1 RIN ARTES LIBRARY VERITAS PETRIKUS OLUR MUST UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | TUEBOR SCIENTIA OF THE QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM AMŒNAMA CIRCUMSPICE TENOTY ATAVU Received in ExchanGE FROM Rhode Island State College Library caranda durdodaustaunti 668 Mathematics for Practical Mon, a Common Place Book of Pure and Mixed Mathe- matics, by O. Gregory, with engravings, thick 8vo, cloth, 1,50. Phila. 1854 : ܐܐܬܘ ܪܬܐ ... 40. 1 1 i 3 I I MATHEMATICS རྗ་ FOR PRACTICAL MEN: A COMMON-PLACE BOOK } BEING PRINCIPLES, THEOREMS, RULES, AND TABLES, IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF OF PURE AND MIXED MATHEMATICS, WITH THEIR APPLICATION; TO THE PURSUITS OF SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, MECHANICS, AND CIVIL ENGINEERS. ↓ ESPECIALLY WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. OLINTHUS GREGORY, LL.D., F.R.A.S., Corresponding Associate of the Academy of Dijon ; Ilonorary Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York; of the New York Historical Society; of the Literary and Philosophical, and the Antiquarian BY Societies of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; of the Cambridge Philosophical Society of the Institution of Civil Engineers, &c. &c., and Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, FIRST AMERICAN FROM THE SECOND LONDON EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. Only let men awake, and fix their eyes, one while on the nature of things, another while on the application of them to the use and service of mankind."-Lord Bacon. PHILADELPHIA: E. L. CAREY AND A. HART, CHESNUT ST. AND SOLD BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED STATES. 1834. in 1 મ ין 1 ΤΟ PRESIDENT; AND TO THE VARIOUS THOMAS TELFORD, Esq. F.R.S.E. OF THE - OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF / INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS; } THIS COMPENDIUM ENDIUM ¿ BY THEIR MATHEMATICS FOR PRACTICAL MEN, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, FAITHFUL AND OBLIGED SERVANT THE AUTHOR. I # PREFACE. THE work now presented to the public had its origin in a desire which I felt to draw up an Essay on the principles and applications of the mechanical sciences, for the use of the younger members of the Institution of Civil Engineers. The eminent individuals who are deservedly regarded as the main pillars of that useful Institution, stand in need of no such instructions as are in my power to impart : but it seemed expedient to prepare an Essay, comprised within moderate limits, which might furnish scientific instruction for the many young men of ardour and enterprise who have of late years devoted themselves to the interesting and important profession, of whose members that Institution is principally constituted. My first design was to compose a paper which might be read at one or two of the meetings of that Society; but, as often happens in such cases, the embryo thought has grown, during meditation, from an essay to a book: and what was first meant to be a very compendious selection of principles and rules, has, in its execution, assumed the appearance of a systematic analysis of principles, theorems, rules, and tables. Indeed, the circumstances in which the inhabitants of this country are now placed, with regard to the love and acquisition of knowledge, impelled me, almost unconsciously, to such an extension of my original plan, as sprung from a desire to contribute to the instruction of that numerous class, the practical mechanics of this country. Besides the early disadvantages under. which many of them have laboured, there is another which results from the activity of their pursuits. Unable, therefore, to go through the details of an extensive systematic course, they must, for the most part, be satisfied with imperfect views of theorics and principles, and take much upon trust: an evil, how- ever, which the establishment of Societies, and the composition of treatises, with an express view to their benefit, will probably soon diminish. LORD BROUGHAM, in his "Practical Observations upon the Education of the People," remarks that " a most essential service will be rendered A 2 V vi PREFACE. to the cause of knowledge, by him who shall devote his time to the composition of elementary treatises on the Mathematics, sufficiently clear, and yet sufficiently compendious, to exemplify the method of reasoning employed in that science, and to impart an accurate know- ledge of the most useful fundamental propositions, with their appli- cation to practical purposes; and treatises upon Natural Philosophy, which may teach the great principles of physics, and their practical application, to readers who have but a general knowledge of mathe- matics, or who are even wholly ignorant of the science beyond the common rules of arithmetic." And again, "He who shall prepare a treatise simply and concisely unfolding the doctrines of Algebra, Geometry, and Mechanics, and adding examples calculated to strike the imagination of their connexion with other branches of knowledge, and with the arts of common life, may fairly claim a large share in that rich harvest of discovery and invention which must be reaped by the thousands of ingenious and active men, thus enabled to bend their faculties towards objects at once useful and sublime." I do not attempt to persuade myself that the present volume will be thought adequately to supply the desiderata to which the passages advert; yet I could not but be gratified, after full two-thirds of it were written, to find that the views which guided me in its execution ac- corded so far with the judgment of an individual, distinguished as Lord Brougham was, in early life, for the elegance and profundity of his mathematical researches. With a view to the elementary instruction of those who have not previously studied mathematics, I have commenced with brief, but, I hope, perspicuous, treatises on Arithmetic and Algebra; a competent acquaintance with both of these being necessary to ensure that ac- curacy in computation which every practical man ought to attain, and that ready comprehension of scientific theorems and formulæ which becomes the key to the stores of higher knowledge. As no man sharpens his tool or his weapon, merely that it may be sharp, but that it may be the fitter for use; so no thoughtful man learns arith- metic and algebra for the mere sake of knowing those branches of science, but that he may employ them; and these being possessed as valuable pre-requisites, the course of an author is thereby facilitated: for then, while he endeavours to express even common matters so that the learned shall not be disgusted, he may so express the more abstract and difficult that the comparatively ignorant (and the mere knowledge of arithmetic and algebra is, in our times, comparative ignorance) may practically understand and apply them. Guth 1 vii "O' After the first 103 pages, the remaining matter is synoptical. The general topics of geometry, L metry, conic sections, curves, perspective, mensuration, statics, dynamics, hydrostatics, hydrody- namics, and pneumatics, are thus treated. The definitions and prin- ciples are exhibited in an orderly series; but investigations and demonstrations are only sparingly introduced. This portion of the work is akin in its nature to a syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the departments of science which it treats; with this difference, however, occasioned by the leading object of the publication, that popular illustrations are more frequently introduced, practical applications incessantly borne in mind, and such tables as seemed best calculated to save the labour of architects, mechanics, and civil engineers, inserted under their appropriate heads. Of these latter, several have been collected from former treatises, &c., but not a few have been either computed or contributed expressly for this Common-place Book. In a work like this, it would be absurd to pretend to originality. The plan, arrangement, and execution, are my own; but the materials have long been regarded, and rightly, as common property. It has been my aim to reduce them into the smallest possible space, con- sistently with my general object; but, wherever I have found the work in this respect prepared to my hands, I have transcribed it into the following pages, with the usual references to the sources from whence it was taken. They who are conversant with the best writers on subjects of mixed mathematics and natural philosophy, will know that Smeaton, Robison, Playfair, Young, Du Buat, Leslie, Hachette, Bland, Tredgold, &c. are authors who ought to be consulted, in the preparation of a volume like this. I hope it will appear that I have duly, yet, at the same time, honourably, availed myself of the ad- vantages which they supply. I have, also, made such selections from my own earlier publications as were obviously suitable to my present purpose; but not so copiously, I trust, as to diminish the utility of those volumes, or to make me an unfair borrower even from myself. PREFACE. Besides our junior Civil Engineers, and the numerous Practical Mechanics who are anxious to store their minds with scientific facts and principles; there are others to whom, I flatter myself, the follow- ing pages will be found useful. Teachers of mathematics and those departments of natural philosophy which are introduced into our more respectable seminaries, may probably find this volume to occupy a convenient intermediate station between the merely popular ex- hibitions of the truths of mechanics, hydrostatics, &c., and the larger ľ viii PREFACE. FX 1 i • treatises, in which the whole chain of inquiry and demonstration is carefully presented, link by link, and the successive portions firmly connected upon irrefragable principles. While students who have recently terminated a scientific course, whether in our universities or other institutions, public or private, may, I would fain believe, find in this Common-place Book an abridged repository of the most valuable principles and theorems, and of hints for their applications to practical purposes. The only performances with which I am acquainted, that bear any direct analogy to this, are Martin's Young Student's Memorial Book, Jones's Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos, and Brunton's Compen- dium of Mechanics; the latter of which I had not seen until the present volume was nearly completed. The first and last mentioned of these are neat and meritorious productions; but restricted in their utility by the narrow space into which they are compressed. The other, written by the father of the late Sir William Jones, is a truly elegant introduction to the principles of Mathematics, considering the time in which it was written (1706); but as it is altogether theoretical, and is, moreover, now becoming exceedingly scarce, it by no means supersedes the necessity, for such I have been induced to regard it, of a Compendium like that which I now offer to the public. In its execution I have aimed at no higher reputation than that of being perspicuous, correct, and useful; and if I shall be so fortunate as to have succeeded in those points, I shall be perfectly satisfied. OLINTHUS Gregory. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, October 1st, 1825. ! In this new edition I have corrected a few errors which had escaped my notice in the former impression. I have also made a few such additions and improvements as the lapse of time and the progress of discovery rendered desirable; and such as will, I hope, give the work new claims on public approbation. July 1st, 1833. * 1 I { 1 5 } C Definitions and notation Addition of whole numbers Subtraction of whole numbers Multiplication of whole numbers Division of whole numbers Proof of the first four rules Tables of weights and measures French and English weights and measures compared Vulgar fractions Sha CONTENTS.. - ARITHMETIC. Sand A 1 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of ditto Decimal fractions ↓ Powers and roots, square, cube, and higher roots Proportion, rule of three, compound proportion, &c. Properties of numbers Numerical problem on the reduction of ratios ALGEBRA. Definitions and notation Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Involution of monomials and polynomials. Evolution 1 wh 1 Simple equations, extermination, &c. Quadratic equations Equations in general Reduction of decimals Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of ditto. Complex fractions used in the arts and commerce Addition, subtraction, &c. of ditto Duodecimals Progressions, arithmetical and geometrical Principles of logarithms Computation and use of formula M 1 ad 1 vág I wh 1 r t 1 1 1 1 K W 1 I Surds, reduction, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, involution, evolution 1 1 1 # AN - 1 1 J W PAGE 1 4 5 6 K 10 12 14 21 23 26 28 29 32 33 35 38 39 44 50 53 88529 60 67 70 22263 72 78 86 91 94 99 - 101 2 ix X CONTENTS. Definitions Angles, right lines, and their rectangles Triangles da GEOMETRY. Quadrilaterals and polygons Circles, and inscribed and circumscribed figures Planes and solids Practical geometry H TRIGONOMETRY. Definitions CONIC SECTIONS. Definitions, properties of the ellipse Properties of the hyperbola and parabola General application to architecture Plane trigonometry Determination of the heights and distances of objects by approximate and mechanical methods to chain bridges Professor Farish's isometrical perspective MENSURATION. Mensuration of superficies. Mensuration of solids Approximate rules for both surfaces and solids CURVES USEFUL TO ARCHITECTS, &c. MECHANICS. STATICS. I Parallelogram of forces, and applications Centre of gravity 1 1 of structures Equilibrium of piers Pressure of earth against walls 1 ( I Conchoid, cissoid, cycloid, quadratrix, catenary Table of relations, strains, &c. in catenarian curves, applicable 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I PAGE - 104 - 105 S - 106 - 109 - 112 - 119 - 123 ] Ta - 133 143 - 150 - 155 - 161 - 167 - 168 - 179 · 181 Váno Mechanical powers, lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw General application of the principles of statics to the equilibrium - 195 - 196 - 198 - 206 - 209 ܝ 205 ཀ 214 222 222 224 CONTENTS. xi Equilibrium of polygons, centering roofs, &c. - Stability of arches Models:-Smart's mathematical chain-bridge Definitions Uniform motions Motion uniformly accelerated - DYNAMICS. on pulleys, inclined planes, &c. Portable pendulum Gridiron and other compensation pendulums Table of lengths and vibrations of pendulums Principles of rotation Central forces, steam-engine governors, fly-wheels Percussion or collision Principles of chronometers, escapements, &c. Select mechanical experiments • HYDROSTATICS. C 1 + HYDRODYNAMICS. 1 Motions about a centre or axis Pendulum, simple and compound, centres of oscillation, percus- sion, and gyration - 1 PNEUMATICS. 1 Equilibrium of air and elastic fluids. 1 PAGE - 226 - 230 - 232 1 Definitions Pressure of non-elastic fluids Illustrations and applications: hydrostatic paradox and bellows, Bramah's press, embankments, strength of pipes of oak or iron Contrivances to measure the velocity of running waters Effects of the old London bridge on the tides, &c. Watermills: undershot, overshot, breast, Barker's - 235 - 236 - 236 - 238 - 243 244 249 - 253 - 255 - 259 - 261 - 265 - 269 - 278 Floating bodies, buoyancy, Farey's self-acting flood gate Specific gravities, Coates's hydrostatic balance, tables of specific gravities and weights of various substances 284 - 285 - Rules for weights of leaden pipes, and rims of cast-iron fly- wheels - Definitions: motion and effluence of fluids Motion of water in conduit pipes and open canals, over weirs, &c., with various tables G Table of rise of water occasioned by piers of bridges and other contractions ہے 286 291 - 293 300 302 304 - 316 - 317 - 321 325 330 xii CONTENTS. PAGE 346 Pumps, sucking, lifting, forcing, fire-engine, Clark's quicksilver pump, Archimedes's screw, spiral pump, hydraulic ram, &c. 333 Wind and windmills, Smeaton, Coulomb, &c. Steam and steam-engines; Savery, Newcomen and Cawley, Watt, Woolf, Oliver Evans, Fenton and Co., Nuncarrow, &c. .i Useful tables and remarks on steam-engines, rail-roads, canals, and turnpike roads ' ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STRENGTH. Active strength, or animal energy, as of men, horses, &c. Schulze's experiments, Coulomb's, Bevan's, Morisot's, Regnier's, Hachette's, Tredgold's, &c. Passive strength, modulus of elasticity, &c. Cohesive strength, modulus of cohesion, results of Leslie, Duha- mel, Rennie, Bevan, &c. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES. Of useful factors connected with the circle Of circles; from which knowing the diameters, the areas, cir- cumferences, and sides of equal squares are found Of relations of the arc, abscissa, ordinate, and subnormal, in the catenary ! A PLATES. (To be placed at the end.) 1. Isometrical Perspective. 2. Steam-engines, Evans's, &c. 3. Fenton and Co.'s engine. B } med 353 - 386 402 - 373 384 406 413 415 424 6 A COMMON-PLACE BOOK, &c. &c. CHAPTER I. ARITHMETIC. SECTION I.-Definitions and Notation. ARITHMETIC is the science of numbers. We give the name of number to the assemblage of many units, or of many parts of an assumed unit; unit being the quantity which, among all those of the same kind, forms a whole, which may be regarded as the base or element. Thus, when I speak of one house, one guinea, I speak of units, of which the first is the thing called a house, the second that called a guinea. But when I say four houses, ten guineas, three quarters of a guinea, I speak of numbers, of which the first is the unit house repeated four times; the second is the unit guinea repeated ten times; the third is the fourth part of the unit guinea repeated three times. In every particular classification of numbers, the unit is a measure taken arbitrarily, or established by usage and con- vention. Numbers formed by the repetition of an unbroken unit are called whole numbers, or integers, as seven miles, thirty shil- lings: those which are formed by the assemblage of many parts of a unit are called fractional numbers, or simply fractions; as two-thirds of a yard, three-eighths of a mile. When the unit is restricted to a certain thing in particular, as one man, one horse, one pound, the collection of many of those units is called a concrete number, as ten men, twenty horses, fifty pounds. But if the unit does not denote any parti- cular thing, and is expressed simply by one, numbers which are constituted of such units are denominated discrete or abstract, as five, ten, thirty. Hence, it is evident that abstract numbers B 1 2 ARITHMETIC: NOTATION. J 1 can only be compared with their unit, as concrete numbers are compared with, or measured by, theirs; but that it is not possible to compare an abstract with a concrete number, or a concrete number of one kind with a concrete number of another; for there can exist no measurable relations but between quantities of the same kind. The series of numbers is indefinite; but only the first nine of them are expressed by different characters, called figures: thus, Names. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Figures. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Besides these, another character is employed, namely 0, called the cipher or zero; which has no particular value of itself, but by its position is made to change the value of any significant figures with which it is connected. In the system of numeration now generally adopted, and borrowed from the Indians, an infinitude of words and cha- racters is avoided, by a simple yet most ingenious expedient, which is this:-every figure placed to the left of another assumes ten times the value that it would have if it occupied the place of the latter. Thus, to express the number that is the sum of 9 and 1, or ten units, called ten, we place a 1 to the left of a 0, thus 10. So again the sum of 10 and 1, or eleven, is represented by 11; the sum of 11 and 1, or of 10 and 2, called twelve, is repre- sented by 12; and so on for thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, &c. denoted respectively by 13, 14, 15, &c., the figure 1 being all along equivalent to ten, because it occupies the second rank. In like manner, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, &c. are represented by 20, 21, 22, because the 2 in the second rank is equivalent to twice ten, or twenty. And thus we may proceed with respect to the numbers that fall between twenty and three tens or thirty 30, four tens or forty 40, five tens or fifty 50, six tens or sixty 60, seven tens or seventy 70, eight tens or eighty 80, ninc tens or ninety 90. After 9 are added to the 90 (ninety) numbers can no longer be expressed by two figures, but require a third rank to the left hand of the second. The figure that occupies the third rank, or of hundredths, is expressed by the word hundred. Thus 369, is read three hundred and sixty-nine; 428, is read four hundred and twenty- eight; 837, eight hundred and thirty-seven and so on for all numbers that can be represented by three figures. But if the number be so large that more than three figures. are required to express it, then it is customary to divide it into periods of three figures each, reckoning from the right hand towards the left, and to distinguish each by a peculiar name. - ARITHMETIC: NOTATION. 3 The second period is called that of thousands, the third that of millions, the fourth that of milliards or billions,* the fifth that of trillions, and so on; the terms units, tens, and hundreds, being successively applied to the first, second, and third ranks of figures from the right towards the left, in each of these periods. Thus, 1111, is read one thousand one hundred and eleven. 23456, twenty-three thousands, four hundred and fifty-six. 421835, four hundred and twenty-one thousands, eight hun- dred and thirty-five. 732846915, seven hundred and thirty-two millions, eight hundred and forty-six thousands, nine hundred and fifteen. The manner of estimating and expressing numbers we have here described is conformable to what is denominated the deci- mal notation. But, besides this, there are other kinds invented by philosophers, and others indeed in common use; as the duodecimal, in which every superior name contains twelve units of its next inferior name; and the sexagesimal, in which sixty of an inferior name are equivalent to one of its next supe- rior. The former of these is employed in the measurement and computation of artificer's work; the latter in the division of a circle, and of an hour in time. To the head of notation we may also refer the explanation of the principal symbols or characters employed to express operations or results in computation. Thus, The sign + (plus) belongs to addition, and indicates that the numbers between which it is placed are to be added together. Thus, 5+7 expresses the sum of 5 and 7, or that 5 and 7 are to be added together. The sign (minus) indicates that the number which is placed after it is to be subtracted from that which precedes it. So, 9.- 3 denotes that 3 is to be taken from 9. The sign denotes difference, and is placed between two quantities when it is not immediately evident which of them is the greater. The sign (into), for multiplication, indicates the product of two numbers between which it is placed. Thus 8 x 5 denotes 8 times 5, or 40. The sign (by), for division, indicates that the number which precedes it is to be divided by that which follows it; and the quotient that results from this operation is often * It has been customary in England to give the name of billions to millions of millions, of trillions to millions of millions of millions, and so on: but the method hore given of dividing numbers into periods of three figures instead of six, is uni- versal on the continent; and, as it seems more simple and uniform than the othor, I have adopted it. 4 ARITHMETIC NOTATION. represented by placing the first number over the second with a small bar between them. Thus, 15-8 denotes that 15 is to be divided by 8, and the quotient is expressed thus. The sign, two equal and parallel lines placed horizontally, is that of equality. Thus, 2+3+4=9, means that the sum of 2, 3, and 4, is equal to 9. Inequality is represented by two lines so drawn as to form an angle, and placed between two numbers, so that the angular point turns towards the least. Thus, 74, and A > B, indi- cate that 7 is greater than 4, and the quantity represented by A greater than the quantity represented by B: on the other hand, 3 < 5 and C D indicate that 3 is less than 5, and C less than D. Colons and double colons are placed between quantities to denote their proportionality. So, 3:59:15, signifies that 3 are to 5 as 9 to 15, or g 3 19/5. The extraction of roots is indicated by the sign ✔, figure occasionally placed over it to express the root. Thus✔ 4 signifies the square root of 4, 27 the cube root of 27, ✔ 16 the fourth or biquadrate root of 16; and so on. These characters find their most frequent use in algebra and the higher departments of mathematics; but may, without hesitation, be employed whenever they secure brevity without a sacrifice of perspicuity. with a degree of the SECTION II.-Addition of Whole Numbers. ADDITION is the rule by which two or more numbers are collected into one aggregate or sum. Suppose it were required to find the sum of the numbers 3731, 349, 12487, and 54. It is evident that if we computed separately the sums of the units, of the tens, of the hundreds, of the thousands, &c. their combined results would still amount to the same. We should thus have 15 thousands + 14 hundreds +20 tens 21 units, or 15000+1400+200+21; operating again upon these, in like manner, rank by rank, we should have 10 thousands + 6 thousands + 6 hundreds + 2 tens + 1, or 16621, which is the sum required. But the calculation is more commodiously effected by this RULE. Place the given numbers under each other, so that units stand under units, tens under tens, hundreds under hun- dreds, &c. Add up all the figures in the column of units, and observe for every ten in its amount to carry one to the place of tens in ARITHMETIC: SUBTRACTION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. 5 : the second column, putting the overplus figure in the first column. Proceed in the same manner with the second column, then with the third, and so on till all the columns be added up; the figures thus obtained in the several amounts indicate, according to the rules of notation, the sum required. Note. Whether the addition be conducted upwards or downwards, the result will be the same; but the operation is most frequently conducted by adding upwards. 57 762 5389 97615 Example. Taking the same numbers as before, and disposing them as the rule directs, we have 4+7+9+1=21, of which we put down the 1 in the place of units, and carry the 2 to the tens: then 2+5 +8 + 4 + 3=22, of which we put down the left hand 2 in the place of tens, and carry the other to the hundreds: then 2+4+3+7 16, of which the 6 is put in the place of hundreds, and the 1 carried to the thousands. This progress continued will give the same sum as before. 103823 Other Examples. 77756 3388 9763 90257 6475 9830 2764 5937 25006 181164 ? RULE. 10376786 789632 1589 73 11168080 3731 349 12487 54 16621 SECTION III.-Subtraction of Whole Numbers. SUBTRACTION is the rule by which one number is taken from another, so as to show the difference or excess. The number to be subtracted or taken away is called the subtrahend; the number from which it is to be taken, the minuend: the quantity resulting, the remainder. Write the minuend and the subtrahend in two separate lines, units under units, tens under tens, and so on. Beginning at the place of units, take each figure in the subtrahend from its corresponding figure in the minuend, and write the difference under those figures in the same rank or place. But if the figure in the subtrahend be greater than its cor- B 2 6 ARITHMETIC: MULTIPLICATION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. I responding figure in the minuend, add ten to the latter, and then take the figure in the subtrahend from the sum, putting down the remainder, as before; and in this case add 1 to the next figure to the left in the subtrahend, to compensate for the ten borrowed in the preceding place. Thus proceed till all the figures are subtracted. Note. It is customary to place the minuend above the sub- trahend; but this is not absolutely necessary. Indeed, it is often convenient in computation to find the difference between a number and a greater that naturally stands beneath it; it is therefore, expedient to practise the operation in both ways, so that it may, however it occur, be performed without hesi- tation. Example: pdate i Minuend Subtrahend Remainder 26565874 9853642 1.6712232 } Here the five figures on the right of the subtrahend are each less than the corresponding figures in the minuend, and may therefore be taken from them, one by one. But the sixth figure, viz. 8, cannot be taken from the 5 above it. Yet, as a unit in the seventh place is equivalent to 10 in the sixth, this unit borrowed (for such is the technical word here employed) makes the 5 become 15. Then 8 taken from 15 leaves 7, which is put down; and 1 is added to the 9 in the 7th place of the subtrahend, to compensate or balance the 1 which was borrowed from the 7th place in the minuend. Recourse must be had to a like process whenever a figure in the sub- trahend exceeds the corresponding one in the minuend. Other Examples. Take 21498 Take 45624 From 76262 From 80200 From 8217 From 44444 Take 3456 Take 3456 Remains 4761 Remains 40988 Remains 54764 Remains 34576 SECTION IV.-Multiplication of Whole Numbers. MULTIPLICATION of whole numbers is a rule by which we find what a given number will amount to when it is repeated as many times as are represented by another number. * This definition, though not the most scientific that might be given, is placed here, because others depend implicitly, if not explicitly, on proportion, and there- fore cannot logically be introduced thus early in the course. ARITHMETIC: MULTIPLICATION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. 7 The number to be multiplied, or repeated, is called the multi- plicand, and may be either an abstract or a concrete number. The number to be multiplied by is called the multiplier, and must be an abstract number, because it simply denotes the number of times the multiplicand is to be repeated. Both multiplicand and multiplier are called factors. The number that results from the multiplication is called the product. Before any operation can be performed in multiplication, the learner must commit to memory the following table of products, from 2 times 2 to 12 times 12. times 2 2 468 36912 4 8 12 16 6 5 10 15 20 7 8 10 3 11 14 12 12 18 24 16 4 5 9 18 27 36 20 30 40 21 28 24 22 33 24 36 32 44 48 10 12 15 18 20 6 30 25 30 35 45 36 24 28 42 40 48 7 14 50 60 21 42 49 35 40 56 54 63 70 8| 9 10 11 12 16 18 20 22 24 24 1 32 36 48 56 64 72 27 80 45 54 63 30 33 81 40 50 44 72 80 55 60 6 70 77 88 36 48 55 66 77 88 60 72 84 96 It is very advantageous in practice to have this table carried on, at least intellectually, to 20 times 20. All the products to this extent are easily remembered. 60 72 84 96 90 99 108 90 100 110 120 99 110 121 132 108 120 132 144 The learner will perceive that in this table 7 times 5 is equal to 5 times 7, or 7 × 5 35 5 X 7. In like manner that 8 X 3 24 3 X 8, 4 x 11 = 44 11 × 4, and so of other products. This is often made a subject of formal proof, as well as that 3 × 5 × 8 3 X 8 X 5 = 5 × 3 × 8 = 5 × 8 × 3, But to attempt the demonstration of things so nearly axiomatical as these is quite unnecessary. ; 1 8 ARITHMETIC MULTIPLICATION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. Previously to exhibiting the rules, let us take a simple example, and multiply 4827 by 8. Here placing the numbers as in the margin, and multiplying in their order 7 units by 8, 2 tens by 8, 8 hundreds by 8, 4 thousands by 8, the several products are 56 units, 16 tens, 64 hundreds, 32 thousands: these placed in their several ranks, according to the rules of notation, and then added up, give for the sum of the whole, or for the product of 4827 multiplied by 8. the number 38616. 1 4827 8 56 16 64 32 38616 The same example may be worked thus: 8 X 7 8 X 20 8 X 800 8 4000 Multiply 4827 By 8 Products 38616 56 160 6400 32000 f 38616 CASE I. To multiply a number, consisting of several figures, by a number not exceeding 12. Multiply each figure of the multiplicand by the multiplier, beginning at the units; write under each figure the units of the product, and carry on the tens to be added as units to the pro- duct following. } Examples. 218043 9 which is evidently the same in effect as before. 1962387 440052 11 1 4840572 8765400 12 105184800 CASE II. To perform multiplication when cach factor exceeds 12. Place the factors under each other (usually the smallest at bottom), and so that units stand under units, tens under tens, and so on. Multiply the multiplicand by the figure which stands in the unit's place of the multiplicr, and dispose the product so that its unit's place shall stand under the unit of the multiplicand; then multiply successively by the figure in the place of tens, hundreds, &c. of the multiplier, and place the first figure of cach product under that figure of the multiplier which gave the said product. The sum of these products will be the product required. ARITHMETIC MULTIPLICATION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. 9 Multiply 8214356 by 132. 8214356 x2= 8214356 × 3 tens = 8214356 × 1 hundred 8214356 × 132= Multiply 821436 by 672576 4928616 5750052 4107180 1642872 Example. Other Examples. 5750052 4928616 Multiplicand 8214356 Multiplier 132 Product 552478139136 Multiply 8214356 by 11 And this product 90357916 by 12 16428712 } Product as before 1084294992 24643068 8214356 Product 3450743782950 1084294992 Multiply 8210075 by 420306 Note.-Multiplication may frequently be shortened by sepa- rating the multiplier into its component parts or factors, and multiplying by them in succession. Thus, since 132 times any number are equal to 12 times 11 times that number, the first example may be performed in this manner: 49260450 24630225 16420150 32840300 Here one line of multiplication, and one of addi- tion, are saved. So, again, the multiplier of the second example, viz. 672576, divides into three numbers, 600000, 72000, and 576; where, } 10 ARITHMETIC: DIVISION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. 1 omitting the cipher, we have 72 = 12 × 6, and 576 = 8 × 72. Hence the operation may be performed thus:- Multiplicand 821436 Multiply by 6 in the 6th place 4928616 59143392 for 72 thousands. 473147136 for 576 units. 552478139136: three lines saved. Previous product × 12 Second product x8 Same product as before . Other modes of contraction will appear as we proceed. SECTION V.-Division of Whole Numbers. DIVISION is a rule by which we determine how often one number is contained in another. Or, it is a rule by which, when we know a product of one of the factors which produced. it, we can find the other. The number to be divided is called the dividend. That by which it is divided, the divisor. That which results from the division, the quotient, when division and multiplication are regarded as reciprocal ope- rations. The dividend is equivalent to the product.. The divisor The quotient multiplier multiplicand. RULE. Draw a curved line both on the right and left of the dividend, and place the divisor on the left. Find the number of times the divisor is contained in as many of the left hand figures of the dividend as are just necessary, and place that number on the right. Multiply the divisor by that number, and place the product under the above mentioned figures of the dividend. Subtract the said product from that part of the dividend under which it stands, and bring down the next figure of the dividend. to the right of the remainder. i Divide the remainder thus increased, as before; and if at any time it be found less than the divisor, put a cipher in the quotient, bring down the next figure of the dividend, and con- tinue the process till the whole is finished: the quotient figures thus arranged will be that required. ARITHMETIC: DIVISION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. 11 Sara an } Dividend. Divisor 324)743256(2294 Quotient. 648 135 71 644 639 Remain. 71)29754(419 284 pap 66 64 952 648 21 16 3045 2916 1296 1296 56 56 8)38616(4827 32 # Example. Divide 743256 by 324. 5 77 i 131 407 393 I 146 131 : 131)135076(1031-15 Divisor 324 Quotient 2294 Divide 38616 by 8. 5 Remain. 15 Remain. Note. When the divisor does not exceed 12, the operation may readily be performed in a single line; as will appear very evident if the following example be compared with the two methods of working the first example in multiplication. 1296 2916 648 Proof 743256 Dividend 38616 Divisor 8 Quotient 4827 648 In these two ex- amples the num- bers which re- main are placed over their TC- spective divisors, and attached to the quotients.-— The meaning of this will be ex- plained when we treat of frac- tions. Herc 8 in 38 go 4 times and 6 over ; these carried as 6 tens to the next 6, make 66: 8 in 66 go 8 times and 2 over; these car- ried as 2 tens to the next figure 1 make 21; and so of the rest. 12 ARITHMETIC: DIVISION OF WHOLE NUMBERS. J In division, also, upon the same principle as in multiplication, the labour may often be abridged by taking component parts of the divisor. Thus, in the first example, the divisor is equal to 4 times 81, or 4 times 9 times 9. Hence the di- vidend may be divided by 4, 9, and 9, successively, as in the margin, and the result will be the same as before. 120675 Answer. Sadd 5821 00 4 Divide 743256 by 4 23284 this quotient 185814 by 9 Since 25 is a fourth part of 100, and 125 the 8th part of 1000, it will be easy to multiply or to divide by either of these num- bers in a single line—thus, " and this by Quotient To multiply 4827 by 25, put | To multiply 6218 by 125, put two ciphers on the right, 3 ciphers, which is equivalent. which is equivalent to multi- to multiplying by 1000; then plying by 100; and divide divide by 8. by 4. 4)482700 8)6218000 20646 9 2294 To divide 582100 by 25, strike | To divide 4567000 by 125, off two figures on the right strike off three figures on the hand, which is equivalent to right hand, which is equiva- dividing by 100; then multiply lent to dividing by 1000; then by 4. multiply by 8. 4567 000 8 777250 Answer. 36536 Magi Proof of the first four rules of Arithmetic. Simple as these four rules are, it is not unusual to commit errors in working them: it is, therefore, useful to possess modes of proof. 1. Now, addition may be proved by adding downwards, as • · ARITHMETIC: PROOF OF THE FOUR RULES. well as upwards, and observing whe- ther the two sums agree: or, by dividing the numbers, to be added into two portions, finding the sum of each, and then the sum of those two separate amounts. Thus, in the margin, the sum of the four num- bers is 7355, the sum of the two upper ones 5857, of the two lower ones 1498, and their sum is 7355, the same as before. What 2758 3099 469 1029 7355 2758 3099 469. 1029 5857 1498 13 7355 2. The proof of subtraction is effected by adding the re- mainder to the subtrahend; if their sum agrees with the minuend the work is right, otherwise not. 3. Multiplication and division reciprocally prove each other. There is also another proof for multiplication known tech- nically by the phrase casting out the nines. Add together the numbers from left to right in the multiplicand, dropping 9 whenever the sum excceds 9, and carry on the remainder, dropping the nines as often as the amount is beyond them; and note the last remainder. Do the same with the multiplier and with the product; then if the product of the first two remainders is equal to the last remainder, this is regarded as a test that the work is right. Thus, taking the second ex- ample in multiplication, the figures in the multiplicand amount to 6 above two nines, those in the multiplier to 6 above three nincs, those in the product to 0 above six nines; the product 6 x 6 of the two first excesses is 36, or 0 above four nines: the coincidence of the two O's is the proof. It is plain, however, that the proof will be precisely the same so long as the figures in the product be the same, whatever be their order: the proof, therefore, though ingenious, is de- fective.* A similar proof applies to division. the multi- * The correctness of this proof, with the exception above specified, may be shown algebraically, thus-put A and N the number of nines in the multiplicand and multiplier respectively, m and n their excesses; then, 9 M + m = plicand, 9 N+n the multiplier, and the product of those factors will be 81 M N+ 9 M n + 9 Nm + mn; but the three first terms are cach a precise num- ber of nines; because one of the factors in each is so; these, therefore, being neg- lected, there remains mn to be divided by nine; but m n is the product of the two former excessos; therefore the truth of the method is evident. Q. E. D. + C 14 ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 丢 ​WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Agreeably to the Act of Uniformity, which took effect 1st January, 1826. The term Measure is the most comprehensive of the two, and it is distinguishable into six kinds, viz:- 3. Solidity, or Capacity. Measures of 4. Force of Gravity, or what is commonly called Weight. 5. Angles. 6. Time. The several denominations of these measures have reference to certain standards, which are entirely arbitrary, and conse- quently vary among different nations. In this kingdom, The standard of 1. Length. 2. Surface. 69 The standards of Angular Measure, and of Time, are the same in all European, and most other, countries. 12 3 Feet 5 40 8 1 Inches Yards Poles Length is a Yard. Surface is a Square Yard, the 4 of an 4840 Acre. S Solidity is a Cubic Yard. Capacity is a Gallon. Weight is a Pound. Furlongs Miles 1. MEASURE OF LENGTH. 1 Foot. = 1 Yard. ; 1 Rod or Pole. 1 Furlong. 1 Mile. =1 Degree of a Great Circle of the Earth. The imperial standard yard, when compared with a pendu- lum, vibrating seconds of mean time in the latitude of London, in a vacuum, at the level of the sea, is in the proportion of 36 inches to 39·1393. Since the passing of this act, however, some very elaborate and scientific experiments of Mr. Francis Baily have shown that errors of sufficient moment to be taken into the account in an inquiry of this kind render the above proportion inac- curate. We do not, in fact, yet know the length of a seconds ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 15 pendulum at London, vibrating in the circumstances pro- posed. The following standard yards, made with great accuracy, give the annexed results: General Lambton's scale, used in India Sir Geo. Shuckburgh's scale General Ray's scale Royal Society's Standard Ramsden's bar Its copy, at Marischal College, Aberdeen • A Nail An inch is the smallest lineal measure to which a name is given; but subdivisions are used for many purposes. Among mechanics the inch is commonly divided into eighths. By the officers of the revenue, and by scientific persons, it is divided into tenths, hundredths, &c. Formerly it was made to consist of 12 parts, called lines, but these have properly fallen into disuse. Yard Ell Particular Measures of Length. 2 Inches Quarter= 4 Nails Hand Fathom Link Chain {, potent 4 Quarters 5 Quarters 4 Inches 6 Feet 7 Inc., 92 hdths. = 100 Links • 640 144 Square Inches 9 Square Feet 30 Square Yards 40 Perches 4 Roods Acres • Used for measuring cloth of all kinds. 2. MEASURE OF SURFACE. Used for the height of horses. Used in measuring depths. Used in Land Measure to facili- tate computation of the content, 10 square chains being equal to an acre. Inches. 35.99934 35.99998 36.00088 36.00135 36.00249 36.00244 1728 Cubic Inches 27 Cubic Feet K 1 Square Foot. = 1 Square Yard. 1 Perch, or Rod. 1 Rood. 1 Acre. = 1 Square Mile. 3. MEASURES OF SOLIDITY AND CAPACITY. Division I-Solidity. 1 Cubic Foot. 1 Cubic Yard. 16 ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. > Division II. Imperial Measure of Capacity for all liquids, and for all dry goods, except such as are comprised in the Third Divi- sion: 4 Gills 2 Pints 4 Quarts 2 Gall. 8 Gall. 8 Bush. 5 Qrs. 1 Pint 1 Quart 1 Gallon 1 Peck 1 Bushel 1 Quarter= 1 Load 34 Cubic Inches, nearly. 691 277 5542 2 Gallons 1 Peck 8 Gallons 1 Bushel 1 Sack 3 Bushels 12 Sacks 1 Chald. 2218 : The four last denominations are used for dry goods only. For liquids several denominations have been heretofore adopted, viz. -For Beer, the Firkin of 9 gallons, the Kilder- kin of 18, the Barrel of 36, the Hogshead of 54, and the Butt of 108 gallons. These will probably continue to be used in practice. For Wine and Spirits, there are, the Anker, Runlet, Tierce, Hogshead, Puncheon, Pipe, Butt, and Tun; but these may be considered rather as the names of the casks in which such commodities are imported, than as expressing any definite number of gallons. It is the practice to guage all such vessels, and to charge them according to their actual content. 101 Cubic Feet, nearly. 514 Flour is sold, nominally, by measure, but actually by weight, reckoned at 7lb. avoirdupois to a gallon. Division III. Imperial Measure of Capacity for coals, culm, lime, fish, potatoes, fruit, and other goods, commonly sold by heaped measure: Bushel 94 inches. Half-bushel 15 inches. 704 2815 2 4 58 S Cubic Inches, nearly. Cubic Fect, nearly. The goods are to be heaped up in the form of a cone, to a height above the rim of the measure of at least of its depth. The outside diameter of measures used for heaped goods are to be at least double the depth; consequently not less than the following dimensions:- Peck Gallon Half-gallon 73 inches. 12 inches. 9 inches ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 17 The Imperial Measures described in the second and third divisions were established by act 5 Geo. IV., c. 74. Before that time there were four different measures of capacity used in England:-1. For wine, spirits, cider, oils, milk, &c. ; this was one-sixth less than the Imperial Measure. 2. For malt liquor; this was part greater than the Imperial Measure. 3. For corn, and all other dry goods not heaped; this was part less than the Imperial Measure. 4. For coals, which did not differ sensibly from the Imperial Measure. 1 ៩ ខ 1 33 The Imperial Gallon contains exactly 10lbs. avoirdupois of pure water, at the temperature of 62° on Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, the barometer being at 30 inches; consequently the pint will hold 14lb., and the bushel 80lbs. 4. MEASURE OF WEIGHT. Division I.—Avoirdupois Weight. 2711 Grains 16 Drams 16 Ounces 28 Pounds 4 Quarters 20 Cwt. 8. Pounds 14 Pounds 2 Stone 6½ Tod 2 Weys 12 Sacks 1 Dram 1 Ounce 1 Pound (lb.) 1 Quarter (qr.) 1 Hundred-weight (cwt.) 1 Ton. This weight is used in almost all commercial transactions, and in the common dealings of life. Particular weights belonging to this division:- cwt. qr. lb. Used for Meat. 1 Stone 1 Stone 2711 Grains. 4371/ 2 7000 1 Tod 1 Wey 1 Sack 1 Last 24 Grains 20 Pennyweights. 12 Ounces 0 0 14 0 1 0 1 2 14 3 1 0 39 O 0 1 Division II.-Troy Weight. = 1 Pennyweight 1 Ounce 1 Pound Used in the Wool Trade. 24 Grains. 480 5760 These are the denominations of Troy Weight when used for weighing gold, silver, and precious stones (except dia- monds). But Troy Weight is also used by apothecaries in compounding medicines, and by them the ounce is divided into 8 drams, and the dram into 3 scruples, so that the latter is equal to 20 grains. For scientific purposes the grain only is used; and sets of C 2 18 ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. weights are constructed in decimal progression, from 10,000 grains downwards to of a grain. By comparing the number of grains in the Avoirdupois and Troy pound and ounce respectively, it appears that the Troy pound is less than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 14 to 17 nearly; but the Troy ounce is greater than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 79 to 72 nearly. The Troy pound is equal to the weight of 22.815 cubic inches of distilled water, weighed in air, temperature 62° Fahrenheit, barometer at 30 inches. 1 100 1 lb. Avoirdupois 1 oz. 1 dr. 0 1 3 The carat, used for weighing diamonds, is 3 grains. The term, however, when used to express the fineness of gold, has a relative meaning only. Every mass of alloyed gold is supposed to be divided into 24 equal parts; thus the standard for coin is 22 carats fine, that is, it consists of 22 parts of pure gold, and 2 parts of alloy. What is called the new standard, used for watch-cases, &c. is 18 carats fine. oz. dwts. grs. 14 11 15 Troy. 0 18 5/1/ 5. ANGULAR MEASURE; OR, DIVISIONS OF THE CIRCLE. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute. 60 Minutes 30 Degrees 60 Seconds 60 Minutes 24 Hours 7 Days 28 Days 1 Degree. 1 Sign. 90 Degrees = 1 Quadrant. 360 Degrees, or 12 Signs 1 Circumference. Formerly the subdivisions were carried on by sixties; thus, the second was divided into 60 thirds, the third into 60 fourths, &c. At present the second is more generally divided de- cimally into 10ths, 100ths, &c. The degree is frequently so divided. 28, 29, 30, or 31 Days 12 Calendar Months 365 Days 366 Days 365 Days 365 D. 5 H. 48 M. 45 S. ! = 6. MEASURE OF TIME. 1 Minute. 1 Hour. 1 Day. 1 Week. 1 Lunar Month. 1 Calendar Month. 1 Year. 1 Common Year. 1 Leap Year. = 1 Julian Year. 1 Solar Year. ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 19 In 400 years, 97 are leap years, and 303 common. The same remark, as in the case of Angular Measure, applies to the mode of subdividing the second of time. COMPARISON OF MEASURES The old ale gallon contained 282 cubic inches. The old wine gallon contained 231 cubic inches. The old Winchester bushel contained 2150 cubic inches. The imperial gallon contains 277-274 cubic inches. The corn bushel, eight times the above. Hence, with respect to Ale, Wine, and Corn, it will be ex- pedient to possess a TABLE OF FACTORS, For converting old measures into new, and the contrary. By Decimals. By vulgar Fractions nearly. Winc Ale Mea- Mea- sure. sure. Corn Wine Ale Measure. Measure. Measure. To convert old measures to new. To convert new measures to old 32 3 1 N. B. For reducing the prices, these numbers must all be reversed. •96943 •83311 Royal Medium 1-03153 1·20032. ⚫98324 Wove antique Double elephant Atlas Columbier Elephant Imperial Super-royal SIZES OF DRAWING-PAPER x 2 ft. 7 4 ft. 4 3 ft. 4 × 2 ft. 2 2 ft. 9 × 2 ft. 2 1·01704 1 Aum of hock contains 1 Barrel, imperial measure anchovies Coru Mca- sure. 2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft. 5 2 ft. 3 2 ft. 0 1 ft. 10 soap herrings salmon or eels 31 32 94 × 1 ft. 11 93 32 × 1 ft. 101 × 1 ft. 91 × 1 ft. 7 x 1 ft. 7 X 1 ft. 6 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. oper 30 pounds 256 pounds 32 gallons 42 gallons 5 6/1 5 36 gallons 9981-864 cubic inches 60 59 988 5 60 20 ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 1 Bushel of coal flour 1 Butt of Sherry 1 Chaldron of coals, with ingrain 1 Chaldron of coals, without} 1 Chaldron of coals at Newcastle is 1 Clove of wool 1 Firkin of butter 99818.64 cubic inches 53 cwt. [By an act of parliament in 1831, coals within 25 miles of the General Post Office, London, must be sold by weight.] soap soap 1 Fodder of lead, at Stockton at Newcastle at London 1 Gross 1 Great gross 1 Hand 1 Hogshead of claret tent 1 Hundred of salt 1 Keg of sturgeon 1 Last of salt gunpowder beer pot-ash cod-fish herrings meal soap pitch and tar flax feathers wool 1 Pack of wool 1 Palm 1 Pipe of Madeira Cape Madeira Teneriffe Bucellas Barcelona Vidonia Mountain Port 88 pounds 56 pounds 130 gallons 104809.572 cubic inches • ▸ 7 pounds 56 pounds 64 pounds 8 gallons 22 cwt. 21 cwt. 19 cwt. 12 dozen 12 gross 4 inches 58 gallons 63 gallons 7 lasts 4 or 8 gallons 18 barrels 24 barrels 12 barrels 12 barrels 12 barrels 12 barrels 12 barrels 12 barrels 12 barrels 17 cwt. 17 cwt. 4368 pounds 240 pounds 3 inches 110 gallons 110 gallons 120 gallons 140 gallons 120 gallons 120 gallons 120 gallons 138 gallons 1 ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 21 1 Pipe of Lisbon 1 Pole, Woodland Plantation. Cheshire 1 Sack of wool 1 Seam of glass 1 Span 1 Stone of meat fish • • • (horseman's weight) glass wool 1 Tun of vegetable oil animal oil 1 Tod of wool 1 Wey of cheese, in Suffolk in Essex 1 Wey of wool 140 gallons 18 feet 21 feet 24 feet 364 pounds 124 pounds 9 inches 8 pounds 8 pounds 14 pounds 5 pounds 14 pounds ENGLISH. 1 Inch (1-36th of a yard) 1 Foot (1-3d of a yard) Yard imperial Fathom (2 yards) Polo, or perch (5 1-2 yards) Furlong (220 yards) Mile (1760 yards) 236 gallons 252 gallons 28 pounds 256 pounds 336 pounds 182 pounds DIGGING. 24 Cubic feet of sand, or 18 cubic feet of earth, or 17 cubic feet of clay, make 1 ton. 1 Yard cube of solid gravel or earth contains 18 heaped bushels before digging, and 27 heaped bushels when dug. 27 Heaped bushels make 1 load. FRENCH AND ENGLISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES COMPARED. 0 The following is a comparative Table of the Weights and Measures of England and France, which were published by the Royal and Central Society of Agriculture of Paris, in the Annuary for 1829, and founded on a Report, made by Mr. Mathieu, to the Royal Academy of Sciences of France, on the bill passed the 17th of May, 1824, relative to the Weights and Measures termed 66 Imperial," which are now used in Great Britain. MEASURES OF LENGTH. FRENCH. 2.539954 centimetres 3.0479449 decimetres 0·91438348 metre 1-82876696 metro 5.02911 metres 201·16437 metres 1609-3149 metres 5 22 ARITHMETIC: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. FRENCH. 1 Millemetre 1 Centimetre 1 Decimetre 1 Metre Myriamctre. ENGLISH. 1 Yard square 1 Rod (square perch) 1 Rood (1210 yards square) 1 Acre (4840 yards square) FRENCH. 1 Metre square 1 Are. 1 Hectare ENGLISHI. 1 Pint (1-8th of a gallon) 1 Quart (1-4th of a gallon) 1 Gallon imperial 1 Peck (2 gallons) 1 Bushel (8 gallons) 1 Sack (3 Bushels) 1 Quarter (8 bushels) 1 Chaldron (12 Sacks) FRENCH. 1 Litre 1 Decalitre. 1 Hectolitre FRENCH. 1 Gramme ENGLISH AVOIRDUPOIS. 1 Drachm (1-16th of an ounce) 1 Ounce (1-16th of a pound) 1 Pound avoirdupois imperial • SQUARE MEASURES. • ENGLISH TROY. 1 Grain (1-24th of a pennyweight) 1 Pennyweight (1-20th of an ounce) 1 Ounce (1-12th of a pound troy) 1 Pound troy imperial. 1 Hundred-weight (112 pounds) 1 Ton (20 hundred-weight) . 1 Kilogramme ENGLISH. 0.03937 inch 0.393708 inch 3.937079 inches · 39.37079 inches 3-2808992 feet 1·093633 yard 6.2138 miles SOLID MEASURES. FRENCH. 0.836097 metre square 25.291939 metres square 10.116775 are 0-404671 hectares ENGLISH. 1-196033 yard square 0.098845 rood 2-473614 acres FRENCH. 0.567932 litre 1.135864 litre 4.54345794 litres 9-0869159 litres 36-347664 litros 1.09043 hectolitre 2.907813 hectolitres 13.08516 hectolitres ENGLISH. 1.760773 pint 0-2200967 gallon 2.2009667 gallons 22-009667 gallons WEIGHTS. FRENCH. 0.06477 gramme 1.55456 gramme 31-0913 grammes 0.3730956 kilogramme FRENCH. 1-7712 gramme 28-3384 grammes 0-4534148 kilogramme 50-78246 kilogrammes 1015.649 kilogrammes ENGLISH. 15-438 grains troy 0.643 pennyweight 0.03216 ounce troy 2-68027 pounds troy 2-20548 pounds avoirdupois. ARITHMETIC: FRACTIONS. 23 i SECTION VI.-Vulgar Fractions. The fractions of which we have already spoken in section the 1st, are usually denominated Vulgar Fractions, to distin- guish them from another kind, hereafter to be mentioned, called decimal fractions. A fraction is an expression for a part of a unit, or integer, when it represents a whole of any kind. Thus, if a pound sterling be the unit, then a shilling will be the twentieth part of that unit, and four pence will be four-twelfths of that twentieth part. These represented according to the usual notation of Vulgar Fractions, will be and of respec- tively. 20 12 The lower number of a fraction thus represented (denoting the number of parts into which the integer is supposed to be divided) is called the denominator; and the upper figure (which indicates the number of those parts expressed by the fraction) the numerator. Thus, in the fractions, 8, 7 and 15 are denominators, 5 and 8 numerators. Vulgar fractions are divided into proper, improper, mixed, simple, compound, and complex. Proper fractions have their numerators less than their de- nominators, as,, &c. numbers as Improper fractions have their numerators equal to, or greater than, their denominators, as 4, 12, &c. Mixed fractions, or numbers, are those compounded of whole numbers and fractions, as 7, 123, &c. Simple fractions are expressions for parts of given units, as 4 5. &c. 91 69 Compound fractions are expressions for the parts of given fractions, as off, of, &c. 3 Complex fractions have either one or both terms mixed 1 20 2 3 Q 6% 52 12 65 24' 143' 123' &c. Any number which will divide two or more numbers with- out remainder is called their common measure. Reduction of Vulgar Fractions. This consists principally in changing them into a more commodious form for the operations of addition, subtraction, &c. Case 1.-To reduce fractions to their lowest terms: Divide the numerator and denominator of a fraction by 24 ARITHMETIC FRACTIONS. any number that will divide them both, without a remainder ; the quotient again, if possible, by any other number and so on, till 1 is the greatest divisor. Thus, 1478 spectively are the divisors. , where 5, 3, 7, 7, re- 2205 4) 294 441 Or, 14702, by dividing at once by 735. 2205 Note. This number 735 is called the greatest common measure of the terms of the fraction: it is found thus-Divide the greater of the two numbers by the less; the last divisor by the last remainder, and so on till nothing remains: the last divisor is the greatest common measure required.* Case 2. To reduce an improper fraction to its equivalent whole or mixed number. 97 86 98 147 11 Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the answer: as is evident from the nature of division. Ex.-Let 25 and 540 be reduced to their equivalent whole or mixed numbers. 43 274 43)957(2211 Answer. 86 1 4 2 274)5480(20 Answer. 548 3 0 * The following theorems are useful for abbreviating Vulgar Fractions: THEOREMS. 1. If any number terminates on the right hand with a cipher, or a digit divisible by 2, the whole is divisible by 2: for the one which remains in the second place is 10; but 2 measures 10; therefore the whole is divisible by 2. 2. If any number terminates on the right hand with a cipher or 5, the whole is divisible by 5; for every unit which remains in the second place is 10; but 5 mea- sures every multiple of 10; therefore the whole is divisible by 5. 3. If the two right hand figures of any number are divisible by 4, the whole is divisible by 4: for every unit which remains in the third place is 100; but 4 measures every multiple of 100; therefore the whole is divisible by 4. 4. If the three right-hand figures of any number are divisible by 8, the whole is divisible by 8: for every unit which remains in the fourth place is 1000; but 8 measures every multiple of 1000; therefore the whole is divisible by 8. 5. If the sum of the digits constituting any number be divisible by 3 or 9, the whole is divisible by 3 or 9. 6. If the sum of the digits constituting any number be divisible by 6, and the right-hand digit by 2, the whole is divisible by 6: for by the data it is divisible both by 2 and 3. 7. If the sum of the 1st, 3d, 5th, &c. digits constituting any number be equal to that of the 2d, 4th, 6th, &c. that number is divisible by 11: for if a, b, c, d, e, } ARITHMETIC FRACTIONS. 25 ! Case 3.-To reduce a mixed number to its equivalent im- proper fraction; or a whole number to an equivalent fraction having any assigned denominator. This is, evidently, the reverse of Case 2; therefore multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and add the numerator (if there be one) to obtain the numerator of the fraction required. Ex. Reduce 2211 to an improper fraction, and 20 to a fraction whose denominator shall be 274. M (22 × 43) + 11 957 new numerator, and 957 the first fraction. 43 20 × 274 5480 new numerator, and 5480 the second fraction. 274 Case 4.-To reduce a compound fraction to an equivalent simple one. Multiply all the numerators together for the numerator, and all the denominators together for the denominator, of the simple fraction required. If part of the compound fraction be a mixed or a whole num- ber, reduce the former to an improper fraction, and make the latter a fraction by placing 1 under the numerator. When like factors are found in the numerators and denomi- nators, cancel them both. Ex.-Reduce of of of 7 of 8 to a simple fraction. 2 2 5 3 I X 5 X 4 20 2 X 3 X 5 X 7 X 8 2 X 5 X 8 3 X 4 X 7 X 9 X 11 4 X 9 X 11 1 X 9 X 11 99 Here the 3 and 7 common to numerator and denominator are first cancelled; then the fraction is divided by 2; and then by 2 again. Ex.-Reduce three farthings to the fraction of a pound sterling. A farthing is the fourth of a penny, a penny the twelfth of a shilling, and a shilling the twentieth of a pound. 운 ​ΤΣ Therefore of 12 of 20 Ex.-Simplify the complex fraction Here, reducing the mixed numbers to improper fractions, we have multiplying by 3, to get quit of the denominator of 3 B 3 760 (8) (7) (6) a, a, + b, b, + c, where the odd terms are to the even. D (5) c, + d, 1 X 5 X 8 2 X 9 X 11 1 the answer. 320 m, n, be the digits, constituting any number, its digits, when multiplied by 11, will become 323/3/13 22 (4) d, + e, 43 5 (3) e, + m, (2) m + n (1) n; 26 ARITHMETIC: FRACTIONS. 8 5 the upper fraction, we have 72: multiplying by 5, to get quit of the denominator of the lower fraction, we have 49; dividing both terms of this fraction by 8, there results for the simple fraction required. Case 5. To reduce fractions of different denominators to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. Multiply each numerator into all the denominators except its own, for new numerators; and all the denominators together for a common denominator. 6 Ex.-Reduce 2, %, and, to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. 2 X 7 X 9 6 × 3 × 9 5 × 3 × 7 3 X 7 X 9 J K 126 162 the numerators. 105 189, the common denominator. Hence the fractions are 126 162 105 breviated. 189 189 189 Hence, also, it appears that exceed, and that ex- ceed 2. 3 B or 5 Ex.-Reduce 4 of a penny, and of a shilling, each to the fraction of a pound'; and then reduce the two to fractions having a common denominator. K 42 6 31 A 1200 1 30 20 2 of a penny = 4 of 11/2 of of 2 of a shilling of 2 1 Hence of a shilling are 10 times as much as of a penny. 3 20 GO 3 Note. Other methods of reduction will occur to the student after tolerable practice, and still more after the principles of algebra are acquired. 5 4 6 31 639 35, when ab- 3 of a pound. 1 300 10 of a pound. 300 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. RULE. If the fractions have a common denominator, add or subtract the numerators, and place the sum or difference as a new numerator over the common denominator. If the fractions have not a common denominator, they must be reduced to that state before the operation is performed. In addition of mixed numbers, it is usually best to take the sum of the integers, and that of the fractions, separately; and then their sum, for the result required. ARITHMETIC FRACTIONS. 27 1 1 12 1. Find the sum 5, and 3 4 of 2 2+ + 2 = 56 +82 +83=172-211. 5 3 32 72 6 0 6 84 84 3 84 84 4 12 2. Take of a shilling from of a pound sterling. of a shilling of of a pound = 18 Also of a pound = 4 Hence 480 Examples. 3 1 20 40 480* 1 1 11 pence. 240 3. Find the difference between 125 and 83. 125-8377 — 43-385-258 - 3 80 3. Multiply £2 13s. £2 13s. 4d. =2 + Examples 3 1. Multiply by 2, and divide & by 5. 小 ​2 × 2 == 24 £4 15s. ÷ 31 117 =£1 8s. 6d. 440 4. 2. Multiply 22 by 2, and divide & by 3 8 8 de 2, and 223/2 × 23/03 11, ans. Multiplication and Division of Fractions. RULE 1. To multiply a fraction by a whole number, mul- tiply the numerator by that number, and retain the denomi- 11, and ÷ 5 g न 127 30 nator. 2. To divide a fraction by a whole number, multiply the de- nominator by that number, and retain the numerator. 3. To multiply two or more fractions is the same as to take a fraction of a fraction; and is, therefore, effected by taking the product of the numerators for a new numerator, and of the denominators for a new denominator. new denominator. (The product is evidently smaller than either factor when each is less than unity.) 4. To divide one fraction by another, invert the divisor, and proceed as in multiplication. (The quotient is always greater than the dividend when the divisor is less than unity.) 3 480° 19 小 ​1 8 480 6 7X5 430. Cla 22 48.0 6 35, ans. 1 × 555 X 4d. by 31, and divide £4 15s. by 31. + 4 of 1 2 =, and 1 3 20 g × 31 12 20 G 28 1 × 13/14 = 500 X £9 6s. 8d. 3 3 10 43/3 ÷ 3/13/1 - 3 19 10 × 130 ΤΟ 10 可 ​57 4 0 28 ARITHMETIC,: FRACTIONS. Note. In the multiplication of mixed numbers, it is often less laborious to perform the multipli- cation of each part separately, and collect their sum, as in the margin, than to reduce the mixed numbers to improper fractions, and reduce their product back again to a mixed number. ! Thus, also, ·1 •01 ·001 ·0001 ·7 SECTION VII.Decimal Fractions. 43 •125 7.3 12.85 57.217 is the same as 45 X 7 45 x 1 ten 3223232 X3 45 17 x &c. &c. &c. The embarrassment and loss of time occasioned by the com- putation of quantities expressed in vulgar or ordinary fractions, have inspired the idea of fixing the denominator so as to know what it is without actually expressing it. Hence originate two dis- positions of numbers, decimal fractions and complex numbers. Of the latter, such, for example, as when we express lineal measures in yards, in feet (or thirds of a yard), and inches (or twelfths of a foot), we shall treat after a few pages. We shall now treat of the former. 1 10 1 100 1 Decimal fractions, or substantively, decimals, are fractions expressed as whole numbers, but whose values decrease from the place of units progressively to the right hand in the same decuple or tenfold proportion as the common scale of whole numbers increase to the left. They are usually separated from the integers by a dot placed between the upper part of the figures. Thus, 227 expressed according to the decimal notation is 22.7. 1000 1 1000 0 7 10 43 100 1 2 5 1000 Multiply 453 By 17/3/ 315 45. 73 10 42.85 100 23/0 57.217 1000 • 14 2 .30 • 123 Product 808 1 ARITHMETIC: DECIMALS. 29 The value of a decimal fraction is not altered by ciphers on the right hand for 500, or 50, is in value the same as, or •5, that is 1. 2 When decimals terminate after a certain number of figures, they are called finite, as 125 9 5 8 11, 958 1000 Kateg 237 250 When one or more figures in the decimal become repeated, it is called a repeating or circulating decimal; as 333333, &c. 1,66666, &c. •428571428571, &c. and many • 16 2 39 others. Rules for the management of this latter kind of decimals are given by several authors; but, in general, it is more simple and commodious to perform the requisite operations by means of the equivalent vulgar fractions, from which circulating decimals are educed. 2)1.0 Reduction of Decimals Reduction of Decimals is a rule by which the known parts of given integers are converted into equivalent decimals, and vice versa. Example. 1. Reduce,,,, to equivalent decimals. 4)3.00 Case 1.-To reduce a given vulgar fraction to an equivalent decimal. 4)7.0000 4)1.7500 Annex ciphers to the numerator, divide by the denominator, and the quotient will be the decimal required •5 decimal = 4375 decimal 1 2 5 1000 1-12-20 76 64 ; · 3235-789 75 decimal 7) 8)11.000 8) 1.375000 4/0 C. •171875 decimal = 11. 64 6 D 2 30 ARITHMETIC DECIMALS. 2. Reduce and to equivalent decimals. 27 11/1 3 3)4.000000 7) 11.0000000 9)1.333333 9) 1.5714285714285 •1746031746031, 27 •148148, &c. 4. 27 decimal decimal These two are evidently circulating decimals, in the former of which the figures 148 become indefinitely repeated, in the latter the figures 174603. 3. Reduce 14s. 6d. First 14s. 6d. Then 22 7.25 10 40 399 daddy 4. Reduce 44 to its equivalent decimal. 57)44-000000(77192, &c, decimal 44. 410 399 110 57 530 513 63 170 114 to the decimal of a pound. 16 + 1 of 2 = 20 + 10 1 28 + 10 = 28· 29 14 -- 20 20 40 40 =725, the decimal required. 3 56 Note. The above fraction is 1, of which the two denominators are both prime numbers (that is, divisible by no other number than unity), the entire equivalent decimal is a circulator of 18 places, i. e. one less than the last prime ... 771929824561403508, 7719, &c. over again ad infinitum.* * There are many curious properties of fractions whose denominators are prime numbers, one of which may be here shown in reference to frac- tions having the denominator 7. The circulating figures of the equivalent decimals are precisely the same, for 4, 3, &c. and in the same order: the cir- culate merely commences at a different place for cach numerator. · 1/11/ 63 Pale che steret O &c. • ∙14285714, &c. •28571428, &c. •42857142, &c. •57142857, &c. 71428571, &c. •85714285, &c. ARITHMETIC: DECIMALS. 31 Case 2. Any decimal being given to find its equivalent vulgar fraction; or to express its value by integers of lower de- nominations. When the equivalent vulgar fraction is required, place under the decimal as a denominator a unit with as many ciphers as there are figures in the proposed decimal; and let the fraction so constituted be reduced to its lowest terms. Or, if the value of the decimal be required in lower deno- minations, multiply the given decimal by the value of its in- teger in the next inferior order; and point off, from right to left, as many figures of the product as there were places in the given decimal. I Multiply the decimal last pointed off by the value of its integer, in the next inferior order, pointing off the same number of decimals as before and thus continue the process to the lowest integer, or until the decimals cut off become all ciphers; then will the several numbers on the left of the separating points, together with the remaining decimal, if any, express the required value of the given decimal. Examples 1. Find the vulgar fractions equivalent to 25 and ·375. •25 = 12050 ; and .375 1000 §3, answers. 1 375 2. Find the value in shillings, &c. of 528125 of a £. .528125 20 10.562500 12 6.7500=63 3. Find the value of 74375 of an acre. •74375 4 • 2.97500 40 Ans. 10s. 62d. 39.000 Ans. 2 roods 39 perches. 32 ARITHMETIC: DECIMALS. Addition and Subtraction of Decimals. These are performed precisely as in whole numbers, the numbers being so arranged that units stand under units, tens under tens, &c. or, which amounts to the same thing, that the decimal points stand under one another. Thus, Add together 43.7 39.1 437 421.75 Sum 465.5692 3933 1311 32.8165 •0027 11. Multiplication and Division of Decimals. Here, again, the operations are performed as in integers. Then, in multiplication, let the product contain as many decimal places as there are in both multiplier and multiplicand, ciphers being prefixed, if necessary, to make that number; and, in division, point off as many decimals in the quotient as the num- ber in the dividend (including the ciphers supplied, if there be any) exceeds that in the divisor 170.867 Examples. 1. Multiply 43·7 by 3·91, and 2·4542 by 0053. 2.4542 ·0053 Here one cipher is prefixed to 73626 make the requi- site number of decimals in the 122710 Here 4 3.7 × 3·91 X 3 9 1 100 170-867 437 To 1 7 0 8 6 7 1000 From 2486.173 Take Remains 2471·60511 Proof 2486·17300 10009 as in the decimal operation. 14.56789 1 01300726 product. ARITHMETIC: DECIMALS. 33 2. Divide 172.8 by 144, and 192 by 5-423. •144)172.8(1200' quotient. 144 288 288 ..00 In the first of these examples the two ciphers brought down, together with the decimal 8, make the num- ber of decimals in the dividend the same as in the divisor, therefore the quotient is entirely of integers. In the second example, 3, the decimal places in the divisor, taken from 8, the decimal places in the dividend (including those brought down), leave 5 for the decimal places in the quotient. 5.423)192.000 (35.40475 16269 1 20 29310 27115 21950 21692 1 21 25800 21692 41080 37961 31190 27115 4075 SECTION VIII.-Complex Fractions used in the Arts and Commerce. 1 In the arts and in commerce, it is customary to assume a series of units having a constant relation to each other, so that the units of one denomination become fractions of another. One farthing, for example, is of a penny, 1 penny of a shilling, 1 shilling of a pound, or of a guinea. One lineal inch, again, is of a foot, 1 foot of a yard, and so on, according to the relations expressed in the tables at the end of the fifth section. The arithmetical operations on complex numbers of these kinds are usually effected by simpler rules than those which apply to vulgar fractions generally; of which it will therefore be proper here to specify a few. 12 3 T2 Reduction. Here we have two general cases: Case 1.-When the numbers are to be reduced from a higher denomination to a lower. 34 ARITHMETIC : COMPLEX NUMBERS. 1. Multiply the number in the higher denomination by as many of the next lower as make an integer, or one, in that higher, and set down the product. 2. To this product add the number, if any, which was in this lower denomination before; and multiply the sum by as many of the next lower denomination as make an integer in the pre- sent one. 3. Proceed in the same manner through all the denominations to the lowest, and the number last found will be the value of all the numbers which were in the higher denominations taken together. Case 2. When the numbers are to be reduced from a lower denomination to a higher. 1. Divide the given number by as many of that denomi- nation as make one of the next higher, and set down what remains. 2. Divide the quotient by as many of this as make one of the next higher denomination, and set down what remains in like manner as before. 3. Proceed in the same manner through all the denominations to the highest; and the quotient last found, together with the several remainders, if any, will be of the same value as the first number proposed. The method of proof is to work the question back again. Examples. 1. Reduce £14 to shillings, pence and farthings; and 24316 farthings into pounds, &c. 14 20 280 shillings 12 3360 pence 4. 13440 farthings I 24316 ÷4. 6079 pence -12 506 7 20 £25 6s. 7d. ARITHMETIC: COMPLEX NUMBERS. 35 " 1 2. Reduce 22 Ac. 3 R. 24 P. into perches and 52187 perches into acres. 22 3 24 4. 1 91 roods 40 1 3664 perches £ s. Add 368 10 257 10 88 11 41 33 10 0 12 13 5 8 8 8 Sum 769 4 2 Addition and Subtraction. Rule.-Write, one under the other, the parts which have the same denomination, and operate successively on each of them, beginning with the smallest. If any sum surpass the number of units necessary to form one or more units of the next superior order, put down the excess, and carry on the other. Proceed similarly with regard to what is borrowed in subtraction. £ S. d. From 16 12 8 3 Take 10 11 6/1 Rem. 6 1 21 HIPK 23 10 d. 5 52187 40 1304 27 ÷÷÷÷4 Ac. 326 0 R. 27 P. Examples. lb. oz. dwt. gr. Add 14 6 12 13 17 5 3 12 15 0 9 16 2 7 15 20 13 2 10 19 4 1 5 21 £ S. d. From 21 13 4 Take 18 9 83 Rem. 3 3 81 Į lb. oz. dut. gr. Add 10 8 11 17 42 5 16 12 12 2 14 18 51 6 0 22 24 9 17 17 29 4 18 22 Sum 66 11 18 5 Sum 171 2 0 12 16. oz. dwt. gr. From 18 9 10 8 Take 9 10 15 20 Rem. 8 10 14 12 36 ARITHMETIC: COMPLEX NUMBERS. Multiplication and Division. 1. In Compound Multiplication, place the multiplier under the lowest denomination of the multiplicand.-Multiply the number in the lowest denomination by the multiplier, and find how many integers of the next higher denomination are con- tained in the product, and write down what remains.-Carry the integers, thus found, to the product of the next higher de- nomination, with which proceed as before; and so on, through all the denominations to the highest; and this product, together with the several remainders, taken as one number, will be the whole amount required. If the multiplier exceed 12, multiply successively by its component parts; as in the following examples. 2. In Compound Division, place the divisor and dividend as in simple division.-Begin at the left hand or highest de- nomination of the dividend, which divide by the divisor, and write down the quotient.-If there be any remainder after this division, find how many integers of the next lower denomi- nation it is equal to, and add them to the number, if any, which stands in that denomination.-Divide this number so found, by the divisor, and write the quotient under its proper denomination.-Proceed in the same manner through all the denominations to the lowest, and the whole quotient, thus found, will be the answer required. Examples. £ s. d. a. r. p. 1. Multiply 4 17 61 by 441, and 3 2 14 by 531. 10 9 X 7 X 7 = 441 1 £ S. d. 4 17 61 9 43 17 101 77 307 4 112 7 Ans. £2150 14 101 35 3 20 10 358 3 0 for 100 5 1793 3 0 for 500 107 2 20 3 times 10 3 2 14 1 top line. Ans. 1904 3 34 B ARITHMETIC: COMPLEX NUMBERS. 37 1 4 £ S. d. 2 Divide 521 18 6 by 432 432 12 × 12 × 3. Therefore, by short division : £521 18 6 12 3 12 5 × a farthing. ÷÷÷3 Quotient £1 4 12 × % of a farthing 89 20 432)1798(4 1728 By long division: £ s. d. £ S. d. 432)521 18 6(1 4 14 × of a farthing. 432 70 12 432)846(1 432 414 4 432)1656(3 1296 43 9 10 12 360 1 6 432 380=30=80 ៖៖ 6 5 6 i 1 7 E $38 ARITHMETIC: DUODECIMALS. Fractions whose denominators are 12, 144, 1728, &c. are called duodecimals; and the division and sub-division of the integer are understood without being expressed, as in decimals. The method of operating by this class of fractions is principally in use among artificers, in computing the contents of work, of which the dimensions were taken in feet, inches, and twelfths of an inch. RULE.-Set down the two dimensions to be multiplied to- gether, one under the other, so that feet shall stand under feet, inches under inches, &c. Multiply each term in the multipli- cand, beginning at the lowest, by the fect in the multiplier, and set the result of each immediately under its corresponding term, observing to carry 1 for every 12, from the inches to the feet. In like manner, multiply all the multiplicand by the inches of the multiplier, and then by the twelfth parts, setting the result of each term one place removed to the right hand when the multiplier is inches, and two places when the parts become the multiplier. The sum of these partial products will be the an- swer required. { Or, instead of multiplying by the inches, &c. take such parts of the multiplicand as these are of a foot. 36 1 Duodecimais. Examples. 1. Multiply 4 f. 7 inc. into 8 f. 4 inc. or, 4 f. 7 i. 8 4 8 6 4 38 2 4 · 4 = }} 4 f. 7 i. 8 36 1 8 6 / 38 2 Here the 2 which stands in the second place does not denote square inches, but rectangles of an inch broad and a foot long, which are to be added to the square inches in the third place, so that (2 × 12) × 4 28 are the square inches, and the product is 38 square feet, 28 square inches ARITHMETIC 3.9 DUODECIMALS. 1 ¿ 2. Multiply 35 f. 4 inc. into 12 f. 3 inc. 35 4 6 or, 12 3 4 424 434 3 11 0 0 6 0 8 10 1 1 1st) 2d 2 11 9 6 0 { LO Here, again, the product is 435 square feet, + (3 × 12) + 11 inches, or 434 square feet, 47 square inches. And this man- ner of estimating the inches must be observed in all cases where two dimensions in feet and inches are thus multiplied together SECTION IX.—Powers and Roots. A power is a quantity produced by multiplying any given number, called the root or radix, a certain number of times con- tinually by itself. The operation of thus raising powers is called involution. 5 3—3 is the root, or 1st power of 3; 3.x 3=32=9, is the 2d power, or square of 3 3 × 3 × 3 = 3³=27, is the 3d power, or cube of 3 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 34-81, do. 4th power or biquadrate of 3 &c. &c. &c. Table of the first Nine Powers of the first Nine Numbers. 8 9 1 4 3d 4th 5th 6th 11 Jord 81 8 3 9 27 81 243 4 16 64 256 1024 16 1 32 1 64 424 6 3-1 8 10 11 3 of 3 11 9 729 7th 1 128 2187 35 4 12 434 3 11 4096 16384 78125 8th 1 256 9th 25 125 | 625 3125 15625 6 36 216 1296 7776 46656 279936 1679616 10077696 77 49 343 2401 16807117649 823543 5764801 40353607 64 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152 16777216 134217728 729 6561 59049 531441| 4782969 |43046721 387420489, 1 512 19683 6561 65536 262144 390625 1953125 40 ARITHMETIC: SQUARE ROOT. 2 2 8 2/3 9 So again, x-square of ; cube of ;X 4 × 23/0 14, biquadrate of 2; and so of others. Where it is evident, that while the powers of integers become successively larger and larger, the powers of pure or proper fractions become suc- cessively smaller and smaller. Evolution. 8 27 Evolution, or the extraction of roots, is the reverse of in- volution. Any power of a given number may be found exactly; but we cannot, conversely, find every root of a given number exactly. Thus, we know the square root of 4 exactly, being 2; but we cannot assign exactly the cube root of 4. So again, though we know the cube root of 8, viz. 2, we cannot exactly assign the square root of 8. But of 64 we can assign both the square root and the cube root, the former being 8, the latter 4. By means of decimals we can in all cases approximate the root to any proposed degree of exactness. T Those roots which only approximate are called surd roots, or surds, or irrational numbers; as √2, 5, 9, &c., while № W/ those which can be found exactly are called rational; as 9 =3, 125=5, / 16=2. 4 A To extract the square root. RULE. Divide the given number into periods of two figures. each, by setting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on over every second figure, both to the left hand in integers, and to the right hand in decimals. Find the greatest square in the first period on the left hand, and set its root on the right hand of the given number, after the manner of a quotient figure in Division. Subtract the square thus found from the said period, and to the remainder annex the two figures of the next following period, for a dividend. Double the root above mentioned for a divisor, and find how often it is contained in the said dividend, exclusive of its right- hand figure; and set that quotient figure both in the quotient and divisor. Multiply the whole augmented divisor by this last quotient ARITHMETIC: SQUARE ROOT. 41 figure, and subtract the product from the said dividend, bringing down to the next period of the given number for a new dividend. Repeat the same process, viz. find another new divisor, by doubling all the figures now found in the root; from which, and the last dividend, find the next figure of the root as before; and so on through all the periods, to the last.* Note. The best way of doubling the root, to form the new divisors, is by adding the last figure always to the last divisor, as appears in the following Examples. Also, after the figures belonging to the given number are all exhausted, the operation may be continued into decimals at pleasure, by adding any number of periods of ciphers, two in each period. Examples. 1. Find the square root of 17.3056. 81 1 826 17.3056(4.16 the root in which the number of decimal places is the same as the number of decimal periods into which 81 the given number was di- vided. 