.* a. ** 7 / ..., */ - --- / / U, S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR , Z 4, - LIBRARY / / / / WASHINGTON LABOR AND INDUSTRY: LIST OF PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS IN U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR LIBRARY” (arranged by country) U. N. I. T E D S T A T. E. S. . American association for labor legislation , Labor laws in reconstruction , New York. Irregular. (formerly Labor laws in war time.) American cooperative journal. Chicago. Monthly. American economist, publ. by American protective tariff league,New York.Weekly American industries, the manufacturers' magazine, published for the National < association of manufacturers. New York. Monthly. J. - • º, American iron and steel institute. Bimonthly bulletin. New York. v's American labor legislation review, publ. by American association for labor {{\ legislation, New York, Quarterly. | *** *- * Arizona. Bureau of Mines. State safety news. Tucson, Monthly (univ. of Arizona bulletin), Q California. Industrial accident commission , California safety news • San Francisco. Monthly, Child labor bulletin, publ. by National child labor committee, New York. Quarterly, - Club worker, publ. by National league for women workers. New York. Monthly. Cooperation, publ. by Co-operative laague of America. New York. Monthly . (formerly Cooperative consumer) Dodge idea, a magazine of industrial progress, Mishawaka, Ind. Monthly , * List does not include general economic and statistical journals. , c Ys '. .' r * g 2 Labor and industry:List of Periodicals and newspapers in U.S. Dept.of Labor Library • -(a-FET) Dupont magazine, a review of American industrial progress. Wilmington, Monthly . - Electric railway journal. New York, Weekly, Factory, the magazine of management. Chicago. Monthly , Friend. Official organ of the Workmen's circle. (in Yiddish) Passaic, N.J. Monthly. r Industrial economics. Washington, D. C. Quarterly. (April–June, 1918 last received. Probably discontinued.) Industrial management. New York. Monthly. Industrial news survey, publ. by National industrial conference board . Boston. Weekly. - Industry, a semi-monthly interpretation of industrial progress . Washington, D. C. - Intercollegiate socialist. New York. Bi-monthly except June–Sept. Journal of industrial hygiene and abstract of the literature. New York. Monthly. (lst. issue May, 1919) - Law and labor, a monthly periodical on the law of the labor problems, publ. by League for industrial rights. New York. Monthly , (lst issue Jan , l019) • Life and labor, publ. by National woman's trade union league of America . Chicago • Monthly. Manufacturers' news, Chicago. Weekly. Massachusetts - Bureau of statistics. Labor division. Quarterly report on employment in Massachusetts. Boston , Quarterly, National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin. Boston, Quarterly. National civic federation review . New York. Semi-monthly. Nation's business, publ. by Chamber of Commerce of U. S., Washington, D.C., Monthly Q New York (State) Industrial commission. Bulletin. Albany. Monthly New York (State) Industrial commission. The labor market. Albany. Monthly. 3 Labor and industry:List of periodicals and newspapers in U.S. Dept. of Labor. Library. * (cont.) Ohio. Industrial commission. Bulletin. Columbus. Ireegular, (formerly monthly) 100 %, the efficiency magazine. Chicago. Monthly. Open shop review, publ. by National founders' ass'n. and National metal trades ass'n, Chicago • Monthly. Pennsylvania • Dept. of Labor and industry: Bulletin. Harrisburg • Ireegular. (formerly monthly) Personnel, the employment managers' bulletin, publ. by National ass'n, of employment managers. Orange, N.J. Monthly. (lst: issue Jan. 1919) Safety engineering, the magazine of safety. New York. Monthly. Safety institute of America, Bulletin. New York. Monthly , Solidaritat (Solidarity) publ. by Workmen's sick and death benefit fund of the U.S.A., New York. Monthly. System, the magazine of business, Chicago • Monthly. Taylor society. Bulletin, Philadelphia. Irregular. U. S. Bureau of immigration." Immigration bulletin. Washington, D. C. Monthly. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly labor review • Washington, D. C. U. S. Bureau of Mines, Monthly statement of coal-mine fatalities in the United States. Washington, D. C. U. S. Employment service. Boy power. Official bulletin of U.S. Boys' working reserve .TWashington, D. c. (Discontinued with March 15, 1919 issue) U. S. Employment service. Bulletin. Washington, D. C. Weekly (discontinued with Feb. 28, 1919 issue) - U. S. Employment service. Weekly reports on labor conditions (Mimeographed). U. S. Interstate commerce commission. Accident bulletin • Washington, P. 9. Quarterly. - U. S., Shipping Board, Emergency fleet news • (Suspended publication Jan .l., 1919) Wisconsin. Industrial commission. Wisconsin apprentice. Madison • Irregular Wisconsin. Industrial commission. Wisconsin safety review, Irregular • (lst issue June, 1918) - Woman's trade union league of Chicago. Bulletin • Monthly . National and local labor union journals. Advance - see Clothing workers of America, Amalgamated. Advance guide. Official organ of International brotherhood of maintenance-of- way employees and railway shop laborers. Detroit. Monthly. Amalgamated journal. Official organ of Amaigamated association of iron, steel and tin workers. Pittsburgh. Weekly . . * American federation of labor. Weekly news letter. Washington, D. C. American federationist, Official magazine of the American federation of labor. Washington, D. C. Monthly. American labor world, New York. Monthly. (Incorporated with New York union printer Jan , 1919) Baltimore typographical union no. 12. Monthly bulletin. Barber, Journeyman, publ., under auspices of Journeyman barbers international union of America, Indianapolis a Monthly. Blacksmiths journal. Official organ of International brotherhood of black- smiths and helpers. Chicago. Monthly. Boilermakers' and iron shipbuilders' journal. Official organ of International brotherhood of boilermakers, iron shipbuilders and helpers of America. . Kansas City, Kansas. Monthly. Bookbinder, International. Official journal of the International brotherhood of bookbinders of North America, Indianapolis, Monthly . . Brewery, flour, cereal and soft drink workers' journal, publ. by International union of united brewery, flour, cereal and soft drink workers of America. Cincinnati. Weekly , (formerly Brewery and soft drinkworkers' journal) Bricklayer, mason and plasterer. Official journal of Bricklayers, masons and plasterers' international union of America. Bridgemen's magazine, publ. by International association of bridge, structural and ornamental+ iron workers and pile drivers s. Indianapolis . Monthly , Broom maker. Official journal of Broom and whisk-makers' international union, Chicago, Monthly. Buchdrucker-zeitung (printers' gazette). Officielles organ der ‘Deutsch- Amerikanischen typographia, Indianapolis, Monthly (formerly Deutsch- Amerikanische buchdrucker-zeitung) - Butcher workman. Qfficial organ of the Amalgamated meat cutters and butcher workmen of North America ... Chicago ... Monthly. Butchers' and packers' gazettes. Official publ. of United master but chers' association of America, St. Louis, Weekly. National and local labor union journals (cont.) - 5 Carpenter, puble by United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of America. Indianapolis, Monthly. Carpenters and joiners, Amalgamated society, Monthly report. New York, *:::..tºrated union of Greater New York and vicinity. Report, New Yorks eekly s Cigar makers official journal. Official paper of C. M.I.U. of America. Chicago Monthly * Clothing workers of America, Amalgamated. Advance. New York, Weekly. Clothing workers of America, Amalgamated. Fortschritt (progress) a Jewish labor weekly, New York. Weekly. Clothing workers of America, Amalgamated. Il lavoro. New York. Weekly, Coast seamen's journal. see Seamen's journal, Commercial telegraphers journal, publ. by Commercial telegraphers union of America. Chicago. Monthly. * Connecticut state building trades council, Official journal. Waterbury, Quarterly, Coopers international journal, publ. by Coopers international union of North America , Kansas City, Kans. Monthly. } Deutsch-Amerikanische buchdrucker-zeitung, see Buchdrucker-zeitungs Electrical workers and operators, Journal of . Official publ. of International brotherhood of electrical workers. Springfield, Ohio. Monthly) Elevator constructor . Official journal of International union of elevator constructors, Philadelphia • Monthly , Engineers, Amalgamated society of. Monthly report. New York. Federal employee, Official magazine of National federation of federal employees. Washington, D., C. Monthly , Fire fighter, International. Official organ of International association of fire fighters, Washington, D. C. Monthly. Firemen's journal, Stationary. see Stationary firemen's journal, Flint, American. Official magazine of American flint glass workers' union , Toledo. Monthly, Fortschritt (progress) gee Clothing workers of America, Amalgamated, Fur-worker. Official organ of International fúreworkers' union of U. S. and Canada, Long Island City, N. Y. Monthly. National and local labor union iournals (cont.) Garment