. Earnsdon P.C. Gosforth P. C. Heddon- on-the-Wall V. Horton P.C. Meldon V.O) Newburn V. Pont- eland V. Stannington V. Tynemouth V. Wallsend P: C. Whalton R. and of Whitley C. 6) The Inhabitants of River Green (Extra Parochial) resort to Meldon Church. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bo- lam V. Bothal R. Hartburn 1. Hebburn P. C. Long-Horsley V. Mitford V. Morpeth R. Netherwitton P.C. Ulgham P.C. Wark- worth V. Widdrington P. C. and of Woodhorn (including New- biggin) V. TINDALE WARD. COQUETDALE WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ranto Total. Males Feu | Total. idotai. Years. Males Fe- Males Fe- males. Years. } Mar- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. arc males. riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. inales 327 1814 500 lei 333 319 / 621 161 .. 1811 436 408 844 264 252 516 1812 433 1 460 893 | 245 / 299 / 544 1813 1486 431 917 | 279256 | 535 979 302 1815 1 549 1493 1,042 279 273 | 552 1816 486 4171 903 331347 | 678 1817 | 457 413 / 870 13091310 | 619 1818 476 934 260298 1819 1485 1 428 913 1 296 275 | 571 1820 484 451 | 935 277 292 569 . 1811 251 1812 249 1813 231 1814 237 18151 263 1816 263 1817 202 1818 224 1819 227 1820 240 1811 163 164 1812 175 175 | 350 1813 162 323 1814 191 221 1815 187 180 367 1816 181 165 7:8117 1172199 1818 | 192 | 176 1819 174 169 | 343 1820 206174 380 412 . 1791 153 332 159 174 139 167 306 172 176 348 141 28.9 154 141 295 188 163 351 150 174 324 | 144 161 305 149 140 289 1811 83 1812 101 1813 111 1814 89 1815 103 1816 92 1817 1. 89 1818 87 1819 106 1820 79 148 ). No 458 346 371 368 558 en d - RW The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of Allen- ton P. C. Alnham V. Alnwick P. C. Edlingham V.() Eggling- hain V. Elsdon R. (d) Felton V. Framlington P. C. ☺) Hallystone P. C.(*) Ilderton R. Ingram R. Rothbury R. (5) Shilbottle V. and of Whittingham V. () Edlingham includes the Return of the Chapelry of Bolton. (1) Elsdon includes Byrness C. €) Framlington includes the Return of Burials that take place at Brinkburn Abbey, which is now in ruins. (T) Previous to the Year 1813, the Register of Hallystone was included in that of Allenton. (6) Also from a Register of the Scotch Church at Rothbury, The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Allen- dale P.C. Bellingham R. Birtley P.C. Blanchland C. Bywell-St.- Andrew V. Bywell-St.-Peter V. Chollerton V. Corbridge-with-Hal- ton V. Corsenside V. L'alstone R. Greystead R. (j) Haltwhistlc V. Hayden C. Hexham P. C. Humshaugh C. (j) St. John-Lee P. C. Kirk-Harle V. Kirk-Haugh R. Kirkheaton C. Kirkwhelpington V. Knaresdale R. Lambley P.C. Ninebanks C. Ovingham V. St. Peters C. (k) Shorley P. C. Simonbourn R. Slaley P. C. Stamfordham V. (1) Thockerington P. C. Thorneyburn R. (j) Warden and Newbrough V. Wark R. (i) Whitfield R. and of Whittonstall C. (j) The Churches at Greystead, Humshaugh, Thorneyburn and Wark, were consecrated in the year 1818, previous to which time the Returns were included with those of Simonburn, of whicla Parish they formed part. (k) St. Peters includes Allonheads. U Stamfordham includes the Return of Ryal Chapel. . 88 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers. COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND-continued. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. TOWN OF BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES, Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- riages. males males. 43 122 236 906 196 1811 455 474 929 231 216 447 1812 447 | 457 904 231 254 485 1813 1525 459 984 460 1814 472 434 403 1815 544 537 | 1,081 265 215 480 1816 562 474 | 1,036 219 218 437 1817 581 595 1,176 210228 438 1818 1619 554 1,173 222 238 1819 1630 620 1,250 | 248 238 1820 | 665 | 645 1,310 2271229 1811 389 1812 368 1813 327 1814 354 1815 432 1816 1817| 420 1818 438 1819 416 1820 509 Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe-.| Totul. | males. inales. 1811 47 105 8791 178 1812 74 | 74 | 148 1813 132 159 1814 116 172 1815 130 88 | 94 | 182 1816 125 601 83 147 1817 110 | 84 141 1818 147 190 1819 61 | 51 | 112 163 1820 73 80 153 85 162 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 58 72 428 460 104 486 75 1819 456 18201 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, wick-upon-Tweed V. Ber- The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, All- Saints (including St. Ann's C.) P.C. (m) St. Andrew P. C. St. John P.C. and of St. Nicholas V. (m) At an unconsecrated Burial Ground in All-Saints Parish, called the Ballast Hills, the Annual Average Number of Burials is 407. SUM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Ī MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 2,020 2,123 4,082 4,280 4,536 2,186 2,188 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,062 2,157 2,350 2,305 2,400 2,446 2,335 2,471 2,467 2,561 4,493 4,749 4,596 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,463 1,508 1,425 1,534 1,645 1,542 1,513 2,349 2,150 2,233 2,277 2,361 2,430 1,418 1,594 1,449 1,560 1,545 1,478 1,553 1,566 1,538 1,522 2,881 3,102 2,874 3,094 3,190 3,020 3,066 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,263 1,289 1,181 1,218 1,379 1,395 1,236 1,316 1,280 1,440 4,568 4,748 4,828 4,991 1,540 1,528 3,106 3,066 1,459 2,981 TOTALS 23,554 | 22,317 45,871 15,157 | 15,223 30,380 12,997 The SUMMARY of the County of NORTHUMBERLAND is collected from the Registers of Eighty-seven Parish Churches and Thirteen Chapels, and from Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 686 ;-Burials, 467 ;—Marriages, 103. The large nunber of irregular Marriages in this County, is explained by the custom of resorting to the border of Scotland for that purpose. Sweet M.DCCC.XXI. County of Nottingham. VIT TI HUNDRED OF BASSETLAW, HATFIELD DIVISION. (*) HUNDRED OF BINGHAM, NORTH DIVISION. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe Total. Males FC Total. Years. Mar- Total. Males Fe- Years. Males' Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. males. mal riages. males - - 123 152 275 1811 30 - - 460 129 258 1812 31 118 1811 245 246 | 491 1812 243 217 1813 270 242 512 1814 269 235 504 1815 243 275 518 1816 253 255 | 508 1817 288 266 554 1818 266 251 517 1819 275 242 517 1820 / 274 275) 549 1811 119 1812 102 1813 121 1814 106 1815 129 1816 105 1817 103 1818 93 1819 116 1820 | 137 254 120 154 274 131 272 246 127 134 261 129 168 297 135 135 | 270 143 | 150 | 293 1811 69 102 171 1812 96 91 187 1813 85 94 179 1814 96 70 166 1815 97 97 194 1816 90 95 | 185 41 | 38 1817 107 83 190 1818 81 | 82 163 1819 92 109 | 201 | 33 | 501 83 1820 | 93 | 94 187 | 47 | 46 93 115 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 90 1181 123 34 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Bab- worth R. Blyth V. Bothamsell P.C. Boughton P. C. Carburton C. Carlton-in-Lindrick R. Edwinstowe V. Elksley V. Finningley R. Harworth V. Mattersea V. Misson V. Norton-Cuckney V. Ollerton C. Ordsall R. Perlethorpe C. West Retford R. Walesby V. Warsop R. and of Worksop V. () The Chapel at Houghton is ruinated. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bing- ham R. East Bridgeford R. Carcolston V. Elton-on-the-Hill R. Flintham V. Granby V. Hawksworth R. Kneeton V. Langar (with Barnstone) R. Orston V. Scarrington P.C. Screvetun R. Thoroton P. C. and of Whatton (with Aslacton) V. HUNDRED OF BASSETLAW, NORTH CLAY DIVISION. HUNDRED OF BINGHAM, SOUTH DIVISION.) BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. males. Mar- riages. males. males. 67 77 | 156 56 64 1811 166 116 282 1812 134 144 | 278 1813 115 | 142 | 257 1814 146 135 1 281 1815 159 | 138 | 297 1816 155 | 147 302 1817 | 164 134! 298 1818 | 164 140 304 1819 155 154 309 1820 168 135 303 129 1811 115 1812 161 1813 150 1814 145 1815 138 1816 149 1817 201 1818 134 1810 | 78 | 69 | 147 | 1820 78 87 1811 1812 106 1813 90 171 1814 68 150 1815 1816 1817 100 1818 100 1819 93 81 1820 | 91 | 78 | 169 165 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 . 192 - --- 79 -- - *- CON 102 120 46 | 37 | 83 59 3:2 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -- Apes- worth R. Cottam C. Gringley V. North Leverton V. South Lever- ton V. Littleborough P. C. Misterton V. East Retford V. Saundby R. Sturton (with Fenton) V. Walkeringham V. North Wheatley V. and of South Wheatley R. (6) The Church at Apesthorpe is in ruins. Marriages are performed at the neighbouring Church of North Leverton. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Brouglio ton-Sulney R. Colston-Basset V. Cotgrave R. Cropwell-Bishop R. Hickling R. Holme-Pierrepont R. Kinolton V. Owthorpe P. C. Radcliffe-upon-Trent V. Shelford P. C. Tithby-with-Cropwell-But- ler P. C. and of Tollerton R. ☺) Clipstone is included in Plumtree R. (Rushcliffe, North). . HUNDRED OF BASSETLAW, SOUTH CLAY DIVISION (). HUNDRED OF BROXTOW, NORTH DIVISION. --- ---- --- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. 'Nales Fe- Total. {11ales Fe- Total. | Years. males. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- riages. 95 35 93 187 268 1811 91 186 1812 1813 | 108 | 87 | 195 1814 | 99 101 200 1815 103 108 | 211 1816 104 | 97 | 201 1817 105 97 202 1818 | 91 | 114 | 205 1819 119 / 102 221 1820 109 118 | 227 107 128 105 118 114 96 108 Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. males. males. 1811 450 | 4201 870 246278 | 524 1812 477 1 414|| 891 256 524 1813 418 426 18 L126 844 197 216 | 413 1814 | 482 418/ 900 311 305 616 1815 | 493 / 1,017 291 546 1816 495 478 973 215 262 477 1817 495 450 945 278 226 504 1818 1507 | 5171 1,024 1308 294 | 602 1819 1 481 | 454 / 935 1270 1307 | 577 1820 502 463 965 270 260 530 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 54 1811 187 1812 182 1813 155 1814 227 1815 292 1816| 228 1817 1818/ 250 1819 202 1820 253 243 127 131 133 50 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Bils- thorpe R. Darlton P. C. East Drayton V. West Drayton P. C. Dunham V. Eakring R. Eaton V. Egmanton V. Gamiston R. Grove R. Headon-with-Uptoni V. Kirton R. Lexington V. (d) East Markham V. West Markhan V. Ragnall C. Rampton V. Stokeham P. C. Tres- well R. Tuxford V. and of Wellow P.C. () The Church of Bevercoates is in ruins. (d) Lexington includes Moorhouse C. The above Aistract is collected from the Registers of, Annes- ley P. C. Arnold V. Basford V. Bulwell R. Hucknall-Torkard V. Kirkby-in-Ashford R. Lyndby R. Mansfield V. Mansfield-Wood- house P. C. Papplewick P. C. Selstone V. Skegby P. C. Sutton- in-Ashfield P. C. and of Teversal R. Aa go [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM---continued. HUNDRED OF BROXTOW, SOUTH DIVISION. HUNDRED OF RUSHCLIFFE, NORTH DIVISION. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe- Total. tales males. Years. Mar- riages. - Years. Males Fec males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. 65 83 32 144 148 22 105 150 1811 | 250231 481 1812 236 236 472 1813 238 235 473 1814 295 244 539 1815 312290602 1816 291 276 567 1817 277251 | 528 1818 284 292 576 1819 291 219 | 510 1820 : 285 258 543 (146 169 140 | 309 119 120 | 239 146 143 289 168 177 345 132 282 169 315 151 148 | 299 188 214 189 403 | 167 1157 | 324 1811 114 1812 113 1813 136 1814 100 1815 190 1816 | 141 1817 182 1818 137 1819 140 1820 183 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 - 160 148 155 - . - .. - 179 367 - - - -- 149 82 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ---Atten- borough V. Awsworth C.(*) Beestou V. Bilborough R. Brani- cole P. C. Cossall P. C. Eastwood R. Greasley V. Lenton V. Nuthall R. Radford V. Stapleford P. C. Strelley R. Trowell R. and of Wollaton R. © Awsworth C. is sometimes attributed to Greasley, but it is in Nuthall Parish. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Barton- in-fabis R. West Bridgeford R. (h) Bunny-with-Bradmore V. Clifton- with-Glapton R. Edwalton P. C. Keyworth R. Plumtrec R. Rat- cliffe-upon-Soare V. Ruddington V. Stanton-on-the-Wolds R. Thrumpton P. C. and of Wilford R. (1) West Bridgeford includes the Return of Gamston. HUNDRED OF NEWARK, NORTH DIVISION. HUNDRED OF RUSHCLIFFE, SOUTH DIVISION. (1) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- males. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Males Fe- Total. Voore Mar- riages. inalcs. males. 107 17 60 2056 119 116 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages 1811 1812 25 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 25 1820 | 23 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 97 139 128 59 118 45 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bes. thorpe C. North Clifton (including South Clifton and Harby) V. North Collingham V. South Collingham R. Girton P. C. Lang. ford P. C. South Scarle V. Thorney V. and of Winthorpe R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Costock or Cortlingstock R. Gotham R. Kingston-upon-Soar P. C. East Leke R. West Leke R. Normanton-upon-Soar R. Rempstone R. Stanford-on-Soar R. Sutton-Bonnington-St.-Anne R. Sutton-Bon- nington-St.-Michael R. Widmerpool R. Willoughby-on-the-Wolds V. and of Wysal' V. (i) No Register kept at Thorpe. HUNDRED OF NEWARK, SOUTH DIVISION. LIBERTY OF SOUTHWELL AND SCROOBY. BAPTISS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males Total. Years. Males fe- males. Total. Males! Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 21 73 62 131 137 138 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 | 48 | 58 | 106 1818 55 | 67 | 122 1819 58 109 1820 Years. | Mar- riages. i 1811 1812 12 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 25 1819 31 1820 1811 145 | 125 | 270 1812 | 145 | 148 | 293 1813 | 141 | 130 271 1814 142 124 266 1815 163 1451 308 1816 | 145 | 133 278 1817 156 138 294 1818 | 1361 160 296 1819 | 149 | 137 | 286 1820 136 159 295 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 142 171 87 | 81 | 168 77 70 | 147 162 151 25 & 114 57 22 148 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Balder- ton P. C. Baruby-in-the-Willows V. Coddington P. C. Cottam V. Elston R. Elston C. (6) Farndon V. Flawborough C. Hawton R. Kilvington R. Shelton R. Sibthorpe P. C. Staunton R. Syreston C. and of Thorpe R. (6) Burials do not take place at Elston, the Chapelyard not being consecralcd. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Ask- hann P.C. Beckingham V. Bleasby V. Blidworth V. Edingley V. Everton V. Farnsfield V. Halam P. C. Halloughton P. C. Hayton V. Kirklington V. Laneham V. Morton P. C. Scrooby 1. Southwell V. Sutton-upon-Lound V. and of Upton V. M.DCCC.XXI.) THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. . COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM-continued. HUNDRED OF THURGARTON, NORTH DIVISION. BOROUGH OF NEWARK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- Total. Total. Niales Fee | Total. | Years. males. Mar- riages. Years. Malesi Fee | Total. Males! Fe-1 males. males. Years. Mar- riages. malcs. 43 41 100 95 195 69 | 86 | 155 59 | 63 | 122 71 76 63 | 69 | 145 1811 11001 92 | 192 1812 101 103 204 1813 110 124 | 234 1814 105 98 203 1815 122 92 214 1816 | 108 118 226 1817 118 96 214 1818 119 108 227 1819 101 | 93 | 194 1820 105 108 213 86 107 110 107 124 114 115 137 119 112 1811 1: 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 133 118 | 251 1812 | 114 | 98 | 212 1813 111 (106 217 1814 | 231 1815 281 1816 1817 120 121 241 1818 144 124 181.9 128 122 | 250 1820 128 136 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 248 | 48 | 114 72 139 55 60 142 144 61 51 | 264 173 77 The above Abstract is collected from the Register of, Newark V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Aver- ham R. Carlton-on-Trent C. (j) Caunton V. Cromwell R. Fled- borough R. Blockerton R. Holme C. Kelham R. Kneesall V. Maplebeck P. C. Marnhain V. North Muskham V. South Muskham V. Normanton-upon-Trent V. Norwell V. Ossington P.C. Rolleston V.(k) East Stoke V. Sutton-upon-Trent V. Weston R. and of Winkbourn P. C. (j) The Inhabitants of Carlton-on-Trent bury and marry at Norwell. (k) Rolleston includes Fiskerton C. TOWN AND COUNTY OF THE TOWN OF NOTTINGHAM. (1) T1 HUNDRED OF THURGARTON, SOUTH DIVISION. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe | Total. Males Fe | Total. males. Years. males. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Tota!. Years. ! Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 138 62 331 317 317 174 150 146 165 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 153 829 1811 595 538 1,133 368 398 766 1811 1812 554 534 | 1,088 390 707 1812 392 378 770 1813 315 1814 597 595 | 1,192 | 484 415 899 1814 474 1815 695 613 / 1,308 | 415 414 1815 1816 6:22 610 | 1,2:32 | 408 403 | 811 1816 412 1817 623 551 1,174 419 396 815 1817 428 1818 | 649 673 1,322 600 596 1,196 1818 485 1819 1658 1584 | 1,242 542 | 538 (1,080 1080 | 1819 | 454 1820 1639 606 | 1,245 | 399/3901 789 18201 372 284 1812 146 140 286 1813 148 313 1814 160 143 303 1815 188 172 360 1816 166 147 313 1817 323 1818 333 1819 160 151 | 311 1820 148161 309 476 140 162 168 158 141 81 | 163 164 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 | 93 | 178 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Burton- Joice (with Bulcote) V. Calverton V. Colwick R. Epperstone R. Gedling (with Stoke-Bardolph) R. Gonalstone R. Hoveringham P. C. Lambley R. Lowdham V. Oston V. Snenton P. C. Thurgarton P. C. and of Woodborough V... The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— St. Mary V. St. Nicholas R. and of St. Peter R. (') Neither Baptisms, Burials, nor Marriages take place at St. James's | Church, Standard-Hill. S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMIS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. BAPTISMIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Tota'. Years. Malcs. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 5,237 5,120 5,156 5,410 6,014 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,688 2,619 2,612 2,821 3,109 2,891 2,952 2,973 2,919 2,918 2,549 2,501 2,544 2,589 2,905 2,805 2,684 2,938 2,660 2,840 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,524 1,400 1,415 1,688 1,550 1,520 1,589 1,901 1,800 1,646 1,585 1,507 1,475 1,670 1,645 1,524 1,521 1,999 1,839 1,600 3,109 2,907 2,890 3,358 3,195 3,044 3,110 3,900 3,639 3,246 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,252 1,158 1,260 1,499 1,621 1,431 1,533 1,532 1,487 1,523 5,696 5,636 5,911 5,579 5,758 TALS 28,502 | 27,015 | 55,517 16,033 16,365 | 32,398 14,296 The Summary of the County of Nottixgam is collected from the Registers of Two Hundred and Five Parish Churches and Twelve Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz:... Annual Average Number of Un-cntered Baptisms, 185;~Burials, 68. 92 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Oxford. HUNDRED OF BAMPTON. HUNDRED OF BLOXHAM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. 1 MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe | Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males, linales. Total. Years. Mar- males, riages. riages. 153 143 44 100 109 211 104 78 166 229 1811 178 179 1 357 1812 | 1661 160 | 326 1813 205 194 399 1814 187 180 367 1815 206 193 / 399 1816 203 189 392 1817 200 206 406 1818 204 196 400 1819 1 185 195 1820 202 188 | 390 106 92 | 198 165 134 101 | 235 | 129 122 251 117 112 114 81 / 195 119 92 211 112110 222 129 | 143 | 272 108 105 213 1811 81 1812 68 1813| 102 1814 1815 100 1816 87 | 1817 78 1818 85 1819 75 1820 83 1811 123 106229 1812 106 100 206 1813 102 1814 110 116 226 1815 123 112 235 1816 98 110) 208 1817 | 150 | 112 | 262 1818 122 122 244 1819 114 111 225 1820 129 | 112 | 241 92 127 135 152 | 133 139 1811 1812 42 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 182050 1112 380 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Al- vescot R. Asthall V. Bampton V. Black-Bourton V. Bradwell (with Filkins, Holwell and Kelmscott) V. Brize-Norton V. Broughton- Poggs R. Burford V. Clanfield V. Ducklington and Cokethorpe-with- Hardwicke R. Kencote R. Shifford C. Shilton V. (a) Standlake R. Westwell R. Witney (with Hailey) R. and V. and of Yelford R. (3) Shilton is partly in Farringdon Hundred (Berkshire), but the Church stands in Oxfordshire. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Adder- bury (with Nilton) V. Alkerton R. Barford-St.-John C. (d) Blox- ham V. Bodicott C. Broughton (with North Newington) R. Drayton R. | Hanwell R. Horley V. Hornton C. Milcomb C. (C) Mollington C. Tadmarton R. Wigginton R. and of Wroxton (with Balscott) V. (d) The Inhabitants of Barford-St.-John bury and marry at Adderbury, c) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Milcomb was included with that of Bloxham, at which place the Inhabitants of Milcomb still bury and marry. HUNDRED OF BULLINGTON. (f) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. HUNDRED OF BANBURY. Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES Years. (Males Fe | Total. Males! Feel Total. (males. 126 147 Mar- Years.. riages. Total. jmales. 173 80 173 77 1174 | 47 321 77 321 209 93 113 89 1811 | 143 137 | 280 1812 153 156 | 309 1813 169 169 338 1814 402 1815 171 354 1816 163 189 1817 177 176 | 353 1818 175 355 1819 194 195 389 1820 | 195 158 353 162 230 187 163 173 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 352 86 91 1811 111 132 243 84 153 1811 58 1812 154 280 90 170 1812 1813 175 322 651 72 137 1813 1814 163 156 319 | 99 97 196 1814 1815 156 155 311 166 1815 1816 168 1816 1817 150 100 200 1817 1818 169 | 1561 325 | 90 781 168 1818 161 1481 309 1117| 107 | 224 1819 1820 175 188 363 94 99 193 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Albury (with Tiddington) R. Ambrosden V. Arncott C. Marsh-Baldon R. Toot-Baldon V. Beckley (including Horton and Studley) V. (6) Black- thorn C. St. Clement Ř. Cowley P. C. Cuddesden (including Chip- penhurst and Denton) V. Elsfield V. Foresthill P. C. Garsington R. Headington V. Holton R. Horsepath P.C. Iffey V. Marston V. Merton V. Nuneham-Courtney R.' Piddington P. Č. Sandford P. C. Stanton-St.-John R. Waterperry V. Wheatley C. (*) and of Wood- eaton R. (f) Shotover Extra P. is in this Hundred. At Studley is a Domicstic Chapel.- (5) There being no Church at Stowood, the Inbabitants resort to the adjoining Parish Church of Beckley.- (h) Previous to the year 1813, the Return of Wheatley was included in that of Cuddesden. 180 97 226 | 1061114 | 220 1221 102224 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ban- bury V. Charlbury V.(b) Claydon C. Cropredy V. Epwell C. Shut- ford C. Swalcliffe (including Sibford) V. and of Wardington C. (b) Charlbury includes the Returns of Finstock, Fawler and Walcott. HUNDRED OF CHADLINGTON. HUNDRED OF BINFIELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. L BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. inales Years. ! Mar- Years. I riages. 87 187 45 185 78 104 109 02 / 50! 175 Yvars. Males Fe- Total. MalesFel Total. males. males. 1811 82 105 | 56 | 56 | 112 1812 63 | 69 132 1813 183 111 1814 | 83 109 1815 107 96 203 1816 95 103 198 1817 1105 110 1818 103 99 202 1819 | 105 | 106 | 211 1820 | 116 | 98 | 214 1 67 67 134 192 68 66 134 1811 191 | 175 366 1812 157 | 154 311 1813 199 / 1851 384 1814 175 160 335 1815 174 167 341 1816 203 | 192 | 395 1817 196 158 354 1818 | 217 | 207 1 424 1819 | 185 | 1491 334 242 | 188 1 430 1811 | 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 851 99) 184 1811 92 91 183 1812 77 1 781 92 170 1813 103 124 227 1814 92 1815 1101 | 108 209 1816 | 84 78 162 1817 86 791 91 170 | 1818 106 | 115 | 104 | 219 1819 | 118 | 101 | 219 | 1820 | 115 114 131 215 24 94 135 125 The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of,-_Bix R. Caversham P. C. Harpsden (with Bolney) R. Henley-on-Thames R.) Rotberfield-Grays R. Rotherfield-Peppard R. and of Shiplake V. (9) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Henley-on-Thames. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ascott- under-Wychwood P.C. Chadlington C. Chasileton R. Churchill V. Cornwell R. Enstone 1. Fifield P. C. Fulbrook P. C. Idbury P.C. Kingham R. Langley C. Leafield C. (0) Lineham C. Milton C. Min- ster-Lovell V. Northmore P. C. Chipping-Norton V. Hook-Norton (and Southrop) P. C. Ramsden C. Great Rollright R. Little Roll- right R. Salford R. Sarsden R. Shipton-under-Wychwood V. Short- hampton (with Chilson and Podlicoit) C. Spelsbury V. Swerford (with Shawell) R. Swinbrook P. C. and of Taynton V. © Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Leafield C. M.DCCC.XXI.) 93 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. HUNDRED OF DORCHESTER. HUNDRED OF LEWKNOR. (M) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. fe Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Feo | Total. -Total. [ Years. | Nar- males. riages. Years. Mar- riages. imales. Total. Ma 21 124 41 24 80 74 154 ecome 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 153 139 Ycars. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fel Total. males. males. 1811 | 66 1812 1813 131 1814 1815 1816 146 1817 1818 | 141 1819 67 | 65 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 B to B o to to to to go OF 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 134 1820 132 33 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Chis- selhampton P. C. Clifton-Hampden P. C. Culham V. Dorchester P. C.(i) Drayton P. C. Stadhampton P. C. and of South Stoke V. (i) There being no Church at Burcot, the Inhabitants resort to Dorchester Church. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,-- Ack- hampstead C. (™ Adwell R. Aslon-Rowant V. Britwell-Salome R. Chinnor R. Crowell R. Emmington R. Lewknor V. Postcomb C. Stokenchurch P. C. and of Sydenham P. C. (m) Ibstone, partly in this Hundred, is in Desborough Hundred (Bucks). (") The Inhabitants of Ackhampstead bury and marry at Lewkuor. HUNDRED OF EWELME. (k) HUNDRED OF PIRTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. male males males. 85 28 46 93 42 39 99 23 18 80 24 Total. Males Fe | Total. | Years. | Voore Mar- | riages. 175 1811 42 161 1812 154 1813 181 1814 198 90 1815 111 1816 156 113 1817 100 1818 114 1819 197 80 49 129 1820 109 109 1811 931 82 1812 1813 1814 1815 111 87 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 99 80 1820 | 103 | 94 20 Doe ons ook o to to 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817. 1818 1819 1820 SS48 ASAR 1811 10 1812 1813 1814 30 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820/ 14 10 50 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Pishill P. C. Pyrton V. Shirburn V. Stoke-Talmage R. Watlington V. South Weston R. and of Wheatfield R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Bald- win-Brightwell R. Bensington P. C. Berrick-Salome P. C. Britwell- Prior C. Chalgrave V. Cuxham R. Easington R. Ewelme R. Haseley R. Nettlebed P. C. Newington R. Nuffield or Tuffield R. Swynecombe R. and of Warborough P. C. ('). (k) There is no Church at Warpsgrove. Also from a Register of Dissenters at Warborough. HUNDRED OF LANGTREE. HUNDRED OF PLOUGHLEY. () BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Fe- mal Fe- | Total. Total. Males inales.] Years. | Mar- | riages. Years. Males Fer Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. males Mar- riages. males. vaales. 46 42 32 78 39 63 24 27 93 114 77 1811 1812 82 1813 112 1814 1815 113 1816 111 1817 110 1818 | 60 56 | 116 1819 54 120 1820 66 1811 21 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 27 1820 | 21 1811 | 196 1851 381 | 136 122 258 1812 194 195 389 100 108 208 1813 1198 | 193/ 391 1041 98 202 1014 206 188 394 191 1815 211 | 200 411 100 104 204 1816 | 243 / 197 440 114 103 | 217 1817 1215 219 434 128 137 265 1818 217 / 204 421 1 981 98 196 1819 201 | 1741 375 117. 206 1820 | 227 / 206 433 72 ( 102! 174 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 V 124 The above ABSTRACT is collected fronı the Registers of,— Chacken- dun R. Crowmarsh-Gifford R. Goring P. C. Ipsden P.C. Maple- durham V. Mongcwell R. Newnham-Murren R. North Stoke V. and of Whitchurch R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers uf, ----Ardley R. Bicester V. Blechingdon R. Bucknell R. Charlton-upon-Otmoor R. Chesterton V. Cotisford R. Finmere R. Fringford R. Fritwell V. Godington R. Hampton-Gay P. C. Hampton-Poyle R. Hardwick R. Hethe R. Lower Heyford R. Upper Heyford R. Islip R. Kirtling- ton V. Launton R. Lillingstone-Lovell R. Middleton-Stoney R. Mlix- bury R. Newton-Purcell (with Shellsivell) R. Noke R. Oddington R. Somerton R. Souldern R. Stoke-Lyne V. Stratton-Audley P. C. Wendlebury R. and of Weston-on-the-Green V. ( There is no Church at Tusmorc. Bь . 04 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER IT COUNTY OF OXFORD-continued. HUNDRED OF THAME. - CITY OF OXFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. He- Total. Years. Males Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe males. males Years. Total. | Mar- Mar riages. Years. Nales Fe- inales. Total. Males Fe. males. Years | riages. - 50 64 34 31 248 136 41 430 436 289 284 1811 114 1812 123 1813 120 1814 111 1815 1810 | 54 | 81 | 135 1817 59 | 56 | 115 1818 80 52 1819 124 1820 88 76 164 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 126 60 42 102 1811 200 204 404 1812 212 170 382 1813 229 201 1814 221 215 1815 224 236 460 1816 220 219 439 1817 244 252 1818 239 225 464 1819 | 250 | 220 | 470 1820 257 226 483 128 120 137 102 239 151 138 150 134 153 | 149 | 302 152 | 137 289 156 167 | 323 206 194 400 | 160 163 | 323 131 129 260 1811 1812 135 1813 140 1814 170 1815 171 1816 182 1817 181 1818 191 1819| 162 1820 161 94 496 132 74 81 1819 43 99 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Great Milton V. () Tetsworth P. C. Thame V. and of Waterstock R. () Great Milton includes Little Milton and Ascot. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Aldate R. All-Saints P. C. St. Ebbe R. St. Giles V. Holywell or St. Cross P. C. St. John-Baptist P. C. St. Martin R. St. Mary- Magdalen V. St. Mary-the-Virgin V. St. Michael P.C. St. Peter-le- Bailey R. St. Peter-in-the-East V. and of St. Thomas P. C. HUNDRED OF WOOTTON. LIBERTY OF THE CITY OF OXFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. |Males! Fe- | males. Total. Males Fe | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years. males. nales Mar- riages. 493 99 20 1811 274 498 114 111 169 95 1811 254 124 103 227 1812 224 130 132 262 1813 235 477 | 111 135 246 1814 234 211 445 150 319 1815 289 258 547 183 154| 337 1816 241 247 171 148 319 1817 | 266 240 506 | 1601 156 316 1818 266 292 558 | 148 | 145 | 293 1819 247 211458 154 155/ 309 1820 550 170 149 319 104 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 488 96 +wno bar coco 111 111 1817 116 18181 1819 1820 119 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, P. C. and of Woodstock P. C. Binsey The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of North Aston V. Steeple-Aston R. Barford-St.-Michael V. Steeple-Barton V. Westcott-Barton R. Begbrooke R. Bladon R. Cassington V. Coggs (with Wilcott) V. Long Combe P.C. Deddington V. Dunstew V. Ènsham V. Glympton R. Handborough R. Heythorpe R. Kid- dington R. Kidlington V. North Leigh V. South Leigh P. C. South Newington V. Roushain R. Sandford V. Shiptun-upon-Cherwell R. Stanton-Harcourt V. Stonesfield R. Tackley R. Great Tew V. Little Tew C. Wilcot R. Wolvercott P. C. Wootton R. Nether-Worton P. C. Over-Worton R. and of Yarnton V. DSCOACH S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years.] Males. Temales. Total. Years. Marriages. 1,815 1,765 3,673 3,614 2,104 2,118 2,091 2,481 860 838 895 1,856 3,878 3,846 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 969 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,218 1,858 1,849 2,022 1,962 2,090 2,032 2,091 2,136 2,058 2,275 1,884 1,982 1,985 2,044 2,042 1,850 2,037 4,072 4,017 4,135 1,038 1,035 1,055 1,272 1,117 1,179 1,207 1,234 1,249 1,202 1,066 1,083 1,036 1,209 1,101 1,111 1,209 1,164 1,236 1,189 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 944 923 923 1817 4,178 3,908 4,312 931 2,290 2,416 2,398 2,485 2,391 1818 1819 1820 893 955 TOTALS 20,373 19,260 39,633 · - | 11,588 11,404 | 22,992 9,131 The SUMMARY of the County of Oxford is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Twelve Parish Churches and Twenty-four Chapels, and from Two Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. i ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 86 ;-Burials, 3. M.DCCC.XXI.] 95 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Rutland. . HUNDRED OF ALSTOE. HUNDRED OF MARTINSLEY. ☺) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fem Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males males. males. males. 30 90 10 49 41 51 42 40 92 24 82 69 124 56 112 | 127 131 143 121 23 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 80 105 26 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 39 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 103 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 124 C 84 C 130 como de 120 96 . 58 122 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of - Ash- well R. Burley V. Cottesniore-with-Barrow R. Exton V. (3) Greet- ham V. Market-Overton R. Strelton R. Teigh R. Thistleton R. Whissendine V. and of Whitwell R. (@) Exton is united with Horn, the Church of which is in ruins. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ays- ton R. Edith-Weston R. Hambledon V. Lyndon R. Manton V. Normanton R. Preston R. Ridlington R. Uppingham R. and of Wing R. © The Church at Martinsthorpe is dilapidated. HUNDRED OF EAST. OAKHAM-SOKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males fe- | Total. Males Fe. males. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe- males. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. . 66 47 113 29 34 43 85 . 24 13 25 96 53 53 111 98 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 101 101 104 111 114 102 27 28 64 74 108 104 32 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Great Casterton R. Little Casterton R. Empingham V. Essendine P. C. (6) Ketton V. Pickworth R. Ryhall V. Tickencote R. and of Tinwell R. () There is no Church-yard at Essendine. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Bel- ton V. Braunston P. C. Brooke P. C. Clipsham or Kelpisbam R. Eagleton P. C. Langham P. C. Oakbam-with-Barleythorpe V. and of Wardley R. 96 (Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF RUTLAND-continued. HUNDRED OF WRANDIKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. | Mar- males. riages. out 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 | 53 | 51 1817 54 | 49 | 103 1818 | 57 | 45 | 102 1819 | 55 | 43 | 98 1820 47 53 100 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 10 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Bar- rowden R. Bisbrook V. Caldecot P.C. Glaston R. Liddington V. North Luffenham R. South Luffenham R. Morcott R. Pilton R. Seaton R. Stoke-Dry R. and of Tixover P. C. - .. SUMMA RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS, AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF RUTLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Ycars. Males. Fenales. Total. Ycars. Marriages. 257 516 147 289 - 259 230 231 142 161 118 134 - 461 172 333 --- -- 243 505 130 130 260 121 - 262 237 - - 235 472 320 130 - 551 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 134 292 263 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 164 157 158 131 140 136 171 295 297 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 259 267 256 260 244 - 530 514 -:- - 132 151 - - 258 274 286 263 534 268 322 316 127 115 134 133 140 -- - - 530 - 144 144 172 147 -- 249 512 291 - C . TOTALS 2,624 2,501 5,125 1,473 1,518 2,991 1,286 The SUMMARY of the County of RUTLAND is collected from the Registers of Fifty Parish Churches; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 19;~Burials, 5. M.DCCC.XXI.]. 97 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. County of Salop. HUNDRED OF BRADFORD, NORTH DIVISION. HUNDRED OF CHIRBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- Years. Males Fe Total. Males Fen | Total. riages. males Tuals 653 1 57 | 31 68 25 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe Total. "males males. 1811 337 | 316 187 185 372 1812 308 312 620 185 400 1813 788 228 459 1814 381 343 724 1815 376 362 738 1816 369 380 749 215 478 1817 374 354 | 728 222 440 1818 389 364 753 | 200 | 225 425 1819 390 370 760 226 221 | 447 1820 3393371 676 226 247 | 473 232 1811 146 1812 171 1813 1 150 1814) 146 1815 155 18161 134 1817 160 1818 168 1819 157 1820 169 173 193 366 Years. Mar- riages. 1811 1812 27 1813 1814 1815 1816 18171 1818 1819 19 1820 15 1811 99 1812 115 1813 110 1814 97 1815 69 55 124 1816 57 37 18171 105 1818 1819 96 1820 58 | 51 | 109 23 23 15 23 coco 19 24 O 41 | 55 ( 17 20 22 39 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of bury V. Shelve R. and of Worthen R. Chir- The above Abstract is collected froni the Registers of, Adder- ley R. Cheswardine V. Childs-Ercal P. C. Calverhall or Corrar Chapel (in Prees Parish) C. Edstaston C. Hinstuck R. Hodnet R. Ight- field R. Lee-Brockhurst P. C. Narket-Drayton V. Moreton-Corbet R. Moreton-Say P. C. Newtown-Chapelry (Wem Parish) C. Norton- in-Hales R. Prees V. Shawbury V. Stanton-upon-Hineheath V. Stoke-upon-Tern R. Wem R. Il'eston-under-Redcastle C. Whit- church R. (a) and of Whixall Chapel C. () Whitchurch, which is partly in Nantwich Hundred (Cheshire), includes Tilstock C. HUNDRED OF CONDOVER. - RN BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, TI HUNDRED OF BRADFORD, SOUTH DIVISION. (b) ITTO Total. Males Fe- / Years. Males Fe. inales. Total Years. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- riages. ales Years. Males Fe- males. Total. |Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. 48 100 178 147 191 52 60 34 103 223 244 226 144 161 1811 87 1812 1813 | 100 1814 1815 1816 103 1817 | 77 | 74 1818 1819 1820 85 | 69 172 215 286 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 615 187 123 129 104 137 110 108 112 108 151 90 163 76 | 75 | 151 232 154 50 1296 600 1811 498 460 958 262 235 | 497 1811 1812 479 444 923 289 533 1812 1813 479 430 909 274 267 541 1813 1814 417 424 841 329 1814 1815 519 525 1,044 260 243 503 1815 283 1816 446 436 882 359 341 700 1816 200 1817 408 422 830 301 286 587 1817 1818 4361395 831 1307 235 | 542 1818 261 1819 421 474 895 351 335 | 686 1819 337 1820 460 461 921 304 296 1820 381 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,---Aston- under-Edgmond C. Atcham V. Bolas-Magna R. Buildwas P. C. ☺ Chetwynd R. Dawley P. C. Eaton-Constantine R. (d) Edgniond R. Ercall-Magna V. Eyton R. (©) Kinnersley R. Leighton V. Lille- shall V. Longdon-upon-Tern P. C. Longford R. Newport P. C. Preston P. C. Rodington R. Stirchley R. Tibberton C. Uffington P. C. Uppington P. Č. Upton-Magna R. Upton-Parva or Waters- Upton R. Wellington V. Withington P. C. Woinbridge P. C. Wrock- wardine V. and of Wroxeter V. (b) Woodcote is included in Sheriff-Hales, Cuttleston Hundred, Staf. ford. The number of Marriages in the Parish of Buildwas fluctuate from 12 to 65, and average at 42 per annum, although the entire popu- lation of the Parish consists of 240 persons only; the Baptisms average at 7 per annum; but this disproportion is accounted for by the coin- plaints of the neighbouring Clergy, of parties resorting to Buildwas to be married. The Inhabitants of Eaton-Constantine bury at Leighton.- ) There is no Burial Ground at Eyton. HUNDRED OF BRIMSTREE. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Acton- Burnell R. (6) Berrington R. Condover V. Cound R. Cressage C. (h) Frodesley R. Harley R. Kinley P. C. Leebotwood P. C. Longnor P. C. () Pitchford R. Church-Preen P. C. Pulverbatch R. Smeth- cott R. Stapleton R. and of Woolstaston R. (5) Acton-Burnell includes Acton-Piggott, the Cliurch having been dilapidated for some time. (h) The Inhabitants of Cressage C. bury and marry at Cound. (1) At Longnor is no Churchyard. HUNDRED OF FORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fec Total. Males Fem. Total. Mar- riages. males. males. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. 42 41 80 92 97 MARRIAGES. 186 Ycars. Males Fe. Tot Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- nales. Total. males. Triages. 1811 go 170 1812 94 1813 107 96 203 1814 | 110 | 105 | 215 1815 108 | 87 | 195 1816 107 | 103 210 1817 97 86 183 1818 94 109 203 1819 109 66 175 1820 105 102 207 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 | 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 543 584 229 50 | 52 | 102 46 | 44 | 90 45 | 47 92 142 97 65 57 69 | 65 | 134 57 | 62 119 114 94 309 163 481 122 316 36 114 367 1811 260 255 515 163 122 285 1811 113 1812 273 270 103 126 1812 1813 275 149 153 302 1813 1814 234 247 153 1814 111 1815 286 313 599 131 137 268 1815 139 1816 247 231 478 161 150 311 1816 1817 256 245 501 177 1817 104 1818 280 255 535 136 311 1818 125 1819 | 264 | 284 / 548 | 166 1391 305 1819 168 1820 278 276 | 554 192 151 | 343 1820 190 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Al- brighton V. Bonninghall P. C. Claverley P. C. Donington R. St. George (in Donington-Woud) C. Halesowen V. Kemberton R. St. Kenelms C. Priors-Lee C. (€) Ryton R. Shiffnal V. Stockton R. Suttori-Maddock V. Tong P. C. and of Worfield V. (*) The Inhabitants of Priors-Lee bury and marry at Shitfnal. 1751 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Alber- bury V. (j) Cardiston R. (k) Ford P.C. Habberley R. Pontes- bury R. () and of Westbury (including Minsterley) R. (i) Alberbury includes Woollaston and Criggiou Chapels, which have no Register. (k) The Inhabitants of Cardiston bury at Alberbury. (') Pontesbury includes Longdon Chapel. Сс 99 ABSTRACT. OF. ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER [Parish-Registers, . COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. pom menye HUNDRED OF MUNSLOW. · HUNDRED OF PIMHILL. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. | MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Years. Males Fem | Total. Males Fe.. males. Mar- riages. Males Fe- Total. Totál. Males Fe- males. males. Total. Males. Mar- riages. 'maley. 1-96 185 . . 66 . . 89 180 1811 117 167 284 89 1812 137 164 301 89 169 1813 171. 1461 317 97} 172 1814 | 155 133 288 102 1815 | 163 164 327. : 83 92 175 1816 | 152 151 303 103 108 211 1817 | 164 162 326 78 89 167 1818 159 ვივ 1819 309 184 110 194 1820 149 185 334 8877) 165 18111 1812 1813 73 1814 1815 18161 1817 69 18181 71 18191 1820 85 160 158 318 152 1661 318 1813 191 189) 380 1814 (198 152 350 1815 | 168 | 159 327 1816 190 1741 364. 1817 | 166 164 330 1818 339 1819 158 335 1820 | 188 156 344 83 76 159 111 102 213 71 74 145 94/ 99/ 193 82 86 168 | 118 | 104 222 1111 89! 200. 97 97 194 118 | 222 100 998 199 1811 67 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 70 1817 50 1818 75 1819 1820) 60 144 186 105 74 72 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Albrigh- ton C. Baschurch (with Little Ness) V. Cockshutt C. Dudliston (in Ellesmere Parish) C. Ellesmere V. Fitz R. Hordley P.C. Lopping- ton V. Middle R. Montford V. Great Ness or Nestrange V. Peiton V. Shrawardine R. and of Welch-Hampton P.C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of --Abden R. Acton-Scott R. Ashford-Bowdler P. C. Ashford-Carbonell P. C. Bromfield V. Cardington V. Clee-St.-Margaret P. C. Cold-Weston R. Culmington R. Diddlebury V. (W) Easthope R. Halford C. Hol- gate R. Hope-Bowdler R. Hopton-Cangford P. C. Munslow R. Onibury R. Richard's-Castle R.O") Rushbury R. Stanton-Lacy V, Long-Stanton V. Stokesay V. Church-Stretton"R. Tugfcrd R. and of Winstanstow R. · ('') Diddlebury includes Great Sutton. ("). Richard's Castle is partly in Wolphy Hundred (Herefordshire). HUNDRED OF. PURSLOW. . BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! T'e | Total. Males Fe- males.' nales. Total. Years. riages. HUNDRED OF OSWESTRY. 72 | 69 | 141 54 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 75 | 154 .. Years. Males Her ales males. Total. Males Fem | Total. | Years. males.) į riages. 1811 150 136 286 1812 133 | 116 | 249 1813 167 | 168 335 1814 179 330 1815 313 1816 176 166 | 342 1817 | 166 163 | 329 1818 154 152 306 1819 155 174 | 329 1820 165 195 360 Igo | 77 | 80 | 70 | 150 83 67 150 3 1 167 84 94 | 178 88 185 78 | 155 165 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1813 1819 1820 . 115 483 71138 503 161 1811 231 210 | 441 1812 228 237 465 1813 217 1235 452 1814 240 243 1815 261 242 1816 240 234 1817 245 226 471 1818 228 189 417 1819. 234 188 422 1820 228 260 488 88 474 116 123 239 133 123 120101 221 255 301 152 286 (154 137 291 128 157 285 177 170 347 129 137 | 266 1811 132 1812 1 81 1813 1814 124 1815 | 102 1816 104 1817 89 1818 97 1819 113 1820 | 117 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bed- stone R. Betlus P. C. Bishops-Castle V. Bucknell V. Clunn V. Clunbury P. C. Clungunford R. Edgton P.C. Hopesay R. Hopton- Castle R. Llanvaie-Waterdine P. Č. Lydbury-North V. Ledoni otherwise Lyddain R. Mainstone R. Mindtown R. More R. Nore bury P. C. Ratlinghope R. Sibdon P. C. Stow V. and of Wentnor R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,~-West Felton R. Halston P.C. Kinnerley V. Knockin R:O) Llanyblodwell V. Llanymynech R. St. Martin V. Melverley P.C. Oswestry V. (©). Puy- ton (in the Eleven Towns) V. Selattyn R. and of Whittington R. O) The Churchyard at Knockin was consecrated in 1817. (6) Osweştry includes the Return of the Chapelry of Aston. . HUNDRED OF STOTTESDEN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Years. Mar- riages. 64 HUNDRED OF OVERS. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. .. MARRIAGES. .SO Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Ke Total. males. inales. 1811 196 218 414 105 1124 229 1812 | 206 179 | 385 111 | 124 | 235 1813 234 203 437 108 106 214 1814 | 198 196 | 394 1129 1131 | 260 1815 | 246 233 1 479 97 | 98 | 195 1816 245 1234 479 125 | 109 | 234 1817 190 198 388 108 109 217 1818 220 207 427 110 147 257 1819. 222 216 438 108 109 217 | 1820 225 234 | 459 108 99 207 He. Years. MalesTC-Total. Males Fe-Total. males. nales. Years. Mar- riages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 CREA 20 38 58 i o na 49 SO 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Sitemasuwki 20 31 19 42 - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Acton- Round P. C. Alveley P. C. Astley-Abbotts P. C. Aston-Botte- rell R. () Billingsley R. Barwarton R. Cainham V. Chelmarsh V. | Chetton-Glazeley (with Duxbill and Stow) R. Cleobury-Mortimer V. Cleobury-North R. Corelcy R. Deuxhillard Glazeley P.C. Dowles R. Highley V. Hope-Baggot R. Hopton-Wafers R. Kinlet V. Lough- ton C. (5) Middleton-Scriven R. Morvill P. C. (C) Veen-Savage V. Neenton R. Oldbury R. Quatt R. Sheinton R. Sidbury R. Stot- tesden (with Farlow Chapel) V. Tasley R. Upton-Cressett R. and of Wheathill R. © Bold Chapel, in the Parish of Aston-Botterell, is ruinated. (*). Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at Loughton C. () Morvill includes. Aston-Lyre. - - - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----Bit- terley Ri Burford R. (°) Greet R. Milson P. C. Neen-Solars R. and of Silvington R. (9) Burford includes the Return of Whitton Chapelry. - _ ** M.DCCC.XXI.] . 90 ; . THE POPULATION. ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94.. COUNTY OF SALOP-continued. : BOROUGH OF BRIDGENORTH. BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY, AND LIBERTY OF THE SAME. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males, fe- Ivor Total. Males Fe-:1 Total." Years. Mar- }.males riages. riages... 124 83 41 41 4283 71 217 149 : 31 40 213. 116 1811 1812 1813 1814 138 430 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Feo Total males. males, 1811 257 237 | 494 185 173 358 1812 306 257 563 230 203 433 1813 338 283 621 216 214 1814 1308 286 594 254 254 1815 329 326 655 201191 1816 1303 284 587 1268 259] 527 1817 1309 273 582 253 209 462 1818 295 278 573 220 224 | 444 1819 290 261 | 551 242 | 261 503 1820 1306 282 | 588 193 208 | 401 508 1811 / 58 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 196 183 1811 35 1812 26 · 1813 18 1814 30 '1815 1816 18171 20 1818 1819 1820 35 392 145 112 113 118 131 1815 177 169 39 | 47 40 | 4787 39 | 58 1816) 1819 163 1818 221 1819 192 1820 260 38 106 57 101 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Leorards P. C. St. Mary-Magdalen P. C. and of Quatford P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, St. Alk- mond V. Astley C. Battlefield P.C. Broughton P. C. St. Chad V. Clive C. Grinshill R. Hadnal C. Hanivood R. Holy-Cross and St. Giles V. St. Julian P.C. St. Mary P. C. Meole-Brace (or Brace- Meole) V. Preston-Gubbalds C. and of Sutton R. ("). Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry, Meole-Brace. BOROUGH OF LUDLOW. BOROUGH OF WENLOCK, AND LIBERTY OF THE SAME. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fem. Total. Males Fem / Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Te- males. 1 Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- males. riages. 5359 112 1811 1.812 1813 125 123 81 1814 180 101 50 104 1811 1812 1813 52 38 1814 38 45 1 83 1815 44 30 74 1816 44. ! 91 1817 51 104 1818 69 56 1819 2937 661820 145 136 155 131 139 1811 245 272 517 1812 276 219 495 1813 255 231 486 1814 275 241 516 1815 263 267 530 1816 223 215 1819 409 1818 1 218 209 427 1819 208 428 1820 | 229 225 454 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 164 161 325 | 141 | 134 275 138 157 295 1149 329 135 119 254 153 150 136 286 155 150 305 1196 184 | 380 166 304 94 1811 | 118 1812 1813 93 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 99 1820 . 112 145 298 191 33 88 . 40 35 CV ' 117 23 .. . - Lud- ' The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, low R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Badger R. Barrow P. C. Beckbury R. Benthall P. C. Broseley R. (^ Ditton- Priors V. Eaton V. Hughley R. Madeley V. Monkhopton P. C. Shipton P. C. Stoke-St.-Milborough V. Little Wenlock R. Much Wenlock V. and of' Willey R. (Ⓡ) () Broseley includes the Return of the Chapelry of Linley. (W) The Inhabitants of Willey bury at Barrow. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. ] Alales. Fcniales. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 181.9 1820 2,827 2,899 3,180 2,968 3,198 3,001 2,858 2,942 2,913 2,957 2,809 2,761 2,947 2,851 3,158 2,906 2,791 2,758 2,851 2,967 5,636 5,660 6,127 5,819 6,356 5,907 5,649 5,700 5,764 5,924 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,675 1,684 1,700 1,925 1,616 2,049 1,885 1,850 2,021 1,811 1,625 1,640 1,730 1,844 1,602 1,910 1,783 1,809 1,977 1,787 3,300 3,324. 3,430 3,769 3,218 3,959 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,383 1,257 1,267 1,309 1,443 1,246 1,150 1,366 1,504 1,688 3,668 3,659 3,998 * 3,598 35,923 TOTALS | 29,743 | 28,799 58,542 18,216 | 17,707 13,613 3 . T . - The SUMMARY of the County of Salop is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Fourteen Parish Churches and Twenty Chapelries, and from One other Register; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains duc.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisnis and Burials, to the following Amount; viz: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 114;--Burials, 37. 100 Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDEK County of Somerset. HUNDRED OF ABDICK AND BULLSTONE. (a) HUNDRED OF BEMPSTONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Total. Males Fe Total. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar. Total. Years. Years | Mar- riages. Years. Males Fc- males males. riages. 61 36 25 55 22 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. males. 1811 106 1125 231 1812 117 116 233 1813 130 1271 257 1814 1221101 232 1815 1132 141 1816 124 116 240 1817 105 209 1818 133 128 261 1819 138 | 130 268 1820 128 116 244 97 78 121 182 160 131 110 121 273 1 601 127 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819| 1820 1811 | 73 82 155 1812 79/ 155 1813 126 247 1814 | 99 107 206 1815 108 218 1816 96 175 1817 | 120109 1818 118 115 1819 | 107 | 108 215 1820 112 122 234 110 79 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819 1820 104 52106 43 87 45 90 229 233 102 137 130 175 80 55 46 101 40 The above AestRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Chapel- Allerton R. Biddisham P.C. Breane R. Burnhanı V. Mark P. C. Weare V. and of Wedmore V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ashill V. Berecrocombe R. Bickenhall P. C. Broadway P.C. Buckland-St.- Mary R. Cricket-Malharbie R. Courland P. C. Curry-Mallet R. Curry-Rivell V. Donyat R. West Dowlish R. Drayton P.C. Five- head V. Hatch-Beauchamp R. Ilminster V. Ilton V. Isle-Abbots V. Islebrewers V. Puckington R. Staple-Fitz-Paine R. Stocklinch-Mag- dalen R. Stocklinch-Oitersey R. Swell V. and of Whitelackington V. (*) There is no Church at Earnshill. HUNDRED OF ANDERSFIELD. HUNDRED OF BRENT, WITH WRINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males FerTotal. Males FeaTotal. Years. | Mar- riages, Total. Years. | Mar- riages. males. 15 32 16 38 45 33 1811 36 1812 1813 35 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1 43 Years. Males Fc- | Total. Males Fe- rales. 1811 111 1812 65 / 60 125 1813 73 51 | 124 1814 61 79 140 1815 140 1816 1817 | 64 1818 82 1819 72 143 1820 79 | 66 | 145 36 1811 14 1812 10 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 182017 30 164 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 137 152 The above APSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Broom- field P. C. Creech-St.-Michael V. Durleigh P.C. Enmore R. Goat- hurst R. and of Lyng V. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Berrow V. East Brent V. Soutlı Brent V. Burrington P. C. Lymphsam R. and of Wrington R. HUNDRED OF BATH-FORUM. (6) HUNDRED OF BRUTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe- males. Total. Total. Males! Fe- males. Ycars. Mar- riages. Total. Ycars. Males Fc- ! Total. Vales Fe-1 males. males. Years. | Mar- riages. K 257 39 74 1143 299 329 99 130 98 145 1 395 148 1811 1144 113 1812 108 251 1813 160 277 1314 129 123 | 252 1815 154 1816 1691 1817 164 161 | 325 1818 | 170 171 341 1819 200186 386 1820 198 196 | 394 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 338 332 143 156 173 156 196 199 165 155 146 166 179157 189 191 161 173 191165 191 214 320 312 326 181152 1812 | 73 1813 1814 1815 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 136 1811 24 1812 1813 27 18141 1815 25 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 41 ? 380 114 139 128 33 334 356 - 1819 1820 130 22 405 93 54 122 The above Austract is collected from the Registers of, Bath- Easton, or Easton and Amoril V. Bath-Ford V. Bathwick R. Catharine, or Easton and Catharine P. C. Freshford R. Kelston R. Lanyridge R. Lyncomb and Wydcoinb) C. Monkton-Coomb P. C. North Stoke R. South Stoke V. Swainswick R. Weston V. and of Wuolley R. O Walcot is entered with the City of Bath, at the end of the County. Tlie above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brew- ham P. C. Bruton P.C. ) Milton-Clevedon V. Pitcombe P. C. Upton-Noble R. Wyke-Champflower C. and of Yarlington R. (9) Bruton includes Redlynch. M.DCCC.XXI.] 101 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. .. COUNTY OF SOMERSET--continued. HUNDRED OF CANNINGTON. HUNDRED OF CHEW AND CHEWTON. T : BAPTISMS. . 1. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males males. Total. Total. Males Fe- males. Years. Mar- Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. 18. Malesi Fe- Total. Males Te- males. Years. riages. ; 72 396 56 .. . 79 . 306 HA 1811 | 74 53 1812 63 1813 1814 1815 / 68 6 9 1816 83 86169 1817: 81 | 66 147 1818 91 92 183 1819 73135 1820. 76 | 157 40 | 34 | 3724 61 1811 27 1812 25 *1813 28 1814 33 1815 28 1816! 26 1817 18181 28 1819 1820 36 | 1811 198 198 125 | 1331 258 1811 233 188 421 105 118 223 1812 1813 215 192 407 158 154 312 1813 1814 228 187 415 159 147 1814 1815 | 266 227 | 493 123 | 130 | 253 1815 1816 275 239 514. 141 138 279 1816 1817 243 258 130 1817 1818 1238 1222 460 1110 | 94 | 204 1818 1819 234 248 | 482 1117 | 142 | 259 1819 1820 | 267 245 512 138 | 125 | 263 | 18201 72. 31 18 | 501 138 268 62 | 102 · 35 86 36 40 76 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Aisholt R. Cannington V. Charlinch R. Fiddington R. Otterhampton R.. Over- Stowey V. Spaxton R. Stockland-Bristol V. Stogursey V. and of Stringston R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brock- ley R. Cameley R. Chew-MagnaV. Chew-Stoke R. Chewton-Meridipy. Cbilcompton P.C. Clutton R. Compton-Martin R. Dundry P. C. Emborrow P. C. Farrington-Gurney P. C. West Harptree V. Hinton- Blewitt R. Kingston-Seymour R. High Littleton V. Midsomer- | Norton V. Norton-Malreward R. Paulton P. C. Ston-Easton V. Stowey V. Timbsbury R. and of Ubley R. HUNDRED OF CARHAMPTON. HUNDRED OF CREWKERNE. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Ycars. Males males. Total. Males Fen males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males, linales. 76 67 82 38 go 39 221 1811 106 go 196 1812 | 91 | 99 190 1813 117 104 1814 106 100 206 1815 201 1816 117 97 214 1817 118 122 240 1818 112 108 220 1819 | 95 112 207 1820 120 123 243 109 86 113 101 44 | 68 | 112 111 101 87 94 120 110 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1.819 1820 1811 143 1812 1 701 65 135 1813 92 83 175 1814 1.73 61 / 134 1815 1 103 75 178 1816 1817 80 | 160 1818 18191 1820 203 coco à 0000 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1813 1820 176 111 | 75 157 110 118 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Crew- kerne P.C. Hinton-St.-George R. Merriott V. Misterton V. Sea- borough R. and of Wayford R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Car- hampton V. Culborne, or Kitnor R. Cutcombe V. Dunster V. (d) Ere otherwise Oare R. Exford R. Luckliain or Luccombe R. Lux- . borough P. C. Minehead V. Porlock R. Selworthy R. Stock-Perov R. Timberscombe:V. Treborough R. Withycombe R, and of Wootton- Courtney R. (d) Dunster includes Rodhuish. HUNDRED OF CATSASH. : HUNDRED OF CURRY, NORTH. -- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - Years. Mar- Males Fe- males. Total. Males tem males. Total. {Years. Years. riages. Males! Fe Total. Males Fe- Years. Total. Mar- riages. nales. males 94 42 87 45 42 17 25 20 124 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1001171 217 1812 1101 92 202 112 1813 101 | 103 | 204 139 1814 | 86 104 190 1815 1971 116213 1816 127 98 225 1817 1 112 90 202 43 | 47 90 1818 122 971 219 1 54 59 113 1819 | 107 | 105 212 1 67 116 1820 | 99 | 132 231 139 118 1811 1812 1813 1814 · 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 100 1813 1814 92 1815 1816 99 1817 110 1818 1125 1819 73 | 54 1820 69 130 | 40 | 49 | 89 10 19 34 71 68 32 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alford R. Ansford R. Babcary R. North Barrow R. South Barrow P.C. Bartou-St.-David V. North Cadbury R. South Cadbury R. Castle- Cary V. Compton-Pauncefoot R. Keinton-Mandefield R. King- wesion R. Lovington P. C. West Lydford R. Maperton R. Queen- Camel V. Sparkford R. Sutton-Montis R. and of Weston-Bamp- fylde R. The above Abstracr is collected from the Registers of North Curry V. West Hatch P. C. Stoke-St.-Gregory P. C. Thorn-Taul- con R. and of Thurlbear P. C. Dd 102 s Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF USERS AND RETURNS UNDE! TT COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HUNDRED OF FROME. () HUNDRED OF HARTCLIFFE AND BEDMINSTER. (E) BAPTISMS. BURILS. MARRIA(ES. BAPTISMS. BURLALS. MALKIAGES, Years. Males Fe- | Totul. Wales le- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Tc- | Total. Malcs fe- | Total. I "males. males. Years. | Alar- inales males. riages. 408 83 1811 251 99 196 98 130 283 1811 194 2141 | 113127 240 1812 198 199 397 1171134 1813 233 209 442 183191 | 374 1814 1238 230| 468 128 160 288 1815 263 247 | 510 157 1816 273 241 514 140 141 | 281 1817 1 275 275 550 175 173 | 348 1818 274 256 | 530 | 138 | 129 | 267 1819 253 1304 | 557 123 | 140 | 263 1820 268 265 533 117 136 | 253 1811 | 107 1812 121 1813 141 1814 205 1813 232 1816 214 1817 172 1818 169 1819 171 1820 169 1811 78 161 176 1812 103 202 1813 106 204 183 1814 113 107 220 150 1815 109 114 | 223 | 91 | 97 | 188 1816 102 99 201 951 871 182 1817 | 93 108 | 2011 751 79 154 1818 | 102 98 200 83/108 / 191 1819 | 871 96 183 861 56 142 1820 105 107! 219 125 132 / 257 144 1812 134 1813 1814 1815 18161 1817 152 1818 152 1819 182 1820 176 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Beck- ington (with Standerwick) R. Berkeley R. Cloford V. East Cran- inore P. C. © Elme R. Fruine-Selwood V. Laverton R. Lullington P. C. Marston-Bigot R. Numey R. Orchardleigh R. Road R. Rodden P.C. Wanstrow R. Whatley R. Witham-Friary P. C. and of Wolverton R. () Longleat is a Domestic Chapel. (f) The Inliabitants of East Craniore bury at West Crammore (Whitestone Hundred). The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, -----Long Ashton V. Backwell V. Barrow-Gurney P.(!. Bedminster 1. But- combe R. Chelvey R. and of Winſord R.. (6) St. Mary-Redcliffe, which is partly in this liundred, is entered in the City of Bristol. TT HUNDRED OF GLASTON-TWELVE-HIDES. HUNDRED OF HORETHORNE, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fea | Total, Years. Mar- males males riages. 95 38 78 31 85 78 96 72 80 98 OVE 101 Years. Males) Fe- | Total. Alales! Fc- males. nales 1811 86 181 1812 163 1813 | 102 1814 102 92 | 194 1815 1112 86 198 1816 79 108 187 1817 | 100 93 1818 113 115 | 228 1819 81 1820 104 | 92 | 196 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 89 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 95 93 188 70 | 66 136 | 142 75 154 109 80 164 122 95 | 95 | 190 53 43 / 96 75 | 74 | 149 | 49 | 51 | 100 55 | 93 | 148 | 53 | 53 106 73 | 83 | 156 54 | 51 | 105 86 85 | 171 96 94 | 190 53 45 98 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 99 IC 95 102 119 37 25 101 100 92 116 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -Balicris- horough P. C. St. Benedict P. C. West Bradley P. C. St. John- the-Baptist P. C. Meare V. West Pennard P. C. and of North Wootton V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,~-Abbas- | Combe R. Charlton-Canfield, alias Horethorne, V. North Cheriton R. Corton-Denham R. Goathill R. Henstridge V. Iſolwell R. llorsing. ton R. Great Merston V. Milborne-Port V. Pointington R. Sandford- Orcas R. Stowell R. and of Trent R. -- - - - - - HUNDRED OF HAMPTON AND CLAVERTON. TUNDRED OF HOUNDSBOROUGH, BARWICK AND COKER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe Inrales, Total. Males Fe males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Miles! Fe- inales 1811 1812 1813 28 48 204 96 40 TA 51 56 122 108 2:5 | 27 1814 114 ogo a 118 A oto con cceco 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1815 1816 | 10 1817 1818 1819 9 1 19 1811 1171 87 1812 1109 95 204 1813 | 116 | 94 | 210 1814 122 107 229 1815 107 116 223 1816 106 | 104 | 210 1817 135 133 268 1818 102 124 | 226 1819 132 | 121 | 253 1820 108 130 238 1811 18121 41 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819| 1820 48 42 90 2145 * Acco cü ü A 104 36 1 61 1 97 170 79 149 76 85 161 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Bath- Hampton 1. Charlcombe R. and of Claverton R. l'he above ABSTRACT is collected from thic Registers of,--Bar• wick R. Chilton-Cantelo R. East Chinnock R. Niddle Chinnock R. West Chinnock P. C. Chiselborough R. Closworth R. East Coker V. West Coker R. Hardington-Manderille R. Haselbury V. Norton (under Hamidon) R. Odconibe R. Pandoiner R. North Perroit R. and of Sutton-Bingham R. M.DCCC.XXI. 103 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HUNDRED OF HUNTSPILL AND PURITON. HUNDRED OF KINGSBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISDIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Niales Fc- LEX 1 Alar- Ycars. riaves. Years. | Mar- riages. males. male's 12 S 11 8 uiY4 230 years. Males tea | Total. Males + e- Total. uales. 1811 | 151 159 310 | 104 | 98 202 1812 | 198 166 364 102 186 1813 216 205 | 4:21 1118111 229 1814 169 399 229 1815 190 202 392 82 85167 1816 446 101 111 212 1817 198 210 408 84 109 193 1818 191 | 186 377 107 134 241 1819 191 217 408 125 1119 244 1820 184 412 134 (156 290 10 1811 | 28 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 37 .6 1811 14 | 25 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 231819 1820 1811 | 100 1812 98 1813 93 1814| 131 1815 | 117 1816| 118 1817 108 1818 89 1819 111 1820 124 .c 223 .fi " 28 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----Hunts- pill R. and of Puriton V. The above :13:57RACT is collected froin the Registers of, Ash- Priors P. C. Bishops-Lydeard V. West-Buckland V. Chard V. Corube-St.-Nicholas V. Fitzhead P. C. Huish-Episcopi V. Kings- bury-Episcopi l'. East-Lambruok R. () Wellington V. Winsham *. and of liveliscoinbe V. (0) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at East-Lambrook. HUNDRED OF KEYNSHAM. HUNDRED OF MARTOCK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Total. Males, Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar. males ! males. | riages. -- - 213 23 36 48 20 150 107 151 132 29 33 83 | 25 | 134 ) 1811 | 98115 1812 | 99 | 106 | 205 1813 115 118 233 1814 101 86 187 1815 131 | 121 | 252 1816 113 / 92 / 205 1817 108 100 208 1818 112 1819 108 111| 219 1820 | 142 | 118 | 260 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 18 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 121 139 148 136 23 25 94 206 GY CP V | 84 67 36 31 care nu 151 - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of.--Mar- tock V. (including Long-Lode C.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bris- lington P. C. Burnett R. Chelwoud R. Compton-Dando V. Farm- borough R. Keynsham 1. Marksbury R. Nempnett P. C. St. Thomas-in-Pensförd P. C. Priston R. Publow P. C. Queen-Charlton P.C. Saltford R. Stanton-Drew V. Stanton-Prior R. and of Whit- church or Felton P. C. - - - - HUNDRED OF KILMERSDON. HUNDRED OF MELLS AND LEIGH. ------- ---- BAPTISMS. BURLILs. MARRIAGES. BAPTISIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Imales. Males Fe- Tutal. years. Mar- inales. Years. Males Fe- Total. Total. riages. Years. 1 Niar- maley. ** urales. urales riages. 18 154 52 48 55 78 102 90 121 88 69 93 40 48 40 92 1811 164 1812 80 1813 171 1814 155 1815 207 1816 93 1817 1818 1819 118 1820 121 107 228 1811 18121 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 | 20 | 25 1818 34 1819 i 25 : 28 1820 28 32 99 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 26 46 106 101 114 58 / 46 104 36 48 84 56 | 18 32 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ---Leigh- | upon-Niendip P. C. and of Mells R The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,----Ashwick P. C. (") Babington R. Buckland-Denham V. Hemington (with Hardinyton) R. Holcombe R. Kilmersdon V. Radstock R. Strat- ton-on-the-Fosse R. and of Writhlington R. (1) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Ashwick. 104 [Parish-Registers. AN ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDER F IN COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. T . HUNDRED OF MILVERTON. HUNDRED OF PETHERTON, (SOUTH.) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIAL3. MARRIAGES. Total. IMales! Fe | Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- total. Years. Males Fe- males. Years. / Mar- males, Total. Males Fe- / males. males. riages. 2 1 80 1 69 34 1 178 95 114 101 : 102 109 110 56 100 1811 18121 1813 57 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 181961 1820 72 1 44 go 51 | 95 1811 1812 24 1813 ! 24 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 33 saaa 1811 86 18121 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 178 1818 1819 1820 155 149 151 150 173 152 173 147 147 176 Best o 8 # # 5 Beton 110 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 127 111 103 63 | 135 49 55 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Ash- brittle R. Bathealton R. Kittesford R. · Langford-Budville P. C. Milverton V. Runnington R. Sampford-Arundell V. Stawleigh R. and of Thorn-St.-Margaret, P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, --Barring- ton P.C. Chaffcombe R. Chellington P. C. Cricket.St.-Thoinas R. Cudworth P. C. Dinnington R. (k) Dowlish-Wake R. Knowle- St. Giles P. C. Lopen P. C. South P'ether on V. Seavington-St. Mary P. C. Seavington-St.-Michael R. Shepton-Beauchamp R. and of Whitstaunton K. (k) Dinnington is sometimes reputed a Chapelry to Seavington- St-Michael R. - ...........: HUNDRED OF NORTON-FERRIS. HUNDRED OF PITNEY. - :.. . - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - .. ." Year's Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Alar- riages. Years. Mar- Males Fem Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. males. males jinales. riages. 126 30 16 41 37 96 76 128 104 1811 | 65 | 61 1812 134 1813 1814 1815 118 1816 | 126 1817 | 71 148 1818 134 1819 57. |.121 1820 | 74 1.62 136 1811 1812 21 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 : 1819 18201 25 1811 | 26 1812 | 27 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 71 38 1819 1820 47 47 15 13 14 26 32 12 26 The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of,—Lang- port P. C. Muchelney V. and of Pitney R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brat- ton R. Charlton-Musgrove R. Cucklington R. Kilmington R. Penselwood R. Shepton-Montague V.. Stoke-Trister R. and of Wincanton P. C. HUNDRED OF PETHERTON, (NORTH.) HUNDRED OF PORTBURY. BAPTISMS. S BURIALS. MARRIAGES. .BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. U 1 BURIALS: porn Total, Males Fe- Total. - Years. Males Fe Mar- Total. Males Fc- males Years. Total. rs Males Fe- males Years. Mar- siages. male riages. males 4 80 142 13 39 ..39 86 1811 1812 1813 12 a o 1 22 o minimo 92 / 106 1814 700 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 co 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 94 185 1812 105 1813 105 1814 1815 1171 96 1816 1051 91 1817 140 138 1818 136 | 104 | 240 1819 120 117 237 1820 | 102 102 | 204 29 3890 100 144 140 54 114 63 34 278 18 1815 1816 22 1817 1818 1819 20 1820, 14 16 149 153 87 | 173 23 47 | 100 86 31 73 66 139 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bawd- rip R. Chedzoy R. Chilton-Trinity R. Durston P.C. Michael- Church P. C.. North Newton C. (j) Pawlet V. North Petherton V. Thurloxion R, and of Wembdon V. (j) The Population of North Newton is included with that of North Petherton. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Abbots- Leigh P. C. Clapton R. Clevedon V.. Easton-in-Gordano, or St. George V. Nailsea and Bourton (united) R. Portbury V. Portis- head R. Tickenham V. Walton-in-Gordano R. Weston-in-Gordano R. and of Wraxhall R. M.DCCC.XXI.] 105 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. TY HUNDRED OF SOMERTON. HUNDRED OF TINTINHULL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fc- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. males. Males! Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. 59 122 33 20 e 98 82 4339 25 t 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 97 28 44 109 75 o 1811 18121 1813 1814 18151 18161 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 51117 30 35 32 45 30 35 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 55 44 1817 99 102 1818 1819 1820 er en conta com to co | 127 71 86 151 105 36 1820 46 108 9332 32 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Aller R. West Camel R. Charlton-Adam V. Charlton-Mackrell R. Kingsdon R. East Lydford R. Somerton V. Long Surton (with Knowle) V. and of Yeovilton R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Il- chester R. Kingstone R. Montacute V. Northover V. Stoke-under- Hamdon P. C. Thorne-Coffin R. and of Tintinhull P. C. HUNDRED OF STONE. HUNDRED OF WELLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fer. Total. Males Fer. Total. Years. / Mar- males. riages. Years. Mar- riages. 29 143 152 151 SOO 39 36 39 38 178 50 68 103 113 58 108 59 87 39 78 44 / 93 34 1811 75 1812 1813 71 1814 1 1815 / 75 1816 1 85 88 1817 110 82 1818 83 1819 106 85 1820 | 105 | 97 188 150 Years. Males Festa he Total. Males! Fe- Total. males.) males. 1811 165 61 | 48 | 109 1812 84 165 58 56 114 1813 183 140 1814 92 | 50 | 64 | 114 1815 111 217 56 | 54 | 110 1816 107 99 | 62 | 57 | 119 1817 1113 | 116 229 64 51 115 1818 207 119 1819 101 121 222 1820 | 104 | 123 | 55 | 130 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 38 173 192 55 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 206 169 88 45 94 78 47 144 202 76 70 146 41 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ashing- ton R. Brimptun R. Chilthorne-Domer V. Limington R. Lufton R. Mudford V. Preston P. C. and of Yeovil V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Camer- ton R. Charterhouse Hinton P. C. Coomb-Hay R. Corston V. Dunkerton R. Englishcombe V. Forscote R. Hungerford-Farley R. Newton-St.-Loe R. Norton-St.-Philip V. Tellisford R. Twerton V. and of Wellow V. HUNDRED OF TAUNTON AND TAUNTON-DEAN. HUNDRED OF WELLS-FORUM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. males. Males Fe-1 nales. 74 68 51 73 | 162 148 142 197 96 151 1811 | 170 134 304 1812 133 131 264 1813 138 150 288 1814 148 149 297 1815 141 133 274 1816 144 156 300 1817 163 166 329 1818 141 1151 | 292 1819 140 | 152 292 1820 160 | 132 292 Years. Total. Males Fe- / Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages. 1811 147 146 293 172 1811 1812 155 | 121 276 1812 1813 134 135) 269 1 108 204 1813 1814 i 167 166 333 150 1814 1815 187 | 144 331 200 1815 1816 160 155 315 | 98 94 192 1816 1817 164 | 158 322 102 185 1817 1818 168 | 172 340 | 68 | 99 / 167 1818 1819 191 | 159 350 | 77 | 87 | 164 1819 85 1820 : 166 | 169 335 107 1110 | 217 1820 81 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 133 139 147 156 167 gol 90 180 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Anger- sleigh R. West Bagborough R. Bishops-Hull P. C. Bradford V. Clieddon-Fitzpaine R. Combc-Flory R. Corfe P. C. Cotheliston P.C. Heathfield R. Hillfarrence R. Kingston V. Lydeard-St.-Lawrence R. Norton-Fitzwarren R. Nynchicad ï. Оake R. Orchard-Portman R. Otterford P. C. Pitminster V. Rimpton P. C. Rushton R. Staple- grove R. Stoke-St.