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WOL. I. PRINTED AT EDINBURGH M.DCCCXL. MISCELLANY OF THE M A IT L A N D C L U B CONSISTING OF ORIGINAL PAPERS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF SCOTILAND. PRINTED AT EDINBURGH M.D CCCXXXIV. THE MAITLAND CLUB. DECEMBER, M.DCCC.XXXIV. THE EARL OF GLASGOW, PRESIDENT. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX, ROBERT ADAM, ESQ. JOHN BAIN, ESQ. 5 ROBERT BELL, ESQ. SIR DAVID HUNTER BLAIR, BART. WALTER BUCHANAN, ESQ. THE MARQUIS OF BUTE. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, ESQ. 10 ARCHIBALD CAMPBFLL, ESQ. LORD JOHN CAMPBELL. JOHN DONALD CARRICK, ESQ. LORD COCKBURN. JAMES DENNISTON, ESQ. 15 JAMES DOBIE, ESQ. RICHARD DUNCAN, ESQ. WILLIAM JAMES DUNCAN, ESQ. JAMES DUNLOP, ESQ. * JAMES EWING, ESQ. LL.D. 20 KIRKMAN FINLAY, ESQ. 3875.18 THE MAITLAND CLUB. REV. WILLIAM FLEMING, D. D. WILLIAM MALCOLM FLEMING, ESQ. John FULLARTON, ESQ. JOHN B. GRACIE, ESQ. 25 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. JAMES HILL, ESQ. LAURENCE HILL, ESQ. GEORGE HOUSTOUN, ESQ. JOHN KERR, ESQ. 30 ROBERT ALEXANDER KIDSTON, ESQ. GEORGE RITCHIE KINLOCH, ESQ. JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART, ESQ. LL.B. ALEXANDER MACDONALD, ESQ. WILLIAM MACDOWALL, ESQ. 35 THE VERY REV. PRINCIPAL MACFARLAN, D.D. ANDREW MACGEORGE, ESQ. ALEXANDER MACGRIGOR, ESQ. DONALD MACINTYRE, ESQ. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, ESQ. 40 GEORGE MACINTOSH, ESQ. ALEXANDER MACNEILL, ESQ. JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. WILLIAM MEIKLEHAM, ESQ. 45 WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. WILLIAM MOTHERWELL, ESQ. WILLIAM MURE, ESQ. ALEXANDER OSWALD, ESQ. John MACMICHAN PAGAN, Esq. M.D. 50 WILLIAM PATRICK, ESQ. THE MAITLAND CLUB. EDWARD PIPER, ESQ. ROBERT PITCAIRN, ESQ. JAMES CORBET PORTERFIELD, ESQ. HAMILTON PYPER, ESQ. 55 PHILIP A. RAMSAY, ESQ. JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, ESQ. ANDREW SKENE, ESQ. JAMES SMITH, ESQ. 60 JOHN SMITH, ESQ. JOHN SMITH, YGST., ESQ. WILLIAM SMITH, ESQ. SIR MICHAEL SHAW STEWART, BART. MOSES STEVEN, ESQ. 65 DUNCAN STEWART, ESQ. SYLVESTER DOUGLAS STIRLING, ESQ. JOHN STRANG, ESQ. THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, ESQ. 70 ADAM UROUHART, ESQ. SIR PATRICK WALKER. WILSON DOBIE WILSON, ESQ. ATA MEETING of THE CouncIL of THE MAITLAND CLUB, HELD 29th March 1831, “ REsolved, That a Collect ANEA shall immediately be prepared and printed, at the expense of the Club, and that the Vice-PRESIDENT, Joseph BAIN, Dr FLEMING, ALEXANDER MACDONALD, John W. MacKENzie, and JoHN SMITH Youngest, be appointed a Committee to superintend it, the Vice-PRESIDENT Convener.” AT A MEETING of A CouncIL of THE MAITLAND CLUB, HELD on THE 10th day of January 1883, “ THE Council, resolved, That the Committee of the Club in Edinburgh superintending the Printing of the MISCELLANY there, and the Committee in Glasgow having charge of the Printing of WodRow's BIOGRAPHIES, and of the CoI.LECTANEA, be requested to issue their respective Works in parts of twenty to twenty-five sheets each, thereby maintaining, by frequent publication, the interest in the objects of the Club which such works are calculated to excite.” JOHN SMITH YouNGEST, Secretary. C O N T E N T S. PART FIRST. The Library of Mary Queen of Scots, and of King James the Sixth. P, 1. The Archearis of our Soverane Ladyis Gaird, MDLXII.— MDLXVII, 25. Contraćt of Marriage betwixt Alexander Ogilvy of Boyne, and Mary Bethune, daughter of Robert Bethune of Creich, May 3. 1566. 37. Extraćts from the Regiſters of the Preſbytery of Glaſgow, from November 1592 to March 1601. 51. Extraćts from the Buik of the General Kirk of Edinburgh, in the years 1574 and 1575. 97. Extraćts from the Regiſters of the Kirk Seſſion of the Burgh of Stirling, from November 1597 to December 1600. 127. VIII Obligation by John Earl of Caffillis, to make certain payments to his brother Hugh Kennedy of Brunſtoun, upon his taking the Laird of Auchindrains life, Sept. 4. 1602. P. 137. Letter from King James VI. to the Privy Council of Scotland, and Proclamation by the Privy Council, anent the Robes of Earls, Judges, Magiſtrates, Churchmen, Advocates, Clerks of the Seſſion and Signet, in the years 1606 and 1610. 148. The Houſehold Account of Ludovick Duke of Lennox, when Commiſſioner to the Parliament of Scotland, in the year 1607. 159. Indenture of a Horſe Race betwixt the Earls of Morton and Abercorn, and the Lord Boyd, dated at Hamilton, Aug. 15. 1621. * 198. C O N TENTS. PART SECOND. LETTERs from Henry II. King of France to his Couſin Mary Queen Dowager of Scotland, MDXLv.–MDLIv. P. 205. Letters of Mary Queen of Scots during her reſidence in France to her Mother Mary the Queen Dowager of Scotland. 239. Act for ſequeſtrating the Quenis Majeſties perſon, and deten- ing the ſame in the hous and place of Lochlevin, XVI Jun. MDLXVII. - 247. Royal Letters and other original Documents addreſſed to the Lairds of Barnbarroch, MDLIX.—MDCXVIII. 253. Cathologus Librorum quos vir eximius et beate memorie Ma- giſter Clemens Litill Edinburgene Ecclesie et Miniſtris ejuſ. dem obiens legavit et conſecravit. MDLXXX. 285. Inventories of Buikis in the Colleges of Sanétandrois, MDLXXXVIII. — MDCXII. - 303. The Teſtament and Lettir Will of Mr John Johnſtoun ane of the principall Maiſters of the New College of St Androis, Anno MDCXI. 331. De Jure Prelationis Nobilium Scotiae—A Memorial of the Writes and Evidents produced be fundry Earles and Lords before the Commiſſioners deput be the Kings Majeſty anent the Precedency and Priority of Dignitie, Anno MDcvi. 847. Extraćts from the Regiſters of the Preſbytery of Glaſgow, from November 1608 to Auguſt 1626. 40l. Extraćts from the Regiſter of the Kirk Seſſion of Cambuſne- than, from April 1636 to September 1695. 428. Extraćts from the Regiſter of the Kirk Seſſion of Humbie, from Oétober 1644 to April 1655. 432. Extraćts from the Regiſter of the Kirk Seſſion of Stirling, from May 1601 to November 1649. 445. Petition for a Toleration to the Stang, with the Proceedings of the Regality Court of Huntly thereon, January 1734. 485. THE LIBRARY OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, AND OF KING JAMES THE SIXTH. THE LIBRARY OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, &c. AMoNG the “Jowellis, Pleniffingis, Artaillierie and Muni- tioun being within the caſtell of Edinburgh, pertening to our Soverane Lord and his hienes derreſt Moder,” and delivered in Inventory to the King at Stirling Caſtle in March 1578, framed by Commiſſioners appointed by his Majeſty for receiving the ſame, there is the following ſcanty but not incurious liſt of Books ſaved from the general wreck of what had been the Royal Library of Scotland in the reign of Queen Mary. BUIKIS. IN THE FIRST the ſaxt and laſt volume of the auld cronicles of England in Frenche The ſecound volume The fyft volume The fourt volume Lucan Sueton and Saluſt in Frenche 1 Le sixiesme et dernier volume des anciennes croniques D'Angleterre auquel est contemu lacheuement des aduentures merueilleuses dudit pays mises a fin par le preux cheualier Gulifer yssu du sang du noble roy Perceforest,-mounellement imprime a Paris, Mil Cinq Cent xxviii. 4. LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY The firſt volume of the catologe of Sanétis in Frenche Giron Curtas” The third volume of Titus Livius The werkis of Allane Charter Ane oratioun to the king of Franche of the Quenis awin hand write The ellevint buik of ſanét Auguſtine The firſt buik of ſanét Auguſtine The firſt buik of Rolland amoreuſe The governament of Princes writtin in perchement The firſt buik of Amades de Gaule Ane parte of Plutarche in Frenche Valerius Maximus in Frenche The legend aurie La mere des hiſtoreis The firſt volume of vita Chriſti” Foure volumes of la mere des hiſtoreis coverit with quhite perchement" • Cathalogue des Saincts et Sainctez, translaté nouvellement du Latin en Francoys par Pierre des Natalles, Evesque de Venise. Paris, Galliot du Pre, 1523–4, 2 tom. folio. • Romance de Gyron le Courtois. * Les Oeuvres de Maistre Alain Chartier. Paris, 1529. * A translation of the “Legenda Aurea” by Jac. de Voragine. • La Mer des Histoires. Paris, 1536, fol. “Vita Christi,” by Ludolphus de Saxonia. There were also early impres- sions of the work in the French, Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese languages. a La Mer des Histoires. Paris, 1536, fol. AND OF KING JAMES VI. 5 Cronicle Martinan The play of the chas" The cronicles of Savoy" The buik of hunting The diſtrućtioun of Troy is The explanatioun of the charter of Calice Thre lyves of Alexander the greit and utheris nobles “ The decameron of Bocas “ The mirrour of human redemptioun * Boece de conſolation The gardin of pleſance “ Tua volumes of Lancilot de laik • Chronique Martinienne ; the French edition of the “Cronica Summorum Pontificum,” by Martinus Polonus. to The Game and Playe of the Chesse, translated out of the French by William Caxton, 1474. * Croniqve de Savoye. Par Maistre Guillaume Paradin Chanoyne de Beauieu. A Lyon Par Iean de Towrnes et Gvil. Gazeav, M.D.L.II. This volume is in the possession of Thomas Thomson, Esquire, Deputy Clerk Register, and one of the Members of this Club. * There are several works under this title both in French and English. * A translation of the “Historia Alexandri Magni Regis Macedonie de preliis,” &c. of which there are various old editions. * Le Décameron de Bocace, trad. d’Italien en Franç. par Ant. Maçon. Paris, 1548, 8vo. * Speculum Humanae Salvationis. The French translation is entitled “La Mirouer de la Redemption de humain lignaige.” * “Le Jardin de Plaisance et fleur de Rhetorique, contenant plusieurs Traités en rime Francoys. Lyon, Olivier Arnoulet.” No date. There are various editions of this work. 6 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Ane greit volume of cronica cronicorum ” Ane compend of the cronicles in Spanioll" Ane buk of devilry " Bocas of the geneologie of the goddis Cronicle of the empriouris and kingis of Auſtrice Diſcours of the miſereis of the tyme preſent The gardin of pleſance * Eſaias in Greik & Hebrew be Minſtar [Munſter] Geneologie of the kingis of France * Columell of hiſtoreis The prothogall of the chancellarie of France The regreit of duke of Guiſe deid Supplement of devotioun Aétis of parliament of king James the fyft.” Hiſtorie of the tyme preſent be Sanét Fontene * The offices of Cicero * * The Latin edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle. * Probably “Los xl libros del compendio historial de les chronicas, y universal historia de todos los regnos de Espana, compuestos por Estevan de Garibay. Anvers, Plantin, 1571. * Le livre de la Déablerie, par Eloy Damerval 2 * Jardin de Plaisance et fleur de Réthorique, Paris, 1527, 4to. * Jaques Bouchet, Anciennes et Modernes Généalogies des Roys de France. * Printed at Edinburgh by Thomas Davidson, 1541, folio. * Histoire Catholique et Ecclesiastique de notre temps touchant l'etat de la Religion Chretienne depuis l'an 1517 jusq'en 1548, enrichie de plusieurs choses notables depuis 1546 jusq'en 1550, par Simon Fontaine, Docteur en Theologie, de l'ordre de S. Francois. Paris, Tremes & Anvers, 1558, 8vo. 2. Probably one of the old editions of the translations by R. Whyttington, Poet Laureate. Printed at London in 1533, 34–40, and 1553, 12mo. AND OF KING JAMES VI. 7 The triumphe of faith The triumphe of Pallas The oratioun in the prayeris of the auld cardinall of Lorane * The epiſtles of Ovid in Frenche meter “ The firſt buik of the novallis of Ronſard Daines Ugieri in Italian * The king of Frances maioritie The nynte buk of the Amades de Gaule Off penitence Ane anſwer to the objećtioun of the proteſtantis be Regier Brontanis The aëtis of parliament of quene Marie of England The morall triumphis of Petrark in Italiane Chriſtiane inſtitutioun in Franche “ Ane biſchoppis epiſtle to the miniſteris Frenche ſonattis in writt Vulgar lettres of divers noblemen in Italian * Saluſt in Italian * The manuell of the ingrate man Errores amoreuſes * * Oraison and Prayers of, &c. as Epistres d' Ovide, translatées de Latin en Franç. Par Octavien de Saint Gelais. * The romance of “Ogier le Danois.” The Italian title is, “Ogiero il Danese.” 1513. * Livre de l’Institution de la Femme Chrétienne, par J. L. de Vivis. Paris, 1543, 8vo. * Lettere Volgari di diversimobilissimi Huomini, &c. Venetia, 1564, 3 tom. 8vo. * Probably the Italian translation by Lelio Carani, printed at Florence in 1550. * Ant. du Moulin Continuation des Erreurs Amoureuses, Lyon, 1551, 8vo. 8 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Elegi upoun the deid of Joachim de Belly •• The armes of the marques Dalbuif Diétionar in Frenche and Latine Ane uther diétionar in Frenche and Latine Ane Turk buik of paintrie The fege of Troy in Italiane ryme Vigetius de re militari - The begyning of the Scottis cronicle in Frenche bie Dienye Savage The levint buik of the Amades de Gaule The inftitutionis of aftronomie The firft buik of Enguerant • Thre buikis of mufik •• s* A French poet, who died im the reign of Henry III. as Chroniques de Enguerrant de Monstrellet. s• Probably those referred to in the following letter from Bonaventura Cormelius Bertramus, Professor of Hebrew at Gemeva, amd afterwards at Lausamme, to Sir Lewis Bellenden of Auchmoul, Lord Justice Clerk, the original of which is preserved in the General Register House : “ Qui has tibi reddet, charissime vir, amicus mihi valde est, et hinc isthuc pro- ficiscitur vel eo solo nomine vt serenissimo Scotiæ vestræ Regi libros quosdam musicos offerat quos illius nomini inscripsit et dicauit. Libri illi continent pri- mum librum Psalmorum qui de Dauidis nomine appellantur, ex D. Buchamani poesi. Tu, si vel re vel consilio iuuare eum possis, ne illi desis rogo ; meque omnium eorum quæ in eius gratiam præstiteris sponsorem, vadem, atque fideius- sorem appellato. Ille, si te videre possit, tibi pluribus explicabit quam grata sit omnibus nobis tuæ illius suauitatis recordatio, et quomodo omnes hie valea- mus, et quid rerum agamus. Si ad nos per eum rescribas, mihi velim significes quam rationem inire possim vt ad te sæpius scribere possim. Si quando ad Dom. AND OF KING JAMES VI. () The magreit of the quene of Navarre “ Ane epiſtle to the quene writtin in Frenche be Diodet Sairell Lyves of certane of the illuſtres be Emelius Probus The matamorphoſis of Ovid in Italian “ The inſtitutioun of Lentren The olive augmentit” Marcus Aurelius in Italian The complaint of the univerſitie of Pareis contra the Jeſuittes Orlando furioſo . * Off the beginning and progres of the realme of France * Harang of the Frenche people aganis rebellioun The expoſitioun upoun the epiſtles of Augſuſtine] Supplement of devotioun The cardinall of Loyranis oratioun at the aſſembly of Poiſy" Matthaeum Suthlephium scribas, vel in eum incidas, eum meo nomine salutato. Vxor et Corneliolus te plurimum salutant. Vale. 7 Cal. Sept. D. Claudius Collado, quite ad nos deduxit, viuit apud Principem Condaeum, illique a secretis, immo et a consiliis est. Tuus, tibique obsequentissimus, Bon AUENTURA CoRNELIUS BERTRAMUs. A Monsieur Monsieur Louys Belenden, En Escosse. * Les Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses tres illustre Royme de Navarre : publiées par Jean de la Haye, son Valet de Chambre. Lyon, 1547, 8vo. * The translation by Agostini, printed at Venice, 1538, 4to. * In the privilege prefixed to J. de Bellays Defence, &c. there is a work entitled, Cinquante Sonnet2 a la louange de l'Olive. * De l' origine progres et excellence du Royaume de France. Par Charles du Moulin. Paris, 1561, 8vo. * Discours de(Charles) Cardinal de Lorraine, au Colloque de Poissy. Paris, 1561, 8vo. B 10 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Portuus of Rome Ane anſuer to Ronſard The miſereis of the tyme preſent be Ronſard Recueill de poefie The ſpheir of the warld.” The fingular combat of David and Golias “ Ane treatie of the premiecie of the peape The hiſtorie of Jaſone” Pantagruell in Frenche “ Contwnero de romanſes “ The ſacrifice evangelick Reſolutioun of certane chriſtiane poyntis The futhingis of Oliver Magne “ The hiſtoreis of the bible in figures” The king of Frances declaratioun upon Danvillis ediétis The firſt buke of Claud Butat in Frenche “ The ſe&tis of hereſeis in this tyme The treaties of Starniſlawes biſchop of Warne “Some old edition of J. de Sacrobosco “ de Sphaera.” * La Monomachie de David et Goliath par I. de Bellay, Paris, 1561, 4to. * Most probably a copy of one of Caxton's editions of this Romance. * Part of the works of Rabelais. “The “Cancionero de Romances.” * Les Amours d’Olivier de Magny. Paris, 1553.3 * This is either “The true and lyvely Historyke Purtreating of the Woll Bible,” Lyons, 1553, 8° or “The Images of the Old Testament expressed, set forth in Inglishe and French,” &c. Lyons, 1549, 4to. * Apparently, “Poesies de Marc Claude de Buttet,” 1559% AND OF KING JAMES VI. | | The manuel of morall vertewis Ane gaddering of findry hiſtoreis in Frenche The buik of human policie Clement Marot * The conſolationis of Bembo" Abrigement of the art poetik in Frenche The defence [and] illuſtratioun of the Frenche language * A gaddering of fimpatheis The epiſtle of Ignatius The principallis of aſtronomie The remonſtrant of the emprior [Fred.] maid to the paip The ordinare of the money in France The praiſe of foly in Frenche" Four homolies anent the images in France The intertenyment of helth The treatie of the ſacrament be Petir Martir The anſuer to Johnne Calvynis epiſtle Off the fals propheittis Hippocrites in Frenche A litle buik of the chas Gadderings of rymes and peces Remonſtrans be the eſtaittis in Burgunye * Perhaps the edition of his works printed at Lyons, 1543, 12mo. * Probably “Les Asolains de P. Bembo, trad. de l’Italien en Franc.” Par J. Martin, Paris, 1547, 8vo. * La Defence et illustration de la Langue Francoyse. Par I.D.B.A. [Ioachim de Bellay, Angevin.] Imprime a Paris, &c. 1549. * A translation of the “ Moriae Encomium” of Erasmus. 12 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Sangis of the bible in Frenche be Lancelote de la Carle * Ane exhortatioun to the kingis counſall aganis the trublis Ane oratioun buik in write The maner to tak away the contraverfie of religioun be Renat Benedict “ Remonſtrance of the catholik nobilitie of the king The kingis apologie aganis the ſtaittis of Burgunye The writ of Nicolas Clamangiis." Bertram upoun the ſacrament “ Epithalamium regis et regine “ Ane grit dyett buik of the Duk Tuentie fyve countis and quaternis of the Q. and Q. regent Certane pacquettis of Frenche lettres and comptis A canves polk with perchment evidentis concerning the auld erll of Murray erll of Craufurd and utheris The livis of the paipis be Platine * * Hoffman, Lex. v. Lancelotus, mentions this person as author of a French pa- raphrase of Ecclesiastes, “ Cantica Bibliorum.” * This work of Renatus Benedictus was translated by Ninian Winzet, and published at Paris, 1565. * Nicolaus de Clamangiis; perhaps his “Scriptum super materia Comcilii Generalis.” * The booke of Bertram the Preeste of the Bloode of our Savioure. * This may either have been a copy of some of the verses which were printed at Paris, on occasion of the Queen's marriage with the Dauphin of France, or, what is more probable, the Epithalamium “per Tho. Craigum,” on the Queen's marriage with Darnley, which was printed at Edinburgh by Robert Lekprevik, 1565, 12mo. * A translation of Platina's work, “De Vitis Pontificum. AND OF KING JAMES VI. 13 THE KINGIS MAJESTEIS BUIKIS. The following Books are contained in a liſt as having been purchased “pour le Roy,” and to which is a precept for pay- ment, ſubſcribed by James Earl of Morton, Regent, at Dal- keith, 25th Jul. 1576. Pour LE Roy. 1 Confeſſio Auguſtana cum apologia gº 9 ſy 1 De abuſu Linguae graecae Q 3 ſº 1 De veneficiis 80 g e 4, ſº 1 Syntaxis artis mirabilis 16° * e * 7 ſ. 6 1 Synonyma graeca º gº 13 ſ) 1 De Republica Heluetiorum º 9 ſ 1 Saluſtius engliſh e © 12 ſ, 1 Belgicae diuifio 8° & 6 ſ, 1 De impoſturis Judaeorum e ge 3 ſº • The following curious letter of Mr Peter Young, the King's Preceptor, (of whom some notices will be found below,) may possibly refer to this Catalogue of Books. The original is also preserved in the General Register House, and is addressed to the Lord Justice Clerk. “My Lord, Eftir maist hartly commendatioun of seruice, I haue causit the Lib- rare Hercules lay a syde a momber of Buikis for the Kingis Majestie, and sum for my Lady Mar, and sum for Mr George and for myself seuerally. The catalogue of the Buikis for the Kingis hienes, I send to your Lordship heirwith, to the end it vald pleis your Lordship gett the samyn subscryuit be my Lord Regentis Il faut que le Roy dresse ainsi vne Bibliotheque peu a peu. 14 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY 1 L. Florus per Vinetum 4° e 7 ſ. 1 Symphoſii Aenygmata © tº 1 ſº 1 Dialogi viuis francois lat. e 5 ſº 1 Eraſmi lingua o • 4 ſ 1 Rami praele&tiones in Ciceronem e 22 ſ; 1 Lexicon graecolatinum 4° o © 48 ſ 1 Sphaera Valerij 8° © 2 ſº 1 Chronicon Bohemiae o - 40 35 ſ 1 Carmina Selecta © © 1 ſº 1 Sigonius de iure prouinciarum . o 12 ſ; 1 Eiuſdem Italia folio © & 30 ſº grace, or ellis a precept of the lyik Sowme to the Thesaurare, with a command that the samyn be ansuerit with expeditioum, Seing it is our Soueranes erand. The causis quhairfoir I haue tain the baldnes to trouble your L. heir with ar sindry, bot cheifly the gret affectioun I am assurit ye beare unto our Maisteris furtherance in lerning: And alsua in caise any persoun suld say as the fascioun of the maist part is, quhat neidis his Majestie sa mony Buikis, hes he not anew alreddy? that in that caise your L. valdschaw thame thair errour, and persuade my Lordis grace alwayes to graunt. Seing I mycht not cum thither at this present, I knew mane culd or vald do this mater sa fauorably as your L. In respect quhairof. I hoip your L. sall appardone my baldness. As Ivryt the last tyme, I wald wish to haue the Caesar of Uenise for a saison to conferr him with utheris. I pray your L. for the panegyriques gif thay may be had. As for the Caesar correctit be Hotomans, I haue reseruit ane in the Kingis catalogue. The Librare will think lang for payment, and I for a sicht of the Buikis. Your L. may put us baith out of payne. Sua after my seruice again recommendit to your L. and my lady, I committ you baith with all your family to Goddis protectioun. From Striuiling castell this fryday late. Your L. seruitour at command, To the rycht honorabill and very guid Lord, P. Yowng. My Lord Justice Clerk. AND OF KING JAMES VI. 15 1 Confeſſio Heidelbergenſis tº © 5 ſº 1 De origine Dei miſſatici tº 3 ſ 1 Calendarium Pauli Ebraei 40 Q © 12 ſ; 1 Loci communes Petri Martyris fol. & 3 lib. 1 Theodorus preſbíter contra haereſes G 2 ſ; 1 Libro di meſurar con la viſta e 12 ſ; 1 Art pour tyrer eaux tº tº 4 ſ, 1 Martyr in libros Regum ſº 3 lit. 1 Chronicon Melaméthonis fol. e © 3 lit;. 1 Orthographia Manutij o 35 ſ 2 Fabulae Aeſopi graecolat. 169 © e 12 ſ; 24, lit. 18 ſ 6d In the Register of the Privy Seal, there appears “Ane letter maid, givand, grantand and disponand to Maister Peter Young, Maister and instructer of Oure Soverane Lord in a part of recompans and rewaird of his gret and lang service, travellis and labouris tame upoun the instructing and techeing of his Majestie, ane yeirlie pensioun of the sowme of twa hundreth markis, &c. during all the dayis of his life, &c. out of the superplus of the thrid of the Bishoprick of Glas- gow, &c. &c. At Halyrudhous, 22 Mar. 1573 [xlii. 20.] In the same Register, there is “ Ane letter maid to Maister Peter Young, ame of our Lordis Preceptouris, makand him, during his lyfetime, Maister Elemosi- nare to his Majestie, and givand to him the office and administratioun thairof, &c. Givand, grantand, and disponand to him in yelrlie feall the Sowme of twa hundreth pundis money of this realme,” &c. &c. At Halerudhous, 25th Oct. 1577. And in September 1580, the Treasurer of Scotland discharges himself of the following payment. “Item be the Kingis Majesteis precept to Maister Peter Young, his hienes Preceptour and Eleemozinar to by sum pece of land, and to plenishe the same to be a resting place to him his wyff and bairnis, and in consi– deratioun of his lang trew and thankfull service done to his Majestie,” ijm li. 16 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Theſaurar and gour deputtis ge ſall anſuer thir buikis to the Kingis Maieſtie and the prices tharof ſalbe thank- fullie allowit to gow in gour comptis kepand thir preſentis for gour warrand Subſcriuit with our hand at Dalkeith the xxv day of Julij 1576. zº- AND OF KING JAMES VI. 17 JOHNNE GIBSONIS BUIKBINDERS PRECEPT. THE annexed account is that of John Gibſon, bookbinder, for Books for the uſe of his Majeſty, under the eye of Mr Peter Young, whoſe fignature it bears; and on the back of the document is an order upon the Treaſurer for payment, ſub- ſcribed by the King himſelf, and by the Abbots of Dunferm- line and Cambuſkenneth, at Holyroodhouſe, 1ſt O&t. 1580, along with Gibſon’s receipt for the money. Zanthig [Zanchius] de tribus elohim fol. gylt, pryce xx ſy Dićtionarium in latino graeco et gallico ſermone 4° gylt, pryce * , © xx ſº Sigonius de imperio occidentali 4° gylt, pryce x ſº Harmonia Stanhurſti fo. in vellene, pryce © x f. Freigii queſtiones phyſicae 8° gylt, pryce x ſ) Loci communes Manlii 8° gylt, pryce ſº x ſº Opera Clementis Alexandrini 8° gylt, pryce x ſ, Enchiridion Zangeri 80 In vellene, pryce tº V ſ Aulicus caſtellionis 8° gylt, pryce º x ſ) Euclidis elementa 8° in vellene, pryce * V ſº * In the following year he is appointed Bookbinder to the King, by gift under the Privy Seal, dated at Dalkeith, 29th July 1581, of the following tenor: “ Ane letter maid to Johne Gibsoum bukebinder, makand him Our Soverane Lordis Buikbinder, and gevand to him the office thairof for all the dayis of his lyfetyme, &c. &c. For using and exercing quhairof his hienes gevis grantis and assignis to the said Johne yeirlie the Sowme of tuentie pundis usuall money of this realme, to be payit to him yelrlie.”—[Reg. Sec. Sig. xlviii. 26.1 C 18 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Commentaria in Suetonium 8° gylt, pryce Fides Jeſu et Jeſuitarum 8° In vellene, pryce Confeſſio Valdenfium 8° gylt, pryce Proteuangelion Jacobi minoris 8° in vellene, pryce Hemmingius de ſuperſtitionibus magicis 80 in vellene Conciones funebres 8° gylt, pryce Freigij queſtiones logicae 8° in vellene Conciones nuptiales 8° gylt, pryce tº Methodus Pauli ſuenuenſis, 3 tomis 86 gylt, pryce Lapis metaphyſicus 8° In parchement Memorabilia Migaldi 80 In vellene Traićte d'Egliſe 80 in vellene, Dialeótica Caffiodori 40 pryce Philoſophicae conſolationes 8° in parchment, pryce Cardanus de genitura 8° In vellene De conventu Bleſenfi 8° In parchement Theſaurus pauperum 8° In vellene, Arantius [Orontius] de foetu humano 89 in parchement Petronius Arbiter 8° In parchement Iſagoge ad libros propheticos 8° In parchement Apologia pro Germanicis eccleſis 8° In parchement Volphius de perſeverantia 8° In parchement Humanae et diuinae conſolationes 8° In parchement De bello contra Barbaros geſto 8° In vellene Pulicis encomium 8° in parchement : AEthica vitae ratio 8° In parchement Budaeus de contemptu rerum fortuitarum 4° in velene viſ, viijd Orationes clarorum virorum 16° gylt, pryce x ſ, V ſi x ſ) v ſ! V ſº x f. V ſi x ſk xxx ſy iijſ V ſi v ſy xijd iijſ v ſ ijſ, v ſº ijſ iijſ iijſ ijſ ijſ, iijſ iiijſ ijſ) iijſ) x {} AND OF KING JAMES VI. 19 Themis Dea ſeu de lege diuina, 80 in velene Theatrum conuerſionis gentium 8° in parchement Papirii Maſſonii annales 8° gylt, pryce Liuius de vita Petri et Pauli 80 in parchement Bezae de notis eccleſiae 8° In parchement Predićtiones memorabiles 8° In parchement Simonius in aethica 4° in velene Commentarius de Paradyſo 8° in vellene Iſagoge palladii 8° In parchement Taddaeus de Itinere chriſtiani 80 in parchement Contemplationes Idiota 160 Martyrologium Bedae 16° Alberti Magni paradiſus diuine 16° Jonas aurelianenſis de cultu Imaginum 16° AEnigmata Lorichii 8° in parchement Onoſander de optimo Imperatore 8° Gildae epiſtola 8° In parchement Modus legendi abbreuiaturas 8° Aneuch is ane feiſt 40 © Caſſiodorus de diuinis leótionibus 89. Luſtie Juuentus P. YowNG. V ſy ijſ x ſº iijſ iijſ iijſ vjſ, viijd y ſº iijſ) ijſ iſ, ijſ ii ſ' iiſ, ijſ ijſ) ijſ, ijſ xijd ijſ xijd Summa of this compt is xvijfi, iiijſ, iiijd. 2O LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY REX. Theſauraire we greit gow weill IT is our will and we charge gow that ge Incontinent efter the ſycht heirofanfuer our louit Johnne gipſoun buikbindar of the ſowme of fevintene pundis tº º ºs & sº tº e º 'º in gour comptis keping this our precept together with the ſaid Johnne his acquittance thairypoun for gour warrand Sub- ſcryuit with our hand At Halyrudehous the firſt day of Oéto- ber 1580 AND OF KING JAMES VI. 21 THE following entries, extracted from the accounts of the High Treasurer of Scotland, are here in- ſerted as referable to the ſame ſubjećt. Maii 1580. Item be the Kingis Majeſteis precept to Johnne Gibſoun buik- binder, for certane buikis furniſt to his hienes, conforme to his particular compt, as the ſamyn with the ſaid precept and his acquittance ſchewin upoun compt beris, xljfiti. viš. Item for twa kiſtis to carie the ſame in, and for careing therof fra Edinburgh to Perth, we iijfi. x S. Item for careing of the ſaidis buikis fra Perth to Striviling, xxijs. Oćtober 1580. Item be the Kingis Majeſteis precept to Johnne Gibſoune buikbindar, for certane buikis maid be him to his hienes, con- forme to the particular compt gevin in therupoun, as the ſamin with the ſaid precept and his acquittance ſchewin upoun compt beinis, º º xx fi. November 1580. Item be the Kingis Majeſteis precept for the Dićtionar of Eliott in Latine and Englis, augmentit be Cooperus and Marloratus upon the new teſtament coft fra Richart Wright, xx fi. 22 LIBRARY OF QUEEN MARY Januare 1582. Item be his Majeſties precept to Johnne Gibſoun buikbindare, for findrie volumes bund to his hienes, as the precept with his acquittance producit upoun compt beris, vii. xvis, viijd. Marche 1582. Item for binding of the New Teſtament to his Majeſtie be Johne Gibſoun buikbindare, e xiiij Š. Aprile 1586. Item be his Majeſteis precept to Henrie Charteris burges of Edinburgh, for certane buildis furneſfit to his hienes be the ſaid Henrie, and deliverit be him to Mr Peter Young and umquhile Hew Tod, according to his compt therof, quhairof ther wes reſtand be the ſaid umquhile Hew onlie ſextein pundis, as the ſaid precept producit beris, lxijfi. xv Š. x d. Julii 1597. Item to Robert Waldgraw Prentar to his Majeſtie according to his hienes precept, tº ijº fi. Maij 1601. Item be his hienes precept to Mr Robert Charteris prainter, for the imprainting of the treatiſe Intitulit De erecrabili et nefanda fratrum Ruvenorum in Serenissim? Scotorum Regis caput coniuratione Apud Perthum Augusti mense anno 1600 vera et dilucida narratio, as the ſaid precept with his acquit- tance producit upoun compt beiris, gº xl ți. AND OF KING JAMES VI. 23 September 1601. Item be command of his Majeſteis precept to Mr Robert Charteris Printer, to compleit the payment of certane buikis printed be him, intitulat Ruvenorum Coniuratio,” &c. xliij fi. viš. viijd. - Aprile 1602. Item payit to Andro Hart Buik binder, for certane buikis quhilkis wer gevin to Mr Adam Newtoun for the Prince his uſe, as the ſaid Mr Adamis reſfait thairof producit teſtifeis, xxxj ti. ix. S. Januar 1603. Item for ane bybill to the Prince, xxvi s. viijd, ſtarling, ex- tending to xijfi. vis, viijd. Aprile 1603. Item payit to Richart Lawſoun Buikſeller, for certain buikis delyverit to Mr Adam Newtoun, for the uſe of the Princes grace, xxjfi. * The volume alluded to is a small 4to.—“ Edinburgi Excvdebat Robertvs Charteris Typographus 1601. Cum Privilegio Regio.” THE ARCHEARIS OF T OUR SOVERANE LADYIS GAIRD. M. D LXII—M D LXVII. QUEEN MARY'S ARCHER GUARD. THE following Roll of the Body-Guard of Archers of Mary Queen of Scots, is printed from the original document pre- ſerved in the General Regiſter Houſe ; and the accompanying notices of payments on account of the Guard, taken from the books of the Comptrollers and the Colle&tors of the Thirds of Benefices, ſerve to mark the expenſe of this body from its completion, 1ſt April 1562, or not quite a year after the Queen's return from France, till 1567, the date of her im- priſonment in Lochleven, from whence ſhe was liberated only - to enter on a more enduring captivity. THE ComPT of THE MONEY DEBURSIT BE MY LORD ComPT- Roll ARE To THE ARCHEARIS OF ouR SovieFANE LADYIs GAIRD To ILK MAN IN PARTICULARE As Followis IN HIS CoMPT. Item to the Captane of the gaird vc fib. To Robert Stewart handfeingge je i fib. To Andro Stewart lxxv fib. To Allane Makcawlay je fib. To Richert Maitland lxxv fib. To Thomas Maitland lxxv fib. 28 THE ARCHEARIS OF OUR To Robert Lauder lxxv fib. To Richert Skowgall lxxv fib. To Allane Stewart je fib. To Maiſter Robert Stewart lxxv fib. To Johnne Adameſoun - lxvi fi. xii; S. iiijd. To Johne Carmichael jº ii. To Williame Carmichael je fi. To Johne Stewart in Walſtoun ſyid lxxv fi. To Robert Stewart in Braidley lxxv fi. To Johne Stewart in Halrig lxxx fi. To Williame Dunbar lxxv fi. To Dioneiſe Labroſe lxxx fi. To Nichola Manſer lxxx fi. To James Moffet of Grantoun sje fib. To James Moffet ane uther archear lxxxijfi. To Gawin Grahame jº ti. To Johnne Stewart - lxxx fi. To Malcome Stewart - lxxv fi. To Johne Petcarnis lxxx fi. To Allane Stewart • * jº fi. To Niniane Stewart - je fi. To Johnne Grahame lxxv fi. To Williame Stewart - lxxv fi. To Andro Reidpeth je tib. To Harie Skirling - lxxx ti. To Thomas Reidpeth lxxv fi. To Patrik Bowmakare - jº ti. To George Elphingſtoun - , , lxxvii. SOWER ANE LADYIS GAIRD. 29 To Niniane Semple To John Spreule To Thomas Weir To Alexander Boig To Robert Dowglaſe To Baſtiane Fulmeir To Andro Congiltoun To Johne Anſtruther To William Reidpeth young Laird To Symon Cokburne To Mark Garvald To Johne Bruce To Johne Crawfurde To Alex' Callendar To James Stirling To Charles La Broſe To Captane Bello To Johne Frances To Johne Bowfing To Johne Gibſoun To Johne Barclay To Corporall Jenat To Dowgall Stewart To Dauid Cochrane To William Stratoun To Williame Symmer To Patrik Anſtruther To Williame Lindeſay jº ti. lxxv fi. lxxx fi. fiftie fi. lxxx fi. lxxv fi. lxxv fi. lxxx fi. je jib. lxx fi. lxxv fi. lxxix fi. je fi. jº fi. lxxx fi. jº fi. jº fib. lxxx fi. lxxx fi. lviij ñ. lxxx fi. ly ti. lxxxi.; fi. jº fi. lxxv fi. lxxv fi. lxxxx fi. lxx fi. THE ARCHEARIS OF OUR Garde. To Captane Hew Lauder MDLXII. To Johnne Reidpeth lxx fi. To Williame Lauder je fib. To Hew Ker jº fib. To Robert Crawfurde lxxx fib. To Alex Cowtis lxxx fi. To Maiſter Robert Stewart lxxx fi. To Maiſter Allane Stewart lxxv fi. To Hew Crawfurde xliij fi. To Johnne Seytoun xl ți. To Johne Crawfurde lxxv fi. To James Gray je fi. To Thomas Moncur lxxx fi. lxxv fi. The Compt of Schir Johnne Wyiſhart of Pittarro Knycht Comptrollare to oure Soverane Lady and univerſale Colle&tour of the Thridis of the Benefices of this realme. ExoMERATION. ALsua of the foirſaid ſoume of git reſtand, the Comptare diſ. charges him of the ſoume of ſex thowſand fevin hundereth and fifty pundis, pait be the comptare to the Gaird for thre quarteris pament, viz. frathe firſt day of Aprile the geir of God In V. Brijgeiris, to the firſt day of Januare in the ſaid geir, takand quarterlie twathowſand twa hundereth and fiftie pundis, as thair acquittanceis, ſchawin and producit vpoun compt pro- portis, by the ſoumes pait to the ſaid Gaird be the theſaurare SOWER ANE LADYIS GAIRD. 31 of the quarter of Januar, Februare and Merche preceidand, quhilk the Comptare hes pait owiragane to him, and is heir- eftir diſchargit, vjºo vije lii. AND of the ſoume of ane hundereth foureſcoir foure pundis, xj S. pait and deburfit be the Comptare for paillyeiſis to the Gaird, removing thairof euerie quarter, changeing and filling of the ſame at euerie tyme of the Quenis Majeſties lifting fra place to place, Extending in the haill the thre quarteris foir- ſaidis to the ſoume abonewrittin, as the clerk of the wachis particulare comptis and acquittanceis gevin thairupoun produ- cit vpoun compt proportis, - j" lxxxiiijti. xj Š. And of ane hundereth pundis pait be the Comptare at our ſouerane Ladeis command to Hew Lawder corporale, Andro Reidpeth, Symon Cokburne, Alexander Cowtis, Johnne Red- peth, Hew Crawfurde, William Lawder, - and William Lindſay, nyne archearis of the ſaid Gaird, for remain- ing a certane ſpace with hir Hienes, attour thair quarter, in the towne of Abirdene, at command of hir Majeſties writing and precept direét thairupoun, as the ſame and thair acquittanceis ſchawin vpoun compt proportis, jefi. And of the ſoume of four hundreth fyfty pundis, pait be the Comptare to my lord Theſaurare, quhilk he deburfit at the Quenis Maiefties command, to certane archearis of the Garde avatand vpon hir Hienes perſone befoir the full nomber of negarde wes compleit and erected, quhilk wes the firſt day of Aprile the geir of God Im We lxij geiris, as wes knawin to the Auditouris vpon compt, - iiije 1 fi, Pallyeiſis. 32 THE ARCHEARIS OF OUR Garde. Palliefſis. MDLXIII. And of the foirſaid ſoume git reſtand, their aucht to be defeaſed and allowed to the Comptare the ſowme of nymethowſand pundis payed be him to hir Maieſties garde, in compleit payment of ane haill geir, comptand the begynnyng of the ſaid geir at the firſt day of Januare, the geir of God Im We lxijgeiris, and end- and the ſame at the firſt day of the ſamin moneth, in the geir of God I* Velkij geiris, the payment thairof being devyded geirlie in four quarteris, and takand ilk quarter twa thowſand twa hundreth and ſyſtie pundis, Extending in the haill 3eir to the foirſaid ſowme of nyne thowſand pundis, As the capitane of the ſaid Gardis quarterlie acquittances of the geir compted foirſaid maid and gevin thairvpoun and produceit vpoun compt proportis, - ixCD ti. And of the ſoume of thre hundreth three pundis threttene ſchil- lingis aucht penneis, payed be the Comptare the geir compted for Pallieſis to the ſaid garde, renewing of the ſame euerie quarter, changeing and filling thairof at everie tyme of the Quenis Majeſties lifting fra place to place, during the ſaid geir, bygynnand the ſame at the firſt day of Januar the geir of God Im ve Bij 3eiris, and endand at the firſt -- day of the ſame moneth, in the lxiii geir, Extending during the ſaid haill geir to the ſoume foirſaid, As the clerk of the watches comptis par- ticularlie gevin thairvpoun, and the capitane of the gardis acquittance ſchawin exemmit and produceit vpoun compt pro- portis, iijsijfi. xiijś, viijd. SOWER ANE LADYIS GAIR.D. 33. MDLXIV. In the firſt the Comptare aucht to be diſchargit of the ſoume of foure thowſand five hundreth pundis pait be him to the Capitane and Archearis of the Garde, for their wages of the quarteris of Aprile Maij and JunijJulij Auguſt and September in the geir of God a thowſand five hundreth thre ſcoir four geiris.” To Robert Dowglas archear be Patrik Dauidſone colle&tour Alexander Arbuthnot and Thomas Alexander at command of the Comptare in part of pament as ſaid is xxijfib. To James Savoy trumpett be Thomas Alexander in parte of pament as ſaid is - vjii. xiijS. iiijd. To Patrik Anſtruder archear be James Arbuthnett colle&tour in compleit pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris I fib. To James Gray archear be Alexander Quhyetlaw colle&tour in compleit pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris l fib. To Maiſter Alane Stewart clerk and archear of the Garde be the ſame colle&tour &c. be Johnne Browne and Thomas Alexander ſeruandis to the Comptare in parte of pament of the ſaidis tua quarteris - xv fib. v Š. To Duvall Francheman archear be Mr Michaell Cheſholme colle&tour in parte of pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris xxv fib. To William Stratoun archear be Alexander Wyiſhart and * This account is mutilated in various of its items. E 34 THE ARCHEARIS OF OUR Alexander Arbuthnett in name of the Comptare in parte of pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris tº e º 'º To Patrik Bowmakare archear be the Comptare in parte of payment of the ſaidis twa quarteris . iij fib. To Alexander Cowtis archear be Alexander Arbuthnett and Thomas Alexander in parte of pament of the ſaidis twa quar- teris ix fib. To Johnne Adameſone archear be the ſaid Alexander Ar- buthnot in parte of pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris as ſaid is - - - - v fib. To Gibſone archear be Alexander Arbuthnett and Johnne Wyiſharte in parte of pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris v fib. To Dioniſs La Broche archear be the ſaidis Alexander and Thomas in parte of pament as ſaid is x fib. To Jhonne Sprewll archear be Alexander Arbuthnett in parte of pament as ſaid is v fib. To Capitane Hew Lawder in compleit pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris - l fib. To La Fram Francheman archear be the Comptare in part of pament of the ſaidis twa quarteris xxv fib. To the ſaid Hary Skraling be Robert Campbell colle&tour mair nor the nyntene pundis befoir allowed in parte of pament as ſaid is - xlv. fib. Item the Comptare aucht to be diſchargit of the ſoume of ane hundreth twenty nyne pundis twa ſchillingis payit be him to SOVERANE LADYIS GAIRD. 35 Maiſter Allane Stewarte furriour of the Garde for the Pallieſ. ſis therof of the quarteris of Januar Februare and Merche the 3eir of God Im We lxiij geiris, April May and Junij, Julij Auguſt and September in the geir of God Im V* lxiiij geiris makeand thre quarteris of ane geir Renewing of the ſame everie quarter jº xxix fib. MDLXVI. The Compt of Schir Williame Murray of Tullybardin, Knycht, Comptrollare and Collector Generall of the Thirdis of the Benifices of this realme. THE ExoMERATIOUN AND DISCHARGE of the haill Soumes - befoir charged. IN THE FIRST, the Comptare aucht to be diſchargit of the foume of ſex thowſand pundis payed be him to the capitane and archearis of the Garde in pairt of payment of thair wages fra the firſt day of Oétober the geir of God Im We threſcoir five geiris, vnto the firſt day of Oétober the geir of God Im Vº threſcoir ſex geiris, as ane particulare Compt maid thairupon pro- portis By and attoure the ſoume of twa thowſand pundis payed to thane be the Quenis Majeſtie for the ſame geir vjo fib. And of the ſowme of ane hundreth threſcoir foure pundis payed be him to Awla M*Awla clerk of the watche of the ſaid garde for the Pallieſfis thairof, renewing of the ſame everie quarter of the geir foirſaid, changeing of the ſtray thairof everie five- tene dayis and at everie tyme of the King and Quenis Ma- 36 THE QUENIS ARCHEARIS. jeſties removing during the haill geir foirſaid, as the particulare compt thairof maid be the ſaid clerk of the watche, ſubſcriwit with his hand ſchawin and producit upoun compt proportis, e º O tº MDLXVII. ALSUA thair wes payed and allowed for the Gaird in the Compt of the threſcoir five geir ſex thowſand pundis pait be the Comptare and twa thowſand pundis pait be the Quenis grace in pairt of payment of thair wages fra the firſt day of Oćtober the geir of God Im We lxv geiris vnto the firſt day of Oétober the geir of God In Ve lxvi geiris mackand ane geir compleit. Off the quhilk geiris compleit payment than thair reſted awand to the ſaid Gaird the ſowme of ane thowſand foure hundreth pundis, quhairof the Comptare hes payit the ſowmes following ſenſyne to thir ten particular Archearis un- derwrettin ilkane of them takand ane hundreth pundis, that is to ſay, Johnne Cowtis, Alexander Cowtis, Andro Ferryar, Dougall Stewarte, James Gray, Alexander Boig, Robert Crau- furde, Hew Craufurde, Johnne Anſtruder and Gilbert Mont- gomry, extending in the haill quhairof the Comptare aucht to be diſcharged to jm fib. CONTRACT OF MARRIAGE BETWIXT ALEXANDER OGILVIE OF BOYNE AND MARY BETHUNE. M D LXVI. CONTRACT OF MARRIAGE, &c. THE following document, (of which the original is preſerved in the General Regiſter Houſe at Edinburgh,) notwithſtanding the intereſt which attaches to one of the principal parties to the contraćt, will probably be thought to derive its chief value from bringing together, as engaged in one friendly tranſačtion, a number of perſons who played important and generally hoſtile parts in the moſt intereſting period of Scotch hiſtory. Of the contraćting parties, Alexander Ogilvie of Boyne was the repreſentative of an old and reſpectable branch of the powerful family of Finlater. The lady, one of the Queen's four Maries whom Scotch tradition and ſong have ſo inti- mately aſſociated with the hiſtory of their unfortunate miſtreſs, was the eldeſt of eight daughters of Robert Bethune of Creich, deſcended of a younger ſon of the family of Bethune of Balfour in Fife. Her father, who did not ſucceed to the family eſtate till after the death of an elder brother, was early attached to the Royal houſehold, and is ſaid " to have attended the young Queen to France as a page; and after her return * Martine's Genealogical Collections, M. S. in Adv. Lib. Edin. 40 CONTRACT OF ALEX. oGILVIE to Scotland, to have been appointed maſter of the houſehold, heritable Steward of Fife, and keeper of Falkland palace. Perhaps, however, there is here ſome confuſion between this perſon and his father Sir John Bethune of Creich, who was keeper of Falkland palace in the reign of James V.” The mother of Mary Bethune was a French lady of honour to the Queen, whoſe name is variouſly given (and probably in both caſes corruptly) Joanna Renwall or Gryſoner. The family of Balfour roſe into high confideration from fur- miſhing two ſucceſſive Archbiſhops to St. Andrews, of whom the Cardinal in particular exerciſed an influence that did not fail to advance the fortunes of his relations. To this probably are to be attributed the connexions, ſomewhat above their rank, formed by two ſucceſſive and very numerous families of daughters of the Bethunes of Creich.f * Act Parl. v. ii. p. 296. t One of these, Janet, the eldest daughter of Sir John Bethune of Creich, and aunt to Mary Bethune, the party in the present contract, married for her third husband Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch, and is the Lady of Buccleuch, the tradi- tional belief of whose character and mysterious endowments has been embodied and immortalized in ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrel. An original letter of her’s to the Queen Regent, Mary of Guise, which happens to be preserved in the Gene- ral Register House, although of little intrinsic interest, has been thought worthy of a place here, as affording a good specimen of the style of a Scotch lady of that day, and preserving the autograph signature of that remarkable woman. To THE QUENys GRACE. MADAME, efter maist humyll commendatioun of seruice, empleise gour grace be aduertisit, I haif tareit heir thir aucht days bipast, in houp of gour cumyng to this towne, awaiting thairupome to haif spoking gour grace at lenth in all my AND MARIE BETHUNE. 41 Little more has come to our knowledge of Mary Bethune. The traditional fame of the beauty of thoſe attendants on the unrivalled Queen, is in her caſe ſupported by no common teſti. mony. Buchanan has celebrated her in the following verſes, in his Palentiniana. - AD MARIAM BEToNAM pridie Regalium Reginam ſorte dućtam. Regno animus tibi dignus erat, tibi regia virtus; Et poterant formam ſceptra decere tuam. Fortuna erubuit ſua munera ſola deefſe, Quae tibi nunc plena dat cumulata manu. Cumque tibi immunem dederit livoris honorem, Non ſatis eſt tardam viſa luiſſe moram, Ni Regina, orbis longe digniffima ſceptro, Gauderet regno laeta ſubeſſe tuo. necessar besinesse, for my suyr traist and esperance is onelie in gour grace abone all utheris of this realme, and I, wyth all freindis pertening me salbe gour trew seruitouris in all sic behalfis as ye pleise command ws. besekand your grace to send me aduertisment gif ye intend to be heir schortlie or nocht for I will await yit forder vpone your cumyng. I haif committit sum part of my mynd be toung to my broder, the berar heiroſ, quhamto pleise your grace geif credit. And God Al- michty preserve your grace eternalie. Off Edinburgh the xxviii of Januar 1553, * º F be your oratrix. 42. CONTRACT OF ALEX. OGILVIE AD EANDEM. An querar, an potius fortunæ munera laudem, Quæ me Betonæ mancipat imperio ? Quo mihi forma decens hoc tempore, cum mihi nulla Spes fupereft quod fit mutua cura mei? Si fortuna mihi melior, melioribus annis In me munifica fic foret ufa manu, In cinerem fubito cecidiffem verfus, eratque, Quod mihi vita brevis, poena futura levis. Nunc face fors lenta torret, nec dat mihi vitæ Gaudia, nec fubitam dat mihi mortis opem. Sed feu vita manet vel mors, hoc gratulor unum, Sub dominæ arbitrio eft vitaque morfque mea. AD EANDEM. Quæ melior meritis mihi fors, Betona, dedit te, Hæc cito fed meritis det precor æqua tuis. AD EANDEM. . Horret hiems, nec prata nitent, neque floribus horti, Unde queam dominæ ferta parare meæ. Quique fuit cultu Mufarum fertilis hortus Ingenii, ætatis frigore ftringit hiems. Si tamen adfpiret zephyrus Betonidos auræ, Hic etiam in vernas luxuriabit opes. AND MARIE BETHUNE. 43 Alexander Ogilvie, and his wife, were ſtill alive in 1606. An original portrait of Mary Bethune has been preſerved at Balfour Houſe in Fife, the feat of Colonel Bethune. - The contračt,” to which, as will be obſerved, the Queen and Henry Darnley are parties, is ſubſcribed by them, by the Earls of Huntly, Argyll, Bothwell, Murray and Atholl, as cautioners for the bridegroom, by Alexander Ogilvie himſelf, ſubſcribing his territorial ſtyle of “Boyne,” and by Mary Bethune. Her father's ſignature, with that of Michael Balfour of Burleigh, his cautioner for payment of his daughter's tocher, are wanting. The date of this tranſačtion, which brings together on terms of mutual confidence perſonages in general ſo irreconcileable, fixes the period midway between the eſcape of Mary from the murderers of Rizio and the birth of her ſon. AT EDINBURGH the thrid day of Maj the geir of God In V* threſcoir ſex geiris, IT is appoyntit, aggreit and finalie contračtit betuix ane rycht excellent hie and michtie princes Marie Quene of Scotland, takand the burdin upoun hir hienes with conſent and aſſent of ane rycht excellent prince Henrie King of Scotland hir Majeſties ſpous for his intres, with Robert Betoun of Creche for Marie Betoune familiar ſervitrix to our ſaid ſouerane lady and dochter to the ſaid Robert, and the ſaid * The Contract is recorded in the Register of Deeds, on the 21st of May 1566, and advantage has been taken of this record in filling up some chasms in the original. 44 CONTRACT OF ALEX. OGILVIE Marie for hir ſelf on THAT ANE PART, and Alexander Ogilby of Boyne with conſent of his freindis on THE UTHER PART, in manner, forme and effect as efter followis, That is to ſay, the ſaid Alexander ſall Goduilling marie and tak to his ſpouſit wif the ſaid Marie Betoun and ſall ſolempnizat the band of ma- trimonie with hir in face of haly kirk with ſolemnitiis requyrit therto betuix the dait heirof and the day of nixt heirefter following, or ſoner as ſalbe thocht expedient be our ſaid ſouerane Lady. And befoir the completing of the ſaid marriage, the ſaid Alexander Ogilby of Boyne ſall infeft the ſaid Marie Betoun in hir wirginitie in lyfrent be aliena- tioun and wenditioun titulo oneroso for ſowmis of mony with clauſis of warandice as efferis, In all and haill his landis of Auchguhannachiis gevand be geir vij chalderis vićtuall, the lands of Colphynnis gevand geirlie fourtie merkis, to be haldin of our ſoueranis Lord and Lady; and fiklik in his landis of Ordingis gevand gerlie xl merkis, lyand within the ſorreſtrie of Boyne, to be haldin of umquhile Johnne Lord Dernelies aris; and fiklik in his landis of Glaſſouche lyand in the baronie of Fordiſe gevand geirlie vij chalderis vićtuall and ten merkis haldin of the biſchop of Aberdene; and his lands of Ragall, with the pertinentis, payand gerlie xxx merkis haldin of the abbacie of Abarbrothok; and in the tempill landis of Strathar- dill, with the pertinentis lyand within the ſchirefdome of Banfe, and in the tempill landis of Leſlie lyand within the ſchirefdome of Aberdene haldin of the lordis of Sanét Johns payand gerlie x merkis, and fiklik in the landis of Auchlevin gevand gerlie xx merkis haldin of the lardis of Fynlattar lyand within the ſchi- AND MARIE BETHUNE. 45 refdome of Aberdene, to be haldin be the ſaid Marie Betoun of the ſuperiouris of the ſaidis landis reſpective foirſaidis outher be allienatioun with confirmatioun therupoun, or be reſigna- tioun as ſall beſt pleiſe the ſaid Marie Betoun, our ſaid ſoverane and hir fader foirſaid. And efter the completing of the ſaid marriage betuix the ſaid Marie Betoun and the ſaid Alexander, he ſall infeft hir with him ſelf in conjunétfe in the landis foir- ſaidis reſpectiue, to thame and the langar levand of thane twa in conjunctfeſtment, and the aris maill lauchfullie tobe gottin betuix thame, quhilkis failgeing to the ſaid Alexanderis aris maill lauchfullie tobe gottin of his body, quhilkis failgeing to the ſaid Alexanderis aris quhatſumever, to be haldin of the ſuperiouris of the ſamin reſpective foirſaidis fiklik and in the ſamin maner as the ſaid Alexander held the ſamin of befor, and that be allienatioun with confirmatioun or be reſignatioun as the ſaid Marie hir fader and freindis fall beſt pleiſe, And fiklik the ſaid Alexander fall with all diligence obtene and get him ſelf retourit and ſervit be brevis or utheruis, and ſefit in the haill landis and thanedome of Boyne, with the tour, fortalice and pertinentis of the ſamin quhatſumeuer lyand within the ſhiref- dome of Banff be conſent of his moder conjunétfeir therof; and failgeing that hir conſent cannot be had thairto, be diſpen- fit of our ſoueranis Lord and Lady to the ſhiref of the ſchire and perſonis quhatſumever quha ſalhappin tobe vpoun the Inqueiſt of the ſaid ſeruice, reſeruand the lyfrent of the ſamin landis and thanedome to his ſaid moder for hir lyſtyme. And howſone he ſalbe ſefit and retourit therintill, he fall infeft in- contenent thereftir the ſaid Marie Betoun with him ſelf in 46 CONTRACT OF ALEX. OGILVIE conjunétfeſtment, and to the langar levar of thame twa and the aris maill lauchfullie tobe gottin betuix thame, quhilkis failgeing to the ſaid Alexanderis aris maill lauchfullie to be gottin of his body, quhilkis failgeing to his aris quhatſumer in the howſe and manis of Balchrogie, with the pertinentis quhilkis is ane part of the ſaid thanedome gevand be geir xvj chaldaris of vićtuall to be haldin of our ſoueranis Lord and Lady and ther ſucceſſouris, Reſeruand alwayis the lyfrent of the ſamin to Dame Criſtiane Keith moder to the ſaid Alexander, for all the dayis of hir lyſtyme. And the ſaid Alexander ob- liflis him and his aris to caus all and findrie the formamit landis reſpective abonewrittin to gyfgerlie and be worth to the [ſaid] Marie during hir lyftyme, and ſcho tobe payit be the tennentis and occupyaris therof the vićtuallis and malis abomewritin par- ticularlie ; and quhat euer inlakis of the ſaid geirlie maill and dewitie rentallit as ſaid is, the ſaid Alexander and his aris bindis and obliffis thame to mak payment of the ſamin gerlie during hir lyftyme in maner foirſaid. And incais the ſaidis landis of Glaſſache ſalhappin tobe redemit fra the ſaid Alex- ander befoir the deceife of the ſaid Marie for payment of the ſowmis quhairvpoun the ſamin lyis in wadſet, in that caife the filuer quhairvpoun the ſamin ar wadſet, ſalbe conſignit in the handis of the ſaid Robert Betoun of Crech, to the effect the ſamyn filuer may be laid and wairit vpoun aſmikle land of als greit auaill and profit be geir, and alsweill haldin as the ſaidis landis of Glaſſach and the ſaid Marie to be infeft in lyfrent or conjunétfe therintill in maner befoirreherfit. FOR THE QUHILKIS CAUSSIS Our ſaid ſoueranis.Lord and Lady ſall AND MARIE BETHUNE. - 47 cauſe George Erll of Huntlie, Lord Gordoun chancellar, &c. Archibald erll of Argill, Lord Campbell and Lorne, &c. James Erll Bothuell, Lord Crechtoun, Halis and Liddiſdaill, &c. James Erll Murray, Lord Abernethy,. &c. Johne Erll of Athoill, Lord Balwanye, &c. to becum cautioneris ſouertis and full dettouris conjunétlie, and takand burdin vpoun thane, thair aris and executouris and aſſignayis for the ſaid Alexander Ogilby of Boyne, to freth releif and keip him his aris execu- touris and aſſignayis harmleſs and ſkaithles of the rycht of his marriage, ſingle and dowbill awaill thereof and proffetis that may follow thervpoun, quhilk pertenis or ony wayis may per- teine to William Lord Forbes, or ony his donatouris or aſſig- mayis therto ; And quhatſumevir proffetis ſowmes of mony, vther commoditiis or awaillis quhilkis may be obtenit be de- creit of the ſaidis lordis of counſall or utheruis be the ſaid Lord or his aſſignayis vpoun the ſaid Alexander, his aris and affig- nayis or ſucceſſouris for the ſaidis marriage, ſingle or dowbill, awaill therof, or quhat expenſis or inconuenientis that ſalhap- pin or may follow therwpoun, the ſaidis perſonis, cautioneris and full dettouris abonewrittin conjunctlie ſall releif the ſaid Alexander therof, and ſall refund and pay to him and his aris, all ſowmis, expenſis, and intereſs that ſalhappin to be recouerit aganis the ſaid Alexander thairvpoun as ſalbe contenit in the decretis to be recouerit theranent ; and ar content that letteris of horning or poynding be gevin aganis thame at the inſtance of the ſaid Alexander for payment of the ſamin ſowmis to him for his relief without ony proces of calling liquidatioun or utheruiſe fiklik as the ſaidis decretis war gevin aganis the ſaidis 48 CONTRACT OF ALEX. OGILVIE cautioneris, and that thay war full dettouris for the ſamin. Quhilkis cautioneris conjunétlie conſentis thairto be thir pre- ſentis, and ſurrogatis thame in the ſaid Alexanderis place of the ſaid marriage, releif and proffetis thairof. And attour the ſaid Robert Betoun of Creich, fader to the ſaid Marie, bindis and obliffis him and his aris to content and [pay] to the ſaid Alexander and his aris, the ſoume of thre thowſand merkis, in forther tocher guid with the ſaid Marie, at the termes fol- lowing, viz. twa thowſand merkis at the completing of the ſaid mariage, and the uther thowſand merkis, in compleit payment of the ſaid ſoume of thre thowſand merkis, within ſex monethis nixt efter the completing of the ſaid mariage. And for ſuir pay- ment therof, Michell Balfour of Burlie is becumin and becumis cautioner, ſouertie, full dettour to the ſaid Alexander, with the ſaid Robert Betoun conjunétlie and ſeuerallie. And for ob- ſerving, keping and fulfilling of the premiſſis, the ſaid Robert Betoun, Marie his dochter and Alexander Ogilby, partiis abone writtin, Our ſaidis ſoueranis Lord and Lady, and per- ſonis becumin cautionaris, ar content and conſentis that the ſaid contract be actit and [regiſtrat in the buikis of counſall, and Chaif the ſtrenth force and effect of ane] decreit of the Lordis thairof, with executoriallis of horning or poynding tobe direct thairvpoun as efferis; And to that effect makis and conſtitutis maiſteris Johne Spens, [Thomas M'Calgeane] Robert Crych- toun,andilkane of thane, conjunétlie and ſeueralietherlauchfull procuratouris, to compeir befoir the ſaidis [lordis, I and in thair names to conſent to the regeſtring heirof, in maner foirſaid, in communi forma Promittentes de Rato. IN WITNES of AND MARIE BETHUNE. 49 the quhilk thing, [our ſaidis foueranis] Lord and Lady, partiis forſaidis, ſouertiis and cautioneris abomewritin, hes ſubſcriuit thir preſentis with thair handis, as followis, day geir and place foirſaidis, [befor] thir witneſfis EXTRACTS FROM THE REGISTERS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW AND OF THE KIRK SESSIONS OF EDINBURGH AND STIRLING PRIOR TO THE YEAR MDCI. REGISTERS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW.* Wigesimo Primo Novembris 1592. QUHILK daye Compeirit personalie Henrie Kincaid of Auchinreoche, quha alledgit that he can nocht resort to the kirk of Dumbartane, seeing he being adjudgit ane parochiner thairof will evict from him his landis of Auchinreoche, and that actioune betuix him and the said toune of Dum- bartame clamand fra him his said landis is presentlie depending befoir the Lordis of Sessioune; bot being ane parochiner of Balul and nocht resorting to the kirk thairof as it become him he being in the cuntrey, in swa doing offeris him obedient to the voice of the kirk. Quha, during the tyme of the pleye betuixt him and the said toune of Dumbartane ordenis the said Henrie his wyfe and familie being in the cuntrey to re- sort to the kirk of Kilpatrik, thair to heir Goddis word preichit and his sacramentis administrated, and also that he and his foirsaidis swa lang as thai ar to remane eist in Loutheane resort to the paroche kirk quhair thai salhappin to remane on the sondaye as becummis, and that thai report testimoniall heirintill agane thair first west cuming in this cuntrey. JAN. 23.—Contrair Archibald Hegate burges of Glasgw intercommuner with Papistis.—The presbiterie of Glasgw, according to the confessioune of Archibald Hegate set doun injugement before thame wpone the xxiij * A transcript of the early volumes of this interesting Record, which had suffered consider- able damage at the burning of the Session House of Glasgow about the year 1793, has lately been made under the care and superintendance of the very reverend Principal Macfarlan- 54 REGISTERS OF THE 1592. daye of December last bypast, and according to his confessioun set doun befoir thame this present daye, and according to thair decreit pronuncit aganis him the said xxiij daye of December last bypast, and now by thair decreit pronuncit aganis him this present daye, Seing that the said Archi- bald is fund to have brokin his obligatioun insert in thair buikis of the dait the sext daye of [Julij] the yeir of God I" vº fourescoirnyne yeiris, decernis everie minister within the said presbíterie to proceid summarlie in thair kirkis be the sentence of excommunicatioun thenixt sonday oppinlie furth of pulpet aganis the said Archibald Hegat for violatioune of his obli- gatioun, and thairby decernit ane perjured persone and ane renegate. FEB. 6.—The presbíterie hes fund Williamme Craig at Walkmill of Partik to have bein absent fra his kirk this lang tyme bygane, and thairby to haif contravenit his obligatiounis quhairin he obligat him under the pane of ten merkis to keip his kirk on sondaye to heir Goddis word; is decernit to pay to the Thesaurer of his kirk the said ten merkis, and to mak his repentance in his kirk for absence fra his kirk the tua Son- dayes nixttocum, and that he be nocht absolvit quhill he schew evident taknis of his repentance; and that he find Souertie winder the pane of ten pundis to be present to heir Goddis word on the Sondaye in tymes cuming: Incase he obey nocht as said is, Ordenis his minister to pro- ceid aganis him be admonitionis. * CoNNALD STRUTHERIs grantis that on Sondayes he ryidis to sek in his dettis: Also grantis that for conscience saik he absteynis fra certaine meates to plesure his God because of his sinis: Also grantis he said God give ws grace to leif navthervise nor the waye King James the fyft deit in : Grantis he prayed in the lache kirk and hiche kirk: Denyis he said to my Lord Hammiltoun that he consaled him nocht to be sua frak in the ministeris cause. FoESAMEKILL as we Mr Thomas Archibald persone of Cardrus, Robert Blair, notare and Williame Mure burges of Glasgw, having embraced the treuth of the evangell professed within the reformed kirk of Scotland I592. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 55 this daye, and nochtwithstanding thairof hes done besyde the dewteis of trewe Christianis and professouris, in that we the saidis Mr Thomas and Williame did refer and submitt actionis we had debatabill amangis ws to the jugement and decreit arbitrall of Grahame of Fintrie, ane excommunicat papist, to have bein decydit be him ; and that I the said Robert Blair, as procuratour for the said Williamme Mure, past with the said Williame Mure to the said Grahame of Fin- trie excommunicat, for procuratioun at his handis, being excommunicat, in the said Williame favouris; for the quhilkis we and everie ane of ws grantis that the kirk mycht and may proceid aganis wa be the censures of the kirk, yit finding in the kirk clemencie in that thai cast ws nocht fra the societie of the godlie, Heirfore we and everie ane of ws bindis and obleissis our selfis in all tymes heirefter, be the assistance of Goddis spi- rit, to leive zealous and sincere professouris of the trew religioun pre- sently professed within the reformed kirk of God, and without giving ony occasioun sclander or offense or suspicioun of the contrair. And incase (as God forbid) it salbe fund that at ony tyme heirefter we sall ather privatlie or publictlie Schaw ourselfis favoraris of the vntreuth and papistical kirk in exercise of religioun, in ressoning aganis the treuthe quhilk now fra our hartis we embrace, in railing aganis the discipline of the reformed kirk or the pastouris thairof, in observing ony superstitious rites or dayes, in abstinence fra certane meates upone certane dayes to the offense of the godlie, in hantting and assisting mair affectionatlie pa- pistes and sik as are suspect of papistrie willinglie and wittinglie, and specialie the said lard of Fintrie, and all witheris excommunicattis for pa- pistrie, than the professouris of the treuthe ; That we bind and obleis w8 and everie ane of ws, eftir triel and consideration of the foirsaidis in part or in haill, to be willing that without ony forder process we be Sumarlie excommunicat, and for evir . . . . ed and renegates. In witnes quhairoff we have subscribit with our handis as followis, At Glasgw the xi daye of . . . . . the yeir of God Ane thowsand fyve hundreth foure- 56 REGISTERS OF THE 1592. scoir tuelf yeiris, before thir witnessis, Mr Johnne Allansone clerk to the kirk of Glasgw, Robert Ste . . . . ane of the beddellis thair, with utheris diuerse. Sic subscribitur Mr Thomas Archibald, Robert Blair notare, Williame Muir. MAR. 13.—Quhilk daye the presbiterie of Glasgw injoynis to James Pirrhie trilaps in adultery, first with . . . . . . secundlie with º º º . and for the quhilkis doubill adulterie he wes ex- communicate and not as yit absolvit, and thirdlie with Margaret Steyne within the parochin of Campsie, to mak his repentance foure Sondayes in the kirk of Kilbryde under the maneir of excommunicattis, to begin thairto the nixt Sondaye, and consequentlie the Sondayes thaireftir fol- lowing quhill the said foure Sondayes be compleitit; and at the ending of the said foure Sondayes, that he ressave fra the minister of Kilbryde testimoniall to be schawin to the minister of Cadder how he repentit the said dayes: Than entring to his repentance in the kirk of Cadder wther foure Sondayes, Ressaving fra the minister of Cadder foirsaid testimo- niall of his repentance in the kirk of Cadder, to be Schawin to the minister of Leinyae: And than entring to his repentance wther foure Sondayes in the kirk of Leinyae, ressaving at the end thairof fra the minister of Leinyae testimoniall of his repentance, to be schawin to the minister of Campsie: And than entering to his repentance wther foure Sondayes in the kirk of Campsie, and at the last of the said Sondayes ressaving testi- moniall fra the minister of Campsie of his repentance ; quhilkis all foirsaid testimoniallis beiring the said James to have bein fund penitent, and producit befoir the presbíterie to that effect, than and in that case the said James to be absolvit fra the sentence of excommunicatioun pronuncit aganis him be the minister of Campsie wpone the Sonday mixt and im- mediatlie following the completting of the said repentance in the foirsaid foure seuerall kirkis in maneir as said is. And the barne gottin be him with the said Margaret Steyne to be baptiseit. 1592. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 37 THE quhilk daye the presbíterie, considering the desyre of the Sessioun of Glasgwanent thair Moderatour to be ane of thair Ministeris alternis vicibus, and wnderstanding the staye of the said desyre to be that Mr Johnne Couper occupyis the pulpet continualie wpone the Fryday eftir the said Sessioun daye, being the Thurisdaye, Thairfore the presbíterie ordenis that heireftir quarterlie everie ane of the said Ministeries sall wse the office of the Moderatour per vices, and Mr Johne Couper sall begin wpone the xv daye of Marche instant the first quarter, and continewe to the xv daye of Junij nixt tocum ; and during the quhilk tyme the said Mr Johne sall teiche wpone Wedinsdaye, and Mr David Wemes wbone Frydaye ; and in the nixt quarter the said Mr David to be Moderatour and to teiche on the Wedinsdaye, and Mr Johne Couper to teiche on the said daye, and this to continewe quarterlie as said is; and wrone the oulk dayes thai begin at viijhouris and end preciselie at ix houris, be- caus quhen that thai extend . . . . hour, it makis ane greit infrequencie of the auditouris. MAR. 20.-Compeirit personalie Johnne Stodhyrd minister of Campsie, and denyis that he subscryvit ane letter to James Levingstoun in Wester Muccroft of aneyarde pertening to the clerkschip at the kirk of Campsie; and as to the manse of Campsie, affirmis he hes the same in als gud estait now as he ressavit the same. The brethrene ordenis Johnne Stodhyrd minister of Campsie, reserv- ing his awin lyfrent, to resigne in ane of the baillies handis of Glasgw in favouris of Mr Johnne Couper ane of the ministeris of the said citie, in name and behalf of the puir men within the said citie, according to the said Johnne foundatioune, this present daye the tenement of Johnne Glen wobster within the said citie, according to the said Johnne Stod- hyrd infeftment thairof and contract, quhairupone the saming did proceid in all thingis. 58 REGISTERS OF THE 1593. THE brethrene ordenis Mr Niniane Drewe minister at Leimgae to teiche this daye viij dayes at ix houris in the morning, in the first chaptour of the epistle of Paull writtin to the Romanis, beginnand at the xviij verse. MAR. 27.-Quhilk daye the brethrene ar nocht satisfeit with the doctrine teichit be Mr Niniane Drewe minister at Leinyae this present daye, and findis him to have bein als unprofitabille in handling the text prescryvit to him as of befoir; And now the brethrene ordenis the said Mr Niniane to teiche in the first epistle of Paull to the Corinthianis the xi chaptour, beginnand at the 24 vers, WPone the thrid daye of Aprile mixttocum before the Synodall Assemblie, or these to be appointit be the said Assemblie to be his auditouris. John NE HAMILToun steilbonnatmaker, burges of Glasgw, having sclanderouslie spoken aganis the minister of the word of God in Glasgw, as he hes confest this present daye befoir the said minister and presbíterie of Glasgw, is ordenit be the said presbíterie to behave himself reverentlie in speiking of God his word and ministeris thairof in tymes to cum, and ordenis him to compeir befoir thame this daye xv dayes; he summoun- dit apud acta to the said daye ; and for the present the said presbíterie debarris him fra the communioune on Sondaye mixttocum and wrone Sonday cuming aucht dayes. THE quhilk daye the presbiterie debarris Connald Strutheris for his vn- solid speichis confest be him the penult daye of Januar last, wes contrair to the groundis of trewe religioun, fra the communioune at this present seasoun; and seing he hes not compeirit this daye to have ansuerit for himself as he that wes lauchfullie summoundit to the said daye, Ordenis this ordinance to be intimat be Mr David Wemes to the said Connald, that he pretend na ignorance heirof. APR. 10—Quhilk daye the letteris send be the presbiterie of Edinburgh anent the contributioune to the Kingis Majesteis garde, wes producit in 1593. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 59 Assemblie Synodall wrone the ferd daye of Aprile instant, and was red in the first daye of the conventioune of the presbiterie of Glasgw eftir the said Assemblie, being the tent daye of this instant. - THE presbíterie ordenis that everie minister within this presbíterie de- syre the gentilmen in thair parochinis to be present this daye viij dayes, anent the contributioune to the Kingis Majesteis garde. And that all ex- communicatis, Jesuites, mespreistis and heiraris of mess within the said presbíterie be gevin Wp this daye viij dayes. THE Presbíterie injoynis to Margrat Steyne in the parochin of Campsie, adulteres with James Pirrhie excommunicat, to mak her repentance sex severall Sondayes in her paroche kirk in Sekclayth, to begin thairto the nixt Sondaye, and consequently the Sondaye thaireftir following, and that scho absteyne fra the said James in carnale dale and suspect place in all tymes tocum winder the pane of the censures of the kirk; and that scho paye to the Thesaurer of hir kirk sik pecuniall sowmes as hir Mi- nister and elderis sall prescryve the said nixt Sondaye ; quhilk Sowme payit, and the said Margrat performing hir Injunctionis according to hir repentance, is ordenit to be absolvit fra the sin of hir offense. APR. 27—Quhilk daye the gentillmen within the presbiterie of Glasgw, according to the roll within thair boundis be thair ordinar pastouris, to have convenit for the voluntare contributioune appointfit for the Kingis Majesteis garde, compeirit nocht, bot send thair ansueris with thair Minis- teris in effect as followis, to wit, That the actioune wes meir civile, and thairfoir thai thochtit nochtpertinent to the ministrie northair calling; and nixt as for thair awin particular gudwill, thai wer willing to bestowe thair lyfe and all that thai had, being chargit be his Majestie in that gud cause. THE Presbíterie ordenis that anent the impietie of the witches and thair lait conspiracie, the samin be proponit in the nixt Generall Assemblie to be set furth in print, that the samin may be divulgat and maid notorious to the haill inhabitantis in this cuntrey. 60 REGISTERS OF THE - 1593. MATI 8.—The Presbiterie ordenis Mr Johnne Couper to confer with the Lard of Kilsyithe anent sum ordour to be tane with excommunicat and inordinat persones within the said Lardis boundis; requeisting the said lard to put to his helping hand for redressing of the misbehaviour of the saidis persones, that the censures of the kirk striken aganis thane may be feirit be thame, and thai brocht to the obedience of the kirk. Quhilk daye the kirk and presbiterie of Glasgw injoynis to Helein Mil- ler unmareit adulteres with Johnne Cuik mareit, bayth of the parochin of Leingae, to mak hir repentance sex seuerall Sondayes in the piller within hir paroche kirk in sekclayth bairfuttit and bairleggit, To begin thairto the nixt Sondaye, and consequentlie the Sondayes thairefter fol- lowing, and that scho abstein fra the said Johnne in carnale dale and suspect place in all tymes tocum. And that scho paye to the Thesaurer of hir kirk wbone Sondaye nixt tocum sik pecuniall sowmes of money as hir minister and elderis sall prescryve. Quhilk Sowmes being payit, and the said Helein fund penitent, according to her repentance scho is ordenit to be ressavit. MAIL 15–Quhilk daye convenit the Moderatour and brethrene of the presbiterie of Glasgw judicialie, and according to the act and ordinance set doune be thame the viij daye of Maij instant, hard Mr James Stir- ling presentit be Schir Archibald Stirling of Keir knicht to the personage and vicarage of Baldernok, teiche in the text appointtit to him. And eftir the said Mr James had teichit, the brethreneweyand and consider- and the doctrine teichit be him, hes fund as be thir presentis findis the said Mr James nocht abill to entir in the functioun of the ministerie, lyk as of before eftir diverse triellis he wes fund unabill to entir in the previe exercise, and wes commandit be the moderatour and brethrene to desist wnto the tyme God suld wirk forder with him. In respect quhairof the brethrene ordenis and requiris the said Schir Archibald Stirling of Keir knicht to present with all possibill diligence of new ane qualifeit persone 1593. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 61. to thame to be tried and admittit to be pastour to the kirk of Badermok, according to the commissioun, of the last Synodall Assemblie, that the puir folk of the said kirk of Badernok be nocht ony langer destitut of ane pastour, And ordenis the moderatour to writt to the said Sehir Archi- bald Stirling of Keir knicht to present de novo ane qualifeit persone to the said personage and vicarage of Badernok, and that with all diligence. And the extract of this act to be send to the said Schir Archibald, with ane letter to be writtin be the said Moderatour to him, and that with all dili- gence, Craving the said Schir Archibaldis presentatioun de novo to ane qualifeit persone to serve as persone and vicare in the ministerie at the said kirk, with all diligence as said is. QUHILK daye compeirit personalie Williame Flemyng merchand burges of Glasgw, being cited to this daye, Quha being demandit be the Mo- deratour of the presbíterie of Glasgw gif it be of treuthe that he intendis to teill the kirkyardes of Sanct Roche and Sanct Tenes, or to convert the said kirkyardes in buyldit houssis and landis, the said Williame ansuerit that he mathir intendit nathir yit myndit to teill the said kirk- yardes or to convert the same in buyldit houssis and landis : And forder assurit the said Moderatour and brethrene, that he suld wse the said kirkyardes to na wther wse nor the saming is wsit presentlie without the consent and advise of the Moderatour and brethrene of the said presbi- terie for the tyme first had and obtenit thairto. Anent ressaving Egiptianis.-QUHILK daye compeirit personalie James Wodrop burges of Rutherglen, and declared that the Egiptianis enterit in his barne, it being hesped, and he him self filland fulyie the tyme of thair entrie; and quhen he winderstud thame to be in his barne, he wes offendit and gave ane of thame ane blowe, quhairat the lard of Ferme wes crabit, and said to him gif he tuichit the said Egiptianis ony mair he suld repent it. QUHILK daye compeirit personalie Johnne Wilsoun burges of Ruglen, 62 REGISTERS OF THE 1593. and declarit that he ressavit in his hous ane Egiptian woman and ane Scottisman with hir quha had mareit hir, and James Farie officiar in the said toun come to him and desyrit him to ludge the foirsaid personis in his hous. JUN. 5.—The presbíterie ordenis Marioune Andersone in Govane for trubling the kirk, to mak hir repentance in lining cleithis in her paroche kirk the nixt Sondaye, and according to the Act of Parliament to be farther punischit, and to compeir before the Sessioun of Govane, and thair to confess hir falt. Also the presbiterie ordenis the said Sessioun to tak cognitioun and triel gif scho hes dung hir gudman. Almous hous men.—THE Presbiterie ordenis the puir folk of the Almous hous to be summoundit to this daye viij dayes, to compeir before thame to give the confessioun of thair faithe. Jun. 19.—The Presbíterie ordenis Robert Paull in Gartschoir to sepa- rat Janet Craig furthe of his companie quhill he obtein licence to be mareit on hir, and this to be done incontinent heireftir, or ellis to be excommunicat the nixt Sondaye be the minister of Leingae. JUL, 3–0uhilk daye compeirit personalie Robert lord Symple, and denyit him to have had carnale dale with Helein Trommount sen scho buir the barne to him. The Presbiterie of Glasgw and Paslay convenit judicialie, intimeis the Act of the last Generall Assemblie haldin at Dundie to the said Robert lord Symple, beiring that his lordschip is or- danit to separat the said Helein furth of all boundis within the shiref- dome of Renfrew, Bailliarie of Cuninghame, quhair his lordschip hes power and dominioun, whder the pane contenit in the said Act. Sicklyk the said presbiters ordenis Robert Mure of Caldwell and the said Helein to be summoundit befoir the presbíterie of Paslaye the nixt Thurisdaye, 1593. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 63 the said Robert for resetting in his place of the said Helein; and the said Helein to be decernit to remove hir furth and fra the said Robert Muir of Cauldwellis place, and all wther place within the shirefilome of Renfrew, Cuninghame, or ellisquhair quhair my lord Symple hes do- minioune, and that wnder the pane of excommunicatioune. AUG. 14.—Quhilk daye the Presbíterie ordenis Isabel Riddel, Jonet Pincartoun and Geylis Cambroun, to mak thair publict repentance in thair kirk the nixt Sondaye in the pillere in thir awin cleithis for thair disobedience, and to present this ordinance to the Sessioun of Ruglen the morne; and eftir thai have maid repentance, that thai ansuer to obey the ordinance set doun aganis thame in thair particular Sessioun of Ruglen. OCT. 11.—At Glasgw the allevint day of October the yeir of God Ane Thousand fyve hundreth fourescoir threttein yeiris. The quhilk daye the nobillmen, baronis, gentilmen, ministeris and commissioneris of the shirefdomes and burrowis Wnderwritten, viz. Lanerk, Renfrew and Dumbartane, and of the presbíteries thairof, being convenit according to the bande maid be our Souerane Lord and his estatis, for mantenance of the trew religioune presentlie professit within this realme, and defense of his hienes persone and estait; and being informit of the convening of the nobillmen, barronis, gentilmen and ministerie of Fyfe, and witheris partis of this realme, for prosecuting of the said bande, and that the seventein daye of this instant is appointfit to the said convening, and that certane commissioneris of everie province salbe direct to meit in the burch of Edinburght, for consulting and advysing Wpone the following furth and prosecuting of the said bande, Heirfore the saidis nobillmen, barronis, gentilmen and ministerie of the shirefdome forsaidis, hes maid, constitut and ordanit, and be thir presentis makis, constitutis and or- danis the lard of Caldervod, the lard of Merchestoune, the gudman of 64 REGISTERS OF THE 1593. Duchall, the lard of Greinok, Mr Robert Lindsay, Mr Johnne Hewe- sone, Mr Johnne Haye, Mr Johnne Couper and Mr Patrik Scharp minis- teris, or ony thre of the saidis ministeris, thair lawchfull and wndowtit commissioneris, to convein and meit at Edinburgh the daye foirsaid, or ony wther daye or place appointfit or to be appointtit, and thair to con- curre with the commissioneris of the wther shirefdomes and provinces of this realme thair to be assemblit, and to give thair advise and consale in sik cawsses concerning the following furth of the saide bande, and wtheris concerning the glorie of God, the preservatioune of his Maiestie persone and estait and commonweill of the cuntrey as salbe treated, and as salbe concludit, to promise in the names of the nobillmen, barounis and gentil- men of the shirefdomes foirsaidis and borrowis within the samin, to follow furth the determinatione of the commissioneris foirsaidis, quhilk thai and everie ane of thame wpone thair conscience and honouris hes faythfullie promeisit to do and performe. And the said nobillmen and barronis, and gentilmen and ministerie foirsaid, hes gevin command and power to the clerk of the kirk and presbíterie of Glasgw, to insert thir presentis in the buikis of the said presbíterie, and to extracting the sam- ing thairfurth, subscryvit be him for thame, as gif thai had subscryvit the same thameselfis. Nov. 20.—Quhilk daye the brethrene of the presbíterie of Glasgw having hard Mr Williame Stirling teiche presentlie on the daye of thair publict exercise, and that publictlie, lyikas weill of that quhilk thai have hard presentlie, and praisis God for his grace Schawin to him, and yit can nocht suddenlie admit him to the functioun in the ministerie, bot grantis to him licence to teiche at the kirk of Baldernok on the Son- daye, that eftir forder trial tane of the said Mr Williame in his doc- trine at the said kirk, and as thai sall find him to profit in the word, the brethrene may do anent the said Mr Williame as thai salbe ansuerabill to God and his kirk. 1593. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 65 THE brethrene ordenis that thair be ane fast ilk Sondaye within the boundis of this presbiterie during the tyme of this confusioune within this cuntrey; and this to be intimat furth of pulpet the nixt Sondaye. DEc. 4.—Quhilk daye the presbiterie of Glasgw, with the commis- sioneris of Hammiltoun and Paslaye presbetereis, anent the supplica- tioun gevin in befoir thame be Robert Lord Sempill, requiring to have injunctionis gevin to him and Helein Droumound, the brethrene for the present being credibillie informit that the said Helein is detenit in Castell Symple and wtheris places forbiddin be the Actis of the Generall and Synodall Assembleis, quhilk importis na takinis of repentance, and thairfoir can nocht grant ony injunctionis quhill thai find sufficient takens of repentance, and the Actis of the Generall and Synodall Assembleis to be obeyit ; And thairfoir the said presbíterie and commissioneris or- denis the presbíterie of Paslaye to proceid aganis the said Robert lord Sempill be the censures of the kirk, and aganis all wtheris persones de. tenaris and ressavers of the said Helein Droumound ay and quhill the foirsaid Actis be obeyit. JAN. 29.-Quhilk daye compeirit personalie Williame Bard, quha grantis that eftir his mariage on Elspayth Gibsoun, thair wes the price deirer nor xl d. maid at the brydellis; quhairby Johnne Jamesone and Michael Mayne, thair souerteis, ar decernit ilk ane of thame to paye to the thesaurer of the kirk of Govane the Sowme of ten merkis money. Thairfore the kirk and presbíterie of Glasgw Decernis the said Wil- liame to warrand releiff and skaythles keip the saidis Johnne and Michaell cautioneris and souerteis for him and the said Elspayth, at the handis of the said thesaurer anent the premissis. APR. 13–Quhilk day Thomas Syde in Parkstoune, content to mary Cristiane Huystoune within the parochin of Campsie; for per- I 66 REGISTERS OF THE - 1594. forming thairof within ane monethe mixt tocum, abstinence fra hir quhill he be mareit on hir, and making of na brydellis deirer nor xld. ilk per- sone that Salhappin to be thairat; hes fund George Wilsoun merchand, burges of Glasgw, cautioun and souertie for him, whder the pane of ten merkis money, he bund to releiff his souertie anent the premissis. QUHILK daye the kirk and presbiterie of Glasgw havinge ordenit Mr Alexander Levingstoun minister at Monyaburcht to summound person- alie dame Helein Hay ladie Levingstoun to this daye, to compeir befoir thame in Glasgw, according to the Act and ordinance of the first Syno- dall Assemblie haldin in Glasgw, as the said minister his executionis and indorsationis in the self beiris; And the said Ladie not compeirand per- somalie, but sendinge Williamme Callander fear of Banclocht beirair of hir ladieschipis lettir to the said presbíterie; in the quhilk lettir the said presbíterie finding na sufficient cause to stay thair process, ordanis to summound hir ladieschip to this daye viij dayes, to compeir befoir thame to the effect contenit in the said Act and ordinance of the said last Synodall Assemblie, quhilk is to give the confessioun of hir faithe, vnder the pane of disobedience; as also that the said Mr Alexander summound hir ladieschip to the said daye, and be present himself the said daye, de- lyvering the said dewlie execut and indorsit be him, winder the said pane of disobedience. - THE presbíterie ordanis the minister of Campsie to summound Williame Moresoune to this daye vilj dayes, to heir decreit pronuncit be thame aganis him for educatioune of the barnis gottin be him wrone Margrat Pattoune, according to the souertieschip fund be the said Williame in the toune of Striveling. * - - APR. 22.-Quhilk daye Johnne Robesone at the yet of Kincaid, and Issabell Pattoun in Burdistoun, content to marie; for performing thairof within ane monethe mixt tocum, abstinence fra wtheris quhill thai be mareit, and making of na brydellis deirer nor xi d. ilk persone that sal- 1594. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 67 happin to be thairat, hes fund James Steyne cordoner, burges of Glasgw, cautioune and Souertie for thame under the pane of ten merkis money, thai bund to releiff thair souerties anent the premissis. APR. 23.−Quhilk daye the presbíterie ordenis Mr Alexander Leving- stoune persone and minister at Monyaburcht, to summound dame Eline Hay ladie Levingstoun to this daye xv dayes, to compeir befoir thame vnder the pane of excommunicatioun. And that the said ladie may be winn to God, the said presbiterie ordenis Mr Patrik Scharp principall of the College of Glasgw and Mr Johnne Couper to pas to the said ladie on Fryday this oulk, and confer with the said ladie anent the heidis of relligioune; and quhat thai sall find in the said ladie tuiching the groundis of relligioune, that thai report to the said presbíterie this daye xv dayes, na wayes prejudgeing the summounding of the said ladye to the said daye, Twa Sondayes to serve for the ministratioune of the Sacrament of the Supper of the Lord Jesus to the parochineris of Campsie—The presbiterie thinkis that the minister of Campsie may ministrat the Sacrament of the Supper of the Lord Jesus to his parochineris on twa Sondayes allanerlie, and thairfore ordenis him to content him with the said twa Sondayes, and his parochineris to convein on twa Sondayes, and to lippin for na mae Sondayes togidder bot onlie the said twa. APR. 30.—Quhilk daye the presbíterie of Glasgw ordenis Stevin Auld- corne for wirking on the Sondaye, to paye to the thesaurer of his kirk of Ruglen xx 5, on Sondaye nixt tocum, and to mak his repentance pub- lictlie ane Sondaye, MAII 7.—Aganis Pyperis and playeris on the Sondaye-Quhilk daye the presbiterie of Glasgw statutis and ordenis, that gif Mungo Craig sall playe on his pypes on the Sondaye fra the Sunnerysing quhill the 68 - REGISTERS OF THE 1594. sunn goinge to in ony place within the boundis of this presbíterie, that he incontinent thaireftir salbe summarlie excommunicat. Lykwise statu- tis that wbone the Sondaye in the said tyme, nane gif thame selfis to pastymes and profane gaymes within the said boundis, Wnder the pane of the censures of the kirk, and this to be intimat furth of pulpet the nixt Sondaye be everie minister within this presbiterie, and specialie be the minister of Ruglen. MAII 28.—Quhilk daye the moderatour and brethrene in the presbiterie of Glasgw statutis and ordenis, that thai quha are put on the privie exercise be auditouris of the lessonis of theologie in the college teichit be the principall in the said college; in case thai be not auditouris of the said lessonis thair, thair previe exercise na wayis to be haid or allowit. JUL. 2.