QA 35 M23 1772 • ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ZURION UUTMIHUUH 7. TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS PENINSULAMANŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE ARITHMETI C, RATIONAL and PRACTICAL. WHERE IN The properties of NUMBERS are clearly pointed out, the THEORY of the ſcience deduced from firſt prin- ciples, the methods of OPERATION demonſtra- tively explained, and the whole reduced to PRAC- TICE, in a great variety of uſeful RULES. Confifting of THREE PARTS, viz. I. VULGAR ARITHMETIC. II. DECIMAL ARITHMETIC. IIL PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, By JOHN MAIR, A. M. PART I. VULGAR ARITHMETIC. The SECOND EDITION. + 3 EDINBURG H: Printed for A. KINCAID & W. CREECH, and J. BELL. MDCCLXXII. 3 ! Entered in Stationers Hall, according to act of parliament. * Directions to the BOOKBINDER. Place the plate of Napier's rods to front p. 78. of vol. 1. Place the four plates on Menfuration in fucceffive order, at the end of vol. 3.; and few them fo as that every plate may, when opened out, be wholly without the book, то THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THOMAS EARL OF KINNOUL, THE FOLLOWING TREATISE OF ARITHMETIC, IS, WITH GREAT RESPECT, INSCRIBED, BY HIS LORDSHIP's MUCH OBLIGED, MOST OBEDIENT, AND VERY HUMBLE SERVANT, JOHN MAIR. PREFACE. A N encomium on the uſefulneſs and excellency of arithmetic would, in this place, be vain and idle. The world is already abundantly fenfible of the worth and importance of this noble art. All, then, that ſeems neceffary by way of preface, is to give fome fhort ac- count of the following treatife, and point out the im- provements the reader may expect to meet with in per- uling it. And, in general, I perfuade myſelf it will be found fully to answer the title page; the properties of numbers being exhibited in a clear and inftructive manner, and the whole tho y built on firft principles; that is, on axioms, or fuch propofitions as are felf evident. The rules of operation, deduced immediately from the theo- ry, are conceived in a few expreffive words, and illu- ſtrated by a great variety of fuitable examples. Care too has been taken to range things every where in fuch or- der, that what is prior paves the way for what is to follow. By connecting things in this manner, the rugged path is rendered ſmooth, and the learner will proceed with pleafure from what is more fimple, to what is more complex; and rife by eaſy ſteps from the lowest to eve- ry ſuperior part of the fcience. And to furniſh him with materials for exerciſe on every branch, and at the fame time fave labour to the teacher, fets of unwrought examples, with their anſwers, are inferted in all places where this appeared to be any way neceffary, or of ad. vantage. But to be more particular : This treatiſe confifts of three parts, under the titles of Arithmetic Vulgar, Decimal, and Practical. The firſt of theſe parts begins with an Introduction; wherein arithmetic is defined, its limits ſtated, and the reader taught to diſtinguiſh betwixt a ithmetic, and the practical purpoſes to which its operations may be applied. After this, notation is explained at large, the various kinds of numbers vi PREFACE. numbers deſcribed, and the axioms, or first principles, laid down, on which are founded the theory and rules of operation. Addition, fubtraction, multiplication, and divifion, are taught at full length, with all the modern improvements, and the reafon of the rules every where affigned. The properties of proportional numbers, or numbers in geometrical proportion, are briefly pointed out; and thence is derived the rule of three: in which a fimple and eafy method of ſtating the queſtions is laid down; whereby the puzzling diftinction of direct and inverſe is precluded, or rendered needlefs, and the multiplicity of rules uſually adhibited on this head, is avoided. Nor is this method confined to the fimple rule of three, but extended to the rule of five, feven, nine, eleven, &c. The doctrine of vulgar fractions, and the rules of practice therewith connected, are delivered in a way fimple and complete, without prolixity. The ſecond part contains decimal arithmetic, or the doctrine of decimal fractions. Here the origin of deci- mals of every kind, viz. finite, repeating, and circula- ting, is inquired into, their properties pointed out and defcribed at large; the various forts and ways of reduc- tion are minutely explained, and properly exemplified: complete tables too are conſtructed for converting the parts of integers to decimals by infpection; and alfo an- other fet of tables for reducing readily decimals of e- very fort to value. In addition, fubtraction, multipli- cation, and divifion, the operations are conducted by a few plain eafy rules; and thefe illuftrated by a copious. fet of proper examples. Some lovers of arithmetic have alledged, that authors, in treating of interminate decimals, are always curt and fcanty in their explications, and leave this new part of decimal arithmetic fo much involved in obfcurity, as to be ftill, in their opinion, far above the reach of vulgar readers. But I flatter myfelf, that all complaints of this kind will now be removed; the methods of operation in PREFACE. vii in decimals of this fort being here fet before the learner, with fuch clearnefs and perfpicuity, that one, though of a low capacity, may foon acquire ſkill enough, not only to work examples wherein repeaters or circulates occur, but may even underſtand the reafon of the proceſs. This fecond part concludes with a large decimal prac tice, fetting forth the fuperior excellency of decimal a- rithmetic above every other method of numerical compu- tation. Here is fhewn the utility and conveniency of decimals in conftructing tables of various kinds; how they may be uſed with great advantage in multiplication and divifion of duodecimals and fexagefimals; how they often rival vulgar fractions in point of accuracy, and furpaſs them in point of brevity; and, finally, that the decimal operation is frequently the ſhorteſt and eaſieſt in the rule of three, the work being done that way in leaſt time, and with feweft figures. The third part contains the application of the other two to practical purpoſes, in a great variety of uſeful rules. Here facility is ftudied, the mercantile and faſhionable methods of computation are introduced, and adapted to the feveral branches of commerce and bufi- nefs. Sometimes different ways of operation are exhi bited, and the choice left to the practitioner. Large and correct tables on compound intereft and annuities are inferted, with their conſtruction and uſes. Menfu- ration of furfaces and folids, artificers work, board and timber, &c. is taught in an caly manner, and at more than ufual length. To the above account I fhall only add, that many things of importance, feveral fmall improvements, and fome things curious, as well as ufeful, not hitherto ta- ken notice of, will be found fcattered here and there in different parts of the book. To conclude, no pains. have been ſpared in collecting materials, and working them up, with a view to render this fyftem of arithmetic inftructive to the tyro, entertaining to the fcholar, and uſeful to the man of buſineſs. CON. EONTENT S. Pag. Introduction Notation Numeration The fpecies of Numbers Arithmetical Axioms Explanation of Characters Addition of Integers Addition of the parts of Integers The proof of Addition Subtraction of Integers Subtraction of the parts of Integers The proof of Subtraction Multiplication of Integers Contractions in Multiplication Select methods of multiplying Integers Multiplication of the parts of Integers The proof of Multiplication Divifion of Integers Contractions in Divifion Select methods of dividing Integers Divifion of the parts of Integers The proof of Divifion Reduction defcending and aſcending Mixt Reduction The Rule of Three I 5 II J 2 13 19 21 46 50 52 62 66 69 73 79 88 91 103 114 115 i19 122 137 151 The fimple Rule of Three direct 154 The fimple Rule of Three inverfe 168 The Rule of Five direct 176 The Rule of Five inverſe 183 The Rule of Seven, Nine, Eleven, &c. 189 Contractions in the Rule of Three 193 Vulgar Fractions 207 Reduction of Vulgar Fractions 209 Addition of Vulgar Fractions 226 Subtraction of Vulgar Fractions 230 Multiplication of Vulgar Fractions Divifion of Vulgar Fractions The Rule of Three in Vulgar Fractions Rules of Practice VOL. I. b 236 239 243 246 $ ERRA T A. P. 39. In the Table of Long Meafure, r. make I pole, perch, or rod. p. 55. and 56. in the titles, inflead of grs. r. Q: P. 74. in Ex. I Method 2. r. the product 31392 p. 86. Rule VIII. I. 4 r. folid lines. ·Rule IX. I. 4. r. folid inches. Þ.90. queſt. 7.1 9. for 36 r. 57 fq. inches. p. 112. l. I. r. Here in. F. in. p 119 /. 10. r. C 295 24 7 p. 120. queſt. 5. 1. 5. r. 14697123087375. p. 151. guest. 5. l. 1. r. 26 acres, p. 167. queſt. 25. I. 2. r. coft him in all L. 201 : 12:8, for 86 yards &c. p. 232. for Note I. r. Note. p. 234. for Note 2. r. Note. p. 238. Ex. 5. r. Prod. 3%. p. 240. 1. penult. r. of the quot, P. 241. 1. 20. for multiplicand r. dividend 2 2 1. 26. r. I + I +1+3=÷ + + + } = 풍 ​11 of 14 = 11/ p. 242. 1. ult. r. Anf. 423. p. 244 guest. 4. 1. 2. for 34 1. 3r• p. 247./20. r. the quots. उ 3 p. 260. Rule II. /. 2. r. divided into fhillings, and fome a- liquot part or parts, divide it, &c. p. 261. Rule III. / 4. r. pound, or fome number of fhil- lings, and the fubfequ ni, &c. p. 270. in Ex. 2. on the margin for yd r. yd. ź On the head of every left-hand page, inflead of Chap. r. Part I. Fellowship is now carried to Part III. 1 ARITHMETIC, RATIONAL and PRACTICA L. A INTRODUCTION. RITHMETIC is a fcience explaining the pro- perties of numbers, and fhewing the method or art of computing by them. The divifion of arithmetic into theory and practice is natural and juft. The theory, or fpeculative part, treats of the nature and affections of numbers, and this is properly feience. The practical part confifts in the application of the rules gathered from the theory to the folution of queſtions or problems; and arithmetic in this reſpect is rightly termed an art. Number, which is the object of arithmetic, is that which anfwers directly to the queftion, How many? and is either an unit, or fome part or parts of an unit, or a multitude of units. To a perfon having the idea of number in his mind the following queftions naturally occur, viz. 1. How is fuch a number to be expreffed or written? Hence we have Notation. 2. What is the fum of two or more numbers? Hence Addition. 3. What is the difference of two given numbers? Hence Subtraction. 4. What will be the refult or product of a given number repeated or taken a certain nun ber of times? Herce Multiplica- tion. 5. How often is one given number contained in another? Hence Divifion. Thele fie, viz. Notation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Divifion, are the chief parts, or ra- A ther 2 INTRODUCTION. ther the whole of arithmetic. Every arithmetical ope ration requires the uſe of ſome of theſe, and nothing but a proper mixture of them is neceffary in any operation whatever; and, by an Arabic term, theſe are called the algorithm. Theſe may be fitly compared to the five mechanic powers, which, varioully combined, produce engines of different forms, and of amazing force; and which, at first fight, are apt to ftrike us with furprife; but upon examina- tion, their effects are all found to flow from a proper com- bination of the fimple powers. In like manner, we meet with a great variety of complex arithmetical operations, curious calculs, and aftonishing folutions, which yet are all effected by a due application of the different parts of the algorithm. Numerical computations are neceffary almoft in e- very affair; but the manner of the operations depends. upon the nature of the ſubject to which they are applied. Arithmetic is a handmaid to moft of her fifter arts and ſciences; and while fhe is employed in their ſervice, ſhe muſt be under their direction, and obſerve the laws they prefcribe. Thus the calculation of a folar or lunar eclipfe is performed by numbers; but the operation is directed by the precepts of aftronomy: a reckoning at fea is wrought by numbers; but the fteps of the work are conducted by the rules of navigation: the contents of a cafk is caft up by numbers; but the art of gauging guides the operation: the perpendicular height of a hill is computed by numbers; but it is trigonometry that di- rects the manner of their application. The canons directing the application of numbers in o- ther fciences are not to be reckoned arithmetical rules: no rule is to be efteemed fuch, but where the operation. entirely depends on arithmetical principles, and proceeds without any foreign aid or direction. Hence from the number of arithmetical rules is exclu- ded the rule of Three, with its numerous train of de- pendents, fuch as, Fellowſhip, the rule of Falle, Intereſt, Annuities, Alligation, Exchange, Barter, &c. The doc- trine of proportion is delivered in the elements of geo- metry, INTRODUCTION. '3 : metry. It is Euclid, lib. 6. prop 16. who demonftrates, that if four quantities be proportional, the rectangle, or product of the extremes, will be equal to that of the means it is this property of proportionals that gives birth to the rule of Three; it is this that directs the a- rithmetical operation. For the like reafon, Involution and Extraction of roots are no arithmetical rules; it is algebra that teaches the manner of thefe operations. Reduction and the rules of Practice are likewife to be ex- terminated; as alfo, addition, fubtraction, &c. of the parts. of integers, ſuch as, fhillings, pence, farthings, ounces, &c. The ſtatutes of a country, with refpect to coins, weights, and meaſures, prefcribe the method of operation on theſe heads. It remains, then, that the five parts of which the algorithm confifts make the whole of arithmetic: here the limits of this fcience are to be fixed, otherwife it would prove endleſs and inexhauftible. True it is, that writers on this fubject go generally beyond theſe bounds: they frequently introduce into their printed treatifes all the rules excluded above, and feveral others. Nor is this any fault: authors are at liberty, and in the right, to ſtore their writings with all fuch numerical operations as may be uſeful to the pu- blic. The only thing blameable in their conduct is, their not ſtating the limits of the ſcience, and teaching their readers to diftinguish betwixt arithmetic, and the appli cation of its operations to practical or uſeful fubjects. The neglect here taken notice of has been attended with this remarkable confequence, that vulgar readers. have generally miſtaken theſe adventitious rules for parts of arithmetic; and as they obferved new rules publiſhed every now and then in new books, they were apt to i- magine that arithmetic admitted of no limits, and could never be attained to any fort of perfection. Arithmetic, as a fcience, ought to demonftrate her own rules; that is, the rules of operation in addition, fubtraction, multiplication, and divifion, both of inte. gers and fractions; but this is all: to employ her in de- monſtrating the rules borrowed from other arts and fciences, would be vain and fruitlefs. An attempt of A 2 this INTRODUCTION. this kind would be making her act out of fphere, and putting her upon an office fhe is by no means fit for. Numerical demonftrations are fuccefsfully applied to fub. jects purely arithmetical, and they can be carried lit- tle further. The proper demonftrations of theſe fo- reign rules are only to be had from geometry, algebra, or fome other branch of ſcience; and as theſe are much beyond the reach of the young arithmetician, he cannot at preſent expect entire fatisfaction on this head, but muft wait with patience, till, in the courſe of his ſtudies, he come to be acquainted with the fuperior fciences. The following treatiſe is defigned as a rational, and at the fame time a practical fyftem of arithmetic; wherein the five parts of this fcience are fully but fuccinctly handled, and all the arithmetical rules numerically de. monftrated The adventitious rules depending on other fciences are likewife explained, and exemplified in the way that appears beſt for anſwering the purpoſes of the merchant, the accomptant, and mechanic. Some few things too are introduced for the entertainment of the ſcholar and the curious. 1 CHAP. 5 NOTA CHA P. I. NOTATION. OTATION is that part of arithmetic which explains the method of waiting down, by characters or fymbols, any number expreffed in words; as alſo the way of reading or expreffing, in words, any number gi ven in characters or fymbols. But the firit of theſe is properly notation, and the laſt is more ufually called nu- meration. The ancient Romans, for this purpoſe, made choice of a few of the letters of their alphabet; and this is called the literal, or Roman notation. This way is ftill of confi. derable uſe, and neceffary to be underſtood. But the me- thod which now prevails, and is practifed over a great part of the known world, is effected by characters or fymbols, called figures; and is named figural notation, or notation of numbers by figures. The things then proper to be compriſed in this chap- ter are, 1. The literal or Roman notation. 2. The fi. gural notation. 3. Numeration, or the way of read- ing numbers. 4. Defcriptions of the kinds or fpecies of numbers. 5. Arithmetical principles, or axioms. 6. The fignification of ſuch characters as are ſometimes uſed for brevity's fake. 7. Some practical queſtions. I. The Roman Notation. The letters uſed by the ancient Romans, in their no- tation of numbers, were only thefe five, C, I, L, V, X.; whofe values and order are as follows. One, Five, Ten, Fifty, An hundred, Five hundred, A thouſand. I, V, X, L, C, IƆ CIO By the repetition or combination of theſe they ex- preffed any other number, according to the following rules, I. The repetition of a letter repeats its value. Thus II fignifies two, III three; and XX twenty, XXX * NOTATION. Chap. I. XXX thirty; and CC two hundred, CCC three hun- dred, &c. II. The annexing a letter of a lower value to a letter of a higher value, adds their values, or denotes their fum. Thus, VI fignifies fix, VII ſeven, VIII eight; and XI denotes eleven, XII twelve, XV fifteen, XVI fix- teen; and LV fifty-five, LX fixty, LXX ſeventy, LXXX eighty; and CV one hundred and five, CX one hundred. and ten, CL one hundred and fifty, CLV one hundred and fifty-five; and IOC fix hundred, IOCC feven hundred; and I, one thouſand five hundred, CI, one thouſand fix hundred, CIƆ, IƆCC one thouſand ſeven hundred, &c. III. The prefixing a letter of a lower value to a letter of a higher value, fubtracts their values, or denotes their difference. Thus, IV fignifies four, IX nine, XL forty, XC nine- ty, IC ninety-nine, &c. IV. The annexing of D to the number ID makes its. value ten times greater. Thus, I fand. fignifies five thousand, and IƆƆƆ fifty thou V. The prefixing of C, together with the annexing of, to the number CIƆ, makes its value ten times greater. Thus, CCOO denotes ten thoufand, and Cɔɔɔ an hundred thouſand. The ancients, as Pliny obferves, carried this kind of notation no higher. If at any time they had occafion to expreſs a greater number, they did it by repetition; thus, CCCIƆƆ,CCCɔɔɔɔ fignified two hundred thou- fand, and CCCCCC denoted three hundred thouſand, &c. The Romans, in later times, inſtead of Ɔ uſed D; and inſtead of CIƆ they introduced M. They likewife fometimes expreffed thouſands by a line drawn over the head of numbers. Thus, III fignifies three Chap. I. 7 NOTATION. three thouſand, Vfive thoufand, X ten thoufand, LX fixty thouſand, Can hundred thoufand, M a thoufand thouſands, or a million, MM two millions, &c. In ſome editions of Cæſar's commentaries we find co ufed, inſtead of CIƆ, to fignify a thouſand. Any thing further neceffary to be known in the Roman notation may be learned from the following table; in which, with a view to exerciſe the learner, as well as for the fake of brevity, I have chofen to expreſs the va lue of the literal numbers by figures, rather than words. I. II. TABLE. I XC. 90 2 C. 100 III. 3 CI. 101 IV. or IIII. 4 V. VI. VII. VIII. or IX. 111 1X. 688 ana CII, &c. 102 5 CC. 200 6 CCC. 300 7 CCCC. or CD. 400 IƆ. or D. 500 9. IOC. or DC. 600 X.. XI. 10 IDCC. or DCC. 700 II XII. 12 XIII. 13 XIV. or XIIII 14 XV. 15 XVI. 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 IDCCC. or DCCC 800 IJCCCC. or DCCCC, or CM. 900 CID or M. 1,000 CID,C. or MC. 1,100 XVII. 17 XVIII. 18 XIX. 19 XX 20 78 9 o CID,CC. or MCC. &c. MM. or II. 1,200 2,000 XXI. 21 XXII. 22 MMM. or ITI MMMM or IV. IƆƆ. or V. IƆƆM, or VI. 3,000 I 4,000 5,000 6,000 XXIII. 23 ƆƆMM. or VII. XXIV. or XXIIII. 7,000 24 IƆƆMMM, or VIII. XXV. 25 8,000 XXVI. 26 ƆƆMMMM or IX. 9,000 XXVII. 27 CCD or X. 10,000 XXVIII. 28 CCIƆOM. or XI. 11,000 XXIX. 29 XXX. 30 XL. 40 L 50 LX. 60 LXX. 70 LXXX. 80 CCIƆOMM. or XII. &c. 1ɔɔɔ. or Ì. ƉƆƆƆM. or LI. ɔɔɔMм. or LII. &c. CCC or C. CIDIƆCC,LXIII. or M,DCC,LXIII. 1763 12,000 1 50,000 51,000 52,000 100,000 II. Figural 8 Chap. I. NOTATION. II. Figural Notation. An unit, or unity, is that number by which any thing is called one of its kind. It is the firit number; and if to it be added another unit, we fhall have another num. ber, called two; and if to this laſt another unit be add- ed, we fhall have another number, called three; and thus, by the cont nual addition of an unit, there will a riſe an infinite increaſe of numbers. On the other hand, if from unity any part be fubtracted, and again from that part another part be taken away, and this be done continually, we ſhall have an infinite decreaſe of num- bers. But though number, with respect to increaſe and de- creaſe, be infinite, and knows no limits; yet ten figures, variouſly combined or repeated, are found fufficient to express any number whatſoever. Thefe, with the me- thod of notation by them, were originally invented by fome of the eattern nations, probably the Indians; af- terwards improved by the Arabians; and at laſt brought over to Europe, particularly into Britain, betwixt the tenth and twelfth century. From the ten fingers of the hands, on which it had been uſual to compute numbers, the figures were called digits. Their form, order, and va- lue, are as follows. I one, an unit, or unity, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 fix, 7 feven, 8 eight, 9 nine, o cipher, nought, null, or nothing. Of thefe, the fift nine, in contradif- tinction to the cipher, are called fignificant figures. The value of the figures now affigned is called their fimple value, as being that which they have in them- Telves, or when they ftand alone. But when two or more figures are joined as in a line, the figures then receive allo a local value from the place in which they ftand, reckoning the order of places from the right hand to- wards the lift, thus, Fif Chap. I. 9 NOTATIO N. &c. Twelfth place. Eleventh place. Tenth place. Ninth place. Eighth place. Seventh place. Sixth place. Fifth place. Fourth place. Third place. Second place. Firſt place. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 A figure ftanding in the first place has only its fimple value; but a figure in the ſecond place has ten times the value it would have in the firſt place; and a figure in the third place has ten times the value it would have in the ſecond place; and univerfally a figure in any ſuperior place has ten times the value it would have in the next inferior place. Hence it is plain, that a figure in the first place fimply fignifies ſo many units as the figure expreffes; but the fame figure advanced to the fecond place will fignify ſo many tens; in the third place, it will fignify ſo many hundreds; in the fourth place, fo many thouſands; in the fifth place, ſo many ten thouſands; in the fixth place, fo many hundred thouſands; and in the ſeventh place, fo many millions, &c. Thus, 7 in the first place, will denote feven units; in the fecond place, ſeven tens, or feventy; in the third place, ſeven hundred; in the fourth place, feven thouſand, &c. Every three places, reckoning from the right hand, make a half-period; and the right hand figures of thefe half-periods are termed units and thousands by turns; the middle figure is always tens, and the left-hand fi- gure always hundreds. But here obferve, that the right- hand figure of every half-period, properly and ftrictly ſpeaking, is always units; for the place called thouſands, when expreffed at more length, is termed units of thou fands, or the units place of thousands. Two half-periods, or fix places, make a full period; and the periods, reckoning from the right hand towards. the left, are titled as follows, viz. the firft is the period. of units; the fecond, that of millions; the third is titled bimillions, or billions; the fourth, trimillions, or trillions; B the 10 Chap. I. ΝΟΤΑΤΙΟ Ν. the fifth, quadrillions; the fixth, quintillions; the fe venth, fextillions; the eighth, feptillions; the ninth, octillions; the tenth, nonillions, &c. Half-periods are ufually diſtinguiſhed from one another by a comma, and full periods by a point or colon; as in the table following. TABL E. 4th Period. 3d Period. Trillions. Billions. 2d Period. ift Period. Millions. Units. Hundred thouſands. Ten thouſands. Thouſands. - o Hundreds. ∞ Tens. Units. Hundred thouſands. Ten thouſands. w Thouſands. Hundreds. o Tens. • Units. Hundred thouſands. w Ten thouſands. Thouſands. Hundreds. • Tens. + Units. • 678 Hundred thouſands. Ten thouſands. * Thouſands. o Hundreds. ▲ Tens. o Units. 4 6 8 5 8 1 3,7 > 2 3 7, 89 4 0 4 The table may be expreſſed in a more concife form thus, 4. 3. Billions. 2. 1. Per. Units. Millions. Trillions. CXM,CXU: CXM,CXU: CXM,CXU : CXM,CXU. 964,085 8 13,700 237,894: 678,040. } From the table it is obvious, that though a cipher fig- nify nothing of itſelf, yet it ferves to fupply vacant pla- ces, and raiſes the value of fignificant figures on its left hand, by throwing them into higher places. Thus, in the first period, by a cipher's filling the place of units, the figure 4 is thrown into the place of tens, and figni- fies forty. And a cipher likewife fupplying the place of hundreds, the figure 8 is advanced to the next higher place, and fignifies eight thouſand, &c. But a cipher does not change the value of a fignificant figure on its right hand. Thus, 07, or 007, is the fame as 7. From the table it likewife appears how any number expreffed Chap. I. NOTATION. expreſſed in words, may be written down by figures; in the doing of which obferve the following RULE. Beginning at the left hand, and writing towards he right, put every figure in fuch place and period as the veibal expreſſion points out, fupplying the omitted pla ces with ciphers. Examples follow. Millions. Units. Nine hundred and eighty-feven millions Forty-five millions and feven hundred thou fand Six millions four hundred and thirty-two thouſand Eight hundred and five thousand and nine hundred Seventy-three thousand and ten Five thousand and four Four hundred and twenty Ninety-five Seven is written thus, CXM,CXU: CXM,CXU. 987:000 OGO 45:700,000 6:432,000 805,900 73,0 10 5,00 4 420 95 4t 7 III. Numeration. Notation and numeration are fo nearly allied, that he who underſtands the former cannot fail foon to acquire the latter. The method of reading numbers when ex- preffed by letters, is fufficiently clear from the table fub- joined to the Roman notation; and the way of reading. any number expreffed by figures, may be eafily learned from the table of the figural notation; in the doing of which obferve the following RULE. Beginning at the left hand, and reading toward the right; to the fimple value of every figure join the name of its place, and conclude each period by expreffing its title, every where omitting the ciphers. Examples fol- low. B 2 Millions. 12 NOTATION. Chap. I. Millions. Units CXM,CXU: CXM,CXU. 900:000,000) 7 8:00 9,000 0,80 90 3,005 20,034 is read thus, Nine hundred millions. Seventy-eight millions and nine thousand. Four millions and eight hundred. Nine hundred and three thouſand and five. Twenty thousand and thirty-four 8,469 Eight thouſand four hundred and fixty- 708 96 3 nine. Seven hundred and eight. Ninety fix. Three, or Three units. N. B. The name of the unit's place, in all periods, and the title of the right-hand period, are commonly o mitted, or very rarely expreffed. IV. Defcriptions of the kinds or fpecies of numbers. The fpecies of numbers are very various and mani- fold; but in this place it will be fufficient to deſcribe ſuch as appear moſt uſeful and neceffary; particularly thoſe that will occur in the enfuing treatife. 1. An integer, or whole number, is an unit, or any multitude of units; as 1, 7, 48, 100, 125. 2. A fraction, or broken number, is any part or parts of an unit; and is expreſſed by two numbers, which are feparated from one another by a line drawn betwixt them; the under number being called the denominator, and the upper one the numerator, of the fraction; as I 3 2'4' TO' 9/9 3. A mixt number is an integer with a fraction joined to it; as 4, 7, 485. 4. A number is faid to meaſure another number, when it is contained in that other number a certain number of times, or when it divides that other number without any remainder. Thus, 3 meafures 6, 9, or 12. 5. An even number is that which is meaſured by 2, or which 2 divides without any remainder; as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. 6. An odd number is that which 2 does not meaſure, or which cannot be divided by 2, without a remainder; as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. 7. A Chap. I. 13 NOTATION. 7. A prime number is that which unity, or itfelf, only meaſures; as 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. II 8. A compofite number is that which is meaſured by ſome other number than itſelf, or unity; as 12, which which is meaſured by 2, 3, 4, or 6. 9. Numbers are called prime to one another, when unity only meaſures them. Thus 13 and 36 are prime to one another; for no number, except unity, meaſures both. 10. Numbers are called compofite to one another, when fome number, befides unity, meaſures them. Thus 12 and 18 are compofite to one another; for 3 or 6 meaſures both of them. 11. A number which meaſures another is called an aliquot part of that other. Thus 6 is an aliquot part of and 3 of 12, and 5 of 20. 18, 12. The number meaſured, or which contains the a- liquot part a certain number of times, is called a mul- tiple of that aliquot part. Thus 18 is a multiple of 6, and 12 of 3. 13. A number is called an aliquant part of another, when it does not divide that other without a remainder. Thus 7 is an aliquant part of 24. 14. Two, three, or more numbers, which, multiplied together, produce another number, are called the com ponent parts of the number produced. Thus 3 and 4, or 2 and 6, are the component parts of 12; and 2, 3, and 4, are the component parts of 24. 15. The product of a number multiplied into itſelf is called the fquare, or fecond power, of that number; and the number it felf is in this cafe called the root. And if the ſquare be multiplied into the root, the product is called the cube, or third power, of that number. And if the cube be multiplied into the root, the product thence arifing is called the biquadrate, or fourth power, &c. V. Arithmetical Principles or Axioms. An axiom or firft principle in any fcience is a felf-evi- dent propofition which needs no demonftration. The following 14 Chap. I. NOTATION. following ones flow neceffarily from the nature of num- bers, the manner of their notation, or their ſpecific pro- perties. On them is founded the theory of arithmetic, and from them are deduced the rules to be obferved in every operation. 1. Any given number may be increaſed or diminiſhed at pleaſure. For there is no number fo great, but a greater may be given; nor is there any number fo fmall, but a ſmaller may be affigned. II. The figures of any number increaſe in value from the right toward the left hand. Hence in addition, fubtraction, and multiplication, the operation begins at the units figure or loweſt place on the right hand, and proceeds, with the flux of num. bers, to the higheſt place on the left. III. Ten in any inferior place makes one or an unit in the next higher place, and the reverſe. Hence when the fum of any column added, or the pro- duct of any two figures multiplied, amounts to or exceeds ten, we carry an unit for every ten to the next higher place for the higheſt digit being (9), any number above 9 is compound, and requires more than one place to exprefs it; which is done by removing or carrying away the tens, as ſo many units, to the next fuperior place. IV. If the right-hand figure of any number be cut off, the remaining figure or figures are a juft number of tens, and the right-hand figure fo cut off is the overplus. Hence in addition and multiplication, the right-hand figure of the fum of any column, or of the product of any two figures, is always fet down, and the remaining figure or figures are carried on to the next higher place. Thus if a fum or product amount to 10, the o is fet down, and I is carried; if it amount to 72, the 2 is fet down, and 7 is carried; if it amount to 100, then o is fet down, and 10 is carried; if it amount to 136, then 6 is fet down, and 13 carried, &c.: but if the ſum or product amount only to a fingle digit, then the digit is fet down, and nothing is carried. V. A number, by having one, two, three, &c. ci- phers $ 1 Chap. I. NOTATION. 15 phers annexed to it, becomes ten, a hundred, a thou- fand, &c. times greater. Becauſe the figures of the number are, by this means, thrown into higher places, thus 7 by a cipher annexed becomes 70, by two ciphers 700, and by three ciphers 7000, &c. VI. Any number is naturally refolved into as many conſtituent parts as it has fignificant figures, by annexing to each fignificant figure as many ciphers as there are figures on its right hand. Thus 345 is refolved into 300, 40, and 5; and 6082 is refolved into 6000, 80, and 2; and 70090 into 70000 and 90. VII. The feparate value of a fingle figure in any num- ber is greater by one at leaſt, than the value of all the figures on its right hand. Thus, in the number 199, the ſeparate value of 1, viz. 100, is greater by 1 than the figures on its right hand 99. VIII. An unit is an aliquot part of every whole num- ber, and every whole number is a multiple of unity: For unity meaſures every whole number. IX. Numbers equally augmented or diminished, con- tinue to have the fame difference. Let any numbers, fuch as 6 and 8, be equally aug- mented, by the addition of 4 to each of them, the fums 10 and 12 will have the fame difference as 6 and 8, viz. 2. Again, if from each of them 4 be taken away, the remainders 2 and 4 will have the fame difference, viz. 2. X. The difference of two unequal numbers added to the leffer, gives a fum equal to the greater; or fub. tracted from the greater, leaves a remainder equal to the leffer. Let 3, the difference of two unequal numbers, 5 and 8, be added to 5, the leffer, and the fum will be 8, e- qual to the greater; or, if the difference be fubtracted from the greater, 8, the remainder will be 5, equal to the leffer. 3 XI. None 16 * NOTATION. Chap. I.. * XI. None but fimilar or like things can be added or fubtracted. That is, units only can be added to units, tens only to tens, hundreds only to hundreds, &c.; for if unlike things were added together, the fum would be falfe. Thus, if 4 units were added to 5 tens, the ſum would be 9; but neither 9 units, nor 9 tens, nor 9 of any o- ther name. In like manner, farthings only can be added to far- things, pence only to pence, thillings only to fhillings, pounds only to pounds, ounces only to ounces, &c. for if 3 farthings were added to 4 pence, the fum would be 7, but neither 7 farthings, nor 7 pence. For the fame reafon, sheep can only be added to fheep, cows only to cows, horfes only to horses, &c.: for if 7 theep were added to 8 cows, the fum would be 15; but neither 15 fheep, nor 15 cows. The fame way of reaſoning may be uſed with reſpect to fubtraction. XII. Any whole is equal to all its parts. COROLLARIE S. 1. If a ſignificant figure, by itſelf, or with a cipher or ciphers annexed, be divided by 9, the remainder will be equal to the fignificant figure taken in its fimple value. Thus, if 8, 80, 800, 8000, &c. be divided by 9, the remainder will be 8: for if 8 be divided by 9, the quotient will be o, and the remainder 8. Again, 80 is equal to 8 10's; that is, to 8 9's, and 8 1's, or 8. And, in like manner, 800 is equal to 80 10's; that is, to 80 9's, and 80 1's, or 80, whofe remainder is al- ready ſhown to be 8. The ſame way of reaſoning may be applied to any other fuch number. 2. If any number be divided by 9, the remainder will be equal to the ſum of the figures of the ſaid number ta- ken in their ſimple value, or to the excefs above the 9's contained in the faid fum. For let the number be reſolved by axiom VI. into its conftituent Chap. I. 17 NOTATION. conflituent parts, then, by the preceding corollary, the fignificant figure of each part will be the remainder of that part when divided by 9, and fo the remainders of the feveral parts will be the figures of the given number; out of which, if need be, let the 9's be taken away, and the excefs will be the remainder. A- 3. Hence the remainder arifing from a number divided by 9 is found by adding the figures of the faid number. Thus, the remainder of the number 231 divided by 9 is 6; for 2, 3, and 1, added together, make 6. gain, the remainder of 84632 is 5; for 8, 4, 6, 3, and 2, added together, make 23, whoſe excefs above the 9's contained in it is 5, found by adding 2 to 3. 4. Numbers expreffed by the fame figures, however different the value of the numbers be, have the fame remainder when divided by 9. Thus, 436, 46;, 346, 364, 643, and 634, have all the fame remainder when divided by 9, becaufe the fum of their figures is the fame. VI. An explanation of characters fometimes used for the fake of brevity. = Denoting equal to, is the fign or mark of an e- quation; and fignifies, that the numbers betwixt which it ſtands are equal to one another. +Denoting plus, more, or added to, is the fign or mark of addition; and fignifies, that the numbers it is placed between, are to be added together; as 6+2=8; that is, 6 plus 2, or 6 having 2 added to it, is equal to 8. -Denoting minus, or lefs, is the fign of fubtraction; and fhews, that the latter of the numbers betwixt which it ftands is to be fubtracted from the former; as 734; that is, 7 minus 3, or 7 having 3 fubtracted from it, is equal to 4. X Denoting into, or multiplied into, is the fign of multiplication, and fignifies, that the numbers betwixt which it flands are to be multiplied together; as 3X5=15; that is, 3 into 5, or 3 multiplied into 5, is equal to 15. C - De. 18 Chap. I. ΝΟΤΑΤΙΟ Ν. }; Denoting divided by, is the mark of divifion; and fignifies, that the former of the numbers betwixt which it ftands is to be divided by the latter; as 124 that is, 12 divided by 4, is equal to 3. Or this mark may be confidered as fetting the dividend above and the divifor below the line; and fo it becomes a fractional expreffion, fignifying, that the numerator is to be divi ded by the denominator; as 23; that is, 12 divi- ded by 4 is equal to 3. Divifion is alfo marked thus, 4)12(3. :: Denoting fo is, is the fign of geometric propor• tion; and is placed betwixt the fecond and third terms of four proportional numbers; thus, 4:8:12:24; that is, as 4 is to 8, fo is 12 to 24- This mark is called the radical ſign; and has a fi gure or index fet over it, to denote fuch a root of the number before which it ftands. Thus, √25=5 fig- Thus,√25 3 nifies, that the ſquare root of 25 is 5; and 64 = 4 ↓ = denotes the cube root of 64 to be 4. When the fquare root is meant, the radical fign is ufually left blank, or has no figure placed over it. VII. Practical Queſtions. Q. I. Troy was taken and deftroyed by the Greeks, two thoufand eight hundred and twenty years after the creation, and one thouſand one hundred and fixty-four years after the flood, and four hundred and thirty-fix years before the building of Rome, and eleven hundred and eighty-four years before the birth of Chriſt, and two thouſand nine hundred and forty-four years before the acceffion of King George III. to the throne of Britain : How are theſe dates expreffed in letters? 2. The inhabitants of a certain country are twenty- five millions four thousand and feventy men, thirty-four millions ſeven hundred and five thouſand eight hundred and two women, fifty millions and four hundred boys, fifty-fix millions fix thouſand and eight girls: How are thefe numbers expreſſed in figures ? 3. A Chap. II. 19 ADDITION. 3. A farmer has in his granary 470900608 grains of wheat, 80769000240 of barley, 702000678000 of rye, and 27300845302912 of oats: How are thefe numbers read, or expreffed in words? A CHA P. II. ADDITION. Ddition is the collecting of two or more numbers into one fum or total. I. Addition of Integers. RULES. I. Set figures of like place under other, viz. units under units, tens under tens, &c. See axiom XI. II. Beginning at the loweft place, fet down the right hand figure of the fum of every column, and carry the reft as fo many units to the next fuperior place. See axioms II. III. IV. EXAMPLE I. 234 687 Becauſe fimilar or like things only can be added, I place the numbers as directed in Rule I. viz. units un- der units, tens under tens, &c. as in the margin. Then, beginning at the loweſt place, viz. that of 453 units, I fay, 4 units and 3 units make 7 units, which I fet below in the place of units; then 3 tens and 5 tens make 8 tens, which I ſet below in the place of tens; then 2 hundreds and 4 hundreds make 6 hundreds, which I fet below in the place of hundreds, and find the fum or total to be 687. From the repetition of the former example on the margin, it is plain, that it is a matter of in- 453 difference which of the numbers be placed upper- moſt. 1 EXAMPLE II. 234 687 Having placed the numbers, units under units, &c. C 2 as 20 Chap. II. ADDITION. 