-Mary R. Tulland R. Trull P. C. Wilton P.C. and of Withiel-Flory P. C. The abore ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. An- drew (the Cathedral Church of Wells) V. Binegar R. West Cranmore P. C. St. Cuthbert V. Dinder R. Evercreech V. (0) Litton R. Priddy P. C. Westbury V. and of Wookey V. (1) Evercreech includes the Return of Chesterblade Chapelry. Еe 106 [Parish-Registers: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOMERSET-continued. HUNDRED OF WHITESTONE. HUNDRED) OF WINTERSTOKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | imales. Total. IMales! Fe | Total. | Years. | Nar- males. riages. Males Fe. Ima 206 471 | 106 1811 183 140.323 | 93 113 1812 142 134 | 276 110 | 105 | 215 1813 148 | 156 304 | 93 111 204 1814 1156 127 | 283 107 | 95 | 202. 1815 164 184 | 348 1100 | 95 | 195 1816 176 151 | 327 | 90 | 97 | 187 1817 161 169 330 111121 232 1818 149 153 302 781 90 / 168 1819 | 161 164 | 325 | 83 | 99 | 182 1820 156 184 340 95 95 190 1811 66 1812 1813 1814 1815 105 1816 1817 1 65 1818 1819 1820 79 Years. 'Total. Males! Fe- | Total. | Ycars. / Mar- males. diales. riages. 1811 216232 448 107 93 200 1811 1812 234 237 111 217 1812 1813 220 250 470 | 116 | 115 | 231 1813 1814 290 257 |120 100 220 1814 1815 264 232 264 101 118 | 219 1815 1816 273 254 527 136 267 1816 1817 249 274 523 115 101 216 1817 1818 249 260 509 130 126 | 256 1818 1819 268 252 520 133 137 | 270 1819 1820 290 282 | 572 130 | 155 | 285 1820 51 547 496 131 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bat- combe R. Croscombe R. Ditcheat R. Doulting V. Downhead P. C. Hornblotton R. Lamyete R. East Pennard V. Pilton V. Pylle R. Shepton Mallet R. and of Stoke-Lane P. C. The abovc ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ar- bridge R. Kadgworth R. Banwell V. Blagdon R. Bleadon R. Cheddar V. Christon R. Churchill P. C. Compton-Bishop V. Con- gresbury V. East Harptree V. Hutton R. Ken P.C. Kewstoke V. Locking V. Loxton R. Puxton P. C. Rodney-Stoke R. Rorberrow R. Shipham R. Uphill R. Weston-Super-Mare R. Winscombe V. Worle V. Wyke-St.-Lawrence P. C, and of Yatton V'. HUNDRED OF WHITLEY. L CITY OF BATH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Total. Males Fe- | males. Years. Mar- riages. males. Years. Mar- riages. 1811 1812 1813 78 374 1614 1811 (152 | 141 293 1812 1813 1814 173 144 317 1815 195 168 ვივ 1816 167 157 | 324 1817 187 185 372 1818 180 183 363 1819 167 192 359 1820 187 | 199 386 140 158 179 189 134 82 | 77 | 159 65 | 56 | 121 87 98 185 104 91 | 195 85111 196 Years. Males) re- | Total. Males) Fe- | Tutal. males. malcs. 1811 1 432 443 | 875 255 290 545 1812 1391 | 437 | 828 323 326 649 1813 406 390 796 1321 328 649 1814 431 447 | 878 257 288 545 1815 459 446 1333 369 702 181 451 325 605 181 352 353 705 1818 480 4591 318 332 650 1819 493 468 315 343 658 1820 389 490 879 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 477 1811 375 1812 18131 400 1814 426 1815 465 1816| 401 1817 1818 417 1819 419 1820 432 507 928 981 474 427 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. James R. St. Michael R. St. Peter and Paul R. and of Walcot R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -_ Ashcot P.C. Blackford R. Butleigh V. Catcott C. Chilton-upon-Polden C. Compton-Dundon V. Cossington R. Edington C. Grenton R. High-Ham R. Holford R. Holton R. Middlezoy V. West Munck- ton R. Murlinch V. Othery V. Podimore R. Shapwick V. Stawell C. Street R. Sutton-Mallett C. Walton P. C. Weston- Zoyland V. Wheathill R. and of Woollavington V. - - - - - - -- . HUNDRED OF WILLERTON AND FREEMANNERS. BOROUGH OF BRIDGWATER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- / Total. Mules Fe Total. | Ycars. ruales. Mar- riages. Years. males. Males! Fe- males. | Total. Males Fem | Total. malcs. Years. I 381 86 84 67 75 71 98 66 133 221 Bo 1 103 1 1811 185 196 170 1812 185 177 362 1103 120 | 223 1813 189 202 391 106 239 1814 208 179 387 168 1815 199 231 1816 222 192 414 | 80 | 85 | itis 1817 | 198 191 | 389 | 84 | 83 | 167 1818 190 177 | 367 | 77 160 1819 200 199 | 399 98 | 112 | 210 1820 | 198 217 1 415 1119 101 192 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 Mar- riages. 1811 44 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 39 1820 1 391 115 1811 146 1812 188 1813 97 1814 106 111 217 1815 101 1816 i17 209 1817 1102 96 198 1818 102 94 196 1819 91 112 203 1820 114 | 92 206 198 97 92 80 76 80 1819 1820 111 60 | 106 99 97 107 220 the Register of,--. The above ABSTRACT is collected from Bridgwater R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,- Bicknoller P.Ç. Brompton-Ralph R. Brompton-Regis V. Brushford R. Chip- stable R. Clatworthy R. Old Cleeve V. (M) Crowcombe R. St. Decumans V. Dudington R. Dulverton V. Elworthy R. Exton R. Halse V. Hawkridge Ř. Huish-Champflower R. Kilton V. Kilve R. Lilstock P. C. Nonksilver R. Nettlecombe R. East Quantox- head R. West Quantoxhead R. Raddington R. Sampford-Brett R. Skilgate R. Stogumber V. Nether-Stowey V. Upton P.C. Wil- liton C. (") Winsford V. and of Withypoole P. C. (0) Old Cleeve includes Leighland C. (") The Inhabitants of Williton bury and marry at St. Decumans. M.DCCC.XXI.] 107 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SOMERSET- continued. BOROUGH OF TAUNTON. BAPTISMS, BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 67 140 102 117 103 173 1811 83 170 1812 1813 110 181 1814 1815 | 104 173 1816 91 170 1817 180 1818 92 | 91 | 183 1819 | 99 | 112 | 211 1820 | 128 | 120 | 248 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 79 88 | 53 | 108 | 64 | 109 | 65 | 116 60 | 63 | 123 121 86 75 161 92 70 St. The above Abstracr is collected from the Registers of James P.C. and of St. Mary Magdalen V. S UM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. LINT BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 4,200 2,133 4,218 2,128 4,454 4,538 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,405 4,279 4,753 4,783 5,063 5,003 5,080 5,054 5,057 5,300 8,605 8,497 9,207 9,321 9,868 9,706 10,143 9,896 10,057 10,502 4,805 4,703 5,063 4,842 5,000 5,202 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,531 2,740 2,977 2,733 2,680 2,692 2,799 2,689 2,804 3,222 2,590 2,820 3,120 2,804 2,789 2,742 2,785 2,873 3,027 3,394 5,121 5,560 6,097 5,537 5,469 5,434 5,584 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,249 2,509 2,687 2,508 2,498 2,409 2,540 2,695 5,562 5,831 6,616 TOTALs 48,777 1 47,025 | 95,802 27,867 28,944 56,811 . . 24,356 The SUMMARY of the County of .SOMERSET is collected from the Registers of Four hundred and Sixty-nine Parish Churches and Ten Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 168 ;-Burials, 53 ;-Marriage, 1. 108 Parish-Registers. ABSTRACTOF ANSWERS. AND: RETURNS: UNDER County of Southampton (Hants). DIVISION OF ALTON, NORTH. DIVISION OF BASINGSTOKE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Males Fe- Total. 'Males! Fe- males... males. Years. Mar- riages. ales. males. - riages. | 174 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. | Mar- 1811 184 169 353 89 100 189 1811 98 1812 217 1167 | 384 97 105 202 1812 74 1813 200 163 363 0598 203 1813 1814 192 197 389 122 119 241 1814 1815 254 215 | 469 86 86 172 1815 88 1816 189 225 | 414 122 122 244 1816 1817 234 196 430 110 197 1817 1818 207 228 | 435 78 167 1818 1819 228 255 | 483 100 102 ) 202 1819 83 1820 230 203 433 106 111 217 | 1820 84 133 1811 379 1352 731 1812 386 349 735 1813 376 349 725 1814 409 371 780 1815 442 382 824 1816 423 382 805 1817 409 413 822 1818 429 401 830 1819 421 402 823 1820 1425 422 | 847 380 180 354 187 165 352 216 210 426 200 210 410 185 | 195 216 434 220 213 433 193 200 393 234 175 409 203 192 395 1811 147 1812 137 1813 1814 192 1815 176 18161 1817 148 1818 | 174 1819 181 1820 186 194 75 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — New Alresford P.C. Alton V. (@) Bighton R. Binsted P. C. Bramdean R. Bramshott R. Chawton R. Empshot V. Farringdon R. Froyle V. Greatham R. Hartley-Mauditt R. Hawkley P. C. Headley R. Holy- bourne P. C. Kingsley P. C. Newton-Vallence V. Ropley P.C. Selborne V. Bishops-Sutton V. East T'isted R. West Tisted P. C. East Worldham V. and of West Worldham P. C. (a) Also from a Register of Independents, and from a Register of Quakers, at Alton. - - DIVISION OF ALTON, SOUTH. - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Alder- shott P. C. Old Basing P. C. Basingstoke V. Bentley P. C. Bent- worth R. Bramley V. Cliddesden(with Farleigh-Wallop)R. Crondall V. Dogmersfield R. Dummer R. Ellisfield R. Elvetham R. Estrop R. Eversley R. Farnborough R. Grewell P.C. Hartley-Wespall R. Hartley-Wintney V. Heckfield (with Mathingley) V. Herriard V. Lasham R. Liss P.C. Mapledurwell P. C. Mitcheldever V. Nately- Scures R. Upper Nately P. C. Newnham R. Northington P. C. Nutley P. C. Odiham V. Preston-Candover V. Popham P. C. (©). Rotherwick P.C. Shalden R. Sherborn-St.-John R. Sherfield-upon- Lodon R. Silchester R. Stevenwn R. Stratfield-Saye R. (d) Strat- field-Turgis R. Stratton P.C.() Long Sutton P. C. Tunworth R. Upton-Gray P. C. South Warnbrongh R. Weston-Patrick P. C. Winchfield R. Winslade R. and of Yately P. C. (9) The Inhabitants of Pophani and Stratton bury at Mitcheldever. (d) Stratfield-Saye is partly in the Hundred of Theale, County of Berks. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- Total: Years. Iriages. males males. 44 84 92 113 187 133 1811 102 94 196 1812 113 196 1813 87 100 1814 106 105 211 1815 111 111 222 1816 107 217 102 205 1818 105 114 219 1819 96 101 197 1820 | 94 | 117 | 211 106 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 18191 1820 109 1817 to tom 81 93 DIVISION OF FAWLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Blend- worth R. Buriton R. Catherington V. Chalton (with Idsworth) R. Clanfield R. - Eastmeon V. Froxfield P. C. Petersfield P. C. and of Steep P. C. Years. Males Fe- Total. Total. Males Fe- males. Mar- Years. niales. riages. - DIVISION OF ANDOVER. 594 154 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 151 158 309 163 167 330 287 (169 332 140 293 169 159 328 131 164 | 295 147 320 133 108 130 154 147 109 147 153 134 Years. Males Fera Total. Males Feed 1811 1303 305 608 1812 296 298 1813 32 343 670 1814 299 305 | 604 1815 420 330 750 1816 335 328 663 1817 | 355 372 727 1818 352 1342 694 1819 363 328 691 1820 358 346 704 Total. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Years. 1 Mar- inales, riages. 288 583 383 . 129 285 160 177 337 143 199 1811 1295 194 1812 1303 297 600 1197 | 182 379 1813 348 300 389 1814 368 -283 419 1815 333 | 343 676 216212| 428 1816 361 340 701 1220 204 424 1817 1349 350 699 241 448 1818 1392 3411 733 181 / 193 374 1819 1350 1352 702 203 217 420 1820 389 355 744 215 208 423 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 180 1816 184 1817 1818 | 194 1819 / 179 1820 193 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—Abbots- Ann R. Amport V. Andover V. Appleshaw P. Č. Ashley R. Barton- Stacey V. Bossington P.C. Broughton R. Bullington P. C. Good- worth-Clatford V. Upper Clatford Ř. Colemere R. East Dean P. C. Farley-Chamberlaine Ř. Foxcott C. Fyfield R. Grately R. Head- borue-Worthy R. Kimpton R. Kingsworthy R. Knight's-Enham R. Leckford V. Lockerly P. C. Long Parish, or Middleton V. Long StockV. Monxton R. Mottisfont R. Pamber P.C. Penton-Mewsey R. Priors-Deane P. C. Quarley R. Romsey V. Sherfield-English R. Shipton-Bellinger V. King's-Soinborne V. (and Little Somborne C.) Stockbridge P.C. Thraxton R. South Tidworth R. Timsbury R. Tufton P. C. (6) East Tytherley P. C. West Tytherley R. Nether Wallop V. Over Wallop R. Wherwell V. East and West Wellow V. and of Weyhill R. (b) Numerous applications for the Parish Register Return of Tufton having been insuccessful, the Return from that place of 1811 has been entered and included in the Totals of this Hundred, in order to produce an approximation, and for the sake of conformity. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Old Alresford R. Avington R. North Baddesley R. Bishops-Stoke R. Botley R. Brown-Candover R. Chilton-Candover R. Cheriton R. (C) Chilbolton R. Chilcomb R. Chilworth P. C. Compton R. Crawley R. Easton R. Exton R. Hamble P. C. Henton-Amptner R. Houghton Ri Hound V. Hunton C. Hursley V. Itchin-Abbas R. Itchin-Stoke V. Kilmeston P. C. Littleton P. C. Martyrs-Worthy R. Medsted P. C. Michelmersh R. Milbrook-with-Shirley (otherwise Hill) and Sidford R. Morcstead R. Nursling R. Otterbourne P. C. Ovington R. Owslebury P.C. Privet P. C. Sparsholt V. () Stoke-Charity R. North Stone- ham R. South Stoneham V.(6) Swarraton R. Tichborne P. C. Twy- ford V. Weeke R. West Meon R. Wield P.C. Winnall R. Wonston R. and of Woodmancot P. C. () (C) Cheriton includes Beaworth. (*) Sparsholt includes Lainson. (6) South Stoneham includes Swathling, Extra-Parochial. (5) The Inhabitants of Woodmancot bury at Brown-Candover. M.DCCC.XXI.) 109 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)-continued. DIVISION OF KINGSCLERE. DIVISION OF PORTSDOWN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. | Mar- males. riages. males Males Fe- Years. Total. {Males Fe. Total. Years. | Mar- inales. riages. 801 938 1811 236 218 454 106118 224 1812 1941 204) 398 124 (115 239 1813 225 257 482 131 131 262 1814 1129 127 | 256 1815 239 272 511 109 113 222 1816 241 | 283 / 524 136 1817 274 239 513 1126 130 256 1818 236 241 | 477 113 143 1819 263 2291 492 133 150 283 1820 248 246 | 494 132 157 289 1811 108 1812 171 1813 107 1814 114 1815 122 1816 18171 109 1818 u 1819 118 1820 118 267 131 100 1811 673 594 1,267 497 357 854 1812 1655 1594 1,249 1424 370 794 1813 1799 1713 1,512 1412 389 1814 1 746 681 | 1,427 499 | 439 1815 1686 734 1,420 406 403 809 1816 648 614 1,262 370 306 | 676 1817 1642 599 11,241 289 285 | 574 1646 598 1,244 1392 | 334 1819 1601 570 11,171 1312 328 | 640 1820 1612 594 1,206 1341 | 294 635 1811 515 1812 541 1813 559 1814 596 1815 575 1816 423 1817 1818 408 1819417 1820 358 422 256 | 726 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Ashe R. Ashmansworth P. C. Baghurst (with Iuhurst) R. Bradley R. Burgh- clere R. Combe V. Church-Oakley R. Crux-Easton R. Dean R. Ecchenswell C. Ewhurst R. Faccombe R. Frecfolk C. (1) Hanning- ton R. Highclere R. Hurtsbourne-Priors V. Hurtsbourne-Tarrant V. Kingsclere V. Laverstoke R. Linkenholt R. Litchfield R. Monk- Sherborne V. St. Mary-Bourne P.C. Newtown P.C. Overton V. Sydmonton C. Tadley P. C. Tangley P. C. Vernham-Dean P. C. North Walthamn R. Whitchurch V.(j) East Woodbay R. Wolvertou R. Woodcuit l. C. Wootton-St.-Lawrence V. and of Worting R. () Previous to the year 1813, the Register of Freefolk was included in those of Whitchurch and Laverstoke. (j) Numerous applications for the Parish Register Return of Whit- church having been unsuccessful, the Return from that Parish of 1811 has been entered and included in the Totals of this Hundred, in order to produce an approsimation, and for the sake of conformity. The above Anstract is collected from the Registers of, Alver- stoke R. Bechampton R. Bishops-Waltham R. Burhunt P. C. Bursledon P. C. Corhampton P.C. Droxford R. Durley P. C. Fareham V. Farlington R. Gusport P.C. Hambledon V. Havant R. North Hayling V. South Hayling V. St. Mary-Extra or Jesus- Chapel, c. Neon-Stoke R. Porchester V. Rowner R. Soberton P. C. Southwick P. C. Titchfield-with-Crofton V. Upham R. Varblington R. Warnford R. Wickham R. Widley R. and of Wymering V. DIVISION OF ISLE OF WIGHT. (Ⓡ) DIVISION OF NEW-FOREST (EAST). (5) Years. Mar- males. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. JARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- Total. Males Fe- males.) Total. Years. Nar- riages. males. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mlales Fco. Total. Males Fe- Total. males. riages. 1811 462 455 917 271 236 507 1811 239 1812 472 417 889 276 229 505 1812 252 1813 457 443 900 270234 | 504 1813 242 1814 462 426 888 | 265 211 | 476 1814 227 1815 549 528 1,077 269 240 1815 246 1816 549 477 1,026 300241 541 | 1816 196 1817 482 515) 997 200181 381 1817 | 216 1818 524 502 1,026 256/ 200 | 456 | 1818/ 210 1819 1514 1492 | 1,006 | 220/223 | 443 | 1819 201 1820 495 504 999 | 280 254 | 534 1820/ 193 509 463 134 1811 238 217 455 1151 110261 1812 256 207) 118 283 1813 245 208 453 140 | 111 | 251 1814 243 100 240 1815 266 108 116 224 1816 250 271 521 116 120 236 1817 258 279 537 1 97101 198 1818 245 218 1 463 144 123 | 267 1819 | 273 225 | 498 1105 | 98 | 203 1820 251 232 483 1106121 227 492 538 1811 119 1812 150 1813 131 1814 1815 113 1816 1817 111 1818 | 120 1819| 124 1820 106 113 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Beaulieu P. C. Boldre V. Brockenhurst P. C. Dibden R. Eling V. Exbury P. C. (') Fawley R. Lynington P. C. Lyndhurst P.C. and of Minestead R. (k) Bramshaw partly in this Division is entered in Cawden and Cad- worth Hundred (Wiltshire). (1) Previous to the Year 1813, the Baptisms and Marriages which take place at Exbury were included in the Register of Fawley, the Inhabitants of Exbury bury at Fawley. The above AUSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Arre- ton V. Binstead R. Bonchurch R. Brading V. Brixton R. Brooke R. Calbourn R. Carisbrooke V. Chale R. West Cowes C. Freshwater R. Gatcombe R. Godshill V. St. Helens P. C. Kingston R. St. Law- rence R. Moitiston R. Newchurch V.O) Newport P. C. Niton R. Northwood R.() Shalleet V. Shanklin P. C. Shorwell V. Thorley V. Whippingham Ř. Whitwell P. C. Wotton R. Yarmouth R. and of Yarerland R. (9) (") Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Caris- brooke, and froin a Register kepi at the Albany Barracks. 0 Newchurch includes the Return of Ryde C. (T) Northwood includes the Return of St. Nicholas C.. ( ) The Inhabitants of Yarerland bury at Brading. DIVISION OF NEW-FOREST (WEST). CITY OF WINCHESTER AND SOKE LIBERTY.. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males! Fe | Total. "males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Jinales. inales riages. nales. 308 193 58 | 482 | 108 53 57 1811 241 230 471 169 1812 218 1254 472 138 135 | 273 1813 255 227 288 1814 219 454 260 1815 1816 469 288 1817 240 106 216 1818 248 219 | 467 137 | 125 | 262 1819 213229 | 442 1115/113 228 1820 288 227 515 142 135 277 235 269 263 235 gioco 532 252 1811 137 1812 107 1813 1814 | 118 1815 134 1816 1817 1 93 1818 118 1819 | 136 1820 | 138 1811 99 102 201 1812 92 101 1813 89 106 195 1814 | 127 | 105 | 232 1815 1231 101 | 224 1816 111 116 227 1817 104 87 / 191 1818 | 102 93 195 1819 1101 96 206 1820 781 91 169 79 150 82 140 72 125 104 73 177 66 67 | 133 | 74 | 60 | 134 | 61 | 52 | 113 89 83 172 71 | 65 | 136 85172 157 125 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 472 35 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Brea- more R. Christ-Church V. (in) Ellingham V. Fordingbridge V". llale R. Harebridge P. C. Holdenhurst P. C. Hordle P. C. Ibsley P. C. Milford V. Milton P. C. Ringwood V. Rockbourne P. C. and of Sopley V. (1) Christ Church includes the Return of Hinton Admiral Chapelry. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St Bartholemcw-Hyde V. Callicdral Church C. St. Faitli's or: St. Cross R. St. John's R. St. Lawrence R. St. Maurice with St. Mary-Calendre and St. Peter-Colebrook R. St. Michael R. St. Peters-Cheesehill R. St. Swithin R. and of St. Thomas R. Ff 110 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS ND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS)--continued. BOROUGH OF PORTSMOUTH, AND PARISH OF PORTSE:1. TOWN AND COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Year's. Males Fe- Total. Males Fem 1 Total. males. Y'cars. Mlar- Years. Males Fo- Total. Males! Fo- Tutal. males.! Years. | Mar- riages. malcs. riages. na malis.! 103 97 1811 90 % 79 78 1812 1813 1814 78 91 1815 109 1811 952 92711,879 709 6101,319 1811 823 1812 932 980 1,912 1718|634|1,352 | 1812 806 1813 999 1,003 2,002 | 6896161,305 | 1813 768 1814 1,052 931 1,983 809 713 1,522 1814 1 798 1815 1,058 1,002 2,060 699 610|1,309 | 1815 | 836 18143 903 890 1,793 565 489 1,054 1816 555 1817 878 772 1,650 489 404 1818 941 690 1,631 1488 | 4441 932 | 1818 489 1819 786 7861,572 499 464 963 | 1819 511 1820 804 7631,567 460 430 890 1820 439 1811 | 163 146 309 1812 | 155 138 | 293 1813 135 1581 293 1814 | 139 | 163 | 302 1816 194 156 350 1816 167 173 1817 172 1611 333 1818 176 156 332 1819 194 173 367 1820 176 204 | 380 340 | 200 172 103/110 213 97 86 133 76106 132 98109 207 123 | 110 | 233 107114 2:21 | 103 | 89 | 192 116 114 230 893 1817 | 494 1817 1810 92 93 1818 88 1819 102 1820 91 Ports- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of mouth V. and of Portsea V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,-All Saints R. Holy Rhood V. St. Lawrence with St. John R. St. Mary R. and of St. Michael V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS). BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. | Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,327 4,289 4,542 4,610 4,944 4,522 4,500 4,603 4,412 4,448 4,097 4,089 4,370 4,266 4,709 4,440 4,317 4,143 8,424 8,378 8,912 8,876 9,653 8,962 8,817 8,746 8,650 8,752 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,710 2,705 2,648 2,944 2,568 2,566 2,184 2,408 2,294 2,394 2,432 2,408 2,519 2,643 2,451 2,376 2,136 5,142 5,113 5,167 5,587 5,019 4,942 4,320 4,639 4,485 4,704 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,670 2,579 2,600 2,829 2,820 2,264 2,177 2,240 2,231 4,238 2,191 2,266 2,116 4,304 2,310 TOTALS 45,197 42,973 | 88,170 25,421 1 23,697 49,118 24,561 The SUMMARY of the County of SOUTHAMPTON (Hants) is collected froni the Registers of Three hundred and Three Parish Churches and Eight Chapels; from Two Registers of Dissenters, and from Two other Registers ; and it is believed that no Return (except those of Whitchurch and Tufton) remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 210 ;-Burials, 31;-Marriages, 9. M.DCCC.XXI. 111 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94.. . . .. .. . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . ... County of Stafford. IT " HUNDRED OF CUTTLESTONE. · HUNDRED OF PIREHILL. LUNUIT BAPTISMS. . BURIALS... MARRIAGES. h os Fe- Total. | Ycars. 1 Mar- malcs. Scars. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males. males. riages. 1813 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. · MARRIAGES. Years. Males FC Total. Inalcs PowTotal. Years. Mar- males. riages. 1811 340 321 661 176 190 366 1811 123 1812 292 328 (120 188 196 384 1812 100 1813 364 1342 706 178183 361 1813 119 1814 339 1322 661 172 176 348 1814 119 1815 359 1347 06 173 178 351 1815 | 136 1816 358 325 683 187 200 387 1816 106 1817 344 357 701 233227 460 1817 | 107 1818 331 305 ! 630 1931 197 390 1818 122 1819 348 379 1 727 191 205 396 1819 125 1820 388 359 747 191 182 373 1820 112 734 885 1811 1,1341,136 2,270 17161695 1,411 1812 1,089|1,028 2,117 1618 603 1,221 1813 1,308 1,252 2,560 | 678 1676 1,354 1814 11,364 1,272 2,636 744 801 | 1,545 1815 11,147 1,349 2,796 827 1815 11,642 1816 1,475 1,377 2,852 961 | 873 1,834 1817 1,411 1,265 2,676 913 861 1,774 1818 1,308 1,299 2,607 909 843 1,752 1819 11,3381,218 2,556 817 1754 11,571 1820 1,383 1,298 2,681 8131838 1,651 1811 712 1812 571 681 1814 1815 1816 779 1817 711 1818 806 1819 794 1820 737 . The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Acton and Bednall C. Baswich or Berkswich P.C. Blymhill R. Bradley R. Brewood 1. Cannock V. Castle-Church P. C. Church-Eaton R. Cop- penhall C.(a) Forton R. Gnosall P.C. llaughton R. Lapley (with Wheaten-Aston) 1. Norbury R. Penkridge P. C. (b) Rugeley V. Shareshill P. C. Sheriffhales (with Woodcote) V. Stretton P. C. and of Weston-under-Lizard R. (a) The Inhabitaurs of Coppenhall bury and marry at I'enkridge. (b) Penkridge includes the Return of Dunston Chapelry. © Woodcotc is in Salop (Bradford Hundred.) The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abbots- Bromley \'. Adbaston l'. C. Ashley R. Audley (including Talk) V. Bagnall C. Barlaston P. C. Betley P. C. Biddulph V. Biithfield R. Blurton C. ($) Bucknall R. Burslein P. C. Chelsey V. Chapel- C'horlton C. Collon R. Colwich V. Eccleshall V.(n) Elenhall P. C. l'radswell C. Fulford (in Stone Parish) C. (1) Gayton P. C. Hanley C. Ingestre R. Keel P. C. Lanc-End P. C. Madeley V. Maer P. C. Marston C. Milwich V. Muckleston and Woore R. Norton-on-the- Moors P. C. High Oftley V. Runton V. Sandon V. Seighford V. Standon R. Stoke-nipon-Trent R. Stone P. C. Stowe P. C. Swinner- ton R. Thursfield, or Newchapel C. Tixall R. Trentham P.C. Weston- upon-Trent P. C. Whitmore R. and of Wolstanton R. (6) There is no Burial ground at Blurton, and previous to the year 1813 the Register of Baptisnis was included in that of Trentham. (*) The Chapel of Charnes has been destroyed for some years; the Return is included in that of Eccleshall. (0) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Fulford was included in that of Stone. HUNDRED OF OFFLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Males Fe- Years. Total. Males Fec| Total. males. | Years. 1 Mar- riages. males. HUNDRED OF SEISDON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. males. Years. Mar- riages. 1311 1,549 1,322 2,871 1851 805 1,650 1811 757 1812 1,397 1,314) 2,711 819 1787 11,606 | 1812 674 1813 1,566 1,522 3,088 7751755 1,530 | 1813 706 1814 (1,577 |1,427 3,004 1883 1786 | 1,669 | 18141 681 1815 1,730|1,632 3,362 902 | 773 11,675 | 1815) 849 1816 (1,522 1,477 2,999 969 859 11,828 | 1816 | 709 1817 11,556|1,343) 2,899 11,004 1847 11,851 | 1817| 718 1818 1,455 1,403 2,858 1987 1941 1,928 1818 881 1819 1,540 1,476 3,016 923 907 11,830 1819 893 1820 1,580 1,560 3,140 850 816 1,666 1820 794 1811 1,112 1,021/ 2,133 1668 598 1,266 1811 710 1812 1,002|1,030) 2,032 767 594 1,361 1813 1,306 1,141 2,447 1631 565 1,196 1813 544 1814 1,202 1,198 2,400 733 6391,372 1814 674 1815 1,449|1,372 2,821 880 1782 1,6621815) 840 1816 1,254/1,1942,448 1735 618 1,353 | 1816/ 613 1817 1,076 1,1202,196 726 1672 1,398 1817 493 1818 1,224 1,1972,421 1899 1787 | 1,686 | 1818 723 1819 11,329(1,293 2,622 870 809 | 1,679 1819 780 1820 1,379|1,296 2,675 763 703 1,466 1820 729 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Al- dridge V. Alrewas V. Armitage P.C. Barr C. Barton-under-Need- wood C. Bloxwich (in Welsall Parish) C. King's-Bromley P. C. West Bromwich P. C. Burton-upon-Trent P. C. Clifton-Canıpville R. Darlaston R. Drayton-Bassett R. Edingale P.C. Elford R. Farewell P. C. Hammerwick P. C. Hamstall-Ridware R. Hanbury V. Hands- worth R. Harberne V. Harlaston C. (d) Hints P. C. Longdon V. Marchington C. Newborough C. Norton-under-Cannock P. C. Pel- sall C. Mavesyu-Ridware R. Pipe-Ridware P. C. Rolleston R. Rushall V. Shenstone V. Smethwick C. Tamworth V. © Tatenhill R. Thorpe-Constantine R. Tipton P. C. Tutbury V. Walsall V. Wed- nesbury V. Wednesfield C. Wceford P.C. Whichnor C. © Whitting- ton P. C. Willenhall C. and of Yoxall R. The above ABSTRAcr is collected from the Registers of, Upper Arley P.C. Bilston C. Bobbington P. C. Brierly Hill (in King's-Swin- ford Parisb) C. Broom R. Bushbury V. Clent V. Codsall P. C. Enville R. Himley R. Kinfare P. C. Patshull P.C. Pattingham V. Penn V. Rowley-Regis P. C. Sedgley V. King's-Swinford R. Telten- hall P. C. Trysull V. Wolverhampton P. C. and of Wombourn R. (d) The Inhabitants of Harlasten bury and marry at Clifton-Campville. ! () Taniworth (partly in Warwickshire) includes the Returns of Fazeley, Wilncote and Wigginton Chapelries. © The Inhabitants of Whichinor bury at Barton-under-Needwood. 112 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF STAFFORD—continued. HUNDRED OF TOTMONSLOW. BOROUGH OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ato Years, Males re- | Total. Males! Fec| Total. males. linales Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Imales. Total. Malesre | Total. nales. Years. Mar. riages. 137 266 631 51 647 | 686 168 1811 603 586 1,189 306 331 | 637 1812 1629 602 1,231 363 357 | 720 1813 637 594 1,231 331 | 316 1814 1691 1632 / 1,323 330 1356 1815 17161677 1,393 372 308 | 680 1816 659 699 1,358 397 391 | 788 1817 1 722 624 1,346 340 345 | 685 1818 650 670 1,320 317 376 693 1819 1670 568 1,238 355 370 725 1820 732 654 1,386 377 369 | 746 1811 273 1812 1813 250 1814 279 1815 | 288 1816 1817 1818 | 292 1819 | 267 1820 285 1811 111 110 221 70 1812 108 93 | 201 156 1813 | 125 | 121 | 246 114 1814 121 | 105 | 226 77 91 1815 162 116 278 | 107 | 82 | 189 1816 139 117 | 256 . 97 75 172 1817 | 108 101 | 209 90 79 169 1818 126 102 228 58 66 144 1819 122 126 | 248 | 691 76 | 145 1820 117101 218 1 741 88 162 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 38 268 246 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, castle-under-Lyne P. C. New- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alstone- field V. Alveton, or Alton V. (j) Blore R. Bradley-le-Moors P. C. Bronshall R. Butterton P. C. Caldon P. C. Calton Č. Caverswall V. Cheadle R. Checkley R. Chedleton P. C. Croxden P. C. Dilhorne V. Draycot-in-the-Moors R. Elstone C. Ellastone V. Endon C. Grat- wich R. Grindon R. Horton P. C. Ilam V. Ipstones P. C. Kingsley R. Kingstone P. C. Leek V. Leigh R. Longnor C. Mayfield V. Meer- brook C. Okeover C. Oncott C. Quaruford C. RocesterV. Rushton C. Sheen P. C. Utroxeter V. (k) Warslow C. Waterfall P. C. and of Wetton P.C. (i) Alveton includes the Return of the Chapelry at Cotton. . (k) Also from Registers of Calvinists, Methodists and Quakers, at Crioxeter. BOROUGH OF STAFFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. CITY OF LITCHFIELD. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe. | Total. males. Years. Inales. Mar- riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ---- | 57 | 124 107 Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe- malcs. Total. | Years. Niar- riages. 120 70 93 88 181 161 | 175 74 | 144 106 55 127 1811 93 83 176 1812 941 94 | 188 1813 93 107 200 1814 70 85 155 1815 107 100 207 1816 116 89 205 1817 70108 178 1 93 101 | 194 1819 102 761 1820 103 92 195 127 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 | 113 121 164 1818 135 132 1811 51 105 1812 1813 1814 178 138 1815 | 57 | 109 1816 | 83 | 150 | 1817/ 86 110 1818 1819 1820 87 163 67 | 144 561 163 178 171 85 | 169 72 109 1819 138 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - P. C. and of St. Mary R. St. Chad 1820 168 104 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Si. Chad, otherwise Stowe P. C. St. Mary V.() St. Michael P.C. and of Litch- field Close (or the Cathedral Church) C. ☺) No Burial-ground at St. Mary's. SUMM A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN TIIE COUNTY OF STAFFORD. B.IPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Ycars. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1020 5,035 4,689 5,490 5,442 6,058 5,606 5,376 5,276 5,533 5,778 4,667 9,702 4,572 9,261 5,163 10,653 5,127 10,569 5,668 11,726 5,358 10,964 5,007 10,383 5,159 10,435 5,221 | 10,754 5,432 1 11,210 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,912 2,945 2,774 3,059 3,383 3,470 3,441 2,817 2,715 2,661 2,982 3,060 3,128 3,167 3,342 3,248 3,096 5,729 5,660 5,435 6,041 6,443 6,598 6,608 6,838 6,628 6,277 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,703 2,327 2,427 2,628 3,192 2,619 2,422 2,975 2,996 2,804 3,496 3,380 3,181 Totals 54,283 51,374 | 105,657 32,041 30,216 62,257 27,093 The SUMMARY of the County of STAFrond is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Forty-six Parisli Churches and Thirty-four Chapers, and from Three Registers of Dissenters; and it is belicved that no Return whatever reinains duc. -Several of the Returns niention Un-entcrca Baptisnis, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 251 ;—Burials, 38;-Marriage, 1. II M.DCCC.XXI.) 113 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO: IV. C. 94. · County of Suffolk.. · HUNDRED OF BABERGH. HUNDRED OF BLYTHING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- inales. males. riages. 337 158 Years. Males! Fe- Fe-Total. Males Fe- Total Total. ( Years. | Mar- males. males. i riages. 1811 303 3151 618 168 214 382 1811 130 1812 301 / 300 | 601 152 183 335 1812 | 125 1813 298 286 584 291 1813 127 1814 326313639 179 333 1814 156 1815 378 347 725 347 1815 165 1816 313 313 626 163 198 | 361 1816 145 1817 1315 1334 649 138 | 155 | 293 1817 | 170 1818 1312 1348 660 1190 1791 369 1818 175 1819 350 337 | 687 | 2151 215) 430 1819 186 1820 355 308 | 663 194 1871 381 | 1820 | 171 180 1811 311 | 296 607 1812 1345 / 284 | 629 1813 291 301 | 592 1814 333 313 646 1815 359/343 | 702 1816 328 364 | 692 1817 306 340 646 1818 356 371 | 727 1819 344 13241 668 1820 377 351 163 174 142 172 / 314 145 159 304 178 175 353 167 164 331 179 190 369 183 170 353 180 164 | 344 203 234 437 1 185 168 353 18111 160 1812 1813| 170 1814) 182 1815/ 174 18161 168 1817 144 1818 | 174 1819 172 1820 146 728 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,---Acton V. Alpheton R. Assington V. Boxford R. @) Boxted Il. Brent-Eleigh V. Bures-St.-Diary V. Cavendish R. Chilton R. Cockfield R. Great Cornard V. Little Cornard R. Edwardstone V. Glemsford R. Oro- ton R. Martest R. Lavenbam R. Lawshall R. Long Melford R. Milding R. Munks-Eleigh R. Nayland P.C. Newton-by-Sudbury R. Polstead R. Preston-St.-Mary's R. Shimpling-thorne R. Somerton R. Stanstead R. Stuke-by-Nayland V. Great Waldingfield R. Little Waldingfield V. and of Wissington V. () Buxford includes the Registers of Hadleigh Hamlet (Cosford Hundred) for the years 1811 and 1812. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ----Aldring- ham (with Thorpe) P.C. Benacre R. Blyford P.C. Blythburgh P.C.(d) Bramtield V. Brampton R. Chediston V. Cookley R. South Cove R. Covehythe, or Northales V. Cratfield V. Darsham V. Dunwich P. C. Frostenden R. Halesworth R. Haveningham R. Henstead (with Hul- verstree) R. Holton R. Huntingfield R. Knoddishall R. Leiston P.C. Great Linstead P.C. Little Linstead P.C. Middleton R. Peasenhall P. C. Reydon V.) Rumburgh P. C. Sibton V. Sotherton R. South- wold P.C. Spexhall R. Stoven P. C. Theberton R. Thorington R. Ubbeston V. Uggeshall R. Walberswick P. C. Walpole P. C. Wang- ford (with Henham) P. C. Wenhaston V. Westhall V. Westleton V. Wissett P.C. Wrentham R. ©) and of Yoxford V. (d) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Blyth- burgh. (°) The Return of Reydon includes the Baptisms which take place at Easton-Bevants. (0) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Wrentham. HUNDRED OF BLACKBOURNE. HUNDRED OF BOSMERE AND CLAYDON. mamia BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- Total. Males, Fe- Total. Years. Nar- riages. illali's males. 90 250 182 190 84 73 75 328 288 841 SA Years. Males Fc- Total. Males Feo | Total. | Years. Į Mar- males. riages. 1811 | 128 122 94 1811 82 1812 119 162 381 162 1812 73 1813 154 174 75 | 72 | 147 1813 1814 | 147 | 141 171 1814 1815 154 161 315 175 1815 1816 | 142 138 280 77 | 93 | 170 1816 1817 158 151 309 71 79 150 1817 84 1818 | 171 148 319 152 | 1818! 95 1819 153 171 324 | 90 | 92 | 182 1819 112 1820 | 192 | 161 353 1 77 | 78 | 155 | 18201 68 1811 206 177 383 | 108 | 101 i 209 1812 167 177 344 | 88101 | 189 1813 222 157 1814 214 1981 412 100 1815 222 92 101 | 193 1816 215 | 194 | 409 891 91 180 1817 199 191 390 1 82 95 177 1818 207 213 1 420 | 82 96 178 1819 219188 407 | 107 132 | 239 1820 223 | 199 422 1106 102 208 - 1811 1812 84 1813 81 1814 1815 1816 18171 1818 82 1819 105 | 1820 | 102 418 277 1 79 -- The above ABSIRACT is collected from the Registers of,--Ash- field-Magna P. C. Badwell-Ash P. C. Bardwell R. Barnham R. Barningham R. Coney-Weston R. Culford R. Elmswell R. Euston (with Little Fakenham) R. Fakenhain-Magna R. Hepworth R. Hin- derclay R. Honington R. Hopton R. Hunston P. C. lngham R. Ixworth P. C. Kneltishall R. Langliam R. Livermere-Parva R. Norton-St.-Andrew R. Rickinghall-Inferiur R. Sapiston P. C. Stanton- All Saints (with St. John-Baptist) R. (™) Stow-Langtoft R. Thel- netham R. Thorpe-by-Ixworth P. C. I'roxton R. Walsham-le-Willows P.C. Wattisfield R. () Weston-Market R. West-Stow R. and of Wordwell R. (b) The l'arishes of Stanton-All-Saints and Stanton-St.-John-the- Baptist are consolidated, the Parish Church of the latter having been dilapidated for the last twenty years. Also from a Register of Disscnters at Wattisfield. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ------Aker- lain R. Ashbucking 1. Badley P. C. Barham R. Barking (with Needham and Darmsden) R. Battisford V. Baylhain R. Great Bla- kenham R. Little Blakenham R. Bramford V. Great Bricett P. C. Claydon R. Coddenham 1. Creeting-All-Saints R. Creeting.St.- Mary R. Creeting-St.-Olaves R. Crowfield P.C. Flowton R. Gos- beck R. Helmingham R. Hemingstone R. Henley V. Mickfield R. Netileslead R. Offron (with Litile Pricet) R. Ringshall R. Somer- sham R. Stonlam-Aspall R. Earl-Stonham R. Little Stonham R. Swilland V. Westerfield R. and of Willisham P. C. 114 [Parish-Registers: ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER . . MTAS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK continued. HUNDRED OF CARLFORD. HUNDRED OF ARTISMERE. BAPTISD1S. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Males Total. Years. Males Fe- male's. Years. Mar- riages. Years. (Males! Fe- Tutal. Malcs, Fe- Total. nal nales. males. 