cutter, Ladies”. see Ladies' garment cutter. Garment worker. Official journal of the United garment workers of America. New York, Weekly. Garment worker, Ladies', see Ladies' garment workers Glove workers' monthly bulletin, Chicago. (Aug. 1918 last rec'd. Probably discontinued) - • . . Granite cutter's journal, publ. by Granite cutters' international ass'n, of America. Qunicy, Mass. Monthly. Headgear worker . Official organ of United Cloth hat and cap makers of North America, New York. Monthly. Horseshoers monthly magazine, International, publ. by International union off journeymen horseshoers of U.S. and Canada. Cincinnati, Monthly. Hotel and restaurant employees' international alliance, Mixer and server, Cincinnati • Monthly. * - Illinois state federation of labor. Weekly news letter. Chicago. El internacional . Organo local de la Union internacional de tabaqueros de America. Tampa City, Fla. Weekly. Iron, steel and tin workers, Amalgamated association of . Journal . Pittsburgh, Weekly. Ladies' garment cutter, Official organ of International ladies' garment cutters' union, local no. 10, I.L. G.W.U. New York. Weekly. (Discontinued publ. Jan 18, 1919) - Ladies' garment worker . Official organ of international ladies' garment workers' union, New York • Monthly , Lather. Official journal of the Wood, wire and metal lathers international union. Cleveland, Monthly. Il lavoro. see Clothing workers of America, Amalgamated, Leather workers' journal, Official publ. of United leather workers international union. Kansas City, Mo. Monthly , locomotive engineers journal, publ. by Brotherhood of locomotive engineers . Cleveland, Monthly. Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine, Brotherhood of , Indianapolis - Semi-monthly, Longshoreman, devoted to interests of International longshoremen's ass'n Buffalo, Monthly . Nºtional and local labor union journals (cont.) Machinists monthly journal, official organ of International ass'n of machinists. Washington, D. C. Maintenance-of-way employees and railway shop laborers, International brotherhood of . Advance guide. Detroit, Monthly. Metal polishers international union. Our journal. Cincinnati. Monthly, Mine workers journal, United, Official publication of the United mine workers of America, Indianapolis. Semi-monthly. Miners' magazine, Journal of International union of mine, mill and Smelter workers, Denver, Monthly. Mixer and server, Official journal of Hotel and restaurant employes' international alliance and Bartenders' international league of America. Cincinnati. Monthly, Molders journal, International. Official journal of International molders' union of North America • Cincinnati, Monthly, Motorman and conductor. Official journal of Amalgamated ass'n of Street and electric railway employees of America. Detroit. Monthly , Musician, International, Official journal of American federation of musicians. St. Louis, Monthly. National, publ. by National window glass workers. Cleveland, Monthly , New York union printer, See American labor world , Painter and decorator . Official journal of Brotherhood of painters, decorators and paperhangers of America. Lafayette, Ind, Monthly . Paper makers journal. Official organ of International brotherhood of paper makers. Albany, Monthly. Pattern makers' journal, Official organ of Pattern makers' league of North America, Cincinnati, Monthly. Paving cutters' journal, publ. by Paving cutters' union of U. S. Albion, N, Y, Monthly , Photo engraver, American, Official journal of International photo engravers' union of North America, Chicago . Monthly . Plasterer. Official jounal of Operative plasterers and cement finiahers' international association of U.S. and Canada. Pittsburgh . Monthly. International Plate printer, Official journal of the xxxxxxxx steel and copper plate printers' union of North America.” Washington, D, C, Semi-monthly , National and local labor union journals (cont.) Plumber, gas and steam fitters' journal. Official organ of United association of journeymen plumbers, gas-fitters, steam-fitters and steam-fitters helpers. Chicago, Monthly. Post office clerk. Organ of United national assºn of post office clerks of U. S. Chicago. Monthly. Postal employe, Union • Official organ of national federation of postal employees • Washington, D. C. Monthly. Postal record. Journal of national ass ºn of letter carriers, Washington, D. C. Monthly. Pressman, American, Pressmen's Home, Tenn. Monthly, Printer, New York union - see American labor world. Quarry workers journal, publ. by quarry workers' international union of North America. Barre, Vt. Monthly. : Railroad employee. Newark, N., J. Monthly. Railroad telegrapher, publ. by Order of railroad telegraphars. St. Louis Monthly , . Railroad trainman, publ. by Brotherhood of railroad trainmen. Cleveland. Monthly. Railroad wire and signal, publ. by order of railroad telegraphers, despatchers, agents and signalmen • Philadelphia • Monthly . Railroad worker, Official organ of American federation of railroad workers. Chicago, Monthly. Railway carmen's journal. Official organ of Brotherhood railway carmen of America. Kansas City, Mo. Monthly. Railway clerk. Official journal of Brotherhood of railway clerks (freight handlers and station employees) . Cincinnati, Monthly , Railway conductor. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Monthly . Railway federationist. Official paper of railway employes' dept. of the American federation of labor, Sedalia, Mo, Weekly, Retail clerks international advocate, publ. by Retail clerks international protective association. LaFayette, Ind. Monthly. R.F.D. news. Official organ of National rural letter carriers' association • Washington, D. C. Weekly. Seamen's journal. Official paper of International seamen's union of America • San Francisco. Weekly. (formerly Coast seamen's journal) Natiºnal and local labor union journals (cont) Sheet metal workers' journal, Amalgamated. Kansas City, Mo. Monthly, Shoe workers' journal . Official magazine of Boot and shoe workers' union , Boston, Monthly , Stationary firemen's journal. Official journal of International brotherhood of stationary firemen . Omaha, Monthly. Steam engineer, International. Official journal of International union of steam and operating engineers , Chicago • Monthly , Steam shovel and dredge. Official journal of International brotherhood of steam shovel and dredge men • Washington, D. C. Monthly. Stereºtypers and electrotypers union journal, International. Omaha, Monthly. Stone cutters' journal, issued by Journeymen stone cutters' association of North America, Indianapolis, Monthly. Stove mounters and range workers journal, publ. by stove mounters inter- national union of North America, Detroit, Monthly, Street and electric railway employees of America, Amalgamated ass'n of . Union leader, Chicago, Weekly. Switchmen's union of North America, Journal of . Buffalo, Monthly. Tailor, Official organ of Journeymen tailors' union of America • Chicago • Weekly , Teamsters, chauffeurs, stablemen and helpers of North America, International brotherhood of . Official magazine. Indianapolis, Monthly . Telegraphers journal, Commericial, publ. by C. T. U. of America • Chicago, Monthly. Textile worker. Official magazine of United textile workers of America • New York, Monthly, Tile layers and helpers journal. Official journal of Ceramic, mosaic and encaustic tile layers and helpers international unior Hartford, Conn Monthly. (Discontinued with June 1918 no. for duration of war) Tobacco worker, official magazine of tobacco workers' international union. Louisville, Ky, Monthly , Typographical journal. Official paper of International typographical union of North America. Indianapolis, Monthly , Typographical union of North America, International. Bulletin. Indianapolis Monthly § Typographical union no. 12, Baltimore. Monthly bulletin , —National and local labor union iournals (cont.) 10 Union leader, publ. by Amalgamated ass'n. of street and electric railway employees of America. Chicago, Weekly. Window glass workers, National, National. Cleveland. Monthly. Woodcarver, International, Official organ of International woodcarvers' ass'n. Brooklyn, Mönthly. Labor Pägers Alabama § Birmingham. Labor advocate. Weekly. Alaska. Anchorage • Anchorage weekly times and Alaska labor news. Arizona . Phoenix, Arizona labor journal. Weekly. Arkansas. Fort Smith . Union sentinel. Weekly, California. Eureka & Labor news . Weekly, Los Angeles • Citizen. Weekly. Sacramento, Tribune. Weekly , San Diego, Labor Leader. Weekly. San Francisco. Labor clarion, Weekly. Organized labor, Weekly , San Jose. Union • Weekly. Stockton. Stockton labor review, Weekly, Colorado Colorado Springs. Labor news. Weekly. Denver . Denver labor bulletin. Weekly , Connecticut Bridgeport , Labor leader, Weekly. New Britain, Labor standard, Semi-month]ly. New Haven. Connecticut labor press. Weekly. District of Columbia, Washington, Trades unionist . Weekly . Florida. Jacksonville. Artisan . Weekly. Georgia , Atlanta, Journal of Labor. Weekly. Brunswick. Gleaner, Weekly a Waycross. Labor index, Weekly; ll Labor papers (Cont.) Illinois Aurora. Fox River leader. Weekly Bloomington, Searchlight. Weekly Chicago. Chicago Labor News, Woekly Illinois tribune , Weekly New majority. Weekly. (lst , issue