—Quhilk daye the presbíterie ordenis James Mitchell in Balmoir to do his dewtie to Marioun Layng his spous, leprous in all thingis; and the minister of Campsie to see this put to executioun, and nychtbouris to thame to concurre to that effect; and quhat the said minister and nychtbouris sall think best to be done betwixt the saidis James and Ma- rioune, to be reportit to the kirk this daye xv dayes. THE presbíterie ordenis Johnne Kincaid of Auchinreoche, for byding fra his parroche kirk and fra the communioune, remaning stubburne to the citationis and admonitionis of the kirk, and not presenting his barne to baptisme, to confes his offens the nixt Sondaye in his paroche kirk, standing in sum part of the kirk, as he salbe callit wipone be his minister. And siclyk ordenis the said Johnne winder the pane of tuentie lib. money to find souertie that he sall cum to his paroche kirk heireſtir, salbe pre- sent at the communione, sall nocht byd admonitionis and citationis of the kirk, and sall present his barnis that God sall send to baptisme; Johnne Clerk souertie for him winder the said pane, that the said Johnne Kincaid sall obey the foirsaid ordinance of the kirk. 1594. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 69 Na corps to be laid in the lairis of uther folkis bot thair awin.— THE presbíterie ordenis that na corps of persones within ane parochin be brocht and laid in the kirk yairdes of wther folkis parochins in ony tymes tocum, and that for eschewing of inconvenientis that hes arrysit wbone the inbringing of the bodies of the deid of ane parochin into the lairis of parochineris . . . . JUL. 29.-Quhilk daye, becaus that George Wilsoune merchand, burges of Glasgw, is becum cautioune and souertie for Andro Young in the pa- rochin of Campsie, content to marie Cristein Miller in the said parochin, that sall marie God willing the said Cristein within ane monethe nixt tocum, abstein fra hir quhill he be mareit wgone hir, and makina bry- dellis deirir nor xld, ilk persone that salhappin to be at the mariage, under the pane of ten merkis money. The said Andro bund to releiff his said souertie anent the premissis. Nov. 5.—Office of the ringing of the bell of the Deid ecclesiasticall. —Quhilk daye the presbíterie declairis the office of the ringing of the bell to the buriall of the deid to be ecclesiasticall, and that the electioun of the persone to the ringing of the said bell belongis to the kirk, accord- ing to the auncient canonis and discipline in the reformit kirk. THE presbíterie ordenis Mr David Wemes to pas to the lard of Mynto the nixt Frydaye, and to desyre him to be present in the presbiterie wpone the xij day of this instante, thair to give his avise for provyding of a minister to the parochin of Glasgw; and to desyre him also to cause warne sum speciall honest men to be present the said daye, to give thair avise in the said mater. JAN. 28.—The presbíterie, in respect that James Armour is in greit det, thairfoir can nocht ordein Helein Bar to be mareit wbone him. 70 REGISTERS OF THE 1595. The Presbiterie fund Juges to the cognitioun of ony sclandir mowit aganis ony of thair Presbíterie.—THE quhilk daye the modera- tour and brethrene of the presbíterie of Glasgw, findis thame juges competent to the cognitioun of ony Sclandir mowit raisit aganis the per- sone of ony minister within thair presbiterie. MAR. 25.—Quhilk daye compeirit personalie Robert Matthow in Bar- chagrie, quha is accusit to have followit Thomas M*Nair, and to have teuliit him in the porche of Govane kirk immediatlie eftir sermoun, wbone Sondaye the xvi daye of Marche instant, and thaireftir to have maid ane braule to ane sword in the kirkyaird of Govane, with mony boasting wordis that he suld banneis the said Thomas the kirk and kirkyaird of Govane, quhairby the minister of Govane wes trublit in the ministra- tioune of the sacrament of baptisme. The said Robert denyis the accu- satioun foirsaid led aganis him, and is ordenit to compeir before the presbiterie this day XV dayes; the said Robert summoundit apud acta to the said daye, and a witnes ordenit to be summoundit to the said daye. APR. 22.—Parochineris of Glasgw.—Quhilk daye the presbíterie hav- ingressavit of the parochineris of Glasgwane hard ansuer to the articles gevin in be the said presbiterie to thame, craving that the said paro- chineris resort to ane kirk of thair awin, and that thai have ane pastour of thair awin. In hope of better ansuer to be gevin be the said paro- chineris to the said presbíterie, the said presbiterie contineuis thame wnto the last daye of Aprile instant, summounding thame to the said daye to compeir in the Blak Freir kirk of the said citie, at ten houris before nwne. And in the meintyme, the said presbíterie requestis the honorabill Walter Commendatour of Blantyre to be present the said daye, and ordenis ane requeist to be writtine to schir Mathow Stewart of Mynto knicht, baillie of the baronie and regalitie of Glasgw, to be pre- sent the said daye, to give thair avises how the said parochineris may 1595. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 71. have ane pastour of thair awin and ane kirk of thair awin in tymes to cum, to avoid the great confusioune that lyis wrone thame presentlie be not having the same. THE presbíterie of Glasgw ordenis the minister of Campsie to wse his diligence for to have the sclander lyand WPone the lard of Kilsyth elder and his ladie remowit, and his kirk repairit betuix and Witsondaye nixt tocum, and that conforme to ane Act of the last Synodall Assemblie. THE presbiterie of Glasgw ordenis Johnne Scott officiar to the kirk of Campsie, sclanderous in his lyfe and conversatioun, to be tried be the minister and elderis of Campsie anent ane complaint gevin in be his minister aganis him; and as the said minister and elderis sall find the said Johnne to deserve, that thai proceid with the said Johnne. MAII 20.—Quhilk daye compeirit dame Christiane Grahame ladie Kil- syth, and being accusit for diverting fra schir Williame Levingstoun of Kilsyth knicht hir husband, ansuerit that it is nocht in hir default, for as it sall pleas the said schir Williame hir husband to have hir as his spous, scho promeisis to be obedient, as Goddis word dois prescryve. In respect of the absence of hir said husband, the presbiterie contineuis hir to ane new warning; and in the meintyme ordenis the said schir Williame to be summoundit be the minister of Campsie, to compeir be- foir the presbyterie foirsaid this daye xv dayes. QUHILK daye compeirit personalie Johnne Stirling in Garnekirk, and grantis he drew his quhinyeir and come in at the kirk dure of Cadder wpone Sondaye, the tyme of the ministratioun of the Supper of the Lord Jesus. The brethrene having the rycht honorabill schir Mathow Stew- art of Mynto knicht baillie of the baronie and regalitie of Glasgw pre- sent with thame, quha hes hard the said Johnne confessioun, as also depositioun of certane famous witnes, sworne and examinat be thair greit aithe quhat the said Johnne Stirling did in the kirk of Cadder wbone Sondaye the ferd daye of Maii instant; Thairfoir the said brethrene re- 72 REGISTERS OF THE 1595. commendis the said Johnne to the said schir Matthow, baillie foirsaid, to be tane ordour with. The said Schir Matthow ordenis the said Johnne to be put in Suir keiping within the castell of Glasgw incontinent thaireftir, thairin to remaine quhill forder ordour be tane with the said Johnne, and that he find souertie as accordis, afore his furth cuming or furth latting of the said castell. THE quhilk daye compeirit Robert Matthow in Barchagrie, and grantis he did wrang in boasting of Thomas M*Nair in the kirkyard of Mekill Govane, as hes bein provin aganis him. The presbiterie commendis him to the Baillie of the baronie of Glasgw, that his lordschip wald cause put him in the castell, thairin to remane quhill the kirk prescryve injunctionis to the said Robert, to be obeyit for his offens done in the porche of the kirk of Govane and kirkyard thairof, to the minister of Govane and Thomas M*Nair, and offens to wtheris of the parochineris thair, be the said Robert misbehaviour. JUL. 29.-Visitatiown of Glasgw.—In the oulk dayes preiching in Glas- gw, it is desyrit that the ministeris keip preciselie the hour, and that all the pepill be commandit to humbill thameselfis on thair kneis in the kirk in tyme of prayer. And twa preichingis in twa seuerall kirkis ar cravit on the sondaye eftir nwne. And the catechisme on Sondaye effir nwne to be teichit. Aug. 5.-Ament the Kirkis within the Presbiterie.—The moderatour and brethrene ordenis, that everie minister within this presbíterie give in be writt wrone twysdaye nixt tocum the names of the kirkis within thair boundis, and quhidder the benefices of the same be severall or annexit, and quha ar patronis thairof, quha possessouris, and be quhat rycht the samin ar bruikit, quhat wes the auld rent thairof, and quhat is the present rent, and quhat the just availl thairof will extend to gif thai wer frie without takkis, the amount and quantitie of the 1595. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 73 vicarages of the said benefices, with the glebbis and mansis, and quhat kirkis may ather be vanted or devydit, and all benefices within thair boundis, with the present estait of thair benefices, and quhidder thai be delapidat or nocht, and quhidder the samin be done be the present possessour or be his predecessouris. Aug. 12.—The presbíterie ordenis Marioun Martein, ane ressavear of huiris and harlottis in her hous, and ane disobedient persone, being on the piller, to mak her repentance on the piller within the kirk of Govane twa Sondayes; and to find souertie winder the pane of ten merkis betuix and Sondaye nixttocum to obey this ordinance. Designation of Gleib and Manse to the Minister of Govane.— THE quhilk daye the presbíterie ordenis Mr Blaise Laurie thair modera- tor, to mak designatioun to Mr Patrik Scharp principall of the college of Glasgw, minister of Govane, and to his successouris ministeris thair, of the gleib and manse at the kirk of Govane, wrone the xiij day of August instant, conforme to the Act of Parliament maid thairanent, and con- forme to the fundatioun of the said college. Aug. 26.—Visitatioune of the kirkis of Campsie and Cadder.— The presbíterie ordenis the ministeris of Campsie and Cadder to be instant to see the puir helpit within thair paroches, be collectioune be the dekinis on the Sondaye in thair kirkis to the said puir. And anent absentis fra thair kirkis on the Sondaye and noncommucattis, it is ordenit, that the said ministeris summound the samin before the presbiterie with diligence; and that the fluiris within thair kirkis be laid, and that the said ministeris bring with thame the buikis of discipline in thair particular Sessionis to the presbíterie, wrone the last daye of September thaireftir, thair to . . K 74 REGISTERS OF THE 1595. Aug. 29.—Quhilk daye Stevin Hill maltman, burges of Glasgw, is be- cum cavtioun and souertie for Johne Scheillis in Deinfeild winder the pane of twentie merkis, that the said Johne sall mak na banquettis den- nar or ony kynd of sumptuous cheir at the baptisme of his barne during the tyme of the present fast; the said Johne bund to releiff his said souertie anent the premissis. JUL. 1–Quhilk daye compeirit personalie schir Williame Levingstoun of Kilsyth knicht, and is content and willing to resort and adheir to dame Christiane Grahame his ladie, and to do the dewtie of ane husband to hir according to the act and ordinance of the last Synodall Assemblie. SEPT. 8–Quhilk daye, becaus that William Dunlop mason, burges of Glasgw, renunceand his awin jurisdictioun and submittand him to the jurisdictioun of the commissariat of Cadder and Monkland, is becum cavtioun and souertie for Jonet Bell in the parochin of Leingae, fornica- trix with Robert Fynnie and Robert Crawfurd as quadrulaps, that scho sall obey the injunctionis of the kirk winder the pane of tuentie merkis money: Thairfore the kirk injoynis the said Jonet to mak her repent- ance sex seuerall Sondayes in linning cleithis, to begin therto the next Sondaye, and consequentlie the Sondayis following; and that scho abstein fra the said twa men in carnall dale and suspect places in all tymes tocum, winder the said pane; and that scho paye to the thesaurar of hir kirk sik pecuniall sowmes of money as hir minister and elderis sall prescryve : Quhilk Sowmes being payit, and the said Jonet fund penitent according to hir repentance, scho is ordenit to be absoluit. SEPT, 10.-Quhilk daye, in respect that James Wodrop and Marioun Cwmyingarhaldandhoustogiddervnmareit, thairforethekirkordenisthame to separat.thame ane fra wtheris, and that thaj compeir befoir thame the first daye of the presbíterie, quhilk is the last daye of September instant, to ansuer to sik thingis as the kirk than hes to laye to thair charge. 1595. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 75 THE presbiterie decernis Johne Graye cordoner, ane of the puir in the almoushous of Glasgw, for calling Bartilmo Simsone master therof, begger, knaif, with mony wther injurious wordis, and persewing of him be waye of deid, and not regarding to injure him in presens of the mi- nisterie, to be depryvit of his wages, quhilkis thaj ordein the said sir Bartilmo to give to the rest of the puir of the said almoushous, be the avise of the said presbiterie. - - THE presbíterie statutis and ordenis, that gif evir heireftir David Moresone or Johnne Wilsoun sall injure be wordis sir Bartilmo Simsone, thaj salbe deposed fra thair stallis in the almoushous of Glasgw. Oct. 14.—The presbíterie ordenis ane or twa of thair brethrene to travell with the lard of Keir betuix and this dayexx dayes, in favouris of Williame Stirlinge, for peacebill injoying to him of the personage and vicarage of the kirk of Badernok, as of him that is minister at the said kirk. Oct. 28.—Quhilk daye Mr Johne Couper moderatour of the presbíterie of Glasgw, in name of the ministeris within the said presbíterie, desyrit Mr Johne Blackburne schulemaister in Glasgw, Mr Johne Gibsoun, Mr Andrew Glen and Mr Williame Dunlope, regentis in the college of Glasgw, to contribut with the said ministeris, anent xvi merkis to be gevin to the commissioneris to the platt; quhilkis Mr Johne Blakburne and regentis foirsaid ansuerit, thai culd not contribut, seing thajressavit na stipend as ministeris. - Ministeris in the presbíterie of Glasgw contributioun.-The presbi- terie ordenis everie minister of ix [chalderis victuall] to paye in to the cum, to be gevin to the commissioneris quha ar to pas to the plat. THE presbíterie ordenis the universitie of Glasgw to try the Irische- 76 REGISTERS OF THE 1595. men scolleris in the grammar scule of Glasgw tuiching the heidis of re- ligioun, and that for obedience to the act of the last synodall assemblie maid anent thair triel. THE presbíterie ordenis the minister of Campsie to summound the lard of Kilsyth elder and his ladie, and Alexander Stewart, to compeir be. fore thane this daye xy dayes. THE presbíterie ordenis the minister of Cader to signifie to the ladie Kilsyth elder, the cause quherfore the presbíterie of Glasgw desyris hir to compeir before thame this daye xv dayes, quhilk is anent the sclandir betuixt hir and Alexander Stewart hir servitour. . • Nov. 11.—Quhilk daye Mr Patrick Scharp producit diligence to the contributioun to the plat; to wit, that the foure ministeris of Glasgw and tº º º ſº commissioneris of the said plat. Nov. 25.—The presbiterie fundis the minister of Campsie negligent in summonding the lard of Kilsyth elder his ladie and Alexander Stewart hir servitour, and therfoir ordenis the said minister wbone his obedience to the kirk to summound the said lard, ladie and Alexander Stewart to this daye xv dayes; as also ordenis him to summond Alexander Reid in the parochin of Campsie to the said daye. THE presbiterie ordenis Mr Alexander Rowat to give in in writt be- foir thame this daye xx dayes, the estait of the erectioune of the abacie of Paslaye, and stipend assignit furth therof to the kirk of Ruglen, and also the estait and validitie of the vicarage of Ruglen, this dayexv dayes. THE presbíterie ordenis the foure ministeris of Glasgw, with the master of Work, James Craufurd, William Wilsoune and Petir Pater- sone, to sicht the treis at the almoushous gif it be expedient for the weale of the almoushous that the samin be cuttit, and gif swa be fund, that the same be applyit to sum wee of the said almoushous. - 1595. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 77 THE presbíterie ordenis the inhabitantis of Badlaye and Molanis, bydaris fra thair paroche kirk of Cader, be summondit agane this daye xv dayes; siclyk that my ladie Boyde be desyrit be the minister of Ca- der, to cause hir ladieschips tennentis cum to thair paroche kirk of Cader on the Sondaye. DEC. 9–0uhilk daye Andro Grenger grantis that he drewe his quhingeir wilfullie in the queir the preiching place of Glasgw, aganis Arthure Al- lane burges of Glasgw, for the quhilk he sayis he repentis; thairfore the presbiterie ordenis him to mak his publict repentance in the piller, in his awin cleithis, the mixt Sondaye in the hie kirk of Glasgw, and to confer with the minister the nixt Saterdaye at ewin that is to preiche the nixt Sondaye anent his repentance for his deid foirsaid. DEc. 23.—The presbiterie ordenis Mr Alexander Rowat to gang and preiche in Ruglene, and to aduerteis thame to absteyne fra keiping of , superstitious dayes. JAN.6.—The quhilkdaye the presbíterie findisbe declaratioun of Mr Alex- ander Rowat, that the parochineris of Ruglen hes keipit superstitiouslie gule dayes; thairfore the presbiterie ordenis the said parochineris quha keipit superstitiouslie the said gule dayes, to be summondit before thame agane this daye xv dayes. JAN. 20.—Quhilk daye Mr Patrik Scharp moderatour in the last syno- dall assemblie, producit judicialie before his brethrene of the presbíterie of Glasgw ane letter send to him be Mr Johnne Hewesone, anent ane fast interprisit be his Majestie without consent of the kirk, quhilk suld begin wbone the first daye of Februar nixt tocum, in all kirkis of this cuntrey : The brethrene ordenis the fast to be intimat in everie ane of ther kirkis the nixt Sondaye, - 78 REGISTERS OF THE 1595. JAN. 27.—QUHILK daye, anent ane lettir producit be Patrik Johnsone in name of sir Archibald Stirling of Keir knicht, anent the kirk of Bader- nok, in respect that the said kirk is not within the boundis of the presbi- terie of Glasgw, the said presbíterie can give na ansuer therto, bot re- ferris the same to the ordinar presbíterie of Dumbartane. • * THE presbíterie winderstanding David Moresone, ane of the puir men of the almoushous of Glasgw, to have bein in Jonet Garneris hous aganis the ordinance of the sessioun of Glasgw, thairfore the said pres- biterie dischargis sir Bartilmo Simson, master of the said almoushous, to give to the said David ten s, quhilk is ane monethis wages, bot ordenis the same to be gevin to the rest of the puir in the said almoushous; and forder, the said presbíterie certefeis the said David, gif he salbe fund in hous with the said Jonet Garner, he salbe deposit fra stall and place therefter in the said almoushous. THE presbíterie ordenis Johne Stirling in Eister Cader, excommunicat for caussis set doun in the act past aganis him, to find souertie this daye viij dayes to obey thair injunctionis, winder the pane of ane hundreth fib. actit in ther buikis; the said souertie being ane honest responsabill burges man, induellar in Glasgw. Quhilk injunctionis are thir following: to- wit, that first the said Johne paye the sowme of fourtie merkis, quherof ten merkis to be gevin to the kirk of Cader and the thesaurer therof, and tuentie lib. to the collectour in the presbiterie, to be bestowit to godlie wses: And that being done, that the said Johne mak his publict repentance in sekclayth, bairfuitit, bairleggit and bairheidit, first, in the kirk of Cader; 2, in the kirk of Glasgw; 3, in Leingae kirk; 4, in Campsie; 5, in Monyaburgh; and the rest of the said dayes in the said kirk of Cader, in maner of excommunicantis, that is; standing at the kirkduir of everie ane of the said kirks, than entring to the piller therin, remaning in quhill the sermont be endit, than cuming fra the piller and standing at the kirk duir quhill the pepill be cum furth of the kirk; and swa to indure winto the nixt synodall assemblie of the kirk, at the quhilk 1595. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 79. tyme, according to his repentance, the said assemblie sall pronunce quhat tyme the said Johne salbe absoluit fra excommunicatioun. - QUHILK daye the presbiterie of Glasgwmakis and constitutis Mr John Bell minister at Cadder commissioner anent the plat, to convein in Edinburgh wrone the secund daye of Februar mixttocum; and thairto give in writ befoir the commissioneris in the said plat, the names of the kirkis within the said presbíterie, and the estait of the samin as is set doun and subscryvit be the moderator and clerk of the said presbíterie; and to remane Wpon the jugement of the commissioneris in the said plat, for the weale of the ministerie at the said kirkis ; and to condiscend to na thing presentlie to be set doun be the commissioneris in the said plat without the avise of the presbiterie foirsaid be first had and obtenit ther- to, bot to report the said commissioneris jugement first to the said pres- biterie, to be Weyit and considerit be thame gif the saming standis for the weale of the kirk. - FEB. 3–The presbíterie ordenis that thair be na thing red or sung in the newkirk be Johne Bucchane reidare thair, bot that quhilk is contenit in the word of God. - MAR. 16.—Anent the number of kirkis within the presbíteries of Glasgw, Hammiltoun and Paislay.—The presbíterie of Glasgw, con- sistand presentlie only of sex kirkis, towit, Glasgw, Govane, Ruglen, Cadder, Leingae and Campsie, quha keipis exercise and discipline with thame, (as to Monyaburgh, mather exercise nor discipline is keipit be the minister ther in the said presbíterie;) and of the said sex kirkis, thair is the minister of Campsie ane auld man having onlie in yeirlie stipend fourscoir and sex lib., and the minister of Leingae having onlie in sti- pend fourtie aucht fib. with the vicarage worth tuentie merkis in the geir ; and the saidis ministeris of Campsie and Leingae throch poverte keipis nocht the dayes of presbiterie; and it being certane that the pres- 80 REGISTERS OF THE 1596. biterie of Hamiltone and Paslaye consistis ilkane of thame of xv. kirkis, almaist all weill prowydit in stipend; thairfore the presbíterie of Glasgw, to the intent that thaj may be equall in kirkis with the saidis presbíteries of Hammiltoun and Paslaye, ordenis ther commissioneris to crave of the nixt generall assemblie the kirkis of Monkland, Kilbryde and Egleschame, furth of the presbiterie of Hamiltone, and the kirkis of Mernis, Eastwod and Caythcart, furth of the presbíterie of Paslaye, as nixt adjacent to the toune of Glasgw, that be the adjunctione of the said kirkis to the presbíterie of Glasgw thair may be equall nomber of kirkis, to wit xij kirkis to ilkane of the presbiteries of Hammiltone, Glasgw and [Paslay] JUN. 1–The presbíterie ordenis George Thomsone excommunicat for the slauchter committit be him aganis umquhile Andro Clerk in Curma- nok, to mak his repentance sex seuerall sondayes in sekclayth, within the hie kirk of Glasgw in maneir of excommunicantis, to begin therto the nixt sondaye, and consequentlie the sondayes thereftir following, and ay and quhill he be fund penitent; and to paye foure fib. quhairof the twa part is to be gevin to the collectour in the presbíterie, and the thrid part to the thesaurer of the sessioune of the kirk of Glasgw. Almous to an afflicted Grecian.-The presbiterie ordenis everie mi- mister in this presbiterie to bring in his contributioun of almous fra the gentilmen within his paroche to the afflicted Greciane for his cheritie to- wardis the Christianis, and that wgone the nixt Frydaye ; and that everie minister gang to the gentilmen of his paroche to the effect foirsaid. THE presbiterie ordenis Mr Niniane Drewe, minister at Leingae, to gang to my lord Fleming, the lard of Badinhethe, and Johne Stark his parochineris, and to ask and crave of them sum almous to the Grecian afflicted, and ransomed be the kirk for the cheritieschawin to the afflicted Christianis, and to report his diligence to the presbiterie the mixt Frydaye. 1596. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 81 QUHILK daye the presbíterie, whderstanding that Williame Craig in Walkmylne of Partik is ane persone disobedient to resort to his kirk to heir Goddis word preichit and the sacramentis ministrated, and ane quha hes nocht cum to examinationis, nether to be partaker of the sacrament of the Supper of the Lord Jesus; quhilk Williame hes bein aftymes summondit to have compeirit before the said presbiterie to have ansuerit for his rebellioun and disobedience to all trew Christians obedience and comelie ordour, and the said Williame did remane obstinat and disobe- dient to the citationis of the kirk Wsit aganis him, aganis quhome also publict admonitionishes bein gevin be the minister of Govane in the said Williamis paroche kirk of Govane, quhilk admonitionis threatning ex- communicatioune aganis the said William, the said William hes also proudely contemnit; and also the said minister hes wsit prayers to God, that God in his mercie wald mowe the said Williamis hart to repent of his former disobedience; the quhilk prayers the said William hes not crevit to be effectuall towards him, bot hes disdained the same. The said presbiterie perceavand the said William Craig to be ane obdurit, im- penitent, godles persone, and disobedient to the woyce of the kirk, thair- foir ye said presbíterie ordenis the minister of the kirk of Govane to ex- communicat the said William the nixt sondaye in the kirk of Govane for his disobedience to the citationis, admonitionis and woyce of the kirk. JUN. 29.-The presbíterie ordenis ane letter to be written to the persone of Campsie, in favouris of the minister of Campsie, contrair Thomas Adame, quha persewes him unjustlie for cutting of asche treis, before the schiref and his deputtis in Striveling, to be subscryvit be the moderator and clerk of the said presbíterie. THE presbíterie decernis Annie Young absent fra the kirk on Sondaye with hir nichtbouris, ane disobedient to the woice of the minister and el- deris of Ruglen, being thrise summondit to mak hir repentance twa Son- L - 82. , REGISTERS OF THE 1596. dayes in lining cleithis, and to find souertie never to do the lyk heireſtir, wnder the pane of ten merkis. JUL. 13–The presbiterie winderstanding that the absence of my lord Flemyng fra the kirk of Leingae wpone the Sondaye, his lordschip than being in Cummarnald, within the boundis of this presbíterie, is the mo- tive and greit occasioun mowing his tennentis, being parochineris of Lein- gae, to byd away fra the kirk to heir Godis word preichit on the Son- daye ; thairfore the presbiterie ordenis Mr Niniane Drewe, person now present ordinar minister of Leingae, to summound the said lord Fleming howsone his lordschip cummis in Cummarnald foirsaid, to compeir befoir the said presbíterie to ansuer for his absence fra the said kirk, and to sik wther thingis as the said presbiterie salhappin to have to laye to his charge. And this the said Mr Niniane leiffna wayis windone, as he wilbe ansuerabill in his office wpone his obedience to God and the woice of his brethrene. QUHILK daye the presbiterie findis Johne Graye to have callit sir Bar- tilmo Simsone, ane wastourfallo, commoun thewe, mansworne theye and lowne; God nor the [devill] tak him away bayth bodie and Saull, thar- fore dischargis the said Johne Graye to be of the almoushous, and dis- chargis the said sir Bartilmo to give him ony wageis in ony tymes tocum. JUL. 27.—The presbiterie ordenis Mergrat Arbuthnot to be summondit agane this dayexv dayes; and seing scho is presentlie in the hous of Wil- liam Levingstoune appeirand of Kilsyth, thay requeist him being present personalie this daye, to cause hir compeir before thame this dayexv dayes. THE presbíterie haveing appointit sum of thair brethrene to confer with the lard and ladie Kilsyth anent ther cohabitatioun togidder, contineuis the said ladie quhill it be fund and tried quhat success sall followe eftir the conference to be had for thair cohabitatioun as said is. Aug. 10.—The presbíterie ordenis Andro Rankeyne absent fia the com- 1596. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 83 munioune in the kirk of Monyaburgh the last tyme the samin was minis- trated, to mak his repentance ane sondaye in the piller in lining cleithis, - and to paye xx merkis to the thesaurer of his kirk the nixt Sondaye. In- case he disobey, ordenis the minister of Monyaburgh to proceid be the censures of the kirk aganis him. - THE presbíterie ordenis ane testimoniall to be writtin to the lordis of modificatioun of ministeris stipendis, in favouris of Mr Archibald Glen, minister at Ruglen, testifeing the daye of his imbuiking minister at Ru- glen, and declairing that Mr Johne Hewesome, ane of the commissioneris for the plat, haveing eye to his stipend, left the said Mr Archibald furth and unbukit. . - THE presbíterie ordenis the unbrotherlie and uncheritabill deling of Mr Johne Hewesome, in causing denunce certane of the brethrene of the pres– biterie of Glasgw to the horne, to be delatit to the nixt synodall assemblie, thair to be ressavit, and redres therof cravit; sicklyk referris the mater aganis Johnne Alderstoune to the said nixt synodall. Aug. 23.−Quhilk daye Johnne Patersone, parochiner of Govane, and Jonet Wilsoun in Paslaye, parteis content to marie, for performing of mariage betuixt thame abetuix and Lukismas nixt tocum, abstinence fra wtheris quhill thay be mareit, and making of na pennie banquettis, hes fund George Young baxter, burges of Glasgw, cautioune and souertie for them, winder the pane of ten merkis money. James Wilson, father to the said Jonet, and the said Johne Patersone, to releiff thair said souertie anent the premissis. SEPT. 7.-The presbiterie ordenis Helein Bull, in the parochin of Lein- gae, refusing to marie Johne Miller, with quhome scho hes bein procla- mit twyse as scho hes confessit hir self, now being of mynd to marie Patrik Bryce, to mak her repentance in hir paroche kirk of Leingae for hir in- constancie; and forder, to paye penaltie to the thesaurer of hir kirk the 84 REGISTERS OF THE 1596. mixt Sondaye, afore scho enter to hir repentance, lykas wes set doune afore scho wes proclamit with the said Johne Miller. Quhilkis being done, ordenis hir bandes of mariage to be proclamit with the said Patrik Bryce, gif the said Patrik will crave the same; and the said Johne can not find ressonabill caus to staye the same. . THE presbíterie ordanis Johne Smyth in the parochin of Cadder, for leiding of cornes, four Sondayes to mak his repentance to his kirk, and to paye foure fib. to the thesaurer of his kirk the nixt Sondaye. THE presbiterie ordenis Johne Loutheane for leiding of cornes, thre sondayes to mak his repentance in his paroche kirk, and to paye to the thesaurer of his kirk thre fib. the nixt Sondaye. THE sessioun ordenis Johne Provand for wirking on the Sondaye, to paye ten schillings to the thesaurer of his kirk, and to mak his repentance the mixt Sondaye, - THE presbíterie ordenis Johne Hamiltoune steilbonnatmaker, for the sclander of adulterie betuixt him and Issabell Stewart, to go on his re- pentance, the nixt Sondaye to begin therto ; and that on the last Sonday quhen he is to be ressavit, that it be declarit that the said Johne hes bein ane railer aganis Godis word, quhilk is odious to declair to the people, and that he therfore presentlie deservis excommunicatioun. And gif that ever he be fund giltie of the lyk, that the sentence of excommunicatioun salbe pronuncit aganis him. Nov. 23.−Quhilk daye comperit personalie Mr David Wemes, ane of the ministeris of Glasgw, and declairit that he, according to the ordinance of the presbiterie of Glasgw, maid wrone the secund daye of November instant, had sumoundit the parochineris of Glasgw to this daye, to object (gif ony thing thay had) aganis the lyfe, doctrine and maneris of Mr Alexander Rowat, appointit be the last synodall assemblie haldin at La- nerk, to be minister to the parochineris of Glasgw without burgh. Quhilk parochineris being aftymes callit, compeirit nocht except onlie James 1596. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 85 Forret in Borrowfield, quha confest him weill content with the said Mr Alexander, baith anent doctrine, lyfe and maneris; thairfoir the said pres- biterie puttis silence to the act of the said parochineris; and according to the act of the said last synodall, admittis the said Mr Alexander thair minister. And in respect that the speciallis of the said parochineris hes aggreit and condiscendit that the parochin of Glasgw be ane severall con- gregatioun of yair awin, thairfoir the said presbíterie ordenis the paro- chineris of Glasgw, to cum on the Sondaye before nwne at tº houris, to the Blakfreir kirk, quhill the hie kirk be repairit, and thair to heir the said Mr Alexander teiche the word of God, acording to the act of the said last synodall assemblie maid at Lanerk theranent, with cer- tificatioun to the said parochineris, that gif thay salbe fund disobedientis to this act and ordinance, that thay sall ressave na benefite of the kirk, quhilkis ar the sacramentis of baptisme and the holy supper of the Lord Jesus, and the celebratioun of mariage, bot salbe simpliciter denudit of the samin : And that thaj pretend na ignorance heiroff, the said presbi- terie ordenis this act to be intimat furth of pulpit in the haill kirkis with- in this citie nixt Sondaye, THE presbíterie ordenis ane fast to be keipit wgone the first Sonday of December, lykas is appointtit to be keipit in all the kirkis within this realme, for avoyding of the dangeris that is intendit aganis the kirk in this cuntrey be the excommunicat papistis, professit enemies to the gospel preichit within this cuntrey. DEc. 28.—Quhilk daye the presbíterie ordenis the parochineris of Glasgw to cum upon the Sondaye in tymes to cum to the Blak Freir kirk, to heir the word of God quhill the hie kirk be reparit, quher thajsall con- vein to heir the word of God preichit on the Sondaye to thame be thair minister: In case that thaj disobey, that thaj ressave na benefite in the kirk, ather of baptisme, the Lordis supper or mariage. THE presbíterie ordenis Johnne Graye to ask sir Bartilmo Symsoun 86 REGISTERS OF THE .1596. forgivenes the morne at twa houris eftir nwne, for calling him money evill wordis, as decreit pronuncit aganis the said Johnne beinis: And forder, ordenis the said sir Bartilmo to paye to the said Johnne his wages sen Martimes last wes, and the wages that is auchtand to the said Johnne afoir the said Martimes, to be gevin to the poore of the almoushous of Glasgw, be the discretioun of Mr David Wemes and Mr Johnne Couper ministeris of Glasgw. FEB. 1.-The said daye Mr Johnne Couper for himself, and in name of the presbíterie and ministeris of Glasgw, protestit that the parochineris of Glasgw without the toune be ane particular and speciall congregatioun be thame selfis, separated and devydit fra the toune of Glasgw, accord- ing to the actis of the generall and synodall assemblies of the kirk maid thairanent; and that thaj resort to heir Mr Alexander Rowat thair ordinar minister preiche the word of God to thame, minister the sacra- mentis to thame, and celebrat mariage to thame, in the hie kirk of Glasgw, where with diligence ane pulpit salbe erected to the said Mr Alexander, furmes set to the said parochineris; and the kirk foirsaid salbe maid windticht and watterticht quhair it misteris sa Sone as possi- billie may be done, to Goddis glorie and to the edificatioun of the said parochineris to knawe the word of God; and thairupone the said Mr Johnne askit actis and instrumentis judicialie in the presbíterie of Glasgw. THE presbiterie ordenis Geylis Setoun ladie Wodheid, to remowe furth of hir cumpanie Walter Bucchannane hir present servitour, at the feist and terme of Witsondaye nixttocum, for remowing of the sclander raisit betuixt him and hir, &c. MAR. 1–The presbíterie ordenis everie minister within this presbíterie to intimat the nixt Sondaye that dame Alinora Heye ladie Levingstoune is excommunicat, and Mr Alexander Levingstoun to do the same winder the pane of depositioune. : 1597. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 87 MAR. 29, 1597–Ament the chapel in Kirkintilloch to be ame kirk— Quhilk daye, anent the summondis grantit wipone ane supplicatioune gevin in before the presbiterie of Glasgw be the baillies of Kirkintilloch, quhilk is subscryvit be ane nobill lord my lord Fleming, and certane [parochineris] of the parochine of Leingae, as the said supplicatioun in the self beiris; quhairin the parochineris of Leingae in general, and Ro- bert Boyde of Badinhethe, Robert Boyde of Drwme, Johnne Park of Achinvoill, Thomas Sommervell in Bourtrey, Robert Fleming in Ba- loche in speciall, ar ordenit to be summoundit to this daye, to thair counsale and deliberatioun anent the chapell within the toun of Kirkin- tilloch, to be maid ane kirk quhairin the word of God may be preichit, the sacramentis ministrated, and wther benefites of the word therin exercised. Compeirit personalie [the] saidis Robert Boyd of Badinhethe, Robert Boyde in Drwme and Robert Fleming in Baloche, quha heirand the contentis of the said summoundis and supplicatioun, quhairupone the samin wes groundit to tend to ane novatioune, and thairfore presentlie can give [na] ansuer, thairfore desyrit ane terme to give ansuer to the samin, quhilk terme is maid and assignit the xij daye of Aprile nixt to cum, &c. APR. 12.-Na Minister to teiche in ame wither Ministeris kirk without license fra the presbíterie.—The presbíterie dischargis Mr Walter Dun- lop, ane of the regentis of the Colledge of Glasgw, or ony minister within this presbíterie, to enter heirefter to teiche in the kirk of Cambus- lang at the request of Mr Johnne Hewesone, or in ony wther kirk at the requeist of ony minister, withofft thair be licence first grantit be the pres- biterie of Glasgw to that effect, and that wnder the pane of disobedience. THE presbíterie ordenis ane letter to be writtin and subscryvit be thair clerk, to send to the laird of Caythcart, Johnne Blair of that ilk and Johnne Maxwell tutour of Akeheid, for benneising of the gipseis furth of thair boundis. - - 88 REGISTERS OF THE 1597. JAN. 7–9uhilk daye Johnne Cauldwell witnes, sworne, admittit, ex- aminat, deponis he hard Johnne Graye saye to sir Bartilmo Symsoun that the devill was possest in him, and the said sir Bartilmo in the devill. JUN. 21.—Quhilk daye personalie present Mr Alexander Levingstoun persone of Monyaburcht, as he quha wes ordenit to be summoundit to this daye, to heir him self deposed fra the ministerie at the kirk of Monyaburcht, for inhabilitie in his persone of spirituall graces to teiche in the kirk, and for inhabilitie to wse discipline in the said kirk as be- cummis. Quha being demandit quhidder gif he whderstud not certenlie that he is wnabill to teich in the said kirk or wse discipline in the saming, ansuerit that he winderstandis him to be whahill to teich or yit to use discipline in the said kirk. The moderatour and brethrene of the pres- biterie of Glasgw thairfore be thir presentis deposes the said Mr Alex- ander Levingstoune fra the ministerie at the said kirk of Monyaburcht, for inhabilitie of doctrine and for inhabilitie to wse discipline in the said kirk, simpliciter and for ever. Aug. 2.-Mr Johnne Bell minister of Cadder, lait of entring to the presbíterie, excusing him be ressoun he hes workmen wirkand, whairby he mycht nocht cum soner: He and his excuse is repellit, and he scharp- lie admonischit. QUHILK daye comperit Harie Ross, and denyis that he payntit the pictures of the Father, the Sone, and the Haly Gaist, in ony houssis within this realme. *} Aug.23.—The presbíterie ordenis the minister of Campsie to be summound agane last twysdaye of September mixttocum. The lardis of Craigbernat and Glorat kirkmaisteris of Campsie to ansuer anent the stent maid for the reparatioun of the said kirk, and how the samin hes been wairit. 1597. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 89 Aganis sweiraris and banneris in Glasgºw.—The presbíterie ordenis that sum ordour be tane with the sweiraris and banneris within the toune and citie of Glasgw, and specialie on the hie streittis thairof, and that the ministeris and sessioun of Glasgw be diligent to see ordour tane thairwith with expeditioune. - Nov. 8–Aganis slanderaris of the ministerie of Glasgw.—The pres- biterie Wnderstanding that thair is diverse persones within the tour, and citie of Glasgw quha traducis and sclanderis vnjustlie the ministerie of the said citie, as the authouris of putting to deathe the persones latlie execut for witchcraft within the said citie; thairfore the said presbíterie, be the avise of the richt honorabill Sir Mathew Stewart of Mynto knicht, pro- veist of Glasgw, ordenis and statutis, that quhosoever sall sclandir the ministerie foirsaid to be the authouris of putting to deathe the foirsaid persones in ony tymes tocum, salbe put in the brankis at the jugis will; and this to be intimat furth of pulpet within the kirkis of this citie. DEc. 20.—The presbíterie ordenis Mr Patrik Scharp, Mr David Wemes, Mr Johnne Couper and Mr Johnne Bell, ministeris of Glasgw, to travell anent the Hospitall to be foundit in this citie be the merchandis, and to report thair diligence to the presbíterie this daye xy dayes. JAN. 3.-Quhilk daye comperit David Calderwod, and grantis that he ressavit fra winquhill sir Williame Herbertsone ane auld papist buik of wmquhill the bischop of Sanctañdrois catechisme, is ordenit to delyveir the buikis he hes of papistrie to Mr Johnne Bell, ane of the ministeris of Glasgw; and the said Mr Johnne to poste him with questionis of re- ligioune; and the said Mr Johnne to report to the presbíterie this daye viij dayes as he sall try and find of the said Davidis religioune. Ament the barmis of the Grammar Schule.—The presbíterie con- cludis and thinkis it meit and expedient that the barnis in the Grammar IMI 90 REGISTERS OF THE 1597. scule, all and everie ane of thame, resort to the hie kirk on the Sondaye to heir Goddis word preichit, the sacramentis ministrated ; and that Mr Johnne Blackburne Schulemasteir be warnit to this conclusion, that the samin may be followit. JAN. 17.—The presbiterie ordenis the ministeris and sum of the magis- tratis, to be desyrit to espye ane convenient place in the hie kirk to the grammar schule barnis to sit into ; and the said ministeris of this citie to report thair diligence to the presbíterie this daye xv dayes. FEB. 15.-Anent James Fleming the Irische man, it is ordenit that the ministeris of Glasgw inquire of him his religioun, and report thair dili- gence to the presbiterie this daye xv dayes. Frische Scholleris.-The presbiterie ordenis that the master of the grammar schule catechise his Irische scholleris, that thaj may winder- stand the groundis of religioune. THE presbíterie ordenis Williame Blair of Barrestoune to confes the next Sondaye, in presens of the Sessioun of Campsie, that he hes offendit is minister of Campsie in sum hard wordis quhairof he repentis. THE presbíterie ordenis Allane Blair to confes his offens the nixt Sondaye preiching, for saying he wald be heir quhen the minister wald [be with] the devill; and to ask God, his kirk and the said minister forgivenes; and to be warnit to that effect. QUHIEK daye comperit Johnne Moresone, servitor to the ladie Ri- cardtoun, and grantis that he hes offendit God, his kirk and Mr Johnne Couper ane of the ministeris of Glasgw, for spreading of the infamous Hbell contenit in the depositioun of umquhill Margaret Aiken ane nota- bill witche aganis the said Mr Johnne be sindrie copeis thairof in di- verse partis of this cuntrey; for the quhilk he cravis God, his kirk and the said Mr Johnne forgivenes, judicialie. 1598. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 91 Aug. 8, 1598–Anent ane fast for eschewing of the Pest.—The pres- biterie ordenis that anent ane fast, it be proponit the morne eftir preich- ing, for eschewing of the Pest within this cuntrey; and that God wald grant fair and sessonabill wedder for the inbringing af the ground of the fruittis thairof, to the sustentatioun of man and beast, for quhais susten- tatioun God in his blessing hes ordenit the samin. Aug. 22–The presbíterie ordenis Thomas Steyne, for sclandering of Mr Johnne Bell minister of Cader, in suspecting that he the said Mr Johnne had lyin with the said Thomasis wyfe, as the said Thomas con- fest him self, and witnessis admittit, sworne, deponit; hes confest to mak his repentance sex Sondayes in sekcleithe, to wit the first in Cader, ane wther in Campsie, ane wther in Leingae, and the sext Sondaye in Cader; and thair to be ressavit according to his repentance: and forder, recommendis him to the baillie of the baronie of Glasgw, to be put in the castell, thair to remane be the space of aucht dayes in prisoune, and langer during the said baillies will. - QUHILK daye Issabell Greinla in the parochin of Cader, for calling Walter Aikein in Gartferne ane warloche convert thairof, summondit to this daye, callit and not compeirand, is ordenit to be proceidit aganis be the minister of Cadder be admonitionis vnto excommunicatioun for hir disobedience. Oct. 17.-William Blair in Barrestoun, sworne, deponis he hard Dun- cane Lennoxe saye, first to Walter Bucchannane thow leis, thaireftir Walter said he leit, and the said Duncane mintit with ame sword Wn- drawn to stryk at the said Walter. - John NE STIRLING elder of Craigbernat, deponis he hard Duncane Len- nox saye to Walter Buchannane, I heir ane liar makand ane loud lesing, and that he leit lyke ane lousie limmar; and the said Walter ansuerit to the said Duncan that he leit, and that the said Duncane porrit with his 92 REGISTERS OF THE 1598. sword; and that Duncanes stepsone drew ame sword and struk at the said Walter, quha did for his defens, and was red . . . be the deponar and wtheris, or ellis the said Walter had been in ane hard estait. Oct. 24.—The presbíterie ordenis the minister of the parochin of Glasgw to desyre the lard of Silvertounhill to be present this daye viij dayes with thame, for to give his declaratioun quhat he will mak to the mi- nister of Stanehous in his stipend. Nov. 6.-Quhilk daye it is fund that the parochin of Leingae is dissolut and gevin to all kind of impietie, for laik of exercise of the word of God within the saming, and of all gud ordour in discipline [in] the samin, and thairfore hastie remeid is cravit for the weale and salvatioun of the soules of the parochineris within the samin. DEc. 26.—Act in favouris of Mr Johnne Bell minister of Cader.—The presbiterie ordenis the moderator and clerk to subscryve ane lettir in fa- vouris of Mr Johnne Bell minister at Cadder, that he may get his sti- pend augmentit, specialie be that quhilk Walter Whyt writter hes furth of the thriddis of the subdenrie of Glasgw, to be direct to the ministeris of Edinburgh; ane wther letter to the lard of Keir, for to assist the said Mr Johnne in the peaceblie getting of his foure acres of gleibland at the kirk of Cader. - FEB. 6.—Quhilk daye Richard Wodrop, younger sone to Richard Wod- rop elder in Dalmarnok, fund in presens of the presbíterie to have cum by his father and his bonnet on his heid, not salutand his father, is judget stubburne and a disobedient Sone to his father, quha is continewit to the penult of Februar instant, and to compeir before the presbíterie to heir the ressonis to be gevin in aganis him be his [said] father, whairfore he suld not marie Agnes Chopman: the said Richard Wodrop gounger summoundit apud acta to the said daye. . . . 1599. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 93 FEB. 13.-Persome of Campsie.—The presbíterie ordenis ane letter to be writtin and send to Mr William Erskeyne persoun of Campsie, desyreing him to delyver to the wse of the kirk of Campsie twa siluer cuppis maid of ane chalice pertening to the said kirk, quhilk chalice he tuik fra the said kirk sen the reformatioun. MAR. 13.—The presbíterie ordenis ane lettir to be send to Mr Patrik Sympsoun minister of Stirling, to desyre him to speik the Abbot of Cam- buskynnett in favoris of the minister of Leingae; schawing to him that for laik of stipend thair is apperandlie na service to be maid in the minis- terie at the kirk of Leingae, and to crave of the Abbot foirsaid his help in stipend to the said minister; and to send the said Abbotis ansuer in writt to the said presbiterie, that thaireftir travell may be tane with my lord Fleming takisman of the personage of Leingae, to see quhat help his lordschip will mak to ane minister at the said kirk, for it is ane mis- erabill congregatioun at this present. APR. 10. 1599.—Quhilk daye comperit David Spens, ane of the baillies of Rutherglen, for him self and in name and behalf of the toun and pa- rochin of Rutherglen, and claimit the gers of the kirk gard of Ruther- glen to appertein to the said toun and parochin, and for to be heireftir distributit at thair plesure as the saming hes bein heirtofore. The mo- derator and brethrene of the presbiterie of Glasgw findis the said David, and the said toun and parochin of Rutherglen, to have intermellit with the said kirk gard gers that belangit not to thame, and in swa doing findis thame to have done wrang: Thairfore ordenis thane nocht to intermell with the saming heireſtir, bot declairis the same to belang to the kirk, and to appertein to the minister of the said kirk present and to his suc- cessoris heireftir at thair plesure; certefeing the said baillie, tour, and parochin foirsaid, gif thai sall intermell with the saming heireſtir, the censures of the kirk salbe wsit aganis thame. 94 REGISTERS OF THE 1599. MAII —The presbíterie ordenis ane lettir be writtin and send to Mr Patrik Simsoun, minister at Stirling, to desyre him to tak the travellis as to pas to Mr William Erskine persone of Campsie, and desyre him to send the twa cuppis that pertenis to the kirk of Campsie, maid out of a chalice pertening to the said kirk, to . . . . . . . concredit in the keiping of sum responsabill landit gentilman within the parochin of Campsie, and to serve continualie to the ministratioun of the sacrament in the said kirk; and also that the said persone be desyrit to provyde [bread] and wyne to the ministratioun of the said sacrament in the said kirk to the parochineris thairof incontinent heireftir, and to send the said persone ansuer to the presbiterie with all . . . . . . . - JUN. 5–Ament triel of Irischemen.—The presbiterie ordenis the minis- teris of Glasgw to try within the boundis of thair examinationis quhat Irsche men ar resortand within the saming, quha ar papistis and pernicious to wtheris thai hant amang; and that Mr Johnne Blakburne schulemaster try quhat Irische men ar in his schule, and of thair religioun; and that the said ministeris and schulemaster report thair diligence to the pres- biterie the mixt twysdaye following the dait heiroff. OCT. 31.—Comperit Alexander Muir, and grantis he sauld ane buik callit Aurea Legenda, and sum wther buikis to the ladie Levingstoun; to the gudwyfe of West Quarter ane buik callit Morall Philosophie; and that he ressavit fra Mr James Gibsoun minister at Penkettill ane buik quhilk is writtin aganis Mr Robert Bruce; and that he gat Burnes Catechisme fra the minister of Levin; is continewit to this daye viij dayes, summondit apud acta to the said daye. Nov. 20.—Quhilk daye Mr Walter Levingstoun minister at Monyaburch, declaris that Alexander Master the buiksellare hes said, that men aucht to praye to sanctis, and that the ministeris workis aggreis not with thair word. 1600. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 95 ADAME GAIF at the kirk of Monyaburch, sworne, deponis he heard Alexander Master saye, that the ministeris word wes bettir nor thair workis, and that men aucht to praye to angelis, becavse thai ar mair familiar with God than men are. QUHILK daye comperit Sibell Dowe, and grantis that scho said wordis tuiching the houlat hart to be rubbit to ane manis shuldeir to cavse a man to luifane woman to hir fellow servant in the place of Balquharrage, becavse scho had hard sik wordis spoken of before, bot schowsit not that thing in ony sort. APR. 8, 1600–To pas to inaugurat Mr George Slovan minister at Leinyae.—The moderator and brethrene ordenis Mr Patrick Scharp, principall of the college of Glasgw, Mr Alexander Rowat and Mr William Levingstoun of thair presbiterie, to pas the nixt Sondaye to the kirk of Leingae, and thair to inaugurat Mr George Slovan minister of the said kirk, according to the canon of the apostill Paull. MAII 27.—The presbíterie informit be the minister of the parochin of Glasgw, that William Watsoun pedell to the kirk of the said parochin wes druken the last Sondaye, and that he did not his dewtie in his office; concludis and settis down, that the said William for his abuse of him in his office, sall mak his repentance in his lining clay this. JUN. 17.-Anent visitatiown of kirkis.—The presbíterie appointtis that nominatioun be maid the nixt twysdaye of the ministerie within thair boundis for visitatioun of thair kirkis. SEPT. 9.-Quhilk daye the moderator and brethrene of this synodal as- semblie hes statut and ordenit, as be thir presentis statutis and ordenis, that thair be ane solemne conventioun of the people within the hail burrowis of this synod wrone the last daye of September instant, for 96 PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 1601. thankesgeving to God of his Majesteis preseruatioun, and delyverie of his Majesteis persone furth of these tratoris handis quha socht the taking avay of his lyfe furth of this warld, to the wrak of this realme; and that thair be the lyk conventioun vpone Sondaye nixt thaireftir follow- ing universalie in everie kirk within this synod; and that on everie Twysdaye thaireftir thair be preiching of Godis word within the bur- rowes of this synod, according to his Majesteis will, his consales, and with the avise of the Commissioneris of the kirk, and thair ordinance maid alreadie thairanent; and this to be intimat in everie kirk within this synod, be everie minister within the saming, wbone Sondaye cuming aucht dayes. Anent the kirk of Killelane—THE assemblie ordenis the presbíterie of Paslaye to plant the kirk of Killelane primo quoque tempore, according to the ordinance of the last synodall assemblie. SEPT. 9.—The synodall assemblie thinkis it expedient that the inhabi- tantis of over Greinok and nether Greinok be of ane congregatioun in the kirk of Greinok in all tymes to cum, and that the nixt generall assemblie of the kirk ratefie and approve the samin. - MAR. . . 1601–Quhilk daye George M*Gleis minister at Rosneth, haveing teichit wipone the 4 chap. and at the beginning thairof, of the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians this present daye, is ordenit to teiche againe wpone the 13 chap. of Luik, at the beginning thairof, wpone the 8 daye of Aprile nixt tocum; and ordenit to frame his speiche as to his congregatioun, and to na wayes precipitat his language, but to mak the samin sensabill, and to conceave his prayer with fervencie of the spirit, and eftir sermont to mak his pastoral prayer; and is con- tinewit to the said daye, summondit apud acta thairto. EXTRACTS FROM THE BUIK OF THE GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH.* APR, 29. 1574.—Publicatioun of the Generall Fast.—Forsamekill as the haill kirk of Scotland being convenit within this burgh, in thair sessioun haldin the tent day of Merche last bypast, and forseing the moneyfald appeirand dengeris and greit trublis that ourehang not only the heidis of all the trew professouris of Christis evangell within this realme, bot als universall dispersit upoun the haill face of the erth; for * The Record from which these Extracts are transcribed, is called the Buik of the General Kirk of Edinburgh. This General Kirk (or Session) was a Court composed of the ministers, elders and deacons of the city; the ministers being entitled to a seat during their incumbency, and the elders and deacons being an- mually changed. This Court continued to sit after the erection of Presbyteries in 1578, but its power was less extensive than before. From this period there were four distinct assemblies in the Church of Scotland, Kirk Sessions, Presbyteries, Synods, and the General Assembly (then called the Universal Kirk of Scotland ; ) and in the city of Edinburgh it became the practice to hold particular Sessions for various causes, besides the General Session or General Kirk, which was en- gaged chiefly in administering those concerns in which all the congregations in Edinburgh had a common interest. This volume is mutilated in various parts. N 98 REGISTER OF THE 1574. euoding and eschewin quhairof, that Ministerishes thocht maist necessar that ane publict humiliatioun and fast, togidder with ane ernest voca- tioun and prayar, be institutit and adjunit thairto to be maid as the only ordinarye menis quhairby the saidis scurgis may be removit, ap- poyntit within Godis holly word, and the feirsche wrayth of God appesit: The kirk of Edinburgh being myndfull thairof, hes ordeinit thair Minis- teris to signifie the samin vpon Sonday nixt tocum, to the hail kirk maist ermistlie, in the name of the living God, &c.; to continew for the space of aucht dayis, &c. - Item, In lyk manner the kirk hes thoucht guid that the holly table of the Supper sall . . . . . and follow upoun the said fast, and bygayne Sonday . . . . . . ; wairning thairfoir the haill brethering of the north syd of the toun that thai prepair thame selfis thairto; the seruandis and sic utheris that plessis to cum to the mornyng sermond, quhilk sal- begyne a litill . . . . iiij houris in the mornyng, and to continew quhill fyve houris; and the ministratioun than to begyne, quhilk sall indure quhill sevin houris or thairby; the secund sermond to begyne at ix houris, and to continew . . . . . . houris; and thaireftir the ministra- tioun thane to begyne, and continew quhille xii houris at nowne. Ordinances of the Kirk.-ITEM, That na stranger that hes bene aganis our souerane lordis auctoritie, athir derectlie or inderectlie, pre- some to cum to the said table, . . . . . . . as yit publictlie satisfiit the kirk, certifeing thame gif thai do the same, thai salbe resit. ITEM, That sic brether that hes not ressavit thair tekettis, cum to the places of thair examinatioun upoun Fryday and Setterday mixto- cum, and ressave the samin. ITEM, That na inhabitant of this burgh that remanit within the samin . . . . the lait trublis, that hes not ressault the injunctionis of the kirk, . . . . thame to present thame to the table, certefeing thame gif thai do the same, thai salbe debarit and rasit. & ITEM, To signifie to the haill kirk that the generall assemblay of the 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 99 haill brethering salbe upoun Teudinsday at iſ houris eftir nowne in the Ouir Tolbuith, Thairfoir the kirk ernistlie requestis the haill communi- cantes to be thair present. AND in lik maner, that all strangeris that plessis to resort to the table, that thai pas to Johnne Durye to ressaue thair tekettis. AND in lik maner, that na fornicatouris, ather of auld or new, that hes tº e º 'º e sclander, and as yit not satisfiit the kirk for the samin, presome e g tº $ tº thame selfis to the said holly table ; certifeing thame that thai sall not only be rasit thairfra, bot als mak thair . . . . . . . . for the samin, &c. Margaret Sympsone formicatrice Declaratiown.—The said day Margaret Symsone being wernit to ansuer the kirk super inquirendis, compeirand; and being inquirit to quhome it wes that scho buir the last barne unto, ansuerit, that it wes to ane gentill man in the northland; thaireftir confessit that the samin wes to Mr Thomas Craige ; the kirk ordanis the said Mr Thomas to be warnit agane this day aucht dayis. THE GENERALL AssBMBLAY of the kirk of Edinburgh, haldin in the Tolbuith of the samin the thrid day of Maij 1574. The Generall Assemblay.—The said day the haill brethering being convenit in the said Tolbuyth, the particular kirk being also callit, and compeirand; the ministeris, Mr James Lausoun, Johnne Durye, Johnne Carnis, being all removit outwith the presence of the haill brethering, &c.; and being oppinlie proclamit gif thair wes ony brothir that had ony thing to lay to the charge of the saidis ministeris, ather in life, doctering or conversatioun, thane declarit or thaireftir hald thair toungis, for thair wes tyme and place grantit to all that wald appone thame thairto; and being sua thre several tymes . . . . . . . . . glorifiit God . . . . . being removit; and the haill brethering being . . . . . . . ony present, thair . . . . . . . . lay ony thing to the charge of ony of the . . . . . deaconis, thair was na thing opponit aganis thame, except aganis the . © * e a * tº i 100 REGISTER OF THE 1574. i persone of Robert Gurlaw eldar of the said kirk, and that for bying and carying of certane victuallis furth of this realme; . . . . . . being ressonit at lenth, and the said Robert being callit in and confessand that he had coft and cariit mair victuall nor wes in his lycence, and sup- ponit to haue had ane oursycht thair . . . . . ressoune he wes merch- and to the rest: The haill Assemblie findis that he hes gevin just occa- sioun of sclander, being ane eldar of the kirk of God, and transgressand the lawis in transporting mair victuallis nor wes contenit in his said lycence, and thairfoir ordanit him to remove the sclander; and it being ressonit gif . . . . . how this sclander suld be removit, and the forme of his repentance suld be modefiit heir or be the particular kirk, it wes concludit, that the samin suld be modefiit be the said particular kirk, and wes referrit thairto, &c. James Nesbett and the kirk.-The said day it wes in lik maner menit be sum brethir, that James Nesbeth had in lik maner sclanderit the kirk, and that for allegit transporting of victuall furth of this realme; and being inquirit thairof, denyit the samin, and confessit that he culd be namenis obtene lycence of my lord regente, &c. MAIL 13.—Mr Thomas Maccalyene and the kirk.-The said day compeirit Maisteris Johnne Spottiswod superintendent of Laudiane, and Dauid Lyndisay minister in Leyth, and Johne Brand minister of Halyrudhous, as Commissionaris send from the generall kirk of this realme, and offerit thame reddie to adjoyne with the Ministeris, eldaris and deaconis of Edinburgh, for taking of tryall and cognesioun of Sclander committit be Mr Thomas Maccallyane of Cleiftounhill, and ane of the senatouris of our soverane lordis college of justice, quhidder that the said Mr Thomas suld be instantlie ressavit to the participatioun of the holy table at this present or nocht, &c.; Quhairupoun the saidis Commissionaris disyrit ansuer. To quhome it wes ansuerit that thair : minister Mr James Lousoun wes absent, togidder with ane greit parte * & tº 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 101 of the eldaris and deaconis, in respect quhairof the kirk present conti- newit thair ansuer quhill this day aucht dayis, &c. - Robert Gourlay and the kirk.-The haill kirk hes concludit that Ro- bert Gurlaw eldar, sall satisfie and purge the sclander committit be him publictlie as salbe injonit be the said kirk; that is, that he sall compeir the morne in the mariage place, thair to confess publictlie his offence and Sclander of careing away of victuall furth of this realme, confessit be him in the presens of the generall kirk, cled in his awin gowne; and the samin being performit and fulfillit as said is, the said gowne to be ressa- vit fra him, and gevin to ane of the puir at the discretioun of the said kirk: Quhilk ordinance being red to him in his presens, he obstematlie refusit to resave the samin : In respect quhairof, the kirk suspendit him fra all functioun of his office quhill this day aucht dayis, and from parti- cipatioun of the lordis table in the mene tyme, &c. MAII 16.—The said day compeirit Robert Gurlaw eldar in the kirk of Edinburgh, and thair in presens of the Minister, eldaris and deaconis, submittit him to the jugement of the kirk for the sclander committit be him, for transporting of certane quheit furth of this realme without ly- cence or congye, to his awne vtillitie and proffeit, and for the dissobe- dience committit be him in nonfulfilling the ordinance appoyntit to him, &c. MAII 20.—The said day, anent the mater of Robert Gurlayis repent- ance, and removing of the sclander gevin be him for taking away of mair quheit nor wes contenit in his congye, the modificatioun thairof being remittit be the generall kirk to the particular assemblie of the Ministeris, eldaris and deaconis; thai all in ane voce, with the said Robertis awin submissioun, ordanis him to fulfill the ordinance maid this day aucht dayis; viz. to compeir the morne in the mariage place eftir sermond, and thair confess his falt, and ask God and the kirk forgyvenance, dispens- and that he may compeir in clok or gowne as he sall think guid. And 102 - REGISTER OF THE - 1574. as tueching his disobedience maid this day aucht dayis, ordanis him pre- sentlie to ask forgyvenance of the kirk; quhilk he did, and submittit himself willinglie to this ordinance, &c. Dawid Dennelstown and the Kirk.—The said day compeirit Davi Dennynstoun, and being inquirit gif he had transportit, or git wes myndit to transport ony quheit furth of this realme at this present, declarit that as he sall ansuer to God, the kirk wes wranguslie and sinesterlye in- formit of him, nor he wes neuir myndit to transport ony, &c. Thomas Glasfurd and utheris reconsilit.—Anent the complentis gevin in befoir the Ministeris, eldaris and deaconis, being be Thomas Glasfurd suddart, Johnne Stewart, and Robert Moffet, and Hanis Myllar, sumtyme ordinaris within the castell of Edinburgh, bering that in the lait trublis rasit be the inymes, not only aganis our Maister and Salueour Christ, bot als aganis our Souerane Lord his guid and obedient subjectis, as in cuming in opin and plane battell to scheid the bluid of thair derest brethering, and als sen the gevin up of the abstinence and declaratioun of the publict weiris, . . . . of new agane betuixt the said toun and castell, thai enterit within the said castell, and contenewalie remanit quhill God of his justice randerit the samin; during the quhilk tyme thai tuik plane parte with the declarit tratouris being thairin for the tyme, assistit to all thair maist weikit factis and interpryssis, as weill in the demolising and casting downe of the biggynis and housis of the said burgh, as rasing of fyir within the samin, and burnyng of ane greit parte of the samin, with schowting of greit and small pessis indefferentlie in the faces of all, without the feir of God or remorse of conscience, &c.: And thairfoir creving of God mercy, the conjunctioun agame with Chryst his faythfull ministeris, reconciliatioun with our said souerane lord, all excusis sett aparte, maist humblie submittit him self to the disciplene of the kirk, with promises to ressaue quhatsumeuir injunctioun the kirk plesit to lay to thame, of the quhilk the tenour followis: That is, that thai sall compeir upoun Sonday nixt to cum, at therynging of the secund 1974. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH 108 bell to the sermond, at the eister kirk duir, cleid in saik cleith, thair to stand quhill the confessioun be endit; and thair eftir be broucht in and placit in the publict place of repentance, thair to remane quhill the said sermond be endit; and thair eftir cariit to the said kirk duir, thair to stand quhill the haill pepill be departit out of the kirk; and to do the lik Wodinsday, Frayday and Sonday nixt thaireſtir, quhilk salbe the end of thair full satisfactioun, &c. MAI, 27–Mr Thomas Craig and the Kirk—Compeirit Mr Thomas Craig, and being dilatit to the kirk for fornicatioun allegeit committit be him with Margaret Symsoun, quha allegeit that scho buir to the said Mr Thomas ane barne, and the said Mr Thomas declairit upoun his conscience that scho nevir buir to him ane barne, &c. Jun. 3–The said day the kirk ordanis Johnne Young vryter to acknaw- lege his offence for his misbehauiour towart the Ministeris, eldaris and deaconis, and specialie towart J ohnne Dury minister, &c.; quhilk the said Johnne Young did, and cravit pardon of the haillkirk thair essembleit, &c. JUN. 17.—Kirkuod dischargit—It is reportit be the ordinar deacone of the quarter, that Stevin Kirkuod, ordinar puir admittit of befoir, merritis nocht the almus langer, and thairfoir dischargeis him thairof. JUL. 22–Johnstoun and Lambis supplicatioun aganis Adame Moscrop. —The said day, anent the complent gevin in be Johnne Johnstoun and Jonet Lambe aganeis Adam Moscrope, beiring, that thai being lauchfullie proclamit to haue solempnizat the holy band of matrimonie, the said Adam debarit thame thairof, for quhat caus thai knaw not, as at mair lenth is contenit in thair said supplicatioun ; and the saidis per- sonis compeirand personalie, the said Adam in thair presence declarit that the said Jonet wes mariit upone ane Johnne Kar xx geir syne or 104. REGISTER OF THE 1574. thairby, quha remanit togidder the space of ten geiris, and git he being of lyfe; quhilk the said Jonet confessit to be of veritie, and that scho had spokin with the said Johnne Karane geir syne and mair, and persewit him for deuorsement befoir the Commissaris of the beschope of Duryme, and culd obtene na end thairof: And the saidis Johnne and Jonet being inquirit gif thai had gevin the use of thair bodeis to utheris sene the tyme that thai war steyit of thair said pretendit mariage, thai bayth confessit the samin; for the quhilk thai war bayth instantlie remittit to the Magistrat, &c. Aug. 1–Thomas Acmoutie his spous and the kirk.-The said day Tho- mas Acmoutie his spous being delatit to the kirk for violating and breking of the ordinance of the said kirk maid, inhibiting conuoy and rayatus access of bankating the tyme of mariage, &c.; and the said Thomas compeirand for him self and his said spous, and eftir long ressonyng had thairof, with tryall takin thairintill, hes fund the said act to be trans- gressit and violatit be the said Thomas and his spous, specialie in superflowis bankatting, with conventioun of freindis maid vpone the Monenday at ewin nixt eftir the solempnization of thair said mariage, as the bailleis and eldaris than vesatouris presentlie declarit; and thairfoir the kirk suspendis the said Thomas, his said spous and thair seid, from all parti- cipatioun of the sacramentis unto sic tyme that thai publictlie satisfie the said kirk, be making of thair publict repentance as violatouris and trans- gressouris of the ordinance foirsaid; and as to the rest of the breking of the said ordinance, tueching the penaltye to be uptakin upoun the Souertie, the kirk remittis the samin to the discretioun of the Magistratt, &c. as thai will answer to God. - . . Aug. 19–Jonet Cadie and the Kirk—The said day, Jonet Cadye seruand to Alexander Bruce, being delatit to the kirk for disagysing of hirin welvotbreikis, and dansing in menis clething, &c. quha compeirand, 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 105 denyit the samyn, thairfoir ordanis hir to be heir present this daye aucht dayis, to heir probatioun led. - - Sept. 2—Institutioun of the Publict Fast—The said day, the Minis- teris, eldaris and deaconis, as thai war wachemen ouir the flok committit to thair chargeis, and foirseing the greit appeirand scurges and immanent plageis of God hinging aboufe the heidis of this meserable colmoune walth amangis the rest, thai haue aspyit and foirseine the greit plage of fameng and hunger throw this vnmeserable intemperance of the air and woddar, quhilk I say threittinnis the said plag of famyne that com- mounelie followis ryatus exceis of bankatting, quhilk na wayis can be forbyddin nor inhibitit, athir be preuat or publict admonitionis, with the greit contempt of the puir, quhairwith this haill realme is replenisit; (alace) for awoyding of the quhilk, the saidis Ministeris, eldaris and deaconishes thocht guid and necessar to institute ane Publict Fast and Humiliation, with ane ernist prayar adjunit thairto, within this burgh for the space of aucht day.is nixt to cum, quhilk salbegyne vpone setterday the ferd day of this instant at aucht houris at ewin, and sua to continew quhill sonday come aucht dayis at sex houris at nycht, according to the ordour of all publict Fastis obseruit in tymes bypast, Requiring the haill faythfull of this burgh to observe the samyn in all poyntis as thai tender the mercies of God; and sicklik requeist the Magistrattis, in the name of the eternall God, that thai be deligent and cairfull that the said Fast and humiliatioun be obseruit and kepit, and that the buithis, als well of craft- men as of merchandis, be stekit upe the tymes of sermondis during the said tyme ; the hour of the sermond befoir nowne be of the accustumit manner; the eftir nowne sermond to begyne at foure houris, And ordanis the minister to signifie the said Fast the morne publictlie to the haill kirk, &c. SEPT. 9.—Ordinance for sic personis that retenis Fornicatouris within thair howssis-The said day, . . ing and understanding the fylthe vice - O 106 REGISTER OF THE 1574. of formicatioun and adultery daylie mair and mair to incress within this burgh, and that be ressawing of sic personis in Seruice within our houssis, quhilk is ane parte of the caus that the angerie face and ferch wrayth of God is mowit all reddie to plage ws; for auoyding of the quhilk plage, and that the said vice be punisit to the regeour according to the act of parliament, hes thocht guid to admoneis and warne the haill faythfull brethir, maister and maistressis of houssis, that thai cum to the eldaris and deaconis and gif vp the namis of all fornicatouris, alsweill men and we- men, remanyng with thame in seruice, betuix this and this day aucht days; Certefeing the saidis maisteris and maistressis, gif thai failge heirin, and ony sic fornicatouris be fund remaining with thame thaireſtir, thai and thair seid salbe debarit from all participatioun of the sacramentis of the said kirk ay and quhill thai satisfie the samin publictlie as wiola- touris and transgressouris of the ordinance of the kirk foirsaid. Oct. 14.—The Tolbuith erected in ame kirk.—The said day the kirk persawing the greit zeill and ermistnes the inhabitantis of this burgh beiris to the preiching of Godis wird, ane greit parte of people resortand thairto upone the sondayis . . . may not guidlie heir, thairfoir hes thocht guid that fra this day furth thair salbe preching upone the said sondayis in the Tolbuith alsweill eftirnone as befoir nowne, and ordanis thair Minister to signifie the samin the morne to the haill peopill, ernistlie re- quiring samony of thane as may not guidlie heir in the Mekill kirk, that thai fraquent to the place of the said Tolbuith for heiring thairof in tyme cuming, &c. - Oct. 22.—The said day, Marioun Robertsoun being delatit to the kirk for lemmyng of money, and ressawing of ouklie proffect thairfoir, being warnit and compeirand, and being inquirit gif scho had ressauit ane gowne, ane pot, with ane chandillare, fra Margerat Aitkine in plege of thrye lib, confessit the samyn: And being inquirit quhat proffect scho 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 107 suld haue thairfoir, denyit to ressaue ony proffect; and being inquirit how lang the saidis guidis had lyand with hir in plege, confessitfyveoulkis or thairby; and thaireftir being inquirit in presens of the said Margerat gif the said Marioun had not ressauit fra the said Jonet, confessit that scho had ressauit vid ouklie for euerie pund of the saidis iij lib. of prof- feit; for the quhilk, the kirk presentlie remittit hir to the Magistratt to be punisit according to the lawis, &c. OCT. 27.—The dewysioun of the Eldaris and Deaconis in foure quarteris Eldaris for the south west. Andro Sclater. Henry Neisbayt. Nycoll Wildart. Eldaris for the southeist. Johnne Johnsoun. Adam Foullartoun. Johnne Adamsoun Deaconis of the southwest. Johnne Fairlie. Nycoll Syme. Eduart Mauchane. Alex. Oustiane. Deaconis of the southeist. James Mathysoun James Craig Johnne Robysoun Johnne Herwy. Eldaris for northwest. Johnne Arnot. Mr. Alex. Mauchane. George Gibsoun. Eldaris for northeist. Mr James Macgill. Alex. Hey. David Kinlocht. Deaconis for the northwest. Gilbart Prymrois Robert Galbreyth Mathow Jamesoun Johnne Mane. Deaconis for the northeist. Mark Kar Alex. Barclay. James Merchall. James Hadnye. 108 REGISTER OF THE 1574. Nov. 4.—Johnne Browne and utheris reconsilit—The said day, com- peirit Johnne Brown, Williame Thomsoun, and gaif in thair supplicationis befoir the Ministeris, eldaris and deaconis, beiring, that thai remanit within this toun the tyme of the lait trublis raisit be the inymes, not only aganis our Maister and Saueour Christ, bot als agamis our Souerane Lord his guid and obedient subiectis, &c. for the quhilk thai haue of befoir submittit thane selfis to the disciplene of the kirk, with promes to ressaue the injunctionis thairof; of the quhilk the tennor fol- lowis, viz. that thai sall compeir the morne at the reingyne of the secund bell at the eister kirk duire, cleid in black gownis, bair hedit, thair to stand quhill the minister be enterit in powpeit, and than to be brocht in agane to the pillar of repentance, thair to sit quhill the sermond be endit, thaireftir gif confessioun of thair offence and sclander committit befoir the publict kirk; quhilk being done, salbe the end of thair full satisfactioun, &c. Mr Thomas Makcalyane and Johnne Durye minister.—The said day, the kirk hes fund eſtir long ressonyng and disputatioun, that Mr Thomas Maccalyene hes injurit thair minister, Johnne Durye, in calling him ane fantastic man, and that he wes ane euill speker, and that he wes na minister . . . him with sicklik injurious wordis, and thairfor the kirk ordanit the said Mr Thomas to departe out of thair sessioun, &c. For the ressawing of Fornicatouris in service.—Item, it is concludit be the kirk, that quhatsumeuir brother of the religioun, fra this tyme furth, that ressauis ony Fornicatouris in seruice that hes committit forni- catioun within this same burgh, that hes not satisfiit the kirk befoir the ressawing of thame in seruice, salbe debarit from participatioun of the Lordis table, and utheris sacramentis of Christis kirk, ay and quhill thai satisfie the kirk publictlie as violatouris of this ordinance, &c. Nov. 18.—Puiris departit.—It is reportit be the ordinar deaconis of the quarteris, that James Brown and Kathering Arnot ordinarie puiris admittit of befoir, ar departit. 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 109 Contribution to the Puir.—It is reported be Henry Neisbayt, that the counsall send for the haill deaconis of the craftis of this burgh, and propo- nit unto thame the ordour to be tane with the Puire, tueching euery manis contrabusion to be gevin to the saidis puiris ouklie, quhairby the samin puiris may be haldin of the gait and kepit in housis, sua that thai sall not be sene upone the gait; and hes ordanit the bailye of euery quarter, with the assistance of the Ministeris, eldar and deaconis of euery quarter, and to inquire of euery inhabitare quhat thai will bestow frelie upoun the saidis puris ouklie and to inroll euery manis name, with the sowme at thair taill quhat thai will gif ouklie, and to begyne this ordour upoun monen- day or tyisday nixt to cum. : - Ordinance to the Counsall.—The said day, the kirk ordanis Mr Alex- ander Mauchane and George Gibsoun, to pas the morne to the counsall, and confar with thame, tueching ordour and supplie to be tane with the puiris of Leyth, and to report thair ansuer upoun Thurisday nixt to cum. Mr Thomas M.akcalyane and the kirk.-The said day, anent the sup- plicatioun producit be Mr Thomas Mackcalyeane of Cliftounhall, ane of our senatoris of our Souerane Lordis Sessioun and college of justice, &c. gevin in this day befoir the Minister, elderis and deaconis of the kirk of Edinburgh, Mr Robert Pount and Mr Dauid Lyndsay commissioneris send be the generall assemblie, and adjunit with the said kirk of Edin- burgh for taking of tryall wbone the said Mr Thomas supplicatioun, gevin in befoir the Superintendentis, Ministeris and Commissioneris of the Generall Assemblie; of the quhilk supplicatioun the tennor followis, Wnto yow my lordis superintendentis, ministeris and vtheris of the generall as- semblie, menis your seruitor, Mr Thomas Makalyane of Cliftounhall, ane of the senatouris of oure souerane lordis college of justice . . . . . . . . vnknawin to your visdomes, that I haue not been admittit to the sacra- ment of the super of oure Lord thir tua last celebrationis thairof within this burgh of Edinburgh, notwithstanding my frequent supplicatiounis gevin in be me for my admitting thairto befoir the kirk of the samin. 110 REGISTER OF THE 1574. Quhair I estemit me to be inconsederatlie and injustlie handellit and postponit be the kirk to the greit dolour of my hart and greif of conscience, and suppois upoun my complent, gevin . . . . youre wisdomes at youre last conventioun,tueching this p . . . . youre lordshipis ordanit the supren- tendent of Loudiane, and ministeris [of Edinburgh, Leyth, and Canno- gait, to put ordour thairto as yit thair is nathing do . . . . effect to the samin, as thai heir present can declair. Heirfoir I humblie beseik youre lordshipis to tak sic ordour heiranent as I may be admittit be the said kirk of Edinburgh, or be the kirk of Leyth or Cannogait to the participa- tioun of the said sacrament at thair nixt celebratioun and ministratioun thairof; quhilk of thame that sall first celebrat the samin, and youre lordshipis guid ansuerrycht humblie I beseik. Followis the delyverance of the Generall Assemblye. At Edinburgh the xj day of August 1574.—The Generall Assemblie ordanis Mr Robert Pount, Dauid Lyndisay, and Johnne Brand, with the kirk of Edinburgh, to trye gif this complenar remanit within the toun aganis his will; and gif he remanit aganis his will, to metigait the act. Sic subscribitºr Johnne Rechye. Ordinance of the kirk of Edinburgh to the said Mr Thomas.-The said day, the kirk of Edinburgh, with auise of Maisteris Robert Pount and David Lyndisay being present, assignis Thurisday nixt to cum to Mr Thomas Makcalyeane to produce befoir thame sufficientlie and rele- vantlie qualifiit in vryte the maner how the said Mr Thomas wes com- pellit to remane within this toun, sua that tryall and probatioun may be had thairin as accordis, &c. : - Gloud Hamiltounis Testimoniall.—The said day compeirit Gloud Hamiltoun of Cochno, and producit ane testemoniall, quhair the said Gloud had compeirit in the presens of God and his congregatioun, &c. subscriuit with the hand of Johnne Andersoun minister at Kilpatrik, of the dait the xiiij day of November 1574; of the quhilk the tenor followis: Till all and Sundrie quhome it efferis, to quhais knaw.lege, 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. II 1 and in speciall the kirk of Edinburgh, that Glaud Hamiltoun of Cochno presentit him self in the presens of God and the congregatioun the tyme of preching, and thair confessit that he had offendit God contrair our soue- rane lordis auctoritie and taking parte with the same ; for the quhilk, he asking mercy in the presens of the haill parochinaris thairof present for the tyme, and forder obleist him with uphalding of his hand, that he suld be ane trew sugget to the Kingis Majestie of Scotland in all tymes cuming, and als to obey the ordour of the kirk now establischit in this realme, according to the euangell of Jesus Christ. DEc. 7–The Institutioun of ane generall Fast within the burgh of Edinburgh.—Item, the kirk hes thocht guid, foirseand the greit appeirand plage and scurge of Pest, hingand universalie upoun the haill realme, and that the only ordinarie menis appoyntit be God within his holy wird quhairby the said appeirand scurg may be removit, is ane publict humi- liatioun and fasting befoir God; the kirk thairfoir hes thocht guid, with the celebratioun of the holy table, ane publict fast and humiliatioun for the space of aucht dayis, togidder with ane ernist inuocatioun and prayar for the assistance of Godis holy spreit that our synnis may be pardonit, quhairby the said appeirand scurge may be removit, and Godis vrayth pasifiit; the said publict Fast to begynne vpoun setterday nixt to cum, at aucht houris at ewin, and sua to continew quhill Sonday at sex houris at ewin, thair foud only to be breid and drink with all kind of sobrietie; the sermond to begyne vpoun setterday at thrie houris eftirnowne, and sua to continew. The kirkernestlierequeist the brethering and haill communi- cantisthat thisordour be kepitandobseruit,andsiclik to requeist the brether- ing, that in the aucht dayis following all modestie and sobreitie be usit, &c. DEC. 9–Support send to the brether of Leyth.-The said day, the kirk hes thocht guid to support the puir brether of Leyth in this thair truble and necessitie, with the sowme of xx lib., quhilk wes takin out of 112 REGISTER OF THE 1574. the box of the puir, and instantlie delyuerit to Mr David Lyndsay thair Minister. DEC, 16–Issobell Clark usurare and the kirk.-The said day, Issobell Clark being delatit to the kirk as ane usurar and lenner of money for proffeit, being warnit to this day and compeirand; and being inquirit gif scho usis to lene ony money, declarit that scho lenis name; and being inquirit gif scho usis to ressave ony proffeit for lennyng of money, declaris that scho usis to ressaue name; and being inquirit gif scho had lent ony money to Robert Fargusoun, confessit that scho had lent him xx 5; and being inquirit quhat proffeit scho suld haue oulklie thairfoir, confessis that scho suld haueijãoulklie thairfoir, &c. DEc. 30–The said day, Dauid Kauerisis content to imbres the religioun that now is professit within this realme, and to renunce the Mes, the Paip, and all papistrie, and is content to submit himselff to the disciplene of the kirk, and to be participant of the sacramentis therof in all tyme cuming. JAN, 6–Complaint against Walter Thomsoun and his Anauer— Anent the complant maid be Johnne Dury minister to the sessioun of the kirk of Edinburgh upoun Walter Thomsoun messenger, beiring that the said Walter laitlie spokin and fawin in ressonyng and questioun with Johnne Seytoun lytster, aftermit that the prayar for the deid is necessar; and for affirmatioun of his ressonyng allegeit that Judasmakabious had send to Juresulem certane sikkillis of siluer to pray for the deid, quhilk wes contenit in the bybill; to the quhilk it wes ansuerit be the said Johnne Seytoun, that the buik of the Makabeis wes apographa, and sua wes not in the canon of the Ebrewis, and it wes not the ditment of the spreit of God, and sua na cradeit aucht to be gevin thairto. The said Walter being warnit and compeirand, and being inquirit gif he had pro- ponit that questioun to the said Johnne or not, declarit, that he proponit 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 113 the samyn indeid, bot he wauld not beleif that the prayar for the deid is necessar, mather yit wald he efferme ony Purgatorie to be, and wauld be content to satisfie the said Johnne for his offence, &c. Ordinance to Edward Hendersown.—The said day, the kirk ordanis Edward Hendersoun and his soune, to sing the salmis on the preching dayis in sic touris as ar maist colmoun for the kirk. JAN. 13.—Item, that the saidis baillies (Johne Arnot and Nycoll Uddart) confar the morne with the counsall to prouid remeid for sic as contractis mariage by the consent of thair paranthis, and als to requeist the remanent bailleis and counsall to put ordour to sic commone drinking and dansing housis fra aucht or nyne houris at ewin past. JAN. 20.—Ordinance with ane requeist to the Counsall.—The kirk ordanis Johnne Adamsoun, George Gibsoun and Johnne Johnestoun to pas the morne to the counsall and ermistlie requeist thame to follow out the ordour begoune for the Puire; and als to tak ordour with drinking and dansing housis fra aucht or nyne houris at ewin bak; and sicklik to maist ernistlie requeist that thai on nawayis dispence with the aucht act of Parliament maid anent the punisment of Fornicatouris, and sicklik to put ordoure and punisment with oppin and manefest adulthereris, &c. and to report thair ansuer agane this day aucht dayis. FEB. 3–Ordinance for the Wemen that remanit within the Castell.— The said day, eftir lang ressonyng, with votting past thairin, nocht only of the kirk present, bot als of the kirk preceding the last kirk hes ordanit the wenen that remanit within the castell induring the lait trublis and seage thairof, sall satisfie the kirk according to the injunctionis maid, &c. FEB. 10.-Neill Layng and the kirk.-The said day, Neill Laing being delatit to the kirk for violating and breking of the ordinance of the kirk, P 114 - REGISTER OF THE 1574. for the causing of the making of the pompious convoy and supperflouis banketting to Margerat Denelstoun the day of hir mariage, &c. The said Neill compeirand, denyis that thair wes ony supperflouis banketting maid be him, and confessis the said pompyus convoy, and sua the said ordinance to be brokin in that part, &c. FEB. 24.—Mr Robert Hamiltown producit his commissiown.—The said day compeirit Mr Robert Hamiltoun minister, for himself and as com- missioner of his kirk, and producit his said commission, &c. to compeir befoir Maisteris Johne Spottiswod superintendent of Louthyane, Mr Robert Pont provest of the Quenis College, deput be the Generall Assem- blie, &c.; and thaireftir the said Mr Robert desyrit to sie the commis- sioun, quhilk being delyverit to him, allegeit the precept wes generall in that part beiring to ansuer super inquirendis, and thairfoir desyrit the heidis quhilkis thai wald inquire of him to be pendit, thaireftir dely verit to him to gif ansuer thairto; of the quhilk heidis the tennour followis, &c.— The articlis quhairupown the Minister of Sanctandrois wes evamenit.—Item imprimis, To inquir Mr Robert Hamiltoun minister of Sanctandrois, quhairfoir the act of the Generall Assemblie wes nocht keipit anent the Fasting. ITEM, To inquir quhat is the caus that at that tyme Robin Huidis playis wes sufferit to be playit, and thairthrow prophanand the Fasting. To inquir gif ane clark play wes playit at the tyme of the preching at the mariage of Thomas Balfouris dochteris. r ITEM, To inquir him upoun the publict schutting at the Papingo the tyme of the said fast, himself beand ane. ITEM, To inquir him of the want of the exerceis. ITEM, To inquir him upoun the want of the preching oulklie on the Fryday, and on Sonday eftir nowne oft tymeis. QUHILKIs heidis being delyverit to him, the said Mr Robert producit his ansuer thairto; of the quhilk the temnour followis:— 1574. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. I 15 The productiown of the Ministeris answeris to the articles.—In pri- mis, concernyng the keping of the fast; albeit the day preceislie wes nocht observit, and that in respect we knaw nocht sic ane universall ordour to have bene taine, yit it wes observit, and concludit with the Ministratioun of the supper of the Lord, according to the Ordoure observit hidderto in our kirk, with all possible haist as sone as we wes certifeit of the samin act: As to the secund, concernyng the suffering of Robine Huidis playis, certane servandis and young chil- dering plaid thame certane dayis . . . . . alwayis the kirk bayth pre- vatlie in thair assemblie, and I publictlie in tyme of preching dis- chargeit the samin as it is notoriouslie knawin, and desyrit the magis- trattis to tak ordour thairwith : Thrid, ane clark play wes plaid be the scollouris of the Grammer scull, bot nocht at the tyme of preach- ing, and yit for causis moving ws we dischargeit the Maisteris to play the samin: Fourt, as tuiching the schuting of the Papingo the tyme of public fasting, or yit upoun ame Sonday as sum speikis, I knaw not; alwayis trew it is, upoun ane Monenday eftirnowne the Papingo being appoyntit be Johne Walker bowar, syndery boyith of the citie and gentillmen upaland schot at the samin : Fyft, as for the want of the exerceis, &c, the caus is to be imputt as wilbe cleirlie provin to the Ministeris, &c. : Sext, concernyng the caus of wanting of preaching, &c. it is to be laid upoun the Bischope and thame that had the charge, quha beand burdenit be the Generall Assemblie, to have providit sic concur- rance in the Ministrie of Sanctandrois, as maister Guidman and sic uther had in thair tyme did not performe the samyn ; and as for my awin part hitherto, I have travellit according to my promes as habilitie of body servit; sic subscribitur Mr Robert Hamiltoun. MAR. 3–The alteratioun of the houre of prayar.—The said day the kirk ordanis thair minister to signifie to the kirk upoun Sonday nixt to cum, that the hour of prayar is alterit; the said prayar to begyne at 116 REGISTER OF THE 1575. sevin houris in the mornyng, and fyve houris at ewin, and swa to continew quhill farder ordour. MAR. 31. 1575–Neill Laingis delatioun to the kirk.-The said day, it is reportit and declarit to the brether of the sessioun, that Neill Laing the day of the mariage of Patrik Turnour and Margerat Deneldstoun had all togidder violatit and transgressit the act and ordinance of the kirk maid anent Mariage, inhebeting and forbydding nocht only supperflouis and ryatus bancatting, bot als the pompius convoy of the bryd growme and brid, and thairthrow the said act to be violatit and brokin to the greit sclander of the kirk, quhilk as yit is unremovit; and forder, it is declarit that the day foirsaid the said Sir Neill said and declarit thir wordis following in grit disdane and disspyt, that he rather wald be of the devillis kirk nor be of the kirk of this burgh, and that he sould neuir be ane member thairof, and wald nocht knaw the samin as the kirk, and that the elderis and deaconis wer bot fallowis, with sic uther maist oppro- brius and disspytfull wordis sounding to the lik purpois and effect &c. to the greit sclander of the kirk, &c. APR. 7.—Neill Layngis purgatiown.—The said day, Neill Layng being warnit to this day to ansuer super inquirendis and compeirand, and being inquirit quhy he had transgressit the act and ordinance of the kirk maid anent Mariage, inhebiting not only of the pompuis convoy of the bryd and bryd growme, viz. Patrik Turnour and Margerat Denelstoun the day of thair mariage, &c. the said Sir Neill ansuerit that he had gevin his declaratioun thairupoun of befoir; and forder, being inquirit gif he the day of thair said mariage, declarit and said thir wordis following, that he rather would be of the deuillis kirk nor of the kirk of this burgh, and that he sould neuir be ane member thairof, nor knaw the samin as the trew kirk, and that the elderis and deaconis thairof wer botfallowis, with sic uther maist opprobrius and disspyt wordis, &c. The said Sir Neill 1575. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 117 denyis the report maid to the said kirk, &c. The kirk contenewis the said caus to forder tryall. The France kirk.-The said day, the kirk ordanis thair minister Mr James Lousoun, to pas the morne to the counsall, and lament the me- serable estait of the France kirk, being at Lundoun, and to report thair ansuer agame this day aucht dayis. APR. 21.—Mr Thomas Maccalyeanis submissioun to the kirk.—The said day compeirit Mr Thomas Maccalyeane of Cliftounhall, and gave in his supplicatioun befoir the Minister, eldaris and deaconis &c. that upoun the ten day of Merche last by past, the Generall Assemblie having consid- derit his humill supplicatioun presentit vnto thame, hes ordanit the kirk of Edinburgh to admitt him to the nixt communioun and participatioun of the sacrament, &c. to be celebratit within this towne, he appeirand befoir the pulpitt in his awin goune, and makand repentance for his offence in the face of the Congregatioun, and thairefter gevin the puir that samin gowne or ellis the pryce thairof, and to fulfil the remanent poyntis of the said ordinance as at mair lenth is contenit in his said supplicatioun and ordinance producit heirwith ; of the quhilk the tennor followis, The aucht sessioun the tent day of Merch ane thousand v hundereth lxxiiijyeirs Anent the supplicatioun gevin into the generall assemblie of the kirk be Maister Thomas Maccalyeane of Cliftounhall, ane of the nomber of oure souerane Lordis College of Justice, Makand mentioun, That quhair upoun his last supplicatioun presentit in thair last generall assemblie, tuecheing his non admissioun to the haly sacrament of the supper of the Lord; &c. Thai be thair act and deliuerance ordanit the Prouest of the Trenitie College, the Ministeris of Leyth and Cannogait, with the kirk of Edin- burgh, to tak tryall gif his remanyng in Edinburgh certaine tyme of the lait trublis wes be compulsioun, &c.; and gif sua Wes fundin, to metigat thair act, &c. for taking of the quhilk tryell, he hes insistit oftymis; And thai convenyng togidder, hes put na end thairto, bot for sum guid 118 REGISTER OF THE 1575. considderatioun as he supponis moving thame, hes remittit the caus unto thair wisdomes, Quhairfoir maist humilie beseikis thame sen the said re- manyng within this towne is noterlie knawin till haue bene be compul- sioun, just feir and dreddour, &c. that thaiwald taksic ordour as he mycht be admittit at the nixt communioun to the haly sacrament foirsaid to be celebrat in the towne without ony postponing of him thairfra in tyme cuming as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun ; the said Mr Thomas being personalie present, and the Commissionaris appoyntit in the last assemblie for takin tryall gif the said Mr Thomas remanit within the toun of Edinburgh vpoun the just feir and dredour quhilk mycht fall in ane constant man, Compeirand be Mr James Lousoun minister of Edinburgh, quha producit the proces led and deducit befoir thame in the said mater; quhilk being red and considderit in oppin assemblie, and the said Mr James, in name of the kirk of Edinburgh, being requirit quhy the said kirk admittit nocht the said Mr Thomas to the communioun, Ansuerit for tua causis, first becaus the kirk of Edinburgh ressauis name that remanit in the tyme of rebellioun within the toun without first com- peirance befoir thame, and submissioun of thame to the kirk; and secundlie, that he wes ane elder, and buir office within the said toun; The gene- rall assemblie of the kirk notwithstanding, having considderit the qualifi- catioun of the said Mr Thomas iust feir, &c. remanyng within the said toun votit and concludit the said Mr Thomas ayth to be tane, gif vpoun the said iust feir he remanit within the said towne, and buir office as said is; quha being in callit, and entering in the said assemblie, declarit on his conscience that he remanit as said is within the said toun, and buir office thair of ane maist iust feir and dredour, quhilk mycht fall in ane maist constant; The generall assemble of the kirk taking consideratioun of the said Mr Thomas declaratioun as said is, Ordanis the kirk of Edinburgh to admit the said Mr Thomas to the nixt communioun and participatioun of the haly sacrament to be celebratt within this toun; The said Mr Thomas appeirand befoir the pulpet of Edinburgh in his awin gowne, 1575. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 119 and making repentance for his said offence in the face of the congrega- tioun, and thaireſter gevand the puir the gowne, quhairin he makis the said satisfactioun or ellis the pryce thairof. Eatract furth of the register of the actis of the general assemblie of the kirk be me Mr James Rechy clark thairof Sic subscribitur Mr. James Rechy: THE Kirk of Edin- burgh, efter long ressonyng and voting in the said mater, ordanis the said Mr Thomas to be ressauit according to the act foirsaid, and that he compeir vpoun ane sonday befoir the celebratioun of the holy Communioun under the pillar of repentance, directlie befoir the pulpit in his awin gowne, thair to gif publict confessioun of his offence; quhilk being done, the said Mr Thomas to delyuer his gowne quhairin he appeiris, or than the pryce thairof to the puir, and conforme to the ordinance of the said generall kirk, &c. APR. 28.—Mr Thomas Maccalyeanis submissioun to the kirk.—The said day compeirit Maister Thomas Maccalyeane, and submittit himself to the jugement of the kirk, for the injurie done be him to the Minister Johnne Dury, &c. Mr Thomas satisfactioun of the kirk and Minister.—The said day Mr Thomas Maccalyeane hes satisfiit the said Minister and the kirk for the injurie foirsaid, be crawing of pardone and forgifnes at the said Minister and haill kirk, and sua hes satisfiit and reconsilit. MAIL 12.—Jonet Akinheid and the kirk.-The said day compeirit Jonet Aikinheid, dochter to umquhill Johnne Akinheid, beiring that scho being ane barne of the age of x yeiris or thairby, scho enterit to schew with Margerat Betoun the spous of Glaud Hammiltoun within the castell, and entering thairin could nocht gait furth agane, &c.; the kirk in respect of hir tender age, admittis hir to the table of the Lord with- out ony satisfactioun, notwithstanding hir said remanyng within the castell, &c. 120 REGISTER OF THE 1575. Man 19—Anent Vagaboundis and Idill persounis–The said day, the kirk ordanis Adam Fullartoun and Johnne Adamsoun to pas the morne to the counsall, and ernistlie requeist thame, that all wagabondis and idill personis that hes nocht quhairupoun to sustene thane selfis, be baneist, and als to requeist the said counsall, that ame generall taxatioun be raisit incontinent for the sustentatioun of the Puir, accordyng to the lait ordour takin. MAII 26.—Ordinancis to the Counsall.—The said day the kirk ordanis Johne Johnistoun, Alexander Hey . . . . . . . Gibsoun to pas the morne to the counsall and confar with thame tueching the designatioun of the Ministeris lugene, and to inquir in quhais handis the samin is in ; to the effect that ane copy of the said designatioun may remane with the kirk, and be registrat in thair buikis ad futuram rei memoriam, &c. Item, to confar with the Counsall tueching the ordour to be tane for the Puir, seing the tyme sua schortlie approchis. : ITEM, to confar with the said counsall tuecheing the supplie to be maid to the Franche kirk, being at Lundoun, and to report thair ansueris this day aucht dayis. * THE GENERAL Assem BLIE of the kirk of Edinburgh, haldin in the Tolbuith thairof the vij day of June 1575, at tua houris efter nowne. The said day, eftir invocatioun of the name of God and prayar endit, the Ministeris Mr James Lousoun, Johnne Durye, Mr Walter Maccan- queill and Johne Carnis, being removit out of the assemblie of the said kirk, according to the ordour obseruit in tymes past, it wes publictlie re- quirit gif thair wes ony brother or uther persoun thair present that wald lay ony thing to the chargeis of ony of the saidis Ministeris, ather in thair dochtering, lyfis or conversatiounis, lat thame now mak declaratioun thairof, for thair westyme and place grantit to thame to do the samin; and being inquirit at Syndery tymes, name maid ansuer thairto; and thair- 1575. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 121 foir the kirk glorifeis God in thair names, desyring God also to assist thame with his holy spreit for thair contenewance unto thair lyfis end; And siclik the elderis and deaconis being removit, and requirit as is abone writtin, na thing wes layit to the chargeis of ony of the elderis and dea- conis, and thairfoir the kirk glorifeit God. JUN. 9.—Mr Thomas Makcalyeanis appalatioun fra the kirk of Edin- burgh.-The said day compeirit Mr Henry Makcalyeane in name and behalf of Mr Thomas Maccalyeane of Cliftounhall, and intimed ane ap- palatioun interponit be the said Mr Thomas fra ane ordinance maid be the kirk of Edinburgh of the dait the xxj day of Apryle last by past to the generall kirk, allegeand him maist inormelie hurte thairby as at mair lenth is contenit in the said pretendit appalatioun ; of the quhilk the tennor followis: AT EDINBURGH the xxv day of May I" V. lxxv yeiris, the quhilk day in presens of me, noter publict and witnes under writtin personalie constitutit ane honorabill man, Mr Thomas Mac- calyeane of Cliftounhall, ane of the Senatouris of Justice, exponit and declarit that he wes ane of the professouris of the trew religioun now precheit, and with the first of the congregatioun of the kirk of Edin- burgh had communicatit, lik as he wes of mynd to have communicatit’ at all and syndrie celebratiounis of the table and supper of oure Lord; and to that effect had humblie suittit at the said kirk to haue bene ad- mittit to the said celebratioun ; Nochttheles he on Lawyis culd nor can gaitt admissioun thairto unles he wald accept to haue maid publict repent- ance in the sackleyth, and in sic schamfull manner as wes vsit to master- full murtheraris and raiseris of fyir; Quhairfoir he menit him to the gen- erall assemblie at sundrie tymes, quha upoun his supplicatioun constitut venerabill men thair commissioneris to sit with the kirk of Edinburgh, and tak ordour thairanent, and triall of all; quhen thaie could nocht aggrie togidder, remissioun wes maid of his supplicatioun to the said generall assemblie, quha in thair last sessioun hadin the tent day of Merche last, Q. 122 REGISTER OF THE 1575. wes takin cognitioun vpoun his said supplicatioun gevin in ament the pre- missis. The said Mr Thomas compeirand personalie on that ane parte, and Mr James Lousoun commissioner for the said kirk on that uther parte, efter long ressonyng, and being auisit with the qualificatioun of the caussis, quhairby his remanyng in Edinburgh during ane certane space of the tyme of the lait trublis, wes be just feir and dreddour that mycht fall in ane constant man ; quhilk ayth and declaratioun he maid, and the samin beand tane, thai ordanit the kirk of Edinburgh to admit the said Mr Thomas to the Communioun and holy sacrament that sould be first celebrat within this toun, he compeirand befoir the pulpit of Edinburgh in his awin cleythis, and makand repentance for his offen- sis as at mair lenth is contenit in thair act and ordinance maid thairupoun upoun the foirsaid x day of Merche; and albeit that he had according thairto schortlie thairefter presentit his supplicatioun to the kirk of Edin- burgh, desyrand thair ordinance to be gevin him for his admissioun, offerand him to mak his repentance according to the said act of the gene- rall kirk assemblie befoir the pillar nixt derect foranent the said pulpitt: Nochttheles efter long delayis maid in gevin of thair ansuer, thai haue ordanit that he suld mak repentance vnder the pillar of repentance upoun ane sonday, by and attour the tennour of the said act of the said gene. rall assemblie, expres wordis and intentioun thairof, the giffaris of the samin, as may be considderit be act of the said generall kirk, and act of the said perticular kirk gevin the xxj day of Apryle last ues; of the quhilk act and ansuer gevin, the said Mr Thomas gat na knaw.lege nor could get na act gevin furth to him quhill he compleine for having furth of the samin, quhilk wes not gevin him quhill the xix day of Maijin- stant as he maid fayth, and as he will ansuer befoir God. And that the knawledge of the samin in the maner as it contenis, come allanerlie to his knaw.lege be the inspectatioun of the said act within thir ten last dayis last by past, he ay belevand that it had bene maid conforme in all thingis to the act of the said generall assemblie, and that the said perticular kirk 1575. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 193 wald haue putt na heviar burding nor greterschame to him, quha is thair mychtbour, than the generall assemblie, being straingeris, and quha wer men of greit knawlege and discretioun, and knew how sic as we salbe handillit alsueill as thai or better: Quhairthrow he estemis him self throw the said ordinance of the foirsaid perticular kirk, and speciallie be the secund or letter parte thairof, quhairby thai derect him to the pillar of repentance to be greuoslie and enormelie hurt and euill done to, and injustlie in dyuers respectis, and namelie be ressoun that his said remanyng in Edinburgh and beiring of quhatsumeuir office thairintill wes motourlie knawin to haue bene be just feir and dreddour that may fall in ane con- stant man ; lik as the declaratioun thairof of aboundance being gevin to his ayth, he declarit as is abone writtin, and thairfoir be ony regour he sould have . . . . bene chargeit to mak ony publict repentance at the least at the said pillar of repentance. Qu . . . . . . . . he had betuix him . . . . . . . . . . the said generall assemblie hes weill considderit tº e º º º is 4 º' tº e thairfoir the said Mr Thomas be all maner of actioun, ressone, law or equitie, that he may appe . . . and reclaime fra the said ordinance of the perticular kirk of Edinburgh thair said act and ordi- nance thairto, and all that may follow thairupoun, and fra thair jurisdic- tioun vnto the generall assemblie thair jurisdictioun, protectioun and defence, submittand him thairto in maist humill maner for remeid to be had anent the premissis for the causis foirsaidis and utheris to be proponit, his supplicatioun and libell to be maid thairvpoun ; Upoun the quhilkis appellatioun and reclamatioun foirsaid, the said Mr Thomas askit ane or mainstrumentis at me noter public vnder writtin. Thir presents wes done within the hall of the said Mr Thomas lugene inwith the said burgh at aucht houris in the mornyng befoir nowne, or thairby, day, yeir and place foirsaidis, befoir thir witnes Williame Louesoun, Johnne Edgar and Johnne Mechealsoun, servandis to the said Mr Thomas, with utheris dyvers. Ordinance to Pat the belman.—The kirk ordainis Pat the belman to 124 REGISTER OF THE , ºr 1575. ring the last bell to the precheing euery Weddinsday and Fryday salang as the Lordis of the Sessioun sittis, ane quarter of ane hour befoir aucht. The celebratioun of the Communioun for the north Syd of the town.—The said day, the kirk hes thocht guid that the Communioun salbegyne upoun sonday nixttocum; the maner and ordour thairof as followis: That is, the haill north syid of the said toun to prepair thame thairto agane son- day nixt to cum, the sermond to begyne upoun setterday at foure houris, and upoun Sonday in the mornyng at foure houris, and to contenew quhill fyve, and than the ministratioun to begyne, and sua to contenew : The secund sermond to begyne upoun Sonday at nyne houris, and to con- tenew quhill ten, and than the ministratioun to begyne, and sua to con- tenew ; and the lik ordour to be obseruit for the haill south syd of the toun upoun sonday nixt to cum, &c. JUN. 16.—Ordinance to Johnne Adamsoun, Mr Alew. Mauchane, George Gibsoun and Dawid Kinloch, to pas for collectioun of the Contrabusioun to the France kirk.—The kirk ordanis Johnne Adamsoun to pas throw the Merchandis for the supplie of the France kirk banisit, being presentlie at Lundoun ; and siclik ordanis Mr Alexander Mauchane aduocat, George Gibsoun, to pas throw the Lordis of the Sessioun, Aduocattis and Scribis for thair part of the supplie to be maid; And siclik Dauid Kinloch to pas to the deaconis and craftis, &c. and to collect thair parte of the Contrabusioun. The kirkis requeist to Gilbart Primros and Alexander Barclay.—The said day, the kirk requeistis Gilbart Prymros and Alexander Barclay Ipotingar to handill and cure Thomas Gardner sclater of his brokin laig, and thai salbe ressonablie satisfiit. * Alexander Blyth and Alea’ander Thomsoun reconsilit—The said day compeirit Alexander Thomsoun and Alexander Blyth, and in presens of the Minister, elderis and deaconis, and remittit the rancour and maleis of ather of thair hartis that ather of thame buir aganis utheris; In takin quhairof, thai gaif uther thair handis, and sua ar fullilie reconsilit, &c. 1575. GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. 125 JUL. 7.—Ordinance to the Minister ament the Puir.—The said day, the kirk ordanis thair Minister to signifie the morne, that thair is sum brether quhilk ar nocht under the vand of the provest and bailyeis of the burgh nor thair jurisdictioun, and hes promesit oulklie contrabutioun to the Puir according to the ordoure takin, and as yit hes nevir payit ane penny thairof; quhairthrow the saidis puir ar frustrat of thair ouklie almus in tymes past: The kirk thairfoir maist humilie requeistis all sic brether, in the name of the eternall God and of his Sone our Lord Jesus Christ, to pay thair said oulklie contrabutioun in tymes past, and sicklik ouklie or monethlie in tyme cuming, sua that the guid ordour tane decay nocht in thair defalt, &c. JUL. 14.—Requeist to the Counsall.—The said day, the kirk ordanis Mr James Lousoun minister and George Gibsoun to pass the morne to the counsall, and requeist thame that ane new vesitatioun of the Puiris and Inventour be maid of thair ageis, bayth of maill and famill, &c. JUL. 21.-Dawid Gregor ressavit the Injunctions.—The said day com- peirit David Gregour, and gaif in his supplicatioun befoir the Minister, elderis and deaconis, bearing that in the lait seditioun and tumult raisit be the inymes, nocht only aganis our maister and Salueour Christ, bot als aganis our Souerane Lord his guid and obedient subjectis, I nocht only remanit within the toun, bot als acceptit armour vpoun him ; for the quhilk, I haue all redy submittit myself to the disciplene of the kirk, and hes promesit to ressave quhatsumeuir uther injunctioun the kirk plesit to lay to his charge; off the quhilk the tennor followis, that is, that he sall compeir the morne at the eister kirk duir at the reingyne of the secund bell, cleid in ane gray gowne, thair to stand bair hedit quhill the minister be enterit in pulpit, and thairefter be brocht in and set under the pillar of repentance, and thair to remayne quhill the sermond be endit, and than gif confessioun of his offence, &c. 126 GENERAL KIRK OF EDINBURGH. I575. Jul. 28.—John Scott and the kirk.-The said day, the kirk hes dely- verit to Johnne Scot tailyeour ane merk for transporting of him of the toun in the pairteis quhair he wes borne, within aucht dayis, and Mungo Scot is becumit cautioun that he sall do the samin. Aug. 18.-Ordinance to the Counsall.—The quhilk day ordanis Johne Johnstoun and David Kinloch elderis to pas the morne to the Counsall, and ermistlie request and desyir thame to tak ordour for the ingaitting of the contrabusioun to the Pure ; and als requeist thame for to be diligent for gaitting of tryall of the deid barne that wes cassin furth in Foresteris wynd ; and in likwayis for making of ane chaiklok and keis to the Lytill Kirk duir; and siclik to put ordour to ane Bordaill, allegeit kepit be ane Urquhart in Grayis clois. Aug. 25.-Ordinance to the Minister.—The said day the kirk requeistis thair Minister that on Frayday nixt he travell sumquhat in his sermond to persuaid the brethering that support may be maid to the Franche kirk banesit; and als to requeist maist ernistlie, that the guid ordoure be- gune for the mentenance and sustentatioun of the Puir of this burgh be interteneit and fall nocht in decay, &c. SEPT. 1.-Lord Humis desyir at the kirk.-The said day, anent the supplicatioun gevin in befoir the Minister, elderis and deaconis be Alex- ander lord Home, desyring the prayaris of the kirk, &c.; the kirk ordanis Mr James Lousoun and Andro Sclater to pas to the said lord, and confer with him tueching the poynts of his religioun, and of his offence laitlie committit aganis our soverane lord, &c.; and gif he acknaw.legis and confessis the samin, ordanis the Minister to pray for him as ane brothir; and gif he refusis to agknawlege his saidis offensis, dischargeis the Minis- ter from praying for him as ane brother; bot only that the said lord de- syris the prayaris of the kirk, &c. REGISTER OF THE KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING.” AT STIRLING the xvij day of Nouember, the yeir of God I” W* lxxxxvijyeiris, the Minister, Eldaris and Diacunis of the Kirk of Stirling being convenit in assemblie. Nov. 17. 1597–Eldaris and Diacumis to oversie the toun.—The present Assemblie thinkis meit that everie elder and diacun be appointed to oversie ane particular portion of the toun; quha salbe haldin cheiflie to tak at- tendance to the maneris of the pepill therin, that be his privie admonitionis and discipline of the eldarschip, they may be restrainit fra vice and maid obedient to the word, &c. Communione.—The present assemblie thinkis meit that the Sacrament of the Lordis Supper be ministrat in this kirk on the secund sonday of December mixtocum; and that the examination preceiding begin on * In the General Register House are preserved, three volumes of the Proceed- ings of the Kirk Session of Stirling, commencing on the 17th November 1597, and ending on the 3d December 1649, a volume containing “Ame Register of the Personis proclamit in the Kirk of Stirling,” from 28th Nov. 1585 to 23d Jan. 1594, and “Ane Register of the Bairnis Namis bapteizit,” &c. from 16th April 1587 to 29th March 1592. From the first volume of these Kirk Session Records the following Extracts are taken. 128 REGISTER OF THE 1597. Monunday nixtocum, the xxj of this instant, and that dew intimatione be maid heirof in pulpet on Sonday mixt. - Williame Davie and Margaret Robertsome admonischit—The same day compeirit William Davie colyear, and Margaret Robertsone spous to Thomesone wobster, quha be thair awin confessionis ar fund to have bein togethir in hir hous verie suspitiuslie at evin ; and therfoir thay ar bayth admonishit, that gif any suspitione be fund in . ather of thame heiraftir, they salbe accounted giltie of hurdum. Nov. 24. 1597–Compeirit Johnne Hay servitur to Johnne Russall, laidnar man to my lord erlle of Argyll, and Jane Moresone, doghtir to Johnne Moresone travellar, quha grantis fornicatione togithir under promeis of mariage: The brethrein ordanis thame to mak publict re- pentance the nixt thrie sermond dayes; his penaltie for bayth, vi s. viijd: The brethring dischargis him to hant the hous quhair the said Jane Moresone is fra thyne furth, with certificatione gif he do, that he salbe judgit relaps in fornicatione. DEC, 1.—Compeirit Hellen Allan servitrix to Waltir Neish, and confessis fornicatione relaps with George Archibauld, and that the samin fault is trelaps in hir persone. The brethring continewis farther proceiding with hir, quhill the said George be also tryed in the said mattir. CoMPEIRIT Jonet Nicoll, dochter of umquhile Johne Nicoll maltman, quha is fund to dwell allane in ane hous be hir self sen befoir Witsonday last, and therfoir she is ordeinit to entir in service with sum honest per- sone betuix and Witsonday nixt to cum, and that she keip hirself honest in the mean tyme, without ony just occasione of sclandir, undir the pain of xti.; for sure keiping quherof Duncan Patersone merchand is becum cautionar, &c. - CoMPEIRIT Archibauld. Howat, quha be testificatione of his father and divers utheris famus witnessis, is fund ane filthie spekar, oft tymes drun- 1597. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 129 kinsum, disobedient to his father, and ane quha hes put violent handis in his father; and therfoir he is ordeined to mak publict repentance in secclayth the nixt Sonday for removing of the sclandir; and the kirk desyris the bailleis to waird him quhill the nixt Sonday, his fude to be bread and wattir allanerlie. - Orray Wemen.—The quhilk day it is concludit and ordeinit, that na eldar nor diacun suffir ane singill woman that never hes bein mareit to dwell hir allane in ane hous undelaited to the sessioune of the kirk, under the pane of viš. viijd. for the first fault, and x 5. for the secund fault. DEc. 8.—Taikinis.-Appointis to receave the taikinis at the morning service, Williame Aissone, Johne Henriesone baxter, and Johne Cuth- bert; at the secund service, Williame Gillaspie, Alexander Browne, and Alexander Dawsone. Almus.—Appointis to collect the almus at the first service, Dauid Murray, and Johne Layng notter; and at the secund service, James Gairdnar and Johnne Sharar. - Litill Dur.—To await on the litill durin the kirk, and for keiping of gude ordur in the uttir kirk at the morning service, Johnne Bruce and Andro Sandis; and at the secund service, Andro Cowan and George Norwall. Bellis.—Ordanis the first bell to be rung on Sattirday nixt aftir none at j hour, the secund half ane hour theraftir, and the last bell to begin befoir twa houris aftir none: And siclyk the first bell to ring on Sonday in the morning half ane hour befoir iij houris ; the secund bell at iij bell to the secund service to knell at the end of the first service. DEc. 15.—Admonitione to be gevin befoir the miat Ministratione of the Sacrament.—The present assemblie findis thair hes bein great misordur amangis the pepill of this congregatione at the last ministratione of the Lordis Supper, in rash and suddan cuming to the tabill, in spilling of R. 130 REGISTER OF THE 1597. the wyne, and in thrusting and shouting in thair passage out at the kirk dur aftir the ministratione; and thairfoir thinkis meit that this misordur be rememberit befoir the nixt ministratione of that sacrament, and that the pepill be admonishit to use thane selfis mair reverentlie. Puir and Indigent personis.-The assemblie ordanis everie eldar and diacun to tak up the namis of all the nateive puir within this toun, all puir that hes haid thair residence in this toun thir thrie yeiris bygane, and all indigent personis that usis to seik support of the sessione be billis; and report thair namis to the kirk, that they be advys of the counsell may tak sum gude ordur for thair sustentatione, and that Idill Vagabundis have na libertie to leive idill on the puiris almus. DEc. 22.-The quhilk day James Wre marchand, of his awin propir con- fessione, is becum actit and oblist as cawtionar and souertie that Margaret Simsone, doghtir of umquhill Robert Simsone in Drip, triplex in hurdum, sall with all diligence remove af this toun, and remain furth of it undir the pane of fyve pundis, toties quoties, quhow oft she be fund therin heiraftir. JAN. 5.-The quhilk day compeirit Issobell Peiris, and grantis hir with bairne gotin in fornicatione in Polmais be Johne Murray of Touchadame, quhilk is the fourt bairne gotin with hir as said is: The brethring di- rectis hir to satisfie St Ninianis kirk, quher hir said fault is committed, and report testimoniall therupone. MAR. 23.-Compeirit Margaret Short spousto Alexander Cousland, quha being accusit for abusing of hir husband divers tymis within thirthrie oulkis, lyk as she hes done of befoir, she confessis that upon some wordis spokin be him, she mintitane shool to him, that she cust in his faice ane cop with aill, and that through angir she hes spokin angrie wordis to him, and hes scartit his faice; for the quhilk faultis, and divers utheris injureis done be hir to hir said husband of befoir, nocht regairding his lyff, The brethrein 1598. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 131 desyris the bailleis to punish hir publictlie, quhairby she may be movit to abstein fra the lyk in tymes cuming, and that utheris may tak exampill. APR. 6. 1598.-Compeirit Mwngo Forsyth gairdner, quha be his awin confessioun is fund to absent himself fra the kirk many tymis on the Sabbath, and neglectis his dewtie in sustentation of his wyf and bairnis; for remedie quherof the brethrein desyris The baillies to waird him quhill he find cautione to amend bayth the saidis faultis; and he is ordeinit to sit in the Craftis loft, that therby it may be knawin quhen he keipis the kirk. MAII 18.—The samin day George Kinros, fornicatour sumtyme with Helein Crawfurd, is admonishit nocht to frequent the said Helleinis cum- pany, nor receave hir in his chalmer fra thyne furth suspitiuslie, quhilk gif he do, that he salbe accounted ane fornicatour. - THE quhilk day Thomas Camrun gairdnar to my Lady Mar is ad. monesit that he nawayes permit his servand woman to ly in his hous quher he lyes fra thyne furth, for avoyding of sclandir. JUN. 29.—Compeirit James Ramsay messinger, and confessis himself to have becum cautione for Richard Blakburn for keiping the ordur of the kirk; and namelie, that sic sobrietie should be usit that name in the said Richardis cumpany sould pay any mair for their lawing on the day of his mariage nor v š, under the paine of x fi, ; and the said James con- fessis that he maid the said Richard brydell, and tuik viš, and vijd. for everie ane of thair lawingis; and thairfore the brethrein decernis the said James to pay for the said offence, ad pios usus, five pundis money. SEPT. 28.—Compeirit Duncan Wre and Johne Forbes pyper, quha be thair awin confessionis ar fund to have walkit all nycht, playand togithir at the dyse in Marioun Gairdnaris hous, quhill iiij houris in the morn- ing that thay discordit; and therfoir the brethrein thinkis meit that the 132 REGISTER OF THE 1599. bailleis detein thame in waird quhill Sonday, thair fude to be bread and wattir; and upon Sonday nixt that thay mak publict repentence. THE brethrein ordanis Marione Gairdnar and Elizabeth Foirbrand hir doghtir, to mak publict repentence thenixt Sonday for the resaitt of the said Duncan Wre and Johne Forbes in thair hous, playand all nicht as said is. MAR. 1.-Compeirit Issobell Henresone spous to Alexander Robertsone baxter, and confessis she gave ill wordis to Johne Millaris wyff befoir the Communione, and theraftir past to the Communione unreconceillit, and therfoir she is ordeinit to mak publict repentance the mixt Sonday. Thayar presentlie reconceillit. * CoMPEIRIT Jonet Gillaspie spous to Thomas M'Caulay, quha be hir awin confessione is fund to have refusit reconciliatione with Johne Hestie befoir the Communione, at the least refusit to declair ony sing of reconci- liatione as speiking or drinking with him, and therfoir she is ordeinit to mak publict repentence the nixt Sonday. MAR. 8.-The quhilk day Duncan Leishman and his wyf is admonesit to frequent the kirk on the Sabboth aftir none bettir in tymes cuming nor they have done; and that his wyf leive in chiritie with hirnychtburis. APB.5.1599.-The quhilk day Alexander Cousland is admonesit to abstein fra streking of his wyff, quhilk gif he do, he is certifeit that euill fruitis will follow thairupone to his hurt; and also he is admonesit to abstein fra all sclanderus behaveour, and blasphemie of the name of God and his nycht- buris, quhilk gif he do nocht, that ane sherp ordur salbe taine with him. JUL. 12.—Penny Brydellis.—The present assemblie hes concludit for the bettir suirtie of keiping of moderatione at Brydellis, that thair be na mariage maid in this kirk, (quha hes penny brydellis,) quhill thair be first consignit x fi, and certificatione gevin, that gif thair be mair taine 1600. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 133 for ane man or ane womanis lawing nor v š, that the said xii. salbe con- fiscat ad pios w8ws, utherwayes gif that moderatione be keipit, that the said soume consignit be redelyverit againe. Compeirit Dauid M*Caula tailgur, cautionar for keiping of moderatione be Robert Moir and Issobell M*Caula, and ther cumpanels on the day of thair mariage, quha be his awin confessione it is fund that thair was viijs. taine for ilk persones ordinar, and therby hes contravenit the ordur ap- pointed to thame; for the quhilk offence the brethrein desyris the bailleis to caus ther officeris uplift fra the said cautionar v ii. ad pios usus. JUL. 19.—The eldarship of this kirk being convenit,-The quhilk day compeirit Marie Bruce, sister to Sir Robert Bruce of Clakmannan knycht, and confessis fornicatione relaps in hir persone; this last fault committed with Henrie Commendatar of St Colmisinsh ; for the quhilk she is or— deined to mak publict repentence the nixt sex sermond dayes: The said Marie Bruce aftermis that she committed na fault sen she was delyuerit with the said Commendatar nor nauther man to this present tyme. Nov. 22.—False Cunyiegevin in almus.-The brethrein undirstanding that ane great part of the almus gevin to the Pure is fals cungie, callit Tinklaris, for the quhilk the Puiris gaitis na thing; and thairfoir it is thocht meit that the Minister publictlie on Sonday nixt, in the name of God, inhibit the geving of all fals cungie to the puir, seing the samin procuiris the curs of God to the gevaris thairof. Feb. 14, 1600.—The brethrein, upoun the earnest sute of Dame Margaret Fleming lady Garden, upon necessitie thrugh want of milk to hir bairne, she hes receavit Marione M*Gregur to nureis the samin, being ignorant that she was offensive and sclanderus to the kirk, quhill now leatlie that the said Marioun was warnit be the beddall of the kirk; In respect quhairof, albeit she was banesit the toune for fornicatione, the brethrein grantis 134, REGISTER OF THE - - 1600. licience to the said Marione M*Gregur to remain mureis with the said Lady quhill peace nixtocum, and that she be keipit privie aff the Calsay. MAR. 27.—Compeirit George Kinros, and denyes sclanderus behaveour with Hellein Crufurd, except onely that quhen he cumis furth of his chalmer in the morning, she takis up out of his bed the bairne quhilk was gotin betuix thame in fornicatione of befoir; quhilk doing he pro- mesis sall nocht be in tymes cuming; and for removing of Sclandir in all tymis cuming, he promesis to takane chalmer in ane uther plaice, and sall abstein fra all appeirance of hurdum with hir. APR. 3.-Compeirit Williame Thomesone fleshar, quha be his awin confessione is fund to have bein absent on Sonday last fra Godis service, in the quhilk tyme he drew ane sword and enterit in ane tulgie : and therfoir he is ordeined to mak publict repentance the nixt Sonday. JUN. 26.—Compeirit Issobell Peiris, quha be hir awin confessioun is fund to have taine ane hous hir allaine, against ane act maid in the con- trair, quhilk is verie suspicius, and ane great occasione of offence in hir persone, quha hes divers tymes alreddie fallin in hurdum ; and therfoir she is admonesit to entir and remain in cumpany with sum honest persone that will be ansuerabill for hir honestie, betuix and the xijday of Julijnixto- cum, utherwayes the kirk will desyr the bailleis to remove hiraff this toun. MAII 1.—The present assemblie hes thocht meit that na persone within this toun nor without, be suffirit fra thymefurth to beg nor seik almus upon the Sabboth day, quhilk the bailleis ar desyrit to put in executioun. JUL. 17–Compeirit Margaret Wilsone spous to Duncan Bennet, quha be sufficient tryell is fund ane abusar and blasphemar of hir husband, of the eldaris of the kirk and hir nychtburis, many and divers tymes, nocht 1600. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 135 onelie in the day lycht bot in the nycht, nochtwithstanding of many admonitionis she hes receavit of the eldaris of the kirk to abstein thairfra;. and thairfor the brethrein of the kirk thinkis meit that the bailleis put hir in the brankis in the mathir end of the toun, in the sycht of hir nychtbouris, quherby she may be movit to abstein fra the lyk offencis in tymes cuming; with certificatione gif the lyk be fund in hir heiraftir, that the bailleis wilbe desyrit to put hir in the govis. Andro Liddall.—The quhilk day Andro Liddall is admonesit for tak- ing ouer great a surfet of wyne, and is certifeit gif the lyk be fund in him heiraftir, that he sall undirly discipline publictlie. Aug. 14.—Tullibody Brig.—To collect almus for reparatione of the brig of Tullibody, Dauid Murray and Johnne Henresone. Aug. 28.—Puir and Idill Beggaris.—The brethrein ordanes that pub- lictlie in pulpet on Sonday nixt, all uncuth puir and idill Beggaris Sall - remove thameselfis from the congregatione and pas quhair thay war borne, betuix and the penult day of September mixtocum, With certificatione to thame quha remainis, sall receave na almus. SEPT. 4.—The Minister reportis that he maid publict intimatione on Sonday last anent uncuth puir and idill Beggaris, according to the last act maid theranent in all pointis. OCT. 16.—Compeirit Agnes Ker spous to Duncan Mitchell, Jonet Hen- riesone spous to Gilbert Rannald, and Issobell Gilmor spous to Johne Gillaspie fishar, quha be thair awin confessionisar fund fra the preaching all the last Sabboth, extraordinar drinkaris aftir none on the Sabboth, and all the nycht theraftir quhill iiij houris in the morning; for the quhilk causthay ar ordenit to mak publict repentance the nixt Sonday. OCT. 30.—Publict Dansing.—The present Assemblie findis thair hes & 136 KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 1600. bein great dansing and vanitie publictlie at the croce usit be mareit persones and thair cumpanels on thair mariage day; for staying of the quhilk in tymes cuming, Ordanis that name be mareit in this kirk quhill xii. be consignit, for the better securitie that thair be na mair tane for ane brydell lawing nor v š according to the ordur, and that thair be na publict dansing at the croce nor on the publict streitis of the toun ; With certificatioun gif the ordur of the brydell lawing be brokin, that the said xii. salbe confiscat according to ane former act; and gif thair be any publict dansing, that fyve pund of the said soume salbe confiscat ad pios wsus ; and quhair the Brydellis ar maid frie without payment of any lawing, that thair be consignit be thame fyve pundis, to be confiscat ad pios usus, incaice of publict dansing, be the mareit personis or ther cumpany; utherwayes incaice of abstening therfra, that the said v fi. consignit, be redelyverit again. DEc. 4.—The present assemblie thinkis meit that everie eldar and diacun be appointed to ane particulare portione of the toune, quha salbe hauldin cheiflie to tak attendence to the maneris of the pepill thairin, that be his privie admonitionis and discipline of the eldarschip, they may be restranit fra vice and maid obedient to the word; and that the samin may be keipit in sinceritie without corruptione; that thay attend quhat strain- gearis resortis to the toun, and to quhat effect; quhairby tryell may be haid gif any Jesuistis or seminarie Preistis comis within this toun, that ordur may be tane thairanent as effeiris. DEC. 11.-Puiris Boa and Key.—The present assemblie appointis the Puiris box to be keipit be James Duncansone, Reidare, and the key thairof be Dauid Murray. Almus-The quhilk day ane Catalog of the Collectoris of the Puiris almus is maid and allowit be this assemblie. OBLIGATION BY JOHN EARL OF CASSILLIS TO MAKE CERTAIN PAYMENTS TO HIS BROTHER HUGH KENNEDY OF BRUNSTON, UPON HIS TAKING THE LAIRD OF AUCHINDRAIN’S LIFE. ANNO MDCII. OBLIGATION BY JOHN EARL OF CASSILLIS TO HUGH KENNEDY OF BRUNSTOUN, ETC. THE following very singular document might have incurred the riſk of being thought groſsly fiétitious, but for the light thrown on the deadly feuds of the Clan Kennedy by several recent publications. The moſt curious of these, in its minute details, is an anonymous Hiſtory of the Clan, written, or at leaſt concluded, in the year 1607 or 1608, edited by Mr Pit- cairn ;* confirmed and illuſtrated as it is by various proceedings in the Criminal Courts of Scotland, given to the public by the same gentleman; nor is it to be forgotten, that on one very remarkable portion of the ſtory, were shed the lateſt rays of the poetic genius of Sir Walter Scott.f Referring to these sources of more ample information, it may here be enough to mention, that in May 1602, about * See “Historical and Genealogical Account of the principal Families of the name of Kennedy. From an Original MS. [in the Advocates' Library.] With Notes and Illustrations, &c. by Robert Pitcairn, Esq. W. S. &c. Edin. 1830. f See Pitcairn's “Criminal Trials,” &c. sub anno 1611. 3 : f See “Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire Tragedy," in the Poetical works.º: Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. XI. Edin. 1830. 3 : 140 OBLIGATION BY THE 1602. four months prior to the date of the following paper, Sir Tho- mas Kennedy of Cullean had been aſsaſsinated by Thomas Kennedy of Drummurchie, (of the family of Bargamy,) for which, and for other causes, he and his known accomplices were afterwards forfeited in Parliament; but that, from the firſt, the author and ſecret inſtigator of the murder was believ- ed to have been John Muir, the laird of Auchindrain. The ordinary courſe of juſtice, however, proved by far too slow and uncertain to satisfy the vindićtive zeal of the families of Caffillis and Cullean; a plan for the deſtrućtion of their artful adver- sary appears to have been devised and prosecuted with great aétivity and perseverance; and to this design muſt be aſcribed the murderous family compaćt between the Earl of Caffillis and his immediate younger brother, Hew Kennedy of Brun- ſtoun, more uſually denominated the Maſter of Caffillis. Of his various unſucceſsful attempts “to take the laird of Auch- indrain's life,” and earn his promised reward, the “Hiſtory of the Kennedyis” will be found to furnish abundant details; and the reader of the works above alluded to, muſt be already aware that a different and more suitable destiny awaited, and though tardily, overtook that relentleſs ruffian. The original document, in the hand-writing of John fifth Earl of Caffillis, and of which an exačt lithographic fac-fimile is here given, would appear to have been placed by the parties in the hands of Sir John Vans of Barnbarrach, their ; :oisin-german and active adherent; and in the poſſeſſion of : the repreſentative of that family it ſtill remains. 1602. EARL OF CASSILLIS, ETC. 141 LETTER EARL of CASSILLIS To HIs BROTHER To KILL AUCHINDRAIN. WE Johnne erle of Caffillis lord Kennedy, &c. bindis and oblifis ws that howſovnne our broder Hew Kennedy of Broun- ſtoun with his complices taikis the laird of Auchindraneis lyf that we ſall maik guid and thankfull payment to him and thane of the ſowme of tuelff hundreth merkis yeirly togidder with corne to ſex horſis ay and quhill we reflaue thane in houſhald with our ſelf beginning the firſt payment immediatlie efter thair committing of the ſaid deid ATToUR howſovnne we reſlaue thame in houſhald, we ſall pay to the twa ſerwing gentillmen the feis yelrlie as our awin houſhald ſerwandis and heirto we obliſs we vpone our honour Subſcryvit with our hand AT Maybole the ferd day of ſeptember 1602. JoHNE ERLE OF CASSILLIS. LETTER FROM KING JAMES VI. TO THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND, AND PRO- CLAMATION BY THE PRIWY COUNCIL, ANENT THE ROBES OF EARLS, JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, CHURCHMEN, ADVOCATES, CLERKS OF THESESSION AND SIGNET,ETC. M.DCVI—M.DCX. ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, CHURCHMEN, ETC. IN Scotland the attention of the government was turned at a very early period to the regulation of the dreſſes of all ranks. It was thought neceſſary here, as in the early legiſlation of other countries, to repreſs the luxury of extravagant clothing, and of no leſs importance to keep up the external diſtinétions of rank. Some of the moſt curious of the ancient acts of the Scottiſh Parliament relate to theſe two objects. The endea- vour to reſtrain expenſe of dreſs in an age and country where the bareſt poverty affected ſomewhat of a gorgeous exterior, neceſſarily failed, as we learn by repeated re-enactments of fumptuary regulations, cauſed by the inefficacy of thoſe pre- ceding. Whether the ſtatutes preſcribing formal dreſſes for each order and degree of ſociety were more effectual, it is not now eaſy to aſcertain; but the lawgivers of different periods ſeem not to have been ſufficiently of one mind to produce much uniformity of obſervance among the lieges. In the reign of T 146 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, 1606– James II.” earls are ordained in all Parliaments and general councils, to use “mantillis of brown granyt opyn befor fur- “ryt with quhyſ and lynit before outwith ane hand braide to “ the belt fledg with the ſamyn furring with litill hudis of “ the ſammyn claith, and to be uſtapon thairſchulderis : And “ the uther lordis of Parliament to haif ane mantill of rede “rycht ſa oppinnit befor and lymyt with filk or furryt with “criſty gray grece or purray togidder with ane hude of the “ ſamyn claith and furryt as ſaide is And all commiſſaris of “ burrowys ilk ane to haif ane pair of clokis of blew furryt “fut ſyde opyn on the rycht ſchulder furryt as efferis and “with hudis of the ſamyn as ſaid is ;” while “forſpekaris “for the coſt,” (hired advocates,) are to have habits of green of the faſhion of a tunicle, with ſleeves open as a tabard. In ſubſequent Parliaments, we meet with frequent denun- ciations of “ the great abuſe of the ſubječts of mean eſtate “preſuming to counterfeit. His Highneſs and his nobility, in “ the wearing of coſtly clothing ;” but the grievance is attack- ed rather by repreſſing the extravagance of the lower ranks, than by an endeavour to fix appropriate and peculiar dreſſes for thoſe of hereditary or official dignity. It was not until James VI., whoſe taſte led him to take a perſonal intereſt in theſe details, had enjoyed for ſome time the ſecurity and ſplen- dour of his Engliſh Court, that he attempted to introduce a formal and graduated order in the public apparel of all claſſes of his Scottiſh ſubjećts. His attention may have been parti- cularly direéted to the ſubjećt by the “leude error” into which * Act. Parl. 1455, c. 11. v. II, p. 48, ratified 1457, c. 11, p. 49. 1610. JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ETC. 147 the Earls in Parliament were about to fall, when admoniſhed by the firſt of the following documents, preſerved in a volume of Royal letters, addreſſed chiefly to the Privy Council, now in the General Regiſter Houſe, and which was ſpeedily fol- lowed by an Aćt of Privy Council, (24th April 1606,) ordain- ing “ that the haill Marqueflis and Earlis of this kingdome “fall leave of thair former reſolution anent the weiring of “velvett robis in tyme of Parliament;”—“ and that thai fall “provyde thameſelfis with robis of reid ſcarlet cloath again “ the mixt Seſſioun of Parliament, whilk Godwilling will be “ about the middil of June mixtocum.” " Three years after the date of that letter,i Parliament taking into confideration, “that the greatnes of his Majeſteis em- “pyre magnificence of his courte fame of his wiſdome and “juſtice and of the civilitie of his ſubjećtis hes begun alreadie “ to allure divers forane princes and utheris ſtrangeris of all “eſtaittis to mak mair frequent repair to his Countrey nor euir “ they did in ony preceding age,—and by them na doubt re- “ porte will go throwch all the warld of the eſtait and governa- “ ment of the kingdome according to the ordour whilk they “fall fie obſerued within the ſamyn;” and underſtanding that his Majeſty has preſcribed for the nobility apparel for the Par- liament becoming their honourable eſtate, but that the rema- ment members of that high court have not reformed themſelves to the like conveniency, —ordained all magiſtrates of boroughs * Copy of the Council Record in the Skene Library. The original Record of the proceedings of part of that year is lost. - t Act. Parl. 1609, c. 15. v. IV. p. 435. 148 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, 1606– and their commiſſioners to Parliament, the Judges of the land, civil, criminal, and eccleſiaſtical, and churchmen, eſpecially thoſe having vote in Parliament, to wear each a particular dreſs to be appointed by the King, whoſe order “being ſent in wrytt “ to his Clerk of Regiſter, ſhall be a ſufficient warrant to “ him for inſerting thereof in the buikis of Parliament, to have “ the ſtrength and effect of ane ačt thereof.” - The order appointed by the King is accordingly contained in a letter to Sir John Skene, Clerk of Regiſter, of date the 16th January 1610, which is preſerved in the volume of Royal letters already mentioned. Its commencement is charaćteriſtic of the writer and his times. “Truſtie and weilbelovit coun- “fellour, We greite you weile. The eſteatis of that our king- “dome, having, as in mony other particulars of more moment, “heirtofoir repoiſit thair truſte and confidence in us for pre- “ ſcryveing and ſetting doun of ſeveral ſoirtis of habitis and “apparrell, for Judgeis, Magiſtrats and Churchemen, that ſo “ the promiſcuous undiſtinguiſhed weiring of apparrell now “uſed may not in ony ſtrangeiris (who ar the beholdars of it,) “mak impreſſioun of the ſtates negligence in this point; and “We being by our Eſteatis humblie ſolicited to certifie our “ pleaſour and will heirin, bothe for the conveniencye of the “mater itſelf deſirit, whiche no doubt will breid reputatioun “ to that eſtate, and alſua impres in the commoun ſoirt, “ (whome outward ſhowe do muche move,) a ſpeciall regaird, “with all dew reverence towards thame in heicher place, “ and alſo ſhowe our willingnes to concur and adviſe thame “ heirin.” , . . . . ~ -- - 1610. JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ETC. 149 The terms regulating the different dreſses are copied in the following proclamation, with one or two trifling varia- tions. Inſtead of firſt preſcribing the robes of the Chancellor, the King's letter commences with regulating the dreſses of magiſtrates of boroughs; and in doing ſo his Majeſty makes no diſtinétion in favour of the ſeven greater boroughs, but pre- ſcribes for all the dreſs which the proclamation orders for thoſe only of leſs “power and habilitie.” - It appears that the Clerk of Regiſter failed to comply with the ſtatute appointing the Royal letter to be inſerted in the books of Parliament; but the concluding extračt records the exhibition to the Town Council of Edinburgh of the pattern robes appointed for their uſe. - - - - - - - The Proclamation is taken from the Regiſter of Privy Coun- cil, and the Record of the Council’s A&ts of Sederunt fur- niſhes the entry prefixed to it. , - - LETTER FROM KING JAMEs VI. To THE PRIvy CouncIL of ScotlanD,-ANENT THE ROBBIs—APR. 8, 1606. sº %meº RIGHT truſtie and weilbelovit cofines and counſellours, we greete yow wele. Quhairas we are certifyed of the intentioun of the Erllis of that oure kingdome againe the nixt ſeſſiouns of 150 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, 1606– Parliament thair to weare thair robis of crimofine velvett, wheref we mervell muche, for giue thay do follow the cuſtome of uther cuntreyis, thay committ ane leude error in doing thairof, for velvot robbis ar nevir at ony tyme worne by omy Erllis except at Coronationis, creationis, and ſuche publićt ſolempniteis, as the firſt entrie of ony Prince to his cheif and principall citie of ony kingdome ; and in tymes of Parliament, the ſaidis Erllis weiris no thing in thair robis bot ſcarlott cloathe, diſtinguiſhed for the ſeverall degreis of honour in the copis or hoodis of the ſame, by ſo many ſeverall garis of quhyte furringis drawin athorte the ſamin; and thair armone in tyme of Parliament that uſuallie wearis robis of crimfone velvett except the Prince awne childrene, and the ſame is a particular diſtinétioun betuix thame and the nobilitie; And thairfore we thocht meete to certifie you heirof, that you caus the erllis of that oure kingdome leave thair former reſolutioun, whiche hes procedit of thair ignorance of thoſe thingis, and that thai pre- pair thameſelfis of ſcarlett robbis, according to the lovable cuſtome of uther cuntreyis, and reſerve the wearing of crim- ſone robbis as peculiar in Parliament tymes to the Princes childrene only; and ſo we bid you hairtelie fairwell. From our Courte at Whythall, the aucht of Aprile 1606. 1610. JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ETC. 151 APUD EDINBURGH, penultimo Januarii anno 1610. SEDERUNT. Chancellour. Scone. Edzell. B. St Androis. Blantyre. Bruntiland. B. Glaſgow. Mr Elphinſtoun. Preiſtfeild. Wyntoun. Preſident. Sir Alex. Drummond. Lotheane. Secretair. Sir Lues Craig. B. Roſs. Prevey Seill. Logy. B. Orknay. Juſtice Clerk. Sir Andro Hammiltoun. Saltoun. Aduocat. Foiſterſait. - Elphinſtoun. Clerk of Regiſter. Sir Johnne Arnot. Sanquhar. M'Kanzie. Sir William Hairt. A Proclamatioun paſt anent the Habitis. THE quhilk day Sir Johnne Skeene of Curriehill knycht, Clerk of our Soverane Lordis Regiſter, preſentit and exhibite unto the Lordis of Secreit Counſaill, ane miſfive Letter direétit unto him from his Majeſtie, concerning his Majeſteis direétioun and declaratioun anent the Habitis of Judgeis, Magiſtratis, Churche- men and utheris ſpecifeit and contenit in the ſaid letter, with a command to the ſaid Clerk of Regiſter to infert the ſame in the regiſter of the ſtatutis of the Parliament; whilk letter being red in the ſaidis Lordis audience, thay with all due reuerence doeth acknowlege his Majeſteis fingular and I52 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, 1610, wnſpeakable wiſdome in the mater foirſaid, and ordanis the ſaid Clerk of Regiſter to inſert the ſaid Letter in the regiſter of the Parliament. * . . - PROCLAMATIOUN ANENT THE HABITIS. FORSAMEKLE as the Eſtaittis of Parliament of this king- dome, convenit laitlie in the moneth of Junii I* VI and nyne geiris, fand it verie meit neceſſair and expedient, and thairwith- all ſtatute and ordanit, That for the honnour, credite and repu- tatioun of this kingdome, ſome grave, decent, comelie and or- derlie habite and apparrell ſould be worne and vſed be all Judgeis, Magiſtratis, and Churche men of this kingdome, alſwele for the forder reſpect, reverence and regaird to be had to euerie one of thame, according to the dignitie of thair ſeuerall chargeis, functioun and calling, as for the ornament of thair perſonis, and diſtinguiſhing of thame frome the vulgair ſoirt of people, Lyke as the ſaidis eſtaitis vpoun infinite prooffis which thay haue had of his Majeſteis moſt fingulair wiſdome in all his princelie direétionis, and of his gratious love and affectioun to this his antient and native kingdome, in all humilitie refer- rit to his Heynes awne appointment the aſſigning of ſuche feuerall ſoirt of habite and veſtment as in his Maieſteis judge- ment ſould ſeame moſt fitting and propper, alſwele for the Lordis of Seſſioun, being the ſupreame Judgeis in civile aétionis, as for all vtheris inferiour Judgeis in the lyke cauſes, as alſua 1610. JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ETC. 153 for the criminall, eccleſiaſticall Judgeis, and for Aduocatis, Lawyris, and all vtheris leving be law and pračtize thairof, as alſua for Churche men, aggreable to thair ſeuerall eſtaite and moyen, as in the ſaid Aét of Parliament at lenth is contenit; And althoght the Kingis Maieſtie, in regaird of vtheris his effaires of grittar importance and moment, could not haue the commoditie at this tyme to reſolue fullie in this buſynes, git to gif vnto the eſtaitis ſome preſent ſatiſfactioun in this thair ſo reaſonable defyre, his Maieſtie hes thoght mete now onlie to ſend doun this directioun to be obeyed by ſuche to quhome it is injoyned, Reſervand alwyſe at his Heynes grittair leſour and moir dew confideratioun of the buſynes, the altering or add- ing heirto whatſoeuir his Maieſtie fall hald fitt and expedient to augment and eik vnto the ſame. FIRST, That the Chan- cellour of this kingdome weir, according to his awne diſcre- tioun, a ritche fair gowne of ſome ſad or grave cullour, con- forme to his conditioun, eſtaite and rank, and that in his fit- ting in ſeſſioun, counſell, conventioun, and articlis; bot gif he be a nobleman, in his ryding to the Parliament that he weare the habite dew to his rank and degrie of nobilitie: THAT the Preſident and remanent ordinarie Lordis of Seſſioun ſall weare a purpour cloath gowne, faced all about with reid crimofine ſatyne, with a hude of purpour, lyned with crimo- fine ſatyne alſo, according to the modell and forme of a gowne ſend doun be his Maieſtie to be a patrone for all gownes of ordinarie ſeſſionairis, onlie the Preſidentis gowne ſalbe faced with reid crimofine veluott and the hude lynnit with reid crymoſine veluott; and the ſaidis Preſident and ſeſſionairis U 154 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, 1610. ſall weare theſe habiteis vpoun the ſtreitis of Edinburgh during the tyme of feſſioun, and at all fuche tymes as thay come to counſell, conventioun or vther meetingis; And the four extraordinarie ſeſſionairis to weare blak gownes of velvott, ſatyne, or ſome vther filk as pleafith thame, lynnit with matrix or ſome viher blak lynning, at thair pleaſour: THAT the Advocatis, Clerkis of the Seflioun and Signet fall haif thair gowneis of blak lynned with ſome grave kynd of lyning or furring : AND in lyk maner, that the Juſtice Generall quhen he fittis in his criminall courte and feate of judgement, fall weare a reid ſcarlott gowne, faced with quhyte armyne, with a hude of the ſame, lynned alſua with quhyte armyne; and the Juſtice depute and Juſtice Clerk principall, ſall weare blak gownes with hudeis, faced and lynned with reid crimofine ſatyne, as is afoirſaid; and the Clerk of the ſame court fall weare a blak gownelynned with blak furring, in that ſame forme as the Clerkis of the Seſſioun : AS ALSUA that the Dočtouris of the civile law, and all Commiſſionairis [Commiſſaris, fall wear gownis of blak, faced on the breiſt and nek with blak velvott: THAT the Proueſtis of Burrowis, Aldermen, Bailgeis and Counſell of euerie Burgh, ordinarlie weare blak gownis, lynned with ſome grave kynd of furring ; whilkis gownes thay fall weare in thair counſellis, aſſemblyis and mettingis for the affairis of bur- rowis, bot ſpecialie in the conventioun of thair burrowis quhen thay are choſin particular Commiſſionairis by the burgh quhair thay dwell, aither for Parliament or Counſale, whilkis gownis efter the forme and ſchape of burgeſſes and citizenis gownis, and not of Miniſteris or divynis gownis, being proper for men 1610. JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ETC. 155 of thair place, and ordinairlie to be worne be thame afoirſaid, as moſt comelie and decent for thame and thair eſtate, accord- ing to the ſchaip, proportioun and modell of a gowne ſent doun be his Maieſtie, whiche is to be ane example for the ſaidis burgeſiis gownis, according quhairvnto all vtheris are to be maid : AND it being verie meitt and fitting that the prin- cipall grite burrowis of the realme, whilkis are of powar and habilitie, fall haif thair proueſt, bailgeis, and principallis of thair counſall to be in ſuche comelie and decent apparrell as apperteyneth thame to be, for the decencye, comelynes and gravitie of thair placeis; Thairfore his Maieſtie ordanis and ap- pointis that the Proueſt, bailgeis and ſome of the principallis of thair counſall of the burrowis of Edinburgh, St Johnnſtoun, Dundie, St Androis, Glaſgow, Striuiling and Aberdeyne, fall weare gownes of reid ſcarlatt cloathe, with furringis aggreable to the ſame, vpoun Sondayis and all vtheris ſolemne dayis, as the ryding dayis of the Parliament, the fyft day of Auguſt, the fyft of Nouember, or ony vther dayis of ſolempnitie; and al- thoght theſe afoirſaid townes be ſpecialie named for the wear- ing of theſe ſcarlatt gownes, git it is noway his Maieſteis mean- ing to ſeclude ony other townes frome weiring the lyke ſcar- lett gownes, who vndirſtand thair awne habilitie ſufficient for weiring thairof: LYKEWYSE his Maieſtie ſtatuteis and or- danis, That the Proueſt of Edinburgh, at all tymes of Parlia- ment conventioun, and tymes of ſolempnitie, fall weare a grite goldin chayne with his ſcarlat gowne, and that all Commiſſion- airis from burrowis to the Parliament, ſall ryde to the Parlia- ment houſe in thair ſcarlat gounes; bot gif thay be of the 156 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, 1610. meaner ſorte of burrowis, than thay fall ryde in thair blak gowneis as thay fitt in thair counſallis: AND fiklyke that all Miniſteris ſall weare thair apparrell of blak and not of mixt cullour, and in the pulpit quhen they preiche to the people, that thay weare thair gowneis of blak, lynned with ſome blak lyning, and that at ony time thay fall not weare thair cloathis of ony vther cullour than blak onlie: THAT all Dočtouris of Divinitie ſall weare thair ſyde blak coattis, gownes and tip- pettis of ony kynd of filk or cloathe at all tymes for thair gownes, as pleaſeth thane; and evinſo that all Priouris, Ab- botis and Prelates, ſall weare in tyme of Parliament gownes of velvott, ſatyne, or ſome kynd of filk; and finalie, that all Biſchoppis in thair fitting and ryding to Parliamentis, and in thair counſellis, conventionis and General Aſſembleis, and in the churche quhen thay mak ſermone, ſall weare ſuch habite and veſtment as ar accuſtumat to be worne by Biſchoppis, moſt proper and decent for the dignitie of thair placeis and eſtate; and that ordinarlie in thair daylie wearing, and when they go to pulpit to preach vpoun ordinarie dayis, thay fall weare thair coattis of blak damaſk ſatyne or velvott, ſo ſyde as to come lower than thair kneis, and abone the ſame thair lang gownes of velvott or vther ritche kynd of filk, or when thay are privat, of cloath, after ſuche forme, ſchape and faſiioun as the gowne ſend doun be his Maieffie, whiche his Heynes will have to be as a modell for all gownes to be vſit be Biſchoppis . heireſter; alwyſe thay muſt evir weare with thair gownes thair tippet of Spaniſche taffettye abone thair neckis, and ſo ſyde befoir as thair gownes; and that in thair ryding or travelling, 1610. JUDGES, MAGISTRATES, ETC, 157 thay weare blak ſyde coattis, and abone the ſame thair ryding cloakis with ſlevis, lynned on the nek, and faced on the breiſt and at the handis, with blak velvott : QUHILK direétioun and declaration of his Maieſteis will and pleafour in this mater, being preſentit vnto the lordis of Secrite Counſall, and red in thair audience, thay with all dew reverence acknowlegeit the ſaid directioun and declaratioun to be moſt wyſlie and gravelie ſet doun by his Maieffie in his fingulair and wnſpeakable wiſdome; and hes ordanit, and ordanis the ſame to begyn and reſlaue full obedience, effect and executioun, in the perſonis of the Lordis of his Maieſteis Seſſioun, and in the perſonis of the Aduocatis, Clerkis of the Seſſioun and Signet, vpoun the fyfteine day of Februar mixtocum, and in all viheris per- fonis of the ſeuerall rankis, degreis and qualiteis abone written, betuix the day and dait heirof and the firſt day of Marche mixttocum; for quhilk purpois ordanis letteris to be direét to officiaris of airmes, chairgeing thame to pas to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and vtheris places neidfull, and thair be oppin proclamatioun to mak publicatioun and intimatioun heirof, and to command and chairge all and findrie perſonis of the ranks, degreis and qualiteis particularlie abone writtin, to conforme thame ſelfis to this preſent ačt and ordinance, and to gif dew obedience thairvnto in everie point, at the termes and dayis particularlie aboneſpecifeit, appointit for that effect, vnder the pane of rebellioun and puting of thame to the horne; With certificatioun to thame that failgeis or dois in the contrair, the termes and dayis abone ſpecifeit being bypaſt, that letteris ſalbe direét ſimpliciter to put thame thairto. 158 ROBES OF THE NOBILITY, ETC. 1610. ExTRACT FROM THE RECORDS OF THE CouncIL of THE CITY OF EDINBURGH. xx Junij I" v1° x". Provest-Gownis.—The quhilk day Sir John Arnott of Berfik knycht proueſt Alexander Peirſoun Robert Bannatyne James Dalgell baillies the deyne of Gild theſaurer and counſall preſentlie convenit My Lord Proueſt cawſet exhibit and produce before thaim tua gownes the ane reid the other blak clayth lynet in the breiſtis with ſaibill furring ſent to his Lord- ſhip be the Kingis Majeſtie for to be worne be him and to be patrones of the gownes to be worne be the Proveſt and baillies and fic of the counſall and toun as ar appoynted therto be his Majeſtie. HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT OF LUDOVICK DUKE OF LENNOX, WHEN COMMISSIONER TO THE PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. ANNO M.DCVII.  & 33 33 & #3 & Cº, & 6 §§§ 3)3XS33; §§§ Q? %3 Q3 º º 'º º ºſº º Sºº THE following account of the expenses of Ludovic second duke of Lennox, while holding the office of High Commiſ. sioner to the Parliament of Scotland,” is printed from the ori- ginal preserved in the General Regiſter Houſe. The firſt part of the account comprehends the period from the Duke's arrival at Edinburgh “from Court in England,” on the 26th July 1607, till the conclusion of the Parliament on the 11th day of Auguſt thereafter; during which time his Grace appears to have kept his court with much of the magnificence and expense of royalty. We meet, however, * The Privy Council granted warrant to the Chancellor to append the great seal to his commission, (which is engrossed in the books of Parliament, Acta Parl. v. IV. p. 365,) on the 21st day of July 1607. On the same day the following entry appears in the Registers of Privy Council, “Anent the ryding to the Parliament.—The quhilk day the Lordis of Secreite Counsale hes concludit and resolvit that the Estaittis of Parliament sall God willing ryd upoun Fry- day the last of Julij instant and ordanis publicatioun to be maid heirof at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, quhairthrow name pretend ignorance heirof.” On the 28th July, there appears the usual “ Proclamatioun for keiping of peace during the tyme of the Parliament;” and on the next day, the following “War- rand for keiping of a gaird within the burgh of Edinburgh, Forsameikle as it is maist necessar and expedient that during the present sessioun of Parliament guid X 162 ACCOUNT OF THE with a curious mixture of simple tastes and habits, with a dis- play of the most expensive luxury. The enormous charge for foreign fruits, spices, and confectionary of forgotten names, contrasts amusingly with the charge for “four pyntis of curdis and quhay, V;S. viii d.—Item, for reim, xii; S. iiijd.” We are not informed what length of time was allowed for consuming “fourſcoir fyftene gallounes of aill furneiſt at the Parliament, “conforme to Walter Alexanders compt.” The next division of the account commences with his Grace's coming “from the Northe,” beginning on the 21ſt September at the ferry of Brouchty, and minutely detailing his expenses at St Andrew's for two days, at Kirkcaldy, Burntisland, on the Ferry (including ix lib. “to play at the kairtis in the boite,) and rule and quietnes be keipit within this burgh; Thairfore the Lordis of Secrite Counsale ordanisane maiser or officiar of airmis to pas to the mercat croce of Edin- burgh, and thair be oppin proclamatioun to command and chairge the bailleis of Edinburgh to caus a sufficient guaird be keipit in thrie seuerall pairtis of this burgh during the tyme of this present Parliament, and to begin thair guaird upoun Thurisday the penult of this instant ; and in cais ony tumult or commo- tioun happin or fall out in this burgh, that they tak and apprehend the pairteis, and present thame before the Lordis of his Majesteis Counsale to be tane ordoure with and punisit as accordis; as the saidisbaillies will ansuer upounthairobedience.” The next order of the Privy Council regarding the ceremonial of this Parlia- ment is on the last day of July, “Ament the Ranking and voiting of the Bischopis in the Parliament—The Lordis of Secrite Counsale remembering how that of auld the Bischopis of this kingdome who represented the spirituall estate, wer ever preferrit, rankit and voitit in Parliamentis and Generall Counsallis before the Lordis of the temporall estaite; and the Lordis of Secreit Counsall being weill myndit that in this present sessioun of Parliament, and in all tymes heir- efter, the saidis Bischopis sall have the lyke place and rank as thair predecessouris DUKE OF LENNOX. | 63 during a ſtay of three days in Edinburgh, which he leaves on the 28th for Stirling. On the 6th Oétober we find him jour- neying from Glaſgow to Donypais, and next day to Edin- burgh, probably to attend a single meeting of Privy Council. On the 8th he “lape on horſe” to return to Donypais. He again came to Edinburgh to Council on the 14th, and rode to Lithgow on the 17th of the same month. On the 18th and 14th days of the following month, the Duke is at Stirling along with his daughter; soon after which time he appears to have re- turned to England. Archbishop Spotiswood, in noticing the death of the Duke of Lennox, which he says affected the king exceedingly, records his character in the following terms:—“The 16th of February formerlie bruikit and possest; Thairfore the saidis Lordis statuteis and ordanis, that in this Parliament, and in all Parliaments heireſter, the Archibischopis and Bischopis sall ryde in estaite to the Parliament house immediatlie before the Honmouris, and that they salbe rankit before the haill temporall estaite, and sall voit before thane.” On the day preceding the dissolution of Parliament (10 Aug.) the Council books record the following order for a “Proclamation anent the Ryding to the Parliament—Forsameikle as my Lord Commissionair his grace and Lordis of Privie Counsale hes thocht meit that the estaitis sall ryde the morne God will- ing to the Parliament and to be in the Parliament house sone be myne houris afoir none; Thairfore Ordanis herauldis, pursevantis and messingeris to pas to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and thair be oppin proclamatioun mak intimatioun heirof to the Estaitis, quhairthrow they pretend no ignorance of the same ; and to wairne all the prelattis, nobilitie and remament estaittis, to addresse thame- selfis to the palice of Halyruidhous the morne be aucht houris before none, and to accompany the Commissionair his grace thairfra upoun horsbak to the Parlia- ment house, as they will ansuer upoun thair obedience.” 164 ACCOUNT OF THE (1625,) Lodowick Duke of Richmond and Lennox deceaſed, to the great regrate of all that knew him; a nobleman of excellent parts, whoſe very aſpect and countenance did promiſe much good. He was thrice married, firſt to a fifter of the Earl of Gowrie, by whom he had no children; his ſecond wife was a ſiſter of the Lord Loudon, by whom he had a daughter and ſon, that died both young. In his third and laſt marriage, with the Counteſs of Hartford, he found more content than in both the other,” but lived with her only some few years, being taken away in the 48th year of his age.” _º It may be mentioned that the “Lady Athoill,” on whoſe account several payments are ſtated, was Mary Counteſs of Atholl, second daughter of William Earl of Gowrie, and widow of two succeſsive Earls of Atholl. She was siſter to the Duke of Lennox's firſt wife. . In the account of David Lord Scone Comptroller, for the year 1606–7, we find the following entries: “Item for halding my Lord Duik his hous the tyme of the Parliament, jºo lib. Item for wyne to the Lordis of the Articles in the Tol- buthe, x fi, iij Š. iiijd.” * This hint of the unhappiness of his former marriages, is corroborated with regard to the second, by an entry in the Record of Privy Council, 24th Sept. 1607, from which we learn that the Duke had recourse to legal measures to compel dame Jeane Campbell his wife to deliver to his care their daughter. Lady Elizabeth Stewart, whom she “violently detenit and withheld,”—she “ being now come to that aig that scho is capable of instructioun and learning.” It will be observed, that two months later the Lady Elizabeth is in company with her father. DUKE OF LENNOX. 165 MY LORD DUIKIS GRACE COMPT. FURNEISIT BE JAMES TRAQUAIR, PULTRIEMAN, on Wedinsday the xxviij of Julij. ITEM, sevin powtrie, vi S. viii d. the pice, summa Item, aucht auld hennis, at nyne schillingis the pice, Item, twa goung caponis, at xi Ś. the pice, Item, nyntein chekens, at iijs, the pice, Item, ane hundreth eggis, at Item, ane sten of byter, with ane pund, Item, of sueit butter four pund and ane half, Item, ane burden cell, with twa fadome of towis, Item, iiij gray hennis, at xiii S. iiii d. the pice, Item, iiij mwir fowllis, at viij Ś. the pice, Item, four powtis, at viii S. the pice, Item, sex pleveris, at viš. viijd. the pice, Item, thrie pet cwningis, at xvi š, the pice, Item, ane quart of wineger, On Thuirisday the xxix of Julii. Item, twa powtis, at viiis, the pice, summa Item, ane perterik, Item, ane dwsSoune of orengeris, TO THE BANKETT. Item, xij caponis, at xvi S. the pice, Item, tuelf hennies, at ix. $, the pice, xlvi. S. viii d. Š. iii lib. xii xxii iiij lib. vi xxii . &r.*©. iiij lib. ix xx S. vid. xv Š. liii ś, iiii d. xxxij Š. xxxii S. xli Š xlviii ś. gº xvi. 5. xiij Ś. iiii d. XV $. ix lib. xii. s. w lib. viii ş. 166 1607. ACCOUNT OF THE Item, Item, ten powltrie, at vii ś. the pice, ane dwsSoune of gryte chekens, at vis, the pice, Item, ane quart of winiger, at Item, Item, Item, Item, On Setterday the first of August. xvi mvrfollis, x 3. the pice, ten great powtis, at ten schillingis the pice, sevin grey hennis, at xv Š. the pice, tuelf pett cwningis, at xx s, the pice, iii lib. xvii ş. iii lit. vi ä. e e º 'º viii lib. V lib. y lib. xij lib. iii lib. vi ä. v lib. x 5. V lib. viii lib. xiii S. iiijd. Item, ane dwssoune of gryt chekens, fyve s. vid, the pice, Item, vi gryses, at xviii ş, the pice, Item, fyve geis, xx S. the pice, Item, twa sten of butter and thrie pund, at iiii lib. vi s. viijd. the sten, Item, twa hundreth eggis, at xx S. the hunder, xl s. Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, tuelf pleveris, at vi s. viii d. the pice, vi caponis, at xvi the pice, fyve powtrie, at vi s. viii d. the pice, ane hen, at foure pleveris, at vi s. viii d. the pice, twa gryte powtis at ten schillingis the pice, ane wilduik, at thrie pet cwningis, at xx S. the pice, ane dwsSoune of gryte chekens, at v Š. the pece, On Sonday the secund of August. iii powtis, at xiii S. iiii d. the pice, sex powtis, at viii S. the pice, twa young blakcokis, at xii ş, the pice, iiii murfowlis, at x 5. the pice, ane hen, at iiij lib. xvi š. xxxiij Ś. iiii d. ix S. xxvi S. viii d. xx S. ix S. iii lib. iii lib. xl S. xlviii ş. xl S. xxxi s. vid. X §. 1607. 167 DUKE OF LENNOX. Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, On Mononday the thrid of August. vi pair cwningis, at xvi Ś. the pice, iii grey henis, at xiii ś. the pice, iiij mvirfowlls, at viii š, the pice, vi powtis, at viii S. the pice, ane pertrik, ane dwssoune chekeins, at v Š. vid, the pice, iiii caponis, at xvi Ś. the pice, twa henis, at nyne š. the pice, On Tysday the fourt of August. tuelf caponis, at xv Š. the pice, tuelf henis at ix S. the pice, tuelf chekeins, at v Š. the pice, ane pertrik, - ane hear, thrie pet cwningis, at xvi Ś. the pice, thrie stean of butter, at iii lib. v. S. viii d. the stean, of winiger sevin chopenes at twa powtis and muirfowl, ix. S. the pice, ane dwsSoune of oringeris, On Thurisday the vi of August. twa grey hennes, ane blakcok, at xiii S. the pice, twa powtis, twa mvir fowllis, at x 5. the pice, ane wil duik, at - On Fryday the vij of August. iij mvirfowlis, at ten S. the pice, viii pleveris, at viii ś. the pice, Item on Setterday the aucht of August. vi powtis, vi mwirfowlis, at x 5, the pice, vii chopenes of winiger, at Q Q & Cº. iiii lib. xvi Ś. xl 5. xxxij Š. xlviii ś. XV $. iii lib. vi Š. xviii ś. ix lib. v lib. viii ş. iij lib. XV $. viii ś. xlviii ś. x lib. xlii ś. xxvii ś. XX s. xxxijš. XXX s. iii lib. iiii S. vi lib. xlii ş. 168 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. On Mononday the x of August. Item, ane young blak cok, at xiii ś. iiijd. Item, ame mwir fowl, at xii ş. Item, ane per pleveris, at xvi ś. Item, twa cwningis, at xxi s. - On Mononday at evin. Item, twa cwningis, at xxi Š. Item, ane grey hen, at xv Š. Item, ane quhape, at x S. Item, twa pair pleveris, at viii S. the pice, xxxii ś. TO THE BANKET, the xj of August. Item, iij pet cwningis, at xx s, the pice, iii lib. Item, iij powtis, at xijš. the pice, xxxvii. Item, thrie mwirfowllis, at xijš. the pice, xxxvi S. Item, ane grey hen, at xy 5. Item, twa pair pleveris, at viij Ś. the pice, xxxii ş. Item, vii grysis, at xviii.5, the pice, vi lib. vi. s. Item, vi duikis, at ix s, the pice, liiii i. Item, ane guse, at - xvi Ś. Item, vi pet cwningis, at xx S. the pice, vi lib. Item, xii muirfowlis, at xij Ś. the pice, vii lib. iiijs. Item, aucht gryte powtis, at xijs, the pice, iiij lib. xvi s. Item, aucht blak cokis and ane grey hen, at xv Š. the pice, vj lib. Item, iiij per pleveris, at viijs, the pice, iij lib. iiiii. Item, xij hennes, at ix s, the pece, v lib. vii; 5. Item, tuelf chekines, at v š. vid, the pice, iii lib, vi ä. Item, ane stean of butter, at iiii lib. vi s. viiid, the stean, iiij lib, vi ä. Item, ane quart of winiger, at - . . xxiiiji. Item, ane quarter hundreth eggis, at v š. I607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 169 Item, ane chopen of hony, at ix s Item, ane dwsSoun of oringeris, xxiiij 5. Item, ane hundreth peres, at xxvi s. viii d. Item, Item mair, ane cwning, Item in the first, twa pund of Barbarrie daettes, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, ane chopen can, xijd. x 5. Summa Pwltriemanis Compt is ij" lzxxiij lib. WILLIAM ORME. " DESEIRTE COMPTE. ITEM vpone the first day of August 1607, Delyuerit at the com- mand of WALTER MURRAY, to the furnesching of the Desertis. iiij lib. twa pund of dry confectit orenges, vi lib. twa pund of dry confectit pesches, vi lib. twa pund of dry confecit corsde Seturn, vi lib. xij vnce of candeit nitmuinges, vi lib. tuelf vnce of candeit cannell, vi lib. twa buistis of codzenokis, xxxij Ś. viii d. twa pund of wyolatis confeitis, v lib, vi ä. twa pund of roessis confeitis, v lib. v.j Ś. viii d. twa pund of colyander confeit, Item, twa pund of cannell Roman, at vi s. viii d. the vnce, is x lib. xiii ş. iiijd. Item, twa pund of carroway confeitis, v lit. vi. s. viii d. Item, ane pund and ane half of musk confeitis, iiii lib. Item, xxiiij vnce of amber greise confeit, at x 5. the vnce, is xij lib. Item, aucht vnce of reid dowbill musk confeit, at iiij lib. Item, aucht vnce of quhyte dowbill musk confeit, at iiij lib Item, fourteine buistis of confeitis, skrothertis and sucker almontis, at Sevin pundis, vii lib. Y 170 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Item, twa pund of wet confecit abrecois, at vijä, the vnee, is vijlib, xy 5. Itera, twa pund of confecit cherreis, at v š, the winee, is vii; lit. Item, twa pund of pomdecoynes, at iiij Ś. the ynce, is vi lifi. viijä. Item, twa pund of pesches, at iij $. iiijd, the vnce, is y lib, vi ä, viijd. Item, twa pund of grein seges, at s w lifi. Viš. viii à. Item, twa pund of flowre de orenge, - vi lit. viij 5. Item, twa pund of Barbarreis, vi lib. viii d. Item, twa pund of Weneyis puris, vi lit. viij 5. Item, twa pund of Corsde Seturn, v lib. vi. S. viii d. Item, aucht pund of Karbassat peiris, orenges, lemontis, at xxxvi S. the pund, is xiiij lib. viii ş. Item, for pipes, xxx s. ITEM vpon the first day of August 1607, furnischit be SAMwFLL BURNET, at the command of Walter Murray. ...” In the first, tua Norroway hamis, at y lifi. Item, ane pund of pepper, xxxii ś. Item, four vace of nitmuinges, xxvi lifi. vii; $. Item, whee of maisse, xls. Item, sex vace clowes, - xlviii S. Item, sex vince of waillet cannell, xlviii ś. Item, twa vnce of saiffroun, - iiii lib. Item, ane pund of ginger, - zwini ş. Item, twa laifis of cannarye sucker, at xxii.js, the pund, quhilk weyis vi pund xiv.nce, extendis to with lib. wild. Item, four pund of raisseingis a ture, xxxvi 3. Item, four pund of ryse, xxvii. viii d. Item, aucht pund of plumdames, xx is. Item, xj pund and ane half of lairde, at vijñ. therand, is iiilib. xijs. Item, four pund xiivnce of Capreis, at vi lib, wis. will d. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 171 Item, ane pynt of widoly, xxxijs. Item, four pyntis of winiger of the roise, xxvi s. viii d. Item, twa pund of roch almondis, xxvi S. viii d. Item, twa pund of raissingis the Sone, xvi. s. Item, thrie dwssoun of orenges, xlviii ş. Item, vpone the ix day of August, 1607, send doun to my Lord Duikis hous, two pund four vnce of lairde, xviii ş. Item, thrie gryte Norroway hamis, at vij Bib. x 5. Item, the x of August, delyuerit to Murkie the maister cuik, thretene pund wecht of lairde, at viij Ś. the pund, is v lib. iiij Ś. Item, ane half pund of pepper, xvi Š. Item, ane pund of ginger, xviii ś. Item, four vnce of maisse, xl Š. Item, sex vnce of clowis, xlviii ś. Item, sex vnce of cannell, xlviii ş. Item, twa pund of raissingis the some, xvi Š. Item, four pund of raissingis a ture, xxxvi Š. Item, four pund of ryse, xxvi S. viii d. Item, twa pund of roch almondis, xxvi S. viii d. Item, four pund of plumdames, x Š. Item, ane quart of winager the roise, xiii S. iiijd. Item, ane chopen of widoly, xviii ś. Item, ane chopein of olyves, xx 5. Item, twa pund of capreis, liii S. iiijd. Item, ane dussoun of orenges, xxvi S. viijd. CoNFECTIOUNES, the tent of August 1607. Item, ane pund and ame half of daittis, iii lit. Item, sex pund xij vnce of setringes, orringes, karbaissy, xxxvi š, the pund, it is tuelf pundis iij Ś. 172 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, v lit. vi s. viii d. v lib. vi s. viii d. vj lib. viii ş. iiij lib. xvi ä. twa pund paschis, at twa pund of cors de setrin, twa pund of flour de Orring, at ane pund and ane half of poundiquhyres, ane pund of cherreis, d - iiij lib. ane pund four vnce of abricois and grein almond, vij lib. x 5. alevin Vnce damassaines, lv š. xvi Vnce of Baberreis, iii lib. iiij Š. x vnce of confectit peiris, x] § DRY ConFECTIOUNEs. - ane pund and ane half of dry cors de setrin abricois, v lib. iiii lib. x 5. ane pund and ane half of dry orringes, xxviii vnce of sundrye colloris of draigre muskie, v vnce of dowbill raid musk confeitis, I 5. v vnce of quhyte musk confeitis, ls. ane pund and ane half of karrowy confeitis, iiij lib. ane pund of amber greise confeit, at viii lib. ane pund four vnce of wyolat confeitis, at iii lib, vi ś, viii d. Item, ane pund four vnce of cannell Roman confeitis, at vi lib. xiii S. iiiid. Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, xiiij vnce of roissis confeitis, at xlvi S. viijd. ane pund and sex vnce of Colyander leske, iii lib, vi ä. ane pund four vnce of roise mairry confeit, iii lib. vi. S. viii d. ten buistis of confeitis, skrothertis and almondis, at v lib. sex vnce of candeit cannell, at iii lib. sex vnce of candeit nitmuingis, iii lib. ane half pund of daitis, xx S. Summa of this besyid sum lytill sowme contened in ane vthir particular, extendis to iii" Ixxxiiij lib. xi ś, Allouit in the compt of the House. WILLIAM ORMe, 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 173. POTIACIARIEY. THE Rycht Honourable My Lord Duikis Compt, beginand on Setterday the first day of August. Item, on Setterday tuentie four peice of flesche meit, furneist all of my own flour, quhilk is sax peckis, pryce iiij lib. Item, for the baiking of the samyn, - xvi š. Item, sex caill pyis, * - xl s. Item, to the denner fourtie aucht peis of Sueit meatis, furneist of my awin, pryce of the pice, vi ś, viii d. extending in the haill to the sowme of xvi lib. Item at ewin to the swper, fowrtein peis of flesche meatis, baikin with thrie peckis of flour, all - xl s. Item, for the baikin of the samyn, X s. Item mair, for hony to the cwnigis, xiij Ś. iiijd. - SUPPER. Item mair at ewin, fourtie aucht peis of sueit meit, of my awin - furnissing, pryce xvi lib. Vpone the xi of August. Item, furneist of my awin flour, ix peckis, pryce vi lib. Item, for threttie sex peis of flesche meat baiking, xxiii ş. Item mair that samyn day, thriescoir and thrie pice of desert, half merkis the peis, extendis to - xxi lib. vi ä. viii d. Item, fywe peis of raisit wark, x lib. Summa, lxxx lib. iiij Ś. Allouit in the House compt, WILLIAM ORME. FLESCHOWRE COMPT. My Lond Durkis Court, begynand vpone the first of August. Item in the first, ane syd of beif and ane syd of weill, - xij lib. Item mair that samyn day, four scheip, xij lib. v.j Ś. viijd. 174. ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Item mair that samyn day, twa scheip, v lib, vi s. viij d. Item mair that samyn day, thrie lambis, iiij lib. x 5. Item mair that samyn day, xi tungis, iij lib. Item mair that same day, four hocheis, xxvi S. viii d. Item mair on Mononday the thrid day of August, ane syd of beif, viij lit. Item mair that same day, twa scheip, - vi lib. Item mair that same day, ane lamb, xxxvi ä. Item that same day, ane quarter of sewit, xv.jä. Item mair on Tysday the fourt of August, ane syd of weill, at v lit. Item mair that same day, twa scheip, v lib, xiii ś. iiijd. Item mair that same day, ane lamb, xl S. Item mair that same day, sex tungis, xxx 8. Item mair on Weddinsday the fyft of August, ane syd of beif, at viij lib. Item mair that same day, twa scheip, vi lib. Item on Thurisday the sext of August, ane lamb, xl 5. Item that same day, twa hocheis, xiii S. iiijd. Item mair on the sevint day of August, ane lamb, xxvi Ś. viii d. Item to him on Setterday the aucht of August, for ane syd of beif, xi lib. Item to him on Mononday the tent of August, for vitungis, XXX. Š. Item on Tysday the xi of August, for thrie scheip, pryce ix lib. xiii ś. iiijd. Item mair that same day, ane syd of ane young kow, vii lib. Item mair that same day, ane lamb, xl 3. Item mair that samyn day, ten tungis, - liiij Ś. Item mair that same day, for hochis, xxvi S. viii.d. Item mair that samyn day, ane bak stay of the hender leg, and ame bak stay of the forder leg, to be rostis, vii liff. Item mair that same day, thrie pund of chewat, xijs. Summa of the Compt abonewretin, is j xxix lib. ii ś. iiijd. Allouit in the compt of the House, WILLIAM ORMr. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 17s Item mair, quhilk com out of Straithearne, ane karcage of fyne beiff, xiiij lib. Item mair, xx caponis at xij Ś. the piee, xij lib. Item, of myir fowllis xxvi, at viš, Vijd, the pice, viij lib, xii; S. iiijd. Item, for sex mwtoun bukis, xiiij lib. Item, for twa stenis of cheis, liii ś. iiii d. Summa, li lib, vi s. viijd. Allouit in compt of house, WILLIAM QRME. HERBIS AND SELLATIS, Wpone the penult day of Julii 1607 yeiris, the Compt of the Herbis furneist to my LoRD DUIK sen his cumming to the Abbay, be me JAMES FRISKEIN. Item mair, furneist be me to my Lordis howse for herbis, the penult day of Julij, xii ş Item mair vpone Fryday the last day of Julii, for herbis, xii ś Item mair vpone Setterday the first day of August 1607 yeiris, furneist be me to his Lordsebipis howse, for cwReys xxiiijš. for dowbill furnesehing. Item mair vpone Sonday, xiis. Item mair vpone Mononday the thrid day of August 1607, xii ś. Item mair for Tyisday, xii ś. Item mair for Weddinsday, Xii ś. gº Item mair for Thuirsday, xijš. Item mair for Fryday, xii Š Item mair vpone the aucht day of August 1607, xii ś Item mair vpone Sonday the nynt day of August 1607, xii ş. Item mair vpone the tent day of August, xii ş. Item mair vpone Tyisday, xij Š. Summa of this, ix lib. Allouit in house comptis, WILLIAM ORME. 176 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. THOMAS FENTOWNIS COMPT. - Memorandum. Item in primis, for a dwssoun of torchis, pryce of the torche viii ś, quhilk extendis to - ? iiij lib. xvi š. Item, for thrie coffer claithis, and thrie watter claithis, and , - ane dwssoun of serueitis, - Item mair, twa furneist beddis, quhilk extendis to xl $. in the nycht, inde for the haill claythis furneist, vilib. x s. Item mair, delyuered to Jhon Towris to be depursed in the mercatt, the sowm of threttie tua pundis, hard and examinat - according to the particular, . - xxxij lib. Summa of thir twa particularis, is xliij lib. v.j Ś. - Allouit in the house comtis, - WILLIAM ORME. LADINSTERIs compTE. Item mair, I haif ressauit of neaprie, first, thrie dwssoun and aucht, and thrie coveris; I hawe ressauit nixt agane, twa dwssoun and ane half and thrie towallis, and twa cuveris; mair, thrie dwssoun of neaprie, and thrie towallis, and iii cuveris; mair, sex dwssoun and vi cuveris, and thrie watter cloithis ; mair, twa dwssoun and twa cuveris and four towallis, . vi lib. Item mair, for wesching of my Lordis grace lyning and lanis . and schirtis, . . vi lib. Summa of this, is xii lib. Allouit in the House comptis, WILLIAM ORME. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 177 JAMES DALZELLIS COMPTE. WALTER MURRAY servitour to my LoRD DUIK of LENNox, Comptis gevin vp be James Dygell, merchand in Edinburgh. In the first, gevin at your command to Walter Alexander, xx lit. Item, for takeing of my Lordis Grace [geir] that come in the - first schip to the Abbay, - x lib. x s. Item, for naillis, and to thame that put we the tapestrie in the Kingis howse, . ii lib. Item, for the frawcht of the haill geir that come in the first schip, and thrie men wictuallis and passage, jºxx lib. Item mair, twa twnes of wyne layit in my Lordis howse at your command, at twa hundreth xxx lib, the twin, is iiijºlz lib. Item, for the inlaying of it in Leith, and vpbringing of the same to the Abbay, . v. lib. v.js, viii d. Item, for twa Dysboles to my Lord chalmer, xxxij lib. Summa of this compte, the xy day of Aguste, is viºxlix lib. xviš. viijd. - - WILLIAM ORME. Resawit heirof, - - ijº lxxx lib. Swa restis the forsaid day, iij likix lib. xvi s. viijd. Mair ressawit the xvii day of Agwste, it xl lib. x, dles. Swa restis yit of this compt, - ij" xx lib. . Item mair, to James-Dalzell for ane stand of new dameis, quhilk. I borrowit fray him to serwe my Lord at the Parliament, quhilk is stollin and away, and can nocht be had, the Sowme of Cause Robert Monteith be eaſaminat heiranent, and he will declair his conscience, and quhat is in his hand restand, j bort claith of dormik and ia, serwittis ; as for any vther he knawis nocht thairof, althocht he was Pantrieman. Z 178 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. BAXTERIS COMPTE. The Compt of the breid furneissit to my Lord Duikis Grace hous, begining vpone Mononday the xxvij of Julii 1607. Item in the first, sent downe that samyn nycht, being the xxvii of Julii, - . - yxx Item vpone Weddinsday the xxix of Julii, ifixx Item vpone Fryday the last of Julii, iiijº Item vpone Setterday the first of August, xvijº Item mair that samyn day, of men menschotis, vijº Item vpone Sonday the secund of August, vixx Item vpone Mononday the thrid of August, vjºr Item vpone Tyisday the fourt of August, vjºr Item mair of men menschotis that samyn day, iijº Summa of this of flour, four menschotis, extendis to sevin hundreth fyve ** And of men menschotis iiiii”. The Compt of the flowr furneist to the kiching, and to baik my Lordis venisoun meat with. Item in the first, sent downe to the kiching, half peck, vi s. viijd. Item mair for thrie peis of venisoun to baik thame, iii pecks, xl Š. Item mair to baik four gryter peis, fyve peckis, at - iii lib, vi s. viii d. Item mair for the baiking of ewerie ane of thame and wark- manschip, at sex schillingis the pice, summa of the sevin extendis to t- * , xlij Ś. The secund compt, beginand vpone Thuirisday the sext of August, i - iiiixx Item vpone Fryday the sevint of August, vixx Item vpone Setterday the aucht of August, . - vixs 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 179 Item vpone Sonday the mynt of August, yxx Item mair of men menschotis that samyn day, - Hixx Item vpone Mononday the tent of August, vixx Item vpone Tyisday the xi of August, xiixx Item mair of menschotis that samyn day, vi xx Summa of this compt of four flour menschotis extendis to vi'iii” And of mane flour menschotis, to jºiiixx .Summa of the twa comptis of four flour menschotis, extendis to xiiij°xl And of mane flour menschotis, to iij** at xii d. the pece, inde j" v lib, and vij lib. xv Š. iiii d. CANDILL COMPTE. My Lord Duikis Compt of Candill that his servantis has ressawit frame, HENDRIE TUEDIE, to my Lordis vse. Item, ressault vpone the xxvi day of Julii ij stane of Candill, vilib. viiis, Item, ressauit vpone the thrid day of August vther twa stane of Candill, pryce of the stane, vi lib. viii ś. Item moir, a stane of candle, - iij lib. iiij Ś. Summa of this, xvi lib. Allouit in the House compt. WILLIAM ORME, COMPT WESCHELLIS BoERow1NGE. WALTER MURRAYIs CoMPT. Item, for the len of tuentie fyve dwssoun of veschell, and ge keipit thame xv dayis, at iiijs, the dwssoun everie aucht dayis, is x lib. Item, for the len of thrie dwssoun and ane half of new Inglis weschell, at viii schillingis the dwssoun everie aucht dayis, and 3e keipit thame xv dayis, is - - . lvi S. 180 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. * * * * * * * c e o 'º e G Item, that thair wantis ane plait ane cover and ane trunchear, veyand thrie pund ten vnce, at x 5, the pund, is xxxvi S. iij d. Item mair, for caireing hame his weschell, xii ś. Summa of this is xvi lit. viij Ś. iiij d. Allouit in House comptis, WILLIAM ORME. CERTANE ConFECTIONIs. THOMAs ADAMSoun his Compt, vpone the furnissing of skrothertis confeitis, succour almondis and ryise. Item, furneissit be him xxxvi buistis, at xviij lib. Item, vi pund ryise, at - Yl S. Summa of this, xx lib. Allouit in House comptis, WILLIAM ORME. JHON DOBBEYIS COMPT. THE DUIKIs CoMPT or FLESCHE. Item in the first, ane kow, xxij lib. Item mair, ane dwsSoun tungis, iiij lib. Item mair, thrie mwtoun bowkis, price of the pice ij lib. ix lib. Item mair, ane syde of beif, pryce xx lib. Item mair, ane hudroun weill, the pryce of it viij lib. Item mair, ane lamb, pryce xxx S. iiijd. Allouit in Hous comptis, WILLIAM ORME. BEARE COMPT. Item, furnissit be G.ILLIE FERRIE to my Lord Duikis howse, fra Thuiris- day the xxiij of Julii to Sonday the ix of August for Beir to the pottis xxxii d, ewerie day, twa dayes thair wes bot xvid, in the day, on Sonday twa schillingis, on Mononday twa schillingis, on Tysday xxxii d. The iust compt that I haif furneist in the haill is, xxx S. viii d. Allouit in House compt, WILLIAM ORME. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. - 181 THE COMPT of payment of Servand feis and wagis at the Par- liament in Edinburgh, be WILLIAM ORUMIs advise. - Item, to Williame Stevin and Rod Aiking, twa cuikis that seruit in tyme of banket, iij lib. Item, to the scullgieman, - iij lib. Item, to the woman that sowpit the howssis and brocht in the Watter, - xliij Ś. iiijd. Item, to William Skeldoun that cairiit provisioun to the plaice, iii lib. Item, to the dum man and his fallow that seruit the cop buird, viii lib. Item, to the goung man that seruit with John Craig in kiching, iii lib. Item, to the boy that wreitt Mwrkeis comptis in the laidnar and kiching, xxvi S. viii d. Item, to Mwrkie that same day, four leadis of coillis, ºxxx s. Item, to Nicola in Edinburgh at William Orumis desyre till ane compt for his chairges in Edinburgh, and be the way to Glasgow, - vi lib. Item, to Thomas Robesoun to be his chairgis to Glasgow, xlviii ś. Item, to Mwrkie maister cuik to be his expenssis in Edin- burgh, and be the way to Glasgow, iiii lib. xvi s. Item, to Walter Alexander for his horse wages to Glasgow, iii lib. Item, mair to him for his wagis in Edinburgh, and be the way to Glasgow to ane compt, Vi lib. Item, to Robert Ross and Arthour Glen for bearing vp stolpis, and serueing, - iii lib. Item, to thrie cuik boyes that steirit the speittis and skoureit the Weschell, xxxvi š. Item, to John Craig, cuik for his wagis, conforme to his con- ditioune, ix lib. Item, to Thomas Fentounis man that keipit the vter get, xii ş. Item, to William Orum for his horse to Glasgow, iii lib. 182 - ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Item, to Walter Alexander for iii quartis of wyne, eſter the wyne wes done in the seller in Edinburgh, - iii lit. Item, to him for glassis and cokis to the barellis, xxiiii ś. Summa of this, is lxviii lib. xvi š. WILLIAM ORME. GOLDSMYTHIS compte. My LoRD DUIKIs CoMPT. Item, furnisit to the buist xxiii vaces, at iii lifi, the vnce, lxix lib. Item, furnissit to the gilting to the roismobillis xxvii granis, at : ix lib. x 5. the roismobill, extending to - xhix HE. xviii ś. Item, furneissit of quik siluer to the wark xv vnces v š. the wnce, extending to iiii lit. xv. d. Item, for the fasone xvi crownis, at iii lib. xviii ś, the crowne, extending to iii” ii lit. viii ş. Summa, jº likxxix lib. ii ś, vi ä. WILLIAM ORME. - MILKE COMPTE, Frome the xxviij of Julii to the xi of August, for ten pyntis of milk, being fyve fische dayes pryce of the pynt, xx d. Item mair to the feist, ane pynt of milk, xx d. Item mair, four pyntis of curdis and quhay, viš. viii d. Item, for reim, xiii S. iv. d. - . AILL COMPTE. - Item, for fourscoir fyftenegallounes of aill, furneist at the par- liament, conforme to Walter Alexander compt, li lifi, vi ä. viii d. Summa of this compt, is lij lib. xvi ś, viijd. - Allouit in the house compt, - # * * * 4. WILLIAM ORME. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 183 DEBWRSINGIS by THE Hows IN EDINBURGH. Delyuerit to JAMEs KNILAND at sindrie tymes to serue my Lordis purse, befoir his Grace gangand to the north, - conforme to his tikat of resait, vj“ lxxxi lib. xiii ś. iiii d. Item, for ane goldin pestment to hing the gryt seall to my Lordis commissioune, - v lib. vi ä. viii d. Item, for reid wax to the said seall, xxx S. Item, for registrating and writting of my Lordis commissioun in Latein, • xviii lib. Item, to Mr James Raith and to his man in drink siluer, for the gryt seall to the commissioune, vii lib. Item, on the first day of August, to go out of Edinburgh to the Wemeis with ane letter direct frome my Lord, XX s. Item, to twa men that cairreit weschell to the abbay, xiii S. iiii d. Item, to Patrik Nemach, merchand in Edinburgh, for ane gryt string and ane gryt fass of gold and silk to hing the buist with the commissioun, xiii lib. xv.j Š. Item, vpone the sevint day of August, gevin at Williame Orum and Mwrkies desyre for xv lead of coillis, vi lib. Item, to puir folkis at my Lordis command, at the abbay win- dow of Halyrudhous, xl S. Item, vpone the viij day of August for twa hundreth peiris, xl S. Item, the same day for thrie hundreth chereis, iii lib. Item, to the puir at the head of the Cannogait in Edinburgh, liii ś. iiii d. Item, to James Robisoun to pay for aucht horse waiges to cairye my Lordis servandis to Steirling fra Edinburghe, xxiiij lib. Item, to Walter Keir to gif ane servand of my Lord Orkinnayis for drink siluer of ane horse, ix lib. Item, to Quintein Lowe to gif in drink siluer to Sir John - Schairpis man for siluer wark, quhilk wes borrowit, iii. Hib. 184 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Item, vpone the sevin day of August for sevin lead of coillis, xlix 5. Item, gevin for aucht wax candill to the twa banket dayis, iii lib. x 5. Item, gevin to Thomas Mwsset for the last schipis ffrawcht that brocht hame my Lordis geir conforme to the particular, jºxx lib. Item, gevin to my Lord his Grace selff at the going to the north, . - - jº xx lib. Item, gevin in Hamiltoun at my Lordis Grace command to ane man gif pearis to his Grace, *. iij lib. Item, in Hammiltoun to ane number of puir folkis, being sindrie companyes, liij Ś. iiijd. Item, to the drummeris and pyparis thair, - xl S. Item, to the brodis at the kirk duris in Glasgow on Thuiris- day the xxi of August and Sonday the xxiiij of August, iiii lib. x 5. Item, to puir folkis be the way, quhen my Lordis Grace come first out of Stirling to Glasgow, xxxiii ś. iiii d. Item, to Walter Alexander for the carage of trunkis and bein puncheounes to the sellar, - lvi ś. WILLIAM ORME. My Lord Duikis Grace horse chargeis, at his Gracis cuming from court in England the xxvi of Julij 1607. .- Item, the said xxvi of Julij enterit in my Lordis stable at Halyruidhowse vii horsis, ilk horse in the day ane pec aittis at vii S. and iii ś. in stray, montis ilk day to iij lib. x 5. The xxvii day, Alexander Muirheidis hors absent, remanit sex horsis at - - - - iii lib. The xxviii day, sex horsis, - iii lib. The xxix day, sex horsis, . - iii lib. The penult day, Alexander Muirheidis horse cam again, quhilk makis vij horsis at iij lib. x 5. 1607. - DUKE OF LENNOX. 185 The last of Julii, vii horses at - iii lib. x 5. The first of August, Thomas Grahame cam with twa horsis, - quhilk makis nyne horses at is - iiii lib. x 5. The secund of August, nyne horsis at iiii lib. x 5. The third of August, nyne horsis at iiii lib. x 5. The fourt of August, enterit the maister stableris gray naig, quhilk makes ten horsis, at V lib. The fyft of August, entered ane horse from my Lord of Rox- broch, quhilk makis xi horsis, at - v lib. x 5. The sext of August, xi horsis, at v lib. x 5. The sevint of August, xi horsis, at v lib. x 5. The aucht of August, xi horsis, at v lib. x 5. The nynt of August, xi horsis, at v lib. x 5. The tent of August, xi horsis, at v lib. x 5. The elevint of August, xi horsis, at v lib. x 5. My Lord of Orknayis broun horse enterit for bering my Lordis Grace fute mantill at Parliament the first of August, and remanit to the xii of August exclusive, being in all xi dayis, at x $. in corne and stray, montis to v lib. x 5. Item for breid to him and all the rest of my Lordis Grace horsis induring the forsaid tyme, being xxxiiijdousane at vi š, the dowsane, inde x lib. iiii ś. e º O © ExTRAoRDINAR CHARGE MAID IN My LoRD GRACE STABLE. Item first, for nyne elnis halfell hardin cloyth for horse scheitis, iii.lib. x s. For four pair stirrap ledderis, at xiii S. iiii d. a pair, liii ś. iiii d. For tua new harnessingis, I Š. For four pair girdis, xlviii ş. For thrie pair stirrap irnis, xxxvi Š. For thrie new bittis, xxiiii ś, 186 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. For thrie howsing girdis, xxx S. For sum towis to be bindingis for horsis, xii ś For ane horse kaim, - xvi Š. For sewing round about the frenze of my Lordis fut mantill, x 5. For mending my Lordis post sadill, and the rest of the sadillis, xiiii ś For twa ledder heid stealis with thair loudges, xl Š. For sewing the thrie scheittis for the horsis, V lib. For tuelf gang horse schoune, at xx 8. the gang, Inde For the bluiding of ane horse, and giffing him a drink, xii lit. XXX S. For taking the hoik of the paidges broun naig, . X Š. For thrie cariaige horsis the xij of August from Edinburgh to Sterwelling, at iii lib, ilk horse, - ix lib. For five sadillit horsis, that is for George Cleland merchant, Robert Setoun, Robert Lecky and James Robeson, at iii lib. a peice, Inde xy lib. Summa of bothe the sydis, vijxx x lib. iiij Ś. iiij d. Quhairof resault fra Walter Murray, xxiiij lit. And fra William Orme, xxxvi lib. Swa restis fourscoir ten poundis iiij Ś. iiijd., to be payit be Walter Murray chalmerlane. This compte is sein be me James Cleyland and Walter Keir, AT Glasgow the xxvi of August 1607. - WALTER KEIR. J. CLELANDE. This compte preceding is satisfeit and payit be Walter Murray of Casaquhy, chalmerlaine to my Lord Duikis Grace, and theirfoir quyt- clameis and dischargeis the said Walter Murray and all viheris theirof for now and euer be this present, subscrivit be Walter Keir for me, James Robeson burges of the Cannowgaite, AT Edinburgh the sext of December 1607, befoir thir witnes, WALTER KEIR. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 187 My LoRDE DUIKIS GRACE Compte, quhen and sen his Grace come fray the Northe, beginande at the Ferrey of Brwchtie and Portna- craige, wrone the Mononday the 21 day of September 1607. Item, to the boitmen at Portnacraige for careinge his Grace horsis and cumpany, iiii lib. x 5. Item, giffin ane man to gange to his Grace to the northe with letteris, at his Grace awin letteris command, iiii lib. Item, on the 22 of September to ane of his Gracis futmen to gange to Edinburgh to prowyde for his Grace, xl Š. Item, WPone the 23 of September to ane of his Grace futmen to gange to Brwinteland to prowyde for his Grace, and to Dumfermelin with ane letter, - xl Š. Item, for twa horses owt of Brwinteland to Sanct Androis to twa of his Gracis serwantis, iii lib. xiii ś. iv. d. Item, in Sanct Androis in Mr Henry Russellis hows, for Mr Burnettis chalmer and wither gentilmen of his Grace, and for thair extraordinaris twa nychtis, and for ane supper to his Gracis haill cumpanie thair, xviii lib. Item mair in Sanct Androis, in Androwe Duncansownis howse for ane denner and ane supper to my Lord Gracis haill cum- panie and grwmes also, and wther extraordinaris, xviii lib. Item, at the brige of Kirkkaldie in drink siluer, at his Gracis command, the 23 of September, xxiiii lib. Item, for my Lord Gracis horses in Sanctandrois twa nychtis, beinge in number xviii horsis, ewerie horse twa peckis of aitis twa nychtis, in aitis ii lib. if at sex S. the peck, inde x lib. xv Š. Item for stray to the said horses for twa nychtis, twa Ś. the horse, iii lib. xii ś. Item, in Brwinteland for my Lordis Grace supper and denner wpone the 23 of September, my Lord Mar, my Lord 188 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Bwrle, my Lord Erskine and wtheris being with his Grace thair extendis to xxxvi lib. Item, to waigis to the serwantis thair all being feit be James Clelande, iiii lib. Item, in Brwinteland for Nedis bede, Thomas Grahames, and the grwmes with thame, xxiiii lib. Item, to my Lordis Grace on the ferie cumand ower to Edin- burgh the said day to play at the kairtis in the boite, ix lib. Item, in Edinburgh giffin at my Lorde Blantyris command, to James Kynneris man, for making ane band conserninge my Lady Athoill, to his Grace, vi lib. xii ś. Item, the said day to Alexander Dalapis man, for gettinge certane wretis to produce befoir the Commissar, at George Hwchesownis desyre, xxiiii S. Item, to the officeris in the constrey in Edinburgh the 26 of September, my Lordis Grace being thair, xl Š. Item, on the nixt Thwrsday thairefter, George Hwchesown and Mr Robert Lermonthe being present with the clerk in the constrey, vi lib. Item, the said day to the officeris thair, xl Š. Item, for my Lordis Grace expenssis in Edinburgh in John Kynlochis hows, betwix Thursday the 24 of September and Mononday the 28 of September, conforme to his particular compte, iij" xlviii lib. viii ş. Item mair, to the serwantis of that hows, be William Ormes sicht, vi lib. Item, for his Gracis horse in Edinburgh the said tyme, con- forme to the particular compt thairof, subscryveit be George Clelande, xxxii lib. xvi s. Item, to James Robesoun for fowre feit horses the 28 of Sep- tember to Sterling with his Grace serwantis, xii lib. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 189 Item, to Alexander Cleland to gange with his Grace to Strivi- linge, to gif poore or ony wther particularis, xxxvi lib. Item, for Mr Birnettis bed and his extraordinaris, and wheris with him in Edinburgh thair, - iii lib. Item, to Drummeris that come to his Grace thair the said tyme, iii lib. Item mair, to ane quhisler and ane fidlar the 26 day thair, iii lib. Item, gifin for moyeninge of ane thowsand merkis to my Lady Athoill, and for making the band thairof, x lib. Item, for my awin charges in Edinburgh fray Monanday the 28 of September to Sonday the fowrt of October, awaiting on his Gracis twrnes thair, my self horse and man, x lib. Item, fºrmesit be me to my Lady Athoill in Edinburgh, at his Gracis speciall command, betwixe the fowrtene day of Agwste to Fryday the 2 day of October 1607, conforme to the particulare compte gewin thairwpone and subscryvit be hir Li serwant, vje lxxxii lib. xiij Ś. iv. d. WILLIAM ORME. THE CompTE of HIS GRAcIs ExPENSIS IN GoINGE To EDINBURGH and beinge thair wrone the sext of October 1607. Item, to the pywire be the way betwix Glasgow and Donypais, the sext day, *- xvi Š. Item, wbone the sewint day cuminge to Edinburgh to the pyre be the way at the fute of Leithwynde, beinge twa cumpaneis, xlviš. viiid. Item, in Lithgowe, at his Gracis command, to ane boy to gang to Striuelinge, xxiiii S. Item, on the sevinte day to ane fitmane to gang to Dredane to Mr Alexander Kinge, xii ş. Item, to Mr Edwarte Merschell commissar clark, for extract- ing decreit Adherens, for precept and his awin waigis, at his Gracis command, xliiii lib. 190 ACCOUNT OF THE 1607. Item, to his man in drynk silwer, iii liff. Item, to his Gracis house in Edinburgh the said tyme, con- forme to the particular compt, v liff. xx d. Item, the said day to George Clelande to pay for the gray horse beinge in Lastarige quhen he wes spilte, viii liff. Item, on the 8 day of October quhen his Grace lape on horse, to the pvire in Edinburgh, at Kinlochis, xl 5. Item, to Jhone Kynloche for his Grace expenssis, beinge with him on Wodinsday at nycht at supper, and the 8 of October to brekfast in ordinare wyne howsmeill, conforme to the compt, xxxv lib. xvii ś. iiijd. Item, on the aucht of October, quhen his Grace lape on owt of Edinburgh to Donypais gewin to George Cleland to gif the pvire be the way, vi lib. Item, the said day send with my man efter his Grace, seing I geid nocht my self and gifin to Alexander Cleland, xviii lib. Item, wbone the 9 day of October for letteris to chairge my Lady befoir counsall on Thwrsday the 15 of October, xl S. Item, for my awin expenssis in Edinburgh, beinge derectit be his Grace to stay the 9, 10, 11 dayis of October, iiii lib. WILLIAM ORME. My LoRDIs GRACE CoMPT, debwrsit be me at his Grace cuminge to Edinburghe to Counsall wrone Wodinsday the xiiij of October, quhair his Grace remanit in Edinburgh Thwrsday and Fryday, and raid on Setterday the xvij day of October to Linlithgow. Item, gifin to the pvire at Leithwyndheid, at the fit of Canno- gait, and quhen his Grace lape on, iiii lib. x 5. Item, gifin to Johnne Kynloche to helpe James Kneland to pay his Grace charges in Edinburgh the said tyme, - iiixx lib. 1607. DUKE OF LENNOX. 191 Item, gifin to Jhonne Ramsay the said tyme to pay for sex qwartis of wyne he brocht owt of the towne to serwe his Grace, becaus it wes better wyne, vi lib. Summa, iiixx x lib. x 5. WILLIAM ORME. My deburseing in Striuiling quhen his Grâce come thair with his Grace dochter vpone the 13 day of Nowember 1607. Item, gifin to Cristall Alexander the said day at my Lord Blantyris command, quhilk James Stewart suld payit of bygane furneisinge, 1 lib. Item, wrone the 14 day of Nowember, giffin in Striuiling to Alexander Clelande to serwe my Lordis adois, xviii lib. Item, the said day to gownge Mynto for silwer he gaif owt in Edinburgh quhen decreit Adherens wes gifin owt, and he become cawtioun thairfore, iii Jib. Item, wyone the 12 day, gifin to the fyt mane to gange to Edinburgh at his Grace command for letteris Wpon commis- sioun for Jwstice Cowrt, and with letteris to Dalape, xl Š. All this former compt did come to laite at vii of the clock befoir my depairtur towardis England, so that I had no tym to ea'amine the same, and so hes drawin a scoir at the end of ewerie pagen that no moir aug- mentatiown salbe. And so being assured of the Compter his homestie, I may the moir bauldlie subscryve his comptis, remitting the compting to yow Auditouris, quha I dout nocht hes knawlege of the Comptar his homestie as said is. WILLIAM ORME. INDENTURE OF A HORSE RACE BETWIXT THE EARLS OF MORTON AND ABERCORN AND THE LORD BOYD. ANNO M.D.C.XXI. 3. S ãº: K-ºſ) $33, º Q3 º º º %3 § HoRSE racing has never borne a prominent place among the national amusements of Scotland. So long as this country con- tinued a separate kingdom, war formed at once the occupation and the amusement of her nobles, who were from neceſsity not leſs than from choice amateurs of the art. The noblest of domestic animals was regarded as an article of use rather than of luxury, and the cares of the legislature were directed to preserve horses from injuries by malice or careleſsneſs, and from exportation beyond the realm. In a country little adapt- ed for the pastimes of the chase, and a climate alike unfavour. able to the breeding of stock and to the abundant supply of suitable sustenance, speed and pedigree were scarcely attended to. Accordingly the race course was rarely resorted to by our early Kings and their aſsociates, who preferred the martial exercises of weaponshaws and butts, or sought relaxation in cards, dice and other games of hazard. One entry, however, I96 INDENTURE 1621. occurs in the Treasurer's accounts of 1504, and must be con- sidered as an exception. It is in these terms: “Item, the fecund daij of Maij to Dande Doule quhilk “he wan fra the King on hors rynning, xxviijs.” It does not appear on what course this royal match was run, but in 1552, a race had been established at Haddington for a silver bell, as is shewn by the following extract from the re- cords of that Burgh. - 1552, May 10.—The quhilk day John Forrois, burgess of Hading. toun, came cautioner that ane worthy and mychty lord, George lord Seytoun, sall bring the silver bell that his horse wan upon the x day of Maij the yeir of God I" W* fiftie twayeiris, to the said burgh of Had- ingtoun, upon the thrid day of November the samyn yeir of God, and present the same to the provost and baillies of the said burgh of Hading- toun, with ane augmentation lyke as the said lord pleases to augment for his honour; and the same bell to be run for the said day, swa that the wynnar thereof may have the same again; and for observing of thir pre- missis the said John Forrois has actit himself in the common buyk of Hadingtoun, the said x day of May, the yeir of God above specifit. In the course of the following century this new taste of our ancestors had gained such ground that their exceſsive paſ. sion for the turf called for the interposition of Parliament. The preamble of Stat. 1621 chap. xiv. is in these terms: “Confiddering the monyfold evillis and inconvenientis whiche “enſew upoun carding and dyceing and horſe races, whiche “ar now over muche frequented in this cuntrey to the gryit “ prejudice of the liegis; and becaus honeſt men ought not 1621. OF A HORSE RACE. 197 “expect that anye wynning hade at anye of the games abone “writtin can do thame guid or proſper,” &c. The statute goes on to limit all wagers upon horse races to the sum of one hundred merks, under penalty of forfeiture of the surplus to the poor of the parish. The records of other Royal Burghs afford curious notices of the progreſs of this paſsion. Some such have been re- covered by the care of Mr Motherwell from the records of Paisley, and appeared in the Paisley Magazine. The earliest of them is to this effect: Act ament the Silver Bell.—April 1608. Item, it is concluded that ane silver bell be made of 4 oz. weight, with all diligence, for ane Horse race yearly to be appointed within this burgh, and the bounds and day for running thereof to be set down by advice of my Lord Earl of Aber- corn Lord Paisley and Kilpatrick. The prize thus instituted was, like that run for at Hadding- ton, subject to the arrangements of modern champion-cups, and the owner of the horse that “ bore away the bell” was obliged to find caution, under a penalty of 100 punds, for again producing it at the race of the following year, while the stakes which accompanied it became his property. All this, and other curious details, are fully set down in the next “ačt” of the sporting bailies of Paisley. Act setting downe ane hors Raiss.-Apud Paisslay decimo tertio die mensis maij 1620. The quhilk day Andro Crawfurde and Jo Algeo younger baillies of ye burghe thairof, with the counselle of the samyn • Acta Pan. Jac. VI. Vol. IV. p. 618. 198 INDENTURE 1621. being convenit in the tolbuith of the said bur', with advyce of ane mobill and potent erle James erle of Abercorne &c. proveist of the said burghe, for ordour taking with sundrie thingis concerning the commoune weill of the samyn, and namelie anent the conclusioune of thair bell race and efterschot, quhilk was of auld set doune and not effectuat. Thairfoir it is now concludit and ordanit be the saidis baillies and counsell, with ad- vyse and consent foirsaid, that yeirlie in tyme cuming thair bell raice salbe rwne on the saxt day of Maij in manner following, viz. to be start at the gray stane callit St. Connallis stane, and fra that richt eist to the lytill house at the calsayend of Renfrew, and fra that the hie Kingis way to the walnuik of Palslaye; and quhat horse first comes over a scoir at Renfrew sall have ane dowbill aingell, and the horse and maister yairof that first comes over the scoir at the said walnuikof Paislay, sall have the said bell with the said burghe's airmes yairvpoun, for yat yeir, togidder with the rest of the gold that salbe gevin in with the said bell in maner following ; except ane dowbill aingell that salbe given to the secund horse and his maister yat comes nixt over the scoire to the formest; and to that effect the saidis bailleis and counsell present and to come, with advyse of thair said lord proveist, obleistyame to give in yeirlie with the said silver bell the pieces of gold following, viz. the said lord proveist ane dowbill aingell, the saidis bailleis and counsell ane vther dowbill aingell. Lyikas the noblemen haifand landis within the parochin of Paislay, as my lord Sempill ane singell aingell, my lord Rose, my lord of Blantyre, everie ane of thame ar willing, for the vphalding of the said bell race, yelrlie to give in ane single aingell yairvnto ; and everie awner of the horse that rwnes to pro- duce ane singill aingell of gold to the said bailleis befoir the foir. The horse be drawen out, lyikas all the awnneris of the horses that sall happen to ryne yelrlie salbe obleist to be present within the bur' of Paislaye, dayes at leist befoir the said raice day, and thair to be ready with thair ryderis befoir ten houris befoir nowne, and therydaris to be weyit at 162: . OF A HORSE RACE. 199 the trone of the said bur' of Paislaye stane wecht; quhair the maisteris or viheris haifand power of thame salbe present, with the rydaris in the tolbuithe of the said burghe, for gifing up thair names, cast- ing of the dyce for thair places in outleiding and the wandhandis. And becaus this present yeir is so far spent, it is concludit be the said lord proveist and vther noblemen, with advise of the saidis bailleis and coun- sell of yis bur', that the said bell raice be rune the first day of Junij mixtocum, fra the gray stane callit St Connollis stane to the said lytill house, and fra yat to the walneuk of Paislaye, as said is, haifand yair horse alwayis dyetit in the said burt in manner foirsaid. And quha hap- pens to wone the said bell, keipand thair wecht in manner above written, being weyit againe at the said trone, sall have the said silver bell hung at his horse heid, and ye gold foirsaid. With this provisioune, that the maister of the horse or onie wtheris haifing power of him salbe actit as principall, with ane sufficient burgess man as cautioner for him con- junctlie and severallie, for productioune of the said bell to the saidis baillies of Paislaye, als gude as he sall resave the samyn, with what aug- mentatioune pleist him to adde, yelrlie apoun the said saxt day of Maij befoir nyne houris in the morning, and quhatever horse beis not keepit and dyettit within the said burgh the space foirsaid befoir the said day, and led fra Paislaye to the starting place, they sall not be sufferit to runne in tyme cuming, and quhatevir horse winnis the said silver bell three yeiris togither, the maister owner yairof sall have the said silver bell to himselff conforme to the manner of vther burrowes. Item, it is concludit be the saidis bailleis and counsall of the said burº, with advyse of my lord proveist, that ane efterschot raiss sall be run yeirlie in all tyme cuming, fra ane scoir at the sclaittis of Ellirslie to ane vther scoir at the calsayheid of the said bur' of Paislaye, be horse of the price of ane hundreth merkis, ryddand with the wecht foirsaid, for ane furnischeit sadill, quhilk salbe yeirlie presentit be the saidis bailleis of Paislaye present and to cum, at the scoir at the said calsayheid. And 200 INDENTURE 1621. quhilkis of the saidis horses that sall happin to cum first over the said scoir at the said calsayheid, the awner yairof Sall have the said sadill, stok thairof and covering; and the awner of the Secund horse, that sall happin to cum secundlie over the said scoir, sall have the furnisching of the said sadill then presentit: the ryders allwayis of the saidis horses keipand thair wechtis they war weyit of befoir their furthdrawing, and navther wayis. The anxiety of the authorities of Paisley, in favor of a pastime so much in contrast with what are now supposed the characteristic pursuits of the citizens of that community, may be perhaps accounted for by the taste and influence of their provost, the Earl of Abercorne. The “ačt” last quoted is drawn with the skill of a connoiſseur, probably from the special dictation of that nobleman, and may have aſsisted in calling from the legislature a few months afterwards the testimony against turf sports which has been quoted. At all events, the interposition of the law does not appear to have checked the Earl's propensities to this species of gambling ; for about the very day in which the statute was passed, he, in open breach of its enactments, became a party to the following indenture :— &N as a Ssw/5 y-ºf-ſº - ~. sº own; * 2cieſ) &m/* --o f* vvré, yº A, . ºtºs Rººg º, *9.9 Sv3 – * sſ, a tºwce 96 J / / 9. Tº / ſy & S v6 x -º-º-º-º-º-º-º: TYºº toº geys 29teſ), …--- **** sex Sºft- A. - orsº" tow SMw vº- eeuce wº / -->zle- ‘ſo,” %” ſº ºf fºº #sº vy ~ C6 rºw * ~. ‘V to cºſt ~, © 2. -->~14-2 ºz ºjº º ºf e/rºm º "'9, 9-rºofs. Cº...º.º.º.ſº }~ !º Mºjº GSA º º 42-y- Y}*42% --e -ºfºnº- favºc, ſº I A, 'A Z -> {& 4 (o º 2.63 -º ſº, - *z, * * *nº fºss- yº, he ºr Sºlºvo&n (, ** 8wečaſ. J 4, & 6, fººd...s. */#tº %; *z, *-e YeºS 9– *79a, | £z. 4%22 & 2– % 1621. OF A HORSE RACE. 2O1 ANE INDENTOUR OF ANE HoRSE RAISE BETUIX MY LoRD MoRTOUN ABERCORNE AND BoyDE. THE erle of Mortoun obleiflis himſelf to produce George Rutherfuirdis Barb Naig : The erle of Abircorne obleiflis him to produce his gray Naig : My lord Boyd obleiffis him to produce his bay horſe: Upone the conditiounis following. Thayar to run the firſt Thuirſday of November nixtocum, thrie mett myleis of Cow- per raiſe in Fyff, The waidger to be for euery horſe ten dowbill Anegellis, The foirmeft horſe to win the haill thretty, Ilk rydare to be aucht ſcottis ſtanewecht, And the pairtie not comperand, or refuiſſand to configne the waidger, fall vndergo the foirfal- tour of this ſowme, and that money foirfaltit ſalbe additt to the ſtaik to be tane away be the wynner. Forder, we declair it to be leſum to ony gentilman to produce ane horſe and the lyke waidger, and thay ſalbe welcum. Subſcryuitt with all our handis, AT Hammiltoune, the fyfteine day off Auguſt 1621. MOR TON. ABER CORNE. B O Y D. In 1622, the Paisley bell-race and cup were gained by another of the parties to this curious obligation, the Lord Boyd. The Mercurius Caledonius for the first week of March 1661 contains this quaint advertisement: - 2 C 202 : INDENTURE 1621. “The famous Horse Course of Cowper in Fyfe, which by the iniquity “ of the times hath been so long buried, to the great dissatisfaction of our “Nobility and Gentry, is to be run, conform to the institution, upon “ the secund Tuesday of April: There is a considerable number of “ Horses to carry on the work of the day; among others a Waywood of “ Polonia hath a Tartarian horse. This noble Gentleman was pleased “ to come to this Nation to congratulate our happy restauration; And it “ is to be desired that such curious Gallants as comes from Forreign “Nations to see the Course, that they do not as others formerly did, “sleep in the time of the Solemnity. It is now clearly made to appear “by a frequent concourse of Gentry in these Fields, that the report of “ the Horse Infection was an absolute aspersion.” The Cuper races are mentioned repeatedly by the gossipping author of the Diary of Fife, who fixes their institution in 1621, being the same year with the preceding indenture, and with the prohibitory statute. It does not appear, however, that the meeting of 1661 was graced by the novelties promised in the Mercurius. Apr. 30. 1661.—The laird of Philiphawch his horse wan the race att Cuper this yeire, and Stobs horse surnamed Scot was second. Onlie thir two ran, and as they went foorth so they returned, Philiphawch his horse being still first. That which was formerlie money is now conuert- ed to a large siluer cupe, worth 18 lib. sterl, or therby, as is reported. The rydar that wan was Johne Hoome. On the morrow being the first of May, they ran for a siluer cup, worth 5 lib. sterl. given in by the prowest of Cuper for the tyme, videlicet, the earle of Rothes, wher Powry Fotheringames horse in Angus caried the day, the same Johne Hoome being the ryder, and William Arnot's horse, Fernys brother, was the last of the fowre horses that ran. * * Diary of Mr John Lamont, printed at Edinburgh 1830, p. p. 135, & 160. 1621. OF A HORSE RACE. 2O3 The town-council of Stirling were also patrons of a horse race, and in 1664 the prize was a silver cup. More recently the sports of that burgh became very diversified, and the relic of courtly jousts, which it is easy to detect in the tilting match patronized by the Guildry, is strangely contrasted with the goose race proposed by the Maltmen. Apr. 16. 1706.-The councill appoints intimatione to be made upon the next May fair, and the two Fridayes before that there is ane goose race to be ridden for by the maltmen of the burgh upon the Saturday immediatlie before Whitsunday nixt, a little without the borrowes gate, which is to begine at myne aclocke in the morning: As also ane horse race for ane fyne sadle and furniture, to the value of tuelve poundis four- teen shilling, to be ridden for the said day at one o'clock in the afternoon, betwixt the burrowes gate and William Shirrayes in Cambusbarrone, back and foir, value of each horse to run not to exceid sixty pound: As also ane foot race betuixt the burrowes gate and Whytehill at thrie aclock the said day for ane pair of stockings, new shoes and blue bonnet. Apr. 21. 1707.—The councill appoints ane horse race to be run at Stirling upone the day of May next for ane silver mug, to the value of which is to bear in great letters STIRLING PRIZE : As also ane foot race to be run for the said day by men only for ane pair of shoes, ane pair of stockings, ane pair of gloves, and ane bonnet: As also recommends to the gildrie, to order ane race for ane large gold ring to be run for upon horse back with lances the foresaid day; and to the maltmen to appoint ane goose race the samen day; and the omnigatherum to appoint another race for ane load Sadle, ane pair of sods, and ane new sack full of coals the samen day; and appoints all the foresaids races to be put in the weekly gazzett for six weeks to come to the effect the leidges may be acquainted thairwith. LETTERS FROM HENRY II. KING OF FRANCE, To HIS COUSIN MARY, QUEEN DOWAGER OF SCOTLAND. M D XLV— M D LIV. 3 & Cº, & 33 33 & #3 & #3 ääß & THE originals of the following Letters from Henry II. of France are contained in the first volume of the Balcarras MSS., in the Advocates’ Library. That valuable collection is comprised in eight folio volumes, lately arranged and bound. It was presented to the Advocates' Library by Colin third Earl of Balcarras, in the early part of last century, and consists of a mass of public documents, besides many papers relating to the family of Balcarras, and to the University of St Andrews. The public documents were probably collected by John Lindsay, parson of Menmure, one of the Senators of the College of Justice, who was appointed Keeper of the Privy Seal, Mar. 8. 1595, and Secretary of State, May 26. 1596," and who is well known as an active statesman in the reign of James VI. HENRY THE SEconD of France, was the second son of Francis I. He was born in 1518, succeeded to the crown in 1547, and died in 1559. He married in 1533 the celebrated Catherine de' Medici, daughter of the second Lorenzo, by whom he had Francis II., Charles IX., and Henry III., successively Kings of France. His sister Magdalen was the first wife of James V. of Scotland, but she died in 1537, a few months after her marriage. Her widowed husband married afterwards Mary of Guise, widow of Louis Duke of Longueville. Her descent may be thus briefly sketched. * Registrum Secreti Sigilli, lxviii. 126, 169. 208 LETTERS OF HENRY II. Claud, a younger son of René II. Duke of Lorraine, obtained from Francis I. the duchy of Guise, and had by Antoinette de Bourbon, with other issue, Francis Duke of Guise, Claud Duke d'Aumale, Charles and Louis both Cardinals, Francis Great Prior of France, René Marquis d’Elbeuf, and Mary Queen of Scotland, to whom the following letters are addressed. Her marriage with James V. took place in 1538, and the only surviving child was Queen Mary, to whom, upon her father's death in 1542, devolved that fatal heritage the crown of Scotland, when she was but a few days old. She was carried to France in 1548, and was married there in 1558 to the Dauphin, afterwards Francis II. These observations may suffice to shew the relative position of the parties referred to in the subjoined letters, most of which were ad- dressed by Henry II. to his cousin the Queen Dowager of Scotland, between 1545 and 1554. The letters themselves may however require more particular notice. The concluding words of compliment and the signature are always in the King's hand-writing, and the counter-signature of Bordelet his Secretary of State is generally appended. The first two letters were written by Henry before he succeeded to the throne, and may be regarded merely as expressions of kindness and affection. We are informed by Lesley, that in the spring of 1545 Monsieur de Lorge 2 Mongumry, “ane knycht of the ordour of France,” arrived in Scotland with 5000 troops to support the French party in that kingdom, bearing with him the Order of St Michael to the Regent Arran, and to the Earls of Angus, Huntly and Argyle. To this expedition the former of these two letters appears to refer. Mongomery was captain of the Scotish archer guard of Henry II., and from his lance that monarch received, at a tournament held in honor of the marriage of the Princess Elizabeth, the unfortunate wound of which he died in 1559. On this accident it was remarked, Quem Mars non rapuit, Martis imago rapit! KING OF FRANCE. 209 The third of the series was written about the same time, to intercede for John Lord d'Aubigny, who had been imprisoned in consequence of the intrigues of his brother the Earl of Lennox with the English party. From this interference it may be presumed that d'Aubigny was secretly in favor of the French alliance for the young Queen, to which his bro- ther was so actively opposed. This is the more probable from his being in the service of France, in which he commanded the Scotish archers and the garrison of Avignon. Another letter, without date, commending in warm terms the exertions of the Queen Dowager in support of Henry's views, is here introduced, as it was about this time that these exertions became important. Robert- son says, that “ after the death of Cardinal Beatoum, [in May 1546, “Mary of Guise took a considerable share in the direction of affairs. She “ was warmly attached by blood and by inclination to the French interest, “ and in order to promote it, improved with great dexterity every event “which occurred.” The defeat of the Scootish army at Pinkie rendered necessary an urgent application for aid from France, and gave an oppor- tunity to the Queen Dowager and the French ambassador d’ Oysel to effect Henry's grand object, of obtaining possession of the person of the infant Queen, by making this the condition of sending an army to Scot- land. These terms were reluctantly agreed to by the Regent in the end of 1547; and a new incursion of the English, under Lord Grey de Wilton, in April 1548, hastened the dispatch of succors from France. On the 16th of June a fleet arrived at Leith, bringing 5000 men under the command of Monsieur d’Essé, and Queen Mary was forthwith sent to France. There were with this army some of the most distin- guished officers of France,—Brissac, d’Estanges, de Biron, Strozze Prior of Capua, the Conte Reingrave, &c. Those who wish to learn the de- tails of the expedition may consult the minute narrative of Lesley, or the gossiping pages of de Brantome; and in particular, Beaugue's Histoire de la Guerre d’Ecosse, presented to the Club by William Smith, Esq. The 210 LETTERS OF HENRY II. importance of its services during two campaigns was scarcely worthy of the chivalrous motive which the latter writer ascribes to Henry ; and it is not difficult to see that the custody of the young Queen, and a diversion of the English from Boulogne, were to him objects of greater moment than fulfilling the duties of knight-errantry “comme protecteur des personnes affligées.” Numbers five, six and seven of the subjoined documents bear upon these transactions. The Sire de Montluc was John Bishop of Valence, brother of the Marechal de Montluc, one of the most accom- plished diplomatists of his time, whom de Brantome, generally the most indulgent of biographers, characterizes as “fin, delié, rinquant, rompu et corrompu, autant pour son sgavoir que pour sa pratique.” The in- tention of sending the Marechal de Termes as Lieutenant-General does not appear to have taken effect until the summer of 1548, when, according to the authorities above quoted, he superseded Monsieur d'Essé, in consequence of the latter having suffered from a severe attack of jaundice. Number eight recommends to the Queen the services of Captain Fauchet, and is probably that alluded to in the immediately subsequent letter. The Madame de Vallentinois mentioned here was Diana of Poictiers, the favorite mistress of the King; but the chief interest of the letter consists in the concluding sentence being in the hand-writing of Henry, for which reason it is selected as a specimen of his autograph. The next letter alludes to an insurrectionary movement which took place in Guienne in 1548, in consequence of the discontent against the odious Gabelle, or salt tax. A more interesting portion of its contents relates an anecdote of court gossip in reference to the Queen of Scotland, at the marriage of the Duke d'Aumale. Moreri fixes the 1st of August 1547 as the date of this marriage, but Mary's presence proves that it must have been in the following year. The Archbishop d’Armacan, or of Armagh, appears to have been Abbot elect of Dryburgh, and in his favor the King of France writes KING OF FRANCE. 211 in 1549, praying that he may be put in possession of that preferment with all dispatch. In the summer of 1549, King Henry mustered his forces in order to wrest Boulogne from the hands of the English. He therefore recalled a force of four galleys under M. de Villegaignon, by the three letters which follow next in order. - Numbers fourteen and fifteen anxiously press the Queen Dowager to obtain the release, by exchange, of James fourth Lord Fleming from his captivity in England. Henry had been urged to this by the mother of Lord Fleming, who was one of the ladies in attendance on Queen Mary in France. In the next letter the King highly commends the service of David Pan- ter Bishop of Ross, ambassador resident at his Court from Scotland. The preparations against Boulogne being completed, Henry took the field; and on the 28th of August, he writes to the Queen Dowager of his success in reducing Ambleteux and other forts. The war, commenced in 1551 between Henry and his hereditary rival Charles V., had led to important advantages in favor of the former during 1552. In the following year, the Emperor made great exertions to recover Metz and other losses; but these were met by equal energy on the part of Henry, and although Therouaine and Hesdin fell, the arms of France were generally successful, until in 1554 victory crowned them at the great battle of Renti. To some of these events the next four letters refer. Numbers eighteen and nineteen testify the zeal of the French monarch to bring his strength into the field; but amid the din of arms, he pays a pleasing tribute to the lamented death of the amiable Edward VI. of England. The two others present us with minute and interesting details by Henry, of the campaign during August and Sep- tember 1553. - The remaining four letters do not concern matters of public moment, and are remarkable only as showing the minute attention which Sove- 212 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1545. r reigns were then ready to give to private interests. In these instances it might perhaps not be difficult to trace, or to conjecture, inducements for Henry's interference: his intercession in favor of Achessone may have been gained by the offer to raise a troop of light horse for his ser- vice; and possibly the ruined merchants, whose entire means and sub- stance were in the hands of Scotish pirates, may have still been able to raise a timely contribution to his treasury. The exact situation of “Millport, near Leith,” may now be doubtful, but the compact is curious by which an individual offers to construct a fortified harbor, to be repaid in benefices or pensions. The last of the series recommends the Sire de Fleming, probably John the fifth Lord who was then heir presumptive to his brother, and whose family were much in attendance upon the young Queen of Scotland. A MADAME MA SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma Seur, Jay receu voz lettres par le fieur Dozy, vallet de chambre du Roy, monſeigneur et pere, Et entendu par luy, de toutes choſes de par della, ſuiuant la charge, que luy en auiez donneeſ dont Jay eſte treſaiſeſ Et encores plus daudir ſceula bonne fante en laquelle vous a laiſſeſ Dauentaige le fieur de Lorges ma amplement informe du faiét de ſon voiaige, du bon traiétement, que Iuy auez faiét, durant Icelf, Et meſ. mement de la dilligence et bonne affection, dont vous auez vſe comme faićtes chacun jour, es choſes, qui touchent les affaires du Roy, mondićt ſeigneur et pere, dont bien fort vous remercieſ Vous aduiſant bien madame ma Seurſ que fien aucune choſe 1546. · KING OF FRANCE. 213 Jay moien de vous fere plaiſir et ſeruicer et men aduertiſſant Je my emploieray dauſſi bon cueurſ que apres meſtre recommande a votre bonne gracer Je ſupplie noſtre feigneur vous donnerr en Santer treſbonne et longue vie De Sainét Germain en Laye le iiij"jour de Mars mil v° xlv. - - Voſtre bon frere ETE /VF, V. A MADAME MA SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. - MADAME ma Seuri Encores que Je nay gueres de choſes de nouueau a vous eſcriprer Pour nen eſtre ſuruenu de puis que Je vous eſcripuiz derrenierement par Anſir varlet de chambre du Royr monſeigneur et perer Si aſſe que ſen allant preſente- ment par commandement du Royr mondiét feigneur et perer le ſieur de Mandoffe ſon confeiller et premier monſieur d'Hoſtel/ deuers vous : Je ne lay voullu laiffer partir/ fans lacompaigner de la preſenter pour touſiours vous affeurer que Je ſuis/ et ſe- ray/ votre bon frere et amy. Et que en toutes choſes ou il vous plaira me trouuerez toufiours preſt a vous fere plaifirr Ainſi que pluſamplement vous dira ledit fieur de Mandoffe fuiuant la charger que Je luy en ay donnee/ Sur la ſuffiſance duquel me remeétant ne vous feray plus longue lettrer fineſt apres meſtre recommande a votre bonne gracer pour ſupplier noſtre feigneurſ quil vous doient madamer ma feur en Santer treſ- bonne et longue vye. De Fontainebleau le iiij" Juillet 1546. Voſtre bon frere et amy JH E NVR V. 2 F 214 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1546. A MADAME MA. SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma Seur, Vous ſcauez le temps, quil y a que le fieur Daubigny fut prins, et conſtitue priſonnier, pour la faulte commiſe par le Conte de Lenox ſon frere, Et pour ce quil ne fe peult juſtiffier ſinon parce qui fen pourra certifier du coſte deſcoffe. Je vous ſupplier madame ma feur, apres auoir ſceula verite du faiét, voulloir aduertir le Roy, monſeigneur et pere, de ce quen aurez troutieſ affin que ce paoulure gentilhomme. A qui Je defire fere plaiſirſ laiant toufiours congneu homme de bien, et affectioune a me fere feruice, ſoit deliure et mis en liberteſi lon veoit, quil ſoit ingnocent de ceſ dont Il eſt fouſpeconneſ ou bien pugny/ comme II appertiendra/ ſi dauan- ture Il la miriteſ Ainſi quil eſt bien raiſounable. Ce faiſant ma- dame, ma feur, vous ne me ferez moins de plaiſir, que oeuvre meritoireſ Et fil vous plaiſt aucune choſe mordonner vous pouluez eſtre certainer que me troutierez toufiours preſt a me y emploier, dauffi bon cueur, que Je deſire eſtre humblement re- commande a votre bonne graceſ Suppliant, pour fin dela pre- ſente, noſtre feigneur, quil vous doientſ madame, ma feur, auſii bonne Sante et longue vye, Que la vous fouhaitte. Voſtre humble et bon frere et amy JBIE AWR Y. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne Seuri Tout cer que Je vous reſpondray aux lettres, et a cer que mauez faićt fauoir par Cabaſſolles, Van- 1546. KING OF FRANCE. 215 guedomar et autres retournez de decar Ce ſera quil eſt impoſſi- ble dauoir plus de contentament que Jayr du bon ordrer que vous donnez par tout et du grant ſoing et troauailr que vous prenez a commander et maintenir toutes choſesr pour le bien de mon feruicer eſtabliffement et feurete des affaires delar Et congnoiffent le beſoing quil eſt que Je y mette la main a bon effienti Je faiz faire toute dilligence pour le ſecoursr que vous entendrez du ſieur de Montlucr mon conſeiller/ Maiſtre des re- queſtes de mon hoſtelr preſent porteurſ que jenuoye pardela amplement inſtruict de mon intention de toutes choſes dont Je m'affeurer quil vous fcaura bien rendre compter Et vous dire au long toutes nouuelles1 tant du pere que des enfans vous priant, Madame ma bonne feur1 le voulloir oyr et croyre de tout cer quil vous dira de ma part. Tout ainſi que vous feriez celluyr qui fera perpetuellement. Voſtre bon frere PIEN F? V. MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE, MADAME ma bonne Seuri Par le ſieur de Montluc vous avez bien au long ſceu de mes nouuelles Et le preparatifſ qui fe faict pour le ſecours que Je delibere vous enuoyer Lequel, comme vous entendrez du ſieur Doyſelr mon ambaſſadeur aupres de vous1 auquel Jen eſcriptz plus au long Je fais haſter en toute dilligencer et eſperer quil fera voille le quinziefme ou vingtiefme dauril Cependant ſen retournant ce porteur/ Jay bien voullu vous faire fcauoir comme Jay receu voz lettres par 216 · LETTERS OF HENRY II. 154s. les ſeigneurs de Fourquenaulx/ Et Viſquer et deulx entendu cer · que leur auiez commande me dire dont jay eſte trefaiſe Et de fcauoir que noz affaires de de la ſoient en fi bonne diſpofition Ce que Je maſſeure procedder plus de votre prudente et bonne conduiéter que de toute autre choſe Vous aduifant que Je vous defpefcheray le fieur de Termes fi bien inſtruiét et pourueu de toutes choſesr que vous aurez occaſion de croyre toufiours de plus en plus/ quelle eſt mon affeétion au bien et proſperite deſdictes affaires Et par luy vous ſera amplement fatiſ- faict et reſpondu a tous les poinctz contenu2 es inſtructions que avez baillees auſdiét feigneur de Fourquenaulx et de Viſque Qui me gardera vous fere plus longue lettre pour le preſent Priant Dieu madamer ma bonne feur vous auoir en ſa faincte et digne garde Eſcript a Chantilly le xxx° jour de Mars 1548. Voſtre bon frere FTE /VR V. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUARlERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne Seuri Par les ſeigneurs de Fourquenaulx et de Viſque Jay fceu bien au long de vos nouuelles depuis font auſſi arriuez par deuers moy les cappitaines Bacche et le fieur de Obignyr lun de voz gentilzhommes deſquelzi et par la lettre que mauez eſcripter Jay entendu leſtat des affaires de de- lai Surquoy Je fcriptz en chiffre bien au long mon intention au fieur Doyſel mon ambaſſadeur qui vous communicquera la lettre a laquelle Je vous prier madamer ma bonne ſeur adjouſ- ter foy comme fi elle eſtoit a vous addreffant Et fur le tout 1548. | KING OF FRANCE. 217 prendre vne finale reſolution ſuiuant mon intention laquelle ne tend a aultre chofer que au bien grandeur et repoz de voſtre Royaume/ Et vous affeure bien que en cella il ne fera riens oublie de mon couſter Remectant a vous efcripre et reſpondre plufamplement a toutes choſes par le ſieur de Termes qui fen Ira, fi bien pourueu et inſtruiét que jeſpere en aurez contante- ment/ priant Dieu madame ma bonne ſeur/ vous auoir en fa fainéte garde. Eſcript a St Germain en laye le xv" jour Dauril 1548. t Voſtre bon frerer JH E VP ? V. A M1ADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUARIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feur Renuoyant preſentement le ſieur de Fourquenaulx par de la pour cappitaine du chaſteau de Humes/ En la compaignie du ſieur de Termes que Je y enuoye lieutenant general, Et ne feroit que rediéte de reſpon- dre aux inſtructions et memoiresr quil rapporta dautant que de tout cellar Jay baille ample inſtruction audit ſieur de Termes/ qui vous en rendra bon compter et tel que Je maffeurer en aurez contantement : Mais Je vous aduiſeray bien Madame ma bonne feur que ledit fieur de Fourquenaulx feſt treſbien et ſaigement acquičte de ce quy luy auiez commander Et par- tant de vous fi bien inſtruičt/ comme il eſtoitl Il na riens ob- mis a me diret de cer que luy auiez commander comme auſſi ne penſay Je auoir faict pour la fatiſfaction que vous deſirez es choſes qui touchent le bien et aduantaige des affaires de de- 218 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1548. 8, la : Comme vous entendrez a larriuee dudit fieur de Termes/ Sur lequel me remettant Je ne vous en diray autre choſe : Ayant donne charge audit fieur de Fourquenaulx vous dire de mes nouuelles et de celles de notre petite fille la Royne de- fcoſſer dont Je vous prie le croirer Tout ainſi que vous feraiz moy mefmes priant Dieu madame ma bonne ſeur vous auoir en fa Sainéte garde. Eſcript a St Germain en laye le xixº jour de Auril qo v° xlviij. Voſtre bon frere ETE V F? V. A LA ROYNE DESCOSSE MA BONNE SEUR. MADAME ma bonne Seur/ Defirant pour cauſes qui con- cernent mon feruiffer que le capitaine Fauchet fe retire hors mon Royaume pour quelque tamps/ Je luy ay commande vous aller trouuer/ et le tenir pres de vous ſamployiat a vous faire feruiſſer qui me faict vous prier le me vouloir guarder et lauoir pour lamour de moy pour bien recommander et croyre ce quil vous dira de ma part et ce que par mon commandemantr mon couſin le Cardinalr voſtre frerer et madame de Vallantinoys vous an eſcripuet et Je me ſera vng treſgrant plaifir et Je priray Dieu madamer ma bonne feurſ quil vous doit cer que myeulx deſirez de Fontainebleau ce dernier jour de Decembre. et Je vous prye madame ma feur la voys pour recoumaunde et lanployer vous aſurant quyl eſt houme de byen et de feruyfe. Voſtre bon frere HE WR V. , ,!ººººZz, º 2/, z tºſ (~~~ºººººſae):~~~~ſaeſº, Z Zºº º , ???)? *72 º e7,// ± |×ſº Zſaezzzzzºzzº ,/^ ^ ^ ^^^))|-% | 7 º(~~~~ ---- Z •„º // //// ^ 1548. KING OF FEANCE. 219 MADAME MA bonNE SEUR LA RoyNE Douaipiene Descosse. MADAME ma bonne Seurſ L'autre lettre que vous aurez auecques la preſenter eſtoit faiéte pour vous eſtre enuoyee par homme expresſ Mais ainfi que Je le woullois faire partir, Jay eu nouelles, que mon ſecours party de Bourdeaulx, auoit, par fortune de temps, eſte contrainét relaſcher en Bretaigne : aumoien de quoy Jay aduiſe enuoier quant et quant les deniers qui eſtoient Ja ondit pais de Bretaigner ainſ que vous enten- drez des ſeigneurs de Fourquenault et de Viſque preſens por- teurs, Sur leſquels me remettant Je ne vous en diray autre choſe, Mais Je veulx bient que vous ſachiez madame ma bonne feurſ que Jauois faićt trouwer aux nopces de mon couſin le duc Daumaller votre frere, tous les ambaſſadeurs des princes, qui font aupres de moy, ou ne faillit pas celluy dangleterreſ deuant le quel Je feiz, tout apropos, dancer mon filz le Daul- phin auecques ma fille la Royne deſcoffe, Et comme Il deui- foit auecques celluy de l’Empereur, mon couſin le Cardinal de Guiſe ſapprocha de luy, auquel Je dićt quil les faiſoit bon veoirſ Et mondićt couſin reſpondit que ceſtoit Vng beau mariaige: ledit ambaſſadeur repplicqua feullement quil y auoit grant plaiſir de les veoir, encores que Je foye treſaffeureſ quil my en prenoit gueres, et aufſi peu a la bonne chere quil voyoit que Je leur faiſois, Ce font madame ma bonne feurſ les nounelles de noſtre petit meſnaige, dont J evous ay bien voullu faire part affin que vous ſentiez delay vne partie du plaiſir, que Jen recoy ordinairement dićte que augmente de jour en jour voyant ma fille et la voſtre aller toufiours de mieulx en mieulx, Quieſt la pluſgrant contantement que puiſſe auoir Voſtre bon frere HENRY. 220 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1549. 10. 1 l. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feur/ Si vous auez ſceu quel perſon- nage eſt Larceuefque Darmacan prefant porteur ſon alle par de la vous ſera treſagreabler pour le bien qui fen peult eſperer, eſtant de la bonne et fainéte vie quil eſt/ Et de telle ediffica- tion pour le bien de la religion que vous nen pouuez auoir que treſgrant contantementi Et pour autant quil merite deſtre bien et fauorablement traicter Jay bien voullu Madamer ma bonne ſeurſ vous eſcripre ceſte lettre en ſa faueurſ pour vous prier tant affectueuſment que faire puis voulloir donner orderr que lempefchement qui luy eſt donne par de la en la joyffance de labbaye de Driburht dont il a eſte bien et juſtement pour- ueul ceffe et len fere mettre en poſſeſſion et paifible joyſſance puis que le droict eſt de ſon coſte. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne ſeur vous avoir en fa ſainčte garde. Eſcript a Meul- lain le xj° jour de May œ) v° xlix. Voſtre bon frere PIE NR V. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feur Pour les cauſes que vous enten- derez du Sieur Doyfel mon ambaſſadeur pardelar Leſquelles Jeſtime ne vous feront deſagreablesi Jeſcriptz preſentement au cheualier de Villegaignon fe retirer pardecat auecques les qua- tre gallaires quil a auecques luyr dont Jeſpere quil Revfſera vng grant et commun bien a nous deux noz Royalmes et fub- 1549. KING OF FRANCE. 221 12. gećtz ainfi que voſtre dira pluſamplement ledit Sieur Doyſel, Vous priant madame ma bonne feur eſtre contante audir ſon dićt Retour agreable, Et eſtre aſſeuree quil en fortira a layde de Dieu Vng fruićt, dont nous ne ſcaurions auoir que tres grant contantement le demourant Je le Remeetz ſur ledit Sieur Doyſel. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne feur vous auoir en ſa fainéte garde. Eſcript a la Bocheguyen le xv" jour de May 1549. Voſtre bon frere et couſyn PIE WR Y. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESC OSSE. MADAME ma bonne feur, Pource que Je ſuis depreſent bien auant en guerre auecques les Anglois et que Je ſuis apres a me preparer et armer a lencontre deulx de tous coſtez et meſmement par la mer, Je vous prie madame ma bonne feur que ſuiuant ce que Je ſcriptz preſentement au fieur de Ville- gaignon qui eſt pardela vous luy ordonnerez que incontinant Il ayt a partir auec mes quatre gallaires, dont Ilala charge, Et fe vienne rendre au lieu, que Je luy faiétz ſcaudir, vous adui- fant que Je ſuis bien deliberez de donner tant daffaires de ce coſte a noz communs ennemysſ quil ne vous fera pas malaiſe den auoir bon marche par dela. Qui ſera lendroićt madame ma bonne feur, ou Je prieray Dieu quil vous ayt en ſa ſainéte garde. Eſcript a Paris le xxiijº jour de Juing cov" xlix. Voſtre bon frere HENRY. 222 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1549, 13. l4. A MONSIEUR DE VILLEGAIGNON CAPPITAINE DE MES GALLAIRES. MoNSIEUR de Villegaignonr Pource que Je fuis deprefent bien auant en guerre auec Langlois/ et que Je Regarde a me fortiffier et armer de tous coſtez a lencontre deulxr et mefme- ment par la merr a ceſte cauſe Jeſcriptz preſentement a la Royne deſcoſſer ma bonne feur/ et auſſi au fieur de Termes mon lieutenant general audit pais deſcoſſer quilz vous laiſſent venir de decat auecques mes quatre gallaires vous priant et ordon- nant ne faillir dincontinant partir/ pour vous rendre a Rouen ou depreſent font mes autres gallaires/ le pluſtoſt quil vous fera poſſibler Et fault monſieur de Villegaignon que vous Re- gardez de les conduire et amener le plus ſeurement que vous pourrezi Car vous entendez aſſez que la perte des dites galaires me viendroit a preſent trefmal apropoz pour le beſoing que Jen ayſ et auſſi de votre perfonne. Priant Dieur monſieur de Villegaignonſ quil vous ayt en fa garde. Eſcript a Paris le xxiij° jour de Jung Lan o v° xlix. HENR V. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feurr Je croy que vous penſez aſſez le foingr peine et grande vigillencer que ma couſinez la dame de Flamyn prent ordinairement a lentour de la perſonne de notre petite fille la Royne deſcoſſer qui veritablement faiét en cela ſi bon vertueux et honeſte deuoirr quil eſt raiſonnable, que vous et moy ayons perpetuelle fouuenance delle de ſes enffans/ 1549. KING OF FBANCE. 223 15. et de ſa maiſon, A ceſte cauſe, et quelle ma faićt plainóte dung de fes enffans, qui eſt encores priſonnier en angleterre, a la deliurance duquel, Je deſire bien tenir la main, et faire tout ce. quil me ſeroićt poſſible mais ne ſi offrant de preſent loccation de mon couſte, Il ma ſemble madame ma bonne feur/ Vous deuoir eſcripre et prier, que fi vous avez le moyen de le faire eſchanger auecques quelque autre priſonnier Angloys ce fera wng bon outare faićt et pour perſonne qui le merite. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne feur quil vous ait en ſa ſainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a Paris le xxvi jour de Juing q v' xlix. Voftre bon frere HENR Y. . A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feur/ Depuis le Retour du Cappitaine Achaux Jay faićt enuers luy, quil ma remys le droićt par luy pretendu fur meſtre Vbilfort Angloys, priſonnier en eſcoffe, dont touteſfoys Je le doy recompenſer. Et pource que Je de- fire bien fort, pour les bons et agreables feruices, que faićt de- pardeca la dame de Flamyn, alentour de la perſonne de noſtre petite fille, la Royne deſcoffer quon peuſt retirer ſon filz, le ſieur de Flamym, priſonnier en Angleterrer par eſchange dudićt Vbilfort, Je vous prie bien affectueuſement, madame ma bonne feur, me&tre peyne, que ledićt eſchange ſe face, Et par meſme moyen, retirer auſfile fieur d’Eſtange pour vng autre priſonnier angloysi Et fi tant eſt, quil ſy trouvaſt difficulte, Je deſireroys, madame ma bonne feur, que plus toſt on baillaſt les troys pri- ees LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1549. 16. Efcript a Mouchy le ix" jour daouſt co v° xlix. . fonniers angloys que vous auez pour lefdiét feigneurs de Fla- myn et d'Eſtanges affin de fatiffaire a la continuelle prierer que men faict ladit dame de Flamyn et auſſi au feruicer que ma faict ledict ſieur d'Eſtanger lequel meriter que Jaye fouuenance de luy et le retire hors de la captiuite ou Il eſt. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne feur quil vous ayt en ſa fainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a Chantilly le xxv" jour de Juillet oo v° xlix. - | Voſtre bon frere HE IVR Y. A MADAME MA BoNNE sEUR LA RoYNE DEscossE. · MADAME ma bonne ſeur/ Pource que monſieur Leueſque de Roſſer qui longuement a refide pres de ma perſonner ambaſ- fadeur de la petite royne deſcofſer ma filler et de ſon royaumer ma faict entendrer quil eſt delibere bien toſt ſe retirer en efcoſſer Il ma fembler que Je feroye grant tort et a moy et a luyr ſi Je ne me congratuloisr auecques vousr de bon ſongneux et loyal office dont Il a ordinairement vfe de deca, au faict de ſa legacion qui a eſte de ſorter que Jay treſbonne cauſe de men louer et contenter layant ordinairement congneutreſaffectionne feruiteur de la Roynet fa maiſtreſſer de vous et du royaume · deſcoſſer et grandement enclin a la perpetuelle conſeruation de lancienne amytie des Royaumes de France et deſcoſſei Vous priant madamer ma bonne feur que a ſon arriuer pardelar vous le vueillez auoir en bonne et fauorable recommandation, comme ſa vertu et fidelite le merite. - Priant Dieur madamer ma bonne feur quil vous ayt en ſa fainéte et digne garde. Voſtre bon frere HENR Y. . 1549. KING OF FRANCE. 225 17. 18. A MADAME MA BONNE, SEUR LA ROYNE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feurſ Depuis vous auoir depeſche le Cappitaine Canmoux, Jay mis vne petite armee ſus pour venir veoir en ceſte frontiere ou noſtre ennemy commun ſe pourroit myeulx endommaiger, Et yay auecques la grace de Dieu tel- lement exploićte, que Jay prins par force la Ville et Chaſteau Dambleteux Celluy de Sellacqueſ et la place de Blacquetzl ainfi que vous entendrez plus au long et par le menu par le fieur de Termesſauquel Jeſcriptzle diſcours de laffaire comme Il eſtpaſſe, dont Je ne vous feray redićte, Mais Je vous affeureray bien que Jay par la tellement empeſche ledit ennemy, que Jeſpere que nous en aurons bien meilleur marche dun coſte et dautre, Eſtant bien delibere ny obme&tre riens de ceſtuy cyr Comme Je vous prie madame ma bonne feur, tenir main et donner ordre quil ne ſoit faiét du voſtre, Carlon ne ſcauroit choiſir meilleure ſaiſon ne pluſgrande opportunite, comme Je le- ſcriptz pluſauant audit fieur de Termes, ſur lequel me remec- tant, Je prie Dieu madame ma bonne feur vous auoir en fa fainéte garde. Eſcript au camp pres Ambleteux le xxviijº jour daouft cov" xlix. - Voſtre bon frere HE WR Y. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DEscossE. MADAME ma bonne feur, Voyant la bonne et grande vo- “lunte-que legentilhomme preſent porteur pour lequelle mauez 226 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1553. eſcript a de me faire ſeruicer et y amener vne compaignye de troys cens hommes eſcoffois/ Je luy en ay voluntiers donne la commiſſion/ foubz la promeffe que ma faiéte de les rendre en mes frontieres de Picardye dedans ſix fepmaines pour le pluf- tard, Et pour luy en donner plus de moien luy ay faict bailler troys cens eſcuzi Vous priant madame ma bonne ſeur luy voulloir preſter pour ceſt effect/ voſtre bonne ayde et faueurſ de forte quil puiffe fatiffaire a fadit promeffe au bien de 19. mondit ſeruice. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne ſeur vous auoir en ſa fainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a St Germain en laye la iij° jour de Juillet 1553. • Voſtre bon frere ©\ PºſE /VR V. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne ſeur Le retardement du fieur Doyſel de la venue duquel Je nay encores aucunes nouuellesi eſt cauſe que Jay eſte quelque temps fans vous eſcriprer pour vous tenir ainſi que Je deſire et ay accouſtume continuelle- ment aduertye de mes bonnes nouuelles/ Et de leſtat de mes affaires dont Jay donne charge a mon couſin le conneſtable/ vous faire bon et ample diſcours/ vous aduiſant que mon armee commance fort a famaffer Et font mes forces defia fi ache- mynees que Je leſpere auoir preſte dedans la fin de ce moys Et quant et quant la meétre aux champs pour approcher de mon ennemy Qui eſt attache a Heſdin dedans lequel lieu Il y a de fi gens de bien que Je mactendz eſtre la affez a temps pour 20, 1553. KING OF FRANCE. 227 vous en faire oyr bien toſt de bonnes nouuellesr de celles dangleterrer Je ne vous en eſcriptz poinét Mais ayant ſceu comme vous aurez la mort dun fi bon frere filz et amyr que meftoit le Jeune Roy dernier mortr Vous madame ma bonne feurr maymant comme vous faictes mayderez a regretter lin- croyable et doloreuſe perte que Jay faicte en ceſt endroit dont Je ne vous feray plus longue lettre. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne feur vous auoir en fa fainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a Compieigne le xix° jour de Juillet 1553. Voſtre bon frerer HENRY. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feurſ Apres auoir longuement actendu le ſieur Doyſel/ Qui a eſte retarde en angleterrer ainſi quil ma dict vous auoir eſcript En fin Il eſt arriue depuis deux joursr Et a commance a me rendre compte par le menu de tous les affaires de delar Surqoy Je prandray bien toſt vne reſolutionſ Et puis vous y feray bonne et ample reſponcer Cependant Jay bien voullu faire ceſte depeſche pour continuer a vous faire part de mes nouuelles Et de ce qui eſt ſuccedde depuis la perte de Therouenne et Heſdin ou les ennemys feirent tel ef- fort de batterye de ſappe et de myner Que finablement eſtant la place petite comme elle eſt et veue de beaucoup de mon- taignes Meſmes apres que leſdit ennemys eurent mis le feu de- dans leurs de mynest qui baiſſerent grandement le rampartſ furent les gens de bien qui eſtoient dedanz contrainctz entrer 228 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1553. en compoſitionſ Et neantmoings y font demourez priſonniers mes couſins les duc de Bouillon, et Conte de Villars, et auecques eulx quelzques autres gentilz hommes, Le de- mourant des fouldatz et beaucoup de cappitaines retournez, De forte quil ny a pas eu grande perte de gens, Leſdit ennemys auoient tellement endommaige ladit place quilz ont bien veu me la pounoir garder, Et pour ceſte cauſe font depuis le xx" du paſſe quelle fut perdue toufiours demourez a acheuer dela ruyner et deſmoliry, ſans en eſtre partysſ finom depuis quatre ou cinq jours, quilz ſe font mis en chemyn tirant vers Doul- lens, Et meantmoings touſiours couſtoians leur frontiere et fans labandonner, Et croy que ce qui les tient en ceſte irre- ſolution eſt qui ſcauent bien que mon couſin le conneſtable eſt pres Damyens, ou Il commance damaſſer mon armee, La- quelle dedans huiét jours fera toute preſte, Carles douze mille Suiſſes que Jay faiét leuer et le reſte de mes forces y ſeront, Auecques leſquelles Jeſpere, madame ma bonne feur, que Jauray la reuanche du dommaige quilz mont faićtſ Et que les premieres nouvelles que vous en aurez vous feront beaucoup plus agreables que celles que vous en aues eues Juſques Icy, Deſquelles touteſfoys Il fault remercier noſtre feigneur, et eſtimer quil faićt tout pour le mieulx, Je ne veulx auſfi faillir a vous aduertir comme pour endommaiger mon ennemy plus auant, Je faiétz tenir preſtz, encores fix mille Suiſſes et vingt enfoignes de Lanſduenetz. Pour auecques vng autre nombre de francoys, faire vne armee dung autre couſte ou Je veoy vng beau Jeu prepareſ Et penſe troutler mon dićt ennemy fi las et ſi eſpuiſe que Jeſpere auecques layde de Dieu me recom- f 1553. · KING OF FRANCE. 229 penſer a bon eſſienti Pour le moins ay Je ceſt aduentaige fur luyt Quil ne garde riens de ce quil apris du myen Et vous fcauez combien de places des fiennes Jay miſes lannee paffee en mon obeiffance Lefquelles Jay depuis tellemant acouſtrees encores quelles feuffent deſia grandement fortes/ Quil ſe veoit hors deſperance de les rauoir Jamais Jeſtime auſſi vous auoir eſcript comme mon couſin le marefchal de Briſſac a mis en ma dicte obeiſſance la ville fortereſſe et tout le marquiſat de Seuer Auecques le chaſteau de Courteuiller Qui eſt vne treſbelle place et entre fort auant en pays Dont mes limittes font gran- dement auanceesr Jay auſſi nouuelles que mon armee de mer et celle du grant ſeigneur ont eſte pieca defcouuertes pres dela pouiller Et fayz mon compte que les premieres lettres que Jauray ditallye apporteront leur arriuee ſur les terres de mon ennemyr ou Ilz auront moien de luy faire beaucoup de dom- maiger Ayant donne tel ordre pour les receuoir et fauoriſer par terre que Jeſpere en tirer vng bon et notable ſeruice Ceſt madame ma bonne feur tout ce qui ſoffre pour le preſent Dont Jay bien voullu vous faire part Remeétant le ſurplus ace que mes couſins vos freres qui ſont Icy aupres de moy vous en pouront faire fcauoirr Priant Dieu madame ma bonne ſeur vous auoir en fa fainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a Compiegne le xiij° jour Daouſt 1553. - Voſtre bon frere HEWR V. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. 21. MADAME ma bonne ſeur/ Pour continuer a vous tenir bien 2 H 230 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1553. au long aduertye des mounelles de mon armee, Et de celle de mon ennemy Je vous aduiſe, Que depuis ce que Je vous ay dernierement eſcript, Jay faićt tout ce quil ma eſte poſſible pour rencontrer ſon armee, Et y a tantoſt vng moys que Je voye la pourſuiuant de logeis a autreſ Et chaſſant deuant moy Salis ce que Jamays, Il ſe ſoyt offert ne preſente vng feul homme pour venir au combat, Sinon a Cambray ou ladit em- pereur cuydant marreſter, Et que Je mainuſeroye a laſfieger auoyt mis vingt ſix ou wingt ſept enſeignes de gens de pied de- dans, Et plus de quinze cens cheuaulx dont Il en fortit vne foys enuiron deux cens des plus brauesſ Leſquelz encores quilz neufſent habandonne la faueur de leur canon furent ſi furieuſe- ment et rudement repoulfez par aucuns des miens fi trouverent quilz en tuerent et porterent par terre de prime abbordee plus de cinquante, Et entre autres font demourez pris, Le Conte de pont deuaulx, Le Conte Darques et le fieur de Trelon, Le Peloux cappitaine de cheuaulx legiers, et vng autre cappitaine auſſi nomme Jehan baptiſte gendre tuez, Le marquis de Renty frere du duc daſcot fort bleſſeſ Et vne Infinite dautres, de forte que depuis, Il men eſt Jamays forty pas vng quinayt eſte re- coigne Juſques dedans les portes de la ville, ou Je ne me ſuis woullu arreſter Mais men fuis venu Icy, dou Je pars demain pour aller pourſuiuant mon ennemy, Juſques aux portes de Vallenciennes ou Il a retire ſadit armee, Que Je faiz tout ce que Je puis pour attirer Juſques a luy auoir faiét bruſeer tout ſon pays meſmes les faulxbourge Darran, Et fi auant a dextre et a ſeneſire quil eſtayſe a veoir quily a beaucoup a dire de ſes braueryes aux effectz, Je luy ay auffi faićt abbatre prendre 1553. KING OF FRANCE. 231 et raſer dix ou douze petitz fortz quil auoyt tout au long de ceſte frontiere/ Et faiét meétre en pieces tout ce que feſt troue dedans de maniere que le pays eſt fort neétoyer Et eſpere auant que Jen parte que vous en orrez encores de meilleures nouuelles/ fil me veult attendre ou lieu ou Je le voys chercher et pourfuiure Du couſte de piemont le ſieur Dompferrand voullant eſſayer de recouurer les places et pays que mon couſin le mareſchal de Briſſacr a prinſes ceſt eſte de ce couſte la auoyt amaffe vne groſſe armeer Juſques a vingt quatre mil hommes/ Mais Il a trouue les forces que Jay la ſi gaillardes Que fin- ablement Il a eſte contrainct faire par ſoubz main Rechercher mondit couſin le mareſchalr de faire vne trefue et ſuſpencion darmes pour tout ce moysr qui ſe continuera ſoubz mon plaifir, tant que Je vouldrayt Ayant accorde que tout ce que Jauoye priuer du ſien me demouraſt ce pendant Et neantmoins reſti- tue quelques lieux ou Il feſtoit mis et dont Il auoyt prins la fidelite dautant quilz neſtoient point fortz de forte que par la fault croyre quil eſt en fort mauuays train de fefdit affaires/ Leſquelz auſſi ſont plus brouillez que Jamays en Allemaigner Et le marquis Albert dont Il penſoyt tirer quelque ſecours ſi pauure et ſans moyenſ quil eſt au bout de ſon roolle. Je ne fcay auſſi madame ma bonne ſeur ſi vous auez ſceu comme mon armeer de mer feſt Impatrony de liſle de Corſer dedans laquelle eſt de prefent mon couſin le fieur de Termes, auec- ques dixhuict ou vingt enfeignes de gens de pied et beaucoup de gentilzhommes Ayans deſia reduict en mon obeiſſance la plus grande partye des places fortes de ladit Iſle Qui eſt pour rompre et oſter tout moyen a lempereur de pouuoir 232 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1553. trafficquer fi facillement quil faiſoyt deſpaigne en Italye, et aux Geneuoys de le fauorifer tant commodement quilz ont faićt Juſques Icy. Jauoys ceſte lettre preſte a partir, que Jay faićt retenir Juſ- ques a ce Jourdhuy, Pour vous faire dauentaige ſcaudir Comme ma principalle Intention a toufiours eſte de trouer moyen dattacher, et affronter mon ennemy et ſon armee, Ce que Je cherche Il y a tentoſt vng moys, Ayant change de tant de logeist Entre fi auant en ſon pays et tant faiét de dommaige pour cuyder les y attirer, que Je penſoys veu les brauerys dont Il a vſe parcydeuant, que le cueur luy feroyt mal de veoir ſes ſubge&tz ainfi offenſez quilz ſont, Et luy perdre trop de reputation fil ne ſe me&toyt en quelque deuoir, Et finable- ment voyant que ladit armee ne bougeryt point dun Campſ ou Il ſeſt fortiſfie aux portes de Vallenciennes counert de Riuieres de maraiz et dinfiniz foſſez et difficilles aduenues, Je me Re- ſoluz de marcher hyer droićt a luy, Et de faiét feiz me&tre mon armee en bataille, Et Icelle achemyner Juſque ſur le bort de ſondit fort dont Il ſortit ſept ou huićt cens cheuaulx des leur et quelzques harquebuziers, Qui a la faueur de leur artillerye vindrent pour empeſcher que lon ne recongneuſt ledit fortſ Et la ſe dreſſa vne forte et roidde eſcarmouche, Qui ne dura gueres Car ſans faire compte ne Regarder au. dangiers de leurdit artillerye les recoignerent et Renfoncerent, fi auant et fi furieuſement dedans ladit fort, Quil y en eut beaucoup deulx mortz et pris de maniere que de puis Il nen ſortit Vng ſeulu Et fi demoura madit armee en bataille a leur veue et a la portee de leur Canon plus de troys groſſes heures, 1553. KING OF FRANCE. 233 22. Tentant et eſſayant tous moyens de les faire venir au combat dont Ils monſtrerent bien nauoir point denuye et ſe tindrent ed ans leurdit fort Quilz ont choyſi de tout auantaigeux/ Ayans vne telle ville que Vallenciennes au doz maraiz Riuieres foſſez1 Et tout ce que lon peult demander de ſeurete deuant eulx En ſorte que lon ne les en peult deſloger Sans euident et apparent dangier de grande perter Qui fut cauſe que Jen retiray mes gens fi acharnez touteſfoys que ce ne fut que a treſgrande difficulte et encores plus grant regret/ Ce que Jeuſſe bien plus mal ayſement faict ſans la nuict qui furuint/ Laquelle ne garda pas que lon ne les aye bruſlez/ Juſques aux portes dudit Vallenciennes/ Et prins tant de leurs priſonniers que Je ne vous en puis dire le nombrer Voylla madame ma bonne ſeur leſtat enquoy ſont mes affaires pardeca dequoy Je nay voullu faillir a vous faire part Comme Je feray des autres choſes qui ſoffriront. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne ſeur vous auoir en ſa ſančte et digne garde. Eſcript au camp de Souleſmes pres Valenciennes le xvijº jour de Septembre 1553. Voſtre bon frere HE WR Y. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne ſeur Je vous ay par deux diuerſes fois eſcript et prye en faueur de Jehan de Compludo Julian Mother Yuon Rocaz Julian Poulain et autres marchans leurs conſors demourans en ma ville de Nantes/ Pour le faire adminiſtrer . Juſtice en certain proces quilz ont pardela en voſtre conſeil/ 234 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1553. 23. pour la reſtitution de fix nauires chargees de marchandiſe a eulx appartenans, quileur onteſte depredees en mer par deux cappitaines eſcoſſois nommez Andre Roberſon et Robert Alain leurs alliez et complices, diſans leſdit marchans eſtre eſpaignolz et partant leurs nauires et marchandiſes Robbe dennemys, Encores quilz foient mes ſubieótz. On quel proces tant a eſte procede dunepart et dautre quel eſt a preſent conclud et en eſtat de Juger, Et pour ce que Je defire ledit proces prandre wne bonne et prompte fin, briefue Juſtice effe adminiſtrer auſdit marchanz et leur, bon droićt en Icelluy garde et con- ſerue. A ceſte cauſe Jay bien woulu de rechef vous en eſcripre, Vous priant, madame ma bonne feur, vouloir tant fair pour moy, mettant en confideration la pitie qui eſt lefdit marchans mes ſubie&tz et queen cela conſiſte tout leur bien et ſubſtance, Et que ſi ledit proces prenoit plus long traićt Ils ſeroient to- tallement Ruinez et deſolez, Que de leur fair adminiſtrer la meilleure et plus briefue expedicion de Juſtice que fair ſe poura, Et vous ferez choſe que Je Receueray a treſgrand et treſagreable plaiſir. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne feur quil vous ait en ſa fainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a villiers couſ. terez le xviije jour d’Oétobre 1558. Voſtre bon frere 4. HE WHE Y. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. Madame ma bonne feur, Jehan Acheſon qui eſt archier de ma garde eſcoſſoiſe, ma faiét entendre que des le viuant du 1553. KING OF FEANCE. 235 feu Roy deſcoſſe mon bon frere que Dieu abſoille lon con- manca a fortifier vng haure nomme le port du moulin presle petit Liét fur lheritaige dudit Acheſon, pour Receuoyr nauires a tous ventz et marees, a quoy ſon pere des le commancement employa une bonne ſomme dargent foubz leſperance de la pro- meſſe que feu mondit bon frere, luy feit de pourueoir lun de ſes enftans de quelque benefice ce qui ne feſt depuis effectue, auffi font les outraiges de ladit fortificacion demeurez impar- faiétz. Combien que ceſt endroićt la ſoyt lune des principales deſcentes et aduenues du pais et Royaulme deſcoffe, et qui feroyt de plus grande feurete fi ledit port eſtoyt paracheue, Ce que ledit Acheſon offre fair a ſes deſpens, Aſſauoir deux entrees et deux boulleuoirs pour la feurete dicelles, Pourueu que en Recompence lon veille ſuyuant la promeſſe de mondit bon frere donner a lun de ſes enffans Juſques a mil liures de Reuenu annuee en benefices, ou bien penſion de ladit ſomme ſur la premiere abbaye qui vacquera audit Royaulme deſcoffe, Et pource que ceſt choſe quil ne ma pas ſemble fans quelque apparence et confideracion, Jay bien voulu acompaigner ledit Acheſon de ce mot de lettre, Pour vous prier, madame ma bonne feur, que vous aduiſez fi en loffre, quel faićt Il y auroyt auantaige et vtilite pour le bien dudit Royaulme et felon ce que vous en aurez trouwer vous luy pouruoyez fur fondit offre ainſ, que vous aduiſerez et Reſouldrez pour le mieulx, En- quoy Je vous prye lauoyr pour Recommander Et auſii luy permečtre de leuer pardela et paſſer de deca la mer Juſques a cent cheuaulx legiers eſcoſſoys, dont Je luy ay accorde la charge et cappitanrie, Ayant veu la bonne volunte quil a de 236 LETTERS OF HENRY II. 1553. 24. ſemployer en mon feruice et fur cer madame ma bonne feur, Jeprie Dieu quil vous ayt en ſa fainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a Fontainebleau le xxij" jour de decembre 1553. Voſtre bon frere HENRY. A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE DESCOSSE. MADAME ma bonne feur, Jehan Achiſſoune lung des archiers de ma garde eſcoſſois, ma faićt entendre quil fait (ya quelque temps) tellement offenſe de paroles Iniurieuſes par vng anglois, Que a la fin me les pouant comporter, Il auroit tellement eſte proudcque par ledit anglois quil auroit tue et occis, Et pource quil eſt perſounage qui ma faićt cy deuant et faićt encores or- dinairement feruice, et qui na auparauant commis ne per- petré cas digne de reprehenſion, Je vous prieſ madame ma bonne feur, lauoir en confideracion de ce pour recommande, Et fi ceft cas remiſſible et quil ſoit paſſe ainfi quil me faićt en- tendre de luyvouloir remečtre et pardonner, Luyen faiſant pour ceſt effect expedier les lettres de remiſſion pour ce nec- ceffaires, Et le traićtant en cela, comme auez accouſtume mes ſeruiteur et ceulx qui vous font recommandez de ma part, de forte quil ait moien de continuer le feruice quil ma Juſques Ici faiét, et a encores enuie de faire, Enquoy me ferez treſ. grande plaifir. Priant Dieu madame ma bonne feur quil vous ait en ſa fainéte garde. De Fontainebleau le xxv" jour de Decembre 1553. - Voſtre bon frere HENR Y. 1554 . KING OF FRANCE. 