120 43 1811 1812 36 206 108 114 132 137 1813 204 1814 « 278 1811 57 1812 ! 58 1813 1814 1815 1816 78 1817 1818 181967 1820 427 410 435 452 444 448 453 478 1811 212 215 1812 204 1813 231 1814 229 1815 223 1816 227 1817 232 1818 251 227 1819 233 1820 212 220 1815 « Ycars. / Mar- riages. 1811 108 1812 1813 104 1814 110 1815 123 1816 1817 110 1818 1819 108 1820 112 | 118 122 240 1110|127 | 237 1 79122 201 141 137 144 163 | 307 100 142 242 112120 232 1141211 235 135 156 | 291 | 103 136 239 « 149 106 1816 1817 1818 « 124 138 1819 30 460 132 18201 51 432 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -----Great Bealings R. Little Bealings R. Brightwell (with Foxall) R. Burgh R. Clopton R. Culpho P.C. Grundisburgh R. Hasketon R. Kesgrave P. C. Martleshamn R. Newbourne R. Outley R. Playford P. C. Rushmere-St.-Andrew V. Tuddenham-St.-Nlartin V. Waldringfield R. and of Witnesham R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from thc Registers of,—---Aspall P. C. Bacton R. Braisworth R. Brome R. Burgate R. Cotton R. Eye V. Finningham R. Gislingliam R. Mellis R. Mendlesham V. Oakley R. Occold R. Palgrave R. Redgrave (with Botisdale) R. Redlingfeld P. C. Rickinghall-Superior R. Rishangles R. Stoke- Ash R. Stuston R. Tbornden-All-Saints R. Great Thornham R. Little Thornham R. Thrandeston R. Thwaite R. Westhorpe R. Wethering- sett (with Brockford) R. Wickham-Skeith R. Wortham R. Wyver- stone R. and of Yasley R. HUNDRED OF COLŅEIS. HUNDRED OF HOXNE. BAPTISMş. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe | Total. Males! males. Total. Mar- Years. | riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fco | Total. males. Inales. Years. Mar. riages. 1 166 405 116 146 33 131 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 41 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819| 37 1820 33 1811 219 186 | 114 | 130 | 244 1812 240 | 220 460 | 124 | 112 | 236 1813 227 223 450 93 96 189 1814 246 491 111 | 128 239 1815 246 481 115 111 226 1816 214 206 420 | 100 | 122 | 222 1817 269 225 1 494 111 106 | 217 1818 234 212 446 1113 83 | 196 1819 256 251 507 149 123 | 272 1820 236 241 | 477 105 116 221 235 1811 1812 115 1813 110 1814 1815 | 106 1816 115 1817 95 1818 112 18191 121 | 1820 125 V 118 72 134 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Buckle- sham R. Falkenham V. Felixstow. V. Hemly R. Kirton R. Languard- Fort C. Levington R. Nacțoo R. Trinley-St.-Martin R. Trimley- St.-Mary R. and of Walton V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Athel- ington R. Badingham R. Bedfield R. Bedingfield V. Brundish P. C. Carlton R. Denham V. Dennington R. Fressingfield V. Horham R. Hoxne V. Kelsale R. Laxfield V. Mendham V. Metfield P.C. Monk- Soham R. Saxtead P. C. Sontholt P. Ç. Stradbrook V. Syleham V. Tannington V. Weybread V. Wilby Ķ Wingfield P. C. Withers- dale R. and of Worlingworth R. HUNDRED OF COSFORD. HUNDRED OF LACKFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Maled Fe- males Total. Years. 1 Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. 74 |Males! Fe. Total. males. 58 126 88 153 49 74 | 123 52 76 128 62 | 78. 140 157 139 70 53 79 139 1811 | 94 104 198. 1812761 123 | 199 1813 124 100 224 1814 116 109 295 1815 120 106 226 1816 150 103 253 1817 105 125 23.0. 1818 136 132 268 1819 (143 | 143 | 286 1820 130 118 248 179 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1019 1820 1811 175 | 157 | 332 | 93 | 89 | 182 1812 121 | 153 | 274 80 | 83 | 163 1813 179 173 352 1814 163 342 1102 94 | 196 1815 184 169 | 353 1 96 95 / 191 1816 175 | 163 338 8076 | 156 1817 169 174 343 81 79 / 160 1818. 161 157 | 318 73 93 166 1819 194 185 1820 181 185 366 1 78 86 164 1811 1812 1813 18141 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819) 1820 . 140 141 .- 70 71 711 70 184 378 84 94 - . 141 56 - Barto The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ald- ham R. Bildeston R. Brettenham R. Chellesworth R. Elmiset R. Hadleigh R. Hadleigh-Hamlet C. (8) Hitchan R. Kersey P. C. Kettlebaston R. Layham R. Lindsey P.C. Naughton R. Nedging R. Semer R. (") Thorpe-Morieux R. Wattisham P. Č. and of Whatfield R. (6) The Register of Hadleigh-Hamlet is included in that of Boxford (Babergh Hundred), for the years 1811 and 1812. b) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Semer. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of me Mills R. Brandon R. Cavenham V. Santon-Downliam P. C. Elden R. Eriswell R. Exning V. Freckenbam V. Herringswell R. Icklingham- St.-James (with All Saints) R. Lackenheath V. Mildenhall V. New- market-St.-Mary R. Tuddenham-St.-DIary R. Wangford R. and of Worlington R. M.DCCC.XXI.] 115 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. C. 94. --- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. -- -- - - - - HUNDRED OF LOES. HUNDRED OF RISBRIDGE. - MARRIAGES. males. 04 336 205 209 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- 1 Mar- Total. Malcs, Fe Total. Years. riages. 1811 1184 181 | 365 go 174 1811 104 1812 182 154 | 207 1. 1812 88 1813 179 191 370 168 1813 84 1814 162 165 327 192 1 1814 1815 | 162 304 151 1815 1816 311 166 1816 1817 143 327 148 1817 1818 178 354 83 | 144 1818 1819 190 | 374 1 77 1001 177 1819 92 1820 154 161 74 96 170 1820 86 104 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. Years. Males! Fe- / Total. Males Fe- Total males. males. 1811 211 221 1 432 132 136 268 1812 200 201 401 97 | 108 1813 433 1 87 116 203 1814 228 450 1113 1441 257 1815 | 234 190 424 1110128 | 238 1816 257 501 104 110 214 1817 245 232 477 1100 115) 215 1818 237 270 507 1113148 261 1819 218 | 207 425 1103 130 233 1820 245 269 514 109 154 263 Years. Mar- riages. 1811 116 1812 91 1813 | 109 1814 108 1815 128 1816 101 1817 94 1818 | 113 1819 112 1820 109 142 147 244 184 176 184 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,--Bran- deston V. Butley and Capel P. C. Campsey- Ish R. Charsfield P. C. Cretingham V. Earl-Soham R. Easton R. Eyke R. Fram- lingham R. Hacheston V. Hou P. C. Kenton V. Kettleburgh R. Leiheringham P. C. Marlesford R. Monewden R. Rendlesham R. and of Woodbridge P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Barna- diston R. Great Bradley R. Little Bradley R. Chedburgh R. Clare V. Cowlinge P. C. Dalham R. Denham P. C. Denston P. C. Depden R. Gazely V. Haverhill V. Hawkedon R. Hundon V. Kedington R. Kentford P. C. Lidgate R. Moulton R. Owsden R. Poslingford V. Stansfield R. Stoke-next-Clare P. C. Stradishall R. Great Thurlow V. Little Thurlow R. Wickham-Brook V. Wiroe R. Withersfield R. Great Wratting R. and of Little Wratting R. HUNDRED OF MUTFORD AND LOTHINGLAND. HUNDRED OF SAMFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe-1 en Total. Males Fe- males.! Totul. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Qlales! Fe- | males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. nales. Years. Mar riages. 102 81 167 63 70 78 87 113 1811 237 209 | 446 114 131 245 1811 1812 236 157 393 1 99 101 | 200 1812 1813 210 213 423 | 120 114 | 234 1813 1814 218 243 | 461 | 102 106208 1814 1815 206 199 | 405 87 108 / 195 1815 1816 235 203 438 91 | 92 | 183 1816 1817 195 183 / 378 97 831 180 1817 1818 | 208 205 413 106 ! 89 | 195 1 1818 1819 1204 193 397 113 (101 | 214 · 1819 1820 | 210 214 į 424 1118 116) 234 1 1820 97 1811 164 166 330 1812 144 131 | 275 1813 162 150 312 1814 148 | 141 | 289 1815 170152 322 1816 155 145 1817 164 143 307 1818 | 1731 172 345 1819 | 149 | 152 301 1820 | 194 | 162 356 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1810 18201 165 77 63 140 155 1 7685 | 161 175 63 138 73 50 | 123 | 80 | 94 | 174 80 | 87 | 167 70 102 172 300 107 125 121 127 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Ashby R. Barnby P.C. Belton Pt. Blundeston (with Flixton) R. Bradwell R. Burgh-Castle R. Carlton-Colville R. Corton V. Fritton R. Gisle- ham R. Gorleston (with Sonth Town) V. Gunton R. Herringfieet P.C. Hopton P.C. Kessingland V. Kirkley R. Lound R. Low- stoft V. Mutford V. Oldton R. Pakefield R. Rushmore R. and of Sowerleyton R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—Little- Belstead R. Bentley V. East Bergholt P. C. Brántham R. Burstal P.C. Capel-St.-Mary R. Chattisham V. Chelmhondiston R. Cop- dock R. "Erwarton R. Freston R. Harkstead R. Higham V. Hintlesham R. Holbrooke R. Holton-St.-Mary R. Raydon R. Shelley P. C. Shotley R. Sproughton R. Stratford-St.-Mary R. Stuttun R. Tattingstone R. (0) Washbrooke V. Great Wenhani R. Little Wenham R. Wherstead V. and of Woolverstone R. (0) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Tattingstone. HUNDRED OF PLOMSGATE. HUNDRED OF STOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES: BAPTISMS. BURIALS. † MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe Total. Males Fe- nales. Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males! Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males. males. Fotal. Years. Mar- riages. males riages. 90 61 161 173 132 309 57 62 91 92 146 84 153 A 154 91 1811 131 1631 294 1812 157 152 1813 169 142 311 1814 156 188 344 1815 165 152 1816 149 1817 162 173 1818 | 140 | 179 319 1819 158 149 1820 158 169 317 1.39 1811 1 81 143 1812 101 193 1813 174 1814 ,101 | 95 | 196 1815 111 208 1816 100 86 186 1817 100 120 220 1818 89 112 1819 1113 89 202 1820 94 115 | 209 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 60 65 nnie nie 149 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 298 125 110 129 132 152 163 160 335 201 307 168 Or ch MÍLICAR 104 327 98 | 175 96 55 107 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alde- hurgh V. Beuhall V. Blaxhall:R. Bruisyard P. C. Chillesford R. Eransford V. Farnham P. C. Friston V. Great Glemham P. C. Little Glemham R. Iken R. Orford P. C. Parhan V. Rendham V. Saxmundham R. ' Snape V. Sternfield R. Stratford-St.-Andrew R. Sudbourn R. Swefling R. Tunstall (with Dunningsworth) R. and of Wantisde: P. C. The above Aistract is collected from the Registers of --Buxbell R. Combs R. Creeting-St.-Peter R. Great Finborough V. Little Fin- borough P. C. Harlestone R. Hawleigh V. Old Newton V'. One- House R.. (j). Shelland P. C. Slow-Market V. (k) Stow-Upland V. and of Wetherden R. (j) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Onehouse. (k) Stow-Market includes Gipping. 116 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. HUNDRED) OF THEDWESTRY. HUNDRED OF WANGFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe 1 Total. males.' Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar. males. males. males. riages. 227 124 117 65 1811 100 127 1812 112 229 1813 | 142 | 124 266 1814 142 137 279 1815 1139 102 | 241 1816 141 129 1817 146 125 271 1818 150 121 271 1819 : 140 135 275 1820 i 138 (153 / 291 -64 117 114 134 65 63 128 74 | 61 | 135 54 | 57 | 111 128 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 327 1811 147 143 290 1812 154 166 320 1813 | 150 | 155 305 1814 1681 167 335 1815 159 168 1816 | 174 170 344 1817 156 172 328 1818 183 176 359 1819 170 169 339 1820 169 158 327 90 123 213 116110 226 63 78 | 141 95 | 85 / 180 80 82 162 72 92 164 156 94 | 85 | 179 95 | 79 | 174 80 115 195 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 : 6% 270 | 128 59 74 | 78 | 152 1820 79 The above ilBSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Amp- ton R. Great Barton V. Bayton R. Bradfield-Combust R. Brad- field-St.-Clare R. Bradfield-St.-George R. Drinkstone R. Felsham- St.-Peter R. Fornham-St.-Geneveve R. Fornham-St.-Martin R. Ged- ding R. Hesselt R. Livermere-Magna R. Pakenham V. Rattles- den R. Rougham R. Rushbrooke R. Stanningfield R. Thurston V. Timworth R. Tostock R. Great Welnetham R. Little Welnetham R. and of Woolpit. R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bar- sham R. Beccles R. Bungay-St.-Mary P.C. Bungay-Trinity V. North Cove (with Willingham-St.-Mary's) R. Ellough R. South Elmham-All-Saints and St. Nicholas R. South Elmham-St.-James R. South Elmliam-St.-Margaret's R. South Elmham-St.-Michael's R. South Elmham-St.-Peter's R. Flixton V. Homersfield R. Ilketshall-St.- Andrew R. Ilketshall-St.-John R. Ilketshall-St.-Lawrence P. C. Ilket- shall-St.-Margaret's V. Mettingham V. Great Reddisham P. C. Ringsfield (with Little Reddishan) R. Sandcroft R. Shaddingfield R. Shipmeadow R. (™) Sotterley R. Weston R. and of Worlinghani R. (1) Also from a Register kept at the House of Industry at Ship- meadow. HUNDRED OF THINGOE. · HUNDRED OF WILFORD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe. | Total. males. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. | Mar- males males. riages. 81 161 28 42 70 38 204 | 73 135 101 135 95 07 18 37 41 1811 80 1812 1813 106 1814 73 1815 1816 1817 | 81 1818 100 1819 11 1820 | 99 105 81 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 55 35 1811 102 102 1812 62 1813 Juul 70 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 98 to set ESOV 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 ut top on the to the 83 45 81 162 181 171 190 102 108 103 105 33 105 come o The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Bar- row R. Brockley R. Chevington R. Flemptun (with Hengrave) R. Fornham-All-Saints R. Hargrave R. Hawsted R. Horningsheath R. Ickworth R. Lackford R. Newton R. Rede R. Risby R. Great Saxhan R. Little Saxham R. Westley R. and of Whepstvad R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, —- Alder- tou R. Bawdsey V. Boulge R. Boyton-St.-Andrew R. Bredfield V. Bromeswell R. 'Dallinghoo R. Deboulge or Debach R. Hollesley R. Melton R. (m) Petistree V. Rainsholt P.C. Shottisham R. Sutton V. Ufford R. and of Wickhamn-Market V. (m) Also From a Register kept at the House of Industry at Melton. HUNDRED OF THREDLING. BOROUGH OF BURY SAINT EDMUNDS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar. riages. Miar- Years. Males! Fe- Total. Total. Males Fe- males. Years. inales. males. riages. 35 61 151 61 118 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 109 82 | 96 | 178 149 1811 74 76 150 1812 76 82 158 1813 151 158 309 1814 | 124 143 267 1815 169 153 322 1816 141 153 294 1817 | 142 | 131 | 273 1818 157 299 1819 292 1820 158 151 309 hil 86 | 157 66 | 68 | 134 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817| 78 1818/ 75 1819 104 1820 94 142 | 149 181 178 1010 | 142 / 1 áo 83 | 95 73 | 86 | 159 St. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Ash- field (wlth Thorpe) P. C. Debenham V. Framsden V. Pettaugh R. and of Winston V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of - James P. C. and of St. Mary P. C. M.DCCC.XX1.1 117 : . C. 94. A THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV COUNTY OF SUFFOLK-continued. BOROUGH OF IPSWICH. BOROUGH OF SUDBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- Total. Males Fe. | Total. males. Years. males. Years. | Mar- Years. Males Fe. | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. males. riages. riages. 179 37 45 61 25 1812 174 161 40 | 301 70 308 144 1811 229 226 455 222 216 438 1813 206 230 436 1814 198 208 406 1815 214 213 427 1816 182 210 392 1817 227 | 1941 421 1818 275 247 522 1819 222 196 418 1820 257 240| 497 | 1571 336 170 163 333 126 113 239 146 307 154 154 134 153 287 114 1114 228 153 | 162 315 139 157 | 296 125 | 125 250 1811 211 1812 1813 187 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 155 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 29 27 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Saints V. St. Gregory P. C. and of St. Peter P. C. All- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---St. Clement R. St. Helen R. St. Lawrence P. C. St. Margaret P.C. St. Mary-Elms P. C. St. Mary at the Quay P.C. St. Mary-Stoke R. St. Mary Tower P. C. St. Matthew R. St. Nicholas P. C. St. Peter P. C. St. Stephen R. and of Whitton (with Thurlston) R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. | Males. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. .. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,605 3,524 3,835 3,783 3,997 3,879 3,829 4,064 4,012 4,127 3,546 3,446 3,719 3,831 3,761 3,729 3,838 3,995 3,825 3,982 7,151 6,970 7,554 7,614 7,758 7,608 7,667 8,059 7,837 8,109 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1317 1818 1819 1820 2,097 1,982 1,692 2,006 1,955 1,900 1,815 1,994 2,148 1,996 2,198 2,123 1,842 2,157 2,095 2,118 1,873 2,074 2,301 2,168 4,295 4,105 3,534 4,163 4,050 4,018 3,688 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,967 1,759 1,922 2,079 2,081 1,863 1,985 2,083 2,105 2,041 4,068 4,449 4,164 TOTALS / 38,655 37,672 76,327 · - | 19,585 | 20,949 | 40,534 | 19,885 The SUMMARY of the County of SUFFOLK is collected from the Registers of Five hundred Parish Churches and Two Chapels; from Two Registers of Dissenters, and from Six other Registers; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 281 ;--Burials, 80. Hh ri:8 (Parish-Registers ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Surrey. HUNDRED OF BLACKHEATH. HUNDRED OF EFFINGHAM. - - - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. : 1 MARRIAGES. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males fe- 1 Total. | Years. / Mar- walis. riages 150 44 107 92/ Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe | Total. males. 1811 1118 102 220 102 1812 118 100 | 218 59 | 54 | 113 1813 1119 211 89 1814 1127 109 236 61 61 122 1815 | 126 | 109 235 69 53 122 1816 123 / 118241 61 52 113 1817 121 123 244 53 | 58 | 111 1818 98 119! 217 1819 118 115 233 1820 135 110 245 | 148 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814) 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 AW A WO osos to co 16 16 136 107 10 1 19 1820 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Bookham V. Little Bookliam R. and of Effingham V. Great The above ABSTRACT is collecied from the Registers of, Al- bury R. Alföld R. Bramley P.C. Cravley R. Dunsfold R. Ewhurst R. Hascomb R. St. Martha P.C. (*) Slialford V. Sheere R. and of Wonersh V. (a) St. Martha's Chapel serves as a Parish Church to Chilworth, Extra P. HUNDRED OF BRIXTON. HUNDRED OF ELMBRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. males. riages. 84 Years. Males! Feo | Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. 1811 1,845 1,8563,701 1,390 1,3872,777 1811 / 1,336 1812 1,861 1,829 3,690 1,460|1,483/2,943 1812 1,210 1813 1,888 1,822 3,710 1,413 1,4492,862 1813 1,235 1814 2,025 1,827 3,852 11,722 1,557 3,279 1814|1,387 1815 2,130 2,053 4,183 11,515 1,404 2,919 | 1815 1,470 1816 2,072 2,057 4,129 1,621 (1,595 3,216 1816 1,402 1817 2,205 2,1114,316 1,539 1,618 3,157 1817 | 1,417 1818 2,2282,223 4,451 (1,765 1,725 3,490 1818 1,509 1819 2,145 2,237 4,382 1,775 1,727 3,5021819 1,623 1820 2,318 2,2454,563 (1,767 1,715 3,482 1820 1,690 Years. Males Fe- Total. Alales Fer Total. males. 1811 106 104 210 58 63 121 1812 97 | 99 196 109 1813 96 180 127 1814 113 93 206 1815 106 120 1816 106 184 64 74 138 1817 97 92 189 117 1818 102 106 208 17665 141 1819 1071 1820 82 116198 142 219 63 57 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1823 122 144 35 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Barnes R. Battersea V. Bermondsey R. Camberwell V. Clapham.R. Dulwich College C. Lambeth R. (b) Merton P.C. Mortlake P. C. St. Marg- Newington Ri Putney P.C. St. Mary-Rotherhithe R. Streathamu Ř. Tooting-Graveney R. Wandsworth V. and of Wimbledon P. C. O Lambeth includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at Stockwell Chapel. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Cob. ham V. Esher R. East Moulsey P.C. West Moulsey P.C. Stoke- D’Alborne or D’Abernon R. Walton-upon-Thames V, and of Wey. bridge R. HUNDRED OF COPTHORNE.) HUNDRED OF FARNHAM. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. Years. Males Fc. Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- inalcs. Total. Males Fe- niales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males, males. 39 72 283 ERE 123 115 76 841 72 156 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 124 100 1811 111|128 239 158 1812 146/137 1813 | 105 | 130 235 1814 131 143 274 1815 | 153 166 319 1 82 84 166 1816 | 117 | 123 240 92 87 179 1817 130 138 62 66 128 1818 | 125 124 103 101204 1819 150 139 289 | 104 | 98 | 202 1820 148 154 30284 98 182 110 1811 89 101 190 1812 94 99 193 1813 97 107 204 1814 | 106 | 99 205 1815 119 229 1816 115 | 109 | 224 1817 107 125 232 1818 | 118 | 125 | 243 1819 1111 108 | 219 | 1820 110 131 241 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 51 113 . | 268 249 125 112 124 1818 62 117 1819 1820 Elstcad The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - | P.C. Farnham V. Frensham P. C. and of Scale P. C. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- stead R. Banstead V. Chessington P. C. Epsom V. Ewell V. Fethcham R. Headley R. Letherhead V. Mickleham R. Newdi- gate R. and of Walton-on-the-Hill R. ) The Church of Cuddington is in ruins. M.DCCC.XXI.] 119 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF SURREY-continued. HUNDRED OF GODALMING. HUNDRED OF REIGATE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- Years. | riages. 80 71 136 42 258 13 Males_Fe- | Total. |Males Few Total. males. inales. 1811 145 153 298 64 64 | 128 1812 130 133 263 148 1813 118 118 236 | 155 1814 128 | 145 | 273 144 1815 139 169 308 142 1816 146 133 | 279 1817 159 150 309 | 130 1818 | 156 (131 | 287 138 1819 | 142 | 139 281 1820 157 150 307 85 | 171 Years: Mar- riages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 59 Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males, males. 1811 136 263 1812 | 130128 151 1813 182 324 1814 161 1815 168 320 56 135 1816 149 158 307 1817 162 136 298 135 1818 154 151 305 87 63 150 1819 134 145 | 279 187 1820 | 148 | 144 | 292 80 104 | 184 309 - 150 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 159 40 146 46 54 . The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Chid- dingfold R. Compton R. Godalming V.(d) Hambledon R. Haslemere P. C. Peper-Harrow R. Puttenham R. () Thursley P. C. and of Witley V. (d) Also from a Register of Quakers at Godalming. () Puttenham includes Wanborough, Extra P., the Chapel of which is ruinated. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, --Betch- worth V. Buckland R. Burstow R. Charlewood R. Chipstead R. Gatton R. Horley V. Leigh R. Mersthain R. Nutfield R. and of Reigate V. HUNDRED OF GODLEY. HUNDRED OF TANDRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. inales. males. 46 52 53 41 (144 73 1811 163 145 308 1812 168 181 349 1813 157 190 347 1814 171 315 1815 200 174 374 1816 184 177 1817 1188 1191 | 379 1818 190 166 356 1819 165 186 | 351 1820 199 | 195 | 394 128 133 137 128 121 55 95 84 179 841 92 | 176 | 102 100 202 104 125 | 229 96 871 183 110 98 208 112 98210 94 127 | 221 1261 97 223 109 108 | 217 361 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 127 | 97 224 1812 117 117 234 1813 | 107 | 117 224 1814 133 103 | 236 1815 1816 140 108 248 1817 248 1818 151 124 1819 122 260 1820 245 247 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 136 103 163 31 275 133 45 55 20 138 45 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,---Bis- 1. ley R. Byfleet R. Chertsey V. Chobhamn V. Egham V. Frimley C. Horsell P. C. Pyrford V. and of Thorpe V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Blech- ingly R. Caterham R. Chelsham P.C. Crowhurst P. C. Farley R. Godstone R. Hornc R. Limpsfield R. Lingfield P. C. Oxtead R. Tandridge P. C. Tattsfield R. Titsey R. Warlingham V. and of Woldingham P.C. HUNDRED OF KINGSTON. HUNDRED OF WALLINGTON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe. males. Total. Males re- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe-1 | Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. malcs. nales. 397 62 174 326 370 178 178 374 362 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 327 346 208 189 205165 1961 160 196 218 209 218 205 185 166 203 399 | 139 | 158 297 | 136 122 258 153 134 | 287 146 159 305 149 135 284 147 1158 305 150 133 | 283 197 159 356 172 169 | 341 166 161 327 200 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1351 1811 289 | 304 593 1812 287 281 568 1813 275 303 578 1814 268 269 537 1815 291 642 1816 331 291 622 1817 1314 294 1818 328 2701 598 1819 304 269 | 573 1820 336 | 294 630 152 147 325 196 174 185 372 186 394 170 365 | 248 230 478 208 201 409 204 189 393 1811 68 1812 89 1813 75 1814| 111 1815 115 1816 81 1817 77 1818 1819 100 1820 95 418 381 423 351 428 17? or CO O 608 1818 1819 1820 226 202 The above Abstnact is collected from the Registers of, Long Ditton R. Thames-Ditton P.C. Kew P.C. Kingston-upon-Thames V. Malden V. Petersham P.C. and of Richmond P. C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Adding- ton V. Beddington R. Carshalton V. Chaldon R. Cheam R. Coulsdon R. Croydon V. Mitcham y. Mordon R. Sanderstead R. Sulton R. and of Woodmansterne R. 130 [Parish-Registers. ABSTR:CT OF ANSIERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF SURREY-continued. HUNDRED OF WOKING (*) BOROUGH-TOWN OF GUILDFORD. BAPTISMS.. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Wales Fe- Years. MIar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males Tulal. Males Le Total. Years. Mar | riages. males/ Total. males/ Total. 135 136 276 63 71 47 141 152 67 49 49 93 75 148 108 62 58 16 143 147 153 71 1811 141 1812 152 288 1813 133 281 1814 123 266 1815 161 308 1816 1817 318 1818 | 148 | 145 | 293 1819 167 | 191 | 1820 182 150 332 115 1811 1812 1813 1814 18151 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 41 294 1811 117 1812 98 1813 112 1814 105 1815 1316 106 1817 1818 | 61 | 61 | 122 1819 1820 53 1811 26 1812 26 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819! 27 1820 89 75 92 98 190 144 162 132 106 116 222 89 96 185 84 | 89 | 173 | 48 | 58 151 167 La 46 87 358 52 86 97 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ash R. East Clandon R. West Clandon R. East llorsley R. West Horsley R. | Nierrow R. Ockham R. Pirbright P. C. Send (with Ripley) V. Stoke (nest Guildford) R. Windlesham (with Bagshot) R. Wisley R. Woking V. and of Worplesdun R. Wanborough, Extra P., is included in the Register of Putten- ham (Godalming Hundred). The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, St. Mary R. (h) St. Nicholas R. and of The Holy Trinity R. (h) (h) Also froin Two Registers of Dissenters in St. Mary's Parish, and from One Register of Dissenters in the Parish of The Holy Trinity. HUNDRED OF WOTTON. BOROUGH-TOWN OF SOUTHWARK. --- - --- - NE BAPTISMS. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males) Fe- inales. Total. Alales! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 61 653 114 113 39 573 93 96 116 1811 100 92 | 192 1812 95 92 | 187 1813 100 193 1814 85 90 175 1815 121 1021 223 1816 | 87 124 | 211 1817 98 197 1818 100 115 215 1819 | 108 | 103 | 211 1820 | 117 | 102 | 219 1811 31 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819! 28 1820 25 Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males' Fe- Total. | Years. | Nar- males. inales. - riayes. 1811 | 895 1,074 1,969 968; 869 1,837 1811 1812 1 983 1,032 2,015 1,107 933) 2,040 1812 1813 9871 9951,982 1,006 880 1,886 1813 565 1814 | 9811 918 1,899 11,148 1,015 2,163 1814 668 1815 1,059 1,054 2,113 11,130 9912,121 1815 1816 (1,008 1,033 2,041 11,178 930 2,108 1818 673 1817 11,029, 1,076 2,105 (1,133 999 2,132 1817 660 1818 1,043 1,054/ 2,097 11,086 989 2,075 1818 668 1819 1,059 1,070 2,129 1,146 1,077 2,223 1819 705 1820 1,038 1,013 2,051 11,158 963 2,121 i 1820 686 747 54 62 116 44 37 1 81 46 109 111 53 114 53 | 112 99 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,- Abin- ger R. Capel P. C. Dorking V. Oakwood-Chapel C. () Ockley R. and of Wotton R. 3) The Chapel of Oakwood is in the Parish of Wotton; and is in usc as a Chapel of Ease to the several Parishes of Abinger, Ockley and Wotton. Tire above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Christ- Church R. St. George R. St. John-Horsleydown R. St. Olave R. St. Saviour P.C. and of St. Thomas P. C. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SURREY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 3,416 3,241 3,366 4,691 4,597 4,596 4,447 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 5,066 4,545 4,642 4,636 4,795 5,207 4,963 5,123 5,237 5,062 5,397 9,236 9,239 9,232 9,242 10,273 9,938 10,209 10,373 10,254 10,596 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,450 4,016 3,724 3,928 3,708 4,141 4,123 4,101 6,657 7,022 6,793 7,681 7,124 7,545 7,307 8,113 8,093 3,343 3,665 3,400 3,617 3,599 3,972 3,970 3,889 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 4,975 5,086 5,136 5,192 5,199 2,603 2,415 2,410 2,723 2,919 2,657 2,747 2,849 3,018 3,109 7,990 . TOTALs 49,607 48,985 98,592 38,263 36,062 74,325 27,450 The SUMMARY of the County of Surrey is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Forty-one Parish Churches and Three Chapels, and from Four Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following Amount; viz. : . . . Annual Average Number of Un-eụtered Baptisms, 265;-Burials, 318. M.DCCC.XXI.] 121 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Sussex. RAPE OF ARUNDEL. RAPE OF CHICHESTER. (d) BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males. Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar. Years. Males! Fe- riages. 1811 427 3701 797 222 208 | 430 1812 1392 1410| 802 192 201 | 393 1813 424 4271 851 2051 | 166 371 1814 454 411 865 226 203 | 429 1815 | 472 456 | 928 207173 | 380 1816 393 437 | 830 204 | 197 401 1817 548 457 | 1005 189 | 181 370 1818 1 477 1375 | 852 205 | 220 | 425 1819 1 462 | 478 940 210 1225 | 435 1820 ! 501 | 465 466 216 | 206 | 422 1811 166 1812 165 1813| 147 1814 180 1815) 200 18161 196 1817 206 1818 173 l 18191 199 18201 190 | Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. | Mar- males. males riages. 1811 421 431 852 216 185 401 1811] 195 1812 424 439 863 200188 388 1812 155 1813 472 418 890 219 172 391 1813 181 1814 464 450 914 236 227 463 1814 177 1815 493 | 459 952 225 2041 429 1815) 186 1816 476 448 924 207 443 1816| 198 1817 | 454 434 888 | 225 197 | 422 1817 168 1818 458 463 921 197 426 18181 161 . 1819 | 4851413 1 898 424 1819 197 1820 507 452 959 222 174 396 | 1820 | 191 236 206 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, —-Amber- ley V. Angnering R. ' Arundel V. Barlavington R. Barnham V. Bignor R. Billinghurst V. Binsted R. Burpham V. Burton (with Coates) R. Bury V. North Chapel R. West Chiltington R. Climp- ing V. Duncton R. Eastergate R. Egdcan R. Felpham V. Ferring V. Filtleworth V. Ford R. Goring V. Greathan R. Little Hampton V. Hardhanı R. Houghton V. Kingston V. Kirdford (with Plaistow) V. Lurgasall R. Lyminster and Walming-Camp V. Madehurst V. Middleton R. Parham R. Petworth R. Poling V. East Preston V. Pulborough R. Rudgwick V. Rustington V. North Stoke V. South Stoke R. Stopham R. Storrington R. Sutton R. Tillington R. Tortington V. Walberton V. Cold Waltham P. C. Wisborough-Green V. (a) Wiggenholt R. Wool-Lavington R. and of Yapton V. (*) Wisborough-Green includes Loxwood. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alding- bourne V. Appledram V. Bepton R. Bersted V. Birdham R. Bosham V. West Bourne P. Boxgrove V. Chidham V. Cocking V. Compton V. East Dean V. West Dean V. Donnington.V. Earnly (with Almodington) R. Eartham V. Easebourne V.) Elstead R. Farnhurst P. C. New Fishbourn R. Funtington P. C. Grafham R. West Hampnett V. Harting V. Heyshott R. Hunston V. Iping (with Chithurst) R. West Itchenor R. East Lavant R. Mid Lavant P. C. Linchinere P. C. Lodsworth C. Lynch R. East Marden V. North Marden R. Up-Marden V. Merston R. Midhurst P. C. North Mundham V. Oving V. Pagham V. Racton R. Rogate V. Rumboldswyke R. Selham R. Selsey R. and V. Sidlesham V. Singleton R. Slindon R. Stedham R. West Stoke R. Stoughton V. Tangmere R. Terwick R. West Thorney R. Treyford (with Did- ling) R. Trotton (with Milland) R. Upwaltham R. East Witter- ing R. West Wittering V. and of Woolbeding R. (4) The Chapel of Binderton Parish is not in use, and is said to be unconsecrated. (0) Also from a Register of Roman Catholics at Easebourne. RAPE OF BRAMBER. RAPE OF HASTINGS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males.] Total. Males Fe- Total. males. Years. / Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fec| Total. Males Fec. | Total. Years. | Mar- riages. males 1811 299 1811 405 421 | 826 265 236 501 1811 179 1812 387 382 769 1 204 177 381 1812 145 1813 409 364 773 148 145 293 1813 163 1814 434 391 825 240 235 475 1814 | 183 1815 449 418 867 219 | 183 402 1815 194 1816 412 403) 815 191 | 179 | 370 1816 184 1817 1484 1417 901 161 164 325 1817 152 1818 416 382) 798 173 | 193 | 366 1818 162 1819 450 399 / 849 214202416 | 1819 | 137 1820 419 434 853 1213 209 | 422 | 1820 | 187 1811 1671 1634 | 1,305 | 282 242 524 1812 | 662 610 1,272 336 283 619 1813 697 1655 1,352 265 | 291 | 556 1814 1714 1636 1,350 372 352 724 1815 1691 651 1,342 289 261 550 1816 708 663 1,371 362 306 | 668 1817 718 685 1,403 278 276 554 1818 752 730 1,482 329 291 620 1819 748 1718 1,466 13451 334 679 1820 740 749 1,489 287 313 600 1812 292 1813 316 1814 316 1815 382 1816 348 1817 330 1818 364 1819 | 359 1820 334 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Al- bourn R. Ashington (with Buncton) R. Ashurst R. Beeding or Seal V. Botolplis V. Bramber R. Broadwater R. (b) Clapham R. Coombes R. Cowfold V. Durrington P.C. Edburton R. Findon V. West Grinstead R. Heene P. C. llenfield V. Horsham V. ☺ Ifield V. Itchingfield R. Kingston-by-Sea R. Lancing V. Nut- hurst R. Patching R. Rusper R. Shermanbury R. Shipley P. C. New Shoreham V. Old Shoreham V. Slinfold R. and V. Sompling V. Southwick R. Stevning V. Sullingtor: R. West Tarring V. Thake- ham R. Warnham V. Washington V. Wiston R. Woodmancote R. and of Worminghurst P. C. (6) Broadwater includes the Return of Baptisms which take place at Worthing Chapel () Thc Barracks at Horsham are pulled down, consequently there is no distinct Return for them. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ----Ashburn- ham V. Battle V. Beckley R. Bexhill V. Bodiam V. Brede R. Brightling R. Burwash V. and R. Catsfield R. Crowhurst R. Dal- lington R. Etchingham R. Ewhurst R. Fairlight V. Guestling R. East Guldeford R. Hastings-All-Saints R. (*) Hastings-St.-Cle- ment R. (f) Heathfield V. Hollington and St. Leonard's R. Hooe V. Hurstmonceux R. Icklesham V. Iden R. Mountfield V. Ninfield V. Northiam R. Oare R. Peasmarsh V. Penhurst R. Pett R. Play- den R. Rye V. Salehurst V. Sedlescomb R. Ticehurst V. Udi- more V. Warbleton R. Wartling V. Westfield 1. Whatlington R. and of Winchelsea R. 1) The Parishes of Hastings, which anciently were Five or Six in nunber, appear to be now united into one Benefice, at which two separate Registers are kept. 11 I i 122 [Parish-Registers, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDEK Au TTY COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. RAPE OF LEWES (6) CITY OF CHICHESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total, 1 Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe. malcs. Total. Males Fe. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males nales. 18111 123 216 52 118 632 142 296 129 146 275 131 134 265 1812 148 154 208 257 300 149 130 117 164 166 1811 284 293 577 1812 312 320 1813 330 | 282 612 1814 315 307 ( 622 1815 348 344 692 1816 319 329 1817 368 351 719 1818 324 /316 | 640 1819 363 293 | 656 1820 363 341 | 704 330 648 349 1811 1131031 1812 113 190 203 1813 96 112 1814 128 129 1815 | 103 | 105 | 208 1816 103 / 1151 218 1817 111 1818 97 120 | 217 1819 | 95 | 129 | 224 1820 1031 871 190 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1813 139 1814 126 1815 | 142 1816| 151 1817| 115 1818 144 1819 154 1820 127 136 to compagnie | 114 148 149 297 346 195 165 | 360 174 334 225 116 135 127 147 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Ard- ingly R. Balcomb R. Barcombe R. Bolney V. Chailey R. Chilting- ton C. () Clayton (with Keymer) R. Crawley R. Cuckfield V. Ditchling V. Palmer V. Hamsey R. Hangleron R. Hove V. Hurst- Perpoint R. Ilford V. Kingston V. Meecham (or Newhaven) R. Newick R. New Timber R. Ovingdeane R. Patchain V. Piddinghoe V. Plumpton R. Portslade V. Poynings R. Preston V. Pycombe R. | Radmell R. Rottingdean V. Slaugbam R. Southease R. Street R. Telscomb R. Twineham R. Westhoathley V. Westmeston R. Wivels- field P. C. and of Worth R. (6) The Church of West Blatchingdon is in ruins, and the Benefice is annexed to Brighthelmstone. (6) The Inhabitants of Chiltington bury at Westmeston. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,---- All Saints (otherwise the Pallant) R. St. Andrew R. St. BartholomewR. (j) St. Martin R. St. Olave R. St. Pancras R. St. Peter-the-Great, or Subdeanry V. (k) and of St. Peter-the-Less R. (j) The Inhabitants of St. Bartholomew marry at St. Peter-the- Great, or Subdeanry. (k) St. Peter-the-Great includes the Return of the Cathedral. RAPE OF PEVENSEY.() BOROUGH OF LEWES. BAPTISMS. BURJALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. }}URIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe. males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe- males. Total, Year's. Mar- riages. nales. 