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MEMBER oF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF CoNSTANTINoPLE, ETc. ğerrınü (Etiftirin, 3Rehtgeti anti (Enlargeti BY CHARLEs WELLs, Ph.D. (Leipnis), Formerly Professor at the Imperial Naval College, Constantinople, Author of ·y:° (An Essay on Political Economy in Turkish), of “Mehemet the Kurd and other Tales from Eastern Sources.” Late Private Secretary to Lieut.-General Sir Arnold Kemball on the Turco-Persian Frontier Commission, Turkish Prizeman of King's College, London, ğe. -) · * Se L O N D O N : B ERN ARD QU ARIT CH, 1 5 PIC C A DILLY. 1880. WYMAN AND soNs, oRIENTAL, CLASSICAL, AND GENERAL PRINTERs, GREAT QUEEN STRRET, LoNDoN, W.o. INTRODUCTION T0 THE SE00ND EDITION, -><>0- - Ş-- T is an extraordinary and lamentable fact that the language of the - Turks has hitherto received little or no attention in England, although it is spoken by millions of people belonging to a vast empire with which we are closely connected by mutual vital interests, and is more or less used, in official circles, from Tunis in Africa to the walls of China. It is the Court language of Persia, and in many provinces of that country is spoken as much as Persian It is difficult to account for the absolute neglect of the study of such an important language, considering that it is used by a people who once influenced half the world, who overturned and established empires, who have possessed the thrones of Persia, Syria, Greece, and Arabia, whose power was once dreaded by Italy, Germany and France, and to whom our proud Queen Elizabeth applied for aid against the Spanish Armada. The Turkish lan- guage has always been of the greatest consequence to us, owing to the importance of our political and commercial relations with the Ottoman Empire, and the complete ignorance of it, on the part of our countrymen has greatly impeded proper communication and intercourse between the two nations and given rise to most serious misunderstandings and difficulties, both in the diplomatic and commercial world Hitherto, the only means of com- munication between the two peoples has been the employment of Levantine interpreters, who seldom or never know either English or Turkish properly, and speak the latter unidiomatically and with a vulgar accent peculiarly dis- tasteful to the educated Osmanlis. Recent events in the East, by which we have become in one sense identified with the Turkish Empire through having undertaken the Protectorate of Asia Minor and the administration of Cyprus, now render the acquisition of the Turkish language by English officials and commercial men more urgent than ever, and indeed it is absolutely indis- 6)çy)i# pensable if we wish to fulfil our task efficiently and avoid endless complica- [: tions with the natives and the Turkish Government. We may therefore hope that this subject will at last receive the attention it deserves on the part of the Government and the nation, that proper facilities will be afforded for the acquisition of the language by a Professorship of Turkish being : vi REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsH DICTIONARY. founded at one of our Universities, and encouragement and reward being offered to those who devote themselves to this arduous study. Persons wishing to become student-interpreters, or officials in any part of Turkey, in Asia Minor, or in Cyprus, should be required to possess, at least, some knowledge of Turkish before being appointed and before leaving England, as they will find the want of proper teachers in Turkey an insuperable barrier against beginning its study in that country. The only persons who teach Turkish in the East are Greeks and Armenians, most of whom appear phys- ically incapable of pronouncing Turkish correctly, and possess in general little or no knowledge of the literary language. As we have in English nearly every sound existing in Turkish, an Englishman, if properly taught, can pronounce far better than a Greek or an Armenian. For the same reason, as Ifound from experience in instructing the students at the Imperial Naval College of Constantinople, Turks can pronounce our language far more purely than the Christian races under their government. A good dictionary is indispensable for acquiring any language, and Mr. REDHOUSE rendered a national service when he produced his excellent work, which I hesitate not to say is incom- parably the most correct and trustworthy Turkish lexicon in any European language The original edition having been exhausted, I willingly consented to Mr. QUARITCH's proposal that I should edit a second issue, as all students of the language would find such a book most necessary, and the learned author sanctioned my undertaking. While preserving all the valuable matter contained in the first edition, I have attempted to increase its use- fulness by the addition of a considerable number of words omitted originally for want of space, or which have been coined by the Turks during the last twenty years to meet the requirements of their advancing civilisation. Amongst other things, the names of countries, towns, rivers, mountains, and other geographical words were entirely left out of the English-Turkish part, and nearly completely omitted in the other part. These I have supplied, giving special attention to names of places in the East, The English-Turkish portion being Scarcely copious enough to enable a Turk to read an English book, or an Englishman to write or speak on all subjects in Turkish, I have introduced a large number of fresh words into it, and I have also, to some extent, augmented the Turkish-English part. Thus, the present edition will be found to contain several thousand more words than the original work published twenty-five years ago, which, however, was far more correct and copious than any other European Turkish lexicon. It is a strange fact that the number of Englishmen who can read and write Turkish is so small that they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, The English public, and what is more astonishing, the English İNTRODUCTION TO THE SECOND EİÜITION. vii residents in Turkey, know scarcely anything of this curious and interesting tongue, and rarely succeed even in speaking a few words properly ; yet to understand a nation rightly a knowledge of its language is most essential. As I once remarked in an article in the Gentleman's Magazine published some years ago, the physical features of the East, the length and breadth of its rivers, the height of its mountains, and the costumes of its peoples, have been ascertained and described by enterprising European travellers ; but the spirit of the East, which only can be comprehended by a thorough acquaintance with its language and familiar intercourse with the natives, has remained a sealed book to Europe Indeed many works which have been written for the purpose of enlightening us with regard to the East, have, with rare exceptions, only misrepresented and burlesqued it, although, I admit, that the writers did this in all sincerity and unconscious- ness If Europeans ever learn what the inner life of the East is, they will find that their ideas have been wonderfully narrow and one-sided ; that many things they believed to be universally true are, under certain cir- cumstances and in certain places, absolutely false ; and they will discover much that is good and valuable in the institutions, and much that is admirable in the manners and customs of the Turks, as well as some things which we might with advantage imitate. A lengthy discourse on the language and literature of the Osmanlis would be somewhat out of place here, but a brief account of them may be interest- ing to the general reader and, especially, to those about to commence the study of Turkish, The Turkish language is of Tartar origin, as the Turks came from Central Asia, and is consequently quite distinct from Arabic and Persian ; although it is true that in modern times the Arabic characters have been adopted for all three languages, and that the Constantinople dialect is half filled with Arabic and Persian words, but these have been incorporated without affecting the nature or framework of the Turkish, which is as different from Arabic and Persian as Anglo-Saxon from Latin and Greek. The original Turkish tongue was somewhat barbarous, but extremely forcible and concise when spoken. Very often, in colloquial language, a whole sentence in a European language can be expressed by one ortwo words in Turkish. For example, the phrase “ The book which I have written,” can be expressed in Turkish in two words, viz, yazdighim kitab In fact, Turkish is a language in which pronouns personal and relative, conjunctions, and other parts of speech Constantly recurring in European languages are almost entirely dispensed with, by the help of certain peculiar inflections of which the verb is capable Unfortunately, this superiority in Turkish has been more than counterbalanced by the cumbersome and inflated style which viii REDHoUsE's TURKISH AND ENGLIsH DICTIONARY. has become prevalent in writing, especially in official documents, sentence on sentence being strung together into one, until the reader is at a complete loss to catch the writer's meaning. Another mistake the Turks have made is in adopting Arabic and Persian words ad libitum ; so that to understand their language it is absolutely mecessary to be acquainted with nearly all the words in the other two, and something of their grammars. Thus in reality to comprehend written Turkish you have to acquire three languages, in great part, instead of one. This fact, no doubt, is one great reason why so few Europeans have succeeded in mastering Turkish ; and a Turk must study his own language many years before he can either read or write it properly. There are almost always in Turkish three names for everything–the original Turkish, the Arabic, and the Persian-and thus the student has a triple vocabulary to acquire Had Persian and Arabic words been taken only when there was no Turkish word to express what was required, Turkish would have become an extremely rich and powerful language; but words having been adopted indiscriminately has led to a redundancy which is only embarrassing both to the native and the foreigner, while thousands of abstract but most useful words are still non-existent in Turkish. Notwithstanding, therefore, the enormous number of words to be found in a Turkish dictionary, it is an extremely difficult thing to express one's selfin Turkish on any civilised subject, or to translate any ordinary European work into it. Great progress, however, has been made during the last twenty years in simplifying the Turkish style, and in coining words to express scientific ideas Ali Pasha and Fuad Pasha took the initiative in this matter, and they have since had many worthy imitators, such as Ali* Suavi Effendi, Kemal Bey, and Zia Bey. The Imperial Military and Naval Colleges have also been most useful laboratories for the production of new words, the necessity for which was found in instructing the students in European arts and sciences, and in translating French and English works for them. A great number of very useful books have been prepared by the professors of those excellent institutions, and although generally not original, they are very creditable, and have done much good in shaping and improving modern Turkish. Some enlightened and unprejudiced officials, such as Said Pasha, who was Minister of Marine in 1878, and formerly Governor of the Naval College, * Ali Suavi Effendi, a well-known Turkish savant and a very able writer, was the editor of a Turkish newspaper, called the “ Mukhbir” ( s”), published some years ago in London, to which I myself contributed, which aimed at introducing not merely political reforms into Turkey, such as parliamentary government, financial control, &c., but also recommended and inaugurated a reform of Turkish composition, orthography, &o., and the introduction of a olear and simple style similar to that approved of in most European languages. INTRODUCTION T0 THE SECOND EDITION, ix have also lately set the example of writing Turkish in a simple and practical style, and encouraged and promoted this improvement. This able statesman (Said Pasha) is a striking illustration of what I have stated above, that Turks and Englishmen can acquire each other's language with remarkable purity, as he speaks and writes English like an Englishman, Yet, notwithstanding the cumbrousness I have above complained of, the language of the Turks possesses a great and interesting literature ; works on almost all subjects known to Orientals : history, geography, astronomy, mathematics, logic, theology, geometry, arithmetic, &c., were to be found in Turkish hundreds of years ago–in manuscripts only, of course Indeed, books on those subjects had been written at so remote a period as a century prior to the conquest of Constantinople, and some historical, astronomical, and poetical works by celebrated writers of that day are still in existence. It is also to the credit of the Turks that they always had in ancient times, and still have, a deep reverence for learning and literary men, while their sovereigns have been great patrons of literature, and have treated authors and savans with the most liberal favour and munificence It is reported that the last words of Sultan Othman to his son Orkhan were, “ Be the upholder of the faith and the protector of science;” and no sooner had the crescent been planted on the walls of Broussa than Orkhan gave orders for the erection of a royal college, This example was followed by his successors, who have vied with each other in the protection and encouragement of letters. The Turkish writers excel particularly in historical composition. They have many valuable works of history, written by private individuals, and a regular series of public annals from the most remote times to the present, compiled by the official historiographers of the empire. Among their most celebrated historians are Sead-u-din, the historio- grapher of Murad the Third, the author of “ Taj-u-Tevarikh,” (“The Crown of Histories,”) Jelal Zadé, the author of “Tarikhi Jelal Zadé,” the Annals of the reign of Suleiman I. and Selaniki, whose works are only to be found in manuscript, and Rashid Effendi, Sami, Shagir, and Subhi, whose works have been printed by the Imperial press. Amongst historians also must not be for- gotten the learned Haji Khalifé, who wrote several historical and geographical books, and a work on Oriental bibliography, a universal history in Arabic, and also the History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks, the History of Constantinople, and the celebrated Oriental geography called “Jihan Wuma,” (“The World-Shewer”). - The Turks have always cultivated poetry with the greatest zeal and considerable success Poets have ever been greatly honoured and muni- ficently rewarded by them. Their poetry, it is true, is somewhat wild and X REDHOUSE's TURKİSH AND ENGLIsH DICTIONARY. extravagant, but full of power and imagination. Amongst others, Fazli's version of the Gul-u-Bulbul (“The Rose and the Nightingale”) is a really beautiful poem, and a mere list of Turkish poets of respectable ability would fill pages. In conclusion, the Turkish language, in the simplicity and regularity of its original framework and mechanism, is only equalled among European languages by the Spanish, in the attention it pays to euphony by no European language, except perhaps Hungarian, and in the richness of its resources, ifit would make but proper use of them, it might rank with any language of Europe or Asia. To cement the alliance and the friendship which have existed for so many years between England and Turkey, and to promote the interest of both nations, nothing is more indispensable than that they should acquire each other's language. The Turks have made great efforts and spared no expense to this end. Hundreds of young Turkish officers studied English under me, after my appointment by the Turkish Government as Professor of the English Language at Constantinople, and nearly all of them displayed the greatest zeal and ability. Tt is to be hoped now that the same ardour will be shown and the same attention given, on the part of the British Government and people, in promoting the study of the Turkish language in England. Having had great experience in connection with the acquisition of Turkish and other Oriental languages, I venture to call the attention of the Govern- ment and the public to the fact that sending out gentlemen to Turkey who have merely given proof of possessing an ordinarily good European education, and who have evinced no special aptitude for acquiring Eastern languages, is not the best method they could have adopted for obtaining a body of Oriental scholars who would be really useful to them. Facilities should be afforded for studying Turkish in England, and then only those who gave proof of capability to master Turkish–a feat by no means in everybody's power- should be appointed student-interpreters. Austrian and Russian officials in the East learn Turkish at their respective universities before going to Turkey, and Russia and Austria have consequently had for many years good Turkish scholars in their service. We shall never have good Oriental scholars in ours until we adopt the same system. No one can learn to speak and write Turkish by mere residence in the country, as is proved by English and other European residents in Turkey not being conversant with the language who have lived there for twenty and thirty years. But any one who goes to Turkey, having already studied the language successfully, will speedily become thorough master of it, He will find plenty of opportunities for practising his knowledge of Turkish, if he have any ; but INTRODUCTION TO THE SECOND EDITION, xi if he have none, he will never pick the language up, asit is called, by merely breathing the air of Constantinople, Without study, Turkish, as written and spoken for diplomatic purposes, can never be mastered, and facilities for this study at first, at least, are best found in England. Moreover, it is far better that the government should only help those who have given proof of their ability, and this could be tested by establishing a Turkish Professorship here, and sending out only those who should have passed an examination in Turkish-the plan already adopted, I believe, in the case of Chinese students. CHARLES WELLS. LoNDoN, December, 1879. 0 0 NTENTS, INTRODUCTION TO THE SECOND EDITION NOTICE . . . ê Ö } $ 9 ğ 6 ş ğ ć ć Ö. d PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION 4 & ğ 4 } REDHoUSE's DICTIONARY.–ENGLISH AND TURKISH 32 29 TURKISIHI AND ENGLISHI ERRATUMI é : ë ğ : ć ş ë ş 6ğ ë ş ğ ğ ğ : ë APPENDIX. . . 6 ğ ğ ğ 6ğ ğ & ğ ë } } 383 . 882 883 1N O T T C E. The abbreviations and ' in the Turkish character, and et and öl in the English, used in both parts of this Dictionary, stand respectively for the auriliary verbs c*: and · , and their pronunciations etmek and ölmak. REDH0USES TURKTSH DI0TI0NARY, * Z7 PREFACE T0 THE FIRST EDITION N the spring of 1855, on the occasion of the formation of the Turkish Legion, the author of the present work published a “Vade-Mecum of Ottoman Colloquial Language,” in the Preface of which he promised to prepare, “ for the information of those who may wish afterwards to penetrate deeper into the arcana of this really beautiful tongue, a series of more complete and scientific works.” The following pages are a first instalment towards the redemption of the pledge then given. From the size of this volume, the reader must at once perceive that it has not the pretension of being a complete dictionary of the two languages, which it would require several years of constant labour to bring into existence. But as there does not exist in English any similar work, it has been judged that a book which shall contain the more usual terms of the two languages, and explain the more striking modifications of their meanings-which shall give, not only the orthography of the Turkish words (whether of Arabic, Persian, or Turkish origin), but also their correct pronunciation and accentuation –two things never achieved, and the latter never attempted, even in the best dictionaries published on the continent- could not fail of being acceptable to the very great number of our country- men now interested in obtaining quickly a competent knowledge of the language of our Eastern allies ; and the author has therefore undertaken to provide them with as good a dictionary as could be prepared within a reasonable space of time. For the materials of this book he is indebted to no one, even of the continental authors, unless in so far as he has used two dictionaries to arrive without loss of time at the alphabetical arrangement and selection of the words contained in either part of this publication. He does not pretend to be absolutely and entirely free from mistakes of any kind ; but he confidently appeals to all capable of judging, to pronounce whether the great number of errors to be traced in every page of the more voluminous continental works, ancient or modern, is not a circumstance which greatly deteriorates the value C 7 / 2 REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsH DICTIoNARY. of their productions, although, at the same time, the greatest credit is due to the authors for the immense labours they have undertaken in preparing their works for the use of the public They have done their best, and the thanks of a host of students have been, and will continue to be, their just meed. Neither is it in any spirit of detraction that the author here notices these defects of his precursors; but, on the contrary, by alluding to them, he desires to stir up their authors, or others, to investigate the subject with renewed zeal and acumen, under the conviction that the greater the facilities afforded for an interchange of ideas between the East and West, the more rapidly will be effaced those invidious distinctions of caste or class, or nation- ality, or religious denomination, which ignorance and intolerance set up in bygone times, but which in England have generally given place to the more becoming rule and feeling of respecting in all the conscientious dictates of faith and taste, even as we ourselves wish to have respect and consideration shown to our own by all. As above noticed, the publication of a complete Turkish and English Dictionary, if ever undertaken, will be a work of considerable expense, and will require years for its performance. Hitherto the number of those who might have occasion for such a book has been too limited by far to induce any one to make the attempt. These circumstances appear now likely to be changed, through the attention drawn to Turkey by the recent aggressions of Russia, and also by the vitality so unexpectedly discovered in the Ottoman Empire-the “sick man” of the aggressor. The author would be proud to answer this change, if effective, by an energetic attempt to fill up the void in English literature left by the want of such a work. The Turkish language is, in itself, well worthy of the labour; and, whatever the ideas on the sub- ject hitherto current in England, as in the rest of Europe generally, there exists in that language a literature, mostly in manuscript as yet, it is true, as varied and as refined as that which is known to be found in the Persian tongue, though it does not embrace those periods of time, the middle ages, which render the study of Arabic and Persian doubly interesting In a political and in a commercial view, the tongue of the Osmanli merits as great attention as any, since its use, or that of its congeners, among natives of every sect and nationality, or among official people, is spread from Tunis in Africa, throughout the Turkish Empire, the northern half of Persia, Khorassan, to Independent, Chinese, and Russian Tartary. But it is as true, as it will appear singular, that whether from apathy, or from the fatal delivering themselves up into the hands of double sets of interpreters (one set consisting of Greeks, Armenians, Jews, or Levantines, who explain verbally PREFACE To THE FIRst EDITIoN. 3 between Europeans and Turks, and the other of Turkish writers, who reduce these verbal expressions into written forms of their own), the greater part of our merchants and consuls living in Turkey, some for periods of fifty years, are unable, with a few rare exceptions, to read a word of the language, or perhaps to understand it when read to them ; and many are even incapable of uttering a single phrase in common conversation. The fact, however, of servants, working engineers, and others picking up Turkish in a short time, without books or aids of any kind, is sufficient to indicate that there is nothing peculiarly difficult in the language itself; while the mere mechanical dificulty of the handwriting, as is known to all students, is equally easy to be got over with a little practice. Hoping, therefore, that a taste for this useful language may spread, and that the occasion will thence arise for the preparation of more extensive works on the subject, to which he engages to respond to the best of his abilities, the author now offers the present work to the public, in the trust that it will be found as useful in its sphere as he could wish or expect. LoNDoN, 1856. 4 REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsH DICTIONARY. 0N THE SYSTEM 0F 0RTH0GRAPHY EMPL0YED T0 REPRE- SENT THE TURKISH WORDS, AND ON THE POWERS OR THE TURKISH LETTERS AND 0RTH0GRAPHI0AL SIGNS, IN representing the sounds of one language with the characters of another, we find that all or many of those characters generally possess more than one value in their original language. We observe, further, that the authors of pronouncing dictionaries are obliged to have recourse to various systems of orthography, in order to represent to the mind, through the eye, in a way freed from doubt, the sound of every letter in each separate word; and that a con- siderable difference exists between the current orthography and the results of each such system. The reasons of this divergence, in respect to the English language, may be reduced to three : 1st, Many words of foreign origin have preserved their original orthography and pronunciation (this latter more or less vitiated), which do not follow the same rules as the words of our own language; 2ndly, Many other words of foreign origin, though they have more or less been submitted to a process of adaptation to our pronunciation and orthography, still retain so many traces of their origin as to require explanation on the former, and authority for the latter, inasmuch as the two do not agree together with sufficient simplicity, or according to our received ideas of the fundamental values of their component letters; 3rdly, The difference of pronunciation of even indigenous words in different parts of the country, whereby an orthography more or less in consonance with the pronunciation of one part, at a certain period of time, was adopted by some one or other of the early English writers, and has since become (either with or without modification) generally or universally current, although it does not accord with the usual pronunciation now in use among the educated classes in the greater part of the kingdom. Causes analogous to these have also affected the orthography and pronun- PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 5 ciation of the Turkish language, the present alphabet and orthographical system of which are originally Arabic. In the pure Arabic the simple short vowels are never written, being merely marked over or under the consonant affected by them, and are but three in number–a, i, and u (Latin). When these are long, they are represented by separate letters, which have still their special values as consonants, viz. , , and 5. Of these, the represents the sound of â, the of ü (00 English), the 5 of i (ee English). This system of the Arabic language (common also to the other Semitic dialects) was next adopted by the Persians when they embraced the religion of Muhammed; and although four consonants (-°, %: , j, sj`) were added to the twenty-eight of the Arabians, nothing was done to extend the number of vowel-letters, or of the vowel-points, beyond the original three, excepting the definite adoption of a fourth consonant (b) to represent the terminal broad e or surd a found in so many Persian words. The three original vowel-letters received also a second value each in addition to the Arabic one, viz. was made to represent the broad a of the English, the the o of European languages, and the -5 the e of the same as heard in our word there. The Turkish nation, coming from the eastern parts of Central Asia, first encountered the Arabian system of writing, under its modified form, in Persia. Adopting this, and, by their clief and early conquests in Greece and Asia Minor, escaping from the direct influence of the Arabians, they in their turn gave a new value to one consonant (·) by making it represent a nasal n in addition to its Arabic value of k, and its Persian value of g hard (gh, or gu), and they also greatly extended the use occasionally made by the Persians of the three long vowels as representatives of their cognate short vowels. Passing over, therefore, the consideration of the true number of different vowel-sounds which may exist in Arabic or in Persian, or of the number which may exist in any uncultivated Turkish or Tartar dialects, we may now proceed to observe that there are eleven distinct vowel-sounds in the cultivated Ottoman Turkish language, besides the modifications of certain of them by mere prolonga- tion of sound; whereas there are still but three vowel-signs, and but four vowel- letters to represent them. This necessarily causes great confusion and difficulty, especially to learners ; and to it, in great measure, I attribute the prevalent use of Arabic and Persian words (in writing, much more than in speaking) in preference to many of their most common Turkish equivalents. In all three of these languages a combination of two, three, or four letters, may often be read several different ways, the signification varying with each modification of sound 6 - REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, and there is no system in use among the nations speaking them whereby the true vowel-pronunciation of each word can be depicted to the intelligence through the medium of the eye, in a manner entirely free from doubt. The Persians have adopted two terms whereby they describe the different values of the vowel as representing u and 0, also of -6 as representing e and i; but further they have not gone, and these terms have no equivalent mark in writing; so that the number of vowel-letters remains but four, and of the vowel-points but three, to represent the eleven vowels existing in Turkish. At the beginning of words they employ two combinations ( and ) of these vowel-letters, which have been looked upon as diphthongs; but this is not really so: they represent no separate vowel-sound; they are merely used, or rather the and the 5 are introduced to define the value of the W, which in Arabic takes the three vowel-sounds indifferently, in the same way as the other consonants. These, then, are no true addition to the number of Turkish vowel-letters, and is read u the same as : is read ku, and i as 3 is ki.* The eleven Turkish vowel-sounds are the following :– lst, of a in all. 7th, of i in girl. 2nd, • • 8 far. 8th, . - O gO- 3rd, • • 8. about. 9th, .. u in the French tu. 4th, a pan. 10th, ... u . . full. 5th, e . . pen. 1lth, . . u . . fun. 6th, . - i . , pin. Our system of orthography in this book for representing the pronunciation of the Turkish words is founded upon the two following axioms –First, No character shall have two values ; and second, No value shall be represented by more than one special character. In applying these two rules to the eleven vowel-sounds, we have been led to * There exists even at the beginning of some Turkish words the combination -*9', which may have been considered in like manner a triphthong ; but in this case, as in that of the two combinations, -s and -: at the ends of some words and syllables, the -° is a true consonant, and therefore we are justified in totally denying the existence of diphthongs or triphthongs in the Turkish language. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 7 adopt the following eleven characters to represent them, all of which are well known modifications in form of our own five vowels :– lst, a as in wall, thus A 7th, i as in girl, thus i 2nd, a . far, 8 8th, o . 8 O, . O 3rd, a. . . about, . . . a 9th, u . tu French . . u 4th, a . . . pan, E l0th, u . full, • U 5th, e . pen, G l lth, u . . . fun, . !! 6th, i . . . pin, . . . i By the use of these modified vowels the learner can see at once what par- ticular value is attached to each, and, at the same time, he will not be obliged to make the distinction, unless he prefers doing it, in making notes himself of words he may meet with in reading or in conversation. This book is essentially a pronouncing dictionary; and were the European character ever to be adopted in Turkey, for the purpose of writing the Ottoman language, there is no reason why the a, the e, the i, and the u should not bear several values as they do with us; whereas, in printing, and, if necessary, even in writing, the difference could be pointed out by one or two strokes under them, thereby leaving the upper part free for the introduction of special signs to distinguish the long from the short vowels, and the accentuated from the unaccentuated syllables. We have adopted these characters in preference to others, because they are to be found at the printers', and because every one knows them. True it is that their special value here has to be learnt and remembered, but so would that of any signs we might have invented. Our special reason for not adopting Sir William Jones's “dashed vowels” is because, their dash being over them, it would have interfered with the introduction of the signs of syllabic accent and vowel quantity. We have further felt obliged to abstain from and condemn the diphthongs ai and au of that great philosopher and most distinguished writer, by reason that the idea which caused him to employ them is fundamentally erroneous in conception; and we have been grieved to observe that these errors have been already too extensively adopted by other writers of distinction, and by the numerous body of missionaries in India and the South Seas It is singular that an Englishman should have fallen into the error of calling these combinations diphthongs, when his own language contains the true solutions to the problem. Sir William Jones appears to have been led away in this matter by the study of French or Latin, in neither of which languages does the consonant u exist, neither is the letter y regarded in their grammars as a consonant. 8 REDHousE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsB DIcTIoNARY. English grammarians have laid it down as a rule that u and y are consonants at the beginning of words or syllables, but vowels at the end or in the middle. It must be conceded that y standing alone in the middle of a syllable is a vowel; butu, is never so used in English. As the second letters of diphthongs in the middle of syllables they may be considered either as vowels or consonants, without much practical inconvenience resulting from the error in either case ; and y, at the end of syllables, when immediately preceded by a consonant, may certainly be considered a true vowel. There remains then to be considered the case of these two letters when they terminate a syllable and are preceded by a vowel. In this case Oriental grammarians have justly regarded them as con- sonants; nor would it be difficult to establish that the practice of the English tongue fully confirms that decision, as regards the letter y, and also as regards the w if preceded by an o. Take for instance the words flow and flay : now, in forming from them the participles flowing and flaying, we can perceive that w and y are as much consonants as though the division of the two words into separate syllables was flo-wing and fla-ying, when, even by the admitted rules of our grammarians, these letters would be consonants. This being established, more as a means of comparison between certain conditions of our language and the elements of the Turkish, we may now state that we consider the letters w any y as consonants in all cases where we use them in our system of orthography as here adopted for representing the sound of the Turkish language; and, to complete our system of syllabic formation, we have but to follow out the series of vowels preceding or following these two letters in the same manner as for the other consonants; thus :– Ab ab ab eb Eb ib ib ob ub Ub ub bA ba ba bé b6 bi bi bo bu bU bu Aw aw aw ew Ew iw iw ow uw Uw uw wA wa wa wé wé wi wi wo wu wu wu Ay ay ay ey Ey iy iy oy uy Uy uy yA ya ya yé yé yi yi yo yu yU yu Several of the combinations contained in the third, and nearly all those in the fifth of these lines, will be met with in the following pages. The learner must then merely take heed not to give to the combination the sound of a diphthong, as he would have to do were he reading English, but to keep the sound of the vowel pure in the same way as when read before any other con- sonant. Thus –Kaw will sound as our English cow, and yiw analogously ; PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 4 9 pay will read like pie, rey like ray, soy exactly as in English, and kiy, as also mUy, will each be readily understood, though we have no similar combination in our language. It will thus become apparent that these are not diphthongs com- posed of two consecutive or combined vowel-sounds, but, on the contrary, a pure and simple vowel, followed by a simple consonant. The foregoing remarks are of more consequence than appears at first sight : not only is a correct appreciation of any subject a great desideratum in itself, but this particular bears also in no slight degree upon the question of reduplicated consonants, since we frequently meet with both the and the 5 reduplicated, and this could not be unless they were true consonants. It has also a very great grammatical influence upon the words, and roots of words, which have these terminations, asit will be seen throughout the Turkish Grammar that affixes and inflexions vary, according as they are joined on to a word ending with a vowel, orto one ending with a consonant ; and it will be found that in all these cases the doctrine here laid down agrees with the principle upon which that language moves, It has the further advantage, too, of confining the letters w and y to one sole value, instead of using them sometimes as vowels, sometimes as COnSOnants. Proceeding, now, to a consideration of the Turkish characters in themselves, and of their values, as also of the mode of transcription here adopted for the consonants, we first observe that the Turkish alphabet consists of twenty-eight simple and primitive characters of Arabic origin, the ordinary names and primary forms of which are as follows :– elif - bi, tè, si, z jim, c hA, khi, dal, özel, ri, j zi, c- sin, c shin, sad, ' dad, t, z, 8 “Ayn, % ghâyn, – fe, C5 kAf, · kEf, J lâm, • mim, e) nün, 2 wöw, -6 yè. To these original Arabic letters are to be added the three following, received from the Persian, which have a special form, distinguished from the originals whence they are derived by the number of dots under or over them, viz.– · pE, derived from - bè. z chim, e e e 9 ş e e z jim. ; zhè (French j) . . . . , . . .j zë, The additional dots of these letters of Persian origin are often to be found in written, and even in printed, books. The last of them is only used in a very few (five or six at most) words of Persian origin. 10 REDHoUSE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsh DICTIoNARy. The fourth letter added by the Persians, namely, the j; is generally left without its distinguishing points, and these, even when added, are sometimes used as marking, not the Persian value of the character, but a third use to which this letter is universally applied by the Turks, that of a nasal n, equivalent to our English ng at the end of sing, ring, &c., but softened down to a common n in the pronunciation of the capital, and of people of refined manners in many of the provinces. A second method is also in use, by which to distinguish the Persian value of this letter: it consists in giving it a double dash in all its positions, whether initial, medial, or final; whereas, in the case of the Arabic value, the dash is single in the two first positions, and totally wanting in the last-named one. It results, therefore, that in printing, and in common or official writing, the one character has three distinct values, for which no discriminating signs are employed; and it is only in some manuscript books, generally when the whole of the vowel-points and other diacritical marks are inserted, that any distinction is made of the three values of this letter. There is also a compound character in use, which is always to be found inserted in alphabets, and which, for that reason, cannot be passed overin silence. It is the character , called lâm-èlif, being, in fact, nothing more than J lâın joined calligraphically to a following èlif, in a similar manner to that whereby our printers continue to join the f and l in fi, or the f and i in fi, &c. Of these thirty-one (or thirty-two or thirty-three) Turkish letters, the (elif), in its various uses, requires the greatest amount of explanation, This letter is sometimes a vowel, and sometimes a consonant ; the latter in some words of Arabic origin only, and even then only in the middle or at the end of these words, never as an initial. To denote this consonant value of the , itis always surmounted by the diacritical mark “, named himzé, so that no confusion can occur between the vowel and the consonant. This rule of the hèmzé never affecting an initial , is a practical rule of Turkish, and does not apply to the Arabic language, which we are not here considering. The consonant i, then, we proceed to say, follows the same rules as do the other consonants in point of being followed or not by a vowelin the same syllable, and we need not dwell upon that subject here : we shall only remark that its power is that of a slight hiatus, or catch in the breath, and that we have repre- sented it in this work, as in our little “Vade-Mecum of Ottoman Colloquial Language,” by an inverted apostrophe, thus ('). The sign hèmz6 represents in Arabic, I apprehend, the transition from the natural state of the organs of PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 1 l speech when in perfect repose and closed against the passage of vocalized breath : it represents, also, vice versâ, the stop applied, when speaking, to cut off sud- denly the emission of this vocalized breath ; and the action it represents differs, therefore, altogether from that whereby a vowel-sound is made to follow the formation of any definite consonant, or whereby that sound is cut off by such a formation following it, or whereby it is simply allowed to cease itself from being emitted without any change of position in the organs of speech. This view of the value of the hèmzé is, as before stated, altogether overlooked, however, in Turkish, at the beginning of words; and the (élif) is then regarded always as a simple vowel. As a vowel at the beginning of words the may represent every vowel- sound found in the language, in the same manner that any consonant may be followed by every such sound. Nor does it differ from the consonants in the modes of determining the vowel-sound to be given to it; and, as those modes are general, we proceed to state them here. It has already been noticed that there are three signs of Arabic origin, used in Turkish to indicate the vowel which is to follou, a letter. These are named *5- hâréké (motion, or movement), and the first, consisting of an oblique straight stroke marked above the letter from right towards the left in descending (thus *), is called e· üsstun and a=ü fetha (t-h.) It indicates that the letter over which it is placed is to be followed in pronunciation by one of the vowels, A, a, a, E, or é, which, it will be perceived, form a series of vocal sounds of a cognate character, varying merely in breadth, and capable of infinite sub- modifications of tone. In fact, these five vowels do not correctly and fully express all the modulations which an experienced ear can detect in Turkish pronunciation, which may be truly compared, in its nicety of differentiation, to a violin, in which the notes are left to be formed by the player, rather than to any instrument in which the notes or half-notes are absolutely fixed. Therefore, although we have deemed it useful and very necessary to indicate, to the extent we have done, the different vowel-sounds of Turkish words, we admit that a still greater variety exists, which we leave topractice and experience to indicate to learners, believing that the extent to which we have pushed the subject will be found sufficient for all practical purposes. The second vowel-sign consists in a precisely similar stroke placed under the letter, and is called 9- èsséré, or · késsré. It indicates that the letter is to be followed by one of the vowels i or i. The third is a small character some- thing of the shape of the figure 9, or of the Turkish letter , placed over the 12 REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsh DictioNARY. letter it affects, where the üsstun would otherwise be. This sign is called -5):i, ituru (andrarely &• dâmma or zâmma), and indicates that the letter affected is to be followed by one of the vowels o, u, U, or u, which it will be perceived are of a kindred kind. According to what is stated above, the letter , when it bears the mark üsstun, is equivalent to any one or other of the same five vowels indicated by the sign itself, and it may thence be correctly inferred that of itself, and at the beginning of words, it has no real value It is in fact, in that position, a mere representative of the hèmz6, which is itself never introduced into Turkish writings at the beginning of words, though in Arabicit is figured over or under the l, and in ancient manuscripts, and even common African writings, is sometimes made to precede that letter. It may now be readily inferred that according as the is affected by one of the remaining vowel-points èsséré or &turu, it takes the value of either i or i, or · 9 of o, u, u, or u. Thus is read A, a, a, 6, or é ; is read i or i ; and is read O, Ul, U, 07° ti. - * Not to have to repeat what is thus explained, we here shortly mention that the same rule applies generally to the whole of the remaining letters, the vowel following, but never preceding them. Thus, is either bA, ba, ba, bé, or bé ; - is either bi or bi; and is either bo, bu, bu, or bu ; and so throughout. It may not be amiss to notice particularly the case of the two letters and –5, and to remark that, as with their English representatives u and y, they are always consonants at the beginning of words, and consequently is to be read, 9 * vA (or wA, &c.), va, va, vé, or vé ; as vi or vi ; as vo, vu, vU, or vu; while -5 is read, ya, ya, ya, yé, or yé ; -3 as yi or yi; and as yo, yu, yu, or yu. To make certain of these vowels long (the others never being prolonged in Turkish), the letter bearing the vowel-point is followed up by that one of the three letters , , or -°, which is homologous with that vowel-point; namely, by \ when the vowel-point is üsstun, by 5 when it is esséré, and by when it is ituru. To avoid the repetition of the itself in following out this rule the sign –, named medd, or s méddé, is placed over the first in lieu of the üsstun, and the second is suppressed. Thus T is read A or â, 5 i ori, and 9 - e* p * p y Ü ; : is read b orbâ, 3. bi or bi; and : bü ; &c. The combination 22 is PREFA CE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 13 not to be met with in Turkish. The 5 final, as a vowel in some Arabic words, after a consonant marked with üsstun, takes the value of a or A, and the same word, adopted into Turkish, is very frequently written with instead of the 5, in consequence; as, for instauce, 2; ülâ for Va: AksA for *, &c. As, however, these vowel-points are never marked in common writing or printing, the three Arabic letters of prolongation, \, , and -°, have, according to what has already been remarked, come to be very frequently used in Turkish, as in Persian, as short vowels; and the medd over the is sometimes indicative of the short sound of A, when, without it, this letter is more frequently read with one of the four remaining values, To obviate the almost insurmountable diffi- culty which hence may seem to arise in relation with the distinction of long and short vowels in Turkish words, a very simple and seldom varying rule may here be noticed. It is, that in words of purely Turkish origin there are scarcely any long vowels (European authors generally state that there are none), whereas in words of Arabic or Persian origin these letters are generally esteemed to be long vowels. There remains now to be noticed the use of the letter R as a vowel. It has been seen that , as a vowel after a consonant, represents one of our vowels A or a. The other three vowels, of which the vowel-point üsstun is the representative, are therefore left without an equivalent. But even in the original Arabic, the final o, in the case of feminine nouns, has always been sounded as a vowel of the fetha class, when the word is final in its sentence ; though it is changed into the value of : 2 (t) on other occasions, and although this letter, in the case of other words, even when final, preserves its value as an aspirated h. This value of the b was accordingly adopted by the Persians to represent the a or 6 wherewith so many of their words are terminated; and the Ottomans, finding it so used, have extended its sphere of utility by introducing it, in certain deter- minate cases, into the middle of words, but always at the end of a syllable, with the same vowel value of a, é, or é; as, for example, into the future active par- ticiple, into the second gerund, sometimes into the first and second persons (as well as the third, where it is final) of the conditional aorist, into the root and entire conjugation of the impotential verb, and at the end of the roots of various verbs. It is sometimes to be seen introduced into the verybody of nouns at the end of some syllable ; but these are generally words of foreign origin, and the example is never to be followed without good and sufficient authority. This circumstance of the R vowel never being used unless as the final vowel of a syllable establishes a marked difference between itself and the three letters, 14 REDHoUSE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsH DICTIONARY. \, ş, and -5, which are commonly to be found in the middle of syllables, though, again, alone is ever used as an initial vowel. İ Into whatever part of a word this letter * is introduced with a vowel value, the greatest care should be taken by the student of Turkish (as by those of the Persian, Arabic, and cognate languages) never to transcribe it by using our English letter h, as this practice, more or less followed, has the very great inconvenience of incapacitating us from properly distinguishing it from the aspirate consonant value of that letter, and of its cognate, though stronger aspirate, the letter z. This incorrect and incommodious practice may be seen, and will be felt in use, in almost every English author who has yet written on the subject; and even the French are by no means free from the defect, asis noticed and reprehended by Bianchi in a note at the foot of p. xxviii of the first 9 - 9 6 6 e 9 9 9 volume, second edition, of his ” Dictionnaire Turc-Français.” Of the mere consonants the letter - has the value of the English letter b, by which it is also represented in our system of transcription ; although some- times, at the end of words, and when preceded by certain sharp-sounding letters, such as t, ch, or sh, it acquires the sound of p. - has always the sound of p, c* of t (but is sometimes changed ortho- graphically into d), and - 9 of s sharp or double, never degenerating into z under any circumstances. This remark is equally applicable to the other two letters which we are forced to represent by our s: they must never be degraded into z; and to avoid the tendency, so strongly pronounced in English- men, to give to all final letters s, as well as to those placed between two vowels, the sound of z, we have thought it better to double that letter on all occasions, when it is not the first letter of a syllable. Theoretically, we are wrong to do so, but in this instance we reluctantly sacrifice consistency to the practical object oftrying to prevent the malpronunciation of whole classes of words of which the well-known Kars and fez are instances. In both these words the final letter is s; and if they were written according to our system Kârss and fèss respectively, every one would pronounce them right; whereas, in the latter word, French delicacy has even changed the orthography, and our travelling countrymen have adopted it, so corrupted, from the writers of our gallant allies. The letter * is equivalent in Arabic to our th in think, but that value is not known in Turkish. - < has the value of our English j, by which we invariably represent it, to the exclusion of our equivocal g, which is sometimes hard, as in gat, get, gird, got, gully, and sometimes soft, as in gem, gin, gymnastics. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 15 %: is our ch in church, and the addition of a t before these letters, asis often done, is of no use in English, though necessary in French. C has the sound of h, as has also the letter o when a consonant. We have not thought it necessary to establish any difference between these two letters in our mode of transcribing them, as there is no difference, perceptible to English ears, in the mode of pronouncing them ; and, besides this, the Turkish ortho- graphy being at hand, no error is likely to occur, and our transcription is a system of guidance to pronunciation, not to orthography. ć is transcribed, according to general custom, by the letters kh : its power is equivalent to that of the combination ch in German and in Scotch. This can only be learnt by practice ; but, until the true value of this consonant be acquired, we recommend the learner never to sound it as ak, but always as a strongly aspirated h. Thus the word khan must be sounded hÂn, and not kEn. is a d, sometimes, after sharp letters, acquiring the sound of t; 3 is a z (its Arabic value being that of our th in though ; but it is never so used in Turkish), _ an r, and j another z; j is equivalent to the French j, and of the letters in pleasure. We have represented it, in the very few words where it occurs, by the combination zh. c)- is the true Arabic s, c_: is equivalent to our sh, and Le is also a pure s in Turkish. Of the difference between the C - and the La we shall have occasion to speak further in treating of the hard and soft letters. _3 is generally az, but in some few Arabic words has the value of d. e is generally a t, though, as an initial in some few words of purely Turkish origin, it takes the sound of d. is another z. We may here remark, that, in a few words, one of the letters t (--> or e) is followed by one of the letters h (z or *) forming the succession th in our transcription. When this does occur, the t and the h are to be kept separate in pronunciation, as the t is generally the last letter of one syllable, and the h the first letter of the following syllable. is a letter that has generally been considered and treated as a vowel by European writers, always excepting the learned De Sacy, and a few scholars of his stamp. Nothing can be conceived more erroneous, since, in the mouth of an Arab, no consonant exists having greater claims to the appellation. It is pronounced in the deepest part of the throat, with an effort that must be learmed in infancy, or which can never afterwards be attained. In Turkish, however, the letter becomes silent at the beginning and end of words, but is indicated by a 16 REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIs H DIcTIoNARY. kind of hiatus in the middle. We have mentioned the hiatus of the hèmzé, in treating of the ; and we may here notice that the letter ; and the hèmzé have the same relation to each other that c)- and Le, and that and e, as also that 5 and ·. and j and _ or *, have to each other; namely, the one is hard and the other soft in pronunciation, as is to be hereafter noticed. Of the two, the 8 is the hard hiatus, and we have therefore represented it with a double inverted apostrophe (“) in this work ; and we repeat that, at the beginning and end of words, it is generally quite or almost silent, after the fashion of our silent h, but it is never a vowel. ğ is a hard g, taking sometimes a gliding sound, of which ve have no example in English. The French in Algeria have taken it to be the equivalent of their r grasséyé, or r pronounced, as by some people, like a w. From this they have formed the now so well-known word “ razzia,” which is the Arabic gazya (a military expedition against infidels, a crusade). In the present work we have uniformly transcribed this letter by gh, instead of using a single g, on account of the double value of this letter, our sole, though amply sufficient reason, for rejecting it in a pronouncing dictionary. This letter is sometimes softened down to the value of w when preceded or followed by o or U, and even by i ; at other timesit becomes almost imperceptible in the pronunciation. This we have designated by putting the gh in italics. – is our f (it would be mere folly and pedantry to represent it by ph). 5 and are both simplek, as far as the first or Arabic value of the latter letter is concerned We see no advantage to be gained in a pronouncing dictionary by using the letter g for J, as is sometimes done, and it is a further violation of the special rule which requires the letter q to be followed by a u. The letter c is sometimes used for ; and for ·, but it has the disadvantage of a double value, being sometimes equivalent to k, and sometimes to s. In its second, or Persian value, · is a hard g, somewhat like ğ. and we represent it, equally with that letter, by gh in all cases, though with this distinction; namely, the Persian value of : is susceptible in Turkish of being softened down to a value approaching that of y, as the : does that of w, and at other times becomes imperceptible also As with the ğ. so with the , we designate this by placing the gh in italics. To render this quality of the two letters better appreciable by our readers, we here point out that the very same thing obtains in our own language in the case of the combination gh. For example, in the word throughout, that combination is sounded as w, and in PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 17 sighing it is pronounced as y ; so, in Turkish, · söghan (onion) is pro- nounced söwan, and 5° dighil is pronounced diyil. In both these values of ·, the letter, when followed by any of the vowels a, o, u, U, u, takes before the vowel a short and incipient sound of y, which we have denoted by intro- ducing after the ·, and before the vowel, a letter y in italics. This is often heard in English, as in the words cure, pure, &c., some persons using it also before an a in the same manner. The third, or purely Turkish value of ·, when it is called surd kèf (– Sée), and even surd nün (u.yyi·), is that of our ng at the end of sing, ring, &c. It is never to be found elsewhere than at the ends of words or syllables, and consequently never can be initial. At Constantinople, and generally among the educated classes, it loses, almost constantly and entirely, the influence of the final g, and is sounded like a common n. This also we indicate by placing the g in italics, showing that by some people it is sounded, though dropped by others. In the two words, G = and - Ke, where the is followed by J. the sound of the J is lost; and the first is generally pronounced ânnamak, the second dinémek, instead of ânglamak and dinglémek, their true original, and even now their provincial sounds. When followed by other letters, whether vowels or consonants, the g of this combination is never to be sounded as a separate letter; but the English words singer, ringer, are to be imitated, while those of anger and finger are the models to be avoided, the division of syllables being different in the two classes ; as, sing-er, ring-er ; an-ger, fin-ger. J is our l, • is our m, and ey ourn. The only remark necessary here, is, that when the J is followed by a ğ. or a with its Persian value, forming, in the transcription, the combination ngh, it is to be understood that the combina- tion is not solvable intong-h, but only into n-gh. Also, as remarked above, the sound of the J is entirely suppressed, in the ordinary pronunciation of Constan- tinople, in the words c; \s= ûnglamak, and · dinglémek (pronounced respectively ânnamak, dinémek). The letter requires more particular remark, asit has three distinct proper values as a consonant, besides one other incidental. It is sometimes a pure v, sometimes, though not frequently, a pure w, and more generally a combination of the two, its pronunciation beginning as a v, and ending as a w. In its value as a pure v, it may be classed as a soft consonant, since it takes this sound before the soft vowels é, é, i, and u ; whereas, before A, a, a, o, and U, it is sounded as a combined v and w. At the end of syllables, the same rules occur D ] 8 REDHoUsE's TURKISH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. with regard to the preceding vowel, to which we may add that it is a pure v after i and u. In its incidental value as a consonant, the letter 5 is always surmounted by the sign hèmzé, before mentioned, thus %; and it is necessarily and constantly a consonant when so surmounted, whether it be placed at the end of a syllable, or whether it begins one In the former case the vowel preceding it, and in the latter case its own vowel, must be an ituru (and confined to the two branches of that class u or U, to the exclusion of o and u); and this is the reason why the letter is then selected as the recipient of the hèmzé, asis the when the vowel-point is üsstun ; and, it may now be added, as is the 5 when the vowel- point is esséré, this letter also being then always a consonant. Whenever the hèmzé is used, the letter over which it is placed may be considered merely in the light of a support, the hèmz6 itself being the real and true consonant letter, which in Arabic is capable even of reduplication in the same way with every other consonant We have therefore always represented it with the inverted apostrophe; but we do not recollect many instances of the employment in Turkish of those Arabic words in which its reduplication occurs. The b, as a consonant, is an aspirated h : in fact, the idea of a silent h has never occurred to an oriental; and whether the consonant or the < be at the beginning, or at the end of a word or syllable, it must be equally and fully aspirated as a rule of grammar and language, whatever degradation it may occasionally be subjected to in the tongue of the common people, and of every- day intercourse. It is, in this respect, something like our English letter r at the end of words and syllables, which we so generally omit in pronunciation, but which no grammarian has ever held up to notice and imitation as a silent letter. The two letters 2 and z are, however, generally sounded, the omission being quite the exception, even at the end of words. It may be as well to notice here the circumstance of the use of the hèmzé, placed over the letter M, when used as a vowel at the end of words It only occurs in the case of nouns, substantive or adjective, which are connected with the following word in the sentence by the Persian rule of construction, which governs the relation of a noun with its qualifying term. The R, then, performs its proper function of final vowel in the word where it occurs, and the hèmzé takes as its own separate vowel the èsseré, which may always, in these cases, be represented by the letter i, as in the terms, -’s : bèndé'i-khüdâ · - rütbé'i-sâniyyé, &c. - PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITTON. - 19 The 6 consonant is our English y, both at the beginning and at the end of words or syllables, being in the latter case always preceded by a vowel It is really a sad mistake for us, who possess this useful consonant, and are aware of its nature, to adopt the lame expedient to which other languages are forced to have recourse, namely, the use of the voweli, with or without the diaeresis over it. Take, for instance, the word &:9°, where the consonant -5 is reduplicated, and compare the lame and erroneous transcription by an eminent French author, terbiiè, which is at variance even with the French rules of diaeresis, with the plain method rendered possible by our estimation and use ofy, as a consonant equivalent to the oriental -5 consonant, namely, terbiyyé, in which the syllables are ter-biy-yé, precisely as in the original, the reduplication being merely what we sometimes practise ourselves by placing a dash over m orn, when we have omitted a second one, as in the word comon. This was very frequently practised in manuscripts before the invention of printing. French authors have an excuse for not using the y in this, to us, natural manner, because they do not recognise it as a consonant in their own language; but for us to adopt their imperfect substitute is to abandon gratuitously an advantage of no mean character. When the hèmzé is placed over a -5 in the middle of words, the two dots which usually distinguish the letter are omitted. But it is frequently the case, that whereas, in an original Arabic word, a -6 with a hèmzé is correctly used, the same word, on passing into Turkish, loses its hèmzé, and the -5 becomes a long vowel, resuming its suppressed dots. Thus the Arabic word · (issti'zân) becomes generally in Turkish & (isstizân). To finish what we have to note respecting the various uses of the hèmzé, we may here say, that at the end of a very few words it is found without any letter to support it, though sometimes a : is added under it to those words – Ex. y=- (or ja-)jüz', * (or :) bed'. In this case, if the word be alone, or at the end of a phrase, it is very common to add to it, in pronouncing, a vowel homologous to the one in the word, and j=- is then uttered jüz’u, *-A: as bed'i, and so forth. In a kind of imitation of this rule, a certain number of nouns ending in (but which, in the original Arabic, have a hèmz6 after that letter) assume a hèmzé after them, with èsséré as its vowel-point, when they are in Persian construction with a following noun. Thus the word : ifâ (originally *\ğ ifâ’), in construction with the word J° deyn, becomes cy: ·l: ifâ'i-dèyn. It is, however, more usual nowadays to use a supplemental -5 instead of the hèmzé in this case, so that the same two words would be written : e- :) ifâyi-dèyn. D 2 20 REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsH DIctroNARY. Having had occasion to mention the distinction of the Turkish letters as hard and soft, we may here elucidate the meaning of the terms, as the subject has 8, very great part to play in the euphony of tlıe language. Any Englishman can appreciate the distinction between the value of a in wall, call, tall, &c., and of the same letter in father, arm, part, &c.; and perceive that the first value is broad, hard, and masculine ; whereas the latter is soft and feminine. So to an ear accustomed to French is the difference between the vowels of bulle and boule. We do not, however, carry our distinctions any farther than the vowels ; whereas the Easterns, as the alphabet shows, not having vowel letters by which topaint their distinctions, have introduced them into the consonants instead. We will not contend that this is the correct view of the case ; for my practical knowledge of spoken Arabic, in its purest dialect, is not sufficient to enable me to judge of the shape into which the organs of speech have to be thrown, when pronouncing respectively and e, (: and R, C - and Le, jand , U; and ·. for instance. We believe they are really the representatives of effectively different modes of utterance in the original language ; but we are also convinced that it would be impossible to convey to an English, or to any European mind, a just appreciation of the differences. Nor, as far as the Turkish is concerned, is this necessary ; and, for all practical purposes, we are convinced that by throwing upon the vowels alone the effect of the distinction of the letters into hard and soft, we have adopted the most effective method of rendering the subject clear and easy to our readers. We will therefore simply observe that z : L°, - *, e, :, 5. and ; are the hard letters, generally followed by the hard vowels A, a, i, o, U ; whereas : 9, j. cy” ·. b, and hèmzé, are the soft consonants, generally followed by the soft vowels a é, or é, i, u, or u ; and that the remaining letters may be considered neutral, both because they are not ranged in pairs, and because they are followed by vowels, sometimes of the one class, sometimes of the other, though far more frequently by those of the soft class. It is, indeed, one great characteristic of this beautiful language, to soften and embellish every word it adopts. Reduplication of a letter in Turkish is not the mere matter of orthography that it is in English. On the contrary, when a letter is doubled in writing, it must be doubled in pronouncing, as we do with the letter din mid-day, with lin full long, with n in thin nose, with s in less smoke, or with t in fat turkey. In Turkish there are two modes of reduplicating a letter: the first is, as with ourselves, by simply writing the two one after the other, as in the word c· (küllAnmak), where the lis doubled, in the word C; o (Ümmak), where the m PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 21 is repeated, and in many cases where the locative preposition 8 (dé or da) follows a word ending in d. The second method is of Arabic origin, and is confined in use to Arabic words mostly, with a few Persian exceptions. By this method the letter to be sounded double, that is once at the end of a syllable, and again at the beginning of the next following syllable of the same word, is only written once ; but in manuscripts where the diacritical marks are used there is a sign, called A: A:.j (tèshdid), and figured thus , which is placed over the letter written, just as the dash is sometimes employed in our old manuscripts to indicate that the letter over which it is placed should have been repeated in writing: the difference is, that the Arabian sign indicates that the letter must be repeated in pronunciation, or so duvelt upon as to be equivalent to tuvo letters. This Arabian rule of reduplication is carried still further; for in cases where a noun, preceded by the definite article J\, commences with any one of the letters , ·, e, S, y: j. cy”, c , A - , e, 9, or (...), then, in pronunciation, the U of the article is omitted, and the first letter of the noun is doubled. As this rule is of pretty frequent application in compound proper names and adverbial expressions, adopted bodily into Turkish, we have represented this suppression or conversion of the J. by using our own common apostrophe, followed by the letter the sound of which takes the place of the original one of the Ji being further moved to the adoption of this method by the consideration that, in these compound expressions, the of the Arabic article is also suppressed in the utterance, and its place taken by the vowel which, theoretically and gram- matically, always terminates ordinary Arabic nouns. Thus the proper name “<= ' e is figured by us, as it is pronounced, “Abdu-'r-Râhîm, &c. In further illustration of this subject, we may explain that in Arabic 4 (for $) ilâh means a god, and this word, with the article Jl, forms by contraction all AllÂh, the God, the true and very God ; from which again, by composition and suppression, is formed the proper name “Abdu-'llÂh,” generally written erro- neously Abdalla, or Abdallah. We now come to the consideration of the Turkish consonants when they follow a vowel in a syllable. This may be divided into three branches:–First, when the vowel begins a syllable, having no other consonant before it (and we may here remark that in Turkish a vowel can never begin a syllable which is not the first of a word); secondly, when the vowel has another consonant before it in the syllable ; and thirdly, when the consonant under consideration is followed by another consonant in the same syllable. As to the first case, it follows, from what we have already explained, that is 22 REDHoUsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsH DICTIoNARY. the only vowel that can commence a Turkish word, either followed immediately by a consonant or with a or a -5 intervening; thus ·l is either At or et, · is öt or it, - 3 is it; or, as in the last example, the intervening vowel may be long, and the word read it, and the sole \ may itself be long, as in JT âl, eT ân, &c. With respect to the second case, the syllable is composed of two consonants, the first of which bears (or would bear, if marked) the vowel-point, and may be or not followed by one of the three vowel letters \, ş, or ş, and these again may be either long or short. Ex. - leb, Je dil, J& züll; :\! bAsh, J: köl, kizi - hiji, j zür. tiz. - In the third case, the final consonant follows the preceding one in exactly the same manner as in similar words of our own language, but with this dif- ference, that with us the preceding consonant is limited to a small class (except in cases of orthographical reduplication or composition, such asll, ss, ch, sh, ph, th, ck, &c.) called liquids, namely l, n, r, with s, and sometimes p, if followed by t; whereas in Turkish every consonant is capable of being followed by every other. Thus we have the words J- dâkhl, āe “Afv, ye “âzv, y < èmr, J: kAtl, &= vejh, c°) rehn, &c., which must appear quite unnatural to English eyes and ears, and which, we may explain, are generally Arabic words of two syllables originally, from which the final vowel has been dropt. These words are, however, not in perfect keeping with the spirit of the Turkish, for in that language we meet with a less combination of consonants tham even in English or any of those derived from Latin. The consequence is, that the Turks very frequently intercalate a vowel between the two following consonants, when a vowel does not follow the word ; and we generally hear them say emir for emr, hükyum for hükm, &c., in the first case ; though they correct this when the opportunity offers, and say emri-'âli, hükmu-sherif, &c. This quality of a consonant, viz. its not being followed by a vowel, is called its guiescent state (· sükyün), and is denoted in manuscripts by the sign – placed over it. The sign is called ej - jëzm. We must here add a remark as to two circumstances which will be noticed in the body of the dictionary, by our readers, as seeming incongruities, but which are only the necessary and regular consequences of two leading bases of the Turkish language, its euphony and its euphuism. We have already touched PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. - 23 upon the sequence of hard vowels with hard consonants, and soft vowels with soft consonants; but the first of the circumstances to which we now allude is, that in words or inflexions and affixes of Turkish origin, if the syllables bearing the vowel-point èsséré (or value of i, i) be immediately preceded, in the same word, by a syllable having the vowel-point i turu (o, u, U, u), then the syllable or syllables having the esséré are influenced by the preceding turu, and all are sounded as though they bore that vowel-point. The word İturu isitself an - 9 9 instance : its orthography is –5,5 , but the last syllable is affected by the vowel of the preceding one. The rule is, that when the value of the preceding turu is one of the hard vowels o or U, then the èsséré takes the sound of U ; and when the preceding vowel is either of the soft sounds u oru, it takes the value ç 9 9 of u. Ex. :== hükmunu, · “izrumu; · kölUngUzU, or külUngUzU. These latter syllables are always short and unaccented. Attention to this rule, and freedom from obtrusiveness in the pronunciation of the affected syllables, constitutes one of the niceties of the Turkish language ; and I may add, that after the first affected syllable, the sound is again slightly modified in both cases touvards, but not to, the value of u or i respectively, according as the tone is of the hard or soft class. The second of these two circumstances may be said to be the very reverse of the former, inasmuch as it consists in the pronunciation as i or i, of the vowel- point turu accompanied by a vowel ş. Its occurrence is limited to one syllable of a few classes of words, viz. the last syllable of the aorist indicative and aorist active participle, of such verbs as form them in , which is then pronouncedir or ir accordingly as the tone of the word is soft or hard, Ex. ) $ is pronounced ghèlir, _y \ Ve is pronounced sAllanir. The last syllable of the first gerund is also affected in this way when the tone of the verb is not that of turu. Ex. · ghidip, · ghèlip, ·\: bÂkip, &c. Purists, however, pronounce all these words as they are written. Again, the syllable : which ends so many adjectives, is pronounced li or li in a general way. To conclude these remarks, we have now only to add that, as in all lan- guages, there are in Turkish a few words of every-day use which have an accepted pronunciation more or less at variance with their orthography, We have pointed these out in parenthesis, by the side of the correct pronunciation (when this is also used by persons of education), or by itself (when everybody 24 REDHoüsE's TURKIsH AND ENGLIsB DICTIoNARY. uses the incongruous pronunciation alone). We shall not do amiss to notice, also, that, in ordinary conversation, a few words are used as Turkish singulars, which are, in reality, Arabic plurals ; but this is not correct in writing. Such are the words e}y evlâd (children) child; J-- rijâl (men) a state functionary ; 6 kibâr (great. men) a grandee, &c. Even in writing, the Arabic singulars of these words are not used, but the phrase is turned; as, one of the children, one of the state functionaries, &c. RE D H 0 U SE'S T) I 0 T I 0 N A R Y. PART T.–ENGLISH AND TUR.KISH. *------------- – = -*- - ----------- –-–---–----- --- ------ -–----- -- A, An, art. bir. Abaft, ad and pr. se; gherida, * 8 :ye kich-târafinda. Abandon, v.a. c·y! brâkmak, - tèrk-et, · vâz-ghèchmek ; c***ş- châkmak ; c·ş-5 kAchmak ; -ed, pp. mètrük ; ; ) e “ärsiz, e: - chApkin, Abash, v.a. C 2· ÜtAndirmak, c· karmak, -ys` mâhjüb-et. Abate, v.a. Gāj Az Altmak, c· k?rmak, ' i tènzil-et, ; 9 ** Ashâghi-vârmak ; –, v.n. c·V) AzÂlmak. Abbey, s. · mAnastir. Abbot, s. L: · mAnastir-bAshi. Abbreviate, v.a. cş°a: kâssAltmak, ya ikhtissâr-et; –ed, pp. da: kissa, ra:* mükhtAssâr. Abbreviation, s. a - ikhtissâr; ya s* mükhtAssâr. Abdicate, v.n. - tèrki-sAl- tanat-et, Kş-e· saltanat- dan-chèkilmek. Abdomen, s. 9yü kârn. Abed, ad. 8 3 : yâtakda. Abet, v.a. yy) : yüz-vèrmek; yârdim-et. Abhor, v.a. · hich-sévma- mek, c· menfür-tütmak. Abhorrence, s. tènèffur. Abide, v.a. C°) · ötUrmak, c· kÂlmak, y · sâkin-öl. Ability, s. ) iktidâr, y küdret; hüner, 5 kÂbiliyyet. Abject, a. · misskin ; · e· misskin-ghibi. ş Abjure, va, “y - yemin- -edup-brâkmak, tèrk-et. Ablative, s. ora. & c J* mefÜlun“ânh. Ablaze, ad. J*-e müshtâ”il. Able, a ve 5 kÂdir, 6 Elindan- ghèlir, y müktedir. Able-bodied, a.ğe sagh, : • sâgh- lâm. [ghÜssl. Ablution, s. abdesst, -s Aboard, ad, s. gemi lehinda Abode, s. y ev, , yèr, · mèssken- AB0 LIS H [ 26 ] A BU SE Abolish, v.a. C; · kAldirmak, lâghv-et 'z- fèsskh-et. Abominable, a. .: fèna, 9r. mÜrdâr (mûn-), menfür. Abominate, v.a. v. abhor. *ğ Abomination, s. “ 9 & nefret; : bök, menfür-shèy. Aborigines, s. pl. Je Assl-yirliler. Abortion, s. · düshuk. Abortive, a. : bösh, Gü nâfîla, 8 yé: bihüdé. Abound, v.n. :ş- chök-öl, 395- c· chök-bÜlUnmak, About, pr. * ètrâfina, * el etrafinda; ile dâ'ir; \eyi tÂkriba, *< tâkhmina; · j?wârinda, 8 Ağ : yâkinlarinda ; 8 üss- tunda ; 8 y 8re siralarda, 8 Ağ • sülarinda ; -, ad. ):45 ité-beri; 5 : a) ·’ 4/ee ** Ashāghi-yükâri; a· mühitan y: - dölash- massila-bèrâbér; to go or set about, ?).0. : bAshlamak ; - : ètmek, c·: : yâpmak, c· J: yöl-tûtmak. pr. * : yükârissinda; 4: fev- kina, 8 fevkinda; se.j edân- bove, ·: yükârissina, ziyâdé ; -, ad. 5) - yükâri, * \! : yükârida. Abrade, v.n. c· Ashinmak; –, v.a. c y* Ashindirmak. Abreast, ad. 45: · yûn-yâna. Abridge, v.a. v. abbreviate. Abroad, ad. k tAshra (dishâri), 8 tAshrada (dishârda). Abrogate, v.a. v. abolish. Abrupt, a. = 3° dik, ** bAsh- Ashāghi; c, terss. Abscess, s. ·ş- chiban. Abscond, v.n. c·- kAchmak; · ghizlenmek, • • sak- lanmak. [ghâybübèt. Absence, s. c· yökluk, : ::: Absent, a. : yök, · ghâ'ib ; · dAlghin ; – one's self, v.a. · ghitmek, y - * ghâ'ib-öl, c** : • sâwUshmak. Absinth, s. is'e pelin-ötu. Absolute, a. c· mûtlak, müsstAkill. Absolutely, ad. ila mûtlaka, % Absorb, v.a. · ichmek, ·- chekmek, Almak. Abstain, v.n. V): pèrhiz-et, c* • sâkinmak, ·- chèkinmek. Abstemious, a. *y; perhizkyâr. Abstinence, s.} Er; perhiz. Absurd, a. 8 s-* mAsskharalik; J=* mühâl (impossible). - Abundance, s. · bölluk, c·ş- chökluk, kessret. Abundant, a. J: böl, 5:5- chök. Abuse, s. · fèssAd ; c : yöl- · 1Anish; * kyüfr, *-e- 5 * si- ghub-sâyma; –, v.a. c· yölsuz-küllAnmak; ·y” sigh- suzluk; yölsUz-kül- mek. A BU T [ 27 ] A C C U SED Abut, v.n. c· dâyanmak; C; oy'ı vârmak. Abyss, s. a vârta, 3,8- hûfré. Academy, s. - * mektEb ; & y· mëdréssé. Accede, v.n. J. kâ'il-öl, -i mÜwÂfakAt-et. Accelerate, v.a. s-y- tessri”-et, J-ş° tâ”jil-et, şey - hizlan- dirmak. [bül-et; 3- âkhz-et. Accept, v.a. Almak : J kA- Acceptance, s. Â- akhz; J; kAbül. Acceptation, Acception, s. mâ'nâ. Access, s. J; * dÜkhÜl. Accident, s. 45 kAzâ ; · “ûraz. Accidental, a. :\ğü ittifÂki, · tèssâdufi ; “ûrazi. Accidentally, ad. ez-kAzâ, V kAzârâ, lâil ittifÂkâ, al'a kAzâ- [ila. Accommodate, v.a. · yEr- -vèrmek; yş= - ishini- Acclivity, s. ·: yökUsh. -ghyîrmek. Accommodation, s. * yer : — · ishing-ghyîrulmassi. Accompany, v.a. ·y bèrâbèr- -ghîtmek, - ) refâkAt-et. Accomplice, s. '945)-- kÂbâ- hat-ârkadashi, c le45) ârkadash, e· mu”avin. Accomplish, v.a. ·: bêjErmek, cş bAshârmak, a- hüssülaghetirmek; ç tAmAm-et, itmim-et, J ikmâl-et, J. K. tekmîl-et. Accord, s. 555 ittifAk, 's ittihâd; –, 77.0!. · vièrmek, 'e -- ih- sān-et, • si in”âm-et. Accordance, s. a mütÂbakAt, : wefk. According (to or as), pr. ) =45 -é-ghyüré; 3)j üzéré; –ly, ad. 8) y=6 Anga-ghyiré. Accouchement, s. J*-s-eş vwâz'i-hAml. Accoucheur, s. * *\ ebé-hekim. Account, s. --> hissAb : J4'e sâymak, :· tÜtmak, e e- (U),0, “âdd-et, y el i”tibâr-et; – for, v.a. 4-9 demek; ·-je- wAb-virmek; - 5 * sebe- bini-ghyîsstermek, c \ ·- hikmetini-ûnglamak; – book, s. 9 dèftEr. Accountable, a. J · mèss'ül. Accumulate, v.a. ·=): birikmek, c· ·2) =Er: birikdirmek, c·* töp- lamak, 's-*- jëm”-et. töplânmak ; –, t).0. Accumulation, s. c A=: birikdirish ; · töplânish; : yighin. Accuracy, s. :9° döghruluk, -s° sihhAt. Accurate, a. -5):* döghrU, <=” sâhih. Accursed, a. e· mèl”ün. - Accusation, s. - * shikyâyet, issnâd, •'e ithâm. Accuse, va. le % 8 - hAkkinda- -shikyâyet-e-, e : ithâm-et. Accused, s. e L* müddâ'a- 6 6 \ -`âlèyh. A 0 0 U SER [ 28 ] A C U TE Accuser, s. e müddâ“i. Accustom, v.a. c· Alishdirmak; – one's self, v.n. d· Alishmak, e : ' 'ele “ âdet-edinmek; le el i”tiyAd-et. [më'lüf. Accustomed, a. c· Alishik, – Ache, s. -5,é Aghri, • sAnji, -j- sizi, 5--; veja”, ye derd; –, v.n. c :-6: Aghrimak, · s?zlémek. Achieve, v.a. c·: yapmak, si ·· fi”lé-ghètirmek. Acid, a. .5 ekshi : sub-acid, a. c· mâykhôsh. [hümüzAt. Acidity, s. ekshilik, - - Acknowledge, v.a. Wyi\ ikrâr-et, -i el i"tirafet, İ *-i tèsslim-et, e : bilmek, c· tAnimak. Acknowledgment, s. \ sened; K* tèshëkkyur; ikrâr. Acme, s. z: evj. Aconite, s. -5 cş khÂnik-u'zzib. [vèrmek. · khaber- Acquaintance, s. e-khAber, · mâ”lümât; bildik; - ülfet. Acquainted, a 'er - khAberdâr, Acorn, s. : pAlamUt. Acquaint, v.a. bilir, e -5)-- khAbéri-ölan. Acquiesce, v.n. y rÂzi-öl, 'J55 kA'il-öl, le=-āi müwÂfakAt-et. Acquiescence, s. rizâ, · mÜwÂfakAt. Acquire, v.a. Almak, · Elé-ghètirmek, W: pèydâ-et, --4 kèssb-et, a= tâhsil-et, Ja=1- Acquit, v.a. 14:y-5 tebriyyé-et; – one's self, v.n. - 5 * tebriyye-i- -zimmet-et. Acquittal, s. -* :y° tèbriy- yé-mâ”nâssinda-hükm. Acquittance, s. -8 - 5 mAkbüz- senédi, 5 : ibrâ-senédi. Acre, s. * dînum. Acrid, a. = Aji, 2r sèrt. Across, pr. 4.5\: bir-yânin- dan-ö-bir-yânina, :y* -5 -ş-- hAchwari-ölarak, 5 ) ârkiri (ây- kiri). Act, s. c· ish, _si fi”l, •c “Amel; Jai fAssl; –, v.n. ishlé- mek, : etmek, d·: yâpmak, \-5- hârékèt-et. Action, s. L: ish, J* fi”, “e “AmEl ; -6 ce dâ”wâ; ghâw- gha (kâwgha), - jenk, s” mühârébé, · düghush. Active, a. ishghyuzâr ; · kèsskin, ( -22)” sèrt; active, · fi"li-mâ”lümi- müta”âddi. Actor, s. · öyunju, mükAllid. Actress, s. -6iyi ·' öyUnju-kAri. Actual, a. Assl, · zât. Actually, ad. Y- hâla, 5 ** shimdi, uy el-ân; Jx bi-’l-fi”l, si- hakikatan, s = 3 fi'l-hakika. Acute, a. -*) * sivri; 4ş: inja ; = “Aklli, : • dirâyetli ; (disease) U-· =:yengi-zühür-etmish; – angle, so\-'a: j zâviyye-i-hâddé. isstihsÂl-et. verb A C U TEN ESS [ 29 ] A D M IN ISTER Acuteness, s. ·ye dirâyet, ·J: fèrâssèt, Jāe “Akl. Adamant, s. ·: pülÂd. Adapt, v.a. ( ; oy : Üydurmak. Adapted, a. .: ÜyghUn, · münâssib, c· mÜwÂfik. Add, v.a. 55 kAtmak, s = “ilavé-et, ~ zûmm-et; –up, v.a. y=: yèkyUn-et, c·: * töplamak, s-*- jèm”-et. Adder, s. Kl enghérek, * ef”â. Addict one's self, v.n. c* Alishmak, ci • : ele “âdet-edinmek. Addicted, a, mübtelâ. Addition, s. *ye “ilâvé, * zûmm ; (arith.) 5-•a- jëm”, *ş-: kAra- jümlé. Additional, s. 4• kAtma, * = “ilâvé, e: ; zâ'id; yedek. [chûruk. Addle, Addled, a - jik, - Address, v.a. - : y- süweylémek, -as-khitāb-et; ) ghyin- dErmek ; (a letter) · · C; eji mektubung-ûsstunu-yazmak ; –, s. hüner, - * ma'rifet, · ş- châbukluk; · · y* =. mektubAng-ûsstu ; -• • semt, y: yEr, C-ye âdrëss. Adduce, v.a. ey irâd-et. Adept, s. üssta, el - üsstād, {üsstâz. Adequate, a. )):y elvirir, 9: yeti- shir, 36 kyâfi, 3', wâfi. Adhere, v.n. c· yâpishmak, c· tÜtmak ; - mülâzémet-et. Adherent, s. - 5 tâbi”, tarafdar. Adhesion, s. Jy- lûssük, ·: yâ- pishma. Adhesive, â. = } lüzüjiyyetli. Adieu, int. * ş èy-vA-'llâh, * c* y• • AllAha-issmârladik; · öghUr-Öla, * *) · öghUrlar-Öla ; ·= esAfâ-ghilding, khôsh-ghilding ; a - selâmetla; es ed-du"ā; ', we-'ss-selâm, Adjacent, a. J: yakin, - jiwâr, ş** hèmjiwâr ; · bitishik, c· mülâssik, a müttAssil. [terfik-et. Adjoin, v.a. kAtmak, c: e\i: yapishkan, Adjective, s. e sâfAt. Adjourn, v.a. c*) **i: bâshka- -wAkta-brâkmak; –, v.n. : - c e- *U-ş**) ** bâshka - wAkit - töplanmak - üzéré - mèjliss-shimdilik-dâghilmak. Adjournment, s. 3-4:4i: bāshka- wAkta-ihÂlé. Adjudicate, v.n. Jaé-5;ee dâ”wà-fAssl- -et ; –, v.a. - hükm-et. Adjunct, s. d• tètimmé, *** zA- mimé ; ş°-9y': yârdimji. Adjure, v.a. c yAlvârmak, -L) rijâ-et, y: niyâz-et. Adjust, c·J° döghrultmak, <=” tAsshih-et. Adjustment, s. <=” tAsshih. ?).07. c· ÜydUrmak, Adjutant, s. · – Alay-emini. Admeasurement, s. 4-- mèssâhè. Administer, v.a. * bAkmak, -:3) ADMINISTRATI0N T 30 ] A D R 0 ITN ESS rü'yet-et, sel idâré-et; y: vèrmek, ) : yedirmek, ·9° ichirmek, · J tènâvul- -èttirmek. - Administration, s. yle idâré; · · vükelâ takimi Admirable, a := ghyüzel, * e· shâyÂni-tâhsin. Admirably, ad. ele pEk-à-“lâ. Admiral, s. *** =: bāhriyyé- -pâshassi, UV amiral; ***le: kApUdâna-pâsha ; lord-high -, U:: · kApUdAn-pâsha (kAptAn- pAsha), \ye ye: kApudAni-deryâ; vice – of the fleet, - *-y-s: bâhriyyé-feriki; vice –, ***öy · pAtrüna-pâsha ; rear -, ** -: iriyâla - pâsha ; – superintendant, -y · limAn-re'yissi-pâsha; –’s ship, · *-: pâsha-ghE- missi, · 5 - sAnjak-ghèmissi. Admiralty, s. -: 4- < bâhriyyé- -kApissi; (at Constantinople) 43 s:e diwAnkhâné ; first lord of the –, -55 * =: bāhriyyé-nâziri. Admiration, s. c·=- bèghénish, e· tâhsin, · mûsstâhsèn. Admire, v.a. - =- beghenmek, e-s° tâhsin-et. [mèrÂkli. Admirer, s. -*-e “Ashik, · Admission, s. Â- âkhz, J: kAbül; c· ghirish, Jy-e dökhül; *-i tesslim, J: kAbül. Admit, v.a. c Almak, Â- âkhz-et, Ge, eş' icheri-kömak, c*-i, - sökmak, J: kAbül-et, tèss- lim-et, 9) : · izin-virmek. Admittance, s. J dükhül. Admixture, s. • kAtma, •y :· kArishdirilma, * e “ilâvé. Admonish, v.a. · 9- - = a nAssi- hât-virmek, 14:5 tenbih-et. Admonition, s. = a nAssihât, &: 5 tènbih. Adolescence, s. · ghènjlik. Adopt, v.a. c· tûtmak ; c· üymak, J: imtissâl-et; J · kAbül-et; J; &le evlâdligha- kÂbül-et. Adoption, s. J. J;- kAbül-u- -imtissâl; J: - âkhz-u-kAbül. Adoptive, a. . />- akhiretlik. Adorable, a. - k tApinilir, 8- Aş“ · sèjdé-vé-”ibâdeté- [`ibâdet. Adoration, s. 8 A-ş” sejdé, e-e Adore, v.a. 8 ş” sejdé-e-, - 'e' e “ibâdet-e-, \u -y-: pèrestish-e-, -shâyÂn. c· tApinmak. Adorn, v.a. 9 j zinetlEndirmek, erji tezyin-et. Adrianople, s. döye ëdirné. [fezi. Adriatic, s. - * ·i, Venédik-kyir- Adrift, ad. ~ - ejK: * ): yalngiz-süyung-Akindissila-ghit- mek-ûzèré. - Adroit, a + - châbuk, tetik, · hünerli, mâ”rifetli. Adroitness, s. ·e- châbuklik, 2 -- 4ğ 6 • hüner, - * mà''rifet. ADULATI0N [ 31 ] A ER I AL Adulation, s. 4.2 müdâhané. Adult, a. and s. · biyuk, 5- e “Akla-bÂligh. Adulterate, v.a. C: ): • sAfli- ghini-bözmak, ;•55 * ·ş: ichina- -shèy-kAtmak. Adulterer, s. j zâni, Süj zinâkyâr, 3y's j zènparé (zûmpûra). Adulteress, s. ·y zâniyyé, U_5-:“: ) rösspi (örosspö), &: -\: fâhishé. Adulterous, a. Süj zînâkyâr, j ZII) 8, 1. Adultery, s. Üj zinâ, v :) zènpâ- rélik (zâmparalik), · röss- pilik (ÖrosspÖluk). Advance, v.n. iléri-ghèlmek, · ilérilémek ; –, v.a. ·yy: ilériletmek, *: ! ileri-ghetirmek, Ke-: - iléri- chekmek, iléri-sürmek; U: ye dèr-pish-et, \s) irâd-et, · süweylémek, e: iléridan-virmek : –, s. ·J-) ilerileyish, c iléridan- vèrish. Advancement, s. · ilériléyish; c· ilérilédish. Advantage, s. 6 kyâr, eğli fâ'idé, S-ö nef”, sā mènfa”ât; to take –, c* : * fîırsati-küllanmak. Advantageous, a. 6 kyârli, seği fâ'idéli. Advent, s. * küdüm. Adventure, s. y=- mâjérâ, · r* sèrghyuzèsht, _2-4-a- ·'a · sèrmâye'i-tijâret-hissséssi; -, U.72. -) -- jëssâret-et ; –, v.a. c ,5 kömak. Adventurer, s. 5: / )* sèrsEri, d: <. ·J; s°) = bakhtina- ghyûghènir-mèjhülU-’l-Assl-kimèssné. Adversary, s. •a - khâssm, · [klıâlif. Adverse, a. C yi terss, – \s° mü- Adversity, s. - < bâkhtsizlik, · düshkyunluk, =3 nikbet, -S\; felâket. Advert, v.n. \ç: imâ-et, c· Ang- düshmèn. -dirmak. Advertise, ?).0. \ \e ·97.2y·- khâbEr-vErmek. 6 6-a – ?`lân-et; Advertisement, S. eyle ?”lÂn. Advice, s. res- khAbEr; -s-a nAs- -sihât; : xj tedbir. Advisable, a. - münâssib. Advise, v.a. ·: —s a nAssihât- vièrmek; yas- ikhtâr-et; }y:°i tedbir-et ; –, v.n. *) - issti- -shâré-et, • le dAnishmak. Ill- advised, -āe “âklsiz. Advocacy, s. * iltizÂm, ·\s° sâhâbet. - Advocate, s. -eden ; -şe dâ”wâ-vekili; -, U.0!. c** ş----- sâhib-chik- e·-: s” sâhâbet- mak (sâ'ab), s° sûhâbet-et, l-s* tâssâhhub-et. AEra, s. :): târikh ; ·' mèbdë'i-tâ”dâdi-èvkAt. Aerial, a. y* hâwâ”i. AE S TH ETM 0 S [ 82 ] AFRICAN AEsthetics, s. pl. } •- e “ilmi- jèmâlat. Afar, ad. ÜzÂk, * ÜzÂkda. Affability, s. e-chelébilik, – tâlâttuf, – 5 taltif, c nü- wâzish. Afable, a. - chelebi, s° tal- -tifji ; to be affable with, va. - 5 tAltif-et. Affair, s. c ' ish, · mAsslâhat ; ci - jenk, 4 s” mühârébé; 4x: wâk”â. Affect, v.a. y:5 te'sir-et. [-nèzâkèt. Affectation, s. · bökdan- Affected, a. mûté'èssir; *: [dökUnUr. Affecting, a. · mü’essir, : yâpma. Affection, s. L-- hissi-kalbi; · mâhâbbet, Le - khülüss, · khüssüss; e “illet, [bët-mèshmül. Affectionate, a. J;**. --s mûhâb- Affiance, s. V*:c i”timÂd, S: tè- vekkyul: -, va, c K nikyâh-et, \sie “âkd-et. mâraz. Afidavit, s. yöi : * = ~ · yemin-tâhtinda-vérilân-takrir-ü- beyân. Afinity, s. -ye - ji tezèvvujdan - hÂssil - ölAn - kârÂbèt, · sihriyyet; — münâssé- bèt. Affirm, v.a. 'c: a; tAssdik-et, le issbÂt-et, \lcel iddi”â-et, · sûwèylémek. Affirmation, s. C: Aa5 tAssdik, · issbAt; \cel iddi”â. Affirmative, a. :* tAssdîki, · sûbüti. - Afflict, v.a. 07:2y* - kEdEr-vèrmek; · - düehâr-kilmak. Affliction, s. y* kEdEr; - a mûs- sibet, belâ. Añuence, S. ·j zEnghinlik. Affluent, a. ·j zènghin. Afford, v.a. · vèrmek, 2) = ghetirmek, irâss-et; J“=” tûhâmmul-et. Affranchise, v.a. lej âzâd-et. Affray, s. kâwgha. Affront, s. a: 'a mü”Amélè'i- -ghayri-lâyika, : bed-mü- “Amélé; –, v.a. G:yi kârshi- kömak : - ) ghyüjèndirmek, c·yle dÂriltmak. Afghan, a. e· âfghân. Afghanistan, s. e· âfghânîsstân. Afire, ad. : yâniör. Afloat, ad. _:): yüziyor. Afoot, ad. 8 5. âyakda. Afore-mentioned, afore-named, afore- said, a. mezkyür, mezbür, messfür, • • mümâ- ilèyh, * • müshârun-îleyh. Afraid (to be), v.n. • 5 körkmak, –iy-khâvf-et. Afresh, ad. 4 yengidan, iss= mîjeddedan; i mûkërréran. Africa, s. iyi âfrika. African, a. 4: ; Afrikalu. A FR 0 N T [ 33 ] A G R EE Afront, ad. yy. bErâbèr, ke = bir- -hizâda. Aft, ad. gheri, * gheriya, · gherida, -5):· kâcha- döghrU. After, pr. 9 - * dan-sÖngra, Ax: bâ”da; –, ad. · sÖngra, 8 s: bâ”dahû ; –, a. (mar.) :J* gheriki, se; gherideki. Afterbirth, s. · sÖng. w Afternoon, s. –5 -·= ikindi- -wAkitlari. [bâ”dahü. Afterwards, ad. * Ke söngra, 8 x: Again, ad. 4: yiné (ghèné), Ki tèkrâr, WA tekrâran, \be2r: bir- -dâhâ. Against, pr. 5 · karshissina ; 0 : · a-kârshi ; * :y: kârshissinda ; * 4. e “aleyhinda; khilÂ- fina, 8 x \-khilÂfinda. Agate, s. • • süleymÂni. (?) Age, s. U*\: yâsh, J* sinn ; ac “Assr, _) -9 devr, eyy* kârn; of age, a. * bÂligh, &ie “Akla-bÂligh ; under age, a. e sAbi. Aged, a. $ ghyünluk ; c· âylik ; 8s & yûshinda ; ) - ikhtiyâr, *-: köja, mûssinn. Agency, s. da-: wāssita, · wèss- âtèt, - -- * mâ'rifet. Agent, s. · vekil, sa , wāssita, •e âdem (Adam). [etmeklik. Agglomeration, s. K·l · töp · “aleyhina, Aggrandizement, s. K· 2: biyut- meklik. Aggravate, v.a. \ > dâhâ-fèna, et, V** dâhâ-beter-et; ; : y°): kız- dirmak, • dAriltmak. Aggravation, s. - 4 ligzâb. Aggregate, a. & s. *ş” mèjmü”. Aggression, s. j = tèjâvuz, · tâkhâtti. Aggressor, s. --~ dej a y! ·2) ş” · tejâvuz-vè-takhâtti-birla-nîzâ'a- -sebeb-Ölan. Aggrieved, a. • • mAzlüm, )· mâghdür, 8 \!\ • sitemdidé. Agility, s. · ş- châbukluk, Agio, s. c bAsh. Agitate, v.a. G- -- chAlkamak ; ·y-:y-ya- iztirÂb- vèrmek, - *-i- müztârib-et; ) kÂrishdirmak. Agitation, s. U* 5 -e- chAlkAnish ; · iztir.Ab ; tèlâtUm, z:* tèmèvvuj. Ago, ad. * bÜndan-mükAd- dEm, J'e· bûndan-EvvEl. • Agony, s. - a ** “Azim-iztirÂb; 5 - hâlétu-’n-nèz”i. Agree, v.n. J; kAvl-et, alıā mü- kÂvélé-et; ·9 )A kArâr-vièrmek; y râzi-öl, mûwAfakAt- -et ; · iyi-ghèlmek, ( *: y üymak, 5 * Üyghun-ghèl- mek, · mÜwÂfik-ghèlmek; ' a mütÂbik-ölcşi, tâwâffuk-et; - together, v.n. 4: üyUshmak. E A G R EEABLE [ 34 ] AL DER MAN Agreeable, a. 5'e tatli, J j 5 ghyüzel, c·-khôsh, shirin,– lâtif Agreeably to (or with), ad. u = tAtbikan, ü: tevfikan. [mükÂvélé. Agreement, s. J: kAvl, j; suz, * Agriculture, s. ·eyj zîrâ”ât, ·y- and -iy-hirâsset, · felâhât. Agriculturist, s. ·9j Jlo ehli-zirâ”ât. Aground, ad. U: •· kAraya- -ötUrmUsh. Ague, s. * sitma, * ) issitma. Ah, int. 3 âh, 8', wâh, 'x' eywâh, – - hâyf, 5-8 ° dirigh. Ahead, ad. iléri, Ahoy! int. 5 ey. Aid, s. 9y; yârdam, &le i”âné, el imdâd, · mü”âvénèt; -, t).0, * 9 - yârdam-et, 4--e i”âné-et, e- * mü”âvénët-et. Aide-de-camp, s. ) yâvèr, · yâvèri-hârb, Ail, v.n. what ails me ? J: * nèm-vâr; – thee ? & neng-vâr ; – him, her, it ? * nèssi-vâr ; – us ? * nèmiz-vâr ; – you î 5° nèngiz-vâr ; – them ? - nèléri- -V8İ”. Ailing, a. - 5 keyfsiz, & S-khAssta, --W mizâjsiz, ry nâmizâj. Ailment, s. keyfsizlik, *-e- khAsstalik ; -e “illet ; ye derd. Aim, v.n. c· nish An-Almak ; c· kürmak, J. èmel-et; –, s. · kassd, J. emel, ey merâm, | · mAksüd; U : nishAn- Alish. ğ. Air, s. \,* hewâ (hâwa); U-ü nefess; vye tâwr; –, v.a. ·=* ghyûnèsha-sièrmek, · hâ- waya-sèrmek, 5)! y* hâva-vEr- Atèsha-ghyisstErmek, mek ; to give one's self airs, y'ye cş• • Atwär satmak. Air-balloon, s. e bâlon, [(tüfeghi). · yel-tüfenghi Air-hole, s. nefesslik, · Airy, a 'ye hâwadār. [nefess-delighi Air-gun, s. Ajar, a. Gş- âchik. Akin, a. “as- khissm. Alabaster, s. r:· Ak-mèrmEr. Alacrity, s. : c· mûssâra”ât, ·• • memnüniyyet. Alarm, s. yiy: körku, –5;- khâvf, ·be dEhshEt; _r - khAbEr; –, ?). 0. c*): körkutmak, · :): körku-virmek, -:* tâkhwif-et, 14 - ikhâfé-et. Alas, int. 5 ây, - , wây, s2 wâh, - 2- hâyf, 5-8 ° dirigh. Albania, s. · e, öyl àrnâwd-vilâyeti. Albanian, s. and a. e :y ârnâwd. Albeit, c. y°y* hèr-nâkAdar, *- issada. Alchymist, s. * • 4 kimiyâ-ghèr. Alchymy, s, * See “ilmi-kimiyâ. Alcohol, s, z2) rÜh, Alcove, s. 5, ş* hüjré. [AghAji. Alder-tree, s. u = 4 y * mûrver- Alderman, s. e a”yin. y° AL E [ 35 ] AI M0N ER Ale, s. L: *: y' : beyAz-ârpa-süyU. Alembic, s. : inbik. Alert (to be on the), v.n. ) c· üyânik-öl, ' işS ye dürt-ghyüz-ö, : ; ghyüz-külAk-öl. Algebra, s. 7. - jebr. Algiers, s. V- Jézâ'ir. Alias, ad. Kee' námi-dighèr. Alien, s. - ejnébi; = yabAnji. Alienate, v.a. e sy- âkhâra-tem- lik-et, tebrid-et. [mak. Alight, v.n. enmek, • kön- Alike, a. _j= bèngzèr, d: mü- shâbih, _r! bir. Aliment, s. 3é ghâdâ, c = : yeyé- jek, - - bessléyéjek, · Alimony, s. düğü nâfaka. [yemek. Alive, a. -8 ° diri, şe sagh, = } bèr-hayât, 8 - hayâtda. Alkali, s. âlkali. All, a. · hèp, cy: bitun, 5-*ş- jemi”, a = jümlé; above–, eya khüsÜsk; after – 3 ** -khû- lâsé-'i kélâm. Allay, v.a. · tèsskin-et. v 6 6 v. Allegation, s. -8 -ce dâ”wâ, *-i-i kAziyyé. Allege, v.a. )y' irâd-e. Allegiance, s. ------ 5 teba"iyyet; · sAdâkAt. Alleviate, v.a. · khAfifletmek, – = takhfifet. Alley, s. 5:* yle dâr-sökAk, j•örş- üye chikmâz-sökak. Alliance, s. 555 ittifAk. | i Allied, a. o müttefik. Alligator, s. z-* timsâh. Allocution, s. c· nÜtk. Allot, v.a. \La a* tâkhsiss-et. Allotment, s. & a>- hissé. Allow, v.a. c·y- brâkmak, ey-5 kömak, · · izin-virmek, · --a- ) rükhsÂt-virmek, · xj - jëwâz-vèrmek, ·9 vèrmek, Wer: tâ”yin-et, a= tâkhsiss-et ; – of, J; kAbül-et ; – for, --- hissÂb-et; –, v.n. ! • - tèsslim-et, – e i”tirÂf-et. Allowable, a. 5a- jä’iz. Allowance, s. c âylik, ·= ghyündélik, yillik, * ta”yin, · tâ”yinÂt; to make – for, (Ü .0. . V nÂzar-et, J-- *--- hissÂba-dâkhil-et. Alloy, s. 5 Ga: = Altina- ghyümisha-kAtilan-bAkir ; ) e “âyâr. Allude to, v.a. W* imâ-et, G: = Angdirmak. Allure, v.a. -j- jezb-et. Allurement, s. 4: - jâzibé. Alluring, a. ->)'a- jâzib. Allusion, s. imâ, àngdirish. Ally, v.a. Jsel 4 s” *-y'a a-y rÂbitâ'i-wâhidé-tâhtina-idkhâl-et; –, s. c ; müttefik. w Almanack, s. *: y-*-i tAkwim, . . . sâlnâmé. Almighty, a. . .5 kAdir. Almond, s. *\: bâdem. Almoner, s. * im Am. E 2 ALM0sT [ 36 ] AMAZE Almost, ad. --> hemAn (hèmen), ·l j Az-kAldi. Alms, s. 45. e sAdaka. Aloes, s. · sAbr; wood of –, -āeye “ud-Aghaji. Aloft, ad. 5 : yükâri, yü- kârida (yükârda). Alone, a. j=: yÂlngiz, tènhâ, * \ \! bAshli-bAshina; all –, & yapa-yalngiz, Along, ad. *şi: 2- böyUnja; come J5 ghèl-bAkAlim ; go along, - c = ghit-bAkAlim, · ishinga-ghit, *-** hâydi-siktir. Alongside, ad. 4:: yânina, 8 yâ- along ! ninda ; – one another, döy\3 (:)yi kârn-kârna, &8-9): Seyy! börda-bör- daya. - Aloof, ad. 8 üzAkda, 8 & 2 âlâr- ghada. Aloud, ad. ·-! pEk, - jëhran, * c 'ye savti-bülend-ila. Alphabet, s. e-âl elif-bâ (elif-bi). Alphabetically, ad. 89) :i ş°-: - hûrüfu-hèjâ-tertibi-üzéré. Already, ad. -* shimdi bilé, :iyi 5 ·J, öl-wAkta-kalmaya- rak. - - Also, c. Â= kezâlik, · vè- kezâlik, 89 dé, -9 dakhi, --e, vé-dâkhi, -*** vè-hèm-dâkhi, *-97: ve-bir-dé, 3 *** vè-hèm-dé, 8 A*R hèm-dé. Altar, s. < mèzbâh. Alter, v.a. < y o dighishdirmek, c· bAshka-hey'eta-kö- mak, J: tebdil-et, c =” mâhv-u-issbÂt-et; –, v.n. · dighishmek, V* tâghâyyur-et. Alteration, s. J: tebdil; 5 = mâhv-u-issbÂt. Altercation, s. k\} nîzâ”, *ej - mü- nâza”â, ghâwgha (kâwgha). Alternate, a. Jel mütébâdil, - • mûténâvib; on alternate days, ad. · ghyûn-Ashiri. Alternate, v.n. : * : nübetleshmek. Alternately, ad. nûbetla, & mûténâvibéten, 4 e “âli-'l- -münâvébé. Alternative, s. *) - châré, J: *: bAshka-yöl, J-l-; târiki-âkhār. Although, c. ) üye hèr-nâkadar, *- issada. Altitude, s. 8°i, irtifâ”. Altogether, ad. ey; bitun-bitun. Alum, s. - shAb. Alluminium, ) s. cy* :y bir-dûrlu Alluminum, y Always, ad. V•ğle dâ'ima, ·j * hèr-zâmAn, -i, * hèr-wAkit. Amanuensis, s. - 6 kyâtib. c k · ** birikdirmek, 's-*- jëm”-et. Amateur, s. * hâvèssli. Amaze, v.a. ·* tâ”ājjub- -èttirmek; amazed, a. -ş* mü- to be -ma”den, Amass, v.a. töplamak, ta”ājib, ey - hayrān; AMAZIN G [ 87 ] *A A MPU TATI 0 N -, - ş° ta"ājjub-et, ** shâshmak, 5 y=- hayrân-kAl- mak, kAlmak, 545 bâka- -kAlmak. Amazing, a. --~ş° “Ajib (Ajaib), · ghârib ; –ly, ad. 535- chök. Ambassador, s. · èlchi, r* sèfir. Amber, s. :Jé kehrubâ (kèhlibâr). Ambergrease, Ambergris, s. ~e “ânbEr. Ambiguous, a. c· kapAnik, * müghlAk. Ambiguity, s. mûghlâklik, Ambition, s. Lej- hirssu-’sh- -shÂn, ·- hârssi-hükyü- mèt. [-’sh-shAn. Ambitious, a. ·y=- hârissu- Amble, s. ·y râhwÂn, e· èsh- kin ; –, v.n. - • eshmek, · eshkin-ghitmek, ey · râhwÂn-ghitmek, Ambler, ·y râhwán, e K* eshkin-bârghir (bEghir). Ambuscade, Ambush, s. e: pûssU ; to lay an ambush, c· u_5°): püssU kürmak; to fall into an am- bush, c·· & e; püssüyye tütul- [mak. Ambling-horse, s. Amen, int. e· âmin. Amenable, a. J: - mèss'ül. Amend, v.a. döghrultmak, z =* tâsshih-et-, z e' 2sslâh- -et-; –, v.n. yy. bir-Az-iyi-öl, c·J:* iyi-ölmagha-yöl- Amendment, s. 5 5 fârk. [-tÜtmak. Amends, to make, v.n. Ve “di tAz- min-et, 5/29 * 5 tarziyyé-vèr- mek ; ; ) e- -sa- Ajissini-chi- kârmak. America, s. U:y < Amérika. American, s. and a. Amérikali. Amethyst, s. -jebélokum. Amiable, a :=-Jj = ghyüzel- -khÜylu, tAtli. [dösstâné. Amicable, a. Amicably, ad. * Amidst, pr. 8 A &5L: ·) ârassinda. Amidships, ad - *) örta- -yèrlérina-döghrU. Amiss, a. .: fèna, ai sâkat. Amity, s. c· dösstluk, · dössti, --s” mâhâbbet, es” mükhÂdénèt. Ammonia, s. ve nishÂdir. Ammoniac, s. ve nish Adir. Ammunition, s. 22y: bârut, dö== jëbkhâné. Amnesty, s. *\e · “âfvi-”âmm. örtassinda, Among, Amongst, pr. ·y âras- sina, * W ârassinda. Amorous, a &'i-e “Ashikâné. Amount, s. 8- • mèblâgh ; · töp, · yëkyün ; –, v.n. : bÂ- ligh-öl. Amphibious, a. : * * 8°ye * hèm-süda-hèm-kârada-yâshar. Ample, a. J: böl, U* ghenish. Amplitude, s. 5· si”â'i-mèshrik. Amputate, v.a. · kèssmek, 's kAt”-et. [kAt”. Amputation, s. · kèssilmé, ** AM UL ET [ 38 ] ANNEx Amulet, s. 4s- nûsskha (misska). Amuse, va. < y < eghlendirmek; – one's self v.n. • s) eghlen- An, art. y! bir. [mek. Analogous, a. & müshâbih, - • [c-i kiyâss. ·\: mûshâbéhet; Analysis, s. - hâll. Analyze, v.n, J- hâll-et. Anarchy, s. e\ fessâd, J== ikhtilâl. Anathema, s. - lâ”net, Ve bèd- -dû”â, j âforöz, mâkiss. Analogy, s. Anatomize, v.a. Ve tèshrih-et. Anatomy, s. - U · - c· ey-: - - - taleb- ÖlUnmazdan-èvvEl-hisss-èdup-vèrmek- yâkhUd-yâpmak. Antics, s. pl. c sys- mAsskharalik. Antidote, s. ze “ilâj. Antimony, s. ·yy• 5 timür-bözAn (dèmir-bÖzAn). Antipathy, s. · nèfrèt; · “âdâvet, ·- khÜssümèt. Antique, s. 4 e “ântika; –, a. · èsski, c; “âtik, - *-i kadim, kyâri-kAdim. Antiquity, s. 4 e “ântika; =- e· èsski-zâm An. * AN TI, ER [ 40 ] AP P E TIT E Antler, s. :ş; böynuz. Anus, s. sü mâk”âd, Anvil, s. c· ?rss. Anxiety, s. · kAssâvet ; · tèlâshi (telâsh). Any, pro. ): bir, y: bir-Az, Lás bA”zi; * hich, r:* hich-bir. Anybody, pro. --4-= kimèssné (kimssé). Anyhow, ad. & · nâssl-ölUrsa ; >ye ** hich-bir-dûrlu. Apace, ad. ·- châbuk. Apart, ad. 57. âyri. Apartment, s. · Öda; 55'e dâ'iré. Apathy, s. ) kaydsizlik, e · “âdémi-tâkâyyud. Ape, s. maymün, shëbek; –, v.a. tAklid-et. Aperient, a. Lé-e müsshil (ss-h). Aperture, s. · delik, GW âralik, c·iş- âchiklik, nefesslik. Apex, s. c-9 re'ss, :v° zirvé. Aphelion, s. Laz de- hâdid. Apiece, ad. 4 r: behèrina. Apocryphal, a. · mèshkyük. [lémek. Apologize, v.n. - 49) e “izr-di- Apology, s. · “üzrnâmé; ·v&e Apogee, s. _4. d>- hâdid. “izr-beyâni. Apoplexy, s. damla, J:j nüzül. Apostasy, s. el irtidâd. Apostate, s. mürtedd (mürtAd), * dînma. Apostatize, v.n. · dinin- dan-dînmek. Apostle, s. J ) ressül, · mürsel ; the apostles of Christ, eyş:y 5->- hâwârîyyün. [isspènchiyâr. Apothecary, s. -W- èjzâji, Appal, v.a. G-4- ) -: körkUtmak, l-i:= tâkhwif-et. Appanage, s. c·: arpalik, **\: bAshmaklik. 4r Apparatus, s. tâkim, c = } âlât-èdawât. Apparel, s. · esswab (essbAb), c- libAss, 4- ) elbissé. Apparent, a. *\ zâhir, ) bedidâr, le'ye hüwëydâ, K: Ashikyâr. Apparently, ad. \ \: ghÂliba ; yol [yâlé. Apparition, s. 2 · zühür; & e-khâ- Appeal, v.n. • düshmek, • • sighinmak; - *-y mûrâja”ât-et. Appear, v.n. ·y ş ghyîrunmek, ·j 5-= ghyüzikmek, V *-e-* zühür-et; it appears, v. imp. Jé ghāliba; 4 ghelir, ) = ghyi- runiyor. zâhira. Appearance, s. · sürèt, · hey'et ; ·y ghyirunush; )* zühür. Appease, v.a. e· tèsskın-et. Append, v.a. zûmm-et, 3 c “ilâvé-et. Appendage, Appendix, s. *: te- timmé, * zâmimé, *ye “ilâvé. Appertain, v.n. 's-a-y räji”ol, mènüt-ol, 'G* müta”âllik-ol. Appetite, s. ishtihâ (ishtâh.) A PPL A U D [41 ] AP T I, Y Applaud, v.a. 'L: - sitâyish-et. Applause, s. J* - sitâyish. Apple, s. Ve Elma. Applicable, a. dökUnur; – — münâssébët-Alir. Application, s. c y ye dökUndU- rush, 9 yapishdirish ; *** düshush, _:) c bAsh-ÜrUsh (wÜrUsh), ·ry mûrâja”ât; ·- chAlishish, “ 9* u_* sâ”y- -u-ghayret, -2°–5re sârfi-zihn, Asa ; - jidd-u-jëhd. Apply, v.a. ) ye dökundurmak, c·: yûpishdirmak ; •9) - c* tâtbik-et; ' e tlâ-et : -, v.n. ; ) 'c bAsh- sürmek; wûrmak, • düshmek, -a-y • mûrâja”ât-et; – for, issté- mek, e isstid”â-et, 4 a - mûtâlébé-et, - * mÂtlüb-et ; –, one's self, c·- chAlishmak, | <- sâ”y-et, - *- sâ”y-u- -ghâyrët-et. Appoint, v.a. 'e * tâ”yin-et, -a nAssb-et, 'Je a= tâkhsiss-et. Appointment, s. -: ) · mi'mü- riyyet; L: ish. Apportion, v.a. *-i & a-da- hisssé- -hisssé-tâksim-et. [nâssib. Apposite, a. yöllu, - - mü- Appraise, v.a. y° · kimët- -tAkdir-et, •aş: e: bāhâ-bichmek (pAhâ). Appreciate, V* tAkdir-et, · kAdrini bilmek. ?).0!. Apprehend, v.a. · tğtmak, c·i: yâkalamak, c = Âs- âkhz-u- -ghirift-et; c = anglamak (ânnamak), ye derk-et; c·L)y* körkmak. Apprehension, s. - * 2 &s àkhz-u- -ghirift ; ·ye 9 : fèhm-u-idrâk ; · körku. [kUssU-ölAn. Apprehensive, a. · 5 kör- Apprentice, s. 9y$ : shâghird ; –, v.a. ·5): 4K : shāghirdlighé-vièrmek. Apprenticeship, s. ·= : shâ- ghirdlik. [mek. Apprize, v.a. ·: --- khAbEr-vir- Approach, s. J: yöl; -75 takâr- rub ; –, v.a. & n. - * tâkâr- rUb-et, G*: yâkimlashmak, c : •v : yâkin-vârmak. [isstihsân. Approbation, s. · tâhsin, · Appropriate, v.a. 'Le a° tâkhsiss-et ; -, 0. · münâssib. Approval, s. e· isstihsân ; on –, ad. s” mükhAyyer. Approximate, a. : tAkribi, * tâkhmini; –, v.n. - takâr- rUb-et. [tâkhmina. Approximately, ad. .y: tAkriba, · Approximation, s. - 85 tâkârrub; · tâkhmin. Apricot, s. · kâyssi, yleyj zerdâli. April, s. · nissân. Apron, s. J“: pèshtamAl. Apropos, a & ad. -- mînâsib. Apt, a. *-e müsstâ”idd. [vwëjilé. Aptly, ad. · · mûn-âsibéti- AP TITU DE Aptitude, Aptness, s. iss- ti”dâd. Aquafortis, s. -W: tizÂb, · · Aqueduct, s. 5. e sû-yölu, • = kèmEr, y•= kémErlEr. Arab, s. -’ye “arab. Arabia, s. ·Je “ârabistan. Arabic, s. 4= c “ârabja. Arable, a. ş!) ekilir-bichilir, - 8 j• mezrü” ; –, land, s. *e j• mezra”â, târla. Ararat, Mt., s. Aghri-daghi. Arbiter, Arbitrator, “K- hâkEm. Arbitrate, v.n. : âyrd-et. Arc, s. c· kâvss. Arch, s. J* kèmEr. Archer, s. ·= kèmankèsh. Archery, s. :K 6 kemankeshlik. Architect, S. ** mi”mâr, & kAlfa. Architecture, s. -5: • • · fènni-mi”- mâri ; : binâ ; : binâlar. Archives, s. pl. · küyüdÂt, & defterkhān6, : * 5'); èvrAk-mâkhzéni. Arctic, a. ** shimâli. Ardent, a. · âteshli; yü; yânar. Ardour, s. —* ghèrmiyyet. Arduous, a. z = ghyich, J:- chètin, -* müta"assir. * Area, s. · sAth (t-h.) Argue, v.n. -sey: lâkirdi-et, 4 - mübâhéssé-et ; ·- chèngé- -yârishi-et. Argument, s. –6 yi lâkirdi, = kelâm, J 9 • sûz. [ 42 ] [kèzAb-sUyU. AR0MATIc Arid, a. küru, Uşe- chil. Arise, v.n. c· kAlkmak ; c** döghmak, 8 ° tülü”et; : nesh’et-et, k •j} lâzim-ghiElmek. Aristocracy, s. kibâr. Aristocrat, s. 5,3 ° $ kibâr-den-biri. Arithmetic, s. --- e “ilmi-hissÂb (hès-). [`ilmi hissâb. Arithmetician, s. --- çle J*\ ehli- Ark, s. Noah's –, · z: nüh- -ghèmissi; – of the covenant, · tâbüti-sekin6. Arm, s. J: köl; - silâh ; –, v.n. c* -- silâhlanmak ; ·9 <- silâh-vèrmek ; c· dönatmak. -, (7.6 - Armada, s. •: dönanmâ. Arm-chair, s. : költuklu, 4 x e költuklu-sÂndÂliyyé. Armenia, s. · èrmènisstÂn. Armenian, a. u_5°5) èrmèni ; –, s. L::) èrmeni ; 4: :y èrmènijé. Armfull, s. 5 - küjak, -: küjAk-dölUssU. Armillary sphere, s. ·= kyüré- 'i-müshèbbéké. Armistice, s. 65 mütâréké. Armlet, s. · bÂzübend. - Armorer, · kâlijji, ş* tü- fenkji, ş* - châkmakji. Armory, s. 45 -4 -jébé-khâné. Armour, s. 8 )j zirh ; <- silâh. Armpit, s. c· költUk. Army, s. 9°yördu, K-e “Assker. Aromatic, a. :: kökulu. A R 0 U N D D 43 ] A S 0 EN SI 0 N Around, ad. and pr. 4 el ètrâfa, 8 e etrâfda. d; ) kaldirmak, c· Üyûndirmak. Arouse, v.a. Arrange, v.a. · dizmek, -: tèrtib-et, 'e: tânzim-et, c : & aj nizÂma-kömak ; c·!)y* kArâr- lashdirmak. Arrangement, s. -:iyi tèrtib, ** nizÂm ; ) 5 kArâr. y- [ –i e sAf. Array, s. - 5yi tèrtib, f : nizAm, Arrayed, a. · ghiyili, · mü- lèbbèss. [bAkâyâ. Arrears, s. pl. * mândé, \i: Arrest, s. L--- hAbss; –, v.a. --- -= - akhz-u-ghirift-et; - : tèvkif-et. Arrival, s. küdüm, Lk ghelish ; Jye, vüssül, c ', vârish. Arrive, v.n. - 6 ghilmek, · vâr- mak, Je: wÂssil-öl, c· [tèkèbbur. Arrogance, s. * tâ”âzzum, 5 Arrogant, a. mütékèbbir. Arrogate to one's self, v.a. c· kAlkishmak, 4- - )j üzeriné- -Almak. Arrow, s. : ök, tir, *é- sèhm. Arse, s. ghyit, re dübr, kyün. Arsenal, s. & töp-khâné. Arsenic, s. · sèchAn-ötU. wüssül-bûlmak. Arson, s. ; 52 üs-khâné-yâkmak. Art, s. ~e sân”ât; · fEnn ; · mâ”rifet; & - hilé. Artery, s. *** shâh-dAmar. Artful, a. La: sheytan, 594 - hilébÂz. Artfulness, s. - hilâbâzlik. Artfully, adv & a - hilé-ilé. Artichoke, s. _\.K) inghinâr ; Jerusalem -, · yèr-Elmassi. Article, s. : • mâtâ”, J• mAl; \: bend, 5,5° fikra ; definite –, – - -i- *5 hârfi-ta'rif; indefinite –, * le edâti-tebhim. Artifice, s. 4 - hilé. Artificer, s. – el essnâf, · èhli-sân”ât. Artificial, a. * sûn”i, 5-* mîı- sânnâ”, *: yapma, · tAklid. Artillery, s. töplar, –5X- = töpji-“AsskEri; – IT) aI1, S. · [ehli-sân”ât. Artisan, s. – essnâf, —e_s) töpji. Artist, s. • . ressâm. Artless, a. .);y· sÂfdérün; j - hiléssiz. As, c. *Kye- chûnku, u)95- chün; ad. · iken ; as . . . as . . ., x5 kAdr; aS SOOn aS, · -dighi-ghibi; as it were, as though, K'e sanki; as for, as to, dsüs ghèlinjé; as much, si; bü-kAdr, öl, öl-kAdr (ö-); as much as ..., 5 kAdr; as well as, · ghibi, kAdr. Ascend, v.a. and n. d** ş- châkmak, ey* sû'üd-et. Ascendency, s. öy nüfüz, e i”tibâr, =- hükm. Ascension, s. · sÜ`üd. A S 0 EN T Ascent, s. şse sü”üd; : yökUsh. Ascertain, v.a. \cş = tâhkik-et. Ascribe, va. e issnâd-et. Ash, Ashes, s. J* kyûl ; ash-tree, - 5 * dish-büdAk-Aghaji. Ashamed, a. ·ş° mâhjüb ; to be -, v.n. C; •i e, ÜtAnmak. Ashore, ad. 3,5 kAraya, 8 kArada. Asia, s. Assia. Asiatic, a. · Assiali. Aside, ad. 4ö: r: bir-yâna, *: bir- -tarafa ; 8.5 : bir-yânda, * 2): bir-târafda ; -5r. âyri. Ask, v.a. ( 9 şe sörmak, \J - sû'âl-et; c— isstémek. Askew, Aslant, ad. –5):yârkuri(âykiri), c :y'ş- chârpik. Asleep, a. ):y) üyuyor, U*: üyu- mUsh, 8-9: y ÜykUda. Asparagus, s.j• *- küsh-könmûz. Aspect, s. : • mAnzara ; L* ! bAkish; · hey’et; 2): nèzârèt. Aspire, v.n. ·j* ghyûz-dikmek, J emel-et. [khâr. Ass, s. eshek, *- hâmâr, - Ass-colt, s. 4: e sipa. Assail, v.a. • ş° hûjüm-et. Assailant, s. ş° ş° hüjümju, • ş” · hûjüm-èdEn. Assassin, s. 55 kAnli, Jili kÂtil. Assassinate, v.a. 9° ?oldurmek, 'J: kAtl-et, l- 5 telef-et. Assassination, s. : kAtl. Assault, s. U: y: yûruyush, • ş° hüjüm : “: ); * )j üzeriné-yü- [44 ] AS S ISTAN T rumek, 'J* 2): yûruyush-et, eyş° hüjüm-et. - Assay, v.a. c· mâhèkké-tüt- mak (mehenké), • : * \e “âyâ- rina-bâkmak. - Assayer, s. = e “âyyârji. Assemble, v.a. c·: · töplamak, s-*- jem”-et; –, v.n. d· töplanmak, *E*- jem”-öl, s-** tejëmmu”-et. Assembly, s. - *- jem”iyyet. Assent, s. ) rîzâ, · müwÂfakAt; -, v.n. -)- 2 - ) rizâ-vErmek, - mûwÂfakAt-et. Assert, v.a. Weel iddi”â-et, dèmek. Assertion, s. - 6 y: lâkirdi, j;- siz, J; kâvl, Vee iddi”â. Assess, v.a. - 5 · · · c “ 9 tâ”yini-vergü-ichiN-kèshf-et. Assets, s. pl. *ş: J mAl-ila-Akcha. Asseveration, s. : yemin. Assiduity, s. ikdâm. Assiduous, a. • • mükdim, ·ş- chAlishkAn. - Assign, v.a. · tâ”yin-et, 'La a=5 tâkhsi-s-et; ay- hâwälé-et. Assignee, s. = vekil. Assist, v.a. •9) yârdim-et, - ** mû”âvénët-et, el imdâd-et; –, Q).70, c*: bÜlunmak, · ghèl- mek, - hÂzir-ol. Assistance, s. (°3): yârdim, el - imdâd, aile i”ân6, - - mü”â- vènèt. [mû”âvin, 5•: yamak. Assistant, s. ş* yârdimji, A SS 0 CIATE [ 45 ] A TT A I N Associate, s. c·) ârkadash, ( :) refik, cy: : kArin ; –, v.n. c*: köngushmak, • s) = ghyirush- mek, e45) ârka-dashlik-et, sl ikhtilât-et, 'e ülfet-et. Association, s. --5y* shirkèt, : kömpânya. Assuage, v.a. ~~ tèsskin-et. Assume, v.a. Almak, J: kAbül- -et ; ·)j : üzériné-Almak ; ·= ghirmek. Assurance, s. ) - siz, · të'minât (pl.); * yemin ; ol el i”timÂd, · sebât; G = “ârsizlik; *5) : sighürta. Assure, v.a. ~~ te'min-et; “: yemîn-et; · èmin-et. Asterisk, s. (“ 9*) * (*) * Astern, ad. ·) ârkassina, 8 & ârkassinda; 4 ey ârdina, 8 yı ârdinda. Asthma, s. · zikU-’n-nèfess, al'c ziku-’ss-sAdr. Astonish, v.a. ·l-ş° tâ-”âj- jub-ètdirmek. Astonished, a. -ş** müta”ājjib ; to be – , v.n. l-ş” tâ”âjjub-et, c· shâshmak. Astonishment, s. -ş° tâ-“ajjub, ·- hâyrèt. [-sÂlmak. Astound, v.a. c· 4 - hâyrèta- Astray, ad., to go astray, v.n. · g* J: (yânish). yânglish-yÖl-tûtmak Astringent, a. şe** sikiji. Astrologer, s. • • mûnèjim. Astrology, s. * = “ilmi-nüjüm. Astronomer, s. PJs ehli-hey'et. Astronomy, s. e “ilmi-hey’et. Asunder, ad. &#- : iki-pârcha; -: âyri, U-a mûnfAssil. Asylum, s. 7 -&:e sighinajak-yir, Uş· meljä. At, pr. 45 i, a ; 8 dé, da. Atheism, s. 4 : K inkyâr-bi-llâh. Atheist, s. 4: K münkir-bi-'llâh. Athens, s. : | Atinâ. Athletic, a. 5,5 kâwi, 5: kûvvetli. Atlantic, s. : as” = bâhri- mühit-ghârbi. Atmosphere, s. y>' = kyûré'i-hâwâ; Atom, s. 9° zèrré. [ 5° hâwâ. Atone, v.n. \e & kèfârët-et. Atonement, s. “ 92) 5 kèfârèt. S- * shèni”, “- l Atrocious, a. èshnâ”. [shènâ”ât. Atrociousness, Atrocity, s. · Attach, v.a. c; : öAghlamak, *) rAbt-et, : bend-et; – one's self, vn. --- - bAghlanmak, 4 .e “âlâka-et. Attaché, s. (French) - — mâ’iyyet-mémüri. [mâhâbbet. Attachment, s. 45'e “âlâka, ·s:° Attack, s. • ş* hüjüm ; · nübèt, -) · zühür, · issâbet; –, v.a. ş° hijüm-et; *-i- ele “âleyhina-chikishmak ; -:e issâ- bët-et, y, zühür-et. - Attain, v.a. 'J-e', wâssil-ol; y 5-: A T TAIN MEN T [ 46 ] A U G U İR bâligh-öl; 'J5° nâil-öl ; müzaffer-öl, 'c mûwaffak-öl; 'J“as” tahsil-et, \-= kèssb-et. Attainment, s. · tahsil. Attar, s. (Arabic) ae “?tr; roses, gyül-yāghi, : * “tr-yâghi. Attempt, s. U 5 kAlkishish ; –, v.n. c* kAlkishmak. -- Attend, v.a. Kı beklémek ; -5:2) rèfâkât-et ; c· bAkmak, < - kh?dmët-et (hizmet). Attendance, s. -55) refakât ; -e khādmet (hizmet); - 8 ètbâ”- [: ètbâ”. Attendant, s. c:) refik ; attendants, Attention, s. --5-2 dikkAt, \,: tâkây- – of - tâkimi yud, s ihtimâm ; to pay –, -5° dikkât-et; to call – to, -- -5° dikkat-jelb-et. Attentive, a. \ri o mükâyyed; to be –, vn -se dikkat et. Attest, v.a. · *cı: yemin-virmek ; –, v.n. “: yemin-et, c 'e'e: shâhâdet-et. [shâhâdèt. Attestation, s. J-e-*- yemin ; · Attic, s. ·y'e tâwAn-ârassi. Attire, s. elbissé, -°) ziy, c· kâlik, y = kissvet; · ghiyindirmek. - Attitude, s. c ) 9° dÜrUsh, 5-: wAz“i -, (7.0, (pl. 8 èvzâ”); -:* hey’et. Attorney, s. 5. vekil, $; ye° dâ”- wâ-vekili; power of –, · - vekyâlet-nâmé. Attract, v.a. - - jëzb-et, ·- chèkmek. [-jâzibé. Attraction, s. - 5 - küvveti- Attractive, a, - - jâzib, Attribute, s. e sifAt; –, · virmek, \ je “âzv-et, \ \ \ ?).6. issnâd-et. | Auburn, a. · lipisska. Auction, s. e; mèzâd (mèzAt), *\} • [dèllâl (tellAl). Auctioneer, s. · mèzâdji, J° müzâyédé. Audacious, a. --jessür; ; )'e “ârsiz. Audacity, s. · jëssâret; c e “ârsizlik. Audible, a. . . ishidilir. Audience, s. mülâkÂt (interview); ·- jemâ”ât, e· sâmi”in ; to hold an -, ): · diwAn- kÜrmak. - Audit, v.a. --- hissÂb-yök- lamak, 14 s” mühÂssébé-et ; – office, s. 4. s” mühâssébé- kâlEmi. Auditor, s. e· dingléyen (dinèyen), s- sâmi”; - =*mûhâssébéji. Auger, s. yy bürghu. Aught, s. : bir-shèy ; ·y:* hich-bir-shèy. Augment, 47.72, c·) ârtmak, eşey cş izdiyâd-bûlmak, terâk- ki-et -, t). 0. c· ârtirmak, y:=5 teksir-et. - Augmentation, s. eşej' izdiyâd, * tezâyud, terâkki. Augur, s. · kyâhin, · fAlji. AUGU R Y [47 ] A Z U R E Augury, s. ); fAl. August, s. c· àghosstoss; -, a. e “âli, · sâmi. Aunt, s. (paternal) - hAla ; (mater- nal) : teyzé; (uncle's wife) · yènghé. Auspices, s. pl. * • sâyé, * e - mûs- [sâ”adé. Auspicious, a. .e müssâ”id. Austere, a. · sert-tAbi”âtli; : riyâzâtli. Austerity, s. ·: riyâzât. Australia, s. Avstrâlia. [bèr. Authentic, a. <=” sâhih, * mû”té- Authenticity, s. -s° sihhât. Author, s. ·e: bâ”iss, · bâdi, *-e sáni”; - 5 mû'ellif, – as Austria, s. Aystria. müssânnif. Authoritative, a. 4öy âmirâné. Authority, s. “- kûkm, èmr; - hakim, î âmir, a zâbit; 3 izn, ·y rükhsAt; - : më'zÜniyyet; sened, · bûrhân. - Authorization, s. · izn, a rukhsAt; · më'züniyyet. Authorize, v.a. · 2 · izn-virmek, ' .· terkhiss-et. Autumn, s. y= ghyüz, J'e söng- -bâhâr, –: --Ja; fAssli-khûrif. Autumnal, a. * - khârifi. Auxiliary, s. ş**y': yârdimji. Avail, v.n. 8 Ağ fâ'idé-et; – one's self of v.n. J;-i kâbül-et. [* Eldé. Available, a. - hÂzir, mevjüd, Avalanche, s. (French) 5- ş- chigh. Avarice, s. --khissset, -s- khAssisslik. Avaricious, a. L·- khAssiss. Avenge, v.a. c intikÂmini- Almak ; – one's self, v.n. c· intikÂm-Almak. Average, a. . ., wAssat, *) örta; on an -, · bir-biri-üsstuna. Averse, a. ·y râzi-dighil. Aversion, s. v**-e “âdémi-rizâ ; · nefret. Avoid, v.a. c·- kAchinmak, 4:5'e sâkinmak, ·- chekinmek. Avow, v a. ikrâr-et, – = i“ti- rÂf-et. Awake, a. c· y üyûnik ; –, v.a. · üyânmak; –, v.a. c· üyândirmak. Award, s. “- hükm, yi kArār. Aware (to be), v.n. - khAbéri-öl; (to become), c· khAbEr-Almak. Away, ad. dé üzAgha, üzAkda; to do – with, şey 'i kaldirmak. Awful, a. körkUnjlU. Awhile, ad. - bir-wAkât, bir-Az. Awkward, a.j• yâkishmaz, -: Awl, s. j: biz. [yâkishiksiz. Awning, s. 4:5 tènta. Awry, a. :) - chârpik. Axe, s. al: bAlta. Axis, s. -/ =* mihver. Axle, s. JK dinghil. Azure, a. “Gş- âchik-mâ'i (mâvi), · ghyük-mâ'issi (mâvissi). BAB BI, ER, [ 48 ] BAR B Balance, s. tèrâzi; * di fazla ; B. 5- 5 * bÂki-kAlân-meblagh ; Babbler, s. : ghèvézé c bösh- böghAz. Babe, s. c°-95- chöjuk, · bèbek. Baboon, s. * mâymün. Baby, s. = - chöjuk, e : bebek. Babylon, s. -65 * Bâbèl-shèhiri. Bachelor, s. : bikyâr (beykyâr). Back, s. 9y ârd; & ) ârka ; · s2rt; L° zâhr ; c· tèrss ; · ghèri; V: vèrâ ; -, ad. y = gheri, :! = ghèriya, * = ghèrida ; –, v.a. and n. (a boatin rowing) * siyé-et. Backgammon, s. - · tâwla- öyUnU. - Backwards, ad. · tErssina, c-)” tèrss, 9· 9· ghèri-ghèri, · uzş kâchin-kâchin. Bacon, s. & :· dönguz (dö- muz) pâssdirmâssi. Bad, a. fena; U5): bÖzUk ; · kAlp ; · kyûtu, :U ish-yÖk. Bag, s. 9); törba, · keyssé. Baggage, s. eshyā, · yük, r: Bail, s. 5 kefil. Bait, s. e yem : -, v.a. · f yem-virmek ; · yemlémek. Bake, v.a. · firinda-pishir- [pirti. mek ; –, v.n. · firinda- pishmek. Bake-house, s. 9); firin, Bakers ş* \ ètmekji (ekmekji); u = 5 :: firinji. Bakery, s. 48 ° etmekji-dik- [kyâni. - 5 * 4. s° mûhâssébé-defteri. Balanced, a. denk. Balcony, s. · shâhnishin. Bald, a. c· bAshi-tAss ; J6 kEl. Bale, s. denk. Ball, s. töp; * yümak : * ghyûllé; · kürshun ; bâlo. Ballad, s. 5 türkyu. Ballast, s. 5 e safra. Balloon, s. , balon, el-chAdir. Ballot, s. de kür“â, yü : piyânko. Bamboo, s. U kAmish. Band, s. bagh; takim, bîluk ; d:): • müzika. Bandage, s. • sarghi. Banish, v.a. · sürmek, 9 - sürghyun-et, : nefy-et; E-5° dèf“-et. Banishment, s. ·y sürghyun, *ü nèfy. Bank, s. -65) = ye sü-kEnâri ; \ sèdd ; dü: bânka. Banker, s. –ye sârrâf (sûraf). Bankrupt, s. L müfliss. Bankruptey, s. müflisslik. Banner, s. · bâyrak, sAnjak, *) bândara. - Banquet, s. - ziyâfet. Baptize, v.a. : wâftiz-et. Bar, s. J: köl; 3, e sèrik ; J-: kÜmsAl ; E-5 • mÂni”; –, v.a. 'E • men"-et, 's- mâni-öl. Barb, s. -2ye “ârab-Ati. B A R BA R I A N [ 49 ] BE A 0 0 N Barbarian, s. · türk, *el -: vâhshi-AdAm. [sizlik. Barbarity, s. · insâniyyët- Barbarous, a. - - ) insâniyyetsiz ; kAba, j tèrbiyyéssiz. Barber, s. bErbEr. Barberries, s. C-· “ânbèrbâriss. Bard, s. e: shā”ir. Bare, a. :ş- chiplAk; Gş- âchik ; : kûru; –, v.a. ·ş- âchmak. Barefoot, ad. e : yAlin-âyak. Barely, ad. *z* ghynch-bela. Bargain, s. c:W: pâzarlik; –, v.n. c:W: pâzarlik-et. Barge, s. &· mâghona ; J* sAndAl, filika. Bark, s. · AghAj-kAbUghU ; – nâvi ; –, v.n. c·- hâw- lamak : -, v.a. “ye kA- bUghUnU-söymak. Barley, s. 4: ) ârpa. Barn, s. ânbar. Barometer, s. ·öy y* hâwa-terâzissi. Baron, s. - bir-lakb. Baronet, S. -i r bir-lâkb. Barracks, s. kishla, : kâshlâgh. Barrel, s. ş-: fichi, ): vâril; gun- barrel, -5) -*-e-i · tüfeghing- -demiri; double-barrel gun, 4:āş- e : chifté-tüfék. Barren, a. - kâssr; Jış- chil, - as” mâhsülsiz; j - khâyrsiz. Barricade, s. ° s- 8 ): bir-nev’i- Barrier, s. : kApi. [mâni”-dûwâr. Barrow, s. **ye Jl El-`Arabassi. Barter, s. * Wi trâmpa, J** dighish ; v.a. and n. * Wi trânpa-et, U* dighish-et. - Base, s. · kyûrsi; 8.Ae5 kâ”idé; - a Gş Alehök. Base-line, s. • • s— dil”i-mâ'lüm. Bashful, a. -29ş° mâhjüb, zke, ÜtAnghÂch. Bashfulness, s. -ş - hijâb. Basin, s. 4.5 kyâssé, ş- chânak ; Basis, s. c· essâss. [L - hâwz. Basket, s. sèped, * 5 kyüfé. Bason, s. · lèghEn. Bassora, s. 3 a: bāssra. Bastard, s. and a. z: pich. Bastinado, s. 5 e dayak. Bastion, s. tAbiya. Bat, s. C 55- chÖmak ; · yèrassa. Bath, s. • •- hAmmÂm (hAmAm). Bathe, v.n. · & şe süya-ghirmek; c· y?kanmak ; –, v.a. c·: y?kamak. Battalion, s. -/ tÂbUr. Batter, v.a. · düghmek. Battery, s. · tAbiya. Battle, s. - jenk, (kawgha), • s mühârebé. [bâghirmak. Bawl, v.n. ; - haykirmak, c· Bay, s. (gulf) :) * kyîrfez ; (tree) & 5.5 defné; (colour) şe dörU. Bayonet, s. · sünghyu. Be, v.n. c* ölmak; c· bûlun- mak, eya e mèvjüd-öl. Beach, s. -55) = \! yAli-kènâri. Beacon, s. : nishan, e “âlâmet, F BE AD [ 50 ] B E H I N D Bead, s. · tèssbih-dânéssi; beads, s. pl. 24 tèssbih. Beak, s. cy: bÜrun, & \: ghàgha ; · emzik. Beam, s. (of wood) - kirish; (of light) s° shü”x”, pErtev. Bean, s. (broad) ait bAkla ; (kidney) ·ya: fâssülya. Bear, s. î âyi ; –, v.a. c· kÂldirmak; -*-i - * dâyanmak, e- Ke- chekmek, J“=” tâhûm- mul-et; (fruit, &c.) y: vir- mek ; (children) c· döghUr- mak; to bear in mind, es->y° dèr Beard, s. Jāe sâkAl. [khÂtir-et. Bearer, s. - hâmil, 8 :yle dârendé. Bearing, s. (direction) --42- jihèt, · kérté ; (armorial) & ç:) ârma. Beast, s. e : - hâywÂn. Beastliness, s. c er” mÜrdÂrlik. Beastly, a. yle mÜrdâr. Beat, v.a. · düghmek ; (over- come) C j: bözmak, le - Alt-et. [dilbèr. Beautiful, a. Jj = ghyüzel, le Beauty, s. 9) ghyüzellik; cr-- Beaver, s. j : kÜndUz. eating, S. , ; 3V0:Ke Beating, s. 5 e dayak [hûssn. Becalmed, a. (to be) c·: ·):) rüzghyârsiz yAtmak. Because, c. Vj zira, *K - chûnku, · shū-sebebdûn-ki. Beckon, v.n. le y: ishâret-et. Become, v.n. c* Ölmak ; (suit) c· yâkishmak. Bed, s. · yatak, düshek; (stratum) 4i tAbaka : (of flowers) * tâkhta. Bedridden, a. ç kyuturum. Bedroom, s. * · yâtak Ödassi. Bedstead, s. · kèrévet. Bee, s. -65) Ari, “! J\: bÂl-Arissi. Beech, s. e· $ ghyülghèn, Beef, s. y* sāghir-èti. Beehive, s. *-55) Ari-köwAni. Beer, s. y* ârpa-süyU, 8r: bira. Bees'-wax, s. · bÂl-mUmU. Beet, Beetroot, s. : pAnjûr. Beetle, s. ·: bijek ; (fullers', &c.) _\e e dibek-Eli. Before, pr. (in front) · ànguna, * îngunda ; (in time) Jı'e° (insect) dan-EvvEl ; –, ad. Jı iEvvel, • • mükAddEm, -mükAd- démā; iléri. Beg, va. — isstémek, dilêmek ; –, v.n, · dilEnmek. Beget, v.a. 'Je - hÂssil-et, y (procreate) c·: yûp- mak, W·: pèydâ-et. Beggar, s. · dilènji. irâss-et ; Begin, va, and n. ; bAshlamak. Beginning, s. U*\: bAsh ; · bAshlanghij; ibtidâ, J. Evvel. Behaviour, s. ·=e- 2 -) tâwr-U- -hârékèt, Atwâr, · hâ- rékèt. Behead, va. — bAshini- kèssmek, C 9) : böyUnUnU- -wÜrmak. Behind, pv. *9) ardina, 8 BE H IIN D HAN D [ 51 ] BEN E FIC EN T ârdinda ; d. 45y ârkassina, 8 & ) *- · ghèrissina; %0} ârkassinda ; 8. y = ghèrissinda ; –, ad. · gheri, = gherida, sey: vèrâda. Behindhand, ad. == ghèch ; to be -, V.72. c· == ghèch-kAlmak ; · yetishémamek. Behold, v.a. • bAkmak, < y = ghyürmek; –, int. 4. Ü nâ. Being, s. (thing) shèy; e S kyâ'in, · mèvjüd, · L: vâr- ÖlAn ; (existence) c:yl, vârlik, eş-: ishta, vüjüd, · mèvjüdiyyet, e· kèvn, · kèynünèt. Being, the Supreme, all AllÂh. Belabour, v.a. $ye düghmek. Belch, v.n. ·= ghéghirmek, ·= ghèyirmek : -, s. ·K= ghèghirma, · ghèyirma. Beleaguer, v.a. * \s” mühÂssera-et. Belgian, a : Beljikali. Belgium, s. * Beljika, Belief, s. e\üze i”tikÂd; e· imÂn. Believe, c· \ · külAk-virmek; le el i”tikAd-et; “: imÂn-et. Believer, s. e· mû'min, - musslim. Bell, s. (large) ·- chAng ; (small) y*ş- chingharAk; (of a time- piece) Jj zil. Bell-hanger, s. ~ Ja · y*ş- ?).0Z. inânmak, - 9 6 6 A chingarâk-âsân-èhli-sân`ât. Belligerent, a. and s. -->* \s” mühârib. Bell-man, s. Jle tellâl. Bell-metal, s. z or z· tüj (tüneh). Bellows, s. kyaruk. Belly, s. ey'i karn. Belong, v.n. 'Ley as” mâkhsüss-öl; mènsüb-öl. Beloved, a. je “Aziz; sèvghili; müta'allik-öl, '-' (mas.) : *-e mâ”shük; (fem.) *;-* ma”shüka. Below, pr. d: Altina, * Altinda ; · Alt-yânina, 8 - Alt- tâhtina, 09 yûninda; :=” 8 \ :e<” tâhtinda ; &:v) zirina, * ) zi- ad. 4. Alta, 8 Altda ; & - Alt-yâna, * - Alt-yânda ; 39,8j zirda ; Ashāghi, 3 : Ashaghida. rinda ; –, Belt, s. (strap) : * kayish; (waist- band) kèmer, ; küshAk. Bench, s. ye sıra, · pèyké; (car- &c.) K.e dèsstghyâh (tèzghyâh). Bend, v.a. · èghmek ; –, v.n. e 5 eghilmek, c· ş- chârpil- mak; bend down, v.a. · yâtir- penter's, mak ; – –, v.n. c·: yâtmak. Beneath, pr. & Altina, * Altinda ; * -• mâ-dûn Unda ; - one's notice, - Ke dèghmâz; - one, j• yûkishmûz. [veli-ni'met. Benefactor, s. 5 efendi, · Beneficence, s. ·- ihsân. Beneficent, a. : kèrim. F 2 BEN E FICIA I, [ 52 ] BIL GE Beneficial, a. W) yârâr; to be –, v.n. c· yâramak. Benefit, s. _r - khâyr, · iyilik, · menfa”ât; |-- ihsân, · ni'met; –, v.a. c· yâra- mak, 8 sğli fâ'idé-et; – by, v.n. c= $ss5 fâ'idé-ghyirmek. Benevolence, s. · khâyr- èndishlik. [-èndish. Benevolent, a. U**-U---- khâyr- Benign, a. yy - khāyrli. Benignity, s. - 5 * shâfakAt. Benumbed, a. U* : üyUshmush, c*: ÜyUshUk; to be –, v.n. c* üyUshmak; (with cold) · döngmak. Bequeath, v.a. -~e, vwAssiyet-et. Bequest, s. --~e vwAssiyet. Bereft, a. * -s” mâhrüm. Berry, s. U*: yemish, döle dâné (tân6). Berth, s. _r. yér; (employ) - c Ac- kh?dmët (hizmet). Beseech, v.a. C° yAlvarmak, \ \-T) rijâ-et, W: niyâz-et. Beset, v.a. c· ètrâfini-Almak, c* U: : kûshAtmak, ş° hûjüm-et. Beside, pr. · yânina, * yâninda, * \ \; yâni-bAshinda. Besides, pr. 4-5-*-eye dan-bAshka, e dan-mâ”adâ, · dan- -fAzla ; –, ad. *-e Andan- bAshka, ki: x : bûndan-bAshka, Besiege, v.a. 5) es” mühÂssara-et. [&c. Bespeak, v.a. c·y' e issmârlamak, sipârish-et. Bessarabia, s. 5'-3' büjâk. Best, a. : eng-iyi, ele eng-â”lâ. Bestow, v.a. · virmek, [e < bahss-et. Bet, s. -: < bâhss; –, v.a. and n. Betray, v.a, = khâ’inlik-et, - - kh?yânët-et. [kyâh-et. Betroth, v.a. Aāe “âkd-et, 'z-K ni- Better, a. .(ne dâhâ-iyi, Jj, o dâhâ- ghyüzel, el \Re dâhâ-â“lâ. A 6 6- İn âm-et. Between, Betwixt, pr. ·y ârassina, * ârassinda ; &: beynina, * : beyninda; : mâbeynina, · mâbeyninda; –, ad. &W âraya, şey ârada ; 8 : mâbeynda. Bevel, s. Beveled, a.: shev. Beware, int. e· sâkin; –, v.n. c·e sâkinmak. Bewilder, v.a. · shashirtmâk. Beyond, pr. · itéssiné, * itéssindé; –, ad. 6 ité, :45, itéyé, 8 itédé; 5 * Ashiri. Bias, s. J* “üdül; meyl. Bible, s. 4 - S kitâbu-'llāh (God’s book. Bid, v.a. y- èmr-et; (at a sale) Bier, s. · tÂbUt. Big, a : biyuk, iri, *-: köjamÂn; (– with child) des= ghèbè. Bight, s. kyūrfez, köy Bigot, s. Bigoted, a. - as müta- Bigotry, s. – as tû”âssub. [“Assib. [·: vèrmek. Bile, s. yāe sAfrâ (sAfra). Bilge, s. & sentina ; bilge-water, ye & sentina-süyU. BIL I 0 US [ 53 ] BL EA CH Bilious, a - sAfrâvi; ·· sAfrassi-kAbarmish. Bill, s. (account) defter, · püssla; (for advertising) ·\ yAfta ; (bird's –) &élè ghâgha; (forcutting) - sAtir; – of exchange, J: ys” tAhvil; (cheque) y=- hâwâlé; – of parcels, · pÜssla ; exchequer -, - - khaziné-tahvili. Bill-broker, s. 5) - := tAhvil- -simsâri. Billet, s. (note) · pÜssla, * tèzkéré ; ·= or - 5* kyûtuk; (soldier's –) kÖnak; –, v.a. î könak-et. [nâma. Billet-doux, s. (French) d. . .e “Ashk- Bin, s. ânbar. 9 Bind, v.a. · bâghlamak ; (– books) - le - jildlémek; c· kAblamak. [kAb. Binding (of a book), s. - jild, -: Birch-tree, s, = kâyn-Aghaji. Bird, s. · kÜsh. Birdlime, s. 4-6, üksé. [lâdet. Birth, s. döghush, ve- Birthday, s. e}, velâdet-ghyinu. Biscuit, s. - peksémet, = ghèvrek, 4:3 kâlyèta. * Bisect, v.a. - a tansif-et. Bissextile, S. · kèbissa. Bit, s. (piece) :-}\; pârcha ; (– of a bridle) = ghem, eya kAntarma. Bitch, s. kAnjik. Bite, v.a. :· 2ssirmak. Bitter, a. - Aji. Blab, s. 'L: bösh-bögház: -, vn. c 'L: bösh-böghÂzlik-et. Black, a. 8,5 kAra, * - siyah ; –, s. (negro) -’ye “Arab. Blackamoor, s. -’ye “ârab. Blackberry, s. · büghurtlEn. Blackbird, s. kâra-tâwUk. Blackboard, s. L** = c y° dèrss- [kyülkhâni. Blackguard, s. e· ş- chÂpkin, · tahtassi. Blackguardism, s. c 'ş-chApkinlik. Blacking, s. -- - ) - kündura- [dèmirji. Blacksmith, s. = y • or 2 ° Bladder, s. ic sidik-kâwU- ghu; (gall –) ye “üd. Blade, s. (sword –) · nAmli ; (knife–) Aghz; (shoulder-) · 5 kyürek ; (grass –) y: yâprAk. böyassi. Blame, s. (fault) ---- kAbâhat; (cen- sure) j' Azar ; -, v.a. ----- c· kAbâhat-bûlmak, c; ) Azâr- lamak, — tâ"yib-et. Blank, a, : bösh; (without ball) j- -:yy-i kürshUnsUz; point-blank, Jj - - tÂmm-menzil ; to fire with blank cartridge, 5 * y: kürU-sikiya-Atmak ; –, s. (space) yc : bösh-yèr. Blanket, s, ·:): *\ \: fânèla-yürghAn. Blaspheme, v.a. -- sebb-et. Blasphemy, s. y* kyüfr. Blaze, s. e “âlev ; – v.n. · “âlevlenmek. Bleach, v.n. ; ::): Agharmak, - : BL EA0 HER [ 54 ] BoDY beyazlanmak; –va Ayhart- mak. Bleacher, s. L:Jş- chirpiji. Bleed, v.n. üĞ kAnamak; –, v.a. cs'e kAn-Almak. [as= lèkè. Blemish, s. a sûkat, -· “ayb, Bless, v.a.(manto man) \lce res- khâyri- dü”â-et ; (man to God) V -: shükr- et; (God to man) · - a - khâyr-nAssib-èylémek. Blessing, s. (prayer) Vee _y=- khāyri- dû”â ; · bèrékèt. (fruits of God’s goodness) Blind, a. )* kytar, “e â”mâ; –, v.a. y kyîr-et. Blister, s. (ofthe skin)Cş= kAbarjik; (vesicatory) yâki; –,vn. kAbarmak, ; – v.a. c· kAbart- mak. - Block, s. (block of stone) c· tAsh; (of wood) · kyûtuk ; (mould) · (kÂlip); – v.n. c· kApamak, c· tıkamak. Blockade, s. âbloka, 3 es° mü- hÂssara ; –, v.a. 4 âbloka-et. Blockhead, s. : ëshek. Blood, s. 5 kAn. Blood-horse, s. L-- jinss-ât. Bloodshed, s. e sefki-dema. Blood-vessel, s. J* dAmar. Bloody, a. kAnli. Bloom, Blossom s. ·ş ş- chichek; –, (7.70 • c·ş-le şiş- chichek-âchmak. Blot, v.a. -5 mürekkeb- mak ; – out, ·ş- chizmek, c· bözmak, e terkin-et. Blow, s. 9), (würush), _ - chAlish; – of the fist, d: mÜshta ; (mis- fortune) -S\ felâkèt; (injury) 3 zârar; * = tekmé. Blow, v.n. (wind) = - essmek ; (mouth or bellows) c üflémek ; (flower) c*ş- âchmak : – one's nOSe, ·Uş! bürnunu-silmek ; ·· sümkyurmek. Blow up, v.n. ·: pAtlamak. Bludgeon, s. *y” sÖpa. Blue, a. (light) mâ'î (mavi), ghyik, - = ghyik-maissi (mâvissi); (deep) : :-} lâjivèrd. Blunder, s. U· yûngilish (yânish), 56- sehv, as-khAtâ ; make a –, 5 yûngilmak (yûngilmak). Blunderbuss, s. 4: kârabina. Blunt, a. kyir, *-5 kèssmäz; (plain spoken) • • -9 lâkirdissini- sâkinmâz. Blush, v.n. C : kâzarmak. Boar, s. ==) èrkek-döngUz (dö- muz), ° ,j Azili-dömUz. Board, s. 4:< takhta ; (food) “: yemek, - :yeyéjek; on board, ad. and pr. & * = ghèmiyé, * ghè- Boast, v.n. · ughènmek. [midé. Boat, s. · kâyik ; · filika, J* Boat-hook, s. daş : kAnja. [sAndAl. Boatswain, s. yye): pörsun. Body, s. (man's living –) · vûjüd, damlatmak; –up, c* : y* kÜrUt- | cy bëden, * ghyûwdé ; (dead or B0 G [ 55 ] I80TE ER alive) \-a- jëssed; (substance) --- jissm; (troop) tâkâm, -3 ° süru, · kyümé. Bog, s. : bÂtak, c· bAtaklik. Bohemia, s. de- ché. Bohemian, s. and a. *- chéli. Boil, s. ·ş- chibAn ; –, v.n. c kaynamak ; •-: 8 • sûda-pish- mek ; –, v.a. • : 5 kaynat-mak ; - hAshlamak, 9) : 8.9re sÜda-pishirmek. Boiled meat, s. U:ye süyUsh. Boiler, s. · kAzghAn (kAZAn). Boiler-maker, s. kAzgAnji. Boisterous, a. • . shâmAtali, 9° fèrtinali. [shâmAta. Boisterousness, s. · sertlik, 45 • . Bold, a. - jessür, -- jëssâretli, · yighit. Boldness, s. : 9:) -- jëssârèt. Bolster, s. 5 e yûssdik. Bolt, s. · ); * sürghu, & :29° sürmé ; (large nail)L-S ènksEr, & - jiwAta, pèrno. Bomb, s. 7. *-khümbara (kûmbara). Bombard,v.a. 45 \ ~ d:J): üzériné- töp-Atmak. Bombardier, s. =-3 • (kûmbaraji). * 5 * : — c· ) töp-vé-khÜmbara-ila-wür- maklik. Bomb-proof, a. * s, khümbara- Bombardment, s. [gèchmaz. Bomb-shell, s. 3 •s- khÜmbara. Bond, s. - tahvil, - - temessuk; · ip, :· sârghi, ·5 zinjir. Bone, s. · kèmik. Bone-setter, s. &ğ zya- jerreh, ş*ş- châkikji, ş° kirikji. Book, s. - 4 kitAb. Bookbinder, s. ş=” müjellid. Bookseller, s. = 4 kitÂbji ; (of Corans) – s° sâhhâf. Boom, s. cy seren. Boot, s. * 9je- chizma ; –, v.a.; what boots it ? : ** dö nâ-faidassi- Bootmaker, s. ş? :: pApUchji. [vâr. Booty, s. *** yaghma, -* ghâni- mèt. Border, s. = kEnâr ; (frontier) · ser-hâdd, =· yy. sinirbAshi. Bore, s. (of a gun) ·ş- chAp, e dèlik, jé âghz; (troublesome fellow) – -J sâkil-herif; –, v.a. c le delmek; ·9 sâkindi-virmek. (trouble) –6 e Born, a. · döghmUsh ; to be –, ?). 72. · döghmak. Borrow, v.a. c· : udunj-Almak, isstikrâz-et. Borrower, s. e (:e, izdunj-Alân. Bosnia, s. 4 : Bössna. Bosnian, a. and s. · Bössnali. Bosom, s. · ghyukss, J: köyn, * sin6. [kâléssi. Bosphorus, s. · ·ş- chûnak- Botany, s. · “ilmi-nèbâtât. Botch, v.a. bözmak. Both, pr. = ikissi; –, c. * * hèm . . . vè-hèm. Bother, s. 5 e sakindi ; –, v.a. B0 TTLE [ 56 ] BR EA K · -5 - ö. e sâkindi-virmek, y:=° tâ“jiz-et. [pûtkAl. Bottle, s. &:: shishé; wine –, Jü: Bottom, s. - dib ; (fundy) · Bough, s. J'e dAl. [ghyit. Bounce, v.n. 5 yş° sèchramak. Bound, s. \- hâdd, e : pâyÂn, · söng, z: üj, · büjak. Boundary, s. 9 - hüdüd, ); * sinir. Bounteous, Bountiful, a. J: böl, · bërékètli ; ) - jümèrd, e- ili-âchik, s” sâkhi, s° sâkhâ- vètli. Bounty, s. e·- ihsân, • • in”âm ; Us° sâkhâ, s” sâkhâvet. Bouquet, s. (French) ce ·ş1ş- chichek-dèméti. Bow, s. (in reverence) *Sc bAsh- -éghm6, *-5 c bAsh-késsmé ; (weapon) — yay; (of a ship) : : bAsh ; –, v.n. ·= c bAsh- éghmek ; - • =c \! bAsh-kèss- mek ; – down and worship, 8 Aş” séjdé-et. Bowels, s. pl. d e baghirsak. Bower, s. 4: mèhtâbiyyE. Bowie-knife, s. 5\aş bichAk. Bowl, s. 4.6 kyâssé, c· tASS, ş- chânak ; (wooden) dj': kAwAta ; (of a pipe) lûlé. Bowline, s. · bölina, 4: ): börina. Bowsprit, s. *j - jiwAdira. Bowstring, s. C}:$$ kirish, 8j zih. Box, s. (chest) : A • sAnkik ; (desk) (small) 5- chékméjé ; kütU ; (on the ear) “ shâmar, · sili (silé) ; (wood) _*ş- chimshir ; (of instruments) · üsstuj (ÜsstUnj). [ghâssi. Boxing, s. - : d: o mÜshta-kâw- Boy, s. e· öghlAn, a - chöjUk. Boyhood, s. c·ş- chöjukluk. Boyish, a. ·ş- chöjuk-ghibi. Brace, s. (pair) - 2-chift ; (tie) & bâgh, : küshAk ; (of a yard) ·y brâssa ; braces (for trousers) · Asski. Bracelet, s. · bilézik. Braid, s. \: * shèrid ; z: khârj; –, va. : irmek. Brain, s. u: béyn, # dimãgh. Bramble, s. ş- ch Ali. Bran, s. · kèpek. Branch, s. Jle dAl; (of a road, &c.) J: köl; (of a family, science, &c.) * shû”bé, 8 ° fèr”. Brandy, s. V râki. Brasier, s. ·t- : bÂkirji; J mAn- Brass, s. (:): pirinj. [ghal. Brassfounder, s. ş° dîkuju. Brave, a. · yighit, y: P- jëssür. Bravo, int. e âférin (âférim). Bray, v.n. c·= Angirmak. Brazen, · pirinjden ; j• Ütân- [maz. Brazier, s. L5:· bAkirji, = Brazilwood, s. 5. bAkkûm. [(kazanji). Bread, s. * (ekmek), j=e nâni- - 66 - - Aziz. [`ârz. Breadth, s. en, enlilik, Lee Break, v.a. c karmak; – off, B R EA K F AST [ 57 ] B R 0 T H C°:):: köparmak; – a promise, – -khûlf-et; – a treaty, -45 nAkz-et ; –, v.n. · kârilmak, c· köpmak, -= kessilmek. Breakfast, s. ye: kâhwAlti. Breast, s. · ghyûkss, * siné ; (teat) &• o mèmé. Breastwork, s. : * sipEr. Breath, s. · ye söluk, U-ü nefess. Breathe, v.n. c· sölUmak, ·u-: nèfess-Almak, - tènèffuss-et. Breathing, s. c· sölUmakluk. Breeches, s. shAlwar, : pötUr. Breed, s. -° söy, U = - jinss ; -, · · türémek ; –, v.a. · türetmek, Je-hāssil-et, 2ye : ?).07. yâvri-virmek; yetishdirmek ; well-bred, a. & 5 tEr- biyyâli; good breeding, s. 4: 5 tèrbiyyâ. Breeze, s. S)y) rüzghyâr; (light –) Si: ) – - khAfif-rûzghyâr; (fresh –) $) y * siki-rüzghyâr. Brethren, s. pl. · ikhwÂn. Brevet, s. ·y bèrät. Brevity, s. c· kâssalik. Brew, ?7.0. c·: ! U_29°*: ) ârpa-süyü- Brewer, s. birâji. [yÂpmaklik. Brewery, s. ·9° * ârpa- süyü-fâbrikassi. Bribe, s, · ·) rishvët-virmek, Brick, s. · tüghla. Bricklayer, s. : ; yâpiji, = :e Bride, s. e· ghèlin, CV-20° “ârüss. · rishvet; –, v.a. [diwârji. Bridegroom, s. ° ghyûwèghi. Bridge, s. - 5 kyûpru. Bridle, s. \! bAshlik; –, v.a. 9) * ghèm-wÜrmak. Brig, Brigantine, :y' ibrik. Brigade, s. \, liwâ. Brigadier, s. \, miri-liwa, [izbândut. Brigand, s. ) - khārsiz, · Bright, a. (light) ş- âchik ; (shining) ; ; pârlâk; (polished) 'ş-jilâli. Brighten, v.n. c·ş- âchilmak. Brilliant, a. : ; pârlâk ; –, s. alaj}%): p?rlânta. Brim, s. 5 kEnar ; Jé Aghz. Brimstone, s. · kibrit, 9) = Brine, s. : • sAlamûra. [kyükyurd. Bring, v.a. ·9° ghètirmek. Brink, s. 4 kinar. [-kili. Bristle, s. kil, 4 (dömuz)- Brittle, a. . ) = -3 pek-ghèvrek, - - 3 pek-kölay-krilir. Broad, a. ènli, · ghènish, Láye “âriz. Broadside, s. (ship's) 89) : börda; (of guns fired) : \} alabânda. Broil, v.a. 4,5yyi k?zârtmak, : - isskâra-et. Broken, a. 3,5 kirik. [simsâr. Broker, s. Jle delâl (tellAl), - - Brook, s. - chāy, e sü, ye dèré; –, va. =5- chèkmek, 'Jı: kAbül-et. Broom, s. 46*) : sûpurghé. Broth, s. U : * · ët-sÜyU, \: ş- chörba. B R 0 THE R [ 58 ] BU SH Brother, s. c 'e karndâsh (kâr- dash), Jer birâdEr. - Brotherhood, s. : ; kârndâshlik. (wife's brother) e· kayn; (sister's husband) : ènishté ; sister's husband) - 5 - : bAjanak, ; - bAjanakh. Brown, a. * èssmEr, =y *: Brother-in-law, s. (wife's kâhwf-rEnghi; – sugar, * khÂm-shëkEr. Bruise, s. 5, beré, yy- chûruk : –, v.0. · düghmek; ·yş;- chûrutmek, *): bëréletmek. · bèrélEnmish, berfli; , ) - chûruk; to become –, v.n. · bèrélEnmek. Brush, s. 4ş-· f?rcha ; (fine – for painting) kâlEm; –, v.a. ·1:* sûpurmek. Bruised, a. Brutal, a. } : -il insâniyyetsiz. Brutality, s. · insâniyyetsiz- Brute, s. ·- hâywÂn. [lik. Bubble, s. kyüpuk, &le- kyüpuk-tânéssi, - - hûbÂb. Bucket, s. 4:5 kögha. Buckle, s. * töka. Bud, s. 5 * tomruk; -, U.72, c·y· tömruklanmak. Buffalo, s. 8 mAnda, 5: • • sÜ-sighiri, (L-·- jâmüss (jAmish). Buffoon, s. 5 ile dÂlkâwuk, ss- mAsskhara (mAsskara). Bug, s. : ·takhta-biti, ·é · takhta-kehléssi, y: * takhta- Bugle, s. -:): börU. [-kürUssU. Build, va. c·: yâpmak, ·: yâpdirmak, \: binâ-et, \: inshâ-et. Builder, s. (founder) bâni ; (working –) 4 5 kAlfa. Building, s. yûpi, : binâ. Bulb, s. · söghAn. [ey- jürm. Bulk, s. · biyukluk, s- hAjm, Bulkhead, s. * : bilmé. Bull, s. : böghÂ. Bullet, s. 9:): kürshun, 43° dâné. Bullock, s. ikyuz. Bump, s. U: shish, -5) : yÜmru ; – against, v.n. c·ş- châtmak. Bunch, s. sAlkim ; - o dèmet. Bundle, s. *ş: böghcha ; · töp. Bung, s. mAntâr. Buoy, s. *) ** shâm Andara ; – up, v.a. c kaldirmak, c· tÜtmak. [-5 e sâkindi. Burden, s. · yük, &*- hâmülé ; Burglar, s.} =-kh?rsiz. Burglary, s. -khirsizlik. Burial, s. 25 - jenâz6-Alayi; · tedfin. Burn, v.n. ·: yânmak ; v.a. c·: yâkmak. [(pèrtevsiz). Burning-glass, s. ) :): pertevsüz Burnish, v.a. c*ş- âchmak, 4 a - mAsskala-et, :):) Ya- jilâ-virmek. Burnisher, s. (tool) a mAsskala. Burst, v.n. ·: pAtlamak ; –, v.a. [dèfn-et. Bury, v.a. • 5 ghyimmek, 'e'e c* : pAtlatmak. Burying-ground, s. Wj• mèzarlik. Bush, s. zé Aghaj, ş-chAli. BU SIH ETu D 59 ] 0 A KE Bushel, s. 4 5 kilé. Business, s. · ish, z: · ish- ghyüch ; c s° mÂsslâhat ; · meshghüliyyet. Bustard, s. (greater) · töy ; (smaller) · mezmeldek. Bustle, s. c 5 telâsh, aş° “Ajélé. Busy, a. . ) şk“ o mèshghül. But, c. lakin, amma, e· vi- lâkin, aki fakat : -, pr. eye dan-bAshka, *-i- e dan-fazla, e°eye dan-mâ”âdâ ; all but, e· (hèmen-hèmen), – Nij) Az-kÂldi. Butcher, s. --5 kAsssAb (kAssAp). Butchery, s. kAssAblik, e- sèfki-dimã. Butt, s. · nishÂn, – AR hedef; –, v.a. and n. 5-9)y c-; töss-wûrmak. Butt-end, s. hind-yaghi. Casual, a. ai tèssÂdufi, Casualty, s. 45 kÂzâ. [ittifÂki. Cat, s. – 3 kedi. Catalogue, s. 5° defter. Cataplasm, s. *: lApa. Cataract, s. · ·2)ye sülaring- -Üchmassi, J·- jendèl. [nèwâzil. Catarrh, s. • S) zükkyâm, * nèzlé, Jj: Catch, v.a. c**· tÜtmak, c· c & Bla-ghe- tirmek; – cold, c· :° söghUk- -Almak. Catching, a. -6: • sârı, : bÜlâshir. Catechise, v.a. isstintÂk-et, s° imtihân-et. yâkalamak ; Categorical, a. * kAt”i. Category, s. * mâkülé. Caterpillar, s. kürt. Catgut, s. · kirish. [poss-kelissassi. Cathedral, s. · pisska- Cattle, s. ·- hâywÂnÂt. Caucasus, s. e·ş- chèrkèssisstân. Caulk, va. e 5 kAlafat-et. Caulker, s. el # kAlafat. Cauliflower, s. · kârnabit. Cause, s. ·: bâ”iss, -e “illet, · sebeb ; -5;e dâ”wâ; –, v.a. - e: bâ”iss-öl, - sebeb-ol, - ) irâss-et. Causeway, s. .ve 5 kAldirim. Caustic (lunar), s. · “= jihènnem- tAshi (jihânnam). [c**: yûkmak. Cauterize, v.a. c· dâghlamak, Cautery, s. yâki, ğe dâgh. $ Caution, s. · bÂssirèt, të'ènni, _) - hâzEr; –, v.a. _r - e 3 khaber-virmek. Cautious (to be), v.n. lj' - ihtirâz-et, \ _\&- ihtizâr-et, c· sâkinmak. Cavalry, s. ·y'y- sûwâri-”âss- keri, 5 Atli. Cave, Cavern, s. *) * mâghara. Cavity, s. ) iş-chükUr. Cease, v.n. = -3 kèssilmek, s- münkAti”-öl. Cedar, s. ej y) sErvi-âzâd. Cede, v.a. tèrk-et, · vèrmek. Ceiling, s. · tÂWAn. Celebrate, v.a. \y- ijrâ-et. Celebrated, a. yé • mèshhür. CELERY [ 64 ] CHAPL ET Celery, s.}:· kèréviz. Celestial, a. -5 • • sèmâvi. Cell, s. 3 ş- hüjré; *- khāné, Cellar, s. eys” mâkhzèn. [ghyiz. Cement, s. Alchi, eşş* mâ”jün; –, v.a. yapishdirmak, c· tütdUrmak. Cemetery, s. c:W mezarlik, · kAbristan, *) * mAkbéré. Censer, s. · bükhürdân (bü- khUrdanlik). Censure, s. j' âzâr ; –, v.a. - * tâ”yib-et, \ * zemm-et, r: lèvm-et. Census, s. c· <5 tâ”dâdi-nüfüss. Cent. (per cent), ad. 89ü: yüzdé. Central, a. -% mèrkezi. [wAssAt. Centre, s. merkez, de örta, · Centurion, s. *\: j; yüz-bAshi. Century, s. 45 mi'6. : j; yüz-yil, · j: yüz-sèné, ae “Assr. Cerecloth, s. 5-• • mûshèmma” (mü- shâmba). [teklif; – K tekelluf Ceremony, s. · ressm (ressim), – 5 Certain, a. • • mâ”lüm, <=” sâhih, *4° shûbhéssiz ; · filAn; Las: bA“zi, bir-takim. Certainly, ad. 4 Elbetté, ée: shüb- Certificate, s. \ sened. [héssiz. Certificated, a. · sènedli. Cessation, s. 8 akü inkitâ”, *-= kèssilmé. Cession, s. tèrk, · ferāghAt. Chafe, v.a. c· Ashinmak. Chaff, s. e· sâmAn. [ghAl). Chafing-dish, s. Jü mAnkAl (man- Chagrin, s. (grief) --t të'essuf; (kind of skin) 3 kelir. Chain, s. sü zenjir (zinjir); – va. c· · zînjir-ila-bAghlamak. Chair, s. 4. e sAndÂliyyé ; arm –, · költuklu. Chairman, s. L- ş” ·2) re'issi-mêjliss. Chalk, s. tèbâshir (tAbèshir). Challenge, v.a. : meydan- ökUmak. Chamber, s. de, Öda ; (of a mine, gun, &c.) :j-khaziné (hAzna). Chamberlain, s. * -: kApiji-bAshi. Chance, s. –ie'a tessÂduf, Jā itti- fak, = bakht; by-, *-y rAsst-ghElé ; –, v.a. \ \;- &: lûléji-châmUrU. Clean, a j* temiz, ; pâk, Ale tÂhir; –, cleanse, v.a. · tèmizlémek. Clear, a. ):45 temiz, bërrAk; (free) Gş- âchik ; – up, v.n. c·- âchilmak. [c·: yâpishmak. Cleave, v.a. :: : yârmak; – to, v.n. Cleaver, s. ) · sAtir. Clemency, s. — merhamet. Clergyman, s. c- : pÂpAss. Clerk, s. - 56 kyâtib, : yaziji. Clever, a. · hünèrli. Cliff, s. : yâr, *:· ÜchUrUm. Climate, s. ye hâwâ. [sü'üd-et. Climb, v.n. •:5- châkmak, Veyse - Clinch, v.a. 