LIBRARY SCIENCE Z 1008 B72 ** University of Michigan Libraries 1817 ARTE S SCIENTIA VERITAS A Book Club of California, St. Francore. THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA: ITS PURPOSES, MEMBERSHIP AND LIST OF PUBLICATIONS SAN FRANCISCO :: MCMXXVIII Lib. Sei Sift 6-19-56 THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA 9 & PURPOSES HE Book Club of California is an associa- tion of book lovers who have particular in- terest in the collection and enjoyment of examples of modern fine printing. ¶ The Club was founded in 1913 by a group of persons interested in fostering the study of letters and of the arts pertaining to the production of books. From an original membership of 50, the Club has grown until its members now [Feb. 1928] number approximately 440. The purposes of the Club find expression in two ways: First; By the publication of books that are intended in subject, printing, binding, and typographical design, to typify the best modern stand- ards of book-making, and Second; By holding lectures and exhibitions on subjects pertinent to its interests. The Club is conducted on a non-commercial, non- profit basis. Its policies and activities are governed by a board of seven directors, elected annually by members. PUBLICATIONS The Club publications are issued at the rate of two or three a year, in limited editions of from 200 to 350 cop- ies, usually printed from hand-set type on hand-made paper. For its publications, the Club aims to select only material that clearly merits a fine edition, and it strives to present this material in appropriate and beautiful form. The publications are offered for sale only to members of the Club. Members are not obliged to pur- chase each book [though many prefer to do so], and usually no restrictions are placed on the number of cop- ies that may be ordered. An announcement and order- card is mailed members as each publication appears. A list of earlier publications, copies of which are still available to members, will be found overleaf. Three San Francisco printers, John Henry Nash, The Grab- horn Press, and Taylor & Taylor, all well known in the field of fine printing, have made practically the entire Book Club list. The Club takes pride in the fact that one or more of its publications has been selected for inclu- sion in each of the annual Fifty Books of the Year ex- hibits of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. Mem- bership in the Club affords book lovers and collectors of fine printing the opportunity to secure, at cost, copies of books issued in limited editions and conforming to a high typographical standard, that are not available to the general public. MEMBERSHIP By the terms of its constituion, membership in the Club is open to persons who are in sympathy with its aims and activities, and whose applications are approved by the Board of Directors.CRegular Membership involves no responsibilities beyond payment of the annual dues of $10.00.There is no initiation fee. Besides the Reg- ular Membership, provision is made for: Honorary Membership; conferred for distinguished services to literature or to the arts pertaining to the production of books. No initiation fee and no dues: Life Membership; Initiation fee $250.00, no dues. Inquiries from in- terested persons concerning membership in the Club will receive prompt attention from the Secretary. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS This list of publications is prepared for the convenience of members who wish more detailed information than has hitherto been available about the various volumes issued by the Club, and as a check-list for those who de- F sire to add to, or complete, their Club publications. Any volume listed (except those designated out-of-print) will be supplied to members on application to the Secretary. An asterisk (*) before the title of a publication indicates that it is out-of-print. *BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF CALIFOR- NIA AND THE PACIFIC WEST 1810-1906. By Robert E. Cowan. San Francisco: Taylor, Nash & Taylor, 1914. Quarto, xxxi + 318 pp. Boards, linen back, uncut. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $20.00. Printed from Kennerley type, hand-set, on Arches hand-made paper. *THE MAN WITH THE HOE By Edwin Markham. With a special introduction by the author and a portrait and decorations by Ray F. Coyle, San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1916. Quarto, 14 pp. Boards, uncut. Lim- ited to 300 copies. Price: $2.00. Printed from original old style italic and Caslon roman, hand-set, on San Marco hand-made paper. *THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP; THE OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT; TENNESSEE'S PARTNER By Bret Harte. With vignette portrait and decorations by Ray F. Coyle. San Francisco: John Henry Nash [Blair-Murdock Co.] 1916. Small octavo, 74 pp. Boards, uncut. Limited to 260 copies. Price: $2.50. Printed from Caslon old style type, hand- set, on Kelmscott hand-made paper. THIRTY-FIVE SONNETS age illumi- Francisco: By George Sng. Title rubricated and firs nated. Decations by Frederic W. Goudy Taylor & Taylor, 1917. Octavo, 54 pp. Boards, uncut. Lim- ited to 300 copies. Price: $2.50. Printed from Kennerley type, hand-s on Kelmscott hand-made por. page THE VISION OF MIRZAH By Joseph Addison. Rubricated. Portrait by Dan Sweeney. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1917. Quarto, 13 pp. Boards, uncut. Limited to 300 copies. Price: $2.00. Printed from Cloister old style type, hand-set, on Kelmscott hand-made paper. NATIONALISM Nationalism in the West. Nationalism in Japan. Nationalism in India. The Sunset of the Century. By Sir Rabindranath Tagore. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917. Octavo, 160 pp. Boards, linen back, uncut. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $2.00. Printed from old style type, on Tuscany hand- made paper. CALIFORNIA A Poem. By Ina Coolbrith. With portrait by Dan Sweeney and decorations by Laurence B. Haste. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1918. Quarto, ii † 9 pp. Boards, uncut. Limited to 500 copies. Price: $2.00. Printed from Cloister old style italic type, hand-set, on Umbria hand-made paper. 5 A ODES AND SONNETS By Clark Ashton Smith. With an introduction by George Ster- ling. Rubricated title and decorations by Florence Lundborg. San Francisco: Taylor & Taylor, 1918. Quarto, viii † 30 pp. Limited to 300 copies. Price: $3.00. Printed from Kennerley type, hand-set, on Kelmscott hand-made paper. THE KASIDAH [Couplets] OF HAJI ABDU EL-YEZDI A Lay of the Higher Law, translated and annotated by his friend and pupil, F. B. By Sir Richard F. Burton. With an introduction by Dr. Aurelia Reinhardt. Decorations by Dan Sweeney. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1919. Quarto, ix + 52 pp. French marbled hand-made boards, vellum back, uncut. Limited to 500 copies. Price $8.00. Printed from Cas- lon old style type, hand-set, on Glaslan hand-made paper. A HORSEMAN IN THE SKY; A WATCHER BY THE DEAD; THE MAN AND THE SNAKE By Ambrose Bierce. With decorations by Ray F. Coyle. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1920. Octavo, 53 pp. French marbled hand-made boards, uncut. Limited to 400 copies. Price: $3.00. Printed from Caslon old style type, hand-set, on Alexandra toned laid paper. THE VINTAGE FESTIVAL The Play Pageant and Festivities Celebrating the Vine in the Autumn of each Year at St. Helena, in the Napa Valley, Cali- fornia. By Sara Bard Field. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1920. Small quarto, 23 pp. Ancona boards, uncut. Limited to 500 copies. Price: $1.50. Printed from Cloister old style type, hand-set, on Kelmscott hand-made paper. • LILITH; A DRAMATIC POEM By George Sterling. San Francisco: Taylor & Taylor. 1920. Small octavo, 77 pp. Boards, linen back, uncut. Limited to 350 copies. Price: $6.00. Printed from Caslon old style type, hand- set, on Fabriano hand-made paper. A GRACIOUS VISITATION By Emma Frances Dawson. With an appreciation by Ambrose Bierce. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1921. Small oc- tavo, iv +70 pp. Hand-made marbled boards, cloth back. Lim- ited to 300 copies. Price: $4.00. Printed from Garamond type, hand-set, on French hand-made paper. PRAYER: A POEM By Charles Kellogg Field. With a foreword by Dr. David Starr Jordan. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1921. Small quarto, iv + 10 pp. Boards, uncut. Limited to 330 copies. Price: $1.50. Printed from Garamond italic type, hand-set, on Fabriano hand-made paper. *THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1921. Quarto, 15 pp. Strathmore paper boards, uncut. Limited to 300 copies. Price: $5.00. Printed in four colors from Piegnot Gothic type, hand- set, on Etruria hand-made paper. *THE CITY OF THE GOLDEN GATE A Description of San Francisco in 1875. By Samuel Wil- liams. Illustrated by contemporary woodcuts. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1921. Octavo, 44 pp. Hand marbled boards, uncut. Limited to 350 copies. Price: $3.00. Printed from Oxford type, hand-set, on French hand-made paper. THE LETTERS OF AMBROSE BIERCE Edited, with an introduction, by Bertha Clark Pope, and with a memoir by George Sterling. Photogravure portrait. San Fran- cisco: John Henry Nash, 1922. Octavo, xlvi + 204 pp. Hand- made boards with linen back. Limited to 415 copies. Price: $10.00. Printed from Caslon type, on Alexandra laid paper. *ABRAHAM LINCOLN: THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS AND A PORTRAIT Broadside. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1922. Lim- ited to 250 copies.Presented to members by The Grabhorn Press. *THE SONG OF SONGS [Love Lyrics from Ancient Palestine]. A new translation by Dr. Morris Jastrow. With a preface by Helen B. Jastrow, and an introduction by Franz Cumont. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1922. Small quarto, viii + 26 pp. Semi- flexible boards, stamped in gold, uncut. Limited to 310 copies. Price: $4.00. Printed in three colors from Goudy type, hand- set, on Kelmscott hand-made paper. OSCAR WEIL: LETTERS AND PAPERS With an introduction by Flora Arnstein, Albert I. Elkus, and Stewart W. Young. Decorations by H. Von Schmidt. Photo- graphic frontispiece by Dorothea Lange. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1923. Quarto, xit 126 pp. Boards, linen back, labeled. Limited to 400 copies. Price: $10.00. Printed from Garamond type, hand-set, on Glaslan hand-made paper. *DICKENS IN CAMP A poem by Bret Harte. With a facsimile of the manuscript. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1923. Quarto, 12 pp. Paper boards with label. Limited to 250 copies. Presented to members by John Henry Nash. *THE LETTER OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS CON- CERNING HIS FIRST VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD Translated, with an introduction, by Donald B. Clark. Illus trated with line engravings redrawn from contemporary wood- cuts. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1924. Octavo, iv + 24 pp. Boards, linen back, design stamped on side, uncut. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $5.50. Printed from Poliphilus type, hand-set, on Kelmscott hand-made paper. ALDUS PIUS MANUTIUS: An essay by Theodore L. DeVinne, together with a leaf from the Aldine Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, printed at Venice in 1499. Illustrations and decorations reproduced from the Aldine Hypnerotomachia. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1924. Quarto, 34 pp. Boards, cloth back, label printed in gold, uncut. Limited to 194 copies. Price, with inserted leaf of type $10.00; with leaf having ornamental initial letters, $12.50; with leaf having woodcuts, from $15.00, according to value of wood- cut. Printed from Poliphilus type, on Kelmscott paper. *OLD FRENCH TITLE PAGES By Andrew Lang. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1924. 16 mo, 32 pp.Paper boards. Printed in three colors from French Gothic type. Presented to members by The Grabhorn Press. CONTINENT'S END An Anthology of Contemporary California Poets. Edited, with introductions, by George Sterling, Genevieve Taggard, and James Rorty. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1925. Small folio, xxxviii + 237 pp. Semi-flexible boards with Spanish goatskin back stamped in gold. Limited to 500 copies. Price: $15.00.Printed from Garamond type, on Aurelian laid paper. PHILOBIBLON OF RICHARD DE BURY With decorations and initial letters by Donald McKay. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1925. Folio, 41 pp. Boards, linen back. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $10.00. Printed in two colors from Poliphlius Roman type, hand-set, on Van Gelder paper. *THE LETTER OF AMERIGO VESPUCCI With an introduction by Oscar Lewis and decorations by Val- enti Angelo. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1926. Folio, vi + 28 pp. Vellum, hand-lettered title. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $14.00. Printed from Italian Old Style type on Van Gelder hand-made paper. THE GENTLE CYNIC A new translation of the Book of Ecclesiastes by Dr. Morris Jastrow. With an introduction by Oscar Lewis and decora- tions by Valenti Angelo. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1927. Small quarto, xii + 28 pp. Bound in full vellum, with ties. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $12.00. Printed in four col- ors from Goudy type, hand-set, on Whatman hand-made paper. ་ • *THE BOOK OF RUTH With woodcut decoration and hand-illuminated initials by Valenti Angelo. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1927. 16 mo, 48 pp. Marbled boards with linen back. Limited to 250 copies. Price: $3.00. Printed from French Gothic type, hand-set, on Van Gelder paper. THE TESTIMONY OF THE SUNS By George Sterling. With a facsimile of the manuscript with comments and criticisms by Ambrose Bierce. With an intro- duction by Oscar Lewis and a memoir by Albert M. Bender. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1927. Folio, 60 pp. Marbled boards. Limited to 300 copies. Price: $16.00. Printed from Caslon old style type, hand-set, on American laid paper. i ì RE: : Library Science Z 1008 .672 美式 ​福 ​