237 A MADAME MA BONNE SEUR LA ROYNE DOUAIRIERE ET REGENTE DEscossE. MADAME ma bonne ſeur/ Le ſeur de Flamyn preſent por- teur ma demande conge daller faire vng voiage en eſcoſſe pour aucuns ſiens affaires particulliers/ Ce que Je luy ay accorde l'ayant bien voullu accompaigner de ce mot de lettre/ Pour vous prier lauoir pour Recommande de comme vng Jeune gentilhommer qui a bon vouloir et ſe monſtre grandement affectioune au feruice de ma fille La Royne deſcofſe ſa ſou- ueraine/ et au mien. Il vous dira des nouuelles de mon bon portement eſtans toutes autres choſes demourees au meſme eſtat quelles eftoient lors dela depeſche que Je vous ay faict faire dernierement qui me gardera vous pouuoir faire ceſte cy plus longuer ſi ce neſt pour prier Dieu ma dame ma bonne ſeurſ quil vous ayt en fa treſſainéte et digne garde. Eſcript a EIE IVA? V. 92 I 25. LETTERS OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, DURING HER RESIDENCE IN FRANCE, TO HER MOTHER MARY THE QUEEN DOWAGER OF SCOTLAND. Gº Gºff, §§§ }%){º}{º} Sº, §§ ©99&}{22&}{2}ºs 53)3×3 THE following four letters, addressed to the Queen Dowager by her daughter, form an appropriate addition to the preceding collection. They were written in France, and are printed from the originals in the handwriting of Mary, which are preserved in the General Register House. The first is in the stiff hand of a very young person, and was evidently written before the Queen's marriage. The next two seem to have been sent with the Commissioners who had gone from Scotland to attend her nuptials in 1558. The last probably relates to the succours obtained from France by the Queen Regent in 1559, against the Lords of the Congregation. A LA ROYNE. MA DAME le Roy Vous enuoye Monſieur de Breize qui m'a comme ſcauez fait de bon coeur treſhumble feruice, et de jour en autre fe force de faire chose qui me ſoit agreable, qui me fait vous prier de bon coeur luy faire bon recueil, et luy faire entendre que vous ay priee de ce faire. Il a commandement du Roy vous conter amplement de toutes nouelles, qui me garde vous faire plus longue lettreſ fi non vous fupplier treſhumblement mentretenir toufiours en voſtre bonne grace COIN) Iſle Voſtre treſhumble et trefobeiſſante fille Tháñe 242 LETTERS OF MARY 1558. A LA ROYNE MA MERE. MA DAME Mesſieurs les ambaſadeurs de mes eſtats eſtants depefches par le Roy pour retorner vers vous ie nay voulu faillir de les acompagner de la preſante pour vous tesmoigner le bon deuoir quils ont fait a mes noces vous aſeurant madame que aues ocaſion de vous en contenter vous fupliant madame les vouloir fauoriſer en ce que verays etre raifonable et pour ce que leur fufiſance eſt fi grande ie me remaitray du tout en euls vous priant les croire et de ce que ie leur ay commande vous dire de ma part enſemble lonneur que le Roy et Royne et le Roy mon mary me fait continuelement et de tous mes bons parents et amis et auſſi du contentement quils en on reſſeu pour etre ſi bien reſeus et gratifies de tout ce quil a eſte poſſi- ble ce que ie ſuis ſeure que ils vous feront entendre fi au long quil ne meſt beſoin vous en dire dauantasge ſi non que ie vous enuoiray aucuns memoires par monſeur Ruhe de ce quil ma femble bon ce que iay fait entendre ausdits ſieurs de mes eſtats ausquels ie commande vous en randre conte et en pren- dre votre aduis ne voulant iamais rien faire ſans iſelui qui ſera lendroit ou ie vous preſanteray mes tres humble recom- mandations a votre bonne grace Priant Dieu vous donner madame aultant dheur et de contentement que vous en defire Votre tres humble et tres obeiſsante fille /////% 1558. QUEEN OF SCOTS. 243 3 A LA ROYNE MA MERE. MADAME Dieu a voulu que les embaſadeurs qui vont pre- fentement vers vous eſtant a mi cheminſ ayent eſte reponfes iufques a Dieper la ou ils font tous malades/ et monſieur d'Orcenay mort/ qui leur a fait menvoier Arfquin preſent porteurſ pour me femondre de ce que vous leur aues acorde de iouir des priuileges/ qui ſont que les abeis des feus qui mou- roint en ce voiager leur abaies feuſent refinees a leurs parens ou amis, comme ils vous fairont entendre. A quoy ie fait reſponce denecrire au Roy mon mari lequel ie mafure re- metra le tout en vous/ comme auſsi ay je fait. Monſieur de Puguillon ma prie de le vous ramanteuoirr fil eſt poſſible de luy fauer quelque pancion fans faire tort a perſonne : ien ſerois bien ayſer comp ma prie le vous recommender/ non pas en ſellar mais en quelque choſe que conoiteres etre a propos : ie vous ſuplie ne loblier ie vous ecris auſſi pour Aſquin ; ie ferois bien ayſe quil iouent moien/ quant aus nouelles de la court/ le Royr le Roy mon mari et tous mes oncles ſont au campſ qui ſe portent tous bien Dieu merſiſ il a beaucoup de maladies au camp/ mays il commencent a diminuer. Lon eſperoit vne paix mais celle eſt encores ſi incertaine que ie ne vous en diray rient fi non que londit que la paix ne ſe devoit traiter par priſoniers comme le conneſtable et le mareſchal flandre ; Dieu veuille que tout vienne a bien/ ie vous afeure que fet grand pitie ſi Dieu niprouoit que de nous car nous auons fi peu de gens de bonne foiſ que ne ſe faut eſtoner ſi nous auons du mal. Pour ce que il fault que iecriue au Roy 244 LETTERS OF MARY 1559. mon mari pour ſette morti il vous plaira mexcuſer fi ne vous fais plus long diſcours ſi non vous fuplier ne parler a perſonne de ce denier propos qui fera lendroit ou apres metre recom- mendee tres humblement a votre bonne gracer ie priray Dieu vous donner madame en ſante tres heureuſe et longue vie, ce xvi d feptembre. Votre tres humble et tres obeiſsante fille 2 %Z ^ A LA ROYNE MA MERE. MA DAME Voiant que le Roy enuoye vers vous monſieur de la Broſe et dAmiens pour vous foulaſger et ayder a doner ordre aus afaires que vous aues qui eſt fe mefemble ce quil y a long temps, que vous demandies ie ne voulu faillir a faire mon de- uoir de me ramanteuoir par la preſente a votre bonne grace et vous ſuplier par iffelle tres humblement ne vous faſcher ni ennuier au moins que naies ſouenancer que Dieu vous a tant aydee a toutes vos autres aduerfites quil ne vous layra point a fette heurer que en aues meilleur beſoin que iamays car fi vous venies auuoir mal vous faues bien1 quil ne fauldroit iamays eſperer les voir autres que ſe quils ſe montrent a fette heure la vu ieſpere que vous feries cauſe de leur faire recon- oitre et Dieu et leur deuoir. Pardonnes moy fi ie fuys ſi har- die car la poine que ie entendu que vous vous donnes me fait 1559. QUEEN OF SCOTS. 245 tant craindre que naies mal que ie ne me puis guarder de parler comme ie le pancer et pour ce que ſes deus vous fauront aſſes trop comme tout ſe paffer par deffa ie ne vous en diray autre choſe fi non que ie vous puis afeurer que le Roy a un tel foign de vous fecourir que vous en contenteres/ car il me la ainſi promis ce que ie ne luy lairay oblier ni a la Royne qui nous a fait ſet honneur de pleurer bien fort en oyant direr vos poines ie luy ſuis tant tenuer que ie ſuys feure que comme elle me fait de plus en plus paroitrer elle ne vous layſera ſans tout layde quelle pourra elle eſt fi troublee encoresr et a en tant de mal a la maladie du feu Roy, que ie crains vne grand maladier auecques leunne quelle en a ie croys que ſi ce neſtoyt le Roy fon fils quil lui eſt ſi obeiſant/ quil netait rien que ce quelle veul que mouroit bientoſt qui ſeroit le plus grant malheurſ qui ſauroit aduenir a ſe paure pais et tous nous autres. Le Roy fe porte bien Dieu merſi qui ſera lendroit ou ie priray Dieu vous donner madame en ſante tres heureuſe et longue vie. Votre tres humble et tres obeiſante fille ///a7% ACT FOR SEQUESTRATING THE QUENIS MAIESTIES PERSON AND DETENING THE SAME IN THE HOUS AND PLACE OF LOCHLEVIN. XVI JUN. MDLXVII. - *. * - ...” - ~s * ** JAAA. f º s ºrs: ºft - º º a t /3 - g /ºr', * A. } * t; ºx Af. - * re - 3-vº ...'Yvºyºff-y-to . tº . - §ºweve ~-º: *~~ (; . - - - •º º 2” }*-**was ſeº ſºme 1 / - . 2-Y Tº /* 2… - Sºas ſº ºw- wºes. 8 - z. ~, •es % a. 4& c. ºf.” A tºufº- ** *), was At sº (g) waſ ºr **** {\o C4 e -ozſawºkº -: *%. 2.9° /*-* e8. *A* ºr ºy, º: (º ºf www.3%x- *$ - A º' - & ' rºº | tº. 7 * > /* £ & gº .C. wº-tº-, -aš *: & . . 4. Yuf? {: .*ść y/* - & - 'yºf rº 3 wº /*YA-A. &n * (`) ſº- *w8 A& (3– ($ *...' it? 4.*~~ *4– 6 &&. 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(\, & ~$2% gº- 4. 4% / f 4:32- ×S 3–4– ‘V- 2/ * /** /* -- r ſº (Z º *” *2) º zº zT. j & ſº S- ºro ovo SS Ayo,5,02 ºk, tº A* * *****T* / Tº º - wº ...” p go on 5 xv) Ay &2 ^ 2^ sº- yºs A. & ...--> ,” (; CŞ ** | - f f * , .4 & Yº, * /.2 £e- (38– Aº-º: J.---- º &- Ab%-3 »Alsº 46 3–nanº- v6 }) º A.fee- 4.9-penné t g A. | ve < - ~ - º ºl. .* / ". y' Y. a 4.24 Co w, 49–4’aw- akº Tºo 2.6% o – -º- !/*o-- ſº /2,4- nº) vºe . .* en ~ * > . 428 a *F. 2^^3 $444. ..Tº ſo aa, 6% a - º ( / ** - Sesſ. *** ~ 2–1 ºvé/Yīlay .2/ tº wo wº .# / **** ..? – M2A 'ºvy- éº- ſº- vºy- f % * / cº y * * ºiſº, ſº ſº, º 2. ' e-y Aa, Zºº - ...” Y - | ſo f %.S. ,” ſº º, º ſº - - a ( -* º f - alº ſºy ſº º - º 5, * , , º, º º etº- ºn- …, º º * º Jºe * …& º ºfº, - * * * º º º - *ſº 2 º' º/* ſº - * Aº Cº. - º - ºf a ſº ºn tº ***** **, *, *y-, a - sº º * … º-º/lºu at º / . *** *- º º * * * * * * * * * º, , , , , , º, ºn afé, tº º/*/º- * * *** ***. º, nº gº yº º º **** º º -º- º - - - º º º-mº avº. º // ºg as . A … /** -- … ºn *** **- 4 º' ſº - ſº. º, alºn, ºr ºl, a º * º tº º sº. vº dº. * º *C* *** º º-º-º: ſ , , º º ſº y º - | º/7/2 º - ( e. ****** º º _* * * *** 1571. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 267 10. TO OURE TRAIST FRENID THE LARD OF BARBARRACHE. TRAIST freind We greit gow weill. Sen the Reuerend father in God our truſtie couſin and counſalour The Biſchop of Gallowaye (who as a faithfull Commiſſioner hes weill and de- ligentlie done his devuoir in treating with the Quene our gudfiſter this quhile bygane for our reſtitution and releif of gow our good ſubie&tis) Is reparing in they partis And can mair amply Informe gow of the haill proceiding theranent nor is poſſibill be our lettres to mak yow winderſtand; We refer the ſame to his ſufficiency whom ge fall credit as our ſelf And ſeing thair is na occaſion (notwithſtanding this new delaye) to diſpair of the obteaning of our long ſwtes: for our ſaid good ſiſter hes maid playne demonſtration to the rebelles Commiſ- fioners of her will and determinat Intention to haif w8 reſtored and they promefit to returne haiſtely with Commiſſion of the reſt of that faction (quhilk they alledgit not to haif) to treat with her and ws to the ſame effect; We praye yow in the meane tyme to abyde conſtant at our obedience, ſhawing oppynly your honeſt profeſſion therof, to concur togidder without diffimula- tion at all occaſions And finally to declair your ſelfis ſuche at this tyme as heireftir for ewer gewold haif ws to eſteme yow Quhilk being for our advancementſ ge fall not fynd We will abandone nor leif yow at any extreme neceſſitieſ but aſſures yow of ſufficient ſupport and releif in convenient tyme as gud ordour is tane alreddy thairfor, And ſo wiſhing alwiſe contſinuele] augmentation of your courage to our devotion We commit yow to God At Shefeild the laſt daye of Aprile 1571. Your veri good frynd MARIE R. 268 LETTERS TO THE 1572. l l. To OUR RYCHT TRAIST FREIND THE LARD OF BARNBARROCH. RYCHT traiſt freind efter maiſt hartlie commendatioune The troubles heir ſa lang continewing throw the withhalding of the toun of Edinburch aganis oure ſouerane Lord and his auðto- ritie It is thocht maiſt expedient to retene vićtuallis frome the toun And for that end thair is men of weir plantit in the houffis nixt adiacent thairto Quhairthrow with the travellis of ſum nowmer of horſmen the mater aperis to tak gude and ſpedie ſucceſſe Preſentlie we ar accumpaneit with the bor- douraris of Merſe and Tividale quhilks ar content to tary heir for a moneth quhairof thair is a gude parte alreddy paſt And be advyſe of the counſale It is thocht gude that be proclama- tioun the weſt bordour and cuntrey be drawin heir to Leyth agane the xx day of this moneth provydit to remane for ane vthir moneth, within quhilk ſpace God willing the mater wilbe at a poynt. Praying gow heirfoir effectuouſlie That ge with goure kin freindis and ſeruandis abill and weill horſt men will addres gow to be heir at Leyth in weirlike maner the ſaid xx day of Aprile inſtant provydit to remane for the ſpace of ane moneth thairefter According to the proclamatioun paſt thairvpoun As ge will do the Kingis Maieſtie gude feruice and do ws thankfull and acceptabill pleſour Sua we commit gow to the protećtioun of God frome Leyth the fyft day of Aprile 1572. 3our aſſuirit friend JHON REGENT. 1573. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 269 12. TO OUR TRAIST FREIND THE LARD OF BARNEARROCH. TRAIST freindefter our hartlie commendatione The comptis of the maiſt pairt of the colle&tore hes laitlie bene hard and amangis otheris the colle&touris compt of Galloway quhairin to our greit mervell we heir that thair is mony grit reſtis and hornyngis producit for diligence quhilk is na ſatiſfactioun to the Miniſteris of thair ſtipendis lang awand thane , nor git is it ony releif of the vtheris chargeis that neceſſarlie man be ſuſtemit That quhilk is awand man be payit and this contempt of horning can nocht be permittit langar without pvniſment Bot becaus ſyndre noblemen and vtheris of guid place and reputation ar in roll, We haue cauſit the publicatioun thairof be ſtayit quhill firſt be our awin lettres we admoniſhe thame fa- vorabillie to pay the debt and obtene thame felfis relaxt quhilk being done we ar deſyrous of na mannis troubill and thairfoir will deſyre and pray gou effectuouſlie that als weill of that quhilk ge gour ſelf is awand as of it awand be gour freindis and nychtbouris quhair gour credit and auðtoritie may availl ge will mak and caus payment be maid of the ſaidis debtis and reſtis off the crope and geir of God IQ V, thre ſcoir tuelf geris and of all geris preceding vnpait to the colle&tour Harie Smyth quha is purpoiſlie cum furth at this tyme for reſait of the ſame and ordanit to returne with diligence with fik expe- ditioun as he refſauis quhairin ge fall do gour ſelf eaſe and we will think alſua ge do ws guid pleaſour thairin quhair vther- wyife gif gour name ſalbe divulgat as at the horne it can nocht bot turne to gour diſplefour and preiudice at fumtyme perad. 2 N 270 LETTERS TO THE 1573. 13. venture quhen ge had rather doubill the payment of the debt And ſa louking that our requeiſt and admonitioun fall availl at gour handis We commit gou in the protećtioun of God At Halyrudhous the xxix day of Maii 1573. 3our aſſured freind JAMES REGENT. TO OUR TRAIST FREIND THE LAIRD OF BARNBARROCH SENATOUR OF OUR COLLEGE OF JUSTICE, TRAIST freind We gret gow wele Being movit with the complaintis of our ſubie&tis havilie oppreſſit with the many- fauld crymes of the Weikit and Inobedient vnpuneift be ordour of juſtice We haue concludit be aduiſe of our counſale to hald courtis of iuſticiarie within the ſchirefdomes of Perth Striuiling and Dumbartane this ſomer And conſequentlie in vther partis of our realme quhair greteſt neid is And hes maid choiſe of gou to be ane aſſeſſour to our Juſtice and a compoſitour with our Theſaurar vpoun knaw.lege and gude report had of gour habilitie for fic ſeruice / quhairinto gour gudwill we traiſt is nathing inferiour , Deſyiring gou thairfoir effectuuſlie That ge will addres you for this purpois and be preſent with our Theſaurer to that effect at Perth vpoun the firſt day of Julij nixtocum Betuix and quhilk day all things requiſite in that behalf ſalbe prouidit and ſet fordwart / We haue lykuiſe ap- pointit gou and the lard of Capringtoun to be preſent at our Juſtice court to be haldin at Drumfreis the xxv day of Junij mixtocum and at Lochmaben vpoun the xxviij day of the ſame 1582. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 271 14. moneth , quhilk dyet We mon effectuuſlie requeiſt gou to keip firſt , allthocht the vther day at Perth , be ſuddane thair- eftir, quhilk we fall caus be continewit for ſum dayis thair- eftir that ge may convenientlie repair thairto Sen our deliber- atioun is to vſe gour aduiſe and feruice in baith , And ſa luik- ing to vnderſtand be gour anfuer quhat falbe certanlie lippinnit for at gour hand that this Work be not miſlippynnit Committis gou in the protećtioun of the almyttie AT Striuiling the xx day of aprile 1582. - JAMES R. To our BRooDYER THE LAYRDE OF BARNBARRACHE. BRoth ER eftir maiſt hertly commendatiounis At laſt the Kingis Majeſtie with auiſe of his Counſall hes reſoluit vpoun the halding fordward of the iuſtice Courtis in this tyme of va- cance appoynting to euerie commiſſioun fic as he thinkis fall be maiſt hable for his feruice in that pairt having a verrie guid opinioun of gour ſelf as a man affectionate to further the pvniſchment of offendouris to quyet the cuntrey and procure his hienes commodetie And ſeing a part of the releif of my greit and wechtie burding conſiſtis in gour diligence and gudwill I will effectuouſlie requyre gow to be myndfull thairof and to be vpoun a reddines to pas fordwart to the iorney of the north for halding of the courtis thair aganes fic tyme as my Lord of Thirluftane fall gif gou aduertiſment quho is pre- fentlie tayreit vpoun ſum courtis that the Duke haldis be com- miſſioun ſua that I think ge may ſpend ane greit part of this 272 - LETTERS TO THE 1582. 15. moneth in gour awin effairis befoir he can be reddy Alwyis I will pray gou to be on a reddineſe as he aduerteifis for as I put gow huirilie to payns ſua fall ge fynd me maleſe reddy to do for gou quhairin my trawell and payns may awaill The Court of Drumfreis is continewit to the xx of Oétober quhair my Lord of Arran is appoynted to be lieutennent ſua that ge will haue ſufficient tyme to accompleiſe gour iorney in the north , and returne thairto agane in convenient tyme I reſ- ſaued neuir word frae gou fen gour hame paſſing albeit I wrait laitlie fra Edinburch with ane boy of gour awin bot I vnderſtude be the clerk Regiſter that ge paſt to Drumfreife beleifand the court had haldin thair , quhairof I was ſorie that ge fuld haue maid fic waiſt trawell the clerk Regiſter ſayes that the lettre come ane moneth efter the daiting thairof to his handis The Kingis Majeſtie is heir preſentlie at my houſe and pas herfra ame of thir tuo dayis to Athoill to the hunting and is to be ewiſe they partis about Glaſgow befoir the end of this moneth All thingis heiraway continewis in gude quyet and ſua hertlie deſyring to vnderſtand of gour weilfair I ceiſe for the preſent Committing gou to God At Ruthven the ſaxt of Auguſt 1582. 3our lowing and aſſured brother G O PVR YE. TO OUR TRUSTY AND WEILBELOUIT COUNSELLOUR THE LARDE OF BARBARRAUCHE, TRUSTY and weilbelouit Counſellour We greit gow Weill, 1584. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 273 16. Fforſamekle as we vnderſtand gour earneſt affectioun and cair hithertillis borne to the hous of Caffillis Namelie in the keping and preſerving of his perſoun quha preſentlie occupiis that rowme being now a puple Quhairfoir it is our Will That ge retene him ſtill in gour cuſtody knawing gow to be ſa kyndlie and weill affectionat to him , And lett him not depart furth of the ſame to quhatſumeuir perſoun or perſonis ſuitan his de- liuerie of gour handis without our ſpeciall command to deliuer him and that ge knaw to quhom 1 for quhilkis thir preſentis falbe to gow ſufficient warrande At falkland the xij day of Julij 1584. - JAMES P. To our RICHT TRAIST FREIND THE LAIRDE OF BARNBARRAUCH. RICHT traiſt freinde We greit gow hertlie weill, We haue lang differrit to burdene our ſubie&tis to trauell in perſoun for repreſſing of the inſolence and lang continewit rebellioune of the Lord Maxwell in hoip to haue ſettillit that diſordour before now. Bot finding his contempt increſſing and our gude ſubječtis eweiſt the Weſt bordour havellie oppreſt be his treaſonabill proceidingis , And that maiſt vnthankfullie be the aſſiſtance of our declairit traytouris and rebellis expellit furthe of our realme and the brokin men and the vis of the bordouris he intendis the further trouble of our eſtateſ We intend God willing in proper perſoun to repair to the boundis ſa lang diſ- orderit and oppreſfit be him with a ſufficient force of our faith- full and gude ſubiectis , and hes maid proclamatiounis to that 274 LETTERS TO THE 1585. 17. effect agane the xxij day of Oétober inſtant Quhairfoir We defyre gow effectuuſly that ge weill and ſubſtantiouſly accum- paneit with gour freindis tennentis and ſeruandis and all that ge may mak addres gow to meit Ws at Craufurde caſtell the ſaid xxij day with carriage and palgeonis to ly on the feildis provydit to accumpanie ws be the ſpace of xxx dayes according to our ſaidis proclamatiounis. As ge will do ws ſpeciall pleafour and gude feruice Thus We commit gow to God at Sterling the ſext day of Oétober, 1585. JAMES P. TO OUR RICHT TRAIST FREIND THE LAIRDE OF BARNEARRAU CH. RychT traiſt freinde We greit gow hairtlie weill Albeit be our ſeuerall proclamacyonis publiſlit heirtofore We ordanit our gude ſubie&tis to meit ws at the caſtell of Craufurde vpoun the third day off Nouember nixt with cariage and palgeonis to ly in the feildis for xxx dayis Bot confiddering the greit diffi- cultie to get out the lauborarris of the grund with cariage in reſpect the cornis ar in many places vnled and win Seing alſua the dyet of our proclamacioun is in the mirk of the morne and that our rebellis that war in Englande ar enterit in our realme be the middill marche And aſſiftit be findrie oure vnnaturall ſubiećtis that maiſt vnkyndlie and vnthankfullie hes ſchakin of our obedience and joyned thame to our rebellis Off intent to reife and manteine publićte weire in the bowellis of our realme gif thair inſolence be not withſtand and repreſt Thairfoir We deſire gow effectuuſlie that ge with gour houſhald 1585. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 275 18. and ſubſtantious freindis maiſt habill and beſt horſfit in weir like maner addres gow to be at us heir in ſtriueling vpoun fet- terday mixtocum the penult day off oétober inſtant or ſoiner gif poſſibill ge can To accumpanie and affiſt ws in defence and ſaieftie of our honour life and croune Leveing gour commonis that ar occupeit in winning of the cornis and gour cariage be- hind quhill vpoungour hame cuming and knawlege of our mynde ge ſend thame further aduerteiſment as ge will gif ws a pruif of gour louf and effectioun to ws and deſerue our ſpeciall thankis Thus we commit gow to God in Striueling the xx day of oëtober 1585. • We deſire gow effectuuſlie to gar proclame thir lettrez with all diligence at Wigtoun And although it be efter the day to cum alſone as is poſſible and to gar deliver thir lettrez. JAMES R. TO OUR RICHT TRUSTIE AND WEILBELOUIT COUNSALLOURIS SIR. PATRIK VANS OF BARNBARROCHI KNY CHT AND ME, PETER goung OF SEYToUN our ELEEMOSINAR OUR AMBASSADOURIs IN DENNEMARK, REX. Sir Patrik Waus of Barnbarrow Knycht and Mr Petir 3oung of Seytoun oure ambaſſadouris preſentlie direct in the realme of Denmark We greit gou wele Forſameikle as we ar informit that thair is a gret nowmer of our ſchippis of the haill portis of our realm frauchtit toward Danſkin for bying of vićtually 276 LETTERS TO THE 1587. The merchandis and byaris quhairof armyndit to tranſport and ſell the ſamin in vther forayne pairtis for thair gretar avantage and commoditie, Without reſpect to the gret ſkarſtie and derth preſentlie appeiring within this our realme Or the inconvenient that may enſew thairvpoun baith to ws and thame gif thai ſalhappin to be interceptit be the Quene of Englandis ſchippis in the paſſing throuch the pace to the pairtis of France Flan- deris or Spayne , Quhairof We and our counſale having con- fideratioun , Haue thocht gude that it ſalbe rememberit be gou as ane part of gour commiſſioun, That quhen God fall ſend gou to the toun of Elfinvre 3e ermiſtlie ſoliſt the tollen- dar That he cuſtome name of theſe our ſchipis quhilkis ſalhap- pin to be laidin with any kynd of vićtuallſ quhill as they obleife thame ſelfis to cum directlie in Scotland thairwith To be ſald heir for the releif of the pure , and ſupplie of the derth and ſkarſtie / And heir withall ge fall not faill to caus extraćt out of the Cuſtumaris buikis , the Name of ilk ſchip with the name of the Maiſter and merchand thairof and the toun quhair thai dwell Togidder with the quantitie of the vićtuall , that is cuſt- tº ſº tº º º in ilk ſchip that we may the bettir knaw they per- ſonis that ſalhappin to carrie thair vićtuall to forayne pairtis in this gret derth and neceſſitie within our realme and caus thame be handillit as thai mereit / As ge will anſuer to ws heirvpounſ for the quhilk thir preſentis ſalbe to gou ſufficient warrand and commiſſioun Subſcriuit with our hand At Falk- land the xiiij day of Junij 1587. - JAMES R. 1587. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 277 19. TO MY VERIE GUID LORD THE LAIRD OF BARNEBARROCH LORD OF OUR SOUERA.NE LORDIS SESSIOUN. My Lord and father Eftir my hertlie commendatiouns , I wes glaid to heir of gour Lordſchipis repairing toward court at . this tyme feand I may haue that occaſioun as to mene to gour Lordſchip the manifeſt and inexſpectit wrang , quhilk vnde. ſeruitly I ſuſtene at the handis of the Juſtice Clerk , quha firſt prepairit the way to cancelett my leving, nixt hes tane my plaice our my heid and laſt of all vnder termes of commoun- ing and appoyntment hes liftit ane cumpanie of ſuldartis in quyet maner (as the commoun bruit is) to pas our to Ork- ney and intruſe thameſelf in my poſſeſſioun , and to perfew my fatheris lyffe to the vter exterminacioune of our raice , and that but regaird to my bluid my richt my freindſchip and null offence committit be me aither aganis his Maieſtie or him. Quhairwpon feand gour Lordſchip is ame of my ſpeciall freindis, and that I determene with my ſelff to do no thing in ony mater of wecht but my freindis ſpeciall adwyfe / I haue fend this preſent to gour Lordſchip as I haue done the lyk to all my honourabill freindis to vnderſtand quhat courſe ge think meit- eft to follow, and for quhat affiſtance and help I may luik for in this my homeſt and wechtie ačtioune at gour Lordſchipis hand. For I perſaue they intend no delay in thair interpryſe quhilk in the end may be judged als foliſchelie attemptity as wyfelie inventit or happilie endit. And ſua luikand for gour Lordſchippis anſuer Committis gour Lordſchip to God Frome Edinburch the xij of December 1587. * 3our L, foſterſone at power MAISTER OF OR KNA. Y. 2 O 278 LETTERS TO THE 1589. 20. 21. TO OUR TRUSTY AND WEILBELOUIT COUNSELLOlújR. SIR PATRIK VANS OF BARNEBARROCH KNYCHT ANE OF THE SENATOURIS OF OUR COLLEGE OF JUSTICE. TRUSTY and weilbelouit counſellour We greit gow hairtlie weill Oure mareage now at Godis pleſour being concludit and the Quene our bedfallow hourlie luikit for to arryve ho- norabillie accumpaneit It becumis Ws to haue the maiſt honorable and honeſt of our gude ſubie&tis with ws at that tyme , And thairfoir We will earneſtlie and effecteouſlie re- quirgow that ge fail nocht all excuſis ſett apairt to be with ws at Halierudehous or quhair we ſalbe with all gude diligence eftir the refrait heirof with na gryte nvmer bot ane certane of gour honeſt freindis and ſeruandis maiſt habill and of beſt equip- page that hes na quarrell nor ar nocht of thame ſelfis querrelus to accumpanie ws during the tyme of the ſolemnitie and that ge knaw our forther plefour As ge will do ws richt thank- full fervice to be rememberit quhane tyme and gude occaſione fall ſerve And this committis gow to God At Edinburch the penult day of auguſt 1589. JAMES R. TO OUR RYCHT TRAIST COUNSELLOR SIR PATRIK VANS OF BARNEBARRAUCH KNY CHT, RychT traiſt counſellour We greit gow weill 1 Oure mariage now at Godis pleſoure being concludit and the Quene our bedſallow hourlie louked for to arryve / It becums ws to haue fic as accumpanels hir weill and honorablie interteneyit as our ambaſſadourishes fand the lyke in pruiff alreddy, To the 1589. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 279 22. fortherance quhairof we mon employe the guid will of oure loving ſubieótis of beſt affectioun and habilitie and thairfore erneſtlie and effectouſlie deſyris gow that ge will ſend hither to the help of the honorable charges to be maid in this ačtioun fic quantitie of fatt beif and muttoun on fute wyld foulis and venyſoun or viher ſtuff meit for this purpois as poſſiblie ge may provyde and furneis of gour awin or be gour moyane and exped the ſame heir with all diligence efter the reflait of this oure lettre and delyuer it to our ſeruitour Walter Neiſche Maiſter of oure Lardner quhome we have appointit to reſaue the ſame and gif his tickat thairvpone That we may particu- larlie knaw the guidwillis of all men and acknaw.lege it accord- inglie quhen tyme feruis and that ge delyuer gour tickat of that quhilk ge fend to ane of our Maiſter houſhaldis ; quha fall attend thairvpoun, aduertiſing him quhat ſalbe lyppinnit for that . . . . . . . . as ge will do ws rycht acceptable ple- four and feruice And ſwa for the preſent committis gou to God At Edinburch the penult day of Auguſt 1589. JAMES R. TO OUR TRUSTIE AND WEILBELOUIT COUNSALLOUR THE LAIRD OF BARNIBARRACH. TRUSTIE and weilbelouit counſallour we greit gow hartlie weill The cair quhilk We man haue in honour, to fie the gentilmen defignit for oure convoy, weill vſit and interteneit in oure realme, and the neceſſitie of our eſtate vnabling ws to do it of our awin hes mowit ws to commit that burding to fum ſpeciallis of our counſall, quha in abilitie and affectioun to our 280 LETTERS TO THE 1589. 23. honour are thocht maiſt likelie to diſcharge that turne , amangis the quhilkis as we haif ſpeciallie maid chois of gow, Sa will we rycht affectuouſlie deſire gow, that vpoun ficht heirof , ge faill nocht with all diligenceſ to addresgow to our ſecreit coun- ſaleſ quha will acquent gow with the Ordour we haue ſet doun and ſent thame and quhairwnto We will maiſt earniſtlie re- queiſt gow, that all excuſis ſet aſyde, ge will conforme gow for gour pairtſ and thairin teſtifie vnto ws gour cair of our ſaid honour, and the gudwill ge carie to fie it relewit of this ſtrait amangis the reſt , as ge will do ws richt memorable and thankfull pleaſour, Sua reſting that in this, ge wilbe laith to diſapoint our expectatioun We commit gow to God frome Cronebourg this xxj of februare 1589. JAMES P. TO OUR TRUSTIE AND WEILBELOUIT COUNSALOUR THE LAIRDE OF BARNEBARROCH AN E OF THE SENATOURIS OF OUR COLLEGE OF JUSTICE, TRUSTIE and veilbelouit counſalour We greit gow weill The expenſis of the houſfis quhilkis war haldin in heir to the ſtraungeris being appointit to be payit be a commone contributione of certane noblemen and barronis and for gour pairt promiſe being maid of the foum of iſ fbs. quhairof reſtis jº ths. It is now thocht meit that the ſum with the vther foumes promittit be the reſt expreſſit in a roll maid at gour lait being heir ſalbe collectit and imbrocht for ſatiſfeing of the creditouris with all convenient expeditione Quhairfor this ſalbe to defyre gow affectiouſlie that according to gour 1590. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. 281 24. former promiſe ge will nocht faill to caus the ſaid foume be ſend hither and delyuerit to Alexander Lawſoune imme- diatlie efter the reflait heirof for the releif of him and fic wtheris as haid the chairge and ouerfight of thair houſiis that in default thairof they be nocht perfewit and troublit be the furniſſaris quha being for the maiſt pairt puir folkis ſchoris daylie to wſe the rigour and extremitie of the law aganes tham Quhairin ge as amangis vtheris fall declar gour affec- tioune and furthvardnes in this lait ačtione concerning our honour and weill ſa ſall ge do ws meſt acceptable feruice plea- four and releif w8 of the exclammatioune quhilk vtheruyis mey be maid And for the ſam ſall ge find Ws willing to acknaw- leig gour guidwill accordinglie. Thus for the preſent We com- mit gou in the protećtione of God from Halirudhous the thrid day of Junij 1590. - - JAMES R. TO Olu R TRUSTIE AND WEILBELOWIT COUNSALL OUR THE LAIRD OF BARNBARRow ANE OF THE SENATOURIS OF OUR COLLEDGE OF JUSTICE, &c. &c. - TRUSTIE and weilbelouit conſallour We greitt gow hartlie weill The tyme of the ſolempnitie of the baptiſme now ſchortlie approaching requiſit it is that a lytill befoir our conſall be convenit and preſent with ws heirſ for our better accumpane- yng, and ther gud avyſe and opinioun to be had in all thingis belanging that turne tuiching w8 ſa neirlie in honour and weill We have thairfoir thocht gud effecteouſlie to deſyr gow that ge faill nocht to be heir at ws vpon Tyſday cum 282 LETTERS TO THE 1602. 25. aucht dayis the xiii day of this inſtant, for the effect forſaid as ge will do ws acceptabill plefour and ſervice Sa we committ gow to God frome Sterling the thrid of Auguſt 1594. JAMES R. To our RICHT TRAIST FREIND THE LARD OF BARNBARROCH. RICHT traiſt freind We great gow hertlie wele In reſpect We intend to caus build and repair the hous and place of Corſ. ragwell to the vſe of our deareſt ſone the Princel to quhome the ſame is maiſt proper for his reſidence quhen he ſalhappin , to reſorte in thai pairtes/ We haue heirwith ſend to gou a di- - miſſioun of the ſam place and monaſterie in fauour of our ſaid deareſt ſomeſ to be ſubſcriuit be gour and returne bak agane with the bearar, Quhairvnto we will effectuuſly requeiſt gou to geild, and it ſall nawayes be preiudiciall to gou in the poſ- ſeſſioun of the rentis and dewties of that benefice, And that we fall requyte gour guidwill in a greater mater as gour occaſioun fall preſent, Sua perſuading our ſelff of gour conformitie heirto and ge will mereit our ſpeciall thankis and do ws acceptabill 26. pleſour, We commit gou to God from Halyruidhous this xxi of Februar 1602. - JAMES R. TO OUR TRUSTIE AND WELBELOUED THE LAIRD OF ** BARNBARRACH, JAMES R. TRUSTIE and welbeloued Wee greete yow well / Whereas certeyne articles were propoſed by vs to be concluded by the 1618. LAIRDS OF BARNBARROCH. ess church there, at our late being in that our kingdome, which at the laſt aſſemblie holden at St Andrewes were deferred to the nexte enſewing Wee haue thoughte good to call an aſ- ſemblie nationall of the church in theſe partes, and haue ap- pointed them to conuene at Perth the 25th of Auguſt nexteſ to the effect thoſe articles may be paſt in conſtitution eccleſi- aſticall At which Wee haue made ſpeciall choiſe of yow to be preſent that yee may aſfifte and furder our good and royall intention, ſo far as lyes in yow. Therefor wee moſte earneſtlie deſire yow to keepe the ſaid time and place, and attende our Commiſſioner whome wee ſhall appointe to keepe the ſaid aſſemblieſ by whome yee ſhall more particularlie vnderſtand what is our pleaſour. And this aſſuring our ſelfe that yee will not fayle to do as yee wolde merite the continuance of our fauour Wee bid yow farewell, Given at our caſtle of Winde- for the viijh of Julie 1618. CATHOLOGUS LIBRORUM QUOS VIR EXI- MIUS ET BEATE MIEMORIE MAGISTER CLEMENS LITILL EDINBURGEN E EC_ CLESIE ET MINISTRIS EJUSDEM OBIENS LEGAVIT ET CONSECRAVIT. M D LXXX. ################ @3:33:33:33.93:33:33:36:%; §§§ THE subjoined extracts from the Records of the Town-Council of Edin- burgh illustrate the origin of the University Library of that city. From them it appears that the Library existed before the College had been founded; for although Robert Reid, Bishop of Orknay, died in 1558," yet some years elapsed before the magistrates were able to make effec- tual this legacy of 8,000 merks, bequeathed by him for the endowment of a College. This was at length accomplished in 1582, mainly by the exertions of William Litle, a reputable burgess, afterwards Provost of Edinburgh, and proprietor of the estate of Liberton. His brother was Mr Clement Litle, Advocate and Commissary of Edinburgh, who left to his native town his collection of books, which was very extensive for the time. Mr Clement died on the 1st April 1580, and the following clauses are extracted from the Testament-Testamentar and Inventory of his goods, preserved in the Records of the Commissariot of Edin- burgh, and recorded on 20th Feb. 1582.-* Item his haill bukis of “theologie, estimat to the soume of ane thousand merkis, quhilkis wer “left be the defunct in legacie to the Toun of Edinburgh, to be usit be “ the ministeris, eldars and diacones thairof, as is underwritten. Item “his haill law bukis, and uther bukis for scollaris, estimat and extend- “ing be just calculatioun by the airschip, to the soume of ane hundreth “fourtie pundis, xvij S. viijd.” It is unnecessary here to anticipate the * His death at Dieppe, when on his return from attending the marriage of Queen Mary, is ascertained at page 243. of the present volume. - 288 |BOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN 1580. Commoun Librarie. terms of the Deed of Bequest, nor the steps taken to render it available to “the kirk of God thairin,” as these are fully detailed below. It is however worthy of remark, that the addition to Mr Lowson's house, built to receive the books, is supposed to have stood upon the very site now occupied in part by the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. When removed to the infant College in 1584, these books formed the nucleus from which has sprung the valuable Library now belonging to the University; but the inscription, selected by the Town-Council in 1580, still distinguishes them among the mass of after acquisitions. The brothers were, during their lives, useful and eminent citizens, and their memory was celebrated by a descendant in 1683, in this monu- mental inscription in the Greyfriars' Church-yard : Qualis at ille Clemens, quam magnus et ille Littelus, Hoc cives, illud Bibliotheca docet : Nobile par fratrum. / meritis certatur utrinque, Metropolin, musis, hic fovet, ille favet. 26 Aug. 1580. THE QUHILK DAY, Johne Adameſoun, William Littill and Henry Neſbit, bailleis, Lucas Wilſoun, dene of gild, Andro Steiuinſoun, theſaurer, Johne Johneſtoun, James Forman, Johne Mayne, Williame Fairly, and John Wilky, of the coun- ſale, underſtanding that umquhill M. Clement Littill, advo- cat, and ane of the Commiſſaris of this burgh, of guid memorie, for the zele he buir to the promotioun of the religioun, weill of this burgh, and help and releif of fic as beiring funétioun in the miniſtrie ſuld happin to want buikis neceſſar to thair vocatioun, hes left ane ſufficient nummer of guid and godlie 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 289 buikis to the miniſtrie of this burgh : And that this his zelous deid may inſtigat uthers of the lyke mynd to dote and gif thair buikis to the lyke uſe, quhairby it may follow that ane com- moun Librarie fall be erectit within this burgh, to the greitt increſs of pietie and religioun, and ſuppreſſing of errouris; Quhairfore thai haif accordit be the authoritie of the guid toun to concure and fett fordward this honeſt and godlie wark with all thair power; And thairfoir hes thocht expedient and ordanit that ane Hous or Librarie be maid at the end of M* James Lowfouns miniſters ſtudie, of ane part of the over loft of his dwelling hous in the kirk yaird, having ane entres throw his ſtudy, and ane uther throw the ſaid loft, quhairin fall be putt in keping the ſaidis bukis dotit and gevin to the ſaid uſe and all uther bukis to be dotit and gevin therto, of the quhilkis the ſaid M. James and fic as ſall be principall miniſter of this burgh for the tyme fall haif the cuſtody and be anſwerabill therfore upoun Inuentour, And ordanis Andro Steuinſoun Theſaurer to caus big and mak the ſaid hous or Librarie in lenth according to the breid of the ſaid loft and in breid of the ſpace of futes or therby, to raiſe heicht and inlarge the wyndow preſentlie nixt to the ſaid ſtudy, brod the ſamyn and to ſylour the ſaid Librarie ſufficientlie and to furneis all neceſſareis to the making bigging and completing of the ſame as fallbe thocht expedient and commandit him be William Littill quhome thai haif maid maiſter and owerfear of the ſaid wark, And the expenſis heirof fall be allowit to the ſaid Theſaurer in his compts. 290 BOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN 1580. 14 Oét. 1580. THE QUHILK DAY, in preſence of Alexander Clerk of Balbirny, proveſt of the burgh of Edinburgh, Alexander Vduart, James Nicol and Johnne Sym bailgeis, Johnne Harwod dene of gylde thairof. Johnne Adameſone, Henry Neiſbet, Johnne Jhonne- ſtoun, Lucas Wilfone, Andro Stevinſone, Frances Kinloch, Ro- bert Bog, Alexander Ouſtiane and Eduard Galbraith of the counſale, Alexander Ouſtiane tailgeoure, Gilbert Primrois chirurgiane, Eduarde Hart goldſmyth, Patrik Broun ſkynnare, Johnne Richertſone ſaidlare, Johnne Harret baxter, Johnne Blythman fleſcheoure, Williame Stevinſoun wrycht, and Tho- mas Dikſone furroure, Comperit Williame Littill, burges of the ſaid burgh, brother and onlie executoure conſtitute be vnguhile ane richt honourable MAISTER CLEMENT LITILL, aduocate, and ame of the Commiſſaris of Edinburgh; and declarit quhow that his ſaid vimquhile brother, vpoun the day of his deceis, being of perfyte mynd, and confiddering with himſelf that he wes to be callit frome this lyfe to the mercies of God, and be the luiffing affectioun and greit zele borne be him to the kirk of God and to the aduancement of his worde, wes juſtlie movit and maiſt cairfull that the buikis and warkis of halie ſcrip- turis in greit multitude conqueiſt be him in his tyme ſuld nocht periſche or be ſeperated, Left with ane luiffing hart and mynd his haill buikis and warkis of Theologie to the richt honourable and his natiue toun of Edinburgh, and to the kirk of God thairin, to the effect and purpois, that fik perſonis knawin of honeſt conuerſatioun and guid lyfe, (and navtheris,) quhilkis ar and fall be willing to travell and be exerciſed in the 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 291 eſtait and vocatioun of miniſterie, or vtherwayis of dewitie deſyrous, and ſpeciallie fik perſonis as ar or fall be of bluid to the ſaid vmduhile Maiſter Clement, for the aduancement of the glorie of God and his trew and ſinceir worde preichit and preſentlie profeſſit within this realme of Scotland, Sall at the pleſoure and will onlie of Maiſter James Lowfoun, now preſent miniſter of the ſaid burgh, or quhat fumeuir vther miniſter that ſalhappin to haue the charge of the miniſtrie and of the ſaidis buikis efter him and in his place for the tyme, haif frie acceſs and ingreſs at all ſik convenient tymes heireftir as the ſaid miniſter preſent or to cum fall think guid and expedient, and na uther- wayis, for reading and colle&ting the fruitfull knawledge be the ſaidis builds, as it fall pleis God to diſtribute his graces to the reid- aris; and erneſtlie deſyrit his ſaid brother for the performance heirof and deliuerance of the ſaidis buikis; Conforme to the quhilk lattir Will, The ſaid Williame Litill promitted the dely- uerance thairof, and hes preſentlie deliuerit to the ſaidis proveſt baillies and counſale of the ſaid burgh, the ſaidis buikis haill togidder, intituled according to the particulare Cathalog fol- lowing; and on euerie ane of thame is prented the armes of the ſaid vm.guhile Maiſter Clement, with thir wordis : I AM GEVIN TO EDINBVRGH & KIRE OF GOD BE MAISTER CLEMENT LITIL THAIR TO REMAN. 1580. Q92 1580. EOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN Cathologus Lìbrorum quos vir eximius et beate memorie Magister Clemens Litill Edinburgene ecclesie et minis- tris ejusdem obiens legavit et consecravit. Omnia Augustinj Opera, volumini- bus octo et decem tomis comprehensa. Augustinj et Crisostomi Theologia per Coruinum. Hieronimi Opera, voluminibus qua- tuor et nouem tomis comprehensa. Opera Epiphanij. Basilius Magnus et Epiphanius contra hereses. Basilius Magnus de Matrimonio. Justini Opera. Andreas Epitimus de missa fietitia. Eusebij Opera. Guilermj breuiarium. Tertulliamj Opera. Baculus Pastoris. Ceprianj Opera. Defensio sanæ doctrinæ de Sacra- mentis. Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam edi- tionem. Biblia Hebraica cum Chaldaica Periphrase et Rabinorum Commen- tarijs, quinque voluminibus compre- hensa. Musculi locj communes, bis. Idem in Genesim. Idem in Psalmos. Idem in Matheum. Idem in Joannem. Martyris defensio doctrine Aposto- lice de Sacramento Eucharistiæ. Eiusdem tractatio et disputatio de Sacramento Eucharistiæ. Idem de duabus naturis Christi. Eiusdem locj communes. Idem im librum Judicum. Idem in epistolam ad Romanos. Idem in epistolam priorem ad Co- rinthos. Bezæ testamentum cum eiusdem notis. Eiusdem confessio fidei christianae cum papisticis heresibus. Idem de Poligamia et de Diuortiis. Eiusdem epistolarum theologica- rum liber vnus. Caluini Harmonia in Euangelia. Eiusdem epistolæ et responsa. Idem contra consiliumTridentinum. Eiusdem responsio contra calum- nias cuiusdam Nebulonis. Eiusdem institutiones. Idem de scandalis. 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 293 Eiusdem defensio orthodoxæ fidei de Trinitate contra Seruetum. Idem in Isaiam. Contemplationes idiotæ de amore diuino. Idem in Psalmos. Idem in epistolas Pauli, et ad He- breos, et in epistolas canonicas. Brentius in duodecim priora capita Lucæ. Idem in Exodum. Idem in libellum Bullingerij cui titulus est, Tractatio verborum Do- mini, In domo patris mei multæ sunt mansiones. Eiusdem Enarrationum Euangelio- rum dominicalium, pars prima. Flaccus Illiricus de voce et re fide. Catechismus Tubingensis Lutheri et aliorum, prefatione Brentij. Viretus de verbo verbi Dej sacra- mentorum et ecclesiæ ministerio. Idem de origine veteris et mouæ Idolatriæ. Bucerus de regno Christi, et que- dem alia. Eiusdem disputatio contra Stepha- InUlIIl. ' Idem de vera et falsa administra- tione cœnæ Dominj. Idem contra Albertum Pigium. Chrisostomi Opera 4. volum. et 5. tom. comprehensa. Scripta duo aduersaria Bartholo- maej Latomj et Martinj Bucerj et Philippica Toclæj, vno volumine. Antididagma consultoriæ delibera- tionis, et de vocatione Martinj Bu- cerj, vno volumine. Bullingerus in Matheum et Joan- In eIm. Eiusdem decades quinque. Idem in epistolas Pauli et 7. ca- nonicas. Idem de origine cultus diuorum et simulachiorum. Idem aduersus Anabaptistas e Ger- manico sermone in Latinum con- uersus per Josiam Simlerum. Idem de antiquissima fide et vera religione. Eiusdem tractatio verborum Do- minj, In domo Patris mej multæ sunt mansiones. Idem aduersus omnia catabaptista- rum dogmata in acta et quedam alia. Idem de Consiliis. Idem de gratia Dej justificante, et Bibliander de Trinitatis fide Catho- lica, vno volumine. CEcolampadius in libros Propheta- ITUATA. 2 Q 294 1580. BOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN Eiusdem exegemata in Jobum. Idem in Danielem. Eiusdem annotationes im Joannem. Magdeburgicæ Historiæ centuriæ quatuor primæ. Theologica bibliotheca ex priscis authoribus. Bibliander de misteriis passionis Christj. Pellicanj Index bibliorum. Eiusdem tom. l. in vetus testa- mentum. Eiusdem operum pars altera. Zuinglij operum, tom. l. Eiusdem, tom. 2. Eiusdem, tom. 3. Erasmi tomus primus in nouum testamentum. Eiusdem declamationes. Lutherus in Mosem. Eiusdem questiones sacræ. Idem contra xxxij articulos Loua- niensium theologistarum. Eiusdem commentarij in Joelem. Idem in xij caput prioris epistolae Pauli ad Corinthos. Idem in Micheam, Cantica Canti- corum, et quosdam Psalmos. Deuteronomion Mosæ cum annota- tionibus Lutheri. Idem aduersus Papatum Romæ. Idem de captiuitate Babilonica et Henrici Helmesii homiliæ de Pur- gatorio et defunctorum suffragiis. Eiusdem epistolæ. Borrhaus in Mosem. Santis Pagnini Lucensis Isagogæ. Eiusdem Isagogæ ad misticos sacræ scripturæ sensus, vno volumine. Foxus de Rebus gestis in ecclesia. Diomisius in 2. librum Sententia- Tum. Idem in 3. lib. Idem in 4. lib. Idem in Psalmos. Idem in 5. lib. Mosis. Eiusdem vita, et catalogus operum. Feriæ missæ cautela. Dracomites in Euangelia. Tres tomi Operum Hugonis, tribus voluminibus. Idem in epistolas Pauli, et im Cano- micas, Acta et Apocalypsim. Joannes Maior super tertium sen- temtiarum et in Euangelium Mathei. Idem in quatuor euangelia. Joannes de Turre, questiones super euangelia. Eiusdem questiones super euan- geliis. Altissiodorensis im 4. libros senten- tiarum. 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 295 Bonauentura super 4 libros sen- tentiarum. Idem in 3 librum. Ruardi Tapperjoperum tomus pri- IIlllS. Okcanj epitome. Thomae de Aquino pars prima sum- mae sacrae theologiae. Eiusdem secunda secundae. Idem in 4 Euangelia. Petrus de Palude in 4 libros sen- tentiarum. Missale Laurencij Vallae in nouum testamentum cum annotationibus. Sacri canonis missae expositio. Antonij Opera. Pighius. . Robertus Watsonus Anglus. Westhemerj conciliatio sacrae scrip- turae. Eiusdem tropi et schemata. Eiusdem conciliatio scripturae ex postrema editione. Hosij propugnatio catholicae doc- trinae. Holkot questiones. Damasceni opera. Eucherij lucubrationes. Zmaragdusineuangelia et epistolas. Inuentorium generale Gabrielis Byell. Idem in vltimas distinctiones ma- gistri sententiarum. Stephanus Brulifer in 4 lib. senten- tiarum. Tilemannus Heshusius aduersus Caluinum, Bezam, Boquinium. Eiusdem dialogi de vera communi- catione corporisetsanguinis Christj. Eiusdem abstertio calumniarum quibus aspersus est Caluinus. Eiusdem perspicua explicatio con- trouersiae decoena Dominj,vnolibro. Thomae de Vio Cajetanj de peccatis summula. Eiusdem commentaria in secundam secundae Thomae Aquinatis. Eccijtomus 2. Eiusdem, tomus 3. Gaspar Meganger in epistolam ad Ephesios. - Knopken in epistolam ad Romanos. Spangenbergius in Acta. Neogeorgus in primam Joannis epistolam. Hiperaspicinus contra CEcolampa- dium. - Poemata doctorum virorum de cor- rupto ecclesiae statu. Bernardus Echinus de presentia Christi in coena, et eiusdem laber- inthj. 296 Lactancius. Latomj defensió aduersus Bucerum de quibusdam controuersijs. Diui Amulij de spiritu. Haymon in Isaiam. Catalogus hereticorum a Bernardo Lutzenburgo. Antisophistici libri 3. de legitima vindicatione scripti a Theodoro Bibliandro. Item Beza de hereticis a ciuili ma- gistratu puniendis. Item edicta veterum principum Romanorum de Christianis. Ludouicus Carbaialus de restituta theologia. Joannes Royer in epistolas feriales. Paulus Constantius de causa bo- emica. Joannes Picus in Canticum Canti- COITUAÎÎÎ. Franciscus Picus de immortalitate animj. Theophilactus in epistolas Paulj. Idem in euangelia. Breuiarium ad vsum sacrum. Scotus. Scotus subtilis. Tartaretus in quartum sententiarum Scotj. Questiones secundum ordinem al- phabetj, incerto autore. BOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN 1580. Durandus et Petrus de Palude de causa ecclesiasticæ potestatis. Marcj Marulj euangelistarium. Marsilij questiones super 4. lib. sententiarum. Alexandrj de Halis questionum pri- mæ partis summæ tabula. Eiusdem questionum 2 partis sum- mæ tabula. Eiusdem questionum 3 partis sum- mæ tabula. Eiusdem questionum 4 partis sum- mæ tabula. Idem de auctoritate scripturæ. Eiusdem opus de virtutibus. Dridom de ecclesiasticis scripturis et dogmatibus. Opuscula Jacobi Almanj. Petrus de Aquila. Erasmi Sacerij locj communes. Petrus Artopeus in conciones euan- gelicas. Bulla cenæ Domini Papæ tertij. Summa conciliorum pontificum a Petro usque ad Julium tertium per Bartholomeum Carramzam. Spangebergius in epistolas quæ diebus festis recitantur. Constitutiones concilij Moguntinj. Marcus Antonius in Psalmos. Syluæ nuptialis libri 3. a Joanne Neuizano. 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 297 Thomas Aquinas in Apocalipsim, et de sensu Ricardi Smythej sacrj episcoporum et sacerdotum celiba- tus aduersus Martyrem. Joannes Hessilis depresentiaChristj in eucharistia. Declamatio Jubilej futurj Romæ et Borchaus de veteris et nouj hominis ortu atque natura. Liber Jesu Syrach Latine redditus e Germana per Justum Jonam. Bodinus de vnione dissidentium. Ridleus de coena Dominj. Margareta theologica Spangen- bergij. Cranmerj defensio de sacramento corporis et sanguinis Christj. Hyemeron Dej opus, explicatum a Vuolphango fa. capitone theolog. Christopherus Hofman in epistolam ad Titum. Catalogus testium veritatis qui ante nostram etatem reclamarunt Papæ. Vita Paparumper Robertum Barns, et ejusdem articuli religionis. Helmesius de verbo Dej. Annotationes in nouum testamen- tum per M. Vitum Theodorum. Claudius Tonssord de Valdensium errOre. F. Menotj sermones quadragesi- males. Deauctoritatescripturæ et ecclesiæ. Hemmingij admonitio de supersti- tionibus vitandis. Dispositio in formam Euchiridij his- toriæ euangelicæ. Item Hemmingij catechismus, et eiusdem institutio eorum qui prop- ter Christum de fide examinantur et de ritibus ecclesiæ Tigurinæ. Comparatio coenæ Dominj et missæ papisticæ per Thom. Beconum. Sacræ Conciones Leonhardj Cul- mannj Melanthon in Ecclesiastem. Idem in Psalmos. Eiusdem loci communes. Idem decorporedoctrinæ christianæ. Siluester Prierates de modo con- uincendi Lutheranos. Syluestrinæ secunda pars. Apologia ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Nicolaj Denijse opus super quatuor nouissimis. Eiusdem opus per Fratres Minores de Obseruantia. Concilium Tridentinum. Jo. Brunellus de sponsalibus et matrimonijs. Forma ecclesiasticj ministerij per Jo. Lascum. Tractatus de beneficio a Jo. de Sel- uale monico. Daneus ad Timotheum. 298 1580. BOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN Conciliorum tom. l et 2. Meierusinvtramque epist.adCorint. Secunda pars Rosarij Bernardinj de bustis. Bugenhagius in Jeremiam et de blasphemia in spiritum sanctum. Idem in Jonam et historia ex pro- batis historijs collecta. Summa summarum quæ syluestrina appellatur. Duarenus de sacris ecclesiæ minis- terijs et beneficijs. Item Tractatio Petri Soncquet de erudiendis clericis. Item Vinculum mundj. Item De signis celestibus, vno lib. Gemmianus de exemplis et simili- tudinibus rerum. Lombardj librj 4. sententiarum. Concordanciæ Bibliæ. Confessio christiana catholicæ fidej synodj prouincialis. Georgius Maior de refutatione pro- phanationis coenæ Dominj. Idem de arbore consanguinitatis. Barthorij moralia in omnes vtrius- que test. lib. Pragmatica Sanctio studiosis vtilis- sima. Joannes Ferus de examine ordinan- dorum. Joannes Duns super sententiarum. Vincentius Belnacensis de varijs rebus. Titilmannj elucidatio in omnes apostolorum epistolas. Frater Michael de Sancto Sebas- tiano. Dialecticon de veritate Christj in Eucharistia. Camerarij disputatio cum Joanne Caluino. Golscaltus Rosemondus de modo confidendj. Hadrianj Sextj questiones in4.sen- tentiarum. Codex comitatus fratrum. Joannes Pecham de summa trini- tate et fide catholica. Bertramus de corpore et sanguine Christj. Item Augustinj epistolæ ad Darda- InUlIÌì. Et eiusdem Tractatus de corpore et sanguine Christj. De conceptione Mariæ, de eiusdem dolore, de eiusdem statione iuxta crucem Christj, et de assumptione. Summa qfthe buihis contenand the volumes abome written is threttene scoir and aucht buikis. 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 299 The quhilkis buikis the ſaidis Proveſt, baillies and coun- ſale hes preſentlie reſtauit fra the ſaid Williame; and pro- mittis faithfullie, and obleiflis thame and thair ſucceſſouris, proveſt, baillies, and counſale of the ſaid burghe of Edin- burgh for the tyme, to the airis of the ſaid vnguhile Maiſ. ter Clement, for the cairfull and faithfull preſerving and keiping of euerie ane of thame; and that at na tyme heir- eftir ony of the ſaidis buikis to be diſtributed, gevin, put away or removed, athir be credeit or vihirwayis, furth of the duelling houſe of the ſaid Maiſter James Lowſone, as place appointit for thaim to remaine; Nor that name of the ſaidis buikis ſalbe lent nawyiſe furth of the ſaid duelling hous quhair thajar preſentlie put in keiping, bot vpoun the conditioun contenit in the ačt of the deliuerance of thame to the ſaid Maiſter James Lowſoun, be the ſaidis proveſt, baillies and counſale. And that compt quarterlie ſalbe tame of the ſaidis buikis as effeiris, ſua that thaj may and fall remane togidder in the ſaid place appointtit thairto, to the effect foirſaid, and in perpetuall memorie of the gude affectionate mynd of the ſaid vmquhile maiſter Clement, to the fingulare com- forte of the kirk of God and to all his faithfull ſeruandis. Vpoun the quhilkis premiſſis the ſaid Williame aſkit inſtru- mentis. And thaireftir the ſaid day, in preſens of the foirſaidis proveſt, baillies and counſall, Comperit Maiſter James Lowſoun miniſter, and grantit him to haue reffauit reallie and with effect the par- ticular buikis abone writtin, as is contenit in the Cataloge fra Williame Littill, in name of the ſaidis proveſt, baillies and Af 300 BOOKS OF CLEMENT LITILL IN 1580. counſale, and to have preſentlie put, ordourit and layit the ſame in the houſe and Librare maid and appointit to that effect; And thairfoir actit, band and obleiſt him ſelf for releif of the toun and diſcharging of his dewitie in the credeit committit wnto him, to preſerue and keip the ſaidis buikis diligentlie and faithfullie vnlent vndiſponit or put away to ony maner of perſoun, according as the ſaidis proveſt, baillies and counſale hes bund and obleiſt thameſelfes to the airis of the ſaid vm- quhile Maiſter Clement, and to be anſourable for thefaidis buikis, and mak the ſame furthcumand to the ſaidis proveſt, baillies and counſale, and thair ſucceſſouris, ſua oft as he ſalbe re- quyrit be thame thairto. 27 Januarij 1580. Certane Buikis THE SAME DAY, in preſens of William Naper, baillie, Mr James eiket to the º & e º * commoun Lowfoun, miniſter, confeſt and grantit him to have reſlavit Librarie. • * * g. * . . e. * * : * º & 10T3T162 fra William Littill, in name of the executouris of umquhile M. Clement Littill his brother, the buikis underwrittin to be eikit to the reſt of the buikis left be the ſaid umquhile Mr Clement to the commoun Librarie, viz. Vinzettus questionis. Promptuarium diuinj Juris et utri- Joannes Maior in 1. 2. 3. Senten- usque humanj. tiarum. Rationale diuinorum officiorum. 1580. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. 301 Ane catechisme in Inglis sett furth Acta Constantiensis Concilij. in name of the Archbischop of St Bibliander contra CEcolampadium. Androis. Ane reply to Hardin be Jowell. Ane catechisme in Inglis set out be ane Papist. Eaſtending to aucht buikis. Quhilkis buikis the ſaid Mr James aétit himself to preſerue and keip in the ſame maner, as he is oblift for the remanent buikis in the ſaid Librarie, conforme to the Aét maid ther- upoun, the xiiij of Oétober laſt. 18 Sept. 1584. THE SAME DAY Ordanis the Townis Librarie ſkelfis and buirds thairof to be tranſportet furth of the lugeing fumtyme occupeit be Mr James Lowſoun, miniſter, and ſett up in the townis College, in a hous convenient, at the ficht of Williame Littill, bailyie, and to be delyverit to Mr Robert Rollok, maiſter of the ſaid College, and he to be obliſt to the cuſtody thairof, ficlyk as the ſaid Mr James wes obliſt of before. And ordanis the theſaurer to mak the chairges of the tranſporting and upſetting thairof, quhilk ſall be allowit in his compts. Librarie. INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. MDLXXXVIII—MDCXII. THE Libraries of the several Colleges in the University of St Andrews were long on a very limited scale. The most ancient collection of books appears to have been that which was formed by the Faculty of Arts, a body which held its meet- ings in the buildings of the Paedagogium, afterwards occupied by St Mary’s College. These books were acquired principally by donations, but some of them, (though probably a very in- considerable part,) may have been purchased by the Faculty Quaestor, who collected and disbursed the several contributions annually made by the candidates for the academical distinc- tions of Bachelor and Master of Arts. Not a few of the books of St Mary's College were given by Archbishop Hamilton. The Library of St Leonard's College owed its existence to Prior Hepburn, and was increased chiefly by the gifts and bequests of the succeſsive principals, at least almost all the most ancient books bear the names either of John Hepburn, (founder of the College,) or of Alexander Young, Thomas Cuningham, John Annand, John Law, John Duncanson, George Buchanan, James Wilkie, and Robert Wilkie, the principals of the Col- ege from the time of its erection in 1512 to the year 1611. It was afterwards greatly augmented by the Earl of Buccleuch, by Sir John Scott of Scotstarvet, and especially by the muni- ficent gift of Sir John Wedderburn, physician to Charles I., 306 INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE 1588– who was a regent in that College from the year 1620 to 1630, and by the legacy of Dr Mungo Murray, son of William Mur- ray of Ochtertyre, (one of the regents from 1625 to 1635,) who was afterwards Profeſsor of Astronomy in Gresham College, and Rector of Wells, and who before his death in 1670 be- queathed several thousand volumes to that College,_a be- quest which is thus commemorated in the inscription on his monument, • * MORIENS COLLEGIO LEONARD IN O LECTISSIMIS MULTIS INSTRUCTAM LIBRIS sv AM LEGAVIT BIBLIOTHECAM. The Library of St Salvator's College was progreſsively ac- quired in the same manner as the others. The University Library was founded in 1612 by James .VI., who on his visit to Scotland in 1617, set down the fol- lowing among other “Articles concerning the Univerſitie of St “ Andrews:–That the Librarie be finiſhed and furniſhed with ‘ all poſſible ſpeed, ne sint magistri sine libris :” and “That “ means be uſed to draw ſcholars to the New Colledge for the ‘ ſtudie of divinitie; and, for their maintenence, there be two ‘ at leaſt to be entertained by everie dioceſe throughout the “ kingdome, by the help of the biſhops, noble, and gentle “ men, with the miniſters of the ſaid dioceſes, ut non sint “ libri sine magistris.” - The Inventories here printed, are taken from the Originals preserved in the seventh volume of the Balcarres MSS. in the Advocates' Library, and from a manuscript collection of Do- cuments belonging to the University of St. Andrews. 6 & & 1612. 807 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS, INVENTAR OF THE BUIKIS IN THE NEW COLLEGE. 1. De Origine et Continuatione Mysterii Ecclesiæ Petri Vireti, cum Chron. Pantaleonis. 2. Breuiarum Rom. 3. Prima pars secundæ Operum S. Thom. 4. Aetius Medicus per Cornarium Lat. versu. 5. Ammotationes Erasmiim N. Test. 6. Index Operum Erasmi. 7. Pars prima Operis Text. Bibl. cum postilla Hugonis. - 8. Speculum Doctrinale Vincentii. 9. Tomus 4. Hieronymi. 10. Tomus 9. Operum Hieronymi. l 1. D. Carthu. de individua Tri- nitate. . 12. D. Carthu. de Hominis Re- demp. Christi Incar. « 13. D. Carthus. in D. Areopagitæ libros Coment. 14. D. Carthus. Enarrationes in 5 lib. Mosis. - 15. D. Carth. Enar. in Jos. Jud. IRuth. Reg. Chron. 16. D. Carth. Operum Minorum tom. l. - 17. D. Carth. Operum Minorum . tom. 2. - 18. Thomæ de Vio. Com. in 5 lib. Mosis, 2 Caietani Cardinalis, cum ejusdem Com. in 4 Euang. Aeta Apost. et Epist. Pauli et alior. Apost. 19. Index Operum Augustini. 20. To. 2. Operum August. com- plectens Epistolas, et 3. complec- tens didactica. 21. Tomus 6. Operum August. continens Polemica. 22. Tho. Aquin. Coment. in Epist. Pauli. 23. Cornelii Celsi de Re Medica, cum G. Paulini Commentario in duos priores lib. et Annota. in CeterOS. - 24. Burchardi Wormaciensis Eccl. Episcopi Decretorum lib. viginti. 25. Caroli Bouilli Opuscula ali- quot, viz. de Intellectu, de Sensu. 308 1588– INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE 26. Index ad Thom. Aquin. sen- tentias. 27. Erasmi tom. 9. Apologiaruin. 28. Alex. Aphrod. in Metaph. in- ter Sepul. et in resolut. pr. et post. et in topica. 29. Ammonius in Pophy. praed. de inter. &c. Lat. 30. Jacobi de Valencia Comment. in Psal et Cantica ferialia, &e. 31. Operum Erasmi tom. 3. epist. 32. Vita Christi ex Euang. et Scrip. Ortho. per Ludolphum Ed. 33. Hugonis Card. postilla in Ps. Esaiam, et Solomonis libros. 34. D. Carth. Epist. et Euang. Dominicalium Enarratio. 35. Claud. Buliand. in 4 Euang. 36. Tho. de Vio Caietani in Porph. praed. et poster. analyt. comment. Item Simplicii com. in lib. de calo. interp. Moibetto. 37. Ephamerides Stophleri a 1532 in alios viginti subsequentes. 38. Ruperti libri de Operibus S. Trinitatis. 39. Durandus in Mag. Senten. Mesme cum Expositione Mundini super canones vniuersales. 40. Dioscoridis Pruellio interprete. 41. Joan. Justi Lanspergii Epistola- rum et Euangel. dominicalium En- arrationes. 42. Almansor imperf. manuscript. 43. Je. Benedicti Com. in 4 Euang. et Acta. 44. Boetii Arithmetica. 45. Rupertus in Mach. de Gloria filii hominis et Glorificatione Tri- nita. et in Joam. Euang. et Apoca- lyp. Com. 46. Rupertusin minores Prophetas. 47. Sermones Roberti de Lilio, ord. minorum, aduentualis quadragesi- milas, &c. 48. Cyrilli Arch. Alexandrini con- tra varias haereses Arii, Eunomii, &c. tom. 2. 49. Arist. priora a Joan. Francisco Bon. Veronensi, Lat. vers. et com. illustrata. 50. Quintuplex Psalterium. 5 l. Guil. Papin de Imitat. Sanctor. 52. Sermones Dominicaleseiusdem. 53. Homiliae in Evang. Domi. per Roiardum. 54. Hom. in Euang. ejusdem pars Hyemalis. 55. Eccii Hom. super Euang. de tempore Pasci vsque ad Adventum tom. 2. - 56. Eius. Hom.tom. 3. de Sanctis. 1612. 309 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. 57. Homil. in omnes epist. ferialis quadragesimae per Roiardum. 58. Postillae maiores in Epist. et Euangel. totius anni, nouae pres- surae soletia elucubratae. 59. Augustini Dati Elegantiae. 60. Alberti Logica a Bernardo Plumatio recognita. 61. Valere le Grand 1489 Com- mentario Gallico editus. 62. Galeni Methodus medendi Li- nacro interprete, et de Composi- tione Medicamentor. eiusd. Joan. Guiniterio Interprete. 63. Galenus de Alimentor. Fa- cultatibus Joachimo Mart. . . . . Idem de Pulsibus Guiniterio interprete. 64. Dauidis Duglasii Scotide auro liquido quod potabile vocant Epist. Interprete. ad Paulum 3 pontific. 65. Sermones de Sanctis per an- numper Hugonem de Prato Florido. 66. Marci Gatinariae de curis aegri- tudinum particularium Almansoris. 67. Traité de trois vertues Theo- logaes. 68. Troys Oraisons de Cicero tra- duict de la langue Latin en Fran- cois. 69. Inuentarium eorum quae in operibus Gersonis continentur. 70. Missale secundum usum Salis- buriensem. Gabriel in tertium Sententiarum. 71. Tomus octauus operum Au- gustini. 72. Diui Ambrosii opera. 73. Speculum Naturale Vincentii. 74. Speculum Historiale Vincentii. 75. Index Bibliorum Authore D. Chuoneado Pelicano RubeaQuense, cum eiusdem Com. in 5 lib. Mosis. 76. Marloratus in totum Nouvum Testamentum. 77. Tomus quintus Chrysost. Praeter Jurisinterpretes, Bartholum, Baldum, Jasonem, Alexandrum, Zazium, Paulum de Castro, Spe- culatores, &c. quorum volumina circiter triginta sex, vtcunque cor- rosa a teneis, adhuc in puluere et situ conseruantur. MR ANDRO MELVILE. MR. JoAN. Rob ERTson. MR JHONE CALDCLEUCH. MR PATRIK MELVILE. 2 S 310 1588— INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE THE INVENTORIE OF THE COMMOUN BUIKIS OF THE NEW COLLEGE. Glossa ordinaria in 5 lib. Mosis. Chrysostomi tomus quintus, &c. Dionysii Carthusiani Epistolarum ac Evangeliorum dominicalium en- narratio, adiunctis variis sermonibus et homiliis. Origenis operum pars secunda. Origemis operum pars prima. Speculum Doctrinale Vincentii. Textus Bibliæ cum postilla domini Hugonis, pars prima. Erasmi Rot. operum nonus tomus. Erasmi Rot. operum primus tomus. Ruperti Abbatis libri quadraginta duo. Speculum Naturale Vincentij. Dionysii Carthusiani de Indiuidua Trinitate liber primus. Quintuplex Psalterium. D. Burchardj Decretorum libri vi- ginti. D. Cyrilli contra hereticos tomus secundus. D. Thomæ Aquinatis in omnes Pauli Epistolas Commentarii. Aetij Medici tetrabiblos. Ruperti Abbatis in duodecim Pro- phetas minores Commentariorum li- bri triginta duo. Euclidis Elementa cum Campanj Theonis Hipsectis Commentariis. Dionysij Carthusiani ennarrationes in libros Josuæ, Judicum, Regum Paralypomenon. Alexandri Aphrodisei Commenta- ria in duodecim Aristotelis libros de prima Philosophia. Commentaria in quinque Mosaicos libros Thomæ De Vio. Pedaci Dioscoridis de Medicinali Materia libri quinque. Item de venenatis animalibus, &c. libri quatuor. Dionysii Carthusiani commentaria in omnes Dionysii Areopagitæ lib. Dionysii Carthusiani de Redemp- tione et Justificatione liber ter- tius. D. Durandi super sententias M. Petri Lombardi opus. Vita Christiani per Ludolphum Saxonium. 1612. 311 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Erasmi Rot. in Nov. Testamentum annotationes. Erasmi Rot. operum tomus tertius, Epistolas continens. Speculum Historiale Vincentij. C. Galeni methodus medendi libri quatuordecim. D. Aurelii Augustini operum tomus secundus, continens Epistolas. D. Aurelii Augustini operum to- mus sextus, continens ra roAeutica. Index omnium quae insigniter ab Augustino dicta sunt. D. Hieronymi oper. tomus nonus. Augustini operum tomus octauus. D. Ambrosii opera omnia. Tomus quartus operum Hieronymi supposititius. Postillae majores in Epistolas et Evangelium. Sermonesde Sanctis Hugonisfratris. Homiliae in omnes epistolas feriales per Johannem Roiardum. Homiliarum Joannis Ekkii tomus tertius. Homiliae in Evangelia dominicalia per Johannem Roiardum. Joannis Ekkii homiliarum tomus secundus. Martii Gatibiatriae de curis aegritu- dinum. AugustiniDapide elegantialibellus. Sermones Roberti de Livio. Sermones dominicalium Guilielmi Pepin. De Imitatione Sanctorum Guilielmi Pepin. Inuentarium eorum quae in operi- bus Gersonis continentur. Petrus Venetus de origine et con- tinuatione ministerii verbi Dei. Seuerini Boetii Arithmetica. Thomae De Vio in praedicabilia Por- phyrij, &c. Thomae Aquinatis de Ente et Es- sentia commentarii. Buceri in quinque libros Psalmo- rum commentarii; item in librum Judicum et Sophoniam prophetam. Joannis Gagneri in Evangelia et acta apostolorum Scholia. D. Clementis recognitionum libri decem ad Jacobum fratrem Domini. Simplicii commentaria in 8 libros Aristotelis rept arpoaoetes. Index omnium librorum Aristotelis: item omnium operum eiusdem to- mus secundus. ChuonradiPellicanitomussecundus. Homiliae in Evangelia dominicalia per Joannem Roiardum. Ephemeridum Joan. Stefhori. 312 1588– INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE C. Galeni de alimentorum faculta- tibus libri tres. A. Cornelii Celsi de Arte Medica libri 8. Ru. Gerardi de solo super 9. abmas. Joan. Justi enarrationes in Evan- gelia et Epistolas. Breuiarium Romanum. In Evangelium secundum Joannem enarrationes Claudii Guilliandi. Homiliae ad populum Hieronymi, Augustini, Ambrosii, &c. Mesne cum expositione Mondini super canones vniuersales, &c. Epitome omnium oper. Augustini. Porphirii de quinque vocibus insti- tutio, item Hermio in praedica- menta Aristotelis, et commenta- ria. Prima secundae operum S. Thomae Aquinatis. Valere le Grand. D. Jacobi Pareth comment. in Psal. D. Hugonis postilla in Psalterium, secunda pars. Ruperti in Macbaeum de gloria et honore filij hominis libri tredecim, item de glorificatione Trinitatis libri novem. Dionysii Carthusiani operum mi- norum tomus secundus. Ejusdem operum minorum tomus primus. Commentaria in Logica Aristote- lis Bernhardi Plumatii et Alberti Magni. D. Bonauenturae in secundum lib- rum Sententiarum secunda pars. Dionysii Carthusiani summae fidei orthodoxae libri duo. D. Bonauenturae in quartum librum Sententiarum quarta pars. Canones Consilii provincialis Colo- niensis. Thomae Aquinatis in librum pri- mum Sententiarum. Thomae Aquinatis ejusdem liber secundus Sententiarum. Thomae Aquinatis ejusdem quartus liber Sententiarum, cum ejusdem problematis. Joannis Franscisci Burane in priora Analytica Aristotelis expositio. Alex. de Imola prima super Infor- tiato. Baldus super septimo octauo etno- no Codicis. Jasonis Maini prima super Digesto veteri. Jasonis Maini pri. super Infortiato. Jas. Maini pri. super Digesto nouo. Baldus super quarto et quinto Cod. 1612. 313 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Quarta pars consiliorum domini Baldi de Perusia. Barlamus super secunda parte In- fortiati. Repertorium consiliorum Alex. de Imola. Bartoli prima super Digesto veteri. Paulide Castro prima super Digesto veteri. - Bartoli super Digesto nouo. Prima Baldi super Digesto veteri. Repertorium Baldi super Codice. Sextum volumen consiliorum Alex. Repertorium Baldi de Ubaldis. Bartoli prima super Infortiato. Pauli de Castro prima super Codice. Jasonis Maini prima super Codice. Speculi pars prima. Tertium volumen Consilii Alex. S» Repertorium super lect. Alex. de Imola. Páuli de Castro prima super Diges- tO nouO. » Casus longi super D. veteri. Tertia et quarta pars Guil. Durandi. Alex. de Imola prima et secunda super Codice. Paulide Castro pri. super Infortiato. Thrie orationis of Cicero in French. Some copyes of Freir Maichels Catechisme. Nouum Testamentum Syriace cum typis Hebraicis, ex interpretatione Tremellii, in folio. Thesaurus linguae sanctae Pagnini, in folio. Marlarotus in N. Testamentum. THE INVENTARIE OF THE BUIKIS IN THE COMMON BIBLIOTEIEK OF THE NEW COLLEGE. Augustini Opera. Epitome Operum Augustini per Joannem Piscatorem.Coloniae 1549. Opera Ambrosii. Origenis pars prima et secunda ANNO 1598. Opera Bernhardi. Quintus et ultimus tomus Operum Chrysostomi. Clementis Recognitionum libri duobus voluminibus. Basilea 1536. decem. 314 INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE 1588_ Cajetanus in Mosen et Novum Testamentum. Burchardi decretorum libri viginti, ex Consiliis, &c. Rupertus Abbas de Operibus Tri- mitatis. Rupertus in Mattheum etJoannem. Rupertus in Minores Prophetas. Jacobus de Valentia in Psalmos. Homiliæ sive sermones præstan- tissimorum doctorum per Alcuinum Levitam. Parisiis 1537. Speculum Historiale Vincentii. Speculum Doctrinale Vincentii. Speculum Naturale Vincentii. Vita Christi per Ludolphum Car- Anno 1534. Hugonis Cardinalis Postilla prima pars im Genesin et alios libros his- toricos Vet. Testamenti. thusiem. Hugonis in Psalterium secundapars, cum tertia parte in Proverbia, &c. Bucerus in Psalmos, lib. Judicum et Sopho. Prophetam. Petrus Viretus de Ministerio Verbi et Sacramentorum,cum Pantaleonis Chronographia. Conradi Pellicani tomus secundus et tertius. Alberti Logica per Bernhardum Plumatium recognita. Ammonius in Porphyrii Catego- rias et Interpretationem Aristotelis. Boetii Arithmetica. Thomas de Vio Cajetanus in Por- phyrii Prædicabilia, Arist. Prædi- camenta cum Simplicii Commenta- riis in libros de Caelo, et Prædica- menta Aristotelis. Simplicii Commentaria in libros Aristotelis de Physico Auditu. Index Alphabeticus et tomus se- cundus Operum Aristotelis. Mesuæ Canones Universales. Galeni Methodus Medendi et de Anatomicis Administrationibus. Breviarium Romanum. Cyrilli Operum tomus secundus. Galeni de Medicamentorum Facul- tatibus. Ephemerides Stephleri ab Amno Christi 1532, in alios viginti annos subsequentes. Dionysius Carthusianus super Dio- mysium Areopagitam. Dionysii Areopagitæ Epistolarum et Dominicorum Euangeliorum to- tius anni Enarratio. Dionysii Carthusiani Operum Mi- norum tomus primus. Dionysii Carthusiani Operum Mi- norum tomus secundus. 1612. 315 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Dionysii Carthusiani Enarrationes in libros Josuac, Judicum, Ruthi, et Paralip. Dionysii Carthusiani in primum librum Sententiarum. Dionysii Carthusiani in tertium et quartum lib. Sententiarum. Aetii Medici Tetrabiblos. Alexandri Aphrodisei in 12 libros primae Philosophiae, et in Analytica priora, Elenchos et Topica Aristo- telis. * Euclidis Elementorum Geometri- corum libri cum Theonis Com- mentariis. Pedacii Dioscoridis libri de Medi- cinali Materia quinque, de viru- lentis Animalibus quatuor. Johannis Lanspergii Carthusiani Epistolarum et Evangeliorum Do- minicalium enarrationes. In Johannis Evangelium Enarra- tiones Claudii Guilandi. Johannes Gardneus in quatuor Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum. Erasmi tomus tertius Epistolas complectens. Erasmi tomus nonus Apologias complectens. Erasmi in N. T. Annotationes. Index Operum Erasmi. Thomas Aquinasin Epistolas Pauli, et Gorrani in easdem. Prima secundi Operum Thomae. Tomus quartus Operum Hieronymi, cum tomo quinto. Tomus nonus Operum Hieronymi. Durandus in Magistrum Senten- tiarum. - Quintuplex Psalterium. Valer le Grant. Inventarium Operum Gersonis. De Imitatione Sanctorum sermones dominicales Guilielmi Pepini. Sermones Roberti de Litio. Augustini Pathi de Elegantia libel- lus. Homiliae Dominicales per fratrem Joannem Royardum. Homiliarum Eccii tomus tertius de Sanctis. Sermones de Sanctis per annum fratris Hugonis de Prato Florido. Postillae Majores in Epistolas. Marlorati Catholica Expositio in Novum Testamentum. Index Bibliorum Authore Conrado Pelicano, cum ejusdem Commen- taris in libros Mosis. Magnum Lexicum Hebraicum Sanc- tis Pagnini, cum Mercerietaliorum Annotationibus. 316 INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE 1588– N. T. Syriacum Hebraicis literis, cum Interpretatione Tremellii. Baldus super quarto et quinto Co- dicis. Prima Baldi super Digesto Veteri. Quartum volumen Consiliorum Baldi. Baldus super septimo octavo et nono Codicis. Repertorium Baldi. Repertorium Lec. Baldi super Co- dice. Jasonis Maini prima super Digesto veteri. Jasonis prima super Digesto Novo. Jasonis prima super Inforciato. Bartoli prima super Digesto Novo. Bartoli prima super Inforciato. Bartoli prima super Digesto Veteri. Pauli de castro prima super Digesto IlOVO. Pauli prima super Digesto Veteri. Pauli prima super Inforciato. Pauli prima super Codice. Alexandri de Imola prima et se- cunda super Codice. Repertorium super Lec. Alexandri de Imola. Alexandride Imula superinforciato. Repertorium Consiliorum Alex- andri. Tertium volumen Consiliorum Alexandri. Sextum volumen Consiliorum Alexandri. Catechisme of Johne Archbishop of Sanctandrois. Anno 1547. Sic Subscribitur, AN. MELVILE. M. J. Johnstous. M. PATRIK MALVILE. BIBLIOTHECA LEONARDINA. Augustini Libror. quarta pars. Canones Augustini. Libror. Augustini 2 pars. Manuale Augustini. Quaestiones Augustini. August. de Trinitate. Libror. Augustini 6 pars. Retractatio Augustini in lib. Con- fessionum. Librorum Augustini octava pars. 1690. 317 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Chrysost. in Marc. et Luc. Chrysost. 2 tom. in Epist. Chrysost. 3 tom. Opera Chrysost. Tertius et 4 tom. Origenis. Priores 2 tom. Origenis. Origenis 4 tom. Origenis 2 prior. tom. Opera Bernardi. Aliud volumem Bernardi. Bernardus super Decretales. Lyræ prima pars. Lyræ secunda pars. Lyra in poster. part. Vet. Test. Lyrain secund. volumen Bibliorum. Repertorium in Glossam Lyranani. Pars 1. Lyræ cum Glossa ordinar. Pars 6. eiusdem cum Glossa ord. Pars 4. eiusdem cum Glossa ord. Pars 1. Lyræ cum Glossa ord. Prima pars Historiar. Antonini. Tertia pars summæ Maioris Anto- nini. Quarta pars Antonini. Pars tertia Gersonis. Gersonis 2 pars. bis. Gersonis 4 pars. Inventoria Gersonis. bis. Invent. Gers. et de Passione, et de laude Scriptorum, et Potestate Ec- clesiastica. Gregorii Papæ Decret. Compilatio. Digest. vetus de Gregorii decretalia. IDecretum Aureum Divi Gratiani. Sextus Decretalium. Sextus et Clementinæ. Margarita Decret. Opusculum in Regul. Juris. Registrum in Opus Ambros. eius- demque Opera. Gregorii Moralia. Gregorii Epistolæ. Prima secundi Sancti Thomæ. Gabriel in 3 Sentent. Gabriel bis in Can. Missæ. Gabriel in 4 Sentent. Gabriel de Festivitatibus Christi. Inventorium contentorum in 4 Collect. Gabrielis in 4 lib. Sentent. Aliud Invent. in 4 Collect. Gabriel. Tabul. Quæst. 3 partis secund. Alexandri Dominicales. Tabul. Quæst. 4 partis secund. eiusd. • Tabul. Quæst. 2 partis secund. eiusd. Authorit. Sacr. Script. Alexandri de Ales. Consequentiæ Maioris. Introduct. Maioris in Arist. Dialect. Maior in 3 Sentent. quater. 2 T 318 1690. INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE Maior in 1 Sent. bis. Maior in Matth. Maior in 4 Sentent. Maior in Evangelist. Ricard. in Media Villa in 1 Sent. Idem in 2 Sent. Idem in 3 Sent. Sermones AEstivales Meffret. Sermones Hiemales eiusdem. Sermones Petri Alliac. Idem in Lib. Sentent. Postillae Maiores. Postillae Evangeliorum. Bricot in Physicen, bis. Textus Logicaeet Physicae eiusdem. Idem in Physicam et Metaphys. Johannes Dorpt, ter. Dialog. Gulielmi de Ocham. Joan. Duns in 2 Sentent. Repertorium eiusdem in 1, 2, 3 Sent. Idem in 2 Sentent. Idem in 4 lib. Sentent. Quodlibetum eiusdem. Concord. Maiores Bibliorum. Supplement.Theoriae Fratris Jacob. Philip. Opera Dionyside Caelest. Hierarch. Expositio Orationis Dominicae. Steph. Brules in lib. Sentent. Bo- naVenturæ. Quaestiones Morales M. Martini de Fortitud. Holkot. in lib. Sapient. Solomonis. bis. Alexandri Doctrinale. Expositio Valent. in Psalmos. Summa Angelica de Casibus Con- scientiae. Plin. Naturalis Histor. Ja. Fab. Stap. in Epist. Pauli. Petri Lambert. Sentent. Textus. Homil. Eckiani adversus Sect. Legenda Aurea. Chronologia. Beda in Proverb. Vocabularium Maumotrecti. Sermones Gilberti. Aureum Repertor. Bibliorum. Tractat. diversi quorund. Fratrum. Sophismata Alberti de Saxonia. Albertus Magnus. Sermomes Jo. Greilisit. Liber Ceremoniarum Comment. Quadragesimales Sermones Dormi secure. Consil. Nicol. de Sicilia Abbatis de Suppositionibus. Sophista. Quaest. Dulwart. in 8 Phys. et de Caelo. Beda Presbiter in Proverb. 1690. 319 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Rationale Diminori. Invent. Pap. de Miseriis Humanis. Vigerius de Controvers. excel. Just. dominicæ Pasch. Opera Sancti Victoris. Sermones Discipuli. Richardus de Arca et 12 Patriarch. Elegantiæ Vallæ. Haymo in Epist. Pauli. Aurea Rosa in Evangel. Sermones Oliveri de Adventu. Catholicom. Catechismus D.Jo.Wynrami super- intendentis. CatechismusJo. Hammiltoun episc. Adagia Erasmi. Loci Theolog. Urb. Rhegii. et Catechis. Cal. Agrippa in artem brevem. Pat. Cockburn de Pec. in Spir. S. et de Script. Phras. Aug. dat. in Precepta Elegant. Q. Curtius de gestis Alexandri. Grammat. Perotti. Tartaret. in Ethic. cum prolog. Bi- bliorum. - Calepinus. Quæst. Dulwort. in Phys. Virg. cum Comment. Homiliarius Eckii contra Sect. ab auth. recog. Pars l Operum Antomi Coceisabell. Posterior pars eiusdem. Theophilac. in Nov. Testament. Biblia Lat. vulgo translat. Philmelaneth in Joannem. Biblia Hebraica. Calepinus excuss. 1558. Opera Demosth. Lat. cum Com- ment. Prima pars Operum Ciceronis. Secunda pars Operum Ciceronis. Enar.in omnes Ciceronis Orationes. Opera Math. Jo. Shoneri. Opera Platonis. Comment. Morzilli in Timeum Plat. Geographia Ptolomei. Vicomercatus in 8 lib. Phys. et 4 Meteor. Scheg. in Phys. et Ethi. Tho. in lib. de Cælo, Ortu et In- teritu Animi. Strebeus in 3 lib. etc. Aphrodiseus in Metaph. et lib. de Ort. Thom. in Metaph. Varii Interpretes in quosd. lib. Log. Arist. Compositio et usus variorum Astrol. per Joannem Stephlerinum. Olympiod. in 4 lib. Meteor, et 320 1590. INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE Joannes Gramin primum eorundem. Lyranus in Prophetas et lib. sap. et Psal. Homiliae Gregorii in Ezechielem. Pet. de Palude in 3 Sentent. Francisc. Patriarcha de vita soli- taria. Salustius. Hist. Eccles. Eusebii. Maior in 4 Sentent. Major in 3 Sentent. Questiones Marsetii in 4 Sentent. Marsetii in 3 Sentent. Gesta Romanorum. Jordani sermones de Sanctis. Margarita Poetica. Bartholini minorit. de Proprietat. Rerum. Richardi de Media Villa in 4 Sent. Quest. Quest. Petri Aliaci in lib. Sentent. Historia Britan. per Maiorem. Postilla Maior in Epistol. et Evan. Pat. Cock. de Justificatione. Libel. Exercit. Sacr. Script. per Nicol. Hanapum. - Loci Communes Melan. Eucherum Camp. in Psalm. Liber Matutinalis. Postill. Hug. Angl. in Evang, et Epist. Postilla Jordani de tempore. Nichol. Lyranus in Nov. Testam. Tabula Ockami in 4 Sentent. Haymo in Epistolas. Summa Angelica. Canones Con. Provinc. Coloniens. Opusc. Theolo. manuscript. eius- dem primarii. Summa Consil. et Pontif a Pet. ad Jul. 3. Musculin Math. etlocos communes. Muscul. in Psalmos. Bullingerus in 4 Evang. Bullinger. in Ep. Pauli et Canon. Bullinger. in Acta Apost. Jo. Cal. Instit. Christianae Relig. Joa. Calvini Opuscula. Brent. in Lucam. Pet. Mart. in Epist. ad Rom. Forma Precum Anglicarum. Canon. Apostolorum. Marbodus. : Tab. Jo. de Monte Reg. Math. Monas in Theorica. Dialect. Vallae. Alchimia Gebri Arab. Isag. Alchabitii Judic. astror. Hieron. Osorius de Gloria. Topica Ciceronis. Cosmog. de Lovat. Opusc. Vet. Philosophor. 1590. 321 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Terent. Maurus de literis. Arith. Michaelis Stiphelii. Aug. Steuch. contra Vallam. Ephemorid. Nic. . . . . Mathei. Ascon. in Cic. Orationes et Trapez. Jaco. Zigleri Comment. in Plin. Cursus 4 Artium Math. per Cir- velum. War. Opusc. Variorum. Ilias Homeri per Vallam. Sphera Mizaldi. Theoricae Purbatchii, bis. Partit. Dialect. Joannis Sturmii. Famil. Epist. Gal. Ephemeris Caelest. Mizald. Hecuba Eurip. Gal. Opera Senecae emendata. Ecclesiast. Histor. Niceph. Elementa Euclid. Comment. Al. Aphrod. Graece in Por. Aristot. et Reph. Ilias Homer. Graece. Erip. Trag. cum Comment. Graece. Opera Xenophont. in 3 vol. in 8 Graece. - Dict. Graec. Phavorini. Graec.in fol. Nicetae Histor. Graec. et Lat. cum Scol. in fol. Opera Hesiodi Graece. Diodor. Sicul. Hist. lib. aliq. Graece in 4. Polibius Graece, in folio. Paul. Eginaetae Med. lib. 7. Graece in fol. Lexicon Favorini. Ecclesiast. historia Eusebii. Oecolampad. in Hier....et Ezechiel. Chronica Scot. Hectoris Boetii. Tit. Livius cum annotat. doct. vir. in folio. et rufo vitulo. Cajetanus in Logica Arist. in 8. Opera Arist. Grecein 2 tom. in fol. Joseph. de Judaic. et Opera Sente. uno vol. - Xenophontis Opera in fol. Castigationes Pierii in Virg. in fol. Strabo de Situ Orbis in fol. Robertus Gagninus et gest. Franc. in fol. Bonaventurain primum Sentent. in fol. - Cornucopia Peroti, in fol. Chronica Carionis, in 8. Aloranus Machometis. in fol. Thair ar sum ma Buikis in the Lib- rarie, quhilk tyme culd nocht per- mitt to seik out. This is the Ca- talogue of the buikis as we might haif it for the tyme. Sic Subscribitur MR. Robert Wilkie. 322 1612. INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE CATALOGUS LIBRORUM BIBLIOTHECAE COMMUNIS ACADEMIAE ANDREA- POLITANAE. 1612. 1. DECEMB. Libri quos Potentissimus et Serenissimus Princeps JAcoBUs MAGNAE BRITANNIAE REX, Academiae Andreapolitanae donavit. Augustini Opera, fo. Lugd. Tib. 5 10 0 Athanasii Opera Graec. et Lat. fo. Heid. gº sº Ambrosii Opera, fo. Basileae, Arnobii Opera, fo. Hamburgi, Bernardi Opera, fo. Parisiis, Basilii Opera, fo. Basileae, Bedae Opera, fo. Colon. Bonaventurae Opera, fo. Colon. Bibliotheca Patrum, fo. Paris. Chrysostomi Opera, fo. Paris. Cyrilli Opera, fo. Paris. - Cypriani opera, fo. Genevae, Clemens Alexandrinus, fo. Par. Clemens Romanus, fo. Coloniae, Concilia Generalia, fo. Coloniae, Concordantia Bibl. fo. Franc. Damasceni Opera, fo. Basil. Epiphanii Opera, fo. Basileae, Eusebii Opera, Gr. fo. Paris. — Opera, Latiné, fo. Basil. Ephraimi Opera, fo. Coloniae, I I O 1 O 2 4. 6 I I O O O 5 O O O 2 O O 15 O 10 0 10 O 10 O 12 6 1 5 0 10 O 10 0 13 4 I 3 4. 9 0 13 0 6 O 0 0 16 6 12 6 5 0 10 0 12 6 12 6 Fulgentii Opera, 8vo. Basil. Gregorii Magni Op. fo. Paris. Gregorii Nazianzeni Op.fo. Bas. Gregorii Nisseni Op. fo. Paris. Gersonis Opera, fo. Parisiis, Hieronymi Opera, fo. Parisiis, Hilarii Opera, fo. Basileae, Hug. Cardin. Opera, fo. Venet. Irenaei Opera, fo. Colon. - Justimus Martyr, Graeco Lat, fo. Innocentii Papae Op. fo. Col. Isidori Hispalensis Op. fo. Par. Kempis Opera, 4to. iºn Lyrae glossa ordin, fo. Lugd. Lactantii Opera, fo. Basileae, Laurentii Justin. Op. fo. Wen. Leonis Papae Op. 8vo. Antw. Originis Opera, fo. Basileae, Parisiensis Opera, fo. Venet. Prosperi Opera, 8vo. Colon. Procopius Sophista, fo. Paris. Rich. de S. Victore, fo. Venet. 15 I 5 IO 10 I 0 12 15 I . O : 17 6 17 6 1612, COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. 323 Ruperti Opera, fo. Colom. 1 10 0 Chemnitii Examen, fo. - O 12 O Tertulliani Opera, fo. Heid. 1 0 0 – Loci Communes, fo. – 0 12 0 Theophilacti Opera, fo. Basil. 0 10 0 Tacitus cum Com. Diverso. fo. 1 5 O Theodoreti Opera, fo. Parisiis, 1 8 0 Suetonius cumCom. Divers. fo. I 5 O Thesaurus Linguae Sac. Pag- Seneca cum Com. Diverso. fo. 1 5 0 mini, fo. e - 2 15 0 Marloratus in N. Testam. fo. 1 0 0 – Linguae Graecae, fo. – 4 0 0 – in Isaiam, fo. - - O 9 O Calvini Institutio, fo. - O 9 0 – Loci Communes, fo. – 0 9 0 – in Samuelem, fo. – 0 8 0 Mollerus in Psalmos, fo. – 0 12 6 – in Psalmos, fo. - – 0 9 0 – in Iesaiam, fo. – – O 6 6 – in Danielem, fo. – 0 5 6 Bilson his Survey, fo. – O 6 O – in Jobum, – – O 10 0 – de Gubernatione, 4to. O 3 6 – in Moysem et Josuam, fo. 0 12 6 Lavaterus in Paralip. fo. – 0 6 0 – in Evangel. et Acta, fo. 0 1 1 0 – in Proverbia, fo. – 0 5 O – in Epistolas, – – O 9 0 – in Josua, fo. – – 0 3 4 – in Iesaiam, fo. - - O 7 0 – in Judicum, fo. – – 0 3 6 – in Jeremiam, fo. – O 9 0 – in Hester, fo. – – O 3 6 – Opuscula, fo. – - 0 12 0 – in Jobum, fo. – – 0 5 6 Gesmeri Opera, fo. - - 3 0 0 Whittakeri Opera, fo. - 1 1 o Libri quos Serenissimus Princeps HENRICUS MAGNA: BRITANNIAE Haeres et PRINCEPs VALLIAE, Academiae Andreapolitanae donavit, 4 Augusti 1612. Plutarchi Opera, Gall. fo. lib. 1 16 O Mysterium Iniquitatis, fo. O 12 6 Arca Nohae, fo. – sa 1 13 0 Platonis Opera, Graeco Lat. fo. I 5 0 Aristotelis Opera, Graeco Lat. fo. 1 5 6 Frenche Historie, fo. - O I 1 O Ovidii Opera, cum Comm. fo. 1 5 0 Syntagma Juris, fo. as I 0 0 Pici Mirandulae Opera, fo. 0 14 0 Sadeelis Opera, fo. º - 0 1 1 0 CatalogusTestium Veritatis, fo. 0 17 6 Petrarchae Opera, fo. - O 1O 6 Raderus in Martialem, fo. O 15 O Josephus, Graeco Lat. fo. I 2 O Plinii Historia, fo. e a O 15 6 Thucidides, Graeco Lat. fo. O 14 O 324 INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE 1612. Hameri Opera, Græco Lat. fo. O 13 6 Pierii Hieroglyphica, fo. 1 4 Stobæus, Græco Lat. fo. — O 18 0 Biblia Græca, fo. . . _ 1 0 Camdeni Britannia, fo. — 1 6 8 Pineda in Jobum, fo. , - 1 5 Eiblia Hutteri, fo. — 1 10 0 — de Rebus Solomonis, fo. 0 13 Galeni Opera, Græce, fo. 3 0 0 Zanchii Opera, fo. - 2 6 Baronii Ammales, fo. 6 vol. 5 0 0 Miscellamea altera, - 0 4 3 9. 0 Centuriæ Magdeburg, 6 vol. Libri quos Serenissimus Princeps CAROLUS EBORACENSIS Dux, JAcoBI MAGNAE BRITANNIÆ REGIS Filius, Academiæ Andreapolitanæ transmisit. Arctius in Nov. Test. fo. 1ib. 0 18 0 Tractatus omnium Doctorum, — Problemata, fo. •- O 7 6 fo. _ - - -a 12 0 Hookeris Workis, fo. - 0' 8 0 Hutteri Test. 12 Linguar. fo. 3 15 Bellarmini Opera, fo. — 2 5 0 Fachinæi Controvers. J uris, fo. 0 15 Biblia interlineata, fo. — 1 4 0 Sicardus in Codicem, fo. O 17 Bisciolæ Horæ subces. fo. o 18 4 Gomezii Resolut. Juris, fo. o 15 Notitia utraque Dignitatis, fo. 0 12 6 Poetæ Principes, Græco Lat. fo. 1 o Krantii Opera, fo. - O 18 0 Bercharii Dictionarium, fo. 2 O Gesta Dei per Francos, fo. O 18 0 Pandectæ Triumphales, fo. o 15 Budæi Com. Linguæ Græc. fo. O 12 6 Romanæ Hist. Scriptores, fo. 1 12 — im Pamdectas, fo. -a O 7 6 Biblia Castalionis, fo. _ O 12 fib. 34 10 10 Libri quos Serenissima Princeps ANNA, MAGNAE BRI- TANNIÆ REGINA, Academiæ Andreapolitanæ donavit, 10 Augusti. Antonini Chronicon, fo. iib. 2 10 0 Aeiieas Sylvius, fo. — 0 10 Anglica Normam. Cambdeni, fo. O 13 6 Bodinus de Republ. fo. — O 1 3 Anglic. rerum Script. Ravil. fo. 0 13 6 Bizari Hist. Genuensis, fo. 0 12 ; 6 1612. COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. 325 Bellaii Chronicom, fo. - 0 7 6 Cælius Rhodoginus, fo. 0 Comment. Cæsaris, fo. — O 13 6 Gregorius de Republ. fo. 0 Dionysius Halicar.Græco Lat.fo. 1 2 6 Natalis Comitis Historia, fo. 0 Dion Cassius, Græco Lat. fo. 1 0 0 Scotus in Tacitum, fo. — O Chronicon Carionis, fo. - O 10 0 Theatrum Vitæ Humanæ, fo. 1 Guevarræ Horolog. Princ. fo. 0 12 6 Decreta Eccles. Gallicanæ, fo. 1 Hungari Rerum Scriptores, fo. 0 8 0 Opinceri Chronologia, fo. 1 Herodotus, Græco Lat. fo. 0 16 0 Cuspiniani Opera, fo. 0 Italia Illustrata, fo. • 0 13 6 Constantini Lexicon, fo. 1 Lazius de Repub. Romam. fo. O 17 0 Oratores Veter. fo. — . 0 Lazius de Migrationibus Gen- Photii Bibliotheca, fo. — 1 tium, fo. — - .- 0 11 6 Tormelli Annales, fo. - 1 --- Græcia, fo. •- - O 3 0 Thesaurus Linguæ Latinæ, fo. 2 Matthaeus Paris. fo. - 0 13 6 Trithemii Opera Historica, fo. 0 Mercatoris Chronologia, fo. O 9 0 Paulus Jovius, fo. - 1 Onuphrius de Repub. fo. 0 7 0 Chytraei Chronicom Saxon. fo. 0 — Fasti Consulares, fo. — 0 10 0 Lutheri Opera, fo. - 2 Nicephorus, fo. — — 0 13 6 Pelicani Opera, fo. -• 1 Polybius Casauboni, fo. - 1 10 0 Zuinglii Opera, fo.' -» 1 Pighii Annales, fo. -. 