(, (200 Pl? - * 4 Willi C 504,063 Z. 6 (c loo , Pig A LIST OF MEDICAL SERIA LS NOW TAKEN IN THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIES OF BOST ON AND CAMBRIDGE. -O- DECEMBER, 1878. LIST OF MEDICAL SERIALS. =e-o-ººoo- Alabama med. assoc. Transactions. Montgomery. (). 3/. ML. PLe Allgemeine medicin. central-zeitung. Berlin. Q. A w. ML, PL. Allgemeine wiener medizin. zeitung. Wien. F. w. American annals of the deaf and dumb. Hartford. O. un. PL, American clinical lectures. N. York. O.un. Ml. American dermatological asso. Transactions. N. York. O. y. ML. American gynecological soc. Transactions. Bos- toil. O. 3/ ML- PL. American ičmeopathist. Chicago. O. m. ML. American journal of dental science. Philadelphia. (). In. American journal of insanity. Utica. O. g. BA. CL. ML, PLs American journal of med. sciences. Philadelphia. O. g. BA. M.L. Pl. American journal of obstetrics. N. York. O. g. MLe PL. Américan journal of pharmacy. , , Philadelphia. O. 70te AA. HC. ML- .PL. 4 MEDICAL SERIALS. American medical assoc. Transactions. Phila- delphia. O. y. H. C. M. L. PLe American medical bi-weekly. Louisville O. m. ML. American neurological assoc. Transactions. N. York. O. $/. American observer: med. monthly. Detroit. O. m. g ML. American ophthalmological soc. Transactions. N. York. O. y. ML, PL. American otological soc. Transactions. Boston. (). W. ML- PL. American pharmaceutical assoc. Proceedings. Philadelphia. O. y. AA.BA. H. C. Mil...PL. American practitioner. Louisville. O. m. ML. , Annales de gyněcologie. Paris. (). m. ML. Annales des maladies de l'oreille et du larynx. Paris. O. 2 m. ML- Annales d'hygiène publique. Paris. O.2 m. BA. ML, PL. Annales médico-psychologiques. Paris. O. g. PL. Année médicale. Caen. O. m. ML- Archiv der heilkunde. Leipzig. O. 2 m. ML. PL. Archiv der pharmacie. Halle. O. m. HC. Archiv für anatomie, physiologie und wissen- schaftliche medicin. Leipzig. O. g. AA. C. M.Z. N. H. PLe Archiv für die gesammte physiologie. Bonn. O. un. HC. PL. Archiv für mikroskopische anatomie. Bonn. O. un. AA. H. C. M.Z. N. H. PL. Archiv für pathologische anatomie und physiologie und für klinische medicin. Berlin. O. m. HC. M. L. Pl. Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. Paris. O. 2 m. C º Archives générales de médecine. Paris. O. m. ML, PL. MEDICAL SERIALS. 5 Archives of dermatology. N. York. O. g. ML.PL. Archives of ophthalmology and otology. N. York. O. un. ML. PL. Arkansas med. record. Little Rock. O. m. MIL- Arkansas. State med. soc. Transactions. Little l{ock. O. W. M. L. Atlanta med, and surg. journal. Atlanta. O. m. ML. PL. Australian med. journal. Melbourne. O. m. ML. Australian (The) practitioner. Sydney. O. g. M. L. Baltimore. Board of health. Reports. Balti- more. (). y. ML. Berliner klinische wochenschrift. Berlin. Q. w. M. L. PL. Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica. Ruprecht. Gött- ingen (). un. BA. H. C. PL. Birmingham med. review. Birmingham. O. g. M. L. Bologna. Soc. medico-chirurgica. Bulletino. Bologna. O. 4 y. PL. Boston. Board of health. Reports. O. J. B.A. - M. L. PL. Boston med. and surg. journal. Boston. O. w. BA. H. C. M. L. Pi—. Boston soc. for med, improvement. Extracts from records. Boston. (), un. HC. M. L. Braithwaite's retrospect of practical medicine and surgery. N. York. O. y. BA. H.C. M. L.PL. British journal of homoeopathy. Ilondon. O. g. PL. British med, journal. London. O. wiſvil. PL. Buffalo med, and surg. journal. Buffalo. O. m. - ML. Bulletin générale de thérapeutique médicale et - chirurgicale. Paris. O. 4 m. PL, Bulletin de l'acad. de médecine. Paris. O. w. ML, PL, 6 MEDICAL SERLALS. California med. soc. Transactions. Sacramento. © º ML. calºia med. times. San Francisco. O. g. ML. Canada lancet. Toronto. O. m. ML- Canada med. and surg. journal. Montreal. O. m. Canada med. assoc. Transactions. Montreal. O. y. ML. Canada med. record. Montreal. O. m. ML. canºn journal of med, science. Toronto. . 