278 97 1 72 65 137 64 237 185 167 96 81 112 49 l 295 65 1811 | 642 609 | 1,251 299/271 | 570 1812 | 620 620 1,240 292 304 596 1813 638 644 / 1,282 268 267 | 535 1814 6341 576 1,210 2761254 530 1815 | 6681676 1,344 294 263 557 1816 1 645 | 659 11,304 13331327 | 660 1817 1 626 | 673 | 1,299 256 277 533 1818 1702 598 1,300 | 287/279 1 566 1819 686 674 1,360 325 334 659 1820 748 660 1,408 319 322 641 1811 1812! 1813 257 1814 251 1815 1816 1817 245 1818 279 1819 | 276 1820 252 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 42 34 76 278 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 i 1817 1818 1819 1820 P 1:54 47 | 42 89 100 63 | 66 | 129 36 58 75 | 143 151 188 170 90 82 84 194 The abore ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, --All Saints R. St. John (sub Castro) R. St. John-Baptist (Southover) R. St. Michael R. St. Peter and St. Mary-Westout, alias St. Ann R. and of St. Thomas (Clife) R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Alcis- ton V. Alfristun V. Arlington V. Beddinghain V. Berwick R. Bishopstone V. East Blatchington R. East Bourn V. Busted R. Chalvington R. Chiddingley V. East Deane V. West Deane R. Denton R. West Firle V. Fletching V. Folkington R. Framfield V. Frant V. Friston V. Glynd V. East Grinstead V. Hailsham V. Hartfield V. and R. Sou:h Heighton R. Hellingley V. East Hothly R. Horsted-Keynes R. Little Horsted R. Isfield R. Jevington R. Laughton V. Lindfield P. C. Litlington R. Lullington V. South Malling P. C. Maresfield R. Mayfield V. Pevensey V. Ringmer V. Ripe R. Rotherfield R. Seaford V. Selineston V. Stanmer R. Tarring- Neville R. Uckfield P.C. Wadhurst V. Waldron R. Westhani V. Willingdon V. Wilmington V. and of Withyam R. : (1) Lamberhurst, partly in this Rape, is entered in the Lathe of Aylesford (Kent). M.DCCC.XXI.] 123 : THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF SUSSEX-continued. TOWN OF BRIGHTHELMSTONE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Year Total. Mar- Years. riages. 206 243 246 Males Fe- Total. Males Fe.. males. males. 1811 235 234 469 111 | 95 1812 226 206 432 131 112 1813 225 195 420 135 111 1814 234 449 159 131 1815 269 529 153 | 141 1816 229 277 506 154 155 1817 309 585 179 1818 615 181 192 1819 350 274 198 190 1820 360 370 730 182 290 Q QQ 177 1811 137 1812 142 1813 141 1814 156 1815 183 1816| 233 1817 221 1818 182 1819 255 1820 233 294 309 415 373 388 236 331 284 624 194 376 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, ---Bright- helmstone V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Femalesi | Total. Years. Marriages. 3,183 3,148 3,183 3;133 2,918 3,430 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,295 3,232 3,372 3,467 3,548 3,362 3,700 3,631 3,737 3,825 3,200 3,200 3,470 3,402 3,479 3,345 3,468 3,644 6,478 6,380 6,572 6,667 7,018 6,764 7,179 6,976 7,205 7,469 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,687 1,603 1,502 1,773 1,651 1,777 1,595 1,700 1,805 1,753 1,496 1,530 1,416 1,657 1,484 1,648 1,537 1,686 1,777 3,135 3,425 3,132 3,386 3,582 3,481 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,493 1,396 1,479 1,519 1,698 1,706 1,545 1,602 1,704 | 1,637 1,728 TOTALS 35,169 33,539 68,708 .. 16,846 15,959 32,80,5 15,779 * The SUMMARY of the County of Sussex is collected from the Registers of Three hundred Parish Churches and Two Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 243 ;--Burials, 36 ;—Marriage, 1. 1.24 Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Warwick. HUNDRED OF BARLICHWAY. (a) HUNDRED OF KINGTON. () BAPTISMS. BURIALS. . MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! re- | Total. IMales! Fe | Total. 1 Years. | Mar- males. males. riages. Males Fe- riages. - 413 310 183230 171 137 186 377 294 288 377 602 1811 327 274 601 1812 339 292 631 1813 1814 319 305 624 1815 1331 335 | 666 1816 352 285 637 1817 314 652 1818 352 332 1819 330 355 1820 1351 | 295 | 646 183 Years. Mar- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. | males. males, 1811 615 177 179 356 1811 134 1812 307 321 628 181 (174 | 355 1812 133 1813 1301 321 622 140 139 279 1813 112 1814 1320 | 282 197 202 399 1814 | 142 1815 340 321 | 661 157171 328 1815 137 1816 321 329 650 201176 1816 149 1817 340 318 191 161 352 1817 149 1818 342 345 | 687 227 186 413 1818 | 154 1819 325 323 | 648 | 1731195 1819 | 133 1820 | 348 337 | 685 1188/191 | 379 1820 | 161 1811 144 1812 125 1813 | 150 1814 142 1815 152 1816) 130 1817 140 1818 | 136 1819 120 1820 131 376 430 428 208 377 338 | 658 684 685 214 200 2031 403 182 1991 381 199 204 403 368 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alces- ter R. Great Alne R. Alveston V. Arrow with Oversley R. Aston- Cantlow V. Morton-Bagot R. Preston-Bagot R. Bearley P. C. Beaudesert R. Beausall C. Bidford V. Billesley R. Binton R. Bud- brooke V. Claverdon V. Coughton V. Exhall (with Wixford) R. Hampton-Lucy R. Haselor V. Hasely R. Hatton V. Henley-in- Arden C. (0) Honiley R. Ipsley R. Kinwarton R. Loxley V. Norton-Lindsey P.C. Rowington V. Salford V. Sherbourn (including Fulbrook) P.C. Shrewley C. Snitterfield P. Spernall R. Stratford- upon-Avon (including Luddington) V. Studley P. C. Temple-Grafton P.C. Wetheley P. C. Wolverdington R. Wootton-Wawen V. (C), and of Wroxal P. C. (a) The Church of Fulbruok is ruinated. (6) The Inbabitants of Henley-in-Arden bury and marry at Wootton- Wawen. ☺ Wootton-Wawen includes the Return of Ullenhall C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Ather- stone-upon-Stour R. Barcheston with Willington R. Barford R. Barton-on-the-Heath R. Brailes V. Birmington P.C. Butlers-Mars- ton V. Chadshunt P. C. (*) Charlcotc V. Cherington R. Chesterton P.C. Combrooke C. Long Compton V. Compton-Wyniart R. Avon or Little Dassett R. Great Dassett V. Eatington V. Farnborougb V. Gaydon P.C. (h) Halford R. Priors-Hardwick V. Honington V. Idlicote R. Ilmington R. Kineton V. Lapworth R. Lighthorne R. (0) Moreton-Morrell P. C. Newbold-Pacy V. Oxhill R. Packwood P. C. Pillerton-Hersey V. Pillerton-Priors P. C. Priors-Marston P. C. Radway V. Ratley-Upton V. Shotswell V. Shuckburgh-Inferior P. C. Stretton with Ditchford R. Bishops-Tachbrooke V. Tamworth V. Tysoe V. Warmington R. Wasperton V. Wellsbourne with Walton V. Whatcott R. Whichford R. Whitchurch R. Wolford V. and of Wormleighton V. ☺ Mollington, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Bloxham Hun- dred (Oxfordshire). (6) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Chadshunt was in. cluded with that of Bishops-Itchington (Knightlow Hundred). (b) The Inhabitants of Gaydon bury and marry at Chadshunt. (i) Lighthorne includes the Return of Compton-Verney. HUNDRED OF HEMLINGFORD. (d) HUNDRED OF KNIGHTLOW. (j) BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Total. Males Fe- males. Years. inales. Mar- riages. males. males. 245 1811 555 1562 1,117 | 305/298 | 003 1812 1531 495 1,026 359 296 | 655 1813 1651 58711,238 297 314 611 1814 1600 | 545 1 1,145 369) 394 763 1815 1649 657 1,306 4021335 | 737 1816 1 689 612 1,301 422 390 | 812 1817 619 | 626 1,245 | 381 405 | 786 1818 1 645 621 1,266 | 350346 696 1819 644 | 654 1,298 1 328/352 680 1820 696 639 1,335 | 367 349 | 716 181) 217 1812 219 1813 230 1814 247 1815 297 1816 216 1817 261 1818 261 1819 289 18:20 265 1811 573 465 1,038 1337 351 688 1812 516 533 | 1,049 304 293 597 1813 565 566 1,131 294310 | 604 1814 561 1517 1,078 336 354 690 1815 635 610 1,245 321 307 628 1816 573 528 1,101 348 368 716 1817 636 594 1,230 330338 668 1818 615 580 1,195 357/388 745 1819 589 591 1,180 1376 416 792 1820 683 576 1,259 | 344381 725 1811 262 1812 239 1813 1814 275 1815 330 1816 287 1817 267 1818 289 1819 295 1820 355 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Ansley V. Austrey V. Baddesley-Clinton R. Baddesley-Ensor P. C. Balsall- Temple C. Barston P. C. Baxterley R. Berkswell R. Bickenhill V. Caldecote R. Castle-Bromwich C. (©) Chilvers-Coton V. Coleshill V. Corley V. Curdworth V. Elmdon R. Fillongley V. Grendon R. Hainpton-in-Arden V. Kingsbury V. Knowle P. C. Lea-Marston P. C. Mancetter V. Maxstoke V. Merevale P. C. Meriden V. Middleton P.C. Newton-Regis R. Nun-Eaton V. Great Packington V. Little Packington R. Polesworth V. Seckington R. Sheldon R. Shuttington P. C. Slustoke V. Solihull R. Sutton-Coldfield R. Wed- dington R. Whitacre Nether f. C. Whitacre Over P. C. and of Wishaw R. (d) Smethwick, partly in this Hundred, is entered in the Hundred of Omow, County of Stafford.The Return of Water-Orton C. is included with Aston (Birmingham Town).-Birmingham, with the Parishes of Aston and Edgbaston, is entered at the end of the County:- Taniworth, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Oftow Hundred (Staffordshire). () Castle-Bromwich C. is in Aston Parish. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Alles- ley R. Arley R. Ashow R. Astley P. C. Baginton R. Bedworth R. Bilton R. Binley P. C. Birbury or Birdingbury R. Bourton-upon- Dunsmoor R. Brinklow R. Browlisover P. Č. Bubenhull P. C. Bulk- ington V. Burton-Hastings P. C. Church-Lawford (with Newnham- Regis) R. Church-Over R. Clifton-upon-Dunsmoor V. Cubington V. Dunchurch V. Frankton R. Grandbrongh V. Great Harborough R. Harbury or Harberbury V. Hillmorton V. Humingham P.C. Bishops- Itchington V. Lung Itchington V. Kenilworth V. Ladbrooke R. Leamington-Hastings V. Leamington-Priors V. Leek-Wootton V. Lillington V. Marion V. Milverton P.C. Monks-Kirby V. Napton- on-the-Hill V. Newbold-upon-Avon V. Offchurch V. Radford- Semele V. Rugby R. Ryton-upon-Dunsmoor R. Shilton P.C. Upper Shuckburgh P. C. Southam R. Sowe V. Stockton R. Stoneleigh V. Stretton-upon-Dunsmoor V. Ufton P. C. Wappenbury V. Weston- under-Wetherley V. Whitnash R. Withybrook v. Willey R. Wil- loughby V. Wolfhampcote 1, Wolstone V. and of Wolvey V. (j) Webtoft C. is included in the Return of Claybrook (Guth- laxton Hundred, Leicestershire).-No Church at Rodbum. M.DCCC.XXI.] 125 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GLO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WARWICK—continued. TOWN OF BIRMINGHAM. (K) COUNTY OF THE CITY OF COVENTRY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar. Years. Males! Fe | Total. [Males! Fe | Total. males. riages. - pales. 591 BAPTISMS. I BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Ycars. / Mar- tale males. 1811 1,288 1,195 2,483 (1.025 9211,946 1811 1,090 1812 1,1841,168 2,352 977 949 1,926 1812 1,011 1813 1,678|1,565 3,243 (1,050|1,049 2,099 1813 1,021 1814 1,595 1,473 3,068 1,148 1,139 2,287 1814 1,110 1815 1,490 1,515 3,005 1,395 1,285 2,680 1815 1,331 1816 (1,595 1,157 2,752 1,359|1,317|2,676 1816 1,186 1817 11,347 1,250' 2,597 1,287 1,226 2,513 1817 1,035 1818 1,350 1,361! 2,711 1,502 1,376 2,878 1818 1,150 1819 1,352 1,199 2,551 (1,465 1,477 2,942 1819|1,194 1820 1,356'1,113 2,469 1,177 1,083 2,260 1820 1,085 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 168 751 64 451 104 61 j18 120 288 139 77 72 149 52 56 148 168 761 61 137 155 80 74 154 | 42 46 88 51 63 | 114 | 35 | 43 | 78 | 47 | 4491 | 51 | 51 | 102 | 39 | 49 88 | 64 | 59 | 123 | 53 | 48 | 101 124 122 Years. | | riages. 1811 41 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1817 OUVI 1818 1819 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Ansty V. Exhall V. Foleshill V. Stivichall P. C. Stoke V. and of Wyken P.C. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Aston (St. Peter and St. Paul) V. (') Deritend-with-Bordesley C. Edgbas- ton P.C. St. James (in Aston Parish) C. St. Martin Å. (m) and of St. Philip R. (k) lii conformity with the Emmeration Abstracts of 1801, 1811, and 1821, the Parishes of Aston and Edgbastoni are here considered as Suburbs of Birmingham, though part of the Parish of Aston is con- siderably remote from the Town. (1) Aston includes the Return of Water Orton C. Ó) St. Martin includes the Returns of St. Mary C. and St. Paul C. CITY OF COVENTRY. BOROUGH OF WARWICK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Niales Fe- Total. Males Fe. | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Ycars. Males' Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- nales. Total. Tota Years. Mar- riages. males. 66 1201 185 72 59 85 75 63 592 Y 1811 302 295 597 233 273 506 1812 302 301 603 | 226 427 1813 237 295 532 151 170 321 1814 | 300 | 292 221 261 482 1815 | 396 1 3501 746 192 | 1741 366 1816 | 368 357 725 268 524 1817 | 355 349 243 506 1818 | 364 3751 739 1211 | 2231 434 1819 356 3531 709 234 / 2771 511 1820 410 335) 745 240 246 486 1811 | 186 1812 1813 146 1814] 221 1815 | 277 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 69 i 87 156 129 1812 89 190 130 1813 112 126 238 121 1814 113 105218 180 1815 | 120! 100 | 220 | 63 | 52 | 115 1816 122: 118 | 240 | 153 1817 135 112 247 106 102 208 1818 | 117 103 | 220 1 71 164 1819 | 115 126 241 89 | 79 168 1820 128 | 118 246 91 | 188 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 181 181 704 76 A Cow 18201 75 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Jolin the Baptist R. St. Michael V. and of The Holy Trinity V. St. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Mary V. and of St. Nicholas V. St. SUM M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF WARWICK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 3,247 3,268 3,922 3,583 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,464 3,329 3,958 3,883 4,038 4,092 3,849 3,861 3,782 4,052 3,966 6,711 6,597 7,880 7,466 7,998 7,554 7,501 7,639 7,467 7,539 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,380 2,347 2,177 2,594 2,774 2,928 2,836 2,993 2,908 2,662 4,729 4,581 4,401 5,269 5,332 5,776 5,584 5,834 2,349 2,234 2,224 2,675 2,558 2,848 2,748 2,841 3,058 2,617 3,462 3,652 3,778 3,685 3,487 1811 1812 1813 181 4 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,140 2,023 2,030 2,262 2,686 2,298 2,244 2,327 2,398 5,966 5,279 2,378 TOTALS / 38,308 | 36,044 74,352 - 26,599 26,152 52,751 | 22,786 . The SUMMARY of the County of WARWICK is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and One Parish Churches and Eight Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns incntion Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz: ... Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 202 ;-Burials, 62 ;–Marriages, 3. Kk 126 Parish-Registers. r ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Westmorland. EAST WARD. LONSDALE WARD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe | Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- Total. Ycars. Mar- riages. wales. males. 126 1811 91 36 122 1812 136 145 152 151 119 71 65 1811 198 183 381 133 259 1812 | 208 | 192 | 400 119 241 1813 | 196 166 ! 362 112 231 1814 215 194 409 95 117 | 212 1815 204 187 391 120 | 98 | 218 1816 207 | 212 419 1118 | 133 | 251 1817 200 209 409 258 1818 201 | 215 | 416 108 | 124 | 232 1819 245 207 | 452 1120 119 239 1820 242 186 124 137 261 1811 80 1812 85 1813 1814 82 1815 106 1816 1817 1818 1819 65 1820: 96 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 155 1813 1814 1815 181 181 1818 181 1820 147 114 101 100 144 1 97 69 59 93 81 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 428 | 174 - .- - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Ap- pleby-St.-Lawrence V. Appleby-St.-Michael (otherwise Bongate) V. Asby R. Brough-under-the-Moor V. Crosby-Garratt R. Dufton R. Kirkby-Stephen V. Kirkby-Thore R. Mallerstang C.() Long- Marton R. Milbourne C. Great-Musgrave R. Newbiggin R. Ormside R. Orton V. Ravenstonedale P. C. Soulby C.(b) Stain- more C. Temple-Sowerby C. and of Warcop V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Barbon C. (©) Burton V. Firbank C. Hutton-Roof C. Killington C. Kirkby-Lonsdale V. Manserghi C. (©) and of Middleton C. (9) Neither Burials nor Marriages take place at the Chapelries of 1 Barbon or of Mansergh. (a) The Burial Ground at Mallerstang was consecrated in 1813, previous to which time the Inhabitants buried at Kirkby-Stephen. (6) The Inhabitants of Soulby bury and marry at Kirkby-Stephen. KENDAL WARD. WEST WARD. ------- - -- BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe- | Total. males. Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males fe- | Total. males. "inalcs. Years. Mar- riages. 392 66 107 227 109 1811 1812 1813 1814 230 80 1811 1202 190 66 87 | 153 1812 188 190 378 84 76 160 1813 192211 403 76 89 | 165 1814 201 | 198 | 399 | 100 | 103 | 203 1815 211 209 420 101 181 245 219 464 115 110 225 1817 216 1198 414 206 1818 177|199 376 112 119 231 1819 217 | 189 | 406 123 | 112235 1020 243 232 475 127 | 130 | 257 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1815 1816 1811 | 93 96 189 1812 104 123 1813 123 107 1814 106 118 | 224 1815 114 120 234 1816 1171 113 230 1817 108 113 221 1818 107 112 219 1819 104 | 91 | 195 1820 114 116 | 230 112 94 131 142 110 113 104 63 130 127 | 51 103 67 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 48 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Ask- ham V. Bampton V. Barton V. Bolton C. Brougham R. Cliburn R. Clifton R. Crosby-Ravensworth V. Lowther R. Mardale C. (*) Martindale C. Morland V. Patterdale C. Shap V. and of Thrimby C. () Mardale is chiefly in Shap Parish, partly in Bampton Parish. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Ainble- side C. Beetham V. Burneside C.(d) Crook C. (d) Crosscrake C. (*) Crosthwaite and Lyth C. Grasmere R. Grayrigg C. (d) Helsing- ton C.(d) Heversham V. Hugil or Ings C. (d) New Hutton C. (d) Old Hutton C. (d) Kentmere C. (d) Longsleddale C. (d) Nat- land C. (d) Preston-Patrick C. Selside C. (d) Staveley C. (d) Troutbeck C. Underbartow C. (d) Windermere R. Winster C. (d) and of Witherslack C. (9) The Inhabitants of Crosscrake bury and marry at Heversham. (d) The Fourteen Chapels thus marked are all in the Parish of Ken- dal, and their Registers are partly included in that of Kendal, entered at the end of the County. M.DCCC.XXI.] 127 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GŁO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. continued. TOWN OF KENDAL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ; Year's. Males) Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- 1 Total Total. Years. / Mar- ales 1811 | 106 1101 216 1812 120 115 235 1813 150 151 301 1814 133 121 254 1815 159 351 1816 | 155 1817 177 146 323 1818 304 1819 155 327 1820 189 167 | 356 | 192 106 102 208 105 | 118 223 93 | 159 252 136 | 125 261 105 | 106 | 211 136 146 282 144 143 287 110 150 260 135 | 147 | 282 154 202 riages. 1811 101 1812 105 1813 101 1814 84 1815 119 1816 113 1817 110 1818 85 1819 105 1820 109 158 313 164 356 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, Ken- dal V. (5) (3) The Register of Kendal includes in a great degree the Registers of several Chapels in this extensive Parish.—They are all entered in Kendal Ward; and this circumstance will explain the seeming dispro- portion of Baptisms, Burials and Marriages in Kendal Ward and Kendal. Town. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. | Males. Males. | Females. I Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 818 638 701 399 405 676 684 732 729 419 417 455 822 716 386 883 804 708 747 421 382 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,314 1,385 1,448 1,437 1,551 1,573 1,514 1,475 1,528 1,663 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 462 403 785 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 331 335 302 308 389 354 362 334 330 767 468 806 771 714 743 761 721 782 473 437 477 497 504 482 507 492 572 972 955 944 807 969 881 1,069 340 TOTALS 7,604 1 7,284 | 14,888 4,345 14,713 9,058 3,385 The SUMMARY of the County of WESTMORLAND is collected from the Registers of Thirty-two Parish Churches and Thirty-six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 8 ;-Burials, 2. 128 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Wilts. HUNDRED OF ALDERBURY. HUNDRED OF BRANCH AND DOLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males! Fe- males. Total. Males Fc. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males' fee | Total. males. Years. Mar. riages. males. Total. 73 20 68 15 | 38 32 35 67 1811 46 1812 52 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 | 49 54 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 97 | 90 | 187 1812 | 96 80 176 1813 110 1141 224 1814 | 118111 | 229 1815 131 | 108 1816 | 92 114206 1817 1171114 | 231 1818 110101 211 1819 | 114 | 110 | 224 1820 | 129 | 119| 248 123 | 69 | 71 140 49 71 120 87 100 187 60 54 114 72 | 89 | 161 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 70 73 59 132 218! 19 55 | 131 76 135 75 137 55 34 62 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Alder- bury (with Pitton and Farley) V. West Dean (with East Grinstead) R. West Grinstead R. Idmiston with Porton V. Laverstock P. C. Plait- ford P. C. Winterbourne-Dantzey P.C. Winterbourne-Earls P. C. Winterbourne-Gunner R. and of Winterslow R. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of ----Bener- ton R. Berwick-St.-James V. Fisherton-Anger R. Fugglestone-St.- Peter R. Langford-Parva R. Stecple-Langford R. Maddington P. C. South Newton V. Orcheston-St.-Mary R. Sherrington R. Shrewton V. Stapleford V. Tilshead V. Wilton R. Wily R. Winterborne-Stoke V. and of Great Wishford R. HUNDRED OF AMESBURY. (*) HUNDRED OF CALNE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. . Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years, I NIar- riages. Mar- Till Years. niales Nile's riages. 45 30 20 50 76 76 58 82 101 104 100 32 78 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 111 30 29 59 33 33 166 55 37 | 25 | 62 21 | 25 | 46 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Ycars. Males! - Total. Males Fe- | Total. | sales. 1811 89 165 141 1812 72 | 158 129 1813 79 172 1814 145 53 99 1815 83 | 158 1816 80 | 156 | 451 84 1817 98 194 55 | 69 124 1818 84 166 46 84 1819 91 178 4188 1820 | 88 | 103 | 191 | 57 | 07 | 124 | 57 | 67 | 124 188 24 28 27 24 20 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 110 108 . 110 108 29 39 47 | 105 50 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Alling- ton R. Amesbury P.C. Boscombe R. Bulford P. C. Cholderton R. Durnford V. Durrington P.C. Figheldean V. Ludgershall R. Mil- stone (with Brigmerstone) R. Newton-Tony R. and of North Tid- worth R. (a) The Tithing of West Wellow is in East Wellow Parish, the Register of which is entered in the Division of Andover, County of Southampton. The Register of Wokingham, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Sonning Hundred, Berks. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bar- wick-Bassett P. C. Compton-Bassett R. Blackland R. Calue V. Calstone-Wellington R. Cherhill P.C. Headington R. and of Yates- bury R. I HUNDRED OF BRADFORD. HUNDRED OF CAWDEN AND CADWORTH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. • BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males' Fc- males.) les Fe- 1 Total. inales. Years. | Mar- riages. lears. Nales Fe- Total. Years. Total. Males! Fe- nales, Mar- riages. males. 67 131 100 143 131 a 1811 143 154 i 297 18.12 | 126 : 156 282 1813 158'141 299 1814 1:32 135 267 1815 | 163 168 | 331 1816 179 169 348 1817 | 198 168 366 1818 154 124 | 278 1819 175 154 | 329 1820 169 148 317 114 204 94. 183 981 971 195 96 73 169 106 198 1 93100 | 193 104 117 221 181 1811 ; 75 1812 76 1813 92 1814 107 1815 177 1816 163 1817 139 1818 141 1819 141 1820 148 1811 / 66 131 1812 91 1813 125 1814 1815 84 63 147 18 39 1816 47 80 127 41 68 1817 69 | 69 | 138 | 35 | 32 1818 155 44 | 35 1819 | 40 | 41 1820 | 74 | 77 | 151 109 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 92 1 125 81 32 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - At- worth C. Bradford V. Broughton-Gifford R. Great Chalfield R. Holt C. Limpley-Stoke C. Monkton-Farley R. Winklield R. Wilis- ley C. and of South Wraxall C. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Barford- St.-Martin R. Barerstock R. Bramshaw V.(b) Britford V. Burcombe P. C. Coombe-Bissett V. Fovant R. West Harnham P. C. Humming- ton P. C. Netherhampton P.C. Odstock R. Stratford-St. Anthony R. Sutton-Mandeville R. and of Whitsbury V. (6) Bramshaw is partly in New Forest Hundred (IIants). M.DCCC.XXI.] 129 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. HUNDRED OF CHALK. HUNDRED OF DAMERHAM. BAPTIS MS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ru. Imales Fe- Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe. | Total. | Years. Voce Mar- males. Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- Yearu ales riages. males. riages. 86 16 18 / 16 136 139 30 34 42 46 119 32 47 | 45 | 18 | 14 | 21 | 25 154 150 46 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 49 82 1817 35 | 36 71 1818 52 51 103 1819 | 35 | 38; 73 1820 45 51 i 96 32 | 61 39 47 158 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 37 182 134 40 174 26 43 39 65 168 דר 43 44 144 44 58 102 · 23 | 29 | 52 | 96 | 179 | 40 | 48 | 88 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Alve- diston P. C. Barwick-St.-John R. Bower-Chalk V. Broad-Chalk V. Ebbesbournc-Wake R. Fifield-Bavant R. Senley R. ☺ and of Tollard R. Also from a Register of Ronian Catholics at Semley. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of Christian- Malford R. Compton-Chamberlayne V. South Damerham V. Deverill- Longbridge V. Monkton-Deverill P. C. Grittleton R. Kington-St.- Michael V. Martin P. C. and of Nettleton R. HUNDRED OF DOWNTON. ☺ BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 69 36 | 5187 45 49 94 71 85 P103 107 HUNDRED OF CHIPPENHAM. 1811 69 157 1812 133 1813 156 1814 64 | 69 | 133 1815 | 83 | 87 170 1816 147 1817 76 81 | 157 1818 92 106 198 1819 93 86 179 1820 | 99 | 90 189 51 · 107 49 | 61 110 1811) 1812 181 181 1815 181 1817 1818 1819 1820 -.-. . . - - - - - - - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, 89 76 Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. 44 57 50 89 --- - --. -.- .- .-- - 1811 233 221 454 147 167 | 314 1812 | 231 232 463 147 175 | 322 1813 263 220 483 128 140 268 1814 | 240 241 | 481 167 181 348 1815 286 296 582 139 146 285 1816 233 315 | 151 165 316 1817 | 285 266 551 | 136 | 143 | 279 1818 300 293 593 151 144 295 1819 1 378 1250 528 | 131 | 147 | 278 1820 315 255 / 570 147170 317 The above AusTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Bishop- stune 1. Bishops-Fonthill R. Downton V. Hindon P. C. East kinoyle R. and of Nuntun P. C. © There is no Register kept at Stanulinch Chapelry. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 1820 109 110 110 116 131 139 124 548 . HUNDRED OF DUNWORTH. 112 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ---- -- - ---- - Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Malesles Total. Years. males. Nar- riage's. 82 74 156 82 154 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----Alder- ton C. Biddestone-St.-Nicholas and St. Peter R. Box V. Bren- hill R. (d) Calloes, or Kelways R. Castle-Combe R. Chippenham V. Colerne R. Corsham V. Ditchcridge R. Easton-Grey R. Harden- huish R. Kingswoud P. C. West Kington R. Lacock V. Langley- Burrell R. Leigh-Dela-Mere R. Luckington R. Lyttleton-Drew R. Sherstone-Magna (with Sherstone-Pinckney) V. Slaughterford P. C. Sopworth R. Tytherton-Lucas C. (©) North Wraxall R. and of Yatton- Keynell R. (d) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Tytherton, in Bremhill Parish. () Previons to the year 1813 the Registers of Tytherton-Lucas were included with those of Chippenham. COSCO a 161 # 1811 1812 | 72 1813 | 8.2 1814 80 1815 1816 1817 75 1818 85 1819 | 77 1820 87 94 83 105 174 194 160 1811 32 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 42 | 1819 42 18201 61 53 59 | 37 | 47 112 84 167 82 compromete 181 55 / 116 49 85 The above. AvSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Ansty P.C. Berwick-St.-Leonard R. Chicklade R. Chilmark R. Donhead- St.-Andrew R. (8) Donhead-St.-Mary (with Capella-de-Charlton) R. Fonthill-Gifford R. Sedge-hill P. C. Swallow-Clift P.C. Teffont- Evias R. and of Tisbury V.(") ☺) Also from a Register of Roman-catholics at Donhead-St.-Andrew. (1) Also from a Register of Roinan-catholics and of Dissenters at Tisbury. LI 130 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS--continued. HUNDRED OF ELSTUB AND EVERLEY. HUNDRED OF HIGHWORTH, CRICKLADE AND STAPLE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Te- males. Total. 161 79 | 28 33 31 79 1001 162 193 170 maar Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe. males. 1811 140 181277 | 157 1813 71 154 1814 134 1815 151 1816 137 34 | 41 1817 155 1818 154 1819 71 1820 83 75 158 44 | 35 | 33 | 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 156 155 311 1812 168 183 351 1813 151 322 1814 185 334 1815 171 359 1816 211 167 378 1817 185 352 1818 189 169 358 1819 206 158 364 1820 184 185 369 175 173 Years. / Mar- riages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 . 158 158 158 207 174 | 83 84 111 | 96 89 85 130 43 47 AV 79 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Alton- Priors P. C. Collingborne-Ducis R. Enford V. Everley R. Fittleton R. Ham R. Little Hinton R. Netheraron V. Patney R. Rolston R. Stockton R. Westwood P.C. and of Wroughton R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Blunsdon St.-Andrew R. Broad-Blunsdon C. Castle-Eaton R. Cricklade-St.- Mary R. Cricklade-St.-Sampson V. Eisey V. Hannington V. High- worth & Sevenhampton V. Inglesham V. (1) Ashton-Keynes y. Somerford-Keynes V. Latton V. Leigh C. Liddiard-Millicent R. Marston-Meysey P. C. South-Marston C. Poulton P. C. Purton V. Redbourn-Cheney V. Sharncute, or Shorcutt R. Stanton-Fitz- warren R. and of Stratton-St.-Margaret V. (1) Inglesham is partly in Farringdon Hundred (Berks.) HUNDRED OF FRUSTFIELD. HUNDRED OF KINGSBRIDGE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. I MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Males! Fe- males Years. / Mar- riages. 1811 265 1812 108 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 253 | 14 | 10 Govo ö soovvo BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Total. Males Fe- | Total Total. | Years. / Mar. males. males, | riages. 1811 134 131 | 64 | 65 | 129 1811 62 1812 171 136 307 62 ) 58 | 120 1812 55 1813 | 143 251 143 18131 1814 138 115 150 1814 1815 167 127 294 141 1815 1816 | 161 141 1 302 1816 1817 160 133 293 1818 132 125 257 | 165 1818 1819 133 132 265 75 | 154 1819 47 1820 162 129 291 | 64 | 72 / 136 1820 72 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 ar Acrosowno 170 152 1817 1819 1820 25 47 9 24 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ford R. and of White-Parish V. Land- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Chisle- don V. Cliffe-Pypard V. Draycott-Foliatt R. Hillmarton V. Line- ham C. Lyddington R. Lydiard-l'regoz R. Swindon V. Tockenhau- Week R. Wanborough 1. and of Woolton-Basset V. HUNDRED OF HEYTSBURY. HUNDRED OF KINWARD-STONE. ----- ---- BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. Years. Males Per Total. Alales Fem. | Total. Years. Years. Male Fe- Mar- riages. Total. Males! Fe. Total. | Mar- Years. riages. niales, males. inales. niales. 57 | 65 122 95 68 146 135 144 137 to B 39 ♡ 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1.818 1819 1820 | 38 32 70 1811 1812 1813 1814 43 31 1815 34 48 1816 91 | 1817 | 45 1818 39 68 1819 | 36 | 69 | 1820 41 169 1811 120 126 246 1812 133 131 | 264 1813 134 135 269 1814 114 150 264 1815 158 138 | 296 1816 118 133 251 1817 1148 1150 298 1818 1150 151 301 1819 131 131 262 1820 | 145 | 177 | 322 1811 47 1812 39 18131 44 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 ♡ 153 124 144 | 148 155 oo 100 179 33 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, --Boy- ton R. Brixton-Deverill R. Chiltern-All-Saints V. Chiltern-St.-Mary V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Great Bedwin V. Little Bedwin V. Burbage V. Buttermere R. Chilton- Foliat R. Chute V. Collingbourn-Kingston V. Easton P. C. Fror- field V. Milton-Lilhourn V. Pewsey R. Tidcombe V. and of Wootton- Rivers R. Deverill P. C. Horningsbam P.C. Imber P. C. Knook P.C. Orches- ton-St.-George R. and of Upton-Lovell R. M.DCCC.XXI.] 131 THE POPULATION ACT, I GŁO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. HUNDRED OF MALDISBURY. HUNDRED OF POTTERNE AND CANNINGS. .BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Mar- Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- males. Years. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fem | Total. males. males. riages. 101 157 75 47 144 134 159 1811 132 | 140 272 1812 141 285 1813 144 | 141 285 1814 143 277 1815 145 173 318 1816 154 321 1817 162 155 317 1818 166 162 328 1819 | 157 | 145 | 302 1820 160 151 311 75 147 83 184 100 183 89 65 | 76 | 141 761 65 | 141 | 75 | 87 | 162 | 85 | 104 | 189 801 95 175 86 90 176 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 137 104 241 1812 137 | 103 240 1813 107 230 1814 125 251 1815 135 1816 113 1817 136 1818 139 1311 1819 148 118 1820 151 | 143 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18201 59 167 277 | 152 66 | 119 56 | 131 88 166 The above Abstract is collected froin the Registers of, Bishop's- Canningy V. Bishop's-Cannings-St.-James C. Bromham R. Sonth Broom C. Highway R. Bishop's-Lavington V. Potterne V. and of Rowde (near Devizes) V. The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Ash- ley R. Bremilham R. Brinkworth R. Crudwell R. Dantzey R. Draycot-Cerne R. Foxley R. Garsdown R. Hankerton V. Hul- lavington V. (j) Kemble V. Lea and Claverton P. C. Malms- bury V. (k) Long Newnton R. Norton-Coleparle V. Oaksey R. Poole- Keynes R. Seagry V. Great Somerford R. Little Sonierford R. Stanton-St.-Quintin R. Sutton-Benger V. and of West Port (with Charlton and Brockenborough) V." (i) Hullavington includes Surrendal. (k) Malmsbury includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Rodborn and Corston, also of the Abbey Church at Malmsbury. () Also from a Register of Dissenters at West Port. HUNDRED OF MELKSHAM. HUNDRED OF RAMSBURY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. i Total. Years. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males, fe- males. males. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fc- males. Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. 72 50 20 Now 13 283 1811 184 185 | 66 96 162 1811 1812 139 139 128 215 1812 go 1813 132 142 1313 100 1814 178 166 | 344 | 92 | 112 204 1814 130 1815 194 216 410 1117 | 123 | 2401815 | 213 1816 202 166 368 93 204 1816 153 1817 | 189 175 364 1112 120 232 1817 | 150 1818 | 201 216) 417 129 135 264 1818 152 1819 i 242 187 429 104 | 130 | 234 1819 152 1820 227 1204 431 152 | 155 | 307 1820 | 132 1811 1812 35 1813 1814 1815 | 53 | 49 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 65 | 61 | 126 1820 55 | 109 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 111 90 54 20 32 52 18 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Earl- Stoke P. C. Hilperton R. (m) Melksham V. Poulshot R. Seend C. Staverton C. Trowbridge R. and of Whaddon R. (m) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Ililperton. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,---Baydon | P. C. Bishopston R. or V. and of Ramsbury V. HUNDRED OF MERE. HUNDRED OF SELKLEY. BAPTISMS. 21 BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISNIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Dales! FC- males. Tutal. Alales Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. inales. inales. - -- - -- 7162 43 1811 1812 47 93 86 1813 185 be one 1811 1312 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 133 121 103 116 124 111 113 129 108 1811 1812 1813 1814 301 61 1815 2635 611 1816 41 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 86 167 1812 | 94 | 85 179 1813 181 1814 88 97 1815 208 1816 99 87 | 186 1817 | 104 | 126 | 230 1818 1819 | 88 79 167 1820 116 | 97 | 213 108 101 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1020 108 121 34 | 51 | 85 49 | 111 55 | 101 221 57 - - - - --- - - - - - - - The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of,—-king- ston-Deverill R. West Knoyle P. C. Maiden-Bradley P. C. Mere V'. and of Stourton R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Ald- bourne V. Avebury V. Broad (or Great) Hinton V. Fyfield C. East Kennet P. C. Wildenhall R. Ogbourn-St.-Andrew V. Ögbourn- St.-George V. Overton V. Preshutc V.(") Winterbourn-Basset R. and of Winterbourue-Monkton P, C. (n) Preshute includes the Register of Savernaque Park. 132 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. HUNDRED OF SWANBOROUGH. () HUNDRED OF WESTBURY. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- males. Mar- Total. Males! Fco | Total. | Ycary. I riages. Yeary. Malcs Fe- | Total. Males Fe- | Total. males. males. males. Years. | Nar- riages. 64 47 111 50 | 101 53 66 92 82 61 | 42 103 1811 113 120 233 | 54 | 68 | 122 1812 109 115 | 224 73 | 125 1813 | 112 | 119 | 231 82 142 1814 |113 | 106 | 219 66 | 76 | 142 1815 125 138 1816 108 249 159 1817 130 129 259 59 | 67 | 126 1818 124 | 133 | 257 1 70 | 79 | 149 1819 136 122 258 | 88 | 89 | 177 1820 169 123 292 81 | 67 | 148 67 | 148 255 1811 39 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818! 