130 16 4956 4956 *The reason for separating the figures of the dividend into periods or portions of two places each, is, that the square of any single figure never consists of more than two places; the square of a number of two figures of not more than four places, and so on. So that there will be as many figures in the root as the given number contains periods so divided or parted off. And the reason of the several steps in the operation appears from the algebraic form of the square of any number of terms, whether two or three, or more. Thus, 302 +2.30.5+52 or generally (a + b)²= a² + 2 a b + b² = a² + 2 a + b) b, the square of two terms; where it appears that a is the first term of the root, and b the second term; also a the first divisor, and the new divisor is 2 a + b, or double the first term increased by the second. And hence the manner of extraction is as in the rule. E 2 42 ARITHMETIC EVOLUTION. } 1 ! L 2. Find the square root of 2, to six decimals. 2(1.414213 root. \ } I } 1 { { ļ 5 12 24 4 281 1 28282 124 2824 | 11900 4 11296 4 F 282841 | 1285 1 5 100 96 3. Find the square root of 2. 416666666, &c. 1 12904 2828423 10075900 8485269 4 | 1 2 400 281 | 0.416666(0.64549, &c. 36 3 | 60400 56564 566 496 383600 282841 1590631 7066. 6425 64166 51616 129089 1255066 1.161801 93265 I J 1 ! 1 1 1 ARITHMETIC: EVOLUTION. 43 De Note. In cases where the square roots of all the integers up to 1000 are tabulated, such an example as the above may be done more easily by a little reduction. Thus ✔ 12 ='645497, &c. 5 7.7459667 60 12 6 √(152 • 12) = √104 = 1 12 * Cube and higher roots. The rules usually given in books of arithmetic for the cube and higher roots, are very tedious in practice: on which account it is advisable to work either by means of approxi- mating rules, or by means of logarithms. The latter is, gene- rally speaking, the best method. We shall merely present here Dr. Hutton's approximating rule for the cube root, which may sometimes be serviceable when logarithmic tables are not at hand. · RULE. By trials take the nearest rational cube to the given number, whether it be greater or less, and call it the assumed cube. Then say, by the Rule of Three, as the sum of the given number and double the assumed cube, is to the sum of the assumed cube and double the given number, so is the root of the assumed cube, to the root required, nearly. Or, as the first sum is to the difference of the given and assumed cube, so is the as- sumed root, to the difference of the roots, nearly. Again, by using, in like manner, the cube of the root last found as a new assumed cube, another root will be obtained still nearer. And so on as far as we please; using always the cube of the last found root, for the assumed cube. Example. To find the cube root of 21035·8. Here we soon find that the root lies between 20 and 30, and then between 27 and 28. Taking therefore 27, its cube is 19683, which is the assumed cube. "Then 44 ARITHMETIC CUBE ROOT, &c. 19683 2 39366 21035.8 21035.8 42071.6 19683 As 604018 : 61754·6::27 : 27·6047 27 2 1 4322822 1235092 459338 36525 60401-8) 1667374-2(27.6047 the root nearly. Again, assuming 27.6 and working as before, the root will be found 27.60491. 284 42 } J SECTION X.-Proportion. Two magnitudes may be compared under two different points of view, that is to say, either by inquiring what is the excess of one above the other, or how often one is contained in the other. The result of this comparison is obtained by subtraction in the first case, by division in the second. The ratio of two numbers is indicated by the quotient resulting from dividing one by the other. Thus 3 may be regarded as the ratio of 12 to 4, since 12 or 3 is the quotient of the numbers 12 and 4. 矍 ​The first of two numbers constituting a ratio is called the antecedent, the second the consequent. The difference of two numbers is not changed by adding one and the same number to each, or by subtracting the same number from each. Thus 12 5 = (12 + 2 − (5 + 2) = 14 — 7 (12 — 2) (5 2) — 10 — 3. In like manner, a ratio is not changed by either multiplying both its terms, or dividing both its terms by the same number. ! 1 42 ༣ 14 2 Thus 14 (4 ⋅ 3 =) 43 = ( 4 ÷ } = ) }· . Since surds enter arithmetical calculations by means of 1 · i 45 ARITHMETIC PROPORTION. their approximate values, a sufficiently precise idea may be ob- √3 1.73205 tained of their ratio: thus, This ratio is often √2 1.41421 commensurable even with respect to surds: as √(12÷3) √4 2 ✓(3÷3) 1 1 ✓12 √3 Equality of differences, or equidifference, is a term used to indicate that the difference between two numbers is the same as the difference between other two, or other two. Such, for example, as 12 — 9 8—5—7 — 4. Equality of ratios, or proportion, is similarly employed to denote that the ratio of two numbers is the same as that between two others. Thus 20 and 10, 14 and 7, have 2 for the measure of the ratio: we have therefore a proportion between 20 and 10, 14 and 7, which is thus expressed, 20: 10 :: 14: 7; and thus read 20 are to 10 as 14 are to 7. The same proportion may also be represented thus, 20 14. Though, by whatever notation it be represented, it is best to read or enumerate it as above. It is true, however, that in all cases when two fractions are equal, the numerator of one of them is to its denominator, as the numerator of the other to its denominator. In a proportion, as 20: 10 :: 14: 7, the second and third terms are called the means, the first and fourth the extremes. When the two means are equal, the proportion is said to be continued. Thus 3:6 :: 6 : 12 are in continued proportion. This is usually expressed thus 3: 6:12; and the second term is called the mean proportional. In the case of equidifference, as 1297-4, the sum of the extremes (12 and 4) is equal to that of the means (9 and 7). In like manner in a proportion, as 20: 10 :: 14: 7, the product of the extremes (20 and 7) is equal to that of the means (10 and 14). The converse of this likewise obtains, that if 20 × 7 10 × 14, then 20: 10: 14: 7. Hence, 1. If there be four numbers, 5, 3, 15, 9, such that the products 5 × 9 and 3 × 15 are found equal, we may infer the equality of their ratios, or the proportion 15, or 5: 3 :: 15: 9. So that a proportion may always be constituted with the factors of two equal products. 可 ​2. If the means are equal, their product becomes a square; therefore the mean proportional between two numbers is equal to the square root of their product. Thus, between 4 and 9 the mean proportional is (4 x 9) = 6. 3. If a proportion contain an unknown term, such, for example, as 53 15 the unknown quantity; since 5 times : 5 8 46 ARITHMETIC PROPORTION. the unknown quantity must be equal to 3 × 15 or 45, that quantity itself is equal to 455 or 9. Generally one of the extremes is equal to the product of the means divided by the other extreme; and one of the means is cqual to the product of the extremes divided by the other mean. 4. We may, without affecting the correctness of a proportion, subject the several terms which compose it to all the changes which can be made, while the product of the extremes remains equal to that of the means. Thus, for 5: 3 :: 15:9, which gives 5 × 9 = 3 × 15, we may I. Change the places of the means without changing those of the extremes, or change the places of the extremes with- out changing those of the means: this is denoted by the term alternando. Thus 5: 3::15:9 become 5: 15: 3:9 9: 3:15:5 9:15:: 3:5 or or II. Put the extremes in the places of the means ; this is called invertendo. 3:59: 15 III. Multiply or divide the two antecedents or the two con- sequents by the same number. 14 7 It also appears, with regard to proportions, that the sum or the difference of the antecedents is to that of the consequents, as either antecedent is to its consequent. And, that the sum of the antecedents is to their difference, as the sum of the consequents is to their difference. 5+15 159 and Thus 5+15 5 15 3+9 3 9 3+ 9 If there be a series of equal ratios represented by = 10 5 6+10+14-30 60 3+5+7+15 &c. 62 30 Therefore, in a series of equal ratios, the sum of the antecedents is to the sum of the consequents, as any one antecedent is to its consequent. If there be two proportions, as 30: 15 :: 6 : 3, and 2: 3 :: 4:6, then multiplying them term by term we shall have 30 × 2: 15 × 36 × 43 × 6, which is evidently a proportion, be- cause 30 × 2 × 3 × 6 15 × 3 × 6 × 4 15 5 na 33898358 30 we shall have Sat Hence 1 0 5 1080. Thus, also, any powers of quantities in proportion arc in proportion; and conversely of the roots. 2:36:9 22: 32:: 62: 92 2:36:9 2:3 3: : 6 9 23: 33:: 63: 93 ARITHMETIC: RULE OF THREE. 47 Rule of Three. When the elements of a problem will form a proportion of which the unknown quantity is the last term, a simple calcula- tion will determine it, and the problem is said to belong to the Golden Rule, or Rule of Three. The operation is regulated by the foregoing principles of proportion. Of the three given numbers, two are called the terms of supposition, and the other the term of demand. Now if the term of demand be greater or less than the other term of the same kind, and the question require the term sought to be re- spectively greater or less than the other, the question belongs to the Rule of Three direct: otherwise it belongs to the Rule of Three inverse. Matt For the Rule of Three direct we have this RULE. Write the three given terms in the following order, viz. let that which implies or asks the demand be put in the third place, and the other of the same kind in the first then will the remaining term, which is similar to the fourth or re- quired one, occupy the second place. Having thus disposed the numbers, called stating the question, reduce the first and third terms to one and the same denomination; and if the second term be a compound one, reduce it to the lowest name mentioned. Multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first, and the quotient will be the answer, in the same denomination to which you reduced the second term. When the second term is a compound one, and the third a composite number, it is generally better to multiply the second term, without any previous reduction, by the component parts of the third, as in compound multiplication, after which divide the compound product by the first term, or, by its factors. (Here the first and third terms are homogeneous, in a given ratio, the second and fourth in the same.) For the Inverse Rule. State the question and reduce the terms in the direct rule: then multiply the first and second terms together and divide the product by the third, and the quotient will be the answer. 48 ARITHMETIC: RULE OF THREE. 1 1. If 3 gallons of brandy cost 19s., what will 126 gal- lons cost at the same rate? 1 gal. s. gal. 3:19:126: ? I 19 ( 1134 126 29 27 20 3) 2394 (798 21 24 24 1 1 Examples in the Direct Rule. ÷3 397. 18s. Ans. 98 ÷7 { 3. If 21 yards of cloth cost 247. 10s. what will 160 yards cost? £ S. Here, 21:24 10:: 160:? X 4 } 392 0 X 10 0 X4 3920 O • 1 1306 13 4 £ 4×4×10=160 Here, 1 20 2. How much brandy may be bought for 397. 18s. ; at the rate of 3 gallons for 19 shillings? £186 13s. 4d. Ans. s. gal. £ S. 19: 3:39 18: ? 20 798s. 3 gal. 19) 2394 (126 Ans. 16 22 49 38 T 114 144 4. If selling by cloth at 17. 2s. per yard, 10 per cent. is gained, what would be gain- ed if it had been sold at 17. 5s. per yard? [ S. £ $. 2:110::1 5:? 22 20 25 X 110 2)2750 11)1375 Amount £125 Deduct 100 Gain per cent. £25 ARITHMETIC : 49 RULE OF THREE. 5. What is the simple inte- rest of 5601. for 5 years, at 4 per cent. per annum ? £ £ I f £ Here, 100: 4 :: 560 4 100) 2240 £22.4 20 80 Interest for one year £22 8s. y. £ S. y. Then 122 8::5 5 £112 0 Answer. 7. If a person travel 300 miles in 10 days of 12 hours each, in how many days of 16 hours cach may he travel 600 miles? | First, if the days were of the same length, it would be, by direct proportion, can 6. If 100 workmen finish a piece of work in 12 days, how many men work- ing equally hard would have finished it in 3 days? This example is manifestly in the Rule of Three inverse. d. พ. h. Hence, 12: 100 :: 3 : ? 12 A distinct rule is usually given for the working of problems in Compound Proportion; but they may generally be solved with greater mental facility by means of separate statings. Thus : 3 ) 1200 Answer 400 workmen. 8. If a family of 9 persons spend £480 in 8 months, how much will serve a family (liv- ing upon the same scale) of 24 persons 16 months? p. £ p. First, as 9: 480::24: = £1280. K 480 X 24 9 m. d. m. As 300: 10 :: 600 : 20 days. But these would be days of 12 hours each, instead of 16, of which fewer will be re- quired. Hence, by inversc proportion, h. d. As 12: 20:16: So that the answer is 15 days. 12 × 20 16 15. Note. The Rule of Three receives its application in ques- tions of Interest, Discount, Fellowship, Barter, &c. F 11. But this would only be the expense for 8 months. Hence, again, £ 112. £ As 8:1280:: 16:2560, the expense of the 24 persons for 16 months. Į 50 } PROPERTIES OF NUMBERS. Properties of Numbers. To render these intelligible to the student, we shall here col- lect a few definitions. 1. An unit, or unity, is the representation of any thing con- sidered individually, without regard to the parts of which it is composed. 2. An integer is either a unit or an assemblage of units; and a fraction is any port or parts of a unit. 3. A multiple of any number is that which contains it some exact number of times. 4. One number is said to measure another, when it divides it without leaving any remainder. 5. And if a number exactly divides two, or more numbers, it is then called their common measure. 6. An even number is that which can be halved, or divided into two equal parts. 7. An odd number is that which cannot be halved, or which differs from an even number by unity. 8. A prime number is that which can only be measured by 1, or unity. 9. One number is said to be prime to another when unity is the only number by which they can both be measured. 10. A composite number is that which can be measured by some number greater than unity. 2 3 11. A perfect number, is that which is equal to the sum of all its aliquot parts: thus 6=&+ 8 +8. +을​+ Prop. 1.-The sum or difference of any two even numbers is an even number. 2. The sum or difference of any two odd numbers is even ; but the sum of three odd numbers is odd. but 3. The sum of any even number of odd numbers is even ; the sum of any odd number of odd numbers is odd. 4. The sum or difference of an even and an odd number is odd. 5. The product of an even or an odd number, or of two even numbers, is even. 6. An odd number cannot be divided by an even number, without a remainder. 7. Any power of an even number is even. 8. The product of any two odd numbers is an odd number. 9. The product of any number of odd numbers is odd ; and every power of an odd number is odd. 10. If an odd number divides an even number, it will also divide the half of it. PROPERTIES OF NUMBERS. 51 11. If a number consist of many parts, and each of those parts have a common divisor d, then will the whole number, taken collectively, be divisible by d. 12. Neither the sum nor the difference of two fractions, which are in their lowest terms, and of which the denominator of the one contains a factor not common to the other, can be equal to an integer number. 13. If a square number be either multiplied or divided by a square, the product or quotient is a square; and conversely, if a square number be either multiplied or divided by a number that is not a square, the product or quotient is not a square. 14. The product arising from two different prime numbers cannot be a square number. 15. The product of no two different numbers prime to each other can make a square, unless each of those numbers be a square. 16. The square root of an integer number, that is not a com- plete square, can neither be expressed by an integer nor by any rational fraction. 17. The cube root of an integer that is not a complete cube cannot be expressed by either an integer or a rational fraction. 18. Every prime number greater than 2, is of one of the forms 4 n + 1, or 4 n - 1. 19. Every prime number greater than 3, is of one of the forms 6 n + 1, or 6 n - 1. 20. No algebraical formula can contain prime numbers only. M 21. The number of prime numbers is unlimited. 22. The first twenty prime numbers are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, and 67. 23. A square number cannot terminate with an odd number of ciphers. 24. If a square number terminate with a 4, the last figure but one (towards the right hand) will be an even number. 25. If a square number terminate with 5, it will terminate with 25. • 26. If a square number terminate with an odd digit, the last figure but one will be even; and if it terminate with any even digit, except 4, the last figure but one will be odd. 27. No square number can terminate with two equal digits, except two ciphers or two fours. 28. No number whose last, or right hand, digit is 2, 3, 7, or 8, is a square number. 52 PROPERTIES OF NUMBERS. 29. If a cube number be divisible by 7, it is also divisible by the cube of 7. 30. The difference between any integral cube and its root is always divisible by 6. 31. Neither the sum nor the difference of two cubes can be a cube. 32. A cube number may end with any of the natural num- bers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 0. 33. If any series of numbers, beginning from 1, be in con- tinued geometrical proportion, the 3d, 5th, 7th, &c. will be squares; the 4th, 7th, 10th, &c. cubes; and the 7th, of course, both a square and a cube. 34. All the powers of any number that end with either 5 or 6, will end with 5 or 6, respectively. 35. Any power, n, of the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. has as many orders of differences as there are units in the common exponent of all the numbers; and the last of those differences is a constant quantity, and equal to the continual product 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × ×n, continued till the last factor, or the number of factors be n, the exponent of the powers. Thus, The 1st powers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. have but one order of differences 1 1 1 1 &c. and that difference is 1. The 2d powers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, &c. have two orders of differences 3 5 7 9 222 of which the last is constantly 2 1 x 2. The 3d powers 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, &c. have three orders of differences 7 19 37 61 12 18 24 6 6 of which the last is 6 1 5 • • 2 5 1 X 2 X 3. 24 In like manner, the 4th, or last, differences of the 4th powers, are each 1 × 2 × 3 × 4; and the 5th, or last differences of the 5th powers, are cach 125 = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 X 5. 36. If unity be divided into any two unequal parts, the sum of one of those parts added to the square of the other, is equal to the sum of the other part added to the square of that. Thus, of the two parts and,+()² = ÷ + (3)² = 2; so, again, of the parts and 3, + (3) } + (3)² = 23· 4. 5 25 3 5 19 25 For the demonstrations of these and a variety of other pro- perties of numbers, those who wish to pursue this curious line + A } 1 PROPERTIES OF . NUMBERS. 53 } of inquiry may consult Legendre "Sur la Theorie des Nom- bres," the "Disquisitiones Arithmetica" of Gauss, or Barlow's "Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers." Also, for the highly interesting properties of Circulating Decimals, and their connexion with prime numbers, consult the curious works of the late Mr. H. Goodwyn, entitled "A First Centenary," and "A Table of the Circles arising from the Division of a Unit by all the Integers from 1 to 1024." NUMBERSA useful Numerical Problem, to reduce a given fraction or a given ratio, to the least terms; and as near as may be of the same value. RULE 1.-Let A, B, be the two numbers. Divide the latter B by the former A, and you will have 1 for A; and some num- ber and a fraction annexed, for B, call this C. Place these in the first step. } Then subtract the fractional parts from the denominator, and what remains put after C + 1, with a negative sign. Then throw away the denominator, and place 1 and that last number in the second step. This is the foundation of all the rest. If the fractional parts in both be nearly equal, add these two steps together; if not, multiply the less by such a number as will make the fractional parts, in both, nearly equal, and then add. And this multiplier is found by dividing the greater fraction by the less, so far as to get an integer quotient. When you add the steps together, you must subtract the fractional parts from one another, because they have contrary signs. The process is to be continued on, the same way, adding the last step, or its multiple, to a foregoing step, viz. to that which has the least fraction. Note. The ratios thus found will be alternately greater and less than the true one, but continually approaching nearer and nearer. And that is the nearest in small numbers, which precedes far larger numbers: and the excess or defect of any one is visible in the operation. 9 54 DETERMINATION OF RATIOS. ૭ 3 Example 1. To find the ratio of 10000 to 7854, in small numbers. A B. 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 1 3 4 5 9 14 210 219 233 452 904 13 1137 3+1416, 2d ratio. 4—0730, 3d ratio. 7+0686, 4th ratio. 11-0044, 5th ratio. ·0044 ) ⋅0686 ( 15 165-0660 14 4548 15| 5000 1 0+7854 1-2146, 1st ratio. 2146) 7854 (3) 3-6438 172+0026, 6th ratio. 183-0018, 7th ratio. 355+0008, 8th ratio. ·0008 ) ·0018 ( 2 710+0016 893-0002, 9th ratio. ·0002) ·0008 (4) 3572-0008 t 3927±0000, 10th ratio. Explanation. The ratio of 10000 to 7854 is the same as 1 to 0 + ·7854 or 1 to 1 2146; here I and 1 is the first ratio. But 2146 be- ing less than 7854, divide the latter by the former, and you get 3 in the quotient, then multiply 1 and 1-2146 by 3, pro- duces 3 and 3—6438 as in the 3d step. This third step added to the first step produces 4 and 3 for the integers, and subtract- ing the fractional parts, leaves 1416. So the 4th step is 4 and In this 3 + ·1416; and the integers 4 and 3 is the 2d ratio. manner it is continued to the end; and the several ratios ap- proximating nearer and nearer are 1, 3, 4, 4, 11, 172, 183 2 3 5 3 2 1137 and 5000 Here is the nearest in small numbers, the defect being only ro 5 9 14 233 452 57 893 3027 TT 44 T 1 55 DETERMINATION OF RATIOS. { ( E 1 Example 2. To find the ratio of 268.8 to 282 in the least numbers. 1 1 Q 2 3, 4 5 6 7 1 2688) 2820 (1,132=2—3888. 2688 Į 19 20 1 1. 132) 2556 (19 40 41 61 8 183 9 224 132 48 ) 132 ( 2 12) 36 ( 3 1+0132, first ratio. 2-2556 19+2508 21- 48, 2d ratio. 96, 36, 3d ratio. 12, 4th ratio. 36 42- F 43+ 64- 2556 192- 235 " 5th ratio. 20 4 1 6 1 41 So the several ratios are 1, 1, 33, 84, 333, fect or excess is plain by inspection, e. g. the truth only parts; and 21, but 48 such parts. 43 3 6 And the de- differs from RULE 2.-Divide the greater number by the less, and the divisor by the remainder, and the last divisor by the last re- mainder, and so on until 0 remains. Then 1 divided by the first quotient, gives the first ratio. And the terms of the first ratio multiplied by the second quotient, and 1 added to the denominator, give the second ratio. And in general the terms of any ratio, multiplied by the next quotient, and the terms of the foregoing ratio added, give the next succeeding ratio. F ! 56 DETERMINATION OF RATIOS. Į | Į Let the numbers be 10000 and 31416, or the ratio 10000 10000) 31416 (3 31416 30000 t Example 3. 1 1416) 10000 (7 9912 1 22 × 16+3 113× 11+ 7 355 × 11+22 Then 1st or least ratio. 1x7 3X7+1 7×16+1 2688 ) 2820 (1 2688 or 1 or 88 ) 1416 (16 88 or 77 22 113 355 1250 3927 536 528 132) 2688 (20 264 8) 88 (11. 88 Example 4. The ratio of 268.8 to 282 is required. 0 =2d ratio. 3d ratio. 4th ratio. 48 ) 132 (2 96 36) 48 (1 36 12) 36 (3 36 0 . 1 1 DETERMINATION OF RATIOS. 57 1 1 Then = first ratio. 20 21 1 X 20 1x 20+1 20 × 2+1 21x2+ 41 X1+20 43×1+21 1 61 × 3+41 64×3+43 or or or or 41 43 1 61 64 224 235 F J 1 2d ratio. 3d ratio. 4th ratio. 5th ratio. 1 t 1 " } } 58 ALGEBRA DEFINITIONS. 1 $ CHAPTRE II. ALGEBRA. 1 SECTION I.-Definitions and Notation. Algebra is the science of the computation of magnitudes in general, as arithmetic is the particular science of the computa- tion of numbers. Every figure or arithmetical character has a determinate and individual value; the figure 5, for example, represents always one and the same number, namely, the collection of 5 units, of an order depending upon the position and use of the figure itself. Algebraical characters, on the contrary, must be, in general, independent of all particular significa- tion, and proper to represent all sorts of numbers or quan- tities, according to the nature of the questions to which we apply them. They should, moreover, be simple and casy to trace, so as to fatigue neither the attention nor the memory. These advantages are obtained by employing the letters of the alphabet, a, b, c, &c. to represent any kinds of magnitudes which becomes the subjects of mathematical research. The consequence is that when we have resolved by a single alge- braical computation all the problems of the same kind proposed in the utmost generality of which they are susceptible; the application of the investigation to all particular cases requires no more than arithmetical operations. 1 It is usual, though by no means absolutely necessary, to re- present quantities that are known by the commencing letters of the alphabet, as a, b, c, d, &c. and those that are unknown by the concluding letters, w, x, Y, Z. But it is often conve- nient, especially as it assists the memory, to represent any quan- tity, whether known or unknown, which enters an investiga- tion, by its initial letter, as sum by s, product by p, density by d, velocity by v, time by t, and so of others. Now, if s denotes the sum of four numbers represented by a, b, c, and d, then, adopting the other symbols explained at the beginning of arithmetic, we should express this algebrai- cally by writing s=a+b+c+d. Kad ALGEBRA: NOTATION. 59 If the four quantities be all equal, or s = a + a + a + a, this evidently reduces to s = 4 x a, or simply s = 4 a, drop- ping the sign of multiplication, which is here understood. The figure 4 is named the coefficient. In the quantities 3 a, 5 a, 7 a, na; 3, 5, 7, and n, are respectively the coefficients. The continual product of three or more quantities is expressed either by interposing the sign of multiplication, as a xbx c × d; or by interposing dots, which have the same signification, as a.b.c.d; or, lastly, by placing the letters in juxtaposition, as a b c d. When the quantities are equal, their continued multiplication produces powers, as a a, a a a, a a a a, &c. which are usually represented, instead of repeating the letters, by placing a figure a little above the single letter, to expound or tell how many equal factors are multiplied together; this figure is called the exponent. Thus, instead of a a, a a a, a a a a, we put a², a³, a¹, the figures 2, 3, 4, being the exponents. Since roots are the reverse of powers, they are expressed by exponents, which are the reciprocals of those that express the corresponding powers. Thus the square root of a is represented cither by a, or by a; the cube root of a + b, either by yu + b, or by (a + b); the fourth root of a + b — c, either by (a + b-c), or by (a + b — c)³. - We give the name term to any quantity separated from another by the sign + or A monomial has one term; a binomial has two terms, as a + b, a c 4 ab; when the second term of a binomial is it is frequently called a resi- dual. A trinomial has three terms, as a + b + c, a d 4 ab +5bc. A quadrinomial has four, as a+b+c-d. A multinomial, or polynomial, has many terms. > A g The signs and, which in arithmetic simply indicate the operations of addition and subtraction, are employed. more extensively in algebra, to denote, besides addition and subtraction, any two operations or any two states which are as opposed in their nature as addition and subtraction are. And if, in an algebraical process, the sign is prefixed to a quantity to mark that it exists in a certain state, position, direction, &c., then, whenever the sign occurs in connex- ion with such quantity, it must indicate precisely the con- trary state, position, &c. and no intermediate one. This is a matter of pure convention, and not of metaphysical reasoning. Other characters might have been contrived to denote this opposition; but they would be superfluous, because the cha 60 ALGEBRA NOTATION. > racters and, though originally restricted to denote addition and subtraction, may safely be extended to other purposes. Thus if + a(added above signifies any to the right, thing forwards, If+a sig- nifies any assigned Increase, Money due, Gravity, Motion upwards, a sig- nifies subtracted below, to the left, backwards. - a signi- (Decrease, fies a cor- respond- ing And so on in every kind of contrariety. And two such quantities connected together in any case destroy each other's effect, or are equal to nothing, as + a a = 0. Thus, if a man has but 107. and at the same time owes 107. he is worth nothing. And, if a vessel which would, otherwise, sail six miles an hour, be carried back six miles an hour by a current, it makes no advance. Levity, Money owing, Motion downward. Like signs are either all positive (+), or all negative (—). And unlike are when some are positive and others negative. If there be no sign before a quantity, the sign + is under- stood.. An equation is when two sets of quantities which make an equal aggregate are placed with the sign of equality ( = ) be- tween them: Thus, 3 a, +4 α, + 7 a, 5 a³ b, KB) As 12 + 5 20 - 3, or x + y a + b = cd. The quantities placed on both sides the sign of equality are called respectively the members of the equation. SECTION II.-Addition and Subtraction. 1. Properly speaking, there is not in algebra either addi- tion or subtraction, but a reduction, namely, the algebraic operation, by which several terms are, when it is possible, combined into one term. This, however, can only be effected upon quantities that differ in their coefficients and their signs, while they are formed of the same letters and the same exponents. 3ab, 48 ab, are evidently reducible. @b, } ALGEBRA ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. In the first set, the incorporation gives (3+4+7) a=14 a, in the second (5—3+8) a ³b=10 a ³b. 2. Generally, taking the similar terms the reduction affects their coefficients, which are to be added when their signs are alike, subtracted when they are different: in the first case, give to the result the common sign; in the second, the sign of the quantity having the greatest coefficient. 3. When quantities are presented promiscuously, it is best to classify them, previously to the incorporation. Thus, 3 a², 3 bc, + 2 c², + 4 d, + 7 a², +5 b c, + a², — 2 c², - 4 bc, when arranged become as in the margin, and their sum is readily obtained, as in the fourth line. Thus, become 1 Result 4 a b — (2 a b — 3 b c 6 b c) 4 ab 3bc 2 a b + 6 b c 2 a b + 3 b c 4. If it were required to subtract a residual, as b c, from a single term, as a; it is evident that the required difference would not be changed if a quantity c were added to both. We should then have to take b c+c, or b, from a + c, that is, we should, have a + c b, for the difference sought, in which, as is manifest, the signs of the letters b and c, which were to be subtracted, have become changed. Hence, to subtract a polynomial, change all the signs, and reduce by incorporating the coefficients, where that is pos- sible. And become 3 a³ + 7 a² Q3 Result K 5 b c 2 c² 3 b c + 4 d 4 b c + 2 c² Kad 11 a² 2 b c + 4 d da 61 4 ab- 3 c² + b c -(ab c²-2bc) 3 c³ + b c 4 a b -ab + c³ + 2 b c 3 ab + 2 c²+3 b c Mag 5. In addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions, the quantities must be reduced to a common denominator, and occasionally undergo other reductions similar to those in vulgar fractions in arithmetic and then the sum of the dif- ference of the numerators may be placed over the common denominator, as required. 10 G 62 ALGEBRA ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. Thus, 2+ + Also, And, b2 c² + a b c a b c a ō с d And, a c + c x a S bc a + x d + ad b c + b d b a c + с a b + a² b2 a b c b d a² + b² + c² + a² b² + a² c² + b² c² a b c с d + a-x C a d + d x + c d b + x h X And, b-x b + x (b² + 2 bx+x²)—(b? b2 x2 a d - b c b d a d + b c b d ab. ac + + с b a² c² a b c + a c + c x c d a (c- b2 c² a b c a d 2 b x + x²) * b c a dc d) + x (c + d) c d d x 4 b x b2 M x2 a² a b c SECTION III.-Multiplication. 1. To multiply monomials, multiply their coefficients, add together the exponents which affect the same letters (ascrib- ing the exponent I to quantities which have none), then write in order the coefficients and letters thus obtained. : 2. To find the product of two polynomials, multiply each term of the one into all those of the other, following the rule given for monomials and observe to take each partial product negatively when its factors have contrary signs, and positively when they have the same signs. Or, briefly, observe that like signs give +, unlike signs. 3. To multiply algebraic fractions, take the product of the numerators for the new numerator, and that of the denomina- tors for the new denominator. Note. The general rule for the signs may be rendered evident from the following definition: multiplication is the ALGEBRA: MULTIPLICATION. 63 finding a magnitude which has to the multiplicand the pro- portion of the. multiplier to unity. Hence, the multiplier must be an abstract number, and, if a simple term, can have neither nor prefixed to its notation. Now 1st, + a × + m +ma, for the quality of a cannot be altered by in- creasing or diminishing its value in any proportion; therefore the product is of the quality plus, and m a by the definition is the product of a and m. Secondly, a x + m = m a, for the same reasons as before, mutatis mutandis. Thirdly, +ax m has no meaning; for m must be an abstract number, therefore here we can have no proof. But + a x (m n) = m a n a, n being less than m; for a taken as often as there are units in m is = ma by the first case; but a was to have been taken only as often as there are units in n; therefore a has been taken too often by the units in n; consequently a taken n times or n a, must be subtracted; and of course m a na is the true product. Fourthly, a × (228 n) ma + na. For a x m = (by case 2); but this, as above, is too great by na; there- fore m'a with n a subtracted from it is the true product; but this, by the rule of subtraction, is ma + na. m m a T 2. 63+1 3. 1. 4 a b × 5 c d 4. p Sa + b a + b M 8 a³ b³ x 4 a5 b 32 at b¹. a² + a b J Multiply 2 a + b c By 2 a b Product 4 a³ Examples. 4.5.ab.cd a b + b³ a² + 2 a b + bº 4 a² + 2 a b c M 2 a b c M • 262 c + 2 b³ b³ c³ 5. 4. a². a5. b³. b daddy 20 a b c d. A 4 a be b³ c² + 2 b³ c + 4 a b² + 2 b³ c + 4 b³ c Sa² + 2 ab+b³ a + b a³ + 2 a³ b + a b³ K 32 a²+5 4 64 4 64 + a² b + 2 a b² + bs a³ + 3 a² b + 3 a b² + 63 64 ALGEBRA DIVISION. 1 7. 8. a + b C 2 x a 2 a b c X S X } α d 3 a b с b X 6. Sa+b га b T a² + a b αγ a² (a + b) (a c x d 3 ac 26 ped b² - b³ b) a³ 18 a² b c x 2 a b c M c d b³ [ SECTION IV.—Division. 9 a x 1 1 I a x. 2 a b c Note. From the above examples (4, 5, and 6) we may learn- 1. That the square of the sum of two quantities is equal to the sum of the squares of the two quantities together with twice their product. X I 2. That the product of the sum and difference of two quan- tities is equal to the difference of their squares. 3. That the cube of the binomial a + b, is a³ + 3 a³ b+ 3 a b² + b³. S 1. To divide one monomial by another, suppress the letters that are common to both, subtract the exponents which affect the same letters, and divide the coefficients one by another. 2. To divide a polynomial by a monomial, divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial according to the rule 1, and connect the results by their proper signs. 3. To divide two polynomials one by the other, arrange them. with respect to the same letter, then divide the first terms one by the other, and thence will result one term of the quotient; multiply the divisor by this, and subtract the product from the dividend proceed with the remainder in the same manner. Observe in the partial divisions the same rules for the determi- nation of the signs as in multiplication. ALGEBRA DIVISION. 65 4. To divide algebraic fractions, invert the terms of the divisor, and proceed as in multiplication. 1. 12 a³ b³ c ÷ 3 a b 2. 15 a³ b5 ÷ 5 a² b³ bá 3. 6 x² + 12 x y 2 x + 4 y 9 x y z 3 x 4. Divide x³ X Z)x3 X3 J — 5. Divide as a - b) a³ — a5 Į Ja ↓ Examples 1 12 a³ -162 3 3 x² z + 3 x z³ x² Z 2 x² z + 3 x z³ 2 x² z + 2 x z² D Here the second term of the dividend is brought down to stand over the corresponding term in the last product. 3 x³ z + 3 x z² S 15 a³ - 2 b5 5 9 x y z ÷ 3 x = 3 y z. જ્ઞ X Z3 X Z³ * a4b at b as bo a³ bs a³ b³ z³ by x Z³(23 11 J 1 62 - 1 c 2 * z3 23 Sp b5 by a b. b³ (aª + a³ b + aª b³ + a b³ + b quotient. a¹ b · a bз G 2 a³ bз as f s — 4 a³ b c. 3 a b³. 6 x³ 3x Na p Z. 2 x z + z² quotient. аза + pptatt a b 4 a b 4 12 x y 3 x 65 b5 [ 66 ALGEBRA DIVISION. 11 6. Divide 1 by 1 1 — x)1 7. + x2 8. } 2 x2 a³ + x³ 2 x pak уч X X2 XA p 1- a x + a² X04 b4 b4 X XC Add X. X a + x (1 + x + x² + 203 + x4 + 1 X x2 X2 X2 II 10. Divide 10 a³ + 11 a 15 b c² 5 b³ c by 3 a b + 11. Divide x² + y² + X3 2 b x + b² Xth x² + b² J 6º) X x (x + b) (x b) x (x³ 9. Divide 96 6 a¹ by 6-3 a. + 2 a³. X3 X03 2 x³ a³ + x³ ba x² + bx X b 1 S 204 Badland X04 X4 X a + x x¹ (x 205 +8 Pap b 19 a b c 5 a³ 5 bc. ენ Y² by x + y + X2 XC5 64 b)⁹ x+ b2 x Quot. 16 + 8 a + 4 a³ X XC 2 x² (a + x) (α³ + x³) x x_b x(x+b) 15 aº c + 3 a b³ + Quot. 2a + b 3 c. J K y³ Quot. xy 1 f TL ALGEBRA INVOLUTION. 67 SECTION V.-Involution. 1.—To involve or raise monomials to any proposed power. Involve the coefficient to the power required, for a new co- efficient. Multiply the index of each letter by the index of the required power. Place each product over its respective letter, and prefix the coefficient found as above: the result will be the power required. All the powers of an affirmative quantity will be + ; of a negalive quantity, the even powers, as the 2d, 4th, 6th, &c. will be; the odd powers, as the 3d, 5th, 7th, &c. will be To involve fractions, apply these rules to both numerator and denominator. Examples. 1. Find the fourth power of 2 a³. 2×2×2×2=16, new coefficient. 2 10 2×4=8, new exponent. Hence 16 as the answer. 2. The fifth of power 3 y² is 243 y¹º. 3. The fourth power of — 4 x³ is 256 x¹². 2 z 64 26 4. The sixth power of is 12 3 y2 729 y12 2. To involve polynomials. Multiply the given quantity into itself as many times, want- ing one, as there are units in the index of the required power, and the last product will be the power required. Cube xz and 2 x x + z x ± z x² + x z ±x z + z² x²º ± 2 x z + z²º squares. x + z x³± 2x² z+x z² Example. 3 z. 土 ​x³ z + 2 x z² + z ³ x³±3x² + 3x zº+z³ cubes. 2 x 2 x M 4 x² - 6 x Z 3 Z 3 z T 8 x³ 4x³ 12 x z +9 z³ 3 z 2 x 6 x z +9 zº 24 x² z+18x z² 12 x³ z+36 x zª. 8 x³ — 36 x³ z +54 x x² Men 27 23 27 z3 68 ALGEBRA INVOLUTION. ? The operation required by the preceding rules, however simple in its nature, becomes tedious when even a binomial is raised to a high power. In such cases it is usual to employ Sir Isaac Newton's Rule for involving a Binomial. 1. To find the terms without the coefficients. The index of the first, or leading quantity, begins with that of the given power, and decreases continually by 1, in every term to the last; and in the following quantity the indices of the terms are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. 2. To find the unciæ or coefficient.-The first is always 1, and the second is the index of the power and in general, if the coefficient of any term be multiplied by the index of the leading quantity, and the product be divided by the number of terms to that place, it will give the coefficient of the term next following.* Note. The whole number of terms will be one more than the index of the given power; and when both terms of the root are +, all the terms of the power will be +; but if the second term be, all the odd terms will be +, and the even terms 11 ! (a+b)" 2 n Examples. 1. Let a + x be involved to the fifth power. pak 3 The terms without the coefficients will be 1, 5, *This rule, expressed in general terms, is as follows: Katal 121 2 2 að, a¹ x, α³ x³, ɑ² x³, α x¹, x5, a³, а³ and the coefficients will be 5 X 4 10 × 3 10 × 2 5 × 1 9 -" 2 3 4 5 And therefore the fifth power is a5+5 a¹x +10 a³ x²+10 a² x³ +5 a x1+x. an-3b3, &c. =an + n. an -16 +2. an-3 b³, &c. A 12 (a - b)n =an n. an −1 b + n. 71 2 1 an-262 +n. an-262_n. 22 + 1 2 71- Sp 2 1 3 The same theorem applied to fractional exponents, and with a slight modifica- tion, servos for the extraction of roots in infinito sorics; as will be shown a little farther on. 1 ALGEBRA BINOMIAL RULE. 69 Here we have, for the sake of perspicuity, exhibited sepa- rately, the manner of obtaining the several terms and their re- spective coefficients. But in practice the separation of the two operations is inconvenient. The best way to obtain the coeffi- cients is to perform the division first, upon either the requisite coefficient or exponent (one or other of which may always be divided without a remainder), and to multiply the quotient into the other. Thus, the result may be obtained at once in a single line, nearly as rapidly as it can be written down. x² + 7 x 6 z + 21 x5 z³ + 35 x1 ±³ + 35 x³ z¹ x z° + =7. 2. (x + y)7 + 21 x² z5 + 7 3. (x — z)³ 56 x 8 x7 z + 28 xº z² . 56 x5 z³ + 70 x¹ z¹ 7 8 8 x z² + z³. X8 528 x³ z6 For Trinomials and Quadrinomials.-Let two of the terms be regarded as one, and the remaining term or terms as the other; and proceed as above. 11 M Example. Involve x + y z to the fourth power. z as x01 + 2)¹, Let x be regarded as one term of the binomial, and y the other then will (x + y - 2)4 {x + (y − z)}^ 4 x³ ( y − z) + 6 x³ (y z)² + 4 x (y · -2)² + (y where the powers of y≈ being expanded by the same rule, and multiplied into their respective factors, we shall at length have x + 4x³ 4x³ ≈ + 6x³ y² 12 x³ y z + 6 x³ z³ + 4 x ys 12 x yº z + 12 x y z³. 4 x z³ + y¹ 4 y³ ≈ + 6 Y³ z³ — 4 y z³, the fourth power required. Y Had (x + y) and z been taken for the two terms of the binomial, the result would have been the same. Note. The rule for the involution of multinomials is too complex for this place. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Maddy 70 r Į SECTION VI.—Evolution. 1. To find the roots of monomials.-Extract the correspond- ing root of the coefficient for the new coefficient: then mul- tiply the index of the letter or letters by the index of the root, the result will be the exponents of the letter or letters to be placed after the coefficient for the root required. ALGEBRA EVOLUTION. 3. Examples. 1. Find the fourth root of 81 a4 z8. First 8193, new coefficient. 4 Then 4 x = 1, exponent of a, and 8 x = 2, expo- 1 nent of z. Hence 3 a z² is the root required. 3 18 23 2729 2. §/(32 α5 x1º) = 5/32 × a³× 3 a5 ×x10× 3 X 1/1/0 13/27 XZ 9X3 2. To find the square root of a polynomial.-Proceed as in the extraction of the square root, in arithmetic. 138 × x ×x10×13—2 а x³ 2 x 3z3. 2 a³ +2 a x) 4 a³ x + 6 a² x² 4 a² x³ 2 4 a³ x + Examples. 1. Extract the square root of aª + 4 a³ x + 6 a² x² + 4 a x³ +24 a² + 4 a³ x + 6 a²x² + 4 a x³ + x¹ (α² + 2 a x + x² a₁ [root req. 2 a² + 4 a x + x²) 2 a² x² + 4 α x³ +x¹ a 2 a²x² + 4 α x³ + x^ * Tag * I * ALGEBRA : EVOLUTION. 71 2. Extract the square root of x4 x 1 X4 X04 G St 2 x² x) 2 x³ + 23x² ენ X6 • 2 x8 + 23x² 2 x3 + X2 2 x² - 2 x + 1) 12/1 (x²)®×3=3x¹) XC6 * Xo 1. Find the cube root of x6 6 x + 1. 1 x² god da 1/1/1 x 2 x² 2 * · 6 x + 15 x¹ * [ 3. To find the roots of powers in general.—If they be not the roots of high powers that are required, the following rule may be employed: Find the root of the first term, and place it in the quotient. -Subtract its power, and bring down the second term for a dividend.—Involve the root, last found, to the next lowest power, and multiply it by the index of the given power for a divisor. Divide the dividend by the divisor, and the quotient will be the next term of the root.-Involve the whole root, and subtract and divide as before; and so on till the whole is finished. 2 + 2018 2018 * 6 25 6x5 + 12 x4 * 3 x4)3 24 6 x5 + 15 x +16 (2³ — x + 1 root. Examples. + 2 x³ + 232 x² 1 x + 1/6 • 1 16 1 16 * 6 x5 + 15 xª 20 x³ 15 x³ Spa Ange 20 x³ +15 x³ — 6 x+1)x² — 2 x [+ 1 root req. 8x8 20 x 15 x²-6x + 1 * * * * 72 ALGEBRA: EVOLUTION. 1 2. Find the 4th root of 16 a¹ 216 a x² + 81 xª. 16 a4 16 a¹ 8 a³ × 4 = 32 a³) 16 a4 1 * M 96 a³ x + 216 a²x² 96 as x 96 a³ x + 216 a² x² * 96 a³ x + 216 a² x² — 216 a x³ + 81 x¹ ! - 216 a x³ +81 x¹ (2 α [— 3x, root sought. Note. In the higher roots proceed thus: For the biquadrate, extract the sixth root eighth root, ninth root, square root of the square root. cube root of the square root. sq. rt. of the sq. rt. of the sq. rt. the cube root of the cube root. Examples, however, of such high roots seldom occur in any practical inquiries. * SECTION VII.-Surds. A Surd, or irrational quantity, is a quantity under a radical sign or fractional index, the root of which cannot be exactly ob- tained. (See ARITH. Sect. 9. Evolution.) Surds, as well as other quantitics, may be considered as either simple or compound, the first being monomials, as 3, } a 5 , a b³, the others polynomials, as √3 + √5, ŵa + √b √c³, &c. 3 Rational quantities may be expressed in the form of surds, and the operation, when effected, often diminishes subsequent labour. Reduction. 1. To reduce surds into their simplest expressions. 1. If the surd be not fractional, but consist of integers or in- tegral factors under the radical sign: Divide the given power by the greatest power, denoted by the index, contained therein, that measures it without re- mainder; let the quotient be affected by the radical sign, and ALGEBRA : SURDS. 73 have the root of the divisor prefixed as a coefficient, or connected by the sign X. 1. ✓75: 2. 3/448 3. /176 4. √(8x³ √(2 x 4 5. 108 x³ y¹ 4 3 x y № 4y. 6. №³/ (56 x³ y + 8 x³) (7 y + 1) = 2 x Examples. √(25 × 3) = √25 × √3 13/(64 × 7) =✔/64 × ŵ/7 ~/ (16x11)= /16 × 4/112/11. 12 x³ y) = √4 x² (2 x — 3 y) = √ 4x² × 2 x 3 y). 3 y) x³ y³ × 4 y) = √27 x³ y³ × № 4 y kattapa 1. √/{} = √({} . 3) 5 2. √/} = √(} . §) 5 5 3. 6. × 150 a x³ 16 81 1 J = √ CD X 18 લ 2. If the surd be fractional, it may be reduced to an equiva- lent integral one, thus: Multiply the numerator of the fraction under the radical sign, by that power of its denominator whose exponent is 1 less than the exponent of the surd. Take the denominator from under the radical sign, and divide the coefficient (whether unity, number, or letter) by it, for a new coefficient to stand before the surd so reduced. √n. 25 4. 3/4= (4.28) = 3/108 125 2 a 5. 2 a 5 x 5 x Note. This reduction saves the labour of actually dividing by an approximated root; and will often enable the student to value any surd expressions by means of a table of roots of integers. J & 1 pred 8 9 5 x • (27 18. 2 9 • 25 x² D Examples. 1 √3 = √3 × √3 = √3. 1 √28 = √25 × √5 =} √ 5. 5 25 ค n • 3/8 x³ (7 y + 1) 13/8 x³ X (7 y + 1). ) 25 x2 50 a x³. 8 9.9 2 9 9 H 112 5/3. 3 4 13/7. × √ n 11 115 × 100 50 a x² 125 x3 • 8 729 18 3 1 125 x³ 8 729 100. 1 74 ALGEBRA SURDS. 3. If the denominator of the fraction be a binomial or re- sidual, of which one or both terms are irrational and roots of squares: Then, multiply this fraction by another which shall have its numerator and denominator alike, and each to contain the same two quantities as the denominator of the given expression, but connected with a different sign. Note. By means of this rule, since any fraction whose nu- merator and denominator are the same, is equal to unity, the quantity to be reduced assumes a new appearance without changing its value; while the expression becomes freed from the surds in the denominator, because the product of the sum and difference of two quantities is equal to the difference of their squares. 8 1. /3 √/5 — 、 4 (√5 + √3). 2. √5 3. 16 4. K pagtatagalpatt 3 √5 + √2 √2. √20 √/12 √/5 + √/3 260 + Va b /5+/3 8 • (a b). 8 √5 −√ D Examples. 3 √/5 √5 + √ √/5 + √/2 * √/5 −√//2 √20 √5+ √3 /5. √5 + √3' √/5-√//3 /3 √5+ √3 √5 + √3 √12 Vab 4/5 + 3 4/3 ναι Kaladka ming √5 −√/3 √/5 √5 + √3 √60 8 2 15. 2100 8 (5+ √3) 2 4/5—4/3 4/5-4/3 3 3 (1/5/2) 3 (5% Ma ✔/100—2、/60+/36 5 3 5- /5- vab 1 1 3 52 353 32 — 3) n 21 -1 3 Note 2.-Upon the same general principle any binomial or residual surd, as AB may be rendered rational by taking A ⇓ (A→B) + ŵ (Aª¬³ B³) ‡ ~/ (A "—^ B³) + &c. for a multiplier : where the upper signs must be taken with the upper, the lower with the lower, and the series con- tinued to n terms. Thus, the expression ab³, multiplied by ✔a + Ya⁰ b² + 4 us be + /bº, gives the rational product a"-b". 6 8 ALGEBRA SURDS. 75 Malayalam, ka 2. To reduce surds having different exponents to equiva- lent ones that have a common exponent.-Involve the powers reciprocally, according to each other's exponent, for new powers: and let the product of the exponents be the common exponent. Nole. Hence, rational quantities may be reduced to the form of any assigned root; and roots with rational coefficients may be so reduced as to be brought entirely under the radical sign. 2. a2 and b³, become 2 3. 3 and 23, become and /4. Examples. 1 1. a and b, become an 1.m πι 11. 131305 2 a or a } or a m 1 ก m n and m n b 3ª and 2 38 and 23, 3 and ✓8=√36=√3 × √6 = √ √6 302 or Addition. 6 3 1 2 b 2 2 [ 7 or bm 2 or o. 4. (a+b)³, and (a—b)³, become ⁄ (a+b)¹ and W/(a — b)³. 12 12 m n 5. The rational quantity a becomes a¹, a®, /a³, or am. 6. 4 a 5 b, becomes (4 a)³ × ŵ5 b, № 64 a³ × 5 b, or 320 a³ b. 33 and 2/2 or 2/27 These and other obvious reductions, which will at once sug- gest themselves, being effected, the operations of addition, sub- traction, &c. are so easily performed upon such surd quantities as usually occur, that it will merely suffice to present a few exam- ples without detailing rules. Ex. 1. √8+√/18=√(4.2) +√/(9.2)=2 √2+3 √2=5√2. 8 2. Add together √54, √}, and ✔✅ 27. ✓54=√(9.6)=√✅✔✅/9× √6=3√6] M (3+}+})√6=3,7 √6. --- The sum of these is 8 4 √27=√17+3)=√ H= 3√6 3. 27 ux+ √3 aª x= √(9 a¹. 3 x)+(a². 3 x)=3 a³√3 x+a/3x=(3 a²+a) 3 x. √✅✅ 4. 8 Y a³ b+ Ÿ aº b= (8 va³×ŵb)+(Waª×ŵb)=8 ab +a³ ✔b=(8 a+a³) vb. 76 ALGEBRA: SURDS. Ex. 1. 2√✓/50—√✓/18=2√(25.2)—✓✓(9.2)=2.5√✓/2—3√✓/2— (10-3)/2=7√2. 2. √3—√5=√(§•§)—√(57•})=√}}−√}}=} √15 — 27 1 27 4 9 15=√15. 3. 13/2/ . 13/9 3 ½ = 1/ (2·3) — ✔ (3½·2)=√1;— 3/18 蛋 ​18-418=18. 2 3.9 64 2 V 4. 250 a³ x — ✅ 16 a³ x=✔ (125 a³.2 x) — (8 a³. 2 x) = 5 a 3/2 x—2 a 3/2 x=3 a 3/2 x. Subtraction. 10. am xa 5. √45 s¹ x— √20 s² x³= √(9 s¹. 5 x) — √(4 s² x². 5 x)= (3 s³ 2 s x) √5x. Jarak 12 a c² c² ··(9) * - () * - ; × (-_-) — ~ × (-1) = "=" (1) ". W 6. X X a с a а с а с a + ·12 Multiplication. Ex. 1. 18x54=5 (18.4)=5 (4.2.9) 5 (8.9) = 5.2 3/9-10 9. 7 X & TO 2. & √ 1 × √ √6=}•£ √(1·7%) =¿ √ √ %= 2 8 √(6)=√100-220 350 7 ठ ठ 8 1 7 5 35 1 35. 8 3 2 2 3 3 × a ¹³ — a³ + ½ — a¹³ï + îî_1. 12 12 3. a³ x a α a XX 4. (x+z)² ×(x+z)* =(x+z) *=(x+z)² + *=(x+z).. 5. (x+ √y)×(x — √y)=x³-y. 6. (x+ √y)*×(x−√/Y)*=(x²—y)³. 1 m a 11. √—a× √- 12. ✓ a × √ ✔ab x 1 9 1 am x an m-In 1 8 27 1 7. z n x 2m = zn X zm * 6 8. dx ab= d³ xa³ b³=a* b² d³. 9. ✔ab√3.X √a+ √b−√3= √(aª—b+ √3.) am-n 12 Z m n = Jordan) -1 √α√−1 × √α√—1 - b ναν 1 × √ √ Vab. Parametra -C. 1 ALGEBRA SURDS. 77 1 L الله a Ex. 1.1000÷24-41000=2/250= 2(125.2)=102. 2. & 3 ÷ ÷ 3 3/3=4·5 (2·4)=25 / 8 = 5 2 3/ 133/ 7 4. 7 2 14 25 8.3 24 V (3·3) = 24 (4·3)=25·23=213. / 3/3: 8 27 14 14 9 2 4 2 3. x³÷x³ 1 X T Jo 26 a2 x 1 a m ("") a x2 x 1 I - 1 3 3 -x ³÷1÷÷÷x³. 1 4. zz 5. (x-xd-b+d √/b)÷(x — √b)=x+ √b-d. ас a d α. a cad 6. ✓ (α³ x a² x − a x³) ÷ 2 b √ (a — x) = 26 26 Z" } TA Ja d ✓ (a±b) = √ata 2 2 3 Division. m-n m n 土 ​= (cd) √ ax. Ex. 1. (z a³)²=z ·z ·a¹¹¹=‡ a³=‡ ✔a². + 3 3 1 √ 27 8 1 1 1 16 2. (} })³· } · J · √✓ (} ·↓· }) == 27 √(6·2)=27 √(76•2)=37·4 √2=8B √2. 3. (3+ √5)²={(3+ √5) (3+ √5)}=14+6 √5. 4. (ab)³a³ — 3 a² √b+з a b 108 2 3 3 bb. F Involution. Evolution. Ex. 1. √10³= √1000= √(100.10)= ✓✔100 × √10 =10 √10. 4 2. 4/81 a¹ y° ≈= √(81 a¹ y¹·y° =)=9 a³ y³ ¹/y³ z. 3. (a³ 4 a ✓b+b²) = a -2b, the operation being performed as in the arithmetical extraction of the square root. X Note.—The square root of å binomial or residual a±b, or even of a trinomial or quadrinomial, may often be convenient- ly extracted thus :-Take d = √(a³-b³); then a d This is evident: for, if Ja+d± 2 2 d Jabe squared, it will give a + √(a² — d²) or a + b, as 2 12 H 2 78 ALGEBRA SURDS. it ought: and, in like manner, the square of a d A √(a³ 2 Ex. 1. Find the square root of 3+2 √2. Here a=3, b=2, √2, d= √(9-8)=1, And d ·9 is a 6+ √8 2 a + d 2 Conseq. Šting my fat + t a 1 dº), or a J 3 + 1 2 - ს. 2 √ ½ +√3/= √2+ √1=1+ √2. 2. Find the square root of 6 — 2 √5. Here a=6, b=2 √5, d=√(36 -20)=√16=4, d 16+4 ja + d And 2 2 10 √12 - √32/3 = √5—1. 号 ​2 + 4 Co 3. Find the square root of 6+ √8 −√12 ·√24. Here a=6+ √⁄8,b= √12+ √24, d= √(6+ √8)³ −(√12+ √24)= √(44+128362 =√(4436+12812 √8) = √8. 12.24) a a + d 6+2/8 2 2 √/8 3. 3+8, and 2 Ja + d 2 d 1 ૫ But (Ex. 1), (3+2 √2)=√(3+ √8)=1+ √2. Therefore the root required is 1+ 2√3.* I { SECTION VIII.-Simple Equations. An algebraic equation is an expression by which two quanti- tics called members (whether simple or compound), are indi- cated to be equal to each other, by means of the sign of equality -placed between them. C In equations consisting of known and unknown quantities, when the unknown quantity is expressed by a simple power, as x, x³, x³, &c. they are called simple equations, generally; *For the cube and higher roots of binomials, &c. the reader may consult the treatises on Algebra by Maclaurin, Emerson, Lacroix, Bonnycastle, J. R. Young, and Hine. 1 ALGEBRA SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 79 。 and particularly, simple or pure quadratics, cubics, &c. accord- ing to the exponent of the unknown quantity. But when the unknown quantity appears in two or more different powers in the same equation, it is named an adfected equation. Thus x² = a + 15, is a simple quadratic equation: x² + ax = b, an adfected quadratic. It is the former class of equations that we shall first con- sider. G The reduction of an equation consists in so managing its terms, that, at the end of the process, the unknown quantity may stand alone, and in its first power, on one side of the sign and known quantities, whether denoted by letters, or figures, on the other. Thus, what was previously unknown is now affirmed to be equal to the aggregate of the terms in the second number of the equation. " "In general the unknown quantity is disengaged from the known ones, by performing upon both members the RE- VERSE OPERATIONS,"* to those indicated by the equation, what- ever they may be. Thus, If any known quantity be added to the unknown quantity, let it be subtracted from both members or sides of the cquation. If any such quantity be subtracted, let it be added.t If the unknown quantity have a multiplier, let the equation be divided by it. If it be divided by any quantity, let that become the multi- plier. * Ca If any power of the unknown quantity be given, take the corresponding root. If any root of it be known, find the corresponding power. If the unknown quantity be found in the terms of a propor- tion (Arith. Sect. 10), let the respective products of the means and extremes constitute an equation; and then apply the gene- ral principle, as above. * This simple direction, comprehending the seven or eight particular rules for the reduction of equations given by most writers on algebra, from the time of Newton down to the present day, is due to Dr. Hutton. It is obviously founded upon the mathematical axiom, that equal operations performed upon equal things produce equal results. †These two operations constitute what is usually denominated transposition. 80 ALGEBRA SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 1 { Then, by sub- Examples. 1. Given x 3 + 5 9, to find x. First, by adding we have x + 5 = 9 + 3 = 12. 3 to both sides, x + 5 — 5 } 12 tracting 5. Otherwise in appearance only, not in effect, Są 1 Tada je p } bow 60 By transposing the 3, and changing its sign, x+5=93. By transposing the, 5, and changing its sign, x = 9 + 3 -- 5 7. 2. Given 3 x + 5 20, to find x. = = 5. First, by transposing the 5, 3 x 205 15 by dividing by 3, x= 1-55 3. Given + d = 3 b 2 c to find x. 3 J a I First, transposing d, 36-2 c + d. a Then, multiplying by a, x=3 ab 2 ac+ ad. 4. Given (3 x + 4) + 2 6, to find x. First transposing the 2, (3 x + 4) 6 2 4 60 = 3 Then, cubing, 3 x + 4 48 64. Then, transposing the 4, 3 x 64 Lastly, dividing by 3, x0 = 20. 5. Given 4 a x 5 b 3 d x + 4 c, to find x. 3 d x 4 a x First, transposing 5 b and 3 d That is, by collecting the 5b+ 4 c. J x, coefficients, (4 a Therefore, by dividing by 4 a 3 d, x Jakk A Gigant 30 x + 24 x } x = 3, to find x. } ह 6. Given x + 1/2 x Multiplying by 120 4 × 5 × 6, we have That is, collecting the coefficients, 34 x Therefore, dividing by 34, x = 300 7. Given & x: a5b: 3 c, to find x. Mult. means and extremes, 2 c x 3 5 a b, Dividing by c, x = 5 ab÷ 2 c = 20 a b 9 c } 5, or x = padd 1 8 0 17 = 7. 4 a p ! 4. 5 b + 4 c. 3 d) x J 56 + 4 c 3 ď 20 x = 360. 360. 1010. 1 ALGEBRA SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 81 I 8. Given a + x √ a³ + x √ (4 b² + x²), to find x. First, by squaring, we have, a + 2 a x + x² = a² + x √(4 b² + x².) 1 Then striking out a from both sides, 2 a x + x³ x √(4 b² + x²) dividing by x, 2 a + x = squaring, 4 a² + 4 a x + x² striking out x, and 2 transposing 4 a³ Š Opp dividing by 4 a, x = 9. Given c x a c = First, dividing by 4 α x = a 4 62 ¿ - √(4 b² + x²) 4 b² + x² - 4 a² ―― 4 a transposing the 1, c1, or 4 62 4 a² b+ √ x xa, we have a S C. 62 inverting and transposing the fractions, multiplying by b, (xa) squaring both sides, x transposing a, x = a + 10. Given 13 ✓ c √c - 1 1 Pa a a, to find x. c = h 8 √(4 + y²) Extermination. JAPA A. 1. √(x — a) 12 2 √c + 1 & √(x — a) √(x − a) b 62 2/c+1 √13 + 3 x, to find x. ** √3 x = 11. Given y + √4 + y² to find y. Ans. y = 3√3. 12. Given (x + 1) + (x + 3) = (x + 4) + 16, to find x. 1 = } Ans. x = 41. Ans. 11. Ans. x 13. Given: √(x-1) :: 3 : 1, to find x. 1 14. Given (b + 2) = (a + x²) to find x. 2 1 Ans. x = +1 1 1 √c — 1 ↓ 2 12. When two or more unknown quantities occur in the con- sideration of an algebraical problem, they are determinable by a series of given independent equations. In order, however, 82 ALGEBRA : EXTERMINATION. 1 that specific and finite solutions may be obtained, this condition must be observed, that there be given as many independent equations as there are unknown quantities. For, if the number of independent equations be fewer than the unknown quantities, the question proposed will be susceptible of an indefinite number of solutions:* while, on the other hand, a greater number of independent equations than of unknown quantities, indicates the impossibility or the absurdity of the thing attempted. Where two unknown quantities are to be determined from two independent equations, one or other of the following rules may be employed. 1. Find the value of one of the unknown letters in each of the given equations; make those two values equal to one another in a third equation, and from thence deduce the value of the other unknown letter. This substituted for it in either of the former equations, will lead to the determination of the first unknown quantity. 2. Find the value of either of the unknown quantities in one of the equations, and substitute this value for it in the other equation so will the other unknown quantity become known, and then the first, as before. 3. Or, after due reduction when requisite, multiply the first equation by the coefficient of one of the unknown quantities in the second equation, and the second equation by the coefficient of the same unknown quantity in the first equation: then the addition or subtraction of the resulting equations (according as the signs of the unknown quantity whose coefficients are now made equal, are unlike or like) will exterminate that unknown quantity, and lead to the determination of the other by former rules. Noles. The third rule is usually the most commodious and expeditious in practice. The same precepts may be applied, mutatis mutandis, to cquations comprising three, four, or more unknown quantities: and they often serve to depress equations, or reduce them from a higher to a lower degree. *This, though generally true, has one striking exception, namely, in the case of equations constituted partly of rational quantitics and partly of quadratic surds; where two unknown quantities are determinable by one equation, four unknown quantities by two equations; and so on. Thus, if x +√y= a + √o and z Vo= с √d Then xa, y = b, z = c, v = d. Jokeralateral ALGEBRA EXTERMINATION. 83 1. Given 4 x³ + 3 y and y. 1st equa. x by 3, gives 12 x + 9 y =123. 2d equa. × by 4, gives 12 x³ 16 Y The difference of these, 25 y = Then, from equa. 2d, 3 x³ Whence dividing by 3, x³ 48. whence y 3. 75, 12 + 4y 12 + 12 = 24. 8, or x = 2. Ex. 2. Given x + y + z = x + 3y + 4 z = 134. Examples. 41, and 3 x³ Ex. 3. Given x + y x, y, and z. 1. x + y + 2. x + 2y + 3 ≈ 3. x + 3y + 4 z Ans. x = = c b' — b c' a b' — ba' 4. 1st equa. taken from 2d, gives y + 2 z = 52 y + 29 5. 2d equa. taken from 3d, 6. 5th equa. taken from 4th, 7. 6th equa. taken from 5th, 8. 5th equa. taken from 1st, 53, x + 2y + 3 z = 1. x + y 2.x + z = 3.y + == Sp and y a b C 22 4. 1st. + 2d + 3d, gives 2 x + 2y + 5. Half equa. 4th gives x + y + z 6. 3d equa. taken from 5th, gives x 7. 2d equa. taken from 5th, Y 8. 1st equa. taken from 5th, The a c' ab' Y 53 105 134 4 y a, x + z = b, y + z + Z BOHLOFLOT 10 12, to find x · c a' ba' z=23 || || || 105, and 6 24. 2 z = a + b + c. C. a + b b + b a + Ex. 4. Given a x + by = c, and a x + b'y c, and a x + b'y - c', to find x and y. c, to find $/£5-£9}~ C. α 11 6 + C. 3 a + b + c. • } } 84 Ex. 5. Given a x + by + cz a" x + b" y + c" z = d" to find x, y and z. Ans.x y X ALGEBRA EXTERMINATION. x and y. d b' c" d c' b" + c d' b daddy c d' b" —b d' c''+b c' d' — c b'd" b'c" —a c' b'+c a'b' —b a'c''+b c'a'' —c b'a' a 1 a d' c" ·a c'd"+ca'd" a b' c''—a c'b'+c a' b" a b' d' a b'c" S Ex. 6. Given x (x + y + z) y (x + y + z) z (x + y + z) Ex. 8. Given Ex. 7. Given (x + y) ·a d'b''+d a' b'—b a'd''+b d' a"—d b' a" a c'b''+c a' b'—b a' c''+b c' a'—c b'a'" x + Į x + \ y + ÷ y + HKH HRO KO d, a' x + b' y + c' z = d' KATA, X = 60, and (x + y) = = 23, to find Ans. x = 10,y y x 2. = 18 27 to find x, y, and z. 36 Ans. x = 2, y = 3,'z N N N da'c'+dc' a" ·c d'a' ba'c''+b c'a'—c b'a' 62 47 38 Ans. x = 24, y ≈ = x + / y + z = = 4. to find x, y, and z. 60, z = 120. Solution of General Problems. K A general algebraic problem is that in which all the quanti- ties concerned, both known and unknown, are expressed by let- ters, or other general characters. Not only such problems as have their conditions proposed in general terms are here im- plied; every particular numerical problem may be made general, by substituting letters for the known quantities concerned in it; when this is done, the problem which was originally proposed in a particular form becomes general. In solving a problem algebraically some letter of the alphabet must be substituted for an unknown quantity. And if there be more unknown quantities than one, the second, third, &c. must either be expressed by means of their dependence upon the first and one or other of the data conjointly, or by so many distinct letters. Thus, so many separate equations will be obtained, the resolution of which, by some of the foregoing rules, will lead to the determination of the quantities required. 1 } + ALGEBRA GENERAL PROBLEMS. 85 Examples. 1. Given the sum of two magnitudes, and the difference of their squares, to find those magnitudes separately. Let the given sum be denoted by s, the difference of the squares by D; and let the two magnitudes be represented by x and y respectively. Then, the first condition of the problem expressed algebraic- ally is x + y = s And the second is x² 2 y³ = D Equa. 2 divided by equa. 1, gives x = D S Equa. 1 added to equa. 3, gives 2 x = S² + D 28 Equa. 4 divided by 2, gives x = چوری 28 and y Suppose, again, s = 25 +5 then x = and 2. X dag med .. Y Equa. 2 × by y, gives x Substituting this value of x for it in equa. 1 15 X p Dividing by q, y² q Y q y q y² = p. Equa. 5 taken from equa. 1, gives y s 2 s 12, To apply this general solution to a particular example, sup- pose the sum to be 6, and the difference of the squares 12. Then s 6 and D = S² + D 2 s D and x = 36 12 48 12 12 36- 12 24 12 12 5, D = 5: 3, and y 25 - 5 10 10 Ex. 2. Given the product of two numbers, and their quotient, to find the numbers. 4. 2. D N 1 S + s = s² + D S S² + D 28 2. Let the given product be represented by p, the quotient by q; and the required numbers by x and y, as before. Then we have, 1. xy=p ი2. D 1 13 I f 86 Extracting the square root, y= Then, by substitution, x = q y = q ALGEBRA : GENERAL PROBLEMS. 'p q⋅ Suppose the product were 50 and the quotient 2. ✓ 25 = 5, and x 50 Then y J ' q Ans. x 1 1 ½ s + ½ √ 2 s 2 2 ✓100 = 10. Again, suppose the product 36, and the quotient 24. 136 Then y √ 21 P B I I 12 q 81 9. Ex. 3. Given the sum (s) of two numbers, and the sum of their squares s, to find those numbers. s², and A p q² q √ p q Ex. 4. The sum and product of two numbers are equal, and if to either sum or product the sum of the squares be added, the result will be 12. What are the numbers? ✓ 16 = 4, and x = ✔ · p q = Ans. each = 2. 1 Ex. 5. The square of the greater of two numbers multi- plied into the less, produces 75; and the square of the less. multiplied into the greater produces 45. What are the numbers? Ex. 6. A man has six sons whose successive ages differ by four years, and the eldest is thrice as old as the youngest. Required their several ages?—Ans. 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30 years. f SECTION IX.-Quadratic Equations. When, after due reduction, equations assume the general form a x² + в x + c 0; then dividing by A, the coefficient of the first term, there results a² + x + 0, or, making n с A A we have x² + p x + q " Y 11/1/1 S ½ √2 s — s³. p 0......(1) A an equation which may represent all those of the second degree, p and q being known numbers positive or negative. 1 ALGEBRA QUADRATICS. 87 2 Let a be a number or quantity which when substituted for x renders x²+p x+q=0; then a²+pa+q=0, or q=-a-pa. Consequently x² + p x + q, is the same thing as x² a² + p px-pa, or as (x+a) (x − a) + p (x—a), or, lastly, as (x—a) (x + a +p). The inquiry, then, is reduced to this, viz. to find all the values of x which shall render the product of the above two factors equal to nothing. This will evidently be the case when either of the factors is = 0; but in no other case. Hence, we have a a,=0, and x+a+p=0, or x-a, and x And hence we may conclude— a — p. pagkaka 1. That every equation of the second degree whose condi- tions are satisfied by one value a of x, admits also of another valuc -p. These values are called the roots of the quad- ratic equation. a 2. The sum of the two roots a and-a-p is—p; their pro- duct is - a² a p, which as appears above is=q. above is q. So that the coefficient, p, of the second term is the sum of the roots with a contrary sign; the known term, q, is their product. 3. It is easy to constitute a quadratic equation whose roots shall be any given quantities b and d. It is evidently - x³ (b+d) x+b d=0. 4. The determination of the roots of the proposed equation (1) is equivalent to the finding two numbers whose sum is-p, and product q. X 5. If the roots b and dare equal, then the factors x b and d are equal; and x²+p x+q is the square of one of them. I kn To solve a quadratic equation of the form 2 +p x+q=0, let it be considered that the square of x + p is a trinomial, x²+ px+p³, of which the first two terms agree with the first two terms of the given equation, or with the first member of that equation when q is transposed. That is, with x²+px=— 9. Let then be added, we have, a+pa+ } p² = {p² — q of which the first member is a complete square. * If it bo affirmed that the given equation admits of another value of a, besides the above, 6 for instance, it may he proved as before that — b e b must be of the num- ber of the factors of a2+x+, or of (x − a) (x+a+p). But a a and x+a+p being prime to each other, or having no common factor, their product cannot have any other factor then thoy. Consequently 6 must either be equal to a or to-a-p; and the number of roots is restricted to two. 88 ALGEBRA : QUADRATICS. 2 Its root is + p=± √(} p³ — q) 2 and consequently xp± √ (4 p² — q) otherwise, from number 2 above, we have x + x' } and x x' = q 2 Taking 4 times the second of these equations from the square of the first, there remains a³ - 2 x x'+x'²=p³ — 4 q Whence, by taking the root, x-x'= √(p² - 4 q) Half this added to half equa. 1, gives xp + } √ ( p² — 4 q) - ½ p + √(‡ p³ - 9) ž p And the same taken from half equa. 1, gives x' } √ ( p³ — 4 q) ž p √(4 p² — q) which two values of a evidently agree with the preceding. 1. x²+p x=Y 2. x²-p x=q 3. x²+px= 4. x³-p x=== It would be easy to analyze the several cases which may arise, according to the different signs and different values, of p and q. But these need not here be traced. It is evident that whether there be given զ զ N L Magi htt The general method of solution is by completing the square, that is, adding the square of p, to both members of the equa- tion, and then extracting the root. P It may farther be observed that all equations may be solved as quadratics, by completing the square, in which there are two terms involving the unknown quantity or any function of it, and the index of one double that of the other. Thus, q y 2 n X 2 x6 ± p X3 ¶, x²n ±p xn I, x³±p x¹ I, (x² + px + 9)³ ± (x²+p x+q)=r, (x²¹ — x²)² + (x³n — x)=q, &c., are of the same form as quadratics, and admit of a like determination of the unknown quantity. Many equations, also, in which more than one unknown quantity are involved, may be reduced to lower dimensions, by completing the square and reducing; such, for example, as (x²+y³)³±p(≈³+y³) XB 土 ​9, and px Y so on. Note. In some cases a quadratic equation may be conve- niently solved without dividing by the coefficients of the square, and thus without introducing fractions. To solve the general equation a x² + bx = c, for example, multiply the whole by 4 a, whence 4 a²x² + 4 a b x = 4 a c, adding b³ to complete the square, 4 a2 x2 + 4 a b x+b²=4 a c+b² taking the square root, 2 ax + b = ± √(4.a c+b³) ; 2 ALGEBRA: QUADRATICS. 89 whence x = general theorem. 2. Given- = 45 Examples. 1. Given x² 8x+10= 19, to find x. transposing the 10, x 8 x 19—10—9 completing the squ., x³-8x+16=9+16=25 extracting the root, x -4=±5 consequently x=4± 5-9 or 1. 49 10 14 9 Fb ± √(4 a c+b³) 2 a JA, A X 2 x X3 ppt J S 12 4. Given " 2 a x² J 22 9 22 x³ 9 9 multiplying by x², 10 x — 14+2 x = transposing, 22 x 12 x x³ dividing by 22, 2° -4x=-1}, 5 complet. squ. x — $ 4 x + ( 7 )² = 2 721-17=387, extract. root, x 1221713 + 11, transposing, x = 23 or 1. 5 6 1 21 6 11 that is, x + 1 = 5 or 9 hence x = 4 or 10. P AJ which will serve for a to find the values of x. 3. Given +2 x+4 √x²+2 x+1=44, to find x. adding 1, we have (x² + 2 x+1) + 4 √(x² + 2 x + 1) complet. squ. (x² + 2 x + 1) + 4 √(x² + 2 x + 1)+4 extract. root, √(x² +2 x+1)+2 = ± 7 transposing the 2 √(x² + 2 x + 1) = ± 7 − 2 = 5 01 14, 6 3 IT' c, to find x 71 complet. squ. "—2 α x² + a²=c+aº n extract. root, x² a = ± √(c+a³) ต 2 transposing, x = a ± √(c+a²) al2 consequently, x = (a ± √c+a³)" } 36 1 I 2 90 ALGEBRA : QUADRATICS, 5. Given ·|· 2.2 4 x at 32 Y 5 y³ complet. squ. in equa. 1, 20 Extracting root + 2 Y у M y or x=2 y or =— 6 Y. Substituting the former value of x in the 2d equa. it becomes 2 y―y=2, or y=2; whence x=4. Again, substituting the 2d value of x, in equa. 2, it becomes 6 Y 2. and x 7 y 2; whence y + 6. Given x² y² — 5 — 4 x y, and ½ x y x and y. o&o " 2 2 x² equa. 1, by transposition, becomes x2 y24 xy=5 completing the square, xy-4xy+4=9 extracting the root, xy-2-±3 J 7. Given 2 : 1 ✔/25= w/ 5. ह्र (ix:3 12, and x T X3 K Whence x y=5 or 1. 3 Substituting the first of these values for x y in equa. 2, it be- comes y³½: whence y=1 and x=5. Substituting the 2d value in the same equation, it becomes whence y 25, and x — — - 1 ✓/ / / 4)3 + 203 1) X2 P 6 y = 2, to find x and y. X y²+4+4=16. Y 4: whence 2 or 6, and X у 351 4 25 x⁹ } to find x. 5 Ans. x = 1 2 T y³, to find ± 3, or ± √39 11 S. A man travelled 105 miles at a uniform rate, and then found that if he had not travelled so fast by two miles an hour, he would have been six hours longer in performing the same journey. How many miles did he travel per hour? Ans. 7 miles per hour. Į 9. Find two such numbers that the sum, product, and dif- ference of their squares may be equal. Àns. ½ + ½ √5, and 3+ 5. 2 2 10. A waterman who can row eleven miles an hour with the tide, and two miles an hour against it, rows five miles up a river and back again in three hours: now, supposing the tide to run uniformly the same way during these three hours, it is required to find its velocity? Ans. 4 miles per hour. ALGEBRA EQUATIONS. SECTION X.-Equations in General. A a, x = x = a=0,x X Equations in general may be prepared or constituted by the multiplication of factors, as we have shown in quadratics. Thus, suppose the values of the unknown quantity x in any equation were to be expressed by a, b, c, d, &c. that is, let x = d, &c. disjunctively, then will x — C, X C 0, x d 0, &c. be the simple radical equations of which those of the higher orders are composed. Then, as the product of any two of these gives a quadratic equation; so the product of any three of them, as (x — a) (x - b) (x - c) = 0, will give a cubic equation, or one of three dimensions. And the product of four of them will constitute a biquadratic equa- tion, or one of four dimensions; and so on. Therefore, in ge- neral, the highest dimension of the unknown quantity x is equal to the number of simple equations that are multiplied together to produce it. a ་ When any equation equivalent to this biquadratic (x a) (x — b) (x — c) (xd) = 0 is proposed to be resolved, the whole difficulty consists in finding the simple equations x- 0, x - b = 0, x d =0, by whose multiplica- 0, x tion it is produced; for each of these simple equations gives one of the values of x, and one solution of the proposed equation. For, if any of the values of a deduced from those simple equa- tions be substituted in the proposed equation in place of x, then all the terms of that equation will vanish, and the whole be found equal to nothing. Because when it is supposed that x = a, or x b, or x = c, or x = d, then the product (x - a) (x — b) (x —c) (xd) vanishes, because one of the factors is equal to nothing. There are, therefore, four suppositions that give (x — a) (x — b) (x — c) (x — d) 0, according to the pro- posed equation; that is, there are four roots of the pro- posed equation. And after the same manner any other equa- tion admits of as many solutions as there are simple equa- tions multiplied by one another that produce it, or as many as there are units in the highest dimensions of the unknown quan- tity in the proposed equation. с M 91 0 b, b=0, p Sta - But as there are no other quantities whatsoever besides. these four (a, b, c, d,) that, substituted in the proposed product in the place of x, will make that product vanish: therefore, the equation (x — a) (x —b) (x — c) (x — d) O, cannot possibly have more than these four roots, and cannot admit 1 92 ALGEBRA EQUATIONS. 1 M of more solutions than four. If we substitute in that product a quantity neither equal to a, nor b, nor c, nor d, which suppose e, then since neither, e a, e b, e c, nor e d, is equal to nothing; their product cannot be equal to nothing, but must be some real product and therefore, there is no supposition bc- sides one of the aforesaid four, that gives a just value of x ac- cording to the proposed equation. So that it can have no more than these four roots. And after the same manner it appears, that no equation can have more roots than it contains dimen- sions of the unknown quantity. To make all this still plainer by an example in numbers, suppose the equation to be resolved to be x4. 10 x³ + 35 x² 50 x + 24 = 0, and that we discover that this equation is the same with the product of (x — 1) (x — 2) (x — 3) (x — 4), then we certainly infer that the four values of x are 1, 2, 3, 4; seeing any of these numbers, placed for x, makes that product, and consequently x 10 2335 x 50 x + 24, equal to nothing, according to the proposed equation. And it is certain that there can be no other values of x besides these four; for when we substitute any other number for x in those factors x−1,x -2, x 3, 4, none of them vanish, and therefore their product cannot be equal to nothing, according to the equa- tion. 4 M http A variety of rules, some of them very ingenious, for the so- lution of equations, may be found in the best writers on Alge- bra ;* but we shall simply exhibit the easy rule of Trial-and- Error, as it is given by Dr. Hutton in the 1st volume of his "Course of Mathematics." "" RULE. K "1. Find, by trial, two numbers as near the true root as pos- sible, and substitute them in the given equation instead of the unknown quantity; marking the errors which arise from each of them. "2. Multiply the difference of the two numbers, found by trial, by the least error, and divide the product by the differ- ence of the errors, when they are alike, but by their sum when they are unlike. Or say, as the difference or sum of the errors is to the difference of the two numbers, so is the least error to the correction of its supposed number. * See the treatises of Lacroix, Bonnycastle, Wood, J. R. Young, &c. ALGEBRA EQUATIONS. 93 葛 ​"3. Add the quotient, last found, to the number belonging to the least error, when that number is too little, but subtract it when too great, and the result will give the true root nearly. "4. Take this root and the nearest of the two former, or any other that may be found nearer; and, by proceeding in like man- ner, a root will be had still nearer than before; and so on to any degree of exactness required. t "Note. It is best to employ always two assumed numbers that shall differ from each other only by unity in the last figure on the right; because then the difference, or multiplier, is 1." Example. To find the root of the cubic equation x3 + x² + x the value of x in it. Here it is soon found that xl Again, suppose 4.2, and 4.3, lies between 4 and 5. Assume, and repeat the work as follows: therefore, these two numbers, and the operation will be as fol- lows: 1st Sup. 4 16 64 84 16. 28 ش روایتی به sums errors 2d Sup. 1st Sup. 5 4.2 25 17.64 125 74.088 155 95.928 the sum of which is 71. Then as 71: 1 :: 16: 225. Hence = 4.225 nearly. +55-4072 x X3 X3 sums 100, or errors +2.297 the sum of which is 6.369. As 6.369: 1 :: 2.297 : 0.036 This taken from · 4.300 leaves x nearly 2d Sup. 4.3 18.49 79.507 102.297 4.264 14 94 ALGEBRA EQUATIONS. } Again, suppose 4.264 and 4.265, and work as follows: 4.264 18.181696 77.526752 99.972448 -0.027552 XC X3 X3 sums errors 4.265 18.190225 77.581310 • 100.036535 the sum of which is 064087 Then as 064087: 001 :: 027552 : 0·0004299 To this adding 4.264 +0.036535 ↓ gives a very nearly When one of the roots of an equation has been thus found, then take for a dividend the given equation with the known term transposed to the unknown side of the equation; and for a divisor take x minus the root just determined: the quotient will be equal to nothing, and will be a new equation de- pressed a degree lower than the former. From this a new value of x may be found and so on, till the equation is re- duced to a quadratic, of which the roots may be found by the proper rules. : 4.2644299 SECTION XI.-Progression. When a series of terms proceed according to an assignable order, either from less to greater or from greater to less, by con- tinual equal differences or by successive equal products or quo- tients, they are said to form a progression. If the quantities proceed by successive equi-differences they are said to be in Arithmetical Progression. But if they pro- ceed in the same continued proportion, or by equal multiplica- tions or divisions, they are said to be in Geometrical Pro- gression. Konta If the terms of a progression successively increase, it is called an ascending progression: if they successively decrease, it is called a descending progression. Thus, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. form an ascending arithmetical 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, &c. form a descending arithmetical 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, &c. form an ascending geometrical 4, 2, 1, 4, 1, &c. form a descending geometrical Progression ALGEBRA: PROGRESSION. 95 1 Arithmetical Progression. 1. Let a be the first term of an arithmetical progression d the common difference of the terms z the last term n the number of terms s the sum of all the terms. Then a, a+d, a +2 d, a + 3 d, &c. is an ascending progression. and a, ad, a 2 d, a 3 d, &c. a descending progression. Hence, in an ascending progression, a + (n − 1) d, is the last p term; in a descending progression, a-- (n 1) d, is the last term. 2. Let a series be a + (a + d) + (a + 2 d) + (a+3 d). The same inverted, (a + 3 d) + (a + 2 d) + (a + d) + a. The sum of the two, (2 a+ 3 d) + (2a + 3 d) + (2a + 3 d) + (2a + 3 d) 2 s. That is, (2 a + 3 d.) × 4, in this case (a + a + 3 d) n = 2 s. Consequently, s ½ (a + a = 3 d) n, or= (a + z) n, since ž z is here a + 3 d. The same would be obtained if the pro- gression were descending; and let the number of terms be what it may. = 3. From the equations z=a + (n 1) d, s ½ n (a + z), and s½n (a+a+(n − 1) d), we may readily deduce the fol- lowing theorems applicable to ascending series. When the se- ries is descending, either the signs of the terms affected with d must be changed, or a must be taken for z; and vice versa. (1.) a = z — n d + d = √(— 2 sd + z 2 + d z + { d³) + 1 28 S ¿ d = — + 4 d — in d= N (2.) d K a 1 2 s (3.) ≈ = a + n d - d (5.) n N Databas Add 22 Z2 28 a + z S d. 12 ጎ a d + 1 d³) a³ a 2. a p 2 z n No + ½ n d − z ď 2 $ ½ d N √(2 s d + a³ (4.) s=&n (a+z) = (a + ½ n d − d) n = (z—} n d + ½ d) n z³ — a³ + d (z + a) - 2 d ping 1. ጎ 28 a. 2 s− 2 na No N 96 ALGEBRA PROGRESSION. Hậ 1 Examples. 1. Required the sum of 20 terms of the progression, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. Here a 1, d=2, n 2, n = 20; which is substituted in the theorem s = (a + ½ n d d) n, transform it to s (1 201) 20 + 2 20 x 20 400, the sum required. pop Note. In any other case the sum of a series of odd numbers beginning with unity, would be = n², the square of the number of terms. Here n = 2. The first term of an arithmetical progression is 5, the last term 41, the sum 299. Required the number of the terms, and the common difference. and d Here d n Here z = the last term, and d Z 2 s a + z Z Ma p a ጎ 1 Magya α There are 8 equidifferent numbers: the least is 4, the greatest 32. What are the numbers ? 1 a 32 4 4, the common difference. N 1 Whence 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, are the numbers. 2 s n 41 598 46 4. The first term of an arithmetical progression is 3, the num- ber of terms 50, the sum of the progression 2600. Required the last term and the common difference. a Ind 12 Cate 101 - 5 pat 5200 50 49 13, the number of terms, 3 3, the common difference. 1 P 3 104 1 1 - 3 = 101, mą kalną 2, the common difference. - 5. The sum of six numbers in arithmetical progression is 48; and if the common difference d be multiplied into the less ex- treme, the product equals the number of terms. Required those terms. Ans. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. * Geometrical Progression. 1. Let a be the first term of a geometrical series; r the common ratio; z the last term; n the number; and s the sum of the terms. -1 Then a, r à, r² a, p³ ɑ, p²-¹ ɑ, is a geometrical progression, which will be ascending or descending, according as r is an in- teger or a fraction. 2. Let the prog, a+r a+r² a+r³ a+r¹ a=s, be × by r, it becomes r atr² atp³ atr¹ a+p5 a=rs 8 =rs S. The diff. of these is, а + доба But r a is the last term of the original progression multi- plied by r, or in general terms -1 a xr, that is, pa. Conse- quently r¹ a S Whence s = 2012 2° 1 A similar method will ever be the value of n. (3.) s Z por Jr7~1 (2.) ≈=α p²-1. J01-1 (4.) r = A 1 becomes transformed to s = 1 ALGEBRA: PROGRESSION. gr a = r S γη α-α S s Ꮽ 3. Now from these values of z and s the following theorems may be deduced. Z (r — 1) s (1.) a = 2012 1 a(r"—1) - 1 Stage) a r s 20th r İ lead to a like expression for s, what- If be a fraction, the expression. доп M 2 a (1 1 - Ma 1 a, the sum of the series. s + a s (2012 J+12 r z Jr (2) 1. =strz — 7 S. Z And, if the logarithm of that of r=R: then, a ↑ r α. 2071) K pot ~1) 1 - 1 97 PA, N, that of a sr-sta a M, and } + 98 ALGEBRA PROGRESSION. N (5.) n ==+ 1 = R R Also, if when r is a fraction, n is infinite, then is 7"-0, and the expression for s becomes. a (6.) s mation of infinite series.] 1 - p j - 1 g M (type"""matt 1 - Job Examples. 1. The least of ten terms in geometrical progression is 1, the ratio 2. Required the greatest term, and the sum. Here= a pn-¹=1 × 2º 512, the greatest term ; r z α 1022 and s =1023, the sum. [This expression is often of use in the sum- 1 1 2. Find the sum of 12 terms of the progression 1, 3, 3, 27, 1 &c. 1 Jon 1 Here s the sum. r J Consequently, s = Jak batt Here theor. 6, that is s = the sum required. 1 1 53 144 1 1 114 3 1 p 3. Find the sum of the series 1, 1, 4, §, &c. carried to infinity. a 1 becomes s 2, 265720 177147' 1 — µ³ 1 3 6 99 1800 ÷ 700 = 4. Find the vulgar fraction equivalent to the circulating de- cimal 36363636. Here a=1, r—— x, and s= 1 36 This decimal, expressed in the form of a series, is, + 10000+10030000+&c. where a=3%, and r=0. 36 6 36 100 a 1 a Ma 119 C 742 sought. 5. Find the sum of the descending infinite series 1 x + x³+xª, &c. X2 the fraction Stat 1 the sum req. до 1 + x And, by way of proof, it will be found that if 1 be divided by 1+x, the quotient will be the above series. 6. Of four numbers in geometrical progression the product of the two least is 8, and of the two greatest 128. What are the numbers ? Ans. 2, 4, 8, and 16. ALGEBRA : LOGARITHMS. 99 SECTION XII.-Logarithms. The logarithm of any given number is the index of such a power of some other number, as is equal to the given one. Let us suppose that the number r greater than unity, is the base of a system of logarithms, and let there be given to it the variable exponent p, in such manner that the expression rº shall represent all possible numbers, by attributing successively dif- ferent values to the exponent p. It is manifest, 1. That the logarithm of unity will be always zero or nothing, whatever be the base r: for, in general, rº=1 2. That the logarithm of the base r will be 1, since r is the same thing as r¹. 3. That all numbers above 1 will have positive numbers for their logarithms. Thus, supposing 10, then the number r = 10000 or 10¹ has for its logarithm the positive number 4. 4. All fractions, or numbers below unity, have negative num- bers for their logarithms. Thus, if r=10, then 1 or 0001 or 10-4 has 4 for its logarithm. 5. Assuming two numbers N and N', to which correspond respectively the two logarithms p and p', to the same base or root r we have N=2, and N'=', and consequently N+N' =2¹² ×?•P' = p² + P'. Whence it appears that in every system of logarithms, the logarithm p+p' of a product N N', composed of two factors, is equal to the sum of the logarithms of those fac- =pP+r'. tors. N 8. We have also λ AP 6. If we have any numbers A, B, C, D, how many soever, we may prove in a similar manner, that (using the initial λ to denote the logarithm) we shall have 2 (A. B . C . D) = 2 A + λ в + λ C + λ D. 7. If A = B = C= D, we shall have 2 (AXA XA× a), or λ aª L 11 λ ^ + λ ^ + λ ^ +λ a 4 λA: and in general λA = ηλ Α. Thus it appears that the logarithm of any integral positive power, n, of any number A, is equal to n times the logarithm of A. n 1 10000 22 2 A (n and p being positive in- 7 p tegers). For, let AK, and consequently A" λ K. From κ. n the equation AK, we have by raising the power p, A" K", and, of consequence, nλ A whole to the pax, or by N division A p λπ πλα N M S 100 ALGEBRA LOGARITHMS. F • *M A 9. From the same principle it follows, that 2 B 10. Farther, 2 a A For, let-q, and consequently A=BXQ: we shall then have B λ λ =λ B + λa; whence λ q=λ a—2 B. Q So that the logarithm of the quotient is equal to the logarithm of the dividend minus. that of the divisor; or the logarithm of a fraction is equal to the logarithm of the numerator made less by that of the deno- minator. 11. Again, λ A n ηλΑ. 2 ^" = 21λA"= 0 nλA: which is no other than Λ λι ηλA, P n = 0 gle n 0 — 2 Wedd N p ·λ A = For A 2 A. For A n -끔 ​p n I n -λ a. 1 λ A M A λ B. グレ ​T For A¯ = 1÷A 1A": whence results 2 A p 12. Suppose there be two systems of logarithms whose roots or bases are r and s. Let any number N have p for its loga- rithm in the first system, and q for its logarithm in the second : p : therefore N 27 we shall have N=7” and N=s"; which gives rº=s, and s = Therefore, taking the logarithms for the system r, we shall have 2s=22r; or, if in the system r we have 2 r=1, then λ s= p I q p 1 or q px Thus, knowing the logarithm p of any λο λς number N, for the system whose base is r, we may obtain the logarithm q of the same number for the system s, by multiply- ing p by a fraction whose numcrator is unity and denominator the logarithm of s taken in the system r. 13. In the system of logarithms first constructed by Baron Napier, the great inventor, r = 2*718281828459, &c. and the exponents are usually denominated Napierian or Hyperbolic logarithms; the latter name being given because of the relation between these logarithms and the lines and asymptotic spaces in the equilateral hyperbola: so that in this system n is always the hyperbolic logarithm of (2-71828, &c.)". But in the system constructed by Mr. Briggs (corresponding with the spaces in a hyperbola whose asymptotes make an angle of 25° 44′ 25″ 28″), called common or Briggean logarithms, 10; so that the common logarithm of any number is the index of that power of 10 which is equal to the said number. p ALGEBRA LOGARITHMS. 101 and 9023 10 , Thus, if 50=10 ; then is 1.69897 the common logarithm of 50, and 3.955351 the common loga- rithm of 9023. •69897 14. The rules for the management and application of loga- rithms being given in the best collections of logarithmic tables, are here omitted. The tables published in England by Dr. Hut- ton, those published in France by Callet, and those recently published by Professor Babbage, may be recommended as the most correct and best fitted for scientific use. Mr. Galbraith's tables are correct and valuable. 1 12 If the reader wish for neatly arranged tables in small com- pass, for the practical purposes of a man of business, I would recommend those of Mr. Woollgar, given in the Mechanics' Magazine, those recently published by Mr. J. R. Young, and those given by Mr. Carr, in his valuable " Synopsis of Prac- tical Philosophy." 3.955351 SECTION XIII-Computation of Formula. Since the comprehension, and the numerical computation of formulæ expressed algebraically, are of the utmost consequence to practical men, enabling them to avail themselves advanta- geously of the theoretical results of men of science, as well as to express in scientific language the results of their own experi- mental or other researches; it has appeared expedient to present brief treatises of Arithmetic and Algebra. The thorough un- derstanding of these two initiatory departments of science will serve essentially in the application of all that follows in the pre- sent volume; and that application may probably be facilitated by a few examples, as below :- G Ex. 1. Let a=5, b=12, c=13, and s=a+b+c; then what is the numerical value of the expression, A ad - 2 ✓ [ ½ s (3 s − a) (3 s — b) (ž s -c)], which denotes the area of the triangle whose sides are 5, 12, and 13? Here s=a+b+c=5+12+13=30; ½ s=15; A S a=15—5—10; å s -b=15 12=3; è s =15 13=2. Consequently, by substituting the numerical values of the several quantities between the parentheses for them, we shall have padm pag Jag с ✓ (15 × 10 × 3 × 2)=√/900=30, the value required. Ex. 2. Suppose g = 321, 16: required the value of 4g to, an expression denoting the space in feet which a heavy 15 K 2 102 NUMERICAL COMPUTATION OF FORMULA. body would fall vertically from quiescence in six seconds, in the latitude of London. Here ½ g t²=167½½ × 6º — 96 ½ × 6=579 feet. 12 Ex. 3. Given D=6, d=4, h 12, ₪ ≈ 3·141593; required the value of л h (D²+D d +ď), a theorem for the solid content → 12 of a conic frustrum whose diameters of the two ends are D, d, and height h. Here D*=36, D d=6 × 4—24, d³ 2618 nearly. 2 Hence (D²+D d+d²)=2618 (36+24+16) 12 2618 × 76 × 12—3∙141593 × 76=238.761068. 12 Ex. 4. Let a=1, h=25, g=193 inches: what is the value of 2 a gh? This being the expression for the cubic inches of water discharged in a second, from an orifice whose area is a, and depth below the upper surface of water in the vessel or re- servoir, h, both in inches. Here 2 ag h=2 √✓✓(25 × 193)=10 ✔✅✅/193 10 X 13.89244 138.9244 cubic inches. Ex. 5. Suppose the velocity of the wind to be known in miles per hour; required short approximative expressions for the yards per minute, and for the feet per second. First 176060—8—29}=30 nearly. 16, Also 5280÷(60x60)=5280-844-1 nearly. If, therefore, n denote the number of miles per hour : 30 2 30 ʼn will express the yards per minute; and 1½ n, the feet per second. π 12 These are approximative results to render them correct, where complete accuracy is required, subtract from each result its 45th part, or the fifth part of its ninth part. Thus suppose the wind blows at the rate of 20 miles per hour: 2 3 Ba Then 30 n=30 × 20 600 yards per minute, or more cor- rectly 600-900=600-13=586 yards. Also 14 n= =30 feet per second. or, correctly, 30 =30 138= Conversely, of the feet per second will indicate the miles per hour, correct within the 45th part, which is to be added to obtain the true result. 30 =29} feet. 3 Ex. 6. To find a theorem by means of which it may be as- certained when a general law exists, and what that law is. Suppose, for example, it were required to determine the law which prevailed between the resistances of bodies moving in the air and other resisting media, and the velocities with which they move. Let v, v, denote any two velocities, and R,r M 1 L gives xx log. 1 COMPUTATION OF FORMULE. the corresponding resistances experienced by a body moving with those velocities: we wish to ascertain what power of v it is to which R is proportional. Let x denote the index or ex- ponent of the power; then will v* : v2 :: R: r, if a law subsist. v² XC r Consequently () = R พ X за Div. the consequents by the antecedents, we have 1: (~~) ::1: 1: // บ R This, expressed or x V log. r log. v L * log.-; R + 103 log. R - log. v Hence, the quotient of the differences of the logs. of the re- sistances, divided by the difference of the corresponding velo- cities, will express the exponent required. This theorem is of very frequent application in reference to the motion of cannon balls, of barges on canals, of carriages on rail roads, &c. and may indeed be applied to the planetary motions. folded padded A logarithmically, } 1 104 1 } 7 PLANE GEOMETRY. CHAPTER III. PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY. Definitions. 1. GEOMETRY is a department of science, by means of which we demonstrate the properties, affections, and measures of all sorts of magnitude. 2. Magnitude is a continued quantity, or any thing that is extended; as a line, surface, or solid. 3. A point is that which has no parts: i. e. neither length, breadth, nor thickness. 4. A line is a length without breadth or thickness. Cor. The extremes of a line are points. 5. A right line is that which lies evenly, or in the same di- rection, between two points. A curve line continually changes its direction. Þ Cor. Hence there can only be one species of right lines, but there is infinite variety in the species of curves. 6. An angle is the inclination of two lines to one another, meeting in a point, called the an- gular point. When it is formed by two right lines, it is a plane angle, as A; if by curve lines, it is a curvilinear angle. 7. A right angle is that which is made by one right line A в falling upon another c n, and making the angles on each side equal, A B C = A B D ABD; So that A B does not incline more to one side than another: A B is called a perpendicular. All other angles are called oblique angles. 8. An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle, as R. A C B R S D 9. An acute angle is less than a right angle, as s. 10. Contiguous angles are those made by one line falling upon another, and joining to one another, as R, S. 1 PLANE GEOMETRY. 105 11. Vertical or opposite angles, are those made on contrary sides of two lines intersecting one another, as A, B. 12. A surface has only length and breadth. The extremes or limits of a surface are lines. 13. A plane is that surface which lies perfectly even be- tween its extremes; or in which, right lines any way drawn coincide. A 14. A solid is a magnitude extended every way, or which has length, breadth, and depth. The terms or extremes of a solid are surfaces. 15. The square of a right line is the space included by four right lines equal to it, set perpendicular to one another. 16. The rectangle of two lines is the space included by four lines equal to them, set perpendicular to one another, the oppo- site ones being equal. 2. If two right lines, A B, C D, cut one another, the opposite angles E and G will be equal. SEC. I.-Of Angles and Right Lines, and their Rectangles. Prop. 1. If to any point c in a right line a B, several other right lines DC, E c are drawn on the same side; all the angles formed at the point o, taken together, are equal to two right angles, ACD + D C E + EC B two right angles. A A 4. If a right line o &, intersects two parallels A D, F H; the alternate angles, A B E, and B E H will be equal. B Cor. 1. All the angles made about one point in a plane, be- ing taken together, are equal to four right angles. Cor. 2. If all the angles at o, on one side of the line A B, are found to be equal to two right angles: then A o B is a straight line. EL F G V C G H E D 3. A right line, в H, which is perpendicular to one of two parallels, is perpendicular to the other. E B A B C D B * J 106 PLANE GEOMETRY: ANGLES, RECTANGLES, &c. Cor. 1. The external angle c B D, is equal to the internal angle on the same side B E H. Cor. 2. The two internal angles on the same side are equal to two right angles D B E B E H = two right angles. + 5. Right lines parallel to the same right line, are parallel to one another. 6. If a right line A c be divided into two parts, A B, B´C: the square of the whole line is equal to the squares of both the parts, and twice the rectangle of the parts, a c² A B³ + 2 B C² + 2 AB. B C. Jada P G D A H I E B F 7. The square of the difference of two lines A C, B c, is equal to the sum of their squares, wanting twice their rectangle, A Cº + B C³ -2 AC. B C. A B³ 8. The rectangle of the sum and difference of two lines is equal to the difference of their squares. 9. The square of the sum, together with the square of the difference of two lines, is equal to twice the sum of their squares. SECTION II-Of Triangles. Definitions. 1. A triangle is a plane figure bounded by three right lines, called the sides of the triangle. 2. An equilateral triangle is one which has three equal sides. 3. An equiangular triangle is one which has three equal angles; and two triangles are said to be equiangular, when the angles in the one are respectively equal to those in the other. 4. An isosceles triangle has two sides equal. 5. A right-angled triangle is that which has a right angle. The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypothenuse. 6. An oblique triangle is one having oblique angles. 7. An obtuse angled triangle has one obtuse angle. 8. An acute angled triangle has three acute angles. 9. A scalene triangle has three unequal sides. 10. Similar triangles are those whose angles are respective- ly equal, each to each. And homologous sides are those lying between equal angles. 1. The base of a triangle, is the side on which a perpen- PLANE GEOMETRY: TRIANGLES. 107 dicular is drawn from the opposite angle called the vertex; the two sides, proceeding from the vertex, are called the legs. Prop. 1. In any triangle A B C, if one side B c be produced or drawn out; the external an- gle A c d will be equal to the two internal oppo- site angles A B. P A Δ B C D 2. In any triangle, the sum of the three angles is equal to two right angles. Cor. 1. If two angles in one triangle be equal to two angles in another the third will also be equal to the third. 6. If two triangles A B C, ab c, have two sides, and the included angle equal in each; these triangles, and their corres- ponding parts, shall be equal. Cor. 2. If one angle of a triangle be a right angle, the sum of the other two will be equal to a right angle. 3. The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle, are equal. r Cor. 1. An equilateral triangle is also equiangular; and the contrary. Cor. 2. The line which is perpendicular to the base of an isosceles triangle, bisects it and the verticle angle. 4. In any triangle, the greatest side is opposite to the greatest. angle, and the least to the least. 5. In any triangle A B C, the sum of any two sides BA, A C, is greater than the third в c, and their difference is less than the third side. B a 13 11. If a line p E be drawn parallel to one side Be, of a triangle; the segments of the other sides will be proportional ; a d:DB:: AE: EC. 13 E A D C 7. If two triangles A B C and a be, have two angles and an included side equal, each to each; the remaining parts shall be equal, and the whole triangles equal. 8. If two triangles have all their sides respectively equal : all the angles will be equal, and the wholes equal. 9. Triangles of equal bases and heights are equal. 10. Triangles of the same height, are in proportion to one another as their bases. A F C D + Cor. 1. If the segments be proportional, a n : n B :: AE : E 0 ; then the line D is parallel to the side B Č. Cor. 2. If several lines be drawn parallel to one side of a triangle, all the segments will be proportional. / 1 108 PLANE GEOMETRY: TRIANGLES. 1 Cor. 3. A line drawn parallel to any side of a triangle, cuts off a triangle similar to the whole. A 12. In similar triangles the ho- mologous sides are proportional; A BACDED F. B ·· 1 ----་་ 0 13. Like triangles are in the duplicate ratio, or as the squares of their homologous side. B 14. In a right angled triangle в A C, if a perpendicular be let fall from the right angle upon the hypothenuse, it will divide it into two triangles similar to one another and to the whole, A B D, A D C. Cor. 1. The rectangle of the hypothenuse and either seg- ment is equal to the square of the adjoining side. D C 15. The distance A o of the right angle, from the middle of the hypothenuse is equal to half the hypothenuse. 25. If D be any point in the base of a scalene triangle, A B C : then is A B². DC + A C². B D A D².B C + B C. B D. DC. D E 16. In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides. 17. If the square of one side of a triangle be equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides; then the angle compre- hended by them is a right angle. 18. If an angle A, of a triangle в a c, be bi- sected by a right line a D, which cuts the base ; the segments of the base will be propor- tional to the adjoining sides of the triangle; B A BDD C::AB: A C, B D 19. If the sides be as the segments of the base, the line A D bisects the angle a. Alerts N 20. Three lines drawn from the three angles of a triangle to the middle of the opposite sides, all meet in one point. 21. Three perpendicular lines erected on the middle of the three sides of any triangle, all meet in one point. 22. The point of intersection of the three perpendiculars, will be equally distant from the three angles: or, it will be the centre of the circumscribing circle. D F A 23. Three perpendiculars drawn from the three angles of a triangle, upon the opposite sides, all meet in one point. 24. Three lines bisecting the three angles of a triangle, all mcet in one point. E A с PLANE GEOMETRY: QUADrangles and POLYGONS: 109 SECTION III.-Of Quadrilaterals and Polygons. Definitions. 1. A quadrangle or quadrilateral, is a plane figure bounded by four right lines. A G 2. A parallelogram is a quadrangle whose opposite sides. are parallel, as A G B H. The line A B drawn to the opposite corners is called the diameter or diagonal. And if two lines be drawn parallel to the two sides, through any point of the diagonal; they divide it into several others, and then C, D are called parallelograms about the diameter and E, F the complements: and H the figure EDF a gnomon. 3. A rectangle is a parallelogram whose sides are perpen- dicular to one another. 7. A trapezoid is a quadrangle, having only two sides parallel. E 1 F 4. A square is a rectangle of four equal sides and four equal angles. 5. A rhombus is a parallelogram, whose sides are equal, and angles ob- lique. 6. A rhomboid is a parallelogram, whose sides are unequal and angles oblique. 8. A trapezium is a quadrangle, that has no two sides parallel. 9. A polygon is a plane figure enclosed by many right lines. If all the sides and angles are equal, it is called a regular poly- gon, and denominated according to the num- ber of sides or angles, as a pentagon 5, a hexagon 6, a heptagon 7, &c. D. B W B 16 L 110 PLANE GEOMETRY: QUADRILATERALS AND POLYGONS. 10. The diagonal of a quadrangle or polygon is a line drawn between any two opposite corners of the figure, as A B. 11. The height of a figure is a line drawn from the top per- pendicular to the base, or opposite side on which it stands. 12. Like or similar figures, are those whose several angles are equal to one another, and the sides about the equal angles. proportional. 13. Homologous sides of two like figures are those between two angles, respectively equal. 14. The perimeter or circumference of a figure, is the com- pass of it, or sum of all the lines that enclose it. 15. The internal angles of a figure are those on the inside, made by the lines that bound the figure, A D C B. 16. The external angle of a figure is the angle made by one side of a figure, and the adjoining side drawn out, as в A F. 3. Any line в c passing through the mid- dle of the diagonal of a parallelogram P, divides the arca into two equal parts. 4. ין 5. In any parallelogram A B D C, the com- plements c 1, and I в are equal. A B f A E A H D Prop. 1. In any parallelogram the opposite sides and angles are equal; and the diagonal divides it into two equal triangles. 2. The diagonals of a parallelogram intersect each other in the middle point of both. A B P C B C 19 B 4. Any right line в c drawn through the middle point P of the diagonal of a parallelogram, is bisected in that point; BPP C. (See preceding fig.) G 10 F D P C E 6. Parallelograms of equal bases and heights are equal. 7. A parallelogram is double a triangle of the same, or an equal base and height. 8. Parallelograms of the same height are to one another as their bases. · PLANE GEOMETRY: QUADRILATERALS AND POLYGONS. 111 9. Parallelograms of equal bases are as their heights. 10. Parallelograms are to one another, as their bases and heights. 11. In any parallelogram the sum of the squares of the diagonals is equal to the sum of the squares of all the four sides. 12. The sum of the four internal angles of any quadrilateral figure, is equal to four right angles. 13. If two angles of a quadrangle be right angles, the sum of the other two amounts to two right angles. 14. The sum of all t e internal angles of a polygon is equal to twice as many right angles, abating four, as the polygon has sides. 15. Hence all right-lined figures of the same number of sides, have the sum of all the internal angles equal. 16. The sum of the external angles of any polygon is equal to four right angles. 17. All right-lined figures have the sum of their external angles equal. B S D E 18. In two similar figures a c, PR; if two lines в E, Q T, be drawn after a like manner, as suppose, to make the angle C B E = R Q T ; then these lines have the same proportion, as any two homologous sides of the figure; VİZ. B E : Q T :: B C : Q R :: A B : P Q :: A D : P S. BL 19. All similar figures are to one another as the squares of their homologous sides. 20. Any figure described on the hy- pothenuse of a right-angled triangle, is equal to two similar figures described the same way upon the two sides : B F C ALCA G B. 1) B 21. Any regular figure A B C D E, is equal to a triangle whose base is the perimeter A B C D E A; and height, the perpendicular or, drawn from the centre, perpendicular to one side. 1 A E ( P L APR ין R C D 22. Only three sorts of regular figures can fill up a plane surface, that is, the whole space round an assumed point; and these are six triangles, four squares, and three hexagons. : 1 112 1 PLANE GEOMETRY: CIRCLES, &c. SECTION IV. Of the Circle, and Inscribed and Circum scribed Figures. Definitions. 1. A circle is a plane figure described by a right line moving about a fixed point, as A c about c or it is a figure bounded by one line equidistant from a fixed point. 5. The diameter is a line drawn through the centre, from one side to the other, A D. 2. The centre of a circle is the fixed point about which the line moves, c. 3. The radius is the line that describes the circle, c a. Cor. All the radii of a circle are equal. 8. An arch is any part of the circum- ference A B. 4. The circumference is the line described by the extreme end of the moving line, A B D a. Ꮐ band A O A F B D C -C 10 D) 6. A semicircle is half the circle, cut off by the diameter, as A B D. 7. A quadrant, or quarter of a circle, is the part between two radii perpendicular to one another, as C D E. C B B DE F, or DAB F. 11. A cord, a right line drawn through the circle, as D F. D F E 9. A sector is a part bounded by two radii, and the arch be- tween them, a C B. 10. A segment is a part cut off by a right line, or cord, PLANE GEOMETRY 113 CIRCLES, &c. 12. Angle at the centre is that whose angular point is at the centre A C B. (See the last figure.) 13. Angle at the circumference is when the angular point is in the circumference, as B A D. B C 14. Angle in a segment, is the angle made by two lines drawn from some point of the arch of that segment to the ends of the base; as B C D is an angle in the segment B C D. A 15. Angle upon a segment, is the angle made in the oppo- site segment, whose sides stand upon the base of the first; as BA D, which stands upon the segment B C D. 16. A tangent is a line touching a circle, which produced, does not cut it, as G A F. (Fig. to def. 5.) 17. Circles are said to touch one another, which meet, but do not cut one another. 18. Similar arches, or similar sectors, are those bounded by radii that make the same angle. 19. Similar segments are those which contain similar tri- angles, alike placed. 20. A figure is said to be inscribed in a circle, or a circle circumscribed about a figure, when all the angular points of the figure are in the circumference of the circle. 21. A circle is said to be inscribed in a figure, or a figure circumscribed about a circle, when the circle touches all the sides of the figure. Prop. 1. The radius c R, bisects any cord at right angles, which passes not through the centre, as a B. 22. One figure is inscribed in another, when all the angles of the inscribed figure are in the sides of the other. 1 B R Cor. 1. If a line bisects a cord at right angles, it passes through the centre of the circle. Cor. 2. The radius that bisccts the cord also bisects the arch. 2. In a circle cqual cords are equally distant from the centre. 3. If several lines be drawn through a circle, the greatest is the diameter, and those that are nearer the centre are greater than those that are farther off. L 2 ľ 114 PLANE GEOMETRY CIRCLES, &c. 4. If from any point three equal right lines can be drawn to the circumference; that point is the centre. 5. No circle can cut another in more than two points 6. There can only two equal lines be drawn from any exte- rior point r, to the circumference of a circle. 7. In any circle, if several radii be drawn mak- ing equal angles, the arches and sectors compre- hended thereby will be equal, if ACB=BCD: then, arch A B=arch BD; and sector A C B B CD. 12. In a circle the angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference, standing upon the same arch; BD C 2 BAC. P 1 A 8. In the same or equal circles, the arches, and also the sec- tors, are proportional to the angles intercepted by the radii. 9. The circumferences of circles are to one another as their diameters. 10. A right line, perpendicular to the diameter of a circle, at the extreme point, touches the circle in that point, and lies wholly without the circle. F 11. If two circles touch one another either inwardly or out- wardly, the line passing through their centres shall also pass through the point of contact. D Λ C 15. The angle A B C in a semicircle is a right angle. F 13. All angles in the same segment of a circle are equal, D A C=D B C, and D G C—D H C. B A D D Α C B 1 D F 0 D B G 14. If the extremities of two equal arches D A, B c, be joined by right lines, DC, AB; they will be parallel. A H F G 16. The angle A B G, in a greater segment A B F G, 1s less than a right angle; and the angle A B F, in a.less segment A в F, is greater than a right angle. PLANE GEOMETRY CIRCLES, &c. 115 17. If two lines cut- ting a circle, intersect G one another in a; and H there be made at the cen- tre ECF = BAD; A 19. The angle a = LBH D + HDG, when A is within; or BHD HD G, when a is without the circle. A G B A E 4. F D A 20. In a circle, the angle made at the point of contact between the tangent and any chord, is equal to the angle in the al- ternate segment; E C F = E B C, and E C A =EG C. THE A ; Then arch BD + GH = 2 E F, if A is within the circle; or arch B D G H = 2 E F, if A is without. 18. If from a point without, two lines touch a circle: the angle made by them is equal to the angle at the centre, standing on half the difference, of these two parts of the circumference. 24. In a circle if the diameter A D be drawn, and from the ends of the cords A B, A c, per- pendiculars be drawn upon the diameter; the squares of the chords will be as the seg- ments of the diameter; A E AFA B2 : A C². A E A F B pa 25. If two circles touch one another in P, and the line P DE be drawn through their centres; and any line P A B is drawn through that point to cut the circles, that line will be divided in proportion to the diameters; PAPB PD PE. D H C A P A B II G B D C D B A C 21. A tangent to the middle point of an arch, is parallel to the chord of it. B E 22. If from any point в in a semicircle, a perpendicular в D be let fall upon the diameter, it will be a mean proportional between the segments of the diameter A ADD BD BD C. 23. The chord is a mean proportional between the adjoining segment and the diameter, from the similarity of the triangles: that is, A D AB::AB: AC; and CD:CB.: C B C A. A E D I F بت G F D C B E G B E מ! D 116 PLANE GEOMETRY CIRCLES, &c. 26. If through any point r in the diameter of a circle, any chord cr D be drawn, the rectangle of the segments of the chord is equal to the rectangle of the segments of the diameter; c F. F D — A F. F B = also G F . E FE. 27. If through any point r out of the circle in the diameter в A produced, any line F C D be drawn through the circle: the rectangle of the whole line and the external part is equal to the rectangle of the whole line passing through the centre, and the external part; DF. F C = =AF. F B. Τ F K ľ D A B ← D H O D G B 28. Let H r be a tangent at ; then the rectangle c r. F D = square of the tangent F H. 29. If from the same point r, two tangents be drawn to the circle, they will be equal; r H = F I. с 30. If a line P F c be drawn perpendicular to the diameter A D of a circle, and any line drawn from a to cut the circle and the per- pendicular; then the rec- tangle of the distances of a the sections from a, will be equal to the rectan- gle of the diameter and the distance of the perpendicular from A; ABXAC = APX AD. Also, a в × A C — A K². d 31. In a circle EDF whose centre is c, and radius c E, if the points в A, be so placed in the diameter produced, that c B, C E, CA, be in continual proportion, then two lines û D, A D drawn from these points to any point in the circumfer- ence of the circle will always be in the given ratio of в E, to A E. 32. In a circle, if a perpendicular D B be let fall from any point D, upon the diame- ter c 1, and the tangent Do drawn from D, then a B, a c, a o, will be continually propor- tional. n P B B 0 r D E B C D F C E D P BA G p I P PLANE GEOMETRY 117 CIRCLES, &c. 33. If a triangle B DF be inscribed in a circle, and a perpendicular D P let fall from D on the opposite side B F, and the diameter DA drawn; then, as the perpendicular is to one side including the angle D, so is the other side to the diameter of the circle ; B DPDB:: DF: D A. 34. The rectangle of the sides of an inscribed triangle is equal to the rectangle of the diameter, and the perpendicular on the third side; B D. D F=A D. D p. 35. If a triangle B A C be inscribed in a circle, and the angle A bisected by the right line A E D, then as one side to the segment of the bisccting line, within the triangle, so the whole bisecting line to the other side; A B A E:: AD: AC; and A B . A C=B E . E C+A E³. 36. If a quadrilateral A B C D be in- scribed in a circle, the sum of two oppo- site angles is equal to two right angles; ADC+ABC=two right angles. B E B A 43. If an equilateral triangle A B C be in- scribed in a circle; the square of the side thereof is equal to three times the square of the radius: A B³—3 A D³. A 17 E D с B C 37. If a quadrangle be inscribed in a circle, the rectangle of the diagonals is equal to the sum of the rectangles of the oppo- site sides. P 38. A circle is equal to a triangle whose base is the circum- ference of the circle; and height, its radius. A D 39. The area of a circle is equal to the rectangle of half the circumference and half the diameter. D 40. Circles (that is, their areas) are to one another as the squares of their diameters, or as the squares of the radii, or as the squares of the circumferences. F с 41. Similar polygons inscribed in circles, are to one another as the circles wherein they are inscribed. 42. A circle is to any circumscribed rectilineal figure, as the circle's periphery to the periphery of the figure. E Ꭰ A F 118 PLANE GEOMETRY CIRCLES, &c. 44. A square inscribed in a circle, is equal to twice the square of the radius. 45. The side of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle, is equal to the radius of the circle; B E B C. 46. If two chords in a circle mutually inter- sect at right angles, the sum of the squares of the segments of the chords is equal to the square of the diameter of the circle. A p³ + PB² + P C² + P D²= diam.* RT is the arithmetical mean, RS is the geometrical mean, RV is the harmonical mean. 48. If the arcs P Q, Q R, RS, &c. be equal, and there be drawn the chords P Q, P R, P S, &c. then it will be P Q : P R :: PRP QPS:: PS: PR+PT::PT: rs + P v, &c. 1 47. If the diameter P Q be divided into two parts at any point R, and if R s be drawn perpen- dicular to PQ; also R T applied equal to the radius, and T R produced to the circumference P at v then, between the two segments P R, R Q, Q E P F A R B D G S B IC P C T S R = K V π C Q V W I PLANE GEOMETRY: CIRCLES, &c, 119 1 49. The centre of a circle being o, and P a point in the radius, or in the radius. produced; if the circumference be divided into as many equal parts A B, B C, C D, &c. as there are units in 2 n, and lines be drawn from P to all the points of division; then shall the continual product of all the alternate lines, viz. P A X PC X PE &c. be доог when P is within the circle, or pn when P is xn without the circle; and the product. of the rest of the lines, viz. P B X P D XPF, &c. pn+xn: where r = A o the radius, and x = o p the dis- P tance of p from the centre. P * Ka P 50. A circle may thus be divided into any number of parts that shall be equal to one another both in area and perimeter. Divide the diameter QR into the same number of equal parts at the points s, T, v, &c.; then r, on one side of the diameter describe semi- circles on the diameters Q s, QT, Q v, and on the other side of it describe semicircles on R V, R T, R S; so shall the parts, 1 7, 3 5, 5 3, 7 1, be all equal, both in area and peri- meter. A B K B K P 1 с I S 3 SECTION V.-Of Planes and Solids. 7 C O 5 T LO O H 5 H D D 7 V 3 E G E F R Definitions. 1. The common section of two planes, is the line in which they meet, or cut cach other. 2. A line is perpendicular to a plane, when it is perpendi- cular to every line in that plane which meets it. 3. One plane is perpendicular to another, when every line. of the one, which is perpendicular to the line of their common section, is perpendicular to the other. 120 SOLID GEOMETRY. * 4. The inclination of one plane to another, or the angle they form between them, is the angle contained by two lines, drawn from any point in the common section, and at right angles to the same, one of these lines in each plane. 5. Parallel planes are such as being produced ever so far both ways, will never meet, or which are everywhere at an equal perpendicular distance. 6. A solid angle is that which is made by three or more plane angles, meeting each other in the same point. 7. Similar solids, contained by plane figures, are such as have all their solid angles equal, each to each, and are bounded by the same number of similar planes, alike placed. 8. A prism is a solid whose ends are parallel, equal, and like plane figures, and its sides, connecting those ends, are parallelo- grams. 9. A prism takes particular names according to the figure of its base or ends, whether triangular, square, rectangular, penta- gonal, hexagonal, &c. 10. A right or upright prism, is that which has the planes of the sides perpendicular to the planes of the ends or base. 11. A parallelopiped, or a parallelopipedon, is a prism bounded by six parallelograms, every opposite two of which are equal, alike, and parallel. 12. A rectangular parallelopipedon is that whose bound- ing planes are all rectangles, which are perpendicular to each other 13. A cube is a square prism, being bounded by six equal square sides or faces, which are per- pendicular to each other. Gove 14. A cylinder is a round prism having circles for its ends; and is conceived to be formed by the rota- tion of a right line about the circumferences of two equal and parallel circles, always parallel to the axis. 15. The axis of a cylinder is the right line joining the cen- tres of the two parallel circles about which the figure is de- scribed. SOLID GEOMETRY. 121 16. A Pyramid is a solid whose base is any right- lined plane figure, and its sides triangles, having all their vertices meeting together in a point above the base, called the vertex of the pyramid. 17. Pyramids, like prisms, take particular names from the figure of their base. 18. A cone is a round pyramid having a circular base, and is conceived to be generated by the rota- tion of a right line about the circumference of a circle, one end of which is fixed at a point above the plane of that circle. 19. The axis of a cone is the right line, joining the vertex or fixed point, and the centre of the circle about which the figure is described. K 20. Similar cones and cylinders, are such as have their al- titudes and the diameters of their bases proportional. 21. A sphere is a solid bounded by one curve surface, which is every where equally distant from a certain point within, called the centre. It is conceived to be generated by the rota- tion of a semicircle about its diameter, which remains fixed. 22. The axis of a sphere is the right line about which the semicircle revolves, and the centre is the same as that of the revolving semicircle. 23. The diameter of a sphere is any right line passing through the centre, and terminated both ways by the surface. 24. The altitude of a solid is the perpendicular drawn from the vertex to the opposite side or base. Prop. 1. If any prism be cut by a plane parallel to its base, the section will be equal and like to the base. 2. If a cylinder be cut by a planc parallel to its base, the section will be a circle, equal to the base. 3. All prisms and cylinders, of equal bases and altitudes, are equal to each other. 4. Rectangular parallelopipedons, of equal altitudes, are to each other as their bases. 5. Rectangular parallelopipedons, of equal bases, are to each other as their altitudes. 6. Because, prisms and cylinders are as their altitudes, when their bases are equal: and, as their bases when their altitudes are equal. Therefore, universally, when neither are equal, they are to one another as the product of their bases and alti- tudes hence, also, these products are the proper numeral measures of their quantities or magnitudes. M 122 SOLID GEOMETRY. 7. Similar prisms and cylinders are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or of any like linear dimensions. 8. In any pyramid a section parallel to the base is similar to the base; and these two planes are to each other as the squares of their distances from the vertex. 9. In a cone, any section parallel to the base is a circle; and this section is to the base as the squares of their distances from the vertex. 10. All pyramids and cones, of equal bases and altitudes, are equal to one another. 11. Every pyramid is a third part of a prism of the same base and altitude. 12. If a sphere be cut by a plane, the section will be a circle. 13. Every sphere is two-thirds of its circumscribing cy- linder. 14. A cone hemisphere, and cylinder of the same base and altitude, are to each other as the numbers 1, 2, 3. 15. All spheres are to each other as the cubes of their diame- ters; all these being like parts of their circumscribing cylinders. 16. None but three sorts of regular plane figures joined together can make a solid angle and these are, 3, 4, or 5 triangles, 3 squares, and three pentagons. And therefore there can only be five regular bodies, the py- ramid, cube, octaedron, dodecaedron, and icosaedron. 17. No other but only one sort of the five regular bodies, joined at their angles, can completely fill a solid space; viz. eight cubes. 18. A sphere is to any circumscribing solid B F, (all whose planes touch the sphere); as the surface of the sphere to the surface of the solid. B P D J F E 19. All bodies circumscribing the same sphere, are to one another as their surfaces. 20. The sphere is the greatest or most capacious of all bodies of equal surface. + PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 123 SECTION VI.-Practical Geometry. It is not intended in this place to present a complete collec- tion of Geometrical Problems, but merely a selection of the most useful, epecially in reference to the employments of mechanics and engineers. The instruments well known to be used in geometrical con- structions, are the scale and compasses, the semicircular or the circular protractor, the sector, and a parallel ruler. To these a few other useful instruments may be added, which we shall describe as we proceed; speaking first of the Triangle and Ruler. These are, as their names indicate, a triangle, that is to say, an isosceles right-angled triangle, and a ruler, both made of well seasoned wood, or of ivory, ebony, or metal. Each side A B, A c, of the triangle, about the right angle A, being 3, 4, 6, or 8 inches, according to the magnitude of the figures, in whose construction it is likely to be employed. About the middle of the triangle there should be a circular orifice, as shown A R D C in the figures; and if a t scale of equal parts be placed along each of the three sides, all the better. The ruler may be from 12 to 18 inches in length; and it also may, use- fully, have a scale along one of its sides. The conjoined appli- cation of these instruments is of great utility; as will soon appear. a ď E PROB. I. To bisect a given line. Let a b be the line proposed. Lay the longest side в c of the triangle so as to coincide with a b, and so that its angle B shall coincide with the point a; and along the side B A of the triangle draw a line a d. Then slide the base B C of the triangle along the line a b, until c coincides with b, and draw in coincidence with the side c A, the line b d intersecting the former in d. Next bring the ruler to coincide with a b,and in contact with it lay one of the legs в A of the triangle; then slide the triangle along the ruler, until the other leg A c passes through the point d: draw along a c, so posited, the line di; it will be perpendicular to a b, and will bisect it in i, the point required. b P) 124 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. PROB. 2. Through a given point, c, to draw a line parallel to a given line A B. F E C LX A B A KOMA, WAV Make a Sunday E C me me den an yu qe me . A B A B. Place one of the sides of the triangle in contact with the line Lay the ruler against one of the other sides of the tri- angle; and keeping it steady, slide along the triangle until the same side which had been made to coincide with part of the line A B touches the point c: then, along that side, draw through a the line EF; it will be parallel to A в as required. B PROB. 3. To bisect a given angle: then to bisect its half; and so on C --- D F 1 E B P Let B AP be the proposed angle. Through any point в draw в E parallel to A P (by the former problem). Upon в E set off, with the compasses, from the scale at the edge of the ruler, B C = B A join a c; it will bisect the angle B A P. Again, set off, upon в E, from C, C D C A: join a d; it will bisect CA P, or quadrisect B A P. Again, set off, upon в E, DEDA: join EA; So shall E AP be of BAP and so on. ठ्ठ PROB. 4. To erect a perpendicular at any given point c, in a given line a B. 1st Method. Apply one of the legs, E F, of the triangle, upon the line AB. Lay the side of the ruler H1, against the hypo- thenuse, EG, of the triangle, and, keeping it steady, slide the triangle upwards until the side r & touches the point c. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 125 A Then draw C D in contact with that leg, and it will be the per pendicular required. D C F a p em a man at mak - vna pakar m - II B A A D C E G 2d Method. Apply the hypothenuse, & E, of the triangle to the line AB. Lay the edge of the ruler H I, against the leg G E. Keep it steady, and turn the triangle so that the other leg FE may be laid against the ruler. Then slide the trian- gle upwards until the hypothenuse touches the point c: then in coincidence with it draw c D, and it will be the perpendicu- lar required. Note.-After similar methods may a perpendicular be let fall from a point D above a line A в upon it. H C 3d Method, by a ruler and compasses only: as suppose it were required to cut the end of a plank square. Let A B C D he the plank, of which the end BD is required to be squared. The edge A B being quite straight, open the compasses to any con- venient distance, and place the point of one leg at B, and the other at any point as F. Keep one leg at F, and turn the other round till it touches the edge A B at E; keep them firm, and apply the straight edge to E F, as the figure shows; keep the leg still at F, and turn them over into the posi- tion FG, & being close to the straight edge, and make a mark at G. Now, if the straight edge be applied to & and B, and G B be drawn, it will be square to the edge A B. Note. In this construction it is evident that F is the centre, and E G the diameter of a semicircle that passes through B; con- quently в is a right angle. F E B D FD B 18 M 2 126 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. PROB. 5. To divide a given line A B into any proposed num- ber of equal parts. C 1st Method. Draw any other line a c, forming any angle with the given line AB on which set off as many of any equal parts, A D, D E, E F, r c, as the line A B is to be divided into. Join BC; parallel to which draw the other lines FG, EH, DI: then these will divide A B in the manner as required. A From the centres A and c, with any one ra- dius, describe the arcs DE, F G. Then, with radius DE, and centre F, describe an arc cutting F G in G. Through & draw the line A &; and it will form the angle required. PROB. 7. To find the centre of a circle. 2d Method, without drawing parallel lines. line which is to be divided into n equal parts. extremity a draw any right line A C, upon which set off n + 1 equal parts, the point D being at the termination of the (n+1)th part. Join D B and pro- duce it until the prolongation вE=B D. Let F be the termination of the (n-1)th part. Join F E, and the right line of junction will cut the given line A B in the point r, such that B P= A B; and of course distances equal to в P set off upon в A, will divide it, as required.* N Draw any chord A B, and bisect it perpendicu- larly with the line c p. Then bisect CD in 0, the centre required. D GRA Let A B be the Through one D) C C A IHG B E A PROB. 6. At a given point a, in a given line à в, to make an angle equal to a given angle c. Р A F 1 D C E E B 0 ]) FR 13 * The truth of this method is easily demonstrated. Through r the intermediate point of division, on a c, between r and ¤, draw 1 B. Then, because » в = }} ¢ and » 1 = 1 F, in is parallel to F r. Consequently, BP: DA:: IF : 1 A : : 1 : 1, by construction. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 127 PROB. 8. To describe the circumference of a circle through three given points, A, B, C. From the middle point в draw chords в A, в c, to the other two points, and bisect these chords perpendicularly by lines meeting in o, which will be the centre. Then from the centre o, at the distance of any of the points, as o A, describe a circle, and it will pass through the two other points B, C, as required. A WHummut.co PROB. 9. On a given chord à в to describe an arc of a circle that shall contain any number of degrees; performing the ope- ration without compasses, and without finding the centre of the circle. Jum с Place two rulers, forming an angle A c B, equal to the supple- ment of half the given number of degrees, and fix them in c. Place two pins at the extremities of the given chord, and hold a pencil in c; then move the edges of this in- strument against the pins, and the my הנות A B R tra B pencil will describe the arc required. Suppose it is required to describe an arc of 50 degrees on the given chord A B; subtract 25 degrees (which is half the given angle) from 180, and the difference, 155 degrees, will be the sup- plement. Then form an angle a C B of 155° with the two rulers, and proceed as has been shown above. V с PROB. 10. To describe mechanically the circumference of a circle, through three given points, A, B, C, when the centre is inaccessible; or the circle too large to be described with com- passes. Place two rulers, M N, R s, crossways, touching the three points A B C. Fix them in v by a pin, and by a transverse piece T. M $ Hold a pencil in A, and describe the arc в A C, by moving the angle R A N, so as to keep the outside edges of the rulers against the pins BC. Remove the instru- ment RV N, and on the are described mark two points, D, E, so that their dis- tance shall be equal to the length B C. Apply the edges of the instrument against D E, and with a pencil in a de- scribe the arc в c, which will complete the circumference of the circle required. 2 MM UL 128 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. A Otherwise. Let an axle of 12 or 15 inches long carry two unequal wheels A and B, of which one, A, shall be fixed, while the other, B, shall be susceptible of motion along the axle, and then placed at any assigned distance, A, B upon the paper or plane, on which the circle is to be described. Then will a and в be analogous to the ends of a conic frustrum, the vertex of the complete cone being the centre of the circle which will be described by the rim, or edge, of the wheel î, as it rolls upon the proposed plane. Then, it will be, as the diameter of the wheel A, is to the differ- ence of the diameters of A and B, so is the radius of the circle proposed to be described by A, to the distance A в, at which the two wheels must be asunder, measured upon the plane on which the circle is to be described. B A G The wheel B will evidently describe, simultaneously, another circle, whose radius will be less than that of the former by a B. PROB. 11. To divide any given angle A B C into three equal parts. From B, with any radius, describe the circle ACDA. Bisect the angle ABC by в E, and produce a в to D. On the edge of a ruler mark off the length of the radius A B. Lay the ruler on D, and move it till one of the marks on the edge intersects B E, and the other the arc A c in G. Set off the distance c & from & to F: and draw the lines в F, and B G, they will tri- sect the angle a B c. A B F A E W ZANOHO с Otherwise, by means of Mr. R. Christie's ingenious instru- ment for the mechanical trisection of an angle. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 129 B G mapapalaglagi japan mat Ad E 2. 1. 6 h E & 2 D • ... This instrument may be made either of wood or metal. Fig. 1 represents it applied to, and trisecting the angle H C в, and fig. 2 represents it shut up. The pieces H C, E C, F C, and GC, are all of the same length, and moveable on the joint c. The joints a, b, c, and d, are all equally distant from c. The connecting pieces a e, e b, b h, hc, c i, and i d, are all equal; and the pieces ef, fh, h g, and g i, are equal to each other, but longer than the preceding pieces. Two sockets, ƒ and g, fit, and move up or down on the pieces E c and r c. The pieces are all connected by pivots at the joints, represented by the small letters a, b, c, d, &c., and the connecting pieces fit in between the other when the apparatus is shut. In applying this instrument it is only necessary to lay the centre c on the vertex of the given angle, c G, on one of the sides forming it, and to move H c till it coincides with the other; then each of the angles, H C E, E C F, and F C G, will be a third of the angle H C G. For it is manifest, that the angle н с E can- not be increased without increasing the angle a e b, and that a e b cannot be increased without diminishing the angle bef and the distance fb. But because be is equal to b h,fe to fh, and ƒ b common to the two triangles ƒe b and ƒ h b; the an- gle f h b must be always equal to the angle fe b, and conse- quently b he to a e b; therefore н CE must in all positions of the apparatus, continue equal to E C F. In the same manner it might be shown that the angles E C F and F C G will always con- tinue equal. Hence the angle H C B has been trisected by the straight lines E C and F c. If the instrument had been applied to the angle D C B, it would have taken the position represented by the dotted lines. Jetta Note. It is evident that instruments may be made on the same principle to divide an angle into any other number of equal parts. 130 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 1 PROB. 12. To cut off from a given line A B, supposed to be very short, any proportional part. 3 12' Suppose, for example, it were required to find the 12, 12, &c. of the line A в in the first figure below. From the ends a and û draw A D D C perpendicular to A B. From A to D set off any opening of the compasses 12 times, and the same from B to c. Through the divisions 1, 2, 3, &c. draw lines 1 f, 2 g, &c. parallel to a B. Draw the diagonal a c, and 1 d will be the of A B; 2 c,, and so on. The same method is applica- ble to any other part of a given line. 12 A 2 109 1 2 3 4 Lo A 5 6 d 7 8 9 10 11 12 D B 4- 20 g A G D) 12 RC E H B 2 F = PROB 13. To make a diagonal scale, say of feet, inches, and tenths of an inch. Draw an indefinite line A B, on which set off from A to в the given length for one foot, any required number of times. From the divisions A, C, H, в, draw A D, C E, &c. perpendicular to a b. On A D and B F set off any length ten times; through these di- visions draw lines parallel to a B. Divide A c and D E into 12 equal parts, each of which will be one inch. Draw the lines ▲ 1, G 2, &c. and they will form the scale 1equired; viz. each of the larger divisions from E to 1, 1 to 2, &c. will represent a foot; cach of the twelve divisions between D and E an inch; and the several perpendiculars parallel to R C in the triangle E CR, 7, 1,7%, &c. of an inch. 1 3 Note. If the scale be meant to represent feet, or any other unit, and tenths and hundredths, then D E must be divided into ten instead of twelve equal parts. PROB. 14. Given the side of a regular polygon of any number of sides, to find the radius of the circle in which it may be in- scribed. K Multiply the given side of the polygon by the number which stands opposite the given number of sides in the column enti- tled radius of circum. circle; the product will be the radius required. : PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 131 Thus, suppose the polygon was to be an octagon, and each side 12, then 1.3065628 × 12=15.6687536 would be the radius sought. Take 15.67 as a radius from a diagonal scale, describe a circle, and from the same scale, taking off 12, it may be applied as the side of an octagon in that circle. PROB. 15. Given the radius of a circle to find the side of any regular polygon (sides not exceeding 12) inscribed in it. Multiply the given radius by the number in the column en- titled factors for sides, standing opposite the number of the proposed polygon; the product is the side required. Thus, suppose the radius of the circle to be 5, then 5×1·732051=8.66025, will be the side of the inscribed equila- teral triangle. No. of sides. 3 LO 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 Names. TABLE OF POLYGONS. Trigon Tetragon, or Square Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon Nonagon Decagon Undecagon Dodecagon Multipliers for areas. Radius of circum.cir. 0.4330127 0.5773503 1-732051 1.0000000 0.7071068 1.414214 1.7204774 0.8506508 1.175570 2.5980762 1.0000000 1.000000 3.6339124 1.1523824 0.867767 4.8284271 1.3065628 0-765367 6.1818242 1.4619022 0.684040 7.6942088 1.6180340 0.618034 9.3656399 1.7747324 0.563465 11.1961524 1.9318517 0.517638 PROB. 16. To reduce a rectilinear figure of 6, 7, or more sides, to a triangle of equal area. This is a very useful problem, as it saves much labour in com- putation. Factors for sides. 4 Suppose A B C D E F G to be the proposed space to be reduced to a triangle. Lay a parallel ruler from A to c, and move it until it pass through B, marking the point 1 in which it cuts A G continued. Then lay the ruler through 1 and D, and move it until it pass through c, and mark the point 2 where it Next lay the ruler through 2 and F, move it up till it pass through D, marking the point 3 where it cuts A G continued. Again, lay the ruler through 3 and F, move it up until it pass through E, the point of intersection with G A produced. cuts A G. G 1 A 2 B D F E and mark 4, Lastly, draw 132 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. the right line 4 F; so shall the triangle 4 r & be equal in area to the irregular polygon A B C D E F G. Here в 1 is parallel to A c; so that if c 1 were drawn, the triangle a 1 c would be equal to AC B and by the mechanical process this reduction is effected. In like manner, the other triangles are referred, one by one, to equal triangles, having their bases on G A or its prolongation. Hence the principle of the reduction is obvious. PROB. 17. To reduce a simple rectilinear figure to a similar a one upon either a smaller or a larger scale. Pitch upon a point p any where about the given figure A B C D E, either within it, or without it, or in one side or angle; but near the middle is best. From that point p draw lines through all the angles; upon one of which take p a to r A in the proposed proportion of the scales, or linear dimensions; then draw a b parallel to A в, b c to в c, &c.; so shall a b c d e be the reduced figures sought, either greater or smaller than the original. (Hutton's Mens.) a Otherwise to reduce a Figure by a Scale.-Measure all the sides and diagonals of the figure, as A B C D E, by a scale; and lay down the same measures respectively from another scale, in the proportion required. To reduce a Map, Design, or Figure, by Squares.-Divide the original into a number of little squares, and divide a fresh paper, of the dimensions required, into the same number of other squares, either greater or smaller, as required. This done, in every square of the second figure, draw what is found in the cor- responding square of the first or original figure. The cross lines forming these squares may be drawn with a pencil, and rubbed out again after the work is finished. But a more ready and convenient way, especially when such reduc- tions are often wanted, would be to keep always at hand frames of squares ready made, of several sizes; for by only just laying them down upon the papers, the corresponding parts may be readily copied. These frames may be made of four stiff or in- flexible bars, strung across with horse hairs, or fine catgut. g When figures are rather complex, the reduction to a different scale will be best accomplished by means of such an instrument as Professor Wallace's Eidograph, or by means of a Panto- graph, an instrument which is now considerably improved by simply changing the place of the fulcrum. See the Mechanics' Oracle, part II. page 33. : A B a b E с d C D d STAND PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 133 CHAPTER IV. TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION I-Plane Trigonometry. 1. Plane Trigonometry is that branch of mathematics by which we learn how to determine or compute three of the six parts of a plane, or rectilinear triangle, from the other three, when that is possible. The determination of the mutual relation of the sines, tan- gents, secants, &c. of the sums, differences, multiples, &c. of arcs or angles; or the investigation of the connected formulæ, is, also, usually classed under plane trigonometry. 2. Let A C B be a rectilinear angle: if about c as a centre, with any radius, c A, a circle be described, intersecting c A, C в, in A, B, the arc A B is called the measure of the angle A C B. (See the next figure.) a, ww 3. The circumference of a circle is supposed to be divided or to be divisible into 360 equal parts, called degrees; each de- gree into 60 equal parts, called minutes; each of these into 60 equal parts, called seconds; and so on to the minutest possible subdivisions. Of these, the first is indicated by a small circle, the second by a single accent, the third by a double accent, &c. Thus, 47° 18' 34" 45", denotes 47 degrees, 18 minutes, 34 seconds, and 45 thirds. So many degrees, minutes, seconds, &c. as are contained in any arc, of so many degrees, minutes, seconds, &c. is the angle of which that arc is the measure said to be. Thus, since a quadrant, or quarter of a circle, contains 90 de- grees, and a quadrantal arc is the measure of a right angle, a right angle is said to be one of 90 degrees. 4. The complement of an arc is its difference from a quad- rant; and the complement of an angle is its difference from a right angle. 5. The supplement of an arc is its difference from a semicir- cle, and the supplement of an angle is its difference from two right angles. 6. The sine of an arc is a perpendicular let fall from one ex- tremity upon a diameter passing through the other. ; 19 N 134 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. > 1 7. The versed sine of an arc is that part of the diameter which is intercepted between the foot of the sine and the arc. 8. The tangent of an arc is a right line which touches it in one extremity, and is limited by a right line drawn from the centre of the circle through the other extremity. 9. The secant of an arc is a sloping line which thus limits the tangent. 10. These are also, by way of accommodation, said to be the sine, tangent, &c. of the angle measured by the aforesaid arc, to its determinate radius. 11. The cosine of an arc or angle, is the sine of the comple- ment of that arc or angle: the cotangent of an arc or angle is the tangent of the complement of that arc or angle. The co- versed sine and co-secant are defined similarly. To exemplify these definitions by the annexed diagram let A B be an assumed arc of a circle described with the radius A c, and let ▲ E be a quadrantal arc; let в D be demitted perpen- B dicularly from the extremity в upon the diameter a A'; parallel to it let A T be drawn, and limited by c r: let G B and E м be drawn parallel to a a', the latter being limited by or or cr produced. Then B E is the comple- ment of B A, and angle в C E the com- plement of angle B C A; BE A' is the supplement of B A, and angle B C A' the supplement of в CA; BD is the sine, D A the versed sine, Ar the tangent, c r the secant, & B the cosine, a r the coversed sine, E M the cotangent, and c м the cosecant, of the arc A E, or, by convention, of the angle A C B. Note.-These terms are indicated by obvious contractions : Thus, for sine of the arc A B we use ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto tangent secant versed sine cosine . • cotangent cosecant coversed sine ditto ditto A' T D' B/ E G E с sin A B, tan A B, sec A B, versin A B, B D. T COS A B, cot A B, cosec A B, coversin A B. A F M PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 135 Corollaries from the above Definitions. 12. (A.) Of any arc less than a quadrant, the arc is less than its corresponding tangent: and of any arc whatever, the chord is less than the arc, and the sine less than the chord. (B.) The sine B D of an arc A B, is half the chord B F of the double arc B A F. (c.) An arc and its supplement have the same sine, tangent, and secant. (The two latter, however, are affected by different signs, or —, according as they appertain to marks less or greater than a quadrant.) + (D.) When the arc is evanescent, the sine, tangent, and versed sine, are evanescent also, and the secant becomes equal to the radius, being its minimum limit. As the arc increases from this state, the sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines increase ; thus they continue till the arc becomes equal to a quadrant a E, and then the sine is in its maximum state, being equal to radius, thence called the sine total; the versed sine is also then equal to the radius: and the secant and tangent becoming incapable of mutually limiting each other, are regarded as infinite. (E.) The versed sine of an arc, together with its cosine, are equal to the radius. Thus, A D+B G=A D+DC=A C. (This is not restricted to arcs less than a quadrant.) (F.) The radius, tangent, and secant, constitute a right-angled triangle c A T. The cosine, sine, and radius, constitute another right-angled triangle C D B, similar to the former. So, again, the cotangent, radius, and cosecant, constitute a third right- angled triangle, м E c, similar to both the preceding. Hence, when the sine and radius are known, the cosine is determined by the property of the right-angled triangle. The same may be said of the determination of the secant, from the tangent and radius, &c. &c. &c. (G.) Further, since CD:DB:: C A A T, we see that the tan- gent is a fourth proportional to the cosine, sine and radius. Also, O D C B::CA: CT; that is, the secant is a third pro- portional to the cosine and radius. Again, C GG BCE: EM; that is, the cotangent is a fourth proportional to the sine, cosine, and radius. And B DBC::CE: CM; that is, the cosecant is a third pro- portional to the sine and radius. 136 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. (H.) Thus, employing the usual abbreviations, we should have 2 1. cos= ✔(radº — sin³). 3. sec (rad³ + tan³). = rad X sin 5. tan COS 7. sec rad2 COS 8. cosec= 1. cos= √(1 V(1−sin®). 3. sec= √(1 + tan³). sin 5. tan= COS 1 sin rad2 cot These, when unity is regarded as the radius of the circle, become 1 cot 2. tan= √(sec³ - rad³). 4. cosec= √(rad³+cot³). rad 2 rad X cos sin tan 8. cosec_ rad² sin 6. cot. · 2. tan= ✓✓(sec² 1). 4. cosec =√(1+cot³). 7. sec= 6. cot- COS sin 1 tan Ad 1 COS 13. From these, and other properties, and theorems, mathe- maticians have computed the lengths of the sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines, to an assumed radius, that corres- pond to arcs from one second of a degree, through all the gradations of magnitude, up to a quadrant, or 90°. The results of the computations are arranged in tables called Trigonome- trical Tables for use. The arrangement is generally appro- priated to two distinct kinds of these artificial numbers, classed in their regular order upon pages that face each other. On the left hand pages are placed the sines, tangents, secants, &c. adapted at least to every degree, and minute, in the quad- rant, computed to the radius 1, and expressed decimally. On the right hand pages are placed in succession the corres- ponding logarithms of the numbers that denote the several sines, tangents, &c. on the respective opposite pages. Only, that the necessity of using negative indices in the logarithms may be precluded, they are supposed to be the logarithms of sines, tangents, secants, &c. computed to the radius 10000000000. The numbers thus computed and placed on the successive right hand pages are called logarithmic sines, tangents, &c. The numbers of which these are the logarithms, and which are arranged on the left hand pages, are called natural sines, tan- gents, &c. The tables of Hutton, Galbraith, Ursin, and Young, will serve well for the usual purposes: if very accurate computations occur, in which the sines, tangents, &c. are re- quired to seconds, the tables of Taylor and Bagay may be ad- vantageously consulted. PLANE TRIGONOMÈTRY. 137 II.-General Properties and Mutual Relations. 1. The chord of any arc is a mean proportional between the versed sine of that arc and the diameter of the circle. 2. As radius, to the cosine of any arc; so is twice the sine of that arc, to the sine of double the arc. 3. The secant of any arc is equal to the sum of its tangent, and the tangent of half its complement. 4. The sum of the tangent and secant of any arc, is equal to the tangent of an arc exceeding that by half its complement. Or, the sum of the tangent and secant of an arc is equal to the tangent of 45° plus half the arc. 5. The chord of 60° is equal to the radius of the circle; the versed sine and cosine of 60° are each equal to half the radius, and the secant of 60° is equal to double the radius. 6. The tangent of 45° is equal to the radius. 7. The square of the sine of half any arc or angle is equal to a rectangle under half the radius and the versed sine of the whole; and the square of its cosine, equal to a rectangle under half the radius and the versed sine of the supplement of the whole arc or angle. 8. The rectangle under the radius and the sine of the sum or the difference of two arcs is equal to the sum of the difference of the rectangles under their alternate sines and cosines. 9. The rectangle under the radius and the cosine of the sum or the difference of two arcs, is equal to the difference or the sum of the rectangles under their respective cosines and sines. 10. As the difference or sum of the square of the radius and the rectangle under the tangents of two arcs, is to the square of the radius; so is the sum or difference of their tangents, to the tangent of the sum or difference of the arcs. 11. As the sum of the sincs of two unequal arcs, is to their difference; so is the tangent of half the sum of those two arcs to the tangent of half their difference. 12. Of any thrce equidifferent arcs, it will be as radius, to the cosine of their common difference, so is the sine of the mean arc, to half the sum of the sines of the extremes; and, as radius to the sine of the common difference, so is the cosine of the mean arc to half the difference of the sines of the two extremes. (A.) If the sine of the mean of three equidifferent arcs. + 1 } 1 1 N 2 138 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. dius being unity) be multiplied into twice the cosine of the com- mon difference, and the sine of either extreme be deducted from the product, the remainder will be the sine of the other ex- treme. K (B.) The sine of any arc above 60°, is equal to the sine of ano- ther arc as much below 60°, together with the sine of its excess above 60°. J Remark. From this latter proposition, the sines below 60° being known, those of arcs above 60° are determinable by addi- tion only. 13. In any right-angled triangle, the hypothenuse is to one of the legs, as the radius to the sine of the angle opposite to that leg; and one of the legs is to the other as the radius to the tan- gent of the angle opposite to the latter. 14. In any plane triangle, as one of the sides is to another, so is the sine of the angle opposite to the former to the sine of the angle opposite to the latter. 15. In any plane triangle it will be, as the sum of the sides about the vertical angle is to their difference, so is the tangent of half the sum of the angles at the base, to the tangent of half their difference. 16. In any plane triangle it will be, as the cosine of the dif- ference of the angles at the base, is to the cosine of half their sum, so is the sum of the sides about the vertical angles to the third side. Also, as the sine of half the difference of the angles at the base, is to the sine of half their sum, so is the difference of the sides about the vertical angle to the third side, or base.* 17. In any plane triangle it will be, as the base, to the sum of the two other sides, so is the difference of those sides to the difference of the segments of the base made by a perpendicular let fall from the vertical angle. 18. In any plane triangle it will be, as twice the rectangle under any two sides, is to the difference of the sum of the squares of those two sides and the square of the base, so is the radius to the cosine of the angle contained by the two sides. gles. Cor. When unity is assumed as radius, then if A c, A B, в c, are the sides of a triangle, this prop. gives cos. c = A c²+B C². A B2 and similar expressions for the other an- S 2 CB.CA * These propositions were first given by Thacker in his Mathematical Miscel- luny, published in 1743; their practical utility has been recently shown by Pro- fessor Wallace, in the Edinburgh Philosophical Transactions. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 139 19. As the sum of the tangents of any two unequal angles is to their difference, so is the sine of the sum of those angles to the sine of their difference. " F 20. As the sine of the difference of any two unequal angles is to the difference of their sines, so is the sum of those sines to the sine of the sum of the angles. These and other propositions are the foundation of various for- mulæ, for which the reader who wishes to pursue the inquiry may consult the best treatises on Trigonometry. III.-Solution of the Cases of Plane Triangles. Although the three sides and three angles of a plane triangle, when combined three and three, constitute twenty varieties, yet they furnish only three distinct cases in which separate rules are required. CASE I. When a side and an angle are two of the given parts. The solution may be effected by prop. 14 of the preceding section, wherein it is affirmed that the sides of plane triangles are respectively proportional to the sines of their opposite an- gles. V In practice, if a side be required, begin the proportion with a sine, and say, As the sine of the given angle, To its opposite side; So is the sine of either of the other angles, To its opposite side. If an angle be required, begin the proportion with a side, and say, As one of the given sides, Is to the sine of its opposite angle; So is the other given side, To the sine of its opposite angle. The third angle becomes known by taking the sum of the two former from 180º. Note 1.—Since sines are lines, there can be no impropriety in comparing them with the sides of triangles; and the rule is bet- ter remembered by young mathematicians than when the sines and sides are compared each to each. 140 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. - Note 2.-It is usually, though not always, best to work the proportions in trigonometry by means of the logarithms, taking the logarithm of the first term from the sum of the logarithms of the second and third, to obtain the logarithm of the fourth Or, adding the arithmetical complement of the loga- rithm of the first term to the logarithms of the other two, to obtain that of the fourth. When two sides and the included angle are given, The solution may be effected by means of props. 15 and 16 of the preceding section. Thus: take the given angle from 180°, the remainder will be the sum of the other two angles. CASE II. Then say,-As the sum of the given sides, Is to their difference; So is the tangent of half the sum of the remaining angles, To the tangent of half their difference. Then, secondly, say,-As the cosine of half the said difference, Is to the cosine of half the sum of the angles; So is the sum of the given sides To the third, or required side. Or, As the sine of half the diff. of the angles, Is to the sine of half their sum; So is the difference of the given sides, To the third side. Example. In the triangle A B C are given A C 450, B C = 540, and the included angle c =80°; to find the third side, and the two re- maining angles. Hence, BC+AC BC- AC To So is tan (A + B) So tan (A — B) T Here в C+AC=990, B c — A c=90, 180°— c=100° =A+B. 990 90 50° Log. Log. = Log. A 6° 11' Log. B 2.9956352 1.9542425 10.0761865 9.0347938 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 141 64 } B) Cos (A Cos (A + B) So is B C+AC 6° 11' Log.=9.9974660 50° Log.=9.8080675 990 Log.=2·9956352 640.08 Log.=2·8062367 Also (A+B) + (A — B) B) = 56° 11′ =^; and ½ (A + B) B. ½ (A — B) = 43° 49′ 2 Here, much time will be saved in the work by taking cos (A+B) from the tables, at the same time with tan (A+B); and cos ½ (A — B) as soon as tan ½ (A —— B) is found. Observe, also, that the log. of в C+A c is the same in the second opera- tion as in the first. Thus the tables need only be opened in five places for both operations. To A B Another Solution to Case II. Supposing c to be the given angle, and c A, c в, the given sides; then the third side may be found by this theorem, viz. 2 2 A в= √(A c²+в c³ 2 A C. C B. Cos c). Thus, taking a c=450, в c=540, c=80°, its cos ·1736482 A B= √(450°+540°-2.450. 540 x 1736482) • = √[90° (5°+62-2.5.6 x 1736482)] = 9050-58118-90 × 7·112=640.08, as before. p CASE III. 10. When the three sides of a plane triangle are given, to find the angles. 1st Method. Assume the longest of the three sides as base, then say, conformably with prop. 16, As the base, To the sum of the two other sides; So is the difference of those sides, Gl * To the difference of the segments of the base. Half the base added to the said difference gives the greater segment, and made less by it gives the less; and thus, by means of the perpendicular from the vertical angle, divides the original triangle into two, cach of which falls under the first case. 2d Method. Find any one of the angles by means of prop. 18 of the preceding section; and the remaining angles either by a repetition of the same rule, or by the relation of sides to the sines of their opposite angles. 20 I * 142 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Thus, cos c= and cos a J N A C²+B C² 2 AC 2 BA²+A C² 2 • A B³ B C 2 AB. AC G ; B C² COS B: Right-angled Plane Triangles. 1. Right-angled triangles may, as well as others, be solved by means of the rule to the respective case under which any spe- cified example falls and it will then be found, since a right an- gle is always one of the data, that the rule usually becomes simplified in its application. Ga A B²+B C 2. When two of the sides are given, the third may be found by means of the property in Plane Geom. Triangles, prop. 16. 2 A B.B C Hypoth. (base + perp.) Base (hyp. perp.) Perp. (hyp.+perp.). (hyp. - perp.) ✓(hyp."— basc")=(hyp.+base).. (hyp.- base.) 3. There is another method for right angled triangles, known by the phrase making any side radius; which is this. A C Is to the given side; So is the name of the required side, To the required side.” Is to radius; So is the other given side, To the name of that side, 拳 ​"To find a side.-Call any one of the sides radius, and write upon it the word radius; observe whether the other sides be- come sines, tangents, or secants, and write those words upon them accordingly. Call the word written upon each side the name of each side then say, As the name of the given side, which determines the opposite angle." "To find an angle.-Call either of the given sides radius, and write upon it the word radius; observe whether the other sides becomes sines, tangents, or sccants, and write those words on them accordingly. Call the word written upon each side the name of that side. Then say, I As the side made radius, 1 4. When the numbers which measure the sides of the tri- angle are either under 12, or resolvable into factors which are each less than 12, the solution may be obtained, conformably } 1 1 1. HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. with this rule, easier without logarithms than with them. For, 2. с Let A B C be a right angled triangle, in which A в, the base, is assumed to be radius; B C is the tangent of A, and a c its secant, to that radius; or di- viding each of these by the base, we shall have the tangent and sccant of A, respec- tively, to radius 1. Tracing.in like manner the consequences of assuming в c, and a c, each for radius, we shall readily obtain these expressions. perp. base base perp. hyp. 3. sec angle at base. base tan angle at base. tan angle at vertex. 4. hyp. perp. 5. 143 A C B sec angle at vertex. sin angle at base. perp. hyp. base 6. =sin angle at vertex. hyp. } SECTION II.