0 12 0 Ursini Opera, fo. •- 1 Sigonii Opuscula, fo. - 0 13 6 Aristophanes cum comment.fo. 0 — de Regno Italiæ, fo. O 6 6 Isocrates Græco Lat. fo. - 0 — de Occidental. Imperio, fo. 0 6 6 Mattheus Westmonasteriensis — de Antiquo Jure Rom. fo. O 18 6 Flores Historiarum, fo. 0 — Fasti Consulares, fo. - O 7 6 Antiquitates Eccles. Britan. fo. 0 Reneccii Historia Juliæ, fo. 1 15 0 Xenophontis Opera, fo. - O — de Familiis, fo. - O 15 0 ASumma, tib. 58 12 0 Volaterramus, fo. -» O 10 0 For tuo tromkes, — - 1 Meyeri Annales Flandriæ, fo. 0 12 0 For charges to sett them a Zonaras, fo. *- *- 0 10 O shipbord, - O Stemmata Principum, fo. 1 10 0 Summa totalis, tib. 60 5 O 11 6 0 10 16 O 8 0 8 O 2 U 326 INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE 1612. Libri quos Serenissima Princeps ELIZABETHA, JAcoBI MAGNIE BRITANNIAE REGIS filia, Academiae Andreapolitanae donavit. Buceri Opuscula, fo. - fib. 0 — in Evangelia, fo. º: O Bullingerus in Iesaiam, fo. 0 — in Danielem, fo. tº- O — in Epistolas, fo. + = O — in Acta Apost. et Apocalyp. fo. - gºs tº- Eº Chytraeus in 5 lib. Moysis, fo. — in Josua, Judic. &c. fo, Danaei Opuscula, fo. <--> Hunmei Opera, 4 volum, fo. Huberi Antibellarminus, fo. Flemmingii Opuscula, fo. Hyperius in Epistolas, fo. O O O 1 2 O O O Illyricus in Novum Testa, fo. 0 — Clavis Sacrae Script, fo. 0 Junii Opera, fo. º I Marmacus de Eucharistia, fo. 0 Mercerus in Genesin, fo. O — in Prophetas, fo. sº O Martyr in Genesin, fo. – O 0 — in Judicum Lib, fo. - 10 O 15 0 8 12 12 2 15 17 12 18 15 18 15 13 13 8 6 5 6 4, 6 4. Martyr in Regum Lib, fo. O 11 6 — in Samuelem, fo. * O 9 0 — ad Corinthios, fo. gº O 6 O — Loci Communes, fo. O 16 O Lossius in Novum Testam, fo. 1 6 8 Oecolampadius, fo. mº 0 15 0 Rivii Opera, fo. - º 0 1 0 O Senneccerus in Epistolas, fo. 0 16 0 Simlerus in Exodum, fo. O 6 6 Segedini Loci Communes et Tabul, fo. - * tºº, 0 10 0 Urbani Regii Opera, fo. 0 15 O Stephani Glossa Ordinaria, fo. 0 10 0 Vogelii Thesaurus, fo. – O 13 6 Theatrum Genealogicum, 4 vol. fo. tºº tº ſº tº 4, 10 0 Westmerus in Psalmos, fo. 0 10 O Hendorphii Theatrum Histo- ricum, fo. º gº 0 1 0 O For a tronck, tº- O 12 O For charges, ſº 0 4 2 Summa, tib. 30 8 0 1612. .327 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Catalogus Librorum quos M. JoANNEs Jonston Us, SS. Theologiae Professor in Collegio Mariano, Testamento reliquit Academiae Andreapolitanae. Biblia Parisiensia Latina. Lyrae 2 pars Postillae. — 3 pars. Osiandri Harmonia Evangelica. Mollerus in Psalmos. Mercerus in Prophetas Minores. Andreas Masius in Josuam. Funccii habet. Chronologia — Melvi. Scaliger de emandatione temporum. Melvinus habet. Davidis Chytrae Chronicon Saxo. Melv. hahet. Hadrichomius de terra Sancta. Balaeus de Scriptoribus Britanniae. Epitome Bibliothecae Conr. Gesneri. Ortelii editione. Josephi Historia.-Blar. habet. Ruardi Tapperi Explicat. Naucleri Chronica. Dictionaria Biblica Ariae Montani. Bl. habet. Anatomia Gallica,-Melv. habet. Hemmingius in Joannem. Geographia, ex prima Calepinus. Boetii Historia Scotica. Panter habet. Loci Communes Petri Martyris. R. B. habet. Lexicon Scapulae.—Melv. habet. M. P. Opera Jacobi Cujacii Jurisconsulti. Ex donat. DA. LINDSAY de Balcarras. Catalogus Librorum quos Reverendissimus in Christo Pater D. GEORGIUs ABBotus Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, Bibliothecae Andreapolitanae donavit. The Inglisch Bible of the last new Ignatii Vita cum picturis, fo. Translation, fol. Biblia Hebraea, fo. Massonis shoppis, fo. Consecration of Bi- Missale Romanum, fo. Knichtis Concordance, fo. Cassalius de quadripartita Justitia. Gesta Dei per Francos, fo. 328 1612. INVENTORIES OF BUIKIS IN THE Directorium Inquisitorum, fo. Choppinus de Sacra Politica, fo. Angelocrator de Ratione Tempo- rum, fo. Pesantius in D. Thomam, fo. Gazaeus in Octoteuchum, fo. Thomas More against Tindal, fo. De Divinis Catholicae Ecclesiae, fo. IHeskins Parlament, fo. Plutarchi Vitae Graec. duo. vol. fo. Pineda in Jobum, 2 tom. fo. Americae 9° pars, fo. Toletus in Joannem, fo. The Historie of Venice, fo. Catalogus Gloriae Mundi, fo. Thomae Summae Textus, fo. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores per Savillium, fo. Erasmi Novum Testamentum, fo. Ex Donatione Magistri PATRICII JUNII Bibliothecarii Serenissimi Principis Jacobi Magna Britannia Regis. Biblia Complutensia, tribus vol. fo. Petri Lombardi Sententiae, in fol. Albertus Magnus, tribus volum. in Sententias, in fol. Bartholomaeus de Proprietate Re- rum, fo. Summa Angelica, fo. Serrarius in Apocr. 2 vol. 4to. Sa Notationes in Biblia, 4to. Anastasii Historia, 4to. Rhemish Testament, ann. 1582 et 1600, in 4to. bis. Legendario de Vita Dei Sancti, 4to. Stapleton against Juel, 4to. Reinoldus de Idololatria, 4to. Fitzherberds Policie and Religion, 2 volu. 4to. Sutlivius de Ecclesia, 8o. Canisius de Verbo Dei, 4to. Vintoniensis Epist. de Eucharistia, (Steph. Gardner,) 8o. Facii Historia, 8o. Nicolaus de Antichristo, 8o. Apologie pour Herodot. 8o. Alexandri de Ales Opera, 4 vol. fo. Gabriel Biel in Sententias, in fo. Durandus in Sententias, fo. Joannes Duns Scotus in Senten- tias, fo. Titi Livii Historia, in fo. 1612. 329 COLLEGES OF SANCTANDROIS. Ex DonationeJoANNIS JUNII, SS. Theologiae Doctoris. Bibliotheca Possevini, 3 volum. fo. Bibliotheca Sixti Sinensis, fo. Theatrum terrae Sanctae Andri- comii Delphii, fol. Ex DonationeM. RoBERTI SPOT- TISVOD, Averrois Opera, duodecim volumi- nibus in 8uo. Ex Donatione Magistri ADAM NEUToNI, Praeceptoris olim serenissimi Principis piae me- moriae Henrici filii Jacobi Regis Britannae. Francisci Suarez Opera, 9 vol. fo. Ex Donatione M. GULIELMI EDMISToNII, Angli, SS. Theo- logiae Baccal. et in Collegio quod est Oxoniae Socii. Aristotelis et Theophrasti Opera, 4 vol. fol. Thesaurus Linguae Graec. 4 vol. fo. Eustathius in Homerum. Graec. 2 vol. fol. Eugubinus de perenni Philosophia, fol. Quatuor Evangelistae, Graec. fol. Concordantiae Heb. et Graec. fol. Epigrammata Graeca, cum Com- mentariis Brodaei, fol. Ex Donatione M. GULIEL. JUNII. Harmonia Confessionum fidei, 4to. Ex Donatione M. THoMME Mo- RAvII, Praeceptoris serenissimi Principis D. Caroli Ducis Ebo- racensis. Opera Chrysostomi, ex editione Savilii. Doctor Vedderburn penes se habet, Ex Donatione M. THoMAE PEER- soNI, Ministriet Concionatorisin Legione Scotica in Geldria. Opera Joannis Cameronis, in 4to. Chronologia Helvici, in fo. regali. Ex donatione M. GEoRGII HAM- MILTON, Tomus Opusculorum Theolog. vel potiustomi duo Theodori Bezae. THE TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL OF MR JOHN JOHNSTOUN, ANE OF THE PRINCIPALL MAISTERS OF THE NEW COLLEGE OF ST ANDROIS, ANNO MDCXI. MR John Johnston, of the Aberdeenshire family of Caskieben, was educated at King's College Aberdeen, and afterwards studied at more than one of the foreign Universities. In 1587 he was at Helmstadt, and in 1591 he resided at Geneva. In 1592 he became one of the colleagues of Mr Andrew Melville in St Mary's College, St Andrew's, where he held the station of second Master, or profeſsor of the New Testament. He died at St Andrews of a lingering and incurable disorder on the 20th of October 1611. He is the author of a number of works, all of considerable rarity, as Inscriptiones Historica, Regum Scotorum, Amst. 1602; Heroes ea omni Historia Scotica lectissimi, Lugd. Bat. 1603; Consolatio Christiana, 1609. He was highly respected and admired by the most eminent of his contemporaries, not only for his literary accom- plishments and theological attainments, but for his singularly honourable, consistent and amiable character. THE TESTAMENT Testamentar and Inventarie of the guidis, geir and debtis of umquhill Mr JoHNE JoHNE- stoun, ane of the principall Maisters of the New College of St. Androis, within the citie thairof, parochin of the samyn 2 X 334 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL 1611. and shirrefilome of Fyiff, the tyme of his deceise, quhilk was the twantie day of October I* VI" and allevin geiris, faithfullie maid and geuin we be Robert Johnestoun of Creimound, Mr Robert Merser minister at Ellon, Mr Johne Kinneir minister at Luchares, and Mr William Erskyn minister at Dyninow, executoures testamentares nominat be the said wnquhill Mr Johne in his Legacie and Lettir Will efter specifeit ; as the samyn of the dait at St Androis the threttie day of Julijthe geir of God I"VI" and allewin geires at mair lynthe beares. IN THE FIRST, the said umquhill Mr Johne the tyme of his deceise forsaid, haid the guidis, geir and debtes, of the pryces and valoures efter specifeit, viz. his buikes, abuilziements of his body and plenisching of his chalmer, estimat to iii" xxxiii liff. vi s. viii d. ; ITEM gewin win be the executoures of reddie money, iii" xxxiii lib. vi Ś viii d. Summa of the Inventarie, vi. lxvi lib. xiii S. iiii d. DEBTIS AW CHT AND BE THE DEID. IN THE FIRST, their was auchtand to the said winquhill Mr Johne the tyme of his deceis forsaid, be John Johnstoun of Caskiben, conforme to his obligatioun, the summe of iº" iii" lili lib. Item be James Traill, ii lit. Item be Capitan Wm. Murray lent to him be James Traill, con- form to ane Obligatioun of the said Capitan maid to the said James, and ane assignatioun thairof maid to the defunct with promeis to him thair- wpon the soume of iii. xxxiii lib, vi ä viii d. Item be Mr Patrik Orum Intromettour with the College leiving and James Makgill of Rankeillour his cautionar, iii xl lib. xiis, according to ane decreit befoir the Lordes. 1611. OF MR JOHN JOHNSTOUN. 335 Item be the New College or intromettour with the rent thairof, fourtie bollis wictuall for the space of four yeires, viz. 1607, 1608, 1609, 1610, extending yelrlie to ten bollis, assignit to the said defunct be his Ma- jesteis gift, and the defunct in possessioun theirof the space of ten yeires. Thairof four bollis aittis, thrie bollis thrie firlottis beir, and four bollis ane firlot quhyit; pryce of the boll ourheid, iiii lib.; Summa, i lx lib. Item mair be Mr Patrik Orum, for ame part of the defunctes stipend of the cropt 1609 yeirs, conform to ane compt. Item restand awand be the said College intromettours with the rentes thairof, of the defunctes stipend of the cropt 1610 yeires, thrie chaldeirs wictuall; thairof twelf bollis quhyit, pryce of the boll viliš. xiii ś. iiii d. extending to fourscore lxxxvi lib. xiii ś. iiii d. Item, ane chalder beir, pryce of the boll, v lib. xiii S. iiii d. ; Summa, lxxxxvi lib. xiii ś. iiii d. Item mair auchtand to the defunct be the said College intromettours with the rental thairof, is lxxxxvi lit. money as rest of tua hundreth punds his stipend of the money and wictuall forsaid of the cropt 1610. Item restand awand be the said College and intromettours with the fruites and rentes thairof for the defunctis stipend of the cropt 1611 yeiris, fourtein bollis ane firlot quhyit, pryce of the boll seuin punds; nyntein bollis thrie firlots beir, pryce of the boll fyve liff. vi s. viii d. ; tuentie four bollis aittis, pryce of the boll four punds. Item of siluer duties for his stipend 1611, ii' lib. Summa of the haill stipend of siluer and wictuall of the cropt 1611. Item mair gevin wo be the executoures, awchtand be Mr Patrik Orum sumtyme oeconomus of the said College, conform to his obligatioun, xxxiii.lib. viš. viii d. as principall, and ten punds liquidat expensis. Item, the pryces forsaid of his said wictuall, stipend 1611, iii‘i lib. and of the siluer dutie, ii" lib. Summa totalis of said yeires stipend, v ane punds. Summa of the Inventarie and debtes, iii” vii" xxxi lib. vi s. viii d. Na debtes awchtand be the deid, whairof thair is na divisioun. 336 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL 1611. FOLLOWES THE LEGACIE AND LETTIR WILL. FIRST, I leaue, as ane token of my small thankfullnes to my guid and gratious God, quha gratiouslie hes visited me with mercie from tyme to tyme, (to quhois blessed name I render everlasting thanks and praise, throw his deir sone Jesus Christ my onlie Saviour;) thairfor I leave for his Maiesties honour ane thousand merkis, to be mortifiet and imployit upon ane annwall rent for intertaineing ame puir schollar of best qualification and help, to serve in the kirk of God for the space of four yeris successive, and efter another, to be brocht wo in theologie within the College of Abirdein or St Androis, abyding in the sinceritie of doc- trine and disciplin; or if it sall be thocht meit, out of the cuntrie, in the most sinceir Universitie professing the doctrin of Christ, gieving the powar of lauchfull electioun, efter dew sufficient and woricht tryall, to the faithfull ministrie in the toun, abyding in the sinceritie of doctrin and disciplin, to the principall of the said College and schoolemaister of the said toun, be the adwyise and oursicht of the laird of Caskiben, the laird of Creimond, and their successoures professing the truth of sinceir religion. Provyding alwayis, that if ther be any of my poore freinds or name meit for the said roum and benefeit, that they be respectit ca- teris paribus, and no outherwayis. Expreslie also provyding, that my sister sone, Mr Johne Sanderis, (if he profeit in leirning, and it pleis God to bestow grace upon him for that holie calling,) that he be pro- vydeit thairto for the first four yeires. In the meintyme, dwring the lyiftyme of my mother, that the annuall rent of the said thousand merkes sall cum to hir for hir mantenance, and for help of hir barnis and oyes dwring her lyftyme allanerlie, and thairefter the said mortificatioun to tak effect as said is ; And it is my express will that ane letter of mortifi- cation heiranent be authenticklie and faithfullie maid in my name, with advyis of my executouris, or ony tua of them, and at the sicht of the formamit persones nominat to the electioun, ane authentic coppie thairof, 1611. OF MR JOHN JOHNSTOUN. 337 seillit and subscrivit, to be put in the hands of the provest and counsall of the said toune to be registrat in their toune buikis, ane wther in the hands of the ministrie of the said toune, the third in the hands of the principall of the said College, the fourt in the hands of the lairds of Caskiben and Criemound. Forder, my will is, that if the persoun quha sall injoye this benefit sall happin, (as God forbid) to mak apostasie in religioun, or deboishe in lyif and conversatioun, or that he ydlie bestow his tyme in the holie course and studie of theologie, That in that case, he to be bund to refound the haill benefeit quhilk he hes receavit, Or- daining that this mortificatioun to be maid authenticklie and faithfullie in dew forme be the forsaids persones, as they sall be answerable to the tribunal seat of the Lord Jesus, quha hes blissed ws in these letter dayes with the cleir licht of his blissed Evangell, for the quhilk be praise and glorie to him for evir. Item, I leave tua hundreth merkis, and the annual rent thairof to be mortifeit to the gramar schoole of Abirdein, to be bestowit on poore , schollares of guid expectatioun for their releefe, and to be disponed at the sicht of the maister of the said gramer schoole, and of the ministrie of the toun. Provyding that if ther sall be any of my poore freinds or name of guid expectation, be respectit; ordaining ane lettre of mortifi- catioun to be maid in my name in perpetuum, and to be registrat in the buikes of the toun of Aberdein, and ane copie thairof to be in the cus- todie of the maister of the schoole, and ane wther in the hands of the ministrie. And siclyk this benefit to be usit faithfully as they sall ansuer to God, to quhom this chairge is gevin of my lettir Will and Legacie. Item, I leave to the hospitall of the toun of Aberdein ane hundreth markes, and the annual rent thairof, to be imployit with the same con- ditiounes and privilegis quhilk haif bein grantit to wther benefactoures of the said hospitall. Item, I leave to the kirk of Aberdein my new Byble, of Androw Hartes print. 338 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL 1611. Item, Undirstanding that ther is ane Librarie to be erectit within the Universitie of St Androis within the new College thairof, if that guid purpos tak effect, in taiken of my guidwill for the furderance of the same, I leave my cheiff byikes in folio, with the haill broddit mappis, for aug- mentatioun of the said Librarie, Ordaining Mr James Martin provost of the auld College, and Mr Peter Bruice principall of St Leonards Col- lege, to haif the custodie of the samyn wintill the said purpose tak effect. And in case within yeir and day the said purpose tak not effect after my deceise, I ordain the said buikis and mappes to remain with the said new College, in the custodie of the maisters of the said new College, for the dutie, use and exercise of the students and schollares of the said new College; and this to be done faithfullie but fraud or guyle, as they sall be ansuerabill to God, in quhois hands the saids bukes sall cum. Item, I leave to the studentes or bursaris of the said new College ane pensioun of twantie four punds, out of the lands of Balgarvy and the feu maills of Ladeirnye, the title quhairof I haif acquyrit fra Thomas Melvile in Leithe, some to capitan Robert Melvile lyifrentar of the said pensioun. The richtes and evidentes heirof are lyand in the hands of Hew Peibles nottar publick, my agent in Edinburch, and are to be receauit at his hands: Willing and intreating the maisters of the said new College, to obtein ane perpetuall mortificatioun of the said pensioun at the Bishoip the superiors hands. Alwayis this my part and gift I leave to be imployit upon the first tua studentes and successivelie to wther tua quha sall follow for ane small helpe to by them buikes or wther necessaris. Item, I leave to the hospital of St Androis, in taikin of my thankfull- mes to God, fiftie merkes and the annual rent thairof, to be mortifeit for that use, according to the laudable custome begoun be wthers. Item, ament the remanent of my buikis, I leave them to Mr John Sanderis my sister sone, in case he continew in virtew and course of leirning and honest conversatioun, and no wtherwayes; quhilk failzeing, 1611. OF MB, JOHN JOHNSTOUN. 339 ordaines them to be sould, and the benefit thairof to redound to my breither and sister barnes, equallie to be devydit amongis them; and in the meintyme, that the saidis buikis remain in the custodie of Mr Ro- bert Merser minister at Ellone, and to my executoures nominat, winto the tyme the said Mr Johne Sanderis giff pruiff of his vertue, and be meit for the use of the said benefeit. Item, I leaue to my sister some Mr Johne Sanderis tua hundreth merkis, and to his sister begoittin upon my sister Mariorie ane hundreth merkis. Item, to my sister Margret and her barnes thrie hundreth merkis. Item, to my sister Jeane ane hundreth merkis. Item, I leave to ane of my sister Isobells somes, if she hes any that is lyik to be ame schollar, in taken of my brotherlie loue to hir and hir barnis, knawing that God hes verie weill provyddit for hir and hir barnes that they neid no help of me, ane hundreth pundis; and failzeing thairof to ane of Alexander Johnstounes barnes, quhama- reit hir eldest dauchter, that is meit to be ane scollar, I leave the said hundreth pundis. Item, I leave to Mr John Leslie minister in the Birse, fourtie lib. providing that it be imployit upon buikis meit for the furderance of his gift and ministrie, at the sicht of the laird of Creimond and Mr Robert Mersser. Item, I leave to Sara Blak, dauchter to wrmguhill Mr David Blak of guid memorie, for guid cause, fourtie merkis. Item, I leave for my buriall fourtie pundis. Item, to James Johnstoun buiksellar, and his barnes, tuantie lib. Item, I leaue to Mr Johne Mair aucht pundis, quhilk he is auchtand to me. Item, I leave to the portar thrie lib. Item, to the boy in the kitchen fourtie Ś. Item, I leave to the beddel and his barnes ten merkis, to help to bring them up in wirtew. Item, I leave to Christan Johnstoun at Stravithie milne tuantie merkis. Item, to Alexander Davidsoune, ane puir schollar in the auld College, ten merks. Item, I leive to Peiter Simpsoun, the post, his wyiff quha wais nuries to my sone Edward, thrie punds. As for the abuilziement of my bodie and plenising, I haif declarit my 340 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL 1611. will apart, quhilk I haif subscrivit with my hand, quhilk I ordain to be als valid as this my legacie; and for fullfilling of this my Lettir Will and Legacy, I haif nominat, and be thir presents nominates Ro- bert Johnstoun of Criemond, Mr Robert Merser minister at Ellon, Mr Johne Kinneir minister at Lucharis, and Mr William Erskyn minister at Dynninow, (quhom I haif evir fund honest, faithfull and kynd to me in my lyiftyme) executoures; beseikand them not to refuis to accept this burding, willing that the expensis in exeguuting this burding be taine aff the readiest. Providing expreslie, that if any quha suld receave benefit be this Testament, mak any controversie to my executoures, or discord among them seilfis, or shaw their discontentment, that they be excludit fra all benefeit of this my Testament and Lettir Will. In witness quhairof I haif subscrivit thir presents with my hands, day zeir and place forsaid, befoir thir witnesis: Mr Charles Geddy, Mr John Mur- ray, Mr Johne Sanderis, and Peiter Medlar my servitour, and Mr Johne Kinneir minister at Luchares, writer heirof. Sic subscribitur, MR John E. John Estou N. MR CHARLEs GEDDY, Witness. MR John E SANDERIs, Witness. MR John E MURRAY, Witness. MR John E. KINNEIR, Witness. AT SANCT ANDROIS, the fyiſt day of August the yeir of God I* VI* and allewin yeires, I Mr Johne Johnestoun, ane of the maisters of the New College of St Androis, ratifeis my Testament and Lettir Will, writin be Mr Johne Kinneir minister, writin the tuantie nynt day of July last by past, in all poyntes and circumstances, with this eik of certan particularis as followes : Imprimis, Their will be fund in my studie in ane drawar lockit tua hundreth merks in tua quhyit purses. Item, their will be fund in the same drawar ane litle purse woven of silver and thairin five old rois- nobles, with ane old scottis croune of gold. Item, in the same purse ane litle inamelit ring with ane perfyt diamond, quhilk wes sent to me 1611. OF MR JOHN JOHNSTOUN. 341 be the noble Prince, of the valour of lx lib. Item, in the same purse will be fund ane wther gryt ring, with ane diamount, quhilk I suppone to be wpricht. Item mair, their restis auchtand to me be Ninian Johne- stoun ane hundreth merks, for the quhilk I haif satisfeit James Traill, of quhom I haif receavit for my releif the said Ninian his obligatioun, togidder with ane assignatioun with ane blank to be fillit at my plesser, quhilk peices concerning the said Ninian ar lyand in the handis of Hew Peibles nottar publick in Edinburch. Item, the said Ninian is restand awchtand to me tuantie four punds of borrowit money, according to his awin subscriving in ane of my awin lang compt buikes, besyde sundrie wther particular dettis restand awand be him to me, anent the quhilk dettis I declare my will as followes: That Duncan Balfoure and Christian Johnestoun his spous, cause pursew the said Ninian for the said soume of one hundreth merkis, quhilk I leave to his eldest soune Johne Johnestoun. Provyding that the said hundreth merkis being obteinit be keipit in custodie of the said Duncan and Christian Johnstoun, and be them to be disponit to the said Johne in convenient tyme. As for the annuall rent of the said hundreth merks for fyve yeires, and the said tuantie four punds and wthir dettis, I dischairge and remitt to that most ungraite man, wishing him moir grace and holines. Item, It is of truthe that I haif nevir bein sufficientlie peyit of my stipend of the College, especiallie thir allevin yeirs bypast, methir any sufficient compt exhibeit to me, ane part of my stipend wrangfullie im- pareit, ane wthir part violentlie withhaldin, quhilk be equitie and ac- cording to justice suld and aucht be reclaimit be my executoures. And if it sall happin my executoures in any thing to be trublit be any of the new College of St Androis; in that case I ordain that the said College be pursewit for my stipend yeirlie, quhilk consistes of thrie chalder and ten bollis wictuall, togidder with tua hundreth punds more, quhairof I was in use of payment, and quhairwnto I haid richt partlie be the 2 Y 342 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL 1611. foundation, partly be his Majesties dispositioun, quhilk will be fund among my writes in ane blak pock in the said studie, within the drawer. Forder, I leave the tua hundreth merks to defray Alexander Melvillis det to Alexander Dudingstoun for the quhilk I was cautionar. And this is for satisfeing of ane decreit arbitrall past betuix the said Alexander and me, gevin out be the arbitriment of Mr David Mairnes and Mr William Erskyn. As for the rest of the summe conteinit in the decreit forsaid, viz. thrie hundreth merks, I ordaine the samyn togidder with the wther tua, to be peyit of the reddie money quhilk is in my studie. Item, I leave in taikin of my sinceir loue and affectioun to Mr Andro Melvill, ane fyne new Duche cap of fyne blak velvet, lynit with fyne martrik skinnes. Item, to Androw Glasfurd ane auld roisnoble, for his guidwill and guid seruice done to me. Item, I leaue to Mr William Erskyn, in taiken of my faithfull freindship, ane auld roismoble, togither with my sword. Item, to Mr Johne Kinmeirane lyik taikin, ane auld roisnoble. Item, to Mr Dauid Meirnes ane lyik taikin of the same affectioun, ane auld roismoble. Item, to Mr Robert Roche in taikin of the same affectioun, ane auld roisnoble. Item, I leaue to Duncan Balfour, in taikin of my love and guidwill to him, ane brouderit muche with silk, that latelie was sent to me from Londoun. Item, to Chris- tian Johnestoun his wyif, quhom I haif fund kynd and faithfull, I leave ane wylie coit of wyld cattis skinnes, togidder with my muffellis of pir- neit silk lyneit with furring. Item, I leave to hir dauchter Majorie Johnestoun, ane fedder bed with ane bowster, lang syne appointit for hir new hous, to quhom hartly I wish of the grace of God. Item mair, I leave to hir the grytest ring of gold abone mentionat, with ane dia- mond, quhilk I suppone to be wpricht. Item, I leave to hir my Frenche blak coffer, with the money lockaris. Item, I leave to Mr Robert Mauld commisser of St Androis, Camdeni Britannia, with the Sand glasse quhilk I gat from him self. Item, to his some I leave ane silver pyik toothe, in forme of ane trump, ouergilt with gold. Item, to the 1611. OF MIB, JOHN JOHNSTOUN. 343 laird of Caskiben I leave my grytest tass of silver. Item, to Robert Johnestoun of Criemond my litle tass. Item, I leave to Mr Robert Merser minister at Ellan, quhom I haif fund alwayes kynd and faith- full, my litle ring with the diamond, quhilk he himself brocht to me from our noble Prince. Provyding that if he die without aires maill of his awin, that the forsaid ring be left to the best schollar native in Abir- dein, especially the best poet, becaus I recavit it as ane reward of my poesie. Item, I leave to Mr Robert Messer minister at Ellon, my falding spoone of siluer, quhilk I brocht my self fra Geneva. Item, I leave to Mr Robert Messer persoun of Banquhorie, my auld kynd maister, in taikin of my thankfull deutie, my quhyit cope with the silver fitt. Item, I leave to Alexander Melvill my brother in law, my bow and my new quaver. Item, to Johne Anderson printer, Tremellius Bible, in octauo. Item, I leave the trunk that lyes wnder the bwirde, with Mr Johne Davidsones paperis thairin, to Mr Robert Wallace and Mr Alexander Hoome, in Prestounepannes. As for my awin paperis and writin buikes, both perfytit and wnperfytit, I leave to the custodie of Mr Dauid Wedderburne and Mr Robert Merser, that if they find any thing perfytit they may tak ordour thairwith ; especiallie, they will find ane buik of poemes of myn unprinted, containing Epigrammata Silvas, Justa et Librum Curarum, quhilk will be fund in ane paper buik in folio, coverit with quhyit perchement, fauldit with ane string, quhilk I desyir to be reviseit, and if thocht worthie, it may be published be the said Mr Dauid Wedderburne, and that be the moyan of Mr Andro Aedie or Mr Gilbert Jak. As for my buikis quhilk I left to Mr Johne Sanderis, it is my express will that they be reserweit in the custodie of Mr Robert Merser minister at Ellon, ay and quhill the said Mr Johne gif ane pruiff for ane yeir or tua of his virtuous and godlie behaviour; wtherwayis, the said expectatioun failzeing, I leave them to the use of the new College of Aberdein. The same condition I add to the por- tioun left to him, that in case he gif not sum notable pruiff of virtew 344 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL 1611. and godlieness, his portioun I leaue to be distributit among my brother and sister barnes. Item, I leaue to Johne Craufurd ane clok of Inglis claithe, with ane neck of velvet. Item, ane stand of clothes of Inglis claith, quhilk I warit dalie in winter. Item, ane pair of breikes, ane pair of shankes of Frenche claithe of the seill, with tua hattis. As for the rest of my abuilziement, viz. ane wther goun of risillis for the sum- mer, togidder with ane new clok of risillis, with ame neck of velvet, I leave Mr Johne Sanderis, evir wmder the former conditioun, togidder with ane stand of perpetuance, winder the former conditioun of pruiff of wirtuous and godlie behaviour, and no wtherwayes, quhairof I haif seen hithertille small experience, quhilk is the express cause of myspair- ingnes to him in this my Letter Will, praying God hartlie for grace and blissing to him. As for my tua wther gounes of claithe, the ane with blak furring, the wther without furing, I leave to my sister Margaret hir barnes. Item, I leave to my sister Margaret and hir barnes, my haill plenishing of my chalmer of bedding, trunckes, kistes and wther haill insicht for ane hous, quhilk I think meit to be sould, and the pryce thairof to be distributit among the bairnes. Item, I leaue tuelff silver spoones to be devydit sa far as they will extend among my brother and sister barnis proportionallie; expresslie ordaining and declairing my Will, that if any sall grudge or mak any discord or contentioun ather ament my legacie heirin conteinit, or in my wther legacie the xxix day of July 1611 yeirs, that that persoun or persounes sall be excludit fra all bene- fit afoir specifeit. And if it sall happin that if anything sall be doutfull in my Legacie, I leave the decisioun and interpretatioun thairof to Ro- bert Johnstoun of Criemond, and Mr Robert Messer of Ellon, my exe- cutoures, to be haldin firme and suir quhat they determine. Finallie, I leave to my servant Peiter Midle ten punds, with ane stand of risillis growgrainis quhilk I kuist of this summer. Item, it is to be rememberit that the anwal of capitan Murrayis siluer lyand in his hand remaines wnpeyit for tua yeiris and ane halff. Lastlie, if ther be any superplus 1611. OF MR JOHN JOHNSTOUN. 345 ather of siluer or wther plenishing omittit not distributit, I leuae thairof thrie hundreth merks to be gevin for the use of the puir schollares of Aberdein, togidder with the former tua ; and the thrid of the superplus to my sister Margret and hir bairnes; and the rest of the superplus equally to be distributit among my brother and sister barnes, at the sicht of Robert Johnstoun of Criemond, and Mr Robert Merser, execu- toures, according to the discretioun and necessitie of the forsaid brother and sister barnis, and that to be haldin firme and suir as if I haid maid express nominatioun and distributioun thairof in my Legacie. Expres- lie provyding, that of the reddiest siluer that I leave, their sall be gevin to my mother for hir present adois fourtie punds, by and attour my former legacie. Item, I leave to Mr William Erskyn a blak Duche coffer, with money bands of yron. Item, to Mr John Kinneir ane quhyit Duche coffer. Item, I leave to them conjunctiie all my lettrones, togidder with my louse mappes unbroddit in the studie. My paintit picture I appoynt to be sent to Aberdein again to my mother. And this my last Dispositioun I ordain to be haldin alse authentik as the wther, and faithfullie to be performeit be my executoures, as they will ansuer to God, to quhom be praise and glorie for euir. Writtin day and place forsaid. Writtin be Mr Robert Roiche minister at Innerkeithing, and subscribit with my hand befoir thir witneses: Gavin Weimes of Wnthank, the said Mr Robert Roche, and Peiter Midle my servand. Sic subscribitur, MR John JoHNEstoun. MR RoRERT Roche, writer heirof. Witness. GAVYN WEIMEs of Wnthank, Witness. Item, Remember to delyuer aucht volumes of Bellarmyn, perteining to Johne Wallace in Campheir, to Johne Lepar, and to return his tickct of recept thairof bak again at Sanctandrois. 346 TESTAMENT AND LETTIR WILL, &c. 1611. AT SANCT ANDROIS, the nynt day of October 1611 yeirs, I Mr Johne Johnestoun, be the mercie of God preserveit alyve, calling to memorie sum of my speciall freindis, hes eikit thir particularis to my Testament and Lettir Will. I leave to Mr Androw Duncan and Robert Durie, my deir afflictit and baneisheit brethren, ane hundreth merks, equallie to be devydit. Item, to James Traill, in taikin of our old freindship, Perkins warkes, in folio, Perkins woon the Galatianes, to- gidder with ane fyne stickit mutche lately cum out of Londoun to me. Item, to his eldest sone Tremellius Bible. Item, to Mr William Erskyn six buikis in quarto, with my litle poetical buik. Item, alse mony to Mr Johne Kinneir. Item, to Mr Robert Merser tuelff buikes in quarto. Item to Mr Johne Kinneir and Mr William Erskyn, my fyne paper that is cum hame to me. Item, to Mr Robert Merser my best goune, lynit with Londoun furring. Item, to Alexander Coling sclaiter, fyve merks. Item, to Thomas Monypennie ane hundreth merks. To Dauid Besse tuelf punds. Sic subscribitur, MR John E JoHNESToun. |MR. John E. KINNEIR, Witnes. DECREIT ANIENT THE RANKING AND PLACEING OF THE NOBILITIE OF SCOT_ LAND IN THAIR, ORD OTUR IN PARLIA- MENTS AND GENERALL COUNSELLS. W MARTII MDCVI. DE JURIE PRELATION IS NOBILIUM SCOTIAE; A MEMORIAL OF THE WRITES AND EVT- DENTS PRODUCED BE SUNDRY EARLES AND LORDS BEFORE THE COMMISSION_ ERS DEPUT BE THE KINGS MAJESTY ANENT THE PRECEDENCY AND PRIORITY OF DIGNITIE. A. D. M. D.C.VI.  & #2 & 33 & Cº, & © (ſ3tº § §§§ THE uncertainty which is well known to have existed as to the date of the creation of various Scottish Peerages, became the occasion of frequent and angry disputes as to the order of pre- cedence in Parliaments and General Conventions of the Estates; and among the many laudable endeavours of King James VI. to allay the feuds and contentions of his nobles, that pacific monarch appears to have turned his earnest attention to the adjustment of their respective claims of priority. In that view, the follow- ing Act was passed in the Parliament of November 1600:— “ CoMMISSION ANENT THE RANKING OF THE NOBILMEN The Kingis Majeſtie and Eſtaittis in parliament Confider- ing the frequent contentionis and debaittis that fallis out be- tuix mobilmen at the parliamentis and generall Conventionis Anent the priorie in places and voting for removeing of all fic occaſiounis of controverſeis and Eeleſtis heireftir Hes gevin and grantit commiſſioun To the lordis of his hienes ſecret counſaill thair being preſent for the tyme ſex of thair Number quha ar Erlis and Lordis To convene in halyrudhous the tuelf day of februar mixttocum And thair to determine and conclude Anent the priorie of the place of euerie nobilman within this Realme And incaice of the comperance of ony nobilmen or ony in thair Name to produce thair infeftment and evidentis 352 for Inſtrućting of the ſaidis commiſfioneris That they ſall reſ. ſaue the ſamyn and heir the allegatiounes of all pairteis comper- and And gif furth thair determinatioun according to Juſtice As they will anſuer to god and his majeſtie vpoun the diſcharge of thair offices And quhateuir beis determinat be thame IT is declarit that the ſamin fall haue alſe great ſtrenth faith force and effect as gif it wer concludit in this preſent parliament / And thairfoir it is appointit to the effect that name of the ſaid nobilitie fall think thame felfis heirby preiudgeit be the Igno- rance of this preſent commiſſioun That thir preſentis be dew- lie publiſlit at the heid mercat croces of this Realme and vtheris places neidfull That betuix and the ſaid day appointit in the ſaid commiſſioun they may ather be thame ſelfis or vtheris in thair names Produce fic teſtefeis of thair antiquiteis as may informe the ſaidis commiſſionaris with certificatioun that eftir the expyring of the ſaid day the ſaidis commiſſioneris nocht- withſtanding of thair abſence fall procede and gif furth thair declaratour Alfweill anent the preſentis as abſentis vnder the penaltie abone ſpecefeit” It does not appear that any proceedings took place under this Commiſsion to the Secret Council; but the subject was not lost sight of, and after the King's acceſsion to the English crown, there was iſsued a Commiſsion under the Great Seal, to a certain number of Peers and Privy Councillors, with powers similar to those conferred by the Act of Parliament; and under this Commiſsion a train of proceedings were held, which terminated in a “ Decree of Ranking,” dated on the fifth of March 1606. This award of the Commiſsioners was declared 353 to be liable to challenge in the Court of Seſsion, at the instance of those who might conceive themselves aggrieved by it; but that no other mode of resistance might be attempted or counte- nanced, the King addreſsed the following letter to the Lords of the Privy Council in Scotland:— “Right truſtie and weilbeloued Cuſingis and Counſallours, We greit yow hairtlie weill The vntymelie contentions of dyuers of oure nobilitie and members of oure Parlement of that kingdome fallin furth In oure owne tyme having moved ws to appoynt the moſt juſte and indifferent remeid that in oure jugement could be deuyſed for removing the cauſes of fuche diſordours dois now perſuade ws expreſlie to command yow with dew and convenient expedition ſtraitlie to chairge all and findrie oure lieges and ſubie&ts of that oure kingdome dewti- fullie to conforme thameſelfs to the ordoure ſet downe anent thair places and rankis be theſe who wer authoriſed be oure commiſſion to that effect And nowayes to preſume to impugne or contrauene the ſame direétlie or indirectlie vnder the pane of incurring oure heighest diſpleaſour And with ſuche more expres certification of horning wairding or treaſoun as you fall find the conſequence of the apparent diſordours to requyre to be expreſſed in your Proclamations or chairges whairanent theſe ſall be to yow ane ſufficient warrand So we bid yow hairtlie fairewell From oure Court at Tibollis the 19 of September” 354; Neither the Royal Commiſsion nor any part of the pro- ceedings of 1606 now remain on record ; but in at least two different manuscripts preserved in the Advocates' Library, there are Abstracts or Minutes of the evidence produced to the Commiſsioners, or found by them in the Public Re- gisters, and copies of the final Decree of Ranking pronounced by them. From one of these manuscripts, which is in the hand- writing of Sir James Balfour of Denmiln, these documents were given in a Collection of “Tracts concerning the Peer- age of Scotland,” published by James Carmichael in the year 1791. Another copy is contained in a Collection of Legal and Historical Documents made by Sir Alexander Seton of Pitmedden, and is accompanied with a preface, and numer- ous remarks and additions by Lord Pitmedden himself; and being on the whole more accurate than that printed by Car- michael, it has been thought deserving of republication. The Decree of the Commiſsioners has been given, not from either of the Manuscripts alluded to, but from an official Extract under the signature of the Clerk of Council, which had been preserved among the family papers of Denniston of Denniston, and has been lately deposited in the General Register House by the present representative of that family. The additions and remarks printed within brackets appear to have been made by Lord Pitmedden, and some of them are in his Lordship's handwriting. 355 DE JURE PRELATIONIS, ETC. PREFACE TO THE READER. [For better understanding of this following manuscript, which containes a Minute of the evidents of some of the ancient nobility, which were produced to instruct the right of precedency anno 1606 before some Commissioneris deputed by the King to cognosce therupon, it is neces- sary to be knowen that before the year the nobility of Scotland were not created by patents as now, bot the old way of creation wes by some extrinsick solemnity or ryte, such as girding them with a belt in publick Parliament, or other publick assembly, or by listing them in publick rollis by the titles conferred upon them, or by designeing them so in the publick charters and evidents of ther lands; and which not being alwayes in the custody of the noblemen concerned, many contra- versies did arise for precedency and priority of places and votes in Par- liament, which were so warme even in the dayes of King James 6th, (at which tyme one wold think the ancient noblemen might have come to some clearing,) that for remeid the King and Estates in the Parlia- men; 1587 were necessitat to make ane Act, which is the Act 41 in number, narrating the same inconveniency: That forasmuch as in divers Parliaments holden by the King and his most noble progenitors, sundry questions had been amongst noblemen for priority of place and votes in Parliament, and therupon sometymes quarrelling, to the disturbance of the suprem Court of Parliament, which ought to proceed with the greatest honor and quyetnes, Therefor, forbiding in tyme coming all 356 DE JURE PRELATIONIS such quarrellis or provocation of trouble to others for priority of places and votes in Parliament, otherwayes than by supplication, and to be content with the order and direction of the King and Estates ay and whill there should be a decision by law, under the pain of being repute disturbers of the publick peace of the kingdome, and to be punished therfor at the discretion of the King and Lords of the Articles: and after this they only protested. See the 9th unprinted Act of the Par- liament 1604. This Act cemented differences for the tyme, and the year 1606 a Parliament being to be holden in July, ame effectuall course was taken to obviat all such tumults as had bred trouble in former Parliaments. The King granted commission to some of the nobility and others of the Privy Councill, to call before them all the noblemen that debated, to produce before them such evidents as they had for instructing their precedency; whereupon summounds were ishued forth at the instance of the King's Advocat against these noblemen, to compeir the day of that year; and most of them compeiring personally or by their procurators, they produced such charters or other writes as they had, wherein they were designed by their titles, and what they wanted they extracted from the Registers and Rolls; and accordingly the Commissioners did give Decreet, Ranking them in their severall orders, which is therfore called A Decreit of Ranking, and is daitit the fifth of the moneth of March 1606. Of these wrytes so produced a Minute was taken in order as they were produced, and these are Minutes which follow ; and efter the Minutes ther is a copy of the Decreit of Ranking, and after that a List of the noblemen so ranked, taken out of the Decreit; and last of all, a List of the whole Nobility of Scotland, by all their titles, as they are in the year 1661 and 1685." - w It is lykewayes to be observed, that though the Bishops were not called in this action, yet in this booke, betwixt the production of the * It has been considered unnecessary to print these Lists here. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 357 Earles and Lords, there is a minute of ane old charter subscrived by them, quherby they swear to the Bruce against the Baliol. Where any altera- tion has been made since the production be processes, or when I find men- tion of families in ancient histories, I mark it by way of addition. Lastly, Its to be observed that ther wes no production made for Dukes and Marqueses, for their creations are but late and weill known. The Duke of Albany is first, as being second brother of the royall family; the Duke of Lennox, who is next, was created in August 1581, Spotswood History, page/315; Duke of Hamilton the thrid.] COMES ANG USIAE Compeired not; but there wes produced for him a write bearing Georgius Comes de Angus frater Isobellae Douglas Comitissae de Marr, et Gar- rioch, 9 Nov. anno 8 regni in Rotul. Cartarum [Rob. 3..] [I cannot understand how he sould be so designed, seeing his sister be- came Countess of Marr be successione to him onlie, as I am told, for I have not seen the evidents. See quhat I have noted at Marrs productione. COMES ARGATHELIAE. I find no minuts of productione made be Arguile; perhaps it is because he gott the precedence from all other Earles without debaite, for I know he retained it till he wes made Marquis; but it seemes to me ther wes no just ground for his claime, for I have gott a mott of a Charter out of the Duke of Hamiltoun's Charter-kist, past be King James 2, in plaine Par- liament, erecting all his lands in one Lordship, dated 3d of July 1445, in quhich, among other witnesses, ther is Alexander Earl of Huntley and Duncan Lord Campbell, who could not be Arguil's eldest some, for he could be no member of Parliament, and farder I am told be one who sayed he saw Arguiles patent, that it was daitted A. D. 1457.] 3 A 358 DE JURE PRELATIONIs COMES CRAWFORDIAE Compeared.—Produced ane Infeftment given be King Robert, dilecto fratri suo Davidi de Lindsay Comiti de Crawford, [baroniae de Crawford] cum quatuor punctis Coronae et in liberam regalitatem, 10 Dec. anno 9 Regni ejus, (in Rotulo Cartar. Roberti 3. B.) [This David seems to be the sone of James Lindsay of Glenesk, who wes created Earle of Crawford. The date of the Infeftment answers to the year 1399, bot Boethius Hist. Scot. lib. [18. fol. 375. v. 70.] and of Ballantynes versione lib. 18, sayes he wes created be Rob. 2. See Lesly upon the Life of the King, pag. Ex REGISTRo. Item, in the Roll foresaid a Charter of the lands of Megill is con- firmed by the said King Robert 3 fratri suo Davidi de Lindsay Comiti de Crawford 24 Dec. 1404, et Regni Regis anno 15. Item, anno predicto et in eodem Rotulo K. R. 3. confirmes a Charter of the lands of Melginch and Clovath, given be Isobella de Douglas Commitissa de Marr et Garrioch dilecto suo consanguineo Domino David de Lindsay Comiti de Crawford Apud Kildrymmie 8 Aprile 1403. In the quhilk Roll dyvers and sundry are conteined given to the said Earle, in which he is called frater Regis et Dominus David Comes de Crawford Miles. - . . ; Item, a Charter given be Robert 3. to his sone and appearand air, James Stewart Prince of Scotland, of the lands called the Principality, terrae Senescallia, of the date 10 Dec. 1404, and of his reigne the 15 year, David de Lindsay Comes Crawfordie is a witnes. [For a farder informatione of this familie, I add hear a printed Infor- matione quhich the Earle of Crawfuird gave me against David Lindsay of Edzel, who layd claime to the title of the familie as mail, and perseued a Declarator therupon in the Parliament 1686, quherof I was a member.] NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 359 COMES DE ERROLL. Compeired as ane of the Commissioners: Willielmus Dominus de Hay Regni nostri Constabularius, in a Charter given to him of the lands of be K. Ja. 2. 17 March 1449, et Regni sui 14. Ex REGISTRo. In a Charter granted be the King to the Earle of Douglas Gulielmus Dominus de la Hay Constabularius Regni et Wilielmus Comes de Keith noster Mariscallus Regni nostri Scotiae, are witnesses, 7 Jul 1451 in Rotul. Cartarum. ‘. . . . Item 12 Feb. 1455, In a Charter granted by the King in of the property to David Stewart of the Earldom of Murray, Willielmus Comes de Erroll Constabularius Scotiae, Willielmus Dominus de Keith Mariscallus Scotiae, are witnesses. He is made Earle betwixt the year of God 1451 and 1455. . [ADDITIONS. Among the evidents of Sir Alexander Seton of Pitmedden Barronet, one of the Lords of Session, of some land which holds of the family of Erroll, there is a more ancient document than any of these, towitt, a Precept of Clare Constat, granted by William designed Earle of Erroll, dated 13 Dec. 1415, so that the said observation, bearing Erroll to have been made Earle betwixt the 1445 and 1451, is false. Item, among the said writes there is Instrument of Seasine following on another precept of Clare Constat of the same lands, and contains the precept ingrossed, daited 6 June 1421, which also instructs the creation of the Earle of Erroll to be long anterior to the 1451. And yet I have seen another observe in these words: 1454, William Lord Hay, Constable of the kingdom of Scotland, created Earl of Erroll, Ja. 2, anno regni 17. 360 DE JURE PRELATIONIS Boetius, in vitam Kenneth 3, who begann his reign anno 977, sayes that Hayius who wes the first of this family, and got his estate for his service against the Danes in the battle there mentioned, wes relatus inter Nobiles at a Parliament then holden at Skoon; but nobility is here only taken in that generall sense in which Toraquell treats of it in his book De Nobilitate. Evidents of his office of Constabulary belonging to the family of Erroll, and right of precedencie belonging to the office. The Earle of Erroll claims precedency of all the nobilitie of Scotland mixt to the Chancellour, though of ane ancienter creation than himself, be vertue of his office of Constabulary, of the which that precedency is a priviledge; and to instruct that it is a priviledge, he produces a Report of a Commission that was granted be the King under the Great Seal anno 1631, to take tryall of the priviledges of the Constable; which Report, in the second article therof bears, that the precedency is due to the Constable next to the Chancellor, but he hes never been in pos- session of it, but only takes place by his antiquity as Earle.] COMES MARISCHALL Ex REGISTRo. Wes one of the Commissioners—Primo Aprilis 1426. In the tyme of King Ja.. the first, Robertus Marischallus Scotie miles compt is made in the Exchequer in the Shirreff Roll of Kincarden Apud Perth, per Alexandrum Straiton deputatum Comitis Marischalli Scotiae, 4 Julij 1458, in the tyme of King Ja. 2d. anno regni 21, In Rotulo Viceco- mitatum, and in anno 1455, he is called Dominus de Keith. Vide Earle of Erroll, so he has been made Earle betwixt the years of God 1455 and 1458, [And so in another Charter granted be the same King NOBILIUM scotle. 361 to John Earl of Sutherland, dated 24 of Feb. 1445, which is mentioned in Sutherlands productione. : The family of Marischall beganne in the dayes of Malcolm the 2d, some to Kenneth 3, who entered to reigne anno salutis 1010. The occa- sion was, that one Kethus a young man fought valiantly against Camus King of the Danes, at Barrie and Aberlemnon in Angus, and at Gam- rie and Crochden, vulgo Cruden, in Buchan, and for that service got these lands in Lothian called at this day Keith from his name, and was created Marischall of Scotland. Boet. Lesly and Buchan. upon the Life of Malcolme 2d. See the observation made be us upon the valour of Errolls predecessor. Wee see there is but short tyme betwixt the rise of these families. The one ryses be the father, and the other be the sone, betwixt the entrie of whose reignes there interveined but 33 years, according to Lesly.] coMEs suTHERLANDIE Compeired.—Produced to the Lords Commissioners deput be the Kings Majesty for the declaration of the priority of dignity of the Earles and Lords, &c. A charter given be King David 2, to William Earle of Sutherland and Margaret his spouse sister to the said King, of the barrony of Cluny lyand within the shirrefdom of Aberdeen, dated 14 November 17 year of the reigne of the said King, which is in the year 1346. [ADDITIONs. The Earle of Sutherland produced no more the tyme of the Ranking, and therefor he wes ranked in the place as he here stands, after the Earles of Argyle, Crawford, Erroll, and Marischall; bot ther being a Salvo in the Decreit of Ranking, that it should be free for parties grieved to crave a rectification before the Judge Ordinar upon production of new Evidents, the Earle of Sutherland be vertue of this salvo raised a 362 DE JURE PRELATIONIS process of Reduction, Improbation and Declarator, against these four Earles, wherein he lybelled that his predecessors, (to whom he hes succeeded jure sanguinis,) were Earles of Sutherland in the tyme of King William the Lyon in the 12 centurie, long before the predecessors of the Defenders were nobilitat, and therfor did call for production of all their auncient wrytes, wherupon they found precedency more auncient than the Pursuers to be reduced and improven; concluding also that his rycht of precedency before them might be declared against the De- fenders and their successours for all tyme coming. This proces wes insisted in before the Lords of Session anno 1667; at which tyme the pursuer, for instructing of his active title, produced the series or progress of the auncient writes following:— Imprimis, a charter granted be William Dominus of Sutherland, de- signed also sone to the said Heugh Frisken, confirming the said base charter. The witnesses of both charters are one, and wants dait. Item, King William the Lyons confirmation of the said Heugh his charter, dated at Sleuchills 29 Apryll. Item, King Alexanders confirmation of a charter granted be the said Gilbert then bishop of Caithnes to his brother Richard of his saids lands of Sutherland relative to K. Williams said confirmation, dated at St Andrews 26 Dec. 1235. Item, ane Indenture betwixt William designed Earle of Sutherland and Bishop of Caithness, for dyvers lands in contraversie betwixt the two Earles and the Bishop and his predecessors, dated the 10 of the callends of October 1275. This seemes to be the date bot is ane old character. Item, ane Extract of a charter of confirmation be Robert the Bruce to William Earle of Ross of the lands of Dingwall, which are said to lye in the Earledom of Sutherland, dated at Cullen the 5 Aug. 1332, anno regni 16. Item, ane agreement be Kenneth E. of Sutherland and Bernald Murray of Culvy, anent the lands of Skibo, and daited at St Andrews chappell of Golspie, anno Domini 1330. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 363 Item, ane extract of a charter granted by King David, of the date, at Edinburgh, 17 October anno reg. 35, confirming a charter granted be William Earle of Sutherland to his brother Nicolas Sutherland, of 16 davachs of land, lyand within the earledom of Sutherland, dated at Edinburgh 13 Sept. 1360. This charter is also produced. Item, a confirmation granted be Robert Duke of Albany, Governour of Scotland, dated at Faulkland the 10 of August 1408, confirming the charter granted be. Robert Earle of Sutherland to his brother Kenneth of the lands of Draney, which charter is daited at Dunrobin 22 January 1400. º Item, a charter granted be John Earle of Sutherland of the barronie of Thornboll to Alexander Sutherland.upona'sight of the Resignation made be Nicolas Sutherland of Duffus, in the hands of the said Robert E. of Sutherland as superior therof, in favours of Henry Sutherland, the sone of Nicolas, father of the said Alexander, which charter is dated at Pomphray Castle in England 12 July 1444. Item, a charter under the Great Seal, granted be K. Ja. 2. to John Earle of Sutherland, of the Earledom, dated at Inverness the 24 Feb- ruary 1445. In this charter Marischall is witnes, and designed Domi- nus de Keith, and Erroll is witness and designed Earle. Nota. It is informed be Sutherland that Erroll is made Earle a year before this, being the 17 of the reigne of Ja.. the 2d. - Item, a sasine of John Earle of Sutherland (the heretrixs brother) quherby he is infeft in the earledom as air to his father, John Earle of Sutherland, dated 14 Dec. 1512. - - - Item, a service quherby the said heretrix Elizabeth is served air to hir said brother John, dated at Inverness 3 Oct. 1514, in the quhilk she is designed Countess of Southerland. Item, a charter under the Great Seal by Queen Mary to John Earle of Sutherland, sone to the said Alexander, of the earledom, dated at Edinburgh 6 August 1546. This charter is to John Earle of Suther- 364 DE JURE PRELATIONIS land, and to Elizabeth Campbell, Countess of Murray his spous, and proceeds on his own resignation; bot it does not appear by the charter, and this John wes son to Alexander. Item, a charter granted be K. Ja. 5 under the Great Seal, to Alex- ander Master of Sutherland, son of the marriage procreat betwixt Adam Gordoun and the heretrix, dated 10 Sept. 1527. This man dyed before his father and mother. ** Item, a service quherby John Earle of Sutherland, son to the said Master, is served heir to the heretrix his grandmother, dated at Inverness 23 July 1567. Item, the retour of Alexander Earle of Sutherland as air to the said John his father, dated 8 July 1523. Item, a charter be K. Ja.. under the Great Seal to John Earle of Sutherland upon the resignation of the said Alexander his father, dated at Dalkeith 23 March 1580. Item, a charter under the Great Seal to John Earle of Sutherland by the said King, and that of the earledom of Sutherland upon his own resignation, dated penult Maij 1601. Item, the special service of John now Earle of Sutherland as air to the said E. John his father, at Invernes 4 June 1616. Item, 3 retours whereby the said John now Earle of Sutherland is served air by progres to William first Earle of Sutherland, quho is the second person mentioned in the progress; which three retours are dated at Inverness 24 May 1630, and were exped for carying on the proces of precedencie. This first of them bears, Qui Jurati dicunt Quod quon- dam Willielmus primus illius nominis Comes Sutherlandiae atavus quondam NicolaijSutherlandii Comitis atavi quondam Alexandri Ma- gistri Sutherlandii atavi Joannis nunc Comitis de Sutherland Latoris presentium obiit ad fidem et pacem Alexandri secundi. Another bears, quod quondam Willielmus Sutherlandiae Comes atavus quondam Joannis Sutherlandiae Comitis atavi quondam Joannis Suther. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 365 landiae Comitis patris Joannis nunc Sutherlandiae Comitis Latoris, Et qui obiit ad fidem et pacem Davidis Regis Scotorum. - The third bears, quod quondam Johannes Comes Sutherlandiae atavus, quondam Joannis Comitis Sutherlandiae patris Joannis nunc Suther- landiae Comitis Latoris presentium obiit ad fidem et pacem Jacobi 4ti. This action being insisted in the year 1671, the pursuer did pass from the Earles of Argyle and Crawford, and insisted only against the Earles Erroll and Marischall, and obtained certification against the defenders documents of honor, not produced, whereof the coppy followes. November 24, 1671–The Lords grants certification against any patents of honor, wrytts and evidents granted in favors of the Earle of Erroll, his predecessors and authors, to whom he may succeed, jure sanguinis, whereby he may clame place and precedency before the per- sewers; but refuses to grant certification against any patents of honor, wryts and evidents granted to other persons wherein the defender is named or designed, and only concerned collateralls, but prejudice alwayes to the defender of any right of precedency due to him as Con- stable as accords of the law, and superceeds extract of the certification untill the first of Januarij; betwixt and which tyme, what farder the defender shall produce, to be receaved. - Bot before extracting, there wes a petition given in for a new hearing, which was assisted by the Earle of Rothes, chancellor, and divers others of the nobility, who thought themselves concerned in this preparative. And after a full debate, the interloquitor was recalled, and the contrare found that no certification could be granted against patents of honor of any noblemen at the instance of another. The ground whereupon the interloquitor was recalled was, 1°. that anent honors, for most part are instructed by Parliament rolls and charters in the registers in which the nobilitie were ranked be their places, and designed be their titles, and these being in publica custodia no certification could be granted against them. 2”. No certifications can be 3 B 366 T)E JURE PRELATIONIS granted even against patents of honor, becaus the Persewers title is not sufficient for that effect, and can only be a title to found a declarator of precedency against the defenders, as being more ancient evidents than theirs, bot could be no title of improbation, becausall titles of improbation should be rights de eodem subjecto. As for example, when ane heretor of lands persewes ane improbation of another mans rights of these lands, he must first instruct his own right to the lands; and no man, before he be infeft in lands, can have action for improving another mans infeftment thereof, bot the pursuers evidents of honor are of his own titles and dignities only, and the defenders their evidents are rights of their honors, and so are rights of different subjects, and therefor the pur- suer's rights could be no sufficient title for improving the defender's rights. This argument was thought be some to be too nice and subtile, yet it was judged be the Lords to be sufficient for recalling the forsaid certification. After this Interlocutor was pronounced, the pursuers insisted in their conclusion of Declarator of precedency, and diverse alledgeances were made against connexion of the progress of their titles, as also some objections against the formalities of their Retours, which were answered with prescription; bot the material defences were, primo, That the course of succession of the honor and dignitie of the Earle of Sutherland was interrupted by the succession of Elizabeth the airess of Sutherland, who was served to her brother John Earle of Sutherland 1514, married to Adam Gordoun son to the Lord Huntly, by which succession the title and dignity of Earle of Sutherland became extinct, becaus women are uncapable of such titles, and they cannot be conveyed to them except the patent be ether taken to them expressly, vel heredibus quibus- cunque; and that auncient patents which were taken haeredibus in gene- rall were not sufficient to convoy such titles to women by the ancient Feudale Law : The reason whereof was this, that thes titles did an- ciently carry along with them offices in warr wherof women were in- capable; viz. Comes was one who attended the Prince in warr, so NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 367 mamed a comitando ; and Marchio or Marques was so called because he had the defending of borders or marches; and Dux or Duke was so called a ducendo because they had the leading of the army; and it's only the late Feudall Law and custom of patents that has introduced the transmission of these titles without offices, and has made the females capable therof. 2°. The defender, Erroll, claimed precedency upon his priviledge as Constable, conforme to the Report that was made to the King upon the tryall of his priviledges, which I have mentioned at his production; and the Earle Marischall led clame to a precedency nixt to the Constable by his place as Marischall, but instructed no such priviledge, neither did the Lords lay any stress upon this defence, because if ever they had it, they had been more than 40 yeirs out of possession. 30. It was urged for Erroll, that Boethius and Buchan. upon the Life of Kenneth the 3 do affirme his predecessor to have been relatus inter mobiles, and that in dubio this should have its own weight, according to Theodos. and Valent. in lib. 1. c. de Consulibus lib. 12. quis (inquiunt) in uno eodem- que genere dignitatis prior esse debeat nisi qui prior meruit dignitatem. But the only argument that seemed to have weight with the Lords, was that of the titles becoming extinct by the succession of the airess, and which was so much the stronger, that Adam Gordoun who married her did obtain a Earles patent to himself, and he and his successors retained the armes and sirname of Gordon with the armes of Sutherland in a sheild of pretence only, which imports that they layd no clame to the right of precedency of the family and title of the family as coming to them by succession; and yet, on the contrair it was urged, that if the successors of Adam Gordon had wanted a right to the auncient title, they could only have taken place from Adam Gordon's patent, and yet they goe furder up, being ranked mixt after the Earle Marischall. The Lords did not determine.] 368 DE JURE PRELATIONIS COMES DE MARR Compeired.—Produced before the Lords Commissioners a charter of Dame Issobell Dowglas Countes of Marr and Alexander Stewart son to the Earle of Bucchan her spouse, of the earledom of Marr, with the castle of Kildrimmy and lordship of Garioch, 9 December 1404. Rob. 3. 14. Nota, Be this charter and the contract of marriage on which it pro- ceeds, the estaites of Dowglas and Marr belonging to this ladie as airess of both families, was provided to her and her husband, the longest liver of them two in liferent, and to the aires of the mariage, which failzeing, to return to her aires ex utraque parte; and ther being no aires of this marriage, the clause was so interpreted be sentence of law as to divide the families betwixt the nearest respective aires of both, in manner efter subjoyned. Item, a charter of confirmation made by King Robert 3, confirmeand the charter abovewrittin, primo die Januarij 1404. Item, a letter be King Robert 3 to Sir Thomas Erskin knight, pro- missand that the K. should not receave a resignation of the earledom of Marr, to be made be Issobell Dowglas Countes of Marr, dated 22 November, anno 4to regni Regis. Item, ane Act of Parliament in anno 1587, ratifieing the haill rights titles and provisions made to John Earle of Marr and his predicessors, of the earledom of Marr, as air be progress to Dame Issobell Dowglas Countes of Marr. - Item, the extract of a retour, of the date the 20 March 1588, whereby John Earle of Marr is served air as nearest and lawful air to Dame Issobell Dowglas Countes of Marr. [As to the estaite of Marr the aire of the familie of Dowglas haveing succeided to that familie, as I have said in the marginall note. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 369 ADDITION. The Earles of Marr are more ancient be farr then this productione instructs, for befor this ther were Earles of Marr of that ilk; to wit, Donald Earle of Marr, contemporarie with King to whom succeided his sone Gretney Earle of Marr, and to him succeided his some Thomas Earle of Marr, in whom failzied the maile line, and the estaite not being tailzeid, his sister Margaret succeidded both to lands and dig- nities, and was the mother of the said Isobel Douglas mentioned in the first charter produced; shee was first maried to the Lord Swintoun of that ilk, and hade no ishue be him; then she maried William Earle of Douglas, be whom shee hade two children, to wit, James Earle of Dou- glas and Marr—some call him George—killed at the battel of Otter- burne anno foght be King James 2. against the Inglish, and the said Isobel, who succeided to her brother as aire to the estats of both families of Douglas and Marr, and was twice maried, first to Malcome Lord Fleeming, and nixt to Alexander Stewart, naturall sone of the Earle of Buchan, who was one of King Roberts Sones procreat upon his Queen Euphame Ross, but had ishue be none of them; and she deceis- sing befor her last husband, he fell to the liferent, and the estaite of Douglas came back to the nearest air of that line, and the family of Marr to the Lord Erskin. Befor the Lord Erskine succeided, his familie seemes to have been great; for our histories tell us upon the Life of Ro- bert 2d Joannes Major de Gestis Scotorum. lib. 5. fol. 113. in fin. that this King being much opposed in his succession to the crown upon the death of his uncle King David Bruce be the Earle of Douglas, who layd clame to the crowne upon the joynt titles of the Cumyn and Baliol unite in his person, and having assembled ane army against Robert 2d, the Lord Erskin, then Governour of Dumbartan and George Dunbar Earle of March, and the Earle of Murray his brother, did oppose the Earle of Douglas, till at last the contraversie wes ended by matching 370 DE JURE PRELATIONIS the Erle of Douglas eldest to one of the Kings daughters, procreat betwixt him and Euphame Ross.] COMES DE MONTEITH Compeired.—Produced a Charter given be King James 3. Willielmo - Comiti de Monteith, erecting the town and port of Monteith into a free town, dated the 8 Februarij 1466. Ex REGISTRo. He is Lord of Parliament 12 Januarii 1467, and also the 3 June 1467, Ja. 3. Patricius de Graham, Comes de Stratherne, Willielmus Gra- ham de Kincarden, are witnesses in a charter given be Robert Duke of Albany Earle of Fyfe and Monteith, confirmeand a charter given be Sir William Keith Marischall to Sir Robert Keith of Troup, his some, of the Shirreffdom of Kincardin. Apud Perth, 12 March 1406. Rotul. Cartar. Rob. 3. COMES DE ROTHES Compeired.—Produced ane instrument of sasine, bearand that Ja. 2. K. of Scots gave to Andrew Lesly, some to George E. of Rothes, the lands of lyand within the shirrefilome of Fyfe, 16 Nov. 1459. Ex REGISTRo. In a Charter granted be the King to Andro Balfour Georgius Do- minus de Lesly is witnes, 9 June 1452, in Rotul. Cartarum; and so he is made and created Earle betwixt the year of God 1452 and 1459. COMES DE MORTO UN Compeired—Produced ane instrument of Robert Halywood and Richard NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 371 Robert, nottars, 4 November 1404, in the tyme of King James the 3d, bearing the solemnization of marriage betwixt James Earle of Mortoun and Jean Stewart, daughter to King James the first. Ex REGISTRo. In the tyme of Robert Duke of Albanie, Earle of Fyfe and Mon- teith, mention is made of Sir James Dowglas de Dalkeith miles 26 July 1411 ; but Jacobus Comes de Mortoun consanguineus Regis is witness in a Charter given be King James the 2d, 24 October 1458, Patricio Domino de Graham de terris de Ballingrochin, Carrister, Dougalstoun, Barloch, Killerman, Kilmoran, Kilraock, Muckracter, Garrockearon, Killerne, Strabline, Muckdow, Clockburr, Gartferme, Cronqhwylieg, Ardull, Kimoth-hastell, Corryarchel, Auchinrosch, cum pertinentiis in liberam baroniam de Muckdock jacen. infra vicecomitatum de Stirling. In Rotul. Cartar. 12 January 1452, William Douglas of Mortoun is Miles. - COMES DE ATHOLL Compeired not.—Memorandum.—King Robert 3. 1404, regni sui 14, gave and disponed to his well beloved brother Walter Stewart Earle of Caithnes, Comitatum Atholiae et Dominium de Methven, with the four poynts of the Crown and free Regality, in Rotulis Cartarum Rob. 3. Rotul. 13. This Earle of Atholl was forfaulted for the slaughter of King James the first, 1437, and so no succession came of him, and therefore this Earle of Atholl who now presently lives, cannot pretend any right or dignity proceeding fra the Earle forsaid. COMES DE MONTGOMERIE Compeired.—Produced a note under the Clerk of Registers hand write, 372 DE JURE PRELATIONIS whereby Heugh Earle of Eglintoun sate asane Earle in Parliament 1503. Item, a Charter subscribed by the Clerk of Register made be King James 4. to Hugh Earle of Eglintoun off the lands of Uttermure, Litle- kirkheid and others, 26 June 1509. Ex REGISTRo. Mention is made of Dominus de Montgomerie 15 March 1503, in the book of Parliament James 4, and in the Parliament 31 March 1503, Hugo Comes de Montgomerie compeirs in Parliament; so it is manifest that he hes been made Earle betwixt the 18 day and the 24 day of March the year forsaid. - COMES DE MONTROSE Compeired as ane of the Commissioners.-Produced ane instrument under the subscription of Walter Foster, ultimo Martij 1505, containing thereintill a precept of seasing made in the tyme of King James 4, to William Earle of Montrose of the lands of Old Montrose, conteining also ane erection of the saids lands in a earldom ; quhilk precept is of the date 18 March 1504. Ex REGISTRo. He is Lord of Parliament 3 Februarij 1505, and therein compears as ane Earle in Parliament. COMES DE GLENCAIRNE. Ex REGISTRo. Compeired not.—He is Lord and Earle in the Parliament 3 Feb. 1505; in the quhilk Cuthbert is called Comes de Glencairne, and also in the Parliament 18 November 1505. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 373 The Lord Kilmares compeirs as Lord of Parliament 17 October 1478; et 4 Octobris 1479, Dominus Kilmares compeired in Parliament. He produced before the Lords of Secret Councell in the tyme of Parlia- ment holden 15 June 1609, a Charter wherin Alexander is creat Earle of Glencairne and Lord of Kilmares 28 May 1485, et regni Regis 28 Jacobi 3. COMES DE CASSILLS Compeired.—Produced a Charter given be King James 4. to David Earle of Cassills and Margaret Boyd his spouse, of the castle of Cassills, &c. 5 Feb. 1511. - Ex REGISTRo. In the roll of the Compts Balivorum ad extra anno Domini 1509, he is called David Dominus Kennedy miles, and in the roll of the Accompts Balivorum ad extra 6 August 1510, mention is made of Com- potum Davidis Kennedy Comitis de Cassills de terris de Leswald et Menebrige. So he is made Earle betwixt 1509 and 1510. COMES DE BOTHWELL. Ex REGISTRO. Compeired not.—Patrick Lord Haills is made and created Earle of Bothwell be King James 4. 17 October 1488, in the books and Register of the Acts of Parliament. - COMES DE CAITHNES. Ex REGISTRo. Compeired not.—Upon the 6th day of May, in the Books and Re- gister of the Acts of Parliament, anno Domini 1471, in the tyme of King James 3, mention is made of William Earle of Cathnes. 3 C 374 DE JURE PRELATIONIS The castle of Ravinscraig, the lands of Wiltoun, Dubbe and Car- berrie, and 40 merks pensioun furth of the customs of Edinburgh, dur- ing his lyfetyme, is given to him for his right of the earledom of Orkney, 6 May 1471, Jacobi 3. Wide Lord Sinclare de Sancto Clero. He produced before the Lords of Councell a Charter made be King James 3. to William Earle of Orkney &c penult. Apryle 1456. [OBSERVATION. Here betwixt Caithness and Wigtoun ther wants ten Earles, viz. Buchan, Murray, Orkney, Atholl, Winton, Linlithgow, Home, Perth, Dumfermling and Dumbar. The reason seems to be, that their place has not been contraverted among themselves, altho Atholl does contra- vert with Caithnes be way of declarator, bot without declarator he could not be ranked otherwayes than he is. All the rest does willingly cede to Caithnes, and are before Wigtoun; but this contraversie betwixt Atholl and Caithnes is ended by Atholls being made Marques.] COMES DE WIGTOWN. In Parliamento inchoato apud Perth, primo die mensis Julij 1606, John Lord Flemming and of Cumbernauld was created and made Earle of Wigtoun. The Parliament to be holden at Perth the first day of Julij 1600, , and did end the 9th day of the samen moneth, whilk did continue to the 28 day of March next thereafter, 1607. Upon the tenth day of the said moneth of Julij 1606, COMES DE KINGHORNE. Patrick Lord Glames was created and made Earle of Kinghorne. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 375 COMES DE ABERCORNE. James Hamiltoun was made Earle of Abercorne, Lord Paisley and Kilpatrick. COMES DE LOTHIAN. Mark Ker was made Earle of Lothian, Lord of Newbotle and Morpeth. COMES DE TULLIBARDEN. John Lord Murray and Tulliebardin was made Earle of Tullybarden, Lord Gask and Ballguhider. [VISCOUNT OF FENTOUN. Sir Thomas Areskine, be the Kings Patent and Charter under the Great Seal of of the date, at Westminster, the 18th day of . March 1600, is made Wiscount of Fentoun, Lord Dirletoun, and his airs male specified in the said Charter; whilk infeftment is confirmed and ratified in Parliament holden at Perth the 9 day of July 1606.] VISCOUNT OF HADDING TO UN. Sir John Ramsay is created and made Barron and Banrent G.2 and Lord Ramsay of the Barnes, Lord of our Soveraigne Lord's Parliament; and the samen day, immediatly thereafter he is created and made Viscount of Haddingtoun, Lord Ramsay of the Barnes, 16 Junij 1606. 376 DE JURE PRELATIONIS [DE JURE PRELATIONIS EPISCOPORUM. In a Charter containing a declaration of the fidelity made and to be made be the Bishops of this realm for the tyme, and their successors, to King Robert Bruce and his airs, oy to umquhill Robert Bruce his goodsir as lawfull King; and having by reason of his said goodsirs better right to succeed to the crown of this realm than John Baliol had promoved by the King of England thereto, the seals of the saids Bishops are appended thereto in this order following, and in the body of the said Charter the samen order of precedency is observed by the writer; the whilk Charter hes neither date, day, moneth nor year; bot other Charters concerning the same purpose of the right and succession of the said King Robert and his airs, sealed be Estates of this realm for the tyme, are of the date 15 July 1326. Willielmus de Lambertoun, Ecclesiae Sancti Andreae. Robert Wyscard, Glasguensis. Willielmus Dunkeldensis. Henricus Lechen Aberdomensis. David de Moravia Moraviensis. Nicolaus de Balmyll, Dumblanensis. Thomas de Donde, Rossensis. . Fercherdus Mellegomnik, Cathenensis. . Joannes Kininmonth, Brichenensis. . Andreas Lesmurensis. 11. Thomas Candidae Casae. 12. Allanus Sodorensis. No mention is made in the said Charter of Episcopus Orchadensis.] 1 () NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. . 377 LORD LINDSAY Compeired.—Produced ane infeftment given be Robert King of Scots to his cousen William Lindsay knight, of the lands of Drem, 27 Decem- ber anno regis 5. [1376.] * - Item, ane instrument under the subscription of Thomas Killconqhar, containeand a precept dated and direct William Keith, Marischall of Scotland, to his bailzie, of his lands of for seasing therof, to be given Domino Willielmo Lindsay, Domino de Byres, 20 Sep- tember 1378, in the tyme of King Robert the second. Item, ame instrument bearand Nobilis et potens Dominus Willielmus de Lindsay, Dominus de Byres, 26 Feb. 1386, of Robert 2d. Item, ane Indenture made betwixt Dominum Willielmum Mure, Dominum de Abercorne et Dominum Willielmum Lindsay, Dominum de Byres, 2 November 1385, Rob. 2. Item, a Charter, without a date, made be William Keith of Keith, Marischall of Scotland, domino et mobili viro domino Willielmo Lindsay militi Domino de Byres et Dominae Christianae sponsae suae, of the lands of Auchterstruther, and principall messuage thereof infra vice- comitatum de Fyffe, in excambion of the lands of Dinnotter. Item, ane infeftment granted be Walter Bishop of St Andrewes, nobili viro Domino Willielmo Lindsay militi et Dominae Christianae sua sponsae, off all and haill the lands of Auchterstruther and castle thereof, be resignation of William of Keith, Marischall of Scotland, 1 Julij 1373. Rob. 2. - Item, he produced a Charter made be William of Keith, Marischall of Scotland, Domino Willielmo Lindsay militi Domino de Byres, of ane annual rent of 8 lib. to be lifted furth of the lands of Dunnoter, 8 March 1372. Rob. 2. Item, he produced a Charter given be James King of Scots, dilecto consanguineo suo Johanni Lindsay Domino de Byres, ratifieng and ap- 878 DE JURE PRELATIONIS proving a Charter made be the said Lord to Archibald Newtoun of the lands of Drem, 22 Februarij 1445. Ja. 2. Ex REGISTRO. In the Register of St Andrewes, (whilk book is in the keeping of Mr John Arthur, ane of the Commissars of Edinburgh,) is conteined Constituo Alexandrum Lindsay Dominum de Glenesk, per Dominum Willielmum Londells Episcopum Sancti Andreae, in Justiciarium et Senescallum to- tius regalitatis Sancti Andreae, quhilk conteines a tailzie, and specially Domino Willielmo de Lindsay Domino de Byres, 9 Apryl 1378. Rob. 2. LORD FOR BES Compeired.—Produced a Charter of David King of Scots, of his reigne the 35 year, confirmeand a Charter made be Thomas Earle of Marr, Joanni de Forbes Domino ejusdem, of the lands of Edinbanchrie and Craiglogie. Item, a Charter made be William Fraser Dominus de Philorth nobili viro Alexandro Forbes militi Domino ejusdem, off the lands of Meikle- fintray, 28 March 1412. Rob. 3. Item, a Charter made be Alexander Stewart Earle of Marr and Garrioch, confirmeand a Charter made be Willielmus Lindsay, Dominus de Rossie, Domino Alexandro Forbes Domino ejusdema, of the lands of Aufurd, daited 24 of 1423. Ja. 1. Item, a letter written in English be Andrew of Futheis to a noble Lord, Sir Alexander of Forbes knight, Lord of that Ilk, whereby the said Andrew upgave freely to the said noble Lord the frank tenne- ment of the lands of Futhors, 12 December 1436, the last year of the reigne of King James 1. - Item, a charter made be Thomas Earle of Marr, confirming the charter be him, Johanni de Forbes domino ejusdem of the lands of Edin- banchrie and Craig Logie, 15 November 1474. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 379 Item, ane indenture in English made betwixt a noble Lord, Sir Alexander Forbes of that Ilk on that ane part, and John Futhos on the other part, dated 1423, Ja. 1. Item, a charter made be Alexander Bishop of Murray, Joanni de Forbes domino ejusdem, of the lands of Finrossie, 8 July 1378. Item, a letter in English made be William Chalmer to a nobleman, Sir Alexander of Forbes, Lord of that Ilk, whereby he disponed the waird of the air of Adam of Balcorne, dated 15 Februarj 1414, Ja. 1. Ex REGISTRo. In the shirreff court of Aberdeen, Domini Alexandri Lindsay, Comitis de Crawford, Vicecomitis de Aberdeen, et Alexandri Domini Forbes, sui deputati militis, a precept written in English is directed be the King . to the Lords of Exchequer, makeand mention that the King hes re- mitted to his cousing, Alexander Lord Forbes, the arrieradges and rests of his last accompts, whilk precept is of the date 12 July 1447, Ja. 2. LORD GLAMMIES Compeared.—Produced ane instrument under the signe and subscription of Nicoll Marr nottar publict, bearand a decreit arbitrall given be certain persons inter magnificum virum Joannem Lyon, Dominum de Glames Ca- merarium Scotiae on that ane part, and Thomas of Straquhen, &c anent the right of certain tenements lyand within Perth, 21 Jan. 1378, Rob. 2. Ex REGISTRo. Nobilis Dominus Patricius Dominus Glames is witnes in the Revoca- tion made be King James 2. under the Great Seal and subscription of two nottars, 16 October 1455. Item, he produced a contract under form of instrument under the subscription of John Row nottar, bearand the appoyntment made betwixt 38O DE JURE PRELATIONIS nobilem virum Dominum Joannem Lyon Dominum de Glames on the ane part, and John of Fernley on the other part, anent resignation to be made in the Kings hands of the lands of Thurstoun in favors of the said Dominum Johannem Lyon dominum de Glames, 10 September 1379, Rob. 2. [LORD OLIPHANT NOW MORDINGTOUN Produced a charter, given be King Robert the Bruce, of the lands of Kilpirnie, Newtyll and Ochertyre to William Oliphant of Aberdalgie, dated 12° anno regni sui. - * Item, a charter given be King David in these words (dilecto et fideli nostro Waltero Oliphant, pro bono serviciosuomobisimpensoet Elizabethae sorori nostrae) of the lands of Duplin and Aberdalgie, dated anno 1364. Item, a confirmation of all former charters, granted be King Robert the 2d Stewart, dated apud Edinburgum 10 Decembris anno Regni nostri 18, anno 1388. Item, a charter in English of the lands of Cranshawes, wherein he is called Walter Lord of Aberdalgie, dated anno 1412. Item, a retour Joannis Oliphant Domini de Aberdalgie, wherein he serves himself air avo suo, dated at Dumbar anno 1445. tº Ex REGISTRo. A sasing of the lands and mannor place of Ochterhous, dated anno 1456, James 2d his dayes. He is witnes in a charter penult October anno 1458, King James 2d his dayes. A charter of the lands of Brodland anno 1462. He is Lord in Par- liament anno 1457 and 1467.] LORD ANNANDAILL Compeired not, quia non est.—Dominus de Annandaill Lord of Parlia- ment upon the 3d of Februarij 1505. Ja. 4. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 381 He is witness in the Kings charter given be the King to David Lord Lindsay 12 October 1458. Ja. 2. He is Lord of Parliament 14 March 1482. Ja. 3. Vid. L. Ochiltrie. LORD OCHILTRIE Compeired.—Produced a note under the subscription of the Clerk of Register, bearand that Dominus Andreas Stewart, Dominus Avandaill is witnes in the revocation made be King James 2. under the Great Seal, and subscription of two nottars, 16 Oct. 1455. Ja. 2. Item, he produced a note, subscryved, as said is, be the Clerk of the Register, bearand that Dominus Andreas Dominus Avandaill regni Scotiae Cancellarius wes ane of the ambassadors in Denmark anent the marriage betwixt King James 3. and Margaret only daughter to Chris- tianus King of Denmark, whilk contract is dated 8 September 1468. Ex REGISTRo. Andrew sometyme Lord Avandaill was made Lord of the Parliament, to have vote therein as Lord Ochiltrie, dated the 15 March 1542, in the first Parliament holden be Queen Mary and her Governour, Duke Hamiltoun. LORD CATHCART Compeired.—He produced ane Act of Parliament under the subscrip- tione of the Clerk Register, of the date 9 October 1460, bearand a Decreet given betwixt Allan Lord of Cathcart on that ane part, and Alexander Areskin and Christian Crichtoun his spous, anent the office of the Bailziary of Ochiltrie. This year, 1460, King James departed fra this life. Item, he produced ane Act of Parliament under the Clerk of Regis- ters subscription, bearand that Allan Lord Cathcart sate as a Lord in Parliament 20 November 1479. Ja. 3. 3 D 382 DE JURE PRELATIONIS Ex REGISTRo. He is Lord of Parliament 9 October 1466, Ja. 3., and sicklyk 20th November 1469. Ja. 3. And sicklyk anno 1481, he is not only Lord of Parliament, bot also he is Warden of the West Merches. Ja. 3. LORD GRAY Compeired.—Produced a charter made be Thomas Strachan Dominus de Glenkindy nobili viro et potenti Domino Patricio Gray militi Domino de Broxmouth of the lands of Smadoun, dated 16 May 1406. Rob. 3. A charter made [be] Robert King of Scots dilecto consanguineo suo Patricio Gray, of the lands of Longforgound, the 11 Februarii, the 3d year of the Kings reigne. - A charter made be Robert King of Scots consanguineo suo Patricio Gray, of a pension of 26 lib. 13 S. 4 d. Sterling, 23 Februarii, ii year of the Kings reigne. Ane instrument under the note and subscription of Patrick Nicoll, bearand that Richard Buttergask actornatus mobilis et potentis Domini Andreae Gray de Foulls recognosced certane lands of the barrony of Craigie, quhereof he was superior, because the same sold without his consent, the 5 November 1405. Robert 3. Ane instrument under the subscription of Robert Short nottar, beir- and that a number of Barrones in Fyffe fand by inquest that of ane con- tract past betwixt Dominum Andream Gray Dominum de Foulls on the ane part, and Sir John Weyms on the other part, anent the mar- riage of my Lord Grayes sone with the Laird of Weymes daughter, ther was a hundreth and sex score of merks restand unpayed contained in the said instrument, 6 March 1432. Ja. 1. Ex REGISTRo. He is Lord of Parliament 12 October 1467. Ja. 3. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 383 He is witnes in many charters in the Registers 1458. Ja. 2. He is ane of the Auditors Quaerelarum 9 October 1466. Ja. 3. Andreas Dominus de Gray Magister Hospitij Regi, and ame of the Auditors of the Exchequer 20th November 1452. Ja. 2. LORD YEASTER Compeired.—Produced ane instrument under the subscription of Alex- ander Clark nottar, bearand that nobilis Dominus David de Hay miles Dominus de Yeaster recognosced two husband lands with a Coatland of the town and lands of Duncan Law, because Edmond Hay tenment of the saids lands sold the same without his consent, 8 Februarii 1448. Ja. 2. [Item, he produced a note extracted be the Clerk Register furth of the books of Parliament, bearand that John Hay of Yeaster was made Lord of Parliament and was ordained to be styled Lord Hay of Yeaster the 1487. Ja. 3. Wide Lord Ruthven.] - LORD SALTO UN Compeired.—Produced ane instrument under the subscription of George Thoirswood, bearand that the King the samen day created Lawrence Abernethie of Rothimay, Lord of Parliament, and ordained him to be styled therefter Lord Saltoun of Abernethy, 28 June 1445, Ja. 2. LORD SIN CLARE DE SANCTO CLERO Compeired.—Produced ane infeftment, given be King James King of Scots, dilecto consanguineo suo Gulielmo de Sancto Clero filio et haeredi apparenti Willielmi Comitis Orcadiae et Cathanensis, Domini de Sancto Clero of the barronie of Newburgh and uthers, 16 November 1459, Ja. 2. Ex REGISTRo. In the first parliament holden be King James 4, 14 Januarij 1488, anent Sir Henry Sinclare Our Soveraigne Lord, with advyce and dely- 384 DE JURE PRELATIONIS verance of the Estates of Parliament, declares that since the said Sir Henry's grandsir and father, Lords Sinclare for the tyme, are deceissed, and the said Sir Henry righteous air and heretor to them, that he is chief of that blood; and will therefor that he be called Lord Sinclare in tyme coming, with all dignities, eminent priviledges, tennents, tennenderies belonging thereto, after the forme of the charters and evidents made ther- upon. Robert Duke of Albany, Earle of Fyffe, &c. confirmes a charter given be Henricus de Sancto Clero, Comes Orcadiae Dominus de Sancto Clero, of the lands of Loganhous Simmells hope jacen. in mora de Pent- land, suo fratri germano Joanni de Sancto Clero, apud Rosling, 12 Sept. 1410, Ja. 4. - Dominus Willielmus Comes Orcadiae et de Cathness &c. dominus de Sancto Clero Cancellarius Scotiae is witnes in the Revocation made be Ja. 2. under the Great Seal and subscription of two nottars, 16 October 1455, Ja. 2. Dominus Henricus de SanctoClero Comes Orcadia is witnesin a charter given be King Robert 3. to his sone and air, James Steward of Scotland, of the lands of the Principality, dated in December 1404, et regnisui 15. LoRD CARLYLE Compeired.—Produced a charter given be King James King of Scots dilecto consanguineo et consiliario suo Johanni Domino de Cairleill, rati- fieing a charter made be Robert Charterhouse of Amisfield, of ane annual rent of 10 lit. money, to be taken furth of the Barrony of Amisfield, 26 January 1480, in the tyme of King James 3. Ex REGISTRo. He is Lord of Parliament 1481, and Lord of Councell 1480. Ja. 3. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 385 LORD SEMPLE Compeired.—Produced ane instrument of sasing under the subscription of John Moderwill nottar, that seasing was given be William Flemming of Baruchra, Shirreff of Lanerk, at command of a precept of the Chan- cellarie, provido viro Johanni Semple tanquam viro et legitimo actornato nobilis et potentis Domini Johannis Domini de Semple, filii et haeredis quondam bonae memoriae Thoma Domini de Semple, off the lands of Glasford, lyand within the barrony of Kilbryd and shirreflom of Lanerk, 27 November 1488. The whilk year King James 3. deceased. Item, a charter given be King James King of Scots dilecto consan- guineo suo Johanni Domino Semple, of the lands of Cassiltoun and others, dated 21 September 1505. Ja, 4. Ex Registro. He is Lord of Parliament 3 Februarii 1505. LORD HERRIES Compeired.