'e: pErchin-et. Cling, v.n. c·ye sArilmak. [kèssmek. Clip, va. c· kârkmak, < -= Cloak, s. : shinel, k: kApUd. Clock, s. ** · meydAn-sâ’ati. Clog, S. · (nÂlin); – va. c_:· döldUrmak, · tikamak. Close, a. _: e sâk; * siki ; : · sikintili; kapali; e: yâkin; -, t).0. c· kApAmak; –, v.n. c· kApAnmak; – in, v.a. ·r:9-5- chèvirmek; –, v.n. c**) * siklashmak, 4 : yâ- kinlashmak; (the evening) , j: Akhsham-(tez)-ölmak : – up, v.a. c· kApAmak; –, v.n. · kApAnmak; – with, v.a. (in agreement) : üyushmak; (in fight) · • sArilmak. Closet, s. (room) G-4 Ödajik; (cup- board) - }ye dölap. - Cloth, s. (broad) :yş- (chöha); (cotton) : bez; (table –) –5:5, e söfra-bezi. Clothe, va. c· rüba-yâpmak, ·= rüba-ghidirmek, :) · rüba-virmek, L ilbÂss-et, -= iksâ-et; · irtmek. Clothes, Clothing, s. \:7) rüba (Ürüba), ·: esswÂb (essbab), 4- elbissé. Cloud, s. bÜlUt, -s° sihÂb. Clout, s. *) ş; pâchâvra. Clove, s. · kArEnfil. Cloven, a. Jaş- châtAl. Clover, s. *: yönja. Club, s. ·ş- chömak; by way of clubbing together, ö\ \e “ârifâné. Clue, s. · ip-üjU. Clumsy, a. (person) j* yâkishmûz; (thing) Ja: - hAntAl. Cluster, s. · kyûmé, · töp. Coach, s. 4:ye “âraba, ·- hintö, e· fâytön. Coagulate, v.n. · döngmak; -4 kèssilmek ; ·=: pekishmek. Coal, s. )* kyîmur, - 5 * mâ- 6 'den-kyimuru C 0 A L - H 0 L E [ 69 ] 0 0 L T Coal-hole, Coal-house, s. · kyü- murluk. [kyümur-mâdeni. Coal-mine, Coal-pit, s. * -· Coarse, a. kAba; - iri. Coast, s. -- sâhil, -si) Se dèngiz- -kinâri; : yâka, kiyi. Coat, s. - * sètri, · 5 e surtu; :2)* sürtiko ; · khārka ; (of a horse) e· dön. [-tókhmu. Cocoa, s. · *} ş- chikolāta- Cocoa-nut, s. –5j - · · biyuk-hindöstân-jèvizi. Cobbler, s. ş° 2: : pâpUshjU (pApUjU), Lş esskiji. Cobweb, s. ·ş:*) rumjek-Aghi, · târi-”ânkébüt. Cochineal, s.j: kèrmiz. Cock, s. (bird) - - khôross; (tap) · müssluk ; (of a gun) _- khöross; (penis) - sik; – a gun, 07.07. c , üsst-tètighé- Almak. [-ibighi. Cock’s-comb, s. · khöross- Cocoon, s. 8j : köza, :) : közalAk. Cod,s.(fish) : * mörina-bAlighi; (of beans) : kAbUk; (scrotum) **) : tAshak-törbassi, Coffee, s. 8:45 kâhwé. Coffee-pot, s. 8 - jezwé; (arge) ** ghyûghyum, · ibrik. Coffer, s, 5 e sAndik. Coffin, s. ·5 tAbUt. Cog, s. L** dish. Cogent, a. * mühimm, mü”ténâ, f ve mübrim (mübrëm). Coil, s. J kAnghAl; –, v.a. J: kAnghÂl-et. Coin, s. 4K sikké ; *): pâra, *şi i Akcha ; (of a gun) J. sil; –, va. - darb-et, - -4 kèssmek, c· bAssmak. Coincide, v.n. : — mütÂbik-öl. Coition, s. J*- sikish, 8 - jimâ”. Cold, a. and s, e söghUk; (in the head) Jji, newāzil, * nezlé, S; zûkkyâm. [-Aghrissi. Colic, s. · sAnji, “:! 'eyü kârn- Collar, s. 5. yûka; (horse –) ey - hAmUt; –, v.a. · yûkalamak. Collate, va, la lis mükâbélé-et. Colleague, s. refik, C 45) ârka- dash. [töplamak. Collect, v.a. s-*- jèm”-et, c· Collection, s. S-•a- jem” ; &x •ş° mèj- ma'a; tâkim; &, e s?ra. [dressé. College, s. — mektèb; * ) me- Collier, s. ** * kyümur-kâyighi ; ·ş° * ) · kyümur-mâ”- dEni-ishjissi. [déni. Colliery, s. * ); * = kyimur-mâ”- Collision, s. ·e- châtishma, tâssÂdum ; to come into –, v.n. c ş- châtishmak, 'e ai tâs- [ere ighmâzi-”âyn. Collusion, s. 4s*-e mûssâmaha, · Colonel, s. · mir-Alây; lieutenant- sÂdum-et. -, S. **: kâ'im-mâkÂm (kây- Colony, s. 5' öjak. [makam). Colour, s. ') rènk. | Colt, s. -se tây; (of an ass) * sipa. 0 0 L U MIN [ 70 ] coM MEND Column, s. · direk, y•c “âmüd, c— birleshmek : – to light, ey sütün ; (of soldiers) tÂbUr, Jşi köl. [tûramak. Comb, s. k târak ; –, v.a. c· Combat, s. · dûghush ; –, v.a. c·iş bözmagha-chAlishmak. Combination, s. ·Sji tèrkıb ; Jāj ittifÂk. Combine, v.a. - *5 tirkib-et, zj• mèzj-et ; –, v.n. \ \ği ittifÂk-et ; z imtizâj-et. Combustible, a. ü: O?” : yûnar; –, s. c -45 yâkajak. Combustion, s. · yânish, *\yûnma. Come, v.n. - 4 ghèlmek ; – along, ·: · ghElivErmek ; – asunder, •: köpmak, c·9 ayrilmak : – at, · yetishmek, ::): *:: yanina-vârmak; – away, ·y e 6 brakip-ghèlmek ; – back, · ghèri-ghèlmek ; – back again, · &: or Rey: bir-dâha or yiné (ghèné)-ghèlmek ; – between, ··y araya-ghirmek : – by, ?).72, · ghèchmek ; – –, v.a. : peydâ-et, bölmak : – off, c· olmak ; “:: köpmak ; h c** ş- châkmak ; – on, C 45· tÜt- mak; c bAshlamak; $ ghèlivErmek; – out, •:- châk- mak ; – short, · eksik- ghèlmak : – to, : etmek, biligh-ol; -together töplanmak, < 5 *): , bir-yira- ghèlmek, c·: bûlushmak, : c*-e- * meydana-chikmak, belli-ol; – up, *-e- chik- mak : - ) - sürmek; – upon, c* bAssmak, C 45· tütmak, c·: yâkalamak ; –, int. -ée) dèy, ö-se diy-bAkAlim, 5 -se diy. -imdi (dèyindi). Comet, s. j · : kûyruklu-yildiz, * 5 özü-zewäbi. Comfit, s. = sheker, *y=: shè- Comfort, s. (ease) ·-y râhat ; (con- solation) · tesselli; -, U. (I. · · tesselli-virmek. Comfortable, a. ·-y râhat. [kErlémé. Command, s. emr (emir), · d: tènbih ; (military) * : kömânda ; –, v.a. U. èmr- fErmÂn, et, *: tènbih-et, e : fèrmÂn-et, C ) : büyurmak; \8 : kömânda- et ; (as a gun) · süpurmek ; ·=ye düghmek ; (as a fort) la s° mühÂfaza-et, c· kApA- mak. Commander, s. î âmir, a: zâbit, · bîyuk ; X-e: • sèr-“Assker ; (navy) el e: • • mülâzim-kApudÂn (kaptan), _s ikinji. Commence, v.a. and n. c· bAsh- lamak, \;\:' AghÂz-et, * : bëd'-et. Commencement, s. J. Evvel, c bAsh, ibtidâ, bed'i, 2° bAshlanghij. Commend, v.a. z“ medh-et, \: sènâ-et ; * eşi tâvsiyyé-et. coM MENT [ 71 ] 0 0 M PA R E Comment, s. z · shèrh, 4 - hÂ- shiyyé; se,i lâkirdi, - -43° di- yfjek ; –, v.a. z : shèrh-et ; – upon, v.n. · ása o mütâla’a- bèyÂn-et. Commentary, s. C : shèrh. Commentator, s. C : shârih. Commerce, s. : yaş° tijâret, c· Alish-virish, Şy bAzir-ghyânlik. Commercial, a. c·i, aş5 tijârèta- müta”âllik. [târâhhum-et. Commiserate, v.a. c·- Ajimak, =· Commissariat, s, Jj nüzal- èmâneti; zûkhiré. Commissary, s. ·J; nûzul-èmini. Commission, s. c· sipârish ; - - c As- khidmet, me'müriyyet ; ev: ) me'mürin, }*)· më'mür- lar ; · fErmÂn, · büyU- rUldU ; e· kömission. Commissioner, s. më'mür. Commit, v.a. c·: yapmak, :) ètmek, -K) irtikyâb-et ; e-i tèsslim-et, ' . sipârish-et, s-eyi tèvdi”-et. · Committee,s. · · &=: t âyrija-vé-mâkhsüss-ölAn-mèjliss. Commodious, a. ·-V râhat, : küllAnilishli, kölaylikli. Commodity, s. 4s mAt”â, J mAl ; [boghU. Commodore, s. * · filobAsh- Common, a. ele “âdi, · bâyâ- ghi ; — mûshtérèk ; –, s. c:ya- châyrlik, deye mèr”â. ·-) râhat. Commonly, ad. : AS èksèriyyâ. Commons, the House of Commons, s. · · · mèbüssâni- millët-mèjlissi. Commotion, s. tèlâshi, c· tèlâsh. Communicate, v.a. se\;\ ifâdé-et, 5- tebligh-et; – with, v.n. · khAbèrleshmek, : * mükhâbéré-et; 'Je müttAssil-ol. Communication, s. şekil if âdé, · teblighÂt; 8rs” mükhâbéré; J: yöl. [millet, -e - jemâ”ât. Community, s. · ishtirâk; - Compact, s. · mükÂvélé, J: kÂvl; -, a. • sak, e sâki. Companion, s. refik, c le45) ârkadash ; · èsh. Company, s. (set) tâkim ; (set of guests) } - mûssâfirlEr; (people ev - (public) 4: köm- pânya ; (companionship) C; *. 45) arkadashlik : — ) refâkAt; (of soldiers) · bîluk ; to keep –, vn : = köngushmak, • :)* present) - hûzzâr, hÂzirin ; ghyîrushmek. Comparable, a. U-: mûkiss,_· c- : kâyâss-ölunUr, : 4 teshbih- ölUnUr. Comparatively, ad. 4. kâyâssla. Compare, v.a. c*\ \! yûn-yâna- kömak, a ile mükÂbélé-et, 4-5 • mükâyéssé-et, c· kâyâss-et, tèshbih-et. 0 0MP ARIS0 N [ 72 ı c0MPUTE Comparison, s. c· kâyâss, *-i tèshbih. [bilmé. Compartment, s. 45 khāné, · Compass, s. - hâdd, j \ indâzâ; ·: pÜssla ; to fetch a –, v.n. c· 3 ile dâ'iré; (mariner's) dölashmak ; –, v.a. c· kÜsh- Atmak ; – one's ends, v.n. c· üydurmak, 'J5Üa merâmina- nâ'il-öl. [(pErghEl). Compasses (pair of) s. · pErghyâr Compassion, s. •= mèrhâmet. Compatriot, s. –5/4° hèmshehri. Compeer, s. * kyüfv, : Akrân. Compel, v.a. ra-jèbr-et, y' - ijbâr-et. Compendious, a. .a; kıssa, ya =” mükhtAssâr, J*ş” müjmel. Compensate, v.a. i ·di tÂzmin-et ; –, v.n. 'e karshilik-ol. Compensation, s. · tazminat kar- shilik. Compile, 's a jem"-et, – telif et. · tÂzmin, v.a. - a tAssnifet, Complain, v.a. - * shikyâyet-et, , K: teshekki-et, ishtikyâ-et. Complaint, s. · shikyâyet, · shekwâ; mûraz, e “illet, ye dErd. [kim ; &4:5 tètimmé. Complement, s. - tirtib, tâ- Complete, a. tekmil, * = U tAmm, • • tAmÂm; – va. J. K. tekmil-et, c· tAmamlamak, bitirmek. mükemmel, Complexion, s. renk, levn. Complicate, v.a. ; ) :yü kârish- dirmak, c*yi kArishik-et. Compliment, s. • • sèlâm ; e· · isstihsân-ifâdéssi. Jl: . Comply, imtissâl-et ; - : • mûwAfakAt-et. ?),72. Compose, v.a. - :iyi tertib-et, - *yi tèrkib-et; c yâzmak, c· kaléma-Almak; :5- sûwèylé- mek, *a nAzm-et; J=-le · terkibina-dâkhil-öl, -sy- èjzâyi - mürekkibéssi - Öl, - = â”zâssi- öl; – one's self, v.n. c yâtishmak. Composition, s. - 5 tErkib ; - :Üi tèrtib ; j- ejzâ; ;=* mâ”jün ; · kitâbet, ** shî”r. Compost, s. 89° ghyübré. Compound, a. -4 ro mürekkEb ; –, ?).6. - *5); terkib-et. ak'= ihâta-et, shâmil-ol, : shû- müli-öl ; ânglamak (ânna- mak), le Ve idrâk-et. Compress, s. :· sârghi. Comprehend, (Ü.0. Comprise, v.a. 'U : shāmil-ol. Compromise, s. · süllı, · Üz- lashma; -, v.a. ( :5)*yü kArish- dirmak; J· mèss'ül-et; ·}} üzlashmak, silhol Compulsion, s. -: ş* mèjbüriyyet, - jbÂr, iztirär. Compunction, s. —l nedâmet, ·: (pishmAnlik). Compute, va. --> hissâb-et. C 0 M R A DE [ 73 ] 0 0 N FECTI 0 N ER Y Comrade, s: ·) ârkadash, · · yöldash. Concave, a. _*** mükâ” “âr, yye- chükUr. Conceal, v.a. c; 5 • sâklamak, · ghizlémek. Concede, v.a. -i tèsslim-et. _) < o edic “Akla-sighàr. Conceive, v.a. V ai tâssAvvur-et, Jāe “Akl-et; –, v.n. 54 = ghèbé- kAlmak, a <- hâmilé-öl. Concentrate, v.a. Ge: · töplamak ; ses khülâssa-et. Conceivable, a. mütassAvvEr, Conception, s. yy'a tâssAvvur, · tâkhāyyul, c i 4 - hâmilé- Ölmaklik. Concern, s. 8 mâddé, c ish, · mAsslâhat ; · kAssâ- vet, y* kèdEr ; –, v.a. c· dökUnmak; – one's self, v.n. - -: kAssâvet-et. Concert, s. : ittifik, =3 ittihâd ; - ş* - chAlghi-mêjlissi : – together, v.n. \cşkil ittifÂk-et, · ş kArar-virmek. Conciliate, v.a. --- jëlb-et. Concise, a. a se mükhtAssâr, da kıssa. Conciseness, s. 4 ai kıssalik. Conclude, va. y: bitirmek ; leğe “âkd-et : –, v.n. : * bitmek ; - = lz - isstikhrâj-et, ·y: 9 • ânglamak (ânnamak), 6 6: * - mâ`nâ-vErmek. Conclusion, s. · söng, - âkhir ; 6 6 A \ic `âkd ; kArâr ; ·= âng- layish (ânnayish), zy - isstikhrâj. Conclusive, a. · kAt”i, 3-** mükni”. Concord, s. : wifÂk, · mü- khâdénèt. [(kAlabAlik. Concourse, s. *-e) izdihâm, c· Concubine, s. c Ödalik. Concur, v.n. Ay bErâbEr-öl. Concussion, s. ·e2) • sârsish, · sârsilish, do\e sAdAma. Condemn, v.a. c· kÂbâhat- -bülmak : - kAbâhatli- -bülmak ; <- ·- jëzâssina- hükm-et ; ·: yi * yâra- mâz-dèyu-kArâr-virmek. Condensation, s. – 5 tekèssuf. Condense, v.a. - Ki teksif-et ; –, v.a. – Ki tekessufet. Condescend, v.n. 'Jj tènèzzul-et. Condescension, s. J* tènèzzul. Condign, a. ** = ~ müssta- hAkk-öldUghU. Condiment, s. 75-chèrez, c· kAtik. Condition, s. J- hâl; pèréssé ; shârt. Condole, v.n. 4.jsi tâ”ziyyé-et. Condolence, s. &jsi tâ”ziyyé. Conduce, v.n. • mûntij-ol, ·2) • müriss-ol, '--- müjib-ol. Conduct, s. · - hârékèt ; –, v.a. ·= ghyûturmek. - Conduit, s. ·ye sû-yölU. Cone, s. · mâkhrüt. Confectioner, s. = shèkErji. Confectionery, s. X* shèker. C 0 N FE DER A0 Y [ 74 ] con JECTURE - Confederacy,s. Jä5 ittifÂk; müt- Confederate, s. : müttefik. [tefikin. Confederation, s. 355 ittifÂk ; e· müttefikin. Conference, s. [L-\, könferânss. 4• • Confess, v.a. ikrâr-et, –i el 6 6 . • - i`tirâf-et.. mükyâlémé ; Confession, s. ikrâr, – e i“tirâf. Confide, v.a. e: — tèsslim-et, s-eyi tevdi”-et : -, v.n. - em- [i”timâd. Confidence, s. emniyyet, e Confident (to be), v.n. *** c·: hich-shûbhéssi-ölmamak. niyyet-et. Confine, v.a. 'L-- hÂbss-et, c· to be confined, v.n. :· döghUrmak ; kÂpAtmak ; ya- hAssr-et ; – – – to one's room, * c·ş- tAshra (dishâri)châkmamak; – – – (one's bowels) ö inkibÂzi-ol. Confinement, s.c : * : ş: ichéri- ya-kApAnmaklik, c·ş- -55) dishâri-châkmamaklik; U--- hâbss ; c 9°* G-95-chöjuk-döghurmak- [lik. Confirm, v.a. (ratify) : a; tâssdik-et; (in office) \ \ā ibkÂ-et. Confiscate, v.a. a zAbt-et, ye'a [hârik. Conflagration, s. e· yûnghin, : - Conflict, s. te as tâssÂdum; - jënk ; ·Ke- chèkishma, · münâza”â. Conform, v.n. \J imtissâl-et, Confines, s. pl. ; -hüdüd. mÜssÂdara-et. le mümâssélèt-et, G*! Üymak. Conformable, a. J “ mümâssil. iktifâ-et, Conformably, ad. 5 imtissâlan ; ( tAtbikan. Conformity, s. mümâssélet. Confound, v.a. c· mèbhüt- -kilmak, 6 lisskyât-et; ; ; kArishdirmak, \ a < tâkhlit-et. Confuse, v.a. 45i, * shAshirtmak ; c y*yü kArishdirmak. Confused, a, (things) ş: ; kArishik; to become – (aperson), v.n. Ge· shâshirmak. Confusion, s. c·· kArishiklik. Congeal, v.n. ci--= k döngmak, · münjëmid-ol ; – , v.a. C :· döngdurmak. Congelation, s. “=” injimÂd. Congestion, s. 8 \ süddé. Congratulate, v.a. - :ye” tèbrik-et, 4:4i tehniyyé-et; I – you ! ·j* [tèhniyyé. Congratulation, s. · tèbrik, d:45 · ghyîzung-âydin. Congregate, v.n. c·: · töplanmak, s-** tejëmmu”-et, \s-·ş.” müj- temi”-öl. [- *- jem”iyyet. Congregation, s. e°- jemâ”ât, Congress, s. 9) •L- s” mejlissi- -mèshvérèt. h Conic, Conical, a. U : * sübu, ·ys” mâkhrüti; conics, s. pl. ·ys” mâkhrütâyyÂt. Conjecture, s. e· zânn ; · tâkh- C 0 N J 0 IN TL Y [ 75 ] 0 0 N SID ER min ; –, v.n. e° zAnn-et ; e° tâkhmîn-et. e* . Conjointly, ad. müshtèrékEn. Conjugal, a. L: ) zevji, c· &= } izdivAja-müta'“âllik. Conjugate, a. z:9) • müzdèvij; –, v.a. - * tÂssrif-et, · sighassini-chèkmek. Conjugation, s. dk. e sigha. Conjunction, s. –iae –:/> hârfi-“Atf. Conjuncture, s. : wAkit, J- hâl. Conjure, v.a. -y-: pèk-rijâ-et, : pek-niyâz-et, C; e9 - : pek-yAlvarmak; –, v.n. ) s“ sihr-et. Conjurer, s. ys” sihrbÂz. Connect, v.a. ) : bitishdirmek, c· ülashdirmak ; - - \- bAghlamak. Connexion, s. · münâssébet, e5) irtibAt, diye “âlâka; a - khissm, Uyi Akrabâ. Connivance, s. 4=* müssâmaha, · ighmÂzi-”âyn. Connive, v.n. - ) = ghyirméyi- vermek, · ighmÂzi-”âyn-et. Conquer, v.a. (men) - * mâghlüb- -et ; (places) z: feth-et, a· zAbt- -et, y-s- tèsskhir-et. Conqueror, s. * fâtih; - ghâlib. Conquest, s. <: fèth, -s- tèsskhir ; *- - mèmlékèti-meftüha. Conscience, s. · kAlb, ) • zâmir ; –ia; insÂf. [münsif. Conscientious, a. ail insÂfli, -ā-a Conscious (to be), v.n. “! şe düymak, U-- hissset; -5 khAbéri-ol. – wÂkif-öl; –, a. – wÂkif. Consciousness, s. _r - khÂbEr, –: wüküf; _-- hisss. Consecrate, v.a. \L-8° tAkdiss-et ; '~ tâkhsiss-et. Consecrated, a. Ue aş” mâkhsüss, U-as° mükhAsssèss ; L· mü- kÂddèss. Consecutive, a. mütévāli, mütétāli, · mûta”âkib. Consecutively, ad. : * muta”âkiban, * mütévâliyyéten. Consent, s. ) rizâ; –, v.n. · rizâ-virmek, y râzî-öl. , Consequence, s. &ş: nètijé, : •i - seméré; of-, ) e-5 - khātiri- -sâyilir; of no –, • • sayilmâz ; that is of no-, : -5), zârâri-yök. Consequent, s. ° tâli ; –, a. S-5 tâbi”, e mènüt, k: mèrbüt; (in word andact) : * e ), ishi-vé-AkwÂli-birbiriné-mütÂ- bik-ölAn. Consequently, ad. · binâ'an- -“aleyh, 3 e : binâ'an-“âlâ- -zâliké, u: : * fi * : S: bünga-binâ'an, U_* Ş : bûnga-mebni. Conserve, s. 5- rechel; – of roses, K· ghyül-bé-sheker. (a thing) asla a :=\. mülâhaza-et, Consider, v.a. - 6 6 mütâla`â-et, c • şe düshunmek ; (a person) C 0 N SID ER A BI, E [ 76 ] C 0 N SU ME c** saymak; – as, se “âdd-et, e ”tibâr-et, c 'e saymak. Considerable, a. · biyuk, -- jëssim ; · kyûlli, * “Azim. Consideration, s. aa-) mülâhaza, asla mûtāla”â, J.5 të'èmmul, L: • sâyghi ; ?”tibâr ; c karshilik. Consign, v.a. We - tèsslim-et, s-eyi e tevdi”-et; :9 - sipârish-et. Consist, v.n, y · “ibâret-öl, -5 mütérèttib-ol. [tessliyyet. Consolation, s. · tèsselli, - - 5 Console, v.a. · · tèssèlli- virmek, - - tessliyyet-et. Consolidate, v.a. - * tAkviyyët- et, : - 5 tAkviyyet-virmek, :=t te'kid-et. [mütÂbik. Consonant, s. – - hârf; –, a : — Consort, s. (:) zevj ; āz-:j zèvjé ; · ârkadash, :yrèfik; –,v.n. c**.= köngushmak, k ikhti- lÂt-et. [-ingunda, * mèydÂnda. Conspicuous, a. *A.S) j = ghyiz- Conspiracy, s. -: · ghizli-fessâd, &: Conspirator, s. 64: fitné-kyâr, [fitné. Constancy, s. · sèbât, ö: -) rü- sükh, -5' e sAdâkAt. Constant, a. * Ü sâbitkÂdEm, *) râsikh, ele sÂdik ; İle dâ'im, · dâ'imi, sâbit, 7** mûsstémèrr. Constantinople, s. J; isstânböl; · y° dèri-sâ’âdet (the Gate of Felicity). Constantly, ad. •ğe dâ'imâ, *-°ğ99)! bir-dûziyé, aã: lâ-yânkAti”. Constipation, s. ·ü inkibÂz. Constitute, v.a. : etmek ; - * nAssb-et ; c· Ölmak, \Je- hÂssil-et. Constitution, s. (man's) ya vûjüd, e· bünyÂn, zj• mizāj; (state's) e· essâssi-kânün. - khilki, döghUshdan - ölAn; Constitutional, a. · · essâssi-kawā- nina-mütÂbik-ölan; ey, meshrüt ; · mükâyyëd. Constrain, v.a. yeş- jebr-et, c· zörlamak, -- ijbâr-et. Constraint, s. e saki ; -*** sikindi ; ) - jebr; U - hAbss. Construct, v.a. J“e i'mâl-et, \:.jl inshâ-et, : binâ-et, · yâpmak. Construction, s. J“e “imâl,\: inshâ; : binâ, : yâpi. Consul, s. - - könsoloss Consult, v.a. c~le dAnishmak, :): · isstishâré-et; – together, Ü. 72. y < mûshâvéré-et, ") ; o meshvérèt-et ; (doctors) \ · könsülto-et. * Consultation, s. isstishârè ; *)· mûshâvéré ; - 2) ; mèsh- vérit; · könsülto. Consume, v.a. --: bitirmek, · 9° dükètmek, ·: yemek ; –, v.n. ·bitmek, – teleföle = ghitmek. 0 0N SU MM ATE [ 77 ] 00N TRA O T Consummate,v.a. J. K. tekmîl-et, *\a: t itmÂm-et; –, a. “= mükemmel. Consumption, s. (: khārj; (disease) fy : vErEm. Consumptive, a. 9 vèrEmli. Contact, s. c- * tèmAsss, 5 tèlâk7, Jai ittissÂl. Contagion, s. · sirâyet, **}: bÜlâshma, · ghèchma; &y--e “illeti-sârîyyé. Contagious, a. -5: - sâri, ) bÜlâshir, * ghèchEr, y \: \- V- sirâyet-edEr. Contain, v.a. c· Almak ; –5 - hâvi öl, 'J. shâmil-öl, 'J· mûshtèmil-öl; \ ~ zÂbt-et; – one's self, c* e dâyanmak. Contaminate, v.a. c. ) bözmak, el-i ifsâd-et, (; ;· bÜlâshdirmak, İ · tèlviss-et. Contaminated, a. . . bözuk, · fassid; ; ), bülûshik, mü- lèvvèss. [ifsâd; telviss. Contamination, s. ·y· sirâyet; e-i Contemn, v.a. c; “: • sâymamak, –3 si- isstikhfâf-et, Visi iss- tihkÂr-et. [mülâhaza-et. Contemplate, va. nAzar-et, a =\. Contemporary, s. and a. · mü’Assir. Contempt, s.) isi. isstihkÂr; – sü. isstikhfâf; -e se “adémi-ri”- âyet, o2)- • • “âdémi-hürmet. Contemptible, a. (person) := - mûss- tahkâr, J. 3 zelîl, Jöy rezil; (thing) · : • ** lâ- shèy-mâküléssi, S • • A 6- L:) - Juz 1. Contend, v.n. 1ğV: nizâ”-et, değl münâza”â-et; \cel iddi”â-et. Content, a. ·y râzi, · khöshnUd; * kÂni"; –, va, y râzi-et; e: khôshnud-et, 5 iknâ”-et. Contention, s. öy nizâ”, · mü- nâza'â, (kâwgha). Contentment, s. e\: kAnâ”at. Contest, s. de ş=* müjâdélé, 4 - mübâhassé; –, va. e\, e “inâd-et. Context, s. - - siyÂk-sibÂk. Contiguous, a. J. müttAssil, c· mülâssik, : bitishik. Continence, s. -* a= ”issmet. Continent, s. 3,5 kAra, J: bërr; &sla: kât”â. Contingent, a. ittifâki, K: mèshkyük ; -, s. k-a- hissé. Continual, a. 5 * mûtémâdî ; –ly, ad. e: ; bilâ-fÂssila, E: X lâ- yûnkAti”. Continuance, s. 'ye dewâm, i: bAkÂ, y* isstimrâr. Continue, v.n. ** dèwâm-et ; : • dâ'im-öl ; ! y=5 tèkèrrur-et ; –, v.a. Wii ibkâ-et; y=j tekrâr-et; ·* - Alt-yânini-sûwèy- lémek; “:: : yiné (ghèné) yâp- mak. Contortion, s. · z: pich-U-tÂb. Contraband, a. Ja: yâssAk, 8 * memnü”; · •= ghyûm- rukdan-kAchirma. Contract, s. : - 5$ ghyîturu- pazarlik, ses tâ”âhhud; : 0 0 N TRA0 TI0 N [ 78 ] C 0 N VE RT könturàto; & mükÂvélé; –, v.n. ses ta”âhhud-et; ; -5 $ghya- turu-Almak ; · 9 - := ghyü- turu-vèrmek ; ·) : büzülmek, c= Kş-chekilmek; y° dArAl- mak, c*\j Az Almak ; c* Alishmak; edinmek, \ *: peydâ-et; ãe “Akd-et; e: kAssmak; c·yle dârAltmak, c·y Az Altmak. -> (Ü. (İ. Contraction, s. · kâssAlish, U*ş- chekilish, U: bizulush. Contractor, s. 4x müta”âhhid, • • mültezim, e 3-53 = ghyi turu-AlAn. Contradict, v.a. - * tèkzib-et. Contrariety, s. – khilâf, Ke “aksilik, tèrsslik. Contrary, a. -”9° tErss, · – s° mükhâlif, zidd. Contrast, s. CJ: fârk. Contravene, v.a. = - = khilÂ- fina-hârékèt-et. Contribute, v.n. • 3): yârdim-et, ldüle âksi, i”Ané-et; –, v.a. ·2 vèrmek, 4öle i”âné-et. [virghyü (vèrghi). Contribution, s. 45'e i”âné, :=): 9 Contrition,s. nedâmet, c· “: pèchimÂnlik (pishmÂnlik). Contrivance, s. J: yöl, · kölay, *)'ş- châré, -:*) *-o mâ'rifet, eleş:l ijâd; 4 - hilé. Contrive, v.a. =: ijād-et, c· bülmak : -, v.n. ; ) :y' üydurmak, c· : ·: yölunu-bûlmak, · c; kölayini-bûlmak, Control, s. èmr; — zAbt; *)'el idâré; ) : nAzâret; –, v.a. a zAbt-et ; G• küllAnmak; *)'el idâré-et, yaj nÂzârët-et. Controversy, s. ·- mübâhéssé ; ·ş müjâdélé ; de münâza”û. Controvert, v.a. - 5 tekzib-et. Contumacious, a. .9) • • mütémèrrid, E* r: ghâyri-müti”, ·e “Âssi. Contuse, v.a. · bërélemek. Contusion, s. ğr: bèré. Convalescence, s. --5ü ifâkAt. Convene, v.a. s-•a- jem"-et, :· töplamak. Convenience, s. --y râhat, c: kölaylik; memsha, & si âbdesstkhâné. Convenient, a. ·y râhat ; -6 : kölay ; : kölaylikli. Convent, s. -69 - : köz-mAnâsstiri. Convention, s. 4c “âhd, 8 Alex mü- “âhédé, mükâvélé. Converge, v.n. c·: töplanmak, · birleshmek, · ya- kinlashmak. Conversation, s. s° söhbet, · lâkirdi, -i} Af. Converse, vn \--s” söhbet-et, -seyi lâkirdi-et, –° lafet, - süweyleshmek; -, s. L-Ke “akss, c· tèrss. Convert, s. -6 x 4 o mühtédi ; –, v.a. c- 5 ** ihtidâyé-ghetirmek; · 55- chèvirmek, e9° 9° dîn- dErmek. C 0 N VE X [ 9 ] C 0 RN Convex, a. - s° mühâddeb, eşi tümsek, -5), kübbévâri. Convey, v.a. (carry) \_i nAkl-et ; ·y* ghètirmek ; · ghyü- turmek ; (communicate) 8- tè- bligh-et; (ameaning) seli ifâdé-et, C·ey kÂldirmak. Convict, s. **öy; prânghali ; –, v.a. *=i- jÜnhâssini-issbÂt-et. Conviction, s. •j= jezm, · “ilmU-’l-yâkin ; · issbÂti- -jÜnhâ. Convince, v.a. c o· kAndirmak, r}} ilzâm-et, - K. isskyât-et, ş iknâ”-et. [-jëm”-et. Convoke, v.a. s-·işe dâ”vetla- Convoy, v.a.l-: convoy-et; - ) rèfâkAt-et ; –, s. · -5; : convoy-ghèmissi. Convulsion, s. * tèshènnuj. Cook, s. ş° Ashji ; –, v.n. · pishmek; –,v.a. 9) ; pishirmek. Cool, a. Ur“ sèrin ; (brave) _) -- jessür; (impudent)} •ye”ârsiz; -, S. · sèrinlik; –, v.n.c ye sÖ- ghUmak; –, v.a.c • • söghUtmak. Coolness, s. : • serinlik; y-- jëssâret ; c·ye “ârsizlik; (want of affection) — ) bürüdet. Coop, s. · kyûmèss. Cooper, s. ş-ş-: fichiji. Co-operate, v.n. :)*u * = birlikdé-ish-ghyirmek. Co-operation, s. · mü”âvénet. Copal, s. c· sAndaröss. Copious, a. J: böl, bèrékètli. Copper, s. (metal) : bAkir ; (boiler) · kAzghÂn (kAZAn). ej * ghyiz-tA- shi; (green) L-·z) zÂji-kibriss. Copt, s. kibti. Coptic, a. - ar: kibti-lissâni. Copulate, v.n.c— sikishmek, 8°- jimâ”-et, ·- chiftlEshmek. Copy, s. Copperas, s. (blue) (model of writing) (; -o meshk; (writing - exercise) ** : kAralama ; (sample of scholar's wri- ting) tâ“lim; (of a book) as- nÜsskha ; (of a writing) 2) 2-2 sürèt; (of a drawing) cre “ayn, yy) ürnek ; –, v.a. (imitate) tAk- lid-et; (a writing) c· or C-99 ş- 0?” c· sürètini-Almak, or chikârmak, or yâzmak ; (a drawing, &c.) · “aynini - Almak, c* °')y îrnèghini-Almak. Coral, s. · mèrján. Cord, s. · ip. [iksir. Cordial, a. L*** sûmimi ; –, s. - Cordovan, s. · tèlâtin. ? 2' ich. Corfu, s.ji kyurfez; &::): körfa. Coriander, s. t :.S kishnish. Cork, s. — mAntâr ; (stopper) [tÂpa-âchajak. Corkscrew, s. : bürghu, c·- : Corn, s. - : böghday, ·- hinta, · zâkhiré ; (for horses) *: M arpa ; (on the foot) a nAssir ; (grain) &le dâné (tâné). Core, s. tÂpa. 0 0 RNET - İBER R Y [ 80 ] C 0 U 0 H Cornel-berry, s. · kâziljik. Cornelian, s. :e “âkik, Corner, s. · kyūshé. Cornice, s.j'ı2): pèrwAz. Corollary, s. &: nètijé. Coronation, s. G: tètwij, z° tè- Coronet, s. z° tÂj. [tèvvûj. Corporal, s. * önbAshi; –, a. •-- jissmÂni; – punishment, · dâyak. Corporation, s. > âhâli; · mèj- liss, - shüra; – el essnâf Corporeal, a. • r jissmÂni. Corps, s. · bîluk ; ) tÂbUr ; } Alay ; \: liwā ; tâkim. Corpse, s. *j - jènâzé, -a- jëssed. Corpulent, a. . . . shishman, =* mülâhhâm. Correct, a. –6· döghrU, <=” sâhih, •U tAmm, c*- · döghrultmak, s° tAsshih-et. Correspond, v.n. (by letter) ·· mektubleshmek, :=* mükhÂbéré- et, 4 mükyâtébé-et; (in quality) J* üymak, : mütabik- -ghiElmek. * Correspondence, s. mûkyâtébé; · mûtAbakAt. [mükhbir. Correspondent, s. : s.” mükhâbir, * • • tAmÂm ; -, v.a. Corroborate, v.a. : a; tâssdik-et; - takviyyet-et, = tekid- Corroboration, s. _: A aj tassdik. [-et. Corroborative, a. 5 * mûssAddik ; -6 c mükâvvî, Corrode, v.a. •: yemek, e: •i yye- chûrutmek, _; ;·: pAsslan-dir- mak. Corrupt, a. (bad) · fâssid, j : bÖzuk; (mercenary) : 25: ) rishvët- -yèr; –, v.a. ( ; ) : bñzmak, el-i ifsâd-et; (with money) ·5): ; ·2) rishvet-virmek, : : : pâré (pâra)-yedirmek, Corruption, s. c· bözmaklik, ·iyy ş-chûrutmeklik. Corsair, s. –:j - şe dèngiz-kh?rsizi. Corselet, s. 3) · 5 ghyüksslik-zirh. Corset, s. & )yi kórseté. Cortege, s. : Alay. Corvette, s. : * ) * kÜrvèt. Cosecant, s. * ** tAmÂmi-kÂti”. Cosey, a. ·-y râhat. Cosine, s. - 2- • • tAmÂmi-jëyb. Cossack, s. kîzâk. Coss-lettuce, s. J. mârul. Cost, s. e: bāhä (pAha); –5ra• mAssrâf; –, v.a. · ölmak. Costiveness, s. ·ü inkibÂz. Costly, a. ye pAhali; – mükellif. Costume, s. 35 kâyâfet. Cot, s. 4 külubé, K- evjeghiz. Cotangent, s. c· tAmÂmi- mÜmÂSSS. Cotemporary, s and a. rese mü“Assir. Cottage, s. -5 kyiy-evi. Cotton, s. : : pAmuk (pAmbuk), * : pènbé. Couch, s. y < mindEr; *\: kânapé; · düshek, yatak. C 0 U G H [81 ] 0 0 U SIN Cough, s. · iaksuruk; –, v.n. c · itksurmek. Council, s. - ş” mèjliss. Councillor, s. · e· ·el â”zâyi-mêjlissdan -ölan ; ---- mûsstéshâr. Counsel, s. =< a nAssihât, · üghut; –, v.a. - 5i Jie “Akl- -ûghrètmek, = nAssihât-et. Count, s. K*ü'a rütbé'i-sâlissé- -bèghi ; –, v.a. · sâymak; –, ?).78- c· sâyilmak. Countenance, s. j : yüz, 3/45- chèhré, mAnzar, • simâ. Counter, s. J: pÜl ; (of a shop) · pèshtâkhta; (who counts) · sâyiji ; (opposite) yi kârshi. [c : châré-bülmak. Counteract, v.a. : bözmak, *) e- Counterbalance, v.a. kârshilik- -öl. Counterfeit, a. · kAlp, · sâkhté ; –, s. · tAklid; –, v.a. tAklid-et. Counterfeiter, s. e· kAlpazân, 64 • sâkhtékyâr. Countermand, v.a. 2y* :y- èmrini-gheri-Almak, :° - : 4:3 yapilmassin-deyu-tenbih-et. Countermarch, s. U° 9u = ghèri- dünush. ş Counterpane, s. ·5) : yürghAn. Counterpart, s. cre “âyn. Counterpoise, s. karshilik. Countersign, v.a. ş: * G: shâdâdet-ichUn-imzâ-kömak; -, S. *:y': pârola. [ghaza. Counting-house, s. * Öda, *j mâ- Country, s. (native) · wAtan, - : wilâyet (wilâ’at); (territory) · mèmlékèt, KW ülkyâ (ülké); (out of town) – 4 kyüy; - chiftlik ; (open –) ys” sâhrâ, : kir. Countryman, s. :* kyîıylu ; (fellow –) –5,4 ° hèmshëhri. County, s. şi- sAnjak, liwâ. Couple, s. ş-chift. Couplet, s. : bèyt. [yighitlik. Courage, s. 9:) --- jëssâret, · Courageous, a. · yighit, -a- [küriyel. Courier, s. tâtâr, J* menzil, J: ) : jessür. Course, s. (whole time) -9 o müddet ; (of studies) ·y° 5 e s?ra-dèrssler ; of–, 4: Elbetté. Court, s. (royal) -sy • sâray, e· mâbeyn ; · diwÂn, - ) rikyâb, J: binish ; (of justice) * khātir-nûwâzlik. Cousin, s. da-*e “Amuja-öghlu, -se day-öghlu, &c. 1:I C 0VE Cove, s.ji) kyûrfez, -5; köy. Covenant, s. Açe “âhd, J: kâvl, * mükÂvélé, Cover, s. ) irtu ; (case) · kAp ; (lid) 5'i kapak; (shelter) G-*): bârinajak-yèr; –, v.a. :) irt- mek; c·: kAplamak; c· kApA- Covering, s. ) artu. [mak. Coverlet, s. ·: ) 2 yÜrghAn. Covert, a. 8 c) el-Altinda, ·= ghizli, 5 e sâkli, khâfi. Covet, v.a. 9 ghyüz-dikmek, - tAmâ”-et. Covetous, a. K* tAma”kyâr, La - hâriss, · z âj-ghyizlu. Covetousness,s.e K·tAma"kyârlik. Cow, s. inek: -, va. 4:): körkutmak. Coward, s. 35);5 körkâk. Cowkeeper, s. · sütji. Cowl, s. e: kAput-bAshlighi, c bAshlik. Crab, s. z° yenghèch, c·- châ- ghanöss ; *\ 'e yûbÂni-Elma. Crack, s. 5 - châtlAk, 5 yârik;. U:5: pAtlayish; :): würush ; -, U.70. c·ş- châtlamak, c· yârilmak, c; 5: pAtlamak; –, va. 4 - châtlatmak, yârmak, c; ; ; pAtlatmak. Cracked, a. .5 - châtlak, 3 yârik ; (mad) - chAlik, G-5 kAchik. Cracker, s. * : pAtlangh?ch. Cradle, s. : beshik. [82 ] C R EAT I 0 N Craft, s. (trade) —e sân”ât; (cunning) - hilé; (shipping) 4.K; tekné, c** kâyik. Crafty, a. _S - hilékyâr, e· shèytAn, · dübâraji. Cram, v.a. c· sâki-döl- durmak. Cramp, s. ··:y* singirlEr-tü- tulmassi ; -, v.a. • 5 e sikmak. Cramp-iron, s. kinet. Crane, s. (bird) düy* türna ; (ma- chine) döşe- mâchÜna. Crank, s. ) il, J: köl, · dirsek; - a y 'ye kölay-devrilir. Crape, s. ·y : bûrunjuk. Cravat, s. ·: böyun-bAghi. Crawfish, Crayfish, s. c =: bijek. Crawl, v.n. · · *) yEra- -sûrunérek - yûrumek; •:)): A âghir-yûrumek. (mad) e-5 kAchik; (tumble-down) c·: y?kilajak, (ship) G-45: bAtajak. Creak, v.n. c e- châtirdamak, c 9ş° gh?jirdamak. Cream, s. ): “y” süd-yûzu; (clotted Crazy, a. –) • 5 kaymak. Crease, v.a. c: kârmak; –, s. 2r: krim, der: karma. Create, v.a. · yârAtmak, \ , vâr-et, - khâlk-et; (appoint to a rank or office) : etmek, -a nAssb-et. (act of) c·y yârA- dish, - khâlk ; (being created) ·y yârAdilish, -ā khilkat, Creation, s. C R EAT 0 R [ 83 ] C R 0 W L: î âférinish ; (thing created) 5 s” mâkhlük ; (all creation) e “âlem : (of officers) e- a nAssb. Creator, s. < y yârAdiji, c khilik, 5 bârî, s. 7 âféri- nendé, cy:yif âférin. Creature, s. : * mâkhlük. [i”tibâr. Credence, s. el el i”timÂd, el Credentials, s. p!. 4 jel el i”timÂd- -nâmé. [* vèréssiyé. Credit, s. el Creditable, a. Creditably, ad. : iyi, Jj* ghyüzel, el â”lâ. Creditor, s. 5-al Alajakli. Creed, s. · imÂn ; ·î âmèntü. Creek, s.j : böghAz, jé Aghz; -le- chây, 8.ye dèré. Creep, v.n. •: ): ·2)*); sûruné- Cremation, s. V- ihrÂk. Creole, s. mèlez. Crescent, s. (new moon) Je hilâl ; (de- coration) lây; (placed on spires,&c.) 1 [_2 , e sü-tèréssi. Cress, s. * tèré-ötU ; water –, 6 6. • m - i`tibâr; on –, [rek-yûrumek. 6 6 \ âlEm. Crest, s. (ridge) = 2re sirt. Cretan, s. and a. · Ghiridli. Crete, s. : Ghirid. Crevice, s. c W âralik, e- chât- Crew, s. köle tâ'if6. []Ak, yârik. Cricket, s. (insect) :K-chekirghé. Crier, s. J) dellâl, -sel mûnâdi. Crime, s. --5 kAbâhat, &s” jûnhâ, •y=- jürm, zye sÜch. Criminal, s. · kAbâhatli, · kAbâhat-sâhibi, ş” müjrim; –, a. (wrong) < kAbih, ·-khâbiss. [-8} kirmizi. Crimson, a. J\ Al, c-; ghûwess, ai- c· dini-kârmak. Crisis, s. (of disease) · bûhrân ; (of events) ·yü nâzik-wAkit. Crisp, a y = ghèvrek. Criterion, s. • mi”yâr, ·s” mâ- Criticise, v.a. z - jerh-et. [hèkk. Criticism, s. zLa- jèrh. [-mèmlékèti. Croatia, s. Khirvât- Croatian, 9. and a. · Khirvât. Crockery, s. ·ş- chânak- Crocodile, s. c- timsâh. [chîmlek. Crocus, s. (flower) ** ş- chigh-dem. Crooked, a. eghri, :) - chârpik. Crop, s. (produce) J; as” mâhsül, c= \e'>- hâssilât; (bird's) ·e2) : kürsak; –, v.a. = -3 kessmek, ·ş bichmek, c· kârkmak ; (trees) c·le: bÜdamak. Cross, s. z- hAch, :: - chârmikh ; -, a. titiz, c tèrss, ·:) v dârghin ; –, v.a. · ghèchmek. Crossbow, s. : _UU tâtar-ökU. sâkAt 5 -, 2) .6 kölUnU-kAnA- Cripple, s. Crosslegged, ad to sit –, c Ge) baghdash-kürmak. Crosspatch, s. e· - c· 4- Sterss-vé-khüysiz-dârghin-kimsé. Crosstree, s. 4:- ) : kÜrchèta. Crossway, s. Jı: 4:e sApa-yöl. Crotchet, s. (fancy) : merÂk. Crow, s. 45,5 kârgha; cock's –, H 2 C R 0 W IBAR [ 84 ] cUMMIN - · ( )*2J- khöross-îtméssi ; –, ?).78 • · irtmek. Crowbar, s. J; ; ; (demir)-köl. Crowd, s. c: 5 O?” (kAlabAlik), - ( - ) izdihâm ; –, v.a. c· sik-kömak ; –, v.n. G• • s?- kishmak. Crown, s. (regal) z° tAj; (of head) *3° (tepé) ; –, v.a. (king) k: tetvij-et, z° tAj-ghîdirmek; (heights) · *3*4° (tepéyé)- “Assker-châkmak. Crucible, s. 45: pûtâ. Crucifix, s. z- hAch. [relmassi. Crucifixion, s. ·},5 4-- hAché-ghè- Crucify, v.a. y=4ş-- hAcha-gher- mek, ·: ş-chârmikha-gher- [mek. Cruel, a.j· merhametsiz, j-: -i insâniyyetsiz, Sá- jëfâkyâr. Crude, a. ris- khAm. Cruise, s. (at sea) * sèfEr, · völta; -, v.n. ( : 9) , völta-wÜrmak. Cruiser, s. · ghèmi. Crumb, s. (not crust) ş: · (ekmek)-ichi ; –, (fragment) - 5 èkmek-ÜfAghi. Crumple, v.a.c y :*2) : bÜrUshdurmak, · èzmek. Crupper, s. 5 e saghri. Crush, v.a. · èzmek. Crust, s. :° kAbuk. Crutch, s. · költuk-dèynéghi. Cry, s. L· sess, 1. e sAdâ ; nidâ, ·: bàghirma ; –, v.n. \ \s nidâ- et, 5 - haykirmak, cş bâ- girmak, c , o·ş- châghirmak; (weep) cş àghlamak; – out, •3 - haykirmak, : bāghirmak : - aloud, nîdâ-et, cş : bāghirmak, - chàghirmak ; - up, c* medh-et, : senâ-et. - Crypt, s. f:ye\! bÖdurum, * \,: yèr-Alti-kèmErlEr. Crystal, s. billür; (of salts) &.K.' Cube, s. - mûkyâ“Ab. Dghné. Cuckold, s. y; pezéwènk, *V= kèrâtû. Cuckoo, s. L: : kûghuk-küshU. Cucumber, s. ) - khāyār. Cud, s. * ghèv ; to chew the –, v.n. ·· * ghèv-ghètirmek. Cuddle, v.a. c·ye sArilmak. Cudgel, s. & -e söpa. Cue, s. · ip-üjU. Culpable, a. (person) · süchlu, · kabâhatli; (act) fena, * 5 kèrıh. Culprit, s. ş-ye süchlu, · kAbâ- hatli, e yş” müjrim. Cultivate, va, (sow) e: “Si ekmek; (plant) : -4-5=e dikmek ; (the ground) t ·- hîrâssët-et," ·yj zîrâ”ât-et; (science, &c.) J\ ' ishtighÂl-et, 'Jy meshghül-ol, c* - chAlishmak. Cultivation, s. eyj zirâ’at : J ishtigÂl. Cumbersome, Cumbrous, a. J·- hAntAl. Cummin, s. · kemmün (kimiyön). cunNINg [85 ] C Y P R U S Cunning, a. · shèytÂn, \· ÖrosstopöllU ; –, s. c· shey- tÂnlik. Cunt, s. • Am, zgi feri, L-4 kyüss, Cup, s. ·ü fînjÂn (filjÂn) ; –, v.a. şe- hAjâmet-et (hAjâmAt). Cupbearer, s. · sâki. Cupboard, s. - dölAb. Cupid, s. c:e “Ashk. Cupidity, s. s-* tAmâ”, Lej- hirss. Cupola, s. 4: kübbé. Cupper, s. = \ş- (hAjâmAtji). Cupping-glass, s. --~ ş` (hA- jamAt)-jâmi; – horn, j: böynuz. Curaçoa, s. y-V* kèrasÖa. Curb, v.a. ka zAbt-et, :· Aghzina-ghèm-wÜrmak. Curdle, v.n. -= kessilmek. Cure, v.a. : iyi-et ; \z e 2sslâh-et. Curiosity, s. (rare thing) ·– = tûhâf-shèy; &:c “ântika; (inquisi- tiveness) y* mèrÂk. Curious, a. (surprising) - ş° “Ajib (“Ajâ'ib), -8 ° ghârib ; (rare) – = tühäf; (inquisitive) y• mèrÂkli, y* :y* hir-shey-sörar. Curl, s. (of hair) - ) zülf; (general) f. * kâvrim, *: büklum; –, v.a. c y:: kâvirmak, · bukmek ; -, v.n. :): k?vrilmak, · : bûkulmek. Currant, s. (fresh) j yle firènk- -üzumu ; (dried) j : kÜsh- [râ'ij, J: mütédâvel. Current, s. –5: Akindi; –, a. :y -ûzumu. Curry, v.a. (comb) * timâr-et; – favour, v.n. c· yAltAklanmak. Currycomb, s. Wk tûrak, · ·l ât-târâghi. Curse, s. — lâ”net, e- bed-dû”â; –,v.a.' lâ”nët-et, c· - lâ”nët-ökUmâk. Cursed, a. e· mèl”ün. Cursory, a.ra s° mükhtAssâr. Curtail, v.a. c* ai kâssAltmak. Curtain, s. 3er pirdé. Curve, a. = münhâni; curve-line, · as-khAtti-münhânî. Cushion, s. J*: yâssdik, (cylindrical) · bâlin ; (seat) ) emindEr. Custom, s. ele “âdet. Customer, s. -6: • mûshtèri. Custom-house, s. · ghyümruk; – duty, y* ghyûmruk, y* “y rèss- mi-ghyümruk; – officer, · 5 ghyûmrukju, e : 8 \ \ didébÂn. Cut, v.a. *-= kessmek, s- kAt”- -et; –, s. (wound) * : yâra ; (shape) Cutlass, s. * kili belim. Cutler, s. (knife) ş°aş bichAkji ; (penknife) ş°y : kAlEmtrâshji ; (sword) şş : kiliji. Cutter, s. (who cuts) · dögh- rayiji ; (knife) aş: bâchAk ; (ship) * 5 kötra. Cut-throat, s. J55 kâtil; J55 [kAnli-kÂtil. Cylinder, s. 45 a- üsstuwâné. Cycle, s. ile dâ'iré. Cypress, s. —· selvi, sèrv. Cyprus, s. c· Kibris. DA B D. Dab down, v.a. d; si Atmak, •9): Ativermek, y: y brâkivErmek. Dabble, v.n. öynamak; c*yü kArishmak. - Dad, Daddy, s. c = \: bAbAjik. Daffodil, s. - Altin-töp. Dagger, s.Asis- khAnjër (khAnchâr). Daily, a. ·* _* hèr-ghûnki, e: yûvmi; –, ad. *** ghyîındé-bir ; e·y° hèr-ghyûn. Dalmatia, s. şe . Dâlmâchia. Dam, s. (mother) ül âna; (of earth) · sedd; –, v.a. ka sedd-ila- zAbt-et. [e·:) -- khâssârèt. Damage, s. ), zârar, e :j ziyân, Damages, s. pl. tazminat, · Damashk. Damask, s. le dâmâssko; – rose, J5: • mör-ghyül. Damn, v.a. ey *- jihènnéma- -ghyûndErmek ; damn you, J *- Damascus, s. jihènnem-öl. Damned, a, c = jihinnemlik. Damp, a. and s. * nèm ; a. · nem- nâk (nèmlAk), rütübetli; –, s. ·::2) rütübet; –, v.a. · nèmlEtmek, c· isslAtmak ; Damsel, s.j: kız. [c ye söghutmak. Damson, s. mirdum-erighi Dance, s. 89 - höra; –, v.n. :) -- · höra-tepmek, 'u , rAkss-et. Dandelion, s. : hindibâ. - Dane, s. 45) ile Danimarkali. [ 86 ] D AW N Danger, s. 4K çi tehliké, ::)yi körkU, 3, s.” mükhÂtara. Dangerous, a '; ; körkulu, tehlikeli, 5 * mükhAtarali. Dangle, v.n. ;*5) e sarkmak. Danube, S. üye TÜna. Dapple-grey, a. -5) : bakla-kiri. Dardanelles, s. * ; - Chânak- -kâléssi. Dare, v.n. \e::) -- jessâret-et, e-5yz- jûr'ët-et; –, v.a. ·: c y 5 yâpamâzsin-deyU-kizdirmak. Daring, a. --- jessür, · yighit; -, S. ·- jëssâret, ·= yighitlik. Dark, a. iyi karanlik ; – lantern, -5 - 4 khirsiz-fènéri. [zülmet. Darkness, s. c· kAranlik, · Darling, s. j · iki-ghyiz, ey ey: nüri-”âyn, 4 K- jigher-kyüshé. Darn, v.a. = cc) irmek. Dart, s. 8 - jirid; –, v.a. c· Atmak ; –, v.n. c·l Atilmak. Dash, v.a. 45- : *ş- : pârcha-pârcha- -et; c -- châlmak, c·-: ş- chârpmak, yol wÜrmak. Dastard, s. ; ) y: körkâk. Date, s. (fruit) - khürma; (epoch) :) târikh : -, va, :): târikh-kömak. Daub, va. şey bölâshdirmak. Daughter, s. }: kız, *:* kèrimé ; – in-law, e 5 ghelin. Daunt, v.a. :) körkutmak. Dawn, s. ;ğ : shâfak, ·v, DA Y [ 87 ] DEC EMBER örtalik-Agharmassi, ş fèjir; –, c; * bAshlamak ; c; * 4= ş” sèchil- meghé-bAshlamak. Day, s. · ghyün, e: yivm, % ) rüz ; – before yesterday, · · Q),72. Agharmagha- EvvElsi-ghyün ; – after to-morrow, · ö-bir-ghyûn. Daybreak, s. v. Dawn. [délikji. Day-labourer, s. °y= ghyûn- Daylight, s. c· · ghyûnduz-aydinlighi. Daytime, s. iş · ghyûnduz. Dazzle, v.a. ) 5 j = ghyüz-kâ- mAshdirmak, c ghyitz-Almak. Dead, a. ., wlu, U , ilmush, 9 • âydinlik, mürd, *9) • mürdé, : • mütéwèffâ. Deadly, a. = e mûhlik, deye, 8 = e ildurma-deréjéssinda- İ00 UZ2İ“İ”. Deaf, a, éa saghir, j•: ishitmâz. Deafness, s. c:yé • sâghirlik. Deal, s. :95- chök; (wood) • e- châm; –, v.0. c· dAghitmak ; – in, ?).72, c** sAtmak, ° tijâ- [ghyân. Dealer, s. · e sAtiji, e· bAzir- (in price) \e (pAhali); (in affection) :je “Aziz. Dear me! int. - 5 ş° “Ajäib. Dearth, s. c 'e pahalilik, katlik, las kaht, ghlâ. Death, s. blum, mevt, wefât, mergh, helâk. Debark, v.n. c*ş-e· ghèmidan- retini-et. Dear, a. -châkmak; –, v.a. c· ghèmidan - chikarmak, $ye ** kAraya-dîkmek. Debate, s. :) • mèshvérèt; –, v.a. 8) müshâvéré-et, -95 lâkirdissini-et, 14:--e mübâhéssé-et. Debauch, s. c ' e “âyyâshlik; –, ?). 0. c· âyartmak, el-i ifsād-et. Debauchery, s. c· “âyyâshlik, c·: - chApkinlik Debilitate, v.a. - * c zâ”iflatmak. Debility, s. -āx 2 • 6 6- zâ`if-et, 6 6- ea • [zâ`iflik. 6 6 zâ`f, c· Debt, s. z): börj, ue deyn. Debtor, s. : börjlu, medyün. Decadence, s. Jy zèwâl. Decamp, v.n. c· sâwUshmak, c·-i kAchmak, yyi firâr-et. Decanter, s. -ye sûrâhî. Decapitate, v.a. ( ; ;9°' : böyUnu- nU-wÜrmak, ·= bAshini- kèssmek. Decay, s. Jaj zewâl; el-i fessÂd; -, t).73. c· bözulmak, · ) 95- chûrumek, c· Jbj zèwâl-bûlmak. Decease, s. · wefât ; –, v.n. · ülmek, : wefât-et. Deceased, a. mütéwèffâ, • • [kizb. Deceit, s. c· yâlAnjilik, - = Deceitful, a. · yâlAnji, · kyâzib ; iki-yüzlu. Deceive, v.a. c· Aldatmak, 'e: öyun-et, 4 - hilé-et. - December, s. Jb'e kyânüni-EvvEl. mèrhüm. DE0 E N 0 Y [ 88 ] DEFAMATI0N Decency, s. -’e edeb, - hâyâ. Decent, a.j*! temiz ; · èdebli. Deception, s. 4 - hilé, e: y öyUn ; c·leli Aldâdish ; U: All Aldânish. Deceptive, a. ye s}\ · AdAmi-Aldâdir. Decide, v.a. Je: fAssl-et, cş.·y'yi kArarlashdirmak; –, v.n. ·9 J: kArar-virmek. Decimal, a. -6y: el â'shârî. Decipher, v.a. ( :: :- chikârmak, · ökumak, *y· silkmek. Decision, s. kArar; metânet. - Decisive, a. * kAt”i, L: bitirir. Deck, s. · ghyüghèrté ; –, v.a. c süye dönatmak, erji tezyin-et, e :): bèzémek. Decker, two-decker, s. kApAk; three-decker, s. z: üch- ânbârli. [seli ifâdé. Declaration, s. ry° tAkrir ; · beyân, Declare, v.a. 'e beyân-et, seli ifâdé- -et; V:yā tAkrir-et, ·: · sûweylé- [the needle) a= inhitat. Declination, s. (astr.) · mèyl; (of Decline, s. J.; zewâl; –· in- hirâf; va. “: J: kAbül- -ètmamek, y redd-et; ·ye= ghirishmamek ; –, v.n. c· Jaj zewâl-bûlmak; '-3,s* mûn- hârif-ol, j; bözulmak, 'J s” mükhtèll-öl. L: bâyir. Declivity, s. Lil enish, U: yökush, Decoction, s. -->: - shiErbët, y* sÜ. Decompose, va.J-hâll-et; ·y:5- chûrutmek ; v.n. ·yye- chûrumek. mek. Decorate, v.a. r} tezyin-et, ·}: bèzémek. Decoration, s. erji tezyin ; e· Decoy, s. cşü: tüzAk; –, v.a. * ·· tüzAgha-dûshurmek. Decrease, s. J· èksilish ; –, v.n. e: -5' eksilmek, y\ Azalmak ; -, 0.0. · èksiltmek, c·j' Azaltmak, *-5 kessmek. Decree, s. bel, irâdé; –, v.n. & a. se, [nishân. irâdé-et, e : fErmÂn-et, :5);r! bÜyUrmak, V. èmr-et, - hükm-et. Decrepit, a. c· bÜnamish ; 8 c c “ütüh-ghètirmish. Decrepitude, s. 8:e “âtüh. Dedicate, v.a. 'u a* tâkhsiss-et ; c· ·y: birining-nÂmina- -yâzmak; – one's self, - :y•e “îmrunu-sârf-et. Deduce, v.a. = ânglamak (ânna- mak), \z isstintâj-et. Deduct,v.a. · tènzil-et, C; ;:)b- * Ashāghi-vârmak, C y: kârmak. Deduction, s. z isstintâj; 4ş<: netijé; : tenzil. Deed, s. L: ish, J* fi”l, J•e “Amel, 6 kyâr ; sened, -ş- hüjjet. Deem, v.a. c** sâymak, c* • sânmak, e “âdd-et, · zânn-et. Deep, a. ey° dèrin, G:*c “âmik; (crafty) · shèytÂn ; –, s. 6e) dèngiz. - Deer, s. · ghèyik ; 4-\,: kâraja. Deface, v.a. j; bözmak. Defamation, s. il iftirâ, ·e bûhtän. DE FA ME [ 89 ] DE J E OTT0 N Defame, v.a. y: iftirâ-et. Defaulter, s. · zL: börjunu- -vèrméyen; - 5 *- khād- metdan-kAch An (hiz). Defeat, s. e· bözghun, i: bözghUnluk; –, v.a. j: bözmak, \ · mâghlüb-et. Defect, s. --e “âyb, yy-5 küssür, J - khalel, - -= eksik, ai nöksân, ci ai- sâkAtlik. Defective, a. ai- sâkAt; ·= eksik, ·ü nöksân. Defence, s. s° mühÂfaza, e siyânet, &ü, vikâyé ; -y-jewAb. Defend, v.a. ;**):5 körumak, 4 =* mühÂfaza-et, le • siyânët-et, &G, vikâyé-et; \-s* tâssâhhub- · Ü nâkiss, et, ·ş---'e sâhib-châkmak, 14 - himâyé-et. Defendant, s. · müdda”â- [“âlèyh. Defensive, a. ** tedâfu”i ; offen- Defender, s. <- hâmi. sive and defensive, **· tejâvuzî-vé-tedâfu”i ; – armour, j zirh. Defer, v.a. y·t tâ'khir-et; –, v.n. ·: böyUn-èghmek. Deficiency, s. Deficient, a. -= èksik, ·ü nöksân. Defile, s. böyiz, ş° ghtehid, · derbend (devrent) ; –, v.a. •ş: 2 sichmak, Were miÜrdâr-et (mündâr), · tejisset. Define, v.n. l = tâhdîd-et; (explain) –iysi ta"rif-et. Definite, a. s” mâhdüd; (fixed) v** mü”âyyen, • • mâ”lum, bèlli. Definition, s. - hâdd; –: < tâ”rif. Definitive, a. · Assl, · kAt”i. Deform, v.a. ü: bözmak, \ ·ye- chirkin-et. Deformed, a. · (:· · = â”zâssi-endâmindan-khârij-ölAn; _y \i kAnbUr, j-i- : bAjaksiz, a - jüjé, 3-5 Aghsâk. Deformity, s. ·- chirkinlik. Defraud, v.a. :· dölândirmak. Defray, v.a. ·9 vermek, · ghyirmek, 8 idémek. Defunct, a. mûtéwèffâ, • • mèrhüm. Defy, v.a. - meydân- ökUmak; c·yi kârshi-kömak. Degenerate, a : bözuk, · bÖzUlmush; –, v.n. ·: bözulmak. Degradation, s. 4 y_ tenzil-i-rûtbé ; ·dy rezâlet. Degrade, v.a. J.3y rezil-et; -se “âyb-öl ; c· *i) rütbéssini- -Almak. Degree, s. 4= y° deréjé, 4-5) mèrtébé, * mènzilé, · kèrté, * ): pèréssé. Deign, v.n. – lütf-et, •v= kèrem- et, '-' e “inâyet-et, Jj tenez- zul-et. [ma”büd. Deity, s. alî ilâh, all Allah, 9 • Deject, v.a. 'e j=” mâhzün-et. Dejection, s. 4• :ye düshunma, y-Ki tekessur, gham, y° kèder. İDE TAY Delay, s. su ta'khir, su te'ekhkhur; 4 eyşe dürma, 4.lü kAlma, · beklémé; - mühlet, : wAkit; –, v.n. G9);° dûrmak, 5 kalmak, Kı beklemek ; 5 te'ekhkhvrete gitch-kalmak, c· :y-4 ghèri-kAlmak ; –, v.a. Vest ta”khir-et; i. Alikömak. Delegate, s. = vekil; )· me'- mür ; “ y* mèb”üss; –, v.a. J: vèkil-et ; lay- hâwâlé-et ; \ -) më'mür-et. Deleterious, a. yâ zârarli, ra müzirr. -5 as kAssdi, -**e “âmdi; –, v.n. · düshun- mek; *) * müshâvéré-et. Deliberation, s. te'enni; : • Delicate, a. ·0 nâzik. [müshâvéré. Delicious, a. tAtli, && leziz. Delight, s. sivinj, Deliberate, a. mèmnüniyyet, _) 90° sürür; –, v.a. ·:y sèvindirmek, İ _99) • mèss- rür-et; –, v.n. a- hAzz-et, ö35 tèlèzzuz-et ; · sèvinmek, “ memnün-öl. Delighted, a. as” mâhzüz. Delightful, a. Jj; ghyüzel, - - lâtif. Delinquency, s. -- kAbâhat. Delinquent, s. ·. süchlU, - : kAbâhatli. Delirious, a. e-chilghin. [jünün. Delirium, s. c·- châlghinlik, uyy a- Deliver, v. a. :9° )y: kürtarmak, le 5 tâkhliss-et, Jes- khâlâss- -et; -; tèsslim-et, ·: virmek. [ 90 T T) EN TIST Deliverance, s. 95 kürtârish ; U· kürtulush, e- khâlâss. Delivery, s. 5) kürtulush, Lee- khâlâss; - tesslim. Delude, v.a. cş ile Aldatmak. Deluge, s. · tufān; (flood) seyl (sel). Delusion, s. · mèrâk, :y: küruntu. Demand, s. Ve isstid”â ; · isstëdik ; C: )* sörmak; - isstémek. A 6 6 –5şe dâ”wâ ; -, v.a. Demi, a. *v : yârim. Democracy, s. : ) 564 - jümhüriyyet. Demolish, v.a. ( ): bözmak, G*: yêkmak, "* hèdm-et. Demolishment, Demolition, s. * hèdm. Demon, s. eya sheytan, ) zâbÂni. Demonstrate, va, le issbÂt-et. Demur, v.n. *9i tèrèddud-et, d·: bAkinmak. Den, s. e in, *) * • mâghara. Denial, s. _Kl inkyâr; (refusal) *e je: “âdémi-injâz. - Denmark, s. 5 * Danimarka. Denominate, v.a. * tessmiyyé-et. Denomination, s. âd, ~ issm, * 5 tessmiyyé; (sect) millet, * firka. Denote, v.a. ·e “âlâmet-ol, - delâlet-et. [mek. Denounce, v.a. · 2 _r - kh AbEr-vèr- Dense, a. köyu ; c* sik, – * kessif, ghâliz. Dentifrice, s. -5), U:° dish-tözu. Dentist, s. ş° dishji. DEN TISTR Y [ 91 ] D ES0 ENT Dentistry, s. e ş° dishjilik. Denude, v.a. C*** söymak. Deny, v.a. JK' inkyâr-et; (refuse) c “: , -ş”l injâz-etmamek, 1 e2) rèdd-et. Depart, s. U:- chikish ; -, v.n. G·- chikmak, ~$ ghitmek. Department, s. (branch) J: köl, 5 * fer”; (of state) y nAzâret ; (business) , vazife, sese “ünde Departure, s. c· ghîdish, * kâyâm, - *je “âzimet. Depend, v.n. G* \! bAkmak; E-5 tâbi”öl; e: mèrbüt-öl, 'e menüt-öl; $; ghyüghenmek, el el i”timÂd-et, 1-5 ay rAbti- -kAlb-et. Deplorable, a. cş-4 - Ajinajak, \: fèna, ·U: përishÂn. Deplore, v.a. c = Aghlamak. Depopulate, va. - · âhâlidan-khâli-kâlmak. Deportment, s. ) . Atwâr, 8 èvzâ”. Depose, v.n. 8,55 takrir-et : -, va. * khâl"-et, y°'e = takht- dan-èndirmek. Deposit, s. emânèt; L: Pey; · törtu : & e: pössa ; -, v.a. - ·989 - emânet-virmek, f - tesslim-et ; G 5 kömak, s-: wAz”- -et; y brâkmak. Depositary, s. Vol emânètdâr. Depreciate, va. W : kimetini- -Azaltmak ; Ki : kAdrini- -inkyâr-et. Depredation, s. -->:) --- khAssârèt, c:y& ; ziyânkyârlik; c· khâr- sizlik. Depress, v.a. y: fâkîr-et ; c s” mühtÂj-et ; mükèdder-et ; · 2 · kessâd-virmek. Depression (of spirits), s. “ 9.yy As= kedüret; (of market) \-= kessâd; (of ground) yyā- chûkur. Deprive, v.a. * =” mâhrüm-et, - c·y: khâli-brâkmak. Depth, s. ve derinlik, e – of winter, · kAra-kâsh, r! /4°) zèmhérir, v*** ) èrba”in. Deputation, s. $; vëkillEr, · mèb”üsslEr. Depute, va. JS, vekil-et. Deputy, s. ·y vekil; – judge, -ğü el 55 kA'im- Deride, v.a. \ Ve isstihzâ-et. [makÂm. 6 6 A Ümk; - 6 • nâib ; – governor, Derision, s. Ve isstihzâ. Derivation, s. (source) el Assl; (of words) ishtikÂk. Derive, v.a. c· bÜlmak, zJ* isstikhrâj-et, Jasi isstihsÂl-et. Derived, a. C; o müshtâkk. Descend, v.n. enmek, Jjü nâzil-öl, a: sâkit-ol, eyes hübüt- -et; }, evlâdindan-öl. Descendant, s. · èvlâdindan- -ölAn; descendants, elā-yJî âl-U- -âhfâd. Descent, s. c 'il enish, J; nûzül, · süküt, e > hübüt; (relation- ship) - intissâb ; (degree of ID ES0 R I 8 E –) ka ye deréjé, · bAtn, e : kârn ; (attack) • ş° kûjüm. Describe, va. – tâ”rifet; (a circle) “) ressm-et. Description, s. -:Jai tâ”rif; (sort) ye' dürlu, -5 • söy, U - jinss, 8 ° nèv”. [-gyûrmak. Descry, v.a. üzâkden- Desert, s. Jış- chül, el bâdiyyé; –, a. -y-khûrâb, khâli, · isssiz ; –, v.n. c*ş-5 kAchmak, \ W: firâr-et; –, va.c* : brâkmak, c·metrük-kömak, terk- -et; deserts, s. pl. isi- isstihkÂk. Deserter, s. -6iyi firäri, ·ş-5 kAchkin. Desertion, s. firâr. Deserve, v.a. s' = ~ mûsstahAkk-öl. Deserving, a. c· mûsstahAkk; ; sezâ, *-: shāyessté, · shâyÂn. Design, s. -: niyyet, fy • mèrâm, · kAssd, · mAksAd, eyağ • mAksüd, 59) ; kürduk; (drawing) f-y ressim ; –, v.a. -~ niyyet-et, C°-:· kürmak; -a ; kAssd-et; (plan) - tertib-et; (draw) e-:) rèssm-et. Designate, v.a. · tâ”yin-et, ·- · : • issmini-sûweylémek. Designation, s. · * 4-5 tèss- miyyé-etmeklik. Desirable, a. - ) · isstènilir, - 2) ) arzu-ölunur, -y mèrghüb. Desire, s. isstek, arzu, - - ) raghbet; (strong) Lej- h?rss; (yearn- ing) ishtiyâk; (concupiscence) [ 92 ] DES P0NDEN O Y ·y-4-: shehvèt ; (thing deşired) ·isstedik, · mAtlub ; -, va — isstémek, bjL) ârzU-et, · Aramak, J. emel-et, l- e tAleb-et; y < emr-et, 14:5 tenbih-et. Desirous, a. ·j) ârzUmènd. Desist, v.n. · vâz-ghèchmek. Desk, s. Desolate, a. (person) j· kimséssiz ; =** ş- chekméjé. · menkyüb ; -j-khûrâb ; (place) ·5 virân, · 9- - khârâb-u-yebâb, 5 -: -khâliy- yétun-khâvi ; –, v.a, - - khârâb- -et, · ş virân-et, Desolation, s. - - khârâb, · khûrâbiyyet ; (desolate place) * \s- - · khâliyyétun-khâvi. Despair, s. c- ye'ss, · ümid- sizlik; –, v.n. · më'yüss-öl, : -5 kat”i-ûmîd-et. Despatch, s. ·yJ=5 tâhrir.At, 86 kyâghid. Desperate, a. — ümidsiz, · [më'yÜss. Despicable, a. (person) · Alchâk, J&2) rèzıl, · zèlil; – thing, ·'5) rezâlet. Despise, v.a. c· sâymamak; (a man) c· * : *el Adam-yèrina- kömamak. Despite, s. in despite, *el e “inâdina; in despite of. :) · hich-bAk- mayarak, Despond, v.n. · me'yÜss-öl, Gaiyu : $ kendini-brâkmak. Despondency, s. c- ye'ss. D ESP 0 N DEN T [ 93 ] D E V TS E Despondent, a, c-;l me'yüss. Despot, s. (tyrant) : zâlim; (absolute ruler) ·r== hâkimi-mütlAk. Despotism, s. 4 ·- hükyümët- -mütlAka, zülm. Destine, v.a.' a* tâkhsiss-et; 5 nÂmzèd-et; y < mükAddEr-et. Destiny, s. i kAder, -4-5 kâssmet, s'e tâli”, -< bAkht. Destitute, a. --=: 9 * fâkir-U-bikèss. Destroy, v.a. \: yök-et, ş=” mâhv-et, \ \ ifnâ-et, c· vûjü- dini-kÂldirmak ; l- - khârâb-et, s, pèrishān-et ; c545 yıkmak, c· bözmak : * ) ildurmek, G•l -janini-Almak, yé kahr-et. Destruction, s. -y - khârâb ; - * takhrib, -: -khârâbiyyet; =” mahv, il ifnâ. Destructive, a. -ye- · bâ”iss-i- khûrâb ; 4 mûhlik. Detach, v.a. ·-•j *-e- ckîzmek; · sAlivermek; G-: -;-i köparmak; c· âyrmak. Detachment, s. tâkim, buluk, -s}\ Alay, 45, fırka. Detail, s. ağ5 tâfsil; in detail, tAfsilan ; (one by one) ,y!) r! birEr- -birer; details, = ağ5 tafsilât; –, va, J-a tafsil-et, tAfsilan-nÂkl-et. Detain, v.a. c· Alikömak. Detect, v.a. · tütmak ; · bûlmak. Detective, s. –5, · j=4 gh?zli- -zAbtiyyé-nèfèri. [hâbss. Detention, s. –i: tevkif; L----- Deter, v.a. · - • mâni-”ölmak. Deteriorate, v.n. • \: fenâleshmek; c j; bözmaklik. Determination, s. *-aj tAssmim, - - ) niyyet ; Ji kArar ; · sebât ; · “inâd ; meyl. Determine, v.n. ·-: - 2 ) -: kArar- -vèrmek ; * tAssmim-et, - : niyyet-et, ( ; :): kûrmak; –, v.a. - *-a tAssmima-sebeb-öl; ·· mèyl-ètdirmek. Detest, v.a. •5i·_: • mènfür-tÜtmak, · * hich-sèvmamek. Dethrone, va. \s - khâl”-et, k · takhtdan-endirmek. Detonation, s. - 2:v : bârut-sèssi. Detract from one's merits, v.n. lis·l t Kl isstihkÂkini-inkyâr-et. Detriment, s. )yr* zârar. Deuce, s. şe dü; · sheytÂn ; the deuce ! int. · AllÂha-sEn ; -5 : yöghUndu. Devastation, s. -y-khûrâb. Develop, v.a. -** ile • mütéferri”âtini-mèydAna-chikârmak. Device, s. 4 - hilé; —a sân”ât ; ressim, · shekil. Devil, s. a: sheytan, - ibliss; (imp) j zâbÂni. Devious, a. -35 - èghri-bighri, · sApik-dölâshik. Devise, v.a. (bequeath) \~e, WAs- DE V0 ID siyyet-et; (invent) 4 : bölmak, e: “ye düshunmek. Devoid, a l- khâlî. Devolve, v.n. G• düshmek, le issÂbet-et, Jä öl intikÂl-et. Devote, va. 'Le a* takhsiss-et, fedâ-et. Devotion, 8. · ikhtissÂss ; L ==* tâkhsiss; 61.si fedâkyâr- lik ; -se e “übüdiyyet; - 9 diyânet ; devotions, -*-i nAmAZ, ·le “ibâdet, e° dü”â. Devour, v.a. “: yemek, : bitirmek, •55 yûtmak. Devout, a. e söfu, )' e dindâr, müttâki, İyü JEl ehli-tAkwÂ. Dew, s. c ş- chigh, * shèbnèm. Dexterity, s. Ke-J El-châbiklighi; L: R hüner. Dexterous, a. ·'ş- İéli-châbik. Diadem, s. z : tAj. Diagonal line, s. r vètEr. Diagram, s. JK: shekil, Dial, s. (sun) · ghyûnesh- sâ’ati ; – plate, '-5· sâ'at-tâkhtassi. [zâbÂn. Dialect, s. Jo dil, e - lissân, 5 Dialogue, s. 59, · · · iki-kishi-beyninda-ölAn-lâkirdi. Diameter, s. ai kütr. Diamond, s. c· Elmass. Diarrhoea, s. J'e- isshal, -:): 'eyü kârn-sürméssi. Diary, s. öj rûznâmé (jûznâmé), *ş* mèjma”â, J5): zhürmâl. [94 ) D G Dice (pl. of die), s. -3:Wj ayk tâwla- zârlari. Dictate, v.a. C°· r:Jü tAkrir- -edup-yâzdirmak; < y 'J = jèbran-kAbül-ètdirmek; – v.n. y î âmir-ol, -=a* bAshina- -zâbit-kèssilmek. [lüghât-kitâbi. Dictionary, s. lüghât, 5 * Die, s. -65)ja - tâwla-zâri ; (for stamp- ing) · kAlip, (for coining) · sikké; –, v.n. - ülmek, · ghyitchmek, le : wèfât- -et; (a beast) ·= ghèbErmek; (a plant) 5 kürumak. Diet, s. · } ); pèrhiz-yemeghi; *- himyé, j°r pèrhiz. Differ, v.n. y° 'ye (türlu-türlu)-öl, '– s° mükhtelif-öl; * -: c; “ biri-birina-üymamak. Difference, s. 3i, fark; – - ikhtilÂf, · müghÂyérèt; & Ü: nizâ”. Different, a : bAshka, · digher, = âkhâr; &8: &: bAshka-bAshka, – s” mükhtelif ü; ghyünâ- ghyün. Difficult, a. z = ghyüch, J:- chètin, ye direktor. Dirt, s. y = kir, · pisslik, c: ) 9) • mÜrdârlik. Dirtiness, s. · $ kirlilik. Dirty, a. y* kirli, U-: piss, '9r. mürdâr, mülevvess. Disable, v.a. ai sâkat-et. Disadvantage, s. ) ra zârar; E-5 mâni”, · sekté. Disagree, v.n. c**) y: bözUshmak ; (food) 9j: ** mi'déyi-böz- [: $ kerih, Disagreeable, a. - * tAtsiz, \! bèd, mak. Disagreement, s. – - ikhtilâf; k} nîzâ. Disappoint, v.a. c·le Aldatmak ; c. )* - - ishini-bÖzmak, 3 C; 5 e kAzik-sökmak. Disapprove, v.a. “=: beghen- mamek, '<: tâkbih-et. Disarm, v.a. “! -e söymak ; · c; silâhini-âlmak; –, v.n. <- c%4:3 e silâh-söyUnmak. Disarmament, s. z : terk-i-silâh ; · – : - $) te- dârukyât-hârbiyyé-bèr-târaf-ètmeklik. Disaster, s. 45 kAzâ, \: belâ, S\: fèlâkèt. Disband, v.a. cş** dAghitmak; –, (7.72. c k dAghilmak. Disbelief, s. ele e “adémi-i”tikad. Disbelieve, va. c; “ : inanmamak. [ 96 ] DIscoN TEN TED –-=·=-* Disburse, va. z - khārj-et, -i, - sarf-et, l-iya• mAssrâf-et. Discard, v.a. le, târd-et, • kögh- mak, s-° def“-et. Discern, v.a. ) ş- ch?kârmak, ·ş“ sechmek, y; ghyürmek. Discharge, s. · izin, - a y rükhsAt; *) * tebriyyé ; · Atesh; * Atma, 5 Atilma, - - ) Endâkht; ·- jèrâhât; –, v.a. ·2 · izin-virmek, : ş- *- khād- metdan-châkârmak ; ·:: • sAli- vErmek, 5 - *--- hAbssdan- châkârmak ; c· böshÂltmak ; c; 5 Atmak, le \ \ Endâkht-et, L: Atesh-et; ifâ-et, isstifâ-et, ·: vèrmek; \y- ijrâ- -et ; –, v.n. · yûkunu- bösh Altmak ; Akmak. Disciple, s. 5y= shâghird, · telmiz; ey: 'ş-hâwâriyyün. Discipline, s. nizÂm-u-in- Disclaim, v.a. Kl inkyâr-et. [tizâm. Disclose, v.a. · ghyî stErmek, ; &l meydana-kömak, – 5 kèshf-et, · 3- sûweylémek, '- 5 fÂsh-et. [-5 e sakindi. Discomfort, s. c·-y rahatsizlik, Discommode, v.a. W -y râhatsiz-et. Disconsolate, a. j*Jı: - tèsèlli- -kAbül-ètmâz. Discontent, s. c· khöshnud- suzluk, 22) * “âdémi-rîzâ. Discontented, a. )*2- sûwèyléniyor, j - khöshnudsUz. DIS 0 0 NTIN U AN CE [ 97 ] DISIN HERIT Discontinuance, s. 5- kAt”. Discontinue, v.a. · kessmek : -, vn. kessilmek. Discord, s. ° nifÂk. Discount, s. c· bAsh, L45° fâ'iz ; –, v.a. \ \! bAshla-Almak, c karmak. Discountenance, v.a. • j: yüz- vErmemek. Discourage, v.a. •5i:*): körkUtmak ; · yy yüz-vèrmamek. Discourse, s = kelâm, se, lâkirdi; -> Ü.72. 4 · bÂssti-kelâm-et. Discourteous, a. —e: ri”âyetsiz. Discourtesy, s. ·e ri”âyetsizlik. Discover, v.a. c· bûlmak, l-i = kèshf-et, C : ş- dil meydâna- chikârmak; 9 ş=ghyisstermek. Discovery, s. – 3 keshf. Discreet, a. . .e “Akli, J5'e “Âkil; • 5 ketüm; a bAssiretli. Discretion, s. Jic “Akl, :° tèdbir, “-2r a! bÂssiret, *j- hAzm; – ail insÂf; to arrive at years of –, aie : “Akla-bÂligh-öl; to surrender at –, · : 8,9 vèra-vèrmek, ~ j-ky* shârtsiz-tèsslim-öl, · Amân-demek; - âmân-tÂleb-et. Discriminate, v.a. ykü tèfrik-et. Discuss, va. ş- sûwëylEshmek, - mübāhéssé-et. Discussion, s. 4 - mübâhéssé. Disdain, s. ) . isstikbâr, – si. isstikhfâf; –, v.a. – isstikh- fâf-et; · J* tènèzzul-ètma- mek. Disdainful, a. : *S kibrli. Disdainfulness, s. 4 kibr. Disease, s. _ mâraz, ·e “illet, eye dird, keyfsizlik. Disembark, v.n. • ş-&8 ·ght- miden-kArayé-chikmak. Disembarkation, s. 5 - 5 * ghèmiden-kArayé-chikmaklik. Disengaged, a. ( : bösh, 8 : böshda, - khâli, ·i: wAkti- khâli-ölAn. Disentangle, v.a. ·ş- chizmek, c·ş- âchmak. Disfigure,v.a.c; j: bözmak; : er=27ş- chirkin-öl, * yâkishmamak. Disgrace, s. —e “âyb, ·\5y rezâlet; · nikbet, = e düsh- kyunluk ; –, v.a. —e “âyb-öl; 'J45) rezil-et. Disgraceful, a. --~e “ayb, ·: yökishiksiz, : = kerih, ş- chirkin. Disguise, s. 5.5 tebdili-köyâfet; –, v.a. J. --i kâyâfet-tebdil- -et; •· dighishdirmek. Dish, s. s° sahn, · tÂbAk. Dishonest, a.j - kh?rsiz; · \-khÂ'in. Dishonour, s. · ) rèzâlèt, c·2) rüssvâylik ; –, v.a. 5y rezil-et; – a bill, 'J: kAbul-etma- mek, 9r: Ativèrmek. Disinherit, v.a. ey= mirass- dan-mâhrüm-et. DİsINTEREsTED [ 98 ] DISPU TE Disinterested, a. . , -e şe ghâraz-vé-“ivezdan-khâli-ölAn. Disjoin, v.a. ayrmak, ' .9° tèfrik- Dislike, v.a. y· sevmamek. [-et. Dislocate, v.a. ( :9 - châkârmak. Dismal, a. . e sikindili. Dismay, s. 5) körku, : * dehshët. Dismember, v.a. - tâksim-et. Dismemberment, s. -: tâksim. Dismiss, v.a. ·:9 e· izin-virmek ; c* köghmak ; ; , e sâwmak. Disobedience, s. e ele e “adémi- -itâ”at, ele itâ”atsizlik. Disobey, v.a. · dinglémamek, e: *-e- itÂ"at-etmamek. Disoblige, v.a. --· khÂtirini-saymanak, c : = khÂtirini-k?rmak. Disobliging, a.j mürüvetsiz. Disorder, s. c· kArishiklik; · : përishÂniyyet; J ikhtilâl ; ;-a nizâmsizlik ; –, v.a. y*yü kÂrishdirmak, ** C; j: nizÂmini-bözmak. Disordered, a. c:yi kArishik; ·!): perishÂn ; s° mükhtell. Disorganization, s. c - nizÂmsizlik. Dispatch, s. Kş-châbiklik; ey- sür“at,4ş° “Ajélé; c:U:J= tâhrirât, · kyāghid; –, v.a. ş- châbik-bitirmek, 4 -ş° “Ajélé-et; · ghyindermek, 9 ş- chikârmak; = y ildurmek, J: kAtl-et. [def”-et, laj izâlâ-et. Dispel, v.a. c** dAghitmak ; s-9 Dispense, v.a.c*: Ve dAghitmak, s-): tevzi”-et; –, v.n. ·ş°jlı vâz- ghèchmek. [v.n. c· dAghilmak. Disperse, v.a. · dAghitmak ; –, Displace, v.a. C; 9 ş- · yèrindan- -châkârmak. Display, s. ·* ghyisstérish, sAltAnAt; –, v.a. · ghyiss- tErmek, y) ibrâz-et. Displease, v.a. - 5 · ghyüjuna- -ghitmek, y = - = kerih- ghyîrunmek. Displeasure, s. c·5'e dârghinlik, · ghAzAb. Dispose, v.a. - tèrtib-et, * tûnzim-et ; – of, v.n. c** Ve sAtmak; · vèrmek; küllAnmak; c , öldurmek ; “: yapmak; s-° def“-et, y- èmr-et. Disposed, a. J. mèyyâl, e }, 6 5 ghy ingulu-öl An (ghyînu-ölAn) ; e -sel issti”dâdi-ölan ; to be well-disposed, · sèvmek ; to be ill-disposed, · sèvmamek ; – of, · Ve sAtilmish, · veril- mish, · ghitmish, J· def”-ölunmush, L. - J- kAtl- -ÖlunmUsh. Disposition, s. ----yi tèrtib, * : nizâm : -5 = khüy, tabi”ât, ·-jibillet, - khülk. Dispossess, v.a. *ys” mâhrüm-et. Disproportion, s. · “âdémi- -tènâssub. Dispute, s. e; nizâ”; (kâwgha); DISQUALIFICATI0N [ 99 ] DISTIN GU IS H -, t).72. \zyi nizâ”-et, lale ş° müjâ- délé-et. [-i-èhliyyet. Disqualification, s. · “âdem- Disregard,s. e2v** “âdémi-ri”âyet, · ri”âyetsizlik ; –, v.a. · bAkmamak, c· külAk-Assmamak, c· tânmamak, c· e saymamak, · el i”tibâr-ètmamek. Disreputable, a. --e “âyb; rèzıl, j~ü nÂmüsssiz. Disrespect, s. ·e: ri”âyetsizlik, • - *e “âdémi-ihtirÂm. Disrespectful, a - \e: ri”âyetsiz. Dissatisfaction, s. c· - khÖshnUd- sUzluk. Dissatisfied, a.j - khöshnUdsUz; to be –, v.n. ·y* sûwëylEnmek. Dissect, v.a. tèshrih-et. Dissemble, v.n. Vl müdârâ-et; –, v.a. * kètm-et. [nèshr-et. Disseminate, v.a. c·: yâymak, V: Dissension, s. ö nifÂk. Dissent, s. · ** “âdémi-mûwÂ- fakat, s° mükhâléfet. Dissertation, s. S, Dung, s. 5: bök, · nèjässèt; L: fishki; 3): ghyübré. Dungeon, s. U-: - (hApss), L s” mahbess, zindan, yeşbödrum. Dunghill, s. 4:j• mezbélélik. Dupe, s. U** Aldanmish ; –, v.a. c ile Aldatmak. · : ikinji- -sürèt ; in –, ad. · · ş iki-sürèti-Ölarak. Duplicity, s. c =: yalanjilik, · iki-yüzluluk, shèytAnlik, - - khiyânet, - khâbâssèt. [dâyânikli. Durable, a. ) · dâyânir, ü Duration, s. ( : 9\o müddet ; ·2) * sîrek, el imtidâd, kArâr, y· isstimrâr. During, pr. * : 8 ş: ichinda, se da ; **şi: bitinjéyé-kAdar. Dusk, s. - ) - Akhsham- Dust, s. töz, = ghübâr ; Duplicate, s. èssnâssinda, [kArârmassi. (sweepings) - 2:5- chip. Dustman, s. = }ş- chipju. Dusty, a. (superficially) iyi töz ; (mixed with dust) :işi tözlu. Dutch, a. fiilémènk. Dutchman, s. filémènk. Dutiful, a. (person) - ) rizâjü ; (conduct) öy=- ) rizâjüyâné. Duty, s. c ', ish, - (khizmet); ( - :vy • mé'müriyyet; ·2 wājibé'i-zimmet; ·)* ghyîmruk, ·y* “y ressmi-ghyümruk ; - : T) W A R F [ 105 ] E A S E Ir nübet; tobeon-, nûbeti-öl; to present one's – to a person, · Ellerini-ipmek, = · etéghini-üpmek. Dwarf, s. *a-y- jüjé. Dwarfish, a. yye: bödur. Dwell, v.n. ) · ötürmak, c· kAlmak, - sâkin-öl; – on, (in thought) ·· düshunmek, e e “Aklini-virmek, · kâyd-et; (in speech) :9° WX: Ki tekrar - bé - tekrar - Angdirmak ; ·: e : Sai, ağ pek-tafsilâta-ghirish- mek; – (anote) - 5 Wj ÜzAtmak. Dwelling, S. ! yèr; ev, döl - khâné, e· mèssken ; – house, y' èv, dö\s- khāné. Dwelling-place, s. 3 yèr, 9) : yürd, [e· mèssken. Dye, s. : bÖya; –, v.a. c· böyamak; -, v.n. ö\!: böyan- mak, c·: y: böya-Almak. Dyer, s. - :: böyaji. Dying, s. olum : * idmé; -, a. ) iliyor. Dyke, s. Uğ - hEndek; \ sèdd. Dynasty, s. = öjak, silsilé. Dysentery, s. Je- kAnli-isshâl. Dyspepsia, s. * –* zâ”f-i-hâzm, E. Each, pron. s. )!)* hèr-bir ; –, pron. a. _* hèr, y!)* hèr-bir ; each other, -:) bir-biri, · yek-dighèr. Eager, a. : 2) - : pèk - ârzUlU, · ·: pek-isstekli. Eagerness, s. e - - pek-isstek, c:) e sabrsizlik. Eagle, s. c· kAra-küsh. Ear, s. : külAk; (of corn) : bAshak, · sünbulé ; a box on the - * shûmar. [-bèghi. Earl, s. 4. y = y° dirdinji-rütbé- Early, a. e:y èrken ; * türfândé ; * Kşi$ ghenjlikda ; ), Evvel, · èsski; ad. e:y èrken; z • ·: pèk-sâbAh. Earn, v.a. c*\}: kAzAnmak. Earnest, a. - jiddi, - hAkiki ; ·· ghèrmiyyetli; -, s. = pey; 4öy• nümüné. [külAk-kArishdirajak. Earpick, s. J khilâl, -y : Earring, s. *: * kyüpé. Earth, s. 9° töprAk; yèr, _ 5) ârz; the –, 5j; yèr-yüzu, dünyâ, _ kyüré'i-ârz. Earthen, a. y: töprAk. Earthenware, s. : ye töprAk-ishi, ·- chanak-chimlek, k · tAbAk-mÂbAk. Earthly, a. dünyévi, -khâki. Earthquake, s. * ) zelzélé (zèrzélé). Earthwork, s. 4: - y: töprAk-tâbiya. Ease, s. ·y râhat, c kölaylik, · sühület; refah, * ) refâhiyyet ; · âsâyish, · âsüdéghi ; –, v.a. · ·y râhat-vErmek, _ ·y rahatlan- dirmak; - tesskin-et; — ghèvshEtmek. 1 = \ • Easel, s. ·*) ressâm sipassi, E AST [ 106 ] EL APS E East, s. : * shârk, : • mèshrik, · ghyûn-döghUssU (dögh- Easter, s. . * : pâsskâlya. Eastern, a. * shârki. Easy, a. - 5 kölay, · sûhülètli, e· ässan ; ·-y râhat ; · ghevshek; tAtli, c '; yâwAsh. Eat, v.a. · yemek, Jı tènâvul-et, J5 ekl-et. Eatable, a. yenir, -d: yèyéjek, c= -3: yenéjek, J;= më'kyül; eatables, s. pl. · më'kyülât, ·yeyéjek-sheyler, : Eaves, s. pl. - • sAchak. [yèyéjek. Echo, s. yö: yânko; –, v.a. and n. 'L-Ke “akss-et. - Eclipse, s. (sun's) – kyüssüf; (moon's) – -- khÜssüf; –, v.a. · âydinlighini-kess- mek ; (fig) y: gheri-brâk- mak, c* Ashmak; to be eclipsed, c* i· tÜtulmak. Economize, v.a. sel idâré-èt. [russu). Economy, s. s'e idâré. Ecstacy, Ecstasy, s. Az vejd, e) • -3 Eddy, s. ); öl ânaför. Edge, s. (margin) = kènâr; (cutting) [vijdân: jé Aghiz, 5 kilàghi. Edible, a. J më'kyül. Edifice, s. : ; yâpi, : binâ. Editor, s. -5 dijë ghâzetA-mûdiri. Educate, v.a. G•5: ökUtmak, * tâ'lim-et, 'L-: y Aj tedriss-et, *: ri tèrbiyyé-et, e ::):): pèrvèrish-et. Eel, s. : ; yilAn-bAlighi. Efface, v.a. C; j bözmak, c= sil- mek, ·ş- chizmek. Effect, s. te'ssir; èssEr; –, v.a. d*: yapmak, * etmek, Je- •i [sâlih. Effective, a. : • ng: )V. yârar, · hâssil-et. Effectual, a. · merâmi- -kyülliyyan-müntij-ölAn. Efervesce, va. cş : 5 kâynamak. Efficacious, a. mü’essir, * · e merâmi-müntij-ölan, Efficiency, s. ehliyyet. Efficient, a. müktedir, Jel ehl, - :y èrbÂb, · sâlih. Efluvium, s. 5,5 kökU, eksi tâ”affun. Efort, s. * sâ'y, *** ghyûshish, c· vèrzish; *- hamla. Egg, s. ale2) • y?mUrta. Egg-plant, s. · : pAtlijAn. Egotism, s. ·-i ènâniyyet, · khödbinlik, -: - khödpèssèndlik. Egotist, s. cy: - khödbin, : - khödpèssènd. [hèsht. Eight, a. K- sekiz, e i semân, * Eighteen, a. * ön-sekiz. Eighth, a = sekizinji, e 5 sâmin ; -, s. · sûmn. Eighty, a. · sèksEn. Either, pron. * yâ-ö-yâ-bü; ** & nè-ö-nè-bû ; _r: bir ; u 5-: * *- ikissindan-birissi; –, conj. \. Elaborate, a. 4şkil inja. [mÜrür-et. Elapse, v.n. · ghèchmek, _) 2r* EL A S T I C [ 107 T EMIBARRASS MENT Elastic, a. essnir; ) Kş- y:):) ÜzAnir-chèkilir. Elbow, s. c 'ye dirsek. Elder, a. · biyuk; –, s. *** köja-bAshi, Vie 5 Ak-sâkalli : – tree, -é _) ) o mûrvEr-AghAji. Eldest, a. · biyuk; – son, J· ilk-öghul; – brother, El Agha; – sister, Abla. Elect, a. -si mûntakhâb; ş° müjtébâ, - nâji; –, -sül intikhāb-et, - - - beghenmek, ·ş° sèchmek, ; : âyrmak. Election, s. -sül intikhAb. Electricity, s. : ilektrik. Electrify, va. şey - c ilek- trik-chârpdirmak. [tiryâk. Electuary, s. e ş* mâ”jün, k Elegance, s. ·j 5 ghyüzellik, · zârâfet, a lâtâfet, e-- hüssn. Elegant, a. Jj; ghyüzel, – zârif, – lâtif Elegy, s. :3 mèrsiyyé. Element, s. c· essâss ; :- jüz” ; elements, ·9 erkyān; J ye Üssül; the four –, 5-!y —e “ânâssiri- Elephant, s. fil. [erbâ”. Elevate, v.a. s-:) ref“-et, s-:y; terfi “- -et, ( ; 93 lü kAldirmak, · yükseltmek. Elevation, s. ·) rif“ât; ye “ûlûvv; e : yükseklik; * (tepé). Eleven, a. r: · ön-bir. Elicit, v.a. ( - :*) *-e-ş- châkârmak, zy· isstikhrâj-et. Eligible, a. ) · issténilir, · issténiléjek, -)· y Arânilir. Elixir, s. y-4 iksir. Ellipse, s. d: beyzi, · kAt”i- Elm, s. z : kAra-AghAch. Elogy, s. z* medh, sènâ, U** sitâyish; & -\o mëdhiyyé. [-nâkiss. Eloquence, s. --a fAssâhât, : belâghAt, 8j: - jërbézé. Eloquent, a, f miri-kelâm, - jèrbézéli. Else, pron. ki: bAshka, ° dighèr, -8) ghâyri : –, c. 4---: yökhsa. Elsewhere, ad. 8): di: bAshka-yEra, 89/4i: bAshka-yèrda. Elucidate, v.a. z : izâh. Elucidation, s. z : izâh. Elude, v.a. * 5'e —e san”ât- -ila-sakinmak; ; ) kürtulmak. Emanate, v.n. yee sÂdir-öl, ) * südür-et. Emancipate, v.a. eji âzâd-et (AzAd). Embark, v.n. · ghèmiya- -binmek ; - v.a. ** = ghemiya-kömak : - / -- 4 ghèmiya-bindirmek. Embarkation, s. 9 · & · · ghèmiya-binmeklik-vé- bindirmeklik. Embarrass, v.a. ey: 9-5 e sakindi- -vèrmek ; to be embarrassed, c· sikilmak ; Jaj }: bÖzUlmak, · c dili-tütulmak. Embarrassment, s. 5 e sâkindi ; ·· dili-tütulmassi. EMBASSY [ 108 ] EN CAMP Embassy, s. 2}\; s sefâret, & sèfârët-khané. Embellish, v.a. Ver-U* tèzyin-et, ·y*j zinètlEndirmek. Embellishment, s. erji tezyin. Embers, s. pl. -65 ile ödUn- Atèshining-körlari, U: , kör-Atesh. Embezzle, v.a. ·ş- ch Almak. Emblem, s. ~e “âlâmet, 2): ishârèt. Embrace, va. 5 - 5 küjAklamak ; c·ye sArilmak ; · ipush- mek ; G*\: küshAtmak; alel- ihâta-et, 'J. * shâmil-öl, y* shÜmüli-öl. Embrasure, s. Jej• mAzghAl. Embroidery, s. : *'iné-ishi, **. ishlémé, U:5 nAksh (nâghash). Embryo, s. cı - jenin. Emerald, s. 9!) ej zümrud. Emerge, v.n. •ör:- châkmak. Emergency, s. --ş: ijâb; in case of - * =: ijabi-tAkdirja. Emery, s. *) *- simpâré (z?mpara). Emetic, a. and s. mükâyyi. Emigrant, s. - • mühâjir. Emigrate, v.n. ) · tErki-wAtAn-et, - ikhtiyâri-ghürbet-et, ş° hijrët-et. Emigration, s. · ·2ji terki-wAtAn. Eminence, s. 3yā tefevvuk; ğe dAgh, & (tepé). Eminent, a. ·}\ 5li fâ’ikU-'l-Akrān; ş4 -o mèshhür. Emissary, s. c·- jâssüss (shâshid). Emolument, s. · mâ”âsh; 55° “âwâ“id. Empale, v.a. cş ji kAziklamak. Empalement, s. · * 555 kÂzik- lama-siyâssèti. Emperor, s. * e: pâdishâh, - hükyumdâr, y* impErâtör. Empire, s. ye devlet, ·=- hükyümet; ) ey: impèrâtörluk; e l• memâlik. Employ, v.a. ; “ küllAnmak; (per- | • • isstikhdÂm-et ; (things) J* isst?"mâl-et; U: · ish-virmek; –, s. · ish, ·- (khizmet). sons) Employment, s. · ish ; - As- (khizmet), - - ) me'müriyyet; · mèshghüliyyet. Empress, s. 4aş:) y* impèrâtöricha, (regnant) *\ \: pâdishâh. Empty, a : bösh, -khâli, · tehi; –, va. : böshaltmak; – itself v.n. : böshalmak, c· böshAnmak ; (by flowing) c· Akmak ; (by flowing into) - a mûnsâbb-öl. Emulation, s. y: ghâyret. Enable, v.a. yle: ikdâr-et, _y • müktedir-kilmak. Enamel, s. mina (min6) ; –, v.a. · min6-ishlémek. Enamoured, a. :\e “Ashik; to be – (delighted) - : cşa -kköshlanmak. bâyilmak, Encamp, v.n. :) :3) ördU-kûrmak. EN CAMP MEN T [ 109 ] EN F In A DE Encampment, s. 9 y ÖrdU ; * Şyey) ördUghyâh ; yeş- z: r J·y : kÜrUlmish-bir-kAch-chÂdirler. Enchant, v.a. yse sihr-et; · sevindirmek ; k & : - khö- shUna-ghèlmek. Enchanter, s. j:ys” sihrbâz. Enchanting, a. · dilbEr. Enchantment, s. s“ sihr; : • sèvinj; r U*  ş>- khöshlânish. Enclose, v.a. y:55- chèvirmek, - 5 * 5 küshAtmak; –â lefet, c· ·ş ichina-kömak. Enclosure, s. ağ- hâ’it. Encore, int. (French) :J: ev âfErim-âfErim; ne ? bir-dâha. Encounter, s. U* ·!) rAsst-ghiElish, –ela; tessÂduf; · düghush ; – va. 4 ·y rAsst-ghElmek, -59'a tessÂduf-et 5 ·= 9 düghushmek. Encourage, v.a. ·9: : yûz-virmek; ·y*2): yüreklEndirmek, “-22)-- ·jessâret-virmek; 99r pEr- vèrish-et. Encouragement, s. : * 5 teshvik. Encumber, v.a. y bâr-öl; · sikindiol, · ikindi. -vèrmek. End, s. z: üj; · söng; - nihâyet, ghâyet, s: enjâm; -, t).72. · bitmek, *-= kessilmek, c =ye dükenmek, 's mûnkAti”-öl, - • mün- kAriz-öl; –, v.a. · bitirmek ; · kessmek ; dükët- mek; • • s) itmâm-et ; to make an end of . . . . , c = kessmek, · bitirmek; – – – – of one's self, · kendi-kendini-îldurmek ; to put an end to, · bitirmek, · üngunu-Almak, s— men”-et, *) ş- life, c ildurmek; – to suf- ferings, _ o9°) · 3\ èziyyetdan- kürtarmak, e: -9° -° ·)y-5 kürtUlsUn-dèyU-îldurmek. [-kömak. Endanger, v.a. : **Ke: tehlikéyé- Endeavour, v.n. ş- ch Alishmak, *- sâ”y-et, bAkmak. [tassi. Endive, s. ·y* firènk-sÂla- Endless, a. - nihâyetsiz, “ye dükEnmâz, * bi-nihâyé. Endow, va. ; \eyi irâd-bAgh- lamak; c·- müttAssif-kâl- mak. Endure, v.n. 3*3 dayanmak, · sürmek, bâki-öl, : pâydâr-öl. Enemy, s. ey* düshmèn, 6 : *- khAssm, \c `âdûvv. Energetic, a. K. ishghyuzâr ; · ş-chAlishkAn. [ilé. Energetically, ad. 4 'e 2) ghâyret- Energy, s. ghâyret; : kûvvet. Enfeeble, va. --~ zâ”if-et. Enfilade, va. c 'e yândan- -Almak, ·=° yândan- -düghmek. EN F 0 R0E Enforce, v.a. V- ijrâ-et, *- C:9iş- asi hükmunu-fi”la-chikâr- mak. * Engage, va. tûtmak; Jy* meshghül-et, J\ \ ishghâl-et; c·: yâzmak, V:J* tâhrir-et ; le - jenk-et; –, v.n. - 99 j - siz-virmek, çsi tâ”âhhud-et; c· yâzilmak; a i• mükÂvélé-et, l },5 kâvl-et; –one's self, ·j * sizlEshmek, o9) j siz-virmek. Engaged, aU : * tâ’âhhad-etmish; U* ): 9 : vâ'd-vermish ; J;* U* meshghül-ölmish. Engagement, s. ish, meshghüliyyet; ; ; siz, e: vâ”d; < - jenk, & s” mühârébé; * mükÂvélé, J; kâvl. Engine, s. ye- chârkh, · âlet. Engineer, s. ş:`- chârkhji ; (civil or military) C-X 4 o mühèndiss. England, s. * K.' Inghilterra. English, a. & Inghliz. [hâkk-et. Engrave, va. eji kAzmak, e > Engraver, s. ·- hèkkyâk. Engraving, s. “y ·e bAssma-ressim. Enjoy, v.a. (possess) mâlik-öl, 'Jğü nâ'il-öl; (derive pleasure) c· khöshlanmak, · èghlenmek, ö& mûtélezziz-ol; – one's self, · khÖshlanmak, · èghlenmek, e sâfâ-et, 5 mûtélezziz-öl. Enjoyment, s. ö35 telezzuz. Enlarge, v.a. ·ye! biyutmek, [ 110 ] EN TER e : 3 ghenishletmek; · biyumek; – upon, 5 aki c • .5 = tAfsilata-ghirishmek. • Enlightenment, s. · mâ”lümÂt. Enlist, v.a. j\* K-e “Asskerligha- -yâzmak, = tâhrir-èt; –, v.n. -, ?).78 • c·=y-=-e “Asskerligha- -yâzilmak. Enmity, s. e : düshmenlik, ·khüssümet, e”âdâvet, Jéré ghâraz, -ü nefsâniyyet. Ennui, s. (French) ·- jân- sâkindissi. Enormity, s. --\: fAzâhat. Enormous, a. ·: pek-biyuk, -5) - hadddan-Ashiri. Enough, a. and ad. ): yetishir, ): yetEr, y·a-&:yetishéjek-kAdar, -5) - 6 kifâyet-mikdâri. Enquire, v.n. c_: ) * sörmak; – for, or after, _ o9) * sörmak. Enrich, v.a. 'e = } zènghin-et ; (embellish) 'e tezyin-et; (with jewels) s— tersi”-et. - Ensign, s. şi- sAnjak, : bayrak, *) bandara ; ) y: bayrakdar, yle işki sAnjakdâr. Enslave, v.a. V~ èssir-et (yessir). Ensue, v.n. 4:- châkmak, J·- hâssil-öl, - tèrèttub-et. Enter, v.a. · ghirmek, 'J -e dükhül-et, 'Je-le dâkhil-ol; (write down) : kayd-et; – into (com- mence), -*- -= ghirishmek, le mübâshérèt-et. EN TER PRISE [ 111 ı ER R 0 N E0 U S Enterprise, s. · ish, S kyâr, · mûbâshérèt. Entertain, v.a. J: kAbül-et ; c· Alikömak; < y < eghlindirmek; ·yemek-virmek; - bèsslémek; y• izmâr-et, J: · "Aklina-kAbül-et. [-i ziyâfet. Entertainment, s. *-şik èghlènjé ; Entice, v.a. -j- jëzb-et, c ile Al- Enticing, a. - : ° dilfirib. [datmak. Entire, a. *) yekpâré, y: bitun, • 5 tAmm, · tèkmil ; – horse, · At, âyghir. Entrails, s. pl. ; : bāghirsak. Entrance, s. (act) : = ghirish, J;-e dükhül; (place) : kapi, J· mëdkhûl. Entreat, v.a. --2) rijâ-et, \} : niyâz- -et, ( ; 9: : yAlvarmak. Entry, s. : kApi, - medkhûl: [tâ’dâd-et. Enumerate, v.a. c*'e sâymak, el si (registering) : kâyd. Envelop, v.a. 3.9• • sarmak. Envelope, s. – zarf. [hâssüd. < kızkanj, -- Environs, s. pl. - j?wâr, – ètrâf, Envious, a. · kürb. Envoy, s. : 2)y örta-èlchi, e makhsüsseleli Envy, s. ·5ji k?zkAnma, \ >- hâssed; -, t).0. c· kizkAnmak, -- [hâssed-et. Equal, a. bir, - ~ müssâvi ; (in Epilepsy, s. keye sAr”â. age) e Akrân ; (in rank) = kyüfy; –, v.a. - mûssâvi-öl. Equality, s. · müssâvât. Equalize, v.a. -5 - mûssâvi-et. Equally, ad. 8 j müssâvât- -ûzéré. Equalness, s. -• mûssâvât. Equator, s. las khAtt-i-isstiwâ. Equatorial, a. “-: • * as-khatt- -i-isstiwâya-mènsüb. Equilateral, a. 8 °-5 - mütéssâ- vîyyu-’l-Azlâ”. Equinoetial, a. -y • *:· la khatt- -i-isstiwâya-mènsüb. [-lèyl-U-nihâr. Equinox, s. : *- tèssâvi'i- Equip, v.a. c· dönatmak, = tèjhiz-et. [hAkkÂniyyet. Equity, s. ' e “adâlet, - Equivalent, a. .5 - müssâvi ; –, s. · “vez, karshilik, :): mebdei-târikh, :yi ·- hissÂbi-târikh. Era, s. Erase, v.a. C : bözmak, · tErkin- -et, le - hakk-et. Erect, a. . .e dik, 55° döghrU, kâ'im, · “âmüd; –, va. Se dökmek, - * nAssb-et ; e·: kAldirmak ; ·: yapmak, \: binâ- -et, : inshâ-et. Erivan (capital of Persian Armenia), s. - Revân-shehiri. Ermine, s. • kâküm. Err, v.n. (mistake) c· yûngilmak, a· khAtâ-et; (wander) c*** dölashmak. [khÂtâ-sâwÂb. Errata, s. pl. erratum, s. -ye Was- Erroneous, a. · yângilish (yânish). ER R 0.R tıısı EV AP 0 R A TE Error, s. U 5 yângilish (yânish), - 5 * (yânishlik) as-khAtâ, ye- sehv, --- dAlâlet, J. dAlâl; one in error, Jé dÂll; one who leads into error, de mûdill. [bâhhir. Erudite, a. e “âlim, J= müté- Erysipelas, s. · yilAnjik. [-shèhiri. Erzroum, s. - * f:ve 5) Erzrüm- Escape, s. · kürtUlUsh, · khâlâss, - - selâmet; U*ş-: kAchish, yi firâr ; –, v.n. c·i: kÜrtulmak, c· khâlâss- -bülmak, 50 i yakayi-kür- tarmak ; c· kAchmak, V- firâr-et. Escort, s. · yâssAkji ; ( - =-ee ' ihtiyatan-terfik- ölunan-“Assker: -, v.a. 5ry: [khÂsss. Especial, a. Leş as° mâkhsüss, · bErâbèr-ghitmek. Especially, ad. Ve as” mâkhsüssan, eya- khüssüssâ, es-khÂsssâtan. Espouse, v.a. c· Almak, 'z: tèzèv- vuj-et ; (a cause) \ * iltizâm-et, - -s* tâssâhhub-et. Essay, s. & = tejribé; &.*) rissâlé ; –, v.n. anda bAkmak, & denémek, 4 tejribé-et; = imtihân-et, 5iye târtmak, c : yöklamak. [z:) rÜh. Essence, s. Jel Assl, * kyunh ; (spirit) Essential, a. · Assli; (volatile) tâyyâr ; (necessary) fj lâzim, = mütahAttim. Establish, v.a. c*ş- âchmak, C; ) : kÜrmak, — te'siss-et, yle : pâydâr-et. [dükkyân. Establishment, s. · te'siss ; e· - Estate, s. · emlâk, ·y ârâzi, · mülk; yJ mÂl-u-eshyâ ; =yi teréké; ·J- hâl-u- -hâysiyyet; & ) rütbé. Esteem, s. e i”tibâr; nAzar ; –, v.a. V' e i”tibâr-et, “e sây- mak, yaj nAzar-et, \ \e “âdd-et. Estimate, s. -ā: = keshf, J: “s tâkh- min ; –, v.a. e° tâkhmin-et. Eternal, a. 5 ebédi-ve-ezéli. Eternity, s. (past) Jj èzel ; (future) *\ ebed; (state of) - ebédiyyet, ·j ezéliyyet. Ether, s. - lökmÂn-rûhu; (ethereal matter) èssir. Ethics, s. pi, s. e “ilmi-Akhlâk, ·l edébiyyât. Ethiopian, s. -'ye * siyâh-”ârab. Etiquette, s. ele “âdet. Etymology, s. 5 ishtikâk; –öre “e Eulogy, s. U: sitâyish. [“ilm-i-sârf. Eunuch, s. L: as- khasi; •e khÂdim; · tâwâshi. - Euphrates (the river) s. -5) ·yi fûrât-nèhri. [tâkhliyyé-et. Evacuate, va, i-chikmak; 14 = Evacuation, s. 4 takhliyyâ. Evaporate, v.n. c· Üchmak, ): kürUmak; –, v.a. c· kâynat- mak, c· ÜchUrmak, • )ı: kürUtmak. EVAP 0 R A TI 0 N tıısı EXASPER ATE Evaporation, s. lak, ·ş-, Üchup-bükhâr-ölmaklik. Eve, s. • - Akhsham. Even, s. * Akhsham ; –, a. 99 düz, y* hèmvâr ; - döghrU ; · bir-siyâkda ; - *-i- bAsha-bAsh; –, ad. 4 bilé, 3 da, - dâkhi; even so, ad. iylé. Evening, s. • ...s-Akhsham, : * : - Akhsham-wAkti. Event, s. 4x:2 wâk”â. Eventually, ad. ~ \e “âkibet. Ever, ad. V•ğle dâ'imā; * : _r: bir- -wAkitda ; for ever, s, èbédEn ; for ever and ever, el sal èbédé-’l- -âbâd ; ever and anon, *)y9r. bir- -dûziyé; ever since, ·J, öl- -wAkitdan-bèri. Everlasting, a. ** dükènmaz, Jbj bi-zewäl, Jk lem-yezil. Evermore, ad. *\* fimâbâ'd, · bündan-biylé, 3 ilé-’l-èbed. Every, a. Jo hèr, _r)* hèr-bir; – day, ·y> hèr-ghyûn; – other day, -5)*'e y-= ghyûn-Ashiri, : * 5 iki-ghyûnda-bir : – thing, * ve hèr-shèy; – one, – body, ·yle hèr-kèss; – where, 8))* hèr-yèra, 8 ° hèr-yèrda, – whit, – bit, 4-2 ° hèr- -wèjhila ; y:uy: bitun-bitun. Evidence, s. e: shâhâdet; - dèlâlèt. Evident, a. . .5', 4 ghyitz-İngunda, * mèydAnda, K*i Âshikyâr, ** zâhir, e: bedihi, : bedîdâr, \ > hüweydâ. Evil, s. c = kyütuluk, : fènalik, - sü'; -vra zârar, · mAzarrat; belâ, — müssibet, · felâket; e “illet, mâraz ; –, a. · * kyîttu, \: fena, <: kabih ; the evil one, e eya * shèytÂni - lâ'in; the evil eye, * nAzar; evil-doer, s. • Jş° mîjrim; evil-speaking, s. · bûhtan. Ewe, s. ye mâriya, ° dishi- [köyUn. Exact, a. -55 döghrU, ** tAmÂm, • 5 tÂmm, ·s* sâhih ; c· Almak, C - = sitkyUb- Almak, - - a• mûtlak- -isstéyub-Almak ; J. a= tâhsil-et ; - * tÂleb-et. Ewer, s. c:y" ibrik. -, (!).(İ. Exactly, ad. *5 tamm, f\ , tAmÂm ; ( = sâhihan. Exactness, s. c:· döghruluk. Exaggerate, va. 4 mübÂligha-et. Exaggeration, s. 4 mübÂligha. Examination, s. **: yöklamak, · imtihân. Examine, v.a. c·: yöklamak, : bAkmak, 4: < mü”âyéné-et; eysi imtihân-et. Examiner, s.} • • mümeyyiz. Exasperate, v.a. 9j: kizdirmak. c·yle dAriltmak. İK EXASPERATI0N tılaı EXER TI0 N Exasperation, s. c 'e fena- dârghinlik. [öymak ; yi- hûfr-et. Excavate, v.a. · kAzmak ; c· Exceed, v.a. · ghechmek, * Ashmak, =5 tejâvuz-et. Exceedingly, ad. : ; ghâyet, a :: ghâyetla, -2° bèghâyet. Excel, v.n. and a \ 5 * fâ'ik-öl. Excellence, s. · iyilik, de â”lâlik; 5,5 tefevvuk, ls:) rûjhâniyyet. Excellent, a. : : pek-iyi, Wele : pek-â”lâ, : :- chök-iyi. ad. 45:eye dan- bAshka, el• • dan-mâ”ada, 4 e 9 dan- fAzla, -8 ° dan-ghàyri ; –, v.a. l:. · mûsstèssnâ-tÜtmak. Except, isstissnâ-et, Excepting, ad. di:uy° dan-bAshka, e 9 dan-mâ”ada, de dan- -fAzla, -8 ° dan-ghâyri. · isstissnâ. Excess, s. * fâzla ; e,5 ifrÂt; to commit excesses, c· tAshitmak, Exception, s. c :) ·l Ashirmak. Exchange, sU* dighish, *çiyi trânpa, * • mûbâdélé; bill of – 4ş : pölicha ; course of –, 5 kânbiyo; -, v.a. •· dighishdirmek, J: tebdil-et; –, v.n. \u e di- ghish-et, * trânpa-et, lale mü- Exchequer, s. 4:j-khâziné. [bâdélé-et. Excise, s. -- - ihtissâb. Exciseman, s. -6 ) · ih- tissâb-më'müri. Excite, va, le = tahrik-et; y. 5 te'sir-et. ê Exclaim, v.n. ; ) e- châghirmak, c ,éü bàghirmak, W. nidâ-et. Exclamation, s. nîdâ; note of –, l – - hârf-i-nida. Exclude, v.a. · 9Jeş: ichèri-âlma- mak, “: J: kâbül-et-memek. Exclusion, s. J: *e 'âdm-i-kâbül. Excusable, a. -)y* mâ”zür. Excuse, s. &e “izr; ö\é! bâhâné; –, v.a. Âe “Afv-et. Execute, v.a. \ y- ijrâ-et, ·2) · fi”lé-ghetirmek; kAtl-et; el Execution, s. V- ijrâ; }:kAtl. [Assmak. Executioner, s. ·- jëllÂd. Exemplify, v.a. )· J missâl- -ghètirmek, J. 5 temsil-et. Exempt, a. -5r: beri, – x mü”Af, eği âzâd; –, v.a. y°e “Afv-et, - * mü”Af-et. Exemption, s. - 5 * mü”Afiyyet. Exercise, s. (bodily) - 5 - hârékèt; (for tâ'lim; (military) ( * tâ”lim; (performance) V- ijrâ; (lesson) C y° derss, * tâ”lîm, asla mûtâla”â ; –, v.a. · ta”lim-etdirmek ; (a profession) : etmek ; (a horse, &c.) ghezdirmek. - Exert, v.a. l-iye sârf-et; jy improvement) ibrâz-et; – one's self, - sa"y-et, le ghâyret-et, eş- châbala- [*-e- châbalama. Exertion, s. * sâ'y, ghâyret, mak. `-* EXHAT ATI0N [ 115 ] EXPL 0 0 E Exhalation, s. < bükhār. [bitirmek. Exhaust, v.a. • 6'ye dükètmek, ·3): Exhaustion, s. · dükètmeklik ; · bitirmeklik, Exhibit, v.a. · ghyîsstermek, · ~ seyr-ètdirmek ; y-) ibrâz-et. Exile, s. ·5) sürghyun, ki nèfy, * mènfi; –, v.a. · sür- mek, : nèfy-et. Exist, v.n. y'ı vâr-öl, y'e 5 kyâ'in-öl, - mevjüd-öl, * bölun- mak; (*** ş° ghèchinmek, 'L* tâ”âyyush-et. Existence, s. c:W; vârlik, · kèvn, · kèynünèt, · mèv- jüdiyyet, ya vüjüd. Exorbitant, a. şi• cy 9 - hâdden- -mütéjàviz ; : pek-pAhali. Exotic, a. ·- èjnébi. Expand, v.n. • yayilmak. Expansion, s. c· yâyilmaklik. Expect, v.a. c· bAkmak, · Ümmak, J, më'mül-et. Expectation, s. Jı me'mül, ümid (ûmut), zLi terèiji, - tèrâkküb. Expectorate, v.a. · tükyurmek. Expediency, s. · münâssébet, ey lüzüm. Expedient, s. *)'ş- châré, }: kölay, J: yöl; –, a. · münâssib, •j3 lâzim. Expedite, va. J ş° tâ“jil-et. Expedition, s. — sûr”ât; & ş° “Ajélé; J irsal; sefer ; °-5i lo45) sefer-ârkadash- lari-tâkimi. [sèri“. Expeditious, a. ·ş- châbik, 8-)* Expel, v.a. G* köghmak, s-i° def“-et. Expend, v.a. 'z· kharj-et, -iy* sârf-et, c·-·-khârjamak. Expense, s. z - khāri, – a• mAss- raf –5) a• mAssârif a• mAssârifÂt. Expensive, a. mAssrâfli. Experience, s. :*) $ ghyirghi, · mâ”lümÂt, 4 = tejrubé; –, v.a. ·9)· ghyirmek, · bAshina-ghElmek, lâ:y° tèjrubé-et, ·=ş- chèkmek; –, o4öe dènémek. Experienced, a. · mâ”lümÂtli, * 9 Skyârdidé, -25° müjerreb. Experiment, s. 6:J° tèjrubé, & c&je} dènémé. Expert, a. 3 üsstâz (Üssta). Expire, v.n. · ilmek ; · sinmek, a· mûntâf-öl; (a term) - ghèlmek, *** tAmAm-öl, münkAzi-öl. Explain, v.a. -:J*i tâ”rif-et, · ânglatmak (ânnatmak). Explanation, s. –: <5 tâ”rif. Explicit, a. : } = ghyiz- -shâhidi, a : shāhid, ** shâhidu-’l-”âyn. F. Fable, s. J missâl, Ja• mASSAl, &K- hikyâyé. - Fabric, s. · yûpi, : binâ; · hey’et, J.K. heykel; _\ kümAsh. Fabricate, v.a. jşe düzmek, c·: yâpmak. Fabulous, a. · Assli-yök ; el · Assli-yök-ghibi, J* mAssAl-ghibi. Face, s. j; yüz, yé- chèhré, yye sürèt (sÜrAt); –, v.a. c*** *j}: yüzuna-bAkmak; ; ) ; 9 :yü kâr- shi-dûrmak, -*-i- dayanmak ; · irtmek, ü kaplamak. Facet, s. &ş-: fâchèta. Facetious, a. -* lâtiféji. Facetiousness, s. e - a lâtiféjilik. Facilitate, v.a. Je-i tèsshil-et. [lèt. Facility, s. kölaylik, e sühü- Facing, s.j: yüz, * \;\: kAplama ; –, pr. *- karshissina, 8 :yü [-hâl. Fact, s. *: vâk”â ; J-s-i2 vÂki'i- Factor, s. ş: e sAtiji. Factory, s. &:y* fâbrika. Faculty, s. 4 es-khÂsssa, 5 küvvet ; kârshissinda. ikhtiyâr, iy re'y ; -d e sinf. Fade, v.n. c· sölmak, c· Atmak ; – away, J; j zâ'il-öl, '-5'e ghâ'ib-öl. [-ghibi-chAlishmak. Fag, v.n. c·- J*- hAmmÂl- 2 Faggot, s. · inja-ÖdUn- -dèméti. Fail, v.n. c** ş-*: bösha-châkmak, c·y Üymamak; ·j : bözUlmak; C *-oğy \! ÜydUramamak ; - * müfliss-öl, c· töp-Atmak ; İ * kÜssür-et ; e : ètma- mazlik-et. FAILING [ 118 ] FALSEH00D Failing, s. ) a5 kÜssür, - e “âyb, ·- kAbâhat. [lik. Failure, s. c·liflâss, c müfliss- Faint, a. G- : bâyilajak; (colour) - -khAfif, - âchik; (smell) é Aghir ; (voice) 4şkil inja, · bâyghin ; –, v.n. c· ! bâyilmak. Fainting-fit, s. 4• : bayilma. Fair, a. (beautiful) J; 5 ghyizël, yle dilbir; (fine) Jj; ghyüzel, ş- âchik; (favorable) : üyghun, d; mûwÂfik ; (not dark) –55 • sAri, - - beyaz; (hair) ki: lipisska ; (kind) - tAtli ; – play, :· döghruluk, ·- hiléssizlik ; to give fair play, a - e· hilé-etmamek, Az.--- - G***:): khârijdan-kArishmamak ; the fair sex, : 5 kÂrilar, U-3' e tâ'ife'i-nissâ, *-i-5,5 kari-kissmi; -s S. : pAnâyir. Fairy, s. -5): pèri. Faith, s. “ imān; 39 din ; :e i”tikÂd; · emniyyet, .e i”timÂd; bad faith, c =: yalAn- jilik, khā’inlik, | khiyânet. Faithful, a. J° sÂdik; the faithful,s. pl. e· müsslimin, · mü'minin. Faithfulness, s. 5 e sadâkAt. Falcon, s. e· shâhin, · döghAn. Fall, s. **ye düshmé; –, v.a. •: düshmek; : yikilmak; ènmek ; · e: pâhassi-enmek; d· bAshlamak; – asleep, c3 oy3 - 4 : yl Üykussu-ghèlup- -ÜyUmak; e: • ilmek,\ : vèfât- -et; – away, c· y° dinup- -brâkmak : -•-:ye düshmek, c· yikilmak : • * zâ”iflan- mak, 5 $ yAlingiz-kemik- -kAlmak; –back, c= Kş- 9· ghèri- -chèkilmek ; – down, · düsh- mek, : yikilmak; – in with, l-i aj tessâduf-et, ·y rAsst-ghèlmek; mûwÂfakAt- -et ; – off, ·y Azalmak; - : ·- brâkip-chèkilmek; – out, l-i 'a tessÂduf-et, si: wAki”- -öl; **j: bözUshmak, \: (kâw- gha)-et; -short, Se eksik- -ghElmek, c· nissÂbini- -bülmamak ; – to, c . bAsh- lamak ; – to leeward, ·y S;2) · rüzghyâr-Altina-ghitmek. False, a. · yângilish (yânish), · fässid; e yalan; : yâlAnji ; A taklid; *\: yâpma, · düzm6, üydurma; · kAlp ; 4 - sâkhté; e: - khÂ'in; ü: biwefâ, e sAdâ- kAtsiz ; )9j• müzevvir; – witness, j· shâhidi-zür, *** : yâlAn-shâhidi; false-witness, s. W: iftirâ, · bühtân, · yâlân, y! j° tèzvir. Falsehood, s. · yâlAn, - 5 kizb ; - yâlAnjilik; 5 - khā'in- lik ; · sAdâkAtsizlik, \: *e 6 6 k 4° üğ * - * âdémi-wèfâ. E ALS EN ESS [ 119 ] * y FA R. R. IER Falseness, s. · yâlAn ; · yân- gilish (yânish), as-khAtâ, 5: (yânishlik). [eV nÂm. Fame, s. 4: shūhret, 'e ishtihâr, Familiar, a. … ye dösst, y° ** siki-dösst ; * ye dösstâné : - 5 teklifsiz; 5 kAba. Familiarity, s. c: - 5 teklifsizlik. Familiarize, v.a. C°· Alishdirmak; – one's self, c· Alishmak. Family, s. - ye- chöjuk, }y evlâd; c·- chöluk-chöjuk, èv-bark, J-e, -> ehl-u-”âyâl, 5 ev-tâkimi; - öjak, · silsilé, ö- khāné, ey - khānédân, ese düdmán, Jî âl; 8: nèv”, -°ye söy, -29°-5 e söy- -söp, L-a- jinss. [é ghilâ. Famine, s. ş- Achlik; as° kâht, Famish, v.a. c·z âj-kömak; –, vn, iz aj-kalmak, öz ajik- mak, ·=e-c e- âchlik-chèk- [pèk-âjikmish. Famished, a. z'e: pek-āj, U*öz- e : Famous, a. 24 • mèshhür ; * : pek-iyi, ele pek-â”lâ. Fan, s. * yelpâzé; kÂlbUr ; -, v.a. e:j yelpaz6-salla- mek. mak, Fanatic, s. - as mûta Asssib; –al, 0. & e· müta”Assibâné. ş Fanaticism, s. - as5 tâ“Assub. Fancy, s. Jäc “Akl, · zihn; : · küvveti-mütékhāyyilé; y • merak; yy-i kûruntu, *-- sAchma; –, v.a. ( :y: kürmak, ·"Aklina-ghetirmek; * zânn-et ; c* \ \a- jAni-issté- mek ; “Kı beghenmek; to take . . , - jAni- -isstémek; beghenmek. Fanfaronade, s. – Af. Far, a. Jü, ÜzAk, y irAk, \ex: bâ”id; – and wide, ad. diye ètrâfa, 8. el ètrâfda ; –, ad. (much more) :- * dâhâ-chök; (very) c: pek, :- chök. Fare, s. (food) c -*=le -: yeyé- jek-ichèjek ; (reception) a < mü”- âmélé ; (carriage-hire) · yi (passenger) - • müshtèri; –, v.n. · yeyup-iehmek; — gechinmek; c· ölmak ; •: y üymak. Farewell, int. -se dû”âlar, 4-6 ) y• • AllAha-issmârladik ; • u: öghUr.ğla. Farm, s. e- chiftlik : • iltizâm; * 5 mükâta”â; –, va. 4 y= c· kirâ-ila-têtmak; 5 kirâya - vèrmek ; iltizâm-et ; · · c* küllanmak, 5 bAkmak, a fancy to . nûbet-pârassi ; iltizâma - vErmek ; l-ey zirâ”ât-et; – out, * 5 c kirâya-virmek; ·9/29 ·) iltizâma-virmek. Farmer, s. şüş- chiftji ; ·eyJe ehli-zirâ”ât; mültezim, Farrier, s. < (nAlbAn, nAlbAnt) nâ”lbend. E AİR TE ER [ 120 ] FAV 0 U R Farther, a. Ü: \Re dâhâ-üzAk; –, ad. 45, Be dâhâ-itéya, sekiyse dâhā-ütédé; –, va." e yârdim-et. Farthermore, c. &: vè-yiné (vè-ghèné), *, vi-hem-dé - * vi-hem- dâkhi, 33, vekézâ. Farthest, a. Ü èng-ÜzAk ; at farthest, ad. · · ölsa-ölsa. Farthing, s. *ş° Akcha. Fascinate, v.a. c·: jy= ghyiz-bâgh- lamak, 14: ; ferifté-et. Fascine, s. * - ahibik demeti Fashion, s. ele “âdet, ·2) rèssim, fe: bichim, mÖda, ye târz ; -, t).0. c·: yâpmak ; · * bichim-vèrmek. Fast, a. (tight) ise siki; (firm) <=” mühkim; (quick) : - châbik; -, S. z v: Ürüj, • • siyâm ; Christian –, _):): pèrhiz ; –, v.n. c·z āj-dûrmak, iz aj- kalmak : **z ürüj-tütmak ; c·2r pèrhiz-tûtmak. Fasten, v.a. c --é- bAghlamak ; C ) 8. e sâkishdirmak. Fastidious, a.j: titiz. Fasting, a. z āj; · Ürüjlu ; ·3): pErhizli. - Fat, s. &: yâgh ; –, a. (meat) ·: yàghli ; (man) shishman ; (beast) j*· sèmiz, : tâwli ; –, vn : * sèmirmek; –, va. · bèsslémek, 45i); * sèmirt- mek. Fatal, s. · · mürissi-mèvt; e·ybir-ishing- bözulmassina-sebeb-ölAn; y.ö mü- kAddEr, cy • mü’âyyen; • • mesh'üm. Fatality, s. · mesh'ümiyyet; · shâ’âmet. fènjâmi-kyâr. Fate, s. 5 kAder ; blum; 4 = - Father, s. bAbA, _y \: pEdır; wife's –, 5 · kâyn-âta; step- –, ·y Ulı üveghi-bAba. Fatherland, s. · vuAtAn. Fathom, s. z: y-: külâj; –, v.a. J: ā- isskAndil-et; = ânglamak (ânnamak). [maz. Fathomless, a. .j• : ele dibi-bölun- Fatigue, s. c·:): yörghUnluk, -s5 tâ"b; -ā: meshâkkAt; –, v.a. C :): yörmak. Fatigued, a. .); y: yörghUn. Fatiguing, a. V: yörar. Fatten, v.n. *) * sèmirmek ; –, va - besslemek, !); * sèmirtmek. Fault, s. · kalahat z° süch, ya; küssür, k==- jünha, f - jürm; ai sûkatlik; to find –, (7.72 • ·9° · kAbâhat-bölmak; c·le bahān6-bûlmak, ai kÜssür-bÜlmak. Faultless, a.j · kÜssürsiz. Favour, s. •· kirem, -: e “inâyet, -i-a lütf ; 8 e- müssâ”adé; -- hüssnu-nAzâr ; ; yüz, 3,4- chèhré, 2'ye sürèt; *le); · kördèla-bÂghi ; to curry –, v.a. FA V 0 U R A BI, E [ 121 ] FEN CE ci • yeltenmek; *l mûdâ- héné-et. [mûssâ”id, ey: ÜyghUn. Favourable, a. ; ; mûwÂfik, · Favourite, s. · sèvdik. Fawn, s. _2 : ghèyik-yâwrissi, U_5“: : 4-\,: kAraja-yâwrissi ; –, (7.70 . c·: yAltAklanmak. Fear, s. 5i: körkU, – - khâvf, * bim, - - .be dèhshèt; –, v.n. and a. :): körkmak. Fearful, a. · körkUlU, : körkUnjlu, – s” mâkhüf. Feasible, a. yy yûkishik-Alir, ölUr, e· mümkin. Feast, s. - 5 * ziyâfet; (religious) *ye bâyram ; k2): yörti. Feather, s. -5, tüy. Features, s. pl. simâ. February, s. e shûbAt. Fecund, a. )· C 95- *ş - chökjé- chöjuk-döghurur ; )' as” mâh- süldār. Federation, s. ittifâk; cy • müttefik’in. [-5, âyak-tèri. Fee, s. “) rèssim, *öye “âwâ'id; Feeble, a. – zâ”if, : kûvvetsiz. Feebleness, s. –is zâ”f, · kÜvvetsizlik. Feed, s. 4. yemek; -, v.n. • yemek, :e 4. yemek-yemek ; -, v.a. - besslémek; 2) \! yëdirmek. Feel, v.a. •ye düymak, L-- hisss-et; c· dökunmak, 5 bâkmak; c· yöklamak. Feeling, a. · mèrhametli: --- hAsssâss; –, s. L-- hisss ; ·: 4-5 küvveti-lâmissé; ·- hAsssâsslik ; · mèrhâmet, · shèfakAt, ·y rikkAti- -kAlb. [-yâpmak, taklid-et. Feign, v.a. c· yâlAndan- Feigned, a. e· yâlAndan, *: yapma, tAklid. Felicitation, s. tebrik, * 4i tehniyyé, · ghyîzung- Felicity, s. s. sâ’âdet. Felloe, s. *-: ipsid. [âydin. Fellow, s. – - herif, c le°) arka- dash, C 5 ayakdash, · yöldash; S $ ghedikli ; fellows, e·- ikhwÂn. Fellow-citizen, s. -5,4 ° hèm-shèhri. Fellowship, s. c·) ârkadashlik ; c - ikhwānlik; ghedik. Felon, s. *el * 5°, - khâr- siz-vè-kÂtil-mâküléssi-AdAm, - - res- khâbiss. [khâbâssètli. Felonious, a — khābiss, · Felony, s. = c - *<-- khirsizlik-yâkhud-kAtillik- -ghibi-jûnhâ. Felt, s. *ş* kèché, des= kèbé. Female, a. and s. u = 9 dishi ; -55) : kAri ; }: k?z. Feminine, a. (gram) mû'en- niEss ; – (womanlike) yy *-5Jü kariya-yâkishir. Fence, s. 8 : * tâkhta-pèrdé, · pârmaklik, y5° diwar, ş- chit ; FENCING [ 122 ] FIEL D-PIECE -, v.a. c şe- chevirmek : -, * Q).22e **** mech-tâ”limi-et. Fencing, s. **** mech-tâ'limi. Fennel, s. ;iyi ye deré-ötu. Feoff, s. “: timâr, ·ej zi”âmet; c 5- 9; yürdluk-öjaklik. Ferment, s. 4. mâyé (mâya); ·ü kâynama ; * ) - chûrumé, *): kazma; 5 telâsh; –, v.n. c :· kAbarmak ; c· kâynamak ; \ - 5 takhâmmur-et; –, · kabartmak; kây- natmak; * tâkhmir-et. Fermentation, s. · tâkhmir, * tâkhâmmur; * ) kabarma, :: kâynama ; - 5 kazma; * ) e- Ferret, s. aile sAnsâr (?). [chürumé. Ferrule, s. 4öyjy! prAzwAna. ?).0. Ferry, s. 5 şe ghechid-yeri. Ferry-boat, s. 5 kâyik, j' ; töm- baz, c = kelek, Fertile, a. -- c münbit, ·=: bèré- kètli, ya=* mâhsüldār. Fertileness, Fertility, s. · mün- bitlik, berékètlilik. Fester, v.n. c·: ·- jèrâhât- [_: ) : yörtU. Festival, s. · ghyün ; * bâyrâm ; Fetch, v.a. “ 9:6- ghidup- -ghetirmek, *- - -= [Aghir-kökar. Fetid, a. yü; \ fena-kökar, yü; Jé Fetlock, s. : · töpuk. -töplanmak. ghidup-Alip-ghèlmek. Fetters, s. pl._); *: (demir), · zin- jir, bükaghi. Feud, s. 8ji nîzâ”. Fever, s. V•- hümmā; (ague) · işsitma (sitma); (heat) :2yy - Feverish, a. .5 - hârâretli [hârâret. Feverishness, s. :) - hârâret. Few, a. Az ; a few, j) r: bir-Az, z:!): Fibre, s. 5 tel; –i lif. [bir-kAch. Fibrous, a : Ji tel-tel, telli, · – lif-ghibi. Fickle, a. - 5 sebâtsiz, j.9/9° gele _r! bir-dalda-dûrmaz, e mütélevvin. Fictitious, a. 4 jye düzma, 4 y\: Fiddle, s. 45 kimAn. Fiddler, s. : 5 kimAnji, -e 6 kèmAn-chAlar. [kèmAn-ökU. Fiddlestick, s. 5, ök, = Fiddlestring, s. 5 * kèmÂn-têli. Fidelity, s. 5 e sadâkat, 5 • sÂdiklik. Fidget, s. · mèrAkli ; :·-y [üydurma. râhat-dürmaz; –, v.n. y* mèrAk- -et ; c :·-y râhat-dürma- mak; -, v.a. oy : kArish- dirmak ; ·-y rahat- -brâkmamak. Fief, s. “: timâr ; · yÜrdluk-öjaklik; & mâlikyâné. Field, s. ye târla; 8:y öwa, 'ş- châyir; ys” sâhrâ. Field-day, s. · biyuk- -tâ”lim-ghyûnu. Field-marshal, s. A· sèr-“Assker, Field-officer, s. a : bîyuk-zâbit, Field-piece, 8- : ·ye- chârkha- -töpu, c· (kûbuss). FI ER 0, E [ 123 ] FI R EAR MS Fierce, a. = 9r sert, A - hâdid, \! · Fiery, a. SU: Atesh-ghibi. [shedid, Fife, s. dûduk. Fifer, s. şeye dndukju. Fifteen, a. U°e ön-besh. Fifty, a. elli. Fig, s. = injir. Fight, s. U: (kawgha), · dügh- ush; - jenk, s° mühârébé; -, v.n. * = düghushmek, \ (kâwgha)-et, le - jenk-et, 14: \s° mûhârébé-et; – one's way, c· ishini-üydurmak. Figure, s. K* (shekil) shëkl; bichim, • endâm, eş- böy- -böss, - * hey’et; -, v.n. \c ghyüsstèrish-et; c ghyîrunmek. Filbert, s. J** ğü tâz6-findik. Filch, v.a. e- chAlmak. File, s. 45 èghé; (of soldiers) 89° s?ra; (of papers) ile tâkim; –, v.a. c- 4= eghélémek, la las èghé-ila-Almak; (papers) - W-:iyi töplayup-tèrtib-et. Filial, a. 6: bènévi. Filings, s. 5 $ eghenti. Fill, v.n. c· dölmak ; –, v.a. · döldurmak. Filly, s. -5'e -: kâssrAk-tây. • • *) râkAm 5 Film, s. Jj zār. Filter, s. :=) y· süzghèch ; -, v.a. · süzmek ; -, v.n. · süzulmek. [lik (mÜn-), z : èvsâkh. Filth, s. ; pisslik, ye) mürdâr- | Filthy, a. L-: piss, ylere mÜrdâr. Fin, s. şe ! bAlik-kAnadi, el: kAnAd. Final, a. · söng, -- âkhir. Finally, ad. \e “âkibet, 8 ile “âkibetda ; Jes el-hissil, <- 6 hÂssili-kèlâm. Finance, s. * ) · ÜmürU-mÂliyyé ; minister of –, -6i, * mâliyyé- Find, v.a. · : bûlmak. Fine, a. J* ghyüzel ; *şkil inja ; · khÂsss ; · khâliss ; –, s. * - jerimé ; –, v.a. c·- jerimé-Almak, -· tejrim-et; 4 a tAssfiyyé-et. Finedraw, v.a. 2)y àrmek. [-nAziri. Finedrawer, s. =:!), itruju. Finger, s. c; ; pârmak : -, v.a. c· dökUnmak, oy :yi kArish- dirmak. Finger-post, s. · J: yöl- -ghyûsteren-direk. Finish, s. J söng-El ; –, v.n. e : bitmek ; “ye dükenmek; tamâm-öl, 'J 45 tekmîl-öl; – va. bitirmek ; ** dükètmek ; tekmîl-et. ' Finite, a eş s” mahdüd, müté- Fir, s. f - châm. [nâhi. Fire, s. U: Atesh; –, v.a. Atmak, -s-\ \ Endâkht-et; 'L:) Atesh-et; : Atesh-virmek; -up, v.n. c·): pârlamak, ·- hiddetlenmek. Firearms, s. pl. ss e tüfenk- FIR EL 0 0 K [ 124 ] FI AM BE A U -tabanja: U = - esalihé'i- -nârîyyé. Firelock, s. < 5 tüfenk (tüfek). Fireman, s. 2-4 v** yânghin- -tülUmbajissi. [missi. Fireship, s. · atesh-ghe- Firewood, s. · ÖdUn, ·a- hAtAb. Firework, s. :.: fishènk (fishek). Firing, s. L*e ÖdUn-kyîmur. Firm, a = mühkim, : kâwi; siki; dayânikli, · mètânètli, cy: • mètin ; ·ü sâbit; *) râsikh, : pâydâr ; –, s. imzâ; · shirkèt. Firmament, s. -5): · ghyük-yüzu, • semä, • āssmân ; ·yle fèleku-’l-èflâk. Firmness, s. sebât, · metâ- nèt ; e· mühkimlik, First, a. birinji, e ilk, J. Evvel. Firstborn, a. · nükhÜsstzâd, se - : nükhusstzâdé, · biyuk, e ilk. Firstfruits, s. pl. 8 xj : türfAndé. Fish, s. c : bÂlik ; –, v.n. c· Avlamak, c·: bÂlik-Avlamak ; 'A c· kApmagha-bAkmak. Fishbone, s. ş° balik-klchighi Fisher, Fisherman, s. ş* baliki u = \: balik-Avlayiji. [dAlyAn. Fishery, s. - : bÂlik-Avi ; e· Fishmonger, s. · bAlikji, : : Ve bAlik-sAtiji. Fishpond, s. _ - hâwz. Fissure, s. 5 yârik, 5ş-châtlAk. Fist, s. 4: mûshta, 3 eş yûmruk. Fit, a - münâssib, *-i yâki- shir, · lâyik, ·- jüssbÂn; J* ehl, - ) Erbâb; –, s. nûbet; &ere sAr”â; –, va. - 5 : iyi-ghèlmek; •: y Üymak ; ; ) \! Üydurmak. Fitness, s. — münâssébet, : yâkislik; liyâkAt, el èhliyyet. Fitting, a. · münâssib ; –, s. takim; üydurmaklik Five, a : besh, - - khamss, : pènj. Fix, v.a. - 5 sâbit-et; \e tâ”yin- -et; -= kessmek; ·9 kArâr-vérmek ; c , ötürmak; * itti- khâzi-mèkyân-et; –, s. · ghyüchluk, K. mûshkil. Fixed, a. ü sâbit; cyr* mû”âyyen, U· kessilmish; ° dik. Flag, s. şi- sAnjak, ye: bâyrak, *) : bAndara ; j - SAz ; –, v.n. c= -s= küvveti- kessilmek; c·y: yörülmak; c*5)'e sârkmak ; el-5 kessAd-öl. Flagship, s. -**\: pâsha-ghèmissi. Flagstaff, s. = 9 şi- sAnjak- -direghi : -5) = şi- sanjak- -ghyindéri. –, one's self, v.n. Flake, s. (of snow) **L: küsh- bAshi; (of pastry) : 5 kAt. Flaky, a. (pastry) · kAt-kAt. Flambeau, s. *** mesh”âlé (mAshala). FI AM E [ 125 ] FL 0UNDER Flame, s. · “âlev, & j zâbâné ; *** shû”lé; c e “Ashk; **** mâ- “shüka ; –, v.a. · 9 · “âlev- vèrmek; te burstinto flames, ·ye “âlevlenmek. Flaming, a. : e “âlevli, · döl) zâbÂ- nékèsh, y* shû”lévèr. Flank, s. yûn ; - -jenâh ; -, v.a. ·: yândan-Almak. Flannel, s. * fänela. [mek. Flare, v.n. · pek-“âlevlen- Flash, s. e “âlev; –, v.n. · “âlev - vèrmek ; ; )y: pârlamak; 45'ş- châkmak; to flash in the pan, Almamak. [°): vèzné. Flask, s. 4: shishé; (powder –) Flat, a. .j şe düz ; · yasisi 5 j- & lèzzètsiz, k -se tAtsiz-tÜzsUz ; Flat-iron, s. · ittu. U· “Aklsiz. Flatten, v.a. ·j9° düzletmek, dü- zeltmek ; c~ yâssilatmak. Flatter, va. 4 M müdâhané-et ; – one's self, v.n. • • sânmak; c· ümmak, ümid-et. Flatterer, s. - · müdâhanrji. Flattery, s. 4.ol müdâhané. Flavour, s. & lezzet, ·ş- châshni (cheshni) = \e tAt. Flaw, s. ağ. sâkAt, - :° “âyb, ya: küssür, - ö. sâkâmet. Flax, s. · (kètEn). Flay,v.a. ·: yüzmek, ***_s -y° Flea, s. 37: piré. [dèrissini-söymak. Fleabane, s. ;i, 3): piré-ötU. Flee, v.n. · kAchmak, y* firâr-et. Fleece, s. ·: pösst; -, v.a. c * 5-2 söymak. [châbik, ·e· sûr”âtli. Fleet, s. 4:9° dönanma ; –, a. ·e- Fleeting, a. * - châbik-ghèchEr, J'y's-y* seri”u-z-zewâl, , \ fâni. Flesh, s. et = lahm, = ghyÖsht. Fleshy, a. etli; = mülâhhâm. Flexible, a. eghilir, - -- yimUshAk. Flight, s. U*ş-5 kAchish, V firâr; (of birds) -5); sûru ; (of arrows) yâyilim; (of stairs) : 95 kAt. Flimsy, a. .%y * seyrek, ·* ** kÜmAshi-seyrek. Fling, v.a. c·) Atmak. Flint, s. - 5 - châkmak-tAshi. Float, s. *) * shâmAndara ; –, v.n. ·ü: yüzmek; –, v.a. Ey°): yüzdurmek. [üshushmek. Flock, s. -5) sûru; –, v.n. · Flog, v.a. · düghmek, dâyak-Atmak. Flogging, s. ş** kAmchi. Flood, s. seyl (sel); tüfán ; · medd; –, v.a. e\, e sü-bAss- mak; ; ) e: , e sü-bAssdirmak. Floor, Flooring, s. & o& şe düshémé, * takhta ; –, v.a. **** Florid, a. -:j•: kârmizi. [düshémek. Florist, s. ş° ehleheki- -bÂghchawân. Flotilla, s. V• • *ş inja-dönanma. Flounder, s. ·: pissi-bAlighi ; -, U.72, c·y: yiwarlanmak. - Fı 0 U İR [ 126 ] F 0I Tı 0W Flour, s. t.) ün, 5° dAkik. Flourish, v.n. · V• nèshv-u- -nemâ-bülmak; M = bèr-hâyât- -öl. - [-hâlda-ölAn. Flourishing, a. e *-e-- hüssnu- Flow, s. medd; –, v.n. 5) Akmak, le : - jeréyân-et; yle—a mûn- sâbb-ol; medd-öl. Flower, s. c şe- chichek; –, v.n. ·-le şl-chichek-âchmak Flowerpot, s. • sAksi. Fluctuate, v.n. yye bir- -kArârda-dürmamak. Flue, s. 4- bAja. Fluency, s. · 9 :y'e• mâhârët- Fluently, ad. * ·yé- sûhülët-ila. Fluid, a. J- sèyyâl; –, s. J -- [körkUtmak. Flurry, s. c 5 telâsh; –, va. :yyi Flush, a. j9° düz ; –, v.n. re· jissm-seyyâl. birdan-jevélān-et ; – up, :*) * kâzârmak. Flute, s. 5ü nây, ney, · flâwta. Fluting, s. 9: yiw, yiv. Fly, s. sinek; L**ye V= kirâ- -“arabassi; –, v.n. c· Üchmak; c·-i kAchmak ; – about, * c , etrâfa-fırlamak; – at, 4 yıl c· üzeriné-Atilmak : – away, c· Üchmak; – back, c·· ghèri-frlamak; –forrefuge, e sighinmak, şü iltijā-et; – in pieces, ·): pârélEnmek (pâra- lanmak); – into a passion, c·): parlamak, • - hiddetlenmek; [vé-sûhület. – off, c· Üchmak ; c· fârla- mak ; *-5 kAchmak; – open, e: •y: ş- âchilivèrmek ; – Out, c· Atilmak; c yş° sichramak; c· firlamak ; –up, c: -5): yükâri-fırlamak. Flying-bridge, s. · 35 · “âriy- yëti-kyipru. [döghUrmak. Foal, s. e tây; –, v.n. · Foam, s. · kyi puk ; –, v.n. ··= kyipurmek. L:5r merkEz. Focus, s. 5 - *aiü nökta'i-ihtirÂk; Fodder,s. · öt, · *: ) ârpa-sâmAn. Foe, s. cy” düshmèn. Foetus, s. J°- jinin, C 2-55- chöjUk, -5 yâwri. [siss. Fog, s. Foggy, a. e· dümân, L-” Foible, s. :y• mèrÂk. Fold, s. kAt; sheep –, J: Aghil; –,v.a. 3 kat-kat-et; : töplamak, c 9. ye devshirmek ; · sarmak, : bükmek : c· kırmak; –. v.72. yle 5- 9; kAt-kat-öl; cş - töplanmak, · devshirilmek, e sa- rilmak, $ bükyulmek, kârilmak. [ e “âlèm. Folk, s. - khalk, ak), örtalik, Follow, v.a. e : * ) ârkassina- -dûshmek, • y° *9) ardina- -dûshmek, = *9) ârdina- -ghitmek, 5 *) Arkassi- -sâra-ghElmek ; s-5 tâbi”-ol; –, vn : *-e- chikmak, eji lâzim-ghèlmek. F 0 I, T 0 W IN G. [ 127 ] F 0 R EFIN GER Following, a. erté ; ; āti; =*89) ; zirdé-mühârrEr. [lilik. Folly, s. ; āe “Aklsizlik, e de- Foment, v.a. c· ş1- sijAk- (troubles) · fit-virmek, · C°r: pâr- mak-vèrmek, e: s5 tâhrik-et. -sü-ila-yikamak ; · Fond, a. y-e: pek-sever, ş” :ş- chök-sèver ; delissi ; - : bösh, 8 yé: bihüdé. Fondle, va. : - ar: küjAghina-Alip-ökhshamak. Food, s. -: yeyéjek, “: yemek, ghîdâ. [diwâné. Fool, s, j = “Aklsiz, ° dèli, &'ye Foolery, s. 3,4-* mAsskharalik. Foolhardy, a. .e 6° - jessür- dighil-deli. Foolish, a. (person) e “Aklsiz, ° deli, ölye diwāné ; (thing) ; āe “Aklsiz. Foot, s. : âyak, * kAdEm, ; pâ, -s; pây, pey; (of hill) : etek. Footing, s. r:G-* âyak-bAssajak- -yir; e sifat, · mènzélèt. Footman, s. ÜshAk. Footpath, s. * * : piyâdé-kAl- dirimi; sela: piyâdé-yölu. Footstep, s. : 5 ayak-izi; _i) [dighi. Footstool, s. * : âyak-yâss- èssEr; l issr. For, pr. · (ichin) ichun; 5 a, : ya ; cye dan; · dan-dölayi ; -, C. Wj zirâ, k=ü ş- chûnku ; for all that, ad. 4: yiné (ghèna). Forage, s. · öt, e· *: ) ârpa- -sâmAn; –, v.n. c·W =-: yèyéjéghini-Aramak; – about, v.n. ; ; ) -: ité-beri- -kArishdirarak-Aramak. Forbear, v.n. · vâz-ghèchmek ; : 5 kendini-zAbt-et, e- \c-ā jebri-nefss-et. [hâmmul. Forbearance, s. L* sAbr, · tâ- Forbid, v.a. : ° *: etma-dèyu- -tenbih-et, nehy-et, 5-: yâssAk-et. Force, s. ) .j zör, z: ghyûch, · küvvet; r= - jebr; - ijbâr; –, ?).0. ·92) zörlamak ; V- jèbr-et, V - jbâr-et; by – ad. y.j zörâki, ·y* isstéméyérek, y- jebran ; to force a sale, 9° c ile = tûtdura-bildighina- satmak; – back, :) 9J* ghèri- itmek, 909- y:= ghèri-sürmek ; – down, · Ashāghi-bAss- mak; – in, yeş: ichèri-kak- mak; – out, *y* sîkmek. Forcepş, s. · mAsha, zai kèssAj. Ford, s. · ghèchid, -5) · ghè- chid-yeri, mâ"ber ; -, v.a. · gleehmek; = “übüret. Fore, a. *, ingdéki, :ya ilèriki, $sey ilerideki ; - and aft, *şi9° ghèmining-böyUnja. Forefather, s. -jedd(pl. ol*- ejdâd). Forefinger, s. ele shâhâdet- parmaghi, F0 R EG 0 [ 128 ] F0 RT BI Forego, v.a. · vâz-ghèchmek. Forehead, s. eyl Alin (Ann), ey = jebin, &6 =- jëbhé. Foreign, a. Foreigner, s. r èjnébi. Foreland, s. . )! bürUn. Forelock, s. 4. e\, nâssiyyé. Foreman, s. (Üssta), * \5 kAlfa. Foremast, s. · *: ; prûwa-dirèghi, 5 ° C bAsh-direghi. Foremost, a sey 'e eng-ilerideki. Foresail, s. · trinkèt. Foresee, v.a. 'L-8 kAbla-’l- -vükü”-hiss-et. Foresight, s. 9): a; bAssiret. Forest, s. ·· ÖrmAn. Foretell, v.a. - 8 : kAbla-’l-vükü”-khAbEr-virmek. Forge, s. S° = y demirji-dûk- kyâni ; z = xy demirji- -8jaghi; –, v.a. ishlémek, c= $'ye düghmek; (a forgery), v.a. \e tAklid-et; –, v.n. - 64 • sâkhtékyârlik-et. - Forger, s. · yûpiji ; Sa: - • sâkhtékyâr. Forgery, s. c: Sa: -. sâkhtékyârlik; 4:- sâkhté. Forget, v.a. işiy Ünûtmak, 'c ferâmüsh-et, nissyān-et. Forgetful, a. yeşi ünüdur. Forgetfulness, s. ghAflet. Forgive, v.a. ãe “Afv-et, U: bakhsh-et, \: < (bAghishlamak). Forgiveness, s. 9ğe “Afv ; (by God) · mâghféret, Vié ghûfrÂn. Fork, s. ) e- châtal; (for digging) J: Forked, a. Jeş- châtAl. [bèl. Forlorn, a. --~ sâhibsiz. Form, s. JK shekil, *ş: bichim, ·e sürEt, · hey'et ; “y (ressim), ele “âdet; yye sürèt; *) e sira, · pèykèh; -d e sinf; -, va, J.K. teshkil-et, 3 yapmak ; “ ölmak, - -> c = hey’etina-ghirmek. Formal, a. Le“) ressmi ; -63) e süri. Formality, s. ( ) (ressim), *·e “âdeti-ressmîyyé. Formally, ad. -5) ressman. Formation, s. U: yâpish ; · yâ- pilish; J.K. teshkil. Former, a. * mÜkAddEmki, c· sâbik ; essbAk. Formerly, ad. mükAddémâ, ü. sābikâ; * bûndan-Akdem, 89 EvvEllErdā, · ghèchEn- lErdé ; se ; · èsski-zâmAn- [mâkhüf. Formidable, a. körkulür, –5;* larda. Fornication, s. Üj zinâ, ·j (zâm- [para). Fornicator, s. W zâni, 89 j (zâm- paralik). Fornicatress, s. * j zâniyyé, : (Örosspè), · fâhishé. Forsake, v.a. ·y brâkmak, terk et, vüz-gecimek, Fort, s. 4x5 kâl”â (kâylé), * : pÂ- langha. Forth, ad. 5 tAshra, -5) dishâri; to set –, · beyân-et. F0 R THW ITH [ 129 ] F0 W I, IN GPIECE Forthwith, ad. –5\4-: shimdi, -öe) der-"akab, --> hemândem, · ö-sâ”at. Fortification, s. = K=. isstihkyâ- Fortify, v.a. 9): 9 * = isstihkyâm- vErmek, c· kâl'a-yâpmak; [mât. ·5 - 35°5 tAkvîyyet -vèrmek, · 9 · küvvet-virmek, -3 • c mètânet-virmek. Fortitude, s._r.” sÂbr, J· tâhâmmul, · sebât, metânet. Fortnight, s. · iki-hAfta. Fortress, s. 4x3 kâl”a (kâylé). Fortuitous, a. · tèssÂdufi, & ittifÂki, ak ·y rAsst-ghElé. Fortunate, a. · bâkht-yâr. Fortune, s. ak bâkht, s° tâli” ; J. mAl, *): (pâra), ·j zèn- ghinlik; mirāss. [J4-chèhil. Forty, a. 3 körk, cy:y èrba”in, Forward, a. 6 ileri-ghilmish, ·9y: ilèrilémish; ): ·y Erken- -yetishir; ; ) e “ârsiz, -e edebsiz; -, ad. iléri, ileriyé- -döghru; –, v.a. 9° ghyān- dermek; • : ilréiletmek; *y [ilériyé-döghrU. Forwards, ad. iléri, - : Fossil, a. · yş° tahğjur: -ètmish-Ölan; –, s. ·ys` tâhâjjur-ètmish-nèssné. Foster, v.a. · bèsslémek ; “y” · sûd-virmek. Foster-brother, yârdim-et. Foster-sister, s. **: sûd-(kârdashi). 9ş” Foster-daughter, s. -5j: sûd-kâzi. Foster-mother, s. üley- süd-âna. Foster-son, s. · süd-öghlu. Foul, a. 5 kirli, L-: piss, Jler. mürdâr (mündār); ; ) - châpâriz; fena, :): bÖzuk ; c· tèrss, -i s” mükhÂlif; –, v.a. · kirlEtmek ; –, v.n. · kirlEn- mek; torun foul of, C 45 ş- châtmak, e :9°*: )) üzériné - düshmek; - chapâriz-öl. Foundation, s. J45 temel; c· èssâss, · te'siss ; pious –, –: wAkf, ·y: - khâyrât, 9y“e “imâret. Founder, s. bâni, c·s vÂzi- “U-’l-èssâss; --e- : wAkf- -sahibi, - - sahibu-l- -khâyrât ; · dizkuju ; -, v.n. c. il bâtmak, · kâynamak. Foundered,a.la 5 ayaklari-sakat; dumb –, U 5· · dili-tÜtulmUsh. Foundry, s. ° - dükyum-khāné. Fount, Fountain, s. **-e- chèshmé ; : (pÜngâr), ·j' âyâzma. Four, a. “ 92ye dürt, 5-!y èrbâ”, eş- chihâr. [-kyîshé. Four-cornered, a. 4 := y° dirt- Fourfold, a. 5-->ye dîrt-kAt. Fourfooted, a. \le :2) dird-âyak. Fourteen, a. -->y° ön-dîrt. Fowl, s. ye tâwuk; c· kÜsh; –, v.n. e: ** 'c· küsh-Avina-ghitmek. Fowler, s. 5 : kûshbÂz. Fowlingpiece, s. · Av-(tüfèghi), · filinta. F0X Fox, s. ° O” · tilki; · shèy- tān, veled. Foxglove, · -55) Ari-köwAni. Fraction, s. -3 kessir; 4ş- ; pârcha, k Ü- jüz', Fractions, s. ·y · kyûsürAt; vulgâr -, r* kèssr; decimal –, -65 ey-6 • - 66 = ==# kèssri-â`shâri. 5 k?ssm. Fractious, a. (_-: tèrrs. Fracture, s. : karik-yeri, :): kèrik; –, v.n. c· kârmak ; –, ?).78 • c·y: kârilmak. Fractured, a. 3 karik. Fragile, a. - ; kölay-krilir; *şki inja, *ü: yüfka ; - * zâ”if; ·\ mètânètsiz. Fragment, s. kirinti, ** dikuntu : &ş-> : pârcha, &sa; kât”â, 5 kâssm. Fragrance, s. 5,5Jj; ghyüzel-köku, işi köku, d- hâdid, \ \: shëdid. Furnace, s. a öjak. Furnish,v.a.(give) - 9vèrmek; (sell) C 5 e satmak ; (a house) · düshémek ; (a house by the agency of another person) e: “ düsh- Furniture, s. 4 ca: düshémé. [Etmek. Furrier, s. · kyîrkju. Further, Furthermore, Furthest, v. Farther, &c. [-· ghAzAb. Fury, s. - 9 - hiddet; “ 9 : shiddet; Fuse, v.n. = 43 ) erimek ; –. ?),0. e: •ii) eritmek ; –, s. U: fitil; *: tApa. [èrimish. Fusion, s. * 3 izâbé ; in –, U*:y Fuss, s. c· tèlash ; to make a –, v.n. 25 telash-et. Fustian, s. - * shèytÂn-bezi, 8 Futile, a cy: bösh, 8°36: bıhüdé, 5: fâ'idéssiz, ail nâfilé. Futility, s. seye bihüdélik; beye: J: bihüdé-ish. ğ. Future, a. . -4,4 ghèlèjek, âti, c· öldjak : -, s. je· ghèléjek-zâmÂn ; in – ad. 8 âtida, · fi-mâ-bâ”d, : bündan-biylé, Kaj : bündan- -sÖngra. Futurity, s. : · - ghèléjek- -zâmÂn. Fye, int. - :e “âyb, · ÜtAn. G. Gabion, s. 6\; *: - tAbiya-sèpedi. Gad about, v.n. ·- hâylAzlik-èdup-ghèzmek. Gadfiy, s. · ·l At-sineghi, Gaiety, s. < ferah, c = jûnbush. Gain, s. 6 kyâr, : kAZAnj; –, v.a. c*V: kazanmak, 6 kyâr-et ; 'Je ; vâssil-öl, •: yetishmek; c· âyartmak ; – over, c* âyartmak ; – upon, ·2 - = ilériléyup-tûtajak-öl; – ground, c·yi J: yir - kAzAnmak, · ilérilémek ; – time, -i, c* wAkit-kazanmak. [tekzib-et. Gainsay, v.a. V) Kil inkyâr-et; - 5 Galata (a quarter of Constantinople), s. ala: Ghâlâta [böra, ö. 5 frtina. Gale, s. 9:y_· siki-rüzghyâr ; 8): Gall, s. eye “ad, 5,2) zehré ; - ), • merâret ; (rub) *): · injitmek, :): yâra-et ; e Saz-; ghyüjé-ghitmek ; -nut, nutgall, s. -5) mâzi. yâra ; –, v.a. Gallant, a. · yighit, yy - jessür, dilâvir, yelç bâhâdir ; –, s. c· “Ashik; *) : (zâmpara). Gallantry, s. yighitlik, - -- jessâret; c·) (zâmparalik). Gallery, s. **** diwAnkhâné; y. *)* mînâré-shûrféssi; · G AI I EY [ 133 ] G AY J2: )y' üsstu - irtulu-yöl, · sökAk, -5: kyîpru. Galley, s. 4 cv*ş- chèktirma. [prângha. Galleys, s. pl. y; kyürek ; *öy; Galley-slave, s. ·* kyüreklu ; ·y: prânghali. Gallipoli (town of), s. 5 Ghéliböli. Galloon, s. shèrid. Gallop, s. Jajc°'ye durt-(nAl); –, v.n. ·2ye dürt-(nAl)-ghitmek. Gallows, s. - Eyle dâr-Aghaji. Galvanic, a. · ghalvaniki ; – battery, *** c· ghalvanik- Galvanism, s. ( : \ ghalvanik. [tâkimi. Gamble, vn : 5 kümâr-öyna- [kûmârbAz. Gambler, s. - •i kûmârji, j : Gamboge, s. · pântalömba. mak. Game, s. 9) öyun ; (chase) AV, : shikyâr, Ara sâyd. [kÜmârji. Gamester, s. \ \ 45 kÜmârbÂz, 5`· Gander, s. 5c $y erkek-kAz. [bîluk. Gang, s. tâkim, -5); süru, · Gangrene, s. &:ykü kânghrina. Gaol, s. ·) zindÂn, dö\s· hAbss- -khâné, U-s” mâhbèss. Gaoler, s. · zindÂnji. Gap, s. W aralik, iş- âchiklik, * e- âchik-yèr. Gape, v.n. · èssnémek; ş- âchilmak, Gş- âchik-kAlmak ; – after, – at, v.a. c* bÂkmak. Garb,s.-5}ziy, kilik, köyâfet, - 5 kissvet. [pp. –i,s° mühârref. Garble, v.a. '– = tâhrif-et; –ed, Garden, s. 4ş°: bAghcha ; kitchen –, e· bösstân ; *ş° ·:3)* sebzéwÂt-bAghchassi (zèrzawAt). Gardener, s. elyş° bAghchawÂn. Gargle, s. 3 ghârghara ; -, v.a. and n * ghârghara-et. Garlic, s. a·· sârimsâk. Garment, s. & rüba, - sèvb. Garnet, s. lâ”l. Garret, s. -W e) · tâwAn-ârassi. Garrison, s. y=-e 2, ey-; o 894x: kAl”âda - mevjüd - ölAn - “Assker, -5y=-e e· müsstâhfizîn- -"Asskéri, 5%-e V: ötUrAk- -"Asskéri ; –, v.a. c· =-e “Assker-kömak; · öturmak 5 to be in –, v.n. · ötUrmak, ötur.Ak-öl. Garter, s. }e diz-bAghi. Gash, s. · bâchAk-yârassi. Gasp, s. U-8ü nefess; –, v.n. · c· - (hèmen)-nefess-Alama- Gate, s. : kApi, - : bÂb, _y° dèr. [mak. Gateway, s. : kApi-Alti. Gather, v.a. (pluck) : : köparmak; – up, – together, c·: · töplamak, · dèvshirmek, s-·- jem”- -et ; –, v.n. c·: · töplanmak ; (fester) -y- jerâhât- töplanmak. [v.a. · ilchmek, Gauge, s. ş-chAp; · ilchu; –, Gauntlet, s. \, \ ,j zirh-eldiveni. Gauze, s. ·ş” }} bîrumjik ; wire- gauze, 4-9)s'e 5 tèldan-îırmE. Gay, a. - jünbushlu, 4şi ) G AZE [ 134 ] 6 ET eylènjéli; –is keyf; ş- âchik, : ; pârlâk; - ferâh, Gaze, s. L*5 * * seyrji-ghibi- -bAkish ; –, v.n. c· sèyrji-ghibi-bAkmak. [âhü. Gazelle, s. - jeyrān (jeylân), 2 Gazette, s. *jé ghâzèta, *-i:2 f:5° tAkwimî-vâkâ'”. Gear, s. 5- tâkim, · el èdāwāt, c le âwadAnlik; in –, takili; out of –, 5° ile takili- dighil. [larini-kèssmek. Geld, v.a. ·= :· tAshak- Gelding, s. c Slighdish, ·9: (beghir. Gem, s. ° -jevhir (pl. Ay-jewāhir). Genealogy, s. - 5 nèsseb. General, s. U:: pâsha ; *-• mûshir; · sèr-“Assker, 'ey” sirdâr, *95· sèrkèrdé; lieutenant –, :yi fèrik ; major –, or brigadier –, y y: • miri-liwâ ; –, a. L** “Ümümi; in –, generally, ad. · eksériyyâ. Generalissimo, s. • yley* sèrdâr-ekrem. Generate, v.a. Je- hāssil-et, le , irâss-et. Generation, s. ey; kârn; -55 · rac “Assri-wâhid-Adamlari; ·=5 tèkèv- vun ; } \ 5 tenâssul; organs of–, J· âlâti-tenâssul. Generosity, s. · sâkhâvet, rya- e jimerdlik ; ~r = keremu- -’sh-shiyem. Generous, a. ·i,s- sâkhâvetli, 9rey- jimErd ; -- f: = kèrimu-’sh- Genesis, s. y; tevrât. [-shiyem. Genie, s. tej?- jin, L: - jinni. Genius, s. * hûner; el s. issti”dâd; - • hûnEr-sâhibi. Genoa, s.j:-jenviz. Genteel, a. *3 temiz; (person) · se j kishi-zâdé, 5 efendi; (lady) f - hânim. Gentle, a. • • mülâyim, c. , yâwAsh; • • mAzlüm : 5 tAtli. Gentleman, s. *Ü — kâshi-zâdé, se Kı beghzâdé, 5 efendi. Genuine, a. · khâliss, <=” sâhih, · khÂsss. Geography, s. iyk- jàghrâfiya. Geology, s. e “ilmi-taba- kÂti-ârz. Geometer, Geometrician, s. ( ***4 • mühèndiss, Je ehli-hèndéssé. Geometry, s. 4 x R hèndéssé. Georgia,s.e. --- ghûrjistân. [ghürji. Georgian, s. =· ghûrji ; -, a. -· Geranium, s. Kş-* - sârdèlya- -chicheghi, ş“)=& ebé-ghyümêji. Germinate, v.n. •yy sürmek, · c We, kybk-salmak, filiz- lEnmek. Get, v.a. (procure) *-: pèydâ-et, as tahsil-et; –, v.n. (go) * ghitmek; (become) · ölmak; – above, C; *-e-*!-:5): *\j ° dan- -ziyâdé-yükâriya-ch?kmak; –abroad, ·y* sûwëylEnilmek, c· neshr-ölunmak ; ; 38° düyulmak; c 4 =-65) dishâri-ghitmek; – a fall, “ye düshmek; – a foot- 6 H0 ST [ 135 ] G I R D LE ing, • y: yerleshmek; – away, ?).70 . c* iyi kürtUlmak ; ·y âyril- mak ; c** ş- châkmak ; –, v.a. C°: - châkârmak, · âyrmak, · -sikmek; yü): kürtarmak; - before, C; :)* ànguna-vârmak; - by heart, •9r) èzberlémek ; – clear, v. – away ; – down, v.n. · enmek; va. endirmek; – forward, · ilérilémek ; – in, · ghirmek ; – off, v. – away ; – on, · ilérilémek ; c· üsstuna-chikmak; e : binmek ; G = ghiymek ; – out, v. – away ; - ready, v.n. ·- hâzirlanmak, y - hâzir- -öl ; –, v.a. c·- hâzirlamak, İ - hâzir-et ; – the better of, ·- kAkkindan-ghélmek; e : yenmek ; - * ghÂlib-öl ; c3-9 -: –e sawushdurmak; - . through, v.n. · ghèchmek; –, v.a. 9° ghèchirmek ; – to- gether, v.n. c·: · töplanmak; –, ?).07. c·: * töplamak; – up, v.n. c·ü kAlkmak; -, v.a. ( :• ş- chikârmak; kaldirmak; c*8= e dikmek; – well, iyi- öl, il ifâkAt-bûlmak; – with child, v.n. 5° ghebé-kAl- mak; –, va. ghébé-et; - you gone, int. = \s hâydi-ghit, e· yikil-shûradan; -** y <- haydi-sikdir. Ghost, s. khāyâlâ; zy rüh, Gilding, s.j yaldiz, e - jAn; Holy Ghost, c·'cy) rühU-’l-kûdUss; to give up the –, z:L) *-i tèsslimi - rüh-et ; a- C; * :- jAni-ch?kmak. Giant, s. 'e' 5° dAgh-ghibi-AdAm. Gibbet, s. - ey'e dâr-AghAji. Gibraltar, s. - Jebel-târ. Giddiness, s. 2r. sèrsèmlik ; c· -* ye bAsh-dînméssi, U_s - :y j* ghyîzlar-kArarmassi ; c· “Akl- sizlik, zy khiffeti-mizāj. Giddy, a. “y” sErsèm ; e “Aklsiz; to be -, y° bAshi-dinmek, c_:9 -°:) y= ghyüzlari-kArarmak. Gift, s. ** hediyyé; a= “Atiyyé, e·- ihsân, si in”âm ; U - : bâkhshish; **) * mevhibé'i- ilâhiyyé. [: --- jessim, e: • mèfrèt. Gigantic, a. . . byuk, ae “Azim, Gild, v.a. j - yaldizlamak, - * tezhib-et. [külAklari. Gills, s. pl. -65 - : bAlighing- Gimlet, s. _: bürghu. Gimp, s. · (ghâytÂn). Gin, s. (spirit) y râki, U:)* “ârak; (trap) 9* tÜzAk ; (machine) z: ş- Ginger, s. ·ğ zenjéfiI. [charkh. Gipsy, s. 45 - (chinghini) kibti. Giraffe, s. *y zûrâfa (zûrâfâ). Gird, v.a. 5: kûshAtmak ; - up (a horse) · kölAnini- -chèkmek, – one's self, c· kÜshAnmak. Girdle, s. 5 küshak, kèmbr. G IRI, Girl, s.j: kâz. Girt, v.a. v. Gird. Girth, s. a =* mühit, 3.yye- chèvré; horse's – bands, · kölAn. Give, v.a. ·: virmek, virmek; Wael i”tâ-et; Le - hâssil-et; –, vn. (stretch) --- essnémek; (frost) ·= ghèvshémek; – a call, : ş- châghirivièrmek ; c , öghrayivèrmek; – a guess, 2):· bilivèrmek; ·`r! bir-tâkhmin-et; – alook, : bAkivirmek; –aportion, •5/89) - jihâz - vèrmek (chèhiz); – away, y: vèrivèrmek, 4-> hibé-et; – back, – back again, · · gheri-virmek; – battle, 4 --- c \: jënghé-bAshlamak ; – ear, · külAk-virmek; –forth, c 2)!9-:i): dishâri-virmek; le el i”lân-et; – ground, ·- 2r= gheri - chekilmek ; - - 9 - sîzundan-dînmek ; – a hand, * : yârdim-et; – heed, e-5° dikkat- -et; – in charge, e tesslim-et; – judgment, el i”lâm-et; – the lie, - Ki tekzib-et ; – notice, y: --- kbAber-virmek; – one joy, : tebrik-et; – leave, · e· izin-virmek ; as ·2)! rükhsAt-vèrmek ; – one's mind, 'e : K efkyârini-beyân- -et : - one's mind to (a thing), İ ·ö- • sârfi - zihn - et, · düshmek, J– - tevâghghul - et, [ 136 ] GI AZI ER ' \ J* mèshghül-öl ; – out, v.a. -5) dishâri-virmek; e *”lân-et; –, v.n. )y: yörulmak, c· üssAnmak ; “ $ y° dükèn- mek ; – over, v.a. ' . tèsslim-et, İ 9° dèvr-et; –, v.n. · wāz- -ghechmek; -= kessilmek; – place, c 5/9 r ·- chèkilup- -yèr - vèrmek ; – suck, c · èmzirmek, · bèsslémek; – the . slip, c*** sâwUshmak; – up, t : - tesslim-et; sûweylé- mek; – warning, ·y: 9 es- khAbEr- -vèrmek ; – way, c·r: kirilmak, C*: : köpmak ; c i: yikilmak ; ·ü: bözUlmak. . Glad, a. c.); ** mèmnün, _2)* mèssrÜr; to be –, a-hAzz-et, c·, khöshlanmak. [_y sürür. Gladness, s. - 9 • • mèmnüniyyet, Glance, s. · bAkish ; –, v.n. sekmek ; – over, c· ghyiz- [Atmak. Glare, s. U:)):e pek-pârlayish – Gland, s. 4: beyz (bez). ?7.72e c·y < : pèk-pârlamak ; – at, c·= ghyiz- léri-Atèsh-ghibi-Ölarak-bAkmak. Glass, s. *-e- jâm, billür; (drinking) z° kAdeh ; (looking) · âyina : (eye) - ghyizluk; (telescope) ey: 'ye dürbin (dûrbun) : (hour) el- *: kûm-sâ’at. Glaze, s. y” sirr ; –, v.a. · jâm-ghèchirmek; 25° - jâm- Glazier, s. ş=z- jamji. [-kAplamak. GL EAM [ 187 ] 6 0 Gleam, s. : • . shû”â”; –, v.n. v : • } : pârlamak. [Akip-ghèchmek. Glide, v.n. c· kâymak ; · - Glitter, s. U: ; pârlayish ; -, v.n. c·!): parlamak. Globe, s. *) * kyüré. Globular, a. 5:y* kyürévi. [hâbâb. Globule, s. 4-hâbbé, 43'e dâné; --- Gloom, s. c kAranlik ; y = kèdEr, -- y• • mâghmümiyyet. Gloomy, a. c· kAranlik ; •** • mâghmüm. [tèmjid-et. Glorify, v.a. *- hâmd-et, ş* Glorious, a. yle ; nÂmdâr, ) 4 • mèshhür ; : 9) rèvnÂkli. Glory, s. A*- hâmd ; Aş=* mèjd; · shevket; revnak, shÂn, “ 'ye: shührèt. Gloss, s. -jilâ, d; } : pârlaklik ; – Over, v.a. · öırtmek. Glove, s. e\; \ (Eldivèn), yel (Eldivènlik). [Atèsh-késsilmek. Glow, v.n. yânmak, · Glue, s. Jli tütkAl; – va. c·'J tûtkAl-ila-yâ- pishdirmak. Glutton, s. ) : öbUr, J \ èkyül. Gluttony, s. c: ) öbUrlik. Gnat, s. –52) * sivri-sinek. Gnaw, v.a. · ghèmirmek. Gnomon, s. e\ de “izâdé. Go, v.n. := ghitmek, ·: yûrumek ; – about, c· dölashmak; \ \! bÂshlamak ; - abroad, e--5) dishâri- -chikmak; 4-5) dishâri- -ghitmek ; ; daghilmak, c· _-*-i nèshr - ölUnmak : – against, · kârshi-ghitmek ; ·k : bed-ghèlmek; – along, ***** \* (hèmEn)-ghitmekda-öl; – ashore, •iş-45 kAraya- -chikmak ; ; ) & * kAraya- -ötUrmak ; – astray, ·: yölUnU - shâshirmak ; c· * : : fèna - yöla - sApmak; – asunder, ( ** : köpmak, · kèssilmek ; – away, c- 6 ghitmek ; – back, · * ghèri-ghitmek ; – back- wards, - - 2y-F ghèrilémek ; ·:y: c· terss - yûrumek : - backwards and forwards, · · ghîdup-ghèlmek ; – down, · – for, c· · ghidup-Almak ; ènmek ; c •5 \: bÂtmak ; – forth, c· nèshr-ölUnmak ; c·- châkmak; – from, · dînmek, c· âyrilmak ; – halves, c·: pâylashmak ; – in, · ghirmek; : ichèri-ghitmek ; – off, · : · c· bözulmak, · Üymamak, c; ölmamak; · ghèchmek ; e kessil- mek ; c* * Atèsh-Almak; c; ; pAtlamak ; •ş- Üchmak ; – on, · ileri-ghitmek; * ; kAlmamak, c· & fârigh-ölmamak; · c· ölmak, c = ghîdivèrmek ; dÜrmamak, Üymak, G 0 AD [ 138 ] G 0 V ERN 0 R ghiyilmek; – out, *-e- 5 * dishâri-chikmak ; · sînmek, * mÜntûfi-ol; – over, · ghèchmek ; · · üsstun- dan-ghèchmek ; ) yş* e·) = ghyîzdan - ghèchirmek; c;- yöklamak ; – through, C: •ş · ichindan- -ghèchmek; ) *·9}} = ghyiz- dan-ghèchirmek ; let go the anchor ! 8 ° fönda. Goad, s. 9) ighèndérè ; –, v.a. · dürtmek, yy dür- tushturmek. [mâhâlli-mAksüd. Goal, s. J· sèr-menzil, ai J=” Goat, s. *kechi; he- erghech. Goblet, s. c* kadeh, e- jâm, : piyâlé. [ilâh. God, s. 4 Allāh, 5i,K: tânghri, aj Godhead, s. lahüt Godly, a. · sâlih, * dindār. Goitre, s. )y ür. - Gold, s. Altin, j zir, -sözeheb, Goldbeater, s. ş°) vûrakji. Golden, a : Altin, j zerin. Goldfinch, s. : 5. sûka-küshu. Gold-lace, s. 4 sirma. Goldsmith, s. ş°:: küyUmjU. Gonorrhoea, s. : : bel-söghughU. ghèzmek ; Good, s. ) - khāyr, iyilik, < felâh ; –, a : iyi ; y. yarar. Good-humour, s. - * keyf; to be in a - = keyfi-öl. Good-humoured, a. .} }! ghyülEr- -yüzlu, j• • dArilmâz. Goodly, a. J) ş= ghyûzel; · biyujek, -khayli. Good-nature, s. ~ : iyi-tAbi”ât. 6 ê Good-natured, a. * iyi, : • tAtli, -Jj ghyüzel-khüylu. Goodness, s. : iyilik. Goods, s. pl. eshyā, * emta”â, J; emvâl, J. mAl. Goose, s, ji kAz; tailor’s –, ittu. Gooseberry, s. :) ** bèk- tAshi-ûzumu. Gorge, s. j - böghÂz ; –, v.a. cş döyurmak; tıka- mak; –ed, pp. U*9° döymush ; · tâkAmmish ; to become –, vn. • döymak ; c· tikAn- mak. Gosling, s. - : kAz-pAlAzi. Gospel, s. -: J== injili-shèrif. Gossamer, s. &Jee * sheytan- -”ârabassi. [èniss. Gossip, s. : bösh-böghÂz ; · Gourd, s. 5 kAbak. Gourmand, s. · shikèmpèrèsst. Gout, s. L-3,5 nikriss. Govern, v.a. K- hîıkyümët-et, \syle) idâré-et, a:!) 9 zAbt-u- -rAbt-et. Government, s. ·- hükyümèt, *) idâré, a!) 9 · zAbt-u-rAbt; · devlet : - ye- $; vükelä'i- -devlet, ile $; vükélâ-tâkimi. Governor, s. 9 vâli, –59) a· mütas- sûrrif, · mütéssèllim ; lieutenant -, *ü kâ'im-mâkÂm. G 0 W N [ 139 ] G R A TE Gown, s. (woman's) e a-i fisstan ; (man's outer) - jübbé; U: binish; (inner) -65) : Entâri. Grace, s. •* kirem, – lûtf, -se “inâyet, -- ihsân ; - lâtâfet, -s} nezâket, - hüssn, el edâ; K: teshekkyur, \ce dü”â; şke “afv ; mâghféret, ghÜfrân; your –, 65 e 5 zâti- “âlileri, zâti-dev- letléri; his –, * fakhâmetlü; -, t).0. Werji tezyin-et, - ) zinët-öl. Graceful, a. ·- hüssunlu, ·yü nâzik, ·\} nezâkètli. kèrim, – lâtif, K e “inâyetkyâr, · nâzik; (act or word) - – Gracious, a. (person) lütf-ve-”inâyet-âmiz, ö•: kèrimâné, *öy : .e “inâyetkyârâné, & Sğü nâzikyâné. Gradation, s. da ye deréjé; :y°5 tedrij. Gradual, a. :y tedriji; –ly, ad. zey ' e “alé-’t-tedrij. Graft, s. Ashi, ** kâlEm- -Ashissi ; –, v.a. c 5 * Ashlatmak; c· Ashlamak. - Grain, s. 45'e dâné (tâné), - hâbbé; · zakhiré; * tokhum (of wood) * dAmar ; to go against the grain, ·&z-* · AdAming- -ghyüjuna-ghitmek. Grammar, s. ·- • sârf-u-nâhv. Grammar-school, s. ye · mek- Granary, s. önbār. [teb-i-"irfân Grand, a. · biyuk ; ae “Azâ- metli; a tAntAnali. Grandee, s. -8 °eyey's J'z-2) rijâli- kibârdan-biri, -5 = ve el â”âzimi-rijäldan-biri. Grandeur, s. -- .ae “Azâmet, · tAntAna, -e R hèybët. Grandfather, s. - : biyuk-bÂbA, 8 dèdé, Az- jëdd. [tUrAk-kelâm. Grandiloquence, s. 3 k töm- Grandiloquent, a. ya** * kelâmi- -tömturâk, [8 'ye: biyuk-vâlidé. Grandmother, s. Ü : biyuk-âna, Grandson, s. . )* törUn, Azā- hâfid, * nèbiré. - Grand-Vizier, s. = y* sAdr-â”zûm. Grant, s. ·- ihsân ; · fèrmÂn, ·y berât; –, v.a. · 2 vèrmek, --- ihsân-et; \e tesslim-et, – = i”tirâf-et ; - fârz-et. Grape, s. *j y üzum; – shot, · misskèt, ile sAlkim. Grapple with, v.a. c· öghrash- mak, : Kş-chekishmek. Grasp, v.a. c· tûtmak, c·yyi kâwramak, - kâbz-et. Grass, s, ·, Öt. Grasshopper, s. 44Kş- chèkirghé. Grassplot, s. ş- chim. Grate, s. --> öjak ; *) isskâra ; –, v.a. **y rendélémek; –, vn. “y sûrunmek, · ghājirdamak; – on one's feelings, e Sa: Adaming-bedina- -gh?tmek. GRIEF GRATEFUL [ 140 ] Grateful, a. K- mütéshekkir, Gravy, s. e sü. [yâghlamak. · shâkiru-’n-ni'mé. Grater, s. 8 rendé. Gratification, s. · 5 • • memnü- niyyet, 5 e sAfâ; · ni"met; L: < bakhshish, -- ihsân, ( * in”âm; e : 99 - khôsh- müdiyyet; a-hAzz, L-° a- hAzzi- -nèfss. Gratify, v.a. \ ,. 5- -*-o memnün-et, khöshnüd-et ; ·r: U’ e sAfâ-virmek; :· khösh- landirmak ; U-el- hâssil-et; y- ijrâ-et; V - iktizâssini- -ijrâ-et; 'z-U tâbi”ol, J* üymak. Gratis, ad. ybe : bâdi-hèwâ (bedâwa), U\ş * mejānan. Gratitude, s. K* shûkr, X: tèshèk- kyur, ·y=-: shükrâniyyet. Gratuitous, a. yee: bâdi-hèwâ (bè- dâwa). Gratuity, s. U* < bâkhshish, ey-- ihsân, • • in”âm. Grave, s. j• mèzâr, r: kAbr, *) * mAkbéré ; –, a. (person) àghir, · temkinli ; (affair) körkulUr, - : ) * körkUlajak; –, ?).0Z. · kazmak, - hakk-et. Gravestone, s. · yÜ mèzâr-tAshi. Graving-tool, s. * kâlEm. Gravity, s. (personal) âghir, · temkin ; (of affairs) Jl-·)ı: körkulajak-bir-hâl; (of substances) · siklet; specific-, :lö·i sikleti-zâtiyyé. Grease, s. ğ. yâgh ; –, v.a. c Great, a. · biyuk, · kèbir, * “Azim ; : 25- chök; the –, s. pl. kibâr, kibâr-tâkimi, V* kyübérâ; a – many, a – deal, v : -?-y- bir-chök ; – grandfather, - c 8-99 dèdéning-bAbAssi ; – grandson, ·L) ye törUnUng- -8ghlu; Alexander the –, * L5°2) Isskender-rümi ; Peter the – : e deli-Pétro. Great-coat, s. · kapöt. [“Azâmet. Greatness, s. · biyukluk; ae Greece (kingdom of), s. ·ü!: Yünânisstân ; – (ancient) *: ) rüm. Greedy, a. :*z äch-ghyüzlu ; ) e- chök-yir, ) : öbür. Greek (in general), a. (**) rüm, rümi; (of the kingdom) \;5. yünân; (language) s. &ş°) rümjé. Green, a : yeshil; khAm. Greengrocer, s. · sebzéwâtji. Greenhouse, s. c· · limönluk. Greens, s. pl. · lahana. Greet, v.a. · 2 *- selâm-virmek. Grey, a. : k?r ; bÖz ; - · ghyûmishi ; ) : kürshuni; –, s. – of the morning, · sâbAh-âydinlighi ; – of the evening, * y: * Akhsham-kAranlighi. Greybeard, s. lü • : Ak-sâkalli. Greyhound, s. –5ji tAzi. Gridiron, s. 9) 5. sskâra. Grief, s. 4 keder, 9° dird, -: G R I E VAN CE [ 141 ] G U AR D kAssâvet, èlem, * ghAm, * èndüh. Grievance, s. · --- müjibi-tesh- ekki; belâ, ve dird; ghAdr; * zülm. ğP Grieve, v.a. :): 9 y* kEder-virmek ; –,v.n.y* kEder-et, · kAssâvet-chèkmek, •: * ghAm- -yemek, mûkèdder-öl. Grievous, a :· “Azim-vi-elim, : fèna. [kâzârtmak. Grill, v.a. c**iji 8 Y8y'i. isskârada- Grind, v.a. (flour, &c.) := ighut- mek; ·=e- chèkmek ; (colours, &c.) · èzmek, ' s° sâhk-et ; (iron, &c.) c** tAsha-tÜtmak; (the teeth) iley=* ghğjirdAtmak. Grindstone, s. c· tAsh, = bilèghi, bileghi-tAshi. Gripe, s. Jl El, *şi: pènché, %4-5 kAbza; -, V.0!. c· siki-tÜtmak ; c·y° kârn-Aghritmak; gripes, splu -9°eyükârn-Aghrissi, · Gristle, s. 5-9, 5 kikirdAk. Groan, s. · ingilti, · ènin ; –, v.n. = Klinglémek. Grocer, s. Jü bAkkÂl. Groin, s. c· kAssik. [sAnji. Groom, s. - se'iss, ç- isspir. Groove, s. 9: yiv, yiw. Gross, s. *) ·'e Ön-iki-dûzina, *-e- ) : ij - yûz-kârk - dîrt- -(tâné); –, a. .5 kAba, fena, ·e darassi-chik- mamish. Grot, Grotto, s. *) * mâghara, el in. Ground, s. r yEr, *Je ârsa ; eyre) zemin; c-- èssâss; - = c müjib, · sebeb, · münâssébet; -> 0. ·= ighudulmush ; ·=° düghulmush, Kş- chèkilmish, · èzilmish; –, v.a. - 5 te'siss-et; –, v.n. (a ship) C°) ötUrmak. · müté'esssiss, mübténi; b • Assli-var. Groundless, a. - dibsiz, · Grounded, a. Assli-yök, : bösh. Grounds, s. pl, telvi, · törtu, *: pössa. Ground-swell, s. • sÂlinti. Ground-work, s. 45 temel. Group, s. · kyümé, · bitluk ; –, ?7.07. - * töp-et; –, v.n. · [töp-öl. Grow, v.n. : biyumek; · ! böylanmak : ~ sürmek ; “ ölmak, - - 4 kessilmek. Growl, v.n. · kh?rlamak. Grove, s. ·9) y ÖrmAn. Gruel, s. 9 - : yâwAn-chÖrba. Gruff, a : böghuk; khüysuz. Grumble, v.n. · sûwëylenmek. Guarantee, s. (person) kefil; (thing) · kefâlet; 2) rehin. . Guard, s. (man) · yâssAkji, Jel: kÂwAss, A-e “AsskEr, · nûbetji ; (soldiers) - K-e es- khÂsssa-“Asskéri, des-·=-e “Assa- kiri-khÂsssa; (time or duty) - : nûbët ; (of a sword-handle) jye- G U ART)- H0 U SE [ 142 ] HABITATron chAprAz; (of a gun-trigger) d :): körkuluk ; –, v.a. c; ki e sâklamak, ağ- hâfz-et, lalais mühÂfaza-et; c; 5 bAkmak. • Guard-house, s. c·: kûlluk. Guardian, s. u_5°9 wAssi; aş\=* mühÂfiz. Guerilla, s. 5}: bAshi-bözUk. Guess, s. e° zânn, · tâkhmin ; –, v.a. bilmek; **takh- Guest, s. - müssâfir. [min-et. Guidance, s. - 8 hidâyet; · dèlâlèt. Guide, s. 5 kilighuz, delil, -sel hâdi, *9) rèhnumâ ; –, v.a. ·= }: yöl- ghyisstErmek ; | jyé 5 kâlâghUzluk-et. Guild, s. – el essnâf. [hilé. Guile, s. U Jé ghill-u-ghâsh, a - Guilt, s. - kAbâhât, f - jürm, 8.5 ghyünâh. Guiltless, a. j---- kAbâhatsiz, -2 = ghyünâhsiz, 8 =: bi- ghyûnâh. [jûnhali. Guilty, a. - kAbâhatli, 4=z- Guinea-fowl, s. ·si bèch-tâwUghU. Guitar, s. *) * ghitÂra. Gulf, s. (bay) }5) = kyîrfez ; (abyss) * vârta, - hûfré. Gull, s. (bird) : • mârti ; (dupe) : shâshkin : -, va, c ile Aldatmak. Gullet, s. Ji gh?rtlak, : böghÂz. Gum, s. 5-* sâmgh (zûmk) ; (of the eyes) J'ş- châpAk; (of the teeth) -5. L° dish-etleri: -, v.a. - • c·: * (zâmk)-ila-yâpishdir- mak. - - - Gun, s. töp; tüfenk (tüfek). Gun-barrel, s. -3 ° c tüfenk- -démiri. Gun-carriage, s. 5 : kûndak. Gun-cotton, s. i:y: J • : pâmük- [töpji-bAshi. Gunner, s. · töpji ; ** = - Gunpowder, s. 2:y: bârit. bārüti. Gunshot, s. (distance) · töp- mènzili ; ·y: kürshun-mèn- zili; – wound, 45 ghyûllé- yârassi ; · · kürshun- [ ş**iş-châkmakji. Gunsmith, s. ° tüfenkji (tüfekji), Gunstock, s. ·: e 5 tüfenk- -kündAghi. Gush, v.n. c ,** fishkirmak. -yârassi. Gust, s. · S; y) rüzghyâring- -bir-èssmassi; 3): böra. Gut, s. e2,é: or 5'e2,*: bāghirsâk. Gutter, s. öluk, 33, AwlAk. Guzzle, v.n. and a. ·ş: ichmek, c·e- châkmak. - Gymnasium, S• =” · * beden-tâ'limi-mûhâli. H. Haberdasher, s. c· 89/>- khûrdé- fürüsh. Habit, s. ele “âdet; -sy- khüy. | Habitable, a. · ötUrulur, J: ; — kâbili-süknâ. [me'vâ. Habitation, s. =- meseken, • HA BITU AL [ 143 ] HAN DS0 ME Habitual, a. ·· “âdet- -hükmuna-ghirmish. Habituate, v.a. C°y· Alishdirmak ; – one's self, G* Alishmak. Hack, v.a. •:- chèntmek ; -, hackney, s. * bârghir (bèyghir), · kirâji-(beyghiri). Hail, s. · 0?” * dölU ; –, v.n. * c· dölu-yâghmak; –, int. • - c= e ess-selâmu- “âleyké; –, v.a. İ Jı: 9° ·!): · büyurung-bü- yUrung-dèyU-kAbül-et; :yé- châ- Hale, a. * dinj. [ghirmak. Half, a. •y: yârim; –, s. -5): yAri ; . . . and a half, U: 5 . . . bÜchUk ; -, ad. 4-5) -5)\, yâri-yâriya. Half-moon, s. 5 *y yârim-ây. Half-pay, s. ** rd- hAzar-mâ”âshi. Halfpenny, s. *): · Ön-pâré. Half-seas-over, a. 4ş· sèrkhôshjé. Half-witted, a. Alle, büdAla. Hall, s. & <°'ye dîwÂnkhâné. Halloo, int. 5 ey, 5 : Kı bâna-bÂk. Hallow, v.a. - tAkdiss-et, le 9 • mûbârek - et; \-e:) ri”âyet - et, e mûbârek-”âdd-et; –ed, pp. mübârek, mü- kAddèss. Halt, s. · èylènish ; –, a. J:· töpAl; –, v.n. · èylEnmek; c· töpAllamak, · Aghsi- mak; –, int. al-hAlt. Halter, s. y}: yÜlar ; · ip. Halve, va. y° ikiya-bilmek ; c*: ; paylashmak. Ham, s. eş büt, kâynak; j=ye Le“y·: · döngUz-bütU-pAss- [üfAk-kyüy. Hamlet, s. K= kyüyjeghiz, 5 * 5'i, ==e ehekü; tökmâk; sledge –, %!y'ı vâriyoss ; -, v.a. · dîghmek. Hammock, s. * V: brânda. Hamper, s. : • : kApAkli-sèped; –, 07.07. ·9 -5 e sâkinti-vèrmek, c·: · Elini-âyaghini- bAghlamak, c· bAghlamak. Hand, s. J El, -· dèsst, \! yëd ; dirmassi (dömUz). Hammer, s. (man) * AdAm, yö nèfEr, ş° ishji ; (signature) a imzâ; hour -, -2 °e “âkreb; minute –, · yelkowAn ; –, v.a. · 9 vèrmek ; – over, - tèsslim-et ; – in hand, ad. 'y8): , al J El-Ela-vèrérek; J°' e “âlé-’l-ittifÂk; to live from hand to mouth, · & * : -) · · Aksham-nè-yeyé- jéghini-sâbÂhléyin-bilmamek. Handful, s. ·*z y âwUj-dolussu. Hand-grenade, s. L**) * - J El- khûmbarassi. Handicraft, s. -x. e sân”ât. - Handkerchief, s. mèndil, 8)55- chèvré, * yèmeni, yaghlik, · mâkrama-(mâh-). Handle, s. e sap, · külp, J}: külAk, · kAbza ; -, t).07. c· tÜtmak, c ş5 küllAnmak. Handsome, a. Jj; ghyüzël, :· ghyissterishli, yûkishikli. HAN ) SPI KE [ 144 ] H.A.R DY Handspike, s. • • mânavela. Handy, a. (man) :y* hèzâr-fEnn (hèzârifend); (thing) ·-y râhat, - kölay, y: *- isha-yârar. Hang, v.a. c· Assmak ; –, v.n. c· Assilmak; – about, d*)* dölashmak ; – back, · iléri-ghElmamek, C:9° 9· ghèri- -dûrmak; – down, c· sârkmak; – Out, v.a. c· Assmak, · sèrmek; c*ye sârkitmak, ( ; :·ü kAldirmak, ·,·* ghyizsstErmek; -, t).72. c:)'e sârkmak; c· Assilmak ; - over, c· tAshmak; - c*) * sârkmak ; – together, –6U: c·y : biri-birini-brâkmamak; – up, · Assmak. [kilij. Hanger, s. * : ; -da; kıssajek-bir- Hangman, s. 9) - jellÂd. Hank, s. Jk: kAnghAl, * tÜrré (türa). Hanker after, v.a. · isstémek, c·2) ) ârzulamak, c·) Aramak, e: - 5 * ishtiyâk-chekmek. Happen, v.n. c· ölmak, •:- chikmak, sil, viki"öl, – tessÂdufet, y, zühür-et, 8 : vükü”-bûlmak. - Happily, ad. * \s sü”âdetla ; -52)! 4K : berékèt-versin-ki. ·-- · mèmnüniyyet. Happy, a. · * ·-V * : · ishi - yölUnda - râhati - yerinda - ölAn, Happiness, s. sâ”âdet ; 6 6- - e\:* sâ id, 95-* • mèss”üd; c); *-o memnün ; -)2r* mèssrür. Harass, v.a. 2): yörmak, ·y ·y! râhat-vèrmamek, -·y râhatsiz-et, ş° tâ”jiz-et. Harbour, s. · limAn, L: ) or y• mèrsâ; –, v.a. ( :45 tûtmak, y' : yâtak-öl. [dipörto. Harbour-master, s. 5):e · kâptan- Hard, a. * kAti, sert, · pek; ** siki ; Ç: $ ghyüch, J:- chetin, JK· müshkil; – of belief, 'z· ghyûch-inânir, W inân- mâz; – to be believed, z: ghyûch-inânilir, : inânilmaz; – of hearing, • sâghir. Harden, v.a. ( :· kAtilashdirmak, ·- ) ·-J-· sErtlEshdirmek, ·· pèkishdirmek ; –, v.n. c* kAtilashmak, · sirtleshmek, K: pekishmek. Hard-favoured, Hard-featured, a. ·Jş- chirkin. Hard-hearted, a.j· mèrhâmetsiz. Hardihood, s. -->:) -- jëssâret. Hardiness, s. ü dâyâniklik. Hardly, ad. e· hèmân (hèmEn) ; z:4 gbyûch-belâ; *-e-** ·· hich-mûssâ”adé-ghyiss- tErméyérek. Hardness, s. c· kAtilik, · sertlik; sikilik; - ghyü- chluk, ·- chetinlik, * mûshkillik, - - * sû”übèt. Hardship, s. -8 ° sikindi, - - ö: • mèshâkkAt. Hardy, a. dayânikli, 3'e dinj. HA R E [ 145 ] H AZE Hare, s. e· tâwshAn. [kUlAk-vEr. Hark, int. *o dinglé (dinê), Harlot, s. *-i fâhishé. Harm, s. )y* zûrar, ek) ziyân ; -, ?7.62. ·i injitmek, y* zârar-et. Harmless, a y zârarsiz. [mûwâfakAt. Harmony, s. c 'e tAtlilik; köy • Harness, s. “: Or f: köshUm ; * tâkim; –, va. c •:5 köshmak; c 5 tâkimini-würmak : - maker, zy- sârrâj. Harp, s. e-chèngh. Harpoon, s. y:j zâbkin. Harpooner, s. ş:) zâbkinji. Harpsichord, s. 6 kyâr-kadim- -piâno. Harrow, s. sü-chifji-taraghi; -, U.0. c· tûramak; – one's feelings, ( * 5 \}\: ·): e l Adam- ing-yûrèghini-kAnAtmak. Harsh, a. -->2) sert. - Hartshorn, s. y· nishÂdir; (spiri of) - ) y° nishâdir-rühu. Harvest, s. el-a- hÂssÂd, Jyas” mâhsül ; – time, °: bichim- wAkti, * örAk-wAkti. Hash, s. u = <: yâhni ; –, v.a. < yâhni-et. Haste, s. aş° “Ajélé; ·e- öhâ- biklik, -e sûr”ât; –, v.n. aş° “Ajélé-et, c 'ş-châbik-öl. Hasten, v. n = 4 ·--ş- châbik- ghitmek; –, v.a. ş° tâ”jil-et. Hastily, ad. ş° “Ajélè-ila, e aş°“alk-l-“Ajelé. Hasty, a. .e-ehabiki sabrsiz, - ş- châbik-k?zar. Hat, s. * shApka. Hatch, v.a. 29 ş--55) : yâwri-ch?- karmak; -, s. : kapi ; ânbar-kApÂghi. Hatchet, s. al: bAlta. Hatchway, s. -jé ânbar-Aghizi. Hate, s. Lak büghz, ·e “âdâvet; ( :-22)ğü nèfrèt ; –, v.a. · hich-sèvmamek ; e “âdâvet-et. Hateful, a. ); e menfür, z:* mAkbüh. Hatred, s. L4: bûghz, ·e “âdâvet; ·ü nefrèt. [(kibir). Haughtiness, s. 5 tekebbur, 4 kibr Haughty, a. mütekebbir, kibirli, e, fir”âwn, nöbrân. Haul, v.a. ·ş- chèkmek ; *- * Haunch, s. 5 e sâghri. Thisa-et. Haunt, v.a. - 5 e tâ'if-ol. Have, v.a. 'e mâlik-öl. Havoc, s. ek) ziyân, “ 9:) -- khAssârèt. Hawk, s. *ş° \ Atmaja ; –, v.a. (-92v95 c*J Ve ghèzdirip-satmak. Hawker, s. 5 =2) ghezdiriji- Hawser, s. : pAlamâr. [bAzirghyân. Hay, s. y; küru-öt. Haycock, s. : · öt-y?ghini. Haymaking, s. • ş. · öt-bichmek. Hayrick, Haystack, s. · 9u: · : biyuk-küru-öt-yighini. Hazard, s. -->< bâkht; –jela tessâ- duf : -, v.a. ; ; ; tehlikéyé- Hazardous, a. * 45 tehlikéli. [kömak. Haze, s. L~ siss, y° dümAn. M HAZEL [ 1461 HEEL Hazel, s. iy* findik; –, a. 43-4 :Ki) kèsstâné-rènkli. He, pr. Ö, J y öl; –, a. < 50 erkek. Head, s. c bAsh; r· sèr, c-9 re'ss; (of a ship), 2 bAsh; (of a cask) - 9 dib ; (of an arrow) uy•5 tèmrEn ; –, a. c bAsh, ·y birinji ; –, v.a. U: bAsh-ol, se,5 sirkèrdé-öl. Headache, s. :Jéc : bAsh-Aghrissi. Headland, s. . ): bürUn. Headlong, ad. *'c bAsh-Ashāghi, ü4:9 (tepé)-tâklak. Head-quarters, s. merkEz. Headstrong, a. j* 5 9 jy siz-dinglémâz (dînémâz). - Headway, s. Jy! yol; *! 5 yûruma. Heal, v.n. : iyi-öl; –, v.a. : iyi-et. Health, s. --s° sâhhât, ·e “âfiyyet; – 4 keyf, zy mizāj, s- tAb”; your health ! Ki.e “Ashkingiza. Healthy, a.ğe sagh, • sâghlâm. Heap, s. · kyûmé, er: y°ghin ; –, v.a. G** yighmak. Hear, v.a. : * ishitmek, ** isstimâ”-et; e: So dinglémek (di- némek), külAk-virmek; J; kAbül-et, - - jābet-et. Hearing, s. * küvveti-sâmi“a; in one's – 8 - : ·l ishitdighi- hâlda ; to give a –, -29/29 e· • · izin -vèrup-sûwëylEtmek, · (dinémek). [mek. Hearken, v.n. •9/29 : külAkvèr-. Hearsay, s. · mèssmü"At. Heart, s. y: yürek, -i kalb, Je dil; (of a plant) ghyûbek; (middle) · or &5L: örta ; by –, e·r) èzbErden ; to learn by –, va. ezbèrlémek. Heart-breaking, Heart-rending, a.ci el · Adaming-yüreghi-dayan- T00Ze Heart-broken, a. J · shikessté-dil. Hearth, s. = Öjak. U- ail insÂfsiz. Heartless, a. j - insâniyyetsiz, Heart's-ease, s. ·* her-jâ'i- bènèfshé (mènekshé). Hearty, a. -5,5 kâwi, • • sâghlâm ; “e sâmimi, ·y: yürekdan. Heat, s. ş-- sijAk, c· sijAklik, ·y-hârâret; U Atesh; kâzghinlik ; –, v.a. c· issètmak, c· kizdirmak, * tesskhin- -et. [ S)- * kitÂbsiz-kyâfir. Heathen, s. and a. * ghyâwr, 6 kyâfir, Heave, v.a. c· Atmak; –, v.n. c· C: 9) bÂsh-wÜrmak. Heaven, s. -jennet, c şey firdâvss. Heavy, a. .e Aghir, J·ü sâkil. Hectic, a. :2yy verEmli; – fever, · * ghizli-iss?tma. Hedge, s. :- chit. Hedgehog, s. : 5 ÜfAk-kirpi. Heed, s. --5° dikkAt, ü tâkâyyud, · kayd; –, v.a. and n - 5 * dikkat-et, · kâyd-et. Heel, s. *ş:y' ikché; – over, v.n. c*\: yâtmak; –, v.a. c· yâtirmak. H E G I R A t 147ı HER TE: Hegira, s. c= 2,ş* hijret ; 4:3-2yş* hijréti-nèbéviyyâ. [e ghenj-inek. Heifer, s. ** 9 dishi-dAna, * Height, s. –5: böy; · yük- seklik, 8 :) irtifâ"; ; dagh, ° (tepé), bâyir, 'ye sirt; z” èvj, 85y* zirvé ; &5i, örta, * wAssAt. Heinous, a. < - : pèk-kAbih ; 5- * shèni”; - eshnâ”. Heir, s. (after possession) : 22), vâriss ; (before possession) * : veli-“âhd. Heiress, s. f di), vârissé ; ; ; velîyyétu-’l-“âhd. [-chichèghi. Heliotrope, s. Kş ş- * vânilya- Hell, s. *- jihènnem (jihânnam), == jâhîm. Hellenic, a. : yünâni. Hellespont, s. -jé: * Jae- châ- nak-kâléssi-bÖghÂzi. [*K yeké. Helm, s. · dûmèn-yëkéssi, Helmet, s. c· tAss, Lâke mighfèr, & tüghulgha. - Helmsman, s. · dûmènji. Helot, s. — èssir. Help, s. fey: yârdim, el imdâd, *\eli”ân6, mû”âvénet, eye “âvn; u_sş°y yârdimji, * mü”in, · mü”âvin; –, v.a. \f :3): yâr- dim – et, *-• mü”âvénet - et; löle i”âné-et; el imdâd-et, e :kel imdâda - yetishmek; s— mèn”-et, c *)'ş- châré-bül- mak. [Eli-âyaghi-tûtmâz. Helpless, a. *): bichâré, ·l Helpmate, s. l943iyi ârkadâsh. Hem, s. = ·y; 5 k?vrilmish- -kènar; –, v.a. c· ·= kEnârini-k?virmak ; – in, ·ş- chèvirmek, -4-5 * : kÜshAtmak, c· etrâfıni-Almak. Hemisphere, s. *-i-a n?sfi-kyüré. Hemistich, s. öy * m?ssrâ”. Hemorrhoids, s. & mâyéssil, Hemp, s. * kendir. Hen, s. J, tâwUk. Hence, ad. e·: bÜndan ; * = : binâ'an-“âleyh, \: S: bûnga-binâ'an, · bünga-mebni, 3 e : binâ'an-“âlâ-zâliké. Henceforth, Henceforward, ad. y. 5y: al: bümdan-biylé, Kai bündan- söngra, · fi-mâ-bâ”d, * _r bir-dâhâ, y:= c) A** shimdidan- [ bâssür. -ghèri. Her, pr. s. Ani, önu ; S) Anga (Ana), önga (öna) ; pr. a. -5 i, si, aning, önung. Herald, s. 5o münâdi ; –, va. · 9 _r - khAbEr-virmek. Herb, s. · öt, · nèbât. Herbalist, s. kykju. Herd, s. -5), • sûru ; – together, v.n. · -*) *-*) * sûru-sûru-ghèz- mek. Herdsman, s. z• • sāghirtmâj. Here, ad. V: büra, · bûrassi; · bûrayi, · bÜrassini ; *): bûraya ; *): birada ; ·: bûrassina ; *): bûrassinda ; -, int. ishté, ü nâ; – and there, - M 2 HEREAB0 UTS [ 148 ] -5 ité-beri ; e: tek-tek; here is, d \ ishté, ü nâ. [büralara. Hereabouts, ad. & y: bÜralarda, 8 V: Hereafter, ad. 5 = bündan- -sÖngra ; · bâ'dé-’l-mevt; -, s. “-92 âkhiret. Hereby, ad. : bü-münâssé- bètla ; * 4'a bü-wAssitâ-ila. Hereditary, a. - c mèvrüss, - :2) mütévâriss ; - 2), vâriss; çe 9 veli-”âhd. Herein, ad. e·: bÜndan; S: bünga; bünu. Hereof, ad. : bünün. -- Hereon, ad. &: ) ·y! bünün-üzerin6. Heresy, s. · dalâlet, * shî”â, J\} = i`tizâl. [mû”tezil. Heretic, s. ) dall, * shi”i, Jj* Heretofore, ad. y. 54-5 • shimdiya- -kadar, aşi 5 *-* shimdiya- -ghelinja ; j) ez-kAdim (ab 8 bÜnda ; antiquo), · it6dan-beri. Herewith, ad. (inclosed) ü lèffan, ü, mèlfüfAn. Heritage, s. · mirass. Hermaphrodite, s. -khûnsâ. Hermetically, ad. 5 y°C - ·** hich-hèwā-Almayajak-sürètla. Hermit, s. -3.j mûnzévi. ** Hermitage, s. 6: j zâviyyé, * A = “üzletkhāné. [L ed: fetk-“illeti. Hernia, s. : kAssik-yârighi, Hero, s. — yighit, yele: bāhâdir ; · mâhkiyun-fih. HIER0GLYPH Heroic, a. 4öye'e bâhâdirâné. Heroine, s. –65):ye'4 bâhâdir-kÂri ; Ve:K=” mâhkiyetun-fihâ. ğ Heroism, s. · yighitlik. Hers, pr. : Aning, önung; Kl Aningki, önUngkU. Herself, pr. 5 6 kendi, = kendissi, - 5 kendissini. Herzegovina, s. · Hèrsèk. Herzegovinian, · Hersekli. Hesitate, v.n. • bAkinmak ; tereddud-et; y=-t te'ekhkhur-et; c “ isstémamek; *-*** · nè-yâpajaghini-bilmamek ; c \: =z- * süweyléyé- jéghini-shâshirmak. [shûbhé. Hesitation, s. 9)5 tèreddud; 4 : Heterodox, a. – =” · ümmeta Hetman, s. 4 e hetmân. [mükhÂlif. Hew, v.a. c· yârmak ; – down, va. c = kessmek ; c*: 8r: yèra-yâkmak. Hexagon, s. c • müssèddèss. Hiatus, s. c y aralik. Hibernate, v.n. : kâshlamak. Hibernation, s. 4 : kishlama. Hiccough, Hiccup, s. şi- h?nchki- rik ; –, v.n. c·şi- h?nchkirmak. Hide, s. 5ye deri; -, v.n. ; ) e sâk- lanmak, · ghizlEnmek; –, v.a. ci • sâklamak, · ghizlémek. Hideous, a. .5 - 3 pek-ehirkin, a·4: 5 kerîhu-’l-mAnzar. Hieroglyph, Hieroglyphic, s. -s} : · ) 3-2 süritlü-yâzi-ishâreti. H IG H [ 149 ı H0CU S-P00 US High, a. -=: yüksek, S- mürtefi”, \ bâlâ; e “ali, - sâmi, E-:) refî”; e · dölghUn, e· jöshkun, tAshkin ; Jş5- chök, ·: pek ; the Most High, s. < - hAkk-tâ”âlâ ; – tide, – water, Je$ medd kyâmil. Highland, a. Le as**yd e daghlik- -yèra-mâkhsüss, * dAghi. Highlander, s. · :e dAgh-AdAmi ; - s. pl. - * : • dÂgh-âhâlissi. Highlands, s. pl. daghlik- -yErlEr, e· dâghistân. Highly, ad. yş-chök, - khāyli. Highness, s. · yükseklik ; · shevket-ma’âb; shèvkètlü. Highway, s. şela- jâddé, J: yöl, ec tariki-“âmm, y-> -: shâhrâh. Highwayman, s. · J: yöl-kèssiji, c 's kâti”u-'t-târik. Hill, s.ğe dagh, 43° (tepé). Hillock, s. 4:9 (tepé). Hilly, a. dÂghlik. Hilt, s. 6.4 kAbza. Hind, s. dishi-ghèyik ; ş kyüylu ; –, a. y ârd, *ş kâch. Hinder, a $ gheriki, sex * gheridéki; –, v.a. 's mâni”-öl, c·y: brâkmamak, c· köma- mak, •9)!9 * sekté-virmek. ş ş : ğ ş - • 6 6 Hinderance, Hindrance, s. : • ImaI]1 , ·= sekté. Hindermost, Hindmost, a. · èng-ghèridéki. Hindoo, s. -5\ b hindi. Hindoostanee, s. - \ b Hind- [lissâni. Hinge, s. 8)) rèzé ; 4: o mèntéshé ; -, t).72. · dînmek ; c·: bÂkmak. Hint, s. se; irtulu-ifâdé, • imâ ; –, v.a. se irtulu- -ifâdé-et, • îmâ-et. Hip, s. ş: kalcha, Hire, s. y* kirâ ; –, v.n. · kirâya-virilmek ; –, v.a. 9r : & 5 kirâya - virmek ; c· kirâ- -ila-tûtmak ; – out, !):· kirâya-virmek. [Aningki, önUngkU. His, pr. a = Aning, önung ; Ki Historian, s. zy: • müvërrikh. History, s. : 5 târikh, · tāwārikh (pl.); K- hikyâyé. Hit, v.a. c·· würmak; < So deghmek, le e issÂbet-et. Hither, ad. r beri, d:9). bèriya, &: : bû-yâna, &: : bü-tarafa. Hitherto, ad. 54 –** shimdiya- -kAdar, &süs & j ! bü-zâmâna- [köwAni. Hive, s. e köwan, -5) ari- -ghèlinja. Hoarfrost, s. · kârâghi. Hoarse, a. (person) · sèssi- -kissilmish; (voice) : böghuk. Hoary, a. Âk, U:9: Agharmish, L: k?r. Hock, s. - 8 bir nev-"i-sherâb. Hocus-pocus, s. 4 - hilé. Hobgoblin, s. ) zèbÂni. : 0 D [ 150 ] H0 N 0 R A R Y Hod, s. 4:45 tekné. Hodge-podge, s. f : 8 '_: bir-nèv”i- tâ”âm; cşi yü karishiklik. Hoe, s. *ş- chÂpa. [(dömUz). Hog, s. 5 * ighdish - döngUz Hogshead, s. : · biyuk-fichi, * mânjana. [chikârmak. Hoist, v.a. şey 5 kaldırmak, ) e- Hold, s. tütush, 4-5 kAbz, ~ zAbt ; (ship's) ânbâr; –, v.a. tütmak, kAbz-et, ~ zAbt - et ; d·y- brâkmamak, ·3r· sAlivièrmamek; – back, vn. d· 9· ghèri-dûrmak; –, ?).0. cş : Alikömak; – forth, v.n. ae, vâ”z-et; –, v.a. sü, üzAt- mak ; – in, zAbt-et; – on, ?) e72 • c·y brâkmamak, · vâz-ghèchmamek; – one's breath, 'L-· nefessini-hAbss-et; – one's tongue, •eye sÜssmak; · c· Aghzini-kApAmak, c· dilini-tÜtmak; – out, v.n. ** dâyanmak; –, v.a. c·ü, ÜzAtmak ; ley irâd-et; – true, – good, v.a. s”J kavli-sâhih-öl; –up,vn. c·- âchilmak ; –, v.a. c_:2) ; kaldirmak; tûtmak : – with, y: 89 - sizda-bèrâbèr-öl. Hole, s. c delik, yy. sürâkh; es : küyU, ş55- chükUr. Holiday, s. as5 tâ”til; : yörtU. Holland, s. · c filémink- -mèmlEkèti. Hollander, s. •i filémènk. Hollow, a : Aş: ichi-bösh, – ş” müjèvf ; ş55- chükur, · öyUk; -, S. şiş- chükUr; –, v.a. c· kAzmak, 4: öymak. Holy, a. -:y* shèrif, c_- ö.o mü- kaddess, ) mübârek; – Ghost, c·z: ) rühU-’l-küdUss, – Land, · dâri-filastin. Homage, s. e- ye "arzi-”übü- diyyet; °e “übüdiyyet, ** bèndéghi. Home, s. èv ; · wAtAn; -, ad. · yerina, yerinda ; , eva. Homely, a. da- kAbaja ; ·- chirkinja ; 4-yi fükarāja, [pilmish. Home-made, a. · se, evda-yA- Homeward, a. -5° * èva-döghrU ; -5, 4 e - 5 kendi-vwAtanina- döghrU. [kendi-vwAtAnina-döghrU. Homeward-bound, a. -65° · · Homicide, s. J: kAtl; J55 katil. Homogeneous, a. L-şe mitajâniss. Homogeneousness, s. · téjAnus. Hone, s. · 8: yâgh-bilèghissi. Honest, a. (person) _:5°Je Ehli-“rz, temiz ; - döghru, e emin; (living) J- hâlâl. [lUk. Honesty, s. 32ye “2rz; c·· döghrU- Honey, s. J: bÂl, e· ènghyubin, J-e “âssel ; - comb, J: - chigh-bAl; – dew, teren- ghyubin; – suckle, - hanim- -èli. 8 Honorarium, s. yeğle A'idé. [bâ-pâyé. Honorary, a. -5) e i”tibâri, *::: H 0 N 0 U R [ 151 ] H0 T Honour, s. \ \ isstikÂmet, L*2je “?rz, · nÂmüs ; * nÂm, e· shèref, ·je “izzet; -, U.0. ey - ihtirâm-et, c· sAymak ; -:· teshrif-et, J: tèbjil-et. Honourable, a. shÂn ; - * (person) 5 temiz, - * döghrU, e: · el ehli-”rz, c· --~ sâhib-nÂmüss; –:y* shèrif, - * mûsstakim, nèjib ; (thing) – : ·e: bā"issi- -shèref; the Right –, ye devletlü. Hood, s. c bAshlik, kûku- Hoof, s. tırnak, , zifr. [leta. Hook, s. ·ş- chènghel; *U: kAnja; · ilik ; 4 ay ölta, &ğü2j zÖnka ; -, v.n. • ilishmek; iliklenmek; –, v.a. •9 ilish- dirmek ; · iliklémek. Hoop, s. ) e-chenbEr; 4 - hAlka. Hooping-cough, s. 2-4ylaş“: bögh- maja-îksuruk. Hope, s. ·l ümid, · ÜmUt; –, v.a. ümid-et, c· Ümmak, J, më'mül-et. Horizon, s. üfuk. Horizontal, a. öl üfuki, -5, kül Üfuka-müwâzi. - Horn, s.j: ; böynüz ; -5); börü. Horoscope, s. *= } zâ'ijé. Horrible, Horrid, a. * : pèk-fèna, * Şe pek-kerih, e - pek- -chirkin, y: 3 pek-körkulu, - *e pek-mâkhüf. - 4 - : pek-mühib. Horror, s. (active) · kèrâhèt; · heybet; (passive) : 95 körku, · dehshèt; nefret, tènèffur. - Horse, s. At; · bârghir (bey- ghir); Atli; 5) - süwâri; clothes –, L-85 kAfess; blood –, · U*?