5974 9803 7541 862 24180 as in the margin, I fay, 2 and I make 3, and 3 make 6, and 4 make 10; which being juſt 1 ten, and nothing over, I fet the right-hand fi- gure o in the place of units; and becaufe ten in any lower place makes but one in the next fupe- rior place, I carry my ten, as directed in Rule 11. faying, 1 ten, collected out of the u· nits, and 6 tens make 7 tens, and 4 make 11, and o makes but ftill 11, and 7 make 18; here again I fet down the right-hand figure 8, in the place of tens, and carry the remaining figure 1, being i hundred, to the next place, viz. that of hundreds; and having in like manner added up this column, the amount is 31; fo I fet down the right-hand figure 1 in the place of hun- dreds, and carry the remaining figure 3 to the next place or column; which being alfo added, amounts to 24; I fet the right-hand figure 4 below, in its proper place, and the remaining figure 2, which belongs to the next place, I fet on the left hand, there being no figure in the next place to which it can be carried. So the fum or total is 24180, The reafon of the operation will ftill further appear by taking the fum of each column feparately, and then adding them into one total, as in the margin. 5974 9803 7541 862 Sum of the 10 units 17. tens 30.. hundreds 21... thouſands 24180 total In adding integers, fome teach young beginners to dot at every ten, and ſetting down the excefs, to carry for every dot. Thus, in adding the example in the margin, I fay, 4 and 8 make 12; where I dot, fet down the exceſs 2, and carry 1 for the dot to the next column; faying, 1 carried and 6 make 7, and 8 is 15: where I again dot, fet down the excefs 5, and carry to 7 8.8. 9.6 4 I 7 5 2 the Chap. II. 21 ADDITION. 10; the next column; faying, I carried and 9 is where I dot, and fet down the 7 as the excefs. The I carried for the dot is placed on the left hand. This method is too low for any but a child. MORE EXAMPLE S. Ex. 3. 78943745 607 38937 84976858 Ex. 4. 8467472 7893968 47637 93543945 83745 48732790 4897 85476437 548763 48763728 674376 7845963 9848937 94769 53700480 II. Addition of the parts of integers, ſuch as ſhillings, pence, farthings, ounces, &c. RULES. I. Place like parts under other; viz. farthings under farthings, pence under pence, &c. See axiom XI. II. Begin at the loweft of the parts, and carry ac- cording to the value of an unit of the next fuperior deno. mination; viz. for every four in the fum of farthings carry 1 to the pence, and for every twelve in the pence carry to the fhillings, &c. The reafon of this rule is plain from the tables of coin, weights, and meaſures. III. If you carry at 20, 30, 40, 60, or any juft number of tens, as in adding fhillings, degrees, poles, minutes, feconds, &c. proceed with the column of u- nits as in addition of integers, and from the fum of the column of tens carry 1 for every two, or 1 for every three, &c. according as 20 or two tens, thirty or three tens, &c. make an unit of the next fuperior denomina- tion. The reafon appears plain in the following opera- tions. I. MO. 22 Chap. II. ADDITION. "} 1. MONE Y. TABLE. 4 farthings I penny 12 pence make 20 fhillings I fhilling 1 pound 1. S. d. f. or q. Marked thus. 1 = 20 = 240 = 960 T 1. is put for libra, a pound; d. for denarius, a penny; and 9. for quadrans, a fourth-part; but f is now the more ufual mark for farthings. There are a few other denominations of money, but never uſed in keeping accounts, viz. a groat, in value 4 d. a tefter 6d. a crown 5s. half a crown 2 s. 6d. a noble 6 s. 8 d. an angel 10 s. a mark 13 s. 4 d. a gui nea 21 s. half a guinea to s. 6d. and a quarter of a guinea 5 s. 3 d. That the learner may proceed in addition of money with the greater eafe, it will be proper he get the fol- lowing table by heart. MONEY.TABLE. f. d. d. S. S. 1. 4 I 12 = I 20= 8 2 24 = 2 40 12 3 36 3 60 23 16 4 48 4 80 4 20 5 60 5 100 24 72 120 6 28 7 84 7 140 7 32 8 96 = 8 160 = 8 36 Q 108 9 180 9 O 120 = :0 200 = 10 EX. Chap. II. 23 ADDITION. (10) (20) (12) (4) L. S. d. f. 74 96 58 63 18 I I 3 9 10 2 17 8 I I I 9 2 18 4 EXAMPLE. Having, according to Rule I. pla- ced like parts under other, viz. far- things under farthings, pence under pence, &c. and in each of theſe denominations, units under units, tens under tens, as in the margin, I begin with the loweſt of the parts, 293 viz. the farthings; and fay, 2 far- things and farthing make 3 farthings, and 2 make 5, and 3 make 8; which, by the money-table, is 2 fours, or 2 pence, and nothing over; wherefore I place o be- low in the place of farthings, or rather leave that place blank, and carry my 2 pence to the place of pence, as directed in Rule II. faying, 2 pence, collected out of the farthings, and 9 make 11, and 8 make 19, and 1 (paffing the o) make 20; to this fum of my units I add my tens. Thus, 20 and 1 ten make 30, and 1 ten more make 40 pence; which, by the money-table, is 3 twelves, or 3 fhillings, and 4 pence over; thefe 4 pence 1 ſet below in the place of pence, and carry my 3 fhillings to the place of fhillings. Thus, 3 fhillings, collected out of the pence, and i fhilling make 4, and 7 make 11, and 9 make 20, and 8 make 28; and becauſe in (hillings we carry at a juſt number of tens, viz. at 20, I ſet my right- hand figure 8 below in the place of units, as directed in Rule III. and carry my 2 tens to the place of tens. Thus, 2 tens collected out of the units, and i ten make 3 tens, and I make 4, and 1 make 5 tens, or 2 twenties, and i ten over; and becauſe 2 tens, or i twenty, make an unit in the next place, viz. that of pounds, I fet my I ten below in the place of tens, and carry my z twenty thillings, or 2 pounds, to the place of pounds; which, being integers, are added as taught in addition of integers. It is ufual to fubjoin the farthings to the L. s. d. pence by way of fraction, as in the mar- gin, where the former example is tranfcri bed in this form for the learner's inftruc. tion; in which denotes one farthing, two farthings, and 3 three farthings. 4 74 18 113 96 9101 58 17 63 11 81 a 293 18 4 The 24 Chap. II. ADDITION. } The method of adding money explained above is the moft approved, and generally practifed by men of buſi nefs; but yet other methods are fometimes uſed; fuch as, (10) (20) (12) (4) d. f. L. s. L. 1. Some, in inſtructing young children, teach them to dot at the figure which makes an unit of the next ſuperior denomination; and, after ſetting down the overplus, they carry for every dot. Thus, in adding the example in the margin, I begin with the farthings, and fay, 1 and 3 make 4; where I dot, and, fetting down the 2 as an overplus, I carry for the dot, and ſay, 1 carried and 8 make 9, and 9 is eighteen; where I dot, and fay, 192 6 of overplus and 10 make 16; 4 47 98 45 ~ 3. 17. 10. 2 14. 13 9. 8 I 6 2 + where I again dot, and, fetting down the overplus 4, I carry 2 for the dots, and proceed, ſaying, 2 carried and I make 15, 13 and make 19, 19, and i ten on the left make 29; where I dot, and go on, faying, 9 of overplus and 7 make 16, and I ten on the left make 26; where I a- gain dot, and, fetting down the overplus 6, I carry 2 for the dots to the pounds, which are integers, and may be added either by dotting at every ten, or by the ufual method of adding integers. This method of dotting in the addition of money is childish, and ought not to be too far indulged. (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. 84 18 II 2 63 16 10 10 2. Some follow the common method in adding the farthings and pence; but in adding the fhillings proceed thus: 2 fhillings carried from the pence and 4 make 6, and 6 make 12, and 8 make 20; and to this fum of the units I add the tens on the left hand, ſaying, 20 and I ten is 30, and 1 is 40, and 1 is 50; which, by the money-table, is 2 l. 10 s.; wherefore I fet down the 10 s. 322 and carry the 21. to the pounds, which are integers, and added accordingly. 78 95 4 IÓ 7 1/1/1 3. In adding up large accounts, fome dot at 60 in the Chap. II. ADDITION. 25 (10) (20) (12) L. S. 45 48 17 83 d 19 6 플 ​10 14. I 15 9 ž 84 13 4 9 10. I I 10 72 86 78 64 56 18. 79 80 85 10 16 I I [ 10 10 8 93/ 00 the pence, and for every dot carry 5 to the fhillings; and in adding the fhillings they dot likewiſe at 60, and for every dot carry to the pounds. 3 Thus, in adding the example in the margin, I begin with the farthings, which I add in the ufual manner, and find they amount to 23; which, by the money-table, is 53 d.; where. fore I fet down the 3, and carry 5 to the pence, which I proceed to add, by ſaying, 5 carried and 8 is 13, and 10 is 23, and 11 is 34, and 10 is 44, and 11 is 55, and so is 65; where I dot, and go on, fay. ing, the overplus 5 and 4 is 9, and 9 is 18, and 1 is 29, and 10 is 868 39, and 6 is 45; which, by the money-table, is 3 s. 9 d.; accordingly I fet down the 9 d. and 3 s. added to 5 s. for the dot make 8 to be carried to the fhillings; which I proceed to add, by fay- ing, 8 carried and 10 is 18, and 11 is 29, and 6 is 35, and I ten on the left is 45, and 8 is 53, and I ten on the left is 63; where I dot, and go on, faying, 3 of o- verplus and 10 is 13, and 9 is 22, and 3 is 25, and 1 ten on the left is 35, and 5 is 40, and i ten is 50, and 4 is 54, and I ten is 64; here again I dot, and go on, faying, 4 of overplus and 7 is 11, and 1 ten is 21, and 9 is 30, and ten is 40, which is juſt 21 and no overplus to be fet down; and theſe 2 1. with 6 1. for the two dots, make 8 to be carried to the pounds, which are integers, and may be either added in the ufual method, or by dotting at every 100. 4. In cafting up large accounts or bills, fome chuſe to divide them into parcels, and then, by any of the methods taught above, they caft up each parcel fepa- rately, and afterwards add the fums of the feveral par- cels into one total; as is done by the following ex- ample. D (10.) A 26 Chap. II. ADDITION. (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. 42 14 8 36 15 4 4 / 38 17102 L. 118 7 11/ S. d. 32 18 9 48 16 11 50 19 ΙΟ 132 15 62 56 8 6 3 54 6 57 8 H 52 14 7 220 9 10 Total 471 13 4 It remains now to be obferved, with refpect to the empty places, whether in fhillings, pence, or farthings, or thofe in the left-hand columns of the fhillings and pence, that, inftead of filling them up with ciphers, as the common practice was fome time ago, the general faſhion now, in moft cafes, is, to leave them blank; and this remark holds, not only in addition of money, but in every other kind of addition; nay, extends to every part of arithmetic, whether in addition, fubtraction, multiplication, or divifion. MORE Ex. I. (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. 789 17 10 476 14 II 894 18 9 438 13 10 Hamit *+ EXAMPLES. Ex. 2 (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. 483 15 11/1/ II 724 13 4 865 18 7 8 978 14 685 19 6 Hamk 4 / 643 12 784 15 8 538 17 435 6 10 945 9 8 947 8 6 3 782 5 IO Ex. 3. Chap. II. 27 ADDITION. Ex. 3. Ex. 4. (10) (20) (12) (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. L. f. d. 5748 19 I 11 2 4786 17 IO 4875 17 10 1/1/20 8490 14 9387 13 6453 14 5874 10 487 5786 13 4 8327 15 8 7509 9 7 1/1/15 9482 9 II 6742 8 6 6093 10 894 10 2 7800 17 6 672 18 508 15 10 4/ 95 16 I I 11 // 75 8 19 10 2. A VOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. TAB L E. 16 drams 16 ounces I ounce. I pound. 28 pounds 4 quarters 20 hundreds make Marked thus. I quarter. I hundred. i tun. T. C. 2 lb. 02. I 1 = 20 = 802240 ]= = 4 4 = 112 = dr. 35840 = 57 3440 1792 = 28672 By Avoirdupois weight are weighed, butter, cheeſe, rofin, wax, pitch, tar, tallow, foap, falt, hemp, flax, beef, brafs, iron, fteel, tin, copper, lead, allum, and all grocery wares, Note, 19 C. of lead make a fodder. In adding the following example, I begin with the ounces, and ſay, 15 and to make 25; which being a- bove 16, 1 dot, and carry away the excefs 9, faying, 9 of excefs and 6 make 15, and 8 make 23; where I a- gain dot, and carry away the excefs 7, faying, 7 and 2 is 9, and I ten on the left is 19; where I dot, and proceed with the excess 3, faying, 3 and 4 is 7, and 1 ten on the left is 17; where I dot, and carry the excefs 1, faying, D 2 I 1 28 Chap. II. ADDITION. I 1 and 5 is 6, and I ten on the left is 16; where I again. dot, and there being no exceſs, I have nothing to ſet down. (10) (20) (4) (28) (16) T. C. Q lb. QZ. 74 19 85 17 68 13 52 50 20 18 738 321 27. 15. 24. 14. I 20 I 2. 3 19. 8. 10 2 18. 6 48 9 3 16 IO. 97 5 3 15 20 478 15 3 I now proceed to add the pounds; faying, 5 carried from the ounces, viz. one for every dot, and 3 make 8, and 6 make 14, and 1 ten on the left is 24, and 8 make 32; which being above 28, I dot, and go on, faying, 4 of exceſs and I ten on the left is 14, and is 23, and I ten on the left is 33; where I again dot, and go on, faying, 5 of excefs and 20 is 25, and 4 is 29; where I dot, and proceed, faying, I of excess and 2 tens on the left make 21, and 7 make 28; where I dot, and the 2 tens, or 20, on the left, I fet below. I fhould now proceed to add the quarters; faying, 4 carried from the pounds and I make 5, &c; but as you carry here I for every four, the quarters are added ex. actly as the farthings, in addition of money. In the hun- dreds you carry at 20; which, therefore, are added as fhillings. The tuns are integers; and added accord. ingly The excess may fometimes be known without actual addition. Thus, in cafting up the ounces of the above example, it is eafy to perceive, that I, ounces wants only i to complete the pound; accordingly I imagine 1 to be taken from 10; and, after dotting, I go on with the exceſs 9, faying, 9 and 6 make 15; and again, as 15 wants only I, I imagine this to be taken from 8, and Chap. II. 29 ADDITION. and fo I dot, and proceed with the excefs 7, faying, 7 and 2 make 9, &c. The accounts may be kept clean by making the dots. on a blotter, or piece of wafte paper laid under your hand. Men of buſineſs frequently add both the ounces and the pounds as integers; divide the fum by 16 or 28; and, fetting down the remainder as the excefs, carry the quotient. Retailers of filk, worfted, thread, and fach other fmall wares, have occafion only for pounds, ounces, and drams, and this they call avoirdupois ſmall weight; and in retailing fome of thefe, it is ufual to divide the cunce into four quarters inſtead of fixteen drams. The denomination on the left hand, whether tuns, hundreds, or pounds, is always integers, and added as fuch; which in the following examples is pointed out by (ro) fuperinſcribed, being the number at which you carry in integers. This remark may be extended to o• ther forts of addition; as will appear in what follows. MORE EXAMPLES. Ex. I. Ex. 2. (10) (20) (4) (28) T. C. Q: lb. (10)(4) (28) (16) C. Q. lb. oz. 34 14 3 15 25 1 18 12 36 18 1 32 16 14 12 3 14 14 2 12 45 2 24 15 2 2 2 2 2 0046 20 30 28 25 26 22 38 12 I IO · 36 I 18 10 15 3 23 64 3 22 13 19 2 20 62 I 20 II 13 3 24 10 1 18 48 3 25 9 52 1 19 8 15 3 12 54 2 8 6 Ex. 3. 30 Chap. II. ADDITION. Ex. 3. (10) (16) (16) lb. oz. dr. 10 4 14 3456 78 4 6 Ex. 4. (10)(16)(4) lb. oz. qrs. 4 12 3 7 10 2 14 I 5 13 3 II 2 I I 5 13 14 12 ΙΟ 10 8 15 14 8 10 3 8 12 13 2 2 6 10 8 5 7 9 15 3 8 I 356∞ 4∞ 3 3. TROY WEIGH T. 24 grains TABL E. 20 penny-weights 12 ounces } I penny-weight make I ounce 1 pound Troy Marked thus. lb. Oz. dw. gr. I = 12 = 240 = 5760 By Troy weight are weighed gold, filver, jewels, am. ber, electuaries, and liquors. Note. That 1 lb. Avoirdupois is equal to 14 oz. 1 1 dw. 15 gr. Troy. + (10) (12) (20) (24) oz. dw. gr. lb. 48 11 18 21. 42 10 14 18. 40 9 16 20 36 8 15 22. 38 53 6 17 13 In adding the example in the margin, I begin with the grains, and ſay, 13 and 4 make 17, and I ten on the left make 27, which being above 24, I dot, and go on with the excefs 3, faying 3 and 2 make 5, and 2 tens, or 20, on the left, make 25; where I again dot, and proceed with the exceſs 1, ſaying, 1 and 20 make 21, and 261 8 make 29; where I dot, and go 10 10 14. 10 14 12 on with the excefs 5, faying, 5 and 1 ten on the left make 15, and 1 makes 16, and 20 on the left make 36. Chap. II. ADDITION. 31 36. I ſet down the excess 12, and carry away 4 for the dots, to the penny-weights. In In cafting up the penny-weights you carry at 20, which therefore are added exactly like fhillings. the ounces you carry at 12, which are therefore added as pence. The pounds are integers, and added as fuch. Some men of buſineſs add the grains as integers, and, fetting down the fum on a feparate paper, divide it by 24, and then place the remainder as the exceſs under the grains, and carry the quotient to the penny-weights. MORE Ex. 1. (10)(12) (20) (24) EXAMPLES. Ex. 2. lb. oz. dw. gr. lb. (10)(12) (20) (24) 02. dw. gr. 72 I I 19 23 42 ΙΟ 14 22 74 ΙΟ 13 21 44 9 16 18 70 9 16 18 40 I I 19 2I 54 8 12 22 36 8 15 17 56 6 10 20 32 6 8 12 63 10 8 16 35 ΙΟ 62 II 6 10 38 noo 6 13 I I 17 8 60 10 18 14 40 11 18 23 4. APOTHECARIES WEIGHT. TABLE. 20 grains 3 fcruples 8 drams 1 fcruple I dram make I ounce I pound 12 ounces Marked thus. tb 3 3 Э gr. 1 = 12 = 96 = 288 = 5760 By this weight apothecaries compound their medi- cines, their pound being the fame as the pound Troy, but differently divided; but yet they buy and fell their drugs by Avoirdupois. In 32 Chap. II ADDITI O N. (10) (12) (8) (3) (20) 3 3 Э 870 44 43 In adding the example in the margin, I begin with the grains; and becauſe in grains we carry at 20, they are added as fhillings; you add the ſcru- ples as integers, and carry 1 for every 3 of that fum; you add the drams in the fame man- ner, and carry 1 for every 8; in the ounces you carry at 12, which are therefore added as pence; the pounds are integers, and added as ſuch. MORE Ex. I. I I 7 2 19 ΙΟ 5 I 15 48 9 3 2 14 36 8 2 I 18 32 IO 6 2 12 30 II 4 I 17 238 2 7 I I 15 EXAMPLES. (10)(12) (8) (3) (20) 1b 33 3 → gr. IO 6 2 Ex. 2. * (10) (3)(20) 3 Э gr. 36 10 18 1 4 122 ∞ + 3 CO 8 32 18 14 23 28 45 7 3 I II 7 I 14 10 I I 9 5 3 2 I 2 I 19 4 I 18 7 2 17 14 48 2 956 234322 I 18 28 32 4I 35 2 14 I 16. 2 19 I 12 26 2 15 25 I 17 53 6 2 18 53 2 13 7 pounds WOOL 5. WOOL WEIGH T. [ I clove. 2 cloves I ſtone. 1 2 2 ftones 6 todds 2 ways facks I todd. make I wey. I fack. I laſt. Marked thus. Laft. fack. wey. todd. ftone. clove. lb. 1 = 12 = 24 = 156 = 312 = 624 = 4368 & Ex. 1. Chap. II. ADDITION. 33 Ex. I. (10) (12) (2) (61) (2) Laft. fack.wey.tod. fto. 72 II 1 6 I Ex. 2. (10) ( ) (7) Ston.clov. lb. 14 I 6 70 10 I 3 I 28 I 5 74 9 I 5 I 23 1 4 63 8 I 3 I 18 I 3 82 I I I 5 I 17 I 2 86 10 4 I 15 I 5 In cafting up the todds, I fay, 3 carried from the ftones, and 4, is 7, and 5 is 12, and 3 is 15, and 5 is 20, and 3 is 23, and 6 is 29; in which I find 6 four times, making 26, and 3 of excefs: accordingly I fet down the exceſs 3, and carry 4 to the weys. The man- ner of adding the other denominations is obvious from the table, or from the fuperinfcribed numbers. Note. If the fum of the todds contain an odd num. ber of weys, as 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. then the exceſs will be either, 1, 2, 31, 41, or 51. 6. DRY MEASURE. TABL E. 2 pints I quart. 2 quarts I pottle. I gallon. 2 gallons I peck. make 1 bushel. I coomb 2 pottles, or 8 pints 4 pecks, or 8 gallons 4 bushels 2 coombs, or 8 bufhels 5 quarters, or 40 bushels Marked thus. Lo. Qrs.coom. bush. peck. gall. pot. I quarter. I load. grts. pts. 1=5=10 = 40 = 160 = 320 = 640 = 1280 = 2560 320—640—1280 By this is meaſured grain; as wheat, barley, peaſe, &c.; alfo falt, fand, fruit, oyfters, &c. Note. That 33 cubic inches make a corn-pint, E 208€/ f 34 Chap. II. ADDITION. 268 cubic inches make a corn-gallon, and 2150 cubic inches a Winchefter bufhel, which is a cylindrical veffel 18 inches wide, and 8 inches deep. Ex. I. (10) (5) (8) (4) Ex. 2. (10) (40) (8) Load. bu. gall. Load. qrs.bu. pec. 28 4 7 3 34 39 7 18 3 6 2 36 32 6 14 2 5 I 24 28 5 15 3 4 3 18 36 4 42 4 7 2 25 38 3 48 2 6 I 20 35 5 32 34 6 36 3 5 3 In cafting up the bushels in Ex. 2. becauſe we carry at 40, a juſt number of tens, I add up the right-hand column as integers, fet down the right-hand figure of the fum, and carry the reſt to the left hand column; which I alfo add up as integers, and carry 1 for every four of the fum. In meaſuring coals the following table takes place. 4 pecks bufhels 9 4 quarters Ex. I. } make I buſhel. I quarter. I chaldron. Ex. 2. (10) (36) (4) (10) (4) (9) Chal. gr. bu. Chal. bu. pec. 54 3 8 36 35 3 28 2 7 52 I 6 46 3 5 48 2 32 3 36 2 5 32 2 2 2 578 32 30. 2 28 34. 3 25 28 26 2. 32. 3 24 25. I 18 16 2 In cafting up the bushels in Ex. 2. where we carry at 36, Chap. II. 35 ADDITION. 36, I ſay, 4 carried from the pecks and 16 make 20, and 25 make 45; which being above 35, I dot, and carry the excefs 9, faying, 9 and 32 is 41; where I a- gain dot, and go on with the excess 5, faying, 5 and 28 make 33, and 4 make 37; where I dot, and proceed with the exceſs 1, faying, 1 and 3 tens, or 30, on the left, make 31, and as 31 wants only 5 to complete the chaldron, I imagine that taken from 30; where I dot again, and proceed with the excefs 25; and as the next number 35 wants only 1, I fuppofe that I taken from 25, and dotting again, I fet down the excefs 24, and carry 5 for the dots to the chaldrons, which are integers. The man of buſineſs may either follow the above me- thod; or he may or he may add up the bufhels as integers, di- vide their fum by 36, fet down the remainder as the excefs, and carry the quotient to the chaldrons. The dry meaſures in moſt parts of Scotland differ from thoſe uſed in England, and are divided as in the follow- ing table. 4 lippies or forpats 4 pecks 4 firlots 16 bolls Ex. I. [ 1 peck. I firlot. make I boll: (10) (16) (4) (4) Ch. b. f. b. f. 25 15 3 2 i chalder Ex. 2. (10) (4) (4) (4) B. ƒ p. l. 231 3 p. 28 2 18 14 2 I 34 I 3 32 35 12 3 2 30 I 2 I 28 10 I 3 26 3 I 2 30 I I 3 I 28 I 3 3 42 13 I 3 45 2 I I 40 10 2 1 33 3 2 2 The bolls in Ex. 1. are added as ounces or drams in Avoirdupois weight; but the bolls in Ex. 2. are inte- gers, and added as fuch. E 2 7. WINE. 36 Chap. II. ADDITION. 2 7. WINE-ME A SU R E. TABL E. 2 pints I quart. 4 quarts I gallon. 10 gallons 18 gallons I anchor. I runlet. } 31 gallons make 1 barrel. 42 gallons 63 gallons 2 2 hog heads pipes Marked thus. I tierce. I hogshead. I pipe or butt. I tun. Tun. pipe. bhd. gall. grt. pt.. 1 = 2 = 4252 = 1008 = 2016 A puncheon, ftrictly speaking, is 4 anchors, or 80 gallons; but any cafk betwixt a hogshead and a pipe is called a puncheon. All fpirits, mead, perry, cyder, vinegar, oil, and honey, are meaſured as wine. cubical inches, and the The wine pint contains 28 wine-gallon contains 231 cubical inches, Ex. I. (10) (2) (2) (63) ´ Tuns. pip.hhd gall. Ex. 2. (10) (63) (8) Hhd. gall. pts. 48 I I 36 45 23 7 64 I I 48. 52 38 6 52 1 I 30. 43 46 46 5 43 I 1 23 25 18 7 32 I I 56. 73 25 6 45 I I 38 65 30 7 In cafting up the gallons, where we carry at 63, I proceed as follows, viz. in Ex 1. I readily perceive that 46 wants only to complete the hogfhead; accord- ingly I imagine 7 taken from 38, and, after dotting at 56, I go on with the excefs 31, faying, 31 and 3 make - 1 34 Chap. II. 37 ADDITION. 34, and 2 tens, or 20, on the left, make 54; and as 54 wants only 9, I imagine 9 taken from 30, fo I dot at 30, and proceed with the excefs 21, faying, 21 and 8 make 29, and 40 on the left make 69; which being above 63, I dot again, and go on with the exceſs 6, faying, 6 and 36 make 42; which I fet down, and carry 3 for the dots to the hogfheads. The manner of operation is the fame in Ex. 2. The man of buſineſs may either caft up the gallons as directed above; or he may add them as integers, divide the fum by 63, fet down the remainder as the exceſs, and carry the quotient. 8. BEER and ALE MEASURE. TABLE. 4 2 pints quarts 9 gallons firkins kilderkins 1 barrels 227 22 hogfheads butts I quart. I gallon. 1 firkin. 1 kilderkin. make 1 barrel. Marked thus. I hogshead. I butt. I tun. Tun. butt. hhd. barr. kild. fir k. gall. qrt. Pt. 1 = 2 = 4 = 6 = 12 = 24 = 216 ≈ 864 = 1728 4 The beer or ale pint contains 35 cubic inches, and the gallon 82. ´ In fome places, 8 gallons of ale is efteemed a firkin; and in fome places 34 gallons make a barrel. Ex. I. 1 38 Chap. II. ADDITION. 1 Ex. I. (10)(3) (2) (9) 32 2 I 8 Ex. 2. (10) (3) (36) But. bar. gall. 68 2 35 30 I I 7 42 I 32 28 I I 5 40 2 28 40 2 1 6 34 1 15 42 I I 7 22 2 12 36 2 1 6 18 I 24 9 2 18 37 I I 7 The gallons in Ex. 2. are added like the bushels in Ex. 2. of coal-meaſure. In Scotland the denominations of liquid meaſure are as in the following TABL E. 4 gills I mutchkin. 2 mutchkins 1 chopin. 2 chopins make 1 pint. 2 pints I quart. 4 quarts 16 gallons I gallon. į I hogfhead. The Scots mutchkin is ſomewhat leſs than the Engliſh pint. Ex. 1. Ex. 2. 42 (10) (16) (4) (2) Hhd. gall. qrt. pt. 14 3 I 48 I 2 50 52 15 I ΙΟ 45 13 42 14 28 I 2 22 10 3 32H 3-2 33 (10) (2) (2) (4) Pt.chop.mut.gil 14 I I 3 2 I 23 II 2 I 25 I I 3 3 I 26 II 2 1 I 15 I I I I 18 I I 3 1 20 I I 2 I 24 II 3 9. CLOTH. Chap. II. 39 ADDITION. 9. CLOTH-ME A SURE. TABLE.. 4 nails I quarter. 4 quarters I yard. make 3 quarters I ell Flemish. 5 quarters I ell Engliſh. A nail is equal to 24 inches, and confequently a quar- ter is equal to 9 inches. Hollands are generally meaſured by the ell English; tapiſtry by the ell Flemish; and moft other things by the yard. Ex. I. (10) (4) (4) 1 Ex. 3. Ex. 2. (10) (3) (4) (10) (5) (4) rd.. qrs. n. 42 3 3 El. Fl. qrs. n. El. Eng. qrs. n. 63 2 3 69 4 3 36 2 I 52 I 3 62 3 2 30 I 13 62 2 2 40 I 3 28 2 2 48 I I 45 4 2 24 I 3 42 2 I 36 - 2 25 3 I 40 2 2 34 21 I I 3 10. LONG MEASURE. TABL 3 barley-corns, or 12 lines] 12 inches 3 feet 2 yards, or 6 feet, 5 yards, or 16 feet, 4 poles, or 66 feet, 10 chains, or 40 poles 8 furlongs, or 80 chains, 3 miles E. I inch. i foot. 1 yard. I fathom. make pole, or perch. I chain. 1 furlong. I mile. i league. A hand, or hand's breadth, in horfemanſhip, is 4 inches. A common pace is 2 feet 6 inches. A geometrical pace is 5 feet. The 40 Chap. II. ADDITION. The chain is divided into 100 equal parts, or links; each link being 7-22 inches. Ex. 1. (10) (3) (8) (40) Leag. miles. fur. poles. Ex. 2. (10) (52) (3) (12) Poles. yds. feet. inches. 36 4 2 20 2 7 38 I I 18 2 5 24 28 3 [ ΙΟ 25 I 6 35 25 I 2 I [ 24 2 7 32 16 2 I - 9 18 1 4 26 24 3 I 12 2 3 20 36 2 2 8 17 2 3 33 23 4 2 2 976 n 5 In caſting up the poles in Ex. 1. where we carry at 40, a juſt number of tens, you add as in integers; and from the fum of the left-hand column carry for every four, fetting down the excess. The poles in Ex. 2. are integers, and added as fuch. The denominations of long meaſure uſed in Scotland are as in the following TABLE. 37 inches 6 ells, or 18 feet, 4 falls, or 74 feet, 10 chains, or 40 falls, 8 furlongs, or 80 chains, I ell. 1 fall. make I chain. i furlong. I mile. The chain is divided into 100 links; each link being 8,88 inches. Ex. I. (10) (8) (10) (4) Miles. fur. ch. falls. 24 7 9 8 32 Ex. 2. (10) (4) (6) (37) Ch. falls. ells. inches. 3 5 36. 3. 36 22 5 32 2 4 32. 18 4 6 3 45 I 3 25. 14 6 5 3 23 2 4 18 28 3 7 2 23 2 8 3 1 2 18 3 5 16. 24 2 2 24 In Chap. II. 41 ADDITION. In cafting up the chains in Ex 1. becauſe you carry at 10, you work as in addition of integers. In Ex. 2. the chains are integers. In adding the inches in Ex. 2. I fay, 24 and 6 make 30, and I ten on the left make 40; which, being above 37, I dot at 16, and go on with the excefs 3, ſaying. 3 and :8 make 21, and 25 inake 46; ſo I dot at 25, and proceed with the excefs 9, faying, 9 and 32 make a1; accordingly I dot at 32, and go on with the excefs 4, faying, 4 and 36 make 40; fo I dot at 36, ſet down the excess 3, and carry 4 for the dots to the ells. Men of bufinefs are at liberty to add the inches as a- bove directed; or they may caft them up as integers, divide the fum by 37, and, fetting down the remainder as the exceſs, carry the quotient. II. LAND-ME A SU RE. TABL 30 fquare yards E. I fquare pole. 40 fquare poles make 1 rood of land. 4 roods I acre. Note, Cuſtomary meaſure in ſome places differs from the ftatute meaſure contained in the above table. Land is ufually meaſured by a chain of 100 links, whoſe length is 4 poles, or 66 feet; chains is equal to an acre. Ex. 1. (10) (4) (40) (301) Acres. roads. fq. p. fq. y. and fo 10 ſquare Ex. 2. (10) (4) (40) Acres. roods. fq.p. 25 3 39 15 48 2 35 23 2 25 24. 34 [ 27 48 32 18 30 3 25 64 3 35 14. 46 3 38 52 I 31 22. 42 I 34 43 2 36 26 39 2 32 In adding the fquare yards in Ex. 1. I fay, 26 and 22 make 48; which being above 304, I dot at 22, and F go 42 Chap. II. ADDITION. ? go on with the excess 173, faying, 173 and 14 make 313; fo I dot again at 14, and proceed with the exceſs I 11, faying, 1 and 18 make 19, and 24 make 4,1; fo I dot at 24, and go on with the excefs 134, ſaying, 131 and 15 make 284; which I fet down as the excefs, and carry 3 for the dots to the poles. I In cafting up the fquare poles, whether in Ex. 1. or 2. you carry at 40, a juſt number of tens, which therefore are added as integers; and from the ſum of the left-hand column you carry for every four. I The denominations of land-meaſure uſed in Scotland are contained in the following TABL E. 36 fquare ells 40 fquare falls make 4 roods i fquare fall. rood of land. I acre. Note, That cuftomary meaſure in fome places differs from this table. The Scots chain conſiſts of 100 links, being in length 4 falls, or 74 feet; and confequently 10 fquare chains. make an acre. Four Scots acres are ſomewhat more than five English acres. Ex. I. Ex. 2. (10) (4) (40) (36) Acr. roo. fq.f. fq.el. (10) (4) (40) Acr. roo. fq.f. 68 72 3 38 34 I 35 26 42 28 í 62 2 24 30 23 I 231 34 3 32 35 43 3 37 35 46 3 3 26 45 4I I 33 28 2 28 32 35 2 28 53 I 25 The fquare ells in Ex. 1. are added like the bushels in coal-meaſure. 12. SU. Chap. II. 43 ADDITIO N. 12. SUPERFICIAL MEASURE. TABL E. 144 fquare inches 9 ſquare feet } ■ fquare yard. By this meaſure are meaſured board, glafs, pavements, plaiſtering, wainſcotting, tiling, flooring, &c. { make Şi fquare foot. Ex. 1. Ex. 2. Ex. 3. (10) (9) Yar. fee. (10) (9) (10) (9) Yar. fee. Yar. fee. 72 8 42 43 7 36 53 38 32 34 5 22 7 74 5 97 5 6 68 6 18 8 85 4 35 4 24 6 42 8 32 7 35 4 26 7 If there be inches, they muſt be added as integers, then dividing their fum by 144, the remainder will be the excefs, and the quotient muſt be carried to the feet. 13. SOLID MEASURE. 1728 folid inches 27 folid feet } make { I folid foot. I folid yard. By this is meaſured timber, ſtone, digging, &c. Ex. I. Ex. 2. Ex. 3. (10) (27) (10) (27) (10) (27) Yar. fee. Yar. fee. Yar. fee. 52 26. 43 25 67 23 48 22. 42 18 25 24 34 18. 34 14 32 18 25 23 26 23 27 23 68 12. 38 20 16 15 32 16 45 16 14 14 In adding the feet, I ſay, (Ex. 1.), 16 and 12 make 28; F 2 which 44 Chap. II. ADDITION. which being above 27, I dot at 12, and go on with the exceſs 1, ſaying, 1 and 23 make 24, and 8 make 32; where I dot again, and proceed with the exceſs 5, ſaying, 5 and I ten on the left, make 15, and as 22 wants only 5, I take that 5 from the 15, and, dotting at 22, I go on with the exceſs 10; and as 26 wants only 1, I take that I from 10; fo I dot at 26, and, fetting down the excefs 9, I carry 4 for the dots to the yards. If inches be given, they muſt be added as integers, and their fum being divided by 1728, the remainder will be the excess, and the quotient must be carried to the feet. 14. A CIRCLE. TABL E. 60 ſeconds 1 Circ. I minute. 60 minutes make I degree. 30 degrees I fign. 12 figns I circle. Marked thus. fig. 1 = 12 = 360 = 21600 = 1296000 Ex. I. (10) (12) (30) (60) Circ. fig. II 29 59 5 24 56 7 18 Ex 2. (10) (30) (60) (60) Sig. 10 25 48 54 9 23 40 36 5 15 24 36 42 18 34 48 52 6 20 35 2 22 32 40 19 10 15 28 7 20 30 25 28 4 12 45 3 18 15 18 In cafting up the feconds, minutes, and degrees, where you carry at 60 or 30, a juſt number of tens, you add as in integers, and from the fum of the left-hand column, you carry 1 for every 6 in the ſeconds and mi- nutes, and 1 for every 3 in the degrees. I 15. TIME. Chap. II. 45 ADDITION. 15. TIM E. TABL E. 60 ſeconds 1 I minute. 60 minutes 24 hours 7 days make 4 weeks 13 months 1 hour. I day. 1 week. 1 month. 1 year of 364 days. But the year complete confifts of 365 days and 6 hours; and is divided into twelve unequal calendar months; whoſe names, with the number of days they contain, are as in the margin. The 6 hours, in the space of 4 years, make a day`; and is accord- ingly every fourth year added to Fe• bruary, which then confifts of 29 days; and this year is called Biffex- tile or Leap-year, and contains 366 days. Names. Days. January 31 February 28 March 31 April 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Auguſt 31 September 30 October 31 November 30 December 31 365 Ex. I. (10) (13) (4) (7) Year. mon. wee.da. 6 Ex. 2. (10) (24) (60) (60) Da. ho. min. fec. 38.23 56 48 25 II. 3 26 10. 2 4 34 20 45 54 32 12. 3 2 32 34 II. I 5 25 18 42 36 I 2 25 18 38 9 2 6 18 16 15 45 42 7. 3 3 20 21 38 42 45 4 2 4 15 14 50 25 In 46 Chap. II. ADDITION. In adding the months in Ex. 1. I fay, 5 carried from the weeks, and 4 make 9, and 7 make 16; which being above 13, I dot at 7, and go on with the exceſs 3, fay- ing, 3 and 9 make 12, make 12, and I make 13; where I dot, and proceed, faying, I ten on the left, and 12 make 22; where I again dot, and go on with the exceſs 9, faying, 9 and 10 make 19; where I dot, and proceed with the excefs 6, faying, 6 and 11 make 17; where I dot, and fetting down the excess 4, I carry 5 for the dots to the years. In Ex. 2. the hours are added like the grains in Troy weight, and the minutes and feconds are added exactly like thofe of a circle. The learner, by this time, may be fuppofed to be pretty well ſkilled in addition; and will henceforth, in order to his cafting up any account, want only to know, how many of any inferior denomination makes an unit of the next fuperior; and this he will acquire partly by reading books, and partly by converfation and practice; and as a large detail of this kind would be tedious, and does not properly belong to arithmetic, I fhall only add two or three things more. نظر 12 things of any kind 12 dozen 12 ſmall groſs 24 fheets of paper 20 quires 20 things of any fort] 5 ſcore 6 ſcore make } make { } make { I dozen. I fmall grofs. I great grofs. I quire. I ream. I ſcore. Joo, or the ſhort hundred. 120, or the long hundred, ! III. The Proof of Addition. Addition may be proved ſeveral ways. 1. Merchants and men of buſineſs uſually add each column firſt upwards and then downwards, and upon finding Chap. II. 47 ADDITION. finding the fum to be the fame both ways, they conclude the work to be right: and this is all the proof that their time, or the hurry of buſineſs, will admit of. 2. It is a common practice in ſchools, to prove the work by a fecond fumming without the top-line; and if this fum added to the top-line make the firſt total, the work is fuppofed to be right; as in the two following examples. Ex. I. Ex. 2. L. S. d. 8745 9378 4764 5876 28763 Top-line 748 15 103 67- 13 835 17 } I 94 90 18 8 Total 2350 3/1/2 20018 Total without the top-line 1601 ΙΟ 42 28763 Proof 2350 6 347 5 684 X 1031 5 +1=2, and 3. Addition is alfo proved by cafting out the y's: for if the excefs above the 9's in the total be the fame as the excefs in the items, the work may be prefumed right. Thus, to prove the example in the margin, I begin with the items, and fay, 3 + 4 = 7, and 7 + 7 = 14=1++=5; with this 5 1 pafs to the I next item, and ſay, 5+6=1= 2 +8 = 10=1, and 1+4= 5: <: which , being the excess of the items, I place at the top of the cross, and proceed to caft the g's out of the total, faying, 1+1= 4, and 4 + = 5: which 5, being the excel of the total, I place at the foot of the crois; and becauſe it is the fame with the figure at the top, I conclude the work to be right. 1 If the items are of different denominations; as pounds, fhillings, pence, &c.; you muſt begin with the higheſt denomination; 48 Chap. II. ADDITION. denomination; and, after cafting out the 9's, reduce the exceſs to the next inferior denomination; and then caſt- ing out the 9's, reduce the exceſs to the next inferior denomination; proceed in like manner with this, and all the other lower denominations, placing the laſt exceſs at the top of the croſs; then, in the fame manner, caſt the 9's out of the total, placing the excels at the foot of the crofs; and if the figure at the foot and top be the ſame, the work may be prefumed right. 16 d. f. 10 1 7 2 5 3 2 X 2 Thus, to prove the example in the margin, I begin with the pounds, and fay, 4+8 =12=1+2 = 3, and 3 +5 L. s. = 8, and 8 +5=13=1+ 48 17 34; and the excefs 4 redu- 55 18 ced to fillings is 4 X 2080 =8, and 8 +1=9=0; then 104 10 7+ 1 = 8, and 8 + 8 = 1 =1+6=7; and the exceſs 7 reduced to pence is 7 X 12 = 84 = 8+ 4 = 12 = 1 +2 2 = 3, and 3+1 = 4, and 4+ 7 = 11="+ = 2; and the exceſs 2 reduced to farthings is 2 X 4 = 8, and 8 + ! =90, and o + 2 = 2: fo this 2, being the exceſs of the items, I place at the top of the crofs, and pro- ceed to caft the 9's out of the total, faying, I + 4 = i and the exceſs 5 reduced to fhillings is 5 X 20 100 = 1, and 1 + 1 = 2, and 2 + 6 = 8; and this exceſs 8 reduced to pence is 8 X 12 = 96 = 6, and 6+5 ===0+1=2; and this exceſs 2 reduced to far. things is 2 X 4 = 8, and 8 + 3=1=1+1=2: which excefs 2 I place at the foot of the cross; and be- cauſe it is the fame with the figure at the top, I conclude the work to be right. The method of proof by cafting out the y's is found- ed on the corollaries deduced from the axioms; and if any operation, whether in addition, fubtraction, multi- plication, or divifion, be right, this kind of proof will always how it to be fo; but if an operation be wrong, by a figure or figures being mifplaced, or by mifcounting 9, or any juft number of y's, this kind of proof will not diſcover the miſtake. IV. Practical Chap. 11. 49 ADDITION. 3 IV. Practical Questions. 1. A perfon dying, left for the uſe of his widow L. 4000; to each of his four fons L. 4256; to each of his five daughters L. 3678; to each of fix near relations L. 245: What was his eftate? Anf. L 40,884. 2. H of Hamburgh is debtor to L of London : For broad cloth, L. 428:14:10; for kerfeys, L. 273, 17. 6.; for fuftians, L. 364: 19:8; for druggets, L. 568: 18:43; for muflin, L. 392 : 12 : 81; for grocery-wares, L. 683: 1,8; the factorage came to L. 104, 6s.; cuftom, wharfage, and incident charges, L. 4, 15 S. For what fum muft L draw on H? Anf. L. 2821: 19:10. 3. B buys fix bags of hops, of which N° 1. weighed C. 2:3:14; N° 2. C. 2: ¡ : 24; Nº 3 C. 2: 2:20; N° 4. C. 2 : 1 : 22; N° 5. C. 2 : 0 : 26; N° 6. C 2, 39. 12 lb.; as alfo a couple of pockets ditto, that weighed 54lb. each. How many hundred weight did he purchaſe? Anf. C. 16:2: 3. 4. A goldfmith fells five dozen of filver fpoons, weighing 12 lb. 100z. 14dw.; two tankards, weighing 1 lb. 8 oz. 18 dw.; ten falts, weighing 4 lb. 11 oz. 16dw.; forty-two plates, weighing 38 lb. 6oz. 10dw.; a pair of juggs, weighing 2 lb. 4oz. 13 dw., two tea kettles, weighing 13lb. 5 oz. 12 dw. What quantity did he fell? Anf. 74lb. 3 dw. 5. A wine-merchant imports 12 tuns 2 hhds 4 gal- lons of claret; 14 tuns 3 hhds 48 gallons of Malaga; 16 tuns 1 hhd 54 gallons of Port; 20 tuns 2 hhds 56 gallons of Canary; 18 tuns 3 hhds of Madeira; and 10 tuns 2 hhds 42 gallons of fherry. What quantity did he import in all? Anf. 94 tuns 56 gallons." 6. A certain farm confifts of fix inclofures, whereof the first contains 42 acres 3 roods 36 poles; the fecond, 30 a. 2 r. 24 p.; the third, 45 a. 1 r. 38 p.; the fourth, 52 a. 2 r. 28 p.; and each of the other two contains- How many acres in all? Anf. 231 a. 26 a. 3 r. 14 p. 1 r. 34 P. 7. A gentleman had feven fons: from the birth of G the N 50 Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. the first to the birth of the ſecond there intervened 384 days 18 hours 50 minutes; from the birth of the ſe- cond to that of the third, 582 d. 22 h. 58 m; from the birth of the third to that of the fourth, 623 d. 12 h. 48 m.; from the birth of the fourth to that of the fifth, 592 d. 16 h. 36 m.; from the birth of the fifth to that of the fixth, 745 d. 19h 45 m.; from the birth of the fixth to that of the feventh, 864 d. 17 h. 54 m. What was the age of the eldeſt when the youngeſt was born? Anf. 3794 days, 12 hours, and 51 minutes. CHA P. III. SUBTRACTIO N. SUBTRACTION der te difcover or UBTRACTION is the taking a leffer number from a greater, in order to diſcover their difference, or the remainder. I. Subtraction of Integers. RULE S. I. Set figures of like place under other, viz. units under units, tens under tens, &c. and the greater of the given numbers uppermoft. See axiom X1. II. Beginning at the place of units, take the lower fi- gures from thofe above, borrowing and paying ten, as need requires, and write the remainders be.ow. See axioms 11. III. IX. EXAMPLE I. Becauſe fimilar or like things only can be fub- tracted, I place the num bers as directed in Rule I. viz. units under units, tens under tens, &c. and the greater uppermoft, as in the margin. Then, beginning at the place of units, I fay, 2 units from 7 units, and 5 units remain; which I fet below, in the place of units; then 6 tens from 6 tens, and nothing remains; where- fore I fet o below, in the place of tens; then 5 hundred 867 major or minuend. 562 minor or fubtrahend. 