-On the Heights and Distances of Objects. The instruments employed to measure angles are quadrants, sextants, theodolites, &c., the use of either of which may be sooner learnt from an examination of the instruments them- selves than from any description independently of them. For military men and for civil engineers, a good pocket sextant, and an accurate micrometer (such as Cavallo's) attached to a telescope, are highly useful. For measuring small distances, as bases, 50 feet and 100 feet chains, and a portable box of gra- duated tape will be necessary. We shall here present a selection of such examples as are most likely to occur. EXAMPLE I. In order to find the distance between two trees A and в, which could not be directly measured because of a pool which occupied much of the intermediate space, I measured the distance of each of them from a third object c, viz. Ac=588, B c=672, and then at the point c took the angle A c в between the two trees-55° 40'. Required their distance. This is an example to case 2 of plane triangles, in which two sides, and the included angle, are given. The work, therefore, may exercise the student: the answer is 593-8. # 144 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. * 1 EXAMPLE II. Wanting to know the distance between two inaccessible ob- jects, which lay in a direct line from the bottom of a tower on whose top I stood, I took the angles of depression of the two objects, viz. of the most remote 25½º, of the nearest 57°. What is the distance between them, the height of the tower being 120 feet? The figure being constructed, as in the margin, A B=120 feet, the altitude of the tower, and AI the horizontal line drawn through its top; there are given, H A D=25° 30', hence в A D=B A H HA C 57° 0', hence B A C =B A H difference multiplied by height P A 13 Thus, nat. tan 642°-2.0965436 nat. tan 33° 0.6494076 EXAMPLE III. B Hence the following calculation, by means of the natural tan- gents. For, if A в be regarded as radius, B D and B C will be the tangents of the respective angles B A D, B A C, and o p the dif- ference of those tangents. It is, therefore, equal to the product of the difference of the natural tangents of those angles into the height A B. I H A D 64° 30'. H A C= 33° 0'. 1.4471360 120 gives distance o D 173.6563200 • deur selecýne di AMO SE ALLE DANS SA 1 st to ma ma se on key Sk HI C D) Standing at a measurable distance on a horizontal plane, from the bottom of a tower, I took the angle of elevation of the top; it is required from thence to determine the height of the tower. In this case there would be given A B and the angle a (see the figure in Right-angled Triangles), to find в O=A в×tan A. By logarithms, when the numbers are large, it will be, log. Bo=log. A B+log. tan A. ; 145 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 1 Note. If angle A=11° 19' then в C= A=16 42 B C= B C= B C BC= B C B C B C: 34&1 A=21 48- A=26 34 A=30 58 A=35 0 A=38 40 A=45° 1 ·5 3 10 2k-lampa← Hence, A в= 5 93 •8433752 5 7 10 1 5 AB very nearly. A B A B A B A B A B A B A B, exactly. To save the time of computation, therefore, the observer may set the instrument to one of these angles, and advance or re- cede, till it accords with the angle of elevation of the object; its height above the horizontal level of the observer's eye will at once be known, by taking the appropriate fraction of the distance A B. EXAMPLE IV. Wanting to know the height of a church steeple, to the bot- tom of which I could not measure on account of a high wall be- tween me and the church, I fixed upon two stations at the dis- tance of 93 feet from each other, on a horizontal line from the bottom of the steeple, and at each of them took the angle of elevation of the top of the steeple, that is, at the nearest station 55° 54', at the other 33° 20'. Required the height of the steeple. Recurring to the figure of Example II., we have given the distance c D, and the angles of clevation at c and D. The quickest operation is by means of the natural tangents, and the C D theorem A B cot D cot c Thus cot D=cot 33° 20'—1·5204261 cot c=cot 55 54 *6770509 Their difference 8433752 =110.27 feet. EXAMPLE V. Wishing to know the height of an obelisk standing at the top of a regularly sloping hill, I first measured from its bottom a distance of 36 feet, and there found the angle formed by O 146 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. the inclined plane and a line from the centre of the instrument to the top of the obelisk 41°; but after measuring on downward in the same sloping direction 54 feet farther, I found the angle formed in like manner to be only 23° 45'. What was the height of the obelisk, and what the angle made by the sloping ground with the horizon ? + The figure being constructed as in the margin, there are given in the triangle A c в, all the angles and the side A B, to find B C. It will be obtained by this pro- portion, as sin c (=17° 15'-B — A) : A B (=54) :: sin a (=23° 45') : B c=73·3392. Then, in the triangle D B C are known в c as above, B D — 36, C B D 41°; to find the other angles, and the side c D. Thus, first, as c B+ B D : C B BD: tan (D+c) (139°): tan (D-c)=-42° 24'. Hence 69° 30′ + 42° 24′ 112° 54' 42° 24' 26° 5½': BC D. Then, sin B C D 51.86, height of the obelisk. : 1 The angle of inclination D A EH DA C D B 22° 54'. - P P EXAMPLE VI. II Cap de 10. 1 A B = с C D B, and 69° 30' B Remark.-If the line в D cannot be measured, then the angle DA E of the sloping ground must be taken, as well as the angles CAB and C B D. In that case D A E +90° will be equal to C D B: so that, after C B is found from the triangle A. C B, C D may be found in the triangle c B D, by means of the relation between sides and the sines of their opposite angles. B. D B D :: sin C B D C D с 90° E Being on a horizontal plane, and wanting to ascertain the height of a tower standing on the top of an inaccessible hill, I took the angle of elevation of the top of the hill 40°, and of the top of the tower 51°, then measuring in a direct line 180 feet farther from the hill, I took in the same vertical plane the angle of elevation of the top of the tower 33° 45'. Required from hence the height of the tower. A C B The figure being constructed, as in the mar- gin, there are given a в=180, c A B=33° 45', CBE CAÈ = 17° 15', C B D 11°,BDC=180°-(90° - DB E)=130°. And CD may be found from the expression c D rad¹ = = AB Sin A sin C B D cosec A C B Sec D B E. A D C při tak D HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 147 Or, using the logarithms, it will be log. A B+log sin a+log sin B+log cosec AC B+log sec D B E 40 (in the index) = log CD; in the case proposed=log. of 83.9983 feet. } 1 } EXAMPLE VII. In order to determine the distance between two inaccessible objects E and w on a horizontal plane, we measured a convenient basc AB of 536 yards, and at the extremities A and B took the fol- lowing angles, viz. в A w=40° 16', w A E=57° 40′, a b e=42° 22', E B W=71° 7′. Required the distance ɛ w. Y First, in the triangle A B E are given all the angles, and the side A в to find в E. So, again, in the triangle A B w, are all given the angles, and A B to find в w. Lastly, in the triangle B E W are given the two sides E B, B W, and the in- cluded angle E B W to find E w=939.52 yards. E A B Remark.-In like manner the distances taken two and two, between any number of remote objects posited round a conve- nient station line, may be ascertained. b W EXAMPLE VIII. Suppose that in carrying on an extensive survey, the distance between two spires A and B has been found equal to 6594 yards, and that c and D are two eminences conveniently situated for extending the triangles, but not ad- A mitting of the determination of their distance by actual admeasurement: to ascertain it, there- fore, we took at c and D the following angles, viz. SACB=85° 46' A D C=31° 48′ B C D=23° 56' ZAD B=68° 2' Required c D from, these data. In order to solve this problem, construct a similar quadrilate- ral a c d b, assuming c d equal to 1, 10, or any other convenient number: compute Ab from the given angles, according to the method of the preceding example. Then, since the quadrilate- rals a c d b, A C D B, are similar, it will be, as Ab:cd::AB: CD; and c n is found = 4694 yards. ď B D 148 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. EXAMPLE IX. Given the angles of elevation of any distant object, taken at three places in a horizontal right line, which does not pass through the point directly below the object; and the respective distances between the stations; to find the height of the object, and its distance from either station. Let A EC be the horizontal plane, F E the perpendicular height of the object above that plane, A, B, C, the three places of obser- vation, F A E, F BE, F C E, the angles of ele- vation, and ▲ B, B C, the given distances. Then, since the triangles a ¤ F, B E F, C E F, are all right angled at E, the distances A E, B E, CE, will mani- festly be as the cotangents of the angles of elevation at A, B, and c. Put A B=D, B c=d, E r = x, and then express algebraically the theorem given in Geom. Triangles, 25, which in this case becomes, XC A A ȳ . È ¢ + С È³ . A B — B E³ . A CAC. AB. BC. CE B The resulting equation is d x² cot³ A+D x³ cot² c=(D+d) x² cot² в+(D+d) D d. From which is readily found. (D+d) Dd d cot A+D cot³ c Ja papag Ea E St (D+d) cot² B' Thus Er becoming known, the distances A E, B E, C E, are found, by multiplying the cotangents of A, B, and c, respective- ly, by E F. Remark.-When D=d, or D+d=2 D=2 d, that is, when the point в is midway between A and c, the algebraic expression becomes, 2 x=d÷√(2 cot A+ ½ cot c 2 cot B), which is tolerably well suited for logarithmic computation. The rule may, in that case, be thus expressed. Double the log. cotangents of the angles of elevation of the extreme stations, find the natural numbers answering thereto, and take half their sum; from which subtract the natural num- ber answering to twice the log. cotangent of the middle angle. of elevation then half the log. of this remainder subtracted from the log. of the measure distanced between the first and second, or the second and third stations, will be the log. of the height of the object. The distance from either station will be found as above. HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 149 Note. The case explained in this example, is one that is highly useful, and of frequent occurrence. An analogous one is when the angles of elevation of a remote object are taken from the three angles of a triangle on a horizontal plane, the sides of that triangle being known, or measurable: but the above admits of a simpler computation, and may usually be employed. Add EXAMPLE X. From a convenient station P, where could be seen three ob- jects, A, B, and c, whose distances from each other were known (viz. A B = 800, a c = 600, в C B = 400 yards), I took the hori- zontal angles a p c = 33° 45', B P c = 22° 30'. It is hence re- quired to determine the respective distances of my station from each object. Here it will be necessary, as preparatory to the computation, to describe the manner of C Construction.-Draw the given triangle A B C from any con- venient scale. From the point a draw a line AD to make with A B an angle equal to 22° 30', and from в a line в D to make an angle DBA 33° 45'. Let a circle be described to pass through their intersection D, and through the points A and B. Through c and D draw a right line to meet the circle again in P: so shall be the point required. For, drawing r A, P B, the angle A PD is evidently A B D, Since it stands on the same are A D and for a like reason в P D = B A D. So that is the point where the angles have the assigned. value. B A + P B The result of a careful construction of this kind, upon a good sized scale, will give the values of P A, P C, P B, true to within the 200th part of each. Manner of Computation.—In the triangle A B c, where the sides are known, find the angles. In the triangle a в D, where all the angles are known, and the sides A B, find one of the other sides a D. Take в A D from в A C, the remainder, D A C is the angle included between two known sides, a D, A c ; from which the angles A D C and A c n may be found, by chap. iii. The angles c A P 180° - (APC+AC n). Also, A B C + case 2. BCP BCA A CD and P BCA BCP BA 1 BOP BA sup. A D C. Hence, the three required distances are found by these proportions. As sin A PO: AC:: Sin PAC: PC, and :: sin 21 0 2 150 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. } 7 PCA: PA; and lastly, as sin BPC: BC:: sin B PC: B P. The results of the computation are, P A = 709.33, p c = 1042·66, P B 934 yards. **The computation of problems of this kind, however, may be a little shortened by means of an analytical investi- gation. Those who wish to pursue this department of trigo- nometry may consult the treatises by Bonnycastle, Gregory, and Woodhouse. Note. If c had been nearer to P than A B, the general prin- ciples of construction and computation would be the same; and the modification in the process very obvious. II. Determination of Heights and Distances by approxi- mate Mechanical Methods. 1. For Heights. 1. By shadows, when the sun shines.-Set up vertically a staff of known length, and measure the length of its shadow upon a horizontal or other plane; measure also the length of the shadow of the object whose height is required. Then it will be, as the length of the shadow of the staff, is to the length of the staff itself; so is the length of the shadow of the object, to the object's height. R 2. By two rods or staves set up vertically.-Let two staves, one, say, of 6 fect, the other of 4 fect long, be placed upon horizontal circular or square feet, on which each may stand steadily. Let A в be the object, as a tower or steeple, whose altitude is required, and A c the horizontal plane passing through its basc. Let CD and E F, the two rods, be placed with their bases in one and the same line o A, passing through a the foot of the object; and let them be moved ncarer to, or farther from, each other, until the summit в of the object is seen, in the same line as D and r, the tops of the rods. B D F HE CASE THE NEED THE TE Tae y te jagter truma te turul algaetong si » et à 10 WE 10.ma • man se CE II Q A HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 151 1 CD, Then by the principle of similar triangles, it will be, as D H (=CE): FH:: DG (: G (= C A) : CA): BG; to which add A G for the whole height A B. 3. By Reflection.-Place a vessel of water upon the ground, and recede from it, until you see the top of the object reflected from the smooth surface of the liquid. Then, since by a prin- ciple in optics, the angles of incidence and reflection are equal, it will be as your distance measured horizontally from the point at which the reflection is made, is to the height of your eye above the reflecting surface; so is the horizontal distance of the foot of the object from the vessel to its altitude above the said surface.* 4. By means of a portable barometer and thermometer. Observe the altitude B of the mercurial column, in inches, tenths, and hundredths, at the bottom of the hill, or other object whose altitude is required; observe, also, the altitude, b, of the mercu- rial column at the top of the object; observe the tempera- tures on Fahrenheit's thermometer, at the times of the two barometrical observations, and take the mean between them. B b Then 55000 × B+ b perature of 55° on Fahrenheit. Add of this result for every degree which the mean temperature exceeds 55°; subtract as much for every degree below 55°. height of the hill, in feet, for the tem- This will be a good approximation when the height of the hill is below 2000; and it is easily remembered, because 55°, the assumed temperature, agree with 55, the effective figures in the coefficient; while the effective figures in the denominator of the correcting fraction are two fours. ***Where great accuracy is required logarithmic rules be- come necessary, of which various are exhibited in treatises on Pneumatics. The following, by the Rev. W. Galbraith, of Edinburgh, is a very excellent approximation. For Fahrenheit's thermometer. H {48 48400+60 (b + ¿') } λ + h (0.00268 +0.00268 cos 2 in which B b B + b S 440 - {2.42 + 1 + 1' 300 } (^__^") T + 0.00000005 h) is the true height in feet, t the temperature of the * Leonard Digges, in his curious work the Pantometria, published in 1571, first proposed a method for the determination of altitudes by means of a geometri- cal squaro and plummet, which has been described by various later authors, as Ozanam, Donn, Hutton, &c. But as it does not seem proferable to the methods above given, I have not repeated it here. 152 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. } air by detached thermometer at the lower station, t that at the upper; the temperature of the mercury in the barome- ter at the lower station by the attached thermometer, ' that at the upper; B the height of the mercury in the barometer at the lower station, b that at the upper, h the height, and the latitude. 5. By an extension of the principle of pa. 145.-Set the sextant, or other instrument, to the angle of 45°, and find the point c (pa. 144.) on the horizontal plane, where the object A в has that elevation: then set the instrument to 26° 34', and recede from c, in direction в c n, till the object has that elevation. The distance c D between the two stations will be = A B So, again, if c 40°, D 24° 31', CD will be = A B. 35°, D = 22° 23', C D 20°, D = 20° 6', C D or, if c = if c A B. A B. A B. or, or, if o 14° 56', C D cot c = o rad. c D A B. 20°, D or, generally, if cot d 6. For deviation from level.-Let E represent the elevation of the tangent line to the earth above the true level, in feet and parts of a foot, D the distance in miles: then E = 232 D². D2 This gives 8 inches for a distance of one mile; and is a near approximation when the distance does not exceed 2 or 3 miles. K 2. For Distances. 1. By means of a rhombus set off upon a horizontal plane. Suppose o the object and o в the required distance. With a line or measuring tape, whose length is equal to the side of the intended rhombus, say 50 or 100 feet, lay down one side BA in the direction в o towards the object, and B c another side in any convenient direction (for whether в be a right angle, or not, is of no consequence); and put up ruds or arrows at a and c. Then fasten two ends of two such lines at A and c, and extend them until the two other ends just meet together at D; let them lie thus stretched upon the ground,, and they will form the two other sides of the rhombus A D, C D. Fix a mark or arrow at R, directly between c and o, upon the line A D; and measure RD, RA upon the tape. Then it will be as R D : D C : : C B : B 0, the required distance. B 7 / A R D HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. 153 1 Otherwise. To find the length of the inaccessible line Q R. At some convenient point в, lay down the rhombus BAD C, so that two of its sides B A, B C, are directed to the ex- tremities of the line Q R. Mark the intersections o and P, of A R, CQ, with the sides of the rhombus, (as in the former me- thod) then the triangle o D P will be similar to the triangle RBQ; and the inaccessible dis- tance R Q will be found OP X BA2 OD X D P Thus, if B A = B C, &c. = 100 f. o d = 11 f. 10 in. o P 13 f. 7 in. then Q R = 1219 feet. * For P D:DA::AB: BR = A and o D:0 P:: BRR a = either cotangle subtended or h× cot angle A B2 2 · 2. By means of a micrometer attached to a telescope. Portable instruments for the purpose of measuring extremely small angles, have been invented by Martin, Cavallo, Dollond, Brewster, and others. In employing them for the determina- tion of distances, all that is necessary in the practice is to measure the angle subtended by an object of known dimen- sions, placed either vertically or horizontally, at the remoter extremity of the line whose length we wish to ascertain. Thus, if there be a house, or other erection, built with bricks, of the usual size; then four courses in height are equal to a foot, and four in length equal to a yard: and distances measured by means of these will be tolerably accurate, if care be taken with regard to the angle subtended by the horizontal object, to stand directly in front of it. A man, a carriage wheel, a win- dow, a door, &c. at the remoter extremity of the distance we wish to ascertain, may serve for an approximation. But in all cases where it is possible, let a foot, a yard, or a six-feet measure, be placed vertically, at one end of the line to be measured, while the observer with his micrometer stands at the other. Then if h be the height of the object, D 9 f. 5 in., D P — 10000 × 137 12 P D A B 2.0 P B 9-5 X × 11101020 12 OD.DP P • с R 154 HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. will give the distance, according as the eye of the observer is horizontally opposite to the middle, or to one extremity of the object whose angle is taken. When a table of natural tangents is not at hand, a very ncar approximation for all angles less than half a degree, and a tole- rably near one up to angles of a degree, will be furnished by the following rules. 1. If the distant object whose angle is taken be 1 foot in length, then 3437.73÷the angle in minutes or 206264the angle in seconds will give the distance in feet. 2. If the remote object be 3, 6, 9, &c. feet in length, multiply the former result by 3, 6, 9, &c. respectively. Ex. 1. What is the distance of a man 6 feet high, when he subtends an angle of 30 seconds? 206264 × 6 ÷ 30 2062645 41252.8 feet 13750·9 * yards, the distance required. Ex. 2. In order to ascertain the length of a street, I put up a foot measure at one end of it, and standing at the other found that measure to subtend an angle of 2 minutes required the length of the street. 3437.73 572.95 yards. 2 = 1718.86 feet 2 3. By means of the velocity of sound. Let a gun be fired at the remoter extremity of the required distance, and observe by means of a chronometer that measures tenths of seconds, the interval that elapses between the flash and the report then estimate the distance for one second by the following rule, and multiply that distance by the observed interval of time; the product will give the whole distance required. At the temperature of freezing, 33°, the velocity of sound is 1100 feet per second. ply Jam I For lower temperatures deduct For higher temperatures add From the 1100 for every degree of difference from 33° on to the 1100 Fahr. therm.; the result will show the velocity of sound, very ncarly, at all such temperatures. Thus, at the temperature of 50°, the velocity of sound is, 1 1100 × 2 (50 33) = 1108 feet. At temperature 60°, it is 1100 + ½ (60 — 33) —1113 feet. - } } half a foot, CONIC SECTIONS. 155 CHAPTER V. CONIC SECTIONS. 1. Conic Sections are the figures made by a plane cutting a cone. 2. According to the different positions of the cutting plane there arise five different figures or sections, viz. a triangle, a circle, an ellipsis, an hyperbola, and a parabola : of which the three last are peculiarly called Conic Sections. 3. If the cutting plane pass through the vertex of the cone, and any part of the base, the section will be a triangle. 4. If the plane cut the cone parallel to the base, or make no angle with it, the section will be a circle. 5. The section is an ellipse when the cone is cut obliquely through both sides, or when the plane is inclined to the base in a less angle than the side of the cone is. 6. The section is a parabola, when the cone is cut by a plane parallel to the side, or when the cutting plane and the side of the cone make cqual angles with the base. 7. The section is an hyperbola, when the cutting plane makes a greater angle with the base than the side of the cone makes. 8. And if all the sides of the cone be continued through the vertex, forming an opposite equal cone, and the plane be also continued to cut the opposite cone, this latter section will be the opposite hyperbola to the former. 9. The vertices of any section are the points where the cutting plane meets the opposite sides of the cone, or the sides of the vertical triangular section; as A and B, in the figs. below. Hence the ellipse and the opposite hyperbolas have cach two vertices; but the parabola only one; unless we consider the other as at an infinite distance. 10. The major axis, or transverse diameter, of a conic section, is the line or distance A B between the vertices. Hence the axis of a parabola is infinite in length, a b being only a part of it. 156 Hyperbolas. F H M D *Яi B L R K/A C E I G A Ellipse. N G MH I F L CONIC SECTIONS. E N Parabolas. AK N I b M E 11. The centre c is the middle of the axis. Hence the centre of a parabola is infinitely distant from the vertex. And of an ellipse, the axis and centre lie within the curve: but of an hyperbola, without. 12. A diameter is any right line, as A B or D E, drawn through the centre, and terminated on each side by the curve ; and the extremities of the diameter, or its intersections with the curve, are its vertices. Hence all the diameters of a parabola are parallel to the axis, and infinite in length. Hence also every diameter of the ellipse and hyperbola has two vertices; but of the para- bola only one; unless we consider the other as at an infinite distance. 13. The conjugate to any diameter is the line drawn through the centre, and parallel to the tangent of the curve at the vertex of the diameter. So, F G, parallel to the tangent at D, is the conjugate to D E; and н 1, parallel to the tangent at A, is the conjugate to A b. Hence the conjugate H1, of the axis A в, is perpendicular to it, and is often called the minor axis. 14. An ordinate to any diameter is a line parallel to its conjugate, or to the tangent at its vertex, and terminated by the diameter and curve. So DK and E L are ordinates to the axis A B; and м N and N o ordinates to the diameter D C.-Hence the ordinates of the axes are perpendicular to it ; but of other diameters, the ordinates are oblique to them. 15. An absciss is a part of any diameter, contained between its vertex and an ordinate to it; as a K or в к, and D N or e n. Hence, in the ellipse and hyperbola, every ordinate has two ab- scisses; but in the parabola only one; the other vertex of the diameter being infinitely distant. 16. The parameter of any diameter is a third proportional to that diameter and its conjugate. 17. The focus is the point in the axis where the ordinate is equal to half the parameter as K and L, where DK or EL is 1 } < CONIC SECTIONS. 157 } equal to the semiparameter.-Hence the ellipse and hyperbola have each two foci, but the parabola only one. The foci, or burning points, were so called, because all rays are united or re- flected into one of them, which proceed from the other focus, and are reflected from the curve. 18. The directrix is a line drawn perpendicular to the axis of a conic section, through an assignable point in the prolon- gation of that axis; such that lines drawn from that directrix parallel to the axis to meet the curve, shall be to lines drawn from the points of intersection to the focus, in a constant ratio B D2 K N3 s s' E' E D C² + ED. BC. ED. B C E B DC w T 1. If in the annexed diagram the ellipse B KD N, be cut from the frustrum of the right cone, the diameter of whose ends are E D, B C. Then, if в D be the transverse, or major axis, K N the con- jugate, or minor axis, and s, s', the foci, we shall have • A for the same curve. Thus, if EM: MF:: E' M': M' F, then TE'E is the directrix. The curve will be a parabola, an ellipse, or an hyperbola, according as F M is equal to, less than, or greater than, M E. SECTION I.-Properties of the Ellipse. 19. An asymptote is a right line towards which a certain. curve line approaches continually nearer and nearer, yet so as never to meet, except both be produced indefinitely. The hyperbola has two asymptotes. 2. If a в, a b, be the two axes, c the- centre, F, ƒ, the foci, P any point in the curve, P D, an ordinate: also, if a B = 2 t, a b 2 c c d = x', a d x', A D = x, d p V, F P ≈, angle P F D = 4, ✔ (1º c³) ping, M/ F F (1) (2) (3) A M P C E K H p a F D C S' D W B G B 22 P 158 CONIC SECTIONS: ELLIPSE. % y³ . (I) (II) (III) 1 The first of these is the equation of the curve when the abscissæ are reckoned from the extremity a of the transverse axis the second is the equation when the abscissæ are reckoned from the centre c: and the third is called the polar equation, and is principally used in the investigations of astronomy. 12, A D = 4. Required the y³ Z to Co C² to ޑރ) ބރ Ex. Suppose A B = numeral value of P D. Here y² C3 to 36 100 (2 t x K 1-d t d cos p • (2 t x 64= Consequently y = - x²) (1º x¹³) x's) 20, a b x²) 62.8⁹ 102 6 x 8 10 4.8 P D. Or, taking Equa. II. where c D = x' = 10 − 4 — 6. and t and c as before we have • 36 ya 100 3. In the same figure, we have A c³: α c²:: A D DB: D P².. also FP+Pf: A B (5); and Fƒ³ 2 36 100 • (100 36) 4. Let T K be a tangent to the ellipse at any point к, and let T be the point where that tangent meets the prolonga- tion of the axis: let also F H, fh be perpendiculas from the foci, F, f, upon the tangent, and let GH FH: then ((20 × 4) — 16) Start T 6º.83 103 = A B³ A G H " as before. (4) à b³ . . . . (6) F D h h ƒ K • B } LFPT (7) CD: CA :: CA: C T.... (8) LƒPK.... CT H and h fall in circumf. of circle whose diam. is A B If m be in the middle of p p, then am produced will meet the two tangents T K, B K, in their point of intersection K (10.) (9) G 1 CONIC SECTIONS: ELLIPSE. 159 2 If D the foot of the ordinate pass through F the focus, then the point, r, of intersection of the tangent and the prolonga- tion of the axis will be the point r of the directrix (Def. 18) .... (11.) FP (12) F H²=c b² · Fr fr FH. ƒ h=c b² (13) 5. If an ordinate be drawn to any diameter of an ellipse, then will the rectangle of the abscissæ be to the square of the ordinate in a given ratio. ratio..... (14) • 6. All the parallelograms that may be circumscribed about an ellipse are equal to one another and every such parallelogram is equal to the rectangle of the two axes ..(15) 7. The sum of the squares of every pair of conjugate diame- ters is equal to the same constant quantity; viz. the sum of the squares of the two axes.. (16) 8. Def. The radius of curvature of a conic section or other curve is the radius of that circle which is precisely of the same curvature as the curve itself, at any assigned point, or the radius of the circle which fits the curve, and coincides with it, at a small distance on each side of the point of contact. The cir- cle itself is called the osculatory circle, or the equicurve circle; and if the curve be of incessantly varying curvature, each point has a distinct equicurve circle, the radius of which is perpen- dicular to the tangent at the point of contact. P - 9. Let p c be the radius of curvature at any point p in an el- lipse or hyperbola whose major axis is A B, minor axis a b, and (P F P r f ) 23/3 • foci, r, f, then is P c = (17) A B. a b The radius of curvature is greatest at the extremities of the minor axis, when it is (18) A B² u b The radius of curvature is least at the extremities of the a ba major axis, when it is = (19) A B 133 10. PROB. To construct an ellipse whose two axes are given. Find the distance r f, from the value of rf, given in cqua. 6, or from F = √A B a b³. Then, let a fine thread, FPF, in length=/+A B, be put round two pins fixed at the points r,ƒ: then, if a pencil be put within the cord, and the whole become tightened so as to make three right lines F P, A F P C k P B 160 CONIC SECTIONS: ELLIPSE. Pf, f F, the point P may be carried on, the cord slipping round the fixed pins F, f, so as to describe and complete the ellipse A Pрвb A. Otherwise.-Let there be provided three rulers, of which the two F 1, ƒ H, are of the same length as the transverse axis A B, and the third H 1, equal in length to rf, the focal distance. Then connecting these rulers so as to move freely about F f, and about H 1, their intersection P will always be in the curve of the ellipse: so that, if there be slits running along the two rulers, and the apparatus turned freely about the foci, a pencil put through the slits at their point of intersection will describe the curve. B S HI A A * ** There are various other methods, as by the elliptic com- passes, the trammels, &c. But the first of the above methods is as accurate and easy as can well be desired. с 11. PROB. To find the two axes of any proposed ellipse. Draw any two parallel lines across the ellipse, as м L, F K : bi- sect them in the points I and D, through which draw the right line N I DO, and bisect it in c. From o as a centre, with any adequate radius, describe an arch of a circle to cut the ellipse in the points G, 1. Join G, H, and parallel to the line G H draw through o the minor axis a b; perpendicular to which through c draw A B, it will be the major axis. 12. PROB. From any given point out of an ellipse to draw a tangent to it. curve. Μ' Let r be the given point, through it and the centre c draw the diameter A B; and parallel to it any line HI terminated by the Bisect H 1 in o : and c o produced will be the conjugate to a B.— Draw any line T S≈T B, and make TRT c. Draw R A, and parallel to it s p cutting a B in P. Through P, draw Pм pa- rallel to c D, and join т м, it will be the tangent required. M N R H 1) Stack F P 1 A F G C B b L A K B ન CONIC SECTIONS: HYPERBOLA. 161 1 1. If, in the annexed diagram, the conjugate hyperbolas whose vertices are D, в, are cut from the two opposite right cones whose common summit is v, and в C, D E, be the diameters of the two circular bases of the two cones; then D B, KN, being the axes, and s, s', the foci, we shall have SECTION II.-Properties of the Hyperbola. ==== A a D B² K N2 s s' D C curves. 2. Hence, putting a C = C B t, a c = c b y, angle P F D = 4 ADX, CD = Y, x', D P c2 = B D C² DE. B C E B = D C If these three properties be compared with the corres- ponding ones for the ellipse, they will be found to agree, of the con- with the simple difference of the signs necting quantities in the first property. This at once indi- catos a general analogy between the properties of the two and P 32 C, CF = d, 9, ≈ = F P, we have (I) t²) . . . . . (II) 02 (III) t + d cos for the three most useful forms of the equation to the hyper- bola, agreeing with those to the hyperbola, except in the signs. P 3. And hence it follows, taking this and the preceding marginal figures to correspond with those in arts. 3 and 4 Ellipse; that the properties indicated by the parenthe- tical figures (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), and (16), hold in the hyperbola; simply chang- ing + to in (5), to + in (6), circumscribed to inscribed between the four hyperbolas in (15), and sum to difference in (16). Those properties, therefore, need not be here repcated. D X Y ² F Z DE.BC.. 11 12 212 N D S · (2¹2 12 (2 t x + x²) B (1) (2) (3) A S 71 V C K M E T B F D p/ P 2 162 CONIC SECTIONS: HYPERBOLA. 4. Besides the above, however, there are several curious properties which relate to the asymptotes of the hyperbola; some of the most useful being these: viz. м c, m c, being asymptotes, PD p a double ordinate, в H, P F, parallel to cm ; &c. = ba B 7. To describe Hyperbolas. H K k • D C K A D X * M Copy p m B parallelogram c H B K = parallelogram c FPG - parallelogram cfp g M P. Pp =mp.pr P. p P = C B³ = C B³ (18) ; . . M P = triangle CPT triangle c в K (20) former diagram. 5. Also, if the abscissæ c D, C E, c F, &c. of any hyperbola, be taken on one of the asymptotes in an increasing geometri- cal progression, the ordinates D B, E G, FH, &c. parallel to the other asymp- tote are in decreasing geometrical progression, having the same ratio.. (21). L K B D C P 772 (17) (19) II C D E P 6. And, when the distances c E, C F, &c. are in geometrical progression, the asymptotic spaces D E G B, D F H B, &c. will be in arithmeti- cal progression, and will, therefore, be analogous to the loga- rithms of the former. The nature of the system of logarithms will depend upon the value of the angle made by the two asymptotes. In Napier's logarithms L cr is a right angle: in the common logarithms L C r is 25° 44' 27'1. ་ A Let one end of a long ruler fм o be fastened at the point f by a pin on a plane, so as to turn freely about that point as a centre. Then take a thread r м o, shorter than the ruler, and CONIC SECTIONS: PARABOLA. 163 A fix one end of it in r, and the other to the end o of the ruler. Then if the ruler ƒ M o be turned about the fixed point ƒ, at the same time keeping the thread o M F always tight, and its part м o close to the side of the ruler, by means of the pin м; the curve line A x described by the motion of the pin м is one part of an hyperbola. And if the ruler be turned, and move on the other side of the fixed point F, the other part A z of the same hyperbola may be described after the same manner. But if the end of the ruler be fixed in F, and that of the thread in f, the opposite hyperbola x az may be de- scribed. Otherwise also by continued motion. Let c and r be the two foci, and E and к the two vertices of the hyper- bola. (See the last fig. above.) Take three rulers, c D, D G, G F, so that C D G F = G F E K, and D G C F; the rulers CD and G F being of an indefinite length beyond c and &, and having slits in them for a pin to move in; and the rulers having holes in them at c and F, to fasten them to the foci c and F by means of pins, and at the points D and & they are to be joined by the ruler D G. Then, if a pin be put in the slits, viz. at the common intersection of the rulers c D and Gr, and moved along, causing the two rulers & F, c D, to turn about the foci c and F, that pin will describe the portion E e of an hyperbola. SECTION III.-Properties of the Parabola. G 1. Let the right cone A B C in the mar- ginal figure, have a parabolic section, L D G, whose focus is F, vertex D, basc L &; from D let fall the perpendicular DP upon the side A B of the cone; let Er be bisected in s: also, let a plane be cut through s paral- lel to в c, and continued to meet the plane of the parabola, in R X. D F= 4AE I G² 4 ED 2 E P = 4 D F = parameter CSP D F= A N Then.... R x is the directrix of the parabola... (1) E D³ (2) · (3) R · (4) · X C J 164 CONIC SECTIONS: PARABOLA. 2. Let p = parameter of a parabola, x = A P any absciss, y=P K, the corresponding ordinate, z=F F K, d = A F, angle K F P, F being the focus: then Φ y³ = p x Z Kata 2 d 1 = cos the equations to the parabola : in the latter of which, or the polar equation, the sign obtains when p is between A and F, and when p is below F. • (I) (II). Rad. of curvature at K = A PAQ P L²: Q Nº, or :: maraton Jan where A P and A Q are any ponding ordinates. A F F K A PAF, F M A Q + A F 2 F H DH and DH As p: QN+P L:: Q N or, as p: MOON: 0 L PLAQ 4. Again, let PT be the tangent to a parabola at any point P, and let HPD be drawn through r parallel to the axis A K; let P K be let P K be perpen- dicular to T P then is G T the subtan- gent, P K the normal, & K the subnor- mal; and the following properties ob- tain: viz. E' E' E GEE M dria Magda K parameter - AP (4 x + p)³ 2 √p (III) ż p (IV) at the vertex, A x vanishes, and we have rad. of curv. at vertex 10 3. In the same figure, where E" E' GE is the directrix, the following properties obtain: viz. A F =AG, F D = DE, E K = K E', F M A P P L2 D P } H A Q Q NⓇ abscissæ, and P L, Q N, their corres- M E', &c. (5) · (6) angle FPT = angle FTP = angle T P n. angle K P H = angle K Pr FPT T (12) T B GAAT A A F F G P K Q H · L • . (10) (11) (13) 2 A G (14) subtangent & T subnormal & K=2 A F≈ param. a constant quan. (15) (7) (8) (9) " N D L CONIC SECTIONS: PARABOLA. 165 5. In the marginal figure also, where c Q is a tangent to the parabola at the point c, and I ¤, 0 м, Q L, &c. parallel to the axis A d. the external parts I E, T A, 0 N, P L, are proportional to c 12, c r, co, c p³, or to the squares c K³, C D³, C M³, c L³, C C Then I EEK:: CK: KL. (16) and a similar property obtains, whether OL be perpendicular or oblique to T D. The external parts of the parallels I E, T A, O N, P L, &c. are always proportional to the squares of their intercepted parts of the tangent; that is, B G' D/ T 0' E A K D M' F (17) And as this property is common to every position of the tangent, if the lines I E, T A, O N, &c. be appended to the points I, T, o, &c. of the tangent, and moveable about them, and of such lengths that their extremities E, A, N, &c. be in the curve of a parabola in any one position of the tangent; then making the tangent revolve about the point c, the extremities E, A, N, &c. will always form the curve of some parabola, in every position of the tangent. The conte The same properties, too, that have been shown of the axis, and its abscisses and ordinates, &c. are true of those of any other diameter. A 6. PROB. To construct a Parabola. Construct an isosceles triangle A B D, whose base A B shall be the same as that of the proposed parabola, and its altitude cp twice the altitude cy of the parabola. Divide each side A D, D B, into 10, 12, 16, or 20, equal parts [16 is a good number, because it can be obtained by conti- nual bisections], and suppose them numbered 1, 2, 3, &c. from A to D, and 1, 2, 3, &c. from Then draw right lines 1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3; 4, 4; &c. and their mutual intersection will beautifully approximate to the curve of the parabola A V B. Otherwise: by continued motion.-Let the ruler, or direc- D to B. C trix в c, be laid upon a plane with the square a Do, in such manner that one of its sides p G lies along the edge of that ruler; and if the thread r M o cqual in length to do, the other side of the square have one end fixed in the extremity of the ruler at 1 A M 0 ~ a s M D G L 5 7 C Z B 23 166 CONIC SECTIONS: PARABOLA. 1 o, and the other end in some point r: then slide the side of the square D G along the ruler в c, and at the same time keep the thread continually tight by means of the pin м, with its part м o close to the side of the square D o; so shall the curve A м x, which the pin describes by this motion, be one part of a parabola. And if the square be turned over, and moved on the other side of the fixed point F, the other part of the same parabola A M Z will be described. 7. PROB. Any right line being given in a parabola, to find the corresponding diameter : also, the axis, parameter, and focus. Draw н I parallel to the given line D E. and &, through which draw a o g for the diameter. Draw HR perp. to A G and bisect it in в; and draw v в parallel to a G, for the axis. B; Make V BH BH B: parameter to the axis. Then H Bisect D E, H 1, in o A V D DE G с II F B I the parameter set from v to F gives the focus. 8. PROB. To draw a Tangent to a Parabola. If the point of contact c be given, draw the ordinate c в, and produce the axis until a î AB: then join T c, which will be the tangent. Or if the point be given in the axis produced: take A B A T, and draw the ordinate в c, which will give c the point of contact; to which draw the line r c as before. 1 If D be any other point, neither in the curve nor in the axis produced, through which the tan- gent is to pass: draw D E G perpen- dicular to the axis, and take o н a mean proportional between D E and DG, and draw Ho parallel to the axis; so shall cbe the point of contact, through which and the given point. D the tangent D C T is to be drawn. When the tangent is to make a given angle with the ordi- nate at the point of contact: take the absciss ▲ 1 equal to half the parameter, or to double the focal distance, and draw the ordinate 1 E: also draw A H to make with a 1 the angle AHI equal to the given angle; then draw H c parallel to the axis, and it will cut the curve in c the point of contact, where a line drawn to make the given angle with c в will be the tangent required. E A Ꮮ B R G CONIC SECTIONS: JOINTS OF VOUSSOIRS. 167 } SECTION IV.-General Application to Architecture. PROB. 1. To find, by construction, the position of the joints of the voussoirs, to a parabolic arch. In the practice of arcuation, the voussoirs or arch-stones are so cut that their joints are perpendicular to the arch or to its tangent, at the points where they respect- ively fall. Hence, if A v в be the proposed parabola, P, r', r", &c. the points at which the positions of the joints are to be deter- mined draw the ordinates P M, P' M', p'' m', and on the prolongation of the axis set off v T=V M, V т'—V M', v т"=V M", T': &c. Join T P, T' P', T" P', &c. and per- pendicular to them respectively the lines r o, p'o', r" o", &c. ; they will determine the positions of the joints required. V Q/ Q/ p/ 011 pl ין 0/ olf O/ MA PROB. 2. To find the same for an elliptical arch. Let A B be the span of the arch, and A P P P B the arch itself, of which F and ƒ are the foci. Draw lines F P, fr, from the foci to each of the points P: bisect the respective angles r r f, FP' f, FP" f, by the lines r o, p' o', P"o"; they will show the positions of the joints at the points. P, P', P". A F ग O P m C P p m' mu à 2 => PROB. 3. To find the same for a cycloidal arch.* Let A V в be the cycloid, c p v q its generating circle, and P, P', r'', points in the V T arch where joints will fall. Draw the ordi- nates rm, r'm', r'm", each parallel to the base AB of the cycloid, and cutting the circle. in the points p, p', p". Join v p, v p', v p", and perpendicular to cach the lines po, p' o', p" o"; parallel to each of which respectively draw ro, P'o', p" o"; they will mark the positions of the joints at the several points proposed. A T ૧ M M M" Pl Oll ***KA SI B B * This problem is introduced here, as belonging to the subject of arcuation although it depends upon a property of the cycloid described hereafter, viz. that the tangent to any point r of a cycloid is parallel to the corresponding chord vp of the generating circle. % 168 CURVES.: CONCHOID. 1 1 ↓ Q L E A knowledge of which is required by Architects and Engineers. 10 Conchoid, or Conchiles, is the name given to a curve by its inventor, Nicomedes, about 200 years before the Christian era. D D DI F AB The conchoid is thus constructed: A P and в D being two lines intersecting at right angles: from P draw a number of other lines, PFDE, &c. on which take always D E = D F or BC; so shall the curve line drawn through all the points E, E, E, be the first conchoid, or that of Nicomedes; and the curve drawn through all the other points, F, F, F, is called the second conchoid; though, in reality, they are both but parts of the same curve, having the same pole r, and four infinite legs, to which the line D B D is a common asymptote. # A CHAPTER VI. G SECTION I.-The Conchoid. CURVES, F E B /D/D ľ } E HD E The inventor, Nicomedes, contrived an instrument for de- scribing his conchoid by a mechanical motion: thus, in the ruler DD is a channel or groove cut, so that a smooth nail firmly fixed in the movcable ruler o A, in the point o, may slide freely within it into the ruler a P is fixed another nail at r, for the moveable ruler A P to slide upon. If therefore the ruler A P be so moved as that the nail d passes along the canal D the style, or point in a, will describe the first conchoid. CURVES: CISSOID. 169 Conchoids of all possible varieties may also be constructed with great facility by Mr. Jopling's apparatus for curves, now well known. Let A B B C D E=D F=ɑ, P в=b, B G=E н=x, and & E =BH=y: then the equation to the first conchoid will be x² (b+x)² + x² y²=a² (b+x)², or x¹+2 bx³ + b² x² + x² y³ a² b² + 2 a² b x + a²x²; and, changing only the sign of x, as being negative in the other curve, the equation to the 2d con- choid will be x³ (b — x)² + x² y³ a³ x)³, or x¹ 2 b x³ + b² x² + x² y³ 2 (6 = a² b² 2 a² b x + a³ x³. Of the whole conchoid, expressed by these two equations, or rather one equation only, with different signs, there are three cases or species as first, when B C is less. than B P, the conchoid will be as in the 2d fig. above; when B C is equal to в P, the conchoid will be as in the 3d fig.; and when B c is greater than в г, the conchoid will be as in the 4th or last fig. B ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Newton approves of the use of the conchoid for trisecting angles, or finding two mean proportionals, or for constructing other solid problems. But the principal modern use of this curve, and of the apparatus by which it is constructed, is to sketch the contour of the section that shall represent the dimi- nution of columns in architecture. * The fixed point p is called the pole of the conchoid; D D D D the directrix: it is an asymptote to both the superior and the inferior conchoid. In the last figure the inferior conchoid is also nodated. } SECTION II.-The Cissoid or Cyssoid. The cissoid is a curve invented by an ancient Greek geome- ter and engineer named Diocles, for the purpose of finding two continued mean proportionals between two given lines. This curve admits of an easy mechanical construction; and is de- scribed very beautifully by means of Mr. Jopling's apparatus. } At the extremity в of the diameter A B, of a given circle A o Bo, erect the indefinite perpendicular e в E, and from the Q 170 CYCLOID. CURVES: 1 ļ Į 1 " other extremity A draw any number of right lines, A C, A D, A E, &c. cutting the circle in the points R, O, м, &c. ; then, if c L be taken=A R, DO—A 0, E N=A M, &c., the curve passing through the points, A, L, O, N, &c. will be the cissoid. A t ก m Q P A M 0 d' C B C I 1. Here the circle A O B o is called the generating circle; and A B is called the axis of the curves A Lo N, &c. Al on, &c. which meet in a cusp at A, and, passing through the middle points o, o, of the two semicircles, tend continually towards the directrix, e в E, which is their common asymptote. 2. If A o and A o are quadrants, the curve passes through o and o, or it bisects each semicircle. E R 3. Letting fall perpendiculars L P, R Q, from any correspond- ing points LR then is A P=B Q, and a L=C R. 2 4. APPB:: P L²; A P². So that, if the diameter A B of the circle a, the absciss A Px, the ordinate P L = y; then is x: a x:: y³: x², or x³—(a—x) y³, which is the equation to the curve. 5. The right line e B E is an asymptote to the curve. 6. Arch A м of the circle=arch в R, and arch a m=в r. N 7. The whole infinitely long cissoidal space, contained be- tween the asymptote e в E and the curves N O L A, &C. A LON, &c. is equal to three times the area of the generating circle A O BO. SECTION III.-The Cycloid. The cycloid, or trochoid, is an elegant mechanical curve first noticed by Descartes, and an account of it was published by Mersenne in 1615. It is, in fact, the curve described by a nail in the rim of a carriage-wheel while it makes one revolution on a flat horizontal plane. F D V OOQ E F 1 } { CURVES: CYCLOID. 1. Thus, if a circle E P F, keeping always in the same plane, be made to roll along the right line A B, until a fixed point P, in its circumference, which at first touched the line at A, touches it again after a complete revolution at B; the curve A P V P B de- scribed by the motion of the point P is called a cycloid. 2. The circle & r F is called the generating circle; and the right line a B, on which it revolves, is called the base of the cycloid. Also, the right line, or diameter, c v, of the circle, which bi- sects the base A B at right angles, is called the axis of the cycloid; and the point v where it meets the curve, is the vertex of the cycloid. 3. If P be a point in the fixed diameter AF produced, and the circle A E F be made to roll along the line A в as before, so that the point A, which first touches it at one extremity, shall touch it again at в, the curve P v P, described by the point P, is called the curtate cycloid. W 4. And, if the point p be any where in the un- produced diameter A P, and the circle A E F be made to roll along A B from A to в; the curve Pvr is, in that case, called the inflected or prolate cycloid. The following are the chief properties of the common cy- cloid. 1. The circular arc v E = the line & between the circle and cycloid, parallel to a B. 2. The semicircumf. v E C= -the semibase c B. 3. The arc v G=2, the corres- ponding chord v ɛ. 4. The semicycloidal are v G B=2 diam. v c. E L A Р E A F A P A G' V C E' с 5. The tangent T & is parallel to the chord v E. 6. The radius of curvature at y= 2 c v. T V D с P B 171 E B P B 7. The area of the cycloid A V B C A is triple the circle o EV; and consequently that circle and the spaces v EC BG, VE' CAG', are equal to one another, C { > 172 CURVES: QUADRATRIX. I 8. A body falls through any arc L K of a cycloid reversed, : in the same time, whether that arc be great or small; that is, from any point L, to the lowest point x, which is the vertex re- versed and that time is to the time of falling perpendicularly through the axis м K, as the se- micircumference of a circle is to its diameter, or as 3.141593 to 2. And hence it follows that if 1 / } N 10 S M a pendulum be made to vibrate in the arc L K N of a cycloid, all the vibrations will be performed in the same time. 9. The evolute of a cycloid is another equal cycloid, so that if two equal semicycloids o r, o Q, be joined at o, so that o м be =M K the diameter of the generating circle, and the string of a pendulum hung up at o, having its length OP; then, by plying the string round the curve o P, to which it is equal, if the ball be let go, it will describe, and vibrate in the other cycloid P K Q; where o P=Q K, and o Q=P K. 10. The cycloid is the curve of swiftest descent or a heavy body will fall from one given point to another, by the way of the arc of a cycloid passing through those two points, in a less time, than by any other route. Hence this curve is at once in- teresting to men of science and to practical mechanics. M K L = 10 X O the curve SECTION IV.-The Quadratrix. The quadratrix is a species of curve by means of which the quadrature of the circle and other curves is determined mechani- cally. For the quadrature of the circle, curves of this class were invented by Dinostrates and Tschirnhausen, and for that of the hyperbola by Mr. Perks. We shall simply describe in in this place the quadratrix of Tschirnhausen ; and that in or- der to show its use in the division of an arc or angle. Th ↓ CURVES: QUADRATRIX. 173 To construct this quadratrix, divide the quadrantal arc A B A into any number of equal parts, A N, Nn, n n', nв; and the radius A c into the same number of equal parts a P, P p, p p', p' c. Draw radii c N, cn, &c. to the points of di- vision upon the arc; and let lines P м, p m, &c. drawn perpendicularly to A c from the several points of division upon it, meet the radii in`м, m, m', &c. respectively. The curve A м m m'n that passes through the points of intersection M, m, &c. is the quadratrix of Tschirnhausen. The figure AC Dm'm м A thus constructed may be cut out from a thin plate of brass, horn, or pasteboard, and employed in the division of a circular arc. 1 24 1 } 1 Q 2 D с E n K B n M D I Thus, suppose the arc I L or the angle IK L is to be divided into five equal parts. Apply the side A B of the quadratrix upon IK, the point в corresponding with the angle K. Draw a line along the curve a s, cutting K L in F. Remove the instrument, and from r let fall the perpendicular F E upon I K. Divide E I into five equal parts by prob. 5, Practical Geometry, and through the points of division draw c м, D N, &c. parallel to E F. Then from their intersections, M, N, O, P, draw the lines K M, K N, K O, K P, and they will divide the angle I K L into five equal parts, as required. Ι Note 1.-If, instead of dividing the arc into equal parts, it were proposed to divide it into a certain number of parts having given ratios to cach other; it would only be necessary to di- vide EI into parts having the given ratio, and procced in other respects as above. Note 2.-If the arc or angle to be divided exceed 90 degrees, bisect it, divide that bisected arc or angle into the proposed number of parts, and take two of them for one of the required divisions of the whole arc. m N I M 1 1 Z ◄ f A E A P L 1 174 CURVES CATENARY. 1 ✩ SECTION V.-The Catenary, and its application. The catenary is a mechanical curve, being that which is as- sumed by a chain or cord of uniform substance and texture, when it is hung upon two points or pins of suspension (whether those points be in a horizontal plane or not), and left to adjust itself in equilibrio in a vertical plane. This curve is of great interest to practical men on account of its connexion with bridges of suspension, or chain bridges. Its consideration cannot, therefore, with propriety be omitted, although it involves mechanical propositions which will be announced subsequently. B Ang B, Let A, B, be the points of suspension of such a cord, a a cb в the cord itself when hanging at rest in a vertical position. Then the two equal and symmetrical portions A a c, cb в, both ex- posed to the force of gravity upon every particle, balance each other precisely at c. And, if one half, as c b в, were taken away, the other half, A a c, would immediately adjust itself in the vertical position under the point A were it not prevented. Sup- pose it to be prevented by a force acting horizontally at c, and equal to the weight of a portion of the cord or chain equal in length to cm; then is c м the measure of the tension at the ver- tex of the curve; it is also regarded as the parameter of the catenary. Whether the portion A a c hang from A, or a shorter portion, as a c, hang from a, the tension at c is evidently the same for in the latter case the resistance of the pin at a, ac- complishes the same as the tension of the line at a when the whole a a c hangs from a. d, Let the line c м which measures the tension at the vertex be =p, let c d=x, a d=d b=y, c a = c b=z, C D. = h, A B c a λ = c b B= 7. Then 22 X A a ก C 1 Y b B M *This may casily be determined experimentally, by letting the cord hang very freely over a pulley at c, and lengthening or shortening the portion there suspend- ed, until it keeps A a c in its due position; thon is the portion so hanging beyond the pulley equal in length to c M. i ; CURVES: CATENARY. 175 7 1. y=px hyp. log. log. p + x + z p d ι X p× hyp. log. p (sec s p + x + √2 px + x² p (45°+s). 2. If the angle s of suspension made between the tangent to the curve at A or B, and the horizon be 45°; then d: 1 :: 1 : 1.1346. 3. When 7 = 2 d, then h ·7966 d, and s = 77° 3'. 4. When the angle s of suspension is 56° 28', then p, x, y, and ≈, are as 1, 0.81, 1.1995, and 1-5089 respectively. In this case 1, the tension, at the point of suspension, is a minimum with respect to y. 7. The radius of curvature is rad curv.=p. 8. When s and p are given; then z=p tan s t 1) COS S P M log. tan (45° + ½ s). and y 9. When s and z, or - cot s... 5. Generally tan S M L tans. Where M = 2.30255851, Napier's logarithm of 10. log. tan s + log. (log. cot & s 2 ι d Or, log. 10) + 3622157 10. This last formula serving to compute an approximative result. 6. The distance of the 2 z, from the vertex = centre of gravity of the whole curve ру (x + P_Y — p.) ½ Z z + p my p 1 t p ≈ x = z cosec s versin s X (p+x) 2 p p sec s. p versin s t2 =px hyp. p м log. tan p are given: then COsec s : this at the vertex Y = M≈ cot s log, tan (45° + s). 10. When s and y are given: then p=y M log. tan (45° + & s). t=yм cos s log. tan (45° + ½ s) =y tan sм log. tan (45°+ s) x=y versin s÷M cos s log, tan (45° + ♣ s). 176 1 d CURVES CATENARY. 11. When x and y are given; then log. tan (45° s) Y sec s versin s Ꮇ Ꮖ from which s may be found by an approximative process; also x sin s X X p t versin s versin s sec s in all these cases t is determined in length of chain or cord of which the catenary is actually constructed. 1 ; } 12. To draw the catenary mechanically.-If the dis- tance A B between the points of suspension, and the depth p c of the lowermost point, be given (see the preceding figure), hang one extremity of a fine uniform chain or cord at one of the points A, and, letting the chain or cord adjust itself as a festoon in a vertical plane, lengthen or shorten it as it is held near the other end, over a pin at B, until, when at rest, it just reaches the point c; so shall the cord form the cate- nary; and a pencil passing along the cord, from ▲ by a, c, b, to B, will mark the curve upon a vertical board brought into con- tact with it. 14. With reference to the practical uses of the catenary, we may now blend the geometrical and the mechanical consideration of its properties. Taking any portion cb of the catenary, from the lowest point o; its weight may be regarded as supported by tensions act- ing in the tangential directions c N, b N. The strains at c and b may be conceived as acting at the point of intersection N; | one curve 13. All catenaries that make equal angles with their ordi- nates at their points of suspension are similar, and have x to y a constant ratio and of any two which do not make equal angles, but have x to y in different ratios, a portion may be cut from similar to the other. Thus, let A c B. and A'C' B', be the two curves, of which a'C' B' is the flattest. Suppose them placed upon one axis D C c', and the tangent r's', to the lower curve at B', the point of suspen- sion to be drawn. Then, parallel to r's draw another line T s to touch the other curve in b. Through b draw ba parallel to B'A'. So shall the portion acb of the upper catenary be similar to the lower cate- nary A'c' B'. A T t A A' D d O C/ D ' D' () G ル ​b S' N B T B' T' B kkkkk R CURVES: CATENARY. 177 above which, therefore, in the vertical direction N &, the weight of the portion c b may be conceived to act at its centre of gra- vity G. Hence, strain at c: weight of c b:: sin & N b: sin b N C G :: Cos N R sin b N R :: radius : tan 6 N R :: radius : tan d b N } Hence, the horizontal tension at c being constant, the weight, and consequently the length of any portion c b of the uniform chain must be proportional to the tangent of the inclination of the catenary to the horizon at the extremity b of the said portion. This may be regarded as the characteristic property of the calenary. 15. In like manner, F hor. strain at c : oblique strain at b :: sin b N G : sin c N G :: cos b N R : radius rad sec N R. Therefore, the strain exerted tangentially, at any point b, is proportional to the secant of the inclination at that point. Also, from (14) and (15) tang. strain at 6: weight of в b c :: sec db N: tan d b N. These properties evidently accord with the preceding equa- tions. I 16. Let, then, c o, in the axis produced downwards, be equal to the parameter or the measure of the horizontal strain at c ; and upon o as a centre, with radius c o describe a circle. A tan- gent d drawn to this circle from d, will be parallel to the tan- gent Nh of the curve at the point b to which db is the ordi- nate. That tangent d t (to the circle) will also be equal in length to the corresponding portion b'c of the curve while the tension at b will be expressed by a length of the chain equal to the secant o d. So again, if D T be a tangent, to the circle drawn from D, it will be equal in length to в b c, and parallel to the tangent to the catenary at B; while the secant op will measure the oblique tension at B; evidently exceed- ing the constant horizontal tension or strain at c, by the ab- sciss c D. 17. When the parameter of the catenary, or the line which measures the tension at the lowest point, is equal to the depres- sion Dc; if cach of these be supposed equal to 1, then A B = 2-6339, the length of chain A C B = 34641; the strain at the points of suspension A and B will each be 2, that at the lowest point being 1; and the chain at A and B will make an angle of 60° with the horizon. 18. If the strain at c be equal to the weight of the chain, and cach denoted by 1: then a B •96242, p c = •1180340, I 178 CURVES: CATENARY. the tension at A or B 1.118, the angle of suspension at those points nearly 26° 34'; the width of the curve is 8.1536 times, and the length 8-4719 times, the depression D c. 19. If the strain or tension at the lowest point be double the weight of the chain: then if the parameter be 1, A B will be •49493, C D 03078, the strain at A or B 1.03078, the angle of suspension about 14º 2', the width or span 16.0816 times, and the length of chain 16-2462 times the depression. The magnitudes of the lines, angles, and strains in many other cases may be seen in the table below. The whole theory may be verified experimentally, by means of spring steel-yards ap- plied to a chain of given length and weight, placed in various positions; according to the method suggested subsequently when treating of the parallelogram of forces, in Mechanics. 20. Taking A B = d, c Dh, length A C B = 1, strain at c or parameter = p, then, in all cases where the depression is small compared with the length of the chain, Professor Leslie shows,* that p or p d s 2 8 h 12. 8h +h.... strain at A or B h h.... strain at A or B = FIQ 1 d2 8 h 72 l = d + 8 h I + ½ h 8h2 3 d In this case, too, the strains at c and A or B are nearly in the inverse ratio of the depression.t + z h * Elements of Natural Philosophy, p. 63. For a very complete investigation of the proper forms of catenaries for suspen- sion bridges, with remarks on the Menai bridge, and on the failure of the suspon- sion bridge at Broughton, see Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson's paper in the Memoirs of the Manchester Society, vol. v., New Series. CURVES: CATENARY. 179 1 Table of Relations of Catenarian Curves, the Parameter being denoted by 1. Angle of suspen- sion. 123 10 1º 0' 0 0 0 5 0 4 6 17 0 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0. 20 0 21 Q 22 0 23 24 25 26 28 30 0 32 4 34 16 36 52 39 11 0 0 41 44 44 0 46 1 48 11 50 8 52 9 54 13 56 28 58 3 60 0 64 6 67 28 67 32 DC 費 ​1.0000 1·2894 1.6095 1.6168 D B ·00015 •01745 •01745 •00061 ·03491 ·03492 ⚫00137 ⚫05238 •05241 ·00244 ·06987 ⚫06993 ⚫00382 ·08738 ·08749 ·00551 •10491 •10510 ·00751 *12248 •12278 •00983 •14008 •14054 *01247 •15773 •15838 ⚫01543 •17542 •17633 -01872 •19318 •19439 ·02234 •21099 -21256 ⚫02630 •22887 •23087 ·03061 •24681 •24933 ·03528 •26484 •26795 ·04030 *28296 •28675 *04569 •30116 •30573 ⚫05146 •31946 •32492 ·05762 •33786 ⚫34433 •06418 -35637 •36397 •07114 •37502 -38380 •07853 ⚫39376 •40403 ·08636 •41267 •42447 •09484 43169 •44523 •10338 •45087 •46631 11260 *17021 *48773 •13257 •50940 •53171 •15470 •54930 •57735 •18004 *5912 •62649 •21003 ·6371 •68130 •24995 *6932. •74991 -29011 -7443 •81510 ·34004 •8029 •89201 ⚫39016 .8566 •96569 43999 .9066 •19981 •9623 •56005 1.0142 ·62973 1.0706 ⚫71021 1.1304 •81021 •88972 C B 1-0361 1.1178 1.1974 1.2869 1.3874 1.1995 1.5089 1.2510 1.6034 1.3169 1·7321 1-4702 2.0594 1.6135 2.4102 1.6164 2.4182 tension at A or B 1.0001 1.0006 1.0014 1·0024 1.0038 1.0055 1.0075 1.0098 1.0125 1.0154 1.0187 1·0223 1·0263 1.0306 1·0353 1·0403 1.0457 1.0515 1·0576 1.0642 1.0711 1.0786 1·0864 1·0946 1.1034 1.1126 1.1326 1.1547 1·1800 1.2100 1.2499 1.2901 1.3400 1.3902 1·4400 1.4998 1.5800 1.6297 1.7102 1.8102 1·8897 2.0000 2.2894 2.6095 2.6168 DB÷DC 114.586 57.279 38.171 28.613 22.874 19.046 16.309 14.254 12.654 11.372 10.820 9.444 8.701 8.062 7.508 7-021 6.591 6.208 5.863 5.553 5-271 5.014 4.778 4-562 4.361 4.176 3-843 3-551 3.284 3.034 2-773 2.567 2.362 2.196 2.060 1.925 1.811 1.699 1.592 1-481 1.416 1.317 1.140 1·002 0.9998 180 CURVES: CATENARY. 21. The preceding table is abridged from a very extensive one given by Mr. Ware in his “Tracts on Vaults on Bridges.” Two examples will serve to illustrate its use. Ex. 1. Suppose that the span of a proposed suspension bridge is 560 feet, and the depression in the middle 253 feet; what will be the length of the chain, the angle of suspension at the extre- mities, and the ratio of the horizontal pressure at the lowest point, and the oblique pressures at the points of suspension, with the entire weight of the chain? Here D B÷D C=280÷25·875=10·82, a number which is to be found in the table. Opposite to that number, we find 11° for the angle of suspen- sion, D B=19318, c в=·19438, tension at A or B=10187, the constant tension at the vertex being 1. (fig. p. 174.) Consequently, 19318: 19438 :: 560: 563 48 length of the chain. 1 • Also, horizon. pressure at c -are as 1.0000 1.0187 and 39876 Ex. 2. Suppose that while the span remains 560, the depres- sion is increased to 51. oblique pressure at A or B entire weight of chain • Here D B÷D C=280÷51=5·49. This number is not to be found exactly in the table. The nearest is 5·553 in the last column, agreeing with 20°, the angle of suspension. Now, 5.55- 5.49 •06, and 5.55 5.27 28, the former difference being nearly one-fifth of the latter. Hence, adding to each number, in the line agreeing with 20°, one-fifth of the difference between that and the corresponding number in the next line, we shall have •36010, Angle of suspension 20° 12', D C 20° 12', D C = •06556, D B = =36797, tension at A=1∙10656. Hence 36001: 36797 :: 560 572.24, length of chain. Also, horizontal pressure at c are as 1.0000 oblique pressure at a or B entire weight of chain } • 1 a, Comparing this with the former case, it will be seen that the tensions at c and A, in reference to the weight of the chain, are diminished nearly in the inverse ratio of the two values of no; thus confirming the remark in art. 20. 1 1·10656 •73594 In practical cases with regard to bridges of suspension, it will be easy, when the weight of the material and its cohesive strength are known, to find the relative strength of any pro- posed structure. } ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 181 { J CHAPTER VII. Professor Farish's Isometrical Perspective. In the course of lectures which I deliver in the university of Cambridge, I exhibit models of almost all the more im- portant machines which are in use in the manufactures of Britain. The number of these is so large, that had each of them been permanent and separate, on a scale requisite to make them work, and to explain them to my audience, I should, independently of other objections, have found it difficult to have procured a warehouse large enough to contain them. I procured therefore an apparatus, consisting of what may be called a system of the first principles of machinery; that is, the separate parts, of which machines consist. These are made chiefly of metal, so strong, that they may be sufficient to perform even heavy work: and so adapted to each other, that they may be put together at pleasure, in every form, which the particular occasion re- quires. Those parts are various such as, loose brass wheels, the teeth of which all fit into one another: axes, of various lengths, on any part of which the wheel required may be fixed: bars, clamps, and frames; and whatever else might be necessary to build up the particular machines which are wanted for one lecture. These models may be taken down, and the parts built up again, in a different form, for the lecture of the following day. As these machines, thus constructed for a temporary purpose, have no permanent existence in them- selves, it became necessary to make an accurate representa- tion of them on paper, by which my assistants might know how to put them together without the necessity of my con- tinual superintendance. This might have been done, by giving three orthographic plans of cach; one on the horizon- tal plane, and two on vertical planes at right angles to each other. But such a method, though in some degree in use among artists, would be liable to great objections. It would 25 R 182 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 1 be unintelligible to an inexperienced eye; and even to an artist, it shows but very imperfectly that which is most essential, the connexion of the different parts of the engine with one another; though it has the advantage of exhibiting the lines parallel to the planes on which the orthographic projections are taken on a perfect scale. This will be easily understood, by supposing a cube to be the object represented. The ground plan would be a square representing both the upper and lower surfaces. And the two elevations would also be squares on two vertical planes, parallel to the other sides of the cube. The artist would have exhibited to him three squares; and he would have to discover how to put them together in the form of a cube, from the circumstance of there being two clevations and a ground plan. This method, therefore, giving so little assistance on so essential a point, I thought unsatisfactory. And The taking a picture on the principles of common perspec- tive, was the next expedient that suggested itself. And this might be adapted to the exhibition of a model, by taking a kind of bird's-eye view of the object, and having the plane of the picture, not as is most common in a drawing, perpendicular to the horizon, but to a line drawn from the eye, to some prin- cipal part of the object. For example: in taking the picture of a cube, the eye might be placed in a distant point on the line which is formed by producing the diagonal of the cube. But to this common perspective there are great objections. The lines, which in the cube itself are all equal, in the representation are unequal. So that it exhibits nothing like a scale. to compute the proportions of the original from the repre- sentation would be exceedingly difficult, and, for any useful purpose, impracticable: there is equal difficulty too, in com- puting the angles which represent the right angles of the cube. Neither docs the representation appear correct, unless the eye of the person, who looks at it, be placed exactly in the point of sight. It is true that, as we are continually in the habit of looking at such perspective drawings, we get the habit of correcting, or rather overlooking the apparent errors. which arise from the eye being out of the point of sight, and are therefore not struck with the appearance of incorrect- ness, which if we were unaccustomed to it, we should feel at once. J The kind of perspective which is the subject of this pa- per, though liable in a slight degree to the last mentioned in- convenience, till the eye becomes used to it, I found much bet- ter adapted to the exhibition of machinery; I therefore deter- ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 183 mined to adopt it, and set myself to investigate its principles, and to consider how it might most easily be brought into practice. It is preferable to the common perspective on many accounts, for such purposes. It is much easier and simpler in its princi- ples. It is also, by the help of a common drawing-table, and two rulers,* incomparably more easy, and, consequently, more accurate in its application; insomuch, that there is no difficulty in giving an almost perfectly correct representation of any object adapted to this perspective, to which the artist has access, if he has a very simple knowledge of its principles, and a little practice. It further represents the straight lines which lie in the three principal directions, all on the same scale. The right angles contained by such lines are always represented either by angles of 60 degrees, or the supplement of 60 degrees. And this, though it might look like an objection, will appear to be none on the first sight of a drawing on these principles, by any person who has ever looked at a picture. For, he * It is unnecessary to describe the drawing-table any further than by observing that it ought to be so contrived, as to keep the paper steady on which the drawing is to be made. Here should be a ruler in the form of the letter T to slide on one side of the drawing-table. The ruler should be kept, by small prominences on the under side, from being in immediate contact with the paper, to prevent its blotting the fresh drawn lines as it slides over them. And a second ruler, by means of a groove near one end on its under side, should be made to slide on the first. The groove should be wider than the breadth of the first ruler, and so fitted, that the second may at pleasure be put into cither of the two positions represented in the plate, fig. 1, so as to contain with the former ruler, in either position an angle of 60 degrees. The groove should be of such a size, that when its shoulders a and d are in contact with, and rest against the edges of the first ruler, the edge of the second ruler should coincide with de, the side of an equilateral triangle described on d g, a portion of the edge of the first rulor; and when the shoulders b and c rest against the edges of the first ruler, the edge of the second should lie along g e, the other side of the equilateral triangle. The second ruler should have a little foot at k for the same purposo as the prominences on the first ruler, and both of them should have their edges divided into inches, and tenths, or eighths of inches. It would be convenient if the second ruler had also another groover s, so formed that when the shoulders and s are in contact with the edges of the first ruler, the second should be at right angles to it. For representing circles in their proper positions, the writer made use of the inner edge of rims cut out from cards, into isometrical ellipses as represented in the figure; of these he had a series of different sizes, corresponding to his wheels. Such a series might be cut by help of the con- centric ellipses in fig. 5, but he thinks that it would be an easier way to make use of that set of concentric ellipses as they stand, by putting them in the proper place under the picture, if the paper on which the drawing is made be thin enough for the lines to be traced through, as by the help of them the several concentric circles will go to the representation of one which might be drawn at once. It is difficult to executo them separately with sufficient accuracy to make them correspond. For this purpose a separate plate of fig. 5 should be had, and one edge of the paper on the drawing-table should be loose to admit of the concentric ellipsos being slid under it to the proper place, as described p. 187. 184 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. K cannot for a moment have a doubt, that the angle represented is a right angle, on inspection. And we may observe further, that an angle of 60 degrees is the easiest to draw, of any angle in nature. It may be instantly found by any person who has a pair of compasses, and under- stands the first proposition of Euclid. The representation, also, of circles and wheels, and of the manner in which they act on one another is very simple and intelligible. The principles of this perspective, which, from the peculiar circumstance of its exhibiting the lines in the three principal dimensions on the same scale, I denominate "Isometrical," will be understood from the following detail: Suppose a cube to be the object to be represented. The eye placed in the diagonal of the cube produced. The paper, on which the drawing is to be made to be perpendicular to that diagonal, between the eye and the object, at a due proportional distance from each, according to the scale required. Let the distance of the eye, and consequently that of the paper, be in- definitely increased, so that the size of the object may be in- considerable in respect of it. bakal It is manifest, that all the lines drawn from any points of the object to the eye may be considered as perpendicular to the picture, which becomes, therefore, a species of orthogra- phic projection. It is manifest, the projection will have for its outline an equiangular and equilateral hexagon, with two vertical sides, and an angle at the top and bottom. The other three lines will be radii drawn from the centre to the lowest angle, and to the two alternate angles; and all these lines and sides will be equal to cach other both in the object and representation: and if any other lines parallel to any of the three radii should exist in the object, and be represented in the picture, their representations will bear to one another, and to the rest of the sides of the cube, the same propor- tion which the lines represented bear to one another in the object. If any one of them, therefore, be so taken as to bear any required proportion to ils object, e. g. 1 to 8, as in my repre- sentations of my models, the others also will bear the same pro- portion to their objects; that is, the lines parallel to the three radii will be reduced to a scale. I omit the demonstration of this, and some other points, partly for the sake of brevity, and partly because a geometri- cian will find no difficulty in demonstrating them himself from the nature of orthographic projection; and a person, who is not a geometrician, would have no interest in reading a demonstration. ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 185 For the same reason, it is unnecessary to show that the three angles at the centre are equal to one another, and each equal to 120 degrees, twice the angle of an equilateral tri- angle; and the angle contained between any radius and side is 60 degrees, the supplement of the above, and equal to the angle of an equilateral triangle. All this follows immediately from Euclid, B. IV. Prop. 15, on the inscription of a hexagon in a circle. In models and machines, most of the lines are actually in the three directions parallel to the sides of a cube, properly placed on the object. And the eye of the artist should be supposed to be placed at an indefinite distance, as before explained, in a diagonal of the cube produced. Definitions. The last mentioned line may be called the line of sight. Let a certain point be assumed in the object, as for example c, fig. 2, pl. I. and be represented in the picture, to be called the regulating point. Through that point on the picture may be drawn a vertical line c E, fig. 2, and two others, c B, C G, containing with it, and with one another, angles of 120°, to be called the isometrical lines, to be distinguished from one another by the names of the vertical, the dexter, and the sinister lines. And the two latter may be called by a common name-the horizontal isometrical lines. Any other lines, parallel to them, may be called respectively by the same names. The plane passing through the dexter and vertical lines may be called the dexter isometrical plane; that passing through the vertical and sinister lines, the sinister plane; and that through the dexter and sinister lines, the horizontal plane. By the use of the simple apparatus described above in the note, the representation of these lines in the objects may be drawn on the picture, and measured to a scale, with the utmost facility, the point at the extremity being first found or assumed. The position of any point in the picture may be easily found, by measuring its three distances, namely, first its perpendicular distance from the regulating horizontal plane (that is, the horizontal plane passing through the regu- lating point), secondly, the perpendicular distance of that point where the perpendicular meets the horizontal plane, from the regulating dexter line; and thirdly, of the point, where that perpendicular meets the dexter line from the regulating point; and then taking those distances reduced to R 2 186 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. the scale, first, along the dexter line; secondly, along the sin- ister line; and thirdly, along the vertical line, in the picture. These three may be called the dexter distance of the point, its sinister distance, and its allitude. And it is manifest they need not be taken in this order, but in any other that may be more convenient to the artist, there being six ways in which this operation may be varied. If any point in the same isometrical plane, with the point re- quired to be found, is already represented in the picture, that point may be assumed as a new regulating point, and the point. required found by taking two distances; and if the new assumed regulating point is in the same isometrical line with the point, it is found by taking only one distance. And this last simple operation will be found in practice all that is necessary for the determination of most of the points required. Thus any paral- lelopiped, or any frame work, or other object with rafters, or lines lying in the isometrical directions, may be most easily and accurately exhibited on any scale required. But, if it be neces- sary to represent lines in other directions, they will not be on the same scale, but may be exhibited, if straight lines, by find- ing the extremities as above, and drawing the line from one to the other; or sometimes more readily in practice by help of an ellipse, as hereafter described. If a curved line be required, several points may be found sufficient to guide the artist to that degree of exactness which is required. The method of exhibiting the representations of any ma- chines, or objects, the lines of which lie, as they generally do, in the isometrical directions; that is, parallel to the three direc- tions of the lines of the cube, is as has been already shown; and likewise the mode of representing any other straight lines, by finding their extremities; or curved lines, by finding a number of points. } But in representing machines and models, there are not only isometrical lines, but also many wheels working into each other, to be represented. These, for the most part, lie in the isometrical planes; and it is fortunate that the picture of a cir- cle in any one of these planes is always an ellipse of the same form, whether the plane be horizontal, dexter, or sin- ister; yet they are easily distinguished from each other by the position in which they are placed on their axle, which is an isometrical line, always coinciding with the minor axis of the ellipse. ן This will be obvious from considering the picture of a cube with a circle inscribed in each of its planes, fig. 3, and considering these circles as wheels on an axle. The two other ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 187 lines (or spokes of the wheel) in the ellipse, which are drawn respectively through the opposite points of contact of the circle with the circumscribing figure, are isometrical lines also; for the points of contact bisect the sides of the circumscribing parallelogram, and therefore the lines are parallel to the other sides. They give likewise the true diameter of the wheels, reduced to the scale required. It further appears, from the nature of orthographic projection, that the major axis of the ellipse is to the minor axis as the longer to the shorter diagonal of the circumscribing parallelogram, that is (since the shorter diagonal divides it into two equilateral triangles) as the square root of three to one; as appears from Euclid, Lib. I. Prop. 47; and since the sum of the squares of the conjugate diameters in an ellipse, is always the same, if we put 1 for the minor axis, the 3 for the major, and i for the isometrical diameter, we shall have 2 ¿ª³ = 1 + 3, and i = √2. 