- jinss-At; led –, · yedek ; light -, - -e 5 – -khafif-âtlu- “Asskeri ; race –, L: köshU- -Ati. [At-Alishdir.An-jÂnbÂz. Horse-breaker, s. j - · ·l Horse-cloth, s. J-jüll, Jye-chül. Horse-dealer, s. ·- · At-jânbâzi. Horse-guards, s. *- A-= -55), • sûwâri-”assker-khÂssassi; A-e )* sèr-"Assker-kApissi. Horseman, s. Atli; –6 - jindi, biniji. [e ş: binijilik. Horsemanship, s. - jindilik, Horse-shoe, s. }< nâ”l (nAl). Hose, s. ·ş- chörab ; eky-khör- Hosier, s. ·ş- chörabji. [tUm. Hospitable, a. yyy!-8 ° ghârib-pirvèr, jiye “ mihmÂn-nûwâz. Hospital, s. 45'-4 - khāssta-khāné, · isspitâlya. Host, s. -e ö- khāné-sâhibi; - mûssâfir; 9y Ördu. Hostage, s. ey:) rehin, :· ghîriv. Hostile, a. · düshmèn. Hostility, s. düshminlik ; -ties, s. pl. -->2}=- hârb. *: Hot, a 'ş-- sijAk; kizghin; *ghèrm, yy-hârâretli; -hàrr. : 0 TEL [ 152 ] BIU MANITY Hotel, s. * lökânda. 4 Hothouse, s. 4: e söba. [-ârd-dizi. Hough, s. 5je yle -hâywáning- Hound, s. j zàghar. Hour, s. el sâ”at; -5, wAkit, · zûmÂn. Hourglass, s. · kûm-sâ”at. House, s. ev, 5 könak, dül- khāné, : beyt, le dâr ; -, v.a. c· 4: ·), irtu-Altina-kömak ; cş yaş: icheri-Almak. House-breaker, 8. )*ye- kh?rsiz. Household, s. ** èv-tâkimi, y · èv-ÜshAklari, c· ş- chöluk-chöjuk, Je Jk ehl-u- “âyâl; – stuff, èshyâ, ·Ü èssâss. Householder, s. -e ev-sâhibi. Housekeeper, s. · k$ ketkhudâ- kAdin. Housekeeping, s. *)'e èv-îdâréssi. Housemaid, s. 4 - besslémé. Hovel, s. 4 külubé. Hover, v.n. c· dölashmak ; c y âyrilmamak ; * \: c. ) kAnAd-üsstunda-dûrmak. How? ad. · nâssl, 4ş4; nijé, :y° dö nè-dûrlu (türlu), 4 ye& ne-sürètla, * 4 & ne-vejhla ; y ü nâkadar ; – much ? ) Ağ nâkAdar; – many? z : kAch, ) 55 nâkAdar; – many times ? · kAch-kèrré, · kAch-def“a, kAch-nûbet, *z: kAch-sefer ; – long ? ) Aü nâkAdar, “ 9.Ae45 nè - müddet : – often ? – frequently ? : 8 : zi kAch-wAkitda-bir. However, c. e· vè-lâkin, &:2 vè-yiné, &: yiné (ghené), “e “âmmā; 5-• * mâ“a-mâ-fih, y*K: bÜ- nUngla-bErâbEr; –, ad. · hèr- nâssl, Jai nâssl; _y \üyle hèr-nâkA- Howitzer, s. - öboss (kübuz). [dar. Howl, s. L: · ÜlUyUsh ; –, v.n. c· ÜlUmak. Howsoever, ad. · hèr-nâssl, öyle hèr-nâkAdar. Huckster, s. ye mAdrabAz, · költukju, : ghezdiriji. Hue, s. 5y renk, · lèvn. Hug, s. ·ye sArilish ; –, v.a. c*ye *Aritmak; yakin sokul- mak. Huge, a. · pek-biyuk, 4 - 5 köjamin, k mefret, e “Azim. Hulk, s. ·*): y-&: kâshlaya- -chèvirilmish-ghèmi ; - about, v.n. · sürtunmek. Hulks, s. *öy; prângha. Hull, s. 4 K; tekné. Hum, s. L*-:5) Ari-sèssi; * tèrèn- num : -, U.72. e : itmek ; l * tèrènnum-et. Human, a. -63): bèshiEri, · âdémi, · insâni, -59) • mèrdi ; a – being, insân. Humane, a : insâniyyetli, cşá: • mûshfik, : shâfakAtli. Humanity, s. · shâfakAt; - : beshi- · insâniyyet, - HUMBLE [ 153 ] HYP 0 THES IS riyyet, *-e- insân-hâli; · nâssüt; c-9 nâss. Humble, a. · Alchâk-ghyin- gullu, E mütéwâzi”, * kEm- tEr; & S kèmtèrâné, * fâkir, &W ş-5 mâchizâné ; –, v.a. : c· kibrini-kırmak, )' y: bÜrnUnU-èzmek. Humbug, s. · yâlânji, · yâlAn. Humid, a. . ) rütübetli. Humidity, S. * nèm, ·%) rÜtübèt. Humility, s. s- : tewâzu”, 8 r: wüzü”, 8 - khüshü”. Humour, s. -° - khÜy, c - khülk, · tAbi”ât; k - khilt (pl. e- akhlāt); e sü. Hump, Hunch, s. * irghyuj; 5 kAnbUr ; – backed, kAnbUr. Hundred, a : yüz, 5 or * mi'é, · sÂd. Hunger, s. e- âchlik, 32- jü”, · ghyûrissnéghi ; –, v.n. z âj-öl. Hungered, Hungry, a. z âj, s: - jä’i”, ghyûrissné. Hunt, s. c Ava-ghîdish ; L W Arayish : -, - Sa:y Avina-ghit- mek ; c· ) Aramak. Hunter, s. · Avji ; y Av-Ati. Huntsman, s. c· Avji-bAshi. Hurricane, s. 4 5 kAssirgha (sâkir- gha). Hurry, s. 4 ş° “Ajélé; –, v.n. aş° “Ajélé-et; –, v.a. ş° “Ajélé-etdirmek, Jaş° tâ”jil-et. Hurt, s. yy zârar, ·j ziyân; *): yâra ; · J· dükulmush- k?rilmish ; –, v.n. c·- Ajimak; -, t).0, sa- Ajitmak; ·i injitmek. Hurtful, a. rd• mÜz?rr, )y* zûrarli. Husband, s. 4-5 köja, z:j zevj 2 * shèvhèr; sister's –, &:.j enishté ; wife's sister's –, - : bAjanâk, & - : bājanakh, c = bâ-jenâh ; –, v.a. :) el idâré-et, jl Az-küllAnmak. Husbandman, s. şüş- chiftji, Jol ·eyj ehli-zirâ”ât. Husbandry, s. ·üş- chiftjilik, ·e ) zira -”ât, ~ />- and ·y-hirâsset, - felâhât. Hush, int. La;* sÜss ; –, v.n. C** sÜssmak; –, v.a. çoy eye süssdur- Husk, s. : kAbuk. [mak. Hut, s. * : külUbé. Hyacinth, s. sûnbul (zûnbul). Hybrid, s. melez; - a melez. Hydrogen, s. müwellidu-’l-mâ. Hydrophobia, s.jy 5 kûduz. Hyena, s. · sèrtlÂn. Hymn, s. *) ilâhi. Hyperbola, s. 5js ai kAt”i-zâ'id. Hyperbole, s. 4 mûbâligha. Hypocrisy, s. riyâ, · iki- -yûzluluk. Hypocrite, s. 6: riyâkyâr, · mûrâyi, }: · iki-yüzlu. Hypothenuse, s. 4 ji, veteri-kâ'im6. Hypothesis, s. farz, öi tAkdir. I [ 154 ] I, pr. J! ben. Ice, s. jy bûz. Iceberg, S-u * * ji: bûz-Adassi. [durma. Ice-cream, s. ko·ye iş sütlu-döng- Idea, s. · fikr ; · tâkhâyyul ; ) ai tâssûvvur, &sa mûtâla”â; e* zânn; I have an idea, * _r! · “Aklima-bir-shey-ghèliyor, _ya' : *) bir-shèy-tâssâvvur-ètdim. Ideal, 0. · zânni, -:) ai tûssâvvuri, == tâkhâyyuli. Identify, v.a. bilmek, c •ş° sèchmek, c·k tAnimak, \La s° Idiot, s. *leş: bûdAla. [tèshkhiss-et. Idle, a. ishsiz, : bösh, 8 : böshda ; –, v.n. c :· ·l ishsiz- dürmak; –, v.a. · bösh- -ghèchirmek. - Idleness, s. ·l ishsizlik, c· böshluk, -ac “Atâlet. Idol, s. — (püt), * sânem, °)ye Idolater, s. ~y: pûtpérèsst; –s, s. pi. 's e “abéde'i-Assnâm, e : ' e “abéde'i evsân. Idolatry, s. y: pûtpérèsstlik, f -e' y: pèresstishi - Assnâm, e : ' 'e' e “ibâdeti-evsân. If, c. = èghEr, èghRr ; (even though) ş vE-lèv. Ignite, v.n. c· Almak, C •: tütUsh- mak : -, v.a. ; ) :· tûtUshdur- mak; y \ Aldirmak; · Atèsh-vièrmek. [sürèt. IM A G E Ignominious, a : 3yrezil, -5'y-yrûssvây. * Ignominy, s. ·ldy rezâlet, - ) rûssvâylik. Ignorance, s. Je-jëhl, - -jehâlet, c mâ”lümitsizlik. Ignorant, a. Jal- jâhil, a• mâ'lümÂtsiz. Ill, s. fenalik ; ), zârar; belâ, · dird; –, a. fena; *-- khAssta, - 4 keyfsiz, --V Ill-bred, a. .5 kâba. [mîzâjsiz. Illegal, a. -: yölsuz, 8 y*5 ghâyri- -mèshrü”, ** *üşü kânüna-mÜ- Illegible, a.j•:iyi Ökunmaz. [ghâyir. Illegitimate, a. z: pich : -: yölsUz; *V- hârâm. Illicit, a. 8 * memnü”, · yâssAk, j-: yölsUz; ey- hârâm. Illnature, s. -55 -A: bed-khûy. Illness, s. c*--- khÂsstalik, · keyfsizlik, -y mizājsizlik. Illuminate, va. üye kAndil- -dönatmak; cş --- - ) âydinlik-et, V: tenvir-et; (a book) - * 5 Yer: tèzhib-vè-tezyin-et. Illumination, s. - *J* kAndil- -dönanmassi. Hllustrate, v.a. * J· missâl- -ghètirmek, temsil-et. Illustration, s. Illustrious, a 'ye meshhür; ' e “âli-tebâr. [“âdâvet, ghâraz. Illwill, s. düshminlik, e Image, s. “2)5 e sürèt, ryaj tAssvir, 6 6 \ -s” müjessèm; evre “ayn. “) rèssm. I MAG IN AR Y [ 155 ] IMPERI AL Imaginary, a. 2: bösh, j-° dibsiz; · takhāyyuli, zûnni. Imagination, s. · mütakhâyyilé, · küvveti-mütakhayyilé; Jāe “Akl, K* fikir, Kā tefekkyur, ya tâssâvvur, k*tâkhāyyul; e° zânn, ·Uyi kürUntU, y* mèrâk. Imagine, v.a. V, ai o J* tâkhāyyul-et; ; ; kürmak, ie C:· “Aklina-ghètirmek. Imbecile, a. de: bûdAla. İmbecility, s. de: büdalalik. Hmbibe, v.a. ·ş. 2chmek. İmitate, va. tAklid-et, *: * “âynini-yâpmak. Imitation, s. tAklid. Immaterial, a l- rühâni, * : ghâyri - hèyyulâni; · * : pekda - lüzümi - ölmayan; 5 * : e· pèkda-zârari-ölmayAn; it is - which, *- * kÂnghissi-ölUrsa-ÖlsUn; – –– how, e· ·y La nâssl-ölursa-ölsun. Immature, a. f - khÂm, nâ- -pükhté. Hmmediate, a. Immediately, ad. -keye dir -“âkab, ·J, öl - sâ’at, ş° e “alé-ı-“Ajélé; ânida ; -** shimdi, - - châbik, aş° “Ajélé. Immense, a. ·: pèk - biyuk; · pek-kyülliyyetli. İmmerse, v.a.c:· dAldirmak, \: bAtirmak. İmmortal, a, b ilmüz, lâ- [-yèmüt. Immunity, s. e· emän : - 5 * • mü”âfiyyet, j imtiyâz. Impair, v.a. j; bözmak, · e : khâlel-virmek. - Impale, v.a. c* 55 kAziklamak. Impalement, s. ·ji kÂziklama. İmpart, v.a. ·: vèrmek; 5- tebligh-et, :9- süweylémek. Impartial, a. -ia mûnsif, *\ a • mûnsifân6. [j y; ghèchid-vèrmâz; Impassable, a : ghèchilmâz; · Impatience, s. c· sAbrsizlik. İmpatient, a.j • sAbrsiz. Impeach, v.a. \!yce 8 yy - ş*- millet-mejlissi-hüzürinda-dâ”wâ-et. Impeachment, s. 8 Ağyy - ş°- e :şee millet-mejlissi-hüzur- inda-dâ”wâ-etmeklik. Impede, v.a. y's mâni”-öl, s— men”-et, ·9 * K. sekté-virmek. Impediment, s. : • mâni”, · sekté; – of speech, ; pelteklik. Impel, v.a. ':- sèvk-et. Impenitent, a. * ghâyri-nâdim. Imperative, a. öy âmirâné; -5); * zârüri ; – mood, s. '* sigha- -i-èmr. Imperceivable, a.j•*)* ghyirulmaz. Imperfect, a. La nâkiss, ·= èksik, f -- - nâ-tAmÂm, f :ir: ghâyri-tAmm. Imperfection, aki nöksân, · èksiklik, ya; küssür, ~e "ayb. Imperial, a. &\ \: shâhâné, &\*\ \: pâdishâhâné. IMPERTINENCE t 156 ı IMPR0BABIIITy Impertinence, s. c· “ârsizlik. Impertinent, a ye`ârsiz,j-: eledebsiz. Impervious, a :ghèchilmâz; – to rain, : 2**: yagmür-ghechmaz. Impetuous, 6 • · hiddetli, · shiddetli, j- hizli, [küvvet, xj zor. Impetus, s. er* sûr”ât, j- hiz; : Impiety, s. y-e dinsizlik, *kyüfr. Impious, a. 36 kyâfir, j ° dinsiz, ; ; ; , AllAhdan-körkmaz; &y 6 kyâfirâné. Implement, s. âlet (pl. = } âlât). Implicate, v.a. ey :yü kArishdirmak. Implicit, a. J.6 kyâmil, •U tÂmm; L* zımni. [niyâz-et. Implore, v.a. :*) yAlvarmak, y': Imply, v.a. s'e * mütazâmmin-öl, \x · zimnan ifâdéet ede- Impolite, a.js& terbiyyésiz. [lâlet-et. Impoliteness, s. terbiyyésizlik. Import, s. mâ”nâ; * mèfhüm; c)-el idkhâl; –, v.a. uy°:·- e: - ) - := khârijdan - ghètirmek; e :):=e - khārijdan-ghè- tirtmek, Js idkhâl-et : ' - hükmu-öl, - - dakhli-öl, mëdkhâli-öl. Importance, s. ·l ehemmiyyet; öy nüfüz ; of –, e-· khÂ- tiri-sâyilir; *4 o mühimm. mühimm ; -65 'e khstiri-sâyilir, mü“tébEr. Importer, S. ·- & · e : dishâridan-emti“â-jelb- -èden-bAzirghyân. İmportant, a. Imports, s. pl. idkhâlât. Importunate, a.}ş* mû”jiz, ş” tâ”jiz-eder. y - Importune, v.a. ( :· sikishdirmak, y-ş° tâ”jiz-et, *V: ibrâm-et. Impose, v.a. kömak, ci bAghlamak, s-: wAz”-et : – upon, 'e öyUn-et, c·l Aldât- Imposing, a. * heybetli. [mak. Imposition, s. E-*: wAz” ; e):y öyUn, · dek, 4 - hilâ. Impossibility, s. · * “âdem-i- Impossible, a. J\s° mühâl, e· ghayri-mümkin, Key ç e“adimu- -’l-imkyân. [kyâzib, Sa - hilekyâr. Impostor, s. : yâlAnji, · Imposture, s. - hilé, e)): öyUn, · dek, -)ye or · dölAb. - [ghâyri-müktedir. [imkyân. Impotence, Impotency, s. “inninlik. Impotent, a. . .e “innin ; * : Impracticable, a. * yÂpilamaz. Impregnable, a. Alinamâz, · tesskhiri-ghayri- -mümkin. Impregnate, v.a. y:ü te'sir-et ; ·y· te'sir-etdirmek, 4 - ·* mèssâmmâtina-ghèchirmek; 4.5 ghèbé-et. - Impression, s. te'sir ; èssEr; e° zânn, c· köyâss. Imprison, v.a. ---- hAbss-et, e ş- tèssjin-et, c· kApAmak. Imprisonment, s. L-->- hAbss. [mâl. | Improbability, s. J• - * “âdmiihti- IMPR0BABLE [ 157 ] IN 0 EN SE Improbable, a. 4 =” ghâyri- -mühtemil, J; ghâyri-me'mül. Improper, a. j-: lâyiksiz, j• yâkishmaz, münâssébetsiz. Impropriety, s. · münâssé- bètsizlik. Improve, v.n. · ilèrilémek ; · iyilEshmek ; ·j9 = ghyüzèllEshmek ; -o -=*- - yölUna-ghirmek; –, v.a. · : ileriletmek ; · iyilEshdir- mek, < y = ghyüzellesh- dirmek, e isslâh-et, \se dâhâ-bir-yölUna-kömak. Improvement, ş. z e 2sslâh. [iktiyyÂt. Improvidence, s. e : - * “âdm-i- Imprudent, a.j-ie “Aklsiz, e deli. Impudent, a. jeye “ârsiz, j-° edebsiz, - hayâssiz. İmpulse, s. · vèhlé ; on the first –, 8 ale, vehlé'i-ülâda. c· Wş” müjâzâtdan-bèri-Ölmaklik ; with –, a :\i : bilâ-mükÂbelé, ğj\ş=* : bilâ-mûjâzâtin. İmpunity, s. Impure, a. U-r: piss, Jlere mÜrdâr, · nejiss, nâ-pâk. Impurity, s. · pisslik ; c= 4: U nâ-pâklik. Imputation, s. . issnâd; 2je “azv. Impute, v.a. ·: vèrmek, lel. issnâd-et, je “âzv-et. In, pr. 5 6, a, se dé, da; ·ş: ichina, *ş: ichinda, 4: ye° derÜnina, * y° derüninda; * zârfina, 8 : zârfinda ; 8 ): o mürürinda; a : ila ; e· iken. - Inability, s. · kÂbiliyyétsizlik; ese “adémi-iktidâr, js” “ajz. Inaccuracy, s. · : yângilish, 26 • sèhv. Inaccurate, a. J* yângilish (yanish), <=” ghâyri-sâhih. [-hârékèt. İnaction, s. 5J- * “âdm-i- Inactive, a. tenbel, [-kifâyet. Inadequacy, s. : * * “âdm-i- Inadequate, a. _} •· èlvErmâz, j• : yetishmaz, S) ghâyri-kyâfi. Inattention, s. · dikkAtsizlik. Inattentive, a.j dikkAtsiz. Inaudible, a.j• ishidilmâz. Inaugurate, v.a. \ \ 5 kyûshād-et. Inauguration, s. 5 “) ressmi- kyüshad. Inauspicious, a. c· menhüs. Inborn, Inbred, a. kh?lk2, ·- jibilli, tabi”i. Incapable, a. Elindan-ghèl- mâz, ghayri-müktedir, Jolü nâ-èhl, }=-e “âjiz. Incapacitate, v.a. ( )* -* sAlâ- hiyyetini-bÖzmak. İncapacity, s. - • * “âdémi- -sAlâhiyyet, · “âdémi- -èhliyyet. - Incendiary, s. · : kûndakji; • müfsid, s° mühârrik. Incense, s. * ghyûnluk, yak” bükhür; · “übüdiyyet : -, va. kizdirmak, “yle I N 0 EN TIV E dAriltmak, < y = ghyüjëndir- mek. [c 5. sâ”ik, 45:55 tâziyân6. Incentive, s. --~ sebeb, -a ; müjib, Incertitude, s. 44 ° shûbhé, e : shekk, SK meshkyükiyyet. Incessant, a. s-a lâ-yûnkAti”, e : ' ' ul -59) ârdi- arassi-öl- mayAn. Inch, s. 2)! pârmak, s— üssbu”. Incident, s. 8e mâddé, 3, fikra, * mânkabé; –, a. . )'e “âriz, [ittifâki. Incidental, a. ye “ârazi, Incite, va, le :· tâhrik-et, 'u :J=” : lâzim. tahriz-et, l-:: terghib-et. Inclement, a. & y* firtinali; : • söghuk, :L** yâghmûrlu. İnclination, s. mèyl; ragh- bet, isstek, U*ş - khâhish. Incline, v.n. meyl-et, \ yât- mak ; y'J5 mâ'il-öl, sı. ·*2= issti' 'dâd-ghyûsstermek 5 raghbet-et, — a- jÂmi - isstèmek ; –, v.a. cş : yâtirmak, lale imâlé-et, 9r· mèyl-virmek. Inclined, a. J5 mâ'il; * müsstâ- “idd; isstekli, isstèghi-ölAn, ·: râghbeti- -ölAn. [lèf-et. Inclose, v.a. - ihâté-et; –i Include, va, J=le dâkhil-et; 'J : shâmil-öl, ' : shümüli-öl, Almak, lak - ihâta-et, 'J• • mûshtèmil-öl. [ 158 ] IN C REASE Incog, Incognito, a. . . 5 tebdil. Incoherent, a - : ) rAbtsiz. Incombustible, a.j*: yânmâz. Income, s. ey irâd ; - : : vâriyyet, 5 ghelir. Income-tax, s. · 9 eyl irâd- [-virghissi. Incompetence, Incompetency, s. * · “ûdm-i-sAlâhiyyet. Incompetent, a. J*ü nâ-ehl, J5° \ , èrbÂbi-dighil, j - • sAlâhiyyetsiz. · eksik, aiü nâkiss, sü nâ-tAmÂm, f :ir: Incomplete, a. ghâyri-tAmm. Incomprehensible, a. } = ânglâ- shilmâz (ânnâshilmâz). Inconsiderable, a. j) Az, 5 kAlil; · kûchuk, … e sâghir; - jüz'i. Inconsistent, a. . .3): ghâyri-müta- tâbik, j•: ·y' :y: bir-wAkti- -bir-wAktina-Üymâz, * j; r!-:):9r! j-*-!y bir-sîzu-bir-sîzuna - Üymâz, _}*:y ·)19* sîzu-fi”lina-ûymâz. Inconstancy, s. Lyi * “âdm-i-kArâr. Inconstant, a. j“:yi kÂrarsiz, j-i sèbâtsiz ; ü: bi-wëfâ. Inconvenience, s. - 4 >j zâhmet. Inconvenient, a. j-·-y râhatsiz, · sikindi, * sikindili. Incorporate, v.a. y*) * karishdir- mak, 'zj• mezj-et; 55 katmak. Incorrect, a. L* yàngilish (yânish), · ghâyri-sâhih. Increase, s. be:j ziyâdé, *\ej' izdiyâd, :5,5 târâkki ; –, v.n. · biyu- IN 0 RED IBI, E [ 159 ] IN DIG ESTIBI, E mek; :45j) ârtmak, c·- chÖ- - ghAlmak, ·\} ziyâdélEnmek, ·\j ziyâdèleshmek, lej' * izdiyâd-bûlmak, c* târâkki-bûlmak, lolej müzdâd-öl, - mütarâkki-öl ; –, v.a. ·2: biyutmek ; c:) ârtirmak, ·ş- chöghAltmak. Incredible, a. j• : inânilmâz, < 2 = -) · ghyüj-nânilir. Incredulous, a. j* : inûnmâz, z: _: ghyüj-inânir. Incubation, s. e); i- hüzün. Inculcate, v.a. tâ”lim-et, · [c Aghirlik. Incumbrance, s. : bâr, · yük, ighrétmek. Incur, v.a. c·2: -: ) Arayub-bÜlmak, · ghirmek, · Öghramak. Incurable, a. j•: J: shifâ-kAbül- [-ètmâz. Indebted, a = " börjlu, Incursion, s. e· Akin. medyün ; ) ş° mèjbür. Indecent, a, -se "ayb, · ** mûghâyiri-edeb. Indeed, ad. - 5 *- hAkikAt, is- hAkikAtan, · fi-'l-hÂkika ; –, c. bilé; -? “ş = ghèrchekmi, & öylemi. Indefatigable, a. - y) - yörulmâz, j• • : yörulmak-bilmâz. Indefinite, a. yy As” Ü nâ-mâhdüd, · ghâyri-mâhdüd, J**): ghâyri-mü”âyyen ; – article, s. * -j- harf-i-tenkir. Indemnify, v.a. 'e * tAzmin-et, Indemnity, s. e ai tazmin, · tÂzminÂt ; · mû”âfiyyet, * Âlâ5 y berâ’atu-'z-zimmé. Independence, Independency, s. Ji. lsstiklâl. Independent, a. · bAshli- -bAshina, y < - khöd-bé-khöd, · kendi-kendina; ---: r” sEr-bèsst, c· mütlAk, Jü • müsstAkill ; JSez s·= kim- séyé-mühtāj-dighil; ·= } zènghin. Index, s. · shâhâdet- -pârmaghi ; L ve fihriss, · fihrisst. [tân. India, s. · hind, e > hindiss- Indiaman, s. * * hinda- -sèfer-èden-ghèmi. Indian, a. - A R hindi. [-böghdayi. Indian-corn, s. · ra• missir- Indian-ink, s. ·y-• :- chini- -mürekkéb. India-rubber, s. · kömnâstik. Indicate, le -3 ° delâlet-et, yle: ) * ishâret-öl. Indifference, s. kâydsizlik, · * “âdémi-temeyyul, * · “âdémi-raghbet. (07.0, Indifferent, a. kâydsiz, · lâ- -kâyd, JSo8 & : wAziféssindé- -dighil ; -> hep-bir ay bërâbèr, 5, lâ-fârk; : bayaghi, -°e “âdi, : Ashāghi, fena, 5 Indigenous, a. : yirli. [kAba. Indigestible, a. Aghir, z * * hAzmi-ghyûch. IN DI GESTI0 N Indigestion, s. -se'-58 mi”dé-fes- sâdi, imtilâ. Indignant, a. U*-* ghyüjEnmish, · dArilmish. [dArghinlik. Indignation, s. - de ghAzAb, c : • Indignity, s. 4 x : bed-mü”âmélé, ·)\ā-hAkâret, Indigo, s. \! 55- chivid. Indispensable, a. * èhèmm, = mütahAttem, •y) Villa mûtlaka-lâzim. Indisposition, s. · kèyfsizlik, zV- – V-= · isstémameklik, · “adémi-ràghbet. Indisputable, a. *- müsellèm. Indistinct, a.j· bellisiz. Indistinctness, s. · bèllisizlik. Individual, s. 9) ferd, k nefer, 6 kishi ; –, a. -6: âyri, 59) • mûn- Indolent, a. tenbel. [ferid. Indorse, va. : J; kAbül-vé- -tAssdik-et. Induce, v.a. cş sèvk-et, e :· tahrik-et, - sebeb-öl. Indulge, v.n. • mübtélâ-öl, · ci y! kendini-virmek : -, v.a. sse- mûssâ”adé-et. [ ibtilâ. Indulgence, s. 8 e - müssâ”adé; Industrious, a. e·e- chAlishkAn, ishghyuzâr, * mükdim. Industry, s. c 'i e- chAlishkinlik, ·y · ishghyuzârlik, el ik- dÂm : - hirfet, -e e sânâ- inhirÂfi - mîzâj; * Inebriated, a, c =- ser-khôsh. [“at. Ineficient, a, J* nâ-ehl. [ 160 ] IN FER İN AT İnert, a. 5 tenbel. Inertia, s. -ae “Atâlet. İnestimable, 6Z• j* y \ğü “: kimé- ti-tAkdir-ölUnamâz. Inevitable, a j*5) kürtulunamaz, j*89'e- châréssiz. Inexact, a. · yângilish. Inexcusable, a. -)· mâ”zur- -tütUlamâz. Inexperienced, a. •ş° “Ajémi, • mûbtédi, -2rş* ghâyri-mîjerreb. Infamous, a - e “ayb, J&y rezil, - :2) rüssvây, j \i nâmÜSSUz. Infamy, s. - 5y rezâlet, c rûssvâylik, · nâmüsssUzluk. Infancy, s. c·-ye-chöjukluk, · sAbâvet, tüfüliyyet. Infant, s. 2-35- chöjuk, d·- ÜfAk-chöjük, e: bebek. [kéri. Infantry, s. -5% e* : piyâdé-“Ass- İnfatuation, s. delilik. Infection, s. 4: --e “illeti-sârîyyé; c· bülashiklik; sirâyet. Infectious, a. -6:) - sâri, Jş* ghèchEr, y: bülâshir. Infer, v.a. c , S ânglamak (ûnnamak), c·- chikarmak, J isstid- lâl-et. Disstidlâl. Inference, s. mâ”nâ ; Jl Inferior, a. Ashàghi, u. 9 dün; · bâyaghi, fèna; –, s. · kûchuk, ·l**** mâ- -dünda-ölAn-kimèssné. a-: Infernal, a. v_*4°r jihènnémi, · 69 sheytAmi; \: ·: pèk-fèna. IN F T D ET [ 161 ] IN HERIT Infidel, s. J56 kyâfir, \:K* münkir- -bi-'llâh. Infidelity, s. * kyüfr, · “âdémi-“sAdakât; : * “âdémi- wèfâ ; · âdémi-“issmet; · “âdémi-“iffet. *\ \ nâ-müténâhi, * : bi-nihâyé, & bi-ghāyā. Infirm, a ai- sûkat, ° ' İEli-âyaghi-tûtmâz. Infirmary, s. 45 -as-s-khAssta-khâné. Infinite, a. 6 6 \ illet, ye derd; da ü nâkissa, ya; küssür. Inflame, v.a. y*· “âlevlendir- mek; ) e-'e iltihâb-ghètir- mek. [nar, ) · tÜtUshUr. Inflammable, a. ** = “âlev-ila-yâ- Inflammation, s. - le iltihâb, 20*- hâmrët. Inflate, v.a. · y* hâ- wâ-döldUrUp-shishirmek. Inflexible, a. egilmaz; ai Infirmity, s. -e j• kAssdindan-dînmâz. Inflict, v.a. V- y- ) tertib-vè-ijrâ- -et, - ye “âriz-et. Influence, s. nüfüz; te’sir; hükm ; –, v.a. · siz-ghèchirmek, = dinglet- mek (dinetmek); yü te’sir-et. Influential, a, -e öy nüfüz-sâhibi, ş*-5 - sizu-ghèchEr. Influenza, s. Ş zükkyâm, *ji nèzlé, Jj nèwâzil. Inform, v.a. 2)!9 res- khAbEr-vèr- mek, · süweylémek. Informant, s. )y:2 res- khAbEr-vèrEn, · süweyléyen, s” mükhbir. Information, s. y - khAbEr, · [-hârékèt. Infraction, s. ·- r * mûghāyir- Infringe, v.a. - ): bÖzmak, 1Je- ikhlâl-et, \-5 - 7 mûghāyir- -hârékèt-et. 6 6 \ mâ'lümÂt, ilm. Infringement, s. t_4ğü nAkz. Ingenious, a. (person) y° hünerli, ·*) * hèzâr-fènn (hèzârifènd); (thing) ° hünerli, · mâ”- rifètli. Ingenuity, s. --> hüner, - --- mâ'rifet, s. e sân”ât, Jäc “Akl. Ingenuous, a. J· sâdé-dil, –ile e· sâf-derün, --5 döghru- -sûwëylEr. Ingot, s. kymlché, sebiki. Ingraft, v.a. c· Ashlamak. Ingratitude, s. Kü nân-ky&rluk (nAmkyirluk), < y = kyüfrAni- -n?”met. Ingredient, s. -4, 5-jüz'u-mürekkib (pl. .5 -sya- ejzâ'i-mürekkibé). Ingress, s. c· ghirish ; -94 ghiréjek-yir; Jş** dükhül; - mëdkhâl. Inhabit, v.a. · ötUrmak, s'e· sâkin-öl, 'e K· mûtémekkin-öl. Inhabitant, s. 7. yirli, sâkin (pl. & sekéné), (pl.) _\el âhâli. Inhale,va - Ke- 2Jeş nèfessla- -ichèri-chekmek. Inherit, va “-92): vâriss-öl, : · [mîrâss-yemek. N IN HERITAN CE Inheritance, s. -y mirāss, ·y9 verâssèt ; “ y irss, *-92)'yi tèväruss. Inheritor, s. · vâriss, yy - mirâsskhör. Inhuman, a.j - insâniyyetsiz. Inimical, a. v*** düshmèn, f-a khAssm, · khÜssümetli. Inimitable, a.js& taklid-öluna- mâz, *-a-4-*- e 5 * bâshka-kimséning-yâpamayajaghi. Iniquitous, a. li fâssid. Iniquity, s. 8.6 ghyinâh, · fissk-U-füjür, as mâ”siyyet. Initiate, v.a. · ighrètmek, · ·· yölUnU - ghyisstErmek, \ ( * tâ”lim-et. Injudicious, a. j = “Aklsiz, j-: ÜyghUnsUz, — münâssébètsiz. Injunction, s. el emr (emir), : tenbih, c· sipârish. Injure, v.a. \ -2y* zarar-et, ak sâkat-et, c bözmak, -khâlel- virmek, J- ikhlâl-et. Injurious, a. :}y zârarli, de müzirr. Injury, s. )yr* zârar, J - khâlel, i. sâkâmet, a5. sâkatlik, [hAkksizlik. Injustice, s.)* ghAdr, * zülm, ·- Ink, s. -$ mürekkeb; –, va. · mürekkeb- sürmek; red -, s. : sûrkh. Inkstand, s. *-· mürekkeb- -hökkassi, öğ>- hökka. [kyîrfez. Inlet, s. jé Aghiz, : böghÂz, 5 Inn, s. e· khÂn, * : lökAnda, · - mûssâfir-könaghi. [ 162 ] IN SAN IT Y -= Inner, a. yeşicheriki, le dâkhili. Innermost, a. ·· èng-ichè- ridéki. Innkeeper, s. U_5°r 8 Aj\5 lökAndaji. Innocence, s. c· kAbâhatsizlik, · mâ”sümiyyet, ·y ·5 berâ'âti-zimmet. Innocent, a - : kÂbâhatsiz, * S-5): beriyyu-'z-zimmé, fras mâ”süm. Innocuous, a. } }ya zârarsiz. Innovation, s. e bid'ât, J* : yengi-Üssül. Innumerable, a. j• • sâyilmâz, *: lâ-yü”âdd, as<) lâ-yühsâ. Inoculate, v.a. c - : Ashlamak ; c le ş-ş-chichek-Ashlamak. Inoculation, s. c Ashlamaklik. Inoffensive, a.j yé zârarsiz. Inquest, s. • yU: teftish-ressmi. Inquire, v.a. ; ) esörmak, J5- sü'âl- -et; W isstifsâr-et; issti- “lâm-et; isstiftâ-et ; \L-° tejesssuss-et, \-55- tûhârri-et. Inquiry, s. c· sörUsh, J5- sû'âl ; isstifsâr ; issti”lâm; isstiftâ, · tèjësssuss, -55 =5 tâhûrri; L*): pûrsish. Inquisitive, a. 5re merAkli, :e- yye chök-shèy-sörar. Inroad, s. · Akin. Insane, a. - deli, *- chilghin, Ge-i kAchik, ey ş” mèjnün. Insanity, s. · dèlilik, ·- chilghinlik, iş-5 kachiklik, - - jinnet, u, 2- jünün. IN SAT I A BI, E [ 163 ] IN S TIN 0 T Insatiable, a. j· G•ye döymak-bilmâz, z V•ğe dâ'imâ-âj. Inscribe, v.a. 5 yazmak, kâyd- -et, y:Js tâhrir-et. Inscription, s. -s} : yâzi; * $ kitâbé. Insect, s. -: bijek, (pl.) - hAsharÂt. [èmin-dighil. Insecure, a. i): körkulur, · Insecurity, s. ( : y-· èmniyyetsizlik; 5 s• mükhÂtara. Insensible, a. 3* U-- hisss-etmâz ; : bilmâz ; ·-- bâyilmish, · bikhöd. Insert, v.a. c· sökmak, :· sökushdurmak; zye dèrj-et, Jls-el [idkhâl-et. Inside, s. 3 ich, yaş icheri, e° derün, Use dâkhil; –, a. -le dakhili. Insinuate, va. 4 $'a J: bir-yöl- ila-ânglâtmak (ânnâtmak), • imâ- -et; – one's self, ci • sökUlmak. Insipid, a.j-i tâtsiz. [lezzetsizlik. Insipidity, s. · tâtsizlik, · Âl Insist, v.n. · vâz-ghèchma- mek, · mÜtlAk-isstémek. Insobriety, s. sirkhôshlik. Insolence, s. · el edebsizlik, ·ye 6 6 - ğ ârsizlik. Insertion, s. z y° derj. Insolent, a. -- edebsiz, j se “ârsiz, : -5 kyüsstâkh ; & kyûsstâ- khâné. [L- müfliss. Insolvent, a. · müfliss ; –, s. Inspect, v.a. d· yöklamak; le 2) ai nÂzârët-et, a: mü”âyéné-et. Inspection, s. *: yöklama, “ 9yaj nAzâret ; ** mü”âyéné. Inspector, s. -*: yöklamaji ; – of schools, mümeyyiz. Inspiration, s. _s -? vâhy, ilhâm ; · nèfess - chèkishi; ( * tâ”lim, C:5° 5 teshvik. Inspire, v.a. • ilhâm-et, :9° -: “ y· vâhy - târikîla - bildirmek; c· yüreghina-kömak; tà"lim-et, c:.j teshvik-et, .ie · “Aklina-kömak; –, v.n. L-āi · nefess-shekmek, ye sölUk-Almak. Instalment, s. a· tAksit, a· kısst. Instance, s. -2) rijâ, j niyâz ; – Ki teklif; “yee dâ”vet ; ) missâl, * nümüné; 4xie def“â, 3,5 kërré; -, t).0. ley'J missâl-îrâd-et. Instant, s. e) ân, di: dAkika, * dem; –, a. .e siki, fr• mübrem. Instantly, ad. J ->y° dir-hâl, -āeye dèr-”âkab, 8 : ânida. Instead, ad. &:U: yErina, 3) J* bedel-ölarak, J: bedel, is bedelan. Instep, s. · âyaghing-üsstu, c silinjik, Instigate, v.a. -ey°---- kândirmak, c*:i,\!) âyartmak, i:y; pârmak- lamak, e :J= tâhrik-et, Lá:J=5 tâhriz-et, \c:9° tèshvik-et. Instigation, s. :J=” tâhrik, L4:J=5 tâhriz, : *-i teshvik. Instinct, s. L->- hisss, 'ş----- hisssi-hâywÂni. N 2 IN S T ITU TE Institute, s. — mekteb ; e: kâ-“idé, 8 • mevzü” ; –, v.a. c·- chikârmak, bAsh- lamak, - ibdä"-et, ay - ikhtirâ”-et ; s: wAz”-et, - :iyi tèrtib-et, \L~ü te'siss-et. Instruct, v.a. · ighretmek, \ * tà"lim-et, L-y tedriss-et. Instruction, s. e “ilm, ma”lü- mÂt ; ( * tâ”lim, (...)-y°5 tedriss ; · tahsil ; -s, s. pl. tâ”limÂt. Instructor, s. 4-\5-- khöja ; f -- mü“allim, ş* ta"inji. Instrument, s. - âlet (pl. \ âlât). İmsubordinate, a. ele itâ’atsiz. Insubordination,s.c ekitâ“atsizlik. Insufferable, a. * J•=5 tâhâmmul- -ölUnamâz. Insufficient, a. 3 :0): y èlvErmûz, }“: yetishm az, · kifâyet-etmûz, 6 ghayri-kyâfi. Insult, s. - hAkâret; –, va. yi- hAkâret-et; nÂmüssa-dökünmak. Insupportable, a. - Kş- chèkilmâz, ·tahammul-ölunamaz. Insurance, s. 45): sighürta ; – com- pany, s. · & 5* sighürta- cömpânyassi. Insurgent, s. ele “âssi. Insurrection, s. L: âyaklânish, e· “issyân, tüghyân. Integer, s. <=” ·e “âdédi-sâhih. Integrity, s. tAmÂmiyyet; [ 164 ] İN TER 0 ESS 0 R c:9° döghruluk, — ö. issti- kÂmet. Intellect, s. 5e “âkl, · zihn. Intellectual, a. ãe “Akli, Jile “Akil. Intelligence, s. Jäa “Akl, · küvveti-“Akliyyé, fehm, · idrâk, S3 zekyâ, 63 zekyâvet, ·ye dirâyet, · fatânet; khAber, ma”lümÂt. Intelligent, a. . .e “Akli, ile “Âkil, 3 zeki, ye dirâyetli, e fatin. Intemperance, s. · bëkrilik. Intemperate, a. · sèrt, \!\: shëdid, · hâdid; bekri; nâ-pèrhizkyâr. İntend, v.a. niyyet-et, 8 : niyyetinda-öl, İ * tAssmim-et, c· kürmak, [L: eski. Intense, a. -->2)” sert, \!\: shedid ; Intent, Intention, s. : niyyet, * tAssmim, ey • mûrÂd, Aa5 kAssd. Intentional, a. -6 a kAssdi, Jeyas” mâkhsüss; –ly, ad. ya bilérek, = “amdan, kAssdan. Inter, v.a. · ghyimmek, e° dèfn-et. Intercede, v.n. \e el shifâ’at-et, · &W araya-ghirmek, = ) rijâ-et. Intercept, v.a. ( 45i· tÜtmak, · c= -3 yölunu - kessmek : J5 - hâ'il-öl. Intercession, s. e shifâ"at, -L) [rijâ. -6 6 Intercessor, s. - shefi”, - : ) rijāji. IN TER C 0 U R SE [ 165 1 , IN TE R V Altı Intercourse, s. e\ \ ikhtilât, ülfet, · mü’ânésset. Interdict, S._} : âforöz, · lâ”net; –, v.a. - yâssAk-et, ' . nehy- -et, 5 * memnü”-et. Interest, s. L4ği fâ’iz, a = ghyü- zèshté, • nemâ (nâmâ), 2:) ribv, ribâ, mü”âmélé ; öyk nüfüz, e khātir, el i”tibâr ; ·* tâssâhhub, iltizâm, *)ârka; s” mâhâbbet : - ) raghbet, 3 merāk; ö. 5 telezzuz, *şi eylènjé ; = -3 ° - Alip- -vèréjek, c = - 53 kghrènéjek, c= - bilfjek, - -s); ghyiréjek, * : wAzif6, a=- hisssé; L y* · mènfa”ât, 8.ği fa'idé; – va. = y -s° tâssâhhub- etdirmek, iltizâm - etdirmek; 97: ; *şi - èylènjé-vErmek, -j- =:): yü- règhini-jëzb-et, y kAlba-te'sir- -et, c = y· kAlba-rikkat- ghètirmek ; to take an –, · sèvmek, * ) iltizâm-et, - s* tâssâhhub-et; to have an -, - - Alip-viréjeyi öl, * : wAziféssi-öl; Weda- hisssédâr-öl; compound -, - 5 * & Lái fâ’iz-ila-fâ'izin-fâ’izi. Interesting, a. Ü* ghyûzel; ele dilbEr; yaşü: èylènjéli. Interfere, v.n. • ::): kArishmak, * - mûdâkhula-et; * sekté-virmek, s-i mâni”-öl. \ ghâraz, **y* kArishma ; * - mûdâkhala. Interim, s. c y aralik, müddet; in the–, ye dir-iken (dèr-ken), ·y J 8-aralik, se J ol-es- nâda ; ad –, mûwAkkât; İnterference, s. * müwAkkatan. Interior, s. : ich, ey:y° derün, J· dâkhil; bAtin; –, a. derüni, =-le dâkhili, bAtini; Minister of the –, -°; Ü * le [jënâzé-defni. 4 dâkhiliyyé-nâziri. Interment, s. e° dèfn, 9 - Internal, a =-le dâkhili, e: bātini, Interpose, v.a. 5&W araya-kömak, c·: ) âraya-sökmak; –, v,n, - · 4.y âraya-ghirmek, a-yi tâwAsssut-et. Interpret, v.a. *- tèrjumé-et : -, - ?).70 . - *a-· tèrjumÂnlik-et. Interpretation, s. *-: tErjumé ; L* ma na. Interpreter, s. ·-- 5 tèrjumÂn. Interrogate, v.a. İ : — isstintÂk-et. Interrogation, s. a isstintÂk ; note of –, · “âlâmet-i- isstifhâm. : â. Interrupt, v.a. = -3 kessmek : s-* mèn”-et, : mâni”-öl. Intersect, v.a. \s ai kAt”-et; – one another, \s eli: tâk*tu"-et. Interstice, s. c W âralik ; ; : yârik, ş- châtlAk. Interval, s. c W âralik, · mâ-beyn. IN TER VE NE [ 166 ] IN V A I I DA TE Intervene, v.n, · ghèchmek; &V) c •· âraya-ghirmek; * sey ârada-bûlunmak, J5 - hâ'il-öl. Intervention, s. · tâvAsssUt; *) ·· âraya-ghirmeklik. İnterview, s. 5 mülâkât, * :y* ghyitrushma. Intestines, s. pl. · bâghirsâk. Intimacy, s. · e siki-dösstluk. Intimate, a. & 5 =* mâhrémâné ; –, S. • s° mâhrèm ; –, v.a. · bildirmek, c* = ânglatmak (ûn- natmak), : , -khAbEr-vèrmek, · süweylémek. Intimation, s. -khAbBr, so\;\ ifâdé, 5- tebligh. Intimidate, v.a. c*:): körkutmak, l-i:= tâkhwif-et, ail ikhāfé-et. Intimidation, s. 43 - ikhâfé. [derÜnina. Into, prep. *: 6, a, & ş: ichina, &: 2 y° Intolerable, a. Ke- chekilmâz, “=” j• tûhâmmul-ölUnmâz. Intoxicate, v.a. \c · sèrkhôsh-et, - 5 keyfet; –ed, a – 6 keyf, · sèrkhôsh (sâr-). Intoxication, s. - 5 keyf, c· · sèrkhôshluk (sâr-), K· sekir. Intrench, v.n. c· mètériss- yûpmak, 'e as5 tâhâsssUn-et ; –, ?).0. · mèté- riss-ila-isstihkyâm-virmek. Intrenchment, s. c o mètériss. Intrepid, a. - = yighit, yy--jessür, · bibâk, y: bipErwâ. Intricacy, s. c·· kArishiklik. Intricate, a. ( :y: kArishik, ci dölâshik, mûshtébek. İntrigue, s. * fitné, - fessâd, ey: y öyUn; -, v.n. ::) -* fitné- -châkârmak, C y:-e-i fèssâd- -chikarmak, ş-e· öyun- -ch?kârmak. Introduce, v.a. ·* yaş: ichèri-sök- mak : < y = ş: ichèri-ghetir- mek, Js-elidkhâl-et; - y = - ye- -= - köngushdurmak, tAnish- dirmak ; ; ) e-chikârmak, 8 ibdā"-et, 8 ikhtirä"-et, \ \aş: ijād-et; “ş- achmak, - c ş-lâkirdissini-âchmak; zye deri- et ; ** tAkdim-et, yy.) ibrâz-et. & oxic mükAddimé ; ghyûrushdurmek, Introduction, s. & eşi tAvsiyyé. Intrude, v.n. j ş° tâ”jiz-et, \J**l ishghâl-et, 's- mâni”-öl. Intrust, v.a. t 6 - öl emânétEn-tess- lim-et. Inundation, s. seyl (sel), · * sğ-bAssmassi; e· tüghiyyân. Inure, v.a. :· Alishdirmak. Invade, v.a. c· bAssmak, } * a* tejâvuz-ve-tâkhâtti-et. Invalid, a. ghâyri-sâlih, c : bösh; –, s. · 55- chûruk; –, ?).72 • cş ş-*:v95- chûrughé - châk- mak; –, v.a. ( :·y25- chü- rughé-chikârmak. Invalidate, v.a. j: bözmak, ·- · hükmunu-bözmak. IN VA I U A BI, E [ 167 ] IT ALIAN Invaluable, a. . .5e 3 pek-kimëtli, * “: kimeti-bilinamâz. Invasion, s. = tejâvuz, as5 tâ- khâtti, - isstilâ. [tirâ”-et. Invent, v.a. eleş: ijâd-et, 8) ikh- Invention, s. e\aş: ijâd, z ikh- [téri”. Inventor, s. Az-: müjid, 8 * mükh- • - 66 tira . Inventory, s. 9 defter. 6 6 ç & * * , Inverse, a. · âksi, c· tErSS ; 6 & {Öğ * . -, S. L-Ke âks, C yi tErss. Invest, va, iksâ-et, l-i müt- tAssif-et ; -• 5 –:y-5 kÜsh Atmak, ·ye- chèvirmek, s, es” mü- hÂssara-et ; c· yâtirmak, · 2 vèrmek. Investigate, v.a. 'L-* tèftish - et ; l-5 = tâhârri-et, L-a tejesssuss- -et. [-dâ'imâ. Invincible, a. •ğe li èl-müzÂffEr- Invisible, a. j•:y$ ghyîrunmâz, j*) * ghyizikmâz. Invitation, s. 9;ce dâ”vet. Invite, v.a. e° dâ'vet-et. Invoice, s. - : te “ilm-U-khAbEr, · pÜssla, ** dèftEr. Involuntary, a. -35) - ghâyri-ikh- tiyâri, Sesel Eldé-dighil. Involve, v.a. şey :yü kArishdirmak, 'J=le dâkhil-et : - ) - : ijâb-ètdirmek. Inward, a. _sle dâkhili. Hnwards, ad. -57:· *: 9yaş: ichèriya- Ireland, s. s. 3y Irlânda. [döghrU. Iris, s. j zûnbAk. Irish, a. . . Irlandali. Iron, s. 94.5 timür (demir), \! =- hâdid, [e * âhiEn. Iron-monger, s. =); *: demirji. Iron-clad, a. ·j zirhli. Irony, s. Üç isstihzâ. Irregular, a. J-e ittirâdsiz ; - nizÂmsiz , j-: intizâmsiz i e: kâ'idéssiz - : yölsUz ; 3: shāzz 5 :j: bAshi-bözuk. Irreparable, a. j*) J: * tâ'mir- -kAbül-ètmâz ; ş- châréssiz. Irresistible, a, j• 5 * 5 karshi-kö- nulmâz. Irresolute, a. j* e·= kendi- -"Aklini-bilmâz, mütéreddid. Irritable, a. tez-kızar, ş- yle châbik-dArilir. Irritate, v.a. C :99): kâzdirmak, c·yle dAriltmak. [kin. Irruption, s. ş° hüjüm, e· bAss- Isinglass, s. : · bÂlik-tÜtkAli. Island, İsle, Islet, s. 4 el Ada, *)je- jëziré. Ispahan (town of), s. · issfâhân. Israelite, s. 599 yâhüdi. Issue, s. c =-4 - ch?kajak - yèr, z A* makhrej kapi; - nökhud-yâkissi; = - ch8juk, ok èvlâd, 3 zürriyyet; e° – = ikhtilâf, *) * mû”áraza; –, v.n. C; öre- chikmak; l-: nèsh’et-et. Isthmus, s.j =: böghÂz, J° dil. It, pr. Jı öl (ö); Ani, önu ; S Anga Italian, a. : Italia. [(önga). % 6: dâ`wâ, IT AT Y Italy, s. : Italia. Itch, s. üyuz; –, v.n. · gindishmek, kashinmak. Item, s. e5 kâlem. [Aningki, önUngku. Its, pr. a. e l Aning, önUng; Kl Itself, pr. - 5 kendi, - = ken- dissi; = kendissini; * kendissiné. Ivory, s. · fîl-dishi. Ivy, s. c·: • sârmAshik. J. Jackal, s. Jā- châkAl. [hîmâr. Jackass, s. c ' eshek, - khâr, *- Jackdaw, s. 4 5 * Ala-kârgha(?). Jacket, s. e· mintAn. Jack-ketch, s. ·- jëllÂd. Jail, s. e j zindÂn, * = -- hAbss- Jailer, s. °) zindÂnji. [khâné. Jalap, s. k'a- jAlapa. Jam, s. rechel, tAtli. Janissary, s. –55 ş: yëngichéri. Japan, s. :: yâpönia ; rüghAn; -, v.a. :9'e L) rüghAn-wÜrmak. Japanese, a. · : yâpöniali. Japhet, s. yâfeth. Jar, s. c· kâwanöss; on the –, ad. Gş- âchik ; -, v.n. 4 :y5 Jasper, s. * yèshem. [kArishmak. Jaundice, s. c· • sûrilik. Jaw, s. *Kç- chèngé. Jealous, a. t: k?zkAnj; ; ghâyür; ·- hÂssüd, ·- hAssedli. [ 168 ] J 0 INT Jealousy, s. c s°ji kâzkAnjlik, · ghâyret; A =- h.Assed. Jeer, v.n. and a. c·9j zevklEnmek. Jehoyah, s. = el-Hayyu-l- -Kâyyüm. [lû”âb. Jelly, s. èlmÂssiyyé ; · Jeopardy, s. *\çi tehlik6. [sherif. Jerusalem, s. - c 5 küdssi- Jessamine, s. e·: yâssémîn. Jest, s. i: shâka, 4 a lâtifé. Jesus-Christ, s. <- “re “İs-ı. -Messih, -e 2rd-hâzreti-"Tssâ. Jet, s. 4: fisskiyyé. Jetty, s. dk. isskelé. - Jew, s. şeye yâhûdi; Jewess, u “: : –5956 yâhüdi-kArissi. Jewel, s. Jewels, s. pl. ·ş.” mü- [jëwâhirji. Jeweller, s. ş°: kûyumju, =·- Jib, s. 5 flök. Jibboom, s. e· bâsstün. [U: ish. jëvhérât. Job, s. -y - hazreti-eyyüt; Jobber, s. ~ simsâr. Jockey, s. ş: bini [lâtiféji. Jocular, a. –is tühâf, · Jog, Joggle, v.a. ( *-e: • sârssmak. John Bull, s. · 3 Kl inghilterra- millèti. - Join, v.n. : bitishmek, 5 = iltihÂk-et, 'c mülâssik - ol; yJe, vAssil-ol ; - v.a. : bitishdirmek; = ilhak et; vAssl-et. - Joiner, s. a- · döghramaji. Joint, s. · ek-yeri; -5): · y J 0 IN TL Y 1991 J U RISC 0 N SU DT öynak-yèri, Jağ mAfsAl; out of -, :- châkik; get out of –; be put out of –, •i:- châkmak; put out of –, ; ) i:- châkârmak. Jointly, ad. ğa: mûshtèrékEn, & ishtirâkEn. Joint-stock Company, 5y: shirkèt. Jointure, s. ey'e d: &a j zèvjéya- -bAghlanAn-irâd. Joke, s. i: shâka, 4 lâtifé; –, v.n. i: shâka-et, la lâtifé-et. Jolly, a. : j : * ghyülEr - yüzlu ; – keyfi 3 zevkli; – boat, Jolt, v.a. 2. e sarssmak. [* filika. Jonquil, s. fiya, Journal, s. & Ü ; 2) rüznâmé; E: y85 tAkwimi-vâkâ'i”; UV): zhèrnAl. u = 4-5 - ghâzètaji, -8 - jeridéji. Journey, s. J: yöl, · yöljUluk, sefer: -, v.n. - 5 ghèzmek, yoluluk et, seferet, Journeyman, s. ·= ghyün- délikji. Joy, s. : • sèvinj, · mèm- nüniyyet, _) }_r* sürür, _) : - hübÜr, - * shÂdUmÂni. Journalist, s. Joyful, a. c); ** mèmnün, _2r“ mèssrür, \: shÂd (shÂz), ce: shÂdUmÂn. Judge, s. (kAdi), ye mevlâ (mölla); deputy -, - nâ'ib ; –, v.n. c· <- hâkim, · kÂzi kâyâss-et ; -* zûnn-et, -e “âdd-et; –, va. 4•=\s” mü- hâkémé-et ; K- hükyümet-et. Judgment, s. · zûnn, - köyāss ; Jāe “Akl, * tedbir ; K- hükyümet; ya jezâ, belâ; day of –, · · köyâmet- -ghyûnu ; – seat, ·- “A o mèssnèdi-hükyümèt. Judicious, a := “Akli. Jug, s. dessti, * tèssti. Juggler, s. 345- hökka-bÂz. Ebâzlik. Jugglery, Juggling, s. - *- hökka- Jugular-vein, s. \!) y'J-- hablu-l- Juice, s. ye sÜ ; 8): shğra. [-verid. Juicy, a. sÜlU. Jujube, s. - e “ünnÂb. July, S. ) y•5 tèmmüz. Jumble, v.a. ( :y·y: kArishdirmak ; -, S. * c: & o kârma-kar- ishik-shèy. - Jump, s. ·yş” sâchrayish, U* 5' Atlayish ; –, v.n. Geyş° sèchramak, c; 5 Atlamak. [Je; mevsûl, Junction, s. Jail ittissÂl; 5 telâki ; Juncture, s. c:) âralik, \.ği èssnâ, · wAkit, j zâmân : J - hâl. June, s. )yj- hâzirân. Jungle, s. yy örmAn; - örmanlik-yir, K - chenghe- [ öghlu, sey zâdé. Junior, a. ·ş *= - sinnja-kûchuk ; lisstân. Juniper, s. · zey) ârdij-AghAji; – berries, = z°y ârdij-tökhmi. Junk, s. · Jeş-chin-ghèmissi. Jurisconsult, s. * müfti ; d.: fâkih. JURIsDICTION [ 17öı ]KIN D Jurisdiction, s. ·- hükyümèt. Jurisprudence, s. 4ği e “ilmi-fikh. Jurist, s. 3: fâkih. Jury, s. · · · · ön-iki-yeminli-kimèssné-mèjlissi. Juryman, s. -5): ·: mezkyür-yeminlilerin-biri. [direk. Jury-mast, s. y° :y'e âriyyeti- Just, a. Jee “âdil, c·- hÂkk- -shinâss, -sa mûnsif, ·- hAkkâniyyetli; – ad. tamâm, \5 tÂmm, ( tAmÂman ; – as, e· . . . . . hemân iken ; – now, · hèmân- -shimdi ; – so, · ** tAmÂm- -biylé, • • * : * hemân-biylé, * hèmân-shi'ylé, · hèmân- -îylé. Justice, s. -se “âdâlet, - 5- tAmÂm - iylé, hAkkâniyyet, – ail insÂf, - hAkk; <- hâkim. Justifiable, a. 5 - jâ’iz. [-zimmèt. Justification, s. ·'a ri tèbriyye'i- Justify, va. - 5 * tebriyye'i- -zimmet-et; · 26 -hAkk-virmek; cş -jä’iz-kılmak, j = tejviz- Juvenile, a. : ghènj, e)y-jiwAn. tet. Juxtaposition, s. Jail ittissÂl. K. Kalendar, s. *:yü tâkvim. Keel, s. · öngurgha (ömUrgha). Keen, a. e·=-4 kèsskin, kâlâ- ghili, yy bürrân, - hâdid, Keep, s. jé: böghÂz, · yèyéjek, 4 xj tâghdiyyé; v.a. ; 5 e sâk- lamak, ağ- hıfz-et; c*5 tûtmak, c Alikömak, iyi brak- mamak, ·2):· sAlivèrmamek ; · bèsslémek; –, v.n. d** dâyanmak, c; } y: bözUlmamak ; C :) 9° dürmak, c· kAlmak. Keeper, s. ail- hÂfiz, a:\se mühÂfiz, · beki. Keep-sake, s. Se yâdighyâr. Keg, s. -, - üfAjek-fichi. Kennel, s. 5 öluk. Kernel, s. g: ich, j* mâghz, - lübb ; _4: bèyz (bèz). Kerseymere, s. kÂzmir. Kettle, s. kAzghān (kazan); * [e ce dümbélek. Kettledrum, s. * ü nâkkâré (nâghara); Key, s. sül önakhtâr, miftâh. Khan, s. · khân. Kick, s. 4 K tekmé; :- chifté; –, vn. 5 *K tekmé-Atmak; *- c. il chifté-Atmak; –, v.a. “: ghyüghum. O?” · tepmek ; – out, v.a. köghmak, sikdir-et. Kid, s. öghlak. Kidney, s. bighrek (bübrek); – beans, ai fassülya. Kill, v.a. öldurmek, J: kAtl-et, l- 5 telefet, le * helâk- Kiln, s. 3 - öjak. [-et. Kind, s. ye' dürlu, -8 ° söy, U• - jinss, : nèv”; –, a. : iyi, tAtli. - KIN DI, E [ 171 ] KN 0 W I, ET) G E Kindle, v.n. d· tütUshmak ; –, ?).0 • c·: yâkmak; · tÜ- tushdurmak, li ikÂd-et. Kindness, s. · iyilik, * kèrEm, · “inâyet, – lütf; éfendilik. Kindred, s. \: : Akrabâ, \: · khissim-Akrabâ ; c· khissimlik. King, s. JV: kârÂl, K- hükmdâr, * e; pâdishāh, s: shāh, melik, mâlik. Kingdom, s. c·yi k?rÂllik, c· pādishâhlik, - hükyümet, · devlet, milk or mülk, · mèmlékèt, melé- [-“illèti. King's-evil, s. · *-ye sâraja- ·yi kArâbet, kyüt. Kinsman, Kinswoman, s. “as- khissm, · : Akrabâdan. Kiss, s. U: , push, sheftali, *: büssé ; –, v.a. ·:y ipmek, c· bÜss-et. Kitchen, s. * mAtbAkh (mütfAk). Kite, s. (bird) : e-châylâk; (toy) * ş-, Üchurtma. Kitten, s. - : – 6 kedi-yâwrussu. Knapsack, s. da ş- ch Anta. Knave, s. Sa - hilâkyâr, e·ş- chÂpkin, ·j: pèzéwEnk. Knead, v.a. ) : yöghUrmak. Knee, S. 39 diz, V zânü ; (of timber) ·y° dirsek. Kneel, v.n. ·-je diz-chikmek. Knife, s. J'eş: bich Ak ; (pocket –) -5'-- châki; (turkish pen-) c· kâlEm-trâsh; (carver) -) e- sAtir; (long weapon) : yâtaghÂn. Knight, s. bègh, kawalir; (chess) At. Knit, v.a. · irmek ; –, a. · àrulu, ·*) îrulmush. [bAbA. Knob, s. · töp, j :· töpuz; :: Knock, s. ·: wÜrUsh ; — ş- : kApi-chAlinmassi ; -, v.a. ( ::):) wÜrmak ; ·- chAlmak ; – against, c ş- châtmak; – down, c** yakmak; – in, c** 2}eş: ichèri-kAkmak; – off, - - ) - èndirmek, - - s)-k düshurmek; · kessmek : —: bitirmek ; -out, c iş-ch?karmak, y° düshurmek ; – under, v.n. ~~ tèsslim-öl. Knocker, s. **** : kApi-tökmaghi. Knot, s. - * düghum ; –, v.a. · bAghlamak, ·= 9 düghumlémek ; –, v.n. · 9° düghumlEnmek. Know, v.a. - bilmek; · khAbéri-öl, ' i - khAberdâr-öl, yl-ā; wâkif-öl; “ tAnimak; mâ'lümÂti-öl ; – one another, c· :) bir-birini- -tAnimak, -55 &:: • • mü”âréféléri- -öl; – again, c** tAnimak : – carnally, •= sikmek, 8 - jimâ”-et, ' e, wAty-et. Knowledge, s. = “ilm, - khAbEr, KNU CIKLE - 30 N E [ 172 T L ANDI ADY · mâ'lümÂt, e· “irfân, J**le dânish. Knuckle-bone, s. * Ashik. Kufic, a. · kyüfi. L. Label, s. 4 yAfta; –, v.a. *\: c** yAfta-tâkmak, :·: yAfta-yâpishdirmak. Laborious, a. Aghir, z 5 ghyûch. · emek, * ish, ·ş° ishjilik ; –, v.n. - : ishlémek. Labourer, s. :) renjbër (renchpèr), ş° ishji, rghâd, *** yânashma. Labour, s. Lace, s. · (ghâytÂn) ; - -* sherid; le dAntela; (gold) - sèrma ; e· kilâptan or kâlAbdAn; –, v.a. · ghâytÂnini-ghèchirmek. ş Lack, s. e·aü nöksân, ·= eksiklik; –, va, le 5 eksik-öl; eksigli-öl. Lacker, s. . ) rüghAn; –, v.a. C°) 3'e y rüghAn-würmak. Lackey, s. 5 * ÜshAk. Laconic, a da kıssa, [ ya jüwAn. Lad, s. öghlan, 5 e delikAnli, Ladder, s. e ö9, nèrdibÂn (mèrdivèn); · isskelé. Lade, v.a. · yükletmek, U = tâhmil-et ; –, v.n. c* : yük- -Almak. Lading, s. · yüklEnmeklik ; e : yükletmeklik; yük, *- hâmülé; bill of -, - - · yük-senedi; : * *ş : pölicha-di-kâriko. Ladie, s. ş* kefehé, ş; kepché, - hânim ; & y: kökona ; 9999 düdU ; · mâdama. Lake, s. J 5 ghyil. [dögkUrmak. Lamb, s. -5j: küzU ; –, w.n. c· Lame, a. J: töpAl; – of one hand, ş- chölAk ; –, v.a. âyaghini-sâkAt-et. Lameness, s. e :· töpAllik. Lament, v.a. and n. cş Aghlamak. Lamentation, s. 4 \s Aghlama, · fighÂn, U°ü nâlish. Lamp, s. J: 5 kAndil. [hijv-èt. Lampoon, s. yş° hijv; –, v.a. i s° Lance, s. · m?zrAk ; –, v.a. • dèshmek, c·ş- âchmak. Lancet, s. * nishtèr (nèshtEr). Lady, s. Land, s. 3,5 kara, berr; arz (pl. y ârâzi), (ülké), - milk, mèmlékèt, 5 töprAk; plot of –, eye “ârsa; –, vn :-4: kAraya-chikmak; -, v.a. :: :-: * kAraya-chikâr- mak. [ûsstu-Achilir-bir-nèv-“i-hînto. Landau, s. * 8 J* ş- · Landholder, s. - • · emlâk- -sâhibi. [isskelé. Landing, Landing-place, s. --- Landlady, s. e - ev-sâhibi- -kAdin. LANDI.0RD [ 173 ] Tü A U D A TI 0 N Landlord, s. -e- mülk-sâhibi; - • ev-sâhibi, - *- khānè-sâhibi. [e:): shāret. Landmark, s. · ;* sinir-tâshi; Landowner, s. -e emlak- Landscape, s. = 2 \a nAzâret. [-sâhibi. Lane, s. J: dâr-yöl; • yle dâr-sökAk; ye j** ş- chikmâz- -sökAk. [e j zâbÂn. Language, s. Je dil, lissin, Languid, a. e· bâyghin, j =- [-ghibi-öl. Languish, v.n. * e· bâyghin- Lantern, s. : (fEnEr); magic –, s. · khāyālifeneri Lap, s. - küjak ; –, v.a. * : • ·ş * yAlaya-yAlaya-ichmek. Lapidate, v.a. fay rejm-et, c· tAshlamak. jÂnsiz. Lapse, s. 9) • mürür; –, v.a. c· kAlmak, leğe “â'id-öl. Larboard, s. * K. isskelé. Larceny, s. ··- kh?rsizlik. Larder, s. kilar (kilEr). Large, a. · biyuk, * kèbir, (* “Azim; 5 kyülli, 5 kyülliy- yetli. - Larkspur, s. Kş ş-- : )J* hèzâr- -rènk-chichèghi (e) ye hezârèn). Lash, s. ş** kAmchi ; –, v.a. ş** kAmchilamak; c·: Lass, s. · kâz. [bÂghlamak. Last, s. · kÂlip; · söng; –, (Z. · ş èng-sÖngraki, - âkhir, e - pèssin ; -, v.n. - 9; sürmek; * dayanmak; k c· bÂki-kalmak, ' '' '; pâydâr- -öl, L• • müsstémèrr-öl ; at –, ad. ile “akibet, 8 Şye- • söng-sÖngUnda, S = \ ènjâmi-kyâr. Lasting, a. yük dâyûnikli; ) ) * 555- chök-sûrer, : pâydar, 4 • müsstémèrr. Lastly, ad. a = a - khülâssa'i- -kelâm, J· el-hissil. Latch, s. J mAndal, Je dil. Late, a. * ghèj, * ghèch ; c· sÂbik ; f - mèrhüm, müté- weffâ; –, ad. 5. sÂbika. Lately, ad. JsüV- bir-Az-èvvEl ; · yâkinlarda, y* mü’âkh- [-tâkhta, *) *: pâdâwra. Lath, s. * shishé; *-e- châm- kharan. Lathe, s. : - chârkh. Lather, s. u = := e· sâbUn-kyü- pughu; – va, : • sâbünlamak. Latin, a. · Lâtin; –, s. 4şi } Lâtinjé. Latitude, s. ·ye “ârz, · - *ye 'ârzi- -beled; -x-· vûss”ât; 8 e- mûssâ”adé. Latter, a. · · söngraki, - âkhir. Latterly, ad. 8 : yâkinda, 8 9· y! bü-yâkinlarda, V=5 mü’âkhkharan. Lattice, s. L-85 kAfess, · shëbik6. Laud, v.a. z* medh-èt. Laudable, a. · müsstâhsèn. Laüdanum, s. -2) · Afyön-rühu. Laudation, s. < 4 4 \ mûbâlagha- -ila-mëdh. IAUDAf0 Ry [ 174 ] --” L EA D Laudatory, a. e·z* medh-müta- zâmmin. Laugh, s. ·5-3= ghyûlush, 8 - khândé; –, v.n. ghyülmek, * - khândé-et; – at one, : r: · birina-ghyülmek; -in one's sleeve, ( - 4 yaş: icheriden- gyûlmek; – out loud, c *çişi kâhkaha-gyûlmek. Laughable, a < -4.* ghyülenejek. Launch, s. J* sAndAl; –, v.a. c y° 3)=e dengizé-endirmek; – Out, v.72. z :): pûra-khârj-et ; c \ ak, tAfsila-bÂshlamak. - Laundress, s. 65,5 5`·ş- châmA- shirji-kAri. Laureate, s. e c : bAsh-shâ”r. Laurel, s. * : yâbAn-defnéssi. Lavender, s. 8 öl lâvânda. Lavish, a. - * müssrif ; J: bèzül; –, v.a. J& bezl-et, c· Atmak. Law, s. 8 g* sher”, ·*:J* sheri”ât, ·5 kânün, a nizâm. Lawful, a. 8 y* meshrü”; 5a- jâ’iz; J- hâlâl; öl me'zün. Lawgiver, s. = kânünji. Lawless, a. - nizÂmsiz. Lawlessness, s. · nizamsizlik. Lawmaker, s. : 5 kânünji. Lawsuit, s. yee dâ”wâ. Lawyer, s. müfti, 4: fâkih; yee da”wâ-vekili; âvokât. Lax, a = $ ghevshek; · mûssâ”adéji, =-4s” müssâma- haji; * linetlija. Laxative, a. müleyyin. Laxity, Laxness, s.e K:* ghèvsheklik. Lay, v.n. c·2094 y?murtlamak; -, v.a. c; kömak, yâtirmak, s- wAz"-et; ; ; kürmak, ck tarh-et; – aside, iyi brakmak, tErk-et ; – before, - 2re “ârz- -et ; – by, v.a. c; 5'e sûklamak ; -, v.n. : •:e dinènmek, ---y râhat-et; – down, e: yèra- kömak, iyi brakmak, tèrk- -et; – holdof, • · tÜtmak, *-: : yapishmak, : yakalamak; – in, ·: · töplamak, }}|- 5 tèdâruk-et (tedârik) ; – on, e: •999* sürmek ; c_:· sÂldirmak, s-: wAz”-et, z târh-et; – open, c·ş- âchmak; – out, z = khārj-et, – sarfet, c·-khârjamak;-over, 35 kaplamak; – up, v.a. ; 5 e sâkla- mak, 4 - khAssta-et : -, U.72. *-- kh Assta-öl ; – waste, v.a. -y- khârâb-et; –, v.n. c· virân-kÂlmak; c; \- khâli- Layer, s. kAt,4i etAbaka. [-kAlmak. Lazaretto, s. 45 - ak=” tâhâffuz-khāné, *: : kÂrantina. Laziness, s. tenbellik. Lazy, a. 5 tenbel. Lead, s. ·:): kürshUn, · üssrub; J: lisskandil; öyê klaghuz- luk, Er-bAshilik, siz-bAshilik ; –, v.a. ghyi- turmek, · yedmek; –, v.n. * \! ·ha-gleehmek L EA DER [ 175 ] LE D - H0 R SE iléri-dûshmek, -4-*ye &S: ingé- düshmek, \c \5 kilàghuzluk-et, -5 = hâdi-öl ; – away, · ·= Alip-ghyiturmek; Aldatmak, C ye) Azdirmak, \ J idlâl-et, el-i ifsād-et; – astray, C°9 - e·: yöldan - châkârmak; c·l Aldatmak, C°ye) Azdirmak, J idlâl-et, el-i ifsād-et; to cast the –, c· J· isskÂndil- Atmak. Leader, s. c bAsh, · reiss, - sèr; · àng-Ati, - ing-hâywÂni, -6 x 4- · &jé ghâzètaning-bAshlija-bendi. Leaf, s. r: yaprak, : ), vârak, * ); vâraka ; -gold, : · Altin- -vâraki; – silver, :): · ghyü- mush-vâraki ; – copper or brass, : vârak. League, s. · sâ”at, J: c· sâ”atlik-yöl; Akil ittifâk; – to- gether, v.n. ittifÂk-et. Leak, s. delik, iş- âchiklik, yârik; –, v.n. c· Akmak ; c 9)* sizmak; e sü-et. Lean, a. –* zâ”if, zâbUn, : ) Arik; –, s. j-é: yâghsiz-èt; –, vn. yye-i eghri-dûrmak, 5 èghilmek, 45 yâtmak ; – against, vn. dayanmak, a yâssdanmak; –, v.a. c· dâyamak. Leap, s. U: \5 Atlayish, J°yş” sèch- rayish ; –, v.n. c** Atlamak, c· sichramak. Leapyear, s. · kèbissé. Learn,v.a. yighrènmek, a=5 tahsil-et, sel isstifâdé-et, tâ”âllum-et. [ le dânishmènd. Learned, a. çe “âlim, · ökUmUsh, Learner, s. 9,5 : shāghird. Learning, s. te “ilm, üye “irfân, · dânish. [-vé-isstijârin-hüjjeti. Lease, s. ş` yş :ya: ijâr- Least, a. · èng-ÜfAk, · èng-kûchuk; j èng-Az ; üel èdnâ, - pek-jūz'i; at -, ad. * · hich-ölmûz-issa; –, c. yâkhÜd ; not in the –, ad. * hich, aslı, at'ı, kAt”ân-vè-kÂtibétan. Leather, s. mèshin, e· sâkhtiyân, 5) : bülghâri; (sole) · kyîssélé, · ghyin. Leave, s. e· izn, izin, - as- ) rükhsÂt; –, v.a. brâkmak, tèrk- -et; – off, c·y: brâkmak, · vâz-ghèchmek; -= kessilmek, ·dingmek, *'e mûnkAti”- -öl; – Out, · ghèchmek, - 5 Atlamak, c·: yâzmamak. Leaven, s. & mây6; –, va. = & mâyélEtmek. Lecture, s. c y° dèrss ; * y° dirssi- “âmm; aeyvâ”z; –, U.72. · dèrss-vèrmek; ac 2 vâ”z-et; –, V.0le ·Wji Azarlamak, •y: 9- -s aj nAssihât-virmek. [-”âmm-khöjassi. Lecturer, s. *-y- *L- y° dèrssi- Led-horse, s. · yedek. L EE Lee, s. · $;y rüzghyâr-Alti. Leech, s. · süluk; * hèkim, ·tabibi -va y* süluk-yâpishdirmak. Leek, s. *y: prâssa. Left, s. Jye söl, Jye söl-tarafi, - yèssâr, -: :- chèp ; – handed, 5}ye söAk. Leg, s. 5. âyak, - bAjak ; k: büt. Legacy, s. e: wAssiyyet. Legal, a. ge· shèr“i, ö2y· mèshrü”, j5 - jâ’iz, (:) · më'zün, J- hâlâl. Legation, s. (~2yü • sèfâret ; – house, & Vä. sefâret-khāné. Legible, a. ökunur, ökUnAkli, · “âyân, ·- jëli. Legibility, s. 5 i, ökunaklik. Legion, s. -° Alay, \, livâ. Legislate, v.n. :e kânün-wAz”et. Legislation, s. e· wAz”-i-kânün. Legislator, s. ~b°e·l, vwÂzi”- kâwânîn-i-devlet. Legislature, s. · L-ş*waz”-i-kawanin-i-devlet-ichin- -mèjliss. Legitimate a' : yöllU, * : yölUnda; L:· sher'i, & 2y* meshrü”, J- hâlâl. [e khâli-wAkit. Leisure, s. · bösh-wAkit, , <- Lemon, s. · limÖn. Lemonade, s. al-U· limonâta. Lend, v.a. · vèrmek, c ): &Je “âriyyeten - vèrmek; ·9 * idunj-virmek, kârz-et. Length, s. -: böy, Jk tül, [ 176 ] 1 ET –--=*=* üzünluk; at –, ad. ile “âkibet, ·- nihâyet. Lengthen, v.n. c· Üzamak, c·:5! böylanmak; –, v.a. · y-55 böy- -vèrmek, C° V: ÜzAtmak. Lengthy, a. .) ÜzUn. Lenient, a. shâfakatli. Lenity, s. -8 ° shâfakAt. Lens, s. • = jâm. Lentile, s. c *-· mèrjumëk. Leopard, s. W; kaplAn. [Le, Abrâss. Leper, s. e misskin, ·Ala-tênli, Leprosy, s. ec~ misskinlik- “illeti; all Ala-tinlilik. Leprous, a. e· misskin. Less, a. · küchuk, · dâhâ- -kûchuk ; ; Az, il Be dâhâ-Az, c -= eksik. Lessen,vn.e · kûchulmek, : üfAlmak ; ; ; Azalmak; –, v.a. · kmchultmek , iflt- mak, c·y Azaltmak, 4-5 kèssmek. Lesson, s. c· derss; e “ibret. Lest, c. · shâyed-ki, 4=le mebâdâ-ki, e· körkussundan, e· mûtâla”âssindan. Let, s. 5- mâni”; –, va. c· brâkmak, ; ; kömak; 9/9 & 5 kirâya-virmek; –, v.n. %y!9 *:,5 kirâya-vèrilmek ; – down, c ·l endirmek ; – loose, c 'e sAlivèrmek; iyi brâkmak; – off, · e sAlivèrmek; 5 Atmak; ke “Afv-et; – fiy, 5 Atmak; I, ET TE İR [ 177 ] Tı I BİR A R Y – Out, cş**y-5) k d?shâri-brâk- mak ; · kirâya-virmek ; – in, yaş icheri-Almak; yaş c; * icheri-kömak; c·ş-y- pârcha-kömak ; – blood, c· kAn-Almak; –, pp. se 5 kirâda. Letter, s. – - hârf (pl. –iy- hürÜf, ·- hürüfāt): - mektüb (mektup), 4 ü nâm6. Lettuce, s. J2 mârul, · sAlAta. Levant, s. :\**e memâliki- “össmÂniyyé. - Levantine, s. J· · • • c memâliki-"ossmâniyyéda-dögh- mish-firènk. Levee, s. vL: binish ; ·S) rikyab. Level, s. c: ÜfUk; * düz; –, a. üfuki, işe düz, · döghrU ; –, v.a. düzletmek; – at, c· nishÂn-Almak. Lever, s. J: köl, mânavela. Levity, s. ·- khiffet ; z : - khâffeti-mizâj. Levy, s. -5)! · “AsskEr-tâhriri; A-e · · yëngi-yâzilmish- “Assker ; · sÂlghin ; ·as” tahsil; –, v.a. = tâhrir-et, ls-• - jëm”-et, · · töplamak ; as tahsil-et, toplamak, Almak. Lewd, a - : e: shehveti-ghÂlib. Lexicographer, s. · · lughât- mü’ellifi. Lexicon, s. lughât. Liability, s. · - mèss'üliyyet. Liable, a. : 5 kâbil, · müsstâ”idd; Liar, s. yâlAnji, [J mess'ül. Libel, s. W iftirâ ; –, v.a. W iftirâ- -et. [`inden. Libellous, a. · iftirâ-nèv- Liberal, a. .e- Eli-âchik, 9 - jümèrd, ·, s” sâkhâvetli, s” sâkhi; mükemmel. ese Liberate, v.a. ! eği âzâd-et. Liberation, s. âzâd. Liberator, s. ye ey âzâd-eden. Libertine, s. e: ;- chÂpkin, *)' j zèn- pâré (zâmpara). [c: 8) zûmparalik. Libertinism, s. c· ş- chÂpkinlik ; Liberty, s. - sèrbesstlik (sEr- bèsslik), ~ sèrbësstiyyet, L:-! “ sErbëssti; ·- hürriyyet, ej âzâd, ey âzâdéghi; izn, · më'zÜniyyet, —a- ) rükhsAt ; -e - tirki - edeb, e “ârsizlik, 9)--jessâret; j imtiyâz, - mü”âfiyyet; ·-hüdüd; to be at -, - - 5 ghezmek, c-; s” mâhbüss- Ölmamak ; yl* : böshda-öl, , \s- : khâli-wAkti-öl; 'e 3 me'- zün-ol, izni-öl ; to take the –, :) -- jessâret-et, -sa- ijtissâr-et, - - jür’et-et, - ijtirâ-et; to take liberties, c·ye “ârsizlanmak, ' e “ârsizlik-et. Libidinous, a. * shèhwâni. Libidinousness, s. · shèhvèt. Librarian, s. - 5 *- hâfiz-kyütub. Library, s. &s Skyütub-khān6. Ü T, ICE Lice, s. * bitler. License, s. 8,5 Âj tezkéré. [fâssik. Licentious, a : - châpkin ; c· Lick, v.a. c·: yÂlamak ; · dighmek ; le - Alt-et, l- mâghlüb-et, c : yenmek. Lid, s. : kApAk, :yı izrtu. Lie, s. · yâlAn, · kizb, ğ:y° dürügh; · kyül-sÜyU, * : büghâda ; –, v.n. \ yûtmak ; v : * \, ölmak, c·2-: bÜlunmak, sil, vâki”-öl; 8 mevzü”-ol; ·9-ek: yâlAn-sûwëylémek ; – down, C:45 : yâtmak, c· Ashâghi-yâtmak, c·ü, ÜzAnmak ; – with, l* \ş” müjäma”à -et ; J;= mühâvvel-ol, k, ey re'yina-mènüt-öl, c· dülş-hâwâlé- ölUnmak; – at stake, sey ârada-öl. Lieutenant, s. (navy) ·: yüz-bAshi; (army) • • mülâzim ; – colonel, – governor, &c., – of grand-vizier, • 5 kâ'im-mâkÂm (kaymakAm); – of a judge, · nâ'ib ; – general, : * ferik; – of a civil func- tionary, or individual, · vëkil. Life, s. - jān, - hayât; – time, * “imr, 4 e 9 • müddeti- -“ümr; this –, dünyâ, ese “âlémi-dünyâ, le “âlâmi-fènâ, · “âlémi-kevn-U-fessâd ; the – to come, “ âkhiret, : yle dâri-bÂkâ. [sighürtassi. Life-assurance, s. * ) “e “ümr- Life-boat, s. yeş: ) sey 4: [ 178 ] Tü I KE Jl kazâzedeleri-kürtarmak- ichin-biyuk-sAndAl. Lifeless, a. -- jânsiz. Lifelessness, s. c·- jânsizlik. Life-preserver, s. · J 8 bir- nev-“El-dèyneghi. Lift, v.a. ; ) kAldirmak. Light, s. 5. shik, aydinlik, ziyâ, : nür ; · Atèsh ; • • müm; –, a. – khâfif : -, v.n, c· tütushmak, c*\ yânmak; c* âydinlanmak; e : en- mek, 45 : könmak ; –, v.a. c·: yâkmak, C 99) :ye tÜtUshdurmak, leli ikÂd-et; – up, v.n. c· âydinlanmak; –, v.a. c·: yâkmak; C: :· \âydinlandirmak;-upon, · ·y rAsst-ghèlmek, -5 ai tèssÂduf-et, c· *: )) üzerina- könmak. Lighten, v.n. ·ş- * : * : shimshek- châkmak : -, v.a. --- - khafifletmek, l-i tâkhfif - et; C:· * âydinlandirmak, r: tenvir-et, ağ izâ'a-et; C:ey -V: ferâhlandirmak, tefrih-et. Lighter, s. & mâghüna, d: • sAlapÜriya, k tömbAz. Lighthouse, s. fènEr. [bèrk. Lightning, s. ** shimshek, y! Lignum-vitae, S. ·: pèlé- ssènk-AghAji. -> Like, s. esh, shibh; –, a. · bengzer, **-e müshâbih, * shebih; –, v.a. · sivmek, \a- I, I KET I HI 0 0 D [ 179 ) LI 0N hAzz-et, 335 telezzuz-et, c· ş>- khöshlanmak : -, ad. ghibi, *, vèsh. Likelihood, s. JV4 - ihtimâl. Likely, a. J• - ihtimâl, U• =” mühtemi, Jı me'mül, sı *Ö melhüz; ghyüzel, yûki- shikli, · ghyîsstèrishli, ° dilbèr. [a: teshbih-et. Liken, v.a. c = bèngzètmek, Likeness, s. : mûshâbéhèt; “y rèssm, a° tÂssvir. Likewise, ad. Ko hâkézâ, ö=: vè- kézâ, J&S kezâlik. Lilac, s. · lèylâk; –, a. _9-o mör. Liliputian, a : ÜfAk. Lily, s. ; ; zânbAk; – of the valley, Kş ş-şi inji-chichèghi. Limb, s. · “üzv (pl. de â”zâ); 5 kenâr, a· mühit. Lime, s. %: or z y* kirej; · limÖn ; – tree, : filâmür (ikhlâ- mür); bird – – twig, 6.5, üksé. Limit, s. \ >- hâdd, e : pâyân, z: Üj, · ghâyet, nihâyet; ey - hüdüd, -) sèr-hâdd, _); * sinir; –, t).0. Wer - hâdd-tâ”yin-et; ya- hAssr-et, c; \ \! bAghlamak. Limited, a. As” mâhdüd. Limp, a. · ghèvshèk, * yi- mUshAk; –, v.n. c·: * töpAlla- mak, “a: Aksimak. Limpid, a. . , bërrâk. Limpidity, Limpidness, 5 berrāklik, Linden-tree, s. filâmür (ikhlâmür). Line, s. -jaş- chizi, a· khAtt; sÂtr ; · ip, e)-- hAlAt; –, v.a. c =ş- Asstar - chèkmek ; ·: 5 kAplamak; branch –, ** J: shû”bé-yöl; main –, J: \}\ ana-yöl; ship of the –, kalyön. Lineage, s. - nessl. Linen, a. .5 kèten : -, s. -°e = kètEn-bezi; }: bez ; “ş- châmÂ- shir; body –, “ş- châm Ashir ; table –, 5 söfra - bezléri, y:= =: (peshghir - mesh- ghir); bed –, · ·- (chârshaf-mârshaf); – draper, : bèzji. Linger, v.n. · · -* = ghitméyup-wAkit-ghèchirmek; c· : :- y° -dèréjélErinda-chök-wAkit-yâtmak. Linguist, s. · · · : - chök-lissÂn-bilir-ölan-kimèssné. îlum- Liniment, s. ş : yàgh. Lining, s. Asstar ; * \, ; kAplama. Link, s. = =:j zinjir-hAlkassi; alx... mesh”âlé (mAshala). Linseed, s. °e * kètEn-tökhUmU, L = y& bezir-tökhumu ; - oil, & bezir-yaghi. ş Lint, s. -s} : yâra-bèzi, -°r. mirhim - bezi; L* ditil- mish-kètEn. - Lintel, s. 'e üsst-eshighi Lion, s. e·3) ârsslAn (AsslAn), * shir, essed, ghAzAnfEr ; –eSS, e :9' - dishi-(AsslAn). o 2 LIP Lip, s. 5° düdık, * shefé, - leb; 5 kenar. Liqueur, s. 4. e “anbèriyyé. Liquid, a. J seyyâl, : • mâ'i”; –, s. seyyâlé, *- Akği- nèssné. Liquidate, va, ve démek, : kapatmak, \: ifâ-et, \ \isstifâ-et. Liquor, s. e sÜ ; ·ş. ichki ; in –, – 4 keyf, c · sèrkhôsh. Liquorice, s. · mîyân-bAli : - root, , 535 · miyân-kyukyu. List, s. ** dèftEr, ·: pÜssla ; *ye- -5 * (chöha)-kenari; *i yatma, c= $ eghrilik; lists, s. pl. • meydÂn ; –, v.n. e : isstémek, · -- jÂni-isstémek ; : · kölAk-virmek, · dinglémek (dinémek); 5 yâtmak, · eghilmek; civil -, s. - = ·jeyb-hümâyün. Listen, v.n. ): : külAk-vèrmek, · dinglémek (dinémek). Literal, a. 5 lüghavi. Literally, ad. – =: –5- hârf-bé-hârf. Literary, a. · 4: $ kitÂbé-mü- ta”âllik. [dânish. Literati, s. pl, Lile - s* Asshābi- Literature, s. · mû'èlléfât; – 5 të'lif. Lithography, s. litografia. Litiation, s. z <= ihtijāj, -yse dâ”wâ. Litter, s. -: pislik ; =· dess- kéré, takhti-rāwān; [ 180 ] I, IV I D ghyûbré, · sAp ; – down, v.a. · : 5 · Altina-ghyûbré-sir- mek (or · sAp); – about, v.a. cş Atmak, $ dikmek. Little, a knehuk, , öfk, e sâghir ; -, ad. j) Az, ·) Az-bir-shèy, *ş - jûz’ija; a –, s. yy. bir-Az, :y} Az-bir-shey, je- · jüz’i- bir - shèy, *r 3:eş:) Az-bÜchUk-bir-shèy ; – one, -63) : yâvri ; 2-95- chöjUk; – by –, yy AzEr-AZEr, · J*: yâwAsh- a) yâwAsh, · tedrijla, (: ' e “âle-’t-tedrij, - 4 - jessté- jessté. Live, v.n. c· yâshamak, * mü”âmmer-öl; · ghèchinmek, L* tâ”âyyush-et, L – 6 kèfÂfi-nefss-et; · bèsslènmek, -5 tâghâddi-et; – upon, : · bèsslènmek ; · ghèchinmek. Livelihood, s. girechinājek, L- – 4 kefâfi-nefss. Liveliness, s. - jānlulik; 5 öynaklik ; Ç: firah ; the livelong day, U e: bitun-ghyün. Lively, a. ): Öyniyor, :y öynâk; :*c* shèn-shükh ; C y* müferrih, =l- târab-ènghiz. Liver, s. K-: kAra-jighEr, - jighER. Livery, S. · v_e“) ·- yemek, hizmetkyârin-ressmî-èlbisséssi. Live-stock, s. Ü y- hâywÂnÂt. Livid, a. mör; : ; Alak-bülak. LIvING [ 181 ] L0MBARD Living, s. · · ghèchinfjek, - – 6 kefâfi-nefss; * ) • sürèti - tû”âyyush; •: yemek, • • tâ”âm ; - imâmet; -, a. -5re diri, ğe sagh, -hayâtda, ·- bEr-hâyât, u_s - hâyy, y'yi- jÂnvÂr. Lizard, s. --- -= kirtenkeler (kèrtènkèlé). Load, s. · yük, : bâr, ·- hâ- mülé ; -, v.a. ( : * S: yüklètmek ; c döldurmak. - Loadstone, s. · miknâtiss (mikhlâdiz-tAshi). Loaf, s. e: 2*2* sömUn ; aK killé. Loan, s. :e, idunj, karz, · isstikrÂz. Loathe, v.a. • ighrEnmek, e tiksinmek, \: K. isstik- râh-et, \si, ikrâh-et. Lobster, s. isstâkoz. Local, a. yerli, mevki”i; je- jüz'i, a=i. münhAssir. Locality, s. r yEr, Js * mâhâll, E: • mevki”, S- 5 * mevzi”. Lock, s. · kilid ; •iş- châkmak; L =- hâwUz; · dèmet : -, v.n. · kilidlenmek, = kitlEnmek ; · kilidlémek, ci kitlémek : – in, c = -ş ichèri-kitlémek; – out, 5-65) dishâri- -kitlémek ; – up, · kitlémek, ·9): kitléyivèrmek. Locksmith, s. ·ş- chilinghir. -, ?).0Z. Locust, s. 46 Kş- chèkirghé; -: * * kèchi-böynUzU. Lodge, s. * r: kApiji-ödassi, - r: kapiji-evi; - bAgh- -evi: -, v.n. öturmak, - müssâfir-öl, · mûssâférétEn - ötUrmak ; c· kÂl- mak; –, v.a. c*5) · ötUrtmak ; c· Atmak ; - 2ye “ârz-et. Lodger, s. · kirâji, -• mûssâfir. Lodging, Lodgings, s. · Öda, : könak. Loft, s. ·) · tAwAn-ârassi. [tefi”. Lofty, a. = -3: yüksek, - • mûr- Log, s. · ÖdUn ; · kyütuk; & S\y; pâraketa ; log. sine, :--~~i nissbeti-jey- · ensâb; biyyé; log. cosine, := ~ ** tAmÂmi-nissbëti-jëybiyyé ; log. tan- gent, 4 - nissbeti-zilliyyé; to heave the –, •5 i ·V: pârakèta- Atmak. [· ensâb. Logarithm, s. * ) lüghâritma; Log-book, s. 7) 2j * ghèmi-zhürnâli. Loggerhead, s. - ahmâk; to fall, go to loggerheads, • j: bözUsh- Logic, s. c· mAntik. [mak. Log-line, s. ş° *V: pârakèta- Logwood, s. • : bAkkâm. Loins, s. : bel, - - sülb. [sijimi. Loiter, ?).70 . · ghèzinmek, · dolashmak, ş° -i, vakit -ghèchirmek, e-5 -: wAkit- (kâ'ib)-et. Lombard, s. 9) lömbardiali. L 0 MBA R İD Y Lombardy, S. (9) : lömbardia. London (town of), s. -8 ° 9 Londra-shehiri. Londoner, s. · löndrali. Dsssiz, Lonely, a.'e: tènhä : : yâlingiz : - Long, a. . ) üzUn, · tâwil ; as – as, y 5 kAdar ; -, ·yc Ash - yèrmek ; – for, · isstémek, ·a- jÂni- -isstémek ; c·) Aramak; – after, · Aramak, müshtÂk-öl, ishtiyÂk-et. Longer, a. · \Re dâhâ-ûzun ; –, Ü.72. ad. any –, no –, c:) ârtik, *\} ziyâdé ; a little –, \Re } r bir-Az- dâhâ. Longevity, s. e J* tül-i-”imr. Longitude, s. tül, J, tülibeled. Look, s. · bÂkish, * nÂzar, sas lâhza ; % bèngz, 3/4ş- chèhré, • • simā; kiyafet, • · kilik ; –, v.n. bakmak, ya nAzar- -et ; V- sèyr-et, :V tAmâshâ-et; ·ghilmek, j; ghyüz6- -ghyirunmek; – like, · beng- zémek; – about, · bÂkinmak; sürèt, · hey’et, ·) Aramak;-after, •: bAkmak, ci • j = ghyüzetmek ; c Ara- mak : – big, kürulmak, l eli kaba-dâylik-et; – down upon, c· : yükâri- dan-Ashaghi-bAkmak ; Wi=. iss- tihkÂr-et, ·:y ş>- khör-bAkmak; – for, c ) Aramak ; · beklé- [ 182ı L0RD mek, : • mÜntAzir-öl, J me'mül-et; –into, J: teftish-et; -= tejësssuss-et; – on, bAkmak, V- sèyr-et ; – out, 4-: c 5 iyija-bâkmak, 5° dikkat-et; – well, Jj = ghyüzel-öl, : yâkishmak, - ) - yarashmak ; : •ye- chèhréssi-iyi-öl. [mir'ât. Looking-glass, s. 4: âyin6, Loom, s. *-e): bèz-dèsstghyâhi, *se desstghyāh (tezghyāh); –, vn. J J - khāyâl- -mâyâl-ghyāzukmek. Loop, s. ilmik; ilik. Loophole, s. 4-: bAja, · ) âydinlik-bAjassi; e-5 kAchamak. Loose, s. e· itlÂki-“inân ; –, a. - · ghèvshek; - chizulu; _: sAllâniyor; i. mübhem ; - :yrAbtsiz ay rÂbitassiz, jeyi yâramâz, e·ş- chÂpkin ; –, v.a. c·ş- âchmak, ·ş- chizmek ; ·y: brâkmak ; · · sAli- virmek. [- : — linët-vèrmek. Loosen, v.a. · ghèvshEtmek ; Looseness, s. · ghèvsheklik ; (of bowels) — linet; J'e isshâl; (of morals) c·'ş- chApkinlik. Loquacious, a :) ghèvézé; ey° lâfzèn. Loquacity, s. · ghevézélik, Lord, s. 5 efendi, e: bègh ; the Lord God, · “-2) rAbbu-’l- “âlémin; the Lord of glory, · (-2) rAbbu-’l-”izzet ; our Lord, )*: ·l efendimiz; j•yrAbbimiz-tâ”âlâ; I 0 SE our Lord Jesus Christ, <- -se -59 - j*: · “Issâ -’l-Messih- -èfendimiz - hAzretléri, or sij*) – - <- -se rAbbimiz-tâ- “âlâ-”issâ-’l-messih-hAzretléri; our Lord and Saviour, }* j* rAbbi- miz-vi-khâllâssimiz; our sovereign Lord, 3* \} \ \; pâdishâhimiz- -èfendimiz; our Lord and Master, *\}** : veli-ni'metimiz- -èfendimiz. Lose, v.a. - 5 * ghâ'ib-et (kaybet), s-5 * zâ'i”-et, · Eldan- -kAchirmak, • dan-öl ; – ground, - *: yir-ghā'ib-et, c y* ghè- rilémek ; – one's way, - ): yöl-ghā’ib-et, cş J: yöl-shâ- [telef; telefiyyât. Loss, s. zârar, ·) ziyân : - 5 shirmak, Lot, s. -4-5 kissmet; lots, 4e: to draw lots, ·e: [kür'â-chekmek. Lottery, s. yü : piyânko, [ bülend. Loud, a. ·: pèk, 9- - : pek-sèssli, Louse, s. bit, dé kehlé ; –, v.n. · bitlEnmek; –, v.a. : * 5 :· kehlélérini-kârmak. Lout, s. eshek. Love, s. ( : c “Ashk, : sèvghi; kÜr`â ; Lotion, s. ye sü. ·s” mâhâbbet; -, v.a. — sivmek ; ; le “ashik-öl. Love-apple, s. - firink- -pAtlijáni ; (green) 4 5 kAwata, Lovely, a. ·5- sèvghili, J)* ghyüzël, yle dilbèr. D 183 ] L U LI Lover, s. c·e “Ashik; *) j (zâm- para); * hâvèssli; y* mèrÂkli. Low, a : Ashighi, iş Alchak: c· bÂssik ; / 8a- hâkir ; ° dèni ; e· ş- chApkin, 9° nâ- mèrd ; c yâwAsh; L· pèss; -, v.n. ·9r? · \inek-ghibi-sess- virmek. [-diyâri. Low Countries, -63) e : filémènk- Lower, a. · dâhâ-Alchâk; Vee dahà-Ashāghi;-,v.a.c y èndirmek ; · Ashaghilatmak; c*) * sârkitmak; 4: mâyna-et; &yi terzıl-et, yis* mühAkkâr-et; c· zâ'iflatmak; –,v.n. c :9 [e münkÂd. Loyal, a. • sÂdik, s— mûtî”, Lucid, a. * vwâzih. kArarmak. Lucidity, s. z: vwÜZüh. Lucifer, s. - 5 kibrit; 5,°) zühré ; e· sheytân. Luck, s. < bakht, tâli”. Lucky, a. < bâkhtli. Lucrative, a. : 6 kyârli. Lucre, s. S kyâr ; :): pâré. Ludicrous, a, c = ghyülenejek. Luff, v.n. 4.e2), örsa-èt. Luggage, s. eshya, L:): p?rti, J\: èsskÂl, · yük, J* sAndik-mAndik, Lugger, s. J* biyuk-sAndAl. Lukewarm, a. Gş ilijâk; è Aghir, c= $ ghevshek, 3- ghayretsiz. Lull, v.n. · yâtishmak ; –, s. · tèsskin, LU MINA R Y Luminary, s. ·r jissm-münir. Luminous, a. y* münir. Lump, s. &: : pârcha, · töp ; –, (!).6e c· -5i ghyitturu - Almak ; · -5 * ghyîturu - vèrmek; c·- : - 5· ghyîturu - yâpmak; c. ) : -5 = ghyituru-yapdirmak. Lunacy, s. delilik, ·- jinnet, Lunar, a -5,45 kAméri. [e - jünün. Lunatic, a. and s. · dèli, y ş* mèjnün. [altissi. Lunch, s. · * y iylé-kâhwé- Lungs, s. pl. Ka- jighèr, K- Ak- Luscious, a sec 3 pek-tAtli. [jighèr. Luserne, Lucerne, s. · yönja. Lust, s. · shèhvët; – after, v.n. · shehvetlenmek. Lustre, s. c; }y: pârlalik, c°9) rèvnÂk; 8)! âvizé. Lusty, a. ** dinj, ·: kÜvvetli. Lute, s.j - saz ; · lâwUta ; eşe Üd. Luxuriant, a. · kÜvvètli, bEré- kètli, :-chök, J; mebzül. Luxurious, a. · sÂltan Atli, · tAntAnali; , e à"la, L· nefiss. Luxury, s. · saltanat, ak tAntana; -* sefahât; *L-° nefiss-shèy. Lying-in, s. :c r * a - chÖ- juk-döghurajak-wAkit; : * löghUssalik-wAkti. Lymphatic, a. • bAlghâmi. [IAk. Lynx, s. vAshak, 39,55 kAra-kü- Lyre, s. a : berbet. Lyric, s. J5° ghâzel. [ 184 ] MIAG ISTRATE M. Macaroni, s. 65 mâkârna. Mace, s. j:* töpUz, · bözdaghàn; * -%52- e· hindustān- jèvizi-kAbughU. [liwâ-i-sélanik. Macedonia, s. 4 filibé; · "; Machine, Machinery, s. öyş- chârkh, ·= makina, · âlet, ) âlât. Machinist, s. #- chârkhji. Mackerel, s. 65r üsskÜmrU. Mad, a. .e deli, °'ye diwāné; ş* mèjnün, e-5 kAchik, U ş- childirmish ; to go –, v.n. ·e- childirmek, ' e deli-öl, e te- jënnun-et, · ·- jinnët-ghè- tirmek. [ü: kökona. Madam, s. 5 - khānim-efendi; Madder, s. kyük-büya. Mad-house, s. 45 - 5 timar-khâné, 4ös-· bimar-khâné. Madman, s. e deli. Madness, s. delilik, - - jinnet, eyy - jünün. [yém. Madona, s. f:3)* ·d- hâzreti-mèr- Magazine, s. 3j maghaza; ânbâr; e·” mâkhzèn ; -j- ghâzeta ; powder –, ö*<- jeb-khâné. Maggot, s. c 2) kürt. Magic, s. _s” sihr; – lantern, · –5) : khāyâlji-fènéri. Magician, s. yıys” sihrbÂz, \s° sâhhâr. Magistracy, s. - hâkimlik; • K- hükkyâm. [ • më'mür. Magistrate, Se - hâkim, a: zâbit, MA GN ANIMITY [ 185 ] MAJ 0 RITY Magnanimity,s. - - e “ülüvvi-jenâb, ·e “ülüvvi-fitret. Magnanimous, a. --- · “âli-jenâb. Magnesia, s. *** ş->4= ghyûhèr- chilé - kaymaghi ; *ai * mâghnisia-kAssAbassi. [lâdiz). Magnet, s, · miknâtiss (mikh- Magnificence, s. sAltanAt, a - tAntana, debdébé ; - = fâkhâmèt. Magnificent, a. Jş ·: pèk-ghyîızël ; · saltanatli; * fakhim, * fakhâmetlü. Magnify, v.a. i: biyutmek; *-5 ş°, tahmid-u-temjid-et. Magnifying-glass, s. ; ; ; pertevsüz (pèrtevsiz). Magnitude, s. · biyuklik, ş- hAjm; - 8 ehemmiyyet. Magpie, s. e saksaghan. [-Aghaji. Mahogany, s. · mâghon- Mahometan, a. -5 M•s° mühâmmédi, - isslâmi ; – s. -- müsslim, f Je èhli-isslâm, - mûss- [ dini-isslâm. * isslâm, ci!* limân. Mahometanism, S. Maid, Maiden, s. · kız, kaz-öghlAn-kız, 3 = bâkiré. Maidenhead, s. c kizlik, bikr. Maidservant, s. (free) * - besslémé ; (slave) c khAlâyik, & -järiyyé. Mail, s. 4: ; pössta; 3)j zirh. Maim, v.a. Elini- sâkat-et, *- kölunu-sûkat-et. Main, a : biyuk, V âna, -e Assl; -, S. 5° dèngiz ; · kûvvët ; with all his might and main, a '; vâr-küvvëtila ; – land, 8: • Assl- kAra ; – mast, · 9°2), örta-dirëk, 5 yé ghrandi-direghi; – sail, ·y* ghrândi ; – topsail, · ghâbiya-ghrândi. Maintain, v.a. · bèsslémek ; & arka-öl, 5 e tütmak : Weel iddi”â-et; ā ibk - et; \-5' e siyânet-et, 45, vikâyé-et. Maintenance, s. · ghèchinfjek, U:s5 tâ”âyyush, kökü nâfaka, – 5 L-85 kefÂfi-nefss; \:\ ibkÂ; · siyânet, d:#; vikâyé. Maize, s, * ra• missir-böghdayi. Majestic, a. ·· ghyûsstErishli ; heybetli. Majesty, s. · shèvkit, 'es mûhâbet; His Majesty (the Sultan), j• shèvkètli - efendimiz; His (or Her) Majesty the King, -5 -J · hAshmetli-kirAl- jenÂbléri, (or *ş kirâlicha, the Queen, or )· impérâtör, the Emperor, &c.) Major, a. -65 = èkséri ; *= â”zâm, = ekbir; Skyülli ; -: bāligh; -, S. · bing-bAshi ; drum -, -) tAmbUr-mâzhör; – domo, s5 kyüya; z°, vekil-klaj – general, * liwâ-pâsha. Majority, s. : èksèriyyet ; #: bûlügh, -e- sinni - bülügh ; · bing-bAshilik. MAKE Make, s. fe: bichim, “2) ye sürèt, ·hey’et, yöpilish; el i'mâliyyé ; –, v.a. c*\: yâpmak, J“e i”mâl-et; · 8°ya-: vüjüda-ghetirmek; ya yeratmak, \ -khalk-et; : etmek, : eylémek, • 5 kilmak; – a fool of, c* Aldatmak, sj = képâzé-et, ·“ mAsskharaya- -chèvirmek ; – a mistake, c· yûngilmak, yé- sehv-et, Was-khAtâ- -et, c $ yângilishlik-et : – angry, c·y'e dAriltmak, C: :99): kızdirmak, < y = ghyüjèndir- mek ; – a pen, c· kâlEm- -yöntmak, (a new pen) 4ş- ** kAlEm - âchmak; – at, · sAldirmak, ş* hüjüm-et; – away with, c· Üchurmak, - 5 telef- -et ; – for, c·J: yöl-tûtmak ; - good, · yirina-ghetir- mek; – haste, ş- châbik-öl, * ş° “Ajélé-et; – land, 3,5 sese · dèngizda-kAra-ghyitrunmek ; – many words, c·y, ÜzAtmak, · y” :- chök-sûweylémek : – off, • 6 ghitmek, c**· sâwUsh- mak ; – off with, c Almak ; c·ş- chAlmak; – one of a company, le 55) refâkat-et, Je-le dâkhil-öl; - one's escape, c· kAchmak; c· kürtülmak; – out, :: :- chikârmak, c·i, ökUmak ; \ \: issbÂt-et; --- hissÂb-et; – over, 9° dèvr-et ; lay- hâwâlé-et; – D 186 ] MAN -- towards, c· Jİ: yöl-tûtmak : – up, ·-* töplamak ; J*Ki tekmîl-et, ** tÂmÂm-et; – up to, C; e*\: yanina-vârmak; – it up, c* bArishmak; – it up to, 'e 45 tÂzmin-et, c* 5 tAmÂm- lamak; – use of, c· küllAnmak, J* issti"mâl-et. Maladministration, s. * eğ- sü'i-idâré. Malady, s. ye dird, -e “illet. Malaria, s. · hàwa-i-vwakhim, Male, a. and s. e 5) èrkek, nèr, 3 zeker (pl. 3zükyür). Malediction, s. \ce : bed-dû”â. Malefactor, s. asi- · sâhib-jünhâ, fvş” müjrim. Malevolence, s. · “âdâvet, e· “üdvÂn, ā- hikd, L4: büghz. Malevolent, a. * kyütu. Malice, s. · sü'i-kAssd, · sü'i-niyyet, 5 kyütulik. Malicious, a. · kyütu. Maliciousness, s. · kyütuluk. Malign, v.a. yil iftirâ-et. Malignant, a. * kyütu. Malignity, s. kyütuluk. Mallet, s. c· tökmAk. Mallows, s. · & ebé-ghyümèji. Malt, s. : ) ciye biralik-ârpa. Malta, s. 4 Malta. Malt-liquor, s. V: bira. Maltreatment, s. · èziyyet. Mamma, s. Ül âna, & niné, *\, vâlidé. 4 Man, s. * âdEm (AdAm), · insân, MANA GE [ 187 ] MAN U S0 R IP T 9) o mèrd, *9) • mèrdum ; – of war, “= < a jenk-ghèmissi, · kâlyÖn, – of war's man, = - kâlyönji-neféri; –, v.a. * ' e 55 şe AdAm - ila - dönatmak, * c : AdAm-kömak; · dönat- mak, 9 bAshina-vârmak. Manage, v.n. - ye- Üydurmak ; · edinmek; · ghèchin- mek ; –, v.a. c· : küllAnmak ; ~ zAbt-et; \s)'e idâré-et; · Üydurmak, c*: yapmak, * Management, s. *)'e) idâré. [ghyirmek. Manager, s. müdir. Mandate, s. *el) irâdé, ·: fErmÂn, r== hükm, èmr. Mane, s. yelé. Mange, s.j: ÜyUz. Manger, s. ·: yemlik. Mangle, s. 8) x - jèndéré ; –, v.a. c* y?rtmak, ·: pârélémek ; · jenderğdan-gne- Manhood, s. c· AdAmlik. [chirmek. Mania, s. delilik. Maniac, s. · dèli, e·ş- chilghin, ölye diwâné, ş° mèjnün. Manifest, s. ş`e ghèmining- -hüjjeti ; -, a : Ashikyâr, e° bedihi, * zâhir, bedidâr, y° hüweyda; –, v.a. şe= ghyisstermek, ya izhâr-et. · beyân-nâmé, * el i"lÂn-nâmé. Mankind, s. f U : bèni-âdEm, z : Manifesto, s. : nev'i-beni-besher, -ü nâss. Manly, a. 9) • merd, &l mèrdâné, * Adam. [-hèlwässi. Manna, s. · - :2y 5 küdret- Manner, s. k târz, · dûrlu (türlu), & vèjh; manners, s. pl. Atwâr ; - âkhlâk; - ) âdâb. Manoeuvre, s. · dölAb, c)):y ÖyUn ; *) * mânèvra ; –, v.n. - ·ş- · dölAb - chèvirmek, c·ş- :y" öyun - chikârmak ; ·25-8): mânevra-chèvirmek. Mansion, s. könak. Mantel-piece, Mantel-shelf, s. – V · · öjak-üsstindé-Ölan- rAf. [mântua-shèhiri. Mantua (town of), s. - : : • Manual, s. · rissâlé; –, a. . . J · y- El-ila-ijrâ-Ölunan ; – exer- cise, · · ş° “Ajémi- tüfek-tâ”limi ; sign –, de imzâ. Manufactory, s. 4: fâbrika. Manufacture, s. & fabrika, & -* kyâr-khâné; J\ mâl, (pl.) “e i'mâlât, J\•e i”mâl ; –, v.a. ·: yâp- mak, U•e i'mâl-et. Manufacturer, s. · &:9° fabrikâji. ·eş a• mAssnü”ât 5 Manumission, s. el; âzâd. Manumit, v.a. eyl âzâd-et. Manure, s. · giyibré; -, U.0 • ·r ghyûbré-virmek, Manuscript, a. ·jJ El-yâzissi ; -, S. · - J El-yâzissi- kitÂb. MAN Y Many, a. Uö95- chök, wâfir; a great - Uğ55- chök, U:9; ): birchök; – a, Map, s. ala:Ja-khûrita. [&: nijé. Maple, s. z : L·a-L: bir-jinss-Aghaj. Marauder, s. - * yàghmaji. Marble, s. re mèrmEr. March, s. “ 92) mârt; c· mârsh; u_s - :2):%-e “Assker - yûruméssi; J: yöl ; –, v.n. · ore •ı: va - :}) - yûrutmek ; \: sevk-et, ghyûturmek ; –, int. · ârsh ; – in, · ghirmek ; – off, < 5 ghitmek ; · ghyi tur- mek ; – on, 5 9 iléri-ghit- mek; – out, • ş- châkmak. yûrumek ; –, Mare, s. y-: kâssrAk. Margin, s. $ kènâr; 4 fazla; marginal note, * kènâr; * : - Marigold, s. · nèrghiss. [hâshāyyé. Marine, a. -6:/s: bâhri, d:Js: bâhriyyé; –, s. - : * kyâfe'i- d- e<” - tejëmmulâti - bâhriyyé ; r.)-. · bahriyye - tüfenkisi; Jä: c): bösh-pûtkAl. Mariner, s. şş** ghèmiji. Maritime, a. -5 =: bāhri; - sâhili. Mark, s. -6:5- chizi, *) * ishâret, · nishÂn ; esser; k•5 & 0 (dAmgha) ; Las” shâkhss ; · nishÂn, – AR hedef; –, v.n. c· : yâzmak, ·ş- chizmek; \-5° dikkat-et; -,va ishâret-komak, c : · nishÂn- -kömak; ; ) (* damgha-wür- [ 188 ] MAR sHAI. mak; ; ) 'e daghlamak; c·r We 5° dikkat-et ; of –, mü”tébir, \ belli- bAshli, – müta”ârif, mâ'lüm. Market, s. : pâzâr ; -:vş- ehârsü, èssEr-brâkmak; [ *ye-chârshi. Marking-iron, s. ş'e dagh. Marmalade, s. Jş-- rechel. Marque (letters of), s. •: c·* kürsânlik-fErmÂni. Marquee, s. ve 9 · iki-direkli- -chadir, e- y: biyuk-chAdir. Marquess, Marquis, s. · * Ü** ) rütbé'i-sâlissé-bèghi. Marriage, s. c& nikyâh, · èvlènish, z:ji tezèvvuj, z :) izdiwÂj. Marriageable, a. . -8 evéréjek; · ghelinlik. Married, a , evli, Js müté'ehhil; 8°4-: köjada, · mènkyüha. Marrow, s. ilik, jk • mâghz. Marry, v.n. · evlenmek, -5) kari- Almak, Jat te'ehhul-et; c· &4z köjaya - vârmak; –, ?).0. c Almak, 'z: tèzèvvuj-et ; c · evlendirmek, '<3ji tèzvij- et; y>&&s-: köjaya-vermek; \ \ğe “Akd-et, k$ nikyâh-et. Mars, s. 5 merrikh-yildizi; · e: - jenk- mâ'büdün-issmi. Marsh, s. a bAtâk, a bataklik. Marshal, s. c 'ş-chàwush; earl –, lord –, · c , a-chàwush-bAshi; · MA R T [ 189 ] MA TE field –, · *: 9 • sèrdâr-pâyé- lissi; –, v.a. - tèrtib-et. Mart, s. · bëdisstèn, · bezisstèn, bezzâzisstān; · kApAn; :y'ş- chârshi. Marten-sable, s. )9°- (sâmür). Martial, a. U_5)- hârbi ; -55)=-e “Asskéri; court –, “-2)- · diwÂni-hârb. Martyr, s. 24: shèhid. Martyrdom, s. 'e e-e-: shâhâdet, · shehidlik. [- ghârib. Marvellous, a. - ş° “ajib (“ājä'ib), Masculine, a. müzèkkEr. Mason, s. ş** tAshji ; -· d?wârji. Masonry, s. c· tAsh - diwâr ; ş** tAshjilik; ·. :e d?wâr- jilik. Mass, s. eş- hAjm, ya- jürm; ** yighin ; · töp, · kyûmé; ° tabur, z; fevi; ·ye - kâtolikléring-bâdarâki; –, v.a. - töp-et; **: yighmak. Massacre, s. *'e kAtli-“Âmm; –, v.a. ( :: kârmak, \J: kAtl-et, ·· ildurmek, ·): (pârala- mak). Lé Aghir, e· kÂlin. Massive, a. . metin, · : kÜnt, Mast, s. · d?rek, sütün, *2*c “Amüd; “: ----é = ghyülghèn-AghAjining-yèmishi; top - *· ghAbiya-chibÜghU ; top-gallant –, · bÂbA- fingo-chibûghU. Master, s. 5 efendi; è Agha; · üsstâd (Üssta); *2-3- khôja ; * mü“allim zâbiti - : ghâlib ; - ghemi-re'issi, · kApUdân (kAptAn); –, v.a. ·- hAkkindan - ghèlmek, - ghâlib-öl; – hand, 'e • üsstâd-Eli; – key, usül • 5 tAmm- ânakhtâr ; – of the Horse, yy- y* miri-âkhör (emrakhör). Masterpiece, s. · üsstâd-ishi. Mastic, s. * mAsstaki, *- sâkiz ; e·ş* mâ”jün. Mat, s. ye a-hAssir ; -, v.n. · c·--- bir - birina - yâpishmak, · kechâlinmek Match, s. - 4 kibrit; c esh, e “âyn, missl; · kyüfv, · Akrán, c ' arkadash, c bAsh, bir, yy bèrâber, - - mûssâvi; :- châkishir, 2 * 5.5- ch?- kishajak, ·-5-- hAkkindan- ghelir; } : * Altda - kalmûz, ** = Ashāghi-kAlmâz ; z: tèzèvvuj; –, v.n. bir-öl ; Ay ·= birâbër-ghitmek, èsh-öl; –,v.a. 'U esh-bûlmak; c·y' èsh-Aramak; :e U: * \ce eshi-yök-deyU-iddi”â-et, :) c· * : ëshi - yök - deyU- -mèydÂna-kömak. Matchless, a. y: bi-nÂzir. Mate, s. L* ) ârkadash ; · èsh ; * yâmak; • • mülâzim ; : i: yâziji; - mAt; - 2: shāhmât. M ATERI AL [ 190 ] MfE AN S Material, a. “r jissmÂni, * heyyülâni ; -khayli, 4 kyülli, * “Azim, U:55- chök ; –, s. c· kÜmAsh ; & - y-= kèressté, 7: - khârj; –s, s. pl. · lèwâzimât; (old) L öl ènkÂz. Maternal, a. *öye mâdârâné ; Ül e·ye âna-târafindan. Mathematical, a. L* hèndéssi. Mathematician, s. C 4 c mühèndiss, 4. e > ehli-hèndéssé. Mathematics, s. pl. d. \ b hèndéssé ; * ) * = “ülümi-riyâziyyé. Matrimony, s. zyej izdivâj, z: tè- zèvvuj; z° nikyâh. Matron, s. 4: seyyibé, -: seyyib, -5 kari; e: (kyāya)-kAdin. Matter, s. * hèyyûlâ; --- jissm ; se mâddé (mâddé); Ley a-khû- ssüss, - 5 keyfiyyet, èmr (pl. îmür), · ish, -s* mÂss- lâhat; -y-jerâhât, iring; ç- châpAk; j* zârar, c- bë'ss; -, v.72. -5), zarari : no – ! :))* zûrar-yök, :L-: be'ss-yök; that does not -, : -5), zârari- yök ; what is the – ? y* nè-vâr, L*: 43 -s mAsslahat-nè-imish (or ye dir). Mattock, s. *j: kAzma. Mattress, s. ) o mindEr; * : shilté. Mature, a. · ölmUsh, U*: yet- mish, L* : yetishmish, U**5)! yerishmish, kimâla-vâr- mish, · J“= kèmâl-bülmUsh, · k?wÂm-bülmUsh, :yyi L*: karârini -bûlmush; U*: pishmish ; –, v.n. c· ölmak, c·= kèmâla -vârmak; –, v.a. C y·}) kArârlashdirmak, J* tekmîl-et, c = \,: k?wÂma-ghètirmek. Maturity, s. * kiwÂm, Wi kArâr ; ğ bülügh; J kimâl; dül inkizâ. Maxim, s. 3. e5 kâ”idé, . kânün ; · t-°) zârbi - mèssel, 8 • mevzü”. [Grammar. May, s. · mâyiss; –, v. aur. See Mayor, s. 'e e “âyân-bAshi. Me, p. : beni; K bAnga. Meadow, s. ş- châyr. Meal, s. e ün, 5° dAkik ; “: yemek, • • tâ”âm, ey: y or ): îyun, or · ighun. Mean, a. · vAssÂtî, *), örta ; · Alchâk, ° deni; L S-khAssiss, - y < - tAmâ”kyâr ; j-: Y lâyiksiz, fEnâ ; –, s. · vAssÂt, · örta ; -, v.a. — · e) demek- isstémek ; “e demek, - y mâ’nâssi-öl; · mûrÂd- -et, * tAssmim-et, ; ): kûr- mak, l- niyyet-et. Meaning, s. mâ”nâ; ey mûrÂd. - Meanness, s. c· dünluk; y < k tâmâ”kyârlik; c:y: fâkirlik. Means, s. · vAssita, - , vÂ- ssâtât ; yle: iktidâr, “ 9) : kûdrët; *): (pâra), 4ş* Akcha. M EAN TIME [ 191 ] ME M0IR Meantime, Meanwhile, ad. WJ, (ö)- aralik; Kye der-iken. Measles, s. pl. W: 0?” : kâzâmuk. Measure, s. · ilchu; · ilchek; e· ) ârshin, *ğl Endâzé, kyö zîrâ”; y: 5 tedbir ; (of poetry) eyj –, v.n. - 4 ghèlmek, · etmek : -, t).0. · ilchmek, c· · îlchussunu- -Almak. • Meat, s. et = lahm, = ghyösht; “ yemek, • • tâ”âm. Mechanic, s. · ehli-hirfet, \ ·a ehli-sân”ât. [èsskÂl. Mechanics, s. pl. Jöy- te “ilmi-jerri- Mechanism, s. zya- chârkh, 95- chakhlar, ) âlât, mâ”- rifèt. Medal, s. nishān; * sikké. Meddle,vn.c* kArishmak, 4 müdâkhala-et. vezn ; - Mediate, v.n. **yü kÂrishmak, 4.y ·* âraya-ghirmek, tâwAss- [sut-et. Mediator, s. ~ mütawAsssit, · wâssita. Medical, a. · tâbbi ; – attendant, =* hekim, - tAbib ; - at- tendance, As- · hekimlik- -khidméti, ile K* hekiming- -bAkmassi. Medicine, s. ze “ilâj, ye dèwä. Meditate, v.n. · düshunmek, · tAshinmak, asla mütâ- la”â-et; * Ve mürâkaba-et. Mediation, s. a : tâwAsssut. Mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea, s. j5° Ak-dèngiz. Medium, s. ala. wâssita. Medlar, s. A: • mÜshmUla. Meed, s. · müsstahAkk, · mükyâfat; ş” müjâzât. Meek, a. • • mâzlüm, * - hâlim. Meet, a. - • münâssib, · lâyik, e·- jüssbÂn ; –, v.n. **** kâwushmak, telâki-et; 4 \!* töplanmak, 's-*- jem”- öl, 4.yy · bir-araya-ghèlmek ; –, v.a. · ·y rAsst-ghèlmek, \ \ mülâkÂt-et; – one another, · bÜlUshmak. Meeting, s. · mülâkÂt 5 L-ş° mêjliss, - - *-jem”iyyet; -el - jemâ”ât; mültakâ; – house, ş-” messjid, - - jâmi”, mâ'bed. Melancholy, s. * ghAmm,_y \= kèdEr; ey-: kAra-sévdâ ; –, a. *** maghmüm, mükedder; · sikindili; : fèna. Mellow, a. · ölmUsh. Melodious, a tAtli. Melody, s. öy terâné ; &•k nâghma. Melon, s. (water) : kârpUz; (musk) e· kâwUn. Melt, v.n. •: ) èrimek : -, v.a. ·i, èritmek, la 5 izâbé-et. Member, s. de “üzv (pl. ael â”zâ). Membership, s. c· â”zâlik. Membrane, s. Jj zâr, ·: ye dèrijik. Memoir, s. * S& tezkéré; = } lâ'iha. MEM0 RABL E [ 192 ] MER I Memorable, a. _x* mèshhür, c 'al 5 kÂla-Almak, t ·-9yi lâkir- Memorandum-book, s. *ş” mèjma”a, dissini-et. [nAssihâtji. - 5 * - âhmâk-dèftéri. Mentor, s. 4--y>- khôja ; · Memorial, s. J=°e “Arzihâl, 4 aye “âriza; 35° bErghyûzâr; èssEr. Memory, s. a ai - : kûvveti-hÂfiza; eed zihn, Jāe “Akl, · khātir ; in – of nÂmina, * : nÂmini-ibkÂ-niyyetila ; within the – of, yiye S ="Aklina-ghèlmek- -ûzéré, 8 : wAktinda. Menace, s. :iyi körku, 4is-W: kAvlan- iklif sis: n'in iklimisi – v.a. •:): körkutmak ; \ 2 \s- ikhAfé-et; lais-a J-e·lissâni- hâl-ila-ikhâfé-et. Menagerie, s. ·y ârsslankhâné. Mend, v.n. ); iyi-öl, iyi- lEshmek, C 5·j: * : iyiligha-yûz- tÜtmak ; c·z isslâh-ölUnmak; *-, v.0. z- e isslâh-et ; V* tâ”- mir-et, e-:5° tèrmim-et. Mendacious, a. : yâlAnji. Mendacity, s. = : yalanjilik. Mendicant, s. · dilEnji. Mendicity, s. = dilenjilik, Menses, s. pl. “âdet, - ây-bAshi, 4 - hâyz. Mensuration, s. · “ilmi- -mèssâha. - Mental, a. .e zihni, ie “akli. Mention, s. 53 zikr, se, lâkirdi; –, make - of, v.a. = Angmak, cş :jë Aghza-Almak, V43 zikr-et, Mercantile, a. · tüjjâri, *) * cşa tüjjära - müta”âllik, 5 yaş5 c· tijâreta-müta”ûllik. Mercenary, a. ·2/- üjrët-vè-bâkhshish - emelindé-ölan ; -, S. - y- üjrètlu-hizmet- kyâr ; e· ·ş ·: yâlingiz-ûjrët-ichin-hizmet-eden. Merchandise, s. J• mÂl (pl. J'y- emwâl),4 mAt”â(pl. s. emta”à). Merchant, s. ·'yı bAzirghyân (bezir- ghèn), 2-5 tâjir (pl. s5 tüjjär, generally used as a singular). Merchantman, s. · s° tüjjâr- -ghemissi, *= $y bAzir- ghyân-teknéssi. Merciful, a - mirhametli, y re'fetli, : shefakatli; the Merciful (God) cy - RahmÂn ; the Most Merciful (God) “-y Rahim, Mercury, s. (metal) ö:2- jiwa, :j zibâk; (planet) ae “ûtârid. Mercy, s. • • mèrhâmet, 5 : shefakat, y refet; (of God to the blessed) - rahmet. Mere, a. . : küru, e- sâdé, · sAlt, yAlngiz. Meridian, s. – dâire'i- -nâssfi-nihâr ; – altitude, · 8 ghāyéti-irtifâ”. Meridional, a. - jenübi. Merit, s. 3 = isstihkÂk, · ME RIT0 RI0 US [ 193 ] MIT D E W liyâkAt, el ehliyyet; hûnEr, | J* kemâl, fazilet; –, va. - ' = müsstahAkk-öl, V- sèzâ- -öl, *- shāyessté-öl, : shâyÂn - öl, 'e e- jüssbÂn - öl ; 5° kazanmak, J. a= tahsil-et. Meritorious, a. -: sèwÂb ; e· [keyf, keyfi. Merry, a. . . shën, zy* ferâh, – Mesh, s. 5 ghyiz. Mess, S. c:W mÜrdârlik, · Ay! * : bErâbEr-yemek-yeyan-tâkim; -, v.n. “:Ay bErâbèr-yemek. müsstâhsèn. Message, s. --khAbEr, : pèyâm ; c:9 - sipârish, · èmr. Messenger, s. * AdAm ; - : pèyâm- bèr, c· péyâmress ; \j5 tâtâr, ülAk; kAssid, e sâ”i. Messiah, s. <- ·rda- Hâzreti- Metal, s. 9 x mâ”dèn. [-Messih. Metaphysics, s. - K- te “ilmi- -hikmèt. Method, s. J: yöl, Jye Üssül, -: 5 tèrtib, · tAkrib. Methodical, a. * mûntazâm ; · nîzâmli. Methodically, ad. A Jye Üssül-ila. Metre, s. eyüş vwëzn. Metropolis, s. -si : pâyi-tâkht, ·- mèrkizi-hükyümet. Mettlesome, a. : öynük; : yighit, 5-a-jessür. Mews, s. yy- 5 e sırâ-akhorler. Miasma, s. vwâkhim-bükhār. Microscope, s. eyr!89j - khürdabin. Mid, a. -5) yâri, 45) örta. Midday, s. · ghyûnduz- -örtassi, - a nissfi-nihâr. Middle, s. 65y örta, · örta- -yèri, a vAssat; : bel, • mèyân ; – ages, · kürün- mütéwâssité ; – aged, · \5i), örta-yashli. Middling, a. 43i), örta ; · shi'ylé-biylé, ée & : * ne- -pèk-iyi-nè-pèk-fEna. Midshipman, s. · • • * =: bâhriyyé-mülâzim-sânissi. Midst, s. 45i), örta, · vÂssAt ; V âra, döl meyâné, · mâbèyn. Midsummer, s. · yâz-örtassi. Midwife, s. 4 ebé. Midwifery, s. & ebélik. Mien, s. yee-chehri, kâyâfet, “ simâ. Might, s. küvvet, y 5 kûdret, _l iktidâr, ~ miknet, :) zör ; –, v. aur. See Grammar. Mighty, a. kûdretli, = miknetli, --e sâhib-iktidâr; · büyuk, $ kyülliyyetli, 6 kyûlli. Mignonette, s. ·ş- ·° mâhâ- bbet-chichèghi. Migrate, v.n. · ghyitchmek. Migration, s. z° ghyich. Migratory, a. · ghyichébé. Mild, a. c· yâwAsh, f: mülâyim, tâtli. Mildew, s. - 6 or – = kyüf. P MILDNEss Mildness, s. c· y- * · mülâyémet. Mile, s. mil. [“Asskéri. Military, a. ---- hârbi, · Militia, s. K-e- 9 redif-“Asskéri. Milk, s. ', süt Milkman, s. = sütji. Milkwoman, s. -55) = - sütji-kAri. Mill, s. 59 degirmin; rolling –, 8o-hâddé; hand –, = Jl iEl-dèghirméni. Miller, s. si Se degirminji. Millet, s. 6yle dâri. Milliner, s. -&: -5) (5 kari- Million, s. milion, [shApkajissi. Millionaire, s. ele je pek-zin- ghin-AdAm. Mimick, s. mükallid; –, a. · tÂklid, · bèngzètma, *: yâpma; –, v.a. · taklid-et. Mimicry, s. tAklid. Mince, s. * kayma; –, v.a. •: kºymak; – meat, &•: kâyma; it won't do to mince matters, ·= } J5° : nezâkët-wAktidghil. Mind, s. Jāe “Akl, * 5 zihn ; Ki èfkyâr; râghbet, C ye hâvess, c isstek ; –, v.n. kâyd-et, · wAzifé-edinmek; –, va. bakmak, ghyiz- etmek, je dikkat-et; alŞe dinglémek (dinémek); I have a – to • • **ie “Aklima-ghè- | liyor. )· *-*'e * hèmEn- -èdéjéghim-gheliyor; I don't – that, [ 194 l MINIs TRy J*: -) y örassi-wAzif- Emda-dighil; all of one –, - * 3 )yKi) hèp-bir-èfkyârda ; to bear in –, ic “Aklda- tütmak, · "Aklda-söklamak, · ÜnÜtmamak. Mindful, a. 25 âghyâh, ye) - khAbEr- dâr, 3 ) ) y *\ \ intibâh-ûzéré; to be –, 5 bAkmak, 5° dikkat-et; c·i:i, ünûtmamak; c· Jiā ghÂfil-ölmamak. Mine, p : benim; * benimki, · benimkilar; –, s. * mâ”dEn ; -- làghim ; –, v.a. - * làghimlamak. [lâghimji. Miner, s. ** mâ”denji; Mineral, a. * mâ”deni; –, s. e· mâ”den, c· tâsh, 5 filizz; - water, : 2 cy • mâ”dèn- -sÜyU. Mingle, v.n. --: -; kArishmak ; ikhtilât-et; –, v.a. c· katmak, şey 5 kArishdirmak, al-khAlt-et, z mezj-et. Minister, s. --- --khidmetkyâr (hiz-), khādim, ·e “âbd, ; nükEr; (of state) - *, vûké- lâdan-biri, ü nâzir, J:= vekil; (foreign-) : elehi, sefir, (of religion) c- : pApAss, f - imÂm, ç <- khAkhÂm; –, v.n. - *- khādmet-et; 5 bAk- mak : = - hàwà'ijini- -vèrmek. Ministry, s. - c \s-khâdmet, “- 9; c MIN 0 R [ 195 T MIIS ER Y “übüdiyyet; - 6, vekyâlet, ) nAzârèt ; *** W=: vükélâ-tâkimi ; c·: pApasslik, ~ imâmet, c s° khAkhÂmlik, Minor, s. =-ya- chöjuk, e sAbi, · tif : -, a := jüzi, el èdnâ ; Asia –, ül ânâdoli. Minority, s. cş --- -e- chöjukluk, · sAbâvet, tüfüliyyet; c , Azlik. Minstrel, s. -->y---- mÜtrib ; ye: Minstrelsy, s. - * mÜtriblik ; \6 6 J** shi`r. Mint, s. (herb), and peppermint, 4.sü | or Us or S-* or 8° (nâné); (for coining) dö=<:ré zârb-khāné. & dAkika; (paper) · mAzbata; –, a, 5° dakik, Minute, s. ÜfAk, 4ş: inja ; – down, va — zAbt-et, c· yâzmak. Minutiae, s. ağ tAfsilât. Miracle, s. ş” mü”jizé; · kerâmet; sel - : - khāriku-'l- Miraculous, a. -8 ° ghârib. [-”âdé. Mire, s. ş- châmUr; mired, a. U* \! *) ş- châmUra-bÂtmish. Mirror, s. 4: âyiné, a-jâm. Mirth, s. – 4 keyf, < ferah, - hûbür, e- inbissat, \: shÂdmâni. Misanthrope, s. e el AdAmlerden-tênèffur-èden. Misapprehend, v.a. · ·: yâ- nish-ânnamak. [yânish-ûnnamaklik. Misapprehension, s. 5.5 - 5: [shâ”ir. Misbehave, v.n. - }-khâssiss, -6, 4- jimri, U-: • 2)---, L: pinti, K• . tAma”kyâr. Miserable, a. .· düshkyun, ·U: përishÂn, y: fâkir, u = mihnet- kèsh, ceye derdmènd ; “es- khâbiss; : bök, pek-fena, · misskin. Misery, s. ye dèrd, s° mihnet, U - jefâ, 5 e sakindi, : belâ; ·j èziyyet. - P 2 MISE 0 RTU NE MITIGATI0N [ 196 ] Misfortune, s. --i kazâ, - belâ, c- :e nâssi-dina-da”vet- ·=\i felâket, 4-->le dâhiyyé; -s, s. pl. · dûshyunluk, ·= nikbet. Misgovern, v.a. ·- j-: yölsiz- Misgovernment, s. ·- - : yöl- Mishap, s. 45 kâzâ. Misinform, v.a. ·9 - · yânish-khAbEr-virmek. Mislead, v.a. --- - Aldatmak; c* 5 yûngiltmak, Já lighfâl-et. Misrepresent, v.a. c 5 · yânish- -ènnatmak. Miss, s. - hanim-kız, kız, [siz-hûkyümèt. il- hânim; –, v.a. c· wÜr- mamak, : — el issÂbet- -ètmamek ; c·) Atlamak ; y ya: kÜssür-et; c·y Aramak ; –fire, c Almamak, c·l Atèsh- -Almamak ; do not – coming, *\e j• V.S · e sâkin-ghèlma- mâzlik-ètma ; I must not – seeing, *-9 Sa: Elbetta-ghyüréjéghim (or f: ·3) = ghyirmâliyim). Missile, s. 5:·- jissmi-mErmi. Missing, a. - 5 * ghâ'ib. Mission, s. - ) më'müriyyet, · kmdmet (hiz); * elchilik, ) 5. sefâret; - *-i- sefâret-takimi ; * 5 c--- - ) : ----*;-e° U 5`r; i nâssi-dina-dâ”vet-zimnin- da-ikhtiyâr-ölUnAm-pÂpAss-elchilighi ; · : papasslar-sefâreti. Missionary, Se · [-hükyümët-èt. | -ichin-ghyindérilEn-pApAss. Missive, s. - mektüb, =: tèzkéré, ·: püssla, \ nâmé. Misspell, v.a. : * · : yânish-imlâ-ila-yâzmak. Misspelt, a. J· * \ \. ·: yanish-imlâ-ila-yâzilmish. Misstatement, s. e\: · yânish- -ifâdé ; yalan. Mist, s. U· siss, · dümAn. Mistake, s. c S: yàngilish (yânish), %* sehv, a-khâtâ; –, to be mis- taken, v.n. c· : yûngilmak, ye- sèhv-et, -a-= khâtâ-et : -, v.a. · & &: bAshkassina-beng- Mistaken, a : 6 yânish. [zetmek. Mister, s. 3 Agha: -5 efendi. Mistranslation, s. *z-i ·\: yânish- -tèrjumé. Mistress, s. 3'-hânim, 5 efendi, & -::-: kököna, & le mâdama; * ma”shüka; 4 ödalik ; yLeya s” mâkhsÜss- (örosspo), * \j zâniyyé; -5) · (Üssta)- -kari, 4 Üssta ; d. 5 kAlfa. Mistrust, S. · *e “âdémi-emniy- yet, 44 ° shûbhé; -, v.a. * shûbhé-et. [(yânish)-(ânnamak). Misunderstand, v.a. c·-= - Misunderstanding, s. c; S) ·\: yanish-annamaklik; bozush- lUk. [l-i tâkhfif-et. Mitigate, v.a. e : - khAfiflEtmek, Mitigation, s. - takhfif M IX [ 197 ] M0 NA STERY Mix, v.n. c**: 5 kArishmak; s\ ikhtilât-et; –, v.a. 5 kArish- -dirmak. Mixture, s. &c.; kârishik-shey, · terkibi - shèrbet, Mizen, s. & ş** a) : köntra-mâjâna. Moan, s. ingilti, •l âh, ènin, · fighân; –, v.n. ·- s' âh-chekmek, & inglémek. Moat, s. 5 (hèndek). Mob, s. · âyak- lanmish - khAlk - (kAlabAlighi) ; * * -ı, -c khAlk- -chèvirup-bed-mü”âmélé-et. Mock, a. tâklid, *: yâpma, · yalanji: va. zevk- lenmek, Wj - isstihzâ-et, :/s-* ·ş- mAsskharaya-chèvirmek; taklid-et. Mockery, s. c sys-* mAsskharalik. Model, s. Je, mödel, irnek, “y rèssm, - kÂlib ; * •i nü- müné, J missâl. Moderate, a. J* mü”tedil; – - (07.0, khafif, c yâwAsh, mülâyim; ail insÂfli, *: yölUnda, * karârinda ; j•aş -se -j ey- kArârdan-ziyâdé-yemâz-ichmâz ; –, v.n. enmek, c·V) AZAlmak, < -= kessilmek, c· kAlmak ; e : - khAfifleshmek ; –, v.a. J*3 tâ”dil-et, e - tèsskin-et, l-i tâkhfif-et. Moderately, ad. aş: öldükjé. [sAbr. Moderation, s. Jl el i”tidâl; L* Modern, a yengi, Jye 4 yengi- -Üssül ; : • \Re dâhâ-söngra, • müta’âkhkhir; moderns, s. pl. er· müta’âkhkhirin, e· · yengi-zûmÂn-AdAmlari. Modest, a - ş° mahjüb; - edib ; sey---> ehli-pErdé, e “âfîf6. Modesty, s. -\ş - hijÂb, -el edeb; · "iffet, “ae Modification, s. r J: ; tebdil- -jüz'i. Modify, va. J° , bir-Az-tebdil-et. Mogul, s. Jk müghûl. [f isslâm. Mohammedan, a. isslâmi; –, s. Moist, a. nemli, : ) rütöbetli; – sugar, * khÂm-shèkEr. Moisture, s. - :·2) rütübèt. Mole, s. · kyîsstébek ; (pier) * isskelé, rkhtim; (on the skin) : ben or · bèng. Molest, va. -: 3 èziyyet-et, c; * 5'e sAtashmak, ·-*---: ilishmek, c· kArishmak, L*=: renjish- -et, s = renjidé-et. Molestation, s. ·) renjish. Moment, s. e) ân, · lâhza ; · èhèmmiyyet. 6 6 2ssmèt. Momentaneous, a. _} :) - ))*-b ) âni-wâhid-sürEr-sürmâz. Momentous, a. “ mühimm. Monarch, s. e; pâdishâh. Monarchy, s. c ' e; pâdishâhlik. Monastery, s. a· (or ·) mAnasstir, 39 deyr. M0 N DA Y [ 198 ] M0RT GA GEE Monday, s. i))); pâzâr-èrtéssi, · yekshenbih, *-ie; yivmi- -âhâd. Money, s. *ş Akcha, y: (pâra); *ü nAkd ; ready –, 9'e : (pèshin- -pâra); – changer, –iye sârrâf (sâraf). Monk, s. -->y râhib, e > rûhbAn. Monkey, s. 24 • mâymün. Monopoly, s. ) U-a-= \ inhissâr, - yedi-wāhid-üssülu. Monosyllable, s. 5 ş* bir-hejâli- kelimé. Monotonous, a. . , • - c AdAmin-jânini-sâkar-ölan. Monsoon, s. y$; 2-) 6 • mössim- nâm-rüzghyârler. Monster, s. 4 $ - khābiss- kimessné; *- : ; pek- biyuk-nèssné. Monstrous, a. -: :--khâbiss. Month, s. ây, sl• mâh, ye: shehr; calendar –, &üy:) âllafrânka- âyi ; lunar –, · ! u eye ârâbi-âyi. Monthly, a. 5,5 r: * âyda-bir-kërré. Monument, s. 5 èssEr, bèr- ghyüzâr ; - tAsh; : binâ. Moon, s. ay, * mâh, * kAmEr ; new –, - ây-bAshi ; Je hilâl; full –,_y \! bëdr. Moonlight, Moonshine, s. ** -5' ây-âydinlighi, - - > - mâhitâb, · mehtÂb. Moor, s. kir, Vs° sâhrâ; (man) * maghribi; -2,e “arab. Mop, s. c- : pApass; –, v.a. c- : · papass-ila-silmek. Moral, a salih, - müstakim; -° - *-• mâ'névi; morals, s. pl. - âkhlâk, -e âdâb, Morass, s. : bÂtak. [edebiyyât. \Re dâhâ, sej ziyâdé, se: lee dâhâ-ziyâdé ; no –, not any –, 5) ârtik, se, bir-dâhà ; – and - j** gitdikja. [vè-dâkhi, Moreover, c. 89r: vè-birdé, u = - : Morn, z-e sâbÂh, küshluk-wAkti. Morocco, s. e· sâkhtiyân ; -29° maghrib ; -5) : U*\, merakesh- shehiri. [ yye ekshi-sürètli, Morose, a. c· tèrss ; j-85 - khüysUz, · ekshi-süritli. Morrow, s. * or d5j) Erté, \9; More, a. -ziyâdé. Morning, s. fèrdâ, z° sâbÂh ; to-morrow, . : Morsel, s. 4•i lökma. [yârin. Mortal, a. • yemüt,c - a iléjek; · mûhlik, ·e: bā"issi- -mèvt ; –, s. · insân, *) * bèni-âdEm, : bèshEr. Mortality, s. yemütiyyet, : fEnâ ; — beshèriyyet, ·ü nâssüt ; ·- jëssedi-fâni; fe· krim, – 5 telef, : wefât. Mortar, s. < - khârj; 8:* siwa ; (artillery) · (hAwAn). Mortgage, s. Jk isstighlâl; –, v.a. Jk isstighlâl-et. - [lahü. Mortgagee, s. & · müsstàghèl- M0 RTMA I N [ 199 ] M0URNIN G Mortmain, s. –: wAkf (pl. – èvkÂf) ; in –, –: • mèvküf. Mosaic, s. · -*** –5,6 · sAdefji-kyâri-vé-kAkméji-ishi. Moscow, -5rç* mösskof-shehiri. Moslem, s. • • èhli-isslâm, ( — mûsslim, . · mü'min. Mosque, s. (large) s-la- jämi”, (small) ş-* mèssjid. Moss, s. .yyey yössUn; – rose, · yössUnlU-ghyül. Most, a. and ad. ·: pèk, 355- chök, · ghâyet, *---- ghâyetla, · bighâyet; the –, eng, *j èng-ziyâdé ; for the – part, mostly, \! $ èksèriyyâ. Mosul, (town of) s. ey mössul. Moth, s. 4öyy: pErwāné; 8,5 ghyüwé; - eaten, L***; ghyûwé-yemish. Mother, s. Ü) âna, 4: niné, * vâlidé, ye mâdEr ; L*: pÖssU, ·2) · törtU ; wife's –, Üle 5 kâyn-âna ; –, a. Ül âna, Je Assl; – country, · Assl-wAtAn, – of pearl, - -e sAdef (sedef). Motion, s. 5-hârékèt, U* : kimildanish; J“e “Ameli – Ki tèklif, yas- ikhtâr ; “ 92): ishâret; – va. : ishâret-et. Motionless, a. - 5 - hârékètsiz. Motive, a. · mühârrik ; –, s. · sebeb, e “illet, e: bâ”iss, d*:9° zeri”â, -a->< müjib, · müriss. Motley, a. . 5 & rEnghyârèngh. Mottled, a. * bènekli. Mould, s. · töprAk ; -ās= or – kyüf; - 5 kAlib ; –, v.a. · kalib - yapmak; ; ; ·- perwÂz - chèkmek; _; *: [e 5° dikyulmek. Moulder, v.n. : ) e- chûrumek, Mouldiness, s. - 5 or – kyüf. Mouldy, a. 3,5 kyüflu. Mound, s. * (tepé); : yighin, L: yighinti. Mount, s. 42° (tepé) ; -, v.n. •iş- châkmak, < --6: yükselmek; - va, * binmek, *-e- üsstuna-châkmak; · tâkim- Öymak. yâpmak, 4,5 dönatmak; – Ararat, 55,é Aghri-dAghi ; – Carmel, kirmil-daghi : – Hermon, J-jebel-u-sheykh; - Hor, ey:9° - jebeli-hârün; – Lebanon, · · jebeli-libnân; · -°y° dürzi-daghi, – Olympus (Bithynian), keshish- dāghi; - Sinai, ·- jebeli- [jëbel. Mountain, s. # dâgh, 8,5 kyüh, J-- Mountaineer, s. fe · : • dAgh- èhli-AdAm. Mounted, a. U· binmish, · binili; 5 Atli, sûwâr; 5 tâkimli, * üye dönAli. Mourn, v.n. cş = Aghlamak, c* - müssâ. Ajimak; c-yâss-et, * Ve mâtèm-et. Mourning, s. c-; yass, • • mâtèm ; · kedüret. M0 U SE [200 T MUNIFIcENcE Mouse, s. *): fâré, ş” * fândik- -scháni ; – trap, kapan. Moustache, s. : biyik. Mouth, s. jé àghiz, eylee dihán, * fèm ; : böghÂz. Mouthful, s. 4•3 lökma. Mouthpiece, s. jā āghizlik. Move, v.n. ile “: kimildanmak, - 5 - hârékèt-et; d· tAshin- mak, 'z · ghyich-et, Jü nAkl-et; · ev-dighishmek; –, v.a. ile 5 kâmildatmak, yye dürtmek. - tahriketi : yhmushAtmak, v* f-: terâh- hum-etdirmek, < y <-i rikkat- ghetirmek; begin to-, - K*- hârékèta-ghèlmek. Movement, s. · kâmildAnish, · hârékèt. - Mow, va. ş: bichmek, ·ş: trpAn-ila-bichmek. Mower, s. · k tirpânji. Much, a. : - chök; · kili -mikdâr ; -, ad. 5 - chök, 6 kyûlliyyân, Muck, s. ghyübré, ; pisslik. Mucus, s. · sÜmuk. Mud, s. _y \ş- châmUr, Muddle, v.a. oy : kArishdirmak ; –, s. 5 kArishiklik, [bülAnik, Muddy, a. .yy.e- châmurlu ; ; ): Muff, s. 5 Şe) El-kyûrghi. Mufti, s. müfti. Mug, s. · 0?” ile bârdak, 4 | (mAshraba); i: yuz, 3,4- chèhré, · (sürAt). Mulatto, s. • melez. Mulberry, s. c 'ye düt. Mulct, v.a. \:J° tejrim-et. [èsstèr. Mule, s. e5 kAtir, Jk bûghl, · Muleteer, s. = 5 kAtirji. Mullet, s. (grey) : lüfer ; (red) Ki or yy-i - tekir-balighi, mèrján-bAlighi, barbünya. Multifarious, a. ·* ghyün-â-ghyün. Multiplication, s. U-8)2-5 türéyish, ·ş- chöghAlish, AK: tèkèssur ; c· türédish, c âye-chöghAl- dish, K teksir; (arith) - zarb. Multiplicity, s. “ 9:AS kèssret. Multiply,vn : 5 türémek,c·e- chöghAlmak, y:Ki tèkèsssur-et ; –, v.a. - 5yyi tüfEtmek, c·ş- chöghaltmak, l, 5 teksir-et; - * zârb-et. Multitude, s. wefret, - 5 kessret; * (kxlabAlik), - } izdihâm, *- jem'iyyet; great -, ·r jèmmi-ghâfir. Mummy, s. ~ mümiyâ. Mumps, s. -* : : böghÂz-beyzlérining-shishmEssi. Munch, v.a. ·ş- chinémek. Mundane, a. -8 ° dünyévi. Municipality, s. 4: shehir, ai kAssaba; ul âhâli. - Munificence, s. 5- * sâkhâveti- -kyülliyyé, * ve déryâ'i- sâkhâvèt. MUNIFIcENT Munificent, a. s” sâkhi, s” sökhâvetli, J, bezûl, 9- - ; jimèrd; (gift) 4 kyülli. Munitions, s. pl. · lewâzim*t. Murder, s. c = - ö. 5 kAtli-nefss- -bi-ghayri-hAkk; –, va, c *ldurmek, l-i telef-et, J: kAtl-et, c 4: tèpélémek, · 4. 5 kAnina-ghirmek. [-kÂtil. Murderer, s. 5 kAtil, 5:55 kAnli- Murmur, s. 4. Ny• mârildama; · y* süweylenma; –, v.n. * süweylenmek, mirildAnmak. Muscle, s. : bÂlik-èti, · kAba-et; & ac “Assaba ; (fish) : • mîdiyé. Muscovy, s. * y o mösskof- -mèmlékèti. [küvvetlu. Muscular, a. · âzâlénâk ; ·ş5 Mushroom, s. _ş: yenir-Ölan- -mAntar. [müssiki. Music, s. ş- chalghi ; Musical, a. - & müsikiyyé- -mènsüb. Musician, s. · èhli-müsiki ; ş° - chalghiji; sâzendé. Music-master, s. *-y- ş- chAlghi-khöjassi. Musk, s. mishk (misk) : – melon, · kâwUn. Musket, s. ci : tüfenk (tüfek) : – proof, a. “ kürshün-gech- mâz. [Atmaklik-sân”ati. Musketry, s. s. e 5 ile tüfek- Muslin, s. dülbend (tülbent). [ 201 ] MY Musquito, s. c '-55 * sivri-sinek. Mussel, s. 3: \, e midiyé. Mussulman, s. Jel ehli-isslâm, ~ musslim, · müsslimân. Must, v. – kyüf; 3): sh?ra, Mustaches, Mustachio, s. : b?yik. Mustard, s. Jej - khârdAl. Muster, s. · yöklama ; –, v.a. · yöklamak, \*: yöklama-et; ·: * toplamak; – roll, · –5 yöklama-defteri. Musty, a. kyîflu, · èkshi, ·y:5-chüruk. Mute, a. and s. j-le dilsiz, c· âkhrèss; –, v.n. “ş sèchmak. Mutilate, va. *-5 : L* bA”zi- -yirlErini-kèssmek. Mutilation, s. · · · kès- sub-sâkAt-ètmeklik. Mutineer, s. · “Âssi, \:U2) zörbâ. · “issyân, · tÜghyân, c L: ) zörbalik; –, v.n. c* ayaklanmak, * \ âyagha-kalkmak, ey ae “issyân-et, tüghyân-et. Mutter,v.n.and a. ·* ·y J** dish-ârassinda-süwèylEnmek. aua. see Grammar ; -, s. Mutiny, s. Mutton, s. ; \e köyun-eti; - chop, S. *: : brizöla. Mutual, a. .}}: müshtérek, K| e·'e iki-tarafdan-ölAn. Muzzle, s.jé àghz, ey: ); bürun : -, 7).0. c \: · Aghzini-bAghlamak. My, p. f im, im, * benim. M Y RIAT) [ 202 ] NATI VE Myriad,s. : , ön-bin; : binler. Myrrh, s. • _ro mürri-sÂfi. Myrtle, s. - · mèrsin-Aghaji. Mysterious, a. j• S) ânglashilmâz (ânnashilmaz), y! y* mèrAk-vèrir ; · ghizli, ile sâkli, *-khafı, s” mâkhfi. Mystery, s. 8e ·= (ânnashil- mâz)-bir-mâddé, * mü”âmmâ, sirr, (pl. _y \ èssrâr), remz (pl. jye) rümüz). Mystic, Mystical, a. bÂtini, ** mâkhfi, -8:--~ mâ'névi, a° tâssâvvufi ; mystic, s. –iya; Jel ehli-tâssâvvuf, ye süfi (pl. e süfiyyün). Mysticism, s. – ai tâssâvvuf. Myth, s. Ja• mAssal; · 5“ ayücessâtiru-’l-èvvélin-mâküléssi. Mythology, s. e· - èssâtiru- -’l-èvvélin, - - ) esski- -zâmÂn-hikyâyéléri. N. Nadir, s. Laz de- hâdid ; *-~~ semti-kAdEm. Nag, s. At, (beghir). Nail, s. (natural) · t?rnak; (metal) –5:5-chivi, y-K ènksEr, * mikh; -, v. a. C;-c |---- mikhlamak, ·:- chivilémek. Naked, a. ·ş- chiplAk, -65)\e “âri, E! bèrehné. Nakedness, s, c·ş- chiplAklik. Namby-pamby, a. z} • :ya- höppa- mizâj. r Name, s. âd, ~ issm, •U nâm : -, va. c 'e demek, *-i tessmiyyé- et ; · âd-kömak, < 2): 9 el Ad- virmek, 5 e lâd-takmak; to call nameS, · sighup-sâymak, î f ö* bèd-nâm-et. - Namely, ad. : ya”ni; messélâ. Namesake, s. c· âddâsh, • • hèmnâm. Nap, s. üyku : (of cloth) - hâw. Nape of the neck, 4-5 engsé, .e 4 Ç s. Naphtha, s. ü neft. [”Ünuk. Napkin, s. — (pèshkir). Naples, s. : nâpoli. Narcissus, s. z°e j zirin-kAdeh, ey)j zèren ; trumpet –, Ke--- 2) : börU-chichéghi ; globe –, or daffodil, · Altin-töp. Narcotic, s._y \s° mûkhèddir. [yâyé-et. Narrate, va. JönAkl-et, a. K- hik- Narration, Narrative, s. 4 K- hikyâyé, Narrator, s. ·y râvi. Narrow, a. yle dar, ènsiz. Nasal, a. - *K6 ·: * ): bürüné-yâkhod-ghèngzémensüb. Nasty, a. : fèna, L”: piss, _ler mÜrdâr (mÜn-). Nation, s. kavm, kAbilé, millet, U - jinss. [süb. National, a. - * * milleté-men- Native, a. yirli; * döghma, - khilki, * tabi”i : – country, ·2 vwAtAn, N ATI VITY [ 203 ] NECES SARIL Y Nativity, s. e\, velâdet, mevled, · mevlüd, milâd; the – · milad ; u_s“re · milâdi- “issâ ; to cast a –, zAsi- daş j zÂi’ché-isstikhrâj-et. Natural, a. * tAbi”i ; i-khilki, -jibili; –history, -te “ilmi - hâywAnÂt ; – philosophy, · - hikméti-tabi”iyyé; – child, z: p?ch. Naturalization, s. Jı: 4 x 5 ·- èjnébiyyi-tebâ'îyyeta-kAbül-èt; let- ters of–, :* tebâ'îyyetnâmé; d:5 : pâtènta. ·r èjnébiyi-tebâ'îyyeta-kAbül-et. Naturalized, a. . , yirli- ghibi-ölmUsh ; · r: yèrlEshmish. Nature, s. · tAbi”ât : - khâlik, all AllAh. Naught, s. * hich. Naughtiness, s. c· yâramâzlik. Naturalize, v.a. J· · Naughty, a.j yâramâz. Nausea, s. ·%): yûrek-bülân- Nautical, a. -6:<. bâhri. Naval, a. -°)=<. bâhri, c· dönanmaya-müta”âllik. [massi. Nave, s. (church) s° sâhn; (wheel) müylu, bAshlik. Navel, s. · ghyizbëk. Navigability, s. - 5 * : 6 ghemi-vé-kâyik- ila-ghèsht-u-ghyüzârinin-imkyâni. Navigable, a. e· -5) 36 9 · ghèsht-u-ghyüzâri-mümkin. Navigate, va. - 5 * ghemi- [sefÂ'in. Navigation, s. e: • r* te “ilmi-seyri- 69 ğ. s \.< Navigator, s. · · & · ghèmi-ila-gezen-kimèssné. Navy, s. :şe dönanma. Nay, ad. u: yök. ila-gezmek. Naze, s. ·): bÜrUn. Neapolitan, a. : nâpolili. Near, a : yâkin, -yi kArib, · nezdik ; U-->- khAssiss, K* tAmâ“kyâr ; Jye sol, Jre söl-tarafdaki; – ad. * (hèmEn), tAkribâ; –, pr. yûnina, 8 yâninda ; kür- bina, 8 kürbinda; 4:9j nezdina, * 9} nezdinda ; 4: - jiwârina, 8 Ağy'y- jiwârinda, ·- hâwâ- lissina, 8 - hâwâlissinda; (in time) 8 ; • sülarinda, 8 ; Wi kArârlarinda. Nearsighted, a. . . kyûtâhbin. Nearsightedness, s. · kyü- tâhbinlik. Neat, a. j** tèmiz ; Jj* ghyüzël, Jj $ se sâdé-ghyüzel ; – cattle, ·ü - e sighir-mâkü- léssi-hâywÂnÂt. Nebula, s. e: –i - khâfif-bülut. Nebular, a. · e bülut-ghibi. Nebulosity, s. · bülUtluluk. Necessaries,s.pl. d:- ·:y=- hâwâ'iji- zârüriyyé, ·j'} lâwâzimât. Necessarily, ad. 4: Elbetta, y· bi-'z-zârür, 8):· bi-'z-zârüré. NECEssARY D 204 ] N EST' Necessary, a. •j lâzim ; (very) • èlzëm; –, s. ·j} lâzimé ; –* kenef, memshä, 45 ki âb- desst-khâné, [ètdirmek. Necessitate, v.a. ·: ijÂb- Necessitous, a. z =” mühtÂj, _r: fakir, -- hâjetmend, Necessity, s. z - ihtiyāj, · zârüret; --- hâjet. Neck, s. ey: böyun, ey % ghèrdèn, C° “ünuk. Neckeloth, s. e: böyun-bâghi. Necklace, s. e: ; gherdenlik, 8 : kâlâdé. Necktie, s. · ey: böyun-bAghi. Nectarine, s. y° dürrâki, 5j“:: tüysuz-shèftâli. Need, s. z : - ihtiyâj, “ 9)* zârürèt, ---- hâjet; –, v.a. z =” mühtÂj-öl. Needful a j9 lâzim: the – - = ·ü bi-masslahat; ş°Akcha, *): (pâra). Needle, s. 4. ighné, ey * süzèn. Needlework, s. U:= dikish ; * · ighné-ishi. Needy, a. z =” ·-- hâjetmènd. mühtÂj, ki fakir, Negation, s. Kl inkyâr; nèfy. Negative, a. . nefy-eden ; ) · redd-eden : -, s. – - harfi-nefy; –, v.a. 9 redd-èt. Neglect, s. dikkatsizlik, J\ > ihmâl; –, v.a. J** ihmâl-et, c; “5 bAkmamak. Neglectful, a, s ihmalji Negligence, s. J* ihmâl. Negligent, a. · •> ihmälji. Negociate, va. 4 mükyâlémé-et, ·-: · sûwëylEshmek; c· sAtmak, c y* sürmek. · mükyâlémé, : • müzâkéré, *- mûbâhassé. Negro, s. -2re “ârab, · siyâh- Negociation, s. “ârab. Neigh, v.n. e: “4 kishnémek. Neighbour, s. =: köngshU (köm- shU), 'z- jâr ; ş” müjâvir. Neighbourhood, s. = köngshu- ilUk; - jiwâr ; -: ş” müjâvérèt. Neighbouring, a. .: yâkin, 8 : e yakinda - öLan, % 89)'y- jiwârda-ölAn., Neither, p. - > hich-birissi, ya: a nè-ö-nè-ö; –, ad. 8 vi- nèdé, & nè. Nephew, S. · yèghEn, *eyey: birâdEr-zâdé, * j = hèmshiré- -zâdé, 3 ü kayn-zâdé, 8e j* ènishté-zâdé, sey-- -: bājénâkh- -zâdé, &c. &c. Neptune, s. -: · · nèptün-yildizi. Nerve, s. ~ singir, 4 ac “Assaba; · Ak-dAmar ; - metânet, ·:) -- jëssârèt. Nervous, a. :y: körkâk ; · metânètli ; e : -2)'e · Ak- dÂmardan -“ibâret - ölAn ; 89.y· e * Ak-dAmarlara-mûta”âllik- Nest, s. *: yiwa, ö) lâné. [ölAn. N ET D 205 ] NIT R 0 G EN Net, s. : âgh ; (cast) *-e sAchma ; i -, 0. ·ş-u *89° dârassi-châk- mish ; ·ş- :ra• mAssrafi-châk- mish ; –, v.a. c*\}: kAzanmak. Nettle, s. ;b'e re ?ssirghAn-ötU ; –, v.a. : 4: Aghirina-dö- kunmak, • 5 *-e- ghyüjuna- -ghitmek. Neuralgia, s. - - singir-Aghrissi. Neuter, a, kArishmayan, * L:° * · nè-èrkek-nè- dishi-ölan. Neutral, a. ·yü kArishmayan. Neutrality, s. · : bitâraflik. Neutralize, v.a. s* mâhv-èt. Never, ad. * hich, e Assla, is' èbédEn. Nevertheless, c. 4: yiné (ghèné), 5-• d: mâ”a-mâ-fih. New, a. · yèngi, \ex - jedid, nèv; Aşr° müjëdded; *j5 tâzé. News, s. pl. - khAbEr, ·- hâwâdiss. Newspaper, s. ghâzeta, f.yü Newsvender, s. e· dö; ghâzeta- [tAkwim, 8 \! P- jeridé. sAtan. Next, a. * yândaki; 58 - ) Alt-yândaki, * · sÖngraki ; –, ad. 3 e söngra, 8* bâ'dahu, L- pèss; – day, ş=_*y èrtéssi- -ghyün, · lej ferdassi-ghyûn, * =: bir-ghyûn-söngra; ·2)!y Ö-bir-ghyûn. [kAt”-et. Nib, s. ey: ): bürUn : -, v.a. sa: Nibble, va, : * c oye in dishlarıla-yâwAsh-yâwAsh- issirmak. Nice, a : iyi, Jj; ghynzel, 5'e tatli; mèrákli, iec : =< pek-dikkat-ediji. Niche, s. 3,ş° hüjré. Nick, s. - chentik, ghedik : in the very – of time, * tAmÂm-wÂktinda. Niece, s.j: * Üyey: birâdèr-zâdé-kiz, &c. See Nephew. Niggard, s. U~s- khAssiss, K* tAmâ”kyâr, –55) = - jimri. Nigh, a. e: yakin, -8 ° kArib, e eji nezdik; well -, ad. - } Az-kÂldi. [shèb. Night, s. 4ş gheyja, leyl, - * Nightgown, s. 4ş ghèyjalik. Nightingale, s. bülbul, - * “ândélib (pl. J· “ânâdil). Nightman, s. ş* lâghimji. Nightmare, s. c· kyâbüs. Nightshirt, s. aş: gheyjalik. Nile (river), s. -5), J: nil-nehri. Nimble, a. - châbik, tetik, Nine, a dokuz - tıss”, tiss”â, & nûh. Nineteen, a._ ön-dökUz. Ninety, a. e· döksan, J*-i tiss”in. *· Nip, v.a. c· kâssmak. Nippers, s. pl. z· kâssAj. [-bAshi. Nipple, s. &• • mèmé, ** mèmé- Nitre, s, *ş-y4= ghyûhèrchilé. Nitrogen, s. *ş-· · müwellidu-’l- ghyûhèrchilé. no [ 206 ] İN 0 THIN G Noad yok, kuyr ü; -p * hich, ** hich-bir ; – matter, : ré zûrar-yök ; - more, ad. :j) ârtik; **** fi-mâ-bâ'd. Nobility, s. : shûréfâ; · Assâlet ; · Asslzâdé-ghian. Noble, a. - = nejib, – sherif, f: = kerim; · Assil, el Assâlètlü. Nobleman, s. ·j=: bègh-zâdé- -begh, se e Asslzâdé. Nobody, p, *- 4 kimsé, · hich-kimsé. Nocturnal, a lys &ş gheyja- -wAktinda-ölAn, · leyli. Nod, s. --> 'e * \c bâsh-ila- -ëdilEn-ishâret; –, v.a. and n. c· \ \ \ \ bAsh - ila - ishâret - et; **** = · üyku- da-bAshi-ghyükssuna-dûshmek. Noise, s. U~ sess, e sAdâ; 9° ghyiruldu, dil : shûmata. Noisy, a. 45V shûmAta; **** shâmatali; -*** shûmatoji. Nomad, Nomade, a. ş-ş= ghyichébé, -55): bèdévi. - Nominal, a. * lAfzî ; · issmi ; -5' e i”tibâri. [nAssb-et. Nominate, v.a. e** ta”yin-et, -a Nominative, s. • mübtédâ. Nonchalance, s. 3 kâydsizlik. None, p. * hich, ** hich-bir ; · kimsé, “s hich-kimsé, *S** hich-bir-kimsé (or * 5 • (•ş * kimessné). Nonsense, s. *-e sAchma, -6)y: c·: bösh-lâkirdi, mâ”nâssiz- -shèy. [-bir-yEr. Nook, s. 4 $ kyūshé, Ju : köytu- Noon, Noonday, Noontide, s. *y àylé-wAkti, * zûhr, : Jaj zèwâl- Noose, s. ilmik. [wAkti. Nor, e sesi, vi-ni-da, ni. North, s. J* shîmâl, j yildiz; –, (İ. - * shimâli ; – east, J\,: pöyrAz; – west, 83,5 kAra-yël. Northerly, a. Northward, ad. *j : -55° yildiza-döghrU. Northern, a. - * shîmâli. Norway, s. --> ; nörvéjia. Norwegian, a. ·y; nörvéjiali. Nose, s. 92 y: bÜrun, -ül enf. Nosegay, s. < ş-ş- chichek- -demeti, 4 $ ghyüldesst6. Nostril, s. y: bürun-delighi. Not, ad. See Grammar. Notch, s. ghedik, ş-chentik, u: edish; –, v.a. ·ş- chèntmek. Note, s. * 35 tezkéré, · pÜssla ; *; nöta ; ...** tâ”âyyun, e i”tibâr; –, va. --5° dikkat-et; – down, zAbt-et, j: yâzivèrmek; of -, - * mûta- “âyyin, y* mû'tébèr, · belli-bAshli; –of hand, J: - tahvil; bank –, * 55 kâ'imé. Note-book, s. *ş” mèjma”â. Noted, a. 56 • mèshhür. Nothing, s. * hich, · * hich- -bir-shey; “e "adam, · nissti. N 0TICE [ 207 ] N U TMEG Notice, s. khAbEr; ·e i”lân ; · dikkat; to give –, · 9 res- khAbEr-virmek ; – – public –, leye i”lân-et; to take -, - Notification, s. khaber. [dikkat-et. Notify, v.a. : khAberini- -vèrmek. [èfkyâr), yy.a tâssAvvur. Notion, s. Lie “âkl, K: fikr (pl. Kil Notoriety, s. 4. yy ve shihret-rediyyé. Notorious, a. mütéwâtir, Jle · “âleming-mâ”lümi. Notwithstanding, c. &: yiné (ghèné), ·s- mâ’a-mâ-fih. Nought, s. • sifr; :· hich-bir- -shèy; to come to -, • eş-& : bösha-ch?kmak, : ârkassi-ishlémamek. Nourish, v.a. · bèsslémek. Nourishment, s. : yemek, -: yèyfjek; · bèsslémek- -khÂsssassi. [hikyâyé. Novel, a. · yengi; –, s. *K- Novelist, s. Ve & - hikâye ürüz. Novelty, s. yengilik; ·– = tûhâf-shèy. November, s. · tèshrini-sâni. Novice, s. L*ş° “Ajémi. Now, ad. –5 • : shimdi, - hâlâ, ey) èl-ân, * el-yèvm, · el- -hâlétu-hâzihi; –, c. 5 el imdi; – and then, bA'zan, 95u s: bA“zi-kerré, 3, ey âra-sâra, seyi **re arada-sârada, ( - ihyânan. Now-a-days, ad. –6M• : shindi. Nowhere, ad. 8 :J** hich-bir-yèrda. Noxious, a. de müzirr, · mAzâr- rAtli. [e 99) : bÜrUn. Nozzle, s. · emzik, Vé: ghàgha, Nucleus, s. 5r. mErkEz. Nude, a. ·ş- chiplAk. * 9 Nuisance, s. belâ. [Je: bātil. Null, a : bösh, - - hükmsuz, Numb, Numbed, a. c·: ÜyUshuk, J* üyushmush. Number, s. • sâyi, \e “âded : -, ?),72, Ölmak, 5-: bAligh-öl ; –, v.a. • • saymak, el s5 tâ”dâd- -et; a great -, - chök, 6 kèssir, wâfir. [kèssrët-üzéré. Numerous, a. U:?- chök, 8!)) * Nuptial, a. c· èvlEnma- -dûghununa-müta”ûllik; nuptials, s. pl. · · evlènma-dûghunu, · velimé, yy sür. 8 Nurse, s. : * & ·- khAsstaya- -bAkiji ; · &z-55- chöjugha- -bAkiji, -sele dâdi; wet –, &le dâyé, ül-ey- süt-âna ; –, v.a. bAkmak, le khādmet-et(hiz-) ; · sût-vèrmek, y- èmzirmek; c· sâklamak. Nursery, s. ak, Jeyas” ·- chö- juklera-mâkhsüss-Öda ; L*ş° e : fidAn-bÂghchassi. Nurserymaid, s. sol dâdi. Nut, s. 5 findik; (of a screw) ey•-e Nutgall, s. -5'e mAzi. Nutmeg, s. -5j;-u * hindisstān- [sömUn. -jevizi, y: - jevzi-bewwâ. NUT RIMEN T [ 208 l 0B sTRU CT i tedhin-et. Ointment, s. 5 yagh, çe mèrhèm. Old, a. . esski, e kAdim : U* K. esskimish, kyihné; (person) - köja, ) - ikhtiyâr, v-* mûssinn, * sâl-didé, · sâl-khürdé; – man, r: pir, * shèykh, ikhtiyâr ; – woman, -5) 54 - köja-kAri, *): eyj piré-zen, 35° “ājüz ; – Testa- ment, · tèvrÂt, · kyütubu-”âhdi-”âtik; of–, èsskidan, * èz-kAdim, * min-el-kAdim, Je Je “ân-Asslin, Je) fi-’l-Assl, · it6dan- beri, esskidan-beri. Oldfashioned, a. sj esski- -zèmân-târzi. Oleander, s. •:) zâkküm. Olive, s. e : ) zeytün (zeytin); –tree, - e: ; zeytun-Aghaji: - oil, : ey: j zeytun-yâghi. Omelet, s. 4: kâyghana. Omen, s. Jü fAl. Ominous, a. e· Ji fAl-nev'inden; c· mènhüss. Omission, s. ai kÜssür; a° tAksir ; U: Atlayish; terk Omit, v.a. c; 5 Atlamak, c;*5) brâk- mak, terk-et, ·– • sârfi- nazar-et; – an opportunity, ya: kÜssür-et, c· (-:-va2 -: firsAt- -kAchirmak. Omnibus, s. U_** ve *ye- chârshi- 6 6 ğ [`arabassi. Omnipotence, Omnipotency, s. 9) 5 e küdret-“alé-’l-itlÂk. Omnipotent, a._: 5 kAdir. Omnipresent, a. * ğ. mekyân- dan-münèzzèh. Omniscience, s. c· * “ilmi-mûtlAk. Omniscient, a. = â'lèm, ~e “âlim, e “âllâm. • - On, pr. 5 6, a ; 3 dé, da; · üsstuna, * üsstunda ; &: yü, üzErina, 8 Ağuj, üzErindâ ; r! bEr ; · “ola: -, ad. ileri; üssté, 8 üsstdé; d. yiné o 2 0 N 0 E (ghèné); *--5j: )- bir - düziyé, mütémâdiyan; – foot, ad. e : yâyan, ( mâshiyan; –, a. * : piyâdé ; – high, · yük- segha, * 4: yüksekda ; ** ghyughé, 3 $; ghyükdé, : fî-’ss-semâvâti; – horseback, 4 'e At-ila; 5 Atli, sûwâr, -5), • sûwâri; – purpose, Leş as° mâkh- süss, * kAssdan, = “âmdan; – that day, · Jı öl-ghyûn, “: yevmi-mezkyür; to put –, c ghimek ; y = ghidir- mek ; to go –, · iléri- ghîtmek ; c· ölmak, · ghechmek; ghiyilmek ; to come -, - 4 ghèlmek, ·· ghèlivirmek, c= $ 2 iléri-ghil- mek. Once, ad. * 2r: bir-kèrré, *59) bir- def“â, : bir-sefer ; ·y: bir- -wAkit, ·y! bir-zâmÂn, ·9 ·}\ wAktan-min-el-evkAt; – more, Ube2r: bir-dâhâ. One, a : bir ; yek ; - âhâd, *-: wâhid (fem. 5 - ihda); –, pr. * AdAm, = kishi ; some –, biri, - birissi, fe AdAm; no –, · kimsé ; every -, · hèr-kèss ; any –, -5)! biri, 5-y! birissi, fe AdAm ; · kimsé ; –'s-self, 5 $ kendi. One-eyed, a. ş° yëkchèshm. [insAf. Onesidedness, s, - ail f°e “âdemi- [ 212 ] oPIATE Onion, s. · söghAn, · bAssl. Only, ad. Kı yAlingiz, ai fakat, • sAlt, e- sâdé, · sâfi, 3, ş” [kitÂbi. Onomasticon, s. 5 · lüghAt- müjërred, Onset, s. • ş° hüjüm. Onslaught, s. •ys° hüjüm. Onward, ad. iléri. [-tAshi. Onyx, s. k · süleymÂni- Ooze, v.n. C: )* sizmak, 5 nèshv-et (or'– neshf-et), : tâkÂtUr-et. Opal, s. · “âynu-’sh-shèmss. Opaque, a 'ye dünuk, – 5 kessif Open, 0. Gş- âchik, bÂz, 8 : = kyüshâdé, z* meftüh; –, v.a. ·- ochmak, feth-et (fet-h); -, U.??. c·- âchilmak. Opening, a. J4-• müsshil ; -, s. diş- achiklik, V aralik, : kÂpi ; · firsAt ; *ş- âchma ; ·- achima; z: feth (t-h), e\.5 kyüshâd. Openly, ad. - âchik, *ş-le iş- âchikdan-âchigha, ye- jëhran, t = “âyânan, K* Ashikyâr. Opera, s. W: y öpéra, [dürbini. Opera-glass, s. :):° : öpéra- Operate, v.n. ishlémek, · ·9° ish-ghyirmek; te'sir-et; ·:yL•a “AmEl-vermek ; - -s.e jrâyi-sân’ât-et. Ophthalmia, s. rèmed. Opiate, s. ze y! ·ş. C°: ÜyU- mak-āchin-bir-“ilaj. oPINE [ 213 ] 0 R I EN TAT Opine, v.n. t e° zânn-et. Opinion, s. -y re'y, · zann, c-: kiyâss, J: kAvl, j, siz; (legal) : fètwâ. • Opinionated, a. -e' e “inâdji. Opium, s. 9: Afyün. [mükhÂlif. * khAssm, – s* Opportune, a. · tAmÂm- Opponent, s. -wAktinda- ölAn, · münâssé- bètli. Opportuneness, s. c· *: tAmÂm-wAktinda-Ölmaklik. Opportunity, s. e: frsAt, · wAkt, münâssébet. Opposeva, c yye karshi-dûrmak, \e s° mèkhâléfet-et, le sö• • · kârshi - ghyîındErmek, e° * - 6 & mûmâna`ât - et ; kârshi-tâ”yin-et. Opposite, a. karshi, J:\i mü- kâbil, *- mûwājih. ·s° mükhâléfet, · mûmâna’ât. Oppress, v.a. ·y-5 e sâkindi- -virmek; • 5 e sâkmak, \ * zülm- -et, -s*3 tâ”âddi-et. Opposition, s. Oppressor, s. zâlim. Opprobrium, s. —e “ayp, Optician, s. °i; ghyuzlukji. Option, s. ikhtiyâr. Opulence, s. · sèrvèt, · sâmân, c- Kğ zinghinlik. [témèvvil. Opulent, a. e· zEnghin, Jy* mû- Oracle, s. mekhen (k-h) * y=-kyâhin-jéwÂbi. Oral, a. 9jé Aghzdan, *** shifâhi; –ly, ad. (s: shifâhan. Orange, s. J°): pörtakAl; (Seville) g: tûrunj. Orangoutang, s. uy; “ mâymün. Oration, s. · nÜtk. [yöl. Orbit, s. felek ; le dâiré ; J: Orchard, s. · 8: • meyvé-bÂghi. Orchestra, s. ş< \e-chAlghijiler. Ordain, v.a. - tèrtib-et, r: tânzim - et ; ye èmr - et ; -a nAssb-et. Order, S. : nizÂm, intizÂm ; Orator, s. 3 miri-kelâm. · tertib, e stra ; emr, sey irâdé, tenbih, c sipârish ; –â e sinf, L-a- jinss ; ·: k târikAt; e· nishÂn ; –, (!).0, - tèrtib-et, * tânzim- -et ; ye èmr-et, se) irâdé-et, 4 tenbih-et; c :9 - sipârish-et, ·yl• • issmârlamak ; to –, a. *y• • issmârlama. Ordinary, a. · bāyāghi, 5 e “âdi. Ordnance, s. · töp, · (hAvAn). Ore, 8. cy a• ma”den, 5 filizz, eşz- jevhèr. Organ, s. âlet; ·:) Erghanön. Organization, s. - 5 tèrtib, * tânzim. Organize, v.a. - iyi tertib-et, * tânzim-et, ' - 5 tensik-et, *8re c· sirassina-kömak. Orgie, s. · 9 L:e “ish-u-“ishret. Oriental, a. * shârki. oRIENTALIsT [ 214 ] 0 U T Orientalist, s. : :ir: 4. elsiné- shârkiyyé-âshinâ. Orifice, s. delik, jé Agiz, j; ghyiz, fem, e· dihân, yy- sürâkh. Origin, s. Assl, mebde', menshè', : bAsh, ***. bAsh- langhij, J45 temel, J. Evvel, ibtidâ, * : bed'. Original, a. .e Assli; –is tühâf, · "ājib ("Ajä'ib), - - ghârib ; e deli; –, s. e Assl; rel– = tûhâf-Adam, e deli. Originate, v.a. c* e- châkmak, V; zühür-et, e-: nesh'et-et; –, v.a. ( : • ) e- chikârmak, · dnshunmek, ele ibdā"-et. Ornament, s. :j zinèt, -!) zib, ej zibâ, ·) zibâyish; –, v.a. Yerji tezyin-et, ·j zinet- lEndirmek, · dönatmak : – one's self, ·}: bèzEnmek. Orphan, s. f: yetim, - üksuz. Orthography, s. imlâ. Oscillate, v.a. c· sAllânmak. Oscillation, s. 4•3) e sAllânma. Ostensible, a. 5,2° zâhiri, e “âléni. Ostentation, s. · ghyîsstèrish. Ostler, s. · se'iss. Ostrich, s. L:° dèvé-küshU, * ğr shûtur-mürgh. [âkhâr, ; • sâ'ir. Other, a i: bAshka, · digher, - Otherwise, ad. ye&i: bAshka-(türlu); -, C. ·: yâkhUd ; A°rü nÂmi- dighEr. Otter, s. -8 ° 'ye sû-sâmüru. Otto of roses, s. · J5 ghyül-yāghi. Ottoman, a. .e “össmânli. [“âliyyé. Ottoman Empire, s. e · dèvleti- Ought, v. aua. See Grammar. Ounce, s. (troy) _iyec *y° ön- -dirhèmlik-târti; (avoirdupois) K. ec eye ş; sekiz- büchuk- -dirhèmlik-tarti ; (animal) : ; 8 r bir-nèv”-kAplAn. Our, a pro.j miz, j• imiz; 2} bizim. Ours, pro. ( ): bizim ; · bizimki, · bizimkilar. Ourself, s. ** kendimiz. Ourselves, s. pl.j** kendimiz. Oust, v.a. •: :-chikârmak. Out, ad. %:y's- khârij, * tAshra, · dishâri; *-5) dishâriya; 8u)y dèshârda ; –, a. -6) k U** ş- dâshâri-chikmish ; U** sîınmush, · mÜntâfi ; U* bitmish, L*ye dükenmish, münkAzi; La münkâriz, E* münkAti”; – of, pr. .ye dan; %:y' e dan-khârij; – –, a: )* siz, \: bilâ, bi, ü nâ; - of hand, N U: • - Eldan-châkmish ; to put – - -, C •yüze-e N' iEldan-chikâr- mak; – – humour, e·9° dârghin; – – place, j : wAkitsiz, -~~ münâssébetsiz, J=*Ü nâ-be-mûhâll; 8 *: böshda; Jy* mâ”zül; –– pocket, :y zûrarli, U**yy° zûrar- ètmish, L*: - 5 * ) (para)- -(kayb)-ètmish ; – – sight, - * 0 UT BRE AK [ 215 ] oUTw ARD ghü'ib, e, mefküd, = ghyirunmiyor, 9:4-=j;= ghyüzik- miyor ; – – tune, · âhènghi-bÖzUlmush. Outbreak, s. · “issyân ; y° zÜhUr. Outcast, s. & 43= ·· mAtrüd- -kimèssné. Outery, s. velvélé, e\,: feryâd. Outdo, v.a. · yApmakda- -gèchmek. Outer, a. .e dish, -) s khāriji. Outfit, s. y = khārji-rāh; takim, Outflank, v.a. • • : - · · kendijenabi-düsh- mEnin-jènÂbinden-gèchmek. Outgoing, s. z - khârj, – a· mAss- raf ; z : - khûrüj, U:- châkish. Outguard, s. J: : ilériki-kAra- kol, şi nübetji. Outhouse, s. & oy°y* sÜndUrma. Outlandish, a. --i : yâkishiksiz. Outlaw, s. · fErmÂnli, ele “Assi, e}, J\- kAtli-hâlâl-ölAn. Outlay, s. – ya mAssraf : -, v.a. –ye sârf-et. Outlet, s. %:ys” mâkhrêj, JC;2-4:5- chikajak - yir, 2:5 kApi ; · - nèfesslik. Outline, s. “) · ş- 2· kürU- -chizilmish - rèssim, 5 ai tAsslAk ; JK* shëkil, -ş, bichim. Outlive, v.a. · - c·: bAshkassi - izldukdan - söngra- -bilé- yâshamak, -:: · r: di: *- c·: %a : bAshka-bir- -shey'ing- Esseri- bilé-kAlmadikdan- söngra-yâshamak. Outlook, s. ( : 9yaj nAzarët ; ai: tèy- âkkuz; on the –, \: mükâyyed. Outlying, a. 3,8 = khārijda-ölan, e·ü, ÜzAk-dûshEn. Out - manoeuvre, v.a. 8-94 sey * - e Sc;ğü hâlé-vé-dessissédé-fâ’ik- -gelmek. - Outnumber, v.a. j-5 e “âdédi- -ziyâdé- öl, J şi• mütéjâviz - öl, · gleehmek. [léssi. Outport, s. *- tAshra-isskè- Outpost, s. J: =:y: ileriki- -kArakol. Outrageous, a. · tAshkin, · fahish ; kızghin, - • dârghin. Outreach, va, ile Aldatmak. 4% Outright, ad. ey:ey: bitun-bitun, S Outset, s. ibtidâ. [kyülliyyan. Outside, s. dish, -5) dishâri, ** tAshra, %:y's- khârij, ·9r! birün : -, a. =y's- khâriji ; at the –, · ölsa-ölsa, -2 : nihâyet; – price, ·: ·'e nihâyet pAhAssi. Outskirt, s. –57-5: • dâshâri-yeri. Outspoken, a. ·* -: döghru- -sûweyler. [“înâd-et. Outstand, v.a. JK' inkyâr-et, ele Outstanding, a. · * - j; o · ş! · hènuz-tèssviyyé-ölun- mayub-mAtlüb-bülUnan. Outward, a. . .· khâriji. oUTwARDs [ 216 ] ovERI.00K Outwards, ad. ·* &-°5) dishâriya- -döghrU. - • f Outweigh, va. basskin- -ghèlmek ; - ghâlib-öl. Outwit, v.a. c· dèssissé- ila-Aldatmak. - - Outwork, se K= · 8 -9 -4<3 kâlé-khârijinda-Ölan-isstihkyâmât. Oval, a. d: beyzi ; -, s. · Oven, s. ey) : fr?n. [kAt”i-nâkiss. Over, a. · ghèchmish, U*: bitmish, L 'e tAmÂm-ölmüsh ; · fazla, 8 Elda; –, ad. 4 üsstuna, * üsstunda, · mâ-fèvkina, * mâ-fèvkinda ; ·: bālāssina,8 \: bālāssinda ; - * je· dan-ziyâdé, şi• müté- jäviz ; devrilerek; 5 ** tAsharak ; –, pr. ey° dan, · üsstundan, ·yü, üzérindan ; – and above, · dan-fAzla, e > dan-mâ”ada, *:eye dan-bAshka : – against, *) * a-karshi, kârshissina, 8 kârshissinda; to run –, v.n. G• • tAshmak ; 27.07. · üsstun- dan-ghèchup-chinémek ; to fall –, · devrilup-dûshmek; to go –, to pass –, · ghèch- mek ; to give –, · Wâz- -ghèchmek, c· brâkmak; -3 kèssilmek; V° devr-et," ~ tèsslim- -et ; all –, · hèp, e: bitun, · tekmil, * bAshdan- -bAsha ; – again, · yengidan, _y=5 tekrär, yengi- -bAshdan ; all is –, U*: bitmish, · bitdi; L* ishi-bitmish; - · e· · ish - ishdan - -ghèchmish. Overbear, v.a. - * ghÂlib-öl; –ing, (!. : zâlim, r== mütahâkkim. Overboard, ad. * Se dèngiza, 8° dèngizda. - Overburden, v.a. : 'ş-: * \:J e· ·: tâhâmmulinden-ziyadé-yük- yükletmek. [nik, · sünbuli. Overcast, a. · bÜlUtlU, : : kApÂ- Overcharge, v.a. c· *9- : * \!) ziyadé-bAha-sûwèylémek-vé-Almak. Overcome, v.a. · ghâlib-öl, · yenmek, le - Alt-et, c j; bözmak. Overdue, a. U*ş L***e: vwâ”déssi- -gèchmish. Overflow, s. seyi (sel), tüghyān; –, v.n. *** tashmak ; -, t).0. · bÂssmak. Overgrown, s. ·: pek-biyu- mish, U* pek-böylanmish ; · kAplanmish, ·i), irtul- mush. - Overhang, v.n. ;) e sarkmak, el Assilmak; - hâwâléli-öl. - Overhaul, v.a. c·- yöklamak; e : yetishmek, tütmak. Overhear, v.a. · ishitmek, 8 • isstimâ”-et. Overjoyed, a. L** * : pèk-sèvin- mish. Overlook, v.a. c· bÂkmak, 0 V ERL 0 0 KER [ 217 ] PAcKAGE nâzir-öl, \e nAzârët-et ; ye “Afv-et. Overlooker, s. nâzir, = bAkiji. Overpower,v.a. - ghâlib-öl, : yenmek ; • : böghmak, 33)* • müsstaghrâk-et. Overreach, v.a. c ile Aldatmak. Overrule, v.a. -~ isskyât-et, 'zJa- jèrh-et. Overseer, s. Ü nâzir, y! • mûdir. Oversight, s. · yûngilish (yânish), 54 sèhv. [ : 5 kAplamak. Overspread, v.a. - ) irtmek, Overtake, v.a. · yetishmek, c*), ülâshmak, c· tûtmak. Overthrow, s. 'ye inhizâm ; - khârâb, f\ ' inhidâm; –, v.a. c j: bözmak, · münhè- zim-kilmak ; *8 yikmak, İ *-* hèdm-et. Overture, s. – teklif; -sel = : ş-teyâtro-kyüshÂdi-chAlghissi. Overturn, v.a. · şe devirmek ; –, vn. - : yye devrilmek. Overwhelm, v.a. ':5 mûsstaghrâk- -et, • : böghmak. Overwork, v.a. c_°· tâhâmmulinden-ziyadé-chAlishdirmak. Owe, v.a. · börjlU-öl, r ): börju-öl, ' e deyni-öl, 'e mëdyün-öl. Owing, ad. mebni, · münâssébetila, *---- sebebila, cy sebébindan. [büghU-küshU. Owl, s. c : baykush, -: Own, pro. a. · kendi ; –, pro. s. my –, =“: · kendimingki, thy –, K=* kendingingki, his, her, its-, K= = kendiningki, &c.: see Grammar ; –, v.a. : • mâlik-öl, - -e sâhib-öl ; W: ikrâr-et, – e i”tirÂf-et. Owner, s. ---- sâhib, c mâlik. Ownership, s. -e sâhiblik, Ox, s. ** sighir, ikyuz. Oyster, s. 4 : isstridiyé. P. Pace, s. c = ghîdish, U:): yüru- yush ; * 5 yûrumé, re Adim, * a - khAtvé. Pacific, a. ·L* · sülh-sèver-ölan ; - (Ocean), s. :·U=<: bāhri- -mühit-ghârbi. Pacification, s. sülh, *<<< mÜssâ- laha, c =c bArish-ghyirush, c· bArishik; tesskin. Pacify, va. We -=- tesskin - et, c· y?mUshAtmak. Pack, s. denk; *ş: böghcha ; & dèssté ; -i isstif-et ; –, v.n. – 3'e tâkim ; –, v.a. isstif-ol; – away, '– -l-;y°5 kAldirip-isstif-et; – off, := ghitmek; – up, e - * c : dèvshirup - sAndigha - kömak, 4ş: böghcha-et. Package, s. 4ş`; böghcha, öy • sAndik, 6 kyaghid. PA0 K ET Packet, s. 4ş° li, üfAk-böghcha, · kyâghid, - * töp; –, packet- boat - = yoljughemissi, · ·yys” tâhrirât-ghèmissi. Packhorse, s. -5 =:): • • semEr- -(beghiri), - yük-haywáni. Packneedle, Packing-needle, s. - Packsaddle, s. 4. semer. [chûwAldiz. Packthread, s. ş” sijim. Pad, s. ış knehuk-yasedik, · pAmuk (pAmbuk) ; —!) \: (bèghir); –, va. döldur- mak ; foot -, j - kh?rsiz. Paddle, s. y=kyürek; < - : 4: < vâpör-chârkhining-tâkhtassi; –, v.n. = Kş-- y = kyürek-chek- mek : – box, ye dâwlUmbÂz. Padlock, s. 5 Ka• • Assma-kilidi. Pagan, s. y: pût-pèresst. sâhifé, j: yüz ; ·'s ich - 8ghlani, se: Pail, s. 4 kögha. Page, s. 6 s* [ich-AghAssi. Pain, s. = Aji, · Aghri, : vèjâ”, elem, : renj, :) renjish ; v.n. c; “ - âjimak, ( *: Aghrimak ; v.a. c·- Ajitmak ; ·y* kèdEr-vèrmek. Painful, a. ) ·- Ajiyor, - Ajir, èlim ; y* ·) • mürissi-kEdEr. Pains, s. u * sâ'i ; * üzènmé; to take –, c üzènmek. Paint, s. \: böya ; (for the face) · 9° düzghyun ; (for the eyebrows) c·y rAsstik ; –, v.a. c· böyamak ; –, v.n. (as artists) [ 218 ] PAL S Y c· “y ressim-yâpmak ; (asladies) c· düzghyun-kûllanmak. Painter, s. (house) :\ü nAkkÂsh ; (artist) * :*) resssâm. - Painting, s. “) y: böyali-ressim. Pair, s. ·ş- chift; –, v.n. -āş- chift-öl; –, va. 4: eshini- -bÜlmak ; c· ·ş- -āş- chift- Palace, s. 5 sârây. [-chift-kömak. Palate, s. : • dimâgh. - Pale, a. (colour) Gş- âchik ; (face) -55) • sâri ; –, s. - hâvli, : • dâ'iré; c y! pârmak, 4: < takhta ; to turn -, - -= - : * -% bengzi-bem-beyaz-kessilmek, 5j - d; * 5 bengzi-kAlmemak. Paling, Palings, s. * tâkhta- -pèrdé. Palissade, s. · shârampÖ ; · Palliate, -i tâkhfif- et; e: /; renk-virmek. [lighi. Pallor, s. · • · bèngzin-sAri- Palm, s. (tree) - - khÜrma- -AghAji ; (of the hand) *'J (measure) 8 topalm off : ) - sürmek, c* • sAtmak. Palpable, a > zâhir, K: āshikyâr. Palpitate, v.n. v, · La nAbz- -ghibi-würmak, • iş- chAlkan- mak, :y öynamak. [khAfakÂn. Palpitation of the heart, s. - - Palsy (paralysis), s. · felij- -“illèti, · k bir-yâni- -tütulmassi, L*: 'ş- ·- ijinni- [pârmaklik. 07.07. iEl-âyassi; sèré ; P A I TR Y [ 219 ] P A R A PH R A S E -chârpmassi ; palsied, a z · mefüj;U tütulmush, : - öhârpilmish. [sAchma, U: bösh. Paltry, a. e· misskin ; *-e Pampas, s. pl. - y· - U: amèrica-jènübi-kirleri. Pamper, v.a. - : J*-• ·j5 c :· nâz-ve- mâ”imé-müss- tâghrâk-èdup-fena-Alishdirmak. Pamphlet, s. 4. rissâlé, `-- jüz'. Pan, s. ş- chânak, tAbAk; : ghyüghèch ; – of a gunlock, ** “iş- châkmak-(tAwassi); knee–, · diz-kApAghi. Panacea, s. c ze “ilâj-mûtlAk. Pancake, s. *j * ghyüzlémé. Pandemonium, s. e· S-•ş” mèjmâ- i-shèyâtin. Pander, s. c 3): pèzéwEnk ; –, v.n. le pezéwenklik-et. Pane of glass, s. • - jâm. Panegyric, s. &s mëdiha. Panegyrize, v.a. z* mëdh-èt. Pang, s. 5--: vejâ”, ye dèrd. Panic, s. “e – -e · · ânsizin-müsstèvli-Ölan-khâvf-Ümümi. Pannier, s. 65 5 kyüfé. [rèssm. Panorama, s. “) *2 vwûss”âtli- Pant, v.n. c·: pèk-sölUmak. Pantaloons, s. ·: pântalÖn. Panther, s. (L-9: pârss. Pantile, s. kirémid, Pantomime, s. c ,s-* 8 ! · bir-nev'i-mAsskharalik-teâtro- Pantry, s. (kilEr). [öyUnU. Pap, s. *: 1Apa; * mem6. Papa, s. bAba, ) ; peder. Papacy, s. : •y röma-pāpālighi. Papal, a. c· ·: ) röma- pâpâssina-muta”allik. Paper, s. x86 kyâghid, c·: kârtÂss ; &jé ghâzeta ; papers, s. pl. 9y èvrÂk. Paper-mill, s. ki: · kyaghid- Papist, s. kâtolik. [fabrikassi. Parable, s. J. missâl, J: temsil. Parabola, s. · sa: kAt”i-mükyâfi. Paradise, s. c· firdèvss, - - 2- [: fikra. Paragraph, s. \: bend, a = jümlé, Parallax, s. ·– - ikhtilâfi- -mAnzâr. jënnèt. Parallel, a. - * müwâzi; (similar) : nAzir ; – to each other, -5' e mütéwâzi; –, s. as- khÂtti-müwâzi ; (similar thing) * [wâziyu-’l-Adl”. Parallelogram, s. 8 - mûté- e * felij-“illeti, -° · bir-târafing-tütUl- massi, U_5-4-:y-- - ijinni- [ =a*feli-"ileti. Paralytic, a z : • meflüj; – stroke, nAziré. Paralysis, s. -chârpmassi. Paralyze, v.a. *J=” ·y- hârékèt- [para). Paramour, s. V zâni, 9:j (zâm- den-mâhrüm-èt. Parapet, s. J: * sipEr. Paraphernalia, s. pl, yé Aghirlik ; tâkim, el âlât-edâwât. Paraphrase, s. zJ* shèrh. PAR A SITE [ 220 ] PART Parasite, s. · kyâssé-liss. Parasol, s. shèmsiyyé. Parboil, v.a. cj - Cyaş: -:5): yâri- -bitchuk-hAshlamak. Parcel, s. 4ş: böghcha, 6 kyāghid; takim; yy sûru. - Parch, v.a. ) kâwUrmak ; c·eye sÜssAtmak; 45°) : kûrUtmak : -, 27.70 • c·y kâwrulmak ; cş eye sÜssAmak; ( ; ): kürUmak. Parchment, s. & :yi tirshé. Pard, s. e 5 kaplan. Pardon, s. 9ğe “âfv ; –, v.a. *e “âfv-et, 'L : bâkhsh-et, c· bâghishlamak. Pare, v.a. c* • söymak, • • : kAbughunu-söymak; c = kess- mek, · kârkmak, c**!: yönt- mak ; c· kAzimak. Parent, s. \,\! bÂbA, _)*2 pèdEr; Ü âna, & niné, * \, vâlidé; both parents, e· vâlidèyn. [mâdérâné. Parental, a. 43)y°: pèdérâné ; *ye Parenthesis, s. & * mû”tériza. Pariah, s. -5.99· e· A R hind- -mèsskin-mAtrüdi. Paring, s. 5 · kAbuk ; -5 = kes- sinti ; -5 :i: kârkinti. Paris (town of), s. -3** ( )*v : pâris- Parish, s. s” mâhâllé. [-shèhiri. Parity, s. -e: mûshâbéhèt. [cha. Park, s. *ş°c 9)y ÖrmAnlik-bAgh- Parley, s. 4 mükyâlémé. Parliament, S. ş* · ) U5* • mèb”üssâni-millet-mejlissi. - Parliamentary, a. c· · · millet-mèjlissina-mûta”âlik. Parlour, s. eyle selâmlik- [-Ödassi. Parricide, s. J· · · · e : - kendi-bAbAssini-kAtl-ètmish- -khâbiss; -* si- kendi-bAbassini-kAtl-et- mek-jünhassi. Parrot, s. · papaghÂn, : bebghä, or bebéghâ, tüti. Parry, v.a. s-° def“-et. Parsee, s. * ghèbr. Parsimonious, a. U ----- khâssiss, K* tAma”kyâr, · misskin. Parsimoniousness,Parsimony, s. c:y < - tAma”kyârlik. - - Parsley, s. c· · mâydanöss. Parole, s. al2v : pâröla. Parsnip, s. = ser: yâbAn-hâwUjU. Parson, s. c- : pÂpASS. Part, s. 4ş-> : parcha, yân, *-i kıssm, j=- jüz', ka- hisssé, a-i kâsst, - : pây; -s* tAssâhhub ; – târaf, ·- jânib ; - hâwâlî, );-jiwâr; -kh?dmet, · wājibe'i-zimmet; parts, s. pl. 63 zekyâ, issti"dâd; taraflar, ~'ya jewânib, ş- hâwāli, = jiwârlar; privy -, - -2 ° “âvret-yèrléri; –, v.n. c·y: | âyrilmak, müfâra- kAt-et ; : * köpmak, ·= kessilmek; – with, cş ayrılmak ; · 2 vermek; c· sÂtmak ; G*: köghmak. P A R TA KE [ 221 ] PAS S A BI, E Partake, v.n. *a- hisssémènd-öl ; e : yemek. Partial, a. }<- jüz'i, U_3°24-e· ghây- ri-“ümümi, f -j-é ghâyri-tAmm ; J- mèyyâl, -s° mühibb ; K* ghûrazkyâr, - nèf- sâniyyetli ; to be – to, · sèv- mek. [: • & a-hissséssi-öl. Participate, v.n. y -- -* shèrik-öl, c· - *a- hissa-yâb-ölmaklik. Participle, s. (active) Je: ~ issmi- Participation, s. -fâ”il; (passive) J** issmi- -mef“ül. Particle, s. 9° zèrré; le edât. Particular, a. Leş as” mâkhsüss, · khÂsss, Les° mükhtAsss, La as” mükhAsssâss ; -6y- âyri, *-i- –: bAshka ; ā*şi: inja-bAkar, : -l- pek-dikkat-eder, iy • mèrÂkli ; –s, s. pl. · tAf- silÂt. Particularly, ad. eya- khÜssüssâ. Parting, s. · âyrilish, · müfârakAt. [ghâyretkèsh. Partisan, s. târafdâr, c· Partisanship, s. c:y' e târafdârlik. Partition, s. * : bîlmé ; – off, v.a. · : bilmek. Partly, ad. · bâ”zi-mèrtébé, y· ** yer bir-deréjéyé-kAdar. Partner, s. · örtâk, : shèrik. Partnership, s. 5 shirket. Partridge, s. K= keklik, Parturition, s. J•- 5-39 wAz”i-hâml. Party, s. tâkim, · bîluk, * firka; *- jem'iyyet. Pasha, s. \; pâsha. Pass, s. gechid e derbend (devrend), j\: böghÂz, y° deré; * & tezkéré, -65 J: yöl-èmri, y: büyuruldu; J- hâl, - * hey'et ; -, U.72, · ghèchmek; (through) y · mürür-et; (over) V* “übür-et; (current) J tèdâvul-et ; –, v.a. · ghè- chirmek ; yy. imrâr-et ; – along, · · · ghèchmek ; – away, · · ghechup-ghitmek : — bitmek, ~$ dükènmek; : c· fènâ-bÜlmak; – by, v.n. · ingdan-ghèchmek, ·-ş° - -i yândan-ghèchmek; · ) Öradan-ghèchmek, ---* ghèchmek ; 3 yölUnja-ghèchmek, (7. (Z. ·) * ghèchirmek, e “Afv-et; – for, v.n. c· zânn-ÖlUn- mak : -, v.a. deyu- -virmek, c** * dèyU-sAtmak ; – one's word, · : ) 2* sitz- -virmek, = kèfil-öl, – over, v.a. --e “Afv-et; – sentence, –e i”lâm-et; to come to –, c· ölmak, : wâki”-öl, 8: c· wükü"-bûlmak, V zühür- -et, - jāyghir-öl. Passable, a. )· ghèchilir, · kâbili-mürür; * : — èp-iyija, Jş ghèchEr. PAS SABI Y Passably, ad. *-: · ep-iyija. Passage, s. ) mürür, y = “Übür, ş° ghèchish ; • • mèmèrr, y* mâ'bèr, °a-*ş ghèchéjek-yèr, J: yöl; *y· èssnâyi-râh ; • sökak, 5 * : kapi-dehlizi; e “ibâré, x: bend. 9 Passenger, s. : yöljU. Passer-by, s. C ş* gèchen. Passion, s. c 'e dârghinlik, *: (ûfké), - - 3-5 ghAzAb ; c -* hawess, merāk; ş.e “Ashk; W: ibtilâ, J\söl infi”âl; – flower, Kş ş-e -- ye- charkhi-felek- -chichéghi. Passionate, a. . .:)'e dârghin, · ghAzüb ; -ly, ad. pek, -5) Ashiri. Passive, a. Eli-kölu- -bAghli-ghibi; verb –, J:4ş° si f“li-mejhül; 6-s- participle, J;* issmi-mèf“ül. Passport, s. -55, J: yöl-èmri, J: · yöl-tezkiréssi, - - büyuruldu, ae2): *-: pâssapörta. Pass-word, s. al;v : pâröla; s.: sh?”âr. Past, a. U*ş ghèchmish ; · mâzi; the –, · ghèch- mish-zâmÂn, *-i--f - èyyâmi- sâbika ; –, pr. * dan-îtéyé ; z: - ° dan-khârij; – cure, – recovery, -9'ş- châréssiz, z'e j*'J: “ilaj-kAbül-etmâz, : bitmish. - Paste, s. * - (khAmur); U:ye- [ 222 ] P ATI EN T chirish ; –, v.a. c·'L:Uş- chirish-ila-yâpishdirmak. Pasteboard, s. mükâwwâ. Pastil, Pastille, Le2): kürss. Pastime, s. 4şkü, eylènja. [pAss. Pastor, s. e :9- chöbÂn ; c- : pÂ- Pastry, s. · (khAmUr)-ishi ; – cook, ş°) : birëkji. Pasture, Pasturage, s. :i, ötlAk; : - châyr; · öt; –, v.n. c· ötlamak ; –, v.a. c· - Ötarmak, · ötlAtmak. Pasty, s. y: burek. Patch, s. * : yûma : &#-y: pârcha ; -, ?).6. c· yûma-wÜrmak, c *ş-> : pârcha-kömak ; – up, V--------- kAbaja-tâ'mir-et; ·9) : ) \! ÜydUrivièrmek. Patent, s. ·y bèrÂt, · fermÂn ; ·: pâtènta, VJ imtiyâz- -berâti ; –, a. . . patentali, · imtiyâzli. - Patented, a. · : pâtèntali. *: *- ele: ----e nev-ijâd-nessnénin-pâten- Patentee, s. -5 tassi-sâhibi. [râné. Paternal, a. -: èbévi, *y : pèdé- Path, Pathway, s. J: yöl, tarik, *y râh. Pathetic, a.jy”·- jigher-süz. Patience, s. r* sAbr, · tâhâmmul, : * shekibâ'i. Patient, a. :y· sAbrli, ) e sAbür, J· mûtûhâmmil, - - shekibi –, s. 4 - khAssta. PA TIR I A R 0 H [ 223 ] PEA Patriarch, s. C: Ja: pAtrik ; -s, s. pl. J:y - ejdâdi-beni-issrâ'il. Patriarchate, s. e i a patrik- lik-sifati ; : a; patrik- könaghi. Patrician, s. · AsslzÂdé. Patrimony, s. mirâss, ·9) milki-mèvrüss. Patriot, s. 4 $ ·y°ek, wAtAn- -ghâyretinda-ölAn-kimèssné. Patriotic, a. e, _) * · wAtAnini- -sEvEr-ölan. Patrol, s. J: köl; –, v.n. · J: köl-ghèzmek ; –, v.a. ·-:j-= ghezmek, • dölashmak. Patron, s. · veli-ni”met, efendi ; -sy rāghib. [zâm. Patronage, s. **- hîmâyé ; • ilti- Patronize, v.a. •U-- iltizâm-et ; · efendilik-et; - Patten, s. < (nAlin). [mûshtérissi-ol. Pattern, s. ) y àrnek; “y rèssim ; - kÂlib ; dö945 nümüné. Paunch, s. )y: kârn ; · ishkènbé. Pauper, s. 7: fâkir. Pause, s. · kAlish ; · sükyüt, · sükyün ; -6Jciy ye dür.Ak- -yEri; –, v.a. cş---i kAlmak, C ) ş° dürmak ; c· bAkmak, c* bAkinmak, — düsh- unmek, te'enni-et, J. 5 te'em- mul-et. [-dûshémek. Pave, v.a. c y° * ' e tâsh-ila- Pavement, s. f:ye'ü kAldirim ; foot –, * ) ise: piyâdé-kAldirimi. Pavilion, s. · kyūshk, ai kAssr; · mehtâbiyyé; yeş- chÂdir. Paving, s. kod şe) düshEmé. Pavior, s. ş: kAldirimji. Paw, s. âyak, *şi: pènché, : pâ, -5: pây. Pawn, s. J°) rèhn ; J°) rehin; (at chess) : pâydâk; –, v.a. :) · rehina - vermek, 5°) rèhina-kömak. Pay, s. ghyündélik; 4-ā. haftalik; c: âylik, mâhiyyé, *ye shehriyyé ; yillik; c| < mâ”âsh; –, v.a. · idémek, · virmek, We edâ-et, á ifâ- et, isstifâ - et; – a visit, c· öghramak, - :):) ziyâret-et; - away, y: vèrmek, z - khârj-et ; - –, – out (a rope), * mÖla - et; – down, ·: c , pèshin - vèrmek ; – off, · karshilighini-et, - cşey iş- Ajissini - chikârmak; j · izin -virmek, · · c , Adamlarina-izin-virmek. Payable, a. J** e: wâ'déssi- -ghèlmish, le) --> wājibu-l-edâ. Paymaster-General, s. L***e ·%-e · - *-e “Asskerin - Ümümi- mâ”âsh-nâziri. Payment, s. se'ü të'diyyé. Paynim, s. 6 kyâfir. Pay-office, s. · sèrghi. Pea, s. · nökhud, * : bezelya ; sweet - ae “tri-shâhî. PEA 0 E [ 224 ] PEN AN 0E Peace, s. bArishik, 9 $c y: bArish-ghyîrush, sülh, · mûssâlahâ; go in –! selâ- metla, be, bi-'l-ûmni-ve-'l- èmân ; – ! int. cLey* sÜss ; to be at -, c* bArishik-öl ; to hold one's –, “eye süssmak. Peaceable, a. -- âssâyishli. Peacemaker, s. :) bArishdiriji. Peach, s. sheftâli; melting –, & c: yârma-shèftâli; clingstone –, es kebâd, S-5)'e sAri-kebâd, - ët-shèftâlissi. Peacock, s. c· tâwuss, · tâwUss-küshU. [tâwUss-küshU. Peahen, s. ** c· U_s -2° dishi- Peak, s. 59 (tepé), :v° zirvé, · kyünghyuré. Peal, s. L~ K• mükërrèr-sèss ; –, v.n. U* )· mükèrrèr-sèss-et. Pear, s. 95-9:) ârmUd, ş· èmrüd. Pearl, s. inji, e dürr, 35 lt'lû', A2 · mèrvârid. Peasant, s. :* kyüylu. [öhâkil-tAshi. Pebble, s. ile chakil, J: - Peculation, s. c:j - khèrsizlik, · më'mür-sirkAti. Peculiar, a. Ley as” mâkhsüss; - ş° “Ajib (ājä'ib), - ghârib, –5-5 tûhâf. Peculiarity, s. 6 eyas*- := kèy- fiyyeti-makhsüssa, -khAsssa, Pecuniary, a. c· & aş5 Akchaya- -mûta”âllik, 4-4ş: Akchaja. Pedestal, s. :· kyûrsi. Pedigree, s. 8yş* shèjéré, --i nèsseb. Pedlar, s. ş* költukju, -:9° ghèzdiriji, j \ye mAdrabÂz. Peel, s. : kAbuk: -, v.a. •ye söymak, “ye kAbughunu- -söymak ; –, – off, v.n. c· [mak. Peep, v.n. c*le W âralikdan-bAk- söyUlmak. Peer, s. · e·Sey zâdéghyândan- ölAn; y* kyüfv, ** hèm-pâyé. Peerage, s. · Asslzâdéghyân. Peeress, s. : *e el Asslzâdé- Peerless, a. · bi-nAzir. [kArissi. Peevish, a. c· terss, -:y- khüysUz. Peevishness, s. · tèrsslik. Peg, s. -8:5-chivi. Pelican, s. 5 * (sûka)-küshu. Pell-mell, ad. 95 )5 kârma-kArish. Pelt, v.a. c , tAshlamak ; –, v.n. c shiddet-ila-yagh- mak. Pen, s. : kâlEm ; Jél Aghil; –, v.a. Gej' yâzmak ; c· a: Aghila- kApamak; – down, c·j' yâzmak ; – up, c Aghila-kApamak ; – in, ---- chinilemek, · mürekkèblémek; as c· Aghila-kApamak. [nèv”inden. Penal, a. ey eşi c= }\ş• müjâzât- Penalty, s. *Ja- jèrimé ; ·j ş” müjâzât, y-jezâ; under-, - ş” ·y* · müjâzât - ölUnmak- shârtila, ***ya jerimé- Alinmak-shârtila. Penance, s. y=- -:5) - ikhtiyâri-jezâ, PEN 0 ASE [ 225 ] PER CEPTIBI, E Pencase, s. yy-i kûbur, ' i kâlem- dân. [ghirlar. Pence, s. pl. bAkirlar, mAn- Pencil, s. kâlEm ; lead –, ·y: kürshUn-kâlEm; hair –, -: tüy-kâlEm, 4ş-: frcha; slate –, şe . tAsh-kâlEm ; – of light, * shû”â”. Pendulum, s. ·) râkkÂss. Penetrate, v.a. - 2)--= · ishlémek. Peninsula, s. de Ada, 8yja- jeziré, ghirmek, *): ja- *: nim-jeziré, 3 j-4 shi- bhi-jëziré. - Penitence, s. c· “: pèshimÂnlik (pishmanlik), - - nedâmet; de- chillé. Penitent, a. · pèshimÂn (pishmAn), Penknife, s. · kâlEmtrâsh, (pocket -) ş-châki. Penman, s. eas khAttÂt ; –ship, · khÂtt. [bâyrak. Pennant, s. *) * filândara ; y* [°ü nâdim. Penniless, a :y': pâréssiz. Pennon, s. ye bâyrak. Penny, s. 5 bAkir, mAnghir. Pension, s. *** e-i-i tâkâ”ud- -mâ”âshi, c mû”âsh, âylik; –, – off, va. e i 4 : — mâ”âshla - tâkâ”ud-et, c : c: âylik-bAghlamak. Pensioner, s. · · al: c· ·S mâ”âsh-ila-mütakâ”id-ölan- kimèssné ; Greenwich –, &: }s: ·a-ā-- bahriyyé-mütakâ”idi; Chelsea -, -5 e d: r bërriyyé- mütakâ”idi. Pentagon, s. _-•s” mükhâmmess. Penthouse, s. 4 ey öye sÜndurma. Penurious, a. * tAma”kyâr. Penuriousness, s. y < - tAma”kyârlik. Penury, s. y: fâkirlik. Peony, s. c· shâkâ’ik. People, s. millet, • kavm, · kabilé, köle tâ'ifé, L-· jinss; = khAlk, 45) örtalik, d e “Ammé ; c-5°'ye “âwAmmi-nâss, * ayak- tâkimi, - 5 kÂba-khAlk; great –, ** 5 kibâr-tâkimi, c- èkyâbiri - nâss ; –, v. a. W* mâ”mür-et, ·'e âbâdân-et, · shènlendirmek ; -d, pp. 9° mâ’mür, · âbâdân, J* shèn. Pepper, s. r? bibEr; –, v.a. c· _r! bibEr-kAtmak ; – corn, öle _r! bibEr-(tânéssi) ; -box, -: r: biber-kütUssU ; – mint, 4 x nâ”né. Peradventure, ad. : belki. Perambulate, v.n. c· dölashmak. Perambulator, s. J uy:=5. i c_ ş- L*ye chöj Uk-ichin-El-”ârabassi. Per annum, ad. 8 yilda, – sènévi Perceive, v.a. -e*) y-4 ghyirmek, 'La s° tèshkhiss-et; ·= ângla- mak (ânmamak), 'ye dèrk -et, ye) idrâk-et, * fehm-et. Per cent., ad. 8-9j: yüzda. Per-centage, s. ·) : yüzdalik. Perceptible, a. c s” mâhsüss. 1R P ER 0 H [ 226 ] PERMAN ENT Perch, s. :):* cşa ö: ye tâwuk- -köndjak-strik, 5 e sirik, z : AghAj; * - * terbi”i-elli- -ârshinlik-mèssâfé; –, v.n. • : könmak; –, v.a. • = dikmek. Perchance, ad. 4K belki. Percussion, s. 9) wÜrUsh. Percussion-cap, s. )y-5 kâpsül. Perdition, s. - khârâb. - Peregrinate, v.n. · 2)! * uté-beri- [brim. Peremptory, a. * kAt”i, • • mü- • 5 tÂmm, 5 kyâmil, - * aiü - e “âyb-ü-nöksān- dan-khâli; –, v.a. \e 5 itmâm-et, * tètmim-et, JV4S\ ikmâl-et, J. K. tekmîl-et. Perfection, s. J“S kèmâl. Perfidious, a. e: - khā'in. Perfidy, s. khā’inlik. Perforate, v.a. ale delmek, •ş- achmak, -ö sökb-et. Perforce, ad. ş-ü nâ-châr. Perform, v.a. c·: yapmak, : ètmek, ya- ijrâ-et, *als: fi"la-ghetirmek, z \ a < fi“la- -ikhrâj-et, zy es; küvvé- dan-f"la-ikhrâj-et; (as a machine) e : ishlémek, ghitmek. Performance, s. y=-l jrâ ; · ish ; e: öyUn. [mükAllid. Performer, s. · y- ijrâ-eden; Ali Perfume, s. köku, ae “tr, -- . tib; yak; bükhür, -'yi tütsu; –, v.0. \ · mü”âttar-et, - * mü- ghèzmek. Perfect, a. tâyyeb-et; –ed, a. * mû”âttar, · mütâyyeb ; -ing-pan, eyle);< bükhürdān (bükhurdanlik). Perfumer, s. -· “itrji; · yàghji. Perfumery, s. *** = = ae “itrjinin-sAtdighi-èshyâ. Perhaps, ad. · bèlki. Perihelium, s. z: èvj. * Peril, s. 5) körku, tehlik6, 3 s” mükhÂtara, khAtar; –, va, c i 4= tehlikéyé-kömak; at your – ! * ët-da -bAk, (:):)vy=** ët-da-ghyûrursun, er. c):· sèn - bilirsin, *K: 2! * ghyünâhi-böyUnungda. [mükhÂtarali. Perilous, a. 4Ke; tehlikéli; 8 es” Perilousness, s. 4K çi tehlikélilik. Period, s. 9. o müddet. Periodical, a. · E-: 8° &:x o ·i èvkât-mu”ayyenéda-vwâki”-olan; –, s. * evkât-mü”ayyenéda - neshr- Ölunan-ghâzeta-vé-èmsâli. Perish, vin s helâk-öl, '– 5 telef-öl, · bitmek ; · îl- mek ; ; ; ; kürumak ; : ) 95- chûrumek ; –, v.a. ·_) 9-5- Periwig, s. :): pèrüka. [chürutmek. Perjure one's self v.a. We - hinss-et, “: :Re: yâlAn-yèra-yemin-et ; - *- khûlfi-yemin-et. Permanence, s. 'ye dewâm, ã bAkâ, y• isstimrār. Permanent, a. ** dâ'im, bÂki, J• • mÜsstémèrr ; · tèmèlli ; PER MIS S I 0 N * - chikmâz, y: bözulmâz ; ·- chikmayajak, = }: bÖzUlmayajak. Permission, s. izn (izin), · ) rükhsAt, -j- ijâzet, jlya-jewâz. Permit, s. & tèzkéré ; –, v.a. · ·2)! izin-virmek, ·: 9 ·a:) rükhsAt-virmek, j = tejviz-et, tèrkhiss-et. Pernicious, a. ya • müzirr, :!)r* zârârli. Perpendicular, s. 994 c “âmüd; –, a. kâim, -e = “amüdi, -5 e k döghru, dik. Perpetrate, v.a. c·: yapmak, * ètmek, - ) irtikyâb-et. Perpetual, a. ğl dâ'im ; •ğe dâ'imâ. –ly, ad. Perplex, v.a. 'c bAsh-Aghrit- mak, •eyy-5 e sakindi-virmek. Perplexity, s. - * iztirÂb. Perquisites, s. pl. -5 -e “âwâ'id, ·leğe “â'idât. Persecute, v.a. e : köghalamak, e : 'e dalina-binmek, --y · râhat-vèrmamek, * = -) renjidé-et, le dûshmènlik-et, W- a - khÜssümèt - et, e “âdâvet-et. Perseverance, s. ikdÂm, • • dèwâm ; –re, v.n. ele: ikdÂm-et, \e'ye dèwÂm-et ; –ing, a. • • [mükdim. Persian, a. y’ irâni ; –, s. eş° Persia, s. eyl irân. AjEm; y: irani; - es” AjEm- -lissÂni. • [ 227 ] P ER TAI N Persian Gulf, - * *) a! bâssra-kyîr- fezi. [vâz-ghèchmamek. Persist, v.n. Ve .e “inâd-et, · Persistence, Persistency, s. Ve issrâr. Persistent, Persisting, a. ya• mÜssirr. Person, s. · kishi, 4 - 5 kimessné, ·* shakhss, *el AdAm, ki nefEr; (hypostasis) : üknüm (pl. âkânim) ; the three –s of the Trinity, · âkânimi - selâssé ; (gram.) first –, * - nèfssi-mütékèllim; second –, · mükhÂtAb ; third –, -; ghâ’ib. Personage, s. e- 5 zât-”âli. Personal, a. zâti; – pronoun, * zamir. Perspective, s. ** = “ilmi-mènâzir. Perspicacious, a. ai fAtânetli. Perspicaciousness, Perspicacity, s. ai Perspicuity, s. 5- âchiklik. [fAtânet. Perspicuous, a. Gş- âchik. Perspiration, s. or ve tèr. Perspire, v.n. · tèrlémek. Persuade, v.a. C:: : inândirmak, c :·ü kAndirmak, le isskyât- -et; ş- ie “Aklini-chelmek; e “Aklina-kömak. Persuasion, s. · âklini- [chèlmeklik. Pertain, v.n. müta”âllik - öl, Pert, a.j ye “ârsiz. s--V râji”-öl, e; • menüt - öl, · mèrbüt-Öl, ys” mühâvvel- -öl, 'Ley as” makhsüss-öl - • mènsüb-öl, c·: bAkmak, • • dökUnmak. 4 R 2 PER TIN ACI0 US [ 228 ] PH0T0GRAPHER Pertinacious, a. ra• mÜssèrr. Pertinacity, s. .e “inâd; sebât, ikdam, münâsebet, Pertinence, Pertinency, s. ~~~ Pertinent, a. münâssébetli. Pertly, ad.j-yle “ârsiz; –, s. c·ye Perusal, s. ·l ökUma. [ârsizlik. Peruse, v.a. c· ökUmak. Pervade, v.a. -55 te'siri öl; · ishlémek, · ghèchmek, &ü nâfiz-öl. - Perverse, a, c terss; - khāyrsiz. Pervert, v.a. •5i,\: âyartmak, e- ifsâd-et, J l idlâl-et; –, s. · mûrtèdd (mürtAd). Pest, Pestilence, s. \: vëbâ, · tâ'ün, c: * -khAsstalik, c = 94 yâmUrjâk. Pestle, s. 'e * (hAwAn)-èli. Pet, s. sèvdik, - jān, -5): kÜzU, ·%ş- jighEr-kyîshé, 5° iki-ghyüz ; - yle dârghinlik- -hâli ; –, v.a. · sèvmek ; c ökhshamak ; · - : pèk-yûz-vèrmek. Petition, s. J=`e “ârzi-hâl, * diye “ûrîza; -:) rijä, : niyâz, y° · dèr-khâsst; –, v.a. Us ş c. · 9 “ârzi-hâl-virmek. [ârzuhâl. Petitioner, s. Js°ye ---- sâhibi- Petrel, s. ·2) &:2}: frtina-martissi. ë ğı ehli- Physiognomy, s. kâyâfet, * 45- chèhré, simā; - : = “ilmi- -kâyâfet. Physiology, s. · ·- =: e “ilmi-bâhssi-hâyât-bëdEniyyé. Pianist, s. · piâno-chAlan- Piano, Pianoforte, s. 5 : piâno. [-üstâd. Piastre, s. _: ghÜrüsh. Pick, (pickaxe), s. · kAzma ; tooth –, ear -, J- khilâl ; –, v.a. (pull off) ( ; ; : : köparmak; (a lock) ·ş- âchmak; (teeth, &c.) _ :y· kArishdirmak, - - ) Ariklamak (âytlamak); (a bone) · temiz- lémek ; (a quarrel) ·) Aramak : – pockets, - -4 · yân-kèssiji- lik-et ; – out, ( oy' âyrmak, ci •ş° sèchmek, -sül intikhāb-et;-up, (7.0. c· kAldirmak ; c· töplamak, devshirmek, s-*- jem"-et; as tahsil-et; - -, ).72. · iyilEshmek, · *): küvveti - yèrina - ghiilmek ; ·2); *- sèmirmek ; – to pieces, ·y* sitkmek ; C°·le dAldirmak. Picket, s. iléri-kAragholi. Pickle, (brine) : ; ) e sAlamûra ; (of vegetables) _ türshu ; -, v.a. * türshü-bAssmak. Pickpocket, s. · · yân-kèssiji, } />-kh?rsiz. Picnic, s. “: y: kir-yemèghi. Picture, s. f-y rèssim. [J) * ghyüzèl. Picturesque, a. · rèssim-ghibi; Piddle elih = ~ küchuk-chish; sidik, J: bevl; –, v.n. - * ishémek, · sû-dikmek, Jı: tèbèvvul-et. Pie, s. birek. Piebald, a. & Ala, 4-4. Alaja. Piece, s. &ş-y': pârcha, 4xa: kit”â, 5- 6 () ya- jüz, “ kâssm; –, v.a. · eklémek. Piecemeal, ad.