305 difference or remainder. from 痔 ​L } Chap. III. 51 SUBTRACTION. from 8 hundred, and 3 hundred remain; which I fet be- low, in the place of hundreds, and find the total differ- ence or remainder to be 305. EXAMPLE II. f 7432 2785 Having placed the numbers, units under units, &c. as in the margin, I fay, 5 units from 2 units I cannot, but, becauſe an unit in the next fuperior place makes ten in this place, I borrow 1, viz. I ten, from the faid next place, as directed in Rule II.; which ten being added to 2 makes 12; 4647 then I ſay, 5 from 12, and 7 remains; which 7 I fet below, in the place of units: then 1 proceed, and pay the unit borrowed, either by eſteeming 3, the next figure in the major, to be only 2, or, which is more u- fual, and the fame in effect, by adding to the next fi gure in the minor, thus, that I borrowed and 8 make 9, from 3 I cannot, but, borrowing as before, I fay, 9 from 13, and 4 remains; which 4 I fet below: I pro- ceed, and fay, I that I borrowed and 7 make 8, from 4 I cannot, but from 14, and 6 remains; which 6 I fet below: I go on, and fay, I borrowed and 2 make 3, from 7, and 4 remains; which 4 I fet below. So the difference or remainder is 4647. By borrowing and pay- ing in this manner the major and minor are equally aug- mented, or have the fame number added to each of them; and confequently continue to have the fame difference, by axiom IX. EXAMPLE III. 17452 Some, instead of adding to to the upper leffer figure, fubtract directly from 10, and add the difference to the upper figure for the remainder, thus, from 2 I cannot, but 3 from 10, and 7 re- mains; which 7 added to 2 gives 9 for a re- mainder then I go on, faying, I borrowed and 3 : 873 16579 7 make 8, which from 5 I cannot, but from 10, and 2 remains; which 2 added to 5 gives 7 for a remainder : fo I proceed, faying, I borrowed and 8 make 9, which from 4 I cannot, but from 10, and I remains; which G 2 I 52 Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. I added to 4 gives 5 for a remainder: fo I go on, and fay, I borrowed from 7, and 6 remains, and o from 1, and I remains. This method is the fame in effect with the other; but not fo ufual, and fomewhat childiſh. MORE EXAMPLES. Ex. 4. Ex. 5. Ex. 6. From 84765 94307 Take 20857 5708 742680 8794 II. Subtraction of the parts of integers; ſuch as ſhillings, pence, farthings, ounces, &c. RULE S. I. Place like parts under other, viz. farthings under farthings, pence under pence, &c. and the greater of the given numbers uppermoft. See axiom XI. II. Begin at the loweft of the parts, and borrow ac- cording to the value of an unit of the next fuperior de- nomination; viz. in farthings borrow 4, in pence bor- row 12, &c. as the tables of coin, weights, and mea. fures direct. III. If you borrow borrow 0, 30, 40, 60, or any juſt num. ber of tens, as in fubtracting fhillings, degrees, poles, minutes, feconds, &c. proceed with the right-hand co- lumn, as in fubtraction of integers; and then ſubtract your tens, borrowing, if need be, the number of tens contained in an unit of the next fuperior denomination. The reaſon appears plain in the following operations. I. MON E Y. Having, according to Rule I. (10) (20) (12) (4) placed like parts under O. L. S. d f. ther, viz farthings under far- things, pence under pence, &c. 48 and in each of thefe denomi- nations, units under units, tens under tens, and the greater of the 25 15 10 2 major. I 2 62 minor. 3 4 rem, Chap. III. 53 SUBTRACTION. I (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. 14 6 major. 708 278 17 103 minor. 429 16 7 rem. the given numbers uppermoft, as in the margin, I be- gin with the farthings, and fay, 2 from 2, and o re. mains; fo, having nothing to fet down, I leave the place blank, and proceed to the pence, faying, 6 from 10 and 4 remains; which 4 I fet down, and go on to the fhil- lings, faying, 2 from 5, and remains, and 1 from 1, and o remains; or I may fay at once, 12 from 15, and 3 remains; which 3 being fet down, I proceed to the pounds, which are integers, and ſubtracted as ſuch. Here I ſay, 3 farthings from 1 farthing I cannot, but, as directed in Rule II. I fay, 3 from 4, the number of far- things in 1 penny borrowed, and remains; which I add- ed to I in the major gives 2 farthings for a remainder; which I fet down, and pro. ceed to the pence, ſaying, I penny borrowed and to make 11, which from 6 I can- not, but from 12, the number of pence in 1 fhilling, and remains; which I added to 6 in the major gives a remainder of 7; which I fet down, and go on to the fhillings; and becauſe in fubtracting fhillings we borrow a juſt number of tens, viz. 2 tens, or 20, I work as di- rected in Rule III; and in the right-hand column ſay, 1 borrowed and 7 make 8, which from 4 I cannot, but from 14, and 6 remains; which being fet down, I go on to the left-hand column, and fay, I borrowed and make 2, which from I cannot, but from 2, the num- ber of tens in 1 pound, and o remains, which o added to 1 in the major gives for a remainder; which I ſet down, and proceed to the pounds, faying, I borrowed and 8 make 9, which from 8 I cannot, but from 18, &c. Note 1. Some add the number borrowed to the figure or number in the major, and then fubtract from their fum. Thus, in the farthings they add the 4 borrowed to in the major, and then from the fum 5 they fub- tract the 3 in the minor; and in the pence they add the 12 borrowed to 6 in the major, and fubtract from the fum 54 Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. fum 18, &c.; but the method taught above is the eaſieſt and moſt uſual. Note 2. A great many people, in fubtracting the fhil- lings, inſtead of working as directed in Rule III. proceed thus; faying, I borrowed and 17 in the minor make 18, which from 14 I cannot, but from 20, the number borrowed, and 2 remains; which 2 added to 14 in the major gives 16 for a remainder. The learner may chuſe any of the two methods he likes beft. MORE EXAMPLES. Ex. I. (10) (20) (12) L. S. d. Ex. 2. (10) (20) (12) L. 5. d. From 743 Sub. 375 15 16 4 82 13 +/- 10 54 14 73 Rem. Ex. 3. L. s. d. From 95 95 8 7 68 13 61 Sub. Rem. Ex. 4. L. s. d. 34 10 63 20 : 27 Ex. 5. L. A borrowed of B 150 L. s. d. A paid B at one time 20 10 6 At another time 18 13 4 At another 12 16 8 Sold him goods to the value of 25 14 7 In all Balance due to B Ex. 6. Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. 55 A lent B Ex. 6. A received at one time At another time At another a bill of At another a draught of Goods to the value of L. s. d. 36 14 8 40 10 34 13 4 25 16 10 16 14 63 L. 200 In all Balance due to A Ex. 7. L. 2000 300 250 A fteward collected of rents Remitted to his mafter at one time At another Paid ſmall bills amounting to Paid accounts amounting to Paid of taxes and repairs 68 13 4 45 16 8/ 47 15 61 In all 2. Balance due to the maſter AVOIR DUPOIS ¿ WEIGHT (10) (4) (28) C. qrs. lb. 84 1 22 major. 49 3 24 minor. I begin with the pounds, and fay, 24 from 22 I cannot, but from 28, the number of pounds in quarter, and 4 remains, which added to 22 in the major, gives 20 for a remain- der; which 1 fet below, and pro. 34 ceed to the quarters, faying, 1 quar- ter borrowed and 3 make 4, which from 1 I cannot, but from 4, the number of quarters in C. and o remains, which o added to 1 in the major gives 1 for a remainder; which I fet down, and go on to the C. which are inte- I 126 rem. gers, 56 Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. gers, ſaying, 1 C. borrowed and 9 make 10, which from 4 I cannot, but from 14, &c. MORE EXAMPLES. Ex. I. Ex. 2. (10) (20) (4) (28) T. C. qrs. lb. From 38 14 2 18 (10)(4) (28) (16) G. qrs. lb. oz. 48 3 16 IO Take 25 14 3 21 23 3 19 13 Rem. The C. in Ex. 1. are fubtracted like fhillings; that is, either as directed in Rule III. or by the method men. tioned in note 2. above. Ex. 3. A merchant buys of ſugar C. grs. lb. 80 I 14 15 16 2 2 56 14 14 Sells at different times 5 3 '14 116 3 Sold in all Remains on hand 3. TROY WEIGHT. Ex. I. Ex. 2. lb. (10)(12)(20) (24) oz. dw. gr. lb. 03. (10) (12) (20) (24) drv. gr. From 74 10 I 2 Sub. 28 11 15 19 16 03 8 1 4 ΙΟ 54 10 17 14 Rem. Ex. Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. 57 Ex. 3. lb. oz. dw. gr. Bought of filver 684 IO 12 18 (25 8 14 I 2 14 10 16 10 26 [[ 18 14 Sold at feveral times 35 ΙΟ I 2 15 42 6 5 17 38 II 14 16 Sold in all Remains unfold 4. APOTHECARIES Ex. I. WEIGH T. Ex. 2. (10) (12) (8) (3) (20) (10) (3) (20) b 3 3 gr. Э 3 → gr. From 42 8 4 I 15 24 1 13 Sub. 22 7 5 2 19 13 2 17 Rem. Ex. 3. Ex. 4. tb 3 3 Э grо 3 ǝ gr. 37 2 4 28 2 18 From 58 5 3 I 10 Sub. 37 10 5 I 16 Rem. 5. WOOL. WEIGHT. Ex. I. Ex. 2. (10) (2) (7) Ston. clo. lb. I 25 I 3 4 I 13 I 5 (10) (12) (2) (61) (2) Laft. fac.wey. tod. fton. From 84 7 I 3 Sub. 73 4 I Rem. H 6. DRY 58 SUBTRACTION. Chap. III. 6. DRY Ex. I. MEASURE. (10) (5) (8) (4) Load. grs.bu pec. From 36 3 3 4 2 Sub. 24 3 6 3 Rem. Ex. 2. (10) (40) (8) Load. bu. gal. 83 25 5 63 34 6 In fubtracting the bushels in Ex. 2. becauſe you bor- row a juſt number of tens, viz. 4 tens, or 40, work as directed in Rule III.; that is, proceed with the right- hand column, as in fubtraction of integers, and in the left-hand column borrow 4, when the figure in the ma- jor is less than the figure to be fubtracted. COAL-MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (4) (9) Ex. 2. (10) (36) (4) Chal. gr..bu. Chal. bu. pec. From 68 I 3. 78 23 I Sub. 38 2 5 49 27 3 Rem. SCOTS DRY MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (16) (4) (4) Chal. bo. fir. pec. From 36 II I 2 Sub. 25 13 2 3 Rem. Ex. 2. (10)(4) (4) (4) Bo. fir. pec. lip. 28 I 2 I 17 2 3 2 7. WINE. Chap. III. SUBTRACTION, 59 1 7. WINE-MEASURE. Ex. 1. (10)(2) (2) (63) Tun. pip. hhd gall From 56 I I Sub. 48 II Ex. 2. (10) (63) (8) Hhd.gall.pts. 35 63 45 3 47 38 53 7 Rem. 8. BEER and ALE MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (3) (2) (9) Hhd. kil. firk. gal. Ex. 2. (10)(3) (36) But. bar. gal. From 43 I I 3 Sub. 35 2 1 5 57 I 21 47 I 30 Rem. SCOTS LIQUID MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (16) (4) (2) Hhd. gal. qrt. pt. From 37 II 2 I Sub. 28 12 Ex. 2. (10)(2) (2) (4) Pt. cho. mu. .gil. 47 1 I 2 2 I 33 1 1 3 Rem. 9. CLOTH MEASURE. · Ex. 2. Ex. 3. Ex. I. (10) (4) (4) Yds. qrs. n. (10) (3) (4) E.FI qr. n. From 38 1 2 Sub. 23 2 3 48 I 2 (10) (5) (4) E.En.qr. n. 78 3 2 29 I 3 57 4 3 Rem. H 2 10. LONG مة SUBTRACTION. Chap. III. F 10. LONG MEASURE. Ex. 1. Ex. 2. (10) (3) (8) (40) Lea. mi. fur. po. (10)(5)(3) (12) Po. yd. ft. inc. From 33 Sub. 25 I I 4 29 25 3 I IO 5 37 17 4 2 II Rem. SCOTS LONG MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (8) (10) (4) Mi. fur. ch. fal. Ex. 2. (10) (4) ( ) (37) Ch. fal. el. inc. From 35 3 7 I Sub. 23 5 7 2 45 2 3 24 27 3 5 32 Rem. II. L AND MEASURE. Ex. I. · (10) (4) (40) (301) Acr roo. fq.p. Sq⋅y. From 38 I 27 17 Sub 28 3 33 25 Ex. 2. (10) (4) (40) Acr. roo fq. p. 44 2 32 27 2 36 Rem. SCOTS LAND-MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (4) (+0) (‹6) Act.roo.fq.f fq.el. From 72 2 24 30 Sub. 35 3 27 31 Ex. 2. (10)(4) (40) Acr. roo. fq.f. 48 I 33 28 2 34 Rem. 12. SU. 1 Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. 61 } 12. SUPERFICIAL MEASURE. Ex. I. Ex. 2. (10) (9) (144) Yds. fee. inc. From 723 3 128 Sub. 478 5 132 Rem. (10) (9) (144) rds. fee. inc. 654 5 96 96 7 118 When the number of inches in the minor is greater than in the major, fubtract, as in integers, from 144, and the difference added to the inches in the major gives the remainder. t 13. SOLID MEASURE. Ex. I. (10) (27)(1728) Yds. fee. inc. Ex. 2. (10) (27) (1728) Yds. fee. inc. From 76 18 378 48 16 1000 Sub. 48 21 964 35 22 1432 Rem. The laft direction takes place here, with this varia- tion, that you ſubtract the number of inches in the mi- nor from 1728. 14. A CIRCLE. Ex. I. Ex. 2. 1 (10)(12)(30)(60) Circ. fig. From 13 5 18 46 Sub. 9 7 28 52 Rem. (10)(30)(60) (60) Sig. 7 14 43 " 50 4 19 50 54 In fubtracting the degrees, minutes, and feconds, proceed with the right-hand column as in fubtraction of integers, and in the left-hand column of degrees bor- row 62 Chap. III. SUBTRACTION. row 3, and in that of minutes and feconds borrow 6, as directed in Rule III, 15. T IM E. Ex. I. Ex. 2. (10) (13) (4). (7) Yea. mon.wee.da. (10) (24) (60) (60) Da. ho. min. fec. From 24 71 4 48 14 36 28 Sub. 13 10 3 5 32 18 43 37 Rem. III. The Proof of Subtraction. Merchants and men of buſineſs uſe no other proof beſides a revifal of the work, or running over it a fe- cond time; but it is ufual in fchools to put the learner upon proving the operation, by fome of the three me- thods following, viz. 1. The work may be proved by addition; for if you add the remainder to the minor, the fum, by Axiom X. will be equal to the major, as in the two following ex- amples. } Ex. 2. Ex. I. L. S. d. 5847 major 73 15 ΙΟ 2509 minor 48 12 6 3278 rem. 25 3 4 5847 proof 73 15 10 2. By ſubtraction; for if you fubtract the remainder from the major, the difference, by axiom X. will be e- qual to the minor, as follows, : 5847 Chap. III. SUBTRACTI O N. 63 L. S. d. 5847 major 73 15 2569 minor 48 ΙΟ 12 6 3278 rem. 25 3 4 2569 proof 48 12 6 3. By cafting out the 9's; for the major being equal to the fum of the minor and remainder, if you caft the 9's out of the major, and place the excefs at the top of the cross, and then caft the 9's out of the minor and re- mainder, as if they were items in addition, and place the exceſs at the foot of the cross, it is plain, the figure at the top and foot, if the work be right, will be the fame. Only, in proving fubtraction of money, Avoirdupois weight, &c. care must be taken to begin with the higheſt denomination, reducing always the exceſs to the next inferior denomination, as taught in the proof of addition. See the following examples. L S. d. 6 5847 major 73 15 10 7 X 2569 minor 48 12 6 X 6 3278 7 rem. 25 3. 3 4 IV. Practical Questions. 1. America was difcovered by Columbus in the year 1492: How long is it fince, this being the year 1703? Anfw. 271 years. 2. The fum of two numbers is 8764; the leffer is 795: What is the greater? Anf. 7969. 3. The greater of two numbers is 48 32; their differ- ence is 967: What is the leſſer? Anf. 3865. 4. A borrowed of B L. 347: 14:4, and afterwards paid him L. 218:16:8. What is the balance due ? Anf. L 1 8:16 : 8. 5. What lum added to L. 6,8: 147 will make L. 1000? Anf L. 30152 6. A grocer buys C. 17: 1:21 fugar, of which he fells 64 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. fells G. 13: 2:24: How much remains on hand? Anf. G. 3: 2:25. 7. The difference of the weight of two filver bowls is 3 lb. 9 oz. 18 dw. 20 gr.; the largest bowl weighs lb. 5 oz. 13 dw. 17 gr What is the weight of the leffer? Anf. 9 lb. 7 oz. 14 dw. 21 gr. 13 8. A vintner had in his cellar 18 tuns 2 hhds 48 gal- lons claret; but having fold 13 tuns 2 hhds 54 gallons, how much remains? Anf. 4 tuns 3 hhds 57 gallons. 9. A gentleman's eſtate conſiſted of 7648 acres 1 rood and 26 poles; but, to anſwer the demands of dunning creditors, was obliged to fell off ſeveral large incloſures, confifting of 3278 acres 2 roods 32 poles: What is he now poffeffed of? Anf. 4369 acres 2 roods 34 poles. 10. The planet Venus revolves round the fun in 224 days 16 hours 49 minutes 24 feconds; and Mercury in 87 days 23 hours 15 minutes 53 feconds: What is the difference of their periodical times? Anf. 136 days 17 hours 33 minutes 31 feconds. 11. A merchant, on balancing his books, finds, that he has in ready money L. 348:13:4; goods to the va- lue of L. 2635: 16:84; debts due to him L. 1784, 18 s. 63 d. : at the ſame time he owes to A, L. 275: 14: 10; and to B, L. 384: 18 : 71: What is his neat ſtock? or what will he be worth after all his debts are paid? Anf. L. 4108: 15: 2. 12. The weight of two hhds tobacco when packed is G. 9: 2:16 each; the weight of the two empty hhds is 26 lb each: What is the neat weight of the tobacco? Anf. C. 18:37. IN CHA P. IV. MULTIPLICATION, N multiplication there are two numbers given, viz. one to be multiplied, called the multiplicand; and ano- ther that multiplies it, called the multiplier; theſe two go under the common name of factors; and the num- ber Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 65 ber arising from the multiplication of the one by the o- ther is called the product, and fometimes the fact, or the rectangle. If a multiplier confifts of two or more figures, the numbers arifing from the multiplication of theſe ſeveral figures into the multiplicand, are called par- ticular or partial products; and their fum is called the total product. Multiplication then is the taking or repeating of the multiplicand, as often as the multiplier contains unity. Or, Multiplication, from a multiplicand and a multiplier given, finds a third number, called the product, which contains the multiplicand as often as the multiplier con- tains unity. Hence multiplication fupplies the place of many addi- tions; for if the multiplicand be repeated or fet down as often as there are units in the multiplier, the ſum of thefe, taken by addition, will be equal to the product by multiplication. Thus, 5×315=5+5+5. The firſt and loweft ftep in multiplication is, to mul tiply one digit by another; and the fact or number thence arifing is called a ſingle product. This elementary ſtep may be learned from the following table, commonly called Pythagoras's table of multiplication: which is con- fulted thus; feek one of the digits or numbers on the head, and the other on the left fide, and in the angle of meeting you have their product. The learner, before he proceed further, ought to get the table by heart. To Pythagoras's table are here added, on account of their uſefulneſs, the products of the numbers 10, 11, 12. I TABLE. 66 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. TABL E. 2 3 4 5 I N. 24 3 4 5 54 46 a Co 6718 9 II 12 68 10 12 14 16 18 20 12 24 15| 18|21|24|27|| 30 | 33 | 36 9,| 12 | 46 12 16 20 24 | 28|32|36|| 40 | 44 | 48 IO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 612 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 7 1421 28 35 42 49 56 63 81624 32 40 48 56 64 72 9 | 18|27|36|45|54|63|72|81 50 560 626672 70 77 84 | 808896 90 99 108 1001101 20 10 20 30 40 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 yo 11 | 22 | 33 |44|55|66|77|| 88 | 99 110121132 12 24 36 18 6072 84|96|108 |120|132|144| I. Multiplication of Integers. RULES. I Set the multiplier below the multiplicand, ſo as like places may ftand under other, viz. units under u- nits, tens under tens, &c.: but if either or both of the factors have ciphers on the right hand, ſet their firſt ſig. nificant figures under other. The order prefcribed in this rule is not abfolutely ne ceffary, but very convenient, as will appear in the ex- amples. I Beginning at the right hand, multiply each figure of the multiplier into the whole multiplicand, carrying as in addition, and placing the right hand figure of each particular product directly under the multiplying figure. See Axioms II. III. IV. VI. III. Add the particular products, and their fum will be the total product. See Axiom XII. EX. Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 67 EXAMPLE I. Factors { 94 multiplicand. 7 multiplier. 658 product. Having placed the mul- tiplier under the multipli- cand, as directed in Rule I. I proceed to the operation, and fay, 7 times 4 make 28; I fet the 8 below in the place of units, and carry the 2 tens to the next place, as directed in Rule II. faying, 7 times 9 make 63, and 2 that I carried, make 65; I fet 5 below in the place of tens, and the 6, which belongs to the next place, I fet on its left hand, there being no further place to which it can be carried; fo the product is 658. EXAMPLE II. 742 multiplicand. 68 multiplier. 59362 particular 5936 4452 Sproducts. 50456 Total product. Here I first multiply my right- hand figure 8 into the whole multiplicand, as in the former example; then I proceed, and multiply likewife my 6 tens in- to the whole multiplicand, fay- ing, 6 times 2 make 12; I fet the 2 below under the multiply- ing figure, viz in the place of tens, and carry my I to the next place, as directed in Rule II. The reaſon why I fet the 2 under the multiplying figure, or in the place of tens, is, becauſe the multiplying figure 6 by A- xiom VI. is really 6 tens or 60, and 60 times 2 make 120; fo that by carrying the 1 to the next place, and ſet- ting down 20, the o would fall into the place of units, and throw the 2 into the place of tens; but as o can make no alteration in the addition of the partial pro- ducts, the ſetting of it down is fafely and juftly omitted. From the repetition of the former example on the margin it appears, that though any of the fac tors may be made the multiplier, the produ& being the fame in both cafes, yet the operation becomes eaſier and ſhorter by making that fac- tor multiplier which confifts of the feweft figni- ficant figures. Here likewife obferve, that in multiplying 7 hundreds into 8 units of the mul. 50456 दर I 2 tiplicand, 68 742 136 272 476 -68 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. tiplicand, I fet the right-hand figure of the product under the multiplying figure, viz. in the place of hundreds, be cauſe the multiplying figure 7 is really 700. EXAMPLE III. When the multiplier has ciphers on the right hand, as it would be evidently loft la- bour to multiply by the ciphers, their only ufe being to throw figures on their left hand into higher places, I fet the firft fignificant figures of the factors under other; and, af. ter the operation is finiſhed, I annex the ci- phers of the multiplier to the right hand of the product. EXAMPLE IV. When the multiplicand has ciphers on the right hand, the cafe is in effect the fame; wherefore I proceed in the operation as be- fore, and annex the ciphers to the product. EXAMPLE V. When both multiplicand and multi- plier have ciphers on the right hand; as the cafe is plainly a compound of the two former, I annex to the product the ci- phers of both factors. 853 7 2000 1706 5971 61416000 853000 72 1706 5971 61416000 853000 7200 1706 5971 6141600000 *P EXAMPLE VI. When the multiplier has ciphers intermixed with fig- nificant figures, I o nit the ciphers, becauſe the multiplying by them would only produce fo many lines of ciphers and ſo be labour in vain; wherefore I multiply by the fignificant figures only; but I take care to place the right-hand figure of each particular product di- rectly under the multiplying figure. 29601847 300905 148009235 88805541 266416623 8907343771535 The Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. ION. 69 The reafon of fetting the right- hand figure of each particular product directly under the multi- plying figure, will ftill further ap- pear by refolving the multiplier in. to its conftituent parts, as in the margin. * 29601847 multiplicand. 5] 900 partial multipliers. 300000 148009235 prod. by 5. 26641662300 prod. by 900. 8880554100000 prod. by 300000. total product. 8907343771535 MORE EXAMPLES. 87694 × 358 =31394452 59387 × 796 = 47274052 78464 × 4207 = 330098048 =7628400 = 59897000 978 x 7800 X 673000 × 89 X 58470 × 900700526639290co Contractions, and fimple ways of working multiplication of integers. 1. To multiply any number by 10, by 100, by 1000, &c. to the given number annex one, two, three ciphers, &c. Thus, 23 × 10230; and 384 × 100 38400; and 745 × 1000 = 745000. = 2. To multiply any number by 9, by 99, by 999, &c. multiply the given number firſt by 10, by ico, by 1000, c. that is, annex one, two, three, &c. ciphers to it; from this ſubtract the given number, and the remainder is the product; as in the following examples. Ex. 3. Ex. I. Mult. 47 Ex. 2. Mult. 627 Mult. 999 by 9 470 Sub. 47 by 99 62700 Sub. by 999 999000 627 Sub. 999 Prod. 423 Prod. 62073 Prod. 998001 From 70 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. From Ex. 3. we may learn, in general, that to multi- ply any number confifting entirely of 9's by itſelf, is to fet in the place of units, then as many ciphers,, fave one, as there are 9's in the given number; then 8, and on the left hand of 8 as many g's as there are ciphers on its right. This method of compendizing may be further extend- ed, thus. If the multiplier be all 9's, except the right-hand fi gure, or except the two or the three figures next the right hand, annex as many ciphers to the multiplicand ast there are figures in the multiplier; from which fubtract the product of the multiplicand into the complement of the right-hand figure to 10, viz. what it wants of to; or into the complement of the two figures next the right hand to ico; or into the complement of the three figures next the right hand to 1000, &c. Ex. 2. Ex. I. 7846 × 996 54786 × 9988 7846000 547860000 313847846 × 4 65743254785 × 12 7814616 prod. 547202568 prod. Again, if the multiplier be all 9's except the left- hand figure, add unity to the ſaid left-hand figure, and multiply the fum into the multiplicand; to the product annex a cipher for each of the other figures in the mul- tiplier; from which ſubtract the multiplicand; and the remainder will be the product fought. Ex. 2. Ex. 1. 2846 × 799 4327 × 1999 2846 4327 871 2 = 1+1 2276800 8654000 2846 4327 2273954 prod. 8649673 prod. 3. To Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 71 3. To multiply any number by 5; firft multiply it by 10, that is, annex a cipher to it, and then halve it: and to multiply any number by 15 uſe the fame method; and add both numbers together, as in the following exam- ples. Multiply 7439 Multiply 9856 # by 5- 74390 by 15-985602 49280 Sadd Product 37195 Product 147840 4. To multiply any number by 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, &c. multiply by the unit's figure, and add the back- figure of the multiplicand to the product; and to multiply by 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, &c. add the double of the back-figure; and to multiply by 31, 32, 33, 34, &c. add the triple of it; and to multiply by 112, 113, 114, c. add the two back figures; and to multiply by 101, 102, 103, 104, &c. add the next back-figure fave one: as in the following examples. Ex. I. 876 or multiply by 876 or thus, 876 Ex 2. 694 I I 9636 II thus, 876 876 14 9636 9636 9716 Ex. 3. 435 Ex. 4. 241 27 34 11745 8194 Ex. 5. Ex. 6. Ex. 7. 7234 or thus, 7234 263 745 II 2 7234 119 103 7234 810208 7234 31297 76735 810208 In 72 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. 48 In multiplying by 12, as in Ex. 8. it is more Ex. 8. ufual, and equally eafy, to proceed by ſaying, twelve times 8 make 96, and, fetting down the 6, I fay, twelve times 4 is 48, and 9 carried is 57; which I fet down, and the product is 576. 12 576 5. If the multiplier conſiſt of the fame figure repeated, as 111, 222, 333, 777, &c. multiply by the unit's fi- gure, and out of that product make up the total product, thus. Begin at the right hand, and firſt take one figure, then the fum of two, then the fum of three, &c. repeating the operation ftill from the right hand, as often as there are figures in the multiplier; then, neglecting the right- hand figure, or figure in the first place, take the fum of as many figures toward the left hand as the multiplier has places; and if there be not fo many, take the fum of all the figures there are; then, neglecting the figures in the firſt and ſecond place, begin at the figure in the third place, proceed as before; and thus go on till the laſt or left-hand figure is taken in alone; as in the following examples. Ex. 3. Ex. I. 7645 33 Ex. 2. 4983 666 38 4444 22935 pr. by 3. 29898 pr. by 6. 152 pr. by 4. 252285 total. 3318678 total. 168872 total. 6. The operation may frequently be rendered ſhorter or eaſier, either by addition, fubtraction, or a more fimple multiplication; and the cafes of this kind are fo numerous and various, that they admit of no limitation. Confult the following examples and directions. Ex. 1. 438 Ex 3. Ex. 2. 374 746 87 56 84 3066 2244 2984 3504 1870 5968 38106 20944 62664 Ex. 4. Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 73 Ex. 4. Ex. 5- Ex. 6. 824 685 789 642 147 328 1648 4795 6312 3296 9590 25248 4944 100695 258792 529008 } I work the above examples as follows. Ex. 1. I multiply by 7, and add that product to the multiplicand, inſtead of multiplying by 8. Ex. 2. I multiply by 6, and out of that product I ſub, tract the multiplicand, inftead of multiplying by 5. Ex. 3. 1 multiply by 4, and double that product for 8. Ex. 4. I multiply by 2; then I double, or multiply that product by 2, for 4; and then add theſe two pro- ducts (the right-hand figure of the one to the right-hand figure of the other, &c.), for 6. 14. Ex. 5. I multiply by 7, and double this product for Ex. 6. I multiply by 8; and, becaufe 8 times 4 make 32, I multiply that product by 4, for 32. Several other contractions might be added, but they are rather curious than very uſeful. Select methods of multiplying Integers. 1. Inſtead of multiplying by the multiplier, you may multiply by its component parts, or by the component parts of the neareſt compofite number; and to or from the laſt product add or ſubtract the product of the mul- tiplicand into the difference betwixt the multiplier and the neareſt compofite number. Thus, inſtead of multiplying by 72, you may mul- tiply by 9, and that product by 8; and inſtead of mul- tiplying by 56, you may multiply by 8 and 7, or by 7, 4, 2; for the choice of the component parts is arbitrary ; K and 74 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. ང and inſtead of multiplying by 37, you may multiply by 4 and 9, adding the multiplicand to the laft product, for the unit wanting in the product of the component parts; and inſtead of multiplying by 34, you may multiply by 5 and 7, fubtracting the multiplicand from the laft pro- duct, for the unit of excefs in the product of the com- ponent parts; and instead of multiplying by 68, you may multiply by 8 and 8, to the laft product adding the product of the multiplicand into 4, the difference be twixt the multiplier and the neareft compofite number, &c. Here obſerve, that when three or more numbers, as in this cafe, are given to be multiplied into one another, the operation is called continual multiplication. And it is of no importance which of the component parts you make the firſt multiplier; for the laſt product will be the fame, in whatever order the multipliers are taken: but it is convenient that the component parts be all di- gits, or at leaft but fmall numbers, not above 10, 11, or 12. See the following examples, Ex. I. Ex. 2. Mult. 436 436 Mult. 351 by 9 8 by 8 351 .7 72. or thus, 56. or thus, 3924 3488 2808 2457 8 9 7 4 31392 31392 19656 9828 2 19656 Ex. 3. 642 Multipl. by 37. 2568 9 23112 add 9625] fub. 23754 prod. 9350 prod. Ex. 4. Multipl. by 34. 27 5 1375 7 Ex. Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 75 Ex. 5. Ex. 6. Multipl. by 68. 348 8 Multipl. by 252. 324 9 22272 2784 8 1392} add · 23664 prod. This method may be extended to pretty high num- bers. For, 2016 7 20412 4 81648 prod. 10 = 2 x × 5° 50 2 × 5 × X X 5• · 100 = × 5 × 5• 500 4 5 5 × 5. 1000 = 8 5 X 5 X 5. 1500 = 4 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 3. 10000 = 8 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 2 × 5· 100000= 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X IO. And the component parts of the intermediate num. bers may easily be difcovered. The conveniency and proper uſe of this method of multiplying will appear in Section 2. following. 2. Inftead of beginning with the right-hand figure of the multiplier, you may begin with the left; only take care to place the right-hand figure of every particular product directly under the multiplying figure, as in the following examples. Multip. by Ex. I. 4568 Ex. 2. Multip. 6374 234 by 7408 9136 44618 13704 prod. 1068912 25496 18272 50992 prod. 47218592 K 2 3. Mul- 76 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. 3. Multiplication may be performed without any bur den to the memory, by fetting down every fingle pro- duct, as in the following examples. Ex. 1. Mult. 8742 by 8 65316 Here I fay, 8 times 2 is 16, which I fet down; then 8 times 4 is 32, which I likewife fet down, viz. 3 before 1 and 2 under it; then 8 times 7 is 56, I fet 5 be. fore 3 and 6 under it; laftly, 8 times 8 is 64, which I fet down in the fame manner : Theſe added as they ftand, give the pro- Prod. 69936 duct. Here obſerve, that when any fingle pro- duct is under 10, to prevent miftakes by miſplacing, you muſt fet a cipher in the place which a fecond product figure would have poffeffed. 462 Ex. 2. Mult. Mult. 3748 by 26 14248 824 1016 648 Prod.97448 The diſadvantage attending this method of multiply. ing is, that the addition is tedious. I 4. Multiplication may be performed by addition in this manner: Set the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. under one another, and oppofite to place your multiplicand; double it for 2; and to this fum add the multiplicand for 3; and again to this fum add the multiplicand for 4 and thus go on till you have a table of the products of the multiplicand by all the digits, or at leaſt as many of them as your multiplier requires; then transfer your particular products out of this table, and their fum will be the total product. This method is convenient in large operations. See the following example. TABLE. Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 77 2 TABLE. 3785946 7571892 311357838 415143784 5 18929730 622715676 7 26501622 830287568 9 34073514 Mult. 3785946 by 659847 26501622 15143784 30287568 34073514 189297 30 1 22715676 Prod. 2498145110262 5. The Noble and ingenious Lord Napier, Baron of Merchifton in Scotland, invented a method of perform- ing multiplication by rods; the feparate form of which, with the figures infcribed upon them, are as in the plate, fig. 1. The rods, excluding the index on the left hand, and the rod of ciphers on the right, are juſt the ſeveral co- lumns of the multiplication-table ſeparated or cut afun- der from head to foot; each of the little fquares in the table being divided on the rods by diagonal lines into two triangles. The right-hand figure of every fingle product in the table is placed on the rods in the lower triangle, and the other in the upper and ſuch products as confiſt but of one digit are always fet in the lower triangle, and the upper one left blank. : The rods are diſtinguiſhed from one another by their top-figures, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. making in all ten dif- ferent rods, befides the index: but as the fame figure may occur feveral times in a multiplicand, it is neceflary to have three or four rods of each kind, or to have the four fides of each rod infcribed with a different fet of figures. The rods are fitted for operation thus. To the right fide of the index apply a rod on whofe top is the left- hand figure of the multiplicand; next to this ſet the rod on whofe top is the following figure of the multiplicand; and 78 MULTIPLICATION. Chap IV. and fo on to the rihght-and figure: then right againſt a- ny figure on the index, you have the product arifing from the multiplication of that figure into the multipli- cand; but to be taken out by the help of an eaſy addi- tion, as follows. The figure in the lower triangle on the right hand rod is the right-hand figure of the product; the figure in the upper triangle on this rod, added to the figure in the lower triangle on the next rod, gives the ſecond fi- gure of the product. Again, the figure in the upper triangle on the fecond rod, added to the figure in the lower triangle on the rod following, gives the third fi- gure of the product, &c.; and the figure in the upper triangle on the rod next the index, is the laſt figure of the product. In this manner are the particular products taken from the rods, the fum whereof is the total pro- duct. See the plate, fig 2. in which the rods are fitted or fet together for the number 9587. Mult. 9587 by 347 Against 7 on the index I find 67109 Againſt 4 I find Againſt 3 I find 38348 28761 Total product 3326689 6. If you make a table of the multiplicand for the di- gits 1, 2, 3, 5, the particular products may be made out from this finall table, almoft with the fame eafe, as from the rods, thus. TABLE. I 7894 2 15788 323682 5 39470 Suppofe for a multiplicand 7894. When the figure of the multiplier is 2, 3, or 5, you have the product by infpec. ting the table; when the multiplying fi gure is 4, double the number againſt 2, or add the numbers againſt 3 and 1; when it is 6, double the number againft 3, or add the. 1 • Index To front 22.78 Napiers Rods Fig 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1/0 1/2 14 16 18 2 67 90 /6 8 1/2 1/6 18 21 34 34 10 74 60 4 5 1% 15 % 35 % 3% 1% 24 4 2 40 10 94 36 7% 9 0/4 Index 19587 218% 16 1/4 32 212 59491 4 362 36 2 3 10/8/2 654% 7% % % 7/27/ 15% 981 75 720 Fig 2. • • Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 79 the numbers againſt 5 and 1; when it is 7, add the numbers againſt 5 and 2; when it is 8, add the numbers againſt 5 and 3; when it is 9, triple the numbers againſt 3, or add the numbers againſt 5, 3, and 1. II. Multiplication of the parts of Integers. Here there are three caſes. 1. If your multiplier is a fingle digit, fet it under the units figure of the loweſt denomination, multiply it into all the parts of the multiplicand, beginning at the loweſt, and carrying always as in addition, or according to the value of the next fuperior place. EXAM P L E. What is the price of 7 packs of cloth, at L. 64, 8 s. 101 d. per pack? L. 5. d. 64 Here I fay, 7 times 2 is 14, which is 3 pence and 2 farthings over; I ſet down the 2 farthings, and carry 3 to the place of pence, faying, 7 times 10 is 70, and 3 that I carried makes 73, which is 6 451 fhillings and penny; I fet down the I 8 10/12/20 7 2 1/ I penny, and carry 6 to the place of fhillings, faying, 7 times 8 is 56, and 6 that I carried is 62, which makes 3 pounds and 2 fhillings; I fet down the 2 fhillings, and carry 3 to the place of pounds, which are integers. 2. If your multiplier confiſts of two or more figures, multiply continually by its component parts, or by the component parts of the compofite number that comes neareſt to it, and then multiply the given multiplicand by the difference of the multiplier, and the nearest com- pofite number: the fum or difference of theſe two pro- ducts is the anſwer. EXAMPLE I. What is the price of 56 C. tobacco, at L. 2: 14: 93 per C.? Here the component parts are 8 and 7; for 8 × 7 = 56: therefore, Multiply 80 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. Multiply first by 8, and that product by 7; or, which will give the fame anfwer, multiply first by 7, and then that pro- duct by 8. L. S. 2 14 d. 92 - 8 21 18 6 7 153 9 6 EXAMPLE II. What is the price of 126 yards of velvet, at L. 3:8:4 per yard? Here I multiply firft by 6, that product by 7, and that product again by 3: but as the component parts are various, and may be chofen at pleaſure, I would have had the fame anfwer, had I multiplied by 9 × 7 × 2; or by 7 × 3 × 3 × 2. L. s. d. 3 8 4 6 20 10 7 EXAMPLE 143 10 3 430 10 III. What is the price of 67 tuns of iron at L. 18: 16:81 per tun? Here the neareſt compofite num- ber is 64, whofe component parts are 8 x 8; by which I multiply continually, as in the margin : then I multiply the given multiplicand by 3, the difference betwixt 64 and 67; and becauſe the compo- fite number is less than the multi- plier, I add theſe two products for the anſwer. L. s. d. 18 16 81 8 150 13 8 1205 8 56 10 1 1/13 } a 94, add 1261 19 5/1/20 EX- Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 81 EXAMPLE ር. IV. Q: 16. 2 3 14 9 What is the weight of 77 chefts of goods, each cheft weighing C. 23: 14 Avoirdupois ? Here the neareſt compofite num ber is 81; and accordingly I mul- tiply by its component parts 9×y: then I multiply the given multipli- cand by 4, the difference betwixt 77 and 81; and becauſe the com- pofite number is greater than the multiplier, I fubtract the one pro- 232 duct from the other for the an. fwer. 25 3 14 II 2 9 3 14}fub. 221 I 14 EXAMPLE V. What is the price of 274 yards of linen, at 3 s. 4 d. per yard? Here I multiply con- L. S. d. tinually by the com. ponent parts 10x 0x2, which gives the price of 200 yards : and then, for the price of the reſt, I work as fol- lows, viz. for the 70 yards, I multiply the price of to yards by 7; and for the 4 yards, I multiply the price of I 3 4 price of 1 yard. 10 1 13 4 price of 10 yards. ΙΟ 16 13 4 price of 100 yards. 33 06 11 13 13 one yard by 4; and theſe three products added gives the an- 45 13 fwer. 2 8 price of 200 yards. 4 price of 70 yards. 4 price of 4 yards. 4 price of 274 yards. From the above example may be deduced a general and eaſy rule for working all queſtions of this kind; and is of excellent uſe when the multiplier happens to be a high nun ber; viz. Multiply continually ſo many times by 10 as there are L figures 82 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. figures in the multiplier, fave one; then multiply the gi ven price by the right-hand figure of the multiplier; and again, the first product of 10 by the following figure of the multiplier; and fo on, till you have multiplied by all the figures in the multiplier. The fum of theſe products is the anſwer. EXAMPLE VI. What is the price of 8604 yards of cloth, at 19 s. 6 d. per yard? L. s. d. Price of 1961 L. s. d. Price of 1 yd, × 4 3 18 2 4 yds. 10 9 15 5 10 yds, x o ΙΟ 97 14 2 100 yds, × 6 = 586 5 600 yds. ΙΟ 977 I 8 - 1000 yds, x8 = 7816 13 4 8000 yds. Price of 8604 yards 8406 16 6 MORE EXAMPLES. 1. What is the price of 8 yards of cloth, at 13 s. 4 d. ? Anſ. L. 5:6 : 8. 2. What comes 12 reams of paper to, at 8 s. 61 d. ? Anf. L. 5:2: 6. 3. What coft 96 barrels, at L. 1:14:7? L. 166, . s. Anf. 4. What comes 123 gallons to, at 7 s. 83 d.? Ans. L. 47: 10: 81. 5. A gentleman, whofe yearly income is L. 250, fpends dailys. 6 d.: How much does he ſpend in a year, or 365 days? and how much does he fave yearly? Anf He spends L. 174: 2: 8½, and faves L. 75: 17:31. 6. What comes y760 tuns to, at 18 s. 74 d. ? Anf. L. 9078: 16: 8. 3. If Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 83 3. If your multiplier conſiſts of integers and parts, the operation is performed by a crofs multiplication of the feveral parts of the multiplier into all the parts of the mul- tiplicand. The contents of maſon and joiners work are frequent- ly caft up by this kind of multiplication; for underſtand- ing of which obſerve, that The fuperficial content of any rectangle is found by multiplying the length into the breadth; and the content of a right-angled triangle is found by multiplying the baſe into half the perpendicular or height. The dimenſions are uſually taken in lineal feet, inches, and lines; and the operation is performed by the follow. ing RULE S. I. Any lineal meaſure multiplied into the fame lineal meaſure produces fquares of that name. Thus, lineal feet multiplied into lineal feet produce ſquare feet; lineal inches into lineal inches produce fquare inches, &c. II. Lineal feet into lineal inches produce rectangles, I foot long and 1 inch broad, which divided by 12 quote fquare feet; and the remainder multiplied by 12, produces. fquare inches. I III. Lineal feet into lincal lines produce rectangles, L foot long and 1 line broad, which divided by 144 quote fquare feet; and the remainders are rectangles equal to fquare inches. IV. Lineal inches into lineal lines produce fmall rect- angles, 1 inch long and 1 line broad, which divided by 12 quote fquare inches; and the remainder, multiplied by 12, produces fquare lines. EXAMPLE I. In an area, pavement, or piece of plaifter-work, in length 24 feet 7 inches, and in breadth 18 feet 5 inches, how many fquare feet? I 2 F. 84 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. 