3 4, Therefore the minor axis, the isometrical diameter, and the major axis, may be represented respectively by √1, √2, √3, or nearly by 1, 1·4142, 1·7321; or more simply, though not so nearly, by 28, 40, 49. These lines may be geometrically exhibited by the follow- ing construction: Let a B, fig. 4, be equal to в D, and the angle at B, a right angle. In BA produced, take в a to A D, draw a D, and produce both it, and a B. Then will в D, Ba, and a D, be respectively to one another, as √1, √2, √3, by Euclid, I. 47. Therefore if a ß be taken equal to the isometrical diameter of the ellipse required, 3 8 drawn perpendicular to it will be the minor axis, and a & the major axis. The ellipse itself, there- fore, may be drawn by an elliptic compass, as that instru- ment may be properly set, if the major and minor axis are known. If it is to represent a wheel on an axle, care must be taken to make the minor axis lie along that axle. In the ab- sence of the instrument it may be drawn from the concentric ellipsis, fig. 5, which may be placed under the paper, in the position above described, and seen through it, if the paper be not too thick; and in this method the smaller concentric circles of the wheel may be described at the same time, as they may be seen through the paper, or if they should not be ex- actly of the right size, it would be easy to describe them by hand between the two nearest concentric ellipses; and thus also the height of the cogs of a wheel in the different parts of it may be exhibited longer and narrower towards the ex- tremities of the minor axis. Their width may be determined from the divisions of the ellipse. In most cases this may be + 188 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 1 done with sufficient accuracy from the circumference of the el- lipse being divided into eight equal divisions of the circle, by the two axes, and two isometrical diameters, each of which parts may be subdivided by the skill of the artist; and not only the face of the wheel in front may be thus exhibited, but the parts of the back circles also, which are in sight, may be exhibited by pushing back the system of concentric ellipses on the minor axis or axle through a distance representing the breadth of the wheel, and then tracing both the exterior and the interior circles of the wheel, and of the bush on which it is fixed, as far as they are visible. Care should be taken to represent the top of the teeth, or cogs, by isometrical lines, parallel to the axle, in a face wheel, or tending to a proper point in the axle in a bevil-wheel. And nearly in the same way may the floats of a water-wheel be correctly represented. If a series of concentric ellipses such as are given fig. 5, be not at hand, it will still be casy for an artist to draw the ellipses with sufficient accuracy for most purposes, by drawing through the proper point in the axle, the major and minor axes, and the two isometrical diameters, thus making eight points in the circumference to guide him. If in any case it should become necessary to represent a circle, which does not lie in an isometrical plane, we may observe that the major axis will be the same in what- ever plane it lies and it will be the picture of that diameter, which is the intersection of the circle with the planc parallel to the picture, passing through its centre. And the major axis will bear to the minor axis the proportion of radius to the sine of the inclination of the line of sight to the plane of the circle. We may observe further, that the diameters of the ellipse, which are to the major axis as √2 to 3, when such exist, arc isome- trical lines.* And the representation of every other line, parallel and equal to any diameter of the circle, may be exhibited by draw- ing it equal and parallel to the corresponding diameter in the *We may remark, that if a cone be described, having its vertex at c which lies in the line of sight fig. 2, and passing through the three radii e B, CE, co, all the straight lines in the superfices of that cone passing through c, and all other lines parallel to any of thein, are isometrical, as well as those parallel to the three principal isometrical lines CB, C, CG; and no other lines but these can be on the same scale But though these multiply the number of isometrical lines infinitely, it is of little practical uso, because it is only those which are parallel to the three principal linos, that can easily be distinguished at sight, to be isometrical. We may further remark, that if a line be drawn through the point e parallel to any given line whatever, and that line be made to revolve round the line of sight, at the same angular distance from it, so as to describe the surface of a cone, all other lines parallel to it, in any of its positions, will be isometrical, as they re- spect one another. ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 189 } ; ellipse. If it should be desired to divide the circumference of an ellipse into degrees, or any number of parts representing given divisions of the circle, it may be done by the following method : Let an ellipse be drawn, fig. 6, and on its major axis, A G, a circle described, with its circumference divided into degrees or parts in any desired proportion, at B, C, D, E, F, &c., from which points draw perpendiculars to the major axis. They will cut the periphery of the ellipse in corresponding points. It would be difficult, however, in this way, to mark, with sufficient accu- racy, the degrees, which lie near the extremities of the major axis. But the defect may be supplied by transferring those degrees in a similar way, from a graduated circle, described on the minor axis. In this manner an isometrical ellipse may be formed into an isometrical circular instrument, or an isometrical compass, which may show bearings or measure angles on the pic- ture, in the same manner as a real compass or circular instru- ment would do in nature. It may be often useful to have a scale to measure distances, not only in the isometrical directions, but in others also. And this may be done by a series of similar concentric ellipses, as in fig. 7, dividing the isometrical diameters into equal portions. The other diameters will be so divided as to serve for a scale for all lines parallel to them respectively. Thus, in the isometrical squares, exhibited in fig. 2, distances measured on the longer diagonal, or its parallels, would be measured by the divisions on the major axis, those depending on the shorter diagonal by the divisions on the minor axis. To describe a cylinder lying in an isometrical direction, the circles at its extremities should be represented by the proper isometrical cllipses, and two lines touching both should be drawn and in a similar way, a cone, or frustrum of a cone, may be described. A globe is represented by a circle whose radius is the semi-major axis of the ellipse representing a great : circle. It would not be difficult to devise rules for the representation of many other forms which might occur in objects to be repre- sented. But the, above cases are suflicient to include almost every thing which occurs in the representation of models, of machines, of philosophical instruments, and, indeed, of almost any regular production of art. Buildings may be exhibited by this perspective as correctly, in point of measurement, as by plans and elevations, under the advantage of having the full effect of a picture. A bridge, or any circular or gothic arch, consisting of por- 1 26 & 心 ​190 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. tions of circles lying in isometrical planes, may be represented by portions of isometrical ellipses, which will easily be adapted and drawn upon the principles already explained, by which wheels are exhibited on their axles. The centres of those cir- cles must be found with which the centres of the ellipses must be made to coincide, their minor axes lying along the lines drawn from those centres perpendicular to the planes of the circles. The shaft of a pillar consists of a frustrum of a cone and a cylin- der united; or perhaps of a cylinder alone, or a congeries of cylinders; and we have already shown the method of exhibit- ing these, as well as their bases. And on the same principles, the position and size of the volutes and ornaments of the capi- tal may be found, and such guiding points as will make it easy to trace their forms. Thus the different courts and edifices of a cathedral, a college, or a palace, may be correctly depicted; and even the rooms and internal structure, though less in the form of a picture, may be exhibited in such a way as to enable an architect, or his employer, to contemplate their situation, their ornaments, furniture, or any other circumstance belonging to their appearance, and to mark down exactly what he would have done, in such a way as could hardly be misunderstood by an attentive agent, though at a distance. But in thus exhibiting buildings as transparent, and their in- terior laid open, there is a danger of being confused by a multi- plicity of lines, which is a difficulty in a building containing many rooms that would need some address to get over. It is better adapted to exhibit the inside of a single room, of a ca- thedral, for instance, the aisles and transepts of which would not cause any great perplexity. In the same manner a plan of a city might be given, which would not only represent its streets and squares, as well (by the help of the scale above described, fig. 7,) as a common plan, but also a picture of its churches and public buildings, and even its private houses, if such were the design contemplated by the ar- tist, as they would almost all become visible when looked down upon from the commanding height which this perspective supposes. And such a single exhibition, if well executed, might give a better idea of a distant capital than a volume of descrip- tion. In the instances which have been given, most of the lines are isometrical. But the art is applicable to many cases, where there are few, or none such. It may be necessary, in many of them, to draw isometrical lines, or isometrical ellipses, by way of a guide, to determine the position of certain lines and points to enable the artist to describe with accuracy what 1 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 191 3 he has in view. And there is scarce any form so anomalous as to preclude the artist from taking advantage of these methods of ascertaining such lines or points in it as will give him much assistance in representing it with precision. If the intention be merely to make a picture, the guiding lines may be obliterated as soon as they have served the purpose de- signed, or they may be retained in some cases, and their lengths or diameters noted down in figures, if it be wished, to give ready information. And often, if the artist wishes to provide materials to enable him at his leisure to give accu- rate descriptions or exact drawings, the rudest exhibition of such lines may completely serve his purpose, provided he notes down on the spot such measurements with accuracy, however unexact the lines may be on which they are re- corded. In many cases it may be expedient to take liberties with this perspective, or with the picture, which will make it suit the purpose designed. And this will produce no confu- sion, provided those liberties are explained: for instance, it may often be expedicnt to make the scale in the vertical direction larger, sometimes very considerably so, than in the horizontal. It may in some cases be necessary to represent on paper what is hid in nature. What has been said on the internal structure of buildings is an instance of this, as well as what we shall observe on the exhibition of subterraneous ob- jects. We shall proceed to give some examples of these ob- High servations. 1 To give such a representation of an Etruscan vase, as would enable an artist to model it exactly, would be ex- ceedingly easy. Let a vertical line be drawn to represent the axis of the vase, fig. 8, and let points be taken in that axis, corresponding to the centres of the principal circles of the vase; through which the horizontal isometrical lines may be drawn representing the radii of those circles, by the help of which the isometrical ellipses representing them are easily drawn. These will become a complete guide to the artist. He may assist himself by looking at the object along the line of sight, and then, if he has any skill in drawing, he will find no difficulty in tracing the outline from one of these to the other, with sufficient correctness. If he is unskilled in the art, of course he must be at the trouble of finding a larger number of ellipses to guide him. And in a similar manner, any solid formed by the revolution of a plane figure round one of its sides may be represented. { The laying down the timbers of a ship, or making a picture of one, shall be another example. 192 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. } Let a vertical isometrical plane be conceived to pass through its keel, and to be intersected by the perpendicular planes pass- ing through the ribs, and by planes parallel to the decks. The isometrical lines, which are the intersections of these, may be measured in the ship, and represented with their proper measures noted down in the picture, which will afford the means of re- presenting the ribs, and laying them down in their proper places. If this should be designed for the purpose of constructing a ship from a given model, it might be sufficient to represent the ribs only on one side; those on the other side being the exact counterparts. If the purpose should be to make use of . these lines for a drawing, they need be marked but very faintly, and the artist will have little difficulty when guided by them to fill up the representation by hand. A regular fortification, which we will suppose to have eight bastions, will afford another example. A person not conversant, in such a subject, is in general puz- zled with plans and sections, and has very little idea of what is meant to be conveyed. But he would easily understand it if he should see every thing exhibited in a correct picture, especially where he has the the view of his object varied, as in a fortification, such as has been proposed. Let an isometrical ellipse be drawn expressing the internal circumference of the place; and another concentric one, which marks the salient angles of the fortification on the principles already explained. Draw other guiding lines to every necessary point; the lines of the fortification may be easily transferred from a common plan to the isometrical by the help of the scale of concentric ellipses, described above, fig. 7, which will serve also to lay down the length of the bastions and cur- Find the elevations tains, &c. in whatever direction they lic. of every part on the isometrical scale; and thus the body of the place, the ditches, counterscarp, covered way, glacis, ravellins, and all the outworks, will be represented to the eye as they ap- pear in reality, and in every varied position, with the advantage of having all the admeasurements laid down with geometrical precision. If the artist should think the vertical lines in such an exhibi- tion too small, to give a correct idea of all the minute elevations, there would be no harm in his increasing the scale in that di- mension in any desired proportions. The face of a hilly or mountainous country, like Switzer- land, or the district of the lakes in the north part of England, will afford another example. + เ 1 } ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 193 } + Isometrical horizontal lines may be drawn representing lines in the level from which the height of the mountains is to be reckoned, so that vertical lines drawn from the summits of the mountains may meet them, on which the heights may be marked (as well as recorded in figures, if required). And the moun- tains themselves may be drawn in their topographical situation. Their bearings may be marked by the help of the isometrical compass described in page 189. It would be easy to transfer them from a common map to the isometrical plan; and thus the face of the country might be represented just as it would appear from the commanding height which the isometrical per- spective supposes. Yet, as the slopes of hills and mountains are seldom so steep as the line of sight, it might sometimes suit the purpose to re- present the height of elevations as twice or three times the reality, in order that mountains might project an outline on the plane behind; otherwise, the summit might be projected on the mountain itself, which would, in a degree, destroy the effect of a picture. This art might be advantageously employed also for tracing what is below the surface of the earth, as well as what is above it. It may be applied to geological purposes, and give, not only the order of the strata, but their variations and their geographi- cal situations. And for this purpose it might be useful to in- crease the vertical scale, in a great proportion, above the hori- zontal. It would be easy to mark the dip, or rise of the strata, as well as of the earth above them to represent their various disruptions, to show the situation and extent of fissures and me- tallic veins, to mark the boundaries where the upper strata have been swallowed up, or cease to appear, or where the under strata push up towards the day. It would be easy to mark the variations in the thickness of the strata in different places, and to record the result of experiments made at any point, by bor- ing or sinking shafts, which might be done by drawing a verti- cal line downward, so as to represent the thickness of the lami- næ, which might be marked by different colours. By such a method, the geologist might obtain a map of the country, which might exhibit, at one view, the general results of all the experi- ments and inquiries that had been made relative to that science, and the owner of an estate might record, in a small compass, all that is known respecting its minerals, and be able, from a com- prehensive view of them all, to judge of the probability of suc- cess in sinking a shaft, or driving a level. He might also make good use of this perspective in tracing his shafts and drifts in all their windings, elevations, and depressions, and comparing them with the surface above, marking also the veins and strata S -> 1 194 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. in which they run. For if the artist knows what is beneath the surface, he has no difficulty in representing it as transparent. He must be careful however not to perplex himself by lines too much multiplied, and take advantage of his being able to paint the lines with different colours, for the purposes of distinction ; and he must also use a considerable address in throwing out such lines as would be of little use, and retaining such as will produce the effect of a picture, which should be well preserved in order to make the exhibition easily intelligible. If he should wish to make a drawing of minerals or crystals, this perspective would be well suited to the purpose. The point, however, on which the writer of this paper can speak with the greatest confidence is on the representation of machines and philosophical instruments; having been himself so much in the habit of practically applying to them the princi- ples that have been detailed and this he has exemplified in the plates. : The correct exhibition of objects would be much facilitated by the use of this perspective, even in the hands of a person who is but little acquainted with the art of drawing; and the information given by such drawings is much more definite and precise than that obtained by the usual methods, and better fitted to direct a workman in execution.* *The author has transcribed this interesting paper from the first volume of the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. The method is peculiarly de- serving of the attention, and, in many cases, the adoption, of mechanics and engi- ncers. Some useful exemplifications of isoperimetrical perspective are given in the 18th and 19th volumes of the Mechanic's Magazine; and while this sheet was going through the press, I learnt that Mr. Jopling is now printing a small treatise on the subject, for the use of mechanics and artificers. +k 1 1 MENSURATION. CHAPTER VIII. MENSURATION OF SUPERFICIES AND SOLIDS. F SECTION I.-Mensuration of Superficies. The following rules will serve to find the areas or superficial contents of the figures whose names respectively precede them. 1. Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, or Rhomboid. Multiply the base into the height, for the area. { 2. Triangle. Half base into the height. Or, continual product of two sides, and half the natural sine of their inclined angle. Or, when three sides, as a B, a C, B C, are given, their half sum beings; then K K ✓[S × (S— A B) × (S — A C) × s- area= B C)]. 3. Trapezium. Base into sum of the perpendiculars. 4. Trapezoid. Multiply half the sum of the parallel sides into the perpendicular distance between them. 5. Irregular Polygon. Divide it into trapeziums, or trape- zoids, and triangles, and find their areas separately their sum is the area of the polygon. : or, diameter: circumf :: 1 : 3·141593 circumf diameter :: 1: 318309 195 6. Regular Polygon. Multiply the square of the side given into the proper "multiplier for areas," printed in the table in Prob. 15, Practical Geometry, the product will be the area. 7. Circle. diameter: circumf :: 113: 355 ► 1 : area=diameter squared × 785398 area circumference squared × 079577 area diameter circumf. 8. Circular arc. Radius of the circle x 017453 × degrees in the arc its length. 9. Circular sector. arc radius=area. 10. Circular segment. Multiply the square of the radius by either half the difference of the arc (of the segment) and its 196 MENSURATION OF SUPERFICIES. sine, or by half their sum, according as the segment is less or greater than a semicircle: the product will be the area. 11. Parabola. of the product of base and height 12. Ellipse. Transverse axis x conjugate axis x 785398 = area. 2 3 arca. 13. The side of a square whose area shall be equal to that of a given circle, is nearly of the diameter, or more nearly 3d, 8 可 ​or 22 d, or 193 d, or 144d; cach approximating more nearly 3 9 44 2 167 than the former. SECTION II.-Mensuration of Solids. i 1. Prism. 1. Superficies. Multiply the perimeter of one end by the length or height of the solid; the product will be the surface of the sides. To this add the areas of the two ends : the sum is the whole surface. J 1 2. Solidity or Capacity area of the base x the height. Note. The same rules serve for the surface and capacity of a cylinder. 2. Pyramid, or Cone. 1. Surface X slant height. 2. Capacity area of base × height. 3. Frustrum of Pyramid. 1. Surface meters of the two ends × slant height. perimeter of the base. I sum of the peri- 2. Capacity. Add a diameter or a side of the greater base. to one of the less; from the square of the sum subtract the pro- duct of the said two diameters or sides: multiply the remain- der by a third of the height; and this last product by 785398 for circles, or by the proper multiplier for polygons; the last product will be the capacity. $ That is, capacity [(1+d) - Dd] } m h. 4. Sphere. 1. Surface-diameter squared × 3·141593. 2. Capacity-diameter cubed x 5236 or circumference cubed × 016887. 5. Spheric segment. 1. Surface=circumf. sphere × height of segment." diam. 2. Capacity •5236 h² (3 d 2h): where d h-height. 2 = ·5236 h² (3 r²+h³): where r-rad. of the segment's base.. 5. Paraboloid. Capacity-half base x height. This is a figure produced by the rotation of a parabola upon its axis. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 197 6. Spheroid. This is a solid generated by the revolution of an ellipse about one of its axes. To find its capacity multiply the square of the revolving axis by the fixed axis, and that pro- duct by 5236. 7. Regular or platonic bodies, are comprehended by like, equal, and regular plane figures, and whose solid angles are all equal. There are only five regular solids, viz. The tetraedron, or regular triangular pyramid, having 4 tri- angular faces; ; The hexaedron, or cube, having 6 square faces. The octaedron, having 8 triangular faces; The dodacaedron, having 12 pentagonal faces; The icosaedron, having 20 triangular faces. PROB. 1. To find either the surface or the solid content of any of the regular bodies.-Multiply the proper tabular area or surface (taken from the following table) by the square of the linear edge of the solid for the superficies. And Multiply the tabular solidity in the last column of the table by the cube of the linear edge for the solid content. I Surfaces and Solidities of regular Bodies, the side being unity or 1. No. of sides.. Name. 4 Tetraedron 6 Hexaedron 8 Octaedron 12 Dodecaedron 20 Icosaedron Solidity. 1.7320508 0.1178513 6·0000000 1.0000000 3.4641016 0.4714045 20.6457288 7.6631189 8.6602540 2.1816950 Surface. 2. The diameter of a sphere being given to find the side of any of the platonic bodies, that may be either inscribed in the sphere, or circumscribed about the sphere, or that is equal to the sphere. Multiply the given diameter of the sphere by the proper or corresponding number, in the following table, answering to the thing sought, and the product will be the side of the platonic body required. 27 $ re 198 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. The diam. of a sphere being 1; the side of a f That may be That may be cir-That is equal inscribed in cumscribed about to the sphere, the sphere, is the sphere, is 15 0.8164966 2.4494897 1.6439480 Tetraedron Hexaedron 0.5773503 1·0000000 0.8059958 Octaedron 0.7071068 1.2247447 1.0356300 Dodecaedron 0.3568221 0.4490279 0.4088190 Icosaedron 0·5257309 0.6615845 0.6214433 3. The side of any of the five platonic bodies being given, to find the diameter of a sphere, that may either be inscribed in that body, or circumscribed about it, or that is equal to it. As the respective number in the table above, under the title in- scribed, circumscribed, or equal, is to 1, so is the side of the given platonic body to the diameter of its inscribed, circum- scribed, or equal sphere. 4. The side of any one of the five platonic bodies being given to find the side of the other four bodies, that may be equal in solidity to that of the given body. As the number under the title equal in the last column of the table above, against the given platonic body, is to the number under the same title, against the body whose side is sought, so is the side of the given platonic body to the side of the body sought. Besides these there are thirteen demiregular bodics, called Solids of Archimedes. They are described in the Supplement to Lidonne's Tables de Tous les Diviseurs des Nombres, &c. Paris, 1808; twelve of them were described by Abraham Sharp, in his Treatise on Polyedra. SECTION III.-Approximate Rules. 1. When the area of a field is known in square yards, to re- duce them to acres, instead of dividing by 4840, multiply by 0002, which is much easier. Thus, suppose the area is found to be 56870 yards. Then. 56870 •0002 Take of this, Or of o 30 The sum is . viz. 11.3740 3791 11.7531 acres: the true answer [is 11.75 acres. } APPROXIMATE RULES IN MENSURATION. 199 ļ area of trigon 1 2. For regular Polygons.—Let s be the side, then = }} s²+7% s² To pentagon s²+18 s² hexagon =2 s² + 10 s³ heptagon of square of 11s 10 6 I octagon =10 of I nonagon decagon undecagon dodecagon 3 100 1809 = 2 6 s²+² s² 10 =7 s² + =7/0 s³ square 4 100 1 2 11 s² + s². 5 TO S =320 .. From the sum Take 3 s² 2 100 Area of the nonagon 8 100 32.. 9 s²+1 of 9 s² Sa of 7 s — From of ditto 1960 IT Take 7 s 5 28 2 100 2480 Where a table of polygons is at hand, it is best to employ it. In other cases, one or other of these approximations may occur to a well exercised memory. Ex. 1. The side of a pentagon is 20. Required the area. s² 400 S s³ 7 s תי From their sum = 720 10 of 180 83 100 Take 18 s³ Area required = 688: the true area is 688.19. Ex. 2. The side of an octagon is 20. Required the area. Square of 7 s=19600-square of 140 . 8 times s³ 10 Area of the octagon-1932: the true area is 1931.37 Ex. 3. The side of a nonagon is 20. Required the area. s³=400, 6 s² Add s² 2 2400 80 8 = offs. i's 2472: the true area is 2472-72. ↓ 200 APPROXIMATE RULES IN ARITHMETIC. 1 Ex. 4. The side of a dodecagon is 20. Required the area. $2 400, 11 s² 4400 80 Add s³ 1 Area of the dodecagon 4480 the true area is 4478'46. 3. Length of circular arc. From 8 times the chord of half the arc, subtract the chord of the whole arc, and of the re- mainder will be the length of the arc, nearly. Note. The chord of half the arc is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the versed sine or height, and half the chord of the entire arc. Or, apply a fine flexible string to the arc, then stretch it out straight, and measure it. 4. Arc of a quadrant nearly equal 2 time the chord of the quadrant. This is true within about the 4000th part. 5. Periphery of an ellipse.--Multiply the square root of half the sum of the squares of the two axes by 3.141593, and the product will be the periphery, ncarly. Diminish this by its 200th part, and the result will be still more correct. 2 1 6. Area of a circle nearly to of the square of the dia- meter. Or, multiply D2 by 11, and divide by 2 and by 7. This is true within the 2500th part; or, add to D² of 7 D³; the sum will be the area true to within the 5000th part. 100 38 Area of a circle nearly to of the square of the circum- ference. Or, multiply c" by 7, and divide by 8 and 11. True within the 2600th part. 7. Circular segment.-To the chord of the whole arc add of the chord of half the arc; multiply the sum by the versed sine or height of the segment; and of the product will be the area nearly. 10 1 Or, (c+3 √ c²+v²), v = arca. 8. To find the content of irregular plane figures from an accurate plan. If the plan be not upon paper, or fine drawing pasteboard of uniform texture, let it be transferred upon such. Then cut out the figure separately close upon its boundaries and cut out from the same paper a square of known dimensions according to the scale employed in drawing the plan. Weigh the two separately in an accurate balance, and the ratio of the weights will be the same as that of the superficial contents. APPROXIMATE RULES: MENSURATION. 201 If great accuracy be required, cut the plan into 4 portions, called 1, 2, 3, 4. First, weigh 1 and 2 together, 3 and 4 to- gether, and take their sum. Then weigh 1 and 3 together, 2 and 4 together, and take their sum. Lastly, weigh 1 and 4 to- gether, 2 and 3 together, and take their sum. The mean of the four aggregate weights thus obtained, compared with the weight of the standard square, will give the ratio of their surfaces very nearly. 1 *** I have employed in this operation a balance which turns with the 100th part of a grain. The results are proportionally accurate. 9. Prism.-L= length, B-breadth, D=depth, all in inches: 9 then 1000 L B D = content in yards, nearly. If L, B, D, be in feet, as suppose the dimensions of a corn bin; then '8 L B D = the content in Winchester bushels. This is about one bushel in 200 in defect. Ex. Suppose L= 125 inches, B Then 125 × 25—12500—3125; and 3125 × 24=6250 × 12=75000 14000 of 75000 9 2) 675000 7000) 337500 7 144 25, d = 24. 4.8214 yards the true answer is 4.8225. For wrought iron square bars allow 100 inches in length of an inch square bar to a quarter of a cut. in weight; and so in proportion. This is easily remembered, because the word hun- dred occurs twice. An inch square cast iron bar would require 9 feet in length for a quarter of a cwt. Or, take of the product of the breadth and thickness, each in eighths of an inch, the result is the weight of one foot in length, in avoirdupois pounds. Or, one foot in length of an inch square bar weighs 33 pounds. Bricks of the usual size require 384 to a cubic yard. A rod of brick work, brick and a half thick, requires 4356 bricks. 10. Cylinder. One tenth diameter squared, (d, d being taken in inches,) gives the content in ale-gallons of a yard in length. 202 APPROXIMATE RULES: MENSURATION. This rule gives a result defective only by the 376th part. l d² ×·00283257 = imperial gallons in a cylinder, di- mensions in inches. 11. Timber measuring.—Let L denote the length of a tree in feet and decimals, and & the mean girth, taken in inches: then the following rules given by Mr. Andrews may be employed. Τ G2 2304 L G2 3009 cubic feet, customary, and cubic feet, true content. Rule 1.-No allowance for bark. L G2 1807 Rule 2.-To allow th for bark. L a2 cubic feet, customary, and = cubic feet, true content. 2360 Rule 3.-To allow th for bark. L 02 2231 Rule 4.-To allow 1th for bark. 1 2 L G2 1 0 cubic feet, customary, and cubic feet, true content. cubic feet, customary, and cubic feet, true content. 2150 EXAMPLE by Rule 1.-No allowance for bark. A tree 40 feet long, and 60 inches whole girth or circumference. 40 × 602 1807 L G2 2845 L G2 2742 40 × 602 2301 62 cubic ft. customary, and 793 cubic feet, true content. long, and 19 inches circumference. 50 X 492 503 cubic feet, truc content. 2360 Ex. by Rule 2.-A trco feet 50 50 × 492 40 cubic ft. customary, and 3009 If G as well as L be in fect, then '08 L &² content, nearly. ** When the difference between the girths at the two ends * is considerable, it is best to find the content of the tree as though it were a conic frustrum, and make the usual allowances after- wards. 21 12. Sphere of the cube of the diameter 11 = the component factors, 3 and 7, in dividing by 21. This rule gives a result true to its 2600th part. Or, multiply the cube of the circumference by 0169, for the capacity. 13. To find the capacity, or solid content of an irregular body.-Procure a prismatic or cylindric vessel that will hold it. Put in the body, and then pour in water to cover it, marking Then take out the the height to which the water reaches, body, and observe accurately how much the water has de- scended in consequence. The capacity of the prism or cylinder thus left dry by the water will be evidently equal to that of the body. If the vessel will not hold water, sand may be employed, though not with quite so much accuracy. capacity. Use APPROXIMATE RULES: MENSURATION. 203 1 In this manner, too, a portion of a body may be measured without detaching it from the rest, by simply immersing that portion. Even an irregular vessel may be employed for this purpose. In which case it should be placed in a larger vessel, and then filled with water. Then submerge the body whose magnitude you wish to determine, the quantity of water that has run over, and is caught in the exterior vessel, will be the measure. It may be weighed, and its cubic measure estimated by allowing 1000 avoirdupois ounces to the cubic foot. (See farther, Hy- drostatics and Specific Gravity.) KMO 14. To find the contents of surfaces and solids not re- ducible to any known figure, by the equidistant ordinate method. The general rule is included in this proposition: viz.-If any right line A N be divided into any even number of equal parts, a c, C E, E C, &c. and at the points of division be erected perpendicular ordinates A B, C D, E F, &c. terminated by any curve BHO: then, if a be put for the sum of the first and last ordi- nates, A B, N 0, B for the sum of the even ordinates, C D, G H, L M, &c. viz. the second, fourth, sixth, &c. and c for the sum of all the rest, E F, I K, I K, &c. viz. the third, fifth, &c. or the odd ordinates, excepting the first and last then, the common dis- tance A c, c E, &c. of the ordinates being multiplied into the sum arising from the addition of A, four times B, and twice c, one third of the product will be the area A B o N, very nearly. A CE GILN That is, A+4 B+ 2 c 3 B D F } H D= area, D being =A C=C E, &c. The same theorem will equally serve for the contents of all solids, by using the sections perpendicular to the axis instead of the ordinates. The proposition is quite accurate, for all parabolic and right lined arcas, as well as for all solids gene- rated by the revolutions of conic sections or right lines about axes, and for pyramids and their frustrums. For other areas and solidities it is an excellent approximation. The greater the number of ordinates, or of sections, that are taken, the more accurately will the area or the capa- city be determined. But in a great majority of cases five equidistant ordinates, or sections, will lead to a very accurate result. In cask-guaging, indeed, three sections will be usually sufficient. Thus, taking the bung and head diameters, and 204 a diameter mid-way between them; the sum of the squares of the bung and head diameters, and of the square of double the middle diameter, multiplied into the length of the cask, and then into 785398, will give six times the content of the cask, very nearly. Or, if H, B, and M, represent the head, bung and middle diameters respectively, and L the length, all in inches; then (H³ + 4 M² + B³) × L × ·1309=content of the cask in inches. APPROXIMATE RULES: MENSURATION. 1 A similar method may be advantageously adopted in all cases of ullaging either standing or lying casks, by taking the areas at the top, bottom, and middle, of the liquor. See Hut- ton's Mensuration, part iv. EXAMPLE. The bung diameter of a cask is 32 inches, the head diameter 24, the middle 30.2, the length 40. Required the content in ale gallons of 282 cubic inches, and in wine gal- lons of 231. The former multiplier, divided by 282 and 231 respectively, gives ·00047 and 00052, for the proper multipliers. Hence (322+24+4. 30.2) × 40 x 00047-97·44 ale gal- lons : And (32²+24²+4. 30.29) x 40 x 00052-118.95 wine gal- lons: Or 1 of 97.44 (the ale gallons) gives 119, the wine gallons, very nearly. Also of 118.95 (the wine gallons)=99·125 imperial gal- lons. See the table of factors, p. 19. ! + MECHANICS: STATICS. 205 1 WHAT 7 MECHANICS. 1. Mechanics is the science of equilibrium and of motion. 2. Every cause which tends to move a body, or to stop it when in motion, or to change the direction of its motion, is called a force or power. 3. When the forces that act upon a body, destroy or annihi- late each other's operation, so that the body remains quiescent, there is said to be an equilibrium. 4. Statics has for its object the equilibrium of forces applied to solid bodies. 28 5. Dynamics relates to the circumstances of the motion of solid bodies. 6. Hydrostatics is devoted to the equilibrium of fluids. 7. Hydrodynamics relates to their motion, and connected circumstances. 8. The properties and operation of elastic fluids are often treated distinctly, under the head of Pneumatics. 9. A single force, which would give to a physical point, or to a body, the same motion both in velocity and direction as several forces acting simultaneously, is called the resultant of those forces, while they are called the constituents or the com- posants of the single resulting force. 10. The action of a force is the same in which ever point of its direction it is applied; unless the manner of its action be changed. 11. Vis inertiæ, or power of inactivity, is defined by New- ton to be a power implanted in all matter, by which it resists any change attempted to be made in its state, that is, by which it requires force to alter its state, either of rest or motion. T } 206 MECHANICS STATICS. 3 { 1 1 CHAPTER IX. STATICS. SECTION I.-Parallelogram of Forces. 1 1. The resultant of any two forces whatever, which act upon a physical point, and which are represented by lines taken in their respective directions from that point, has for its magnitude and direction the diagonal of the parallelogram con- structed upon those forces. 2. Two forces and their resultant may each be represented by the sine of the angle formed by the directions of the two others. 3. If F, f, represent two forces, and A the angle made by their respective directions; also, if R be the resultant, and a the angle which it makes with the direction of the force F: then r=√ (p² + ƒº ± 2 r ƒ cos a) . . . . . (1) R tan a = (2) 4. These propositions are of extensive, nay, of almost univer- sal application, in the constructions of architects, mechanics, and civil engineers. Two, simple examples may here suffice: others will occur as we proceed. f sin a F+ƒ cos a Ex. 1. Suppose that a weight в is at- tached by a stirrup to the foot of a king- post a в, which is attached to two rafters A C, AD, in the respective positions shown in the marginal diagram. Then if AE be set off upon a в, in numerical value equal to the vertical strain upon A в, and the parallelogram A FE & be completed, a r measured upon the same scale will show the strain upon the rafter a c, and a & the strain upon a D. E Α B G { } MECHANICS STATICS. 207 } F • Ex. 2. Let it be proposed to compare the strains upon the tie-beams ▲ D, and the struts A c, when they sustain equal weights B, in the two different posi- tions indicated by the figures. Let A E in one figure, be equal to the corresponding vertical line A E in the other, and in each represent the numerical value of the weight в, that hangs from A. Through E in both figures, draw lines parallel to DA, A C, respectively, and let them meet a C, and D A produced in F and G: then A FE G in each figure is the parallelogram of forces by which the several strains are to be measur- ed. A G represents the tension upon the tie-beam A D, and A F the strain upon the strut A c. Both these lines are evidently shorter in the lower figure than they are in the upper, 1 A E being of the same length in both therefore the first figure exhibits the most disadvantageous position of the beams. It is evident also, that while c A tends upwards and D A downwards, the greater the angle D A C, the less is its supplement c A G, and the less the sides r A, A G, of the parallelogram. ********** F ܝܫܬܰ HAHAHA! D E A mà là * • * *MAJADEY » » 20 2ƒd to on KRTHWESTE A BD E G G The truth of the general proposition relative to the parallel- ogram of forces admits of obvious experimental confirma- tion by means of two spring steelyards. Let any known weight, as 10, 15, &c. pounds, represented by в in the figure to Ex. 1, hang from a cord E B, and from a knot at E let two other cords, E F, E &, proceed, and hang from spring steelyards at F and & then it will be found universally that the weights sustained by those steelyards, will be to the weight в hanging vertically, as the respective sides E F and E G of the parallelogram to its diagonal E A. It will, hence, be easy to exhibit those relations in all desirable va- rieties. 5. Three forces not situated in the same plane, but applied to the same point, have a resultant represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelopiped con- structed upon the parts of the directions of those forces which represent their respective magnitudes, and drawn from their point of application. 6. We may always decompose or resolve a force into three others, parallel respectively to three given lines. Each com- posant may be found by multiplying the force which we 208 MECHANICS: STATICS. would decompose by the cosine of the angle which its direction makes with the axis to which that composant is parallel. 7. If any number of forces be kept in equilibrio by their mutual actions; they may all be reduced to two equal and opposite ones. For, any two of the forces may be reduced to one force acting in the same plane; then this last force and another may likewise be reduced to another force acting in their plane and so on, till at last they be all reduced to the action of only two opposite forces; which will be equal, as well as opposite, because the whole are in equilibrio by the sup- position. 8. PROP. To find the resultant of several forces concurring in one point, and acting in one planc. 1st. Graphically. Let, for example, four forces, A, B, C, D, act upon the point r, in magnitudes and directions represented by the lines P ^, P B, P C, P D. ; From the point A draw a b parallel and equal to Pв; from b draw b c paral- lel and equal to P C from c draw c d pa- rallel and equal to P D; and so on, till all the forces have thus been brought into the construction. Then join e d, which will represent both the magnitude and the direction of the re- quired resultant. Υ + A ∞ b ᎠᏰ d This is, in effect, the same thing as finding the resultant of two of the forces A and B ; then blending that resultant with a third force c; their resultant with a fourth force p; and so on. A careful construction upon a well chosen scale will give a re- sultant true to within its 250th part. 2d. By compulation. Drawing the lines A a, a b', &c. re- spectively parallel and perpendicular to the last force P D; we have б d s = s a + bb' + cc'A sin A PD + B sin BP D + c sin c P D Pd=Pataẞ+By+yd=^ COS APD+B COS B P D+C cos CP D+D ds tan d r8= PS ℗ d= ✅✓ (p 8² +d 8²)=r 8 sec d r 8. The numerical computation is best effected by means of a table of natural sines. 9. The resultant of two parallel forces acting in the same way, is equal to their sum; and the distances of the direction of that resultant from those of the composants are reciprocally propor- tional to those composants. 10. The resultant of several parallel forces, whether confined to one plane or not, is equal to the sum of those forces, giving to the forces which act in one sense the sign +, and to those which act contrarily the sign. STATICS: CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 209 SECTION II.-Centre of Gravity. 1. Gravity is the force in virtue of which bodies left to them- selves fall to the earth in directions perpendicular to its surface. 2. We may distinguish between the effect of gravity and that of weight, by observing that the former is the power of transmitting to every particle of matter a certain velocity which is absolutely independent on the number of material particles; while the latter is the effort which must be exer- cised to prevent a given mass from obeying the law of gravity. Weight, therefore, depends upon the mass; but gravity has no dependence at all upon it. 3. The centre of gravity of any body or system of bodies is that point about which the body or system, acted upon only by the force of gravity, will balance itself in all positions: or it is a point which, when supported, the body or system will be supported, however it may be situated in other respects. The centre of gravity of a body is not always within the body itself: thus the centre of gravity of a ring is not in the substance of the ring, but in the axis of its circumscribing cy- linder; and the centre of gravity of a hollow staff, or of a bone, is not in the matter of which it is constituted, but somewhere in its imaginary axis; every body, however, has a centre of gravity, and so has every system of bodies. 4. Varying the position of the body will not cause any change in the centre of gravity; since any such mutation will be nothing more than changing the directions of the forces, without their ceasing to be parallel; and if the forces do not continue the same, in consequence of the body being supposed at different distances from the earth, still the forces upon all the moleculæ vary proportionally, and their centre remains unchanged. 5. When a heavy body is suspended by any other point. than its centre of gravity, it will not rest unless that centre is in the same vertical line with the point of suspension for in all other positions the force which is intended to ensure the equilibrium will not be directly opposite to the resultant of the parallel forces of gravity upon the several particles of the body, and of course the equilibrium will not be obtained. (See art. 9, on Pendulums.) 6. If a heavy body be sustained by two or more forces, their directions must meet, either at the centre of gravity of that body, or in the vertical line which passes through it. 7. When a body stands upon a plane, if a vertical line passing through the centre of gravity fall within the base on which the body stands, it will not fall over; but if that verti- C T 2 210 STATICS CENTRE OF GRAVITY. I cal line passes without the base, the body will fall, unless it be prevented by a prop or a cord. When the vertical line falls upon the extremity of the base, the body may stand, but the equilibrium may be disturbed by a very trifling force; and the nearer this line passes to any edge of the base the more easily may the body be thrown over; the nearer it falls to the middle of the base, the more firmly the body stands. Upon this principle it is that leaning towers have been built at Pisa, and various other places; the vertical line of direction from the centre of gra- vity falling within the base. And, from the same principle it may be seen that a wagon loaded with heavy materials, as B, may stand with perfect. safety, on the side of a WE O B 1 convex road, the vertical line from the centre of gravity fall- · ing between the wheels; while a wagon a with a high load, as of hay, or of wool-packs, shall fall over, because the vertical line of direction falls without the wheels. 8. To find the centre of gravity mechanically, it is only requisite to dispose the body successively, in two positions of equilibrium, by the aid of two forces in vertical directions, ap- plied in succession to two different points of the body; the point of intersection of these two directions will show the centre. This may be exemplified by particularizing a few methods. If the body have plane sides, as a piece of board, hang it up by any point, then a plumb- line suspended from the same point will pass through the centre of gravity; therefore mark that line upon it: and after suspending the body by another point, apply the plum- met to find another such line; then will their intersection show the centre of gravity. Or thus hang the body by two strings from the same point fixed to different parts of the body; then a plummet hung from the same tack will fall on the centre of gravity. Another method: Lay the body on the edge of a triangular prism, or such like, moving it to and fro till the parts on both sides are in equi- librio, and mark a line upon it close by the edge of the prism: balance it again in another position, and mark the fresh line by the edge of the prism; the vertical line passing through C } STATICS: CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 211 the intersection of these lines, will likewise pass through the centre of gravity. The same thing may be effected by laying the body on a table, till it is just ready to fall off, and then marking a line upon it by the edge of the table: this done in two positions of the body will in like manner point out the position of the centre of gravity. When it is proposed to find the centre of gravity of the arch of a bridge, or any other structure, let it be laid down accurately to scale upon pasteboard; and the figure being carefully cut out, its centre of gravity may be ascertained by the preceding process. 9. If on any plane passing through the centre of gravity of a body, perpendiculars be let fall from each of its moleculæ, the sum of all the perpendicular distances on one side of the plane will be equal to the sum of all those on the other side. And a similar property obtains with regard to the common centre of gravity of a system of bodies. 10. The position, distance, and motion of the centre of gra- vity of any body is a medium of the positions, distances, and motions of all the particles in the body. 11. The common centre of gravity, or of position, of two bodies divides the right line drawn between the respective centres of the two bodies in the inverse ratio of their masses. 12. The centre of gravity of three or more bodies may, hence, be found, by considering the first and second as a single body cqual to their sum and placed in their common centre of gravity, determining the centre of gravity of this imaginary body, and a third. These three again being conceived united at their common centre, we may proceed, in like manner, to a fourth; and so on, ad libitum. Or, if в, B', B", &c. denote the masses of any bodies, D, D', D', &c. the perpendicular distances of their respective centres of gravity from any line or plane: then, the distance, ▲, of their common centre of gravity from any line or plane, B D+B' D'+B" D" &C. is found by this theorem: viz. A B+ B+ B" &c. 13. If the particles or bodies of any system be moving uniformly and rectilineally, with any velocities and directions whatever, the centre of gravity is cither at rest, or moves uniformly in a right line. Hence if a rotatory motion be given to a body and it be then left to move freely, the axis of rotation will pass through the centre of gravity: for, that centre, either remaining at rest or moving uniformly forward in a right line, has no rotation. Here too it may be remarked, that a force applied at the centre of gravity of a body, cannot produce a rotatory mo- tion. I 212 STATICS: CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 14. The centre of gravity of a right line, or of a parallelo- gram, prism, or cylinder, is in its middle point; as is also that of a circle, or of its circumference, or of a sphere, or of a regular polygon; the centre of gravity of a triangle is some- where in a line drawn from an angle to the middle of the opposite side; that of an ellipse, a parabola, a cone, a conoid, a spheroid, &c. somewhere in its axis. And the same of all symmetrical figures. 15. The centre of gravity of a triangle is the point of in- tersection of lines drawn from the three angles to the middles of the sides respectively opposite: it divides each of those lines into two portions in the ratio of 2 to 1. 16. In a Trapezium. Divide the figure into two triangles by the diagonal A c, and find the centres of gravity E and F of these triangles; join E F, and find the common centre & of these two by this proportion, A B C : A D C :: F G : E G, Or A B C D A D C E F E G. Or, divide the figure into two triangles by a diagonal в D. find their centres of gravity; the line which joins them will intersect E F in &, the centre of gravity of the trapezium. A E B F 17. In like manner, for any other plane figure, whatever be the number of sides, divide it into several triangles, and find the centre of gravity of each; then connect two centres together, and find their common centre as above; then con- nect this and the centre of a third, and find the common centre of these; and so on, always connecting the last found common centre to another centre, till the whole are included in this process; so shall the last common centre be that which is required. 18. The centre of gravity of a circular arc is distant from the centre a fourth proportional to the arc, the radius, and the chord of the arc. 19. In a circular sector, the distance from the centre of the circle is ; where a denotes the arc, c, its chord, and r the radius. 2 cr 3 a 20. The centres of gravity of the surface of a cylinder, of a cone, and of a conic frustrum, are respectively at the same distances from the origin as are the centres of gravity, of the parallelogram, triangle, and trapezoid, which are vertical sec- tions of the respective solids. 21. The centre of gravity of the surface of a spheric seg- ment is at the middle of its versed sine or height. 22. The centre of gravity of the convex surface of a sphe- rical zone, is in the middle of that portion of the axis of the sphere which is intercepted by the two bases of the zone. STATICS: CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 213 23. In a cone, as well as any other pyramid, the distance from the vertex is 2 of the axis. 24. In a conic frustum, the distance on the axis from the 2 3 R² + 2 Rr + p²: R² + Rr + jo2 height, R and r the radii of the greater and less ends. centre of the less end, ish. where h the 2 25. The same theorem will serve for the frustum of any regular pyramid, taking R and r for the sides of the two ends. 26. In the paraboloid, the distance from the vertex is axis. 27. In the frustum of the paraboloid, the distance on the 2 R³ +2³: R2+23 axis from the centre of the less end, ish. where h the height, R and r the radii of the greater and less ends. Many other results are given in the first volume of my Mechanics. The preceding are selected as the most useful. The centre of gravity of the human body is always near the same place, viz. in the pelvis, between the hips, the ossa pubis, and the low- er part of the back- bone. Elevating the arms or the legs will elevate the centre of gravity a little: still, it is always so placed that the limbs may move freely round it, and this centre moves much less than if it were in any other part of the body. If a man walked upon wooden legs,the cen- tre of gravity of his body would describe portions of circles, as A JUDEA B D F A B. If a man with two wooden legs were to run, the centre of gravity would describe portions of parabolas, as c D. But the flexibility of the joints and muscles of the human legs serves to take away the angles from these curves, and give a softer undulation, as E F. The centre of gravity of a human body, is not precisely in the same place as that of the statue of a man: for, in the for- mer, the substance is not, throughout, of the same density, in the latter it is. k 29 214 STATICS: MECHANICAL POWERS. SECTION III.-Mechanical Powers. 1. The simple machines of which the more complex ma- chines are constituted, and which, indeed, are often employed separately, are called Mechanical Powers. : 2. Of these we usually reckon six: viz. the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw. To these, however, is sometimes added the funicular machine, being that which is formed by the action of several powers, at different points of a flexible cord. 3. Weight and Power, when regarded as opposed to each other, signify the body to be moved, or the resistance to be overcome, and the body of force by which that is accomplished. They are usually represented by their initial letters, w and P. Levers. 1. A lever is an inflexible bar, whether straight or bent, and supposed capable of turning upon a fixed, unyielding point called a fulcrum. R 2. When the fulcrum is between the power and the weight, the lever is said to be of the first kind. When the weight is between the power and the prop, the lever is of the second kind. When the power is between the weight and the prop, or fulcrum, the lever is of the third kind. The hammer lever, or the operation. of a hammer in drawing a nail, is some- times considered as a fourth kind. A K # F B W F W A B 3. In all these cases when there is an equilibrium, it is indicated by this general property, that the product of the weight into the distance at which it acts, is equal to the pro- duct of the power into the distance at which it acts: the dis- tances being estimated in directions perpendicular to those in which the weight and power act respectively. Thus, in each of the three preceding figures, P. ATW BF, or the power and weight are reciprocally as the distances at which they act. And if, in the first figure, for example, the arm a F were STATICS: MECHANICAL POWERS. 215 1 4 times F B, 4 lbs. hanging at в would be balanced by 1 lb. at A. If a r were 5 times F B, 1 lb. at a would balance 5 lbs. at B; and so on. 4. If several weights hang upon a lever, some on one side of the fulcrum, some on the other, then there will be an equi- librium, when the sum of the products of the weights into their respective distances on one side, is equal to the several products of weights and distances on the other side. 5. When the weight of the lever is to be taken into the account, proceed just as though it were a separate weight sus- pended at its centre of gravity. 6. When two, three, or more levers act one upon another in succession, then the entire mechanical advantage which they supply, is found by taking, not the sum, but the pro- duct of their separate advantages. Thus, if the arms of three levers, acting thus in connexion, are as 3 to 1, 4 to 1, and 5 to 1, then the joint advantage is that of 3×4×5 to 1, or 60 to 1 so that 1 lb. would, through their intervention, balance 60. 7. In the first kind of lever the pressure upon the fulcrum P+w: in the other two it is P W. 8. Upon the foregoing principles depends the nature of scales and beams for weighing all bodies. For, if the dis- tances be equal, then will the weights be equal also; which gives the construction of the common scales. And the Ro- man statera, or steel-yard, is also a lever, but of unequal arms or distances, so contrived that one weight only may serve to weigh a great many, by sliding it backwards and forwards to different distances upon the longer arm of the lever. In the common balance, or scales, if the weight of an article when ascertained in one scale is not the same as its weight in the other, the square root of the product of those two weights will give the true weight. 9. From numerous examples of the power and use of the lever, one which shows its manner of application in the print- ing-presses of the late Earl Stanhope may be advantageously introduced. In the adjoining figure, let A B C D be the general frame of the press, connected by the cross pieces N o, D C. E is a centre con- nected with the frame by the bars EN, ER, E 0. To this centre are affixed a bar к D, and a lever E F, to which the hand is applied when the press is used. A N G D - Ti. R KE L M B H F 216 STATICS: MECHANICAL POWERS. There are also several other pieces connected by joints at N, G, I, K, L, M, O, H, which are so adjusted to each other that when the hand is applied to the lever E F at r, by pressing it downwards K L is brought into a horizontal line or parallel to G H or D C, in which situation N I G, O M H, also form each a straight line. It is evident that the nearer these different pieces, as above mentioned, are to a straight line the greater is the lever E F, in proportion to the perpendicular K s at the other end of the lever E K, formed by a perpendicular from K falling on F E produced. Consequently a small force applied at r will be sufficient to produce a very great effect at K, when I K, K E are nearly in a straight line, and so on, for the other pieces above mentioned. Hence the force applied by hand at F must be very con- siderable in forcing down & n, which slides on iron cylindrical bars, or in pressing any substance placed in the aperture P Q, between the bar or plate and the frame D c. This contrivance is now often introduced into mechanism, under the name of the toggle, or of the knee joint. Wheel and Axle. 1. The nature of this machine is suggested by its name. To it may be referred all turning or wheel-machines of different radii ; as well-rollers and handles, cranes, capstans, windlasses, &c. 2. The mechanical property is the same as in the lever viz. P . A C=W. BC: and the rea- son is evident, because the wheel and axle is only a kind of perpetual lever. E W A с A P B C A CHLOE JE J 3. When a series of wheels and axles act upon cach other, so as to transmit and accumu- late a mechanical advantage, whether the communication be by means of cords and belts, or of teeth and pinions, the weight will be to the power, not as the sum, but as the continual product of the radii of the wheels to the continual product of the radii of the axles. Thus, if the radii of the axles, a, b, c, d, e, be each 3 inches, while the radii of the wheels, A, B, C, D, E, he 9, 6, 9, 10, and 12 inches respectively then w: P:: 9 × 6 × 9 × 10 × 12 : B B W 1 1 STATICS: MECHANICAL POWERS. 217 3×3×3×3×3 :: 240: 1. A computation, however, in which the effect of friction is disregarded. 4. A train of wheels and pinions may also serve for the aug- mentation of velocities. Thus, in the preceding example, whatever motion be given to the circumference of the axle e, the rim of the wheel A will move 240 times as fast. And if a series of 6 wheels and axles, each having their dia- meters in the ratio of 10 to 1, were employed to accumulate velocity, the produced would be to the producing velocity, as 10° to 1, that is, as 1000000 to 1. Pulley. 1. A pulley is a small wheel, commonly made of wood or brass, which turns about an iron axis passing through the centre, and fixed in a block, by means of a cord passed round its circumference, which serves to draw up any weight. The pulley is either single, or combined together, to increase the power. It is also either fixed or moveable, according as it is fixed to one place, or moves up and down with the weight and power. 2. If a power sustain a weight by means of a fixed pulley : the power and weight are equal. 3. When a power sustains a weight by a system of moveable pulleys, each embraced by a cord attached on one part to a fixed point, and on the other to the centre of the pulley next above it, as in the margin : then if the cords are parallel to each other, each pulley gives a mechanical advantage of two to one; and the whole system and advantage denoted by that power of 2 which is equal to the num- ber of pulleys. Here p: w:: 1: 2¹ :: 1 : 16. Id W A/ 16. 00 A 16 4. When there are three, four, or any other number of pul- leys in a fixed block, and an equal number in a moveable block, capable of ascending and descending, the system is called a muffle; and the weight is to the power as 1 to twice the num- ber of pulleys in each block. . 5. The friction of a system of pulleys, or even of a single pulley, is very great, according to the common mode of con- struction. But it may be reduced considerably by means of U 1 1 218 Mr. Garnett's patent friction rollers, which produce a great saving of labour and ex- pense, as well as in the wear of the machine, both when applied to pulleys and to the axles of wheel carriages. His general prin- ciple is this between the axle and nave, or centre pin and box, a hollow space is left, to be filled up by solid equal rollers nearly touching each other. These are furnished with axles inserted into a circular ring at each end, by which their relative distances are preserved; and they are kept paral- lel by means of wires fastened to the rings between the rollers, and which are rivetted to them. The above contrivance is ex- hibited in the annexed figure. I 6. A useful combination of the wheel and axle, a fixed and a moveable pulley, is exhibited in the marginal diagram. The load, as of stones or bricks to build a wall, is raised from L to A, thus: a rope B P L is fixed at one end to a hook в, and passes over a pulley at P. That pulley, P, is drawn along horizontal- ly from P to F by means of a man who turns the handle H, and thus winds up the cord PF H upon the roller. As the distance P в lengthens, the por- tion P L shortens ; and the length of rope is so adjusted, that when the pulley P is brought to be above A, the basket L has reached that place. STATICS MECHANICAL POWERS. ** H F Inclined Plane. P L B SE 1. A body which touches a plane only in one point, can only remain in equilibrio so long as the forces which act upon it are reducible to a single force which shall act in a direction perpen- dicular to the plane at the point of contact. 2. When a power sustains a heavy body in equilibrio upon an inclined plane, then the power, the weight, and the pressure upon the plane, will be respectively, as the sine of the plane's inclination, the cosine of the angle which the direction of the power makes with the plane, and the cosine of the angle which the direction of the power makes with the horizon. STATICS: MECHANICAL POWERS. 219 3. When the direction of the power is parallel to the plane, the power, weight, and pressure on the plane, are respectively as the height, length, and base of the plane; or as the sine of inclination, radius, and cosine of inclination. Thus, suppose a plank 12 feet long were laid aslant from the ground to a window 4 feet high: then, since the length is three times the height, a power of 50 lbs. would sustain three times as much, or 150 lbs. upon the plank; and a greater power, as of 55 or 60 lbs. would cause that weight to ascend. The truth of these propositions may be confirmed most readily, by attaching the weight to a chord tied to a spring steel- yard, by which the relations between the entire weight, and that supported by a chord either parallel to the inclined plane or in any other direction, may at once be measured. 4. If two weights w, w', sustain each other upon two in- clined planes AC, CB, which have a common altitude c D, by means of a cord which runs freely over a pulley and is parallel to both planes, then will w: w' :: A c : C B. 5. When a heavy body is support- ed by two planes, as in the marginal figure, then, if the weight of the body be represented by the sine of the angle comprehended between the two planes, the pressures upon them are recipro- cally as the sines of the inclinations of those plane to the horizon: viz. The weight the pressure on A B the pressure on B D are as Η B sin A B D sin D B I sin A B H I Thus, suppose the angle A в H was 30°, D B I 60°, and con- sequently A B D 90°: since the natural sines of 90°, 60°, and 30°, are 1, 866, and respectively, or nearly as 100, 86·6, and 50; if the heavy body weigh 100lbs. the pressure upon A B would be 86.6 lbs. and upon D d 50 lbs. This proposition is of very extensive utility, comprehending the pressure of arches on their piers, of buttresses against walls, or upon the ground, &c. because the circumstance of one of the planes becoming either horizontal, or vertical, will not affect the general relation above exhibited. Wedge. 1. A wedge is a triangular prism, or a solid conceived to be 220 STATICS: MECHANICAL POWERS. generated by the motion of a plane triangle paral- lel to itself upon a straight line which passes through one of its angular points. The wedge is called isosceles, rectangular, or scalene, accord- ing as the generating triangle is isosceles, right- angled, or scalene. It is very frequently used in cleaving wood, as represented in the figure, and often in raising great weights. 2. When a resisting body is sustained against the face of a wedge, by a force acting at right angles to its direction; in the case of equilibrium, the power is to the resistance as the sine of the semi-angle of the wedge, to the sine of the angle which the direction of the resistance makes with the face of the wedge; and the sustaining force will be as the cosine of the latter angle. 3. When the resistance is made against the face of a wedge by a body which is not sustained, but will adhere to the place to which it is applied without sliding, the power is to the re- sistance, in the case of equilibrium, as the cosine of the differ- ence between the semi-angle of the wedge and the angle which the direction of the resistance makes with the face of the wedge, to radius. 4. When the resisting body is neither sustained nor adheres to the point to which it is applied, but slides freely along the face of the wedge, the power is to the resistance as the product of the sines of the semi-angle of the wedge and the angle in which the resistance is inclined to its face to the square of radius. Screw. 1. The screw is a spiral thread or groove cut round a cylinder, and every where making the same angle with the length of it. So that if the surface of the cylinder, with this spiral thread on it, were unfolded and stretched into a plane, the spiral thread would form a straight inclined plane, whose length would be to its height, as B CCH C D MAT E TOPOLI C the circumference of the cylinder is to the distance between two threads of the screw: as is evident by considering that, in making one round, the spiral rises along the cylinder the dis- tance between the two threads. 2. The energy of a power applied to turn a screw round, is to the force with which it presses upward or downward, setting aside the friction, as the distance between two threads STATICS MECHANICAL POWERS. 221 is to the circumference where the power is applied: viz. as circumf. of D C to dist. B I. 3. The endless screw, or perpetual screw, is one which works in, and turns a dented wheel D F, without a concave or fe- male screw; being so called because it may be turned for ever, without coming to an end. From the diagram it is evident that while the screw turns once round, the wheel only advances the distance of one tooth. B 4. If the power applied to the lever, or handle of an endless screw, ▲ B, be to the weight, in a ratio compounded of the pe- riphery of the axis of the wheel E п, to the periphery described by the power in turning the handle, and of the revolutions of the wheel D F to the revolutions of the screw c B, the power will balance the weight. IIence, # 5. As the motion of the wheel is very slow, a small power may raise a very great weight by means of an endless screw. And therefore the chief use of such a screw is, either where a great weight is to be raised through a little space; or where only a slow gentle motion is wanted. For which reason it is very serviceable in clocks and watches. The screw is of admirable use in the mechanism of microme- ters, and in the adjustments of astronomical and other instru- ments of a refined construction. TV 6. The mechanical advantage of a compound machine may be determined by analyzing its parts, finding the mechanical ad- vantage of each part severally, and then blending or compound- ing all the ratios. Thus, if m to 1, n to 1, r to 1, and s to 1, show the separate advantages; then mnrs to 1, will measure the advantage of the system. ď B 7. The marginal representation of a common construction of a crane to raise heavy loads, will serve to illustrate this. By human energy at the handle a, the pinion bis turned; that gives motion to the wheel w, round whose axle, c, a cord is coiled; that cord passes over the fixed pulley,d, and thence over the fixed triple block, в, and the moveable triple block, P', be- low which the load, L, hangs. Now, if the radius of the handle Wa H Fla L P be 6 times that of the pinion, the radius of the wheel w 10 times that of its axle, and a power equivalent to 30 lbs. be exerted 30 U 2 222 STATICS MECHANICAL POWERS. at a; then, since a triple moveable pulley gives a mechanical advantage of 6 to 1, we shall have 30 × 6 × 10×6=10800 lbs. and such would be the load, L, that might be raised by a power of 30 lbs. applied at a, were it not for the loss occasioned by friction.* SECTION IV.-General application of the principles of Statics to the equilibrium of Structures. Every structure is exposed to the operation of a system of forces; so that the examination of its stability involves the ap- plication of the general conditions of equilibrium. J Now, no part of a structure can be dislocated, except it be either by a progressive, or a rotatory motion. For either this part is displaced, without changing its form, in which case it is as a system of invariable form, incapable of receiving any in- stantaneous motion, which is not either progressive or rotatory; or else it happens to be displaced, changing at the same time its form and this, considering the cohesion of tenacity, cannot take place, without the breaking of that part in its weakest sec- tion; which generates a progressive motion, if the force acts perpendicularly to the section; and a rotatory motion, if it acts obliquely. • We shall here consider the most useful cases; indicating by the word stress, that force which tends to give motion to the structure; by resistance, that which tends to hinder it. Equilibrium of Piers. 1. Taking the marginal figure for the vertical section of a pier, we may rea- son upon that section instead of the pier itself, if it be of uniform structure. Ch D A ૧ R I G S Z Let & be the place of the centre of gravity, S R Z the direction in which the stress acts, meeting x 1, the ver- tical line through the centre of gra- vity, in 1. Then, considering the stress as resolvable into two forces, one P, vertical, the other, q, horizontal; the pier (regarding it as one body) can only give way either by a C X P B * We shall insert a selection of useful mechanical contrivances, after wo have given the principles of dynamics. STATICS: EQUILIBRIUM OF PIERS. 223 progressive motion from в towards A, or by a rotatory motion about A. Q 2. The progressive motion is resisted by friction. If w de- note the weight of the pier, r the stress estimated vertically, and q its horizontal effort, then the pressure on the base = w + p, and its friction = ƒ (w + P), which is the amount of the resistance to progressive motion. So that to ensure sta- bility in this respect we must have f(w + r) > Q (1) While, to ensure stability in regard to rotation, we must have W.AX + P. AE > Q. ES... .. (2) 3. The second condition may be ascertained by a graphical process, thus: • From the point A, let fall, on the direction of the stress, the perpendicular a z. Then, s being put for the whole stress, W. AX > S. A Z. Or, suppose the two forces м and s to be applied at 1, and complete the parallelogram, having sides which represent these forces. Then must the diagonal produced meet the base on the side of A, towards в, to ensure stability. 4. If, as is very frequently the case, the vertical section of the pier is a rectangle, and s represent the specific gravity of the material of which it is constituted; then the condition of the two kinds of equilibrium will be denoted by these two equations: viz. • A B. S Q = Q. ... (3) (3) ... f.c B .. A B² S = 2 Q . . (4) Example. Suppose a rectangular wall 39-4 feet high, and of a material whose specific gravity is 2000, is to sustain a hori- zontal strain of 9900 lbs. avoirdupois at its summit on the unit of length, 1 foot: what must be the thickness that there may be an equilibrium, taking f=3. Here, that the wall may not be displaced horizontally, we must have 2000 16 3300 × 32 39400 A B > Q÷ƒ. s. c B> 9900 ÷ 4 2000 × 39 4 64 39.4 > 3300 ÷ 52800 39400 > 1.34 fect. And 2dly, that it may not be overturned, we must have 2 19800 125 A B > ✓ 1584 > 12.58 feet. S Here, as the thickness required to prevent overturning is much the greatest, the computation in reference to the other kind of equilibrium may usually be avoided. 224 STATICS: PRESSURE OF EARTH AGAINST WALLS. Pressure of Earth against Walls. 1. Let D A Er be the vertical sec- tion of a wall behind which is po- sited a bank or terrace of earth, of which a prism whose section is repre- sented by D A G would detach itself and fall down, were it not prevented by the wall. Then A & is denomi- nated the line of rupture or the natural slope, or natural de- clivity. In sandy or loose earth, the angle B A G seldom exceeds 30°; in stronger earth it becomes 37° and in some favourable cases more than 45°. A E (1 B G H P L D F 2. Now, the prism whose vertical section is DAG, has a tendency to descend along the inclined plane & a by reason of the force of gravity, g; but it is retained in its place, 1st, by the force, q, opposed to it by the wall, and 2dly, by its cohesive attachment to the face A G, and by its friction upon the same surface. Each of those forces may be resolved into one, which is perpendicular to & A, and which is inoperative as to this in- quiry, and into another whose action is parallel to G A. The lines P I and I н, represent these composants of p, that force being represented by the vertical liner m, drawn from the centre of gravity r of the prism. The direction of the force q is represented by the horizontal line a H, and its composants by the lines Q L, II L. The force that gives the triangle its ten- dency to descend is I II; and the force opposed to this is L H together with the effects of cohesion and friction. Thus, I II = L II + cohesion + friction. It is evident, therefore, that the solution to this inquiry must be, in great measure, experimental. 3. It has been found, however, theoretically, by M. Prony,* and confirmed experimentally, that the angle formed with the vertical by the prism of earth that exerts the greatest horizon- tal stress against a wall, is half the angle which the natural slope of the earth makes with the vertical: and this curious re- sult greatly simplifies the whole inquiry. The state of equilibrium is expressed by this equation: viz. 1 ½ A D . A E² . § = x 1³. s. tanº ½ D a G. A ☎ S s and s representing the specific gravities of the wall and carth respectively. Example. The wall to be 39.37 feet high, of brick, specific * Seo a demonstration at p. 369, vol. ii. tenth edition of Dr. Hutton's Course of Mathematics. STATICS: PRESSURE OF EARTH AGAINST WALLS. 225 gravity 2000, and the terrace of strong earth specific gravity 1428, natural slope 53° from vertex. Then the above equation becomes x² × 2000 × 39.37 = 1 × 39.37³ × 1428 × tanº 26½ 1428 or x 39.37 tan 26° 39.37 2 1428 3 x 2000 6000 = 19.685 × 4878-9.6 feet, thickness of the wall. 4. Of the experimental results the best which we have seen are those of M. Mayniel, from which the following are selected; all along supposing the upper surface of the earth and of the wall which supports it, to be both in one horizontal plane. 1st. Both theory and experiment indicate that the resultant HQ of the thrust of a bank, behind a vertical wall, is at a dis- tance A Q from the bottom of the wall- A D, the height. 2dly. That the friction is half the pressure, in vegetable earths, four-tenths in sand. 3dly. The cohesion which vegetable earths acquire, when cut in turfs, and well laid, course by course, diminishes their thrust by full two-thirds. 4thly. The line of rupture behind a wall which supports a bank of vegetable earth is found at a distance D G from the in- terior face of the wall equal to 618 h, h being the height of the wall. 5thly. When the bank is of sand, then D G= 677 h. 6thly. When the bank is of vegetable earth mixed with small gravel, then D G='646 h. 7thly. If it be of rubbles, then D G='414 h. 8thly. If it be of vegetable earth mixed with large gravel, then D G 618 h. 1 Thickness of Walls, both faces vertical. 