&ş-> : *ş-> : pârcha-pârcha. Pier, s. 4-1 isskelé; rikhtim. Pierce, v.a. - le delmek, -ki sâkb- -et : • ishlémek. Piety, s. diyânet, ) * dindârlik, - 5 tAkwâ, z = salâh Pig, s. dönguz (dömUz), Vij - khinzir, - khük; – of lead, ey; * sömün, · kyîlché. Pigeon, s. -->· ghyûghErjin, * kebutèr, 4 - hAmÂmé. Pigeon-hearted, a. körkak, PIG - HEAD 8 0 Pig-headed, a. · “inâdji. 6 6w - Pig-headedness, s. 9.e “inâd. Pigmy, s. 4-3- jüjé. [nevi”-bAlik. Pike, s. 4 - harba; bir- Pile, s. e : yighin; : binâ ; · kAzik ; (of velvet) y- hâw ; –s, s. pl. : bâssür, · mâyAssil; –,v.a. G**yighmak, t uy: yighin-et. Pilfer, v.a. cş ş- chÂlmak ; –, v.n. khirsizlik - et, - - sirkAt-et. Pilgrim, s. z- hājj, ş=- hAjji (hAji); : ; zā’ir (pl. j zûwwār). Pilgrimage, s. <- hājj; ·2)j ziyâret. Pill, s. --hâbb (hAp). Pillage, s. • yaghma, ghâret, e·söyghun; * ·J èmwâli- -mènhübé; v.a. G*:y” söymak, l•: yaghma-et, ghâret-et, l- : nèhb-et. Pillar, s. 27° direk, e sütün, 99*e [“âmüd. Pillow, s. : aj: yüz-yâssdighi, e· bâlin ; – case, -: 5 a! yâssdik-yûzu. Pilot, s. kilàghuz; –, va. c; kilàghuzluk-et. Pimento, s. 'e : yèngi-bâhâr. Pimple, s. sivija; (on the lip) Gş-, Üchuk. Pin, s. :· töplu, · · töplu- ighné ; -:- chivi; sel2- jiwAta ; -, t).6. · · töplu- Pillion, s. ·: pAlÂn. -ila-ilishdirmek; a : ş- chivilé- mek, c m?khlamak. [ 230 ] PIR ATE Pincers, s. pl. · kâssÂj. Pinch, s. ·ş- chimdik; c):y· kâssdirish ; (of snuff) ** tütUm ; (necessity) * siki, 2) zârü- rèt ; –, v.a. ·- chimdiklé- mek; cş•a kissmak ; ; ) ai kiss- dirmak; 43. e sâkmak. Pinchbeck, s. tömbâk. Pine, s. • ş- éhâm ; - * - châm- -AghAji ; -, v.n. · üzulmek ; ·ye dèrd-chèkmek ; · ·- ishtiyâk-chekmek. Pineapple, s. c· ânanâss. Pinion, s. (feather) y: shih-pèr; (wheel) : fèner ; -, v.a. : c· köllarini-bAghlamak. Pink, s. Kş ş- · kArEnfil-chi- chéghi; –, a : penbé ; -, v.a. c*ş- * öyma-âchmak. Pinnace, s. & flika. Pint, s. · · : j; yüz-kirk- -dirhèmlik-ilchu. Pintle, s. ş-a günéjik, Pioneer, s. - bAltaji. Pious, a. 9 dindâr, 6,55 * ehli- -tAkwâ, : müttâki, Pip, s. ·%ş- chèkirdek. Pipe, s. -5): or yy! böru ; t : - chibük ; düduk; - : biyuk-fchi, mânjana. Pipkin, s. · : · töprAk-tenjéré. *ye söfU. Pirate, s. 5 - 5° dengiz-khirsizi, s-khirsiz; * khirsiz- -teknéssi ; –, v.a. c·ş- chÂlmak, l sirkAt-et PISS [ 231 ] PLAN K Piss, s. U:- chish, · kûchuk - chish, J: bèvl; –, v.n. \L ş-chish-et, e sü-dik- mek, · · kûchuk-sÜ- dikmek, J: tebevvul-et. Pistachio, s. fsstik. Pistol, s. 4= tâbAnja, a: ; pishtow. [hûfra. Pit, s. 8: kûyu, ke-chükUr, 3,8- Piston, s. z=\,: bAkraj. Pitch, s. - zift; &ş ye deréjé, kèrté, sey râddé, 4 mèrtébé, &j: menzilé; *zye- nihâ- yet-dèréjéssi; –, v.a. c· Atmak ; ·j ziftlémek ; :5): kÜrmak; - upon, c· âyrmak, ·ş° sèchmek ; – – one's head, : · bAsh-Ashāghi-yèra- -düshmek. Pitcher, s. dessti (tessti). Piteous, = Aji ; c·- Ajinajak. Pith, s. iz, jx māghz. Pittance, s. “:) küti-lâ-yemüt. Pitted with the small-pox, a. e ş-ş- ü: chichek-bözUghU. Pity, s. f= terâhhum, “= mèr- hâmet; –, v.a. c·- Ajimak, - *- ro mèrhâmet-et ; what a – ! : ; yâzik. Pivot, s. mil, ) =” mihvèr. Placard, s. 4 yAfta ; –, v.a. ** C°·: yÂfta-yâpishdirmak. Place, s. 3 yir, s” mâhâll, 8- mevki”, - - mevzi”, K- mèkyân ; r yEr, ( - c \s- kh?dmèt (hizmet), - - )· më'müriyyet ; v.a. 5 kömak, s-: wAz”-et; c* öturtmak; Se dikmek, rekz-et, -a nAssb-et, 5 Placid, a. · yâwÂsh. [tâ”yin-et. Plague, s. : vèbâ, · tâ'ün, C - 24 yimurjâk, c· khAss- talik ; ? belâ, —a mûssibet, eye dèrd ; –, v.a. y° dèrd-öl, : belâ-öl. Plain, s. · düzluk, : Öwa, y: kâr, yse sâhrâ ; –, a. _} 9° düz ; * sâdé ; Jj 5se sâdé-ghyüzel; e·-chirkin ; ş- achik, belli, · “âyân, - müsstébân ; ·e “âdi, s: bāyāghi; – spoken, 9* -°9° döghrü - sû - weyler, j• -9,5 lâkirdissini- èssirghémâz. Plaintif, s. - :ee dâ”wāji. Plait, s. · kârma ; & 9)y irmé ; –, v.a. kârmak, & 3 kırma- kırma-et ; 9) irmek. *Us- khârita ; ·i tertib, ): tedbir ; Jye }: yöl; tertib-et, y: tedbir-et, • • düshunmek, Jāe “Akl-et. Plane, s. - - sathi müstevi; Plan, s. “y rèssim, Üssül, –, v.d. - : 8 Ağ) rèndé ; –, a. - mûsstèvi ; -, ?).0. · rendélémek ; – tree, ş- chinar. Planet, s. · seyyâré. Plank, s. 4: tâkhta ; c 5 * tâkhta - kaplamak ; e : * tâkhta-düshémek. -, ?),0, PLANT [ 232 ] PLEN TE0Us Plant, s. · öt; -\: AghAj; e * fidan ; nèbât; –, v.a. · dikmek, 'c· ghàrss-et : - ai nAssb-et, 5y rekz-et. Planter, s. “e · y* c· ghârss- èder-ölan-AdAm. Plaster, s. 8 e siwa or & e sigha ; (of Paris) · Alchi; (for wounds) yâki ; –, v.a. ·5. e s?wamak, c· sèghamak. Plate, s. 3 tAbāk; * takhta; C -•-= ghyümush - tâkim ; 9 * e: bAssma - ressim : · shekil: -, va. 45 c = ghyûmush - kAplamak; – glass, ·- · âyina-jâmi. - Plater, a. * · ghyümish-kAp- Platinum, s. 4:5 \: plâtina. Plato, s. e· iflÂtün. [lama. Play, s. öyun ; ā: shâka ; –*-i kÜmâr ; –, v.n. c· y' öynamak : ---y y-• kÜmâr- -Öynamak ; –, v.a. c· ş- chÂlmak ; c· kömak, -high, : ) : :-chök-para- c·: bAssmak ; -kömak ; - a high game, -5 = s 'e ; ghyüzu-pek-ilerida-ol; – the fool, v.n. \e K* esheklik- \c ile dAlkâwukluk- et; Y : s“ mAsskharalik-et; ––– with, v.a. : *: c= | eshek- -yèrina-kömak, il Aldatmak : – the truant, · ·= mek- tébé -ghitmamek, *-i ·=< mektèbdan - kAchmak ; -et ; – upon, c·le- chAlmak ; – – a word, ·: • y• de mAzmün-sûweylé- mek. [öyUnjU. Player, s. · mükAllid; = Plaything, s. ·:y öyUnjak ; · [bûhâné. Plea, s. se, lâkirdi ; Âe “izr; öle: Pleasant, a. Jj ghyüzel, c =- khösh, tAtli ; ) e sAfāli ; && leziz. - Pleasantry, s.: shâka, a lâtifé. Please, v.n. ------ tensib - et, èylènja. ·2) * · münâssib-ghyîr- mek; • isstémek, - *** dilémek ; –, v.a. ·= - - khösh -ghyirunmek, ·ş *-9s- khosha-gheehmek, mAkbüla-ghèchmek, bèghén- ilmek ; – one's self, * · · isstédighi - ghibi-et, \-5- *şi $ keyfinja-hârèkèt-et. Pleasure, s. – 3 keyf, U:a jün- bush, i.e sâfâ, 4şi : eylènja, U-ā ā- hAzzi-nefss, ö35 telezzuz. Plebeian, a : kaba : -, s. e : kAba-AdAm. Ç) Pledge, s. uyr°) rehin; -, V.0. c : *) rehina -kömak : :e ci •-ş “Ashkina-ichmek. - Pleiades, s.pl. : süreyyâ, c · -** yedi-(kârdash). Plenipotentiary, s. La mür.Akh- khAss. Plenteous, Plentiful, a. J: böl, : - chök, :=): berékètli, ghâni, P I EN T Y [ 233 ] P 0 0 K ET Plenty, s. c· bölluk, :- chökluk, · berékèt, ghânimet. Pleurisy, s. · - 5 zâtu-’l-jenb (sAtlijAn). LS - , kölay-eghilir. Pliable, Pliant, a. . Plight, s. J- hâl; –, v.a. - vErmek ; e; wâ'd-et. Plot, s. 4: fitné, : • y?mUshAk, j zörlU, kÜvvètli, · kavi, · küdretli, = • mekin, müktedir; nü- P 0 W ERI ES S [ 238 l PRE 0 1 S 3 füzlu, nâfzu-ı-kilimé- tèyn ; mü’essir; ·*) * sert; all –, 5 kAdir. [-kûvveti-yök. Powerless, a : * hich-bir- Powerlessness, s. cşi r * hich-bir-küvveti-ölmamaklik. % Pox, S. °y: firènghi. Practicable, a. e· mümkin, : \: yâpilir; küllAnilir. Practice, s. ** tà"lim, flye dèwÂm, · mûdâvémet; •e “Amel; · “Améliyyât; ele “âdet; · tabibing-mûshter- iléri ; –, v.a. · ètmek, c*: yapmak; 5 tâ”lim-et, *'ye diwām-et; le K* hekimlik-et. Praise, s. z* medh, sinâ, U** sitâyish ; (to God) *- hâmd, K: shükr; –, v.a. 'z medh-et, \: sènâ-et, 'U* sitâyish-et ; *- hâmd-et, K: shükr-et. [mebrür. Praiseworthy, a. mèrzi; Prance, v.n. - öynamak, c ş” Prawn, s. 4K teké. v 66 - Praxis, s. e: x5 tâ`lim. [s?chramak. Pray, v.n. ; ) yalvarmak, = rijâ-et, W: niyâz-et ; \ce dü”â-et; c· nAmaz-kılmak. Prayer, s. ->) rijä, niyâz; ce dû”â; (stated) namaz, e O?” · sAlât. Prayer-book, s. · ce dü”â-kitâbi. Preach, v.n. ae, wâ”z-et. Preacher, ae'y vwâ“iz. [meklik. Preaching, s. · · wâ'z-et- Preamble, s. 4-• -3-o mükaddimé, 4-:e dibâjé. Precarious, a. ), • y: ghayri-mükâr- [rèr. Precaution, s. &- hAzar, y'&- ihti- zâr, e - ihtiyât, 8 : intibâh ; to take –, • • sâkinmak, ü 5 c·ş- ghyiz-âchmak, y&- hAzar- -et, : - ihtiyatli-bölun- mak, : intibâh-ûzéré-öl. Precede, v.a. and n - sâbkAt-et; -i-e müssâbakAt-et ; -ding, cş- sâbik. Precedence, s. --i-e müssâbakAt. Precedent, s. J: emsâl (pl.) Precept, s. 8.Ae5 kâ'idé ; - = a nAssihât; · zârbi-mèssel. Preceptor, s. · nAssihâtji, Precious, a. *: kimetli, “:-50 zi-kimët ; -j-e “Aziz ; – stone, *y=- jevhir (pl. > - jewâhir); – rogue, e: - 5 = ghedikli- chÂpkin. Precipice, s. : yâr, : Jş-, ÜchUrUm, Precipitate, a. –ly, ad. 4 - 4. ş° “Ajéle-ila, ş* = “âle-’l-“Ajélé 5 – retreat, -65 *= ) rij“âti- [· vârta. -kâhkarâ; –, s. j; toz, · ş- chikundu ; –, v.a. c· Ashāghi-âtmak; Jaş° ta”jil-et; -, U.71. ·25- &r: dibé-chîıkmek ; – things, – matters, 14 ş° “Ajélé- Precipitation, s. 4 ş° “Ajélé. [-et. Precise, a. (person) : • mèrÂkli, ·JEl ehli-dikkAt; (time, &c.) PRECISI 0 N [ 239 ] PR EP A R E * timm, tAmám: -, va, e: tâ”yin-et, c: , ; tefrik-et, ·= Je; as” makhsüss- -birini-ghyîsstErmek. Precision, s. · merak; · dik- kÂt ; -s° sâhhât. Preclude, v.a. 's- mâni”-öl. Precocious, a. U* : J: ·-: vwAktinden-èvvEl-yetishmish. Predecessor, s. -i selef (pl. – Predestination, s. 5 kAder. [esslâf). Predicament, s. J- V. fènahâl. Predicate, s. _r - khAbEr. Predict, v.a. · 2·J --e: wükü”undan-èvvEl-khAbEr-virmek, zyisi isstikhrâj-et. Prediction, s. 2)! ves- J; *: wükü”Undan- Evvel-khAbEr-vèrmek- Predilection, s. J. meyl. [lik. Predispose, v.a. 9): } el-As issti”- dâd-vèrmek. - Predisposition, s. el s. issti”dâd. Predominant, a. - ghâlib. Predominate, v.n. · ghâlib-öl, :- chök-öl, : sej ziyâdé-öl. Preface, s. mükAddim6, 4- 9 dibâjé ; –, v.n. 14 a- bAssti- -mükAddimé-et. [tèrfi”i-rûtbé-et. Prefer, v.a. <- terjih-et; \4:iys-: Preferable, a. <: mûrejjâh. Preference, s. <=95 terjih. Pregnancy, s. ghèbélik. Pregnant, a. 4.5 ghèbé, - hâmilé. Prejudice, s. -21r* zârar, fEnalik ; ş • S- sN 6- ğ - against, · sü izânn ; – in favour, ·- hüssni-zânn ; vul- gar -, Jelek zûnni-bÂtil; –, ?).6. V zârar-et ; –, · c; : zihnina-shey-kömak. Prelate, s. c· pisskoposs. Premature, a. –ly, ad. J *: wAktindân-Evvel, * : wAkti- ghElmadan. Premeditate, v.a. - );-- - ° düshunup-kürmak, kAssd-et; –d, pp. 5 a5 kAssdi ; -dly, ad. 26 ( ; kAssdan, “e “amdan. Premier, s. *ey· sAdri-â”zûm (sad- razâm), · c bAsh-vekil. Premises, s. pl. èv, · dükkyân (dükkèn), öda, ş° bAghcha, *-eye “ârsa, yèr, 93 - hüdüd; (logic) & o ö o mükAddimé (single), cy c ile mükAddiméteyn (double), · mükAddimât (several). Premium, s. c - bAsh, 4 kyâr ; ·- üjret ; Ke mükyâfât; ş** = shāgirdiyyé-Ak- chassi. Preoccupy, v.a. J* ** zihnini- -mèshghül-et ; –ied, a. J* * zihni-mèshghül. Preparation, s. tedâruk (tedârik, pl. 69° tedârikyât); (compound) - terkib. Prepare, v.n. · - hÂzirlanmak, ?).0!. 2- hÂzir-et; – a table, C°: • söfra- yy - hÂzir-öl ; –, -kürmak; (cook) ·: yâpmak, · pishirmek ; (compound) PREP0NDERANCE [ 240 ] PRESS - * tèrkib-et; (arrange) \- tèrtib-et. Preponderance, s. ghâlébé. Preponderate, v.n. - : ghÂlib-öl, e Serie bAsskin-ghèlmek. Preposition, s. J-- - hârfi-jërr, ya- jârr. [zAbt-et. Prepossess, v.a. a $ 5 ghyûngul- Prepossession, s. meyl; e “âdâvet. Preposterous, a. . . die "Akla- Prerogative, s. · khāsssa. Presage, s. e “âlâmet, delil; J: fAl; –, v.a. - }e “âlâmet- -ol, le Be delâlet-et ; = ânglamak (ânnamak), zysi- iss- tikhrâj-et. [bih-et; - tertib-et. [-müghâyir. Prescribe, v.a. èmr-et, * ten- Prescription, s. r:yi K* hèkim-tèr- tibi, *- rechèta. Presence, s. ) d- hÜzür; c:W; vârlik, · mèvjüdiyyet, 99-; vüjüd; – of mind, c· “Akli - bAshinda - ölmaklik ; ) – e: ; 6 fütür-ghètirmameklik; to have, tobe in possession of – of mind, ci- - ) ** hich - bözUlmamak, y8 - 5e "Akli-bAshinda-öl, · hich-fütür-ghetir- mamek. - Present, a. - hÂzir, vâr, şa c mevjüd, bölunur, U* : bölunmush; - - * shimdiki, - hâli; –, s. *** hediyyé; · pishkesh ; ae “Atiyyé; L: < bâkhshish ; J-u =* shimdiki-hâl, -:b = *-: shim- diki-wAkit, 5 ** shimdi, J- hâl; at –, -6 • : shimdi, · shimdilik, J= el hâl, el-ān, Y- hâlâ; –, v.a. - * “ârz-et, İ * tAkdim-et ; jy- ibrâz-et, · ghyîsstErmek ; c· döghrultmak; – arms ! - sèlâm-dûr ; present ! J'e ni- shÂn-Al. [dim, y: ibrâz. Presentation, s. _:'ye “ârz, : 85 tAk- Presently, ad. shimdi, * –5 A*-: (hèmEn)-shimdi, ·)y: bir- -Azdan. [mühÂfaza. Preservation, s. ağ- hâfz ; alais° Preserve, s. :e tAtli, Jş- rèchel, *K* shèkErlémé ; : türshu ; _2) y5 körU, c: 5 köruluk; –, v.a. c :) : körUmak, c • • sâklamak, ·-hâfz-et, 4 vikâyé-et, l- ile siyânët-et, * ais mühâfaza-et; c --- -e-- rechelini-yâpmak; c*: -:: tûrshusunu-yâpmak ; -, v.n. 'Jş- rechel-öl; tûrshu-Öl. [-èden-kimèssné. Preserver, s. *-* ai- hifz- Preside, vn. -- riyâssët-et; 8 bAshda-öl. President, s. ·) reiss; c bAsh, [ y* sEr. Presidentship, s. riyâssèt. Press, s. * bAssma-dèsst- ghyâhi ; d. mènghéné ; *y - jendéré, bAsski; - dölap, · yük ; · · bAss- IP RES S U R E [241 ] PRIME majilar-essnâfi ; ājj ghâzetalar ; J: , -e V.j zoraki-"Ass- kEr-töplayAn-köl; –, v.a. C; *** s?kmak; c· bAssmak ; ; ) • sikishdirmak ; --a tÂzyik-et, V- jebr-et, V = ijbâr-et; y:j c·):A-e zörâki-“AsskEr-yâzmak. Pressure, s. Li. e sikish, U e: bAss- ish; :e siki, e: bAsski; )2) zör, : di tAzyik. Pretence, s 4ö\e: bâhâné ; c· ghynssterish, taklid, yâlAn. Preterite, s. J* fili-mâzi. Pretext, s. 45'e: bāhâné; vessilé. Pretty, a. Jj ghyüzel, ) dilbir, ·- hüssnlu ; -, ad. *-: - ep iyija, ş° , oldukja, ş°, - chökja, ghèreghi-ghibi: - well, iyija, 4ş oldukja- -iyi. Prevail, v.n. - * ghÂlib-öl ; – with, – upon, \ -*V râzi-et, \ 5y= ghyüngulunu-et (ghy`nunu- Prevalent, a. -3iya- jâri. [-et). Prevent, v.a. s-* mèn”-et. Preventable, a. e· L* men”i- Prevention, s. 5- • men”. [-mümkin. Preventive, s. *- mâni”. Previous, a. EvvElki, · mükAddEmki, esski. Previously, ad. · èsskidan, Jı' EvvEl, *-i- mükAddEm, - - mükAddema, se, J. Evvéli-emirdé, yy) Evvéla. Prey, s. AV, K* shikyâr, Are sayd; * tâ”ma; – upon, va. · yemek; c , Avlamak, •5 tûtmak, e sâyd-et, K* shikyâr- -et ; beast of –, ·- r: y?rtiji-hâywÂn. Price, s. e bahā, fi'ât; high –, · A Aghir-fi'at, — ) dölghun-fi'ât; low –, ye dün- -bâhâ, 4'e el Ehvèn-bâhâ; fixed –, eU* = kèssilmish-bâhâ, * · mati”fat assize - : nârkh, -5' 5-6y: • miri-fi'âti; – of blood, - - diyyet, khün- -bâhâ. Prick, s. y=e diken, khār; sik, 3 zeker, J. - âleti- -tènâssul; ·= ighné-yarassi; -, v.0. *) * *-5 - sivri-shèy- -ila-yâra-et; –, v.n. c·: bAtmak; – up one's ears, Ke külAk- dikmek. Prickle, s. e dikin, khār. Pride, s. ) = kibr (kibir), y<” nâkhvet, ·=5 tèkèbbur, ( * tâ”âzzUm ; = fâkhr ; sü ifti- khār; – one's self in, v.n. sül iftikhār-et, - 5 - merak- èdinmek. Priest, s. * imÂm; c- : pApAss, ·y rühbân, = keshish; * khâkhÂm. Prime, a. .e â“lâ, We}_e “âliyyu- -'l-â”lâ, c 'e bAshdan-bAsh; ael â”zâm, c bAsh, J, Evvel; · Assli ; –, s. · èng- S PRIMER -â”lâssi; – of youth, · “ûnfuváni-shëbâbet; –, v.a. jë Aghzlamak, yemlémek; -se3, · lakirdi- güretmek ; c.; ye): kafa-kurdurmak; “ : C°: L: böyaning - Asstarini- -wÜrmak; – one's-self, C:· kAfâ-kürmak. Primer, s. :3- – èlif-bé-jûz’u. Priming, s. · Aghz-ötU ; · yemlémé; -35) : böya-Asstari; – horn, öj vezné. Prince, s. *ey* shèhzâdé ; ·J! * ) birinji-rütbé-beghi. Principal, a. bAsh, y: blyuk, Ül âna, Je Assl; –, s. * • sèrmâyé, J c-y re'ssu-’l-mâl ; * sèrkèrdé ; - • • el Asal-mal-sahibi; =“J- Assl-mAsslâhat-sâhibi. [-mèmlékèt. Principality, s. bèghlik- Principle, s. c· èssâss, · tèmel ; : • mevzu”, e:*) rûkn, · mâdde'i - Assliyyé ; 8 Aric “Akidé ; 8.Ae5 k”idé ; -s, s. pl. Jye Üssül; · EvvEliyyât ; · èrkyân ; 5 de “Akâ'id; – ail insâf- ) isstikÂmet; good -, - iss- tikâmet; bad –, 95 5.: shâkâvet. Print, s. *\! bAssma; –, va. 4 e: bAssmak, s— tAb”-et; –ing-office, * - *-e bAssma - khāné, · matba”à, s- mAtbâ”. Printer, s. - · bAssmaji. Prison, s. ·j zindÂn, L·- hAbss, I 242 l PR 0 BE &\s-* hAbss-khâné, _-s” mâh- bèss. 4. Prisoner, s. L-->- (hApiss), c) s” mâhbüss ; – of war, — èssir (yessir). [ghizlilik. Privacy, s. - khâlvet; Private, a. * bâyaghi, ·le “âdi; Les-khāsss; · ghizli, ile sâkli, *- khâfi, &s” mâkhfi; – person, -°r: e· 'ye “âwÂmmi-nâssdan- biri; –, s. -33,: -e “Assker-neféri; -5'-'e edeb-yiri, - - ) e "av- ret-yèri. Privateer, s. · ·y'e 5 *- jënghé-më'zün-bAzirghyân-ghèmissi. Privately, ad. * gizli Privilege, s. imtiyâz, : me'züniyyet. Privy, a. Le-- khÂsss; • =” mâhrèm, -, s. – = kènef, memshä, &si âb- desst-khân6. Prize, s. * G-4 iyi kAzAnilajak- 'eye- khAbErdâr ; -shèy, ey kAzAnilan - shèy ; · mükyâfât; -, v.a. }}e d· “Aziz-tûtmak; – open, · c·ş--° -5) üju-sivri- -bir-shèy-sökUp-âchmak. Prize-fighter, s. e : pèhluwÂn. Probable, a. s° mühtemil, J• - ihtimâl; –bly, ad. J“ - ihtimâl, 3 - ihtimalan; –bility, s. J - Probably, ad. ghÂlbâ. [ihtimâl. Probe, s. J- mil, · isskAndil; PR 0 BITY [ 243 ] IP R 0 FIT -, v.a. 5* yöklamak, J: isskAndil-et, •:· mil-sökmak. Probity, s. - isstikâmet, k döghruluk, ·y rAssti. Problem, s. · -5lyce dâ”wâyi-“Améli. Problematic, a. · shûphéli. Proboscis, s. r:2}s- khörtüm. Proceed, v.n. •5.5- châkmak, y'J-el- hÂssil-öl, \e : nesh'et-et, -i terettub-et, lâzim-ghilmek; ·* : - Alt-târafini-sû- wèylémek; * ghèchmek; c= $ iléri-ghitmek. [pl.şc° dâ”wâ. Proceeding, s. * \s mü”âmélé; –s, s. Proceeds, s. pl. e- hÂssilât. Process, s. Jye Üssül ; J•e i'mâl; \ 6 6 ye° dâ`wâ. [· nesh'et. Procession, s. -5) Alay ; Jya- hÜssül, Proclaim, v.n. Ve nidâ-et, eyle i”lÂn- [-et. Procrastinate, v.n. c·y & · Proclamation, s. \e i”lÂn. ishini-söngraya-brâkmak. Procrastination, s. - 5 tâ’âkhkhur. Procreator, s. · mûwëllid. Procure, v.a. c·: bûlmak, c· Almak, c- Sal Bla - ghètirmek, 'U-el- hÂssil-et, as tahsil-et, Jasi l isstihsÂl-et. - Prodigal, a – mûssrif; J, bezül, –ity, s. – - issrâf ; mebzüliyyet. [biyuk : :- chök. Prodigious, a. - ş° “ājib; · Prodigy, s. 5ş* mû”jizé. Produce, v.a. Je- hissil-et, 9): 9 vèrmek; d- ihzâr-et, (; ; ş- châkârmak, 5. y=ghyîsstermek, c; ;& meydâna-kömak, jiy ibrâz-et; ele: ishhâd-et; –, s. · hāssilat (pl.); * sèméré ; ey' irâd ; J; as” mâhsül. Product, s. J yas” mâhsül. Production, s. J; a- hüssül ; èsser. Profane, a. sele “âdi; c· * * - • e : x 4: 9 müktÂzâyi-diyâneta- din6 - ghâyri-müta”âllik ; mûghāyir-ölan ; –, va. *- de ° - 4 - 8 - mîbârek-nèssné-hAkkinda-müghâyiri- -ihtirâm-èvzâ'a-mûbÂshéret-et. Profess, v.a. t = “âlénen-ikrâr-et, ye° da"wassinda- öl, ile sAtmak; le müderrisslik-et, 'J* ·y 5 tedrissila - mèsh- ghül-öl. Profession, s. · ikrâr-“âléni; · da”wâ, e° iddi”â; - mèshghüliyyet, ·y- hirfet, x a “ât. [khôja, mü”âlim. Professor, s. (_” y o müderriss ; *-y- Proficiency, s. “ 92)'e mâhârèt. Proficient, a. . mâhir. \ S8). Profile, s. *-**2) rèssmi-müssènnem ; “y yân-bAkishi-ressmi. Profit, s. 6 kyâr, : kAzânj; ssĞli fâ'idé, s-° nef”, sā mènfa”ât; –, v.n. S kyâr-et, c· kAZAn- mAk, ş intifâ"-et, ·=8°ğü fâ'idé-ghyirmek, 8°ği fâ'idé- mènd-öl; –, v.a. · 9 6 kyâr- -vèrmek, ·:9 soğ\: fâ'idé-vèrmek, s 2 PR 0 FLIGAC Y [ 244 ] PR 0 N 0 U N 0, E ili fâ'idé-et, sağ fá'idé-öl, * 5'ü fä'idéssi-öl, fâ'i- déli-öl. - - Profigacy, s. - chapkinlik, ş: fsek-u-füjür, s sefahat Profigate, a. e: - chApkin, sèfih, c· fâssik, y=-5 fājir. Profound, a. .yy derin, :•c “âmik; –ly learned, = mûtébâhhir. Profoundness, Profundity, s. · y° dèrinlik. Profuse, a. J 3 böl, * ghânî ; - • mûssrif; j: bezül. Profusion, s. ·55- chökluk. Progenitor, s. \e-jëdd. Progeny, S. ·J° zürriyyet. Prognostic, s. —e “âlâmet. Programme, s. 4s5} lâ'iha. Progress, s. ilerileyish; · • tèrâkki ; –, v.n. · ilErilé- mek, · ghitmek. - Prohibit, v.a. - yâssAk-et, 8:* memnü”-et, ' e nehy-et. Prohibition, s. -: yâssAk; sé nèhy. Project, s. ) ya tâssAvvur, *a mü- tâla”â ; –, va. · tûssAvvur-et, lds'la mütâla”â-et; c· Atmak, ---- indâkht-et, remy-et; • · ètmek : -, v.n. • ş- chikmak, iléri-ghèlmek, - c·j ğzamak. Projectile, 8. - 5 *·- jissmi-mErmi. Prolife, a : bereketli; y. 5 yedi-vèrEn ; r* mûssmir, yas” mâhsüldâr. Prolix, a. e :)i, ÜzUn, Ja** müfAssAl. Prologue, s. 4 Ağ • mükkAddimé. Prolong, v.a. ·Ü: uzatmak, • mëdd-et, z :9) yi · issti- kÂméti-üzéré-ikhrâj-et. Promenade, s. ) seyr, \ \ 5 y” seyr- -U-tAmâshā; -3 ° seyr-yeri, 3 mèssiré, *6 - mèssiréghyâh,L“ mèssir ; –, v.n. · ghèzmek, -*-: y · dölashmak ; ·j= ghezdirmek, y*) dölâshdirmak. Promiscuous, a. ·yi kArishik. -, ?).0 • Promise, s. 5” siz, Ae5 vâ'd; –, v.a. ·9) : 2* siz-virmek, · vâ”d-et; -, v.n. vş ghyirunmek, “ : ümid-vèrmek. - Promontory, s. cy:): bÜrUn. Promote, v.a. : ; d. 5) rütbé-vèrmek, 14.5 - tèrfi”i-rütbé-et; ): yârdim-et, mü”âvénët-et, c 9 ilérilètmek. Promotion, s. 4: ) s-: tèrfi“i-rûtbé. Prompt, a. = - châbik, j tiz (tez), · sür”atli, - - seri” ; -, t).0. c * “Aklina-shey- -kömak : lâkirdi- ighrètmek, tâ'lim-et. Promptitude, s. · \e- châbiklik. Promulgate, va, e i”lân-et, nèshr-et, · yâymak. Prone, a. Jl meyyâl, · mûss- tâ”idd; cy:-: yüzu-köyun. Pronoun, s. 7. â zâmir. Pronounce, v.a. ağ5 telAffuz - et ; PR0 N U N CIATI0 N [ 245 ] PR 0 PRIE TY c**js Aghza-Almak, c*** kÂla- -Almak, 8 tefèvvuh-et. Pronunciation, s. ais telafuz. Proof, s. · issbÂt, · sèned, e : -ş” hüjjet, es, bürhân, · farkān, sültAn, delil; · shâhid ; es imtihân, * = tejrubé; yi karâr, f': kiwÂm; & s° e: e·ş: <=” tAsshih - ichin - bAssilAn - sâhifé ; -5 as- e· ·e “3) ressming- - ilk - bAssilAn - nÜsskhalari ; –, a. tâmm-karâr; j*Jı kAbül- etmâz, • körkmâz, dâyânir. Prop, s. desstek, · dâyak, *: payendé; –, v.a. ) — dèsstek - wûrmak, ; ) 5 tÜtdUr- mak ; c· tÜtmak, Propagate, v.a. - : e}, èvlÂd- -yetishdirmek, c·ş- chöjUk- -yâpmak; “: \!-5 ) yâvri-yâpmak; e 5i) türetmek; İ _° nèshr-et, c* yaymak. [ neshr. Propagation, s. e): ilâd ; · tèvèllud ; Propel, v.a. e : ): yûrutmek, : • sèvk-et, le :ys” tahrik-et, *) * Propensity, s. meyl. Proper, a. - münâssib, c: [sûrmek. lâyik, V sezâ, : shāyān; *-: shāyessté, ·- jüssbân ; J> ehl, - erbâb; * or * kendi, J· Assl, * Jel Assl- -kendi, ile zâti; Les khāsss. Property, s. JVe mÂl, J menâl, ·: vâriyyet; de khÂsssa. Prophecy,s - ·y: * ye**:pey- ghAmbèr-târafindan-virilEn-khAbEr. Prophesy, v.n. · ves- khÂbEri - mülhèmi - ikhbâr - et, · · · · ilhâm - târikîla-nâssa - ghâ'ibdan - -khAbEr- vermek, le “: pey- ghAmbirlik-et; *ai *}}| 5 tedâruk-et(-rik); - tèrtib-et ; · virmek; [-sâmAn. PRovIDEN CE [ 247 ] P ULL - for, v.n. u * tâ”âyyu- shunu - vèrmek, y: 9 ·- hâwâ'ijini-virmek, 5 bAkmak, · bèsslémek; · ·- kh?dmet - bûlmak, C;45'ye & -c°-s- kh?dméta-sökmak; –ded that, : · shÜ - shartla - ki, *Kilk bi-shârti-An-ki. Providence, s. · ·e “âki- bet-endishlik, Jäc “Akl, a! bAssiret; Allāh, s5 - hAkk- -tâ”âlâ ; 5'i rezzÂk, - hÂfiz, · pèrvirdighyâr : ----e “inâyet, e·- ihsân, *-· mèrhâmet. [U ish. Province, s. eyâlet; & : wAzifé, Provision, s. tedâruk (-ik); c= $ ekmek, ·ü nân-pâré ; e, shârt; –s, s. pl. 9° zâkhiré (pl. zâkhā’ir). Proviso, s. - : shârt. [irâss. Provocation, s. · ighzâb ; · Provoke, v.a. _:· kâzdirmak, c·yle dAriltmak ; y: iräss-et, -- sebeb-öl. Proximity, s. - * kÜrb, ya- jiwâr. Proxy, s. · vèkil ; 4. S: vëkyâlet- -nâmé. [ a bAssiretli. Prudent, a. ãe “Akli, 5 e “Âkil, Prune, s. ) 2v: kürU-èrik; –, v.a. c· bÜdamak. - Prussia, s. · y: Prössia-devleti. - Prussian, s. and a. ·y: Prüssiali. Puberty, s.ğ bülügh. Public, a. · “âléni; * ) ressmi; L: ; “e “ûmümi; · miri, e : bèghlik ; *)--e “âmiré; 8); *** mâ"müré; Le- khāsss; – paper, &j: ghâzeta ; – house, ö\se mèy- -khâné, * lökânda ; – service, -ye devlet-khidméti (hiz-); -, S. e “âlem, c-; nâss, c: - khalk, 45) örtalik; y*-jûmhür. Publican, s. -&s mèy-khânéji. Publication, s. nèshr. Public-house, s. döse mey-khāné. Publish, v.a. leyle i”lân-et, V: nèshr- -et ; c· bAssmak, s-* tAb”-et, J**E* tAb”-U-temsil-et. Publisher, s. = 4 kitâbji. Puddle, s. J; ghyil; – about, v.n. ·=sey ş- châmürlarda-ghe- zinmek. [“âbess, *ş- e sâchma. Puerile, a. ·ş- chöjukluk, - - Pugilism, s. ~ · &: • mûshta-kâwghassi-tâ”limi-sân”âti. Pugilist, s. Lş - : 4: o müshté- -kâwghassiji. Puke, v.n. “ küssmak, :· kây-ghètirmek, y* isstifrāgh-et. Pull, s. Kş-chekish; –, va. = Kş- chekmek; – back, v.a. ·- 2y* ghèri-chèkmek; –, v.n. ·- 2y* ghèri-chèkilmek; – down, G*: yıkmak, * hedm-et : — ·- ş ichèri-chekmek ; – off, yiş- chikârmak, < y endirmek; c· : köpârmak ; – out, - * ·- dishâri-chekmek; düshurmek; – in, PULLET [ * ı IP U R GAT0 RY silkmek, ş- ch?kârmak; – up, v.a. · silkmek, c; ) e- châkârmak; : da zâbita- ghyiaturmek ; – -, v.n. )9° dörmak : biyumush-plü Pullet, s. 5ye = ghènj-tâwUk, Pulley, s. 8yö• mâkara. [ghEra-mènsüb. Pulmonary, a. --9; o : - Ak-ji- Pulp, s. · mèyvéning-èti; · Apa-ghibi-hey’et. Pulpit, s. kyûrsi, minber. Pulsate, v.n. C; :9°' * U4 nAbz-ghibi- [-hârékèti. Pulsation, s. · - c nAbzin- Pulse, s. L· nAbz; ·- hübübÂt. -wÜrmak. Pulverize, v.a. 5 töz-et, s” sâhk- -et, c j ezmek. [-tAshi. Pumice-stone, s. ** K sünghEr- Pump, s. · tülumba : ) ; *şil %7. 0. · e tülumba-ishletmek ; e e- * tülumba-ila-chekmek (or c* Almak), c** · e· Aghzindan-lâkirdi-kApmak. Pumpkin, s. kAbAk. Pun, s. inja - kündUra ; –, e· mAzmün ; –, v.n. ·y• ey; do mAzmün-sûwèylé- mek. Punctual, a. Sa: wâktila-ghğlan. Punctuality, s. 5 ·i: wâktıla- -gelmeklik. [-wAktinda. Punctually, ad. 8 : wAkitli- Punçtuate, v.a. :):) · k dürAk-yirlErini-ishâret-et. Punctuation, s. · ::y y° e : dûrak- yerlerini-ishâret- ètmeklik. Pungent, a. --9) • sert, e· kèsskin. Punish, va. - 5 te'dib-et, Ki tekdir - et, c ş° müjâzât - et, · 9 - jëzâssini - vèrmek ; ·l injitmek. Punishment, s. - 5 te'dib, ·ğlş=” müjâzât, j- jezâ, - :e “ükübet. Punning, s. ·y” ; “de mAzmün- -sûwëylémeklik. Punster, s. = * mAzmünjU. Puny, a. .e “alil. Pup, s. -: - : * kyi pek-yâvrissi. Pupil, s. 9,5 : shāghird, 5 telmiz; f: · • & e: wAssiya- -sipârish-ölUnmUsh-yëtim ; – of the eye, : ; ghyiz-bebeghi, *-e- mèrdumèki - chèshim, e·l e· insânu-’l-`âyn. Puppy, s. -) : := kyipek- -yâwrUssU ; impertinent –, -el èdebsiz-kAtir. Purchase, s. * · · Ve sAtin-Alinan- -shey; U Alish, Alim, V shirâ, V lishtirä, sited; J : - jerri- esskÂl - küvveti ; “ 9: • mèssnedi-küvvet ; · S: · wÂssi- ta'i-kûvvet : -, va. Almak, · Ve sAtin-Almak, ishtirâ- Purchaser, s. -6 o mûshtéri. [-et. Pure, a L - khāliss, ile safi, – • saf; ; ; temiz, ; pâk, * tâhir. Purgative, a. and s. 4-• mûsshil. Purgatory, s. – Ve â'râf, : bErzâkh, P U R G E [ 249 ] P U T Purge, s. 4 müsshil; -, v.a. “e · “Amel-virmek ; *) * tèmizlémek. Purify, v.a. · temizlémek, tAthir-et, 4 ai tAssfiyyé-et. Purity, s. temizlik, a - khâlisslik, ·e sAfvet ; - c “iffet, “ae “ssmet, ·: pâkdâmenlik ; - ) e tâhâret, Purloin, v.a. c*\ş- chÂlmak, \- sirkAt-et. Purple, a. yy • mör ; –, s. · ***\: kissveti-pâdishâhi. Purport, s. J. mâ'al, * mâ’nâ, · fâhwâ, **** mèfhüm ; –, v.n. ·te mâ'âlinda-öl. Purpose, s. - :j niyyet, • • mèrâm; -, v.a. e· kÜrmak, \-~ niyyet- -et; on –, Leş as” mâkhsüss ; i kadan “âmdan. Purse, s. 4-6 keyssé, * hîmyân; (sum of 500 piastres) *ş: ·= kèyssé-Akcha. [jassi. Purser, s. *-3- L* = ghèmi-khö- Purslain, s. · sèmiz-Öt. Pursue, v.a. c· köghalamak, - * ta"kib-et; *** peshina-dûshmek ; ) *'ye dèwÂm-et, J: meshghül-öl. Pursuit, s. - is5 tâ”kib. [-me'müru. Purveyor, s. -39 * zâkhıré- Pus, s. c ) İring, --- - jerâhât. Push, v.a. : itmek, · sûr- mek, c \: kAkmak ; – back, v.a. · 2) = gheri-sürmek ; – –, (Ü.7!. · ghèrilémek ; – in, v.a. c· sökmak ; – –, v.n. · sökUlmak ; – on, v.n. · · iléri-sürmek ; – out, v.a. -3: • ·9)* dishâri-sürmek; – -, v.n. c·- -:: • dâshâri-châkmak. Pusillanimity, s. 5 körkaklik, [ ş- ÜchUk. Pustule, s. · sivilja, ·ş- chibAn, Put, v.a. c· kömak, s-: wAz”-et; cJear jübn. – about, v.a. ·y: ·-y râhat- -brâkmamak ; – –, v.n. · · :-ghèmiyi-chèvirmek; – a stop to, s— men”-et; – away, c;< -e sâklamak; ****yèrina- -kömak; s def“- et; : böshamak; – back, v.n. : y--= ci • ghèri-dinmek ; - –, v.a. C; ; ) = gheri-kömak ; - by, c· sâklamak; *)'e idâré-et; – down, - ) e- bAssdirmak, s— mèn”-et ; c· bAssmak ; c· yâtirmak; – forth, oyiş- châkârmak ; c·ü, ÜzAtmak ; c·- âchmak; -55) dâshâri - et; – forward, U· dir-pish-et; -in fear, c*) : körkutmak; – in for, - Ve tâlib-öl; – in print, **5)* c· ghâzètaya-bAssmak : - off, c :: - chikârmak ; s-i def“-et; c·y! & * • söngraya - brâkmak, V---- tâ'khir - et; – – one's clothes, -*- : 5° söyUnmak ; – on, va, ghiymek; ** QU ALIFICAT I0 N PUT RE F Y [ 250 ] tâkinmak; – out, 2) y” sin- durmek, 1 Ve itfâ-et; c :: - Q. chikârmak ; c·- âchmak; c; “V): üzAtmak; – – at interest, dağ ·9/9 fâ’iza-virmek, C; o2ri \4 5 fâ’iza-yâtirmak; – out of conceit, c*· kârmak, C°9° :!)2? bürnunu- -kârmak ; – – – – with, ·} bèzdirmek ; – up, v.n. c· kön- mak, könak-et, < 3\ enmek ; --, v.a. yèrina-kömak; – – for sale, ' e sAtilik-et ; – – to auction, ·*ey • mè- zāda-virmek; – up with, e sAbr- -et, Ke-chekmek, J“=” tâ- hâmmul-et ; · èvina-ènmek, y - 8 Ağ èvinda - müssâfir - öl ; - upon, c· Aldatmak ; - } èziyyet-et, \} -y râhatsiz-et. Putrefy, v.n. ş-chûrumek, : kökmak. [mûta”Affin. Putrid, 6. U· kökmUsh, · Putty, s. =” ş°-jâmji-mâ jünu; -, v.a. c·yş* mâ”jünlamak. Puzzle, s. z : yûngiltmâj (yânilt-), c· ÖyUnjak; –, v.a. · yângiltmak (yânilt-), c· shâ- shirtmak. Pyramid, s. •yol èhrâm ; the pyramids of Egypt, -65) *39 ye: fir'âvn-têpé- léri. Pyramidal, a. èhrâmiyyu- ’sh-shekil. Pyrotechnics, s. pl. e · fishenkjilik-sân”âti (fishëk-). Quack, s. “==* : yâlândan-hey- kim, “=” e· bökdan-heykim, y: dá- hökkabÂz ; · âr- dek-sessi ; –, v.a. ** = lâ-“ân-“ilmin-mü”âléjé-et; -, ?).72. Wu- · irdek-sèss-et ; · 'L- == irdek-ghibi-sess-et. Quadrangle, s. - :9° - *), · : Örtassi-hâvli-diart-yâni- -binâ-ölAn-hèy'et. Quadrant, s. 8y'es-L) rûb'i-dâ'iré; · öktânt. Quadrilateral, a. and s. ş =y * zü- erbâ”atU-’l-Adl”, := = y dîırt-kyîshé. Quadrille, s. e5) 8 y! bir-nev'i-rûkss. Quadruped, s. e - 5. y° dirt- -âyakli-hâywÂn, :y'ş- chârpâ. Quadruple, s. c 'ye dürt-kAt, 2) · dört-missli; –, v.a. - 5-'ye dîrt-kAt-et; –, v.n. ·y° dîırt-kAt-öl. â. Quaff, v.a. < - Ş.' ichmek, G* Atmak, **\e-châkmak. [lik. Quagmire, s. 5 * bAtak, c : bAtak- Quail, s. e -y bildurjin; –, v.n. c· körkmak, yılmak. Quaint, a. –5-* tûhâf - ş° “Ajib (Ajâ'ib). Quake, v.n. · titrémek, · dîtrémek, ey liErzân-öl. Qualification, s. = \ isstihkÂk ; isi. :) -e sürèti - isstihkik ; oU ALIFY [ 251 ] Q U IC KEN isstissnâ, · i”tirÂz, J* ta”dil, * tenbih, 9 : shārt. Qualify, va. J* tâ“dil-et; āsi ·:2 isstihkÂk - vèrmek, · 5 = vessilé'i-isstihkik-öl; –, ?). 70. -= = isstihkÂk- kèssb-et. Quality, s. keyfiyyet, des- khÂsssa ; * ) rütbé; -°ye söy, U-:- jinss. Qualm, s. -*) * ghyitngul-bÜ- lânmassi, - } :9yy yürek-bü- lândissi ; – of conscience, ké : shübhé; nedâmet. Quantity, s. · kemiyyet, ) · mikdâr, 5 kAdr (kAdar). Quarantine, s. ·V: kArantina ; aks & tâhâffuz-khâné. Quarrel, s. \: (kâwgha), aj nizâ”, *ej • münâza'â; –, v.n. c* : bözUshmak; (kâwgha)-et, zyi nîzâ'-et. Quarry, s. · tAsh-öjaghî ; f Av, \, e sâyd, : shikyâr ; · : biyuk-ök ; –, v.a. ·- chikârmak; ishletmek. Quart, s. ·y· ikiyuz-seksEn-dirhèmlik-ilchu. Quarter, s. 8 y° dirtda-bir, 8-) rüb”, c 'ş- châr-yek (chèyrek); ( * dilim; –: taraf, yân, ·a jânib, - sü;. - hâwâli ; · jihet; -3 - }<- · sèkiz - kilélik -zâkhîré - il- chussu ; -s, s. pl. könak ; * ile dâ'iré ; de, Öda ; –, v.a. · dörda-bilmek ; öturtmak, 5 könak-et ; winter- quarters, M: k shla, kèshlAk, ğ : kèshlÂgh. Quarterdeck, s. == ghyüghèrtaning-kâch-târafi. Quatrain, s. · rûbâ”i. Quay, s. 4<- isskelé, < r khtim. Queen, s. 4ş y; kârAlicha. Queer, a. - ş° “Ajib (“ajä'ib). Quell, v.a. ey e: bAssdirmak, uy A >- · hAkkindan-ghèlmek, =j zèjr-et. Quench, v.a. · sîndurmek, \ \ğe itfâ-et; s-° sÜssUzluk- -def”-et. Query, s. J;- sü'âl; J5---- jâyi- -sü'âl; –, v.n. 44- shûbhé-et. Quest, s. c·) Aramaklik ; to go in – of, cş · ghidup-Aramak. Question, s. J5- sü'âl; ·: öl èziyyet, *ş shikènjé ; –, va. J5- c. yye sü'âl-sörmak, J; sü'âl-et; i : - isstintÂk-et ; * shübhé- -et; to put to the –, -3 èziyyet-et. Quick, a. - châbik, tiz (tez), 8-)” seri”, · sûr”âtli ; ·- jánli, 5 ° diri, - hayy; - -5re haywAning-diri-eti, ·l et. Quicken, va. Jş° tâ”jil-et, 's-y-i tessri”-et; · ve a- jÂn-virmek, c y = jānlandirmak, ° diriltmek, \ \ >- ihyâ-et ; · QU I0 KI IME dirilmek ; •y° *-i- chöjughu- [mish-kirech. Quicklime, s. %: = *y” sinma- Quickly, ad. e- châbik. Quickmatch, s. ): fitil. Quickness, s. c 'ş- châbiklik, Quicksilver, s. 8:2- jiwa, :j zibûk. Quiet, a. t_25-2 sÜss ; · Üsslu, · temkinli, sûkyünetli; *ey- âssüdé ; –, a. and s. ·-y -dirilmek. râhat, · âssâyish; –, s. · sükyünèt ; –, v.a. We - tèsskin- -et ; *-= ~ sèssini-kèssmek, d; ) eye süssdurmak; –! int. Leye süss; to be –, yşeci 5 tek-dür- mak; in a – way, · Üssülla. Quietly, ad. - c '; yâwAsh-yâwAsh. Quietness, s. · sesssizlik, c- 5 telashsizlik. Quill, s. küsh-tîyu; L e- ç5-5 âchilmamish-tûy-kâlEm ; –, va : *şkil *şi: inja-inja-kir- mak, 4 : & o: kirma-kirma-et. Quilt, s. ·:): yÜrghAn; –, v.a. ·= d: - ·: pAmUkli- khârka-ghibi-dikmek. Quince, s. *: âywa. [sülfâtö. Quinine, Sulphate of Quinine, s. yi ölye Quinsy, s. : - khûnnÂk. [-’l-khûlâssa. Quintessence, s. * \s s khülâssatU- Quire, s. * kyâghid-dèsstéssi, * dessté ; * 5 khâ- nèndéghyân-ghyürühu. Quit, v.a. c· brâkmak, le:)y; tirk- -et; -, v.n. •:- châkmak. [ 252 T RACK -. 4 Quite, ad. ey: bitun-bitun, UK kyülliyyan ; 1. kyâmilan, * - * Quitrent, s. 5) - ijäré. [hir-wejhla. Quits, ad. c bAsh, bir, yy berâber, e: -5); * d; - dö nè-Alajak-ni- vèrfjek. Quiver, s. e ökdân, ök- danlik, U* tirkèsh ; -, v.n. c· öynamak, · titrémek. Quiz, v.a. · zèvklEnmek. Quondam, a. · sâbik ; –, ad. Vi. sâbikâ. Quota, s. - : pây, & a>- hisssé. Quotation, s. : * lc - : iktibÂss-ila-Irād-ètmeklik. Quote, v.a. e - : bAsh- kaning-elfÂzini-irâd-et. [met. Quotient, s. ·z· khâriji-kâss- R. Rabbi, Rabbin, s. s° khAkhim, Rabbit, s. Ada-tâwshani. Rabble, s. ile ayak - tâkimi, c-ü essâfîli-nâss. Rabid, a. y° küdUz, U*5); * kûdUr- [mUsh. Race, s. ** köshU ; L - jinss, -ş e söy, -29°-éye söy-söp, * silsilé; –, v.n. • köshmak. Racecourse, s. * L: köshu- meydâni. Raeehorse, s. - : : yârish-ichin-bèsslénan-At. Racer, s. yârish-eden-At. Rack, s. 4şi : shikènjé. R AD İAN CE [ 253 ] R AKE Radiance, Radiancy, s. e s• lem”ân ; /5 nür. Radiant, a : ; pârlâk, münir. Radiate, a. ediye'e j= mèr- kEzdan-ètrâfa-dAghitmak ; –, v.n. c·le * ·j= mèrkEzdan- -ètrâfa-dAghilmak. Radical, a. · kyülli, e· èssâss- dan, · kyükdan; -, s. - 944- Radish, s. - türp. [jümhürjU. Radius, s. *-ia nassfi-kûtr; %5 L* r tekerlek-pârmaghi. Raffle, s. ö: piyânko ; –, v.a. c·yö\: piyânkoya-kömak. Raft, s. Je sal, - k kelek. Rafter, s. kirish. Raftsman, s. - sAlji. Rag, s. 9) ş; pâchâvra, *ş-:):j! bèz - pârchassi ; rags and tatters, ·: · èsski-püssku. [chApkini. Ragamuffin, s. ·ş- : “e sökAk- Rage, s. 44, (%fké), - hiddet, - d* ghAZAb, - kh?shm ; –, vn. • - hiddetlenmek ; (wind or sea) yl° pek-firtina-öl. Ragged, a. : yörtik; ü:y: pûruzlu; =- èsskilar-ghiyili. Raid, s. e· Akin. Rail, s. c 9: pârmak ; -s, s. pl. c· parmaklik ; -, v.n. - tezyif- et, e- Aghzini- -âchmak, - ’ale itâlé'i-lissÂn-et. Railing, s. Railings, s. pl. · pâr- maklik. [-yöl. Railroad, Railway, s. J: “: (demir) Raise, Raiment, s. *2) (Üruba), -: èsswÂb (essbAb), c - libāss (pl. èlbissé). Rain, s. *: yâghmUr, ey: bârân, ·>) râhmet, · mAtar ; -, v.a. • ·: * yaghmur-yaghmak. Rainbow, s. - ç = -sèmâ (èléghim - sâmâ), z: c· kAvssi-kÜzâh. yâghmak ; -, (7.78 • 6 & - 6 • âlâ’imU-’ss- C:·5 kAldirmak ; ·: yükseltmek, s-:y; terfi”- -et; l-a nAssb-et, · dikmek; (the dead) : • e diriltmek, - ihyâ-et; (the dead at the resurrec- (07.02 • tion) - hAshr-et, A. neshr-et; (plants) - ) - 5 ekip-filiz- lEndirmek ; – a siege, · ·- mühÂssaradan - chèkilmek ; – the voice, :y* ·: pek- süweylémek, :i, e: ; pek-ökUmak, c·ş :pek-chāghirmak; – the price, ) : bahâ-ârtirmak : – an outery, ş- : yayghara- -chikârmak; -seed, 9°C 2-95- chöjUk-yëtishdirmek; – one's spirits, e :) --= keyf - yetish - dirmek, · shènlEndirmek, c· ferâhlandirmak; – the wind, c· *): (pâra)-bÜlmak. Raisin, s. *), y: kûrU-ûzum. : Rake, s. k târak, · 4ş°l bAghcha-târaghi; j zèndösst, * j (zâmpûra); -, v.a. c· târamak. R ALI, Y I 254 1 RAR E Rally, vn : 5 * ãe “Akli- -bAshina -ghelmek, • âyilmak, c·V 9 dâvranmak ; cş-- -: töplanmak, < y = *** = yèngidan-nizÂma-ghirmek ; –, v.a. c· toplamak, ** yengidan-nizÂma-kömak; · - Ülashmak, mülâki-öl ; c· tâkilmak, c -*-: e satashmak, ·* zevklıEnmek. Ram, s. z: köch ; ele ** shâh- -mèrdân ; –, v.a. ; ) : e sikish- dirmak; – in, -45 y-e sökmak, · sürmek ; - home, d:y: ·9° yèrina-sürmek. Ramble, s. j= ghezme, z tefer- ruj; –, v.n. · ghezmek,c· dölashmak. Ramification, s. J55 köl, Jaş- châtAl, 5 * fer”, 4 x : shû”bé; –s, pl. ·le • mûtéferri”ât. Rammer, s. tökmak. Rampart, s. -35)'ye *3 kâl”â-diwāri, : * 5 kâl”â-bedéni. Ramrod, s. · : - e: ; tüfenk-chi- [bÖzuk. Rancid, a. L* = ekshimish, : büghu, : :- chibûk. Rancour, se * kin, La: bûghz. Random, a. at –, ad. · ·!) rAsst - ghiElishina, * * ·y rAsst-ghèléssiya. Range, s. 5 e sıra ; J* menzil ; -8: böy; · dölâshish, · ghèzmé; *a * mAtbAkh - öjàghi ; –, -, Ü.73. · dölashmak, ·j= ghezmek; · sürmek, c = ghitmek : -, v.a. je dizmek, - tertib-et. Rank, s. :) rütbé ; - • saf, 8re sira ; – and file, · nèférät ; -, a. - Aji, = ekshi, kökar; küvvetli, * sik, : böylu ; –, v.n. 5 ghèlmek; –, Ü.0 • c· sâymak, e “âdd-et. Rankle, vn : - :e &) yâ- raya-sûplanip-kAlmak. é. Ransom, s. 4-8 A-3 fidyé ; -, v.a. c· -y : $ fidyé- verup - -kürtârmak, La * takhliss-et. Ranunculus, s. · ** = ghirid- -lâléssi. Rap, s. ş-chAlish, wûrush ; -, U.72. ·ş- chAlmak, ) wÜrmak. Rape, s. –irai e * 4-5) ( ghAssban-kAriyyé-vwâki” ölan-tâs- sarruf; –, va. : -irai ( ghAssban-tâssûrruf-etmek. Rapid, a. · ş- chAbik, j: tiz (tez), ·: • sûr”âtli, 5-)* seri”, ·- h?zli; rapid, rapids, s. -6*-5 Akindi-yèri. [sûr”ât, j =- h?z. Rapidity, s. ·ş- châbiklik, ~~ Rapine, s. V** yaghma, 2): ghâret. Rapture, s. :- sèvinj, )*)” sürür, ·: • • memnüniyyet ; J- hâl, · vîjdân. Rare, a. ve nâdir, : j) Az-bÜlunur, 8. e\, nâ-didé. R A R EF Y [ 255 ] R EA 0 H Rarefy, v.a. : - khafifletmek : c· kAbartmak, · tâkhâlkhÜl-ètdirmek. Rarely, ad. } AZ, Ü ; nâdiran. Rascal, s. ey-ā: :-chApkin-pèzé- wEnk, - - > khâbiss. Rascality, s. khâbâsset; ) ) • mûzèvvirlik. Rash, s. c· kirmizilik, “9) •- hâmret, ** ghîdishma; –, a. ° deli, j = “Aklsiz, j = bAssiretsiz. [-dilimi. Rasher, s. · 4 oy a! pAssdirma- Rasp, s. -: -i türpu ; –, v.a. · 5 türpulémek. Raspberry, s. = ş-z AghAj-chi- leghi, a : izmâwla. [-schAni. Rat, s. e ş” s?chAn, ş°)* ghèmEr- Rate, s. · fi'ât; · hissÂb ; ·y rütbé; mèrtébé; L-a- jinss, -ye söy; c ghîdish: -, v.a. --- hissâb-et; *-e sây- mak; first-rate, a. = â”lâ; second- rate, èvsAt ; third-rate, &c. · èdnâ, · bâyâghi, ** Ashāghi, : fèna. Rather, ad. " r! bir-Az; Ga-jak orjik, c - jek orjik, 4-ja; I would –, * ' tirjih-ederim; which would you -, - :· kânghissini-tèrjih-èdersin ; death – than slavery, : *j•ka- * èssir- -Ölajāghimiza-îlèlim. Ratification, s. : A aj tAssdik. Ratify, va, c: a; tAssdik-et. Ratio, s. - 5 nissbèt. [lâné. Rational, a. ile “Âkil ; d. 3'e “Aki- Rations, s. pl, ta”yinât. Ratsbane, s. ş” sichAn-ötU. Rattle, s. · ) z?rilti ; L· sèss ; -> 0).72. 'L- sèss-et ; –, v.a. c · sèsslEndirmek. Ravage, s. ) zûrar, ek) ziyân, · khAssârèt ; –, v.a. - - khârâb-et, - = tâkhrib-et, y: 9 virân-et. Rave, v.n. · dèli-ghibi- -süwëylenmek, yeş- childirmak, c·ş- kAchirmak. Raven, s. eyş j : kûzghün. [jik-dèré. Ravine, s. · sârp-dâra- Ravish, v.a. yaghma-et, c· ay 2) zör - ila - Almak ; ·})*j zörlamak, ·-=-·y j zör-ila-sikmek ; l es'a - sivinj- ila - deli- ghibi-et, 5) - childirtmak. Raw, s. ·ş- chigh, ş-chi, ·: pishmamish, & kçü nâ-pükhté, - khÂm; 5 e söghuk. Ray, s. ** shû“A”, pèrtev. Raze, v.a. •: yakmak, * hèdm- -et, -: * yir-ila-yëksân-et ; · kessmek, y° : bir-kAtini-èndirmek. Razor, s. · or :) · 07* * ÜsstUra, U_°-o müssâ. Reach, s. J* mènzil ; ·'ye -: * * ) = 9 nehring-iki- dirsèghi-ârassinda- ölAn- -döghruja-yèri; within –, : IR EA O TI0 N [ 256 ] RE BELL I 0 US yetishilir; out of –, *J El- -yetishmâz; –, va. : yetish- mek, c**), ülashmak, :9° vâr- mak; Alivirmek. Reaction, s. 4 ü mükÂbélé ; ·yi kârshilik. Read, v.a. c· ökumak, e-5' 5 kirâ’at-et ; e: , -i tilâvet - et ; c·ş- ch?kârmak ; –, v.n. c· ökunmak; – well, As S ·'Jj =8 kyāghid-üzér- inda-ghyüzèl-ökUnmak; – out, – aloud, – out loud, v.a. c·: pek-ökumak : - on, •*-' i cş kalmayup-hèmen-ökumak, · \Re dâhâ-ökumak; – over, c· hepsini-ökumak : – again, -over again, 5, Be : bir-dâhâ-ökUmak; –, pp. · ökUmUsh, = “âlim ; · ökUn- mUsh. Reader, s. ş: ökuyuju. Reading, s. 5 i, ökumaklik, Ready, a. - hÂzir; \e müheyyâ, * âmâdé, âlessta; to make -, v.a. yé- hÂzirlamak, y - hÂzir-et ; – –, v.n. c· - hâzirlanmak, - hâzir-öl. Real, a. = ghèrchek, - hAkiki, <=” sâhih; – estate, · èmlâk. Reality, s. 5.5- hAkikat, 4:3 kyünh. Realize, v.a. : inanmak, &: - c* hAkikAtina-inanmak; -: e c·: sAtip-(pârassini)-Almak. Really, ad. Kş gherchekdan, 3 - hAkikatan, =1s° sâhihan. Realm, s. memâlik. Ream, s. · töp. [hAssÂd-et. Reap, s. • eş bichmek, \ \-a- Reaper, s. · örAkji. Reaping-hook, s. yıl ÖrAk. Rear, s. · ghèri-yâni, 92) ârd, W; vèrâ; –, v.a. · bèsslémek ; · yetishdirmek ; i: biyutmek ; binâ-et; J as5 tâhsil-et; –, v.n. c· shâkh- kAlkmak (or *\: shâh); – admiral, *\; \) iriyala-pâsha, Reason, s. Jāe “Akl; - sebeb, · “illet, - - müjib, * 5 zeri”â ; –, v.n. · düshun- mek ; : ş sûwèylémek : – with, c =l-se, lâkirdi-anglat- mak (ânnat-). - Reasonable, a. 5'e “Âkil; J; * mâ”kül. [ghirmek. Reassume, v.a. · Ki tekrâr- Reassure, v.a. · yèngidan- -tê'min-et. Rebel, s. · “Assi, \!U j zörba; –, • vn. 'e ae “issyân-et, le tÜgh- yân-et, :y:j zörbalik-et, • 5.) ayaklanmak, * 5 *é âyagha- kâlkmak. - Rebellion, s. ci:y:j zörbalik, · “ssyân, · tüghyân. Rebellious, a. Lee “Assi ; ae e : * “issyân-mâ'nâssinda- ÖlAn. R EB0 UN D [ 257 ] R E0 0M PEN SE Rebound, v.n. •=. sekmek ; · c= “: gheri-tepmek. [-et. Rebuild, v.a. : yengidan-binâ- Rebuke, s. âzâr (Azār), c 'yi âzâ- rish; –, v.a. c·} } Azarlamuk. Rebut, v.a. \- Ki tèkzib-et ; yKil inkyâr-et ; 'zJ=- jErh-et. Recall, s. Jje “Az ; y: eye 6 6 \ âvdët-börUssU ; -, U.(I. Jje “Azl- -et; G ş- =gheri-chaghirmak; c· ) = gheri-Almak. Recapitulate, va. and n. · ijmâlan-khülâssa-et. Recapitulation, s. 4. e\s-khülâssa. Recapture, v.a. \ a 9· ghèri-zAbt-et. Recede, v.n. ·- 2) = ghèri-chè- kilmek, - Kş-chekilmek; işe dînmek. Receipt, s. &- âkhz, · kAbz, · Alish ; -3 °C mAkbüz-senédi; ·y rechèta, - tèrtib. Receive, v.a. c· Almak, akhz-et, L4-5 kAbz-et; 'J5ü nâ'il-öl, mAzhâr-öl; J: kAbül-et; * yemek; ghiriftâr-öl, *) ş-ye düchâr-öl, mûbtélâ-öl. Receiver, s. · Âs-\ akhz-eden. Recent, a. · yengi, 3ş=* müjëdded, *ğ5 tâz6. Recently, ad. · ghèchEnlErda. Receptacle, s. - kAb. Reception, s. J;-5 kâbül. Recess, s. ş° hüjré, -5 - dölÂb- yèri; : * tâ”til-wAkti. Recipe, s. 3: recheta, - 5 tèrtib, Reciprocal, a l'e ye târafeyndan- ölAn. [ökUmaklik. Recitation, s. c· e· èzbErdan- Recite, va. 3 zikr-et; c : ÖkU- [mak. Reckon, v.a. --> hissÂb-et, c· saymak ; \J=\e dâkhil -et ; e “âdd-et; \ \ \si tâ”dâd-et; – up, --- hissÂb-et, c· sâymak ; -upon, el i”timād-et, le l Reckless, a.j kâydsiz. èmniyyët-et. Reclaim, v.a. \z e isslâh-et; (land) * mâ'mür-et, -5'-- ihyâyi-mewât-et; — 2y* ghèri- isstémek. [ÜzAnmak. Recline, v.n. c*\: yâtmak, c·ü, Recluse, s. - } • münzevi, e· “üzlet-ghyûzin, · dûn- yadan-chèkilmish. Recognition, s. * tAnima; – = i”tir.Af. [bilmek. Recognize, v.a. c** tAnimak, · Recoil, s. U: 9· ghèri-tèpish ; –, v.n. · gheri-tepmek. Recollect, v.a. c· khÂtirlamak, \ es-· dèr-khÂtir-et; c· khÂtirda-tûtmak, c; “ önûtma- mak. Recollection, s. da es- khâtirlama. Recommend, v.a. c·y• • issmârlamak, l-= a nAssihât-et; la eşi tÂv- siyya-et; 'z mëdh-et. Recommendation, s. e; tavsiyya, Recompense, s. = 3 mûkyâfât, Ja- èjr; U:-s: bâkhshish; –, v.a. T R E 0 0 N 0 II, E [ 258 ] TR ET)) EN c y: * mükyâfâtini-virmek, e 9)- 9 _s - - èjrini - vèrmek, c e)- -· bakhshishini- -virmek. Reconcile, v.a. :· bArishdirmak, c· üzlashdirmak, : beynlerini-isslâh-et, · \z zâtu-’l-beynlerini- isslâh-et; ·- khöshnüd-et, irzâ-et, •9) - tèsselli-vèrmek, Reconnoissance, s. : y=- *** · · –* - : düshmEn-hâwâlilérini-yöklayup-kèshf- -u-mü”ayéné-etmeklik. Reconnoitre, v.a. 5: ye- e· ** – = ·: dûshmEn- - hâwâlilérini - yöklayUp - kèshf - U - -mü’âyéné-et. - Reconquer, v.a. z: · yèngidan- feth-et. [dâha-dûshènmek, Reconsider, va. ye ne : bir- Reconstruct, v.a. * · yengidan- -yâpmak. Record, s. kâyd, Jş“ sljill; pl. · köyüd, le: kûyüdât, ş- sijîllât; -, va, j yazmak, : kâyd-et, VJ ş- tessjil-et; · zAbt-et, İ rJ= tâhrir-et. Recount, v.a. Jü nAkl-et, * K- hikyâyé-et, \ A6 zikr-et. Recourse, s. ·-y • mûrâja”ât, · tèshëbbuss ; to have –, c* düshmek, - *-y • mürâ- ja”ât-et, — teshebbuss-et. Recover, v.a. c· 2 $ ghèri-Almak; c** (ghèna)-bülmak : -, - - one's health, iyi-öl, c· ifâkAt-bÜlmak ; – one's self, · h c* kendini-tütmak. Recovery, s. *\ 2y* gheri-Alma; \: * : shifâ-bülma. [tedd (mürtAd). Recreant, a. y: körkûk ; Ajy• mür- Recreation, s. 4: eylènja. Recriminate, v.a. · :): \ \ \ karshilikli - ölarak - tühmet- -issnâd-et. “A Recruit, s. “ş” =-e “Assker- -"AjEmissi; –53;& -e · · yengi-yâzilmish-"AsskEr-nèféri; –, !).70. c·: · yengi-“Assker- -töplamak ; --- isstirâhat-et ; le - & bèdéna -kh?dmet-et; -, v.a. =: yengidan-tAkviyyët-vèrmek. Rectangle, s. mûsstatil. Rectification, s. 2) redd-et; 2). 9 vèrmamek ; · ay râzi-ölmo- [mak. Refute, v.a. \ zya- jèrlı-et, - * O?” a· hâbt-et, iyye-chûrutmek. Regain, v.a. K tekrâr-bülmak; el: , K tekrâr-wāssil-öl; Ki d· tekrâr-kÂzanmak. Refulgent, a. J)): pârlâk. Refutation, s. zye- jèrh. Regal, a. · k?rÂla-mâkhsüss, *) kirâlâné, öy - hükmdâ- râné, &öy a-U tâjdârâné. Regale, va. We ziyâfet-et (or · vèrmek); y • *-: iyija-yemek-yedirmek, y° karnini - döyurmak : ) - : ferâhlandirmak, c khôsh- vn. “aş: “: yemek-ichmek, :):5° · kâr- landirmak ; –, nini-dÖyUrmak. Regalia, s. pl. · ·: * ) pâdishahin- tezyinat-rèss- mıyyEssı. Regard, s. · bAkish; nAzar, °e·- hûssnu-nAzar, el i”tibâr, f - ihtirâm, · iltifât, ( s° R E G A R DIN G [ 261 ] R E J 0 ICIN G mâhâbbet; –, v.a. \! bAkmak; with – to, i: nAzaran ; & es: *şü3 bahssina-ghelinja; to have a - for, •a saymak. Regarding, ad or pr. 8 bÂbinda. Regardless, ad. y* : bAkmayyérek. Regatta, s. *v : • 9 Gi kâyik- [-sAltAnAt. Regency, s, - - : niyâbeti- -vé-sAndAller-yârishi. Regenerate, a. · -- · * ma'nan -yengidan- ihyâ - ölunmush; -, ty.0, î -- · mâ”nan- -yengidan - ihyâ-et, - : · tèjddi-kAlb-et. Regent, s. - - nâ'ibi-sAltAnAt. Regimen, s.j perhiz, *- himyé. Regiment, s. -5) Alay, · “Ass- kEr-Alayi. Regimentals, s. 4. forma. Region, s. arz, · mèmlékèt, e diyâr. Register, s. ** defter; –, v.a. : kayd-et, · deftera ghe- chirmek, c· yazmak. Registrar, s. · Jée defter-emini; S ş* sjillat-kyâtibi. Registry, s. ş- tessjil; - sie dèftEr-khÂné. Regret, s. – essef – të'èsssuf, y* kEdEr, té ghAm; –, v.a. – èssef-et, - 5 të'èssuf-et, v* kèdEr-et. Regular, a. e·: yölUnda-ölAn; * mÜntazâm ; · müttârid, · kâyâssi; e Assl; - . sAlt ; – troops, -6*-e • : nizÂm- -"Asskéri, 4 = -e “Assâkiri- -mÜntAzama. Regularity, s. * nizÂm. Regularly, ad. 5 j f : nizÂm-ûzèré. Regulate, v.a. ): ai nizÂm-vEr- mek, y' e “âyâr-et. tânzim-et; (a watch) Regulation, s. nizÂm. Reign, s. - saltanAt; · eyyâmi-sAltAnAt; –, v.n. sAltAnAt-et, K- hükyümet-et, - * sel: pâdishâhlik-et. Reimburse, v.a. · 9 vèrmek, * c 9: (ghèné) - vèrmek, · ? démek. Rein, s. · dizghin, e· “inÂn, • s) zimÂm ; to give –, e 3'e itlÂki-”inÂn-et. Reinforce, v.a. ·2 el el imdâd- -vèrmek, c· =-e tbe 893- mevjüda-dâhâ-“Assker-kAtmak. Reiterate, v.a. ·=5 te'kid-et, Ki ·5- tekrâr-sûwëylémek. Reiteration, s. tèkèrrür ; rKi tékrir. Reject, v.a, y redd-et, \ >· târd-et, \s def"-et. [târd. Rejection, s. E-5° def“; 9) rèdd ; · Rejoice, v.n. = }* sèvinmek, a- hAzz-et, : as” mâhzüz-öl, _27-o mèssrür - öl ; –, v.a. · sèvindirmek, : s* mâhzüz - et, İ • mèssrür-et. [mâhzüziyyet. Rejoicing, s. c shènlik; · R E J 0 IN [ 262 T R ELU 0 TAN T Rejoin, v.a. ·9 ·- jëwÂb- Rejoinder, s. -lı- jewÂb. [-virmek. Relapse, s. · nükss; 55) irtidâd ; -, v.72. · e· yengidan- -finalashmak, · * “illèti- -nûkss-et; mürtedd-öl (mür- tAd) ; c·=: yengidan- -fènaligha-sÂpmak. Relate, v.a. Jä nAkl-et, * K- hikyayé-et, : beyân-et, yy° tAkrir-et ; –, v.n. · mènsüb- -öl; * müta”âllik-ol; –ted, pp. - mènsüb, · müta”- öllik, a-khissm; Akrabâ (pl.). Relation, s. :K- hikyâyé, r tÂkrir ; · münâssébet, tâ”âlluk, · mènsübiyyet; c· khissmlik, : Akrabâlik, kürbet; - - ) intissâb; — nissbèt; ~khissm. Akrabâ (pl.) 3- khissm, Akraba (pl.); –,a. e s nissbetla- - wâki”- ölAn; – pronoun, Jye mèvsül; –ly, ad. · nissbëtla, * nissbéten, * kayÂssla, ye nÂZaran, 9 ghyîré. Relax, v.a. := ghèvshètmek; c y = c = ghevsheklik- -ghetirmek; 2): · linet-vèr- mek; –, v.n. c· yimUshAn- Relative, s. mak ; · y?mUshamak ; e := ghevshémek. [teneffuss. Relaxation, s. *şü: èylEnja; L Release, s. ·: kürtulUsh, · khâlâss ; –, v.a. · · sAli- vèrmek, 'Les- khâlâss-et; :e :i): kürtarmak, La * tâkhliss-et, ej âzâd-et. Relent, v.n. c· yhmushamak, · rikkat-ghetirmek. Reliance, s. 4:e i”timÂd, · èmniyyet. Relief, s. ·-V râhat ; el imdâd ; &\el i”âné; · kürtUlUsh, · khAlâss; in – 55 kAkma, * kÂbârtma. - - Relieve, v.a. c *): 9 ·y râhat- -virmek, 29° ! ·y râhat-ètdir- mek; < y el imdâd-yetish- dirmek ; ç3);i: kürtarmak; &le i”âné-et, s-5° def”-et, 'e - tèss- kin-et; –the guard, · * : nübètji-dighishmek. Religion, s. cy: din. Religious, a. ** dindâr, cy: • mütédeyyin, e söfu. Relinquish, v.a. · wâz-ghèch- mek, iyi brakmak, “Kş-J il-chekmek, %5 tèrk-et, \ \! ra: kAssri-yed-et, : – 6 kefi-yed-et. Relinquishment, s. %5 tirk. Relish, s. mez6, 55 kâtik; lezzet ; –, v.a. c· & lèziz- -bülmak, 5 telezzuz-et, - khöshlanmak. Reluctance, s. ·= ghyitngul- suzluk; with–, reluctantly, ·“) · isstéméyérek, Kay$ 5-• mâ”a-kérâ- hétin, * \s- mâ'a-’l-kèrâhé. Reluctant, a. - 5 ghyinyulsuz. IR EL Y [ 263 1 R EN 0 U N CE Rely, v.n. ·= ghyûghEnmek, e4 e i”timÂd-et, \ \. isstinâd- -et ; – upon God, J6: tèvëkkyul- -et, 'J5 mütévekkil-öl. Remain, v.n. kAlmak, c_°· öturmak, sâkin-öl; c· bÂki-kAlmak, 4'ü da fazla-kAl- mak, •iy ârtmak. Remainder, s. yü kAlan. Remains, s. : bAkâyâ, –, s. pl. * fAzla ; mortal –, *j - jènâz6. Remark, s. -59, lâkirdi ; d. 5 tenbih ; · i”tirÂz; –, v.n. · ghyürmek; -5° dikkat-et; –, v.a. · süweylémek; lish”âr- -et. [-shâyÂn. Remarkable, a. e : * : dikkAta- Remedy, s. *) - châré ; –, v.a. · : *) ş- châré-bÜlmak. Remember, v.n. and a. · es- khÂ- tirlamak, \ \! yâd-et. Remind, v.a. as- ikhtâr-et, d:· c= $ khÂtirina-ghètirmek. Remiss, a. tenbel, · ihmâlji; to be –, J** ihmâl-et, ya: kÜssür-et; –ness, s. Jl* ihmâl, _: a; küssür. Remission, s. ic “Afv, · sAfh. Remit, v.a. yke “Afv-et, * sâfh-et, - : bâksh-et, · (bâghish- lamak) : —2) = ghyindermek; -, ?).73. · ghèvshémek, < -= kessilmek, ay Azal- mak, •: ās-khAfifleshmek. Remittance, s. : y° * * · 3y: mektüp-ila-ghyindErilan-pâré ; ·9° *)-: pâré-ghyindEril- İTÜ10SS1. Remnant, s. fazla, : bâkiyyé ; U·) artmish; *ş : * ) art- mish-pârcha. Remonstrate, v.n. Lax: Ü ; · 's bu ile i”tirÂz-ghyünâ-bA'zi- -ifâdâti-wâki”öl. * Se nedâmeti- -kyülliyyé, - - nedâmet- Remorse, s. -mâ”â-ye'ss. Remote, a. üzAk, · bâ”id. Removal, s. 55 nAkl, z: ghyich ; Jje “Azli - def”, zy ikhrâj. Remove, va. ; ) kAldirmak, Jā nAkl-et ; Jje “Azl-et; s-° dèf“- -et : ş- chikârmak, z ikhrâj-et; –, v.n. *4° ev- -dighishmek. Remunerate, v.a. e : ā- hAkkini- -virmek, mükyâ- fâtini-vèrmek. [ye- èjr ; * : pâré. Remuneration, s. mûkyafât ; Rend, v.a. ( :: yârmak, 45)! yört- mak, le e- châk-et. Render, v.a. •: etmek, c· kâl- mak ; · 2 vèrmek ; - tèss- lim-et ; · 2· ghèri-virmek. Renegade, Renegado, s. -5 x 4 o müh- tédi, * 5-9 dînma. Renew, va, yengiletmek, * tejdid-et. Renewal, s. · tejdid. [-et. Renounce, v.a. *\es ai kAt”-“âlâka- R EN 0 V ATE Renovate, v.a. · tâzéletmek, aş°tejdid-et. Renown, s. e sit, 9,6 shûhret, * nÂm, * nik-nÂm, · shÂn, 'e ishtihär. Renowned, a. yye: • meshhür. Rent, s. y= kirâ ; quit –, 3 - ijäré ; c°): y?rtik; ;y: yârik; –, %7.07. c· * V= kirâ-ila-tÜtmak ; -out, •y:2 * = kirâya-virmek. Repair, s. **i tâ'mir; * :s, tirmim; · yâtak, ) yir, Uş· mèljâ ; –, –, v.a. *5 tâ'mir-et, \: tEr- mim-et ; *: tèssviyyé-et ; 'z el isslâh-et; ; ) - châréssini- -bülmak : –, v.n. ghitmek, C; * sighinmak; in –, –, z =:“r: *i tâ'mira-ghâyri- -mühtAj; out of –, in bad –, *) * in good z =” tâ'mira-mühtÂj. Reparation, s. *5 tâ”mir, *3, ter- mim; c* tAzmin, * târziyyé. Repartee, s. -5-jëwÂb; quick at –, - -·- hâzir-jewÂb. Repeal, s. :<- fèsskh, lâghv ; –, ?).0, 'z- fesskh-et, y* lâghv-et. Repeat, v.a. *: \!y\,=5 tekrâr-yâp- mak, y* _y= tekrâr-sûwèy- lémek. Repeatedly, ad. i, K• mükërréran. Repeater, s. - e: e- bAssmaghila - chAlar - Ölan - -köyn-sâ”ati. Repel, v.a. \s-° def"-et; – an attack, lösi' müdâfa”a-et. [ 264 ] } Representative, s. J· vekil. R EPR ESEN TATI VE Repent, v.n. “: pèshimÂn-öl (pish- mAn), nâdim-öl; la ; tübé-et. ·– - nedâmet, c· (pishmAnlik); vow of –, Repetition, s. K tekerrur. [4: ; tibé. Repine, v.n. | =-- teshëkki-et, mûtéshekki-öl. Reply, s. -y- jëwÂb ; –, v.n. Repentance, s. c 9):9- - jewÂb-virmek, - 2- jëwÂb-et. Report, s. L” sess, e sAdâ, j), āwāz, *j âwâzé ; ° yi tèwätur, _res- khÂbEr, ·y- hâwâdiss ; takrir, beli ifâdé, beyân ; –, va. 18 ül ifâdé-et, : beyân- -et, L:yöi takrir-et, c =-khA- bEr-vèrmek ; yiy; tewâtur-et. Reporter, s. 6 a zAbt-kyâtibi. Repose, s. -y râhat, - isstirâhat, U: \. âssâyish, · âssüdéghi, · sûkyün, · sûkyünèt; –, v.n. ----y râhat-et, - isstirâhat-et, sey âssüdé-öl, · âssâyishda-öl; – confidence, leu-e i”timÂd-et. Repository, s. eys” mâkhzen. Reprehend, v.a. ·Wj Âzârlamak, :, tevbikh-et, * tAkbih-et, - * ta”yib-et. Represent, v.a. 3 s= ghyisstEr- mek, “3) ressmi-ol; \seli ifâdé- -et, 'e beyân-et ; vekili-ol, *J: yèrina-kâ'im-öl. Representation, s. f-y; tersim ; seli) [ifâdé. IR EP TR, ES S D 265 ] R EsERvE Repress, v.a. s— men”-et, Vaj zejr- -et, —e - hakkindan-ghil- mek ; ; ) e: bAssdirmak. Reprieve, v.a. J'e * kAtlini- imhâl-et. Reprimand, S. _\} âzâr (Azâr), * tekdir; –, v.a. ; ) ; Azarlamak, y°K tekdir-et. [mak. Reprint, v.a. · Ki tekrâr-bÂss- Reprisal, Reprisals, s. J* & mükÂbélé-bi-’l-missl. Reproach, s. --e “ayb, ye “âr, · ·*) rûssvâyi ; -: <5 tâ”yib, z° kAdh, tevbikh, < tAk- bih ; –, v.a. --~ ta”yib-et, c* kAdh-et, tevbikh-et; – with, ) &: } : yüzuna-wÜrmak. Reprobate, s. fâssik. Reproduce, va, J-e- yengi- dan-hÂssil-et. [âzârish, tekdir. Reproof, s. âzâr (Azar), _:9 Reprove, v.a. c·} } Azarlamak, y · tekdir-et. Reptile, s. e· )·l yi kârni-üsstunda-sûrunEn-hâywÂn. Republic, s. 24•z- jümhür. Republican, a. -5) :442- jümhüri ; –, s. ye“- La Ehli-jûmhür. Republication, s. : · yengidan-nèshr-etmeklik. [-nèshr-et. Republish, v.a. · yëngidan- Repudiate, v.a. c· böshamak, \c tAtlik-et; 'Jş kAbül- -ètmamek, y& inkyâr-et. Dinkyâr. Repudiation, s. c· tAtlik ; Kl Repugnance, s. ·y-= kèrâhèt, * isstikrâh. [für. Repugnant, a. . 4 kerih ; ) men- Repulse, s. - : mâghlübiyyet, c· bözghunluk: -, s-° ş° hüjümunu-def”-et ; · J; z rijässini-ka- bül-ètmamek. Reputation, s. -->2/4° shûhrèt, *Ü nÂm. (7.0, Repute, v.a. G** sâymak, \ \e “âdd- -et, el i”tibâr-et. Request, s. -:) rijä, j niyâz; –, v.a. = rijâ-et, y niyâz-et. Require, v.a. - isstémek, z s” mühtÂj-öl, ' - - ihtiyâji-öl. Requisite, a. •j3 lâzim ; –, s. 4.j} lâzimé (pl. lâwâzimāt). Requisition, s. e· isstid”â, a• mütâlébé. Rescript, s. sel) irâdé, a-khAtt. el el imdâd ; –, c kürtarmak, La * takh- liss-et. [tâhârri. Research, s. · tèjësssus, -5 =5 Resemble, v.a. · bèngzémek, ***. müshâbih-öl, e müshâbéhèti-öl. Resent, v.a. :·Je dArilip- Rescue, s. ?).6Ze -kârshilighini-et. [-· ghAzAb. Resentment, s. d· e dârghinlik, Reserve, s. * kètm, ·= kètüm- lik, j = ihtiräz; - ihtiyat ; -, v.a, e\5 e sûklamak, · c· ihtiyÂtan-sâklamak. R ESER V 0 IR [ 266 ] RES T Reservoir, s. Ay-hâwz, :j khâ- ziné (hAzna). Reside, v.n. ) · ötUrmak, yle=- sâkin-öl, 'Je=* mûtémekkin-öl, l·ül ikÂmet-et, mükim-öl. Resident, a. · • sakin, ey=* mütémèkkin, _\el âhâli, 4. sekéné; minister - * 5 kmchuk-elebi, · ikÂméta-me'mür- -èlchi. Residue, s. \! bÂki, fazla, e : kAlAn, · ârtAn, &: bAkâyyé. * mükim; –s, s. pl. Resign, v.n. \ás issti”fâ-et; –, v.a. c·y brâkmak, %5 tirk-et. Resignation, s. Vi. issti”fâ; 69 [châm-sâkizi ; j - sâkiz. Resin, s. 4:5-) rechina, ·f\ş- tèsslim. Resist, v.a. and n. J** dâyanmak, J“=” tâhâmmul-et : * kârshi-kömak. Resistance, s. · mükÂvémèt. Resolute, a. · yûrèghi-pèk, · ghyüzu-pek, sâbit- -kAdem; ) - jessür. Resolution, S. · sebât, mètânèt; : niyyet ; L\,: kArâr ; J- hâll, – 4 keshf. Resolve, v.n. - niyyet-et ; ü4. · y: 9 kArâr-virmek; –, v.a. J- hâll-et, l-ā: $ keshf-et; – itself into, dînmek, · Ölmak, ·· öluvèrmek, < -= kessilmek. Resort, s. 5: yâtak, 5-a mèrjâ”, • -, U.72. · kèssret- -üzéré-ghitmek ; le teshebbuss- -et, • : dûshmek. Resound, v.n. - 5y itmek, U — · sèss-vèrmek ; j'°'e tânin-EndÂz-öl. ć Resource, s. 8ye- châré ; “-92yis— menbâ”i-servet : - 5 - ess- bÂbi-küvvet, Les’a vessilé'i- -khâlâss. Respect, s. - hürmet, ·e:) ri”âyet, •y--- ihtirâm, e i”tibâr; 8.5 mâddé, v_e: as- khüs- sÜss, - : bÂb, — èmir ; * nÂzar, · nissbet, — münâs- sébët ; –, v.a. |-- - hûrmët-et, l-e: ) ri”âyet-et; in –, with –, nÂzaran, · nissbètla ; *şküSa:= bahssina-ghèlinja. Respective, a. &ğ:&i: bAshka-bAshka, -5'-5 ayri-âyri. Respite, s. mühlet, Je- mehl; –,v.a. Jle imhâl-et, :*-e- mûhlët-vèrmek. Resplendent, a. :): pârlâk, · tâbnâk, 'yij): pèrtev-èndÂz. Respond, v.n. · 9 -y- jëwÂb- -virmek; a \i mükÂbélé-et. Responsibility, s. · -• mèss'üliyyet. Responsible, a. J: - mèss'ül. Rest, s. isstirâhat; 3\! bÂki, · fazla, -a ; küssür; *-i G-45° ·y râhat, ·- - dâyanajak - nèssné ; -, - one's self, v.n. c; lü kAlmak, - R EST A U R A NT [ 267 ] R ETREN O BIMI EN T e: :e dinEnmek; -, v.a. < y < dinèndirmek; isstirâhat-et, - on, – upon, v.n. c -*- - k dayanmak, 5. yâtmak; – –, - -, v.a. --- - dayamak, c · dayandirmak, : yâtir- Restaurant, s. 8 Ağ lökânda. [mak. Restitution, s. c· = gheri-virish, e -- isstirdâd ; to make –, ·gheri-virmek, * yèrina-kömak, ley redd-et. Restless, a. J-9)* * hich-dürmâz. Restlessness, s. ·-V râhatsizlik. Restoration, s. 9 redd; 8 \e i”âdé; _** tâ'mir; zy* <=” tAsshîhi- mizâj. Restore, v.a. ·= gheri- virmek, ey redd-et, sele “âdé- -et ; V* tâ'mir - et; c· saghaltmak, shifa-virmek. Restrain, v.a. \a zAbt-et, c °* tûtmak, V. P- jèbr-et, Vaj zèjr-et, s— men”-et. g Restraint, s. a· zAbt; -j zehjr. Restrict, v.a. ya- hAssr-et. Restriction, s. r= - hAssr. Result, s. - hÂssil, sèméré, *ş nètij6, 8 Ağü fâ'idé ; –, v.n. - hāssil-öl, *-e- chikmak, - tèrèttub-et. Resume, v.a. c; : Ki tekrâr- -bAshlamak, - la V = tèkrâr- -Ela-Almak; *-e- khülâssa-et. Resurrection, s. kâyâmet, * kâyâm, : * bâ”ss. Retail, s. U:\e s}\ \ : (ökka-)- –, a. : · :ğl (ökka) - Endâzé- ila - ölAn ; –, v.a. c** * \ *}\ \ *: (Ökka)-Endâz6-ila-sAtmak. Retain, va, ; , Alikömak, c· tûtmak; y · sAlivErma- - Endâzé - ila - sAtish ; mek, c· brâkmamak ; · e : ghâ'ib-etmamek. Retainer, s. ÜshAk. Retaliate, v.n. J*\ a \i mükÂbélé- -bi-’l-missl-et, y: kârshili- ghini-et. [bi-’l-missl. Retaliation, s. \ a \i mükÂbélé- Retard, va. —ş gbejikdirmek; c· Alikömak, 's-i mâni”-öl. Retentive, a. · j Ünütmâz- -Ölan. Retinue, s. - * etbâ”-tâkimi, *-- : • -khAdem-u-hAshem. Retire, v.n. Kş- chekilmek : – from the world, -je “üzlet-et. Retirement, s. · “ûzlet. Retiring, a. -y şs” mâhjüb. [mek. Retract, v.a. ·- y* ghèri-chèk- Retreat, s. ·- 9J* ghèri-chèkilish, ·r) rij“ât, :=) rüjü”; = 9 delik, :) - sürâkh; kyüshé, d: j zâviyyé, dü siye “üzlet-khâné; – vn : - / ghèri-chekil- mek; Kş-chekilmek. Retrench, v.n. c·j ·ya- mAssâ- rifini-AzAltmak. Retrenchment, s. mètériss ; cy o –5)'a taklili-mAssârif. RETRIBuTIon [ 268 ] R EV IV E Retribution, s. K• mükyâfât; “Aziz - tütmak, - ·j ş° müjâzât, j= jezâ, lâyik. Retrieve, v.a. * Ki ·* · e· · Eldan - ghitmish - shey'yi- -tekrâr-èla-ghètirmek. Retrograde, a. · 4:3 · ghèriya- -döghru, ey ş: -ş kâchin-kachin, -, v.n. * 2· ghèri-ghitmek, ·=e ş: -ş kâchin-kchin- -ghitmek, -s-:) rij “ât-et. Return, s. eye "avdet, L 'ye dinush ; “ 9.99 ---e mü’âvedet, ·z ) rij”ât, 8 ay rüjü” ; * mükÂbélé ; (of a disease) · nükss; –, v.n. · dînmek, eye “âvdet - et; ci • y° ·= gheri- dinmek, 8 - ) rûjü”-et ; 'U-° nükss-et, •: · ghèri- -tepmek; –, v.a. · * = ghèri-virmek, y redd-et; \ \i mükÂbélé-et. Reveal, v.a. \c \: fâsh - et, .3\ ifshâ-et, c·ş- àchmak, l-i = kèshf-et ; ilhâm-et, >> < y vâhy-ila-bildirmek. Revealed, a. Revelation, s. Ly- – 3 keshfi-essrâr; vć mülhèm. * ilhâm, -; vâhy. Revenge, s. %: bj, f\ \ intikÂm ; –, Q).0Z. · ·) intikÂmini-Almak. Revengeful, a. *'y- · kiné-khâh. Revengefulness, s. · · kiné- khâhi. [ le) , vâridât. Revenue, s. ey) irâd, ) % ghèlir, Revere, v.a. ey - ihtirâm-et, }}e hürmet-et; e y • mübârek - “âdd-et. Reverence, s. oy- hürmet, f - ihtirâm, :\e2) ri”âyet; —'° dâmen-büsi; his-- 3 zâti-fazilet-ma’âbléri, 5 e · zâti - “âliléri; –, v.a. - ·- hürmet-et ; : \e:) ri”âyeti-öl. Reverse, a. and s. c tèrss, 45) ârka; ·S\i felâkèt, belâ; –, v.a. ·y: 95-cy:: tèrss-chèvirmek, & : ·9/55- terssina-chèvirmek ; - kalb-et, L-· tâ”kiss-et. Revert, v.n. •öşe dinmek, y* · gheri-dinmek; – ae = Kil tekrâr-“Atfi- efkyâr-et, Ki c; S tekrâr-Angmak. Review, s. * · bîyuk-tâ”lim ; 4 x mü”âyéné ; & ghâzeta ; –, va. 4: < mü”âyéné - et, i!) ·· ·= mükerrérEn-ghyiz- dan-ghèchirmek. Revile, v.a. \- sèbb-et, düshnÂm-et, * shètm-et. Revise, v.a. a: tenkih-et, = Revision, s. <=° tAsshih. [tAsshih-et. Revive, v.n, e : âyilmak, y° dirilmek, c·- jÂnlanmak, * c= $4 : “Akli-bAshina-ghèlmek, c*ş- âchilmak; c· (ghènf)- -pârlamak ; –, v.a. · ° dirilt- mek, · ·\: e “Aklini- -bAshina-ghetirmek; “ş- âchmak; y)\: K; tekrār-pârlatmak. R EV 0 0 ATI0 N [ 269 ] RIFLE * fesskh, Revoke, v.a. z- fèsskh-et ; c· ghèri-Almak. Revolt, s. · “issyân, · tÜghyân, · âyaklanish ; –, ?). 72. 'e ae “issyân - et, c· âyaklanmak ; –, v.a. · *\,5 ikrâh-ètdirmek. Revolution, s. yy dèvr, · dèvérÂn, c· ghirdish; J tebeddul, - öl inkılâb, Uy= tâhâvvul; SJ tebeddulu-kyülli; J - ikhtilâl. Revolve, v.n. · dûnmek, _/9° Revocation, s. : dèvr-et, ' yy° dèvérÂn-et ; –, v.a. · şa-chèvirmek. Reward, s. mükyâfât; · bakhshish ; -, v.a. mükyâfâtini-virmek. Rhetoric, s. 4 : te “ilmi- -tezyinâti-kelâm, Rheumatism, s. 3 yel, *< rihi- -tâyyâr, Je\ \ 5-2 : vejâ'u -’l- -mèfÂssil. Rhinoceros, s. · ghèrghédÂn. Rhodes, s. c ş92) rÖdös. Rhomb, Rhombus, s. cy* mâ'in. Rhomboid, s. . . . shibhi-mâ”in. Rhubarb, s. (drug) ·y râvend ; (gar- den) c- y rûbâss. Rhyme, s. 4:5 kâfiyyé; s-ş” sèj“; _** şhi”r, -d, a. mükAffâ, Rhythm, s. e vezn. [s-ş“ mûsèjâ”. Rib, s. · kAburgha; -:Je ehli-beyt, 5,5 kAri, &z-2j zèvjé. Ribald, a. --: -5jé Aghzi-piss. Ribaldry, s. j* hezliyyât. Riband, Ribbon, s. aley kördela. Rice, s. : pirinj, i) ürüzz. Rice-pudding, s. z: • sütlâj. Rich, a Kj zinghin, ghani (pl. .é àghniyā), Uy* müté- mévvil, yol mÂldâr, 2:yi ---- sâhib-servet; el Aghir, 5° tAtli, yâghli. Riches, s. pl. J• mÂl, servet, ·j zenghinlik, (para). Rickety, a. . , Ks° mühkim- -ölmayan. Rid, a. U*:i): kürtulmush; –, v.a. Riddance, s. ·y: kÜrtUlUsh ; s-° def”. [V* mü’âmmâ. Riddle, s. 5 kalbur; ş° bilméjé, Ride, v.n. and a < •: binmek, - sûwār-öl, '-= râkib-öl; l ·= At-ila-ghèzmek, l*:ye · “ûrabâ-ila-ghèzmek; – at anchor, 8 demirda-yât- [c y; kürtarmak. mak; – out a gale, ***** c· · fartina-bitinjaya-kAdar- -dèmirli-dÜrmak. Ridge, s. ·re sèrt ; · bël, u. 52! böyUn; 5 e stra. Ridicule, s. ye isstihzâ; ş° hijv ; · s* mAsskharalik; –, v.a. i Ve isstihzâ-et; ş° hijv-et; ·$ ghyûlmek. Ridiculous, a < -4 ghyülenéjek. Rifle, s. s* shesh-khâné (shishâné); -, v.a. *** söymak. RIG [ 270 ] RISE Rig, s. 5j ziy, 5 kilik, : kâyâfet; & ârma; –, v.a. - 5 * dönatmak; y: ; 82 Ürüba-vèr- mek ; c 5 tâkilmak, · zèyklènmek. Rigging, s. *) ârma; &2v, Ürüba, - èsswÂb (essbAb). Right, a. doghru : <=” sahih ; * tAmÂm ; - mûsstakîm ; : Ü kâ'im (fem. 4•ğ5 f : fÂmm, : • kâ'imé) ; : • sāgh, J: “ yemin, ·y rāsst; i- hakkli ; -, s. C;-hAkk; ·e ğe sâgh-târafi ; –, ad. pek : chok, ghèreghi-ghibi; –, v.n. ; döghrulmak ; –, v.a. ·· döghrultmak ; e: •9):· - hAk- kini-Al?vèrmek. Righteous, a. < eJa èhli-sÂlâh, a- sâlih (pl. Us sülahâ). • Righteousness, s. c salâh Ryilmaz. Rigid, a. * kAti, (* 2r* sèrt, j• 5 Rigorous, a. “ 92) • sèrt, \!\ : shëdid; eski; 5° dikkatli; mûdAkkâkâné. [“ 9 : shiddet. Rigorousness, Rigour, s. · sèrtlik; Rill, s. *z-ye süjàghiz. Rim, s. kenar, - leb. Rime, s. y; kârAghi. Rind, s. kAbuk, kAshr. Ring, s. - halka; y: yüzuk; U ş- chAlish ; L· sess, sAdâ; -, t).0. c·ş- chAlmak; –, v.n. c·ş- chAlinmak; 5i, irtmek ; 5/89 L- sess-vermek. Ringleader, s. * ) ir-bashi, : bAsh, se,5 sirkèrdé'i-fessâd. Ringlet, s. 56 kyâkyül, – j zülf. Rinse, v.a. iş- chAlkamak; *ş**- c; ā: khâfifja-yikamak. Riot, s. kArishiklik, Lé, é (kâwgha) ; ·: ş- chApkinlik, · sefâhât; –, v.n. c· C°9- -ş- kArishiklik - châkârmak ; c·- bAshdan - châkmak, c· tAshirmak. - Rip, v.a. · sîkmek ; · yârmak. Ripe, a. J* ölmush, ·= kèmâlé-yetishmish. Ripen, v.n. c· ölmak, · kemâlé-yetishmek ; –, v.a. :· öldurmak, : yetishdirmek. Ripple, s. · : bûrushuk: -, v.a. c. ) : bûrushdurmak: -, v.n. c • y; bürUshmak. · menba", c. bAsh, t: menshe',i mebde'; **: bAshlanghij, : nesh'et, ibtidâ; 5 e tülü", U döghush ; -, v.72. c.; ölü kAlkmak ; c i 4 : âyâgha - kAlkmak, : kâyâm - et; ** ş- châkmak; ·=: yük- selmek ; · ilérilémek, * \-sy • tâyi - merâtib- et; •:: döghmak, \ 8 k tülü”-et ; ** ş- châkmak, E: nèb”-et; *: bed”- -et, ---- nesh'et-et 5 · d?rilmek, c - * bâ"ss-ölun- mak ; ; )'i kAbarmak; · k Rise, s. R IS K [ 271 ] IR 0 I, I, ER dölmak : :- :e bahāya-chik- mak; âyaklanmak. Risk, s. 5 körku, 4 tehliké, · mükhÂtara ; –, v.a. 5•: kömak, ay-4:= bâkhta-hâwâlé-et, c tehlikéyé-kömak. Rite, s. · âyin, · ressmi- -”ibâdet. Rival, s. JK' enghel, - rakib ; -, t).6. 'c : bAsh-öl; -: ) râkâbët-et. Rivalry, Rivalship, s. - 5 rakâbet. River, s. ye sü, - ş- chây, •: 2rmak, ye deré, yé nehr (nehir). Rivet, s. · mikh; –, v.a. c mikhlamak. Rivulet, s. e sü, - ş- chây, 8.ye deré. Road, s. J: yöl, : târik, se- jâddé, y râh; liman ; Gş- âchik. Roadstead, s. e· limAn; .9) • mèrsâ. Roam, v.n. · ghèzmek, · dölashmak. Roar, s. 4= e sayhâ, L-· pek-sess, ·});-= ghyirléyish ; -, v.n. · 2 (L/* ·: pek-sèss-virmek, c·- haykirmak, baghir- mak; W; ghyirlémek. Roast, s. : Su shish- kebÂbi, se, ), örmAn-kebAbi; -, v.a. \- 6 kebÂb-et. Robber, s.j - kh?rsiz, ·y- hârâmi, 9je düzd. -- Robbery, s. c·- khārsizlik. Robe, s. *- üzun-elbissé ; -, (7.72. · · ÜzUn- [küvvetli. Robust, a. :e dinj, 5 * kawi, ·i: Rock, s. \: kâya ; L*ş-· kâya- èlbisséssini-ghîmek. -pârchAssi ; U· sÂllanish ; –, (7.72. c; \e sAllanmak; –, v.a. c e sAllamak, ; ) e sallân- [ * hâwâ'i. Rocket, s. y” hâwä'i-fishenk, Rocky, a. : kayalik. Rod, s. ;rş- chibük, · dèynek ; 9 : inja -dallar - demeti; · Alti büehuk- -ârshinlik-ilchu. Rodomontade, s. “: · 19 - : dirmak. kÜrU-lÂf-vé-ûghunmé-lâkirdissi. Roe, s. *-V5 * dishi-kAraja ; cs : ·2); * bAlik-y?mUrtassi ; – buck, 4- kAraja. Rogue, S. e·ş- chÂpkin, ·= kyülkhâni, =2) dölandiriji, 9) • müzevvir. [·y:j• müzevvirlik. Roguery, s. c·:y· dölandirijilik; Roguish, a. *şi: - chÂpkinjé. Roguishness, s. c· e- chApkinlik. Roll, s. tömar ; · töp ; ·W: yiwarlanish ; ·=5 tèkErlEnish ; –, v.n. : y warlanmak : – over, ~Ki tèkErlEnmek, · 9° dèvrilmek ; –, v.a. c· y?warla- mak ; – up, ·: · töplamak, ·devshirmek,c ) e sarmak. Roller, s. : y?walâk ; • - ** sAlinti-dAlghassi ; · töp, Jea: pAsstAl. RoII.Ing-PIN Rolling-pin, s. öklaghi. Roman, a. t_5°9 ) rümi ; •9) römali ; -, s. röm ; ·î * ) * èsski-römâ-ÂdAmi. Romance,s. Ja•mAssal; –,v.n. Ja• · - mAssal-sûweylémek. Rome, s. 5 e röma-shehiri. Romp, s. :y G-y-chöjuk-öyunu ; v_:*-e·: pèk-Öynamak- -sèven - chöjuk; –, va. : öynamak. Roof, s. •le dAm; flat –, 4-: bAja, - sAth (t-h) pl. c sütüh; –, v.a. * ) irtmek. Rook, s. &:5): kârgha; (chess) z:) rükh. Room, s. · Öda ; J: yEr; * lüzüm, · sebeb, — münâssébet. Roomy, a. J* = ghènish, · vûss”âtli. Roost, s. · kyûmèss ; –, v.n. c· könup-üyumak. Root, s. · kyük, Jel Assl; –, v.n. cş tütmak, • • = kyik- -sAlmak; – up, ** sîkmek, - chikârmak, Ja: iss- ti'sÂl-et, s-5 kAl”-et. Rope, s. · ip, e- hAlat. Rope-dancer, s. -jānbâz (jûmbAz). Rope-maker, s. · ipji. Ropery, Rope-walk, s. · 6 · Ropeyarn, s. 5 tel. [ipji-kyâr-khânéssi. Rosary, s. <- tèssbih. Rose, s. 5 ghyül, 9), vird; – bud, *şié ghöncha ; – bush, - 5 ghyül-AghAji ; – water, t : * J5 [ 272 ] R 0 U NTD ghyül-süyU ; – wood, - J6 ghyül-AghAji; otto of –, “âtr, · a= “?tr-yâghi. Roseate, a. -5j•9° kirmizi. Rosin, s. · eş- châm-sâkizi. Rosy, s. (cheeks) –5j 5 kirmizi, ·=4 ghyülghyün, * ghyülfâm ; (lips) J Al. [e yye-chûrutmek. Rot, v.n. ci •9) Ç- chûrumek ; –, v.a. -52)y° dèvri 5 9° devvâr; < y dînuju. Rotary, Rotatory, a. Rotation, s. _'ye devr, · dèvérân, tedèvvur ; in –, nibetla, * : • sârâ-ila. Rote, s. ji èzbër ; to know by –, e : ezberdan-bilmek ; to do by - y*** c·: düshunméyérek - âlet - ghibi - Rotten, a. · 5- chûruk. [-yâpmak. Rouge, s. y=j 9° düzghyun, · k?zilja. Rough, a. :y: pûruzlu; kAba; ele tAsslAk; – draft, Aş-5 tèssvid, 8°y-o mûssveddé ; ele tAsslAk. - Roughness, s. ·jy) : pûruzluluk; - kAbalik ; sertlik, Round, s. J; köl; devr; –, a. (circular) · dèghirmi, ) o (globular) · töp, · kyûrévi ; ad. and pr. & el ètrâfina ; etrâfında ; · hèr-târafina; 8 ° hèr- -târafinda ; all –, ad. · hèr- târafa, 3x3:2)* hèr-târafda; to go-, müdèvvEr; R0 UN DA B0 UT [ 273 ] R U G to Come –, c· dölashmak; to come – again, · &: · dölaship-(ghèn6)-ghèlmek ; – about, se ètrâfda, *9)'y- jiwârda. Roundabout, a. dölâshik; : • SApa. Roundness, s. deghirmilik. Rouse, – up, v.a. c Üyân- dirmak, c :· kÂldirmak ; – –, vn : üyanmak, ş- j = ghyîzunu-âchmak, c* kAlkmak. Rout, s. · y: bözghUnluk, •ye inhizâm ; :*ş- * : - Akhsham- -jëm”iyyeti; –, v.a. j : böz- mak, c -*-é -- dAghitmak : – out, — - == ghèrèghi - ghibi - silip - süpurmek; s-° -: :-chikârip-def“et. Route, s. J: yöl ; · J: · “Asskéring-yöl-tezkeréssi. Rove, v.n. · ghèzmek, c* dölashmak. Rover, s. · ): U:5- *), ** âwâré - Ölarek - chök - yErler - -ghèzer-ölan-Adam , ey kürsân. Row, s. 5 e sira, –:je dizi, –ö. e sAff; (kâwgha); · ) * ghyîrultu, **** shâmata, –, v.n. ·y* c Ke-kyürek-chekmek. Rower, s. : ) * kyûrèkji. Rowing, s. *<- kyürek-chekma. Rowlock, s. 3: : ö- isskârmUz. Royal, a : kirâlân6, &W K- hükmdârâné, &\2 shâhâné; –, s. · : 8, köntra-bAbAfingho. Royalty, s. c Wi kir.Allik. Rub, s. L: öghalayish ; L°*) * sürtush ; U° )ş sîrunush ; ** shûmar, · tökAt; JK müsh- kil, - - ghyüchluk, 9° dird; -, U.0. c· öghalamak; – on, -in, 9) * sürmek; – against, · sürunmek. Rubber, s. · siléjek,}: bèz, 8y ş: pâchâvra; India –, c· kö- malâsstik (or kömanâsstik). Rubbish, s. –6 ) : * süpuruntu; heap of–, · Aü _) 2:* sûpuruntuluk, · # mezbélé. Ruby, s. ·\: yâküt; –, a. J Al, * - 5 kârmizi. Rudder, s. J*9° dümèn. Ruddiness, s. kırmizilik. Ruddle, s. ·* * Ashi-böyassi. Ruddy, a. - kirmizi, Jji kizil. Rude, a. kÂba, J·- hAntAl ; -e èdebsiz, _} :ye “ârsiz, ·y 5s- khöyrAt. [vwâhshilik. Rudeness, s. kAbalik, Rudiment, s. % Ç *\:\: bAshlanghij, :) ibtidâ, mebde'i (pi) J, üssül, · mebâdi, · EvvéliyyÂt. Rue, s. –* or – sedef-ötU ; -, U.0. “: (pishmAn)-öl. Ruffian, s, j - khânzir, - - khâbiss. Ruffle, s. & kırmali-yenlik ; c* : bÜrUshUk; –, v.a.c·: bÜrUshdUrmak ; c·yle dÂriltmak. Rug, s. 8e ş“ sêjjâdé, * kebé, · kèché, : pösst. U RUGGED Rugged, a. :y: pûruzlu, -5); *-° sivri-sivri, U°_** dish-dish. Ruin, s. -y - khārāb, y=-khâ- râbiyyet, ·: ; perishÂni, c· r: perishānlik ; & khârâbé, 4öy virâné ; &• : yü âssâri-kAdimé ; -, v.d. -y- khârâb-et, v: përishÂn-et, J; kyül-et ; –ed, a. e): 3 virân, - khârâb, · r: përishÂn. Ruinous, a. ey: virân, · khârâb, · ; perishÂn ; -ys” mükhrib, - khārāb-eder, - - e: bâ”issi-khârâb. Rule, s. 8.Ae5 kâ”idé ; • : nizÂm ; · desstürU-’l-“Amel; J·l Üssül ; ·- hükyümet ; <- hükm : *J - jedvel-takh- tassi ; J*- jëdvel ; (. : ) ârshin ; · kAdem : –, v.a. - K- hükyümet - et; ş- chizmek. Ruler, s. = - hâkim, - hükm- dâr ; *Jy°a jëdvel-tâkhtassi. Rum, s. (*2) rüm : -, a. --rş° “Ajib (“Ajä'ib). Rumour, s. tèwâtur; false –, (pl.) foot –, *-i-y erājif: -, v.a. Li'yi tewâ- tur-et. Rump, s. 5 e saghri, : kâch, · ghyitt, kâynak. Rumple, s. : 9 bürUshUk; –, v.n. c -* - bürUshmak : –, v.a. ; ) Jş bürUshdurmak. · köshush; yy sürek, Run, s. [ 274 ] R U N • • dèwÂm ; teş: bichim ; –, v.a. e : yûrutmek, yé, öghrat- mak : -, v.n. 4:5 köshmak, ·ij=” sèghirtmek, ·: - châp- mak, < • eshmek; · Akmak ; · etmek, s kAt"-et, 4-3 kèssmek, *= ghitmek, y: yûrumek; – against, c*J ş- chât- mak : - aground, v.n. G• yeâre diba-dökUnmak, ; ) ötUrmak ; - –, v.d. c· ötUrtmak ; – a TaCe, \ köshU-et; – ashore, v.n. c· kAraya-ötUrmak, : c· kAraya-öghramak; – –, va. c*) *: kAraya-ötUrtmak, c5° Vé & * kAraya-öghratmak : – away, c*ş-5 kAchmak, G*: • sâwUshmak, W: firâr-et; – – with, ·-5 - Alip - kAchmak, ay c*ş- bErâbEr-kAchmak ; – – – the idea, e : zânn-et; – smoothly, · Akmak, C: \: kâymak, Jş= e := ghyüzel-ghitmek, *ş !: ci • = yölunja-ghîtmek ; – the gauntlet, : * · a 8re \J“=” “-9: shrâ - ila - jümléning- shûmarini - yèyup-tâhâmmul-et ; – through, v.n. ··ş: ichin- dan-ghèchmek,cş ile ş:lichindan- Akmak; - -, v.a. -: yèyup-bitirmek; – over, v.n. c· tAshmak, c = e dökyulmek ; -, t).0. · üsstun- dan-ghèchmek, -*---- chiné- mek. IR UN AW AY [ 275 ] SAF E Runaway, s. ·ş-5 kAchkin, -5yyi firârı. S Runner, s. ş: : köshujü ; · ğ ·î eshkin-At; kássid. Running, a. _\: Akar, -65)'a- jâri. Rupee, s. * : > hin- disstânin-bir-sikkéssi. Rupture, s. : : c e: kAssik-yârighi ; cs j : bözUshukluk. Rural, a. : = kyîylu, 9°y* tAshrali, · d?shârili, -5 s° sâhrâvi. Ruse, s. &c Ac- khûd'a, ·- hilf, *9 dèssissé. Rush, s. sÂz; L 5 - hizli-Akish; ·- hizli-köshUsh ; –, v.n. c·- hizli-Akmak; - hizli-köshmak. Rusk, s. ghevrek, Russia, s. 4: ) rüssia. [kov. Russian, a. *y rüssiali; möss- Rust, s. c- : pAss; –, v.n. c·: pAsslanmak : -, v.a. ; ) : pAsslandirmak. Rustic, a. :* ky%ylu. Rusticate, v.n. · * · : bir-müddët-kyîyda-ötUrmak. Rusty, a. : pAssli, ·: pAss- lanmish. Rut, s. 5j: K tekerlek-izi : – rutting-time, :c kizghinlik- -wAkti. Ruthless, a. } • • miErhâmetsiz, · e· bi-ÂmÂn. Rye, s. ş- châvdâr, c· kAra- -bAsh. Sabbath, s. · L): pâzar - ghyûnu ; *- jüm”a - ertéssi; : · yivmu-’ss-sebt, ·*Jas tâ”til-ghyûnu. Sable, s. ) - sèmmür (sâmur); –, a. * kAra, 8 siyâh, esswed. Sabre, s. * klij, – seyf, 5-: tigh; – va a”J- chalklü et. Sack, s. J 25- chöwAl; k yâghma, (-`-92) ghâret; –, v.a. l•: yâghma- -et; –cloth, )y* (harer); large sack of-, ), (hârer). Sacred, a. *y- hârâm, · mü- bârek, C - ö.• mükAddess, }}e “Aziz; Je; as” mâkhsüss, L· mükhtAss, La as° mükhAsssess. Sacrifice, s. ek: kürbÂn ; c: S 3 fèdâkyârlik ; -)· zârar ; –, v.a. c kiymak; \e kürbān-et; fedâ-et; 9.5 kirmak. Sad, a y mükèdder, y· kèderli, · ghAmnâk; fèna, · r: perishān; Se e: bā"issi-kèder, \: fina. Saddle, s. èyer ; (pillioned) e: pAlAn; (pack) • semer ; -, v.a. ·y- èyErlémek, c· U_5--r. èyérini-würmak, * yapmak. Saddle-bow, s. ** J. eyer-kAshi. Saddler, s. zy· serrāj (sâraj). • • sâghlâm, i: körkussUz ; 5 • sâgh, ~ Safe, a. · èmin, U 2 SAFE-C0N DU CT [ 276 ] S A Tu U TE sèlim ; · kürtulmUsh ; –, s. * sAndik, - - dölAp. Safe-conduct, s. · J: yöl-têz- [nèt. Safeguard, s. *-hifz; e siyâ- Safety, s. - emniyyet, ~ kéréssi. sèlâmèt, ~ sèlm, e· ümn, · èmân. Safron, s. yāej zâ”férân (sAfrAn). Sag, v.n. ·07:2 : bèl-virmek, · èghilmek. Sagacious, a. ·e “Aklli, ye dirâ- yetli, e· fAtin ; ·- hâsssâss. Sagacity, s. Jāe "Akl, ye dirâyet, · fâtânèt ; U->- hisss. Sage, a. e “Akli; = tem- kinli, üsslu; –, s. - hakim; -* Ada-chàyi. Sagittarius, s. : L : kAvss-bürju. Sail, s. e· yelken, e : bâdibân, zy* shirâ”; - Kı tekné, L* = ghèmi, 4 sefiné; *): pâré (pâra), * kit"a ; –, v.n. ghitmek, ·: yûrumek; kÂlkmak, c·ş- e : yelken - âchmak, kâyâm - et, \ ·-j-e “Azimet-et, : Köye bâdibân-kyüshâ-öl. Sailcloth, s. c- y* kirbÂss ; -:}: · yelken-bezi. Sailing-master, s. ) ; ; kilaghUz. Sailmaker, s. ° yelkenji. Sailor, s. * ghemiji, mellâh, ·= keshtibÂn. Sainfoin, s. *** yönja. U:je “Aziz. Saint, s. , veli, * , veliyyu-'llāh, Sake, s. - khātir, s° mâhâbbet; for the sake, - hibbétan; – – – of God, Alā- hibbétan-li-'Ilâh ; for God’s sake ! 5•· AllÂhi- Salad, s. e salata. [-siverséngiz. Salary, s. c· mâ”âsh, · âylik, * mâhîyyé. Sale, s. : • sAtim, · sAtish ; for -, On -, c· sAtilik ; – by auction, ey mèzâd, *j• müzâyédé. Saleable, a. 5'e sAtilir. Saliva, s. %şi tükruk, _s Aghzing-sûyu, • sÂlyâr. Sallow, a. U:·j= bèngzi-sArâr- mish ; -65) • sAri. Sally, s. ş° hüjüm, U:): yûruyush; – Out, v.72. · yüruyush-et. Salmon, s. : uy; oye sömön-bAlighi. Salonica, s. e: selânik-she- Saloon, s. · biyuk-Öda. [hiri. Salt, s. tüz, nèmek, milh; -, (İ. tÜzlU ; –, v.a. · tÜzlamak ; –, v.n. c* ) tûzlan- Saltcellar, s. c:)* tÜzluk. [mak. Saltpetre, s. &ş-yé ghyûhèrchilé. Salts, s. pl. - ingliz-tUzU. Saltworks, s. pl. &j* tûzla. Salubrious, a : iyi, ğe sâgh, • sâghlâm. Salutary, a. . . shifāli ; 8.5 fâ'idéli. Salutation, s. • • sèlâm; Ashnalik. Salute, v.a. ·:· sèlâm-virmek ; · 5 • • selâm-ghyindErmek; t Ashnalik-et ; · selâm- lamak ; ; )9° - sèlâm-dürmak; ·: ipmek, c : büss-et, J* S A Tu V A TI 0 N [ 277 ] SAT 0 HEL tAkbil-et; – in return, · *- sèlâm-Almak ; –, v.n. c· töp- -Atmak; –, s. • • sèlâm ; U: ipush, d. 9 büssé; · töp- -Atishi. Salvation, s. · kürtulUsh, · nejât, Le khâlâss, - - selâmet. Salve, s. 8: yâgh, * mErhEm ; –, v.a. ·ğ : yâgh-sürmek, ter · mirhèm-sürmek. Salver, s. tepsi, * sini. Salvo, s. shârt; : isstissnâ; · töp - yayilimi, 8. ) âlabânda. Sal-volatile, s. u_5-2) e\: nèshâdir- -rühU. Samaria, s. · 5 nÂbulus. Same, a. 4: yiné (ghèné)-8; Ö ; · kendi ; r: bir ; c.r* “âyn, c esh; –, a. -\,: shèyi-wâhid, : - * hèp-bir, : : fârki-yök. Sample, s. · îrnek, : • mÖss- tra, &9° nümüné. Sanctify, v.a. 'L-* tâkdiss-et. Sanction, s. · izin, as ) rükhsAt, j - jëwâz, j = tèjviz, - aj tAsswib, · isstisswÂb, 2 ) rizâ ; –, v.a. tèjviz - et, -: ya tAsswib-et. Sanctity, s. - hürmet, 5 küdsiyyet, 5 mübâreklik. Sanctuary, s. •y- hârem ; Uş· mèljâ; · mâ"bed; to take - : — \ \şkü as° mübârek -bir - mûhâlla- -iltijâ-et. Sand, s. : kûm, righ, ) reml; – bank, Ja· kümsal. Sandal, s. :y'ş- chÂrik. Sand-fly, s. =955 tâtarjik. Sandy, a. Ja· kûmsAl, *: kûm ; (hair) -5), • sAri, *-: lipisska. Sane, a. J5'e “Akil, 8 : āe “Akli- -bAshinda. Sanguinary, a. 5 kAnli, sefâk, j =- khünriz; *\: 5s- khünrizânf. Sanguine, a. -8 ° dèmévi, e:ş- khünin ; - e: ; pek-ümidji. Sanguineness, s. · ·: pèk- -ûmidjilik ; - c deméviyyet. Sanity, s. Jä= s” sihhati-"Akl. Sap, s. : · nèbâtléring-sÜyU ; 9° sit ; z : khÂm-AghAj; · : s?chAn-yölU ; –, v.a. · Altini-kAzmak, **\ eshmek. Sapper, s. ş* lâghimji. Sapphire, s. - ghyik-yâküt, Saracen, s. -2ye “arab, E ) e sAfir. Sarcasm, s. We- isstihzâ. [-èdEr-ölan. Sarcastic, a. · Ve isstihzâ- Sardine, s. : * sârdèlé-bAlighi. Sarmatia, s. · · èsski-lehisstân. Sarmatian, a. -;- : Y; al · èsski-lèh-vilâyetina-mènsüb. Sarsaparilla, s. &: - sèpâriné. Sash, s. · kèmer, küshak; (window) 3,5 - cherchivê, e : kAnAd. - Satan, s. · shèytÂn, · ibliss. Satchel, s. & ; - 6 kitâb-törbéssi. SA TEL I, ITE [ 278 ] S AYIN G Satellite, s. ·: pèyk; • • mülâ- zim, ·2 *3* âyrilmâz-ghyîl- ghéssi. Satiate, v.a. ):· döyUrmak, ş : Satin, s. · AtlAss. [iknâ”-et. Satire, s. 3ş* hijv ; –rize, v.a. İ yş* hijv-et. - Satisfaction, s. 42) rizâ, -69 -> khôshnüdi; târziyyé; to give –, leş - khôshnüd-et : * c , târziyyé-virmek. [-ölUnur. Satisfactory, a. ·- khöshnüd- Satisfied, a. J** kAnmish ; ; - khöshnüd. [kAndirmak. Satisfy,v.a.c ): · döyUrmak; ç5) : Saturday, s. *- jûm”â-ertéssi, ( - * sèbt. Saturn, s. -j : J-j zûhâl-yildizi. Sauce, s. 4: terbiyyé; ye sü; · Saucepan, s. sysü tenjéré. [edebsizlik. Saucer, s. - * zârf, · ·ü finjÂn (fil-)-tAbAghi. Saucy, a.j :ye “ârsiz, -e èdebsiz. Saunter, s. · ghèzinish; –, v.n. · ghèzinmek. Sausage, s. a - or yş° süjuk, ~ mÜmbâr (bÜmbar); – meat, *: kâyma, – – balls, · kyüfté. Savage, a. .y· sAldirir, )ye issirir ; e· k?zghin, ere-:y'e dârghin ; u = >> wâhshi, · yûbÂni; –, s. · yâbÂn - AdAmi, L: - 9 Savanna, s. 25 kir. [wâhshi. Savant, s. e “âlim. Save, va. kürtarmak, Les- khâlâss-et, 'La-· tâkhliss-et; c· sâklamak, ağ- hâfz-et; lalais mühÂfaza-et, e:y: körU- mak ; *)'e idâré-et, C 5y ârtir- mak; –, pr. 3y°'e ak nöksân- -Ölarak, 5y° · mûsstessnâ- -Ölarak. Saving, a. :y kürtâriji; -:)'e idârfji ; –, s. * \ idâré ; c· kÜrtârish, Le khâlâss; –, pr. : ·aki nöksân-ölarak, · y°, müsstessnâ-Ölarak. Saviour, s. ey kürtarAn, : kürtariji, · khâllÂss; our –, j*-es- khâllÂssimiz; our Lord and –, es- *) rabbimiz-vé-khâl- lÂssimiz. Savour, s. & lezzet, ş- châshni (cheshni), ele dAd (tAd); –, v.a. c· dAdmak; –, v.n. lèzzèti-öl. Saw, s. 8 ° dèsstéré (tèsstéré), 3) ërré; (large) aş bichki; <-2,4 zârbi-mèssel. Sawdust, s. -éjyi * dèsstéré-tüzU. Sawmill, s. * \s-3) èrrékhâné. Sawyer, s. < eş bichkiji. Saxon, s. · 5 · sâksön- -kAbâ'ili-AdAmi; –, a. a 5: “- 5 * mezkyür-kAbâ'ila-mensüb. Say, v.a. : y. sûweylémek, · dèmek ; –, s. -3 °y-i- lâkirdi, · :y· süweyléyéjek. Saying, s. se, lâkirdi, -59 kAba- lâkirdi, - - ) zârbi-mèssel. S0 A B [ 279 ] S0 H I S MAT I 0 Scab, s. :): yâra-kAbUghU, : * kAbUk ; J5 kel, ÜyUz; –, v.n. G* kAbuklanmak. Scabbard, s. kin, * niyâm, – ghâlâf (kâlif). Scaffold, Scaffolding, s. al%. isskelé. Scald, s. e : * kaynar-sü- -yârassi ; –, v.a. cj - hAsh- lamak. Scale, s. c· mikyâss, J*- jëdvel; bAlik-pülu, J: pûl; (of a balance) ; ghyüz ; pair of -s, 2yyi tèrâzi, e· mizân ; -, v.a. .ye9) • • - –5) : diwârdan-yükâri-chaek- mak, c Atlamak ; (a gun) c· [-’l-Azl”. \ \-i s” mükhtelifu- Scamp, s.j yâramâz. yâkmak. Scalene, a. Scamper, v.n. • 5 köshmak. Scan, v.a. (poetry) s- tAkti”-et; c bAkmak, nazar-et, 5 e: •· ghyîz-ghèzdirmek. Scandal, s. y: iftirâ, ·e bühtân ; – -W èrâjif; ·y) rezâlet, -se “âyb. Scandalous, a. - c. “ayb. Scant, Scanty, a. J Az, · kât; y'e dâr; &a: kâssa. Scapegrace, s.j yâramâz. Scar, s. yâra-nishÂni; –, v.a. c· nish An-brâkmak. Scarce, a. Az, kât, · bûlunmaz - ghibi, ye\ nâdir- -bülUnUr; –ly, ad. *z: ghyüch- belâ, • hemân (hèmen). Scarcity, s. _ kitlik, y·ü nedret, as kaht, ghâlâ. Scare, va. := arkyutmek, G• :): körkutmak. Scarf, s. ) : shAl, J* ÜzUn-shAl. Scarlatina, s. V- Jji - - khâfif- -kizil-hÜmmâ. Scarlet, a. . ) Al; – fever, *-Jji k?zil-hÜmmâ ; – runner, ·ş1ş- · chichek-fAssülyassi. Scarp, s. - - c = (hen- dèghing)-shèvi-dâkhilissi. Scatter, v.a. c*'e dAghitmak, yle:y'i tÂr-U-mâr-et, përishān-et ; –, t).72. ·e dAghilmak, :yü târ-u-mâr-öl, :y; perishān-öl. Scavenger, s. =:-chipju. Scene, s. · nAzar-ölUnAn- -hey’et; : ) nAzâret; &s: wâk”â; (of a play, or as a picture of life) L--ş” mejliss ; (place) - - mevki”. Scent, s. : kökU, 4-y râ'iha, 5: büy; –, v.a. c· kökUtmak ; · : kökU-sürmek ; *** c· kökUssUnU-Almak, 'L-- hisss- Sceptic, s. -5 yo' lâ-idri. [-et. Sceptre, s. ·==--5 a= “âssâyi- -hûkyümèt. Scheme, s. - :iyi tèrtib; yaj tûssav- vur; - hilé ; -, vn :); * shèy-kürmak. Schism, s. nifÂk; J:e i”tizâl, *: shi”â; J, teferruk. Schismatic, s. J J* èhli-i 'tizâl, S0 H0 I AR [ 280 ] scR AMBLE J* mü”tezil, * shî”i, u: mütéfèrrik. Scholar, s. 'e “âlim, J· fÂzil ; · shāghird, e- tâlibi-“ilm. Scholarship, s. tle “ilm. School, s. - * mèktEb ; –, v.a. · mâ”lümÂt-virmek, ·9): 9 · tâ”limÂt-vèrmek, – master, 4-y- khöja, · · mektEb-khöjassi. Schooner, s. &j· Üssküna ; brig –, · ghûlet. Sciatica, s. - :Je “irku-nissâ. Science, s. e “ilm. Scimitar, s. 4 pAla. Scirocco or Sirocco, s. · c· $ - 89° lödos-ghibi-Ak- -dèngizda-èssEr-bir-rüzghyâr. Scissors, s. pl. Leã mâkass, ·y* [zevklEnmek. Scoff, v.n. Wje isstihzâ-et, · Scoffer, s. -5j - hürmetsiz- mikrÂz. mûsstèhzi. Scold, s. -5) :5'e dârghin - kAri ; -, U.0. c·yle dArilmak ; ·}y Azârlamak. Scollop, v.a. •: y öymak, : Öya-et. Scoop, s. Js- khâlâl; –, v.a. *y öymak; – out, *, ş: ichini- -öymak, c· böshAltmak. Scope, s: : èrim; –5: böy; Jj* menzil ; to give -, •2)!: • meydÂn-virmek. Scorch, v.a. ·: yâkmak. • mAtmâhi-nAzar; : ) Score, s. _2 : = yighirmi ; --- hissÂb ; Jeya khüssüss ; - : bÂb; · kiştir. -- sebeb, vèssilé ; –, v.a. ·ş- chizmek, \e ishâret-et. Scorn, s. lisi. isstihkâr, – si. isstikhfâf; –, v.a. ·Jj: tènèzzul-ètmamek. Scornful, a. y* isi- * - al ihânet-vé-isstihkâr-èdEr. Scornfully, ad. e = * al.) ihânet-vi-isstihkâr-sürèti-ila. Scorpio, s. (Latin) -2°e “âkreb. Scorpion, s. - c “akreb. Scotch, a. · issköchiali. Scotland, s. 5- i issköchia. Scoundrel, s. ·= kyülkhâni, ·ş- chApkin, j üghursuz, - ree-khAbiss. Scour, v.a. silmek, c· yika- mak ; 99 - *= : yâ- ghini - lèkèssini - châkarmak ; Je- · 9 isshâl-virmek; – over, – about, v.n. ( ** 5 köshmak, c· köshUshmak. Scourer, s. -* lekéji. Scourge, s. ş** kAmchi, z : kâr- bÂch, &j5 tâziyâné ; --i âfet, \: belâ, dele dâhiyyé; –, va. c= $ye dighmek, -9 darb-et. Scout, s. ):·yy) üzAkda- -dölashAn-kArakol. Scowl, v.n. c· kAsh-châtmak, c y*)9) : yûz-bürUshdUrmak. Scramble, v.n. *: 5 kapishmak, c· târmAshmak ; –, s. J** S0 R A P [ 281 ] S C U MI kÂpish ; c· y***· tirmAsha- rek-ghidish. Serap, s. 45-9: ÜfAk-pârcha. Scrape, s. \: belâ, 45 kAzâ, y-9 derd; -, t).0. c* kAzimak ; – to- gether, c·:* ş-* ş- chÂ- lisha-chAlisha-töplamak, 5 * ·la hezâr-kyülfet-ila-Ela- -ghètirmek. Scratch, s. · · t?rnak-yârassi ; -, v.a. kAshimak; c· tirmalamak, * : - jûz’i-yâra-et ; –, v.72. c* kAshinmak ; – out, Ü.0. ·ş- chizmek, e: 5 tirkin- -et. [- fEna-yâzmak. Scrawl, s. -5' i fèna-yâzi; –, v.n. Scream, s. e\: feryâd, s. e sayha ; -, U.72. c· bâghirmak ; : feryâd-et. Screen, s. 8 pèrdé, y: sipèr, Uğ - hâ’il ; ) kalbur; –, v.a. Ji- hâ'il-öl; •5), irtmek, lais* mühÂfaza-et ; ·!) kAlbUrlamak. Screw, s. 8 vide, bürghu ; *-9) - bÜrma : L - khAssiss, < - tAma”kyâr, -*) *a- jimri ; –, vn. * vidélEnmek; –, v.a. ·ş- · vidélémek ; – in, c·'J bir-yöl-ila-sökmak ; – up, l-i.S keyf-et; – – courage, le::) -- chèvirmek ; jëssâret-et; – down, ·5 c * : tAbUta - kApayUp - vidé- lémek. Scribble, v.a. · 3,5 kAralamak; ·ş- c;- - châbik-yazmak ; ; ) : fena-yâzmak; c j-* dikkAtsiz- -yâzmak. [-yâzan-mü'ellif. Scribbler, s. – 5 fena- Scribe, s. - 56 kyâtib ; as khAttât. Scripture, S. &*:! - " âyéti-kèrimé ; -s, s. pl. & - = kyütubi- -semâviyyé. Scrofula, s. · *-ye sAraja-“illeti. Scrofulous, a. -Ve sArajali. Scroll, s. : tömâr. [khayé-törbassi. Scrotum, s. (Latin) *) * &s- Scrub, v.a. e : ' - sèrt- -bir-shey-ila-yâkamak ; “5 bAt- mak; –, s. c 'ş- üfAk-chA- lilik. [-frcha. Scrubbing-brush, *-e- sert- Scruple, s. -6**ş-se ey° -j- ejzāji-dirhèmining-ûchda-biri, 5 *-ey° sülssu-dirhèm ; ·ş- chekindik, y = i”tirAz, körkU ; –, v.n. ·ş- chèkinmek. Scrupulous, a. -) ·- · pèk-chèkinir. Scrutiny, s. · yöklayish, * : yöklama; si imtihân, - * Scuffle, s. kâwgha. [tâhârri. Scull, s. ·%) * e-ö. khâfif-kyûrek. Scullion, s. ·° Ashji-yâmaghi. Sculptor, s. -* öymaji: ş“ş” müjësssemji, ya tAssvirji, ya • [c· öymak. Sculpture, s. 4•: y Öyma ; –, v.a. Scum, s. · kyüpuk ; – of the people, c-üJ5 essâfili-nâss, mÜssâvvir. 5 ayak-tâkimi. S0 U R F [ 282 ] S E 0 0 N D Scurf, s. e 5 kepek, töz. Scurrility, s. * shetm. [shetm-āmiz. Scurrilous, a. ** shètâm, î * Scurvy, a. } • mürüvetsiz, K· tAma”kyâr; –, s. L* -e: ) isskörpit-“illeti. Scutcheon, s. 9) ârma. Scythe, s. e : k tırpAn. Sea, s. = dengiz, y° deryâ, s: bâhr; * dalgha, r ; mevi. Seafaring, a. · ş* ghèmiji- Sea-gull, s. :2) mârti. [-Ölan. Sea-kale, s. · Se dengiz-la- hanéssi. Seal, s. mühr, - khâtèm ; (animal) ·- y-= kyüpèk- bAlighi (?); –, v.a. c 'ye mûhur- lémek ; –ing wax, · mühr- -bAl-mÜmu. Seam, s. · dikish, -6*L** dikish- -yiri; -5 - ek-yeri; ; ): yâra-nishÂni ; (of ship's planks) j \i isskârmoz (?). Seaman, s. ş= $ ghèmiji, z mellâh, e· keshtibán. Seamanship, s. · ghèmijilik. Seaport, s. * K. isskelé. [lamak. Sear, va. 43\yâkmak, c; èle dAgh- Search, s. ·y Arayish, * ) Arama, · : yöklama, -°5- tâhârri; –, 07.0, c·) Aramak, · yöklamak, l-5 =5 tâhârri-et ; – for, c·) Aramak; – into, ---° - hÂkikAtini - tejësssuss - et; ·9- ) ArayUp-bülmak. - Out, Seashore, Seaside, s. -65) Ko dèngiz- -kènâri, -5 = }\; yAli-kènâri, J- sâhil, - Şe dengiz-kayissi. Seasick, a. U*5 Se dengiz-tütmush; -ness, s. “i j=° dèngiz- -tÜtmassi. Season, s. * mevsim, Ja: fAssl; · wAkit ; –, v.a. c·j tüz-biber - kAtmak; - khÂmlighini - Almak ; the four –s, s-) Jya: fÜssüli-èrbâ”. Seat, s. 7. Ga-8) ye, ötUrajak-yir, r: yir, - jay, Us” mâhâll; · mèssned ; }=Ey • miErkEz, 5`y= kyûrsi; sâ mâk”âd, ghyit, 5 kaynak, ye dübr, yy vèrâ, : kèch : -, v.a. •5y: ötUrt- lex: ik”ād-et; self, be seated, G. ) ötUrmak, ! eys5 kü”üd-et; – – on the throne, \c-ya- jülüss-et, 'c - ·takhta- -jülüss-et; va, c = jlâss-et. Secede, v.n. c·y âyrilmak, Jje i”tizâl-et. - Secession, s. J} = 9 iftirâk-vé 6 6 a - i`tizâl. mak, one's Secant, s. Seclude, v.a. c· âyrmak, c· - âyri-kapamak; - one's self, i: kApAnmak, ·- chekilmek, · “ûzlet-et. [ikhtilâtsiz. Secluded, a : tènha ; - - 46 Seclusion, s. · üzlet ; · tènhalik. Second, a : ikinji, 5 sâni, SE C R E0 Y [ 283 ] S E E * dûwum ; –, s. * Ü sâniyyé ; · mü”âvin ; ; “ yûmak ; -, t).0. •9) : yârdim-et, mü’âvénët-et; – hand, a. : küllAnilmish, J* mûsstà''mEl; –ly, ad. Ü sâniyyâ. Secrecy, s. · ghizlilik, · * ketm, s. ikhfä. Secret, s. sirr (pl. yy èssrâr) ; –, a. ghizli, 5 e sâkli, ** makhfi, =-khâfi, : mektüm. Secretary, s. - 6 kyâtib, · 9- sirr- mëktÜmiyyet; kyâtibi, - 56 kyâtibi-essrâr. Secrete, v.a. ghizlémek, • • sûklamak, \ \ás ikhfâ-et; = ketm-et; (organs) JV•e i”mâl-et, zy ikhrist, ·2r: virmek. Secretly, ad. y- sirran. Sect, s. &): firka, · mèzhèb. Section, s. *-i kâssm, · birluk ; 5-a: kAt”, * tâksim; tâkim ; “- - ) rèssmi-mûssènnèm. Secular, a. -62rae “Assri, -53) be dèhri ; · esski, * kAdim: - dünyévi ; -sele “âdi. Secundine, s. · sÖng. Secure, a. e· èmin ; # • sâgh ; : • sâghlâm ; -6: kâvi, s” mühkèm ; _-* *-4- -: c , \e shûbhéssiz ; sâghlatmak ; · kavileshdirmek, ç<=” mühkèm – et; c i: c** tÜtmak ; c· kAzanmak, - - jelb-et; :e emin- yèra-kömak; <=” mühkEm- -, ?).0. yâkalamak, -bâghlamak; 14:5, vikâyé-et, i-re siyânët-et, ) : körUmak. Security, s. emniyyet ; e· ümn, · èmân, · èminlik ; c 5 e sàghlamlik, kavilik; J 4 kefil; - 6 kefalet; 2) rehn, ) rehin. Sedan-chair, s. & x sédia. Sedate, a. Aghir, · tèmkinli. Sedateness, s. c· ÜsslUluk. Sedative, s. ze · - · tesskini-iztirâb-èden-“ilâj. Sedentary, a. -35- j• ş- -5) j•: dishari-chikmaz-hârékèt-etmâz. Sediment, s. : törtU, *: pössa. Sedition, s. - fessâd, 5° nifak, &: fitné. Seditious, a Sa: fitnékyâr, ele [“Âssi. Seduce, v.a. c·) âyartmak, c· Aldatmak, le-i ifsād-et, J: ighfâl-et, J izlâl-et : - 55 \ 8°- kâ'il-èdup-jimâ”-et. Seduction, s. J izlâl; - Jği · 8°- kâ'il-edup-jima”-ètma. Sedulous, a. * mükdim, • • mülâzim. Sedulousness, s. · müdâvémèt. See, s. c· pisskapÖssluk ; -, v.a. •9) * ghyirmek, ***.” müshâhédé-et ; cş- ânglamak (ânnamak), j. sezmek; c· sâkinmak, c* : bAkmak; – into, c = - hAkikAtini-ângla- mak; – to, c·: bAkmak, c iktizâssina-bAkmak. S E ED Seed, s. * tokhum, and } bèzr; –, v.n. c; ** tökhuma- -vârmak; – time, · èkin- -wAkti. Seek, v.a. c· Aramak ; – for, – after, -• y Aramak, - tâfâkkUd et; – out, c·y Arayip-bÜlmak. Seem, v.n. = $ ghèlmek, ) = ghyirunmek, c =j;= ghyizuk- mek, •* = ghyisstErmek, · bèngzémek. [mûnâssib. Seemly, a. : yâkishir, ~ Seer, s. *: peyghAmbèr, nèbi. Seesaw, s. Gşi • sAlinjâk; –, v.n. • sAllânmak. -- Segment, s. *ai kit”â. Seize, v.a. c· kApmak, ·i: yâka- lamak, a zAbt-et; 5 e tütmak, — Â- âkhz-U-ghirift-et. Seldom, ad. yeV nidir.ye'ü nâdiran. Select, a. *ş“ sèchma, 8 j= ghyü- zidé, · mûntakhâb ; –, v.a. ci •ş° sèchmek, C ç: âyrmak, l-sül intikhÂb-et. [âyrma. Selection, s. -\sü intikhÂb, & o9) Self, s. · kendi, · zat, üs iz, · khôd. [pèssèndlik. Self-conceit, s. · ·- khôd- Self-denial, s. - jebri-nefss. Self-destruction, s. - 5 : · - 5 e : kendi-kendini-telef etmek- lik. [pèssèndlik. Self-esteem, s. · khöd- Selfish, a. .:eye-khödbin. [ 284 ] S EN SE ----==* Selfishness, s. c khôdbinlik. Self-will, s. .e “inâd. Self-willed, a. -el e “inâdji. Sell, v.a. · sAtmak, ·-9 vErmek, - :J; fürükht-et, s— bèy”-et ; – off, s-i - r jümlétEn-sâtip-def”-et; –by auction, \e mezâd-et; 5):· mèzâda- Seller, s. : Ve sAtiji. [vèrmek. Selvage, s. $ kEnär. Semblance, s. · bèngzéyish, ·e: mûshâbéhèt. Semi, a :y'ı yarim, – a nissf; –circle, * 5'e-i nâssfi - dâ'iré ; –diameter, *-ia nâssfi-kütr. Seminary, s. · mèktEb. Sempiternal, a - : Jl ezeli-vé- -ebédi, We - jävidâni. Senate, s. }\;L ş” mèjlissi-vâlâ. Send, v.a. y° * ghyîndErmek, J. ) irsâl - et, 'J issbâl - et, y-i tessyâr-et ; – for, isstetmek : —')· ghètirtmek ; c·W Aratmak ; – word, 7-es- · khaber-ghyindermek. Senior, a. · *şi. sinnja - biyuk, · ş° yöshja-byuk; esski; bAba, ; peder. & Senna, s. senâ, · senâ'i- -mèkki (sènaméki). Sensation, s. U->- hisss (pl. ---- âhsâss); - ş° tâ”ājjub ; : • sèvinj; * kèdEr. Sense, s. L-- hisss, 8 - hâsssa (pl. L-9- hâwAsss); L* • mâ”nâ, S EN SI BI, E [ 285 ] S ER VE • • mèfhüm ; Jie “Akl, 63 zèkyâ, ·y° dirâyet ; *A*’a c-y- hâwÂsssi-khûm- the five senses, sa'i-zâhiré. düyulur, C -s” mâhsüss ; ãe "Aklli, ·ye dirâyetli; 4 ile “Âki- lâné, öy -ye dirâyetkyârâné ; = mütéshekkir ; ) khA- bErdâr. Sensitive, a. ---- hâsssâss; ş- Sensible, a. c·- hâsssâss ; y: y- chèkiniji ; – plant, · $ kyüsskyun. Sensual, a. U_5-- hisssi; -* nèfsâni; 'ye shehwâni. * Sensualist, s. —r: İy” hèwâ-perèsst. Sensuality, s. ·: -* hèwâ- -peresstlik. Sentence, s. 5 e “ibâré, kAziyyé; e “lâm, fetwä, <- hükm; -, va, els - hakkinda- [ Kil efkyâr). Sentiment, s. U->- hisss ; Ki fikr (pl. Sentinel, Sentry, s. şá; nibetji. Separate, a. -6:) âyri, 6:45: bAshka- 6 6 - * - -i`lâm-vErmek. -bAshka, Jağ mûnfAssil, 9 • münferid; –, v.a. · âyrmak, : –:} –5:):) âyri - âyri - kömak, : * tefrik-et : -, v.n. âyrilmak. [mûfârakAt. Separation, s. c: tefrik; · September, s. J: eylül. [lâhd. Sepulchre, s. mezâr, r: kAbr, · Sepulture, s. defn, 5 tedfin. Sequel, s. · sÖng, · !-- Alt-yâni; 4: nètijé. Sequester, v.a. öye mÜssÂdara-et ; -i tevkif-et. -- Seraglio, s. -sy • sûrây; public apart- ments of the –, e· mâbeyn ; private – -, - hârem. Serene, a. ş- âchik, J}}* ghyüzel, – latif - sakin, · sûkyünetli. [-kyîılé. Serf, s. * y: 8.94 rüssiada-yèrli- Serfdom, s. kyülélik. Sergeant, s. L ş- châwUsh. Series, s. 8) e s?ra. Serious, a. Aghir, ·=* tèmkinli ; * sÖfu, J!* mûtédèyyin ; · kyülli, - khayli, * “Azim. Sermon, s. ae: wâ”z. Serpent, s. 3 yilAn, *- hayyé, • mâr. Servant, s. (male) - kh?dmet- kyâr (hiz-), üshak, : Agha: (waiter) << - khādmetji (hiz-); (maid) - besslémé; (male-slave) &y= kyîlé, (female - slave) : - järiyyé, 5 - khAlâ’ik. Serve, va. - As khādmet-et (hiz-); c= y = ishini- ghyirmek ; –, U.??. c· yâramak, ***** fâ'idéssi-öl; \e K-e “Asskerlik-et; >'' - müsstâkhdEm-öl, •lesi. c· isstikhdÂm-ölUnmak ; – as, – for, - -, -lik-et ; : ·9° ishini-ghyirmek ; - one a trick, : ÖyUn-et ; – out, (dis- tribute) - le daghitmak, 3/9 vErmek; (punish) ·: yâpmak ; SE R VIA – one's turn, ·· ishini- ghyirmek, 3)} èlvErmek, c· ölmak. Servia, s. -9- serpisstân. Servian, a -2, serp; · serpli; -, S. ·y” serpli. Service, s. - o.A-- kh?dmet (hiz-) ; ( - :9 • më'müriyyet; · ish ; · minfa”at, 8 fa'idé; * kèrem, -: .e “inâyet, èfendilik ; to render a –, · e: ), ishini-ghyürmek; iyilik-et, \c efendilik-et; to be of –, * 5'i fâ'idéssi-öl, *. c , isha-yaramak, :9 = } ish-ghyirmek. Serviceable, a. y: 4: isha-yârar. Serviceableness, s. c:W: · isha- yârarlik. Servile, a. - hAkir; özelil. Servility, s. :) rikkiyyet; - eş-e “übüdiyyet. Servitor, s. &- hizmetkyâr. Servitude, s. -: rikkiyyet. Sesame, s. e sissâm (sÜssâm); oil of-, e· shirlaghan-yaghi. Session, s. 4. - jilsé, - Set, s. ç tâkim: -, a. * ) ressmi; ey mû”âyyen, u· kèssilmish ; -, U.0, c· kömak, 's- wAz"-et; “ So dikmek, - * nAssb-et; 5 rekz-et; :· kÜrmak; c bAshlatmak, < y - ) etdirmek; (bones) c :· sArmak, Lea- jèbr-et; (razors, &c.) bilémek ; (a t 286 ı S ET diamond, &c.) •5i ötUrtmak, c· mikhlamak; (seed) · ekmek ; (plants) < •S• dikmek, 'c-y* ghârss-et; –, v.n. (stars, &c.) c· bAtmak, l- ghürüb-et ; (clothes, &c.) c· ölmak ; (jelly, &c.) c·=: döngmak ; – in, (commence) c· bAshlamak; – about, c· bAshlamak, c** Ela-Almak, le mübÂshérèt-et, le ye mûbâdérèt-et, ' ' ibti- dâr-et, • mûssâbérèt-et ; – against, (indispose) - y = ghyûjèndirmek, y \: i ·- khüssümet-etdirmek, askhAssim-et; (as a counterbalance) •5 ·:): kârshilik-tÜtmak, c· 5 kâr- shilik-sâymak; – aside, c· bir-târafa-kömak; –: e2r: bEr-târaf- -et, s def“-et, târd-et, • sâwmak; – at, v.a. eş° hüjüm-et; ·r ş° hüjüm-etdirmek : – at defiance, - at nought, : kârshi-kömak ; c· * hich- -saymamak, : * ) * hich- -yiErina-kömak ; – by, c· bir-târafa-kömak; – great store by, c**· “Aziz-tûtmak; – down, : yèra-kömak ; \ · kâyd-et, c yazmak ; “ sânmak, 'e * zânn-et ; – forth, v.n. c· yöla - châkmak, '' --i köyÂm - et, -*je “Azimet-et; – –, v.a. le beyân-et; – free, ej âzâd-et (Azad); – off v.n. ghitmek, SE TTL E [ 287 ] SE VE İR AL c· kâlkmak, iş-chikmak; - –, U.0. · sAlivErmek ; c· bAshlatmak : — ishlEtmek ; · ghyîsstErmek, · c)-- hüssn-virmek, ·) ·: zibâyish - vèrmek, • : yâkishmak ; – on edge, C°*) * kûmAshdirmak; – on, c: , tesh- \a imzâ-et ; – out, v.n. c· vik-et; – one's hand to, yÖla - châkmak, i *-e-i kâyÂm - et, -*je “azimet-et; – –, v.a. ·3) sErmek, · dizmek, - tertib-et : - sail, · - yelken-âchmak, • kAlk- mak, l- “je-5 =e e: bādi- bÂn-kyüshâyi-"Azimet-öl ; – to, c· bAshlamak, jál àghâz-et, le y· mübâdérèt-et; – up, v.n. ·ş- Se dükkyân-âchmak, 45) eş: c tijäreta-bAshlamak; ; ; bAshlamak ; – –, · dikmek, kAldirmak, -a; nAssb - et, $) rèkz - et ; ·= ghErmek ; · * • mâ- – up for, ?).0. -lèzéméssini - vèrmek ; c** * : · kendini-sAtmak,-5 yc dâ”wâ-et, \cel iddi”â-et. Settle, s. 5 e sAndik; 4=: peyghèh (peyké), 5 e stra ; -, v.a. •iiyye, ötUrtmak, le K- isskyân-et; · 2 virmek, ese, idémek, el edâ- -et, \: ifâ-et; c·yi kArâr- lashdirmak, ·y: ; kArâr-vErmek; irzâ-et, 5 * j= Aghzini- kApAtmak, - ) - eş-e sÜssdurmak ·y° ildurmek; (money upon) c·- bAghlamak; (accounts) ·- hissâblEshmek; –, v.n. c :· ÖtUrmak ; tûwAttUn- -et, e : ittikhâzi-mèkyân-et; c % 9) tèmèlli-ötUrmak, · ·y--4 tèmèlli - ghirishmek ; (weather) c·y* kÂrârlashmak ; (liquors) c·yşe dürUlmak, ·2)· · ş- törtUssU-chükmek; (walls, &c.) ·- chükmek ; ; ;· ÖtUrmak, · yErlEshmek. Settlement, s. Jai fAssl; *et te'diyyé ; -5• 4 - mehri-mü'èijel; Öjak. Settler, s. · · * • • re khāli- mèmlékètda-tewAttun - -èden-AdAm. Settling, s. - khâli- mèmlékètda-isskyân; 4. s” mühâssébé. Seven, a. -6\! yëdi, 5-* seb”, * seb”â, heft ; the – planets, *) * seb"à'i-seyyâré. Seventeen, a. · ön-yëdi. Seventh, a. · yedinji, s-- sâbi”, * hèftum, ev** hèftumin ; –, s. 5-~ sûb”. Seventy, a. U*: yetmish, ey* seb'ün, cr*· seb'in, heftâd. Sever, v.a. c âyrmak, Jai fAssl- -et; –, v.n. c* âyrilmak ; le müfârakAt-et. Several, a, z: bir-kAch, :- chènd; SE VE RAL L Y -5'-5 ayri-âyri; **bAshka- -bAshka. -- Severally, ad. y! r birEr-birEr, -6 -°): âyri-âyri, 4:4: bAshka- -bAshka, is· münferidan, yèghyân-yèghyân. Severe, a. “ 9, sirt, \ \: shëdid ; * siki ; \: fenâ, Aghir, 5 kyûlli; : èlim. Severity, s. c sertlik, shid- det; -se eyi ifrÂti-dikkat; (of life) — riyâzet, -āe ey: ferti- “iffet, 5 $ /; ey: fráti-pèrhiz- kyâri. [dikish-dikmek. Sew, v.a. •S• dikmek, SeL** Sewer, s. * làghim, }: S kyâriz (ghiriz). [fAzlât. Sewerage, s. · làghimler ; - "J-i: Sex, s. :ye 9 K=>) iErkek- lik-dishilik-”ârazi. Sextant, s. · sekisstānt. Sexton, s. 57 mèzârji. Shabby, a. . esskimish, èsski, 8 : fèrsüdé ; - c “âyb, ·ld!) rèzâlèt ; ·- khâssiss, K· tAma”kyâr, & = ş- chin- ghyâné (chinghèni). Shade, s. * ghyilghé, & sâyé, Jk zill; ghyilghélik ; (in drawing) C süss; -, v.a. aK 4 ghyilghé-et, ile ilk sâyé-èndâz- -öl ; - ), irtmek ; (drawings) c· süssunu-yâpmak. Shadow, s. * ghyilghé, : sâyé, J* zill: - forth, 8 eş [ 288 ] SHAMELEs S · düman elinda-süveylémek, \ *'e j üzAkdan-imâ-et. Shady, a. ghyilghé, jl° - sâyé-èndâz. Shaft, s. (arrow) : ök, tir, çe- sehm; (well) : kûyu, *ş-châh; (column) ·2)!° direk, J. mil; (cart, &c.) : ök, J; köl. Shagreen, s. 6 kèlEr. Shake, s. J sAllAnish ; · sAllayish ; –, v.a. c· sAllamak ; C: **: • sârssmak; –, v.n. c· sÂllanmak; c*ye sârsilmak; – off, silkmek; 's-ie def“-et; – one's self, — silkinmek. Shako, s. ** · “Assker- [kèyfsiz. Shaky, a. 5 yârik-yârik ; · - Shall, v. aua. Shallot, s. ·· · yâbÂni- -sârimsâk. -shApkassi. See Grammar. Shallow, a. 5-· sigh ; c· âhmak, j-Ve dirâyetsiz; kAba, *ş-e sAchma. Sham, s. and a tAklid, · yâlAn; –, v.n. tAklîd-et. Shambles, s. pl. ssa- sèlkh-khâné (sÂl-khâné). Shame, s. ye “âr, - hâyâ, (*) * shèrm, -ş` hijāb ; -se “ayb, - ) rèzâlèt ; –, v.a. c· ÜtÂndirmak, - ş° mâhjüb-et; -, int. - c “âyb ! Shameful, a. --e “âyb. Shameless, a.j•i ÜtAnmâz. SHAM- FIGHT [ 289 ] S HIEEP Sham-fight, s. - jenk- -tAklidi. Shampoo, v.a. ·î · · “e * össmÂnli-tellâk-ghibi-Adami- ( * ) 8 -öghalamak. Shampooer, s. Be tellâk. 4- Shank, s. 5 y!: or : küyruk, * - hAlka ; (anchor) ülâna. *ş: bichim, K: shekil, ~ ressim, · hey’et; -, v.a. ··ş: bichim-vErmek, *aş: J•iye bichima-sökmak; (a course) c tûtmak. Share, s. -s: pây, a- hisssé, 3,4 bEhré; –, v.a. -: tâksim-et ; Shape, s. ·&a- hisssémènd-öl; –, v.n. y' 4-a- hisssémend-öl, le shèrik-öl, 'e mûshtérek-öl. Shareholder, s. yled-a- hissé-dâr. Shark, s. - 5 kyipek-bâlighi (?), âyi-balighi (?); :) . dölandiriji. Sharp, a. (cutting) e· kèsskin, ·- hâdid, ey bürrân; (pointed) }: tiz (tez), -5) sivri; (violent) · sert, \!\ : shëdid ; (pain) · Aji, èlim ; (intellect) · mûsstà"idd, ·- jinn- -"Aklli; (sound) : 9 dik; (taste) ekshi, türsh, c = mâykhösh. Sharpen, v.a. bilémek, · tAsha-tütmak, 9) - *\a 4ğ $4} C 94- mAssÂda-sürmek; (the wits) c·- •? âchmak. Sharper, s. :) dölândiriji. Sharpness, s. -3 kesskinlik; · sertlik; ekshilik. Shatter, v.a. * : pârélémek (pûra- lamak), aş-> : &ş- : pârcha-pârcha-et. Shave, v.a. 'c trâsh-et; –, v.n. 'c Wi trûsh-öl ; – off, 'c Wi trâsh-et, a : Üsstura-ila- -Almak : * 8 rendé-ila- -Almak. [ * ) renda-tAlâshi. Shavings, s. pl. c· 07” · tAlash, Shawl, s. J: shAl. She, pr. ö, J, öl: -, a. .9 dishi, -5): kAri; j: kz. Sheaf, s. o dèmet, ğ. bAgh. Shear, v.a. • kºrkmak. Shears, s. pl. Lei• mâkass, · mikrÂz; (for masts) · mâkass, ·yle dar-Aghaji. Sheath, s. e kin, * niyâm, – ghilâf (kilif) ; – (sheathe), v.a. c· kapamak, k’nina- -kömak, * ye dèr-niyâm-et; with sheathing, c·5 kÂplamak. Sheave, s. Je dil, * mâkara-dili. Shed, s. *) * sündurma or * öy • sÜndurma, y irtu ; -, v.a. · şe dikmek, \ * W irâka-et, - sefk-et; –, v.n. · dikyulmek, Akmak; “ye düshmek. -> Sheep, s. 9: köyun, dAwar, J- mâl; (small-tailed) c· kâvirjik ; (large-tailed) ·: kAra- mAn; –fold, Jé Aghil. X SHIEEP- WALK [ 290 ] sHIP Sheep-walk, s. Ve:y • mèr”a. Sheer, a. · sÂfi, e\ sâdé, ·- khâliss, Lá=” mâhz, ·e salt, *) * kürü; (steep) : 39 dik : - hulk, :=5 küru-tekné; –, - off v.n. ; ayrılmak : —= ghitmek; c· sökUlmamak. Sheet, s. (bed) - : - järshëb, – :y'ş- charshaf; (of paper) ki tAbaka; (of a sail) eşi issköt (shköt) ; winding–, e· kèfen (kefin); – anchor, -5), •: öjaklik-demiri ; – iron, s. 4-5 · dèmir-tâkhtassi; – lead, s. u = 5 e 5 kürshun-tâkhtassi. Shelf, s. – V rAf; (of rocks) : kaya. Shell, s. 5 kAbuk; bomb –, 3) -- (kömbara) ; -, v.a. - 5 c; ) e- kabughundan-chikârmak, c; “ye kAbughUnu-söymak; (with shells) il: - kümbara- -Atmak; –fish, c =-: bājek. Shelter, s. )y ?rtu, Uş· mèljâ, · me'vâ, -* sighinajak- -yèr, y: -&: : bârinajak-yir, &. sāyé, 5 * ma”äz; –, va. c· körumak, ağ- hâfz-et; c*\ 9Jş: ichèri-Almak. Sheltered, a. : 5 kûytu. Shelving, a, c dik, iş- chûkur, \c bAsh-Ashāghi. Shepherd, a. e\! e-chöbAn, ·y râ'î. Sherbet, s. : * shèrbët. [-shèrâb. Sherry, s. -y : beyiz-bir- Shield, s. kalkan, siper, tûrss : -, v.a. Gey, 3 körUmak, a-ā-- hâfz-et, *--: vikâyé-et, le ile siyânet-et, lala s” mühÂ- faza-et. Shift, s. (chemise) - 4 ghyimlek, u** kâmiss, ·yr: pirâhèn ; (of linen) — 5 kAt; (distress) 5 e sikindi, zârüret; (substitute) -s} : kölay, *) e- châré ; –, v.a. · yerini-diglishdir- mek ; - ) e diglishdirmek; - one's self, < y = 9 ·- châmAshir-dighishdirmek ; (in place) c· *iyi yerindan- -, (Ü.72. -Öynamak; (manage) -oy - Üydurmak; · ghèchinmek ; · y-= · ishini-ghyirmek ; · kölayini-bûlmak. Shin, s. şi: injik. Shine, v.n. c: ): pârlamak, · 9 ziyâ-vèrmek, · 9 c· âydin- lik-vèrmek, •*): } c: ishik-vèr- mek, mûnir-öl, (with borrowed light) · müssténâr-öl, münèvver-öl. Shingle, s. (sea) -5 - : yAli- -châkillari, kAba-kümluk; (roofing) 3 ) : pâdâvra, e-:5): yârma-châm-tâkhtassi. Shining, a :): parlâk, münir, mûnevver, · mûssténâr. Ship, s. 4 ghemi, * tekn6, sèfiné, v : = kèshti ; –, v.a. c; 5 : * = ghèmiya - kömak; c· & · ghèmiya - Almak ; (in S HIP - BİR 0KER, [ 291 ] S H 0 0 T its place) c ile takmak, · ghèchirmek; (a sea) • yemek, c· 9yeş) ichèri - Almak ; (men) c· yazmak; –, v.n. ): * * ghèmiya - yâzilmak ; (in its place) · takilmak, ş: gleehmek Ship-broker, s. -69-“ · ghèmi- simsâri. Ship-builder, s. 5 * ghemi- mî'mâri. Shipbuilding, s. · -5l: ; fenni- [sâhibi. Shipowner, s. · · ghèmi- Shipper, s. * J*** ghèmiyyé-mÂl-yüklédan-kimèssné. Shipping, s. · ghèmilEr, e: • sefâ'in. Shipwreck, s. 45 kAzâ; to be ship- wrecked, * 6 kazâya- öghramak, sej kAzâzèdé-öl. Shipwright, s. ) öy • (mâranghÖss), Kye dülghèr. Shire, s. - sAnjak, \: liwâ ; kAzâ; eyâlet. Shirt, s. · ghyimlek, · kâmiss, ·: pirâhèn. Shiver, s. · üshumé ; U:ğre (titréyish), xj lerz6, *-e râ"shé; 4-); pârcha, 5 kirindi ; -, U.72. · üshumek, · (titrémek), e") - liErzân -öl, Üs), lerzénâk-öl; -, v.a. c· kirmak, ·): (pâralamak). Shoal, s. 4 - * sigh-yir, Ja· kÜmsAl ; U5°)2* bÂlik-sûrussu, inshāy-sefâ’in. -:) sûru ; -, a. 5-~e sigh ; –, (!).78. c· sighlashmak. Shock, S. ·ş- châtish, fela; tûssâdum; U*: • sârsish ; · khâlEl, -y* zârar ; (of sheaves) · ön-demet-takimi; -, V.0, c*) • sârssmak; : · e: 6 pek-fena-ghèlmek, : = ·y * kèrih-ghyîrunmek. Shoe, s. 5 ayak-kAbi, kündura, ş° Apchin, c : : pâpüsh (pAbUch); (horse) x nâ”l (nAl); –, v.a. c· (nAllamak). Shoeblack, s. = 5- · z: : pAbUch-böyayan-chöjuk. Shoemaker, s. U ş5`: : pApUchji. Shoot, s. J'e dAl; z: pich ; · Atish, Atim ; · : fârlayish ; –, v.n. (plant) · Je dAl- -sürmek ; · z: pich-vèrmek ; (pain) : zönklamak, } • sâzlamak; (in motion) -• -3 f2rlamak, c· Atilmak ; (with a gun) ile tüfenk - Atmak ; (with abow) c· : ök - Atmak ; -, V.0. · ildurmek ; c·: yâralamak; c :)y wÜrmak ; (as a punishment) ·j-° *-i -*!) 2-5 (branches, &c.) ·*) * sürmek; – out, – forth, kürshUna -dizmek; ·*) * sürmek; – down, v.a. (coals, &c.) -*-= dikmek, c· böshAltmak ; (aman, ox) ·· ildurmek, · 6-29)y würUp-düshurmek. X 2 S H0P [ 292 ] sHow Shop, s. Ko dükkyân (dükkèn), y • maghaza; –, v.n. = 4 * : - chârshiya-ghitmek. Shopkeeper, s. · So dükkyânji. Shoplifter, s. -°·- e· dükkyân- kh?rsizi. [-kh?rsizlighi. Shoplifting, s. · e· dükkyân- Shopman, s. · · dükkyânji- kAlfassi. [dükkyânji-kAlfassi-kAri. Shopwoman, s. –5): s° Shore, s. J- sâhil, -5) 4 Şe dengiz- -kènari, _ kiyi, yâli ; (prop) *: ; pâyendé, desstek ; -, – up, c· *: pâyendé-wÜr- mak, ( ) c desstek-wirmak. Short, a. da5 kâssa, : böysUz; (abridged) -a s* mükhtAssâr, J•ş” müjmel; (wanting) < \ eksik, Lasü nâkiss, e ai nöksân ; to be taken –, 5 ş-chishi- to be – of breath, cş L-ü nefess - Alamamak, ziku-’n-nefess-öl (tik- -nèfess-öl) ; in –, ad. J· èl- -hÂssil, *ai el-kisssa. Shortcoming, s. ) : a; küssür. Shorten, v.a. c* ai kèssAltmak ; -, 27.72. c· kâSSAlmak. Shorthand, s. z : · ·ş- ·: pek-châbik-yazilir- -bir-nèv”i-ishâret-yâzissi. Shortly, ad. 4-a-5 kâssa; Ü~ mükhtAssaran ; – after, % ej y: bir- Az-söngra, • Az-söngra, mûta-”âkkiban. -ghElmek ; Short-sighted, a. ·-) 5 kyîr-ghibi, y: -5) = ghyüzu -ghyirmâz, a y = kAssirU-’l-bAssar; (morally) : * & a5 kâssa-dûshunur, j a! bAssiretsiz, y: fèrâssètsiz. Shot, s. · sAchma; 5 ghyullé ; · kÜrshUn ; · Atish, : Atim; U Atilish, * 5 Atilma; 5 Atar, : Atiji, = <- nishAnji ; --- hissâb; small –, *ş-Ve sÂchma ; gun– · · kürshun-yârassi. wound, Should, v. aur. See Grammar. Shoulder, s. j; ÖmUz (Ömz); –, v.a. c· ÖmUzlamak, ( ; ; · ömUzina-wÜrmak, c· · Öm- Uzina - Almak ; – blade, – bone, ·kyürek, – 6 ketf(pl. – = èktâf); – arms! · diwÂn- dÜr. Shout, s. 4= e sâyha, e feryâd, a vèvélé, c· baghirish, - chàghirish; *-e- \: bāghirishma, **Jée- châghirishma ; –, – out, c·: bāghirmak, - chaghir- mak; (together orrepeatedly) c** : baghirishmak, c* - châghirish- mak. Shove, s. L:5 kÂkish, · itish ; –, va (move) 5 kakmak, : itmek, 9)* sürmek; (without moving) • yye dürtmek. Shovel, s. }) = kyürek ; –, v.a. c***9 $ kyürekla-Atmak. Show, s. c =ghyisstèrish; L 5 SH 0 W ER [ 293 ] S IDE ghyîrunush ; r* sèyr; –, v.a. ·* ghyisstErmek ; ağ irâ'é- -et, yy.) ibrâz-et. Shower, s. y” – - khAfif-yâgh- mür; heavy –, y• - sert- yâghmUr ; \e sâghanak ; –, v.a. c· yaghmak ; ; ·: yâghdir- mak. I : pârlâk. Showy, a. · ghyisstérishli ; Shrapnell shell, s. 3 •s- 8 L: bir- nev'i-khÜmbara. Shred, s. : • dilim, kessindi, *ş- : parcha; –, v.a. je ditmek. Shrewd, a. · shèytÂn, ·- - jinn-"Aklli, ·ye dirâyetli, y: fèrâssètli. Shriek, s. d= 5 ghyünâhkyâr, iî Sir, s. efendim : bègh. Sire, s. bAbA. Siren, s. 5): - jâzibéli-kAri. sirname, s. - i familia-Adi. Sister, s. c · köz - kârindash (kârdash), 5 * hemshiré, - : bAji ; eldest –, 4 Abla ; wife's –, j \: bAldiz ; husband's –, *ş 5 ş ghyîrumjé. Sit, v.n. ( ; )· öturmak, · kû“üd- -et; (in council) \ ·ş” mêjliss- -"Akd-et; (fowls) ; **ş-: külüchkaya-ötUrmak; – up ; - * c :· döghrU-ötUrmak; – – late, C°·= ghèch-ötUrmak ; – – all night, c· bitun- -ghèyj6-yâtmamak ; – in judgment, - hâkim-öl. SI TE Site, s. 3 yir, si; mevki”, J=* mûhâll, S- mevzi”. Situate, Situated, a. (place) s- vâki”, e:S kyâ'in, 8 ** mevzü”; (person) 8 N- hâlda ; situated as I am, * * - benim-hâlimda, ç**** * Al-benim-bûlundughum-hâlda. Situation, s. (place) - mevki”, S-39 • mevzi”, =” mâhâll; (moral) J- hâl; - hey’et; (employ) y yir, · khidmet (hizmet), [U: shësh. Six, a. Alti, - - sitt, * sitta, Sixteen, a. · ön-Alti. Sixth, a. Altînji, c· sâdiss, * shèshum ; –, s. * Altida- më'mûriyyet. -bir, c_y \ sûdss. Sixty, a. · Altmish, sittün, cy * sittin, ·a: shAsst. Size, s. · biyukluk, sa; kât”â, ş” hAjm ; (height) -: böy, · kâmet, el endâm, kAdd, 3: bālā; (glue) Jöy tütkAl. Skein, s. - ce) demet. Skeleton, s. 9); küru, <: teshrih ; – key, ja: ; “ mâymünjuk. Sketch, s. “y ek tAsslAk-rèssim ; (in words) – 5 *- kAbaja- -tâ”rif; –, v.a. y°- : kAbaja- -ressm - et; –: < - 5 kAbaja- ) -tâ”rif-et. [:- sikh. Skewer, s. - 5 kebâb-shishi, Skif, s. – khafif-yel- kenli-filika. Skilful, a. . . hünerli, mâ”ri- [ 296 ]. SKY fetli, üsstâd (Üssta), 2 mâhir; (physician) 3 - hâzik. Skill, s. 7. hüner, · mâ”rifet, cşe . (Üsstalik), “ 9yle- mâhâret ; (medical) - ö- hâzâkAt. Skim, v.a. c·le·j9! yüzundan-Almak; c· yâghini-Almak ; ** c kâymaghini-Almak ; (a book) c y =j:= ghyüz-ghèzdirmek; –, v.n. (as a bird) y***): c*ş-, yèra (or &; e süya)-hèmEn- -dökUnarak - Üchmak ; (as a boat) ( *ş- Üchmak. Skin, s. 5.ye deri, la jild; (animal's) ·: pösst; sheep –, ·: pösstéki; whole sheep or goat –, * tülUm ; whole ox –, · yedek ; –, v.a. ·: yüzmek, 4:3 e söymak, sèlkh-et. Skip, v.a. c; 5 Atlamak; -, U.7l. c·yş* schramak. Skirmish, s. “ e- ·r * ş- chârkhajilaring-châtishmassi ; –, v.n. c**.5- châtishmak. Skirmisher, s. e- chârkhajiler. Skirmishing, s. ·- * - chârkha- jilik. Skirt, s. 5 etek, 3 zeyl, 'e dâmEn; –, v.a. **y'y- jiwârinda- -öl, 18 kürbunda-öl. Skittish, a $ ürkek, 5 öynAk. Skulk, v.n. c*-ie ishdan-kAch- mak, c - hâylAzlik-et; · Skull, s. 55 kAfa. [ghîzlEnmek. Sky, s. ghyik, -: ghyik- Su A B [ 297 T S I EN DE İR -yûzu, “ semâ (pl. · sèmâ- wāt), • āssmân; – light, 43° ·- (tepé)-jâmi; – rocket, y* · hàwà'i-fishènk (fishek). Slab, s. 4ş- : pârcha, *- levha, * tâkhta. Slack, a. · ghèvshek ; – lime, : y:=U* - sîenmush-kirëch ; –, va -*-: = ghevshetmek ; ·2) Aöş sindurmek. Slacken, v.n. · ghèvshémek ; -, v.a. ghevshetmek. Slag, s. · ey* mâ'den-bökU. Slain, a. J: mAktül. Slake, v.a. el itfä-et. Slander, s. y: iftirâ, e· bûhtân, – kAzf; –, v.a. iftirâ-et. Slanderer, s. - iftirâji. Slanderous, a. e y* iftirâ- -nèshr-èder-Ölan. Slang, s. · e·e- chApkin-lissâni. Slanting, a. eghri, yân, i: yâtik, 5 arkuri (aykiri) ile mâ'il. Slap, s. · sili (silé), shâmar ; -> Ü.0. c· “. shâmar-Atmak ; –, ad. ** tAmÂm. Slash, v.a. = -3 kessmek. Slate, s. e-5 yazi-tAshi; siyâh-mèrmEr. Slattern, a. -5): J -: • pek- -sâpsâl-kAri. Slaughter, s. * kirim, feJ: kAtli- “Âmm; –, v.a. -= kessmek, '<3 zibh-et; •· itldurmek, katl-et; : \e e helâk-et; –house, ajls:“ selkh- khâné (sAl-khân6). Slave, s. (male) d* kyülé, 8 A: bèndé, · “âbd ; (female) : - jārīyyé, : - khAlâ’ik; (concubine) c ödalik; – (while on sale) — essir (yessir); – market, 65) : èssir- -pâzâri (yessir); – dealer, -· èssirji (yèssirji); –, v.n. · ·ş- (yèssir)-ghibi-chAlishmak. ·y· èssirlik (yes-), · kyklelik, rikkiyyet. Slay, v.a. · ildurmek, J: kAtl-et, \ > helâk-et. Slayer, s. 5 kAtil. Sledge, s. : kâzâk ; – hammer, C” : vâriyoss. Sleek, a.j*· sèmiz, : 5 tâvli. Slavery, s. Sleep, s. i: ' Üyku, : nèvm, -y- khâb ; –, v.n. c· ÜyUmak ; -ing, asleep, : Üyuyor, 8 y: üykuda, 5 nā'im, se: khābidé; -less, } : üykussuz, Sleepy, a. · -*-y üykUssU- -ghèlmish, - khāb-âlüd ; (pear) · y:5- chûruk. Sleet, s. · şe sûlU-sepken ; -, v.n. c*: · : • sûlu-sepken-yâgh- mak ; · sèpmek. Sleeve, s. J: köl, · yen, or ·: yèng, e· âssitin, * kyümm. Sleigh, s. 5 kâzâk. Slender, a. *şki inja, mârin, &: yûfka, c:) râkik. ŞLICE Slice, s. dilim; –, v.a. · kèssmek, ( - = re e dilim- -dilim-kèssmek. Slide, v.n. ; 25 kâymak : –, v.a. C°·i kâydirmak; –, s. : · ghechma-kapak : / G-4 'ü kayila- jak-yEr. Slight, s. (* 2yü- hÂkârèt ; –, a. – khafif : inja, nârin; – va. bakmamak, “e sâymamak, \e 2,5- hAkârët-et. Slim, a : inja, ) nârin. Slime, s. · sümuk; ş- châmUr. Sling, s. · sûpAn; * Âsski ; –, ?).0!. c· sûpAn-ila-Atmak ; c· Assmak. Slip, s. · kâyish, * 5 kayma, L: ), e sûrchush, j zellé ; (of paper) : shükka; (mistake) : S yûngilish (yanish), 4. sehv, Was- khAtā; (for ships) K- isskelé ; – of the tongue, ·\: jé Aghz- -yângilishlighi (yânishlighi) ; –, v.a. c· kaymak, • • sürehmek; -, v.0. c· kâydirmak; – in, vn : -· — ghirivièrmek ; · · ghèlivièrmek, ·: öghrayivèrmek; ––,v.a.ci •9):·e sökuvèrmek ; -out,v.n. ş- châkivièrmek; ·: • sâwUshU- virmek ; ·ş-i kAchmak ; – –, v.a. ye-i kAchirmak ; – on, v.a. ·· ghiyivirmek ; – off, v.a. ·- chikârivirmek : – –, U.72. · :- châkivèrmek; [ 298 ] sLUg e: •*) *· sâwUshuvèrmek ; – knot, c • ilmik, [c tirlik. Slipper, s. c·: : pâpüsh (pAbUch); Slippery, a. y'i kâyar, k: kâypAkh. Slit, s. 5 yârik, *): yarma : — delik; : yörtik ; z°): yirtmâj; -, v.a. ( :9 yârmak ; c·): y?rt- mak; “e-i âchmak ; - shâkk- -et ; –, v.71. c· yârilmak; c· y?rtilmak. [: kötra. Sloop, s. kürvet; c:):) ibrik ; Slop, s. * = 9 dîkyulEn-sÜ ; –, – over, – about, v.a. ·= dükmek ; -s, s. pl. e ** - U: ) 9 • i -- khAsstaya - yedirilen- -chörba-mörba ; · · ye- hÂzir-sAtilAn-èsswÂb (èssbAb). Slope, s. · shèv ; bâyir ; –, – off, v.a. c· Almak, c· 2 shèv- [mâ'il. Sloping, a. : shèv; bâyir, J5 Sloth, s. e 5 tenbellik. Slothful, a. tenbel. Slothfulness, s. tenbellik, Slough, s. ş- châmUr ; · bAtak, c : bAtaklik; (of a sore) · $ -yâpmak. jèrâhât ; –, v.n. ·-y---: 55- > chûruyup-jerâhât-öl, Sloven, s. fe'e -: piss-ghèzEn-AdAm. Slow, a, Aghir, c· yâwAsh, * bAti ; (watch) :y:= ghèri; – match, · mâhitÂb, J: fitil. Slug, s. ·-2: 5 * -: kAbUksUz. -sümuklu -bî jek ; · · kürshun-kèssindissi. SL U GG A R D [ 299 ] S M U G G I. E Sluggard, s. J°e yuğe dâ'imâ- -ÜyUr-ölAn-tênbel. [ÜyUmak. Slumber, s. üyku : –, v.n. · Sly, a. e sheytân, 64 - hilé- kyir, o the- · ·= ghizli- -ghizli, * mâkhfiyyan. Smack, s. * shâmar, · sili (silé); · lezzet; · köku ; ; ; kayik ; -, 27.07. c·y * shâmar - Atmak ; (one's lips) c· * 'u sess- -ila-Aghzini-yAlamak. [ e sâghir. Smalı, a fik, küchuk, Smallpox, s. · ·şlş- chichek- -`illeti, -s%y - jüdéri. Smart, a. L** *ş°)l); pârlâkja- -ghiyinmish; * parlakja, <- jijili; tetik, · mûsstâ”idd; · sert, * siki; –, s. - Aji, S->: veja” ; -, v.n. = Ajimak. Smash, s. ·y: kârilish, ·): pâra- lanish ; (bankruptcy) · töp- -Atish ; –, v.a. c· kırmak, ş-y: aş- : pârcha-pârcha-et. Smattering, s. · e -j- · pek-jûz’i-ölan-ma”lümÂt. Smear, v.a. 9) • sürmek, :5) : bÜlâshdirmak. Smell, s. : kökU, *=y râ'ihâ, -°: büy; (sense of) 4 e 5 küvveti- -shämmé; -, v.n. : kökmak; –, v.a. c; köklamak; : c kökUssUnU - Almak; * isstishmâm-et; – arat, • • * - hılé-sèzmek. Smelt, v.a. ): e· mâ”din-kAl-et. Smelter, s. · kAlji. Smelting, s. J5 kAl. Smelting-furnace, s. · J5 kÂl- -öjaghi. Smelting-works, s. si kalkhāné. Smile, s. * 5-i - khafif-ghyülmé, *- tebessum : -, v.n. - - · khafif-ghyülmek, tebes- [dârb-et. Smite, v.a. c - wÜrmak, - * Smith, s. - * timürji (deymirji), el - hâddâd, K·l âhenghir. Smithy, s. 6° “: deymirji- -dükkyâni. [chârpilmish. Smitten, a sela; üftâdé ; ·:ye- Smoke, s. · tütun, · düm An, e· dükhÂn ; –, v.n. e : tütmek, dümAn-vir- mek, G• ş- ye dümani-chik- mak; (tobacco) ·şle tütun- -ichmek, “aş :- chibûk-ich- mek ; –, v.a. · * : tütsu- - virmek, -·i; tütsulémek, We - tedkhin - et; el & ye dümAna-Assmak. Smoking, a. e·ş- · dümÂni- -chikan ; –, s. · e· tütun-ichmeklik. [düm Anli. Smoky, a. · tûtunlu; · Smooth, a. jy° düz, y” hèmvär. Sum-et. Smother, s. e ye : köyu -dûmAn; · pek-siklik-(kalaba- lik); –, va. c*: böghmak ; c·: - ), irtup-bAssdirmak. Smuggle, v.a. c ş-° e·= S M U G G LER ghyûmrukdan - kAchirmak ; · · ghizli-ghetirmek. Smuggler, s. • î ey-i J• e·9° ghyümrukdan-mÂl-kAchiran-AdAm. Smuggling, s. c· J 4y* ghyümrukdan-mÂl-kAchirmaklik. Smut, s. ·le *:u: kürUm-tânéssi. Smutty, a. · kürUmlu. [-shèhiri. Smyrna (town of), s. e:· èssmir- Snail, s. a-·* kÂbUklU- -sûmuklu-bîjek, c· sAlyanköss. Snake, s. · yilAn, & - hâyyé, mâr; (of waterpipe) z: mârpich (mârpUch). Snap, s. c· kârish ; ·ş- châkish ; (of mecklace, &c.) daş: köpcha; –, (!).?3• c*V: kirilmak, c*:: köpmak; -, v.a. : karmak, c· köparmak ; (a pistol, &c.) ·- chèkmek, : e- chûkmak, G• • c - -! c** l9,5 e- pârmak - châtirdAtmak ; (one's fingers in one's face) delli e ·* sâkalina-ghyülmek, i,5 zevklEnmek ; – up, c· kApmak ; - at, C o: • ?ssirmak, ·· 2ssirmagha-châbAlamak. sökmak; (one's fingers) Snare, s. : 09° öı° tÜzAk, • • dâm, -hibâlé (pl. J5-hâbâ'il); ·- hilé, 4 r· dèssissé; –, v.a. c· * tüzAgha-tütmak. Snarl, v.n. c· - knirlamak, Snatch, v.a. c· kApmak. Sneak, s. — sinsi. Sneaking, a. · u = ~ sinsi-ghibi. - [ 300 ] S0 AK Sneer, s. We- isstihzâ, ş* hijv ; t==* vn. Vş isstihzâ-et, ş* hijv-et. Sneeze, s. - Aksirik, c· Aksirish, ·e “Atsa; –, v.n. c· Aksir- mak, 'e ae “Atsân-et. Sniff, s. ·: köklayish, &•: shèmmé; -, v.d. c köklamak. Snip, s. · kirkindi; (tailor) –53; or -°ye tèrzi ; –, v.a. c*: kârk- mak, :) - kessmek, Snipe, s. : : yelvé-küshu, 8: yèlvé. [-yûmaghi ; ;ş Alchâk. Snob, s. *** = y künduraji- Snobbish, a Gş Alchak. Snot, s. · sûmuk. [bini. Snout, s. ey: ): bÜrUn, - ènf. L: Snow, s. : kAr, –: bErf, : sèlj; -, v.n. \: yü kAr-yâghmak : – ball, kar-topu, Snuff, s. * öl ènfiyyé, ky* sü’üt ; (of a candle) yye mümung- bÜrnU ; –, v.a. c· bÜrnUnU- -Almak ; – box, · * \ en- fiyyé-kütUssU. Snuffers, s. pl. i” • • müm-mâkassi. Snug, a. ·-y râhat. So, ad. (absolutely) : büylé; shüylé; öyl6, 4- bî-wejhla; (incomparison) ikAdar;-, c. * : binâ'an -“âleyh, ev : binâbèrin, u.)* 9! bû - sebebdan ; so much, _ : bü-kAdar, _y * shû-kAdar, öl(ö)-kadar ; -that, &= shîıylé-ki. Soak, v.a. c· - 2: ş: *ye süya- S0 AP [ 301 ] S0 L A CE -köyUp-brâkmak, · · = ghèrèghi - ghibi - 2sslAtmak : -, v.n. -dürUp-ghèrèghi-ghibi-âsslAnmak : – into, ş**s ichina-gleehmek; – through, · ghèchmek. Soap, s. · sâbUn ; –, v.a. c 'e sâbUnlamak; – wort,,, Şye- chighEn. Soap-boiler, s. · ·: · [-kyûpughu. Soap-suds, s. : :* · sâbUn- Soar, v.n. C°v**: · ÜchUp- sâbUn-yâpan-sâbUnji. -yüksekda-dûrmak. Sob, s. · * Kş- Aghlamakda-nefessing-shid- dètla - ichèri - chèkilméssi ; –, ·=e-:yeşi · Aghla- makda-nèfessi-ichèri-chèkmek. Sober, a. (person) c: âyik ; e “Aklli, ile “Âkil; rijâ-et, ·: yAlvar- Solicitor, s. ·9 \yce dâ”wa-vekili. Solicitous, a. ·j ârzUmènd. Solicitude, s. mèrâk; ishtiyÂk; }if dülal - ) - khāyr- -khâhâné-ârzU. Solid, a :) yekpâré; -ş müjes- sem : - 5 künt, · kAlin, A mühkèm, J: • mètin, · kawi, = müstahkem : – s. -- jissm. Soliloquize, v.n. :y* · · kendi-kendiné-sîwèylEnmek. Soliloquy, s. 3 · y* · · kendi-kendiné-suweylenilan-kelâm. Solitary, a. tènhâ, : yÂlingiz, } \*: yâpa-yAlingiz ; · 2sssiz. Aghir ; Solitude, s. ile tenhâlik, : yalingizlik; : beyâbân, j- 2sssiz-yèr. Solomon, s. e· süleymÂn. Solstice, s. - öl inkilâb ; summer –, · - öl inkilÂbi-seratÂn; winter –, 5 -- öl inkılâbi-jedi. Solution, s. - hâll. Solve, v.a. J- hâll-et. Solvency, s. &lel L: =)5! ·: yle bi'l-jûmlé-börjlerini- edāya- -iktidâr. Solvent, a. y • &le · · bi'l-jümlé-börjlerini-èdâya-müktedir. Sombre, a. :: köyU ; c kAranlik. Some, a. (one) y! bir ; (few) Lax: bA“zi; (quantity) j : bir-Az, r! bir-mikdâr; (number) z: : bir-kAch; –body, – one, – person, -°): biri, - birissi, f 'V' bir-Adam, 4.43= bir-kimèssné ; -how, :ye bir-(türlu); – thing, :) bir-shèy; – time, xi mükAddémâ, ö: • sâbikâ; – times, ~ bA”zan, 3 =L4* bA”zi - kërré, – what, * L*: bA”zi-mèrtébé; – where, *r : bir-yèra ; 89) : bir-yèrda. Son, s. · öghUl; ** mâkhdüm ; – of, · öghlu, ey ibni, selj zâdé ; – in-law, le dâmâd ; step -, Jé, ·y üwèghi-öghUl. Song, s. türku, sharki, İ08.02 • Soon, ad. e- châbik, j tiz (tez); I would as soon stay as go, S0 0 T [ 303 ] y° r: K: c (; := ghitmek- -ila-kAlmak-bAnga-bir-dir ; I would sooner stay than goc 54-) e· y* K: ghitmekdan - issa - kAlmak - [bAnga-yègh-dir. Sooth, s. - ö.5- hAkikAt; in -, in good -, - - hAkikAt, · fi’l-hAkika. Soothe, v.a. We - tèsskin-et. Sophism, s. a-ā. safsata. Soot, s. -- iss. Sophist, s. - · sAfsAtaji. Sophistry, s. 4 sAfsata. Sorcerer, m. Sorceress, f. s. -sel- jAdi, · sihrbÂz, · bûghuju or u = }: büyuju- [büyu. Sorcery, s. s° sihr, : bûghu or : Sordid, a :Ke- (chinghini), • dèni. Sore, a. ya- Ajir, 5-2r: veji”; · darghin, U• • - jäni-sikil- mish ; –, s. *): yâra, * zâkhm, zya- jürh ; – throat, Jé: böghÂz, : - khÜnnÂk. Sorrel, s. ° –5j: kûzu-külAghi. Sorrow, s. y* kEder, elem, y° dErd, *-95 –5 kAssüvet, --- teesssuf gham, 8; öl endüh. Sorrowful, a. y* mükEddir, ghAmmnâk. Sorry, a. y = mükèdder, –· müté'esssif; fena, · miss- kin. Sort, s. :ye' dürlu (türlu), 5ye söy, L·- jinss, : nev”; –, v.a. c· ayrmak, : - a - r S0 UTHER NW 00 D jinss-jinss-âyrmAk; -, v.n. *:y) ?tymak, c· yârashmak. Sortie, s. &-3i) k · · * =* ş° mühÂssara - ölunan-"Ass- kerin-dishâriyyé-bir-hüjümi. Sot, s. · bèkri ; –, v.n. -yeş · c· · ichub-ichub- -sèrkhôsh-Ölmak. Soul, s. e -jān, -y) rüh, -jenin. Sound, s. (_” sèss, l o sÂdâ, āwäz; (gulf) kykrfez, · khâlij ; –, a : • sagh, : • sāghlâm : iyi ; - kawi; :e dinj; = mühkim; (sleep) : Aghir, eye derin : -, va, ş- chAlmak, -y darb-et, itdurmek; (depth, &c.) J. . isskAndil-et; (persons) c*: · Aghzini - yöklamak; –, v.n. - 5 itmek, %y! U-* sèss-vièrmek. Soundings, s. pl. c s° * ·isskandil-ila-tahkik- -Ölunan - sü - derinlighi ; to take –, c isskandil-Atmak. Soup, s. y:- chörba. Sour, a. = ekshi, c tûrsh; –ish, a, c = mâykhôsh. Source, s. : pÜnâr, * · pÜnâr- bÂshi, 5-* menbâ”. South, s. - -jenüb, kabla : – a. _s -jenübi; -east, ·= kèshishlémé, Southerly, a. and ad. · * kibla- [ghibi. Southernwood, s. 4: ) 6 kyâfüriyyé. Southern, a. - jenübi. S0 U THW A R D [ 804 ] SPASM Southward, a. and ad. · ** kiblaya-döghrU. South-west, s. · lödoss. South-wester, s. c· lödoss; c· [ghibi. South-westerly, a. · · lÖdoss- South-western, a. E: * c· lödoss-târafinda-vwâki. Sovereign, s. **el: pâdishâh, - hükmdâr; (coin) : lira ; -, a. J:-e mûsstâkill. Sovereignty, s. ·- hükyümet ; · milkiyyet; J - isstiklâl, el isstibdâd; devlet. Sow, s. = v : dishi - dönguz (dömUz) ; –, v.a. e: S èkmek, 'öy zer”-et. Space, s. 8 yèr; Js” mâhâll, · mèkyân ; · meydÂn ; open –, -5 $ lödoss-rüzghyâri. *G- âchik-yir, - àchik- -mèydÂn ; c W âralik; absolute –, W khâlâ - u - mèlâ ; absolute Vacant –, \- khâlâ ; – of time, · müddet, y aralik. Spacious, a. U* = ghènish, s-ı wāssi”, vûss”âtli, ç- âchik. Spade, s. bel, kyürek. Spain, s. - isspânia. Span, s. 95 kArish; (of thumb and fore-finger) , sèré; (of an arch) * kEmEr, ·iş- âchiklik, : wëtEr; (of life) - müddet ; -, va, - - 5 kArishlamak; · ·= *= 8 üsstunda- - kèmEr-ghibi - dürmak; \ de -İ ihâta-et, · Almak ; – new, spick and - new, = -3 yep-yengi, ·ş* \!\a- jedid-u-müjëdded. Spangle, s. J: pül. - Spaniard, s. isspâniali. Spanish, a. : - isspâniali; –, s. · isspânioljé. Spanish fly, s. r: jy 5 kûnduz- -bîjèghi ; – liquorice, · miyân-bAli. # Spanker, s. (sail) *öy rAnda. Spar, s. (timber) e)” sèren ; : - chibûk; (mineral) - k --- mâ”den-tAshi; –,v.a. * & o müshta-tâ”limini-et. Spare, a. (extra) · yedek, · yedeklik ; (superabundant) 4 --i fAzla ; : bösh, 8 : böshda ; (lean) - * zâ“if, j zâbun, (diet) yûwan, j-é yaghsiz ; –, v.a. y°e “Afv-et, 'U : bâksh- -et, ---- - baglishlamak; c;• s) el idâréli - küllAnmak; · èssirghémek; : -9): 9 virmek, vèré-bilmek. * shèrâré ; (beau) :- höppa. Spark, s. kaghiljim, : Sparkle, v.n. c·!): pârlamak, c· r! p?rildamak. Sparrow, s. *ş-· sèrché, : *ş~ sèrchE - küshu, -ā-a-e e :şi$ kyünjishk; – hawk, 4ş° [Atmaja. 6 & -9 Assfür, Sparse, a. ·9) seyrek. Sparseness, s. · seyreklik. Spasm, s. · isspâzmüss. SP AT U I. A [ 305 ] S PT D ER Spatula, s. · mAblAk. Spavin, s. U: shish. ·*) *: c bAlik-yâmUr- tassi ; –, v.n. and a. c· yimUrtlamak. Speak, v.n. -59, lâkirdi-et, tèkèllum-et ; –, v.a. ·* sûwëylémek, •:e demek. Speaker, s. Spawn, s * · sûweyléyan- -AdAm ; • · c· nÜtk- -èdEr-ölan-AdAm ; · ) rë'iss. Speaking-trumpet, s. -) : jë Aghz- -börUssU. Spear, s. y* m?zrak, ghârghi, 8}: nizé ; –, v.a. · m?zrAkla-wÜrmak. Special, a. Les khāsss, Ley as makh- süss, L s° mükhtAsss; eya khÜssüssi. Speciality, s. eya-khüssüssîyyet; · “ilmi-mâkhsüss, · · 6 6 A ( ) a-) 4 eya s” sân`âti-mâkhsüssa. fEnni-mâkhsüss, x e Specially, ad. eya khÜssüssâ, · · “âlé-’l-khüssüss. Specie, s. Xğü nAkd. Species, s. z: nèv”. Specify, v.a. 'La a° tâkhsiss-et, İ er* tâ”yin-et. Specimen, s. köy• nümüné. [zèrré. Speck, s. 4< leké; lai; nökta; 9° Spectacle, s. seyr ; · sèyra-shâyân - nèssné ; -s, s. pl. e: ; ghyüzluk, [· shâhid. Spectator, s. 5 * seyrji ; nâzir, Spectre, s. 4 khāyâlé. Speech, s. şe- nûtk; · kövveti-nAtika; Kı tekellum. Speed, s. c = ghidish, · “ât; –, v.a. 90: c· sâgh- lik-vermek; –, v.n. • = ghit- mek, ·= : - châbik-ghit- mek ; full – (of a horse) · :· dölU-dizghin. . Speedily, ad. - châbik. Speedy, a. e-châbik. Spell, s. =; büghU or : büyu, \ SUII” dö-i efsâné, efsün; –, v.a. · imlâssini - süwey- lémek, c· imlāssini- -yazmâk; ş° hèjélémek. Spend, v.a. 'z khârj-et, –re sârf- -et, – as mAssraf-et, J& bezl- -eti (time) —ş gechirmek, \ imrâr-et; – itself, c·j- hizini-Almak, G. 5 5 küvveti- -kAlmamak; –, v.n. · bèli- -ghèlmek, 4 - nefssi-ghèl- mek, Jj' * mèny-inzâl-et. Spendthrift, s. – müssrif, -6\! mirÂss-yedi. [nûtfé. Sperm, s. L: • meny, L-ā nefss, 4 aj Spermaceti, s. ·: bÂlik-nèfssi. Sphere, s. * kyûré; felek; 35'e Spherical, a. -é: kyûrévi. [dâ'iré. Spherics, s. pl. ·· kaûréviyyÂt. Spice, s. 'e bâhâr; (touch) : mâyé, y: kökU. Spider, s. ş°) irumjek, K.e “ânkébüt; –'s web, · c ş:L/ Y SPI KE itrumjëk-Aghi, ·95 târi- -”ânkébüt. - Spike, s. -=5 ènksEr; –, v.a. c* -· ènksEr-châkmak. Spill, v.a. dikmek ; –, v.n. · dikyulmek. Spin, v.a. = eghirmek, Jj: ighzâl-et; –, v.n. üye dinmek, c·}}: fèrildAnmak ; (silkworms) 'Je-e : ipek-hāssil-et. Spinach, s. · isspânâk, z· issfinâj. Spindle, s. c 'igh; mil. spine, s = arka kemigi, &: öngUrgha (ömUrgha). Spinning-wheel, s. 3 yiş-chikrik. Spiral, a : * helézöni; – line, s. :) · hèlézon. Spire, s. 45 küllé (külé), *9 minâré ; *\5 minâré-kyülâhi. Spirit, s. z :) rüh; spirits, z-: y èrwāh ; <2) rüh, r° “ârak, *y râki. Spiritual, a. -: rühÂni; –5 c [dan. Spirituous, a. .e 5je “ârak-nèv”in- 6 6 ş- mâ`névi. Spirt, s. · âtish, · fishkirish ; -, ?).73. c·) Atmak, c ,** f?sh- kirmak. Spit, s. ·= kèbâb-shishi, *- sikh ; (ofland) Je dil; –, v.n. c * tükyurmek. Spite, s. - nefsâniyyet; –, v.a. -: nefsâniyyet-et; in – of, y* hich-bAkmayarak ; in – of him, • 5 Anga-raghman. [ 306 ] S P'0K E; Spittle, s. · 5: tükruk. Splash, s. c·j zifoss; –, v.a. c·yş:U --ş-*— üsstuna- -châmUr-s?chrAtmak; –, v.n: -) ş- C 5 ş* chamur-sichratmak. Spleen, s. (organ) Jle dAlAk; (passiön) e : kAra-sevdâ; - 4 ghAzab ; y* mèrÂk, : • ÜssAnj; ·- u_5“: · jân-sâkindissi. Splendid, a. .e râ'nâ, ele : pek- -â”lâ. Splendour, s. c:}) revnAk, - - sAltanat, 4 a tAntAna, & edeb- débé. [va = eklémek. Splice, s. ek, · èk-yèri; –, Splint, s. - * : k?rikji-AghAji. Splinter, s. 8 -- khürda ; z : *) * - (kûmbara)-kirindissi; –, (7.72 • J< - y: -hÂssil-öl; –, v.a. ey- khürd-et, L: 9-khürd-u-khÂsh-et. - 5 AghAj-ktrindissi, kârindissi- Split, s. CL: yârik; –, v.a. c:): yârmak, e- châk-et ; –, v.n. c·V): yârilmak, c; ş- châtlamak. Spoil, s. *** yaghma, • ghAni- met (pl. ghânâ'im), - - sèleb ; –, v.n. ·y 5° bÖzulmak ; -, v.a. ej; bözmak ; •ye söy- mak, “k yàghma-et, c 2) = ghâret- -et, -ç nehb-et, - - selb-et. Spoke, s. *93 =5 tèkerlèk- -pârmaghi, ; ; parmak : I'll put a – in his wheel, •v :e: · ben-Anga-bir-öyUn-yâpârim, AS ev°. S P 0, IA TE I 307 ] S PRIN G (*) 25- -2 bèn-Anga-bir-dölAp- -chèviririm. Spoliate, v.a. · - nehb-u- -ghâret-et, •: ; e söymak. Spoliation, s. 9:3 e söyghun. Sponge, s. & sünghEr. Sponsor, s. J* kèfil. Spontaneous, a. · kendi-kendina-zühür-èdEn. Spoon, s. c· kAshik. Spoonful, s. c kAshik, · kAshik-dölUssU. c· \: Sport, S. · öyUn, *ş<ü. èyliEnja ; f AV, K* shikyâr, \, e sâyd, · siyâdet; –, v.a. c· öynamak, c*** öynashmak ; · sî Ava-ghitmek. Sportsman, s. -î Avji. Sportsmanship, s. c = Avjilik. Spot, s. leké; *a nökta, : bènek; ; yir, s” mâhâll, s-: • mevki”; –, va, la leké-et; –, vn. - ** lèkélEnmek ; on the –, 8 s” mâhâllinda ; 8 s”J, öl-mûhâllda; 89) : dürdughu- -yèrda ; 8 ânida, -e- ö-sâ”ât, **** hèmândèm. Spotless, a. * lèkésiz ; ·: pâk. Spotlessness, s. · lèkésizlik ; : pâki. - Spotted, a. 44 lekeli, · benekli. Spotty, a. . . benekli. Spouse, s. z :) zevj, *-: köja; da- ) zevjé, –5,5 kAri. Spout, s. · èmzik, es ghâgha, · : bürUn, Aghz ; (pipe) ci ölük; -, v.n. ( :y: f?shkirmak ; -, ?).(İ. c -*- -ö- –* f?shkirt- mak. Sprain, s. U* 5): bürkUlush; –, v.a. c:): bürkwtmak; to be sprained, c· y: bûrkulmak. Sprat, s. ·- hâmsi-bAlighi, -*- hâmsi, or L**- khâmsi. Spray, s. (wood) Je dAl, Jedşil inja-dal (froth) *- 5° * e : dèngizing - yàghmUr - -ghibi-frlayAn-kyüpughu. Spread, v.a. “: yaymak ; · sèrmek ; · bAsst-et ; \ nèshr-et; –, v.n. c* yâyilmak ; -y- sirâyet-et. Sprig, s. Jess inja-dâl. Sprightly, a. z: : shènshükh, cy” fèrāh, müferrih. - Spring, s. (season) J'e bâhâr, 'e J, Rvvel-bâhâr, --- ilk-bâhâr ; (water) : (püngâr), : (pÜngâr)-bAshi, *\:ye sü-bAshi, * âyâzma, *-e- sèr-chèshmé, 5-* menbâ”, : yenbü” ; (lock) -5. yày; (watch) · zènbérek ; (jump) _Ayş” sehrayish, Atilish ; –, v.n. yş* s?chramak; - : Atilmak ; c· : firlamak ; -: nesh’et-et, s— nèb”-et; J-e- hÂssil-öl, - tèrettub- -et; –, v.a. (a mine) c·l Atmak; (a mast) ai sûkat-et; – a leak, - * :4=*:ye sû-etméghé-bAsh- Y 2 S P R, IN KI E [ 308 ] ST A. F F lamak; – up (as plants), *) * : sürmek, c *-e- châkmak. Sprinkle, v.a. and n. · serpmek ; -, s. U: - serpish. Sprout, s. 5 tomruk, = töm- rUjUk, filiz ; –, v.n. · filiz--sürmek, filizlenmek ; c • ş- châkmak, sürmek. Spun, a. · èghirilmish. Spur, s. j•e (mâhmuz); (mountain) J: köl; –, v.a. · mâh- mUzlamak ; ' - - 5 tèshvik-et, ·9) yy° dürtushdurmek ; on the – of the moment, &l bi-'l- bidâhé, 3 ’ale vehle'i-ülâda. Spurious, a. - sakhta, ·: yâlAn. Spuriousness, s. · kAlplik. Spurn, v.a. \s -- 5 *: yüzuna-bAkmayUp-hAkârètla-def“-et, Spy, s. c· jässüss (shâshid); –, (!).78 • - jâssüsslUk-et (shâ- shidlik); -glass, ey: ) dürbin (dürbun). Squabble, s. 8 y’e bökdan-nizâ”; -, v.n. aye bökdan-nizâ"-et. Squad, s. tâkim. Squadron, s. (ships) *:y° dönanma, • 9° *şi inja-dönanma; (horse) · birluk. Squall, s. (wind) :): böra ; (child's) - — kehuk- -chöjughung-feryâdi; –, v.n. e\:L: feryâd-et, c = Aghlamak. Squander, v.a. – issrâf-et, l- 5 telef-et. - Sauare, s. 5-8 • mürebbâ”; (houses) · meydán; (carpenter's) d:= ghyünya ; -, a. -39° döghrU, · ghyinya.; · ·ye dîert-kyūshé ; -, v.n. C •: Üymak, · döghru-ghèlmek; – accounts, v.a. ·- hissâbleshmek; we are -, ·-:9- Alip-vèré- jéghimiz-kAlmadi. Squash, v.a. · èzmek. Squeeze, s. L** sikish ; –, v.a. c; 5 e sıkmak. [(satire) ş° hijv. Squib, s. (firework) - le mâhitâb; Squint, s. c shâshilik ; –, v.n. ** shâshi-öl; – eyed, ** shâshi, J;- âhvil. Squire, s. \:' AghA. Squirrel, s. · tèyyün. Squirt, s. & 5-hökna ; –, v.a. • i: fishkirtmak; –, v.n. c , fsh- kirmak. Stab, s. **): sis- khAnjar-yârassi ; -, v.a. ç· khAnjar-ila- -wÜrmak. Stability, s. metânet, : sèbât, si. isstihkyâm. Stable, s. - Akhir, tavla, U — isstAbl ; –, a. · sâbit, . . mètin, · müsstâhkèm. Stable-boy, Stable-man, s. “L- se'iss-yâmaghi. Stack, s. cy: yighin, · kyûmé ; –, ?).0 • \e yighin-et. Staff, s. (stick) deynek, ae “Assā; (body of assistants) - * sT AG [ 309 ] ST AND - mâ“iyyet më'mürleri ; (army) -j- 9 erkyâni-harb. Stag, s. = ghèyik. Stage, s. (of a journey) J* mènzil ; (of transition) J- hâl, d5i 5 kèrté ; (scafold) ak lisskelé; (of a theatre) · mânAssé, : · : y öyUn- jUlaring-yèri ; (theatres in general) ): tèyatrolar; – over, v.a. * K. G• 5 * - ); isskelé-kürup- -düshémé-kÂplamak. Stage-coach, s. s°ye J} • menzil- -”ârabassi. Stagger, v.n. sendélémek, 'G-4 yikilajak - öl ; -, v.a. ·j zèdélémek : J -* ·9) ; sebâtina-khûlEl-vErmek. Stagnant, a. . ) dürghun, ·y râkid; U S) irkilmish; (market) · kessâd. Stagnate, v.n. c· Akmamak, irkmek, irkilmek, yşe dürmak, le yye dürghun-öl, $y râkid-öl; (market) e-5 kessâd-öl. Stagnation, s. 4459 irkmé. Staid, a. · tèmkinli. Staidness, s. e· tèmkin. Stain, s. leké ; –, v.a. · lekélémek ; aK leké-et; · lekelenmek. • Stair, s. c· bAssamak, &z- y° -, ?).0le dèréjé; –s, s. pl. -case, s. · nèrdibÂn (mèrdivèn). Stake, s. (wood) kAzik ; (wager) · bahss; –, v.a. < bahss- | -et; at –, se k= tehlikédé, s· mükhÂtarada. Stale, a. · bâyat ; · èsski ; -, t).72. c* kAshanmak. Stalk, s. -e sAp; -, v.n. : yûrumek, - 5 ghèzmek; c* kû- Stall, s. dil- khāné, yèr. Stallion, s. : At, âyghir. Stalwart, a. .e5 :· 9 e· -: kâvi-èl-bünyân-vé-tAvil-èl-kÂmet. Stamina, s. · kÜvvet. Stammer, v.n. · ·: pèltek- -sûwèylémek. Stamp, s. * (dAmgha); –, v.a. * c :ey, dAmgha-wÜrmak ; (in a mill) c= $ 8.Ae=re dibekda-daghmek ; (under foot) &:- chinémek, - 4 Ayak-Altina-Almak; –, v.n. (with the feet) · (tepin- mek), c*\ş- âyak-chAlmak. Stanch, a. -5: kâwi, metin. Stand, s. (pedestal) ayak ; · kyürsi; (stall) = serghi ; (of arms) e “âded, asla; kât”â; (op- position) · mükÂvémet; –, [rulmak. v.n. yşe dürmak; (on foot) * 5.) C-e) âyakda - dürmak ; (bear) c* dayanmak; - chek- mek, J“=” tâhûmmul - et; (be situated) ölmak, 's , wâki”- -öl; (a course, a ship) = ghitmek, J: yöl-têtmak : (be permanent) sürmek, : pâydâr-öl; – for, - - }e delâlet-et; 'Je bedel-öl, maka- ST AND A R 10 |[ 810 ] S TAR VE minda-kâ'im-öl; 8 \* mâ”nâ- ssinda-öl; (an office) - tâlib- -öl; – in, (cost) · ölmak; (a ship) • i:: karaya-yâklash- mak ; – off, ·- chèkilmek ; (a ship) ş- âch?lmak; – one's ground, – out, y'e 5 sâbit- kAdEm-öl, ·. dayanmak; – sentry, · nûbet-beklé- mek ; – still, c )9° dÜrmak, c* kâmildAnmamak; – up, · *é àyagha-kalkmak; 5,5* döghru-dûrmak; – – for, 14:3; vikâyé-et, - s* tâssâhhub- -et; • isstémek; – on end, · dikilmek; to come to a - still, y° dürmak, : •·: püssulayi-shâshirmak, kAlmak. Standard, s. · sAnjak, tle “âlem, \, liwä, ye bâyrak, y \! bandara; (of weight, &c.) e “âyâr, x < mi”yâr, · mizÂn, V* kArâr ; (in machinery) âyak; (tree) y:) z : 4:5 ÜzUn-kyûtuklu-AghAj; – bearer, 'siy: bayrakdār. Standing, s. -āe sifât; & 5j) rütbé; el i”tibâr; (in time) : kadem; -, (I. 8 s5.' âyakda, kâ'im ; J*-i- –i kAlkmish ; (permanent) ile dâimi, ; pâydâr ; (water) e·: ) 9° dürghUn, ·y râkid, e· AkmayAn. Staple, s. (iron) -5 = kyûpru ; (mart) *y- chârshi, · kApAn; (of wool, &c.) -: böy; –, a. · biyuk, 4- : bAshlija; Jal Assl, Ül âna. • Star, s.j : yildiz, ** nèjm, - * kèvkib, sitäré; (of knighthood) · nishÂn ; (person of eminence) · mü”tébir-kimessné. Starboard, s. şi- sAnjak, c = · şi- ghèmining-sAnjak-târafi. Starch, s. 4 : nishAssta (* : nishèssté, a deposit ?); –, v.a. c% :· · nishAssta-würmak. Stare, v.n. · dik-bAkmak, · pek-bakmak : :- * c*ş- ghyîzunu-chök-âchmak. Stark, ad. · bitun. Starling, s. = e sighirjik. Start, s. ·yş” sèchrayish; U: köpUsh, U*-i-ş- châkish ; · mèydÂn ; –, v.n. (jump) ·ş” (in motion) *-e- châkmak; 4: köpmak; to get the –, e: iléri-deprenmek (or c V 'e dâvranmak); 8 = ·y ghèrida-brâkmak ; –, v.a. sèchramak ; c - ) ----ş- châkârmak ; (game) C·yol 5 kAldirmak; (water) c = 9 dükmek, · U: : böshAtmak ; (the anchor) c·: öynatmak, Ar: · dibdan-âyrmak. Startle, va. -ş° ta”āijub- -ètdirmek, mak ; - *y: körkutmak : :e 9r: c :·: birdan-biré-Üyûndirmak. * - hayrân-k'l- Starve, v.a. c·yz âj-brâkmak, z c· âj-kömak : -, v.n. ·- STATE [ 311 ] ST TE A Tı TET · öjlikdan-ülmek; ş-·- âjlik-chèkmek ; c· zy* **şiy ilinjéya-kAdar-âj- – to death, v.a. -kömak; – –, v.n. ·- with cold, · e söghukdan-ülmek. State, s. (condition) J- hâl; (govern- ment) · dèvlet, ·- hü- kyümet; (pomp) · saltanAt, · tAntana, 4 e debdébé, } -, U.0. ·-*-9 dèmek, ·* süwèylémek, : ° tAkrir-et, e : beyân-et, * zikr-et; e° âjlikdan - ilmek ; – Alay ; tâ”yin-et. Statesman, s. 44-· müdèbbiri- -Ümüri-jÜmhür. Station, s. 3 yir, s” mâhâll; Jj menzil, – mevkif; - hâdd, * : pâyé, 4-5) rütbé; –, v.a. G: kömak, - - y brakmak, e· Stationary, a. --ü sâbit [ta”yin-et. Stationer, s. - 6 kyâghidji. Stationery, s. · ·\= kyâghid-kâlEm-mâküléssi-shèylEr. Statue, s. y: · tAssvir, “ş: yaj tAssviri-müjësssem. Stature, s. -8: böy, · kÂmet, 5 kAdd, }\! bâlâ. Status quo, s. : : isstätü-kuö. Statute, s. · künün, • nizÂm. Stave, s. < ş-: fichi-tâkhtassi. Stay, s. C 'ye dürUsh, · kAlish, · ikâmet; (prop) —e dess- tek, · dâyak, *: pâyèndé ; (moral) e:i) rükn; J El, 5 ghyüz ; j:vş J tÜtar - köl - ghyîrur- -ghyiz; (of a mast) · isstrâlya; -s. s. pl. · körsèta ; –, v.n. c·dürmak, kalmak, şey ötUrmak, · èylEnmek; (a ship) * \ a \ örsa - alabânda -et; – one'shunger, C ç· sAfrayi- -bAssdirmak. 2 Stead, s. ) : bedel; in stead, ): bedelen, d: r yèrina. Steadfast, a. · mètânetli, *ü sâbitkAdem, : ; pâydâr. Steady, a. –5: kâwi, <= mühkèm, ş yi kArâr, &-5 yer bir-dûziyé; ye: (titrémâz), j =5) rekyâkët- -ghyîsstErmâz ; (in character) · emin, · mü”témed, · ÜsslU, _} •° temiz ; -, v.a. • · tÜtmak, s-* -· öynamassini-mèn”-et. Steak, s. 5 e J kyül-bAssdi. Steal, v.a. ş- chAlmak, \-iy· sirkAt-et, c· ÖghrUlamak ; –, vn. - khirsizlik-et, - - sirkAt-et; (move quietly) ·l - = - Üssülla-hârékèt-et; – in, · & ye, Üssülla-ghirmek;–out, c** ş- & e, Üssülla-chikmak : – OI), · &ye Üssülla-ghèchmek ; time steals on, · ·: yâwAsh-yâwAsh-wAkit-ghèchiyor; – away, *** sivishmek, · c· Üssülla-sâwUshmak. Stealth (by), ad. = ghizli-ghizli, a\ \ş kAchamakla, * e “âla- -khûfyétin. S TEAM [ 312 ] sTERILITY Steam, s. : büghu, k; bükhâr, Stench, s. 5,5 fèna- köku, · : vāpor ; - engine, - ): vâpor-chârkhi; – boat, – ship, ):19 ta"afun, *-e- -4'a-y râ'ihâ’i- -kèrihé. vâpor, =öze-charkh-ghemissi; Step, s. - Adim, khAtvé; (ofa locomotive - engine, e : vâpor -“arabassi; –, v.n. : d; •öre- büghUssU-châkmak; * :yş- · chârkh-ila-ghitmek; –, v.a. ··* : büghuya-ghyüsster- mek : — : büyhu-ila- -pishirmek. • Steed, s. At, · èssb. Steel, s. ş- chelik; (for striking fire) “iş ; kav-châkmaghi ; (of a flint lock) 5 karshilik; –, vn : -= ·- chèlik-kèssil- mek; –, v.a. 2- * ·ş- chèlik- -ghibi-sèrt-et. Steelyard, s. a· kAntâr. Steep, a. · dik; –, v.n. d*J : 8- 5-2 süda-yâtmak; –, v.a. c·y *: • süya-brâkmak. Steeple, s. · kilissé-küléssi. Steer, s. · ghènj-bögha, : ghenj-ikyuz : -, v.a. • kül- 1Anmak; 9°,5 ghyiturmek; –, (7.72. c· dûmèn-küllAnmak; (as a ship) · dümen- -dinglémek (dinémek); (a course) c~$ ghitmek. ladder) c* bAssamak, âyak; (of a door) eshik, āssitân ; (of promotion) :) rütbé, da ye deréjé ; (of a mast) · ü\ : · âna-dirèghing-bAssdighi- -yEr; –, v.n. c· âyak-Atmak; c* : âyak - bAssmak ; (walk) · ): yûrumek ; –, v.a. (a mast) - * * yèrina-öturtmak : – aside, ·- · _r: bir - târafa- -chekilmek; – back, 4 r= gheri-ghitmek ; - 5 ghèri- -ghElmek ; – down, ·\ Ashâghi enmek; – forward, 2 - · iléri-ghèlmek; – in, ş: · icheri-ghèlmek; – out, · ·ş- châbik - yûrumek ; c· f: el- : biyuk-Adim-Atlamak; – OVer, 5 kil Atlamak; – up, c •örş--:5): yükâri-chikmak : – this way, ·*);r: * : bü-târafa- -büyUrUng ; –, a. · ûwèghi ; - SOn, · üwèghi-öghul; – daughter, j* : üweghi-kız ; – father, üweghi-bAba : – mother, öl : ûwèghi-âna. Steersman, s. · dûmènji. Steppe, s. : kèr. Stem, s. · kyütuk, * 5 ghûwdé ; Sterile, a. (animal) -: k?ssir; (land) (of straw, &c.) · sAp ; (of a ship) - · c bAsh-bödosslamassi; khāyrsiz, Jyş-chil; (plant) as” mâhsülsizz. –, va, * :yi kârshi-ghitmek. Sterility, s. c:y-i kâssirlik ; · ST ER, I, IN G [ 313 ] STIN KIN G khāyrsizlik; as” mahsül- sUzluk. Sterling, a. - hakiki, La khâliss, Stern, s. : k?ch ; –, a. ~ sèrt, - sèrt-khüylu, -y - hâdid-mîzâjli; – post, · kâch-bödosslamassi. Stern-chaser, s. : · : kâch-töpU. Stethoscope, s. cy: *· siné-bin. Stew, s. < yâhni; (of fruit) : :: : kömpössta ; -, v.a. ): ; pishir- mek ; c*: = yâhni - yapmak; -, t).??. ·: pishmek; tobe in a –, c·y : körkmak, 9' - )y* körkUssU- -öl; -s, s. pl. ; 6 kyâr-khâné. Steward, s. s5 ketkhudâ (kyâya); (ship's) = - khidmetji (hiz-). Stick, s. : dèynek, U:5- chibük, ae “Assâ ; -, v.0. - * ş. · bichAk-saplayup-uldurmek; · (-22: \;\e ş: b?chÂk - sA- playUp-yâralamak; –, v.n. c·: yâpishmak, · tÜtmak ; - :: · yâpiship - kAlmak ; – at, ·ş- chekinmek, ghèri-dûrmak; – by, y: âyril- mamak; – in, v.a. c*ye sökmak; c· sÂplamak; – –, v.n. c· saplanmak; - out, -5): c· dèshâri-öghramak. Sticky, a. · yûpishkAn. Stif, a, • 5 èghilmâz, kAti, sErt ; · strik-ghibi, = c· tash-ghibi; * kalkmish ; (in manner) : 2 söghuk. Stiffen, v.n. -*-:-5=- pekishmek, c kAtilashmak : * 5 kAlk- mak ; ·=L tAsh-kèssilmek. Stifiness, s. - 6 eghilmûzlik. Stifle, va, c bögkmak. Stigma, s. 4K leké. Stigmatize, v.a. - * tâ”yib-et, \ * takbih-et, csi kAdh-et. Stile, s. 2: ; ; pârmak-kApi. Still, a. . . sâkit; sâkin; ·:/9° dürghun, j- · sesssiz- -sAdâssiz ; --- -=2)-- hârékètsiz ; ·-V râhat, 5 tek ; -, s. c· inbik; –, ad. 4 yiné (ghené) ; X- hâlâ, &: X- hâlâ-yiné (ghèné) ; -, va. = tesskin-et; y eye sÜssdurmak. [-·y-hârékètsizlik. Stillness, s. · sesssizlik ; Stimulate, v.a. \c: 9° teshvik-et. Sting, s. * ighné, · dikEn, - khār ; (pain) - Aji, --> veja”; -, t).0. G• • sökmak ; c·- Ajitmak; –, v.n. - Ajimak. Stinginess, s. c:y < tAma”kyârlik. Stingy, a. U----- khassiss, K* tAma”kyâr, -5,4z jimri, & ş- (chinghéni). Stink, s. : : fèna-kökU, · tâ”âf- fun, 4: 3* ej üzUn-yâki-pâr- chassi ; – : : \: ·=e- kâyishlarini - chèkmek ; c·: yöki-pâr- chalarini-yâpishdirmak. Stratagem, s. 4 - hilé, kese khûd“a, 4 se) dèssissé. Stratum, s. 5 kAt, 4i tAbaka; strata, s. pl. tAbakxt. Straw, s. (whole) “; e SAp ; (ground) kâyi; –, v.a. : up, Ü.0le · sâmAn. Strawberry, s. e-chileyk. Stray, a. · sâhibsiz-ghèzEn; * 9° düshmé ; –, v.n. c·. ·-j-= ghèzmek, c· dölashmak. Streak, s. -:5- chizi; · dAmar. âyrilmak ; Stream, - s. -- chây, c· 2rmak, *ye deré, e sü, 4 nehr; ·l Akindi: -, v.n. 5 Akmak, 5 - c* chök-Akmak. .' Streamlet, s. -se- chây. Street, s. • sökAk, j zûkÂk, C:· târik ; – door, · sökAk-kApissi. Street-walker, s. v : ) örosspo. Strength, s. ) .j zör, · kÜvvët ; · metânet, = isstihkyâm ; · shiddet; kesskinlik. Strengthen, v.a. y: : kûvvet- · kavilesh- dirmek, metânet- -vErmek, \-:yü tAkvîyyet - et ; · yü tAkviyyet-virmek : ·9): : | < isstihkyâm-virmek. -vèrmek; Stress, s. :) zör ; – of weather, * dö :2 - y” hâwâning-firtina- lilighi ; to lay – upon, 8 se, * L/ · · lâkirdida - ehem- miyyet-virmek. Stretch, s. · ghèrish, J·J= gherilish; –, va. ghèrmek; c· kAssmak; –, v.n. ·= ghèrilmek ; ; ; üzamak; (in re- lating) la mübâligha-et; on the – gherghi, = gherili, · kAssili ; the utmost – of STR ET 0 HER [ 317 ] ST RIP E imagination, J·9- hâwsalâ’i- -tâkhâyyul ; – out, v.a. c* üzAtmak; – –, – forward, v.n. c*Üs üzAnmak. [(tèsskéré). Stretcher, s. *) --~ dèsstkyâré Strew, v.a. c·ş-e sAchmak, · dikmek, “a yaymak, y* sèrmek. [mûbtélâ. Stricken, a. ·yy.) wÜrUlmish ; Strict, a. ** siki ; c:5° dAkik ; c· müdAkkik; dölü • mûdAk- Strictly, ad. * siki. [kikâné. Strictness, s. e sikilik ; “$ e :-s° kèmâl-sihhât. Stricture, s. (moral) zy- jèrh, · e ?”tirÂz, Jai fAssl; (physical) : - süddé. Stride, s. el Adim; 5. âyak ; ilEriléyish ; –, – over, -5 · · ?).70 v : -ghèchmek, · AtlayUp- -ghèchmek. Strife, s. ° nifÂk ; 8; nizâ”, ·- chèkishma, (kâwgha). Strike, v.a. · wÜrmak, - dârb-et ; ·ş- chAlmak; (lower) \ · mâyna-et, · èndirmek ; (appear) = 4 ghèlmek, • ) = ghyârunmek; – a bargain, Wj: pâzarlik-et : – üsstundan- against a rock, c •J ş- * kayaya-châtmak : – blind, kyir-et, ghyi- zunu-kyîr-et ; – down, c***%): yèra-yâkmak ; – fire, *-L: Atèsh - châkmak, c·'ş- ; kâw- -châkmak; – off, • s= kess- mek ; · issmini-chiz- mek, 'e terkin-et ; – out, · issmini - chizmek, i e· terkin-et; :) - chikâr- mak, · düshurmek ; v.n. c & *= } 3. yüzméghé-bAsh- lamak ; c· mÜshta-Atmak ; – root, · kyük-sÂlmak, c; “ tûtmak ; – (a plant) ·le e: - / -- - daldan-yetishdirmek, · · kâlEmdan-yetish- dirmek, : -y=e dikup- -yetishdirmek ; – terror into, lil - * ilkâyi-dèhshet-et, l- si tèrhib-et ; c·- chAlmak : – up, c \ \: bAshlamak. Striking, a. - ş° “Ajib, --J-é ghârib ; it is a – likeness, - : pek-bèngzEr. String, s. · ip, “ş° sijim, 5 tel; (of camels, &c.) ya5 kAtâr ; (of beads, &c.) -:je dizi, ye sıra; –, ?).0Z. · dizmek ; · ghè- chirmek; (an instrument) : 5 *J üye tellérini-dönatmak. [èkkèd. Stringent, a. .e siki ; *' mû”- – the hour, –, v.n. Strip, s. *ş-> :U-'e· ÜzUn-ènsiz- -pârcha: -, v.a. e söymak; c·ş- âchmak; –, v.n. c * 9-2 söyunmak : : şe söyUlmak. Stripe, s. U: 9r;- chibük, c ): pârmak, J: yol, j zih deynek, -2r darb, darba. STIRIP ED Striped, a. J: J: yöl-yöl; c:): cj y; pârmak-pârmak. Stripling, s. e\,= nev-jûwân. Strive, v.n. ·ş- ch Alishmak, *- sâ”y-et; – with, c· öghrash- mak, ·- chèkishmek, • yârashmak. Stroke, s. (of a pen) – ş- chizi; (of an oar) ·- chèkilish ; (of a sword) dârba; thunder-, ev· yildirim, diele sâ”ika ; c· ökhshamak. Stroll, v.n. · ghèzmek; –, s. · ghèzmé. Stroller, s. ) : dèr-bé-dir. Strong, a 'yı zorlu, : küvvetli; -: kawi, metin, ö\ dâyâ- nikli, mûsstâhkEm ; · sert, K-4 kesskin, 5 e döku- Stronghold, s. 4si kâlé. [n Akli. Strop, s. · * üsstura-kâyishi. -, ?).0 , Structure, s. \: binâ, · bünyân, e : bünyâd; ·i tertib ; J· hèykèl. Struggle, s. ·y yârashma, · öghrashma, ·ş- chèkishma ; \: (kâwgha) ; –, v.n. · yârashmak, ·ş- chèkishmek; c* öghrashmak, c·ş- châbAlamak ; – for life, ·- ·- jÂn-chèkishmek. Strumpet, s. *.