18×7=126 24 7 24×5120 18 5 12)246(20 by Rule II. 432 35 20 72 1+5211071 24 12×6=72) Here I multiply 18 lineal feet into 24 lineal feet, and the product is 432 fquare feet; then I multiply 5 lineal inches into 7 lineal inches, and the product is 35 ſquare inches, by Rule I.; then I multiply 18 lineal feet into 7 lineal inches, and the product is 1.6; and again I mul- tiply 24 lineal feet into 5 lineal inches, and the product is 120; which added to the former product gives 246 rectangles, each being 1 foot in length and 1 inch in breadth; theſe divided by 12 quote 20 fquare feet; and the remainder 6 multiplied by 12 produces 72 ſquare inches, according to Rule II.; theſe I add to the former fquare feet and inches, and find the anfwer or total pro- duct to be 452 fquare feet, and 107 fquare inches. EXAMPLE II. In an area or floor, in length 38 feet 9 inches 6 lines, and in breadth 23 feet 8 inches 6 lines, how many fquare feet? F. \in. li. 38 9 23×9=207 38×8=304 28 6 12) 511(42 8747 36 48 484 By Rule II. 278 31 8 72 24 191498108 12×7=84) 38 Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 85 38x628 8×6=48 23×6138 9×6=54 144)366(2)By Rule III. 12)102(8 By Rule IV. 288 96 78 12×6=72 Becauſe the fum of the inches exceeds 144, I carry 1 from them to the column of feet, and ſet down the o- verplus, viz. 98. The operation may be rendered eaſier and fhorter by previously reducing the factors to two denominations, viz inches and lines. Thus the former example may be propofed and wrought as follows. In an area or floor, in length 465 inches 6 lines, and in breadth 284 inches 6 lines, how many fquare inches and feet? Inch. lin. 465×6=2790 465 6 284x1704 28. 6 by Rule IV. 12)4494(374 in. 132000 30 12×6=72 li.) 274 72 3434108 The answer here is 132434 fquare inches and 108 fquare lines; and if the inches be divided by 14+, you will have 910 fquare feet and a remainder of yo ſquare inches, as before. Or the factors may be reduced to the loweft de- nomination, viz. lines, and then the product will be fquare lines, which, divided by 144, will quote fquare inches, and the remainder will be fquare lines; and the fquare inches divided by 144 will quote fquare feet, and the remainder will be fquare inches. gain, the fquare feet divided by 9 will quote fquare yards, and the remainder will be fquare feet; and the fquare yards divided by 36 will quote fquare roods, and the remainder will be fquare yards, A. If 86 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. If this cross multiplication be extended to the menfu- ration of folids, the content of which is found by multi- plying the fuperficial content of the bafe into the height, depth, length, or thickneſs, the operation muſt be con- ducted by the following RULE S. Thus V. Any fuperficial meaſure multiplied into the fame lineal meaſure produces a folid of the ſame name. fuperficial feet multiplied into lineal feet produce folid feet; fuperficial inches multiplied into lineal inches pro- duce folid inches, &c. VI. Superficial feet into lineal inches produce pa- rallelopipeds, whofe bafe is I fquare foot, and their height inch; which divided by 12 quote folid feet; and the remainder multiplied by 144 produces folid inches. VII. Superficial feet into lineal lines produce pa- rallelopipeds, whoſe baſe is 1 ſquare foot, and their height line; which divided by 144 quote folid feet; and the remainder multiplied by 12 produces folid inches. VIII. Superficial inches into lineal lines produce pa rallelopipeds, whofe bafe is 1 fquare inch, and their height line; which divided by 12 quote folid inches; and the remainder multiplied by 144 produces folid inches. IX. Lineal feet into fuperficial inches produce pa- rallelopipeds, whofe bafe is 1 fquare inch, and their height 1 foot; which divided by 144 quote folid feet and the remainder multiplied by 12 produces folid lines. X. Lineal feet into fuperficial lines produce parallelo- pipeds, whoſe baſe is 1 fquare line, and their height 1 foot; which divided by 12 quote folid inches; and the remainder multiplied by 144 produces folid lines. XI. Lineal inches into fuperficial lines produce paral- lelopipeds, whofe bafe is 1 fquare line, and their height I inch; which divided by 144 quote folid inches; and the remainder multiplied by 12 produces ſolid lines. EXAMPLE III. In a piece of timber, whoſe length is 18 feet 6 inches, breadth Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 87 breadth 2 feet 4 inches, and thickneſs how many fold feet? F. in. 18 6 2×6=12 2 36 7 +3 32 4/18×4=72 24 12)84(7 F. 24 fuperficial 3 lineal 72 861 101296 576 97 216' folid · by Rule II. feet 3 inches, 43×3=129 by 12)129(10 F. Rule 144×9=1296 in.] VI. 12 × 48 = 576 in.§ IX, 2 x 2448 by R. Here I first multiply 18 feet 6 inches into 2 feet 4i1- ches, as formerly, and the product is 43 feet 24 inches. fuperficial; which I next multiply into 2 feet 3 inches. lineal, thus, 43 fuperficial feet into 2 lineal feet produce 86 folid feet, and 24 fuperficial inches into 3 lineal in- ches produce 72 folid inches, by Rule V.; then 43 fu- perficial feet into 3 lineal inches produce 129 parallelopi- peds, whoſe bafe is 1 fquare foot, and their height 1 inch; which divided by 12 quotes 10 folid feet; and the remainder 9 multiplied into 144 produces 1296 folid inches, by Rule VI. Again, 2 lineal feet into 24 ſuper- ficial inches produce 48; which, being less than 144, I eſteem a remainder, and multiplying it into 12 I have a product of 576 folid inches, by Rule IX. Becauſe the fum of the inches exceeds 1728, I carry I from them to the feet, and the overplus 216 I ſet down. EXAMPLE IV. How many folid feet in a polifhed ftone that is 8 feet. 9 inches 5 lines long, 7 feet 3 inches broad, and 3 feet. 5 lines thick? F. 88 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. F. \in. l. 7×9=63 8 9 7 3 58×3=24 12)87(7 F. 56 27 7 36 35 36 I 12 × 3 = 36 in. by Rule II. 7x535 in. by Rule III. 3635=15 12)15(1 in. by Rule IV. 63 99 30fup. 12x3=36 li.] 5lin. 18063x5=315, and 144)315(2 F. by R. VII. 12×27 = 324 in. : 3×99=297, and 44)297 (2F. 189 2324 2108 9 19348261 2 folid } 12 × 108 in S X I by R. IX. 414324×36=108, and 12) 108 (y in. by Rule X. 5x99=495, and 12)495(41 in 1 } 144×3=432 lines. by R. VIII. The operation may be facilitated by previously redu- cing the three factors to two denominations, viz. inch- es and lines, as was done in Example II. on fuperficial meaſure. Or the three factors may be reduced to the loweſt de. nomination, viz. lines, which being multiplied conti- nually, will produce folid lines; which divided by 1728 will quote folid inches, the remainder being folid lines; and the folid inches divided by 17.8 will quote folid feet, the remainder being folid inches; and the ſolid feet divided by 27 will quote folid yards, the remainder being folid feet; and the folid yards divided by 216 will quote folid roods, the remainder being folid yards. I ſhall only further obſerve, that as the rules for work- ing questions by crofs multiplication are numerous, and the operation tedious, it is eaſier to convert the parts in- to a decimal fraction of their integer, and then work as taught in multiplication of decimals. III. The Proof of Multiplication. Multiplication may be proved feveral ways, viz. by multiplication, by divifion, and by cafting out the y's. I. Chap. IV. MULTIPLICATION. 89 1. By multiplication: Change the places of the fac- tors, and make that the multiplier which before was the multiplicand; and if the work be right, you will have the fame product as before; but this method is tedious. 2. By divifion: When the work is right, the product divided by the multiplier quotes the multiplicand; or, divided by the multiplicand, quotes the multiplier. But this fuppofes the learner acquainted with divifion. 3. The moſt uſual method therefore of proving multi- plication is by caſting out the 9's; which is done thus : Caft the y's out of the multiplicand and multiplier, and place the exceffes on the right and left fides of a cross; multiply theſe two figures into one another, cafting the 9's out of their product, if need be, and place the excels at the top of the cross; then cafting the 9's alſo out of the product of your multiplication, place its exceſs at the bottom; and if the work be right, the figures at top and bottom will agree, or be the ſame. EXAMPLE I. 754 38 1 6032 2262 Here I caft the 9's out of the multi- plicand, and place the excefs 7 on the right fide of the cross; then I caft the 9's out of the multiplier, and place the exceſs 2 on the left-fide of the cross; next I multiply theſe exceffes 2 and 7 into one another, caft the y's out of 28652 their product, and place the exceſs 5 at 5 2 X7 5 : the top of the crofs; laftly, I caft the 9's out of the pro- duct, and place the excels at the foot of the cross which being the fame with the figure at the top, I con- clude the work to be right. EXAMPLE II. L. So d. 43 8 4 7 8X² 2 7 6 10 Here in cafting the 9's out of the multiplicand, and out of the product, I begin with the pounds, and reduce the excefs to fhillings, and in like manner the excess of 347 the fhillings is reduced to pence, ΝΙ and 90 MULTIPLICATION. Chap. IV. and that of the pence to farthings. The multiplier being an abſtract number, needs no reduction; but if a multi- plier be a mixt number, or confift of integers and parts, as feet and inches, &c. the excefs of the higher deno- mination muſt always be reduced to the lower. IV. Practical Questions. 1. The continual multiplication of the nine digits will give the number of changes that may be rung on nine bells How : many changes are there? Anf. 362880. 2. What is the fum, and what the difference, of fix dozen dozen, and half a dozen dozen? Anf. Sum 936. Diff. 792. 3. What number taken from the fquare of 86 will leave 17 times 34? Anf. 6818. 4. The leffer of two numbers is 284, their difference is 132; what is the fquare of their product, and what the cube of their fum? Anf. Square of their product is 13958004736; cube of their fum 243000000. 5. Each of nine pui fes contains L. 81:13:4; how much money in all? Anf. 7351. 6. What is the price of 1000 hhds tobacco, at L. 12:36 per hhd? Anf. 121751. 7. The wainſcotting of a rectangular room meaſures 156 feet 4 inches about, and is 1 feet 4 inches high; 3 the door is 7 feet by 3 feet 8 inches; eight window- fhutters are 7 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 6 inches; the door and window.ſhutters, being wrought on both ſides, are reckoned as work and half; the chimney, 3 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 3 inches, not being incloſed, is to be deduct ed: How many yards of wainſcotting in the room? Anf. 261 fq. yards, 8 fq. feet, and 36 fq. inches. 8. How many folid yards of digging in a cellar that is 27 feet 4 inches long, 17 feet 8 inches broad, and 8 feet 2 inches deep? Anf. 146 folid yards, 1 folid foot, and 1024 folid inches. CHAP. Chap. V. 91 DIVISION. D CHAP. V. DIVISION. IVISION difcovers how often one number is con- tained in another: or, Divifion, from two numbers given, finds a third, which contains unity as often as the one given number contains the other. The number to be divided, or which contains the o- ther, is called the dividend; the number by which we divide, or which is contained in the dividend, is called the divifor; and the number found by divifion, or which expreffes how often the dividend contains the divifor, is called the quotient or quot. 18 6 12 As multiplication fupplies the place of many additions, fo divifion, which is the reverſe of multiplication, ſerves inſtead of many ſubtractions; as will thus ap- pear Suppoſe it were required to divide 18 by 6, that is, to find how often 6 is contained in 18, the work by ſubtraction will ſtand as in the margin: 6 by which it appears that 6 is contained 3 times in the number 18. But this, by diviſion, may be found at one trial: thus, êlaal 18 I fet the divifor on the left of the dividend, leaving room on the right hand for the quo- 6)18 (3 tient, as in the margin; and then I fay, How often 6 in 18? Anf. 3 times: this 3 I fet in the quotient; then I multiply the quotient fi- gure 3 into the divifor 6, faying, 3 times 6 make 18; which I fet down below the dividend, and fubtract it from the dividend, and o remains. I. Divifion of Integers. RULE S. (0) I. From the left-hand part of the dividend point off M 2 the 92 Chap. V. DIVISION. the firſt dividual, viz. fo many figures as will contain the divifor. II. Aſk how often the divifor is contained in the divi- dual, and put the anſwer in the quotient. III. Multiply the divifor by the figure fet in the quo tient, and ſubtract the product from the dividual. IV. To the right of the remainder bring down the next figure of the dividend for a new dividual; and then proceed as before. The ſubſtance of theſe rules is briefly expreffed in the following monoftich. · Dic quot? multiplica, fubduc, transferque fequentem. Firſt aſk how oft? in quot the anſwer make; Then multiply, fubtract, and down a figure take. EXAMPLE 1. Divi- Divi- Quo- for. dend. tient. 7)875(125 7 17 14 35 35 Here, becauſe the divifor 7 is con tained in 8, the left-hand figure of the dividend, I point it off, as my firft dividual, according to Rule I.; and then I fay, How often 7 in 8 ? Anf. I time; which I fet in the quotient, as dirctected in Rule II.; then I multiply the divifor 7 by this quotient figure 1, and fubtract the product 7 from the dividual 8, as di- rected in Rule III.; to the remainder 1 I bring down the following figure of the dividend, for my fecond divi- dual, as directed in Rule IV.; then I proceed as before, and fay, How often 7 in 17? Anf. 2 times; where- fore, ſetting 2 in the quotient, I multiply and fubtract, and find the next remainder to be 3; to which I bring down the following figure of the dividend, and have 35 for my third dividual; then I fay, How often 7 in 35? Anf 5 times; which 5 being placed in the quotient, I multiply and fubtract, and o remains; fo the quotient is 1 25. (0) By reviewing the fteps of the preceding operation, and reducing, by Axiom VI. the dividuals and quotient- figures Chap. V. 93 DIVISION. * figures to their feparate values, the reafon of the rules. will be obvious; for, The ſeparate value of the first dividual 8 is 800; and the fe. parate value of 1, the first figure put in the quot, is 100; for as 8 contains 7, the divifor, 1 time, fo 800 contains it 100 times, and 100 re. mains; to which I bring down the fol lowing figure of the dividend 7, whoſe ſe- 7)875(100) ftdividual 800 20 partial quots. 700 5J rem. 100 125 total quot. add 70 2d dividual 170 I 40 rem. 30 add 5 parate value is 70; 3d dividual 35 and my ſecond divi- dual is 170; and as 7 is contained 2 times in 17, fo it is con- 35 (0) tained 20 times in 170, and 30 remains; to which I bring down the next or laft figure of the dividend 5; and my third dividual is 35, in which the diviſor 7 is contained 5 times. Now it is evident, that the fum of the partial quots, 125, is the total quot, or a number ex- preffing how often the dividend 875 contains the divi- for 7. From the above example we may learn, that there are always juſt fo many figures in the quotient as there -are dividuals; or the first dividual, with the number of fubfequent figures in the dividend, is equal to the number of places or figures in the quotient. Hence likewife may be inferred, that no divifor is contained in any dividual oftener than 9 times; for the dividual, excluding the right-hand figure, is always lefs than the divifor by 1 at leaft; and if both be multiplied. by 10, or have a cipher annexed to each of them, the product of the dividual will be less than the product of the divifor by 10 at leaft; but no right-hand figure can ſupply 94 Chap. V. DIVISION. i fupply this defect of 10; therefore the divifor is not contained 10 times in any dividual, and conſequently not oftener than 9 times. Here too obferve, that the right-hand figure of the firſt dividual, and all the fubfequent figures of the dividend, have a point or dot fet below them, as they are brought down; which is done to prevent miftakes, by diftinguiſh- ing them, in this manner, from the figures not yet brought down. EXAMPLE II. Here, becauſe 8 is not contained in 5, I point off 56 as my first dividual, and fay, How often 8 in 56? Anf. 7; which I put in the quo tient; then multi- ply 7 into the divifor 8, and fubtract the product 56 from the dividual; and as no- thing remains, I 8) 56032897 (70041121 num. 56 ·032 32 •8 8 '9 8 bring down the next figure of the divi- 17 dend, which hap- 16 pens to be a cipher; and as I cannot に ​have 8 in o, I put 8 denom, (1) o in the quotient; and, as multiplying and ſubtracting is in this cafe needlefs, I bring down the next figure of the dividend 3; and as I cannot have 8 in 3, 1 put another o in the quotient, and bring down the next fi gure of the dividend 2: then I fay, How often 8 in 32 ? Anf. 4; which I put in the quotient: then I multiply and fubtract; and as nothing remains, I bring down the next figure of the dividend 8, and fay, How often 8 in Chap. V. 95 DIVISION. in 8? Anf. 1; which I put in the quotient: then I mul- tiply and ſubtract; and as nothing remains, I bring down the next figure of the dividend 9, and fay, How often 8 in 9? Anf. 1; which I put in the quotient: then I mul tiply and ſubtract; and to the remainder 1 I bring down the next and laft figure of the dividend 7, and fay, How often 8 in 17? Anf. 2; which I put in the quotient = then I multiply and fubtract, and remains. To complete the quotient, I draw a line on the right hand, and ſet the remainder above the line, and the di- vifor 8 below it, fignifying that remains to be divided by 8; or this part of the quotient may be confidered as a fraction, whofe numerator is 1, and its denominator 8; and the quotient thus completed fhews, that the di vidend contains the divifor 70041 1 2 times, and one eighth part of a time. Here obferve, that not only the laft remainder, but every other remainder, muſt be leſs than the divifor; for if it be either greater or equal, the divifor might have been oftener got, and the quotient-figure is too little. And ſhould any one in this cafe attempt to continue the operation, the quotient figures would all be g's, the di- viduals would prove inexhauftible, and the remainders would conftantly increaſe. Hence alto learn, that if any dividual happen to be leſs than the divifor, you must put o in the quotient, and bring down the next figure of the dividend; and if it be fill lefs than the divifor, you must put another o in the quotient, and bring down the following figure of the di vidend, &c. EX. 96 Chap. V. DIVISION. ་ EXAMPLE III. Here the divifor confifts of 36) 789426 (2192838 72 69 36 334 324 102 72 306 288 (18) two figures; and becauſe it is contained in the two left- hand figures of the dividend. 78, I point them off as my firſt dividual; and fay, How often 3 in 7? Anſ. 2, and 1 remains, which I placed, or conceived as placed, on the left hand of the following fi- gure 8, makes 18 : then I ſay, Can I have the following fi- gure of the divifor 6 alfo 2 times in 18? Anf Yes; con- ſequently I get 36 the divifor 2 times in 78 the dividual; wherefore I put 2 in the quo- tient, and multiply that 2 in- to the divifor 36, and the product 72 I ſubtract from the dividual 78; and to the remainder 6 I bring down the following figure of the dividend 9, for a new divi- dual: then I ſay, How often 3 in 6? Anf. 2, and o re- mains; again I fay, Can I have 6 alfo 2 times in 9? Anf. No; therefore I can have 36 in 69 only 1 time, which I I put in the quotient: then I multiply and fubtract as before; and to the remainder 33 1 bring down the next figure 4 for a new dividual: then, becauſe the di- vidual confiſts of a figure more than the divifor, I ſay, How often the firſt figure of the diviſor 3 in the firſt two figures of the dividual 33? Anf. 9, and 6 remains ; which 6 placed on the left hand of the following figure 4 makes 64: again I fay, Can I have 6 alſo 9 times in 64? Anf. Yes; confequently 36 can be had 9 times in 334; wherefore I put 9 in the quotient: then I multi- ply and fubtract; and to the remainder 10 I bring down the next figure 2 for a new dividual: here like wife, be. cauſe the dividual has a figure more than the divifor, I fay, How often 3 in 10? Anf. 3, and 1 remains; which I Chap. V. 97 DIVISION. I placed on the left hand of the following figure 2 makes 12: again I ſay, Can I have 6 alfo 3 times in 12 ? Anf. No; confequently 36 cannot be had 3 times in 102; wherefore I try if I can have it 2 times; faying, 2 times 3 is 6 from 10, and 4 remains; which 4 placed on the left hand of the next figure 2 makes 42: and I again fay, Can I have 6 alfo 2 times in 42? Anf. Yes; con- fequently 6 can be had 2 times in 102; accordingly I put 2 in the quotient, multiply and fubtract; and to the remainder 30 I bring down the next and laſt figure of the dividend 6, for a new dividual: then, because the divi dual has a figure more than the divifor, I fay, How often 3 in 20? An 9. and 3 remains; which 3 placed on the left hand of the following figure 6 makes 36: and I again fay, Can I have 6 alfo 9 times in 36? Anf. No; confequently 36 cannot be had 9 times in 306; therefore I try if it can be had 8 times, faying, 8 times 3 is 24 from 30, and 6 remains; which 6 placed on the left hand of the following figure 6 inakes 66: I again fay, Can I have ó alſo 8 times in 66? Anf. Yes; confe- quently 36 can be had 3 times in 306; wherefore I put 8 in the quotient, and multiply and fubtract as before: the laſt remainder 18 is the numerator of a fra&ion, and the divifor its denominator, to be annexed to the inte gral part of the quotient; as was taught in the former example. The preceding operation points out the manner of procedure when the divifor confifts of more figures than one, viz. you muſt take the firſt figure of the divifor out of the first figure of the dividual, or out of the firſt two figures of the dividual in cafe the dividual have a figure. more than the divifor : then imagine the remainder to be prefixed to the next figure of the dividual, and try if you can have the ſecond figure of the divifor as often out of this number; if you can, imagine again the remainder to be prefixed to the following figure of the dividual, and try if you can have the third figure of the divifor as often out of this number, &c.; but if you find you can- not have fome fubfequent figure of the divifor fo often as you took the first, you muſt go back, and take the firft N 98 Chap. V. DIVISION. first figure of the divifor 1 time lefs, or fome number of times lefs, out of the firſt, or out of the firſt two figures of the dividual: then proceed as before, repeating the trial, till you find you can have the fecond, and all the fubfequent figures of the divifor, as often as you took the firft. But here obſerve, that if, in trying how often the di- vifor can be had in the dividual, either 9, or a number greater than 9, any where remain, you may conclude, without further trial, that all the fubfequent figures of the divifor can be had as often as you took the firſt; as may be thus demonftrated. Suppoſe the fubfequent figures of the divifor to be the higheſt poffible, that is, all g's, and the following fi gures of the dividual the loweft poffible, that is, all o's; again, imagine the remainder 9 prefixed to the follow. ing figure of the dividual o, and it will make yo; now it is plain, that the fubfequent figure of the divifor 9 can be had in 90, the highest number of times poffible, viz. 9 times, and 9 will remain; which prefixed to the next figure of the dividual o, makes 90, in which the ſubſe- quent figure of the divifor 9 can again be had 9 times, and 9 will remain as before; therefore all the fubfequent figures of the divifor can be had as often as you took the first; and if they can be had in this cafe, much more can they be had when a number greater than 9 remains. EXAMPLE IV. Let it be required to divide 170948 I. among 234 men. Here Chap. V. 99 DIVISION. Here the divifor confifts of I 1638 714 702 128 rem. 20 234)2560(10 s. 234' 220 rem. I 2 440 220 three places; and becauſe it is 234)170948(730L not contained in the three left- hand figures of the dividend, I point off 1709 as my first divi- dual, and fay, How often 2 in 17? Anf. 8, and remains; which 1, placed on the left of the following figure o, makes 10: then I ſay, Can I have the following figure of the divifor 3 alfo 8 times in 10? Anf. No;, confequently 234 cannot be had 8 times in 1709; wherefore I try if I can have it 7 times, faying, 7 times 2 is 14, from 17, and 3 remains; which 3, placed on the left of the follow- ing figure o, makes 30; I fay again, Can I have the following figure of the divifor 3 alfo 7 times in 30? Anf. Yes; and becauſe 9 remains, I conclude, without further trial, that the divifor 234 may be had 7 times in the dividual 1709; fo I put 7 in the quotient, multiply and fubtract, and to the remainder 71 I bring down the following figure of the dividend 4 for a new dividual; and becauſe this dividual confifts of the fame number of places as the diviſor, I fay, How often 2 in 7? Anf 3, and 1 remains; which 1, pla- I 234)2640(11 d. 234° 300 234 66 rem. 4 234)264(120 f. 234 (30) ced on the left of the following figure 1, makes 11 then I ſay again, Can I have 3 alfo 3 times in 11? Anf. Yes, and 2 remains; which 2, placed on the left of N 2 the 100. Chap. V. DIVISION. the following figure 4, makes 24; then I fay aga'n, Can I have the third figure of the divifor 4 alfo 3 times in 24? Anf. Yes; and confequently 234 can be had 3 times in 714; wherefore I put in the quotient, multi- ply and fubtract, and to the remainder 12 I bring down the next and laft figure of the dividend 8 for a new di- vidual; but as the divifor cannot be had in this dividual, I put o in the quotient, and the dividual 128 becomes the last remainder. 128 234 Here, instead of annexing the fraction to the inte- gral part of the quotient, I multiply the 128 1. which remains to be divided among 234 men, by 20, the num- ber of fhillings in a pound, and the product 2560 is fhil- lings, which I divide by 234, and the quotient gives Io s. to each man; the remainder 220 s. I multiply by 12, the number of pence in a hilling, and the product 2640 is pence, which I divide by 234, and the quotient gives 11 d. to each man; the remainder 66 pence I multiply by 4, the number of farthings in a penny, and the product 264 is farthings, which I divide by 234, and the quotient gives to each man 1 farthing, and 234 of a farthing: ſo each man's fhare is L. 730:10: II 12330 f. 1 EXAMPLE V. If 34168062 C. of goods be divided into 4875 equal lots, what will be the weight of each lot? ! Here } Chap. V. JOI DIVISION. t 34125 43062 39000 4002 rem, 4 4875)16248( 3 Q 14625 Here the divifor confifts of 4875)34168062)7008 C. four places; and becauſe it is not contained in the four left-hand figures of the divi- dend, I point off 34168 as my firft dividual, and fay, How often 4 in 34? Anf-8, and 2 remains; which 2 placed on the left of the following figure 1, makes 21: then I ſay, Can I have the following figure of the divifor 8 alfo 8 times in 21? Anf. No; confequently 4875 cannot be had 8 times in 34168; wherefore I try if I can have it 7 times, faying, 7 times 4 is 28, from 34, and 6 remains; which 6, placed on the left of the following figure 1, makes 61: then I ſay again, Can I have the fol- lowing figure of the divifor 8 alſo 7 times in 61? Anf. Yes; and 5 remains; which 5, pla- 1623 rem. 28 I 2984 3246 4875)45444(1892lb. 43875 (1569) rem. 5 ced on the left of the following figure 6, makes 56: then I fay, Can I have the third figure of the divifor 7 al- fo 7 times in 56? Anf. Yes, and 7 remains; which 7, placed on the left of the following figure 8, makes 78: then I fay, Can I have the fourth figure of the divifor alfo 7 times in 78? Anf. Yes; confequently 4875 can be had 7 times in 34165; wherefore I put 7 in the quo- tient, multiply and fubtract, and to the remainder 43 I bring down the next figure of the dividend o for a new dividual; and as I cannot have the divifor 4875 in this dividual 430, I put o in the quotient, and bring down the next figure of the dividend 6; but as the divifer 4875 is ſtill greater than the dividual 4306, I put ano- thero in the quotient, and bring down the next and laſt figure of the dividend 2; and as the dividual now con fifts of five places, and the divifor but of four, I ſay, How 102 Chap. V. DIVISION. } How often 4 in 43? Anf. 9, and 7 remains; which 7, placed on the left of the following figure o, makes 70; I fay again, Can I have the following figure of the divifor 8 alfo 9 times in 70? Anf No; confequently 4875 can- not be had times in 43062; wherefore I try if I can have it 8 times, faying, 8 times 4 is 32, which, fub- tracted from 43, leaves a remainder above 9; therefore I conclude, without further trial, that the divifor can be had 8 times in the dividual; accordingly I put 8 in the quotient, multiply and ſubtract, and the laſt remain- der is 4062. 4875 Here, as in the former example. inftead of annexing the fraction 499 to the integral part of the quotient, I 4062 multiply the 4062 C. which remains, by 4, the number of quarters in a C. and the product 16248 is quarters; which I divide by 4875, and the quotient gives 3 Q. to each lot the remainder, viz. 1023 Q1 multiply by 28, the number of pounds in a quarter, and the product 45444 is pounds; which I divide by 4875, and the quo tient gives to each lot 9 pounds and 12 of a pound: fo the weight of each lot is 7008 C. 3 Q 9492 lb. EXAMPLE If, as in the margin, a cipher, 4875 VI. 648 1569 or ciphers, poffefs the right 6480)89678|2(1382542 hand of the divifor,cut them off, and cut off, as many figures, viz. in this example, the figure 2 from the right hand of the dividend; then divide the re maining figures of the divi- dend, viz. 89678, by the re- maining figures of the divifor, viz. 648, and you have the integral part of the quotient; but to the remainder 254 an- 2487 1944 5438 5184 (2542) nex the figure cut off from the dividend, and you have 2542 for the numerator of your fraction, and the whole divifor 6480 is the denominator. The reaſon will appear obvious by working a queſtion ! in Chap. V. 103 DIVISION. in this manner, and alfo at full length, without cutting off the cipher or ciphers, and then comparing the two operations. EXAMPLE VII.. 96 180 If, as in the margin, the fi. 4800)9780|00(20338 gures cut off from the right hand of the dividend, happen to be all ciphers; in this cafe, the laft remainder, without regard. ing the ciphers cut off, is the numerator of your fraction, and the fignificant figures of the di- vifor the denominator. The rea fon is affigned in the doctrine of fractions. 144 (36) In like manner, if there be cut off from the dividend any number of fignificant figures, with a cipher or ci- phers on their right hand; in this cafe, the laft remainder, with the fignificant figures cut off, make the numerator of your fraction; and the fignificant figures of the di- vifor, with as many ciphers as the number of fignificant figures cut off from the dividend, make the deno- minator. Thus, if, in the above example, the figures cut off from the dividend had been 50, the numerator of your fraction would have been 365, and the denomi nator 480. MORE 68)4768943( 397)8020094( 1679)9437856( EXAMPLE S. 740)638007935( 89000)5765432000( 2530000) 3250+387+100( Contractions, and fimple ways of working Divifion of Integers. 1. To divide any number by 10, 100, 1000, &c. you have only to point off for a remainder as many fi- gures on the right hand of the dividend as the divifor has ciphers, and the other figures on the left of the point or feparatrix are the quotient. Thus, 7489634 divided by 10, 100, 1000, &c. ftands as follows. Quot. 104 Chap. V. DIVISION. Quot. rem. 10)748963.4 100)7-896 34 1000)7489.634 10000)748.9634 2. If the figures of the divifor are all 9's, or all ex- cept the units figure, as 9, 99, 999, 98, 997, 9996, &c. work as follows. Find a new divifor, by annexing to unity as many ci- phers as there are figures in the given divifor, fubtract the given from the new divifor, and the remainder or difference is the complement. Divide the given dividend by the new diviſor, viz point off fo many figures on the right hand as there are ciphers in the faid divifor; the figures thus pointed off are to be efteemed a remainder, and the other figures on the left hand are to be accounted a quotient; then multiply this quotient by the comple ment, placing the units of the product under the units of the former remainder; again, divide this product by the new divifor, by pointing off from the right hand the fame number of figures as in the former remainder, and the fi gures to the left are to be eſteemed another quotient; which quotient you are again to multiply by the comple ment, and divide as before. And in this manner proceed till the last quotient is nothing; then add as in addition. of integers, obferving the carriage from the left-hand co- lumn of the remainders; to the remainders add the pro- duct of the faid carriage and complement, and the fum. is the total remainder; and the fum of the ſeveral quo- tients is the total quotient required. EXAMPLE Divide 74698 by 98. New divifor 100 Given divifor yo I. ICO)746.98 14.92=746×2 .28=14×2 Complement 2 Tot. quot. 762.18+4=22 tot. rem. Carriage 2x2 complement 4 } EX. Chap. V. 105 DIVISION. EXPLICATIO N. Firſt, to unity I annex two ciphers, becauſe the given divifor conſiſts of two figures, and fo the new diviſor is 100; from which I fubtract the given divifor 98, and there remains 2 for the complement. Next, I divide the given dividend by the new divifor, viz. I point off 98, the two figures next the right hand, for the first remainder; and the figures on the left, name- ly, 746, is the firſt quotient. Then I multiply the faid firft quotient 746 by the com. plement 2; and by the new divifor I divide the pro- duct 1492, viz. I point off 92 for the fecond remain- der, and 14 is the ſecond quotient. Again, I multiply the fecond quotient 14 by the com- plement 2, and the product 28, divided by ico, gives 28 for the third remainder, but nothing to the quo tient. Then I add the feveral remainders and quotients, and find the total quotient amounts to 762, and the remain- ders to 18. Laftly, I multiply 2, the carriage from the left-hand column of the remainders, by the complement 2; and the product 4 I add to the remainders 18, and the fum 22 is the total remainder. EXAMPLE II. Divide 849675321 by 994. New divifor 1000 Given divifor 994 Complément 6 1000) 849675.321 5098.050849675 × 6 30.5885098 × 6 .180 = 30 × 6 Total quot. 854804.139 +6 145 tot. rem, Carriage 1 x 6 Complement О 6. The } Chap. V. 106 DIVISION The fum of the remainders by itſelf, or with the pro- duct of the complement and carriage, may fometimes happen to be equal to or greater than the given diviſor; in which cafe their difference is the true remainder; and you muſt add to the fum of the quotients; as in the following EXAMPLE III. Divide 4769649 by 997. New divifor 1000 Given divifor 997 Complement 3 1000) 4769.649 14.3074769 × 3 42= 14 X 3 4783.998 fum of rem. 1.997 given diviſor, Tot. quot. 4784- I true rem. Carriage o× 3 Comp=0 When the given divifor is all y's, as y, 99, 999, 9999, &c. the complement in this cafe being 1, you have only to transfer the feveral quotients toward the right hand; as in the following EXAMPLE IV. Divide 4379806425 by 9999. New divifor 10000 Given divifor 9999 Complement 10000) 437980.6425 43.7980 43 I Quot. 438024-4448 + 1 = 4449 tot. rem. Carriage Comp., to be added to the ſum of the remainders. The reaſon of the preceding operations is obvious. For the quotient of any number divided by 100, is found by pointing off the two figures next the right hand. Thus, ; Chap. V. 107 DIVISION. : Thus, 47856100, is 478.56, viz. 478 is the quo- tient, and 56 the remainder. But 478 x 99 wants 478 of 478 × 100; wherefore the number 478 on the left of the feparatrix is to be confidered not only as a partial quotient, but as the difference betwixt the forefaid two products which difference, being again divided by 100, ſtands thus, 4.78; but 4 × 99 wants 4 of 4 × 100; where. fore this 4 muft be added to the remainders, Again, the carriage from the remainders not only denotes the number of hundreds carried from them to the partial quotients, but alſo the excefs above the 99's carried thi ther; wherefore this exceſs muſt be added to the remain- der, in order to complete it. Hence, if the divifor be 98, every difference, as well as the carriage, muſt be doubled; and if the divifor be 97, every difference, as well as the carriage, muſt be tripled, &c. that is, multiplied by the complement; and if the laſt remainder be equal to or exceed the given di- viſor, I must be carried from it to the quotient. For the like reafon, if the left-hand figure of the di- vifor be any digit under 9, and the other figures all '9's, as 79, 899, 6999, de yoù may work as follows. Add unity to the given divifor, and the fum is the new divifor; by which divide the dividend and the ſeveral quotients fucceffively, till nothing remain; then add the remainders and quotients, obferving to carry from the remainders the quotient arifing from the fum of their left-hand column, divided by the left-hand figure of the new divifor. Here obſerve, that the left-hand column of the remainders is that which has as many figures or places on its right hand as the new divifor has ciphers. EXAMPLE Divide 47983756 by 599. I. New divifor 600, Complement 1 600) 479837.56 79972.556 133.172799726co 133 = 133 600 133600 Quotient 80106.261+1=262 tot. rem. Carriage 1x1 Comp. I O 3 Here 108 Chap. V. DIVISION. Here the fum of the left-hand column of the remain- ders is 8; which divided by 6, the left-hand figure of the divifor, gives of carriage, and 2 of a remainder ; and the carriage 1 x I comp. gives i to be added to the fam of the remainders. EXAMPLE II. Divide 1936820 by 3999. 4000) 1936. 820 484. 820 • 484 Quotient 484.1304 tot. rem. Carriage ox I Complemento 3. When the divifor is a fingle digit, or when it may be reduced to a digit by cutting off ciphers, the opera- tion may be performed mentally; and in this cafe it is convenient to ſet the quotient under the dividend, ſo as its left-hand figure may ftand under the right-hand figure of the firſt dividual; and the remainder may be ſubjoin- ed by way of fraction to the quotient; as in the follow- ing examples. Ex. 1. 2) 568 284 quot. Ex. 4. 4)672 168 quot. Ex. 7. Ex. 3. Ex. 2. 3)693 8) 336 231 quot. 42 quot. Ex. 5. 2) 1783 Ex. 6. 5) 4963 Ex. 8. 8yquot. 185 quot. 131% quot. 9923 quot. Ex. 9. 700) 26945 38 345 quot. 2|0)37815 40)5317 This Chap. V. 109 DIVISION. This method may alſo be profitably uſed, when the divifor is 11 or 12, or when it is 11 or 12 with a cipher or ciphers annexed. Ex. I. 11),561 Ex. 2. I 1)878 Ex. 3. 12) 288 51 quot. 79& quot. 24 quot. Ex. 4. Ex. 5. 12) 342 110)748|3 Ex. 6. 1200)45|78 978 2812 quot. 68 T quot. 3120 quot. 3 ΙΙ 4. When the divifor is the product of two or more factors, or component parts, the given dividend may be divided by one of theſe factors, the quotient by an- other, the fecond quotient by a third, &c. till you have divided by every factor; the laft quotient is the anfwer. EXAMPLE I. Divide 409248 by 84. Becauſe the divifor 84 may be conſidered as the product of 3 × 4 × 7, I firſt divide 409248 by 3; and the quotient 136416 I divide by 4; and the fecond quo- tient 34 04 I divide by 7; and the laft quotient 4872 is the anſwer. Or, 3)409248 | 12 x 784 and therefore 4)136416| 12)409248 7) 34104 4872 4872 7) 34104 If there be a remainder in each or any of the divifions, the total remainder is found by fubtracting the product of the given divifor and laft quotient from the given di- vidend. Or rather let it be obtained thus: Multiply the laſt remainder into all the preceding divifors continually, adding the feveral remainders to the products of the divi- fors to which they belong; and the laft product is the to- tal remainder. EX- + Chap. V. 110 DIVISION. EXAMPLE II. Divide 234786 by 168. 4)234786 Rem. 7) 58696 2 Here the factors, or compo- nent parts of the divifor, may be 4×7 × 6; fo I divide firft by 4, and 2 remains; then I divide by 7, and I remains; laſtly I di- 6) 8385 vide by 6, and 3 remains. 3 I 3 1397 Total rem. 90 Complete 1397188 quotient Now, to find the total remainder, I multiply the laft remainder 3 into the immediately preceding divifor 7; and to the product 21 I add 1, the remainder belong- ing to that divifor; and the fum 22 I multiply by the firſt divifor 4; and to the product 88 I add the firſt remain- der 2; and the fum go is the total remainder. So the complete quotient is 1397. The reafon of collecting the total remainder in this manner is obvious. For the laft quotient multiplied back continually into the feveral divifors, (that is, into the component parts of the given divifor), produces the gi- ven dividend, leffened by or wanting the total remain. der. And in like manner, the last remainder multi- plied back into all the divifors prior to it (taking in the particular remainders that occur in the feveral diviſions) will produce or make up the total remainder. EXAMPLE III. Divide 7427 by 24. Here the component parts of the divifor are 3 × 4 × 2; and as nothing remains in the laſt divifion, the total remainder is found by multiplying 3, the laft remainder, into 3, the preceding divifor, and to 9, the product, adding 2, the remainder of the firſt diviſion. 