OF MICHIGAN ARY GENERAL LIBR &>O ! 23 “№ſ- $). Æ º- <№s: º º eºs Advance Illustrated Catalog Showing Modern Furniture for Printing Plants Keystone Equipment Made in Two Constructions Steel and Steel-WOOd Consisting of Cabinets, Case Stands, Linotype Dumps, Ad Frames, Correcting and Storage Frames, Imposing Frames and Sur- faces, Assemblying, Make-up and Stripping Tables, Galley Transfer, Self-Dumping Trucks, etc. Originated, Manufactured and Introduced by Keystone Type Foundry Expert Systematizers of Printing Plants Philadelphia, Pa. . - oust 7 at SV wº N - NEWyº PARK PLAC - E. - - O. HICAGOTº || -'98 SO wasAs. A *i. - - - º º - º sºs. - - - -- |- a \! \! \! \\, №: : : : ae^ № №. !! , | ||№. 1) \,\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\ |- ( )|- |-|- \ \ № sa : ■ ■\ — №a №n \! \,\!},\ \ ſuº ae → √ √ º №.|-||||)(||||№,||- |,№.ſae) / |№ſſae, .|-|- ---- № .| 4 |- №w №w ) : 7: /, / ſae \, - №ſ . . . . |-\! \, aevºae - S1338 LS 30ſhöds & Tie | WIGNſ)01930HHONIWW), W TVIHGT3avºid iſſ ------- - º º -- - - KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY is the first concern in the world to build a line of Printers' Type Cabinets and other Furniture of Steel, and the first one to operate a large factory exclusively for the manufacture of Printing Plant Equipment made of Steel A Few Pertinent Facts |E TAKE pleasure in presenting herewith our iſ advance illustrated catalogue showing our mod- ern Furniture for Printing Plants in two con- #| structions–Steel and Steel-Wood. It is the Îl first catalogue of the kind ever issued and intro- duces a line of modern equipment unheard of * until this Foundry commenced manufacturing and offering it to its customers in the Fall of 1909. The half-tone illustrations herein presented are but a few of the more generally used pieces. They will serve, however, to show the style and arrangement of articles that seem destined to revolutionize Printing Plant Equipment. In the construction of our Steel Printing Plant Equipment we use the best grade of Cold Rolled Patent Leveled Steel and all other material entering into it is of the best quality obtainable. We employ the most skillful metal workers and mechanics that can be had and give the same attention to accuracy, precise fitting and quality in Our Steel Furniture that we do in the manu- facture of our type, Brass Rules and other Printers' goods, known and recognized everywhere as the standard of quality and merit. Our large factory at Chester, Pa., built and fitted up for the manufacture of Steel Furniture exclusively, is as modern as present-day machinery and methods permit. Many of the tools used in the construction of this product were designed and built to special order for the purpose of turning out these goods right. In the manufacture of Keystone Steel Equipment electric welding plays a prominent part insuring rigidity, neatness and smooth uniform finish. Every piece of our Equipment in this particular line of work is designed by experts, of whom there are few in this country. In d) designing and manufacturing, the greatest possible efficiency in use receives our first consideration; economy of space and uni- formity of style are next in importance; while electric lighting, sanitary features and appearances are given careful attention. All of our Equipment is regulated in height, giving an unob- structed view from any part of the room. Keystone Steel Equipment is not painted, but is of baked enamel finish, in rich olive green, equal to that of the highest class office furniture and is not easily soiled or marred in use. Being of steel it is not combustible, reduces fire hazard and is subject to only slight depreciation from use when its value is considered. No detail of design or construction is too small to receive our careful thought and execution. Roughness, ill-shapes and other marks of carelessness in making are especially avoided. We are continually fitting up completely some of the largest printing and publishing houses in the country, and in most cases a clean sweep of old style furnishings is made, the owners recogniz- ing that their Composing Rooms, Pressrooms and Binderies must be scientifically equipped to insure the greatest output and the best quality of product at minimum cost, and to make possible the introduction of scientific management which is now knocking at the door of the printing industry. While it is not our purpose to present an array of testimonials, on another page we quote from a few voluntary letters received from well known printers and publishers in city and country, giving briefly their ideas and experience with these goods. We commend our Steel Equipment to the careful considera- tion of progressive printers and publishers everywhere, with the assurance that its introduction will mark the greatest possible progress in efficiency, economy and quality of product. KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY Qū Systematizing Printing Plants We never fail to reduce the cost of labor from 10% to 25% and gain from 30% to 50% in floor space; in other words, economy in time, labor and space is the essence of our proposition. We employ a corps of experts for arranging old or new printing plants and bringing thern up to the highest point of efficiency. HIS service is new to printers and publishers and Keystone Experts were the first to render it. Before the introduction of Our scientifically de- signed Steel Furniture, built to meet the partic- ular requirements of each individual concern, Printing Plants were put together hit or miss by random purchases of old style stock cabinets, cases, racks, stands, imposing stones, etc., of the Ordinary kind made of wood. There was no uniformity in the plan, construction or operation, and waste of time, effort and money was the inevit– able result. This was burdensome because it increased cost of the product and permitted inefficiency and dry rot to degenerate the plant, and it was a common belief among proprietors that the Composing Room was a losing proposition. These conditions still exist to a large extent and relief must come through Experts from the outside. Our systematizers hunt out the leaks, strengthen the weak points and find the short cuts to successful operation. They never fail to increase the efficiency, capacity and product of the plant. We design Special Furniture for effectively meeting special needs and arrange plants scientifically for the expeditious handling of all operations and bringing forth all work in proper sequence without loss of time or duplicate effort. This insures the above results, effectively revolutionizes printing plants and explodes the old theory that the Composing Room must necessarily be operated at a loss. Plants so equipped not only pay their own way, but show their proportion of profit. We submit detail drawings of each special piece of Furniture designed, with floor plan showing complete arrangement, and no order is expected unless a substantial saving of time, cost of oper- ation and floor space is shown in advance. º -- º 2º º- - º # º - = º * : º É = º Wº d - | | FOUR VIEWS OF THE COMPOSING ROOM OF ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST KNowN PRINTING Establish MENTS IN PHILADELPHIA, FITTED out compleTE witH KEYSTONE STEEL EQUIPMENT If interested we would be pleased to show you this room, or if not convenient to visit it we will furnish the name of the concern when desired Our Steel Construction Rºll N PAGES 12 to 76 of this catalog are illustrated | many attractive pieces of Keystone Steel Equip- ment for Printing Plants, the time and money- saving advantages of which are of the greatest importance to printers and publishers. We show in this construction a variety of All-Steel Cabinets, Case Stands, Racks, Ad Frames, Banks, Benches, Dumps, Imposing and Make-up Tables, Dumping Trucks, Chase Racks, Make-Ready and Registering Tables, etc., which are rapidly displacing Wood Goods. Our Furniture of this construction is all Steel with the ex- ception of the type cases and some brass and malleable iron which are used at certain points on some pieces to increase efficiency and prevent wear and deterioration. The advantages of this new line of Steel furnishings for Printing Plants, which effect such great saving in floor space and cost of operation, as well as improve the product and increase the capacity, are unknown to many who have not investigated, and to those, this catalog will bring a message of great encouragement. Printing Plants equipped with our Steel furnishings and arranged by our experts, are notable for their uniform, clean and healthful appearance, an idea of which can be had by reference to the opposite page of views showing the composing room of one of the largest printing establishments in Philadelphia, arranged and equipped entirely by us. Steel Equipment goes hand in hand with scientific manage- ment, fire-proof construction and meets all the requirements of sanitary laws. It eliminates rubbish, shiftlessness and confusion and substitutes cleanliness, discipline and order, thereby adding greatly to the comfort and convenience of workmen and stimu- lating them to greater interest and better effort. Interesting facts in this connection are more fully given on page 9. º K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-625 The illustration below shows working side of same cabinet illustrated on opposite page. With the work bank on the paneled side, the workman does not interfere with the cases on the opposite side. The bank will take a galley 16% inches wide if desired; two full size cases can be placed on this bank. Compositor can use one- half of the bank for case, leaving space 3 feet long for working galley. We do not recommend news cases in pairs; our plan is one uniform single case design of various arrangements. For offices having quantity of body type we can supply the Keystone case which holds caps, lower case, small caps, points and figures. This is a space saver for the reason it does away with the cap case and saves time in composition. Directly over the work bank is a steel lead and slug case holding both leads and slugs 4 to 28 ems. In the work bank proper is a series of auxiliary boxes 4% inches wide arranged for half measures, justifiers, including sixteen round bottom boxes for brass and copper spaces and one blank case with center bar. The two steel copy drawers are 2% inches deep while the full length galley shelf at the bottom can be used for quarter size rule cases in addition to galley storage. We recommend this cabinet as containing more desirable features than any cabinet ever designed. ///////// / / / / / / / / / MAPE Bº wºrst on E. TYPE Found Rºy - - - - . Keystone Steel Cabinet K-625. Back or Working Side SPECIFICATIONS Floor space occupied, 24x69% inches; height to extreme top of lead and slug case, 56 inches; width of work bank, 16% inches; length, 69% inches. The auxiliary boxes for half measures, justifiers, etc., are sunk into the bank 1% inches. Work bank projects over the body of the cabinet 10 inches. Copy drawers are 2% inches deep, 23 inches long and 17 inches from front to back, all inside measurements. Galley shelf, 9 inches wide; height of galley shelf from floor, 30 inches; height to top of work bank, 44% inches. Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, finished in dark olive green baked enamel. SPECIAL NOTE:-The dimensions of the various pieces of Equipment given in this catalogue are approximate and are subject to slight variations. P. A. G. E. O R. I. G. I. N A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Q/ KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-625 (, A cabinet well adapted to any printing office, made throughout of cold rolled patent leveled steel with paneled ends and back. The double work bank gives increased capacity over the ordinary cabinet design. The banks are made of steel, the case runs are electric welded to the heavy squared channels or posts. Entire bottom of cabinet directly under the bottom case is closed with steel. This is an added improvement not supplied in ordi- nary cabinets. In addition to adding strength, the closed bottom assists in keeping out dust, dirt, mice and vermin. Steel furniture requires less floor space, is sanitary, practically indestructible, reduces fire hazard, cannot be damaged by water and is practically everlasting. The Keystone system of uniformity in extra depth cases supplies case capacity of forty pounds of letter work in addition to spaces and quads. This cabinet is sup- plied with the extra depth cases unless otherwise ordered. - - - -- ºf eº reystone rvº four orºz Keystone Steel Cabinet K-625. Front or Case side SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet occupies floor space 69% inches long, 24 inches deep; height to top of work bank, 43% inches. The work bank is solid steel 1894 inches wide, 69% inches long. This bank is of sufficient size to hold a double mammoth case for leads and slugs, labor-saving metal furniture, etc. Cabinet is made with 4-inch projecting front. All case runs made of cold rolled steel and electric welded. Contains forty-four full size extra depth cases with label holders attached to each case. When desired the cabinet is wired complete for electricity, including two sets of special nickel fixtures with adjustable shades and gun-barrel lamps. Wiring and lamps are not included unless specified. (For specifications of Back or Working Side see opposite page.) S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 PM E N T KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-825 The illustration below shows the work side of Cabinet K-825, described on following page. The plan furnishes a generous flat working surface with counter-sunk auxiliary boxes running across entire back of cabinet which set down into the work top sufficient to avoid any damage to face of rule or any other material and are arranged for half measures and justifying leads, and sixteen of them have round bottoms for brass and copper spaces, also blank trays for miscellaneous material. Within reaching distance running across the entire top is the double depth lead and slug case which holds both leads and slugs in all lengths from 4 to 28 ems inclusive. The two copy drawers are of good size. The work bank projects over cabinet 10 inches supplying ample working room for the compositor without coming in contact with the back of the cabinet or the galley dump. The galley dump is 9 inches wide, holds all size galleys up to five column, and also serves as a temporary storage for quarter size rule cases, border cases, figure cases, etc., while in use. Keystone Steel Cabinet K-825. Back or working Side SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, paneled ends and back. Has flat working surface 16% inches wide, full length of cabinet and about 44% inches from the floor. Lead and slug case 8 inches wide, 69% inches long; made double depth. The auxiliary boxes in counter-sunk compartments are all removable. These cases and trays can be furnished covering any special arrangements desired. These trays are 4% inches wide, 3% inch deep and varying in length from 10 inches to 17 inches. The sixteen round bottom boxes for brass and copper spaces are 234 inches square outside. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. (Case side on opposite page.) \º * O RIG IN A T E D AND M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Q) (, KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-825 This cabinet is practically a duplicate of Keystone Steel Cabinet K-625 illustrated on pages 12 and 13 the ex- ception being in the work bank on the panel or working side of the cabinet. As shown in the illustration the bank is flat instead of being on an angle. In many classes of work the flat surface or bank works to much better advantage than the regular sloping top. For offices having publication work, large catalogue, color work and for the ad room the flat surface will be found very desirable. | - Keystone Steel Cabinet K-825. Front or Case Side SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, case runs electric welded in the frame, paneled ends and back. Contains forty-four full size extra depth cases with 4-inch projecting front. When specified forty- eight full size regular depth cases can be supplied. All cases have label holders. Work bank over cases will take a mammoth lead and slug or labor-saving metal furniture case which measures 18 x 69% inches. Space to top of bank, 43% inches; floor space occupied by cabinet, about 24x69 inches. Cabinet has solid steel bottom under cases. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Vºlº P A G E S 1 x T. E. E. N. ºf K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T - KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-850 This cabinet is especially effective in the ad, or job room because of the heavy steel flat working surface or bank, made forty inches from the floor. This is a good imposing stone height and enables the compositor to make up the work flat in a galley or chase, which is the correct plan leading to successful and economical composition. - º W ºpe by Keystone ºf Fºº T º | Keystone Steel Cabinet K-850. Back or Working Side SPECIFICATIONS The flat work bank is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel ºg inch in thickness, 40 inches from the floor and is 24 inches wide from front to back, being of sufficient width to take a full length galley. Length, 69% inches. This design is practically a cabinet and imposing table combined. The steel lead and slug case is 8 inches wide, 69% inches long, arranged to hold both leads and slugs from 4 to 28 ems inclusive, is placed directly over the flat bank. This case is double depth. Under the flat working surface are two all steel letter-boards, below these letter-boards is a full length steel galley shelf 9 inches wide which can be used for galleys, quarter size rule or figure cases, leader boxes and like material. A strong feature is the lighting arrangement. Running across the entire top is a special nickeloid shade containing a series of four Lino lamps, each lamp 12 inches long and 1 inch in diameter. These lamps illuminate both sides of working tops. Wiring is placed inside of steel pipe. Cabinet has paneled steel ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. P. A. G. E. º O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-850 (, An entirely new and original Cabinet design, embodying the most advanced ideas in steel cabinet construction and design. This cabinet was especially designed for the ad, room, but it is equally desirable for job, catalog, book, or the regular run of composition and will appeal to the compositor because its peculiar construction will Keystone Steel Cabinet K-850. Front or Case Side enable him to do more and better work with the minimum effort. The lighting arrangement on this cabinet is especially good. The special nickeloid shade containing four Lino lamps, each 12 inches long and running across the entire top, makes the top as light as day; also special lights over each tier of cases with individual switches. SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, sanitary construction, case runs electric welded, containing thirty-six full sized extra depth California Job Cases with label holders. All cases have 4-inch pro- jecting front, bottom case 9 inches from the floor. Solid steel bank on case side arranged to hold two full sized cases. Special nickel lighting fixtures with individual switch over each tier of cases, wired complete for electricity including two gun-barrellamps. Paneled steel ends, oval sliding shoes, finished in dark olive green baked enamel. A piece of Composing Room Furniture combining beauty with efficiency. P. A. G. E. E. I. G. H. T. E. E. N. º º * S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-270 – - - -º-º-º- ºw axerº *** | º º | - º º º º º º - º - º - |- º º º º º º º º Keystone Steel Cabinet K-270 Cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with paneled steel ends and back. It is practically indestructible and contains fifty full size cabinet-front California job cases. Cases have 4-inch projection in front which does away with the undesirable extension on the back of each case. Cabinet has flat top, and is sold separately or with top equipment as shown in illustra- tion. With the use of Keystone double low job brackets, twice the value can be secured from the top. One side takes work bank, either plain or with lead and slug rack; other side holds two full size job cases, and has two iron dumps over top. Finished in dark green enamel. Occupies floor space about º NºS 9. p p | Sº Šs 21 x 70 inches. SºśS ----------------- KEYSTONE STEEL HEAD LETTER CABINET K-663 A most compact head letter cabinet with unusual features, has solid steel top to take full size case. Bank over top divided into five spaces for 13 em measure and five spaces for 26% em measure. Cabinet has 4-inch projecting front; contains seven- teen full size extra depth cases and one case on top; a total of eighteen cases complete with routed label holders and white celluloid covers as follows: five lower and thirteen Cali- fornia job cases. The space between the fifth and sixth cases serves as a galley shelf for dead heads and will take seven single column galleys. The steel galley shelf on side of cabinet takes single or double column galley for dumping heads. Sanitary construction; occupies floor space about 25x36 inches, height to top bank 44 inches, has steel paneled ends and back; made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Keystone Steel Head Letter Cabinet K-663 O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K–779 - The regulation double tier cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, with steel paneled ends and back, has flat top and contains fifty full size regular depth cases with 4-inch projecting front. Any style case bracket can be attached - - to the top of this cabi- . - - ºr ree Fourwoº. net. With the project- - Mao: BY * ing front feature, no - extension is required -- - on back of the cases. - The runs are all elec- tric welded to channels. Bottom of cabinet is closed with cold rolled steel. This cabinet can be furnished with forty-four extra depth cases instead of fifty regular depth at the same price. The price of this cabinet is less than a similar design made of wood and is a popular cabinet for a moderate size office. p Keystone Steel Cabinet K-779 When Keystone bracket, style B, is attached, it will take a Keystone mammoth combination work bank and lead and slug case with two full size cases and two small dumps on the other side. SPECIFICATIONS Floor space occupied about 22 x 70 inches, 44 inches Type ... high. Contains fifty full size regular depth cases with 4-inch projecting fronts. California job cases sup- plied unless otherwise specified. All cases in this steel cabinet have white rock maple bottoms without paper lining. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL CABINET K-780 The regular type cabinet made in a single tier con- º taining twenty-five full size regular depth cases with 4-inch projecting front; occupies floor space about 22 x 35 inches; has paneled ends and back with electric º º º- ºn º º º welded case runs. When desired twenty-two extra depth cases can be furnished instead of twenty-five regular depth. Top of cabinet is of proper height to take pair of case brackets on the back or one pair at each end. Cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled Keystone Steel Cabinet K-780 steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. - : Vºlº P. A. G. E. Twº Ex-T Y º K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL CASE STAND K-880 This illustration shows the back or working side of the Steel Case Stand illustrated on opposite page. This side is exactly like the working side of our Keystone Steel Cabinet K-625 except that it does not contain the auxiliary boxes in the work bank, and that the case over the work bank is a blank case. As in the cabinet the work bank is on the paneled side and the workman does not interfere with the cases on the opposite side. Compositor can use one-half the bank for a case and still have three feet left for working galley. Made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with paneled ends and back. EY - EY’sºror-E Keystone Steel Case Stand K-880. Back or Working Side SPECIFICATIONS Floor space about 24x69% inches; height to extreme top of blank case about 56 inches; width of work bank approximately 16% x 69% inches, and extends over the body of the stand about 10 inches. Copy drawers are about 2% inches deep, 23 inches long and about 17 inches from front to back, all inside measurements. Galley shelf about 9 inches wide and 30 inches from the floor. Entire stand made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Same stand can be furnished without drawers and galley shelf at reduced price. P. A. G. E. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū (, KEYSTONE STEEL CASE STAND K-880 The case stand here illustrated is in a class by itself and is designed to replace the old wooden case stand, but is of such superior worth that a comparison is not necessary. The front or case side of the stand as shown below is after the same design as our Keystone Steel Cabinet K-625 except that it holds forty lip-front cases in place of forty-four cabinet cases and it has no electric lights over cases. No cases are included in the price of this stand. The case runs are arranged so that the same cases used in the old wood stand can be utilized. By rºyston E ºr Ype Four-Dºy - - Keystone Steel Case Stand K-880. Front or Case Side Cases are not included in price of stand SPECIFICATIONS This stand occupies a floor space about 24x69% inches and is about 43% inches to top of work bank. The bank is of solid steel and of sufficient size to hold a double Mammoth case for leads and slugs, labor-saving metal furniture, etc. Has a 4-inch projecting front with all case runs made of cold rolled steel and electric welded. Stand throughout of cold rolled patent leveled steel with paneled ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. *J. P A G. E. T. W. E. N. T. Y-Two º Ø) ºffeº K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL CASE STAND K–836 Stand made of cold rolled steel, paneled steel ends and back, electric welded steel runs. Stand designed to hold forty regular lip-front full size job cases, leaving a 4-inch extension in front. This stand will be found very desirable in offices where they want to utilize old cases on hand. It replaces old style wood stands and wrought iron frames. It gives nearly double the case capacity with twice the top equipment. Stands are sold with or without the cases. List price does not include cases. Floor space occupied, about 21 x 70 inches. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. --º - - - | Keystone Steel Case Stand K-836 Keystone steel case stands are made of the same material and given the same careful workmanship as Key- stone cabinets. They are substantial from every point of view with heavy square posts. Bottom of cabinet closed with cold rolled steel which adds greatly and overcomes any possibility of dust or dirt rising from the floor. The steel paneled back gives increased stability and effects a case stand which compares with our high-priced cabinets as to strength, durability and general design. In each tier of cases there is a cold rolled steel bar at the back to serve as a stop for cases which avoids cases coming in contact with the back of cabinet. Illustration shows stand equipped with two pairs Keystone case brackets style “B”, with plain steel dump about 20 x 70 inches; two small steel dumps and two full sized cases on back or panel side. The top equipment is not included with the stand and must be ordered separately. We can supply any desired arrangement and for offices using news cases our regular Keystone case bracket, style “A”, can be attached. With the use of these brackets two pairs of news cases can be used. All cases in these stands should be supplied with case pulls. We are prepared to furnish these pulls with screws in any quantity very promptly. P. A. G. E. o RIG IN A TE D A N D M A. D. E. B. Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Q/ KEYSTONE STEEL SORT CABINET K–811 (, A steel cabinet having the same dimensions as a regular double tier type cabinet, height from the floor to top 44 inches and will take two pairs of any standard case brackets. Has steel paneled ends and back and contains forty-eight steel sort drawers with 3-inch extension, each drawer containing ten removable wood box- es, making a total of 480, suitable for the storage of type sorts. The removable boxes save time and annoy- ance in getting out the material. The cabinet is compact, with large capacity, while the top can be utilized in various ways. By adding two pairs of Keystone case brackets style “B,” full length work bank can be arranged on Keystone Steel Sort Cabinet K-811 the back with two full size cases in front. SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with heavy square channels for posts throughout, runs being electric welded with solid steel bottom, heavy steel top, steel paneled ends and back with forty-eight steel drawers. Floor space occupied, about 25 x 70 inches. Height of cabinet 44 inches. The forty-eight removable sort boxes measure approximately 4x3x4 inches inside. Cabinet finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL MACHINIST BENCH AND SORT CABINET K-659 This very necessary piece of composing room equip- ment is of sanitary construction and is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, with paneled ends and back. Occu- pies floor space about 33x26 inches; height 40 inches. Cabinet contains six steel drawers, with partitions in center for machine border; eleven steel drawers, each drawer containing three border boxes, giving a total of thirty-three boxes arranged in three compartments for three-piece borders, and sixteen steel sort drawers, each containing ten removable boxes, giving a total of one hundred and sixty removable boxes for sorts. Top is extra heavy, measuring 1% inches in thickness for lead and rule cutter. Keystone Steel Machinist Bench and Sort Cabinet K-659 Vºlº P A G - Twº E N T Y - F O U R / K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R IN T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T d) KEYSTONE STEEL (JALLEY CABINET K-637 The back of K-637 is arranged the same as shown in front view with the exception that two copy drawers 2% x 24'x 20 inches are included. The work bank is sufficent width to take two full size cases. In correcting pages, two cases can be placed on the blank bank running over the top leaving the lower bank free for galleys. A dangerous and expensive habit can be overcome by the use of this cabinet design. The steel or zinc galleys are sufficiently accurate for composition use, making it unnecessary to remove the page until delivery to the MADE ºr ºston-E --- Found- - Keystone Steel Galley Cabinet K-637. Rear View make up. Galley is proved and placed in the cabinet waiting correction, making it unnecessary to handle a large number of pages when piled up in cardboard. The steel galleys of this cabinet cost $84.67, which amounts to a little more than thirty-three cents each; price is less for larger quantities. Same design is furnished to take vari- ous size galleys. Plans will be submitted upon request. SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel; work bank about 16% inches wide, 69% inches long; blank bank over top about 8 inches wide, 69% inches long; two copy drawers 24x20 x 2% inches. Capacity of cabinet 252 steel galleys 8% x 13 inches inside. Galley shelves are 10% inches wide; numbers are printed on each galley shelf. P. A. G. E. T. W. O RIG IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E F O UN D R Y KEYSTONE STEEL GALLEY CABINET K-637 ſ Cabinet is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel including work banks, galley shelves, copy drawers and steel paneled ends. Cabinet is designed to take either zinc or steel storage galleys, measuring 8% x 13 inches inside. All shelves are numbered from 1 to 252 inclusive—being the capacity of galley storage. We can supply galleys at a reasonable price and sufficient time is saved on the storage of matter with this system, over piling up pages on cardboard, to save the cost of the galleys in a short time. The cabinet is not intended for the storage of Keystone Steel Galley Cabinet K-637. Front view small miscellaneous forms but especially arranged for catalogue work, periodicals, book work, tariff pages, trade journals, etc. When desired for tariff work, the cabinet is supplied with seven tiers on each side instead of six as shown in illustration, taking a galley 7%x11% inches. This gives an increased capacity of 42 galleys or total of 294. SPECIFICATIONS Work bank on top about 18% inches wide, 69% inches long; height to floor 43% inches; floor space occupied about 28 x 69 inches; width of galley shelves 10% inches. Capacity of cabinet, 252 steel galleys 8% x 13 inches inside. Numbers are printed on. Similar cabinet can be furnished to take larger size galleys. When arranged for tariff galleys, capacity is 294 galleys. (For specifications of rear side, see opposite page.) K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R IN T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL ELECTROTYPE CABINET K-634 An all-steel half-tone or electrotype cabinet well adapted for newspaper or job office. Entire cabinet is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with steel blank cases. The same cabinet is furnished in two tiers. If a greater storage capacity is required we recommend two cabinets, or if desired we can furnish the all-steel cabinet made any height. Blue-prints and specifications will be furnished on request. This cabinet has storage surface of 43,200 square inches. Cases have Dutch gold painted numbers and for systematic filing of cuts and plates a card system should be used in connection with the cabinet. Electrotype cabinets can be furnished any size and with any number of cases required. These cabinets are furnished any size from single tier containing twenty-five steel blank cases up to twenty tiers with one hundred cases in each tier. Keystone Steel Electrotype Cabinet K-634 SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with all-steel blank cases, runs electric welded, occupies floor space about 24x65 inches and 70 inches high. The bottom of all cases sets up above the bottom of rails and measures approximately 1% six 1994 x 18 inches inside measurement. Cabinet contains one hundred and twenty cases. Has steel paneled ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. P A G E t w E N T Y -s E v. E. N. º e G º 㺠O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y (, KEYSTONE STEEL ELECTROTYPE CABINET K-827 This all-steel half-tone or electrotype cabinet is exactly the same as cabinet K-634 on preceding page with the exception that it is made in two tiers and contains eighty all steel blank cases with 4-inch projecting front. The height of the cabinet is only 70 inches, making it convenient to use the top cases while standing on the floor. The runs and cases are electric welded. Cabinet has paneled steel ends and back with closed solid steel bottom. Inside measurement of cases approximately 1% x 1994 x 18 inches inside. Cases will operate perfectly when loaded with solid base plates or cuts. Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. ºf L_P. ºf ºf ºf - - - F- ºf - | H keystone Steel Electrotype Cabinet K-827 Our line of half-tone and electrotype cabinets constitutes twenty distinct designs ranging in sizes from twenty- five case single tier to twenty tiers with one hundred cases in each tier. Steel cabinets can be built for any requirement and made to fit any particular space. Blue-prints, specifications and estimate will be furnished promptly covering any special size cabinet required. / y K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL CUT CABINET AND STANDING BANK K–660 This cabinet is made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass and arranged especially for news- paper offices. There are ninety-six all-steel blank cases and two large steel blank drawers which can be used for foreign advertising plates or cuts. The top is full brass lined 26 inches wide, 98% inches long, divided into twenty- six spaces 24 inches for 13 em measure, three spaces 4% inches wide for 26% em measure and one space 6% inches wide for 40 em or three column measure. The rim and division strips between spaces are made of ºº inch square brass tubing. This is well adapted for standing linotype live slugs or foreign advertising. The bank over top is full brass lined 12 inches wide, 8 feet 5 inches long, with two single column spaces and one double column and one space 24 inches long by 11% inches wide, inside. Keystone Steel Cut Cabinet and Standing Bank K-660 SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet is made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel, occupies floor space 24 x 96 inches and contains ninety-six all-steel blank drawers approximately 21% x20 x 1% all inside measure, with label holders and two large copy drawers. The brass top is 26 x 98% inches; height from floor to brass top 43% inches. Brass bank over top is 12 inches wide, S feet 5 inches long. Two bottom spaces are 2°s inches wide, top space 434 inches. Large open space is 24 inches long by 1134 inches wide inside. Cabinet has steel paneled ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. " " ". º O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Q) (, KEYSTONE STEEL (ALLEY CABINET K-852 An all-steel galley cabinet, suitable for job and newspaper offices, has solid steel top and bank which can be used for two pairs of news cases or four full size job cases. Top can also be used for a work bank or correcting cabinet. The height to the front of work bank is 43% inches; the galley shelves are made of steel with a depth of 24 inches to take a full length galley. All shelves set back into the cabinet 14 inches for convenience in handling galleys. In addition to the splendid galley storage capacity, top can be utilized in various ways and if desired any special arrangement of cases can be furnished for the top to be used in book, catalog or news departments. Galley cabinets can be supplied in steel, arranged for all purposes and built to any desired dimensions. Blue- prints will be supplied upon application. Keystone Steel Galley Cabinet K-852 SPECIFICATIONS Cold rolled patent leveled steel is used throughout in the manufacture of this cabinet. The lower part of work bank is approximately 16% inches wide, 69% inches long; top bank, 9 inches wide, 69% inches long. Height of cabinet back 55 inches; height to work bank 43% inches; contains 175 all-steel galley shelves, 7% inches wide x 24 inches deep on the shelf. These dimensions are sufficient for single or double column galleys. Shelves are electric welded to the posts, adding extra strength and durability. Cabinet occupies floor space about 25 x 69 inches. Has steel paneled ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. º K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U I P M E N T - º ºne ºs- -º-º-º: v - Keystone Steel Proof Press Cabinet K-792 - KEYSTONE STEEL LETTER BOARD CABINET K-574 An all-steel cabinet with flat top, steel paneled ends and back, containing thirty-six all-steel letter boards with rabbet fronts, about 30% x 19% inches inside. About 44 inches high, 70 inches long and 22 inches wide over all. Keystone Steel Letter Board Cabinet K-574 Two pairs case brackets can be attached to the top of this cabinet. Entire cabinet and letter boards made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Additional letter board cabinets can be supplied any height with letter boards of any dimension required. Blue-prints, specifications and prices will be furnished promptly upon request. These letter board cabinets combine maximum capac- ity with minimum floor space and are strongly and hand- somely made. KEYSTONE STEEL PROOF PRESS CABINET K-792 This cabinet is specially arranged for proof press in newspaper offices; made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel with brass top 28 x 30 inches. Height to top 33 inches; contains two steel blank drawers 1134 x 4% x 17 inches inside, four brass hooks for copy dupes, flat steel shelf 10 inches wide, 26 inches long for washing fluid and brushes. We are prepared to submit blue-prints showing various designs of proof press cabinets. P. A. G. E. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL (, PROOF PRESS CABINET K-750 Cabinet made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel with brass top 20 x 30 inches. Design is suitable for job offices and proof presses in newspaper ad rooms; has six open compartments for benzine cans and brushes, ink and various sizes proof paper up to one-half sheet 24x36 inches. Bottom compartment has spring hinged steel door for rags. This compartment is fire-proof. The brass top can be used for distribution of ink; the steel shelf on side 10 inches wide, 18% inches long. Three top compartments are approximately 7% inches wide, 8 inches deep, 5% inches high. Two middle openings are approximately 11% inches wide, 5% inches high; large opening is 24 inches wide, 18 inches deep, 5% inches high Keystone Steel Proof Press Cabinet K-750 and compartment with door is 74 inches high, 24 inches wide, 18 inches deep, all inside measurements. Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL MATRIX PAPER CABINET K-736 This cabinet was designed especially for stereotyper's use in connection with steam tables. Entire cabinet is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with steel paneled ends and back, two heavy steel doors with three point locking device and contains eight adjustable shelves 24 x 28 inches for hold- ing matrix paper, etc. This design has proven very satisfac- tory in many of the large newspaper establishments. When required, the same cabinet can be furnished in two tiers giving double the capacity. In addition to the eight adjustable shelves, cabinet has solid steel bottom equivalent to an extra shelf. Prepared matrix paper and supply stock can be retained in this cabinet in good order. Heat will not damage the cabinet in any way, nothing to burn, crack or warp. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Every newspaper office using steam tables should be equipped with this cabinet for several reasons. First, it will prove a wonderful time saver, the prepared stock can be kept near at hand and always found in a perfect condition. In this department there is no time to waste. It reduces the loss resulting from damaged stock and the cost of in- stallation can be saved in a few months. For the average newspaper office, cabinet has sufficient capacity for various kinds of paper, while bottom shelves can be used for storage of blankets and similar material used in connection with steam tables. For larger offices we can supply companion cabinet with steel drawers of various depths and bins for storage. Blue-prints and specifications will be supplied to responsible persons on application. Keystone Steel Matrix Paper Cabinet K-736 K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U I P M E N T - KEYSTONE STEEL FOREIGN ADVERTISING BANK K-799 Cabinet specially arranged for the storage of foreign and standing advertising matter. Entire cabinet made of steel with brass lined top 28% inches wide, 94 inches long for standing type and slug matter. Measures larger than single and double column, can be stored on the sixteen steel letter boards or on galleys for which there is a capacity for sixty double column brass galleys. The ten open bins supply a generous amount of storage surface for foreign plates and metal bases. Similar designs are made in lengths up to 12 feet long; blue-prints will be submitted showing various sizes and arrangements upon request. This same design can be furnished in Keystone wood construction K-181 and is illustrated and described in latter part of this catalogue. ºpe sy-Keystone type Foº |L L Keystone Steel Foreign Advertising Bank K-799 SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet occupies a floor space of about 25 x 92 inches. Height to front of top bank 42 inches; height to back 52 inches. Brass top is divided into two spaces 4% inches wide for double column measure and six spaces 694 inches for single column measure. Brass tubing ºs inch square is used for division strips and rim. The sixteen steel letter boards are 28x24 inches inside with rabbet fronts. Runs are electric welded to side frames. The sixty steel galley shelves are 7% inches wide, 24 inches deep, made entirely of steel. Ten open bins for plates are approximately 1794 inches wide, 24 inches deep, 6 inches high. Shelves are all steel. Cabinet has sanitary con- struction. Full paneled ends and paneled back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. In furnishing banks of longer lengths than illustrated above, the increased equipment can be arranged to suit customer and can be covered by additional tiers of letter boards, galley shelves, steel blank cases or open bins. Additional designs of standing banks will be found on the following pages. In addition to our regular standard patterns, we are in a position to prepare designs covering standing banks of any desired length or arrangement. O RI G IN A T E D AND M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E F O UN D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL STANDING BANK K-800 A standard design in printers' Composing Room Furniture suitably arranged for either job or newspaper offices. Occupies about twelve square feet of floor space and has a large storage capacity. Material used in its construction throughout is steel and brass. This same design can be furnished in Keystone steel-wood con- struction K-174 and is illustrated and described on page eighty-seven of this catalog. SPECIFICATIONS Entire bank made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with brass top approximately 30 inches wide, 72 inches long, and is divided into three spaces 4% inches wide for double column measure, and five spaces 2% inches wide for single column measure. Brass tubing ºº inch square is used for rim and division strips. Contains fifteen Keystone Steel Standing Bank K-800 all-steel letter boards 30 x 23% inches with rabbet fronts, sixty-eight galley shelves divided into four tiers 7% inches wide, 24 inches deep and two steel blank drawers, 14 inches wide, 21 inches long, 2 inches deep inside. Sanitary construction with sliding shoes, steel paneled ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. The designs shown herein are only a few of the many that we have designed and can supply but are unable to include in this catalog. Interested printers and publishers will be supplied with further information and data promptly and willingly when desired. Keystone Steel Equipment reduces costs and gains floor space. It pays to become better acquainted. There is practically no limit to design or arrangement which we are able to embody in Keystone Steel Equip- ment. If designs other than illustrated in this catalog are required, send the information to our Philadelphia office; special plans will be made and submitted to prospective customers together with estimate covering the cost. It should be remembered that all Keystone equipment is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel accurately formed from die work and no sheet iron enters into any part of our product. (9 ( º y K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U I P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL STANDING BANK K-653 MADE OF STEEL WITH BRASS TOP With the arrangement of this standing bank practically all kinds of live matter can be stored in a convenient and economical manner. The design is compact, affords various kinds of storage with an unusually large capacity. In addition to the full brass lined top there are twenty-one all-steel blank cases, sixteen all-steel letter boards with rabbeted fronts and two tiers of all-steel double column galley shelves with capacity for thirty-eight galleys. This bank will give the best service in the make-up department of a newspaper office for local or foreign advertising, want ad section or the ad room. For weekly newspapers and small dailys it will serve well for a general purpose storage. Keystone Steel Standing Bank K-653 SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Has brass top about 28% x 72 inches with six spaces 2% inches wide for 13 em standing matter and two spaces 4% inches wide for 26% em measure. The division strips are made of ºº inch square brass tubing. Height of cabinet in front 42 inches. Frame contains twenty-one steel blank cases about 22x20 inches inside; sixteen all-steel letter boards about 21 x 22 inches inside with rabbeted fronts; two tiers steel galley shelves 7% inches wide by 24 inches deep. The ends and back of cabinet are closed with steel panels. Sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. This design including the same specifications can be furnished in Keystone steel-wood construction which comprises steel frame, steel ends and back, brass top with cases, letter board and galley shelves made of wood. " " ..." O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE MONOTYPE CABINET AND WORK BENCH K-731 MADE OF STEEL WITH WOOD TOP Where monotypes are used it is important that proper storage be provided for necessary equipment and supplies. In addition to the storage capacity, this cabinet serves as a monotype machinist work bench. While the cabinet is made of steel, the top is built up from rock maple extra heavy with cleated ends which project over the cabinet for convenience in attaching vise. All parts and supplies such as molds, die cases, normal wedges, sort matrices, etc., are provided for and protected under lock and key. In addition to the parts there are ten tool drawers. The large open space can be used for the storage of extra pully, metal and pumps. There is also provision for thirty-six double column brass or wood rim galleys. The compartments for molds and die cases are covered with steel drop door provided with lock. The six matrix cases can all be locked by one operation. This cabinet can be supplied with the two tiers of galley shelves omitted. For offices operating a large number of mono- types, a cabinet of greater capacity can be furnished to give any desired arrangement and capacity. Blue prints will be furnished to responsible persons on application. Keystone Monotype Cabinet and Work Bench K-731 SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet made of steel, occupies floor space about 26x72 inches. The work bench on top is made of rock maple about 1% inch in thickness, 30 inches wide, 77 inches long. Has cleated ends fastened with heavy bolts, and top projects over cabinet 3inches at each end. Steel paneled ends and back. Contains three sets of steel galley shelves about 8 inches wide, 24 inches deep; ten compartments for molds about 6% inches wide, 7 inches deep, 2% inches high; eight compartments for die cases about 1% inch wide, 8 inches deep, 5% inches high; these compartments have sliding steel door with lock. Open space underneath about 20% inches long, 15% inches high, 24 inches deep. Seven mat drawers about 4% inches wide, 15% inches long, 1% inches deep inside; one drawer to hold ten normal wedges with storage in the back of case, two large drawers are about 16 x 6% x 24 inches. Four blank drawers about 9% x 3 x 24 inches, four blank drawers about 9% x64 x 24 inches, and six matrix drawers arranged to hold complete set of matrices. Inside of matrix drawers, blank drawers and compartments for molds and die cases are made of hard wood; all drawers, doors and cases have steel fronts. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Qū (, K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T y KEYSTONE LINOTYPE CABINET AND WORK BENCH K-770 MADE OF STEEL WITH WOOD TOP It has proven economical to provide a suitable work bench and storage cabinet for linotype machinists. This cabinet has a large heavy work bench with brass hooks and two top shelves for holding tools and parts during the working hours. Has ample storage capacity for tools and parts, in addition to the regular equipment used in connection with a linotype such as liners, ejector blades, space bands, matrices, etc. With this cabinet perfect system is certain to prevail. Provision is made for all necessary parts and with the work bench in conjunction, machinist is able to execute work promptly as no time is lost in hunting up tools and supplies. We manufacture similar work benches and storage cabinets in lengths up to 12 feet. For cabinets of greater capacity, blue prints Keystone Linotype Cabinet and Work Bench K-770 SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet made of steel, occupies floor space about 26 x 71 inches, has rock maple work top about 1% x 28 x 79 inches long, steel paneled ends and back, ten brass hooks and two special arranged shelves over top. First shelf is about 7 inches wide, 79 inches long and 12 inches above top. Top shelf about 7 inches wide, 79 inches long divided into twenty compartments as follows: First six spaces 2 inches wide, six spaces 3 inches, four spaces 4 inches, three spaces 5 inches, one space 9% inches. Height from floor to top of work bench 38 inches. First tier contains seven steel blank drawers about 30x21x334 inches inside, middle tier eight drawers arranged as follows: one drawer about 1733 x 25x1% inches to hold six complete sets of liners, one drawer about 17% x 25 x 5% inches with capacity for sixty-five ejector blades, one drawer for space bands which also contains sixteen removable boxes 4 x 4% x 3 inches deep for screws and small parts and five blank steel drawers for tools; last tier con- tains one steel blank case and eleven matrix drawers, size of drawer about 15 inches wide, 25 inches long, 2% inches deep. Cabinet built sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. The same design and equipment can be supplied in Keystone steel-wood construction which includes all-steel frame with wood drawers and cases. P. A. G. E. º/ O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A. D. E. B. Y K E Y S T O N E T Y. P. E. FOUND R Y Gy KEYSTONE LINOTYPE CABINET AND WORK BENCH K-442 (, MADE OF STEEL WITH WOOD TOP With this design we submit an entirely new and original arrangement for the storage of matrix sorts, together with the additional regular equipment and a unique plan for cleaning space bands. While the cabinet is made of steel with steel-paneled ends and back, the work bench is made of rock maple with two suitable shelves and nine brass hooks for tools while in use. With an office operating fifteen machines or less, this cabinet should prove very satisfactory. Keystone Linotype Cabinet and Work Bench K-342 SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with paneled ends and back, sanitary construction, sliding shoes with rock maple work bench about 28 inches wide, 72 inches long, 1% inch thick with cleated projecting ends, nine brass hooks and two shelves for tools, the first shelf being 13% inches from the top, 7 inches wide, having 94-inch rim all around; top shelf divided into fifteen compartments as follows: Six 3 inches wide, six 4 inches, three 6% inches. Height from floor to top of work bench, 38 inches. Cabinet has one blank tool drawer at top of first tier about 24% x 19% x2% inches inside; ten Keystone matrice drawers, each drawer divided into 102 compartments the correct size to hold matrice and the lay being arranged to conform with the keyboard making it possible to secure any desired character instantly. The back half of each drawer is divided into nine extra compartments for the storage of sorts, etc. Second tier contains one drawer at top with automatic drop front, lined with zinc and has wood base in center 4x 9x1% inches for cleaning space bands; two drawers each containing twenty removable boxes for small parts; two blank drawers about 17% x 24x3 inches; two blank draw- ers about 17% x24x6inches. Also has one storage cupboard with steel door, steel lined with three adjustable shelves. Occupies floor space about 26x65 inches. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. "..." " S-Z K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE ROLLING MAIL LIST CABINET K-350 MADE OF STEEL Offices having a mailing list on galleys, comprising forty or more mailing galleys, will find this cabinet has economical features. The old method required the removal of galleys from the shelf to make corrections; this was not only dangerous practice but required extra time. - Design here illustrated contains fifteen all-steel - - - - trays about 32 inches wide, 25 inches long. Each tray contains eight solid steel turn rollers, four in each rail and will hold four brass mailing galleys measuring 7% inches wide inside. In making cor- rections the tray can be rolled out without effort, giving free access to four complete galleys. The special extra heavy projecting front avoids any difficulty from the tray being pulled entirely out of position. We supplied twenty of these cabinets to one office which required five men with the old method and the same work is now being done with three, representing a saving of $40 a week. The large extra heavy casters permit moving the cabinet to the proof press and in case of fire can be placed on the elevator or other parts of the building with- out effort or delay. SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet made of steel with steel paneled ends and back, steel lined top about 28 x 41 inches; height from floor to top 49 inches. Contains fifteen all-steel trays with eight solid steel rollers in each tray; inside dimensions about 32x25 inches with two -- Keystone Rolling Mail List Cabinet K-350 pulls; bottom tray 9 inches from the floor; has 99.4 inches projecting front; mounted on four patented double wheel swivel casters 4% inches; occupies floor space about 35 x 38 inches over all. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE ROLLING PAGE TRANSFER CABINET K–195 All Keystone Steel Furniture designs are original and exclusive. They embody modern methods, and are all money savers. The accom- panying illustration shows a great space and time-saver. By the use of this cabinet, eleven make-up tables can be dispensed with and better results obtained. All letter boards are made of cold-rolled steel and take a complete form, including stereotype chase. Eleven pages can be stored in one cabinet. To transfer a page, one board is placed on top, the surface being one- eighth inch lower than the make-up table, which makes the change without trouble. Loaded boards are placed below and another empty one set on top. The cabinet can be rolled to ad room or to any point desired. All letter boards are made with fronts flush. They slide on hot-rolled angle steel runs with square root. Average size of letter boards inside, about 23 x 30 inches. Owing to various sizes of newspapers and heights of trucks, these cabinets are always made to order. In placing an order, be careful to give outside di- Keystone Rolling Page Transfer Cabinet K-195 mensions of stereotype chase, including screws; __ also exact heights of make-up tables from floor to top of surface. Frame made of steel pipe, back and ends closed with cold-rolled steel. Casters, 4% inches in diameter. P. A. G. E. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL COMBINATION LINOTYPE DUMP AND CORRECTING BANK K-709 This dump and correcting bank will give good results where ten or less machines are operated. One half of top arranged for galley dump, the remaining 5 feet has flat brass top with metal chute for correcting. We can supply a similar bank made in combination, with top 6 feet long, for offices having from two to four machines. With the arrangement of the top bank, operators can dump from the back as well as the front of the cabinet. For more careful handling of galleys, the bins are divided into twelve compartments instead of two large spaces, which will not permit throwing of galleys into the bins. //WTTTTTTTTTTT === . - - - - Keystone Steel Combination Linotype Dump and Correcting Bank K-709 SPECIFICATIONS Made of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass. Has brass top about 28 inches wide by 10 feet long, 5 feet of which is spaced with 94-inch square brass tubing for galley dump and 5 feet is a flat Keystone Steel Linotype Copy Cabinet K-802 surface with a metal chute 4 x 6 inches. Fat matter bank over top, full brass lined, divided into fifty-one 13 em spaces; width of bank 9 inches; length 10 feet, 4 inches with twenty steel copy hooks over top; height to bank 42 inches; contains three all-steel blank drawers; eleven flat steel galley shelves, about 24 inches wide; twelve open bins for empty galleys about 6x9x24 inches; five tiers galley shelves, about 6 inches wide with capacity for eighty galleys; open space for metal chute 25 inches wide, 29 inches high. Frame has paneled steel ends, open front and back to permit taking out galleys from either side. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL LINOTYPE COPY CABINET K-802 This cabinet is intended for use in connection with the linotype operator; especially desirable for head letter and ad machines; top is 16 inches long, 13% inches wide, divided with center bar; contains two steel blank drawers about 12 x 10 x 3 inches inside and one open compartment about 13 x 12 x 6% inches inside; sanitary construction with sliding shoes and paneled ends and back. Height at front 20 inches; height at back 23% inches. When not in use cabinet can be set under keyboard. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel (, *T2 P A G E tº o R T Y / K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T y KEYSTONE LINOTYPE DUMP K-794 MADE OF STEEL WITH BRASS TOP Our line of steel linotype dumps covers about twenty distinct designs. For the average office it will be diffi- cult to supply a more convenient arrangement than offered in this piece. Illustration shows bank with top 75 inches long. Same design is made with top 8, 10 and 12 feet long. SPECIFICATIONS Entire bank made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with brass top about 28 x 75 inches. Space for seventeen single column galleys; ºº inch square brass tubing used for galley rests with 3% inches space between. Bank Keystone Linotype Dump K-794 over top is full brass lined about 9 inches wide and 79 inches long, is divided into twenty-five spaces 2% inches wide for 13 em measure, four spaces 4% inches wide for 26% em measure and has eight steel copy hooks in top rail. Body of bank contains three all-steel blank drawers about 20 inches wide, 20 inches long, 2 inches deep inside; two tiers steel galley shelves about 6 inches wide for single galleys, and one tier about 7% inches wide for double galleys; total of forty-eight galley shelves; six open bins for empty galleys, about 6% inches wide, 9% inches high and 25 inches from front to back; one open storage bin about 22 inches wide, 9 inches high and 25 inches deep; eleven flat galley shelves about 20 inches wide and 25 inches deep. Space between galley shelves 2 inches. Open front and back with steel paneled ends; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. The above piece of furniture is made in Keystone steel-wood construction, which is our number K-89 illus- trated on page eighty. P. A. G. E. O R J G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y º KEYSTONE LINOTYPE CORRECTING BANK K-795 (, MADE OF STEEL WITH BRASS TOP A suitable piece of furniture to work in connection with Keystone linotype dump illustrated on preceding page, the two designs being companion pieces. All Keystone correcting banks are made with flat tops which have our recommendation, although a bank with sliding top can be supplied on special request. It has been fully demon- strated that in making corrections much better results are secured from a flat surface. Illustration shows correct- ing bank with top about 79 inches long. It is also made in lengths 8, 10 and 12 feet long. With increased length, additional galley storage capacity is provided. With this arrangement we are submitting our most popular design which has proven very satisfactory and contains all the equipment usually necessary in a correcting bank. Keystone Linotype Correcting Bank K-795 SPECIFICATIONS Entire frame made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Top brass lined, about 28 x 78 inches, with metal chute in center 4 x 6 inches. Height to top of bank about 42 inches. Fat matter bank over top is about 12 inches wide, 82 inches long and is divided in half the long way with thirty-four spaces 2% inches wide for 13 em measure at the bottom and the top half blank. Frame contains two blank drawers; three tiers steel galley shelves about 7% inches wide, 25 inches long; space for metal truck 25 inches wide, 30 inches high, eleven flat galley shelves about 17% inches wide, 25 inches long with 2 inches space between shelves. Made with paneled ends, open front and back; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Same design furnished in Keystone steel-wood construction being number K-87 illustrated on page eighty-one. ºlº P A G E FORTY-T W 0. º º K E y S T O N E S T E E L P R IN T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T y KEYSTONE STEEL LINOTYPE DUMP K-723 The design shown in illustration has the same general top equipment as K-794 described on page forty, the decided changes being in the flat galley shelves. For slug matter, flat shelves work very satisfactory and the advantage over single tier slanting shelves is the fact that shelves will take any size galleys. Illustration shows bank with brass top 8 feet long; same design is furnished with brass top 6, 10 and 12 feet long. The 6 foot banks have nine open bins for empty galleys and the flat galley shelves on either side are reduced in length. For the longer banks, increased capacity is supplied in the flat galley shelves. The arrangement of the fat matter bank over the top is made to permit dumping from the back as well as the front. All galley shelves and bins for empty galleys are open at front and back so as to permit taking out galleys from either side. - ==== made sº - ºn keystone Steel Linotype Dump K-723 SPECIFICATIONS The dump is brass lined, size about 28 x 96 inches, spaced for twenty-two single column brass galleys. Galley rests are made of ºs-inch square brass tubing; overhead bank is about 9 inches wide, 101 inches long, brass lined and divided into compartments for 13 em measure; has steel copy hooks on top rail. Frame occupies floor space about 29s 93 inches and contains three blank drawers, and twenty flat steel galley shelves, about 27% inches wide, 24 inches deep, 2% inches between shelves. The twelve open bins for empty galleys are about 6% inches wide, 8% inches high, 24 inches from front to back. Has paneled steel ends and sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. $7Tº | O RIG IN A T E D AND M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE STEEL LINOTYPE CORRECTING BANK K-724 This bank is designed to work in connection with linotype dump K-723 on opposite page. The dimensions correspond with size of top, height and length. Size of the brass top is about 28x96 inches and is also furnished in the following lengths: 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet. The overhead fat matter bank is of sufficient height to permit working from the back. The space from working top to top of fat matter bank is about 22 inches at the back and about 14 inches at the front. The entire frame is substantially constructed of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass. Metal trucks are not included in price of bank and should be ordered separately. For descrip- tion of metal trucks, see page sixty-nine. º - - º 7 - º º - Keystone Steel Linotype Correcting Bank K-724 SPECIFICATIONS Brass top measures about 28 inches wide, 96 inches long, 42 inches high. Bank over top is about 12 inches wide, 98% inches long, bottom half divided into forty-one compartments for 13 em measurement. Top half is blank and entire bank is brass lined. Frame contains two blank drawers about 28x20x2 inches; twenty flat steel galley shelves about 29 inches wide, 24 inches front to back with space between shelves about 2% inches; space for metal truck 26 inches wide. Occupies floor space about 26x94 inches. Steel paneled ends and sanitary construc- tion with sliding shoes. Entire bank made of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. ºº \ K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R IN T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL LINOTYPE DUMP K-796 The arrangement of this dump, while simplified, has proven very convenient and has given excellent satisfac- tion in various offices where in use. The illustration shows the arrangement for an 8 foot dump. The fat matter bank rests directly on the top of the bank bringing fat slugs directly in front of the operator. The extreme height is only 52 inches. The three blank drawers are extra deep, measuring 5 inches. In addition, there are three open compartments for side sticks and like material. This dump can be furnished in lengths–6, 8, 10 and 12 feet long. The 10 and 12 foot lengths have one additional tier. The 6 foot length has the same equipment, the lengths of the three sections being reduced. Special overhead lighting arrangement can be attached to these dumps upon request. - Keystone Steel Linotype Dump K-796 SPECIFICATIONS The top is full brass lined, the dump measuring about 24 inches from front to back and 8 feet long, spaced for twenty-two single column brass galleys. Galley rests made of 34-inch square brass tubing, space between the galley rests about 3% inches. The bank at back for fat matter is full brass lined about 12 inches wide, 96 inches long over all, spaced for 13 em measure. Frame contains three steel blank drawers about 18x22x5 inches over all; three open bins about 5 inches high, 9% inches wide, 24 inches from front to back. At each end there are three flat steel galley shelves about 28% inches wide, 7% inches between shelves, 24 inches front to back. Center tier contains six flat steel galley shelves about 28% inches long, 3% inches between shelves, 24 inches front to back. Galley shelves are open front and back. Ends of bank closed with cold rolled steel; sanitary construction; sliding shoes. Made of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass throughout. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. P. A. G. E. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL CORRECTING BANK K-797 (, This design has been arranged as a companion piece to linotype dump K-796, on opposite page; no overhead bank is included. The plain flat top is full brass lined, about 26 inches wide, 96 inches long, 42 inches high. This style is made in the following lengths: 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet. The 6 foot length has the same equipment as shown in illustration of the 8 foot length with the flat galley shelves at each end, reduced in length. The 10 and 12 foot lengths have four tiers of flat galley shelves. All galley shelves are open at front and back. Prices quoted on this bank do not include the self-dumping metal truck. These trucks are illustrated and described on page sixty- nine. One or more trucks should be included with each bank. If a greater amount of galley storage is required, eleven flat galley shelves can be included in each tier instead of eight as shown in illustration ; this will give a total of twenty-two flat shelves 29% inches long. The Keystone Steel Correcting Bank K-797 extra space has been included in this design to permit examining galleys without removing from the shelves. When required, single or double column slanting galley shelves can be furnished instead of the flat shelves. SPECIFICATIONS Entire bank made of cold rolled patent leveled steel and brass with full brass lined top about 26 x 96 inches. Height 42 inches. Eight flat steel galley shelves at each end about 29% inches long, 24 inches from front to back, and about 3% inches between shelves. Space for metal truck 25 inches wide and 29 inches high; opening at top of metal chute 4x6 inches. Frame has steel paneled ends, sanitary construction, sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. All material used in the construction of this bank is of the very highest grade, all the steel being patent leveled and built in a very substantial and artistic manner. Angle iron does not enter into the construction of Keystone steel furniture. Most parts are electric welded, which assures strength and accuracy. "..." " K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T J N G P L A N T E Q U I P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL MONOTYPE CORRECTING BANK K-747 Where monotypes are used in addition to linotypes, this bank will be found a great time-saver in making corrections. The illustration shows bank with top 8 feet long. The frame contains eighteen full sized, extra depth California job cases with routed label holders to hold various faces more commonly used on the monotype. In having these faces near at hand, a great amount of time will be saved in the correction of galleys. For newspapers using one size or more continually, two full sized cases can be placed on the top bank as shown in illustration. This piece of furniture will be found very practical in both newspaper and job offices. NºN *N Ně Nº-y M a - -e- E. 3| 2|| 2 º: º Keystone Steel Monotype Correcting Bank K-747 SPECIFICATIONS Entire bank made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, full brass lined, top about 28x96 inches and 42 inches high, with overhead brass lined bank containing fourteen spaces in each end arranged for 13 em measure with blank space in center of sufficient size to take two full sized cases. Has five tiers of steel galley shelves about 594 inches wide, 24 inches deep, with label holder over each tier. Space for metal truck 24% inches. The eighteen extra depth California job cases are made of wood. Space back of cases and galley shelves is closed with paneled steel, has paneled ends and is of sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Metal truck is not included in price of bank. For descriptive matter of trucks see page sixty-nine. P. A. G. E. º O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL IMPOSING TABLE K-801 º No imposing table has a greater demand than the design illustrated below; it is one of our standard patterns and furnishes a very large amount of storage surface. The other side of table is arranged the same as illustra- tion; this gives four large all-steel blank drawers and forty-eight all-steel letter boards with rabbeted fronts, supply- ing a storage surface of about thirty thousand square inches. The semi-steel top is made of steel and iron with perfect surface, double ribbed at bottom and will give practically everlasting service. This is a piece of furniture well adapted for job offices and newspaper ad alleys. All parts of this table are made of steel, no wood entering into the manufacture. The steel letter boards are accurate, substantial and will be found a great improvement over the letter boards made of wood. Keystone Steel Imposing Table K-801 SPECIFICATIONS Entire table made of cold rolled patent leveled steel, has semi-steel top about 51% x63% x 1% inches thick; the rabbet on the four sides is ºx!, inch. Height 39 inches. Contains four all-steel blank drawers about 27x20x2% inches inside; forty-eight all-steel letter boards with rabbeted fronts, reinforced centers electric welded, about 25% x 24 inches inside. Frame has steel paneled ends, sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Similar designs in various sizes can be furnished. The next larger size has semi-steel top about 51% x 75% inches and gives three tiers of letter boards on each side of frame. The table illustrated above can be supplied with sanitary base same as illustrated on page fifty-five. With this arrangement fifty-two letter boards are supplied in addition to the four blank steel drawers. We have completed plans and specifications covering more than a hundred original and distinct designs of im- posing tables. When our stock sizes fail to meet the requirements, blue-prints will be submitted showing any desired design or arrangement. We are composing room specialists and can serve you with unusual promptness and with quality yet unreached by any other concern. " y K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U I P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K-257 The three following imposing tables have been arranged especially for newspaper ad rooms and are built 42 inches high; the width of top is sufficient to permit working from both sides at one time. The overhead bank holds two faces of labor-saving brass rule in addition to leads and slugs and both sides are alike. On a special order the same design can be supplied with reduced height or to conform with make-up tables already in use. All ad composition works to better advantage on a flat surface and these tables furnish an excellent amount of equipment. III/II -- memºrrºr ºr rººf-º-º- ſiliº | #FFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEL |T|| || || || º * * ºf rºw - E- H º H # | | E. - - º - - - - - - º - Crº ºr. º ºr. º ºr: º ºr: º º - - - - - - º Keystone Steel Ad Frame K-257 SPECIFICATIONS Table is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with semi-steel top 51% x 75% inches; 34-inch rabbet at sides and ends. Height 42 inches. Space between work top and bottom of lead and slug rack 20 inches. Overhead bank about 12 inches wide, 82 inches long, full brass lined. Two top compartments arranged to hold labor-saving brass rule, 1 to 9% by gems, 10 to 26 by ems; holds labor-saving brass 4 to 35 ems inclusive. Other side has same arrangement. Body of table contains three steel blank drawers at top, each drawer having eight removable boxes about 5x10x2 inches for metal bases, machine border, etc. Fifty-four all-steel blank cases with label holders for cuts and plates. Sanitary construction, sliding shoes, steel paneled ends. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. For description of other side of this table, see opposite page. When requested, the overhead bank will be wired for electricity and three sets of fixtures with special prism mirror reflectors are included. P A G E F O RT º/ O R I G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K-257 (, The illustration below shows the other side of table described on opposite page. The equipment is especially large. In addition to the large amount of working surface the storage capacity is above the ordinary. We recom- mend flat surfaces for ad work in newspaper offices and have a generous amount of tables of this description. Should this design be required for a job office, the height would be reduced to 39 inches. This will reduce the number of steel sort drawers to forty-two, otherwise the equipment will remain the same. - - - - - s – -. –. - - - - º Keystone Steel Ad Frame K-257 SPECIFICATIONS Semi-steel top 51% x 75% x 1% inches thick with 4-inch rabbet at sides and ends. Height 42 inches. Over- head bank is full brass lined; two top rows arranged for labor-saving brass rule 1 to 9% by half ems, 10 to 26 by ems; bottom tier double depth, holds labor-saving brass 4 to 35 ems. Both sides are alike. Space between overhead bank and semi-steel top 20 inches. When desired this bank can be wired for electricity and three sets of fixtures and shades are included. Body of frame contains forty-eight steel sort drawers in six tiers; the first tier of drawers has adjustable partitions for the storage of quads and similar material in quantities, remaining five tiers of drawers contain ten removable wood sort boxes 4% x 4 x 3% inches, giving a total of four hundred boxes in the five tiers. Over all dimensions of steel drawers about 10% x 24x3% inches. Frame has steel paneled ends, sanitary con- struction, sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. For description of other side of this frame, see opposite page. The entire frame, blank cases and sort drawers are made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. º K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R J N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T will be cheerfully furnished on request. iſſiſſiſſiſſiſſiſi. miſſiºnſ. III - _º - Fºstone º º | table 42 inches. holds sizes 1 to 9% ems by half ems; 10 to 26 by ems. for signature cuts. olive green baked enamel. iſ LL y KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K-258 This is one of the series of three ad tables described on preceding and following pages. The over-all dimensions and top equipment are uniform. Ad rooms having the complete series in use lend their endorsement. only one or two of the tables are required, such equipment as will be found more desirable can be arranged. Where a considerable amount of storage is required, this table will serve the purpose well. Where Additional designs - - seasºn-ºn-ºn-º-º- Sº foundry Cº. SPECIFICATIONS The semi-steel top is about 51% X 75% x 1% inches thick, with 4-inch rabbet at sides and ends. Height of Overhead bank is full brass lined; top compartments arranged for labor-saving brass rule and Bottom tier is double depth and holds labor-saving leads and slugs 4 to 35 ems. Both sides of this bank are arranged alike. Space between bank and top 20 inches. When ordered, this table can be wired for electricity, and three sets of fixtures with shades are included. Body of table contains three blank drawers about 21x21% x2% inches inside; three tiers all-steel letter boards about 20x24 inches inside with rabbeted fronts, a total of twenty-eight boards and eighteen steel blank cases with label holders Frame has steel paneled ends, sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark For description of other side of this table, see opposite page. reduced from 42 inches to 39 inches. steel blank cases. It should be noted that these tables are made extra high for ad composition and where ordered for job offices it should be so mentioned and the height This reduces very slightly the equipment in the way of letter boards and " "..." O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y. P. E. * KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K-258 The accompanying illustration shows arrangement of the other side of ad composition table as described on opposite page. The table has three tiers of steel letter boards on one side, and on the other side has two tiers of steel letter boards and one tier of steel blank cases. This table is one of a series of three described on pages forty-eight to fifty-three inclusive that are specially designed for the ad room and for this reason are made an extra height of 42 inches. Upon special order, however, they can be furnished the regular standard height of 39 inches for use in job offices. All these tables are substantially built of cold rolled patent leveled steel and the Keystone all-steel letter board is especially recommended. The steel letter board is a marked improvement over the boards made of wood. - ======ºmmº-º- |HEEEEEE----~~~~~ #iii. TIII * * *º type Foº _- Keystone Steel Ad Frame K-258 SPECIFICATIONS Size of semi-steel top about 51% x 75% x 1% inches thick, with 4-inch rabbet at sides and ends. Height of table 42 inches. The overhead bank is full brass lined; two top rows spaced for labor-saving brass rule 1 to 9% by half ems; 10 to 26 by ems. Bottom tier is double depth and arranged to hold labor-saving brass from 4 to 35 ems. Space between top and bank 20 inches. Table can be wired for electricity, with fixtures and shades when desired. Top is sufficiently wide to permit working from both sides without full length galleys coming into contact. Table contains three all-steel blank drawers about 21 x 21% x2% inches inside and three tiers of all-steel letter boards about 20x24 inches inside with rabbeted front—making a total of forty-two boards. Heavy steel angle iron for runs. The boards are built substantially, accurately, and are electric welded. Ends of frame closed with cold rolled patent leveled steel; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. For description of other side of this table, see opposite page. K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K-259 The table illustrated below contains equipment arranged especially for newspaper ad rooms, and in general design conforms with the two frames described on preceding pages. The ten flat steel galley shelves will hold various size galleys, while the center tier of cases is arranged for linotype machine border and metal bases for mats and plates. The tier of small cases contains ten drawers with twenty rule and figure cases and eight steel drawers each having two removable border boxes, making a total of sixteen trays. The other side of this frame is illustrated on opposite page. muuuuuuſſº-Tº-º----- ſººn iiii 1. | º - - E —- Keystone Steel Ad Frame K-259 SPECIFICATIONS Frame has semi-steel top 51% x 75% x 1% inches thick, with 4-inch rabbet on both sides and ends. Height 42 inches; but, when desired, frame can be supplied with height reduced to 39 inches. Overhead bank is full brass lined. Two top rows spaced for labor-saving brass rule 1 to 9% ems by half ems, 10 to 25 by ems. Bottom row is made double depth to hold brass slugs 4 to 35 ems; space between overhead bank and top 20 inches. When re- quired, this frame can be wired for electricity and three sets of fixtures and prism mirror reflectors are included. Body of frame contains two large steel blank drawers; ten flat steel galley shelves about 32% inches wide, 24 inches deep; ten steel cases divided into four 30-em compartments for linotype borders and eight steel cases divided into four compartments for metal bases; ten steel blank drawers, each drawer containing two removable figure cases; eight steel blank drawers, each containing two removable border cases; steel paneled ends, sanitary construction, sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. For description of other side of this frame, see opposite page. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K-259 The illustration below is a view of the other side of ad frame described on opposite page. One of the strong features of these ad tables is the extra width. This permits compositors working on both sides of the frame without interference. Space provided is sufficiently large for four ad men to work at each table. We mention especially the height, which is 42 inches. If desired, this can be reduced to 39 inches. For ad work the extra height will be found more desirable. The thirty-six steel blank cases are intended for cuts and plates. Entire frame is made of steel and brass. muuunrººf. ###########: ºf LL -- iſiſLIII Keystone Steel Ad Frame K-259 SPECIFICATIONS The semi-steel top measures 51% x 75% x 1% inches thick, with 4-inch rabbet on both sides and ends. Height of table 42 inches. The overhead bank is brass lined, with two top rows arranged for labor-saving brass rule, 1 to 9% ems by half ems, 10 to 26 by ems. The bottom row is made double depth to hold labor-saving brass from 4 to 35 ems inclusive. Both sides of this bank have the same arrangement. When required, the frame will be wired for electricity and three sets of fixtures with prism mirror reflectors will be included under the overhead bank. Body of frame contains two large steel blank drawers and thirty-six steel blank cases with center bar, eighteen cases in each tier; label holders are attached to each case. Ends of frame are closed with cold rolled steel, built sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. The semi-steel top is finished perfect and accurate. All material used is cold rolled patent leveled steel, with steel runs electric welded, completing a most substantial and artistic piece of furniture. For description of other side of this frame, see opposite page. K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T | KEYSTONE STEEL IMPOSING TABLE K-673 SPECIFICATIONS Entire frame made of steel; semi-steel top about 51% x 75% inches, 4-inch rabbet both sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Has concave base at sides and ends without any obstructions. Frame rests firmly on the floor at all points. One side contains two tiers of job chase racks. Top tier 13 inches; bottom tier 17% inches. All parts of Keystone Steel Imposing Table K-573 these racks are made of steel. The chase rests are made of round cold rolled steel bars, arranged to hold various size chases. The other side contains two large steel blank drawers; one tier of all-steel letter boards 26% inches wide; steel furniture case for holding wood or metal labor-saving furniture in widths of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and - - - - - vsror- --- -o-º-º: | - -- - pe BY M- - - | | | - ſ - º irº- == º: º Keystone Steel Imposing Table K-673 10 ems; lengths 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems. Over the reglet case are ten openings for foundry bearers holding lengths 2 to 12 inches inclusive. The reglet rack holds forty pieces each 6 and 12 point reglet 15 to 60 ems long. Frame has steel paneled ends and is finished in dark olive green baked enamel. The design especially arranged for job lock-up table. Furniture and reglet are listed separately and either wood or metal furniture can be included. P. A. G. E. O R. I. G. I N A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL IMPOSING TABLE K-674 (, SPECIFICATIONS This table has semi-steel top about 514 x 75'4x1% inches thick, 4-inch rabbet at both sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Frame and equipment made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel, constructed with concave base at ends and sides. One side of frame contains three steel blank drawers. Storage cabinet in center with steel - - i i - -- i - i - - | Keystone Steel Imposing Table K-674 door and three shelves. Labor-saving furniture rack made to hold widths 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 ems wide, and the following lengths: 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 ems. The furniture is listed separately. ºt- Steel Imposing Table K-674 Other side contains three all-steel blank drawers and thirty-six all steel letter boards with rabbeted fronts 20 inches wide. Letter boards are all electric welded without rivets or bolts. Ends of frame closed with cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T y KEYSTONE STEEL IMPOSING TABLE K-635 SPECIFICATIONS Semi-steel top 51% x 63% x 1%, inches thick, 4-inch rabbet at sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Frame built of sanitary construction with sliding shoes and paneled ends. Frame contains four steel blank drawers about Keystone Steel Imposing Table K-635 27 x 21 x2 inches deep inside. Labor-saving furniture cases to hold twenty-five pieces each 2, 3, 4 and 5 line; twenty pieces each 6 line; fifteen pieces each 8 and 10 line, cut 15 and 60 ems long; thirty pieces each 2, 3, 4 and 5 line; ºne ºf Keystone TYPE Four-DRY - _- - i. [. H | is: - Keystone Steel Imposing Table K-635 twenty-four pieces 6 line; eighteen pieces each 8 and 10 line, cut 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80, 90, 100 and 120 ems long. Twenty-one steel sort drawers in three tiers containing 252 removable wood boxes; sixteen steel blank cases notched on the sides by picas for wood type or cuts. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. P. A. G. E. O R I G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE STEEL STRIPPING TABLE K-798 - While the accompanying design has been especially arranged as a stripping frame for dead ads, it will serve equally as well as a correcting table for the correction of linotype and monotype galleys or forms. It is a universal piece of furniture and every ad alley or job office should have this table for dead material ready for distribution. With the perfect semi-steel top it can also be used for imposition of forms and light work. The lighting features are included only by special order. Keystone Steel Stripping Table K-798 SPECIFICATIONS The semi-steel top is about 28x7.5% x 1% inches thick; %-inch rabbet sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Contains two steel drawers arranged for metal bases in widths 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 20 ems in the small drawer; 6%, 25, 26% and 40 ems and two spaces for 13 ems in large drawer; two tiers of steel galley shelves about 7% inches wide, 24 inches deep; four flat steel galley shelves about 24% inches long, and seven all-steel letter boards about 23% x 25% inches inside. Open space for truck 24 inches wide, 29 inches high. Frame has paneled steel back and ends; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. The overhead bank is full brass lined, with division strip running the long way through the center, and both sides of bank are alike. F-IFT Y - E - G. H. T. K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T y KEYSTONE STEEL RECEIVING TABLE K-725 The equipment in this table will be found valuable in the ad room or as an assembling table in the make-up section. In addition to the five tiers of single column galley shelves, there are ten extra long flat shelves to take various sizes of job galleys and the space is sufficient for storage of stereotype chases not in use. The overhead bank is full brass lined and both sides are alike. When required, this bank can be arranged for labor-saving brass, similar to K-748, K-435 or any special arrangement best suited to individual offices. The semi-steel top has 4-inch rabbet sides and ends which can be omitted when required. | | *WWW \\\\\ --- WVVV \\ \ \ \_\ \ \ } = Keystone Steel Receiving Table K-725 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of cold rolled patent leveled steel throughout. Has semi-steel top about 28 x 75'4 x 1% inches thick ; *ç-inch rabbet sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Overhead bank full brass lined about 12 inches wide, 81% inches long; ºs-inch square brass tubing for rim and division strip. Other side of bank has same arrangement. When desired, same can be wired for electricity and three complete sets of fixtures with shades are included. Height to bottom of overhead bank from semi-steel top about 27% inches; bank is adjustable and can be raised or lowered for a space of 10 inches. Frame contains four steel blank drawers and ten steel flat galley shelves about 34% inches long, 24 inches deep with a capacity for seventy-five single column galleys; has steel paneled ends and back; 2-inch square steel posts and rails; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL RECEIVING TABLE K-748 In the make-up section of a newspaper or publication office, a receiving or assembling table for live matter should be convenient to the rolling or stationary make-up tables. We submit here one of our many designs which has heavy semi-steel top and the frame arranged with five tiers of single column galley shelves, three tiers of double column and one tier triple column with label holder placed over each tier. There are two large blank drawers and two open pockets for full length column rule. The arrangement provides an excellent storage place for live matter. - - |TFTITITTTL// | IFFHF- —r TCL Keystone Steel Receiving Table K-748 SPECIFICATIONS Frame contains semi-steel top about 28 x 75% inches with 4-inch rabbet. Height 39 inches. Five tiers of steel galley shelves are about 6 inches wide, 24 inches deep; the three tiers for double column galleys are about 7% inches wide, and one tier for triple column galleys is about 9% inches wide; brass label holders at the top of each tier. Two steel blank drawers are about 10% inches wide, 20 inches long, 3% inches deep, inside measure. The two open pockets are about 4 inches wide, 3% inches high, 24 inches deep. Top bank is full brass lined, with %-inch square brass tubing for division strips; first five compartments are spaced 2% inches wide; the following six compartments are spaced for 40, 53%, 67, 80%, 94 and 107% ems; the labor-saving column rule compartments hold lengths 1 to 9% by half ems, 10 to 60 by ems; the six spaces for shank rule are 1 inch wide; the two last spaces are spaced 2% inches wide for 13 em measure. Entire back and ends of frame closed with cold rolled patent leveled steel. Sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. When re- quired, frame will be wired for electricity and three sets of fixtures and shades supplied. (, K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R IN T | N G P L A N T E Q U I P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL AD FRAME K–726 An imposing table well adapted for a newspaper ad room, periodicals or general commercial printing. This table can be supplied without overhead bank if desired. For the ad room it gives letter board storage, steel blank cases for signature cuts and a place for labor-saving brass in top bank. Other side of top bank holds labor-saving brass from one to seven columns. _ - -- * - THET- -º- it-i-º-º-º: - Keystone Steel Ad Frame K-726 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with semi-steel top about 28x7.5% inches; 34-inch rabbet sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Overhead bank full brass lined, with 94-inch square brass tubing for rim and division strip; one side arranged to hold labor-saving brass 4 to 25 ems inclusive, 26%, 40, 53%, 24%, 25%, 28 to 38 by two ems; the other side has one compartment for cut off rule and two compartments each 4% inches wide for 2 and 6 point labor-saving brass; four spaces for 13 ems; three for 26%; one each for 40, 53%, 67, 80% and 94%. Bank wired for electricity when desired. Frame includes three all-steel blank drawers, twenty-four all-steel letter boards with rabbet fronts 20x25 inches inside, and eighteen all steel blank cases 21 x 25 inches inside. Steel paneled ends and back; 2-inch square posts and rails; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. O RIG IN A T E D AND M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E TYPE FOUND R Y Q/ - (9 KEYSTONE STEEL IMPOSING TABLE K-435 A design suitable for ad composition, make-up, periodical and general imposition of forms. Frame will be supplied without overhead bank if desired. Both sides of the bank have the same arrangement and hold lengths 4 to 28 ems, with two blank compartments at end to hold 40 em measure. -- - -- :- - ---- --- --- --- --º- Keystone Steel Imposing Tablek-435 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with 2-inch square posts and rails; semi-steel top about 28x7.5% inches, with 4-inch rabbet sides and ends. Height 39 inches. Three steel blank drawers, three tiers double column galley shelves about 7% inches wide, 24 inches deep and 24 all-steel letter boards with rabbet fronts about 18% x23% inches inside. Paneled steel ends and back; sanitary construction with steel sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Overhead bank is adjustable and can be raised or lowered for a distance of 10 inches either way. When ordered, frame can be wired for electricity which includes three sets of fixtures with special shades. The overhead bank is full brass lined, with 94-inch square brass tubing for rim and division strip about 12 inches wide and 80% inches long, spaced to hold labor-saving leads and slugs 4 to 28 ems and includes %-inch brass number tacks. ( ºlº P A G E S 1 x T. Y - Two >sº K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE STEEL MAKE-UP TABLE K-763 The Keystone line of all-steel newspaper make-up tables is unusually large. In addition to regular standard designs as illustrated in this catalog, we can submit blue prints covering various lengths up to 22 feet long and most any arrangement desired. The stationary tables are rapidly replacing the rolling tables. The plan is being used by both large and small newspapers. We recommend tables with top 28 inches wide and 12 feet long, as illustrated on page sixty-three. This size table will hold six seven-column stereotype chases. Mape ex Kºsº. rºtº- - | - 3. º - - - - Keystone Steel Make-up Table K-763 SPECIFICATIONS Entire table made of steel; has semi-steel top about 9 feet 8 inches long, 30 inches wide, 1% inches thick, with no rabbet. Height 37% inches (any desired height can be furnished). Top equipment includes four complete sets of lighting fixtures with wiring and three quartette banks arranged for 13 em leads, dashes and fat slugs. First tier in frame contains one labor-saving rule case to hold lengths 1 to 9% by half ems, 10 to 60 by ems, one case for shank rule, nine steel blank cases, four openings for empty galleys; two tiers double column galley shelves, 7% inches wide; five tiers single column galley shelves, 5% inches wide with printed numbers, and last tier contains two open pockets for full length column rule, one labor-saving rule case, one case for shank rule and eleven steel letter boards without rabbet to take eight column form including chase. Frame