62 1819 66 1820: 78 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 128 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 101 104 121 19129 58 | 114 | 22 | H48的5G%29 64 56 68 63 The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of,—-All The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, ton C. Dilton C. and of Westbury V. Brat- Great Cheverell R. Little Cheverell R. Chirton V. Erchfont V. Etchelhampton P.C. Huish R. Manningford-Abbots R. Manning- ford-Bruce R. Marden V. Market-Lavington V. North Newnton V. Rushall R. Stanton-St.-Bernard V. Stert P. C. Upavon V. Wilcot V. Wilsford V. and of Woodborough R. (°) Imber is entered in Ileytsbury Ilundred. HUNDRED OF UNDERDITCH. HUNDRED OF WHORWELSDOWN. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- | riages. Years. Malcs rc- malcs. Total. MalesFee | Total. males. Years. war- riages. 10 1811 1812 1813 1814 35 35 75 70 | 131 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1815 ܝܕ ܝܙ ܟ : ܘ ܟ ܝܺ voco öcivvow ooooooooooo 1811 60 123 1812 69 | 148 1813 1814 113 1815 148 181 130 1817 1818 1819 | 67 65 ! 132 1820 | 80 | 83163 1811 1812 33 1813 1814 1815 1816 681817 32 1818 1819! 9 | 10 | 19 10 9 i 19 ooOO A Oviera A 1816' to 129 16 127 15 11 8 | 12 | 1817: 1818 1819 1820 20 9 12 79 39 44 | 41 | 35 16 1820 43 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— ford P. C. Wilsford and Lake P.C. and of Woodford V. Strat- The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ------North Bradley V. Coulston R. Erlington P. C. keevil V. Semington (with Littleton) C. and of Steeple-shton V. JIUNDRED OF WARMINSTER. Il BOROUGH ON DEVIZES. - - - - BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. ALARRIAGES. - -- - - -- -- ----. Fe- Years. Aales Fc- Juales. Total. Males males. Total Ycars. Malcsl le- | Total. Males! For males. males. Total. Y cars. Mar- riares. - -- 52 153 | 177 tros -- 215 64 34 6:2 - - 122 102 124 - - Years. / Mar- riages. 1811' 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 72 1820 73 1811 121 92 | 213 1812 115 | 100 1813 112 | 234 1814 210 1815 129 253 1816 i 125 (116 241 1817 133 121 254 1818 127 146 273 1819 134 143 277 1820 131 143 | 274 74 - . - 79 86 155 131 153 | 72 | 153 184 | 150 | 65 151 1110 176 149 - LUND 1811 44 1812 1813 i 45 1814 181:5 1816 1817 1818 34 1819 i 38 1820 42 2057 24 / 44 26 | 34 60 37 | 42 | 79 36 36 72 37 47 33 34 67 29 51 27 36 24 25 1811: 41 1812: 26 1813 14 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 : 22 . - - - - 75 -- -- con nos - - - - . 74 - - - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bishop- strorv R. Cursley R. Dinton (with Tcffont) V. Fisherton-de-la-Mere V. Norton-Bavant V. Pertwood R. Sution-Veny R. Upton-Scuda- morc R. and of Warminster V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----St. | Jolin tlic Baptist R. and of The Blessed Virgin Mary P. C. M.DCCC.XXI.] 133 THE POPULATION Acr, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF WILTS-continued. 11 BOROUGH OF MARLBOROUGH. CITY OF NEW-SARUM. BAPTISMS. BURIALS.. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Tutal. Males! Fc- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males! Fe- Total. Total. Males Fe- Total. Avalcolinales. Y cars. Mar- riages. imales. males. inales. 1198 48 go 74 229 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 124 87 91 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 117 215 96 112 208 1812 | 97 | 103 200 122 1813 145 127 272 71 149 1814 120 115 235 85 102) 187 18151 142 280 106 101 | 207 1816 | 114 248 136 128 | 264 1817 120 121 | 241 | 79 102 | 181 1818 243 73 93 166 1819 119 | 145 | 264 | 96 | 109 | 205 1820 123 143 266 114 119 | 233 31 / 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 o 33 88 97 13 133 25 t 84 49 | 52 | 101 29 | 31 | 14 St. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -- Mary V. and of St. Peter & St. Paul R. The above ABSTkACT is collected from the Registers of, Cathedral Church V. St. Edmund R. St. Martins P. and of St. Thomas P.C. SU M M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF WILTS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - Yeary. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Totul. Years. Marriages. 2,683 2,658 2,700 2,720 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,108 2,759 2,748 2,809 2,771 3,186 2,963 3,134 3,089 3,074 3,308 5,442 5,406 5,509 5,491 6,294 5,930 6,162 6,182 5,951 6,478 1811 1,447 1812 1,544 1813 1,641 1814 1,645 1815 1,583 1816 1,735 1817 1 1,595 1818 1,600 1819 1,720 1820 ; 1,753 1,611 1,750 1,765 1,826 1,700 1,856 1,760 1,729 1,861 1,868 3,058 3,294 3,406 3,471 3,283 3,591 3,355 3,329 3,581 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,967 3,028 3,093 2,877 3,170 1,353 1,268 1,336 1,568 1,832 1,718 1,581 1,615 1,671 1,712 3,621 TOTALS | 29,841 ¡ 29,004 | 58,845 16,263 17,726 | 33,989 15,654 The SUMMARY of the County of Wilts is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Ninety-five Parish Churches and Nineteen Chapels, and from Six Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--- Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 204 ; – Burials, 555. M m 134 (Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Worcester. HUNDRED OF BLACKENHURST. HUNDRED OF OSWALDSLOW. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe. inales. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Mar- Years. riages. 23 248 13 Years. Males fe- Total. Males! Fe Total. | Years. Mar- males. inalcs. | riages. 1811 540 53511,075 3161344 | 660 1811 1812 563 570 1,133 1,133 324 327 | 651 1812 285 1813 585 531 1,116 350 354 704 1813 277 1814 591 596 1,187 375330 705 1814 315 1815 608 594 1,202 | 353 326 1815 1816 593 593 1,186 360 366 1726 1816 253 1817 626 528 1,154 337 354 691 1817 254 1818 582 584 | 1,166 371 335 | 706 1818 279 1819 576 536 1,112 362 357 719 1819 305 1820 622 591 1,213 367 338 705 1820 322 23 | 679 275 1811 102 1 40 69 1811 1812 102 1812 1813 1813 22 1814 1814 25 1815 1815 1816 1816 1817 28 65 1817 1818 1818 1819 | 31 | 1819 20 1820 52 99 | 25 | 17 | 42 1820 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abbots. Morton R. Badsey (with Aldington) P. C. Bretforton V. Church. Honeybourne P.C. Great and Liitle Hampton P.C. North and Middle Littleton P. C. South Littleton P. C. Norton (with Lenchwick) V. Old Berrow R. Offenham P. C. and of Wickaniford P.C. 16 15 25 HUNDRED OF DODDINGTREE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. inales. Mar- riages. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ----Alston C. Alvechurch R. St. Johu-Bedwardine V. St. Michael-Bedwardine R. Berrow V. Bishampton V. Blockley V. Brcdicote R. Bredon R. Broadwas R. Churchill R. Claines Þ. C. Clecve-Prior V. Croome- d'Abitot R. Earls-Croome R. Cropthorne ľ. Crowle V. Cuttesdean C. Daylesford R. Elmley-Castle V. Evenlode R. Fladbury R. Grimley V. Hallow P. C. lianbury R. Harilebury R. Harvington R. Hill- Croome R. Himbleton V. Hinlip R. "Holt R. Huddington P. C. Iccomb R. Inkborough V. Kempsey V. Knighton-upon-Teame C. Knightwick R. Lindridge V. Little Malvern V. Norton, by Bredon C. Norton, by Kempsey P. C. Oddingley R. Ombersley V. Overbury V. Pendock R. Pensax C. Redmarly d'Abitut R. Ripple R. Rouse- Lench R. Sedgeberrow R. Shipston-upon-Stour V. Spetchley R. Stock, with Bradley C. Stoke-Prior V. Stoulton P. C. T'eddington C. Throckmorton C. h) Tibberton V. Tidmington C. Tredington R. Warndon R. Little Washbourne C. () Welland V. White-Lady- Aston V. Whittington V. Wichenford V. Little Witley C. Wol- verley C. and of Wyre-Piddle C. (b) (n) The Inhabitants of Throckmorton and Wyre-Piddle bury at Fladbury. () The Inhabitants of Little Washbourne bury at Alstone. 466 78 1811 234 232 1812 220 216 436 1813 191 218 409 1814 243 222 465 1815 1247 254 1816 242 277 519 1817 1 247 221 468 1818 224 233 457 1819 263241 504 1820 275 228 503 501 150 127 277 151 | 162 313 138 137 275 332 264 306 295 286 143/166 | 309 138 154 292 1811 1812 1813 1814 81 1815 104 1816 1817 95 1818 116 1819 112 1820 121 110 137 HUNDRED OF PERSHORE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, abber- ley R. Acton-Beauchamp R. Alfric C. Areley, Kings R. Astley R. Bayton V. Bockleton (including Hampton-Charles) P.C. Clifton-upon- Teame V. Cotheridge V. Doddenham P.C. () Eastham R. Edvin- Loach R. Hanley-Child C. (b) Hanley-William R. Great Kyre R. Lulsley C. Mamble V. Martley R. Orleton C. (b) Ribbesford (with Bewdley) R. Rock R. Sapey-Pritchard R. (d) Great Shelsley R. Shelsley-Walsh R. Shrawley R. Stanford-upon-Teame R. Stockton- upon-Teame R. Suckley R. Tenbury V. and of Great Witley R. ) The Inhabitants of Doddenham bury at Knightwick (Oswaldslow Hundred). (b) The Inhabitants of Hanley-Child C. and Orleton C. bury at Eastham, in the Register of which Parish were also included Baptisms and Marriages, previous to the year 1813.- () Also from a Register of Roman-catholics at Mamble. (d) The Inhabitants of Sapey-Pritchard bury at Clifton. Y cars. Males fcc | Total. Males Fe- finales. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 663 1811 357 332 | 689 195 214 409 1812 342 321 211 238 449 1813 325 391 716 195 226 | 421 1814 1317 1323 640 233 220 | 453 1815 1373 366 | 739191 208 399 1816 351 300 651 1817 380 347 225 | 204 429 1818 358 358 716 193 251 444 1819 392 361 753 255 243 | 498 1820 402 368 1 770 237 2071 444 1811 139 1812 130 1813 127 1814 | 156 1815 135 1816 | 123 1817 | 129 1818 138 HUNDRED OF HALFSHIRE. (©). 491217| 436 727 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 18191 103 Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- males. 1820 152 niales riages. 514 1817 326 1811 9761 949|1,925 536 486 1,022 1811 410 1812 953 914/1,867 546 500 1,046 1812 339 1813 899) 886 1,785 529 549 1,078 Bio 11.078 1813 387 1814 988) 931 1,919 | 642 576 (1,218 1814 478 1815 1,151 1,073 2,224 590 539 1,129 1815 1816 | 974 937/1,911 1656 1618 1,274 1816 304 1817 969 966 1,935 618598 1,216 1818 | 958/8651,823 | 681 | 626|1,307 | 1818 423 1819 1,136 980 2,116 579 558 1,137 | 1819 462 1820 1,051 1,041 2,092 671 647 1,318 | 1820 414 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Amble- coat C. (*) Bellbroughton R. Bromsgrove V. Chaddesley-Corbett V. Churchill R. Church-Lench R. Cofton-Hacket P. C. Cradley C. Doverdale R. Dudley V. Elmbridge C. Teckenham V. Frankley P. C. Hadsor R. Hagley R. King's-Norton P.C. (8) Kington R. Elmley- Lovett R. Hampton-Lovett R. Lower Mitton C. Northfield R. Old Swinford R. Pedmore R. Redditch C. Rushock R. Salwarpe R. Stone V. Tardebig V. and of Upton-Warren R. () Crowle, partiy in this Hundred, is entered in Oswaldslow Hun- dred. Ainblecoat is partly in the South Division of the Hundred of Seisdon (Stafford). (6) King's-Norton includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Wythall and Moseley. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abber- ton R. Alderininster V. St. Andrew-Pershore V. Besford P. C. Bcoly V. Birlingham R. Birtsmorton R. Bransford C. Brickle- hampton C. Broadway V. Broughton-Hackett R. Bushley P. C. Castlemorton P. C. Chaceley P.C. Great Coinberton R. Little-Com- berton R. Defford C. Dormeston P.C. Eckington V. Eldersfield V. Flyford-Flavel R. Grafton-Flyford P. Hall-Green-Chapel C. Hanley- Castle V. Holy-Cross-Pershore P.C. Leigh R. Longdon V. Madres- field R. Great Malvern V. Martin-Hussingtree R. Mathon V. Naun- ton-Beauchamp R. Newland C. (j) Peopleton R. North Piddle R. Pinyin C. (k) Pirton R. Powick V. Queenhill and Holdfast C. Severn-Stoke R. Staunton R. Strensham R. Upton-Snodsbury V. Upton-upon-Severn R. Wick C. and of Yardley V. (j) Previous to the year 1816 the Inhabitants of Newland buried at Great Malvern. (k) Tlie Inhabitants of Pinvin burg at Pershore. M.DCCC.XXI.] 135 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. Iy. C. 94. COUNTY OF WORCESTER continued. BOROUGH OF DROITWICH. TOWN OF KIDDERMINSTER, BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. | Malea Fe. males, Total. Wales Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- Fe- males. Years. Males! Fe- males, Total. riages. Total. Males males. Years. I Mar- riages. 32 27 157 83 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 o tecto 122 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1.819 1820 1811 (150 307 92 109 201 1812 | 118 150 237 1813 124 123 247 | 78 80 158 1814 1251 247 | 101 189 290 1815 144 171 315 83 175 258 1816 182 333 | 149 145 294 1817 1351 142 277 139 124 | 263 1818 191 169 109/ 94 1819 | 210 | 167 1 377 1271119 | 246 1820 189 195 384 147 137 284 151 1811 97 1812 1813 83 1814 1815 109 1816 98 18171 1818 88 1819 122 1820 102 15 o com 14 360 203 13 The abovc ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----St. Andrew R. Dodderhill V. and of St. Peter V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of, minster V. Kidder- BOROUGH OF EVESHAM. CITY OF WORCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. I Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fc- Total. Males! Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males. males. niales, 30 1261183 264 234 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 245 1811 241 244 485 1812 252 516 1813 475 1814 506 1815 307 1816 227 509 1817 279 259 538 1818 273 292 565 1819 262 254 516 1820 309 / 268 577 582 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 181927 1820 295 174 1971 371 183 309 165 165 330 171 218 389 163 175 338 160 153 313 195 149 344 179 186 193 235 428 150 146 296 1811 262 1812 213 1813 205 1814 223 1815 1816 246 1817247 1818 228 1819 265 1820 292 1817 1818 1819 1820 27 | 32 59 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of --All Saints V. Bengeworth P. C. and of St. Lawrence V. or C. (') ) The Church of St. Lawrence is in ruins, and the Inhabitants marry at the Church of All Saints. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Alban R. All Saints R. St. Andrew R. Cathedral Church of Wor- cester C. St. Clement R. St. Helen R. St. Martin R. St. Nicholas R. St. Peter (with Whittington) V. and of St. Swithin's R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 5,214 5,146 4,999 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,639 2,586 2,483 2,661 2,923 2,755 2,755 2,734 2,955 2,966 2,575 2,560 2,516 2,561 2,904 2,586 2,585 2,618 2,651 2,825 5,222 5,827 5,341 5,340 5,352 5,606 5,791 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,538 1,551 1,532 1,782 1,571 1,766 1,781 1,769 1,743 1,786 1,561 1,619 1,568 1,807 1,620 1,730 1,655 1,685 1,760 1,717 3,099 3,170 3,100 3,589 3,191 3,496 3,436 9,454 3,503 3,503 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,307 1,176 1,216 1,402 1,478 1,178 1,200 1,325 1,431 1,465 TOTALS 27,457 26,381 53,838 16,819 16,722 | 33,541 - 1 13,178 The SUMMARY of the County of WORCESTER is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Seventy-one Parish Churches and Thirty-one Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever rernains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 75;—Burials, 19;-Marriage, 1. 136 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER INCLUDING THE CITY OF YORK, THE AINSTY OF THE CITY OF YORK, AND THE LIBERTY OF ST. PETER OF YORK. WAPENTAKE OF BUCKROSE. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, HOLME-BEACON. BAPTISNIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Miales Fe- Total. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fc | Total. Males Fe- | Tutal, 1 Years. Mar- malcs. wales. inales males. riages. 82 119 82 205 228 239 116 99 118 255 1811 111 94 181 108 1813 125 114 1814 1271 128 1815 102 119 1816 1817 143 116 1818 111 1819 129 114 1820 110 132 115 221 247 259 227 243 256 156 114 1231 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 65 58 118 1811 174 183 357 167 1811 1812 179 149 328 155 1812 1813 181 | 175 356 180 1813 1814 192 | 176 368 170 1814 1816 191 201 392 168 1015 1816 194 194 388 144 1816 1817 196 203 399 94 93 187 1817 1818 207 | 186 85 110 | 195 1818 1819 195 169 | 364 72 70 142 1819 71 1820 211 2041 415 88 63 151 1820 75 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Acklam V. Birdsal P.C. BugthorpeV. Burythorpe R. Cowlain R. FridaythorpeV. North Grimston V. Helperthorp v.@) West Heslerton R. Kirby. Underdale R. Kirkby-Grindalyth V. Langton R. Norton P.C. Ril- lington V. Scampston C. ) Scrayingham R. Settrington R. ☺) Sher- burne V. Skirpenbeck R. Sledmere P.C. Thorpbasset R. Weaver- thorp V. Westow V. Wetwang (with Fimber C.) V. Wharrain-Percy V. Wharram-le-Street V. Wintringham (with Knapton) P.C. and of Yed- ingham V. (?) The Inhabitants of Helperthorp bury at Weaverthorp. (b) The Inhabitants of Scampston bury at Rillington. () Settrington includes Scagglethorpe. The above AVSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,Augh- ton V. Bubwith V. Ellerton P.C. Everingham R. Goudmanham R. Harswell R. Hayton (with Beilby) V. llolme-upon-Spalding-Aloor V. Londesborough R. Seaton-Ross P. C. Shipton C. Weighton (other- wise Market-Weighton) V. and of Wressell V. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, HUNSLEY-BEACON. WAPENTAKE OF DICKERING. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males! Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. Years. males. Mar. riages. niales, riages. 1811 301 307 608 1812 323 333 656 1813 353 278 631 1814 292 [278 | 570 1815 312 271 583 1816 269 566 1817 279 1818 / 282 243 | 525 1819 | 267 235 | 502 1820 248 253 501 195 172 367 1811 239 166 | 155 321 1812 250 1671 181 348 1813 271 183 161 344 1814 265 214 179 393 1815 271 195/ 185 380 1816 | 268 | 219 188! 407 | 1817 | 266 | 1991 192 391 1818 | 285 208 187 395 | 1819 | 263 195 182 377 1820 | 258 297 105 134 549 Years. Males Fe-Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Mar- marmales. males. 1811 2561252 508 146 129 275 1811 101 1812240 234 474 131 | 127 | 258 1812 127 1813 283 264 547 113 116 229 1813) 106 1814 253 254 507 135 106 241 1814 101 1815 290 269 559 128 130 258 1815 125 1816 274 263 537 239 1816 105 1817 1302 243 / 545 | 1401132 272 1817 109 1818 273 280 553 156 | 125 281 1818 110 1819 240 255 495 | 132 | 125 | 257 1819 103 1820 1310 226 / 536 130|123 253 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Bempton P.C. Bessingby P. C. Boynton V. Bridlington P.C. d) Burton- Agnes V. Burton-Fleming V. Butterwick C. Carnaby (with Auburn and Fraisethorpe) V. Filey P. C. Flamborough P. C. Folkton V. Foston-on-the-Wolds V. Foxholes R. Galmpton V. Garton-on- the-Wolds V. Grindall C. ©) Harpliam P.C. Hunmanby V. Kilhanı V. Langtoft (with Cottam) V. 'Lowthorpe P.C. Muston V. Nafferton V. Righton V. Rudston V. Ruston-Parva P. C. Thwing R. Willerby V. and of Wold-Newton V. (f) (d) Bridlington includes ihc Return of Speeton and Argam. i) The Inhabitants of Grindall bury and marry at Bridlington. i) No Churchyard at Wold-Newton. 1020 117 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Brant- | ingham V. Bishop-Burton V. Cherry-Burion R. North Cave (with Cliffe) V. South Cave V. Cottingham V. South Dalton R. Ellough- ton V. Etton R. Hotham R. Leckonfield V. Rowley R. Sancton V. Sculcoates V. and of Skidby V. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, WILTON-BEACON. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. WAPENTAKE OF HARTHILL, BAINTON-BEACON. Males Fe 1 Total. Wales Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- riages. nales. males BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 37 49 Pears. Mar- riages. 197 108 102 51 / 103 12 52 50 71 Years, DIales! Fe. | Total. Males Fe- Total. males. 1811 98 102 200 57 | 113 1812 115 881 203 135 1813 130 104) 234 86 1814 213 1815 112 217 112 1816 119 223 134 1817 108 120 1818 124 248 1819 128 117 245 127 1820 123 111 234 93 1811 | 108 78 186 1812 115 95 210 1813 1101 98 208 1814 116 213 1815 91115 206 1816 | 127 220 1817 121 | 134 255 1818 | 140 112 252 1819 128 124 252 1820 1138 108 246 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 104 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 69 | 47 | 116 53 | 55 | 108 63 116 60 52 112 1 65 131 211 57 134 106 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - Bain- con R. Beswick C. (8) Norih Dalton P.C. Great Driffield P.C. Little Driffield C. Holme-on-the-Wolds P.C. Hutton-Cranswick V. Kilnwick- by-Watton P. C. Kirkburn V. Lockington R. Lund V. Middleton- on-the-Wolds R. Scorbrough R. Skerne P. C. Warton P. C. and of Worter V. (6) The Juhabitants of Beswick bury at Kilnwick. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aller- thorpe V.(h) Bishop-Wilton V. Burnby R. Cation R. Fangfoss P. C. Full-Sutton R. Gwendale-Magna V. Huggate R. Kilnwick-Percy V. Millington V, Nunburnholme R. Pocklington V. Sutton-on-Der- went R. Thornton V. Wilberfoss P. C. and of Yapham C. () (*) No Churchyard at Allerthorpe nor at Yapham. (1) The Inhabitants of Yapham bury at Pocklington. M.DCCC.xxi.] 137 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (EAST RIDING)—continued. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, MIDDLE DIVISION. (j) WAPENTAKE OF HOWDENSHIRE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- | Total. Years. Mar- Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Feo | Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. males. males. riages. males. 114 39 451 425 142 GO 224 487 112 96 1811 250 201 1812 225 200 1813 218 213 431 1814 263 1815 215 | 207 | 422 1816 205 / 181 386 1817 226209 435 1818 | 194 | 202 396 1819 243 / 206 449 18:20 1217 207424 155 128 283 1811 76 | 113 112 225 1812 1171 96 213 1813 144 270 1814 143 | 146 | 289 1815 | 162 (125 | 287 1816 131 116 247 1817 122 | 107 | 229 1818 1561135 | 291 | 1819 | 106 | 139 135 274 | 18201 99 1811 (117 105 222 1812 110 230 1813 110 242 1814 249 1815 126 249 1816 125 243 1817 139 1818 127 116 1819 131 | 118 | 248 1820 | 131 | 114 | 245 107 127 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 258 106 96 243 98 | 60 59 128 119 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ald. borough V. Bilton C. Burton-Pidsey V. Drypool P. C. Carton V. Hedon V. Hilston R. Humbleton V. Marfleet P. C. Preston V. Rooss R. Skirlaugh C. Sproatley R. Sutton P.C. Swine V. Tun- stall V. and of Wawne or Waghen V. (i) Also from a Roman-catholic Chapel at Marton, in which Parish there is no Church. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Barmby- on-the-Marsh C. Blacktoft P. C. (™) Eastrington V. Howden V. Laxton C. Melton C. Walkington R. and of Welton V. (") Blacktoft includes Sealby. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, NORTH DIVISION. WAPENTAKE OF OUSE AND DERWENT. O. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe. males. Total. Years. | Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males! Fe- males. males. Years. Mar- riages. males. | 53 48 C 55 87 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 244 1811 94 105 199 45 98 1812 113 1141 227 53 | 108 1813 | 112 | 108 220 79 1814 116 118 234 103 1815 132 | 106 | 238 117 1816 113 223 1817 1125 118 243 1818 | 116 | 124 | 240 131 1819 | 121 | 116 | 237 113 1820 123 120 243 | 74 | 130 1811 112 107 219 53 41 94 1812 1161111 | 227 1813 1171 97 214 105 1814 116 108 | 224 112 1815 97 1816 | 113 | 101 | 214 117 1817 | 131 | 122 | 253 105 1818 | 128 119 | 247 69 65 134 1819 1117 | 112 | 229 66 45 111 1820 133 | 91 | 224 163 | 55 | 118 1 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 110 129 1816 127 1817 1818 1819 1820 49 44 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Atwick V. Barmiston R. Beeford R. (k) Brandesburton R. Catwick R. North Froding:am V. Goxhill R. Hornsea 1'. Leven R. Mappleton V. Nunkeeling P. C. Rise R. Riston R. Routh R. Skipsea V. Sig- glesthorne R. Ulrome C. (') and of Withernwick V. (k) Beeford includes Lissett. (1) The Inhabitants of Ulrome C. bury at Barmston or at Skipsea, in which Parishes that Chapelry is situate. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Barlby C. Elvington R. Escrick R. (°) Fulford P. C. Hemingbroughi V. Na- burn C. Riccall V. Skipwith V. Stillingfieet V: Thorganby (with Cottingwith) P. C. and of Wheldrake R. (0) St. Paul's-Heslington is partly in the Parish of St. Lawrence (City of York), partly in the Liberty of St. Peter of York, wbere the Register is entered. (P) Escrick includes Deighton. WAPENTAKE OF HOLDERNESS, SOUTH DIVISION. LIBERTY OF ST. PETER OF YORK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Total. Years. Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe- males.! males. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe | Total. imales, Males) Fe- Total. | Years. Mar- 1 riages. inales. lt 42 35 226 118 138 123 125 237 | 144 1811 | 122 130 252 1812 139 80 219 1813 103 221 1814 252 1815 1816 245 1817 258 1818 263 1819 129 104 | 233 1820 137 110 247 132 1811 134 120 254 1812 108 118 1813 1145 116 | 261 1814 114 114 228 1815 126 270 1816 122 120 242 1817 132 111 243 1818 130 243 1819 123 124 1820 125 111 | 236 70 127 1811 86 1812 101 1813 94 1814 104 1815 122 1816 126 1817 1818) | 123 1819 54. | 109 1820 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 113 126 96 113 112 148 133 43 247 42 114 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, - Easing- ton V. Halsliam R. Hollym (with Withernsea) V. Holmpton R. Keyingham P. C. Kilnsea 7. Ottringham P. C. Owthorne V. Pat- rington R. Paull V. Skeckling (with Burstwick) V.(m) Skeffling V. Welwick V. and of Winestead R. (") Sheckling includes the Return of Ryhill with Camerton. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of . Barniby- Noor V. Bcdern-College (in York Minster) C. Brotherton V. Dun- nington R. Gate-Helmesley V. Haxby V. St. Paul's-Heslington P. C. Husihwaite (with Carlton) P.C. North Newbald V. Osbaldwick (withi Merton) V. Salton (with Brawby) V. Stillington V. and of Strensall V. Nn 138 Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (EAST RIDING)- continued. AINSTY OF THE CITY OF YORK. " BOROUGH OF BEVERLEY. . . .. - .. - - - - .. . - BURIALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. Total. Total. Males Fe- / males. Total. Years. Males Fe- inales. | Years. 1 Mar- Total. Males! Fe- males. Years. Males Fe- males. Years. / Mar- riages. riages. 72 63 | 69 188 100 69 136 202 238 140 75 / 68 111 127 139 168 1811 95 167 132 1812 105 | 97 1813 | 104 | 98 202 60 71 131 1814 | 89 | 91 | 180 50 52 | 102 1815 | 99 | 95 | 194 58 52 110 110 1816 103 100 202 160 16 120 1817 97 91 | 188 55 56 111 1818 (108 | 122 | 230 1819 | 93 | 90 | 183 58 | 55 | 113 90 | 194 56 | 63 | 119 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 | 129 113 242 1812 | 127111 1813 100 100 200 1814 108 235 1815 107 243 1816 136 246 1817 117 121 | 238 1818 1127 118 245 1819 128 113 241 1820 | 125 256 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181 1819 18201 110 | 80 | 1551 gi 1 62 143 71 | 65 136 142 157 132 1820 104 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Acaster- Malbis V. Acomb V. Askam-Bryan V. Askam-Richard V. Bilbrough P. C. Bilton V. Bishopthorpe V. Bolton-Percy R. Copmanthorpe C. Healaugh V. Long Marston R. Moor-Monkton R. Nether Poppleton P. C. Řufforth V. Thorp-Arch V. Walton P. C. and of Wighill V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, St. John or Boverley-Minster (with St. Martin) P. C. and of St. Mary (with St. Nicholas) V. CITY OF YORK. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. TOWN OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, AND COUNTY OF THE SAME. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Total. Males Fe- males. Years. Mar- riages. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 618 Years. Males Feo | Total. Males Fe- | Total. malcs. males. | Mar- Years. | riages. 406 181 1811 1311 258 569 | 1981201 | 399 1812 337 281 230 213 443 1813 314 287 | 601 205 201 1814 286 315 | 601 204 256 460 1815 346 296 | 642 223 194 417 1816 1320305 | 625 215 225 440 1817 13161309 625 1252262 514 1818 303 298601 258 272 530 1819 305 279 584 222209 431 1820 322 1304 | 626 220 226 446 1811 180 1812 185 1813 220 1814 1815 195 1816 1817 188 1818) 208 18191 216 1820 208 203 1811 392 365 | 757 1812 387 1390 777 1813 378 347 | 725 1814 423 377 | 800 1815 | 427 1368 795 1816 313 650 1817 370 323 | 693 1818 392 356 | 748 1819 1391 / 356 \ 747 1820 383 333 716 376 395 771 312273 585 282257 539 306 313 619 4591387 | 846 376 376 752 | 3671328 695 322 1341 385330 303 291 594 1811 313 1812 261 1813 278 1814 301 1815 330 1816 329 1817 299 18181 304 1819 346 1820 323 663 715 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of All Saints North-Street R. All Saints Pavement (with St. Peter-the- Little) R. Cathedral C. (9) St. Crux R. St. Cuthbert's (with All Saints, Peaseholme and St. Helen-on-the-Walls) R. St. Dennis R. St. Helen V. St. John's Delpike R. St. John's Ousebridge-End P. C. St. LaurenceV. St. Margaret with St. Peter-le-Willows R. St. Martin's Coney-StreetV. St. Martin's (with Gregory) R. St. Mary Bishophill-Junior V. St. Mary Bishophill-Senior R. St. Mary Castlegate R. St. Maurice V. Sr. | Michael-le-Belfry R. St. Michael Spurriergate R.. St. Sampson P.C. St. Saviour (with St. Andrew) R. Holy-Trinity Goodramgate R. Holy- Trinity King's Court V. and of Holy-Trinity Micklegate V. (9) The Minster or Cathedral Church of York, though locally situate in York City, is in the Jurisdiction of St. Peter of York. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of North Ferriby V. Hossle V. Kirk - Ella V. St. Mary P. C. and of Iloly 'Trinity V. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (EAST RIDING). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. | Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 5,396 1,466 5,488 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,781 2,869 2,920 2,906 2,995 2,842 2,912 2,615 2,619 2,612 2,710 2,717 2,616 2,740 2,750 2,632 2,625 5,532 5,616 5,712 5,458 5,652 5,654 5,499 5,599 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,755 1,621 1,468 1,617 1,852 1,815 1,782 1,776 1,810 1,666 1,707 1,562 1,480 1,583 1,664 1,729 1,712 1,771 1,653 1,621 3,462 3,183 2,948 3,200 3,516 3,544 3,494 3,547 3,463 3,287 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,503 1,558 1,439 1,557 1,588 1,514 1,546 1,588 1,554 2,867 2,974 TOTALS | 28,970 26,636 55,606 - 17,162 16,482) 33,644 15,313 The SOMMARY of the East Riding of the County of York is collected from the Registers of Two hundred and Twenty-ciglit Parish Churco and Eighteen Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains duc.--Several of the Remon mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the foilowing amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisins, 267;—Burials, 43 ;-Marriages, 4. M.DCCC.XXI.] 139 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IY, C. 94. County of York (North Riding). WAPENTAKE OF ALLERTONSHIRE. (a) WAPENTAKE OF GILLING, EAST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. Males FoTotal. Males Fe. Total. Years. Males Fc- males. Total. Males) Fe- males. Total. | Years. Mar- riages. Years. | Mar- male.. Imalcs. riuges. 61 56 68 59 54 | 129 105 47 | 100 107 87 245 60 39 1811 122 110 232 117 1812 117 126 243 130 1813 116 126 1814 123 124 247 701 159 1815 146 115 261 1 36 148 1816 | 129 | 124 | 253 | 84 | 101 | 185 1817 136 131 267 | 67 | 68 | 135 1818 131 131 | 262 1 70 140 1819 147 | 128 | 275 | 78 | 154 1820 152 | 131 | 283 173 143 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 96 81 | 177 1812 91 89 180 1813 | 112 87 | 199 1814 104 86 190 1815 93104 1816 1817 100 / 851 185 1818 110 99 209 1819 94 | 89 | 183 1820 222 120 197 1811 43 1812 1813 1814 40 1815 1816 38 1817 53 1818 60 1819 1820 | 55 201 120 55 100 188 73 | 110 54 54 56 63 108 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of North Allerton and Romanby V. Birkby R. Brompton C. Deighton C. Hutton-Bonville C. Kirkby-Sigiston V. Leake V.(b) Norton-Con- yors C. Osmotherley V. Norih Otterington V. West Rounton R. Šessay R. Thornton-le-Street V. and of High Worsall C. (a) For Pickhill (partly in Allertonshire) see Hallikeld Wapentakc; for Great Smeaton, see Gilling, East, Wapentake ; for Sockburn, scc Stockton Ward, Durham. b) Leake includes the Return of the Chapelry of Nether Silton. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ainderby- Stceple V. Barton-St.-Cuthbert's P. C. Barton-St.-Mary's P. Č. Bolton-upon-Swale P. C. (©) Cleasby P.C. East Cowton V. South Cowton C. Croft R. Eribolme C. Langton-upon-Swale R. Manfield V. Middleton-Tyas V. Smeaton R. Danby-Wiske R. Kirby-Wiske R. and of Yafforth C. (9) Bolton-upon-Swale includes Whitwell C. - - - - - WAPENTAKE OF BIRDFORTH. (*) WAPENTAKE OF GILLING, WEST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Males) Fe- inales. Total. Males ke- Puales. Total. | Years. Years Mar- riages. Males Fer Total. Males Flea Total. males. Years. males. riages. 168 154 138 138 153 168 146 156 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1810 1817 1818 1819 1820 162 183 | 345 | 104 | 108 | 212 152 1152 | 304 | 80 | 88 | 168 170 165 335 | 88 88 176 314 112 96 208 170 340 | 831 77 160 189 182 371 | 100 101 133 291 | 96 | 99 | 195 183 176 1 359 | 95 | 100 182 146 1031 91 | 194 181 (1501 331 105 84 189 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 260 253 513 | 151 158 309 1812 | 235 210 445 322 1813 226 232 458 291 1814 247 236 483 276 1815 244 230 474 288 1816 222 217 439 147 160 307 1817 207199 406 1471 142 1818 209 | 424 148 139 287 1819 235 247 | 482 | 127 147 274 1820 | 228 227 455 | 146 155 301 18111 142 1812 1813 119 1814 104 1815 120 1816 113 1817 121 1818 1819 | 104 1820 / 116 201 158 289 195 215 198 146 | 328 1820 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of,-----Bagby C. Birdforth C. Old Byland P. C. Cowsby R. Coxwold P. C. East Harlsey P. C. Hawnby R. Kilburn P.C. South Kilvington R. Cold Kirby P. C. Kirby-Knowlc R. South Otterington R. Sandhutton (with Carlton) C. Över-Silton P.C. Sowerby bear Thirsk C. Thirkile- by V. Thirsk P. C. Topcliffe V. and of Welbury R. ☺ Nether Silton is included in the Return of Leake (Allertonshire). The above AUSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Arken- garthdale P.C. Barningliam R. Bowes P. C. Brignall V. Easby V. Forcett P. C. Gilling V. Grinion V. Great Hutton P. C. Kirby-Ra- vensworth R. Marrick P. C. Marske R. Melsonby R. Mušer C. Rokeby V. Romaldkirk R. © Stanwick-St.-John V. Startforth V. and of Wycliffe R. Romaldkirk includes Laithkirk C. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER. WAPENTAKE OF HALLIKELD. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES, BAPTISMS. CURIALS. MARRIAGES. -- - Years. Males. Te- males. Total. Malcs fc Finales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Mar- riages. 84 23 254 158/ 1811 222 | 207 429 | 132 | 130 | 262 1812 213 203 416 156|155 311 1813 228 232 460 154 277 1814 241 495 317 1815 286 244 530 140 273 1816 219 233 / 452 116 133 249 1817 242 234) 476 127 142 1818 254 220 155 153 1819 226 244 | 470 141 150 291 1820 | 246 221) 467 \130\136 | 266 Y cars. 'Males Fe- Total. Malcsl fe- Total. malcs.! malus. 1811 143 1812 140 1813 140 1814 143 1015 145 38 52 90 1816 117 29 | 49 i 78 1817 149 39 | 35 i 1818 134 1819 138 1820 146 1811 1812 126 1813 114 1814 125 1815 114 18161 102 1817 111 1818| 111 1819 111 1820 113 13,3 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 269 | 474 308 27 33 75 34 The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of, Alne V. Bossall V. Brafferton V. Bransby R. Bulmer R. Crambe V. Dalby R. Easingwold V. Farlington C. Foston R. Over Helmsley R. Hender- skelf C. (d) Holtby R. Huntington V. Huttons-Ambo P. C. Sheriff- Hutton V. Marton-with-Moxby P. C. Myton-upon-Swale V. Newton- upon-Ouze P. C. St. Olave P.C. Overton V. Raskelf C. Skelton R. Stockton-on-the-Forcst P. C. Sutton. in-the-Forest V. Tcrrington R. Thormanby R. Warthill V. Whenby V. and of Wigginton R. (d) The Inhabitants of Henderskelf bury and marry at Bulmer. Tie above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Burnes. ton V. (5) Cundall V. Kirby-on-the-Moor V. Kirklington R. Marton- le-Moor C. (h) Melinerby C. Midilleton-Quernhow C. Picklill V. West Tangfield R. and of Wath R. (*) Burneston includes Leeming C. (h). Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Marton-le-Moor was included in that of Topcliffe. 140 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (NORTH RIDING)-continued. · WAPENTAKE OF HANG, EAST. PICKERING LYTHE. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- males. Total. Total. Years. 11 Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Mar- riages. Total. Males! Fe- | males. Mar- Years. 1 riages. males. Total. 