2) 618 3)7427 Rem. 4)2475 2 3 II quotient. } 30 309/11 Quot. 309 Total rem. Complete I I EX. Chap. V. III DIVISION. EXAMPLE IV. Divide 2061 2 by 56. Here the component parts of the divifor are 7 x 8; and as 4 in the first divifion happens to be the laft and only remainder, there is no prior divifor into which it can be multi- plied; fo this is the total remain- + der. A 7)20612 Rem. 8) 2944 4 368 Tot. rem. 4 Complete 368-% } quotient. EXAMPLE V. 6)7842 Divide 7842 by 42. Here the component parts of the divifor are 6×7; and as 5, the on- ly remainder, is in the laft divifion, the total remainder is found by multiplying it into the preceding divifor 6, and ſo the fraction is 22. 3 7)1307 Rem. 186 5 Tot. rem. 30 Complete 1863% quotient or, 1865 Or rather, when the only remainder happens in the laft divifion, make it the numerator, and the laſt di- vifor the denominator; and fo the fraction here will be, which is equal in value to 22; as will appear in the doctrine of vulgar fractions. If the given divifor confift of any figure repeated, as 222, 333, 444, 5555, &c. the component parts may be 111 × 2, 111 × 3, 111 × 4, &c. EXAMPLE VI, Divide 78943 by 444. Here : 1 1 T12 DIVISION. Nere the compo- nent parts of the divi- for are 111 × 4; and the total remainder is 4) 111)78943(7 11 777 made up as formerly, viz. 3×111 = 333, and 333+22=355• 124 I I I Rem. 177 3 Total rem. Chap. V. 355 355 Complete 177144 } quotient 133 III Rem. 22 5. In divifion the operation may frequently be render. ed more fimple, if you divide both divifor and dividend by any number, or numbers, that will divide both with- out any remainder; and when by this method you can bring them no lower, divide the remaining dividend by the remaining divifor. EXAMPLE I. Divide 1692 by 468. Here I divide 1692 | 846 | 423 141 47 (31 468234 117 39 13 both divifor and di- vidend twice by 2, and again twice by 3; and as I cannot proceed in this manner any further, without a remainder, I divide the remaining dividend 47 by the remaining divifor 1, and the quotient is 3. 8 If, by this kind of procedure, the divifor at laſt dwin- dle to unity, the laſt dividend is the quotient. EXAMPLE II. Divide 7896 by 84. 7896 | 3948 | 1974 | 658 | 94 Here I divide twice by 2, then by 3, and next by 84 42 21 7 I 7; and as the di- vifor is now reduced to unity, the dividend 94 becomes the quotient. t This Chap. V. 113 DIVISION. This method may likewife be uſed when the dividend, or divifor, or both, are continual products, expreffed by the fign of multiplication betwixt the factors. Only ob ferve, that in this cafe the like number of factors above and below muſt be divided by the common divifor; and if any factor occur both in the divifor and dividend, it may be daſhed in both. EXAMPLE III. Divide 12× 36 by 18. In the first step I di. vide 18 and 12 by 6; in the next I divide 12×36 2 × 36 2 x 12 I 2 24 18 3 I I and 36 by 3; then I mul- tiply 2 into 12, and the divifor being reduced to unity, the product 24 is the quotient. EXAMPLE IV. Divide 8 × 72 × 48 by 4×24x72. Here I first 8 × 72 × 48 8 × 48 2 x 12 | 24 4 daſh the factor 72, both in the divifor and di. 4 × 24 × 7 2 4 × 24 1 × 6 6 I vidend; then I divide the two remaining factors, both above and below, by 4; and proceed to multiply 1 into 6, and 2 into 12, &c. EXAMPLE V. Divide 5 × 49 × 3 × 17 by 17 × 3 × 5 × 35. X X X 5× 49 × 3 × 17 49 7 Here I dash the factors 17× 3 × 5, both in the divifor and dividend; and then divide by 7, &c. 17 × 3 × 5 × 35 | 35 5 6. In computations or calculations that require the frequent use of the fame divilor, the operation may be rendered more eafy and expeditious, by making a table P of 114 Chap. V. DIVISION. of the products of the divifor into all the nine digits; for then you have the quotient-figures, and their products, into the divifor, by inſpection. EXAMPLE. Divide 47896845 by 748. 748)47896845(64033 4488 TABLE. { J 748 3016 2 1496 2992 32244 2484 4 2002 2244 5 3749 6.4488 75236 2405 85984 2244 9' 6732 (161) Select methods of dividing Integers. The method of dividing integers hitherto explained is generally uſed, as being the plaineft and beft; but yet a great many other methods are practifed; the chief of which I fhall here explain, by working a fingle example fix dif ferent ways. 1. Here the products of the quo. tient figures into the divifor are not ſet down, but fubu acted mentally from the dividuals. " 34)72685(2137 46 128 265 (27) 2. Here Chap. V. 115 DIVISION. 2. Here the quotient is placed above the dividend, and the remain. ders only are fet down; which with the fubfequent figures of the dividend make up the feveral divi- duals. 3. Here the quotient is placed below the dividend, and the feve. ral remainders are fet above it. 2137 quotient. 34)72685 dividend. 4 12 26 (27) 12(2 426(7 34)7268; dividend. 2137 quotient. 4. Here the products of the quo. tient-figures into the divifor are ſet below the dividend, and the feveral remainders above it. 12(2 426(7 34)72685(2137 68 34 5. Here too the products of the quotient-figures into the divifor are pla- ced under the dividend, and they, as well as the dividuals, are daſhed or cancelled as you fubtract; which helps. to prevent confuſion or miſtakes in the operation. 6. Here the divifor is repeated under the dividend; you multiply and fubtract at once, and cancel as before. 102 238 x7/(2 426(7 34)71685(2137 88478 303 x 2 (2 420(7 170 (2137 34444 II. Divifion of the Parts of Integers. Here there are three cafes. 333 1. If the divifor be a digit, by it divide the integers of the dividend, reduce the remainder to the parts of the next inferior denomination, and add it, when thus reduced, to the faid parts; then divide the fum, redu- P 2 cing 716 Chap. V. DIVISION. cing and adding the remainder to the parts of the fol lowing denomination, &c. Note. If the integral part of the dividend be lefs than the divifor, you must, in the first place, reduce it to the parts of the next denomination. EXAMPLE I. If L. 274 13 8 3 be equally divided among 8 men, what will each man's fhare be? L. s. d. f. 8)274 13 8 3 34 dividend. 68 23 quotient. Here I first divide the in- tegers L. 274 by 8, and the quotient is L. 34, and L. 2 remains; which reduced to the next denomination makes 40 fhillings; and theſe added to 13 fhillings make 53 fhillings; which divided by 8 gives 6 fhillings to the quotient, and 5 fhillings re- mains; which 5 hillings reduced make 60 d. and 60 d. added to 8 d. make 68 d.; which divided by 8 gives 8 d. to the quotient, and 4 d. remains, &c. The operation may, if you pleaſe, be drawn out at large; as in the following EXAMPLE II. If C. 43 28 of tobacco be made up into 5 equal hhds, what will be the neat weight of each hhd? Here I divide the C. 4; by 5, and the quotient is C. 8, and C. 3 remains; which re- duced and added to the 2 Q makes 14 Q which I di- vide by 5, &c. C. Q. lb. Q: lb. C. l. 16. 2 8 (8 2 24 5)+3 2 5)43 40 3 rem. 4 14 10 4 rem. 28 120 ΙΟ 20 20 (0) 2. If Chap. V. 117 DIVISION. 2. If the divifor conſiſts of two or more figures, and be a compoſite number, reſolve it into its component parts, and divide the given dividend by one of theſe parts, the quotient by another, &c. and the laft quo- tient is the anſwer. - EXAMPLE I. If 54 pieces of cloth coft L. 526: 12: 5, what is that per piece? L. s. 6)526 12 d. f. rem. 5 9) 87 15 4 3 2 Anf.9 15 0 254 8 Here the component parts are 6x9, ſo I divide by 6, and the quotient by 9; and the laſt remainder 1 multiplied into the preceding divifor 6, produces 6; to which I add 2, the remainder belonging to that divi- fion, and the fum 8 is the total remainder; fo the fraction is 84. EXAMPLE II. If i C. or 112 lb of nutmegs be valued at L. 76, 18 s. 1 8 d. what is that that per lb? Here the component parts are 7×8×2, by which I divide continually, and make up the total remainder as before. L. S. d. f. rem. 7)76 18 8 8) o 19 9 2. 6 2) I 6 Anf. 13 8 3482 7 5 2 But if the divifor be not a compofite number, work as in the following EXAMPLE III. 73 perfons go equal fhares in an adventure, which coft L. 3648: 15: 4:2: What is each perfon's fhare? L. 118 Chap. V. DIVISION. L. 73)3648 S. d. f. L. s. d. f. 15 4 2 (49 19 7 35 292 1420 576 276 I 728 1435 580 278 657 73' 511 219 71 rem. 705 69 rem. (59) 20 657 1420 S. 4 48 rem. 276 f. 12 96 48 576 d. 3. If the divifor confift of integers and parts, reduce both divifor and dividend to the fame denomination, and then proceed as in divifion of integers. EXAMPLE I. A nobleman diſtributes among ſome poor people L. 20, 5 s.; each perfon got 7 s. 6 d.: What was the number of the poor? s. d. L. S. 12 20 Here I reduce both the divi- for and the dividend to the 7 6 20 5 fame denomination, viz pence, then I divide, and the quotient 54 is the number of poor peo- 90 d. ple, or it is a number denoting how often go d. is contained in 48 60 d. 1 18 405 12 1 810 405 9/0)486|0( Anf. 54 perfons E X- Chap. V. 119 DIVISI O N. (* EXAMPLE II. The content of a rectangular floor or pavement is 452 fquare feet, and 107 fquare inches; the breadth is 18 feet and 5 inches: What is the length? Here I reduce the di- vidend to ſquare inches, and the divifor to lineal inches; then I divide, and the quotient 295 is lineal inches, agreeable to the rules laid down in cross multiplication. F. in. fq.f. 18 5 452 107 I 2 144 36 1808 18 1808 452 221 in. Fin. 221)65195(295 24 7 442 2099 1989 1105 1105 More examples, in all the parts of divifion, may be had, by reverfing the examples of multiplication. III. The Proof of Divifion. Diviſion may be proved feveral ways, viz. by multi- plication, by divifion, and by cafting out the 9's. 1. By multiplication: Multiply the quotient by the diviſor, or the divifor by the quotient; and the product, with the remainder added to it, will be equal to the divi- dend Or take the products of the quotient-figures into the divifor, add them in the order they ſtand under the dividuals; and their fum, with the remainder, will be equal to the dividend. : 2. By divifion: Divide the difference of the dividend and remainder by the quotient, and your next quotient will 120 Chap. V. DIVISION. will be equal to your firſt divifor, without any remainder. But this method is tedious. 3. By cafting out the 9's: Caft the 9's out of the di- vifor and quotient, place the exceffes on the right and left fides of a crofs; then multiply theſe two figures in- to one another, and caft the 's out of their product; add the excess to the remainder; and, cafting out the 9's if need be, place the fum or excefs at the top of the croſs; then caft the 9's out of the dividend, and ſet the exceſs at the bottom. If the work be right, the fi gures at the top and bottom of the cross will agree, or be the fame. Theſe methods of proof are a proper exerciſe to the learner in ſchools; but, in buſineſs, the only proof uſed is a careful revifal of the operation. IV. Practical Questions. 1. What number, multiplied by 74308, will produce 28534272 exactly? Anf. 384 2. What number, divided by 87424, will quot 4783, and leave a remainder equal to a fourth part of the divifor? Anf. 418170848. 3. The fum of two numbers is 4940, the greater is 4572: What is the leffer, what their difference, what their product, and what the quotient of the greater di- vided by the leffer? Anf. 368. 4204. 1682496. 12158. 368 4. The remainder of a divifion is 649, the quotient 113, the divifor is the fum of both, and 24 more: What is the dividend? Anf 89467. 5. There are two numbers, the greater is 24840, which divided by the leffer quotes 72: What is the leſſer, what the difference of their iquares, what the fquare of their fum, and what the cube of their difference? 345. 616y06575. 634284225. 146,72 1067 375. 6. If L. 768 be divided equally among 6 men, what will each man's fhare be? Anf. L. 21: 6: 8. Anf. 7. What is the value of 1 yard of cloth, when 84 yards of the fame coſt L. 36: 13:;? Anf 8 s. 8 d. 3 f. 8. A privateer takes a prize to the value of L. 2851, 4 s.; of Chap. V. 121 كم DIVISION. ड्ड नू ( of which the captain gets, each of fix officers f the remainder, and the private men, being 45, in run- ber, get the reft equally divided among them: What is each man's fhare? "Captain's fhare Anf. Each officer's fhare Each private man's fhare s. d. L. 178 4 0 83 10 7 48 5 3 9. Suppofe a perfon in ten years fpends of his own L. 2346: 18: 6, and of contracted debts to the value of L. 132:7:8; what is his expence per year, per month, per week, per day? Per year Per month Anf. Per week ¡Per day L. s. d. f. 247 18 7 I 56 20 13 2 212 96 4 15 4 520 13 7383 84 10. The planet Mercury revolves round the fun in 88 days: How many revolutions will he perform in 17 years and 219 days? Anf. 73 revolutions. 11. How many bricks, 9 inches long and 4 inches broad, will floor a room that is 18 feet wide and 24 feet long? Anf. 1728 bricks. 12. A rectangular floor contains 919 fquare feet, 98 fquare inches, 108 fquare lines; and the length of it is 38 feet, 9 inches, 6 lines: What is the breadth? Anſ. 23 feet 8 inches 6 lines. 13. The content of a parallelopiped is 146 folid yards 1 folid foot and 1024 folid inches; the length of it is 27 feet 4 inches; and breadth 17 feet 8 inches: What is the thickneſs or depth? Anf. 8 feet 2 inches. Q CHAP, العمري } 122 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. R CHAP. VI. REDUCTION. EDUCTION teacheth how to bring a number of one name or denomination to another of the fame value; and is either defcending, afcending, or mixt. I. Reduction defcending brings a number of a higher denomination to a lower, when the lower is fome aliquot part of the higher; as pounds to fhillings, pence, or far- things; and is performed by multiplication. II. Reduction afcending brings a number of a lower denomination to a higher, when the lower is fome aliquot part of the higher; as fhillings, pence, or farthings, to pounds; and is performed by divifion. III. Mixt reduction brings a number of one denomi nation to another, when the one is no aliquot part of the other; as pounds to guineas; and requires the uſe of both multiplication and divifion. In treating of reduction I ſhall ſhow its application to money, and to the moſt uſual ſorts of weights and mea fures; in doing of which I fhall conjoin reduction de- fcending and afcending, the one ferving as a proof of the other; and fhall afterwards treat of mixt reduction by itſelf. In working reduction, of whatever kind, the follow- ing rule is to be obſerved, viz. Multiply or divide as the tables of coin, weights, and meaſures, direct. Reduction defcending and afcending. I. MONE Y. Queſt. 1. In L. 472 how many fhillings, pence, and farthings? This Chap. VI. 123 REDUCTIO N. } 472 pounds. 20 9440 fhillings. I 2 This reduction is deſcending, fo I multiply the pounds by 20, be- caufe 20 fhillings make 1 pound, and the product is fhillings: then I multiply the fhillings by 12, be- cauſe 1 2 pence make i fhilling, and the product is pence: laftly, I mul- tiply the pence by 4, becauſe 4 113280 pence. farthings make penny, and the 1888 944 product is farthings. 4 453120 farthings. Proof by Reduction afcending. In 4531 20 farthings how many pence, fhillings, and pounds? Here I divide the farthings by 4, becauſe 4 farthings make 1 penny, and the quotient is pence: then I divide the pence by 12, becauſe 12 pence make 1 fhilling, and the quotient is fhillings laftly, I divide the fhillings by 20, becauſe 20 : 4)453120 farthings. 12)113280 pence. 20)944 fhillings. 472 pounds. fhillings make 1 pound, and the quotient is pounds. Note 1. To reduce pounds to pence at one operation, multiply by 240, the number of pence in I pound. Note 2. To reduce pounds to farthings at one opera- tion, multiply by 960, the number of farthings in I pound. Note 3. To reduce fhillings to farthings at one ope- ration, multiply by 48, the number of farthings in 1 fhilling. I thall here reduce to farthings the L. 472 in Queſt. 1. by theſe notes. e 2 By 124 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. } By note 1. 472 pounds. 240 By note 2. 472 pounds. 960 1888 2832 944 4248 113280 pence. 4 453120 farthings. 453120 farthings. By note 3. 472 pounds. 20 9440 fhillings. 48 7552 3776- 453120 farthings. Note 4. To reduce perce to pounds at one operation, divide by 240, the pence in 1 pound. Note 5. To reduce farthings to pounds at one ope- ration, divide by 960, the farthings in 1 pound. Note 6 To reduce farthings to fhillings at one ope- ration, divide by 48, the farthings in 1 fhilling. Here follows the farthings of Queft. 1. reduced back to pounds by theſe notes. * By Chap. VI. 125 REDUCTION. By note 4. 4)453120 farthings. By note 5. 960)45312|0(472 L. 384. 24|0)1 1328|0 d. (472 L. 691 96 672 172 192 168 48 48 192 ∞ ∞ (0) (0) By note 6. 2/0) 48)453120(944|0 fhillings. 432 472 pounds. 2[1 192 192 192 (0) Queſt. 2. In 4386 pounds how many groats? 4386 pounds. 20 87720 fhillings. 3 groats in 1 fhilling. Anf. 263160 groats. Or pounds may be reduced to groats at one operation, if you multiply by 60, the number of groats in 1 pound. 4386 pounds. 60 Anf. 263160 groats. PROOF. 126 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. PROOF. In 263160 groats how many pounds? 3)263160 20)87720 Anf. L. 4386 Or thus. 6|0) 26316|0 Anf. L. 4386 Queſt. 3. In 7643 pounds how many three-pences? 7643 pounds. 20 152860 fhillings. 4 three-pences in 1 fhilling. Anf. 611440 three-pences. I Or pounds many be re- duced to three-pences at one operation, if you mul- 7643 pounds. 80 tiply by 80, the number of Anf. 611440 three-pences. three-pences in 1 pound. PROOF. In 611440 three-pences how many pounds? 4)611440 2|0)15286|0 Anf. L. 76+3 Or thus. 80)611440 Anf. L. 7643 Queſt. 4. In 48 guineas how many fhillings, pence, and farthings? 48 Chap. VI. 127 REDUCTION. 48 guineas. 21 the fhillings in 1 guinea. [*9 1008 fhillings. 12096 pence. 4 48384 farthings. PROO F. In 48384 farthings how many pence, fhillings, and guineas? 4)+8384 farthings. 12)12096 pence. 21)10c8 ſh. (48 guineas. 84 168 168 (0) Queſt. 5. In 853 pounds how many crowns, fhillings, groats, and pence? Pounds 853 4 crowns in pound. Crowns 3412 5 fhillings in I crown. Shillings 17060 3 groats in 1 fhilling. Groats 51180 4 pence in I groat. Pence 2047 20 PROOF. 128 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. PROOF. In 204720 pence how many groats, fhillings, crowns, and pounds? 4)204720 pence. 3)51180 groats. 5)17060 fhillings. 4)3412 crowns. 853 pounds. Queſt. 6. In L. 458:16:72 how many fhillings, pence, and farthings? L. s. d. 458 16 72 20 I take in the 16 s. Shillings 9176 12 I take in the 7 d. Pence 110119 4 I take in the 3 f. Farthings 440479 RROOF. In 440479 farthings how many pence, fhillings, and pounds? The remainders in reduction a ſcending are of the fame name or denomination with the dividends. Rem. 4)440479 3 f 12)110119 7 d. 20)9176 16s. L. 458 16 72 MORE * Chap. VI. REDUCTION. 129 MORE EXAMPLES. Queſt. 7. In L. 78342 how many groats and farthings? Quest. 8. In 69453 guineas how many fhillings, three- pences, pence, and farthings? Queſt. 9. In L.4568 2 how many crowns, half-crowns, fixpences, and farthings? Queſt. 10. In L. 57843: 19: 10ž how many shillings, pence, and halfpence? 2. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. Queſt. 1. In C. 47 : 1 : 20 how many ounces? Method 1. Method 2. C. Q: lb. C. Q. lb. 47 I 20 47 1 20 47 47 189 Q 47 2. 16. 28 48 lb. in 1 20 1512 5312 lb. 380 16 5312 lb. 31872 16 5312 31872 84992 oz. 5312 84992 oz. Method 3. G. Q: lb. 47 I 20 564 2. 16. 48 lb. in 1 20 5312 lb. 16 31872 5312 84992 oz. R In 130 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. In method 1. in multiplying the C. by 4, I take in the Q.; and in multiplying the Q. by 28, I take in the 20 lb. In method 2. the operation is the fame as multiplying the C. by 112. For 47 placed below 47, with units un- der units, is the fame as multiplying 47 by 2; and what follows is the multiplication of 47 by II. In method 3. I multiply the C. by 12; and the pro duct 564, being placed two figures to the right hand of 47, ftands fo, that being added, their fum will be equal to the product of 47 multiplied by 112. Or, the reaſon of the operation will ſtill appear plainer by confidering, that 47 C. is 4700 lb. and 47 times 12 lb. and there- fore to 4700 lb. I add 12 times 47. PROOF. In 84992 ounces how many lb. Q. and C. 28) 4) G. Q. lb. 16)84992 (5312 (189 (47 I 20 80... 28.. 16 49 251 29 48 224 28 19 272 (1) Q 16 252 32 (20) lb. 32 (0) MORE EXAMPLES. Quest. 2. In C. 485: 3: 24: 12 oz. how many Q. Ib. oz. and dr.? Quest. 3. In 764 tuns 15 C. 2 Q. 16 lb. how many C. Q. and lb. ? III. TROY Chap. VI. 131 REDUCTIO N. 1 3. TROY WEIGH T. Quest. 1. In 482 lb. 7 oz. 13 dw. 21 gr. how many ounces, penny-weights, and grains? lb. oz. dw. Gr. 482 7 7 13 21 12 5791 Ounces. 20 115833 penny-weights. 24 463333 231668 2780013 grains. PROOF. In 2780013 grains, how many penny-weights, oun ces, and pounds ? 2/0) 24)2780013 (115833 13 penny-weights. 24. 12)5791 7 ounces. 38 24 482 pounds. 140 120 200 192 81 lb. oz. dw. gr. 72 In all 482 7 13 21 93 72 Rem. (21) grains. R 2 MORE" 132 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. 1 MORE EXAMPLE S. Queſt. 2. In 7694 lb. 8 oz. how many grains? Queſt. 3. In 8546 lb. 10 oz. o dw. 18 gr. how many grains? 4. DRY MEASURE. Queſt. 1. In 48 loads 12 bufhels, how many bufhels, pecks, and gallons? Loads. Buſh. 12 48 40 1932 bufhels. 4 7728 pecks. 2 15456 gallons. PROOF. In 15456 gallons, how many pecks, bufhels, and loads ? MORE EXAMPLES. Quest. 2. In 74 bushels 2 pecks, how many pecks, gallons, and pottles? Queſt. 3. In 58 chalders 6 bolls 2 firlots, Scots mea- fure, how many bolls, firlots, and pecks? 5. WINE. MEASURE. Queſt. 1. In 72 hogfheads of wine, how many gallons, and pints? 72 Chap. VI. 133 REDUCTION. 72 hogsheads. 63 216 432 4536 gallons. 8 36288 pints. PROOF. In 36288 pints of wine, how many gallons and hogf. heads? MORE EXAMPLE S. Quest. 2. In 45 tuns of wine, how many gallons? Queſt. 3. In 354 tuns 1 hhd 42 gallons of wine, how many hogsheads, gallons, quarts, and pints? 6. BEER-MEASURE. Queſt. 1. In 54 butts of beer, how many hogsheads and gallons? 54 butts. 2 108 hhds. 54 432 540 5832 gallons. PROO F. In 5832 gallons of wine, how many hogfheads and butts? MORE 134 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. MORE EXAMPLES. Quest. 2. In 96 tuns of beer, how many hogfheads, gallons, and pints? Quefi. 3. In 25 hogfheads of beer, Scots meaſure, how many gallons, pints, and gills? 7. CLOTH.ME A SURE. Queſt. 1. In 34 yards 3 quarters, how many quarters and nails? rds. qrs. 34 3 4 139 quarters. A 556 nails. PROOF. In 556 nails, how many quarters and yards ? MORE EXAMPLES. Queſt. 2. In 38 ells Flemish and 2 quarters, how many quarters and nails? Queſt. 3. In 45 ells English and I quarter, how ma- ny quarters and nails? 8. LONG MEASURE, Quest. From London to York is 151 miles, how ma- ny furlongs, poles, half-yards, inches, and barley corns, will reach from the one city to the other? 151 Chap. VI. 735 REDUCTION I 151 miles. 8 1208 furlongs. 40 48320 poles. I I 4832 4832 531520 half-yards. 18 425216 53152 9567360 inches. 3 28702080 barley.corns. PROOF. In 28702080 barley-corns, how many inches, half- yards, poles, furlongs, and miles? MORE EXAMPLES. Quest., 2. In 876 miles, how many chains, poles, half-yards, and inches. Quest 3. In 950 Scots miles, how many furlongs, chains, feet, and inches? 9 LAND-ME A SURE Queft. i. In 75 acres, how many roods and poles? 75 acres, 4 * 300 roods. 40 1 2000 poles. Or thus. 75 acres. I 60 450 75 1 2000 poles. PROOF. 1-36 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. PROOF. In 12000 ſquare poles, how many roods and acres? MORE EXAMPLE S. Queſt. 2. In 84 acres 3 roods and 25 poles, how many roods and poles? Quest. 3. In 96 Scots acres, how many roods, falls, and ells? 10. TIME. Quest. 1. In 28 years 24 weeks 4 days 16 hours 30 minutes, how many minutes? Years. weeks. days. hours. minutes. 28 24 4 16 30 52 60 142 1480 weeks. 7 10364 days. 24 41462 20729 248752 hours. 60 14925150 minutes. PROOF. In 14925150 minutes, how many hours, days, weeks, and years? The above reduction allows only 364 days to the year; but if you incline to be accurate, find the hours in Chap. VI. 137 REDUCTION. + in 365 days 6 hours, a complete year, and then reduce as follows. Days. hours. Weeks. days. hours. min. 365 6 24 4 16 30 24 7 1466 172 days. 730 24 8766 hours in one year. 694 28 70128 17532 345 4144 hours. 245448 245448 h. in 28 years. 249592 hours in all. 60 14975550 minutes. PROO F. In 14975550 minutes, how many hours and years? MORE EXAMPLES. Quest. 2. How many hours and minutes from the creation to the birth of Chriſt, it being accounted 4004 years ? Quest. 3. How many hours and minutes from the birth of Chrift to the end of the year 1764? Mixt Reduction. In working mixt reduction obferve the following RULE. By reduction defcending bring the given name to fome fuch third name as is an aliquot part both of the name given and of the name fought, and then by reduction a- fcending bring the third name to the name fought. S Mixt 1 138 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. Mixt reduction, as well as reduction defcending and afcending, extends to money, and to things weighed, or meaſured, as follows. I. MONE Y. Quest. 1. In 764 1. how many guineas? Here the name given is pounds, the name fought is guineas, and the third name, to which the pounds are re- duced, is fhillings; for a fhilling is an aliquot part both of a pound and of a guinea. 21) 764 pounds. 20 15280 (727 guineas. 1 47 * * 58 42 160 I 47 (13) fhillings. PROOF. In 727 guineas 13 fhillings, how many pounds? Guineas. Thill. 727 21 ་༣ 730 1455 2|0) 1528|0 764 pounds. Queſt. 2. In 832 moidores, how many pounds Ster- ling? Here Chap. VI. 139 REDUCTION. FRA Here I reduce the moi- dores to fhillings, a fhil- ling being an aliquot part both of a moidóre and of a pound Sterling. l. 832 moidores. 27 fhill. in 1 moidore.. 5824 1664 I 2|0)2246|4 fhillings. 1123 L. Ster. PROOF. In 1123 1. 4 s. how many moidores? L. S. 1123 4 20 27)22464(832 moidores. 216.. 86 81 54 54 (0) ន ឌ Quelt. 140 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. Queſt. 3. In 968 1. how many merks? Method 1. 968 1. Method 2. 3 2) 2904 half-merks. 1452 merks. 1936 16|0)23232|0 (1452 merks. 16.. 72 968 1. 240 3872 64 83 80 32 32 (0) In method 1. I reduce the pounds to half-merks, a half-merk being an aliquot part both of a pound and of a merk. In method 2. I reduce the pounds to pence, and then divide by 160, the number of pence in 1 merk; but method 1. is the eaſier and ſhorter way. PROOF. Chap. VI. REDUCTION. 147 PROOF. In 1452 merks, how many pounds? 1452 merks. 2 3) 2904 half-merks. Or thus. 1452 merks. 160 8712 968 1. 1452 24|0)23232|0(968 L 216.. 163 144 192 192 (0) Queſt. 4. In 540 dollars, at 4 s. 4 d. per dollar, how many pounds Sterling? s. d. 4 4 Method 1. 540 dollars s. d. Method 2. 4.4 540 dollars. I 2 52 3 13 52 d. in 1 dol. 108 Groats 13in1 dol. 162 270 54 24|C)2808|0(117k 610)7020 24** 40 24 168 168 (0) 117 L 142 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. In method 1. I reduce the dollars to pence, and then divide by 240, the number of pence in I pound. In method 2. I reduce the dollars to groats, and then divide by 60, the number of groats in pound. PROOF. In 117 1. Sterling, how many dollars, at 4 s. 4 d. per .* dollar? 117 1. 240 468 Or thus. 1 17 1. 60 13) 7020(540 dollars. 65 52 52 (0) 234 52)28080(540 dollars. 200· 208 208 ; (0) Queſt. 5. In 47851. 13 s. how many pieces of 13 d. per piece? 13 d. 2 L. 4785 13 S. 20 27 half-pence. 95713 fhillings. 24 half-pence in I fhilling. 382852 191426 27)2 297112(85078 pieces of 131 d. 216· , 137 135 21L 189 222 216 1 Rem. (6) half-pence, or 3 d. PROOF. Chap. VI. 143 REDUCTION. PRO O F. 1 In 85078 pieces of 13 d. each, and 3 d. how many pounds? Pieces. d. 85078 3 27 170156 595552 20 24) 2297112 (9571|3 216. 137 I 20 s. L. 4785 13 S. 171 168 31 24 72 72 (0) Queſt. 144 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. Queſt. 6. In L. 872, how many pieces of 6 d. of 5 d. and of 4 d. of each an equal number? d. { 6 L. 872 5 4 Sum 15 pence. 240 3488 1744 15) 209280(13952 pieces of 6 d. of 15 * * * * 5 d. and 4 d. 59 45 142 135 78 75 30 30 (0) PROOF. In 13952 pieces of 6 d. of 5 d. of 4 d. of each an e, qual number, how many pounds? 240)20928|0(872 L. 13952 pieces. 15 192. 69760 172 13952 168. Total 209280 pence. 48 21/ 48 (0) This Chap. VI. 145 REDUCTION. This fort of reduction could easily be extended much further, and might be uſed to reduce Sterling money to any fort of foreign money, or any fort of foreign mo- ney to Sterling; but as this is a wide field, it is more ufual, and the better way, to affign a place for this by itſelf, under the title of Exchange I fhall therefore con- clude mixt reduction of money by fubjoining a few MORE EXAMPLE S. Queft. 7. A gentleman was robbed of 57 guineas 33 half-guineas and 48 moidores, how many pounds Sterling did he lofe? Anf. L. 141 : 19: 6 Queſt. 8. In 685 merks 234 nobles and 142 quarter- guineas, how many pounds Sterling? Arf. L. 571, 18 s. 10 d. Queſt. 9. In L. 148, how many pieces of 131 d. of 12 d. of 9 d. of 6 d. of 4 d. and of each an equal num. ber? Anf. 798 pieces of each fort, and 9 d. over. 2. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. Queſt. 1. In 8 bags cotton, each containing C. 12: 1:20, how many tuns? C. Q. lb. 12 I 20 8 Tuns. C. & lb. I 20 Anf. 2|0)9|9 1 20 ( 419 2100g0 1 8 Rem. (19) C. PROO F. I If 4 tuns 19 C. 1 Q 20 lb. of cotton be made up in- to 8 equal bags, how much will each bag contain? T Tuns. 146 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. Tuns. C. Q. 16. C. Q. lb. 8) 4 19 1 20 20 12 1 20 Anf. 99 8. t (5) 28 19 160 16 16 rem. 3 (0) 4 13 | | 8 (5) MORE EXAMPLES. Queſt. 2. In 24 equal cheeſes, weighing 3 Q. 15 lb. each, how many C. Anf. C. 21 : 0 : 24. Queft. 3. One buys of a grocer C. 4 : 1 : 14 of pep- per, and orders it to be made up into parcels of 14 lb. of 12 lb. of 8 lb. of 6 lb. of 2 lb. and of each an equal num- ber: Required the number of parcels of each fort?' Anf. 11 parcels of each fort, and 28 pounds over. 3. TROY WEIGHT. Queſt. 1. In 96 pair of filver fpurs, weighing 3 oz. 12 dw. per pair, how many pounds? # Oz. Chap. VI. 147 REDUCTION. 02. dw. 3 20 12 72 dw. 96 432 648 2|0)691|2 12 dw, 12) 345 9 oz. lb. oz. dw. 28 lb. Anf. 28 9 12 PROOF. How many pair of fpurs, each pair weighing 3 oz. 12 dw. may be made out of 28 lb. 9 oz. 1 2 dw. of filver? oz. dw. 3 2210 I 2 72 dw. lb. oz. dw. 28 9 12 I 2 345 20 72) 6912 (96 pair of spurs Anf 648 432 432 (0) MORE EXAMPLES. ← Quest. 2. In 7 dozen filver candleſticks, each weigh ing 10 oz. 14 dw. how many pounds? Anf. 74 lb. 10 oz. 16 dw. Quest. 3. A merchant fent to a goldſmith 16 ingots of T 2 filver, 148 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. filver, each weighing 2 lb. 4 oz. and ordered it to be made into bowls of 2 lb. 8 oz. per bowl, and tankards of 1 lb. 6 oz. per piece, and falts of 10 oz. 10 dw. per falt, and ſpoons of 1 oz. 18 dw. per ſpoon, and of each an equal number, how many of each fort will there be? Anf. 7 veffels of each fort, and 224 dw. over. I 4. WINE-MEASURE. Quest. 1. In 34 runlets of wine, each runlet contain- ing 18 gallons, how many hogfheads? In ୨ 34 runlets. 18 272 34 63) 612(9 hhds. 567 Rem. (45) gallons. Anf. 9 hhds 45 gallons. PROOF. hhds 45 gallons of wine how many runlets? Hhds. gall. 9 45 63 18)612 (34 runlets. Anf 54 72 72 (0) MORE Chap. VI. REDUCTIO N. 149 MORE EXAMPLE S. Queſt. 2. In 752 runlets, how many tierce of wine? Anf. 322 tierce, and 12 gallons. Queft. 3. In 840 hogfheads, how many puncheons of 80 gallons per puncheon? Ans. 661 puncheons, and 40 gallons. 5. CLOTH MEASURE. Quest. 1. In 96 yards, how many ells Flemish ? 96 yards. 4 3) 384 Anf. 128 ells Flemiſh. PROOF. In 128 ells Flemish, how many yards? MORE EXAMPLES. Queſt. 2. In 450 yards, how many ells Engliſh? Anf. 360. Queſt. 3. In 785 ells Flemish, how many ells Engliſh? Anf. 471. 6. LONG MEASURE. Queſt. 1. In 72 miles, how many furlongs, poles, half yards, yards, and feet? 1 72 150 Chap. VI. REDUCTION. 72 miles. 8 576 furlongs. 40 23040 poles. II 2304 2304 2) 253440 half-yards. 126720 yards. 3 380160 feet. PRO O F. In 380160 feet, how many yards, half-yards, poles, furlongs, and miles? MORE EXAMPLE S. Quest. 2. Suppofing the circumference of the earth to be divided into 360 degrees, and each degree to contain 60 miles, I demand how many miles, furlongs, poles, half-yards, yards, feet. inches, and barley-corns, will reach round the globe of the earth? Ans. The barley- corns are 4105728000. A Quest. 3. In 150 Engliſh miles, how many Scots miles? Anf. 133 miles, 6 furlongs, 10 falls, and 15 feet. Mixt reduction of weights and meaſures, as well as that of money, might be carried a great way farther than what is done here; but the above ſpecimens, it is hoped, will be found fufficient inſtruction to the learner. Practical Questions. 1. In a purſe containing 84 guineas, 56 half-guineas, and Chap. VII. 151 The Rule of THREE. and 48 moidores, how many pounds Sterling? Anf. L. 182, 8 s. 2. A gentleman ſetting out on a journey carried along with him 8 Joannes's, being L. 3, 12 s. each, 17 gui- neas, 13 half guineas, 14 crowns, 10 half-crowns, 1 5 fhil- lings, and 9 fixpences; and finds, on his return, by his pocket-book, that he had ſpent L. 49, 4 s.: How many pounds Sterling did he carry out, and how many brought he home? Anf. He carried out L. 59, 4 s. and brought home L. 10. 3. A merchant bought 30 hogheads fugar, viz. 12 hhds containing C 16: 1:14 each, 12 hhds weighing C. 14 3 7 each, and 6 hhds containing C. 15: 2:21 each: How many tuns of fugar did he purchaſe? Anf. 23 tuns 8 C. 1 Q. 14 lb. 4. In 96 firkins of beer, 9 gallons each, how many hhds of 54 gallons per hhd? Anf. 16 hhds. 5. A piece of ground, confifting of 27 acres, is to be laid out in ſmall divifions, of 3 roods and 10 poles each; how many ſmall diviſions will there be? Anf. 32. 6. Queen Elifabeth came to the throne of England the 17th of November 1558, and died the 24th of March 1603, in the 70th year of her age: What year was the born? and how many months, of 28 days each, did the reign, reckoning 365 days 6 hours to a year? Anf. She was born in the year 1533, and reigned 578 months 2 weeks and 1 day. CHA P. VII. THE RULE OF THREE. HE Rule of Three, called alfo, on account of its TH excellence, the Golden Rule, from certain num. bers given, finds another; and is divided into fimple and compound, or into fingle and double. SEC- * 152 1 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. SECTION I The Simple or ſingle Rule of Three. THE fimple rule of three, from three numbers given, finds a fourth, to which the third bears the fame propor- tion as the first does to the ſecond. The nature and properties of proportional numbers may be underſtood fufficiently for our purpofe from the following obfervations. In comparing any two numbers, with respect to the proportion which the one bears to the other, the firſt number, or that which bears proportion, is called the antecedent; and the other, to which it bears proportion, is called the confequent; and the quantity of the propor tion or ratio is eſtimated by the quot arifing from divi- ding the antecedent by the confequent. Thus the ratio or proportion betwixt 6 and 3 is the quot arifing from dividing the antecedent 6 by the confequent 3; namely, 2; and the ratio or proportion betwixt 1 and 2 is the quot arifing from the diviſion of the antecedent 1 by the conſequent 2; namely, or one half. Four numbers are faid to be proportional when the ratio of the firft to the fecond is the fame as that of the third to the fourth; and the proportional numbers are uſually diſtinguiſhed from one another as in the follow- ing examples. 4: 2 :: 16 : 8. 6 : 9 :: 12 : 18. Proportional numbers, or numbers in proportion, are uſually denominated terms; of which the firſt and laſt are called extremes, and the intermediate ones get the name of means, or middle terms. If four numbers are proportional, they will alſo be inverfely proportional; that is, the firft confequent will be to its own antecedent as the fecond confequent is to its antecedent; or the fourth term will be to the third as the ſecond is to the firft. Thus, if 6: 3 :: 10:5, then by inverſion, 3 : 6 :: 5 : 10, or 5 : 10 :: 3 : 6. Euclid Chap. VII. 153 The Rule of THREE. Euclid v. 4. cor. By either of theſe kinds of inverſion may any queſtion in the rule of three be proved. If four numbers are proportional, they will alſo be al- ternately proportional; that is, the firft antecedent will be to the fecond antecedent as the first confequent is to the ſecond confequent; or the firft term will be to the third term as the fecond term is to the fourth. Thus, if 84: 24: 12, then, by alternation, 8: 24 :: 4 : 12. Euclid v. 16. But the celebrated property of four proportional num- bers is, that the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means. Thus, if 2 : 3 :: 6 : 9, 6:9, then 2 × 9 = 3 × 6 = 18, Euclid vi. .6. Hence we have an eafy method of finding a fourth proportional to three numbers given, viz. Multiply the middle number by the laft, and divide the product by the firft, the quot gives the fourth propor tional. EXAMPLE. Given 6, 5, and 36, to find a fourth proportional ; put x equal to the fourth proportional, then 6::: 36:x, and 5 × 36 36 = 180 = 6 x x; wherefore, dividing the product 180 by the factor 6, the quot give the other factor x, namely 30, the fourth proportional fought. Every queſtion in the rule of three may be divided into two parts, viz. a fuppofition and a demand; and of the three given numbers, two are always found in the fuppofition, and only one in the demand. EXAMPLE. If 4 yards coft 12 fhillings, what will 6 yards coſt at that rate? In this queſtion the fuppofition is, if 4 yards ceft 12 fhillings; and the two terms contained in it are 4 yards and 12 fhillings; the demand lies in thele words, What will 6 yards coft? and the only term found in it is 6 yards, The fuppofition and demand being thus diftinguiſhed, U proceed $54 The Rule of THREE. Chap. VII. proceed to ſtate the queftion, or to put the terms in due order for operation, as the following rules direct. RULE I. Place that term of the fuppofition, which is of the fame kind with the number fought, in the middle. The two remaining terms are extremes, and always of the fame kind. RULE II. Confider, from the nature of the queftion, whether the anſwer muſt be greater or less than the middle term; and if the arfwer muft be greater, the leaft extreme is the divifor; but if the answer muſt be leſs than the middle term, the greatest extreme is the divifor. RULE III. Place the divifor on the left hand, and the other ex- treme on the right; then multiply the fecond and third terms, and divide their product by the first; and the quot gives the anſwer; which is always of the fame name with the middle term. When the divifor happens to be the extreme found in the fuppofition, the proportion is called direct; but when the divifor happens to be the extreme in the de- mand, the proportion is inverfe. The three rules delivered above are indeed fo framed, as to preclude the diſtinction of direct and inverſe, or render it needlefs, the left-hand term being always the divifor; but yet the direct queſtions being plainer in their own nature, and more easily comprehended by a learn- er, I fhall, in the first place, exemplify the rules by a fet of queflions of the direct kind, and fhall afterwards adduce a collection of fuch as are inverſe. 1. The fimple Rule of Three direct. Queſt. 1. If 4 yards coft 12 fhillings, what will 6 yards coft at that rate? The fuppofition and demand of this queſtion have already been diftinguished, and the two terms in the former Chap. VII. 155 The Rule of THREE. former are 4 yards 12 fhillings, and the only term in the latter is 6 yards. The number fought is the price of 6 yards, and the term in the fuppofition of the fame kind is the price of 4 yards, viz. 12 fhillings, which I place in the middle, as directed in Rule I. and the two remaining terms are extremes, and of the fame kind, viz. both lengths. It is eafy to perceive that the anſwer muſt be greater than the middle term; for 6 yards will coſt more than 4 yards; there- fore the leaſt extreme, viz. 4 yards, is the divifor, according to Rule II. yds. S. yds. If 4: 12 :: 6 6 4) 72(18 fhillings Anf. 4 32 32 (0) Wherefore I place the divifor 4 yards on the left hand, and the other extreme 6 yards on the right; and multiplying the fecond and third terms, I divide their product by the firft term, and the quot 18 is the anſwer, and of the fame name with the middle term, viz. fhil- lings, according to Rule III. And becauſe the divifor is the extreme found in the fuppofition, the proportion is direct. Quest. 2. If 7 C. of pepper coft 21 1. how much will 5 C. coft at that rate? The fuppofition in this question is, that 7 C. of pep- per cofts 16 1. and the two terms in it are 7 C. and 161.; the demand is, How much will 5 C. coft? and the term in it is 5 C. The number fought is the price of 5 C. and the term in the fuppofition of the fame kind is the price of 7 C. viz. 21 1. which I place in the middle. The two re- maining terms are extremes, and of the fame kind, viz. quantities of pepper. U 2 It 156 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. It is obvious, that the anſwer muſt be leſs than the middle term; for 5 C will coſt leſs than 7 C.; and therefore the greateſt extreme, viz. 7 C. is the divifor. If 7 C. L. C. : 21:5 5 7)105(15l. Anf. 7 35 35 (0) Accordingly I place the divifor 7 C. on the left hand, and the other extreme 5 C. on the right; and having multiplied the fecond and third terms, I divide their pro- duct by the firſt term, and the quot 15 is the anſwer, of the fame name with the middle term, viz L. Sterling. And becauſe the divifor happens to be the extreme in the fuppofition, the proportion is direct. Quest. 3. If 13 yards of velvet coft L. 21, what will 27 yards coft at that rate? T. 1 Chap. VII. 157 The Rule of THREE. r. L. r. If 13:21:27 27 147 42 # Rem. 4 s. 12 13)48 (3 d. 39 When there happens to be a remainder, it may be reduced to the next inferior denomi. nation, and the opera. tion continued, as in the margin; and in this caſe the quot will con- 13) 567 (43 L. Rem. 9 d. 52 4 47 13) 36 (2 f. 39 26 1 fift of two or more Rem. 8 L. Rem. 10 f. parts. 