-i fâhisha, :“: ) (örosspo). Strychnia, Strychnine, s. · 4 5 ·- kârgha-büken-khûlâssassi. [ 318 ] STUP END 0 USL Y Stubborn, a. - e “inādji, * mü”ânnid, 9,4 mütémerrid, ele “Âssi. Stubbornness, s. .e “inâd. Stucco, s. · Alchi ; rro mèrmEr. Student, s. = - mekteb- -shāghirdi; (of law and divinity) 4 - sükhté (söfta), - : tâlibu-l-“ilm (pl. tAlébé, .e tülébÂ). Studio, s. 4 \s 6 kyâr-khāné. Studious, a. ·ş- ch AlishkAn. Studiousness, s. c ş- chAlish- kAnlik. ş Study, s. (mental) &s'a mütâla”à ; (object of –) _ y° dirss; (closet) ale, öda; (exercise) ( * tâ”lim ; –, v.a. asse “- ·e- chAlishmak; · ökU- mak; * tâ'lim-et. Stuff, s. 5 kümÂsh; (woollen) –'ye söf; (rubbish) *-e sÂchma; bread –, * - 9 zûkhîré ; household -, èshyâ ; –, v.a. · döldurmak; cş tºkamak. Stumble, v.n. (horse) c*\: kApAn- a=ş 6 6. mütâla`â-et ; mak; (man) •: ş- âyaghini- chârpmak. Stump, s. · kyütuk, · kyik. Stun, v.a. \:· sèrsEm-et. Stupefaction, s. ·· sersemlik, Stupefied, a. * • sèrsEm. Stupefy, v.a. ~ sersim-et. Stupendous, a. * “Azim. Stupendously, ad. 3 pek. S T U P I D *-m- [ 319 ] S U B , I ME Stupid, a. - ahmak, is “Aklsiz, c eshek, · shâshkin. Stupidity, s. ·- hâmâkAt, c -ie "Aklsizlik, K*lesheklik,c : shâshkinlik. Stupidly, ad. a j-ie “Aklsizlik-ila. Stupidness, s. c = “Aklsizlik. Stupor, s. · bihushluk. [vetli. Sturdy, a. .e dâyânir; : kûv- Sturgeon, s. **_)2-e mörina-bAlighi. Stutter, v.n. : · pèpèghi- -sûwëylémek. Sty, s. 65) dönguz-Akhiri (dömuz); (on the eyelid) - : yl ârpajik. Style, s. (manner) :ye târz, J: yöl, * : wejh, · sürèt; (title) – ö. lâkab (lâghab, pl. - elkÂb), · “ünwān; (splendour) - a - sAltAnAt; (of writing) Aghz, · lissân, c* ) revish; –, v.a. · demek, - elkÂb-virmek, c.; i-i elkÂb-kömak ; old –, U_5° :) rümı ; new –, a öy âla- frângha. Subacid, a. c· mâykhösh. Subaltern, s. • • mülâzim ; –, a. · mâ-dün, · mâ- -dünda-ölAn. Subdivision, s. *-i tâksim : -ö tâksiming-tâksimi. Subdue, v.a. y-s- tesskhir-et, • ) rÂm-et, c ·=:ee itâ”ata- -ghètirmek. Subject, a. (in point of authority) s-5 tâhti- -hükyümètda- ölAn, · * :=” èmir - tâhtinda- ölAn; tâbi”, 3, 8 K- = (plıysically or morally) mübtélâ, 5 ~ bA”zan-ghiriftâr, · bA”zan- -düchâr ; (under) Jş= mühâvvel, · tahtinda ; ; ; 8 =5 tâhtinda-Ölarak; (under condition of) · shârtila ; –, s. (politically) -5rey°* teba”âdan-biri; (of dis- cussion) 8e mâddé, · mëbhüssUn-’ânh, (of a recital) K=” · mâhkiyun-fih ; –, v.a. (in point of authority) y-s- tèsskhir-et, •y räm-et; – = tahtina-ghe- tirmek ; c s° tâhtina-kömak, *-4:= tâhtina-ihâlé-et; al- ihâlé-et; s-5 tâbi”-et; (physically or morally) Vş-se düchâr-et, y < ghiriftâr-et, mübtélâ-et; “: köshmak. [itâ”at. Subjection, s. -* tebâ”iyyet, -e el Subjoin, v.a. & tezyil-et; *ye “ilâvé-et. [hârrèr. Subjoined, a = * 3 zeylda-mü- Subjugate, v.a. s” tèsskhir - et, · 4 ele itâ"ata - ghètirmek, 'e'i 4:· emrina-münkÂd-et. Sublimate (corrosive), s. · Ak- -sûlémèn. Sublime, a. e “âli, · sâmi, s-:) refi”; –, v.n. ·ş-, Üchmak, eşse s. 66 - sü`üd-et; –, v.a. c· ÜchUr- mak, · sû'üd-etdirmek. SU BIf I MEN ESS [ 320 ] SU B VER SI 0 N Sublimeness, Sublimity, s. ye “ûlüvv. Sublunar, Sublunary, a. ârzi. Submarine, s. E: * \: 9 şe dengiz- -dibinda-vwâki”. [dAldirmak. Submerge, v.a. _; 9•yele * e süyé- Submersion, s. c k dAlmaklik ; c daldirilmaklik. Submission, s. ele itâ”at, · inkiyÂd ; -s- tèsskhir ; (presenta- tion) _ 2re “ârz, *ü tAkdim. Submissive, a. E* müti”, s- mütéwÂzi. [-ila. Submissively, ad. s- tewâzu”- Submissiveness, s. E- tewâzu”. Submit, v.a. ' e “ârz-et, *-i- takdim-et; –, v.n. -ee itâ”at- -et; 54 e el itâ”ata-ghèlmek, ·= * -ee itä"ata - ghirmek, münkād-öl, ey rām-öl ; - teslim ol; y rüzi ol. Subordinate, a. mâ-dün, 8 • ** ** Ashāghi. Subordination, s. e\e îtâ”at. Subscribe, v.a. · imzâlamak ; c· yazmak, kömak; (money) c · vermek. mâ-dünda, Subscriber, s. -5: • mûshtéri. Subscription, s. imzâ ; *): pâré. v) Subsequent, a. * Ke söngra, · söngradan. Subside, v.n. • enmek; ·- chekilmek ; –*- "j' AZAlmak, e: * khafifleshmek. Subsidize, va. e 4-4ş: Akchajé- -”ané-et. Subsidy, s. ş° ile “âné-Akcha. Subsist, v.n. · mèvjüd-öl, y'e 6 kyā'in öl, ', vâr ol; —ş gle- chinmek, L* tâ”âyyush-et, – * 'L-ü kefâfi - nefss - et; –, v.a. < - besslémek. Subsistence, Subsistency, s. Jl): vwâr- lik, gechinma. Substance, s. --- jissm; J mâl, ( -: vâriyyet. Substantial, a. r== mühkèm ; e): _y: kârn-döyUrUr; · èssâssli ; ·j zenghin. Substantive, s. · issm; common –, = “âlem, *\e issmi -“Âmm ; proper –, · issmi-khÂsss. Substitute, s. J* bèdel ; -50 nâ'ib, J: vekil, * 55 kâ'immâkâm ; –, v.a. : * ) yerina-kömak, Jelibdalet. İmükabilinda öl. Subtend, v.a. : vètEr-öl, y8 li Subterfuge, s. 45'e bâhâné, y&e “izr. Subterranean, Subterraneous, a. J.) cy: ) zir-zemin. Subtle, a. · ·: pek-shèytÂn. Subtract, v.a. zy· ikhraj-et, c ş- chikârmak ; z* târh-et, j* tènzil-et, C e5)19 · Ashâghi-vârmak. Subtraction, s. C k târh, · tènzil. Suburb, s. c· vârüsh, - hâwâli, -: 9 - jiwâr-kyîyu. Subvention, s. ·: öle ), • mü- kârrèr-i”ané-pâréssi. Subversion, s. · · *-i · nèssnéyi-Alt-üsst-ètmeklik. S U B V ER SI VE [ 321 ] S U ID DEN Subversive, a. · · · Alt- -ûsst-èdEr. Subvert, v.a. - Alt-üsst-et, - khârâb-et, e 5 e digher- -ghyün-et. Succeed, v.n. (a person) e9° bêjEr- mek, c = : ishini-bêjermek, 'e JiÜ nâ'ili- mèrâm-öl, müzAffer - öl, 'cş müwaffak-öl; == ishi - döghru- ghitmek, ishi-üymak ; (an experiment) c· ölmak ; • Üymak; C#45.5- châkmak; ·: iyi-ghitmek ; (follow) c· ölmak, • e- chikmak, y, zühür-et; (to the throne) c- - jülüss-et, y* * ==- messnedi-hû- kyÜmeta-kü”'üd-et; –, v.a. (follow another) ---- tâ”âküb - et, - 5 * mûta”âkib-öl; (in power) - khâlef-öl. Success, s. * zAfEr, · mÜwâffa- kâyyet, fy Jya- hüssülU-mèrâm ; · ghâlébé, -9 a nüssret, Successful, a. ; mûwâfik. [-ila. Successfully,ad. 4 · müwâfakAt- Succession, s. 8re sira, : tèwāli, tetâli, tesselsul, · silsilé, · tâ”âkub, – = takhâluf; (to the throne) c·- jülüss; c = c nûbeti-jülüss; · y nübëti-sAltAnAt; in -, * ' e sârâ-ila, –6y' e sèra-vâri (vârdi); ; ) e “âlé-’t-tewāli ; i:· mütéwâliyyéten, mü- ta”âkiban, 8re -592) ·U! y! bir- -birining-ârdi-sira. Successive, a. *ye -5 9y ârdi - sira, · müta”âkib, müté- wâli, mütétâli. Successor, s. –i khâlef. Succinct, a ka; kıssa, ya * mükh- tAssar, •ş” müjmel, - ijmâli. Succinctly, ad. 4 ai kâssa. Succinctness, s. c· k?ssalik. Succour, s. *) : yârdim, el imdâd, C.'ye “âvn, rai nâssr; –, v.a. "*y': yârdim-et : C 9: ) : kÜrtar- mak. Succulent, a. · sÜlu, yle: Âbdâr. Succumb, v.n. · yenilmek. Such, a. • missillU, · ghibi; · biylé, shi'ylé, öylé; - a one, filan, *\e filAn-AdAm ; – and –, · filAn, · fikAn- -filAn. Suck, s. · or · süt; –, v.a. · èmzémek ; to give -, ·9j emzirmek, y: ; “29” süt- -virmek, · 5 *-o mèmé-virmek. Sucker, s. zy: bAkraj. Suckle, v.a. ·9°y* süt-virmek, e : * mem6-virmek, · besslémek, · èmzirmek. Sudden, a. e° bëdihîyyu-’z- -zühür, ş° füjä'i, ş=i nâ- ghèhânî ; –ly, ad. :) - birdan- -biré, - Ansiz, · Ansizin, - - Ap-Ansiz, ş° füj'éten, * bi-'l-bedâhé, Z ş sUE [ 322 ] S U MMA R Y Sue, v.a. ·- ** = mehkéméya- chekmek ; –, v.n. ) · tâleb-et. Suet, s. · 6: ich-yâghi. Suffer, v.n. ·=e-e “=j zâhmet- -chekmek, Ke- e sikindi- -chèkmek, e :=e- · mè- shâkkAt-chekmek ; “ kAtl- -ölUnmak; -, v.a. ·=ş- chèk- mek, U = tohèmmul-et, J“= mütahâmmil - öl, ·y râzi - öl, İs°e mûssâ”ada-et, W:· tejviz- -et, eşi kömak, c*V brakmak. Sufferer, s. y° dirdmènd. Suffering, s. · èziyyet. Suffice, v.n. · yetishmek, · elvermek, 6 kyâfi-öl, \ \ü:S\ iktifâ-et. Sufficient, a : yetishir, c =-&: yetishéjek, elvérir, - - ) elvéréjek, 6 kyâfi, : ; wäfi. Suffocate, v.a. •: böghmak; –, ?).73• c· böghUlmak. Suffocating, a. : ·le AdAmi-bö- ghar. Suffocation, s. · böghulma. Suffrage, s. -y re'y. Sugar, s. · shèker, • sükker, \: kând; – candy, · · nebât- -shëkéri (nûbet); loaf –, 6iX* *S killé-shekéri; moist – K** = khÂm - shèkEr; –, v.a. c· · sheker-kömak; -, v.n. \s: K: shèkEr-bAghlanmak. Suggest, v.a. = Jie “Akl- -ighrètmek, Jäe “Akl-et. Suggestion, s. * imā; · die “âkla-kömaklik. Suicide, s. · · ·= kendi -kendini-ildurmeklik; 5. s e· kendi-kendini-ûlduren. Suit, s. (of clothes) - 5 kAt; (request) \-> rijā; (cause) -8,ce dâ”wà ; –, v.n. ( :*:y Üymak, G* ölmak ; -, t).0!. · ishini-bülmak ; C°)°: y ÜydUrmak. - Suitable, a. - münâssib, c:) [c; \e “Ashik. · isstekli; Sulk, v.n. C* • sömUtmak. layik. Suitor, s. - tâlib, Sulky, a. · kyüssmish. Sully, v.a. ·y* kirlEtmek. Sulphur, s. · kyükyurt, -:· kibrit. [ K· khünkyâr. Sultan, s. e· sÜltÂn, ** \: pâdishâh, Sultana, s. (sultan’s concubine) - 5 kAdin ; (sultan’s daughter) e· sültÂn ; (sultan’s mother) · wâlidé-sÜltÂn. Sultry, a. 'ş- sijAk, - hârr. • Sum, s. (total) uy · yekyün, 8 ş” mèjmü”, · töp, 5-•a- jem"; (question) J5- sü'âl; –, – up, c : · töplamak, s-*- jèm”-et, e · yekyün-et; 4 - khülâssa- -et, V=35 = ijmâlan - zikr-et ; d; khülâssa-töplamak. Summary, s. 4 es- khûlâssa, J*- ijmâl, - 53 zikri-ijmāli ; –, a. *- ijmâli, a s° mükhtAssâr; ·ş-châbik ; -rily, ad.c. ) e- S UMMER [ 323 ] SU P PI I0 ATE châr-châbik, c = \- châbijek or C: ş- châbijak. Summer, s. yaz, – 2 sayf, e· tâbisstân, · ghèrmâ. Summer-house, s. kyüshk. Summit, s. * (tepe), -y re'ss, y* zirvé, 3K· kyünghyuré. Summon, v.a. ye dâ”vet-et, - - jëlb-et, Wi- ihzâr-et. Sumptuous, a. –ik mükellef Aghir, · mütûntûn. Sumptuousness, s. – 5 tekelluf. Sun, s. · ghyünèsh, e· ghyün, L· shèmss, - âfitÂb; –beam, s. :): pèrtev, * shû”â”. Sunburnt, a. · 8 5 ghyünèshda- yânmish. Sunday, s. Jj: pâzâr, = : pâzâr-ghyûnu, - f: yivmu-âhâd, yekshenbih. Sunder, v.a. c· âyrmak ; in –, :ye dü-nim, 45-y: : iki-pârcha. Sun-dial, s. · L° 5 ghyünèsh- -sâ”ati; &la - bessita. [bAtmassi. Sundown, s. · · ghyünèsh- Sun-dried, a. .e 8 ghyü- nèshda-kürUdulmUsh. Sundry, a. -ā s° mükhtelif; * bir - tâkim ; ki: ki: bAshka - -bAshka. Sunflower, s. Kşe?- -5î ây-chichèghi. Sunlight, s. · ghyünèsh ; · ghyûnesh-âydinlighi Sunny, a. :-ş- - ghyünèshi- -chök. • Sunrise, Sunrising, · · ghyün- döghmassi. [bAtmassi. Sunset, s. -* · ghyünèsh- Sunshine, s. U: 5 ghyünesh. Sunstroke, s. -*: ş-U** ghyünèsh- chârpmassi. [-yemèghini-yemek. Sup, v.n. •: =*: 4ş16 ghèyjé- Superannuated, a. .e mütakâ”id; -ation, eā tâkâ”ud. [:e râ'nâ. Superb, a. e â”lâ, · ghyüzël, Supercilious, a. ) . maghrür. Superficial, a. =* sÂthi; · 8-9j: yüzda-Ölan. eş Superficies, s. 2* sAth, 5 : yüz. Superfine, a. Le â”lâ, e} = “âliyyu-'l-â”lâ. Superfluous, a. eğj zâ'id, ai fAzla, Superintend, v.a. le yaj nAzârët-et, [c:) ârtik. G*\: bAkmak. Superior, a. We Lee dâhâ - â”lâ; cş5: fâ’ik; e e: bAsskin, - : ghâlib ; · biyuk, e * • mâ - fèvkinda - ölAn ; –, s. · biyuk; zâbit, r Supersede, v.a. · · yèrina- -ghèchmek ; Je “Azl-et, c; :yiş- ch?kârmak. [*ş-Ve sAchma. Superstition, s. el:e Je: bAtil-i”tikâd, Supper, s. · 4ş ghèyjé-yemeghi; the Lord's –, 3 'e bAdarak, 5 e “ishâyi-rAbbâni. Supplement, s. 4• • zâmimé, &4:5 tetimmé. Supplicate, v.a. ::) : yAlvarmak, \= rijä-et, Vj - niyâz-et. Z 2 SU PPL Y Supply, s. yaryo mèvjüd, e 8 N\ Eldé-ölan; 9, 8 : yölda-ölan, e : * 5 ghèlmekda-ölan ; mikdâr ; J· ghèlish ; J ya->- hüssül ; : - hâwâ'ij, · mühimmÂt, * 5 zâkhiré ; –, v.a. · virmek, •2). 2 ·5! bÜlUp-vErmek; - hàwà'ijini-virmek. Support, s. âyak, •5 temel; e desstek, · dayak, k \: pâyèndé; lâwâzimÂt, *9) yârdim, \ \ imdâd ; 45) ârka, ·s* tâssâh- hub ; · yemek, · · küvvet-viréjék-sheyler; &e i”âné, e·- ihsân, ö5 e sAdaka ; 4 L-ā – 6 kefAfi-nefss; & nâfaka; -, t).0. c· tÜtmak ; c· kAldirmAk; c· dâyanmak; J*< tâhâmmul - et; *y: yârdim – et; *5) ârka-öl, -s* tâssâhhub-et ; aile i”âné-et; - besslémek. Supportable, a. ) , J· tâhûmmul- -ôlUnUr, Kş- chèkilir, ) · re” sAbr-ölUnUr. [nâssir. Supporter, s. ye târaf-dâr ; e; Suppose, v.a. - farz-et, • tütmak, •: Ve sâymak; e· zânn-et, ile sanmak, -s° zâhib-öl. Supposition, s. · fârz ; e· zânn. Suppress, v.a. y el bAssdirmak; lt-* mèn-”et. Suppression, s. 5- • mèn”. Suppurate, vn : ---ya-jerâhât- -Akmak. [ 324 ] Surplus, s. a fazla. S U R PLU S Suppuration, s. - 5 ·-V- jë- râhâtin-Akmassi. Supremacy, s. “ 9 imârèt. Supreme, a. e “âlî, el â“lâ, X\, vâlâ; – council, "y ·ş” mèjlissi- -vâlâ; – office of state, e - : bÂbi-”âli. Surd, a. * &- Sure, a. (safe) · èmin ; (free from doubt) **** shûbhéssiz ; to be –, · : iyi-bilmek, : : yakinan-bilmek, - }-4-4- * shûbhéssiz - bilmek ; [jëzri-âssâmm. * âssâmm ; – root, to feel –, c·y * * e· (hèmEn)- -hich-shûbhéssi-ölmamak. Surety, s. 5 kefil ; - \ 5 kefâlet; of a –, 4: Elbetté. Surf, s. * 4 e dalgha-kyüpughu; 3:4 kyüpuklu-dalghalar. · sAth (t-h) ; U· dish, -5) dishâri, z) + khârij, ey: ): birün. • Surgeon, s. zya- jërrâh i. (bone-setter) ş*: chikikji, ş: 5 kirikji. Surgery, s. -y-jerrâhlik, &s-y- jërrâh-khâné. Surmise, s. e° zann, · sàn; –, ?7.72. 'e zânn-et, c· sânmak, -> 3 zâhib-öl. Surmount, va, 5 - hakkin- dan - ghèlmek, - : ghÂlib-öl; c · üsstundan-Atlamak. Surface, 8. j: yüz, Surname, s. 4 kyünyé. Surpass, v.a. · ghèchmek, : \: [fâ’ik-öl. S U R PR I SE [ 325 ] SU STEN AN 0 E Surprise, s. - ş° tâ”ājjub, - hayret, , veleh ; e: bAsskin, uy: shëbkhün; *-**· · :}} = ·birining-khösh- lanajaghi-shey'ing-ghizli-yâpilmassi; - va, - - ş° tâ”ājjub- -itdirmek, ey- hâyrÂn-et; c· bAssmak ; · tÜtmak ; –sed, a. ·ş* mûtû”ājjib, y - hâyrÂn ; to be –sed, c*** shâshmak, -ş° ta”ājjub-et, -ş* müta-ājib-öl, 38 - hayretda- -kAlmak, Sal; veleh-ghèlmek; to my surprise, * \: *= $ ghyît- runja-shâshdim. Surprising, a. - ş° “âjib. Surrender, s. * tèsslim ; –, v.n. : - tèsslim-öl; –, v.a. - tèsslim-et. Surreptitious, a. · ghizli ; –ly, ad. * J El-Altinda. Surround, v.a. · ş- chèvirmek, c küshatmak, ètrâfini-Almak, \4 - ihâta-et. Surrounding, a s· ètrâfda-Ölan. Survey, s. bAkish, c = ghyiz-ghèzdirish, nAzar, : — mû”âyéné, – *-= keshf : yöklama; (mental) asla mütâla”â; (plan) da -khârita (khârta); (plan- taking) - da: - kharita- -isstikhrâji; –, v.a. bAkmak, ··j $ ghyüz-ghèzdirmek, nÂzar - et ; \4: — mü”âyéné- et, \* : yöklama-et, l-i.= keshf- -et ; asla mütâla”â-et; · · khâritassini-Almak. Surveying, s. 4--- e: fèni-mèssâha. Survive, v.a. c· yiné-yâshamak (ghèné), ilmamek ; –, v.a. ·=es =· biri- -îldukda-dighEri-îlmamek ; ·=\: · bir-felâketa- mübtélâ-ölUp-yiné-îlmamek (ghèné). Susceptible, a. J: 5 kÂbil, y° J: kAbül-eder; (in feeling) c·- hâsssâss, e - châbik-dûyar; y:= e - châbik-ghyüjinir. Suspect,va.'ke shübhé-et, & shübhélEnmek. Suspend, v.a. (hang up) · Assmak, ' ta”lik-et ; (a functionary) c· 5 * mÜwAkkAtan- -kh?dmetdan - kAldirmak ; (action) e: -= kessmek, c y 'ye dürdur- mak, as ta”til-et, Jax mü“At- tAl-et. Suspense, s. der: shûbhé ; _\ a \ intizâr; in –, · mèshkyük ; 8uYy) : intizârda. Suspicion, s. : shëkk, de : shûbhé. Suspicious, a, c mûwèsswiss ; yat shûphéli. Sustain, v.a. (support) :45 tûtmak ; · bèsslémek ; c* dâyan- mak, J•s tâhâmmul-et; le li issbÂt-et ; te'yid-et; (receive) · yemek, mübtélâ-öl. Sustenance, s. : yemek, küt, ghâdâ. SWADDIING-CL0THES [ 326 ] SWIT C H Swaddling-clothes, ' i kûndak, : bebek-kündaghi. Swallow, s. – - bögház; (bird) : kârlangh?ch ; –, v.a. *: yütmak, z-: bel”-et ; – up, v.a. C 55-6: bitévi-yütmak, · bitirmek, : yök-et. Swamp, s. 5° bAtak, 35° bataklik; -> Ü.0. c· · ye sü-dölup- -bAtirmak; ; ) e: , e sü-bâssdir- mak; (a market) ;*: böghmak. Swampy, a. c· bAtaklik. Swan, s. 9: kûghU. Swarm, s. U 5“:vy·) Ari-sûrussu, -62)* sûru ; -, v.n. : * kaynamak. Sway, s. · hükyümèt ; –, v.a. c.; Je sAllamak; c: •yşe- chèvir- mek ; \syle idâré-et. Swear,v.n.(an oath) v. 4 yemin-et, --i kAssEm-et, e “aş And lehmek 5 (curse) V--4 kyüfr-et, C eğ: · Aghzini-bözmak; (blaspheme) - sèbb-et. [-etmeklik; k$ kyüfr. Swearing, s. · cy:4: yemin- Sweat, s. y° or _” tèr, c57° “ârak; –, vn. tèrlémek; – out, v.a. s-59-: tèrléyup-def”-et. Swede, s. ·T zı- issvech-AdAmi. Sweden, s. zy- issvèch. Swedish, a. · issvèchli ; –, s. · zy- issvech-lissâni. Sweep, s. ş° a- ) öjakji, ey öjak-sûpurEn ; (oar) · kyürek; -, v.a. :): süpurmek; – away, ·· silip-sûpurmek; – along, • 5 - hizli-ghitmek : - by, -hızli gleehmek. Sweepings, s. pl. -8 °: sûpurundu. Sweet, a. tatli, shirin, - hâlâvetli; Jj ghyüzel, - - khôsh, – a lâtif; &&. leziz, : khôsh-ghyûwâr; –smelling, a. J; ghyüzel kokar, khösh-bü, * mü”âttar; – heart, S. c· “Ashik; ***** mâ”shüka. Sweetmeat, s. 5'e tAtli, *X* shè- kErlémé. Swell, s. (of the sea) –5 e salindi ; -, v.n. •: shishmek, · kAbarmak : –, v.a. • kAbart- [kAba, -e, tümsek. Swelling, s. L* shish ; –, a. 3 mak. Swift, a. ·ş- châbik, 5-)* seri”, e sûr”âtli, - h?zli ; –, s. :y; kârlangh?ch. [bik. Swiftly, ad. e-e e- châbik-châ- Swim, v.n. = : yüzmek, ---- sèbâhât-et. Swindle, s. 4 - hilé, L:)2-! öyün, · dölap ; -, va. dölandirmak. Swindler, s. =2) dölandiriji. Swine, s. dönguz (dömuz), rj - kh?nzir, · khügh. Swing, s. c· sÂlinjâk; –, v.n. G-*-i Al-e sAllanmak ; –, v.a. d; ) e sAllândirmak. Swiss, s. : - issvicherali; –, a. yeş: - issvicherali. Switch, s. : :- 4şi inja - chîbûk ; SWITZERL AND [ 827 ı 1 A 0 K · silkish, U* \e sAllayish ; - va. — silkmek, C*:y'ş- chârpmak, c· • sallamak. Switzerland, s. Vş: · issvichera. Swivel, s. (gun) : ec Wiş-châkalöss- -topu ; (for turning) mil; * - milli-halka. Swoon, s. * : bayilma : –, v.n. c· bayilmak, eyse bikhöd-öl; in a –, · bâyilmish ; to go off in a –, · bâyilmak. Sword, s. * kilij, – seyf, S- tigh. sword-belt, s. - 5 * kili kayishi Swordfish, s. : * kili-balighi Sycamore, s. ş- chinār. Sycophant, s. -: 4-6 kyâssé-liss, J ile dAl-kâwuk. Syllable, s. Vş* hèjä (hèjé). Syllogism, s. - 5 kiyâss. [“âlâmet. Symbol, s. 9) ishâret, .e Symmetry, s. el-~ tènâssubu- intizâm. [-hiss. Sympathy, s. U->- · ishtirâki- 66 - -â zâ, Symptom, s. - le “âlâmet. Synagogue, s. 8 - hâwra. Syndic, s. *<< ketkhüdâ (kyâya), - esski. Synod, s. · e “ülemâ-mejlissi, e “ülémâ-shürässi. Synonym, s. 4ie mütérâdifé. Synonymous, a –iel mütérâdif, ** hèm-mâ'nâ. [-nâhv. Syntax, s. = mâhv, · “ilmu-’n- Syra(island of), s. alel : •sirâ-Adassi. Syria, s. f\: shâm, : ) - süriyyé. Syriac, a. : süriâni. Syrian, a. - * shâmi ; –, s. * · shâm-AdAmi. Syringa, s. ) : J: fÜli-bâhâr. Syringe, s. 4 - hökna; 4 tûlum- ba ; –, v.a. - ihtikÂn-et ; c· & c tülUmba-bAssmak. Syrup, s. -2 : shûrüb. System, s. (practical) Jye Üssül ; (hypothesis) J.5 kâvl; (physical) · mAnzümé ; tâkim. T. Tabernacle, s. - me'vâ, e· mèssken, &le- khāné, · bèyt. Table, s. 8j: trèbézé, dele mâssa ; (set with food) *)* söfra, seğe mâ'idé ; (mathematical) - jed- vEl; (astronomical) 6:) zij; – land, * : yâyla, j99 düz ; – cloth, 8 • -5: söfra-bezi. [linda. Tabular, a. . ), - jedvEl-shek- Tacit, a. -5 * • mâ”névi; –ly, ad. ( ma"nan, a 'J-e - lissâni- -hâl-ila. Tack, s. (nail) – ş- chivi, &ş: kârficha , (taste) & lezzet, tAt, · ş- (chèshni); (of a sail) · * : köntra-sköt; –, v.a. · -:- chivi-ila-ilish- dirmek ; -, v.n. (a ship) ş- chèvirmek, dinmek, deyi * :)) örsa-âlabanda-et; to be on the starboard –, to have the star- TAcKLE [ 328 ] TA KE board –s aboard, y'e şi:3)=):}) rüzghyâr-sAnjakdan-öl (or ey • saghdan); ... larboard . . , e· isskelédan (or e· söldan). Tackle, s. tâkim, ile âwadAn- lik, c= }\ âlât, el edâwât; (pulley) dü: pAlAngha. Tackling, s. tâkim. Tactics, s. pl. 2: tedbir, ·- hârékyât. Tail, s. 5r: kûyruk, - ) zeneb, * dümbâlâ; (entai) ev –: wAkfi-mèshrüt. Tailor, s. 5jye (terzi), - khāyyât. Taint, s. iyi köku, iyi fena-kökU, c*-*- tâ”âffun ; –, v.a. c ): bözmak, c· kökUtmak. Take, va, d \ Almak, \ \s- âkhz-et, J; kAbül-et, L4 kAbz-et, — zAbt-et ; –, v.n. c· Almak ; · * mAkbüla-ghèchmek; 8 mÖda-öl ; – after, · bèngzémek; – a leap, - V-ş” sèchramak, c· Atilmak; – a turn, e: j= ghèzmek, G• dölash- mak; ye dünmek, “.= diglishmek; = a - bAshka-sürèta-ghirmek, J- : -4 bAshka-hâl-kèssb-et; –, v.a. · dolashdimak, ilishdirmek; – away, ; ) (5 kaldir- mak, c = - Alip-ghyitur- mek; - care, c i 4-2 iyija- -bAkmak, ile sâkinmak, -se dikkAt-et, ·ç- = ghyüzunu- -âchmak, yö- hâzer-et; – care of c· sâklamak, ak- hâfz-et; c*: bAkmak; -khidmetini-et; – down, c· Ashâghi - Almak ; ·y· èndirmek ; · yâzmak, *: kâyd-et ; ·y: bÜrnunu- -kârmak, : kârmak; – hold, c· tûtmak; – in, ş: ichèri-Almak ; c· Almak ; c·y'e dârAltmak; \ Aldatmak, We:y öyUn-et; – in hand, c·la Ela- -Almak : ~ J El- sürmek, c**), bülashmak; -off, kaldirmak ; ; , iş- chikârmak; ·= kessmek; taklid-et; - On, U.72. * kèder-et; v.a. · ghirmek, --5 kessb-et; – – one's self, · üzerina-Almak; - out, C oy - chikârmak, · c dishâri-Almak; c =* = ghèzméghé - ghyüturmek ; – ship, * * = ghèmiya-binmek; – to pieces, v.a. ·5 ş” silkmek, C: ): bÖzmak ; v.n. · sîkyulmek ; – to task, c· dArilmak, c·Wj) Azarlamak, :·: yâpdighining - hikmetini - sörmak; – up, Almak ; ; ) 'ü kaldirmak; c·:): yükâri-Almak; (aposition) a· zAbt - et, 'J=-le dâkhil-öl, e: •· ghirmek, ·= ghitmek; (an offender) c· tûtmak, \ \s- âkhz-et, \- 5 ghirîft-et; (out of the ground) _:*) iş- châkârmak; (a question) *** · mübâ- TAL E [ 329 ] TAP ER hissasina - ghirishmek ; · ghirishmek. Tale, s. Ja• mAssal, & K- hikyâyé, *): fikra, ka kâsssa, & o mânkabé; (count) e sâyi, -- e “aded- (a quarrel) -hissÂbi ; – bearer, V• ghAmmÂz. Talent, s. 5 * yük-ghibi-bir- -meblagh ; ol issti”dâd, * hûnEr. Talented, a. : * hûnErli. Tale-teller, s. meddâh; é ghAmmÂz. tilâssm or tilsim. Talk, s. 59, lâkirdi, – 1Af; –, v.n. -se, lâkirdi.et – Afet; tekellum - et; le s° sihbet-et, c· köngushmak; – over, (a thing) -eyi lâkirdissini-et ; (a person) · “Aklini-chel- mek, _ :·: kAndirmak, *\} ilzâm- -et, 8 iknâ”-et. Talkative, a. := ghèvézé, J: kAwwÂl, j \:*c : bösh-böghÂz. Talkativeness, s. 5)* ghèvézélik. Tall, a. · ÜzUn-böylU, U: tâwil; bâlâ, -3: yüksek. Tallow, s. · döng-yâghi. Tallow-chandler, s. ş°, mümji. Tally, s. & ş- chètélé; –, v.n. ;*: Talisman, s. üymak, a mütÂbik-öl. Tamarind, s. –6\ b J45 tèmri - hindi (dèmirhind). Tambourine, s. – 9 def. Tame, a. J* Alishmish ; èv (house); • • mÂzlüm, c : yâ- wAsh; –, va. Alishdirmak, 4 tèrbiyyé-et. Tamper, v.n. i * - hilé-et; C 22) :yü kArishdirmak; (with a person) :) – 5 rishvet-teklif- et; ) ·9r: rishvet - vèrmek ; dk 5i): c· âyartmagha-bAkmak. Tan, s. **: ° dibâghât-ter- biyyéssi ; (of the skin) y• : yâniklik-essmerlighi; –, v.a. - 9 dibâghât-et, 4 tèrbiyyé-et; –, v.n. (leather) 'J; - ° dibâghât- -kAbül-et ; (the face, &c.) c·: yûnmak, y* essmErlEnmek ; – yard, &s e debbāgh-khāné (tabak); – pit, **** (tAbAk)-khâné-küyUssU. Tangent, s. - mümAsss, J* zill: log. - 4 - nissbeti-zilliyyé. Tangle, s. c· 5 kArishiklik; –, vn. c**y): kÂrishmak; –, v.a. :*) :yü kArishdirmak. Tanner, s. 5° dèbbÂgh (tAbAk). Tap, s. (blow) :9 -i - khAfif- -wÜrUsh, L:° dökUnUsh ; (cock) c* 07° · mÜssluk; (of a tavern) · & <1 meykhâné-pèsh- takhtassi; (tapped cask) ş-* ş- âchilmish-f?chi ; (a cask) C59) · mÜssluk-wÜrmak, G*ş- achmak; (strike) , ş* khā- fifja-wÜrmak. [shèrid. Tape, s. 3 : shèrid, \!): kAba- Taper, a. e sûbu, 4şi ·= ghitdikja-inja ; : inja ; -, s. -, ?).0Z. AR [ 330 ] TE AR * : shèm”â (shâma); – off, v.n. · gitdikja injelmek; -, -, v.a. şi: · ghit- dikja-înjeltmek. Tar, s. elya: kAtrÂn ; (sailor) - * ghemiji, kalyonju. Tardy, a. * ghèch. Tare, s. (in weight) :yle dâra ; –s, s. pl. ş->): bürchAk (?), 4ş delija (??). [e ö5 kAlkan. Target, s. · nishÂn, – AR hedef; Tariff, s. * <5 tâ”rifé; ć nârkh. Tarnish, v.n. c :9 kArarmak, e la lekélenmek; –, v.a.la siyâh-et, · lekélendirmek. Tarpaulin, s. E-• • mûshèmmâ” (mü- shâmba). [ekshija. Tart, s. yy bürek; –, a := | Tartar, s. 55 tâtar. Tartary, s. e·3955 tâtarisstân. Task, s. (lesson) C ye derss; (duty) ·-= kèssilmish - ish, *-o- : me'müriyyeti-mü”ây- yéné, – = teklif - 3 - , wājibë'i-zimmet; –, v.a. · ish-kessmek, e: U: ish-tâ”yin- -et; :·ş- chAlishdirmak. Tassel, s. ·: püsskyul. Taste, s. (savour) tAt, ş- châshni (chèshni), · lèzzèt, ** tâ”âm; (sense of) *\5 ; kÜv- veti-zâ’ika; (artistic) · tAbi'at; -, t).6. c· tûtmak; –, v.n. -° tAdi-öl, ' - ş- (chesh- nissi)-öl, ' 3 lezzeti-öl. Tasteful, a. -: * zârif. Tastefully, ad. - zârâfet-ila. Tastefulness, s. · zûrâfèt. Tasteless, a - tAtsiz, Tastelessness, s. c·- tAtsizlik. Tastily, ad. zûrâfet-ila. Tasty, a. - :9° zârif. Tavern, s. dösı mèykhâné. Tax, s. 5: virghyü, vèrghi, “) ressm (pl. rüssümāt); property or income – =) (virghi), - =5 teklif & sâliyân6, e salghin; capitation –, zy - khârâj, *j - jizyé; (expense) bâr ; -, v.a. (a thing) er* “y ressm-tâ”yin-et; (a person) c· e· sAlghin- -salmak ; Azy=- khārāj-bAgh- lamak, ey: &ja- jizyé-tâ”yin-et (or \: a; kAt”et); (accuse) :): cşey yüzuna-würmak, le issnâd- -et, je “âzv - et; – gatherer, ş° V - khārāiji: , -as” tâhsildâr. Tea, s. - chây, - mösskov- -châyi ; – tray, “: tepsi ; – spoon, ** 58,65 kâhw6-kAshighi : –kettle, ** ghyûghum. Teach, v.a. · ighretmek, * tà"lim-et, L- ) tedriss-et. Teacher, s. 4-l khôja, * mû”âl- lim, c.” y* müderriss. Teacup, s. sü – - chây-filjAni. Tea-dealer, s. =<- châyji. Teapot, s. :y ·ş- chây-ibrighi. Tear, s. · ghyüz-yâshi, T EAT D 331 ] TEN A BI, E sirishk, s-ce dem”, 4xce dem”â, (pl. 5° dümü”); –, v.a. * ): y?rtmak, e- châk - et, : - khârk-et, hetk-et. Teat, s. *-o mèmé, ·: pisstÂn. Teaze, v.a. cş tâkilmak, c· sAtashmak, -85 èziyyet-et, \jaş° tâ”jiz-et, l-'Âe “âzâb-et. Technical, a. = “ilmi ; * fEnni ; -~ isstilâhi ; – term, c isstilâh. L)ve Ve, ÜssÂndirir. Tedious, a. ·) ÜzUn ; yü, Üzar ; Teem, v.n. : * kaynamak, ş- chök-öl. Telegram, s. & 5 tèlègrâf-nâmé. Telegraph, s. – 5 telegrâf. Telegraphic, a. - * telegrâfé- -mènsüb. Telegraphy, s. $y· a: –iysi s. e telegrâf-ila-khâbr-ghyûnder- mek-san”ati. [4: âyina, • -- jâm. Telescope, s. Je!)9° dürbin (dûrbun), Tell, v.a. sûweylémek, J: nAkl-et ; (count) · sâymak, Ax; tâ”dâd-et; -vn : - khAbEr-virmek ; (in account) c· sâyilmak; (produce an effect) -55 te'siri-öl, V: te'sir - et; (strike) c :9 wÜrmak, · dèghmek, [dèlilik. Temerity, s. 5ya- jîr’et, Temper, s. (natural) –55-khüy, · tAbi“ât, khülk, - jibillet, “-9) • mèshreb ; - âb; –, v.a. (steel) · y* \-el issÂbet-et. (of steel) ye sÜ, sü-vèrmek ; (the cold) mülâ- yim-et. Temperance, s. W9: pErhizkyârlik, J' e i”tidal, - - ·yi ifrÂtdan-ijtinÂb. Temperate, a. *2): Aş: }\ L: y Az-yèr-Az-ichEr ; (in quality or in heat), J. mü”tedil; – ZOne, · mAntika'i- -mü”tedilé. Temperature, s. -->y=- hârârèt, 'a- y° ·) - deréje'i-hârâret. pèrhizkyâr, Tempest, s. &·* :ş- chök-firtina, *): bÖra. [firtinali. Tempestuous, a. * firtina, ·2): Temple, s. \ex o mâ"bed, * Kele “ibâdet-ghyâh, diske a “ibâdet- -khāné, (ofidols) sisi (püt)-khāné; – of Jerusalem, · Aş-* mèss- jidi-Aksa, ş-* el-messidu- -’l-Aksâ; – of the head, -5) c** shâkAk-yèri, C: shâkAk. Temporarily, ad. Cşi; müwAkkatan. Temporary, a. · mÜwAkkât ; :ye “âriyyeti (eyréti). Tempt, v.a. c·ş- * âyart- * &· igh- wâya-sâ”y-et ; (an object) yee magha-chAlishmak, dâ”vet-et; – successfully, c· âyartmak, c ile Aldatmak, W;é ighwâ-et, Jās ighfâl-et, J. idlâl-et. [8 deh. Ten, a. · ön, *-e “Ashar, * .e Ashara, Tenable, a. s”J.5 kÂbili-mühÂfaza, ey=• • *-i-s* mühâfazassi- TEN ACI 0U S [ 332 ] TESTIR Y mümkin ; (assertion) e· * shârt; (of time) = x müddet ; issbÂti-mümkin, · sâlih. Tenacious, a.j•il, brâkmâz. Tenacity, s. 9.e “inâd. Tenant, s. -W= kirâji, · mûsstë'jir; –, v.a. · a: y* kirâ-ila-tÜtmak; , oyye, ötUrmak. Tend, v.a. 5 bAkmak, \ \s- kh?dmetini-et; –, v.n. J5 • mâ'il- -öl, J. mütemiyyil-öl; mûntij-öl, ), vârmak, dayanmak, 3) &ş nètij6-vir- mek, si münjerr-öl. Tendency, s. meyl, J: temâyyul, el s. issti”dÂd, ·y rûkyün. Tender, a. ·yü nâzik ; · y?mU- shak; –, s. (offer) – K teklif; -, U.0. - Ki tèklif-et, - * “ârz-et; e: *) vèrmek. Tendon, s. — singir, ae “Assaba. Tenor, s. J. mâ'al, s° fehwâ, mâ”nâ. Tense, s. e· zûmÂn ; –, a. : ghèrghi, · ghèrili; present –, J- hâl; imperfect –, J- hâli-mâzî ; perfect –, mâzi; aorist –, 8 • müzâri”; future –, mûsstAkbel. Tent, s. ve ş- chAdir, 44: - khāymé, *S- khârghyâh. Tenth, a. ·ü: önUnjU, \e “Kshir, * dEhum ; –, s. “e “ishr. Tepid, a. *ş ilija, Gş lijAk. Term, s. (word) y:*5 tâ'bir ; (technical) z = isstilâh ; (stipulation) :2r* (delay) e mehl, -e mühlet, 8.Ae: wâ”dé; (price) fi, · fi’ât; –, v.a. y*5 tà"bir-et, *-i tessmiyé-et, “e demek, ls ağ • mûnktAti”-öl. Terminate, v.n. •: bitmek, y' e müntehi-öl, * : intihâ-bûlmak -, U.0!. · bitirmek, *-6 kèssmek, s-si kAt”-et. Termination, s. · sÖng, ·'e nihâyet, çöl intihâ. Terra firma, s. : kAra. Terrace, s. (on hill-side) \ sèdd ; sath (t-h), ele dAm, de- bAja; (of houses) : *ye s?ra-èvlEr. (house-top) Terrestrial, a. - * dünyévi; °3) ârzi ; – globe, · kyüré'i-ârz. Terrible, a. – =” mâkhüf, UR müdhish, -:4• mühib. Terrify, v.a. *-·) · körkUtmak, -: 5 tâkhwif-et, 43 - ikhâfa-et, - * tèrhib-et. - Territory, s. ·y ârâzi (pl. of _:y arz, land), • • memâlik (pl. of · country). [- * dèhshët. Terror, s. :): körkU, – - khâvf, Testament, s. · wAssiyyet-nâmé, · wAssiyyet. [nâmé-sâhibi. Testator, s. Testicle, s. 3: tAshak, *- khāya. Testify, v.n. e\4: shâhâdet- et; V) izhâr-et, :· ghyisstEr- mek, yy.) ibrâz-et. · 4 e: wAssiyyet- TEsTIM0NI AL [ 333 ] T BI ER, E Testimonial, s. · shâhâdet-nâmé. Testimony, s. · shâhâdet ; se\: ifâdé, r 5 tAkrir. Tether, s. ·: ; pâybènd (pâywAnd), · ip ; -, v.a. c· bAghlamak. Text, s. (of a book) c metn. Texture, s. _: •5 kûmÂsh, <- nèssj. Thank, v.a. y* tèshëkkyur-et; –s, s. pl. K· teshekkyur, K* shükr; –ful, = • mütéshèkkir; to give –, to return –, y* shükr-et, V=: tèshëkkyur-et. That, pron : shû, J, öl or ö; –, rel pron.: see Grammar ; –, c. 45 ki. Thatch, s. üs'e : • sApdan-îrtu ; -, v.a. ·)ya - • sAp-ila- -îrtmek. Thaw, s. L*: }}}): kArlaring- -eriméssi, - - büzlaring- -chîzulmassi; –, v.n. ·y èri- mek; ·j95- chîzulmek ; –, v.a. · èritmek. The, art. See Grammar. Theatre, s. :yi: teyâtro. [-müta’alik. Theatrical, a. c· 42 : tèyâtroya- Theatrically, ad. Le, as** : tèyatroya-mâkhsüs-tarz-ila. Theatricals, s. pl. - teyâtro- -öyUnleri. Theft, s. ·y- kh?rsizlik, sirkAt, d:i, serika. Their, a. pro. -65 lari, · Anlaring ; -s, pro. ·% Anlaringki. Theist, s. - c mûwâhhid (Unitarian). Themselves, pro. pl, kendiléri. Then, ad. öl-wAkit, öl- -zâmÂn ; (afterwards) 8 = e söngra, * bâ”dahü, L-: pess; –, c. · iyle-issa, 8 eş bü- -sürètda, 5 imdi. Thence, ad. s* J, öl-mâhâldan; · Jı ol-vwAktden; - J, öl-sèbebden. [ba'da-hü. Thenceforth, Thenceforward, ad. 8 Ax: Theology, s. e “ilmi - kelâm, * - K- hikmeti-ilâhiyyé. Theorem, s. -5: - şee dâ”wâyi-nAzari. Theoretical, a. · “ilmi, -55 nAzari. Theory, s. J: kÂvl, J : yöl, · mezheb, tarik, nazar. “ilmi-tibb. There, ad. V Öra; * U: Öraya ; *elyı Therapeutics, s. · Örada ; y · shÜra; *yy* shÜraya, sey shürada ; * ) ânda, önda ; –! int. ishta, nâ, tehâ; – about, – abouts, y Öralar, *)y Öralara, 8 9yyy Öralarda ; *9 •J, (ö)-sÜlarda, - J, ö-sülara-döghrU ; –by, ·J, öl-münâssébètla ; – after, · Andan-söngra; – at, 6 Anga, önga; – from, · Andan, Öndan; –in, 6 Anga; 8 | Anda; · Andan; -of. * Andan ; –on, 6 ànga; 8 öl Anda; *:Jü - Aning- -ûzérina ; 8 - )j yle – Aning- -üzérinda; – to, – unto, 6) Anga, -59° S Anga-döghrU ; – out, · Andan ; - under, 4 le l Aning- TE ER EF 0 R E [ 384ı THIRT Y - -Altina ; * \e Aning-Altinda ; – upon, :)j le Aning-ûzérina : * )j yle: 5) Aning-ûzérinda ; -with, * le Aning-ila, a e - Aning-ila-bErâbèr; (.. mâ”an; ( lèffAn, ( mèlfüfan ; – withal, Ay & e: ' Aning-ila-bèrâbEr. Therefore, c. imdi, (.) “: bÜ- -sebebdan, *** ş; bü-sebéba- -binâ'an, L*“: bÜ-sebéba- -mebni, $; bünga - mebni, *u. S: bunga - binâ'an, ale*: binâ'an-“aleyh, 3 e** binâ'an- -“âlâ-zâliké, e: : binâbérin. Thermometer, s. ( :-2y-ey • mizÂni- -hârâret, 5“ y” hâwâ-terâzissi. Thessaly, s. &e livâdia; tèssâ- They, pro. Anlar, önlAr. [lia. Thibet, s. - 5 tibbet. Thick, a. (in solidity) e 5 kalin ; (in fluidity) : köyu, – = kessif; (coarse) kAba; (close) c* sak; (intimate) e siki : -, s. :· L: eng-köyU-yèr, ae2), or 45) örta, -5)*yı örta-yEri, èng-fena- -yEr. Thicken, v.n. · kÂlinlashmak ; c köyulashmak ; c· siklashmak; : fenalEshmek; -, v.a. :· kÂlinlashdirmak; c·: köyulatmak ; ; ;· siklashdirmak. Thief, s. je2j - khèrsiz, - sârik, je düzd, öghri. Thieve, v.n. :· khirsizlik-et, - sirkAt-et. Thigh, s. eş büt, s. bAjak, üyluk, s* fakhz. Thimble, s. · yüksuk. Thin, a (in solidity) aşi inja ; (in flesh) –is zâ“if, e:) zâbUn; (in fluidity) · sÜlu ; (wide apart) · seyrek ; –, v.a. · seyreltmek ; –, v.n. ·y* sey- relmek. Thine, pro. a = ing, ng: — sEning ; –, pro. * sèningki. Thing, s. shey, ' - shey (pl. eshyā), *-i nessné, e- chiz. Think, v.n. y° düshunmek, Kği tefekkyur-et; (ponder) ala- mü- lâhaza-et; –over, *a mûtâla”a- -et; –of, c khātirlamak, 3 - · khÂtira -ghetirmek : - about, e: ; düshunmek, ; 9): kürmak : –, v.a. (imagine) • • sânmak, e° zânn-et; (esteem) c· saymak, e “âdd-et. Third, a. şiş-, üchunju, · sâliss, “ siyum ; –, s. _r: *ş-, üchda-bir, - 5 sülss (sûluss). Thirst, s. c· sÜssUzluk, · “Atsh; yy- hârâret ; –, v.n. c· sÜssamak, e· “AtshÂn- öl, y'a 5 tishné-öl; –y, a. U eye sÜssamish, e· “AtshÂn, 4:5 Thirteen, a zy'e ön-ûch. [tishné. Thirty, a. ötUz, · selâssün, ·i selâssin, si. TH IS [ 335 ] TH R 0 N G This, pro. ş! bÜ, * shü. Thistle, s. 9 eshek-dikéni, e ye devé-dikéni. Thither, ad. 4 ) Öraya. Thorn, s. e· dikën, 4.KM ighné, _y=- khār, shevk; –y, a. . Ke dikEnli. Thorough, a. Jel Assl, 5 tÂmm, · kyâmil ; -bred, - - jinss, -5 -e söy ; -fare, • ş- chikar - sökAk ; 5 • chikmâz - sökAk; –ly, ad. no –fare, j• eş- 4% e : ey: bitun-bitun, tAmÂ- Imûn, V.S kyâmilan, * = * hEr- wejhla, = = ghèreghi-ghibi. Thou, pro. - sèn. Though, c. e4 - issa-da, y°ü y* hEr-nâkAdar ; &: yiné (ghèné). Thought, s. Ki fikr (pl. Kil èfkyâr); ds'la mütâla”â. Thoughtful, a. şe düshunur. Thoughtless, a.3* düshunmaz. Thoughtlessness, s. c· sây- ghisizlik. [hèzâr. Thousand, a. · bing, – W elf, _j* Thraldom, s. : rikkiyyet. Thrash, v.a. = düghmek ; (corn) 'er· khārman - et; (the enemy) c. ): bÖzmak. Thrashing, s. · J°/>-kharmAn- -etmeklik; dayak. Thrashing-machine, s. L5°J;- cre: - khârman-chârkhi. Thread, s. iplik ; ; ; tiré ; J5 tel; & :) rishté ; -, v.a. (a needle) - )· · iplik-ghe- chirmek; (apath) ·=y- sükmek, cj iş-chikârmak, · ghèch- mek, V ro mÜrür-et. Threat, s. 59, -: i) körku- -vèréjek-lâkirdi, 5) körkU. Threaten, v.a. -9 :): körku- vErmek ; · ::y: körkulu- -ghyîzukmek. Three, a. %: y üch, 4:5 sèlâssé, 3. seh. Threshold, s. K* : kapi-eshighi, e· âssitân, döl âssitâné, & c “âtébé. Thrice, ad. *)= z: üch - kErré, * z üch-defa, z: ūch- [idâréjilik. Thrift, s. 8) el idâré, =8) el Thrifty, a. --9lel idârfji. Thrive, v.n. - - – 6 ghelishmek; –ving, a. . .5 ghelishātli. Throat, s. böghÂz, • - hülküm. Throb, s. · ·%): yürek- -öynamassi ; · *)\: yâra- · - Öynamak ; c· zönklamak. Throne, s. -* takht; · mess- -sèfEr. - zönklamassi; –, v.n. ned, ) e sAdr; – of God, c· “ârsh; -, v.a. • ) *takhta- -ötUrtmak. Throng, s. 4 (kalabalik), -ej -, v.n. -- -: y üshushmek, c* : köshUshmak ; · (kalabalik) - et, -ej izdihâm-et. izdihâm ; THRoTTLE [ 336 ] TIE Throttle, s. : böghÂz ; –, v.a. · böghmak, • • : böghÂzini-sikmak. Through, pr. ·ş: ichindan; – and - ö: yândan-yâna; -out, ad. *** bAshdan - bAsha ; y : - e· EvvElindan-âkhirina-kAdar. Throw, s. Atmak, c = \ indâkht-et, ) c) dan; 5 Atim ; –, v.a. remy-et; – away, •5 | Atmak; – issrâf-et, l- 5 telef-et; – off, • ş- châkârmak, s-ie def“-et. Thrust, s. L** kAkish, J· itish ; U°) ° dürtush ; U° sökUsh ; · wÜrUsh ; –, v.a. c*** kakmak, : itmek ; ·y9° dürtmek; c** sökmak; _ o9 wÜrmak ; – away, s-° def“-et, târd-et. Thumb, s. ): · bAsh-parmak ; -, va. - 5 * : ·:) yapraklarini - pârmâkla- kirlèdup-irsélémek. Thump, s. *v, d- -*-e mÜshta - -wÜrUshU ; –, v.a. C; :· * *- mÜshta-ila-wÜrmak. Thunder, s. ·*)9°= ·= ghyik- -ghyûrléméssi, \e) râ”d ; –, v.n. · ghyûrlémek; – bolt, e· yildirim, *-i-e-e sâ”ika; –clap, · = ghyiging-bir- f -ghyürléméssi; –stroke, ev· yildi- rim, diele sâ”ika; -struck, fv· U*: ş- yildirim-chârpmish, diele · sâ”ika-issÂbet-etmish; -ş* müta”âjjib, ey - hâyrán, ~ sersim, · shâsha- -kAlmish; to be – struck, c lü kalmak, ** shâsha-kalmak. Thursday, s. ·: pènjshènbih (pèrshamba), L-: • khâmiss. Thus, ad. al: y: biylé, *-4 : bîyléja; · bü-sürètla ; = : bü- -wëjhla ; da ü : bü-tAkdirja : – far, v**): bÜraya-kAdar, J*): bûrayadak. - Thwart, v.a. · ishini-bÖzmak, · * K. sekté-virmek. Thy, pro. a = ing, ng: — sèning ; -self, 6 kending. Thyme, s. =$ kekik - ötu, e K= kekik. Tick, s. (insect) · ghené; upon –, * : vèréssiyé; -, v.n. c: tâk-tâk-et. Ticket, s. 36 kyāghid; 4:3 yafta. Tickle, v.n. c·ş° gh?jikmak; –, v.a. c :·ş° ghğjikdirmak; – one's fancy, -* = * - khôshina- -ghitmek. Tide, s. · yé-jezr-U-medd; high –, · medd; 6 meddi-kyâmil; ebb –, yé- jezr. Tidy, a.j 5 temiz. - Tie, s. # : bAgh ; (in architecture) cş: kûshAk; (moral) ile “âlâka, · münâssebet, - in- tissÂb; (impediment) 8 -5 c “ûkdé, TIER [ 337 ] TIR E : • mâni”; –, v.a. cş bAgh- lamak, sic “Akd-et. Tier, s. 5 e sira ; ·ü kAt. Tiger, s. r: bibr. Tight, : sâki; water–, ·.5° sÜ-ghèchmâz ; air–, · \y” hâwâ- -ghèchmâz. Tighten, v.a. y**.5 e sikishdirmak. Tigris (the river), s. 4 - dejlé. [tüghla. Tile, s. kirémid; (flat) 4 Till, s. 5“ ·e- *): pAra-chèkméjéssi; -, v.0. V“: timâr-et, --eyj zîrâ”ât-et, -y- hârâssët-et; –, pr. y·5 a-kAdar, 45 é-dek, J°45 a-dak. Tillage, s. ·yj zîrâ”ât. Tiller, s. şey zîrâ”âtji; (of a rudder) &=: yeké. Timber, s. & · kèressté, ·- âhshâb, -\: - âhshÂb ; – yard, ° -* kèresstéji-dükkyâni. Time, s. -: wAkit, · zâmÂn ; f\ > hènghyâm; period of –, “ 9. o müddet, yye devr, rae “Assr, · kârn, eyyâm (pl. of •98 yivm, a day); (number in recurrence) 3,5 kërré, 3, mèrré, 4xie def“â, * sefEr, · nûbet; –, v.a. · Ye: wAkit-tâ'yin-et; le 5 *, wAktina-dikkAt-et; there's – enough, 2 · Ube dâhâ-wAkit-vâr, · :95- wAkit-chök ; from – imme- morial, from – out of mind, 2yö945i, itédan-beri, ez-kAdim, • ( min-el-kadim. Timid, a : ), körkük, c = ürkek; - ş° mâhjüb, ); e, ütAnir, *\e, ÜtAnghâch. [hijâb. Timidity, s. 5ü körkâklik, -ş - Tin, s. 55 kAlay ; (in sheets) · tènéké ; –, v.a. c· kAlaylamak. Tincture, s. (medicinal) z)) rüh; (slight mixture) : : kök U, * 5 * shâ'ibé; -, va. : y *ş - jüz'ija-bîr-rènk-vèrmek. Tinder, s. : kâw or kAv; – box, · •iş- châkmâk-kèyséssi. Tinge, v.a. · ·y r *:j- jûz’ija-bir-rènk-virmek,\e telvin- -et, · ş böyamak. Tinker, s. döK:- (chinghèni, a gipsy); –, v.a. : <54-5 kAbaja-tâ'mir- Tinman, s. -* tènékéji. [-et. Tinsel, s. · 45 •: shâmAta-teli. Tint, s. ·-cheshid, renk, Tiny, a. c· ÜfAjek. [lèvn. Tip, s. z: üj, 43° (tepé); L*-s: bâkhshish ; –, v.a. yy virmek, c·i Atmak ; –, v.n. · U· bâkhshish-virmek ; – up, · c bir-üjini-kAldirmak; – off, – over, v.n. “ye - : 9° devrilip-dûshmek; –, v.a. -: ; 9 · devirip-dûshurmek. Tipple, s. ş: ichki; –, v.n. ·ş: ichmek, 5 - châkmak. Tippler, s. 5 Kı bekri. Tipstaff, s. · kAvwAss. [(sâr-). Tipsy, a. – 3 keyf, c y sErkhösh Tire, s. (of a wheel) ş-chenber, 2 A TIR ES0ME [ 388 ] T0 N _/9° (deymir); -, v.a. ): yörmak; (in liking) y· ey üssAn- dirmak; (in patience) · 9°_: “e sAbrini - dükètmek; (cause disgust) ·2yy}: bezdirmek : -, v.n. ·): yörulmak; ile, üssAnmak; -s}: bèzmek ; · –6)--e sAbri- -dûkènmek. Tiresome, a. ~ münâssébetsiz ; -2r? * üssAnj- virir, )y· ÜssAndirir ; - AdAm- ing-jÂnini-sikar. Tissue, s. kümāsh, <- nessi. Tithe, s. *-e üshr (pl. . .e â"shār), c , öndalik. Title, s. (of honour) - lâkab (pl. · elkÂb), \, e ünwān; (right) C;- hAkk; (deed) \. e-ş” hüjjët. Tittle-tattle, s. · · -° 39 dèdi-ködU-lâkirdissi. To, pr. *ğ 6, 0 : y· ağ a-kAdar; -55 d5 a-döghrU ; · ichin ; –day, e·2 bü-ghyün; -night,4ş $ bü-ghèyj6, *ş45 * *9j = 2: bü-ingumuzdeki- -ghèyjé ; -morrow, cy: : yârin. Toad, s. * ): 8,5 kAra-kürbagha, &k: y· ÖdlU-bAgha; – stool, :y8) zehirli-mAntar. Toady, va. 4 M mûdâhéné-et. Toadyism, s. * mûdâhéné. Toast, s. - c = ekmek- -kâzârtmassi ; ·ş: -y: - *-e · “Ashkina - shârâb-ichilen- -kimèssné ; –, v.a. c*5iyi kâzârt- sèned, mak ; ·ş -y· “Ashkina- -shârâb-ichmek. [dûkhÂn. Tobacco, s. · 0)” e° tütun, e· Tobacconist, s. L:35 tütunju. Toe, s. c r: parmak, * ): âyak- -pârmaghi. Together, ad. y.y. berâber, 8 Şy bir- likda ; *): ): bir-yera ; 89/! r: bir-yèr- da ; - jëm”ân; ~ jemi”ân. Toil, s. · ish, :) renj, k kyülfet, - - ö: mèshâkkAt ; -s, s. pl. Jük tüzAk; –, v.n. c·e- chAlishmak, - - ş- châbalamak, e : ishlémek. Token, s. · nishÂn, “ 92): ishâret, · “âlâmet; (of remembrance) yl: berghyuzâr. Tolerable, a. Kş-chekilir, J“=” tûhâmmul-ölunur; *-şl- ep-iyija. Tolerance, Toleration,s.J“=” tâhûmmul, ile hAzm, 8 e mûssâ”adé. Tolerate, va. 18 e mûssâ”adé-et, Wj = tejviz-et, J: kAbül-et, < - chekmek. Toll, s. z : bAj, yer : kApi- -vèrghissi, : ) mûrüriyyé ; –, v.a. (a bell) c·e- chAlmak ; –, ?).70. G• e- chAlinmak. Tomato, s. 65 k dömâta. Tomb, s. Jj• mèzâr, : kAbr, a= lâhd; türbé ; – stone, ) ** mèzâr-tAshi. Tomfool, s. ile dAl-kâwuk. Tomfoolery, s. 8,* mAsskharalik. Ton, s. 45\;* tönélâta. T0 NE [ 339 ] T0 U CE Tone, s. L· sess; se; perdé ; (of muscle, &c.) · kûvvèt. Tongs, s. pl. d* mAsha. [zâbÂn. Tongue, s. J° dil, - lissân, j Tongue-tied, a. · · dili-tütul- Tonic, s. -5şi mükûvvî. [mUsh. Tonnage, s. ghèminin- -tÖnélâtassi. Too, ad. (also) v_s - dâkhi, 89 da, ·= kèzâlik; (more than needful) *-je j- - haddi-lüzümdan- -ziyâdé. (This particle is not in use in Turkish ; fulfils its function. the simple adjective Vid. Grammar.) Tool, s. - âlet (pl. ) âlât); –s, s. pl, yol edawât, 'ye edâwât, c iley âwadanlik, tâkim. Tooth, s. L:° dish, cr“ sinn (pl. · èssnân), · dendân, &l den- dâné ; --pick, J- khilâl, L:° G-5) : ; dish-kârishdirajak. Top, s. Üsst, -5): yükâri, : fevk, J: bālā; (summit) :9 (tepé), 82v° zirvé ; (of a mast) c·- chAnaklik; (plaything) 3 firil- dAk; –, a =8 üsstdeki, u =* üsstundèki; – mast, ére- ghAbiya-chibüghu : – sail, d: ; ghAbiya ; -most, =- – - eng-yükâriki, · =8 eng-yükâridéki. Topaz, s. z j zèberjed (?), · · sAri-yâküt. Topgallant, a. . .y* baba-fingonin. Topic, s. 8ol mâddé. Topography, s. a** -khârita- -tafsilâti ; j ağ tafsilAti- L: } } } zir-u-zebEr. Topsy-turvy, ad. · Alt-üsst, Torch, s. *- mesh”âla (mAshala). Torment, s. · èziyyet ; –, v.a. - ö eziyyet-et; · · èziyyet-virmek. -zèmin. Tornado, s. 4 ra5 kAssirgha. Torpedo, s. ·:Jşi törpil. Torpid, a : Üyushuk, · üyushmush, 5 - -jAnsiz-ghibi. Torpor, s. c· üyushukluk. Torrent, s. seyl (sel); · - hizli-AkAn-sÜ. Torrid, a. y- hârr; – zone, *)- · mAntika'i-hârré. Tortoise, s. dk. kApli - bAgha (kAplimbAgha); – shell, d: bAgha. Torture, s. · èziyyet, *ş<<: shikenjé, 4şi isskinjé ; –, v.a. èziyyët-et, 4ş<<- isskènjé- - et, ·y-j- i: üykussuz- -brâkmak. Toss, s. Lil Atish, c frlâdish ; –, v.a. 5 Atmak, 53J; fırlat- mak ; -, - about, v.n. c; yş° s?chramak, c· firlamak, c* î Atilmak ; (waves) ç9 kAbarmak. Total, s. e· yëkyün, · töp, 8; “ş” mèjmü” ; –, a. · kyûlli; 8 “=” mèjmü”. Totter, · ' = yikilajak-öl. Touch, s. c· dökUnüsh; (sense sèndélémek, Q).73'e 2 A 2 T0 U GH [ 340 ] TIR AC TAIBT TE of) * ) : 5 küvveti - lâmissé ; last –, Jl • söng-El; (tincture) : köku, 5: shā'ibé, esser; -,v.a.c5 dökunmak, J El-sûrmek, ) Jl El-würmak; J-a müttAssil-öl, d· mülâssik-öl; c = dèghmek ; e: •: bitishmek; c* : yâpish- mak; (move the heart) - ) · e: ) = kAlbina-rikkAt-ghètirmek, c· y?mUshAtmak ; – upon (in speaking) ·(-92y* Angdirip- -ghèchmek ; – hole, fAlya, · * : fAlya-dèlighi ; –stone, e s” mâhèkk (mehènk, mehenk- -tAshi) ; –wood, 5 kâw or kAv. Tough, a. sèrt; }4:35 köpmâz; kAti, kessilmâz ; (dificult) 5 yuva ıs * su- CHeUHİ : \* < z r tejr-;- endurance) : : - jÂmi-pèk. Tour, s. --~ r: j= jüz'i-bir- seyâhât. Tourist, s. <- · · · zèvk- [ichin-giden-sèyyâh. Tournament, s. : :Uj• m?zrak- öyUnU. Tow, s. · · · bèyÂz-ûsstûpu, -* · kèten-fazlassi ; : kâtik; –, v.a. *** yedégha- -Almak, c Ke- chèkmek; – rope, - : pÂlamâr; – line, · · : yedek-ipi. Toward, Towards, pr. 65 k 45 a- . - döghrU, -5 k · târafina - - döghru, -8 ° *- jihetina - - döghrU. Towel, s. yle- hâwli; J* pèshta- mâl, e, füta. Tower, s. 5 küllé or * 5 külé; (in town walls) z : bürj; –, v.n. · yükselmek. Town, s. · kAssaba, e: shehr, · mèmlékèt, * s” mâhrüssa, & •s” mâhmiyyé, &: \o mëdiné. Town-clerk, s. - * ·2ye shehirin- dèftEr-èmini. [-münâdissi. Town-crier, s. · ·y: shehirin- Town-hall, s. : ye* shehir-köna- Townsman, s. -54: * hem-shehri. [ghi. Toy, s. c·:y ÖyUnjâk; –, v.n. c· öynamak, c* öynash- mak, eylenmek. Trace, s. j) iz, öl nishâné, · nishÂn, èssEr ; (of harness) - 5 * 5 köshum-kâyishi; –, 07.0. ·) izlémek, 8- &: ül âssârina - tetebbu”- et; (on paper) ·ş- chizmek, “y rèssm-et ; e = silkmek ; *** : yàghli -kyāghida - Almak; 6 - ·- - issli-kyāghid-ila- -chizmek ; ·ş- * \a jûmda- -chizmek. Track, s. } iz; : *: } : : belli-bellissiz-piyâda-yölu ; –, v.a. ·- * e· kAradan- yedek-ila-chèkmek. Tract, s. 4-ü nâhiyyé, S (ülké); (book) All-3 rissâlé, ja- jüz'. Tractable, a. • • mAzlim, ·j y* siz-(diner), \ü münkÂd. T RA DE [ 341 ] TIR ANSI ATE Trade, s. —e sân”at, ·- hirfet ; Traitress, s. 65) : - khâ'in-kAri. c·* U Alish-virish, ya: ti- jâret, ae - Akhz-u-“Atâ, · dâd-U-sited; –, v.n. 'c : J° Alish-vërish-et, \c:y-ş: tijâret-et ; -Sman, · dükkyânji, · bÂzirghyân, -5' e essnâf. Tradition, s. - hâdiss, - - - hâdissi-shèrif; ri- wâyet ; –al, a. Jyö mènkül, - ro mèrvi. Traffic, s. u: 9 · Alish-vièrish, “-2ya: tijâret ; (on a road) · · ghelen-ghechen ; ishleklik; having much –, e : ishlek; –, ?).72. J* : J° Alish - vèrish - et ; ) = tijäret-et. Tragedy, s. *: } \ *-: ·e “âkibéti-wâkhim-ölAn-wâk”â. Train, s. 5 · ÜzUn-ètek, · zeyl (pl. J. 5 èzyâl), e· dâmEn ; (suite) 8 ètbâ”-tâkimi, f - khAdem, *-e- hAshem; (of powder) **: yemlémé; J: fitil; ş° süjuk; (series) , e sira, –5)\ Alay, 2 ) sûru ; (of guns) : · töplar ; siege –, -6: · 5re =* mühÂssara-töplari ; –, v.a. * tâ”lim-et ; lâ: ; tirbiyyé-et; (a tree) ; *· : le dallarini- bir - ressma -kömak ; – on, v.n. c·ü üzamak, ) sürmek, e: “: bitmamek. Traitor, s. : - · devlet-khâ'ini, e -3 ° devletina-khā'in. Trample on, v.a. ·e- chinémek, c· âyak-bAssmak ; – under foot, c· * 5: âyak-Altina-Almak. Tranquil, a. -->-y râhat, se, âssüdé, e· sâkin ; · më'mün. Tranquillity, s. ·-V rahat, · âssâyish, · sûkyünèt, · èmniyyet. Tranquillize, va. · te'min-et. Transaction, s. 4x: wâk”â, ·y* sir-ghyüzesht; mü”âmélé. Transcribe, va, j e “aynini- -yâzmak, :: °işe sürètini-yâz- mak, e sürètini-Almak, C 5.5- e sürètini-chikârmak, c * nÜsskhassini-yâzmak, a- - isstinsâkh-et. Transfer, v.a. Jā nAkl-et, _) devr- -et, 2): ;- chèvirmek, · ghèchirmek. [hey'eta-kömak. Transform, v.a. 34:****.” bAshka- Transgress, v.n. -- kAbâhat-et, asi- jünhâ-et; * 5 ghyûnâh-et; –, va. a· takhatti-et, s° tejâvuz-et; e-8 - khâlÂ- finda-hârékèt-et. Transgression, s. as-khâtâ, 4si- jünhâ, •ya- jürm, - 5 kAbâhat, ** ghyünâh, as mâ"siyyet. Transient, a. j-45) süreksiz, }:y : kArârsiz, y: bıkArâr, J5V zâ'il, Transit, s. 27 mürür. [ fâni. Translate, v.a. *--- tErjumé - et, ·3:55-chèvirmek, \Lğü nAkl-et. TRAN SI, ATI0N [ 342 ] TREAsURY Translation, s. 44-5 tèrjumé; Jü nAkl. Translator, s. * mütejim, e·: tèrjumÂn. Transmigration, s. z : tènâssukh. Transmission, s. Jü nAkl, J. irsâl, Ja issÂl; V- imrâr; y mûrür. Transmit, v.a. c·- yöllamak, ·ş= ghyindermek, J.3) irsâl-et, Ja issÂl-et; •2) ş ghèchirmek, imrâr-et, 'a , y -5) wAssita'i-mürüru-öl. [berrÂk. | Transparent, a. -il : sheffâf, r Transpire, v.n. · sèzilmek, c·9° *A ğ = düyulmak, c·y- 8 -* shûyü”- -bülmak. Transport, s. (ship) = 3=· “Assker-ghemissi; (convict) e 9 - fe sûrghyun-AdAm; menfi; (excessive sensation) e, fErt, ifrAt ; (ecstasy) e· vijdân ; (carriage) 5ü nAkl; –, v.a. (a criminal) : •2yy sürmek, \ · )5- sürghyun-et, : nèfy-et ; (carry) c· tAshimak, :y* ghyîtur- mek, Jü nAkl - et; · sevindirmek. (cause joy) Transportation, s. yy sûrghyun, · nefy, z jilâ, - ijlâ; place of –, * mènfi or mènfâ. Transylvania, s. · Je) èrdèl-vilâ- yeti. [4 - bAja. Trap, s. 5ük tûz Ak, fle dam ; – door, Trash, s. U52! bök ; *-e sAchma ; (idle talk) :j)* hèrz6. Travel, s. --~ seyâhât; sefer, -, v.n. --~ seyâhat-et, sefer-et, ghezmek, ·2: yöljuluk-et. [9); nèvèrd. Traveller, S. z- seyyâh, · yölju, ** *\e yândan- -yâna-ghèchmek ; : bAshdan-bAsha-ghèzmek ; (impede) s— mèn”-et, 's mâni“- öl, e : &K sekté-virmek, C: ): bözmak. [tAbla. Tray, s. tepsi, * sini, * - Treacherous, a. (person) e: \- khā'in ; (act) dö\ 5 - khā'inâné; to have a – memory, c ş- châbik- -ûnutmak, ****9 - khā- tirda-shèy-tûtamamak. [khâ’inlik. Treachery, s. -khiyânet, c· Treacle, s. * bekmez, j•: pètmez. Traverse, v.a. ( : Tread, v.a. c· âyak-bAssmak. Treason, s. · dèvlété- -èdilEn-kh?yânèt. Treasonable, a. . eşi · · devléta-kh?yânet-nèv”inden. Treasure, s. J mÂl, *): (pâra), 4şi Akcha ; (hidden) 4 defin6, 4: - khâziné (hAzna); (in affection) J* iki-ghyiz, Ka- jighEr, ·=K- jighEr-kyūshé; (in estimation) ye- * )y: *: chök-isha-yârar-shey; – up, v.a. c; 5'e sâklamak, ağ- hâfz-et. [nadâr). Treasurer, s. 9le:j khazinédâr (hAz- Treasury, s. 4:j-khaziné; ;i) 4 • mÂliyyé-nâzâreti ; · * ma- liyyé-kApissi. T REAT [ 343 ] TIR IIFI E Treat, s. · ziyâfet; *şü: èylEnja ; -, va. (use) cş küllAnmak, * \s mü"Amélé-et; (a sick person) c·l bAkmak, aş mü”âléjé-et; (feast) - ziyâfet-vir- mek ; (pay for) —r 9: pûrassini-virmek ; –, v.n. (on a subject) le < bâhss-et; (negotiate) 4 Ka mûkyâlémé-et. Treatise, s. 4.2) rissâlé. Treatment, s. 4 \s mü”âmélé; *ş Treaty, s. 8. ols o mü”âhédé, ée “âhd; * \ \çe “âhd-nâmé. Treble, s. ·z y ûch-kAt ; (voice) [mû”âléjé. U-* *şi: inja-sess, “-:3,5 kAri- -sessi ; –, v.a. l z üch-kAt-et; –, vn. - iz, üch-kAt-öl. Tree, s. z : AghAj, ş* shëjEr, -- y° dirâkht; – nail, * 5 kavilya : cross-, 4:-· kûrchèta. Tremble, s. 4 (titrémé), 3 lerzé, * ) râ'shé ; –, v.n. · (titrémek), ey } liErzân-öl ; –bling, e lerzân, - lerzenâk, yle*-e: râ”shédâr. Tremendous, a. --réo mühib, U** mûdhish; 5:5-chök, · pèk. Trench, s. 5 - (hèndek); c mè- tériss; –,v.a. ·z =: c; j'i iki - üch - bel - derinlighinda- -kAzmak ; - round, - 5 - (hèndek)-chèvirmek; – upon, Wjyaş” tèjävuz-et, c·üs'J iEl-ÜzAtmak. Trespass, s. : - jinâyet; *<- jûnhâ, = ghyünâh ; –, v.n. - jinâyet-et, * 5 ghyünâh- -et; – on one, – on one's time, J** ishghâl-et, j ş° tâ”jiz-et, - a tAssdi"-et, 'c bAsh- -Aghritmak. Trevet, s. ze sAj-âyak. Trial, s. (experiment) U:4ö° denéyish, *- = tejrubé ; (by law) yee â”wâ, “S s° mühâkémé; on –, a. s° mükhâyyEr. Triangle, s. o mûssèlliEss. Triangular, a.s . mûsselless- -shèkilinda. Tribe, s. kAbilé (pl. 55 kAbâ'il), · “Ashiret (pl. ; .e “Ashā’ir), J. il (pl. ·: ilÂt); (of Israel) a· sebt (pl. e- èssbÂt). Tribulation, s. - s° mihnèt. Tribunal, s. *3==” mâhkémé, *- –5)ya- hâkim-hûzüru. Tributary, a. }, - khārāj- [khûrâj, ja jizyé. Tribute, s. y! vîrghyu or vèrghi, z - Trick,s.e öyun; -hilé; (custom) –55--khüy; –, v.a. \ c)): y öyUn-et, c il Aldatmak. Trickery, s. 4 - hilé. [-Akmak. Trickle, v.n. c·lasi aşi' inja-inja- -ghyûzâr-Ölan. Trifle, s. *-e sAchma, ey: öyun, ·r jüz'i-shey, · * Y lâ-shèy-mâküléssi ; –, v.n. c· yl öynamak, *ş- • sAchma-et, le délilik-et; –fling, a. j- jüz'i; -, s. *-e sAchma, delilik; –fler, e deli. TIR IC GER [ 344 ] TR U 0 E Trigger, s. tetik. - Trigonometry, s. = “ilmi- -mûssèllEssât. Trim, s. (of a vessel) · denk (of clothing) - 5 kâyâfet; –, a. · bichimli ; –, v.a. · düzeltmek ; le denk-et, Ke e: “ denghini-düzeltmek. Trimming, s. z - khāri, · (ghay- tÂn); (moral) 4x y-o müwÂza”â. Trinity, s. · âkÂnimi-sèlâssé. Trip, s. (slip) · âyak-kApAn- massi ; (moral) a- khAtâ; (ex- cursion) · ghèzma, · dölashma ; –, v.n. c· · âyaghi-kApAnmak; as-khAtâ-et; - up, v.n. : *** - : âyaghi-kApAnip-dûshmek ; –, v.a. ^ · dûshurmek. Tripe, s. 4 K* ishkinbé. Triple, s. ·z: üch-kAt; –, v.a. z: üch-kAt-et; –, v.n. z: üch-kAt-öl. Tripoli, s. (town in Barbary) c· G-22)* târâbâlüsi-ghârb; –, (town of Syria) ** · târâbâlüsi-shâm. Triturate, v.a. · èzmek, C s° sâhk-et. Triumph, s. ghâlébé, ai nüssret; (procession) -5) Alay ; -, U.72. - : ghâlib-öl ; –, – · ugh Enmek, ü; tefâkhur-et. Triumphant, a. - \: ghÂlib. Trivial, a. *- • sAchma, :}a- jüz”i. over (exult) Triviality, s. c - • sAchmalik; · - jüz”ilik. Troop, s. -5) ş” süru, tâkim, - âlay; (of cavalry or horse- artillery) · bîluk ; –, v.n. ·:· töplanmak; –s, s. pl. A-e “Assker. Trooper, s. -8 ° -55) · sûwâri-neferi. Trophy,su \e ·), zAferin-“âlâmëti. Tropic, s. • mëdâr ; – of Cancer, ·y* mëdâri-seratÂn ; – of Capricorn, –5 Aa- mëdâri-jëdi. Trot, s. link, K. linklémé; –, v.n. c = link-ghitmek, c- K. linklémek. Trotters, s. pl. *-: pâcha ; '' âyak. Trouble, s. - 5 e sâkindi, - - *-j zahmet, meshakkAt, X z\xr r24 v·y ) * uy (care) ye dèrd, M: belâ, 5- c· bAsh-Aghrissi ; – va. ·skindi-virmek,V-ş° tâ”jiz- et; · y *-j zâhmet- -vèrmek ; – one's self, - *-j zâhmet-et ; – one's self about . . . , kâyd - et; & wAzifé-et; - 5 kAssâvet-et. Troublesome, a. -6 x e sâkindi, · sikindili, -*-j zâh- met-virir. Trough, s. · tekné ; AvlAk. Trousers, s. pl. ·: pântalön ; : shAlwar ; e: pötur, ş- Trout, s. \ a \ Ala-bAlik. [chAkshir. Trowel, s. all mAla. - Truce, s. 46 mütâréké. TR U C K [ 345 ] TU MIBI, E Truck, s. & e Jl El-“arabassi; (exchange) : trânpa ; (of a mast) ** shApka. True, a. (not false) ş- ghèrchek, <=” sâhih ; (real) - hâkiki; (faithful) ele sÂdik, leli, wefâdâr; (right) – döghru, <=” sahih (well ascertained) is* mühAkkAk. Truly, ad. ---5 wâki”â, - - hakikat, fi'l-hakika, Trumpet, s. 9) : böru ; \} ) - sürnâ (zûrna); –, v.a. e i”lÂn-et. Trumpeter, s. ey} ) : böruzèn (-zân). Trunk, s. 5 e sAndik, alaj - chAnta; (of a tree) · kyütuk : (of the body) 8. y= ghyiwdé ; (of an ele- phant) • - khörtüm. Trunnion, s. · · müylU. (faith) •:e · emniyyet; (charge) - Trust, s. i”timÂd, èmânèt ; on –, *u “8): 9 vèréssiyé ; -, ?).0. : — & emânéten- -tesslim - et; –, v.n. *-e i”timÂd-et, \ èmniyyet-et ; (in God) J6;-i tevekkyul - et, J5 mûtévekkil-öl. Trustee, s. · • müté- velli-ghibi-èmânètdâr. Trustworthiness, s. · sAdâkAt. Trustworthy, Trusty, a. 5 e sÂdik. Truth, s. (absolute) - hAkk; (of an assertion) s° sâhhât, - - ö. 8- hAkikAt; (true speech) –69y:) · döghrU - lâkirdi ; to speak the –, · -:5° döghrU-sûweylémek. Truthful, a. 5 e döghru. Truthfulness, s. c· döghruluk. Try, v.n. (endeavour) c· -- chAlishmak, - sâ”y-et ; \e ghâyret-et; –, (as an ex- periment) 5 bAkmak, dö° denémek, &y° tèjribé-et ; (as a proof) 'e si. imtihân-et ; (cause ?).6. a great exertion) ·9) :) zörlamak ; c , ! yörmak ; :· ÜssAn- dirmak; 5 *- ghyüjuna- -ghitmek. • Trying a y < s° tûhâmmul-ghyûdâz. Tub, s. 4'e bAdiya, Je, ghèrdel. Tube, s. 3y: böru, &'ığ ziwâné ; (ofa water-pipe) z: y • mârpich. Tuberose, s. r° tèbEr. Tubular, a. 8 K* : ); börU-sheklinda, · ): börU-ghibi. Tuesday, s. e sAli, • sali- -ghyünu, Ü\5 selâsâ, ** seh- -shènbih. Tug, s. :=e-chekish ; (ship) -°) -: yedek-vâporu ; –, v.a. c •=e- chèkmek ; c· &= \! yèdéghé-Almak. Tuition, s. c ye derss, L·j tedriss, ( * tâ”lîm ; * tà"allum, as: Tulip, s. &W lâlé. [tâhsil. U** düshush, · yikilish; –, v.n. (fal) : *** düshmek, •i yikilmak; (be disarranged) c*: ): bÜrUshmak, - · irsélEnmek ; –, v.a. e: ) y° düshurmek, cş•i yik- Tumble, s. TU MIBI, ER [ 346 ] TURN mak; ci-ey°-:*): bûrushdurmak, ·?) irsélétmek. Tumbler, s. z si · biyuk-kAdEh, - 5 e sü-kAdéhi. Tumour, s. U* shish, e eş- chibAn. Tumult, s. c·yü kArishiklik ; 5 W; ghyûruldu, ·: pAtirdi, 5 ** shâmata. [-(ökkalik)-fichi. Tun, s. · sekiz-yuz- Tune, s. ye hâwâ; in –, e el âhènk, e· üyghun : -, v.a. e > âhènk-et, :2y \! Üydurmak. Tunnel, s. ): · yEr-Alti-yöl, *\,: L* yEr-Alti-kèmEr. Tunny, s. ·: pAlamid(?), :9: Alti-pârmak(?); (preserved) 89)=} Turban, s. • sArik. [lâkèrda. Turbid, a. Gö}: bÜlAnik. T'sıvılar 4 & ! :\!: T-Y ll, a - 2\! ü ! 35 + “ vv• • - :) - - n a nası, U_s - :ev“ kAlkAn-bAlighi. Turbulent, s. (person) \:y:j zörba ; (meeting) ·V): ghyüruldulu. Turcoman, s. e·yi türkmèn. Turcomania, s. : · türkmen- -vilâyeti. Turf, s. (green) *ş- chim; (peat) : · yir-tèzèghi. Turk, s. “e “össmánli; türk, · türk-üshaghi, - müsslimÂn. Turkey, s. (fowl) * hind- -tâwughu ; (empire) e-ye dev- léti-“âliyyé, “e ye devléti- -"össmâniyyé, *J-ye dev- léti - âli -“össmÂn ; (territory of) * s° e: “ memâliki-mâhrüssa, · memâliki-devléti- -”âliyyé, = “e “össmÂnli- -mèmlékéti, y: “e “össmanli- -töpraghi, “e “össmanli- -vilâyéti (wilâ’ati). Turkish language, s. ·U-5 türkja, da “e “össmÂnlija, · mûsslimÂnja. - Turmeric, s. e- 89)j zirdéchâv. Turmoil, s. 5 ghyûruldu, -5 - hArildi, -se el pAtirdi. Turn, s. (revolution) L°9° dinush, 199 dèvr ; U*- e sApish, z-é:): bûrghAj, ·yle dirsek; (in rotation) ·şi nûbet ; (change) U*-iye dûnush, L: K39 dighishish, J· tebeddul, Yrl-H 71, . ular &ı A U 9 (round) e ye dönmek, ye devr-et, \ · dèvérân-et ; (to one side) ci • 99 dînmek; c** sApmak ; (become) = -= kessilmek, lEnmek or c· lanmak (as a verbal termination), · ölmak ; (change) - e : :e diglishmek ; (as remade clothes) - chevirilmek : – v.a. < x - chèvirmek ; (cause to become) : etmek, letmek O?” c· latmak (as a verbal termina- tion); a good -, c iyilik ; – about, v.a. ·55- chèvirmek ; (deviation) U*-iye dînush, “-?(9 *\ği U:)” fârk; -, t7.7°. c; y \i kArishdirmak ; --, v.n. ci •öye dünmek ; - away, v.a. 5 köghmak, sie def"-et, 9 TU R N [ 347 ] T W ICE târd-et ; (the eyes, &c.) ·95- chèvirmek ; – –, v.n. * *-i: c*şe bAshka-târafa-dînmek : – back, v.n. • y-= gheri-dîn- mek; \ ·ye “âvdet-et; (on a hinge, &c.) - âchilmak ; ·yşe- y = ghèri-chèvirmek : - down, v.n. (a street) “: • sapmak ; (ahill) enmek; (leaves, &c.) · ) · Ashâghi - kivrilmak ; - } -, ?).0!. --, v.a. •: e sapitmak; < y = âshàghi-ghyindirmek ; · èndirmek ; · k?vir- mak, · bükmek ; – in, v.n. c yatmak : ş: ichèri- -ghirmek,e yeş:licheri-ghitmek, c- 4 Aş: icheri-ghèlmek ; – –, ?).6Z. ·ş5- :Jş: ichèri-chèvirmek, c ye yaş: icheri-sökmak; yaş: C°): : ichèri-k?virmak ; –off, v.a. c* Atmak, · düshurmek ; c· sapitmak ; y = - sek- dirmek ; (a cock) c· kApAmak ; (water) •-= kessmek ; (a re- mark) c·· Aldirmamak ; – –, v.n. ( *: Ve sâpmak; (a projectile) c sekmek ; – out, v.n. c 5: kAlkmak ; • ş- -35): dèshâri- -chikmak, c· -5) dâshâri- -öghramak ; (prove) •öre- châk- mak ; (the weather) leshmek (as a verbal termination) ; – –, v.a. c 3-e• ş- châkârmak ; – over, v.n. · dinmek; y° devril- mek ; – –, v.a. ·ye-chèvir- mek, < yşe devirmek ; (in charge) \ 'ye devr-et; (refer) lay-hâwâlé-et, 4 - ihâlé-et; (in one's mind) · 5°ye dûshunmek, c· tA- shinmak, 4xa mûtâla”â-et; (dis- appoint) - — ümidini- -bÖzmak ; – up, v.n. ***ş- châk- mak, V* zÜhür-et, *: pèydâ-öl; c; ki kalkmak ; ; - âchilmak ; · –5y: yükâri - dînmek : – -> Ü.0. ·ş- -5): yükâri- -chèvirmek; : ëshmek, j'i kazmak ; ; ) (5 kaldirmak; “ş- âchmak. Turnip, s. *** 0?” ** shâlghâm. Turnkey, s. = } zindânji. Turnpike, s. : kApi. Turpentine, s. tèrmenti ; spirits of–, ée & neft-yâghi. Turquoise, s. ** 8ğı firüzé-tAshi. Turret, s. külé, -a ; küléjik. Turtle, s. * 5}=e dengiz-kâpli- bAghassi (kâplim-); – dove, 5 Tuscan, a. . . Tösscânali. [kümru. Tuscany, s. -! \, *öi Tösscâna- Tusk, s. 5 Azi, U:e dish. [-vilâyeti. Tutor, s. *-y- khôja; –, v.a. 5i,5 - ighrEtmek, ' tâ'lim-et. Twaddle, s. · c bösh-lâkirdi. Tweezers, s.j* - jimbiz. Twelve, a. · ön-iki ; -month, J: yil, * sèné, J- sâl. Twenty, a. :· yighirmi, · “ish- rÜn, J: e “ishrin, — bisst. Twice, ad. 5 iki-kirré, * : TW IG [ 348 ] UN BUR THE N iki-def“â, -: =" iki - nûbet, · iki-sefer. [:e- chîbûk. Twig, s. Jle dâl, Jo4şi inja-dal, Twilight, s. (morning) ·y örtalik-Agharmassi, ş° fejir, : shâfak; (evening) - ) e sülar- -kararmassi, - y lak), örtalik- -kArarmâssi. [pl. ' ikiz. Twin, s. }=\ ikiz, r: tev'âm; –s, Twine, s. t =” sijim ; –, v.n. c·ye sArilmak, c· dölashmak ; –, v.a. dölashdirmak, y'e sArmak. [e 9 bükyulmek. Twist, v.a. · bükmek ; –, v.n. Two, a. · iki, e· issneyn, şe dû. Type, s. (model) 4öy•5 nümüné ; (for printing) – - hârf (pl. : - hürüfāt); in -, - mûretteb, L* - tertib-ölunmush. Typhus, s. •-95 kAra-hûmmâ, ; tifo. Typographer, s. -* bAssmaji. Typography, s. · ·3 - hü- rüfÂt-bAssmassi. Tyrannical, a - : * K. zülUmkyârâné. Tyranny, s. zülm, ses ta"addi, y* ghAdr, ā- jëfâ. Tyrant, s. : zâlim, ghAddâr, K - jefâkyâr; sefâk, - khünriz. Tyro, s. ş° “Ajémi, mübtédi. zâlimâné, U. Udder, s. &• • mèmé. [kèrihu-’l-mAnzar. Ugly, a. .5 - chirkin, ·= Ulcer, s. *): yâra. Ultimate, 0Ze · söng. Umbrage, s. ighbirâr. Umbrageous, a. * ghyilghélik. Umbrella, s. 4 • : shèmsiyyé. Umpire, s. hâkEm ; to act as –, - hükm-et, Ja° 'ye da"wayi- -fAssl-et. Unable, a. j• Se Elindan-ghelmâz, JSo y müktedir-dighil, j-e [mish. Unaccustomed, a. ·l Alishma- 6 6- • • ajıZ. Unadvisable, a. --~~ münâssébètsiz. Unanimity, s. W ittifaki-ārā. . Unanimous, a. müttefik, yy) s vwâshi. (father's brother) = c L5° Uncle, s. “Amuja (Amja), “âmm, “Ammî ; (mother's brother) slo dây. [L-* nèjiss. Unclean, a. U-: piss, · mÜrdâr, Uncleanliness, s. · pisslik. Uncleanly, a. U-: piss. Uncleanness, s. ·: pisslik. Unclose, v.a. c·- âchmak. [-söymak. Unclothe, v.a. •:ye · 2) rübassini- Unclouded, a - : bûlutsiz. Uncomfortable, a. 3-·-V râhatsiz. Uncommon, a. : j) Az-bülUnUr, nâdir, 3 ü nâdidé, nâdir-ghyûrulur. Uncommunicative, a. f· kètüm. Unconceivable, a.j* ai tâssAvur- [lâ-kâyd. Unconcerned, a, j \ 5 kâydsiz, :) Unconditional, a.j-k2r: shârtsiz. -ölUnamâz. Unconscionable, a. j-i ail insÂfsiz. Unconscious, a, j =-khAbersiz, / s : bikhÂbEr. Uncorrupt, a. · döghrU, ( -- ) ) müsstakîmu-'l-Atwâr. Uncover, v.a. ·- âchmak, : ·-5 kapaghini - kaldırmak, ş- -:)y irtussunu-ch?- kârmak. Uncreate, Uncreated, a. : * * ghàyri-mâkhlük, : ç5ü kâ'im- -bi-'z-zât. Undecided, a.j *) * kArârsiz; (person) i= -5 = kendi-"Aklini- bilmâz. Under, a. e 8. - Altda - ölAn ; e : * ) ** Ashāghi-rûtbédé- -ölan ; ashaghiki; –, pr. ·l Altina, 8 Altinda, ) Altindan ; := tahtina, 8 =5 tahtinda, = tahtindan; j zirina, 8 Ağr) zirinda, 9 AğJ!) zirindan; *'e· dan-Ashāghi; 5'e dan- -eksik ; - age, c ş-chöjuk, e sabi. [L 5 ş-chigh-kAlmish. Underdone, a. ·j' Az-pishmish, Undergo, v.a. y y= ghiriftâr-öl, ş-ye düehâr-öl, mübtélâ-öl; c·i: tütulmak ; · Ölmak. Underhand, a. ghizli, ile sâkli, - khâfi; –, ad. 8 J El- -AltindA. Undermine, v.a. c j° · Altini- -kAzmak; (aperson) : * ) âyaghini-kâydirmak. UN DERM0ST [ 350 ı Undermost, a.' * eng-Altdaki Underneath, pr. 4: Altina, 8 Altinda; –, ad. all Alta, 8 Altda. Under-secretary, s. (of state) • mûsstéshär; (of an office) ya • mü”âvin. Undersign, v.a. \ \a imzâ-et. Undersigned, a - ) - , 8 ; zirda- vwAzi”-’l-imzâ. Understand, v.a. · ânglamak (ânnamak), *-e- tèfèhhum – et, 2y° dèrk-et, l yol idrâk-et, Jás; tâ-”âkkül-et. Understanding, s. Jāe “Akl; (agree- ment) J; kAvl, mükÂvélé; k,: shârt. Undertake, v.a. c·J) y üzérina- -Almak, 8 4eye dèr-ûhdé-et. Undertaker, s. ·3:5 tâbütju. Undertaking, s. · ish. Underwriter, s. ·: · & l · – — T ** ghemi-ila- ghèmi - yükunu - sighürtâya - Alan - -èssnâf. Underwriting, s. : * 3 c· * yy ghèmi-ila-ghèmi- -yûkunu-sighürtaya-Almaklik. Undesignedly, ad. aş · lâ-”ân- -kAssdin ; 'e sèhven; ülü ittifakâ. Undivided, a. c): bitun; (common) 8 • mûshâ”. Undo, v.a. j: bÖzmak; (a knot, &c.) “ş- achmak, ye-chiz- mek. UnExprcTED Undone, a. ·: yâpilmamish ;. (ruined) -j-khûrâb ; (in reputa- tion) J.&y rezil, -sly” rûssvây. Undoubtedly, ad. de shûbhéssiz ; a: Elbetté. Undress, v.a. 4:3 e söymak, & :v c : ş- Ürübassini-châkârmak; –, v.n. ( 4:3 e söyUnmak, · dükyulmek. Undulation, s. 4 dalgha; (ofground) bâyir, c =- ; tümseklik. Undutiful, a. j-·e:) ri”âyetsiz. Undying, a. . .) lâ-yemüt. Uneasiness, s. ·-y râhatsizlik, -5. e sâkindi ; - * iztirÂb. Uneasy, a. -y râhatsiz ; (in body or mind) -->* mÜztârib. Unemployed, a. -- ishsiz, c): bösh, * : böshda, ele “Atil, Ja** mü“AttAl. Unequal, a. Seyi bir-dighil, · · ghâyri-müssâvi ; (to a task) }=\e “âjiz, J6° erbâbi - dighil, _}* Pr * ghyüj u-yetmâz, 5 e· iElindan-ghèlmâz. Unequivocal, a. < -e sArih, c·ş- âchik, K: Ashikyâr. Unerring, a. - 5 e sâ'ib. [nâ-hèmvâr. Uneven, a. J6 düz-dighil, y* Unexampled, a. ·y:= ghyirulma- mish, · missälsiz, u: · ghâyri-mèssbük. Unexpected, a. U· Ümulmamish ; –ly, ad. J, eer min-ghâyri- -më'mülin. . UNEXPIR ET) [ 351 ] U N HEAT, THY Unexpired, a. · wâ”déssi- -ghElmamish. Unfair, a. -ā- hAkksiz, - ail in- [sÂfsiz. Unfairness, s. -ā- hAkksizlik. Unfaithful, a. e: \- khā'in. [mûghâyir. Unfashionable, a. : * &89; mÖdâya- Unfasten, v.a. c*ş- âchmak. Unfathomable, a. -e dibsiz, - *** nâ-kâ”r-yÂb. Unfavourable, a. _ terss, -i s” mükhâlif, } : * Üyghunsuz. Unfeeling, a.j- = mèrhametsiz. Unfeigned, a. La-khâliss, bi- -riyâ. [e 5 eksik. Unfinished, a. L*** bitmamish, Unfit, a. j* üymaz, j• yûkish- mâz, j°y-y- elvErmâz ; (person) ·ü nâ-ehl, 5° erbâbi-dighil, liyâkAtsiz ; –, v.a. * ehliyyetini - izâlé-et; 's mâni”-öl, s— men”-et. Unfold, v.a. *- âchmak, sèrmek, nèshr-et, a- bAsst-et. Unforeseen, a y = ghyirunmé- yEn, U*** dûshunulmamish. Unforgiving, a. j* e “Afv-ètmâz, j• ÜnUtmâz. [mish. Unforgotten, a. U ünûdulma- Unfortified, a. * = - -* ghâyr- müsstâhkèm. [nâhiss. Unfortunate, a. kî bâkhtsiz ; · Unfortunately, ad. *ğü & ne-fâ'idé, * 5'ü 4- chi-fâ'idé. Unfounded, a. : · Assli-yök. Unfrequent, a. y°ü nâdir. Unfriendliness, s. c “âdâvet. Unfriendly, a. …**e düshmen; ·9° [:e “âkim. Ünfruitful, a.j : meyvé-vermâz; C -*- -e c :) s * *'ye düshéméssini-kÂl- dârghin. Unfurnish, v.a. söymak, dirmak. Unfurnished, a. 4• dûshémésiz. Ungainly, a. bed; e- chirkin, Ungallant, a. } \e*) *-55): kAriyyé- -ri”âyetsiz. Ungenerous, a. U-->-khâssiss. Ungodly, a. (man) JP-: - : fâssik-U- -fajir; (act) döi. fâssikâné, * - : fâjirâné. Ungovernable, a. * zÂbt-ölU- namâz, 9) sirt, - hâdid. Ungrammatical, a. * = * – • e: -âls° kâwâ”idi- sârf-u-nahvé-mü- khâlif Ungrateful, a. _y=5ü nânkyür (nAm-), * = c= nèmek-bührâm, e - khā'in. - Ungrounded, a. ; : * : · Assli- -yök-fAssli-yök, c bösh, Je: bÂtil, c· bi-èssâs. Unguarded, a : J: şi: = - nöbetji-vé-kAré-köl- -vé-isstihkyâmdan-khâli; ile ghAfil. Unguent, s. 5: yàgh, fer miErhèm. Unhappy, a. yey° derdli, ye) dèrdmènd. Unhealthy, a. (person) · 55- chûruk, · “âlil; (place) * : wâkhim, · wâkhâmetli. lUN HEAR D 0E [ 852 ] UNIVER SAT Unheard of a lishidilma- mish, 8 ; “ ghâyri-messmü”. Unhoped for, a. · Ümulmamish ; 8°\} · me'müldan-ziyâdé. Unhorse, v.a. y°e Atindan- -dûshurmek (or 5 Atdan). Unhurt, a. ·i injinmamish. Uniform, a. * mÜntazâm, * r! bir-siyÂkda ; –, s. *):yl Üni- förma, ·*) ressm-elbisséssi, u =*2) * : nizÂm - rûbassi, A-e L*9) “Asker-rûbassi. Uniformity, s. · mütÂbakAt. Uniformly, ad. V•ğl dâ'imā; v*** shâshmayarak ; :))y nizÂm- -ûzéré. Unimportant, a. * ghâyri-mühimm. Unincumbered, a. · 9 8: yb \e- hèr-nèv”i-bâr-ü-mâni”dan- -khâli; j-z); börjsiz. Uninhabitable, a. khāyrsiz, · ghâyri-kÂbili-süknâ. Uninhabited, a. .)y=·* ghâyri- -mèsskyün, : bösh. [-mAssün. Uninjured, a. .); a• uy°y* zârardan- Unintelligible, a. = anglashil- mâz (ûnnâsh-). Unintentional, a. e· Va: kAzâ- Ünintentionally, ad. a5 ue “ân- -ghâyri-kAssdin. Uninterrupted, a : ·W ârassi-yök ; [-nev'indan. –ly, ad. *) * ): V âra-virméyé- rek, 5 * -se) ardi-ârassi- ölmayarak, ale : bilâ - fAssila, % E* lâ-yânkAti”. Union, s. s5 ittihâd; 5-•a- jem”, E* tejemmu”, 8 - ijtimâ”, ·= *) * bir - araya - ghelish ; L* kArishish, “ kAtishma, zü mezi, zy imtizāj; z = tezèvvuj, z :) izdivâj. Unit, s. )y* fErd. Unitarian, s. A· mûwâhhid, ol ·5 ehli-tevhid. Unite, v.n. V-! birlEshmek : 8 Şy birlikda-öl, iki ittifak-et; -• - jem”-öl, S&W bir- -âraya - ghElmek ; • : *): -5)! biri-birina-kArishmak, • .55 kAtish- mak ; 'z imtizâj-et ; *: r: -5)! · biri - birina - varmak, z = tezevvuj - et; - 5 kaynamak, c· yapishmak, bAgh- lanmak ; J-a-· müttAssil - öl; k mrëbüt-öl, '-· mûn- tessib-öl; –, v.a. -- y / bir- leshdirmek; ; ) kArishdirmak, zj• mèzj-et ; ·z im- tizâj-ètdirmek; ·· èvlEndir- mek, 'a:*ji tezvij-et, ·· vèrmek; c 5 kaynatmak : - ) -·: yûpishdirmak : bAghlamak, a-) rAbt-et, - - - bitish- dirmek. *- United States, s. pl. d** ş=* *- Ui, jemâhiri-müjtémi”a-i-Amerika. Unity, s. y- birlik ; (of God) · wâhdâniyyet; 5 ittifÂk, els: ittihâd. Universal, a. 4 kymli : * UNIVER SE [ 353 ] UN MAR RIED 6 6 . - -> d% 6 6 s. - Ümümi; –ly, ad. ** UmUman, * e “alé-’l-“ümüm. [kyâ'inât. Universe, s. tle “âlem, :\= University, s. e·yle dâru-’l-fünün. Ünjust, a. (man) ghâddâr, : zâlim, aj insÂfsiz ; (man or act) ö- hAkksiz. [sebebsiz. Unjustifiable, a. ö- hAkksiz, }“ Unkind, a. (person) S\i- jefâkyâr ; (person or act) c terss, -se tAtsiz, 5 e söghuk. Unknown, a. Jyeş” mèjhül, • • nâ-mâ'lüm; – to me, ad. ** · · benim-khAbérim-Ölmayarak. Unlade, v.a. (a ship, &c.) c·: böshAltmak, · : ·: yükyunu- -böshAltmak ; c·ş- =: yü- (a horse, &c.) ·· L =: yükyunu-endirmek; -, v.72. c· böshAlmak. Unlawful, a. ry- hârâm ; ö2y*-er: ghâyri-meshrü” ; 5 * memnü”, kyunu-châkârmak ; · menhi, - yassAk; * fûzüli, =-i nâ-hAkk; –ly, ad. c· bi-ghayri-hAkkin, :iy°y füzüli-Ölarak. Unlearned, a. . Pla-jâhil. Unleavened, a. r+s- khÂmirsiz. Unless, c. *= mègher-ki. (This conjunction is hardly ever used, but the sense is rendered by employing the conditional negative of the verb which follows in English. Ex.– Unless I go, “e: bèn-ghit- massam, if I go not.) Unlikely, a.j• ümulmaz, j \cş:: yâkishik-Almaz; it is very unlikely, **se deghmédé, “ Ümmâm, * J; me'mül-etmâm. Unlimited, a. - hâddsiz, sı: Unload, vid Unlade, [bihâdd. Unlock, v.a. c·ş- âchmak ; ·= c·- kilidini - âchmak : –, v.n. - âchilmak. Unlooked-for, a. . , ümulmayan ; * je·· me'müldan-ziyâdé. Unloose, v.a. c*ş- âchmak, ·ye- chizmek ; e sAlivirmek. Unluckily, ad. 8 5543 nè-fâ'idé, de- 8 xği chi-fâ'idé. Unlucky, a. (man) } <. bâkhtsiz, · bed-bâkht; (day) -->< nahiss; (house, &c.) : shâ’â- metli, • • mesh”üm. Unman, v.a. c·C - 25- chöjuk- -ghibi-Aghlatmak ; to be –ed, C 55- c = chöjuk-ghibi-Aghlamak, c· * * 9 yürèghi-dâyânmamak, ·= *-*- W-é Aghlayajaghi- -ghiElmek. - Unmanageable, a. · zAbt-ölU- nûmaZ ; (ship) * =· dümèn- [-yÂkishmâz. Unmanly, a. . . K= erkégha- -(dinémâz). Unmannered, Unmannerly, a. .5 kAba, ky - khöyrÂt. - Unmarried, a. (man) : bikyâr (bey- kyâr), Şe evli-dighil, y=” mü- jërred; (woman) JSes - : köjada- -dighil (or · ölmayan) ; ; ; kz. 2 B UN MERCIF UL [ 354 ] UN 0 UESTI0 NABLE Unmerciful, a. } • >>r* mèrhâmetsiz ; –ly, ad. fèna. Unmindful, a. · dikkatsiz, -5° : dikkat-etmâz, Jié ghâfil. Unmingled, Unmixed, a. ---- khâliss, –3-e sÂf, · sâfi. - Unmoor, v.a. ·e-u : : bAsh-k'oh-baghlarini-chizmek, j= y: ; yAlingiz-bir-(de-. mir)-ila-brâkmak. Unnatural, a. tAbi”âting- -khâlÂfi. [bi-lüzüm. Ünnecessary, a. 3- lüzümsUz, e: Unnerve, va. J- · sebâtini- ikhlâl-et. Unnumbered, a. --- hissÂbsiz, 5 a=<)y* lâ-yû”âdd-vé-lâ-yûhsâ. Unobjectionable, a. }< · i”tirÂz-ölunamâz. Unoccupied, a. c·: bösh, , \s-khâli. Unoffending, a.j->ye süchsuz, - - 5 kAbâhatsiz, j.: )y* zârarsiz. Unopposed, a. -** mâni”siz, 5- : bilâ-mâni”in, 4 s* bilâ-mükhâ- léf6. [J;4ş sâhibi-mejhül. Unowned, a. ---- -e sâhibsiz, = -\e Unpack, v.a. - âchmak; • c :95. - sAndikdan-chikârmak. Unpaid, a, U. 9 verilmamish ; (officer) - mâ”âshsiz, Unpalatable, a. r Aji. [âyliksiz. Unparalleled, a. j- missâlsiz, - - - ) -= U l ishidilmamish, · ghyîrulmamish, nâ-messbük. Unpardonable, a. * ,ke “Afv-ölun- mâz, - : pèk-lâyiksiz, c: - pek-münâssébetsiz. Unpaved, a. “:y· kÂldirimsiz. Unperceived, ad. · y*Uş= ghyirul- méyérek, , ;y*: düyulmayarak. Unpleasant, a. .: fénâ, - tAtsiz, A! bed, a = kerih, c =-ü nâ-khôsh ; - : *\ Üyghunsuz; cij- : ÜyghUnsUzluk. Unpolite, a. . kAba, ey: şe-khöyrAt. Unpopular, a.8 - : J* · e : khâlk-beyninda-mAkbül-vé- -pèssendidé-ölmayan. -neSS, S. Unprecedented, a. 3- èmsâlsiz, 5 - nâ-messbük. Unprejudiced, a. (mind) - sâlim ; (person) ; ghârazsiz, -ia mÜnsif. Unpremeditated, a. 5 e lâ-’ân- -kAssdin. Unprepared, a. khAbErsiz ; j ves- JS - hâzir-dighil. Unpretending, a. · mâhjüb, 8 - 5 $ kendi-hâlinda. Unprincipled, a. e : - chApkin, se “ârsiz, - hâyâssiz, - èdebsiz. Unprofitable, a. j- 8 fâ'idéssiz, - ·ği fâ'idédan-khâli, : bösh, nâfilé, beşe: bihüdé, J5 eV lâ-tâ'il. Unquestionable, a. j** shûbhéssiz, cşis* mühAkkAk; –bly, ad. & Elbétté, ila mütlAkâ. U N R EAS 0N ABLE [ 355 ] UN TAU C ETT Unreasonable, a. — münâssébet- siz; - ail insÂfsiz. Unremitting, a. sa: lâ-yânkAti”, e· ·) -59y ârdi - ârassi - ÖlmayAn. Unreserved, a $ bilâ-kètmin. \ (blood) A. hedr; - : intikÂmsiz. Unrevenged, a. Unrewarded, a.j· :K• mûkyâfâtsiz. Unrighteous, a. (person) K* = ghyû- nâhkyâr; (act) 8.5 ghyûnâh. Unripe, a. -- khÂm, · Öl- mamish. Unrivalled, a. - * missälsiz, J: bimissâl, yektâ, e: bihèmtâ. Unruly, a. . .j zörba, ele “Assi, · mütémërrid. [èmin-dighil. Unsafe, a. ) körkulur, · e· · dènilmamish, L* \ süweylenilmamish. Unsaleable, a. . Ve sAtilamâz. Unsatisfactory, a. ghâyri-mèrzi. Unsaid, a. Unsay, v.a. • • · sizundan- -dinmek, & inkyâr-et. Unscrew, v.a. c·ş- âchmak, u_s***2 c·- vidéssini-âchmak. Unscriptural, a. * ·· · L)-: Lk kyütubu-semâviyyéning-mâ- 'âlina-müghâyir. [mührunu-âchmak. Unseal,vac ş- achmak, ş-l ye• Unseasonable, a. -: wAkitsiz. Unseaworthy, a. · : &: 5° dèngiz-sefErina-ghâyri-sâlih. Unseemly, a. ·9- chirkin, j• i: yâkishmaz, yâkishiksiz. (} Unseen, a. e· ) 5 ghyîrunméyEn ; ·*)* ghyîrulmamish ; –, ad. ·y·*) ghyîrulméyérek. Unsettle, va. U — - j : kArârini-bÖzup-müshèvvèsh-et. Unsheath, v.a. ·- chekmek, J· sèll-et. Unship, v.a. 9 - ch?kârmak, c_°yiş- · yerindan-chikârmak. Unsightly, a. .e-chirkin, bed, j-i yâkishiksiz. Unskilful, a. ş° “Ajémi. Unslaked, a. (lime) · sîn- mamish; (thirst) L. -= kessil- mamish. [fâssid. Unsound, a. ·L) 95- chûruk; · U· ekilmamish, 8 j* : ghayri-mezrü”. Unsparing, a. J: Jş böl-böl; -ly, ad. y* èssirghéméyérek. Unspeakable, a. tâ'bir- [sèbâtsiz. Unsown, a. -ölUnamâz. Unstable, a. } :9 kArârsiz, - : Unsteady, a. : y öynar ; e sAllânir; (titrEr) ; (person) 8 )y'y- höwârda, e·ş- chÂpkin. · · ishini-bejeramamish, Unsuccessful, a. (person) · - - mûwafak-ölama- mish ; (attempt) · Üymamish. Unsuitable, a. **i yûkishmûz, Üymâz. Untaught, a. U* le)= üghrëdilma- mish ; J* bir - shey- -ighrEnmamish. 2 B 2 UNTENABLE [ 356 ] UP Untenable, a. (assertion) e bÂtil, c· bösh ; 4:3\s* J=” mühÂfazassi-mûhâl. Untenanted, a. U: bösh. Unthankful, a.j* K* shükr-ètmâz. Unthankfulness, s. * • • “âdemi- shükr. • Unthinking, a.j• düshunmâz. Unthought-of, a. . . . düshu- nulmamish, ·- a· 3 - khÂtira-tâkhâttUr-ètmamish. Untidy, a : * -: * * hèr-shèy-si-piss-vé-kÂrishik. (position) • Untie, v.a. ·j55- chizmek, ·ş- âchmak, J- hâll-et. Until, pr. 345 a-kadar, 45 édek, 0)* * adak, · #degin (or a-). Untimely, a. } :i: wAkitsiz; – end, * : wAkitsiz-ülum, – 5 telef, [- > helâk. Untold, a. - • sâyilmamish ; L* ses ifâdé-ölunmamish. Untoward, a. e·=Eş- chirkin, fèna, — münâssébetsiz. Untried, a. · dènEnilmamish. Untrodden, a, · âyak-bÂss- [Je: bātil. Untrue, a. · yâlAn, · kyâzib, Untrustworthy, a. e :e i”ti- Unto, pr. 45 6, a. mamish. mÂd-ülUnamaz. Untruth, s. e : yâlAn, - kizb, ğ.,ye dürügh, eya bütlán. Unusual, a. So-ele “âdet-dighil, ·\e – -khilâfi-”âdet; –ly, ad. · sā’ir-wAkta-nisabetla. Unutterable, 0. j*- *3 tâ”bir- -ölUnamâz. Unveil, v.a. and n. :9 - *\: yâshmaghini - châkârmak (or ·- âchmak). [-ölUnmâz. Unwarrantable, a. j* : yaş° téjviz- Unwary, a. ghÂfil. Unwell, a. - * keyfsiz, J-y- mi- zâjsiz, & S-khAssta. Unwholesome, a. (air) *-: wâkhim, · wökhâmetli; (food) müzirr. Unwilling, a. - issteksiz, 3- ::) raghbetsiz, 5 ghyüngulsuz ; -ly, ad. (s: kèrhan, *, 's-e mâ 'a-'l- -kerâhé, y°-~ isstéméyérek, ·yy - Ke- chèkinérek ; –ness, s. · ghyûngulsuzluk, ** “âdémi-râghbet. Unworthy, a. (person) J*\ nâ-ehl, y· isstihkiksiz; (act) : : y lâyiksiz. Up, a. U· kAlkmish ; ·: yukselmish ; L :-&'e: pahāya- -chikmish ; –, ad. –55): yükâri ; &-5) yükâriya, 8 : yükârida (yükârda); -5, 4-5) : yükâriya- -döghrU ; –, pr. -35): eye dan- -yükâri ; –, int, i-se dè-bAka- lim kalk-bakalim: - and down, -5): : Ashāghi-yükâri ; -5,4 ité-beri ; - hill, U: -55):2: yökUsh-yükâri; Ç:ş= ghyûch, · mûshkil, ey ş- chetin : - there ! 89) : * hèy-yükârda, * UP BİR A ID [ 357 ] U SE 8 Yy: y'ı * hey-kim-vâr-yukarda; – with the helm ! ke), örsa - Upbraid, v.a. c**): yüzuna-Atmak. Uphold, v.a. · tÜtmak, \-s* tûssâhhub-et, \-Us° sâhâbet-et, * iltizâm-et, 45i) ârka-öl; (a thesis) \ael iddi”â-et, c = tAss- dik-et. Upholsterer, s. = :: ): yÜrghAnji, -* düshéméji. Upland, s. yâyla, : yâylAk. Uplift, v.a. ; ) Jü -5): yükâri- -kAldirmak. Upmost, a. -5:): · èng-yükâri. Upon, pr. · üsstuna, · üsstunda ; &:uj, üzérina, 8 Ağyj, üzérinda. Upper, a. · : yükâriki, · yükârdéki; =8 - üsstdéki, 5s üsstundéki; – hand, ghâlébé, ghâliblik. Uppermost, 0. =: : · èng-yü- kâriki, eng-üsstdéki. Upright, a. döghru, kâ'im (in morals) –55° döghrU, • • müsstakîm. Uproar, s. 5 ghyûruldu, · - hÂrildi, -5)2 : pAtirdi, d: vèlvélé. Upset, v.a. ·ye devirmek; · C°): kèyfini - bÖzmak ; –, v.n. · devirilmek ; - a L* devirilmish; *-i keyfi- -kAchmish; –, s. * devirilmé. Upside-down, ad. - Alt-isst, _r)i:)) zir-U-zèbEr. Upstart, s. 8 : ), e}\ J; ş* mèjhül-el-Assl-Ölan-nèv-rèssidé. Upwards ad - - yüküriya- -döghrU, –5):: yükâri; (more) se:j Urchin, s. z: pich. [ziyâdé. Ureter, s. C · y• • mèmèrr-ül-bèvl. Urge, v.a. •y ibrâm-et, z = ilhâh- -et, ( % 9) 3.5 e sâkishdirmak ; (a plea) el, irâd-et, J: ye dir-pish- -et ; (a horse) ·2);” sürmek, :- Urgency, s. 4ş° “Ajélé. [sèvk-et. Urgent, a. Jş=*-* müsstâ”jEl. Urine, s. sidik, J: bèvl, · e kûchuk-sü ; –, v.n. · ishémek, ·=°ye sÜ-dîkmek, İ J: tèbèvvul-et ; (a horse) c· kAshAnmak; (a dog) • • simek. Us, pro. -j: bizi, : biz6, - bizléri, : bizléra. Usage, s. U küllAnish, J* issti“mÂl; (treatment) 4 mü”â- mélé; (custom) ele “âdet. Use, s. küllAnish, “ kül- 1Anma, J* issti"mÂl; (benefit) * 55 fâ'idé, menfa”at; -, va. küllanmak, J* issti”mâl-et; (treat) la ls mü"K- mélé-et ; to be of –, c· isha-yâramak, · fâ'idéssi-öl, c*– * * 55 fâ’idéssi- -müshâhédé-ölUnmak ; to be used to, : Alishik-öl, U : Alishmish- -öl; to become – –, · Alish- mak; to be used up, •: bitmek, c **y° dükenmek ; (aman) * UsEFUL [ 358 ] VA CANT bitmek, ishi bitmek, c \ 5-63) - bir-khâyri-kAlmamak. Useful, a. y* isha-yârar, * fâ'idéssi-vâr, seği fâ'idéli, z-U nâfi”, müfid. Useless, a. ya - : bir-isha-yâramaz, keği fâ'idéssiz, : bösh, ü nâfilé. Usher, s. (school) & khâlifé (kAlfa); (at a door) c -- châwUsh, · U: tèshrifâtji, ras” mühzir ; – in, va. ş: icheri-ghe- tirmek, c =y: ichèri-ghyi- turmek, le-We delâlet-et, Wa- ihzâr-et. Usual, a. -se'e “âdi, e ele “âdet- ölan; –ly, ad. = eksériyyâ. Usufruct, s. ghâllé. - Usurer, s. z- * \s · fâhish- [-a ghAssb-et. Usurp, va. füzüli-zAbt-et, Usurpation, s. - a ghAssb. - 66 - 4 e 6 -mü`Améléji. Usurper, s. - ghâsib ; * e· z° - * fuzuli- -ölarak-tâkhti- pâdishâhiyyé-jülüss- -eden-ghâsibi-tâj-u-nighin. . Usury, s. :!) ribâ, a = L*-i fâhish- -mü"Amélé ; - - d. ~ · fâhish-mü’âméléjilik. Utensil, s. 45 - khâné-âléti ; –s, s. pl. ş°- kAp-kÂchak, ·ş- e- ye- chânak-chimlek. * Uterine, a. (brother or sister) *) li- -ûmm, ü ana-tarafindan. Utility, s. 8 fá'idé, - nef”, · menfa”at. w Utmost, a 'yı eng-üzak, · söng, · Aksâ ; 8 &z- y° ·'e nihâyet - dèréjédé, *\} · eng- ziyâdé, -e- nihâyet, · \: ghâyet ; ) 5 u = 4 e· Eldan- -ghèldighi-kAdar, 4 e=• • müm- kin-mèrtébé; –, s. Se Eldan- -ghelen ; to the –, ad. - : ses y nihâyet-deréjédé, mümkin-mertébé, d: ghâyetla. Utter, v.a. (pronounce) · süwey- lémek, telâffuz-et; sjé Aghza-Almak; (coin, &c.) ) ş ghechirmek, virmek, *) ş c·: ghèchirméghé-bAkmak ; –, a. · kyâmil, tÂmm, 5 kyülli. Utterly, ad. ey:ey: bitun - bitun, u.):“: biss - bitun, 3.6 kyâmilan, amam kyülliyyan, K\: bi-'l-kyülliyyé, é = > hèr-vejhla. Uttermost, a. yıl- èng-ÜZAk, · Aksâ ; · söng. [chuk-dil. Uvula, s. e dijik, Je- kü- V. Vacancy, s. c : bösh-yèr, ·ş- àchik-yir, - khāli-yir; Jys” mâhlül. Vacant, a. c·: bösh, - khâli, Gş- âchik; s” mâhlül ; – look, * *e : shâshkin-bAkishi. V AC ATE [ 859 ı VAN Vacate, v.a. · brâkmak, * 5- châkmak, iyi - khâli-brâkmak, tèrk-et. Vacation, s. : * tâ”til-wAkti. Vaccinate, v.a. •5 Y: Ashlatmak, c· *- 8 =şle- · inek-chichéghi-māddéssila-Ashlatmak. - inek -chichéghinin - Ashla- nilmassi: - telkih-bâkâri. Vaccinator, s. e· ·ş- · * inek - chichéghini - âshlayan - -hekim. Vaccine, Vaccination, s. · · -y- ·- inek- -chichéghinin-jèrâhâti-mâddéssi. Vacillate, v.n. e, tereddud-et. Vacillation, s. e, tereddud. Vacuum, s. - khâlâ, · · khâlâyi-mütlAk. Vade-Mecum, s. 4x*ş° mèjma”â. Vaccine matter, s. Vagabond, Vagrant, s. er: ş- chApkin, kyülkhāni; ye derbedir, -°r r* sErséri ; –, a. *) âwâré. Vague, a. * mübhèm, is°y: ghâyri-mühAkkAk. - Vain, a. mâghrür, : - khöd-pèssènd; (futile) : bösh, j“!* dibsiz, · Assli - yök, öi nâfilé, 5: fâ'idéssiz, 8-994r: bihüdé ; in –, vainly, ad. ü nâfilé, · Assli-yökdan. Valance, s. saybin, or : - sâyu An (sâywAnt), ş- • sAchak. Vale, s. ye deré. Valerian, s. - 6 kedi-ötu. Valet, s. üshak, < - khād- metkyâr (hiz-), \s Agha. Valetudinarian, s. 4 $ e “âlil- · "alil, ş- chûruk, & - 5 dâ'imâ-khAssta. -kimèssné, Valiant, a - yighit, - - jessür, ye'e bâhâdir, ) dilâver, * mèrdâné. [tûtar, y) y: yarar. Valid, a sâlih, <=” sahih, Valise, s. alaj - jAnta. Valley, s. 3)-9 deré. Valorous, a. · yighit. Valorously, ad. 4 : —:) -- jëssaret-ila. Valour, s. yighitlik, -- jessâret, - jür'et, = mèrdânéghi. Valuable, a. - 5-55 zi-kimet, : kimetli; := “Aziz ; * isha- -yarar. - Valuation, s. – = keshf, e “=” tâkhmin, · te”yini-kimet, ·e pâhâ-bichmeklik. Value, s. Se dègher, “: kimèt, ç pâhā; (moral) kAdr; –, v.a. c· sâymak, y' e i”tibâr-et, c**i:y* mü"tebir-têtmak 5 :je c “Aziz-tûtmak; – keshf- -et, V. kimet-tAkdir - et, ·aş'e pâhâ-bichmek, e:*'e pâhâ-tâ”yin - et; Weği tAkdir - et, · kAdrini-bilmek. Valve, s. : kApak, Je dil. Vampire, s. · vAmpir, -se'a jAdi. Van, s. & e “âraba; (of an army) V AN E [ 360 ] vE HEMENCE · mükaddimetu-ı-jeysh, Jşé kAraghöl. Vane, s. ·: yelkowAn, •je: bād- -nûmâ. - - Vanish, vn : -; ghâ'ib-öl, 9,4 - 5 * ghyüzdan-ghä'ib-öl, 'Jöy zâ'il-öl. - Vanity, s. ) , ghürür; (emptiness, worthlessness) ·- böshluk, · dibsizlik. Vanquish, v.a. - * mâghlüb-et, - Alt-et, : yenmek. Vapour, s. y -: küvvet ; (energy) · ghâyret, *** ihtimÂm. Vile, a. (person) ş Alchâk, 9 rèzıl, • dèni, - :) rüssvây ; (thing) L-: piss, ere mÜrdâr. Village, s. kyüy, · kend, * 5 Villager, s. 4,5 kyüylu, [kAriyyé. Villain, s. --r - khâbiss, _rj - khinzir, j: pèzéwènk. Villainy, s. - khābāsset. Vindicate, v.a. · *- hÂkkini- -te'yid-et. - Vindication, s. · te'yid. [duju. Vindictive, a. = hetk- -et ; (women) c·}) .j zörlamak; – one's chastity, le e” *9! · hètki-pèrde'i-“iffet-et. Violation, s. _-ü nâkss; c hètk. Violence, s. (strength) y j zör, 9 : shiddet; (in forcing) ) ; zör, -- jebr, – c “ûnf, “29 c “ânvet. Violent, a. -->2r sert, \!\ : shëdid, shiddetli. Violet, s. d*.ğ: bènèfshé (mènekshé); -, a. ) o mör. [kèmânché. Violin, s. = kemân, daş = Violinist, s. kemâni. Viper, s. · ènghérek. Virgin, s. }: k?z, }: · kiz- - öghlan -kiz, 3 = bâkiré; the Virgin, J: el-Betül (said of the Virgin Mary and of Fātimé, daughter of Mûhammed). Virginity, s. c kizlik, Kı bikr, · bekyâret. Virgo, s. sünbulé. Virility, s. K5 erkeklik. Virtue, s. _r - khâyr, z • sAlâh, · fazilet (pl. 5 fazâ'il), · mâhmédet (pl. x-el s° mâhâmid). Virtuous, a. res- Je èhli-khâyr, a- sâlih; (woman) :e “Afifé, -t:e “iffet-mâ-âb, · “issmetlü, · “iffetlü, ser; JPl ehli-pèrdé. Viscount, s. · ·- :i) rütbé'i- -khâmissa-bèghi. - Visé, a, and s. 3}: vizé. Visible, a. ): 4 ghyîrunur, · ghyüzukyur, 8 meydânda, ** zâhir, bedidâr, bedid. Vision, s. (sight) ra: bAssar, ° didâr ; (dream) : y rü'yâ, c ° düsh, J· “Âlémi-missâl. Visit, s. (of respect) - 2y:j ziyâret ; (friendly and prolonged) : - mûssâfirlik ; (medical) :): vizita ; (formal – on arrival) : - f-y · ressmi-khôsh-âmédi ; -, v.a. ·= ghitmek, e: ) ziyâret-et, e: -54: j ziyâretina -ghitmek ; c* =&s=**·= ghyirushmégha- ghitmek : — * isstif- sâri-khÂtira-ghitmek ; (on arrival) khösh- ghèlding-dèméghé - ghitmek; (as a physician) :39 vizita-et, c* : bAkmak ; (search) -5)=5 tâhârri- et, c*: bAkmak, c. ) Aramak, c :2! yöklamak; – with, Ve mAzhar-et; y:y= ghiriftâr-et, Vş düchÂr-et, W: mübtélâ-et ; to go on a -, c • =6:= -• müssâfirlighé-ghitmek. Visiter, s. - müssâfir ; L:/“ seyrji; nâzir. Vital, a. · vessilé'i-hâyât; (important) • èlzem, * èhèmm. Vitality, s. = \ >- hâyât. –Or, Vitriol, s. (green) (_-·zü zÂji-kibriss ; V ITUPERATE [ 365 ] W AD E (blue) ej; ghyüz-tAshi; oil of -, ·z; zÂj-yâghi. Vituperate, v.a. • • düshnâm-et. Vituperation, s. • …** düshnâm. Vituperative, a. L-: -jé Aghzi-piss. Vivacious, a. · nishÂtlu. Vivacity, s. e: ; nishÂt. Vivat, int. (Latin) · yâshasUn. Vocabulary, s. = · ra· mükhtAssâr-lüghÂt-kitÂbi. Vocation, s. · ish, ·· mèsh- ghüliyyet; \ \s issti”dâd, · *: ; dâ”veti-kAlbiyyé. Voice, s. U-* sess; e sAdâ, j, 8W3Ze Void, a. c· bösh, - khāli, ° tehî ; Je: bātil, · fässid; –, s. 'L: bösh-yir, i \s khali-yer ; –, v.a. Ja: ibtÂl-et; (excrement) Jı: tebèvvul-et, 4ş* schmak, e : ishémek. Volatile, a. ş-, Üchar, ) tâyyâr ; (in disposition) :*) ***ler bir-dÂlda- -dûrmâz, mütélevvin. Volcano, s. ::): yânar-dAgh. Volition, s. ikhtiyâr, sey irâdé. Volley, s. yâyilim. Volume, s. : biyukluk, ş- hAjm, asla; kât”a, • - jürm; (of a book) - jild. [müfAssAl. Voluminous, a. · biyuk, Ja** Voluntary, a. 5) - ikhtiyâri. Volunteer, s. A-e· ghyüngullu- -“AsskEr. Voluptuous, a. (person) ile 4-ālā- hAzzi-nefsa-mâ'il, e > ehli-sAfâ; (thing) _- nefiss. Vomit, s. (emetic) mükâyyi; (vomiting) kayy, &y· issti- frâgh ; (thing ejected) * eyi kÜssUlAn-mâddé ; –, v.n. and a. c e: kûssmak, :y isstifrâgh-et. kâyy - et, Voracious, a. U*- · pek-âjik- mish; : :- chök-yèr. Vortex, s. · ghirdÂb. Votary, s. \e “âbid, · pèresst. Vote, s. -y re'y; –, v.n. · -y re'y-vèrmek. Vouch, v.n. 'U kefil-öl. Voucher, s. A sèned. [in”âm-et. Vouchsafe, v.a. \e -- ihsân-et, Vow, s. (of sacrifice) y& nèzr, Je AdAk; (oath) : • yemin, · And; –, v.a. e yemin-et, • ş: * And-ichmek. - Vowel, s. 46>y- hâréké. [ sefEr. Voyage, s. -35} }=e dengiz-sefEri, Vulgar, a. 5 kAba ; - :e “âyb ; -, S. L • c “âwÂmmi-nâss. Vulgarity, s. · kAbalik. [kârtÂl. Vulture, s. \,\! Ak-bAbA (?), J W. Wad, s. e siki; (of a cannon) * : pAlasstrÜpa. Wadding, s. : : pAmuk (pAmbUk). Wade, v.n. - :): 8 ş. e sü- -ichinda-yûrumek. W A R ER [ 366 ] WALLACHIA Wafer, s. :- mektüb-pûlu ; (cake) - = kyāghid-hel- wâssi ; –, v.a. c·k * \ J: pül- ila - yâpishdirmak ; sacred –, Jyle bAdarak. Waft, v.a. c = ghyiturmek ; · ghetirmek. Wag, s. -* lâtiféji ; –, v.a. c • sAllamak ; –, v.n. c· sAllanmak. | Wage, Wages, s. c ghyûndélik, c· âylik ; · yillik; – war, v.n. la s” mühârébé-et, -j- harb-et, ·-y* sèfEr - âchmak, -*) s” mûhârib- öl; le e “âdâvet-et, - a - khÜssümët-et. Wager, s. -: < bâhss; –, e : < bahss-et, d· bâhss- -tûtmak, 5 kömak. 27.02. Waggon, s. :y· yük-“ârabassi, * re “âraba ; –er, -*ye “ârabaji. Wagtail, s. · :) : kûyruk-sAllAn. Wailing, s. · nâlish, · fighân. Wain, s. &'ye “âraba ; Charles's –, S -’e dübbi-ekber. Wainscot, s. -' = * döghra- maji-ishi, · döghrama. Waist, s. : bel, · miyân; – band, S. * kèmEr, c: iş ÜchkUrluk ; –coat, · yèlek. Wait, v.n. = Kı beklémek; (serve) \e e - kh?dmet-et (hiz-); – on, – upon, l - kh?dmet-et; (for orders, &c.) · ghèlmek, c· öghramak. Waiter, s. = \s-kh?dmetji; (tray) U_3-: tepsi. Wake (of a ship), s. 'ye · dûmEning - sÜyU ; –, v.n. c* Üyanmak ; –, v.a. · Üyân- [-tayâkkiz. Wakeful, a. c·: üyânik, ağ • mü- dirmak. . Wales, s. “ · ş vélis-mèmâliki. Walk, s. · ghèzmé, seyr, %:9° teferruj; (path) J: yöl; (pace) U:): yüruyush; –s of life, J'y- * : âhwâli - beshériyyé, -·y • &): mèrâtibi-beshériyyé; –, v.n. · or · yürumek; | • mèshy-et ; – about, · ghèz- mek; – in, •· 9 ş. ichèri- -ghirmek ; G = ş: ichèri- -ghitmek ; = ·ş. ichèri- -ghèlmek ; – off, v.n. := ghitmek ; – –, v.a. = ghyîturmek, s-° def“-et; – off with, = - Alip-ghitmek; · kApmak ; c5 ş- chAlmak ; – out, v.n. •:- ch?kmak, -8:): c** ş- d?shâri-châkmak ; –, v.a. c y = 5 . . dishâri-ghètirmek, · dishâri-ghyiturmek; – the rounds, J; köl-ghez- mek; – up and down, ·j= ghèzinmek ; · -5y: - * Ashâghi-yükâri-ghèzinmek. Wall, s. ye diwâr, - jidâr, - hâ’it; –, v.a. ·9° diwār- -chèvirmek (or ·ş- chekmek). Wallachia, s. : Ji iflAk-vilâyeti. WALLACHIAN [ 367 ] W A R İN Wallachian, s. \: ifiAklu. Wallet, s. 8): tobra, or *!): törba, da e- chânta. [büy. Wall-flower, s. 5: -5) e sAri-sheb- Wallow, v.n. yiwarlanmak. Walnut, s.j;-jeviz. Walrus, s. 65): #e dèngiz-âyghiri. Waltz, s. : y ·y 8: r: bir-nèv”i- -rûkss-öyunu; · vâlss ; –, v.n. · : mèzkyür- -râkss-öyUnUnU-Öynamak. Wan, a. -65)'e sAri, · bèngzi- -Atmish, U· -°}=: bèngzi- -kAlmamish. [ae “âssâ. Wand, s. 5 ş-chibûk, · dèynek, Wander, v.n. ·= c· dölashmak. Wanderer, S. 3)y âwâré. ghèzmek, Wane, v.n. G** öl inkirÂz-bÜlmak. Want, s. --- hâjet (pl. -- hājât, and : - hâwâ'ij), z = ihtiyāj; (severe) °) zârüret, -6 x e sâkindi ; (necessity) lüzüm ; (absence) · nöksân, · bÜlunmama, ** “âdEm; –, v.a. • isstèmek, · Aramak ; eksik-öl; –, v.n. z = mühtij-öl ; to be –ed, ej3 lâzim-öl, j. lüzümU-öl, Wa: iktizâ-et, iktizâssi- -Öl, y' müktAzi - öl; –ing, e: -5' eksik. - Wanton, a. (playful and innocent) - : · pek-sèvinjli; } kaydsiz ; (wicked) : 6 ghyünâh ; (shameless) ·- âchik-meshreb ; –, s. &: -: fâhishé, ·) (örosspo). War, s. -27- hârb, y* sèfEr, (kâwgha), - jenk ; –, v.n. -j- hârb-et, 4 =” mühârébé- -et ; e “ûdâvet-et, - a - khÜssümët-et ; at war, a. -->2)\s” mühârib, :j: bözUshuk. Warble, v.a. and n. · ittmek. Ward, s. (of a town) as” mâhâllé; (of a hospital) _ köghUsh ; (of a key) : :- chèntik, c ,y= kertik ; (orphan) *: yetim ; – off, v.a. :· sâwUshdUrmak. Warden, s. ais° mühÂfiz. Wardrobe, s. (clothes) 6. elbissé, eya *- elbissé- mevjüdati ; (closet) · dölAp. Warehouse, s. *) * mâghaza. Wares, s. pl, * emta”â (pl. of & mAt”â, a piece of goods). Warfare, s. -j- hârb, :y=- · mü”âmélâti-hârbiyyé. Warlike, a. : - hârbi; – stores, · mühimmÂti-hârbiyyé. Warm, a. --- sijAk, c· ş- sijAjik, •· ghErm, _y=- hârr ; · ?lijâk; –, v.a. c* ?ss?tmak ; –, [-sijAk. Warm-hearted, a. ş- ::): yüreghi- Warmth, s. 'ş- sijAk, : ş - s?jAklik, · ghèrmi, ~<= ghèrmiyyet, : - hârârèt. v.^. • • issinmak. Warn, v.a. -khAbEr-virmek, ikhbâr-et; yla ikhtâr-et. WAR İN IN G [ 368 ] WA fER Warning, s. --khaber, - ikhbâr, Jas ikhtär. War-office, s. : _iiya : - hâr- biyyé-nAzâreti-kApissi. Warp, s. (of a tissue) z::) ârghâj, 5 târ; (rope) : pAlamâr ; -, v.n. ·- charpilmak egil- mek ; –, v.a. — ş- chârpilmassina - sebeb - öl; (a ship) ·- chèkmek. Warrant, s. 5 y: büyUruldu, · fErmÂn ; ·y berât; \ sèned, ·ş- hüjjet; –, va. J 6 kefil- -öl, JK tekefful-et. Warranted, a. · sAlâhiyyetli; j5 - jä’iz; · · · küssürsizlighina-kefâlet-virilmish. Warranty, s. - 6 kefâlet. Warrior, s. ·r jënkji, -5j ghÂzi. Wart, s. a nAssir, · · tâwuk- -ghyittu. Wary, a. · Üyânik, — bAssiretli. Wash, s. (cosmetic) , e sü; (of clothes) **ş- châmAshir, * \:y* *ş- châmAshir - yikanmassi ; (mess for animals) \:yş5- chörba; (of the sea) ·2) 2: · 4 Ve dAlgha- laring-yûruyup-chèkilmassi ; –, v.a. c·: yükamak, y* tAthir - et (t-h); -, v.n. : yikanmak; (for prayers) c· âbdesst- -Almak ; (for purification) --: ghÜssl-et. - Washerman, s. :·- chûmÂshirji; –woman, s. -33) = - châ- mAshirji-kAri. Wash-tub, s. t_5“ ·,**ş- châmÂshir- -teknéssi. Wasp, s. -: 'e eshek-Arissi. Waste, s. – 5 telef, – issrâf; (wilderness) e : beyâbÂn ; *öy 9 - khâli-yèr; –, a. c· bösh; khāli ; y: virán, virâné; J: -y-khûrâb; –, v.a. - 5 telef- -et, – issrâf-et ; –, lay –, -j- khûrâb-et, - -y - khûrâb-U-yâbÂb-et, 'e, virân-et ; -, U.72. – telef-öl ; – away, ·=-:y èriyup-ghitmek. Watch, s. (guard) J; köl, J: kAraghöl ; (time of) · nübèt ; (on board ship) * vârda ; (time- piece) -e sâ”at, ·:: köyn- -sâ’ati ; –, v.a. ·= ghyizlé- mek, · ghyüzètmek, bAkmak ; –, v.n. · ÜyUma- mak, C 9° *) : teyâkkUz-ûzéré- -dörmak beklemek : bekjilik-et, -· nûbet- -beklémek, K89), vârda-beklé- mek, \c -se), vârdajilik - et; ş° bekji; -89) ; vârdaji, · didébÂn ; – house, · külluk ; – maker, şe . sâ”atji ; – word, *:v : pârola. Water, s. ye sü, mâ, - Ab ; (on stufis) : menévish (?), ** dAlgha; –, v.a. (a horse, &c.) c :5)5° -man, S• sÜwarmak ; (a garden) c· süla- [ 369 ] WAY W ATE RIN G - Plu A 0 E mak; (stuffs) 'U: ş mènévish-et (?), Wave, s. 4 : dAlgha, z: • mèvj; –, c la dalghalatmak; –, v.n. (the mouth) c· sülanmak, c·-5: • sülari-Akmak; (the eyes, &c.) c:): yâsharmak; (aship)c} \, e sü-Almak; high –, · medd; low –, _ja- jezr; fresh –, soft -, - tAtli- -sü ; salt –, ey): tÜzlU-sÜ; sea –, .< ej5° dengiz-süyU ; hard -. ·- ye Aji-sü ; - course, s. • · sÜyUng-Akdighi-yir, Vş” mèjrâ ; : e sü-yölu ; – cresses, s. **) * sÜ-tèréssi ; – fall, s. ru **ş-y ·2}ye sülaring-ÜchdughU- -yir, e·- châghlayAn; – gruel, s. \:vyş-e': yâwAn-chÖrba ; – man, s. ş°5 kâyikji ; - melon, s. j: 5 karpuz; – mill, y=eye sü- -dèghirmèni; – pipe, s. c = kyûnk ; (for smoking) *5) nârghilé; – proof, a. - sÜ-ghèchmâz ; – spout, s. 45ra: kAssirgha (sâk- irgha) ; – tight, a. j•5 Akmâz, j°j* sâzmâz; – wheel, · dölAb; zya- charkh ; to make –, U ş- chish-et, •= e sü - dükmek, · küehuk-si-dikmek, ·) ishémek, J|3:5 tèbèvvul-et; (a ship) —'ye sü-etmek. Watering-place, s. ·2y 5 kü- dret - hAmmÂmi, *- 5 kAplija, *ş ilija, bânya; · = yAli-kyiyu, J= J- sâhil-bir- -mâhâll; – pot, kögha. Watery, a. ye sülu. ?7.0 • c e sAllamak; –, v.n. c* • sAllanmak. Waver, v.n. • : 4:44 shübhéyé- -düshmek, :· · püsslayi- -shâshirmak, j, sebâti-bö- zulmak, lee, tereddud-et, ==) ·= rekyâkët-ghyisstermek. Wavering, a. . , tereddudda. Wavy, a. 4 dAlghali. Wax, s. *\: bÂl-mUmU, · shèm”i-”âssel, • • müm ; (of the ears) - 5 * külAk-kiri ; –, v.a. ·· bÂl-mümU-sürmek; –, V.??. c· ölmak, -= kessilmek, lenmek or · lanmak (as a verbal termination) ; – candle, – light, bAl-mumu : – taper, &* : shèm”â (shâma). Way, s. J: yöl, : târik, *) râh ; (manner) ye (türlu) &=> wêjh, - üsslüb, -->2)* sürèt, Jk târz; (custom) ele “âdet; “y rèssm ; (behaviour) –55--khüy; (side) – taraf; – in, : kApi, - a = ghiréjek-yèr, J- medkhâl; – Out, : kApi, ylc -* ş- chikajak- -yir, z· mâkhrêj; – through, J : yöl, · ghèchéjek-yir, • • mèmerr; high –, se - jâddé, *y> : shâhrâh, fec: târiki- -"Amm ; bye–, J*** sApa-yöl; by the–, 8 Nyyölda, 8 ·'Jİ:yöl-ûss- tunda, ***y-5 èssnâyi-râhda; ways and means, ely' irâd, →ey', vâridât. 2 C W A YE AR ER [ 870 l WEATHER Wayfarer, s. ·ş yölju. Wayfaring, s. yoljuluk. Wayward, a. c· terss. 4 Waywardly, ad. c 5c terss-terss. Waywardness, s. · tersslik. We, pr. biz, } bâzlEr. Weak, a. –i zâ”if, kûvvetsiz; (in mind) -āe “Aklsiz ; ° deli; V• mèr.Akli ; (in character) • mètânètsiz, - sebâtsiz, - - khAfif; – side, merâk. Weaken, v.a. c· zâ”iflatmak, e: -= küvvetini - kèssmek, c·yi-i za”if-brâkmak, J - ·2). 9 khâlel-virmek. Weakly, a. J. e “âlil. Weakness, s. –is zâ”f, * zâ”iflik; (of character) y” mèrAk, · delilik. Wealth, s. ·j zenghinlik, • mÂl, - 22 servet, ghânâ. Wealthy, a. Kj zènghin, mÂldâr, J* mütémèvvil, * ghâni, --Ve sâhib-sèrvet. Wean, v.a. = -= Jeey sûddan- -kèssmek, *-= kessmek; jlı ·· vâz-ghèchirmek. Weapon, s. v* silâh (pl. · èsslihû), · âléti-hârb. Wear, s. küllAnish; U : iprènish ; · èsskiyish; –, v.a. (as clothing) · glimek; (out) e : esskitmek, · iprët- mek; (away) “: yemek, cş.·' Ashindirmak ; –, v.n. (well) c· dâyanmak; (not well) · dâyânmamak : - out, v.a. (clothes) e := esskitmek, (ropes, &c.) · ipretmek; (a person) ; ): yörmak; -, v.n. (clothes) : • K- èsskimek; (ropes, &c.) : •i: iprEnmek; – – one's patience, · sAbrini - dükètmek, c% :y· ÜssAndirmak; – away, va “ yemek, şey Ashin- dirmak ; –, v.n. c** Ashinmak; (time) · ghèchmek, V:re mürÜr- -et-on, (time) —ş gleehmek, V:2ro mürür-et ; – off, v.a. C: ): bözmak, silmek : -, v.n. c· bözulmak, silinmek, * ghitmek; (grief, &c.) · Ünûdulmak. [AdAmin-jâni-sikilir. Wearisome, a. · - e l Weary, a. ey:): yörghun, ·: yörulmUsh; –, v.a. ::): yörmak; -, t).72. c·y: yörulmak. - Weasel, s. si ghelinjik (?), • sAnsâr (?). Weather, s. - 5° hâwâning- -hâli, y> hàwà; fine -, PJ ghyüzel-hâwâ; bad –, y° fEnâ- -hâwâ; rough –, î5°-9r· sèrt-hâwâ; mild –, y* : • mülâyim - hâwâ ; -, a. : Sğı rüzghyâr-tarafi; v.a. (a cape, &c.) : •ş° ghèchmek; (a difficulty) : )· ghèchirmek; - cock, ): yelkowAn, y* firildAk, • \! bâdnûmâ; -gage, L* JS) y) rüzghyâr-ûsstu. W EA VE [ 371 ] W EL 0 0 ME Weave, v.a. yiye dökumak, <- nèssj-et. [nèsssâj. Weaver, s. :e dökuyuju, z- Web, s. c· kümAsh, z- nessj; - footed, 5. j5 kAz-âyakli. Wed, v.a. (take to wife) - ) Almak, z*ji tezèvvuj-et; (accept as hus- band) _::) vârmak; (find a wife for) · èvlEndirmek ; (find a husband for) y: vèrmek, ·9r· köjaya-virmek; (hus- band or wife) a: tezvij-et; (asa priest) sāe “Akd-et, z-K nikyâh-et; -ed, a. (man) èvli ; (woman) · nikyâhli, s = z = ni- kyâh-tahtinda, 4- K· menkyüha, 894-95 köjada. Wedding, s. (feast) · düghun, “: velimé ; (ceremony) z° “Akdi- nikyâh. Wedge, s. 4.5 kAma, -:- chivi, J· sil. Wedlock, s. K nikyâh, z j izdiwAj. Wednesday, s. & : ş- chihârshènbih (chârshâmba), s: èrba”â. Weed, s. · öt, · khâyrsiz- -öt; -s (widow's) Jye döı-karining-mütem-el- bisséssi; -,v.a.c* : : - khâyrsiz-ötlarini-yölmak; – out, v.a. · sükmek, · : yölmak. Week, s. 4: āb hAfta, 8 - üssbü”; - day, bayaghi-ghyün, e· ·e “âdi-ghyün. Weekly, a. and ad. 8 &ão haftada-bîr. Weep, v.n. c· Aghlamak, j y= ·=·ghyüz-yâshi-dikmek, Weevil, s. = ): kürt. [K bükyâ-et. Weigh, v.a. tartmak, j; vèzn - et, ·- chèkmek; (in mind) • : • düshunmek, * · ghèlmek, - - chekmek : – upon, · y = kEdEr-virmek, · 9 · iztirÂb-virmek ; – anchor, (demir)-Almak, c.; N*) * (demir)-kAldirmak. 3-° 6 6 mûtâla`â - et; –, v.a. Weight, s. · târti, eyj vezn; - * Aghirlik, sıklet ; (personal influence) ; *-i-i nüfüz, y' e i”tibâr, es- khātir; (moral influence) · te"sir, <- hükm. Weighty, a. Aghir, J: sâkil; (important) *-e- mühimm, -s èhèmm. Welcome, int. ) --! büyUrung, · büyursunlar; · c·- khösh - ghilding, · · sâfâ- - ghElding; –, s. · c·- “y rèssmi - khôsh - âmédi; –, a. · ·e: bā"issi - messerrèt; – va — khosh- -ghèlding-demek, · c· “y V- ressmi-khôsh-âmédiyi-ijrâ-et; you are – (on arriving), & U: • · mâ - shā-’llah ! büyurung you have been – (on leaving), · • 4 - khôsh-ghil- ding-sAfâ-ghElding; you are – to it, Alingiz-sizing-dir. 2 C 2 W ELT) [ 372 ] WHIEET, Weld, v.n. 5 kAynamak, • :: yapishmak : -, v.a. kaynat- mak. - Welfare, s. J\- cy - hüssnu-hâl, · iyilik, 85) refâh, * ) re- fâhiyyet, J- = e - sa”âdéti-hâl | Well, s. : or U_: yi küyU, se- châh, L: bir ; -, ad. : iyi; –, int. -5 ey! e: ; (aferim)! & \: • mâ-shÂ-’llÂh ! very –, * : pèk- iyi, Jj = ·: pek-ghyüzël, el ·: pek - â”lâ ; to be –, to become –, : iyi-öl; –, – up, – out, v.n. c* Akmak, ls- neb"-et : – and good, e fe-behâ, Jj = & ne-ghyüzel. Well-being, s. J- e - sâ”âdet- -hâl. Well-bred, a. 4 terbiyyâli. Well-informed, a. .5 x mâ”lümÂtli. Well-known, a. yşk“ mèshhür. Well-wisher, s. 8 - khāyr-khâh. Welsh, a. · · · véliss- -mèmlékèti-âhâlisindan ; –, s. L-: - = a véliss- âhâlisinin- Wen, s. Ür. [-lissâni. Wench, s. 5 c· biyumush-kiz, –5)5 kAri; *-i fâhisha. West, s. · bAti, · mâghrib, G-2 - ghârb ; south –, L° lödoss; north –, J: kAra-yel; –ern, (t. · ghârbi ; –erly, L: ; ghârbi; *\e y° ghârbdan- -yâna ; –ward, -5: & ghârba- -döghrU. Wet, s. - : yâsh ; *: yâghmUr ; ş- châmur ; -, a. _\ yâsh, · isslÂk, · isslanmish, ·= ye sü- kessilmish; (over head) yàghmur, y· yagh- mUrlU ; (under foot) ş- châmUr, :y: 'ş- châmUrlU ; –, v.a. c ile isslAtmak ; –, to get –, v.a. c· isslAnmak ; – nurse, üley- sûd-âna, (slave) :e dâya. Wether, s. 9:5 köyUn. Wetness, s. c yâsh. Whack, v.a. C :yı wÜrmak. Whale, s. Ada-bAlighi, Whaler, s. · e· * de Ada-bAlighi-shikyârina-ghîdEn-ghèmi. Wharf, s. dk. isskelé. - Wharfage, s. - isskelé-hAkki. Wharfinger, s. · e· 9 * K. = ·y isskelé-vi - mâkhzEn- -sâhibi-Ölup-tüjâr. What ? pro. & nè ? – ! int. & nè ! (For the relative sense of what, see the Turkish Grammar.) [hèr-nè. Whatever, Whatsoever, pro. & nè, kiy* Wheat, s. · böghday, ·- hinta, ** = ghèndUm. Wheedle, v.a. ;y&: , ökh- shayarak - yAlvarmak, -lle jü c S) : nâz-U-èdâ - ila - y Alvarmak, * - jilvé-et. Wheel, s. (carriage) · Ki tekErlèk ; (of machinery) zya- chârkh ; –, ?7.0Z. ·= tekEr- lek- üsstunda - yûrutmek, 45,y): WHIEEL W. R. IGHT [ 373 ] W H IT yûrutmek ; y = ghètirmek; ·y-i;-5 ghyûturmek ; · dînmek ; – about, v.a. 45, ·:*2)! ité-beri-ghyiturmek; -, ?).72. c* · dinup-dölash- -, ?).72. mak ; · dînmek ; balance –, - :9ş-Lei râkkAss-chârkhi; fiy -, *\,y: pèrwāné ; turner's –, z: ş- chârkh; spinning –, 5,5 - chikrik ; - barrow, —ye J il-”ârabassi. Wheelwright, s. °K tekerlikji. When ? ad. e· nè-zâmÂn, · nè-wAkit ; –, rel. eş kAchAn (also see Grammar); –ever, –soever, e, j4 ° hèr-nè-zâmÂn, · hèr-nè-wAkit. Whence? ad. 3, nèrédan (nèrdan); –, rel. (see Grammar); –, ad. and C. · or 5 imdi, 2: * :) uy ishta-bü-sebebdan ; -soever, ad. 8 ° hèr-nèrédAn. Where ? ad. 4:3, neréya; ses, neréda (nErda); – about ? – abouts ? * neré- –, rel. (see Grammar); léra ; * nèrélErda ; –, rel. (see Grammar). 0 Whereas, c. 4K55- chünku, chûnki. Wherefore, ad. ·ş: nichin ; –, c. –5 imdi. Wherever, ad. &89°y* hèr-nèrfya, * [898 hèr-nèréda. Wherry, s. *** : piyâdé-kâyighi. Whet, s. c ishtahâlik, c = \y rakijik ; -, v.a. bilémek. Whether, pro. : kAnghi (hànghi); -, ad. 5 * mi, mi. N Whey, s. âyrÂn. Which ? pro. kAnghi (hânghi); –, rel. (see Grammar); –ever, -soever, pro. hèr-kAnghi. Whif, s. - nefess, - chekim, L*ş-chekish. While, Whilst, ad =ı iken; 8 : èssnâssinda ; –, rel. (see Grammar); worth the –, dèghEr; not worth the – 3 se deghmaz. Whim, s. r mèrAk. Whip, s. ş** kAmchi, z:y; kârbAch, & Ü tâzyâné ; –, v.a. c ş** kAmchilamak; =ye dighmek; (conquer) - : ghâlib-öl; (into a froth) c·ş- chAlkAmak, = kyîpuk - et ; – about, v.n. · fèrlamak, ş° sâchramak. Whirl, v.a. ·- -ş- chèvirmek, · dîndErmek ; –, v.n. ·•öye dünmek. Whirlpool, s. - ghirdÂb. [gha). Whirlwind, s. 4 ai kAssirgha (sâkir- Whiskers, s. pl. Jü : : iki-yânakda-ölAn-sâkAl. Whisky, s. ·y râki. Whisper, s. · fssildama, 5 -3 fissildi; –, v.n. · · fssilda- mak : -, v.a. külAgha- -sûweylémek, c '; yâwAsh- -süweylémek. * Whistle, s. c· 2sslik ; –, v.n. c el c·ş- ?sslik-chAlmak ; boatswain's - düduk. Whit, s. ::) Az-bir-shèy. W H ITE White, a. and s. Ak, : beyaz, ·) èbyâd ( fem. : beyzà), · sefid, · sepid; - of an egg, k: • yimurtaning-Aki. Whitelead, s. G: - üsstubêj; z : y· White-livered, a. :i): körkak. [issvidāj. Whiten, v.a. --- - Aghartmak; c* : bèyÂzlatmak ; –, v.n. c· Agharmak; * : beyaz- Whiteness, s. c· bèyÂzlik. [lanmak. | Whitesmith, s. K·-chilinghir. Whitewash, s. 4ölel bÂdAna ; -, v.a. 14öle bAdana-et, y&le bAdana- -wÜrmak. • - Whither ? : 8, nèréya; –, rel (see Grammar); –soever, *3 • hèr- Whitlow, s. * dölama. Whiz, v.n. c· wizlamak, 5büyü: wâz-wâz-îztmek. Who ? pro. * kim ; –, rel. (see Grammar) ; –ever, –soever, “2)* [-nèrfya. hèr-kim. Whole, s. (quantity) : bitun ; (num- ber or quantity) - * hep; –, a. * : yekpâré, cy: bitun, · k?rilmamish (not broken), · [-ûzéré. Wholesale, ad. yy - 6 kyülliyyet- Wholesome, a. · khÂsssiyyetli, V shifâli. 4% Wholly, ad. ey:ey: bitun-bitun, S kyülliyyan, bi-l-kyülliyyé. Whore, s. : rösspu (örosspo), *-i fâhishé; –, v.n. * j e: j= (zûmparalikda)-ghèzmek. kessilmamish (not cut), &c. [ 374 ] W II, E Whoso, –ever, pro. * hèr-kim. Why ? ad. e·ş: nichin; –, c. or int. 4öy Ö-né, döş: bÜ-né. Wick, s. : fitil. Wicked, a. (thing) $ ghyünâh, : fèna ; – person, K·= ghyûnâh- kyâr, âssim, · “Âssi. Wickedness, s. 8.5 ghyinâh, : issm, · ma”siyyet, şey - fissk- [basket, ** sèped. Wicker, s. · sèped-ishi; – -U-füjür. Wicket, s. : kApi. Widdin, s. 6âye°e : vidin-shèhiri. Wide, a. enli, 4- -e “ûriz; (spacious) · ghenish, s-: wâsi”; (in fullness) J: böl ; far and –, ad. · – ètrâf-U-èknâfa, – * S\, etrâf-u-eknâfda. - Widow, s. 5 °C'ye dül-kAri, ermel or * ) ermélé (pl. -y erâmil), : bivé; –er, rel - : kArissi - ilmush - AdAm ; –hood, · ermellik. Width, s. e) èn, LAye “ârz. [sâwUrmak. Wield, v.a. küllanmak, sy • Wife, s. 5 kAri, Je ehl, Je ehli-beyt, 4 - hâlilé, 6-3= • mènkyühé, ·r. bAji, c·i) Arkadâsh ; ey- hârem ; husband's brother's –, or · èlti. Wild, Wilderness, s. e\,: beyâbÂn, r: kâr, yse sâhrâ, dèsht. Wild, a. - yûbâni, deshti; (mad) e deli. Wile, s. & dèssissé. W IT, E UL Wilful, a. 5 a kAssdi, -5 = ikhtiyâri ; (man) c·i terss, · mÜ mid, -- .e müji, –ly, ad. “e “âmdan, kAssdan; Le as” mâkhsüss. Will, s. - ikhtiyâr, sel irâdé ; (testament) · wAssèyyët-nâmé; -, v.a. soy irâdé-et; — wAss?yyët-et; free– (human) 'sey * j- irâdé'i -jûz’iyyé; (of God) *'se) irâdé'i-kyülliyyé; –, v. aur. (see Grammar). Willing, a. ·y râzi 5 5 = ghying- ullu; -ly, ad. 4 c bAsh- -üsstuna, ·Jej èz-dil-U-jÂn. Willow, s. · sûghud. [shèytÂn. Wily, a. .5 - hilékyâr, a : Wimble, s. - ö: (mAtkAb). Win, va. and n. · kÂzAnmak. Wince, v.n. ·- chèkinmek. Winch, s. - dölâb, ye- chârkh. Wind, s. _{3}yy rüzghyâr, J: yel, <9 rıh, e: bād ; * hâwâ ; fair –, y°: iyi-hâwâ, $j 9v: iyi-rüzghyâr, yPc i; mûwÂfik-hâwä, $;y°- mûssâ”id-rûzghyâr ; foul –, W*c· terss-hâwa, 5 9y-il s” mükhÂlif- -rûzghyâr ; high –, W* sèrt- -hâwâ, 2v * siki - rüzghyâr ; reigning –, prevailing -, · - * i ekséri-èssEn-rûzghyâr. Wind, va. ; ) e sarmak, :· dölashdirmak : -, v.n. - - ), • dölashmak; – round, - about, v.n. c·ye sÂrilmak ; c; “) dölash- [ 375 ] WIN N 0W mak; – up, v.a. (a watch, &c.) c· kûrmak; (a string, &c.) ; ; * töplamak; (a discourse) - khAtm- -et. Windfall, s. 9), şe rûz- ghyâring-dûshurdughu, ·ş dü- shuk; (of fortune) :45 kèlépir, \: · bâd-âvird, 89) : bād-âvirdé. Winding-sheet, s. e* kèfen (kèfin). Window, s. 3 ş: pènjéré; – blind, s. **): U° * ghyünèsh-pèrdéssi. Windpipe, s. :i, ghârtlAk. Windsail, s. 4i mânika. [-üsstu. Windward, s. ·y rüzghyâr- Windy, a. :y$; * ) rüzghyârli. Wine, s. - : shârâb (shârap), sel: bâdé ; – merchant, s. e· e· : shârâb - sAtan - bAzirghyân ; – press, s. ·: -y* shârâb- -bAsskissi. Wing, s. e\: kAnAd, z = jenâh, ): per ; (of an army) J; köl, - - jenâh; –, v.a. (a bird) c· kAnAdini-kârmak ; – one's flight, c· Üchmak. Wink, s. ghyîz - ishâreti; ·öye târféti-'l-"ayn; –, v.n. c·j = ghyiz-kipmak; – at, vn. (aperson) -->:): * Wş= ghyiz- -ila-ishâret-et ; – (any impropriety) c· _j -= ghyüz - kApAmak, \c --5 -= ghyirmamazlik -et, 14 s° - mûssâmaha-et, · ighmâzi-”âyn-et. Winnow, v.a. ; ) • sâwUrmak. [ 376 ] W IT BIIN WIN TER , Winter, s. · kish, : shitâ, e· zimisstân ; –, v.n. · kâshla- mak; the depth of –, U:58,5 kAra- -kâsh, cy:*! ) èrba”in,J.Ué°) zèmhérir. Wintry, a. . ŞU kish-ghibi. Wipe, s. _ silish (fig) * =5 tekmé (kick) ; –, – off, – out, v.a. < - silmek. Wire, s. 5 tel; gold –, *) * sirma ; silver -, 4 U" ş= ghyûmush- -shrma ; iron –, J5); * 5 (demir)- -tel; copper –, bAkir-tel; gold – drawer, · * sirma-kèsh. Wisdom, s. Jäc “Akl, d 5c “Akllilik ; (of an act) -*-=-- hikmet, · münâsebet Wise, a. J5'e “Âkil, lie “Akli ; all çe “âlim, fe [“âllâm. Wish, s. (for an event) ;y ârzU ; U· khâhish, emel ; (to do) – (all-knowing) Wiseacre, s. &le: bÜdAla. ey • mürÂd, • • mèrâm ; (for a thing) isstek; –, v.n. bj ) ârzU-et, \L* - khâhish-et, J. èmel-et ; ey- mürÂd - et, •y- merâm-et; –, v.a. isstémek, le isstek-et; b)İ) ârzU - et, c· y ârzUlamak; – joy, tebrik-et, 14: tehniyyé-et; I wish you –, e· ·= ghyîzung- -âydin (may thy eyes be brightened), e· ·9) • mübârek-ölsUn (may it beblessed to you). Wit, s. (of mind) 63 zekyā; (of a saying) · lâtâfet; (witty person) ·- hâzir-jéwAb, =k lâtifé-ghyü ; to –, *: yâ'ni. Witch, s. 5 - jAdi, 5 - =: bughuju -kAri, -35) s° sihrbÂz- -kAri; (old woman) -5) 54-5 köja- -kAri; (knowing woman) -----: peyghAmbEr; (beautiful woman) ° dilbir, 63 -jilvékyâr. Witchcraft, s. =: büghu, or : büyu, s” sihr. Witchery, s. * - jilvé, 5 nâz, le edâ. Witching, a. Jj;= ghyüzel, yönâzik, yle dilbir, &WS: - jilvékyârâné. With, pr. ila (ilen); - bi, s- mâ”; together –, y* ila-bèrâbEr, . mâ'an. [-bèrâbèr. withal, ad Ay bünun-ila- Withdraw, v.n. ·- chekilmek, c*V:! âyrilmak, c- * ghitmek ; –, v.a. - - 5 gheri-Almak ; G- 5-- chikarmak; -:· kÂldirmak. Withdrawal, s. Ke-chekilmeklik. Wither, v.n. c 'ye sölmak, kûrumak; –, v.a. * ): kûrutmak. Withhold, v.a. vèrmamek, c , Ali-kömak, tütmak. Within, pr. 8 aş: ichinda, 8 s-le dâkhilinda, 8 ye derünUnda ; –, ad. 8-95 ş ichèrida (ichèrda) ; (at home) se, èvda ; – reach, r: J èl-yetishir; – ear-reach, :İ: külAk - ishidir; – range, ** ghyûllé-yetishir, :e kürshun- -yetishir. W IT BI 0 UT [ 377 ] W 0 0 D 0 0 0 K Without, pr. siz, siz, bi, Y: bilâ; (outside of) 8.A.: dâshârissinda, * - khārijinda, 8 : birü- nUnda ; –, ad. 8 y) dâshârda, 898, o tAshrada. Withstand, v.a. and n. c· dâyan- mak, J“=” tâhâmmul-et. (one present) y = ghyirEn ; · ishidEn ; (at a trial) A** shâhid, l, ghyûwâh ; (testimony) = \e: shâhâdet; –, v.a. 9° ghyürmek, *** müshâhédé-et; to bear –, e : shâhâdet-et, y'* shâhid-öl ; false –, (person) - ** yâlAn- Witness, s. -shâhidi, ) ) *** shâhidi - zür ; (testimony) ) ) · shâhâdeti- -zür, · yâlAn. Wits, s. pl. Jäc “Akl; he has his wits about him, y* = “Akli- -bAshindâ-dir. Wittol, s. '2): pèzéwènk, · deyyüss. Witty, a. (person) – s” tûhÂf- -sûwèylEr, Ki nèkréli; (saying) Jj; ghyüzel, – = tûhâf. Wive, v.n evlenmek, Jet, te'ehhul-et, -5) kAri-Almak. Wizard, s.j s° sihrbÂz. Wo ! Woe ! int. · wây, *, wâh, s. : belâ, felâket, y° dird, S kEdEr. Woful, Woeful, a. :y* kEdErli, ·leye dèrd-âlüd, ü dèrdnâk. *':' èywâh, Jj\: yâzik; –, Wolf, s. kürt, ghyürgh, - 3 ze'b. Wolfsbane, s. ek: :): kürt-böghan. Woman, s. -55): kAri, “-22) şe “âvret, ·j zen, V- nissâ; –kind, -syG *-i kari-kissmi, -’a tâ'ife'i- -nissâ. Womanish, a. · -55) 5 kAri-ghibi. Womb, s. · dül-yâtaghi, (-) râhm. Wonder, s. (feeling) -ş° tâ”âjub, · hâyret, l, veleh ; (thing) - ş° (“Aja'ib)- shèy, ş° “Ajibé, ghâribé, yé ghâ- râ'ibdan ; (miracle) ss” mü”jizé ; -, t).72. c· shâshmak, kalmak, --ş° tâ”āijub - et, -ş* müta”ājjib- öl, 8 - · hâyretda -kAlmak, ·- hayrân-öl, = mütahayyir-öl, e Ka, veleh-ghèlmek. Wonderful, Wondrous, a. --~ş° “Ajib (“Ajä'ib), - -é ghârib, = z = “Akldan - khārij, - : shâshilajak. Wont, s. = c “âdet; –ed, a. ·e U· “âdet - edilmish, el - mû”tâd. Woo, va. .e *ye “ârzi-“Ashk-et. Wood, s. (material) z ÂghÂj; (of trees) e :5)y örmAn; (for burning) · ödun, -a- hAtAb. Woodbine, s. *-e yûbAn- hânim-Eli. Woodcock, s. Glye- chülluk. w00D-CUTTER [ 378 ] W 0 RR Y Wood-cutter, s. - : bAltaji. Wooden, a. zel Aghaj, ey - Aghaj- dan ; (of timber) ----i âhshâb, ·ahshâb Woodpecker, s. · AghAj-kAkAn. Woof, s. öl Atki, 9: püd. Wool, s. yy yûn or · yûng, · yâpaghi ; goat's –, c tiftik. Woollen, a. .): yün, e· yûngdan ; –draper, 2-4:- (chöhaji). Word, s. siz, 59, lâkirdi, ail 1Afz, 4 kelimé; tâ“bir; 3 kelâm ; –, v.a. c* · tâ”birât-küllAnmak; – of mouth, · shifüh, · müshäfehet; by – – –, (s: shifâhan ; – of God, * • 6 kelâmi-kAdim (applied to the Kür'ân); high –s, (kâwgha), 8 nîzâ”. Work, s. · ish, z =U: ish- -ghynch ; 6 kyâr, -e sûn”; si fi"l, •e “Amel; –, v.n. ·l ishlémek, U: ish-ishlémek, ·- chAlishmak ; (a machine) · ishlémek ; (in fermentation) · kaynamak, V = takhâm- mUr-et, ( ; : kAbarmak; (medicine) ·yU•e “Amel-virmek; –, v.a. (embroider) • ... ishlémek; (any material) : :- ishlémek ; (a mine) · ishletmek ; (aper- son) ishletmek ; c 5-97: yörmak, C; : :-L**\: bAshina- -ish-châkârmak ; – up, (materials) · ishlémek ; z - khārj-et, c küllAnmak ; – one's self up into a passion, j 5-2 y: kûrup- -k?zmak, c· *ş**y: kürdukja- -k?zmak; – out, ·: bAshar- mak, · bêjErmek, 89şa-> · vüjüda-ghetirmek; (a problem) J- hâll-et ; yü te'sir-et; (a person's feelings) · “e mèrhâmet-etdir- mek. - Workhouse, s. *'s- y: c &s” mâhâllénin-fükarâ-khânéssi. Workman, s. ş° ishji. * Workmanship, s. ş“ ishjilik; 6 kyâr. Workshop, s. e Se dükkyân (dükkèn). Workwoman, s. 65) 5 ş** ishji-kAri. World, s. Ve “âlem : this –, dünyâ ; ' e “âlémi-dûnyâ ; the habitable -, - - rûb"i- -mèsskyün ; – (great quantity) : 9 y· dünyâ-kAdar. - - Worldly, a. 5 dünyévi, khâki. Worm, s. ·: • söghuljAn; (maggot) · kürt ; (of a gun) (dömuz) - âyaghi ; (of a still) ): böru ; (of a screw) J5 tel, 4 •2): bÜrma ; – out, v.a. cş = ângla- – one's self in, c· sökUlmak ; – one's self into one's favour, c*ş- châtmak ; to try and . . . , • yeltenmek; – eaten, ·2 kürt-yemish. mak (ûnnamak); Wormwood, s. ·: pèlin. Worry, v.a. (as a dog) (; 9· sÂldir- W 0 R SE [ 379 ] W RIN G mak; (teaze) y: · èziyyet- -vèrmek, V-·-y râhatsiz-et. Worse, a. .3° dâhâ-fèna, **** dâhâ-Ashâghi, L: bètEr, ** dâhâ- bètEr; – and worse, Lis** ghitdikja-fèna. Worship, s. ele “ibâdet, ·r: pèresstish, · tApinish ; –, v.a. c** tApinmak, W-ele “ibâdet- -et, : pèresstish-et; your –, his-, - ae 3 zâti-“ütüfileri; –ed, eş** mâ”büd ; –er, ·e “âbid (pl. 8. c “âbédé). Worst, a. èng-fèna ; èng-Ashâghi; –, v.a. · yenmek, - Alt-et. Worsted, s. : · yûng-iplighi; – stockings, · yüng-chörab. Worth, s. and a. Se dèghEr ; –, s. _y 5 kAdr, *-i kâmet; to be –, c = deghmek, : etmek; –less, a. d·ş°y bir-Akchalik, ): j•:4ş bir-Akcha-etmâz. Worthy, a. · dèghErli; – (of) · shāyān, - shāyessta, c:) lâyik, - jüssbÂn. Wound, s. *): yara, zya- jürh, *-- jürha ; –, v.a. c· yâralamak, 3) yâra-et, 'zJP- jürh-et. Wrangle, v.n. W = (kâwgha)-et, 'öy nizâ”-et, dej - münâza'a-et. Wrap, v.a. c· sArmak; – round, %7.0 • G9 • sArmak, · dö- lashdirmak; –, v.n. c·ye sArilmak, c· dölashmak ; – up, v.a. C°: • sArmak, 5iyy irtmek ; –, ?).72, ·ye sArilmak, • 5), àrtun- mek. - Wrapper, s. ürtu. Wrath, s. darghinlik, * (ûfké), - ghAzAb. Wreak, v.a. W- ijrâ-et. Wreath, s. · ·-chichek-bAghi, · Jyr: yâprak-bAghi (or -:J, Wreathe, v.a. c ' irmek. [irussu). Wreck, s. 4- ö- bAkâyyé, -5 =ye dikyundu, -y khârâb6, 4 y: virâné ; –, v.a. c· *- kAzâya - öghrAtmak ; to be –ed, · kAzâya-öghramak, 45 '89) kAzâ-zèdé-öl; –ed, *- · kAzâya -öghramish, * 45 kAzâzèdé. Wren, s. 4-: bökluja-bülbul. Wrench, s. ·5 yy bürkUlush ; U: y92) zörlayish ; -, v.a. (a joint) :): bûrkutmak; (open) ; }y°) zörlamak. Wrest, va. c·y zör-ila-Almak, · sîkyup-Almak. Wrestle, v.a. **v* ghyitreshmek, · 5 ghyüleshmek. Wrestler, s. ey9° pEhliwAn. Wrestling, s. **.* ghyûleshma. Wretch, s. -: :-- khâbiss ; *) ş- bichäré, j zâwálli. Wretched, a. 8 N-\ fèna - hâlda, e·J! përishÂn, 89) : pèzhmÜrdé ; (poor) (in mind) es- · r: perishani- khÂtir. Wring, v.a. ( 45. e sikmak ; G : wRINKLE [ 880 l YELLow bÜrmak ; – off, c·:yi ***=: bûké-bûké-köpârmak. Wrinkle, s. c**): bÜrUshuk ; –, v.n. c - - ) - bürUshmak : -, v.a. C°2) ::): bÜrUshdurmak ; –led, a. C; ): bürUshuk; ·*) : bÜrU- Wrist, s. bilek. [shuklu. Wristband, s. yeng. Write, v.a. c·\: yâzmak, V:ys” tâhrir-et, C:• 5 tenmik-et, ye-i tèsstir-et; – down, kâyd-et ; zAbt-et ; –, v.n. c· yâzi-yâzmak. Writer, s. (author) -ö.a o müssânnif, – 5 mü'ellif ; (penman) bas- khAttit ; (clerk) - :j - yaziji, -- –= kyâtib ; (of a letter) – = mühürriru-l-hürüf. Writhe, v.n. ) kavrilmak, z: - 5 pich-u-tÂb-et. Writing, s. - : yâzi; hand-, - : yâzi, · khAtt; -s, s. pl. ·yys” mühârrérAt ; } sé 5 kyāghidler. Written, a. · yâzili ; · yâzil- · mektüb, -) · messtür, s° mühârrer, mü- mish ; kâyyed. Wrong, a. (erroneous) · yângilish (yânish); (bad) : fèna; –, s. · hakksizlik, ghAdr, zülm; –, v.a. ' j-i- hAkksizlik- -et, V** ghAdr-et, * zülm-et; – side, c· tèrss, :*c- 5 tirss- -târafi ; -side outwards, – side up, c· tèrss. Wrongful, a. –ly, ad. : G-ü nâ- -hAkk-yEra. Wroth, a. . )'e dârghin. Wrought, a : ishlémé, “=ye dîghmé. Wry, a. : ş- chârpik. Y. Yacht, s. ·5 seyr-ghèmissi. Yankee, s. * ·y- âmèrikân- -AdAmi. Yard, s. (measure) 89)'ı yârda, : ) ârshin ; (of a house) 3- hâvli; (of a ship) ey seren ; (of a horse) · sik, 3 zeker: - arm, ey · sèren-üjU. Yarn, s. ·: iplik, Ji tel; (fig.) Ja• mASSAl. Yawn, v.n. c essnémek. Ye, pro.j” siz, - sizlEr. Yea, ad. · bèli, · EvEt, * nâ”m. Year, s. or 8 yil, * sin6, J- sâl. Yearling, s. - 4 bir-sènélik. Yearly, a. and ad. -8 ° sènévi, A* yilda-bir. Yearn, v.n. · ishtiyÂk- -chèkmek, c·2) ârzulamak. Yeast, s. J** = ye4! ârpa-süyU- -mâyassi. Yell, s. c·- bâykirish ; –, c - haykirmak. Yellow, a. -5: • sAri, Assfèr, 9)j (7.72 • YELL0 W - FEVER [ 381 ] ZIN 0 zèrd, 89)j zèrdé; –s, s. pl. ·ye sÂrilik. Yellow-fever, s. V*- · sAri-hûmmâ. Yelp, v.n. c· bâghirmak. Yeoman, s. 3 KghA. Yes, ad. beli, Evet. Yesterday, s. .yye dün, · dünku-ghyûn. Yesternight, s. 4ş dün-gheyjé. Yet, ad. Une dâhā; (still) \- hâlâ ; (again) : yiné (ghène); not –, j; o hènUz (hèniz); more –, * dahâ; –, c. lâkin, K, ve-lâkin, V. âmmâ, &: yiné (ghèné). Yew, s. - c e2): börsuk-Aghaji (?). Yield, s. J; as” mahsül; –, v.a. (give) 9: virmek, Je- hāssil- -et ; (give up) We - tèsslim-et; –, (Ü.70 . - tèsslim-öl. Yoke, s. &:y- ö: böyUndUrugh ; (pair) ş-chift : -, v.a. • : köshmak. [-sArissi. Yolk, s. - e- 2) • y?murtaning- Yon, Yonder, a. * shÜ, * sely: shÜradéki ; yonder, ad. y shûra, · shÜrassi, yy Öra, ·y *-U -* Öraya ; key : shûrada, keys Örada. Örassi ; shÜraya, *y y Yore, s. · èsski-zâmân, • eyyâmi-mâzi. You, pro. j* siz, 95- sizlEr ; - * sizi, -59 - sizléri; 8)- sizé, 9- - sizléra. Young, a. * ghènj; -, - one, s. -°) : yâvri ; –er, · kûchuk ; –est, · èng-kûchuk ; –ish, · ghènja. - Youngster, s. ile - dèlikÂnli, el52- jiwān, -: shâbb. Your, pro. a. j= ngiz, ingiz ; · sizing, - sizliring. Yours, pro. · sizing, - sizléring ; · sizingki, =: • sizléringki. Yourself, pro. 4----= kendingiz ; –lves, j - - 5 kendilér - Ingız. Youth, s. < şá6 ghènjlik, c - jiwānlik, shëbâbet; (lad) e· öghlan, delikAnli, ·-jiwán, - shâbb. Youthful, a. * ghènj. Z. Zeal, s. ghâyret, *- hâm- miyyet ; (blind) --a-*-i tâ”- AsssUb. Zealot, s. *-* · mûta”Asssib- -kimèssné. - Zealous, a. · ghayretli, ) - ghâyür. - Zealousness, s. 92): ghâyret. Zebra, s. · yâbAn-èshèghi. Zenith, s. _-y· semti-re'ss. Zephyr, s. bâdi-sâbâ. Zero, s. e safr. Zigzag (of trenches) ·:e ş° s?chAn- -yölU. Zinc, s. tütya. Z0D IAC [ 382 T Z00L 0 GICAL Zodiac, s. z mintakatu-l- -bÜrüj (mAntik –). Zone, s. : kÜshÂk, * kèmEr ; (geographical) ila mintaka (mAn- tika); torrid –, -’aãa (mân- tika'i)-hârré; temperate –, *aia *) * (mAntika'i)-mû”tedilé; frigid - *ş ’a (mantika'i)- -münjëmidé. Zoography, WAnÂt. Zoological, a. c*ü - hây- wAnÂta-müta”âllik. Zoology, s. < e •r \ “ilmi -bâhssi- hây- END OF PART TEIE FIRST. R E I) H0 US E'S T) [0 TI 0 N ARY. PART II.-TURKISH AND ENGLISH. N.B.–The form of the aorist indicative, which is the same as that of the aorist active participle, of every Turkish simple verb, is given in parenthesis immediately after the verb itself, for the reason that it is not subject to any definite rule, easy of enunciation. The a, p, ort, after each word, denotes it to be of either Arabic, Persian, or purely Turkish origin. All the verbs are Turkish. elif. First letter of the Turkish alphabet. In chronograms and as- tronomicaltables it has the value of l. Pronounced as â, it is a Turkish in- terjectional affix of affirmation, some- thing of the value of our English do in affirmations. It is also a Persian vocative affix, often employed in poetry. It is, further, placed between a repetition of a word, in the sense of and or with. In the dates of letters, when following one of the characters 3zel, rë, or %: jim, as V, -, it indicates the first of the couple in three couples of months with the same name, and those characters alone, without the \, indicate the second month in each couple (see lö, V, and -). - Âb, s. p. Water ; juice ; lustre ; honour, spotlessness; temper (ofsteel); –, 8. a. A father, master, possessor. Used in the composition of Arabic words, altering its termination accord- ing to its case, having : abü in the nominative, aba in the accusative, and · abi in the other cases ; as, : Abubeker. ebâ, in -eye ebâ-"an-jeddin, ad. a. From father to son (lit. through the father from the grand- father), hereditarily. \!\ âbâ, s. pl, a. (of :) èbu) Fathers ; ancestors, forefathers. \! ibâ, s. a. Refusal, rejection, abstain- ing; -, -et, v.n. To Tefuse, reject, abstain from. el âbâd, s. pl, a. (of A\ ebed) [ 384 ] · Eternities; –, a. p. Cultivated; peopled; populous; flourishing ; -, 8. p. City, town, place of residence. ele âbâdân, a.p. Cultivated; peopled; populous. [Devils. · ) èbâliss, s. pl. a. (of ·') c; ; ) Abanmak (aor. ; ) AbAnir), v.n. To lean forward over another. İ: ibtidâ (p-), s. a Beginning, com- mencement ; –, ad. t. First, in the first place. ibtidâr, s. a. Setting about any work ; -, -et, v.n. To set about, begin. f - ibtissâm, s. a Smiling, smile; –, –et, v.n. To smile. Y: ibtilâ, s. a The being subject or addicted to anything wrong or un- pleasant. [cheerfulness. z'e ibtihāj, s. a Hilarity, joy, aş: EbjEd, s. a. The alphabet in its old arrangement, conformable to the order in which the letters are placed in the Hebrew alphabet, with some additions at the end It is this order which gives the numerical value to the letters, and very useful to be known. called -- : EbjEd - hissÂbi. This system of notation is The order, mode of Teading, and values of the letters are as follows :– \--* - * 5. -: 49 5-* iEbjEd-hèwwâz-hütti-kElémèn- -sâ”fâss-kArashât-sâkhaz-dAzagha. İ l, - or - 9 2, z- or z 3, • 4 • 5, 6, j or ; 7. - 8 k 9, 10; or = or 20, J 30, 40, e 50, - 60, 8 70, – 80, Le 90, ; 100, 200, c): 300, 400, · 500, : 600, 700, La 800, * 900, # 1000. The letters may be arranged regularly or irregularly ; they have always the same value, and the addition of the several values gives the value of the whole, This system is much used in chronograms, and in books of astro- nomical tables, &c. _\=; ebhâr, < ebhûr, s. pl, a. (of y< bâhr). Seas, oceans. yak ebkhiré, s. pl, a. (of =<: `s bükhār), Vapours. & ebed, s. a. Eternity to come ; ilé-'l-ebed, ad. a To all eternity ; isi èbédEn, ad. a. To all eternity ; never. Abdâr, a. p. Having water orjuice; tempered (steel) ; lustrous. 8 ibdâ”, s. a. Invention, production, 4} innovation; -, -et, v.a. To produce a new thing, invent, innovate. · ebdân, s. pl, a. (of · beden), Bodies. ·l âbdesst, s. p. The smaller ablution before prayer; c·-, –Almak, v.n. To perform one's ablution. - · èbédi, a. a. Which will endure to all eternity. · · ebédiyyét, s. a Quality of :) èbr, s. p. A cloud. [eternal durability. y ibrâ, s. a. Quittance, acquittal, discharge : -, -et, v.a. To free, acquit, discharge, exonerate. y èbrâr, s. pl, a. (of : berr), The good, just, virtuous. y: ibrâz, s. a. Production, manifesta- tion, showing; –, –et, v.a. To manifest, produce, show, display. * ibrâm, s. a. Importunity, urging ; \-, -et, v.a. To importune, urge. *: ibrishim, s. p. Double-twisted silk thread. Jer èbrâss, a. a. Leprous; –, s. a. [A. leper; leprosy. y èbrU, a. t. Marbled; –, s. t. Marbled appearance in colours ; –, s. p. The eyebrow ; –Âbrü, and -: Âbrüy, s. p. Honour, spotless- DGSS- c· ibrik, s. t. Ewer for washing ; a brig; brigantine ; sloop of war. al ebsâr, s. pl. a. (of_ra bAssar), Eyes ; penetrations, sagacities. Ja: ebtÂl, s. pl, a. (of Ja: bAttÂl), Champions, heroes; –, ibtÂl, s. a. Avoiding, abolishing, annulling; –, –et, v.a. To make void, or of no value, annul, abolish. eb"ād, s. pi, a (of · bi"d), Distances; –, ib”âd, s. a Removal to a distance ; -, -et, v.a. To remove to a distance. · eb“âd, a. a. More or most dis- tant; very distant. [ 385 ] : il ibkâ, s. a. A causing to continue, continuance, confirmation; –, –et, v.a. To confirm, cause to remain or continue (in an office). ébkyâr, s. pl, a. (of =: bikr), yıl or * ) Abla, s. t. Eldest sister. # iblâgh, s. a. A causing to reach, [Virgins. attain, or arrive at ; -, -et, v.a. To cause to reach, arrive at, attain, mount up to. 5- èblâgh, a. a. More, most, or very eloquent. c; eblûk, a. a. Piebald ; –, s. a. A piebald horse ; (fig.) Time or the world, as consisting of night and day ; - or iblik (mlik), s. t. A capon. & âbilé, s. p. Abubble; a pimple ; –, Abla, s. t. Eldest sister ; –, èblèh, a. a. More, most, or very stupid. · ibliss, s. a, Iblis, Satan; a devil. er" ibn, s. a. Son of, as ·- Ahmed - ibni - MühAmmed, Ahmed, son of MühAmmed. & ibnet, s. a. A daughter. :l ebnâ, s. pl, a. (of er'), Sons, children; s– ebnâyi-sebil, Sons of the road, travellers. c· âbanöss, s. t. Ebony. · ebniyyé, s. pl, a. (of : binâ), Buildings, edifices; : ’a: ëb- niyye'i - khāyriyyé, Buildings for charitable or benevolent purposes. : èbU, s. a. Father of, as : èbU-Sinâ, Avicenna. 2 D [ 386 ] ·l -: ebvâb, s. pl, a. (of - ), Gates, [ship. ·l übüvvet, s. a. Paternity, father- evi èbévèyn, s. dual a. (of : èbU, doors; chapters. a father), The two parents. * ebé, s. t. A midwife; ş:=& èbè-ghyûmèji, Mallows ; geranium. f'e ibhâm, s. a. Enunciating obscurely and so as to create doubt. e: 4:l übbéhèt (übhèt), s. a. Grandeur, glory, magnificence, pomp. ·l ebyât, s.pl.a. (of ·), Houses ; verses, or rather distichs. ·l ebyâd, a.a. White. · èbyen, a.a. More, most, or very clear, explicit, manifest, evident. - Ap. Turkish particle placed before a few adjectives, and there signifying guite, very, altogether, as Gş--- Ap-âchik, wide open, j--- Ap- Ansiz, all of a sudden, &c. Aparmak (aor. )v :) Aparir), v.a. (provincial), To bring ; to carry away. ·L: ipretmek (aor. Jey:) iprèdir), v.a. To wear by use, to make a stuff ragged and rough ; : iprEn- mek (aor. ):y:) iprènir), v.n. To become rough and worn. ·) 0?” ·) ipsid, s. t. Felloe of a wheel. · Apish, s. t. The grip of the legs, or that part of the thighs, knees, &c., by which a seatis obtained in a saddle. • • - ^ 3) Apishmak - (aor. :) Apishir), v. n. To open the legs and stand or - sit a-straddle. · iplik, s. t. Thread. · et, s. t. Flesh ; meat; –, At, s. t. A horse; astallion. (5) Ata, s. t. (old), Father ; ·l Ata- -bègh (lit. Prince-father), Tutor of the monarch, or regent (in some of the old Mussulman dynasties). cşü Atalik, s. t. Tutor, guardian. 8 etbâ”, s. pl, a. (of - teba", not in use), Followers, suite, dependants, servants; –, ittibâ”, s. a. A follow- ing, complying with, imitating: -, –et, v.n. To follow, obey, act up to, comply with. e=3 ittihâd, s. a. friendship ; unanimity ; -, -et, v.n. Union, concord, To join one's self to another, act in concert, be unanimous. – = ithâf, s. a Presenting, giving; –, –et, v.a. To give as a present, topresent. [v.a.Totake; touse, adopt. 3 ittikhâz, s. a. A taking; -, -et, · Atèsh, s. p. Fire ; –, Atish, s. t. Action or manner of throwing ; (-: *· Atèsh-pèrèsst, s. p. A fire- worshipper; 8 = Atesh - kedé, 8. p. A fire temple. –'a ittissÂf, s. a. Being endowed Jail ittissÂl, s. a Being joined, touch- ing, reaching to. [with a quality. · it”âb, s. a. A fatiguing, a causing fatigue; -, -et, va. To fatigue, wear out. Ujl (-7 cşkil ittifÂk, s. a. Union, concord; con- federacy, alliance ; hazard, chance; -, -et, v.n. To come to an agree- ment together, make an alliance ; to chance, happen ; Jāj} e “alé- -’l-ittifÂk, ad. a. Unanimously; 5 kil ittifÂkâ, ad.a. By chance, fortuitously; öl ittifÂki, a.a. Fortuitous. ·l ittikÂn, s. a Certain knowledge. · Âtki, s. t. The woof of cloth carried by the shuttle. e: 5) etek, s. t. The skirts of clothes, K' ittikyâ, s. a. A leaning upon or [or of mountains. against; a relying on, trusting in; -, –et, v.n. JKl ittikyâl, s. a. A leaving one's matters entirely to another. – 5 itlâf, s.a. A destroying; –, -et, v.a. To destroy, waste, ruin ; kill. c; 5 Atlamak (aor. 5 Atlar), v.a. To spring, or jump over, or across; to omit, leave out. 5 Atilmak (aor. Atilir), v.n. To spring or jump up, spring upon ; –, v.p. To be thrown. c* Atlanmak (aor. ) Atlânir), v.n. To mount on horseback. :5) Atli, a. t. On horseback ; –, s. t. A horseman; cavalry. * ètèmm, a. a. More, most, or very complete ; –, Atim, s. t. A cast, a throw ; a charge (of powder). * itmÂm, s. a. Action of com- pleting, completion : -, -et, va. To finish, complete. [ 387 ] · aş° | Atmaja, s. t. A sparrow-hawk. c , Atmak (aor. 5 Atar), va. To throw, cast, project ; to throw away, down, aside, up, &c.; to fire (a gun, &c.); to card (cotton); –, v.n. Tofade, lose colour (stuffs); turn pale (coun- tenance); grow light (the morning); · töp-Atmak, to fire guns, to fire a salute ; (fig.) to become bankrupt. [livelihood. ·l (ekmek), s. t. Bread ; (fig.) * l ithâm, s. a. Imputation, accusation; –, –et, v.a. To impute, to accuse. âti, a. a. Future, coming, to come ; further on, lower down (in writing). · ityân, s. a. A bringing forward, mentioning; -, -et, v.a. To ad- : Atina, s. t. Athens. [duce, mention. ·ü èssâss, - - : ·i èssâssi-bèyt, s. a. Household stuff, goods, furniture. Jü âssâr, s. pl.a. (of èsser), Vestiges, traces, signs, marks; remains; monu- ments; buildings ; books, writings, works ; doings ;" sayings. yü issâré, s. a. A raising (the dust); an exciting (of troubles). ·ü essâlet, s.a. Nobility ofextraction. âssâm, s. pl. a. (of : issm), Sins, iniquities, wickednesses. · issbÂt, s. a. A making firm, fixing; a proving, demonstrating ; a proof; -, -et, To prove, demonstrate; to fix, stablish, confirm ; · =* mâhv-U-issbÂt, A taking away some parts, and leaving or adding others ; 2 D 2 A tassı else- alteration (in buildings or in writings). il èsser, s. a. A vestige, trace, sign, mark ; an effect ; a monument (of art); a writing, saying, or doing; ş jye èsser-tirÂz, An historian. Jlül esskil, s. pl. a (of ü not used), Baggage, luggage, impedimenta. : issm, s. a. A sin ; –, âssim, s. a. [Fruits. èssmâr, s. pl. a. (of * : sèméré), A sinner. ·i èssmân, s. pl. a. (of · sèmen), Prices; values. essnâ, s. pl. a. (of · not used), Windings, foldings, sinuosities ; –, 8. t. Time or duration of any action ; * : Cş yöl-èssnâssinda, or li ***y èssnâyi-râhda, while on the journey, 8 mûkyâlémé- -èssnâssinda, during the conference. · issneyn, s. a. Monday. - ésswÂb (èssbAb), s. pl. a. (of - -: sèvb), Clothes. z âj, or z âch, a. t. Hungry ; fasting, not having eaten ; : *z âj-ghyîzlu (hungry-eyed), Covetous, insatiate, in- satiable ; d.5yüz- âj-kârnina, ad. On an empty stomach, fasting. ·e- ijâbet, s. a. Acceptance of a request, compliance ; -, –et, v.n. To comply. _yla- âjâr, s. pl, a. (ofJ- èjr), Recom- penses, remunerations ; rewards. *)- ijâré, s. a. Rent; ground-rent paid for land, &c. in mortmain ; aş***)>1 ijäré'i-mü”ājjélé, the sum or fine paid on first acquiring possession; · **)-- ijäré'i- -mü'eijélé, the monthly or yearly quit-rent paid ever afterwards. ·j - ijâzet, s. a. Permission, au- thorization; diploma or authority to act as a teacher of the humanities, or [circulate. 4- ijâlé, s. a. A causing to flow, or of divinity. ·- ejânib, s. pl, a. (of - èjnébi), Strangers, aliens (in blood, or of race). - ijbâr, s. a. A forcing, compelling; force, compulsion : -, -et, v.a. To compel. J- ejbâl, s. pl, a. (of - jebel), Mountains. [selection, election. - jtiba, s. a. A choosing; choice, Va- ijtirâ, s. a. A daring; audacity ; courage ; -, -et, v.n. To dare, have the courage. 8 - ijtimâ”, s. a. A coming together, being collected, united, gathered to- gether ; meeting, conjunction ; un- animity of opinion or decision (in matters of faith or discipline). ·- jtinâb, s. a. An abstaining, avoiding ; -, -et, v.n. To abstain from, avoid. eleş- ijtihâd, s. a. Exertion, endeavour; a striving to arrive at the true mean- ing of any point in law or religion. el·- ejdâd, s. pl, a. (of - jedd), Ancestors, forefathers. L) ğ - èjr, s. a. Recompense, remuneration; reward. y- ijrâ, s. a. A causing to flow ; a putting in force, in operation : -, -et, v.a. To cause to flow ; to put in force, execute; to perform the for- malities of taking up a commission of office. ·- üjrèt, s. a. Pay for any service, remuneration. W- ejzâ, s. pl, a. (of j=- jüz), Parts; particles, atoms ; ingredients ; drugs, chemicals; sheets (of a book), or parts containing twenty pages ; (as a Turkish singular) a chemical com- position of any kind; a percussion Cap ; -W- èjzâji, A chemist or apothecary. c*- âjikmak (aor. _iş- âjikir), v.n. To become hungry, ·- “yi kârnim-âjikdi (lit. my stomach has become hungry), I am hungry. J- âjil, a.a. Future, to come, post- poned to a future time; –, êjl (èjil), 8. a. Cause, reason, motive, considera- tion ; –, èjel, s. a. An appointed time ; the appointed time of death ; –, èjëll, a. a. More, most, or very great and glorious. Ya- ijlâ, s. a. Banishment, exile ; –, –et, v.a. Tobanish, exile. c·- jlâss, s. a. A causing to sit down ; -, -et, v.a. To cause to sit, to seat; to place on (the throne). Je- ijlâl, s. a. Praise, glory, honour. -i [ 389 ] c·- 4 = -\ ejillé, s. ri (of jen), Those who are very great and noble. 8 - ijmâ”, s. a. A collecting ; the unanimity of opinion or decision (of the Fathers of the Church on points offaith or discipline, this being one of the thority in Muhammedan canon law, fundamental sources of au- in matters where an explicit Divine command or apostolic word or deed cannot be cited : it is called also · 8°- ijmâ”i-ümmet, the unan- imous decision of the Church). J - jmâl, s. a The making a sum- mary, an abbreviating ; a summary, abbreviation; -, -et, v.a. To con- dense, abbreviate. *- Ajimtrâk, a. t. Rather bitter. ·- êjnâd, s. pl.a. (of - jünd), Troops, legions, cohorts. c·- ejnâss, s. pl, a. (of L·- jinss), Sorts, kinds ; aş: U-- èjnâss- Akcha, Mixed coins, foreign or old, no longer legally current. - ·- èjnébi, s. a. A foreigner. * - êjvib6, s. pt.a. (of -y-jewÂb), Answers. “p = Aji, a. t. Bitter; hot (spices, &c.); –, s. t. Pain, smart; the word --- hâji (hâji), a pilgrim to Mecca at a certain season, and with certain rites, is sometimes thus spelt when applied to non-Muslim pilgrims to Jerusalem. ·r Ajimak (aor. = 07” - Ajir): v.n. To be painful, to hurt, smart, z [ 390 ] ache; –, v. a. To be sorry for, to pity, feel for, compassionate. z âch, a. t. Hungry; fasting ; ·z âch-ghyizlu (having hungry eyes), a. t. Covetous, insatiable. cje- âchik, a. t. Open; clear, serene ; plain, clear, explicit ; light (colour); ·ş- âchik-mèshreb ; (of an open character), a. t. Forward, impu- dent; –, s. t. The open sea, the offing ; any open space away from cşe- âchlik, Hunger. [buildings. ·ş- âchilmak (aor. ş- âchilir), v.n. To open; to become bright and shining, polished; to become clear and serene; to become lively, quick, merry; to acquire cleverness, expert- ness, experience; tolose ones bash- fulness ; to quit the shore or the harbour; to commence, begin, be entered upon; –, v. p. To be opened. d*ş- âchmak (aor. - âchar), v.a. To open; to polish ; to begin ; to ex- plain clearly ; to make explicit ; to make a new pen; to unravel, untie, undo ; to spread, set (sails), roll out (paste). [Units ; individuals. el- âhâd, s. pl. a. (of - âhâd), · - âhâdiss, s. pl, a. (of - hâdiss), Events, happenings; tradi- tions of the sayings or doings of Mu- hammad (These, as a collection, hold arank among Mussulman divines, cor- responding to that of the book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Apostolic Epistles with us: they are a perfectly valid and binding source of authority in the determination of canonical questions), called generally - : el- *: âhâdissi-nebéviyyé, the Apostolic Acts. - ae - ihâta, s. a. A surrounding ; a comprising, comprehending, contain- ing, holding ; -, -et, v.a. To en- circle, surround; to comprise, contain, hold; to comprehend, understand. * - ihâlé, s. a. A giving in charge, committing to the care, referring ; -, –et, v.a. To refer, commit, give in charge, leave. - âhâbbâ, - - âhbâb, s. pl, a. (of -ra-hâbib), Friends. zş = ihtijâj, s. a. A bringing for- ward proofs and documents; 4-şk- · ihtijāja-sâlih, Valid, fit for ex- hibition as documentary evidence. - ihtirâz, s. a. Taking care, avoid- ing, using circumspection ; -, -et, v.n. To take care, avoid. : - ihtirâk, s. a. A burning, being burnt. [veneration. y- ihtirâm, s. a. Respect, reverence, · ihtissâb, s. a The municipal excise ; ---- ihtissâb- AghAssi (or -65 nâziri), The super- intendant of excise at Constantinople; *: - ihtissâbiyyé, s. a The excise dues. f : - ihtishâm, s. a. Pomp, majesty ; the having a large retinue. ·- e·- ihtikÂn, s. a. The using an in- jection or glyster. K- ihtikyâr, s. a. The holding back grain from market in hopes of a time of Scarcity and dearth. J* - ihtimal, s. a Probability, the a. t. Possible, probable ; –, ad. t. It is possible, being probable; –, perhaps, may be. * = ihtiwâ, s. a. Comprehending, Containing, collecting, protecting, oc- cupation, enjoyment. [wanting, need. z - ihtiyâj, s. a. The being in want, k:= ihtiyât, s. a Prudence, circum- spection ; the keeping a reserve ; the reserve itself; -65 -e e:- ihtiyât- “Asskéri, the reserve of an army. · ihdâss, s. a. A producing, creating, making, inventing; -, -et, va. To produce, create, make, invent. ·- ihda, s. a. (fem. of -), One. · ahâdiyyet, s. a The quality of being unique; the unity of God. V- âhrâr, s. pl. a. (of - hürr), Freemen ; noblemen. y- ihrâz, s. a. An obtaining, gaining, reaching ; -, -et, v.a. To obtain, gain, Teach. , V- ihrâk, s. a. A burning, con- suming by fire; -, -et, v.a. To burn, consume by fire. •y- ihrâm, s. a. Sacred vestment of the pilgrims at Mecca; a kind of woollen tissue, covered on one side with little twisted bullions. [ 391 ] - ey- âhzân, s. pl.a. (ofeyj- huzn), Griefs, Vexing, grieving. sorrows ; –, ihzân, s. a. e·- ihsân, s. a. A benevolent act ; goodness, kindness; a present (to an inferior); –, –et, v.a. To give, make present; –, v.n. To have the kindness, do the favour, be sokind, &c. a- ihsâ, s. a. A counting, num- [bering. i- ihzâr, s. a. Abringing into some one's presence, producing; citing to appear, summoning; -, -et, To produce, bring into presence. elā- âhfâd, s. pl, a. (of - hâfid), Grandsons; posterity. : - ihkÂk, s. a. A rendering justice, righting ; -, -et, v.a. To right, (authoritatively); - 5 - ihkÂki- -hAkk-et, (authoritatively ; lit. to right one's rights). K- ahkyâm, s. pl, a. (of - hükm, not used in this sense). Tenours, v.n. To right any one meaning ; orders, Commands, requisi- tions, ordinances (discoverable in writings); influences (of the stars); –, ihkyâm, s. a. A strengthening, fortifying, consolidating. [dark. *- âhmèr, a. a. Red; tawny, swarthy, c - ahmûk, a. a, Stupid. Jy- âhwâl, s. pl. a. (of J - hâl), States, conditions, situations. - âhyâ, s. pl, a. (of - hAyy), Those who are alive, the living ; -, e· [ 392 ] ş ·l ihyâ, s. a. A raising to life, anima- ting ; a resuscitation, reanimating ; a rendering vigorous, powerful, popu- lous, cultivated ; -, -et, v.a. To animate, give life to; to reanimate, restore to life ; to give new wigour to, enforce anew ; to make populous ; to restore from neglect or ruin, renovate; to bring into cultivation, reclaim (waste lands); to pass (the might) watching or in activity. e·- âhyân, s. pl, a. (of - hin), Times, moments ; - âhyânan, ad. a. Now and then, from time to ·l ikhtilât, s. a. A mixing with, intercourse; -, -et, v.n. To mix, have intercourse. – - ikhtilâf, s. a Difference, want of agreement, variation; –, –et, vn. To differ; to vary, – ikhtilÂfi-mAnzâr, (Difference of place of observation) Parallax. Jas- ikhtilâl, s. a. Trouble, sedition ; confusion, derangement. - ikhtiyâr, a. t. Old, aged ; –, 8. t. An old man ; –, 8. a. Choice, option; -, -et, v.a. To choose ; to prefer; to undertake or submit to in - time, at times, sometimes. preference. ·l ikhafé, s. a. A fightening; –, - * ikhtiyâri, a, o Of choice, * –et, v.a. To frightem, to menace. optional. -) âkhbâr, s. pl, a. (of khAbEr), Âs-\ âkhz, s. a. A taking; a receiving; News, informations, reports : -, –, –et, v.a. To take, to receive; ikhbâr, s. a A giving intelligence, *- akhz-u "ta Buying and informing; -, -et, v.a. To com- selling, commerce, trade, traffic. municate (information). [star-fish. - âkhir, a. a. The last ; • 2: s akhtapot, s. g. (okrarobot), The yövmu-l-akhit, The last day: - f - ikhtitÂm, s. a. The being s. a. The end ; conclusion ; –, finished ; completion ; c· y--, âkhâr, a. a. Other, another ; · –bülmak, v.n. To be completed. âkhiru-’l-èmr, ad. a. At last, at - âkhtEr, s. p. A star. length ; lastly, in conclusion. 8 - ikhtirâ”, s. a. An inventing, zy· ikhrâj, s. a. A putting out, invention; -, -et, v.a. To invent. pulling out, extraction; subtraction; a - ikhtissâr, s. a. A shortening, a prolonging, producing (in mathe- abbreviation; -, -et, v.a. To matics); expense ; -, -et, v.a. To abbreviate. [devotion, friendship. pull out, extract ; to subtract; to · ikhtissÂss, s. a. Devotedness, prolong, produce ; ·e-V= ikhrâ- V - ikhtifâ, s. a. A hiding one's self, jät, s. pl.a. Expenses, outgoings. concealment. · âkhirèt, s. a. The future state ; · âkhiret-8ghlu or âkhiretlik, An adopted child. -:·- ükhrévi, a. a. Relating to the future life. -5iy- Ükhrâ, a. a. (fem. of J-) âkhâr), f : - Akhsham (Ak-), s. t. The evenıng. c· Akshamlamak (aor. âkshamlar), v.n. To become evening; to pass the evening. · âkhâsss, a. a More, most, or very special, intimate, or pure. · âkhzâr, a. a. Green. yla âkhtâr, s. pl. a. (of a - khAtar), Dangers: -, ikhtâr, s. a. A putting in mind, calling to one's attention; \-, -et, v.a. To recall to one's mind; –, v.n. To warn, put upon one's guard, call one's attention. Vás ikhfä, concealing; -, -et, v.a. To hide, s. a. A hiding, secreting, secrete, conceal. K· âkhghèr, s. p. Charcoal, a piece of charcoal; a piece of burning [devoted attachment. Les- ikhlâss, s. a. Sincere and e)- âkhlât, s. pl, a. (of a >-, not charcoal. used), The humours of the body, blood, bile, phlegm, and black-öile ; –, âkhlAt, s. t. A wild pear. – âkhlâf, s. pl, a, (of –is- khâlef), Successors; posterity. akhlâk, s. pl, a. (of khülk), Moral qualities, points of character or disposition; (of khalk), [ 393 ] [Other, another. ·lle Creatures ; human creatures ; te “ilmi-âkhlâk, Ethics, moral science, metaphysics. J ikhlâl, s. a. A putting in dis- order, deranging, spoiling; -, -et, v.a. To spoil, derange, disorder. · ikhwÂn, s. pl. a. (of : 720İ used), Brethren ; comrades, fellows ; co-religionists. [brotherhood. · ükhûvvet, s. a. Fraternity, - (Akhir), s. p. A stable ; _y=- * ë mirî-âkhör (emrakhör), Master of el âd, s. t. A name. [the horse. el edâ, s. a. A paying; a fulfilling; a manner ; atone; grace or affectation of manner or tone ; -, -et, v.a. To pay ; to fulfil. - le âdâb, s. pl, a. (of - edeb), Manners, modes of behaviour; gemtle- manly behaviour. ·le edât, s. a. An instrument, im- plement, tool; a particle (in grammar). 3) el idâré, s. a. A causing to turn round, revolve, or circulate ; the con- duct of business, supervision, super- intendence ; economy ; savings ; -, -et, v.a. To cause to turn round, revolve, or circulate; to conduct, or superintend; to save by economy ; -, v.n. To be economical. ile AdAk, s. t. A vow ; an offering made according to a vow. ·le edâwât, s. pl, a. (of ·le ëdāt), Instruments, implements, tools; particles. · [ 394 ] ele · edeb, s. a. Modesty, politeness, good manners, respectful behaviour ; · tèrki-edeb, A want of proper respect ; -65 y-’e èdeb- yèrléri, The privities. - el idbâr, s. a. . A going backwards or downwards (in the world); ad- versity. J-el idkhâl, s. a. An introducing, causing to enter ; -, -et, v.a. To introduce, cause to enter. c le el âddâsh, s. t. A namesake. ye idrâr, s. a. A flowing, or causing to flow, copiously (wine, milk, &c.); a bestowing abundantly. ·ye idrâk, s. a An overtaking, coming up with ; an understanding, comprehending; comprehension, in- telligence ; -, -et, v.a. To com- prehend, understand; to catch, come up with, overtake; to be partly con- temporaneous with (one who was born earlier). [Adrianople. döye Edirn6, s. t. The town of \cel iddi”â, s. a. A pretension, claim, pertinacious assertion; -, -et, v.a. To assert pertinaciously, to maintain; –, v.n. To be pertinacious in asser- tion. [Prayers ; thanksgivings. *ce ed”iyyé, s. pl.a. (of \ce dü”â), cş Adlamak (aor. Bel Adlar), v.a. To measure by paces ; to step over. · edillé, s. pi, a (of o delil), Guides; indications; proofs, argu- ments. * âdEm (AdAm), s. a. A man; ahuman creature ; an agent, servant, mes- senger; a person; somebody; (in negations) nobody ; ee ·- Hâzréti-AdEm, Adam, the father of mankind ; * : beni-âdem, the sons of men, mankind ; – Adim, s. t. A step, pace. e·l idmÂn, s. a The facility, or power of endurance, gained by long practice. Adimlamak (aor. Adimlar), va. To measure by paces. el âdémi, a. a. Human ; e· âdémiyyân, s. pl. a. Human beings, Ue ednâ, a.a. Less; the least. [men. *ye edviyyé, s. pl.a. (of 'ye dewä), Medicines, drugs. el edhem, s. a. A black horse. ·l edyân, s. pl, a. (of ese din), Religious. -e èdib, a. and s. a. Modest, polite, well-behaved ; refined in mind and 13 èzâ, Molestation, hurt. [manners, 4: 3 izâbé, s. a. A melting, causing to melt ; –, –et, To melt, bring into fusion. e 5 èzân, s. a. The call to prayer ; c: –, – ökUmak, To perform the call toprayer. zed iz”āj, s. a. A teazing, worrying, urging ; -, -et, v.a. To teaze, worry, urge. · iz”ân, s. a. A complying, acting in obedience ; a comprehending, un- derstanding. S 3 [ 395 ] * ) 63 èzkyâr, s. pl. a. (of 53 zikr), Services of prayer and praise. *3 ezkiyā, s. pi, a. (of 3 zeki), Men ofintelligence. · izn (izin), Permission, leave ; ·y –, – vèrmek, To give leave, grant permission ; to discharge, . dismiss. [Minds, intellects. · èzhân, s. pl. a. (of · zihn), Jó ezyâl, s. pl, a. (of 3 zey), Skirts ; appendices. · èziyyet, s. a. Pain, torture, suf- fering ; -, -et, v.n. To cause pain ; to put to the torture, to torture ; ·: -, - vèrmek, v.n. To cause trouble, or suffering ; to L$ egher), c.p. If. èr, s. t. A man ; a husband ; – (for teaze. y âra, s. t. The midst; an interval; – ârâ, s. pl. a. (of -sy re'y), Opinions; –, ârâ, a.p. (in composition), Adorn- ing, which adorns. - - ) èrâjif, s. pl. a. (of - ), 220İ in use), Scandal; false rumours. sel, irâdé, s. a. The will, volition; a rescript, command, injunction ; 'seyi · irâdé'i-kyülliyyé, The Divine, or universal will; :j- sey irâdé'i- -jûz’iyyé, Human, or partial will, free- will; Ve sel, irâdé'i-shâhâné, An imperial rescript. - Jöy erâzil, s. pi, a (of Jğ erzel), The vilest men. - ·y ârâssté, a.p. Equipped; prepared; [adorned. C:·y Arashdirmak (aor. y·y) Arashdirir), v.a. To cause search or inquiry after to be made. ·) ârâzi, s. pl.a. (of L::) ârz), Lands. **y irâka, s. a. A shedding, pouring out, spilling; -, -et, v.a. To shed, spill, pour out; Ve söy irâka'i-dimã, A shedding of blood. W âralik, s. t. An interval, space ; an interval of time ; a time. •y ârâm, · ârâmish, s. p. Repose, tranquillity. r* c· Aramak (aor. V Arar), va. To seek, look for, search after, inquire for ; to ...ss, feel the absence or want of; to search (a place, pockets, &c.). ·y ârâyish, s. p. An adornment, an Ornament. - erbâb, s. pl, a. (of - rAbb, not in use in this sense), Possessors, endowed with ; OWners ; persons people occupied about ; competent and fitting persons ; people belonging to, or occupied with ; (as a Turkish singular) a competent and fit person; - }}|- rAbbu-l-erbÂb, The Lord of Lords, God. 5-!y èrbâ” (fem. 4x:y erba”à), a. a. Four. [a. a. Forty. cy:*:y èrba”in (rarely ·*!y èrba”ün), *: ) ârpa, s. t. Barley ; -: ) ârpajik, 8. t. (lit. little barley-corn), A sty on the eye ; the dispart or sight-piece placed near the muzzle of fire-arms ; L: **: arpa-süyu, (barley-water) Beer. :) [ 396 ] 9) c*: ) ârpalik, s. t. Barley - field or Barley-money, The title under which various districts were given to certain functionaries, under the old system, now abolished, and from the revenues of which they were supposed, accord- ing to the feudal theory, to supply their horses with barley. e:i) irtibât, s. a. A being connected, connexion. [for, desiring. taş:5) irtijâ, s. a. An expecting, a wishing J= ) irtihÂl, s. a. A change of abode, a journeying, migration; the passing from this life; ā: le- irtihali-dâri- -bAkâ,The passage to the world(abode) of permanency ; -, -et, v.n. To - change one's abode, migrate ; to die. el irtidâd, s. a. Apostacy, an apos- tatizing (from isslâm). f -ii, irtissâm, s. a. Abeing marked or remarkable ; - ) · mèvèddet- -irtissâm, Bearing the stamp of affec- tion. U:j) irtishâ, s. a. The receiving a bribe. 