has steel paneled ends and back. All rails and posts are formed from cold rolled patent leveled steel. Sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Price includes frame wired complete with lamps and fixtures. This table will hold four eight-column chases with galley space between each chase. This set of make-up tables includes three additional designs which will be submitted on request. | P.A. G. E. a º ORIG IN A T E D AND M A D E B Y KEY S T ONE T y P E F O UN D R y KEYSTONE STEEL MAKE-UP TABLE K-793 Has semi-steel top about 12 feet long, 28 inches wide, 1% inches thick. Height:39 inches. Steel paneled ends and back; sanitary con- struction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. º- -º à 2. T- - - º - - - - - - - º - | - - * : - * The Overhead bank is full brass lined and arranged to hold brass slugs and cut off rule from one to seven columns labor-saving column rule, shank rule, twenty-eight spaces for 13 em and two for 26% em measures. bank wired for electricity including six sets of fixtures and lamps. Frame contains twenty-six all-steel letter boards, two blank drawers, six flat galley shelves 24 inches wide, six open bins and thirty-six steel blank cases. Top Q)º 5) ( Keystone Steel Make-Up Table K-764 Size of semi-steel top about 28 inches wide, 12 feet long, 1% inches thick. Height 39 inches. Overhead bank is full brass lined and arranged *DE EY KEYstroNE Tºp E Fou - - - - SPECIFICATIONS NDRY | to hold brass slugs and cut off rule from one to seven columns, labor-saving column rule, shank rule, twenty-eight spaces for 13 em and two for ~ 26% em measures. Price includes table wired for electricity complete with six sets of fixtures and shades. Top bank is adjustable and can be raised or lowered for a space of 10 inches either way. Equipment includes thirty-nine all-steel letter boards with flush fronts to hold full seven-column pages including chase, thirteen steel letter boards with rabbet fronts and two open bins for empty galleys. olive green baked enamel. Steel paneled ends and back; sanitary construction. Finished in dark He is Paneled steel ends and back; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. /2=s KEYSTONE STEEL MAKE-UP TABLE K-781 C Z- -La T/TT/ LTTEEEE|| || C///////// / / //// – --TTTT 5. A/E/////// / 7777.77|T|T|TF-FF : º T - - - - — C > Z C > > C ºr. MADE sº ºsions Yee FoundRY C EE- - F. --- -: - EEE- Oſ. -- . . . . . . . . ºs –––. - E-E- – –––– C –– - Z –––– ºr. - ==- — -- - - - -: - - ~ Keystone Steel Make-up Table k-7s, ºr. SPECIFICATIONS +. C This frame is supplied with semi-steel top about 12 feet long, 28 inches wide, 1% inches thick; no rabbet. Height 39 inches c Overhead bank full brass lined, arranged for labor-saving brass and can be raised or lowered for a space of 10 inches - Z either way. Frame wired complete for electricity with six sets of fixtures and shades. Under bank equipment includes two labor-saving rule cases to hold C lengths 1 to 50 ems, two pockets for full length column rule, ten open bins for plate matter, two flat galley shelves 42 inches long, sixteen steel blank cases, > two tiers of steel galley shelves 6 inches wide, two tiers Sº inches wide and eleven all-steel letter boards with flush fronts to hold full type pages, including chase. ~ sº-sº º tºlº - P A G E S 1 x T. Y-SIX º KEYSTONE STEEL ASSEMBLING TABLE K-785 K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T This piece of furniture is designed to work in connection with rolling make-up tables and serves for receiving and assembling either slugs or mono- type matter. In this particular size we have made additional designs of which the arrangement in the illustration has proven the most popular. In emer- gency cases this table can be used for making up regular newspaper forms. It can also be used in the newspaper ad section. Frame is supplied with º - - - - - - semi-steel top about 28 x 48 x 1% inches thick, with - – %-inch rabbet at sides and ends. Height 39 inches. - Top bank full brass lined, with 24-inch square brass tubing for rim and center bar; top tier spaced for = - 26% em and bottom tier for 13 em measures. The - - --- ºpe º - sixteen steel galley shelves are about 9% inches wide, 24 inches long and will take single, double - - - - ... - - or triple column galleys; drawer in center is about 3% inches deep, 9 inches wide, 20 inches long inside measurements; two open bins for empty galleys about 11 inches high, 9% inches wide, 24 inches deep, top drawer in last tier about 19% inches wide, 2% inches deep, 20 inches long, inside; five steel flat galley shelves about 20 inches wide, - Keystone Steel Assembling Table K-785 24 inches deep with 2 inches between shelves; five all-steel letter boards with rabbet fronts. Frame has steel paneled ends and back; sanitary construction with steel sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL ASSEMBLING A\\\\\\\ TABLE K-450 Where rolling make-up tables are used, this table will prove valuable for receiving live matter and holding leads, slugs, dashes and other 13 em fat matter. These tables can be supplied either stationary, as shown in illustration, or mounted on casters same as Keystone all-steel make-up table K-176 shown on page sixty-eight. Frame is made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings and has brass lined top about 28 inches wide, 26 inches from front to back with brass bank at an angle of sixty degrees at the back which contains ten compartments 294 inches wide with 's-inch square brass tubing for rim and division strips. Height 38% inches. Under the top is one wood blank drawer about 17% x 18% x 24 inches inside. Wood shelf at the bottom 23x25 inches. Finished in dark olive green Keystone Steel baked enamel Assembling Table K-450 O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE SEMI-STEEL IMPOSING SURFACES (, For imposing surfaces, semi-steel is the most desirable. They always give satisfaction and have our strong recommendation. Marble is not a comparison. Keystone semi-steel tops have absolutely accurate surfaces, are - Map ºr º tº º 1% inches in thickness and double ribbed on the bottom. On the four sides there is a 4-inch rabbet to take a galley; the corners are rounded, and of course no coffin is used, which gives nearly 400 more square inches top surface in a size to correspond with a marble top 48x60 inches. In semi-steel the size would be 51% x 63% inches and occupy the same amount of floor space. Keystone semi-steel tops never wear out; they will last a hundred years. At the end of ten years they will be more valuable than the day they were installed. They grow bet- ter with age. Of course they cost more than marble—about four times the amount—but marble is imperfect and becomes badly worn within a short time. Accuracy cannot be expected in marble, and is not a satisfactory surface. They are an expense caused by extra time in lock-up and damage to type and rule. Many of the “low” letters are caused by drawing the forms over poor stones. Rule is spoiled more in this way than by actual service on the press. The better class of printers buy semi-steel tops exclusively. Keystone semi-steel tops are in use in all parts of the United States and abroad. All our semi-steel tops are made in one piece. Our special equipment makes this possible. We can furnish semi-steel surfaces any size, from 12 inches square up to 84x264 inches. Following we give the regular standard sizes of semi-steel tops and what the stock size would be in marble. For example: If your frame was built for a marble slab 36x60 inches, the semi-steel top would be 39% x 63% inches. TYPE foundº Bottom view showing cross-ribbed construction Table showing sizes of semi-steel surfaces compared with marble, using standard size frames. Coffins not required or supplied with semi-steel surfaces. st-D-RL-º-º: standard size List Pºlºr ºur standard size standard size List PRICE FOR standard size ºran Daºd size LIST PRICE Fun MARBLE TOPS SEMI-SE-L TOPS SEMT-3Tººl tops MARBLE TOPS sEMI-SEEL LOPS -EMI-S-E-L Tops MARBLE Tups --M.--TEEL LOPS *EM-51-EL tops Nº-Hºs in-HES only inches Inches ºn Lº inches NºHºº only 24 x 36 27.4 x 39% $32 10 26 x 76 29% x 79% $69 57 30 x 90 33% x 93% $93 03 26x44 2994 x 47% 41 46 36 x 60 39% x 63% 74 49 48 x 72 51% x 75% 115 71 28 x 50 31% x 53% 49 92 28 x 80 31% x83% 78 06 40 x 80 43% x83% 108 03 36 x 48 39% x 51% 60 36 48 x 60 51% x 63% 97 26 48 x 96 51% x 99% 152 61 32 x 60 35% x 63% | 66 90 We can furnish any size semi-steel top up to 7 x 22 feet in one casting at regular price of 3c. per square inch. No charge for patterns. KEYSTONE ALL-IRON IMPOSING FRAME K-267 These frames are made to take all standard size stones or semi-steel tops. This table takes the place of the ordinary square leg wood frame. Only four legs are required for any size. When ordered for stones steel coffins are supplied. Note these frames have four drawers. Neat, compact, durable, never wear out. Made in following sizes for stones: 24x36 inches, 26x44 inches, 28 x 50 inches, 36 x 48 inches, 32 x 60 inches, 26 x 76 inches, 28 x 80 inches, 30 x 90 inches, 36 x 60 inches, 48 x 60 inches. Keystone All-Iron Imposing Frame K-267 º K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R IN T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE ALL-STEEL MAKE-UP TABLE K-176 In selecting a make-up table, the highest grade possible should be secured. No piece of composing - room furniture is more important, and certainly none - º º: receives more severe usage. The cheap, poorly con- -º- structed tables are soon out of service. Keystone tables are all one grade—the best that can be made. They embrace the highest-priced material, while the work- º nº routº manship is unequaled. Frame made of steel pipe 2 inches in diameter, with ball fittings. Top, semi-steel 1% inches thick, planed absolutely accurate, and bolted firmly to the frame. The chase guards are made of ºg-inch square cold rolled steel. Special, extra heavy, two-wheel swivel casters; size of wheel 4% inches. Tables furnished any desired size or height. Following are the regular standard stock sizes: size ºr PAPER size of 10P HEIGHT List PR-E 6 column 20% x 26% inches 38% inches $3800 7 column 23% x 28% inches 38% inches 4200 8 column 25% x 30% inches 38% inches 4600 - 9 column 27% x 32% inches 38% inches 5000 Keystone All-Steel Make-up Table R-176 Any height furnished without extra charge. UAJ Special sizes made to order promptly. KEYSTONE STEEL COOLING TABLE K-822 The Keystone cooling table will be found especially valuable in newspaper offices having several editions. It should be placed in line with the make-up tables. Hot forms coming from the stereotype room to be made over for later editions should be placed on the cooling table. Hot forms can be cooled sufficient to handle within from 60 to 120 sec- onds. No water or liquid comes into contact with the forms. Tables are all complete, the installation requiring plumbing connections only. There are two receiving water pipes and one outlet. This table comprises new and improved features over all other tables. Every tube of water travels every inch of the entire top. Table as illustrated has an absolutely accu- rate top 28 x 60 inches, thickness of top 3% inches. Height 39 inches. The height can be furnished to Keystone Steel Cooling Table K-822 conform with any height of make- up tables or trucks. P. A. G. E. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL METAL TRUCK K-175 (, Design is acknowledged to be the most desirable and convenient truck for either linotype or other metals. Every part is made of steel and iron, indestructible throughout. The weight is carried on two large 12-inch Keystone Steel Metal Truck K-175 Keystone Steel Metal Truck K-175 wheels, making rolling very easy either empty or loaded to its capacity. Truck can be turned around within its own space, and is self-dumping. Height 25% inches; width 18 inches; length 24 inches at top. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL SAW. TRIMMER TRUCK K-295 This truck is designed especially for use in connection with saw trimmers. Body of truck at top measures about 18x19% inches; height over all 14 inches; has 5%-inch nose for receiving saw trimmings. Truck is made proper height to place under the outlet in frame of trimmer; has four extra heavy double wheel swivel casters. Truck made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Every saw trimmer in use should have one of these trucks which does away with wooden boxes and other undesirable arrangements for receiving waste. KEYSTONE STEEL SELF-DUMPING TRUCK. K-812 This truck is positively self-dumping. No extra operation is required aside from opening the steel door. Truck has false bottom with a sixty degree slant and will clear itself of either linotype slugs or type when door is loosened. Main wheels 12% inches in diameter; one extra heavy, patented, double wheel swivel caster; extra heavy hardware. Size of truck over all including wheels about 22 inches wide, 24 inches long, 24 inches high; size of truck body about 17x23x17% inches. This truck is proper size to be used in connec- tion with all Keystone correcting banks, stripping tables, etc. Made - entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive Keystone Steel Self-Dumping Truck K-812 green baked enamel. K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T * KEYSTONE STEEL PLATE AND STORAGE CABINET K-648 Keystone steel plate cabinets can be furnished any length or height desired. Especially suitable for the storage of electroplates, foreign advertising cuts, dead copy, job tickets and similar storage. Cabinet is practi- cally dust proof, the contents are protected against fire and water and it is intended to replace unsightly wood bins and shelving. Durable, economical in price, concentrated and pleasing in design. º - se tº º - Keystone Steel Plate and Storage Cabinet K-648 SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet contains thirty-five compartments about 9% x 14x17 inches deep inside; size of cabinet over all measures about 76% inches long, 17% inches deep, 80 inches high, with brass hinges and knobs on doors. Entire cabinet is made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. For extra high cabinets, all-steel traveling ladders are furnished. We build the above cabinet without doors, which gives thirty-five open bins. We can also supply our universal adjustable steel shelving made any length or height desired. This shelving is well adapted for storage of paper stock, etc. P A G E S E V E N T Y - O N E. Vºlº º Gººſe O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE STEEL ROLLER CABINET K-851 With this design we offer a piece of equipment extraordinary. Cabinets are built like a safe. Requires no lifting of rollers, and each section will take various lengths. We have built these cabinets 10 feet high to take rollers weighing 240 pounds each. The roller frame revolves, permitting free access for any of the twelve rollers without disturbing additional rollers. |- Keystone Steel Roller Cabinet K-851 SPECIFICATIONS Entire cabinet made of cold rolled patent leveled steel; double steel door with three point security and locking device. Over-all dimensions: about 50 inches long, 25 inches deep, 79% inches high. Height inside 73% inches. Will hold twenty-four cylinder press rollers up to 4 inches in diameter and 6 feet long; made in two compart- ments for twelve rollers each. The top clutches for holding the rollers can be set instantly to any desired height. The shank at bottom of roller sets into a cup. To remove roller, draw top forward and no lifting will be required to take from lower position. Cabinet finished in dark olive green baked enamel. iſ Qū (, K E Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T | N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T y KEYSTONE STEEL CYLINDER CHASE RACK K-564 All Keystone chase racks are made of cold rolled patent leveled steel and are electric welded; there are no parts to rack or wear out. In addi- tion to stock sizes, these chase racks can be fur- nished any length or height required. K-564 has a capacity for twenty-two chases. Length about 48 inches, depth about 37 inches, height over all 52 inches. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. For special sizes and arrangement, blue-prints together with specifications and estimate will be furnished upon request. Keystone Steel Cylinder Chase Rack K-564 KEYSTONE STEEL CYLINDER CHASE RACK K-640 This design has proven very popular. Length about 72 inches, depth about 40 inches, height 48 inches. It has a capacity for forty-five chases; five open pockets for cross-bars of various lengths; height under deck of first Keystone Steel Cylinder Chase Rack K-640 tier, 30% inches. Made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Printing furniture constructed of steel is practically indestructible, handsome in appearance, saves floor space and reduces fire hazard, and is the kind that is being installed by up-to-the-minute printers. P. A. G. E. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE STEEL REGISTERING TABLE K-791 (, Has plate glass top 48x 60 inches with 2-inch steel straight-edge at sides and ends. Height 32 inches. Wired complete for elec- tricity with eight sets of fixtures and shades; all wiring and fixtures placed in conduit; two steel drop doors on each side with brass ventilating screens and six all-steel blank drawers. Sanitary con- struction; steel paneled ends and back. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Keystone Steel Registering Table K-791 Made of standard steel pipe with malleable ball fittings mounted on four brass casters; tilting table full zinc lined about 38x54 inches. Height 40% inches. Cabinet on side with three blank drawers. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. - keystone Steel Make-ready Table K-598 KEYSTONE STEEL MAKE- READY TABLE K-177 Has full zinc lined and tilting top about 28x42 inches. Height 40% inches. Frame made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings; mounted on four brass casters. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Keystone Steel Make-ready Table K-177 K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T P R J N T J N G d) KEYSTONE STEEL COPY OUTTER'S DESK K-729 The illustration shows a steel copy cutter's desk to be used with chair. Height to the working top 30 inches. The same design is furnished for standing up desk 42 inches high. The size and arrangement is intended for Keystone Steel Copy Cutter’s Desk R-729 offices operating from ten to twenty machines. It has a work- ing composition top about 30 inches wide and 60 inches long. When made for standing up desk 42 inches high there are twelve steel blank drawers, six on each side, 5% inches deep. The five open compartments over the top are for copy, which can be taken from the back of desk without interference with the copy cutter. The hood around the top is 17 inches high and each end contains heavy plate glass. Blue-prints and specifications submitted upon request showing additional de- signs in copy cutter's desks. SPECIFICATIONS Entire desk made of cold rolled patent leveled steel with heavy composition top about 30 x 60 inches bound with a brass rim 1% inches; has attractive paneled steel back and ends; contains 8 steel blank drawers about 14% inches wide, 18 inches long, 4% deep, inside measurements, and one steel blank drawer in center about 2 inches deep, 22 inches wide and 26 inches from front to back, inside measurement. The five open com- partments for copy are about 10% inches wide and 10 inches front to back. These spaces are open both front and back. Sani- tary construction with sliding shoes and brass handles. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL COPY CUTTER'S DESK K-662 Entire desk made of cold rolled patent leveled steel. Top about 28 inches wide, 48 inches long, 42 inches high. Six steel copy hooks, three steel trays at end, seven all-steel blank drawers at the side and one steel blank drawer under the top. Fin- ished in dark olive green baked enamel. We have numerous other designs in copy cutter's desks and ad “doper's" cabi- nets for the advertising section. Special designs prepared upon request. Keystone Steel Copy Cutter's Desk K-662 O RIG IN A T E D AND M A D E B Y KEY S T ONE T Y P E F O UN D R Y. KEYSTONE STEEL PROOF-READER'S DESK K-638 - We claim for this design that it is the most substantial and best arranged proof-reader's desk for all purposes. Made entirely of cold rolled patent leveled steel; arranged for two readers, or one reader and one copy-holder. The sounding hood at ends and back makes it possible to place these desks adjoining linotype machines without interfering with the readers. Occupies 10 square feet __ of floor space; furnishes unusual capacity. More desks of this pattern are in use in this country than any other distinct design. SPECIFICATIONS Over-all dimensions: about 60 inches long, 24 inches wide, 51 inches high. Height to reading beds 32 inches. Two reading beds are about 18% x 18% inches, ad- justable to any desired angle; flat space between adjustable top 12% inches; five open bins at top about 11% inches wide, 7% inches from front to back, 7% inches high; height of hood 1994 inches. Two steel blank drawers; five open compartments in base about 10 inches wide, 20 inches deep, 4% inches high. Steel paneled ends and back. Sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. - º ºr a wºrone ºr wº º |- º - - | Keystone Steel Proof-reader's Desk k-638 The above desk can be furnished without the hood if desired. In addition, we have numerous other designs in both single and double desks. Special designs will be made covering any desired style or length. We will submit plans and specifications showing various arrangements, including flat and adjustable top. KEYSTONE STEEL FOREMAN'S DESK K-664 - - An all-steel desk of artistic design ºf ºf foºtº - built for everlasting service. In ap- - pearance equal to the expensive hand- made mahogany furniture; supplied with special composition top about 32 X60 inches with brass rim; has an extra top divided into seven compartments made of steel. Body of desk contains two disappearing extension slides, eight all-steel blank drawers on sides, one steel blank drawer in center with brass hardware. Paneled ends and back; sanitary construction with sliding shoes. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Keystone Steel Foreman's Desk k-664 * S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T d) KEYSTONE CASE BRACKETS Keystone Regular Case Bracket “A.” This is the standard double case bracket universally used. Keystone Low Job Case Bracket "B" Keystone low job bracket will take work bank 19% inches on one side and full size job case on opposite side. Wood dump, 4% x 324 inches, included with each pair of brackets. Keystone Steel Lead and Slug Case K-514 Entire case made of cold rolled patent leveled steel about 18 inches wide, 71 inches long; proper size to fit on Keystone cabinet K-625 or Keystone brackets; arranged to hold lengths 4 to 48 ems inclusive, double depth. KEYSTONE STEEL METAL FURNITURE CASE K-636 º - Keystone Steel Metal Furniture Case K-636 Size of case about 18 inches wide, 71 inches long; made to fit on work banks of all Keystone cabinets. Case is double depth and spaced to hold labor-saving iron or metal furniture in lengths 4 to 25 ems; spaces are arranged as follows: Four spaces each for 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ems. P A G e s E. W. E. N. T. Y-S E. W. E. N. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE PRESSED STEEL LOCKERS These lockers are not a luxury, but a necessity in every department of the printing office. They assist in making more valuable employees. They lend to the appearance of the room, are important from a sanitary viewpoint, avoid petty losses, and assist in perfecting the system of the establishment. They are made on specially designed machinery, insuring uniformity and accuracy throughout. heavy cold-rolled steel. Equipped with double-pronged, solid brass clothes hooks, brass number plate over each door, and brass door handles, with lock and two keys. Vault door locking device, three-point security. Unit construction, all parts interchangeable. Finished in olive green or black baked enamel. Any number of lockers can be placed in a row. Can take from or add to. No cutting or fitting required. Closed or ventilated fronts. With legs or solid base. A clean, smooth and well-constructed product; an ornament as well as a convenience. A Permanent Asset Will Not Deteriorate Last a Lifetime Cheaper than Wood i - i Reduce Fire Hazard Contents Always Safe Cannot be Pried Open Shipped Knocked Down Metal Throughout - - - Illustrated Lockers show size 12x12 x 60 inches inside l Type “s,” Row of Two Lockers SIZES AND PRICE TYPE “S” Type “B,” Row of Two Lockers SIZES AND PRICE TYPE “B” Doors formed from one piece of Qū (, DEEP WILE HGH PRICE ºr LUCKER ". * DEEP wºut Hlºh PRICE OF Locker º º 12 inches | 12 inches | 60 inches $520 $100 12 inches | 12 inches 60 inches $540 $100 12 inches | 15 inches 60 inches 5 75 1 00 12 inches | 15 inches 60 inches 600 1 00 12 inches | 18 inches 60 inches 6 35 1 00 12 inches 18 inches 60 inches 6 60 1 00 15 inches | 12 inches 60 inches 5 75 1 20 15 inches | 12 inches 60 inches 5 95 1 20 15 inches 15 inches 60 inches 6 10 1 20 15 inches 15 inches 60 inches 6 35 1 20 18 inches | 12 inches 60 inches 6 15 1 45 18 inches | 12 inches 60 inches 6 4.5 1 45 18 inches | 15 inches 60 inches 6 50 1 45 18 inches | 15 inches 60 inches 685 1 45 When Lockers are ordered in rows of one or more, one Finished End only is required for each row. If a more economical arrangement is desired we can supply the type “S” without door. considerably, but is not an entirely satisfactory way. Employees appreciate the door and lock. This reduces the cost K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L P R I N T I N G P L A N T E Q U 1 P M E N T KEYSTONE ALL-IRON CASE STAND K-268 We show in accompanying illustration the modern all-iron case stand. It was for the Keystone to show the first improvement in this class of furniture for a period of forty years or more. Note that the cap case is brought forward to a more convenient point. This will be found especially desirable. Also observe the heavy castings throughout the frame. It is the only stand that will not shake with weight. We have also reduced the floor space about 420 square inches over all other old style frames now on the market. They are only 21 inches wide. K-268 has a capacity for twenty-four full size cases. Bottom case 12 inches from the floor. Cases are given a 4-inch projection in front. Steel galley rests between cases on top. Shipped knocked down. Finished in dark olive green baked enamel. Made in all sizes. If a more modern inon stand is wanted, refer to page twenty-two of this catalog, where K-836 is illustrated and described. The capacity of this stand is forty full size cases against twenty-four in the design shown on this page. If extra case room is not essential K-268 will be found most desirable in every way and has many advantages over the common wood stand. Keystone All-Iron Case Stand K-268 Keystone Steel Equipment in your plant reduces fire and water hazard because it is almost indestructable, and is the best kind of insurance. Read the following extract relative to the first fire test conducted by Congress in Courtyard Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C., May 3, 1911: “A piece of steel equipment and one of wood equipment were placed in the courtyard and around them was built a wooden structure of inflammable material, consisting of 1500 feet of wooden scantling. Between scantling, 300 feet of kindling wood and two bales of excelsior. Entire structure and contents saturated with coal oil. Fire developed as estimated by the com- mittee at 2000 degrees of heat. The heat was so intense that the Congressional Committee and assembled crowd were forced back 200 yards from the fire. An examination of the wood and steel equipment following the fire showed that the all-steel equipment and contents had withstood the fire perfectly, and was uninjured except that the finish was burned off. The wood piece of equipment had been nearly consumed through the side panels and the blaze had reduced the closely packed papers inside to a charred, unrecognizable mass.” P A G E “º - Qū Steel-WOOd Construction UR STEEL-WOOD FURNITURE differs from Our regular Steel Furniture, because wood is used largely in its construction as shown by the illustrations. On the following pages we show a number of fine pieces of this Equipment. It has practically the same merits as Our regular Steel Furniture shown on preceding pages. As far as required, we use the same semi-steel tops, patent leveled steel and sheet brass that go into the Steel Equipment; the other material and the workmanship are just as good. Steel-Wood Equipment is thoroughly up to date, very attract- ive in appearance and just as good value in proportion to price as the Steel Equipment. The line is by no means limited to the few pieces shown herein, as large plants may be completely out- fitted with this class of goods. We want our customers to know as much as possible about Our Equipment for Printing Plants. Not only its time and labor- saving advantages, but how it is made and what we put into it as well. To this end they are invited to inspect the sample pieces On exhibition at our several Branch Houses and to visit our Factory at Chester, Pa., devoted exclusively to the manufacture of these goods. It is not our intention to make cheapness the greatest recom- mendation of our Printing Equipment, but we aim to make quality and money-saving advantages of such paramount importance that the price will be of little consideration. Having Originated and introduced this new line of Steel Print- ing Equipment, it is our purpose to lead in every point of supe- riority, and printers and publishers aiming to keep their plants up to date and at the highest point of efficiency should secure the services of our expert systematizers. K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L – W. O. O. D PRINT IN G P L A N T E QUI PM E N T KEYSTONE LINOTYPE DUMP K-89 This Linotype Dump is a companion piece to Keystone Correcting Bank, K-87, on following page. The illus- tration shows a bank 6 feet long. The same design is made in lengths of 8 feet, 10 feet and 12 feet. In the larger sizes increased equipment is given in both the flat and slanting galley shelves. The steel-wood construction is very substantial, the frame work is made of steel pipe, the dump brass lined, while the galley shelves and all interior work are made of hard wood. The selling price is less than the all-steel designs. N Keystone Linotype Dump K-89 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of standard steel pipe with wrought iron ball fittings, ends closed with cold rolled patent leveled steel, open both front and back, giving access to galley shelves from either side. Brass top about 75% inches long, 27 inches wide; height to top of dump 42 inches; height over all 64 inches; covered with No. 16 gauge sheet brass with ºs-inch square brass tubing for galley rests. Size of brass slug rack about 8 inches wide, 75% inches long. Fifteen steel copy spindles on extreme top. Body of bank contains three blank wood drawers in the following sizes: 1% x 19% x 21 inches, 1% x 1494 x 21 inches, 1% x 13% x 21 inches; eleven flat galley shelves about 23% inches wide, 24% deep, 2 inches between shelves; one tier of eighteen galley shelves 7% inches wide; two tiers galley shelves 5 inches wide and three open bins 9% x 18x24 inches for empty galleys. All galley shelves and open bins made of hard wood. Entire bank finished in dark olive green. -- " "..." O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE CORRECTING BANK AND STORAGE FRAME K-87 This frame can be used separately, but works to better advantage when used in connection with Keystone Linotype Dump No. 89 shown on preceding page. Galleys, leaving the proof press, are placed on this frame awaiting corrections. The full-lined brass top affords sufficient space for three correctors if required. The top is flat and galleys are easily handled on the brass surface. In the center there is an opening to receive dead slugs which pass down an iron chute into the metal truck. This truck is self-dumping, is on large heavy wheels and can be removed to the stereotype room without extra handling. (See illustrations on page sixty-nine.) | | 2 | Keystone Correcting Bank and Storage Frame K-87 SPECIFICATIONS Made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings. Ends are closed with cold rolled steel, open front and back. The top is of heavy paneled wood construction covered with No. 16 gauge sheet brass. Size of top about 28x78% inches; height of top from floor 42 inches; floor space about 26x76 inches; dump, over top, is about 14 inches wide and 80 inches long brass lined and divided into compartments for 13 em and 26% ems. This bank can also be furnished divided through the center with the top half blank and bottom half divided in compartments for 13 and 26% ems. There are two wood blank drawers, eleven flat galley shelves about 16% inches wide, 25 inches deep, 2 inches between shelves. Shelves are of 94-inch hard wood. The three tiers of galley shelves will hold 54 galleys, each tier being 7% inches wide. This design is also furnished in 8, 10 and 12 foot lengths, adding increased equipment. Finished in dark olive green enamel. wºº àſ) K E Y S T O N E S T E E L – W. O. O. D PRINT IN G P L A N T E QUI PM E N T KEYSTONE LINOTYPE DUMP K-204 For strength and durability there is no better construction than the Keystone Steel-wood design. This class of construction has our highest recommendation. The dump which is illustrated below has a brass lined top 8 feet long, but the same design can be furnished in lengths 6, 10 and 12 feet. All material and workmanship in the steel-wood construction is of the very best. The brass lined tops are the same as supplied with Keystone all-steel construction. With the steel frame, steel ends, steel covered shelves and full brass lined top and bank the only wood brought into use is the three blank drawers which are made of heavy selected hard wood. We offer as a companion piece Keystone linotype correcting bank K-205 illustrated on opposite page. This same piece of furniture can be made of all-steel which will include 2-inch square posts and rails with all-steel bins and drawers, the specifications would remain the same. Special overhead lighting arrangement can be furnished with this dump wired complete for electricity, including four sets of fixtures with prism mirror reflectors. |-- - N. º | sº Keystone Linotype Dump K-204 SPECIFICATIONS Entire top and fat slug rack covered with No. 16 gauge brass, with ºg-inch square brass tubing for division strips. Size of top about 25 inches wide, length 8 feet. Height to top 42 inches. The brass slug rack is 12 inches high and spaced for 13 ems. This can be changed to suit customer. Space to highest point 53 inches. Frame made of steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings. The six galley storage shelves are hard wood steel-lined, 27% inches long and 12 inches between shelves. Three blank wood drawers about 4% x 157g X 19% inches inside and three open bins about 5x8 x 23's inches. Finished in dark olive green enamel. Additional designs covering linotype dumps in Keystone steel-wood construction will be submitted in the form of blue-prints with complete specifications upon application to the Philadelphia office. Complete equipment can be supplied in the steel-wood construction including furniture of every design and capacity. All Keystone equip- ment carries with it our highest guarantee as to material, workmanship, design and finish. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y Qū KEYSTONE LINOTYPE CORRECTING BANK K-205 (, This correcting bank has been planned to work in connection with the Keystone linotype dump K-204 on the opposite page. The over-all dimensions of both pieces are the same. The construction is steel-wood although none of the wood work is exposed to use. Entire frame is made of steel pipe, has steel paneled ends. The top is full brass lined and the flat galley shelves are steel lined; the galley shelves are open at front and back. In addition to the 8 foot length shown here with, same style bank is made 6, 10 and 12 feet long. In material, workmanship and finish this design could not be improved. Quality is in every square inch of Keystone Steel-wood construction. All the wood work is made from selected kiln-dried hard wood, the sheet brass is patent leveled which is a guarantee against buckles and kinks, the steel is all cold rolled patent leveled and the frame made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings. A special lighting arrangement can be attached to top of this bank wired complete for electricity, including four sets of fixtures with prism mirror reflectors. Keystone Linotype Correcting Bank K-205 SPECIFICATIONS Entire frame made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings, ends closed with cold-rolled steel. Full brass-lined top about 27 inches wide by 8 feet long. Height to top 42 inches. Sixteen steel-lined galley shelves 27% inches wide, 3 inches between shelves. The shelves are 1 inch in thickness. Space for truck 27 inches. This bank can be supplied any length desired. Frame finished in dark olive green enamel. Truck illustrated is K-175 shown on page sixty-nine. Price of bank does not include truck. If required, an extra brass lined bank with brackets same as illustrated in Keystone correcting bank K-87 can be added to the above design. Slanting galley shelves can be furnished in place of flat shelves, giving eight tiers of single column shelves or six tiers of double column shelves. There is an increased price for an arrangement of this kind. Keystone Steel Furniture is practically indestructible, reduces fire hazard, lowers cost of production, increases efficiency, saves floor space and is altogether the best investment that the enterprising and up-to-date printing concern can make to obtain best results from their plant. K. E. Y S T O N E S T E E L – W. O. O. D. P R J N T IN G P L A N T E QUI PM E N T ) KU) KEYSTONE STRIPPING TABLE K-86 Keystone Stripping Table K-86 has semi-steel top 1% inches thick, 28 inches wide, 60 inches long, with 4-inch rabbet on the four sides. Frame is made of steel pipe, closed steel ends and back. The eight trays on top are used in stripping ads., and will take quads, slugs, brass, rule, cuts, bases, etc. The arrangement keeps the surface clean and makes a convenient way to distribute this class of material to their respective storage places. All dead ads should be received on this table, either on top or placed on the letter boards which are zinc lined, or on galleys and placed in the racks. This design is furnished in any desired length. - - - RY Tone TYPE Foº- Y rººs - -- - - - - : -º :º H - Keystone Stripping Table K-86 SPECIFICATIONS Size of semi-steel top 28x60 inches; height from floor 38% inches; height over all about 57 inches. Frame made of steel pipe with ball fittings, ends and back closed with cold rolled steel. Size of bank to hold trays 14x63 inches. Twelve zinc-lined letter boards about 244 x22 inches. Thirty wood galley shelves about 8% inches wide and fifteen about 54 inches wide; a total of forty-two shelves. The two blank drawers are about 2% x8% x 20 inches. The size of trays is about 2% x8% x 12 inches. Finished in dark olive green enamel. KEYSTONE STEEL-WOOD PRINTERS FURNITURE is everlasting. It is a permanent asset. No parts to deteriorate, it reduces fire hazards, is compact and sanitary and lowers the labor cost. We design complete composing room equipments, and are in a position to manufacture any desired piece of furniture in steel, iron and brass. Our engineering department is one of the most complete in the country, and includes the best known engineers, designers and draughtsmen—men who have been foremost in this work for the past twenty-five years. We lend expert service to printers and publishers contemplating advanced ideas in equipment. O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y º KEYSTONE STRIPPING TABLE K-185 Keystone Stripping Table K-185 has a semi-steel top 12 inches longer than K-86, the size being 28x72 inches. An all-steel metal truck is set under the frame with a metal chute through the top. Instead of trays on upper bank