20 13) 160 (12 S. 13 L. s. d. f. 30 Anf. 43 12 3 20 26 * Rem. 4 S. Such remainders are always of the fame name with the preceding part of the quot. Thus, the firſt remain- der 8, and the first part of the quot 43, are both pounds and the ſecond remainder 4, and the ſecond part of the quot 12, are both fhillings; and the third remainder and the third part of the quot 3, are both pence; and the fourth remainder 10, and the fourth part of the quot 2, are both farthings. 9, As we have no money under farthings, the laſt re- mainder cannot be reduced any lower; fo there remains 10 farthings to be divided by 13; that is, there is want- ing to complete the quot the thirteenth part of 10 far- things, or the thirteenth part of every remaining farthing; that is, ten thirteen parts of one farthing; ſo I ſet the remainder 10 above and the divifor 13 below a line drawn between them, in the form of a fraction, of which 1 the } 158 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. f the remainder is the numerator and the divifor the de- nominator. Queſt. 4. If 14 lb. of tobacco coſt 27 fhillings, what will 478 lb. coſt at that rate? lb. s. lb. If14:17::478 27 3346 956 Here the middle term being fhillings, the first part of the quot is alſo fhillings; which I divide by 20, and ſo reduce it to pounds. There remains at laſt 2 far- things, to be divided by 14; fo I fubjoin theſe by way of frac tion to the preceding part of the quot; as in the former exam- ple. 2/0) 14) 12906 ( 92|1 1 26** 30 Rem. 28 26 14 L. 46 I I 2 S. 12 14) 144 (10 d. 14 L. s. d. f. Anf. 46 1 10 12 Rem. 4 d. 4 14)16(1 f. 14 Rem. 2 f. ue ft. 1 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. 159 Quest. 5. If 15 ounces of filver be worth L. 3, 15 s. What are 86 ounces worth at that rate? If the middle term be 02. L S. Oz. complex, or mixt, and fo If 15: 3—15::86 confift of two or more parts, reduce it to the low- eft, and the anſwer will come out of the fame name with that of the loweſt part.. Thus, The middle term here is complex, confifting of two parts, viz. pounds and fhillings; fo I reduce it to fhillings, and the quot comes out in fhillings; which I reduce to pounds. 20 75 fhill. 86 450 600 210) 15) 6450 ( 43|0 fhillings. 60. - L. 21 10 45 45 (0) L. S. Anf. 21 IO The parts of a complex term may be diftinguished from one another by a ftroke; as in this example. Quest. 160 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. Queſt. 6. If 18 C. fugar coft L. 54, what will 7 C. 3 Q. 14 lb. coft at that rate? ·C.. L. C. Q: lb. If 18: 54: 7 — 3 — 14 18 7 18 7 18 798 2016 lb. 882 lb. 54 3528 When any or both of the extremes happen to be com- plex, or mixt, and ſo confift of two or more parts, reduce both extremes to the loweſt of the parts; for in the ope- ration both extremes muſt be equally low, or of the fame. name. Thus, in this example the extreme on the right hand is complex, confifting of three parts, viz. C. Q. and lb.; and fo I reduce both this extreme, and alfo the other extreme on the left hand, to lb. the low- eft of the parts. 4410 2016)47628 (23 L. 4032° 7308 6048 Rem. 1260 L. 20 2016) 25200 (12 s. 2016 5040 40,2 Rem. 1008 s. I 2 2016) 12096(6 d. 12096 L. S. d. Anf. 23 I 2 6 (0) Quest. Chap. VII. 161 The Rule of THREE. 3 : 1 : 14 of raiſins coft L. 10: 2 : 6, Queſt. 7. If C. what will 6 C. 3 Q coft at that rate? C. Q. lb. L. If 3—1—14:10—2—6 :: 6—3 s. d. C. Q. 3 3 342 20 6 6 202 684 12 Here all the terms 378 lb. 756 lb. are complex, and the two extremes are both reduced to lb. 2430 d. 756 that being the low- eft of the parts. The middle term, for the like reafon, is reduced to pence, and accordingly the 1458 1215 1701 12) 210) 378)1837080(4860 (405 1512 48.. L. 20 5 quot or anſwer 3250 comes out in pence. 3024 1188 2268 2268 (0) (0) L. S. Anf. 20 5 Quest. 8. A goldſmith bought a wedge of gold, which weighed 14 lb. 3 oz. 8 dw. for the fum of L. 514, 4 S. : I demand what it ftood him per ounce? X lb. 162 The Rule of THREE. Chap. VII. OZ. lb. oz. dw. lb. S. If 14—3—8 : 514—4 :: I 12 20 20 171 OZ. 10284 fhill. 20 dw. 20 20 dw. 3428 3428) 205680 ( 60 fhill. 2/c) 20568 L. 3 (0) Anf. L. 3 per ounce. Here the left-hand extreme being complex, both it and the other extreme are reduced to penny weights, the loweſt of the parts. The middle term, being likewiſe complex, is reduced to fhillings; and fo the answer comes out in fhillings; which I reduce to pounds. Queſt. 9. A grocer bought 4 hogfheads of fugar, each weigning neat C. 6: 2: 14, which coft him L. 2 : 8 : 6 per C.: Required the value of the 4 hogfheads at that rate? f હ G. Chap. VII. 163 The Rule of THREE. C. Q. lb. 6 2 14 26 2 26 26 2656 4 2968 lb. in 4 hhds, lb. L. s. d. lb. If 112: 2—8—6 :: 2968 20 48 12 582 d. When part of a term only is given, and the term to be completed by multiplica- tion, it is generally con- venient to complete the term, or even to reduce it, before you ftate the que ftion. 582 5936 23744 14840 12) Rem. 112). 1727376 (15423d 3 Í 12 · · · 607 2|0)1 285 560 L. 64 5 3 Anf. 473 448 257 224 336 336 (0) Queſt. 10. If 4 s. 6 d. is the price of 1 yard, how many yards will L. 16, 4 s. buy? X 2 , If 164 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. 1 s. d. yd. L. S. If 4—6 ·6: 1 :: 16–4. 2 20 9 324 2 When the middle term hap- pens to be 1, or unity, in this cafe, as I neither multiplies nor divides, you have only to di- vide the third term by the firſt, and the quot is the anſwer. 9) 648 (72 y. 63 18 18 (0) Anf. 72 yards. In this example both extremes are complex, and re- duced to fixpences. Quest. 11. If the yearly rent of a houſe be L. 73, how much is that per day? When the third term happens to be 1, you have only to divide the middle term by the firft, and the quot is the anſwer. Anf. 4 s. per day. Days. L. day. 365 73: I 20 365) 1460 (4 s. 1460 (0) But if in this cafe the middle term be less than the first, it must be reduced to fome lower denomination, viz. till the middle term thus reduced may be divided by the firſt. Quest. 12. A merchant bought 14 pieces of broad. cloth, each piece containing 28 yards, at 13 s. 61 d. per yard: How much did the 14 pieces coſt? 14 Chap. VII. 165 The Rule of THREE. 14 pieces. 28 1 112 yd s. d. yds. If 1 : 13—61 :: 392 28 392 yds in 14 p. I 2 162 325 1960 2 1 325 784 1176 24)127400)53018 s. I 20* 2|0} L. 265 8 74 72 200 192 Rem. (8) half-pence. L. s. d. Anf. 265 8 4 When the first term happens to be 1, the product of the ſecond and third is the anſwer The middle term here being complex, is reduced to halfpence; and accordingly the product, or anſwer, comes out in halfpence, which I reduce to pounds. Queſt. 13. A draper buys 50 pieces of kerſey, each piece containing 34 ells Flemish, to pay at the rate of 8 s. 4 d. per ell Engliſh: How much did the 50 pieces coft? grs. qrs. s. d. If 5: 8-4: 5100 12 100 34 50 1700 ells Flemiſh 100 5)510000 12) 102000 2|0)8500 Anf. 425 1. 3 5100 quarters Queſt. 166 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. Quest. 14. What is the yearly intereft of L. 78, 16 s. 6 d. at 5 per cent.? pr.. pr. int. L. S. d. If 100: 5 :: 78—16—6 5 Int. L. s. d. f. 100)394—2—6(3 18 9 31% Anf. 20 1882 I 2 9190 4 3160 MORE EXAMPLE s. Quest. 15. If 17 yards of cloth coft L 19: 2:6, what will 35 yards coft at that rate? Anf. L 9:7:6. Quest. 16. If 24 lb. of raifins coft 6 s. 6d. what will 18 frails coft, each frajl weighing 3 Q 18 lb? Anf. L. 24: 17: 3. I Quest. 17. If 40 pieces of cloth coft 750 l. 15 s. what is the price of 1 piece? Anf. L. 18: 15:41. Queſt. 18. If i ell of cloth coſt 8 s. 4 d. how many ells will L. 10: 16: 8 buy? Anf 26 ells. Quest. 19. A gentleman expends daily L. 5, 15 s. How much is that in a year? Anf. L. 2098, 15 S. Quest. 20. A merchant buys cloth to the value of L. 537, 12 s. at 5 s. 4 d. per yard: How many yards did he buy? Anf. 2016 yards. Quest 21. If I fell 14 yards for L. 10, 10 s. how many ells Flemiſh ſhall I feil for L. 283 : 17 : 6, at that rate? Anf. 504 ells Flemish. Quest. 22. What is the price of 14 ingots of filver, each ingot weighing 7 lb. 5 oz. 10 dw. at 5 s. per ounce? Anf. L. 313, 5 S. Quest. 23. A grocer mingles 17 C. 3 Q. 14 lb. of ſu- gar, 1 Chap. VII. 167 The Rule of THREE. gar, at L. 4, 4 s. per C. with 8 C. 3 Q. 21 lb. other ſu- gar, at 6 d. per lb.: What is 1 C. of this mixture worth? Anf. L. 3 : 14: 8. Quest. 24. A draper buys 8 packs of cloth, each pack containing 4 parcels, and each parcel 1 pieces, and each piece 26 yards, for which he paid at the rate of L. 4, 16 s. for 6 yards: How much did the whole coſt? Anf. L. 6656. 1 Queft 25. A merchant bought 242 yards of broad cloth, which coft him in all L. 209, I s.; for 96 yards of which he paid at the rate of 13 s. 4 d. per yard: How much did he give per yard for the reft? Anf. 18 s. 6 d. per yard. Quest. 26. An oilman bought 3 tuns of oil at the rate of L. 50: I 4 per tun; and fo it happened that it leak- ed out 85 gallons; but he is minded to fell it again, fo as to be no lofer: How muft he fell it per gallon? Anf. At 4 s. 6174 d. per gallon.. Queft. 27. A fhopkeeper bought 4 bales of cloth, each bale containing 6 pieces, and each piece 27 yards, at L. 16, 4 s. per piece: What was the price of the whole? and what the rate per yard? Anf. The whole coft L. 388, 16 s. and the rate per yard was 1 2 S. : Quest 28. A bankrupt, who owed L. 1490 5: 10, compounds with his creditors for 12 s. 6d. per L.: How much did he pay in all? Anf. L. 931873. Queſt. 29. If the rent of a ſmall eftate be L. 250, what will this afford to fpend every calendar month, in order to fave, or lay up, L. 80 at the year's end? Anf. L. 14: 3:4• Quest. 30. The rents of a whole parish amount to L. 3500, and a rate is granted of L. 131, 5 s.: What is that per pound? Anf. 9 d. Quest. 31. Received 42 C. 2 Q. cotton, at L. 3, 15s. per C. and 12 lb. cloves, at 9 s. 1 d. per lb.; for which I have given in part 1oco yards linen, at 2 s. 9 d. per yard: What balance do I owe? Anf. L. 27:6 : 6. Quest 32. A chapman bought a parcel of ferge and fhalloon, which together coft him L. 61:9: 2; the quantity of ferge he bought was 236 yards, at 3 s. 4 d. per 168 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. 3 per yard; and for every 2 yards of ferge he had yards of fhalloon: How much ſhalloon had he? and what did it coft him per yard? Anf. 354 yards of fhalloon, at 15 d. per yard. II. The fimple Rule of Three inverſe. Queſt. 1. If 8 men can do a piece of work in 12 days, in how many days will 16 men do the fame ? In this queftion the fuppofition is, If 8 men do a piece of work in 12 days, and the two terms contained in it are 8 men and 12 days: The demand lies in theſe words, In how many days will 16 men do the fame? and the only term contained in it is 16 men. • The number fought here is the days in which 16 men will do the work, and the term in the fuppofition of the fame kind is 12 days; wherefore I place 12 days as the middle term, according to Rule I the two remaining terms are extremes, and of the fame kind, viz. both of them men. It is obvious that the an- fwer muſt be less than the middle term; for 16 men will do the work in fewer days than 8 men; and therefore, by Rule II. the greateſt extreme, viz. 16 is the divifor; which I place on the left hand, and the other extreme on the right, as di- men. days. men. 16: 12 :: 8 8 16)96(6 days. Anf. 96 (0) rected in Rule III. Then multiplying the fecond and third, and dividing their product by the first, the quot comes out in days; that is, of the fame name with the middle term. And becauſe the extreme found in the demand hap、 pens to be the diviſor, the proportion is inverſe. Queſt. 2. If 30 yards of cloth that is 5 quarters broad, be required to hang a bed, how many yards of 3 quarters broad will ferve the fame purpoſe ? The fuppofition here is, that 30 yards of cloth 5 quarters broad are fufficient to hang a bed, and the two terms Chap. VII. 169 The Rule of THREE. terms in it are 30 yards of length, and 5 quarters of breadth: The demand is, How many yards of cloth that is 3 quarters broad will hang the fame bed? and the only term in it is 3 quarters of breadth. The thing fought is the length or number of yards of cloth 3 quarters broad requifite to hang the bed, and the term in the ſuppoſition of the fame kind is 30 yards, which therefore I place in the middle; the two remain- ing terms are extremes, and of the faine kind, viz. both breadths. It is eafy to perceive that the anſwer muſt be greater than the middle term; for more yards of cloth 3 quarters broad will be neceffary to hang a bed than of cloth 5 quarters broad, and the narrower the cloth is the more length breadth. length. breadth. qrs. yds. 3: 30 :: 5 qrs. 5 3)150(50 yards. Anf. 15. will be required; where- fore the leaft extreme is (0) the divifor, which I place on the left hand, and fet the greater extreme on the right. And becauſe the extreme found in the demand is the diviſor, the proportion is inverſe. Quest. 3. If the penny-loaf weigh 8 ounces, when flour is fold at 2 s. or 24 d. per peck, what ought to be the weight of the penny-loaf when flour is fold at 18 d. per peck? It 170 The Rule of THREE. Chap. VII. d. d. oz. 18: 8 :: 24 8 It is obvious that this an- fwet muſt be greater than the middle term; becauſe the cheaper the flour is, the hea- vier ought the penny-loaf to be and therefore the leaſt extreme is the divifor; which I accordingly place on the left hand. 18)19(10 oz. 18. Rem. 12 oz. 20 18) 240(13 dw. 18 60 3 54 Rem. 6 dw. 24 18) 144(8 gr. 144 (0) Anf. 10 oz. 13 dw. 8 gr. Quest. 4. If 1200 lb. weight be carried 36 miles for a fum of money, how many miles ought 1800 lb. weight to be carried for the fame fum ? Here the anſwer muft be less than the middle term; becauſe the heavier the load is, the fewer miles ought it to be carried for the fame money; and fo the greater extreme is the divifor, and placed on the left hand. lb. lb. miles. 1800 : 36 :: 1200 1 200 1800) 43200 (24 miles. Anf 36. 72 72 (0) 2 Quest. Chap. VII. 171 The Rule of THREE. Queft. 5. If L. 100 in 12 months gain a fum of in- tereft, what principal will gain the fame fum of intereſt in 8 months? Here the anſwer muſt be great- er than the middle term; becauſe the fewer the months are, the more principal will be required to gain the ſame fum of inter- eft; and therefore the leaſt of the extremes is the divifor. m. L. 8 : 100 :: Quest. 6. If 40 poles in length, and make an acre, what muſt be the length to when the breadth is 15 poles? of Here the anſwer muſt be less than the middle term; becauſe the broader a piece ground is, the lefs length is required to make the acre; and fo the greateſt of the ex- tremes is the divifor. m. 1 2 100 8) 1200 Anf 150 L. 4 in breadth, make an acre breadth. length. breadth. 15 : 40 :: 4 4 15) 160 (10 poles. 15 Rem. 10 poles. 33 half-feet in 1 pole. 2) 15) 330(22 half feet. 30 II feet. 30 Quest. 7. How much line a cloak that hath in it 30 (0) poles. feet. Anf. 10 I I pluſh of 3 quarters wide will 4 yards of 7 quarters wide? Y 2 Q: 172 Chap. VII, The Rule of THREE. Here the anſwer muſt be greater than the middle term; for the pluſh being narrower Q. yd. Q. 3:47 7 thin the cloth of which the 3) 28 (9 yards. Ans. cloak is made, will require more length. 27 (1) feet Quest 8. If 36 yards be a rood of mafon-work, at 3 feet high, how many yards will make a rood at 9 high? Feet. yards. feet. 9.: 36 :: 3 3 9) 108 MORE Anf. 12 yards. EXAMPLES. Queft. 9. If a meffenger makes a journey in 24 days when the day is 12 hours long, in how many days may he make out the fame journey when the day is 16 hours long? Anf. in 18 days. Quest. 10 If 360 men be in garrifon, and have pro- vifions only for 6 months, how many men muſt be turn- ed out, that the fame ftock of provifions may laſt 9 months? Anf. 240 men are to be retained, and the reſt, viz. 120, muſt be turned out. Quest. 11. If I have 1200 lb. weight carried 36 miles for a fum of money, how many pound-weight fhall I -have carried 24 miles for the fame fum? Anf. 1800 lb. Quest. 12. If I borrow of a friend L. 64 for 8 months, what fum ought I to lend him for 12 months in order to requite the favour? Anf. L. 42: 13: 4. Quest. 13. A fabric is reared in 8 months by 120 workmen; and another fabric, on the fame plan, and of the fame dimenſions, is to be reared in 2 months: How many workmen muſt be employed? Anf. 480. Quest. Chap. VII. 173 The Rule of THREE. Quest. 14. A regiment of foldiers, confifting of 1000 men, are to have new coats, each coat containing 3 yards 2 quarters of cloth that is 6 quarters wide, and they are to be lined with fhalloon that is yard wide: How many yards of cloth will the coats take? and how many yards of fhalloon will line them? Anf. 3500 yards of cloth, and 5250 yards of fhalloon. Queft 15. How many yards of paper that is 3 quarters wide will be fufficient to line a room that is 24 yards round and 4 yards high? Anf. 128 yards. Queſt. 16. If I lend my friend L. 650 for 22 months, how long ought he to lend me L. 953: 6: 8 to requite my kindneſs? Anf 15 months. Queft. 17. If 50 horſes are maintained a year in corn for a certain fum, when oats are fold at 9 s. per boll, how many horfes may be maintained a year in corn for the fame fum, when oats are at 10 s. per boll? Anf. 45 horfes. Queft. 18. If the penny-loaf weigh 10 oz. when wheat is fold at 12 s. per bufhel, what ought to be the price of wheat when the penny-loaf weighs 8 oz.? Anf. 15 s. per bufhel. Queſt. 19. If 12 inches in length and 12 inches in breadth make a ſquare foot, what length of a plank that is 9 inches broad will be equal to a fquare foot? Anf. 16 inches. Queſt. 20. If 40 poles in length and 4 poles in breadth make an acre, what muſt be the breadth to make an acre when the length is only 32 poles? Anf. 5 poles. SECT. II. The Compound Rule of Three. THE Compound Rule of Three, from five given numbers finds a fixth, or from feven given numbers finds an eighth, or from nine given numbers finds a tenth, or from eleven finds a twelfth, &c. This rule eaſily and naturally admits of fubdivifions, which, from the number of the terms given, may be denominated 74 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. denominated the rule of Five, the rule of Seven, the rule of Nine, the rule of Eleven, &c. Queſtions in the compound rule of three are alſo re- folved into two parts, viz. a ſuppoſition and a demand. If five terms be given, three of theſe are always found in the fuppofition, and two in the demand; if feven terms be given, four of theſe are in the ſuppoſition, and three in the demand; if nine terms are given, five of theſe are in the fuppofition, and four in the demand; if eleven terms be given, fix of theſe are in the fuppo fition, and five in the demand, &c. The fuppofition and demand being diftinguifhed, pro- ceed to ſtate the queftion; that is, to put the terms in due order for operation, as the following rules direct. RULE I. Place that term of the fuppofition which is of the fame kind with the number fought, in the middle. The remaining terms are extremes, which must be claffed into fimilar pairs, by making each pair conſiſt of one term taken from the fuppofition, and another of the fame kind taken from the demand. RULE II. Out of each fimilar pair, joined with the middle term, form a umple queſtion; and in each ſimple queſtion, fo formed, fi d the divifor; viz. confider from the nature of the queſtion, whether the anſwer muſt be greater or lefs than the middle term; and if the anſwer muſt be greater, the leaft extreme is the divifor; but if the an fwer muſt be lefs than the middle term, the greatelt ex- treme is the divifor. RULE III. Place all the divifors on the left hand, and the other extremes on the right; then multiply the divifors, or ex- tremes on the left, continually, for a divifor, and mul- tiply the extremes on the right hand and the middle. term, continually, for a dividend; and lastly, divide the Chap. VII. 175 The Rule of THREE. the dividend by the divifor; and the quot is the anſwer, of the fame name with the middle term. The anſwer to queftions in the compound rule of three may alſo be had by working the fimple queſtions feparately, or by themſelves, in the following manner, viz. The middle term, with any one pair of fimilar ex- tremes, make the firft fimple queftion, and the anſwer to this queſtion muſt be made the middle term to the next fimilar pair of extremes; and the anſwer to this fecond queſtion muft, in like manner, be made the middle term to the following fimilar pair of extremes, &c.; and the anſwer to the laft fimple queftion is the number fought. But the joint operation preſcribed in Rule III. is the ſhorter as well as the eaſier method; for in working ſome of the fimple queftions, there may happen to be a re- mainder, and confequently the middle term of the next Simple queſtion will have fome fractional part; which in- conveniency is avoided by working jointly. In every fimple qucftion, when the divifor is an ex. treme found in the fuppofition, the proportion is direct; but when the divifor is an extreme found in the demand, the proportion is inverfe. The three rules delivered above are indeed fo calcula- ted, as to make no difference betwixt direct and in- verſe, or ſo as to render that diſtinction needlefs, the left-hand extremes being all divifors; but yet, as que. ftions confifting entirely of direct proportions are the plaineſt and eaſieft, it will be proper, in the firſt place, to exemplify the rules by queftions of the direct kind, and afterwards introduce fuch as are inverfe. And as queftions in the rule of five are by far more numerous, and occur much oftener, than queſtions in the rule of feven, nine, or eleven; I fhall, first of all, adduce a fet of queftions in the rule of five, wherein both proportions are direct; then propoſe ano. ther fet, wherein one or both proportions are inverſe; and, laftly, give a few examples of the rules of feven, nine, and eleven. I. The 176 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. 1 I. The Rule of Five direct. Quest. 1. If 14 horfes eat 56 bushels of corn in 16 days, how many bufhels will 20 horſes eat in 24 days? The fuppofition in this queftion is, If 14 horfes eat 56 bushels in 16 days; and the three terms contained in it are, 14 horfes, 56 bufhels, and 16 days: The de- mand is, How many bushels will 20 horfes eat in 24 days? and the two terms contained in it are 20 horſes, and 24 days. The number fought is bufhels, and the term in the fuppofition of the fame kind is 56 buſhels; wherefore, according to Rule I. I place 6 bufhels in the middle. The remaining four terms are extremes, which I claſs into fimilar pairs, by making each pair confift of one term taken from the fuppofition, and another of the fame kind taken from the demand. Thus, 14 horſes and 20 horſes make one pair; again, 16 days and 24 days make another pair. Out of the feveral fimilar pairs, joined with the mid- dle term, I form fo many fimple queſtions, according to Rule II. viz. I fay, 1. If 14 horfes eat 56 bufhels in a certain number of days, how many bushels will 20 horfes eat in the fame tinie? 2. If 16 days eat up, or confume, 56, or any other number of bushels, how many bushels will 24 days con- fume ? In the firft fimple queftion it is obvious, that the an- fwer will be greater than the middle term; for 20 horſes will eat more bushels than 14 horfes will do in the ſame time; and fo the leaſt extreme, viz. 14, is the divifor; and becauſe 14 is an extreme found in the ſuppoſition, the proportion is direct. In the fecond fimple queftion it is alfo plain, that the anſwer will be greater than the middle term; for 24 days will confume more bushels than 16 days; and confe- quently the leaft extreme, viz. 16, is the divifor; and becauſe Chap.VII. 177 The Rule of THREE. becauſe 16 is an extreme found in the ſuppoſition, the proportion is direct. According to Rule III. I place the divifors on the left hand, and the other ex- tremes on the right, and both of them under one an- other; ſo that the two up- per ones make a pair, or be of one kind, and the two lower ones make another pair, or be of one kind; and no matter which of the pairs be uppermoft: then I multiply the divifors, or the extremes on the left hand, for a divifor; and a- gain I multiply the extremes on the right, and the mid- dle term, continually, for Foint operation. Horfes bufhels. horſes. : 56 :: 20 If 14 da. 16 24 da. 8+ 480 56 288 240 14 224 224)26880(120 224 448 448 a dividend; and dividing the Anf. 120 bushels. dividend by the divifor, the (0) quot, or anſwer, comes out of the fame name with the middle term, viz. 120 buſhels. The two fimple queftions into which the compound queſtion is refolved, are ſtated, and wrought ſeparately, as follows. H. B. H. If 14: 56:: 20 Days. B. Days. If 16: 80:: 24 20 80 14) 1120 (80 B. 16) 1920 (120 B. 112 16. (0) 32 32 Anf. 120 bushels, as before. (0) Z Quest. 178 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. Queſt. 2. If 40 acres of grafs be cut down by 8 men in 7 days, how many acres fhall be cut down by 24 men in 28 days? Foint operation. Men. acres. Men. If 8 : 40: :: 24 da. 7 28 da. 56 19 2 48 672 40 56) 26880 ( 480 Acres. Anf 224 448 448 (0) The fame refolved into two fimple queftions, and wrought ſeparately. M. a. M. If 8: 40: 24 Days. a. Days. If 7: 120 :: 28 40 I 20 8) 460 120 acres. 7)3360 Anf. 480 acres. Queſt. 3. If L. 100 in 12 months gain L. 5 intereſt, what will L. 75 gain in 9 months? Joint Chap. VII. 179 The Rule of THREE, Foint operation. Pr. int. Pr. L. L. L. 'If 100 : 5 :: 75 months 12 9 months. 1200 675 5 L. S. d. 12|00) 33|75 (2 16 3 Ans. 24 975 L. rem. 20 19500 12. 75 72 3 s. rem. 12 36 36 (0) The fame queſtion refolved into two fimple ones, and wrought ſeparately. 麈 ​Z 2 Pr. 180 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. Pr. int. Pr. L. L. L. If 100 : 575 Mo. L. s. Mo. If 12:3-15:9 5 20 L. S. 1500 1|00) 3|75 ( 3—15 20 12) 675 ( 3|6 ( 2 60 4 75 16 s. 75 9 20 L. S. d. 16 3 Anf. 72 Rem. 3 S. 12 36(3 d. 36 | © (0) Quest. 4. If a carrier receive 42 fhillings for the car- riage of 3 C. weight 150 miles, how much ought he to receive for the carriage of 7 C. 3 Q 14 lb. 50 miles ? Before the queſtion is ſtated, it will be convenient to reduce one of the pairs as follows. Umm 3 3 G. & lb. 7—3—14 7 | ww 7 798 336lb. 882 lb. } + Foint Chap. VII. 181 The Rule of THREE- Joint operation. lb. S. lb. If 336:42 :: 882 miles 150 1680 336 50 miles. 44100 42 50400 882 1764 S. d. 504|00)18522|00 (36-9 Anf. 1512. 3402 3024 Rem. 378 fhill. 12 4536(9 d. 4536 (0) The ſame queſtion refolved into two fimple ones, and wrought ſeparately. lb. 182 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. lb. S. N. If 336:42::882 42 If 150: 110-3 :: 50 12 m. S. d. m. 1764 1323 3528 50 s. d. 12) 336) 37044(110--3 15|0)6615|0(441 336•• 60.. 344 336 1 5 8 | 9 9 1 0 36-9 Rem. 84 hill. 12 1008 (3 d. 1008 (0) MORE (0) S. d. Anf. 36-9 EXAMPLE S. Quest. 5. If a regiment of 936 foldiers eat up 351 quarters of wheat in 168 days, how many quarters of wheat will 11,232 ſoldiers eat in 56 days at that rate? Anf. 1404 quarters. Queſt. 6. If 48 bushels of corn yield 576 bufhels in 1 year, how much will 240 bushels yield in 6 years at that rate? Anf. 17,280 bushels. Queſt. 7. If 40 fhillings be the wages of 8 men for 5 days, what will be the wages of 32 men for 24 days? Anf. 768 fhillings, or L. 38, 8 s. Queft. 8. If 8 cannons in 1 day fpend 48 barrels of powder, how many barrels will 2 cannons ſpend in 12 days at that rate? Anf. 1728 barrels. Quest. y. An ufurer receives L. 37: 6 as the inter- eſt of L. 75 for 9 months: How much is that per cent. per annum? Anf. 6 per cent. Quest. 10. If 18 roods of ditching be done by 3 men in Chap. VII. 183 The Rule of THREE. in 6 days, how many roods will be done by 8 men in 4 days at the fame rate of working? Anf 32 roods. Queft. 11. If 4 ftudents ſpend L 19 in 3 months, how much will 8 ſtudents ſpend in 9 months? Anf. L. 114. Queſt. 12. If 600 feamen in 1 week eat 1500 lb. of beef, how much will ferve 120 feamen 12 weeks? Anf. 3600 lb. 11. The Rule of Five inverse. The queſtions that fall under this rule have commonly one of the proportions inverfe, and the other direct, and fometimes the upper, and fometimes the lower, is the inverſe proportion; and in fome few queſtions both pro- portions are inverfe. Now, though the three rules de- livered above make no difference betwixt direct and in- verſe; yet, to bring the learner to fome meaſure of ac- quaintance with this ufeful diftinction, I fhall, in ftating the following queſtions, expoſe the fame to view, by af- fixing an aſteriſk to the extremes of every inverſe pro- portion. Queſt. 1. If 1 14 horſes eat 56 bushels of corn in 16 days, in how many days will 20 horfes eat 120 buſhels at that rate? In this queſtion the fuppofition is, that 14 horfes eat 56 bushels in 16 days; and the demand is, In how ma- ny days 20 horfes will eat 120 buſhels? The number fought is days, and the term in the fup- pofition of the fame kind is 16 days; and accordingly I place 16 days in the middle. The remaining four terms are extremes; which 1 clafs into fimilar pairs, by ma- king each pair confift of one term taken from the fuppo- fition, and another of the fame kind taken from the de- mand Thus, 14 horfes and 20 horfes make one pair: again, 56 buſhels and 120 bushels make another pair. Out of the fimilar pairs, joined with the middle term, I form fo many fimple queſtions; namely, 1. If 14 horfes eat a certain number of bushels in 16 days, in how many days will 20 horfes eat the fame quantity? 2. If 184 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. 2. If 56 bushels are eat up in 16 days, in how days will 1 20 bushels be eat up by the fame eaters? many In the firft fimple queftion it is plain, that the anſwer muſt be less than the middle term; for 20 horfes will eat the fame number of bushels in fewer days than 14 horfes; and fo the greateſt extreme, viz. 20, is the di- vifor; and becauſe 20 is an extreme found in the de mand, the proportion is inverſe. In the fecond fimple queftion it is alfo obvious, that the anſwer muſt be greater than the middle term; for 120 bufhels will require more days to be eat up in, than 56 buſhels; and therefore the leaft extreme, viz. 56, is the divifor; and becauſe 56 is an extreme found in the fuppofition, the proportion is direct. I now proceed to flate the queſtion, by- placing the div fors Foint operation. Horf day Horf. * 20: 16 :: 14 on the left hand, and bufh. 56 the other extremes on the right; then I multiply and divide, as directed in R. III. and the anſwer comes out of the fame name with the middle term, viz. 24 days. * 120 buſh. II 20 1680 16 1008 168 days. 11 |0)2688,0(-4 Anf. 224 448 448 (0) The two fimple queftions into which the compound question is refolved, are ftated and wrought feparately, as follows. Horf. Chap. VII. 185 The Rule of THREE. Horf day. Horf. * 20: 16 :: 14 14 64 16 2|0)22|4 (11 days. 24 9/6(4 hours. 1000 48 22 1 Buſh. D. h. m. 56: 1≥—4—48 :: 120 24 Buſh. 268 60 16128 16 I 20 60 60) 56(1935360(3456|0 960(48 min. 168... 24)576(24 days. 255 48 224 96 313 96 280 (0) 336 336 (0) Queſt. 2. If 40 acres of grafs be cut down by 8 men in 7 days, in how many days will 480 acres be cut down by 24 men? Аа Joint 186 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. Foint operation. Acres. days. Acres. 40: 7: :: 480 Men * 24 8 * Men. 960 3840 7 960)2688|0(28 days. Anf. 192 768 768 (0) The ſame queſtion reſolved into two ſimple queſtions, and wrought feparately. Acr. da. Acr. Men. da. Men. 40: 7 :: 480 24 848 * 7 8 40)3360(84 days. 24)67 2(28 days. Anf. 32 16 16 (0) 48 192 192 (0) Quest. 3. If 100 l. principal, in 12 months, gain 51. intereft, what principal will gain L. 2:16:3 in- tereſt in 9 months? Joint Ghap. VII. 187 The Rule of THREE. L. L. S. d. Foint operation. 5 2—163 240 20 Pr. Mon. L. Mon. 1200d. 56 * 9: 100 :: 12 * 12 Int. d. 1200 675 d. Int. 675 d. 10800 8100 100 10800)810000(75 1. Ans. 756. 540 540 (0) The ſame queſtion refolved into two fimple queſtions, and wrought ſeparately. Mo. L. Mo. D. L. s. d. D. 9: 100 :: 12 * 12 9) 1200(133). 3 20 9)60(6 s. 54 6 I 2 9)72(8 d. 72 (0) 1200: 133—6—8 :: 675 20 2666 12 32000 675 1350 2025 12|00)21 6000|00(18000 12) 12 20) 1500 96 96 751. Anf. (000) A a 2 Quest. 188 The Rule of THREE. Chap. VII. Quest. 4. If 12 inches of length, 12 of breadth, and 12 of thickneſs, make a folid foot, what length of a plank that is 6 inches broad and 4 inches thick will make a folid foot? Joint operation. Br. leng. Br. * 6: 12 :: 12 * Th. * 4 12 *Th. 24 144 12 24)1728(72 inches. Anf 168. 48 48 (0) The fame queſtion refolved into two fimple queſtions, both inverſe, and wrought feparately. Br. leng. Br. * * 6: 12 :: 12 12 * Th. leng. Th 4: 24: 12 * 1 2 4)288 6)1 44 24 inches. Anf. 72 inch. in leng. 3 MORE EXAMPLES. Quest 5. If a carrier receive 42 fhillings for the car. riage of C. weight 150 miles, how many miles ought he to carry C. 7:3:14 for 36 s. 9 d. Anf 50 miles. y Queſt. 6. If a regiment of 936 foldiers eat up 351 quar- ters of wheat in 168 days, how many foldiers will eat up 1404 quarters in 56 days at that rate? Ans. 11,232 foldiers. Queſt. 7. If 8 men in 5 days earn 40 fhillings of wa- ges, in how many days will 32 men earn 381. 8 s.? Anf. In 24 days, Queſt. Chap. VII. 139 The Rule of THREE. Quest. 8. If 8 cannons in 1 day ſpend 48 barrels of powder, in how many days will 24 cannons ſpend 1728 barrels at that rate? Anf. In 12 days. Quest. 9. If 75 1. principal, in 9 months, gain L. 3:7:6. intereft, in how many months will 100 l. principal gain 61. intereſt? Ans. In 12 months. Quest. 10. If the penny-loaf weigh 12 ounces when wheat is fold at 3 s. 4 d. per bufhel, what ought to be the weight of a loaf worth 9 d. when wheat is fold at 10 s. per bufhel? Anf. 36 ounces. Quest. 11. If one travels 300 miles in 10 days when the day is 12 hours long, in how many days may he travel 600 miles when the day is 16 hours long? Anf. In 15 days. Quest. 12 If 48 pioneers, in 12 days, caft a trench 24 yards long, how many pioneers will caft a trench 168 yards long in 16 days? Anf. 252 pioneers. III. The Rule of Seven, Nine, Eleven, &c. Quest. 1. If 15 men eat 156 d. worth of bread in 6 days, when wheat is fold at 12 s. per buſhel, in how many days will 30 men eat 520 d. worth of bread when wheat is at 10s. per buſhel? This question belongs to the rule of feven, the num- ber fought is days, and the term of the fame kind in the fuppofition is 6 days, which I place in the middle. The remaining fix terms are extremes, which I clafs into fimilar pairs, by taking one term of each pair out of the fuppofition, and another of the fame kind out of the demand. Out of the fimilar pairs, joined with the middle term, I form fo many fimple queftions, in each of which I find the divifor by Rule II.; then I place the divifors on the left hand, and the other extremes on the right, as di- rected in Rule III. and multiply and divide, as follows. Foint 190 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. S. Foint operation. Men. days. Men. * * 30: 6:15 * 10: d. 156 S. 520 d. 12 * : 4680 30 IO 75 46800 7800 I 2 93600 6 3 468|00)561600(12 days. Anf. 468⚫ 936 936 (0) This compound queſtion is refolved into three fimple ones, as follows. 30: 6:: 15: 3 156: 3 :: 520: 10 10 10 :: 12 12 days. Anf. Quest. 2. If 18 men build a wall 40 feet long 3 feet thick and 16 feet high in 12 days, how many men will build a wall 360 feet long 8 feet thick and 10 feet high in 60 days? This queftion belongs to the rule of nine, and is fta- ted and wrought in the ſame manner with the preceding queftion in the rule of feven, as follows. Joint Chap. VII. 191 The Rule of THREE. d. Foint operation. Length. men. Length. h. 40: 18: 360 *60: 16: Th. 3 I 20 16 72 12 h. d. 8 Th.: 10:12 2880 10 28800 12 1920 345600 60 18 115200 27648 3456 1152|00)62208|00(54 men. Anf. 5760 4608 4608 (0) This compound queſtion is refolved into four fimple ones, as follows. 40: 18:: 360 : 162 3: 162 :: 16: 432 :: 8:432 10:270 60 270 :: 12: 54 men. Anf. Queſt. 3. If 12 men caſt a ditch 30 feet long 6 deep and 3 broad in 15 days, when the day is 12 hours long; in how many days will 60 men caft a ditch 300 feet long 8 deep and 6 broad, when the day is but 8 hours long? This queſtion belongs to the rule of eleven, and is ftated and wrought in the fame manner with the prece- ding queſtions in the rules of feven and nine, as follows. Joint 192 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. Joint operation. Men. days. Men. h. b. d. * 60: 15 :: 12 * d. b. h. * 8 : 3 : 6 : 1. 30 300l.:8:6: 12 *** And 60 × 30×6×3×8=259200 the diviſor. And 12×300×8×6×12×15=31104000 the dividend. 259200) 31104000 (120 days. Anf. 2592.. 5184 5184 (0) The work may be contracted by omitting the equal extremes, 6 and 8, found both on the left hand and the right, thus. 60 × 30×35400 the divifor. And 12×300×12×15=648000 the dividend. 54|00) 6480|00 (120 days. Anſ. 54** 108 108 (0) This compound queſtion is refolved into five fimple ones, as under. 60: 15 :: € 12: 3 30: 3 :: 300: 30 6:30 :: 8: 40 3:40 :: 6: 80 8:80:: 12: 120 days. Anf. MORE EXAMPLE S. Queſt. 4. If 18 roods of ditching be wrought by 3 men in 16 days, when the day is 15 hours long; how many Chap. VII. 193 The Rule of THREE. many roods will be wrought by 8 men in 4 days when the day is 9 hours long? Anf. 7 roods. Quest. 5. If 12 men build a wall 30 feet long 6 feet . high and 3 feet thick in 15 days, in how many days will 60 men build a wall. 300 feet long 8 feet high and 6 feet thick? Anf. In 80 days. Quest. 6. If 10 men, by working 6 hours a day, can, in 4 days, dig a cellar that is 24 feet long 16 wide and 12 deep; how many men, by working 8 hours a-day, will, in 2 days, dig a cellar that is 32 feet long 24 wide and 8 deep? Anf. 20 men. Contractions in the Rule of Three. 1. If the firft term is an aliquot part of the fecond or third, divide the ſaid ſecond or third term by the firſt, and the product of the quot and the other term is the an- fwer. Thus, if 9: 27 :: 42, then divide 27 by 9, and the quot 3 × 42≈ 126, the anſwer. Again, if 8:5: : 64, divide 64 by 8, and the quot 8 x 540, the anfwer. X EXAMPLE. A, B, C, and D, have L. 100 to be divided among them, in fuch manner, that for every L. 3 A receives, B muſt have 5, C 7, and D 10; that is, their ſhares are to be as the numbers 3, 5, 7, 10: Required their ſhares? Add the proportional numbers, by faying, 3+5+7 +10=25: then fay, If 25: 100: : X 3 × 4 12 A's fhare. 5×420 B's fhare. | 7×428 C's fhare. (10x440 D's ſhare. 100 proof. Becauſe 25 meaſures 100, I multiply the quot 4 into all the extremes on the right hand, and the products are the anſwers or ſhares. 2. If the firſt term be a multiple of the fecond or third, B b divide 194 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE divide the firſt term by the faid fecond or third; and the remaining term, divided by the quot, gives the anſwer. EXAMPLE I. If 60 yards coft L. 20, what will 45 yards coft? Here the first term fo is a multiple of the ſecond term 20, and 3, and 45 15 L. Anf. EXAMPLE 11. If-18 yards coft L. 12, what will 6 yards coſt? Here the first term 18 is a multiple of the third term 6, and 183, and 124 L. Anf. ર 3. In compound queſtions the operation may frequent- ly be rendered more fimple, by placing the component parts of the divifor and dividend in a fractional form, re- jecting fuch parts or factors of the numerator and deno- minator as happen to be equal, or cutting off an equal number of ciphers, or dividing by fome common di- viſor. EXAMPLE I. If 35 ells of Vienna make 24 at Lyons, and 3 ells at Lyons make 5 at Antwerp, and too ells at Antwerp make 125 at Frankfort, how many ells at Frankfort make 42 at Vienna ? This question belongs to the rule of feven; and be cauſe the number fought is ells at Frankfort, therefore the given ells at Frankfort, viz. 125, is the middle term: the remaining terms are extremes; which I claſs into fi- milar pairs, and ſtate as follows. Ant. Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. 195 ! Vienna 35 Lyons 3 Ant. Frank. Ant. 100 : 125: 5 Vienna 24 Lyons: 42 300 I 2Q 35 42 10500 5040 125 2520 Ioc8 504 105|00)6300|00(60 ells. Anſ. 630 The fimple queftions are, 100: 125 (0) 5: 61 3: 61 :: 24: 50 50 :: 42: 60 ells at Frankfort. Anf. 35: 50 But the queſtion becomes more fimple, by being ſta ted and wrought in the fractional form, as follows. 42×24 X 5× 125 42 × 24×5X125 35×3×100 3x35x100 42X8X1X25 8400 840 60 ells at Frank. 1X7X20 140 14 fort. Anf. EXAMPLE II. If 100 lb. of Venice weigh 70 lb. of Lyons, and 120 lb. of Lyons weigh 100 lb. of Roan, and 80 lb. of Roan weigh 100 lb of Toloufe, and 100 pound of Tolouſe weigh 74 lb. of Geneva, how many pounds of Geneva will 100 lb. of Venice weigh? B b 2 This } 196 Chap. VII. The Rule of THREE. This queſtion belongs to the rule of nine; and becauſe pounds of Geneva is the number fought, the given pounds of Geneva, viz. 74, muſt be the middle term: the re- maining terms are extremes; which may be claſſed into fimilar pairs, and ftated as follows, Ly. Ven. Tol. Gen. Tol. Ven. Ly. 100:74::100 100: 120: Roan 80 100 Roan : 70: 109 8000 10000 I 20 960000 70 700000 I CO 100 96000000 70000000 74 96000000)5180000000(532 lb. of Ger 480. neva. Ans. 380 288 (92) But the queftion becomes more fimple, and is wrought with greater eaſe and advantage, by being ftated in the fractional form, as follows. 