Jan. 4, 1919) East St. Louis. Illinois labor press. Weekly Galesburg, Galesburg labor news . Weckly Peoria, Illinois journal of labor (formerly Peoria Beacon of labor) semi-monthly Quincy, Labor advocate . Weekly Rock Island. Tri-city labor review. Weekly Rockford, Labor news . Weekly. Springfield, Illinois tradesman. Weekly. t Indiana Indianapolis . Union . Weekly , South Bend, Interurban labor journal. Weekly. (formerly Interurban journal) Iowa & Cedar Rapids. Cedar rapids tribune . Weekly . Davenport. Tri-city labor review. Weekly. Des Moines . Iowa unionist. Weekly. Sioux City. Sioux City craftsman. Weekly. Union advocate . Weekly, Kansas. Girard. Appeal to reason. Weekly. Socialist paper (formerly The New Appeal) Pittsburg. Workers chronicle. Weekly Topeka. Kansas trades unionist. Weekly . Kentucky Newport , Labor herald. Weekly. Maryland Baltimore - Baltimore trades unionist. Weekly Labor leader. Weekly Massachusetts. Boston. Labor World. Weekly Wage earner. Weekly (formerly semi-monthly) Holyoke. Artison, Weekly. Worcester. Labor Néºéekly. Michigan, Bay City. Industrial herald . Weekly Detroit. Industrial union news. Monthly (an I.W.W. paper) Flint, Flint labor news. Woekly Grand Rapids. Observer. Weekly. Minnesota, Duluth. Labor world. Weekly Minneapolis. Minneapolis labor review. Weekly St. Paul . Nonpartisan leader . Weekly Labor papers (cont.) Missouri, * Hannibal. Hannibal labor press, Weekly, Joplin, Missouri trades unionist. Weekly, Kansas City, Labor...herald, Weekly, St. Louis . Trades council union news. Weekly. Springfield. Springfield laborer. Weekly. Montana. Butte, Free lance. Weekly, Nebraska, Omaha. Unionist. Weekly. Western laborer. Weekly, Nevada, Reno, Nevada federationist. Weekly. New Jersey, Trenton. Trades union advocate. Weekly. New York, Buffalo. American labor reporter. Weekly, Buffalo labor journal. Weekly. Jamestown. Uni.on labor advocate. Weekly, Newburgh. Orange county workman. Monthly. New York. Arbet aren. Weekly, (publ. by Scandinavian socialist labor federation) New York call, Daily, Weekly people. Weekly, Syracuse, Industrial weekly, Yonkers. Workman of Westchester county. Weekly. (formerly monthly) Ohio . Alliance . Union reporter. Monthly. Cincinnati, Chronicle. Weekly , Cleveland. Cleveland citizens Weeklys Dayton. Labor review. Weekly, Springfield. Tribune. Weekly, Toledo. Toledo union leader. Weekly. Youngstown. Labor record . Weekly. Oklahomas Muskogee, Muskogee advocate. Weekly, (lst issue Apr. 10, 1919) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma federationist. Weekly. Oregon. Portland. Oregon labor press. Weekly. Pennsylvania. Easton, East on journal, Bi-Weekly- Erie. Union labor journal. Weekly - Philadelphia. Trades union news. Weeklys Pittsburgh. Labor world, Weekly. National labor journal. Weekly. Reading. Reading labor advocate. Weekly. 13 Labor papers (cont. ) Porto Rico, San Juan, Union obrera, Diario defensor del partido socialista, Daily except Sunday. - Tennessee, Chattanooga. Labor world. Weekly, Knoxville. Knoxville independent. Weekly. Nashville, Labor advocate, Weekly, Texas s El Paso. El Paso city and county labor advocate. Weekly, Fort Worth, Texas railway journal. Monthly. Houston, Houston labor journal, Weekly, San Antonio. Pan-American labor press. Weekly. (discontinued with Dec. 4, 1918, issue) Virginia, Richmond, Square deal, Weekly. Washington. Everett, Labor journal, Weekly, Seattle ; Seattle union record, Weekly and daily editions. Spokane. Labor world. Weekly. Tacoma. Tacoma labor advocate. Weekly, West Virginia. Charleston. West Virginia federationist. Weekly, Huntington. Tri-state labor leader. Weekly. (discontinued April 18, 1919 Wheeling. Wheeling majority. Weekly. Wisconsin, Janesville. Independent. Weekly, Wyoming, Cheyenne. Wyoming labor journal. Weekly. I. W. W. papers." Chicago, New solidarity. Weekly, (formerly Defense news bulletin; title changed Nov. 16, 1918). One big union monthly. (lst issue March 1, 1919) Detroit, Industrial union news. Monthly. (publ. by Workers' international industrial union.) (changed to weekly May 10, 1919, ) New York. Labor defender. Semi-monthly, (title changed to Rebel worker, Feb. 1919. ) • * 14 Trade and price iournals. American contractor. Chicago. Weekly, American lumberman, Chicago. Weekly.