8°i, irtifâ”, s. a. Height, elevation; altitude ; z :y' ghâyeti-irtifâ”, (astr.) (extreme) meridian altitude. c:) ârtik, a. t. Over and remaining ; –, ad. t. (with a negative) mO more ; never again ; (with an afirmative) now, at last; under those circum- stances. - \ğ5j) irtikâ, s. a. A going upwards, rising; advancingin rank; increasing. ·i) irtikyâb, s. a. The committing any bad act, a stooping to anything base ; -, -et, va. To commit, stoop to. c*:i) ârtmak (aor. :i, ârtar), v.a. To augment, increase, become more in quantity or degree. - ·i) èritmek (aor. y \! ) èridir), (7.0Ze To melt, fuse, liquefy, dissolve. - i) irtiyâb, s. a. Doubt. ·2) irss, s. a. Inheritance; y irssEn, ad. a. By inheritance. ·->) èrjumènd, a. p. Noble, worship- ful, excellent. ( -) èrhâm, s. pl. a. (of *-) râhm), Relatives (on the mother’s side, or in general). f-9) erhèm, a.a. More, most, or very merciful and compassionate ; =:) e: - ) Erhèmu-'r-râhimin, The Most Merciful of those who show mercy, God. - \s- irkhâ, s. a. A loosening, slacking ; e-5 =>) irkhâyi-”inân-et, ?).72. To slack the reins, give a horse his head, to start on a journey. ârd, s. t. The back side of anything; the space behind anything; 8% 2-5°y ârdi-sira, ad. t. Immediately following it (him or her); *) ***y ârdim-sira, After me ; ·y ârding-sira, After thee ; &c. &c. ze) ârdü, s. t. Juniper. Je) or Je) Erdel or Erdel- -mèmlékèti, s. t. Transylvania. yy) ördu, s. t. A camp; an army. - J°) J3y erzel, a, a. More, most, or very vile. ;y erzak, s. pl, a. (of 5 y rzk, not used in this sense), Provisions, corn, &c. el) èrzân, s. p. Deemed fit and worthy; c °·üy èrzân-bÜyUrmak, v.a. To deem fit and worthy ; "}i) èrzâni, 8. p. A deeming fit and worthy. :ği)' ârzu, s. p. Wish, desire; –, –et, v.a. To wish, to desire, to long for; U =:y ) ârzUkèsh, ·) ) ârzUmènd, a. p. Desirous. J-3) irsâl, s. a. A sending, forwarding, despatching ; -, -et, v.a. To send. e· ârsslan (AsslAn), s. t. A lion ; ·3) (AsslAnli), 3) ârsslâni, a. t. A piastre (term used only öy auctioneers and criers). e :y irshâd, s. a. A showing the right way, directing truly ; ateaching the true religion or tenets ; –, –et, v.a. To put in the right way (moral or physical). e·y or :y ârshin, s. t. The Turkish yard, of which there are two ; one called *yy • • mi”- mâr-ârshini, architect's yard, of 29} inches English, the other named 4 ye- (chöha)-ârshini, cloth gard, of about 28 inches; the first is divided into 24 c; ); pârmak, inches ; the latter into 8 8-8) rûb”, guarters. - ) ârz, s. a. Land ; ·)” 8 = kyûré'i-ârz, The world, the terra- queous globe; a terrestrial globe. [ 397 ] e ry v or :v : Arzi-rüm, s. t. The city of Erzeroum. Vey irzâ, s. a. A satisfying, contenting, making willing; \-, -et, v.a. To make willing, content, satisfied; to obtain one's consent, or assent. z :5) ârghâj, s. t. Warp of cloth, the threads weaving. e\::) irghât, s. g. A labourer. stretched lengthwise in ·: erghawÂn, s. p. Judas-tree ; \; ) erghawâni, a. p. Red, as the flowers of the Judas-tree. y ârk, s. t. A small water-course for irrigation ; –, Arik, a. t. Thin, lean. * erkâm, s. pl, a. (of rakam). Arithmetical figures ; written charac- ters ; diplomas, commands. –5) ârkuri (âykiri), a. and ad. t. Thwartwise ; slantwise ; exorbitant, out of bounds or reason. &5 ârka, s. t. The back; support, protection ; a patron, protector. e· èrkyân, s. pl. a. (of e rükn), Pilasters, pillars, columns; customs, rules; chief men, people of Tank and influence, ministers ; -99----49 èrkyâni-hârb, The staff of an army. : ) èrghech, s. t. A male goat. ·9 erkek, s. t. A male ; aman ; -, a. t. Male. ·$) irkmek (aor. =>) irkEr), v.n. To stagnate, become stagnant and offensive. e:9) èrken, a. and ad. t. Early ; -, e·) èrghèn, s. t. A bachelor, unmarried man ; - 59) èrghenlik, s. t. Pim- ples on the face of young people. e·3) èrmaghÂn (irmighÂn), A pre- sent, gift. ·y èrmel (fem. ·:) èrmélé), s. a. A widow ; a widower. *şi:ey Ermenjé, s. t. The Armenian language; ·:) Ermènisstân, s. t. Armenia ; U_5* ) Ermeni, s. t. An Armenian ; –, a. t. Armenian. · armud, s. t. A pear; - Aleye) ârmUd-âghAji, A pear-tree ; · –, – Altini, A pear-shaped gold medallion, wornby women or children, on the cap, on the forehead, or sus- pended round the neck. & o:) ârma, s. t. (of Italian origin), A coat of arms; the rigging of a ship. (*2y èren, act. part. (of · irmek or ermek, to arrive at), An adept, ome initiated into the mysteries of any order or secret society, one who has arrived at the truth ; y èrEnlEr, term used by the old BektAshî der- vishes to desigmate themselves and those afiliated to their order: they were in reality atheists or pantheists. e :y Arnâwd, a. t. Albanian ; –, s. t. An Albanian, Albania. z èrwâh, s. pl. a. (of z2) rüh), Souls, spirits; spirituous liquors. *) èrré, s. p. A saw ; dös-5) èrré- -khâné, A saw-mill. -5) Ari, s. t. A bee; -)'e yaban- [ 398 ] -Arissi, A drone (bee of the wilds) ; · eshek-Arissi, A wasp ; -5) Ari-köwani, A bee-hive; foxglove. - z ) èryâh, s. pl. a. (of ) ezhèr, a, a. More, most, or very shining, splendid, brilliant. yej 9ji ezhdir, üyel ezhderhâ, and Reji èzhdihâ, s. p. A dragon. c- âss, s. a. The myrtle ; –, üsss, 8. a. A foundation, basis. āssā, a. p. (in composition), Like, resembling. sö5. essâtiz6, s. pi. a. (of ö üsstÂz, for · üsstād, s. p.), Mas- ters (of an art or science). y. üssârâ, s. pl. a. (of - èssir), Captives, prisoners of war ; slaves on sale. c· essâss, s. a Foundation; basis; fundamental rule or principle. - âssâtir, s. pl. a. Fables ; - ·} } âssâtir - u'l-ewwëlina, The fables of the ancients, myths. J5 essâfil, s. pl, a. (of essfel), The lowest classes, ranks, or places. • · èssâmé, s. t. Ticket or document for pay and rations under the old Janissary system. · essâmi, s. pl. a. (of e- issm), Names. : e· âssân, a, p. Easy; c - ässan- lik, s. t. · âssâni, s. p. Ease, facility. - · âssâyish, s. p. Tranquillity. · èssb, s.p. A horse. · essbâb, s. pl, a. (of — sebeb), Reasons, motives ; materials ; means; (for - èsswÂb, clothes, clothing) ; · · mûssèb- bibu-’l- essbÂb, The causer of all means, God. [ 400 T Jā c essbâk, a. a Former, last but one (in past time), orany former. 8 üsbü”, s. a. (pl. E-~~ âssâbi”), A week. [Spinach. · 07” · isspânak, s. t. : IsspÂnya, s. t. Spain. · Isspanyali, a. t. Spanish ; –, s. t. A Spaniard. [nationality). Jeş- isspir, s. t. A groom (of Roumelian · üsstâd, s. p. 3 üsstüz, s. a. A master in any profession or calling. * isstâdé, a p. (in composition), Standing. èsstâr, s. pl. a. (of sitr), Vails, curtains; –, Asstar, s. t. Lining ; coarse cloth fit only for linings or for clouts. [lobster. c· isstâkoss, s. t. (Greek), A e· âssitân, s. p. A threshold ; a royal court or hall; & âssitâné, 8. p. A threshold ; a royal court or hall; the capital, Constantinople. J: - Isstânböl, s. t. Constantinople; Stamboul. ( )*2) isstavross, s. t. (Greek), A Cross, crucifix ; sign of the cross. el isstibdâd, s. a. Absolute and independent power. J isstibdâl, s. a. A changing, giving One thing and receiving an- other; the regular discharge of soldiers who have served their time, and the enlistment of fresh recruits by ballot in the new system. Jā isstisskil, s. a. Adeeming any- oı one a bore, and showing it; –, –et, v.a. To show anyone that you deem him a bore. isstissnâ, s. a. An excepting; an exception; –, –et, v.a. To except. · üsstuj (ÜsstÜnj), Case of mathe- matical instruments (or surgical). · isstijlâb, s. a. An attracting, drawing to one; –, –et, v.a. To attract, draw to or upon one's self. e· isstihsân, s. a. An approving; approval, approbation; -, -et, v.a. To approve. Ja=i- isstihsâl, s. a. An acquiring, obtaining, gaining; acquisition; \-, –et, v.a. To acquire. isstihkâr, s. a. A treating with contempt; -, -et, v.a. To treat with contempt. [claim, merit. 4ğ Jlisi isstihkÂk, s. a. A right, just çKsi isstihkyâm, Strength, solidity; = < 1 isstihkyâmât, the science S. 0. 8. pl. a. Fortifications; of fortification; oy: 9 si. isstihkyâm-vèrmek, v.n. To fortify ; to make strong, give solidity. · isstikhāré, s. a. Alooking for some dream, sign, or portent, which may serve as a guide in some business on hand. isstikhbâr, s. a. A demanding or' a receiving intelligence; -, -et, v.a. To receive intelligence; to de- mand intelligence. el ki isstikhdâm, s. a An employ- ing in one's service; -, -et, v.a. To employ as a servant or in an office. zy isstikhrâj, s. a. An extracting; a deducing ; –, –et, v.a. To ex- tract; deduce. – isstikhfâf, s. a. A looking upon as of no account ; contempt, disdain; –, –et, To despise, make no account of. [being perpetual. * isstidâm6, s. a Perpetuity, a öl isstidâné, s. a. Aborrowing. zy· isstidrâj, s. a A gradual descent in wickedness, through a gradually increasing apparent success, but real temptation. Ve isstid”â, s. a. A demanding ; a demand; -, –et, v.a. To demand. Jl isstidlâl, s. a. A concluding or deducing by means of indications ; \–, –et, v.a. To deduce, to con- clude. ·- isstirâhat, s. a. Rest, repose. isstirâk, s. a. A stealing, thiev- ing ; -, -et, v.a. To steal, thieve. \-· isstijä, s, a. A begging, pray- ing, soliciting; -, -et, v.a. To ask for, solicit. ele isstirdâd, s. a. A demanding restitution; a making restitution, a giving back ; -, -et, v.a. To de- mand restitution ; to restore, give back. [oyster. & \! · isstridiya, s. t. (Greek), An 5:5 isstirkÂk, s. a. A reducing to slavery, an enslaving. 2 E [ 402 ] - 5- isstisskâ, s. a. The dropsy, 80l offering of prayers for rain in time of drought. 89 isstishâré, s. a. A consulting, or deliberating with ; -, -et, v.n. To consult, or deliberate with. * isstishmÂm, s. a. A perceiving by the Smell; a perceiving, compre- hending in a slight degree. ·s“ isstisshâb (ss-h), s. a. A taking with one ; an acquiring, ac- quisition; -, -et, v.a. To take with one; to acquire possession of. · isstisswÂb, s. a. An approv- ing, approval. *e isstitâ”a, s. a Power, ability. ey - isstitrâd, s. a. A digression. isstizhâr, s. a. A seeking for protection. *) * issti”âré, s. a. A borrowing, taking for temporary use ; a kind of metaphor. & sa. issti”âné, s. a. A demand for assistance; –, –et, v.n. To ask for assistance. • Jş° issti”jâl, s. a. A hasting, haste. el* issti”dâd, s. a A state of preparedness; an inclination, ten- dency, predisposition; natural dis- position, genius, ability, talent. Us issti”fâ, s. a. Arequest to be superseded in office, a resignation; \-, -et, v.n. To beg to be allowed to quit office. issti”lâm, s. a. An official de- mand for information from inferior functionaries, an official inquiry ; -, -et, v.n. To address an official de- mand for information; to seek for information in general. J* issti”mâl, s. a. making use of, employing (things); A using, -, -et, v.a. To use, make use of, employ. - isstighrâb, s. a. A being struck with surprise, surprise, wonder. isstighfâr, s. a. The addressing to God a prayer or ejaculation for pardon of sin by saying ayyā èsstàghfirU-'llāh, I ask pardon of God / isstighnâ, s. a The not being in want ; an accounting one's self free from want and therefore contemning things. áğ – isstif, s. t. (Italian), A packing or stowing; -, -et, v.a. To pack Or stow. - se isstifâdé, s. a. A reaping some advantage; a gain; a learning; a comprehending, gathering; –, –et, v.a. To derive benefit, reap an advan- tage ; to learn, to gather, compre- hend, understand. isstiftâ, s. a An application to a jurist (mufti) for a legal opinion OİT 8, CâS6. : isstifrâgh, s. a. A vomiting ; –, –et, v.n. To vomit. isstifsâr, s. a. An inquiring [ 403 ] after ; Ve · isstifsâri-khÂtir- -et, v.n. To ask after one's health. f'e isstifhâm, s. a. An effort or question made in order towards understanding anything; an inter- rogation. · isstikÂmet, s. a. Rectitude, uprightness, integrity, probity ; straightness; a straight direction. J isstikbâl, s. a. A going forth to meet one; a meeting face to face; future time; – –et, v.a. To go forth to meet; to meet face to face. isstikrâr, s. a. Permanency, a not being liable to change, firmness, fixedness. ·y isstikrÂz, s. a. A borrowing ; a loan (of money); -, -et, v.a. To borrow. Va: isstiksÂ, s. a Minute attention. J isstiklâl, s. a, Independency, absolute authority ; independent sove- Teignty. • ci isstek, s. t. Desire ; · isstekli, a. t. Desirous ; desirous to become purchaser. isstikbâr, s. a Pride. * isstikrâh, s. a. A loathing, looking upon as filthy. – \: . isstikshäf, s. a An efort or question made to elucidate amatter. J. K.- isstikmâl, s. a. A completing. * isstiknâh, s. a Minute attention in investigation. [-et, v.a. To hear. 8 isstimâ”, s. a. A hearing; -, · isstimdâd, s. a The demanding succour or help ; -, -et, v.n. To demand help. Jy* isstimrâr, s. a. Uninterrupted continuance in duration ; W- isstimrâran, Without ceasing. c· iss?tmak (aor. y - issidir), v.a. To warm, to heat, make Warm or hot. · isstémek (aor. isstEr), v.a. To wish, wish for, desire; to take, require; to demand, ask for; to ask a price. [mittent fever. · isstma, s. t. The ague, inter- J* isstimhâl, s. a. The asking for a delay, term, or Tespite. · isstinâd, s. a. Arelying on for support, taking as a basis of opera- tions. · isstinbÂt, s. a. A deducing, inferring; -, -et, v.a. To deduce, infer. z* isstintaj, s. a. The drawing a conclusion; -, -et, v.a. To draw (a conclusion). - ö- isstinsâkh, s. a. The taking a copy in Writing (of a book); –, –et, v.a. To copy. a isstintÂk, s. a. An interroga- ting; interrogatory ; -, -et, v.a. To interrogate. [rejecting, disdaining. –· isstinkyâf, s. a. A refusing, isstiwā, s. a. Equality, evenness; kas- khAtti-(üsstuwâ), The equi- noctial line, the equator. 2 E 2 ûsstuwâr, a. p. Firm, strong ; -55) üsstuwâri, s. p. Firmness, strength. : · üsstûpu, s. t. (Italian), Oakum. Ve isstihzâ, s. a. A ridiculing; de- rision ; –, –et, v.a. To ridicule, deride. 'ş isstijâr, s. a. A taking on hire ; \-, -et, v.a. To take on hire. · isstizân, s. a An asking for permission ; -, -et, v.n. To ask for permission. Deradicating. Ja: isstissil, s. a An extirpating, - * ) issti”Ab, s. a. A filling, covering, occupying; -, -et, v.a. To take up, occupy, fill, cover. V isstifâ, s. a A paying com- pletely (debts, or values); -, -et, v.a. To pay completely. isstilâ, s. a. An overrunning, conquering (countries); -, -et, v.a. * To overrun, conquer. · isstimân, s. a A demand by an alien for safe-conduct and immunity in a foreign or hostile country (espe- cially by non-Musslims in a Musslim country). e· âssitin, s. p. A sleeve. · essed, s. a. Alion. · essr, s. a The taking prisoner of war, making captive ; –, üssr, s. a. Captivity. y· üssérâ, s. pl. a. (of · èssir), Prisoners of war, captives ; –, issrâ, s, a. A sending; -, -et, v.a. To send. [ 404 ] e-yi- essrâr, s. pl, a. (of - sirr), Secrets; mysteries ; (Turk. singular) the narcotic preparation of hemp, &c., [diture. – issrâf, s. a. A wasteful expen- ·5 èssirghémek (aor. = essir- ghEr), v.a. To spare, to be chary of. known as bang. * èsséré, s. t. The vowel-point for the vowels i and i. & üsstuwâné, s. a. A column; a cylinder. ~ èss”âr, s. pl.a. (of *, not used), Prices of commodities shownin a mar- ket roll. - – iss”âf, s. a. A granting, conced- ing, complying with (a suit or request). – essef, s. a. Regret, sorrow. èssfâr, s. pl. a. (of sefer), Travels, voyages; campaigns; books. · èssfel, a. a. More, most, or very low; –, s. a. The lowest place ; the äIll1Se [lead, ceruse. z ·issfidâj (ûsstubech), s.p. White *) isskAra, s. t. Gridiron ; the bars of a grate; a grill, grilled or broiled food ; -, -et, v.a. To grill, broil. k\i. isskât, s. a. A causing to fall, or drop down, or off; -, -et, v.a. To cause to fall; · isskÂti- -jinin-et, v.n. To have a miscarriage. isskAndil, s. t. A sounding lead and line; –, –et, v.a. To sound the depth of anything; sound a person’s thoughts. :-yi-i Issköchia, s. t. Scotland ; · Issköchiali, a. t. Scotch; –, 8. t. A Scotchman. · ÜsskÜmru, s. t. (Greek), A * - ÜsskÜna, s. t. (Italian), A [mackerel. schooner. · isskyât, s. a. A causing to be silent, a silencing ; a convincing, a satisfying; –, –et, v.a. To silence ; to convince, satisfy. e· isskyân, s. a. A causing to in- habit; an inhabiting ; -, -et, v.a. To cause to inhabit ; –, v.n. To inhabit, dwell, live, settle. e :=- èsskitmek (aor. =- esskidir), v.a. (causal of · èsskimek), To wear out. | <. Usküdâr, s. t. Town of Scutari. a% isskelé, s. t. (Italian), A port, harbour; alanding-place, stairs, Wharf, a scaffold; a platform. [A stool. * K-1 isskèmlé, · isskiEmni, s. t. *ş isskinj6, s. t. The torture ; –, –et, v.a. To put to the torture, to torture. U)2y <- Isskënderün, s. t. Alexandretta in Syria (Scanderoon), ö:y <- Iss- kënderiyyé, s. t. Alexandria in Egypt. · èsski, a. t. Old (not new), ancient, oflong-standing; esskiler, s. pl. Oldclothes; oldmembers ofany Corps; ş4 esskiji, s. t. Dealerin old clothes ; a cobbler. · esskimek (aor. èsskir), v.n. To wear out; to become oldin service, to be of long standing. [ 405 ] “ – esslâf, s. pl, a. (of - selef), Predecessors. isslâm, s. a. The Muhammedan religion, Islamism ; the Muhammedan Church or community: ' 'Je ehli- -isslâm, a member of the Muham- medan Church, a Mussulman, a Mu- hammedan ; e : * shèykhU-'l- -isslâm (the Elder of the Muhammedan Church), the chief legist and jurist of the Turkish Empire ; isslâmi, a. a. Of, or pertaining to, the Mussul- man faith. · essliha, s. pi, a (of silah), Arms, weapons. [method, manner. · Üsslüb, s. a. Fashion, form ; ~ issm (issim), s. a. A name ; a noun, A noun substantive ; Le issmi- -khÂsss, A noun proper; f\e *- issmi- -"Amm, A noun common ; e- issmi-tAfdil, A noun or adjective of the superlative degree, being of the form J·l ef“âl; _rk ai ~ issmi-tAssghir, A diminutive, being of the form si fû”èyl; ci e- issmi-fâ”il, The active participle, nameof the actor; J * ~ issmi-mef“ül, The passive participle, name of the receiver of the action ; a) -bi-'ssmi 'llāh orbi-'ssmi 'llāhi, In the name of God ! (an ejaculation used whenever any work is about to be entered upon, and at the beginning of most books, as of every chapter of the Kur'ân. It is rendered more complete by adding the terms, · [ 406 ] · 6- , the compassionate, the very merciful, when it is pronounced, bi- -’ssmi-’llâhi-'r-Râhmâni-'r-Râhim ; and to thisis also sometimes appended r. l = } ,Jş-, vâ-la- -hâvla-ve-lâ-kûvvéta-illâ-bi-'llâhi-’l- -“âliyyi-’l-“Azim, and there is no power or strength but through God, most high, most great). “ essmâ, s. pl. a. (of e- issm), Names, attributes of God; –, èssmâ, a. a. fem. Very exalted (proper name). e· âssimân, s.p. The sky ; heaven ; a sphere; dö•- âssimâné, A cieling. — èssmèr, a. a. Dark of complexion, - [blow (the wind). < - essmek (aor. - èssEr), v.n. To · Essmir, s. t. Smyrna. tawny. · issnâd, s. a. A causing to lean or bear upon; an imputing, Casting upon; e \-, – et, v.a. To cause to lean, stand, or bear upon; to impute, to cast upon. e· essnémek (aor. èssnEr), v.n. To gape, yawn ; to give, be elastic. èsswÂk, s. pl. a. (of : *, not used), Streets ; streets of shops. · essved, a.g. Black. * âssüdé, a. p. Tranquil, undis- turbed, at rest ; =ey- âssüdéghi, 8. p. Tranquillity, quiet, rest, repose. el · issvidâd, s. a. Blackness. Je- isshâl, s. a. Diarrhoea, looseness ofbowels. f'e èsshâm, s. pl. a. (of fre- sèhim), Shares, portions; shares “- sèhm, or or assignments of stock, issued by the treasury at Constantinople, and bear- ing interest as a life annuity, but formerly transferable to any new life. Je- esshël, a, a, More, most, or very easy. āssyâ, s. p. A mill; –, s. t. Asia. · èssir (yèssir), s. a. A prisoner of war, a captive ; a galley-slave (for- merly); a slave while in the market for sale, or on the road to a market. U* Ash, s. t. (ola), Food; ş* Ashji, s. t. A cook; yU Ash-yirmek, v.n. To long for things to eat (a preg- nant woman): -, esh, s. t. A fellow, similar one, the second of a pair. ( :-2:):) ishâret, s. a. A sign; a signal; a mark; -, -et, v.n. To make a sign, sigmal, or mark; ·ş-, –chekmek, To hoist a signal. de ishâ”a, s. a. A divulging, promul- gating; -, -et, v.a. To divulge; to promulgate. · Ashâghi, s. t. The lower part or portion; -, a. t. Lower in position, orrank ; –, ad. t. Down lower; down. * ishbü, pron. dem. t. This. [fulness. *\ \ ishtibâh, s. a. Doubt ; doubt- el ishtidâd, s. a A becoming or being violent, vehement ; violence, - · üshtûr, s. p. A camel. [vehemency. l ishtirâ, s. a. A buying, purchasing; \–, –et, v.a. To buy, purchase. · ishtirâk, s. a. A possessing or acting in common. Jl & [ 407 ] · Jl ishti”âl, s. a. A breaking out shèrif), The noble ; nobles; the into flame, burning with flame; \-, -et, v.n. To break out in flames ; to catch fire ; to burn with flame. Jl ishtighâl, s. a. A being occu- pied; an occupying one's self; \-, -et, v.n. To be occupied; to occupy one's self. [derivation. ishtikÂk, s. a. Abeing derived, * ishtikyâ, s. a. A complaining; \-, -et, v.n. To complain, make complaint. [doubtful. · ishtikyâk, s. a. A being J* ishtimâl, s. a. A comprehending, holding, containing. [To hear. e : ishitmek (aor. y lishidir), v.a. 4 ishté, int. t. Here ! Lo! Behold. \ \ ishtihâ, s. a. An appetite ; the feeling an appetite or desire for. ishtihâr, s. a. A becoming known or famous ; celebrity, fame. * ishtiyÂk, s. a. Alonging for; a longing to see. [Trees. ş* èshjâr, s. pl. a. (of ş* shèjer), Je s* eshkhāss, s. pl, a. (of Las* shâkhss), Persons. y* eshirrâ s. pl, a. (of : * shèrir), The mischievous, malignant persons. · ishrâb, s. a. A giving informa- tion; -, -et, v.a. To communicate (information). eshrâr, s. pl, a. (of : ), Mis- chievous, malignant persons; (of shërr), Ills, evils – eshrâf, s. pl, a. (of – descendants of Muhammed; · – nAkibu-l-eshrâf, The chief of the n0öles, title of an officer of high Tank who is charged at Constantinople with a certain jurisdiction in matters relating to the pedigree and privileges of the descendants of Muhammed. – èshref, a. a. More, most, or very noble or sacred. esh"är, s. pi, a (of - shi"), Pieces of poetry; –, s. a, A notify- ing; -, -et, v.a. To notify, com- municate. J* ish”âl, s. a, A lighting, causing to flame ; -, -et, v.a. To light, to make blaze. Jk eshghâl, s. pl, a. (of Jk: shüghl), Occupations; –, ishghâl, 8. a. A giving occupation, occupying ; –, –et, v.a. To give occupation, to occupy. 4: , āshûfté, a. p. Bewildered, con- founded, astonished; beside one's self with love. c· Ashik, s. t. A knuckle-bone (which children play with). eshkiyâ, s. pl, a. (of i: shâkî), Ruffians, rascals ; rebels. · èshk, s. p. A tear ; –, eshek, 8. t. An ass, donkey; jackass; a fool, stupid fellow ; –, èshik, s. t. A threshold ; a lintel; · Alt- -eshighi, A threshold; üsst-èshighi, A lintel. K* [ 408 ] Jael K: âshikyâr, a. p. Manifest, evident, plain. [cult matter. JK ishkil, s. a. A dubious or diffi- e· eshkin, s. t. The amble; –, a. t. An amber, ambling ; c 4– –ghîtmek, v.n. To amble, to go the amble. [v.a. To graft, engraft, bud. c Ashlamak (aor. : Ashlar), c* Ashmak (aor. : Ashar), v.a. To go beyond, to pass over or beyond; –, v.n. To cover (astallion, a mare, &c.) e : ëshmek (aor. èshEr), v.n. To go to the wars on horseback; to amble, go the amble ; –, v.a. To scratch or dig holes in the earth. : āshinā, a. p. Knowing, acquainted with, accustomed to ; c âshinālik (Ashnalik), s. t. A bow, salutation, sign of friendly recognition, acquaint- ance, knowledge (of a person); \–, -et, v.n. Tobow, to make any sign offriendly recognition. · Ashinmak (aor. Ashinir), v.n. To wear away, be worn by friction. · Ashüb, s. p. Confusion, tumult. C:· Ashirmak (aor. yy Ashirir), v.a. (causal of • ), To carry, or cast over or beyond, to send, project, [bounds. -5); * Ashiri, a, and ad. t. Beyond · eshhâd, s. pl, a. (of a : shāhid), Witnesses; –, ishhâd, s. a. To cite to pass. or bring forward as a witness. eshyā, s. pl, a. (of L: shey), Things ; goods, chattles; merchandize. e· āshyān, & āshyāné, S. 40. A nest. ·e issâbet, s. a. A hitting the mark, attaining the object ; astriking, hitting, or falling upon; –, int. t. I am glad of it, that is as it should be ; –, –et, v.n. To hit, strike, attain, fall upon; to do what should be ; yl-, –öl, v.n. To be as it should be. e-Jel Assâlet, s. a. Nobility of ex- traction; the quality of being the real officer, and not the temporary substitute ; e Assâlètlü, a. t. Noble; Ve Assâléten, ad. a. As the real and permanent officer, not as a substitute. [An inch, s— Üssbü”, or * Üssbü”, s. a. -s° Asshâb, s. pl, a. (of --e sâhib), Possessors; companions; the companions of Muhammed in his life- time. el issdâr, s. a. A causing to go forth or emanate, an issuing, giving out (orders, &c.); \-, –et, v.a. To issue, give forth, cause to emanate. re issrâr, s. a. A being pertinacious, a persisting; -, -et, v.n. To persist. ·: • 2ssirghAn, or re 2ssir- ghAn-ötU, s. t. A stinging nettle, a nettle. [v.a. Tobite. · ?ssirmak (aor. )ye 2ssirir), Jae isstAbl, s. a. A stable, mews; z- sel *, 'e e isstAbli-”âmiré, the royal m6WS. z = isstilâh, s. a. A technical mode of term; a technical expression. Ukel issghâ, s. a. A listening to ; a consenting to ; –, –et, v.a. To accede to. - e Assef, s. a. Asaph (reputed in the East to have been Solomon's vizier); the Grand Vizier; a pasha having the rank of Grand Vizier ; & el âséfâné, a. p. and · âséfi, a. a. [white-faced. e Assfer, a. a. Yellow ; pale-faced, Vizirial. y* issfirâr, s. a. Yellowness. e· Issfâhân, s. t. The town of • Ispahan, in Persia. • Assfiyâ, s. pl, a. (of e sAfi), The pure, the virtuous. · Asski, s. t. Anything suspended to or over another thing as an orna- ment; a string, cord, or strap, by which braces, anything is suspended, as sword-belt, &c. ; a state of suspension ; a state of Suspense, of uncertainty. · Assl, s. a. A root ; an origin ; foun- dation ; –, s. t. Real, true; original; · : fi-'l-Assl, ad. a. Originally, at the commencement, at first; * el Assl-zâdé, s. p. A person of good or noble family ; : * · Assli- -fAssli-yök, There is no truth in it, it is altogether unfounded. - Ye Asslâ, ad. a. Never, not at all. [ 409 ] Jşe c ile isslAtmak (aor. y· ?sslÂdir), v.a. To wet. zel isslâh, s. a. A correcting, improv- ing ; -, -et, v.a. To improve, ameliorate, set right, correct; Wel e· isslâhi-zâté-’l-beyn, An adjusting differences, removing causes of quarrel. el sslAk, a. t. Wet, wetted. el isslAnmak (aor. )· 2sslAnir), v.n. Toget wet, to be wetted. · Assli, a. a. Original, primitive, fundamental. c· “e issmârlamak (aor. el 2ssmârlar), To order or request that a thing may be made or done. c· Assmak (aor. y'e Assar), To hang, hang up, suspend. *el Assma, s. t. A vine, grape-vine ; 5 * Assma-kAbAghi, A kind of pumpkin or vegetable-marrow, the plant of which is usually trained as a vine, and which grows itself to the length of three feet and more. – el essnâf, s. pl, a. (of – • sinf), Classes; sorts, kinds; trades, corpo- rations; (as a Turkish singular), a tradesman, artisan, shopkeeper; an artificer in the army or navy. J· üssül, s. pl, a. (of Jel Assl), Roots; origins ; principles ; (a8 a Turkish manner, Custom ; · Üssülla, ad. t. Gently; Jşey: bir-Üssül-ila, ad. t. singular) a method, way, Somehow or other. 45l: t4ıo ı · 453 izâ'é, s. a The throwing light upon ; elucidation : -, -et, v.a. To elucidate. *el izâ”a, s. a. A wasting ; –, –et, v.a. To waste. e-i izâfet, s. a. Construction of noun with noun; an incidental quality. Us° (for s*) Adhâ, s. pl, a. (of 3\s°, not in use), Sacrifices; \rc Us* “idi-Adhā, The feast of sacri- fices, called usually · kür- bÂn-bâyrâmi. - iztirÂb, s. a. Agitation; pain; tribulation, grief, anxiety; ·Kş-, –chèkmek, vn. To be in pain ; to be under anxiety ; y: -, –vèr- mek, v.n. To give pain ; to cause anxiety. - iztirâr, s. a. Necessity. –is ez”âf, s. pl, a. (of –ás z”f), Twice or more quantities; –, iz”âf, s. a. An enfeebling, weakening. ş Adlâ”, s. pl, a. (of : dil”), , Sides of a figure ; 8 - mütéssâvîyyu-’l-Adlâ”, Equilateral. J idlâl, s. a. Aleading astray, a causing to go astray, a perverting; -, -et, va. To lead astray, cause to wander from the right path ; to pervert. * izmâr, s. a. Concealing in one's mind or heart; -, -et, v.a. To con- ceal in one's mind or heart. J· izmihlâl, s. a. A total dis- - appearing, dispersing. ·ee itâ”at, s. a. An obeying ; obedience, submission; –, –et, v.n. To obey ; to submit. de itâlé, s. a. A stretching forth ; 'alel îtâlé'i-yed-et, To stretch forth the hand; ) 'a itâlé'i- -lissÂn-et (lit. To stretch forth the tongue) to speak ill of. âtibbâ, s. pl, a. (of - tâbib), Physicians, doctors of medicine; - sèri-âtâbbâ, The chief of the physicians. 9 e el ittirâd, s. a. Regularity, subjection to rule, – etrâf, s. pl, a. (of – taraf), Sides, parts ; districts ; every side, all sides ; a etrâfila, ad. t. In a properly detailed manner, with all its circumstances. Ule itfâ, s. a. An extinguishing: -, –et, v.a. To put out, extinguish. We ittilâ”, va. A becoming aware, informed; --4-, –kèssb-et, v.n. To become aware, acquire a knowledge or information. - Je itlÂk, v.a. A setting free ; a divorcing; the applying (a name or term) ; -, -et, v.a. To set free, to set at liberty ; to divorce ; to apply (a term) ; \e e el itlÂki-”?nân-et, vn. To let go the reins, give a horse his head ; to set out on a journey ; Je)' e “alé-l-itlák, ad. a. Gene- rally, in a general manner or sense. · AtlAss, a. a. Plain, unornamented ; L ele feléki-Atlass, The empy- 8 - [ 411 ] rean or primum-mobile, the sphere beyond that of the fixed stars, being Without the ornament of stars; called also le feléku-'l-eflâk, the 8phere of Spheres –, s. a. Satin ; an atlas of geography. 8 itmâ”, s.a. An exciting to cupidity, a causing to long for possession : -, -et, v.a. To cause one to be desirous of possessing or acquiring, to tempt, to raise expectations. - e· itminân, s. a. A sense of [bombast. · itnâb, s. a. Sublimity of style ; Atwâr, s. pl. a. (of k tâvr), Manners, the outwardindicative active safety and security. signs ofinward feelings towards other people. a Ada, s. t. An island, isle, islet. izhâr, s. a. A showing, manifesting, making visible, causing to be seen ; \-, -et, v.a. To manifest, show. sele i”âdé, s. a. A causing to return; \-, -et, v.a. To cause to return, to send back, drive back, bring back ; to return, restore, give back. [Enemies. ·e â”âdi, s. pl, a. (of Ac “âdûvv), & el i”ân6, s. a. An assisting, helping; help, assistance ; -, -et, v.n. To help, assist. e i”tibâr, s. a. Esteem, considera- tion; mercantile credit; \-, –et, v.n. To hold in esteem. Jl el i”tidâl, s. a The being of a mean, average, or moderate degree. y' e i”tizâr, s. a The begging to be excused, the offering an excuse ; -, –et, v.n. To offer an excuse or apology ; to beg to be excused. ·e i”tirÂz, s. a. The offering an objection; finding fault : -, -et, v.n. To offer objections; to find fault; -, va. To allege (an objection). – el i”tirÂf, s. a. An admission, an avowal; –, –et, v.a. To admit, aVOW. – e i”tissÂf, s. a. tyranny. e:e i”tikÂd, s. a. A believing in, Oppression, holding to be true ; belief; religious belief; –, –et, v.n. To believe in, to hold to be true, el el i”timÂd, s. a. A placing trust or confidence in ; trust, confidence; \-, –et, v.n. Toplace trust, to put con- fidence, to put faith. :e i”tinâ, s. a. A taking pains, a paying great attention; -, -et, v.n. To take great pains, pay great atten- tion. e:e i”tiyâd, s. a The contracting a habit; -, -et, v.a. To adopt as a habit. el â”dâ, s. pl.a. (of ·e “aduvv), ele el â”dâd, s. pl, a. (of = “âded), 6 & Numbers; –, i [Enemies. dâd, s. a. A pre- paring, making ready ; -, -et, v.a. To make ready, prepare. fae i”dâm, s. a. An annihilating; a killing, putting to death ; -, -et, \:e t4ızı El v.a. To annihilate; to kill, put to death. Ve â“izzâ, and *je â”izz6, s. pl, a. (of }}e “Aziz), The dearest, most honoured. je i”zâz, s. a. Araising to dignity and glory; –, –et, v.a. To dignify, glorify. - [Tithes. *-e à"shär, s. pl, a. (of *-e “üshr), de â”zâ, s. pl. a. (of 5 de, not used), Members (of the body, or of a council or assembly); (as a Turkish singular) a member ; · â”zâlik, s. t. Membership. [v.a. To give. ael i”tâ, s. a. A giving; -, -et, *e â”zâm, a. a. Greater, greatest, or very great ; *ey* sAdri-â”zâm (sâdrâzâm), The Grand Vizier. Yel (for e) â”lâ, a.a. Higher, highest, most or very high; the best; good, excellent, admirable ; –, ad. t. Well; –, i”lâ, s. a. A raising up, elevating; -, -et, v.a. To raise, raise up, set up, to elevate. f\e â”lâm, s. pl, a. (of e “âlem), Signs, sigmals; flags, standards ; –, i”lâm, s. a. A declaring, making known ; a declaration; an official re- port given in answer to an official in- quiry ; a judicial sentence in writing; İ-, -et, v.a. To report officially in answer to an official inquiry. e = i”lân, s. a. A publishing, making publicly known; an advertisement; \-, -et, v.a. To publish, to make publiclyknown; to advertise; 4. el i”lân-nâmé, A manifesto; an adver- tisement. e â”lèm, a. a More, most, or very e Allâhu-â”lem (Allâ'lEm) (God is He who knows best) int. a. I am not sure, but Ithink knowing ; so; I am very much inclined to be- lieve so, &c. [-, 8. a. Ablind man. U•e (for ·) â”mâ, a.a. Blind ; “e à''mâr, s. pl, a. (of e “ümr), Lives ; life-times; –, i”mâr, s. a. A rendering cultivated, populous, full of life ; –, –et, v.a. To reclaim (waste lands); to people, populate. J•e à"mâl, s. pl.a. (of J“e “Amel), Acts, actions; –, i”mâl, s. a. A making, manufacturing; -, -et, v.a. To make, prepare, manufacture. flye â”wâm, s. pl.a. (of fe “Âm), Years. e· â”yân, s. pl.a. (of Jr° “âyn), (as a Turkish an alderman ; Persons of note ; singular) a mayor ; * · â”yÂn-bAshi, the mayor. ğ. Agh, s. t. A net; · · îrumjëk-Aghi, A spider's web, a cobweb. U: AghA, s. t. A country gentleman ; a master (of servants); the eldest bro- ther ; a superior servant, officer of a household; the title of military or naval officers from the bing-bAshi (mayor or chef-de-bataillon) down- wards ; the title of various chief offi- z = cersin the civil service; -65): yëngichéri-AghAssi, The Aga or chief of the janissaries; : Vé Agha- kApissi, The office and officialresidence (formerly) of the Aga of the janissa- ries, now changed into that of the Shèykhu-’l-isslâm; · 3: kızlar- -AghAssi, The chief eunuch of the im- perial household ; , \: f - hârem- AghAssi, A eunuch in a private family. z : AghAj, s. t. A tree ; a shrub ; a bush ; wood ; – 8): kAra –, An elm-tree ; elm-wood ; · –, - kâwUnU, A citron ; · -, - kAkAn, A woodpecker. c :ya Agharmak (aor. )ye Agharir), vn. To become white or grey (the hair, beard; or the morning). je ÂghÂz, s. p. A beginning, com- mencing ; -, -et, v.n. To begin, set about, commence. ighbirâr, s. a. A becoming dusty; –, ighbirâri-khātir, A taking offence, a being offended. f ightinâm, s. a. A seizing prey, making booty ; -, -et, v.a. To seize as booty. Aghir, a. t. Heavy; slow in motion; hard to digest, indigestible; ill- savoured, bad-Smelling, fetid; hard high (price); –, s. t. Serious, or stately to be borne, insupportable ; demeanour ; c·yê Âghirini- -tâkinmak, v.n. To put on a serious countenance, assume a formal manner. [ 413 ] · ye ighrâ, s. a. An exciting, inciting ; \-, --et, v.a. To excite, incite. · Aghritmak (aor. y· Aghridir), v.a. (causal of •: ), To cause to ache; – _\: bāsh –, v.n. To cause one's head to ache, give the headache; to importune, teaze. · Aghirlik, s. a. Weight, heaviness ; - luggage, baggage, impedimenta ; a girl's bridal dower or trousseau; the nightmare; a burden (on one's purse). -55 Aghri, s. t. A pain, ache ; c· u 5-:Jé bAsh-Aghrissi, The headache ; an importunate, tiresome bore; ;yü 5“:y* kârn-Aghrissi, The belly-ache, · Aghri-dAghi, Mount Ararat on the con- gripes ; a peevish child ; fines of Georgia and Armenia. C*: Aghrimak (aor. )Jé Aghrir), v.n. To ache, to be painful. Aghz, s. t. The mouth ; the mouth or opening into anything; the special place at a stairs where passengers get into boats, or out of them ; -jé ré nèhr-Aghzi, The mouth of a river ; - · 2: : küyU-Aghzi, The mouth of a well; *'y- jé Aghz-jëwÂbi, A verbal anSWer; Aghz-ötU,The priming of a gun ; ·J:-22ye dîrt-yöl- -Aghzi, The place where four roads meet ; · Aghzlik, A mouthpiece (of a pipe, or of a musical instru- ment). c; Aghsamak (aor. - Aghsar), v.n. To limp in walking. - I414ı Le=ül c· àghosstoss, s. t. The month of August. · ighzâb, s.a. A moving to anger, an angering; -, -et, v.a. To anger. Jās ighfâl, s. a. A putting off one's guard; \–, –et, v.a. To put off one's guard, to lull into security, to deceive. Je Aghl, s. t. Afold, or pound for sheep. c· Aghlamak (aor. ye Aghlar), v.n. To weep, cry, shed tears; -, v.a. To weep for, mourn over, deplore the loss of. • “é ighmâz, s. a. A speaking ill of ; tale-bearing. - · ighmâz, s. a. A shutting the eyes ; 'e e- * ighmâzi-”âyn-et, vn. To shut the eyes (to faults or improper conduct). cş• Aghmak (aor. _s Aghar), v.n. To rise in the air (dust, &c.); to be pre- ponderant and sink (one side of a balance). âghnâm, s. pl.a. (of *, seldom used), Sheep. [The rich. àghniyâ, s. pl, a. (of ghânî), Vé ighwâ, s. a. A seducing, a turning from rectitude ; -, -et, v.a. To seduce, pervert, lead: from rectitude, cause to do wrong. [brace. c· āghüsh, s. p. Lap, bosom, em- àghyâr, s. pl, a. (of ré ghâyr), Others, strangers, rivals. 45ü ifâté, s. a. An allowing to escape out of ome's power or possession, a losing; –, –et, v.a. To lose; allow to escape. 8 il ifâdé, s. a. An explaining, repre- sentation, relation; -, -et, v.a. To explain, represent, relate. * \il ifâz6, s. a. A pouring out abun- dantly. il âfâk, s. pl, a. (of : Üfuk), Hori- zons; districts (as being bounded by their horizons); i: âfâki, a. a. Common to the whole world, public, spread through all lands; wandering, vagabond. ·il ifâkAt, s. a. Convalescence ; : -, - bülmak, Toget well, be relieved from sickness. ·l âfet, s. a. A calamity ; -, ift, A prodigy ; a fruitful she-camel; a por- tent; extraordinary calamity ; a lie. ail iftâ, s. a. The giving a positive legal opinion (on a supposed case), well known by the name fetu’a. · âfitâb, s. p. The sun. 8e :\ üftâdé, a. p. Fallen; fallen into ; fallen into the power of; a prisoner to the beauty, wiles, or charms of; which has happened, taken place. e : iftân, s. a. Aleading into some improper practices, a perverting; –, üftân, ad. or a. p. Falling, falling down ; ej- : –, –u -khizân, Falling and rising (as a drunken or wounded person). Je sü iftihâss, s. a. Diligence in in- quiry, in searching into. kül [ 415 ] · _sü iftikhâr, s.a. Well-founded pride; -, -et, v.n. To pride one's self; 6 = } · nishÂni –, or -, -nishÂni, The former decoration of the order of merit, founded by Mah- mud the Second. - y: iftirâ, s. a. A calumniating ; a calumny ; -, -et, v.n. To calum- [(from friends.) iftirÂk, s. a. A being separated niate. _\: iftikâr, s. a. Poverty, the being poor. ey efrâd, s. pl.a. (of fErd), In- èfrâz, a. p. (in composition), Which raises, lifts up ; –, ifrâz, s. a. A separating, dividing ; -, -et, v.a. | To separate, divide. ey: ifrAt, s. a. Excess; -, -et, v.n. To exceed due bounds. # ifrâgh, s. a. A casting in a mould; a putting into order, shape, or form ; \–, –et, v.a. To pour into a mould ; to reduce to order, shape, or form. * efrükhté, a. p. Lighted, on fire, burning. [fire, or illuminates. L:yi èfrüz, a. p. Which lights, sets on S* âféridéghyâr, s. p. The Creator. 8 il âféridé, a, p. Created ; –, s. p. A creature. ey âférin, a. p. (in composition), Who creates; –, int.p.(âfèrim),Well done! \: ; Afrika, s. t. Africa. U: âférinish, s. p. A creating, crea- [tion. yi èfzâ, a. p. (in composition), Which augments. [dividuals. (:):ji èfzün, a. p. More in number or quantity ; (in composition), Aug- mented ; much, many; · èfzüni, 8. p. The being augmented; the being much or many, abundance. · ifsâd, s. a. A corrupting ; a throwing into disorder ; a leading into bad practices ; \–, –et, v.a. To corrupt; to throw into disorder; to introduce abuses into ; to lead into bad practices. [mance. dö-i efsân6, s. p. A tale, fiction, ro- èfsEr, s. p. A crown, diadem. · èfsün, s. p. A spell, incantation. *-i ifshâ, s. a. A divulging, revealing; \–, –et, v.a. To divulge, reveal. · èfshân, a. p. (in composition), Who sheds or spreads abroad. J efdal, s. pl, a, (of fazl), Favours, graces. Jail efdAl, a, a. More, most, or very worthy (person), or advantageous (thing). ail iftâr, s. a. The breaking of the fast in times of abstinence ; the food with which the fast is broken ; -, –et, v.n. To partake of meat and drink after a religious fast. * ef”â, s. a. A viper. · Üfuk, s. a. The horizon ; · Üfuki, a. a. Horizontal. · ifk, s. a. Alie, a falsehood. Ki efkyâr, s. pl.a. (ofX: fikr), Ideas, thoughts. ·l èfken, a. p. (in composition), c-i D 416 ] Jil Which throws, throws down, throws out. c-Wil iflâss, s. a The becoming poor and bankrupt; bankruptey; poverty. il Iflak, s. t. Wallachia. e: )\i eflâk, s. pl, a. (of felek), Skies, heavens, spheres. U.3\ ifnâ, s. a. An annihilating, destroy- ing; \–, –et, v.a. To annihilate, destroy. -6 x 3) efendi, s. t. (Greek), A gentle- man of education; aman of polished manners ; a master (of servants); a patron, protector, benefactor; a prince of the blood; efendim ! (my master) Sir! j** èfendimiz (our master), Our sovereign, the Sultan ; our lord, his excellency, his worship, his grace, &c. &c.; ** = shèvkètli - efendimiz, Our master (the Sultan). imperial *'yi èfwâh, s. pl.a. (of * fèm), Mouths. Jşi Üfül, s. a. A setting or decreasing in altitude ; –, –et, v.n. To descend in altitude towards the horizon; to set, go down. · Afyön, s. t. Opium. Ak, a. t. White ; –, s. t. The white part of certain things ; ·* ghyîzung-Aki, The white of the eye ; · y?mUrtaning-Aki ; =-Ak-jigher, The lungs, the lights; e 5 Ak-sâkalli, One with a white beard, an old man; an elder; the chief man or petty magistrate of a village; : * 5 Ak-bAba, A kind or vulture ; 5° Ak-dèngiz, The Medi- terranean ; -%98 yûzu-Ak, (whose face is white) metaphor meaning one who has performed his duty well and honourably, who has cause to feela just pride ; c 5 Aklik, s. t. Whiteness ; yûz-Aklighi, (whiteness of face) metaphor meaning the having no cause to feel ashamed, but every cause to feel proud of one's self. ç âkÂlim, s. pl. a. (of iklim), Climes (in geography, the world being supposed to be divided into seven such sections, whence &* âkÂlimi-seb”â, the seven climes, means the whole world). · ikâmet, s. a. A staying in a place, stay, residence; -, -et, v.n. To stay (in a place), to live, dwell, reside. - · ikâmé, s. a (identic originally with the preceding toord), A setting a thing up, establishing it, fixing it upright; a producing (proofs or indi- cations) ; a performing (prayers); –, -et, v.a. To set (a thing) in its place; to set up; to produce, adduce, bring forward; to perform (prayers). * ökânim, s. pl, a. (of : üknüm), The persons of the Trinity ; · Ül âkÂnimi-selâssé, The three Persons of the Trinity. J5 ikbÂl, s. a. Good luck ; a turning the face or the mind towards any :) [ 417 ] -: object; a desiring; a slave-girl taken into the imperial favour, but not yet advanced as one of the Sultan's seven acknowledged state concubines. 5 Aktâr, s. pl. a. (of ·, not used), Districts, regions; –, s. t. (for ae “âttâr, s. a. A seller of perfumes), akind of druggist, grocer, perfumer, and toyman, in one, and in a Small way. c*·) Aktarmak (aor. )y: Âktarir), To shift (things) from one vessel to another; to turn over. c· iktibÂss, s. a. A borrowing (phrases or arguments from the works of another author), a citing (the words of another); -, –et, v.a. To borrow, to cite, to use (words or arguments). sü iktihâm, s. a. An attacking courageously ; an embarking heart and soul in any affair; –, –et, vn. To attack; to embark in heart and soul. iktidâ, s. a. A taking as one's ensamplar, following the teaching, and imitating the actions of; –, -et, v.n. To follow as a guide and example. [puissance, Capacity. iktidâr, s. a. Power, might, e iktirân, s. a. Conjunction (of the heavenly bodies). iktizâ, s. a. A being needful, requisite, or necessary ; -, –et, and iktizâssi-öl, v.n. Tobe needful, requisite, or mecessary. U:l iktifâ, s. a. A following after, (physically or morally); –, –et, To follow after. *ş Akcha, a. t. Rather white, whitish; -, 8. t. Money in general, coin, cash; a Small monetary value (formerly a coin), one-third of a pâra, and con- Sequently the fiğ ö of a piastre, or the #5 of a penny; it is frequently men- tioned under the name of asper, a corruption of the Greek equivalent for the proper Turkish word. Akdâm, s. pl. a. (of * kAdEm), Feet ; –, ikdâm, s. a. Perseverance ; \-, -et, v.n. To persevere. • AkdEm, a. a. Prior, anterior ; –, ad. t. Before, • · bûndan-Akdem, Some anterior, prior ; time ago ; &ş***) : bûndan- -AkdEmja, Some little time ago, a few days since. ikrâr, s. a. A confessing, avowing, admitting; -, -et, v.a. To confess, avow, admit. · Akrân, s. pl. a. (of e· kârn, not in use), Equals (in rank orage); (as a Turkish singular) an equal (in rank or age). [Near relatives. :yi Akrabâ, s. pl.a. (of -8 ° kArib), c· 0)” c· Aksamak (aor. ya:), v.n. To lean over to one side in Walking, from one leg being longer than the other, the person having this infirmity being called 07° · Aksâk. 2 F c· [ 418 ] c· c· 07° c· Aksirmak (aor. -)· Aksirir), v.n. To sneeze. Vail or Aksâ, a. a. More ormost remote, ultimate ; –, s. a The ulti- mate point or degree. ail Aktâr, s. pl.a. (of · kütr), Countries, districts; (of 5 ai kAtra), Drops. esi ik”âd, s. a. A causing to sit, placing on a seat ; -, -et, v.a. To place on a seat. J5 âkâll, a. a. The least in number or quantity ; âkâlli, ad. t. At least, at the very least. Aklâm, s. pl. a. (of kâlem), Pens ; offices, rooms of clerks under government. 5 iklim, s. a. A clime. · Akmishé, s. pl, a. (of c kûmÂsh), Stuffs, cloths. c* Akmak (aor. 5 Akar), v.n. To [run, flow. 8 iknâ”, s. a. A contenting, satisfy- ing; –, –et, v.n. To content, satisfy. -5. Akindi, s. t. A current, flow of [water, stream, rapid. f: üknüm, s. a. A Person of the Trinity. e· Akin, s. t. Predatory incursion in · ek, s. t. A joint, joining of two parts or pieces ; -: -, -yèri, A [an enemy's country. joint of the members ; –, eng, ad. t. The most. The greatest persons. :S ekyâbir, s. pl, a. (of · ekbèr), fvS ekyârim, s. pl, a. (of f ekrem), The most noble or generous persons. * āghyāh, a. p Aware, on one's guard; informed. ekbèr, a. a. More, most, or very great; greater; the greatest. iktirä, s. a A taking on hire ; -, -et, v.a. To take to one's self on hire. ·l iktissâb, s. a. An acquiring to one's self; –, –et, To acquire. U.S iktifâ, s. a. A being sufficient ; -, –et, v,n. To suffice, to be sufficient. ~$ iktinâ, s. a. A being surnamed. * $ iktinâh, s. a The striving to un- derstand a thing thoroughly. * èksèr, a. a. More ormost in number -5 = ekseri, ad. t. and :AS) eksèriyyâ, ad. a. For the most part, most generally. egher, c. p. If. egher, c. p f\ \ ikrâm, s. a. Deference, respect, a or quantity ; receiving well; a present; –, –et, vn. To receive well, treat with respect ; –, v.a. To give as a present. * ikrâh, s. a. The feeling an utter aversion and disgust. *ş èghirché or èghèrchi, c. p. If; although ; true it is that. ·= eghrilmek (aor. - = èghrilir), v.n. To bend, to become bent ; to become leaning, out of the perpendicular. - • èkrèm, a. a. More, most, or very noble or generous. c· Angirmak (aor. )· Angirir), v.n. Tobray (an ass). - < \ D 419 T J · èghirmek (aor. ) 5 èghirir), v.a. To spin (thread). -55 èghri, a. t. Bent, crooked; slanting, out of the perpendicular; -65,523-:5,= èghri-büghri, Very crooked, devious, tortuous. c Sl eksik, a. t. Incomplete, wanting in number, quantity, or part ; -, 8. t. A defect; a number, quantity, or part which is wanting. c eksilmek (aor. -3 eksilir), v.n. To become less in number or quantity, to diminish, decrease. 4-5 èngs6, s. t. The back of the head or upper part of the neck; the back or hind part of an object. · iksir, s. a. An elixir, liqueur ; the philosopher's stone or philtre. ekshi, a. t. Sour, acid, tart; unfavourable, unpromising, menacing (countemance). c- * 5' ekshimek (aor. ekshir), v.n. To become sour; to put on an | unfavourable or menacing aspect (a countenance). J5 ekl, s. a An eating; -°, - -u-shürb, Eating and drinking ; –, –et, v.a. To eat. ci $ ânglamak (aor. S\ ânglar) (ânnamak, aor. ânnar), v.a. To under- stand, comprehend ; Süş- sîız- Annar (understanding fully what is said to him), intelligent ; tractable ; reasonable (person). · eklémek (aor. S) ekler), v.a. To join (two pieces together, or one to another) ; to add; –, inglémek, v.n. To groan, to moan. J. iklil, s. a A diadem. J•= ikmâl, s. a. A completing, finishing, perfecting; -, -et, v.a. To complete, finish, perfect, fillup. c*S Angmak (aor. 6 Angar), va. To think of, call to mind, or pronounce the name of. - · ekmek (aor. èkEr), v.a. To sow (seed); to sprinkle (salt, &c.); – (for 5'), s. t. Bread ; –, èghmek, v.a. To bend, · or * èghenti, s. t. Filings. * eghé, s. t. Afile (steel instrument for [v.a. Tofile with afile. c- * eghélémek (aor. 43 eghéler), eghi, or * éghi-kemighi, 8. t. A rib, rib-bone. · ekid, a. a Very strong. · ekin, s. t. Seed-sowing; sown seed; cereal crops ; :-, –wAkti, seed-time; =– –ekmek, To sow corn ; ·ş-, –bichmek, To cut down the corn. J el, art. a.The Arabic definite article, placed equally before mouns and adjec- filing metals). tives: it is found in many Turkish adverbial and qualifying expressions. When preceded by the Arabic prepo- sition J (li, for, &c.), the is sup- pressed, and the two letters J are joined, as, -e li-’t-te'dib, for punishment; and the word all Allâh, 2 F 2 y' [ 420 ] *= a - God, in that case becomes & li-'llAh, for God, for God’s sake. The case of suppressing the sound of the J of this article is explained in our prefa- tory remarks; –, El, s. t. The hand, a hand; a stranger in blood; another person ; · Jl El-ishi, Work of hand; -j c) El-yâzissi, Writing, manuscript ; * J El-Altinda, Underhand, in secret; ye 8 Elda- -dir, It is in hand, in course of pre- paration; it is not beyond control, it is in man’s power; y° **) Elimda- -dir, It is in my power, it is at my option : < y & Ela-virmek, To betray ; to give up to the authorities ; · Ela-ghetirmek, To acquire possession of; to catch, take, make prisoner ; ·=ş- J iEl-chèkmek, To withdraw one's assistance or co- operation; to have nothing more to do with a thing: - 5 · Eldan- -ghèlmek, To be in (one's) power (to do), as, 5 * Elimdan-ghèlmaz, It is not in my power, I am not able (to do it) ; –, Al, a. t. Scarlet; red, rosy; –, imper. of • Almak, Take, take thou ; as, *J Al-sèn-a! There, take that! there's for you ! –, âl, s. a. A family, race, dynasty, as, · J âli-”össmÂn, The Ottoman dynasty; -, 8. p. Fraud, deceit, stratagem. Y\ âlâ, s. pl, a. (of \ elâ, not used), Graces, favours; -, a. p. (in comp0- sition), Which defiles, pollutes ; –, * èlâ, int. a. Ho! –, Ala, a. t. Spotted, diversified with İarge bright or white spots on a dark ground ; c :)) Ala- -bÂlik, A trout; &: \: ) Ala-kârgha, Ajack-daw ; Y Ala-tEnli, A leper, leprous; &=}\ Alaja, Somewhat diver- sified by spots; da- -, -bülaja, Very grossly diversified with colours ; –illâ, c. a. Unless, but, except ; or otherwise; only that, saving that. &::))) âlârgha, s. t. (Italian), A certain distance from shore, or from any object; –, a. and ad. t. At a distance from shore, or from any object; –, int. t. Be off! keep away ! keep your dis- tance ! [actually, presently. J èl-ân, ad. a. Now, at this moment, 8) or silah, A god ; God; oy or ilâhi, a. a. Divine, godly ; –, s. t. An anthem or carol ; *) or · ilâhiyyet, s. a. Divineness, divinity, Godhead. -s}\ Alay, s. t. A procession ; a regi- ment; a line deployed; a set, lot, parcel ; -s} : -s}\ Alay-mAlay, ad. t. One over the other, all together as when a crowd rushes ; -°y • miri- -Alây (mirAlây), A colonel, comman- dant of a regiment; –, âlây, a. p. (in composition), Which defiles, pollutes. U: Y\ âlâyish, s.p.Defilement, pollution, filthiness; –, 8. t. Pomp, parade. a: Elbetté, ad. a. Assuredly, certainly ; without fail. - · D 421 ] c ile · elbissé, s. pl.a. (of - libāss), Clothes, garments, raiment. · Alt, s. t. The under part or side ; the space underneath ; -- -, –üsst, Upside down, topsy-turvy ; -, -yâni, :: -, –târafi, The next place lower down ; the re- mainder, the sequel ; -, –et, v.a. To vanquish, overcome; "-, –öl, v.n. Tobevanquished, conquered, overcome; –, âlet, s. a. An instrument, tool, implement; an organ ; - 5 - ) âléti-tènâssul,The organ of generation. c· iltibâss, s. a The wearing an appearance calculated to create doubt. şü iltijâ, s. a. A taking refuge, seek- ing an asylum ; -, -et, v.n. Totake refuge, seek an asylum. 3 sü iltihÂk, s. a. The joining one's self or becoming joined to ; adhesion ; \–, –et, v.n. To join one's self on to. sü iltihâm, s. a. The heat of battle. f\ \ iltizâm, s. a. The taking upon one's self, undertaking ; the taking a great interest in, protecting, giving one's influence; the taking the public revenues on farm; -, -et, va. To undertake; to take (the public reve- nues) on farm; to protect or support actively. ·li: iltifât, s. a. A turning one's face towards; taking notice of (persons or things); showing attentions to (per- sons); –, -et, v.n. To take notice of; to show attentions. c- iltimÂss, s. a. The making a request, begging a favour; a request; \-, -et, v.a. To request. · Altmish, a. t. Sixty. e· Altin, s. t. Gold ; a piece of gold ->le iltihâb, s. a. Inflammation. : Alti, a. t. Six; –, elti, The wife of the brother of one's husband, a sister-in-law (of a woman). • iltiyâm, s. a. A being healed (a wound). [money. · Alchâk, a. t. Low ; mean, base ; = -, –ghyüngullu, Meek, low in spirit; ·-, -tAbi”âtli, Of a mean, low, base disposition. · Alchi, s. t. Plaster of Paris. cs ilhâh, s. a A soliciting with importunity. esi ilhâd, s. a. A departing from the true doctrine in religion ; heresy. J· el hissil, ad a In fine, in short, to sum up all. sı ilhÂk, s. a. The adjoining one thing to another ; -, -et, v.a. To adjoin, annex. J= èl-hâl, ad. a. Now, at the pre- sent time; Js f-ı-hâl, At once, immediately ; 83° *Us el- -hâlétu-hâzihi, present. · el hakk, ad a In sooth, in truth, truly, verily. c ile Aldatmak (aor. yelel Aldâdir), v.n. To deceive ; to cheat ; to dis- ad. a. Now, at appoint. c ile c ile Aldanmak (aor. lal Aldânir), v.n. To be deceived; to make a mis- e) eldivin, s. t. A glove. [take. fy ilzâm, s. a. A convincing ; -, –et, v.a. To convince. [necessary. f\} èlzem, a. a. More, most, or very ·l elsin6, s. pl, a. (of · lissân), Tongues, languages ; : · \ &l elsiné-shârkiyyé- āshinā, An Orientalist. U* Alish, s. t. A taking; a mode of taking ; c y: -, -virish, Trade, COTOlm61'C6. c· Alishmak (aor. yy Alishir), v.n. To grow used, become accustomed; to get into a habit ; to grow tame; to grow easy in action (a machine). ilghâ, s. a. An abolishing, annulling; \-, –et, v.a. To abolish, to annul. - l ilghâr, s. t. A canter or gallop ; \-, -et, v.n. To go at a canter or gallop ; to make an incursion or mili- tary reconnaissance on horseback. ·5 èl-ghâraz, ad. a. In short, what we want to explain is this. -āl elf, s. a. A thousand; –, elif, Name of the firstletter of the alphabet; the uprightfigure ofahandsome young person. · ülfet, s. a. Acquaintanceship, a knowledge of : -, -et, v.n. To become acquainted; to cultivate one's friendship ; to become accustomed (to athing). [miserable. * \ âlûfté, a. p. Beside one's self; [ 422 ] all' Uöl ilkÂ, s. a. A throwing, casting out of the hand before one, a merely drop- ping a thing without projecting it to a distance ; -, -et, v.a. To cast, throw, drop ; to impute, cast upon. c Alkishlamak (aor. Alkishlar), v.a. To greet with ap- plause. dağl el-kisssa, ad. a. Infine, in short; the fact of the matter is this. c elek, s. t. A sieve; –, ilk, a. t. First ; ye:e ilk-bûhâr, Spring, early spring ; le ilk-iptidâ, First and foremost, first of all, in the first place ; e·= ilkin, ad. t. First and before doing anything else ; -, ilik, s. t. Marrow; a loop for a button to pass into; an eye for a hook to pass into. [tory, land. ülkyâ (ülké), s. t. Country, terri- e iliklémek (aor. K) iliklEr), v.a. To button ; to hook ; to fasten with hooks or buttons, e: illémek (aor. Eller), va. To touch, finger, handle; to turn out of doors. * Allah, s. a God ; - -=-, –kèrim ! God is beneficent, never mind! \ \ mâ-shâ-'llAh! Well! Wonderful ! (lit. What things God wills!) a\ , in-shâ-'llāh ! God willing ! If God so wills ! Let us hope so! - ) · AllÂhi- -sèvèrsEn! If you love God ! For God’s sake ! * V- –râzi- I 423 T İ -öla ! May God be satisfied (and reward you)! e·-, –sûklassin ! e·- God forbid ! May God preserve us! 8r: -, –vèré (or e· vèrsin) God grant it ! y• elde AllÂha- -issmârladik! Good bye ! we com- mend you to God ! 4 : wA-'llāhi ! 4}\, bi-'llâhi ! aJU tA-'llâhi ! By God ! (These three expressions are –ghyîsstErmassin ! used, either the first alone and most frequently, or with the second afer it pretty commonly, or with the third following them as a very solemn oath) alay Allah-AllAh! (O God! O God !) Wonderful ! What a shame ! What a pity! What's all this ! elli, a. t. Fifty; sül ellinji, Fiftieth; · ellishir, Fifty a-piece. * Alim, s. t. A taking, a buying ; the quantity taken at once ; ·y = ghyiz-Alimi, The space the eye can take in ; - –sAtim, Purchase and sale, transfer ; –, elem, s. a. Pain, suffering ; grief, anguish. Elma, s. t. An apple; –Jji kâzil–, Rome; e--sûyu, Cider. c· ElmÂss, s. a. A diamond; a rose diamond. c· Almak (aor. Alir), v.a. To take; to receive ; to buy; to hold, contain, take; -, v.n. To take, catch (a fire); to take fire, to go off (fire- arms); -U ü, nefess-, v.n. To breathe; to take breath'; to have a hole whence air or water escapes (any vessel, pipe, or reservoir that should be air-tight). e: ) ilmek, s. t. A noose, slip-knot. e Alin, s. t. The forehead. e, âlüd (in composition), se, alüdé, (in composition or alone), a. p. Soiled, polluted, stained, smeared over. · ülühiyyet, s. a. Godhead, the quality of being God, divinity. w * elviyé, s. pl, a. (of liwā), Flags, standards ; provinces. T ilâh, s. a. A god; God; ilâhi, a. a. Divine, godly; –, s. a. A hymn, anthem, carol ; · ilâhiyyet, s. a. The quality of being divine. ilhâm, s. a. (God’s) inspiring or revealing (divine truths to his pro- phets); -, -et, v.a. To inspire into the mind, to reveal. c· Alajak, fut, pass. part. (of · Almak), Anything which is to be taken or received ; a debt receivable ; -& Alajakli, A creditor, one who has debts to receive. c & elémek (aor. èlEr, v.a. To sift, pass through a sieve ; & sal èlémé, Anything which has been sifted and freed from dust or broken parts. ilâ, p. a (ilé before the definite article Jl), To, towards (used in Turkish adverbial erpression), : – * \, –mâ-shā-'llāh, To or until (the c· [ 424 ] · time) which God wills; 3) -, –âkhirihi, To the end, and so forth, &c.; ile-lebed, To alı eternity. · Alikömak (aor. Alikor), v.a. To keep, retain, detain, stop. r elim, a, a. Painful f: èl-yi vm, ad. a. Now, at the · : Alivermek (aor. yy· Ali- vèrir), v.a. To take, reach, or obtain, and then hand or give to another. f. Am, s. t. The female organ of gene- ration; –, ümm, s. a. A mother; N el ümmu-’l-veled, A slave who has borne an acknowledged child to V. âmmâ, c. a But. [her owner. Ji. emāssil, s. pl, a. (of } \, not used), Equals, persons of like rank. *el âmâdé, a.p. Ready, prepared. · îmâret, s. a. Commandership, chieftainship. *) èmâré, s. a. Sign, trace; sign, signal, indication; –, èmmâré, a. a. (fem. of emmâr, not used), Which commands and will be obeyed; -L·ü nefsi- (the commanding spirit), the uncontrolled passions, (one of the three states of the passions in Mussulman ethics, the two others being & u nefsi-levwâmé (the reproaching spirit), when the passions are controlled, but still struggle for mastery, and · nefsi-müt- ma”inné, (the resigned spirit), when the passions are completely subdued). [present day. & imâlé, s. a. A causing to incline; \–, –et, v.a. To cause to incline; to turn, to bend. • . imÂm, s. a. A chief, leader ; a leader in the ritual performance of prayer; imámet, s. a. · imÂmlik, s. t. The office of imam. 4. l. imâmé, s. a. The longish and somewhat pear-shaped ornament at the end of the tassel of prayer-beads; the similarly shaped, but much larger, mouthpiece of a Smoking-pipe. · èmân, s. a. Safety, security ; safe - conduct, protection; quarter, mercy ; –, ÂmÂn! int. a. Oh! O dear me! Mercy ! · emânet, s. a. Anything placed in trust, either to be returned to the giver, or to be given to a third party ; an ofice of trust under government, and conducted on government account, not on farm ; &le 44 Allâha- -èmânet-öla (Allâ'mânet-Öla), Thank you ! (used when anyone wishes us health after we drink or have been shaved, by saying & 'c ile “âfiy- yet-öla, or a s° sihhâtlar-öla ; it means literally, may that (or may you) be left in trust with God’s pro- vidence), èmânetdâr, s. p. One who holds something in trust. · ümmet, s. a. The church, the whole body of the followers of a religion ; x =*–, ümmeti-Mûhâm- med, The Muhammedan Church ; J [ 425 ] u “re-, ümmeti-“Tssâ, The Church of Jesus ; * =-ü-, ümmeti-nâjiyyé, The body of those who will be saved (from hell). J· imtissâl, s. a. A conforming to, obeying, following, imitating; \-, -et, v.n. To conform. e· imtihân, s. a. A trying, putting to the proof; examination; –, –et, try ; (scholastically); y-, –öl, To submit v.n. To prove, to examine to a formal examination ; – a: -5J! biri-ila –öl, v.n. To be examined competitively with another. [(in time). · imtidâd, s. a Duration ; length z imtizâj, s. a. A combining or agreeing with ; -, -et, v.n. To agree well (with anyone), get on well together. [Goods, merchandise. * emti”â, s. pl, a. (of 8 mâtâ”), imtilâ, s. a. Indigestion, oppression of the stomach. 8 imtinâ”, s. a. A refusing, draw- ing back; -, -et, v.n. To draw one's self back and refuse. e· imtinân, s. a. A taunting one with the favours you have done him ; the being under obligations for a favour; -, -et, v.n. To taunt one [vilege. j - imtiyâz, s. a. Distinction ; pri- J emsâl, s. pl.a. (of J· missl), Similar things ; precedents; (as a with favours bestowed. Turkish singular) a precedent; - :y* J· zûrubu-èmsâl, Proverbs, pro- verbial expressions; * =J * y~ èmsâli - kèssiréssini - mü- yèssEr-èyléyé, May (God) grant (you) many such (happinesses)! eguivalent to our Many happy returns of the day! and used on any occasion of rejoicing. · âmed, s. p. Coming, arrival; · âmédi, s. p. - âmedji, s. t. The title of one of the higher func- tionaries of the Turkish government ; to him are delivered all papers and reports coming from the provinces and departments, which are to be sub- mitted to the grand vizier and sultan ; : -, -shûd, Coming and going ; \– –, – –et, v.n. To come and backwards and forwards ; -, g0, èmed, s. a. Space of time. el imdâd, s. a. Assistance, helping, succouring ; -, -et, v.a. To give assistance. ·l imdi, c. t. Now, then, therefore; wherefore, –, âmédi (see · âmed). & âmédiyyé, s. t. Import duty on merchandise. · âmir, s. a. A commander, one who commands, the competent authority ; 4öy âmirâné, a.p. Suitable or proper for a commander; imperative ; –, èmr (emir) s. a. A command, order, injunction; amatter, affair, business ; °e mèn-lâhü -’l-èmr, He to whom the right of commanding be- longs, i.e. the competent authority ; also, öy implication, you yourself; V. e· èmri-“âli, The supreme com- mand, a firman, imperial Tescript or edict ; · J: yöl-èmri, A passport or order for post-horses ; · èmir-sizing, It is for you to say, to order,to command; 4 y- èmir-nâmé, Any letter received from a superior ; \–, –et, v.a. To order, command (a thing to be done) : it is intransitive as to the person to tohom the order is |. addressed ; · he commanded it to me. - V ûmérâ, s. pl. a. (of emir), Commanders, lords, officers. V- imrâr, s. a. A. causing to pass, through, by, over, &c.; -, -et, v.a. Tocause to pass ; -: y- imrâri- -wAkt-et, To procrastinate, lose time, j:· imrüz, s. p. To-day. [gain time. c · èmzirmek (aor. )y}< èmzirir), v.a. To suckle, give suck to. · èmzik, s. t. The spout of a vessel. c~ èmzémek (aor. j èmzEr), v.a. To suck (as a lozenge, &c.). · imsâk, s. a. An abstaining ; a self ; parsimony, avarice ; the putting away restraining one's economy, food and entering on a fast; –, –et, v.n. To enter on a fast by putting away food; to praetise ab- stinence, to restrain one's self. Va imzā, s. a The signing a paper ; a signature ; -, -et, v.a. To sign, V·}\ E- : 89) ; zirda - wÂzi”u-’l- -imzâ, The undersigned. [ 426 ] e· im”ân, s. a. The regarding very attentively, giving great attention. e el emek, s. t. Labour, pains, trouble, work ; y · emekdâr, An old ser- Vant ; – • –, – sarf - et, To bestow labour, take pains. - e· imkyân, s. a Possibility, the being possible ; :S)'ı im- kyâni-vâr-mi ? Does the (its) possi- bility exist ? Is there a possibility ? J. èmel, s. a. A desire, wish (to ob- tain); –, –et, v.a. To covet, desire, wish for, seek after. \ imlâ, s. a. A writing, penning ; spelling, orthography ; -, -et, v.a. To write. - - · èmlâk, s. pl. a. (of · mülk), Lands: freehold properties. ümem, s. pl, a. (of · ümmet), Churches, religious aggregations of mankind. [suck, draw by suction. e emmek (aor. èmEr), v.a. To - · ûmn, s. a. Safety, security. · emniyyet, s. a. Safety, security, confidence. * ûmniyyé, s. a. Hope, wish, desire. · èmvât, s. pl.a. (of - c mey- yit), The dead. [Waves. z èmvâj, s. pl. a. (of : • mèvj), J\, emwâl, s. pl, a. (of J mâl), Possessions, properties, goods. s· èmvâh, s. pl.a. (of Ve mâ),Waters. Ümür, s. pl. a. (of`r. èmr), Affairs, matters, businesses ; (as a Turkish singular) an affair ofimportance ; -, Jle [ 427 ] c-ül –et, v.n. To make a fuss, as though it were an affair of importance ; JŞe ümürumda- dighil, I don't care a fig about it. J'e imhâl, s. a. A putting off for a term, deferring; granting a delay; -, –et, v.a. To put off, defer ; to grant a delay. · ümid (Ümut), Hope ; -, -et, v.a. To hope for, expect, build upon ; · y-, -virmek, To give some hope; •-=-, -kèssmek, and sa: kAt”i-ûmid-et, To give up all hope, to despair ; ümidvâr, a. p. Hopeful, hoping still, in ex- [Cape of Good Hope. · · ümid-bûrunu, s. t. The peetation. ~ èmir, s. a. A commander ; a prince, chief, chieftain ; a descendant of Mu- hammed. [with, containing. âmiz, a. p. (in composition), Mixed e· âmin ! int. a. Amen! –, èmin, a. a. Sure, safe, secure ; (aman) who may be trusted, honest, upright; –, 8. a. A high civil functionary, having charge of government property, a superintendant; · - Alay-emini, A military officer of the new regular army, ranking next to the lieutenant- colonel, who had charge of the stores the title and rank are now abolished ; and accounts of the regiment; öl tersâné-emini, The (for- mer) superintendant of the imperial dockyard at Constantinople. e) ân, s. a Time; a moment, instant ; e èl-ân, ad. a. Now, at present; e ilé-'l-ân, ad. a. Until the pre- sent time, hitherto ; ·er min-el-ân, henceforth ; 8. ânida, ad. t. Instantly, in an ad. a. Henceforward, instant, immediately; –, 8. p. Beauty, grace, gracefulness ; –, Ân, pron, p. That ; e : in-U-Ân, This and that ; this world and the world of spirits or the world to come ; all things; –, en, s. t. Width, breadth ; –, in, c. a. If; a \ in-shâ-'llāh! If God wills it ! Ül âna, s. t. A mother; the principal or chief kind or part of some things ; · ül âna-direk, A lower mast ; * Ul âna-làghim, A main drain or sewer ; - y: · demi- ring-ânassi-kârildi, The shank of the anchor has broken ; Ul : biyuk- -âna, A grandmother ; U = üweghi-âna, A stepmother ; Ü'e: ; kâyn - âna, the mother of one's wife; : Ül âna- A mother-in-law, -bAbA-ghyûnu, An uproar. ·ül inâbet, s. a. A repenting, re- pentance; -, -et, v.n. To repent, to feel repentance for sin. ·ül inâss, s. pl, a. (of ·\, not used), Women, womankind, ül ânakhtâr, s. t. A key. ül ènâr(nâr), s. p. A pomegranate. c-ül ünâss, s. pl. a. (of · insân), Men, mankind. ül Anadoli, s. t. Asia Minor. ül Anaför, s. t. (Greek), A counter- current, up-current in bays, &c., near the shore. - - öl ènâm, s. a. Mankind. c·ü inanmak (aor. ül inânir), v.a. To believe (an assertion); –, v.n. To believe in, to believe (anything other than an assertion). ·ül enâniyyet, s. a. Egotism. inbâ, s. a. The communicating in- telligence ; -, -et, v.a. To com- municate. ânbar, s. t. A granary, storehouse, room, or chest; a gun-deck in a man-of-war ; the hold of a ship ; 'z üch-ânbarli,Athree-decker. }\ \ âmbâz, s. p. A companion, partner. e- inbissAt, s. a. An unfolding, opening itself out; - –, inbissÂti- -khÂtir, Pleasure, an opening out of the heart. * ènbüh, a. p. Numerous, bountiful, enbiyâ, s. pl, a. (ofu nebi), The prophets. [copious, large. [alembic. c· inbik, s. a. A still, a retort, an - z· intâj, s. a. The producing as a consequence, a causing; \-, –et, v.a. To produce, cause. * intibâh, s. a. The being on one's guard, vigilance, circumspection. ·ül intikhâb, s. a. A choosing, se- lecting, electing; -, -et, v.a. To choose, select, elect. 8 V intizâ”, s. a. A plucking out or [ 428 u: off : -, -et, v.a. To pluck out or off. ·l intissab, s. a. Abeing related to, in relations with. intizâr, s. a. A waiting for, wait- ing in expectation ; er. ·ya:) èl-intizârU-èshëddun-min-en-nâr, Ex- pectancy is worse than fire (Arabic proverö). - intizâm, s. a. The being ranged in order ; order, regularity. 8 intifâ”, s. a The being benefited, deriving a profit or advantage ; -, –et, v.a. To derive, gain; –, v.n. To reap a benefit, derive a profit, gain an advantage. - J\: intikÂl, s. a The changing one's place or residence ; the passing from this life to the future state ; the passing from in thought, and compre- hending, one subject after another ; –, –et, v.n. To pass from one place to another ; from one subject to another, mentally, and so to compre- hend fully; from this life; \:yle- intikÂli-dâri-bÂkÂ-et, v.n. To die ; J 's- r* seri”U-’l-intikâl, a. a. Quick in comprehending subjects. f : intikÂm, s.a. Vengeance, revenge; -, –Almak, v.n. To take ven- geance, to take revenge, to avenge one's self. V•: intimâ, s. a. The being connected, or having a relation with, a growing out of. [ 429 ] · lej' intihâ, s. a The coming to an end, finishing; a reachimg to, termina- ting at. intihâz, s. a. The taking or seizing (am opportunity); -, -et, v.a. To take, seize (an opportunity). jlaş: injâz, s. a. The fulfilment (of a promise); –, –et, v.a. To fulfil, perform (a promise). f : ènjâm, s. p. The end, upshot, conclusion ; =: ènjâm-pèzir, a. p. Ending, being finished, coming to an end. = Anjak, ad. t. Only, just, hardly ; -, c. t. But, however, still. · injik, s. t. The bone of the leg below the kmee (in men) or the hough (in animals); the instep of the foot. ° ènjum, s. pl. a. (of * nèjm), Stars. · injimâd, s. a The becoming con- · ènjumèn, s. p. An assembly, society ; ·le- ènjumèni-dânish, The Scientific Institution of Constan- [gealed, frozen, solid. tinople. · injir, s. t. A fig ; · 2u: kürU- -injir, Adried fig: -5)-- ey-i kütU-înjiri, Figs in drums or boxes ; -5 ** elémé-injiri, Picked figs (this very likely should be - ) Ellémé, picked by hand); · injir-delEn, The becafico. · injil, s. a. The gospel, the book of the gospel. – = inhirÂf, s. a. A turning away, swerving ; –, inhirÂfi-khAtir, An unfriendly or unpleasant state of mind; z)) -, inhirâfi-mizāj, An ailment, indisposition in health ; 89-, in- hirÂfi-ibré, eş-, inhirÂfi-püssla, The variation of the compass. a= inhissâr, s. a. A being sur- rounded, bounded,restricted (in action, number, &c.); monopoly. a= inhitAt, s. a. A descending from on high ; 89: -, inhitÂti-ibré, The dip of the magnetic needle ; Gil–, inhitÂti-ÜfUk, The dip of the horizon. := inhinā, s. a. A being bent, de- flected, curved. k ânakhtâr, s. t. A key. ·l And, s. t. An oath; ·ş: -, And- -ichmek, v.n. To take an oath. ·l endâkht, s. p. A casting, throwing, projecting ; a firing (of guns); -, -et, v.a. To cast, throw, project; to fire (a gun). *- öl endâkhté, a.p. Cast, thrown, projected ; fired (a gun). jlsil èndâz, a. p. (in composition), Which throws, casts, projects ; who fires (a gun) : yle = lènghEr-èndâz, a. p. At anchor, anchored. *ğl öl Endâz6, s. p. Measure (in general); -U 5 bi–, beyond measure ; –, s. t. A Turkish ell of 26 English inches, used for measuring linens, silks, &c. ( * èndâm, s. p. Stature, figure, form ; symmetry of shape, proportion. (:))y* indérUn, s. p. The inside ; the 8° inner, private, or women's apart- ments ; e·-, EndérünU-hümâ- yun, The more private apartments of the Sultan's court ; -55 \s-, èn- dérün-Aghalari, The Superior atten- dants attached to the more private apartments of the Sultan’s court. 8 indifâ”, s. a. The being repelled, expelled, repulsed. ·) èndüd, a. p. (in composition), Covered, plated, or plastered over with. [sadness. * \ endüh, s. p. Grief, affiction, u: xī endish, a. p. (in composition), Who thinks. [anxiety. · èndishé, s. p. Thought, care, JV) inzâl, s. a. A causing to descend, sending down; emission of seed (in coitu); -, -et, va, To cause to descend ; -, -et, v.n. To emit seed (in coitu). [ment; retirement. \;\ inziwâ, s. a. A going into retire- c-; inss, s. a. Mankind, the human species ; a man, a creature of the human species. · ensâb, s. pl, a. (of -- mèsseb), - kindred ; (of · nissbet) logarithms, propor- Relatives, tional numbers. e· insân, s. a. A man, a human being ; e·-, insânu-’l-”âyn, The pupil of the eye ; - insânî, a. a. Human ; - insâniyyet, s. a. Humanity ; - insâniyyetsiz, a. t. Imhuman, brutal. [ 430 T –iya - ) ânsiz, e - ânsizin, · Ap-ânsizin, ad. t. Suddenly, all on a sudden ; –, Ansiz, ad. t. Without that ; –, ensiz, a. t. Narrow. · ûnsiyyet, s. a More or less intimate acquaintanceship ; -, -et, v.n. To be more or less intimately acquainted with (any one). \ \ inshâ, s. a. A making; a building, constructing, erecting ; the art of epistolary or literary composition ; -, -et, v.a. To make, build, con- struct, erect. * \:e in - shā-'llāh, int. a God willing ! If God wills it! Let us hope so! [husband of one's sister. 4: ) enishta, s. t. Abrother-in-law, z ·l inshirâh, s. a. A being open, expanded; joy, pleasure. ail ânsâr, s. pl. a. (of nâssir, not used in this sense), Helpers, viz. those inhabitants of Medina who joined Muhammed's standard, and assisted him in his struggles until the conquest of Mecca. - –3 ail insÂf, s. a Conscience, a sense of justice ; -, -et, v.n. To have a conscience, to act with consideration and a sense of justice. –iya; insirâf, s. a. A turning aside from the road ; a desisting from con- tinuing to advance; a turning back ; \–, –et, v.n. To desist form advan- cing straight on, to turn on one side or back. • • inzimâm, s. a. A being added, appended, affixed ; -sy–, inzimâmi- -re'y, The addition of some one's approval or favourable opinion. ail intifâ, s. a The being extin- guished, being put or going out. èn”âm, s. pl, a. (of · ni’met), Favours, benefits, graces ; –, in”âm, s. a. The bestowing (a gift, a favour); a gift (from a supe- rior); –, –et, v.a. To bestow, give (a superior to an inferior). – asl in”itÂf, s. a. A being turned aside, deflected. elāsöl in”ikÂd, s. a The becoming tied or bound (a knot, a contract). & köl ànghâriyyé, s. t. Any work which brings in no return, forced labour. –ül enf, s. a The nose; · râghman-li-enfihi, ad. a. In spite of him, in order to vex and mortify him (lit. so as to strip the skin off his nose), –, ânif, a. a. Going before, preceding (in = '–ölânifu-'z-zikr, a. a. the afore-mentioned); ül ânifâ, ad. a. Before, above. ölü infâz, s. a. A causing an order to have weight, to be respected, to be put in execution : -, -et, v.a. To cause to be executed, respected, or put in force. ey: infirâd, s. a. The being single, alone ; ey ' e “âlé-’l-infirâd, By himself, &c., separately ; one by one. [ 431 ] · infirâk, s. a. A being separated.. · ènfüss, s. pl. a. (of U-ö nefss), Persons; Souls ; –, ènfess, a. a. More, most, or very exquisite. Jakül infissÂl, s. a. The leaving an office (either by resignation, dismissal, or appointment to something else); the being judged and determined (a cause). faki infissÂm, s. a. The being cut or brokenin two (a thread, &c.). Jail infi”âl, s. a. A being displeased, hurt, vexed, grieved. 4 öl enfiyyé, s. t. Snuff; ·-, –kütUssU, A snuff-box. ·ü inkibÂz, s. a. A being seized, laid hold of; costiveness. · öl inkirÂz, s. a. The being cut off; coming to an end, totally failing (in succession.) f - ö\ inkissâm, s. a. The being di- vided into parts, division. Vakü inkizâ, s. a. The coming to an end, being terminated. 8 aki inkitâ”, s. a. The being cut off, the being interrupted, discontinued. ·öl inkilâb, s. a. Abeing reversed; a reverse, a change in circumstances. ·ü inkiyâd, s. a Obedience, sub- mission : -, -et, v.n. To yield obedience, to submit. K) inkyâr, s. a. A denial, negation ; -, -et, v.a. To deny. e· ènghyubin, s. p. Honey. ·'Kl ènghérek, s. t. A viper. Kl [ 432 ] inkissâr, s. a. A being broken, Smashed to pieces ; a being put out of all temper ; a cursing ; -, -et, v.n. To be heart-broken and to curse in consequence. -K ènksEr, s. t. A nail (for nailing). -i : K\ inkishâf, s. a. A clearing up, brightening up. - · enghyüsht, s. p, A finger. Ki ènghyushtEr, s. p. A finger-ring. JK' enghel, s. t. A rival. 8 K) Inghilterra, s. t. England. Inghliz, a. t. English ; –, s. t. An Englishman. Kl ènghyür, s. p. A grape, grapes. 3 ènghiz, a. p. (in composition), Which excites, raises. · ènghin, s. t. The open sea, far e enmek (aor. ènEr), v.n. To descend, come or go down ; to sub- [from shore. side ; to flow downwards (as humours are supposed to do in some diseases). ç inhâ, s. a. A reporting, communi- cating ; -, -et, v.a. To report, communicate. , • inhidâm, s. a. A being de- molished, falling or being pulled [defeated; defeat. f.Ve inhizâm, s. a. A being routed, ·l inhimâk, s. a. Diligent applica- tion, setting heart and soul about a down. thing. · èniss, s. a. A familiar and inti- Ubeautiful. c· ènik, a. a. Graceful, elegant, mate friend. · * èni-könU, ad. t. In detail and · ènin, s. p. A moan. [at leisure. : ö (or J, öl), pron, t. He, she, it; that : -, èv, s. t. A house ; –, Av, s. t. The chase, field sport of any kind, as hunting, shooting, fishing, &c. ; game ; èv-bârk, s. t. House and household ; wife, children, and attendants ; - èv-sâhibi, The master of the house ; a house- keeper, householder ; · èv- -ÜshÂklari, The family, the wife and attendants, or wife, children, and at- tendants ; èvli, a. t. Married, having a wife; evlilik, s. t. The married state. - ewâkhir, s. pl, a. (of />- akhir), The last (decade or ten) days of a - [set of tools. c lel, âwadânlik, s. t. A workman's *), âwâré, a. p. Vagabond, errant. month. ; āwāz, jly âwâz6, s. p. A voice, sound ; rumour, fame. ·, âwâssit, s. pl.a. (of èvsât, not used in this sense), The middle (decade or ten) days of a month. èwâmir, s. pl. a. (of · emr), Commands. [ments, instants, times. · âwân, s. p1. a. (of el ân), Mo- ewâni, s. pl, a. (oföl ina, rarely used), Vases, vessels. öl, âwä'il, s. pl, a. (of J, Evvel), The first (decade or ten) days of a month. öba, s. t. A tartar tent or hut. c· [ 433 ] c· evbÂsh, s. pl, a. (of vL: , not used), Low fellows, rascals. ·: *pmek (aor. : ipEr), v.a. To kiss. · öt, s. t. Grass; a herb : ·}): kürU-öt, Hay, dry grass; –, evet, ad. t. Yes. c_: :3) ötarmak (aor. :y: ötarir), To lead to pasture (provincial). [tent. $ ötsgh, öták, s. t. A large · ètánghach a t. Modest, timid, bashful. - c; öy ütAnmak (aor. 5, ütAnir), v.n. To be ashamed, abashed. -55 îturu, ad. s. Concerning, about, on the subject, on account of; name of the vowel point -. ötlAk, s. t. Pasture ; -5)--, –yèri, A place of pasture, a pas- turage, pasture-ground. c; ötlamak (aor. _: Ötlar), v.n. To graze, pasture. c· ötluk, s. t. Grass; a place abounding in grass, or from whence grass or hay is procured. c • iztmek (aor. itEr), v.n. To sound, to echo, to ring ; to sing (birds). - -°y: *turu, s. t. The vowel-point -, corresponding to o, u, U, or u. ötuz, a. t. Thirty. * ité, s. t. The space beyond or farther off; –, ad. t. far off, farther off ; 2)!-, –bèri, Hither and thither ; -5r-, -beri-et, or l-s:):) &#y ité-bëri-et, v.n. To try all manner of ways ; 2r: · itéden- -beri, Always, ever. : îtu, s. t. An iron for ironing, a tailor's goose. c , tulémek, (aor. · tuler), v.a. To iron, to press with a hot iron. z: âwUj, s. t. The palm of the hand; the inside of the hand held so as to contain anything; a handful ; ·-, -dölussu, a handful: -, ij, s. t. Revenge, vengeance ; –, üj, s. t. The end, extremity ; –, èvj, s. a. The highest pinnacle ; the perigee, or perihelion. öjak, s. t. A fireplace, hearth ; a chimney ; a family ; a dynasty ; a corps, and especially the Corps of Ja- nissaries a colony, and especially the Colonies (or regencies) of Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers ; ; “öy • j• Öja- ghimiz- sînmassin, May our hearth (family or corps) never be extin- guished ! - Üjüz, a. t. Cheap, low-priced. [lips. c· ÜchUk, s. t. A pimple on the z: üch, a. t. Three. -/ ş-, Üchkur, s. t. The string or - riband with which drawers or trousers are fastened round the waist like the mouth of a bag; c:!)· ÜchkUr- lUk, the waistband or broad hem through which the string passes all round so as to tie drawers or trousers about the body. 2 G 45 · Üchmak (aor. : Üchar), v.n. To fly ; to fall down (a precipice, &c.), be precipitated, f:vye- ÜchUrUm, s. t. A precipice ; –, a. t. Precipitous, like a precipice. j · ûchyuz, a. t. Three hundred. : ökh! int. t. Oh! I am glad of it! I am delighted! cş------ ökhshamak (aor. - , ökhshar), v.a. To caress, stroke, pat. e, id, s. t. The gall, the gall-bladder; -*-!:-5 -** du-köpmak, v.n. (Anyone's) gall-bladder to burst (through fear), to have any great or sudden fright; –, (öt), s. t. (almost obsolete itself), Fire; poison; a depilatory mixture used in baths ; · Aghz-ötU, the priming of a gun ; -5 (ot)-yirleri, those parts of the body which require the application of depilatory sub- stances : * ötlu-bagha (the poisonous batrachian), the toad. *e, idunj, s. t. Money which has to be repaid, borrowed money. · idémek (aor. ÜdEr), v.a. To pay (a debt). âvèr, a. p. (in composition), Which - brings; which possesses; –, ür, s. t. A wen. V), Öra, s. t. That place, that spot; *y Öram (my that place) there, that part of my body ; · Örang, there, that part of thy body ; - ), (its that place) there, that part of him, her, or [ 434 ] :):) it, &c.; *) öraya, to that place, there; sey, örada, at that place, there ; 5 yı Öralara, to those places, thereabouts; 8.5yy Öralarda, at those places, thereabouts. ey örAk, s. t. A sickle, reaping-hook; : ş-, –wAkti, Harvest-time. ·r: irpErmek (aor. ): y ürpérir), v.n. To stand on end (the hairs of the head or body). 55i), örtak, s. t. A partner, sharer ; -, –öl, v.n. To be a partner, or partners ; to take part with. c· örtalik, s. t. The general term for which we say in English “ the world,” and meaning two different things, viz. the inanimate world, or nature, and the public; in the first sense they say –699- --') örtalik- Aghardi (the world became bright), day- light dawned (or şeyi darkened, i.e. the shades of evening fell on nature); and in the second, -& UL: what news is there abroad (among the public)? ds:) örtânja, a. t. The middle in age or size. *i), 2rtmek (aor. _:i irtEr), v.a. To cover, cover up. 45), örta, s. t. The middle; the midst; a regiment (of Janissaries) ; -, a. t. Of a middling degree or quality ; · -> –elchi, A diplomatic min- ister of the second class, an envoy extraordinary, or a minister plenipo- tentiary (though these have each their special designations). [covering. · îrtu, s. t. A cover, a cloth for d)3), âvèrd, s. p. Battle, fight, combat ; –, âwUrd, s. t. The inner or lower part of the cheek, used as a bag by monkeys ; the jowl. ·3), irdek, s. t. A duck ; aurinal. *9), âvèrdé, a. p. Brought ; related, narrated ; carried away. ( )*· irss, s. t. An anvil: ·· îrsélémek (aor. *· irsélEr), v.a. To handle roughly and rumple; to treat roughly. dae2), Örsa, s. t. (Italian), A going near the wind; luffing ; –, int. Luff! -, To luff ; ·-, –ghitmek, v.n. To be on a wind, to –et, v.n. go on a wind ; 8 ya ey, örsa- -âlabânda ! Down with the helm ! Helm's a-lee ! – –, – –et, v.n. To put the helm hard a-lee ; to tack, to go about. [camel’s back. · irghyuj, s. t. The hump on a ·:)y) ürkek, a. t. Shying, which shies (a horse). · îrkmek (aor. 9y izrkEr), v.n. To shy, tobe frightened, to take fright. *5), iréké, s. t.A distaff ·· örmÂn, s. t. A wood, forest. c ş: ?rumjëk, s. t. A spider. e : 9) (wÜrmak) (aor._v: wÜrUr), v.n. To strike, beat, knock, hit, rap ; –, va. To pop (anything) into its place ; to attack and pillage (atown, &c.) to [ 435 ] take (an adverse piece at chess, &c.); –J El-,vn.Toputa hand (towork), to take in hand, to set to work upon ; –Ll bAsh-, v.n. To apply to, have recourse to for assistance, &c.; to pitch (a ship, boat, &c.); -_: böyUnUnU–, To decapitate (aperson); -: j; yüzuna-, To taunt with, Teproach with, cast in one's teeth ; --6y: - dâshâri–, v.n. To come out, make its appearance on the sur- face (an eruption, &c.); - : ): bir-yöldan–, v.n, To strike into, to take a road ; –: : böya–, v.n. To paint with paint ; - èyer–, v.n. To put on a saddle (&c.), to saddle ; –ğj * ghyiz6–, To be very con- spicuous, striking ; - : 2,5 külAk–, v.n. To give ear, to listen ; –3 y• 5 (dèymira)–, v.a. To put in irons. ·S) irmek (aor. -v, îtrEr), v.a. To knit; to net; to tress, braid; to fine- draw ; to build up (a wall, &c.); –, èvErmek (aor. :· èvérir), v.a. To give in marriage. ·yy ürnek, s. t. A pattern; a sample; –, èvrèngh, s. p. A throne. :2v, UrUpa, s. t. Europe. <3 ÜrUj, s. t. A fasting, observation of total abstinence from earliest dawn to sunset; • -, -tûtmak, v.n. To fast (in that manner). ·v, ürumek (aor. -)2) ûrur), v.n. Tohowl (a dog). ·) ürémek (aor. ürer), vn. 2 G 2 jy To multiply, increase in numbers (a race of animals). üz, s. t. The heart, pith, sap, marrow, or essence of anything ; -, –(kârdashi), One's own brother (of the same father and mother); : y izlu, a. t. Being charged with sap, unctuous and tough. c·ü, üzAtmak (aor. yeli, ÜzÂdir), To stretch out or forth ; to lengthen out; to delay, put off, pro- (Ü,0Z. crastinate ; to make many words, much ado, a fuss. ·ü, üzâdi, in *-selj, · ÜzUn- üzAdiya, ad. In detail, with all details, at great length. ü, üzÂk, a. t. Distant, far off; –, 8. t. The distance, a distance off. c Üzamak (aor. W üzar), v.n. Togo away to a distance ; to be long (time); to take a long time. c·ü, ÜzAnmak (aor. ·y ÜzÂnir), on Tolie at full length, to lie down ; to stretch, become longer. üzEr, s. t. The space (or degree) over anything ; fvj üzérim, The space over me; ?))y üzéring, The space over thee ; -6:)): üzéri, The space over him, her, or it ; d•: j, üzérima, Over or on to me; 8. yü üzérimda, Over or upon me; &: )))i, üzErlErina, Over or on to them ; 8 Ağ ) üzerlerinda, Over or upon them. * ” 9 üzéré, pr. t. Upon, by, according to. [ 436 ] ·j, özlashmak (aor. üzla- shir), v.n. To come to terms together. ·j üzulmek (aor. ûzulur), vn, or p. To be much pulled down (by grief or illness). · üzmek (aor. ), üzEr), v.a. To pull down, to render weak and feeble. üzEnghi, s. t. A stirrup. 8 ·öy üzènmek (aor. üzènir), v.n. To take great pains, and use one's best endeavour (over any work). ej, üzum, s. t. A grape; grapes ; - 2v: kürU–, Raisins, plums, dried grapes ; · c): küsh-ûzumu, (Bird-grapes) currants (of Corinth); · · firènk-ûzumu, (Euro- pean grapes) Currants (red, white, or black); a=: bektāshi- -ûzumu, (from its resemblance to the striped cap worn by the Bektashi dervishes) Gooseberries. ·) ÜzUn, a. t. Long ; tall (man) ; : ey)i, ÜzUn-böylU, s. t. Tall (man). | c· üvess, s. t. An insipid wild fruit (the berry of the sorb or service tree ?). · üsst, s. t. The upper part; – –yâni, The upper side, the place next above ; *** ûsstum- -bAshim, (My head (for my head- gear) and what is on me) my clothes ; * üsstuma, To the upper part of me, to what is on me, i.e. on to me, on to my clothes ; * üsstungda, At the upper part of thee, upon thee, [ 437 ] G* upon thy clothes ; e· üsstundan, From the upper part of him, her, it, from it, off from it, off of it, &c.; c· üssta-chikmak, v.n. To get the upper hand, to get upper- most. : Avstria, s. t. Austria. * 07° X9 üsstura, s. t. Arazor. (:) üsstun, s. t. The vowel-point -. designating one or other of the five vowel-sounds A, a, a, f, or é. Üsh Ak, s. t. A boy, lad ; a man- servant; – 5 ev-üshaklari, The household, the family, or the women and children. · üshmek (aor. · üshEr), and c üshushmek (aor. yy üshushur), v.n. To run together crowdingly, to collect, be collected in flocks and crowds. e : üshènmek (aor. üshè- nir), v.n. To be too idle or indifferent to do a thing, to leave a thing undone from want of inclination. · or · üshumek (aor. : ûshur), v.n. To feel cold, to be cold (aman or beast). –e, evsÂf, s. pl.a. (of –i e: , not used in this sense), Moral qualities. : • ÜssAnj, s. t. The losing all relish for, or pleasure in anything. c· ÜssAnmak (aor. ); e, ÜssAnir), v.n. To lose all relish or pleasure. - c· Üsslanmak (aor. Üssla- nir), v.n. To behave better in future, to become docile, quiet, and well- behaved. [behaved. · ÜsslU, a. t. Docile, quiet, well- ÖssUruk, s. t. A fart. C :· össUrmak (aor. )vye, ÖssUrUr), v.n. To fart, break wind. 8 èvzâ”, s. pl.a. (of 8-: wAz”), Postures; gestures ; actions, conduct, behaviour. - ötUrAk, s. t. A seat ; a stool or chair, with pan, for invalids ; sta- local, tionary troops, reserve, or militia forces in garrison. c· ötUrmak (aor. )v ötUrUr), v.n. To sit down ; to sit up, not go to bed, keep up a meeting, not separate ; to sink (the foundations of a build- ing) ; to get ashore, touch the bottom (a ship, &c.) e· Ödun, s. t. Firewood. * Öda, s. t. A room ; an office, bureau; a counting-house. · öghrashmak (aor. *y öghrashir), v.n. To strive, struggle. ğë Öghramak (aor. öghrar), v.n. To call in at, to pass by or through, to touch at; . .9 * : bèlâya-öghrarsin, you will meet with some accident (judgment or punish- ment). - -°i, öghrU, s. t. (old), A thief, robber. c· öghushmak (aor. öghU- shur), v.n. (recip. of • ögh- mak), To rub each (hand) with the other. - Jé, I 488 ı · Jé, öghl, s. t. A son. öghlak, s. t. Akid. e· öghlan, s. t. A boy, ladi : ich-öghlAni, (Formerly) alad studying in a special school with a view to future admission as an officer of the Sultan's palace ; Je dil-öghlAni, A student attached to any one of the European embassies at Constantinople to learn the lan- guage ; · : kApi-öghlAni, A kind of clerk, or under-agent of an embassy, acting under the dragomans or interpreters to call at the various offices of the Porte, and receive such papers and documents as may have been in course of preparation, &c. &c.; · kaz-öghlan-kız, A maid, a virgin. cş• öghmak (aor. öghar), v.a. To rub with the palm of the hand or inside of the fingers. : öghUr, s. t. (Latin ?), A good au- gury, a good presage; ); öghurlu, a. t. Of good augury, auspicious, lucky; öghurlar-öla! May (your journey) be auspicious ! Happy journey to you ! e :y· wAtAn-öghUrunda-îlmek, To die for the good of one's country ; u. y: bir-öghUrdan, ad. All at once, all together. c· ÜfAtmak (aor. öy ÜfAdir), v.a. To make small ; to break small. ÜfAk, a. t. Small, little ; –, s. t. Crumbs, or the Small pieces of any- thing. * e : üflémek (aor. : üflır), and · üfurmek (aor. yy üfurur), v.a. To blow upon or into, with the mouth, or a bellows. : ök, s. t. An arrow ; a fiddlestick ; the pole (of a waggon or carriage); yö5 tâtar-ökU, A cross-bow. –55, evkaf, s. pl, a. (of – wAkf), Properties in mortmain. öklaghi, s. t. A rolling-pin. c· ökUmak (aor. u: ökUr), v.a. Toread; to say or repeat solemnly ; –e meydân-, v.n. To chal- lenge, to make a challenge. - 45, ökka, s. t. (written generally :), An oke (the Turkish pound, being equal to about 25 lbs. avoirdupois). · ing, s. t. The front, fore part; the space in front of anything. c - = üghutmek (aor. ·= üghudur), v.a. To grind (corn to flour) in a mill. ·ingié, ad tin ilk ingié, First, first of all, before all other things. *ş ikché, s. t. The heel of the foot, and especially the back of the heel; the heel part of the upper leather of a shoe or boot. J·y ingdul, s. t. The cup or prize to be won at a race, &c. ·= ighrètmek (aor. J9 = ighrëdir), v.a. To teach (a thing to anyone), cause to learn. · * $, öngurgha (Ömurgha), s. t. The spine, back-bone; the keel of a ship. ·= ighrEnmek (aor. ):J= àghrènir), v.a. To learn. · üksuruk, s. t. A cough. ·= 'ksurmek (aor. = üksurur), v.n. To cough. · îksuz, s. t. An orphan. · iksé, s. t. Birdlime on twigs. 9° ûghèndéré, s. t. A goad. e := üghunmek (aor. ) ·= üghunur), (ûghènmek, aor. ûghènir), v.n. Topraise one's self, sound one's own trumpet. · ûghut, s. t. Advice, counsel. J · ikyuz, s. t. An ox. J, öl (ö), pron. t. He, she, it; that ; J.J. öl-bir (ö-bir), The other, not this one ; –, EvvEl, a. a. The first ; –, s. a. The first, beginning, com- the first day (of a month); –, ad. t. Firstly ; before ; earlier ; Jı'e 2r: bir-ghyûn-èvvEl, One day earlier ; Jı-e bir- -sâ’at-èvvel, Jley bir-ân-èvvEl, mencement ; As early as possible, with the greatest possible dispatch; L.) - EvvElsi- -ghyûn, The day before yesterday; –· eng-, First of alı, in the very first place ; 'e-, –bâhâr, Spring, the early spring; · iEv- vElki, pron. a. The first. W, (for ) ülâ, a. a. (fem. of J; Evvel), The first ; – (for ), èvlâ, Better, more advantageous, D 439 ] preferable ; –, Evvélâ, ad. a. In the first place, firstly. e), evlâd, s. pl, a. (of , veled), Sons ; children, Turkish singular) a child. ·), ülashmak (aor. ülâshir), offspring ; (a8 a v.n. To reach, come up to, attain, join on. c· Avlamak (aor. Avlar), v.a. To take, or try to take, by hunting, fishing, &c. [v.a. To measure. · ilchmek (aor. · ilchEr), · ilchu, s. t. A measure. · iEvvElsi, a. t. Before yesterday ; e·-, –ghyûn, The day before yesterday. · ölta, s. t. A fishing line; a fish- hook ; –, völta, A tack, a board (in sailing) ; a time, a turn (in re- petition) ; ; oey - –wÜrmak, v.n. To beat, to sail to and fro. ilum, s. t. A mode or manner of dying; death. c* ölmak (aor. ölur), v.n. To become, to acquire or enter upon any state ; to be, to possess any state; to acquire any fitting or required state, to become ripe, cooked, sufficient, &c. · ölmek (aor. olur), va. To die. [v.n. To marry, take a wife. · èvlEnmek (aor. èvlènir), evli, a. t. Married, having a wife ; -, blu, a. t. Dead; –, s. t. A dead body, a corpse ; –, ûlu, a. t. (old) Large, great ; –, ülU, s. pl. a. (of [ 440 ] c· * zU), Lords, possessors, people connected with ; ülU-’l-èmr, Those in authority, who have a right to command. [rain pipe. u: y öluk, s. t. A gutter; a spout; a ( - :9y' evléviyyet, s. a Superiority in advantageousness, preferableness. · èvlâ, a. a. (fem.) Superior, pre- ferable ; –, ülâ, a. a. (fem.) First; -, üli, s. pl, a. (accus of , ), Lords, possessors, people connected with ; –, izlu, a. t. Dead ; –, èvli, a. t. Married (man). evliyâ, s. pl, a. (of }, veli), The next of kin ; people intimately con- nected with ; Saints, holy men (as being in more intimate relation with God); (as a Turkish singular) a saint, a holy İT18.İle [To hope, expect, look for. c· Ümmak (aor. Ümar), v.a. j* ömUz, s. t. The shoulder. e° Ön, a. t. Ten ; –, ün, s. t. Flour, meal ; –, ün, s. t. Fame ; a voice ; * önda-bir, A tenth, the tenth part ; · öndalik, s. t. A tithe ; tithes. c; “ ünûtmak (aor. ye Ünûdur), *y öva, s. t. A plain, a field. c·: öyalamak (aor. : Öyalar), v.a. To put (a person) off with vain [v.a. To forget. promises or excuses. c*: Üyanmak, (aor. üyânir), vn. To wake from sleep. [up. & âvikhté, a. p. Suspended, hung c· üydurmak (aor. y· ÜydUrUr), v.a. To cause to suit, fit, or be adapted; to arrange; to manage; to bring into submission ; to invent (tales or stories) ; to deceive, pervert, seduce; to have carnal con- nection with. [suspends. J: y âviz, a. p. (in composition), Which 8): âviz6, s. t. A chandelier. · or * üyushmak (aor. _): ÜyUshur), v.n. To be be- numbed; to become favourable, com- pliant, accommodating. e·*y ÜyghUn, a. t. Favourable ; fit- ting, appropriate ; good, proper ; - üyghunsuz, a. t. Unfavour- able ; bad, unbeseeming, improper ; - c * Üyghunsuzluk, s. t. Un- favourableness ; impropriety; badness; abuse. :y öyku, s. t. Sleep ; ·=e:y iykUm-ghèldi, or f: üykum- vâr, I am sleepy ; } : ÜykUssUz, a. t. Sleepless ; c·y : üykus- sUz-brâkmak (or c· kömak), v.a. To torture by depriving of sleep. * :y' (ifké), s. t. Anger, passion, rage. · üvèghi, a. t. Step; : -, -bAba, A step-father; &c. cş üyluk, s. t. The thigh, or the * îylé, s. t. Noon ; noon prayer ; –, pron. t. Such, that sort, that kind; –, ad. t. So, in that manner, in that [inner part of it. way. c· öymak (aor. öyâr,), v.a. To carve or dig out, to make hollow ; &4! y [ 441 ] · to cut out, to cut into a stuff so as to form ornamental patterns ; to carve (wood, stone, &c.) ; –, Üymak (aor. üyar), v.n. To adaptone's self, orbe adapted; to follow, submit, fall in with, beled by ; to fit, suit, do. *! Öyma, s. t. Carving, carver's work ; scalloping, pinking (the edges of stuffs). : öynAk, a. t. Fresh, playful, skittish (horse); inconstant, capricious (person) ; -6: -, –yèri, The joints of the body. c· öynamak (aor. : öynar), v.n. Toplay ; to dance ; to move on a joint; -, v.a. Toplay (a game). j: y ÜyUz, s. t. The mange ; the scab ; the itch ; –, a. t. Mangy (beast); itchy (person). [dug or scraped out. U: öyUk, a. t. Hollow, cavernous, c· y ÜyUklamak (aor. - ÜyUklar), v.n. To doze, be sleepy, to fall asleep. [sleep ; go to sleep. c· ÜyUmak (aor. ·), v.n. To c)): öyUn, s. t. Play ; a game; fraud, deceit, a trick, astratagem; –, i:yun, 8. t. A meal. c: öyUnjak, s. t. Atoy, aplaything. d:y öya, s. t. The hem or border of a garment (if scalloped ?). * âh! int. t. Ah! o! -, s. t. A sigh ; –, –et, and ·-, –chekmek, v.n. To sigh. yol âhar, s. t. A glazing used for writ- ing paper, commonly made of the white of egg rubbed up with alum till it coagulates. [habitants. o âhâli, s. pl, a. (of : ehl), In- ·\el ihânet, s. a. The doing anything to a person which shows you do not love or esteem him ; -, -et, v.n. To insult, to show an utter want of re- spect for. j el ihtizâz, s. a. The trembling or vibrating of long flexible things; vi- bratory motion. ** ihtimâm, s. a. A bestowing of every care ; -, -et, v.n. To bestow C81'G. AM ihdâ, s. a. A conducting in the right road ; a presenting, giving a pre- sent; –, –et, v.a. To conduct in the right road, bring into the fold of the true church ; to present, give. •y* èhrâm, s. pl. a. (of * not used), The pyramids of Egypt; –, ihrâm, 8. t. A pyramid. [low in sound. 4.M âhèssté, a. p. Slow in motion; JEl ehl, s. a. A person connected with anything; a wife ; a proper, compe- tent, suitable person; : 2' ehli- bèyt, A wife ; J> ehli-isslâm, A Musslim, Muhammedan believer ; · J-> ehli-“rz (ehliriz), An honourable, honest man or woman ; · Jel ehli-kitâb, People of the dispensations which have revealed books of religion, as the Jews ayd Christians. · ehliyyet, s. a The quality of * being a fit, proper, and competent person. [urgent or importamt. ehemm, a.a. More, most, or very J* ihmâl, s. a. A neglecting; -, –et, v.a. To neglect, not pay due at- tention to. 4” e° âhiEn, s. p. Iron ; âhiEnrûbâ, s.p. The loadstone; a magmet. ci el âhenk, a. p. Properly prepared for amy action ; properly tuned (a musical instrument). K* âhènghèr, s. p. Ablacksmith. e· âhénin, a. p. Of iron, iron. * âhü, s. p. The gazelle. e· èhvèn, a. a. More, most, or very trifling, unimportant, or easy ; cheap. -5 ey, int. t. O ! eh! holloa! –, ây, 8. t. The moon ; a crescent or figure of a crescent ; a month ; a lunation ; - -5. ây-(lan)-yildiz, The star and crescent (symbol of the Turks); - c: âylik, s. t. Monthly wages or salary, –, a. A month old; sufficient for a month ; -, –bAshi, The first of a month; a woman's monthly ·--- -chicheghi, The sunflower; ·*-, –tütUl- massi, Alunar eclipse. courses ; âya, s. t. The inside or palm of the hand; –, âyâ, ad.t. I wonder whether, let us see whether ; –, eyâ, int. a. O! &:ye':' Âya-Sofya, The mosque (originally the cathedral church) of Saint-Sophia (or of the Divine Omnis- cience) at Constantinople. D 442 ] Q9 ·: iyâb, s. a. The returning, coming back ; - : 9 · zihâb-U-îyâb, A going forth and a returning, a coming and going. . - · eyâdî, s.pl.a. (of : yed), Hands. c*5) : Ayartmak (aor. ye): àyardir), v.a. Topervert, seduce, lead astray. } âyaz, s. t. Frost, clear bright weather with frost. - Jj âyazil, s. t. (corruption from J J - khāyâlî-zill), called also Jl-khâyâl, Akind of puppet-show, or exhibition of shadows behind a cloth screen. 9 * \! âyâzma, s. t. (Greek), A sacred spring or source of water. • âyak, s. t. The foot ; the whole leg and foot ; the leg of any piece of fur- niture ; the tail-stream of anywater, by which it flows away, as the head- water is called c· bAsh, and water which has not these two appendages is esteemed unfitfor drinking or wash- ing ; ·- –yölU, s. t. A privy, water-closet; -, –tâkimi, s. t. The common people, lower classes ; · * siz-Ayagha-dûsh- mek, v.n. To be in a state of anarchy, so that the lower classes rule the day; · âyak-kAbi, A shoe, boot, slipper ; ) 5. âyakdash, s. t. A fellow, companion ; 5: âyakli, a. t. Footed,having a foot or feet; c; âyaklanmak, v.n. To rise into action, or into sedition, rebellion, &c., orto ·: D 443 ] · remonstrate ; c** * \ âyagha- kAlkmak, v.n. To rise and stand, to getup on one'sfeet; to rise in sedition or rebellion ; ; )sessi, âyakda- -dürmak, v.n. To stand, to remain standing ; c* : 5: âyak-bAssmak, v.n. To tread, place the foot on. · èyâlet, s. a. A province governed by a : wâli, a government-general. èyyâm, s. pl. a. (of f: yevm), Days ; (as a Turkish singular) a space oftime ; ) - -, èyyâmi-bâhür, The dog-days. ci ibik, s. t. The comb (of a cock, &c.); · c· khöross-ibighi, Cock's-comb (a flower). · ip, s. t. A cord, string; a rope ; : - –üjU (the end of the string), A clue (to any secret matter). · âyet, s. a. A verse, phrase, or sen- tence of the Kur'an, generally men- tioned as * 4–, âyéti-kerimé, A sacred verse ; –, it, s. t. A dog ; “- : i · · it-öghlu-it, Dog, son of a dog. : Italia, s. t. Italy. - : İtaliali, a. t. Italian ; –, s. t. An Italian. - f : èytâm, s. pl. a. (of * yetim), e : itishmek (aor. · itishir), vn. (recip. ofe·itmek), Topush one another about, to teaze one another, [Orphans. plague one amother, quarrel with one another, bother with one another. c âytlamak (aor. :' âytlar), v.a. To clean out (a pipe, &c.); to pick (the teeth, &c.); to clean or pick (rice, raisims, &c., clear of stones, dirt, &c.). e : etmek (aor. eder), va. To do ; to render, cause tobecome, make ; –, itmek (aor. itEr), v.a. Topush. : issâr, s. a. A giving, bestowing; \–, –et, v.a. To give, bestow. · ijâb, s. a. A being necessary, requisite; –. -et, v.n. To be re- quisite, necessary e : ijâd, s. a. Abringing into ex- istence; an inventing; an invention ; \–, –et, v.a. To invent. s: ijär, s. a A giving for hire, a hiring; -, -et, v.a. Tohire. = ijâz, s. a. A shortening, abbre- viating. < ich, s. t. The inside; : ich-yâghi, Suet, fat of the inside ; * ich-öghlAni, A young man (informer times) preparing by training and study to become an officer of the Sultan's palace; · * ich-Aghassi, A personal attendant, who waits on his master and the guests in person. 2yeş: or -5 sş: ichèri, s. t. The inside, space contained inside. e: ichki, s. t. Wine, spirits, and such like drink. •9 : ichim, s. t. Enough for one drink. e: •aş ichmek (aor. Aş: ichEr), v.a. To drink ; to smoke (pipes or tobacco). · ichin, pr. t. For ; as; on account of; by reason of; for the sake of. 8 5°) idâ”, s. a. A depositing in trust ; \-, –et, v.a. To deposit in trust. c edinmek (aor. edinir), v.a. (indet of : etmek), To procure for one's self, provide one's self with, gain for one's self. · eydi, s. pl, a. (of : yed), Hands. e : Aydin, aydinlik,s. t. Light, daylight, firelight, &c.; · ·= ghyîzung-âydin! (May) your eyes (be as öright as) light! This is the usual mode of wishing anyone joy. èyEr, s. t. A saddle; c e: -, –wÜrmak, v.n. To put the saddle On ; ·} } èyerlémek, v.a. To saddle. · irâss, s. a. A causing, a bringing about; \-, -et, v.a. To cause. e irâd, s. a. A putting forward, bringingforward(arguments); revenue, income ; -, -et, v.a. Toput or bring forward, adduce, cite. ir.Ak, a. t. Distant, far off;–, s. t. A distance, a distant place. elV) Irān, s. t. Persia. Irâni, a. p. Persian. d55): èrté or irté, s. t. The day after, the next day; ·r) : pâzâr- èrtéssi, Monday (the day after Sun- day); - *----- jüm”â-ertéssi, Saturday (the day after Friday); ·L: èrtéssi, or · ·5 èrtéssi- -ghyûn, The day after that (its next day). - c • : èrishmek or irishmek (aor. y: èrishir), v.n. To reach, attain. [ 444 ] · iring, s. t. Pus, matter of sores. < 5: irkmek (aor. A5 irkEr), or e 5 irkilmek (aor.-) $: irkilir), vn. To collect in pools and stagnate (water). ·9°: irghyurmek (aor. )v· irghyurur), v.a. (old), To cause to reach or attain. • 0?” ç èrim, s. t. The range, the distance to which a thing can reach. c· (or · ) irmak, s. t. A river ; –, âyrmak (aor. r: âyrir), v.a. To separate, disjoin, put asunder; to choose, select, pick. · èrmek (aor. ) èrEr), v.n. To reach, arrive, attain; –Jāe “âkl –, v.n. To understand, comprehend, _2°y: î e “Aklim-ermiyor, I do not understand, my mind does not go so far as to comprehend; y: Jäe J5° “Akl-errr-shey-dighil, It is an incomprehensible thing (it is not a thing which the mind can reach). -°y' âyri, a. t. Separate, apart; -: -, -ghâyri, Separate things; j* \ :j• âyrimiz-ghayrimiz-yök,We have no separate interests; –, iri, a. t. Large. iz, s. t. A footmark, track, trace ; · izlémek (aor. izlEr), v.a. To follow by the traces. L- iss, s. t. Soot; lampblack. · ish, s. t. Work, business, occupa- tion; service ; action; amatter, affair; workmanship; the work ofone'shands, · \ 06 [ 445 ] oli) handiwork; the thing worked, made, or done; z: -, –ghyüch, Business, occupation ; ·-, –ishlémek, To be occupied with work; ) = -, –ghyirmek, To do business, to finish a business ; to be of use, to be useful in any work or business ; - ish-ghyüzâr, a. t. Dili- gent, clever, enterprising, energetic; v_°-9) =-, -ghyirmush, a. (A person) of experience, who has had a hand in many and various affairs ; (a thing) old and worn, which has done service ; c· isha-yâramak, v.n. To be useful, serviceable ; ·y- · bir-isha-yâramamak, v.n. To be of no use whatever ; y: ·l ishima-yârar, It will be (or is) useful to me ; “ ishi-üymak (or · bitmek, or · düzèlmek, 0?” c~y· döghrulmak), Anyone's affairs to be in good train, or settled to his satisfaction ; ş: ishji, s. t. A workman; ş° ishjilik, s. t. Workmanship. e : ishitmek (aor. y lishidir), v.a. To hear; –, ishEtmek (aor. J* ishëdir), v.a. (caus. ofe· ishémek), To cause or allow one to make water. cş: ishik, s. t. Light, daylight, fire- light, candle-light, &c. · ishletmek (aor. : ishlédir), v.a. (caus. of : ishlémek), To cause, or to allow to work, or to be worked; to cause (an ulcer, &c.) to suppurate ; to work (a mine, quarry, forest, &c.); to cause to be embroidered, carved, illuminated,&c. · ishlek, a. t. (A thing) which works easily or quickly; (a road) which has much traffic on it; (handwriting) which is easy and flowing; (a pipe) which is free from stoppage, or from an accumulation of the oil of tobacco. e : ishlémek (aor. · ishler), v.a. To work at ; to work up; to em- broider, carve, illuminate, or ormament with work ; –, v.n. Togo, to work, to perform (amachine); to have much traffic on it (a road); to be free from stoppage (a pipe, &c.); to suppurate (a sore). * · ishémek (aor. · ishEr), v.n. To piss, to make water, pass urine. Ja: issÂl, s. a. A causing to reach, join, arrive ; -, -et, v.a. Tobring or send. [manner, also, likewise. Ö. èyzan, ad. a. As above, in the same z :) izâh, s. a. A making clear and explicit; -, -et, v. a. To make clear and explicit. · ighdish, s. t. A gelding. : âyghir, s. t. A stallion, stone-horse. ifâ, s. a. Aduly performing, ac- complishing, or paying; –, –et, v.a. To perform, accomplish, or pay. - c: âyik, a. t. Sober, not intoxicated. el: ikâd, s. a. A lighting, setting fire * to; -, -et, v.a. Tolight, set onfire. klâl İ446 ] · kli: ikâz, s. a. A waking, rousing, making vigilant; a rousing from tor- por or inaction ; an exciting to any action : -, -et, v.a. To wake, to rouse ; to excite, stir up. - c igh, s. t. A spindle; a Small spindle and wheel for spinning yarn by hand. c ighrEnmek (aor. ):%), (7.70 • To feel an abhorrence for (anything masty). · inglémek (aor. K), v.n. To moan, to groan ; · ingildi, A moaning. • · ikindi, s. t. The prayer, or prayer-time, of the middle of the after- İ100İle - *: ighné, s. t. A needle ; a pin ; a c= - ) ighnéjik, dimin. t. (a little needle) A pintle of a rudder. · eghi, or * eghi-kemigli, s. t. A rib, a rib-bone. · iki a t Two : -, -kat, Twofold, double; * ) ikimiz, The both of us ; = ikingiz, Both of you; - Kl ikissi, Both of them; : * ikida-bir, ad. t. Now and then, once (in fact) for every twice (that should be); yü - -yüzlu, a. t. Double-faced, treacherous,false, hypocritical i :İ ikinji; a. t. Second. [a twin. ikiz, s. t. Twins; one of twins, ikiyuz, a. t. Two hundred. prickle, thorn ; a sting ; two of us, J-) il or eyl, s. t. A country ; a wandering pastoral tribe ; (:) rüm-èyli, The land of the Romans, Rumelia ; · ilât (Arabic plural of the word), The wandering pastoral tribes of the mountainsbetween Turkey and Persia. · ilEtmek (aor. ilidir), (!).0'e To send forward, forward, send. elti, s. a. The wife of the brother of one's husband, a sister-in-law (of a woman). · èlchi, s. t. An ambassador, an envoy (literally the agent of his country or tribe). e· ilkhin, s.t. The Sultan (iterally the prince of the tribe). 9 iléri, s. t. The space further in advance ; –, ad. Further on, in advance. · ilishik, s. t. A scruple, doubt, dislike, anything that holds one from acting: -, a. t. Slightly caught or tacked on. - c- * ) ilishmek (aor. ilishir), v.n. To catch, adhere to, orbe hooked slightly on to anything; topause in doubt; to feel a scruple ora dislike. c· âylik, s. t. Monthly wages or salary ; quantity (of anything) sufii- cient for a month ; -, a. t. A month old. e : ilik, s. t. A loop for a button ; an eye for a hook; iliklémek, v.a. To button; tohook (adress, &c.). - c· D 447 ] · · âyilmak (aor. ) âyilir), v.n. To become sober (from drunkenness); to regain one's senses (from fainting, or from being stunned). · eylémek (aor : èyler), va. To | do; to make, render, cause to become; -, ilmek, s. t. A noose, a slip-knot; –, ilmik, s. t. Semoule, a preparation of paste in small grains, semolina. *şü: èylEnja, s. t. Amusement, pas- time, fun. c eylenmek (aor. -)· eylénir), v.n. To amuse one's self; to be amused; to stay, stop, wait. J: èylül, s. t. September. * ) ila (often pronounced ilen or ilan, and contracted in writing to & la, which is also frequently pronounced lEn or lan), p. t. With. · ilijAk, a. t. Tepid. *ş ilija, s. t. A natural tepid spring. “: imâ, s. a. An allusion, aslight men- tion; a hint; -, -et, v.a. To allude to or mention slightly ; to hint at. e· èymÂn, s. pl, a. (of “ yemin), Oaths ; –, imÂn, s. a. A believing, holding as a creed or faith ; religious faith or belief; the Muhammedan faith; l-, et, and 9)*-, –ghètirmek, v.n. To believe in ; · imÂna-ghèlmek, v.n. To be con- verted, to receive the faith ; tobecome a Muhammedan; e: ) =*-i “: imÂna-ghètirmek, v.a. To convert, bring to the faith. )· imperatür, s. t. An emperor. *5 è'imm6, s. pl, a. (of • . imÂm), Pontiffs ; fathers of the church ; imams. [therefore, wherefore. · (or - ) imdi, c. t. Now, then, - ·l imrEnmek (aor. );-iU-*-i imrënir), v.n. To have a longing for (anything nice). · èymèn, a. a. More, most, or very safe, secure, or fortunate. · in, s. t. A cave, cavern, grotto ; a den; –, pron p. This ; –(or e), èn, s. t. Width, breadth. e : injitmek (apr. şi: injidir), v.a. To hurt, injure, cause pain, sor- row, or injury to. · injinmek (aor. )· injinir), v.n. To be hurt, injured, or pained. inji, s. t. A pearl *şi inja, a. t. Thin, fine, small. * : âyendé, a. p. Coming, to come, e : inek, s. t. A cow. [future. * (for :) âyna, s. t. A looking- glass, a mirror. âyi, s. t. A bear; –, iyi, a. t. Good; –, ad. t. Well; :'e ; pek-iyi, Very good; very well; : - èp-iyi, Pretty good ; pretty well; *-: iyija, Rather good, ratherwell, rather better; : İ iyilik, s. t. Goodness ; kindness. !: âywa, s. t. A quince. · èywân, s. p. A court, a large state apartment. * eywâh ! int. t. Alas! · eyyüb, s. t. Job. f'e D 448 ] J:: f'e ihâm, s. a. Ambiguous language, amphibology ; -, -et, v.a. To hint darkly, or disguise in ambiguous lan- guage. [formal method. · âyin, s. t. A rite, ceremonial, 4: âyin6, s. p. Alooking-glass, mirror: a telescope ; a reflector. G-2 c- bâ (b6). Second letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of ö in English, though in some cases taking the sound of p, when placed before or after amy of the sharp sound- ing letters, and at the end of the first gerund of verbs. It is sometimes interchanged, in Persian words, with - pè, and wâw; as, · bisster, or ** pisstEr; · tâb, or 5 tâv ; also, but much less frequently, with -i fé and mim. In chronograms and astronomical tables it has the numerical value of 2. In the dates of letters it stands for the month --) Rèjeb ; –, bé, pr. p. (in composition), With; by, in, for; –, bi, pr. a. (in composition), With ; by ; in ; on. \: bâ, s. a. Name of the letter - ; –, pr. p. (in composition), With ; by; in. · bÂb, s. a. A door; a gate; a chapter ; a matter, subject, category ; a house of government, a ministerial official residence or place of business; e-, bÂbi-”âli, The chief office of the Ottoman government (the so- called Porte or Sublime Porte, a per- verted French translation of the ori- ginal, which merely means “the High House” as we say the High Court of Chancery), otherwise calledu *·: pâsha-kApissi, “the House of the Pasha,” or simply : kApi, the Office; these two latter terms being also ap- plied, in the provinces, to theresidence of the governor. The extravagant and unmeaning term “ Sublime Porte,” or rather its original, is never applied by the Turks to the Sultan or to the government, but simplyto the premises where the general business of the go- vernment is carried on ; -5*-e·-, bâbi - sèr“Asskéri, “The Guards” of Constantinople, or its War-Department; ·: -, bÂbi- fetvâ-penâhi, The offices of the ShèykhU-’l-isslâm ; ·-, bÂbi- -hümâyün, The principal gate of en- Horse- trance to the premises of the old imperial residence, opening near the mosque of St. Sophia. bAbA, s. t.A father; –, a. Fatherly, old and kind or respectable; : Ak-bAba, A kind of vulture ; : bAbAlik, A sort of father, a second father, one who takes care of a child ; an old man, ome who cam be looked upon as afather ; -5) : baba-köru, A kind of hard stone ; an agate(?). J. Bâbel, s. t. Babylon. - c : [ 449 ] C° bAtirmak (aor. bAtirir), v.a. (causal of c·\!) To dip, plunge, submerge; to cause to sink, to sink, send to the bottom. -- - · bAtmak (aor. \;\: bAtar), v.n. To sink, go to the bottom ; to set, go down (stars, &c.); to be lost to the | owner (money). L: or · bÂti, s. t. The west ; the west wind ; c·-, –lÖdoss, west- C: : -, –kAra-yel, west-north-west. south-west ; z : bāj, s. p, A toll; black-mail. 5- or - bAjak, s. t. The thigh ; the whole leg; } = bAjaksiz, A person with very short legs ; i-: bAjakli, A person with long legs, all legs ; a Dutch ducat, so called from the figure of a man on one side of it, in armour, with his legs rather open and long. - z = bājénâh, (or : - bājénâkh, 0)” bâjénak, or c· bâji- nAk), s. t. (bAjanAk), A brother-in- law, husband of one's wife's sister, fellow sharer in two sisters as wives. 4 - bAja, s. t. A chimney; an air- shaft; a loop-hole, or Small opening for light or airin towers or dungeons ; the flat terraced roof of a house ; 4- : kApi-bAja, Door and roof, or door and chimney, saying used to sig- nify a house, ahome; allover the house. · bÂji, s. t. A sister; a wife. -: bāhür, s. a The heat of the dog- days; –f èyyâmi-bâhür, The dog- days. · bâ-khÜssüss, ad. p. In parti- cular, particularly, especially, above all. e: bād, s. p. Wind; a wind, breeze; e-, bâdi-sâbâ, The gentle, cool, and delicious breeze that usually blows in spring and early summer, the Zephyr ; y°–, bâdi-hevâ (bedāwā), Gratis, Without money and without price; –, bâdi-fenâ, The cold wind of death or annihilation. · bâdbân, or bâdibân, s. p. A sail. * bâdem (or •le bâdâm), s. p. An almond. [purple egg-plant. e· bâdinján (pAtlijAn), s. t. The düel bAdana, s. t. Whitewash; ; ) -, –wÜrmak, v.n. To whitewash. sel bâdé, s. p. Wine, -sel bâdi, s. a. One who begins, brings about, or causes anything; a cause ; –5°e : bādi'i-nazar, The first glimpse or look. &e: bādiyé, s. a. A desert, a wilder- ness, unreclaimed country ; –, bÂdya, s. t. A tub. bâr, s. p. A load, burthen; fruit (as the burthen of the tree) ; a time ; –, a. p. (in composition) Which rains, pours forth ; c·- –ölmak, v.n. To be at charge, to be a burthen ; ·'y:bErgh-U-bâr,Leavesandfruit ; : * hèr-bâr, Every time, always; A Jé ghyûher-bâr, Which sheds pre- cious stones; ö\s-> : bâr-khâné, The 2 H ey: baggage and baggage horses of a grandee. e : bârân, s. p. Rain. [unpleasant. 9): bârid, a. a. Cold; disagreeable, 5'ey) : bârdak, s. t. Adrinking cup, a mug. y: bâriz, a. a. Apparent, conspicuous. c ,\! bArish, s. t. Peace, cessation of hostilities ; c ) -, –ghyirush, Peace and friendship ; – –, - –öl, To make peace and see each other on friendly terms. c· : bArishik, a. t. At peace ; c bÂrishiklik, s. t. Peace. bArishmak (aor. bArishir), v.n. To make friends with one another, make it up again, make peace, to be reconciled to each other. *S): bârghyâh, s. p. A royal court, or hall of audience. · bârghir (bèghir), s. p. A gelding ; a hack ; a pack-horse. [or tower. 2 bârÜ, s p. A castle wall, battlement, · bârüt (bârit), s. t. (from ar. “92v : saltpetre, the salt used for cool- ing), Gunpowder 5 *'s ;v : bârit- -khâné, A powder-mill, powder-mills ; - * L55 9y: bâritji-bAshi, The di- rector of the imperial powder-works. 3) bâré, s. p. A time; yiye dü-bâré, (Two times) twice; deuces (of the dice at backgammon) ; a trick, piece of trickery orkmavery. -°5): bâri, s. a. The Creator, God; –, s. p, One time, once; –, (and bârim) [ 450 ] c· ad. t. At least, if nothing else, just, only, anyhow, at all events, at anyrate. } : bÂz, s. p. A falcon ; a time, return, Tepetition : -, a. p. Open ; (in comp0- sition) who plays ; -, ad. p. Again, af16W. ju bâzâr (also : pâzâr), s.p. A fair, a movablemarket; Sunday; -°y-, –èrtéssi, Monday (day after Sun- day); -, -et, v.n. To make a bar- gain; c·y- pâzarlashmak, v.n. To talk over a bargain, and perhaps conclude it. · bâz-khâsst, s. p. The resur- rection, a rising again (from the dead). e Syj bAzirghyán (bezirghèn), s. p. A merchant ; a shopkeeper ; a pedlar ; a Jew. - - bÂzü, s. p. The arm ; strength, power, might ; –, (bAzi), s. t. The upper arm ; · : * : : J', vâr-küvvetini-bâzUya-virmek, To put forth one's whole strength (to give one's existing strength to the arm); ·: bÂzUbènd, s. p. An armlet. -s} : bÂzi, s. p. Play, playing, a game; * : : bÂziché, dim. p. A plaything. c- bë'ss, a, a. Harm, injury, inju- riousness, ill; : c- : be'ss-yök, No matter, it does not signify. e· bâsstün, s. t. Ajibboom. -) · bâssür, s. a. Hemorrhoids, the piles; hemorrhoidal or scrofulous humours. - ş · bAsh, s. t. The head ; a chief ; a *, c· [ 451 ] c· Commencement ; an end; a spring, source; a summit, top ; the head of a ship orboat, the bows; • sü- -bAshi, A spring, Source, head-Water; a kind of rural mayor of a village ; an equal; agio ; discount ; dress, clothes ; U5): · bAshi-bözuk, One whose clothes are not uniform; c : bAsh-ûsstuna, ad. t. (Upon the head) with pleasure, your command shall be obeyed; 8 = \ \! bAsh-ûjunda, and & yâni-bAshinda, ad. t. Close by, near at hand ; e· · yëngi - bAshdan, ad. Anew, over again; 3 4:3 e bAshdan- âyagha - kAdar, ad. From head to foot; **\: e·: bir-bAshdan- -Ö-bir-bAsha, From one end to the other; bAshli, a. t. Headed; : belli-bAshli, a. One who is well known; 4 : bAshli- -bAshina, ad. t. independently ; ; bAshlik, s. t. Separately, apart, A cowl; a bridle; the capital of a column or Cross-piece over a post or pillar ; · C: :- châwush-bAshi, The chief pursuivant, herald, ormes- senger of state, now in some respects a minister of justice ; the title of · bAshi added to the name of any fol- lower of a trade or Occupation, is often a mere mark of courtesy ; thus every medical man is called - · ** hekim-bAshi, every tailor : ye (terzi)-bAshi, &c., though strictly these titles belong only to the tradesmen, &c., of the Sultan, they being, as it were, the heads of their several professions ; * : - " ir-bAshi, A leader of his fellows ; a ringleader ; ·: _j y” siz-bÂshi, A spokesman ; ** e Ön-bAshi, A decurion, a corporal, a second- class petty naval officer ; * ): yiz-bÂshi, A centurion, a captain of the army, a lieutenant of the navy ; · bing-bAshi, A chiliarch, a chef-de-bataillon, major, or lieutenant- colonel in the army, a commander in the navy ; 5 *\: bAsh-bögh, A com- modore, a commander of an army or division ; c· c· bAsh-ölmak, v.a. Tobe one's peer or equal; · bAsha - ghèchmek, v.n. To become chief, to take the lead ; • ş- 4 : bAsha - chikmak, v.n. To strive to equal, to emulate, to rival; · d·e- bAshdan - châkmak, v.n. To become undutiful, rebellious, dis- obedient, to cast away restraint ; ( *9 ş- e· bAshdan-ch?kârmak, v.a. To entice to disobedience; _\: c; 5 bAsh - kAldirmak, v.n. To raise the head; to revive, regain one's strength, courage, or spirits ; to appear, show one's self, come into active being ; ;-ş e: \! bAshing- -ichin! By your head! For your head's sake - ğ • e : bAshing- May your head be in 2 H 2 - -sâgh-ölsUn, ·l [ 452 ] sé •p health ! (said when a misfortune has though we should say: “ Well, you have happened to anyone, as your health, and this misfortune can be remedied”); ; ) : e· bAshdan - kAraya - wîrmak, v.n. To run straight ashore ; ye * \: · “Akli-bAshindâ-dir, (His senses are in his head), he has not lost his senses, he knows what he is about ; · JSek : “Akli - bAshinda- dighil, or - 5 * : āe “Akli-bAshin- dan-ghitdi, He has lost his wits, he does not know what he is about ; bAlik-bAshdan-kökar, Fish first stink at the head, proverbial generally for affairs of gallantry ; –, a. Preponderant, overbearing, irresist- ible. -* bAssmaji, s. t. A printer. ·: bAssmak (aor. e: bAssar), v.n. To press, weigh upon; to tread ; –, va. To print ; to attack suddenly, to surprise; to make a seizure or domi- ciliary visit ; to take in the act ; - : âyak–, v.n. To tread, set the foot ; - :· bAssdirmak (aor. 2v*-e- bAssdirir), v.a. causal. To press or beat down ; to put down ; to put out, extinguish (a conflagration); to get under, to hold down, prevent from rising. · bÂtil, a. a. Vain, unfounded, un- true, false, groundless. · bÂtin, s. and a. a. Interior; · : expression to signify that the öad er- ample gf the upper classes causes their inferiors to become similarly infected 2vith vice. c bAsharmak (aor. )v : bÂ- bÂtini, a. a. Internal ; mystical. · bAti, s. t. The west ; the west sharir), v.a. To accomplish, to manage wind (see \). to bring to the desired end or state. bAshak, s, The ear or spike of 00TT1. [v.n. To commence, beğin. c; : bAshlamak (aor. : bAshlar), c e: bAssamak, s. t. A step in a 8: bâ”, s. a. A fathom, the length to which the two arms can stretch. · bâ”iss, s. a. A cause, a causer. & bÂgh, s. p. A vineyard; (in p0etry) a garden; c :-, –bÖzmak, v.n. To ladder, a stair. * bÂssira, s. a. The sight ; –, a. a. fem. Seeing, which sees ; ye: · kûvveti-bÂssira, The sight, the seeing faculty. gatherthegrapesofavineyard; –bAgh, s. t. Atie, binding, string, &c.; a knot; e· bÂghbán, s. p, A gardener; c· bAghlik, s. t. Land appropriate to vineyards ; : bAghli, a. t. Tied, · bAsski, s. t. A press for pressing. bound ; dependent on ; - -! e· bAsskin, s. t. A military sur- bûghu–, a. t. Bound by some charm. prise ; a seizure or entry by the police, aş°: bÂghcha, s. p. dim. A garden (lit. c· [453 ] ala: a little garden); el ş°: bÂghchawÂn, 8. p. A gardener. · bâghirmak (aor. bâghirir), v.n. To callout, cry out, cry, cry aloud. c· bAghishlamak (aor. ...** bAghishlar), v.a. (for - : bâkhshlamak), To forgive, to pardon (a fault); to spare, spare the life of (a person). c bÂghlamak (aor. bAghlar), v.a. To tie, bind, fasten, make fast ; - *2: büghu–, To make a charm, use some kind of sorcery ; - * sülh-, v.n. To make peace, conclude a peace ; --K nikyâh–, v.n. To assign a dower, on marriage, in case of separation ; –ey) irâd–, To assıgn a revenue or ıncome. · bÂghi, a. a. Arebel ; a sinner. · bâfté, a.p. Woven, wove. - : bAkir, s. t. Copper (metal); a piece of copper money; copper sheathing of ships ; pl. : bâkirlar, Copper utensils, pots and pans, kettles and 08İ1S. c·: bAkmak (aor. 5: bAkar), v.a. To look; to regard; to consider; to superintend ; to attend ; to treat medically ; to face, be opposite to ; to depend, be dependent ; to hope. bÂki, a. a. Permanent, durable; remaining; –, 8. a The Temainder, the rest ; –, ad. t. As to anything else ; 5-, –kAlmak, v.n. To remain. · bâk, s. p. Fear ; - -U- -pErwâ, Fear and dread ; · bi- -bâk, Fearless. 3,5 bâkiré, s. a. A virgin. J: bAl, s. t. Honey ; –, bâl, s. a. The heart ; the mind; –, s. p. A wing ; j“: J. bÂl-yemâz, a. t. The common long kind of cannon, neither car- ronade nor chambered ; <' = ghyimèj-bAli, Honey in the comb ; · bÂl-mÜmU, Bees'-wax, wax ; a wax-candle ; –, bi-’l (at the be- ginning of many Arabic adverbial ex- pressions), in, with, by, &c. (it is the prep. -°, and the def art. J). Y\! bâlâ, a. p. High ; –, s. p. Height, stature ; the top, summit ; ) 'a , rütbé'i-bâlâ, The highest civil grade after which the holders are generally made mushirs, and take the title of pasha; some ministers hold this rank. · bAlchik, s. t. Tenacious clay; the cross-piece or guard of a sword- handle. · bi-’l-jümlé, a. a. All, every one. y° : bAldir, s. t. The calf of the leg ; *** ş--5) - baldiri-chiplAk- -tâkimi, The rabble (those who go bare-legged). j bâldiz, s. t. A man’s sister-in-law, the sister of his wife. · bi-'z-zât, ad. a In person, per- sonally. · bAlta, s. t. An axe ; a battle-axe ; - : bAltaji, A woodcutter, one * [ 454 ] L: who cutsup firewood; one of a former corps of guards to the Sultan. 8- bÂligh, a, a. Reaching, arriving ; amounting, mounting up to ; arrived at years of puberty (also expressed * : * -āe “Akla-bÂligh, arrived at (years of) discretion). Jx : bi-’l-fi"l, ad. a. Actually, really, in act and deed. c bAlik, s. t. Afish; -, -Avi, fishing; c -, –Avlamak, To fish; ·2); *-, -yimurtassi, the roe or spawn offish ; botargo, the dried roe of the grey mullet; ·- –Aghi, A fishing-net. [with forests. e : bÂlkAn, s. t. A mountain covered e· bâlin, s. p. A cushion, bolster, pillow ; –, s. t. Around long bolster. c·: bAlyoss, s. t. (Italian), A consul (formerly an ambassador). f: bâm, s. p. The dawn, early morn ; the terraced roof of a house. * \: bândara, s. t. (Italian), A foreign flag, colours, or ensign. c= bânk, s. p, A voice, a cry. bâni, s. a. A builder, founder. bâvEr, s. p. Truth ; credit, belief ; c·-, -kilmak, va. To credit, *\: bâh, s.a. Sexual intercourse. [believe. *\: bâhir, a. a. Manifest, evident. -5 bây, s. p. Arich or great man. · bâyat, a. t. Stale, old, not fresh. J- bi-eyyi-hâl, ad. a In any case, under whatever circumstances it may be. : bâyir, s. t. Arising, sloping ground. 5- bâyi”, s. a. A seller, vendor. e· bayghin, a. t. Faint, fainting, swooning ; drooping. c· baykush, s. t. An owl. c· bayilmak (aor. bâyilir), v.n. To faint, swoon ; to droop. _r: bibEr, s. t. Pepper ; -, bibr, s. p. A tiger ; ye!-2} :: kârmizi-bibEr, Red pepper, cayenne, and the like ; r: bibériyyé, s. t. Rosemary. · bebek, s. t. An infant, child in swaddling-clothes ; · ghyiz- bëbèghi, The pupil of the eye. · bit, s. t. Alouse ; -, (püt), s. p. An idol, object of false worship ; a mistress, sweetheart ; -65) -, bit- -pâzâri, A market for old clothes (and · takhta-biti, A bug; L: cşe: kAssik-biti, A crab-louse ; e : bitlenmek, v.n. To louse one's self; &\si: (pÜt)-khâné, An lice) ; idol-temple ; y: (pût)-pèresst, An idolater, worshipper of idols. : bAtak, s. t. A morass, a slough, a slime-pit ; a quick-sand ; a place a bad business where money is lost; a cut- where travellers sink in ; throat's den where people are secretly made away with ; · bAtakji, A secret cut-throat who entices people to his house, and then makes away . with them ; a swindler, who sinks people's money or goods. | : beter, a. p. Worse, · I 455 ] ·? · bitirmek (aor. bitirir), v.a. (caus. of : 4: bitmek), To finish, conclude, bring to an end, make an end of. e : bitmek (aor. : biter), v.n. TO end, be finished, come to an end, be all used up, or spent; to grow, sprout (as plants). cy: bitun, a. t. Whole, entire; –, s. t. The whole, the entire; – or y:cy: bitun-bitun, ad. t. Wholly, entirely. -: bitévi, s. a. and ad. t. Same meanings as y:. < bè-jā, a. p. Which is in its place, worthy, suitable; = nâ-be-jā, a.p. Unworthy, improper ; U: =. be- -jâyesh (bêjâyish), s. t. (in its place, in lieu, ad. p.) An exchange of places or offices ; -, -et, v.n. To exchange offices with one another. ·. bèjâlet, s. a. Beauty and portli- : Bèch, s. t. Vienna. [ness combined. ci ş. b?chÂk, s. t. A knife; a cutter ; ş° ş: blchakji, Aknife outler. *ş . b?chki, s. t. A cross-cut saw, a sawyer's saw ; ş15aş, bichkiji, A sawyer. - f : bichim, s. t. Cutting ; a mode of cutting, cut, shape, form ; harvest, reaping. c- 4-ş bichmek (aor. eş: bichEr), v.a. To mow ; to reap ; to saw into planks ; to cut out (clothes); to esti- mate (the value). U:eş: bÜchuk, s. t. A half over any whole numbers, as 5 =ş.J- bir- büchük, One and a half, iş-ş. iki-bÜchuk, Two and a half, &c. 4-ş; bèché, s. p. The young of an animal; a child. y < bihâr, s. pl, a. (of = bahr), Seas. · bâhss, s. a. A dissertation, dis- course ; a wager ; -, -et, v.n. To discourse, treat, enlarge upon : -, v.a. To wager, bet, lay. _s: bāhr, s. a. The sea ; any great water ; a.s –, bâhri-mühit, The ocean (as formerly supposed to sur- round the habitable part of the world); La: -, bahri-ebyâd, The Medi- terranean ; ·-, bâhri-èssvèd, The Black Sea ; *--, bâhri-âhmèr, or ( -, bâhri-külzÜm, or L·-> bâhri-Sûwèyss, The Red Sea; )}=--, bâhri-hâzEr, The Caspian ; -, bâhri-Lüt, The Dead Sea ; cj s: bâhreyn, s. a. dual. The two seas, i.e. the Black Sea and the Mediterranean; -5 =< bahri (fem : < bahriyyé), a. a. Maritime ; marine ; naval; nautical. ey- bührÂn, s. a. The crisis of a fever. = bükhâr, s. a. Vapour, exhalation. y < Bükhârâ, s. t. Bokhara. e s<3 bâkht, s. p. Luck, fortune; good luck, good fortune ; · bâkhtli, a. t. <. bâkht-yâr, y <. bâkht- -âvir, a. p. Lucky, fortunate ; - : bâkhtsiz, a. t. --s:ex: bed-bâkht, a. p. Unfortunate, unlucky. ·: U* bâkhsh, and : < bâkshhâ, a. p. (in composition), Who gives, a giver. u: < bâkhshish, s. p, A giving ; a present in money (from a superior). Jak; bükhl or bâkhl, s. a. Stinginess, avarice. - · bükhür, s. a. Incense ; ele : bükhürdān (or ile k bükhur- danlik), s. p, A censer, pan or box in which incense is burnt. J:=< bâkhil, s. a. A miser ; a stingy, avaricious man. [improper. \! bëd, a. p. Bad, ill; ugly, shocking, - 'a: bed', s. a. A beginning, commenc- ing ; a commencement ; -, –et, v.n. To begin, commence. · bedâhit, s. a. A sudden ap- pearance or effusion; kol bi-'l- -bedâhé, Suddenly, unexpectedly, un- preparedly, extemporarily. · bidâyet, s. a. A beginning, commencement. _y \! bedr, s. a. The full moon. 45) : bedraka, s. a. A guide ; a fellow- traveller ; an escort. · bid”ât, s. a. An innovation ; & –, bid'âti-hâssana, A praise- worthy or useful innovation, a reform, an opportune departure from routine. J· bedel, s. a Anything set in lieu of another; money paid instead of rations ; a substitute given for a per- son drawn by ballot for the army. cy : bedEn, s. a. The body; the trunk of the body ; the main body of a building ; the walls (of a castle or town); kal”a-bedéni, The walls of a (the) castle. z* bëdüh, Mystical word usually written under the address of letters, and sometimes represented by the numeral equivalents of its component letters, thus ^l°f, as an invocation for its safe arrival. -°y \! bèdévi, a. a. Inhabiting, or grow- ing in the desert or unreclaimed wilderness (pl. e: \! bèdéviyyün, and accus cy: A: bedéviyyin ; this latter word, in which the v is pro- nounced u by the Arabs, is the ori- ginal of the French bedouin, adopted by us also). bedidâr, a, p. Visible, apparent, manifest. 5-* bedi”, a. a. New, never seen or heard of before, beautiful, wonderful, astonishing; (fem. * : bedi”à, A wonderful, or beautiful thing, act, Or quality). 46: A: bedihé, s. a. A witty impromptu, a spiritual saying or remark. e: bedihi, a.a. Which happens sud- denly ; self-evident, manifest. J& bèzl, s. a. A bestowing profusely ; –, –et, v.a. To bestow. r bèr, pr. p. On, upon ; over; accord- ing to ; –, s. p. The breast, bosom ; fruit ; –, a. p. (in comp0sition), Who carries, brings, or carries away ; –, bir, a. t. One ; the same; equial; a, *): an : -, berr, s. a. Land; main- land; a just man; –, birr, s. a. Vir- tue ; – -, bèr-târaf, a. p. Aside, on one side, out of the way ; – –, - -et, v.a. To get rid of, dispose of, put out of the way ; )y=*U : bEr-minvâli-mûhârrer, According to the manner described, as above-men- tioned ; _rcy:** simin-bEr, a. p. Silver-breasted ; -*-- nâmé-bEr, Who carries a letter; 55r biri, or U “: r! birissi, One, a person, aman ; one (of them); y: bir-iki, One or two ; *** ikida-bir, Every now and then ; 8 y: birda, c. t. And also, moreover ; y-, bir-öl, v.n. To act together, be as one; : bir- -birini, or : 7-5, biri-birini, pron. acc. One another ; &:Ur bir-birina, To one another ; , ) bir-birin- dân, From one another, * J!): bir- -birila, With one another; &c.; ; ): bir-bir, One by one; birlik, s. t. Unity ; concord; * = : bir- likda, (In unity) together. bür', s. a. Abeing healed, a cure ; de –, bûr'u-’ss-sâ”a, An instan- taneOuS Cure. Ay bErâber, a. p. Equal, on a footing of equality, on a line, breast and breast ; –, ad. p. Together, at the same time, along with. ·r bèrât, s. t. A warrant, or letters- patent of the second class; a diploma; a consul's exequatur ; ·y: bèrâtli, [ 457 İ \y A merchant, or other, holding a patent of privilege. - yer birâder, s. p. Abrother ; a friend, comrade, companion, fellow : &yey: birâdérâné, a. p. Brotherly (thing). ·y berâ’at, s. a. Elegance, per- fection of beauty ; J -, bërâ'- âti-isstihlâl, The beauty of symbolic literary composition, by which the technical terms of any science are used (for example, in a preface) and symbolized. deyi bragha, s. t. (Italian), The breech- ing of a cannon on board ship. bërrâk, a. t. Clear, limpid (liquid), free from mistiness, cloudiness, or turbidity ; –, bÜrâk, s. a. Name of the celestial steed said to have carried Muhammed to the highest heaven, and variously explained by the commen- tators. c iyi brakmak (aor. brâkir, or y: brâghir, or brâghâr), v.a. To leave, quit, forsake, abandon; to let go, loose ; to let, permit ; to leave, not meddle with, let alone; to put down, lay down. e)V: bürrân, a. p. Sharp, keen, cutting. -° V: berâyi, pr. p. For, for the sake of, on account of. y: berâyâ, s. pl, a. (of : , not used), Creatures ; men ; Musslim subjects of the Sultan, free from tribute ; e:) ri”âyâ-u-bërâyâ, The subjects of the Sultan, free and protected. ·y ·y: berâ’at, s. a. Freedom, abeing free from any defect or blemish. · berbâd (birbAt), a p. Gone to the winds, destroyed, ruined; spoilt, dirtied. [aboriginal of Barbary. _r): birbir, s. t. A barber ; a Berber, a:y: birbet, s. p. A lute, a harp. :!): bërtèr, a. p. Higher ; ev :iyi bir- térin, a. p. The highest. < r! bÜrj, s. a. Around or square tower at intervals in old castle walls; a sign of the zodiac. - Je bèrch Ak, s. t. Alupin ? a vetch ? le) - bërkhördâr, a. p. Prosperous, fortunate, happy. “9r: bèrd, s. a. Cold, coldness. 'e2r: berdâr, a. p. On the gibbet, gib- beted; -, -et, v.a.Tohang,to gibbet; -, –öl, v.n. To be hung. öğy! bèrzâkh, s. a. An unfathomable gulf; the great gulf between this world and heaven, or between this life and the eternal future. –: bèrf, s. a. Snow. c:): bErk, s. a. Lightning ; –, bârk, s. t. Always follows the word \, ev, a house, and corroborates it ; üry' èv-bârk, House and home, wife and family ; · evli-bârkli, Who possesses house and home, wife and family; · barklanmak (aor. - 5r: bârklanir), v.n. To become possessed of home and family. · bergh, s. p. Aleaf of a tree. ·=r bërékèt, s. a (pl. $, be- [ 458 ] -: rékyât), God’s blessing ; increase ; plenty; berékètli, a. t. Plenti- ful, abundant (year); blessed as the widow's cruse, and yielding much increase, prolific (plant or animal); e· berékèt-versin! int. t. May it be returned to you a hundred- fold ! (lit. May it bring you abless- ing of increase). [souvenir. bèr-ghyüzâr, s. p, A keepsake, ay birla, pr. t. With, in, by. - bernâ, s. p. A young person, a young İ008İle c· bÜrunjuk, s. t. Gauze, crape. y: beri, s. t. The space on the hither side ofany object; –, ad. t, Hither; hither- wards; bërissi, The space on the hither side of it; &:3): bërissina, To the hither side, to this side of it ; * :3) bërissinda, On or at this side of it; 9yey°-, or :y: -, –dan- -bèri, From – tillnow, ever since –. ·2)! bÜrüdèt, s. a. Coldness, frigid- ity ; coolness offeeling, interruption of friendship. bürüz, s. a. Evidence, the being evident, manifest, clear, palpable. 8): brë ! int. t. Sirrah ! Fellow ! –, biré, s. t. Abruise ; : be- rélEnmek, v.n. To be bruised, become bruised; –, –et, v.n. To bruise, make a bruise. demonstration. e· bürhân, s. a. A proof, evidence, *) birehné, a p. Naked, bare -5 beri, a, a, Free, exempt (from ill or e· defect) ; –, berri, a. a. Wild, grow- - ing wild. e : r! büryân, s. p. Roast meat, a roast. * :):): brizölya, s. t. A mutton chop. 4: r! bërriyyé, s. a. A wilderness, unre- claimed tract of country. c· brik (brik), s. t. Abrig. c: r bërin, a. p. Highest, most high ; –, bërrèyn, s. a. dual. Two lands or continents. } bèz, s. t. Cotton or linen cloth ; –, biz, pron. t. We ; ; ; ; , e söghuk- -bez, (Cold cloth) Linen cloth ; –: bèzi, The cloth ; its cloth ; –, bizi, Us; (:): bizim, Our; ours ; 3}: bizé, To us ; 8-9}: bizdé, At or in us ; uy : bizdan, From us; j bizimla, With us ; } }: bizsiz, Without us ; *: bizja, Our fashion ; according to us. 2) (bezir), s. a. Seed; linseed; ·Lj! bezir-tökhumu, Linseed; _ _j- bezir-yâghi, Linseed-oil. ·%)}: büzürgh, a. p. Great, large ; $ j bûzurghvâr, a. p. Great in esteem. ( ): bèzm, s. p. A banquet, feast ; –, bizim (gen. of :), pron. t. Our; ours. · bezmek (aor. )j: bezer), v.n. To become tired of, lose one's taste for. ·} bezenmek (aor. bezénir), v.n. To adorn one's self, put on one's fine clothes and ornaments. e- bissât, s. a. A cloth or carpet for spreading. - “: bèsst, s. p. A tying, binding; C 4591 *ş-, bèsst - u-bènd - et, v.n. To bind, tie. )* bisstEr, s. p. A mattrass or bed, [a cushion. · bösstan, s. p. A large market- garden ; a melon-garden ; melons ; u = - böstanji, A soldier of one of the corps of guards of the Sultan's palace in the time of the Janissaries ; a soldier of the foot-guards in the early days of the new system; · bösstanji - bAshi, The com- mander of the Bosstanji guards, and superintendent of police in the Bos- phorus. &-: bèssté, a. p. Tied, bound. · bAsst, s. a. A spreading out, ex- tending ; a laying down, explaining at length ; -, -et, v.a. To spread out, lay, extend; tolay down, declare, or explain at length. · bèsslémek (aor. - bèsslEr), v.a. To feed, nourish, keep, maintain, support; to fatten; · bèsslémé, s. t. A maid or woman servant 3 a. child fed in the house for charity ; - bessli, a. t. Fed, fattened. al- bi-'ssmi-'llāh ! name of God ! (İnvocation used before int. a. In the commencing any kind of work). - bissyâr, a. p. Many in number ; much in quantity. a-: bAssit, a.a. Spread out, extended; simple, uncompounded. · bèssim, a. a. Smiling. da - bessité, s. a. A sun-dial. U: [ 460 1 *\: 69 · besh, a. t. Five; şi: beshinji, a. t. Fifth ; : beshlik, s. t. A five-piastre piece. · beshâret, s. a. Joy caused by any happy event; the announcement of a happy event. Dness of conntenance. · beshâshët, s. a Hilarity, bright- L: bèshEr, s. a. A human being, a man ; mankind ; –, a. t. Five a-piece ; -6: bèshéri, a.a. Human ; · beshériyyet, s. a. Humanity, the quality of being human, human nature. [news, joyful intelligence. İy: (for ---) büshrâ, s. a. Good * bAshka, pr. t. Other; L*** bAshkassi, Another of them ; (:) - | *: –dan-bAshka, Other than –, · beshik, s. t. A cradle [beside –. ra! bAssar, s. a. The sight. 