1. Wall brick, weight of cubic foot = 109 lbs. avoird. bank vegetable earth, carefully laid, course by course, d f=·16 h. 2. Wall unhewn stones, 135lbs. per cubic foot, earth as be- fore, D F 15 h. 3. Wall brick, earth clay well rammed, D F—∙17 h. 4. Wall unhewn stones, earth as above, D F='16 h. 5. Wall of hewn free stone, 170 lbs. to the cubic foot, bank vegetable carth, n r=13 h; if the bank be clay D r='14 h. 6. Bank of earth mixed with large gravel, Wall of bricks . unhewn stone hewn free stone D F•19 h. D F•17 h. D F16 h. 226 STATICS: PRESSURE OF EARTH AGAINST WALLS. 7. Bank of sand, Wall of bricks M unhewn stone hewn free stone D F26 h. When the earth of the bank or terrace is liable to be much saturated with water, the proportional thickness of wall must be at least doubled.* 8. For walls with an interior slope, or a slope towards the bank, let the base of the slope be of the height, and let s and s, as before, be the specific gravities of the wall and of the earth; then N D F • S S where m 0424, for vegetable or clayey earth mixed with large gravel; m0464, if the earth be mixed with small. gravel; m = 1528, for sand; and m = 166, for semi-fluid earths. padded bags h DF 20 √3 → 1 3 n² 2 1 1200 D F33 h. D F30 h. + m h 20 Example. Suppose the height of a wall to be 20 feet, and of the height for the base of the talus or slope; suppose, also, the specific gravities of the wall and of the bank to be 2600, and 1400, and the earth semi-fluid: what, then, must be the thickness of the wall at the crown? Here the theorem will become, n +166.14-28 ; 20 200008333+0894 1 = (20 X 3) 1 1 5 feet while the thickness of the wall at bottom will be 6 feet. 6 Equilibrium of Polygons. 1. Let there be any number of lines, or bars, or beams, A b, B C, C D, DE, &c. all in the same vertical plane, connected to- gether, and freely moveable about the joints or angles, A, B, C, D, E, &c. and kept in equilibrio by weights laid on the angles: It is required to assign the proportion of those weights as also the force or push in the direction of the said lines; and the ho- rizontal thrust at every angle. 20 11 * When weights of French cubic feet are given in kilogrammes, of them will be the corresponding weight of an English cubic foot in pounds avoirdupois. 1 STATICS PRESSURE OF EARTH AGAINST WALLS. 227 A Through any point, as D, draw a vertical line a DH g, &c.; to which, from any point, as c, draw lines in the direction of, or paral- lel to, the given lines or beams, viz. c a pa- G P rallel to A в, c b parallel to в C, ce to D E, c f to E F, cg to F G, &c.; also c H parallel to the horizon, or perpendicular to the vertical line a d g, in which also all these parallels ter- minate. B O مين a b D H E F Then will all those lines be exactly proportional to the forces acting or exerted in the directions to which they are parallel, and of all the three kinds, viz. vertical, horizontal, and oblique. That is, the oblique forces or thrusts in direc- tion of the bars... A B, B C, C D, D E, E F, F G, are proportional to their parallels c a, c b, c d, c e, c f, c g ; and the vertical weights on the angles B, C, D, E, F, &c. are as the parts of the vertical. . . . a b, b », D e, eƒ, ƒ g, and the weight of the whole frame A B C D E F G, is proportional to the sum of all the verticals, or to a g; also the horizontal thrust at every angle, is everywhere the same constant quantity, and is expressed by the constant horizontal line C H. Corol. 1. It is worthy of remark that the lengths of the bars A B, B c, &c. do not affect or alter the proportions of any of these loads or thrusts; since all the lines c a, c b, a b, &c. remain the same, whatever be the lengths of A B, B C, &c. The positions of the bars, and the weights on the angles depend- ing mutually on each other, as well as the horizontal and oblique thrusts. Thus, if there be given the position of D c, and the weights or loads laid on the angles D, C, B ; sct these on the ver- tical, D н, D b, b a, then c b, c a, give the directions or posi- tions of c B, B A, as well as the quantity or proportion c H of the constant horizontal thrust. Corol. 2. If с н be made radius ; then it is evident that н a is the tangent, and c a the secant of the elevation of c a or a b above the horizon; also нb is the tangent and c b the secant of the elevation of cb or c B; also HD and CD the tangent and secant of the elevation of c D; also me and ce the tan- gent and secant of the elevation of c e or D E ; also н ƒ and cf the tangent and secant of the elevation of E F; and so on; also the parts of the vertical a b, b D, ef, fg, denoting the 1 EQUILIBRIUM OF ROOFS, &c. weights laid on the several angles, are the differences of the said tangents of elevations. Hence then in general, 228 1 1st. The oblique thrusts, in the directions of the bars, are to one another, directly in proportion as the secants of their angles of elevation above the horizontal directions; or, which is the same thing, reciprocally proportional to the cosines of the same. clevations, or reciprocally proportional to the sines of the ver tical angles, a, b, D, e, f, g, &c. made by the vertical line with the several directions of the bars; because the secants of any angles are always reciprocally in proportion to their cosines. 2. The weight or load laid on each angle is directly propor- tional to the difference between the tangents of the elevations above the horizon, of the two lines which form the angle. 3. The horizontal thrust at every angle is the same constant quantity, and has the same proportion to the weight on the top of the uppermost bar, as radius has to the tangent of the cleva- tion of that bar. Or, as the whole vertical a g, is to the line CH, so is the weight of the whole assemblage of bars, to the horizontal thrust. 4. It may hence be deduced also, that the weight or pressure laid on any angle, is directly proportional to the continual pro- duct of the sine of that angle and of the secants of the elevations of the bars or lines which form it. Scholium. This proposition is very fruitful in its practical consequences, and contains the whole theory of centerings, and indeed of arches, which may be deduced from the premises by supposing the constituting bars to become very short, like arch stones, so as to form the curve of an arch. It appears too, that the horizontal thrust, which is constant or uniformly the same throughout, is a proper measuring unit, by means of which to estimate the other thrusts and pressures, as they are all deter- minable from it and the given positions; and the value of it, as appears above, may be easily computed from the uppermost or vertical part alone, or from the whole assemblage together, or from any part of the whole, counted from the top down- wards. In all the useful cases, a model of the structure may be made, and the relations of the pressures at any angle, whether horizontal, vertical, or in the directions of the beams, may be determined by a spring steel-yard applied successively in the several directions, after the manner described in Art. 4. Sect. 1. Statics. 2. If the whole figure in the preceding problem be inverted, or turned round the horizontal line A G as an axis, till it be · EQUILIBRIUM OF ROOFS, &c. 229 · Į completely reversed, or in the same vertical plane below the first position, each angle D, d, &c. being in the same plumb line; and if weights i, k, l, m, n, which are respectively equal to the weights laid on the angles B, C, D, E, F, of the first figure, be now suspended by threads from the corresponding angles h, c, d, e, f, of the lower figure; those weights keep this figure in exact equilibrio, the same as the former, and all the tensions or forces in the latter case, whether vertical or ho- rizontal or oblique, will be exactly equal to the corresponding forces of weight or pressure or thrust in the like directions of the first figure. A B k U b D H O B مة B h d ს → 1 } E e m } fa A : This, again, is a proposition most fertile in its conse- quences, especially to the practical mechanic, saving the labour of tedious calculations, but making the results of ex- periment equally accurate. It may thus be applied to the prac- tical determination of arches for bridges, with a proposed. road way; and to that of the position of the rafters in a curb or mansard roof. 3. Thus, suppose it were required to make such a roof, with a given width A E, and of four proposed rafters A B, B C, C D, D E. Here, take four pieces that are equal or in the same given proportions as those proposed, and connect them closely to- gether at the joints A, B, C, D, E, by pins or strings, so as to be freely moveable about them; then suspend this from two pins, A E, fixed in a horizontal line, and the chain of the piece will arrange itself in such a festoon or form, a b c d E, that all its parts will come to rest in equili- brio. Then, by inverting the figure, it will exhibit the form and G R b M D d E 31 X 230 STATICS: MANSARD ROOF. 1 frame of a curb roof A B C D E, which will also be in equilibrio, the thrusts of the pieces now balancing each other, in the same manner as was done by the mutual pulls or tensions of the hanging festoon a b c d E. A 4. If the mansard be constituted of four equal rafters; then, if angle c A E m, angle c A B = x; it is demonstrable that 2 sin 2 x sin 2 m. So that if the span a E, and height м c, be given, it will be easy to compute the lengths A B, B C, Example. Suppose A E = 24 feet, м c 12. &c. M Then 1 = tan 45° angle c A M 22 M C M A ... sin 2 m = sin 90° 1, and sin 2 x = .. 2 x = 30°, and x = 15° CAB Hence M A B = 45° + 15° 60° 2 × 15°) 90° 15° (75° +60°) = 45° :: A M 12: A B 8.7846 feet. and M B A ½ (180° and A M B= 180° Lastly, sin 75°: sin 45 Note. In this example, since A M = M C, as well as A B = B C, it is evident that M B bisects the right angle A м C; yet it seemed preferable to trace the steps of a general solution. Slability of Arches. 1. If the effect of the force of gravity upon the ponderating matter of an arch and pier, be considered apart from the ope- ration of the cements which unite the stones, &c. the investi- gation is difficult to practical men, and it furnishes results that require much skill and care in their application. But, in an arch whose component parts are united with a very powerful cement, those parts do not give way in vertical columns, but by the separation of the entire mass, including arches and piers, into three, or, at most, into four parts. In this case, too, the conditions of equilibrium are easily cx- pressed and easily applied. J Let f F, fr', be the joints of rupture, or places at which the arch would most naturally separate, whether it yield in two pieces or in onc. Let & be the centre of gravity of the semi-arch ƒr к k, and G' that of the pier a в F Let F I be drawn parallel to the horizon, and G Í be demitted perpendicularly S ADB E = H K m. F E B' 75° A' STATICS: ARCHES AND PIERS. 231 upon it; also let &' D be a perpendicular passing through a', and F E drawn from F parallel to it. Then 2. PROP. If the arch fr F'f' tend to fall vertically in one piece, removing the sections f F, f' r'; if A be the weight of the semi-arch frкk, and P that of the pier up to the joint fr, the equilibrium will be determined by these two equa- tions: viz. CI S.PA (S) = P. 4 A D FE P. A CI FI # A E FE where f is the measure of the friction, or the tangent of the angle of repose of the material, and the first equation is that of the equilibrium of the horizontal thrusts, while the latter indi- cates the equilibrium of rotation about the exterior angle A of the pier. F H S.2=A(S) I 3. PROP. If each of the two semi-arches r k, k, r', tend to turn about the vertex k of the arch, removing the points F, F', the equilibrium of horizontal translation, and of rotation, will be respectively determined by the following equations: viz. (3) FH ADA (HAB) FE I FE (1) E (2) (4) 4. Hence it will be easy to examine the stability of any ce- mented arch, upon the hypothesis of these two propositions. Assume different points, such as r in the arch, for which let the numerical values of the equations (1) and (2), or (3) and (4), be computed. To ensure stability, the first members of the re- spective equations must exceed the second; those parts will be weakest, where the excess is least. • If the figure be drawn on a smooth drawing pasteboard, upon a good sized scale, the places of the centres of gravity may be found experimentally, as well as the relative weights of the semi-arch and piers, and the measures of the several lines from the scale employed in the construction. If the dimensions of the arch were given, and the thickness of the pier required, the same equations would serve; and dif- ferent thicknesses of the pier might be assumed until the first members of the equations come out largest. 232 STATICS: MODELS. The same rules are applicable to domes, simply taking the ungulas instead of the profiles. f Models. From an experiment made to ascertain the firmness of the model of a machine, or of an edifice, certain precautions are necessary before we can infer the firmness of the structure itself. The classes of forces must be distinguished; as whether they tend to draw asunder the parts, to break them transversely, or crush them by compression. To the first class belongs the stretching suffered by key-stones, or bonds of vaults, &c. : to the second, the load which tends to bend or break horizontal or inclined beams; to the third the weight which presses verti- cally upon walls and columns. PROB. 1. If the side of a model be to the corresponding side of the structure, as I to n, the stress which tends to draw asun- der, or to break transversely the parts, increases from the smaller to the greater scale, as 1 to n³; while the resistance of those ruptures increases only as 1 to nº. The structure, therefore, will have so much less firmness than the model as n is greater. Ka If w be the greatest weight which one of the beams of the model can bear, and w the weight or stress which it actually sustains, then the limit of n will be n = W W PROB. 2. The side of the model being to the corresponding side of the structure as 1 to n, the stress which tends to crush the parts by compression, increases from the smaller to the greater scale, as I to n³, while the resistance increases only in the ratio of 1 to n. Hence, if w were the greatest load which a modular wall or column could carry, and w the weight with which it is actually loaded; then the greatest limit of increased dimensions would W be found from the expression n = พ If, retaining the length or height n h, and the breadth n b, we wished to give to the solid such a thickness x1, as that it should not break in consequence of its increased dimensions, we should have x = n² ✓ W W In the case of a pilaster with a square base, or of a cylin- • STATICS: MODELS. 233 drical column, if the dimension of the model were d, and of the largest pillar, which should not crash with its own weight when n times as high, x d, we should have K MyD 3 X N 2/22 n² w These theorems will often find their application in the profes- sion of an architect or an engineer, whether civil or military. 3. Suppose, for an example, it were required to ascertain the strength of Mr. Smart's "Patent Mathematical Chain-bridge," from experiments made with a model. In this ingenious con- struction, the truss-work is carried across from pier to pier, so that the road-way from A to в, and thence entirely across, shall be in a horizontal plane, and all the base bars, diagonal bars, hanging bars, and connecting bolts, shall retain their own respective magnitudes throughout the structure. nexed representation of half the bridge so exhibits the con- struction as to supersede the necessity of a minute verbal de- scription. The an- Base W Diagonal Hanging Bur. Bar. Rar. Connecting Buit. my Ma – B Now, let represent the horizontal length of the model, (say 12 feet,) from interior to exterior of the two piers, w its weight (say 30 pounds), w the weight it will just sustain at its middle point в before it breaks (say 350 lbs.) Let n the / length of a bridge actually constructed of the same material as the model, and all its dimensions similar: then, its weight will be n³ w, and its resisting power to that of the model, as n° to 1, being nº (w + w.) Hence 2 (w + ½ w) - ½½ n³ w = 3 I W • ½ n³ (n 1) w, the load which the bridge itself would bear at the middle point. 223 Jxz Sale m x 2 234 STATICS: MODELS. 1 Suppose n = 20, or the bridge 240 feet long, and entirely similar to the model; then we shall have (400 × 350) 200 (20 — 1) 30 ) 30= 14000.0 114000 26000 lbs. 11 tons 124 cwt., the load it would just sustain in the middle point of its extent. 1 Jag tag m dah Note. This bridge is, in fact, a suspension bridge, and would require brace or tie-chains at each pier. A considerable im- provement upon its construction, by Colonel S. H. Long, of the American Engineers, is described in the Mechanic's Magazine, vol. xiii. or No. 368. 1 1 Ma + } > ! I 1 1 1 1 曹 ​1 } DYNAMICS. 235 { ( CHAPTER X. DYNAMICS. 1. THE mass of a body is the quantity of matter of which it is composed. The knowledge of the mass of a body is given to us by that property of matter which we call inertia ; and which being greater or less as the mass is greater or less, we regard as an in- dex of the mass itself. ་ 2. Density is a word by which we indicate the comparative closeness or otherwise of the particles of bodies. Those bodies which have the greatest number of particles, or the greatest quantity of matter, in a given magnitude, we call most dense; those which have the least quantity of matter, least dense; Density and weight are regarded as correlatives; so that the heaviest bodies of a given size, are the most dense, the lightest bodies, the least dense. Thus lead is more dense than freestone; freestone more dense than oak; oak more dense than cork. 3. When bodies are impelled by certain forces, they receive certain velocities, and move over certain spaces, in certain times. So that body, force, velocity, space, time, are the sub- jects of investigation in Dynamics; and in mathematical theo- rems, they are usually represented by the initial letters, b, f, v, s, t: or, if two or more bodies, &c. are compared, two or more corresponding letters в, b, b', v, v, v', &c. are employed in the formulæ. Gravity, which is a separate force incessantly acting, is represented by g; and momentum, or quantity of motion, by m, this being the effect produced by a body in motion. Force is distinguished into motive and accelerative, or retardive. 4. Motive force, otherwise called momentum, or force of percussion, is the absolute force of a body in motion, &c. ; and is expressed by the product of the weight or mass of matter in the body multiplied by the velocity with which it moves. But 5. Accelerative force, or retardive force, is that which respects the velocity of the motion only, accelerating or retarding it; and it is denoted by the quotient of the motive 236 DYNAMICS UNIFORM MOTIONS. force divided by the mass or weight of the body. So, if a body of 2 lbs. weight be acted upon by a motive force of 40, the ac- celerating force is 20; but, if the same force of 40 act upon another body of 4 lbs. weight, the accelerating force is then only 10; that is, it is only half the former, and will produce only half the velocity. 1 SECTION I.—Uniform Motions. 1. The space described by a body moving uniformly, is re- presented by the product of the velocity into the time: and in comparing two, we say ? S:S:: T v : t v. 2. In regard to momenta, m vàries, as b v, or M: m :: BV : b v. Example. Two bodies, one of 10, the other of 5 pounds, are acted upon by the same momentum, or receive the same quantity of motion 30. They move uniformly, the first for 8 seconds, the second for 6: required the spaces described by both. 6 บ 10 5 Here 30 3 V, and 30 Then T V = 3 X 8 = 24 s; and t v 6 X 6 36 =s. Thus the spaces are 24 and 36 respectively, SECTION II.-Motion uniformly accelerated. 1. Motion uniformly accelerated, is that of a material point. or body subjected to the continual action of a constant force. 2. In this motion the velocity acquired at the end of any time whatever is equal to the product of the accelerating force into the time; and the space described is equal to the product of half the accelerating force into the square of the time. 3. The spaces described in successive seconds of time are as the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. I 4. Gravity is a constant force, whose effect upon a body fall- ing freely in a vertical line is represented by g; and the motion of such body is uniformly accelerated. 1 DYNAMICS: MOTION UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED. 237 5. The following theorems are applicable to all cases of mo- tion uniformly accelerated by any constant force f 22 2 g f gft = √2gfs s = å t v = บ t f v gf 2 s g 13 2 g s Hence, in all motions of this nature, as soon as the ratio of the force,, to the force of gravity, g, is known, the circum- stances of space, time, velocity, &c. may be computed; or con- versely, knowing the space described in a given time, or the velocity acquired at the end of such time, the value of ƒ may be obtained. 28 t 28 V & t g t ని v=g Ot 11 g 6. When the force of gravity acts freely, as when a body falls in a vertical line, ƒ is omitted in the theorems, and we have 22 3=\ 81 ===== } 2 g to 2 g ½ 8 ƒ to g V 2 S V t 28 t บ شروح S ž g ƒ f v2 28 じ ​z t v √2 g s 60 S g ༩༧ 2 s Madda 7. Now, it has been ascertained by very accurate experi- ments that a body in the latitude of London falls nearly 16-1 feet in the first second of time, and that at the end of that time it has acquired a velocity double, or of 32 fect; therefore, if ΤΣ 1 ΤΣ g denote 16 feet, the space fallen through in one second of time, or g the velocity generated in that time; then, if the first scries of natural numbers be seconds of time, namely, the times in seconds 1", 2", 3", the velocities in feet will be 321, 643, 96, the spaces in the whole times 1672, 643, 1443, and the space for each second 16, 484, 80, 4", &c. 128, &c. 257}, &c. 1127, &c. 32 238 DYNAMICS: DESCENTS BY GRAVITY. of which spaces the common difference is 321 feet, the natural and obvious measure of g, the force of gravity. 8. If, instead of a heavy body being allowed to fall freely, it be propelled vertically upwards or downwards with a given velocity, v, then s = t v = 4 g 12; an expression in which the upper sign must be taken when the projection is upwards, the lower sign + when the projec- tion is downwards. 20 -1 When only an approximate result is required with reference to bodies falling vertically, 32 may be put for g, instead of 321: there would then result, in motions from quiescence, v2 s = 16 t² ½ t v t ช ၇) 32 mulæ of art. 5; so that 8√s- S + √ s G W K 8 Thus, if the space descended were 64 feet, we should have v = 8 × 8= X 64, and t 9 2 seconds. If the space descended were 400: then v 160, and t 5. 9. The force of gravity differs a little at different latitudes; the law of the variation is not as yet precisely ascertained; but the following theorems are known to represent it very nearly. That is, if g denote the force of gravity at latitude 45°, g' the force at any other place: then 64 พบ g'=g (1—·002837 cos 2 lat.) g'=g (1 +·002837), at the poles. g'g (1002837), at the equator. w + w 2 s t 10. Motion over a fixed pulley.-In this case let the two weights which are connected by the cord that goes over the } W พ pulley be denoted by w and w: then f in the for- w + w Added " G D 28 ย W w + w +2 A 32 1. & g t³. พบ C = 8 × 20 } Or, if the resistance of the friction and inertia of the pulley be represented by r; then $ 1 g tº. T DYNAMICS: MOTION OVER PULLEYS, &C. 239 Example. Suppose the two weights to be 5 and 3 lbs. re- spectively, what will be the space descended in 4 seconds? 5 3 W 1612 Here 16 4. 16. 16 20 J • 14 2 w + w 162.4 64 feet. W g to J 5 + 3 Example II.-But, suppose that in an actual experiment with two weights of 5 and 3 lbs. over a pulley, the heavier weight descended only 50 feet in 4 seconds. 50 feet and, as w, w, g, and t, • พ Then 12 g 13 are the same in both examples, w + w + " we have w+w+r: w+w:: 64: 50 or, dividendo r: w+w:: 14} : 50 that is, r: 5+3 :: 14:50 8+14 50 whence r = the measure of the resistance and the inertia. 1142 50 11. If, instead of pulleys, small wheels and axles, as in the margi- nal figure, be employed, to raise weights by the preponderance of equal weights: then, if the dia- meter of wheel and axle A be as 3 to 2; those of wheel and axle в, as 5 to 2; those of c, as 8 to 2; it will be found that the weight 6 will be elevated more rapidly than either a or c: the proportion of 5 to 2, (or, correctly, of 1+ √2 to 1) being in that respect the most fa- vourable. Note. Similar principles are applicable in a variety of other cases and by varying the relations of w, w, and r, the force may have any assigned ratio to that of gravity; which is, in- deed, the foundation of Mr. Atwood's elegant apparatus for ex- periments on accelerating forces. The inquisitive reader may see an account of it in the 2d vol. of my Mechanics, or in al- most any of the general dictionaries of arts and sciences. 2.2933 lbs. { Es Z b B U P с RICKS (BLACK last, a 240 J DYNAMICS: MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. A Motion on inclined Planes. 1. When bodies move down inclined planes, the accelerating force (independently of the modification occasioned by the po- the quo- sition of the centre of gyration) is expressed by 2.v 1 . s = å g t² sin i tient of the height of the plane divided by its length, or by what is equivalent, the sine of the inclination of the plane, that is to say, sin ¿. In this case, therefore, the formulæ be- come 23 g sin i g t sin i = √(2 g s sin i) A 2$ • g sin 2 2 ! h 400 0 64.12 193 יד ½ t v 3.t 28 V Farther, if v be the velocity with which a body is projected up or down a plane, then 4. v = v g t sin i V2 ༧༧ 5. s = v t = è g t sin i 2 g sin i Making v = 0, in equa. 4, and the latter member of equation. 5, the first will give the time at which the body will cease to rise, the latter the space. Example.-Suppose a body be projected up a smooth in- clined plane whose height is 12 and length 193 feet, with a ve- locity of 20 feet per second, how high will it rise up the plane before its motion is extinguished? Here s V2 vo 2 g sin i becomes s== E 2 s t 400 193 3 193 1 2 400. 4 100 feet, the space required. J. 2. With regard to the velocities acquired by bodies in fall- ing down planes of the same height, this proposition holds; viz. that they are all equal, estimated in their respective di- rections. Thus, if A D, B E, C F, be grooves of different inclinations, and a c, D r, horizontal lines, the balls A, B, C, after Ing F DYNAMICS: MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. 241 descending through those planes will have equal velocities when they arrive at D, E, F, respectively. 3. Also, all the chords, such as A D, B D, CD, that terminate either in the upper or the lower extremity of the vertical diameter of a circle, will be described in the same time by heavy bodies A, B, C, running down them; and that time will be equal to the time of vertical descent through the diame- ter. B A AUTODETT STATUTABROWOLNERABLJENI D 4. If three weights, as A, B, c, be drawn up three planes of different inclina- tions, by three equal weights hanging from cords over pulleys at P, then if the length of the middle plane be twice its height, the body в will be drawn up that plane, quicker than either of the other weights A or c. Or, generally, to ensure an ascent up a plane in the least time, the length of the plane must be to its height, as twice the weight to the power employed. 5. If it be proposed to construct a roof over a building of a given width, so that the rain shall rún quickest off it, then each. side of the roof must be inclined 45° to the horizon, or the an- gle at the ridge must be a right angle. : 6. The force by which spheres, cylinders, &c. are caused to revolve as they move down an inclined plane (instead of sliding) is the adhesion of their surfaces occasioned by the pressure against the plane this pressure is part of the body's weight; for the weight being resolved into its components, one in the direction of the plane, the other perpendicular to it, the latter is the force of the pressure; and, while the same body rolls down the plane, will be expressed by the cosine of the plane's elevation. Ilence, since the cosine decreases while the arc or angle increases, after the angle of elevation arrives at a certain magnitude, the adhesion may become less than what is neces- sary to make the circumference of the body revolve fast enough; in this case the body descends partly by sliding and partly by rolling. And the same may happen in smaller elevations, if the body and plane are very smooth. But at all elevations the Y P 242 DYNAMICS MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. body may be made to roll by the uncoiling of a thread or rib band wound about it. If w denote the weight of a body, s the space described by a body falling freely, or sliding freely down an inclined plane, then the spaces described by rotation in the same time by the following bodies, will be in these proportions. cylindrical surface, ss tension 1. A hollow cylinder, or of the cord in the first case 2. In a solid cylinder, s 3. In a spheric surface, tens. 2/3 w. Z W. s, tens. w. or thin spherical shell, s = g(sin i—ƒ)' s, tens. 7 — 2/4 w. 4. In a solid sphere, s If two cylinders be taken of equal size and weight, and with equal protuberances upon which to roll, as in the marginal figures: then, if lead be coiled uniformly over the curve surface of B, and an equal quantity of lead be placed uniformly from one end to the other near the axis in the cylinder A, that cylinder will roll down any inclined plane quicker than the other cylinder û. The rea- son is that each particle of matter in a roll- ing body, resists motion in proportion to the SQUARE of its distance from the axis of motion: and the particles of lead which most resist motion are placed at a greater distance from the axis in the cylinder в than in A. 4 5 5 7. The friction between the surface of any body and a plane, may be easily ascertained by gradually elevating the plane until the body upon it just begins to slide. The friction of the body is to its weight as the height of the plane to its base, or as the tangent of the inclination of the plane to the radius. Thus, if a piece of stone in weight 8 pounds, just begins to slide when the height of the plane is 2 feet, and its base 2: then the friction will be the weight, or 4 of 8 lbs. 6 ½ lbs. 2 8. After motion has commenced upon an inclined plane, the friction is usually much diminished. It may casily be ascer- tained experimentally, by comparing the time occupied by a body in sliding down a plane of given height and length, or given inclination, with that which the simple theorem for t, would give. For, if be the value of the friction in terms of the pressure, the theorem fort will be 2 s t' instead of t t': to: sin i sin i 2 s sin i f A ! B cnles S, Hence DYNAMICS: MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. 243 Example.-Suppose that a body slides down a plane in length 30 feet, height 10, in 23 seconds, what is the value of the friction. 60 Here t 2.366 nearly. 321 × 10 3 Hence (2.6) (2·366)2::: 27603 sin i-f Consequently, 33333 I thoala ch P W B tion, the weight being unity. 9. When a weight is to be moved either up an inclined plane, or along an horizontal plane, the angle of traction P w B, that the weight may be drawn with least effort, will vary with the value of f. The magnitude of that angle P w B for several values of ƒ are exhibited below. 1 45° 0' 38 40 33 41 29 45 18 G/02/20/ 28 g sin i 2 PW B 26°34' 23 58 21 48 19 59 •27603 = ·0573 value of the fric- f A W 11°19' 10 47 27 3 T1 4 952 23 10 18 PWBPW Bf PW Bf PW B 4. 17 18°26' 1 14° 2' 16 54 13 15 15 57 1232 414 56 4 11 53 13 7 19 P HO7-10-10 с B 8 9°28' 8 7 8 6 20 10. If, instead of seeking the line of traction so that the moving force should be a minimum, we required the position such that the suspending force to keep a load from descending should be a minimum, or a given force should oppose motion with the greatest energy; then the angles in the preceding table will be still applicable, only the angle in any assigned case must be taken below, as в w p. This will serve in the building and fastening walls, banks of earth, fortifications, &c. and in arranging the position of land-lies, &c. SECTION III.-Motions about a Centre or Axis. Pendulum, simple and compound; Centres of Oscillation, Percussion, and Gyration. DEF. 1. The centre of oscillation is that point in the axis of suspension of a vibrating body in which, if all the matter of the system were collected, any force applied there would ge- nerate the same angular velocity in a given time as the same 4 244 DYNAMICS: LINE OF FRACTION. 1 + force at the centre of gravity, the parts of the system revolving in their respective places. Or, since the force of gravity upon the whole body may be considered as a single force (equivalent to the weight of the body) applied at its centre of gravity, the centre of oscillation is that point in a vibrating body into which, if the whole were concentrated and attached to the same axis of motion, it would then vibrate in the same time the body does in its natural state. COR. From the first definition it follows that the centre of oscillation is situated in a right line passing through the cen- tre of gravity, and perpendicular to the axis of motion. It is always farther from the point of suspension than the centre of gravity. DEF. 2. The centre of gyration is that point in which, if all the matter contained in a revolving system were collected, the same angular velocity will be generated in the same time by a given force acting at any place as would be generated by the same force acting similarly in the body or system itself. When the axis of motion passes through the centre of gravity, then is the centre called the principal centre of gyration. The distance of the centre of gyration from the point of sus- pension, or the axis of motion, is a mean proportional between the distances of the centres of oscillation and gravity from the same point or axis. If s represent the point of suspension, & the place of the cen- tre of gravity, o that of the centre of oscillation, and R that of the centre of gyration. Then SR = √ SO. S G (1) and so . s G = a constant quantity for the same body and the same plane of vibration. DEF. 3. The Centre of Percussion is that point in a body revolving about an axis, at which, if it struck an immoveable obstacle, all its motion would be destroyed, or it would not in- cline cither way. • • When an oscillating body vibrates with a given angular velo- city, and strikes an obstacle, the effect of the impact will be the greatest if it be made at the centre of percussion. For, in this case the obstacle receives the whole revolving motion of the body; whereas, if the blow be struck in any other point, a part of the motion of the pendulum will be employed in endeavouring to continue the rotation. If a body revolving on an axis strike an immovable obstacle at the centre of percussion, the point of suspension will not be affected by the stroke. We can ascertain this property of the point o when we give a smart blow with a stick. If we give it a motion DYNAMICS: PENDULUMS, &c. 245 3 round the joint of the wrist only, and, holding it at one extre- mity, strike smartly with a point considerably nearer or more remote than of its length, we feel a painful wrench in the hand but if we strike with that point which is precisely at If we of the length, no such disagreeable strain will be felt. strike the blow with one end of the stick, we must make its centre of motion at of its length from the other end; and then the wrench will be avoided. 3 PROP. The distance of the centre of percussion from the axis of motion is equal to the distance of the centre of oscillation from the same supposing that the centre of percussion is re- quired in a plane passing through the axis of motion and cen- tre of gravity. DEF. 4. A Simple Pendulum, theoretically considered, is a single weight, regarded as a point, or as a very small globe, hanging at the lower extremity of an inflexible right line, void of weight, and suspended from a fixed point or centre, about which it oscillates. DEF. 5. A Compound Pendulum is one that consists of se- veral weights moveable about one common centre of motion, but so connected together as to retain the same distance both from one another and from the centre about which they vibrate. Or any body, as a cone, a cylinder, or of any shape, regular or irregular, so suspended as to be capable of vibrating, may be regarded as a compound pendulum; and the distance of its cen- tre of oscillation from any assumed point of suspension, is con- sidered as the length of an equivalent simple pendulum. Any such vibrating body will have as many centres of oscil- lation as you give it points of suspension; but when any one of those centres of oscillation is determined, either by theory or experiment, the rest are easily found by means of the pro- perty that so. S G is a constant product, or of the same value for the same body. 1 Wala DEF. 6. When a body either revolves about an axis, or oscil- lates, the sum of the products of each of the material elements, or particles of that body, into the squares of their respective distances from the axis of rotation, is called the momentum of inertia of that body. (Sec art. 6, p. 241). A point, or very small body, on descending along the suc- cessive sides of a polygon in a vertical plane, loses at each angle a part of its actual velocity equal to the product of that velocity into the versed sine of the angle made by the side which it has just quitted, and the prolongation of the side upon which it is just entering. 33 Y 2 246 DYNAMICS: PENDULUMS, &c. Therefore that loss is indefinitely small in curves. A D B 7. A heavy body which descends along a curve posited in a vertical plane, by the force of gravity, has, in any point what- ever, the same velocity as it would have if it had fallen through a vertical line equal to that between the top and the bottom of the arc run over and when it has arrived at the bottom of any such curve, if there be another branch either similar or dissimilar, rising on the opposite side, the body will rise along that branch (apart from the consideration of friction) until it has reached the horizontal plane from which it set out. Thus, after having descended from A to v, it will have the same velo- city as that acquired by falling through D v, and it will ascend up the opposite branch until it arrives at B. V 1 8. If the body describe a curve by a pendulous motion, the same property will be shown, free from the effects of friction. Thus, let a ball hang by a flexible cord s D from a pin at s: then, after it has descended through the arc D E, it will pass through an equal and similar arc E A, going up to A in the same horizontal line with D, and as- cending from E to A in an interval of time equal to that which it descended from D to E. But, if a pin projecting from P or p stop the cord in its course, the ball will still rise to в or to c, the same horizontal line with A and D; but will describe the ascending portions of the curve in shorter intervals of time than the descending branch. in 9. When a pendulum is drawn from its vertical position, it will be accelerated in the direction of the tan- 2000 gent of the curve it would describe, by a force which is as the sine of its angular distance from the vertical position. Thus, the acccle- rating force at A, would be to the accelerating. force at B, as A F to B E. (See art. 5, on the Centre of Gravity). This admits of an easy experimental proof. A n F E 10. If the same pendulous body descend through different arcs, its velocity at the lowest point will be proportional to the chords of the whole arcs described. Thus, the velocity at D, DYNAMICS: PENDULUMS, &c. 247 after passing through A B D, will be to the velocity at D after descending through the portion B D only, as A d to b d. 11. Farther, velocity after describing A B D, is to velocity after describing в D, as ✅F D to √E D. If, therefore, we would impart to a body a given velo- city v, we have only to compute the height F D, such that v2 V2 " and through the point r draw the hori- 2 g 64 feet zontal line FA; then, letting the body descend as a pendulum through the arch A B D, when arrived at D, it will have acquired the proposed velocity. This is extremely useful in experiments on the collision of bodies. 12. The oscillations of pendulums in any arcs of a cycloid are isochronal, or performed in equal times. F D 13. Oscillations in small portions of a circular arc are iso- chronal. 14. The numbers of oscillations of two different pendulums, in the same time, and at the same place, are in the inverse ratio of the square roots of the length of these pendulums. 15. If be the length of a single pendulum, or the dis- tance from the point of suspension to the centre of oscil- lation in a compound pendulum, g the measure of the force of gravity (32 feet, or 386 inches at the level of St. Paul's in the latitude of London), t the time of one oscil- lation in an indefinitely small circular arc, and я = 3.141593: then 39/1/ 925 inches, 16. Conformably with this we have t = x 25 42 inches, 72 Yo inches, length of the second 25 inches, 128 17. We have also l half second third of second quarter second •20264 × g = 4·9348 / g and & in any latitude and at any altitude. pendulum in lat. of London. + tabad *At the level of the sea, in the latitude of London, g is 386-289 inches, and the corresponding length of the second pendulum is 39-1393 inches, according to the determination of Major Kater. Conformably with this result are the numbers in the table following art. 30 of this section, computed at the expense of Messrs. Bra- mahs and Donkin, and obligingly communicated by them for this work. It has been suspected by M. Bessel, and demonstrated by Mr. Francis Bailey, that, in the refined computations relative to the pendulum, the formula for the reduction to a vacuum are inaccurate, and that, in consequence, we do not yet precisely know the length of a second pendulum. Sce Phil. Transac. 1832. 248 DYNAMICS: PENDULUMS, &c. 1 In other words, whatever be the force of gravity, the length of a second pendulum, and the space descended freely by a falling body in 1 second, are in a constant ratio. 18. If ' be the length of a pendulum, g' the force of gravity, and t'the time of oscillation at any other place, then If the force of gravity be the same, t: t' :: √l: √l'. If the same pendulum be actuated by different gravitating forces, we have t: t' :: t : t' t' :: t √g': √g. When pendulums oscillate in equal times in different places, we have JE V g: g' :: 1: l'. For the variations of gravity in different latitudes, see art. 9, pa. 238. π ↓ HH g 18. If the arcs are not indefinitely short, let v denote the versed sine of the semi-arc of vibration; then Į 9 ( 1 + s v + 2 v³+&c.) for a semi-arc of 30° of 15° I õ In which, when the semi-are of vibration does not exceed 4 or 5 degrees, the third term of the series may be omitted. If the time of an oscillation in an indefinitely small arc be 1 second, the augmentation of the time will be of 10° of 5° of 21° 0.01675 0.00426 0.00190 0.00012 0.00003 So that for oscillations of 24° on each side of the vertical, the augmentation would not occasion more than 2" difference in a day. 19. If » denote the degrees in the semi-are of an oscillating pendulum, the time lost in each second by vibrating in a cir- cle instead of the cycloid, ist D2 52524 ; and consequently the time. lost in a whole day of 24 hours, or 24 x 60 x 60 seconds, is DYNAMICS, PENDULUMS, &c. 249 D nearly. In like manner, the seconds lost per day by vibrating in the arc of A degree, is A. Therefore, if the § pendulum keep true time in one of these arcs, the seconds lost or gained per day, by vibrating in the other, will be 2 (D² A³). So, for example, if a pendulum measure true time in an arc of 3 degrees, it will lose 113 seconds a day by vibrating 4 degrees; and 262 seconds a day by vibrating 5 de- grees and so on. 5 3 20. If a clock keep true time very nearly, the variation in the length of the pendulum, necessary to correct the error will be equal to twice the product of the length of the pendulum, and the error in time divided by the time of observation in which that error is accumulated. If the pendulum be one that should beat seconds, and t' the daily variation be given in minutes, and n be the number of threads in an inch of the screw which raises and depresses ± 2 × 39 × n t' the bob of the pendulum, then 24 × 60 2 37 ·05434 n t'=3n t' nearly, for the number of threads which the bob must be raised or lowered, to make the pendulum vi- brate truly, 21. For civil and military engineers, and other practical men, it is highly useful to have a portable pendulum, made of painted tape, with a brass bob at the end, so that the whole, except the bob, may be rolled up within a box, which may be enclosed in a shagreen casc. The tape is marked 200, 190, 180, 170, 160, &c. 50, 75, 70, 65, 60, at points which being assumed respectively as points of suspension, the pendulum will make 200, 190, &c. down to 60 vibrations in a minute. Such a portable pendulum may be readily employed in experiments relative to falling bodies, the velocity of sound, &c. The pendulum and its box may go in a waistcoat pocket. 22. If the momentum of inertia (Def. 6) of a pendulum, whether simple or compound, be divided by the product of the pendulum's weight or mass into the distance of its centre of gravity from the point of suspension (or axis of motion), the quotient will express the distance of the centre of oscillation from the same point (or axis.) 23. Whatever the number of separate masses or bodies which constitute a pendulum, it may be considered as a single pendulum, whose centre of gravity is at the distance d from the axis of suspension, or of rotation: then if к' denote the momentum of inertia of that body divided by its mass, the distance s o from the axis of rotation to the centre of K 250 DYNAMICS: PENDULUMS, &c. oscillation or the length of an equivalent simple pendulum, will be 2 d³ + K² d * s o 24. To find the distance of the centre of oscillation from the point or axis of suspension, experimentally. Count the num- ber, n, of oscillations of the body in a very short arc in a minute; then so 140850 22 B Thus, if a body so oscillating, made 50 vibrations in a minute: then so 56.34 inches. 140850 2500 Or, s o=39} t, in inches, t being the time of one oscillation in a very small arc. If the are be of finite appreciable magnitude, the time of os- cillation must be reduced in the ratio 8+ versin of semi-arc to 8, before the rule is applied. 25. From the foregoing principles are derived the following expressions for the distances of the centres of oscillation for the several figures, suspended by their vertices and vibrating flat- wise, viz. (1.) Right line, or very thin cylinder, s o=3 of its length. (2.) Isosceles triangle, s o=3 of its altitude. (3.) Circle, s o= radius. (4.) Common parabola, s o= of its altitude. 2 m + 1 Xits altitude. 5 (5.) Any parabola, s o = 3 m + 1 Bodies vibrating laterally or sideways, or in their own plane : (6.) In a circle, s o=3 of diameter. (7.) In a rectangle suspended by one angle, so = & nal. (8.) Parabola suspended by its vertex, so = meter. (9.) Parabola suspended by middle of its base, s o=4 axis+ ½ parameter. 3 arc radius 4 chord (radius of base)" 5 axis (10.) In a sector of a circle, s 0= (11.) In a cone, s o = axis+ of diago- axis+para- *For some curious and valuable theorems, by Professor Airy, for the reduction of vibrations in the air to those in a vacuum, see Mr. F. Baily's paper referred to in the preceding noto. J DYNAMICS: CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. 251 G 2 rad.2 rad. +d+ (12.) In a sphere, so 5 (d + rad.) Where d is the length of the thread by which it is suspended. (13.) If the weight of the thread is to be taken into the ac- count, we have the following distance between the centre of the ball, and that of oscillation, where в is the weight of the ball, d the distance between the point of suspension and its centre, r the radius of the ball, and w the weight of the thread or wire,. ( } W + } B) 4 r²º — } w (2 dr + d³); or, if в be expressed (½ W + B) d r w 2 ड G 0- B in terms of w considered as a unit, then & O B + ë (14.) If two weights w, w', be fixed at the extremities of a rod of given length w w', s being the centre of motion between w and w'; then, if d = sw, D = s w', and m the weight of an unit in length of the rod, we shall have m D3 + 3 W' D² + m D³ + 3 w D³ M D* + 2 W'D m D2 2 W D ; the radii of the balls being supposed very small in comparison with the length of the rod. (15.) In the bob of a clock pendulum, supposing it two equal spheric segments joined at their bases, if the radii of those bases =g, the height of each segment v, and d the distance from the point of suspension to & the centre of the bob, then is be each - 4 2 1 §¹ + ½ s² v³ + 7% 21% 2 d. K SO= 2 po v z r V 3 becomes & 0 = o s³ + 3 v ³ centre of oscillation below the centre of the bob. If r the radius of the sphere be known, the latter expression 1. 23 MA 1 d 6 ; which shows the distance of the pag mag 10 d (r - 3 v) Va (16.) Let the length of a rectangle be denoted by 7, its breadth by 2 w, the distance (along the middle of the rectangle) from one end to the point of suspension by D, then the distance so, from the point of suspension to the centre of oscillation, d³ d l + } l² + } w² 7 ½ 1°² + 3 w² 1 = { l―d+ 12 will be so= 2 7 d ። 1. it whether the figure be a mere geometrical rectangle, or a pris- matic metallic plate of uniform density. G It follows from this theorem that a plate of 1 foot long, and ½ of a foot broad, and suspended at a fourth of a foot from either end, would vibrate as a half second pendulum. 1 6 Also, that a plate a foot long, of a foot wide, and suspended at of a foot from the middle, would vibrate 36.469 times in 5 hours. Ü " 252 DYNAMICS: CENTRE OF OSCILLATION. And hence the length of a foot may be determined ex- perimentally by vibrations. (17.) If a thin rod, say of a foot in length, have a ball of an inch diameter at each end, a and B, and a moveable point of suspension, s; then the time of oscillation of such a pendulum may be made as long as we please, by bringing the point of suspension nearer and nearer to the middle of the rod. Or, if the point of suspension be fixed the dis- tance s o (and consequently the time of oscilla- tions which is as so) may be varied by placing A nearer or farther from s. And this is the principle of the METRONOME, by which musi- cians sometimes regulate their time. B 2.2 A S kamion PAPERREANDIKÁTLAG a (18.) If the weight of the connecting rod be evanescent with regard to the weight of the balls A and B ; then if R=radius of the larger ball, r that of the smaller, D and d the distances of their respective centres from s: we shall have R³ (5 Dº +2 Rº)+7³ (5 d³ +2 µ³) 3 5 (D R³d p³) When R and r are equal, this becomes 3 2 2 SO= SO (D+d) +3. 5 D ď (19.) If the minor and major axes of an ellipse (or of an elliptical plate of wood or metal) be as 1 to 3, or as 1000 to 1732; then if it be suspended at one extremity of the minor axis, the centre of oscillation will be at the other extremity of that axis, or its oscillations will be performed in the same time as those of a simple pendulum whose length is equal to the minor axis. : The same ellipse also possesses this curious and useful pro- perly viz. That any segment or any zone of the ellipse cut off by lines parallel to the major axis, whether it be taken near the upper part of the minor axis, near the middle, or near the bottom of the same, will vibrate in the same time as the whole ellipse, the point of suspension being at an extremity of the minor axis. 26. It is evident, from art. 17, that pendulums in different latitudes require to be of different lengths, in order that they may perform their vibrations in the same time; but besides this there is another irregularity in the motion of a pendulum in the same place, arising from the different degrees of tem- perature. Heat expanding, and cold contracting the rod of - DYNAMICS: COMPENSATION PENDULUMS, &c. 253 1 1 the pendulum, a certain small variation must necessarily fol- low in the time of its vibrations; to remedy which various methods have been invented for constructing what are com- monly called compensation pendulums, or such as shall always preserve the same distance between the centre of oscillation and the point of suspension; but of these we shall describe two or three. Compound or Compensation PENDULUMS have received dif- ferent denominations, from their form and materials, as the gridiron pendulum, mercurial pendulum, &c. 27. The Gridiron PENDULUM consists of five rods of steel, and four of brass, placed in an alternate order, the middle rod being of steel, by which the pendulum ball is suspended; these rods of brass and steel are placed in an alternate order, and so connected with each other at their ends, that while the ex- pansion of the steel rods has a tendency to lengthen the pen- dulum, the expansion of the brass rods acting upwards tends to shorten it. And thus, when the lengths of the brass and steel rods are duly proportioned, their expansions and contrac- tions will exactly balance and correct each other, and so pre- serve the pendulum invariably of the same length. Sometimes 3, 7, or 9 rods, are employed in the construction of the gridiron pendulum; and zinc, silver, and other metals, may be used instead of brass and steel. 28. The mercurial pendulum was invented by Mr. Graham, an eminent clockmaker, about the year 1715. Its rod was made of brass, and branched towards its lower end, so as to embrace a cylindric glass vessel 13 or 14 inches long, and about 2 inches diameter; which being filled about 12 inches deep with mercury, forms the weight or ball of the pendulum. If, upon trial, the expansion of the rod be found too great for that of the mercury, more mercury must be poured into the vessel if the expansion of the mercury exceeds that of the rod, so as to occasion the clock to go fast with heat, some mercury must be taken out of the vessel, so as to shorten the column. And thus may the expansion and contraction of the quicksilver in the glass be made exactly to balance the expan- sion and contraction of the pendulum rod, so as to preserve the distance of the centre of oscillation from the point of suspen- sion invariably the same. This kind of pendulum fell entirely into disuse soon after Graham's time; but it has lately been re-adopted with con- siderable success by practical astronomers. A very instructive paper on its principles, construction, and use, has been pub- lished by Mr. F. Baily, in vol. i. part 2, Memoirs of the As- tronomical Society of London. T 34 Z 254 DYNAMICS: COMPENSATION PENDULUMS. 1 29. Reid's Compensation PENDULUM is a recent invention of Mr. Adam Reid, of Woolwich, the con- struction of which is as follows: A N is a rod of wire, and z z a hollow tube of zinc, which slips on the wire, being stopped from falling off by a nut N, on which it rests; and on the upper part of this cylinder of zinc rests the heavy ball в; now the length of the tube z z being so adjusted to the length of the rod A N, that the expansions of the two bodies shall be equal with equal degrees of temperature; that is, by making the length of the zinc tube to that of the wire, as the ex- pansion of wire is to that of zinc, it is obvious that the ball в will in all cases preserve the same distance from A; for just so much as it would descend by the expan- sion of the wire downwards, so much will it ascend by the ex- pansion of the zinc upwards, and consequently its vibrations will in all temperatures be equal in equal times. N Katik Z B Τ 30. Drummond's Compensation Pendulum. This was proposed by an artist in Lancashire more than 70 years ago. A bar of the same metal with the rod of the pen- dulum, and of the same thickness and length, is placed against the back part of the clock-case from the top of this a part projects, to which the upper part of the pendulum is connected by two fine pliable chains or silken strings, which just below pass between two plates of brass whose lower edges will al- ways terminate the length of the pendulum at the upper end. These plates are supported on a foot fixed to the back of the casc. This bar rests upon an immoveable base on the lower part of the case, and is braced into a proper groove, which ad- mits of no motion any way but that of expansion and contrac- tion in length by heat and cold. In this construction, since the two bars are of equal magnitude and like constitution, their expansions and contractions will always be equal and in op- posite directions; so that one will serve to correct and annihilate the effects of the other. An extensive and valuable table of the expansions of dif- ferent substances is given by Mr. Baily in the paper referred to above. bakk } DYNAMICS: COMPENSATION PENDULUMS. 251 1 Table of Lengths and Vibrations of Pendulums. [See note at foot of page 250.] Į Length Time of inches. vibration. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.-7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 $ 0-1598 0.1676 0.1751 0.1822 0.1891 0.1957 0·2424 0.2476 0.2527 0.2577 0.2626 0.2674 0.2721 0.2768 0.2814 0-2859 0.2903 0.2947 0.2021 0·2084 0.2144 0·2203 4.538 0.2260 4.123 0.2316 4-317 0.2370 4.217 0.2990 0.3032 0·3074 0.3115 No.Vibr. Length inches. per sec. 0.3236 0·3275 0.3314 0.3352 0.3390 0.3428 6.256 5.965 5-711 5.487 5.287 5.108 0.3465 0·3502 0.3538 0.3574 0.3609 0.3644 4.945 4.798 4.663 4.125 4.038 3.956 3.344 3.297 3.252 3·209 0.3157 3.167 0.3195 3.128 3.879 3.807 3.738 3.673 3.612 3.553 3.497 3-443 3.392 3.089 3.052 3.016 2.982 2.949 2-916 2.885 2.855 2.826 2-797 2.770 · 2-743 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 17.17 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Time of No. Vibr. vibration, per sec. $ 0.3679 0.3713 0.3748 0.3782 0.3816 0.3849 0·3882 0.3915 0.3947 0.3980 0.4012 0-4043 0-1075 0.4106 0.4137 0.4168 0.4198 0.1229 0.4435 0.4464 0.4492 0-4521 0.4549 0-4577 2.717 2.692 2.667 2.643 2.620 2.597 0.4259 2.347 0.4289 2.331 0.4318 2.315 0.4348 2.399 0.4377 2.284 0.4406 2.269 0-4605 0.4632 0·1660 0.4687 0.4714 0.4741 2.575 2-554 2.533 2.512 2-192 2.472 2.453 2.435 2.416 2.399 2.381 2.364 2.254 2.240 2-225 2.211 2.198 2.184 2.17] 2.158 2.145 2.133 2.121 2.108 0-4768 2.097 0.4795 2.085 0.4821 2·073 0.4848 2.062 0-1874 2.051 0.4900 2.040 256 LENGTHS AND VIBRATIONS OF PENDULUMS. Length Time of No.Vibr. Length Time of No. Vibr. inches. inches. vibration. vibration. per sec. per sec. 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 0.4926 0.4952 0.4978 0.5003 0.5029 0.5054 0.5079 0.5105 0.5130 0.5155 0.5179 0.5204 0.5228 0.5253 0.5277 0.5301 0.5325 0.5349 0.5373 0.5396 0.5420 0.5444 0.5467 0.5490 0.5514 0.5537 0.5560 0.5583 0.5605 0.5628 0.5651 0.5673 0.5696 0.5718 0.5741 0.5763 0.5785 0.5807 0.5829 0.5851 0.5873 0.5894 2.029 2.019 2.008 1.998 1.988 1.978 1.968 1.958 1.949 1.939 1.930 1.921 1.912 1.903 1.894 1.886 1.877 1.869 1.861 1.853 1.845 1.837 1.829 1.821 1.783 1.776 1.769 1.762 1.755 1.748 1.741 1.735 1.728 1.721 1.715 1.709 1.703 1.696 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 1.813 16.7 1.806 16.8 1.798 16.9 1.791. 17.0 17.1 17.2 0.5916 1.690 0.5938. 1.684 0.5959 1.6.78 0.5980 1.672 0.6001 1.666 0.6023 1.660 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17:7 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 19.0 S 0.6044 0.6065 0.6086 0.6107 0.6128 0.6149 0.6170 0.6191 0.6211 0.6231 0.6252 0.6272 0.6293 0.6313 0.6333 0.6353 0.6373 0.6393 0.6413 0.6433 0.6453 J 0.6473 0.5493 0.6532 0.6551 0.6571 0.6590 0.6609 0.6629 0.6648 0.6648 0.6667 0.6686 1.654 1.648 1.642 1.637 1.631 1.626 1.620 1.615 1.609 1.604 1·599 1.594 0.6875 0.6893 0.6912 0.6930, 0.6949 0.6967 1.589 1.584 1.579 1.574 1.569 1.564 1.559 1.554 1.549 1.544 1.539 1.535 1.504 1.499 1.495 0.6705 1.491 0.6724 1.487 0.6743 1.482 1.531' 1.526 1.521 1.517 1.512 1.508 0.6762 1.478. 0.6781 1.474 0.6800 1.470 0.6819 1.466 0.6837 1.462 ·0.6856 1.458 1.454 1.450 1.446 1.442 1.439 1.435 F LENGTHS AND VIBRATIONS OF PENDULUMS. Length Time of No.Vibr. Length Length inches. inches. vibration. per sec. 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20-4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 $ 0.6985 0.7003 0.7022 0.7040 0.7058 0.7076 0.7094 0.7112 0.7130 0.7148 0.7166 0.7184 0.7201 0.7219 0.7237 0.7254 0.7272 0.7289 0.7307 0.7324 0.7342 0.7359 0.7377 0.7394 21.5 0.7411 21.6 0.7428 21.7 0.7446 21.8 0.7463 21.9 0.7480 22.0 0.7497 22.1 0.7514 22.2 0.7531 22.3 0.7548 22.4 0.7565 22.5 10.7582 22.6 1.431 1.427 1.424 1.420 1.416 1.413 1.409 1.405 1.402 1.398 1.395 1.391 1.388 1.384 1.381 1.378 1.375 1.371 1.368 1.365 1.361 1.358 1.355 1.352 1.349 1.345 1.343 1.339 1.336 1.333 1.330 1.327 1.324 1.321 1.318 0.7598 1-315 23.3 0.7715 1.296 23.4 0.7732 1.293 23.5 0.7748 1.290 23.6 0.7765 1.287 23.7 0-7781 1.285 23.8 0.7798 1.282 23.9 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.8 26.9 27.6 22.7 0.7615 1.313 22.8 0.7632 1.310 27.7 22.9 0.7649 1.307 27.8 23.0 0.7665 1.304 27.9 1.301 28.0 23.1 0.7682 23.2 0.7699 1.298 28.1 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 Time of vibration. S 0.7814 0.7830 0.7847 0.7863 '0.7879 0.7895 0.7911, 0.7927 0.7944 0.7960 0.7976 0.7992 0-8008 0.8024 0.8040 0.8056 0.8071 0.8087 0.8103 0.8119 0.8134 0.8150 0.8166 0.8181 0.8197 0.8212 0.8228 0.8244 0.8259 0.8275 0.8290 No. Vibr. per sec. 1.279 1.277 1.274 1.271 1.269 1.266 1.263 1.261 1.259 1·256 1.253 1.251 1.248 1.246 1.243 1.241 1.238 1.236 1.234 1.231 1.229 1.226 1.224 1.222 1.219 1.217 1.215 1.213 1.211 1.208 1.206 0.8305 1·204 0.8321 1·201 0.8336 1.199 0.8351 1.197 0.8367 1.195 0.8382 1.193 0.8397 1.191 0.8412 1.189 0.8427 1.186 0.8443 1.184 0.8458 1.182 0.8473 1.180 0.8488 1.178 0.8503 1.176 0.8518 1.173 0.8533 1-171 0.8548 1.169 0.8563 1.167 ! 257 1 z 2 Z 258 LENGTHS AND VIBRATIONS OF PENDULUMS. Į Length Time of inches. vibration. 1 28.8 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 29.9 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 S 0.8578 1.165 34.2 0.8593 1.163 34.3 0.8607 1.161 34.4 0.8622 1.159 34.5 1.157 34.6 1.155 34.7 0.8637 0.8652 33.6 33-7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.1 0.8667 0.8682 0.8696 0.8711 0.8726 0.8741 0.8755 0.8769 0.8784 0.8798 0.8813 0.8827 0.8842 0.8856 0·8870 0.8885 0.8899 0.8914 0.8928 0.8912 0.8956 0.8971 0.8985 0.8999 31.8 0·9013 31.9 0.9027 32.0 0.9042 32.1 0.9056 32.2 0.9070 32.3 0.9084 No.Vibr.|| Length | Time of No. Vibr. per scc. inches. vibration. per sec. 33.0 0.9182 33.1 0.9196 33-2 0.9210 33.3 0.9224 33.4 0-9237 33.5 0.9251 1·154 34.8 1.152 34.9 1.150 35.0 1.148 35.1 1.146. 35.2 1.144 35.3 1.142 35.4 1.140 35.5 1.138 35.6 1.136 35.7 1.135 35.8 1.133 35.9 1.131 1.129 1.127 1.125 1.123 1.121 1.120 1.118 1.116 1.114 1.112 1111 1.109 1.107 1.105 1.104 1.102 1'100 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 32.4 0.9098 1.099 37.8 32.5 0·9112 1.097 37.9 32.6 0.9126 1.095 38.0 32.7 0.9140 1.094 38·1 32.8 0.9154 1.092 38.2 32.9 0.9168 1.090 38.3 0.9265 1.079 0·9279 1.077 0.9293 1.076 0·9306/ 1.074 0·9320 1:072 0-9334 1.071 36.8 36.9 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 1.089 38.4 1.087 38.5 1.085 38.6 1:084 38.7 1.082 38.8 1·080 38.9 39.0 39.1 39.2 I $ 0.9347 0.9361 0.9375 0.9389 0.9402 0.9415 0.9429 1.060 0.9443 1.059 0.9456 1.057 0.9470 1.055 0.9483 1·054 0.9497 1.052 0.9510 0.9523 0.9537 0.9550 0.9563 0.9577 0.9590 0.9603 0.9617 0.9630 0.9643 0.9657 0.9722 0.9736 0.9749 0.9762 0.9775 0-9788 0.9801 0.9814 1.069 1.068 1.066 1.065 1.063 1.062 0.9670' 1·034 0.9683 1.032 0.9696 1.031 0.9709 1.029 1.028 1.027 0.9827 0.9840 0.9853 0.9866 0.9879 0.9892 1·051 1·050 1.048 1·047 1.045 1.044 0.9982 0.9995 1.0001 1.04.2 1·041 1.039 1·038 1.036 1.035 1.025 1.023 1.024 1·021 1.020 1.018 1·017 1.016 1.014 1.013 1.012 1.010 0.9905 1·009 0.9918 1.008 0.9931 1.006 0.9943 1·005 0.9956 1.004 0.9969 1.003 1.001 1.000 0-9993 f 1 DYNAMICS: GYRATION AND ROTATION. 259 Centre of Gyration, Principles of Rotation. 1. The distance of R the centre of gyration, from c the centre or axis of motion, in some of the most useful cases, is exhibited below. In a circular wheel of uniform thickness c R = In the periphery of a circle revolving. about the diam. In the plane of a circle. . . . ditto . . In the surface of a sphere. . ditto In a solid sphere . . ditto In a plane ring formed of circles whose radii are R, r, revolving about centre. In a cone revolving about its vertex. In a cone In a paraboloid . . • } • • C R CR its axis. . CR CR s = ½ fg t,. . . . . l = .t CR CR CR CR ¿ rad. rad. ✔? rad.✔ 1/ =rncarly. 3 2 11 √ HO & & In a straight lever whose arms are R and r, c R = ✓ rad. ✔✅ž. rad. ✓. 28 ALLEN g √ 12 5 r✓ 3 R² + p² 2 &c. 10. 3. 3 (R+r)* 2. If the matter in any gyrating body were actually to be placed as if in the centre of gyration, it ought either to be dis- posed in the circumference of a circle whose radius is c R, or at two points R, R', diametrically opposite, and at distances from the centre each C R. a² + 23 r³ 2 3. By means of the theory of the centre of gyration, and the values of C R = g, thence deduced, the phenomena of rotation on a fixed axis become connected with those of accelerating forces for then, if a weight or other moving power p act at a radius to give rotation to a body, weight w, and dist. of centre of gyration from axis of motion e, we shall have for the ac- celerating force, the expression P 13 f P 2+3 + w §* and consequently for the space descended by the actuating weight or power P, in a given time 1, we shall have the usual formula 3 R³ +2+3 introducing the above value of f 4. In the more complex cases, the distance of the centre of gyration from the axis of motion may best be computed from an experiment. Let motion be given to the system, turning upon a horizontal axis, by a weight p acting by a cord over a 260 DYNAMICS GYRATION AND ROTATION. pulley or wheel of radius r upon the same axis, and let s be the space through which the weight e descends in the time t, the proposed body whose weight is w turning upon the same axis with the same angular velocity: then g P to p³ 2 s P ra ? CR CR ? 2 s w Example. A body which weighs 100 lbs. turns upon a ho- rizontal axis, motion being communicated to it by a weight of 10 lbs. hanging from a very light wheel of 1 foot diameter. The weight descends 2 feet in 3 seconds. Required the dis- tance of the centre or circle of gyration from the axis of motion. A deng Here, I take g = 32, instead of 32, and obtain an approxi- mative result. Whence 4 X 10 X 1 32 × 10 × 9 × 4 4 × 100 720 10 , 400 26.646 20 ✓ 710 1.3323 f. the answer. 20 5. When the impulse communicated to a body is in a line passing through its centre of gravity, all the points of the body move forward with the same velocity, and in lines parallel to the direction of the impulse communicated. But when the direction of that impulse does not pass through the centre of gravity, the body acquires a rotation on an axis, and also a progressive motion, by which its centre of gravity is carried forward in the same straight line, and with the same velocity, as if the direction of the impulse had passed through the centre of gravity. The progressive and rotatory motion are independent of one another, each being the same as if the other had no ex- istence. . 6. When a body revolves on an axis, and a force is im- pressed, tending to make it revolve on another, it will revolve on neither, but on a line in the same plane with them, divid- ing the angle which they contain, so that the sines of the parts are in the inverse ratio of the angular velocities with which the body would have revolved about the said axis sepa- rately. 7. A body may begin to revolve on any line as an axis that passes through its centre of gravity, but it will not continue to revolve permanently about that axis, unless the opposite rota- tory forces exactly balance one another. } K Fut w This admits of a simple experimental illustration. Suspend a thin circular plate of wood or metal by a cord tied to its edge, from a hook to which a rapid rotation can be given. DYNAMICS: AXES OF ROTATION. 261 The plate will at first turn upon an axis which is in the con- tinuation of the cord of rotation. As the velocity augments, the plane will soon quit that axis, and revolve permanently upon a vertical axis passing through its centre of gravity, itself having assumed a horizontal position. The same will happen if a ring be suspended, and receive ro- tation in like manner. And if a flexible chain of small links be united at its two ends, tied to a cord and receive rotation, it will soon adjust itself so as to form a ring, and spin round in a horizontal plane. Also, if a flattened spheroid be suspended from any point, however remote from its minor axis, and have a rapid rotation given it, it will ultimately turn upon its shorter axis posited vertically. This evidently serves to confirm the motion of the earth upon its shorter axis. I 8. In every body, however irregular, there are three axes of permanent rotation, at right angles to one another. These are called the principal axes of rotation: they have this remark- able property, that the momentum of inertia with regard to any of them is either a maximum or a minimum. } 1 T Central Forces. { Def. 1. Centripetal force is a force which tends constantly to solicit or to impel a body towards a certain fixed point or centre. 2. Centrifugal force is that by which it would recede from such a centre, were it not prevented by the centripetal force. 1 3. These two forces arc, jointly, called central forces. 4. When a body describes a circle by means of a force direct- ed to its centre, its actual velocity is everywhere equal to that which it would acquire in falling by the same uniform force through half the radius. 5. This velocity is the same as that which a second body would acquire by falling through half the radius, whilst the first describes a portion of the circumference equal to the whole radius. 6. In equal circles the forces are as the squares of the times inversely. 7. If the times are equal, the velocitics are as the radii, and the forces are also as the radii. 8. In general, the forces are as the distances or radii of the circles directly, and the squares of the times inversely. 9. The squares of the times are as the distances directly, and the forces inversely. 35 262 DYNAMICS: CENTRAL FORCES. 10. Hence, if the forces are inversely as the squares of the distances, the squarcs of the times are as the cubes of the dis- tances. That is, if F :ƒ :: d³ : D³, then т² : 1º :: D³ : d³. 11. The right line that joins a revolving body and its centre of attraction, called the radius vector, always describes equal areas in equal times, and the velocity of the body is inversely as the perpendicular drawn from the centre of attraction to the tangent of the curve at the place of the revolving body. } 12. If a body revolve in an elliptic orbit by a force directed to one of the foci, the force is inversely as the square of the distance and the mean distances and the periodic times have the same relation as in art. 10. This comprehends the case of the planetary motions. 13. If the force which retains a body in a curve increase in the simple ratio as the distance increases, the body will still describe an ellipse; but the force will in this case be directed to the centre of the ellipse; and the body in each revolution will twice approach towards it, and again twice recede from that point. 14. On the principles of central forces depend the operation of a conical, pendulum applied as a governor or regulator to steam engines, water mills, &c. This contrivance will be readily comprehended from the marginal figure, where A a is a vertical shaft capable of turn- ing freely upon the sole a. c D, C F, are two bars which move freely upon the centre c, and carry at their lower extremities two equal weights P, Q; the bars c D, c r, are united, by a proper articulation, to the bars G, H, which latter are at- tached to a ring 1, capable of sliding up and down the vertical shaft ▲ a. When this shaft and connected ap- paratus are made to revolve, in vir- tuc of the centrifugal force, the balls. PQ fly out more and more from ▲ a, as the rotatory velocity increases ; if, on the contrary, the rotatory velocity slackens, the balls descend and approach ▲ a. The ring 1 ascends in the former case, descends in the latter and a lever connected with I may be made to correct appropriately the energy of the moving power. Thus, in the steam engine, the ring may be made to act on the valve by which the steam is admitted into the cylin- der; to augment its opening when the motion is slackening, and reciprocally diminish it when the motion is accelerated. P (1 A H F DYNAMICS: GOVERNOR. 263 1 f The construction is, often, so modified that the flying out of the balls causes the ring I to be depressed, and vice versa; but the general principle is the same. Here, if the vertical distance of p or ą below c, be denoted by d, the time of one rotation of the regulator by t, and 3.141593 by я, the theory of central forces gives ↓ 1.10784 d. 1 = 2 x d Hence, the periodic time varies as the square root of the alti- tude of the conic pendulum, let the radius of the base be what it may. Also, when I c Q=I C P-45°, the centrifugal force of each ball is equal to its weight. 32/F 6 Inquiries connected with Rotation and Central Forces. 1. Suppose the diameter of a grindstone to be 44 inches, and its weight half a ton; supposc also that it makes 326 revolu- tions in a minute. What will be the centrifugal force, or its tendency to burst? π 2 2 g x²w_44×3.141593º w Here F= ½ g 1º 16 × (3) the measure of the required tendency. 60 2 2. If a fly wheel 12 feet diameter, and 3 tons in weight, re- volve in 8 seconds: and another of the same weight revolves in 6 seconds: what must be the diameter of the last, when their centrifugal force is the same? By art. 8, Central Forces, F:ƒ:: " or d D d 713 12 D D 13 is = f, d T2 t2 62 feet, the answer. T 6-1 3. If a fly of 12 feet diameter revolve in 8 seconds, and another of the same diameter in 6 seconds: what is the ratio of their weights when their central forces are equal? By art. 6, Central Forces, the forces are as the squares of the times inversely when the weights are equal: therefore when the weights are unequal, they must be directly as the squares of the times, that the central forces may be equal. 47.22 w = 23.6 tons, 12 × 36 Therefore, since F Hence w: w:: 36: 64 :: 1:17 That is, the weight of the more rapidly to that of the more slowly revolving fly, must be as 1 to 13, in the case proposed. 264 DYNAMICS: FLY-WHEELS. 4. If a fly 2 tons weight and 16 feet diameter, is sufficient to regulate an engine when it revolves in 4 seconds; what must be the weight of another fly of 12 feet diameter re- volving in 2 seconds, so that it may have the same power upon the engine? Herc, by art. 8, Central Forces, we must have therefore w = 2 W D 19 40 cwt. X 16 × 4 160 d r³ 12 X 16 12 weight of the smaller fly.* Note. A fly should always be made to move rapidly. If it be intended for a mere regulator, it should be near the first mover. If it be intended to accumulate force in the working point, it must not be far separated from it. 5. Given the radius R of a wheel, and the radius r of its axle, the weight of both, w, and the distance of the centre of gyration from the axis of motion, g; also a given power p acting at the circumference of the wheel; to find the weight w raised by a cord folding about the axle, so that its momentum shall be a maximum. 162 R 2 Here w= J 4 4 2 √(R¹ p²+-2 R² Pę² w+g¹w²+P ‚w R r ç²+P² R³ r) — R³ P Р 202 4 Cor. 1. When R, as in the case of the single fixed pul- ley then w= √(2 p² R³+2 R P ç² w + W² + P W R g³) R W 2 P. P v2 Jaba 2 R[p w²+ p³ (q+w)] P w W P (q+w) ; therefore r= v2 w gr } 2 Cor. 2. When the pulley is a cylinder R², and the express, becomes w = + ‡ w²)] — ½ w ያ 2 P. / 6. Let a given power r be applied to the circumference of a wheel, its radius R, to raise a weight w at its axle, whose radius is r, it is required to find the ratio of R and 7, when w is raised with the greatest momentum; the characters w and e denoting the same as in the last proposition. 2 Here r * Since W gr r, and velocity », are given. If r and t, the time, are given, then r other of these r the force may be found. 1 22 20 32 r W D m³ 13} cwt., the w d t? } 1 4 π2 r w w´ 1.2273 r 812 12 ; พ. of uniform matter [R³ (2 p² + P w 2 32 w. nearly; when the weight w, radius From one or 1 DYNAMICS: INQUIRIES IN ROTATION. 265 1 Cor. When the inertia of the machine is evanescent, with respect to that of p+w, then is r = R √(1+)-1. W 7. If any machine whose motion accelerates, the weight will be moved with the greatest velocity when the velocity of the power is to that of the weight as 1+P √(1+) to 1; the in P W ertia of the machine being disregarded. 8. If in any machine whose motion accelerates, the descent of one weight causes another to ascend, and the descending weight be given, the operation being supposed continually re- peated, the effect will be greatest in a given time when the as- cending weight is to the descending weight as 1' to 1618, in the case of equal heights; and in other cases when it is to the exact counterpoise in a ratio which is always between 1 to 1½ and 1 to 2. 9. The following general proposition with regard to rotatory motion will be of use in the more recondite cases. If a system of bodies be connected together and supported at any point which is not the centre of gravity, and then left to descend by that part of their weight which is not supported, 2 g multiplied into the sum of all the products of each body into the space it has perpendicularly descended, will be equal to the sum of all the products of each body into the square of its ve- locity. Percussion or Collision. 1. DEFS. In the ordinary theory of percussion, or collision, bodies are regarded as either hard, soft, or elastic. A hard body is that whose parts do not yield to any stroke or percus- sion, but retains its figure unaltered. A soft body is that whose parts yield to any stroke or impression, without restoring them- selves again, the shape of the body remaining altered. An elas- tic body is that whose parts yield to any stroke, but presently restore themselves again, so that the body regains the same figure as before the stroke. When bodies which have been sub- jected to a stroke or a pressure return only in part to their original form, the elasticity is then imperfect: but if they re- store themselves entirely to their primitive shape, and employ just as much time in the restoration as was occupied in the compression, then is the elasticity perfect. J It has been customary to treat only of the collision of bodies perfectly hard or perfectly elastic but as there do not exist in nature any bodies (which we know) of cither the one or the : } 2 A 266 DYNAMICS: COLLISION OF BODIES. F other of these kinds, the usual theories are but of little service in practical mechanics, except as they may suggest an extension to the actual circumstances of nature and art. 2. The general principle for determining the motions of bo- dies from percussion, and which belongs equally to both elastic and non-elastic bodies, is this: viz. that there exists in the bo- dies the same momentum, or quantity of motion, estimated in any one and the same direction, both before the stroke and after it. And this principle is the immediate result of the law of nature or motion; that reaction is equal to action, and in a con- trary direction; from whence it happens, that whatever motion is communicated to one body by the action of another, exactly the same motion does this latter lose in the same direction, or exactly the same does the former communicate to the latter in the contrary direction. From this general principle too it results, that no alteration. takes place in the common centre of gravity of bodies by their actions upon one another; but that the said common centre of gravity perseveres in the same state, whether of rest or of uni- form motion, both before and after the impact. 3. If the impact of two perfectly hard bodies be direct, they will, after impact, cither remain at rest, or move on uniformly together with different velocities, according to the circumstances under which they met. Let в and b represent two perfectly hard bodies, and let the velocity of в be represented by v, and that of b by v, which may be taken either positive or negative, according as b moves in the same direction as B, or contrary to that direction, and it will be zero when b is at rest. This notation being understood, all the circumstances of the motions of the two bodies, after collision, will be expressed by the formula: B v + b c velocity B+ b which being accommodated to the three circumstances under which v may enter become velocity B v + b v B+ b B V b v velocity {when both bodies moved in same direction { when the bodies moved in B + b contrary B+b when the body b was at rest. velocity B V These formula arise from the supposition of the bodies being perfectly hard, and consequently that the two after impact move on uniformly together as one mass. In cases I DYNAMICS: COLLISION OF BODIES. 267 1 } of perfectly elastic bodies, other formulæ have place which ex- press the motion of each body separately; as in the following proposition. 4. If the impact of two perfectly elastic bodies be direct, their relative velocities will be the same both before and after impact, or they will recede from each other with the same velocity with which they met; that is, they will be equally distant, in equal times, both before and after their collision, although the absolute velocity of each may be changed. The circumstances attending this change of motion in the two bodies, using the above notation, are expressed in the two fol- lowing formulæ : 2 b v + (B B+ b 2 B V + (B — b) v { 2 b v + (B B + b (B 2 B V b) v B+ b which needs no modification, when the motion of b is in the same direction with that of B. 5. In the other case of b's motion, the general formulæ be- come 2 B V the velocity of B the velocity of b b) v b) v the velocity of B the velocity of b B+ b when b moves in a contrary direction to that of B, which arises from taking v negative. (B — b) V A B+ b And the velocity of B the velocity of b B + b when b was at rest before impact, that is, when v — 0. 6. If a perfectly hard body в, impinge obliquely upon a per- fectly hard and immoveable plane A D, it will after collision move along the plane in the direction c a. And its velocity before impact Is to its velocity after impact As radius B Is to the cosine of the angle в O D. But if the body be elastic, it will re- bound from the plane in the direction c E, with the same velocity, and at the same angle with which it met it, that is, the angle A & E will be equal to the an- gle B C D. E HUVUDSTANDORLIKDO A Wh C B FLAIKATAULIFLANDI U 268 DYNAMICS: COLLISION OF BODIES. 