it is made into a lead and slug rack with divisions from 4 to 28 ems. This design is especially desirable for offices with six or more machines. The top is made of semi-steel 1% inches in thickness, and like all of the Keystone surfaces is absolutely perfect. On the four sides there is a %-inch rabbet. These tables can be furnished in any desired length. - s Nº. - Yºº - MADE º º - i i Keystone Stripping Table K-185 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of standard steel pipe with ball fittings; ends and back closed with cold rolled steel. Size of top 28x72 inches; height of top from floor 39 inches; height over all about 57% inches. Zinc-lined letter boards about 16% x22 inches inside, three steel-lined shelves, and thirty wood galley shelves 7% inches wide; two blank drawers about 22% x20 inches. Opening for truck 26 inches. See truck on page sixty-nine. Frame finished in dark olive green enamel. We have designed and are ready to supply more than eight hundred standard pieces of steel and steel-wood furniture which we are unable to illustrate in this catalog. We are also continually bringing out new and original designs, which we will be pleased to submit to interested and reliable concerns. We design and build complete composing room equipment made of steel, iron and brass. In addition to our advanced furniture designs, we can usually reduce the labor cost 10 per cent, or more and create a saving in floor space from 25 to 50 per cent. Printers not acquainted with our system will be greatly interested in learning of the very important and unusual work we are doing in this direction. Wºlſº P. A. G. E. E. I. G. H. T. y - S - X º º º K E Y S T O N E S T E E L – W. O. O. D PRINT IN G P L A N T E QUI PM E N T - KEYSTONE FOREIGN AD FRAME K-181 This frame is designed to care for all foreign advertising in type, slugs, cuts and plates, and if properly con- ducted, a perfect system can be maintained covering this class of advertising, which will prove very convenient. The top is about 28 inches wide and 94 inches long, full brass-lined with 24-inch square brass tubing for division strips, and is divided into six columns for 13 ems and two columns for 26%, ems, giving a total of 564 inches for single column and 188 inches for double column storage. The entire top is of brass, including the rims. The ten open bins are for plates, giving a storage surface of 4320 square inches. The fifty-seven galley shelves take single and double galleys, and the fourteen letter boards are zinc-lined and give 5544 square inches of storage. These frames are made in various styles, and while we consider our No. K-181 a very desirable arrangement, we can furnish any style that might be wanted. We furnish blue-prints showing equipment without cost. Our draughting department is very extensive, and we are in a position to furnish promptly any special piece of furni- ture that might be required for the composing room or other departments. Keystone Foreign Ad Frame K-181 SPECIFICATIONS Size of frame about 26x94 inches; height to front of bank 42 inches; height at back 52 inches; frame made of standard steel pipe, with wrought iron ball fittings; ends and back closed with cold rolled steel. Standing galley has six columns spaced for 13 ems and two columns spaced for 26% ems. The entire top is made of brass, size being about 28 x 94 inches. Ten open bins about 18 inches wide, 24 inches deep and 6 inches high. The fifty-seven galley shelves are about 7% inches wide and 24 inches deep. Fourteen zinc-lined letter boards 18x22 inches inside. The boards slide on heavy hot-rolled angle steel runs. Galley shelves have ºg-inch cleats on low edge to keep type from coming in contact with the side of frame. This is important where zinc or steel galleys are used. Frame finished in dark olive green enamel. P. A. G. E. . O R L G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y K E Y S T O N E T Y P E F O U N D R Y KEYSTONE STANDING AD FRAME K-174 These frames are made in a variety of styles. Among the more desirable is the one illustrated here with ; however, we can supply standing galleys with any desired arrangement. Let us know your requirements and we will submit detailed drawing without charge. The standing galley on this frame is full brass-lined with square brass division strips. Five columns are spaced for 13 ems and three columns for 26% ems. An unusual feature is the fifteen brass-lined letter boards, 23 x 30 inches inside with flush fronts, which may be used for holding full pages. Forms can be transferred from the make-up table direct to the letter boards. The capacity is fifteen pages. The boards can also be used for single ads and other like matter. The sixty-eight galley shelves are all 7% inches wide. Each of the two blank drawers is about 14% x 214 inches inside. For a small frame this design affords a large amount of storage. The letter boards provide for 10,350 square inches; standing galley 592 inches, of which 370 inches are single column and 222 inches are double column. - |-º |-º |-- |-º |-- º |-º º | * __ | | º -º- : * * º | | | - * Keystone Standing Ad Frame K-174 SPECIFICATIONS Frame is made of standard steel pipe, with malleable iron ball fittings; ends and back closed with cold rolled steel. Floor space about 26x72 inches. Height to front of standing galley 42 inches; height to back 58% inches. Size of brass-lined standing galley about 30x74 inches, divided into five columns for 13 ems and three columns for 26% ems. The top surfaces and fronts of the fifteen letter boards are covered with No. 20 gauge sheet brass, and are made flush without rabbet. Size of letter boards 23 x 30 inches inside. Hot-rolled angle steel with square root is used for runs. These are riveted to the iron frame. Each board will hold a thousand pounds. Sixty-eight galley shelves 7% inches wide inside with 4-inch cleats at bottom side running from front to back. The two blank drawers are about 2 inches deep inside, 14% inches wide, 21% inches long, with 2% inches extension on the back. ūlly P A G E E I G. H. T. Y - E I G H T tº d) K E Y S T O N E S T E E L – W. O. O. D. P R IN T IN G P L A N T E QUI P M E N T KEYSTONE RECEIVING AND STORAGE TABLE K-109 This Keystone Receiving and Storage Table is especially desirable for all offices owing to its excellent equipment. The semi-steel imposing surface is 28x72 inches; height from floor 39 inches. Frame made from Keystone Receiving and Storage Table K-109 steel pipe, with malleable iron ball fittings, and the ends and back closed with cold rolled steel. Eight flat galley shelves steel-lined, about 28% inches wide, 24 inches deep. Seventy wood galley shelves in all; four tiers 5 inches wide, and one tier 8 inches wide. Two blank drawers about 2 inches deep by 22% x 20% inches inside. Finished in dark olive green enamel. KEYSTONE GALLEY TRANSFER TRUCK K-180 === Designed to transfer galleys from ad room to make-up tables. Takes any size galley up to full page. Used conveniently in stripping forms and returning dead ads to ad galley. Has brass top about 28% x 27 inches, and ten flat galley shelves. Large casters make easy rolling. SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of steel pipe, with malleable iron ball fittings; ends closed with cold-rolled steel. Height 40 inches. Heavy brass top about 28% x 27 inches. Ten flat shelves 20 inches wide, 24 inches deep. Space between shelves, 1% inches; shelves *-inch thick. Galley shelves can be used from either end. Special, extra heavy, two-wheel swivel casters. Finished in dark olive green enamel. Keystone Galley Transfer Truck K-180 º P. A. G. E. a º O RI G IN A T E D A N D M A D E B Y KEY S T O N E T Y P E FO UN D R Y KEYSTONE ASSEMBLING TABLE K-88 These tables are made in a dozen different designs. We consider our K-88 very desirable, and this style is being furnished publishers continually. It is our standard pattern. The many advantages and splendid equip- ment should create a place for two or more of these tables in every make-up department. The height corresponds with make-up tables, and the plan is to set about three trucks on each end of the assembling table. The surface is about 28x48 inches, of semi-steel 1% inches thick. There is a Jº inch rabbet on the four sides. Size of top is sufficient for twelve single galleys. Entire capacity about seventy galleys. The four flat shelves will take galleys up to full page. These shelves are zinc-lined. The five letter boards under the shelves are also zinc-lined. Fourteen galley shelves take galley up to three columns. The two bins in center are to hold empty galleys when released. Bank over top is spaced for 13 and 26% ems to hold brass slugs, dashes and similar material. The large drawer is arranged for column rules from 4 ems to full column. Full lengths are also kept in open space adjoining the drawer. This table is a wonderful time-saver to the “make-up.” - - Y Tone Tºº Four Dº Keystone Assembling Table K-88 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings. Both ends and back closed with cold rolled steel. Size of top surface about 28x48 inches. Made of semi-steel 1% inches thick. Slug rack about 14 inches wide, 50 inches long; twenty-two spaces for 13 ems at bottom; eleven spaces for 26%, ems at top. First tier of fourteen galley shelves 9% inches wide. Two open bins for empty galleys about 9 inches wide, 9% inches high. Four zinc-lined galley shelves 19% inches wide. Five zinc-lined letter boards 17% x 21 inches. Blank drawer over galley bins about 7% x20x3 inches. Column rule case about 32% x 16% inches. Open space on side takes quarter- size case 7% inches wide. Height of frame from floor to top of surface, 37 inches. Any height can be furnished. Frame finished in dark olive green enamel. K E Y S T O N E S T E E L – W. O. O. D PRINT IN G P L A N T E QUI PM E N T KEYSTONE STEEL-WOOD IMPOSING TABLE K-159 Imposing tables of this construction can be furnished with any size surface or equipment desired. The most desirable are frames with tops about 51x53 and 51 x 75 inches. If marble was used for top instead of semi-steel, the sizes would be 48 x 60 and 48 x 72 inches. Coffin made of iron. We do not recommend marble tops. Ninety per cent of the equipments we design and install include the semi-steel surfaces. With the latter no coffin is necessary. Nearly four hundred square inches of surface is gained in a size corresponding to a marble top 48 x 60 inches. K-159, shown below, is a popular size. The surface is about 51x 63 inches and in addition to the four large blank drawers there are forty-four hardwood letter boards about 25% x 214 inches, giving about 23,850 square inches of storage surface. Both sides of the frame are alike with two drawers and two tiers of letter boards on each side. Hot-rolled angle steel runs with square root are used. Letter boards have rabbeted fronts and can be furnished either zinc or brass-lined. UNDRY ---, - – =~, - J - - Keystone All-Iron Imposing Frame K-159 SPECIFICATIONS Frame made of standard steel pipe with malleable iron ball fittings. Ends closed with cold rolled steel. Sani- tary base. Top made of semi-steel 1% inches thick, about 51 inches wide, 63 inches long. Rabbet on all four sides %-inch. Height 39 inches. Four blank drawers about 22% x 19% x2% inches inside. Two drawers on each side of frame. Forty-four hardwood letter boards about 25°4 x 21:4 inches inside. Hot rolled angle steel runs full length. Frame finished in black enamel. K-159 is carried in stock and can be shipped prompty. This frame is especially desirable for both newspaper offices and job printers. We are prepared to submit promptly, one hundred original designs in imposing tables, showing different ar- rangement and equipment. Let us know your requirements. Our exclusive line of ad frames covers thirty styles. These can be submitted to interested persons. In selecting new equipment it will be to your advantage to con- sult our engineering department. If you are crowded for space we can show you a way to bring relief without taking on extra floor space. We take up every department of the printing office, from the counting room to the shipping department and mailing room. Experience teaches that the composing room is the department usually neglected. We can bring instant relief, overcoming congested conditions, and correct the faults which makes composition cost more than it should. Our experts are the originators of modern composing room equipment—de- signing and building furniture best fitted for each particular printer. Printers who are interested can commu- nicate with any of the Keystone houses at Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta or San Francisco. A FEW TESTIMONIALS FROM THE USERS OF KEYSTONE STEEL EQUIPMENT The Knapp Company New York KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen : — Just these few lines about the complete special equipment installed for us by your Company, believing you will be immensely gratified to learn that it has proved highly satisfactory, and in every particular surpassed the most sanguine expectations. As you will remember, there are 577 individual pieces of furniture and equipment, every one of which was specially de- signed and executed to meet our peculiar requirements; the working tables and stock shelves all being worked out on a unit basis of size and supplied with rolling castors, thus making the entire equipment mobile, i. e., amenable to rapid changes. Much handling of stock and other inconveniences are thus obviated. Our employees are delighted with their environments here, being able to turn out a maximum product with small effort, under cheerful and sanitary conditions, and minus the usual encumbrance of an ill-suited equipment selected from stock catalogs. THE KNAPP COMPANY., R. J. ROEMER, Plant Supt. Mayes Printing Company Pensacola, Fla. KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen :-It affords me pleasure to acknowledge the satisfaction experienced in the saving in time and labor after several months operation in our new building where our ma- chinery and equipment is arranged in accordance with your plans and suggestions. The type cabinets as designed for us by you are a great im- movement over old methods, and we are very much pleased with the low uyork banks, and concentration of materials thereon. This equipment, together with our special labor- saving imposing frames and new scheme of few series and heavy cases of type, already show a higher percentage of pro- ductive time, and a considerable saving of time on individual job tickets. MAYES PRINTING CO., H. JEUDEVINE, Vice-Pres, and Mgr. The Paragon Press Montgomery, Ala. KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen :-It gives us great pleasure to express our satisfaction with the new furniture and the changes in our composing room. When you induced us to buy this equip- ment, we did not expect much more than an improved appear- ance for the plant, but we are glad to note a very greatly increased production, without any advance in pay-roll, and we do not hesitate to say that this has been affected by the con- venient placing of the materials used by the workmen, there being very little excuse for lost motion in the travel of a job through our plant. We never have any trouble now in keeping the compositors ahead of the presses. The new arrangement has also obviated the necessity of additional floor space, which would have cost us in a single year as much or more than the entire cost of the new furniture. We consider it one of the best investments we have ever made. THE PARAGON PRESS, W. PIERCE CHILTON, President. Byrd Printing Company Atlanta, Ga. The following letter was written by Mr. Byrd, of the Byrd Printing Company, of Atlanta, to Mr. Frank P. Glass, of the Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Ala., and gives the opinion of an au- thority as to the merits of Keystone Printing Plant Equipment: “We are writing you regarding a special and complete com- posing room equipment which the Keystone has installed for us. The entire matter was placed in the hands of the Keystone expert, with instructions to supply us with the Very best and most up-to-date equipment possible to be put in, without restric- tions as to price. This equipment has just been placed in our composing room, and upon a careful investigation we are more than pleased with it, and think it is undoubtedly the best that we have ever seen. In addition to this, we found upon checking Over the bills that while the entire outfit was made especially for us from the original drawings, it is actually costing us less money that if it had been taken from stock.” P A G E N I N E T Y - O N E eºs The Philadelphia Record Philadelphia KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen :-The new equipment has been placed in our advertising composing room, and is now in use, and shows a saving in floor space of about 20 or 30 per cent., and we believe that it will save us between 10 and 15 per cent, in expenses. Yº thirty-seven men in the ad room this will amount to some- 11ng. One of the good features of this system, apart from its com- pactness, is that the compositors are in complete view of the foreman in charge, and consequently the work is handled more expeditiously. Yours very truly, P. J. COONEY, Superintendent. The Washington Post Washington, D. C. KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen:—The three make-up tables made for the Post are thoroughly satisfactory. In conjunction with the receiving bank and correcting bank, previously furnished by you, they have resulted in a great saving in floor space, and economy in time and effort that cannot be correctly estimated. Very truly yours, W. T. SELTZER, Foreman Comp. Room. Benson Printing Company Nashville, Tenn. . KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen :-Since installing the composing room furni- ture designed by you, we are very glad to give you a strong endorsement and a testimonial as to the thorough efficiency of yOur Service. In our composing room we are doing about one-third more work without increased labor cost and our cost system shows an hour cost about 25 cents under the Nashville average. By adopting your suggestions as to placing of machines and rearranging the different departments to eliminate retrac- ing and lost motion in handling the work, we are getting much better results from all machines—an enhanced hourly output Which is considerable above the local Ben Franklin Club aVerage. BENSON PRINTING COMPANY, W. A. BENSON, Manager. The Huntington Herald-Dispatch Huntington, West Virginia KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen : —The Special All Steel Make-up Table your company built for our make-up alleys, is now is use. We want to say we are highly pleased with the economic results. We made a saving of 40 to 50 per cent. in floor space, and we feel quite confident the equipment will be the means of allow- ing our men to turn 10 to 15 per cent. more work in the same time required to make up the paper under old conditions. Our arrangement is such, that with your system, all work- men are in complete view of the foreman, consequently the work is handled to a greater satisfaction. THE HERALD COMPANY., F. A. MACDONALD, President. The Huntington Advertiser Huntington, West Virginia KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY, Gentlemen:—The special equipment that your “equipment department” built for our make-up alley and composing room, is now in use, and we are, to say the least, very much pleased with the results. We figure we have made a saving in floor space of from 25 to 35 per cent., and we believe it will greatly reduce our ex- penses in this department. As an instance in our make-up department our foreman reports that where it took him forty minutes in the past under old conditions to make up three seven-column forms, that the first day’s use of the new facilities in the make-up alley (and he had not become thoroughly familiar with them), allowed him to make up three forms in twenty minutes, thus saving 50 per cent. in time. Another good feature in connection with the system is, that , all the workmen are in complete view of the foreman; con- sequently he can thoroughly observe all that is going on at all time: Very respectfully, J. H. LONG. (Qū (,