—Produced ane infeftment given be James King of Scots dilecto suo Andreae Herries filio et haeredi apparenti dilecti consanguinei sui Herberti Domini Herreis de Terregleis, of all and haill the barrony of Terregleis and Kinkgunzean; and a precept of seasing, upon resigna- tion of Janet Douglas, daughter to Archibald Earle of Douglas, 25 Februarj, the 12 year of the Kings reigne. Ex REGISTRO. He is Lord of Parliament 3 Feb. 1487, in King James the 4. his tyme. And in the Parliament 6 Feb. 1491. Ja. 4. And in the Parliament 3 Feb. 1505. Ja. 4, - 386 DE JURE PRELATIONIS Dominus David de Terregleis miles constituitur Curator consanguinei Regis Joannis Herreis de Terregleis, patris Sui Et quod dictus Johannes fuit incompos mentis fatuus et naturaliter idiota, 24 Apryll 1478. In the book of the Register of the Charters. LORD SANQUHAR Compeired.—Produced ane Extract subscribed be the Clerk Register, bearand that Robert Crightoun of the Sanquhair was made Lord of the Parliament, and ordained to be called Lord Crichtoun of Sanquhair, iſ January 1487. James 3. Vid, Lord Ruthven. LORD ELPHINSTOUNE Compeired—Produced a charter given be King James King of Scots, dilecto et fideli et consanguineo suo Alexandro Domino Elphinstoun, off the lands of Quarrell, lyand within the Shirreffdom of Stirling, 29 Aug. 1512. Ja. 4. Ex REGISTRo. Alexander Elphinstoun is made and create Lord Elphinstoun and Lord of Parliament at the baptisme of Arthur Prince of Scotland &c. as the charter given and granted to him and Elizabeth Barclay his spous testifies, 14 January 1509. Ja. 4. The whilk charter is written upon the back of the roll of the Chequer Compot. Balivorum ad extra, anno 1510. Ja. 4. LORD BORTHWICK. Ex REGISTRo. Compeired.—He is Lord of Parliament 1481, Ja. 3. And also he is Lord of the Counsell eodem anno. - He is Lord of Parliament 1482. Ja. 3. He is witness in a charter confirmed be King James, given be James Douglas, of certain lands NOBILIUM SCOTLE. 387 within the barronie of Bothwell to James Dundas, penult. February 1416; in the quhilk charter Dominus Johannes de Seton Dominus ejusdem is a witness, in the book of the Register conteinand charters. And sicklyk the King confirmes a charter given be Margaret Dutches of Turing, Countes of Douglas, Lady Galloway and Annandaill, to James de Cairnes, 4 Agust 1416. In the quhilk charter Dominus Guli- elmus Borthwick Dominus ejusdem is a witnes, in libro Registri Cartarum. LORD MAXWELL. Ex REGISTRo. Compeired not.—In Rotulo Computorum Vicecomitatum Compo- tum Herberti Domini Lo. Maxwell militis Wallis Ammandiae, 27 June 1444, 1447. Ja. 2. Item, In the rolls of the charters David 2. in Rotulo F. F. in the mids of a charter mention is made of Willielmus de Maxwell Dominus ejusdem. In the Parliament 6 Aprile 1478, Dominus Maxwell is a Lord of Parliament. Ja. 3. * - Item, he is Lord of the Parliament 12 October 1467, in King James 3. his tyme. - In a charter given be Thomas Sommervaill to a Cheplane, &c. con- firmed be King James 3 upon the 5 June 1424, Dominus Herbertus de Maxwell, Dominus de Carlaverock, Joannes de Cockburne, Dominus de Ormistoun, Joannes Scrymgeor Constabularius de Dundee milites, are witnesses. - King Robert 1. dedit et confirmavit Eustachio de Maxwell militi dilecto, &c. suo pro fractione et prostratione castri de Carlaverock ad terram decem libras sterlingen. in annuo redditu &c. in Rotulo Cartarum Roberti 1. And because the said Sir Eustachius Maxwell was oblidged to pay to the King 20 lit. Sterling yearly for his lands of Carlaverock, therefor the said King Robert 1. discharged him and his airs perpetually of 10 lit. of the soume of 20 lit. yearly, in Rotulo Cartarum. Rob. 1. 388 DE JURE PRELATIONIS LORD LOVETT. Ex REGISTRo. Compeired not.—Wide the Register of infeftments in the 25 year of the reigne of King James 1. Ane indenture made, tertio Martii 1426, in English Language, betwixt two noble Lords and mighty, William of Fentoun and Lord of that Ilk on the ane part, and Hutcheon Fraser Lord of Lovatt on the other part, anent the marriage of the said Hutcheon Fraser Lord of the Lovett with Janet of Fentoun, sister of the said William of Fentoun Lord of that ilk; Quhilk indenture is con- firmed by the King 16 Septembris, anno regni sui 25. In libro registri Cartarum 1430. LORD ROSS. Mention is made of Johannes Ross de Hacket ij Aprile 1481. Ja. 3. Dominus Hacket is Lord of Parliament 3 Feb. 1489. Ja. 4. LORD O GIL VIE. Ex REGISTRo. Compeired not.—In the Parliament of King James 4, 18 May 1491, Sir James Ogilvie of Airlie Knight, is creat and made Lord Ogilvy, and the samen year past to Denmark ambassador. LORD RUTHVEN. William Ruthven of that Ilk is made Lord Ruthven and Lord of Par- liament ij January 1487. Ja. 3. The whilk day and year, 1. Drummond of Cargill wes made Lord Drummond. 2. Robert Crichtoun is made Lord Sanqhar. 3. John Hay of Yeaster was made Lord Hay of Yeaster. 4. And William Ruthven NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 380 was made Lord Ruthven. The Lord Ruthven wes made Erle of Gowry in August 1581. Spotswood's History, page 315, and wes forfaulted in aIMIMO and his forfaulture ratified be the Act Parliament. * LORD TORPHICHEN Compeired.—Produced a charter made and given be Mary Queen of Scots, whereby the Barronie of Torphichen is erected in a free barrony, with all priviledges and dignities of his predicessors Lords of Torphichen; according to quhilk election he produced sundry precepts of Parliament directed to his predicessors as Lords Torphichen, whereby they had vote in Parliament; quhilk charter was granted anno Domini 1563. Apud Edinburgum 17 Maij 1606. LORD BACCLEUGH. Walter Scot of Branxholme Knight, was made and created Barron and Banrent, and Lord of our soveraigne Lords Parliament, and to be called in all tyme coming Lord Scot of Baccleugh. Apud Perth 10 day of Julij 1606. LORD BLANTY RE. Walter Stewart pryor of Blantyre made Knight of Cardonald, Barron and Banrent, Lord of our soveraigne Lords Parliament, and to be stylled in all tyme coming Lord of Blantyre. LORD BURGHL.I.E. Sir Michael Balfour of Belgarvie Knight, is made arid created Lord Balfour of Burghlie at Whitehall in England, 16 Julij 1607, without any mention of airs. * 3 E 390 DE JURE PRELATIONIS LORD OF KINCLEUGH. Att Edinburgh, 5 1607. John Stewart, brother-german to Patrick Earle of Orkney, is made and created Lord of Kincleugh, without mention of airs. LORD HALYRUDHOUS. Mr John Bothwell, Lord of the Session and also of the Privy Coun. cell, and his airs male, is created and made Lord Halyrudhous. NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 391 DECREIT ANENT THE RANKING AND PLACE- ING OF THE NOBILITIE OF SCOTLAND IN THAIR ORD OUR IN PARLIAMENTS AND GE- NERALL COUNSELLS. AT EDINBURGH the fyft day of Marche the yeere of God Im VI and Sax yeeres ANENT our Soverane Lords Letters direét Makand mentioun Forſameekle as his Majeſtie and Lords of ſecreit counſell Confidering and remembering the great contentiouns and differences whilks manie tymes occurred and fell out among the nobilitie of this kingdome of Scotland anent thair precedencie and prioritie in ranking and voting in parliaments and generall counſells And how that this thair contentioun lay ever over unremembred or agitat but at the verie inſtant of thair meetings at his Majeſteis parliaments and conventiouns At whilk tyme thair wes greater mater of im- paſhement offered to the eſtaits to compone thair differences then to intreat upon the principall ſubjećt for whilk thay wer aſſembled His Majeſtie and the saids Lords thairfoir being cairfull to have this contentioun removed and the controverſeis and eyleiſts which ariſe among the nobilitie for that caus ſattled and pacified whairthrow the nobilitie and eſtaits being fred and releeved of ſuche mater of contentioun thay may in peace 302 DE JURE PRELATIONIS love and amitie concurre together and deliberat upon ſuche maters as ſall be intreated and motioned in parliament heer- after His Majeſtie for this effect hes given his Hieneſſe com- miſſioun under the great ſeale to a number of his Hieneſſe nobilitie and counſell who ar most indifferent and nawayes ſuſpect of partialitie To conveene and call before thame the whole noblemen of this kingdome and according to thair pro- dućtions and verificatioun of thair antiquiteis To ſett doun everie mans ranke and place As in the commiſſioun foreſaid paſt under the great ſeale at lenth is conteanit AND ANENT the charge givin to Ludouick duke of Lennox Johne mar- queis of Hammiltoun George erle of Huntlie Patrik erle of Orkney George erle of Caithneſſe Alexander erle of Suther- land James erle of Murrey Francis erle of Erroll George erle Marſhall David erle of Crawfurd James erle of Atholl Johne erle of Montroſe James erle of Perth erle of Men- teith Andrew erle of Rotheſe Alexander erle of Dumferm- ling Archibald erle of Argyle James erle of Glencarne Johne erle of Caffills erle of Eglintoun William erle of Angus William erle of Mortoun Johne erle of Marr Alexan- der erle of Linlithgow Counteſſe of Buchan erle of Wyntoun Alexander erle of Home Simon lord Fraſer of Lovatt Edward lord Bruce of Kinloſſe Johne lord Forbes Patrik lord Glammis James lord Ogilvie Alexander lord of Spynie Patrik lord Gray Laurence lord Oliphant Johne lord Murray of Tullibairdin David lord of Skoone James lord Lindeſay lord Sinclair James lord of Bal- merinoch Patrik lord Lundores James lord Colvill of Culroſe NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 393 Johne lord Fleming Alexander lord Elphingſtoun Andro lord Stewart of Wchiltrie Thomas Lord Boyd Allane Lord Cath- cairt Hew lord of Lowdoun Robert lord Sempill Claud lord of Paiſley James lord Abercorne Johne lord Maxwell James lord Hereis Robert lord Creichtoun of Sanquhare James lord Carlile Robert lord Roxburgh lord Roffe James lord Hay of Yester Marke lord of Newbottle James Lord Tor- phichin James Lord Borthuick lord Thirlestane Tho- mas lord Dirltoun and lord Saltoun And the tutors and curatours of the ſaids Dukes Marqueiſſes Erles and Lords if they anie have To have compeerit before the saids Lords Com- miſſioners at a certaine day bygane And to have brought and produceit with thame ſuche writs evidents documents and teſ. timoneis as thay have or can uſe for acclaming of that ranke and place of precedencie and prioritie challengit be thame be- foir vthers To have been ſeene and confiderit be the ſaids Lords commiſſioners And to have heard and ſeene thair rankes and places of prioritie and precedencie appointed and ſett doum to thane According to the antiquitie of thair produćtiouns And that whilk ſould be verified in thair preſence And thay and everie one of thame decernit to take that place whilk ſould be appointit and preſcryved unto thame be the ſaids Lords com- miſſioners as ſaid is Certifeing all ſuche perſouns as ſould not compeere be thameſelves or thair procuratours in thair names That the ſaids Lords commiſſioners would goe fordward in ſet- ting doun everie mans ranke according to that whilk ſould be verified as ſaid is and ſould proceed according to the ſpeciall in- ſtrućtiouns given be his Majeſtie to the ſaids Lords commiſ. 394 DE JURE PRELATIONIS fioners for this purpoſe And that the determinatioun of the ſaids Lords commiſſioners ſould ſtand in full force and effect Ay and whill ane decreit before the ordinar Judge be recoverit and obteamit in the contrair Lyke as at mair lenth is conteamit in the ſaids Letters executions and indorſatiouns thairof QUHILKs being callit and diverſe termes and dyets being keepit to this effect And the ſaid Johne erle of Montroſe Alexander erle of Dumfermling Francis erle of Erroll George erle Mair- ſhall and Alexander erle of Linlithgow compeerand perſonallie And the ſaid Alexander erle of Sutherland compeerand be Mr Robert Learmonth his procurator The ſaid Johne erle of Marr compeerand be Mr Thomas Hoip his procuratour The ſaid David erle of Crawfurd compeerand be Laurence Scot his procuratour The ſaid Andrew erle of Rotheſe compeerand be Mr David Ayttoon his procuratour The ſaid William erle of Mortoun compeerand be the ſaid Mr Robert Learmonth his procuratour The ſaid erle of Menteith compeerand be Grahame his procuratour The ſaid Hew erle of Eglintoun compeerand be Johne Bell his procuratour The ſaid Johne erle of Caſſils compeerand be Robert Hammil- toun and Gilbert Roſie And the ſaids Andrew lord Stewart of Vchiltrie James lord of Balmerinoch and James lord Abercorne compeerand perſonallie The ſaid James lord Lindeſay of the Byres compeerand be the ſaid Mr Robert Learmonth his procuratour The ſaid Johne lord Forbeſſe compeerand be James Fogo his procuratour The ſaid Patrik lord Glammis compeerand be Mr Johne Schairp younger his procuratour The ſaid Patrik lord Gray compeerand be NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 395 Patrik Whytlaw of Newgrange his procuratour The ſaid Johne lord Saltoun compeerand be Mr William Livingſtoun his procuratour The ſaid Allane lord Cathcart compeerand be George Angus his procuratour The ſaid James lord Cairlile compeerand be the ſaid Robert Hammiltoun his pro- curatour The ſaid Robert lord Sanquhair compeerand be Crichtoun of Lugtoun his procuratour The ſaid James lord Hay of Yeſter compeerand be Mr George Butler his procuratour The ſaid Robert lord Sempill com- peerand be the ſaid Johne Bell his procuratour The ſaid Johne Lord Hereis compeerand be Cuthbert Cuninghame his procuratour The ſaids Alexander lord Elphingſtoun com- peerand be the ſaid James Fogo his procuratour The ſaid James lord Torphichin compeerand be the ſaid Mr Robert Learmonth his procuratour The ſaid lord Thir- leſtane compeerand be Thomas Fleeming his procuratour The ſaid Alexander lord of Spynie compeerand be the ſaid Mr Robert Learmonth his procuratour And the haill remanent lords particularlie abone writtin being oftymes called and not compeerand diverſe termes and dyets being aſſigned to thame for this effect The writts evidents teſti- moneis and documents produced be the ſaids perſouns com- peerand whairby thay and everie one of thame acclamed thair prioritie and precedencie befoir uthers being diverſe tymes and at diverſe dyets verie diligentlie and exačtlie fichted tryed examinat and conſiderit be the ſaids Lords commiſſioners and the ſaids Lords being thairwith As alſua with the rankes and places of ſuche erles and lords as wer promoved and created 396 DE JURE PRELATIONIs in his Majeſteis owne tyme weill and throughlie adviſed THE SAIDS LORDS Commiſſioners hes decernit decreittit appointit and ſett down And be thir preſents decernis decreittis appoints and ſettis doun the rankes and places following to the haill noblemen of this kingdome To be bruiked keeped and poſſeſſed be thame in all parliaments generall counſells and publićt meetings heerafter IN the firſt The ſaids Lords Commiſſioners DECERNS and Ordains the Duke of Lennox to have the firſt place the Marqueis of Hammiltoun the ſecund place and the Marqueis of Huntlie the third place Becaus by the cuſtome inviolablie obſerved in all kingdoms the place of honour and dignitie among mobilitie is firſt in the perſons of dukes next marqueiffes and then in the perſons of erles and lords And mixt unto thame The ſaids Lords Commiſſioners DECERNS and Ordains the erles abovewrittin To have bruike and poſſeſſe thair rankes and places according as thayar heere writtin ranked and ſett doun in order following ; viz. Angus Argyle Crawfurd Erroll Mairshall Sutherland Mar Rotheffe Mortoun Men- teith Eglintoun Montrois Caffills Caithnes Glencairne Buchane Murrey Orkney Atholl Wyntoun Linlithgow Home Perth Dumfermling and Dumbar AND ficlyke the ſaids Lords Commiſſioners DECERNS and Ordains the Lords particularlie abomewrittin To have bruike and poſſeſſe thair rankes and places according as thayar heere writtin ranked and ſett doun in order following ; viz. Lindeſay Forbes Glammis Fleeming Saltoun Gray Vchiltrie Cathcart Carlile Sanquhair Yeſter Sempill Sinclair Hereis Elphingſtoun NOBILIUM SCOTIAE. 397 Maxwell Oliphant Lovat Ogilvie Borthuick Roſſe Boyd Torphichin Paiſlay Newbottle Thirleſtane Spynie Roxburgh Lundores Lowdoun Dirltoun Kinloſſe Abircorne Bal- merinoch Murray of Tullibairdin Colvill of Culroſſe and Skoone AND DECERNS and Ordains all the erles and lords particularlie abomewrittin To keepe bruike and poſſeſſe thair rankes and places in tyme comming According to the ordour and rankis abonewrittin now appointit preſcryvit and ſett doun unto thame And to make na queſtioun trouble nor pley in this mater to anie appointed to have place and ranke before thame in maner foreſaid BUT PREJUDICE alwayes to ſuche perſoun or perſons as fall find thameſelves intereſt and prejudgit be thair preſent ranking To haue recourſe to the ordinar remeed of law be redućtioun before the Lords of Counſell and Seſſioun of this preſent decreit for recoverie of thair owne dew place and rankis be produćtioun of mair ancient and authentick rights nor hes beene vſed in the contrair of this proceſſe Summoning thairto all ſuche per- ſouns as thay ſall thinke wrangouſlie rankit and placeit before thame And in this meane tyme this preſent decreit and determinatioun to ſtand in full force ſtrenth and effect Ay and whill the pairtie intereſt and prejudgit obteane law- fullie a decreit before the ſaids Lords of Counſell and ſeſſioun as ſaid is And ordains thir preſents to be inſert and regiſ- trat in the bookes of privie counſell And an authentick extraćt heerof to be delyverit to the Clerk of Regiſter and another extraćt to be delyuerit to the Lyoun Herauld to be keeped be thame for thair better knowledge and informatioun of 3 F 398 DE JURE PRELATIONIS, &c. everie mans ranke and place when the occaſioun of thair ranking fall be preſented Extractum de libris actorum ſecreti con- filii S. D. N. Regis per me Jacobum Prymrois clericum ejuſdem ſub meis ſigno et ſubſcriptione manualibus - EXTRACTS FROM THE REGISTERS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF GLASGow AND OF THE KIRK SESSIONS OF THE PARISHES OF CAMIBUSNETHAN HUMBIE AND STIRLING SUBSEQUENT TO THE YEAR MDC. REGISTERS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. Nov. 9. 1603.--Duncan Leiche.—The presbíterie requestis the magistratis of Glasgw to cavse thair officers put the said presbítereis decreit to executioun againis Duncane Leiche, anent the payment of fourtie lib. money, to be payit be him for the reparatioun of the Hie Kirk. Nov. 16.—Quhilk daye personalie present Isabell Brennat, craving hir barne to be baptiseit, gottin be ane whknawin man wrone hir on the landis of Provand, scho cumand fra the toun of Glasgw with ane burdein on hir bak, at the fair of Glasgw, in the yeir 1602, as in hir bill gevin in be hir befoir the moderator and brethrene of the presbíterie of Glasgw is at mair lenthe contenit; is continewit for the present quhill farder triall be gottin, becaus it may be that scho hes borne the said barne to ane wther wyfes husband, or have committit ane hynous sin be the begetting of the said barne. Dec. 28. Ministeris of the Presbiterie to teiche in the Blakfreir kirk on the Thurisdaye.—The presbíterie ordenis the ministeris of the said presbíterie to teiche in the Blakfreir kirk on the Thurisdaye for a tyme tocum, as thai stand in the catologue and roll; and that th Principall of the College begin to teiche the said Thurisdaye in the said kirk, and begin thairto the xij daye of Januar instant. Anent profanatioun of the paroche kirk.-The presbiterie ordenis the greit and horribill profanatioun committit and done be sum godles and 402 REGISTERS OF THE 1604. vicked persones within the paroche kirk of Glasgw, to be declairit be the ministeris of the said citie the nixt sondaye ; to wit, how that the said persones hes tame avay thre irne stenchoris of the glasnit doore of the said kirk, and enterit in the said kirk, and hes ruggit avay the cleyth fixt to the pulpet of grein stemmyne and irne that held the besein for the water to baptisme; and how schamfullie and filthelie thai did pollut the said kirk be thair excrementis quhairwith the firmes wer defylit, that God wald revile the said persomes in the awin tyme to winderly thair condigne punisment. To ryid to Falkland.—The presbiterie appointtis Mr David Wemes to ryid to Falkland agame the 26 daye of Julijinstant, to meit with his Maiestie, in favoris of Mr Patrik Walkingschawe minister at Monkland, anent our souverane lordis letteris raisit aganis Adame Boyd for hurting of the said Mr Patrik. Jan. 1604.—Anent Mr Robert Bruce.—The presbiterie thinkis gud that Mr Robert Bruce be requeistit to . . . . . . Glasgw, to preiche Godis word to the people within the toun of Glasgw for a tyme, quhill God provyde a Minister to the said toun; and . . . . . . thair in the stead of wrmquhill Mr Johnne Couper, ane of the ministeris * * * g º & and that Mr Andro Boyd and Mr Archibald Glen speik the counsell of the said toun and sessioun of the kirk, thair to mowe thame to require and desyre the said Mr Robert to cum and preiche to thame the word; and that also Mr William Levingstoun, Mr Alex- ander Rowat, and . . . . . . . . . Archibald Glen, speik to my lord Fleming that his lordschip wald desyre the said Mr Robert to cum to the toun of Glasgw, to the effect foirsaid. Feb. 8,- certane appointtit to speik to Mr Robert Bruce.—The pres- biterie ordenis Mr David Wemes, Mr Johnne Bell ministeris of Glasgw, Mr Johnne Bell minister at Cader, Mr Alexander Rowat, 1604. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 403 Mr William Levingstoun, Mr Archibald Glen and Mr Robert Seot, to speik Mr Robert Bruce incontinent heireftir, to desyre him to preiche for a tyme in the kirk of Glasgw, quhill God provyde a minister thairto in the steade of winquhill Mr Johnne Couper minister thair. Feb. 16.—The presbiterie ordenis Mr David Wemes, Mr Johnne Bell minister of Glasgw, and Mr Alexander Rowat minister in the parochin without the toun of Glasgw, to travell with Mr William Watsoun minister at Bruntellein, to persuade him to accept in and wrone him the ministerie within the said toun, now vacand through the deceis of wimquhill Mr Johnne Couper; and as thai sall further, that thai report to the brethrene this dayexy dayes. Feb. 22.—The presbíterie desyris Mr Andro Boyd to baptise the barnis of the toun of Glasgw the morne; quha promeisit to baptise the saming the morne, God willing, eftir the sermont. Quhilk daye compeirit personalie Marioun Walker, and grantis that thair is an crucifix in a brod in hir hous; and, ſarder, that scho suld have mae of thame gif scho had silueir, and quhen . . . . . . . . wpon it, hir hart reiveis, and that scho brocht the said crucifix out of a mirk chalmeir, and set it to the light. The presbiterie ordenis the Ministeris of Glasgw to travell with the magistratis of this citie, that thai wald have the said crucifix remowit and destroyit, becaus the saming is ane idole to the said Marioun, quhilk may easelie be gatherit be hir speichis. May 3.—To the minister of Campsie, anent the kirk of Geneva. The presbiterie ordenis thair brother the minister of Campsie to travell with the gentilmen and substantious yearmen men of his parochin nerrest adiacent to him quhair he duellis, for to get fra thame support to the persecuted kirk of Geneva, with all diligence; and as he sall further in 404 REGISTERS OF THE 1604. collecting the said support, that he send in the saming to the said pres- biterie the first daye the occasioun salbe offred. May 16.- To speik the Lard of Badinhethe.—The presbíterie ordenis Mr Patrik Scharp principall of the college of Glasgw, and Mr David Wemes ane of the ministeris of Glasgw, to speik in Glasgw Robert Boyd of Badinhethe, anent his not keiping of his kirk, he being ane elder and ane speciall gentilman of his paroche ; and for halding of Robert Falconer in Deirdeik on his ground, the said Robert Falconer being excommunicat: and for the profanatioun of the Sabothe daye wsit about his place be playing at the futeball, toleratit and oursein be him ; and anent the erecting of images in the yle of his paroche kirk, com- mittit and authorized be him, to the sclandeir of God his kirk, and greiff of the saming; and farder, to crave the said Robert Boyd of Badinhethe contributioun to the persecuted kirk of Geneve, &c. and to report, &c. Jun. 27.-Anent meitting the niact Fridaye.—The presbiterie or- denis the principall of the College, Mr Robert Scott moderator, and Mr Johnne Bell minister of Cader, wrone aduerteisment to be maid to thame be the ministeris of Glasgw, to meit the nixt Frydaye with the priour of Blantyre, in presens of my lord duik of Lennox, anent pro- visioun of stipend to Mr David Wemes, one of the ministeris of Glasgw, furthe of the parsonage and vicarage of Glasgw, for the weale of the ministerie of Glasgw thairof, &c. Anent ane Act of the Generall Assemblie.—The presbiterie ordenis Mr Robert Scot moderator, to send for the act of the Generall Assem- blie anent the plantting of ministeris in certane speciall townis of this realme, quhairof the toun of Glasgw is ane, that the said act may be sein and considerit, and the forme thairin contenit followit furth anent the planting of ane minister to the toun and citie of Glasgw, in the place of winquhill Mr Johnne Couper, ane of the ministeris of the said citie. 1605. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 405. For the kirk of Geneve.—The sessioun of Glasgw to be desyrit to ap- point men to gader throuch this toun for the help of the kirk of Geneve, fra thame that hes not gevin of thair liberalitie thairto as yit. Jul. 11.—Offending in Campsie.—Quhilk daye, anent ane lettir send be the minister of Campsie, quhairin he declairis that thair ar superstitious rites wsit be sum of his parochineris, as passing to ane well in Menteithe with ane sick barne, and fetching of well water to ane sick woman. The presbiterie ansueris . . . . . . ... quhilk the said minister cravis, to wit, that he try the offens committit be his parochineris of fending in the premissis, and convict thame as giltie befoir his elderis, &c. Apr. 24. 1605.-Anent contribution to the kirk of Geneve.—The presbiterie ordenis that it be proponit the morne in the sessioun of the kirk of Glasgw, anent the contributioun for the toun of Glasgw to the kirk of Geneve, and to declair that the samin behovit to be in readines, or then charges will be gevin for payment thereof. Aug. 21.— Mr Johnne Spottiswood bischop of Glasgw.—The Mo- derator and bretherene of the presbiterie of Glasgw, heirand the pro- positioun maid to thame be thair brother Mr Johnne Spottiswood bischop of Glasgw, quhairin he schawis that he is some heireftir, God willing, to pas to his Maiestie towardis the southe partis of Greit Brittanne, and that he cravis thair licence, seing for a tyme he wilbe absent fra his flok. The said Moderator and brethrene grantis to the said Mr Johnne licence to pas to his Maiestie sone heireftir, anent the effaires of the kirk. And quheir also the said Mr Johnne cravis a testimoniall fra the said presbi- terie, to be subscryvit be thame, that he hes not as yit subscryvit the admissioun past in his favouris to the bischoprik of Glasgw, The said moderator and bretherene grantis that a testimoniall be writtin and sub- scryvit be thame, to be dely verit to the said Mr Johnne, quhairin thai 3 G 406 REGISTERS OF THE 1606. may testifie that the said Mr Johnne hes not as yit subscryvit the said admissioun, past be the last synodall assemblie in his favouris to the said bischoprik of Glasgw, &c. Feb. 12. 1606.-Matthew Boyd admittit ane poore man of the Bishops almoushous.—The quhilk daye the Moderator and brethrene of the presbíterie of Glasgw willis and agreis, that Matthew Boyd, burges of Glasgw, be ane of the poore of the bishop of Glasgw almous hous, situat besyde the castell of Glasgw, and bruik for his lyftyme, as ony poore man thairof bruikit of befoir, according to the foundatioun, in fyir, bedding, yard, stipend and casualiteis, and be enterit and admittit thairto presentlie, as thai enter and admitt him at thir presentis, and to his part of the said yard; ordering Sir Bartolmo Symsoun, present maister of the said almoushous, to paye to him his wages in tyme to cum, fra the dait heirof, during his lyftyme as becummis, gif he be fund worthe to bruik the saming for his said lyftyme. Apr. 16.—The Presbiterie findis, be probatioun of witnes ad- mittit and sworne, that Jonet Makkie had havelie sclanderit Johne Fleming, noter, calling him fals mansworne dog; thairfoir the said presbíterie decernis and ordanis the said Jonet, being ane parochiner of Govane, to paye to the thesaurer of hirkirkxiiis iiijd money on Sondaye mixttocum, and to sit doun on hir kneis the said day eftir nwn, in pre- sens of the elderis and wther honest men duelland in Gorballis and Brigend, and to ask the said Johnne forgivnes for sclandering of him, &c. June 25–Anent the priechingis to be maid in the outh dayes in the Blakfreir kirk.-Quhilk daye, in the censures of the ministerie of Glasgw, the presbíterie is grieved . . . . . . preichingis ar maid in the oulk dayes in the Hie kirk and New kirk; and thairfoir that the said 1607. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 407 dayes the preichingis be maid in the Blakfreir kirk, becavse of sindrie outtis that hes fallin furth be the change of the place. Aug. 13.—Anent the Fast.—The Presbiterie ordenis that thair be inti- matioun maid the nixt Sondaye in all the kirkis within this pres- biterie, of the fast to be keipit on the twa last Sondayes of August instant, for thir following caussis: To wit, the flood of sin abunding everie quheir, the plague of pestilence breaking wb in sindrie partis, the daylie danger quhairin his Majestie is, and his Majesties delyverie and preseruatioun ; and that everie Minister within the foirsaid presbiterie be diligent heirintill. Nov. 19–Marioun Layng in leprosie.—Quhilk daye, anent the lamenting gevin in be James Mitchell in Balmoir tuiching the disease of Marioun Layng, his spous, in leprosie, to his greit greif, quhair throw mether he nor his servandis can have with hir swa deseasit sik familia- ritie and pleasantnes as is requisit Seing the estait of the said Marioun is vnknawin to the presbiterie. The said presbiterie referris the triall thairof to the Minister of Campsie and nychtbouris to the said Marioun, that as he be thame sall find, he send into the presbiterie with diligence. Quhilk daye compeirand Mr David Wemes, ane of the ministeris of Glasgw, moderator in the presbíterie thairof, and producit his hienes letteris prentit aganis Ministeris within the realme of Scotland, quha sall preich or praye in favouris and for the ministeris of the realme, de- clarit to be his Maiesteis tratoris be his Hienes consall haldin at Lin- lythqw, quhilk letteris wer red judicialie; and woone the productioun thairof, the said Mr David requirit act and ordinance of his diligence to be set doun in the buikis. Mar. 4. 1607.-Anent ame kirk to be within the town of Kirkintilloch- Quhilk daye, Seing that it is fund meit and expedient be the erle of 4.08 REGISTERS OF THE 1607. Wigtoun and presbiterie of Glasgw, that thair be ane kirksituat and buyldit within the toun of Kirkintilloch, for mony respects and cawssis, and the exercise of the word and sacramentis in the present kirk to be left af thair, and translated to the kirk to be buyldit in the said toun; thairfoir the said presbiterie ordenis this to be intimat the nixt sondaye, in the said present kirk; and that all and everie ane of the parochineris of Leinzae be summondit to the nixt Weddinsdaye, to obiect and saye aganis this overture quhairfoir it aucht not to be fullelie perfyted; with certificatioun to thame that sall not compeir, thaisall not be farder hard, bot the said Erles intentioun and mynd for the situating and buylding of the said kirk in the said toun, to have the full force and effect in tymes tocum. May 13.—The kirk and presbíterie of Glasgw ordanis Gavin Lek- previk, some to Johnne Lekprevik in Spittill, for dinging of Marioun Maxwell his stepmother, to be in the joggis the nixt Sondaye, be the space of half ane hour afoir his minister shall enter to the sermont, and to stand thairin the said space in lining cleithis, bairfuttit, bairleggit, and bairheidit; and howsone his said minister sall enter in the kirk to preiche Godis word, that he pas on the piller within the said kirk, and thairon remane in lining cleithis, bairfuttit, bairleggit and bairheidit, during the haill tyme of the sermont; and at the command of his minis- ter, ask God, his kirk and the said Marioun forgiveness, on his kneis, for the sclandeir he hes committit be the dinging of the said Marioun ; and that he find souertie winder the pane of xx lib. money, that he sall obey this ordinance; Quha fand the said Johnne Lekprevik his father cavtioun and souertie for him winder the said pane, that he sall obey the foirsaid ordinance. May 27.—Ament the employing of the silueir collectit to the kirk of Geneve.—Quhilk daye the Moderator and brethrene of the pres- 1607. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 409 biterie of Glasgw present for the tyme, hes concludit and ordenit, and heirby concludis and ordanis, that the silueir collectit to the kirk of Geneve, in the handis now of Mr Robert Scot, ane of the ministeris of Glasgw, be employed with all possibill diligence to the wses vnder- writtin; to wit, twa hundrethe merkis thairof to help the calsaye in the commoun passages passing throucut the Lone and Brigend, fra the eist and south partis to the brig of . . . . . . . . consequentlie, to the burch thairof; and the rest of the said silver employed for the helping to big the brig of Cadder, that . . . . . . . . landis of Campsie and Cadder; and that the said Mr Robert . . . . the saming fra him for the wse foirsaid, to sik persones as the presbiterie sall think gud. June 24.—Anent the Bischop of Glasgw.—The Presbiterie wm- derstanding that thai ar ordenit be the last Synodall Assemblie to summond the bischop of Glasgw howsone he sall cum hame to this cuntrey, to compeir before thame and the commissioneris eftir following ; to wit, Mr William Birnie, Johnne Lindsaye, Mr Robert Darroche, Mr Patrik Walkinschawe, Mr Johnne Hay, Mr Patrik Hammiltoun, Mr Walter Stewart and Mr William Simpsoun, within the Blakfreir kirk of Glasgw, at ame certane daye and houre, to be contenit in the summondis to be raisit aganis him; and thair to accuse him for his non- residence, and for his negligence in the discharge of his office in the ministerie in the kirk of Glasgw, and for his not subscryveing of the caveatis of the Generall Assemblie, contenit in his admissioun quhilk he promeisit to have subscryvit; and anent ane wther greiff notishit be thame, and offens in his persone that can be laid to his charge, as in the act of the said last synodall assemblie is at mair lenthe contenit. The said presbiterie, for thair obedience to the said act conforme thairto, summoundis the said Bischop personalie present and moderat... in thair presbiterie to the xxijdaye of Julijinstant, to compeir before thame and the said commissioneris in the said place at ten houris before noon; 410 REGISTERS OF THE 1608. and ordenis letteris to be writtin be thair clerk to the said commis- sioneris to be present the said daye, to the effect foirsaid. Aug. 26.-Leiding of the teinds of the Borrow rodes of Ruther- glen.—The presbíterie heirand of Sir Claud Hammiltoun of Schaw- feild knicht intentioun to leid the teind schawes of the borrow rodes rodes of Rutherglen this yeir, quhilk pertenis to the present Minister of Rutherglen, quhairof he and his predecessoris ministeris thair hes bein in peaceable possessioun and wse of leidding of the saming to thair wse thir mony and diuers yeiris bygone, Ordanis thair brother Mr Andro Boyd, minister of Egleschame, to pas to the said Sir Claud, and to disswade him fra his intentioun of the Leiding this yeir the said teindis, bot to let the said present minister have the wse thairof this yeir as he had thir yeiris bygane, seing the saming are ane greit part of his leving, to serve in the cuir of the ministerie at the kirk of Rutherglen. As also the said Presbiterie straitlie forbiddis Mr Walter Hammiltoun present minister of Rutherglen, in ony wayes to aggrie with the said Sir Claud anent the leading of the said teindis this yeir to be wsit be the said Sir Claud, whder the pane of depositioun of him fra the ministerie at the said kirk. Quhilk daye comperit Duncan Leitch, accusit for defylling himself in whordome with the Seiknesse callit . . . . . . . . and for defylling his vmquhile wyfe thairwith, as is alledgit, and reportit to hawe ben the caus of hir deathe, and that woon hir death-bed scho suld have left hir death vpon him. He denyed that thair was such a thing; thairfor the Pres- byterie, for probatioun, ordanis witnessis to be summoundit, and the said Duncan to compeir the nixt daye of presbyterie; sumound apud acta. The quhilk daye the brethering thinkis good that Mr John Spottis- woode, Bishop of Glasgow, be conferrit with at his hamecuming out of Edinburgh, anent Mr William Levingstoun minister at Moniabroch. Mar. 9. 1608–Quhilk daye Mr Andro Boyd, minister at Egil- 1608. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 411 sham, fand himself havelie diseased, craved licence of the presbyterie to repair to the . . . . . . . . . . in Ingland, quhair by the advyse of learnit phisicianis, it is thocht that he, God willing, may get some releiff to his disease; and the presbitrie considering the necessitie of this sute and desyre, hes grantit to the said Mr Andro, &c. Persones of Cadder for smooring of thair bairnis.-Quhilk daye com- perit Jonet Watsoune, Jonet Lyndsaye, Margarit Tueidie, parochinaris of Cadder, accusit for smooring of thair bairnis in the nicht; is referrit to the session of Cadder, to be tryit thair. Apr. 20.-Gabriel Sempill of Cathcart to mak his repentance.—Quhilk daye compeirit Gabriel Sempill of Cathcart, summoundit to that daye, and was accusit for interupting his ordinar minister, the minister of Cathcart, in the tyme of his sermon vpon Sondaye was aucht dayes, efter a most barbarous maner, against the rule of Godis word and actis of parlia- ment, and siclyk for affirming that the syn . . of the patriarchis, as incest and polygamie was no syn; confessit the same. Therfoir the presbyterie ordanit the said Gabriel Semple of Cathcart, to mak his repentance efter a moste humble maner in the kirk of Cathcart the nixt Sabaoth, and confesse his offence befoir the congregatioun of Cathcart; his re- pentance to be receved be Mr William Hamilton minister at Ruther- glen, and hes promysit never to do the lyk offence vnder the pane of excomunicatioun. Mai; 25.—Persounis of Rutherglen to mak repentance.—Quhilk daye comperit Hew Cuik, James Lyoun, Johnne Wilson, Thomas Brok, and confessit thair offence in dancing the suoorde dance in Govan vpon ane Sa- baoth daye ; and besydes this, the saidis James Lyoun, Johnne Wilsone and Thomas Brok, for thair disobedience to the injunctiones of the kirk, injoynit to thame for thair superstitious gysyne in the tyme called superstitiouslie Yule dayis. The presbyterie injoymes to thane of 412 REGISTERS OF THE 1608. new to mak thair repentance the nixt Sondaye in the kirk of Ruther- glen, in the publict place thairoſ, in linning cloathis, and to returne the nixt Weddinsdaye in presbyterie, and vpon the report of thair minister tuitching thair behaviour and repentance, to receive the farder mynd of the presbyterie. The said Hew Cuik promysit never to be fund in the lyk offence winder the pane of excommunication. Jun. 1.-Siluer joundit to the Poore be John Stoddart.—Quhilk daye the Presbyterie is content and aggreit with, that the siluer fundit be Johnne Stoddart minister of Campsie to the poore of this citie of Glasgow, quhairvnto the said presbyterie are maid oversearis, that the samyn be dedicat to the use of the poore within Glasgow, the substance of the first fundatioun being alwayes kept. Jun. 8.-Dauid Spense repentis.-Quhilk daye Hew Campbell in Rutherglen, admittit witnes be Dauid Spense, sworne, deponis, That Dauid Spense said he suld stick ane minister, and he would nocht give ane fart for excommunicatioun, Quhilk daye the said Dauid confessit in his deposition that sic wordis fell furthe, for the quhilk he repentit fra his heart; the presby- terie thairfoir injoynit him to confes his syn and offence in the public place in the kirk of Rutherglen, and vpone his repentance, to be ressavit. Jun. 29–Anent my Lord of Angus.-The quhilk daye the Pres- byterie appointis Mr Patrick Sharp, Mr John Bell and Mr Robert Scott to resort to my lord of Angus, and desyre his lordschip, in name of the presbyterie, to resort to the kirk, he and his wyfe and seruandis; and to confer with his lordship now and then, quhen occasioun offeris, in the controvertit heidis of religioun. . Aug. 3–George Erle of Huntly.— Quhilk daye intimatioun is 1609. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 413 ordanit to be maid out of all the pulpits of this presbyterie, tuitching the excommunicatioun of George Erle of Huntlie, excommunicat at the last General Assemblie. Sept. 21–Erle of Angus.-Quhilk daye the Ministeris of Glas- gow gave thair diligence in pronuncing the sentence of excommuni- catioun against William Erle of Angouse, for his obstinacie and con- tumacie in refusing to confesse, swear and subscryve the confessioun of faithe sett doun be the reformit kirk within this realme and confirmit be act of Parleament, being thryse lauchfullie admonishit, with 3 seuerall prayeris, according to the ordour of the kirk. The presbyterie ordanis that the chief partes of this realme be advertisit of the said excommunica- tioun that intimatioun may be maid thairof, and speciallie the kirkis within the synode of Cliddisdaill. Nov. 16.-M*Knair.—Quhilk daye comperit Adam M*Knair; the presbyterie continewis him till this daye fyftein dayes, and in the mein- tyme inhibitis him to go out of his parochin in ony tyme cuming to cure ony diseasis, or to take the cure of ony that cumis to him, in respect it is knowen that he hes na skill excepthe vsevnlauchfull meanes, as issuspectit. Jan. 18. 1609.-Mr James Stewart.—Quhilk daye the presbyterie having taken tryell of the offence gevin be Mr James Stewart minister at Campsie, in baptizing the chylde of John Levingstoun of Baquhar- rage, in a privat house in tyme of a great storme, yit by the ordour of the reformit kirk within this realme, and contrar the actis of Generall Assemblie, for taking awaye of the said sclaunder hes suspendit him fra the functioun of the ministrie during the will of the presbyterie; and that the nixt Sabaothe a brother gang to the kirk of Campsie, namelie, Mr John Bell minister at Cadder, and thair teache; and efter sermoun endit, he delate the offence forsaid in most grave maner; and that the 3 H 414 REGISTERS OF THE 1609. said Mr James, sitting in a place before the pulpit with the said Johne Levingstoun, confesse ilk ane of thame thair offence, according to the gravite thairof. Jan. 25.-Johne Allan.-Comperit Johne Allan in Shettilstoun, and confessit his misbehaviour done to the sessioun of the Baronie, in saying thair was na justice among them, and vttering vther sic wncomelie speeches; The presbyterie, considering the greatnes of his offence, injoynes him to mak his repentance in the kirk of the Barronie the nixt Sabaoth, in the publict place thairof, in linning cloathes, and to confesse his offence befoir the congregatioun; and thaireſter vpon thair nixt sessioun to compeir and sit doun befoir the minister and eldaris vpon his knees, and askethame forgivnesse efter a most humble . . . . . . Mar. 29.—James Riddell.—The quhilk daye the Presbyterie ordanes ane lybell summondis to be gevin to James Riddell burges in Ruther- glene, summoning him before thame for his contemptous sitting still at the Lordes table, being commandit be his minister, Mr William Ham- miltoune, to ryse thairfra; as also for his contemptous scheiring of the grass of the kirk yaird vpone the Sabothe day, in contemp of the ordi- nance of his minister and sessioune. Aug. 2.-Mr Patrick Walkinschaw.—Quhilk day Mr Patrick Wal- kinschaw minister at Muncklande, complenit of Mr Johne Bell minis- ter at Cadder, for his vncharitable rasing letteris to charge him to fur- neise the elementis to the kirk of Cadder, quhilk wtherwyes he micht have gottin of him be worde; and becaus vpone this charge letteris of suspension war to [be?] purchasit except ther var sum medis taine into it, and sene the parocheners of Cadder is to have thair communioune the nixt Sabothe, (for this caus and wthers we think it gude that nothing be done in that matter concerning the communioun quhill the synodall 1609. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGow. 415 assemblie.) of the quhilk the presbyterie ordanes the said Mr Johne to adverteis his parochiners of the Samyne. -*t The visitatioun of the Baronie kirk.-Quhilk day the presbyterie or- danes Mr Patrik Scharpe as principall, and Mr Johnne Bell minister of Glesgow to viseitt the Barronie kirk of Glesgow Tuysday mixt; ordanes the minister to intimat the same to his flok. Nov. 1.-Ordinance of the Presbíterie.—Quhilk day ordanes the haill brether to keipe the nixt Saboth, quhilk is the fyft of November, so- lemlie; to gif solem thankis to God for his Majesteis delyverie from that tricherous conspiracie enterpryceit aganst his persoum with Prince and Quein and the haill nobilitie of Ingland, in blawing wo thair per- sounes in the air with poulder, in the yeir of God 1605. Dec. 13.— Mr William Hamiltoun ordanit to persew Sir Claude Ham- milton of Shaufeild knicht.—Quhilkday Mr William Hammiltoun minister at Rutherglen, being demandit be the moderator and brether of the pres- byterie, Quhider he was resolvett to transport him self thairfra or not? ansueritt, That he hopes to be better resoluit betuix and Candlemas, and forder, that at that tyme he soulde gif full satisfactioun to thair questioun; quhairwith the said brethering war satisfeid for the present. And becaus the brethering var informit that thair was sum privie dealing betuix Sir Claud Hammiltoun of Shawfeilde knicht and the said Mr William, anent the steipende belonging to the said kirk of Rutherglen, quhilk may tend to the prejudice thairof in tymes cuming; thairfoir be thir presentis the said brethering inhibeittis the said Mr William to transact anie wayes with the said Sir Claud thairanent without thair advyse and consent first had and obtenit thairto, bot that he persew the said Sir Claud befoir the judge competent, for his wrangous and violent intrusioun of him selff in the possessioun of that part of the ministeris stipend quhilk is callit the teind Schawes of the Inne borrow ruid, being 416 REGISTERS OF THE 1610. the vicaris part thairof, and continowallie in thair possessioun past me- morie of man; this the brether ordanes him to do winder the pane of depositioun, and in no poynt he falzie heirintill. Mar. 7. 1610.-Margatt Howstoun.—Quhilk day comperit Margat Howstoun, depones, That Christian Cuming come to Litill Govane to James Andersone his hows first, and coulde not gaitt James Andersone his wyffe at that tyme. Then scho cam to Robert Stennis, and said scho valde gaitt remeid for hir; and the deponer sperit, Quhatt way scho Valde gaitt the remeid? scho said scho soulde do with hir as scho did withe another woman in Glasgow, Jonnet Craufurd ; scho said her mother tuik hir doun the watter to a Heyland woman, quha pat Jonet Craufurd nyne tymes throw a hespe of blew yairne, thryse backwardis, thryse forwward and thryse a syde way; allso scho tuik a threid of silk and a threid of worsett plettit togidder, and gave h . . a bowet atchesonne, and gif scho tint the achesone scho valde tyme the man, and scho tint it; and the heyland wyffe send hir another, and thei suoir the said Jonet Crawfurde deiplie that scho soulde nevir tell agane; and scho gave hir for the doing of it a stan of quhytt lint, and scho soulde yeirlie gifhir a . . . . Apr. 18.——Gleib at the kirk of Carmunnok.--Ordanes Mr Andro Boyde, Mr William Hammiltoun, to gif Mr Archibald Glen designa- tioun of fowr aikeris of gleib land at the kirk of Curmanok, betuix this and the first of Maii. May 16.—Alexander Colquhoun off Lus.—Quhilk day comperit Alexander Colquhoun of Lus, he lachtfullie summoned to this dyett be the synodoll assemblie, to produce his witnes aganst Mr Johnn Camp- bell his minister, that he was that daye ane pairtie aganst him with Clangregour at Glenfrone. The said laird bene enquyrit be the modera- tor, to wit, the bischope of Glasgow, gif he could qualifie that Mr 1610. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 417 Johnn Campbell was present in the foirnamed day as a pairtie aganst him P Answerit, He could prove that he was wrone the fieldis, bot he coulde not prove that he was aganst him; bot the said laird desyrit the brether of the presbyterie to demand sic interrogattor at the said Mr Johnn quhilk valde prove the said Mr Johnn to have bene thair as a pairtie aganst him: The brether of the presbyterie hawing considerit thir interogatoris, thocht it not meitt to demand or accuise the said Mr Johnn of thame, becaus manie of thame tendit mair to the civill judge then to thame, bot so monie of thame as appertenit to thame they de- mandit thame of the said Mr Johnn; quhilkis interrogatoures contenit sum men that he had vnlaufullie mareitt without anie warant. The said Mr Johnn satisfeid the brether, and leitt thame sie that he mareitt nane without the warrant baithe of the presbyterie and sessioun, as judiciallie he producet into the handes of the Clark, as also soulde de- lyver the rest aganst this day tuantie dayes. Oct. 23.—Thomas Lord Boyde.—Quhilk day Thomas Lorde Boyde gave in his supplicatioun, craving that his tennentis micht be fred fra the judicature of maister Johnn Bell minister at Cader, becaus of the ill will that he careis to him, abusis his tennentis baithe be worde and deid, and valde not gif thaim justice: The presbyterie contenowes thair answer to his (lordschippis) supplicatioun quhill they tryett farder by the supplicatiounes of his tennentis. Nov. 7.-Johnne Philpe his supplicatioun.-Quhilk day Johnne Philpe gave in his supplicatioun, craving the benefeitt of marriadge betuix him and Helan Willsoun, quha was alledgett to hawe hir former husbande levand. It is of veritie and sufficientlie proven that hir husband hes not bene with hir this tuentie fowr yeiris, quhilk is a sufficient declaratioun that the mariadge is annullit in the selfe. - Quhilk day the presbyterie having considerit the supplicatioun foir- 418 REGISTERS OF THE 1611. said, gevin in be Johnne Philpe and Helene Willsoun, and efter tryell funde that now it is mair then tuentie four yeiris since hir husband left hir quho since that tyme hes not bene hard of, grantis libertie to the saidis Johnne Philpe and Helan Willsoun to marie, and to that effect desyris the ministers of Glasgow to procleame thair bandis. Feb. 6. 1611.-Mr Robert Hamiltoune his Complaint.—Quhilk day comperit Mr Robert Hamilton . . . . . . helper to Mr Johne Howisone at the kirk of Cambuslang, with ame presentatioun direct fra Sir Claud Hamiltoun of Schawfeld knycht, and delyverit the samyn, and wes willing to accep the cuir thair gif the presbyterie thocht the provision was sufficient for him as ane honest man to leiue on : The presbyterie thinkes, in respect that the said Mr Robert has no libertie of transport... and sene Mr William Hamilton has not as yit demittit his service at the - said kirk of Rutherglen, thinkes that . . . . . is not meitt for it. Jul. 3.-Ane Letter of my Lorde of Glasgow.—Quhilk day the brethering having receavit this day in presbyterie ane letter of my Lord Bischope of Glasgow, contening his advyse anentane solemn visitätioune of the kirk of Cader, and the brethering hearing, as the said lettir bearis, that thair was (vow clamosa) of diverse sclanders gevin out of Mr Johnn Bell minister of the said kirk, Ordanes ane edict for visitatioun to be servit at Cader the mixt Sabothe, the sevint of J ulii instant; and to that effect ordanes Mr James Stewart persoune of Campsie to preiche in the kirk of Cader the said day, and to intime the visitatioun thair; and farder, ordanes the haill brether to keip the day of visitatioun, quhilk sall be, God villing, vpone Fryday the tuolt of Julii. Aug. 14.—Edict to be servit at the kirk of Rutherglen.—Johnn Archi- bischope of Glasgow, and brethering of the presbyterie thair, to our velbelouit Mr Alexander Rowatt minister of the Barronie off Glasgow; 1612. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 419 Forsameakle as we haue direct to ws be Sir Claud Hamilton of Schaw– felde knycht, patrone of the kirk of Rutherglen, ane presentatioune of Mr Robert Young to be rector and minister at that kirk, ye sall vpone the Sabothe nixt ensewing, efter sermont at the said kirk, warne and charge the gentillmen, provest, belyeis and eldermen of that toun, to be present and compeir befoir ws on Wadinsday nixt, the tuentie ane of this instant, August, in the Colledge kirk of Glasgow, at myne houris befoir noone, to heir the said Mr Robert gif pruiff of his qualificatioun and abilitie to serve at that kirk; and farder, to propone quhatsumevir thing they knaw concerning his lyffe and maneris quhairby he may be fund vmmeitt for that charge, and that ye report this edict dewlie execut and indorsat be you. Gevin in our presbyterie the day and yeir of God forsaid. Aug. 21.-Mr Robert Young his admissioun.-Quhilk day Mr Ro- bert Young maid his serment of tryell as he was ordanit on the 3. Coll. 1, 2, and vas allowet be the brether and thocht meit to discharge the functioun of a minister at the kirk of Rutherglene; desyris the Bi- schope of Glasgow, according to the act of the quholl assemblie, to inaugurit him in the said kirk; the quhilk his lordschip condiscendit to do vpone Sondaye cum eight dayes. Oct. 30.—Quhilk day Mr Robert Scott and Mr Andro Boyd gave in thair diligence in satleine Mr Alexander Rowatt at the kirk of Cader as thair ordinar pastour, quhairvnto the haill pepill hartellie condescendit. ... June 3. 1612.-Rid his injunctions.—The presbyterie injoynes to Jhone Rid in the Overtowne of Cormonnok, for prophaning of the Sab- both daye in casting the stone and hammer the same daye quhen the communion was celebrat, to mak his repentance two severall Sabboths within the parish kirk of Cormonnok, and that he pay to the thesaurer of the kirk fourtie shilling, &c. 420 REGISTERS OF THE 1613. June 17.—Thomas Blakwood his Injunctions.—The presbyterie injoynes to Thomas Blakwood in Kirklie, within the parochine of Govane, for prophaning the Sabboth daye in being ringleader to the matche played in shooting of gunes and other vaine games and pastymes, to make his publique repentance in his owne seat within the kirk of Govane on Son- daye next, and to pay 20 shillingis to the wse of the kirk. July 8.- George Scott painter.—Quhilk day compeirit George Scott painter, and being accused quhy he painted the crucifix in mony houses of the . . . . . . quhilk is liklie to breid ane corruption, and to turne the heartes of the ignorant to idolatrie, and to mak them beleve that thair houses cannot be happie or blessed bot quhair the crucifix is ; the said George confessit, and promeised not to do it in tymes cuming, &c. July 29.—Commissioune for the Painters.-Quhilk daye the presby- terie gives commissioune to Mr P . . . Scharpe, Mr Jhone Bell, Mr Andro Boyde, Mr Archibald Glen, to go to the provest and baillies of the towne of Glasgow, to desyre them to takordour with the two painters that wer secreitlie keipit in the houses of Glasgow painting the crucifixes. Oct. 27. 1613.−Followes the depositiounes of sindrie persones sworne and admittit witnesses vpon divers and sindrie heids of the complaints gevin in be Patrik Flemyng of Barochan, and elders of Killillen. Depositiounes aganis Mr George Semple minister at Killillen.— Jhone Huchesoune one of the baillies of Paisley being sworne and ad- mittit witnes, depones, That Mr George Semple had ane book of Mr Michaell Scotts, of unlawfull airtes; that he saw him buy Albertus Magnus ; that he hard him speak of sindrie vnlawfull conceits; that he hard tell long syne he was wont to mak lascivious ballads and somets; that he is evill spoken off; that he hard his owne wyfe say, quhen he 1613. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 421 was afeild, that Mr George came in one nicht in his house, and speirit quhy thei were so long vnsowping; said, Quhat will ye give me and I sall tell yow quhat is in your ambrie P William Alpe sworne and admittit witness, depones, He saw Mr George have ane book of vnlawfull airtes, and was wont to terrifie him quhen he was at the skoole; hard tell that he made ballads and somets, and that he caryes not a good bruit. - Thomas Whyte sworne and admittit witnes, depones, That Mr George is greedie and covetous ; that Jhone Semple gave him some money in hope he wald hald back the leprosie from him that he was in danger of. - * William Martein sworne and admittit witnes, depones, That he and Mr George lying in their beds in one chalmer, and demanding of him quhat he wold do with all his gold, said he knew quhen he wold die, and then he wold distribute the samen, and give one peice of gold to one good fellow, and one to another, that wold bid God be with him; and being askit how he knew quhen he wold die, answered, he knew very weill; and moir nor that, that he wold laye sex lynes vnder his head that wold tell him all that he did. Mr Thomas Muir sworne and admittit witnes, . . . . . . . That hering Mr George teach vpon one of the petitions of the Lordis prayer, and making ane comparisoune betuix the authoritie of ane erthlie king and the King of hevin, repo . . . . the tennour of the kingis letters till he came to thir word... Oure will is heirfoir, etc. Robert Steinstoune sworne and admittit witnes, depones, That Mr Georg causit ane poor man, Arthour Din and Margaret Semple his wyfe paye his lawing, and that it is his fashion oftentymes so to do; depones, That the said Mr George is very greedie. Jhone Park sworne and admittit witness depones, He was not in the kirk at that tyme quhen Robert Speir presentit his bairne to be baptiz- ed; depones, That Mr George took nyntein merk for two bollis meill 3 I 422 REGISTERS OF THE 1614. from him, and hechtand him ane discharge wold not give him it; and that the said Mr George is greedie. Patrik Bartlomew sworne and admittit witnes, depones, That he hard Mr George ame yeir syne preach out of the pulpit that ane woman wold not beleve the bonnok were bakin till she felt it with her nailes, and that ane woman quhen she had done her ease, wold not trow it quhill she lookit over her shoulder. Aug. 24. 1614.—Sir James Kincaides injunction.—The presbyterie injoymes to Sir James Kincaide, for the prophaning of the Sabboth daye in drawing of his weapons and fechting thairwith within the kirk yaird of Campsie immediatlie efter sermon, at the quhilk tyme vnguhill Jhone Lennox was slaine; to mak his publique repentance in all humble maner in linnen clothes within the kirk of Campsie, in the publique place thairof, on Sondaye come eicht dayes. Nov. 3.-Mr George Semple Minister.—The quhilk daye, anent the actioune and cause intendit and persewit be Patrik Flemyng apeirand of Barochane against Mr George Semple minister at Killillen, and speciallie anent the said Mr George his slaunderous lyfe and conversatioune, quher- by as is alledgit he is not meitt and sufficient to edifie at the kirk of Kill- illen, as the accusations gevin in against him more fullie proports. Quhilk actioune be ane act of the last Assemblie was referrit to certaine Commissioners conjoynit to the presbyterie of Glasgow to take tryell and judge therin: At the calling quherof vpon the eicht daye of Junii last bypast, compeirit the said Mr George befoir the commissioners foirsaid, and sicklyk compeirit the said Patrik Flemyng: The said Mr George alledgit that the dait of the commissioune was expyrit, as als that he was absolvit be the commissioners of the Generall Assemblie, to quhome he sometyme appellit, as also becaus that Mr Patrik Scharpe, quhom he oftentymes declyned, was moderator, who ought not to sit, as he alled- 1614. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 423 git, in that actioune, and therefoir appealit fra the commissioners and judges foirsaide. And the said Patrik compeirand, alledgit on the other part that ther was no dait speciallie appointed, bot thei, at quhatsoever tyme betuix and the next synode, might proceid; as also that his ordi- nar presbyterie and assemblie had befoir deposit him, and sicklyk that the said Mr George can alledge no sufficient cause to declyne the said Mr Patrik. Vpon the quhilk the presbyterie and commissioners foirsaid referrit the whole matter to the present Assemblie, warning both the parties to compeir there apud acta. The reasons and allegations of both the parties being read, sein and considered, parties compeirand, the Assemblie hes found the processe foirsaid interrupted be the said Mr George his appellatioune to my Lord of Glasgow, or to any other judge competent, . Blakburne Mr David Barcley, Mr Michael Wallace, Mr . . . . . . . Mr James Greg, to concurre with my Lord of . . . . . . . with quhome thei sall meitt in the Heich kirk of Glasgow the thrid daye of November next, at ten houres befoir none, and to tak further tryell of the complaints gevin in be Patrick Flemyng and his associats, gevand to them full power and commissioune to cognosce and trye the said Mr George his . . . . conversatioune and doctrein; quhom thei have appointed to tea . . vpon the 16 cap. of Jhones gospell, from the 8 verse to the 12; and efter dew tryell, as said is, Ordaines the said commissioners with con- currance foirsaid, to proceid, decerne and to give sentence according to equitie; That incaice he be found guiltie of the slaunders persewit, to depose him simplie fra the functioune of the ministrie; and incace he be found innocent, to repose him, warning the said Mr George heirvnto, apud acta ; ordaining also sommonds to the effect abovewritten to be direct to sommond witnesses to compeir in the actioun of slaunder foir- said to beir leill and suithfast witnes in the accusations foirsaid. Quhilk daye compeirit Mr George Semple, and according to the ordi- 424 REGISTERS OF THE 1614. nance of the synodoll assemblie taught vpon the 16 cap. of Jhones gos- pell, beginand at the 8 verse: “And quhen he is come he will reprove the world of sin, of richteousnes and of judgement,” etc. The commissioners foirsaid having heard the said Mr George vpon the text to him prescryved to give specimen doctrinal, were no wayes satisfied therewith, bot thocht him vnmeet and insufficient to edifie at the kirk of Killillen. 1 Accus. Quhilk daye Mr George being accused for compairing ... pul- pitt of incredulous folkes to ame wyſe that wold not bel.... her eine quhill she chopped on her bonnok, nor that she had done her ease quhill she looked over her shoulder . . . saw it reik; denyit the same. 2. Being accused for lying in pulpett, in speciall concerning Thomas Killoch, denyes the same, bot grantes be beso... the people to tak no offence with him being excommunicat. 3. Being accused for traducing of his brethrein in pulpitt, say... they are mony knaves amongst ws, monie of ws abuses mens wyfes, bot I thank God for it, I am flyting frie; denyes the same. 4. Being accuised for railing against lordes and lairdes, ass.ming in pulpitt that none of them wold come to the kingdome of hevin, and if ony of thame came thair, thei are als rare as ... nisoune; denyes the same. 6. Being accused of . . . . . for ane daye, denyes the same. 7. Being accuised for affirming in pulpitt that if ony man had two sones, the one of them without doubt is ordained for hell, denyes the SàIIle. 8. Being accuised for abusing of people vnder the colour of medicein, denyes it. 9. Being accuised for offering to recover thame that are taken awaye with the fairie folk, denyes the same. 10. Being accuised for offering to mak barren wenen to beir bairnes, denyes the same, bot grantes he said thair is maturall causes to helpe thame. 1619. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOw. 425. 11. Being accuised of 13 yeiris non residence, grantes he is not resi- dent bot of necessitie, becaus all his materials are stollen awaye. 12. Being accuised for four Sabbothes absence from his kirk together, grantes the same, bot he was compellit be the brethrein of the Presby- terie of Paisleyes sommonds. 13. Being accuised for not vsing of disciplein in his kirk, denyes the Sålſſlee 14. Being accuised for falsifying of a processe in his session book, denyes the same. - 15. Being accuised for forging of ane letter sent to the synode in his favoures, denyes the same. - 16. Being accuised for his vaine talk at tables to commoun people, saying that of old the brydes had a good lyfe, quhen the maister got the first nicht, the minister the second, and the brydgrome the third ; denyes the same. Jun. 3. 1618–Martenis Injunction.—The presbyterie of Glasgow injoynes to Marie Martein, for calling Margaret Pharie ane revin witch carlein, to stand on Sondaye next at the kirk dore of Rutherglen in the Joggis, from the ringing of the second bell to the ringing out of the thrid, and efter sermon to sitt downe upon her knees, and to crave God . and the partie quhom she hes offendit. Quhilk being performit and she found penitent, is ordanit to be absolvit. Sept. 30. 1618–Ane Manse to be designed to Mr Robert Scott.— Quhilk day Mr Robert Scott ane of the ministers of Glasgow desyrit my lord archbischop of Glasgow and brethrein of the presbyterie ane de- signation of his Manse, quhilk was ordanit to be done the said day. Jul. 14. 1619.-Michael Spense.-Compeired Michael Spense deacon of the Bonnet-makers, and was ordanit to convein the whole craft, and to 426 REGISTERS OF THE 1626. takane band of everie one of thame that thai sould not wark thair bon- nets or ony other thing on the Sabboth daye; and if ony contravenit, to exact the said penaltie, otherwise he and thai both sould be scharplie punished : And this the said Michael promeised to do. Mar. 15. 1620.—Glasgow Kirk and the Baronie.—The quhilk daye compeired the provest and bailyies of Glasgow, accompanied with ane number of the counsell and sessioune thairof; compeired likwise Sir Walter Stewart of Minto knicht, Mr James Corbatt, with ane number of the parishioners of the Baronie kirk of Glasgow, who all condescendit that it sall not be lawfull to everie man, mether in brugh nor landward, to bring in ane throuchstone to the kirk yaird without licence, and that he shall paye ane sowme of money for that priviledge and licence to good and godlie vses; bot quho sall have his libertie to give licence and to exact the pecuniall sowme, and to quhilk of the kirkis vse it sall be employed, the decision quhairof was continued to ane other occasioune. Mar. 9. 1625.-Compeired Elspeth Faulds and Margaret Armour, parishioners of Eglishame, who vpon the information of thair slaunderous behaviour of Sodomy were inhibited others company, and said Elspet commandit to put awaye out of hir company the said Margaret, vnder the paine of excommunicatioun. Mar. 22. 1626.-John Craufurd and George Dagleishes Injunctions to stand in the Jogges—The quhilk daye compeired befoir the presbyterie of Glasgow Johne Crawford and George Dagleish, indwellers in Achin- loch . . in the parish of Cader, who werinjoynit conforme to ther confes- sions for thair extraordinar and filthie abuse, not to be written nor to be maid mention of, and notourlie knowen to the whol parishioneris of Cader, to mak thair humble and publick repentance in this maner; first, to 1626. PRESBYTERY OF GLASGOW. 427 stand in the Jogges at the kirk dore of Cader on Sondaye next, or ony Sondaye therefter at the appointment of the Minister, from the ringing of the second bell to the . . . . . ; and therefter to go to the piller within the kirk, and to give signes and tokens of vnfeinyet repentance, and to pay everie one of thame fyve lit. to good and godlie vses of the kirk of Cader. + Aug. 2.-The quhilk daye wer convenit the archbishope of Glas- gow, Mr Jhone Bell, Mr Robert Scott, Mr Robert Wilkein, Mr Alexander Rowat, Mr &achary Boyde, Mr Thomas Boyde, Mr Jhone Crichtoune, Mr Jhone Forsyith, Mr Archibald Grahame, Mr James Scharpe; absent, Mr James Mowbrae. Causes of the Publik Fast.—Ane fast to be intimated the next Son- daye, and to be keipit two Sondayes immediatlie following; the causes, . 1. For the forgivenes of our sins, and the purging of the land of sin. 2. For the delyvery of thir kingdomes from the cruell invasioun of the mer- ciles Spanierd. 3. For defence and continuance of the libertie of the Gos- pel and puritie therof. 4. For preserving his Majesties royall persone, and blessing his gouernment ; for directing and defending his navies by sea, for preserving his armies by land and the armies of his confederats. 5. For Gods blessing to the fruits of the ground, and for ane seasonable harvest. 6. For converting or suppressing of Papists and Papistrie. REGISTER OF THE KIRK, SESSION OF CAMBUSNETHAN.” Apr. 15. 1636. The quhilk day the elderes being convenit, actis William Ranie, that gif evir he be found drokin or blaspheming vpoun the Sabbathe day, or any vther day, that he sall pay X lit., and to stand in saiclothe vi dayes. Jul. 18. 1641.-The quhilk day compeirit James Gibsone in Crindl- dyk, for the filthie fact and sinne of adultrie, committed with Christian Steill, spouse to Gilbert Smaillie, and was enjoyned to mak his repent- ance in sackcloth, bairfooted and bairlegged, without ruff or ourlaire, vpon the publick place appoyntit for penance within the kirk, quhilk sall begin vpon sunday nixt, and fra thairfurth to continew in maner foirsaid for the space of half ane yeir, and to pay 20 lib. Sept. 4. 1642. The quhilk day compeirit James Marshall in Over- toun, and gave in ane bill of complaint aganis Robert Somervell in Gowckthrople, alledging that the said Robert to have profanned the Lord's day, stryking the said James Marshall, and breaking ane staff * The Records of this parish commence in 1636, and like most landwart registers, contain little of general interest, being mostly confined to the detail of local petty misdemeanours against morality, the cognizance of which would appear to have been the usual business of the Kirk Session. They are, however, curious, as shewing the peculiar jurisdiction exercised by the church at that period, the moral character of the people, and the heinous light in which such peccadillos were viewed, so very different from the present day. 1648. KIRK SESSION OF CAMBUSNETHAN. 429 vpoun his head; and thervpon consignit twa merks according to the cus- tome to be confiscat gif he succeids not in probatione of the poynts of his bill, and the pairties ordanit to be summoned to be present the nixt day. Jan. 29. 1643.−The quhilk day Marion Ross, spowse to Adame Weir in Garein milne, profaner of the Sabbath for holding a candle to Walter Pinkertoun in Dalserf parochin till he set ane milne agaite: sa- tisfied, and was absolvit. May 28, 1643.−The said day Claud Hamiltoun of Garen and John Somervell in Overtoun was accused of comone drunkenness, who immediatlie thairvpon acknowledgit the samen, and promised amendement and abstinence in tyme coming, be their humble craving God mercie before the sessioun. June 3. 1645–The quhilk day compeirit Georg Bruntoune and Elspeth Durie, and confessed they had lyen in an habituall fornicatione the space of three or four years as if they had bein married persons; for the quhilk caus they were both ordeinit to goe to the publick place each of them in sakcloth, and to continue in standing each Lord's day till they give sings of repentance; and their penaltie was not nominat till the ses- sioune took farther tryell, it being alledgit they wer bot poore boddies. June 21—The said day compeirit Elspeth Durie and being found guiltie of slandering of Troyallous Aittoune most vnjustlie, for the quhilk schowas ordained to stand in sackcloth barfot and bairleged at the church door from the ringing of the second bell till the minister be in pulpit, and so to con- tinue each day quhen their is sermon till scho give sings of repentance. Aug. 27. 1648–The quhilk day compeirt James Gibsone, and stood to his former denyall that he was not guiltie of the drunkenness he was 3 K 430 REGISTER OF THE 1649. chalingsed vpon ; the three witnesses being present, the minister having inquyred at the said James if he had any thing to say against them, quhairfor they might not be admitted, he declaired that he had nothing to say ; vpon the quhilk they war takin sworne, and having deponed, James French declaired that he was drunk in his judgment, and that he cam to his dore quhen his wyf was travelling, and called the women damned hoores and puritents, and the divell tak al puritents, and strook his own horse on the face, and said he sould put his horse from being a puritent; also Jean Weir and Marione Inglish did witnes the samine : and yet notwithstanding of all that was proven, he refuised to confes his fault, bot said, in face of the sessioune, an they war as good as Georg of the Grein, he would not obey their injunctions: also he being sundrie tymes befor the sessioune for his drunkenness and railling, as our register bears, the wholl sessioune, al in on voyce, did ordaine him to go to the publick place at the beginning of sermon, and so to continue each Lord's day till he giue sings of repentance, and thus to stand in sakcloath." Sept. 22. 1649.-The quhilk day the Sessioune caused mak this act, that ther sould be no pypers at brydels, and who ever sould have a pyper playing at their brydell on their mariage day, sall loose their con- singed money, and be farder punisched as the Sessioune thinks fitt. * James appears to have been an incorrigible toper, and by way of restraint, entered into the following obligation to eschew the “sin of drunkenness.” June 9. 1650.—I James Gibsone, traveller, indueller in Craftletheid, being aft and divers tymes convict and censured be the Sessioune of the kirk of Cambusnethen for the sin of drunkenness, and now at this pre- sent being conveined befor them and their Commissioners of Parliament for the sam fault, do voluntairilie of my own accord, inact myself to the saidis Commissionars, apoynted for laying on of pecuniall mults, that if ever heirafter I sall transgres and committ the lyk fault, then I sal be summarlie excommunicate; and also be thir presentis do bennishe myselfe their bounds in all tyme coming, and to pay fortie punds : and in tokin of my consent, I haue commanded the clerk of the Sessioune to subscryve thir presentis in my name, because l cannot wrytt my selfe. Sic sub. JAMEs Grbson E, with my hand at the pen. 1695. KIRK SESSION OF CAMBUSNETHAN. 431 Jan. 13. 1650.-The quhilk day the Sessioune caused mak this act, that each pairtie to be proclaimed, sould lay doune aught merk, and the pairtie rewer sould loose theirs, and the other sould get their aught merks vp againe. Jun. 3.-The quhilk day the Sessioune caused mak this act, That if any men and women sal be guiltie of promiscous dancing, they sall stand in publick place, and their confes their fault, and be punisched as the sevill judge thinks fit. Feb. 3. 1695.-Baptized Janet, daughter to James Dickson, in the paroch of Dalzell; but because he was guilty by being a shouldier in the times of persecution, and by being drunk sometimes, befor the Ses- sioune wold suffer his child to be baptized, they desired him to confesse his sin in so doing : and likewise he promised, that when he should be called to it by a lawfull church judicatory, he should give satisfaction according to the degree of his offence. * Oath of purgation administered to Mary Dalzell, accused of for- nication, in presence of the congregation. Sept. 1695. I Mary Dalzell do hereby declare and swear, with my hand lifted up in presence of the great and terrible God, the searcher of hearts and judge of the quick and dead, quhom I do hereby call to wittnes the truth of what I now assert, and to avenge my perjury by all the curses writen in the Scriptures of truth, in caice I swear falsly, That I am free and innocent of the sin of furnication with John Strethern, charged upon me, and of all sinfull medling with him tending thairto; wishing the Lord may not hold me guiltles, when I shall appear before his awfull tribunall, if this my declaratione and oath be not according to truth. REGISTER OF THE KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE.* Oct. 27. 1644.—The which day collected 57 lib. 6 S. for supplie of souldiers in the north in cloths and other necessars. Nov. 3.-The which day ane day of thanksgiving was keeped for the victorie of our armie at Newcastle. (Note, in another hand.) Which was a mocking of God. Jul. 6.—The which day given for a key to the kirk door, 10 s. * The Kirk Session Records of the Parish of Humbie are not of very ancient date. The earliest volume preserved commences in January 1643, and terminates in April 1677. There is at the end a register of marriages and of births. The M.S. which is in 4to, is in good preser- vation, and, with the exception of a few pages at the beginning, and a leaf or two of the mar- riages and births, is very distinctly and neatly written. Some person has, however, purposely mutilated the record of marriages, by cutting away the lower part of one of the leaves. The abstracted entries are between the 22d of June and 7th of July 1647.* The Extracts which follow, though not possessing the same value as those that precede, are extremely curious, and will form not the least interesting portion of the Miscellany. * In the list of marriages, under the date of February 14, 1647, occurs that of “James Skirving of Plewlandhill” to “Marion Boyd.” This person was a descendant of the Standard Bearer of the Earl Marshall, who so dexte- rously preserved the banner from being captured, by concealing it about his body, when the Scottish army was defeated at Flodden Field. An account of this matter will be found in the notes to Weber's Flodden Field. The Standard is now in the Advocates' Library, having been presented to the Faculty by the late Mr William Skirving, musician in Edinburgh, the representative of the family. Early follies compelled him to part with the estate, and he was obliged to earn a livelihood by teaching music. He died at an advanced age, much respected by all his acquaintances. 1646. KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 433 Jul. 13.—The which day given for the Acts of the Generall Assem blie, with the directorie, 25 § 4 d. g - Jul. 26. 1645.-The which day ane solemne fast was keeped, that the Lord would remove the sword and pestilence. Aug. 10.—The which day, in respect of the dangerous state of the countrie, it is, ordained to be publicklie proclaimed in the parish kirk, g that none presume, either masters or servants, men or women, to goe out of the bounds that they dwell upon, whatsomever earand or business to anie suspected place, without speciall leave of the masters of the ground; and if any doe in the contrair, with certification, they sall not be receaved back to their owne houses and dwellings, bot their houses sall be locked and closed up. As also that none presume to receave any person within the parish, from any place whatsomever, without libertie from the masters of the ground and kirk session conjunctlie, whder the like paine and condition forsaid. Sept. 7-The which day there was no preaching becaus of the danger of the time, and the near approaching of the enemie, being at Cranstone. Sept. 14.—Collected 4 § 4 d. The which day no session, becaus of the danger of the enemie. Jan. 11. 1646.—Collected 9 Š. No session because of the coldnesse of the weather." Jul. 5.-Collected 20 S 2 d. The which day ane solemne fast was inti- mat to be upon Thursdaye following, and the causes thereof were read. * There was also no session on the 18th, for the same reason. 434 REGISTER OF THE 1646. The which day George Earle of Seaforth his excommunication was intimat. (Note, in another hand.) By villains and traitors. At Hadingtone, Sept. 2.-The which day the brethren appointed Mr Johne Cockburne to mak publick intimation at the kirk of Humbie to the parishioners of the said parish, that they come to Hadingtone on Wednesday next, and heare Mr Thomas Charteris his popular sermon, enjoymed to him as the last part of his triall for his ordination and ad- mission to be collegue and helper to the said Mr John. MR DAVID CALDERwood, Moderator. Sept. 6.—Received from Mr Thomas Charteris for the kirk of Humbie their contribution to the Turks captives, and for the brunt land in Pot- terraw, twentie-four pound sixteen shillings, whereofane suspect shilling. MR. Robert Browne. Oct. 25.-The which day the kirk session of Humbie having taken triall of that matter anent James Steill his selling of his wife to Patrick Fowler, and having re-examined both parties, aad such others as were present, the session findes the occasion and circumstance of the busines to be this, as they deponed: to wit, That Patrick Fowler having comed to the Hie-lie to bring home a shearer whom he had fied, and James Steill having fied the same man, and they being together in John Wood his house drinking and speaking anent fieing of shearers; in the mean tyme James Steill his wife came in, and they fell in speaking anent her; but they all deponed that they cannot tell how that purpose be- game, but grants that in ane idle toy or mirriment the one did sell his wife and the other did buy her for 4 lib., which was re-delivered within two or three days; and the buyer deponed, that he coft her to get 20 days shearing of her; they deponed that the woman went presentlie home to her owne house. James Steill granted that he took his wife be the hand 1647. KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 435 to give her to the other, but the other denys that he receaved her; the woman also denys that her husband took her by the hand to deliver her, but declared they were both in ane idle mirriment and at drinking, and was never from her goodeman befor or sensyne, neither was there any more motion of that business, except as is above written. This is all the kirk session can try in the business, either be the depositiones of the parties, or such as were beside that could be found. The shearer who was fied to them both, and who was the speciall witnes and the occasion of their meeting, being ane stranger, is gone from this countrie, and so could not be had. This was taken to the Presbiterie." Dec. 27.—The which day Janet Young was delated to have pulled Bessie Brabner's privities; and the said Bessie compeired and affirmed the same; therefor the said Janet was sharply rebuked, and to mak her publick repentance the next day. Feb. 7. 1647.-The which day the act agent pennie bridles was read as follows: Whereas the generall assemblie holden at Edinburgh, Jan. 23. 1645, by ane special act past upon the 13 of Feb. in the last session thereof, upon the afternoone, did ordaine to everie presbíterie within the kingdome to tak speciall care as they sould think fit, in their severall bounds respective, to restraine abuses at pennie bridles, flowing from three causes specified in the said act, viz. the excessive number of people convened thereto, the extortion of them therein and their licentiousness thereat, to the great dishonour of God, the scandall of our Christian profession, and prejudice of the countries welfare. In obedience to the which act, the brethren and ruling elders of the two presbíteries of Hadingtone and Dunbar having seriouslie considered anent the former * Upon the 22d of Nov. Steill and Fowler “made their publick repentance, as was directed by the Presbiterie.” 436 REGISTER OF THE 1646. three causes, finds that the number of persones above twentie convened to pennie bridles, and the prices exceeding 12s, the man, and 85. the woman, occasiones great lasciviousness and hurt to the poorer sort; as likewise finds that piping and dancing befor and after dinner or supper, and the staying of persones conveened for drinking, the dinner and supper being ended occasiones great lasciviousness; moreover that lowse speaches and filthie communication and singing of badie songs and prophane min- strelling in time of dinner or supper tends to great deboshrie; throw all which abuses flowing from the forsaids three causes, pennie bridles in our judgement becomes seminaries of all profanation within our bounds. For redresse whereof we the brethren and ruling elders of the two pres- biteries forsaids earnestlie recommends to all magistrates, and those who have the civill power throwout the limits of the two presbíteries, to in- terpone their authoritie with ours; and for this effect will be pleased to mak ane speciall act, ordaining, under the penaltie of twentie pounds to be exacted of the saide persones that sall be found guiltie to the wse of the poore, that in time coming the number of persones convened to pennie bridles exceed not twentie ; that the prices thereat be not above 12 S. the man, and 8s. for the woman; that there be no pyping or danc- ing at all befor or after dinner or supper, and no staying of persones for drinking the dinner or supper being ended: and withall that there be no lowse speaches, filthie communication and singing of badie songs or pro- phane minstrelling in time of dinner or supper; and we the brethren and ruling elders forsaids for our part ordaines all persones sall be found guiltie of any of the former abuses to be conveened befor our kirk sessions respective, to have some ecclesiastical censure farder put upon them, and that for their offensive and scandalous cariage; and in regard the causes of the former abuses proceeds alswell from these in whoses houses pennie bridles are made as fra the saids are to be married, therfor ordained for farder restraint of the former abuses that the persons are to be maried (at least the man) come themselves and bring with them the pairtie in 1648. KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 437 whose house the bridles to be made, that both bridegroom and master of the house where the bridle holds, some competent time befor the solem- nization of the mariage, may consigne the said pecuniall summe of twentie pounds, at least find caution, and act themselves and their cau- tioner for that effect, and that befor the kirk session where they are to be maried, or such as sall be delegat be them for that wse, that they sall give obedience to the former act in all the particulars therof, and be answereable for all persones conveened to the bridle; which if they re- fuse to doe, the benefit of marriage to be denyed to them; and obe- dience be given, ordaines the said penaltie consigned to be refounded, otherwise the said summe to be confiscat to the wse of the poore of the parish where the fault is committed. May 29.—Collected 475. The which day it is statuted and ordained be the session of Humbie, that if any servant commit fornication, whether man or woman, both of them sall pay their halyear's fee. Under the name of servants, we comprehend cottars and farmers children serving their parents. We appoint farmers falling in the like fault to pay 5 lit. for everie chalder of victuall or for everie 100 lit. they pay to their masters. Lastlie, if heritors commit fornication, we ordaine them to pay 40 lib. according to the Act of Parliament. Oct.1. 1648.-Collected 4 lib 8 s. The which day the English men had their quarters in this parish. Dec. 10.—Collected 9 s 2d. The which day ane intimation was made of ane fast to be upon the 14 of December and 17. As also a solemne ac- knowledgement of publicke sins and breachs of the covenant, and a solemn engagement to all the duties contained therein, namelie, those which doe in a more speciall way relate unto the dangers of these times. A solemne league and covenant for reformation and defence of religion, the honour 3 L 438 REGISTER OF THE 1649. and happiness of the king, and the peace and saftie of the three king- doms of Scotland, England and Ireland, were read this day. Dec. 14.—Collected 8 s 6 d. A solemne fast day. Dec. 17.—Collected 22 S 6 d. This was a solemne àst day, and the publick acknowledgement with the covenant were againe read. Dec. 24.—Collected 36 5. This day the covenant was sworne and subscrived. May 27, 1649.-Robert Romaners ordained to be cited for playing at the bullets on the Sabbath day. It was reported that Margaret Brotherstone did water her kaill wbon the Sabbath day, and thairwpon was ordained to be cited. June 10–The which day compeired Robert Romaners, and acknowledged his profaning of the Sabbath day by playing at the bullets. - - Also compeired Margaret Brotherstone, and confessed her breach of Sabbath in watering of her kaill, and thairwpon ordained to give evi- dence in publick of her repentance the next Lord's day. Sept. 16.—Collected 44 S 4 d. The which day it was reported to the session that Agnes Gourley was lying under a scandall of charming kine that their milk gave no creame, quhairwpon the session ordained her to be cited the next day. Sept. 23.-Collected 30 58 d. The which day Agnes Gourley being questioned anent the charming of the kine, deponed as follows: That about three years since, Anna Symsonethen servant to Robert Hepburneof Keith, 1650. KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 439 could not please the milk of their kine for it gave no creame; and the said Agnes said, can you not cast over some of it into the grup, for they say to ane by word, God betack ws to, they are under the yird that have as much neede of it as they that are above the yird. Confesses also shee went and saw the milk, and it was no ways altered as shee thought; here- after shee went with them to the milking of the kine herselfe, but re- membered not whither shee did milk the kine or not ; but confesses shee did cast over the milk into the grup herselfe, and said, God betack ws to, there may be they are under the earthe that have as much neede of it as they that are above the yird. Grants likewise shee did put salt and wheat bread into the cows lugs. Being posed where shee got the wheat bread, and how long it was betuixt the time she did cast the milk into the grup and the puting of the salt and bread into the cows lugs, answered, That Anna Sympsone and Rachell Forrester brought it from Hadingtone, and that it was that day, or else the day after, betulxt the casting of the milk into the grup and putting of the salt into the cows lugs, and that at the same time Anna Sympsone and Rachell Forrester were present. Being asked who did learne her, answered, shee heard of ane going man. The session taking to consideration her deposition, referred her to the presbiterie. Dec. 9–It was reported be the minister, that Agnes Gourley was ordained be the presbiterie to mak publick repentance in sackcloth, for charming kine. Dec. 16.