1 pla 7. In the case of direct impact, if в be the striking body, b the body struck, v and v their respective velocities before im- pact, u and u their velocities afterwards; then the two follow- ing are general formulæ : viz. V U = V Jak UV N u = v + n JA B+ V 21) B B+ In these, if n 1, they serve for non-elastic bodies; if n = 2, for bodies perfectly elastic. If the bodies be imperfectly elastic, n has some intermediate value. When the body struck is at rest, the preceding equations become, U + b N V B U (B + b) B + b B V n v b B + b from which the value of n may be determined experimentally. b 8/14 × 7 4. } 8. In the usual apparatus for experiments on collision, balls of different sizes and of various substances are hung from differ- HR M N is an arc ent points of suspension on a horizontal bar. of a circle whose centre is s; and its graduations, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. indicate the lengths of cords, as measured from the lowest point. Any ball, therefore, as P, may be drawn from the vertical, and made to strike another ball hang- ing at the lowest point, with any assigned velocities, the height to which the ball struck ascends on the side A M furnishes a measure of its velocity; and from that the value of n may be found from the last equation. Balls not required in an individual experiment may be put behind the frame, as shown at a and B. The cup c may be attached to a cord, and carry a ball of clay, &c. when required. Example.-Suppose that a ball weighing 4 ounces strikes another ball of the same substance weighing 3 ounces, with a velocity of 10, and communicates to it a velocity of 84: what, in that case, will be the value of n? U (B + b) Here n = 141375, the B V 4 X 10 index of the degree of elasticity; perfect elasticity being indi- cated by 2. H M 572 40 N 1 A S B R N DYNAMICS: PRINCIPLES OF CHRONOMETERS. 269 Principles of Chronometers. 1. Clockwork, regulated by a simple balance, is inadequate to the accurate mensuration of time. 2. Clockwork, regulated by a pendulum vibrating in the arch of a circle, is of itself inadequate to the accurate mensuration of time. 1st. Because the vibrations in greater or smaller arches are not performed in equal times. 2dly. Because the length of the pendulum is varied by heat and cold. 1 3. Clockwork, regulated by a pendulum vibrating in the arch of a cycloid, is inadequate to the accurate mensuration of time. The isochronism of the vibrations of a cycloidal pendulum in greater and smaller arches is true only on the hypothesis, that the pendulum moves in a non-resisting medium, and that the whole mass of the pendulum is concentrated in a point, both of which positions are false. For these reasons the application of the cycloid in practice has been entirely relin- quished. 4. Modern time-keepers owe almost the whole of their su- periority over those formerly made to two things; 1st, the ap- plication of a thermometer; 2dly, the particular construction of the escapement. 36 5. Metals expand by heat and contract by cold. This is proved experimentally by the pyrometer. Metallic bars of the same kind are found to expand in proportion to their length. Metals of different kinds expand in different proportions: thus the expansion of iron and steel are as 3, copper 44, brass 5, tin 6, lead 7. Hence pendulum rods, expanding and contracting by the successive changes of temperature, affect the going of the clocks to which they are applied. Various have been the contrivances to correct the errors of pendulums from their contraction and expansion by heat and cold; the principal of these are described under the subject of pendulums (p. 253). 6. The balance of a watch is analogous to the pendulum in its properties and use. The simple balance is a circular annulus, equally heavy in all its parts, and concentrical with the pivots of the axis on which it is mounted. This balance is moved by a spiral spring called the balance-spring, the invention of the ingenious Mr. Hook. 7. The pendulum requires a less maintaining power than the balance. 2 A 2 1 270 DYNAMICS: PRINCIPLES OF CHRONOMETERS. " Hence the natural isochronism of the pendulum is less dis- turbed by the relatively small inequalities of the maintaining power. 8. The spring's elastic force which impels the circumference of the balance, is directly as the tension of the spring; that is, the weights necessary to counterpoise a spiral spring's elastic force, when the balance is wound to different distances from the quiescent point, are in the direct ratio of the arcs through which it is wound. 9. The vibrations of a balance, whether through great or small arches, are performed in the same time. For the accelerating force is directly as the distance from the point of quiescence; hence, therefore, the motion of the balance is analogous to that of a pendulum, vibrating in cy- cloidal arches. 10. The time of the vibration of a balance is the same as if a quantity of matter, whose inertia is equal to that by which the mass contained in the balance opposes the communica- tion of motion to the circumference, described a cycloid whose length is equal to the arc of vibration described by the circumference, the accelerating force being equal to that of the. balance. Because in both cases the spaces described would be equal, as also the accelerating forces in corresponding points, and therefore the times of description. 11. If 1 denote the accelerating force of gravity, L the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds in a cycloid, a the semi-arc of vibration of the balance, T the time of vibration, and the accelerating force of the balance, then will T = a LX F 12. Let g be the space which a body falling freely from a state of rest describes in 1", and p 3.141593 the circum- ference of a circle whose diameter is unity, then will T p³ ɑ 5 F In this expression for the time of vibration, the letter a de- notes the length of the semi-are of vibration; if this are should be expressed by a number of degrees, cº, and r be the and this quan- radius of the balance, then a will be Prco ; 180° tity being substituted for a, the time of a vibration will be r = M DYNAMICS: PRINCIPLES OF CHRONOMETERS. 271 P pc r 2 g F p³ co grX 180°; let the given arc be 90°, in this case T = FX 13. If the spring's elastic force, when wound through the given angle or arc a 90° from the quiescent position, be = P; the weight of the balance, and the parts which vibrate with it w, the distance of the centre of gyration from the axis of motion s, then will r = |w p³ r W 4 P g w p ³ ę z z p r g These are expressions for the time of a vibration, whatever may be the figure of the balance, the other conditions remain- ing the same as above stated. If the balance be an annulus or and the time of vibration T = a cylindrical plate, ≤ 2° √2' 14. The times of vibration of different balances are in a ratio compounded of the direct subduplicate ratios of their weights and semidiameters, and the inverse subduplicate ratio of the tensions of the springs or of the weights which counter- poise them, when wound through a given angle. 15. The times of vibration of different balances are in a ratio compounded of the direct simple ratio of the radii, and direct subduplicate ratio of their weights, and the inverse subduplicate ratio of the absolute forces of the springs at a given tension. 16. Hence the absolute force of the balance spring, the diameter and weight of the balance being the same, is inversely as the square of the time of one vibration. 17. The absolute force or strength of the balance spring, the time of one vibration, and the weight of the balance being the same, is as the square of the diameter and the balance. 18. The weight of the balance, the strength of the spring and time of vibration being the same, is inversely as the square of the diameter. Hence a large balance vibrating in the same time, with the same spring, will be much lighter than a small one. 19. If the rim of the balance be always of the same breadth and thickness, so that the weight shall be as the radius, the 4 272 DYNAMICS: PRINCIPLES OF CHRONOMETERS. strength of the spring must be as the cube of the diameter of the balance, that the time of vibration may continue the same. 20. If a balance be made with two balls joined by a rod, and the weights and distances of these balls from their common centre of motion be unequal, but such that each separately would vibrate in the same time; the centre of gravity of these balls will not coincide with their centre of motion, nor will they poise each other. 21. The momentum of the balance is increased better by increasing its diameter than its weight. 23. A stronger balance-spring is preferable to a weaker. Because the force of this spring upon the balance remain- ing the same, whilst the disturbing force varies, the errors arising from the variation will be less, as the fixed force is greater. 23. The longer a detached balance continues its motion the better. Because, 1st. The friction in this case is less, and therefore the natural isochronism of the vibration is less disturbed. 2dly. When applied to the watch, it requires a less maintain- ing power, and therefore the variations in the intensity of the maintaining power will be less. 3dly. The maintaining power being less, the friction of the wheel-work will be less, and therefore the motion more regular., 4thly. The pressure on the escapement will be less, and therefore the oscillations of the balance less disturbed. 24. The greater is the number of vibrations performed by a balance in a given time, the less susceptible is it of external agitations. 25. Slow vibrations are preferable to quick vibrations: but there is a limit; for if the vibrations be too slow, the watch will be liable to stop. If we regarded only the effect of external agitations, balances that vibrate quick should be preferred to such as vibrate slow; but they are attended with two inconveniences, greater than that which we would avoid. 1st. In two balances of the same weight and diameter, the friction on the pivots increases with the number of vibrations. 2dly. It appears by ex- perience that the motion of the same detached balance con- tinues longer, when its vibrations are slow, than when they are quick. Ad 26. A balance should describe as large arches as possible, as suppose 240°, 260°, 300°, or an entire circle. First, because the momentum of the balance is thus in- DYNAMICS: PRINCIPLES OF CHRONOMETERS. 273 creased; and therefore the inequalities in the force of the maintaining power bear a less proportion to it, and of conse- quence will have less influence. 2dly. The balance is less sus- ceptible of external agitations. 3dly. A given variation in the extent of the vibrations produces a less variation in the going of the machine. But care must be taken, that in these great vibrations, the spring shall neither touch any obstacle, nor its spires touch each other in contracting. 27. The times of vibration in larger arches are sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, than in less arches. 28. A uniform spiral spring may be rendered perfectly iso- chronal, by adjusting its length and number of spires. : This is the opinion of Mr. Berthoud. His reasoning seems to be this if the spring forming a spiral of a certain species be so disposed, that when wound through different angles, the accelerating elastic forces of the spires, from the centre to- wards the circumference, increase faster than they ought to do in order to render the vibrations isochronal, it may be other- wise so disposed, namely, by making the spires approach more nearly to equality with each other in succession, that the law shall vary in such a manner as absolute isochronism requires. But as the fundamental property of springs, namely, that as the tension is, so is the force, is determined by experiment, so must this property likewise be ascertained in the same manner. Accordingly Berthoud tells us, that having attached to a balance a spiral of very large folds, making but three turns, and whose diameter was 15 lines, the angles through which it was wound being successively 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 45°, 60°, 120°, the counterpoising weights in grains were 10, 21, 32, 42, 54, 65, 76, 88, 99, 134, 278. The same spring forming very small spires, making five turns in eight lines diameter, the angles through which it was wound being the same as before, the counterpoising weights were 11, 22, 33, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 100, 133, 250 grains. These experiments, he tells us, were made with great care; and they show that the same spiral, its length continuing unchanged, when folded in large and small spires, has a suf- ficient difference in its progression to vary its isochronism: when folded in large spires, according to the first experiment, the vibrations in larger arcs are accelerated; and by the second experiment, when folded in narrow spires, they are rendered slower. 29. A spiral spring may be rendered isochronal by a proper adjustment of its strength and thickness in different parts. 274 DYNAMICS: CHRONOMETERS. 30. A spiral spring which is not isochronal, may be rendered such by the addition of two auxiliary springs, whose points of quiescence are properly adjusted. This was the ingenious invention of Mr. Mudge; the theory of which construction is delivered in the Phil. Trans. for the year 1794, by Mr. Atwood. 31. The influence of the maintaining power on the balance, in restoring the motion which it loses by friction, or other- wise, may be either constant or interrupted. This depends on the escapement; when the action of the maintaining power is constant, the escapement is called either the recoil or the dead-beat; when it is interrupted, the escape- ment is said to be detached. 32. By escapement is understood the means by which the action of the wheels is applied to maintain the vibration of the balance; and it consists of the balance-wheel and pallets. 33. Pallets are small plates or levers attached to the axis or verge of the balance, which received the impulse of the balance- wheel produced by the maintaining power, and thus continually renew the motion which the balance loses by friction, or other resistance. In a recoil escapement, when one tooth of the balance-wheel drops off the first pallet, the other acting tooth falls on the in- clined plane of the other pallet, which, meeting it obliquely, causes the balance-wheel to recoil, from which circumstance this escapement derives its name. Jag In the dead-beat escapement, when one tooth of the balance- wheel drops off the inclined plane of the first pallet, the other acting tooth immediately falls upon the convex surface of the other pallet, which surface being concentrical with the axis of the balance, the wheel continues at rest until, by the motion of the pallet or cylinder, the inclined plane of the tooth comes to act upon the face of this latter pallet or edge of the cylin- der, which then, by its pressure on that edge, throws the cy- linder round, and thus gives motion to the balance; then instantly entering the cavity of the cylinder, it falls upon the concave surface, and for the same reason as before continues at rest, until the balance spring drives the cylinder round in a con- trary direction to what it did before, so as that the inclined plane of the tooth may act on the second edge of the cylinder; which pressure throws the cylinder round in the contrary direction, and the tooth gets out of the cavity, and at that instant the sub- sequent tooth falls upon the convex surface, and so on. From the quiescence of the balance-wheel during the interval of time DYNAMICS: ESCAPEMENTS. 275 : that elapses between the falling of the acting tooth on the sur- face and its pressure on the edge of the cylinder, this escape- ment is called the dead-beat. In the detached escapement the motion of the maintaining power is suspended during almost the whole time of vibration; just at the end of the return of the balance it unlocks the wheel- work, and a tooth of the balance-wheel, immediately acting on the pallet, restores the motion which the balance had lost; and having given its impulse, the wheel-work is instantly locked again, and the balance performs its vibration freely and dis- engaged from all other parts of the machine. 34. In the escapement of recoil, the vibrations are quicker than if the balance or pendulum vibrated freely. For the recoil shortens the ascending part of the vibration by contracting the extent of the arc and the reaction of the wheel accelerates the descending part of the vibration. 35. In the dead-beat escapement, the vibrations are slower than when they are performed in a detached state. For the pressure of the tooth on the surface of the cylinder retards that part of the vibration which is performed while the cylinder, by the motion of the balance spring, revolves so far as to bring the tooth to the edge of the cylinder and if the maintaining power be increased, the pressure of the tooth on the cylinder may become so great as entirely to stop the motion. When the tooth has communicated its impulse to the edge of the cylinder, it moves almost freely; and as the tooth does not yet press with its entire force on the next surface, the cylinder will indeed describe a larger arc, and therefore on that account the time may be shortened; but when it has consumed all the impulse of the wheel, it returns by the sole force of elasticity; now the pressure of the tooth causes a friction which diminishes the tendency to return to the point of rest, so that the balance performs its vibrations slower. 36. In the escapement of recoil, if the maintaining power be increased, the vibrations will be performed in larger arches, but in less time. Because the greater pressure of the crown wheel on the pal- let will cause the balance to vibrate through larger arches; and the time, on this account, will be less increased, than it will be diminished by the acceleration of the balance by that pres- sure, and the diminution of the time of recoil. 37. In the escapement of the cylinder or dead-beat, an in- crease of the maintaining power renders the vibrations larger, and at the same time slower. Because the greater pressure of the tooth on the edge of the cylinder throws it round through a greater arch; and its 276 DYNAMICS: ESCAPEMENTS. increased pressure on both surfaces of the cylinder retards its motion. The upper part of the first marginal dia- gram exhibits the anchor recoil; the lower Graham's dead-beat escapement. 1 The second diagram represents Mr. Ar- nold's watch escapement. The pin a, pro- jecting from the verge or axis of the balance, moving towards B, carries before it the spring B, and with it the stiffer spring c, so as to set at liberty the tooth D, which rests on a pallet projecting from the spring. The angle E of the principal pallet has then just passed the tooth F, and is impelled by it until the tooth & arrives at the detent. In the return of the balance, the pin a passes easily by the detent, by forcing back the spring B. H serves to adjust the position of the detent, which presses against it. The screw E HO D 38. The escapement can render those vibrations only iso- chronal, whose inequality proceeds from the maintaining power, and not such as are produced by external agitations. 39. The effect of external agitations on the balance may be counteracted by the double escapement. In this escapement, two equal balances are so connected, that they vibrate through equal angles, but in contrary directions; by which means, the one must always be accelerated as much as the other is retarded by any external agitation. But as Mr. Cummins observes, when balances are connected by means of teeth, there arises a resistance which, however small, when ap- plied in this most delicate part, will tend to diminish the mo- mentum of the balances. 40. That escapement is best in which the duration of the action of the balance-wheel on the pallets is least with respect to the time of vibration. Hence the detached escapement is the best, which appears C DYNAMICS: ESCAPEMENTS. 277 to have been the invention of the ingenious artist, Mr. Thomas Mudge, who made a watch on this construction for the late King of Spain, Ferdinand VI., in the year 1755. 41. The time of the vibration of the balance is increased by heat, and diminished by cold. First, because the length of the spiral spring is increased by heat, and therefore its force diminished, and the contrary by cold. 2dly. The diameter of the balance is increased by heat, and therefore also the time of vibration; and the contrary by cold. 42. That balance is the most perfect which, without the com- pensation of a thermometer, is most subject to the influence of heat and cold. Because the obstructions from oil and friction act as a com- pensation to the expansion or contraction of the spring and balance; therefore that balance which is most affected, is freest from the influence of oil and friction. 43. The errors in the going of a watch, arising from the change of temperature, may be corrected by varying the length of the balance spring. Nevertheless, as it is extremely difficult to form an isochro- nal spiral, any variation in its length is dangerous, because we shall thus probably lose that point which determines its iso- chronism. 44. The errors in the going of a watch, occasioned by the va- riation of temperature, may be corrected by varying the diame- ter of the balance. This may be effected by dividing the rim of the balance into two or more separate parts, & D, I F, н E, each of which is composed of two plates of me- tal of different expansibility, riveted together, the least expansible being near- est the centre N, and carrying at one end D, F, E, a weight; whilst the other is con- nected either with the rim of the balance, or one of its radii. Now if the tempe- rature increase, the exterior plate expanding more than the in- terior, the compound will become more concave towards the centre; and consequently the end which carries the weight will approach the centre of the balance, and on that account the vibrations will be rendered quicker. At the root of cach ther- mometer, there is a screw a, I, H, by which the diameter of the balance may be increased or diminished, so as to alter the time kept by the chronometer, without interfering with the adjust- ment for heat and cold; and if the magnitude and position of D I mory F B H K 37 2 B 278 DYNAMICS: SELECT MECHANICAL EXPEDIENTS. the weights be properly regulated, they will correct the error arising from the variation of the diameter of the balance caused by the variation of temperature. (M. Young's Analysis.) The reader who wishes to acquire practical knowledge on this subject, may advantageously consult Hatton's Introduction to the Mechanical part of Clock and Watch Work. Select Mechanical Expedients. Although a full account of the principal contrivances for transmitting motion, and changing its rate, its direction, or its character, would carry us much beyond the assigned limits; yet it seems advisable to give a few of these, which are, therefore, here presented. 1. Spiral Gear. In the ordinary cases, the teeth of wheels are cut across their circumferences in a direction parallel to the axis. But, in the spiral gear, now used a little in this country, and still more in the American states, (especially in cotton- mills,) the teeth are cut obliquely, so that if they were continued they would pass round the axis like the threads of a screw. By rea- son of this disposition, the teeth come in con- tact only in the line of the centres, and thus operate, in great measure, without friction. It must, however, be remarked, that the action of these wheels is compounded of two forces, one of which acts in the direction of the plane of the wheel, the other in the direction of its axis. با 1 G This spiral gearing is sometimes applied to clock-work, and has this peculiarity, that it admits of a smaller pinion than any other gearing. 2. Change of rotatory velocity. It is sometimes necessary that a machine should be propelled with a velocity which is not equable, but continually changes in a given ratio. Thus, in cotton-mills, it is necessary that the speed of certain parts of the machinery should continually decrease. from the begin- ning to the end of an operation. To accomplish this, two conical drums of equal size are placed with their axes parallel 1 1 ا. 1 DYNAMICS SELECT MECHANICAL EXPEDIENTS. 279 I to each other, and with their larger diameters in opposite direc- tions. They are connected by a belt, which is so regulated by proper mechanism, that it is gradually moved from one extremity of the conic frustums or drums to the other; and thus acting upon circles of different diameter, causes a continual change of velo- city in the driven cone with relation to that which drives it. 4. 5 3 Thus, if the drum on the axis a b drives the wheel on the axis A B, and the belt commences its operation at the ends a A; the driven conic frustum will first revolve slower than that which drives it, and will continue to move slower until the belt has reached the middle of both, when the rotatory motions of both will be equal: after that, the cone which is driven will turn quickest, and will so continue, turning quicker and quick- er both with respect to the other, and, in fact, until the belt reaches the ends b, B. A change of rotatory velocity, upon the same general prin- ciple, is sometimes effected thus. A decreasing series of toothed wheels is placed in the order of their size upon a common axis, and fixed upon it. A corresponding series, but in an inverted order, are placed upon another axis, and not fixed, but capable of revolving about the axis like loose pulleys. The axis of this second series is hollow, and contains a moveable rod, which has a tooth projecting through a longitudinal slit in one side of the axis; and this tooth serves to lock any one of the wheels by entering a notch cut for its reception. Thus, however, only one wheel can be locked at a time, the others remaining loose. Hence, the driven axis will revolve with a velocity which is due to the relative size of the wheel which is locked and that which drives it. Sup- pose, for example, that the diameters of the wheels are as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, upon the driving axis, and the corresponding wheels, upon the driven axis, are as the numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then, when the wheel 1 drives the wheel I, the rotatory velocity of the latter will be one-fifth of that of the former. When 2 drives II, the rotatory velocity communicated will be half that of the wheel When 3 drives III, the velocities will be equal. When 4 drives IV, the rotatory velocity of the latter will be double that of the former. And, when 5 drives V, the velocity of the lat- ter will be five times that of the former. Different proportions in the diameters of the wheels will, of course, give different proportions in the velocities. 2. 1 2 b A UB I II ΠΙ V IV 280 DYNAMICS: SELECT MECHANICAL EXPEDIENTS. We owe this beautiful contrivance to the late Mr. Bramah. It is sometimes requisite that a wheel or axis should move with different velocities in different parts of one and the same revolution. This may be accomplished by an ec- centric crown wheel acting upon and driving a long pinion. Thus, if the crown wheel in the margin rotates uniformly upon a centre of motion c, A which is not the centre of the wheel, and the teeth of this crown wheel play into the leaves of the long pinion p q, since the por- tions of the crown wheel pass in contact with the pinion with different velocities, as their distances from the centre of motion c vary, the pinion p q will turn with an unequable or varying velocity, depending upon the eccentricity of the centre of mo- tion c. B to 3. Cams and Wipers. These are contrivances by means of which beams placed vertically, or inclined aslant upwards, may be made to advance over a small space in the direction of their length, and then recede in the opposite direction; and so on alternately. Eccentric circles, hearts, ellipses, portions of circles, and projecting epicycloids, serve communicate these kinds of motions. Thus, in the first of the figures below, the circular eccentric cam, being put into uniform rotation, the sliding or reciprocating part A B of the machinery, will ascend and descend with a gentle, smooth motion; being never at rest, unless at the very moment of changing its direction. In the quadrant cam, represented in the second figure, the reciprocating part A' B' will remain at rest on the periphery of the cam during the first quarter of the revolution, while, during the second, it will descend to A/ BI NAU Tom All MIL N B/ ******* - M + @ANAALMAASAAKO the axis of motion; during the third it will be at rest upon the axis; and during the fourth it will return to its original situation. The elliptical cam, in the third figure, turning upon } DYNAMICS: SELECT MECHANICAL EXPEDIENTS. 281 its centre, causes two alternate movements of A" B" for each re- volution of the ellipse. In the fourth figure, a triple cam is ap- plied to a tilt or trip hammer, turning upon a centre: there are three epicycloidal cams, or wipers, as in this case they are often called, causing three strokes of the hammer for one revolution of the wheel, to whose circumference these wipers are attached at equal distances. 4. Parallel motions is a term given to the contrivances by which, especially in steam engines, circular motion, whether continued or alternate, is converted into alternate rectilinear motion, and vice versa. A moveable parallelogram is often, and very successfully, employed for this purpose; as will be described when we speak of the steam engine. From among the numerous other contrivances for this purpose, we shall select only one, which is very simple and elegant; and may be used in saw mills, and other reciprocating machines, as well as in steam engines. This is the invention of Dr. Cart- wright. The reciprocating motion of the piston rod or other rod m n, in the same rectilinear course is insured by connecting it with two equal cranks arranged in op- position to each other, and having their axes geared to- gether by two equal teethed wheels, w w, which play re- gularly into each other. 5. Epicycloidal Wheel. This is another very beautiful method of converting circular into alternate motion, or the contrary. A B is a fixed wheel, having teeth disposed uni- formly on its inner rim. c is a toothed wheel of half the diameter of the fixed wheel, its w mmm سمر n میری m ~)" n vrrrr 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 r 10 W centre c revolving about the centre of the said fixed wheel. While this revolution of the wheel c is going on, any point whatever on its circumference will describe a straight line ; or will pass and repass through a diameter of the moving circle once during each revolution. This is an elegant application of the well known mathematical viv CB 2 B 2 282 DYNAMICS: SELECT MECHANICAL EXPEDIENTS. 1 property, that if a circle rolls on the inside of another of twice its diame er, the epicycloid described is a right line. In practice, the piston rod, or other reciprocating part, may be attached to any point on the circumference of the wheel c. 6. Double Rack and Pinion.-This is a contrivance for an alternating motion with a gradual change. A B is a double rack, with circular ends, fixed to a beam that is capable of moving in the direction of its length. The rack is driven by a pinion P, which is sus- ceptible of moving up and down in a groove m m', cut in the cross piece. When the pinion has moved the rack and beam until the end в is A Applegat m m/ P reached, the projecting a meets the spring s, and the rack is pressed against the pinion. Then the pinion, working in the circular end of the rack, will be forced down the groove m m' until it works in the lower side of the rack, and moves the beam back in the opposite direction; and thus the motion is continued. The motion of the pinion in the groove will be diminished, if, instead of a double rack, there be used a single row of pins which are parallel to the axis of the pinion : this plan is sometimes adopted in the machines called man- gles. 7. The Universal Lever. This is a French invention, and is often, from the name of the inventor, called lever de la Garousse. It consists of a bar a b, moving upon a centre c, and having a moveable catch, or hook, h h' attached to each side, and acting upon the oblique teeth of a double rack; so that, as band a alternately rise and fall in the reciprocal motion, the hooks h and h' successively lay hold of the teeth of the beam A B, and draw it up in the direction B a. 8. The Tachometer. This is a very ingenious contrivance, which we owe to Mr. Donkin, for the purpose of measuring small variations in velocity. The contrivance is, in fact, hydro- dynamical, but we mention it here, and the simplicity of its principle will render it easy of comprehension. If a cup with any fluid, as mercury, be placed upon a spindle, so that the brim of the cup shall revolve horizon- tally round its centre, then the mercury in the cup will a B A amg Kad DYNAMICS: SELECT MECHANICAL EXPEDIENTS. 283 1 assume a concave form, that is, the mercury will rise on the sides of the cup, and be depressed in the middle; and the more rapid the rotation of the cup, the more' will the surface of the mercury be depressed in the middle and rise at the sides; the figures being those of hollow paraboloids. Now, if the mouth of this cup be closed, and a tube inserted into it, terminated in the cup by a ball-shaped end, and half filled with some coloured liquid, as coloured spirits of wine; then it is evident that the more the surface of the mercury is depressed the more the fluid in the tube will fall, and vice versa. Consequently, the velocity of rotation of the cup, and of the spindle to which it is attached, will be indicated by the height of the liquid in the tube; and, indeed, absolutely measured by it, when the apparatus has been subjected to the adequate preparatory experiments. For a more minute description, see Trans. Soc. of Arts, vol. xxvi., or the article Tachometer in the PANTOLOGIA. Two plates, exhibiting a great variety of contrivances for converting rotatory, reciprocating, and other motions, one into the other, and thus facilitating the construction of machinery, are given in my Treatise of Mechanics. A large and valuable plate of the same kind, exhibiting 178 useful elementary mechanical combinations, has been lately pub- lished at Manchester, and is sold in London by Ackerman. I scarcely know a more interesting present than this would be to a young mechanic. } 284 HYDROSTATICS. CHAPTER XI. HYDROSTATICS. 1. Hydrostatics comprises the doctrine of the pressure and the equilibrium of non-elastic fluids, as water, mercury, &c. and that of the weight and pressure of solids immersed in them. 2. DEF. A fluid is a body whose parts are very minute, yield to any force impressed upon it (however small), and by so yielding are easily moved among themselves. : Some attempt to give mechanical ideas of a fluid body by comparing it to a heap of sand but the impossibility of giving fluidity by any kind of mechanical comminution will appear by considering two of the circumstances necessary to constitute a fluid body: 1. That the parts, notwithstanding any compres- sion, may be moved in relation to each other, with the smallest conceivable force, or will give no sensible resistance to motion within the mass in any direction. 2. That the parts shall gra- vitate to each other, whereby there is a constant tendency to arrange themselves about a common centre, and form a spherical body; which, as the parts do not resist motion, is easily exe- cuted in small bodies. Hence the appearance of drops always takes place when a fluid is in proper circumstances. It is ob- vious that a body of sand can by no means conform to these circumstances. Different fluids have different degrees of fluidity, according to the facility with which the particles may be moved amongst each other. Water and mercury are classed among the most perfect fluids. Many fluids have a very sensible degree of tena- city, and are therefore called viscous or imperfect fluids. 3. DEF. Fluids may be divided into compressible and in- compressible, or elastic and non-elastic fluids. A compressi- ble or elastic fluid is one whose apparent magnitude is dimi- nished as the pressure upon it is increased, and increased by a diminution of pressure. Such is air, and the different vapours. An incompressible or non-elastic fluid is one whose dimensions are not, at least as to sense, affected by any augmentation of pressure. Water, mercury, wine, &c. are generally ranged un- der this class. M It has been of late years proposed to limit the application of the term fluids to those which are elastic, and to apply the HYDROSTATICS: PRESSURE OF FLUIDS. 285 word liquid to such as are non-elastic. But it is an unnecessary refinement. 4. DEF. The specific gravity of any solid or fluid body is the absolute weight of a known volume of that substance, namely, of that which we take for unity in measuring the capa- cities of bodies. Comparing this definition with that of density (DYNAMICS, Def. 2), it will appear that the two terms express the same thing under different aspects. SECTION I.-Pressure of Non-elastic Fluids. 1. Fluids press equally in all directions, upwards, downwards, aslant, or laterally. This constitutes one essential difference between fluids and solids, solids pressing only downwards, or in the direction of gravity. 2. The upper surface of a gravitating fluid at rest is hori- zontal. 3. The pressure of a fluid on every particle of the vessel con- taining it, or of any other surface, real or imaginary, in contact with it, is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid, whose base is equal to that particle, and whose height is equal to its depth below the upper surface of the fluid. 4. If, therefore, any portion of the upper part of a fluid be replaced by a part of the vessel, the pressure against this from below will be the same which before supported the weight of the fluid removed, and every part remaining in equilibrium, the pressure on the bottom will be the same as it would if the ves- sel were a prism or a cylinder. 5. Hence, the smallest given quantity of a fluid may be made to produce a pressure capable of sustaining any proposed weight, either by diminishing the diameter of the column and increas- ing its height, or by increasing the surface which supports the weight. 6. The pressure of a fluid on any surface, whether vertical, oblique, or horizontal, is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid whose base is equal to the surface pressed, and height equal to the distance of the centre of gravity of that surface be- low the upper horizontal surface of the fluid. 7. Fluids of different specific gravities that do not mix, will counterbalance each other in a bent tube, when their heights above the surface of iunction are inversely as their specific gravities. A portion of fluid will be quiescent in a bent tube, when 38 286 HYDROSTATICS: PRESSURE OF FLUIDS. the upper surface in both branches of the tube is in the same horizontal plane, or is equidistant from the earth's centre. And water poured down one branch of such a tube (whether it be of uniform bore throughout, or not) will rise to its own level in the other branch. Thus water may be conveyed by pipes from a spring on the side of a hill, to a reservoir of equal height on another hill. 8. The ascent of a body in a fluid of greater specific gravity than itself, arises from the pressure of the fluid upwards against the under surface of the body. 9. DEF. The centre of pressure is that point of a surface against which any fluid presses, to which if a force equal to the whole pressure were applied it would keep the surface at rest, or balance its tendency to turn or move in any direction. - 10. If a plane surface which is pressed by a fluid be pro- duced to the horizontal surface of it, and their common in- tersection be regarded as the axis of suspension, the centres of percussion and of pressure will be at the same distance from the axis. 3 11. The centre of pressure of a parallelogram, whose upper side is in the plane of the horizontal level of the liquid, is at 2 of the line (measuring downwards) that joins the middles of the two horizontal sides of the parallelogram. 12. If the base of a triangular plane coincides with the upper surface of the water, then the centre of pressure is at the middle of the line drawn from the middle of the base to the vertex of the triangle. But, if the vertex of the triangle be in the upper surface of the water, while its base is horizontal, the centre of pressure is at of the line drawn from the vertex to bisect the base. Illustrations and Applications. 1. If several glass tubes of different shapes. and sizes be put into a larger glass vessel containing water, the tubes being all open at top; then the water will be seen to rise to the same height in each of them, as is marked by the upper surface a c, of the liquid in the larger vessel. 2. If three vessels of equal bases, one cylindrical, the TOURO:277387): PANIMALES i HYDROSTATICS: PRESSURE OF FLUIDS. 287 second considerably larger at top than at bottom, the third con- siderably less at top than at bottom, and with the sides of the two latter either regularly or irregularly sloped, have their bottoms moveable, but kept close by the action of a weight upon a lever; then it will be found, that when the same weight acts at the same distance upon the lever, water must be poured in to the same height in each vessel before its pressure will force open the bottom. 3. Let a glass tube, open at both ends (whether cylindrical or not, does not signify), have a piece of bladder tied over one end, so as to be capable of hanging below that end, or of rising Pour into this up within it, when pressed from the outside. tube some water tinged red, so as to stand at the depth of seven or eight inches; and then immerse the tube with its coloured water vertically into a larger glass vessel nearly full of colour- less water, the bladder being downwards serving as a flexible bottom to the tube. Then, it will be observed that when the depth of the water in the tube exceeds that in the larger vessel, the bladder will be forced below the tube, by the excess of the interior over the exterior pressure: but when the exterior water is deeper than the interior, the bladder will be thrust up within the tube, by the excess of exterior pressure: and when the water in the tube and that in the larger vessel, have their upper sur- faces in the same horizontal plane, then the bladder will adjust itself into a flat position just at the bottom of the tube. The success of this experiment does not depend upon the actual depth of the water in the tube, but upon the relation between the depths of that and the exterior water; and proves that in all cases, the deeper water has the greater pressure at its bottom, tending equally upward and downward. 130 4. The hydrostatical paradox, as it is usually denominated, results from the principle that any quantity of a non-elastic fluid, however small, may be made to balance another quan- tity; or any weight, as large as we please. It may be illus- trated by the hydrostatic bellows, consisting of two thick boards. Dc, F E, each about 16 or 18 inches dia- meter, more or less, covered or connected a firmly with leather round the edges, to open and shut like a common bellows, but without valves; only a pipe A в, about 3 feet high, is fixed into the bellows above F. Now let water be poured into the pipe at A, and it will run into the bellows, gra- dually separating the boards by raising the upper one. Then if several weights, as three hundred weights, be laid upon the upper board, by * d Q B P000 Η E m 288 HYDROSTATICS: PRESSURE OF FLUIDS. pouring the water in at the pipe till it be full, it will sustain all the weights, though the water in the pipe should not weigh a quarter of a pound: for the pipe or tube may be as small as we please, provided it be but long enough, the whole effect depend- ing upon the height, and not at all on the width of the pipe for the proportion is always this, As the area of the orifice of the pipe is to the area of the bellows board, so is the weight of water in the pipe, above D C, to the weight it will sustain on the board. 5. In lieu of the bellows part of the apparatus, the leather of which would be incapable of resisting any very considerable pressure, the late Mr. Joseph Bramah used a very strong me- tal cylinder, in which a piston moved in a perfectly air and water tight manner, by passing through leather collars, and as a substitute for the high column of water, he adopted a very small forcing pump to which any power can be applied; and thus the pressing column becomes indefinitely long, although the whole apparatus is very compact, and takes but little room. The marginal figure is a section of one of these presses, in which c is the piston of the large cylinder, formed of a solid piece of metal turned truly cylindrical, and carrying the lower board v of the press upon it: u is the piston of the small forcing pump, being also a cylinder of solid metal moved up and down by the handle or lever w. The whole lower part of the press is sometimes made to stand in a case xx, containing more than sufficient water as at y, to fill both the cylinders; and the suction pipe of the forcing pump u dipping into this water will be constantly supplied. Whenever, therefore, the handle w is moved upwards, the water will rise through the conical metal valve ≈, opening upwards into the bottom of the pump u; and when the handle is depressed, that water will be forced through another similar valve a, opening in an opposite di- rection in the pipe of communication between the pump and the great cylinder b, which will now receive the water by which the piston rod t will be elevated at each stroke of the pump u. Another small conical valve c is applied by means of a screw to an orifice in the lower part of the large cylinder, the use of which is to release the pressure whenever it may be necessary; for, on opening this valve, any water which was previously 11 บ HYDROSTATICS: BRAMAH'S PRESS. 289 contained in the large cylinder b, will run off into the reservoir y by the passage d, and the piston will descend; so that the same water may be used over and over again. The power of such a machine is enormously great; for, supposing the hand to be applied at the end of the handle w, with a force of only 10 pounds, and that this handle or lever be so constructed as to multiply that force but 5 times, then the force with which the piston u descends will be equal to 50 pounds: let us next sup- pose that the magnitude of the piston t is such, that the area of its horizontal section shall contain a similar area of the smaller piston u 50 times, then 50 multiplied by 50 gives 2500 pounds, for the force with which the piston t and the presser v will rise. A man can, however, exert ten times this force for a short time, and could therefore raise 25,000 pounds; and would do more if a greater disproportion existed between the two pistons t and u, and the lever w were made more favour- able to the exertion of his strength. This machine not only acts as a press, but is capable of many other useful applications, such as a jack for raising heavy loads, or even buildings; to the purpose of drawing up trees by their roots, or the piles used in bridge-building. To find the thickness of the metal in Bramah's press, to resist certain pressures, Mr. Barlow gives this theorem, pr t where p pressure in lbs. per square inch, r с P radius of the cylinder, t its thickness, and c = 18000 lbs. the cohesive power of a square inch of cast iron. Ex. Suppose it were required to determine the thickness of metal in two presses, each of 6 inches radius, in one of which the pressure may extend to 4278 pounds, in the other to 8556 pounds per square inch. Here in the first case, t t 4278 × 6 18000- -4278 L K p 8556 × 6 18000 8556 1.87 inches, thickness. In the second, 5.43 inches, thickness. The usual rules, explained below (art. 10) would make the latter thickness double the former extensive experiments are necessary to tell which method deserves the preference. 6. If the breadth, and d the depth of a rectangular gate, or other surface exposed to the pressure of water from top to bottom; then the entire pressure is equal to the weight of a prism of water whose content is b d². Or, if b and d be in 2 C 290 HYDROSTATICS PRESSURE OF SLUICE-GATES, &c. feet, then the whole pressure b d', in cwts. II 7. If the gate be in form of a trapezoid, widest at top, then, if B and b be the breadths at the top and bottom respectively, and d the depth. 314 b d², in lbs. or nearly 6 Τι (B whole pressure in lbs. whole pressure in cwts. 8. The weight of a cubic foot of rain or river water, is nearly equal to cwt. 314 [} (в — 3 [ $ (B - 11 b) + b] d² b) + b] de, nearly. The pressure on a square inch, at the depth of THIR-ty feet is very nearly THIR-teen pounds. Pressure on a square foot, nearly a ton at the depth of thir- ty-six feet. [The true depth is 35.84 feet.] The weight of an ale gallon of rain water is nearly 10 lbs. that of an imperial gallon 10 lbs. The weight of a cubic foot of sea-water is nearly 4 of a cwt. These are all useful approximations. Thus, the pressure of rain water upon a square inch at the depth of 3000 feet, is 1300 lbs. And the pressure upon a square foot at the depth of 108 feet is nearly three tons. A 9. In the structure of dykes or embankments, both faces or slopes should be planes, and the ex- terior and interior slopes should make an angle of not less than 90°. For if A D' be the exterior slope, and the an- gle D'An be acute, E D' perpendicular to A B is the direction of the pressure upon it; and the portion D'A E will probably be torn off. But when DA is the exterior face, making with A в an obtuse angle, the direction of the pressure falls within the base, and there- fore augments its stability. 10. The strength of a circular bason confining water, requires the consideration of other principles. DF D' E B The perpendicular pressure against the wall depends merely on the altitude of the fluid, without being affected by the volume. But, as professor Leslie remarks, the longitudinal effort of the thrust, or its tendency to open the joints of the masonry, is measured by the radius of the circle. To resist that action in very wide basons, the range or course of stones along the inside of the wall, must be proportionally thicker. On the other hand, if any opposing surface present some con- vexity to the pressure of water, the resulting longitudinal strain. will be exerted in closing the joints and consolidating the build- ing. Such reversed incurvation is, therefore, often adopted in the construction of dams. ་ HYDROSTATICS: EMBANKMENTS, PIPES, &c. 291 In like manner, the thickness of pipes to convey water h d must vary in proportion to where h is the height of the " с head of water, d the diameter of the pipe, and c the measure of the cohesion of a bar of the same material as the pipe, and an inch square. A pipe of cast iron, 15 inches diameter, and of an inch thick, will be strong enough for a head of 600 feet. A pipe of oak of the same diameter, and 2 inches thick, would sustain a head of 180 feet. Where the cohesion is the same, t varies as hd or as HDT hd: t, in the comparison of two cases. * Example.-What, then, must be the respective thicknesses of pipes of cast iron and oak, each 10 inches diameter, to carry water from a head of 360 feet? • HD (= 600 × 360 × 10 X 3 600 × 15 x 4 Here, 1st. for cast iron : 15): T 4) :: h d ( 10800 ( 36000 1% of an inch. 10 2dly. for oak: HD (= 180 × 15) T (= 2) :: h d ( 360 × 10 × 2 98 23 inches. 180 × 15 40 15 360 × 10): t 360 × 10): t SECTION II.-Floating Bodies. 1. If any body float on a fluid, it displaces a quantity of the fluid equal to itself in weight. 2. Also, the centres of gravity of the body and of the fluid displaced must, when the body is at rest, be in the same verti- cal line. 3. If a vessel contain two fluids that will not mix (as water and mercury), and a solid of some intermediate specific gravity be immersed under the surface of the lighter fluid and float on the heavier; the part of the solid immersed in the heavier fluid, is to the whole solid as the difference between the specific gra- * To ascertain whether or not a pipe is strong enough to sustain a proposed pressure, it is a good custom amongst practical men to employ a safety valve, usually of an inch in diameter, and load it with the proposed weight, and a surplus deter- mined by practice. Then, if the proposed pressure be applied interiorly, by a forcing pump, or in any other way, if the pipe remain sound in all its parts after the safe- ty-valve has yielded, such pipe is regarded as sufficiently strong. The actual pressures upon a pipe of any proposed diameter and head, may evi- dently be determined by a similar method. } 292 HYDROSTATICS: FLOATING BODIES. vities of the solid and the lighter fluid, is to the difference be- tween the specific gravities of the two fluids. 4. The buoyancy of casks, or the load which they will carry without sinking, may be estimated by reckoning 10 lbs. avoir- dupois to the ale gallon, or 8 lbs. to the wine gallon. 5 5. The buoyancy of pontoons may be estimated at about half a hundred weight for each cubic foot. Thus a pontoon which contained 96 cubic feet, would sustain a load of 48 cwt. before it would sink. N. B. This is an approximation, in which the difference be- tween and, that is, of the whole weight, is allowed for that of the pontoon itself. ÎÎ 22 6. The principles of buoyancy are very ingeniously applied in Mr. Farey's self-acting flood-gate. In the case of common sluices to a mill-dam, when a sudden flood occurs, unless the miller gets up in the night to open the gate or gates, the neighbouring lands may become inundated; and, on the con- trary, unless he be present to shut up when the flood subsides, the mill-dam may be emptied and the water lost which he would need the next day. To prevent either of these occur- rences, Mr. John Farey, whose talent and ingenuity are well known, has proposed a self-acting flood-gate, the following description of which has been given in the Mechanics' Weekly Journal. 1 A A represents a vertical section of a gate poised upon a horizontal axis passing rather above the centre of pressure of the gate, so as to give it a tendency to shut close. a a is a b B LIA A 41 A C You D⋅ E HYDROSTATICS: FAREY'S FLOOD-GATE. 293 lever, fixed perpendicular to the gate, and connected by an iron rod with a cask, b, floating upon the surface of the water, when it rises to the line, B, D, which is assumed as a level of the wear or mill-dam, B, C, E, F, in which the flood-gate is placed by this arrangement it will be seen that when the water rises above the dam, it floats the cask, opens the gate, and allows the water to escape until its surface subsides to the proper level at B, D; the cask now acts by its weight, when unsupported by the water, to close the gate and prevent leakage. The gate should be fitted into a frame of timber, H, K, which is set in the masonry of the dam. The upper beam, H, of the frame being just level with the crown of the dam, so that the water runs over the top of the gate at the same time that it passes through it to prevent the current disturbing the cask, it is connected by a small rod, e, at each end, to the upper beam, H, of the frame, and jointed in such a manner as to admit of motion in a vertical direction. Any ingenious mechanic will so understand the construction from this brief account, as to be able to apply it to practice when needed. 7. By means of the same principle of buoyancy it is, that a hollow ball of copper attached to a metallic lever of about a foot long, is made to rise with the liquid in a water-tub, and thus to close the cock and stop the supply from the pipe, just before the time when the water would otherwise run over the top of the vessel. 8. This property, again, has been successfully employed in pulling up old piles in a river where the tide ebbs and flows. A barge of considerable dimensions is brought over a pile as the water begins to rise a strong chain which has been pre- viously fixed to the pile by a ring, &c. is made to gird the barge, and is then fastened. As the tide rises the vessel rises too, and by means of its buoyant force draws up the pile with it. In an actual case, a barge 50 feet long, 12 feet wide, 6 deep, and drawing two feet of water, was employed. Here, 2) × 4/ 50 x 12 x 16 7 = 192 × 74 50 × 12 × (6 1344 + 279 1371 cwt. 66½ tons nearly, the measure of the force with which the barge acted upon the pile. न Arts SECTION III.-Specific Gravities. 1. If a body float on a fluid, the part immersed is to the whole body, as the specific gravity of the body to the specific gravity of the fluid. 39 2 c 2 294 HYDROSTATICS: SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. • Hence, if the body be a square or a triangular prism, and it be laid upon the fluid, the ratio of that portion of one end which is immersed, to the whole surface of that end, will serve to de- termine the specific gravity of the body. 2. If the same body float upon two fluids in succession, the parts immersed will be inversely as the specific gravities of those fluids. 3. The weight which a body loses when wholly immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of an equal bulk of the fluid. When we say that a body loses part of its weight in a fluid, we do not mean that its absolute weight is less than it was before, but that it is partly supported by the reaction of the fluid under it, so that it requires a less power to sustain or to balance it. 4. A body immersed in a fluid ascends or descends with a force equal to the difference between its own weight and the weight of an equal bulk of fluid; the resistance or viscosity of the fluid not being considered. 5. To find the specific gravity of a fluid or of a solid. On one arm of a balance suspend a globe of lead by a fine thread, and to the other fasten an equal weight, which may just balance it in the open air. Immerse the globe into the fluid, and ob- serve what weight balances it then, and consequently what weight is lost, which is proportional to the specific gravity as above. And thus the proportion of the specific gravity of one. fluid to another is determined by immersing the globe succes- sively in all the fluids, and observing the weights lost in each, which will be the proportions of the specific gravities of the fluids sought. This same operation determines also the specific gravity of the solid immerged, whether it be a globe or of any other shape or bulk, supposing that of the fluid known. For the specific gravity of the fluid is to that of the solid, as the weight lost is to the whole weight. Hence also may be found the specific gravity of a body that is lighter than the fluid, as follows: 6. To find the specific gravity of a solid that is lighter than the fluid, as water, in which it is pul.-Annex to the lighter body another that is much heavier than the fluid, so as the compound mass may sink in the fluid. Weigh the heavier body and the compound mass separately, both in water and out of it; then find how much cach loses in water, by subtracting its weight in water from its weight in air; and subtract the less of these remainders from the greater. HYDROSTATICS: SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. 295 Then, as this last remainder, Is to the weight of the light body in air, So is the specific gravity of the fluid, To the specific gravity of that body. 7. The specific gravities of bodies of equal weight, are reci- procally proportional to the quantities of weight lost in the same fluid. And hence is found the ratio of the specific gravities of solids by weighing in the same fluids masses of them that weigh equally in air, and noting the weights lost by each. 8. Instead of a hydrostatic balance, a hydrostatic steelyard is now frequently employed. It is contrived to balance ex- actly by making the shorter end wider, and with an enlarge- ment at the extremity. The shorter arm is undivided, but the longer arm is divided into short equal divisions: thus, if that longer arm be 8 inches long, it may be divided into 400 parts, the divisions commencing at A. Then, in using this instru- A C (ULANGE VENDRELL Mone TOULOU B D A** *** ** + - * E Jala ment, any convenient weight is suspended by a hook from a notch at the end of the scale A. The body whose specific gra- vity is to be determined, is suspended from the other arm by a horse-hair, and slid to and fro till an equilibrium is produced. Then, without altering its situation at p in the beam, it is im- mersed in water, and balanced a second time by sliding the counterpoise from A, say to c. Here, evidently, weight in water weight in air :: BC: BA: and loss of weight in water: weight in air :: A C : A B. weight in air A B Conseq. specific gravity. loss A C With such an instrument nicely balanced upon a convenient pedestal, I find that the specific gravities of solids are ascertain- able both with greater facility and correctness than with any hydrostatic balance which I have seen. *We owo this contrivance to Dr. Coates, of Philadelphia. ༧༥ 296 HYDROSTATICS: SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Table of Specific Gravities. Arsenic Cast antimony Cast zinc Cast iron Cast tin Bar iron Cast nickel Cast cobalt Hard steel Soft steel Cast brass Cast copper Cast bismuth Dan By METALS. Ja Pure cast silver Same hammered Cast lead Ambergris Amber Phosphorous Brick Sulphur Opal Te 1 1 + រ 1 1 1 J 1 Buk } Id i STONES, EARTHS, &c. shaw Julietta 1 I 1 1 1 1 } Makal Tanah I I Wat 1 thek 1 } kated 1 Th } Ad } 1 Sald 10,510 11,352 13,568 Mercury Trinket gold Gold coin 15,709 17,647 19,258 19,361 19,500 Pure cast gold Same hammered Pure platinum Same hammered Platinum wire Platinum laminated, 20,336 21,041 22,069 or beat into leaves S All metals become more dense or heavy by hammering. 1 1 bah 1 1 Spec. Grav. aglad 5,763 6,702 7,190 7,207 7,291 7,788 7,807 7,811 7,816 7,833 8,395 8,788 9,822 10,474 J 1,078 1,714 2,000 2.033 2,114 - J band I A J Ba T pamięć Weight cub inch, in avoird. oz. - -А G J S Spec. Weight cub. Grav. foot avoird. lbs. 926 3.335 3.878 4.161 4.165 4.219 4.507 4.513 4.520 4.523 4.533 4.858 5.085 5.684 6.061 6.082 6.569 7.872 9.901 10.212 11.145 11.212 11.285 11.777 12.176 12.763 125.00 127.06 } HYDROSTATICS: SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. 297 STONES, &c. continued. Gypsum, opaque Stone, paving Mill-stone Stone, common Flint and spar Crystal Granite, red Egyptian Glass, green white bottle Pebble Slate Pearl - Alabaster Marble I Flint glass Diamond Beryl Sapphire Topaz Garnet Ruby Porphyry Emerald Chrysolite, jewellers' { Wax Tallow Bees' wax Camphor Honey Bone of an ox Ivory G 1 1 1 I 1 RESINS, GUMS, &c. 1 Chalk Jasper Basaltes (Giant's causey) Hone, white razor Limestone J 1 I f 1 Gay 1 I } 1 } } 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ca } 1 I 1 1 T I I 1 } # 1 ↓ maj Spec. Grav. 2,168 2,416 2,484 2,520 2,594 2,653 2,654 2,642 2,892 2,733 2,664 2,672 2,684 2,730 2,742 2,765 2,775 2,782 2,784 2,816 2,864 2,876 3,179 3,329 3,521 3,549 3,994 4,011 4,189 4.283 I f 1 H 1 B - M Jeg M ple - M Weight cub. foot avoird. lb. } I F 1 J ! - - 165·87 - 166.50 167.00 Gut 135.50 151.00 155.20 157.50 162.12 J G - J cast brass cast copper cast lead 49.25 - 49.56 50.00 50.44 53.25 54.50 57.00 57 06 60.62 73.12 Gudan - - Jo - 9. Since a cubic foot of water, at the temperature of 40° Fah- renheit, weighs 1000 ounces avoirdupois, or 62½ lbs., the num- bers in the preceding tables under the head Spec. Grav. exhibit very nearly the respective weights in avoirdupois ounces of a cubic foot of the several substances. We have also given, in another column, the weight in ounces of a cubic inch of each of the several metals: and, with re- gard to different kinds of wood and stone, the weight in avoir- dupois pounds of a cubic foot of each. These, of course, are medium specific gravities and weights; for there are variations, sometimes indeed considerable ones, between the specific gra- vities of different specimens of the same kind of substance. - 83.18 83.31 These additional columns will evidently facilitate the labour of finding the magnitude of a body from its weight, or the weight of a body from its magnitude. In this respect, too, the following particulars will often be of utility. 10. (1) 430-25 cubic inches of cast iron weigh 1 cwt. bar iron 397.60 . 368.88. 352.41 272.8 (2) 14.835 cubic feet of paving stone weigh a ton 14.222 common stone 13.505 granite 13.070 marble 12.874 chalk 11.273 limestone 64.460. elin 64.000 . Honduras mahogany 51.650 Mar Forest fir 51.494 . beech 300 HYDROSTATICS: SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. 1 47.762 cubic feet of Riga fir 47.158 42.066 36.205 11. Prob. To find the internal diameter of a uniform capil- lary or other small tube. Let the tube be weighed when empty, and again when filled with mercury, and let w be the difference of those weights in troy grains, and the length of the tube in inches. Then the diameter required, d=019252 12. い ​Thus, if the difference of weights were 500 grains, and the length of the tube were 20 inches: we should have d= •019252 ='019252 × 5·09626 of an inch.* 500 ash, and Dantzic oak Spanish mahogany English oak. 20 12. Prob. To find the weight of a leaden pipe. If I be the length in feet, d the interior diameter, and t the thickness both in inches and parts of an inch, w the weight in hundred weights: then w=1382 l t (d+t). For a cast iron pipe, the theorem is w='0876 lt (d+t) ; 7 or nearly of the former expression. TI Ex. Let the internal diameter of a leaden pipe be 4 inches, the thickness of an inch; required the weight of 12 feet in length. Here 1382 × 12 × 4 × 441382 × 123-1762 cwts. 13. Prob. To find the weight of the ring or rim of a cast iron fly-wheel. Supposing this ring or annulus to be similar to a portion of a pipe of large diameter, the expression for the weight will be similar to the above; but it may be advantageous to change the notation. Let then be the interior diameter of the fly in inches, d half the difference of the exterior and interior diameters, r the thickness from side to side of the fly, and w its weight in hundred weights: then w=0073 r d (D+d). *The same thing may casily be accomplished thus:-Let a cone of box wood, or of brass, be very accurately turned, of about 6 inches in length, and the diameter of its base about a quarter of an inch; and let its curve surface bo very accurately marked with a series of parallel rings, about a twentieth of an inch asunder, from its vertex to its base. Insert this cono carefully in the cylinder (so that their axes shall coincide) as in the diagram: then it will be as v A: Vu¦¦ A B¦ a b where, as the ratio of v a to v a is known by means of the equidistant rings on the surface, and A в is known, a b becomes determined. ; d a b A B HYDROSTATICS: SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. 301 Ex. Let D=100 inches, d=5 inches, or the exterior diame- 110, and r the thickness = 4 inches. ter = Then 0073 rd (D+d) = 0073 × 4 × 5 × 105 ··0073 × 4 × 5 × 105 —·0073 × 2100 =15:33 cwt., the required weight of the cylindrical rim. Note. The reader will observe that this process is much shorter than those usually employed, even with the aid of ta- bles of circles already computed. *See, farther, on kindred subjects, the approximate rules. in mensuration, pa. 201, &c. * 40 J 2 D 302 HYDRODYNAMICS. CHAPTER XII. HYDRODYNAMICS. Hydrodynamics is that part of mechanical science which re- lates to the motion of non-elastic fluids, and the forces with which they act upon bodies. This branch of mechanics is the most difficult, and the least advanced whatever we know of it is almost entirely due to the researches of the moderns. Could we know with certainty the mass, the figure, and the number of particles of a fluid in motion, the laws of its motion might be determined by the resolution of this problem, viz. to find the motion of a proposed system of small free bodies acting one upon the other in obedience to some given exterior force. We are, however, very far from being in possession of the data requisite for the solution of this problem. We shall, there- fore, simply present a few of the most usually received theo- retical deductions; and then proceed to state those rules which have flown from a judicious application of theory to experi- ment. SECTION I-Motion and Effluence of Liquids. 1. A jet of water, issuing from an orifice of a proper form, and directed upwards, rises, under favourable circumstances, nearly to the height of the head of water in the reservoir; and since the particles of such a stream are but little influenced by the neighbouring ones, they may be considered as independent bodies, moving initially with the velocity which would be ac- quired in falling from the height of the reservoir. And the ve- locity of the jet will be the same whatever may be its direction. 2. Hence, if a jet issue horizontally from any part of the side of a vessel standing on a horizontal plane, and a circle be de- scribed having the whole weight of the fluid for its diameter, the fluid will reach the plane at a distance from the vessel, equal to that chord of the circle in which the jet initially moves. Thus, if A s be the upper surface of the fluid in the vessel, в the place of the ori- fice, cr the horizontal plane on which the fluid spouts, then cr is equal to E D, the horizontal chord of the circle whose diameter is a c, passing through B. S E Call A B It HYDRODYNAMICS: EFFLUENCE OF FLUIDS. 303 3. When a cylindrical or prismatic vessel empties itself by a small orifice, the velocity at the surface is uniformly retarded; and in the time of emptying itself, twice the quantity would be discharged if it were kept full by a new supply. 4. But the quantity discharged is by no means equal to what would fill the whole orifice, with this velocity. If the aperture is made simply in a thin plate, the lateral motion of the parti- cles towards it tends to obstruct the direct motion, and to con- tract the stream which has left the orifice, nearly in the ratio of two to three. So that in order to find the quantity dis- charged, the section of the orifice must be supposed to be di- minished from 100 to 62 for a simple aperture, to 82 for a pipe of which the length is twice the diameter, and in other ratios according to circumstances. 5. When a syphon, or bent tube, is filled with a fluid, and its orifices immersed in the fluids of different vessels, if both sur- faces of the fluids are in the same level, the whole remains at rest; but, if otherwise, the longer column of fluid in the sy- phon preponderates, and the pressure of the atmosphere forces up the fluid from the higher vessel, until the equilibrium is re- stored; and the motion is the more rapid as the difference of levels is greater provided that the greatest height of the tube. above the upper surface be not more than a counterpoise to the pressure of the atmosphere. 6. If the lower vessel be allowed to empty itself, the syphon will continue running as long as it is supplied from the upper, and the faster, as it descends the further below the upper vessel. In the same manner the discharge of a pipe, descending from the side or bottom of a given vessel, must be increased almost without limit by lengthening it.* * An improvement in the construction of the syphon has been lately proposed in the Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine, and by M. Buntem at Paris. It might be very advantageously used if constructed on a large scale, for lowering the water in mill dams or canals. The improvement in the present syphon is, that the exhausting pipe is enlarged to the some diameter as that of the syphon, and its mouth is widened out to something of a funnel shape, as in the figure. In putting it into action, the short arm is immersed in the water as in the usual manner, the bottom of the long arm is closed, the exhausting pipe is then filled with water by the fun- nel-shaped mouth. On the bottom of the long arm being opened, the water flows out, exhausts the air from the syphon, when the water, which is wished to be emptied, flows out in a continual stream. d مد b 304 HYDRODYNAMICS: EFFLUENCE OF FLUIDS. 7. If a notch or sluice in form of a rectangle be cut in the ver- tical side of a vessel full of water, or any other fluid, the quan- tity flowing through it will be of the quantity which would flow through an equal orifice placed horizontally at the whole depth, in the same time, the vessel being kept constantly full. 2 8. If a short pipe elevated in any direction from an aperture in a conduit, throw the water in a parabolic curve to the dis- tance or range R, on a board, or other horizontal plane passing through the orifice, and the greatest height of the spouting fluid above that plane, be H, then the height of the head of water above that conduit pipe, may be found nearly: viz. by taking R 1st, 2 cot E = ; and 2dly, the altitude of the head a R 2 H X cosec 2 E. Example.-Suppose that R=40 feet, and H-18 feet. Then 1·1111111=2 cot 60° 57': and A: RX cosec 2 E R 40 2 H 36 20 × cosec 121° 54' 20 × 1.177896=23.55792 feet, height required. Note. This result of theory will usually be found about of that which is furnished by experiment. F M SECTION II.-Motion of Water in Conduit Pipes and Open Canals, over Weirs, &c. 1. When the water from a reservoir is conveyed in long ho- rizontal pipes of the same aperture, the discharges made in equal times are nearly in the inverse ratio of the square roots of the lengths. It is supposed that the lengths of the pipes to which this rule is applied are not very unequal. It is an approximation not deduced from principle, but derived immediately from experi- ment. [Bossut, tom. 11, § 647, 648. At § 673, he has given a table of the actual discharges of water-pipes, as far as the length of 2340 toises, or 14950 feet English.] 2. Water running in open canals, or in rivers, is accelerated in consequence of its depth, and of the declivity on which it runs, till the resistance, increasing with the velocity, becomes equal to the acceleration, when the motion of the stream be- comes uniform. It is evident that the amount of the resisting forces can hardly be determined by principles already known, and there- fore nothing remains but to ascertain, by experiment, the velo- HYDRODYNAMICS: PIPES AND CANALS. 305 city corresponding to different declivities, and different depths of water, and to try, by multiplying and extending these expe- riments, to find out the law which is common to them all. The Chevalier Du Buat has been successful in this re- search, and has given a formula for computing the velocity of running water, whether in close pipes, open canals, or rivers, which, though it may be called empirical, is extremely useful in practice. Principes d' Hydraulique. Professor Ro- bison has given an abridged account of this book, in his ex- cellent article on Rivers and Water-works, in the Encyclopa- dia Britannica. Let v be the velocity of the stream, measured by the inches it moves over in a second; R a constant quantity, viz. the quotient obtained by dividing the area of the transverse section of the stream, expressed in square inches, by the boundary or perime- ter of that section, minus the superficial breadth of the stream expressed in linear inches. The mean velocity is that with which, if all the particles were to move, the discharge would be the same with the actual dis- charge. The line R is called by Du Buat the radius, and by Dr. Ro- bisou the hydraulic mean depth. As its affinity to the radius of a circle seems greater than to the depth of a river, we shall call it, with the former, the radius of the section. Lastly, lets be the denominator of a fraction which expresses the slope, the numerator being unity, that is, let it be the quo- tient obtained by dividing the length of the stream, supposing it extended in a straight line, by the difference of level of its two extremities; or, which is nearly the same, let it be the co- tangent of the inclination or slope. 3. The above denomination being understood, and the section, as well as the velocity, being supposed uniform, v in English feet, }] V 307(R) s² log (s+18) :( or v R S When R and S are very great, 14 307 R 307 -log (s+16) 1% √(R-76); 3 10 3 10 1 10 3 -TO). ), nearly. s²- log s The logarithms understood here are the hyperbolic, and are found by multiplying the common logarithms by 2·3025851. 2 D2 306 HYDRODYNAMICS: PIPES AND CANALS. The slope remaining the same, the velocities are as ✔R The velocities of two great rivers that have the same decli- vity, are as the square roots of the radii of their sections. If R is so small, that √R — 1 0, or R = 1, the velocity will be nothing; which is agreeable to experience; for in a cylindric tube Rthe radius; the radius, therefore, equals two-tenths; so that the tube is nearly capillary, and the fluid will not flow through it. ΤΟ 101 The velocity may also become nothing by the declivity be- coming so small, that if 1 307 log (s+18) 1 S 500000' mile, the water will have sensible motion. 4. In a river, the greatest velocity is at the surface, and in the middle of the stream, from which it diminishes toward the bottom and the sides, where it is least. It has been found by experiment, that if from the square root of the velocity in the middle of the stream, expressed in inches per second, unity be subtracted, the square of the remainder is the velocity at the bottom. and √ 121/1 24 S is less than 3 10 0; but b x the radius after, so v = b + 2 x or thanth of an inch to an English Hence, if the former velocity bev, the velocity at the bot- tom ข 2 √ v + 1. 5. The mean velocity, or that with which, were the whole stream to move, the discharge would be the same with the real discharge, is equal to half the sum of the greatest and least ve- locities, as computed in the last proposition. The mean velocity is, therefore, ข votě. This is also proved by the experiments of Du Buat. 6. Suppose that a river having a rectangular bed, is increased by the junction of another river equal to itself, the declivity remaining the same; required the increase of depth and ve- locity. Let the breadth of the river b, the depth before the junc- tion d, and after it, x; and, in like manner, v. and v' the mean b d velocities before and after; then is the radius before, b + 2 d 307 R 1 10' & 1 2 S supposing the breadth of the river to be such, that we may reject the small quantity subtracted from R, in art. 3; and, in like manner, } HYDRODYNAMICS: PIPES AND CANALS. 307 v' บ X3 307 R v' S -O 307 1 S2 307 1 S2 喽 ​X Then, substituting for R and R', we have b d v + 2 ď Multiplying these into the areas of the sections b d and b x, we have the discharges, viz. 307 b d ✓ b d 307 b x ✓ b x b d v = X √b + 2x ; X 1 2 √b + 2 d b x ✓ b x Now the last of these is 2 b d ✓ b d √ b + 2 ď √ b + 2x 3 d³ b + 2 d V X v + 2 x x and and b x v' 4 b d³ b + 2 ď or 1832 S double of the former; therefore, X3 4 d³ b + 2 ď and b+2x a cubic equation which can al- ways be resolved by Cardan's rule, or by the approximating method given at page 92. As an example, let b 10 feet, and 1 0 and x 1·4882, which is the river. Hence we have 1·488 × v' v', or v: v' :: 37 to 50 nearly. 39 dad When the water in a river receives a permanent increase, the depth and the velocity, as in the example above, are the first things that are augmented. The increase of the velocity in- creases the action on the sides and bottom, in consequence of which the width is augmented, and sometimes also, but more rarely, the depth. The velocity is thus diminished, till the te- nacity of the soil, or the hardness of the rock, affords a sufficient resistance to the force of the water. The bed of the river then changes only by insensible degrees, and, in the ordinary lan- guage of hydraulics, is said to be permanent, though in strict- ness this epithet is not applicable to the course of any river. 7. When the sections of a river vary, the quantity of water remaining the same, the mean velocities are inversely as the areas of the sections. ་་་ d 33 x3 1, then as depth of the increased 2 v, and 1·488 : 2 :: v : This must happen, in order to preserve the same quantity of discharge. (Playfair's Outlines.) 8. The following table, abridged from Du Buat, serves at once to compare the surface, bottom, and mean velocities in rivers, according to the principles of art. 4, 5. 308 HYDRODYNAMICS: CANALS, RIVERS, &c. VELOCITY IN INCHES. Surface. Bottom. 4 8 1· 3.342 6.071 Velocities of Rivers. 12 16 9. 20 12.055 24 15.194 28 18.421 32 21.678 36 25. 40 28.345 44 31.742 48 35.151 52 38.564 Mean. 2.5 5.67 9.036 12.5 16.027 19.597 23.210 26.839 30.5 34.172 37.871 41.570 45.282 VELOCITY IN INCHES. Surface. 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 Bottom. 42.016 45.509 49. 52.505 56.025 59.568 63.107 66.651 70.224 73.788 77.370 81. Mean. 49.008 52.754 56.5 60.252 64.012 67.784 71.553 75.325 79.112 82.894 86.685 90.5 9. The knowledge of the velocity at the bottom is of the greatest use for enabling us to judge of the action of the stream on its bed. Every kind of soil has a certain velocity consistent with the stability of the channel. A greater velocity would enable the waters to tear it up, and a smaller velocity would permit the deposition of more moveable materials from above. It is not enough, then, for the stability of a river, that the accelerating forces are so adjusted to the size and figure of its channel that the current may be in train: it must also be in equilibrio with the tenacity of the channel. We learn from the observations of Du Buat and others, that a velocity of three inches per second at the bottom will just begin to work upon the fine clay fit for pottery, and how- Yet no ever firm and compact it may be, it will tear it up. beds are more stable than clay when the velocities do not exceed this for the water soon takes away the impalpable particles of the superficial clay, leaving the particles of sand sticking by their lower half in the rest of the clay, which they now protect, making a very permanent bottom, if the stream does not bring down gravel or coarse sand, which will rub off this very thin crust, and allow another layer to be worn off; a HYDRODYNAMICS: CANALS, RIVERS, &c. 309 velocity of six inches will lift fine sand; eight inches will lift sand as coarse as linseed; twelve inches will sweep along fine gravel; twenty-four inches will roll along rounded pebbles an inch in diameter; and it requires three feet per second at the bottom to sweep along shivery angular stones of the size of an egg. (Robison on Rivers.) 10. Mr. Eytelwein, a German mathematician, has devoted much time to inquiries in hydrodynamics. In his investiga- tions he has paid attention to the mutual cohesion of the liquid moleculæ, their adherence to the sides of the vessel in which the water moves, and to the contrac- tion experienced by the liquid vein B when it issues from the vessel under certain circumstances. He obtains for- mula of the utmost generality, and then applies them to the motion of wa- ter; 1st, in a cylindric tube; 2dly, in an open canal. 11. Let d be the diameter of the cylindric tube E F, h the total height FG of the head of water in the reservoir above the orifice r, and 7 the length EF of the tube, all in inches: then the velocity in inches with which the fluid will issue from the orifice r will be 57 h d บ 23 3 7 7 57 d + • : (English measure.) V с 0.109 - 9582 a h D this multiplied into the area of the orifice will give the quantity per second. A 12. For open canals. Let v be the mean velocity of the cur- rent in feet (English), a arca of the vertical section of the stream, p perimeter of the section, or sum of the bottom and two sides, length of the bed of the canal corresponding to the fall h, 1 all in feet: then +0·0111. E G La p l The experiments of M. Bidone, of Turin, on the motion of water in canals, agree within the 80th part of the results of com- putations from the preceding formula. 13. The following table also exhibits Eytelwein's coefficients for orifices of different kinds; their accuracy has, in many cases, been amply confirmed. 