81 67 70 94 1811 1:47 130 277 1812 132 128 260 1813 1814 138 | 145| 283 1815 152 149 | 301 1816 141 1131 1817 180 156 336 1818 146 143 289 1819 127 | 147 | 274 1820 / 163 134 297 142 71 146 151 93 274 83 161 89 105 194 85 82 167 85 96 187 | 88 | 95 | 183 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 212220 432 1812 183 194 377 1813 225 236 461 1814 214 225 1439 1815 230 213 443 1816 | 218 214 | 432 1817 231 1254 485 1818 | 243 215 458 1819 245 217 462 1820 229 246 | 475 113 89 202 105 114 219 122116 238 120117 237 108 93 201 133 114 | 247 143120 263 |124 10 | 235 105|114 | 219 88 117 | 205 254 1811 105 1812 | 99 1813 1814 1815 | 100 1816 1817 1818 1819 95 1820 84 156 74 74 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,—-Bedale R. Patrick-Brompton R. (i) Catterick V. Hipswell C. Hornby V. Kirkby-Fleetliam V. Masham V. Scruton R. Thornton-Watlass R. and of Well V. (1) Patrick-Bronipton includes Hunton C. The above ABSTRACT is collected froin the Registers of, Allerston P. C. Brompton V.0) Caylon P.C. Cropton C. Ebberstone V. (') Ellerburn V. (m) Goatland C. Hutton-Bushell V. Kirby-Misperton Ř. Levisham R. \Lockton C. Middleton V. Pickering V. Rosedale C. Scalby (with Cloughton) V. (0) Seamer V, Sinnington P. C. Thorn- ton R. and of Wykeham P. C. (1) The Register of Snainton C. is included partly in that of Bromp- ton, and partly in that of Ebberstone. (m) Ellerburn includes the Return of Wilton C. Scalby includes Cloughton C. WAPENTAKE OF HANG, WEST. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. WAPENTAKE OF RYDALL. 189 366 80 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. 1811 1812 1813 1814 198 191 94 183 90 92 1811 177 1812 178 182 ვნა 1813 389 1814 193 376 1815 209 | 197 | 406 1816 193 169 362 1817 1197 | 205 402 1818 204 189 393 1819 202 183 385 1820 1211 202 413 1815 92 107 199 82 94 | 176 94 109 203 182 | 99 110 209 111 122 233 110146 256 96 129 95 78 173 | 98/104 | 202 225 1816 1817 1818 1819 68 18201 81 Males Fe-. Total. Males Fe-. Total. Years. Mar- Years. males. riages. 1811 313 309 622 162 (180 342 1811 130 1812 303 296 599 | 162 180 342 1812 105 1813 313 309 622 | 154 152 306 1813 155 1814 332 660 159 158 317 1814] 141 1815 1341 1330 671 159|144 | 303 1815 149 1816 336 285 621 148 132 280 1816 121 1817 311 285 596 153 159 | 312} 1817| 114 1818 311 304 144 316 1818 125 1819 296 242 137 285 1819 116 1820 337 301 638 161 162 323 | 1820: 99 615 538 172 1481 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ,— Ask- rigg C. Aysgarth V. Bolton (with Redmire) C. Coverham (with Horsehouse) C. Dounholme V. Fingall R. Hardrow and Lunds C. Hawes C. Hawxwell R. Hudswell C. Middleham, Deanry; Speni- thorne R. (j) Stalling-Busk C. Thornton-Steward V. Wensley R. East Witton V. and of West Witton P. C. j) Spenithorne includes Bellerby. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Ample- fortb V. Appleton-le-Street V. Barton-le-Street R. Bilsdale' c. Edston V. Gilling R. Helinsley V. llovingham P. C. Kirkby-Moor- side V. Kirkdale P. C. Lastingham V. New Malton-St.-Leonard P.C. New Malton-St.-Michael P. C. Old Malton P. C. Normanby R. Nunnington R. Oswaldkirk R. Scawton R. Slingsby R. and of Stonegrave R. WAPENTAKE OF LANGBAURGH. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Y'cars. Males Fe. Niales Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. nales males LIBERTY OF WHITBY-STRAND. 181 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Inales Fe- males. Total. Males Fe- | Total. | Years. males. riages. 1811 391 376 767 1812 384 3:1 / 235 1813 400398 798 1814 4101385 795 1815 lans! 448 404 852 1816 484 413 / 897 1817 470 401 | 871 1818 431 429 | 860 1819 422 451 873 1820 455 416 871 181 199 380 199 230 429 225 200 425 243 269 512 243 224 467 278 290 568 211 220 431 270 261 531 211 235 446 | 218252 470 1811 178 1812 1813 198 1814 207 1815 210 1816 251 18171 220 1818 207 1819 196 1820 | 210 1811 183 186 369 1812 200 210 410 1813 1197 1194 | 391 1814 | 226 174 | 400 1815 | 243 226 1 469 1816 214 4.17 1817 235 | 493 1818 230 471 1819 271 202 473 1820 205 247 | 452 Q QQ 113 148 261 149142 291 138 143 281 130 156 286 142 155 297 175 326 143 279 126 141 267 119/137 | 256 156 1361 292 1811! 122 | 1812 115 1813 117 1814 121 1815 144 1816 136 1817 136 1018 126 1819 110 1820 142 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of Acklam and Middlesborough P. C. Appleton-Wisk P. C. Great Ayton (with Little Ayton and Nunthorpe) P.C. Brotton P. C. Carlton P. C. Crathorne R. Danby P. C. Easington R. Egton P. C. Eston C. Faceby C. Glaisdale P.C. Guisbrough P.C. Hilton P. C. Hinder- well R. Ingleby-Arnccliffe P. C. Ingleby-Greenhow P. C. Kildale R. Kirkby (with Broughton) V. Kirkleathanı V. Kirklevington P. C. Liverton P. C. Lofi house R. Lyth V. Marske V. Marton V. Mid- dleton-upon-Leven C. Newton P. C. Ormsby V. Rousby (otherwise Roxby) C. East Rounton C. Hutton-Rudby V. Seamer P. C. Skel- ton P.C. Stainton V.(k) Stokesley R. Upleatham P. C. Westerdale P.C. Whorlton P. C. Wilton C. and of Yarm P. C. (%) Stainton includes Maltby, Berwick, Hemlington and Thornaby. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Fyling- dales P.C. Hackness P. C. Harwood-Dale C. Sneaton R. Eskdale- Side, alias Sleights C. Ugglebarnby C. and of Whitby P. C. (0) O Whitby includes the Return of Baptisins which take place at Aislaby. M.DCCC.XXI.) 141 TILE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY OF YORK (NORTH RIDING)--continued. BOROUGH OF RICUDOND. BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGII, AND SUBURBS. .....----- RAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. . 1 MARRIAGES. Years. I Males! fe | Total. Males! Fe- males. malcs. Total. Years. Mar- riages. 1: Years. Males Fe-1 Total. Males Fe. Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. inales. 444 86 19 19 94 1 6.2 69 78 82 1811 1812 1813 18.14 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 去台长方 ​1811 1812 . 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 191 119 1812 75 127 1813 126 1814 90 88 178 53 91 | 144 1815 98 121 219 | 54 | 55 | 109 1816 86 | 90 84 73 157 1817 106 | 97 | 20:3 69 69 | 138 1818 | 121 | 112 233 76 | 65 | 141 1819 112 98 | 210 59 | 61 120 1020 106 117 223 | 74 | 78 | 152 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 | 18201 101 53 115 113 114 121 29 41 32 - - ---- - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Register of Rich- The above AVSTRACT is collected from the Register of, --Scar. boroughi l'. mond R. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (NORTH RIDING). BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Niales. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,506 2,389 2,587 2,600 2,779 2,666 2,716 2,709 2,691 2,758 2,443 2,319 2,513 2,501 2,618 2,457 2,559 2,585 2,514 2,636 4,949 4,708 5,100 5,101 5,397 5,123 5,275 5,294 5,205 5,394 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,348 1,395 1,424 1,470 1,464 1,541 1,454 1,526 1,377 1,464 1,448 1,478 1,386 1,556 1,429 1,654 1,499 1,501 1,498 1,520 2,796 2,873 2,810 3,026 2,893 3,195 2,953 3,027 2,875 2,984 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,187 1,223 1,258 1,211 1,307 1,274 1,268 1,233 1,195 1,266 TOTALS | 26,401 25,145 | 51,546 14,463 | 14,969 29,432 12,422 The SUMMARY of the North Riding of the County of York is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Eighty-two Parish Churches and forty-two Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 103 ;-Burials, 10;-Marriage, 1. Oo 142 (Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of York (West Riding). WAPENTAKE OF AGBRIGG. (*) WAPENTAKE OF MORLEY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- / Total. Years. Mar- malcs. males. riages. 1811 1,788 1,699 3,487 1,018 1,101 2,119 | 1811|1,111 1812 1,771 1,673 3,444 905 943 1,848 | 1812 | 1,059 1813 1,802 1,728 3,530 1,036 989 2,025 18131,008 1814 11,871 1,771 3,642 (1,014 929 1,943 1814 1,156 1815 2,161 2,015 4,176 11,009/ 985 1,994 1815 1,302 1816 2,069 1,937 4,006 1,233 1,233 2,466 1816 1,179 1817 12,075 1,997 4,072 1,221 1,129 2,350 1817 1,244 1818 1,970 1,962 3,932 1,251'1,218 2,469 ! 1818 1,309 1819 12,145 1,918 4,063 1,278 1,234' 2,512 1819 1,291 1820 2,152 1,951 4,103 1,159 1,082 2,241 1820 1,261 Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. | Years. Mar. males. Tunales. riages. 1811 1,988 1,770 3,758 | 941 947 1,888 1811 11,231 1812 1,961(1,829 3,790 | 956 973 1,929 1812 1,121 1813 1,961 1,902 3,863 | 8851 949| 1,834 | 1813 1,273 1814 2,0731,985 4,058 11,050 1,016 2,066 1 1814 11,488 1815 2,439 2,237 4,676 922 989 1,911 | 1815 1,598 1816 2,3222,210 4,532 1,100 1,065 2,165 1816 1,485 1817 2,319 2,188 4,507 1,266 1,123 2,389 1817 1,341 1818 2,284 2,100 4,384 1,146 1,072 2,218 1818 1,510 1819 12,276 2,206 4,482 |1,129 1,115 2,244 | 1819 1,495 1820 2,248 2,154 4,402 1,020 989 2,009 1820 1,599 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, — Aldnon- bury V. East Ardsley P.C. West Ardsley, or Woodkirk P. C. Bat- ley V. Crofton R. Dewsbury (with Ossett) V. Dobcross C. Emley R. Flockton C. Holmefirth C. Honley C. Horbury C. Huddersfield v. Kirk-Burton V. Kirkheaton R. Longwood C. Lydgate in Saddle- worth C. Marsden C. Melthan C. Methley R. Áirfield V. Nor- manton V. Rothwell V. Saddleworth C. Sandall-Magna V. Scani- monden (otherwise Deanhead) C. (0) Slaithwaite C. "Thornhill R. Wakefield V. Wakefield-St.-John's C. and of Warmfield V. () Also from a Register of Dissenters at Morley. (b) Scam- monden C. is in Rochdale Parish, Salford Hundred (Lancashire). WAPENTAKE OF BARKSTONE-ASH. BAPTISMS. MARRIAGES. BURIALS. Total. Males Fe. Total. Years. Males Fe- or Briers C. (1) (k) Birstall (including Whitechapel) V. Bradford V. Calverley V.(j) Clackheaton C. Colcy C. (k) Crosstonc C. (k) Drigli- lington C. (1) Elland (with Greetland) C. (k) Gildersome C. Halifax V. Hartshead (with Clifton) C. Haworth C. Heptonstall C. (k) Horton C. Idle C. (j) Illingworth C. (k) Lightcliffe C. (k) Liverscdge C. (0) Luddenden C. (k) Pudsey C. (j) Rastrick C. (k) Ripponden C. (*) Sowerby C. (k) Sowerby-Bridge C. (k) Thornton C. (k) Tong C. Trinity-Church C. (m) and of Wibsey C. Ü) There was no Burial Ground at St. Anu's until the year 1813, when a new Church having been built, a portion of Ground was set apart for interring the dead. (i) Previous to the year 1813 there was only one Register for Cal- verley, Idle and Pudsey. (k) The Chapelries thus marked are in the Parish of Halifax. The number of Inhabitants in the Wapentake of Morley is 185,768, of whom 92,850 reside in the Parish of Halifax. This important Parish, besides the Mother Church, contains Thirteen Chapels, many of which are found to be insuflicient for the respective Congregations. The Church at Drighlington was consecrated in 1815, and that at Liversedge in 1816, previous 10 which time the Registers were included with those of Birstall. (1) Burials only take place at Trinity Church. Year's. Mar- riages. males. males. 153 155 690 129 164 198 361 702 1817 1811 325 2891 614 163 158 321 1811 1812 320304 624 148 146 294 1812 141 1813 325 327 652 174 155 329 1813 1814 355 335 165 168 333 1814 166 1815 | 336 304 640 345 1815 1816 341 388 1816 132 3081362 670 195 187 | 382 1817 | 113 1818 | 292334 626 | 337 1818 | 120 1819 | 301311 612 195 194 | 389 1819 109 1820 346 315 | 661 197 184 381 1820 122 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,-----Birkin (with Haddlesey) R. Branham V. Brayton (with Barlow) V. Carl- ton C. Cawood V. Draxl'. Fenton V. Kirkby-Wharfe V. Ledsham V. Mouk-Frystone P. C. Newton-kyine R. Ryther R. Saxton P. C. Selby P.C. Sherburn V. Tadcaster V. () and of Wistow V. ( ) Also from a Register of Dissenters at Tadcaster. 1601 WAPENTAKE OF OSGOLDCROSS. WAPENTAKE OF CLARO. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Malcsi te- Total. Males Fe- males. Total, Years. Mar- riages. niales. Years. Males! Fe. males. Males! Fe- males, Years. 411 508 204 Total. Total. DIar- riages. 1811 554 504 1,058 1340 1351 691 1811 258 1812 628 | 542 1,170 305 1332 | 637 | 1812 | 214 1813 599 5711,170 1295 249 544 1813 243 1814 549 537 | 1,086 308 343 651 1 1814 224 1815 600 1550 1,150 1361 1373 | 734 1815 | 244 1816 595 5831,178 322 319 641 1816 | 230 1817 625 517 | 1,142 343 304 647 1817 259 1818 558 575 1,133 13171336 653 1818 | 220 1819 1543 1 502 1,045 351 1356 707 1 1819 | 260 1820 585 541 1,126 366 351 717 1820 233 1811 565 501 1,066 176 166 342 1811 207 1812 5451 483 1,028 194 217 1812 214 1813 485 465 950 234 219 453 1813 244 1814 491 447 | 938 275 | 233 1814 208 1815 518 464 982 | 242 239 1 481 1815 1816 1542 474 11,016 | 265 260 525 | 1816 | 212 1817 1516 460 976 268/239 507 1817 | 194 1818 488 501 989 271243 | 514 1818 220 1819 1519 4.82 1,001 | 250 2605101819 220 1820 502 494 996 | 260 265 / 525 1820 | 248 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -_ Ald- brough (with Low Dunsford and Boroughbridge) V. Aldfield (with Studley) C. Allerton-Mauleverer P.C. Arkendale C. Burton-Leonard 1". Cupgrove R. Cowthorpe R. Denton C. Farnhan V. Fewstone V. Goldsborough R. Hampsthwaite V. Harrowgate C. (d) Hartwith C. Hunsingore V. Kirkby-Malzeard V. Kirkhy-Overblows R. Kirk- Deighton R. Kirk-Hanmerton P.C. KnarcshoroughV. Leathley R.) Marton (with Grafton) V. Middlesmoor C. (0) Nun-Monkton P. C. Great (useburn V. Little Quseburn V. Pamnal V. Pateley-Bridye C. (E) Ripley R. Spofforth R. Stainburn C. Stainley P. C. Staveler R. Thornthwaite C. Weston V. Wetherby C. (h) Whisley V. and of Winkesley (with Grantley) C. d) Harrowgate C. is in Knaresborough Parish. ) Leathley in- cludes Castley.-- () Middlesmoor C. is in Kirkby-Malzeard Parish. () Pateley-Bridge C. is in Ripon Parish. The Inhabitants of Wetherby bury and marry at Spotforth. I The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ---Ack- worth R. Adlingfleet l. Armin C. Badsworth R. Burghwallis R. Campsall V. Castleford R. Darrington V. Featherstone V. Ferry- Frystone V. Hook C. Killington V. Kirk-Bramwith R. Kirli-Smea- ton R. South Kirkby V. Knottingley C. Quston V. Pontefract V. Rawcliffe C. Skelbrooke C. Snaith V. Whitgift P. C. (") and of Wonersley 1. (") Whitgift includes Swineficet. M.DCCC.XXI. 143 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. c. 94. COUNTY; OF YORK (WEST RIDING)--continued. WAPENTAKE OF SKYRACK. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCROSS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. . BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. ..-..- Total. Ycars. wiedl Fc- Males Fe- | Total. Males Fe-1 rar males. Years. Mar Mar- riages. Years. Males! inalcs. Total, Males Fe- / males. Total. Years. niales. riages. 932 446 1811 561 533 1,094 | 302 308 / 610 1811 247 1812 518 | 484 1,002 ( 258 282 540 1812 253 1813 525 474 999 272 277 | 549 1813 215 1814 554 559 | 1,113 2631313 576 1814 267 1815 | 632 567 | 1,199 290 294 | 584 1815 281 1816 1577 1543 | 1,120 329/333 | 662 1816 260 1817 593 560 1,153 | 348 303 651 1817 215 1818 589 532 | 1,121 | 312352 664 | 1818 | 267 1819 1615 529 / 1,144 312305 / 617 1819 256 1820 567 569 1,136 | 334 384 718 1820 245 1811 486 446 216208 424 1812 438 473 911 202 220 422 1813 469 414 883 236 210 1814 529 483 1,012 | 268 245 513 1815 556 548 1,104 266 249 | 515 1816 1530 520 | 1,050 255 244 499 1817 534 548 1,082 281/320 | 601 1818 584 529 ! 1,113 | 273275 548 1819 503 496 999 260 305 565 1820 606 568 1,174 268 244 512 1811 234 1812 | 210 1813 187 1814 241 1815 271 1816 263 1817 247 1818 | 229 1819 | 252 1820 252 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Aber- ford V. Addle R. Baildon C. Bardsey V. Barwick-in-Elmet R. Bingley V. Burley C. (°) Collingham V. Garforth R. Guiseley R.) Harewood V. Horseforth C. Ilkley V. Kippax V. Otley (including Bramhope and Pool) V. Rawden C. Swillington R. Thorner V. and of Whitkirk V. O The Inhabitants of Burley bury and marry at Otley. () Also from a Register of Dissenters at Yeadon, in Guiseley Parisb. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,„„Barns- ley C. West Bretton C. Cawthorne P. C. Cumberworth C. Darton V'. Denby C. © Felkirk V. Hemsworth R. High Hoyland R. Penistone V. Roystone V. Silkstone V. Tankersley Ř. Woolley C. Worsbo- rough C. Wortley C. and of Wragby P. C. ☺ Also from a Register of Quakers at Denby. WAPENTAKE OF STRAFFORTH AND TICKHILL. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe Cal Total. Males Fe- lt. Total. | Total. | Years. | Mar- nales. males. I riages. WAPENTAKE OF STAINCLIFFE AND EWCROSS. 1811 1,874 1,7213,595 1,263 1,237 2,500 1812 11,890|1,7303,620 11,162 1,1532,315 1813 1,793 1,756/3,549 1,137 1,065 2,202 1814 1,830 1,792 3,622 |1,117 1,0722,189 1815 2,099 2,046 4,145 11,420 1,254 2,674 1816 2,076 2,016 4,092 1,263 1,129 2,392 1817 2,127 2,038 4,165 1,4461,309 2,755 1818 2,049 1,920 3,969 1,301 1,226 2,527 1819 2,024|1,93413,958 11,425 1,355 2,780 1820 1,971 1,900 3,871 1,456|1,314 2,770 18111,097 1812 (1,039 1813 1,085 1814(1,175 1815 1,325 1816 1,328 1817 1,097 1818 1,252 1819 1,181 1820 1,142 BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fe- Total. Males Fen Total. Years. Mar- riages. 1811 / 862 8511,713 523 479 1,002 1812 | 8581857 1,715 | 514 535 1,049 1813 | 8041779 1,583 1 4781483961 1814 | 9041921 | 1,825 497 546 1,043 1815 ) 948 935 1,883 487 586 1,073 1816 986 938 1,924 577 589 1,166 1817 1 896 879 1,775 1 530 512 | 1,042 1818 943 903 1,846 513 528 1,041 1819 1,001 874 / 1,875 1 465 491 956 1820 979 957 1,936 552 542 1,094 403 1812 | 364 1813 1 412 1814 463 1815 505 1816 512 1817 | 392 1818 435 1819 | 439 1820 456 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Adwick- le-Street V. Adwick-upon-Dearne P. C. Anston P. C. Arksey V. Arnthorpe R. Aston-with-sughton R. Austerfield C. Barnborough R. Barmby-upon-Den V. Bawtry C. Bolton-upon-Dearne V. Bradfield C. Braithwell V. Brodsworth V. Cantley V. Conisbrough V. Darfield V. Dinnington R. Ecclesfield V. Edlington R. Firbeck P. C. Fisblake V. Frickley (with Clayton) C. Greasbrough C. Handsworth R. Hart- hill R. Hatfield P.C. Hickleton P. C. Hooton-Pagnell V. Hooton- Roberts R. Low lloyland R. St. John's with Letwell C. Kirk-Sandal (with Sandal-Parva) R. Laughton-en-le-Morthen V. Maltby V. Marr P.C. Melton-on-the-Hill P. C. Nexbrough P.C. Ravenfield P. C. Rawmarshi R. Rotherlianı V. Sheffield V.(W) Sprotbrough R. Stainton (otherwise Sienton, V. Swinton C. (x) Thorne P. C. Thorpe-Salvin P. C. Thrybergh R. Turnscoe R. Tick hill V. Tinsley C. Todwick R. Treeton R. Wadworth V. Wales P. C. Warmswortli V. or R. Wath- upon-Dcarne V. Wentworth C. Whiston R. and of Wickersley R. (W) Sheffield includes the Returns of the Chapelries of Attercliffe, Ecclesall, St. James, and St. Paul. (*) The Register at Swinton C. commences in the year 1815. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, ---Adding- ham R. Arncliffe V. Barnoldswick P.C. Bentham R. Bolton-Abbey C. Bolton-by-Bolland R. Bracewell V. Broughton-with-Elslack V. Burn- sall R. Carlton-in-Craven V. Clapham V. Conistone C. Dent C. Gargrave V. Garsdale C. Giggleswick V. Gisburne V. Grindleton C. Haltongill C. (9) Horton-in-Ribblesdale P.C. Houghton (called Tos- sett) C.) Hubberholine C. Ingleton C. Ingleton-Fells C. Kettlewell- in-Craven V. Kigbley V. Kildwick V. Kirkby-Malham-Dale V. Lin- ton R. Marton R. Mitton V. Long Preston V. Rilston C. Sedbergh V.(5) Silsden C. Skipton-in-Craven V. Slaidburn R. Thornton-in-Craven R. Thornton-in-Lonsdale with Burton and Ireby R. Waddington C. and of Whitwell C. (™) (9) Previous to the year 1813 the Register of Haltongill was included in that of Arucliffe. (') Also from a Register of Dissenters at Sandy-Syke in Houghton. (5) The Return of Sedbergh includes the Baptisms which take place at Howgill C. () Ireby is said to be Extra Parochial. Church Duties are per- formed at Thornton-in-Craven. ♡ Whitwell C. is in Whalley Parish, Laucashire. Years. Males fe- Total. Males! Fc | Total. males.) Years. | Mar- males.! riages. 177 159 132 104 | 180 1811 141 121 262 | 83 1812 140 146 286 go 1813 139 149 | 288 1814 149 128 | 277 76 1815 185 161 346 1102 1816 189 141 330 | 87 1817 1 159 148 | 307 1818 172 142 314 1819 182 | 132 | 314 | 81 | 55 166 321 | 85 91 1811 76 1812 | 102 1813 92 1814 1815 105 1816 1817 93 1818 1819) 1820 56 94 OD 166 189 99 1820 95 180 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Bishop- Monkton C. Bishop-Thornton C. Feliskirk (with Boltby) V. Nidd V. Collegiate Church of Ripon P. C. Sawley C. and of Skelton C. 144 [Parish-Registers. ABSTIACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER COUNTY OF YORK (WEST RIDING)--continued. BOROUGH OF DONCASTER, AND SOKE OF THE SAME. TOWN AND LIBERTY OF LEEDS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. : MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. Ᏼ ᏟᎡ1 Ꭺ ᏞᏚ. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fc- Total. Wales Fe- males. Total. | Nära nualcs.! -.. .- --. -.- 683 Years. riages | 1811, 13 1812 .1813 1814 1813 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1811 12411171 241 71 | 142 1812 128 11:20 | 254 73 154 1813 | 127 | 114 | 241 155 1814 1125 1121 246 152 1815 142 138 i 280 | 89 77 1816 1:21 118 239 187 1817 139 139 278 | 89 | 95 | 184 1818 1:21 | 118 | 239 1.99 | 104 203 1819 117 1:30 247 82 101 183 1820 130 116 246 187 1.72 159 Years. Males Fec| Total. Malcs fe-.| Total. Year's. | Mar- 'males. males. riages. 1811 1,0930|1,021 2,051 610 607 11,217 1811 581 1812 | 977 941 1,918 | 696 635 1,331 1812 583 1813 1,007 1,026 2,033 699 676 1,375 1813 1814 11,076 985/2,061 | 724 718 1,442 1814 688 1815 1,2171,237 2,454 | 7541 727 | 1,481 1815) 829 1816 1,197 1,189 2,386 1 7871773 1,560 1810 788 1817 1,269 1,198 2,467 905 8,52 1,757 1818 1,253 1,209 2,462 11,047 985 2,012 | 1818 887 1819 1,292 1,290 2,582 | 841 812 | 1,653 1819 821 1820 1,284|1,207 2,491 770 746 1,5161820 806 166 1817| 779 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers olimmen Don- caster V. Loversall P.C. and of Rossington R. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of --Chapel- Allerton C. Armley C. Beeston C. Bramley C. Farnley C. Head- ingley C. Holbeck C. Hunslet C. St. John's C. Leeds V. (™) St. Paul C. (') and of Wortley C.(a) (v) Marriages take place at the Mother Church only, in Leeds. (2) Burials only take place at St. Paul's C. () The Chapel at Wortley was consecrated in the year 1813. me women who comme n -.-.-.-.-.-. SUMMARY OF BAPTISAIS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK (WEST RIDING). TA BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 10,298 9,573 19,871 10,174 9,588 19,762 10,036 9,705 | 19,741 10,506 10,064 20,570 11,833 11,202 23,035 11,565 11,010 22,575 11,560 11,034 22,594 11,303 22,128 11,5181 | 10,804 22,322 11,525 10,938 22,463 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 5,706 5,511 5,571 5,838 6,123 6,499 6,966 6,776 6,669 6,554 5,727 5,578 5,434 5,758 6,026 6,307 6,465 6,599 6,606 6,268 11,433 11,089 11,005 11,596 12,149 12,806 13,431 13,375 13,275 12,822 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 5,671 5,381 5,672 6,247 6,862 6,554 6,049 - - 10,825 6,618 6,492 6,516 TOTALS 110,318 104,743 215,061 1 62,213 60,768 122,981 | 62,062 The SUMMARY of the West Riding of the County of York is collected from the Registers of One hundred and Ninety-four Parish Churches and One hundred and Four Chapels, and from Five Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 2,084; Burials, 964 ; --Marriages, 6. M.DCCC.XXI.] 145 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. Summary of England. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 147,523 289,430 1811 179,767 1811 81,930 1812 146,171 140,963 287,134 1812 90,541 91,681 89,149 89,226 90,098 88,218 181,779 1812 77,818 1813 152,348 298,685 1813 1813 79,205 1814 154,687 147,799 302,486 1814 98,66297,798 177,367 196,460 188,186 1814 1815 167,638 160,783 328,421 1815 94,812 93,374 1815 87,933 94,786 87,156 83,739 1816 160,319 153,875 314,194 1816 98,853 97,030 195,883 1816 1817 161,441 316,530 188,718 1817 1818 155,398 317,171 202,180 1818 88,430 1817 95,619 93,099 1818 101,944 100,236 1819 101,006 100,996 1820 | 99,438 99,196 161,773 163,043 168,205 1819 154,937 317,980 202,002 1819 90,776 1820 160,025 328,230 198,634 1820 91,729 Totals 1,583,148 | 1,517,113 3,100,261 . • 1961,705 949,271 1,910,976 - . 863,502 TI os THE SUMMARY OF ENGLAND is collected from Returns extracted from the Registers of Nine thousand Six hundred and Thirty-six Parish Churches, and Eight hundred and Fifty-one Chapels ; and it is believed that no more than Four Returns remain due; viz. from Great Waltham in Essex; from Bishton in Monmouthshire; from Whitchurch and from Tufton in the County of Southampton. Ninety-nine Returns of the Registers of Hospitals, Workhouses, Roman Catholics, Quakers and Dissenters, were received, and are included in the above Summary; and many Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 20,696 ;--Burials, 8,770 ;-Marriages, 191. Pp 1:46 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND KETURNS UNDER WWales. MANY of the Parishes in Wales extending beyond the liinits of the Hundred wherein the Parish Church is situate, a distinct Parish Register Statement for each Hundred might have produced Error instead of Information ; Therefore, no more than a SUMMARY of each COUNTY in Wales is given in the following Pages. متستنیشت مست حسن M.DCCC.XXI.] 147 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. . Wales. County of Anglesey. County of Brecon. TIR, SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. TO SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. end BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males Fees Years. Males! Fe- Total. N Total. Years. Nar- riages. Years. Total. Males Fco lipo Total. males. Years. Mar- riages. Imales. males. 1811 1811 418 1דף 1811 269 286 305 my 82 1812 257 263 994 315 816 1.00 hoy 566 800 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 327 319 304 316 273 1811 473 485 958 198 381 1812 966 197 438 1813 2301 496 1814 292 1815 526 1816 274 1817 263 505 1818 451 449 335 653 1819 539 424 963 346382 1820 533 475 1,008 277 284 561 Totals 5,122 4,576 9,698 2,692 2,720 5,412 283 558 337 320296 616 1812 418 364 300 300 600 1813 452 330 288 618 1814 408 392 299 626 1815 452 374 826 1270 543 1816 811 318 1817 724 331 645 1819 330312 642 1820 360 354 | 282 | 270 552 Totals 4,053 3,547 7,600 3,109 3,013 6,1:22 279 597 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18:20 1817 306 313 644 684 1818 347 337 273 264 252 302 341 325 327 341 728 711 1820 3,165 2,8:20 * * The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ----Bodedern P.C. Bodwrog P. C. Ceirchiog P. C. Llanbeulan R. Llandrygarn P.C. Llanfaelog P. C. Llanfair-yn-eubwll C. Llanfihangel-yn-howyn C. Llantrisaint R. Llanynghenedl P. C. Llechcynfarwg P.C. and of Llechyllched P. C. (in the Hundred of Llyfon). (3) Aberffraw R. Cerrigceinwen P.C. Heneglwys R. Llangadwalladr R. Llangristiolus P. C. Llangwyfan P. C. Trefdraeth R. and of Trewal- achmai P.C. (in the Hundred of Maltraeth). Llanbedr-Newborough R. Llanddaniel Fâb P. C. Llanedwen V. Llanffinan P.C. Llanfihangel Esceiſiog P.C. Llangaflo P.C. Llan- gefni R. Llangeinwen R. Llangwillog P. C. Llanidan V. Rhody. Geidio C. Rhoscolyn R. and of Tregayan P. C. (in the Hundred of Menai). Llanbabo P. C. Llanbadric V. Llandensaint R. Llanfachraeth R. Llanfaethly R. Llanfairynghornwy C. Llanfechell R. Llanfflewyn P.C. Llanfwroy P. C. Llanrhuddlad R. and of Llanrhwydrus P. C. (in the Hundred of Talybolion). (b) Amlwch P.C. Budewryd P.C. Coedaua P.C. Llanalyo C. Lian- dyfrydog R. Llanelian or St. Elian R. Llaneugrad R. Llanfihangel- Tre'r-Beridd P. C. Llanwenllwyfo P. C. Penrhoslligwy P. C. and of Rhosbeirio C. (in the Hundred of Twrcelyn). Llanbedr-Gôch P.C. Llanddona P.C. Llandyfnan R. Llandegfan R. Llandisilio P.C. Llanfaes P. C. Llanfair-mathafern-eithaf P.C. Llan- fair-pwllgwyngyll R. Llanfihangel-Tynsylwy P.C. Llangoed P. C. Llaniestyn V. Llansadwrn R. Penmon P. C. Penmynydd P. C. and of Pentraeth P. C. (in the Hundred of Tyndaethwy). St. Mary P.C. (in the Borough of Beaumaris). Holyhead P. C. (in the Town of Holyhead). (*) The Church at Llanllibio being dilapidated, the Inhabitants resort to the adjoining Churches of Llantrisaint and Bodedern. (b) The Church at Llanfigel being in a dilapidated state, no Duty has been performed there during the last Ten Years. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, -- Allt- mawr P.C. Llanafawfawr V. Llanavan-vechan P. C. Llandewi. Abergwessin P.C. Llanfair in Builtli P.C. Llandowyr-Cwm R. Llan- fihangel-Abergwessin P.C. Llanfihangelbrynpabicani P.C. Llangain. warch V. Llanganten P.C. Llangynog P. C. Llanllconfcl P. C. Llanwrthwl V. Llanwrtyd (with Llandewi) P.C. Llanynis R. Maes. inynis R. New Church or Tyr-Abbot P. C. (in the Hundred of Builth). Crickhowell V. Lanbeder R. Llanelly P. C. Llangattock R. Llan- genney P. C. Llangunider R. St. Michael Cwmdu V'. and of Par. Irishow P.C. (in the Hundred of Crickhowell) (a). Bettws Chapel (in Llanspythid Parish) C. Callwen Chapel C. Devynnock V. St. Iltid (in Devynnock Parish) C. Llanspythid V. Llywell V. Penderin R. Rhydy brew (in Llywell Parish) C. Ystrad- gynlais (including Coolbren) R. and of Y'stradvelty P. C. (in the Hundred of Derynnock). Aberyscir V. Battle P.C. Gaerthbrengy P.C. Landefailogfach R. Llandilorfane P. C. Llanfihangel-fechan C. (0) Llanfihangel-nant-Brâne P.C. Llanthew P.C. Merthyr:Cynog V. and of Trallong P. C. (in the Hundred of Merthir). Cantreff R. Llandefailog-tref-graig P. C. Llangasty-l'alyllyoz R. Llanhamlach R. Llansainifraed R. Lanthetty R. © 'Llanvigan R. Llanvillo R. Llanvrynach R. Llanywern P. C. Nant-ddû C. Talo lachddû R. and of Vaynor R. (in the Hundred of Penkelly). Broynllis V. Cathedine R. Crickadaru V. Gwenddwr P.C. llay V. Llandevalleg R. Llanelieu R. Llanfihangel-Tal-y-llyn R. Llangorse V. Llanigon V. Llyswen R. and of Talgarth V. (in the Hundred of Tal- St. David's V. and of St. Jolin-the-Evangelist (with St. Mary P.C.).V. (in the Borough of Brecon). (a) St. Michael-Cwnidû includes Tretower C. (O) No Register kept at Llanfihangel-fechan previous to the year 1819. 5) Llanthetty includes Taf-fychan. (d) Glasbury, partly in this Hundred, is entered in Painscastle Hun- dred, Radnorshire. It is remarkable that althougli the Population of the County of Brecou has increased, the number of Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, do not appear from the Parish Register Returns to have increased, but on the contrary to have decreased in number. garth). (d) The SUMMARY of the County of ANGLESEY is col- lected from the Registers of Sixty-six Parish Churches and Six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisins, 152 ;-Burials, 16. The SUMMARY of the County of BRECON is collected from the Registers of Sixty-six Parish Churches and Six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 78; Burials, 55. 148 [Parish-Rcgisters, ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Cardigan. County of Carmarthen, SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Fe- Years. Males Fe- malcs. Total. Fe- males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males males. Tutal. Males Feo | Total. malcs. Years. Mar- riages. 1811 375 655 664 328 584 1811 717 635 1,352 37 590 1,196 | 335 1813 677540 1,217344 349 1814 637 1,355 458 439 1815 1,409 388 380 373 614 1812 693 1813 | 1814 768 897 375 389 354 665 739 1815 1816 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1810 1811 877 742 1,619 540 550 1,090 1812 791 637 1,428 447 459 1813 759 1,634 474 426 1814 774 1,708 518 530 1,048 1815 875 798 1,673 496 496 992 1816 854 730 1,584 528 514 1,042 1817 | 826 741 1,567692 | 643) 1,335 1818 711 629 1,340 647 625 1,272 1819 834 712 1,546 601 667 1,268 1820 797 714 1,511484 4751 959 | Totals (8,3747,236 15,610 5,427|5,38510,812 ללל 734 420 358 817 1818 665 585) 1,250 480 462 1820 690 584 | 1,274 349 414 871 | 1817 1,248 1818 942 763 1820 1819 1819 366 615 391 672 Totals 6,811 5,997 12,738 4,151 4,206 8,357 • 3,729 6,481 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Aberyst- with C. Egwysfach C. Llanbadarnfawr V. Llancynfelin P. C. and of Llanfihangel-Genewr-Glynı V. (in the Hundred of Genewr-Glynn) Cilcennin P. C. Eglwys-newydd C. Gwnnws P.C. Henfynyw P.C. Kilian-Ayron R. Llanafan P. C. Llanbadarn-Tref-Eglwys V. Lland- deinol P. C. Llandewi-Aberarth P. C. Lanfihangel-y-Croyddyn V. Llanilar V. Llanrhystyd V. Llansainffraed V. Llanychaiarn P. C. Llangrwyddon P.C. Lledrod P. C. Rhostie R. Trefilan R. Yspytty. Cenfyn P. C. Yspytty-Ystwith P. C. and of Ystrad Meirig P. C. (in the Hundred of Ilar(a). Bettws-Bledrws R. Bettws-Leiki P. C. Dehewid P. C. Garthely C. Kellan R. Lampeter V. (b) Llanarth V. Llandyssilio Gogo V. Llanerchayrone P. C. Llanfair-Clydoge P. C. Llanfihangel Ystrad V. Llangrannog V. Llangyby P. C. Llanina P. C. Llanllwchaiarn R. Llanwenog V. Llanwnen V. and of Sylian V. (in the Hundred of Dloyddyn). Blaenpenal C. Caron V. Caron-Uwch-Clawdd, otherwise Strata Florida C. Llanbadarn Odyn P.C. Llanddewibrefi P. C. Llangeitho R. and of Nantewnlle V. (in the Hundred of Penarth). · Aberporth R. Baugor R. Bettws Evan P. C. Blaenporth P. C. Brougwyn P. C. Henllan R. Llandyfriog V . Llandygwy P. C. Llandyssul V. Llanfair-Orllwyn R. Llangoedmawr R. Llangynllo R. Llechryd P. C. Mount P. C. Penbryn V. Tremain P. C. Troedy- raur R. and of Verwick V. (in the Hundred of Troed yraur (C). St. Mary V. (in the Town of Cardigan). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, LlanedyR. Llanelly V. Llangennech P. C. and of Llannon P.C. (in thc Hun- dred of Carnwallon). Abergorlech C. (%) Brechfa R. Lanegwad V. Llanfihangel-ar- Arth V. Llanfihangel-Cilfargen R. Llanfihangel-Rhôs-y-corn P. C. Llanfynydd V. Llangathen V. Llanllwni V. Llany byther V. Llanycrwy: P. C. and of Pencarreg V. (in the Hundred of Cathinog). Cilycwm V. Cynwil Gayo, alias Caio V. Llandilo-fawr V. Llan- dyfeisant P. C. Llansawel V. Llanwrda V. and of Talley P. C. (in the Hundred of Cayo). St. Clears V. Eglwys-Cymmun R. Eglwysfair-a-Cherrig C. Egre- mont P. C. Henllan Amgoed R. Killig P. C. Kilmaenllwyd R. Llanglarne V. Llanboidy V. (6) Llandawke R. Llandilo-Aber- cowin P. C. Llandissilio V. Llandowror R. Langain P. C. Llan- gan V. Llanginning P. C. Llanglydwen R. Llangunog P.C. Llan- sadurnen R. Llanstephan V. Llanvallteg R. Llanvihangel-Aber- cowin P. C. Llanwinio P. C. Marros P. C. Mydrim V. and of Pendine R. (in the Hundred of Derllys). Abergwilly V. Abernant V. Convil in Elvet C. Kenarth V. Kilrliedyn R. Llangeler V. Llanllawddog P. C. Llanpumsaint P. C. Merthyr R. Newchurch P. C. Penboyr R. and of Treleach-ar- Bettws V. (in the Hundred of Elvet). Bettws P. C. Llanarthney V. Llanddarog P. C. Llandybie V. and of Llanfihangel-Aberbythych P. C. (in the Hundred of Iskenncu). St. Ishmael V. Llandefilog V. Llangendeirn P. C. Llangunnor V. St. Mary, Kidwelly V. and of Penbre or Pembrcy V. (in thc Hundred of Kidwelly.) Llanddoisaiut P. C. Llandingad V. Llanfairary bryn V. Llanga- dock V. Llansadwrn V. Mothvey V. and of Taliaris C. (in the Hun- dred of Perfedd). Llanllwch C. and of St. Peter V. (in the Town of Carmarthen.) (2) The Church of Rhostie was rebuilt in the year 1816. (6) Numerous applications for the Parish Register Return of Lam- peter having been unsuccessful, the Return for that Parish of 1811 has been entered and included in the totals of this County, in order to produce an approximation, and for the sake of conformity. ☺) Llandyfriog includes Llanfairtrelygon. (^) Burials only take place at Abergorlech C. (6) Llanboidy includes Eglwysvair Glantave. The SUMMARY of the County of CARDIGAN is col- lected froin the Registers of Sixty-four Parish Churches, and Six Chapels; and it is believed that no Return (ex- cept that of Lampeter) remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Sonual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 201 ; Burials, 10. D The SUMMARY of the County of CARMARTIIEN is coi- lected from the Registers of Seventy-six Parish Churches and Five Chapels; and it is believed that no Return what- ever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un- entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 504; Burials, 296. M.Dccc.xxi.] 149 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. County of Carnarvon. County of Denbigh. SUMMARY OP BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Males mes Years. Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Males Fe- Years Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- males. riages. 