700 º L- Centralblatt für chirurgie. Berlin. O. w. M.L. Centralblatt für die medicin. wissenschaften. Berlin. O. w. - ML, PL. Centralblatt für gynākologie. Leipzig. O. 2m. Mil. Chicago. Board of health. Reports. Chicago. O. W. ML- chiº med. journal and examiner. Chicago. • 7/l. tº Chicago med. times. Chicago. O. m. ML- Cincinnati lancet and clinic. Cincinnati. O. w. ML. Cincinnati med. advance. Cincinnati. O. m. ML. Cincinnati med. gazette. Cincinnati. O. m. ML. Cincinnatimed. news. Cincinnati. O. m. ML-PL. Colorado state med. soc. Transactions. Denver. O. 3/. ML. Connecticut med. soc. Proceedings. Hartford. O. y. - ML, PL- cº medico-quirurgica de la Habana. Habana. • 77%, ’ G Cronstadt. Soc. of naval physicians. Protocols. [In Russian.] O. y. AA- Dental cosmos. Philadelphia. O. m. ML, PL. Dental miscellany. See Johnston. - Dental register. Cincinnati. O. m. ML, PL- Dermatological assoc. See American. MEDICAL SERIALS. 7 Detroit lancet. Detroit. O. m. MLe Deutsche med. wochenschrift. Berlin. F. w. ML- Deutsche zeitschrift für chirurgie. Leipzig. O.ū. - ML- Deutsches archiv für klinische medicin. Leipzig. e 2 770, sº |-- Dietetic reformer. London. O. m. PLe District of Columbia. Board of health. Reports. Washington. O. y. - ML- District of Columbia. Med. soc. Transactions. Washington. - Doctor. London. Q. m. ML, PL- Druggists’ circular. N. York. Q. m. PL = Dublin journal of med, science. Pººl. % t". Eclectic med. journal. Cincinnati. O. m. ML.PL. Eclectic med. journal of Pennsylvania. Phila- delphia. O. m. ML- Edinburgh med. journal. Edinburgh. O. m. ML, PL's Edinburgh med. missionary soc. Quarterly paper. Edinburgh. q. FM. Erlangen. Physikalisch-medicinische soc. Sitz- ungsberichte. Erlangen. O. y. AA.MZ-NH. France médicale. Paris. Q. w. ML, PL. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Aertzlicher verein. Jahres- bericht. Frankfurt a. M. O. y. AA. Gand. Soc. de méd. Annales. Gand. O. m. ML. — — Bulletin. Gand. O. m. ML- Gazeta medica da Bahia. Bahia. O. m. MLe Gazette des hôpitaux. See Lancette française. Gazette méd. de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. O. w. ML- Gazette méd. de Paris. Paris. Q. w. PL. 8 MEDICAL SERIALS. Georgia. Board of health. Reports. Atlanta. O * ML- • 3/. Geºg: med. assoc. Transactions. Atlanta. • 3/. º Georgia state med. assoc. Atlanta. O. y. ML. Glasgow med. journal. Glasgow. O. m. ML. Glasgow. Hunterian club. See Hunterian. Gratz. Verein der ärzte in Stiermark. Mittheil. Grätz. O. y. NHe Guy's hospital reports. London. O. y. BA. M.L. PL. Hahnemannian monthly. Philadelphia. O. m. ML. Half-yearly compendium of med. science. Phila- delphia. O. § y. ML, PL, Hall's journal of health. N. York. O. m. PL, Herald of health. N. York. O. m. ML, PL. Homoeopathic med. times. N. York. O. m. ML. Hospital gazette. N. York. O. w. ML. Hospitals-tidende. Kjöbenhavn. O. w. ML. Hunterian club. Publications. Glasgow. Q. un. BA. Hygiea. Stockholm. O. m. ML. Illinois med. recorder. Vandalia. O. m. ML. Illinois state med, soc. Transactions. Chicago. O. y. Indiana State med. soc. Transactions. Indian- apolis. O. y. ML- Iowa catlin. Osceola. O. m. ML- row; state med. soc. Transactions. Davenport. & 3/. ſº Irrenfreund. Heilbronn. O. m. ML- Jahresbericht tiber die leistungen und fortschritte in der gesammten medicin. See Virchow und Hirsch. MEDICAL SERLALS. 9 Jahrbücher der in- und ausländischen gesammten medicin. Schmidt's. Leipzig. O. q. M.L. PL. Johnston's dental miscellany. N. York. O. m. ML, PL. Journal, etc. See American, etc. Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie. Paris. O. 2 m. AA. H.C. PL. Journal de méd. Paris. O. m. ML, PL. Journal de pharmacie et de chemie. Paris. O. m. HC. Journal des sci. med. de Louvain. Louvain. O. m. ML- Journal of anatomy and physiology. London. O. Q. • HC. MZ. NH. PL. Journal of health. See Hall's. Journal of mental science. London. O. m. HC. M.L. Journal of nervous and mental disease. Chicago. • ‘7. BA, ML- Journal of physiology. N. York. O. g. PL. Journal of physiology. London. O. un. ML. Kansas med. soc. Transactions.Lawrence.O. J. M.L. Kentucky state med. soc. Transactions. Louis- ville. O. y. ML. Lancet. London. Q. w. BA, ML, PLe Lancette française. F. w. London. See Guy's hospital. — — Roy. Ilondon ophthalmic hospital. — — St. Bartholomew's hospital. — — St. George's hospital. — — New Sydenham soc. — — Obstetrical soc. . London Medical record. London. O. m. ML.PL. Louisiana state board of health. Reports. New Orleans. e G Louisville med. news. Louisville. O. w. ML- Lyon médical. Lyon. O. ML-PLe 10 MEDICAL SERIALS. Maine med. assoc. Transactions. Portland. Q. v. Maryland med. journal. Baltimore. O. m. ML. Maryland. Transactions of medico-chirurgical fac- ulty. Baltimore. O. y. |M|.. Massachusetts med. soc. Med. communications. Boston. O. y. BA. M. L. PL. Massachusetts medico-legal soc. Transactions. Cambridge. O. un. H. C. M.L. Massachusetts. Registration report, births, mar- riages and deaths. Boston. O. W. H.C. M.L. PL. — State board of health. Reports. Bostom. • ?/. AA. HC. ML. PL. Medical and surg. reporter. Philadelphia. O. w. ML, PL. Medical brief. Saint Louis. O. m. ML- Medical news and library. Philadelphia. O. m. BA. M.L. PL. Medical press and circular. London. Q. w.M. L.PL. Medical record. N. York. O. w. ML, PL, Medical soc. of the county of Kings. Proceed- ings. Brooklyn. O. m. ML. Medical soc. of the state of Virginia. Transactions. • W. Medical times. See Philadelphia. Medical times and gazette. London. Q. w. BA. - MLe PL. Medicinisch-chirurgische rundschau. Wien. O. Jºº. ML. Memorabilien. Heilbronn. O. m. M.L. Mººn. Board of health. Reports. *: º MLe Michigan med. news. Detroit. O. 4 m. HC.ML. Michigan. Registration report, births, marriages, and deaths. Lansing. Q. y. ML. - State med. soc. Transactions. Lansing. § i. MEDICAL SERIALS. 11 Minnesota state med. soc. Transactions. St. , Paul. (). */. ML. Mississippi state med. assoc. Transactions. Jack- son. O. y. * > |ML- Missouri med, assoc. Transactions. St. Louis. (). !/. |-- Monthly abstract of med. science. Philadelphia. • ?/l. ML. Montpellier. Acad. des sci. et belles-lettres. Mémoires de la sect. de méd. Montpellier. Q. un. A. Mouvement méd. Paris. Q. w. ML. Nashville journal of med. and surg. Nashville. • ?/l. ML. Nebraska state med. soc. Transactions. Lincoln. ML. Neurological assoc. See American. New England med. gazette. Boston. O. m. BA. ML, PL. New Hampshire med. soc. Transactions. Con- cord. O. !/. sex,Jersey. Board of health. Reports. Tº: • 3/. — State med. soc. Transactions. Newark. O.y. ML. New medicines. Atlanta. O. m. |-- New Orleans med. and surg. journal. New Orleans. O. ?). ML. PL. New preparations. Ijetroit. O. g. ML. New remedies. N. York. O. m. ML, PL. New Sydenham soc. Publications. London. ... ?!). BA. ML- PLe New York, City. Acad. of med. Transactions. N. York. O. m. ML- — Board of health of the city. Report. N. York. O. un. ML, PL, 12 MEDICAL SERIALS. New York eclectic med, and surg. journal. N.York. O. 2 in. ML. New York med. eclectic. N. York. O. 2 m. Mil. New York med. journal. N. York. O. m. ML.PL. New York pathological soc. Transactions. N. York. O. un. * ML. New York, State. Homoeopathic med. soc. Trans- actions. Albany. O. y. - PL. – State med. soc. Transactions. Albany. O. y. HC. M.L. PL. Nordiskt medicinskt arkiv. Stockholm. (). g. Mil. Norsk mag. for lagevidenskaben. Christiania. O. 7)!. ML. North Carolina med. journal. Wilmington.O. m. Mil. North Carolina med. soc. Transactions. O. y. ML. Obstetrical