41 310 HYDRODYNAMICS: EYTELWEIN'S RESULTS. No. Jak 1 ૭ 3 450 6 ну 8 I Nature of the Orifices employed. For the whole velocity due to the height For wide openings whose bottom is on a level with that of the re- servoir For sluices with walls in a line with the orifice For bridges with pointed piers For narrow openings whose bottom is on a level with that of the re- servoir.. For smaller openings in a sluice with side walls. · • • . For abrupt projections and square piers of bridges For openings in sluices without side walls • • · 1 Ratio between the theoretical and real discharges. 1 to 1.00 1 to 0.961 1 to 0.961 1 to 0.961 1 to 0.861 1 to 0.861 1 to 0.861 1 to 0.635 Coefficients for finding the velocitics in Eng, feet. 8.04 rory 17.17 77.7 6.9 6.9 6.9 14. When a pipe is bent in one or more places, then if the squares of the sines of the several changes of direction be added into one sum s, the velocity v will, according to Langsdorf, be 548 d h found by the theorem v = being all in English inches. l, d + i s l + j ds; b, h, d, and v, 1 1 ठ 5.1 HYDRODYNAMICS: MOTION IN PIPES, &c. 311 Table, abridged from one by Mr. Smeaton, for showing the height of head necessary to over- come the friction of water in horizontal pipes. Feet in. Feet in. 0 6 1 0 0 4.5 1 4.7 0 3.0 0 11.1 0 2.2 0 8.4 0 1.8 0 6.7 0 1.5 0 5.6 0 1.3 0 4.8 0 1.1 0 4.2 0 1.0 3.7 0 0.9 0 3.3 0 0.7 0 2.8 0 0.6 0 2.4 0 0.6 0 2.1 0 0.5 0 1.9 0 0·4 0 1.7 0 0.4 0 1.4 0 0.3 0 1.2 0 0.3 0 1.0 0 0.25 0 0.9 0 0.2 0 0.8 0 0.2 0 0.8 0 0.19 0 0.7 Feet in. Feet in. 1 6 2 0 2 11.0 1 11.3 1 5.5 1 2.0 0 11·7 0 10.0 0 8.7 0 7.8 0 7.0 0 5.0 0 5.0 0 4.4 0 3.9 3.5 0 0 2.9 0 2.5 0 2.2 0 1.9 0 1.7 0 1.6 0 Velocities per second of water in the pipes. Feet in. 2 6 Feet in. Feet in. 3 0 3 6 4 9.7 3 2.5 2 4.9 1 11.1 1 7.2 1 4.5 2 1 2.4 1 1 0.8 0 11.5 0 9.6 8.2 7.2 0 6.4 0 5.8 0 4.8 0 4.1 0 3.6 0 3.2 0 2.9 0 2.6 1.5 0 2·4 0 0 7 1.7 4 9.2 ~~~ WPL 3 6.9 2 10.3 4.6 0.5 9.4 1 7.0 1 5.1 1 2.3 1 0.2 0 10.7 0 9.5 0 8.6 0 7.1 0 6.1 0 5.4 0 4.8 0 4.3 0 3.9 0 3.6 2 10 1.0 13 8.0 9 1.3 6 10.0 5 5.6 4 6.7 3 10-9 6 8.6 5 0.5 4 0·4 3 4.3 2 10.6 3 2 2 2 2 1 6.2 3 5.0 3 0.4 8.8 3.3 1 11·4 1 8.5 I 6.2 1 4.4 1 1.7 0 11.7 0 10.2 0 9.1 0 8.2 0 7.5 0 6.8 2.9 2 0.2 8.2 1 5.3 1 3.1 1 1.4 1 0.1 0 10.1 0 8.6 0 7.6 0 6.7 0 6.0 0 5.5 0 5.0 22 Feet in. 4 0 17 10.0 11 10.6 8 11.0 7 1.6 5 11.3 5 4 5.5 3 11.6 3 6.8 2 11.7 ૭૭ ૭ 1.1 6.6 2.7 1 11.8 1 9.4 1 5.8 1 3.3 1 1.4 0 11.9 0 10.7 0 9.7 0 8.9 Feet in. 4 6 22 6.7 15 0.5 11 3.4 9 0.3 7 6.2 6 5.4 LO LO H M M Q2 2 5 inch. inch. 1 inch. 14 inch. 13 inch. 1 inch. 2 inch. 24 inch. 2 inch. 3 inch. 0.0 3 inch. 9.8 6.0 4 inch. 6.1 3 1.4 4 3.1 9.6 5 inch. inch. 4.0 6 inch. 1 7.3 2 0.0 7 inch. 1 4.9 9.0 8 inch. 1 3.0 6.7 9 inch. 1 1.5 4.8 10 inch. 3.3 11 inch. 2.0 12 inch. 5 4 3 3 7.7 0.1 6.1 9.1 2.7 Feet in. 5 0 28 0.2 18 8.1 14 0·0 11 2.5 9 4.1 8 0.1 0.0 6 2.7 5 7.2 4 8.0 1 0.3 0 11.3 43 N N N 2 1 10.6 2 Bore of the Pipes. Ι I I 1 1 গलক { 312 HYDRODYNAMICS: TABLES, &c. FOR WEIRS. 1 I Look for the velocity of water in the pipe in the upper row, and in the column below it, and opposite to the given diameter of the pipe standing in the last column, will be found the per- pendicular height of a column or head, in feet, inches, and tenths, requisite to overcome the friction of such pipe for 100 feet in length, and obtain the given velocity. Table containing the quantity of water discharged over an inch vertical section of a Weir. Depth of the upper edge of the wastc- board below the surface in English inches. 1 Q3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cubic feet of water discharged in a minute by an inch of the wasteboard, ac- cording to Du Buat's formula. 0.403 1.140 2.095 3.225 4.507 5.925 7.466 9.122 10.884 12.748 14.707 16.758 18.895 21.117 23.419 25.800 28.258 30.786 Cubic feet of water discharged in a minute by an inch of the waste- board, according to experiments made in Scotland. 0.428 1.211 2.226 3.427 4.789 6.295 7.933 9.692 11.564 13.535 15.632 17.805 20.076 22.437 24.883 27.413 30.024 32.710 Gallons of 282 inches correspond- ing with results in col. 3. 2.621 7.417 1 13.634 20.990 29.332 38.357 48.589 59.364 70.826 83.164 95.746 109.055 122.965 137.427 152.108 167.905 183.897 200·350 Cat + To the above table, originally due to Du Bual, is added a third column, containing the quantities of water discharged, as inferred from experiments made in Scotland, and examined by Dr. Robison, who found that they in general gave a dis- charge greater than that which is deduced from Du Bual's formulæ. We would recommend it therefore to the engineer to employ the third column in his practice, or the fourth if he wish for the result in gallons. HYDRODYNAMICS DISCHARGES OVER WEIRS. 313 . If they be odd quarters of an inch, look in the table for as many inches as the depth contains quarters, and take the eighth part of the answer. Thus, for 3 inches, take the eighth part. of 24-883, which corresponds to 15 inches. This is 3-110. : 15. The quantity discharged increases more rapidly than the width to obtain a correct measure of it, if n be the width or length of the wasteboard in inches, take (n + n) times the quantity for one inch of wasteboard of the given depth, from the preceding table. In the preceding table it is supposed that the water from which the discharge is made is perfectly stagnant; but if it should happen to reach the opening with any velocity, we have only to multiply the area of the section by the velocity of the stream. 16. When the quantity of water a discharged over a weir is known, the depth of the edge of the wasteboard, or н, may be approximated from the following formulæ, 7 length of waste- board H Q (11-41727)³ (17) nearly. { = 1 20 3 2 Reciprocally, Q = 11½ 7. H nearly: or, more accurately by adding the correction in article 15. 17. The quantities discharged for any given width are as the 3 power of the depth, or as н2. Hence, to extend the use of the table to greater depths, we have only for Twice any depth, take Q × 2.828 3 times. Q X 5.196 4 times. Q X 8.000 5 times. Q X 11.180 6 times. Q X 14·697 7 times. Q X 18.520 8 times. Q × 22.627 9 times. Q X 27·000 10 times. Q X 31.623 and the results will be nearly true. To make them still more correct, where great accuracy is required, add to them their thousandth part. 2 E 314 HYDRODYNAMICS: DISCHARGES OF WATER. $ Examples of the use of the Tables and Rules. Ex. 1. Let the depth be 10 inches below the upper surface of the water, and the width 8 inches. How many cubic feet of water will be discharged in a minute? By table a to depth 10, width 1 Multiply this by n = Quantity for 1 inch width Multiply by n = Add of this product . . 20 Discharge in one minute Ex. 2. Let the depth be 9 feet, and the width 1 foot. Re- quired the cubic feet discharged in a minute. By table Q to depth 12 inch. width 1 inch Factor for 9 times depth is 27 3 X 9.. Add of the product . . 20 Total quantity in cubic feet 3 For 54, multiply Q at 6 by 32 or 27 For 48, cub. feet. 13.535 8 27.525 × (6 + 2%) 106.280 5.314 3 Q at 12 by 42 or 8... 111.594 17.805 3 53.415 9 480.735 12 5768.802 286 441 Ex. 3. Let a square orifice of 6 inches each side be placed in a sluice-gate with its top 4 feet below the upper surface of the water how much will it discharge in a minute? Here the quantity discharged by a slit in depth 48 inches, must be taken from one in depth 54 inches. • 6055.261 cub. feet. .169.965 142-440 Difference. . . . . 173.4 cubic feet, quantity discharged. 27.525 HYDRODYNAMICS: DISCHARGES THROUGH SLUICES, &c. 315 3 Note. In an example like this, it is a good approximation, to multiply continually together the area of the orifice, the number 336,* and the square root of the depth in feet of the middle of the orifice. My Thus, in the preceding example, it will be 1 × 1 × 336 × √4·25= 4 × 336 × 2·062=173·2 cubic feet. The less the height of the orifice compared with its depth un- der the water, the nearer will the result thus obtained approach to the truth. If the height of the orifice be such as to require considera- tion, the principle of Art. 7 of the preceding section may be blended with this rule. Thus, applying this rule to Ex. 2, we shall have area × ✔depth × 336 × 29 × 3 × 224-6048, for the cubic feet dis- charged. This is less than the former result by about its 900th part. It is, therefore, a good approximation, considering its simplicity it may in many cases supersede the necessity of re- currence to tables. .. 18. PROB. Given the vertical section of a river or other stream, to determine the swell occasioned by the piers of a bridge, or the sides of a cleaning sluice which contract the passage by a given quantity, for a short length only of the channel; the velocity of the stream being also known. Let v be the velocity of the stream, independently of the effect of the bridge, r the section of the river, and a the amount of the sections between the piers; let 2 g, instead of being taken at 64, be reckoned 58 6, to accord with the effect of ex- perimental contractions through arches of bridges, &c., and let s be the slope of the bed of the river, or the sine of its an- gle with the horizon; then Du Buat (tom. i. p. 225) gives for the swell or rise of the stream in feet, which will be occasioned ༧༠ グ ​by the obstruction (0 +s) ([2/2]² —¹): 58.6 a a theorem, by means of which we may approximate to the said swell in any proposed case. The value of s will, of course, be different in different cases; but if we assume, or '05, as a mean value, it will enable us to compute and tabulate results, which, though they cannot be presented as perfectly correct, may be regarded as exhibiting a medium between those that will usually occur; and will serve to anticipate the consequences of floods of certain velocities, when constrained to pass through bridges which more or less contract the stream. *3365.6 × 60. 316 HYDRODYNAMICS: SWELLS OCCASIONED BY BRIDGES. My Table of the Rise of Water occasioned by Piers of Bridges and other Contractions.* |Velocity of current in feet, per sec.. 1 Amount of obstructions, compared with the vertical section of the River. 1-10th. 2-10ths. 3-10ths. 4-10ths. 5-10ths. 6-10ths. 7-10ths. 8-10ths. 9-10ths. ths. 7-10ths. 8-10ths. 9-10 Proportional Rise of Water, in feet and decimals. feet feet feet feet feet feet 0.11920-2012 03521 0.0157 0.0377 0.0698 20-0277 0.0365 0.1231 0.2102 0.3548 0-6208 30-0477 0.1144 0.2118 0.3618 0-6107 1.0387 40-0760 0·1822 | 0·3372 | 0.5759 | 0·97191-7008 5 0.1165 0.2793 0.5168 0.8782 | 1.4895 2.6066 60·1558 0.3736 | 0 6912 70-2078 0.4983 0.9221 8 0.2678 0.3359 feet feet feet 1.6094 0.6780 6.6389 1.1995 2-8378 11.7058 2.0580 4.8850 20-1504 3.2755 7.7750 32.0720 5.020211.9160 49.1535 1.1807 1-9925 3:4968 6.7154 15.9398 65-7518 1-5750 2.6578 4.6511 8.9578 21.2626 87.7080 0.6423 1.1884 2.0299 3-4255 5.994711-5454 27 4042 113.0422 4.2956 7-5172 14-4777 34-3646 141-7541 5.2680 9-2190 17-7551 42-1440 173-8440 9 0.8054 1.4903 2.5566 3.1218 10 0.4119 0-9877 1.8276 1 Ordinary floods. Violent floods. 1 Unusually violent floods. 窄 ​19. It will be evident, from an inspection of this table, that even in the case of ordinary floods, old bridges with piers and starlings, occupying 6 or 7 tenths of the section of the river, will produce a swell of 2, 3, or more feet, often overflowing the river's banks and occasioning much mischief. Also, that in violent floods, an obstruction amounting to 7 tenths of the channel will cause a rise of 7 or 8 feet, probably choking up the arches, and occasioning the destruction of the bridge. Greater velocities and greater contractions produce a rapid augmentation of danger and mischief; as the table obviously shows. 20. The same principles and tabulated results serve to esti- mate the fall from the higher to the lower side of a bridge, on account of an ebbing tide, &c. Thus, for old London Bridge, where the breadth of the Thames is 926 feet, and the sum of the water ways at low water only 236 feet; the amount of ob- structions was 690 feet, about 7½ tenths of the entire section ; so that a velocity of 3 feet per second would give a fall of nearly 44 feet, agreeing with the actual result. At Rochester Bridge, before the opening of the middle arches, the piers and starlings presented an obstruction of seven-tenths, and at the time of greatest fall, the velocity * A similar table was computed by Mr. Wright, of Durham, more than 50 years ago, and inserted in the first edition of Dr. Hutton's treatise on Bridges; but it is not constructed upon a correct theory. } HYDRODYNAMICS: FALL UNDER ARCHES. 317 100 yards above bridge exceeded 6 feet per second. This, from the table, would occasion a fall of more than 6-7 feet; and the recorded results vary from 6 to 7 feet. At Westminster Bridge, where the obstructions are about one-sixth of the whole channel, when the velocity is 23 feet, the fall but little exceeds half an inch a result which the table would lead us to expect. ! " SECTION III.-Contrivances to measure the velocity of running waters. འ 1. For these purposes, various contrivances have been pro- posed, of which two or three may be here described. Suppose it be the velocity of the water of a river that is required; or, indeed, both the velocity and the quantity which flows down it in a given time Observe a place where the banks of the river are steep, and nearly parallel, so as to make a kind of trough for the water to run through, and by taking the depth at various places in crossing make a true section of the river. Stretch a string at right angles over it, and at a small distance another parallel to the first. Then take an apple, an orange, or other small ball, just so much lighter than water as to swim in it, or a pint or quart bottle partly filled with water, and throw it into the water above the strings. Observe when it comes under the first string, by means of a quarter second pendulum, a stop watch, or any other proper instrument; and observe likewise when it arrives at the second string. By this means the velocity of the upper surface, which in practice may frequently be taken for that of the whole, will be obtained. And the section of the river at the second string must be ascertained by taking various depths, as before. If this section be the same as the former, it may be taken for the mean section: if not, add both together, and take half the sum for the mean section. Then the area of the mean section in square feet being multiplied by the distance between the strings in feet, will give the contents of the water in solid feet, which passed from one string to the other during the time of observation: and this by the rule of three may be adapted to any other portion of time. The operation may often be greatly abridged by taking notice of the arrival of the floating body opposite two stations on the shore, especially when it is not convenient to stretch a string across. An arch 42 2 E 2 } 318 HYDRODYNAMICS: STREAM MEASURERS. of a bridge is a good station for an experiment of this kind, be- cause it affords a very regular section and two fixed points of observation; and in some instances the sea practice of heaving the log may be advantageous. Where a time-piece is not at hand, the observer may easily construct a quarter second or other pendulum, by means of the rules and table relating to pendulums, in the Dynamics. 2. M. Pitot invented a stream measurer of a simple con- struction, by means of which the velocity of any part of a stream may readily be found. This instrument is composed of two long tubes of glass open at both ends; one of these tubes is cylindrical throughout; the other has one of its extremities bent into nearly a right angle, and gradually enlarges like a funnel, or the mouth of a trumpet: these tubes are both fixed in grooves in a triangular prism of wood; so that their lower extremities are both on the same level, standing thus one by the side of the other, and tolerably well preserved from ac- cidents. The frame in which these tubes stand is graduated, close by the side of them, into divisions of inches and lines. 1 To use this instrument, plunge it perpendicularly into the water, in such manner that the opening of the funnel at the bottom of one of the tubes shall be completely opposed to the direction of the current, and the water pass freely through the funnel up into the tube. Then observe to what height the water rises in each tube, and note the difference of the sides; for this difference will be the height due to the velocity of the stream. It is manifest, that the water in the cylindrical tube will be raised to the same height as the surface of the stream, by the hydrostatic pressure: while the water entering from the current by the funnel into the other tube, will be compelled to rise above that surface by a space at which it will be sustained by the impulse of the moving fluid: that is, the momentum of the stream will be in equilibrio with the column of water sus- tained in one tube above the surface of that in the other. In estimating the velocity by means of this instrument, we must have recourse to theory as corrected by experiments. Thus, if h, the height of the column sustained by the stream, or the difference of heights in the two tubes, be in feet, we shall have v = 6.5 h, nearly, the velocity, per second, of the stream; if h be in inches, then v = 22.47 ✓ h, nearly or farther ex- periments made with the same instrument may a little modify these co-efficients. It will be easy to put the funnel into the most rapid part of the stream, if it be moved about to different places until the dif- ference of altitude in the two tubes becomes the greatest. In some cases it will happen, that the immersion of the instrument HYDRODYNAMICS: STREAM MEASURERS. 319 will produce a little eddy in the water, and thus disturb the accuracy of the observation: but keeping the instrument im- mersed only a few seconds will correct this. The wind would also affect the accuracy of the experiments; it is, therefore, advisable to make them where there is little or no wind. By means of this instrument a great number of curious and useful observations may easily be made the velocity of water at various depths in a canal or river may be found with tolerable accuracy, and a mean of the whole drawn, or they may be applied to the correcting of the theory of waters running down gentle slopes. The observations may likewise be applied to ascertain whether the augmentations of the velocities are in proportion to the increase of water passing along the same canal, or what other relations subsist between them, &c. Where great accuracy is not required, the tube, with the funnel at bottom, will alone be sufficient; as the surface of the water will be indicated, with tolerable, precision, by that part of the prismatic frame for the tube which has been moistened by the immersion: and the velocities may be marked against thosé altitudes in the tube which indicate them. : 3. Another good and simple method of measuring the ve- locity of water in a canal, river, &c. is that described by the Abbé Mann, in his treatise on rivers; it is this :-Take a cy- lindrical piece of dry light wood, and of a length something less than the depth of the water in the river; about one end of it let there be suspended as many small weights as may keep the cylinder in a vertical or upright position, with its head just above water. To the centre of this end fix a small straight rod, precisely in the direction of the cylinder's axis in order that, when the instrument is suspended in the water, the deviations of the rod from a perpendicularity to the surface of it, may indicate which end of the cylinder goes foremost, by which may be discovered the different velocities of the water at different depths; for when the rod inclines forward, according to the direction of the current, it is a proof that the surface of the water has the greatest velocity; but when it reclines backward, it shows that the swiftest current is at the bottom; and when it remains perpendicular, it is a sign that the velocities at the top and bottom are equal. This instrument, being placed in the current of a river or canal, receives all the percussions of the water throughout the whole depth, and will have an equal velocity with that of the whole current from the surface to the bottom at the place where it is put in, and by that means may be found, both 320 HYDRODYNAMICS: STREAM MEASURERS. > } 0 with exactness and ease, the mean velocity of that part of the river for any determinate distance and time. But to obtain the mean velocity of the whole scction of the river, the instrument must be put successively both in the mid- dle and towards the sides, because the velocitics at those places are often very different from each other. Having by these means found the several velocities, from the spaces run over in certain times, the arithmetical mean proportional of all these trials, which is found by dividing the common sum of them all by the number of the trials, will be the mean velocity of the river or canal. And if this medium velocity be multiplied by the area of the transverse section of the waters of any place, the product will be the quantity running through that place in a second of time. f The cylinder may be easily guided into that part which we want to measure, by means of two threads or small cords, which two persons, one on each side of the canal or river, must hold and direct; taking care at the same time neither to retard nor accelerate the motion of the instrument. 1 4. Let A A' B B' be a hollow cylinder, open at both ends, and let it be capable of being fixed by the side of a platform or of a boat, so that its lower extremity в B' may be placed at any proposed depth below HR, the upper sur- face of the stream. Let pr' be pulleys, fixed at opposite sides of the top and bot- tom of the tube. To G, a globe of specific gravity nearly the same as that of water, let a cord & r' p s be attached, passing freely over the pulleys r', r, and having sufficient length towards s to allow of its running off to any convenient distance. Then, the bottom of the tube being immersed to any proposed depth, let the globe & be exposed to the free operation of the stream; and as it is carried along with it, it will in 1, 2, 5, or 10 seconds, or any other interval of time, draw off from a fixed point, as s, a portion of cord; from which and the time elapsed, the velocity at the assigned depth will become known. S } II A P A R Mr. Saumarez invented, in 1720, an instrument called the Marine Surveyor, for the double purpose of measuring a ship's way, and ascertaining the velocitics of streams. It is described in the Phil. Trans. vol. 33; and in the succeeding volume a curious example of its use is given in "tables showing the strength and gradual increase and decrease of the tides of flood and ebb in the river Thames, as observed HYDRODYNAMICS: OLD LONDON BRIDGE. 321 2 in Lambeth Reach." They are too extensive to be inserted here; but are truly interesting, and may be seen in Phil. Trans. Abridged, vol. vii. p. 133. SECTION IV.-Effects of the Old London Bridge on the Tides, &c. In the first volume of Dr. Hutton's Tracts, Svo. there are inserted some curious papers drawn up by Mr. Robertson, of Christ's Hospital, and others, on London Bridge, and on the probable consequences, in reference to the tides, of erecting a new bridge across the Thames, viz. Blackfriars. Such docu- ments are not only interesting as matters of scientific history, but become valuable in process of time; as the comparison of facts with theoretic predictions is subservient to the correction of the theory itself. With a similar object in view, I here introduce abridged accounts of some valuable facts with re- gard to the motion and level of the tides in the Thames at London, collected in 1820 and 1821, when the project of a new bridge of five arches, instead of the old bridge, originally of 20 arches, and a very contracted water-way, came first under con- sideration. LONDON BRIDGE. Result of the levels of tides observed from 23d September to 25th October, 1820, between the entrance of the London Docks and Westminster Bridge. Also the transverse sections of the river Thames at London Bridge, Southwark Bridge, Blackfriars Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, and Westminster Bridge, collected from four drawings of the above surveys, made by Mr. Francis Giles, under the direction of Mr. James Mon- tague, pursuant to an order of the Select Committee of Bridge House Lands, of the 8th September, 1820. } London Docks to London Bridge. The high water of spring tides at the entrance of the London Docks, averaged a level of 1.5 inch higher and 10 minutes earlier time, than at the lower side of London Bridge. The low water of ditto at ditto averaged a level of 3 inches lower, and 9 minutes carlier time, than at ditto. The high water of neap tides at ditto averaged a level of one inch, and 8 minutes carlier time, than at ditto. The low water of ditto at ditto averaged a level of 2 inches lower, and 14 minutes earlier time, than at ditto. 322 HYDRODYNAMICS: EFFECTS OF LONDON BRIDGE. 1 1 London Bridge. High water of the highest spring tides occurs at three or four o'clock.-High water of the lowest neap tides occurs at eight or nine o'clock. Spring tides flow four or five hours, and ebb seven to eight and a half hours.-Neap tides flow five to five and a half hours, and ebb six and a half to eight hours. The high water of spring tides produced an average fall through London Bridge of 8 inches, but the greatest fall at high water was 1 foot 1 inch.-October 24th. The low water of ditto, through ditto, of 4 feet 4 inches, but the greatest fall at low water was 5 feet 7 inches.-Septem- ber 27th. And The high water of neap tides through ditto of 5 inches. The low water of ditto, through ditto, 2 feet 1 inch, but the least fall at low water was 1 foot 1 inch.-October 16th. The flood of spring tides of October 21st and 23d, produced slack water through the bridge in about 40 minutes after low water below bridge, from which time a head gradually in- creased (below bridge) to 1 foot 10 inches at half flood, and then regularly increased to about 8 inches at high water.—The first flow of these tides, nevertheless, began above bridge about 20 minutes after low water time below bridge, although the water was then about 2 feet 6 inches higher above than below bridge; the time of low water below bridge averaged 10 minutes earlier than above bridge. The ebb of these tides produced slack water at the bridge about 30 minutes after high water, and then gradually sunk to their greatest fall at low water.-The time of high water of Oc- tober 21st and 23d, was the same below as above bridge; but the average time of high water spring tides is 9 minutes earlier below than above bridge. The flood of neap tide, October 30th, produced slack water through the bridge, in about two hours after low water time be- low bridge (when there was some land flood in the river), from which time a head gradually increased (below bridge) to 1 foot 3 inches at two-thirds flood, and then regularly decreased to 4 inches at high water. The first flow of this tide, nevertheless, began above bridge, about 1 hour after low water time below bridge, although the water was then 1 foot higher above than below bridge; but the average time of low water below bridge is 32 minutes earlier than above bridge. The ebb of this tide produced slack water at the bridge Ob HYDRODYNAMICS: EFFECTS OF LONDON BRIDge. 323 1 about 15 minutes after high water above bridge, and then gra- dually sunk to its greatest fall at low water. The time of high water of October 30th, was 15 minutes earlier below than above bridge, and the average time of high water neap tides is 15 minutes earlier below than above bridge. London Bridge to Westminster Bridge. The high water line from the upper side of London Bridge to Westminster Bridge is generally level, unless influenced by winds and land floods. The time of high water is about 10 minutes earlier at Lon- don than Westminster Bridge. The mean low water line has a fall of Ditto Ditto Ditto min. (later at Westmin- in. pts. { 4 0 from Westminster to Waterloo Bridge, time 7 ster than at Wa- terloo Bridge. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 4 3 0 Total foot 10 3 from Waterloo to Blackfriars Bridge 2 from Blackfriars to Southwark Bridge 5 from Southwark to London Bridge 0 At an extraordinary high water or level of 2 feet above the average spring tide high water mark, at the Hermitage entrance to the London Docks, as set- tled by the Corporation of the Trinity House, Au- gust, 1800. At the Trinity High Water mark, 'or At an average Spring Tide High Water. S At Ditto Spring Tide High Water. At Ditto Neap Tido High Water. At Ditto Neap Tide Low Water. At Ditto Spring Tide Low Water. Datum Under the Datum. ft. in. 0 6.5 Areas of the Transverse Sections in the River Thames at London Bridge. below Bridge, or Level of abovo Bridge, or Level of above Bridge, or Level of At Ditto Spring and Neap Tide above Bridge, or Level of Low Water. below Bridge, or Level of 1 2.0 V 4 3.0 14 5·0 16 5.0 below Bridge, or Lovel of 18 9.0 1 A 47 5 4 181 Fect. 8,130 7,360 7,122 6,837 5,293 1,488 1,030 540 ¡Abate for Water- works. Feet. 1,000 850 810 600 Feet. 7,130 6,272 6,027 4,693 1,488 1,030 540 324 HYDRODYNAMICS: EFFECTS OF LONDON BRIDGE. At Southwark, Blackfriar's, Waterloo, and Westminster At the above level of extraordinary high water At the Trinity high water mark, or datum • At an average Spring tide high water, or level of 1 foot 2 inches under the ditto 13,170 12,975 16,447 14,015 11,135 10,590 13,116 11,380, 1 5,012 3,724 3,382 3,720 · London, 12th March, 1821.-(Published in a letter addressed to G. H. Sumner, Esq. M. P. by a scientific architect.) At ditto Neap tide high water, or level of 4 feet 3 inches under the ditto. At ditto Spring and Neap tide low water. FLOOD TIDE. Depth of water when flood com- menced 1st hour rise 2d hour 3d hour 4th hour 45 minutes 4 hours and 45 minutes ABOVE BRIDGE. Low Water at Pepper Alley," 50 minutes past nine o'clock in the morning. } FLOOD TIDE. Gradation of the Ebbing and Flowing of the tide at Lon- don Bridge, taken above and below, on the 29th of July, 1821; being the day of the new moon. · · • Bridges. Southwark Blackfriars] Waterloo | Westminster Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. 15,26,0 15,460 19,822 16,750 13,940 14,117 17,707 15,198 • • - Ft. In. 、 Depth of water when flood com- menced 1st hour rise 2d hour 3d hour 4th hour 48 minutes • • BELOW Low Water at Coxes' Quay, 30 mi- nutes past nine o'clock in the morn- ing. ↓ · 6 0 2 11 3 0 2 10 2 8 1 0 18 5 5 Ft. In. 110 LOQ QI GP và di đà lo ch 3 9 5 9 2 2 5 1 4 4 4 hours and 48 minutes . 18 10 High Water at Pepper Alley, 35 mi- nutes past two o'clock in the after- noon. 1st hour fall 2d hour, 3d hour 4th hour 5th hour 6th hour 7th hour 55 minutes Depth at low water EBB TIDE. 1st hour fall 2d hour 3d hour 4th hour 5th hour 6th hour 7th hour 59 minutes • • Depth left EBB TIDE. ¿ 7 hours and 55 minutes 18 + t • • · • BRIDGE. High Water at Coxes' Quay, 18 mi- nutes past two o'clock in the after- noon. Ft. In. 1 my 0 1 9 1 5 1 2 1 0 222--- 0 11 5 6 • Q+&&&1 3 Ft.'In. 2 1 4 4 1 2 LOO 2 5 7 3 9 1 6 7 hours and 59 minutes 18 10 *** The object of this statement was to show, that the old bridge tended to retain the water above bridge and assist the navigation up the river, 0 11 0 4 } $ 1 1 HYDRODYNAMICS: WATERMILLS. 325 / Difference between the Levels of High and Low Water Spring Tides, between Rotherhithe and Battersea in the year 1820. - f. - i. 21 10 Rotherhithe, Old Horse Ferry London Old Bridge 18 2 Blackfriars 14 9 12 6 Westminster Vauxhall 12 2 Battersea 11 6 From Battersea Bridge to London Bridge, 5 miles; from London Bridge to Old Horse Ferry, 14 miles. From London Bridge to the Nore, 44 miles.* ( 1 SECTION V.-Watermills. 1. The impulse of a current of water, and sometimes its weight and impulse jointly, are applied to give motion to mills for grinding corn and for various other purposes. Sometimes the impulse is applied obliquely to floatboards in a manner which may be comprehended at once by reference to a smoke- jack. In that, the smoke ascends, strikes the vanes obliquely, and communicates a rotatory motion. Imagine the whole mechanism to be inverted, and water to fall upon the vanes, rotation would evidently be produced; and that with greater or less energy in proportion to the quantity of water and the height from which it falls. Water-wheels of this kind give motion to mills in Ger- many, and some other parts of the continent of Europe. I have, also, seen mills of the same construction in Balta, the northernmost Shetland Isle. But wherever they are to be found, they indicate a very imperfect acquaintance with practical, mechanics; as they occasion a considerable loss of power. 2. Water frequently gives motion to mills, by means of what is technically denominated an undershot wheel. This has a number of planes disposed round its circumference, nearly in the direction of its radii, these floatboards (as they are called) dipping into the stream, are carried 'round by it; as shown in the accompanying diagram. The axle of the wheel, of * The preceding results will always be valuable, as they supply striking evidence of the effect of a broken dam, such as many of our old bridges present. I regret that the contrast occasioned by the large arches of the new bridge cannot yet be presented for though the old bridge is removed, the entire obstructions occasioned by the starlings were not taken away when this volume went to the press. 43 2 F 326 HYDRODYNAMICS: WATERMILLS. course, by the intervention of pro- per wheels and pinions, turns the machinery intended to be moved. Where the stream is large and un- confined, the pressure on each float- board is that corresponding to the head due to the relative velocities. (or difference between the veloci- ties of stream and floatboard): this pressure is, therefore, a maximum when the wheel is at rest; but the work performed is then nothing. On the other hand, the pressure is nothing when the velocity of the wheels equals that of the stream. Consequently, there is a certain interme- diate velocity, which causes the work performed to be a maxi- mum. The weight equal to the pressure is (H— √ h)º, Q being the quantity of water passing in a second, I the height due to v the velocity of the water, and h that due to u the velocity of the floatboard. Considering this as a mass attached to the wheel, its moving force is obtained by multiplying it into u and as H ✔h varies as v u, this mov- ing force varies as (v U)2 u which is a max. when u — } j v. In this case, then, the rim of the wheel moves with of the velocity of the stream; and the effect which it produces is K 4, q × ( ? v ) ² × } v 24/7 Q v³ : so that the undershot wheel, according to the usual theory, performs work = of the moving force. 27 ; Friction, and the resistance of fluids, modify these results but Smeaton and others have found that the maximum work is always obtained when u is between ½ v and 1 v. 3. Where the floats are not totally immersed, the water is heaped upon them; and in this case the pressure is that due to M D 2 II. 4. When the floatboards move in a circular sweep close fitted to them, or, in general, when the stream cannot escape without acquiring the same velocity as the wheel, the cir- cumstances on which the investigation turns become analo- gous to what happens in the collision of non-elastic bodies. The stream has the velocity v before the stroke which is re- duced to u, and the quantity of motion corresponding to the difference, or to v u, is transferred to the wheel; this turns with the velocity u; and therefore the effect of the wheel is as V U U2 V D) u, or, ; which is a maximum when y = 2 U; V V being then of the moving power. I HYDRODYNAMICS: WATERMILLS. 327 Hence appears the utility of constraining the water to move in a narrow channel. 5. The undershot wheel is used where a large quantity of water can be obtained with a moderate fall. But where the fall is considerable the overshot is almost always employed. Its circumference is formed into angular buckets, into which the water is delivered either at the top or within 60° of it: 52° is the most advantageous distance. In that case, if r=the full radius of the wheel, H the whole, and h the effective height of the fall, h =r (1+ sin 37° 4) 1.605 r, and r = 623 h. If the friction be about of the moving power, v, the velocity of the circumf. of the wheel to produce a maxi- mum effect, will 2.67 H. Here, too, a fall of will give the water its due velocity of impact upon the wheel and 3 122.176 sн lbs the mechanical effect, s being the section, in SH 2 fect, of the stream that supplies the buckets. Mr. Smeaton's experiments led him to conclude that over- shot wheels do most work when their circumferences move at the rate of 3 feet in a second, and that when they move con- siderably slower than this, they become unsteady and irregular in their motion. This determination is, however, to be un- derstood with some latitude. He mentions a wheel 24 feet in diameter, that scemed to produce nearly its full effect, though the circumference moved at the rate of 6 feet in a second; and another of the diameter of 33 feet, of which the circumference had only a velocity of 2 feet in a second, with- out any considerable loss of power. The first wheel turned round in 12". 6, the latter in 51°. 9. 6. Where the fall is too small for an overshot wheel, it is most advisable to employ a breast-wheel (such as exhibited in the margin), which partakes of its properties; its floatboards. meeting at an angle, so as to be assimilated to buckets, and the water being considerably confined within them by means of an arched channel fitting moderately close, but not so as to produce unnecessary fric- tion. But when the circumstances do not admit of a breast-wheel, then recourse must be had to the under- shot. For such a wheel it is best, 261 BUELTA T 328 HYDRODYNAMICS: WATERMILLS. that the floatboards be so placed as to be perpendicular to the surface of the water at the time they rise out of it; that only one half of each should ever be below the surface, and that from 3 to 5 should be immersed at once. The Abbe Mann pro- posed that there should not be more than six or eight float- boards on the whole circumference.' 7. Mills moved by the reaction of water are usually deno- minated Barker's Mills; sometimes, however, Parent's; at others, Segner's. But the invention is doubtless Dr. Barker's. In the marginal diagram, where c D is a vertical axis, moving on a pivot at », and carrying the upper millstone m, after pass- ing through an opening in the fixed mill- stone c. Upon this axis is fixed a vertical tube T T communicating with a horizontal tube A B, at the extremities of which A, B, are two apertures in opposite directions. When water from the mill-course M N is intro- duced into the tube T T, it flows out of the apertures, A, B, and by the reaction or counter-pressure of the issuing water the arm ▲ B, and consequently the whole machine, is put in motion. The bridge-tree a b is elevated or depressed by turning the nut c at the end of the lever c b. - M N 10 T 7' D) b In order to understand how this motion is produced, let us suppose both the apertures, shut, and the tube TT filled with water up to T. The apertures AP, which are shut up, will be pressed outwards by a force cqual to the weight of a column of water whose height is rr, and whose area is the area of the apertures. Every part of the tube A B sustains a similar pres- sure; but as these pressures are balanced by equal and opposite pressures, the arm A B is at rest. By opening the aperture at A, however, the pressure at that place is removed, and conse- quently the arm is carried round by a pressure equal to that of a column Tr, acting upon an area equal to that of the aperture a. The same thing happens on the arm TB; and these two pres- sures drive the arm A B round in the same direction. This ma- chine may evidently be applied to drive any kind of machinery, by fixing a wheel upon the vertical axis c D. 8. Mr. Rumsey, an American, and Mr. Segner, improved this machine, by conveying the water from the reservoir, not by a pipe, in greater part of which the spindle turns, but by a pipe which descends from a reservoir, as F, until it reaches lower than the arms AB, and then turns up by a curvilinear neck and collar, entering between the arms at the lower part, as shown in the figure. This greatly diminishes the friction. 9. Professor Playfair has correctly remarked that the HYDRODYNAMICS: WATERMILLS. 329 moving force becomes greater, after the machine has begun to move; for the water in the horizontal arms acquires a centri- fugal force, by which its pressure against the sides is increased. When the machine works to the greatest advantage, the centre of the perforations should move with the velocity 2 201 hg, where r is the radius of the horizontal arm, measured from the axis of motion to the centre of the perforation, and r' the radius of the perpendicular tube, g being put for the force of gravity, or 32 feet. As 2 r is the circumference described by the centre of each is the time of a revolution in seconds. 2 x r perforation, √hg p The quantity is also the velocity of the effluent water; therefore, when the machine is working to the greatest advantage, the velocity with which water issues is equal to that with which it is carried horizontally in an opposite direction; so that, on coming out, it falls perpendicularly down. 10. The following dimensions have been successfully adopt- ed: viz. radius of arms from the centre of pivot to the centre of the discharging holes, 46 inches; inside diameter of the arms, 3 inches: diameter of the supplying pipe, 2 inches; height of the working head of water, 21 feet above the points of discharge. When the machine was not loaded, and had but one orifice open, it made 115 turns in a minute. This agrees to a velocity of 46 feet in a second, for the orifice, greater than the full velocity due to the head of water by between 9 and 10 feet the difference is due to the effect of the centrifugal force. nih g √ The theory of this machine is yet imperfect; but there can be no doubt of its utility in cases where the stream is small with a considerable fall. Mr. James Whiteland, a correspondent of the Franklin Journal, proposes to make the horizontal arms of the mill of a curved form, such that the water will run from the centre to the extremity of the arms in a straight line when the machine is working. For the method of constructing the curve, see Me- chanic's Magazine, No. 499. It is very clear, however, that the additional efficiency of the machine will not be so great by any means as the inventor anticipates. 2 F 2 * 330 PNEUMATICS. CHAPTER XIII. PNEUMATICS. SECTION I.-Equilibrium of air and elastic fluids. 1. THE fundamental propositions that belong to hydrostatics are common to the compressible and the incompressible fluids, and need not, therefore, be repeated here. 2. Atmospheric air is the best known of the elastic fluids, and has been defined an elastic fluid, having weight, and resist- ing compression with forces that are directly as its density, or inversely as the spaces within which the same quantity of it is contained. The correctness of this definition is confirmed by experi- ment. The weight of air is known from the Torricellian experi- ment, or that of the barometer. The air presses on the orifice of the inverted tube with a force just equal to the weight of the column of mercury sustained in it. A bottle, weighed when filled with air, is found heavier than after the air is extracted. The pressure of the atmosphere is at a mean about 14 lbs. on every square inch of the earth's sur- face. Hence the total pressure on the convex surface of the 10,686,000,000 hundreds of millions of pounds. earth The elastic force of the air is proved, by simply inverting at vessel full of air in water: the resistance it offers to farther immersion, and the height to which the water ascends within. it, in proportion as it is farther immersed, are proofs of the elasticity of the air contained in it.* When air is confined in a bent tube, and loaded with differ- ent weights of mercury, the spaces it is compressed into are *It is in virtue of this property, and ought to be known as extensively as pos- sible, that a man's hat will serve in most cases as a temporary life-preserver, to per- sons in hazard of drowning, by attending to the following directions:- When a person finds himself in, or about to be in, the water, let him lay hold of his hat between his hands, laying the crown close under his chin, and the mouth under the water. By this means, the quantity of air contained in the cavity of the hat will be sufficient to keep the head above water for several hours, or until assistance can be rendered. PNEUMATICS: AIR. 331 J found to be inversely as those weights. But those weights are the measures of the elasticity; therefore the elasticities are inversely as the spaces which the air occupies. The densities are also inversely as those spaces; therefore the elasticity of air is directly as its density. This law was first proved by Mariotte's experiments. In all this, the temperature is supposed to remain un- changed. These properties seem to be common to all elastic fluids. Air resists compression equally in all directions. No limit can be assigned to the space which a given quantity of air would occupy if all compression were removed. : 3. In ascending from the surface of the earth, the density of the air necessarily diminishes for each stratum of air is com- pressed only by the weight of those above it; the upper strata are therefore less compressed, and of course less dense than those below them. 4. Supposing the same temperature to be diffused through the atmosphere, if the heights from the surface be taken in- creasing in arithmetical progression, the densities of the strata of air will decrease in geometrical progression. Also, since the densities are as the compressing forces, that is, as the columns of mercury in the barometer, the heights from the surface being taken in arithmetical progression, the columns of mercury in the barometer at those heights will decrease in geometrical progression. As logarithms have, relatively to the numbers which they represent, the same property, therefore if b be the column of mercury in the barometer at the surface, and ẞ at any height h above the surface, taking m for a constant coefficient, to be determined by experiment, hm (log blog 3), or h = m log: where m may be determined by finding trigonome- trically the value of h in any case, where b and ẞ have been already ascertained. 5. If b be the height of the mercury in the barometer at the lowest station, ẞ at the highest, and t'the temperatures of the air at those stations, f the fixed temperature at which no cor- rection is required for the temperature of the air; and if q and 9 q' be the temperatures of the quicksilver in the two barome- ters, and n the expansion of a column of quicksilver, of which the length is 1, for 1° of heat; h being the perpendicular height (in fathoms) of the one station above the other. 332 PNEUMATICS: ATMOSPHERIC ALTITUDES. h Ma A 10000 ( 1 + ·00244 ¿ 1 10000 b (t + "' — ƒ log.) 3 x ( 1 + n (q—q')' 2 B n being nearly If the centigrade thermometer is used, because the beginning of the scale agrees with the temperature f, so that f= 0, the formula is more simple; and if the expansion for air and mer- cury be both adapted to the degrees of this scale, h b B (1 + 00018 (q —g') 6. The temperature of the air diminishes on ascending into the atmosphere, both on account of the greater distance from the earth, the principal source of its heat, and the greater power of absorbing heat that air acquires, by being less com- pressed. 10000 (1 + ·00441 (t + t' (t + 1') log. 2 7. Professor Leslie, in the notes on his Elements of Geome- try, p. 495, edit. 2d, has given a formula for determining the temperature of any stratum of air when the height of the mer- cury in the barometer is given. The column of mercury at the lower of two stations being b, and at the upper ß, the diminu- b t+t'), 2 42) tion of heat, in degrees of the centigrade, is This seems to agree well with observation. 8. If the atmosphere were reduced to a body of the same density which it has at the surface of the earth, and of the same temperature, the height to which it would extend is, in fathoms, equal to 4343 (1 + ·00441 or, taking the expansion according to Laplace = 4343 (1 + 1 X 1). 4 1000. is to that of air, as b to 4343 (1 + 1660), 1000 b vity of air P My 25.- Hence ifb be the height of the mercury in the barometer, reduced to the temperature t, the specific gravity of mercury or the specific gra- 4 t 72 (4343) (1 + 1000 tha The divisor 72 is introduced in consequence of b being ex- pressed in inches.-(Playfair's Outlines.) PNEUMATICS: PUMPS. 333 SECTION II.-Pumps. 1. Def. The term Pump is generally applied to a machine for raising water by means of the air's pressure. 2. The common suction-pump consists of two hollow cylin- ders, which have the same axis, and are joined in A C. The lower is partly immersed, per- pendicularly in a spring or reservoir, and is called the suction-tube; the upper the body of the pump. At Ac is a fixed sucker con- taining a valve which opens upwards, and is less than 34 feet from the surface of the water. In the body of the pump is a piston D made air-tight, moveable by a rod and handle, and containing a valve opening upwards. And a spout & is placed at a distance greater or less, as convenience may require, above the greatest elevation of d. A D B C 3. To explain the action of this pump. Suppose the moveable piston D at its lowest depression, the cylinders free from water, and the air in its natural state. On raising this piston, the pressure of the air above it keeping its valve closed, the air in the lower cylinder A B forces open the valve at a c, and occupies a larger space, viz., between в the surface of the water, and D; its elastic force therefore being diminished, and no longer able to sustain the pressure of the external air, this latter forces up a portion of the water into the cylinder A в to restore the equilibrium. This continues till the piston has reached its greatest elevation, when the valve at a c closes. In its subsequent descent, the air below D becoming condensed, keeps the valve at A c closed, and escapes by forcing open that at n, till the piston has reached its greatest depression. In the following turns a similar effect is produced, till at length the water rising in the cylinder forces open the valve at A c, and enters the body of the pump; when, by the descent of n, the valve in a c is kept closed, and the water rises through that in n, which on re-ascending, carries it forward, and throws it out at the spout &. k 4. Cor. 1. The greatest height to which the water can be raised in the common pump by a single sucker is when the column is in equilibrio with the weight of the atmosphere, that is, between 32 and 36 feet. 5. Cor. 2. The quantity of water discharged in a given time is determined by considering that at each stroke of the piston 44 334 PNEUMATICS: SUCKING-PUMP. a quantity is discharged equal to a cylinder whose base is a sec- tion of the pump, and altitude the play of the piston. 6. To determine the force necessary to over- come the resistance experienced by the piston in ascending. Leth the height HF of the = surface of the water in the body of the pump above E F the level of the reservoir; and a the area of the section M N. Let h' the height of the column of water equivalent to the pres- sure of the atmosphere; and suppose the pis- ton in ascending to arrive at any position m n which corresponds to the height 1 r. It is evi- dent that the piston is acted upon downwards by the pressure of the atmosphere a³ h', and by the pressure of the column B M == a² × HI; therefore the whole tendency of the piston to descenda² (h' + II I.) But the piston is acted upon upwards by the pressure of the air on the external surface Er of the reservoir a² h'; part of which is destroyed by the weight of the column of water having for its base m n, and height r 1 ; FI); the whole action upwards a² × (h' whence r = a². (h'+1 1)=a³. (h' — F 1) u³. F H = ash, 1 that is, the piston throughout its ascent is opposed by a force equal to the weight of a column of water having the same base as the piston, and an altitude equal to that of the sur- face of the water in the body of the pump above that in the reservoir. In order, therefore, to produce the upward motion of the piston, a force must be employed equal to that determined. above, together with the weight of the piston and rod, and the resistance which the piston may experience in consequence of the friction against the inner surface of the tube.* m 1 ጎ M F B n. N O H F When the piston begins to descend, it will descend by its own weight; the only resistance it meets with being friction, and a slight impact against the water. 7. Cor. 1. If the water has not reached the piston, let its * Suppose the body of the pump to be 6 inches in diameter, and the greatest height to which the water is raised to be 30 feet; suppose, also, the weight of the piston and its rod to be 10lbs., and the friction one-fifth of the whole weight. Then, by the rule at p. 201, of the square of the diameter gives the ale gallons in a yard in length of the cylinder, and an ale gallon, p. 290, weighs 10 lbs. There- fore (62 × 10)+ 1 62 × 10) = 360+7·4 367.4 lbs. weight of the opposing column of water. And 367-4+ 10+¦ (377·4)=452·9 lbs., whole opposing pres- 10 BO - suro. If the piston rod be moved by a lover whose arms are as 10 to 1, this pressure will be balanced by a force of 45-29 lbs., and overcome by any greater force. PNEUMATICS: SUCKING-PUMP. 335 level be in v z. The under surface of the piston will be pressed by the internal rarefied air. But this air, together with the column of water, E v, is in equilibrio with the pressure of the atmosphere a h'; and.. its pressure a². (h' E v). And the pressure downwards 2 a³ h' ; ... Fa² XE V. Hence the force requisite to keep the piston in equilibrio in- creases as the water rises and becomes constant, and a² h as soon as the water reaches the constant level в н. 8. Cor. 2. If the weight of the piston be taken into the ac- count, let this weight be equal to that of a column of water whose base is m n and height p, =a² p ..F= a². (E v + p). 9. To determine the height to which the water will rise after one motion of the piston; the fixed sucker being placed at the junction of the suction-tube and body of the pump supposing that after every elevation of the piston there is an equilibrium between the pres- sure of the atmosphere on the surface of the water in the reservoir, and the elastic force of the rare- fied air between the piston and surface of the column of water in the tube, together with the weight of that column. Let a b be the surface of the water in the suc- tion-tube, after the first stroke of the piston: if the piston were for an instant stationary at D, the pressure of the atmosphere would balance E b, and the elastic force of the air in N a. and y = h. A F Να battl h. ܪ πηλα x R² b + x r². (α h p³ a R² b + p² a whence h = x + — a, Let A E the height of the suction-tube DR the play of the piston = b, h the height of a column of water equivalent to the pres- sure of the atmosphere, y = the height of a column equivalent to the pressure of the air in Na, x = E α, and R and r = the radii of the body and the suction- tube. Then x+y=h, 7.3 X h n² a R³ b + p³ a — p² x r² - U 1) } A x) -- a b L E F I N C 336 PNEUMATICS SUCKING-PUMP. 糞 ​2 ... h R² b + h p² a R³ or x² - (h + 2. b + a).. x and yı pies N a'; and x² p x R³ if m be and p = h + m b + a ; 2039 .. x = }. {p ± √p² - 4 h m b}, and y = }. {2 h—p√p²-4 h m b}, ; only one of which values will be applicable, viz. that which an- swers to the lower sign; since x and y must be less than h and if the upper sign be used, x will be found greater than h. 10. Having given the height of the water raised, and that due. to the pressure of air in the pump after the first ascent of the piston; to determine them for the second, third, &c. ascents. Let E a' represent the height of the water after the second ascent, and let it and let y₁ Х 11 1 the height due to the elastic force of the air ; then x₁+y1 h; since the air which occupied c a now occu- ม Y₁ 1 X B — h p² x=R² b x+r² α x = p² x² + h r² α, R³ h. .b, 22 · f whence h A b Na" KİŞ · h m b, ро Y r³. (α (a R² b + p³. (a magdada tar x₁ + 1 petang tad J x) XC 1) y. (α-x) mb+ax, 1 y. (a—x) mb + a Agat X 1 { ; and .*. X₁ }. {p — √ p² 4 h m b − 4 x . (p + a − and y₁ = . {2h-p+p²-4 h mb-4 x. (h+a—x)}. 1. J From these are deduced values of x2, y2, X, Y3, &c. Y }. {p — √pº 4 h m b 4 x₁. h + a x₁)}, Y 2 1 = }. {2 h − p + √p² 'p² - 4 h m b — 4 x₁. (h+a — x₁)}, and so on. Whence if x be taken to represent the height of the water after (n + 1) ascents, n 2 Xn -1 • 170 {p- 4 h m b √p³ 4 xn s⋅ (h + a Xn-1)}, and y₁ = . {2 h − p + √ p² — 4 h m b−4 x„- 1 • (h+a-xn−1)}. x)}, PNEUMATICS: SUCKING-PUMP. 337 11. Cor. 1. Hence may be determined the height to which the water can rise after any given number of ascents of the pis- ton, and the elastic force of the air in the suction-tube. 12. Cor. 2. Knowing the elevation due to each particular stroke, the differences of those elevations, and the successive differences in the elastic force of the remaining air, may be known. 13. Cor. 3. If the weight of the valve c be not considered, it is evident that after a certain number of strokes a vacuum will be produced in the suction-tube, provided it be equal to, or not greater than the height due to the pressure of the atmosphere, that is, if a be not greater than ħ. For in this case, xn= Xn-19 Xn-1 1)}, 2{p √p³. 4 h m b and.. X-1 x whence Xn-1 h, the greatest height of the column of water in the tube. If therefore the length of the suction-tube do not ex- ceed the height due to the pressure of the atmosphere, the water will continue to ascend in it after every stroke of the piston, till at length it will pass into the body of the pump. But if the altitude of A r be greater than h, the water will continue to ascend without ever reaching its maximum height. For in this case, an actual vacuum cannot be produced; and as xn+y=h, and y, can never become=o.; .. x, can never=h.* But the successive values of y continually decreasing, the cor- responding values of x will continually increase. 14. Cor. 4. If the weight of the valve c be taken into the ac- count, a column of water must be added equal to the additional pressure to be overcome. Let the height of this column, / then x + y + 1 and .. x + y • 4x-1. (h+u n h; h - l h. State If therefore this value of h' be substituted for h, the preceding equations are applicable. 15. Cor. 5. In the preceding cases, the moveable piston has been supposed to descend to a c. If it does not, it may happen that the water may not reach A c, though a c be less than 34 feet from the surface of the water in the reservoir. After the first elevation of the moveable piston to its greatest altitude, c being closed, the clastic force of the air between DN and A c is (h—x), and its magnitude я b rº. If * Hence it appears that it is not strictly true, that water will ascend in the suc- tion-tube to a height equal to that of a column equivalent to the pressure of the atmosphere. This is a limit to which it approximates, but does not reach in a finite time. 2 G 338 PNEUMATICS: SUCKING-PUMP. in descending, the piston describes a space b' less than b, so as to stop at a distance b b' from a c, this magnitude becomes K b Now b- b " in order that the pressure upwards may open the valve, this must exceed the elastic force of the atmosphere; 2 (b — b') . π в³ ; .. the elastic force is (h-x). —x) B b (h — x) · b — b' Katanga kataga or (h — x). b > h . (b — b') ; X b' h b' If.. be less than the valve DN will not open; S b there will therefore be the same quantity of air between a c and the sucker: which, when the piston has reached its highest elevation, will have the same elastic force as that between A C and a' b'; and therefore c being equally pressed on both sides, will remain unmoved, and the water will not ascend. J 16. If the fixed sucker be placed at the surface of the water; to determine the ascent of the water in the suction-tube. and .. x .. Xn - ... bxh b', or Let E α, E a' be the successive heights to which the water rises; then after the first ascent of the piston, x+y=h, and y= whence x = 2. {p - √p⁹ h a mb + a—xX 2 4 h m b } and y. {2 h − p + √p" — 4 h m b}, which equations are the same as were determined for the first ascent of the piston (9). Therefore, in the same manner as before, 1 we shall have x 1. {p √ p² — 4 h m b-4hxn-1}, 4 h m b }. { 2 h − p + √ p² X h' Y n 4 h Xn-1}. 17. Cor. 1. If the water be supposed to stop after (n + 1) ascents of the piston, then a Xn-1 i 12 r n--1 > h, ( }. {p — √ p² - 4 h m b-4 h xa-1}, 2. whence . {a+mb ± √ (a + m b² — 4 h m b}. }. PNEUMATICS: SUCKING-PUMP. 339 2 Hence, therefore, there are two altitudes at which the water may stop in its ascent, if (a + m b)³ is equal to or greater than 4 h m b. In the former case the two values of x„-1 are equal, that is, there will be only one altitude §. (a + mb), at which the water will stop. In the latter case there are two which may be ascertained. If 4 h m b be greater than (a + m b), the water will not stop. Ex. 1. If h 32 feet, a = 20, b 4, and m = 1, or the suction-tube and body of the pump be of the same diameter, X¸~1 =1'. {20 +4 ± √ (24)º (24)º — 4.1. 32.4} = }. { 24±√64} n-1 16 or 8. 25, b 32 feet, a Ex. 2. If h 1. {25 +8 ± √ (33)³ 41.8062 or 24.1938. Xn-1 ✓65} 18. Cor. 2. If m S makamandag 2, and m = 4,} 1. {33 ± 1, or the tubes have the same diameter, X₁₁ = }. {a + b ± √ (a + b)³ — 4 h b}, Xn-1 which is imaginary, if (a + b) is less than 4 h b, or b greater (a + b)³ 4 h than In order, therefore, that this pump may produce its effect, the play of the piston must be greater than the square of its greatest altitude above the surface of the water in the reser- voir divided by four times the height due to the pressure of the atmosphere. 19. The lifting-pump consists of a hollow cylinder, the body of which is immersed in the reservoir. It is furnished with a movable piston, which, entering below, lifts the water up, and is movable by means of a frame which is made to ascend and descend by a handle. The piston is furnished with a valve opening upwards. A little below the surface of the water is a fixed sucker with a valve opening upwards. This is an inconvenient construction, upon the peculiarities of which we need not dwell. 340 PNEUMATICS: FORCING-PUMP. 20. The forcing-pump consists of a suction-tube A EF C, partly immersed in the reservoir, and of the body of the pump ABG C, and of the ascending tube H M. The body is furnished with a movable solid sucker or plunger D, made air-tight. And at A C and H are fixed suckers with valves opening upwards. 21. To explain the action of this pump. Suppose the plunger D at its greatest de- pression; the valves closed, and the air in its natural state. Upon the ascent of the air in a CD occupying a greater space, its clasticity will be diminished, and consequently the greater elasticity of the air in a r will open the valve at A c, whilst that at н is kept closed by the elasticity of the external air; water therefore will rise in the suction-tube. On the descent of D from its greatest elevation, the clasticity of the air in the body of the pump will keep the valve A c closed, and open that at н, whence air will escape. By subsequent ascents of the piston, the air will be expelled, and water rise into the body. The descending piston will then press the water through the valve at н, which will close, and prevent its return into the body of the pump; D therefore ascending again, the space left void will be filled by water pressing through the valve A c; and this upon the next ascent of D is forced into the ascending tube; and thus by the ascents and descents of D, water may be raised to the required height. D9 B dadd M A E D N HO щи с F 22. Cor. In this pump o must not ascend higher than about 32 feet from the surface of the water in the reservoir. 23. To determine the force necessary to overcome the resist- ance experienced by the piston. Let the height of a column of water equivalent to the h pressure of the atmosphere, and Eв the height to which the water is forced. Let мM N be any position of the piston n whose arca A, and the weight of the piston and its appendages = r. the force necessary to push the piston upwards during the suction, friction not being considered, and y = that em- ployed to force it down. = Let x = When the piston ascends, and H is closed X = P + A h s. (h M E) = PA. M E. Let the sucker be in the same position in its descent, and therefore a c closed, and H open. PNEUMATICS: FORCING-PUMP. 341 J Y = A h + Ą . M B P. A. MB pig Hence x + y = A. E B ; or the whole force exerted in the case of equilibrium is equal to the weight of a column of water whose base is equal to that of the piston, and altitude the distance between the surface of the water and the point to which it is to be raised. .. PA .". P (A h + P) 24. Cor. 1. In this pump the effort is divided into two parts, one opposed to the suction, and the other to the forcing; whereby an advantage is gained over the other pumps where the whole force is exerted at once whilst the water is raised. 25. Cor. 2. In order to have the force applied uniform, let X = Y; " MEA. MB A. (M B M E). 26. Cor. 3. In the common forcing- pump the stream is intermitting; for there is no force impelling it during the return of the sucker. The piston therefore must play in such a manner that м в may be greater than м E. One mode of remedying this, is by making an interruption in the ascending tube, which is surrounded by an air-ves- A Ꮲ ; T sel r; in which when the water has risen above z, the air above it is compressed, and by its elasticity forces the water up through z; the orifice of which is narrower than that of the tube, and therefore the quantity of water introduced during the descent of the piston will supply its discharge for the whole time of the stroke, producing a continued stream. גן R 27. The fire-engine consists of a large receiver A B C D, called the air-vessel, into which water is driven by two forcing- pumps, E F, G н, (whose pistons are and R), communicating with its lower extremities at I and K, through two valves open- ing inwards. From the receiver proceeds a tube M L through which the water is thrown, and directed to any point by means of a pipe moveable about the extremity L. The pumps are worked by a lever, so that N 45 2 G 2 I IM K B 71 Z 0 E I 342 PNEUMATICS: FIRE-ENGINE. : 한 ​| whilst one piston descends the other ascends. The pumps com- municate with a reservoir of water at N. 28. To explain the action of this engine. The tube N being immersed in the reservoir, and the piston R drawn up, the pump & н becomes filled; and the descent of the piston R will, as in the forcing-pump (21), keep the valve н close, and cause the water to pass into the air-vessel by the valve 1, whilst by the weight of the water in the air-vessel, the valve i will be kept shut. In the same manner, when R ascends, a descending will force the water through к into the air-vessel. By this means the air above the surface of the water becoming greatly compressed, will by its elasticity force the water to as- cend through M L, and to issue with a great velocity from the pipe.* 29. When the air-vessel is half full of water, the air being then compressed into half its natural space, will have an elastic force equal to twice the pressure of the atmosphere: therefore, when the stop-cock is turned, the air within pressing on the subjacent water with twice the force of the external air, will cause the water to spout from the engine to the height of (2-1) 33, or 33 feet; except so far as it is diminished by friction. Or, generally, if n Jeg n 1 denote the fractional height of the 1 13 water in the air barrel, then will denote the height of the M n space occupied by the compressed air n times the pressure of the atmosphere its elastic force, and (n-1) 33, the height in feet to which the water may be projected. Thus, if of the air barrel be the height of the water, the elastic force of the air will be four times the pressure of the atmosphere, and (41) 3399 feet, the height to which the water may then be thrown by the engine. 30. The modifications in the constructions of pumps with a view to their practical applications are very numerous. Those who wish to acquaint themselves with some of the most useful, may consult the 2d vol. of my Treatise on Mechanics, and Nos. 13, 41, 69, and 93, of the Mechanics' Magazine. In addition to these, there may now be presented a short * The preceding part of this section is taken from Bland's Hydrostatics; a very elegant and valuable work, which I bog most cordially to recommend to those who wish to obtain a comorchensive knowledge of the theory of this department of science. 1 PNEUMATICS: QUICKSILVER PUMP. 343 account of a quicksilver pump, which has been recently in- vented by Mr. Thomas Clark of Edinburgh, and which works almost without friction. It has great power in drawing and forcing water to any height, and is extremely simple in its construction. a a is the main pipe inserted into the well b ; a valve is situated at c, and another at d, both opening upwards; a piece of iron tube is then bent into a circular form, as at f, again turned off at g in an angular direction, so as to pass through a stuffing box at h, and from thence bent outwards as at i, con- necting itself with the ring. A quan- tity of quicksilver is then put into the ring filling it from q to q, and the ring being made to vibrate upon its axis h, a vacuum is soon effected in the main pipe by the recession of the mercury from g to q, thereby causing the water to rise and fill the vacuum upon the motion being reversed, the quicksilver slides back to g, forces up the water and expels it at the spout e. 20 ส b METT LEMBELLI CH (100) AMEER DE DU KAN RIDE IN IBERI IN CORDE KERER À LEVYAL 1 Mer cold oak The Sam 142 DE 全​可​廿​T | DANN KORRALES! tel ESTUDI LOG Thin ka sali BEN SAN LOR પ્રેમન h q Ori FRİDALIRI, JMLJ 134) ILIUMTHAI (.DİSEL TESTANTE ||, jargalkan. allsend a 1 (0) pekti 175lung| |||||¬KA320FILMILÍ filtrantCHIAJ filistiumaidani, น.เทป มาฝ MIRIÇORBAIK, THE HILERAK) [AMJANORODATE TUGREIDARUJEET Hi bitnoSEAR "Mr. Clark calculates that a pump of this description with a ring twelve fect in diameter, will raise water the same height as the common lifting pump, and force it one hundred and fifty feet higher without any friction." (Mechanics' Register, and Jamieson's Edinburgh Journal.) 31. It is usual to class with pumps, the machine known by the name of Archimedes' screw or the water-snail. This con- sists either of a pipe wound spirally round a cylinder, or of one or more spiral excavations formed by means of spiral projec- tions from an internal cylinder, covered by an external cylin- drical case, so as to be water tight. The cylinder which carries the spiral is placed aslant, so as to be inclined to the horizon in an angle of from 30° to 45°, and capable of turning upon pivots in the direction of its axis posited at each extremity. The lower end of the spiral canal being immersed in the river or reservoir from which water is to be raised, the water descends at first in the said canal solely by its gravity; but the cylinder being turned, by human or other energy, the water moves on in the canal, and at length it issues at the upper extremity of the tube. Several circumstances tend to make this instrument imper- fect and inefficacious in its operation. The adjustments 344 PNEUMATICS SPIRAL PUMP. necessary to ensure a maximum of effectual work are often difficult to accomplish. It seldom happens, therefore, that the measure of the work done exceeds a third of the power employed so that this apparatus, notwithstanding its apparent ingenuity and simplicity, is very sparingly introduced by our civil engineers. 32. Spiral Pump. This machine is formed by a spiral pipe of several convolutions, arranged either in a single plane, as in the marginal diagram, or upon a cylindrical or conical surface, and re- volving round an axis. The curved pipe is connected at its inner end, by a central water-tight joint, to an. ascending pipe, rr, while the other end, s, receives, during each revolu- tion, nearly equal quantities of air and water. This apparatus is usually' called the Zurich machine, because it was invented, about 1746, by Andrew Wirtz, an inhabitant of Zurich. It has been employed with great success at Florence, and in Russia; and the late Dr. Thomas Young states, that he employed it advantageously for raising water to a height of forty feet. The outer end of the pipe is furnished with a spoon s, which contains as much water as will half fill one of its coils. The water enters the pipe a little before the spoon has reached its highest position, the other half remaining full of air. This air communicates the pressure of the column of water to the preceding portion; and in this manner the effect of nearly all the water in the wheel is united, and becomes capable of supporting the column of water, or of water mixed with air, in the ascending pipe. The air nearest the joint is compressed into a space much smaller than that which it occupied at its entrance; so that, when the height is considerable, it becomes advisable to admit a larger portion of air than would naturally fill half the coil. This, while it lessens the quantity of water raised, lessens also the force requisite to turn the machine. The loss of power, sup- posing the machine well constructed, arises only from the friction of water on the pipes, and that of the wheel on its axis and where a large quantity is to be raised to a moderate height, both of these sources of resistance may be rendered very inconsiderable. F Р 33. Schemnitz Vessels, or the Hungarian Machine. The mediation of a portion of air is employed for raising water, not only in the spiral pump, but also in the air vessels of PNEUMATICS SCHEMNITZ VESSELS. 345 Schemnitz, as shown in the annexed dia- gram. A column of water, descending through a pipe, c, into a closed reservoir, B, containing air, obliges the air to act, by means of a pipe, D, leading from the upper part of the air vessel, or reservoir, on the water in a second reservoir, A, at any dis- tance either above it or below it, and forces this water to ascend through a third pipe, E, to any height, less than that of the first column. The air vessel is then emptied, the second reservoir filled, and the whole operation repeated. The air, however, must acquire a density equivalent to the requisite pressure before it can begin to act so that, if the height of the columns were 34 feet, it must be reduced to half its natural space before any water could be raised, and thus half of the force would be lost. But, where the height is small, the height lost in this manner is not greater than what is usually spent in over- coming friction, and other imperfections of the machinery em- ployed. The force of the tide, or of a river rising and falling with the tide, might easily be applied to the purpose of raising water by a machine of this kind. Thus, if at low tide the ves- sel A were filled with air; then, at high tide, the water flowing down the tube E, would cause the water in the vessel в to as- cend in the pipe c. 34. The Hydraulic Ram. In this hydraulic arrangement, the momentum of a stream of water flowing through a long pipe is employed to raise a small quantity of water to a con- siderable height. The passage of the pipe being stopped by a valve which is raised by the stream, as soon as its motion becomes sufficiently rapid, the whole column of fluid must ne- cessarily concentrate its action almost instantaneously upon the valve. In these circumstances it may be regarded as losing the characteristic property of hydraulic pressure, and to act almost as though it were a single solid so that, supposing the pipe to be perfectly elastic and inextensible, the impulse may overcome almost any pressure that may be opposed to it. If another valve opens into a pipe leading to an air vessel, a certain quantity of the water will be forced in, so as to con- dense the air, more or less rapidly, to the degree that may be required for raising a portion of the water contained in it to a given height. C D A E Ma The late Mr. Whitehurst appears to have been the first who employed this method: it was afterwards improved by 346 PNEUMATICS: HYDRAULIC RAM. Mr. Boulton. But, like many English inventions, it never was adequately estimated, until it was brought into public no- tice by a Frenchman. M. Montgolfier, its re-inventor, gave to it the name which it now bears of the Hydraulic Ram, in al- lusion to the battering ram. S The essential parts of this machine are represented in the annexed diagram. When the water in the pipe A в (moving D E In the direction of the arrows) has acquired sufficient velocity, it raises the valve B, which immediately stops its farther pas- sage. The momentum which the water has acquired then forces a portion of it through the valve, c, into the air vessel, d. The condensed air in the upper part of D causes the water to rise into the pipe E, as long as the effect of the horizontal column continues. When the water becomes quiescent, the valve в will open again by its own weight, and the current along A B will be renewed, until it acquires force enough to shut the said valve в, open c, and repeat the operation. The motion in the horizontal tube arises from the accelera- tion of the velocity of a liquid mass falling down another tube, and communicating with this. In an experiment made upon an hydraulic ram, at Avilly, near Senlis, by M. Turquet, bleacher, the expense of power was found to be to the produce, as 100 to 62. In another, as 100 to 55 in two others, as 100 to 57. So that a hydraulic ram, placed not in unfavourable circumstances, may be reckoned to employ usefully rather more than half its force. **For more full accounts of the three last contrivances, the reader may consult the 2d volume of my Mechanics. SECTION III.-Wind and Windmills. 1. Air, when in continuous motion in one direction, be- comes a very useful agent of machinery, of greater or less energy, according to the velocity with which it moves. Were PNEUMATICS: WIND AND WINDMILLS. 347 it not for its variability in direction and force, and the conse- quent fluctuations in its supply, scarcely any more appropriate And even with all first mover could generally be wished for. its irregularity, it is still so useful as to require a separate con- sideration. 2. The force with which air strikes against a moving sur- face, or with which the wind strikes against a quiescent sur- face, is nearly as the square of the velocity: or, more cor- rectly, the exponent of the velocity determined according to the rule given at pa. 103, varies between 2:03 and 2·05; so that in most practical cases, the exponent 2, or that of the If I be the square, may be employed without fear of error. angle of incidence, s the surface struck in feet, and v the velocity of the wind, in feet, per second; then for the force in avoirdupois pounds, either of the two following approximations v³ s² sin³ I may be used: viz. f 440 or f ·002288 v² s³ sin² 1. Of these, the first is usually the easiest in operation, requir- ing only two lines of short division, viz. by 40 and by 11. If the incidence be perpendicular, sin² 1 = 1, and these be- come, f 3. The table in the margin exhi- bits the force of the wind when blow- ing perpendicularly upon a surface of one foot square, at the several velocities announced. The velocity of 80 miles per hour is that by which the aeronaut Garnerin was carried in his balloon from Ranelagh to Colchester, in June, 1802. It was a strong and boisterous wind; but did not assume the character of a hurricane, although a wind with that velocity is so characterized in Rouse's table. In Mr. Green's aerial voyage from Leeds, in September, 1823, he travelled 43 miles in 18 minutes, although his balloon rose to the height of more than 4000 yards. v2 52 440 •002288 v³ S³. Tagg Velocity of the Wind. Miles lin onc hour -feet in one second 1 2 3 → •005 ⚫020 ·044 4 ⚫079 •123 5 10 -492 15 22.00 1.107 20 29.34 1.968 36.67 3.075 25 30 44.01. 4.429 35 51.34 6.027 58-68 7.873 40 45 66.01 9.963 50 73.35 12.300 60 88.02 17.715 80 117.36 31.490 100 146.70 49-200 Perpendi- cular force on one sq. foot in a- voirdupois pounds. 1·47 2.93 4-40 5.87 7.33 14.67 1762, that the force Borda found by experiment in the year of the wind is very nearly as the square of the velocity, but 348 PNEUMATICS: WIND AND WINDMILLS. he assigned that force to be greater than what Rouse found (as expressed in the above table) in the ratio of 111 to 100. Borda ascertained also, as was natural to expect, that, upon different surfaces with the same velocity, the force increased more rapidly than the surface. M. Valtz, applying the me- thod of the minimum squares to Borda's results, ascertained that the whole might be represented by the formula 0.001289 x² +0.000050541 x³ Y and nearly as correctly by y = 0.00108 x2.2 2 representing the surface in square inches (French), and y the force corresponding to the velocity of 10 feet per second expressed in French pounds. : 4. In the application of wind to mills, whatever varieties there may be in their internal structure, there are certain rules and maxims with regard to the position, shape, and magnitude of the sails, which will bring them into the best state for the action of the wind, and the production of use- ful effect. These have been considered much at large by Mr. Smeaton for this purpose he constructed a machine, of which a particular description is given in the Philosophi- cal Transactions, vol. 51. By means of a determinate weight it carried round an axis with an horizontal arm, upon which were four small moveable sails. Thus the sails met with a constant and equable blast of air; and as they moved round, a string with a weight affixed to it was wound about their axis, and thus showed what kind of size or construction of sails answered the purpose best. With this machine a great number of experiments were made; the results of which were as follow: 4 (1.) The sails set at the angle with the axis, proposed as the best by M. Parent and others, viz. 55°, was found to be the worst proportion of any that was tried. (2.) When the angle of the sails with the axis was increased from 72° to 75°, the power was augmented in the proportion of 31 to 45; and this is the angle most commonly in use when the sails are planes. (3.) Were nothing more requisite than to cause the sails to acquire a certain degree of velocity by the wind, the po- sition recommended by M. Parent would be the best. But if the sails are intended with given dimensions to produce the greatest offects possible in a given time, we must, if planes are made use of, confine our angle within the limits of 72 and 75 degrees. (4.) The variation of a degree or two, when the angle is near the best, is but of little consequence. PNEUMATICS: WIND AND WINDMILLS. 349 (5.) When the wind falls upon concave sails, it is an advan- tage to the power of the whole, though each part separately taken should not be disposed of to the best advantage. (6.) From several experiments on a large scale, Mr. Smea- ton has found the following angles to answer as well as any. The radius is supposed to be divided into six parts; and th, reckoning from the centre, is called 1, the extremity being denoted 6. No.