8ra: Bâssra, s. t. Bassora (town of). “-97:“a: bAssiret, s. a. Foresight; cir- [in trade. · bizâ”at, s. a Capital, stock Ja: bAttÂl, a. a. Of no further use ; large ; -, s. a. A letter, paper, or cumspection. document which has been answered, or which does not require answering, or Which is laid aside as of no further use; a champion, man of valour. ·a bAtâ’ât, s. a Slowness, heavi- ness, sluggishness; indigestibleness ; stupidity of intellect; tiresomeness, Wearisomeness of manner. · bAtsh, s. a. Martial strength and impetuosity. - · bütlÂn, s. a. A being unfounded, futile, vain ; absurdity, futility. e· bAtman, s. t. A weight of six okes, or about l6lbs: it varies in different places. · bAtn, s. a. The belly, inside ; a sept, a tribe ; a generation, or degree of relationship ; an interior ormystical sense of a writing. [of digestion. · bÂtî, a. a. Slow in motion ; difficult - *: bâ”ss, s. a. A sending; a de- puting; a resuscitating, raising from the dead ; –, –et, v.a. To send. Ax: bû”d, s. a. Distance ; –, bâ”da, pr. a. After ; xx*: bā’da-hü, ad. a. Afterwards, then; ( * bâ”da-'ss- -selâm, After salutation; *e min- -bâ'd, ad. a. (Never) more, (never) again, (never) afterwards; * “: fi-mâ-bâ”d, thenceforward, henceforth; * * bâ”da-bü”din, ad. a. After a while, after a certain length of time ; xx: : ve-bâ”du, s: amma-ba”d, c. a. ad. a. Henceforward, And now then (an introductory for- mula to the proper matter of any dis- course or treatise, after the customary prayers and praises); * mâ- -bâ”d, s. a. The word or words next after, or the place occupied by them. L* bA“zi, a. a. Some, certain ; : -, –kérré, ad. t. Sometimes. · bâ“id, a.a. Distant, far of. &: bi-”âyni-hi, ad. a. As though it were the very self, exactly. [ 461 ] · · büghÂt, s. pl, a. (of · bÂghi), Rebels ; wicked sinners. *: bāghtéten, ad. a Suddenly, all of a sudden. el : Baghdâd, s. t. Bagdad (town of). ·-: bāghdadi, s. t. Lath and plaster work. e· Böghdân, s. t. Moldavia. c· bâghdâsh, s. t. A tailor's mode of sitting cross-legged ; - );-9-, –kûrmak, v.n. To sit cross-legged as tailors do. -slek böghday, s. t. Wheat; a grain weight ; *ya mâssir-böghdayi, Indian corn. : bāghir (little used), ek: bāghir- sâk, s. t. The guts, bowels, intestines. Lak büghz, s. a. Hatred, enmity, ill- . will; –, –et, v.n. To bear malice. Jk: bāghl, s. a. Amule ; s. p. The arm-pit : - ) ressmi-baghl- -ghiri, The ceremony of supporting persons ofrank as they walk, by hold- ing them by the arm close to the arm- pits, like crutches. d: bAgha, s. t. The generic name for animals of the frog and tortoise kinds ; tortoise-shell ; dk ): kûr- bAgha (or :): kûrU-bAgha, The naked batrachian) the frog; dk , (ötlu)-bAgha, &: )ı: kAra-kÜr- bAgha, The toad ; *şi tössbAgha, * : kApli-bâgha (kAplimbAgha), The tortoise ; · dèngiz- -kApli-bAghassi, The turtle. r: bi-ghâyri, pr. a. Without ; c r: bi- ghâyri-kAkkin, Without right or justice, unjustly. Vä: bAkâ, s. a. Permanency, a remaining without change; :yle dâri-bAkâ, The ) mansion of permamency, the future life. Jä bAkkâl (bAkal), s. a. A grocer, a chandler. i: bAkâyâ, s. pl, a. (of : bAkiyyé), Remnants; outstanding deficits of revenue due to government or to far- mers by the people, arrears. zy* bAkraj, s. t. Aleather bucket; the piston of a pump. i: bAklawā, s. t. A dish of flaky pastry, sweetened with syrup Orhoney, and cut up in rhomboidal pieces ; hence · - bÂklawā-bÂklawâ means, divided into rhomboidal figures. &: bÂkla, s. a. Abroad bean, a horse bean ; –5 –, –kâri, a. t. Dapple grey (horse). * bAkam, s. t. Brazil-wood, log-wood. •: bākmak (aor. : bikar), v.n. To become cloyed, disgusted, tired (of anything). 4: bAkıyyé, s. a. A remnant. < - bègh, s. t. A bey; a prince; a lord; a squire ; the son of a pasha or high functionary; the style of colonels, lieutenant-colonels, post-captains, and commanders ; the style of ambassa- dors, and of the governors of Mol- davia, Wallachia, and Samos; the style often given abusivelyto sons of private · : individuals, embassy interpreters, con- suls, and even to servants ; se K. bègh-zâdé, Son of a bey, a Christian whose father held the title of bey ; a European gentleman; ·3 bèghlEr- -bèghi, Bey of beys, style formerly given to the viceroys or governors- general of Rumelia and Anatolia ; –, bèng, s. t. A mole on the skin. · ci : Begh-öghlu, s. t. Pera (a suburb of Constantinople). · bèkji, s. t. A watchman, watcher. bikr, s. a. Virginity ; a virgin ; - VK'a j izâlé'i-bikr-et, v.n. To de- flower. - · Bükrèsh, s. t. The town of Odessa. -55K: bëkri, a. a. An habitual drunkard. % bèngz, s. t. Countenance, complexion. ·-=- bèngzémek (aor. j-=- bèngzEr), v.n. To resemble. · bèghlik, s. t. The rank of bey, beyship ; a principality, state under the rule of a bey; government pro- perty of any kind; ° beghlikji, Title of one of the principal function- aries of the Ottoman government, who is at the head of the imperial chancery, from which all letters patent, commis- sions, treaties, &c. &c. emanate. · beklémek (aor. Kı bekler), v.n. To wait ; to act as watchman; -, v.a. To wait for ; to watch over, act as guard or watchman over. -“- bèkmaz (pètmaz) s. t. Grape- treacle. [ 462 ı · · beghenmek (aor. beghinir), v.a. To like, approve : bel, s. t. The waist; a fork, a pronged spade for digging; apassage over arange of mountains where the heads of two opposite valleys meet and the ridge is lower than elsewhere ; ·:y-, –vErmek, v.n. To droop in the middle, as a horse's back, when the two ends are supported (a beam, &c.); ·- –söghUghU, Gonor- rhea. Y: belâ, s. a. A misfortune, plague, trouble ; –, bilâ, pr. a. Without; ci-y-: 4- - belâya-öghramak, To meet with irretrievable misfortune, to be utterly ruined; : · Alls- hing-belâssi, A plague sent by God ; e· \! Allah-belângi-versin! God damn you ! y: · & AllÂh-belâssini-versin ! God damn him (her, it) ! e : bAlabAn, a. t. Big, large, huge. · bilād, s. pl, a. (of : beled), Cities, towns ; countries. [Persian Irak. J· Bilād-u-ljebel, s. t. Media, · belâdet, s. a. Stupidity. ·y bilâzik (bilezik), s. t. Abracelet. · belâghât, s. a. The eloquence which fully explains one's meaning. ·: belâhet, s. a. Extreme stupidity. : belâyâ, s. pl, a. (of \! belä), Evils, misfortunes, plagues. bülbul, s. p. The nightingale ; -da- : bökluja-, The wren (?). e: · beled, s. a. A city, town, village ; a country. e· büldân, s. pl, a. (of : beled), Cities, towns ; countries. * beldé, s. a. A city, town, village. : Bülgâr, s. and a. t. Bulgarian ; a Bulgarian; · Bûlgârisstân, s.t. Bulgaria. bölghâri, s. t. Akind of Russia leather, very thick and coarse ; a kind of small lute strung with wires. [grade. e : Belègrâd, s. t. The town of Bel- bAlgham, s. a Phlegm; : bAlghâmi, a. a. Phlegmatic ; –, or *-- –yèshem, Veined jasper, of the colour of phlegm. · bÜlghUr, s. t. Wheat grains pre- pared like rice or like pearl-barley. *K: belki, ad. t. Perhaps, may be, by chance. · O?” · bilèghi, s. t. A hone ; a grind- or whet-stone; · 5- yâgh-bilèghissi, A hone used with oil. e : bellémek (aor. beller), v.a. To dig with a fork or spade; to learn by heart so as to remember again. · belli, a. t. Known ; · · bèlli- -bAshli, a.t. (A person) publicly known, whose person and physiognomy are generally known. - billür, s. a. Crystal, cut-glass. &ş° bilméj6, s. t. Ariddle, an enigma. e : bilmek (aor. -) · bilir), v.a. To know ; to guess ; to recognize ; to know as, or suppose to be ; (in comp0- [ 463 ] \: sition with the root of any verb increased by the syllable ağ or :) to be able, as: 4 = ghèlé-bilmek, To be able to come. · bülènd, a. p. High ; loud. · 0?” k: bÜlUt ; s. t. A cloud ; : bÜlUtlu, a. t. Cloudy, clouded. : bülügh, s. a. Maturity, puberty. · bûluk, s. t. A division, subdivision ; a piece ; a company of infantry ; a squadron of horse ; a number of persons. [whet, set, sharpen. e : bilémek (aor. bilEr), v.a. To : beli, ad. a. Yes. * : beliyy6, s. a. A misfortune, plague, · belid, a, a, Stupid. [visitation. 5- beligh, a. a. Eloquent in express- ing ideas ; copious, plentiful ; stren- U1OU1Se er ben, pron. t. I; * benim, My ; mine; : beni, Me; bAnga, To me ; 8 : bènda, At or in me; J- : bèndan, From me; : benimla, With me; } : bènsiz, Without me ; *şi: bènja, My fashion; according to me; –, bin, s.a. Son of, as ·- · Ahmed bin Mâhmüd, Ahmed, son of Mahmud ; –, bün, s. p. The foot, stock, bottom, lower end or base of anything. \: binâ, s. a. A building ; the building of buildings ; the voice of verbs in grammar ; -, -et, v.a. To build ; : - –èmini, A clerk of the - 6 works and paymaster; : binâ'an, ad. a. Consequently; as ·6: bÜnga- -binâ'an, or & es: binâ'an-“âleyh, In consequence thereof. \: bend, s. p. A sentence, a paragraph, am article, a verse of literary com- position; a band, ligature, tie; adam shutting up a valley so as to form a reservoir of water or artificial lake; –, a. p. (in composition), Which ties, [A seaport. : bender or *S) : benderghiah, s. t. * bendé, s. p. (pl. S* bendé- binds, makes fast. ghyān), A servant, bondsman; L** bendéghi, s. p. bendélik, s. t. Servitude, service; & -8 ° bendé- -khān6, s. p. The house of your hum- ble servant (used in polite conver- sation instead of ” my house,” as öküye dèvlet-khâné, the house of prosperity, isinstead of “your house”). &.ğ: benefshé (menekshé), s. p. A violet. ci : benek, s. t. A spot ; -, binek, s. and a. t. A saddle-horse, horse for riding ; · benekli, a. t. Spotted, speckled. * benim, pron. t. (gen. of : ben, I), My, of me; mine; =· benimki, pron. t. Mine. gi ci •: binmek (aor. : binEr), v.n. To mount, get upon ; to get into (a car- riage orboat); to ride (on a horse, in a carriage, orboat). ° beni, s. pl.a. (of : bin), Sons, children ; *- –ÂdEm, Sons of [ 464 ] d· Adam, children of men, men, man- kind. [sical constitution. · bünyâd, s. p. A foundation; phy- e· bünyân, s. a. The building, con- structing: construction ; physical constitution. 2 bü, pron. t. This ; –, bü, s. p. Smell, odour; –, a. p. (in composi- tion), Smelling, having an odour; –, bÜ, s. a. Father ; : - khôsh-bü, Sweet-smelling; J, y: bü-’l-füzül, (The father of presumption), pre- sumptuous. - : bèwwÂb, s. a. A door-keeper, gate-keeper, porter; a chamberlain; e·l sir - bèwwäbin, A chief chamberlain (title of dignity some- thing like our knight-bachelor). : bèvâr, s. a. Destruction ; We dâru-’l-bèvâr, (The house of destruc- tion) hell. ·y: ; bibrek, s. t. Akidney. “ 9: büt, s. t. A thigh of an animal, a leg (of mutton, &c.). - büjâk, s. t. A distant out-of-the- way corner; Bessarabia. ·: bājek, s. t. Any creeping animal, as a slug, silkworm ; a crayfish ; c= a -: · sûmuklu-büjek, A slug or snail; · j kündUz-büjë- ghi, Cantharides. [gnarl in a tree. 5'er büdÂk, s. t. A knot in wood ; a aley: büdala, s. t. A simpleton, idiot. ci leş büdamak (aor. e: büdar), v.a. To prune, thin out, lop. 9: [ 465 ] :): şey bödur, a. t. Dwarf, short in stature amounting to deformity. v°! Büdin, s. t. The town of Buda. V: büra, s. t. This place, this spot; f): bÜram, (my this place) here, this place in mybody; ·y : bürang, Here, this place in thy body; ·y : bürassi, Here, this place in it; &c.; *y : büraya, Here, to this place ; ·y : bürama, Here, to this place in my body ; &c.; *ey: bûrada, Here, in this place; ; ) : büradan, Hence, from hence ; &c. &c.; yş büralar, Hereabouts, these parts or places ; &c. &c. : ) : börj, s. t. A debt; duty incum- bent ; –, bÜrj, s. t. The misletoe ; börjlu, In debt; indebted; a debtor; · &z): börja-ghirmek, v.n. Toget in debt. 89): börda, s. t. (Italian), A ship's side ; a board, tack (in sailing) ; *89): 8.9): börda-bördaya, Side by side, porthole to porthole. c • y: bürUshmak (aor. yy- ) - bü- rushUr), v.n. To become wrinkled, rumpled, rufiled. [a screw. y:): or y: bürghu, s. t. A gimlet; c*: bÜrkutmak (aor. ye y: bürkU- dur), v.a. To sprain (a joint); c·2): bÜrkUlmâk (aor. y: bÜrkulur), v.n, To be sprained. ·%): birek, s. t. A pie, tart, pasty. C 9): bÜrmak (aor. y: bÜrar), v.a. To twist (with strength, eg. A bar of iron, a person's arm) ; d.ee): bÜrma, s. t. A twist; a screw ; –, a. t. Twisted. eyy): bürUn, s. t. The nose; the point of anything ; a cape, promontory, point ; the Snuff (of a candle). ·y: bûrunmek (aor. y: bûrunur), v.n. To wrap one's self, cover one's selfup (in a scarf, mantle, &c.) y): or -5): börU, s. t. Ahorn, trumpet; e : börUzèn, s. t. A trumpeter. 8);-! bÖra, s. t. Borax (?), Sal-ammo- niac (?); a storm of wind, a squall ; a good scolding ; •: ): böra- yemek, v.n. To be exposed to a squall; to get a good scolding. : büz, a. t. Ice; S): büz-ghibi, Like ice ; very white ; very smooth ; –, böz, a. t. Dark iron grey. ·y: büzAghi, s. t. A young calf. · 4: Bözché-Adassi, The island of Tenedos. [arms. · böz-dAghÂn, s. t. A mace of C • : bözUshmak (aor. ) .j: bözU- shUr), v.n. To quarrel, fall out with each other ; c·j: bÖzUshUk, a. t. At variance, not on good terms together ; ·y : bÖzUshukluk, s, t. Variance, bad terms. e·ü: bözghUn, a. t. Defeated, routed ; troubled, cast down ; –, s. t. Defeat, rout ; c·: bözghUnluk, s. t. Defeat, rout ; troubled, broken- spiritedness. U:): bözUk, a. t. Spoilt, bad ; changed 2 I ş* 4 · } [ 466 ] *ş“: into a small coin ; 9 : bözuk- -pâra, Small change. e: ;i: bûzulmek (aor. bîzulur), v.n. To become contracted, to contract. j: bözmak (aor. ü: bözar), v.a. To spoil ; to take to pieces; to rout, defeat; to contradict (one) to a third person, to put to the blush by saying something; to deflower (a virgin); to violate, act in contrariety to, infringe; to change (money), give change (forit). 8j: böza, s. t. A kind of thick white drink made of millet fermented. CV-2! büss, s. p. A kissing ; –, a. p. (in composition), Who kisses; –, –et, v.a. To kiss ; u_5“: büssi, s. p. The act or quality of a kisser. e· bösstân, s. p. See · *·: Bössna, s. t. Bosnia. *: büssé, s. p, A kiss, abuss. c: bösh, s. t. Empty; vain, useless, void of sense, meaning, or utility ; idle, unemployed ; loose, not tied, not tight; loosened, let go; divorced; -59-50-, –lâkirdi, Nonsense ; ·-, -wAkit, Leisure time ; =: -, –bîghur, The part of the side of the belly just below the ribs ; j-é --, –böghÂz, A babbler ; e :j-=-, -ghèzmek, v.n. To wander about without employment ; to be without a place, out of service. c*: böshAtmak (aor. ye: böshA- dir), or c· böshAltmak (aor. böshaldir), va. To empty (a vessel of anything, or anything from a vessel). c· böshamak (aor. : böshar), v.a. To divorce, repudiate, put away (one's wife). c*: böshAnmak (aor. v : böshA- nir), v.n. To empty itself; to become loose, loosened ; to burst forth, break loose from restraint (people, a horse, a spring, a bow, &c.); to be divorced (a wife). #: bögh, s. t. (in : bAsh-bögh, A commodore (at sea) ; a commander (of a corps on land). \:: bögha, s. t.A bull. : böghÂz, s. t. The throat, gullet, windpipe ; a defile, pass ; a strait, channel; the mouth of a river; the quinzy, a sore-throat; the Bosphorus, and particularly the middle portion of it; –c : bösh-, A babbler ; -, –öl, To have a sore-throat or the quinzy ; c· böghÂzlamak, v.a. To kill (any animal) by cutting open its throat. - *ş: böghcha, s. t. A square shawl ; alarge square piece of stuff used as a wrapper for bundles or parcels ; a bundle, a parcel in a wrapper. C: böghuk, a. t. Hoarse, stifled (voice). fé: böghum, s. t. A joint in a reed; a knot in wood ; a constricted place in amy channel or pipe. 4şt: böghmaja, a. t. Which chokes ; c*: [ 467 ] k: ·- böghmaja-îksuruk, s. t. The whooping-cough. • böghmak (aor. · böghar), v.a. To stifle, strangle, drown, suffocate; c· böghulmak (aor. : böghUlUr), v.n. and p. To be stifled, strangled, drowned, suffocated; to be ready to burst (with rage, laughter, &c.). [of hot water. : or : bûghu, s. t. Steam, reek u: bök, s. t. Excrement, dung, turd, shit ; scoria of ores; anything bad Or disagreeable; –, a. t. Bad; disagree- able ; : eyla: sheytin - böku, (Devil's dung) assafoetida. : bükAghi, s. t. Fetters, hobbles. c· bûngAlmak (aor. ) : bÜngAlir), v.n. To become stupified. 5: bîghur, s. t. (in · bösh- -bîghur, The side part of the belly just below the ribs). J5)=: bîghurtlèn, s. t. Ablackberry. ·=: bighrek (bübrek), s. t. A kidney. French bean. · : bîghrulja, s. t. A small white -: bîıghru, a, t. (in · -5 = èghri-bîghru), Very crooked, tortuous, [thing), a twist, *: büklum, s. t. A curl (in any- ·: bükmek (aor. : bükEr), v.a. To twist between the fingers ; to fold double; to bend. : or =: bîghu, s. t. A charm, devious. spell, sorcery; · büghuju, s. t. A sorcerer, sorceress. J2-: böl, a. t. Plentiful, abundant ; ample; wide, loose, in folds (clothing, &c.); –, bèvl, s. a. Dung; urine ; ·: bölluk, s. t. Abundance, plenty; looseness (of clothes, &c.). d: bülûshik, a. t. Daubed, be- smeared, contaminated. c·}, bülashmak (aor. yy bölâ- shir), v.n. To become irregularly spread upon in daubs (as paint, tar, mud, &c.); (disease); to set (about any business); to meddle. to pass by contagion z : bûlamaj, s. t. Grape-juice boiled to the consistency of honey. : bölânik, a. t. Turbid, not clear (water, &c.); cloudy and foggy (weather) ; sick, nauseated (the stomach). c*): bülanmak (aor. : bölânir), v.n, To become turbid, thick, cloudy; to become sick (the stomach). y°: bûldur (bildir), s. t. Last year. · bûldurjin, s. t. A quail. · bÜlmak (aor. : bÜlUr), v.a. To find, ·: bilmek (aor. : biler), va, To divide, parcel out, partition off. · bÜlUnmak (aor. · bûlunür), vit, To be found, to be present; –, v, p. Tobe found. ·- or - - bülut, s. t. A cloud: bülutlu, a. t. Cloudy; c· bÜlutlanmak, v.n. To be" come cloudy. 2 İ 2 : I468 l · bûmbâr (for · mümbâr), The large gut of sheep; fresh sausage made in the fresh gut. ·: bönjuk, s. t. Asmall shell, a bead, a bugle (with which certain ornaments are made); : ; kAtir-bönjughU, The small shell used as coin in some parts of Africa. *: bûnja, a. t. (This is simply another case of the demonstrative pronoun : bü), After this fashion, thus ; thus long, thus much, so much, so many; e·: 07° e·: bûnjaleyin, ad. t. Thus long. şe -8: böy, s. t. Length; height of stature; –, büy, s. p. Smell, scent, odour ; Ley-! -°y-: böy - böss, Stature and general appearance ; : : böylU, a. t. Having stature; tall; :9'e ÜzUn- -böylu, Tall in stature ; : * ) örta-böylU, Of a middling stature ; :y:& ai kâssa-böylu, Shortin stature. \! y: böya, s. t. Paint ; dye; ·* * Ashi-böyassi, Ochre; : ; yaghli- -böya, Oil-paint ; : ) : kûn- dura - böyassi, Blacking; --2-! böyaji, A dyer. -r : : böyâr, s. t. A Wallachian noble. · : böyamak (aor. : böyar), v.a. To dye; topaint; i:: böyatmak, v. caus. To give to be dyed, to cause to be painted; ; ; : böyanmak, v. p. To be dyed; to be painted ; –, v.n. To take the dye. *: büylé, a, t This kind, this sort; –, and 4- : : büyléja, ad. Thus, so, in this manner, way, or fashion. cy: or y: ; böyn or böyUn, s. t. The neck; e: böyun -baghi, A neck-tie; * : ! · ghyünâhi- -böynUnga ! May the sin be on thy neck ! [tree, the yoke (for osen). ğ:y·! böyndurugh, s. t. A yoke- j: böynuz, s. t. A horn (of an animal) ; horn; -:· kèchi- -böynUzU, The fruit called the locust, a kind of sweet pod. & bé, ad. p. To, for, in ; –, bih, a. p. = Good, excellent, safe, sound ; –, bihi, (mas) e: bihâ (fem) pron a (in composition), To or with him, her, it. e bÂha (pAhA), s. p. Price in money, money value ; –, bâhâ, s. a. Beauty ; \e: fe-bâhâ, Well and good ! That will do very nicely! 'e pAhali, Dear, [hero. yele! bâhâdir, s. p. A brave man, a high-priced. J'e bâhâr, s. p. The spring; –, s. a. Spice ; -J Evvel-, -e ilk-, Spring, early spring; --~ söng-, Autumn ; ·y'e bâhârât, s. pl. a. Spices; y'e bâhârli, a. t. Spiced, spicy. &le: bâhâné, s. p. A pretext ; an idle excuse ; a finding fault ; c·-, –bÜlmak, v.n. To find an excuse; to find fault (with a thing). [accusation. ·e bûhtân, s. a. Calumny, false ·şé! bëhjët, s. a. Beauty and cheerful pleasing look of countenance. yé! [ 469 ] fya yé! bèhèr (-9 bè, for * hèr, each), ad. p, Each ; &: 4: behiriné, Each, a-piece, for each one of them ; * ye: bèhèr-mâh, Each month, monthly. *)é! behré, s. p. A lot, share, portion; esyé! bëhrédâr, ·ye behrémènd; yé! behrévèr, a. p. Sharing, having a share. ·4 bihisht, s. p. Heaven, paradise. Lé! behey ! int. t. O ! Ho! · bèhèy-èshek, Ass that thou art! –, bèhi, a. a. Beautiful. - bi, prep, p. (in composition), Without; · bi-bâk, a. p. Without fear, fearless. [wilderness, the wilds, e : bèyâbÂn, s. p. The desert, a ·: bāyat, a. t. Stale, not new or fresh. L : beyÂz, s. a. Whiteness; –, a. t. White ; –, s. t. A fair copy of a writing; unwritten paper; 8 Ağyü - : sey bèyAz-üzérinda-îrâdé, An im- perial command given propriâ motu, and not on any petition or ministerial report; Kş-4 : beyaza-chèk- mek, v.a. To copy out fairly. · bâyaghi, a. t. Mere, sheer; common, ordinary, every-day; -, ad. t. Neither more nor less, simply, in good sooth. · beyân, s. a. A setting forth, ex- plaining, expounding; -, -et, v.a. To set forth, declare, expound ; uy: âtîyyu-’l-beyân, The following, the hereinafter mentioned, · bèyt, s. a. A house ; a couplet, a distich; = — beytu- -’llÂhi-'l-hârâm, (The holy house of God) the Temple of Mecca ; - : c) beytu -’l-mÂl, or J• - : · beytu - mÂli-’l-müsslimin, (The house of the treasure of the the · V4) — : bèytu -’l- Musslim community) public treasury ; mÂlji (bèytam Alji), An officer who takes cogmizance of the estates of deceased persons, or of spoils of war, assesses them for succession dues, &c. · bèytütèt, s. a. A passing the night in any abode ; -, -et, v.n, To pass the night in any abode. *) ş: bi-châré, s. and a. p. Poor, help- * bikh, s. p. A root. · bi-khöd, a. p, Insensible, beside [less, forlorn. swooned, fainted ; insane, one's self. bidâr, a. p. Awake ; vigilant; ·–, –bâkht, a. p. One whose good fortune is awake and active, slumbering not. ; : (pâytak), s. a. A peon, or pawn at · bi'r, s. a. A well. [chess. y: bayrak, s. t. Aflag, banner, standard ; y: bayrakdâr, s. p. A standard-bearer. ry: bâyram, s. p. A holy feast, a holy day,festival; y:y=: sheker-bây- rami, (The feast of sugar), the feast of three days next after the close of Rama- ZaI) ; · · kürbÂn-bâyrami, The ev9r! feast of sacrifice, in commemoration of Abraham's intended offering of Ishmael (according to the Kur'an), held om the temth day of the last month of the Musslim year, Zi-’l- -hijjé (the month of pilgrimage); · kamish- bâyrami, The Jewish feast of tabernacles. e 2r! birün, s. p. The outside ; –, ad. p, Out of; beyond. }: biz, s. t. Anawl. · bizâr, a. p. Tired, weary, annoyed. L: bish, a. p, More in number or quantity. de: beyzi, a, a. Egg-shaped, oval, elliptical ; –, 8. t. An oval, ellipse. : bâytâr, s. a. A farrier, veterinary surgeon ; c:ya: bâytârlik, s. t. -°:): bâytâri, s. p. · bâytaret, 8. a. The veterinary art or profession. 5-: bey”, s. a. A selling ; V*E* bey”- U-shirâ, Buying and selling, trade. e : bi”ât, s. a. The ceremony of swearing allegiance ; -, -et, v.n. To declare one's self a loyal subject or vassal. C: b?yik, s. t. The mustachio. e: bing, a. t. A thousand, one thou- sand; == bing - bAshi, (A chiliarch, chief of a thousand), A major or chéf de öataillon in the army; a commander in the navy. : (pÜngar), s. t. A spring, source of water ; - : K: pûngar-bashi, The [ 470 ] ( ): head water or spring of a stream ; –, bi-kyâr (bekyar), s.p.A bachelor. *: bighyâné, s. p. A stranger. e : bilek, s. t. The wrist. a : bilé, ad. t. Even; together. e: bim, s. p. Fear. “: bimâr, a. p. Sick, ill, diseased ; dö\s-· bimâr-khâné, s, p. A hos- pital; a mad-house. cy: beyn, s. a The interval between two things; the relation between two things ; the midst of several or many things ; -5* beynléri, Their in- terval or relation; &:9° beynlérina, To their between them, among them ; * : beynlfrinda, In their among them ; · beynlérindan, interval, interval, between them, From between them, from among them ; &c. &c.; –, bin, a, p. (in composition), Who sees, perceives ; cy: 9° dürbin, (Far-seeing), A tele- scope; :89)--khürda-bin (Small- seeing) a microscope; –, bèyn, s. t. The brain. - L: binish, s. p, A seeing, viewing ; am old ceremony of court, a kind of levee ; a kind of outer and very full robe in the old costume. d: beyyinâ, s. a. A proof, evidence, conclusive fact. [Houses. ·: büyüt, s. pl, a. (of · beyt), -5. yye: büyUruldu, s. t. A governor's written order. d; ): büyUrmak (aor. y: büyUrUr), · vn. To exercise authority, act as master, give orders ; to say, to do (anything, used when speaking of a superior); Ke2): & ne-büyurdun- gUz, What did you say? %: ): J 5: \ ichiri-büyUrUngUz, Pray walk in ; · büyurung I beg you Do me the favour ! · biyuk, a. t. Great, large, big, vast; high in rank. · biyumek (aor. : biyur), v.n. To grow, increase in size ; to grow up; to become an adult ; to rise in [rank. 8994: bihüdé, a. p. Vain, fruitless, *9: bivé, s, p. A widow. useless; –, ad. p. In vain. c): bih Ush, a.p. Senseless, swooned, (-9 - pè or pâ'i-fârsi. Third letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of p in English. In old manuscripts, as in many modern writings from the pens of pedantic or ignorant students of Arabic, this letter is ignored, and its place supplied by the (-9, so that sometimes words written with that letter will be found ranged in the present chapter, want of space for- bidding the repetition in each place. It is sometimes interchangeable with – fè ; as, fil, or Je: pil. In chronograms this letter has the same numeral value with --9, and is never [ 471 ] de-: used in astronomical tables, or in the dates of letters, by reason that it is not of Arabic origin. : pâ, s. p. A foot. (Abbreviated from - : pây, and entering into the com- position of many words, sometimes in the one form, sometimes in the other). * : ; pApAdiya, s. t. Camomile. c-; ; pApAss, or : ; papaz, s. t. A priest (Christian or Pagan). c·: pâ-büss, s. p. Foot-kissing. c·: pä-püsh (pAbuch), s. p. Any covering for the feet, particularly a kind of slipper worn out of doors. ·: pAtirdi, s. t. Noise. &: ; pâtrüna, s. t. (Italian), The vice- admiral, formerly entitled a Bey, now a Pasha, c·: pAtlamak (aor. 5: pAtlar), v.n. To crack or explode with a great noise; to burst without noise. · : pAtlijAn, s. t. The egg-plant ; ş° - firink-patliani, The love-apple or tomata. [pectedly. Jedi: pAtadak, ad. t. Suddenly, unex- ye-i pâchâriz, s. t. Athing likely to give trouble, as a ship coming athwart hawse. *) - : pâchâvra, s. t. A rag, clout ; *) ş-: yaghli -pachâvra, (A a fire-ball thrown against ships or towns by the enemy. greased rag), *-: pâcha, s. p. Sheep's trotters ; trotter jelly; any dish made to imi- tate trotter jelly ; the lower part of ** : the legs of trousers; the feet and leg parts of furs. - * e: pâdishâh, s. p. The Sultan ; an emperor ; ·: pâdishâhi, s. p. The imperial dignity or function; -, a p. Imperial; &U e\; pâdishâ- hâné, a. p. Imperial. &ş- : pârcha, s. p. A piece, fragment, morsel ; a whole individual thing ; de-> : 45-: pârcha-pârcha-et, v.a. To cut, pull, or knock to pieces. U:9: Paris, s. t. Paris. :)); pârlâk, a. t. Bright, shining, clear : handsome ; promising, talented. c; y: parlamak (aor. ) ; pârlar), v.n. To shine, to be bright; to break out in flame; to acquire a conspicuous station and reputation ; to get in a rage. - ", c_:3): pârmak, s. t.A finger; a toe; an inch ; a rail, a bar; a spoke of a wheel; a stripe (in stuffs, &c.); c·e : pârmaklik, s. t. Railings ; a grating, a grate ; · Alti- -parmak, s. t. The tunny-fish (?); a kind of striped stuff (See y:). *): pâré (pâra), s. p, A piece, frag- ment ; a whole individual thing ; money ; a Small coin, the fortieth of a piastre, about iki of a penny ; ·z üch-pâré-tekné, Three in- dividual ships ; *)-9-: pâré-pâré, ad. p. Piecemeal, in pieces, *) : yek-pâré, a. p. Of one single piece ; c 8 : pārélémek (aor. ğ9: pâré- [472 ] U:U V) lEr), v.a. (pûralamak, aor. pûralar), To cut or knock to pieces ; · (pAralanmak), v.n. To be broken in pieces. -5): pÂzi, s. t. White beet, of which the leaves are used as a vegetable. c- : pÂss, s. p. A sentry's round, guard, watch ; –, pAss, s. t. Rust; c·: pAsslanmak (aor. )·: pAsslanir), - * -, –tÜtmak, and c·-, –bAghlamak, v.n. To become rusty, to contract rust ; ·: pÂssbÂn, or e : pÂsswán, s. p, A watchman, guard, sentry. c : ; pâsh, a. p. (in composition), Which sprinkles, scatters, diffuses. u: ; pâsha, s. t. The highest title in the civil or military hierarchy in Turkey. There are now many grades of pashas. lst. The grand-vizier and those who rank with him ; 2d. Those who have filled that office; 3d. Those connected by marriage with the imperial family; 4th. The general class of ministers or secretaries of state, and those to whom the rank is given; 5th. Simple müshirs not ministers of state ; these are governors-general of large pro- vinces, or generals commanding corps-d'armée, &c.; 6th. Vezirs, also governors - general; 7th. Feriks or lieutenants-general; 8th. Miri-Mirân, or civil feriks, governors of smaller provinces ; 9th. Miri-Liwā, or gene- rals of brigade ; and 10th. Miru-’l- · -Umérâ, or civil liwâs, governors of All these func- tionaries, and all those who have ever Small provinces also. received the grades, retain the title of pasha for life, unless degraded for some offence. This title is sometimes given to children and young men by their familyor companions, : :: pāsha-kApissi, The official place of business of the government in Con- stantinople, and of the governor in a province. c : pâshalik, s. t. The grade or functions of a pasha; a government held by a pasha ; : pâshali, a. t. (Suitable for a pasha) name of a certain style of clothing. ·: pâk, * \: pâkizé, a. p. Clean, pure, undefiled. &: : pÂla-strÜpa, s. t. (Italian), A rope wad for a gum. [tridge-box. * \: pAlAsska, s. t. A soldier's car- e : pAlan, s. t. Akind of soft-cushioned saddle or pillion. · pAmuk, s. t. Cotton. e·; pântalön, s. t. Trousers, –5; pây, s. p. The foot, (This word, sometimes contracted into ! pâ, enters into the composition of many words, either at the beginning or end ; as, sek: pâ-nîhâdé, Who has placed his foot, Uye- châr-pâ, Four- footed); –, pây, s. t. A share, part, portion; ** : pâylashmak, v.a. To share (anything) with others ; < -şa-: ; pây-bichmek, v.n. To [ 473 ] J& draw comparisons from an instance given. [limit, term. e : pâyân, s. p. The end, extremity, ·: pây-bend (pâywAnt), s. p. Liga- tures with which the feet of horses are bound in stable, or at picket. ·: pâyitâkht, s. p. (Foot of the throne) the capital city, the Seat of [blished, * : pâydâr, a. p. Permanent, sta- government. c·: pâydoss, s. t. A cessation int. t. All hands knock off work ! -, -et, v.n. To from work; –, knock off working; –, v.a. To cause work to be suspended. J“: pâymâl, a. p. Trodden under foot; -, –et, v.a. To tread under foot. *\: pâyèndé, s. p. A prop, stay, [support. &: pâyé, s. p. Footing, grade, rank, digmity ; the footstool or platform ofa throne; a step, a stair. · pèpèghi, s. t. A stammerer, stut- terer ; ·-, –sûwëylémek, · pèpélémek, v.n. To stammer, to Stutter. &sÇ pükhté, a. p. Cooked; ripe; ex- perienced in worldly wisdom. u = < pükhti, s. p. Jelly. *) : pâdâvra, s. t. A shingle, split lath, or rough thin board. y°: peder, s.p. A father; öy pe- dérâné, a.p. Fatherly, paternal. & pézir, a.p. (in composition), Which receives or has received. r: [ 474 ] *): L: pûr, a, p. Full; filled with, replete with ; –, pèr, s. p. A feather. &bj W: pirAzwAna, s. t. The ferrule usually placed at the bottom of sticks, scabbards, &c. - *V: pèrakëndé, a. p. Scattered, dis- persed, not collected together. 4ğ V: pèrân, a. p. Flying, which flies, &V: prângha, s. t. The convict's chain; the galleys, the convict's pun- ishment of imprisonment and forced labour. - : pErtÂb, : pèrtâv, s. p, A cast, a throw, a launch ; a jump ; a precipi- tating; a summerset. :r: pErtev, s. p. A ray of light ; 5' -, -endâz, a, p. Throwing Tays of light, shining, sparkling ; jy -, -süz (pèrtevsiz), s. p. (Burn- ing byrays), a lens, a burning-glass, a magnifier. f: pErchem, s. p. The tuft of hair left on the summit of the head in the East, when the rest of the hair is shaved off cy: pèrchin, s. p, The clenching of a nail: -, -et, va. To clench (a mail). [contention. c· pürkhÂsh, s. p. Strife, battle, | ·y: pèrdakht (pèrdâh), s. p, Po- lish, burnish ; polish, burnish. ·: pèrdâkhté, a, p. Worked with great pains, finished and polished off. -, –et, v.a. To Jler: pèrdâz, a. p, (in composition), Who makes, works at, completes, finishes and polishes off. 89r: pèrdé, s. p, A curtain, a veil ; a musical key; a cataract in the eye; se: takhta-pirdi, s. t. Palings, a partition of boards ; 89r: Jel èhli-pèrdé, A chaste, modest, honest woman ; : 89): pErdé-nishin, a.p. Who sits behind a curtain ; 'e 89r: pèrdé-dâr, s. p. The keeper of the curtain, the waiter at the door, who lifts the curtain for those who enter, and refuses admittance to improper people. · pèrèsst, s. p. (in composition), A worshipper, adorer. : pèresstar, s. p. A servant. L: ; pèresstish, s. p, Worship, adora- [quiry. U·: pûrsish, s. p, An asking, in- tion. & pErghyâr (pèrghEl), s. p, A pair of compasses. ·): pirlânti, s. t. Abrilliant, c ): pârmak, s. t. (See :9\!), -- : bAsh-, The thumb; : âyak-bAsh-pârmaghi, The great toe ; : ele: shâhâdet-parmaghi, The fore-finger ; ; ): ö5i), Örta- pârmak, The middle finger; · : : /; yüzuk-pârmaghi, The fourth finger; : &# sèrché-pârmaghi, The little finger. ·: pârmaklik, s. t. Railings, rails, banisters, a grating. * ; pèrendé, a. p, Flying, which flies; : 8. p. A summerset; \: * : pèrendé- bÂz, s. p. A thrower of summersets in the air. [sion. \,y: pirvâ, s. p. Fear, fright, apprehen- j,J! pèrwÂz, s. p. Araised border or cornice ; the act of fiying, flight by wing ; –, a. p. Which flies, soars. öl,y: pèrwâné, s.p. A moth, night moth which flies round lights; the fiy- (in composition), wheel of a machine. ·y; pèrvirdighyâr, s. p. God the nourisher. 89) : ; pèrvèrdé, a, p. Nourished, che- rişhed, brought up, educated. c· pirvirish, s. p. Care, the care bestowed in feeding, protecting, and teaching one's children or dependants, kind care. jes, pèrhiz, s. p. Regimen, diet; a Christian fast ; abstaining, abstinence ; -, -et, v.n. To abstain; to keep a regimen, be careful what we eat ; c·-, –tÜtmak, v.n. To keep a fast (as Greeks and Catholics do); S-, –kyâr, s. p. One who abstains -5, pèri, s. p, A fairy. ·y! përishân, a, p. In disorder; in ruin ; ·y: përishânlik, s. t. ·J: përishâni, s. p. ·r: pèrishâniyyet, s. a. Disorderedness ; [a bawd. ·j; pèzéwënk, s. t.A pimp, apander, ruin. *9re: pèzhmÜrda, a. p. Shabby, in sad plight, old and faded. [ 475 ] *: * : pûzhüh (pû-zhüh), a, p. (in compo- sition), Who diligently seeks after. ( *: pèss, c. p. Then, after that, after which, moreover ; –, s. p. The hind, or after part; the bass of music ; –, ad. p. Behind; after; –, piss, a. t. Dirty, filthy, unclean. [bass in music. · pèsst, a, p, Low ; -, (pèss), The · pisstân, s. p. A teat, pap, dug. c· pisskaposs, s. t. (Greek), A bishop. - ·: pèssènd, a. p. (in composition), Approving; approved; -khöd- -pèssènd, a. p. Self-approving, vain ; - : *'ye “ûwâmm - pèssènd, Ap- proved by the common people, popular. * : pessendidé, a. p, Approved, liked. -: pissi, s. t. A sole or dab (flat-fish). J-: pessin, a, p. The hindermost, the last. *) · püsht, s. p, Theback ; -s: — pÜshti-pây, The sole of the foot ; e)- : · püshti-pây-zën, a. p. Who walks or runs (striking the soles of his feet on the ground). J“: püshtmâl (peshtamál), s. p, A coarse large towel and an apron. J:=: pishkin, a. t. Crisp, well baked (bread); thoroughlybaked (bricks, &c.); ripe and well hardened (reeds used in writing, &c.); well broken into busi- mess, thoroughly acquainted with the roughs of life and service (man). “: pèshm, s. p. Wool ; down. ·: [ 476 ] *f ·! pishmek (aor. : pishEr), v.n. To cook, be cooked (whether baked, roasted, or boiled, &c.) ; to become properly ripened, hardened, or pre- pared ; to become thoroughly ac- quainted with the roughs and require- ments of life and service. ·*) *-: pishirmek (aor. yy : pishi- rir), v.a. To cook, to prepare by cook- ing ; to boil, to roast, to Stew, to bake ; to harden, make hardy in mat- ters of life and service. ·: pèshimân (pishmAn), a.p. Sorry, regretting an action or omission ; y-, –öl, v.n. To repent, be sorry, regret. *) a: pAssdirma, s. t. Jerked beef, hung beef, ham, bacon, dry, salt, smoked, &c. J* pAsstAl, s. t. A whole piece of broad-cloth. c:*: pAtrik, s. t. (Greek), A patriarch (title of the spiritual chiefs of the several Christian nationalities subject to the Sultan). -: pûf, s. p. A puff of breath ; *9K: pûf-kèrdé, a. p. Blown out. ·: pèk, a. t. Hard ; –, ad. t. Very. · pèksémât (peksémet), s. t. Bread, twice baked, or biscuit for pro- visions. e : ; pekishmek, (aor. · pèk- ishir), v.n. To become hard, to harden. : pAlAz, s. t. A gosling, a duckling ; a young pigeon. * : pAlasska, s. t. A cartridge-box. yle: pÂlamar, s. t. A hawser or stream [husks, vallonea. ·: pAlamUd, s. t. Am acorn ; acorn cable. ·: pÂlamîd, s. t. A kind of very large mackerel. : pilaw, s. p. Rice prepared by boiling, with the addition of flesh or scalded butter or oil ; sey)j-, -zerdé (yel- low pilaw), The same with saffrom and sugar or honey added. [merer. ·: peltek, s. t. A stutterer, stam- a: ; pelté, ş. t. Akind of jelly of wheat sweetened with honey. * pilij, s. t. A chick, chicken. ·: pAlAsska, s, t. A soldier's car- tridge-box. - * : (pÂlAngha), s. t. A small fort or stockade; a tackle or double pulley. ·: pèlenk, s. p. A leopard or panther. · pelin, s. t. Absinthe, wormwood. * : pènâh, s. p. An asylum, refuge. A : pAnâyir, s. t. (Greek), A country fair. [colour, light-pink. 4: penbé, s. p. Cotton; –, a. t. Rose- ·: pântalömba, s. t. Gamboge. L: pinti, a. t. Dirty, ragged, and miserable-looking; miserly. : pènj, a. p. Five ; *şi: pènjum, and e : ; penjumin, a p. The fifth ; *şi: pènjâh, a. p. Fifty. şi: pAnjar, s. t. Beet-root. : pènjéré, s. t. A window. · pènjshènbih (pershemb6), s. p. Thursday. c şi: penjik, s. t. Akind of title-deed ds 55 tâtarjik, s. t. dim. A little insect that gets under people's skin and causes itching. [grieved, vexed. 5 te'èsssur, s. a. A being affected, te'sir, s. a. An affecting, producing an effect ; an effect: -, -et, v.n. To produce an effect. & z5 tâj (tAj), s. a. A crown ; a sort of turban worn by some dervishes. =-5 tâjir, s. a. A merchant. · tû’âkhkhur, s. a. A being too late or too slow. · tâ'khir, s. a, A causing to be late or slow ; a delaying, deferring; a putting after; -, -et, v.a. To delay, defer; to put after. · te'dib, s. a Correctional punish- ment; -, -et, v.a. To punish cor- rectionally, &et te'diyyé, s. a. A paying, payment; -, -et, v.a. To pay (debts). v târ, s. p, A thread, string, yarn, wire; the warp of woven textures, or threads stretched lengthwise ready to Teceive the woof; –, a. p. Dark, sombre, obscure ; ·-, târi- -”ânkébüt, A spider's web, cobweb ; :95 târ-mâr, 0r :y'i târ-U-mar, a, p. Scattered, dispersed, disordered, in shreds. z : târâj, s. p. Pillage, plunder, rapine. 5,5 târétEn, ad. a. Once, one time, now (and then). ::)5 târıkh, s. a. The date of an event or letter, including the year, month, and day ; the date of an event or year only ; an era; a style of computing dates ; a history, annals, chronicles ; a chronogram, or piece of literary com- position of one or more words, so ar- ranged and chosen that the numeric value of each letter contained therein, \ · [ 481 ] $ · 5 when added into one sum, shall repre- sent the date of the year in which any specific event occurred ; sometimes the letters with dots, and sometimes those Without dots, are alone taken into the computation, leaving out the values of the others ; 6* ::): târikhi-hijri, The year of the Hejira, the emigration, or, as commonly called, Flight of Mu- hammed ; 5°2v:2) ; târikhi-rümı, The Roman, i.e. Greek, or Old Style ; :) iy-i} âlafrangha-târikhi, The Frank, i.e. European, or New Style. · 5 târik, a. p, Dark, sombre, obscure. j5 tâz, a. p. (in composition), Whoruns, rushes. *j - tâzé, a. p. Fresh, new, young ; e: ; ; tâzélémek, v.a. To make fresh again ; to refill (a pipe). –55 tAzi, s. t. A greyhound; –, tâzi, a. p. Arabian. 4ö55 tâziyâné, s. p. A whip. -i-ü te“esssuf, s. a Regret, sorrow ; \–, –et, v.n. Toregret, be sorry. * (tAsssa), s. p. Grief, sorrow, care, disquietude ; c· tAsssalanmak, v.n. To become sorrowful, to entertain grief. · te'siss, s. a. A founding, placing on afirmbasis; -, -et, v.a. Tofound; to base. 55 tâkmak (aor. 55 tâkar), v.a. To stick or fasten (anything on to another; to put on (any ornament); 55 tâkilmak (aor. 65 tâkilir), v. p. To be stuck, fastened, or put on; –, v.n. To tease, worry, meddle with, make game of, skylark with (a person); to attach one's self to, stick to as a burr; c* 5 tâkin- mak (aor. tâkinir), va. To put on one's self; – :yé Aghirini–, vn. To put on a formal demeanour. ·=t te"kid, s. a A strengthening, Confirming; Tepeating, making peremp- tory; -, -et, v.a. To strengthen, com- firm, consolidate ; to repeat, to make peremptory. ·5 tâlân, s. p, Plunder, pillage, rapine. * tâlika, s. t. Alight four-wheeled Turkish carriage. tâli, s. a. A consequent. - – telif, s. a The writing a book; abook; -, -et, v.a. To write, com- pose, compile; ·5 te'lifât, s.pl. a. Books, works. * tÂmm, a. a. Complete, perfect, finished, entire; zyş-, –(chârk), 8. t. A patent lathe with improve- ments. [weighing and consideration. J 5 te'emmul, s. a A deliberate · te’min, s, a. The giving a feeling of confidence and security ; -, -et, v.a. To impart full confidence. te'enni, s. a. A slowness in com- mencing or in carrying on work, arising from care or caution. · te'niss, s. p. The giving a femi- nine form to a word; -, -et, v.a. To put into the feminine form. 2 K (- ş ş 3t; [ 482 ] · L· te'niss, s.a. A rendering familiar, tame, domesticated. 5 tAw, s. t. A proper degree of hard- ness, or other Tequisite quality, in manufactures; the proper degree of heat in a furnace ; - 5 tAwlan- mak, v.n. To grow fat, get into com- dition (animals); · 2 5 tAv-vir- mek, v.a. To give the proper degree of hardness, &c.; to anneal glass. J te'vil, s. a The putting a peculiar meaning or construction on words, explaining differently ; -, -et, v.a. To explain in a peculiar manner. Jsü te'èhhul, s. a. The taking a wife ; -, -et, v.n. To take a wife, become a married mam, to, marry. - 5 tâ'ib, One who repents, vows to forsake sim. · te'yid, s. a, A giving strength, strengthening, supporting, backing; -, -et, v.a. To give strength, sup- port, back. -5 teb, s. p, Fever, burning heat. tèbâr, s. a, Ruin, destruction, per- dition : -, 8. p. Family, race, stock, lineage, tebâshir, s. pl, a, (of teb- shir), Happy tidings ; the cheering signs of approaching dawn; –, s. t. Chalk. · tebâ”ud, s. a, A going to a dis- tance ; a being at a distance ; –, –et, v,n, To go away, go to a dis- tance, * tebâh, a. p, Spoilt, ruined, de- stroyed. e : tèbâyun, s. a. A being separate, distinct from one another. e : Tibbet, s. t. Thibet. L:si tebjil, s. a. Arendering illus- trious or noble ; an honouring; treat- ing with great Tespect. - / s tebkhir, s. a. Afumigating; -, –et, v.a. Tofumigate with incense. J· tebeddul, s. a. A change of any kimd; -, –et, v.n. To change, be- come altered or replaced; te- beddulât, s. pl. a. Changesin office. _r° teber, s. p. A battle-axe ; –, s. t. A tuberose ; yler: tèberdâr, s. p. A battle-axe mam; a kind of royal body- guardsman. 8 ga" tebërru”, s. a. An act of donation, or of attaching something to amy property in mortmain, without an intention of claimimg payment for it; – :y teberru”an-li-’l-wAkf, ad. a. As a Volumtary free service done to the property in mortmaim. · tebërruk, s. a. Accounting or re- ceiving, or doing anything as sacred, holy, or likely to draw down blessings; % tèbërrukEn, ad. a. As a sacred, Or holy act, as a blessing or as a [cold. · tebrid, s. a. A making cool or means ofblessing. - : tèbrik, s. a. A congratulating ; Congratulation, felicitation : -, -et, v./t, To congratulate, *:Jei * tebriyyé (for 5 tebri'é), s. a. A freeing, making free or exempt; 'a: ve · tebriyye'i-zimmet, s. a. Afree- ing from any charge or imputation. 5 tebèsssum, s. a. A smiling; a smile ; -, -et, v.n. To smile. : tebshir, s. a. A giving good news; -, -et, v.a. To communicate (good news to a person); d. tebshir- -namé, s. p, A letter of good news. Uya a 5 tebAssbÜss, s. a. Insinuating, flattering words and actions. 6 6 A v 66 \ e : * tèb`iyyet or tebâ'îyyet, s. a. The being, or the becoming a subject. · teb”id, s. a. A removing (any- thing) to a distance ; -, -et, v.a. To remove (anything) to a distance. 5- tebligh, s. a. The causing (a thing) to reach or attain ; the com- munication (ofintelligence); –, –et, v.a. To communicate (a message or intelligence to a person); to cause (a thing) to reach or attain. J: tebèvvul, s. a. The act of easing mature by passing urine or faeces ; -, -et, v.n. To ease nature, to make water or go to stool. · tèbvîb, s. a. Arranging by chap- ters ; -, -et, v.a. To arrange in chapters. · tibyân, s. a. A manifesting, ex- position, declaration. vr: tébeyyun, s. a, Abecoming mani- fest : -, -et, v.n. To appear, to become manifest, D 483 ] · t_4: tèbyiz, s.a. A copying out fairly; a fair copy; -, -et, v.a. To copyfairly. -: tepsi, s. t. A tray, salver, waiter. e : tepmek (aor. tepEr), v.a. and n. To kick; – 5 ghèri-, v.n. To return (a disease, fever, &c.) · tepinmek (aor. : tepinir), vn. To stamp with the feet as children in a rage ; to jump about in an agi- tated manner. 5- tetebbu”, s. a. A studying dili- gently ; -, -et, v.a. To study dili- gently (books). · titrémek (aor. titrEr or titirir), v.n. To shiver and shake, to quake. e- i tetik, a. t. Quick, sharp, wide- awake; nice, delicate, requiring to be managed with great care ; -, 8. t. The trigger of a gun or pistol; the notches in the tumbler of a gun-lock ; - :--~ üsst–, The last notch which makes the hammer ready for firing ; –· Alt-, The first notch, at which the trigger will not pull; c· : ~ üsst-tetighé-Almak, v.a. To cock a gun full cock ; · - * Alt-tetighé-Almak, v.a. To half-cock a gun from the hammer being down ; · Alt- tètighé-èndirmek, v.a. To half-cock a gun from full-cock ; 9) -, - dürmak, v.n. To be on one's guard, to keep one's eyes well open, to be vigilant, 2 K 2 *:5 &4:5 tetimmé, s. a. Anynecessary appen- dage to a thing without which it is not complete; a complement, supplement, appendix. [–et, v.a. To complete. * tètmim, s. a. A completing ; -, <3:5 tetvij, s. a. A crowning ; a cor- onation; –, –et, v.a. To Crown with 3 0l'OWT). [please. }: titiz, a. t. Peevish, cross, difficult to · tessbit, s. a. Arendering firm, fixed, stable. · tessliss, s. a. Adoing anything in threes ; a tripling; a dividing into three equal parts; aboiling down to one-third; an avowal of belief in the Trinity ; -, –et, v.a. To triple; to divide into three equal parts; &:yÜ- tèsslissi-zâviyyé, The tri-section of an angle. d:5 tessniyyé, s. a. The dual form of nouns, pronouns, and verbs. _\eş5 tüjjär, s. pl, a. (of 2-5 tâjir), Merchants; (as a Turkish singular), a merchant. (: 92 = tijâret, s. a, Commerce, trade ; -5 -, tijâret-nâziri, s. t. The minister of commerce. · tèjâssur, s. a. A daring, hardi- hood; -, -et, v.n. To dare, have the hardihood. · tejânûss, s. a. Homogeneous- [ness. aş” tejâvuz, s. a. A passing beyond a limit in space, time, number, &c.; being transitive (a verö), governing; an offensive act, an infringement; –, [ 484 ] J· -i_i –et, v.n. To pass beyond; to infringe; to invade ; to govern (a verö). -:) =5 tejâvuzi, a.a. Offensive (treaty); xils -, -ve-tedâfu”i, Offensive and defensive. Jolaş” tejâhul, s.a. A feigning igno- rance ; -, -et, v.a. To feign igno- rance of. s5tejebbur, s. a Pride, haughtiness. · tejeddud, s. a. A becoming new, a being renewed. · tejdid, s. a. A renewing, re- newal; –, -et, v.a. To renew. &y° tejribé, s. a. An experiment, trial; -, –et, v.a. To try. *:9° tèjrid, s. a. Asceticism. f:· tèjrim, s. a. The condemning to pay a fine ; -, -et, v.a. To condemn to pay a fine. · tejesssuss, s. a Diligent search by examination and inquiry ; -, -et, v.a. To inquire into, search into. * tèjësssum, s. a. A taking a solid form ; appearing a solid body ; -, –et, v.n. To take a bodily form ; ap- pear a solid body. u = tejelli, s. a. A being manifested in full glory; lot, fate, luck, fortune. · tejlid, s. a The binding up, or causing to be bound up, of a book; –, –et, v.a. To bind (a book); to cause (a book) to be bound. s-* tejemmu”, s. a A congregating, assembling together. - J•aş tejëmmul, s. a. Any handsome or t.j*<” [ 485 ] pleasant incidental thing; •=5 tèjèmmulât, s. pl. Embellishing acces- sories. e· tèjënnun, s. a. A going mad, a being possessed; –, –et, v.n. To go mad. [like a trope. · tèjniss, s. a. A figure of speech : y= tèjviz, s. a. A granting permission; \-, -et, v.a. To permit, authorise. = tejhiz, s. a. A fitting out : -, -et, v.a. To fit out; equip ; rig. s° tâhâshi, s. a. A withdrawing, an abstaining from ; -, -et, v.n. To keep one's self clear of, to avoid. –5s tûhâf, a, t. Funny, curious, · taht, s. a The under orlower part of a thing; the space beneath it; -, tâhta, pr. a. (in composition), Under, beneath. s” tâhtâni, a. a. (A letter) which has its dot or dots beneath it; the ground or basement (story of a house). ş° tahöijur, s. a A being changed into stone. · tâhûdduss, s. a An arising, springing into existence (events); \-, –et, v.n. To arise, spring into being, happen in consequence of Something else. · tâhdid, s. a The assigning limits; \–, –et, v.a. To assign limits (either by description,by maps, or on the spot). -55 =” tâhûrri, s. a. Inquest, search, ex- amination; -, -et, v.a. To search, examine, inquire into, yJ= tâhrir, s. a. A writing; an en- rolling, emlisting; an enregistering ; \–, –et, v.a. To write ; to enrol, en- list ; to register ; ·yJ=” tâhrirät, s. pl, Despatches, official letters ; (as Turkish singular) a despatch ; 2 =5 tâhriran, ad. a. In writing, by letter. ·J=” tâhriz, s. a. An exciting, en- couraging ; -, -et, v.a. To excite, encourage. – = tâhrif, s. a. A changing the sense of any writing by slight literal or verbal alterations ; a tampering with writings ; an anagram ; -, -et, v.a. To tamper with writings, and alter the sense by making literal or verbal changes. ·J=” tâhrik, s. a. A setting in motion; an exciting, instigating; -, -et, v.a. To set in motion ; to excite, instigate. · tûhâsssur, s. a. A longing and pining after an absent object of affec- tion. e· tâhsin, s. a. An approving, esteeming a thing to be worthy of approval; –, –et, va. To approve. · tûhâsssUn, s. a. A shutting one's self up in a stronghold ; -, -et, vn. To shut one's self up in any strong place. J· tahsil, s.a. Agathering (things) into one's own possession; acquisi- tion; collecting (dues, &c.); study, ac- quisition of learning; -, -et, v.a. To acquire; to collect; to study; · tâhsildâr, s. p. A col- lector. · tühfé (pl. –is tühaf), s. a Any elegant thing fit for a present. aüs: tâhâffuz, s. a, A guarding one's self, preserving one's self (from con- tagion, &c.); * -, -khâné, A place of quarantine, alazaretto, cşis: tûhâkkUk, s. a. A turning out to - be true; \–, –et, v.n. Toturn out true. = tahkir, s. a. A treating with con- tempt and insult; -, -et, v.a. To contemn and insult. c s°tahkik, s.a. An ascertaining ; -, –et, va. To ascertain: à =” tâh- kikan, aa. a. (To know) for certain, of a certainty. * tûhâkkyum, s. a. An excessive or unwarrantable assumption ofauthority. J•s tâhûmmul, s. a. Apower or act of bearing, supporting; patience, longa- nimity ; -, -et, v.n, To bear, sup- port; to be patient in enduring. J· tahmil, s. a. A placing (a load) on anything ; -, -et, v.a. Toplace (a load) on or in anything. Jys” tûhâvvul, s. a. A changing, being changed from ome state to another. cky= tâhvil, s. a. The changing (any- thing) from one state to another; a passage from sign to sign of the zodiac; a cheque orpromissory note; –, –et, v.a. To change, to reduce from state to state ; –, v.n. To pass from sign to sign of the Zodiac, I 486 ı • • |0 (? ” · tûhâyyur, s. a. A being astonished, bewildered. · tâhiyyé, s. a A salutation, a · tâkht, s. p. A throne; e:y-, [greeting. tâkhti-rèwân, s. p. A palanquin carried between two mules on poles, one lead- ing, the other following ; - 5 - : 07° · pâyi-tâkht, s. p, (The foot of the throne) the capital city of a state. - * takhta, s. p. A plank, board ; a board used for any special purpose ; a sheet (of metal, &c.); half the quantity of fur required for a Tobe ; –, s. t. Made of boards : · J: - jëdvEl-tâkhtassi, Aflat ruler for draw- ing lines; * 5-) rüb"u-tâkhta, A small astronomical quadrant of wood, with lines and circles on either side, and a plummet, used for taking the sun and computing time; c : * tâkhta-pösh, A kind of flooring fixed above the roof of a house, and used for drying linen and for taking the air; **takhta-biti, Abugı se, s: tâkhta-pèrdé, Palings; : * tâkhta-bîlmé, A partition of planks. U: ·tâkhdish,s.a. Agrating, scratch- ing, excoriating i -, –et, v.a. To grate, graze, scratch, excoriate. - :y* tâkhrib, s. a, A laying waste, desolating; –, –et, v.a. Tolay waste, to desolate, waste, destroy. · tâkhsiss, s. a. A making or being made special to anything; \- -: e : -et, v.a. To make (anything) special to a purpose; to consecrate, assign; to designate, determine, name, appoint, point out ; ·ü: bi-’t-tâkhsiss, ·i bi-takhsiss, ada. Specially ; · tâkhsissÂt, s. pl. Funds of government assigned to special pur- poses. - * tâkhfif, s. a. A making light or lighter, a lightening in weight; a soft mode of sounding a letter in pronun- ciation –, –et, v.a. To lighten, make İighter in weight or severity. - * tâkhâlluf, s. a. A getting out of agreement, difering, varying: -, –et, v.n. To differ, vary, change. · takhliss, s. a A making, or being made, free and exempt from any impurity, ill, or defect); -, –et, v.a. To free (from impurity, ill, or defect). a- k tâkhlit, s.a. A mixing oradding; – = tâkhlif, s. a. A making (some [adulterating. one) successor to another. 4 <5 tâkhliyyé, s. a. An emptying, evacuation; –, –et, v.a. To empty, * tökhm, s. p. Seed. ** tâkhmir, s. a. A causing (wine, [to evacuate. &c.) to ferment ; a compounding of the dough or materials of any object. · tâkhmin, s. a. A guess, approxi- mation : -, -et, v.a. To guess approximately (number or value) ; ** tâkhmina, ad. a. About, ap- proximately. [ 487 ] -5 * -: · tâkhwif, s. a. A frightening; –, –et, v.a. To frighten. J== tâkhâyyul, s. a. An imagining, forming an idea; imagination; \-, –et, v.a. To imagine, to conceive in idea. J- 5 tedâkhul, s. a. Action of inter- penetration; a getting into arrears (pay, salary, &c.) ; •: a- 5 tèdâkhula-binmek, v.n. To get into arrears (payments) so that the pay- ment of one term is not made before the next is due or overdue. tedâruk (tedârik), s. a. A pro- curing anything wanted ; -, -et, v.n. To procure (anything wanted); ·y tedârikyât, s. pl. a. Pre- paration and laying in of various necessaries; e: •2) = S)* tè- dârikyâtini-ghyîrmek, v.n. To make one's preparations ; 59l 5 tèdârikli, a. t. In a state of preparedness with respect to necessaries; c· ·9 Aj tèdârikli-bûlunmak, v.n. To be pre- pared with what is required. s-i tedâfu”, s. a. Defence ; **** tedâfu”i, a. a. Defensive ; : -5 = *** tejâvuzi-ve-tedâfu”i, Offen- sive and defensive. J: * tedâvul, s. a. A passing current from hand to hamd (money or books); \–, –et, v.n. To pass current, be in (2000İ010İl U1S0, -5 ° tedâvi, s. a. The treatment of disease with medicine. _:° [ 488 ] ş jy * tedbir, s, a. Any measure, plan, or design, adopted after mature delibera- tion, for the accomplishment of an object; the ruling, governing or or- daining, business by fit measures ; \-, –et, va. To conceive or lay down a plan of action; e: -, tedbiri-milk, The art of governing, political G00- nomy, politics ; y: -°y: y8° tAkdir-tedbiri-bözar, The Divine de- cree (often) sets at nought the designs of man. *9°5 tedrij, s. a. Progress by suc- cessive steps; =:y tedriji, a. a. Progressive and successive ; = · “âlé-’t-tedrij, Little by little, by degrees. [or lectures. c_-_y \5 tedriss, s. a. A giving lessons c· tedkik, s. a. Very minute inquiry; –, –et, v.a. To inquire into. : c Aj tedmir, s. a. A ruining, destroy- ing, destruction. . er; 5 tedvin, s. a. A collecting into a volume ; –, –et, v.a. To collect into a volume (an author's works). cy * 5 tedhin, s.a. An anointing, oiling; \–, –et, v.a. To oil, anoint. S: tezkyâr, s. a. Arecalling to me- mory by name. Sö5 tezekkyur, matter) over ; s. a. A talking (any the private study of any subject explained inpublic lecture. * S& tezkéré, s. a. A note, missive, billet; a memoir; a passport, permit, pass ; · tezkéréji, s. t. A functionary of the Ottoman Govern- ment (or rather two, one being called - biyuk-tezkéréji, and the other · Â5 · kûchuk- tèzkéréji). · & tezkir, s. a. A mentioning by name; a calling to memory ; aputting into the masculine form; –, –et, v.a. To mention, to call to memory. J& tèzellul, s. a. A becoming abased, abject. · tèzlil, s. a. Anabasing, making abject; -, -et, To abase, make abject, [–et, v.a. To gild with gold, · tezhib, s. a A gilding : -, J: tezyil, s. a The adding a supple- ment or appendix. ° tEr, s. t. Sweat, transudation ; –, a. p. Fresh; –, Comparative affix of Persian adjectives, answering to our English syllable er in similar use; as bed, bad, bedtir (badder) uyorse ; 9 tèr-u-tâzê, Fresh and young; quite fresh ; - âyak- -tèri (Foot-sweat), a doctor's or foot-messenger's fee for coming. - türâb, s. a. Earth. iyi O?” kWi tèrâtör, s. a. A condiment of nuts pounded with garlic, oil, and curdled milk, esteemed to be cooling. · tèrâkhi, s. a. A want of zeal, neglect. yjli tèrâzi, s. p. A balance, pair of scales: -5); 6 ·yi terâzining- -ghyîzu, One pan, scale, or side of c· [ 489 ] *2-5 a balance ; yyi ye sü-terâzissi, 8. t. A device in hydraulics for carry- ing water across a valley without losing the level, and so as to allow the easy escape of air from the pipes: it consists in a small tower with a small reservoir at top, the pipes being led up one side to the reservoir, and down the other from it. c tirâsh (trAsh) a.p. (in composition), Which shaves ; –, s. p, The state of hair or beard which requires shaving; –, –et, v.a. To shave (another's head or beard) ; to cut or shave away alittle of any substance ; -, –öl, To shave one's self; to be shaved by another ; - 5 * Wi trâshim-ghèldi, I require shaving ; · kâlem- -trâsh, A pen-knife (Turkish). ·yi tèrâzi, s. a. Mutual satisfaction. * terâfu”, s. a. A mutual appealing to a tribunal. * tèrâkyum, s. a. A becoming col- lected in heaps : -, -et, v.n. To become collected in great quantities. 3}} tirëbézé, s. t. (Greek), A table. öy; terâné, s. p. Melody, symphony. < tèrâvih, s. pl, a. (sing. not used), The long prayers or litanies peculiar to the mights of Ramazan; the literal meaning is recreations. * türbé, s. a. (Originally one portion of earth, then a grave), A mausoleum or chapel built over a tomb ; yle:: türbédâr, A keeper of a türbé. * tirbiyyé, - terbiyyet, s. a. The doing something to a thing in order to improve its quality ; educa- tion; sauce for meats ; preparation for stuffs ; good and polite manners ; punishment; -, -et, v.a. To edu- cate ; topunish ; to prepare or ame- liorate by any special treatment; · : terbiyyéssini - vèr- mek, v.n. Topunish. S-:): terbi”, s. a. A squaring ; -, –et, v.a. To square ; * ile–, tèr- bi”i-da'iré, The squaring of the circle; *:): tèrbi”i, Square (measurement). - terèttub, s. a. A taking form, proceeding, resulting, coming into being; –, –et, v.n. To take form and being, to proceed, result. - 5 tèrtib, s. a. An arranging ; arrangement; order; a set, series ; a row, line; a system, method; a dis- position, plan of action; a prescrip- tion, recipe; -, -et, v.a. To arrange, dispose; to prescribe. e· tErjumÂn, a. a. An interpreter; ·l-, -efendi, and ye–, U)): V•s tèrjumÂni-diwÂni-hümâyün, The Chief Interpreter of the Ottoman Government; : •a ( :-22) sèfâ- ret-tèrjumÂni, An interpreter to an embassy. * tèrjumé, s. a. A translating, an interpreting; translation; interpreta- tion ; a translation; –, –et, v.a. To translate; to interpret. · [ 490 ] L: teréji, s. a, Hope, expectation. z: tèrjih, s. a. A preferring: -, -et, v.a. To prefer. f=55 tèrâhhum, s. a. Commiseration, compassion, pity. · tErhib, s. a. A giving the salutation -· mèrhabâ! May you be prosperous ! [dry curds, &\s-· târkhān6, s. t. A preparation of · târkhön, s. t. Tarragon (herb). L· tèrkhiss, s. a. A granting per- mission : -, -et, v.a. To give per- mission. · tèreddud, s. a, A going to and fro; a vacillation in purpose, hesitation. - 9; terdif, s. a. A sending (anyone) as companion to another, or as an escort; -, -et, va, To send (any- one) as a companion or escort (to another). Jşöy terzil, s. a. A humbling, humilia- ting, mortifying; -, -et, v.a. To humble, humiliate, mortify. -5) terzi, s. t. Atailor. c· tèrss, s. t. The reverse or wrong side or way of anything; dung, excre- ment; -, a. t. Cross, peevish, ill-tem- pered, obstinate ; contrary ; ·· tèrsslémek, v.a. To scold severely; –, tûrss, s. a. A shield, buckler ; –, tèress, s. t. A cuckold. & tèrsâné, s. t. (Italian, darsena, an inner harbour), Dockyard. c° türsh, a. p. Sour ; y: türsh-rü, a. p, Sour-faced. * tèreshshuh, s. a. A percolation, exudation. * tirshé, s. t. Parchment; –, a. t. Of a very light bluish-green colour. ° tirahu, s. t. Pickles in vinegar or with leaven, [or clamping together. · tirsiss, s. a. A firmly joining 5- tersi”, s. a An adorning with precious stones. * târziyyé, s. a. A giving Satisfac- tion or begging pardon. - 5 tèrghib, s. a. The making (any- one) desirous ; -, -et, v.a. Tomake desirous, excite to emulation. 8 \:yi türf Anda, s. t. The first of the season of any fruits or vegetables. s-:ji tèrfi”, s. a. An elevating, raising on high ; –, –et, v.a. To Taise, elevate. [others) ease and prosperity. * tirfih, s. a The procuring (for - tèrâkkub, s. a. A waiting in expectation. terâkki, s. a An increasing in quantity or in dignity ; c*ş-, –bûlmak, v.n. To increase, be in- creased, be Taised. e: tErkim, s. a. A writing down: -, –et, v.a. To write, pen down. ev tèrkin, s. a, A running the pen through, an effacing, defacing; \-, –et, va, Torun the pen through, efface, blot out. - ş ·%5 tèrk, s. a. A leaving, abandoning, quitting, forsaking knowingly and in- tentionally ; -, türk, s. t. An Asiatic e· provincial Turk; a rustic, clod-hopper; -, tèrk-et, v.a. To leave, abandon, quit, forsake ; · türkja, s. t. The Turkish language. ·y: Türkmèn, s. anda. t. Turcoman ; · · Türkmèn-vilâyeti, s. t. Turcomania. 45y; teriké (teréké), s. a. The estate or movable effects of a deceased person. :yi türkyu, s. t. A song; –, türki, a. a. Turkish. - · tèrkib, s. a. A compounding, composing; a composition; -, -et, v.a. To compound ; to compose ; · terkibi, a, a, Appertaining to composition; composite ; ·: -° wAssfi-tiErkibi, A composite qualifica- tive epithet, as : K\e: bādbân- -kyûshä, Sail-opening, which spreads its sails. [or leather. ·y; tirlik, s. t. House slippers of cloth · tèrlémek (aor. tèrler), v.a. and n. To Sweat ; to perspire. “ tèrmim, s. a. A repairing, patch- ing; -, -et, va. Torepair, patch up. : tûrunj, s. a. The bitter or Seville orange; tûrunji, a. p, Of the reddish colour peculiar to the Seville orange. ·J5 trinket, s. t. (Italian), The fcre-sail; · trinkétin, The fore- stay-sail. * terennum, s. a. Any melodious and continued sound, as chanting,warbling, humming, praying, or reading. [ 491 ] G:ji <3y tèrvij, s. a, A giving currency and briskness to markets or business; –, –et, v.a. To promote, advance, assist, make brisk (commerce orbusiness). : tèrf, s. t. Cress; L**9°ye sÜ-tèréssi, Water-cresses ; · téré-yâghi, Fresh butter. · tûrréhât, s. pl.a. Nonsense, vain [words. - : E5 tirhib, s. a. A frightening, ter- rifying ; -, -et, v.a. To terrify, frighten. 5 tiryâk, s. a. A kind of electuary, theriaca, of various kinds, one of which is eaten with opium, and hence opium- eaters are called tiryâkî (tirâki), A theriaca-man. [with gravy or broth. · tirid, s. t.A dish of bread stewed * tèzâyud, s. a. An increasing, be- coming augmented; augmentation. · tezek, s. t. Dung in cakes and dried as fuel. * tezkiyyé, s. a. A man's character as known by inquiry ; an inquiring about a person's character ; a giving of a tenth of one's possessions as alms, and so rendering the rest blessed. J}} tèzelzul, s. a. The shaking of an earthquake. zy° tezèvvuj, s. a. The taking a wife to one's self; –, –et, v.a. To marry, to take as a wife, to espouse. :j* tezvij, s. a. A causing to marry, a giving in marriage ; -, -et, v.a. To procure a wife for a man, or a husband for a wife, and cause them to marry. [ 492 ] 48; 5 tezvir, s. a Any fraudulent act or assertion. erj° tezyin, s. a. An ornamenting; -, –et, v.a. To beautify, adorn, orna- ment. - Tessâlia, s. t. Thessaly. -5 tèssâvi, s. a. A being mutually equal; 'e J-5, tessâviyi-leyl-u- -nâhâr, The equinox. <- tèssbih, s. a. A rosary of beads ; a litany of praises said by tale, for which the beads are used as counters; = -: –, –bîjèghi, The wire- worm (?). · tessbil, s.a. A consecrating (any- thing) to pious or charitable uses. · tèssèttur, s. a. A covering or hiding one's self behind a vail. tessti, s. t. Ajug, apitcher. tesstir, s. a. A covering (any- thing), hiding it ; -, -et, v.a. To hide, cover. Jş- tèssjil, s. a. An enregistering in the public records of a court. s° tèsskhir, s. a. A subjugation, con- quest; -, -et, v.a. To conquer, take, subjugate, subdue. · tèsskhin, s. a. A making warm ; \-, –et, v.a. To warm, to heat. · tesstir (tAss-), s. a. A writing down line by line ; -, –et, v.a. To write. 8-5 tûss”, s. a, A ninth ; –tiss”, and · tiss'a, a, a, Nine ; *-i tiss- -"ün, and ey* tiss"in, a, a. Ninety. e· tèsskin, s. a. A quieting, calm- ing, appeasing; -, -et, v.a. To calm. J- tesselsul, s. a. A concatenation ; a passing by pedigree ; a series of promotions when one high office is vacated. - a.j tessAllut, s. a. An assumption of sovereign power; an arbitrary assump- tion of power and authority ; a vexa- tious exercise of power or physical force. 6 - tessellum, s.a. A receiving posses- sion or into charge when another de- livers (anything) over. · tesselli, tessliyyet, and * -5 tessliyyé, s. a. Consolation; e+ -er: - tesselli-virmek, and - 5 tessliyyet-et, v.a. To con- sole; · tèsselli-bÜlmak, v.n. To find consolation. ~ tèsslim, s. a. A salutation; a giving up; a delivery; a conceding a point in reasoning, submitting ; -, -et, va. To give up, deliver over ; -, –öl, v.n. To give one's self up. - *-5 tèssmiyyé, s. a. A naming; a name; -, -et, v.a. To name, call. A: - 5 tessvid, s. a. A foul copy of a letter. 4:3-5 tèssviyyé, s. a. An arranging, setting straight, putting to rights ; a smoothing, rendering even and regu- lar ; -, -et, v.a. To arrange, put to rights ; to smooth, make even, straight, and regular. \, [ 493 1 · · tesshil, s. a. A facilitating ; -, -et, v.a. To facilitate, make easy. tèssyâr, s. a. A sending, forward- ing; -, -et, v.a. To send, forward. - *-5 tèssèyyub, s. a. A neglecting important affairs, either through sloth, indifference, or the pursuit of plea- Slil'G. L: tèssyir, s. a. A sending, forward- ing ; -, -et, v.a. To send, to for- ward, - 5 teshèbbuss, s. a. Asetting about, a taking in hand; -, -et, v.n. To take in hand; to set about, to begin; to apply one's self to. &: 5 tèshbih, s. a. A comparing or likening (one thing or another), a comparison : -, -et, v.a. To com- pare, to liken. · teshëttut, s. a. A being dis- persed, scattered, separated. · teshkhiss, s. a. A distinguish- ing individually, making out, recog- mising, seeing, perceiving ; -, -et, v.a. To distinguish, make out, recog- nise, \!\ 5 teshdid, s. a, A making strong, severe, or violent; the pronunciation of a letter twice following, as with our d in mid-day, or asl in full lips the name of the orthographical mark , used to denote this mode of promun- ciation by being placed over the re- duplicated letter. “ -5.sj tâ”âddi, s. u. Aninjuring, vexing, oppressing. -- - *3 tâ”dil, s. a. A changing slightly, a modifying; -, -et, v.a. Tomodify. - * tâ”ârruz, s. a. A meddling with- out a right, an injuring; -, -et, v.n. To meddle with wrongfully, to offer injury. [a reproaching. L4: <5 tâ”riz, s. a. Afinding fault with, - * tâ'rif, s. a. An explaining; a describing; description; -, -et, v.a. To describe; to explain; – – - harfi-tâ”rif, and – } lâmi-tâ'rif, The Arabic definite article J :j* tâ”zir, s. a. A reprimanding; a legal punishment of less than eighty stripes ; -, -et, v.a. To reprimand; to punish legally with less than eighty stripes. *}<5 tâ”ziyyé, s. a. An expression of condolence; aletter of condolence. -i-s5 tâ”âsssuf, s. a. Violent tyranny and oppression. c:. tâ”âshshuk, s. a. A falling in love; -, -et, v.n. To fall in love (with). [ 496 ] * 66 y: a; tâ”shir, s. a. A collecting of tithes; \–, –et, v.a. To tithe. - · tâ"Asssub, s. a Bigotry, fana- ticism, a being bigoted; –, –et, v.n. To be a bigot. [sing (juice). y* tâ”sir, s. a. A pressing, expres- - as tâ“Attuf, s. a. Condescending kindness. as tâ”til, s. a. A causing (anything orbody) toremain idle orunemployed; a remaining, being caused to remain idle; a holiday ; -, –et, v.a. To stop from work, hinder, cause to re- main inactive. [ness, * tâ”âzzum, s. a. Pride, false great- * tâ”zim, s. a. A respecting, reve- ring, treating with consideration and honour; a deeming and treating as important; –, –et, v.a. Tohonour, respect, revere, venerate; to treat with great consideration ; to deem and treat as important, to give importance to. eksi tâ”âffun, s. a. A stink of putrefac- tion; -, -et, v.n. To stink. Lás; tâ”âkkul, s. a. Afinding out (a method) by thought; -, -et, v.a. To find out by thinking, to think of. · tâ”kib, s. a. A following, pur- suing : -, -et, va, To pursue, follow. cisi tâ”ûlluk, s. a. Abeing attached to, or depending on (anything), being related to, in relations with, having anything to do with ; -, -et, v.n. To become attached to, affixed to ; to 4 / / y .” J· regard, become dependent on, or con- nected with ; “ lisi tâ“âllukAt, s. pl. a. Things or persons dependent On, or connected with. · ta”âllul, s. a. Adelaying under various pretences, or an alleging pre- texts So as to avoid or delay doing Something. [or science). ( * tâ”âllum, s. a. Alearning (any art c· ta”lik, s. a. A suspending, hang- ing up (anything); the making (any- thing) dependent (on another); a fixing (the eye on anything); the Persian mode of writing the Arabic character ; -, -et, v.a. To hang up, suspend; to fix (the eye on anything); to give (a thing) some relation (to some other). ** tâ"lim, s. a. Ateaching, instruct- ing, exercising ; practice, exercise ; military exercise, drill; a specimen Copy of scholar's writing; –, –et, va. To teach, instruct; ·-, –ètdirmek, v.n. To cause one to prac- tice or do exercise ; “ tâ”lî- mât, s. pl. a. Instructions; ş* tâ”limji, s. t. A military instructor. * tà"mir, s. a. A repairing, mend- ing; reparation : -, -et, v.a. To repair, mend. * tà"mim, s. a A making general or common; -, -et, v.a. To make general. Açsi tâ”âhhud, s. a. An undertaking to perform, rendering the performance [ 497 ] - - : (of something) obligatory to one's self; -, -et, v.n. To undertake, to make one's self responsible for (the performance of something). U:*5 tû”âyyush, s. a. A maintaining one's self, living, maintenance ; -, –et, v.n. To live, maintain one's self, J* tâ”âyyun, s. a. A becoming con- spicuous, remarkable. · tâ'yib, s. a. A reproaching, finding fault with, blaming, shaming; -, -et, v.a. To reproach, blame, shame. Jr* tâ”yin, s. a. A pointing out, de- signating to the eye; a naming, ap- pointing; a fixing, allotting, allowing; a ration; -, -et, v.a. To point out, designate ; to name, appoint; to fix, allot, allow ; · tâ”yinÂt, s. pl. a. Rations of all kinds. & tüghulgha, s. t. A helmet. a tâghlit, s. a. A leading into error, causing to make a mistake ; -, –et, v.a. To mislead. [warbling. ki tâghânni, s. a. A singing, chanting, ki tâghâyyur, s. a. An undergoing change, becoming changed; –, –et, v.n. To change, become different. y: tâghyir, s. a. A changing, altering; \-, -et, v.a. To change, to alter, make different. J- 5 tefâkhur, s. a. An ostentatious boasting of talents or superiority over others (usual, and considered quite proper among poets). 2 L t49sı · ğ5 · tefazul, s. a A superiority (in number or quantity) over another; a remainder, a difference ; ** te : “ilmi - tAmÂmi-ve-tefâzuli, The integral and differential calculus. J: tefè''ul, (See J5°, the correct orthography). · tèfâvut, s. a. A surpassing an- other ; the surplus, remainder, differ- Cİ)CG s [goats. c tiftik, s. t. The wool of Angora * teftih, s. a. An opening, causing to open; a breaking the wind off the stomach, causing eructation. U** tèftish, s. a. A diligent search- ing and examining; -, -et, v.a. To search and examine. ·s° tefâhhUss, s. a. Inquiry, investi- gation ; \Las° U: teftish-u- -tefâhhUss-et, v.a. To investigate, in- quire into. s° tefkhim, s. a. An honouring; a giving honour to : -, -et, v.a. To honour, to give honour to. (< teferruj, s. a The taking a walk or ride for recreation. 9, 5 teferrud, s. a. A separating one's self; an acting rebelliously. v_ teferruss, s. a. A judging sa- gaciously from physiognomy or ap- pearance. [ness, dispersion. * tefrika, s. a. Separation, separate- < tefrih, s. a. A cheering, exhil- arating; -, -et, v.a, To cheer, to make glad. a. 8, tefrit, s. a. Adoing less than ne- cessary ; -: eyi ifrÂt-u–, Exag- geration and shortcoming, the doing more than necessary and the doing less. c: tèfrik, s. a. A separating, di- viding; a distinguishing: \-, -et, v.a. To separate, divide, put asunder; to distinguish, make out. tefsir, s. a, A commenting on the Kur'an word by word; a commentary on the Kur'an. · tAfsil, s. a. A going into details; 42 İ-, -et, va. To detail; a: tAfsilan, ad. a. In detail ; · tAfsilÂt, s. pl, a. Details. \öğ5 tefâkkUd, s. a. An inquiring after an absemt person. - Kā tefekkyur, s. a. A thinking, pon- dering, turning over in one's mind; \-, -et, v.n. To think, toponder. c & tüfenk (tüfek), s. t. A gun (not a cannon), musket, fowling-piece, rifle, carbine ; :9° -, –döldurmak, v.n. To load a gun; c -, –Atmak, v.n. To fire off a gun ; · Av- -tüfeghi, Afowling-piece; &#- chifté-tüfek, A double-barrelled gun ; e : * shesh-khânéli tüfek (or & =* shesh-khâné simply), A rifle; K il Atli-tûfeghi, A car- bine; fitilli- tüfek, A match-lock ; “ ile- châk- makli-tüfek, A flint musket, &c.; c j- èjzâli-tüfek, A percus- y* sion gun : -5), • -, -demiri, A gun-barrel; · -, -kündAghi, A gunstock; *--, –châk- maghi, Agunlock ; --, -chi- tüfekji, 8. t. A musketeer ; an infantry soldier ; bUghU, A ramrod; ş* a soldier on police duty ; a kind of irregular police soldier ; akind of rural police soldier; a marine (called also more especially ·° *-i-s: bâhriyyé-tüfekjissi, a naval musketeer); a gunsmith. Jşk tefevvuk, s. a Superiority over another. J' tefe''ul, s. a. The drawing an augury ; an appeal to the 80rtes Yir- giliana: ; -, -et, v.a. To take (any conclusion) from an omen or augury; to appeal to the sortes Virgilianae. 89-à-5 tefevvuh, s. a. An uttering from the mouth ; -, -et, v.a. To utter, mention. u4:5 tefviz, s. a. A dispensing (fa- vours, honours, &c.); -, -et, v.a. To dispense, confer (honours, &c., upom a person). * tèfèhhum, s. a. A comprehending, understanding; -, -et, v.a. To comprehend, to understand. * tefhîm, s. a. An explaining, giving to understand, causing to be compre- hended; -, -et, v.a. To explain, to cause (aperson) to understand (some- thing). La° tâkAsss, s. a. A mutual exercise D 499 ] v**ü of the law of reprisal (ler talionis) ; a mutual exchange of employment or the like. * (for :) tâkâzâ, s. a. A dun- ming, an importuning, a Worrying for anything due. sel: tâkÂtu”, s. a. Intersection. cü tâkâ”ud, s. a The state of an old servant pensioned off; the pensioning off of old servants; –, –et, v.a. To pension off, to dismiss from service with a pension. * tAkbih, s. a. A looking upon and stigmatizing as bad and improper; –, –et, v.a. To stigmatize as bad and improper. · tAkbil, s. a. A kissing in respect ; –, –et, v.a. To kiss in Tespect. c- Ağü tâkAddéssé, int. a. May (He) be glorified and hallowed ! - c- Ağ HAkk-tê”âla-ve-tâkAddéssé, God, may He be glorified and hal- lowed ! * tâkAddum, s. a, A taking pre- cedence; –, –et, v.n. To take pre- cedence. tAkdir, s. a The Divine predes- tination or foreknowledge of events ; an appreciation of worth or value: the supposing or understanding any word implied in a semtence; a supposition, not arbitrary but implied; a case sup- posed by implication : -, -et, v.a. To appreciate the worth, to value highly ; ü: -5 is: takdir-ted- 2 L 2 biri-bÖzar,The Divine prescience over- rules the counsels of man; 89) Aü: bÜ-tAkdirda, In this case ; L5° \ğ5 * 55 tâkAddumu-takdirinda, In the case of his taking the precedence; 4-7 tâkdirja, ad. t. According to the supposition in the case. L·ği takdiss, s. a. A consecrating, making holy. * tAkdim, s. a. Abringing forward; a causing to precede ; a present- ing; -, -et, v.n. To present, lay before. -2, 5 tâkârrub, s. a. A drawing nigh, approaching; abeing mear; -, -et, vn. To approach, to draw near. ·i tAkrib, s. a. A means, a con- sideration; - :):): bir-takrib- -ila, ad. t. Somehow or other ; 2: * l- ki bü-tAkrib-ila, By these means, through this consideration ; :y° tâkriba, ad. a. About, approxi- matively. , , ; takrir, s. a. A making permanent and stable, an establishing; a formal declaration, an affidavit ; an official report or diplomatic note; –, –et, v.a. To establish ; to declare, depone ; to represent in an official note or re- port. L4: 5 tAkriz, s. a. A peculiar kind of approbatory criticism of any book by a person supposed to be an excellent judge of the subject, and which is always prefixed to the work to which [ 500 ] it relates ; -, -et, v.a. To approve (abook in this peculiar critical form). “-: tâksim, s. a. A dividing; divi- sion ; a division ; a mark of division ; the arithmetical rule of division : -, –et, v.a. To divide. raki tAksir, s. a. A making short or shorter; a shortcoming, failing, fault; \–, –et, v.a. To shorten; -, v.n. To fail in point of duty: ai tak- sirÂt, s.pl. a. Faults, failings. ağ tâkAttur, s. a. Adripping, falling by drops ; –, –et, v.n. To fall by drops. - * tAktir, s. a. A distillation; a cau- sing to fall by drops : -, -et, v.a. To distil; to cause to fall by drops, s-* tAkti”, s. a. A cutting in pieces; a scanning (of verses) ; -, -et, v.a. To cut in pieces; to scan (verses). c tâkildamak (aor. takil- dar), v.n. To make a noise (by one thing striking against another, as a loose thing in a box on a porter's back). ; ; tâklAk, s. t. A turning head over heels ; c·-, –k?lmak, v.n. To tumble, to turn head over heels ; : ; ā : * *ş bir-Akchaya- -bing - tâklAk - kâlar, He does, will, would tumble over head and heels a thousand times for one farthing; i.e. he is a mean, sordid fellow. * 55 tAklid, s. a. A placing round one's own meck like a necklace, or over one · shoulder as a baldric; a becoming obedient to, following, imitating; an imitation; a mimicking ; –, –et, v.a. To imitate, to mimic ; to follow and obey; –i: –, tAklidi-seyf, The investiture with the sword (the parallel ceremony to crowning the Sultan). · taklil, s. a, A lessening in number [God, piety. \,: (for –5, ) tAkwa, s. a. The fear of or quantity. ·5 tAkviyyet, s. a. A strengthen- ing: -, -et, v.a. and y: -, vèrmek, v.a. To strengthen; c·y!-, –bÜlmak, v.n. To become strength- ened. : yā tAkvim, s. a. A making straight or upright; a setting in order ; an almamack ; -, -et, v.a. To make straight or upright; to set in Order, arrange properly ; to Tectify. \:ğü tâkâyyud, s. a. An employing one's whole attention, taking great Care and pains ; –, –et, v.n. To take great care and pains. & tâkyé, s. t. Asmall linen cap worn under the turban. ci: 5 tek, a. t. Odd (not even) ; quiet (alone, to one's self); C ) ş9-, –dürmak, To be quiet, keep still, keep one's self to one's self; –, ad. t. Merely, only, but once; - 5 tèk-tük, ad. t. Now and then ; here and there one; -, 8. p. A running İpuffed up. y: 5 tekyâbur, s. a. Pride, a being about. D 501 ] * Kş tekyâssur, s. a. An increasing in number, becoming numerous. J· tèkyâssul, s. a. Negligence. - K tekyâlif, s. pl, a. (of – Ki), Government dues, taxes; propositions, y* tèkèbbur, s. a. Pride. · tekbir, s. a. A making great; a saying Allâhu-ekbir ! God is very great. [proposals. Ki tèksir, s. a. A making numerous ; -, -et, va. To make numerous, increase the number of. y* tekdir, s. a. A reprimanding, a causing grief; –, –et, v.a. To re- primand; to cause grief, tohurt one's feelings. · tekzib, s. a. A contradicting flatly, telling one helies: -, -et, v.a. To contradict flatly. K; tekir, s. t. The red mullet; –, teker, s. t. A wheel. _y=5 tekrâr, s. a. A repetition : -, ad. t. Again, anew, Once mOre ; -, –et, and y= tekrârlamak (aor. y=5 tekrârlar), v.a. To repeat, do or say again; _y°-, –bé- -tekrâr, ad. p. Again and again, · teghèrk, s.p. Hail. · Ki tekErlEnmek (aor. y=5 tekErlénir), v.n. To roll over and over ; to fall down and roll. · tângri, s. t. God. r: Ki tékrir, s. a. A repeating, doing again. [and respect. f: 5 tekrim, s. a. A showing honour -6 · tekèssur, s. a. A being broken or damaged. - - · tiksinmek (aor. -)· tik- sinir), v.n. To loathe, feel a disgust at, an aversion for. JK tekefful, s. a. A standing surety, making one's self responsible, stand- ing bail; –, –et, v.n. To stand surety, stand bail, be answerable, make one's self responsible. ;-à-- tekfür (tekir), s. t. (Greek roğ Kuptov), The Greek Emperor of old. e· tekfin, s. a. A wrapping in a winding-sheet : -, –et, v.a. To wrap in a winding-sheet. · tèghelti (telti), s. t. The straps behind the saddle with which a cloak, &c., may be bound. e-i tekelluf, s. a Expensive andcere- monious observances, preparations, or decorations ; · tèkèlluflu, a. t. Sumptuous. - ( Ki tèkèllum, s. a. A speaking, COİl- versing ; -, –et, To speak, talk. - K teklif, s. a The making a pro- posal, proposing; a proposal; the casting any charge or duty (upon one); a tax, a due, an impost; ceremony, ceremonious behaviour ; -,–et, v.a. Topropose; to offer ; tocast(anyduty) upon (some one) ; --- khÂm–, An unduly-weighed proposal; - 5 teklifsiz, a. and ad. t. Without cere- mony, [ 502 ] } " Uyars: · tekm6, s. t. A kick; ; -, –Atmak, v.n. To kick, give a kick. · tekmil, s. a, A making complete, perfecting: -, a. t. Finished; com- plete; -, -et, v.a. To finish, perfect, complete. - · tekn6, s. t. A trough ; a washing- tray ; the hull of a ship; a ship. evi · tekvin, s. a. A calling into ex- istence, creating. - [prawn. *K tek6, s. t. A he-goat; a shrimp, a · tekyé, s. a A convent of dervishes, as asylum, place of repose. J5 tel, s. t. A thread ; a wire ; a rope- 565 shûmata-teli, Tinsel, · tèlâtın, s. t. Russia leather. yarn ; c· tèlash, s. t. A fuss ; a hurry ; -, –et, v.n. To make a fuss, be alarmed, * tèlâshi, s. a. A being alarmed, in a fuss. [waves. \5 telâtum, s. a.The heaving of the telâfi, s. a. A making up (for lost time or opportunity). [two or more, telâki, s. a. The mutual meeting of * 5 telâmiz6, s. pl, a. (of : 5 tèlmiz), Disciples, pupils. · tilâvet, s. a. The decorous read- ing aloud or intoning of a holy book. · telebbuss, s. a. A wearing (of apparel). · telbiss, s. a. Fraud, deceit, lies. * tèlkh, a. p, Bitter. - J~ telkhiss, s. a. The customary re- port laid by the grand vizier before the Sultan daily on current affairs. 4 535 [ 503 ] * telezzuz, s. a. A being pleased in point of taste, an enjoying; –, –et, v.n. To be pleased, to enjoy. - 5 telâttuf, s. a A manifestation of kindness, friendship, and favour. - taltif, s. a (A superior's) making (some one) feel that he is an object of favour, a treating with marked kind- mess and condescension. - 5 telef, s. a. A wasting; a killing; . \–, –et, v.a. To waste; to kill. · telaffuz, s. a. A pronouncing ; pro- munciation : -, -et, v.a. To pro- [or title. · tèlkîb, s. a. The giving a name M10UM106, < telkih, s. a. An inoculating, or vaccinating. · tèlkin, s. a. An instructing or prompting vivâ voce (especially as done to the dead, when first buried, by an imam, on the subjects of their creed); \–, –et, v.a. To explain or communicate vivâ voce, or generally. tilki, s. t. A fox. [pupil. & 5 telmiz, s. a. A student, scholar, · tèlèvvuss, s. a. A becoming soiled, polluted. · televvun, s. a. Capriciousness or inconstancy of disposition, versatility of character. [ment. * telvé, s. t. Grounds, dregs, sedi- ·: telviss, s. a. A soiling, polluting; \–, –et, v.a. To Soil, pollute. · telyin, s. a. A softening, emol- liating; a loosening (the bowels); \-, –et, v.a. To soften, emolliate ; to loosen (the bowels). * tèmma, 3rd pers. sing. pret. a. It was finished (the Finis of Eastern books). ·: • tèmâruz, s. a. A feigning sick- ness ; -, -et, v.n. To feign sickness. · tèmÂsss, s. a. A mutual contact ; \–, –et, v.n. To touch each other. : •5 temâshä (tA-), s. a. A sight-see- ing, surveying, viewing (any spectacle) on a promenade. ** tAmÂm, s. a. A being complete, completed, finished; a being correct, right, just, accurate; a state of com- pleteness; the arriving at completion; the complement (of any trigonometri- cal quantity); –, a. t. Complete; finished; correct, accurate, right : -, int. t. That's right! I dare say! 2 \ \•5 tAmÂman, ad. a. Completely, entirely; * tAmÂmi, a. a. Rela- ting to completeness ; *--- - * hissÂbi-tAmÂmi-ve-tefÂzuli, The integral and differential calculus. L: • temâyul, s. a. A leaning, an inclination. 5-** temèttu”, s. a. A deriving some pecuniary or equivalent profit or ad- vantage from the possession of any- thing. J* timsâl, s. a. Afigure, comparison ; a representation ; a drawing or statue. J 45 temsil, s. a. The comparing or likening (one thing to another); a comparison; an illustrating by com- parison or by an example; -, -et, v.a. To liken; to illustrate by com- parison or example. ·ş* temjid, s. a. An acknowledging as most glorious, a glorifying; a special prayer of praise sung at early dawn from the minarets; -, -et, v.a. To glorify, attribute glory to ; :-, –wAkti, The time of earliest dawn. -- J 45 temëddun, s. a. Settling in a town ; -, –et, v.n. To settle (im a town). A \45 tèmdid, s. a. A making exten- sive or extended in space ortime ; -, -et, v.a. To extend. r* tèmr, s. a. A date (fruit) ; \ R–, tèmri-hind (demir-hind), or -5 R–, tèmri-hindi, (The Indian date) A tamarind. 945 temèrrud, s. a. Obstinacy, stiff- neckedness; rebellion ; wickedmess. C:j• 5 temzik, s. a. A tearing, rending. z- timsah, s. a, A crocodile. e: 5 temesssuk, s. a. A keeping fast hold, not quitting one's grasp; a document; a title-deed; a promissory note. ( : :-45 tèmshiyyet, s. a. A causing to move on, a giving motion : -, -et, va. To cause to make progress, to push forward (affairs). * (damgha), s. t. A stamp ; a mark made by a stamp ; * dAmghali, [ 504 ] j*5 a. t. Stamped, bearing a stamp mark; C:9 -, dâmgha-wÜrmak, v.n. To stamp, mark with a stamp. e· tèmèkkyun, s. a. The becoming fixed or resident. e· temkin, s. a. A making fixed or resident; a being dignified in rank or demeanour. J45 temel, s. a, A foundation ; tèmèlli, a, t. Having a foundation ; founded, grounded; permanemt. · temlik, s. a, A causing (any- thing) to belong (to some ome) ; -, –et, v.a. To cause to belong (to some one). .45 (for ·) tèmènnâ, s. a. A beg- ging, praying for, entreating for (some favour); a salutation of thanks or re- spect, consisting in carrying the inner portion of the fingers, joined together, to the lips, kissing them, and then carrying them to the top of the fore- head or head; -, -et, v.n. To salute in this fashion ; * tèmènni-et, v.a. To beg, pray, or entreat for (some favour). z° tèmèvvuj, s. a. Arising in waves. j; temmuz, s. a The Syro-Roman month of July. \:44,5 tèmhid, s. a. A making the foun- dations broad and solid; -, -et, v.a. To establish on broad and solid foundations. [va. To seal. yee°5 temhir, s. a. A sealing ; - –et, j*3 temiz, a. t. Clean ; pure; honour- [ 505 ] c* able, respectable, estimable, loveable ; good ; desirable; considerable; -, –et, temizlémek, va. TO clean ; to clean up ; · tèmizlik, 8. t. Cleanness ; purity; cleanliness ; -, tèmèyyuz, s. a. A becoming dis- tinguished; distinction. }* temyiz, s. a. A distinguishing; -, –et, v.a. To distinguish, see or point out a distinction, make a dis- ci tèn, s. p. The body. [tinction. e Ten-süyU, s. t. The river Don. · tenâssub, s. a The being in mutual proportion ; gracefulmess of proportion. z : tènâssukh, s. a. The transforma- tion of bodies, or transmigration of souls, metempsychosis. · tenâssul, s. a A generating one another, or being generated one from another ; --- âléti–, The organ of generation. · tenâkuz, s. a. A mutually contra- dicting and destroying the validity of each other. [turns, alternating. · tènâvub, s. a. Adoing things by J : tènâvul, s. a. A taking, partaking, eating ; -, -et, v.a. To eat. 07” · tÜnbéki, s. t. Persian tobacco, used for smoking through Water. J. 5 tènbel, a. t. Lazy, slothful. d:5 tènèbbuh, s. a. The being aroused to attention and carefulness. d: 5 tenbih, s. a. The calling to atten- tion; a giving orders ; issuing in- junctions or proclamations; a public motice, injunction, or proclamation ; a nota bene in a book ; -, -et, v.a. To recommend or give orders to (a person) to do or leave undone something. d:j tènta, s. t. (Italian), An awning. 5 sü tènjéré, s. t. A saucepan. · tenjiss, s. a. A making foul, impure, or unclean ; -, -et, v.a. To make unclean. A.j tünd, a. p. Swift, impetuous, violent. J)* tènèzzul, s. a. A condescending ; condescension : -, –et, v.n. To condescend. 3} tenèzzuh, s. a. Abeing exempt, free from ; –, tènèzzéhé! He (God) is free and exempt (from any defect)! · tènzil, s. a. A reducing in height, degree, or quantity ; a subtracting ; the Kur'an ; -, –et, v.a. To reduce in height, degree, or quantity ; to subtract. · tensükh, s. t. Amulets or stamped cakes of odoriferous paste, used for making bracelets, brooches, &c. * tènèsssum, s. a. A gentle blowing or breathing of wind - 5 tensib, s. a. A deeming fit and proper, approving ; -, -et, v.a. To deem fit and proper, to approve. C: 5 tensik, s. a. Aranging in regular order ; -, –et, v.a. To range in order ; - K-e - tensik ti- (-8*2 69 -"Asskeriyyé, The new regülations for the army as to time of service, re- Cruiting, pensions, pay, promotion, &c. e- a 5 tAnsif, s. a. A dividing into two equal portions ; -, -et, v.a, To divide equally into two ; to bisect. -i tânzif, s. a. A cleaning, clean- sing; \–,–et, v.a. To clean, cleanse, * tûnzim, s. a. A putting in order ; -, –et, v.a. To put in order ; · tânzimât, s. pl, a. The new regulations in financial, civil, criminal, [from dislike. teneffur, s. a, Aversion, avoiding L-8:5 teneffuss, s. a. A breathing, re- and political affairs. spiration ; a taking breathing time, reposing a short while for refresh- ment; –, –et, v.n. To breathe; to repose a little after labour. - \ 5 tenfiz, s. a. The causing (any- thing) to penetrate (into another); a giving effect (to commands), causing them to have weight and be respected; –, –et, v.a. To give effect, execute, or cause to be executed (orders). : tenfir, s. a The causing of fright or dislike, and so driving away. <-i-* tenkih, s. a. A revising and trimming up literary compositions, removing any obnoxious forms or expressions. * tenkiyyé, s. a. A cleaning, clean- sing; –,–et, va. To clean, cleanse, · tenk or tengh, a, p. Narrow, pinched or cooped up, [ 506 ] | - K· tènékyâr, s. t. Borax (?). - K tanghri, s. t. God, · tènknây, s. p. A narrow, close place ; - : tènknâyi - dünyâ, The world, this nether vale, 4K 5 tenéké, s. t. Tin in sheets ; any vessel of tin ; –-6i)'e sAri–, Sheet- brass. [tising, putting down, J· tenkil, s. a, A punishing, chas- C:4 tenmik, s. a. A writing down, inditing ; –, –et, va. To write, [to flourish, &:4:5 tenmiyyé, s. a, A causing to grow, pen, indite. tennür (tAndir), s. a. An oven, or hole dug in the ground and used as an oven; an Easterm arrangement of a pan of charcoal placed under a small table and covered with a large carpet or quilt which hangs to the ground and confines the warmth, so that, when sitting round this table, the legs and feet are kept warm. tenvir, s. a. A making bright, lu- minous, light: -, -et, va. To illuminate, light up. e° tenvin, s. a. The addition of a letter n at the end of the word in pronouncing Arabic nouns, which is denoted by doubling any one of the three vowel-points; thus e: $ is read kitÂbUn, * kitÂbin, and ( : kitÂban, the third case generally re- quiring the addition of an \ as well as the double vowel-point, The first (4: form is never used in Turkish; the 8e0ond is seldom used, and then generally in the case of an imdefinite noun feminine ending in : or 45, and preceded by a preposition, when, to denote this peculiar pronunciation, the or 5 is converted into ö, as in :=-Le “âla - khûfyétin, The third form is very frequently used in Turkish, and by it a noun or adjective of Arabic origin becomes converted into a Turkish adverb In the case of nouns feminine ending in “ 9 or 8, these letters become changed into 8, the distinction between this form and the second being, that here the noum is not preceded by a preposition. Ex. ö\ emânéten, On trust. : tinha, a. p. Solitary ; alone ; –, s. p. Solitude. s- tewâbi”, s. pl, a. (of 4x5 tâbi”a), Dependent things or persons. tèwâtur, s. a. Public rumour, no- toriety ; - –et, va. Topublish abroad by mentioning to one person after another. “-92) tèvâruss, s. a. A succeeding to possession by inheritance. e)y'yi tèwârud, s. a. An arriving ; a suc- cessive arriving : -, -et, v.a. To arrive. :y'yi tewârikh, s. pl, a. (of :y- târikh), Histories, chronicles; dates ; chronograms. * tewâzu”, s. a. Humility. [ 507 ] cş tewAfuk, s. a. A coinciding with, an agreeing with. tewâli, s. a. A succeeding, follow- ing one another ; ' e “âlé-'t- -têwâli, ad. a. Successively, in suc- cession. : tèv'âm, s. a. A twin ; r' e nüssret-tev’âm, a. p. Which is the twin-brother of victory, i.e.victorious. e'yi tewân, s.p. Power, strength, might. ü,5 tèwânâ, a. p. Strong, powerful ; tèwânâyi, s. p. Strength. K'yi tûwānghèr, s. p. A rich man. 3, töbra (törba), s. t.A bag. * tevbé (tibé), s. a. Arenunciation (ofany particular sin), vow of renun- ciation so as never to do it again ; –, –et, v.n. To renounce sin, to vow renunciation ; · &; tibé- -ölsun, ; tübéler - ölsun! May it be a vow ! I repent me of it! I am sorry for it, and will never do it again; 4: tibéli, a. t. Who has İmade a vow of renunciation. :yi tèvbikh, s. a. A finding fault with, reproaching, blaming ; –, –et, v.a. To blame, reproach. · tût, s. a. A mulberry, white mul- berry; “ 'yi : kÂra-tüt, s. t. Ablack mulberry. - tûtsu, s. t. A fumigation : e : -, -virmek, v.n. · 5 tütsulémek, v.a. Tofumigate. - · tütmek (aor. tûter), To smoke, to give out smoke, · [ 508 ] - c 5 or y:5 tûtun, s. t. Tobacco ; smoke, tûtya, s. a, A fabulous mineral, a kind of philosopher's stone, but said also to be good for the eyes; –, s. t. Zinc, zinc ore. · tèvsik, s. a. Confirming, ratifying; -, -et, va. To confirm, ratify. z: tüj (tÜnj), s. t. Bronze, gun-metal. 42-55 tèvejjuh, s. a, A turning the face, attention, or favour towards any ob- ject : -, -et, on To turn the face, prepare to advance towards; 4- : tèveijuhât, s. pl. a. Favours, indica- tions of favour. da tèvjih, s. a. A turning (anything) towards (any object), apointing, direct- ing; a conferring (any office); –, –et, v.a. To turn (anything) in a certain di- rection, point, direct; to give, confer (an office or dignity); · tev- jihât, s. pl, a. New appointments to office or dignity by the sovereign, and mentioned in the gazette. *: · tevhid, s. a. A declaration of a belief in the unity of God. 8 5 tüdé, s. p. A heap, hill. 5-9: tevdi”, s. a. A consigning (any- thing) to the care or custody (of some one), a depositing for safe keeping ; \-, -et, v.a. To consign, deposit. ·y; tevrât, s. a. The Pentateuch of & törba, s. t.A bag. [Moses. ·° tûrpu, s. t. A rasp ; · * tûrpulémek, v.a. To rasp. c e5); türémek (aor. y; türEr), v.n. Tobreed and increase and multiplyin a prolific manner ; ·i türEtmek, v.a. To cause to breed greatly. [herit. ·i tèvriss, s. a. A causing to in- iyi töz, s. t. Powder ; dust : -, a. t. Dusty ; c·jş tözAtmak (aor. Lejyi tözAdir), v.n. To make a dust, raise a dust ; dü: tözluk, s. t. Gaiters. S-): tevzi”, s. a, A distributing; dis- tribution; –, –et, v.a. To distribute, a : tèwAssUt, s. a. A being, going, or comingbetween; intervention; media- tion ; -, -et, v.n. To go or Come between; to intervene ; to mediate. tevesssul, s. a. A drawing nigh (unto God). e)- - tèvsEn, s. a. A steed, horse, *; tèvsikh, s. a. A making filthy. êğ -6 6 ğ ğ 5- tevsi”, s. a. A making wide or [charger. wider, a widening, making spacious ; -, -et, v.a. To enlarge, widen, make spacious. & tüshé, s. p. Provisions. * tèvshih, s. a. An ornamenting with a band of any kind, or with lines of writing. & e; tAvsiyyé, s.a. A recommendation; aletter of recommendation ; a recom- mending ; -, -et, v.a. To Tecom- mend (a person). - eşi tAvsif, s. a. A describing, men- tioning the qualities ; mentioning the good qualities, praising: -, -et, s, a. To describe; to praise. eşi - · tAvsil, s. a. A causing (one thing) to reach or join (to another). · tèwAttUn, s. a. The settling one's self in a place, and making it one's home and country; –, –et, v.n, To settle (in a country). & : tûgh, s. t. The special kind of ban- ner or insignia (tail) of a pasha in the old system, as the fasces were of the lictors in Rome, or the spurs of a knight with us. There were one, two, or three of these (tails) given to pashas according to rank, the greater number to the higher functionary. · tèvâghghul, s. a. The busying one's self seriously (with anything) as a study or occupation. : tevfir, s. a. A making numerous ; –, –et, v.a. To increase numerously. : tevfik, s. a The making (one thing) accord (with another); God’s favour by which He makes success attend upon endeavours, or endea- vours and wishes accord with His prescient resolves ; -, -et, v.a. To make (one thing) agree (with another); · Allah-tevfik-vèrsin ! May God grant you (or him) success! Jş tök, a. t. Full, satiated (the stomach); : :y; kârnim-tök, My belly is full, I am not hungry ; ; - 5 ghyizu- -tök, His eye is satiated, he is not covetous, he is as rich as he wishes to be. 8- tevâkku”, s. a Hoping, expecting. [ 509 ] 000 68 -** tèwâkkUf, s. a. A stopping, stay- ing, halting, tarrying, lingering; a waiting for, being dependent on ; –, –et, v.n. To stop, rest, stay; to wait for, or be dependent on. y:yi tevkir, s. a. An honouring, treat- -ing with respect ; –, –et, v.a. To treat with great respect and considera- tion. s-: tevki”, s. a The cypher of the Sultan, called also y* tüghra (q. v.) and · nishÂn; the imperialletters- patent or rescript (called also e· fErmÂn) bearing this cypher; *: tevki'i, s. a. An officer of state, called also = : nishinji in old times, and · y* tûghra-kèsh at present, in whose office this cypher is apposed to muniments. - tevkif, s. a. An arresting, stop- ping, detention, causing to stop or stand still; –, –et, v.a. To arrest, stop, hold, keep, detain. · tükruk, s. t. Spittle. ·=yi tükyurmek (aor. y = tük- yurur), v.a. and n. To spit. · tevekkyul, s. a. A depending upon and trusting in God for the working of His divine will in all our affairs ; \–, –et, v.a. To trust entirely (in God); $; (tevékelli), ad. t. (with a negative verö) Without good reason. J$, tevkil, s. a The appointing (some one) as one's agent; -, -et, v.a. To appoint agent. · tevellud, s. a. A being born : -, –et, v.n. To be born. · tevliyyet, s. a The appointing (some one) to certain offices. tömâr, s. p, A roll, scroll (of paper). · tümÂn, s. p. Abody of ten thou- sand men, a legion : *-e- e -: tümAn-pâcha, a. t. (Trousers) having the legs very wide, and not fastenedat the bottom in any way ; -, ad. t. (To be dressed) in loose, wide trousers or drawers, en négligé. }\ , tömbAz, s. t. A pontoon. L Tûnûs, s. t. Tunis, * tèvèhhum, s. a. A doubting, sur- mising, or fearing. -5, tüy, s. t. A feather; a downy soft ( -, –kâlEm, A hair pencil; c küsh-tîyu, A bird's hair ; down ; feather ; feathers; ·58ş9 dèvé-tuyu, Camel's down; the colour of camel's down (resembling that of grated mut- meg) ; ·: tüylu, a. t. Feathered; downy ; hairy. * \ç tehdid, s. a. A menacing, threaten- ing, frightening ; -, -et, v.a. To menace by words, threaten, try to frighten ; to frighten. ele Tèhrân, s. t. Teheranı · tehzib, s. a. A correcting, amending, beautifying ; -, -et, v.a. To correct, amend, polish, beau- tity, - - tehzibi akhlâk, A cor recting the defects of One's character or disposition. [ 510 ] k: Öh · tehlik6, s. a. Danger, peril; c e°4:= 45 tehlikéyé- sökmak, To put in danger ; · tehlikéli, a. t. Dangerous. J 4 tehlil, s. a The utterance of the formula & Way lâ-ilâha-illâ-'llāh, There is n0 god but God, ·*45 tühmet, s. a. A fault, ablame- able action ; · tûhmetli, a. t. Culpable. ·45 tehniyyet, :45 tehniyyé, s. a. A congratulating ; congratulations ; -, -et, va. 4: - * “ârzi- -têhniyé-et, v.n. Tocongratulate, offer congratulations. [siderate violence. 545 tehèvvur, s. a, Impetuosity, incon- Lşçi tehi, a p. Empty ; vain, futile ; · 4i tehi-desst, a, p. Empty- handed. drç tehîyyé, s. a. A preparing, making ready, disposing; -, -et, v.a. To prepare, dispose, make ready. ğ> ** tehyij, s. a. A causing (dust) to get in motion and blow about. ri tir, s. p. An arrow, a bolt ; U* y: tir-kèsh, s. p. A quiver for arrows. 5 tiré, a, p, Dark, gloomy ; -, s. t. Sewing cotton thread. tiz (tez), a. p. Quick, swift; hasty ; –, ad. t. Quickly, quick. · tîzâb (kezz'Ab-süyU), s. p, Aqua- fortis, nitric acid. *j--i teyz6, s. t. A maternal aunt, mother's own sister. &:5 tishé, s. p, An axe, a hatchet. * töı 5- tigh, s. y. A sword; a dagger ; a sunbeam ; apointed summit; the long prow of a kayik. · teyakkuz, s. a, Abeing awake and vigilant. - J: tèyâkkUn, s. a. A knowing for cer- tain, the acquiring a knowledge (of any fact) entirely void of doubt or un- certainty. “: timâr, s.p. The care and culture bestowed on any object, a tending (a sick person, a horse, agarden); a mili- tary fief in the now obsolete feudal system of Turkey, the value of which was under 20,000 (or 3,000?) Akcha in the Doomsday Book of the empire, and the holder of which was held to go to the wars on horseback, equipped at his own expense on certain special contingencies arising ; &ls –, timâr- -khâné, s. p. A madhouse. “: tèyemmum, s. a. The ceremonial act of ablution with the dry hands, when water cannot be had, merely touching some object with the open palm instead of taking up water. v* teyemmun, s. a. A being the receptacle of good fortune and hap- piness ; * tèyèmmunan, ad. a. Happily, fortunately. * tîmûr (demir) s. t. İron ; any iron instrument; an anchor; c·l-, dèmir-Atmak, v.n. To cast anchor ; JE : y" (demir)-bAsh, (Iron-head), The stock-in-trade of cattle, seed, and ·ü implements belonging to a farm, and let with it; an old servant or pensioner. (This is the term which was applied to Charles XII. of Sweden, and meaning “an established pensioner,” but trans- latedbyhis biographers,“iron-headed” or “obstinate.”) uy: teyyün, s. t. A squirrel. e: tèyhâ! int. t. Loyonder! yé: tihü, s. p, A smallish grey par- tridge (?). · · sé or sâ'i-müssellEss. (The three- pointed sâ.) Fifth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the sharp value of s or ss in English. In Arabic it is pro- perly of the sharp value of our th in thin (the 0 of the Greek), but is gen- erally pronounced as at by the nations This has, how- mo influence in Turkish, Its who speak Arabic. ever, numeral value in chronograms, &c., is 500. Ü sâ, s. a. Name of the letter . ·i sâbit, a. a. Fixed, firm, immo= vable ; proved, proven, demonstrated, incontrovertiblei &ü sâbitE, s.a. (pl. · sèwâbit), A fixed star. Ü (for yü se'r) sâr, s. a. Revenge, vengeance ; – - âkhzi-sâr, The taking vengeance, using reprisals. · sâkib, a, a. Penetrating ·ü sâliss, a, a, The third; *ü · sâlissé, s. a. A third, 'o of a second; lü sâlissâ, ad. a. Thirdly. e· sâmin, a. a. The eighth ; ( ; sâminâ, ad. a. Eighthly. 5 sâni, a. a. The second ; * Ü sā- niyyé, s. a. A second, āb of a minute; Ü sâniyyâ, ad. a. Secondly. - · sebât, s. a. Firmness, steadiness, immovableness. · sebt, s. a. A fixing; a writing down ; -, –et, v.a. To fix ; to Write down. “: sûbüt, s, a. A being incontro- vertible, certainty in point of fact; sûbüti, a. a. Afirmative, posi- tive ; d. 5y· sifÂti - sübütiyyé, The positive attributes (of God, as power, knowledge, will, &c.). “-92Ji sèrvet, s. a, Opulence, wealth. : süreyyâ, s, a. The Pleiades. y* sûghür, s. pl. a. (of ki sâghr), Frontier towns, passes, and places by which an enemy may penetrate into the country. · sikât, s. pl. a. (of Kü not used), The faithful friends and companions (of Muhammed). ·i sâkb, s. a, A piercing, boring through or into ; a hole pierced or bored; -, -et, va, To pierce, to bore. · sâkalèyn, s. dual a, oblique case. The two material worlds, or the two grosser races of intelligent and re- sponsible creatures, mankind and [ 512 ] - e· genii, to both of whom Muhammed's mission was addressed, and from whence he is styled e·'J2- ) ressülu-'ss-sâkaleyn, The apostle of the two gross or material races. · siklet, s. a Weight, heavi- ness; heaviness, oppression; gravity; 4:3–, sikléti-zâtîyyé, Specific gra- vity ; · –, –virmek, v.n. To oppress one's spirits, Worry, annoy. sâkil, a, a. Heavy, weighty, pon- derous; oppressive, unpleasant; ugly, disagreeable, unbecoming, unseemly. Üi selâssâ, s. a. Tuesday, the third day of the week. sûlâssi, s. a. The triliteral root of any congeries of co-derivative Arabic words. ·5 sülss, s. a. Athird, a third part; e· sûlsân, s. dual a Two-thirds, 4: sèlâssé, a. a. Three ; e· sèlâssün, and e· sèlâssin, a. a. Thirty, ·i sûlussi (sûluss), a. a. A kind of Arabic handwriting, corresponding to our large teat. * selj, s. a. Snow. [wards. 5 sÜmma, c. a. And then, and after- · semân, and 4: ; semâniyyé, a. a. Eight; ·i sèmânün, and e· semânin, a, a. Eighty. ·i seméré, s. a Fruit; result, conse- quence. e· sèmen, s. a. Price, value : -, sûmn, s. a. An eighth, eighth part. e· semin, a, a, Of price, valuable. u: \: sènâ, s. a. Praise ; a praising ; -, -et, v.a. To praise, speak well of. ·: sèwÂb, s. a. Ameritorious action in the sight of God; a reward or degree of merit attached to actions by · sèvb, s. a. A garment. [God. · sèvr, s. a. The sign Taurus. · seyyib, s. a. (fem. · seyyibé) m. and f One who is no longer a virgin. < %: jim. Sixth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of j in English, though sometimes acquiring the sound of ch in church. It has the numeral value of 3 in astronomical tables, and in chronograms; and in the dates of letters it is the sign of the month J-y-55 - Jemâzîyyu- -ı-ākhir. \- jâ. In dates of letters this is an abbreviation of the name of the month Jı-söV*- Jèmâziyyu-’l-EvvEl; –, s. p. Place, spot, station ; -- jâ- -bè-jâ, ad. p. Here and there. ·- jâbilüssi, s. p. Flattery, adula- tion. ·r jâbi, s. a.The collector of rentsto property in mortmain. e- jâdü, and 3- jâzü (jAdi), s. p. A witch ; a charmer; an old woman ; a vampire (dead person supposed to rise from its grave by night and feed [ 513 ] s-le- % on the blood of living people); Droad. * - jâddé, s. a. A highway, püblic ·- jâzib, a, a. Attractive, attracting; witchery. & - jâzibé, s. a. Attractive power, attraction. - jär, s. a A neighbour; –, järr, a. a. Which draws, pulls; (a noun, particle, or preposition) which causes its dependent noun to be read with its last consonant followed by the vowel i or syllable in; –, s. a. A preposition, particle, or preceding noun in construction with a noun; –, s. p. A single whole shawl; a square shawl. (-92y- jârüb, s. p. A broom, besom ; eyj-, -zen, s. p. A sweeper. -5)-- jâri, a. a. Flowing, running (water, &c.); current (time, custom, &c.). [white female slave. 4. 'a järiyyé, s. a. A female slave, a c·r jâssüss (shâshid), s. a. A spy. - - - jālib, a.a. Which attracts, draws from a distance. [who is sitting. ·- jâliss, s. a. A Seated person, one el- jâm (jâm), s. p. Glass; a drinking glass ; a mirror ; a telescope. s--- jâmi”, a. a. Which collects, assembles; which assembles and con- tains within itself; comprehensive, containing much ; (a mosque) which has ceremoniously been consecrated, and may no more be converted to 2 M | e·- [514 ] J- secular purposes; –, 8. a. A public mosque; a collector or compiler of writings. e la jâmékyân, s. p. The outer hall of a bath used for dressing and un- dressing. c·- jâmüss (jâmish), s. a. Abuffalo. ·e- jâmé, s. p. Clothing, apparel; -5 –, jâmé-shüy, s. p, A washer of linen ; linen itself, wash-linen ; the washing of linen. eya- jÂn, s. p. The soul ; the life ; a soul, individual: - jinim! My soul ! My life! My dear ! My good fellow ! My dear sir ! &c.; · jAnim-sikildi, My soul is oppressed; my feelings were hurt; I e- was sorry (for what occurred); I was tired and disgusted; j - jAnsiz, a. t. Lifeless, inanimate; wanting in animation; ile z jān-Atmak, v.n. To give one's life (for a thing), throw it away ; ·-- –chèkishmek, v.n. To be in the agonies of death ; ·y: -, -vErmek, v.n. To give life, animate ; eya- 2 Je j) èz-dil-u- -jān, ad. p also y = -jān- -u-ghyûnguldan, ad. t. With all (my, &c.) heart and soul; 5 e - jAn-sikilmak, v.n. To be weary at heart, to be vexed or sorry at heart (with a pronoun affired to ·r). e ül- jânân, s. p. The beloved object, a mistress. -i - jânib, s. a. A side ; a direction ; -i lèyyinu-’l-jânib, a. a. Kind, compassionate. - e- jânbâz (jâmbAz), s. p. (One who risks his life) A breaker of horses; a horse-dealer; a rope-dancer. L-öz- jānfess (jânfess), s. t. Plain silk stuff, gros de Naples. c* - jÂnlanmak (aor. - jân- lanir), v.n. To come to life; to become lively. ) -jänvâr (jAnavâr), s. p. An animal; a disagreeable or noxious animal; a pig, hog, swine. ·- jävid, · jävid, -jâvi- dân, yla- jävîdân, öle, a-jâvi- dâné, 3 - jävidân6, ey- jâvidâni, a. p. Eternal. * - jāh, s. p. Rank, dignity. J*\a jâhil, a. a. Ignorant; inexpe- rienced in life; = \-jâhiliyyet, 8. a. The state of ignorance, the pre- Muhammedan pagan state of Arabia. -5 - jāy, s.p. A special spot, station. 5 - jā’iz, a. a Licit, allowed, not im- proper, permissible ; possible, pro- bable, feasible. *Ka- jây-ghyâh, s. p. A special place. - jây-ghir, a. p. Which occurs, takes place. - jâba, a. t. Gratis, for nothing. e- jebbâr, s. a. A tyrant, oppressor : an excessively proud man; God, the curber of the proud and of oppressors. J- jibâl, s. pl, a. (of - jebel), Mountains. & [ 515 ] -°y A2- ·-jebânet, s. a Cowardice, want of Courage. ·- jibâyet, s. a. The office and functions of collector of rents to pro- perty in mortmain.. dös- jëb-khâné, s. t. A powder-maga- zine; gunpowder in store. L:2- jèbr, s. a. A constraining; force, constraint ; a binding up (of broken or sprained bones); algebra ; -, –et, v.a. To constrain, force; to bind up (broken bones); * Vi. ra- jebr- \ 4 -u-mükÂbélé, Algebra; ya- jèbran, ad. a. By force, not willingly. ·- jebérüt, s. a. God’s quality of being the irresistible Ruler and Con- strainer. 3 - jibré, s. t. The lees of any fruit, &c., from which the juice has been drawn off. ·- jebel, s. a. A mountain. : Jea - Jebel-u-shèykh, Mount Hermon; • - Jebel-i-Müssâ, Mount Sinai. eğ --- - jibillet, s. a. Nature, character, disposition ; y·- jibilletsiz, a. t. Ungenerous, disagreeable in character. f - jebellaküm, s. t. The ame- thyst (?). - - jebéli, a. a Pertaining to moun- tains; –, jibilli, a. a. Natural, in- herent in one's nature. [courage. c°- jübn, s. a. Cowardice, want of cş -jibindanlik and -jibin- lik, s. t. A mosquito net. * 2- jëbé, s. p, Arms, armour; –, jübbE, s. a. A kind of light cloak; - jebili, s. t. Akind of irregular horse patrol ; -4 - jebéji, s. t. A kind of soldier in the old system, who had charge of the spare arms, &c.; & - jëbé-khâné, An arsenal, armoury, ammunition, tents, store of warlike muniments; (also dös- jeb-khāné), a powder-maga- zine ; gunpowder in store. &éra- jëbhé, s. a. The forehead. ·-jebin, s. a The forehead; ·–, jëbin-sây, a. p. Who rubs his forehead (on the ground, &c., out of respect). d:=- jûsssé, s. a. The body ; the size of body ; : - jûsséli, a. t. Large- * jâhim, s. a. Hell. [bodied. \a- jëdd (fem. 8 Ma- jeddé), s. a. A grandfather; a forefather, ancestor; el- jedd-â”lâ, The most remote ancestor, originofafamily; -eye \l èbâ-”ân-jeddin, ad. a. (Through the father from the ancestors) from father to son : -, jidd, s. a. A strenuous persevering effort, a real endeavour; -6 - jiddi, a. a. Real, serious, not in fun or in mockery. [divided, asunder. - jüdâ, a. p. Separate, separated, - jidâr, s. a. A wall. - J· jidal, s. a. A disputing, contest- ing; a fighting, quarrelling; battle. –5) 2- jüdéri, s. a. The small-pox ; · jüderi'i-bakari, The cow-poX. 2 M 2 Jı - J*- jëdvEl, s. a. A canal ; amathe- matical or statisticaltable; ·- –tâkhtassi, s. t. A flat ruler. -6\a- jedi, s. a. The sign Capricorn ; –, jüdèy, s. a. (diminutive), The \ \- jedid, a. a. New. [pole-star. ·- jëzb, s. a. An attracting ; -, –et, v.a. To attract. y&- jezr, a. A root ; an arithmetical root of a number ; er- jëzri- -mûrebbâ”, Asquare root; ·-, âb, A cube root ; yö- :ye dördinji-jezr, A fourth root, &c., &c.; fly - jëzri-tÂmm, 6 6 6 6 jëzri - mûkyâ A perfect root ; - jezri-âssâmm, A surd root. _-jerr, s. a. A drawing, pulling, train- ing; a causing the last consonant of Arabic words to be pronounced with the voweli or the syllable in after it; JVii-, jërri-èsskÂl, The art or science of mechanics or of the power of moving heavy bodies. cy- jërrâh, s. a. Adresser of wounds ; a surgeon. [pus, matter. ·- jèrâhât, s. a. A wound; a sore; ye- jërrâr, a. a. Who ravishes, carries off booty, slaves, &c.; bold, valorous ; impudent, importunate; –, 8. a. A brave warrior, adventurous soldier ; an impudent beggar. 8}}z- jErbézé, s. a. Ready wit and fa- cility of argument, the gift of the gab. zya- jerh, s. a. A wounding ; a contro- verting ; –, jürh, s. a. A wounding; [ 516 ] , je- -s a wound: -, jerh-et, v.a. To wound; to controvert; – –, jürh-et, v.a. To wound ; 4- - jürha, s. a. A wound. 8 - jer”, s. a A drinking: -, -et, v.a. To drink; keya jür”a, s. a. A draught. ey- jirm, s. a. Abody, solid body; size - (ofa body); –, jürm, s. a. A fault, cul- pability; • -) la-jèrem, ad. a. With- out fail, in any case. : - Jermânia, s. t. Germany. –:y-jürüf, s. t. The scoriae of metals. -°2/> jeri, a. a. Brave, bold, adventurous. e : - jeréyân, s. a. Aflowing: abeing Current; a happening, taking place ; \–, –et, v.n. To flow ; to be current ; [hardihood. ·ye- jür'et, s. a. Boldness, courage, to happen, take place. ·-jerid, s. a. A stick used as a dart in a peculiar kind of military exercise or game on horseback. 8 - jeridé, s. a. A register, roll, ledger. [misdemeanour. *30 - irimi s. a. A fine paid for any _je- jüz, s. a. A part, portion; asmall book of a few pages ; a portion of twenty pages in a large written book, or of a sheet in a printed book; - jüz'i, a, a. Partial; small, in- significant ; * sey irâdé'i-jûz'- iyyé, The partial free-will of man (which is but a portion of the * S'seyi irâdé'i-kyülliyyé, the uni- versal will of God); J6 'seybj=· 5 zikri-jüz'-vé-îrâdé'i-kyûll, The men- y- tion of a part instead of the whole, as a Sail when we mean a ship. y- jezâ, s. a. Retribution; punishment; V-j; rüzi-jeza, The day of judg- ment ; c) 9°): 2 · AllAh- jezâssini-vèrsin ! May God give him retribution ! - jezā’ir, s. pl. a. (of 37-3-a- jëziré), Islands ; Algiers in Barbary; ·-, jezâ'iri-bâhri-sefid, The islands of the Grecian Archipelago ; * -, jezâ'iri - seb”â, The seven Ionian islands. · jüzdân (jüzdânlik), s. p. A port- folio ; a pocket-book; a kind of book or thin cushion held in the handunder a sheet of paper when writing, so as to keep it flat and unbending. _j-jezr, s. a. The ebb-tide, low water. & ja- jez”, s. a. A crying, lamenting. ej - jëzm, s. a. A deciding in one's mind that a thing must be so and so, a deducing very positively (though still liable to mistake); the ortho- graphical sign: which, placed over a consonant, shows that a syllable ends with that consonant, or that it is not followed by a vowel in the syllable; \–, –et, v.a. To decide, deduce very positively. ja- jüzv or :j- jüz (for - jüz', which see); 5 - jüzvi, for ·r (see Ü- jüz). [without a cover. * ja- jezv6, s. t. A small coffee-pot r jüz'i, a. a. Partial; trifling, insig- [ 517 ] Uü- nificant; - jüz'iyyât, s. pl.a. Partialthings; special sciences; trifles, insignificant things. *j- jizyé, s. a The special tax or tribute paid by non-Muslim subjects to a Muslim state for safety and pro- tection. It is also called zy* khûrâj. 3):ja-jeziré, s. a. Anisland; -2 5 - jezirétu-’l-`Arab, The Arabian penin- sula. Jej - jëzil, a. a. Copious, abundant. ( :-22)-- jessâret, s. a. Valour, courage, boldness, hardihood; -, -et, v.n. To dare, to have the courage. · jessâmet, s. a Great size of body ; importance (of affairs) in re- spect of the vastness of the interests they affect. [fitting, meet. e·- jüssbÂn, a. p. Worthy, suitable, 5-9 - jüsst-u-jü, s. p. A seeking, looking for; -, -et, v.a. To seek. ·- jëssed, s. a. The body (ofman or animals). P- jissr, s. a. Abridge ; a viaduct; a causeway through a morass, or along the low banks of a river. --- jissm, s. a. Abody ; a solid body; a mathematical solid figure. [terial. “a- jissmâni, a. a. Corporeal; ma- _9-e- jëssür, a. a. Brave, bold, valorous, courageous. [important. “-- jessim, a. a. Large, great, vast ; öyk- jàghrâfiya, s. t. Geography. Váz- jefâ, s. a. Ill-treatment, ill-usage ; Sãa- jëfâ-kyâr, A cruel person. & K- jighEr, s. p. The pluck ; the liver; the lungs; – Ak-jighEr, The lungs, lights; –3,5 kArajigher, The liver; u :·- jighErji, A seller of plucks ; a cat's-meat man ; e·- jighèrim ! (My liver!) My darling! *:5K- jighEr-kyūshém ! (Corner of liver!) My ducky darling ! Je- jella, int. a. May He (or His name) be magnified! –jnlı, s. a The total- ity, or principal portion (of anything); a horse-cloth. W= jilâ, s. a. A polishing, burnishing; polish; –, jelâ, s. a. Exile ; –, –et, jilâ-et, va. · - jilâ- -vèrmek, v.n. To polish, burnish. ·a jellÂb, s. a. A factor who im- ports cattle or slaves from distant places. [man, hangman. eya jellÂd, s. a An executioner, heads- ·ya-jelâdet, s. a Bravery, intre- pidity. J- jelâl, s. a. Greatness, grandeur ; a great passion ; Jş * zü-’l-jëlâl, God of greatness ; ·- jelâl- lanmak, v.n. To get into a great passion. ·-jelâlet, s. a Human greatness. ·- jelb, s. a. A sending for and | causing to come from a distance ; im- porting; -, -et, v.a. To send for and cause to come orto be brought; to draw (anything) towards one's self; – (for - a jellAb), jeleb, s. a. A drover of cattle or slaves, one who # I 518ı - as-şa ’ brings them from their native place to the place of sale. · jild, s. a The hide of an animal; a volume ; the binding of a book. ·- jildlémek, va. To bind (a book); < - jildletmek, va. causal, To cause (a book) to be bound, to give (it) to be bound. 4. - jilsé, s. a. A sitting, one interval c·- jilk, a. t. Rotten (egg). [of sitting. ·- jülüss, s. a. The accession of a sovereign to the throne ; -, -et, v.n. To ascend the throne, become sovereign. * - jilvé, s. a. The airs, mannerS, co- quetries, blandishments of beauties; the matural graces and beauties of various objects. ·r jeli, a. a. Conspicuous, patent; a kind of handwriting, something simi- lar to that used in firmans called ° diwÂni. ·- jeliss, s. a. A social companion, one who sits much with another. ·- jelil, a. a. Great, grand. f- jemm, s. a. A multitude ; - jèmmi-ghâfir, A great multitude. ·- jèmâdât, s. pl. a. (of el*- jèmâd), Inanimate objects, the mineral world. ·- jëmâzi, s. a. Name of two con- secutive lunar months in the Muham- medan year; one, called J: -5 = jemâzîyyu-’l-èvvEl (The first Jemazi), is the fifth, and in the dates of letters 8°- is represented by the abbreviation - (for -); the other, named -5.5 - ye-W jemâziyyu-’l-âkhir (the latter Jemazi), is the sixth, and is repre- sented in dates by e (for z). *- jimâ”, s. a. Copulation, sexual intercourse ; –, –et, v.n. To copu- late, have sexual intercourse. · jemâ’at, s. a. A congregation. J•a jemâl, s. a. Severe beauty. **- jemâhir, s. pl. a. (of / 944- jümhür), Republics, commonwealths. *) *- jèmré, s. a. A live coal ; an astro- nomical or meteorological term used to signify the infusion of vital heat into the elements in spring, or rather at the end of winter. According to the theory there are three jemré; one, the infusion of heat into the air, occurs thirty days before the vermal equinox; the second, affecting the waters, seven days later; and the third, vivifying the earth, sixteen days before the equinox. They are said to fall into or upon their elements, as ey=9: - 4. y°, - bÜ-ghyun-jèmré- -hâwâya - düshdu, To-day the vital heat has fallen on the air. [fellow. 5 *-jimri, s. t. A miserable, avaricious x : *- Jemshid, s. p. Name of a Per- sian king. 5-•a- jem”, s. a. A collecting together, aggregating; a collection, assembly, congregation; an adding up, adding together; addition in arithmetic; an [ 519 ] _096*2- adding something more ; the plural number ; -, -et, v.a. To collect, bring together; to add up, add to- gether; to add something more ; –, –öl, v.n. To collect together, come together ; · -, –ölUnmak, v. p. To be collected, brought together ; s°–, jem”i-sâhih, The regular form of plural; ---- jem”i- -mükèssser, An irregular form of plural in Arabic nouns ; * - jem”u-’l-jem”, A plural of a plural (frequently used in Arabic words). * - jüm”â, s. a. Friday, the Day of Congregation ; U —y-, –èrtéssi, Saturday, the morrow of the Day of Congregation. ·-jem”iyyet, s. a. An assembly, a party; a state of tranquillity or col- lectedness (ofmind). **- jümlé, s.a. The whole, totality: a whole, a totality ; all; a sentence, phrase, paragraph, proposition ; a category, class ; · bi-’l-jûmlé, a. a. All, every one; · fi-’l- jümlé, ad. a. In a summary manner, concisely ; e·- : bü-jümlédan, Of this class, in this category ; * = jümlétEn, ad. a.Totally, all, altogether; - jümléssi, All of it; all of them. yé*- jümhür, s. a. A republic ; the commonwealth; anarchy ; -·- jûmhüriyyet, s. a. A republican form of government ; anarchy. 5-*2- jemi”, s. a. All, every one; ( jemi'an, ad. a. All together. J·- jemil, a.a. Beautiful, handsome. uy=- jinn, s. a. The Genii, a race of material intelligent beings, whose bodies are similar to the essence of fire or smoke ; - jinni (ijinni), One of the Genii; kö°e-jinn- -tâ'iféssi, The race of Genii; * ş: · - ichinda-jinnlEr-töp- -öynar, (The Genii play at bowls in it) It is quite empty and deserted (a house, &c.). ·-jenâb, s. a. Presence, dignity ; a sense of pride and honour ; a title of respect of universal signification, from Godhead, Majesty, Highness, Grace, Excellency, &c., down to simple Wor- ship, Honour, and Respectability. In the case of God, and of all exalted personages of the Muslim hierarchy, this title precedes the word indicative of office ; whereas, in cases of non- Muslim personages the title follows that word, or the mere name of the person (man or woman), and takes the pronominal affix of the third per- son, singular or plural according to the degree of respect shown: there was, therefore, a combination of dis- respect in the application of this title; orbetter, it should be considered as a compromise between national or sec- tarian pride and the natural kindly feelings entertained for friends; ·- T 520 ] C;-jenÂbi-hAkk, His Divine Majesty the Essence of Truth ; -\---- · 3) jënÂbi - ressâlet-penâhi, His Holiness the Refuge of the Apo- stolic office (Muhammed); -ta- -5) ve jenÂbi-shehriyâri, His Ma- jesty the Sultan ; * Sy·- jènÂbi-vekyâlet - pènâhi, His Excel- lency the Refuge of the Lieutenancy (the grand vizier); · -55 - İnghiltera - kârAlichassi-je- nÂblari, Her Majesty the Queen of Englandı : elehi- -bègh-jenÂblari, His Excellency the Lord Ambassador ; ·y* U :*) -5, ( - Erméni-patriki-jenâblari, His Reverence the Armenian Patri- arch ; &c. &c. of addressing people by this title fol- lowed by the pronominal affix of the The Armenian practice second person is not used by the Turks, either among themselves or with people of other nationalities. (See i- hazret) - := e “âli- -jènÂb, a. p. Magnanimous, high- principled, proud in honour. ·- jenâbet! int. t. You beast ! you polluted fellow ! - < - jenâh, s. a. A wing; a wing of an army ; e·- jenâhèyn, s. dual [a funeral. *ğu- jënâz6, s. a. A dead human body; a. The two wings. c-: - jinâss, s. a. A double-entendre, play upon words. e : - jinâyet, s. a. A trespass, of- - * D 521 ] _jya- fence ; a trespassing; -, -et, v.n. To trespass (against). · jenb, s. a The side ; 3 · zätu-ı-jenb (stlijan), The pleurisy. [plays. e·- jûnbÂn, a. p. Which moves, j - jinbiz, 3 - jinbisstra, s. t. Tweezers. U: -jûnbush, s. a. Motion, play; fun, amusement, play. e- a- jennèt, s. a. Heaven, paradise ; e·- jènnEt-mèkyân, a.p. Whose place is in paradise, the late (Sultan); –, jinnet, s. a. Madness. *<- jünha, s. a. An offence, crime ; - e–, jûnha-sâhibi, A criminal, offender. \ >- jünd, s. a. A troop, body of troops. 3) = - jendéré, s. p. Apress for press- ing. -6 x - jindi, s. t. A perfect military [horseman. L) 2- jinss, s. a. A genus, kind, sort; –, a. t. Of race, ofblood. < -jenk, s.p. Battle; war; -,–et, v.n. To do battle, fight ; ·r jënkji, s. t. A warrior, one skilful in war. [jènübi, a. a. South, southern. ·-jenüb, s. a. The South ; - ·- jünüd, s. pl, a. (of \ a jûnd), Bodies of troops. e·- jünün, s. a. Madness. L: - Jenviz, s. t. Genoa. 5-jèv, s. p. Barley; -, jü, a. p. (in composition), Who seeks, looks for ; –, jèvv, s. a The vacant space (of air); V• • ş- jèvvi-sèmâ, The vacant space of air towards the sky. - -y- jewÂb, s. a. An answer; –, –et, v.a. To say in answer ; – ·: jewÂb-vèrmek, v.n. To give [bourhood. - jiwâr, s. a. The vicinity, neigh- 3İ0 8.0SWGİ”, c) = jewârih, s. pl, a. (of *-e-järi- ha), Those members of the body with which necessities are supplied. -5)3-jewâri, s. pl.a. (of :y- järiyyé), Female slaves. jl3- jewâz, s. a. Permission given ; ·y-, –vErmek, ·- –ghyîsstErmek, v.n. To give per- mission, to allow. e·- jüwân, s. p. A young man, a youth ; -s<3-, -bâkht, a. p. Whose fortune or star is on the as- cendant, like a young man’s progress. 9,45'ş- jüwânmèrd (jümèrd), a. p. Generous, liberal. * - jewâhir, s. pl, a. (of ibya-jev- hèr), Jewels, precious stones ; atoms; L5:·- jëwâhirji, s. t. A dealer in precious stones, a jeweller. &-ya- jüjé, s. t. Adwarf. ·- jüd, s. a. Goodness, kindness, beneficence. [lence. “·şa- jèvdet, s. a. Goodness, excel- _y=- jèvr, s. a. Unkind and unjust treat- ment, tyranny; –, –et, v.n. To treat tyrannically, unkindly, and unjustly. şP- jèvz (jèviz), s. a. A walnut; walmut- tree-wood; :–, jevzi-bevwâ, and ·e- Üy- [ 522 ] - * hindistin-jevizi, A nutmeg ; 5-5jyere * hin- disstân-jèvizi - kAbughu (cuticle of nutmeg), Mace. Üy-jevzâ, s. a The sign Gemini, c :=- jüsh, s. p. A boiling ; a rushing; a violent motion : - - jüsh-U-khÜrüsh-et, v.n. To rush ; to be in violent commotion. ·- jüshÂn, a. p. Which boils, boil- ing ; which rushes ; which is in violent motion. şe U·- jüshish, s. p. A boiling up ; a rushing; a violent motion. ·- jöshkUn, a. t. Full, high, over- flowing (water of streams). 8 - jü”, s. a Hunger. [cavity. –iya-jevf, s. a. Ahollow, hollow place, e:5°- jevélân, s. a. Motion; agitation ; circulation; -, -et, v.n. To be in motion, to circulate. 9r•y-jümèrd (for :·lya-jüwÂnmèrd), a. p. Generous, liberal. -° - jüy, s. p. A stream, canal. : şa- jüybâr, s. p. A great river ; a place abounding in springs or running When joined to a noun or pronoun substantive it signifies manner or style, as Adam, Man; *ş**) Adamja, In a manly way, like a man; when joined to an adjective it forms a kind of diminutive, corresponding to our rather or ish, though this is still an expression of the primitive value of manner or style, as 5 k tAtli, Sweet; · e tAtlija, Sweetish ; *: * yâwAshja-sûweylé, Speak rather gently ; when joined to an adjective of nationality it implies language, still without losing the idea of manner, manner of speaking, as 9) türk, A Turk ; ·2ji türkja, The Turkish language, or the Turkish manner. This particle is sometimes followed by the syllables leyin, but then the o of &- is suppressed as redun- dant, and the whole particle becomes e·-jéléyin. This form is of the same value as the simple &-, or it adds to it the idea of affection or re- gard; it may be likened to the differ- ence between Tom and Tommy. streams. elez jihâd, s. a. A zealgus striving ; a L*şa jèvhEr, s. a. A precious stone, a jewel; the essence of any being 3 mineral ore, especially if in the form fighting the good fight, either against wicked inner lusts, or against outward enemies of the faith. of sand; the lines and marks on 's- jihaz (chèhiz), s. a. A bride's Damascus blades; 9,3–,jevhéri-fèrd, An atom, a primitive particle of marriage portion of clothes, jewels, furniture, &c. matter. T ·'ş-jâhâlet, s. a. Ignorance, lack of de- jé orja, pr. t. or inseparable particle. knowledge or information. eyle- [ 528 ] J:e- eyle=-jihân, s.p. The world, this world; a world ; ) e-jihân-bân, lez- jihân - dâr, * : - jihân - pènâh, K'e- jihân-kyûshâ, J.K = jihân- -ghir, A sovereign, the Sultan, keeper, possessor, asylum, conqueror, holder, of the world ; e : - jihâniyân, s. pl. p. The inhabitants of the world. ·4- jihèt, s. a. A direction, side, quarter; respect, relation, head, cause. \42- jehd (jâhd), s. a. A strenuous en- deavour; -, (jâhd)-et, v.n. To try very hard. - L-4-a- jehr, s. a. A speaking aloud, 43- openly ; ye- jëhran, ad. a. Aloud. -54=- jehri, s. t. Yellow berries. J4 - jehl, s. a. Ignorance; ·-, jëhli-mürekkeb, Compound ignorance, which is not even aware of being ignorant. “e- jihânnam, s. a. Hell ; Jı -, jihânnam-öl! Go and be d–d ! 5` ji orji, A Turkish particle, which, added to any noun, expresses the person who sells or makes the thing denoted by the noun, or who has some constant relation with that thing, as L:· shëkérji, A seller of sugar or Sweetmeats ; ş** kâyikji, A boat- : yalanji, Aliar. e-e-jeyb, s. a.The breast or bosom, or Iman ; breast-pocket of a garment; the sine of anarc; (jeb) apocket; } *-jeybi- -hümâyUn, The Sultan’s privy purse; ·-* tAmÂmi-jëyb, A cosine ; 4:2-e: ; nissbëti - jëybiyyé, A log. sine ; :2--~~ • • tAmÂmi- -nissbëti-jëybiyyé, A log. cosine. ş<= jiji, s. t. Any pretty little play- thing; ş= • sâh' ı –, v.n. To declare one's self the owner (of any- thing found) or protector (ofany person in trouble); -& e: pâhâya–, v.n. To rise in price ; - *): pâradan –, v.n. Tolose orbe obliged to spend money; –e bAshdan, v.n. To become rebellious or unruly ; –, châkmak, s. t. and v.a. and n. See c·ş-. eriş-chikin, s. t. Asmallmuslin packet of money corresponding to a rouleau. _yiş- chükUr, s. t. A cavity, hollow place ; –, a. t. Sunk and hollow. ·ş- chigh, a. t. Raw, uncooked ; –, s. t. Dew ; –, ching, a. t. Early (in z. e ş- ching-sâbAh, Early dawn); –, chük, s. p. Penis (in speaking to a child). [galley (in bye-gone days). ·- or & c·ş- chèktirma, s. t. A ·ş- chèkirdek, s. t. A pip or stone in fruit ; a weight among druggists. y*ş- chinggharAk, s. t. A small bell, a hand or house bell. [a locust. * Ke- chèkirghé, s. t. A grasshopper ; e: “Kş- chèkishmek (aor. ş- chè- kishir), v.n. To quarrel, pull one another about ; –eya- jAn-, v.n. To be in the throes of death. ·-chekilmek(aor. Kş-chekilir), vn, To retire; withdraw, draw one's self back; to shrink (cloth, &c.); tobe low (water), to dry up, totally or par- tially disappear ; –, v. p. To be drawn ; to be borne, supported; to be supportable; –(or • * -), ching- lémek (aor. Kş- chinglEr), v.n. To ring (as metals do). aş“ş- chèkméjé, s. t. A portable wri- ·- •9 ting-desk, a jewel or money-box ; a bureau, escritoire, chest of drawers ; a drawer (in a table, box, or cupboard); a drawbridge. ·- chèkmek (aor. Aş- chèkEr), v.a. To pull, draw, drag, haul ; to attract; to draw (as a blister) ; to bring out (a horse or carriage for riding) ; to bear, support ; to suffer, endure; to tolerate; - 5 èziy- yèt–, v.n. To suffer pain or ill-treat- ment; - y; kyürek–, v.n. To row, pull at the oar; –Jl El-, v.n. To pullaway the hand, have nothing more to do with ; –· “Assker-, v.n. To lead troops, lead an army (against a place) ; –8)y- Akhira-, v.a.Toputinto the stable;*ş- : bèni-chèkémiyor, He cannot bear me, he is envious of me. ·-chekinmek (aor. Ke-cheki- nir), v.n. To be unwilling, loth ; to scruple, have scruples ; to hang back, be bashful; to be afraid to speak out. *Ke-cheké, in ve *- cheké- -dûzEn-virmek, v.n. To put on fine clothes and ornaments, attire in full fig ; –, chèngé, s. t. The chin ; C:·- chèngé-yörmak, vn. (To tire the chin) To talk very much ; to cause to talk very much ; L*) *Ke- chèngé- yârish - et, v.n. (To have a chin- race) To dispute tenaciously (with anyone). [ 529 ] ·- %) ş- chèki, s. t. A horse-load, a weight of l80 okkas or about 500 lbs. e- chèkij, s. t. A hammer. Jş- chil, s. t. A freckle; –, a. t. New and bright (money); * 5–, chil- -küshU, s. t. A bird good for eating, a francolin (?), grey partridge (?), wood-hen (?). [God. ·- chAlAb, s. t. Jalap ; (obsolete) ş- chilbir, s. t. Eggs with butter. ·e- chèlébi, s. t. A Greek or Euro- pean gentleman ; (formerly) a prince of the blood; a gentleman ; –, a. t. Gentlemanly, polite. [ground. .5 ş- chèltik, s. t. A rice-field, rice- c ş-childirmak (aor. y ş-childi- rir), v.n. To go mad. e: - chelik, s. t. Steel. ·- chèlmek (aor. ş- chèlEr), v.a. To change (one's mind). ·-chelenk, s. t. Akind of orna- ment worn on the head-dress. K - chilinghir, s. t. Alocksmith. *ş- chillé, s. p, A period of forty days devoted to ascetic practices, either as a noviciate or as an expiation ; any period of suffering; suffering itself (chilé) abowstring. “ ş- chilek, s. t. A strawberry ; ·-z AghAj-chilèghi, A rasp- berry. **ş- châmAshir, s. t. Body-linen ; wash-linen ; a washing (of linen) ; – 5 r birkat- A suit of body- linen ; i-, -yikamak, To wash 2 N . p linen; –, –et, v.n. To have a wash (of clothes in the house); =·- châmAshirji, A man who washes clothes. ş“e- 0?” 3ş°e- chûmchAk, s. t. A wooden cup, bowl, or water-vessel, ·e-chimdik, s. t. A pinch with the thumb and finger; ·ş- chim- diklémek, v.a. To pinch with the thumb and finger. [tree; dwarf box. r*ş- chimshir, s. t. Boxwood ; box- cy - chimèn, s. p, A green grass-field; a grass-plot. _y *-e- chîmendir, s.p. An ass, donkey. ş- chinâr, s. t. A plane tree, a syca- 1000`Ge = 4 - ·- chânak, s. t. An earthen bowl, plate, or saucer; ·--, –chîm- lek, Pots and pans; · bAsh- -chânaghi, The skull. [Dardanelles. * 5'--- Chânak-kâléssi, The ·- chânaklik, s. t. The top (scaf- fold aloft onboard ship, round the foot of the topmast); ş-c· bAsh (or 8 e-prüwa)-chânaklighi, The fore-top ; -- yé ghrândi- -chânaklighi, The main-top. e·ş- chûnân, ad. p. As, even as. - c ş- chèntik, a. t. Notched ; –, s. t. A notch ; e :- chèntmek (aor. :- chèntEr), v.a. To notch. ·-e- chènd, pron. p. How many ? several ; hèr-chend, c. p. Although; how many soever, how much soever. [ 530 ] yye- e·- chèndân, ad. p. In a certain degree, to a certain point, so much, so many, as much, as many. - ·- chèngh, s. p. A harp ; ·e- chènghi, s. p. A public dancer. ·- chènghel, s. p. A hook, large iron hook. } [manner. cy:- chûnin, ad. p. So, thus, in this 95- chü, ad. p. Like, as. Jlye- chûwal, s. p. A sack ; } \ye- chûwÂldüz (–diz), s. p. A large needle for sewing sacks. “-9ş- chöb, s. p. A stick, a wand; wood, a piece of wood. [clownish fellow. e·- chöbAn, s. t. A shepherd ; a ·95- chip, s. t. A small splinter or fragment of wood ; the sweeping of houses; ş- hâbb), The various kinds of pulse. yy - hübür, s. a. Joy, gladness. d-hâbbé, s. a. One grain, one berry; 14 g& - hâbbéyi-kübbé-et, v.n. To make domes of berries, i.e. to make mountains of molehills; – - hübbétan–, ad. a. For the love, for the sake; - hübbétan-li-'llāh, For the love of God, for God’s sake. - >- hâbib, s. a. A dearly-beloved friend; 4 –, hâbibu - 'llāh, The dearly-beloved of God, Muhammed. sö- - hatfa-enfi-hi, ad. a Of a matural death. - hâttâ, c. a So much so that, to such a degree that ; and, in proof of it, I may as well mention that . . . . <- hAj, s. a. The pilgrimage to Mecca, including all its formalities. -ş” hijâb, s. a. A vail, veil, curtain; modesty, shame; –, –et, v.n. To feel ashamed, be ashamed ; to feel timid. [Pilgrims to Mecca. z ş” hüjjaj, s. pl. a. (of z- hÂij), ·ş- · ş” hijâmet (hAjamat), s. a The application of cupping - glasses or horns ; -, –et, v.n. To apply Cup- ping, to cup. [proof a title-deed. ·ş=” hüjet, s. a. A document, a ş- hAjar, s. a. Astone; stone. *,ş- hîjré, s. a. Asmall retired cham- ber, a cell; a niche in a wall. - hâdd (pl. 9 - hüdûd), s. a. A limit, term, boundary ; a point or degree (reached or defined) ; a defini- tion; one's proper place, station, and behaviour ; a legal punishment of eighty stripes; e: je - hâddan- -ziyâdé, ad. t. More than the usual limit; *3 -haddi-zâtinda, ad.t. Originally, in reality ; -6\e- ö nè- -hÂddi ! I should like to see him dare to do it ! : *-hâddim-yök, I dare not, my station is not high enough for that ; · birina-hâddini - bildirmek, To teach one, by punishment or admonition, to know how to behave according to his station, to teach one his place ; (*) *- haddimi-bilirim, I know my place and the behaviourit requires. ·- hâdâsset, s. a. Youth, young- ness; : -, hâdâssèti-sinn, Youth in point of years. ( **\- hiddet, s. a. Impetuosity, vio- lence; sharpness (of temper, &c.). ·- hûdüss, s. a. A coming into existence, happening; the being re- cent, not being from everlasting. [ 536 ] ey- ey - hüdüd, s. pl. a. (of A- hâdd), Limits ; boundaries, borders, fron- tiers ; definitions; legal punishments by stripes. ·- hâdiss, (pl. --- - ) and e-i-y-: --- ->- hâdissi - sherif, A sacred tradition (of Muhammed), a saying, proverb, or sentence uttered by Muhammed, considered of second- ary authority and holiness to the di- vine words of the Kur'an alone, and constituting the second basis of Mu- hammedan canon law ; : ·- âhâdissi-nèbéviyyé, The sayings of the prophet. [violent, impetuous. \ \- hâdid, s. a. Iron; –, a. a. Sharp; &# A-hâdika, s. a. A garden. 3- hiza, s. t. The space opposite to anything. [eleverness in a physician. ·ö- hâzâkAt, s. a. Sagacity and yé- hâzEr, s. a. Care, caution in avoid- ing or keeping free from any evil. –53- hâzf, s. a. Elision ; –, –et, v.a. To cut off or out (a letter from a word, or a word from a sentence). - hürr, s. a. A freeman. [ture. ·- hîrâsset, s. a. Tillage, agricul- ( :-22)y- hârâret, s. a. Heat, warmth ; fever ; thirst. ·y- hirâsset, s. a. A guarding, taking care of; tillage, agriculture. - fy- hârâm, a. a. (Anything) the use or doing of which is specially for- bidden by God, unlawful ; bey - hârâm-zâdé, An illegitimate child ; a “-9)- rascal; ·- hârâmi, s. a. A thief; a robber. “-2)- hârb, s. a. War ; battle ; yle · dâru-'l-hârb, The whole world which is not subject to the Muslim power, the enemy's country; : - hârbi, s. a. An enemy, a person be- longing to the enemy's country, an alien ; – (fem. " - hârbiyyé), a. a. Pertaining to war; &:y- * mühimmâti-hârbiyyé, Muniments of war ; {ye- hârban, ad. a. By war. *: - hârba, s. a. A halberd, javelin. Lej- hirss, s. a. Avidity ; cupidity; e·-, hârssu-’sh-shÂn, Avidity for fame, ambition ; *-Le- h?rssi-jâh, Avidity for place, ambition. – - hârf (pl. –:: - hürüf, and ·ü,J- hürüfÂt), s. a. A letter of the alphabet; a grammatical particle, other than a noun or a verb ; –5- –5/s: hârf-bé-hârf, Literatim, letter by letter ; ; ) – - hârf- endâz, a. p. Who reproaches, reviles ; –, hiref, s. pl, a. (of ·- h?rfet), Trades, arts. ·- hârfet, s. a. A trade, an art ; – A ehli-hirfet, An artisan. U3)- hârk, s. a. A burning with fire ; \–, –et, v.a. To consume by fire, to burn. ·2)- hârékèt, s. a. Motion, movement; behaviour, conduct, action, act, pro- ceeding ; -, -et, v.n. To move, be in motion ; to conduct one's self, [ 537 ] ey- behave, act, proceed ; - 5 4:=)- hârékèté-ghèlmek, v.a. To get into motion, begin to move; _:: -, hâ- rékèti-ârz, An earthquake. 4=/>- hâréké, s. a. The Arabic vowel- points, of which there are three simple and three complex. (See Grammar) f)- hârem, s. a. A sacred place ; the women's apartments in a house ; the female part of a family ; a wife or concubine ; eye ey- hârémèyn, s. a. dual. The two sacred territories of Mecca and Medina. e·y-hirmân, s. a. Disappointment of one's hopes, utter disappointment. ·- hürmet, s. a. Respect, reve- rence ; unlawfulness, prohibitedness ; \–, –et, v.n. To respect, to hold in TGVGTGİ)CG, - - hârwâni, s. t. A half three- quarter, or full circle cloak. c)3)- hârün, a. a. Restive, refractory (a horse). [manship. ·- hürriyyet, s. a. Freedom, free- : - hârir, s. a. Silk. Laj- hâriss, a a. Greedy, covetous. - - hârif (herif), s. a. A man, a [of houses, &c. C : - hârık, s. a. A fire, conflagration fellow. -j- hizb, s. a. A body of men ; a portion of the Kur'an, resulting from its division into 120 parts. •j- hâzm, s. a. Wariness and circum- spection in acting. ej- hüzn, s. a. Sadness, melancholy. * •" *, -" f e j- * 4 | - erj- hâzîrân, s. a. The Syro-Roman month of June. [acting. f:j- hâzim, a. a. Cautious, prudentin e:3- hâzin, a.a. Sad, melancholy. U-- hâsss (pl. c·- âhsâss), A per- ceiving, being sensible of, feeling, seeing, hearing, Smelling, tasting ; a sense, power of perception; a per- ception, sensation ; the instinct of animals; -, -et, va, To perceive, be sensible, feel, see, hear, smell, taste ; to be sensible of intellectually, feel pretty sure ; to know by instinct; -- hisssi, a. a Pertaining to sense or instinct. ·- hissâb (hessap), s. a. A cal- culating ; calculation; arithmetic ; an account, bill; -, -et, v.a. To cal- culate ; to reckon, count, include in a calculation; C 459 -, -tütmak, v.n. Tokeep an account; y =-, – ghyirmek,Toreckon, go over accounts; to settle an account, pay an account ; e : --- hissâbléshmek, v.n. To settle accounts mutually ; --- hissâbsiz, a. t. Innumerable, un- counted, untold, of which no account is kept. -->- hâssb, s. a. A portion, a share, a lot, what falls to one's share by calculation of heads ; a requirement; a reason : -, hAsseb, 8. a. Personal condition, rank, quality; a require- ment; a reason : - ye--- hAs- seb-u-nèsseb, (A person's) rank and [ 538 ] family connexions; –, hAssba, ad. a. . and --> - bir - hAssbi, ad. p. According to, in accordance with ; *) :) --- hassba-’l-ishâré, Ac- cording to the order given ; ---2)! ·3 bèr-hAssbi-fermán, According to the requirements of the command; ·- ·9° -8} - kh?rsizi- -ghyirmamassi - hAssébila, By reason of his not having seen the thief ; \J= -- hAssbi-hâl-et, v.n. To tell one's tale, confide one's Sorrows, re- count one's difficulties. \ >- hAssed, s. a. An envying; envy; \-, -et, v.n. To be envious. ·- hAssret, s. a The feeling ofre- gret for the absence of anything, with a desire for its return ; “ş- -s hAssret-chèkmek, v.n. Sorrowfully to sigh for the return or presence of anything. cr-- hüssn, s. a. Beauty, fairness, agreeableness, loveliness, goodness ; –, hâssan (fem & - hâssana), a. a. Beautiful, lovely, good ; ): 5-, hûssnu-tâ”bir, Abeautiful expression; ·- hüssnu -zânn, A favourable opinion entertained (ofanyone); la –, hüssnu - khAtt, A beautiful hand- writing; *-e- âkhlâki-hâssana, Good moral qualities ; · ş-, hüssâ-vèrmek, v.n. To set off to ad- vantage, cause to look well. t.