(subscription discontinued Apr. 1919) American machinist. New York. Weekly, American Wool and cotton reporter. Boston, Weekly. (subscription discontin ued Apr, 1919) Annalists New York, Weekly, Black diamond, Chicago, Weekly. Boston chamber of commerces Weekly market report, Boston, Bradstreet's, New York, Weekly, Brewers' journal, New York, Monthly, Butter, cheese and egg journal, Milwaukee, Weekly, Chemical and metallurgical engineering, New York. Semi-monthly, (formerly Metallurgical and chemical engineering) Chicago daily drovers journale Chicago, Chicago dairy produce. Chicago • Weekly , Coal age, New York, Weekly, Coal mining review, Columbus, O, Semi-monthly. Coal trade bulletin. Pittsburgh. Weekly, (subscription discontinued Apr. 1919) Coal trade journal. New York, Weekly. (Subscription discontinued Apr. 1919) Commercial list and price current, Philadelphia's Weekly, Daily market record, Minneapolis, Daily national live stock reporters National Stock Yards, Ill., Daily trade bulletin. Chicago. le Produce markets, 2, Financial and commercial news, Dun's review, New York, Weekly, Elgin dairy report, Elgin, Ill, Weekly, Gibson's weekly market letter. see Weekly market letter - -Thomas Gibson. Hardware age, New Yorks Weeklys 15 Trade and price journals (cont.) Iron age, New York. Weekly, Iron trade review. Cleveland, Weekly, Lumber. Dealers' ed., St. Louis. Weekly. Lumber trade journal, see New York lumber trade journal. Machinery, New York, Monthly. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, see Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Milk dealer. Milwaukee, Monthly. Milk news, Chicago. Monthly. Milk reporter. Sussex, N. J. Monthly. National builder, Chicago, Monthly, National provisioner. New York, Weekly, New York lumber trade journal, New York, Semi-monthly , Northwestern miller, Minneapolis, Weekly, ºil, paint and drug reporter. New York, Weekly. Pacific dairy review, San Francisco. Weekly. Pacific marine review, San Francisco, Monthly. Paper, New York, Weekly, Paper trade trade journal, New York. Weekly, Price current-grain reporter, Chicago, Weekly. Real estate record and builders guide, New York. Weekly, Shoe and leather reporter. Boston. Weekly. Southern lumberman. Nashville, tem. (autºcription discontinued Apr. 1919) Southern textile bulletin. Charlotte, N. C. Weekly, Sugar trade journal. see Weekly statistical sugar trade journal. Textile world journal, New York, Weekly. Warm air heating and sheet metal journal, Philadelphia, Monthly. 16 Trade and price iournals (cont.) Weekly market letter--Thomas Gibson, New York. Weekly northwestern miller, see Northwestern miller. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal, New York, Western tobacco journal. Cincinnati. Weekly. Women's wear. New York. Daily, A U S T R A L I A. Australia, Bureau of census and statistics. Labour and industrial branch. Labour bulletin. Melbourne, Quarterly. (Discontinued with Oct, 1917 is Bue , summary of labour and industrial statistics now publ. in Quarterly summary of Australian statistics . ) Australian worker. Sydney. Weekly, Liberty and progress. The anti-socicalistic organ of Australasia, Melbourne, Monthly. New South Wales. Dept. of labour and industry, Industrial gazette. Sydney, Monthly. - New South Wales. Industrial arbitration court, Industrial arbitration reports, Sydney. 7 times a yr. Queensland. Dept. of labour. Queensland industrial gazette. Brisbane, Monthly, Western Australia, Monthly journal of chamber of mines, Kalgoorlie. Worker. Brisbane. Weekly. A U S T R I_A. Der arbeitsnachweis, Wien. Bi-monthly, Austria. Arbeits statistisches amt. Soziale rundschau. Wien, Monthly. Die gewerkschaft. Organ der Gewerkschaftskomission oesterreichs. Wien, Weekly. B E L G I U. M., Belgium. Office du travail, Revue du travail. Bruxelles. Semi-monthly, 17 9 A N A D A. British Columbia federationist, Vancouver, B. G. Weekly. Canada, Dept. of labour. Labour gazette. Ottawa. Monthly, Industrial banner, Toronto. Weekly. Industrial Canada, Toronto. Monthly. Labour news, Hamilton, Ont., Weekly. Labour star. Vancouver, B, C, Weekly. Voice. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Weekly. (Discontinued publ. July 26, 1918, succeeded by Western labour news . ) Western labour news (successor to Voice), Winnipeg, Manitoba. Weekly, D E N M A. R. K. Dansk arbejdsmands forbund. Maaneds beretning. &nnºn. Monthly. Samfundets krav, socialt tidskrift. £enhavn. Irregular. Snedkerforbundets fagblad. £enhavn, Bi-monthly, Social .