100 X 70 X 100 X 100 X 74 100 X 120 x 80 x 100 7 × 10 × 74 X 5180 12 × 8 96 70 X 100 X 74 120 X 80 =532 lb. of Geneva. Anf. I shall now conclude, by obferving, that every com- pound queftion, whether in the rule of five, feven, nine, or eleven, &c. properly and frictly speaking, conſiſts but of three given terms. For the firft term, or divifor, is Chap. VIII. 197 FELLOWSHI P. is to be confidered as one compound term made up, or produced, by the continual multiplication of the ex- tremes on the left hand, as fo many component parts. In like manner, the third term is to be conſidered as one compound term, made up by the continual multiplica- tion of the extremes on the right, as component parts. Suppoſe the queſtion to be, If L. 100 in 12 months gain L. 5 intereft, what will L. 75 gain in 9 months? Here it is obvious, that it is neither the L. 100 prin- cipal, nor the 12 months of time, taken feparately, that gains the L. 5 intereft, but both contribute their ſhare; that is, they confpire, as joint caufes, to produce one effect; and therefore their product, viz. the firſt term, is to be confidered as the caufe producing the effect; that is, the firft term, viz. 100 x 12, caufeth, produ- ceth, or gains, L. 5 of intereſt. And in like manner, the product of the extremes on the right hand, or the third term, viz. 75 × 9, is to be eſteemed the cauſe that produceth a fimilar effect; that is, gains a like fum of intereft, namely, the fourth term, or anfwer. In re- ference to this way of confidering the first and third terms, the queſtion might be ſtated as under. F If 100 × 12:5:75×9 CHAP VIII. FELLOWSHIP. ELLOWSHIP, called alſo Company, or Partnership, is, when two or more perfons join their ſtocks, and trade together, dividing the gain or lofs proportionally among the partners. Fellowſhip is either without or with time, called alſo fingle or double. I. 198 FELLOWSHIP. Chap. VIII. I. Fellowship without time. Queſtions in fellowſhip without time are wrought by the following proportion. As the total ſtock To the total gain or loſs, So each man's particular ſtock To his ſhare of the gain or loſs. Quest 1. A and B make a joint ftock: A puts in 121. and B 81.; they gain 51.: What is each man's ſhare? L. Stock. gain. Stock. A's ftock 12 | A. If 20 : 5 :: 12 B's ftock 8 5 Total ſtock 20 Stock. gain. Stock. B. If 20: 5 :: 8 8 210)610 A's gain 31. L. A's gain 3 5 210)410 B's gain 2 B's gain 21. Total gain 5 proof. Quest. 2. A, B, and C, make a joint ftock: A puts in 781. B 1171. and C 2341.; they gain 2651.: What is each man's ſhare? L. Chap. VIII. FELLOWSHIP. 199 L. (A 781 Stock of B 117 [C 234 Stock. gain. Stock. A. If 429: 265 :: 78 78 Total ftock 429 2120 1855 429)20670(481. 1716 3510 3432 78 20 429) 1560(38. 1287 273 12 429)3276(7 d. 3003 273 4 429) 1092(2 f. 858 (234) Stock. 200 Chap. VIII. FELLOWSHIP. Stock. gain. Stock. B. If 429 : 265 :: 117 117 · 1855 265 265 429)31005(72 l. 3003. 975 858 Stock. gain. Stock. C. If 429: 265 :: 234 234 1060 795 530 429)62010(1441 429.. 1911 1716 117 1950 20 1716 429)2340(5 s. 2145 234 20 195 12 429)2340(5 d. 2145 195 4 429)780(1 f. 429 (351) 429)4680(10 s. 429 390 - 12 429)4680(tod. 429 390 4 429)1560(3 f. 1287 Anf. (273) Chap. VIII. FELLOWSHIP. 201 。L. S. d. f. Rem. A 48- 3- 7—2— Anf. Gain of B { A = = 7 = 72—5—5—1- C 144 -234 ·351 144—10—10—3—273 Proof 265-oo-o -858 Note 1. When in any queſtion there happen to be: remainders, they muſt be reduced equally low, ſo as to be all of one name; and then their fum will be either equal to the divifor, or exactly double, triple, &c. of it and accordingly 1, 2, 3, &c. carried from the ſum of the remainders, and added to the particular gains, will make up the total gain; or the divifor will always divide the fum of the remainders exactly, and the quot added to the particular gains will give the total gain. Note 2. When the partners have equal ſhares of ſtock or capital, their flares of gain, lofs, or neat proceeds, is found readily by dividing the total gain, lofs, &c. by the number of partners, thus. Suppoſe A, B, and C, were equally concerned in a voyage to Virginia, and that the neat proceeds turned out to 5751. each partner's fhare will be L. 191:13:4, caft up as under. L. S. . d. 3)575(191 13 4 Note 3. When the fractions denoting the partners ſhares of ſtock or capital have all the fame denominator, their ſhares of gain, lofs, &c. is quickly found, by di- viding the total gain, &c. by the denominators, and multiplying each quot by its refpective nnmerator, thus. Suppofe A, B, C, and D, buy a fhip for a fum of money, whereof A, B, and C, pay each, and D 3 or ; and that her freight on a voyage amounts to 260l. the partners ſhares are found as follows. C C ठ 6)260 202 FELLOWSHIP. Chap. VIII. 6)260 L. 43:6:8 to A. 4368 to B. 4368 to C. 130:00 to D. Proof 260 Note 4. The operation may ſometimes be ſhortened or facilitated by firſt finding the gain, lofs, or neat pro- ceeds, per cent. or per pound, and then working by the rules of practice, thus. Suppoſe A, B, and C, join in an adventure to Bar- badoes, which, with all charges, amounted to 2000 l.; whereof A paid 4001. B 600 l. and D 1000l.; they have returns in goods, which being difpofed of, the neat proceeds amounted to L. 4333: 6: 8: What ſhould each partner get? If 2000: 43331 20 10 6-8: 100 I · 4333—6—8 :: : 216|6—13—4 :: Į 20 I 'n 133 I 2 40 216 13 4 per cent. 4 L. s. d. 400 866 13 4 A gets 866 13 4 200= 433 68 600 1300 1000 — 2166 13 4 B gets 1300 C gets 2166 13 4 Proof 4333 68 Again, 1 Chap. VIII. 203 FELLOWSHI P.- Again, Suppoſe A, B, and C, join in an adventure to Jamaica, and (hip off, on their joint credit, goods to the value of 3000 l. ; and, to complete the cargo, the partners, from their own warehouſes, fhip off fuch goods as they had proper for the voyage, viz. A goods to the value of 100 l. B 200 l. C 300 l.; the neat proceeds of their returns in fugar and rum amounted to 6930 1. What fhare of this belongs to each partner? 3600: 6930: D 360: 093 :: I 120: 231 :: I 40: 77 :: 177 per 1. I : 40 Shares. L. S. A's ſtock 1100x77 B's ſtock 1200 x 77 C's ſtock 1300 × 77 = 84700, 402117 10 92400, 402310 = 100100, ÷ 40—2502 IO Proof 6930 MORE EXAMPLES. Quest. 3. A, B, and C, make a joint ftock: A puts in 460 l. B 510l. and C 4801.; they gain 3401.: What is each partner's fhare? A 107-17-2—3 Anf. Gain of B 119—11—8—2— I.. S. . d. f. Rem. 85 I 10 —0—I 95 •290 C 112-II — Proof. 340-00 340-00—0—0 Quest. 4. Three perfons trade together: A puts in 2301. B 5291. and C 3441. 10 s.; they gain 5201.: What is that to each ? L. S. . d. Rem: A 108-7-73- Anf. Gain of B 249-5-7 C 162-6-9 271 844 ~1092 Cc 2 Quest. 204 Chap. VIII. FELLOWSHIP. Quest. 5. A, B, and C, make a joint ſtock of 32561.: whereof A puts in 10261. B 9851. and C the reft; by misfortune they lofe 2000l.: What part of that muſt each bear? L. s. d. A 630 45 Anf. B 605-0-83 C 764-14-10 Rem. 928 1 240 1088 Quest. 6. Four partners, A, B, C, and D, built a ſhip, which coſt 17301.; and the freight for her first voyage amounted to 370l.; of which A's fhare was 741. B's 1111. C's 148 1. and D's 371.: What was each partner's ſtock? L. A's ftock was 346 B's 519 Anf. C's 692 D's 173 Total flock 1730 Proof. Quest. 7. A, B, and C, in company, gain 361. A put in 201. B 30 1. C a fum unknown; C took up 161. of the gain: What did A and B gain? and what did C put in? L. A's gain 8 Anf. B's gain C's ſtock 12 40 certain fum; of which A, C, and D, go; A, C, and What was the ſtock and Queſt. 8. A, B, C, and D, in partnerſhip, had a joint ftock of 600l. and gained a B, and C, took up col.; B, D, 80; A, B, and D, 70: gain of each partner ? Stock. Chap. VIIL FELLOWSHIP. 205 Stock. Gain. L. L. A's 60- 10 B's 120- 20 Anf. C's 180—30 į D's 240- 40 II. Fellowship with time. In fellowſhip with time, the gain or lofs is divided a- mong the partners, both in proportion to the ſtocks themſelves, and alfo in proportion to the times of their continuance in company: for the fame ftock continued a double time, procures a double thare of gain; and continued a triple time, procures a triple ſhare of gain; that is, the ſhares of gain or lofs are as the products of the ſeveral ſtocks multiplied into their respective times: and accordingly queftions belonging to this rule are wrought by the following proportion. As the fum of the products of the ſeveral ſtocks into their reſpective times To the total gain or loſs, So the product of each man's ftock into his time To his fhare of the gain or loſs. Quest. 1. A put into company 401. for 3 months, B 751. for 4 months; they gain 70l.: What ſhare muſt each man have? A 40×3=120, third term for A's thare. B 75×4300, third term for B's ſhare. 420, first term, L. L. A. If 420 : 70 :: 120 B. If 420 70 :: 300 120 420)8400(201. 84 (0) 300 42|0) 2100|0(50 1. 210 (0) 1 A's 206 FELLOWSHIP. Chap. VIII. A's gain B's gain L. 20 50 Total gain 70 proof. Quest. 2. A put into company 560 l. B 2791. for 10 months, and C 7351. they gained 1000l.: What ſhare of the have? for 8 months, for 6 months; gain muſt each A 560 × 8=4480, third term for A's fhare. B 279×10=2790, third term for B's ſhare. C 735× 6=4410, third term for C's ſhare. L. 11680, firft term. L. 5. d. f. Rem. 208 80 A If 11680: 1000 :: 4480: 383-11-2—3— B If 11680: 1000 :: 2790 : 238-17 —4—3—· C If 11680: 1000 :: 4410 : 377-11-4—1—— 880 Proof MORE 1000—00—0—0—· 1168 EXAMPLES. Queſt. 3. A, B, and C, hire a paſture for 241.: A puts in 40 cows for 4 months, B 30 cows for 2 months, and C 36 cows for 5 months: What ſhare of the rent muſt each pay? L. S. A's fhare of rent 9-12 3-12 C's fhare 10—16) Anf. B's fhare Proof 24 Quest. 4. A, B, and C, agreeing to trade together, A puts in 529 1. for 4 months, B 3291. for 7 months, and C gool. for 2 months; they gain 540 1.: What is each man's fhare? Anf. • Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 207 L. s. d. Rem, A 183-14-8 2304 Anf. B 199—19— 5 1222 -2583 C 156— 5-102 Quest 5. A and B enter into partnerſhip for a year: accordingly A put in the first of January 501.; but B could not put any money in till the firft of May: What fum muſt В then put in to be intitled to an equal ſhare of the gain at the year's end? Anf. 751. Queſt. 6. A, B, and C agree to trade in company for 12 months: A put in at firſt 3641. and at the end of 4 months he put in 40 l, more; B put in at firſt 408 1. and at the end of 7 months he took out 861.; C put in at firſt 1481. and at the end of 3 months he put in 861. more, and at the end of other 5 months he put in 100l. more; at the year's end their gain was 14361.: Whạt is each man's fhare? A's gain Anfį B's gain C's gain L· s. d. Rem. 556- 3—6—6192 529-16-9- 349-19—8- 5496 416 Note. Queſtions in double fellowſhip are proper exer. cife for the learner, but ſeldom occur in real buſineſs; differences in point of time being uſually adjuſted by an intereft-accompt. A CHA P. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. FRACTION is a part or parts of an unit, or of any integer or whole; and is expreffed by two numbers, one above and the other below a line drawn between them; as, I 4. The number under the line fhews into how many parts the unit or integer is divided; and is called the denominator, becauſe it gives name to the fraction: the number above the line fhews or tells how many of theſe parts the fraction contains; and is therefore called the numerator. In the fraction 1. a pound Sterling is the unit, in- teger, 208 REDUCTION of Chap. IX. ร teger, or whole; and the denominator 4 fhews that the pound is broken or divided into four equal parts, viz. 4 crowns; and the numerator 3 fhews that the fraction contains three of theſe parts, that is, three crowns; and fo the value of this fraction is fifteen fhillings. COROLLARY I Hence it follows, 1. When the numerator of a frac tion is less than the denominator, the value of ſuch a fraction is less than unity, or the integer. 2. When the numerator is equal to the denominator, the value of the fraction is exactly an unit or integer. 3. When the numerator is greater than the denominator, the value of the fraction is more than an unit; and fo often as the denominator is contained in the numerator, ſo many u- nits or wholes are contained in the fraction. If, there. fore, the numerator of a fraction be divided by the de- nominator, the quot will be a number of units or in- tegers, and the remainder fo many parts. The numerator of a fraction is to be confidered as a dividend, and the denominator as a divifor; and the fraction itſelf may be taken to denote the quotient. COROLLAR Y II. From this view of a fraction, it is evident, that if the numerator and denominator of a fraction be either both multiplied or both divided by the fame number, the products or quotients will retain the fame proportion to one another; and confequently the new fraction thence arifing will be of the fame value with the given one. Thus the numerator and denominator of the fraction 2 multiplied by 2 produces, and divided by 2 quots both which fractions are of the fame value with Fractions having 10, 100, 1000, or I with any number of ciphers annexed to it, for a denominator, are called decimal fractions; and fractions having any other denominator are called vulgar fractions. But the doctrine of vulgar fractions, or the rules there- in laid down for reducing, adding, fubtracting, multi- tiplying, and dividing fractions, are equally applicable to Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 200 to fractions of every kind; to the decimal as well as the vulgar; and therefore, in what follows, the decimal and vulgar fractions are promifcuously uſed in the exempli- fication of the rules. Decimal fractions, indeed, may be added, ſubtracted, &c. and have their operations conducted, not only by the rules affigned in the doctrine of vulgar fractions, which are of a general or univerfal nature, and extend alike to fractions of every fort; but alſo by a more eafy and ſimple method, peculiar to themſelves, which vulgars fractions do not admit of; and this may be called the doctrine of decimals; the explication whereof is referved. to ſome ſubſequent part of this treatife. In the mean time, we proceed to defcribe the other claffes or kinds into which fractions in general are divided. 1. A proper fraction is that whofe numerator is lefs than its denominator, and confequently is in value lefs than unity; as 4 2. An improper fraction is that whofe numerator is equal to or greater than its denominator; and confequent- ly is in value equal to or greater than an unit; as ‡, 7. 3. A fimple fraction is that which has but one nume- rator, and one denominator; and may be either proper or improper; as or 2. 4. A compound fraction is made up of two or more fimple fractions, coupled together with the particle of, and is a fraction of a fraction; as of 2, or of 3 of 3. 1 5. A mixt number confifts of an integer, and a frac- tion joined with it; as 73. Becauſe in moſt caſes fractions can neither be added nor fubtracted, till they be reduced, we begin with re- duction, Reduction of Vulgar Fractions. PROB. I. To reduce an improper fraction to an integer, or mixt number. 1 D d RULE. 210 Chap. IX. REDUCTION of { RULE. Divide the numerator by the denominator, the quo- gives integers; and the remainder, if there be any, plat ced over the divifor or denominator, gives the fraction to be annexed. - EXAMPLE S. 1. 52585 integers, there being no remainder. 2. 437,48, the remainder being 5. 5 ΙΟ 3. 1382=9814, the remainder being 10. 48 4. 23370=173, the remainder being 48. The reafon of the rule is evident from Corollary I. For the denominator of every fraction is one whole; and if the numerator be divided by the denominator, the quot will be units, integers, or wholes, and the remain- der fo many parts. PROB. II. To reduce a mixt number to an improper fraction. RULE. Multiply the integer by the denominator; to the product add the numerator: the fum is the numerator of the im.' proper fraction; and the denominator is the ſame as be- fore. EXAMPLE S. 1. 54437; for 54 x 8432 +5 Numerator 437 2. 9810=1382; for 98 x 14=1372 } +10 Numerator 1382 3. Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 2 L 3. 173,48=23376, for 173×136=23528 +48 Numerator 23576 The reafon of this rule needs not be affigned, both the rule and the examples being the reverſe of the fore- going. PRO B. III. To reduce a whole number to a fraction of a given de- nominator. RULE. Multiply the whole number by the given denominator; and place the product by way of numerator over the gi- ven denominator. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 9 to a fraction whoſe denominator is 5. 9×5=45; ſo the fraction is 45 2. Reduce 30 to a fraction whofe denominator is 4. 36×4=144; ſo the fraction is 144. 3. Reduce 8 to a fraction whoſe denominator is 1. 8×18; ſo the fraction is . 8 It is eaſy to perceive, that the fractions of this pro- blem will all be improper; and from Ex. j. we may learn, that any whole number may be reduced to the form of a fraction, by making unity the denominator. The reafon of the rule appears by reverfing the ope- ration; for if the numerator be divided by the denomi- nator, it will quot the integer, or whole number. PROB. IV. To reduce a compound fraction to a fimple one. RULE. Multiply the numerators continually for the numera Dd 2 tor - 242 Chap. IX. REDUCTION of tor of the fimple fraction; and multiply the denomina- tors continually for its denominator. Ex. I. EXAMPLES. 8 I5 송 ​3 of 4 = 1. Ex. 2. 6 1 of 3 of 2 = 24. An operation may fometimes be fhortened by con- necting the numerators and denominators with the fign of multiplication, and then rejecting fuch of the factors above and below as happen to be the fame. Thus, of 2 of = 4 2×3×4 3×4×5; and rejecting 3 and 4, both a- bove and below, the fraction is quickly reduced to 2. The reafon of the rule will appear by reviewing Ex. 1.; in which, by corollary II. is equal to 4× 3 5×3 12; and I5 = one third of is; confequently two thirds is I 2 Ι 2 × 4 3 x 5. COROLLAR Y. From this problem may be deduced a method of re- ducing a fraction of a leffer denomination to a fraction of a greater denomination: namely, Form a compound fraction, by comparing the given fraction with the fuperior denominations; and then re- duce the compound fraction to a fimple one. EXAMPLE S. 1. What fraction of a pound Sterling is of a penny? I I 20 3 d. is of of L. & L. 2 2 25 す ​6 2. What fraction of a C. is of a pound? 8 7 lb. is of of 4 C. =337 C. / 28 896 3. What fraction of a pound Troy is of a penny- weight? I I 4 4 dw. is of of 12 16. = 125 lb. Troy. 4 2 PROB. 1 Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 213 3 PROB. V. To reduce a fraction of a greater denomination to a fraction of a leffer denomination. RULE. Multiply the numerator of the given fraction, as in reduction of integers deſcending; and the product is the numerator, to be placed over the denominator of the given fraction. EXAMPLE S. 1. What fraction of a fhilling is of a pound? Here, as in reduction defcending, I multiply the nu merator 3 by 20, becauſe 20 fhillings make a pound; as under. L. 3×20 = Go fhilling. 4 2. What fraction of a penny is L.? L. 4 X 20 X 12 5 = 200 d. 3. What fraction of a farthing is L.? L. 2 X 20 X 12 X 4 3 = 1920 f. 4. What fraction of a pound is C.? C. 7 × 4 × 28 784 lb. 8 5. What fraction of a grain is lb. Troy? lb. 5 × 1 2 × 20 × 24 ΤΣ I 2 A = 28800 gr. 12 } 6. 214 Chap. IX. REDUCTION of } 6. What fraction of an inch is yard? Yard. 1 × 3 × 12 Yard. 1 × 36 =36 inch. Or 36 inch. 2 2 The reaſon of this rule will appear by obferving, that every fraction may be confidered in two views. Thus, may either be confidered as expreffing three fourths of one unit, or as denoting the fourth part of three units. Now, if the unit be a pound Sterling, the fraction, in the latter view, will denote the fourth part of three pounds; and by reducing the numerator L., to fhil. lings, we have s.; and again reducing 60 fhillings to pence, we have 20 d. equal to 40 s. or to L. 60 4 PRO B. VI. To find the value of a fraction. RULE. Reduce the numerator to the next inferior denomina- tion; divide by the denominator; and the quot, if no- thing remain, is the value complete. If there be any remainder, it is the numerator of a fraction whoſe denominator is the divifor. This frac- tion may either be annexed to the quotient, or reduced to value, if there be any lower denomination. EX. Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONSONS. . 215. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the value of 2 L.? 3 Here I confider L. as expreffing the fourth part of three pounds Ster- ling; f I reduce L. 3, the numera- tor, to fhillings, and divide by the denominator 4; and as nothing re- mains, the quot, viz. 15 fhillings, is the value complete. L. 20 4)60 (15 s. 4 20 20 1 1 (0) S. 2=15 2. What is the value of L.? 9 20 Here there is a remainder of 4, which makes of a fhilling; this I reduce to value, viz I multiply 4 by 12, the pence in a fhilling, and divide the pro- duct by the denominator 16; and the quot gives 3 d. 16) 180 (11 s. 16. 20 16 4 rem. 12 16) 48 (3 d. 48 (0) L. s. d. 1/8=11-3 3. What 216 Chap. IX. REDUCTION of 3. What is the value of £C.? Here the laſt remainder 7 makes 16 4 21) 64 (3 Q: 63 I of a pound; which I annex to the quotient. 28 21) 28 (1,7 lb. 21 (7) 21 C. Q. lb. 1124=3-121 7 EXAMPLE S. MORE What is the value of 27 L. Sterling? Anf. 18 s. 7 d. 123 f. 5. What is the value of 53 of a tun? Anf. 11 C. I Q. 222 lb. 6. What is the value of Anf. 4 oz. 10 dw. To lb. Troy? 7. What is the value of 41 of a year? Anf. 299 days 7 hours 12 minutes. The reafon of this rule is the fame with that in the preceding problem. It is by the practice of this pro- blem that remainders in the rule of three are reduced to value. PROB. VII. To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms. RUL E. Divide both numerator and denominator by their greateſt Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 217 greateft common divifor; the two quots make the new fraction. The greateſt common divifor of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is found by the following rule. Divide the greater of theſe two numbers by the leffer ; and again divide the diviſor by the remainder; and ſo on, continually, till o remains. The laft divifor is their great- eft common divifor. EXAMPLE S. 1. Reduce 78 to its lowest terms. 95 Firſt I find the greateſt common divifor of the numera- tor and denominator, as follows. 784)952(I 784 168)784(4 672 112) 168(1 II 2 Greateſt common divifor 56(112(2 112 (0) I now proceed to reduce the given fraction to its lowest terms, by dividing both numerator and denomi- nator by 56, the greateſt common diviſor. 56)784(14 new num. 56 224 224 56)952(17 new denom. 56 1 392 392 (0) So 794 = 14 Ее (0) 2. Reduce . Chap. IX, 218 REDUCTION of 2. Reduce 846 to its lowest terms. 4 ठ Firſt find the greateſt common divifor, as under. 468)846(I 468 378)468(I 378 90)378(4 360 Greateſt common divifor 18)90(5 ༡༠ (0) Now reduce the given fraction to its lowest terms. 18)846(47 new num. 72 } 18)468(26 new denom. 36 108 126 126 (0) 108 (0) So 846=47=12/ # 3. Reduce Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 219 3. Reduce to its lowest terms. 147)323(2 294 29)147(5 145 2)29(14 2 8 Greateſt common divifor 1)2(2 2 (0) The greateſt common divifor being unity, the given fraction is already in its loweſt terms. MORE EXAMPLE S. 208 4. What is 30 in its lowest terms? 684 5. What is 2542 in its loweſt terms? 2912 6. What is 2728 in its lowest terms? 2976 Ans. 52 1. Anf. z. 7 8 Ans. 1 ΙΣ This way of abbreviating or reducing a fraction to its lowest terms, by finding the greateſt common divifor, being tedious, you may ufe the following method. Divide the numerator and denominator of the given fraction by any number that will divide both without any remainder, and you have your fraction in lower terms. In like manner, reduce this new fraction to lower terms ſtill, and ſo on continually, till no common divifor, except unity, is found, and you have your fraction in its loweſt terms. In order to diſcover what number will divide both nu- merator and denominator without a remainder, obſerve the following practical rules or directions. 1. If the units, or right hand figure, of both nume‣ E c 2 rator 220 REDUCTION of Chap. IX. rator and denominator are even numbers, you may al ways halve them, or divide by 2. 2) 2) 7) 418 1 + 1 + 196 98 Ex. 1. 784 | 323 | 128 | 28 | 14 95 In the above example I proceed by halving, till the new fraction is, where 9, the unit of the denomi nator, is an odd number, fo 2 cannot meaſure both; confequently neither can 4, 6, or 8, the multiples of 2. By trial I find 3 cannot meaſure both, and ſo neither can 6 or 9, the multiples of 3. Then I try 7, and find it meaſures both So the given fraction is reduced to I 7) and is in its lowest terms, unity being the only number that meaſures both numerator and denominator. 14 The divifors in the above example may be confidered as component parts of the greateſt common diviſor, and accordingly the product arifing from their continual mul- tiplication, viz. 2×2×2×7 = 56, is the greateſt com- mon divifor. 2) 2) 2) 2) 2. 2) 3) Ex. 2. 123 1 203 1 14 | 34 | 33 | 38 | 3 | 92 576 48 72 I 2 2. If the right-hand figure of both numerator and de- nominator be 5, or if the right-hand figure of the one 5 and of the other o, you may in either caſe divide be by 5. 5) 5) 5) 3) 75 5 Ex. 1. 375 125 | 1 | 2 | 3 1125 45 3) Ex 2,921911 2 I 40 7) 2 17/ 2 Ex. 3. 148 128 14 245 3. If there are ciphers on the right hand of both nu merator and denominator, cut off an equal number of ciphers from both; for to cut off one cipher is the fame Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 221 fame thing as to divide by to, and to cut off two is the fame as to divide by 100, &c. 10) 2) 3) Ex. 1. 2018 | 22/21 2 24 100) 5) 7) 3) 210 Ex. 2. 31983 | 38 | 31913 315 Ex. 3. 31000=} The reaſon of this rule has been already affigned in Corollary II. viz. When the numerator and denomina- tor of a fraction are both divided by the fame number, the new fraction formed by the quots is of the ſame va- lue with the given one. The rule for finding the greateſt common divifor may be thus demonftrated: If any number meaſure both the remainder of a divifion, and alfo the divifor, it will like- wife meaſure the dividend; for the dividend conſiſts of two parts, whereof one is a multiple of the divifor, pro- duced by multiplying the quot into the divifor; and the other part is the remainder itfelf: now, fince the fuppo fed number meaſures the remainder, and alfo meatures the divifor, and all its mutiples, it will meaſure both parts of the dividend; that is, it will meaſure the divi dend. Thus, in Ex. 1. fince every number meaſures itſelf, the remainder 56, in the third divifion, will meaſure it- felf; but it alfo meaſures the divifor 112; and therefore will alfo meaſure the dividend 168; that is, it meaſures the remainder and the divifor of the fecond divifion; and conſequently meaſures the dividend 784; that is, it mea- fures both the remainder and the divifor of the firft divi fion; and therefore will alſo meaſure the dividend 952, and at the fame time is the higheſt or greateſt number that will do fo. PROB. VIII. To reduce fractions of different denominators to a common denominator. RULE 222 of Chap. IX. REDUCTION of RULE Multiply the denominators continually for the com. mon denominator; and multiply each numerator into all the denominators, except its own, for the feveral nu- merators. EXAMPLE S. 1. Reduce and to a common denominator. 4×520, the common denominator. 3×5=15, the firſt numerator. 4× 416, the ſecond numerator. So the new fractions are 15 and 10. 2. Reduce 3, §, and 7, to a common denominator. 3 × × 8 = 144, the common denominator. 2×6×8 = 96, the first numerator. 5 × × 8=120, the ſecond numerator. 2 7 × 3 × 6 = 126, the third numerator. The new fractions are, 3. Reduce 6 3 G I 20 2, and 120 144' 39,7%, to a common denominator. 2: 5 2 × 5 × 7 × IC=700, the common denominator. 1 × 5 × 7 × o 0=350, the firſt numerator. 3 x = × X 6 × × 1 X × 10 = 410, the ſecond numerator. ×10=600 the third numerator. 9 × × 5 × 7=630, the fourth numerator. New fractions, 450, 420, 900, 930. MORE 4. 3, 4, 5, 7, 휴​, 송​, 등​, 동​, 5 2 5. 3., 1, 3, I 5 6.1, 4.1%, 1, 품​. ㅇ​, 7. EXAMPLES. 720 768, 800.840. ठ 300,000. 420 315, 128.675, 378. 945 945 945' 945° 140, 400, 504, 280. When the denominator of one fraction happens to be an aliquot part of the denominator of another fraction, the former may be reduced to the fame denominator with the latter, by multiplying both its numerator and denominator by the number which denotes how often the leffer denominator is contained in the greater. 5 5 Thus, += ½ + ½· ΙΣ 1 2' Here Chap.IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 223 Here 3 is contained in 12 four times; fo I multiply both 2 and 3 by 4, and I have 23. Again,╋十 ​ㄨ​ˊ = ㄔ​ㄨ​ˊ + ㄓ​ㄢ​ˊ + Sometimes, too, the fraction that has the greater de. nominator may, in like manner, be reduced to the fame denominator with that which has the leffer, by diviſion. Thus, 3+}+}· 7 And 19+3/+½=½+&+√2• The reaſon of the above rule for reducing fractions to a common denominator is evident from Corollary II.; for both numerator and denominator of every fraction are multiplied by the fame number, or by the fame num- bers. After fractions are reduced to a common denominator, they may frequently be reduced to lower terms, by di- viding all the numerators, and alfo the common deno- minator, by any divifor that leaves no remainder, or by cutting off an equal number of ciphers from both. The lower fractions are reduced, the more fimple and eafy will any operation be; if, therefore, it be required to reduce fractions to the loweſt or leaſt common deno- minator poffible, it may be done as follows. The leaſt multiple of all the given denominators is the leaft common denominator. Divide this common denominator feverally by the de- nominators of the given fractions; and multiply each numerator reſpectively by the quot arifing from its own denominator; and the products will be the numerators. The leaft multiple of two or more numbers is found thus. Place the given numbers in a line; then divide two of them, or as many of them as you can, by 2, or 3, or any ſmall divifor that leaves no remainder; place the quots, and the numbers not divided, in a line below; a- gain, divide the numbers in this line, either by the for- mer, or by fome other divifor, placing the quots, and the numbers not divided, in a line below; proceed by dividing, in the fame manner, till the laft quot of every number 224 REDUCTION of Chap. IX. { number be unity; then multiply the divifors into one an- other continually, and their product is the leaſt multiple required EXAMPLE I. Required the leaft multiple of 24 and 36? Divifors 624. 36. 1 21 4. 6. 2 2. 3. 3 1. 3. I. ´6 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 72, the leaſt multiple. EXAMPLE II. Required the leaſt multiple of 24, 36, 54? Divifors 6 24. 36. 54. 34. 6. 9. 2 4. ત 2. 3. 21 2. 3. 3 I. 3. I. 6×3×2×2×3=216, the leaſt multiple. EXAMPLE III. Required the leaſt multiple of 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 15 ? Divifors 2 2. 4. 6. 10. 12. 15•* 21 3. ふ ​6. 15. 3 1. 5. 3. 15. I. ? i. 5. f. I. 2×2×3×560, the leaft multiple. The } Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 225 The reaſon of the operation is obvious. For the con- tinual product of the divifors uſed in dividing any of the given numbers is equal to the faid given number; and if this product be multiplied by the remaining divifor or divifors, the product will be a multiple of the given num- ber. Thus, in Ex. 1. the divifors ufed in dividing 24 are 6, 2, 2, and 6×2×2 24, the given number; and if we multiply this by 3, the remaining divifor, we ſhall have 6×2×2×372, a multiple of 24. In like man- ner, the divifors ufed in dividing 36 are 6, 2, 3, and 6×2×336, the given number; and if we multiply this by 2, the remaining divifor, we fhall have, as be fore, 6×2×2×372, a multiple of 36, which, at the fame time, is the leaft common multiple of 24 and 36. If any of the ſmaller given numbers be an aliquot part of fome of the higher given numbers, you may, if you pleaſe, neglect the aliquot parts. Thus, in Ex. 3. you may neglect 2, 4, and 6, as being aliquot parts of 12; and by dividing 10, 12, 15, you will have 60 for the leaſt common multiple, as before. I now proceed to the exemplification of the above rule. I Ex. 1. Reduce and to their leaſt common deno- minator. Divifors 2. 18. 6x 2 x 336, the leaft 2 ત્ય 2. 3. common denominator. I I. 12) 36(3 × 5 = 15 the first numerator. 18) 30( 2 × 7 = 14 the ſecond numerator. The new fractions are 15 and 1. I 4 14 Ex. 2. Reduce, 72, 1, 3, 5, 4, to their leaft com- mon denominator. Ff Div. 226 Chap. IX. ADDITION of Div. 28. 12. 9. 3. 6. 4. 24. 6. • 9. 3. 3. 2. 22. 3. 9. 3. 3. 1 34. 3. 9. 3. 3. 3 I. 3. I. I. 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 72, the common denomi nator. I. 8)72(9 × 5=45 first numerator. 12)72(6 × 7=42 fecond numerator. 9)72(8 × 4 32 third numerator. 3)72(24 × 2 = 48 6)72(12 × 5 = 60 fourth numerator. fifth numerator. 4)72(18 × 1 = 18 fixth numerator. 32 48 72 18 New fractions 4돌​, 속글​, 무릎​, 숲​을​, 속​을​, 녹음​. 72 The method of finding the new numerators may be thus accounted for. The value of a fraction is not al- tered by multiplying both its numerator and denomina- tor by the fame number; but when the common deno- minator is divided by the denominator of the given fraction, the quot gives the number into which the de- nominator of the given fraction is multiplied; and con- fequently its numerator must be multiplied by the fame. Thus, in the laſt example, the common denominator, 72, divided by 8, the denominator of the given fraction §, quotes 9; and fo the new fraction is formed thus, 5 5× 45 ; in like manner, the new fraction 7 is I 2 8xy 72 7×6 42 formed thus, &c. 12×6 72, Addition of Vulgar Fractions. Rule I. If the given fractions have all the fame deno- minator, add the numerators, and place the fum over the denominator. Ex. 1. What is the fum of +3? Anf. §. Ex. Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 227 15 Ex. 2. What is the fum of +13? 6 of+ by Prob. VII. Ans. 1/3=}; 2=3, Ex. 3. What is the fum of +&+7? Ans. 15-17, by Prob. I. Rule II. If the given fractions have different denomi- nators, reduce them to a common denominator, by Prob VIII. then add the numerators, and place the fum over the commmon denominator. Ex. 1. What is the fum of 2 + 3 ? 16 I 2+1=10+15, by Prob. VIII. and 10+15=25. Ex. 2. What is the fum of + 3 + § ? 3+3+3=3/4+54 +92, by Prob. VIII. and 24 +54 +12=-3222 28 72 을​을 ​66 72 72 721 ΙΙ and 132199, by Prob. I = 1, by Prob. VII. 72 The operation becomes more fimple, if the given fractions be reduced to the leaſt common denominator. The former example wrought in this manner follows. What is the fum of 5+ 3 + §? 4 3+2+3=12+&+12=}}=1, by Prob. I. · Rule III. If mixt numbers be given, or if mixt num- bers and fractions be given, reduce the mixt numbers to improper fractions, by Prob II; then reduce the fractions to a common denominator, by Prob. VIII. and add the numerators. Ex. 1. What is the fum of 7 + 5 } ? 3 72 +53 = 24 +7, by Prob. II. 8 and 31+2+, by Prob VIII. and 23 +98=16113, by Prob. I. I2 Ff2 Ex: 228 Chap. IX. ADDITION of Ex. 2. What is the fum of 6+÷? 63=20, by Prob. II and 3+10+12, by Prob. VIII. and 400+13=127, by Prob. I. I 5 I5 5 When mixt numbers, or mixt numbers and fractions, are given, you may, with greater expedition, work by the following rule, viz. reduce only the fractions to a commmon denominator, and add the fum of the frac- tions to the integers. The above two examples wrought in this manner follow. Ex. 1. What is the fum of 73 +53 ? 3 8 5 2 + 3 = 1/2 + 1/2 = 12 = 1/2/2· 3 I 12་ and 7+5+12=13 1/2. Ex. 2. What is the fum of 63 + /? 10 I 22 3+4=18+12=33 = 17/3 I 5 15 and 6+17=715 I 5 I Rule IV. If any, or all of the given fractions, bet compound, firft reduce the compound fractions to fimple ones, by Prob. IV.; then reduce the fimple fractions to a common denominator, by Prob. VIII. and add the numerators. Ex. 1. What is the fum of 3 of 4 +3 3/4 of, by Prob. IV. 8 and +232 + 45, by Prob. VIII. I5 and 3+45=72=17, by Prob. I. Ex. 2 What is the fum of of 3+3 of 1? I 3 1 of 3 + 3 of 12+2%, by Prob. IV. and and 40 18 3+4+, by Prob. VIII. I 8 120 58 ΤΣΟ 40+15=22, by Prob. VII. Rule V. If the given fractions be of different deno- minations, firſt reduce them to the fame denomination, by Cor. of Prob. IV. or by Prob. V.; then reduce the fractions, Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 229 fractions, now of one denomination, to a common de. nominator, by Prob. VIII. and add the numerators; or reduce each of the given fractions feparately to value, by Prob. VI. and then add their values. EXAMPLE. What is the fum of 2s and 1. ? METHOD I. 2 s. of 1.1. by Cor. Prob. IV. == 3/ I 7 20 and+3=24560, by Prob. VIII. 8 = and 24+ 500=5841, 18 s. 3 d. by Prob, VI. 840 METHOD II. 11/11. ==== 7 × 20 8 s.140 s. by Prob. V. and 3+140=8+140, by Prob. VIII. and +140146s. 18 s. 3 d. by Prob. I. and VI. METHOD III. al 3×12 3 s. = d. = 36 d. = أو 4 by Prob. VI. S. 7 × 20 21. 11 = 5. — 1405. = 17- 17-61 8 18— 3 MORE EXAMPLES. 1. What is the ſum of +3+§? Ans. 17. 2. What is the ſum of 7+11+17? Anf. 253. 3. What is the ſum of 133 +248? Anf. 3814, or 38 72. I 4. What is the fum of 3 of 3+2 of 9+3? Anf. 237 280 5. What 230 Chap. IX. SUBTRACTION of <. What is the fum of 3231. in value 15 s. 9 d. 3 f. $20 Anf. 1.+s. + 3d.? S. The reaſon of the above rules appears from Axiom XI. becauſe none but fimilar or like things can be added. Thus, third parts cannot be added to fourth parts, for the fum would neither be third parts nor fourth parts; third parts can only be added to third parts, and fourth parts only to fourth parts; and confequently fractions to be added muſt have all the fame denominator. In like manner, the fraction of a pound cannot be added to the fraction of a fhilling, or of a penny, being unlike things; and therefore fractions to be added muſt be all of the fame denomination. Subtraction of Vulgar Fractions. Rule I. If the given fractions have the fame denomi nator, fubtract the leffer numerator from the greater, and place the remainder over the denominator. Ex. 1. From fubtract 3. Ex. 2. From 13 fubtract 4. ΙΟ 4 I 3 6 I 3 Rule I. If the given fractions have different denomi nators, reduce them to a common denominator, by Prob VIII.; then fubtract the leffer numerator from the greater, and place the remainder over the common denominator. Ex. 1. From & fubtract 3. 8 2,3 = 12, 12, by Prob. VIII. 4 8 and 1/2 1/2 = 1/2 I Ex. 2. From fubtract Z. 1%, 7=12, 78, by Prob. VIII. 2,7 I and 72-70=32, by Prob. VII. 80 8 80 Rule Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 231 Rule III. If it be required to fubtract one mixt num- ber from another, or to fubtract a fraction from a mixt number, reduce the mixt numbers to improper fractions, by Prob. II.; then reduce the fractions to a common denominator, by Prob. VIII. and fubtract the one numerator from the other. Ex. 1. From 73 ſubtract 5. I 72, 51=3, 4, by Prob. II. 2 and 31, 11=62, 44, by Prob. VIII. 62 8 and 92-44-18 = 2 = 24, by Prob. I. and VII, Ex. 2. From 8 26 ſubtract 4. 832, by Prob. II. and 26, 4 = 130, 12, by Prob. VIII. 20 5 and I 5 5 I 5 130-12=118713, by Prob. I. 15 In fubtracting one mixt number from another, or in fubtracting a fraction from a mixt number, you may, with greater eafe and expedition, proceed thus, viz. Re- duce only the fractions to a common denominator, and then work by one or other of the two rules following. 1. If the numerator of the fraction to be fubtracted be less than the numerator of the fraction from which you are to ſubtract, then ſubtract the leffer numerator from the greater, place the remainder over the com- mon denominator, and to this fraction prefix the differ- ence of the integers of the two mixt numbers; or the in- tegral part of the mixt number when a fraction is ſub. tracted. Ex. 1. From 73 fubtract 51. $, 10, 4 by Prob. VIII. and === by Prob. VII. 9/ and 7 4 5=2. So the difference of the two mixt numbers is 24. Ex: 232 Chap. IX. SUBTRACTION of Ex. 2. From y ſubtract 3. 8 2, 3, by Prob. VIII. ΤΣ and; and to this fraction I prefix the integral part of the mixt number, and the difference, or remainder, is y I Note 1. In fubtracting a fraction from an unit, you have only to fubtract the numerator from the denomina. tor; and the remainder, placed over the denominator, is the difference, or anfwer. Thus, -=: for 5/ 1 = 3, and — 3 =}. I ड 2 2. If the numerator of the fraction to be fubtracted be greater than the numerator of the fraction from which you are to fubtract; in this cafe fubtract the great- er fraction from an unit borrowed; that is, fubtract the greater numerator from the common denominator, add the remainder to the numerator of the leffer fraction, and place the fum over the common denominator, for the fractional part of the answer; or, which is the fame in effect, fubtract the greater numerator from the ſum of the numerator and denominator of the leffer fraction, and place the remainder over the common denominator for the fractional part of the anſwer: then, for the unit thus borrowed, add to the integral part of the leſſer mixt number; fubtract this fum from the integral part of the greater mixt number; and prefix the difference to the fractional part of the anſwer. But in fubtracting a frac- tion from a mixt number, for the unit borrowed, take 1 from the integral part of the mixt number, and pre- fix the remainder to the fractional part of the anſwer. Ex. 1. From 8 ſubtract 53. T 중 ​1 3,4, by Prob. VIII. Here having reduced the fractions to a common de- nominator, I fay, from 3 I cannot; wherefore I fub- tract from an unit borrowed, viz. I fubtract the nu- merator 4 from the common denominator 6; and add the remainder 2 to the numerator of the leffer fraction 3 ; Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 233 5 3; and the fum 5, placed over the common denomina- tor, gives for the fractional part of the anſwer. Or, which is the fame in effect, I fubtract 4 from 3+6=9, and there remains for the fractional part of the an- fwer, as before. Then, for the unit borrowed, I ſay, I borrowed and 5 make 6; which, fubtracted from 8, leaves 2 of a remainder; and this prefixed to the frac- tional part, gives 23 for the difference, remainder, or anfwer. Ex. 2. From 9 3, = I 2 fubtract 4. ΤΟ 18, 13, by Prob. VIII. 15 ΙΟ I 5 Here having reduced the fractions to a common de- nominator, I lay, 1 from 1g I cannot; but, borrowing an unit, I fubtract the numerator 12 from the common denominator 15, and 3 remains; which 3, added to the leſſer numerator 10, gives 13 for the fractional part of the anſwer. Or, I fubtract 12 from 10+15=25, and 13 remains; which 13, placed over the com- mon denominator, gives for the fractional part, as before. Then, for the unit borrowed, I take from the integral part of the mixt number; and the remain- der, prefixed to the fractional part, gives 813 for the difference, or anſwer. I 3 15 Rule IV. If it be required to fubtract a mixt number, or a fraction, from an integer, firſt fubtract the fraction from an unit borrowed; that is, fubtract the numerator from the denominator, and place the remainder, as a numerator, over the denominator, for the fractional part of the anſwer: then, for the unit borrowed, add i to the integral part of the mixt number; fubtract the fum from the given integer; and prefix the remainder to the fractional part of the answer. But when a fraction is fubtracted from an integer, for the unit borrowed, take 1 from the given integer, and prefix the remainder to the fractional part of the anſwer. Ex. 1. From 14 fubtract 73. Here I fay, 5-32; fo is the fractional part of G g the 234 Chap. IX. SUBTRACTION of 1 the anſwer: then I fay, I borrowed and 7 make 8, and 8 fubtracted from 14 leaves 6; which I prefix to the fractional part: fo the difference or anſwer is 63. Ex. 2. From 12 fubtract 3. Here I fay, 7-3=4; fo is the fractional part : then I fay, I borrowed from 12, and 11 remains: fo 11 is the difference, or anfwer. Note 2. When an integer is given to be fubtracted from a mixt number, you have only to ſubtract the given integer from the integral part of the mixt number; and to the remainder annex the fractional part. Thus, 93—5—43/3• Rule V. If one or both of the given fractions be com- pound, firſt reduce the compound fractions to fimple ones, by Prob. IV.; then reduce the fimple fractions to a common denominator, by Prob. VIII.; and ſubtract the one numerator from the other. Ex. 1. From 4 ſubtract 3 of 2. 