-Collected 12 S 2 d. The which day Agnes Gourley gave in publick evidence of her repentance for charming kine. Jul. 28. 1650.-The which day there was no collection, in respect of the few number of people, and the enemie his marching alongst Gleds- more towards Edinburgh. * , - 440 REGISTER OF THE 1651. Sept. 8–Collected 1558 d. And to this day no sermon, in respect of the minister his attendance upon ane regiment of the armie. Oct. 13.-Collected 10 $ 8 d. The which day no session, in respect the people, and especiallie elders, masters of families, were necessitat for the most part to stay at home, becaus of the plundering of thair houses in taking away sheep and cattell. Apr. 27. 1651.-The which day James Rodger, Johne Rodger, Johne Howdan, Andrew Howdan, and George Patersone, were com- plained upon for playing at the golf upon ane Lord's day; were ordained to be cited the next day. - May 4.—The which day compeired the aforementioned persons, and confessed thair prophaning of the Lord's day by playing at the golf; were ordained to mak their publick repentance the next day. The which day Johne Howdan was deposed from his office, being ane deacon. Sept. 14.—Collected 22 S 4 d. The which day intimation was made of ane collection for the suppliedf wounded souldiers at Leith and Edinburgh. Sept. 21.—The which day George White ane elder complained upon Issobell Spence, that because he had done his duetie in declaring her to the session to be trilapse in fornication, shee abused him, calling him “hinging headed fellow,” and that he was not worthy to be ane elder; ordained to be cited. Sept. 28.-Collected 12 5 2 d. The which day compeired Isobel Spence. Being questioned whither shee did abuse George White ane elder, in miscalling him “hinging headed fellow,” and that he was not 1654. KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 441 worthie to be ane elder, denyed the same ; quhairupon George White desired Elizabeth Thornton and Bessie Clegorne witnesses to be cited against the next day. - Oct. 5.-The which day Issobell Spence being called upon, and Eliza- beth Thomsome and Bessie Clegorne witnesses, the said Issobell being questioned if shee had any thing to accept against them, answered not. Compeired Elizabeth Thomsone, and deponed that Issobell Spence did callCeorge White “hingingheaded fellow,” and notworthie to beane elder. Compeired Bessie Clegorne, who deponed the same. The session having found it proven against her, rebuked her for the same, and or- dained her to compeir befor the presbíterie for her trilapse in fornication, and that also they might rebuke her for her carriage in scolding upon ane elder when he was doing his dutie. Oct. 26.—Collected 25 § 4 d. The which day Issobell Spence entred in sackcloth to the publick place of repentance, to give satisfaction for her trilapse in fornication, and for scolding upon ane elder when he was doing his dutie. Feb. 26. 1654.—It was reported that there was a woman found in the moore near Randerstone, travelling in birth, and that there shee had brought forth her childe; quhairupon the minister, Alexander Borthwick and Richard Skirving elders, were desired to goe and examine her. Mar. 5.—This day the minister and elders reported that they had examined that woman who had brought forth her childe in the moore, but now lying at Randerstone; that shee declared that her name was Christian Raith, daughter to umquhill William Raith in Oxtone mill; and that being in her way to Inchcarny, shee was arrested near Rander- stone with the paines in travelling of birth. Being questioned who was 442 REGISTER OF THE f 1654. the father of the childe, deponed that it was to a married man, one William Tofts mealmaker, dwelling for the present at Wintone; and that she had comed to be his servant at Whitsunday last, and that with- in few days after shee came to his service he had carnal dealing with her. Being questioned if shee was in kin to William Tofts, declared they were sister and brother bairnes. -- - - s The session taking to consideration the busines, and finding that they were both strangers, did refer the mater to the presbiterie; and withall it was ordained that care should be had of her to keepe her secure, that shee should not flee away, till shee were brought before the presbíterie. Apr. 9.-This day the session being informed that Christian Raith was now convalesced and able to travell, ordained that shee should be taken down to the presbiterie upon Wednesday next, and that one or two men should goe along with her, and bring her befor the presbíterie. Jul. 2.-The which day Margaret Dicksone was delated for swearing, and that shee did utter this fearful imprecation, “The divell sweepe away such persons out of town;” ordained to be cited. Jul. 9.—The which day compeired Margaret Dicksone, and acknow- ledged her guiltines in swearing and uttering the former fearfull impre- cation; quhairwpon it was ordained that shee should be publicklie re- buked befor the congregation the next day, and was ordained by the magistrat to pay 40 s. Jul. 23.—The which day Margaret Dicksone gave in publick evidence of her repentance for swearing and uttering the former fearful imprecation. Aug. 20.—Collected 39 S 4 d. The which day compeared John Crage, and confessed his drunkennes; quhairupon he was ordained to 1654. KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 443 mak public satisfaction the next day, and by my lord Humbie his mas- ter was ordained to pay 6 s 8 d. Jonet Steil compeared; confessed her cursing and swearing; quhair- wpon, she being befor publicklie rebuked for the same befor the con- gregation, and now no white amended, the heritours thought fit and ordained her to stand upon ane stone at the kirk doore, from the first bell to the last, and to have ane paper put on the wall with this inscrip- tion, “ Here stands Jonet Steill, for cursing and swearing.” The which day the session ordained that ane speciall care should be had of putting in execution the Act of Parliament for restraining the great number of people at pennie bridles; and that the persons befor they be married, should enact themselves and find caution not to exceed the number specified in the said Act. Sept. 3.-Compeired Margaret Steill, and confessed her absence from the publick worship ; quhairwpon shee was sharplie rebuked and recommended to the magistrat for puting her in the Jogs if ever shee fall agane in the like. Sept. 17.-The which day William Paterson gave in publik evidence of his repentance for his profaning the Lord's day, in going to his bro- ther at Inchcarnie for writes anent ane law busines. Oct. 22–Collected 40 $ 2 d. The which day given in of collec- tions be James French to Margaret Borthwick 7 lib 4 § 8 d. The which day given out be Martine Borthwick to ane distressed minister who preached here, called Mr James Crichtone, who came from Ire- land, ten pounds. Nov. 26.-Collected 28 S 4 d. The which day ther was no session, the minister being sent for to see the Ladie Keith, then dying. 444 KIRK SESSION OF HUMBIE. 1655. Dec. 10.—Collected 27 s. The which day intimation was made of ane fast to be keeped the next Sabbath for the contempt of the Gospel: As also intimation was made of ane collection to be for the burnt land at Edinburgh. Dec. 17.-Collected 46 lib 10 $ for the burnt land at Edinburgh. The which day the fast formerlie intimat for the contempt of the Gos- pell was solemnelie kept. Feb. 25. 1655.-Collected 30 S. The which day Thomas Cranstone and Bessy Gourlay cited, compeired and confessed their adulterie; quhairwpon they were referred to the presbyterie. March 11–The which day the minister reported that the presbyterie had referred back to the session Thomas Cranstone and Bessie Gourlay, to mak publick satisfaction for their adulterie. March 18.-Collected 32 5. The minister was at Elsingford. The which day Bessie Gourlay entred in sackloth to mak satisfaction for her adulterie with Thomas Cranstone. Apr. 1.-Collected 21 S 6 d. The which day Thomas Cranstone entred in sackloth to mak satisfaction for his adulterie with Bessie Gourlay." * Cranston subsequently, (Dec. 16.) was fined ten, and Bessie Gourlay twentie merks. Both were thereafter publickly rebuked. REGISTER OF THE KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING.4 Mai; 28. 1601.-Andro Liddall.—Anent the complent producit be Johne Kirkwod contrar Andro Liddall tailyur for abusing the giftis of God in geving to the said Johnne steallit maister to drink, lating him to undir- stand the samin was drinking beir ; be quhais perswasione the said Johne wes movit to drink the said master, as at mair lenth is conteinit in the said complent: Compeirit the said Andro personalie; with the quhilk the brethrein being advysit, thay find the said Andro Liddall hes gevin to the said Johne Kirkwood steallit maister to drink, &c.; and for remov- ing of the sclander thairof, he is ordeinit to mak publict repentance the nixt Sonday in secclayth; and be auctoritie of the civill Magistrat heir present he is ordeinit to pay ad pios usus vilib xiij Ś iiijd. &c. Jan. 6. 1603.−Seattis inhibit in the body of the kirk.-The brethrein of the kirk findis necessar that thair be commodius roume reservit within the bodie of the kirk to the servaris at the Communione tabillis to serve thairat on baith the sydis, hes therfor refusit to grant licence to the Commissar of Stirling to big ane removabill dask for his wyff befoir that seat pertening to my Lady Countes of Argyll, albeit thay be verrie willing * The Extracts contained in this second Part of the Miscellany, are taken from the three volumes of the Proceedings of the Kirk Session of Stirling preserved in the General Register House, and in continuation of those formerly given. See page 127. 3 M 446 REGISTER OF THE 1604. to prefer him to any uther place in the kirk that he sall happen to sute, quhilk salbe fund ressonabill be the kirk and counsell : And also the brethrein hes presentlie concludit that na seat nor dask salbe licentiat heiraftir to be biggit, removabill nor unremovabill, within the bodie of the kirk, to any persone or persones. - Aug. 4.—Ednam contrar Cairnis.--The bretherein of the kirk findis be probatione of diveris famus witnes, that Marjorie Edman relict of umquhile Johne Andersone baxter hes sclanderit Margaret Cairnis spous to Johne Quhytlaw baxter and hir familie, as thair bill bearis; And also that the said Marjorie besoght God that the boche and glengor mycht be in the toune or the morne theraftir, that she mycht harll thane out with elcrukis lyk doggis: Inrespect quherof, and of hir diverissclanderis of befoir, and namelieaneact maid concerninghir on the 15 day of Julij 1585, the brethrein ordanes the said Marjorie to mak publict repentence the next Sabboth, and to crave God and the persones forgivenes quhome she hes sclanderit, as also the toune on quhome she hes usit sic precationis; with certifica- tion, gif she be fund ane sclanderar heiraftir, that she salbe put in the govis according to the ordur, and publishit as a commoun sclanderar, inrespect of the act above specefeit. Feb. 23. 1604.—Compeirit Margaret Reid, quha for hir adulterie is ordeinit to compeir befoir the presbiterie the mixt Wadinsday in linning clathis, to receave hir secund injunctionis. Maii 17–Kirk of Geneva.-The quhilk day the minister reportis that the money collectit in this toun for the support of the trublit kirk of Geneva is delyverit to Henrie Nisbet burges of Edinburgh, generall collectour appointit thairto, as his acquittance receavit thairupone bearis at mair lenth, quhairof the tennor followes : I Henry Nisbet burges of Edinburgh, grantis me to have receavit fra the ministrie and eldarship 1606. |KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 447 of the kirk of Stirling, the soume of fyve hundreth threttie pundis and ten shillings, and that for the help and support of the trublit kirk of Geneva, quherof I salbe Godwilling comptabill, &c. Aug. 2.—Hospitall.—The brethrein of the kirk desyris the minister to requyr the counsell of the toun to mak ane autentik Rentall of the Rent of the Hospitall. Sept. 13.—The Pestilence.—The brethrein hes concludit and ordenit that during the tyme of pestilence thair salbe ane humiliatione with ane fast within this burgh ilk Sonday quhill the preaching aftirmone be done; and this to be intimat the next Sonday. Dec. 27.—Marie Bruce.—The quhilk day compeirit Marie Bruce dochter to Robert Bruce of Clakmannan, and confessis fornicatione with Johnne Carmichaell servand to my lord erle of Argyll, quhilk is the fourt fault in hir persone, &c. Apr. 24. 1606.-The Puiris bow.—The present assemblie aggreis and commandis the keiparis of the Puiris box to len furth of the samin to Archibald Allane notter the sowme of twa hundreth pundis money upone his awin obligatione, and ane cautionar for him to be oblist therfor, conjunctlie and severallie to content pay and redelyver the samin againe to the keiparis of the said box betuix and the ellevin day of November mixtocum; and in cais of failye, sall pay therwith of penaltie xx lib; quhilk principall soume the said Archibald Allane grantis him to have receavit. Mai: 15.-The present assemblie ordanis ilk brother within his awne boundis to serce diligentlie all the persones within thair boundis that hes absented thameselfis from the Communione the last tyme of the 4.48 REGISTER OF THE 1607. ministratione therof, and report thair namis to the sessione that ordur may be tane with thame, seing it is fund that thair is viº iij taikinis de- lyverit that ar nocht brocht bak againe. Aug. 14.—Cuthbert Cunyngham.—The brethrein thinkis meit that Cuthbert Cunynghame provest of Dunbartane colledge sall pay ad pios usus, fyve pundis money, for the passage thrugh the kirk to burie the corps of umquhill Jonet Alexander his spous. QUHY THE BRETHREIN of THE KIRK conven IT Nocht.— Thair was na meiting of the brethrein of the Eldarship of this Kirk fra the aiij day of August 1606 to the aaria day of Januar 1607, in respect of the Plaig of Pestilence that was in this toun the tyme foirsaid. Jul. 16. 1607.-The quhilk day compeirit Marione Craufurd, and confessis Johnne Levenox servand to Johne Layng motter ravishit hir besyd the park fourtein dayis befoir Candilmes last, and that she is with bairne gotin with hir be the said Johne the said tyme. Jul. 30.—The quhilk day compeirit Johne Levenax servand to Johne Layng notter, and confessis xx dayes befoir Candilmes last he mett with Marione Craufurd at the south yett of the park nixt to Cambusbarroun, quhair he struglit with hir, and brak the band of hir coit, and handlit hir naikit body with his hand, and that the wemb point of his breikis was mathir brokin nor lousit, and denyes carnall copulatione with hir, and of ravishing of hir. The said Marionie Craufurd on the uthir part affirmis that the said Johne Levenax layd handis upone hir the plaice and tyme foirsaid, and be forse pat hir to the grund, and defoircit and deflorit hir against hir will ; to this taikin, that he lowsit and pat down his breikis, and nocht- withstanding of hir great shoutis and cryes that she utterit, he wald 1608. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 449. nocht leive hir quhill he gat his foull lust satisfeit ; at the quhilk tyme she consavit bairne to him. The brethrein remittis this mater to be advysit be the presbyterie, and to that effect warnis bayth the parteis to the fyft day of August nixtocum. Aug. 21. 1607.-The Communione.—The brethrein thinkis meit that the holie Sacrament of the Lordis Supper salbe ministratin this kirk upone - Sonday the penult day of August instant; and to the effect the pepill may be the bettir prepairit, the kirk desyris the dene of gild to convein his gild brethir, and ilk deacon to convein his awin brethir of craft, and to tak tryell of all variancis amangis thane, and to reconceill thame. Aug. 27.—Seing the sacrament of the Lordis Supper is to be ministrat in this kirk the nixt Sabboth, thairfore ordanis the first bell to be rung on Sattirday nixt after none half ane hour befoir twa houris, the secund bell at twa houris, and the last bell half ane hour befoir three houris. Item, that the first bell ring on Sonday nixt to the morning service half ane hour befoir three houris, the secund bell at three houris, and the the secund service to begin immediatlie aftir the ending of the first service. Sept. 3.— The Lordis Supper.—To the end the holie Sacrament of the Lordis Supper may be ministrat with the greater reverence, thair- fore the brethrein of the kirk desyris the thesaurar and maister of wark to attend that the windois of the queir be clois at all tymes, and spe- ciallie at the tyme of the ministratione of the sacrament, in sic sort that na foull have any interes within the queir. Maii 19. 1608.-The quhilk day Jonet Edman spous to Johne Sherp, and Jonet Bakcanquell spous to Johnne Forbes, ar fund commone sclan- deraris, bannaris, sweararis, drunkardis and prophanaris of the Sabboth, 450 REGISTER OF THE 1608. absenting thameselfis fia the kirk; for the quhilk thai upoun thair kneis askit God forgivenes; and is certifeit iff any sic faultis be fund in any of thame heiraftir, that thay salbe brankit thrugh the toun, put in the govis, and banesit the toun. Dec. 1–Brydellis–The bretherein of the Kirk ratifeis the Act of Councell underwrittin, maid anent Brydellis, and ordanis that na testi- moniall be gevin bot according thairto in all pointis.-wavij Novem- bris.-The quhilk day the Councell convenit, Statutes and ordanes, that all and quhatsumevir persones duelland within this burgh or parro- chin thairof, quha salhappin to be proclamit for mariage contractit betuix thame, sall mak thair brydellis and bankatis within this burgh fra thyme- furth; And iff thay fealye, being proclamit within the paroche kirk of this burgh be the ministeris thairof, and mak thair brydallis outwith the said burgh; in that caice the pairtie or parteis that salhappin to contra- vein, sall pay to the toun the soume of twentie pundis money: Provyd- ing alwayes that this act be onelie extendit against the men and women quha salhappin to be joyned in mariage bayth duelland within this burgh or parochin thairof: And if ony persone duelland within this burgh marie ane outland woman, in that caice it is statut and ordanit that it sall nocht be lesum to him to desyr any ma persones nychtbouris of this burgh nor tuenty persones: And if it be fund or tryed that he dois in the contrar, in that caice he sall pay to the toun the soume of ten pundis; and willis that the kirk befoir thay grant testimoniall, tak ane pand thairfoir: Lykas if any outland man marie any woman duelland within this burgh, in that caice, thair brydellis and banketis salbe maid within this burgh; and if the woman contravein thairintill, in that caice sall pay uther twenty pundis; and willis that befoir any testimoniall be granted be the minister or reedar, or yit befoir mariage be solemnizit, that they tak ame pand for the said soume. 1610. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 451 Jan. 25. 1610.-Seik personis,—Anent praying for seik personis, the brethrein findis that the upgevaris of thair namis neglectis and omittis to declair to the reedar quhen they depairt furth of this lyff, thrugh the quhilk negligence thay are sindre tymes prayit for after thair death; for remeid quhairof, the brethrein of the kirk ordanis, that name be prayid for fathynefurth except sic personis as argevin up to the reedar ilk ser- mond day, and quha ar nocht gevin up on the said day, that thair namis gevin up of befoir be deleited furth of the roll. Feb. 22.—Beatria. Clark.-The quhilk day the brethrein ordanis to give to Beatrix Clark dochter to umquhill Andro Clark, to help to cure ane disaise broken out in hir faice and sum uther pairtis of hir body vj lit. thairof iij lib. this day, and uther three pundis when she is haill. The brethrein ordanis to give Philp Roustis wyff, to cure ane disaise in hir faice, quhowsone she is haill, vi lib. - Jul. 12.—The quhilk day compeirit Grissall Glen and Marioun Gil- laspie, quha for ther superstitione in passing in pilgramage to Christis well, as thay confessit the last day, thayar ordeinit to mak publict re- pentance the nixt Sonday in linning claithis. Sept. 6.-Compeirit Hellein Thomsone spous to Duncan M'Lean, quha is fund ane commoun ressetter in thair hous of commone beggaris, and lugis thame therintill, amangis quhome it is knawin that thair is greit sinis usit; for remeid quherof, the said Hellein is admonesit that frathynefurth na beggaris be receavit in hir hous, except aigit and febill personis allenerlie; With certification if she utherwayis do, in receaving of yung men and yung wemen beggaris in hir hous, and gevis thame luging, that she salbe seveirlie punesit as ane ressaittar and ane men- teinar of harlatrie. 452 |REGISTER OF THE 1614. Maii 23. 1611.-Johne Lindsay being accusit for breking of the ordur of the toun, quha hes mareit ane woman parochinar in this toun, be making of his brydell without this toun; he confessit the samin, and therfor it is fund that he is in the tounis will of xx lib. quhilk thay will uplift fra him except he be his gude behaveour in the toun procure thair favour thairintill. Feb. 6. 1612.-The brethrein of the kirk aggreis and gevis thair full consent to the ordinance of the Councell, commanding that na persone be sein upone the gaitis nor drinkand in tavernis, aill housis, nor in na uther housis at any time after ten houris at evin; at the quhilk hour ane bell is appointed to be rung for adverteisment besyd uther adverteis- mentis be the knok and utherwayes. Apr. 21. 1614.—The Communione.—The present Assemblie being informit that the sacrament of the Lordis Supper was short syne ministrat in Alloway, (quhair my lord of Mar and famelie hes thair residence,) his Lordschip selff beand than in Lundoun awaiting on his Majesteis service; and becaus his lordschip beand admitted knycht of the gartane is obleist to sum deuteis to the honour therof upoun the xxiij day of Aprill, quhilk is the day immediatlie preceiding the xxiiij day of this instant, on the quhilk the said sacrament is appointit to be ministrat to all this congregatione; and becaus his lordship hes bein accustumat to receave the said sacrament in this kirk, and that in respect of his dewteis obleist to the said knychtlie ordur upon the day immediatlie preceiding, prepairit in Alloway, quhair his lordships residence is presentlie, he can nocht also be dewlie prepairit for receaving of the sacrament on the next morne thaireftir ; his lordship therfor desyris that he may have the said sacrament upon the next Sonday theraftir, viz. on the first day of Maij nixt tocum ministrat to him; quhilk the brethrein of the kirk grantis to his lordship, and therfor ordanis the said sacrament to be ministrat in 1615. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 453 this kirk thir nixt twa Sabbothis mixtocum, viz. the ane half of the toun on ane day, and the uther half of the toun on the uther day, ane ser- veice onelie to be ilk day, with the doctrein of preparatione to be on ilk Satterday preceiding. - Jul. 6. 1614.—The quhilk day Johne Williamsoun toun clerk of Stirling, of his awin propir confessioun, is becum obleist as cautionar and souertie for Johne Erskyne of Litill Sauchie, that he sall satisfie the kirk of Stirling for sclandir of the kirk befornicatioun committed be him with Margaret Erskyne dochter of umquhile Adame Commendator of Cambuskynneth, and also the civill magistrat of the said burgh, &c. Dec. 29.-Mariagis._The brethrein understanding the importun and untymus suitis of the compleiting of mariagis suited be many personis in this congregatione, at tymes nocht decent for that purpois, thairfoir the haill assemblie present Inhibitis the granting of all sic sutis, and dis- chargeis the ministratioune of all mariagis frathynefurth in this kirk except on the ordinar preaching day immediatlie after sermond, and at na uther tyme : And if any personis desyris testimoniallis to be mareit in ane uther kirk, that the samin be nocht granted, inrespect the Puiris brod is therby hurt, except thay give xx s to the puir for helping of the said damnage, without prejudice to the last act on the 1st of Dec. 1608. Maii 1.1. 1615.-John Keir.-The quhilk day compeirit Johne Keir in Cambuskynneth, and confessis he tuik to Jonnet Murrioch in Dun- blane ane sark of Williame Gillaspie his gude sone, and askit of hir if he wald die or leive ; quha ansuerit him, that he wald nocht die this yeir ; and that she cust ane knot on ane of the slevis of his sark, and re- dely verit the samin agane to him, and baid him put it on hir; and ther- for he is warnit to compeir befoir the Presbíterie on the xvijday of Maij instant, to receave his injunctionis. 3 N 454. . REGISTER OF THE 1617. Jun, 1.—James Uttem brother in law to Johne Robertsone tailyur, is fund to have absentit himself from the Communione the last ministratione therof without any just caus; and therfor he is admonesit on his kneis, with certificatione if he do the lyk heiraftir, that he sall mak publict repentence. Jun. 8.-Compeirit Agnes Young spous to Gilbert Brys, and con- fessis she wes at Christis well, and therfoir she is ordeinit to mak publict repentance in linning claythis the mixt Sabboth. Jan. 9. 1617.-Vagabundis banesit.—The quhilk day compeirit Alex- ander Mitchell, quha confessis the resset in his hous, hurding in his loft of William Kellie and Elizabeth Buchanane, allegeit mareit vagabundis, quha hes na calling nor quhairupone to leive, contrar the command gevin be straik of drum to all the citinaris of the toun, and therfor the brethren of the kirk remittis the said Alexander Mitchell to be punesit be the magistratis and councell as thay think meit, and desyris the magistratis to baneis the saidis vagabundis aff the toun. Jun. 5-Thomas Liddall, Beddall.—The brethrein being myndfull to mak Finlay Liddall thair Beddall sumthing honest in his abulyement, now in the approching of his Majestie and Court to this toun, &c. hes thocht meit that Thomas Lawhop sall buy to him ane cloik meit and convenient for his esteat, &c. Sept. 4.—The quhilk day compeirit Issobell Robein, spous to Andro Lokart, quha is fund a sclanderar of Jonet M*Bend, spous to Andro Neilsone, lyk as she is under ane euill report of hir toung with uther personis; thairfore the brethrein ordanis hirin this sessione upon hir kneis to ask the said Andro Neilsone in name of his spous forgivenes for hir fault, quhilk she hes satisfeit ; lyk as also sall pas to the presens of the said Jonet M*Bend, and befoir hir acknowledge hir said fault and craive 1618. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 455 hir forgivenes; and siclyk the said Issobell Robein is presentlie certi- feit if she be fund ane sclanderar of any persone heiraftir, the magis- tratis wilbe desyrit to put hir in the brankis. Jan. 15. 1618.-Steuinsone satisfeit.—The quhilk day Johnne Ste- uinsone servand to Dowgall Galloway, be his awin confessione is fund to have bene leatlie sa ouercum with drink that he lost sindrie of his sencis ; and therfor is ordanit to hummill himself presentlie on his kneis, and to crave God and his kirk forgivenes for the samin, and to pay Xx 5. ad pios usus ; quhilk he hes obeyit. Feb. 26.—Hospitall.—The quhilk day the brethrein of the kirk un- derstanding that the maisteris of the Neather Hospitall hes bene dealling for conqueis of certane park ackiris of land, Seik manis hous, yaird and croft lyand within the territorie of this burgh of Stirling, to the use of the puir of the said Hospitall, quhilk now in end thay have coſt for threttie four hundreth merkis, and hes be advyse of the provest, bail- leis and councell of the said burgh perfyted securities therupone, quhilk hes bein hard sein and considderit be the brethir present; and therfore the haill assemblie of the eldarschip of this kirk ratifeis and approvis the conqueis and bying of the saidis landis to the use of the said Hospitall and puir therof, and thinkis the samin weill done be thane; quherupone the saidis Maisteris askit instrumentis. - Boweys Ill.—The quhilk day the brethrein of the kirk understanding that Thomas Cragingelt of that Ilk, hes renuncit and simpliciter ouer- gevin his rycht, interes, kyndnes, propirtie and possessione that he hes, haid, or any wayes may claim or have in and to that Ill in the Rude kirk of Stirling, callit of auld the Boweys Ill, and now Craigengeltis; Thairfore the present assemblie ar content and consentis that the corps of the said Thomas and Anna Rollok his spous, and the bairnis of the said Thomas quhome God sall visie be deathe in thair awin tymes, sall 456 REGISTER OF THE 1618. have bureall frelie in any part of the said kirk, except the said Ille, quher the magistratis and councell of Stirling and eldarship of the said kirk sall nominat and appoint. Apr. 14. 1618.-Ea:erceis on the Thurisday.—Seing it hes pleasit God to tak frome this kirke thair gude and godly pastor Mr Patrik Simsone, quherby thay have nane to preache the word nor minister the sacramentis unto thame, bot sic as the presbitrie of thir boundis grantis volunterlie unto thame; and to the end the parochinaris of this kirk be nocht destitut of doctrein on the Thurisday, quheron thay have bein accustomit to have doctrein teachit ordinarlie unto thame be thair pastour, The said presbitrie hes ordeinnit that thair exerceis of the word salbe teachit unto thame be thair pastor ordinarlie ilk Thurisday at the ordinar tyme therof; and to the end the brethir of the said presbyterie may be the better comforted in the said wark, the brethrein of this assemblie earnestlie exhortis that all the citinaris of this toun may be admonesit to frequent diligentlie to the said exerceis ilk day therof, and that thay give liberallie unto the puir the said day as thay war accustomat to give of befoir on the samin. Perambulation in the Uttir Kirk dischairgit.—The present Assem- blie undirstanding that thair is ane ungodlie custume usit be sindrie honest men in ganging in the Uttir kirk upone the Sabboth befoir the minister enter in the pulpet, quhen God his word is red publictlie and the salmis sung in the Inner kirk, quherby the said holie word is nocht reverenced as becumis ; and therfor the present assemblie dischairgis all sic perambulatione in tymes cuming, and commandis that all the accus- tomat doaris therof sall, incontinent after the entrie within the uttir kirk, repair to thair awin accustomat seatis and give cairfull attendence to the preaching and reeding of God his word and praising of his holie name, be singing of psalmes in all tyme cuming. * 1619. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 457 Sept. 22.-Johne Row.—The quhilk day Johnne Sharar and Johnne Johnsone bealleis reportis that the magistratis and councell of this burgh hes thocht meit that Mr Johne Row sall have for uptaking of the psalme yeirlie x merkis money; the ane half therof to be payit be the townis thesaurer, and the uther half be the kirk furth of ther penalteis; quher- unto the brethrein of this assemblie aggreis, &c. Finlay Liddall—The brethrein of the kirk remembering that they promesit to give to Finlay Liddall thair Beddall, ii ś oulklie to keip clein the feildis about the kirk, quhilk thay rest awand to him sen the fyft day of Junij last, &c. Mar. 2. 1619.- Thomas Lindsay and Sara Broun.-In the term assignit to prove sclanderus behaviour betuix Thomas Lindsay and Sara Broun togithir in hir maistres hous: Compeirit baithe the saidis personis personallie, and confest that sen thay war admonesit be this assemblie, thay war togithir in hir maistres hous quhen she was furth of the toune three nychtis, and that thay lay in naikit bed togithir the saidis three nychtis, bot denyes carnall deall; the brethrein continewis the said mater to the ix day of Merche instant to farthir tryell; thay baith warnit thairto apud acta. Mar. 9.—Puir.—The present assemblie understanding thair is ane great nummer of honest indigent personis within this congregatione that levis varie hardlie thruch want of thair necessaris, and yit ar ashamit to mein ther esteat publictlie as utheris dois; And seing chiritie requyris that thay sould be cheiflie respectit and nawayes neglectit of thair por- tione of the puiris almis collectit to that effect, Thairfoir the haill assem- blie present with ane consent hes concluded and appointed thair brethrein of the kirk underwrittin, &c. &c. as personis that best knawis the esteat of this toun, to tak ane privie and exact tryell of the namis of all sic persones as arabone specefeit within this toun, and to roll thame ; and 458 - REGISTER OF THE - 1621. after deliberat advysement, to appoynt quhow everie ane of thame salbe supported according to thair present esteat and necessitie, &c. &c. The quhilk day Thomas Lindsay and Sara Broun admonesit to ab- stein fra all appearance of evill, &c. and to mak publict repentance the nixt three sermond dayes. Sept. 21.—Item for licience to burie the corps of umquhill Geillis Sinclair, spous to Johnne Sinclair, within the bodie of the kirk, xl merk besyd and attour payment for the valvet mortclayth according to the ordur. Dec. 19. 1620.-David Murray, Musitionar.—The quhilk day the brethrein of the kirk, at des}r of the Magistratis and Councell, consentis to give David Murray musitionar, for uptaking of the psalme in the kirk and teaching of ane mwsick schooll in this toun, xx merk yeirlie during his service, &c. Jan. 30. 1621.-David Hairt.—The quhilk day David Hairt, prenteis to Gilbert Bauhop wrycht, confest prophanatione of the Sabboth in playing at the goff in the park on the Sabboth aftirnone in tyme of preaching; and therfor is ordenit to pay ad pios usus vis viijd &c. The quhilk day compeirit Cristiane Levingstoun, relict of umquhill Cunynghame, quha is fund ane ill keepar of the kirk, and oft tymes contending with hir doghtir; for the quhilkis she is sherplie admonesit and commandit to mend the saidis faultis in tymes cuming. Feb. 13.-Penalteis.-The brethrein of the kirk ordanis the Collectour of the penalteis to pay furth of the rediest therof to the Maisters of the Hospitall lxxx merkis, quhilkwes borrowit of thair rent to ane eccle- siasticall use; and this act salbe his warrand. Pulpet to be Reformit.—The brethrein of the kirk, be advyse of my Lord Provest, thinkis meit that the pulpet and Reederis letrun salbe 1621. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 459 taine doune and reedefeit againe; and therfore thay ordein that the samin be done be Johnne Johnsone and Duncan Watsone maisteris of the kirk wark be advyse of my Lord Provest, the Minister, Johne Sharar Dean of Gild, and Johne Williamsone toun clerk; and that they mak commo- dious seattis about the fit thairof meit for the maister of the sang schooll and his bairnis to sit on, for singing of the psalmes in the tyme of the holie serveice of the kirk. Mar. 13.—The quhilk day compeirit Robert Heriot, quha confessis he prophanit the Sabboth be playing at the kyllis in tyme of the ser- mond; for the quhilk he is ordenit to mak publict repentence the mixt Sabboth on his feit, and to pay ad pios usus XX S. Maii. 8.-The quhilk day compeirit Marione Alshunder, doghter to Johne Alexander, and confessis she brew eall in ane hous be hir self and sellis it; quhilk tread she is commanded to leave aff seing she is ane singill woman be hir self, and commanded to entir in honest serveice with diligence under the paine of the actis of the kirk. Oct. 23.−Finlay Liddall, Beddall—The quhilk day compeirit Finlay Liddall beddall, quha be his awin confessione he is fund sindrie tymes to have bein overcum with drink, and therby miswsis his offeice, as in speciallyisternycht he rang the bell at sex houris at evin, quhilk aught to have bein done at viij houris according to the accustomat ordur; quherby the towne was put in affray, and the kirk sclandirit be his evill exampill: and therfor he is sherplie admonesit in the name of God and his kirk, that he be nocht fund at any tyme heirafter any wayes overcum with drink, mather yit any wayes miswse his offeice; With certificatione if he be fund to do in the contrar that he salbe simpliciter deposit frome all offeice he hes of the kirk. - • 460 REGISTER OF THE 1622. Dec. 25.—Proclamationis of promesis of mariage.—The present as- semblie undirstanding diveris abusis to have bein usit be sindrie that makis promeis of mariage to utheris, and gevis up thair names to be proclamit; for remedy quhairof It is statut and ordeinit, that frathyne- furth nane be proclamit quhill ilk partie that is parrochinaris of this kirk consing x lib in money, athir cunyeit or uncunyeit, for the better secu- ritie, that mather of the parteis sall fealye in completing of thair mariage within the space of fourtie dayes nixt, and immediatlie following the first day of ther proclamatione ; quhilk if any of thame do, the partie feal- yeand sall lois ther x lib consignit, and to be payit ad pios usus ; and for the better securetie, that thay sall abstein fra all hurdum togithir, that thay and thair cumpanyes sall abstein fra all dansein on any part of the publict streitis of the toun; and that thair salbe na mair tane for ane man or ane womanislawein on the day of thair mariage nor fyve shillingis, &c. Jan. 8. 1622.-Stevensone and Donaldsone.—The brethrein under- standing that Alexander Stevinsone, spous to Jonet Ure and Margaret Donaldsone, ar leatlie apprehendit together, nochtwithstanding thay war obleist of befoir to abstein frautheris cumpany, under the paine of cair- tein thruch the toun and diveris uther puneishmentis contenit in actis of the kirk and civill magistrat; Thairfore the brethrein of the kirk desyris the civill magistrat to execut the said punishment against thame accord- ing to the saidis actis in all pointis.--Thir persomes wer baith cairted. Feb. 12.-Registrein of Baptisme.—The quhilk day the present As- semblie findis ane great number of the bairnis baptizit in this kirk omitted furth of the Register thairof in default of thair parentis, quha will nocht sute the samin expres contrar the actis of the generall kirk, and to the greit hurt of our posteritie quha sall have ado therwith ; for re- medy quhairof. It is statut and ordeinit be this assemblie that befoir any bairne be baptezit in this kirk at any tyme heiraftir, the father of ilk 1622. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 461 bairne, or in his absence ane speciall freind therof, sall first pass to the Clerk of the said Register and give up the name thairof, with the parentis and witnessis quha salbe hauldin to try if the parentis hes sclanderit the kirk and nocht removit the samin ; quhilk if he find, that he declair the samin to the minister and follow out his directione therintill, and thairafter to register thame according to the ordur, and deliver ane tiket thairupone to the father of the bairne to be reported to the minister, quhairby he may knaw if the ordur be keipit, and the clerk sall receave for his travellis ij Ś. MR. JAMEs LAURIE, Minister. Mai: 7.-The Kirk Calsay.—The present assemblie hes thocht meit, and appointed the maisteris of the kirk wark to caus big with diligence ane meit and convenient calsay in the kirk gait, betuix the kirk dur and therfra doun by the kirk to the townis calsay at the north east part of the said kirk; and also doun by the south syd of the ministeris hous to the townes calsay, of sic breid as the saidis maisteris sall think meit, and that upone the first and rediest of that money that is and salbe col- lectit for reparatione of the kirk; and this act salbe ane warrand therfoir. Jul. 23.—Puir.—The quhilk day Johne Andersone convenar and Johne Johnsone baillie for thameself, and in name and behalf of James Short and James Spittall, Reportis that thay have tane ane privie tryell of the honest indigent personis within this congregatione, quhom thay have rollit privallie as thay war appointed be ane act of this eldarship made upone the vij day of Maij last bypast; and after gude deliberat advysement hes considderit thair neid, and hes thocht meit that thay sall have distributed amangis thame in maist privie forme the soume of ane hundreth pundis money; quhilk soume thay have receavit furth of the Puiris box fra the handis of James Duncansone and Johne Squyar keeparis thairof, and have distributed the samin amongst the said indi- gent personis in meast privie maner: Quhilk haill report being advysit, 3 O 462 REGISTER OF THE 1622. the present assemblie allowis it in all pointis, and ordanis this act to be ane sufficient warrand to the keeparis of the said box for thair dischairge of the soume abonewrittin delyverit be thame as said is. Aug. 20–Uncuth Puir.—The present assemblie findis that thruch many inoportune sutis made for support of uncuth straingeris, our awin pure ar prejudgit of thair almus; for remade quhairof, it is ordeinit that na brother of this eldarship sall frathymefurth sute any support to any uncuth straingearis, except onelie to our awin nateive pure, and untill sic tyme as thay may be first helpit. The Minister and remanent brethrein of this eldarship being con- venit, and assisted with the Provest and twa of the bealleis. Aug. 28.—Margaret Moderall.—The quhilk day compeirit Margaret Moderall, quha confessis herself with bairne goten with hir in fornica- tione be Thomas Norie as she alledgis; and being desyrit to declair the tymes and pleacis quhen thay offendit togithir, she confessis the first tyme thairof was that nycht of Johne Cunnyngbrugh his lykwaik in Thomas Thomesone his hous, quhair thay lay togithir the meast part of that nycht; the secund tyme at peace last in William Sinclairis stair; the thrid tyme in M*Facounis yaird in the nycht about Witsonday last. The samin day compeirit the said Thomas Norie, quha being con- fronted with the said Margaret and accusit upone hir said confessione abonewrittin, he denyes hir bairne to be his, and confessis that he offen- dit with hir sindrie tymes in the moneth of November last bypast ; and denyes all offence with hir in any uther moneth : As concerning M“Faconis yaird declairit be hir, he confessis that upon hir intysement he past to that yaird quhair she was, and be passing ouer the dyk ane sten fell on his leg, quherby he was sua hourt that he could nocht have deall with hir, and with great difficultie he come hame to his fatheris hous, quher he lay three dayes befoir he gat habilitie therof; to this 1622. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 463 taikin quhen he left hir, she cursit him and said she should gar him rew it: The brethrein continewis farther proceiding with the said Margaret quhill the thrid day of September mixtocum, that ordur may be tane with hir and hir cautionar anent hir returning to this toun without licience after she was banesit thairfra. As concerning the said Thomas Norie, the brethrein ordanis him to mak publict repentance the nixt Sabboth for his fornicatione confessit be him with the said Margaret as said is, his penaltie ad pios usus iij lib v.j Ś viijd.—This penaltie receavit and gevin in drink silver to the warkmen. Sept. 3.—The quhilk day compeirit William Rannald, servitur sum- tyme to the gudeman of Kersie, to quhome it is declarit that Margaret Moderall is leatlie returnit to this toun sen he became cautionar that she sould abstein therfra under the paine of x liff; quhais returning he con- fessis, and the brethrein decernis him to pay as cautionar foirsaid fyve pund of the said penaltie ad pios usus. Sept. 17.-The quhilk day compeirit Marione Moderall, doghter to umquhill.Johnne Moderallin Greinyairdispersonalie, to whometheminister in name of this eldarship that she hes fallin in three severall faultis of fornicatione; the first twa faultis with Johne Levingstoun, and the thrid fault with Thomas Norie as actis maid thairupoun beris: In respect quhairof, besyd hir disobedience and contempt done oftintymes to the civill magistratis of this toun, she hes incurrit that punishment set doun be the Esteatis of Parliament against all fornicatouris that fallis the thrid tyme in the said fault; to wit, ather to pay ane hundreth pundis money if she be willing rather nor to be punesit in hir persone as followes or responsabill therfore; utherwayes to be imprisoned threoulkis, hir fude to be bred and watter allanerlie; and theraftir to be dowkit three tymis in the deepest and foullest pule or watter of the toun or parrochin; and therafter to be banished the toun for ever as the 13 act of his Majesties 464 REGISTER OF THE 1622. first parliament at mair lenth beris. And seeing the said Marione is now fallin in the said danger, she is askit if she will pay the said ane hundreth pundis, and releive hir body of the uther punishment above writtin; she ansueris that she is nocht responsabill therfoir : In respect quhairof the brethrein of the kirk desyris the civill magistrat of this burgh to execut upone hir the uther civill puneishment contenit in the said act; with the quhilkis thay being advysit, and also with hir contemp- tuous disobedience against thair auctoritie in tymes bygaine sindrie and divers tymis; and on the uther part to remove all appeirance of strait dealling according to the rigur of law against hir; Thay with advyse of the brethrein of the kirk thinkis meit that for the present thay will pas over the wardein of hir persone and dowking thairof according to the act of parliament, and decernis and ordanis her to be presentlie reponit to waird quhill with convenient diligence she be banesit this toun for evir; With certificatione if she be fund therin heiraftir without licience, that nocht onelie the remanent punishment prescryvit be the aet of parliament now past over salbe execut against hir, bot also sic farther punishment as the civill magistrat sall think meet for hir return- ing without licience aftir hir banishment as said is; And to the effect name within this toun sall pretend ignorance of hir said banishment, Ordanis that the tyme of hir banishment she be convoyit through the toun with strek of drum, commanding that name receave hir heiraftir within this parrochin under the pane of fyve pund money toties quoties. Vpone the fuſt day of November 1622 thair was na meitting of this eldarship in respect the sermond maist for gloriféing of God for his Majesties delyverie frome the powdir treasone continewit quhill aij houris. Nov. 7.—The brethrein of the kirk grantislicience to Henrie Elphing- stone to burie his young doghter in the kirk, quha promesis thairfoir x lib. ad pios usus. 1623. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 465 Feb. 25. 1623.−Bureall.—The quhilk day the minister, elderis and deacunis of this kirk, with advyse of the provest, bealleis and councell convenit with thame, for avoyding of the great abbuse and prophanatione of God his hous in bureing of deid corps within the samin, hes ordeinit that frathisfurth thair be na bureall within this kirk, except be licience bayth of the sessione and magistratis, first soght and obteinit therto; and for the better restrent therof, ilk corps that salbe bureit in the uttir kirk on the north syd therof, betuix the pillars and the wall, the procu- raris therof sall pay to the use of the kirk and puir the soume of fourtie pundis; and for ilk corps that salbe bureit in the west end of the said kirk, undir the stepill devydit fra the remanent flure of the bodie of the kirk be ane greete of stanis alreddie layid half ane fut heyeher then the said flure, the procuraris therof sall pay therfoir the soume of threttie º pundis to the use foirsaid; and for ilk corps that salbe bureit within the east end of the kirk at the bak of the merchandis loft, the procuraris therof sall pay ane hundreth merk to the use forsaid; and ilk corps that salbe careit thrugh the kirk to the Ille of the laird of Garden, or to the Ille of Duncan Patersone, the procurar of leive therto sall pay thairfoir to the use foirsaid the soume of ten merkis money; And that the licience to be granted of the saidis buriall plaicis sall not infer to the procureris nor ther successouris any propirtie or kyndnes of bureall roume in the saidis plaicis at na tyme heirafter be any maner of way; Dischargeing also all bureall rowme in any uther part of the said kirk, except the placis foir- saidis in maner abone writtin in all tymis cuming. Sept. 2.-The quhilk day compeirit Issobell Dowgall, quha is fund ane resettar of Oray women and uther vicious persones; and therfor she is admonesit to abstein fra the receaving of any siclyk persones in tymes cuming under the paine of banisein hir the toun. º Dec. 9.—The quhilk day the brethrein of the kirk grantis licience to 466 REGISTER OF THE 1626. the executouris of umquhill Robert Robertson merchand, to lay ane hewn stone upon his corps bureit in the kirk yaird for payment ad pios usus of xx merk money, besyd and attour xl merk he left in legacie to the puir. Mar. 9. 1624.—Puiris Ill.—The brethrein of the kirk allowis and approvis the repairing of that Ill in the kirk pertening to the puir of the Hospitall, and aggreis that the maisteris thairof proceid therin to the compleiting therof. Jun. 15.-Hospitall ; Armis of the Burgh.-The brethrein of the kirk and magistratis understanding that the maisteris of the Hospitall in re- pairing thair Ill on the south syd of the kirk, and seing thair is ane geavill bigit be thame on the north end of the Ill nixt to the kirk quhilk sould have been bigit be the toun; and for biging of ane dur in the said geavill for the use of the kirk: Thairfore ordanis the Collectouris of the reparatione of the kirk to pay to the maisteris of the said Hospitall xl merk, and ordanis the saidis maisteris to caus hew upone ane meit com- modious plaice thairof this tounis armis, viz. the Wolff on ane craig. Oct. 11. 1625.-The quhilk day the brethrein of this assemblie call- ing to memorie the abbuse of this materiall kirk be wyld foullis, namelie the howllat, quha enteris thairin the tyme of divine service be ane windo within the allegit Ill of Duncan Patersone, &c. &c.; decernis the saidis windois to be closit up be sic meinis as thay think meit for staying of the entrie of all foullis within the kirk, to the dishonour of God and his holie service therin in tymes cuming. Aug. 29. 1626.-The quhilk day James Duncansoune vicar of Stir- ling, being weake and impotent through age, and unable to serve the kirk in reading and writing to the session as before, willinglie dimitted his place and clerkship of the session; in token quherof he delyverit four 1628. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 467 great session-buiks in folio to the brethrein ther present, together with the registers of baptisme and mariage; protesting alwayes, that during the said James his lyftyme, he might have accesse to the buiks for drawing furth of extracts and making some benefite therby, quhilk the brether granted and condescendit unto. Maii 1. 1627.-Puirs Boa.—The quhilk day the breatherein ordeanes the thesaurer of the Puirs box to lend out fyve hundreth merkis for annuallrent, according to the custome of the cuntrie, they remaining answerable to ws. Mai; 22.—Minister his wuſes seat.—The quhilk day the breathrein ordeanes Andro Yunge kirk thesaurer to build ane seat befoir Margaret Erskin her seat for the Minister his wyfe, and for all succeeding Minis- ters wyfes efter her. - Dec. 25.-The quhilk day the breatherein ordeanes the officer to warne the eldars against Sonday nixt, to sitt into the Merchands loft, and thair to hold up thair hands befoir the congregatioune in signe and token of thair fidelitie in the said office of the eldarschip for ane yeir to come, whose names followeth, &c. Sir William Alexander.—The quhilk day Sir William Alexander, efter his returne from his sea voyage, gave to the puir of Stirling fiftie aucht pundis money. Jan. 29. 1628.-The quhilk day compeared Margaret Donaldsoune spous to James Forsythe, and being accused of the breatherein for giving ane sark of her bairnes to Helen Squyar to tak to Margaret Cuthbert in Garlick.craig for to charme the same ; the said Margaret Donaldsoune confessed that schoe gave her the sark, and the said Helen Squyar confessed that schoe tuik it to that Margaret Cuthbert intending 468. REGISTER OF THE - 1628. to have it charmed, bot denyes that it was charmed at all, becaus the said Margaret Cuthbert refuised: Thairfoir the breatherein ordeanis the said persounes, to witt Margaret Donaldsoune for giving of the bairnes sark, and Helen Squyar for receaving of it, to sitt togidder upon the seat quhair the breckers of the Sabbaothe sitts, and mak thair publict repentance upon thair kneis befoir the congregatioune. Mar. 25.—Williame Meassoune puirman.—The quhilk day compeared Williame Meassoune puirman in the Hospitall, and being accused for not wearing of his liveray, and not keiping of the kirk, and for his drunknes, and for wanting his mark aff his gowne sleife; is ordeaned giff ever he be sein wanting his gowne, or drunk, or out of the kirk, or wanting his mark, he should losse his place. Maii 6.—Neilsoun satisfied.—The quhilk day the breatherein ordeanes Adam Neilsoune to mak his repentance upon the kirk fluir in presence of the congregatioune, for his consulting with Stein Maltman ane witche. Jun. 10–Jonet Alexander hir legacie.—The quhilk day the minister, eldaris and deacounes of the kirk of Stirling, Ratifies and approves the acquittance and discharge granted be the thesaurer and maisters of the Hospitall of the said burgh, with consent of the provest, bailleis and counsell thairof, to Walter Cowane burges of the samyne burgh, of the sowme of twa hundereth punds, quhilk wes left in legacie be um- quhill Jonet Alexander his mother, to the puir of the said Hospitall and ministrie of Gods word within the said burgh, equallie betuix thame, as the said discharge in itself at mair lenth beares; the quhilk sowme wes delyvered the day foirsaid to James Spittall and Thomas Bauhop present maisters of the Hospitall. Jul. 22.—Abuse of Cambushenneth his seat.—The quhilk day the 1629. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 469 breitherein perceaving the abuse of the merchants and craftsboyes by dis- haunting thair awin seats destinat for thame to sitt intill, and haunting my Lord of Cambuskenneth his seat, and that they use it for this caus to cum in and go out quhen they pleas in tyme of divyne service, as lykways for thair using the Kings seat for the said causes: Thairfoir the breatherein ordeanes the deane of gild to tak ordour with the mer- chants, and the deacone convener to tak ordour with the craftsmen and boyes. Feb. 10. 1629.-Cowan and Shorts Legacies.—The quhilk day the minister, eldars and diacones of the kirk of Stirling being convenit, Rati- fies and approves the act of counsall, &c. anent the discharge to Alex- ander Cowane chirurgeone, executour to umquhill James Schoirt, &c. Jul. 21.—The Kirk Bible.—The quhilk day the breatherein or- deanis Patrick Sword kirk thesaurer, to give to James Wallace for the binding of the Kirk Bible four punds. Sept. 15.—Alteration of the Prayeris.-The quhilk day the bretherein ordeanes the minister to mak intimatione to the congregatioune upon Sonday nixt, out of pulpit, conserning the changing of the prayers, from sevin hours of the morning and fyve houris at evin, to aucht hours of the morning to four houris at evin. - Dec. 29.- The minister, provest, bailyeis, councell and the auld eldars and deacones of this kirk being convenit.—The quhilk day the brethrein ordeanes the act maid in the councell be the provest and bailleis conserning the buriall in the Hospitalls Isle to be insert in our buik of sessioune, in forme and maner as followis: Act of the Hospitalls Isle.—That no persoune quhatsumever fra this furth be buried in the Hospitalls Isle within the kirk of this burghe, - 3 P 470 REGISTER OF THE : 1631. whill first they be satisfied therfor be those that cravis the same, &c.; to witt, for ilk persoune, man or woman, fourtie punds, and everie bairne tuentie punds, unforgiven, &c. Jan. 12. 1630.-Collectioune for the Mosse.—The quhilk day the bretherein appoints thir persounes following, to wit, Androw Yung for the first quarter, Walter Cowane for the secund quarter, James Spittall for the thrid quarter, and James Fothringhame for the fourth quarter, to assist the minister to gather the collectioune for the gentlemen whose lands wes overflowed with the mosse; who repoirted thair diligence thairin, that they collected four hundreth and ten merks and above. Jun. 1.—Christes Well.—The quhilk day compeirit Elspet Aiken spous to Andro Cunynghame tinckler, Jonet Harvie, William Huttoune cutler, Margaret Mitchell dochter to Alexander Mitchell, Jonet Bennet dochter to James Bennet cuik, James Ewein sone to Johne Ewein wobster, Margaret Wright, James Watsoune, who confessis passing in pilgrimage to Christes Wellin Maij, and thairfoir they arordeaned to mak publick repentance the nixt Sabboth in thair awin habeit, under the paine of disobedience. Lykway I Mr Patrik Bell am ordeaned to desyre the bretherein of the presbyterie to appoint ane actuall minister for to preache upon Sonday nixt, for to tak ordour with the said persounes abovewritten. Jun. 7. 1631–Kirk Bell.—The quhilk day Androw Yung bailyie, repoirted that he, according to the Counsell and Sessiounes directioune, went to my lord of Madertie and bought ane bell to the kirk upon the fourt day of Junij 1631, weightand nynteen staine weight; the quhilk the bretherein of this eldarschip approved and allowed; and as for the pryce thairof, thay sall allow the same to him as maister of the kirk work in his compts, and the rest of the expenssis in hinging thairof according to his compts thairanent. 1681. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 471 Jun. 28.—Cups redelyvered—The quhilk day the silver cups wer de- lyvered haill and feir againe to the sessioune be Mr Josephe Lawrie minister, and gevin be the sessioune to Mr Patrik Bell reidar for to keip. Jul.12–Distressed bretherein of the Palatinat—The quhilk day Mr Patrik Bell reidar, according to the directioune of the Presbytrie, relaited to the Sessioune of Stirling conserning the distressed ministers of the Palatinat and uthers, that they would contribute for thair neces- sitie out of thair christian charitie and liberalitie; the bretherein hard the samyne, and remitted it to the counsell of the said brughe. Aug. 30–Sir Williame Erskeins armes.—The quhilk day Jhone Cowane proponit to the bretherein ane overtour conserning umquhile Sir Williame Erskeins armes, tobe put up in the Hospitalls Isle, quhair the said umquhile Sir William his corps lyeth, towit, ather without claiming the propertie to the said laire, or to pay for the propertie of so muche, or then to buy the Isle of the toune; the quhilk overture being voted be the sessione, the bretherein remitted the samyn to the counsell to be done heirin to thair pleasour. - Sept. 6.—Sessioune and Presbíteriall Buiks.-The quhilk day Mr Joseph Laurie minister of Stirling, producit in presens of the bretherein upoun the sessioune table thrie sessione buiks and sax synodoll and Presbíteriall buiks in folio, quhilk wes delyvered to him be umquhill James Duncansoune leat clark to the sessioune and presbiterie, &c. &c. Oct. 4.—Lord William Viscount of Stirling.—The quhilk day the moderator, elders and deacones of the sessione of the kirk of Stirling being convenit within the said kirk, within thair sessioune hous thair- intill, They all with ane consent and assent, for divers and sindrie resson- able gud caussis and consideratiounes moving thame, being weill and 472 REGISTER OF THE 1633. ryplie advysed, have given granted and disponit, &c. to ane noble lord, William Vicount of Stirling, Lord Alexander of Tullibodie and his aires, all and haill that seat or loft within the said kirk of Stirling, boundit betuix the seat or loft quhilk perteinit to umquhile Adame commenda- tare of Cambuskenneth on the west, and the seat or loft presentlie possest be the maister and scollers of the grammar schole of the said burgh of Sterling on the east, &c. Reservand, &c. Sept. 4. 1632–The quhilk day the minister, eldars and deacones of the kirk of Stirling, Ratifies and approves the richt and dispositioune grantit be the masteris of the Hospitall thairof in name of the puir of the samyne, with consent of the provest, &c. in favours of my Lord Vicount of Stirling, &c. of thair Isle situat on the south syde of thair said kirk, sumtyme called Bowyes or Craigingelts Iyle, and now the Puires Isle, &c. Cunynghame the blind man,—The quhilk day the bretherein ordeanes Archibald Stirling master of the kirk wark, to give to Williame Cunyng- hame blind man for the ringing of the meakle bell upon Sonday befoir noone and efternoone and upon Wednesday quarterlie threttie schillings. Apr. 30. 1633.−Margaret Chapman.—The quhilk day compeired Margaret Chapman spous to Jhone Bennet cuper of Stirling, and being accused be Agnes Bennie spous to Andrew Bell wobster in Stirling, for taking of her milk from hir out of hir breist, sche having abundance thairof, be unlawfull meanes, and laying of seiknes upon hir and hir bairne, as the said Agnes Bennie alledges: The said Margaret Chap- man confest that schee learned of ane Margaret Dundie in Sanct John- stoun, quhen any woman lost hir milk, to caus the womans bairne that wants the milk to souck ane uther woman who hes milk in her breist, becausane greidie eye or hart tuik the milk from the woman that wants the milk; and that schoe learned be Margaret Downie spous to Thomas Burne Smith in Stirling, to nipe the womanes cloithes who had the 1636. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 473 breist of milk, and be so doing the milk sould returne agane to the woman that wantit it; and swa accordinglie the said Margaret Chapman confessed that schoe practized the samyne, and caused hir bairne souck Agnes Bennie, and that the said Margaret Chapman nipped Agnes Binnie's aprone, &c. &c. Dec. 24.—Sessiones ordinance conserning the Ministers wuſes seat.— The quhilk day the breatherein ordainis Johne Johnestoune and Duncan Watsoune, maisters of the kirk work, to goe to the Lady Buchanan, and Margaret Erskein spous to Mr Thomas Rollok, to inquyre upon what richt they sitt into and occupye that seat quhilk was buildit for the Ministers wyfe, be ordinance of the Sessioune, &c. - Dec. 31.—The quhilk day Johne Johnstoun and Duncan Watsoune, maisters of the kirk work, being direct and ordeaned be the sessioune the last sessioune day to inquyre, &c. &c., they reported that the said Ladie Buchannan ansuered, that tithers of better judgement sould heir of it: Thairfoir the brethrein ordeanes Mr Henry Guthrie minister, John Johnstoune and James Alexander to go to my Lord of Marr and ac- quent him thairwith. Jul. 22, 1634.—Contributione for the famine of Orknay—The quhilk day the Minister produced ane letter of the Bischop of Orknay, secundit with ane act of counsell conserning the deplorable famine of Orknay and Zetland, the quhilk the sessioun laid to hart, and ordeanes intimatione to be maid out of pulpit upon Sonday nixt the 27 of Julijthairanent to the congregatioune; and nominats and appoints James Howstone con- veinar and Johne Johnestoune to collect upon Sonday cum aucht days for thair supplie, the 3 day of August, with ane of the bailyeis of the toun. Jul. 5. 1636.-Mr Henry Guthrie his promeis.--The quhilk day Mr 474 REGISTER OF THE - 1638. Henrie Guthrie, minister at Stirling, promised to mak compt of the moneys was collected for the famine of Orknay to the sessione the mixt day, and ridde himself thairof. Sept. 5. 1637.-Dyett of prayers changit.—The quhilk day the brea- thren ordeanes the prayers to be changed fra sevin hours in the morning to aucht hours, and fra fyve hours at evin to four according to the ordour. . Campbell her banischment—The quhilk day the brethrein considering the vyle lyfe and conversatione of Jonet Campbell be abusing her body with diverse and sindrie men, and that her remaining among honest people for her caus procures Gods wraith upoun thane : Thairfoir the bretherein ordeanes the said Jonet to be cairted through the toune and banisched, and intimatione to be maid, that no inhabitant within the towne ressaive the said Jonet Campbell within thair houssis heirefter under the pane of ten punds; and gif the said Jonet lay doune her bairne at any neightbouris dure, in that caice the said Jonet sall be scroudged through the toun whensoever schoe sall be apprehendit. Dec. 31. 1638.-Buying of Agnes Craufurd.—The quhilk day com- peired Williame Williamsome stranger, and being accused for buying of Agnes Crawfurd spous to Robert Baird, upon the quhilk bargane he gave Agnes Crawfuird foirsaid sax punds, and to the foirsaid Robert Baird aucht punds, all which the said Williame Williamsome confessed: For the which offence the brethrein ordenis the said money to be given to Johne Liddell and Alexander Huttoune collectors of the penalties, and the said William Williamsone and Agnes Crawfuird to be locked in chrynes at the cross betuix ellevin and twell hours upon Wednisday mixt; also the said William Williamesome and Agnes Crawfurd ar inter- dyted of wthers cumpanie heireſter except in kirk and mercat, under the paine of being reput adulterars indeid. ^s 1639. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 475 Jul. 1. 1639.--Beggars restrained—The quhilk day the sessione ordenis the visitors for the efternoone to attend lykways at the kirk duir in the foirnoone fra the first to the thrid bell, to restraine the beggers fra cumming up above the stepps, and that none without exceptione be suffered to sitt ather at the kirk wall or kirk bourock. , Jul. 22.-Act contrair Nocturnall Meitings.-The quhilk day it wes represented to the sessione how diverse within this Congregatione, being seduced thairto by the entysement of some strangers from Ingland and Ireland that have creipt in, do at thair owin handis and without the allowance of magistrats, minister or elders, convein thameselffes, con- fusedlie out of diverse families, about bed tyme in some privat house, and thair for ane great pairt of the night, employ thameselffes in ane publick exercise of religione, praying successivelie, singing psalmes, exponing scripture, discussing questiones of divinitie, quhairof some sa curious that they do not vnderstand, and some (as they staite thame) so ridiculous that they cannot be edified be tham; by whiche vnc.owth and confused meitings, the commone people ar drawin to vilifie and sett at naught the exercise of Gods worship in privat and particular families apairt; yea some of thame to lightlie and sett at naught the publick worship of God in the Congregatione, conceaving (as they ar taught by thir trafficking strangers) thir privat meitings as they call thame to be moir effectuall for turning soules to God then preaching it selffe : The Sessione of the Kirk having considered seriouslie of the noveltie and scandall of thir confused, vntymous and vnalowable meitings, how they do seim to be invented by some spirits favoring Brownisme, and gif they should be tolerat to spread throwghe this kirk might prove licklie meins to introduce the same, and so be processe of tyme to invert and overturne the trye forme of Gods worship, boith privat in eache familie apairt and publick in the Congregatione, which now throwghe the mercie of God is happilie reformit and purgit of corruptiounes: for this caus the Ses- 476 REGISTER OF THE 1639. sione not knowing what calling strangers fra wther nationes speciallie Laikes can have to traffick so, to convein people over whome they have no chairge without the allowance of thair oversiears, and that under night, to ane exercise of religione (thocht privat in respect of place, yet publick in respect of the nature of the exercise and of the number gathered together thairanent); and doubting also gif suche of our people as throughe simplicitie and blind zeale haue bein overcum by thame and move to frequent these meitings, in so doeing can be excused of the breache of that point of our covenant where we swear to abstein fra the practise of all novationes introducitin our kirk vntill the tyme they be tryed and allowed in frie and lawfull assemblies; thir meitings being ane nova- tione to us never known nor practised among us bot since Februar last, and for ought we know destitute of the allowance and warrand of any frie and lawfull assemblie of this kirk : Thairfoir the Sessione ordenis ane remonstrance heirof to be maid vnto the presbiterie, that they may consider seriouslie of the perrell imminent to our kirk by thir seids of Brownisme, which Sathan is begune to sowe, and may think vpon tymous remeids whairby the samyne may be chocked; and in the mein- tyme the Sessione recommending unto all within our Congregatione to mak conscience of the publick worship of God in the Congregatione, and of the privat worship of God in eache particular familie by it selffe, Dischargis all within our Congregatione from keiping any suche meitings as thir afoirsaid, whairin people out of diverse families convein thame- selffes together ut supra, vntill the tyme the Kirk of Scotland in ane frie and lawfull Assemblie do try and allow the same ; and the samyne act to be intimat to the Congregatione, and in speciall to these who being se- duced have bein keipers thairof. Aug. 12.-Nocturmall Meetings— Quhilk day certain of these who had bein reproved befoir for keiping these winwaranted nocturnall meitings being conveinit befoir the Sessione for new deboirdings, whiche. 1640. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 477 wer so intolerable as forced the Sessione takane present course: Thair- foir it is ordeined that the Minister with all diligence shall wreat to Mr Alexander Hendersone and Mr David Dicksone concerning thair folies; and till thair answer be returned, that the ringleaders of thame shall be taken and put into ward for preveining disorder, viz. Robert Mitchell, Johne Dawsone, Johne Henrie, Johne Hendersone, Robert Forrester, and the rest to be warnit to the next sessione day; and in the mein- tyme dischargit from keiping any suche meitings till that next ses- sione day, vnder suche paines as the sessione shall inflict on suche as trangressis. Jul. 20. 1640.-Act conserning little stones in the Kirk yaird.—Quhilk day the sessione considering how certaine people at thair awin hand, and without consent of the sessione, put in the kirkyaird litle stones, one at the head and ane wther at the fute of graiffes, some with thair names ingraven thairon, quhairby in proces of tyme they and thairs may apprehend themselues to haue ane propertie: Thairfoir for pre- venting heirof, the Sessione ordenis the kirkmasters to caus remove all suche stones, great or small, that have not bein put in be allowance of the sessione, and that name be permitted to be put in heirefter, except the sessione upon gud considerationes give warrand thairto. Aug. 24.—Jeane Chalmers.-Quhilk day compeir Jeane Chalmers, servitrix to William M*Clay maltman, and confessed fornicatione with Johne Moresone alias hold; and confessis the first tyme of thair con- gres wes about the xx day of Februar, and the last tyme wes twentie weiks fra this day; who also confessit herself relaps, and fell first with Patrick Mitchell parochiner of Kinkairne, and last with the said Johne Moresone: Quhairfoir the bretherein ordenis the said Jeane to go to the crosse, and stand vpon it ane hour in the foirnoone vpon Satturday nixt, betwix ellevin and twell hours, or then to redeim herselffe with 3 Q 478 REGISTER OF THE 1642. ten merks, and to stand sax severall Sabbaths in the publick place of repentance, in her awin habite. Dec. 14.—Voluntarie Contributione.—Quhilk day it is concludit, that intimatione sall be made de novo the nixt Sonday from the pulpit con- cerning the cellecting of the voluntarie Contributione, whiche is for ad- vancement of the gud caus, to be the week following; and that the minister, deane of gild, conveinar, Patrik Sword and James Howstone elders, accompanied with ane bealye of the quarter sall go throw the haill towne and ressaue the charitie of all sorts of persounes as God sall move thair harts; Visitors appointed, Jhone Steinsone, Johne Russall. Mar. 22. 1641.-The quhilk day ane bill being gevin be James Wallace doctor to the Inglis bairne, seiking ten punds to be gevin him inrespect he had gotten the same thir ten yeares bygaine, and wes bur- dened with sume puir scollares: The sessione finding that they are not tyed in payment of any pairt of his stipend, and that thair gud will in granting that to him thir yeares bygaine can not be ane argument to tye thame for the tyme to come, Abrogats and dischargis the foirsaid ten punds in all tyme cuming as not due nather to him nor any in that place. Jun. 6. 1642.-Act anent keping the Lords day.—Quhilk day the Sessione being cairfull that the Lords day be weill keiped, ordenis inti- matione to be maid the nixt Sonday, that no fischers fische wpon the water fra Satturday at twell houris at evin till Sonday at twell houris at evin; as also dischargis the salmone marcat vpone Sonday morning, and the transgressers of ather to pay for the first fault ten punds, and thairefter according to the discretione of the sessione. Nov.7—Sir Charles Erskein of Cambushenneth—The quhilk day the sessione having considerit a petitione gevin in by Sir Charles Erskein 1642. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 479 of Cambuskenneth, craving that the dask on the south syd of the churche nearest the sessione hous, with the foir dask thairof, quhilk perteined to Adam Commendator of Cambuskenneth, and wes possest be his lady, may be disponit to the said Sir Charles ladys wse, and to his successors heritors of the lands of Cambuskenneth: The sessione findeth the said petition reasonable, and thairfoir gevis and disponis to the said Sir Charles, as said is, and to his successors heritors of the said lands of Cambuskenneth in all tyme cumming, swa lang as the saids lands of Cambuskenneth remaineth of this parish, the said dask on the south wall of the kirk, nearest the sessione hous, with the foir dask thairof, with libertie to him and his successors to repair or reedifie the same when neid requyreth, keiping the proportion in hight breid and lengtht as now it is ; Reserving onlie, with consent and tolerance of the said Sir Charles, to Margaret Erskein dauchter to the said Adam, the libertie of a seat within the said dask, after Sir Charles lady and wthers of her companie and qualitie, for herselfe allannerlie during her lyftyme. Lykas it is speciallie provydit, that this gift and donatione doeth onlie comprehend the dask nearest the sowth wall and the dask immediatlie befoir it, and doeth nowayes include the foirmost dask of the thrie, quhilk albeit is to be joyned to the wther two, doeth properlie belong to the Minister. - Jul. 17.—Memorandum of Actis.--Item, it is ordaynit actis to be maid concerning Beggaris quha efter the thrid bell is rwng out gois away fra the kirk. • * - Item, anent the restraint of Mariadges vpone the Sabboth day. Item, anent Pyparis accumpanying persones to be maried. Item, Thir thinges to be considerit efter the Commwnione. Item, anent the Brydaill lawingis to be reducit to the old order. Item, that the Pandis be not redelyverit till the Sessione find that thair is no scandall. - 480 REGISTER OF THE 1644. Sept. 4.—Act anent the keipping of the Portis on the Sabboth day.— It is ordaynit for the better keipping of the Sabbothe, and restrayning of passingeris for travelling with horssis or loadis, that nayther the Bridgport nor Barresyet be farther opnit, bot onlie the wickitis thairof, fra morning till efternone on the Sabbothe day; as also that in tyme of sermone, both befoir and efternone, the wickitis be keippit clois and lokit; and in cais the samin be not preceislie obeyit, these that hes the trust of the keyes to pay for everie transgressione xl S. toties quoties. Nov. 20.—Act for banishing of Jeane Ros.-Compeirit Jonet Ros, and confessitfornicatione with the Leivtennent Generalis trumpetar, ane Germane, The Sessione having hard hir awin confessione how she went of hirawin frie will, not being sent, and how she stayd in his chalmer and bed quhill efter midnicht, and lay carnallie with him at thair pleasour vntill they wer scarred by the wyfe of the hous, occasioned thairby; The Sessione considdering the hie offence givin to God, and the great scandall to this Congregatione, Thairfoir ordaynes the said Jeane Ross to be publiklie cairttit throw this toune with touk of drwme, and banishit the samen, not to be resavit be onye inhabitant wnder the payne of ten punds; lyikas the Sessione requeistis the Magistratis to interpone thair authoritie and concurrance, that this sentence without delay may be execut against hir. Q Apr. 15. 1644.—Ordanis Hieland Mary, servitrix to James Balfour, to compeir the nixt day, for hir scandalous conversing with souldiers. Dec. 9.-James Thomsome to be Reidar of this church.-The quhilk day the Sessione in one voyce did elect and choyce James Thomsone, sone to Mairtein Thomsone burges of the Cannogait, to be Reader of this Church and Clerk to our Kirk Sessione; alowing to him for the same the casualities and fies which his predicessour had off the 1647. KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 481 sessione, and that by and attour the dewtie conditioned to him by the toune counsall. May 12. 1645.-Drinking in tyme of Sermone.—Ordanis to warne for drinking in Johne Bairdies hous in the Raploch in tyme of sermone, Mairy Macpatone, Johne Reddoches dochter, Jonet Aissone, Elspet Whytbrow relict of vimquhill Johne Frissell, Anna Monteith, and the said Johne Bairdie and his wyf for resetting them. - Jun.9.—Contribution for Kelso.-James Houstoune conveiner, and Pa- trik Sword to atend and gather the contributione on Sonday next for Kelso. Jul. 7.-Ordaines the Boxmaisters to send money with our Merchants that ar going to Holland for bringing home velvett to be tuo Mort- clothis and silk therto, &c. Jul. 28.-The Meitinges of the Sessioun from the 28 of July 1645 to the daitt eſtir following interrupted by the Visitatioun of Pestilence. Apr. 13. 1646.-Penny Brydells.—The quhilk day Ordaines intima- tioun to be maid annent the restraint of Penny brydells, in regaird they haue béine the occasioun of exces and profanitie. Mar. 30. 1647.-Ardinha his Dedication.—The quhilk day compeirit Johne Dowe youngar of Ardinhall, and presentit to the Sessioun thrie hundreth merkis money Scottis, freillie given and dedicat by Hary Dow his father for the vse of Spittallis Hospitall and mantenance of the poore to be putt thairin; quhilk the Sessioun receauit thankfullie, &c. [BECAUSE I had my educatione in my youthheid within the towne off Striuiling, at skoolles and learning off guid exerceissis To the glorie 482 REGISTER OF THE 1649. of God and in takine of thankfull remembrance to the place, I haiff givin and bestowit sum thrie hundreth merkis money for help to the stock and prowisione off the auld Hospitall at Striuiling, callit Spittillis Hospitall, and for a supplie to the intertinement off the indigent and misterfull peopill remaining thairat present and to cum ; Whiche hoiping wilbe acceptit in guid pairte, Giwand all praise to God almightie, and still praying for his mercie and remissione off my sins throughe the richteous merites off his blissed sone Jesus Christ my onlie Saviour, I rest waiting for the tyme that he salbe pleasit to mak the seperatioun. August 1645, To be presentit to the Kirk Sessione at Striuiling. H. Dow off Armehall.] Dec. 21.--Burialls in the tyme of the Visitatioun and Seiknes.— The quhilk day compeirit James Rynd measson, and delyverit on the sessioun table the soume of thrie score mynteine pundis thrie schillinges ten pennies money, in full satisfactioun and payment of the haill moneyes intromettit with be him the tyme of the visitatioun and seiknes within the toune for libertie of buriall in the kirk yeard to diverse persones that died in the visitatioun, quhairoff the Sessioun discharges the said James Rynd for now and evir. Feb. 22. 1648.-Anent changing the mercat day.—The quhilk day Report wes maid be the Magistratis that the counsell of this brugh haue determined and ordained that the mercat day sall be changit from Sa- turnday to Fryday weiklie in tyme coming, and desyres the Ministeris to signifie the same to the presbytrie the morrow, desyring that they may intimate the same in each paroche of the presbytrie on Sonday mixt. Apr. 24. 1649.-Ordinar, William Alexander.—Quhilk day the Ses- sioun admitts William Alexander eldar to be ane ordinar, and to gett a weiklie penny as the rest of the ordinaris gettis. 1649. KIR K SESSION OF STIRLING. 483 May 23.-Search for Cristane Hay—Reference to the Magistrates to cause search the toune for Cristane Hay, and to cause remove hir seing scho is dilated to be a scandalous persone and a stranger. Aug. 22–Breaking the Sabbath by fischeing.—The quhilk day com- peired James Patersone, George Wright, George Fairlie, Andro Lekie, William Craufurd and James Aisson, fischeris, who being particularlie examined, were all fund guyltie of breaking the Sabbath by fischeing betuixt 10 and 12 houris on the Sabbath day at evine; and also Patrik Houstoun takisman of the said fischeing compeirit, and wes fund acces- sorie to their said fischeing ; Thairfore the Sessioun ordaines evrie one of them to mak publict repentance before the Congregatioun for thair scandall quhen they sall be requyrit, and appoyntis each of them to pay of penaltie 3 lib. And ordaines all of them to find cautioun to obey the saidis Injunctiounes. Sept. 24.—Feastis dischargit on the Sabbath.-Quhilk day, for the better observing the Sabbath, it is statute and ordainit, that no feastis nor banketts be maid heireftir on the Sabboth day at Baptismes, because that throw great confluence of people and feasting at bankettis the Sabbath is much prophaned; with certificatioun that if any sall heireſtir transgres this act, they sall be tane notice of and censured according as the Sessioun sall think fit; and ordaines this act to be intimate from the pulpitt the nixt Lordis day. Oct. 15.—Selling drink on the Sabbath.--Ordaines Jeane Patersone to be cited to the mixt day; who having compeired before the congrega- tioun the last Sabbath to mak publict repentance for being relaps in selling drink in tyme of sermon on the Sabboth, did not give such evi- dentis of repentance as the minister desyrit, and thairfoir scho is to be examined whither scho did it out of obstinacie or ignorance. 484 KIRK SESSION OF STIRLING. 1649. Oct. 29.-Issobell Walker.—Quhilk day compeired Isobell Walkeir, who being examined confest that scho cald Robert Mitchell false puri- tane knave, and said that he wes ane ill instrument in putting away our sueit ministeris, and said schowald still say als much to him if he were present, but denyed any farder expressiounes. Compeired Williame Tailyeor one of the witnesses, who being suorne judiciallie, deponed, That he heard the said Isobell say to John Machan, follow that man, meaning Robert Mitchell, and he will cause the spirit come on yow; and heard hir also say, that the said Robert wes ane ill instrument in putting away our sueit ministeris, &c. Nov. 5.—Repoirt maid that Johne Kempe maid publict repentance the last Lords day for profaning of the Sabbath as he wes appoyntit, &c. Nov. 12.-Jonet Gillies.—Compeired Jonet Gillies, who is found guyltie of being out of the kirk in tyme of sermon on the Sabbath day vnnecessarlie ; scho being examined wes fund ignorant, and wes admo- nisht and rebuked for hir fault, and exhorted to keip the kirk better and get more knowledge, Vnder the paine of severe censure; and appoyntis notice to be takine (if scho profeit or not) be the eldaris of the quarter quhair scho dwellis. Nov. 27.-Compeired Johne Smyth, who is fund guyltie of breaking the Sabbath by vayging throw the feildes vnnecessarlie in tyme of ser- mon, and Seing he ves admonishit of before for transgressing the Sabbath, and is now fund guyltie of the same fault agayne, Thairfore ordaines him to mak publict repentance before the Congregatioun for his said fault the first Sabbath that wee haue occasioun of ane actuall Minister, and to stand before the pulpitt all the tyme of sermon. PETITION FOR A TOLERATION TO THE STANG, WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGALITY COURT OF HUNTLY THEREON. MDCCXXXIV.  & #3 ºf 72. Nºſ’ §: ºGººgºſº $º: NW ################ N &º: ZºS 4&S 2/S. Z/S AºS : º º RIDING THE STANG, according to Brockett," was “a punish- ment among the vulgar; inflicted upon formicators, adulterers, severe husbands, and such persons as follow their occupations during particular festivals or holidays; or at prohibited times, when there is a stand or combination amongst workmen.” It is still prevalent in various parts of England : and in many schools in the north country, where a boy is either disliked by his companions, or has committed any petty offence, he is made to Ride the Stang, i. e. is mounted “astraddle on a long pole or Stang,” and supported upon the shoulders of his com- panions, in which unpleasant situation he is “borne about the neighbourhood backwards.” “When,” continues Mr Brockett, “they cannot lay hold of the culprit himself, a boy mounts the Stang ; but he is unmo- lested, though attended with the same tumultuous cries, if not with increased shouts of acclamation. The proxy vociferously proclaims, that it is not on his own account that he is thus treated, but that of another person, whose crime he names.” “The ceremony is also resorted to when a woman has gained an improper ascendancy over her husband, so as to make him * Glossary of North Country words. 2d Edition, Newcastle, 1829, 8vo. p. 287. 4.88 PETITION FOR A 1734. bear every species of indignity. In this case, it is called • Riding the Stang for a neighbour's wife;’ and a man is placed in the same uneasy situation as before described, so that he may be supposed to represent, or to sympathize with his henpecked friend, whose misery he sometimes laments in doggrel rhyme applicable to the occasion. He is carried through the whole hamlet, with a view of exposing or shaming the viraginous lady, and of thus preventing further outrages on the person of her pitiable partner.”” This custom was also prevalent in Scotland, although pre- sently in disuse; and the curious papers, now for the first time printed, derive considerable interest from the circum- stance of one of them being an attempt to legalize this popular mode of punishment, at a period so comparatively recent as 1734. In this instance, Mr John Fraser, whose station in life does not appear from the documents in question, had been guilty of assaulting his wife; and the married women in the neighbourhood, finding that Mr John Gordon of Avachy, baillie of the regality of Huntly, to whom they pre- ferred an application to grant “toleration to the Stang, which has not only ever been practicable in this place, but in most parts of this kingdome,” was not disposed to recognise their demand, although there was “no Act of Parliament to the contrair,” took the law in their own hand, and “violently attackt the person of the said John Fraser in the face of the sun, about three in the afternoon, tore his cloths and abus’d * Brockett, ibid. 1734. TOLERATION TO THE STANG. 489 his person, by carrying him in a publick manner through the town of Huntly upon a tree.” For this outrage, the aggres. sors were punished by fine, and obliged to find caution. Dr Jamieson tells us that he had been “informed that, in Lothian, and perhaps in other counties, the man who had debauched his neighbour's wife, was formerly forced to ride the Stang.” * In some parts of England, and particularly in London, it is understood that, among coal-heavers and persons of that description, it is very usual to punish any one of their number, who may be suspected to be too intimate with a friend's wife, in a similar manner. Mr Hone, in his Every-day Book,t remarks, that “Riding Stang” is a custom that prevails in some parts of England on New-year's day to the present hour; and upon the authority of a writer in the Gentleman's Magazine (1791) says, “that on the 1st of January, multitudes assemble early in the morn- ing, with baskets and “stangs,” and whoever does not join them, whether inhabitant or stranger, is immediately mounted across the “Stang,” and carried, shoulder height, to the next public house, where sixpence liberates the prisoner. Women are seized in this way, and carried in baskets; the sex being privileged from riding “Stang,” in compliment, perhaps, to the use of side saddles.” - * It thus appears, that “Riding the Stang” must not be con- sidered exclusively as a punishment for offences, but that it was resorted to at the commencement of the year as a frolick, * Jamieson's Scot. Dict. roce Stang. t Vol. I. p. 12, 13. 490 PETITION FOR A 1784. though certainly not a very pleasing one for the individual who might be thus elevated. With the following amusing account of an exhibition of Stang Riding, which came under the notice of a gentleman well known in the literary world, these observations may appropriately be concluded. “Travelling once through one of the midland counties of England, when the coach stopped to change horses at the inn of a populous village, I observed the whole mobility of the place in motion. The principal figure in the procession was a large he-looking fellow, dressed in women's clothes, with his face smeered with raddle (keel), sitting on a hand barrow, which was hoisted on the shoulders of four stout fellows, who were occasionally relieved by others. These were preceded by a herald, accompanied by the sow-gelder in his actual-ser- vice uniform, as trumpeter, with a band of music. On my asking, what was the matter P the herald stepped forward, and made his proclamation with much ludicrous solemnity:—A woman had beaten her husband.—Had the man beaten his wife, they would have horsed him on a pole, and given him a rough ride round the village; “but as it was a woman, they were a bit decent, loike, and made up the best red-faced ter- vagan they could, to shame her about the place.” •. “This exposé finished, HUzzAE followed HUzzAE from the merry rout; the sow-gelder (who was leader of the band) blew his horn of office, tongs and gridiron, marrow-bones and cleavers, struck up, and the pomp proceeded!” ...?” … ſ / - *ſºng - z% 2 22*zºccº”z”. 22%22zz, zz, a *****/*zºº/” 2/ –74 —ze 222.22% 22, a zz-4 %22 ºz %% z^24. //, 4. €2% *.*** Azzazza-zz Zzz 24/* 24%.” cº; 24.º - 22.3% *** *zºº.º.º.º. / - * ... --- .* w - *A*22- rºº ºf sº, Aºra . 2-rz 22*...*.*.*.*.*/? 22*2222*, *, *% / 7 2:/zzzzzzzº gº. 4%A 2%cz, zzzzzz y ºr”/z cºg -----" z-ſº - * (~& Ž2-2-az - .4%%3% - - 2 - • - , - 4. a & º . *. 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