# Tidsskrift for social forsikring og forsorgelse samt arbejderskyttelse. Hellerup. Monthly. E. L. N. I. A N 0. Finland. Socialstyrelsen, Social tidskrift. Helsing fore , 4 or 6 a yr. (Formerly Arbetsstatistisk tidskrift publ. by Industristyrelsen. Title changed with 1918 issues, ) F. R A N C E, Association des industriels de France contre les accidents du travail. Bulletin bimestriel, Paris. Bi-monthly, * wº * * º * º L'association ouvrière. Organe de propagande coopérative et d'éducation sociale, Paris. Semi-monthly. Bulletin de la participation aux bénéfices. Paris. Quarterly, Bulletin des usines de guerre, see France. Ministère de l'armement et des fabrications de guerre- Comité central des houillères de France, Circulaire. Paris. Irregular, l8 FRANCE (cont.) Le cri populaire, Journal d'union socialiste et ouvrière, Bordeaux, Weekly. L'École du travail. Paris. Monthly. (First issue Jan. 1919.) France. Direction du travail. Bulletin de l'inspection du travail et de l'hygiene industrielle, Paris, Irregular, France a Ministère de l'armement et des fabrications de guerre Bullet” des usines de guerre, T Paris, TWeekly, T(Discontinued with issue of Dec. 23, 1918, ) France, Ministère du travail et de la prévoyance sociale, Bulletin. wesºmeº enameºmºmºsºsºsºme sººn smºs ºne Paris § Monthly ſº * / º * º * º L'humanite journal socialiste, Paris. Daily, L'information ouvrière et sociale. Paris, Semi-weekly. Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale. Paris. Bulletin- Paris, Bi-monthly, Le travailleur du bâtiment. Organe de la Fédération nationale des travailleurs de l'industrie du bâtiment de France and des colonies Paris. Quarterly, La typographie française, organe officiel de la Fédération frangaise des travailleurs du livre, Paris. Semi-monthly. La voix du peuple, organe de la Confédération générale du travail. Paris. Irregular, G E R M A N Y. Die arbeiterin, organ des Verbandes suddeutscher katholischer arbeiterinnenvereine. München, Weekly. Der arbeitenachweis in Deutschland. Zeit Bchrift des Verbandes deutscher arbeitenachweise, Berlin, Monthly, Archiv für die geschichte des sozialismus und der arbeiterbewegung a Leipzig. 3 times a yr. Archiv für frauenarbeit. Berlin. Quarterly. Blatter für sociale arbeit, Karlsruhe, i B. Monthly. Concordia, Zeitschrift der Zentralstelle für volkswohlfahrt. Berlin. Semi-monthly. General kommission der gewerkschaftem Deutschlands , Correspondenzblatt. Berlin, Weekly. *- } % GERMANY cont. Germany. Reichs-versicherungsamt. Antliche nachrichten, Berlin, ſ º | #önatsblätter für arbeiterversicherung, WW W$ $4 Berlin, Monthly, *º. Germany, Statistisches amt. Reichs-arbeitsblatt. Berlin, Monthly, Soziale praxis und archiv fur volkswohlfahrt, Berlin. Weekly, ***schrift für die gesamte versicherungs-wissenschaft. Hrsg. von Deutschenverein für versicherungs-wise enschaft. Berlin. Monthly. Zeitschrift für weibliche handlungsgehilf ten, Hrsg. von Kaiufmahnischen verband für weibliche angesteilte. Berlin. Monthly. Zentralblatt der reichsversicherung, - Zeitschrift fur sozialrechtliche und Sorial medizinische fragen, Leipzig. Semi-monthly, Zentralblatt für gewerbehygiene. Berlin. Monthly, 9–5–4. A 1–B–5–1 T All N. Amalgamated society of carpenters, cabinetmakers and joiners. Monthly journal, Manchester. Monthly. British citizen. Publ. by National democratic party. London, Weekly. (Formerly British citizen and empire worker, ) Christian commonwealth, London, Weekly. Co-operative union. Quarterly review, Manchester. Co-partnership, London, Monthly, Daily herald, London. Daily except Sunday (beginning Mar, 31, 1919. Formerly-weekly.) . . . . *, Democrat , with which is incorporated the Federationist . Official organ of the General federation of trade unions, London. Weekly. (lst issue Apr. 10, 1919. ) Dilution of labour bulletin, Bee Gt. Brit. Ministry of munitions • Dilution of labeur bulletin, Federation of British industries. Bulletin, London, Semi-monthly, Federationist. Official organ of the General federation of trade unions, London. Monthly, (Succeeded by the Democrat . ) General federation of trade unions. Quarterly balance sheet. London. Gt Brit - Agricultural wages board. Wages board gazette, London, Semi-monthly, 20 GREAT BRITAIN (cont.) Gt Brits Ministry of labour. Labour gazette, London. Monthly, (formerly publ. by the Board of Trade) Gt - Brit - Ministry of labour. The month's work, London, Monthly, Gt Brit • Ministry of munitions. Dilution of labour bulletin. London, Monthly. (discontinued?) Gt , Brit, Ministry of national service, Weekly bulletin, London. Herald, the national labour weekly. London. Daily beginning March 31, 1919, See Daily herald. Industrial peace, London, Monthly. International co-operative bulletin, London, Monthly , Iron and steel trades confederation, Journal, London, Monthly , (continuation of British steel smelters, mill, iron and tinplate workers monthly report) Labour gazette. See Gt. Brit. Ministry of labour, Labour gazette. Labour woman. London. Monthly. ( formerly organ of the Women's labour league, now publ. by the Labour party) London typographical journal. London, Monthly. Musicians' report and journal. Official organ of the Amalgamated musicians union, Manchester, Quarterly , National union of boot and shoe operatives • Monthly report a Leicesters Organiser, the journal of the new conditions in industry. London. Monthly s Producers Manchester, Monthly. Russian co-operator. London, Monthly , School child and juvenile worker. London, Monthly , Socialist review, publ. by Indepedent labour party- London, Quarterly, Trades union congress, Parliamentary committee, Quarterly report. London. watº, a monthly co-operative record, Manchester. Woman worker, London. Monthly. (Publ. by National federation of women workers) Women's employment. London, Semi-monthly. 