6 23 3 of 3, by Prob. IV. and 4,48, 30, by Prob. VIII. and 48-30-1830, by Prob. VII. Ex. 2. From 3 of ſubtract 3 of 4. 3 of 1, 3 of 1 = 2, 3, by Prob. IV. 49 and 2, 240, 18, by Prob. VIII. 중​, I I and 40-182261, by Prob. VII. Rule VI. When the given fractions are of different de- nominations, firft reduce them to the fame denomina- tion, by Cor. of Prob. IV. or by Prob. V; then reduce the fractions, now of, one denomination, to a common denominator, by Prob. VIII.; and fubtract the one nu- merator from the other. Or, reduce each of the given fractions, feparately, to value, by Prob. VI.; and fub tract the one value from the other. EX. Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 235 EXAMPLE. From 1. fubtract 3 s. METHOD I. // = s. of 1.1. by Cor. Prob. IV. 3 3 20 I and 2, 2=180, 8, by Prob. VIII. I 180-28-1721.14 s. 4 d. by Prob. VI, and METHOD II. 3×20 $ 1. s.s. by Prob. V. 4 and 60, 3-180,, by Prob. VIII. 으우​, 12' = and 180-8=172s. 14 s. 4 d. by Prob. I. and VI, METHOD III. S. d. 3×20 3.1. = S. s.=00s. = 15-0 4 by Prob. VI. cylca. S. = 2 X 12 3 d. = 24 d. = 8 MORE 8 144 EXAMPLES. 1. From fubtract. ΙΣ 2. From & ſubtract 3. 3. From 7 fubtract 5. 4. From 1 fubtract 4. 5. From 73 fubtract 55. 6. From 127 fubtract . 7. Froni 133 fubtract. 8. From 50 fubtract 97. 9. From 7 fubtract 3. 10. From 15 fubtract 7. 11. From & fubtract of I Rem. ₁ = 1. 3 I 2 Rem. . Rem. 22. Rem. . 3. Rem. 1. Rem. 1223. Rem. 1252. Rem. 407. Rem. 6. Rem. 83. . Rem. . G g 2 12. From 236 MULTIPLICATION of Chap..IX 12. From 3 of fubtract of. Rem. . ΣΤ' 13. From 1. fubtract Zd. Rem. 21.6s. 7 d. 1982 71 The reafon of the rules in fubtraction is the fame as in addition. For like things only can be fubtracted from one another; and therefore in fubtraction the fractions muſt have all the fame denominator, and be of the fame denomination. Multiplication of Vulgar Fractions. In multiplication of fractions there is no occafion to re duce the given fractions to a common denominator, as in addition and fubtraction: only if a mixt number be given, reduce it to an improper fraction; if an integer be given, reduce it to an improper fraction, by putting an unit for its denominator; if a compound fraction bẹ given, you may either reduce it to a fimple one; or, in ftead of the particle of, infert the fign of multiplica. tion: then work by the following RUL L E. Multiply the numerators for the numerator of the pro- duct, and multiply the denominators for its denomi- nator. EXAMPLE S. 1. 3 × 3 = 1/8/8. 5 2.2 × 53 = 2 × ==4=44. 17 I 2 3. 4×8=4×4 = 5. 88 4. 3/4 of 2 × = 1/2 × 3 = 3; = {//· 5 Or, × 2 × =38 = 18. 3 NOTE S. 1. If any number be multiplied by a proper fraction, the product will be lefs than the multiplicand; for mul tiplication is the taking of the multiplicand as often as the multiplier contains unity; and confequently, if the multiplier be greater than unity, the product will be greater Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 237 greater than the multiplicand; if the multiplier be unity, the product will be equal to the multiplicand; and if the multiplier be lefs than unity, the product will, in the fame proportion, be lefs than the multiplicand. Thus, fuppofing the multiplier to be or, the pro- duct, in this cafe, will be equal to one half or to one third of the multiplicand. 54 242 216 108 2. Mixt numbers may be multiplied without reducing them to improper fractions, by work- ing as in the margin; where I firſt multiply the integral parts, viz. 54 by 24; then I multiply the integral parts cof-ways into their al- tern fractions, viz. 54 by 1, and the product 27 I fet down; in like manner I multiply 24 by I. and the product 6 I likewife fet down; then I add; and to the fum I annex, the 1329 product of the two fractions. 4 27 6 3. In multiplying a fraction by an integer, you have only to multiply the numerator by the integer, the put- ting for the denominator being only matter of form. And to multiply a fraction by its denominator is to take away the denominator, the product being an integer, the fame with, or equal to the numerator. 1/2 ×8 = 7. For 7x=7. 8 I 4 Thus, 4. If the numerators and denominators of two equal fractions be multiplied crofs-ways, the products will be equal. Thus, if 3, then will 3×129×4; for multiplying both by 9, we have 3=94; and = 4 I 2 = multiplying thefe by 12, we have 3 × 129× 4. Hence, if four numbers be proportional, the product of the extremes will be equal to the product of the means: for if 3 9 4: : 12, then 3; and it has been proved that 3 × 1 2 — 9 × 4• Therefore if, of four- proportional numbers, any three be given, the fourth may easily be found, viz. when one of the extremes is fought, divide the product of the means by the given extreme; and when one of the means is fought, divide the product of the extremes by the given mean. 5. In multiplying fractions, equal factors above and below 238 MULTIPLICATION of Chap. IX. below may be dafhed or dropt. Thus of x of = 1 × × ×; and dropping the factors 2, 3, 4, both above and below, the product is . In like man- ner, to facilitate an operation, a factor above and ano- ther below may be divided by the fame number: Thus, 9 × 532=4×2 = X 12 X 5 5 14 7 × 2 • numerator for another: Thus, 5 14' × 8 I 5 Or we may exchange one X x 5 I 2 = 1/2 × = 1 × 3 5 Ι 6. To take any part of a given number, is to mul tiply the faid number by the fraction. Thus, & of 320 is found thus, 320×320x40=200=200. In like manner, 3 of 45, is × 458 × 303 = 3 3 × 363 = 1 × 121 = 121 = 30. 121 30. Hence, to reduce a compound fraction to a fimple one, is to multiply the parts of it into one another. X I 7. If a multiplicand of two or more denominations be given to be multiplied by a fraction, reduce the higher part or parts of the multiplicand to the loweſt ſpecies, and then multiply. Thus, to multiply 81. 102 s. by 3, I fay, 81.8 x 20 s. 160 s. and 160 + 10317035. -683, and 3×683—136611312s. L. 5:13:10. Or, without reducing, you may multiply the given mul tiplicand by the numerator of the fraction, and divide the product by the denominator. 4 MORE by 1. Multiply 8 2. Multiply 7 by 4. EXAMPLES. Prod. 45. Prod. 614. 3. Multiply 8 by 92. Prod. 84. 4. Multiply 64 by 8. Prod. 542. 5. Multiply 9 by 1 of 2. Prod. 48. 6. Multiply 12 by 2 of 4. Prod. 7. 7. Multiply of 3 by 2 of 4 of 5. Prod. 8. Multiply 13 by 18. 9. Multiply L. 3:12:6 by 2. Prod. L. 2: 14:47. Prod. 13. The Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 239 The reaſon of the rule may be fhewn thus: × for, and of is; and confequently 12 12 is 185. 8 8 of I 5 The truth of the rule may alſo be proved thus: Af- fume two fractions equal to two-integers, fuch as, and , equal to 2 and 3, and the product of the fractions will be equal to the product of the integers; for =486, and 2 × 3 = 6. х Divifion of Vulgar Fractions. In divifion of fractions, if a mixt number be given, reduce it to an improper fraction; if an integer be given, put an unit for its denominator; if a compound fraction be given, reduce it to a fimple one, and then work by the following RULE. Multiply cross-ways, viz. the numerator of the divi for into the denominator of the dividend, for the deno- minator of the quot; and the denominator of the divifor into the numerator of the dividend, for the numerator of the quot. EXAMPLE S. I 1. 3) 4 (12 = 1/2=1}• 8 2. 3) 44 (= 3) 4 (12=512 = 53. 3. 43) 71 (= 1334) 7 (21/12 = 33. I 4. 34) 6 § (=-43) 53 (212 =214=226. 5. 4) 8 (= 4) (40 10. ÷ = 6.7) 2 (= 7) 2 (23. = 7. 21) 15 (= ½) 15 (30 = 6. I (등 ​8.5) 10 (=) 31 (25 = 5 2 15. 9. 7) 3 of 3.(= 7) 14 (13 8 = 4• ΤΟ 10. 1 of 2) 41 (= 1 ) 2 ( 2 ² (2) (22² = 12. II. of +) 8 (옳​)을 ​(그룹​으 ​3 4) = 15. 12. 2 of 3 of 1) # of & (=24) 30 (48023. 6 좋음 ​NOTES. 240. Chap. IX. DIVISION of NOTE S. 1. Instead of working divifion of fractions as taught above, you may invert the divifor, and then multiply it into the dividend. Thus, in Example 1. inſtead of 3)4(12, you may fay, 2x-12=12=13 I ΙΟ : I 2. If any number be divided by a proper fraction, the quor will be greater than the dividend for in divifion the quot fhews how often the divifor is contained in the dividend; and confequently if the divifor be greater than unity, the quot will be less than the dividend; if the di- vifor be unity, the quot will be equal to the dividend; and if the divifor be lefs than unity, the quot will, in the fame proportion, be greater than the dividend. Thus, fuppofing the divifor to be, or, the quot in this caſe will be double or triple of the dividend. I I 3 3. To divide a fraction by an integer, is only to mul tiply the integer into the denominator of the fraction, the numerator being continued. Thus, 7). See Ex. 6. 4. A mixt number may fometimes be divided by an integer, with more cafe, in the following manner. Di- vide the integral part of the mixt number by the given integer and if there be no remainder, divide likewife the faction of the mixt number by the given integer, and annex the quot to the integral quot formerly found. Thus, in working Ex. 8. by this method, I fay, 5)10(2, and 5); and fo the complete quot is 2, as be. fore. But if, in dividing the integral part, there happen to be a remainder, prefix this remainder to the fraction for a new mixt number; which reduce to an improper fraction then divide the improper fraction by the given integer; and annex the quot to the integral quot for- merly found. Thus, if it be required to divide 15 by 8, I fay, 8)15(1, and 7 remains; which 7, prefixed to the fraction, gives 73 for a new mixt number; and this, reduced to an improper fraction, is 31, and 8)21(31: fo the complete quot is 3 : Ι Ο I 32 I 5. If the factors of the numerator and denominator of the quots, inſtead of being actually multiplied, be only connected with the fign of multiplication, it will be eafy Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 241 eaſy to drop fuch factors, above and below, as happen to be the fame, thus: 3) of 3 (1 x 35 x 3 4 × 4 × 3 3 × 4×4 8 5×8 16 40 Or a factor above and below may be divided by 6×7 7 the fame number, thus: 8)72(5x12 X 5×2 7. Or the factors of the numerator of the quot may be ex- 3×5 changed, thus: 3) § 2xY 5×3_5 2×9 2×3 6520 6. To divide an integer by a fraction, is to divide the product of the denominator and integer by the numera- tor, thus: 4) 8 ( #) (= 5×8 -= 5 × 2 = 10. =5× See Ex, 5. 4 7. If the divifor and dividend have the fame denomi- nator, you have only to divide the numerator of the di- vidend by the numerator of the divifor, thus: ) = 3; for 8 × 3 5×8 8. If a dividend of two or more denominations be given to be divided by a fraction, reduce the higher part or parts of the dividend to the loweft fpecies, and then divide. Thus, to divide 61. 93 s. by 3, I fay, 61.= 6 x 20 s. 120; and 120+9=1292.12; and 3) 512 (1557 — 19485 91. 145. 7 d. 8 Or, Divide the given multiplicand by the numerator of the fraction, and multiply the quot by the denominator. EXAMPLE. Divide L. 276: 16: 8 among four men, A, B, C, D, fo that A, B, C, may have equal fhares, and D only two thirds of one of their ſhares. I 1+1+1+3=3+3+3+3=11 L. 5. d. L. S. d. L. S. d. 11) 276 16 8 (25 3 4×3 = 75 JO A. × 3 = 75 75 10 B. × 3 = 75 10 C. Hh ×2=50 50 6 8 D. Proof 276 16 8 MORE 242 Chap. IX. DIVISION of MORE EXAMPLES. 1. By divide §. 2. By 3 divide 2 2. 3. By 9 divide 19. 4. By 5 divide 18. 5. By 7 divide of 5. 6. By divide 121. 6s. 2 8 d. I Quot 25= 1 24 Quot 1. 25' Quot 2 z. Quot 37. Quot 45. Quot 11840 d. 161. 8 s. 10 3 d. The reaſon of the rule will appear by confidering, that the method here ufed is nothing elſe but the redu cing the divifor and dividend to a common denominator, and then dividing the one numerator by the other. Thus, 3) (3, for reducing the divifor and dividend to a common denominator, we have 2). 8 The truth of the rule may alſo be proved by affuming two fractions equal to two integers, fuch as, and 10, equal to 2 and 4, and the quot of the fractions will be equal to the quot of the integers. Thus, )( = 2, and ¿)4(2. 6 Practical Questions. Quest. 1. The leffer of two numbers is 368; their difference is 113: What is the greatest? 25 Anf. 48772. Queſt. 2. What number added to 4, will give 12 Anf. 737. ΙΟ 15 Quest. 3. A has 7 of a fhip, and B has of the fame veffel: Which of them has the greateſt ſhare? and what the difference? Anf. A has the greateſt ſhare; and the difference of their ſhares is. Quest 4 Three purfes contain 1301.; in one purfe is 55g1 in another 42 41.: How much is in the third purfe? Anf. 3231. 15 Queft. 5. What is & parts of 130? Quest 6. What number multiplied by 353? Ans. 42 13. Anf. 81. will produce The Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTION S. 243 The Simple Rule of Three in Vulgar Fractions. The queſtion is ftated as formerly taught in the rule of three. The extremes muſt be of one denomination. Reduce mixt numbers and integers to improper fractions, compound fractions to fimple ones, and then work by the following rule, viz. Multiply the fecond and third terms, and divide the product by the firſt term: that is, multiply the numera- tor of the firſt term into the denominators of the ſecond and third, for the denominator of the answer; and mul tiply the denominator of the first term into the numera- tors of the ſecond and third, for the numerator of the anfwer. I. Direct Questions. Queſt. 1. If a yard coſt §1. what willyard coft? 4 × 5 × 9 Anf. 3 × 8 × 10 21.= 3 X 20 4 6 rd. L. rd. If 2 : 3 :: 1. 5×9 3 × 2 × 10 5. === 155. 9 3 3 × 2 × 2 2 × 2 ΙΣ 12 Queſt. 2. If § yard coft 1. what will yard coſt? rd. L. rd. If ½ : 3/ : // : : 11/11/1 12 6×2×11 XII I I Anf. == 풍 ​1. 5 × 3 × 12 5 × 3 × 2 5×3 I I X 20 s. 220 14 s. 8 d. 15 Quest. 3. If 3 yards coft 2 what will 14 yards coft? Hh a rds. 244 The Rule of THREE in Chap. IX. : 14 Yds. L. If 3 2 rds. 2. 3 : 14 :: 50. L. s. d. I X 14 × 59 7 × 59 Anf. 11 =4131=13-15-4. X X 3 × 5 × 4 3 × 5 × 2 MORE EXAMPLES. Queſt. 4. If 2 & lb. tobacco coft 3s. what will 2424 lb cost? Anf. L.15:8:32. Queſt. 5. If 3 of C. fugar coft 1. what will 82 C. cost? Anf. 262 1. 8 s. pieces of filk, cach ells, at 6 s. 2 d. per ell: Required pieces at that rate? Anf. 261. Quest. 6. A mercer bought 3 piece containing 24 the value of the 3 3 s. 4 3 d. 2 Quest. 7. If 2 oz. filver coft 2 s. what will be the price of 11 lb. at that rate? Anf. 3.1 I Queſt 8. ` If 1 ½ lb of gold is worth 611. Sterling, what is a grain worth at that rate? Anf 1 d. Quest. y. If 3 yard of filk coft of 1. what is the 동 ​price of 15 ells Flemish? Anf L. 9:15:10. 2 Queſt. 10. If 3 of 3 lb. of cloves coft 6 s. 2 d. what coft the C. at that rate? Anf. L. 6y: 6:8. II. Inverse Questions. Quest. 1. If 3 yard of cloth that is 2 yards wide, will make a garment, how much of any other cloth that is yard wide will make the fame garment? Bread. len. Bread. 953 3 :: 24. 5 ×? × 2 5 × 2 X Anf. Na 2 yards. X 3 × 4 × I 4 Quest. 2. If I lend my friend 481. for 2 of a year, how much ought he to lend me for of a year? ΤΣ Yea. Chap. IX. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 245 Yea. L. rea. ΤΣ 152:48 48 :: 3. Anf 12 × 48 × 3 = 12 X 12 X 3 432861, 8 s. 5 × 1 × 4 5 MORE EXAMPLES. Quest. 3. If yard of cloth that is 2 yards wide, will make a coat, what is the breadth of the cloth whereof yard will make the fame coat? Anf. 50 yard, or 3 qrs 2 nails. 56 63 Quest. 4. How may inches in length, of a plank that is inches broad, will make a foot fquare? Anf. 16 inches in length. 9 Quest. 5. If the penny-loaf weigh 10 ounces when the bushel of wheat cofts 43 s. what ought the penny- loaf to weigh when the bufhel of wheat cofts 82 s.? Anf. 518 ounces. 2 Queſt. 6. If 12 men do a piece of work in 10 days, in how many days will 6 men do the fame? Anf. In 21 days. The Compound Rule of Three in Vulgar Fractions. ་ Quest. 1. If 2 acre of grafs be cut down by 2 men in day, how many acres fhall be cut down by 6 men in 3 // days? Men. acr. 2244 :: Men. 읏​. day 2/20 3 I days. 45 : 4 :: 50 3 x 3 x 60 3 × 60 3 × 15 Anf. =45=11acr. X 4 × 4 × 3 4 X 4 4 Or thus: 3 × 1 × 3 × 6 × 10 3×6×10 Anf. 11 45 II 2 × 2 × 4 × 1 × 3 acres. 2 × 2 × 4 3 × 3 × 5 2 × 2 Queſt. 11 246 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. Quest. 2. If 4 men caft a ditch 8 feet long, 3 deep, and 24 broad, in y days, in how many days will 8 men feet long, 63 deep, and 4 caſt a ditch 25 I Men. days. b. d. *8 231. 8. : 3 3 : 1.8 1/1/1. ΙΟ Men. : 9/1/1 :: 4 * broad? d. b. 25 ½ 1. : 6 3 : 4 1. 8 : 28 :: 4 옷​: 물 ​: 꽃 ​9 × 10 X 17 × 8 4 × 3 × 2 × X X I 521 : 20 : 2. 3 × 5 × 17 x 2 510 firft term. X 1 I =2060 third term. 4 × 51 × 20 × 9 I X 2 X ༨ × L 210: 28:: 2060 2 X 5 1 × 10 × 3 1 1 × 28 × 3060 14 X 1020 1428056 days. 510 × 3 × I X 255 Or thus: 4× 3 × 2 × 1 × 28 × 4 × 9 × 10 × 17 × 8 × 3 × 1 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 28 × 4 × 51 X 20 1 × 20 × Q 2 × ܐ x 2 X 28 X X 51 X 2 28 × 4 × 51 10 X 7 × 8 × 3 × 2 × 3 14 × 4 × 51 × 2 17 X 2 X × 3 × 2 14 X I × 4 17 × 3 × 2 17 × 3 17 I 56 56 days. CHAP. X. Rules of Practice. HEN the firft term of a queſtion in the rule of WHE three happens to be unity, the anſwer may frequently be found more ſpeedily and eaſily than by a formal ftating or working of the rule of three; and the directions to be obferved in fuch operations are called Rules of Practice. The rules of practice naturally follow the doctrine of vulgar Chap. X. 247 Rules of PRACTICE. vulgar fractions, the operation being nothing elſe but a multiplying the number whofe price is required, by ſuch a fraction of a pound, of a ſhilling, or of a penny, as denotes the rate or price of one. Thus, if the price of 24 yards, at 6s 8 d. per yard, be demanded, the anſwer is found by multiplying 24 by, the fraction of a pound equivalent to 6s. 8 d. viz. 24x!=31=81 Hence it is obvious, that to, multiply a number by a fradion whofe numerator is unity, is to divide the ſaid number by the denominator of the fraction. But if the numerator of the fraction be not unity, you muſt firſt multiply the given number by the numerator, and then divide the product by the denominator. Thus, if the rate be 13 s. 4 d. 1. the price of 24 yards is found by faying, 24x4161.; or take of the given number twice. 48 When the fraction denoting the rate happens to be compound, the product or anfwer is found by dividing the given number by one of the denominators of the compound fraction, the quot by another, and the next quot by the third, &c. Thus, if the rate be 2 far- things of of the price of 1440 yards is 을 ​1 found by faying, 1440 7.0, and 220 60, and 2=31. I 2 1 20 2 When the rate is expreffed by two or more ſimple fractions, connected with the fign+, the product or anſwer is found by dividing the given number fuccef- fively by the feveral denominators, and then adding the quot. Thus, if the rate be 3 s.+2. the price of 80 yards is found by faying, 208, and 204, and 8+ 4 = 12). I ΤΟ I The fractions equivalent to any number of farthings under 4, to any number of pence under 12, and to any number of fhillings under 20, are exhibited in the fol- lowing tables. TABLE 248 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. TABLE I. of a fhilling. Farthings. of a penny. | of a ſhilling. I 2 3 TABLE II. HIGHOMH of a pound. 옷 ​of I 1 of 1 of 12 20 1 of I ΤΣ 3 of 12 of ΙΣ I 2 20 I ZO I2 ofof I of TABLE III. Pen. of a fhill. s. d of a pound. I 3 4 ΤΣ тло Si 2 MESO NO 8 +++++ || I 8 20 1 2 2 3 4 ठ mt i van ง • 9 10 I 8 7, or 1 I O' s. d. of a pound. 9 ΙΟ I 12 1 2 3 m + 13 13 4 14 2+2/10 or $15 I 3 ΙΟ .6 17 I 4 + 25/0 5 To' 5 or Or 플 ​3 + 22/0 ΙΟ 6 or 10/80 + 2/1/00 I O Ι 7 1 + 2/6, or 30 ΤΟ 20 8 or 4 TO' ΤΟ 20 18+ 2/5 9/2/ 19 1/+25 + I 18 ur / The fractions in Table II. become compound frac tions of a pound, by annexing (of) to each of them. Thus, 1 d. is of &c. I 12 2 I I 1.; and 5 d. is of ofl. + ½ 20 The variety that occurs in the rules of practice arifes chiefly from the different rates, or prices, of one thing, as a yard, a pound, an ounce, &c. and may be reduced to the eight cafes following, viz. The rate may be, 1. Farthings under four. 2. Pence under twelve. 3. Pence and farthings. 4. Shillings under twenty. 5. Shillings, pence, and farthings. 6. Pounds. 7. Pounds, fhillings, pence, and farthings. 8. The given number may conſiſt of integers and parts. CASE Chap. X. 249 Rules of PRACTICE. 1 CASE I. When the rate is farthings, under four. RULE. Divide the given number by the denominator of the fraction denoting the rate, as contained in Table I. viz. if the rate be or 2 farthings, divide by 4 or 2, the quot will be pence; and the remainder, in dividing by 4, will be farthings, and in dividing by 2, it will be I halfpenny then divide the pence by 12, the quot will be (hillings, and the remainder pence: laftly, divide the fhillings by 20, the quot will be pounds, and the re- mainder fhillings. But if the rate is 3 farthings, first multiply the given number by the numerator 3, and then divide as above directed. I Ex. 1. EXAMPLE S. 4859, at 1 f. I 3/21214-3 f. ΙΣ I 10/1-2 d. 20 (L.5 1 23. Ex. 3. 1753, at 3 f. 3 25259 21314-3f. I 109-6 d. 20 L.5 9 63. H24+ Ex. 2. 8347, at 2 f. I 4173-1d. 234/7-9d. L. 17 7 9/1 Or, becauſe 3 f. = ½ d.+4d. or = d.+ 1 of d. you may work Ex. 3. either of the two ways fol- lowing. 1753, at 3 f. I 1753, at 3 f. 876-2 f. 438-1 f. 2 14 876-2 f. 438-1 f. ΙΣ 1314-3 I ༡ 109-6 L.5 9 9 63. I i L. 5 9 63. More 121; 14—3 f. I 2010/9-6d. 250 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. More ways of working the above examples might be affigned, but the moſt eaſy and fimple methods are the beft. CASE II. When the rate is pence, under twelve. RULE. Divide the given number by the denominator of the fraction denoting the rate, as contained in Table II. and you have the anſwer in fhillings; which reduce into pounds, by dividing by 20. EXAMPLE S. Ex. I. I I2 8:8, at 1 d. I 20 2 6/8 - 2 d. -10 1 L. 3 8 2 Ex. 2. 5316, at 2 d. 2 886 L.44 6 Ex. 3. 879, at 3 d. 21/9-9 L. 10 19 9 I 20 20 d. 2 d. 3 2 2 2 HN HO I Ex. 4. 3097, at 4 d. 1032-4 L.51 12 4 Ex. 5. 439, at 5 d 109- 9 73- 2 182-11 L. 9 2 II Ex. 6. 78642, at 6 d. 3932/1 L. 1966 I Es Chap. X. 251 Rules of PRACTICE. Ex. 7. 587, at 7 d. 4 d. I 3 1958 3 d. 146-9 20 342-5 6 d. 4 d. 12H3 Ex. 10. 386, at 10 d. 193 128-8 I 20 32/1-8 4 d 4 d. L. 17 2 5 Ex. 8. 836, at 8 d. 278-8 278-8 L. 16 I 8 Ex. II. 534, at 11 d. I I 443 ddd d. 178 d. 178 4 133-6 I 20 5517-4 I 20 48|9—6 L. 27 17 4 L. 24 9 6 ㅎㅎ ​6 d. 3 d. 20 Ex. 9. 417, at gd. 208-6 104-3 312-9 L.15 12 9 I Note 1. The remainders at the first diviſion in all the above examples is the fame with the rate. Thus, in Ex. 1. every remainder is 1 d. ; in Ex. 3. every remain- der is 3d.; and in Ex. 5. every remainder, in dividing by 4, is 3 d.; and, in dividing by 6, every remainder is 2 d. &c. Note 2. In all the examples wherein the rate is no a- Liquot part of a fhilling, the queſtion may be folved as I i 2 many 252 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. 1 등 ​many different ways as you can find different fractions equivalent to the rate. Thus, = s. 4 of 5/5s. Or 5 d. of half a crown, and 1 + half crow = 1; that is, 5 d. — // of.; and ac- cordingly Ex. 5. may alſo be folved the three ways fol lowing. 439, at 5d|439, at 5 d. 439, at 5 d. I 12 146 — 4 36— 7 +/+ 146— 4 1100 73 h. cr. 5d. 36-7 L. 9 2 II 182—1 F I 20 I 2.0 18|2—1 1 L9211 L.9 2 11 I 1 2 In like manner, 9 d. = ½s. + ½ of ½ s. or 9 d. = 11. + 1 of 70; and accordingly Ex. 9. may alſo be folved other two ways, as under. 40 I 40 I 414 2 417, at 9 d. 124 208-6 104-3 200 31/2-9 L. 15 12 9 I 40 417, at 9 d. HIN 10—8—6 5-4-3 L.15 12 9 if Note 3. When the rate is 11 d. you may work as it were 12 d.; that is, from the given number you may fubtract of itſelf, and the remainder will be the price I2 in fhillings. Thus, 534 s. ΙΣ 44 s. 6d. 489 s. 6 d. = — 44 s. 6d. and 534 s. L. 24:9:6. See Ex. 11. CASE III. When the rate is pence and farthings. RULE. Chap. X. 253 Rules of PRACTICE. RUL E. The pence muſt be fome aliquot part of a fhilling, and at the fame time the farthings fome aliquot part of the pence; and if they be not fo given, divide the pence into two or more fuch parts, ſo as the farthings may be ſome aliquot part of the loweſt divifion of the pence. Then, beginning with the higheſt divifion of the pence, divide by the denominators of the fractions denoting the aliquot parts. EXAMPLE S. Ex. I. Ex. 3. d. I ΙΣ 532, at 14 d. 1 1753, at 13 d. 1 d. 1 id. 1 d. 1½d. rld. 20 I 2 플 ​Ha I ΣΟ -100 20 44-4 II- I 55-5 L.2 15 5 Ex. 2. 1753, at 1½d. 146-1 73-0 219-1/3/20 I L. 10 19 1/2/2 Or rather thus. 1753, at 1 d. 21/01/12/20 L. 10 19 11/ I 20 219-1/12/2 36-611 255-73/ L.12 15 7. 3 Ex. 4• I d. 859, at 1 d. I I 2 d. I 20 71-7 8—11 - 1/1/ f. 86-13/2 L. 4 0 6 1f Ex. 5. 2 d. 485, at 24 d. d. 2 80-10 10- 1/4/ 9/2-114 L. 4 10 11 Ex 254 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. Ex. 6. 3 d. 1/20 ♡ Hk ૐd. 20 3471, at 31 d. 4 d. 867-9 144-7 101|2—4/2/2 L. 50 12 41 Ex. 7. 4d. | 475, at 4¾-d. cafe parley and fando 4 d. 1}d. 3d. 3 d. miky Hlomker 181 1 58—4 19-9 I 9-103 20 1818-01 1348 I ༡༠ L.9 8 04 Ex. 8. 976, at 5 d. 325-4 122 447-4 L. 22 7 4 Ex. 9. 3506, at 6 d. 3 d. 3 d. 334+ 6 d.! 2 d. 21 d. Boller mi kimekt 20 1/2 H/3H/00 20 6 d. 11/12 3 d. 3d. -244 dd ㅎ ​6 d. 2 876-6 876-6 3 d. 4 d. 12 73-c Id. I 20 18216-01 L. 91 6 0 10/2/2 HAHIN HO 20 Ex. 10. 520, at 73 d. 173-4 130 32-6 33/5-10 L. 16 15 10 Ex. II. 783, at 8 d. 391-6 130-6 16-33/2 538-33 L.26 18 32 Ex. 12. 7012, at 93 d. 3506 1753 438-3 5f97-3 L.284 17 3 Ex. 13. 1 137, at 10 d. 68—6 34-3 17—1/1/20 119-10/1/20 L. 5 19 10/2/2 } Ex. Chap. X. 255 Rules of PRACTICE. Ex. 14. 2753, at 11 d. 6 d. I d. I d. d. 1376-6 917-8 229-5 57-44 2580-111 20 L. 129 0 114 EXPLICATION. In Ex. 1. I work firft for 1d.; which being 2 s. I di. vide the given number by the denominator 12, and the quot is fhillings, and the remainder pence: then, be- cauſe farthing is 4 d. I divide the former quot by 4, and the fum of the quots is the price in (hillings; which I di- vide by 20. 1 In Ex. 2. the rate 1 d. being an aliquot part of a fhilling, the fecond method is fhorter and better than the first. In Ex. 3. I work firſt for 1½ d. and then for 4 d. by taking of the former quot. 4 d. then I work for d of the first quot: laftly, I of 1 d. I take of the fe- In Ex. 7. I work firſt for which being of 4d. I take work for d.; which being cond quot; and, adding the three quots, I have the price in fhillings. 2 In Ex. 8. I divide the rate into two parts, viz. 4 d. and 1; each of which being an aliquot part of a fhil. ling, I take firſt, and then, of the given number, and add the quots. I 12 In Ex. 9. I divide the 6 d. into two parts, viz. two 3 d. and then the 4 d. is of 3 d. which makes an eafy operation; but had I taken of the given number for 6 d. then 4 d. would have been of 6 d. and 24 would have been a troubleſome divifor. 4 24 Note 1. The above examples, and all others of the { like 25.6 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. 1 t like kind, may alſo be folved by affuming fractions of a I Thus, in Ex. 6. the rate d. and 3 d. l. and d. 1 of 1. I 81+ ½ 80 80 pound equivalent to the rate. 3d. is divided into 3 d. and ½ 3 d = of 3 d.; wherefore 3 Again, in Ex. 10. the rate 73 d. is divided into 4 d. 3 d. and d. and 4 d. 1. and 3 d. 1. and 2 d= 2 d. 1+1+1 of 1. 73 = And theſe two examples wrought in this manner will ſtand 4 of 3 d.; and fo 7 as under. I I 80 I I 80 3 d. 22 d. I 8 80 Ex. 6. Ex. 10. I 3471, at 31 d. I 4 d. 52, at 72 d. 43-7-9 3 d. 8% 8-13-4 7-4-7 d. 6-10 1-12-6 L.50 12 4 L.16 15 10 Note 2. Some, in working the above, or like exam ples, proceed in the following manner. Ex. 6. L. S. d. 86 15 6 3471, at 12 d. is 3471, or 173 11 at 6 d. is at 3 d. is atd. is 3471, at 3 d. is 43 7 9 7 4 72 L. 50 12 4/2/2 Ex. 10. S. L. S. d. 520, at 12 d. is 520, or 26 at 6 d. is 13 at I d. is. 2 3 4 at 2 I d. is II 8 at 4 d. is 10 10 520, at 73 d. is L. 16 15 10 CASE Chap. X. 257 Rules of PRACTICE. CASE · IV. When the rate is fhillings under twenty. R U L E. Multiply the given number by the numerators of the fractions contained in Tab. III. and divide the product by the denominators. Or, inftead of this general rule, take the two particular ones following. 1. If the rate be an even number of fhillings, multiply the given number by half the number of fhillings in the rate, always doubling the right-hand figure of the pro- duct for fhillings, and the reft are pounds. 2. If the rate be an odd number of fhillings, work for the next leffer even number of fhillings, as above; and for the odd fhilling take of the given number. EXAMPLES. 1. When the rate is an even number of fhillings. Ex. 1. 436, at 2 s. I Ex. 4. 48, at 8 s. 4 Ex. 7. 326, at 14 s. 7 L. 43, 12 S. L. 19, 4 S. L. 228, 4 S. Ex. 2. 127, at 4 s. 2 Ex. 5. 87, at Io s. 5 Ex. 8. 48, at 16s. 8 L. 25, 8 s. Ex. 3. 56, at 6s. 3 L. 43, 10 s. Ex. 6. L. 38, 8 s. Ex. 9. 420, at 12 s. 6. 52, at 18 s 9 L. 16, 16 s. L.252 L. 46 16 s. K k 2. When 258 Rules of PRACTICE. Chap. X. : 2. When the rate is an odd number of fhillings. Ex. 10. Ex. 14. Ex. 17. 635, at Is. 124, at 9 s, 248, at 15 S. L. 31, 15s. Ex. 11. 422, at 3 s. 42 4 21 2 L.63, 6s. Ex. 12. ' 206, at 5 s. 121 ΙΟ 12 3 49 12 6 4 173 12 12 8 L.55, 16s. L. 186 Ex. 15. Ex. 18. 243, at II s. 324, at 17 s. 259 4 16 4 41 4 IO 6 L.51, 10s. L. 133, 13 S. L. 275, 8 s. Ex. 19. Ex. 13. 516, at 7 s. Ex. 16. 431, at 13 S. 425, at 19 Sa 154 16 25 16 L. 180, 12s. 258 12 21 II L. 280, 3 S. 382 10 21 5 L. 403, 15S. Note 1. The reaſon of multiplying by half the num- ber of fhillings in the rate will appear by confidering, that theſe are the numerators of the fractions denoting the rate. Thus, 2 s. is. and 4 s. is 21. and 6s. is 1. and each unit in the product is two fhillings. The divifion by the denominator 10 is performed by cutting off the right-hand figure of the product, and the figure fo cut off is the remainder; and as each unit in the remainder is two fhillings, the double of them is the remainder in fhillings. Note 2. From Ex. 1. we may learn, that when the rate { Chap. X. 259 Rules of PRACTICE, rate is 2 s. the price is found by doubling the right hand figure of the given number for fhillings, and the other figure or figures are pounds. Note 3. In Ex. 2. the price may alſo be had by ta- kingof the given number; and in this way every re- mainder will be 4 s. Note 4. When the rate is 10 s. as in Ex. 5. the price may be obtained more easily by taking of the given number; and the remainder, if any, will be 10 s. Note 5. When the rate is 5 s. as in Ex. 12. the price is more readily had by taking of the given number; and in this cafe every remainder is 5 s. In like manner, when the rate is 15 s. as in Ex. 17. the price may be found by taking of the given number, and then that quot. of Note 6. By reverfing the operation, from the price. and any even rate given, we may readily find the quan- tity of goods, viz. Multiply the price by 10, that is, to the price annex a cipher, and divide the product by half the rate. Ex. 1. How many yards, at 14 s. may be bought for 491. 7)490(70 yards. Anf. Ex. 2. How many gallons, at 8 s. may be bought for 500l. 4)5000(1250 gallons. Anf. CASE V. When the rate is fhillings and pence, or fhillings, pence, and farthings. RULE I. If the rate be fhillings and pence which make an ali- quot part of a pound, divide the given number by the denominator of the fraction denoting the rate; the quot is pounds, and each unit of the remainder is equal to the rate. Kk 2 EX. 260 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. f EXA M P LE S. I Ex. 4. Ex. 1. I ΙΣ 354, at 1 s. 8 d. L. 29, 10 s. Ex. 2. 443, at 2 s. 6 d. L. 55 7 6 Ex. 3. | 346, at 3 s. 4 d. L. 57 13 4 439, at 6 s. 8 d. L. 146 6 8 Ex. 5. 766, at 13 s. 4 d. 255 6 8 255 6 8 L. 510 13 4 Note. The fraction denoting the rate in Ex. 5. be- ing, you may alſo work thus: 766×2 =1532, and 3)1532(510 13 4. RULE II. If the rate be no aliquot part of a pound, but may be divided into fuch parts, divide it accordingly, work for the parts ſeparately, and then add. EXAMPLES. Ex. I. 427, at 8s. 6 d. 6 s. 2s. 6d. 128 2 53 7 6 L. 181 9 6 Ex. 2. 540, at 5 s. 4 d. Ex. 3. 386, at 8 s. 8 d. 6 s. 8 d. I 3 2 S. ΤΟ 128 13 4 38 12 L.167 5 4 Ex. 4. 386, at 14 s. 8 d. 3 s. 4 d. 8 s. 90 154 8 S. 25. To 6s. 8 d. 54 128 13 4 L. 144 L.283 I 4 Ex. Chap. X. 261 Rules of PRACTICE. Ex. 5. Ex. 6. 796, at 3 s. iod. 394, at 17 s. 4 d. 6s.8 d. 3s. 4 d. 131 6 8 132 13 6 d. 46s. 8 d. 19 18 131 6 8 4S. 4 s. 20 78 16 L. 152 11 L. 341 9 4 III. RULE If the rate be no aliquot part of a pound, and cannot readily be divided into fuch parts, divide it into parts whereof one at leaſt may be an aliquot part of a pound, and the fubfequent part, or parts, each an ali- quot part of ſome prior part. Or, Multiply the given number by the fhillings, and then, for the pence and farthings, work as in Cafe III. EXAMPLE S. Method 1. Ex. I. Method 2. Ex. I. 3506, at 1 s. 3 d. I S. is j 3506, at 1 s. 3 d. 3 d. I 876 6 I S. 175 6 43 16 6 I 20 4382 6 3d. L.219 2 6 Ex. 2. 9/5, at I S. 3 d. I 1½d. I S. 6 d. 163HID Z 10½d. 4 15 2 7 6 I S. 6 d. sddd HO 3Ha 3 d. d. HaHaHa L.219 2 6 Ex. 2. 95, at I s. 10 d. 47 6 23 9 11 102 I I 3 9 17/8 12/2 20 1플 ​11 10/21/20 L.8 18 1 1플 ​L.8 18 11/ Ex. 262 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. Method 1. Ex. 3. 485, at 2s. 24d 48 10 2 S. IO 2 d. I I2 4 00 10 d. 10 I 11 2244 1 Method 2. Ex. 3. 485,at 2 s. 24 d. 2 S. 2 d. I 970 80 10 d 2244 10 12/ 4 L. 53 0 11 1144 4 S. 6 d. 2 d. d 4 21-H 8 s. 4 Ex. 4. 480, at 4 s. 83 d. 96 12 4 I O IO L. 113 10 Ex. 5. 136, at 9s. 21 d. I 20 1060 11 L: 53 I I 11/4/ Ex. 4. 480, at 4 s. 83 d. 4 S. 1920 6 d. 240 21214 2 d. 80 20 ΙΟ 22710 9 s. a 2 Hlld I 20 L.113 10 Ex. 5. 136, at 9 s. 21 d. 1224 22 8 ∞ ∞ 5 8 | 2 4 ΙΟ 54 8 I S. 2 6 16 2 d. 2 d. I 2 8 플​d. मात ½ d. 5 8 2 L.62 12 4 I 24 L.62 12 4 Ex. Chap. X. 263 Rules of PRACTICE. Method 1. Method 2. I 2 S. 2 S. 6 ΙΟ ΙΟ 2 d. Ι is vij j ť I2 d. d. 2 Ex. 6. 370, at 14s. 23 d. 222 37 3 1 8 15 5 7 8 플 ​1 L.263 4 912 Ex. 6. 370, at 14s. 22 d. 148 37 14 S. 5180 6 8 15 5 7 플 ​OHN HO 20 5:04 02/2 L.263 49/1/ Ex. 7. 18s. Ex. 7. 1504, at 19 S. 9 d. 1353 12 1 504, at 19 S. 9 d. 13536 1404 I S. 75 4 6 d. 19 s. 37 12 od. 3 d. L. 1485 4 18 16 3 d. 20 mamia ma 28576 752 376 I 297-4 L.1485 4 Note 1. When the rate is more than I s. and lefs than 2 s. as in Ex. 1. and 2. there is no occaſion, in working by Method 2. to draw a line under the given number: we eſteem it ſo many fhillings, and the parts for the pence or farthings are added up with it. Note 2. In working the above or like examples, fome people of inferior ſkill proceed in the following manner. Ex. 264 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. * Ex. 2. 95, at 1 s. 10 d. L. s. d. 95 fhillings make 4 15 95 fix-pences make 2 7 6 95 three-pences make I 3 9 95 pence make 95 half-pence make 7 II 3 11/1/20 Anf. 8 18 1 CASE VI When the rate is pounds. RULE. Multiply the given number by the rate, and the pro- duct is the price in pounds. EXAMPLES. Ex. I. Ex. 2. 42, at 21. 13, at 81. L.84 L. 104 Ex, 3. Ex. 4. 30, at 3 l. 48, at 121. L.go L. 576 VII. CASE When the rate is pounds and fhillings, or pounds, fhillings, pence, and farthings, RULE I. If the rate be pounds and fhillings, multiply the given number by the pounds, and work for the fhillings as in Cafe IV. EX. Chap. X. 265 Rules of PRACTICE. EXAMPLES. Ex. I. Ex. 3. 58, at 31. 7 s. 1 l. 46, at 1 1. 4 s. 4 S. 9 4 3 1. 174 6s. 17 8 L.55 4 IS. Ex. 2. 2 18 L.194 6 Ex. 4. 82, at 4 1. 10 s. 26, at 31. 15s. 41. 328 3 l. 78 ios. 41 14 S. 18 4 I S. I 6 L. 369 L.97 10 I Note. When the rate is more than 11. and leſs than 21. as in Ex. I. we have no occafion to draw a line under the given number, it being efteemed fo many pounds, and the parts for the fillings or pence are added up with it. RULE II. If the rate be pounds, with fhillings and pence that make ſome aliquot part of a pound, or are diviſible into aliquot parts, or into fhillings and ſome aliquot part or parts; then multiply the given number by the pounds and work for the fhillings and pence as in Cale V. Rule I. or II. EXAMPLE S. Ex. 1. Ex. 2. 54, at L. 3:2:6. 43, at L. 5:3:4. 31. 2s. 6d. 162 51. 215 6 15 3 s. 4 d. 7 3 4 L. 168 15 L., 222 3.4 LI Ex. 266 Chap. X: Rules of PRACTICE. Ex. 3• Ex. 6. 92, at L. 3:5:4 I 1. 73, at L. 1:6:8. 6 s. 8 d. 24 6 8 31. 276 L.97 6 8 S. 3 s. 4 d. 2 S. 15 6 8 9 4 ΙΟ 8 Ex. 4. 76, at 71. 13 s. 4 d. L. 300 10 Ex. 7. 37, at L.4:8:8. 4 1. 148 71. 532 6 s. 8 d. 12 6 8 6 s. 8 d. 25 6 8 2 S. 6 s. 8 d. 3 14 25 68 L.582 13 4 Ex. 5. 83, at L. 2:8:6. L. 164 0 8 Ex. 8. 26, at L. 2:17:4. 2 1. 21. 166 52 6 s. 6 s. 8 d 24 18 8 13 4 2s. 6d. 6 s. 8 d. 10 7 6 8 13 4 4 S. 5 4 L. 201 5 6 L.74 10 8 RULE III. If the rate be pounds, with fhillings, pence, and far- things, that cannot readily be refolved into aliquot parts of a pound; multiply the given number by the pounds; and then work for the fhillings, pence, and farthings, as in Cafe V. Rule III. Method 1. But if you propoſe to work for the fhillings, pence, and farthings, by Me- thod 2. it will be convenient to do that in the firſt place, and then work for the pounds. EX. Chap. X. 267 Rules of PRACTICE. EXAMPLE S. Method 1. Method 2. Ex. 1. Ex. I. 11. 213, at 11. 13 s. 4½ d. 213, at 11. 13 s. 4d. IOS. 106 10 639 2 S. 21 6 213 I S. 3 d. 1½d. ůj j 10 13 2 13 3 13 s. 2709 1 6 7 3 d. 53 3 1 d. 26 7플 ​7/2/20 L. 355 8 101/2 1 20 2.8418 Il. 213 Ex. 2. 37, at 31. 8 s. 142 8 10 L.355 8 10/1/1 Ex. 2. 37, at 31. 8 s. 1.01 d. I 101 d. 6 s. 31. 242 II [ 2. S. 6 s. 74 II 2 2s. 6d. 3 d. 6 d. 18 6 4 12 6 9 3 I d. d. L. 127 7 7 3 I 91 MAAK H 3 d 9 3 I d. 3 I d. 9 20 32/7 7 1/ I L12 10 7 7 III L. 127 7 7 Method 268 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. Method 1. Ex. 3. 416, at 21. 9s, Method 2. Ex. 3. 416, at 21. 9s. 32 d. 32 d. 21. 832 8 s. I S. ů ůi j j 3 d. Doug pr. mit 166 8 20 16. 5 4 d. I 6 } a 33H 9 s. 3744 3 d. 104 d. 26 3874 193 14 21. 832 L. 1025 14 L. 1025 14 Note. A troubleſome fraction in the rate may fome times be avoided, by multiplying the rate, and dividing the quantity by the denominator of the fraction, and then computing the price of the quot from the new rate. 8 Ex. I. 600, at 77 d. 5 s. 3 d. I 75, at 5s. 3 d. 375 18 9 3913 9 L 19 13 9 d. S. d. 7 1/3 × 8 = 63 d. = 5 3 63d=53 Ex Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE, 269 I 72 540, at 31 d. Ex. 2.. 45, at 3 s. IId. s. d. 31× 12 = 47 d. = 3 1 1 4 d. 4 d. 3 d. ůj j j 3 S. 135 15 15 II 3 201716 3 L.8 16 3 Ex. 3. 924, at 4 5 s. d. s. d. L. s. d. 4 5×11=294 84, at L. 2:9:4 9 s. 756 4d. 28 784 39 4 21. 168 L. 207 4 CASE VIII. When the given number confifts of integers and parts. RULE. Work for the price of the integers as already taught; and for the part or parts, take a proportional part, or parts, of the rate, EX. 2 270 Chap. X. Rules of PRACTICE. 6s. 8 d. yd. EXAMPLE S. Ex. 1. Yards. Ex. 4. 7204, at 6 s. 8 d. per yd. Yards. 2371, at 18 s. per yd. 240 18 s. 20 14 0 I 8 L. 240 I 8 +02010 # yd. 9 y.d. 4 6 2 3 2s. 6d. Ex. 2. Yards. 116, at 4 s. 6d. per yd, 14. 10 yd. L.21 9 9 Ex. 5. C. Q 365 2, at 51. 5 s. p. C. 2 S. II 12 yd. 2 3 5 l. 5 s. 1825 L.26 4 3 2 Q 91 5 212 6 Ex. 3. L. 1918 17 6 Yards. 2283, at 12 s. 11 d. p.yd. 12 S. 2736 1 l. 4 d. 76 4d 76 10 S. 3 d. 57 2 Q. O 15 yd. 6 5/1/ yd. 3 22 IQ. 14 lb. I 295/4 8 4 Ex. 6, G. Q. lb. 28 3 14 at 1l. 10 s. per 14 7 6 3 9 L.43 6 3 C. L. 147 14 81 Ex. Chap. X. 278 Rules of PRACTICE. Ex. 7. C. Q. lb. 144 2 21, at 31. 17s. 6d. p.C. Ex. 9. lb. Tr. oz. dw." 36 8 16, at 23 l. 16 s. 3 1. 432 4 d. per lb. 15 s. 108 2s. 6d. 18 108 2 Q I 18 9 72 14 lb. 9 81 7 lb. 23lb 828 105. 18 L. 560 13 33 5 s 9 Ex. 8. I S. I 16 T. C. Q. 73 17 2, at 91. 4 d. I 2 d. I 6 12s. Iad. 4 Oz 7 18 per tun. 4 OZ. 7 18 16 dw. 91. IOS 2 S. 7 6 657 1 11 91% 36 10 L.874 18 10 6 d. I 1 16 6 2 d. 12 2 2 d. 10 C. 5C. 2 C. 2 Q. 12 2 4.16 5 2 8 2 I 4 I L.712 5 63 An operation in the rules of practice may be proved by running over the feveral ſteps a fecond time, by working the fame queſtion a different way, or by the rule of three. Practical Questions. 1. 126, at 143 d. 2. 478, at 4 s. 10 d. Anf. L. s. d. 7 14 101 Anf. 116 10 3 3.50, 272 Chap. X Rules of PRACTICE. 3. 50, at L. 3:15:6 4. 419 yards,at 4s. 10ž d. p. yd. 5 75 C. 2Q 14 lb. at 15 s. 41 d. per C. 6. 8 T. 15 C. 3 Q 27 lb. at 141. per tun. L. s. Anf. 188 17 I d. Ans. 101 16 3/7 f. Anf. 58 2 8 3 Anf. 123 3 10 7. A bankrupt's effects amount to 8111. 10 s.; and he owes L. S. d. To A 220 16 6 To B 312 To C 117 12 6 To D 106 12 6 To E 200 6 To F 124 12 6 In all 1082 How much can he afford to pay per pound, and what muft each creditor have? Anf. 15s. per pound; and the creditors get as fol- lows: L. S. d. A 165 12 4 B 234 C 88 4 4 D. 79 19 42 E 150 4 6 F 93 94 Total 811 10 The End of the Firſt Volume. D. Jingles wy g L to urratian tgue UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03684 9589 A 548552