793 1811 1 452 394 353 489 568 794 408 406 466 524 1815 1811 689 1,482 347 1812 702 730 1813 768 660 1,428 369 738 1814 760 693 / 1,453 419 728 1,442 340 1816 667 1,454 438 1816 1817 583 1,264 458 810 1817 1818 596 1,264 497 944 1819 656 608 1,264 573 532 1,105 1819 1820 654 599 1,253 386 385 771 | 1820 Totals 7,1836,505 13,688|4,194 3,889 8,083 828 879 1,830 520 496 1,016 1811 1812 1,895 485 532 1,017 1812 1813 1,876 566 557 1813 1814 1,044 992 2,036 555 569 1814 1815 1,084 958 2,0421680 586) 1,266 1815 1816 1,011 912 1,923) 742 710 1,452 1816 1817 886 918 1,804 651 601 1,252 1817 1818 906 917) 1,823 676 679 1,355 1818 1,867 659 660 1819 1820 1,048 949 1,997 623 1,261 Totals 9,7979,296 19,093 16,172 6,013 12,185 435 384 353 392 562 478 494 681 668 1818 -476 512 ვნა 1820 516 3,960 15,071 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Gres- ford V. Holt P. C. Marchwiel R. Ruabon V. and of Wrexham V. (8) (in the Houdred of Bromfield). (*) Chirk V. Llanarmon-dyffrin-Ceiriog R. Llanarmon-Mynyddmawr P. C. Llancadwalader P. C. Llangedwyn P. C. Llangollen V. Llan- rhaidr-yn-Mochnant V. Llansaintfraed-Glynn-Ceiriog P. C. and of Llansillin V. (in the Hundred of Chirk). The above Abstract is collected from the Registers of Aber- daron V. Bryncroes P. C. Llandegunning P.C. Llanengan R. Llan- faelrhys P. C. Llangunadle P. C. Meyllteyrne R. Penllech P. C. and of Rhiw R. (in the Hundred of Commit-maen). Eglwys-Rhôs P. C. Llandudno P. C. Llangwstenin P. C. and of Llysfaen R. (in the Hundred of Creuddyn). Abererch V. () Bodfean or Bodeon R. Ceidio P. C. Edern R. Llandidwen P.C. Llaniestyn R. Llannor V. Nefyn P. C. Pistyll P.C. and of Tydweiliog P. C. (in the Hundred of Diulaen). Beddgelert P. C. Criccieth R. Dolbenmaen C. Llanarmon P. C. Llanfihangel-y-pennant P. C. Llangybi R. Llanystindwy R. Pen- morfa R. Treflys P. C. and of Ynyscynhaiarn P.C. (in the Hundred of Efionydd). Bottwnog P. C. Carngiwch P. C. Denio P. C. Llanbedrog R. I Llangian P. C. and of Llanvihangel-Bachelleth P. C. (in the Hundred of Gaffogion). Caerhun V. Conway V. Gyffin P. C. Llanbedr-y-Cennin R. and of Llangelynin R. (in the Hundred of Isaf). Bettws-Garmon P. C. Llanbeblig V.fb) Llanberis R. Llandde- niolen R. Llanfaglen P. C. Llanfairisgaer V. and of Llanfihangel-yn- Rûg (otherwise Llanrûg) R. in the Hundred of Isgorfai). · Bettws-y-Coed P.C. Dolwyddelan P. C. Llanrhychwyn P.C. Penmachno V. and of Trefryw R. (in the Hundred of Nant-Conway). Aber R. Capel-Curig C. Dwygyfylchi V. Llandegai P. C. St. Ann's Llandegai C. (9) Llanfairfechan R. and of Llanllechyd R. (in the Hundred of Uchaff). Clynnog V. Llanaelhaiarn R. Llandwrog R. Llanllyfni R. and of Llanwnda V. (in the Hundred of Uwchgorfai). Bangor V. (in the City of Bangor). (*) Abererch includes Penrhos Cynwil. () Llanbeblig includes Carnarvon C. (9) St. Ann's Chapelry was consecrated in July 1819. Cerrigydruidion R. Gwytherin R. (9) Henllan V. Llanfairtalhaiarn P. C. Llanfihangel-Glyn-y-Myfyr P. C. Llangernieio V. Llangwn V. Llanrhaiadr V. Llansannan R. Llanufydd V. Nantglyn V. Voylas P. C. (C) and of Yspytter-Evan P. C. (in the Hundred of Isaled). Abergele V. Bettws-yn-Rhôs V. Eglwysfâch V. St. George R. St. Germans C. Llanddoget R. Llandrillo-yn-Rhôs V. Llanddûlas R. Llanelian R. Llanrwst V. and of Llansaintffraid-Glan-Conwas R. (in the Hundred of Isdulas). Clocaenog R. Derwen R. Efenechtyd R. Gyffiliog P.C. Llanbedr- dyffryn-Clwydd R. Llandyrnog R. Llanelidan R. Llanfair-Dyffryn- Clwyd V. Llanfwrog R. Llangwyfen R. Llangynhafal R. Llanrhydd P.C. Llanychan R. Llanynys V. and of Ruthin P. C. (in the Hun- dred of Ruthin). Bryn-Eglwys P. C. Llanarmon-in-Yal V, Llandegla R. Llanferres R. and of Llandysilio P. C. (in the Hundred of Yale).. Denbigh R. and V. (in the Town of Denbigh). () Wrexham includes Minera, C. and Bersham-Drelincourt C. () Bangor and Iscoyd, partly in Bromfield Hundred, are entered in Maylor Hundred, Flintshire. © Also from a Register of Dissenters at Gwytherin, and at Bethells in Voylas Parisłı. The SUMMARY of the County of DENBIGH is collected from the Registers of Fifty-eight Parish Churches and One Chapel, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, 1 to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 174 ;-Burials, 33. The SUMMARY of the County of Carnarvon is col- lected from the Registers of Sixty-six Parish Churches and Three Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 206;--Burials, 38. (2 150 [Parisb-Registers A B6TRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER County of Flint. County of Glamorgan. - --- V -- - - - -- ------- SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIAIS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Yours. Males males. Total. Males Le Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Malesimales. Total. Males! Fe-. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. males 1811 788 704 1,506 397 7171,532 268 266 739 1813 805750 1,655) 741 583 328 276 834 708 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 318 239 02 1814 768 1699 1,467 414 | 420 1815 836.831 1,667 1816 918 1817 1,522 877 1818 707 1,460 1819 1,544 919 1820 812 765 1,577 470 440 910 Totals 17,989 7,423/15,412 4,325 4,194 8,519 1811 1,015 888 1,903 615 527 1,142 1811 639 1812 908 822 1,730 545 525 1,070 1812 572 1813 1,098 949 2,047 658 614 1,272 1813 1814 1,055 921 | 1,976 643 750 1,393 1814 614 1815 1,041 914 1,955 592 625 1,217 1815 665 1817 1,861 | 739 714 1,453 1818 966872 1,837 1819 1,020 878 1,898 765 1820 1,031 893 1,924 674 649 1,323 1820 840 Totals 10131 8,929 19,060 6,664 6,450 13,114 - - 6,564 580 806 238 290 326 603 344 - - 2,893 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Cilcen V. the Hundred of Coleshill). Bangor R. Erbistock R. Hanmer V. Hope (otherwise Queen Hope) R. Iscoyd C. Overton P. C. Penley C. and of Wortben- bury R. (in the Hundred of Maylor). Hawarden R. Mold V. Nerquis C. and of Treuddyn C. (in the Hundred of Mold). Dyserth P. C. Gwaunyscor R. Llanasa V. Meliden P. C. and of Newmarket P. C. (in the Hundred of Prestatyn). Combe) V. Dymorchion, or Tremercbion V. Nannerch R. Rhudd- lan V. and of Ysceifiog R. (in the Hundred of Rhuddlan.) Holywell V. (in the Town of Holywell). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Eglwy- silan V.(*) Gellygaer R. Llanvabon V. Merthyr-Tydfil R. Rud- dry P. C. and of Whitchurch C. (in the Hundred of Caerphilly). St. Athan R. Cowbridge P. C. Eglwysbrewis R. Fleningston R. Gileston R. St. Hilary V. Llaublethian V. Llandough R. Llan. haran P. C. Llanhary R. Llanilid R. Llanmaes (otherwise Llan- mase) R. Llanmihangel R. Llansannor R. Llantwitt Major P. C. Llisworney V. St. Mary Church R. Pendoylon V. Welsh St. Donats P. C. and of Ystradowen P.C. (in the Hundred of Cowbridge). St. Andrews R. (o) Barry R. Bonvilstone P. C. St. Brides-upon- Ely R. Cadoxton (near Barry) R. Cogau P. C. St. Fagan R. ' St. George R. Llandough R. Llancarvan V. Llanilltern P. C. Llan- trithyd R. Llavernock R. Lleckwith R. St. Llythans V. Merthyr. dovan R. Michaelstone-le-Pit R. Michaelstone-above-Ely R. St. Nicholas R. Penarth V. Penmark V. Peterston-above-Ely R. Porthkerry R. Sully R. and of Wenvoe R. (in the Hundred of Dinas Powis). Caire P. C. Llandaff Cathedral Church P. C. Llanedarn V. Llanishen P. C. Llisvane P. C. and of Roath V. (in the Hundred of Kibbor). Llangevelach V. Llangwick P. C. and of Llansamlet P. C. (in the Hundred of Llangevelach). Aberdare P. Č. Llantrissant V. Llantwitvairdre P C. Llan- wonno P. C. Pentirch V. Radir V. and of Ystradyfodwg P.C. (in the Hundred of Miskin). Aberavon V. Baglan P. C. Britonferry P. C. Cadoxton near Neath V. Glyncorrwg P.C. Kilybebyll R. Llantwit near Neath P.C. Michaelston upon Avon P. C. and of Neath R. (in the Hundred of Neatb). Bettws P. C. St. Bride's-the-less R. Corchurch R. Coyty R. Llaleston P. C. Llangynoyd V. Margam P.C. Newcastle V. New- ton-Nottage R. Peterstone-on-the-Hill C. Pyle (with Kenfigg) V. and of Tythegston P. C. (in the Hundred of Newcastle). St. Bride's-the-Great V. Colwinstone V. St. Donats V. Ewenny P.C. Llanduw R. Llandyfodog V. Llangan R. Llangeinor P. C. Mar- cross R. St. Mary Hill R. Merthyr-Mawr P. C. Monknash P. C. Penlline V. and of Wick P. C. (in the Hundred of Ogmore) Bishopston R. Cheriton R. Iston R. St. John P.C. Llanddewi V. Llandilotalybout V. Llangenith V. Llanmadock R. Llanrhydian V. Loughor R. Nicholaston Ř. Oxwich R. Oystermouth P. C. Pen- maen R. Pennard V. Penrice P. C. Porteynon R. Reynoldston Run and of Rhocilly R. (in the Hundred of Swansea)(d). St. John's and St. Mary's V. (in the Town of Cardiff) St. Mary V. (in the Town of Swansea). The SUMMARY of the County of FLINT is collected from the Registers of Twenty-seven Parish Churches and Four Chapels; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following Amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Vn-eutered Baptisnas, 87; Burials, 2. (a) Eglwysilan includes the Return of St. Martin's Chapel. b) Also from a Register of Dissenters at St. Andrew's. ) The Church at St. Andrew Minor (Ogmore Hundred), is in ruins. (d) The Church at Knelston (Swansea Hundred), is in ruins. The SUMMARY of the County of GLAMORGAN is col. lected from the Registers of One Hundred and Twenty-one Parish Churches and Two Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials the following Amount; viz. Aunual Average Number of Uo-entered Baptisms, 485; Burials, 190. M.DCCC.XXI. 151 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. County of Merioneth. County of Montgomery. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. . BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIAIS. MARRIAGES. Ycars. Males Fear Total: Males FeaTotal. Years. Mar- riages. Ycars. Males Fe- Total. MTales Fe. Total Years. Mar- niales. imales. riages. 214 389 1812 213 224 369 376 483 535 485 265 813 368 412 244 1814 233 1,595 767 214 254 735 244 724 778 759 762 244 660 287 616 298 209 444 244 425 1812 387 348 1813 348 1390 388 1815 387 372 1816 402 360 1817 351 309 1818 302 314 1819 293 290 1820 334 295 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 +3530 406 524 233 1811 770 683 1,453 405 445 8601 1811 692 1,465 898 1,456 802 1813 876 1814 790 740 1,530 816 1815 816 1844 716 1,560 422 495 917 | 1816 1817 716655 1,371541 503 1,044 1818 655 580 1,235 553 566 1,119 1818 779 711 1,490 527 564 1,091 1819 1820 692 1,424 444 4271 871 | 1820 Totals 7,671 6,90814,579|4,598 4,686 9,284 379 602 204 1817 624 179 314 352 583 1819 404 539 484 181 218 242 242 408 - - - Totals (3,6473,366 7,013 2,488 2,700 5,188 2,154 3,832 - The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Fes- tiniog R. Llanaber R. Llanbeder R. Llandanwg R. Llanddwywa P. C. Llandeckwyn V. Llanelltyd P. C. Llanenddwyn R. () Llanfair-near- Harlech R. Llanfihangel-y-Traethan P.C. Llanfrothen R. Maentwrog P. C. and of Trawsfynydd R. (in the Hundred of Ardudwy). Bettws-Gwerfyl-Goch R. Corwen R. and V. (b) Gwyddelwen V. Llandrillo R. Llangar R. and of Llansaintffraid-Glyn-Dyffrdwy R. (is the Hundred of Edernion). Llanfihangel-y-Pennant P.C. Penalt P. C. Talyllyn P. C. and of Towyn V. (in the Hundred of Estimaner). Llandderfel R. Llanfawr V. Llangower R. Llanuwchllyn R. and of Llanycil R. (in the Hundred of Penllyn). Llauegryn V. Llanfachreth P. C. Llangelynin R. Llanymowddwy R. and of Mallwyd R. (in the Hundred of Talybont). Dolgelly R. (in the Town of Dolgelly). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of ma, Castlccaereineon R. Forden P. C. and of Trelystan C. (in the Hundred of Cawrse). (*) Llandisilio P.C. Llandriu io R. Llansaintffraid V. and of Trinity Chapel C. (in the Hundred of Deythur). Hirnant R. Llanfihangel-yn-gwynfa R, Llanfyllin R. Llangyoog R. Llanwddyn P.C. Myfod V. and of Pennant V. (in the Hundred of Llanfyllin). Carno V. Llanddinam V. Langirrig V. Llanidloes V. Llanwnog V. Penstrowed R. and of Tref-Eglwys V. (in the Hundred of Llanidloes). Cemmes R. Darowen V. Llanbryn-mair R. Llanwrin R. Machyn- lleth R. and of Penegos R. (in the Hundred of Machynlleth). Garthbeibio R. Llanerfyl R. Llanfaircaiereinion V. Llangadfan R. and of Llangyniew R. (in the Hundred of Mathrafel). Churchstoke P. C. Hyssington P. C. Kerry V. Montgomery R. Moughtrey P.C. and of Snead R. (in the Hundred of Montgomery). Aberhavesp R. Berriew V. Bettws-Caedewen V. Landyssil R. Llanllugan P. C. Llanllwchaiarn V. Llanmerewig R. Llanwyddelan R. Manafon R. Newtown R. (b) and of Tregynon P. C. (in the Hundred of Newton). Guilsfield V. and of Llanfechen C. (in the Hundred of Pool). Buttington P. C. () and of Welsh-Pool V. (in the Town of Pool). (*) Also froin a Register of Dissenters at Llanenddwyn. (6) Corwen is partly in Isaled Hundred (Denbigh). The SUMMARY of the County of MERIONETH is col- lected from the Registers of Thirty-four Parish Churches, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Uncutered Baptisms, 121.-Burials, 5. (*) Abberbury, Wolston and Worthen, are partly in Cawrse Hub- dred, but are entered in Chirbury Hundred, Salop. (6) Also from Three Registers of Dissenters at Newtong. (9) Buttington includes the Retum of Criggion C. - The SUMMARY of the County of MONTGOMERY is col- lected from the Registers of Fifty Parish Churches and Three Chapels, and from One Register of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Se- veral of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Unentered Baptisms, 160 ; --Burials, 7. w 152 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS: UNDER County of Pembroke. County of Radnor. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. | MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fer. Total. Years Mar- riages. males. males. males. 702 381 298 1811 1812 742 389 1812 123 859 1813 461 162 145 962 175 181 539 169 1811 599 1,227 342 1812 562 1,168 351 1813 680 1,411 399 1814 781 723) 1,504 433 1761 745 1,506 374 1816 812 717 1,529 411 1817 780 654 1,434 400 |400|410| 1818 728 663 1,391 484 466 1819 1,510 470 491 1820 760 687 1,447 464 438 795 806 810 1816 517 1811 279 280 1811 147 1812 336 1813 1813 1814 1814 1815 136 289 | 1815 1816 366 | 1816 146 1817 188 1817 153 1818 189 126 1819 655 222 211 1819 1820 355 3171 672181177 358 1820 162 Totals 3,244 2,944 6,188 1,764 1,693 3,457 - 1,487 509 348 461 361 1818 950 961 1817 1818 1819 1820 135 470 502 902 Totals 7,387 6,740 14,127 4,128 4,361 8,489 IT" • • 4,768 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, Abe. redow R. Bettws-Disserth P. C. Cregrina R. Disserth R. Glas- combe V. Llanbadarnygarog P. C. Llanelweth P. C. Llansaint- fraed V. Llanvareth P. C. and of Rulen P. C. (in the Hundred of Colwyn). Blethvaugh R. Cefnliys R. Llanbadarn-fawr R. Llandegley V. Llandrindod P. C. Llangynllo V. Llanvihangel-Rhydithon P. C. Pilleth St. Mary P. C. and of Whitton R. (in the Hundred of Ke- venlleece). Beguildy V. Heyop R. Knighton P. C. Llanano P. C. Llan- badarnfynydd P. C. Llanbister (with Abbey-Cwmpîr) V. and of Llandewi-Ystradenni P. C. (in the Hundred of Knighton). Bonghrood V. Bryngwyn R. Clyraw (with Bettws) V. Glas- bury V. Llambedr-Painscastle P. C. Llandewyfach P. C. Llandilo Graban P. C. Llanstephan P. C. Llowes V. Michael-Church P. C. and of New-Church R. (in the Hundred of Painscastle). The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of,— Angle V. Bosherston R. Castlemartin V. Cosheston R. St. Florence V. Hodgeston R. Lamphey V. Manorbier V. Nash (with Upton) R. Penally V. St. Petrox Ř. Pwllcrochan R. Rosecrowther R. Stack- pool R. St. Twinnels V. and of Warren V. (in the Hundred of Castle Martin). Brawdy V. St. David's Cathedral P. C. St. Dogwells V. St. Edrens P. C. St. Elvis R. Granston V. Hay'scastle V. Jordau- ston R. St. Lawrence R. Letterston R. Llandeloy V. Llanhowel V. Llanreithan V. Llanrian V. Llanstinan P.C. Llanvair-nant-y-Gof P.C. Llanwunda V. Manerowen P. C. Mathry V. St. Nicholas V. and of Wbitchurch V. (in the Hundred of Dewsland). Ainbleston V. Bletherston V. Boulston P. C. Clarbeslon P. C. Crinow R. Llanycefn P. C. Llawhaden V. Llysyfrân R. New Moat R. Prendergast R. Rudbaxton R. Slebech P. C. Spittal P. C. Usmaston P. C. East Walton P. C. and of Wiston P.C. (in the Hun- dred of Dungleddy). Bayvil V. Castlebigh R. Dinas R. St. Dogmell's V. Eglwyse- row V: Fishguard V. Henry's Moat R. Llanfaimantgwyn P. C. Llangolman P. C. Llanllawern P. C. Llanvernach R. Llanychare R. Llanychllwydog R. Maenclochog (including Vorlan) V. Meline R. Monachlogddu P. C. (a) Monington V. Morvil R. Moylgrove V. Nevern V. Little Newcastle P. C. Newport R. Pontfane R. Pun- cheston R. and of White-Church V. (in the Hundred of Kemess). Bridell R. Chapel Coleman P. C. Clydey V. Kilgerran R. Llant- wood V. Llanvihangel-Penybedw R. Manordwy R. and of Penrith and Castellan R. (in the Hundred of Kilgerran). Amroth V. Begelly R. (b) Carew V. Crunwear R. Gumfres- ton R. St. Issells ř. Jeffreston V. Llampeter-Veifrey R. Llan- dewi-Velfrey R. and V. Llawrenny R. Loveston R. Ludchurch R. Martletwy V. Minwear P. C. Narberth R. North Newton P. C. Redbert P. C. Reynoldston P.C. Robeston-Wathan P. C. and of Yebeston R. (in the Hundred of Narberthi). St. Bride R. Burton R. Camrose V. Dale P. C. Freystrop R. Harroldston St. Issells P. C. Harroldston West P. C. Håsgard R. Herbrandston R. Hubberston R. St. Ishmael's V. Johuston R. Lambston P. C. Langwin R. Llanstadwel V. Marloes V. St. Ka- therine's Milford C. Noltun R. Robeston-West R. Roch V. Rose- market V. Steynton V. Talbenny R. Treffgarne R. Walton- West R. and of Walwyn Castle R. (in the Hundred of Roose). St. Martin P. C. St. Mary V. and of St. Thomas R. (in the Town of West Haverford). St. Mary V. St. Michael V. and of Moncton (otherwise St. Ni- cholas) V." (in the Borough of Pembroke). St. Mary R. (in the Town of Tenby). Colva P. C. Dyscoyd C. Gladestry R. Norton V, and of Pres- teigne R. and V. (in the Hundred of Radnor). St. Harmon V. Llanfihangel-Helygen P.C. Llansaintffraed-Cwm- toyddwr V. Llanyre P. C. Nantmel V. and of Rhayader P. C. (in the Hundred of Rbayader). Cascob R. Nantmellan V. New Radnor R. and of Old Radnor V. (in the Borough of Radnor). The SUMMARY of the County of RADNor is collected from the Registers of Fifty-one Parish Churches and One Chapel ; and it is believed that no Return whatever re- mains due. Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount ; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 34 ; Burials, 24. (2) There is no Church at Llandilo, which is uniied to Monachlogddu. (b) Begelly includes the Return of Williamston C. i Martletwy includes the Return of Coedcanless. The SUMMARY of the County of PEMBROKE is col- lected from the Registers of One hundred and Thirty-eight Parish Churches and One Chapel ; and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisins, 168; Burials, 57. M.DCCC.XXI. 153 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV, C; 04. .. WWales. SUMMARY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 8,148 7,279 15,427 1811 4,430 8,776 4,346 4,347 1811 1812 1812 7,778 7,042 14,820 1812 4,276 8,623 4,459 4,248 4,655 4,871 1813 8,337 7,410 15,747 1813 4,577 4,533 9,110 1813! 1814 8,595 7,725 16,320 1814 4,863 5,080 9,943 1814 1815 8,595 7,915 16,510 1815 4,630 4,592 9,222 1815 5,158 1816 8,482 7,523 16,005 1816 5,101 4,975 10,076 1816 4,790 1817 7,896 7,157 15,053 1817 5,421 5,130 10,551 1817 4,495 1818 7,408 6,805 14,213 1818 5,780 1818 4,349 5,664 | 11,444 5,819 11,562 1819 7,217 15,281 1819 5,743 1819 4,795 8,064 8,106 1824) 7,324 15,430 1820 4,891 4,824 9,715 1820 5,104 :: TOTALS| 81,409 73,397 154,806 49.712 49,310 99,022 - - 1 46,924 IT THE SUMMARY OF WALES is collected from Returns extracted from Light hundred and Seventeen Registers of Parish Churches and Thirty-eight Chapels, and froin Four Registers of Dissenters; and it is believed that no Return whatever (except that of Lampeter in the County of Cardigan) remains due.-Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms and Burials, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 2,370 ;-Burials, 733. Rr 154 [Parish-Registers. ABSTRACT or ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Summary of England and Wales. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. YEARS. MARRIAGES. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. 1811 155,671 304,857 94,971 93,572 : 88,543 86,389 149,186 148,005 1812 153,949 301,954 95,957 94,445 190,402 82,066 1813 160,685 · 153,747 314,432 93,726 92,751 186,477 83,860 1814 163,282 318,806 103,525 102,878 206,403 92,804 155,524 168,698 1815 176,233 344,931 99,442 97,966 197,408 99,944 1816 161,398 330,199 103,954 102,005 205,959 91,946 1817 168,801 169,337 169,181 162,246 101,040 98,229 199,269 88,234 1818 162,203 107,724 105,900 213,624 92,779 331,583 331,384 333,26i 343,660 1819 171,107 162,154 106,749 106,815 213,564 95,571 1820 176,311 167,349 104,329 1104,020 208,349 96,833 (TOTALS ! 1,664,557 1,590,510 3,255,067 | 1,0 1,417 998,581 2,009,998 910,426 THE SUMMARY OF ENGLAND AND WALES is collected from the Registers of 'Ten thousand Four hundred and Fifty-three Parish Churches, and Eight hundred and Eighty-nine Chapels ; and it is believed that no more than Five Returns remain due ; viz. from Great Waltham, in Essex ; from Bishton, in Monmouthshire ; from Whitchurch and from Tufton, in the County of Southampton ; and from Lampeter, in the County of Cardigan. One hundred and Three Returns of Registers of Roman Catholics, Quakers and Dissenters, and of Registers kept at Hospitals and Workhouses, were received, and are included in the above Summary; and many of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages. to the following Amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un.entered Baptisms, 23,066 ;-—Burials, 9,505,-Marriages, 191. Remark.—The Abstract of the Returns obtained from the Islands in the British Seas is not included in the above Summary, but appears in the subsequent Appendix (A); and in another Appendix (B), are collected the Registers of all the Parishes which may be deemed to constitute the Metropolis of the British Dominions. Jn". Rickman, Appointed by His Majesty's Most Honcurable Privy Council, to digest and reduce into Order the Parish Register Returns. Appendix.] 155 · THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. C. 94. APPENDIX. (A.) ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS - - . - - p. 156. p. 157. (B.)- THE METROPOLIS . - - - - 156 [Appendix. ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Appendix (A.) Jslands in the British Seas. Island of Guernsey, &c. Isle of Mann. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe | Total. Males Fe- males. males. Total. Years. Mar- riages. Years. Males Fe- Total. Males Fe- inales. Total. Years. Mar- riages. nales. 206 418 371 566 1811 393 358 751 239 239 478 1812 383 356 739 239 1813 363 335 698 205 166 1814 358 314 | 672 250 453 1815 350 325 675 168 155 | 323 1816 329 300 329 629 155 141 296 1817 1303 321 | 624 134 120 | 254 1818 304 260 564 154 120 274 1819 | 266 295 561 1131 | 165 | 296 1820 312 270 582 148 168 316 | 1811 190 1812 1813 250 1814 218 1815 | 203 1816 | 175 1817| 143 1818 1819| 147 1820 170. 267 1811 554 557 1,111 304 269 573 1812 549 558 1,107 | 280 303 583 1813 542 536 | 1,078 270249 | 519 1814 599 549 1,148 278 288 1815 506 528 1,034 281 | 249 1 530 1816 569 514 1,083 301 254 555 1817 551 511 1,062 355 1335 | 690 1818 580 1568 1,148 1291 | 244 | 535 1819 551 1511 1,062 330 283 1 613 1820 580 568 1,148 352 356 708 1811 294 1812 236 1813 263 1814 267 1815 1816 235 1817 | 226 1818 264 1819 238 1820 247 165 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Andrew R. The Forest R. St. Martin R. St. Mary de Castro K. St. Peter du Bois R. St. Peter Port R. St. Sampson R. St. Saviour R. 1 Serk R. Torteval R. and of the Vale V. The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of St. Ann V. Ballaugh R. Braddan V. St. George Douglas C. Jurby V. Kirk Andreas R. Kirk Arbory. Kirk Bride. Kirk Christ Lezayre V. Kirk Christ Ruchen 1. Kirk German V. Kirk Lonan V. Kirk Marowu V. Kirk Michael V. Kirk Patrick V. Malev V. St. Mark R. St. Matthew Maughold V. Oocham V. and of Ramey C. Island of Jersey. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males Fe- males. Total. Males Fe-1 males. Total. | Years. riages. | 458 234 333 1811 413 871 1812 461 434 1813 465 473 1814 435 426 1815 1470442 1816 451 423 874 1817 453 440 893 1818 464 448 912 1819 1467 4201 887 1820 486 440 926 270 284 554 294 286 | 580 285 616 644 188 408 224 415 435 422 219 218 437 260 266 526 1811 1812 267 1813 247 1814 260 1815 242 1816 1817 176 18181 242 1819 244 1820 247 228 225 2101 The above ABSTRACT is collected from the Registers of, - St. Bre- lade R. St. Clement R. Grouville K. St. Helier R. St. John R. St. Laurence R. St. Martin St. Mary R. St. Ouen R. St. Peter R. St. Saviour R. and of Trinity R. S U N M A RY OF BAPTISMS, BURIALS AND MARRIAGES IN THE ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 813 813 792 768 700 824 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1,405 1,393 1 1,370 1,354 1,360 1,379 1,262 1,337 1,284 1,378 1,328 1,348 1,344 1,309 1,305 1,272 1,289 1,222 1,226 1,278 592 2,733 2,741 2,714 2,663 2,665 2,651 2,551 2,559 2,510 2,656 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 806 839 669 647 1,605 1,581 1,506 1,66:3 1,261 1,266 1,379 1,231 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 18:20 718 709 760 745 712 638 54.5 671 619, 680 699 657 574 666 1,346 680 760 629 664 790 1,5:50 TOTALS | 13,522 12,921 26,443 7,383 7,005 14,388 6,791 TITY THE SUMMARY OF THE ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS is collected from the Registers of Forty-two Parish Churches, and Two Chapels; and it is not known that any Return remains due. Appendix.] 137 THE POPULATION ACT, 1 GEO. IV. c. 94. Appendix (B). The Metropolis. 1. THE SUMMARY of The City of London within the Walls 2. - . D . . of The City of London without the Walls 3. - - Dº . . of The City and Liberties of Westminster - - - - see p. 72, Parish Register - see p. 72,} Abstract. - see p. 73, THE OUT-PARISHES IN MIDDLESEX AND SURREY, INCLUDING THE BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK. BAPTIS JIS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. - --... Years. NIales. Females. Total. Years. Males. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 6,944 | 13,679 5,180 4,916 10,096 1811 4,983 1811 1812 1812 6,856 5,701 5,374 11,075 1812 6,735 0,733 7,057 7,172 13,589 13,977 4,635 4,623 1813 6,920 1813 5,047 10,533 1813 1814 14,008 1814 5,486 6,175 5,819! 5,714 11,889 1814 5,256 1815 7,775 7,670 15,445 1815 11,229 1815 5,579 1816 7,307 7,449 14,756 1816 5,947 5,704 11,651 1816 5,256 1817 7,652 7,528 15,180 1817 5,791 5,457 11,248 1817 5,339 5,511 1818 7,861 7,849 15,710 1818 5,909 5,760 11,669 1818 1819 7,734 7,881 15,615 1819 5,985 5,862 11,847 1819 5,837 1820 8,058 7,890 15,948 1820 6,055 5,745 11,800 1820 5,862 THE SUMMARY OF THE OUT PARISHES is collected from the Registers of, — Bermondsey (St. Mary) R. Bethnal Green (St. Matthew) R. The Charter House C. Clerkenwell (St. James) C. Clerkenwell (St. John) R. Christ Church (Middlesex) R. Christ Church (Surrey) R. St. George Bloomsbury R. St. George in the East R. St. George the Martyr R. St. George Southwark R. St. Giles in the Fields R. Hackney (St. John) V. Horselydown R. Islington V. St. Katherine near the Tower (Collegiate Church), Lambeth (St. Mary) R. Limehouse ($t. Ann) R. St. Luke (Middlesex) R. Newington Butts (St. Mary) R. St. Olave (Southwark) R. Pentonville Chapel C. Rotherhithe (St. Mary) R. St. Saviour's (Southwark) P. C. The Savoy (St. John the Baptist) P. C. Shadwell (St. Paul) R. Shoreditch (St. Leo- nard) V. Stepney (St. Dunstan's) R. St. Thomas (Southwark) P. C. Wapping R. and of Whitechapel (St. Mary Matfelon) R. Ss ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER Appendix. 5. PARISHES NOT WITHIN THE LONDON BILLS OF MORTALITY, BUT FORMING PART OF THE METROPOLIS. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. Years. Nales. | Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 3,542 1,673 1,641 3,818 1,705 1,907 1,953 1,907 1,328 1,372 1,327 1,573 1,852 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,156 1,837 1,911 1,925 1,969 2,090 2,081 2,330 2,181 2,305 2,456 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 3,878 3,876 4,246 4,168 4,524 4,421 4,691 4,763 1,436 1,723 1,717 1,707 2,121 1,754 1,866 1,820 1,983 2,109 2,142 3,396 3,358 3,559 4,212 3,516 3,789 3,651 4,026 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 2,091 1,762 1,923 1,831 2,043 2,089 2,138 2,087 2,194 2,240 2,386 2,307 1,502 1,618 1,608 1,688 1,748 4,198 4,280 The above SUMMARY is collected from the Registers of Paddington P.C. and of Pancras V. Chelsea R. Kensington 1. St. Mary-le-bone P. C. . Summary of The metropolis. BAPTISMS. BURIALS, MARRIAGES. Years. Males. Females. Total. L'ears. Males. Females. Total. Years. Marriages. 1811 13,082 13,192 26,274 1811 10,604 10,119 20,723 1811 11,549 1812 26,344 1812 11,548 10,890 | 22,438 1812 10,973 1.813 26,892 1813 11,014 10,485 21,499 1813 10,705 13,167 13,177 13,619 | 13,273 13,645 13,083 14,805 14,712 1814 26,728 181413,196 12,287 25,483 1814 12,368 1815 1815 11,983 11,354 1815 12,695 23,337 23,946 1816 14,161 29,517 28,460 29,876 14,299 1816 12,221 1816 12,212 1817 15,125 14,751 1817 11,789 11,725 11,171 11,884 22,960 1817 11,976 1818 15,168 14,922 30,090 1818 12,250 24,134 1818 12,429 1819 15,137 15,157 30,294 1819 : 12,064 24,423 1819 12,941 1820 15,434 14,988 30,422 1820 11,998 24,367 .1820 12,757 TOTALS 143,343 141,554 284,897 • • 119,333 113,977 233,310 120,605 · THE SUMMARY OF THE METROPOLIS is collected from the Register of St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Registers of Eighty-eight Parish Churches, within the Walls of the City of London ; from Eleven Parish Churches and Three Chapels, without the Walls; from the Register of Westminster Abbey, and of Nine Parish Churches and One Chapel, within the City and Liberties of Westininster; from Twenty-eight Out-Parish Churches and Three Chapelries; and from Five other Parish Churches, not included within the Bills of Mortality; in all, from One Hundred and Forty-three Churches and Seven Chapelries : and it is believed that no Return whatever remains due.--Several of the Returns mention Un-entered Baptisms, Burials and Marriages, to the following amount; viz. Annual Average Number of Un-entered Baptisms, 3:331;--Burials, 4,848;-Marriages, 33. Appendix.] 159 THE POPULATION ACT, I GEO. IV. C. 94. Men REMARKS ON THE ASSUMED LIMITS AND EXTENT OF THE METROPOLIS. THE METROPOLIS of THE BRITISH EMPIRE, being situated in the two Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, could not be distinctly noticed in any preceding part of The PARISH REGISTER ABSTRACT. In an Appendix to The ENUMERATION ABSTRACT (p. 549) its Population is exhibited in Five Divisions, and amounts to One million Two hundred and Twenty-five thousand Seven hundred (1,225,700) Persons : but, considering that the arrivals of Coasting Vessels in the Port of London may be taken at 5,500 in the year 1700; at 6,400 in 1750 ; at 10,400 in 1801 ; at 13,500 in 1811 ; and at about 17,000 per annum since the year 1817; producing a constant though Auctuating accession to the Population, to a larger amount than elsewhere, a T'wenty-fifth part, instead of a Fiftieih part, is added, in forming a Comparison with the Parish Register Returns. With this addition, the METROPOLIS, in the year 1801, contained about Nine hundred thousand (900,000) Inhabitants; in 1811, One million and Fifty thousand (1,050,000); in 1821, One million Two hundred and Seventy-four thousand Eight hundred (1,274,800). The Population of the years 1700 and 1750 is computed in the manner described in the PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS (p. xxix). POPULATION. THE METROPOLIS. 1700. 1750. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1.--City of London within the Walls - 2.-City of London without the Valls 3.-City and Liberties of Westminster . - 4.-Out-Parishes, within the Bills of Mortality 5.-Parishes not within the Bills of Mortality - 139,300 69,000 130,000 326,900 9,150 87,000 57,300 152,000 357,600 22,350 1.78,000 56,300 165,000 477,700 123,000 57,700 68,000 168,600 593,700 162,000 58,400 72,000 189,400 730,700 224,300 6.-Total of THE METROPOLIS - - - 674,350 676,250 ! 600,000 1,050,000 1,274,800 1.--The Walls of the ancient City of London included a space, now in the middle of the Metropolis, about one mile and a half in length from east to west, and rather more than half a mile in breadth. The Population has diminished nearly Three-fifths since the beginning of the last century; many Streets having been widened, and Public Buildings and Ware- houses erected, whereby the number of Inhabited Houses has been lessened ; independently of which, the Inhabitants have decreased in a much larger proportion, from the less crowded manner of residence which has gradually taken place. 2.- The City of London without the Walls, is an extension of the same ancient City, and is under the same Jurisdiction. In computing the Increase or Diminution of the Population of this District, by means of the Parish Registers, two diffi- culties occur; first, because several of the Parishes, which form part of it, extend so far beyond its limits, as almost to double the amount of Population, if these Parishes are included entire: It has, therefore, been necessary to ascertain the In- crease or Diminution upon the entire Parishes, and afterwards to apportion it between the City without the Walls and the Out-Parishes, the Enumeration Returns of the parts within the City and without being distinct. The other difficulty arises from the disputed Jurisdiction of the City of London as to the Borough of Southwark, a claim which has not been fully sub- stantiated; and the Five Southwark Parishes are accordingly here reckoned among the Out-Parishes. 3.-The City of Westminster, once an Episcopal See, and now the Seat of Government, adjoins the City of London, extending westward. · 4.- The appellation of the Out-Parishes, is taken from the London Bills of Mortality, which were first used in the year 1562; and, from 1603, have been kept in regular series. These Bills were intended to afford timely notice of any alarming increase of the Plugue, from which London was then seldom free. But the crowded part of the City was purified by the inemorable Conflagration of 1666; in the preceding year 68,596 persons had died of the Plague, which has since entirely disappeared. 160 ABSTRACT OF ANSWERS AND RETURNS UNDER POPULATION ACT. disappeared. The Bills of Mortality purport to exhibit the Number of Christenings and Burials, but are not to be relied upon for the full Number of either. A COMPARISON of the Results of these Bills, and of the collection of Parish-Registers under the Act of 1821, is here subjoined :- BAPTISMS AND BURIALS WITHIN THE LONDON BILLS OF MORTALITY. BAPTISMS. BURIALS. YEARS. YEARS. According According to the to the Parish Registers. Bills of Mortality According According to the to the Parish Registers. Bills of Mortality 1811 - 1812 el 1813-1 1814 ..1 1811 1812 1813 1814 . 1815 1816 - 1817 . 1818 . 1819. 1820 - 22,732 22,526 23,014 22,852 25,271 24,292 25,352 25,669 25,603 25,659 20,645 20,404 20,528 20,170 23,414 23,581 24,129 24,233 24,300 23,158 1815 1816 17,327 19,080 17,840 21,271 19,821 20,157 19,309 20,108 20,225 20,087 17,043 18,295 17,322 19,783 19,560 20,316 19,968 19,705 19,228 19,348 - 1817 1818 1819 1820 - The number of Burials within the Bills of Mortality (as distinguished from the Metropolis) has absolutely decreased since the year 1700, according to the Bills of Mortality-and, according to the Parish Registers, cannot be said to have increased (see Parish Register Abstract of 1811, p. 200); while the Population has increased as Three to Two;--from 665,200 to 1,050,500. 5.-A few Parishes, now forming part of the Metropolis, have not been brought into the Bills of Mortality. The rapid Increase of the Population in the Suburbs since the beginning of the last Century, shows how rapidly the Metropolis increases in extent, although its Population has not increased so fast as that of the Kingdom in general. In 1700, the Metropolis cun- tained almost an Eighth part of the Inhabitants of England and Wales ; in 1750 and 1801, about a Tenth part; in 181 and at present, about a Twelfth part. 6.-.Objections may undoubtedly be made to the propriety of the Limits of the Metropolis herein assumed; it may be therefore right to add, that the Total Population of all the Parishes whose Churches are situate within Eight Miles recti- linear around St. Paul's Cathedral (including the aforesaid addition of One Twenty-fifth part) in 1801 amounted to One million Thirty-one thousand Five hundred (1,031,500); in 1811, to One million Two bundred and Twenty thousand Two hundred (1,220,200); and in 1821, to One million Four hundred and Eighty-one thousand Five hundred (1,481,500): the Parish of Woolwich not included. The Population ascribed to the City of Paris, is included in a District of this size. The Number of UNREGISTERED INTERNEnts in the Metropolis, has been a question much agitated, on occasion of forming computations for Life Annuities, and for other purposes. In the last six months of 1794, it was ascertained by the Collector of the then Tax on Burials, that 3,148 Persons were interred without being registered; and it is not likely that the whole number of Interments, or even of Burial Grounds, were discoverable for the purpose of Taxation. If it be assumed that, on account of the Unregistered Interments, a third part (about 8,000 annually) may be added to the Registered Burials, the Annual Mortality of the Metropolis, in the middle of the last Century, was as One to Twenty of the Inhabitants, at present as One to Forty, showing a vast improvement in Health and Longevity; but it was to be expected, that the extension of Population over a larger space than formerly, added to the causes which have prolonged human life in the Kingdom at large (see PrelimINARY OBSERVATIONS, p. xxvi) would produce this salutary effect, which has been most conspicuous as regarding the life of Children within the London Bills of Mortality. J. R. 1822. The End. THIS BOOK IS TO BE PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF GONVIL AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. 1822. NL . LA 24 . v . NAS .. ' Ft . ' . " ? 1 1 . + . . . . . . . FAX 2,1 7 * . . .. TutoTM . 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