2l GREAT BRITAIN (Cont.) Women's industrial news . Organ of the Women's industrial council, London, Quarterly s Women's trade union review. London. Half-yearly (formerly quarterly) I A l I – Avanti. Rome, Daily (Ordered for lºl9) o Battaglie sindacali. Organo della Confederazione generale del lavoro, Milano. Weekly. (lst issue March 8, l919) º Cassa nazionale d' assicurazione per gli infortuni degli operai sul lavoro a Rassegna sociale, Roma, Monthly, La confederazione del lavoro, Monitore ufficiale della Confederazione generale del lavoro a Milano - Semi-monthly, º La cooperazione italiana, Milano s Weekly, Italy - Comitato centrale di mobilitazione industriale Bolletinº- Roma. Monthly, (discontinuedº) Italy. Ufficio del lavoro. Bolletino e Roma - Monthly. Italy, Ufficio del lavoro. Bolletino, Roma. Semi-monthly. Italy. Ufficio del lavoro. Bolletino. dell' ispettorato dell' industria e del lavoro, Roma, Bi-monthly a 3 Milan e Ufficio municipale del lavoro e Città di Milano. Bolletino municipale mensile, Monthly e Rome, Ufficio municipale del lavoro, Bolletino mensile, Monthly e (Dec. 1918, first number issued) La sicurezza e l'igiene nell'industria, Bolletino dell' associazione degli industriali d'Italia per prevenire gli infortuni del lavoro, Roma, Bi-monthly e M E X I C 0 a Mexico, Departamento de industrias Boletin de industrias, Mexico City, Mexico. Departamento de trabaio. Boletin del trabajºs Mexico City e N E T H º R L A N P è De arbeid, Orgaan van het Nationaal arbeids-secretariaat in Nederlands Amsterdams Weekly, 22 * - -- f. NETHERLANDS (cont , ) De socialistische gids. Maandschrift der Sociaal- Democratis c je, arbeiders partij. Amsterdam, Monthly, Tijdschrift van dan Nederlandschen werkloos heids-raad, Amsterdam, Monthly? De vakbewegings Orgaan van het Nederlandsch verbond van vakvereeningen, Amsterdam Bi-weekly , Lº L4 º A LA Lº. New Zealands Depts of laboure Journal, Wellingtons Monthly, (ceased publication in April 19l7) New Zealand employers º federation, Industrial bulletine Wellington. Monthlys N O R W. A. Y. Arbeidernes faglige lands organisation i Norges Meddelels esbladº Kristianias Monthly, Norways Deptº for sociale sakers Soaiale meddelelser. Kristiania º 6 nos º a y re P, O R. Tº U G. A. La Portugal a Ministerio do trabalho» Boletim da previdencia sociale Lisboa e Quarterly s S 9 U H-A—M º R. L. 9. A Argentine Republic. Departamento nacional del trabajos Bolºtinº Buenos Aires • Irregular. Argentine Republic , Departamento nacional del trabajo º Cronico mensual, Buenos Aires • Monthly a Buenos Aires (Province) Dirección general de estadisticas ºoºººinºº la Dirección general de estadistica y Departamento provincial del trabajo . La Plata a Quarterly. Union industrial argentinas Boletin, Buenos Aires • Monthly • Uruguay, Oficina del trabajo, Boletin, Montevideo • Irregular» 23 STP A I N, Spain • Instituto de reformas sociales. Boletin. Madrid, Monthly. El trabajo nacional, Organo del Fomento del trabajo nacional, Barcelona, Monthly. S W E D E N. Arbetarskyddet, Tidgkrift fºr arbetarskydd och social forsäkring, Stocksund, Monthly Sweden • Socialstyrelsen. Sociala meddelanden, Stockholm, Monthly, (Discontinued with Dec. 1917. Will resume in 1919 not as a national publ. but to include Denmark and Norway) Tidskrift for den svenska pensions försäkringen. Stockholm, Monthly, S W I T Z E R L A N D. Verband Schweiz erischer arbeitsamters Monats-berichte der z entralstelle, Zurich's Monthly, I N T E R N A T I O N A L. International cooperative bulletins Official organ of International cooperative alliance Monthly. International labour office, Bulletin. London, Monthly , also French and German editions • International metal workers t review, Official organ of the international metal workers' federation, Stuttgarts Monthly. International union of woodworkers w Berlin, Monthly. International review of agricultural economics (monthly bulletin of economic and social intelligence) International Institute of agricultures Romes Monthly.