soc. Transactions. London. O. y. ML. PL. Obstetric gazette. Cincinnati. O. m. ML. Obstetrical journal of Great Britain and Ireland. London. O. m. ML. Obstetrical journal of Great Britain and Ireland with an American supplement. Philadelphia. Q. m. ML. Ohio med. and surg. journal. Columbus. & 2 m. - PL. Ohio med. recorder. Columbus. O. m. ML. Ohio state med. soc. Transactions. Cincinnati. O. 1/. ſº Ophthalmological soc. See American. p Oregon. State med. soc. Transactions. Port- land. O. y. ML. Otological soc. See American. Pacific med, and surg, journal. San Francisco. O. m. MiL, PL. MEDICAL SERIALS. 13 Paris. Acad. de méd. Bulletin. Paris. O. # w. MlL - PL - — - Mémoires. Paris. Q. un. - BA• PL. — Soc. de chirurgie. Mémoires. Paris. O. m. MlL. Pennsylvania med. soc. Transactions. Phila- delphia. O. y. MlL • PL. Periscope. Dubuque. O. 2 m. MlL - Pharmaceutical assoc. See American. Pharmaceutical journal and transactions. London. O. m. PL . Pharmaceutisches centralblatt. O. w. PL . Philadelphia. Board of health of the city and port. Reports. l'hiladelphia. O. y f . — College of physicians. Transactions. Philadel- phia. (). un. MlL. Philadelphia druggist and chemist. Philade # O. m. ſ ! Philadelphia med. times. Philadelphi º ; 7/?. Physician and pharmacist. N. York. Q. q. · mL. Practitioner. See American. Practitioner. London. O. m. MlLe PL . Quarterly journal of inebriety. Hartford. O.q. ML- Recueil de mémoires de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires. (France. Ministry of war.) Paris. O. m. ( ! Revista medico-quirurgica. Buenos Aires. O. # m. Revue des sciences méd. Paris. O. q. MlL - Pl-- Revue méd. l'aris. O. w. Pl. Revue mensuelle de méd. et de chirurgie. † ( ). m. U ! Rhode Island med. soc. Transactions. Central Falls. O. y. MiLs 14 MEDICAL SERIALS. Rhode Island. Registration report, births, mar- riages and deaths. Providence. O. y. ML. Richmond and Louisville med. journal. Louis- ville. O. m. . L- Royal London ophthalmic hospital. Iteports. London. O. y. - PL. Saint Bartholomew's hospital. Reports. Ilondon. (). 3/. BA. ML. PL. Saint George's hospital. Reports. London. O. W. BA. PL. Saint Louis clinical record. Saint Louis. O. m. ML. Baint Louis eclectic med. journal. St. Louis. O. m. ML. Saint Louis med. and surg. journal. Saint Louis. (). 7/7. ML. PL. Banitarian. N. York. O. m. M. L. PL. Sanitary record. London. O. w. ML. Schmidt's jahrbücher. See Jahrbücher. South Carolina med. assoc. Transactions. Charles- ton. O. Mſ. ML. Bouthern med. record. Atlanta. O. m. ML. Tennessee med. soc. Transactions. Nashville. O. º/. |HC. ML. Texas state med. assoc. Transactions. Marshall. • ?/. - ML- Toledo med. and surg, journal. Toledo. O. m. ML. Ugeskrift for laeger. Kjöbenhavn. O. w. ML. Union med. Paris. O. § w. M. L. PL. Upsala läkareförenings forhandlingar. Upsala. O. m. • [ . Utica, N. Y. Board of health. Reports. Utica. O. y. ML MEDICAL SERIALS. 15 Vermont. Registration reports of births, mar- riages and deaths. Rutland. O. y. M. -- Veterinarian. London. O. m. - PL- Veröffentlichungen des kaiserlich. deutschen ge- sundheitsamtes. Berlin. F. w. ML- Vierteljahrsschrift für die praktische heilkunde. Leipzig und Prag. O. q. M -- PL- Vierteljahrsschrift für gerichtliche medicin und öffentliches sanitätswesen. Berlin. O. g. ML- Virchow und Hirsch's jahresbericht über die fort- schritte in der gesammten medicin. Würzburg. Q. y. AA- M -- PL-- Virginia med. monthly. Richmond. O. m. M -- Virginia state med. soc. Transactions. Rich- mond. O. y. ML- Western lancet. San Francisco. O. m. ML- PL- West Virginia state med. soc. Transactions. Wheeling. O. y. D Wisconsin. Board of health. Reports. Madi- son. O. y. ML- Wisoonsin state med. soc. Transactions. Mil- waukee. O. y. M -- Würzburg. Physikal-med. gesell. See SCI- ENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. - - -