-- hâssnâ, s. a. A beautiful woman; -(for ·-) hûssnâ, a. .a. (fem. of &·- e·- âhsèn), More, most, or very beautiful ; the best. *·- hâssana (pl. -> hâssanāt), s. a. A good action, charitable deed ; · sâhibu-’l- -khâyrÂt -ve-'l-hâssanât, (The pos- sessor or author of these good and charitable works) The charitable and benevolent founder. ·- hüssniyyât, s. pl, a. (no sing) Good qualities, praiseworthy points of quality or character. [person. “99 - hâssüd, a. a. Envious; an envious - hAshr, s. a. A causing the dead to arise from their graves and assemble to be judged; –, –et, v.a. To as- semble the dead for judgment. ·- hAsharât, s. pl. a. (n0 sing.), Reptiles and insects; vile, contempti- ble people. *- hAshem, s. pl. a. (no sing.), At- tendants, retinue, suite. ·- hAshmet, s. a. The being at- tended by a crowd of servants, grand- eur, pomp, magnificence, majesty ; *- hAshmetlU, a. a. Majestic or Magnificent (the title usually given to European sovereigns in Turkish state papers, the Sultan being styled ·* shèvkEtlü, &c. &c. &c.). ·- hAshviyyât, s. pl.a. (n0 sing.), Words or phrases used merely to fill up space and make any literary com- position appear of a decent or proper length. [ 539 ] rd- ·a-hAssÂd, s. a. A reaping the har- vest ; :- wAkti, Harvest-time. a- hâssâr, s. a. A castle, fort; a be- sieging, shutting in. ·- hâssânet, s. a. Abeing strong and impregnable ; the chastity or virtue of women. ra- hAssr, s. a. A confining, limiting, shutting in; –,-et, v.a. To confine, limit, bound, shut up or in. ura- hissn, s. a. A castle, fort, strong- hold, fastness. - J, a- hÜssül, s. a. A coming into existence, forthcoming, proceeding, realization, accomplishment, taking a form and a being ; fy -, hÜssülu- -mèrâm, The fruition of one's wishes ; < 5 * a- hüssüla-ghèlmek, v.n. To come into existence, to be realized; a- hüssül-pezir, a.p. Realized, accomplished, done. da- hisssa, s. a. (pl. La a-hâssûss), A share ; 4-a- hisssa-dâr, s. p. A sharer, participator ; a shareholder ; oda - hisssamènd, s. p. A sharer, participator ; ----- h?sssa-sâhibi, A shareholder; • 4 a-hisssa- lEshmek, v.n. To share together. / a - hAssir, s. t. A mat, matting : – ·2);* – sûpurghéssi, A broom for sweeping indoors, - ·- hâssin, a. a. Strong, fortified. ra-hAzar, s. a. A state of peace and repose (opposed to sefer, A state of travelling or campaigning). ·de- “ da- hâzret, s. a. Presence, dignity: a title of respect of universal signif- cation from Godhead, Majesty, &c., down to simple Worship, Honour, and Respectability. (See ---- jënAb). This title may either pre- cede or follow the official title of any personage respected by the Muslim church : in the former case it stands alone in the singular number, or with- out any pronominal afix: as, “erd- se- hâzreti-khûdâ, God, His Divine Majesty ; * - hâzrèti- -rèssâlët-pènâhi, His Holiness the Prophet, &c., &c.; in the latter case, and whenever the name of the person (man or woman) is mentioned, this title takes after it the pronominal affix of the third person plural; as, - -5, 4- s5 hAkk-tâ”âlâ-hâzret- léri, His Divine Majesty the God of Truth, whose name be sanctified ; · shèvket- -mâ'āb-efendimiz-hâzretléri, His Ma- jesty our Imperial Master ; · -5, 4- : ; devletlü-Fü'âd-Pasha- -hâzretléri, His excellency the very moble Fu'ad Pasha, &c., &c. Until thirty or forty years ago this title was never given tonon-Muslim personagesi but since then it has been applied to the Sovereigns of the greater powers ; and after the Crimean war it was extended to some of the Generals of the Allies It is now often given [ 540 ] kü- to European private gentlemen. It is to be hoped that such puerile dis- tinctions will be utterly discontinued, and the two words ·- and - 2ra- used quite synonymously, or with a distinction according to rank only, not according to religion. The Ar- menian practice of addressing people by this title, followed by the pro- nominal affix of the second person, is never used by the Turks in any case ; ·le “âli-hazret, a. p, High in dignity. d>- hûzür, s. a. Presence ; a being present ; the imperial presence; tran- quillity. e·d- hüzün, s. a. Sitting on eggs, in- [cubation. t_4 de- hAdid, s. a. The apogee ; the aphelion; the lowest point. ka- hAtt, s. a. A casting down, throw- ing on the ground; \-, -et, v.a. To throw on the ground, throw off, cast down. ·- hAtAb, s. a. Firewood. a- hAzz (pl. * - hüzüz), s. a. En- joyment, pleasure ; -, -et, v.n. To be pleased, derive pleasure, be glad (of anything); U-āü-, hAzzi-nefss, Sensual pleasure. k- hâfr, s. a. Adigging, excavating ; –, –et, v.a. To dig out, excavate. 3 - hüfré, s. a. A pit, hollow, cavity dug out. ağ- hâfz, s. a. A preserving ; a guard- ing; a keeping; a learning the Kur'an * ā- [ 541 ] ·K- by heart, or the knowing it by heart ; \-, -et, va. To preserve ; to keep safely; to put safely away ; to learn (the Kur'an) by heart; c* \-*- hâfza-chAlishmak, To be busily en- gaged in learning the Kur'an by heart. · hâfîd, s. a. A grandson. C >- hAkk, s. a. The truth, the pure verity ; God, the essence of truth ; (pl. 5,5- hükük) right, a person's rights or due; –, a. a. True ; -, -et, v.a. To do justice to, to right ; ·- hAkk-tâ”âlâ, God, may (His name) be glorified ; y'ye ki- hAkking-vâr, You are right, the right is on your side ; ) •ö- hAkkim-dir, It is my right, my due; y Aā- hAkk- -dir, It is true, it is the pure verity ; cy:9 - hAkk-din, The true religion ; e·ş: *-e -9 dining-hAkki- -ichin ! For the truth of your reli- gion ! ·y: birining- -hAkkindan-ghèlmek, v.n. To master or overcome anyone; - : 1 -- birining-hAkkini-hAkk-et, To right a person, obtain justice for him, do justice to him. With the locative preposition and a pronominal affix, this noun is equivalent to our pre- position against, or adverb in respect of; as, 8 •ö- hAkkimda, Against me, or in respect of me ; &c., &c.; cis el-hakk, and - hakkā, ad a. and SU - hâkkâ-ki, ad. p. Truly, verily. ( :-2 ü- hAkâret, s. a. Contemptuous treatment, insulting treatment ; –, –et, v.n. To treat insultingly or with contempt. ·- hAkkÂniyyet, s. a. Justice, equity; ·- hAkkÂniyyetli, a. t. Just (person); equitable (manner, &c.). c·ü-hAkâ'ik, s. pl, a. (of ·- hAkikAt), True things, true words. Aā- hâkd, s. a. Hatred, enmity. *- hökna, s. a. A clyster-pipe ; a [Rights, dues. : ; - hükük, s. pl, a. (of - hAkk), &- hökka, s. a. An inkstand, or any Small pot or vessel for containing a squirt; an injection. little jam, electuary, or the like; dö- jlı hökka-bÂz, s.p.Ajuggler, conjuror. / - hAkir, a. a. Low in station, hum- ble, poor, abject, vile (used in speak- ing of people's own selves). ·- hAkikAt, s. a. A true thing ; a true saying ; the truth ; truth ; –, ad. t. Indeed, really ; *-i- hAki- katan and := fi-ı-hakika, ad. a. Truly, really, in effect ; J- -, y hâkikAti-hâl, The truth of the case ; ·- hAkikAtli, a. t. Sincere (in friendship). [a. a. True, real. - hâkiki (fem. - hAkikîyya), e: - hâkk, s. a. A graving, engraving, cutting in ; a scraping, scratching, erasing; -, -et, v.a. To engrave (a seal); to scratch out (writing). ·- hâkkyâk (hekkyäk), s. a An engraver of Seals, amulets, &c. (K- K- hükkyâm, s. pl, a. (of - hâkim), Judges ; rulers. ! 4 K- hikyâyé, s. a. A narration, narra- tive, tale, story, history ; a marrating ; \–, –et, va. To narrate, recount, tell, relate. (K- hâkem, s. a. An arbitrator, umpire; –, hikem, s. pl, a. (of - hik- met), Portions of wisdom, sound rea- sons ; –, hükm (hükyum), A decree- ing ; (pl. (K- âhkyâm), A decree; a requirement; authority, weight, power, influence ; -, -et, v.a. To make (a decree) ; give (a sentence) ; –, v.n. To rule, govern, exercise authority ; · ·- hükmu- -ghèchmek, To pass or be received as an authoritative decree, as an autho- rity ; ) - hükmdâr, y---- hükmrân, s. p. A ruler, a sovereign. V•K- hükémâ, s. pl.a. (of “- hâkim), Sages, doctors, philosophers. e - hikmet, s. a. Wisdom ; a de- termining reason influencing the mind of an actor, good and sufficient reason; hidden, mysterious cause or reason ; philosophy; * -, hikméti-tAbi”- iyyé, Natural philosophy ; a natural cause; *-e-t-l-, hikméti-ilâhiyyé, Metaphysics; a cause arising out of God’s will and determination. ·- hûkyümet, s. a.. The exercise of rulership; the office of sovereign, ruler, orjudge; the sphere of a juris- diction ; a state ; – 5 mèrkézi-, T 542 ] f - The Seat of jurisdiction, seat of govern- ment; -, -et, v.n. To rule, govern. “K- hâkim (pl. V - hükémâ), s. a. A sage, a philosopher; –, a.a. Very wise in decision : -, hâkimi- -mûtlAk, God, the absolutely wise. J- hâll, s. a. A melting ; an untying; a solving, resolving, dissolving, ana- lyzing ; -, -et, v.a. To melt, dis- solve, to untie; to solve, resolve ; to analyse. [cotton. z - hâllÂj (hAlAch), s. a. A carder of - halat, s. t. Arope. J- hâlâl (helâl), a. a Permitted by God’s law, (anything) the use of which is expressly permitted and conse- quently free from sin ; c* - hâlâllashmak, v.n. To forgive mu- tually any trespass or unlawful ad- vantage taken of each other (usual between persons who are bidding each other a long adieu) ; -, -et, v.a. To declare lawful, to renounce any claim one might possibly have to a thing possessed by another, and say: “Beit thy lawful property.” · hâlâvet, s. a. Sweetness. 45 - hAlka, s. a. A ring, a link of a chain. f - hülküm, s. a. The throat, the gullet ; • ·y râhatu-’l- -hülküm (râhat-löküm), Acelebrated sweetmeat prepared from wheat-starch, sugar, and perfume, with blanched al- monds sometimes beddedin it. ? > - · hûlu (hûru), s. p. A choice kind of melting peach. - hèlwä, s. a. Name of various kinds of sweetmeats or sweet dishes ; as, ·- e ün - helyâssi made with flour; · - · irmik-hèlwâssi, made with semolina; - · nish Assta-hèlwässi, made with wheat- starch; which are all dishes and appear at table as such ; ·- 5 kAr- -hèlwässi, made with snow, a frolick- ing winter dish; - Skyāghid- -hèlwâssi, made of two large wafers ; ··- e· (kèten)-helwässi, made to look like hanks of unspun flax ; · * tahan (ayn) helvãesi made of honey and saponaria root; - 5 * findik-, –j - jeviz-, –fel bâdem–, made respectively with nuts, walnuts, and almonds, which are all eaten as sweetmeats or with bread for lunch, &c. ; –(“ 9y· kûdrët-hèlwässi, Manna. always a standing dish at feasts among Helwä is the people, and may be likened, in that respect, to our plum-pudding. J: - hûlül, s. a. A passing into (as the Soul into the body) ; a coming (as time does); -, -et, v.n. To pass (into); to come; y - hûlüliyyün, Those who hold that God passes into man's body. [wife or concubine. * - hâlilé, s. a. Alegitimate consort, f - hâlim, a. a. Kind, gentle, long- suffering, slow to anger. [ 543 ] e\4 >- ·- hilyé, s. a. An ornament, a jewel. - hümmâ, s. a. Burning fever. *- hâmâr, s. a. An ass, donkey. · hâmârAt, a. t. Hard-working and industrious (woman). ·- hâmâsset, s. a. Courage, valour, bravery. · hâmâkat, s. a Stupidity. J•- hAmmÂl (hAmal), s.a. Aporter ; carrier; *- 5 * (beghir)-hAm- mAli, A town carrier who employs pack-horses; - :)… e strik-hAm- mAli, A porter who works in a pair or in gangs, with poles, to carry heavy loads; 4 l*- hAmmÂliyyé, Carriage, porter's hire. f --- hAmmÂm (hAmAm), s. a. A bath; bathing-place; abathing; : >2) 5 “- kûdrët-hAmÂmi, A natural hot-spring or bath ; –, hîmâm, s. a. Death ; ----- hammÂmi, S• 0 • • ş**- hAmamji, s. t. A bath- keeper. [dove. ·- hâmÂm6, s. a. A pigeon or ·- himâyet, **-hîmâyé, s. a. Protection; a protecting; –, –et, v.a. To protect, guard from harm or oppression. JğV•- hAmâ'il, s. pl, a. (as a Turkish sing.), The cord or belt by which the sword is slung over the shoulder. x4-hâmd, s. a. Thanks, praise, glory offered in prayer; · li-ilahi- -'l-hamd or = el-hamdu-li- -'llâh! Praise betoGod! praiseis dueto **- God alone ! - *-hâmd-ölsun! 6 Thank God ! \34- hâmdan, ad. a. Thanks; *- : -hamdan -sûmmé-hâmdâ, Thanks upon thanks. **- hâmdélé, s. a The pronouncing the formula el-hamdu-lı- -'llâh. ·- hümret, s. a. Redness ; a co- louring up from shame or modesty. C;4 - hümk, s. a. Stupidity. J·- hâml, s. a. A bearing, carrying ; a loading; a load ; pregnancy, or the foetus; an imputing, casting upon the shoulders ; –, hAmEl, s. a. The sign Aries: -, hâml-et, v.a. To attribute, impute, cast upon ; to load, place (in or upon something) as a load ; J*-e- wAz”i-hâml-et, v.n. To bear, bring forth (a child or young). ·- hâmla, s. a. An efort; a pull; a charge; an attack; -*- hÂmlaji, s. t. The strokesman or chief boatman of a row-boat. *- hâmülé, s. a. A load ; a cargo. ·- hâmmiyyet, s. a. Zeal, jealous feeling of honour. \: *- hâmid (fem. 8 A* - hâmidé), a.a. Very praiseworthy; –, 8. a God. 4:4-himyé, s. a. Abstinence, diet. --- hânnâ (kâna), s. a. The herb [oath. e : - hânss, s. a. The violation of an : - menkirik, s. t. The hiccup, d: -hinchkirmak, v.n. Tohiccup. henna. [ 544 ] JşP- ala - hinta, s. a. Wheat. ·l - hâwādiss, s. pl, a. (of aio - hâdissé), Events; news; (as a Turkish sing.), apiece of news. 8-)y'y- höwârda, s. t. A wild, unsteady fellow, a scamp. w -55) - hâwâri (pl. cy:)y-hâwâriyyün), 8. a. An apostle, or a companion of a prophet, especially those of our Lord. c-;- hâwāsss, s. pl, a. (of --- hâsssa), Senses, faculties of sense; 5-8 °--- - - hâwāsssi- -khâmsa'i - zâhiré, The five external SGI1SGS. *y- hâwâshi, s. pl. a. Servants, at- tendants. - alşa- hâwâlé, s. a. A referring, trusting, confiding (the execution of any matter to a person) ; a cheque, money order; overhanging height; -, -et, v.a. To refer, trust, confide (business to a person); * - hâwâléli, a. t. High and overhanging. 'ş- hâwâli, s. pl.a. (no sing.), Envi- rons, vicinity: 3 -J, öl-hâwâli- lErda, In that neighbourhood, there- abouts; in those parts. -hawā'ü ,s.pl.a.(of : --hâjet), Wants, necessities; necessaries. :y=- höppa, s. t. An affected coxcomb. ·5-hüt, s. a. The sign Pisces. _y=-hür, a.pl.a. Black-(eyed); ·- hürU-’l-”âyn, and cre_09- hürU-”âyn, Those (damsels of Paradise) who have black eyes, the houris; -5) - hüri, 809- 8. p. One of the black-eyed damsels of Paradise. *) - hâvra, s. t. A Jewish synagogue. 3j5-hAvza, s. a. A containing fold, circle, or circuit ; ( **jş>- hAvza'i-isslâm, The fold or church of Islamism. ·- hAvsala, s. a. The crop Oİ° stomach of an animal ; intellectual capacity in man; solid capacity for containing. [water, pond, tank. L - hâvz (hâwuz), s. a. A reservoir of e9- hâvl, s.a. Change, mutation; ayear; strength, power, might; 5,5), J;- * lâ-hâvla-ve-lâ-küvvéta-illâ-bi- -'llâh, There is no power, neither is there any strength, unless in God. c·- hâvlamak (aor. - hâvlar), v.n. To bark (a dog). - hâvli (havlu), s. t. A court-yard, [bottles, &c. - hûni, s. t. A funnel for filling a yard; a towel. - hAvyâr, s. t. Caviar. - hâyy, a.a. Alive, living; _s- hâyyu-’l-kâyyüm, The living and self- existent God ; –, hayya ! int. a. Come ! hasten ! -z ' e u_5- z ' e hâyya - “âlé -’ss - sAlâh ! Hâyya-“âlé-'l-felâh! Come to what is a solid advantage ! hasten to what is truly profitable ! (This is a part of the call toprayer) -hâyâ, s. a. A feeling of shame, bash- fulness, modesty ; - : bi-hâyâ, a. p. Shameless (person), impudent. · hâyât, s. a. Life ; life-time ; D 545 ] ·- ·--> Kbi-hâyât, The water of life ; · - hâyât - ölsUn ! May it be life (to you)! (said to a person when he has drunk). ·- hâysiyyet, s. a. Status, station, dignity, consideration. ·- hâydüd, s. t. A brigand, robber. ey- hâyrÂn, a. a. Bewildered, con- founded, astounded. ·- hâyret, s. a. Bewilderment, con- fusion, utter astonishment. --- hâyz, s. a. A containing fold, court, or circuit. [charge. U4 - hâyz, s. a. The menstrual dis- e-i - hâyf, s. a. Harm, injury ; -! int. a. Alas! c ,i - hâykirmak (aor. yy - hay- kirir), v.n. To call out, cry out. - hâylAz, s. t. An idler, idle fellow. ·- hilé, s. a. A trick, fraud, deceit; \–, –et, v.n. To play tricks, to use fraud; 4 - hilâ biz, 6 - hilé- -kyâr, s. p. Acheat; kmave cy - hin, s. a Time, a small indefinite space of time, a moment. e):- hâywÂn, s. a. Life; (pl. ·ü' : - hâywÂnÂt) a living creature, an ani- mal; a horse; a brute; a boor, clown; c·ü-, hâywÂni-nÂtik, A talking (rational) animal; c· i:<- hâywÂnlik, S. t. ·- hâywÂniyyet, s. a. Stupidity; boorishness, clownishness ; : - (fem. *: - hâywÂniyy6) hâywAni, a. a. Animal, pertaining to animals, or to animal life. 2 O ·- hâyât (an Arabic form of ·- hâyât), s. a. Life. dra-hâyyé, s. a. A serpent, Snake. C : kh? (or &*\s- khā'i-sâkhaz, the letter kh in the word sâkhaz). Ninth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having no equivalent value in English, but corresponding with the ch of the Ger- It is better for the learner to pronounce this letter as an man, Scotch, &c. aspirated h until he can acquire the correct sound from a teacher, and he should never sound it as a k. In chro- nograms this letter has the numeral value of 600. \- khā, s. a. The letter : ; - a p. (in composition), Which eats. f khâtem, s. a. A seal, signet, signet- ring; –, khÂtim, s. a. The last of a series, that which closes or finishes; –, khātimu-'l-enbiyâ, The last of the prophets, Muhammed; *j - khÂtimé, The conclusion, concluding phrase or prayer of a book, epilogue. eşil - khātun, s. t. A woman ; a lady; z· khāj, s. p. A cross. [a wife. f · khÂdim, s. a. A Servant, servitor ; (khAdim) an eunuch ; er:·- e: khÂdimu-'l-hârémeyni-'sh- -shèrifeyn, Servitor of the two sacred spots at Mecca and Medina (one of the titles of the Sultan). I 546 ı ·- _- khâr, s. p. A thorn, prickle ; a sting. V- khârâ, a. p. Hard (stone). %:·- khârij, s. a. The outside ; –, a. a. Outside, beyond, exceeding, not in- cluded, excluded; = - khâriji, s. a. Arebel, outlaw; – (fem. :· khârijiyyé), a. a Pertaining to the outside ; external, exterior ; foreign ; provincial; U = - khārijiyyé- -nâziri, or :-9 -·ü nâziri- -Ümüri-khârijiyyé, The Minister for Foreign Affairs. :) --- khārik, a, a. Which rends; sela :) - khāriku-'l-”âdé, a, a, Ex- traordinary, strange. · khāssté, a.p. Risen, - - khâssir, a. a. Who is completely disappointed, and has lost all hope of success in his undertaking. · khāshâk, s. p. Sticks and straws blown about. Le- khâsss (fem de -khÂsssa), a. a. Special, peculiar, proper ; pure, un- alloyed, unadulterated; white (bread or flower); fixed (dye); public (build- ings); royal or imperial (guard, &c.); –, s. a. (pl. · khâwÂss), A person of note, of mark; a royal domain or due. · khāsssa, s. a. A peculiar pro- perty, virtue, or quality ; a virtue, power, beneficial property ; *-e-- khissséten, ad. a. Especially, spe- cially. <- khÂsséki, s. t. Certain special · [ 547 ] ailes- officers of the Sultan’s court in the olden time. · khÂssiyyet, s. a. A nutritive or sanative virtue, wholesomeness ; · khÂssiyyetli, a. t. Whole- Some, nutritive, or sanative. e- khātir, s. a The memory; the heart or mind, or the faculty of being vexed or pleased; •5· 89)· khÂ- tirda-tÜtmak, v.a. To bear in mind, not to forget; 5-55 = khÂtiri- -kAlmak (the pron. afir being changed as required), v.n. To be vexed, hurt, angry ; c·ü 8°, - khÂtirda-kAl- mak, v.n. To remain in the memory, not be forgotten ; c*:: :· khÂtirini-yâpmak (varying the affia), To make one feel satisfied or pleased (by promises, presents, &c.); L: c oy: khÂtirini -k?rmak (or : yikmak), v.n. To make one feel vexed, hurt, orangry (by refusing his request, by rudeness, &c.); c··- khÂtirini-sâymak, To have regard for one, hold him as worthy of considera- tion, esteem him, love him ; * \s- · khātira-ghèlmek, v.n. To come into one's mind, be recalled to memory, occur to one; ·· * - khÂtira - ghètirmek, v.a. To call to mind, recall to mind, remember ; · birining-khā- tirina-ghètirmek, v.a. To recall to one's mind, put him in mind of ; c*-e- ° - khÂtirdan - chikmak (with pron, affiaces a8 required), v.n. Tobe forgotten, be out of memory ; e·: •· khâtirim-ichin, For my sake, for love of me, out of considera- tion for me ; * --5 • sAfâyi- -khÂtir-ila ! (Go) in peace of mind ! (said to anyone who takes leave); C 9)y* es- khÂtir-sörmak, v.n. To ask after anyone, ask how one is ; c·y - khÂtirlamak, v.a. To remem- ber, call to mind; ) e- khātirli, a. t. (A person) of consideration ; *\, e - khātir-khâh, s. p. The wish of one's heart; 8 es- khÂtir- -mândé, a. p. Hurt, vexed, grieved. * - khÂtira, s. a. A thought, an idea. · khÂkÂn, s. t. (pl. · khâ- wÂkin), The Sultan ; a sovereign ; - khÂkÂni, a. a. Imperial, sove- reign, pertaining to the khÂkÂn. · khâk, s. p. Earth ; the ground ; the earth ; -= - khâki, a. p. Earthy, earthly ; - \s- khâki-pây, s, p. The ground under the foot (as we say “ the feet”) of a superior ; a superior himself. - khâkisstèr, a. p. Ashes. J khâl, s. p. A mole on the skin, · khâliss, a. a. Pure, unmixed ; sincere, true, real. c . khâlik, s. a. The Creator. * khâlé, s. a. A maternal aunt, mother's own sister. (The corrupted form of this word, Al-hAla, signifies 2 O 2 Je- (-5 in Turkish a paternal aunt, afather's own sister). - khâli, a. a. Empty ; free, exempt. f - khÂm (khAm), a. p, Unripe, green (fruit); unprepared, rough (material); stupid, unreasonable (proposal); inex- perienced, raw (person); unseasoned, untrained (for travelling) ; (sugar). L-· khâmiss, a. a The fifth ; -- khâmissâ, ad. a. Fifthly. c· khâmüsh, a. p. Silent ; dead (person); out, extinguished (fire). * \s- khâmé, s. p. A pen or reed for writing. -- e· khÂn, s. p. The Sultan ; a lord (in Persia) ; (khAn) an inn, a public building for the accommodation of travellers or merchants. e· khânédân, s. p. A noble family ; a person belonging to a noble family. *\öl - khānkâh, s. p. A convent for dervishes. [tame. Ki- khânéghi, a. p. Domestic, house, *\s-khânim, s. t. A Turkish lady. · khânUmân, s. p. A family (of distinction). & khān6, s. p A house, dwelling; (in composition) a manufactory, a special house or room ; a place of figures (in arithmetic) ; a place, parti- tion, pigeon-hole, square (on a chess- board), stall, hole, &c.; a family; & - edeb - khān6, 45 ki Al âbdesst-khâné, A privy, water-closet; brown * = $ kyütub-khāné, A library ; öls-8: bendé-khāné, (The house of a servant) My house ; · devlet-khâné, (The house of pro- sperity) Your house ; (with the pron. affia of the third pers. plur.) his or their house ; ej& - khâné-zâd, a. p. Born in the house, home-bred. · khâ'ib, a.a. Utterly disappointed and deceived in his hopes. - eğl khā'in, s. a. A perfidious, treach- erous fellow. & - khāyé, s. p, An egg; a testicle. · khâbâsset, s. a. Turpitude ; a villainous act ; villainousness of dis- position. - · khâbâ'iss, s. pl. a. (no sing.), Vices; ümmu-ı-kha- bâ'iss, (The mother of the vices) Wine. _r - khAbEr, s.a. Information possessed or imparted ; intelligence, news ; his- torical information ; the attribute or predicate in grammar or logic ; -, –et, y: -, -virmek, v.n. To give notice, to give information, to inform ; c·-, –Almak, v.n. To re- ceive intelligence, to hear, to be in- 3) = -khAbéringiz- -vârmi ? Do you know ? Are you formed ; aware ? : ev - khAbérim-yök, I do not know, I am not aware, I have no information on the subject; : e 6 6 \ telligence; an invoice sent with goods, ilm-U-khAbEr, Information and in- ! *yes- [ 549 ] or a letter of advice on business ; ler - khAbErdâr, a. p. Informed, aware ; :y· khAberleshmek, vn. To correspond, send mutual infor- mation. - 3 - khibré, s. a. Experimental or practical knowledge ; -J* èhli- -khèbré, (ehli-kâbla), An adept, a per- son well and practically acquainted with any subject to whom disputes are referred. - ree-khâbiss, s. a. A villain, arascal; –(fem : - khâbissé), a, a, De- praved, villainous, infamous. - _r - khâbir, a. a. Informed, aware. kh?tÂm, s. a. An ending, comple- tion; ; ; -, -bûlmak, v.n. To be completed, finished; - khâ- tÂm-pèzir, a. p. Finished, completed ; f -e·- hüssni-kh?tÂm, A happy conclusion. [cumcision. e· kh?tân, s. a. A circumcising, cir- *- khAtm, s. a. The bringing any discourse to an end ; a finishing the complete reading of the Kur'an ; a sealing; -, –et, v.a. To finish (reading the Kur'an through); to bring to an end (a discourse); to seal; –, khAtémé! May (God) finish and complete ! *- khAtmi, s. t. The hollyoak, hollyhock ; ·z AghAj-khAt- missi, s. t. The gum-cistus (?) or hollyhock tree. [bashfulness. ·luş°- khājâlet, s. a. A sense of shame; e s- *ş · khüjëssté, a. p. Lucky, blessed, fortunate, auspicious. * khâkhim, s. t. A Jewish rabbi; L: -, -bAshi, The chief rabbi. x-khâdd, s. a. The cheek. les-khûdâ, s. p. God; \el - khüdâ- -dâd, Theodore or Theodosius, the gift of God. •l - khüddÂm, s. pl. a. (of *- khÂdim), Servants, servitors. ·l - khûdâvend, S· khüdâ- vèndighyâr, s. p. A lord, a master ; a sovereign ; God. - d: A - khâdshé, s. a. A scratching, itching; es-’a -khâdshé'i-khs- tir, An uneasiness of mind, apprehen- sion, misgiving. ács- khûd'a, s. a. A trick, piece of deceit, stratagem. [train, retinue. * khâdem, s. pl. a. Servants, suite, · kh?dmet (hizmet), s. a. Service, ministry; a servant's place, a situation'; a government situation; mission, 00İ001- mission, employ, employment; a fee; \-, -et, v.n. To do service, act as servant; ·-, –ghyîrmek, To be of essential service, to do good service; c· 8 o\s-kh?dmetda- -küllAnmak, To employ in one's ser- vice ; · A-S- (hizmetji), s. t. K~ (hizmetkyâr), s. p. A servant. ci khûdengh, s. p. An arrow. * \ kh?div, s. p. Aprince, a lord. ej - kh?zlân, s. a. Abandonment, the being without friends or means. alÂe- * khâzelé, s. pl, a. (no sing), Wretched fellows, poor wretches. khâr, s. p. An ass, donkey. · khûrâb, s. a. A making deso- late, laying waste; desolation, ruin; –, a. t. Desolate, ruined, in ruins ; \–, –et, v.a. To ruin, lay waste; to do a great injury to ; -, –öl, v.n. To be ruined or greatly injured. - khârâbé (pl. V-khārābāt), s. a. A ruin, heap of ruins ; V- khârâbâti, s. a. A confirmed drunkard. zy - khûrâj, s. a. Tribute paid to the government, either by a subject country, or by subject individuals in the governing country ; this latier is also called &ja- jizyé ; -y- khârâj-ghyüzâr, s. p. A tributary ; U ş5 V khârâjji, s. t. A collector of individual tribute. e· country in the east of Persia ; pow- khörâssân, s. p. Name of a dered brickdust for making cement when mixed with lime ; –: kAra–, One of the most esteemed kinds of Damascus sword-blades. c· khîrâsh, a. p. (in composition), Which irritates, scratches, pricks, an- noys. f.J--- khirâm (in composition), and e· khârâmân, a. p. Who walks, carries himself %: - khārj, s. a. A spending, expend- | ing; expense; materials for any work; braid or lace on clothes; mortar, [ 550 ] - cement; -, -et, v.a. To spend, expend ; * =Je- khârji-râh, s. p. Money for travelling expenses and outfit ; z - U: vèkil - khârj, A domestic whose duty it is to go to &c.; c·-Je- khârjlik, s. t. Pocket-money, money for necessary expenses ; –, market and buy provisions, khûrj, s. a. A large saddle-bag, put in pairs upon pack-horses. 9 - khired, s. p. Intelligence, sagacity; · bâ-khired, and kh?red- mènd, a. p. Intelligent; –, khürd, 0. 0. Small, little; J. khürd-sâl, a p. Young in years. J9 - khârdAl, s. t. Mustard or cress a. p. A fragment, piece; -, seed used as mustard at table. 8u)9/s- khürdé, a. p. Small, little ; –, s.p. A small piece or fragment; a crumb ; (pl. - khürdawāt), Small things, small wares ; c·-, khürda - fürüsh, s. p. A chapman, small dealer ; er 3-)9 - khürda-bin, s. p. A microscope; a person who takes notice of trifles. j - kh?rsiz, s. t. A thief; a robber ; an embezzler ; -5j - j= dengiz- -khirsizi, A pirate; y -kh?rsizlik, s. t. Theft; robbery ; embezzlement, peculation ; \c kh?rsizlik-et, v.n. To commit theft; to commit robbery; to commit embezzlement or pecula- tion. e:27 - khörttım, s.a. The trunk of an ele- : - I 551 ı L-s- *-– phant, proboscis ; the hose of a fire- engine [-, –et, v.a. To rend, tear. :) - khârk, s. a. Arending, tearing; d:ye- kh?rka, s. a. A kind of quilted jacket; a ragged garment. 25- khârghyâh, s. p. A tent, pavilion; a royal court. c· khârghyUsh, s. a. (donkey’s ears) A hare ; --y- khâbi–, (hare's sleep) Vigilance under seeming care- lessness, sleeping with one eye open. - khirildamak (aor. " - khi- rildar), and c·- kh?rlamak (aor. khârlar), v.n. To snarl or growl (a dog); to snore ; -sey-khirildi, 8. t. A snarling, growling; a Snoring , c*)-- khârlashmak, v.n. To growl at each other. [pleasant. fye-khûrrem, a. p. Cheerful, smiling, khürma, s. a. Adate (fruit). cre - khārmen (hârmàn), s. p. The threshing and winnowing of corn after harvest ; the threshing-floor or cir- cular space where this is performed; the produce of the operation. ·9y- Khirvât, s. and a. t. Croatian; 5 * ·l,ye- Khirvât- -mèmlékèti, Croatia. a Croat J= khārvâr, s. p. A donkey-load ; a horse-load. ->> - khârrüb (khârub), s. a. The locust fruit ; :y*-, -shèrbéti, A drink prepared from that fruit. z: khûrüj, s. a. A going out, coming out, exit, passing out : a rebelling, rebellion; z --e sâhib-khürüj, A great conqueror ; ·z - khürüj-”âlé-’ss - sültÂn, Rebellion against the sovereign. c·-khöross, s. t. A cock (fowl); the cock or hammer of a gun-lock. c·-khûrüsh, s. p. A noise, row, tumult, tumultuous motion. ·-khtrid, s. p. A buying ; - : · fûrîkht-U-kh?rid, Buying and selling ; – (in composition), a. p. Bought; : - )j zèr-khârid, a. p. Bought with gold. · khâridâr, s.p. Abuyer, purchaser. 8. --kh?ridé, a. p. Bought. e·y=-khrisstiyân, s. t. (Greek), A [chart, plan. · kharita (hârta), s. a. A map, – khârif, s. a The autumn. Christian man. ey- khâzân, s. p. The autumnal cold wind which causes the leaves to fall. e khâzâ’in, s. pl, a. (of :js khâ- ziné), Treasuries; treasures. · khâziné (hAzna), s. a. A treasury; a treasure ; public treasure, or trea- sure being conveyed over the country ; a special fund for administering a department of state ; a sum of 36,000 purses (about 8150,000) ; a reservoir for water above ground and covered in ; the chamber (of a gun or mine); buried l94 - (hAznadâr), s.p. A treasurer. treasure, treasure - trove ; U--- khâss, s. p. Rubbish, sticks and StraWS. -- [ 552 ] ae- -- khâssâr, ~2) — khâssâret, s. a. injury 3 \ –, khâssâret-et, v.n. To do damage. ---- khâssset, s. a. Avarice, avari- A doing damage ; ciousness. & e-khAssta, a. p. Sick, ill; 45'---, –khâné, s. p. A hospital; asick- ward; a sick-bay; *-e- khAss- talik, s. t. Sickness, illness, malady, disease, the plague. 2: - khûssrev, s. p. Aprince, monarch ; & --khüssrévâné, a p. Princely, royal. – S-khüssüf, s. a. A lunar eclipse, eclipse of the moon. - L-: -khâssiss, s. a. A miser; a sordid, parsimonious fellow. e : *-e- khâsht, s. p. Abrick. c \s° khâshkhāsh, s. a. A poppy from which opium is extracted. c:. khûshk, a. p. Dry, dried. - f - kh?shm, s. p. Anger, rage, fury; e: -, khishm - âlüd, a p. Angry, furious ; · khishmnâk, a. 19• Angry, easily angered. · khôshnüd, a.p. Satisfied, content, contented, pleased. 8 - khüshü”, s. a. Humility. · *-e- khüshünet, s. a. Severity, hardness, harshness, sharpness. e· khâshéyân, : --khâshyet, s. a. Fear, terror, fright. cy - khâshin, a. a Severe, harsh, sharp (in disposition). Jas- khissâl, s. pl, a. (of ·as- khâsslet), Points of character, moral - qualities. [Qualities, properties. L<ğa khAssâ'iss, s. pl.a. (of *a a·), J khassü'i, s. pi, a (of -), Points of character, moral qualities. ·as-khAsslet, s. a. A quality of the heart, a point of character. * khAssm, s.a. (pl. “a khüssémâ), An adversary; an enemy; –, khâssm, s. t. A relative, relation ; c· khâssmlik, s. t. Affinity or consan- guinity, relationship. Ley a-khüssüss, s. a. Any particular subject, matter, affair, business ; spe- ciality ; devotedness, love, friendship ; Veya khÜssüssâ, · “âlé- -'l-khÜssüss, ad. a. Especially, parti- cularly, more particularly, above all, more than all; eya - khÜssüssi (fem. eyaz-khüssüssiyyé), a, a. Special, particular ; - eyas-khüs- süssiyyet, s. a. The quality of being special; the quality of being devoted, devotedness, love, friendship. ·- khüssümet, s. a. Enmity, ill- will; contention, litigation, adversary- [ship. e : as-khüssyéteyn, s. a dual (of & ac-), The two testicles. - - 4 khîdâd, s. a. Ink. ya- khâzrâ, s. a. The sky ; -, a. a. u = a - khâsi, s. a. A eunuch. fem. Green, verdant. 8 --- khüzü”, s. a. Humility. a- khAtt, s. a. Afine hair or down ; (pl. e as khûtüt), A line drawn ; Üas- [ 553 ] – a line, row ; writing, handwriting ; the Sultan's autograph commands : – : • khAtti-müsstakim, A straight line; = -, khAtti- münhâni, A curveline; al-s°-,khAtti-mükhtelit,A mixed line; 5j –, khAtti-mûwâzi, A parallelline; er:j) “e· khAt- teyni-mütévâziyyeyn (dual), Two lines reciprocally parallel ; *j as- khûtüti-mütévâziyyé (plur.), Lines parallel to each other; ·-, kh Atti- -isstiwâ (üsstuwâ), The equator, equi- noctial; 'el-ia-, khAtti-nissfu- -’n-nâhâr, The meridian ; as- e. -- hüssnu-khAtt (Beauty of handwriting), Beautiful handwriting; – - -* –, khAtti-sherif, - *-, khAtti-hü- mâyün, The gracious or august auto- graph commands. Was- khAtâ, s. a. A fault, mistake, error ; \–, –et, v.n. To make a mistake, commit a fault, an error. -as-khitÂb, s. a The addressingone's speech to a person; -, -et, v.n. To address one's speech ; ( — khitÂban, ad. a & a· khitÂbla, ad. t. By way of address, asan address (of speech). e la khAttAt, s. a. A calligrapher, pro- fessed writer of caligraphy. a khAtâyâ, s. pl, a. (of a khAtâ), Faults, faulty actions. da khûtbé, s. a. The public prayer for the life and prosperity of the sovereign. a - khAtar, s. a. Danger, peril. · khAtvé, s. a. A step, pace, foot. a - khütür, s. a. A coming into the mind; –, –et, v.n. To come into the mind. [Lines. e: as-khûtüt, s. pl, a. (of a-khAtt), * as-khitté, s. a. A district, region, country, tract. · khâtib, s. a The officiating clerk or priest who pronounces the · or public prayer for the sove- reign. khâtir, a. a. Grave, important – -khâffâf (kâwwAf), s. a. A shoe- maker or seller. - khâffet, s. a. Lightness; volatile- ness of character, want of stability. e : - khâfakÂn, s. a. A palpitation of the heart through disease or fear. *- khâfi, a. a. Hidden, concealed, Secret. e-â e- khâfif (hAfif), a. a. Light of weight, volatile, unstable in character; slight, not severe; light, gentle (wind). M-khâlâ, s. a. A vacuum, empty space; a privy, water-closet ; - khâlâ- -u-mèlâ, Vacuum and plenum. · khâlâss, s. a. A being saved, deliverance ; c·-, –bÜlmak, v.n. To be saved, delivered ; –, khâllâss, s. a. A saviour, redeemer. de-- khülâssa, s. a The extract or delivered ; salvation, quintessence of anything; a summary. - s-khilâf, s. a. Abeing contrary, or in opposition (to anything); a lie, untruth. · khilâfet, s. a The Caliphate office of Caliph ; the being Caliph ; \-, -et, v.n. To be Caliph, reign as Caliph. şs- khâllÂk, s. a. God, the continual Creator. J= khâlâl, s. a. A toothpick, an ear- pick; a time, point of time ; a gram- matical conjugation, or paradigma of derivation ; friendship ; the centre, bottom. cş5 - khAlâ’ik, s. pl, a. (no sing.), Creatures ; (as a Turkish sing), a female slave. [tion. e *- khâléjân, s. a. A tremor, agita- ·- khAlt, s. a. A mixing, mingling; any one of the four elementary humours of an animal body ; -, –et, v.a. To mix, mingle ; –, v.n. To be quite wrong and be d-d ; c • -, (To eat humour) To mean, to pretend; to –yemek, v.n. make a great mistake (an insulting expression). * - khâl”, s. a. A dethroning ; -, –et, v.a. To dethrone ; –, khâlâ”, s. pl.a. (of - khāl”ât), Robes of honour. · khâl”ât, s. a. Arobe of honour. – -khâlef, s. a A successor; –ás-ü nâ-khâlef, a. p. Unworthy to be a SuCCeSSOr, degenerate; –, khülf, s. a. An acting contrary to (a promise); -, khulf-et, v.a. To act contrary to (apromise); \ ·-, khülfu-vâ”d-et, [ 554 ] v.n. To break a promise, act contrary to promise. U khûléfâ, s. pl.a. (of -- khâlif6), Caliphs, successors of Mu- hammedim ruling the empire, pontiffs; assistants, ushers (in schools); assist- ant clerks (in public offices). cis-khâlk, s. a A creating; (khAlk) people, men; the public ; -, -et, va. To create, bring into being; – ; kAba-khAlk, Common people ; –, khülk, s. a. A point of natural dispo- sition ; khâlki, a. .a. Natural, innate. [created; matural disposition. · khilkAt, s.a, A creating; abeing Ja-khâlel, s. a. Injury, damage, detri- ment; c= 4-, –ghilmek, v.n. To be received (injury) : < -er: -, –vèrmek, v.n. To damage, spoil, hurt, destroy. ·- khâlvet, s. a. Retirement, soli- tude, privacy ; a private Toom ; a private room in a bath. · khûlüd, s. a. The being eternal. · khûlüss, s. a. Sincere friendship, devotion; c*iş-, –châkmak, v.a. To make protestations of friendship, to show a zeal in performing little services as a proof of devotion. * khâlij, s. a. A gulf, a bay, a strait or arm of the sea. * - khâli“, a. a (in - : - khâlî“u - 'l- “izâr, a. a. Barefaced, shameless). 4 - khâlifé, s. a. A successor to Mu- hammed in goverming the community of believers, a Caliph; the Sultan; (kAlfa) a school-usher; a clerk in a public office ; (d. 5 kAlfa) a builder, an architect ; an elder female slave who has others under her, and directs a department; a journeyman artisan who has duly servedhis apprenticeship. khâlil (fem. -khâlilé, Awife), s. a. An intimate friend ; 4---, khâlilu-’llAh, The patriarch Abraham. f- khâm, a. p. Crooked, bent; –, s. p. A bend, a curl, a fold, a wrinkle ; –, khÜm, s. p. Ajar ; a drum ; the sky. •s- khÜmâr, s. a. The headache or nervous feeling caused by a debauch. *- khÜmâssi, s. a. A word contain- ing five radical letters. * - khümbara (kûmbara), s. p. A bombshell; a child's money-box made of earthenware and roundlike a bomb- shell, with only a slit in it, so that the money Cannot be got out unless the toy be broken ; R-5 *- (kûm- baraji), s. t. A bombardier ; J L**) *-il-(kûmbarassi), s. t. A _* khâmr, s. a. Wine [hand-grenade. v_-4 - khûmss, s. a. Afifth part; –, khâmss, a. a. fem. Five. &.4 - khâmsa, a. a. mas. Five. •-khâmsi, s. t. A sprat. cy: •s-khûmsin, s. a The fifty days preceding the vernal equinox ; (in Egypt) a sultry noxious wind ; (or ey-• khûmsün), a.a. Fifty. [ 555 ] *-y- ·- khümüd, s. a. Extinction or low- ness (offire, life, or action). J * - khümül, s. a. Obscurity, neg- lectedness, low estate. *j - khâmyâzé, s. p. A gape, a yawn. 8 A: •e khâmidé, a. p. Bent. *-- khâmir (khAmur), s. a. Dough (of bread); clay (of which men are made) ; any plastic material (of which any ware is made). U-: • -khâmiss, s. a. Thursday. : - khÜnnÂk, s. a. The quinzy. L:-khûnsa, s. a. An hermaphrodite. Jşis- khânjEr (hAnchar), s. p. A large curved dagger. · khônd, (in composition) - khândân, a. p. Who laughs, laughing, smiling. ; - (hèndek), s. a. A ditch ; a fosse, a moat. 8 x - khândé, s. p. Laughter; a Smile ; –, a. p. Laughing, smiling. _j - khânzir, s. a. A swine, pig, hog. K· khünkyâr, s. p. A sovereign, the Sultan. 5- khü (in composition), s. p. Charac- ter, disposition. [vision. · khâb, s. a. Sleep ; a dream, 4-y- khâjé (khöja), s. p. A gentle- man, an esquire in the civil service; (pl. e·-y- khöjaghyân); a school- master, teacher, professor ; a respect- able tributary banker orman of busi- neSS ; c· khöjaghyânlik, s. t- The rank and dignity of an officially 'ş- - [ 556 ] 9°- recognised civil servant of the govern- s ment. ş - khâr, a. p, Low, vile, abject, de- spised ; (in composition), Who eats, drinks, smokes, or receives. - · khâwAsss, s. pl. a. (of · khÂsss), Special, select people, people of quality ; intimate friends ; con- fidential or personal attendants; (of · klıÂsssa), properties, qualities; remarkable objects. ey=- khān, s. p. A table or cloth set with food; –, (in composition) a. p. Who reads, recites, sings, chants ; who invites. * \y- khândé, a. p. Called, invited. 8 - khânèndé, s. p. A singer ; a reader; an inviter. * khâh (in composition), Who desires, wishes ; -, 8. p. (in composition) A wish; –, c. p. Either, or ; whether, or; –, ad. p. Willingly ; * -, –U -nâ - khâh, Willingly or unwil- lingly, voluntarily or forcedly; es- 8'y-khÂtir-khâh, The mind's desire; *y-·-khayr-khâh, s. p. A well- wisher; l;- bed-khâh, s. p. An evil-wisher. *ş - khâher, s. p. A sister. c· 3-khâhish, s. p. A wish, desire, longing, inclination. -y khöb, khüb, a. p. Good ; pretty; · khübán, s. pi p. The beautiful, pretty women. · khôd, s. p. Self : -, ad. p. Even, though ; ;< khôd - bé-khöd, ad. p. Alone, by one's self, of one's own self; crey-khöd-bin, a. p. egotistical, selfish ; ·-,-pessend, a.a. Vain, in love Self - seeking, with himself, self-admiring. _y=- khör, a. p. (in composition), Who eats, drinks, smokes, or receives ; –, a. p, Low, vile, abject, despised; c; 5 -, –bAkmak, v.n. To look upon with contempt. [voices. *Uy- khörata, s. t. A noise of loud ·-khürd, s. p. Anything to eat or drink, nourishment, food. ·-khürshîd, s.p. The sun. 8) ş - khöra, s. t. (Greek), Dancing ; “: -, –(tepmek), v.n. To dance. e : - khôsh, a.p. Agreeable ; –, int.p. Well, well! 4– –ghelding! I have been happy to see you ! ş-, –bÜlduk ! I have been well received! ·9) -, –ghyirmek, v.a. To ad- mire, see with pleasure and satisfac- · ** khôsha-ghèch- mek, v.n. To please, give pleasure, tion ; give joy and satisfaction, be liked; · khôsha-ghèlmek (with a pronoun after :=-), v.n. To appear charming or funny (to some one). d:=-khüshé, s. p. A bunch (of grapes, &c.) ; an ear (of corn, &c.) –55--khâvf, s. a. Fear, fright, terror; \–, –et, v.n. To fear. · khügh, s. p. A hog, pig, swine. e) - khün, s. p, Blood ; · -63 - [ 557 ] khünÂb, s. p. (Blood mixed with water) hot tears ; eyle - khün-âlüd, a. p. Mixed or smeared with blood; 5-- khünbâr, a.p. From which blood falls as rain ; t = khün-bâhä, 8. p. The price ofblood, blood-money. -89 - khüy, s. p. A point of character, disposition; a way, trick; c·5°- khüylanmak, v.n. To be out of temper, sulky, or obstinate ; 5°- khÜylu, a. t. Sulky, obstinate, or passionate. · khiyâr, s. a. A cucumber ; 7 -, -shènbEr (shènbé), s. p. Cassia. J-khayâl, s. a. Akind of puppet- show of the shadows of figures pro- jected on a white screen; the imagina- tion; a chimera. 4- khāyâlé, s. a. A spectre. · khâyânet, s. a. Perfidiousness, treachery ; –, s. t. A perfidious per- e: - khiyânetlik, s. t. Perfidy ; a treacherous trick. SOn ; khāyr, ad. a. No; –, s. a. Good; –, a, a. Good ; · khâyrli, a. t. Good, beneficial, bringing advantage, advantageous ; “ 9 İU---- khâyrÂt, 8. pl.a. Good works, charitable or benevolent institutions; ) 9- - --- khâyr-khâh, s. p. A well-wisher ; - y: - khâyrsiz, a. t. Good for no- thing; uninhabitable (island). 8 -khiré, a, p. Dark, sombre. khiz, a. p. (in composition), Who rises, gets up. Je-le -j - khizÂb, s. p. A wave, billow. · khizân, a. p. Who rises, gets up ; ·-, –vé-ûftân, Rising and · khāyt, s. a. A thread. [falling. -i - khāyf, s. a. A fearful, dreadful state of things; –, int, a. Alas ! · khâyl, s. a. Horses, cavalry. khāyli, a. t. A good deal, much, [A tent. * - khāymé, s. a. (pl. *- khiyem), many; highly. ) dAl. Tenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of d im English, though sometimes acquiring the sharp sound of t. In chrono- grams and astronomical tables it has In the dates of letters it stands for 3, and the numerical value of 4. represents, when alone, the month · -55 Zi-'l-hijjé ; but when fol- lowed by ', as le, the month -53 8 Axi Zi-’l-kâ'dé. “ls dâ’, s. a. A malady, distemper, [disease. · de'b, s. a. A custom, usage. &le dâbbé, s. a. A saddle-beast; an animal ; - : Mále dâbbétu -’l-ârz, (The beast of the earth) the beast of the Apocalypse, which is to appearin power in the latter days. Je-le dâkhil, s. a The interior, inside; · dâkhili, a, a. (fem. s-le dâkhiliyyé) Relating to the interior; * =-le -/· ÜmürU-dâkhiliyyé, Do- ele [ 558 ] *ye mestic affairs, home affairs; 4 le · dâkhiliyyé- nâziri, A home minister, Secretary for the Home Department; y-, –öl, v.n. To enter, - get in ; to be in ; to be included. ele dâd, s. p. Justice ; redress; lamen- tation ; a gift ; – (for · tAt), s. t. Taste, savour. lele dAda, s. t. A nursery servant, a nurse for children. dj lole dAdanmak (aor. ele dA- danir), v.n. To acquire a great Telish or desire for, from having had aslight 'e dâder, s. p. Abrother. [taste of. gele dâdé (in composition), a. p. Which is given; to which is given; -, dAda, or -se'e dAdi, s. t. A nurse for children. le dâr, a. t. Narrow ; –, ad. t. Nar- rowly ; -, 8. a. A house ; a town ; a county, a world ; -, 8. p. Agallows; – (in composition), a. p. Who has, possesses, holds, keeps ; • -, dâru-’l-isslâm, The Mussulman's land; · dāru-ı harb, The enemy's country ; Vi-, dâri-bÂkâ, The world which fades not ; -, dâri-fenâ, The world of decay ; - :yle dâreyn, s. a. dual, The two worlds, present and future; ā: -, dâru-'sh-shifâ, A hospital; * 5 *-i-, dâru- -'ss-sâ”âdéti-'sh-shèrifé, The female establishment of the Sultan, from which the Chief Eunuch derives his title of - * 5 *-yle dâru- -’ss-sâ”âdéti-'sh-sherifé-AghAssi; l ) Âb-dâr, a. p. Juicy; watered; tempered (steel) ; lustrous (diamond); yle: - khâziné-dâr, s, p. A treasurer (trea- sury-keeper); J:yle dâr-u-ghir, s. p. (Have and hold) Battle ; -\ál yle dâr-AghAji, s. t. A gibbet, a gallows ; a masting machine, shears. [nificence. ·yle dârât, s. p. State, pomp, mag- c 'ye daralmak (aor. yy'e dârAlir), v.n. To grow narrow, shrink, become too narrow. [mon. t.jr:>yle dârchin (târchin), s. p. Cinna- e·9le dârghin, a. t. Passionate, easily provoked; angry ; - le dâr- ghinlik, 8. t. Anger. c Jyle darılmak (aor. le dArilir), v.n. To be angry ; to become angry ; - c·yle dAriltmak (aor. y*yle dA- rildir), v.a. To anger, put in a passion. ·yle dârma-dAghin, a. t. Very much scattered, dispersed; alltopieces. 8 Ağyle dârendé, s. p. A bearer, holder, possessor (of a note, pass, &c.). 9yle dârü, s. p. A drug; a medicine ; –, or -55)le dâri, s. t. Millet; g:yee, y ârnâwUt-dârissi, (Albanian millet) Pa- nicum miliaceum (?); %·yle dârissi-bAshingiza ! (May the millet thereofbe on your head!) May happi- ness accrue to you therefrom! (a form of wish expressed at wedding feasts to the parents of the new-married [goods sold by weight). *ye dâra, s. t. (Italian), The tare (of couple). c-le [ 559 1 * e· c-e dâss, s. p. A sickle, reaping-hook. e· dâssitân, s. p. A tale, story. . c le dâsh, as a Turkish particle, placed at the end of any word, has the signi- fication of our word fellow, as, 45) c· ârka-dash, A fellow-companion, c· yöldash, A fellow-traveller, or one in the same line of life ; c· kârn-dash, A brother or sister (womb-fellow); &c. &c. ele dâ”i, s. a. (fem. ele dâ'îyyé), One who prays (for another); a cause, incentive, inviting agent ; -65 ele dâ'îléri, (I or he) who prays for you, your servant. #le dÂgh, s. p. A branding or cau- terising iron; a mark branded by a hot iron; a cauterybyiron; ye–, dÂghi- -dèrün, Inward grief; the black spot in the bottom of the cup of the tulip. c le daghitmak (aor. y le daghi- dir), v.a. To scatter, disperse; to dis- tribute; to deal, serve out, give out ; to disseminate, spread (reports, &c.). ·le daghilmak (dur. e daghi- lir), v.n. To become scattered, dis- persed; to fall to pieces, gopiecemeal; to separate (an assembly); to become healed without coming to a head (a gathering); to be dissipated (clouds, &c.); to be disseminated, to spread. c le dAghinik, a. t. Scattered, wide apart, not held together. *-ile dâfi”, a. and s. a. (fem. 4xie dâfi”a), Who repels, expels, Jle dâl (dAl), s. a. Name of the letter * ; –, dAl, s. t. A branch, twig, slip; –, dâll, a. and s. a. (fem. al- dâllé), Who conducts, guides, points out, signifies ; *Je dAl-k?lij, s. t. A kind of militia swordsman in olden times; ile dAl-kâwUk, A buffoon, a willing butt for jokes ; e·Je dAl-tâbAn, s. t.A great walker. (In these three terms, the word Jle dAl is the imperative of c·le dAlmak, le dAlAk, s. t. The spleen. [q.v.) :e dAlghij, s. t. A diver. c le dalmak (aor. ye dalar), v.n. To dive, plunge (in the water, into busi- ness, &c.) ; to doze ; to be in a fit of abstraction, to be absorbed in thought, in study, in reading, &c.; –: : ÜykUya–, v.n. To go fast asleep ; - bAshini–, v.n. To duck down or flinch by stooping the head ; y·le daldirmak (aor. y 'e dAl- dirir), v.a. causal, Toplunge orbury, by pushing (one thing into another); tolay (atwig or branch so as to root); to speak ill of, traduce, backbite. ele dAm, s. t. The roof of a house ; a house (as a unit and as we say a hearth) ; -, dâm, s. p. A trap, snare, gin ; -, dâmé (fem. —le dâmet), int. a. Mayhe (she orit) endure! ·le dâmâd, s. p. Son-in-law (or brother-in-law, in the case of the Sultan’s sister's husband) by marriage. e· dâmEn, s. p. The skirt (of * le a garment, of a mountain, &c.); c· dâmen-büss, a. p. Who kisses one's skirt ; · dâmEn- -büssi, The ceremony of kissing the skirt of a superior. 4 le dAma, s. t. The game of draughts ; -, –tAshi, A draughtsman, man at draughts. el'e dân, a. p. (in composition), Who knows, understands ; –, s. p. (in composition), A holder, case, sheath, &c. üle dânâ, s. p. A person of great learn- ing, asage ; –, dAna, s. t. A calf. U°le dânish, s. p. Knowledge, learn- ing; –u**l enjumeni-dânish, The Imperial Academy of Science of Con- stantinople ; ·le dānishmend, 8. p. A scholar, learned person. • ·le dAnishmak (aor. yy le dA- nishir), v.n. To apply to for advice or permission. *le dâné (tâné), s. p, A separate grain or berry ; a separate unit of any sort; a cannon or musket ball ; the grain which baits a trap for birds ; öle (tânéli), a. t. Grainy, gritty, com- posed of grains; –, dAna, s. t. A calf. U:i) ile Dânimârka, s. t. Denmark. yy'e dâver, s. p. Aprince, ruler, judge; a sovereign, monarch ; God. c·yle dâvranmak (aor. ·V)'e dâvrâ- nir), v.n. To start from a state of repose or inattention, and become guarded or vigilant; to put one's self in an attitude of defence; to stir one's self, t teoı ile be active, move; to regain one's foot- ing after a slip, one's health after illness, one's position after a misfor- tune. - k ( ) Jı'e dâwUl, s. t. Abig drum ; a com- mon drum of any kind except a military drum; a drum (in machinery). dâwlumbÂz, s. t. The paddle- box of a steamer. [misfortune. **le dâhiyyé, s. a. A calamity, great -5'e dây, s. t. A maternal uncle, mother's own brother; a friendly title formerly given to middle-aged or old people, especially among the Janissaries ; and hence, in Algiers, consecrated at length to the commanding officer of that corps, who frequently became after- wards pasha or regent of the colony : hence our misnomer of Dey, as applied to the latter officer. 5le dâ’ir, a.a. Concerning, relating to, about ; _le • yle dâ'iran-mâ-dâr, s. and ad. a. All round, all the parts surrounding. 3,5'e dâ'iré, s. a. A circle ; a tam- bourine ; a suite of apartments ; a sphere of duty ; a suite of attendants ; ––ia nissfi - dâ'iré (nissif-), A semicircle ; -s-a tirbi“i-dā’iré, of the circle. &45'e dâ'imé), and (fem. * 5'e dâ'- The quadrature çe dâ'im (fem. ile dâ'imi imîyyé), a. a. Enduring, incessant, constant, lasting, permanent, fixed, established, eternal ; 45le dâimâ, eğle T 561 ] y° ad. a. Always, for ever; continually, incessantly. eğle dâ'in, s. a. A creditor. *'e dâyé, s. t. A nursing slave-woman, bought with her infant to act as wet- nurse to her owner's infant. · düb, s. a. A bear; 5'-'e dübbi- -èkbèr, The great bear. ğle debbâgh (tAbAk), s. a. A tanner ; öl·le (tAbAk)-khâné, A tannery, tan-yard. ·\e dibâghât, s. a. The tanner's art; tammery ; a being tanned, tan- ning. & Ale) debdebé, s. a. Pomp, state. r° dübr, s. a. The backside. e· debisstân, s. p. A school. c· debbüss, s. a. (t. j: · töpUz), A club, mace of arms. y:° dèbir, s. a. An administrator. ·y8° deprenmek (aor. 9 deprè- nir), v.n. To move; to get up ; to show signs of life 3:9 (tepé), s. t. The summit of any- thing ; the crown of the head ; a hill, hillock, mound, heap; · (te- pélémek), v.a. To kill by knocking on the head ; · tèpélenmek, v.n. To be killed, be knocked on the head. c 45° ditmek (aor. L:° ditEr), v.a. To pull linen cloth into lint or the like, to shred by pulling. J-e dejâl, s. a The false prophet or Antichrist who is to appear in the latter days. 4-9 Dejlé, s. t. The river Tigris. J· Düjëyl, s. t. The Little Tigris, a branch of the Tigris. e· dûkhân, s. a. Smoke ; tobacco. - dükhter, s. p. Agirl; a daughter ; j)– dökhtéri-rez, Wine (the daughter of the grape). [dling ; influence. - dâkhl, s. a. Intervention, med- * - dükhmé, s. p. A grave, tomb. Jş-e dükhül, s. a. An entering, en- trance ; a commencing, commence- ment; an entering into one's pre- sence ; the consummation of mar- riage ; the positive act of sexual inter- course ; –, –et, v.n. To enter. v_s -° dâkhi, c. t. Also ; and ; even ; –, (for \Re dâhâ), ad. t. More. 8 dèdé, s. t. A grandfather ; title given to dervishes. _y° der, s. p. A door ; a gate ; -, pr. p. In ; into ; on the subject of, about ; ·–, dèri-sâ”âdet, (The gate of felicity) Constantinople ; _y \!)° dèr-bé-dèr, (From door to door), s. p. A vagabond, a mendicant : -, (tèr), s. t. Sweat, perspiration ; tran- spiration; –, dir or dir, The Turkish vinculum of grammar orlogic, signify- ing is, or it is; –, dürr, s. a. A pearl ; -et, v.a. Toget (something) into (some- thing else, as custody, bosom, store, &c.). [of partridge (?) zy° dürrâj, s. p. A francolin, a kind yye dirâz, a. p, Long; – yy dür-u- 2 P y* T 562 ] ·y° dirâz, ad. p. Far and away ; in great detail. - y* dürrâkî, s. p. A nectarine. ·ye dirâyet, s. a. Intelligence ; ·y° dirâyetli, a. t. y° dirâ- yetkyâr, s. p. Intelligent. y° derbâr, s. p. The court of a sove- - keeper. ek y° dirbân, s. p. A porter, door- · dèrbend (devrent), s. p. A place reign. easily guarded, as a bridge, mouth of a valley, pass, &c.; a guard-house in the country, usually in some such position; - ye (devrentchi), s. t. A rural guard, coast-guardsman; \-, dèr-bènd-et, v.a. Tobind in fetters. İ J: y° dir-pish-et, v.a. To introduce, bring forward, advance, say. ·y° dizrt, a. t. Four; ·y° dîr- dinji, a. t. The fourth. zy* Dirâch, s. t. Durazzo in Albania. zy* dèrj, s. a. The placing anything in a casket; the introducing any word or phrase in a written paper, insert- ing ; –, dürj, s. a. A casket ; -, dèrj-et, v.a. To insert, introduce. *-9° deréj6, s. a. (pl. ye deréjāt), A step of a ladder or stairs ; a degree of a circle; a degree or rank in dig- nity ; a degree ormansion in heaven; the relative degree of any quality ; da y°42 ye deréjé-deréjé, ad. t. By degrees, little by little; in degrees; into degrees. e y° dirâkht, s. p. A tree. · dirakhshân, a p. Brilliant, effulgent, shining, glittering. ·· dèr-khâsst, s. p. Aprayer, request. *99° dèrd, s. p. Ailment, pain; sickness; grief, trouble, anxiety ; –, dürd, 8. p. Lie, dregs, sediment, grounds ; · diErdlEshmek, v.n. To con- fide mutually to one another each other's griefs ; yeye dèrdli, a. t. · dirdmend, ü9° dirdnâk, a p. One in pain or in grief and trouble. [course of preparation. · dir-desst, a. p. In hand, in _y° dürEr, s. pl. a. (ofy° dürr), Pearls ; ye dürer-bâr, a. p, From which pearls drop as rain. ye dirz, s. t. The pointing with mor- tar or cement the joints of masonry or brickwork ; –, –et, v.a. Topoint. -5) ye (tirzi), s. p. A tailor ; –, dürzi, s. and a. a. A Druze, Druze ; -% 99 · dürzi-dÂghi, Mount Lebanon. c y° dèrss, s. a. Alesson ; a lecture; *:· derssi-”âmm, s. a. A public lecture ; c -, –Almak, v.n. To take a lesson ; to have a lesson as- signed ; •y: -, -virmek, v.n. To give a lesson; to set a lesson ; C; e -, –ökUmak, v.n. To study; to study a lesson. · dürusst, a. p. Right, true ; healthy; correct, exact, asit should be ; · nâ-dûrusst, a. p. Bad, asit should not be ; false; incorrect · T 563 ] · u “y° dûrussti, s. p. Rightness ; ·5 tèndürüsst, a. p. Right in body. · dürüsht, a. p. Rough, gross. ·2y dErk, s. a. A reaching, attaining ; a comprehending ; comprehension i \-, -et, v.a. To reach, attain; to comprehend ; to have lived long enough ago to have seen (some per- son). · derékyât, s. pl, a. (of * de- réké), The degrees of hell or perdi- tion, the one lower than the other. $ye dèr-kyâr, a. p. Evident, manifest ; - acting, in action, in operation. *Sye dèr-ghyâh, and &ye dErghèh, s. p. A gateway, doorway, porch, portico ; the court of a sovereign, of God, :y° dürlu (türlu), s. t. A sort, kind, manner, species ; a dish of mixed meats and vegetables ; – –, türlu- -türlu, a. t. Of various kinds. ·9° dèrmÂn, s. p. Strength of body ; physic, medicine ; a remedy. e·y° dèr-miyân, a. p. In the midst; on the tapis ; -, -et, v.a. To intro- duce a subject. ·- uy° Dern-jëbeli, s. t. The Atlas mountains 8. ye direndé, a. p. (Abeast of prey) which tears its victims. [tion. c- direngh, s. p, Delay, procrastina- y° dirvâz, *j' ye dervâz6, s. p. A door, a gate. [praise. · dürüd, s. p. Greeting, salutation, ğ: y° dürügh, s. p. Alie, falsehood, un- truth. ş ev ye derün, s. p. The inside, inner part; the heart, mind. U· dervislı, s. p, A poor man ; a kind of monk or friar, of which there are many sorts. [water. *ye deré, s. t. A valley ; a stream of *ye dirhèm, s. a. A drachm, of which 400 make one okka, and about 140 a pound avoirdupois; general name for silver money ; –, diEr-hèm, a. p. Together ; 6° -, dèr-hem-bEr-hem, a. p. Jumbled together, confused, in confusion. [hide, fell. -°y° dèri, s. t. The skin of animals, the \: ye deryâ, s. p. The sea, ocean. daş ye deriché, s. p. A window; a loop- hole ; a wicket. 5- y° dirigh, s. p. A refusal ; –, and *) dirigha, int. p. Alas! -) : bi-dirigh, a. p. Who never refuses a request; -, -et, v.a. To refuse, to withhold, not to grant (a Tequest). C ye derin, a. t. Deep, profound. 9j° düzd, s. p. A thief; a robber. e· dizghin, s. t. The reins, a rein ; · dölu-dizghin, ad. t. At full gallop. · desst, s. p, The hand: -5)y* dèsst-dirâzi, s. p. The stretching out of the hand for oppression or rapine. · dèsstâr, s. p. The cloth which, wound round the head, forms the turban, 2 P 2 c) * c dèsst-ress, a. p. Whose hand reaches (the desired object), successful. * (tèsstéré), s. p. A hand-saw. * dèsst-ghyâh (tezghyâh), s. p. A place for handiwork, a bench, a loom, a frame, a slip (for building ships), &c., &c. [another by the hand. ~ desst-ghir, s. p. One who takes y; desstür, s. p. A minister of state ; permission, leave ; J·-, dèsstürU- -l-“Amel, s. a An exemplar, guide for conduct ; –, –! With your per- mission! Get out of the way ! Clear the road ! & dèssté, s. p. A quire (of paper) ; a packet, a dozen or any number in which goods are usually made into packets; a bunch ; a pestle. (tessti), s. p. Apitcher, a jug. · dèsst-yâr, s. p. Afriend, helper; -°*) * dèsst-yârî, s. p. Assistance. * dèssissé, s. a. A stratagem; a trick, piece of knavery. · dèsht, s. p. The uncultivated open country. e: • deshmek (aor. desher), v.a. To open an abscess with a lancet. v*** düshmen, s. p. An enemy. f. ** düshnÂm, s. p. An invective ; -, -et, v.n. To revile. * düshvâr, a. p. Difficult. ce dü”â, s. a. A prayer; –·- khâyri- -dû”â, A blessing, or prayer for one's good; – bed-dû”â, A curse, male- diction, prayer against one; \ce [ 564 ] · _- - dû”âlErla ! Good bye ! With (our) prayers ! yee dü”âler-edingiz, Pray present my compliments! 5: Ve bÂki-ed-dû”â, We say nothing more, but offer prayers (for you)! (a usual way of finishing a letter); \-, –et, v.n. To offer a prayer (to God) ; topray (for anyone by way of thanks); e° dü”âji, s. t. One whoprays for [pillar. · di”âmet, s. a. A prop, support, · dâ”âvi, s. pl, a. (of y-e° dâ”wâ), Lawsuits, causes; -55 -, 6- - a= } } 9 * dâ”âvi-nâziri, s. t. The Minister of another. Justice (whose old title was c 'ş- · châwUsh-bAshi, q. v.). ye° and -6şe dâ”wâ, s. a. An asser- tion, thesis, proposition ; a preten- sion, claim; a lawsuit, cause; ·-ye° dâ”wâji, s. t. A claimant, plaintiff, suitor, complainant ; yce dâ”wâli, a. t. (A person) with great pretensions i \-, -et, v.n. To claim; to open a lawsuit ; to raise a pretension. · dâ”vet, s. a. An inviting, an in- vitation; a courting, seeking (harm, &c.); -, -et, v.a. To invite ; to court, seek. [care, bother. & dâghdagha, s. a. Turmoil, trouble, -5.9 def, s.p. A tambourine. -·” · defter, s. p (pi ile deftir), A register, note-book, account-book; a list, note, inventory; ) defter- dâr, Title formerly of a kind of Finance Minister; now, of the highest *-° [ 565 ] e: Se class finance agents of a whole pro- vince ; * dèftEr-khâné, The archives, especially of the finance department ; * üs defâtiri- -khÂkÂniyyé, The imperial registers of fiefs, a kind of Doomsday-book, show- ing the value and possessor of every fief in the empire, with all other neces- sary particulars. *-ie def“, s.a. Arepelling, driving away, \–, –et, v.a. To drive away, repel. 4x def“â, s. a. (pl. x39 def”ât), A time of repetition; dsi : bü-def“â, This time ; &s59 r: bir-def“â, Once ; *5° 5şe- chök-def“â, Many times ; ás;e def“âtan, ad. a. At once. J e, defn, s. a. Aburying ; burial; -, [bay-tree. &: ) defné, s. t. (Greek, öapvm), The & defin6, s. a. Buried treasure. –et, v.a. To bury. 5° dâkk, s. a. A knocking ; -, -et, v.n. To knock (at the door). · dikkAt, s. a. Care, attention; –, –et, v.n. To be attentive, take pains. d: dAkik, a. a. Thin, fine ; subtle ; nice, fine-drawn, delicate ; -, 8. a. Flour. 4 5. dakika, s. a. A minute of time or of an arc ; a delicate point, subtle question. e: )e dek, s. t. A trick, piece of deceit; –, a Turkish particle of the nature of an adverb of space ortime, following the dative preposition, the two together having the signification of till, until, a8 far as ; it sometimes becomes ve=° dèghin. Ex. · yâriné- dek, or =· yârinédéghin, Until to-morrow, by to-morrow. e· dükkyân (dükèn), s. a (pl. · dèkyâkin), A shop ; · dükky- ânji, s. t. A shopkeeper. e· dèghirmEn, s. t. A mill; a mill worked by horses; · ye sü- -dèghirméni, A water-mill; u_:·J El-deghirmeni, A hand-mill; si Se dèghirmènji, s. t. A miller. · DèghirmEnlik, s. t. Milo, an island of the Archipelago. · dèghirmi, a. t. Round, circular. Se dèngiz, s. t. The sea. · dighish, s. t. An exchanging ; -, dikish, s. t. Sewing, needle-work ; a seam : -, dighish-et, va. To ex- change: -5r-, dikish-yèri, s. t. A dream. ci • = dighishmek (aor. = 9 dighishir), v.n. To change, become altered, or different, or other than before ; y = dighishtirmek (aor. yy A*-ee dighishtirir), v.a. To change, make different, alter, substi- tute another in lieu of. [merely. J5° dighil, ad. t. Not ; not only, not · dikilmek (aor. e dikilir), v.n. To stand bolt upright; –, v. p. (see Se); – or Se dinglé- mek (aor. ° dinglEr) (dinémek, aor. dinê), v.a. To listen to, give ear to ; to obey, to mind. e Se T 566 ] c le · dinglEnmek (aor. Se ding- lénir) (dinEnmek, aor. diniEnir), v.n. To rest one's self, take breath. · dinglU, s. t. A kind, sort, manner. · dinglémek (see 6° dinglémek). e Se dikmek (aor. Ke dikEr), v.a. To sew, stitch ; to plant; to set, set up ; –, dèghmek (aor. şe dèghEr), v.n. To touch ; to hit, strike, attain; to be worth; –, dingmek (aor. Ke dingEr), v.n. To cease (rain, &c.). *Se dèghmé, a. t. Not every one, es- pecially if of no particular account ; * "J-*S* deghmé-hâl-ila, Not easily, not readily; *e dèghmédé, ad. t. Not very likely, hardly. c= $e deghnek, deynek, s. t. A stick, staff, wand ; ·=°C : köl- tUk-deghnéghi, A crutch (staff for the armpit). - e: ) = deghirmek (aor. -=e dèghirir), v.a. To cause to reach. Je dil, s. t. The tongue ; language; a spit of land or sand, an isthmus; in- telligence (got by spies, prisoners, or reconnoitering) ; –, s. p. The heart ; jy terâzining-dili, The tongue of a pair of scales ; Je dil-bAlighi, A sole, a small flat-fish; 'Je dil-Alti, A complaint in which the tongue becomes inflamed under- neath ; Je dil-öghlAni, A stu- dent of languages attached to an embassy or consulate in Turkey; Je tAtli-dil, Soft words; 5'e yle tAtli-dilli, Who uses soft or kind words ; Je dil-Almak, To gain intelligence (of the enemy's state and movements); 45· dilini-tÜt- mak, To hold one's tongue or peace ; y° le le diliming-üjunda-dir, It is at the end of my tongue ; -e - dilsiz, a. and s. t. Dumb, mute; a dumb person; ) = - : Jej èz-dil-u- -jÂn, ad. p. With all my heart and soul. · dellâk (tellâk), s. a A servant in a bath who shampoos, scrubs, soaps, and wipes the bathers. Jle delâl, s. a. Coquetry, blandish- ments; –, dèllâl, s. a. One who guides or points out the way in any business ; (tellâl) a broker, an auc- tioneer, a public crier ; · dèllâ- liyyé, s. a. A broker's fee. · delâlet, s. a. A pointing out, showing; an indication; \–, –et, v.n. To act as a guide, to point out things ; to be indicative, significative. dil-âvèr, s. p. A man of heart and courage. [fragramt. }:yle dil-âwiz, a. p. Heart-ravishing ; yle dilbEr, a. p. Pretty, beautiful. · dülbend (tülbent), s. t. Muslin. · dilleshmek (aor. dilli- shir), v.n. To communicate with each other by letter, message, or conver- sation. · dillenmek (aor. e dillinir), e: •le I tarı döl Aje on To set to and begin talking and grumbling. · delmek (aor. e deler), va. To make a hole in or through ; to pierce, bore, open ; – or · dilémek (aor. ° dilEr), v.a. To wish for ; to ask for. c le delinmek (aor. delinir), vn. or p. To be pierced with a hole ; to get a hole. ye dèlv, s. a. The sign Aquarius. e yye delirmek (aor. ye delirir), vn. Togo mad (provincial). deli, s. t. A madman ; akind of irregular trooper in olden times ; –, a. t. Mad, insane, foolhardy, impru- dent, queer, foolish, strange, original, &c.; deli-kanli, s. t. Alad, young man (whose blood is not yet cooled down). *ş delija, a. t. Somewhat mad or extravagant; –, s. t. A kind of wild darnel (P). · dilir, s. p. Abrave man, hero. c- delik, s. t. A hole; -, a, t. Having a hole in it. delil, s. a. (pl. Jile delâ'il, and alel ëdillé), Anything indicative or which serves to guide ; a symptom ; a proof; an argument. [(of an orange). e 0?” çe dilim, s. t. Aslice ; a quarter re dem, s. a. (pl. dimã), Blood; –, s. p. A moment, instant; a breath; a word ; –, düm, s. p. The tail (of animals). dèmâr, s. a. Perdition, destruction, ruin.. 8 ° dimãgh, s. p. The palate, roof of the mouth ; –, 8. a. The brain. · demet, s. t. (Greek, öepar), A bunch, a bundle; -ce ·ş-ş- chichek-deméti, A nosegay. · demdémé, s. p. The buzz or murmuring noise of a mumber of people speaking or moving, J-° dèmsâz, s. p. A friend, confidant, companion of the same mind. C: Dâmâshk, s. t. Damascus. 8: ce dümü”, s. pl, a. (of S- ), Tears. –5 e demévi (fem : ;ce deméviyyé), a. a. Sanguine (temperament). * Dimyât, s. t. Damietta. or or / (for ); * timür) démir, s. t. Iron ; a ship's anchor ; fetters ; an iron instrument ; y: o° dèmirli, a. t. Anchored, at anchor; · demirlémek, *) * dèmir-Atmak, v.n. To anchor, cast anchor. [minute ago. ero" dèmin, ad. t. Just now, but a cy dan, pr. t. Of, from, out of, by, for, through. ·ğü denâ’ât, s.a. Lowness, vileness, e- e dünbélek, s. p, A tom-tom, small kettle-drum. :e dinj, a. t. Hale, hearty (old man). e) dendân, s. p. A tooth. döl dendân6, s. p. Anything like a tooth, as those of a wheel, a saw, [baseness, meanness. of writing. · [ 568 ] y* c denk, s. t. A half-load of a pack- horse, a bale, a pack; the trim of a boat or ship ; an equipoise, counter- balance ; –, a. t. Equipoised, bal- anced, trimmed, in trim. JKe dinghil, s. t. An axle-tree. * deni, a. a. Mean, base, low, vile. dünyâ, s. a. This lower world, the world ; ) 5–, dünyâ-kAdar, Ever so much ; ' e “âlâmi-dünyâ, The nether world, this world ; - = yèngi-dünyâ, (The new world) Ame- rica; a particular size of timber. -5 dünyévi, a. a. Worldly, pertain- ing to this world, temporal. 9 dü, a. p. Two : * dûwum, a. p. The second. . se devâ, s. a (pl. edviyyé), Physic, medicine, a remedy. · dewAt (divit), s. a. An inkstand (with a tube for pens attached). 'ye dèvwâr, a. a. Which turns round, rotates, revolves continually. 89)'ye dûvAzdeh, a. p. Twelve. f'ye dèwÂm, s. a. Uninterrupted dura- tion; uninterrupted application or at- tendance, assiduity ; fly ' e “âlé- -’d-dèwÂm, ad. a. In an uninter- rupted manner; - * dèwÂmsiz, a. t. Inconstant, not constant in atten- dance, not assiduous. 2'ye dewâhi, s. pl, a. (of & Me dâ- hîyyé), Calamities. *) * dû-bâré, s. p. Deuces at dice ; –, s. t. A trick, piece of knavery ; · dübâraji, s. t. A knave, trickster. “ 'ye düt, s. t. A mulberry. ş-° düchâr, a. p. Who is a prey to, subject, exposed; -, –öl, To be a prey (to anything disagreeable), to - suffer, be subject, exposed. &-ye devha, s. a. A garden. 4- - şe dükhté, a. p. Sewed; em- broidered, worked. - “29° düd, s. a. A worm ; a caterpillar ; – s. p smoke -- düdu-l- -hârir, The silk-worm; Je–, düdi- -dil (Smoke of the heart), A sigh. Jleye düdak, s. t. A lip. · dûduk, s. t. A fife, flute, pipe, pandean pipe; · düdukju, A fifer. - e· düdmÂn, s. p. A house, family, yeye düdU, s. t. An Armenian lady. [race, dynasty. yy devr, s. a. A revolving; a revolution; a period, time ; -, –et, v.n. To re- volve ; –, v.a. To turn round; to turn over; to give over, make over, deliver (into the charge of another); : -, devri-dâ'im, Perpetual revolution (mo- tion); 4-2 ye devriyyé, a. a, fem. Name of certain jurisdictions and the judges thereof, who remove from the one to the other without further pro- motion; –, dür, a. p. Distant, far off; seyy° dür-â-dür, a. p. Very distant ; far apart. y* dürAk, s. t. A staying, stopping, in -65 y° dürAk-yèri, s. t. A stop, eyy* a place where a pause can be made in reading or writing. ey* dèvérân, s. a. Circular motion, rotation, revolution ; –, dèvrân, s. p. Time, fortune, the world, age. c· dür-bâsh (Be distant), s. p. A staff or mace. ceye dür-bin (dûrbun), s. p. A tele- Scope; –, a. p. Far-seeing, far-sighted. e: •iiyye dürtmek (aor. yye dürter), v.a. Topush, jog ; c 2) yşe dür- tushdurmek, v.a. To push or jog (one's mind), stir up to action, remind. c·yye dûrulmak (aor. :yşe dûrulur), vn. To stand so as to depose its sediment. G; 2) şe or c° dûrmak (aor. yy dürUr), v.n. To stay, remain ; to stop, halt; to hesitate; to stand, stand up ; to keep still, quiet, motionless; to cease from any action; to be in any posture ; to remain steadfast; to con- tinue in existence. ·2)9° devirmek (aor. y89° devirir), va. To upset, capsize; to pass (any term of life), be more than, be older than, to turn; to turn over (to any- one's charge); yy or — /9° devrilmek (aor. y 'ye devrilir), v.n. To be upset, turned over. j9° düz, a. t. Smooth, flat, even, straight, level, horizontal; -, 8. t. Alevel spot among mountains : -, düz, a. p. (in composition), Who or which sews or stitches or embroiders. [ 569 T e: • • düzetmek (aor. yejye düzedir), * jye düzeltmek (aor. y° dü- zèldir), v.a. To set straight, put in order; to correct, touch up, finish off. 4-jye düzja, a. t. Pretty smooth ; –, ad. t. Flatly (to refuse, &c.). öy° düzAkh, s. p. Hell; ye düzA- khi, s. p. Anyone doomed to hell. · düzghyun, s. t. Paint for the face, rouge orblanc ; –, a. t. In fit order ; · düzghyunju, A woman who paints the faces of brides. c jye düzeltmek. See • . · düzelmek (aor. j* düzèlir), v.n. To become as it should be, nice, fit, orderly, clean, &c. · düzmek (aor. yüşe düzEr), v.a. To invent (stories) ; to have sexual connexion with ; * jy° düzmé, a. t. False, invented, fictitious. ej düzen, s. t. Proper order and adornment (of person or place). · dösst, s. p. A friend ; a lover ; · dösstluk, s. t. L** dössti, s. p. Friendship ; & y° dösstâné, a. p. Friendly (thing). ' e dösstdâr, s. p. A friend. c· düsh, s. p. The shoulder ; –, s. t. A dream ; nocturnal involuntary pol- lution ; c* jl-, düsh-Azitmak, v.n. To have a lascivious dream and be- come polluted ; ° düsh-et, v.n. Tofall upon, meet. düshâkh, su düshâkha, s.p. A kind of pillory. $ · T 570 ] c** c*ye dûshetmek (aor. y 4: dü- shëdir), v.a. Tolay down (carpets, floors, &c.); to furmish (apartments). · dûshurmek (aor. ) y° dü- shurur), v.a. (causal of : * ), To cause to fall, to throw down, trip up. c &se düshëk, s. t. Abed; –, dûshuk, s. t. An abortion, abortive child, uy ye dûshkyun, a. t. Fallen in cir- cumstances, in bad circumstances. · düehmek (aor. düsher), vn. Tofall, fall down; to happen; to fall to the lot (of anyone), to be a part of the duty of anyone, be incumbent ; -80-5)y· : birining-sîzu-yera- -düshmek, To fall to the ground, to be of no use or effect (the words of any person) ; –, or · dü- shémek (aor. ye düsher), va. To spread, lay, put down (mats, carpets, &c.); to lay down (flooring). * şe or *** şe düshémé, s. t. Floor- ing, paving, pavement; furniture. * :ye düshènbih, s. p, Monday. e: • düshènmek (aor. dü- shinir), v.n. To be or become fur- nished or laid with flooring or pave- ment ; –, düshunmek (aor. L: y° düshunur), v.n. To be thoughtful, absorbed in thought, melancholy, de- pressed; to think, reflect; –, va, To think over, turn over in one's mind, reflect upon. · döghramak (aor. * dögh- rar), v.a. To cut up, cut in pieces or slices, carve (meat). · döghrama, s. t. Joiners' work ; t_5` · döghramaji, s. t. Ajoiner. c***ye dökUshmak (aor. ye dö- kUshUr), v.n. To knock mutually against each other (especially heads, and hard-boiled eggs). 4: dökUnmak (aor. y° dökU- nUr), v.a. To touch ; to affect, tohurt. c ye dökumak (aor. yyiye dökUr), v.a. To weave. e :=ye dükètmek (aor. y =· dü- kèdir), v.a. To use up entirely, to make an end of, to finish, to have none left. [mode of striking. · düghush, s. t. A fight, battle ; a e: 6 dükyulmek (aor. 6ş dîkulur), v.n. To run over (water in a vessel), be spilt; to flow (into anything), dis- charge itself; to cast themselves, rush pell-mell (into anything); to fall to pieces ; to fall (as leaves, hair, &c.); –, v.p. To be cast (in amould); tobe poured out ; to be scattered about ; –, düghulmek (aor. Şye düghulur), v.p. To be beaten ; to be forged, hammered (iron). or ° düghum, s. t. A knot. c= $ye dökmek (aor. =· diker), v.a. To pour, pour out, pour in, pour on; to spill; to shed; to cast (metals); –, düghmek (aor. ° düghEr), v.a. To beat, thrash, punish with blows ; to beat, forge, hammer, work (iron, ** [ 571 ] · &c.) ; to cannonade, bombard (with artillery). · dikmé, a. t. Cast (metal, &c.); –, düghmé, a. t. Wrought, hammered (metal); –, düghmé (dûym6), s. t. A button ; -*$ye dikméji, s. t. A brassfounder ; ·=ye düymé- lémek, v.a. To button, button up. · dîıkyundu, s. t. Anything spilt or scattered about ; a reef of rocks. ·=ye dükènmek (aor. y = dü- kènir), v.n. To be finished, exhausted, all used up, to come to an end, to expire (a term); –, dîkyunmek (aor. _} =ye dikyunur), v.n. To undress, throw off one's clothes, be en dés- habille after having been dressed; –, düghunmek (aor. y° düghunur), v.n. To beat one's breast or head (in grief, rage, &c.). e· dûghun, s. t. A merry-making, a marriage feast, wedding-feast, a cir- cumcision-feast. Jı° dül, s. t. A foetus in the womb ; a widow ; –5): Jşe dül-kAri, — ) c J9-9 dül-”âvret, A widow-woman ; Jı° : dül-yâtaghi,The womb; –, dû- vel, s. pl, a.(of · devlet), States, kingdoms, empires, governments. -)ye dölAb, s. p. Anything which turns round, a wheel, water-wheel, the hea- vens, a turning Cupboard; a common cupboard or closet; a trick, piece of cunning or knavery; the whole affairs of a state, household, or mercantile concern ; ; ) -, -kürmak, v.n. To prepare a snare, lay a plot ; – ·9/2ç- –chèvirmek, v.n. To turn a wheel; to work a plot ; to manage affairs · dèvlet, s. a. A state, government, kingdom, empire ; prosperity, felicity; 4 e–, devléti - “âliyyé (The very high or supreme state), The Ottoman Government ; (this title of “ very high” or * supreme,” mistranslated into “Sublime” in Europe, is given to no other State); )y*-, dèv- léti-behiyyé'i-Irân, The “very beau- tiful” State of Persia : all other governments are entitled ·-, devléti-fâkhimé, The “high ranking” State. distinctions remaining from the olden This is one of the senseless time which require to be abolished in Turkey ; in the treaty of Erzeroom, 1847, the title of :e “âliyyé, “very high,” was given to Persia through the management of the author ; ° dèvlètlü, a. t. The official style by which a Müshir, or Pasha of the first class, is addressed in letters ; – or y° devletli, a. t. A familiar style of addressing persons of a certain standing, something equivalent to our “my dear fellow ; ” &\süye devlet- -khâné, s. p. (The house of prosperity) Your house, your honour's house ; *ş Üye devletcha, ad. t. On the part of government and officially. A° [ 572 ] > · -- ye dülgher, s. t. A carpenter ; · -, dülgher-balighi, The saw- fish (?). e· düm.An, s. t. Smoke ; a fog, mist; a cloudiness in the eye injuring the sight; the fumes of wine ; the bloom of freshness on fruits; \: ye kafa-dûmAn-öl, v.n. To be fuddled, tipsy. English acre, being 40 arshins (100 feet) long and broad. • e y° dinmek (aor. ye dîner), v.n. To turn round, revolve ; to turn, turn over, turn about, turn back, turnaway, turn from ; to turn into, be changed into ; to change one's mind, turn from one idea to another; to change (from anyreligion); -L : · Adaming- e· dümen, s. t. Arudder; şi° -bAshi-dînmek, To swim, feel giddy dümEnji, s. t. A helmsman, steers- (a person's head). man, coxswain ; -6 & er° dûmèn- 4-4- dînmé, s. t. One who has -nèféri, s. t. The last or lowest man im changed his religion to become a a squad, or boy in a class ; -, Mussulman, a renegade. dûmEn-küllAnmak (or : tûtmak), * dönanma, s. t. A fleet, squad- v.n. To steer, hold the helm. rOn ; –, Or ·y° J** kAndıl- eş dün, a.a. Inferior, lower; low -dönanmassi, An illumination. (price) ; –, dün, s. t. Yesterday ; f-iye dü-nim, a. p. In two, in two e : eyy° dûn-Akhsham, Last even- pieces, in halves. ing ; *ş44 · dûn-ghèyjé, Last | 83° dev6, s. t. A camel; -8 ° devéji, night ; · · J5° ey9° dûn- s. t. A camel-driver ; · 589° dèv6- -dighil-EvvElsi-ghyûn, The day before -tüyu, s. t. The down of camels, of yesterday ; · mâ-dün, a. a. In- | which stuffs are made; the peculiar ferior in rank; –, 8. a. Inferiority of | yellowish or dun colour of the same ; rank, lower rank. ** *ye devé-küshu, The ostrich ; c· dönatmak, (aor. ye üye dönâdir), K° 'ye devé-dikéni, The thistle ; v.a. To equip, rig, fit out; to adorn; e 39° devéden-külAk, Out of to man (a boat): c·ü'ye dönanmak the whole camel, only the ear (a proverb (aor._ üye dönânir), v.n. orp. Tobe to say that very little has been saved equipped, fitted out, rigged; adorned; in any disaster; since, when ahired manned. beast ofburden dies, the ears are car- U° dinush, s. t. A turning round; a ried to the owner in proof of the turningback, a return. death). [with a tube for pens. f-9° dinum, s. t. A Turkish land divit (divit), s. p. An inkstand measure of about a quarter of an •· devirmek (aor. devirir), ·9° [ 573 ] · v.a. To upset, overturn ; to pass (any certain year in age); to turn over (any- thing into another's charge). · düvisst, a, p. Two hundred. C*!9° düymak (aor. düyar), v.a. -- Tofeel, be sensible of; tohear, become aware of gain intelligence of, learn; –, döymak (aor. - * döyar), v.n. Tobecome satisfied, appeased, satiated; c ) 89° düyUrmak (aor. y : dü- yUrUr), v.a. caus. To cause to feel, or to be felt ; to cause to hear, or tobe heard; –, döyUrmak (aor. 99.9° döyUrUr), v.a. caus. To cause to be satiated, to satisfy, appease. 89 da, dé, pr. t. In, at, within the limit of space orpossession of; –, c. t. And, also (it follows the word like a prepo- sition) ; –, deh, a. p. Ten ; –dih, 8. p. A village; a. p. (in composition), Who or which gives. ş Ube dâha, ad. t. More. eylee dihân, s. p. The mouth. * dèhr, s. a. Time ; the world ; –5° dehri, s. a. One who believes there is no future state, and that this life is all there is. c - 2. be dehshèt, s. a. Fear, fright, terTOr. [farmer. e· dihkÂn, s. p. A villager, peasant, be dehliz, s. a. A porch, portico, entry, passage. · dihèn, s. p. The mouth. * dèhim, s. p, A crown, diadem. -6 dè or dil int. t. ç -se dè-bAkA- lim ! –5 -5° de-imdi (de-indik) ! Now then! Well! Go on ! y'e diyâr, s. a. A country. ·e diyânet, s. a. Piety, exemplary observance of religious duties. - dib, s. a. The bottom of anything. dibâ, s. p. Brocade. [book. 4-re dibâj6, s. p. The preface of a e dibek, s. t. A large trough or mortar in which things are pounded in quantities. ( - ) diyyet, s. a. The compensation for manslaughter paid to the heirs of the slain person. _y= deyjür, a.a. Very dark (night). did, a. p. (in composition), Which is seen, which is looked upon as (some- thing); ***ye sâwÂb-did, What is looked upon as proper, approved; an approval. * didâr, s. p. The sight of anyone after absence ; the face, visage. dü dèydéné, s. a. A custom, usage. 8x didé, s. p. The eye ; –, a. p. (in composition), Who has seen, experi- enced, received, or suffered ; * Ü nâ-didé, a.p. Rarely or never seen. e\8 ° didé-bÂn, s. p. A watchman, a looker-out for Smugglers, &c. · dedi-ködu, s. t. Talk, any piece of scandal or gossip. ° deyr, s. a. A Christian church, con- vent, or monastery ; a temple ; a wine- shop. e : dirsek, s. t. The elbow; a knee- · piece of timber or metal; a bend, 8, turn (in a road, river, &c.). - ·9° direk, s. t. A post, pillar, column; a mast; –Ü) âna-, A lower-mast; :ye sı: prûwa-dirèghi, The fore- mast ; · ·y* grândi-dirèghi, The mainmast ; · *\ş** ai; köntra-mâjâna-dârèghi, The mizen- mast; the upper masts are called :eş- chibÜk, Sticks. c 90° dirlik, s. t. Means or manner of living, livelihood, life. c*ye dirilmek (aor. dirilir), v.n. To come to life; to come to life again; to recover one's strength and faculties. jy° dirüz, s. p. Yesterday. -° diri, a. t. Alive. e:y° dirin, d: y° diriné, a. p. Old, ancient, long established. # diz, s. t. The knee; · }e diz- -bAghi, A garter ; · diz- -chikmek, v.n. To kmeel, kneel down. · dizlik, s. t. Knee-breeches. e· dizmAn, a. t. Large, bigi tall and corpulent. “ je dizmek (aor. je dizer), v.a. Torange, draw up in aline; to thread (beads, &c.). -° dizi, s. t. A row, rank, file. U: dish, s. t. Atooth; a cog; anotch; –, dèyish, s. t. What is said, asser- tion; e dish-büdk. -AghAji, s. t. The ash-tree ; ş° dishji, s. t. A dentist 5 c • • [ 574 ] 29 dishlémek, v.a. To give a gentle bite. -- L:e dishi, a.and s. t. A female (animal); a male or fruitless plant; a female (key or screw, &c.). c şe dik, a. t. Steep, perpendicular; –, digh, s. p. A cauldron. J4-9 dighEr, a. p. Other, different ; another ; · –, dighEr-ghyün, Altered in appearance or in circum- StanceS. ·. See Se. · diken, s. t. A thorn, prickle, prick; a sting. şi° dilenji, s. t. A beggar. · dilEnmek (aor. ° dilinir), v.n. To beg as a beggar, go about begging. ci • dimek or demek (aor. : dér), v.a. To say; to call, to name; to mean, signify. [duration, permaneney. · deymümet, s. a. Continued c° din, s. a. Religion ; –, dèyn, s. a. Debt; : din-dâr, a. p. Religious, pious ; ) * dinsiz, a. t. Irreligious; : dini, a.a. (fem :° dîniyyé), Pertaining to religion. (:e dinâr, s. a. A gold coin, a sequin. L) “: 8 0 · dinmek, denmek (aor. ) :9 denir), and • denilmek (aor. -)· denilir), v.n. or p. To be said, spoken, pronounced; to be given asa name, used as a name. :e deyU (in conversation deyé, a gerund of : *-e demek, To say), Saying ; y'° intending; –, div (dev), s. p. Akind of monster or demon. -:e diwär (düwAr), s. p, A wall ; c Ke-–, diwār-chekmek, To build a wall (along or about a place) ; - )'y-° diwärji, s. t. A brick- layer. · diwÂn, s. p. A court held in state either by the sovereign, by the Grand Vizier, or by a governor in his pro- vince; a complete book of poetry with poems ending in every rhyme by one author, the whole arranged in alpha- betical order by rhymes ; * diwÂn-khâné, A large room or hall where a court is sometimes held; a large hall or antichamber where the ş =ğ servants remain assembled ; -* diwÂn-èfendissi, The official secretary of a governor ; _; yy -, diwân-dürmak, v.n. To shoulder or order arms (in military exercise); to stand with the arms folded, or one over the other, as a mark of respect; 9° diwânî, a. a. Pertaining to a diwÂn ; –, s. p. A kind of bold, official handwriting used in firmans. *'ye diwâné, s. p. A madman, lunatic. · deyyüss, s. a. One who panders to his own wife. e : dèvshirmek (aor. 9 dèvshirir), v.a. To gather, gather up, [Debts. ey:e düyün, s. pl, a. (of : deyn), Aréle dihim, s. p. A crown, diadem, collect. [ 575 ] c:d 9 c) 3 zâl (zel), Eleventh letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of 2 in English. In chronograms it has the numeral value of 700 ; and, in the dates of letters, it stands, deprived of its dot, for the month · Zi-’l- -hijé. 9 13 zâ, In the dates of letters, stands, without the dot over the S, for the month * 55 Zi-’l-kâ”dé ; –, a. a. (in composition, acc. of * zü), Possessing, lord or owner of, endowed with. ·ld zât, s. a. A person's own self; a person or personage of distinction; the essence oridentity of any matter ; –, a, a.fem. Possessing, owner of, en- dowed with ; = \ğlı bi-'z-zât, ad. a. In person, personally ; * id - hâddi-zâtinda, ad. t. In reality, essen- tially, really; originally ; Alec 3 zâtU-'llāh, God’s own self, person, or eSSence ; · zâtu-’l-jènb (sAtlijAn), The pleurisy; ° zâtı (fem, d: |3 zâtîyyé), a. a. Pertaining to the person or essence of anything, personal, essential, original. J.3 zâl, s. a Name of the letter 3. -–** zâhib-öl, v.n. To fancy, imagine, presume, beled to suppose, infer. c:d zâ’ik (fem ağ3 zā’ika), a.a. Who tastes ; ağ\3 - küvvéti- <3 -zâ’ika, or simply 4: 3 zâ’ika, The sense or faculty of taste. <3 zebh, s. a. A killing (of animals) in sacrifice by fairly cutting their throats ; -, -et, v.a. To kill in sacrifice. * -3 zâkhiré, s. a. (pl. -3 zâkhâ'ir), Provisions of corn, &c. -5. y° zerâri, s. pl, a. (of : -yö zürriyyet), Descendants, progeny, posterity. ey* zîrâ”, s. a. The Arabic name for the Turkish yard of thirty inches. yö zerré, s. a. An atom, a mote in the sunbeams. [peak of anything. *2v° zirvé, s. a. The summit, top, or e : ) zürriyyet, s. a. Progeny. *: )* zeri”à, s. a. A means, pretext, handle, excuse (in a good sense). 63 zekyā, 63 zekyâvet, s. a Quick- ness of intellect, intelligence. A3 zikr, s. a. A reciting, mentioning, relating; a repeating, saying (prayers or praises) ; –, zekEr, s. a. The penis; (pl. 53 zûkyür) A male, a man; –, zikr-et, v.a. To recite, mention, make mention of, relate: söy • mârrU-'z-zikr, ·l-- sâ- lifu-'z-zikr, a. a. The above-men- tioned ; 5& âtîyyu-'z-zikr, The hereinafter-mentioned; · c: 53 zikri-sÂbik-véjhilé, ad. t. As above mentioned, according to what has already been stated. 3 zeki, a a Quick, intelligent. [ 576 ] ·yd J° zûll, · zillet, s. a. Dishonour, indignity. e 3 zâliké, pron. a. This ; e l36 kè - zâlik, ad. a. Likewise, in like manner, also, furthermore ; · e 3 binâ'an-“ala-zâliké, ad a For this reason, based upon this consi- deration. · zèlil, a. a. Low in estate, abject. * zemm, s. a. Blame bestowed ; cen- sure; a blaming, censuring, speaking in disparagement of; -, -et, v.a. To dispraise, speak in disparagement of, condemn, censure. · zimmet, s. a. The debtor side of one's account, financial or moral; any moral or social duty ; tributariship ; –Ja èhli-zimmet, s. t. A tributary ; – :y° tebriyye'i-zimmet, The clear- ing one's self of any charge or impu- tation. [paying non-Muslim subject. · zimmi, s. a. A tributary ; tribute- - zènb (pl. -'ye zÜnüb), s. a. A sin; –, zèneb, s. a. A tail. * zü, s. a. (in composition, pl. -95 zevi; ace. sing. sö zi ; fem. sing. ·ld zât; fem. pl. · zèwât), An owner, possessor ; 8 *) * zü- -èrba”atu-’l-Azl”, A quadrilateral figure; :)* yözü-zû'âbé (zü-zèwâbé) (Owner of flowing forelocks), A comet. * 3 zû'âbé (zewâbé), s. a. A forelock, a dangling tuft of hair. · zèwât, s. pl. a. (of - 5 zât), Persons, personages; female possessors. uğ9° C· zevk, s. a. Fun, amusement, pleasure; –, –et, v.n. To have pleasure and amusement, to enjoy one's self in pleasure ; · zevklEnmek (aor. 3 zevklènir), v.a. To mock, laugh at, ridicule ; · zevkiyyÂt, s. pl. a. (n0 sing.), Pleasures of various kinds. · zèvi (in composition), s. pl. a. (of * * zü), Owners, possessors ; · Jykal zevi-'l-“ükül, s. pl.a. People of intelligence, sane persons. - *3 zehâb, s. a A going forth ; a mode of conduct. · zeheb, s. a. Gold. [the memory. e** zihn, s. a. The mind, intellect; J;* zûhül, s. a Neglect, oblivion. -53 zi (acc. of * zü, in composition), s. a. An owner, possessor ; * sil-55 zi-'l-kâ”dé (Possessor of rest), The eleventh month of the Muhammedan year; -53 zi-'l-hijé (Possessor of the pilgrimage), The twelfth month of the year, in which the ceremonious performance of the pilgrimage takes place at Mecca; “ 5-5ö zi-kimet, a. a. Precious, valuable. · zèyl, s. a. (pl. Jö èzyâl), A skirt; foot of a mountain; an appendix, - -) _ râ (r), Twelfth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of r in English. In chronograms it has the [ 577 ] numeral value of 200, and in the dates of letters it stands, by abbre- viation, for the month of ·'E: ) Rebi”U-'l-âkhir. İy râ, s. a. Name of the letter -) : in dates of letters it stands, by abbreviation, for the month of JE: ) Rebî“u- -’l-èvvEl. 4 ay rÂbita, s. a. A bond of union ; system, regularity ; yalay rÂbitali, a. t. Good, capital, excellent : -*y rÂbitassiz, a. t. Bad, not as it should be; · 9 4 ay rÂbita-vErmek, v.n. To put in Order, arrange, systematize. s-V râbi”, a. a. The fourth; *y râbi”â, ad. a. Fourthly. * râtibé, s. a. Fixed salary or allow- anCe ; -, râtibé-khör, s. p. One who receives a fixed allowance. <* V râjih, a. a. Better, preferable ; superior, perponderant. z--y rāji”, a, a, Relative, related, de- pendent, pertaining; -, –öl, v.n. Toregard, concern ; to affect, touch ; to revert to, return to, fall to ; to de- pend, pertain, be related. J-V râjil, a. a. One on foot ; i-y râjilan, ad. a. On foot. ·-y râhat, s. a. Repose, ease, tran- quillity ; -, a. t. Comfortable, cosy, convenient, commodious ; comfortable, at ease ; comfortable, well off, in easy circumstances; –, ad. t. Comfortably; quietly; easily, cosily, nicely ; -, –et, v.n. To rest one's self; -, 2 Q 8oy -öl, v.n. To be at ease; C# yy -, –dürmak, v.n. To keep quiet ; C:·-, –ötUrmak, v.n. To sit still; to sit comfortably ; to live com- fortably (in a house); ç = --y râhatu-'l-hülküm (râhat-lökUm), A well - known Turkish -y râhatsiz, a. t. Uneasy, rest- Sweetmeat ; less ; inconvenient. [(ofany quality). sey râddé, s. a. Arank, point, or degree Jy rÂz, s. p. A secret. c-9 re'ss, s. a. The head ; a summit; the end, extremity ; the beginning ; a chief man or officer; JV -, re'ssu-’l-mÂl, Capital, stock in trade. ·y rasst, a p. Right (hand); right, true, correct; –, rAsst-ghèl- mek, v.n. To meet by chance ; to hap- pen by chance ; ·-, rÂsst- -ghètirmek, v.a. To manage so as to meet (some one) ; ·y rAssti, s. p. Rectitude. c·y rAsstik, s. t. A preparation of copper or antimony, used for black- ening the eyebrows of women and children. *y râssikh, a. a. Firm, immovable. “!) râssim, s. a. Who draws, figures, traces, writes. ·y râshid, a. a. Sound in judgment; orthodox in belief 5 ·y·- khûléfâ'i-râshidin, The orthodox ca- liphs. ·y râshi, s. a. One who gives a bribe [to a government officer. ·y râzi, a. a. Well-pleased, satisfied, [ 5781 · content : a !) ail AllAh-rāzi-öla ! May God be well-pleased! Thank you! God reward you. ·y râ”i, s. a. Ashepherd, pastor; a guardian, protector of subjects. - y rāghib, a.a. Who has a wish, desire, or longing ; desirous. –iy rAf, s. t. A shelf. ·y re'fet, s. t. The kindness of dis- position which leads to pity or cle- mency ; ·y re'fetlü, a. t. Kind, benignant. ·y râfiza, s. a (pl. Laily rewâfiz), The sectators of Ali ; ·y râfizi, 8. a. One belonging to the Rafiza sect. E-y râfi”, s. a. One who lifts up, raises; the bearer, holder up (of a letter, &c.); one who takes away, drives away, does away. y râkim, s. a. The writer (of any paper). ·y râki, s. t. Brandy or spirits for ·=y râkib, a. a. On horseback, or [drinking. in a carriage, boat, or ship ; (=) râkiban, ad. a. Same meanings. ·y râkid, a. a. Stagnant (water or business). [submitting. fy râm, a. p. Obedient, submissive, ey rân, a. p. (in composition), Who gives course to anything ; e·- hükm-rân, s. p. Who gives course to commands, a commander, a sove- reign. ·y râvend, s. p. The drug rhubarb. -6y râvi, s. a. A narrator, relater. y [ 579 ] 4:5) *y rah, s. p. A road, way, path ; a method, system, custom; * \: shâh- -râh, s. p. Aroyalroad, a public road, highway. ·y rähib, s. a. A Christian priest or monk. e5°) râhwân, a. p. Amble-paced (hack for travelling) ; ad. t. In an amble. -y re'y, s. a. An opinion, manner of seeing, thinking, orjudging. ·y râyet, s. a. Aflag, standard. ay râ'ij, a.a. Which is current among the public. ·y râ'iha, s. a. Odour, smell. ·y râyghyân, * KV râyghyân6, s.p. Anything acquired without an equiva- lent given. -2) rAbb, s. a. The Lord God (this expression is never used alone); · : yâ-rAbbî, O my God! · *- f) rAbbim-hAkki-ichin ! (For the verity of my God) As surely as that God truly exists! : ribâ, s. a. Interest on money, usury; –, rûbâ, a. p. (in composition), Who carries off or away ; :J* âhèn- -rûbâ, (Theiron-snatcher) Themagnet; yé kehribâ, Amber. ·y rebâb (rûbâb), s. a. A kind of lute, rebeck, or guitar. cey rebâh, s. a. Gain, profit in business. ely ribât, s. a. Astrong and secure place, formerly always fortified, where travellers, caravans, or military expe- ditions can take up their quarters on their journey, or on an enemy's frontier. - ·!) rûbâ”i, s. a. A quatrain ; a word containing four radical letters, rAbbâni, a.a. Divine, pertaining *\:!) rûbâh, s. p. A fox. [to God. <) ribh, s. a. Gain, profit, interest on money. * rAbt, s. a. A fastening, binding, tying; an arranging, regulating, or- dering; \-, –et, v.a. To fasten, bind, tie; to arrange, regulate, order. 5-!) rüb”, s. a. A quarter, one-fourth ; : -, rûb'i-dâ'iré, A quadrant, the quarter of a circle ; & < –, rûb“i- -tâkhta, A wooden quadrant marked with lines, for taking the sun's al- titude and calculating the time of day ; e·–, rûb”i-messkyün, The in- habited quarter (of the world); orbis pars veteribus notus ; * ) rûb”iyyé, A kind of old gold coin (the rupee of India, as to the name). * ribka, s. a. A halter; ek'a , ribka'i - îtâ’at, The halter (yoke) of [ished, carried off. 8.33: rûbüdé, a. p. Carried away, rav- submission. 5-r!) rebi”, s. a The spring season ; name of the third and fourth months of the Muhammedan year, the third being distinguished as the first, and the fourth as the latter, J 's-L) rebi”u-’l- Evvel, -ys-: rebi”u- -'l-âkhir. & 5 rütbé, s. a. (pl. --5 rûteb), A 2 Q 2 - J°) degree of rank or dignity ; a point or degree of quality. c:) rètk, s. a. A closing; c:) retk-u-fetki-ümür, The conduct and management (closing and opening) of public business. * 5 retimé, s. a. A piece of thread wound on a finger as a reminder, like our knotting a handkerchief. E-:) rijä, s. a. Arequest; –, –et, v.a. To make a request about. Ja-2) rijâl, s. pl.a. (no sing.) People on foot ; the grandees of the empire ; (a8 a Turkish singular) a grandee, high | civil functionary. - Ey rejeb, s. a. Name of the seventh month of the Muhammedan year. e s: ) rejéhÂn, s. a. Superiority, pre- ponderance. ·s: rîjhÂniyyet, s. a. Preferable- ness, superior advantage. ·y rij”at, s. a. The apparent re- trograde motion of a planet. fay rejm, s. a. Lapidation, stoning ; \-, –et, v.a. To stone ; stone to death. f· rejim, a. a. Epithet applied to the devil as accursed, or driven from heaven by missiles, oras having stones cast at him intentionally by the pil- grims to Mecca. [sugar. Je- rechel, s. t. A preserve of fruit in · rihlet, s.a. Ajourney of emigra- [for holdingbooks. al- râhlé, s. t. Akind of reading-desk tion. [ 580 ] —a ) f-y râhm, s. a. The womb ; the col- lective body of one's relatives ; 'a • f-y sila'i-râhm, A visit to one's home and relatives after an absence ; –, râhima! May (God) admit (someone) to His mercy ! (said of a dead person). · râhmet, s. a. God’s mercy in a future state ; rain ; c·-, râh- met-ökUmak, v.n. To offer the ejacu- lation, May God admit him to mercy / v*-) (for ·) râhmân, s. a. The God of mercy to us in a future state; ·> râhmâni, a. a. Divine, per- taining to the God of mercy. ·) râhmüt, s. a. The quality of being the God of mercy. Gr>) râhik, s. a. Wine, [migration. ·-2) râhil, s. a. Departure, journey, ( - ) râhim, s. a. The very compassion- ate God. z:) rükh, s. p. The cheek ; the castle or rook at chess ; the fabulous bird roc. f -y rükhâm, s. a. Marble. [pineness. ·:) râkhâvet, s. a. Relaxation, su- -· râkht, s. p. A horse ; goods, traps, furniture of any kind. -- ) rükhsar, :) -- ) rükhsâré, s. p. The cheek ; the face. U:) râkhsh, s. p. A horse. [ing. e·>) râkhshân, a. p. Brilliant, flash- ·) rükhsAt, s. a. Permission, au- thorization, leave ; power, authority (to act); 9 –, rükhsat-virmek, vn. To give permission : * a·2) rükhsAt-nâmé, Letters of authority, * ) [ 581 ] “) full powers; 4.6–, rükhsAti-kyâ- milé, Full power. * râkhné, s. p. Arent, breach, tear, hole ; –, râkhné-dâr, a p. Rent, breached, torn; wounded, pierced. uyars râkhiss, a. a. Of little value, cheap, low-priced, not in demand. *) redd, s. a. A giving back, rendering, returning, restoring, sending back ; refusing, not receiving, not complying with, rejection; -, -et, v.a. To give back, send back, render, return, re- store ; to refuse, reject ; -y- 9) reddi-jewÂb-et, v.n. To return an [tle. le2) rîdâ, s. a. A kind of cloak orman- -69) redi, a. a. Bad. -i redif, s. a. A veteran who has anSWGİ`e served five years in the army or navy, and placed in the reserve, but liable to be called out again in case of [a shameful act. ·y rezâlet, s. a. Ignominy, shame; ·2) rèzıl, a. a. Dishonoured, dis- honourable, shameful. necessity. _j) rez, s. p. A vine ; grapes. ) rezzÂk, s. a. God, who provides sustenance for his creatures. ·ü rèzânèt, s. a. Sedateness, gra- vity of reflexion. - rizk, s. a. Our daily bread. fj rezm, s. p. A battle, fight, action, combat. 8j) rèzé, s. t. A rough kind of hinge composed of two slight eye-bolts. e: ; ) rezin, a, a. Sedate, well weighed, grave, maturely deliberated. c ) ress, a. p. (in composition), Who brings, who causes (anything) to reach its destination ; (_):·ü nâmé-ress, An envoy who brings a letter. ·3) ressâlet, s. a. The prophetic office and function. * ) rissâlé, s. a. (pl. J5.:) ressâ'il), A small treatise, a tract, pamphlet, f :2) resssâm, s. a. A painter, draughts- İ18İl. [tion. - :9) resstâkhiz, s. p. The resurrec- “:3) ressm (ressim), s. a. A drawing, picture, design, draught, sketch, paint- ing, print; a ceremony, an official ob- servance ; a tax, due ; L*) rèssmi, a. a. Official; formal, merely cere- monious ; ü-3) ressmEn, ad. a. In an official manner; in a purely formal İ008flİ16I. cj`) ressen, s. p. A cord, rope. ·9) rüssvây, a. p. Dishonoured, dis- graced. : ; ) rüssükh, s. a. Firmness, well- groundedness (of opinion), stability. Jı v ressül, s. a. A messenger, pro- phet, apostle, one sent. - f rüssüm, s. pl, a. (of * ) rèssm), · rüssümÂt (pl. of pl.) Cere- monies ; taxes, dues. * ·y ressid, s. p, A note of receipt; \-, -et, v.a. To note or mark as having been paid or received (an ac- count). **) ***) ressidé, a. p. Arrived; matured. **y rishté, s. p. Thread, yarn. ' as°*) reshha, s. a. Sweat, perspiration, transpiration, transudation. ·y rûshd, s. a Rectitude of thought, correctness of thinking. e: ) reshk, s. p. Envy; athing envied. rishvet, s. a. Abribe : < -, rishvet-yemek, v.n. To receive bribes. \: ) reshid, a. a. Whose opinions and judgment are correct. [observer. e-e rAsssÂd, s. a. An astronomical Lee2) rasssss, s. a. Lead; tin. · râssânet, s. a Strength, firm- ness, solidity. \ey rAssAd, s. a. An observing (the heavenly bodies); \–, –et, v.a. To observe; döl - e2) rASSAd-khâné, s. p. An observatory. *) rîzâ, s. a. Consent, acquiescence 5 satisfaction, the being pleased, satis- fied ; ·ş-, rîzâ-vèrmek, v.n. To consent, acquiesce, give consent. el rizwÂn, s. a. Consent, acqui- escence ; satisfaction; paradise. rAdiya 1 May (God) be pleased (with him)! · ·2) rütübèt, s. a. Dampness, mois- [ture. \le:) ri”âyâ, s. pl.a. (of · râ”iy- yet), Tributary non-Muslim subjects of Turkey (vulg. Rayahs). ·e) ri”âyet, s. a Respect, defe- rence, reverence, consideration; \–, –et, v.n. To show respect or con- sideration; to observe, keep, follow, [ 582 ] hold sacred; &le ri”âyéten, ad. a. Out of respect or consideration ; j- Ve ri”âyetsiz, a. t. Wanting in respect, disrespectful ; ·e:) ri- “âyetsizlik, s. t. -- .e9 °e “âdémi- -ri”âyet, s. p. Want of respect, dis- respect ; :ey ri”âyetkyâr, a. p. One who shows respect or deference; ·e ri“âyetkyārānā, Pertaining to one who shows respector deference. · râ”b, s. a. Terror. ·ey râ”d, s. a. Thunder. *.e) râ”sha, s. a. A trembling, shiver- ing. \.e:) râ'nâ, a. p. Beautiful, fair to look · râghbet, s. a. Inclination, wish, Dupon. desire ; -, -et, v.n. To feel an in- clination or desire ; ·: râghbetlü, a. t. Dear, for whom friendly feelings exist. ü::) râghman, ad. a. Out of spite to, so as to vex; köy–, râghman-li-enfihi, ad. a. (So as to rub his nose in the dirt), As a source of vexation to him. · refâkAt, s. a. Companionship ; the being a companion; -, -et, v.n. To go in company, act together. * ) refâh, ·) refâhèt, ·y refâhiyyet, s. a. Ease, comfort, good circumstances. ·2) reft, s. a. A going, departure ; d: reftiyyé, s. a. Export dues. reftâr, s. p. A mode of walking; a manner of conduct. [poached egg. e· rAfadân, s. t. A soft-boiled or s-öy [ 583 ] eley E-5) ref”, s. a. A lifting up, raising; a taking away ; -, -et, v.a. To lift up, raise ; to take away. ·5) rif“at, s. a. Height; elevation; · rif“atlü, a. t. Exalted, illus- [benignity. c:) rifk, s. a. Kindness, gentleness, üy rüfakä, s. pl, a. (of :) refik), Companions, comrades, fellows. trious. 8- ) refi”, a.a. High. G: ) refik, s. a. A fellow, comrade, companion. 4: ) refih, a. a. Easy or comfortable in circumstances -5, rikÂb, s. pl, a. (of :) râkabé), Backs of necks where the yoke bears in oxen, emblematic of submission and obedience or subjection. [tition. ·5) râkâbet, s. a. Rivalry, compe- ·5) râkkÂss, s. a. A dancer ; the pen- dulum or balance-wheel of a watch. d: râkabé, s. a. The back of the neck where the yoke presses in oxen, em- blematic of submission and obedience or subjection. ·y rikkAt, s. a. Thinness, slightness ; pity ; felt ·-, rikkAti-kAlb, Tenderness of heart. - Ja: ) rûkss, s. a Dancing, a dance ; -, compassion inwardly ; –et, v.n. To dance ; to spin round as the Mevlevi dervishes do. *5) rik”â, s. a. The common hand- writing used in letters and business ; a piece of paper, parchment, or cloth. :y râkAm, s. a. The Arabian cyphers of arithmetic ; arithmetic ; writing. ·*) râkîb, s. a. A rival. [slavery. ·-5) rikkiyyet, s. a. Servitude, ·*) râkik, a. a. Thin, slender; tender. ·2) règh, s. p. A vein. · rikyâb, s. a. A stirrup ; the place near the stirrup of a prince on horse- back, which is taken by his chief at- tendant who hands things to him when presented (this is a parallel term to our word “ footstool”); a kind of levee of the sovereign; s°e-32) rikyâb-”ârzuhâli, s. t. A petition pre- sented to the Sultan publicly when going in state on horseback. ·2) rekyâkit, s. a. Weakness (of intellect or argument); want of firm- ness ; shakiness (of handwriting). 5 rekz, s. a. A planting, a setting up ; –, –et, v.a. To plant, set up. ·, rik”ât, s. a. A prostration in prayer. · rükn, s. a (pl. 9 erkyân), A column or solid part of a house-wall, or corner part; a principal and funda- mental element in any composite mat- ter or subject. e, Sy rükyün, s. a. Aleaning, inclination. c= $, rekik, a.a. Weak, shaky; puerile, futile. ·y rekin, a. a. Firm, solid, strong. z :) rîmâh, s. pl. a. (of <:) rûmh), Lances. - - · remâd, s. a. Ashes, wood-ashes. e· [ 584ı . Köy e :9) rûmmân, s. a. A pomegranate. :2) rûmmâni, s. a. A ruby. ·) remed, s. a. The ophthalmia. y rèmz, s. a. A sign, wink, nod; an enigmatical phrase or puzzling cir- cumstance. ·9) râmazân, s. a. The ninth month of the Muhammedan year, and month of abstinence. d; râmak, s.a. The lastspark or breath of life; ; ) A. seddi-rûmak, The ad- ministration offood in time or quantity just sufficient to save life. [Geomancy. ·2) reml, s. a. Sand ; –, & ) remé, s.p.A flock of sheep. rèmel, s. a. u 5°) remy, s. a. A casting, throwing, projecting ; -, -et, v.a. To cast, Dgusted. * ) remidé, a. p. Frightened, dis- görenj, renjish, s. p. Trouble ; throw, project. · renj-bEr (renchpEr), s. p. A labourer, navvy. *·2) renjidé, a.p. Troubled, vexed, annoyed, molested, hurt, injured. * ) rind, s. p, Afree-thinking free-liver; one, on the contrary, whose thoughts and motives being pure, is careless of appearances and speech. 4 8 ) rendé, s. p. A carpenter's plane; a grater (for spice, cheese, &c.); rendélémek, v.a. Toplane; to grate. - e:* rèngh (rink), s. p. Colour, hue ; ·:5-, renk-virmek, v.n. To ex- plain, give a colouring ; y&) ringhyáringh, a. p. Variegated, vari- ous, varied in hue. - e·y rènghin, a.a. Coloured; capital, funny, fun to tell or hear. rü, s.p.A face, visage, countenance; –, rèv, a. p. (in composition), Who or which goes, walks, runs, moves, marches; which grows, springs up. - : ) rewâ, a. p. Fit to pass, allowable, just, proper. z: rêwāj, s. a. Currency, a passing current ; briskness of markets. · rewÂn, ö;y rewâné, a. p. Flow- ing; moving ; the Soul, spirit. [cake. : rewâni, s. t. Akind of sponge- · riwâyet, s. a. A legend, tale, relation, story, Tumour, on dit : a rela- ting ; -, –et, va. To relate. \, rüba, s. t. Clothes, dress. - *:y rübâh, s.p. A fox. z2) rüh, s. a The soul, spirit ; spirit, essence; al-, rühu-'llāh (The spirit of God), Jesus Christ; c·-, rûhu -’l - küdUss, The Holy Ghost (among Christians) ; Gabriel (with Muslims). ·y rühâni, a, a. Spiritual, pertain- ing to the soul or spirit; ·}_) rühâniyyet, s. a. Spirituality. c”999) RÖdös, s. t. Rhodes. - rüz, s. p. Day; · rüz-nâmé (jüznâm6), s. p. An almanack; a day- book or register; 4ş°üyrüz-nAmcha, s. p, A kind of register at public öffices. Ş), y rüzghyâr, s. p. Time, fortune, or ey:) [ 585 ] *\ , the world; –, rüzghyar, s, t, The [dow. ey):) revzèn, öğ: ) revzéné, s.p.A win- wind. * rüzé, s. p. A fast, abstinence. c·ğ rû’üss, s. pl.a. (of c-y re'ss), Heads; (as a Turkish sing) a diploma. :l) rû’essâ, s. pl, a. (of L- re'iss), Chiefs, chief people. L:· rösspi (örosspo), s. t. A whore, prostitute, harlot. - · rösstopöllu (örosstopöllu), s. t. Aknavish fellow, sly rogue. *: ) Rüssiyya, s. t. Russia. C: ) revish, s. p. The way things (or persons) go on ; conduct. er* rüshèn, :y rüshénâ, a.p.Bright, luminous; clear, manifest, plainly seen. e: rûghân, s. p. Any kind of fat or oil; –, rüghÂn, s. t. Varnish. - ) re'üf, a, a. Benign, tender, com- passionate. [salad. *:y röka, s. t. A kind of plant used for f:) rüm, s. p. A Roman ; the Eastern empire, Turkey ; –, (ÜrUm), s. t. A Greek ; –, rÜm, s. t. Rum ; ·'e) rûm-èyli (The country of the Greeks), Roumelia; Turkey in Europe ; ) rümi, a.a. (Roman) Greek; Turkish. [going. * ) rèvèndé, s. p. One who goes, is :}) Röma, s. t. Rome. d; ) revnAk, s. p. A fourishing con- dition, pride, beauty, glory, splendour. -62) rüy, s. p. The face, visage, coun- temance. \:y) rüyâ, s. a. Adream, vision. ·) reviyyet, s. a. Uprightness, cor- rectness, straightforwardness of char- acter ; –, rü'yet, s. a. Supervision, care, conduct, guidance, direction; careful consideration. [or bronze. cy: ) rüyin, 4: , rüyiné, a.p. Ofbrass * ) reh, s. p. (for *y râh), A road. \R2) rûhâ, s. a. Deliverance, escape, safety; c·:–,–bûlmak, v.n. To escape. - Ey rehb, s. a. Fear, fright, terror. e·*) rûhbÂn, s. a. A Christian priest or monk; - k) rûhbÂniyyet, The quality, state, or functions of a Christ- ian priest or monk, especially his cel- ibacy and the indissolubility of his VOWS. - ye°) rehbir, s. p. A guide, conductor. uyk) rehn, s. a. A pawning, pledging ; -, -et, c· *) rehné-kömak, v.a. To pawn, to pledge. ve°) rehin, s.a. Athing givenin pledge ; athing which, may be looked upon as a pledge. [s.p.A. hypocrite. \: riyâ, s. a. Hypocrisy; 6: riyâkyâr, z riyāh, spi, a (of< rih), Winds. · riyâsset, s. p. The presidency, [Gardens. ·) riyâz, s. pl. a. (of & rAvza), · riyâzât, s. a. Mental or bodily presidentship. discipline ; riyâzî (fem. ·:-) riyâziyyé),a.a. Pertainingtodiscipline; ·: ) ="ülümu-riyâziyyâThe dis-, ciplinary sciences of mathematics, &c. *\! riyāla, s. t. A rear-admiral, for- merly a bey, now a pasha, - :) •- ) reyb, s. a. Doubt, incertitude. · ribâss, s. a. Garden rhubarb growing wild. <. ) rih, s. a. The wind ; rheumatism; flatulency. *: rikhtim, s. p. A quay on the sea, faced with cut stone, and filled in with rubble. [scattered, shed. d: <: ) rikhté, a. p. Spilt, poured out ; : riz, a, p. (in composition), Who or which sheds. eğ- rizân, a, p. Shedding; shed, dropping, falling. * : riz6, s. p. A dropping, portion dropped, piece. L-: re'ss, s. a. A chief; a sailor ; a merchant captain. e· rissmân, s. p. Arope, cord. u: ) rish, s. p. The beard ; –, a. p. (in composition), Wounding; wounded. &: ) rishé, s. p. A wound. e : righ, s. p. Sand; the peculiar sand used for drying the ink of writing ; ele-e- righdân, s. p. A sand- box. ·2) re'iss, s. a. Achief : -5 il–, re'iss-efendi (abbreviation of --!) · - Kl re'issu -'l- kyûttÂb- -èfendi, Chief of the scribes, clerks, or secretaries), The Chief Secretary of State in the old system : when this was changed, that officer received the present title of -6*ü:· khâri- jiyyé - nâziri, Minister of Foreign Affairs. T 586 ] J; -) j zâ (zè, also *je -= kèsskin-zë, sharp 2). Thirteenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of 2 in English. In chronograms and astronomical tables, it has the numeral value of 7 ; –, zi, pr. p. From. Wj zâ, s. a. Name of the letter j. zy zāj (zAch), s. a Vitriol; - zy zAchi - (kibriz), s. t. Green vitriol, sulphate of iron ; ·: zy zAch- yâghi, s. t. Oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid. elj zâd, s. a. Provisions for a journey or voyage ; -, a. p. (in composition), Born, born of; –, zâdé! int. a. May 'ye mâ- dEr-zâd, a. p. Possessed from birth, (God) augment . . innate, inborn. sey zâdé, s. p. (in composition), Son ; *We: shèh-zâdé, An Ottoman prince of the blood ; 89j*\: shāh-zâdé, A Persian prince; sel: begh-zâdé, Son of a Bey (this title is very usually given to European gentlemen: itmeans no more than our word esquire); e·j zâdéghyân, s. pl. p, (of bej zâdé), The nobility, people of family and consequence. yü zâr, s. t. A membrane, pellicle ; a die (for playing); –, 8. p. A groan, a plaint; –, a.p. Despised, contemned; –, 8. p. (in composition), A bed or plot of ground where anything particular ğü grows ; -5)j zâri, s. p. One groan or plaint; abjectness. öy zâgh, s. p. A crow, rook, raven. :V zânü, s. p. The knee. Ü zâni (fem. * j zâniyyé), s. a. An adulterer; a fornicator. * j zâviyyé, s. a. (pl. \,j zâwāyā), A corner ; an angle ; a convent or cell; *ğü' 'i zâviyye'i-kâ'imé, A right angle ; sol-'a: j zâviyye'i- -hâddé, An acute angle; de-· j zâviyyè'i-münferijé, An obtuse angle ; *-ş**sü zâviyyë'i-mîjessémé, A solid angle ; d. kâ'imu-’z- -zâviyyé, Right-angled; 4: 'z • münfèriju-'z-zâviyyé, Obtuse-angled; 'el- hâddu-'z-zâwâyâ, Acute- *j zâhid, s. a. Anascetic. [angled. Plj zâhir, a.a. Shining, bright; clear. *ş zâyché, s. a. A horoscope. *ğü zâ'id, a. a. Redundant, more than enough ; plus (in algebra). J5)j zâ'il, a.a. Fading away, about to fade, which has faded, the nature of which is to fade away, evanescent. e j zebân (zâbÂn), s. p. The tongue ; speech, language, idiom ; 9jilj zâ- bÂnzed, Commonly used in speaking. * j zèbâné, s. p. Anything tongue- [imp of hell. ) zèbÂni, s. p.A demon, tormenting shaped; a flame. s·j zûbdé, s. a The essence or choicest of anything. r!) zebEr, s. p. The up side ; r) : J) zir-U-zèbEr, ad. p. Topsy-turvy, up- [ 587 ] 4ily side-down, in confusion, in complete ruin. *:) zèbErjëd, s. a. A topaz(?), a chry- solite(?). c:) zâbkin, s. t. A harpoon, a grains [for spearing fish. :j zèbür, s. a. The Psalms of David. cy: j zèbün (zâbUn), a.p. Weak, feeble; lean, thin, meagre. aj zèjr, s. a. A restraining, preventing; a prohibiting; ausing active measures of prevention; –, –et, v.a. To re- strain, prevent; & =j zêjriyyé, A tax on wine, spirits, and public-houses, as though it were a prohibitory tax. J-j zûhâl, s. a. The planet Saturn. ·j zâhmet, s. a. Trouble, bother ; pain, fatigue, anxiety; disease ; – ·- zâhmet - chèkmek, v.n. To suffer inconvenience ; -, -et, v.n. To give one's self trouble, to trouble one's self. - zâkhkhār, a. a. Raging (sea). ( j zâkhm, s. p. A wound. *-j zâkhm6, s. p. The plectrum with which a lute is played. 89j zedé, a, p. (in composition), Struck ; * kâzâ-zèdé, (Struck by fate) Wrecked (a ship); ·) zèdélé- mek, v.a. To knock about, ill-use. ) zèr, s. p. Gold ; =)) zèr-ghèr, A goldsmith ; ·U) zèr-kèsh, A gold- wire drawer ; embroidered with gold. e·eyj zirâ”ât, s. a. Agriculture ; -, –et, v.a. To cultivate. diyj zûrâfé (zûrâfâ), s. a A giraffe. 9)j [ 588 ] - Üj eyj zèrd, a. p. Yellow. ley; zerd-âlu (zerdâli), s. p, A wild apricot; a kill-John, seyi zerdé, s. p. A sweet dish of rice with safron ; - 5-89)j zèrdé-chöb (zerdéchâw), Turmeric. c: ,j zirishk, s. p. Barberries. 8 ) zer”, s. a. Seed-sowing : -, -et, v.a. To sow. d; )j zerk, s. p, Hypocrisy. : j zirnikh, s. p. Orpiment; realgar. s,j zirh, s. p. Defensive armour, mail. cy: j zèrin, a p. Of gold, golden ; – A: zèrin-kAdeh (zèren), s. p. The C ·j zisht, a. p. Ugly. [narcissus. ·lej zî”âmet, s. a. A major fief, one entered in the archives as above a certain yearly value. ey ej zâ”férân (sAfrAn), s. a. Saffron. fej zû'm, s. a. An unfounded idea or opınıon. “ej zü”amā, s. pl. a. (of *j zâ“im), Possessors of major fiefs. :j zàghar, s. t. A pointer; a spaniel. ·j zift, s. a. Pitch. :) zükkÂk ( • sökAk), s. a. A street; a street of shops. f:) zâkküm, s. a. The oleander ; an infernal tree bearing demons' heads. U$; zèkyâ, s. a. Purity ; piety, devo- tion. - ·S; zèkyât, s. a. Canonical alms, the proper bestowal of which purifies the enjoyment or possession of the re- mainder of one's property. * Şj zûkyâm (zükkyâm), s. a. A cold in the head, rheum. 9 zeki, a. a. Pure of spirit ; pious, Jj zil, s. t. A cymbal; a little bell, a tympanum of a clock. [devout. Jj zûlâl, s. a. Pure, sweet, good water. &j zellé, s. a. A slip ; a fault. [quake. * zèlzélé (zèrzélé), s. a. An earth- - j zülf, s. p. A ringlet; c·ye-, zülfu-”ârüss, (Bride's ringlets) The caracalla-bean flower and plant. j zîmâm, s. a. A rein, a bridle or head-stall; guidance (of affairs). · zemân (zâmÂn), s. a. Time ; cir- cumstances. & j zemân6, s. p. Time ; the world ; circumstances, fortune. 3, j zümré, s. a. A body (of men), set. 9, j zûmûrrud (zümrüd), s. a. An emerald. yoices. * j j zemzémé, s. a. Soft murmur of · zimisstân, s: p. The winter. r:yé ) zèmhérir, s. a. The severest cold of winter ; the forty days following the winter solstice. cy: j zemin, s. p. The surface of the earth; the ground on which any other colours are worked. e) zen, s. p. A woman ; a wife ; –, a. p. (in composition), Who strikes ; who sounds, plays; ·j zèn- -dösst, s. p. Alover of women; eyi) lÂf-zèn (1Afazân), s. p. A boaster, talker. - - } zinâ, s. a. Adultery, fornication ; 9 j U velédu-'z-zinâ, s. a. Abastard; (velédiznâ), a cunning rogue. * j zèn-pâré (zâmpara), s. p. A gal- lant; a frequenter of harlots. ·% ) zenberek, s. p. A watch-spring; ·rij Ej zehir-zenberek, ad. t. Very eold with high wind and driftingsnow or sleet. c·j zânbAk, s. a. A lily ; an iris. : j zènbür, s. p. Abee. [basket. ·j zènbil, s. p. A rush-basket, a tool- ·ğ zenjebil (zenjéfı), s. a Ginger; a river in Paradise. 5 zinjir, s. p. A chain. ·ğ zènakhdân, s. p. The chin; –8l- châhi–, The dimple of the [chin. j zindéghyâni, s. p, Life, liveli- ·j zindân, s. p. A prison. hood, living. 8 Ağj zindé, a. p. Alive, living; (a night) passed without sleep, and in occupa- tion of some kind. C: ; zindik, s. a. Anatheist. ·j zènghin, a. t. Rich, affluent, opulent. _\öj zinhâr ! int. p. Look to it ! Look out! Take care! Beware ! el19j zèwâd, s. a. Provisions for ajourney. 2j zûvwâr, s. pl. a. (of Ü zâ’ir, not used), Pilgrims to any other sacred places than Mecca; visitors. Jıj zewâl (zâwāl), s. a The instant after the sun has attained the meri- dian when he begins to decline; a declining from any high position ; t sı 8j j zâwAlli! int. t. Poor fellow ! Poor thing. * j zîwAné, s. t. Any pin or long centre-piece on which a thing turns, or on which the parts of a whole are strung together, as the wooden middle of a mouthpiece on a Turkish pipe. \:2j zèwâyâ, s. pl, a. (of : j zâviyyé), Angles. - z:j zevi, s. a. (fem. * j zevjé), One of a pair; a spouse. 2j züd, a. p. Quick; soon. - ) zör, s. p. Force, active strength ; stress, violence ; a disease ; –, a. t. Difficult, hard ; –, zür, s. a. False- witness; ) ) · shâhidi - zür, A bearer of false-witness ; ·!) :) zör- lamak (aor. }!) j zörlar), v.a. To force, break, bend, or violate by force. \:y j zörba, s. t. A rebel. u:):) zèvrAk, s. p. A boat, state barge ; -, 8. t. The curved-up part of the stern of a Turkish boat. ·i:j zèvzëk, s. t. An inconsiderate, foolish, talkative person. “-9*yj zûghurt, a. t. Poor, penniless. dü:j zönka, s. t. Afish-hook. *j zih, s. a. Abowstring; a line drawn round a page as a border; a cord sewn. to the edge or near the border of clothing or furniture; a corresponding ormament on wood-work, masonry, &c. - *Ej zûhd, ·lej zehâdet, s. a. Asce- ticism, religious rigidity. Ej zehir, s. p, Poison ; –, zehr, s. a. Vej A flower ; y°j zehirlémek, v.a. To poison. yej zehrâ, a. a fem. Beautiful, brilliant. -y°) zehrÂb, s. p. Gall-water, bitter water; bitter cup ; tears. 3, Ej zehré, s. p. The gall-bladder ; courage, pluck; –, 8. a. A flower; -, zûhré, s. a. The planet Venus. L°) zehi! int. p. O worthy of admira- tion! [figure. -5j ziy, s. p. Dress, costume; form, Q \ = * ğ bel:j ziyâdé, s. a. An increase, aug- mentation; a surplus, remainder ; -, a. and ad. t. More. ( : 92) j ziyâret, s. a. A visit of ceremony, of devotion, or of friendship. e j ziyân, s. p. Harm, damage, injury, [beauty. ·j zib, s. p. Anything which gives loss. *j zibâ, a. p. Beautiful. c:) zibâk, s. p. Mercury, quicksilver. ·j zeyt, s. a. Olive-oil ; -j- ) rüghAni-zèyt, The oil called olive-oil. e : ) zeytün (zeytin), s. a. An olive; v : ; zeytüni, a. a. Of an olive colour. [a book containing such. G:) zij, s. a. An astronomical table, or xj zir, s. p. The under part of, or space ç beneath, anything. V: ; zira, c. p. For, because. ·j zir-desst, s. p. A subject, any- one subject to another. [clever, sharp. -j zirek, a. p, Quick, intelligent, e) zin, s. p. A saddle. : ·!) zinèt, s. a. An ornament. [ 590 İ :j zivèr, s. p. An ornament. -:j züyüf, s. pl.a. (of -āj, not used) as a Turkish adj. Bad, base (coin). f zhè or zâ'i-fârsi. Fourteenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of the English s in pleasure, treasure, &c., which we have represented by zh. In chronograms it has the same value asj, that is, 7. - j; zhâzh, s. p. Dung ; -5 - 5 zhâzh- -khây, s. p. (Eater of dung) A fool, a stupid ass. [frost; a small icicle. aj zhâlé, s. p. A dew-drop; dew; hoar- – y) zhèrf, a, p. Deep, profound. e: ; zhènk, s. p. Rust. Kj zhènghyâr, s. p. Verdigris. Jü): zhürnâl, s. t. (French), Ajournal, daily register, log-book; daily, weekly, or monthly state (ofregiments, &c.). * j zhülidé, a. p. Dishevelled (hair). ·j zhiyân, a. p. Furious, raging (animal). [silver. *: zhivê (jiwa), s. p, Mercury, quick- ( /* * C- sîn (sin). Fifteenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having always the sharp sound of 8 in English, which In chronograms and astronomical tables it has the numeral value of 60. In the never degenerates into that of 2. V- dates of letters it stands, instead of :, for the month Sha“ban. sâ, a. p. (in composition), Who or which rubs, has rubbed, or is as though it had rubbed. s-- sâbi”, a, a. The seventh ; sol- sâbi”â, Seventhly. · sâbik, a. a. The former, prior ; \i sâbiki, ad. a. Formerly ; di: . sâbika, s. a. A former act of crime, former conviction ; ki: - sâbikali, a. t. Who has before committed some offence, or been convicted. · sâhir, s. a. A magician. J- sâhil, s. a. The seashore, a river- bank ; ; - sâhil-khānā, s. t. A house on the Bosphorus or seashore; - -- sâhil-sârây, A palace on the shore of the Bosphorus or sea. *- sâhé, s. a. Alevel space ; a place, square, court. & - sâkhté, a. p. Simulated, false, forged ; 64 -- sâkhté-kyâr, A forger. c· sâdiss, a. a. The sisth; \ \. sâdissâ, ad. a. Sixthly. 8° sâdé, a. 10. Plain, unadorned, un- mixed ; Jj - sâdé - ghyûzel, a. t. Neat, plain, simple ; J· sâdé-dil, s. p, A greenhorn, simpleton. · sâr, s. p. (in composition), Country, land (where anything is found). aley- sârdèlé, or ·9 - sârdèlé- bAlighi, s. t. A sardine. · sürik, s. a Athief a robber. [ 591 ] t. k-7 :y- sârnij, s. t. An underground reser- voir for water. -5: • sâri (fem. &: - sârîyyf), a. a. Contagious. j - sÂz, s. t. Arush, bulrush ; a reed ; a lute; –, 8. p. Paraphermalia ; -, a. p. (in composition), Who makes, does, performs, accomplishes; j sü nâ-sâz, a. p. Good for nothing. ej - sÂzAn, s. t. A carp (?). * sâzèndé, s. p. A musician. sâtür (sAtir), s. p. A large knife, chopper, or cutter. · sâ”at, s. a. A moment of time : any appointed time (as that of death, &c.); an hour; a timepiece of any kind; a league, or hour's distance **** küm-sâ”ati, An hour or minute glass; e-e köyn-sâ- “ati, A watch ; *- ·ş- chèk- méjé-s”ati, A timepiece, chimney- clock ; · * külé-sâ’ati, A tower-clock ; · tÂmm-sâ’at, A chronometer ; şie- sâ”atji, A watch and clock maker. - · sâ”iy, s. a. One who endeavours, does his best, works at (anything) ; a foot-messenger, foot postman. sâghEr, s. p. Adrinking-cup. · sâk, s. a. The leg or thigh; the trunk of a tree, a pole ; ·y· tèshmiri-sâk, The tucking up one's trousers (when going about in the dirt or water), preparing for business ; e· sâkâyn, The two legs of a tri- angle ; · mütéssâvîyyu- -'ss-sâkâyn, Isosceles (triangle). • sâkiz, s. t. The island Chio ; gum mastic ; gum resin; ·f ş- châm- -sâkizi, Pine resin, rosin. ail. sâkit, a. a. Fallen into disuse, no longer valid. - · sâkî, s. a. A cupbearer. · sâkit, a.a. Mute, not speaking; not spoken. e· sâkin, a. a. Who dwells, lives, inhabits; dwelling, living, inhabiting ; quiet, gentle, tranquil; not followed by a vowel in the same syllable (a consonant); -, –öl, v.n. To dwell, live, inhabit, stay. - J- sâl, s. p. A year : * sâl- -nâmé, An almanack. - sâlâr, s. p. A general, commander, captain of a post. - Söyl-i sālifu-'z-zikr, a, a, The above- mentiomed, the forenamed. c= \. sâlik, a. a. Who treads a path, follows a road or example. : • sâlim, a. a. Free from hurt, vice, disease, defect. - * sâlé, a. p. (following Persian numeral adjectives), Years old, years | - sâlyâr, s. t. Saliva. [ofage. e· sâlyân, &. sâlyâne, s. p. Income-tax. f - sâmm, a. a. Poisonous ; the poi- sonous wind of the desert, called in Turkish (sâm)-yeli. e· sâmân, s. p. All or anymecessary t 92ı - k-7 things, material or mental; i; V. sâmân-süz, a. p. Which burns (de- stroys) any or all of one's needful havings. • s-- sâmi” (fem. *· sâmi”a), 0. 0. Who hears ; * \. · kÜvvéti- -sâmi”a, The auscultative faculty; sense of hearing 5 e· sâmi”in, s. pl, a. Hearers, an audience. • sâmi, a.a. High, exalted; vizirial; - * mektubu-sâmi, A vizi- rial letter. e- sânih, a. a. Emanating; *=. sâniha, s. a. An event, occurrence. -5. sây, a. p. (in composition), Who rubs, has rubbed, or is as though he had rubbed. [Other. 5. sâ’ir, a. a. Who travels : –, a. t. - sa'iss-khâné, s. t.A baggage- horse, bât-horse, sumpter-horse ; a great man’s baggage. [drives. c· sâ'ik, a. a. Who pushes, urges, J5. sâ'il, s. a. A beggar; a questioner; an asker ; a plaintiff. & sâyé, s. p. A shadow, shade ; pro- tection, auspices; · * sâyébÂn, s. p. A kind of pavilion or tent for shade; a canopy ; a parasol. - sebb, s. a Blasphemy, reviling anything sacred; -, -et, v.n. To utter blasphemy. [ming. · sebâhât, s. a. Natation, swim- ş sebâ“, s. pl, a. (no sing), Wild beasts, beasts of prey. · sibâk, s. a. What precedes (in V. 69 9 [ 593 ] * ? discourse); · siyâk - sibâk, What follows and what precedes, the Context, the general sense and struc- ture (of a writing). : • sebâyâ, s. pl. a. Captives, pri- soners of war, slaves. · sebeb, s. a (pl. - essbÂb), A cause, reason, motive ; a means; “ sebebsiz, a. t. Without cause ; · sebeblenmek, v.n. To obtain a means of gaining a liveli- hood ; : :e sebébiyyet, s. a. The quality of being the cause. · sebt, s. a. Saturday. · sübhâna, s. a. (oblique case) in * = sübhâna-'llAh! (I sing) the praises of God ! O God ! O God ! 4 = - hAkk- sübhânahü- -vè-ta”âlâ, (God) the Very Truth, to whom be praise, and whose name be exalted ! = sübhânî (fem. * = sübhâniyyé), a. a. Divine, pertaining to God. L* sebz, a. p. Green. 3} • sebzé, s. p. (pl. · sèbzéwÂt, vulg. zèrzéwAt), Any green vegetable for table. 5-* seb”, &** seb”â, a. a. Seven; –, süb”, A seventh part ; y* seb”ün, seb'in, Seventy. C* sâbak, in c· mâ-sâbak, s. a. What has been said, what precedes, and in e,s** sâbak-khân, s. p. One who learns a lesson. · sâbkAt, s. a. A preceding in marration, or in point of time ; \–, –et, v.n. To precede; to happen. c sebuk, a. p. Light, volatile; not heavy ; not grave or sedate; –, sebk, s. a. Order of words in phrases ; ay sebk-u-rAbt, The order and construction (of phrases) ; — sèbuk-bâr, a. p. Whose load is light ; · sèbuk-pây, a. p. Light of foot; j* sebUk-mâghz, a. p. Volatile, foolish, light-witted. * sebU, s. p. A pitcher orjar. seby, s. a A taking captive, carry- ing into captivity ; -, -et, v.a. To carry into Captivity. [cast metal. 4K sebik6, s. a An ingot, a bar of : sebil, s. a. A road ; (zebil) a building where cups of water are kept ready for thirsty passers-by ; \: ebnâyi-sebil, Travellers ; aJ. fi- sebili-'llâh, In the cause and for the love of God. * (sipa), s. p. A three-legged stool. c: ; sipârish, s. p. Arequest, order, or command; a thing made to order ; \–, –et, v.a. To recommend, leave, request, order, command (anything to be done). [giving. c· sipâss, s. p. Praise or thanks- * U 5`; sipâhî (the sepoy of India and Spahi * sipâh, s. p. An army ; of Turkey, as misspelt and mispro- p. A soldier, a feudal soldier serving under nounced by Europeans), s. military tenure. 2 R \* y ** sèped, s. t. Asmall open-mouthed basket; · ** sèped-ishi, s. t. Basket- work; : • • sèped- -sAndighi, A trunk or box made on a frame of basket-work covered with leather; -***c • mètériss-sèpédi, 8. t. A gabion. siper, s. p. Any kind of protection ; a shield; a parapet; a peak (of a cap). · sepken, s. t. Drizzle, sleet ; • e· sülU-sèpken, Mixed sleet and drizzle. [spit, drizzle, sleet. · sèpmek (aor. /; sèpEr), vn, To 45yyç sûpurghé, s. t. Abroom. e: ) sûpurmek (aor. y: sûpurur), v.a. To sweep. -6 Ağ*)2ç* sûpurundu, s. t. Sweepings; sûpurunduluk, s. t. A dust-heap, a dust-hole. * sipeh, s. p. Abbreviation of * sipâh ; -eç- sipehsâlâr, s. p. A captain or commander-in-chief of an army. Lé; sipihr, s. p. The sphere, the sky; fate as ruled by the planets. [White. · sepid (for sefid), a. p. · sitt, 4 sitté, a.a. Six. *) * sitâré, s. p. A star. e· sitân, a p. (in composition), Who or which takes possession; –, isstân, s. p. (in composition), A country. u· sitâyish, s. p. Praise, eulogy ; \-, -et, v.a. To praise, eulogize. setr, s. a. A covering over ; – or tbo4ı e ş” ° tain ; -, setr-et, v.a. To cover, to conceal. [walking coat. · setri, s. t. A military or undress * sitem, s. p. Violence, ill-treatment; hard words; \–, –et, v.n. To ill- treat; to use hard words; 8 \ \• • sitem - didé, a. p. Who has been hardly used. [termittent fever. * sitma, s. t. An ague, common in- 8 sütüdé, a. p. Praiseworthy. (.)5* sütün, s. p. A column, pillar, post, mast ; –, sittün, and J* sittin, a. a. Sixty. [affliction, anxiety. 8 sûtüh, s. p. Trouble, sorrow, grief, se ş“ sèjjâdé, s. a. Aprayer-carpet. 8 \ş“ sejdé, s. a. Adoration, prostration of the head: -, -et, v.n. To pro- strate the head in sign of adoration. 5-ş” sèj”, s. a. Arhyming of the ends of members of a prose phrase. 1 Jş° sijill, s. a. A register or book of records in a court of law. eş” sijim, s. t. Packthread, string. eş“ sijin, s. a. A prison. eş ş” süjüd, s. a. Adoration, prostra- tion in adoration. - ş“ süjuk, s. t. Adried sausage ; a train of powder in a hose for firing a mime. eş” sich An, s. t. A mouse ; a rat; -ş” ; - findik- sichani, A - mouse ; ş” * ghèmEr-sichAni, Arat; : eş” sichAn-yölU, s. t. The zigzag or covered way for com- munication between parallelsin sieges. -ş ci •ş° T 595 ] · c ş° sechmek (aor. ş” sècher), v.a. &-4-s” *p To select, pick, pick out; sèchma, a. t. Selected, picked. -\s* sâhâb, s.a. A cloud. [enchanter. _\s” sâhhâr, s. a. A magician, SOrCerer, s° sihr (sihir), s. a. Magic, enchant- ment, sorcery ; –, sâhr, s. a. The * early part of the morning ; Wys” sâhran, ad. a. Early in the morning; jlı s° sihir-bÂz, s. p. A magician. Çs“ sâhk, s. a. Abruising, pounding, triturating; –, –et, v.a. Tobruise, pound, triturate. s° sâhür, s. a. The meal taken in | Ramazan a short time before the ear- liest dawn when fast-time begins \s° sâkhä, · sâkhâvet, s. a. Liberality, generosity, munificence. ·* sâkht, a. p. Hard; rough ; se- VGTG. [leather ; calfleather. ey'---s° sakhtiyân, s. p, Morocco cys” sûkhân, s. p. A word; speech, talk, discourse. [munificent. s” sâkhi, a. a. Liberal, generous, \. sedd, s. a. A stopping, shutting, blocking up (any passage) ; a Wall, &c., by which apassage is blocked up; a terrace supported by a wall or bank; a bank or dyke for turning the stream of a river ; -, -et, v.a. To shut, stop up, block up. - el sedâd, s. a. Uprightness, integrity, rectitude of faith or morals. 8 sûddé, s. a. Any obstruction in any part of the body ; a threshold; ·'s süddé'i-sâ”âdet, (The threshold of felicity) The seat of em- Dpart. c· sûdss (sûduss), s. a. A sixth –5 sedef, s. t. The herb rue. · or sidik, s. t. Urine. \! sèdid, a. a. Right (in faith or morals). pire. sèr, s. p. The head; the extremity, end or beginning; the tip ; the top, Summit ; a chief; –, sirr, s. a. A secret ; _ •5 -, sirr-tÜtmak, v.a. To keep Secret, keep as a secret : – –, v.n. To keep a secret ; -, sirr-kyâtibi, s. t. A secretary, private or confidential secretary ; y- sirrûn, ad. a. In secret. V” sèrâ, s. p. (or - * sûrây), A pal- ace ; –, sirâ, a. p. (in composition), Who sings. · sîrâb, s. p. The mirage. zy- sîrâj, s. a. Alamp, any artificial light; –, serrâj (sûraj), s. a. A saddler. · sûrâkhi, s. p. A decanter. Jey* sèrâdik, s. a. (pl - sèrâdi- kÂt), A pavilion. -5), • serâri, s.pl.a. (of & sürriyyé), [Concubines. · 0?” · serâsimé, a. p. Stu- pefied, bewildered. -sy • sâray, s. p. A palace; a mansion 5 · sârayli, a. t. Any person, espe- cially a Woman, who belongs, or has belonged, to the Sultan's palace. · sirâyet, s. a. Contagion, a con- - 2 R 2 “-2r* tagious communication; -, -et, v.a. To be communicated, spread con- tagiously. “-2r* Serp, a. and s.t. Servian; a Servian. · sèr-besst (sèr-bess), a.p. Free, independent; L*) * sEr-bèssti, s.p. · sèr-bèsstiyyet, s. a. . c ser-besstlik (sir-besslik), a. t. Liberty, freedom, independence. e· - Serpisstân, s. t. Servia. “: y” serpmek (aor. : — serpEr), v.a. and n. To sprinkle. · sert, a. t. Strong, pungent; vio- lent, vehement; angry, severe. *e sèrché, s. i. A sparrow; L:/2-, sèrché - pârmaghi, s. t. The little finger. *\>-5)” sEr-hâdd, s. p. Aborder, frontier. z: r* sÜrkh, a. p. Red; –, s. t. Red ink. c· sèr-khösh (sarhösh), ap.Drunk, [intoxicated. 9) • sèrd, a. p. Cold ; –, s. a. A laying down, setting forth, reciting ; –, -et, v.a. To lay down, set forth, [chief. yle2)” sèrdâr, s. p, A commander-in- recite. . ·)y· sèr-risht6, s. p. (The end of a clue or thread) A handle or pretext. U:j sèr-zenish, s. p. A knock on the head, a rebuff, a Tebuke. [giddy. f - sèrsâm (sersem), a, p. Stupefied, · sèrséri, s. p. A vagabond. ·y* sirisht, s. p. Nature, natural disposition. * 5,* sirishk, s. p. A tear, tears. [ 596 ] · · seratÂn, s. a. The sign Cancer. · sûr”ât, s. a Speed, velocity, swiftness, quickness. · sèr-“Assker, s. p. A military commander-in-chief; the Minister of War. - · sirkAt, d5y* sèrika, s. a. Theft ; a thieving, stealing; -, -et, To thieve, steal. · ser-ghyüzèsht, s. p. An ad- venture, what happens to anyone. *9,52)” sèr-kèrdé, s. p. A commander, chief, head. J*· ser-kesh, a. p. Disobedient, in- tractable, unruly, rebellious. 45 sirké, s't. Vinegar. · sèrghi, s. t. A stall at a fair; a paymaster’s office or temporary stall when paying troops; an order orbill on a paymaster. 9 - sermâ, s. p. Winter. * sèr-mâyé, s. p. Capital, stock; original, prime cost; original material of which a thing is made ; y'e: • sèrmâyé-dâr, s. p. A capitalist. · sèrmëd, -5°)” sErmédi, a. a. Everlasting, eternal. · sèrmek (aor. sèrEr), v.a. To spread (cloths or stuffs). sèr-mü, s. p. A hair's-tip (a hair's-breadth). *)” sirma, s. t. Gold thread ; gold lace ; gold embroidery ; –, sürmé, s. t. Collyrium for tinging the eye- lashes, or for improving the sight; Ü — [ 597 ] A* U*=-, sirma-kesh, s. t. A gold- wire drawer. Ür. sûrnâ (zûrna), s. p. A kind of horn ortrumpet; a stupid fool. *) * serv (selvi), s. p. A cypress; ej - sErvi-âzâd, e : -, sèrvi-rèwân, (A free, a walking cypress), serv- -kAdd, (Cypress-statured), Atall, slim, graceful person. _09)* sèrvèr, s. p. A chief; –, sürür, 8. a. Joy, delight, happiness. c· sürüsh, s. p. An angel. *, seré, s. t. The distance spanned by the thumb and fore-finger. _r)* sèrir, s. a. A throne. 5-r* seri”, a. a. Quick, swift; (: r* seri”an, ad. a. Quickly; swiftly. u. serin, a. t. Cool (air); ·3)* sèrinlEshmek, v.n. To grow cool or fresh. 4- seriyy6, s. a An expeditionary army ; –, sürriyyé, s. a. A concubine. j- siz, pron. t. Ye, you; –, siz or siz, The Turkish privative particle placed like the prepositions at the end of a moun, and has the meaning of our less or without; · sizing,Your; yours; -°)* sizi, Ye, you (acc.); 3} • sizé, To you ; 8 - sizdé, At or in you ; ey * sizdan, From you ; *-Si. sizingla, With you ; ; sizsiz, With- out you; dey- sizja, Your fashion ; according to you. W- sèzâ, sèzâvâr, a. p. Worthy. · sezmek (aor. j• sezEr), v.a. To penetrate, see through (a concealed design) ; –, sizmek (aor. _j* sizEr), v.n. To percolate, filter (through a rock, jar, &c.). U-· sess, s. t. Sound ; voice ; -, -et, v.n. To call out, speak ; e : -, sèss-virmek, v.n. To sound, give a sound. [languid. ( - süsst, a.p. Weak, feeble, relaxed, sAth (t-h), s. a. A surface, super- ficies ; a flat-terraced roof; –5 –, sAthi-müsstévi, A plane, plane surface; : -, sAthi-müsstédir, A globular surface. · sAtr, s. a. A line of writing ; a line drawn on which to write straight. · sAtvet, s. a. Might, warlike power. · sâ'âdet, s. a. Happiness, good- luck, prosperity, felicity ; · · sâ”âdetlü, a. t. Title given to lieu- tenants-general and their equals in the civil service ; s.yle dâru- -’ss-sâ”âdet, (The house of felicity) The Sultan's gyneceum; = 's süddé'i-sâ”âdet, (The threshold of felicity) The court of government. · si”âyet, s. a. Calumny; back- biting ; -, -et, v.n. To backbite, calumniate. · si”8, s. a. Amplitude ; ) 'a- si”â'i - meshrik, Eastern amplitude ; · si”â'i- mâghrib, Western amplitude. · sâ”d, s. a. Favourable aspect of the planets; e: sâ”deyn, s. a dual. J* [ 598 ] “ The two fortunate planets, Jupiter and Venus. [modity in the market. *- si”r, s. a. Price current of any com- (: 92) sèfâret, s. a. An embassy, legation, mission ; ambassadorship ; & : ā. sefâret - khâné, s. p. An ambassadorial residence. · sefâk, a. a Bloodthirsty, san- guinary, shedder of blood. c- ö. sefâlet, s. a. Lowness of rank and condition. ·\5. sefâhât, s. a. Senseless and inconsiderate conduct, especially in ostentatiously spending money. &ö. sûfté, a. p. Bored, drilled through ; & nâ-sûfté, Not drilled or bored. _* sefer, s. a. Ajourney, trip, voyage; a campaign, a cruise ; war ; travel; time ; -, –et, and ·5-, - vèrmek, v.n. To go on a journey, voyage ; ş-- sèfEr-âchmak, v.n. To commence war or hostilities; * 2: bü-sèfEr, This time, this once ; * z: kAch-sèfEr ? How many times ? V sûférâ, s. pl, a. (of sefir), Ambassadors, envoys. 8,k.' söfra, s. a. A table (or substitute) prepared with food, &c., ready for a meal ; -6*3-, söfra - bèzi, s. t. A tablecloth. [casuistic argumentation. · sefsata (safsata), s. a Sophisms, e sefk, s. a. A shedding (of blood); -, sefki-dimã-et, v.n. To shed blood, [fellows. · sefelé, s. pl.a. (of J; sâfl), Low süfli (fem. 4. e süfliyyé), a.a. - [Ships. e, sûfun, s. pl.a. (of sefiné), · sefid, a p. White ; –=: bāhri- -sefid, The Mediterranean. sefir, s. a. An ambassador, envoy. &: sefimé, s. a. A ship ; the ark (Noah's). [spendthrift. & sèfih, s. a. A foolish, inconsiderate ü. sâkkâ (sâka), s. a. A water-carrier ; L: -, sâka-küshU, s. t. A pelican; a goldfinch. · sâkÂmet, s. a. Harm, hurt; hurtfulness. ai sûkat, s. a.A defect, defectiveness, damage ; –, a. t. Defective, damaged, Low. injured ; dangerous ; infirm, muti- lated, invalided; lai sâkatlik, s. t. Danger of harm; -, -et, v.a. To hurt, injure, damage, make infirm, mutilate. - ö. sAkf, s. a. A roof; a ceiling. _yk· sûkanghür, s. t. Asquare or half- square piece of muslin used as an - envelope for letters and official papers. k, süküt, s. a. A falling downwards. · sègh, s. p, A dog ; –, sik, s. t. The penis. e· sikkyân, s. a. A ship's or boat's rudder or helm ; –, s. pl. a. (of · sâkin), Inhabitants. · seghbân (seymen), s.p. Formerly a soldier of a particular corps of the Janissaries, next a soldier of some regiments organised in the European · D 599 ] • • style, and latterly a kind of irregular police soldier. · sekté, s. a. An impediment; ş=== } ·2)!9 sèkté-virmek, v.n. To impede, hinder, be a source of impediment. =- sèkr, s. a. Drunkenness, ebriety, inebriety ; –, sükkEr, s. a. Sugar ; –, Or · singir, s. t. A nerve ; a tendon ; a muscle. •5i = • sèghirtmek (aor. /9)=- sèghirdir), v.n. Torun. • • sèghirdim, s. t. The raised way or platform on which soldiers stand behind a parapet. · sekiz, a. t. Eight; · sè- kizinji, a. t. The eighth. e· (sèksEn), a. t. Eighty. · sikishmek (aor. =- siki- shir), v.n. To copulate together. c—. See —. c sekmek (aor. X- sekEr), v.n. To glance off, ricochet (a projectile); –, sikmek, v.a. To act the male in copulation, to tread, line, cover, &c. · sekénât, s. pl, a. (of ·, not used), Quiescent states; - 5Je- hârékyât-u–, Active and quiescent states, uprisings and lyings down. * K. sekéné, s. pl, a. (ofe = sâkin), Inhabitants. · or .K. süknâ, s. a. A habitation; –J: 5 kÂbili-süknâ, a. p. Habitable. · sûkyüt, s. a. Silence, holding one's tongue ; -, -et, v.n. To re- frain from speaking. · sûkyün, s. a. Aremaining motion- less; a remaining, staying in a place ; the quiescent state of a consonant or the not being followed by a vowel in same syllable. ·· sûkyünèt, s. a. Tranquillity of deportment, freedom from hurry or disturbance. · sikké, s. a The impression on coins; the coin itself; the die with which –, sikké- -kèssmek, v.n. To strike money. : ” coins are struck ; · singir, s. t. A nerve ; a tendon ; a e· sikkin, s. a. A knife. [muscle. * K. sekin6, s. a The glory of God in the ark of the covenant. J- sell, s. a. The drawing (a sword) from its scabbard; – - selli- -seyf-et, v.n. To draw the sword. <- silâh, s. a. Any kind of offensive arm ; · silâhli, a. t. Armed; c -- silâhlanmak, v.n. To arm one's self, take up arms ; - silâh-shör (sAlahör), s. p. A kind of knight in dignity. · selâsset, s. a. Facility (of dic- tion) ; e·-, sèlâssèti-lissÂn, An easy flowing manner of speech. 4 - sülâlé, s. a. Children, descendants, posterity, descending race or stock. • • selâm, s. a. Peace ; the saying, Peace be to you ! a salutation, a motion or sigmal of courtesy equiva- lent to taking off the hat, and com- sisting in kissing the finger ends of · [ 600 ] the right hand and carrying it to the head ; · -, selâm-vèrmek, vn. To make (as a superior) the sigmal of courtesy to anyone; ·-, sèlâm- -Almak, v.n. To receive and render (as an inferior) this salute; to receive by letter the salutation of a person ; ·2 –, selâm-ghyindErmek, or \-, -et, v.n. To send compliments or salutations; C: ) –, selâm-dûr- · c :2)9° selâma-dÜrmak, v.n. To stand mak, v.n. To present arms ; ready to receive and salute a superior; e°- selâmun (or selâm)-”âley- kyum ! Peace be upon you! (to which is replied) *~~ “âleykyum- -selâm (or - = e: vë - “âley- kyum–) Upon you be peace ! (It is not usual for Turkish Mussulmans to give or receive this salutation from people of another Teligion, though the Arabs do so). · selâmet, s. a. Safety, freedom from harm or danger ; a - selâ- mètla ! In safety ! (said to anyone on his taking leave). · selâmlik, s. t. The men's part of a Turkish house; a public appear- ance of the Sultan every Friday when he goes in state to a place of worship. · SElânik, s. t. Salonica. -- sèlb, s. a. A takingaway, seizing, spoiling; –, seleb, s. a. Arms and other spoils taken from an enemy; - selb-et, v.a. To take, seize, carry off; selbi (fem. selbiyyé), a. a. Privative or negative ; = \āe · sâfÂti-sèlbiyyé, The privative or negative attributes of God, as, death- less, fellowless, &c. yas - silahdâr (silindār), s. p. An esquire or arms-bearer to his lord. - sèlkh, s. a. A skinning ; the skin or fell of an animal; the thirtieth day of a lunar month (always so used in dating letters). · silsilé, s. a. A chain; a series ; a race, family, dynasty ; an hierarchy; · 98-, silsilé-yûrumek, v.n. To take place through the whole of the grades of an hierarchy (promotion when a superior post becomes vacant). - e· sültÂn, s. a. (pl. e· selâtin), The Sultan; a daughter of the Sultan; a proof; dominion ; –8°, wâlidé- -sültÂn, The mother of the Sultan. (In naming the Sultan this title pre- cedes his name, as, *s'e a - SültÂn-Mâhmüd ; but in the case of his daughters, the name stands first, as, a - Essmâ-Sültán; a - sûltâni (fem. sûltâniyyé), a. a. Imperial, Sultanic. · sAltan At, s. a. The sultanate ; • empire, sovereignty ; pomp, magnifi- cence, grandeur ; : -, sAltan Ati- -sèniyyé, The imperial Ottoman Go- vermment. [predecessor in office. – selef, s. a (pl. – esslâf), A e silk, s. a. A series, order, row (of · beads, words, &c.); a career or line of public life. · silkmek (aor. • silkEr), v.a. To shake (a thing) so as to free it from something on or in it, as a mat, a tablecloth, a pipe; to trace (a draw- ing, &c.) by pricking holes in the out- lines, and then shaking charcoal dust through it on to another paper or cloth; • silkinmek, v.n. To shake itself (as a dog when it comes out of the water) ; * silkma, s. t. A kind of toss-up dish of fried food. ( - sèllèm ! May (God) grant (him) etermal peace ! (said in speaking of Muhammed, in the phrase * e e salla-'ıláhu-“aleyhi-ve- -sellèm) ; –, sûllem, s. a. Aladder ; a staircase. < - silmek (aor. * silEr), v.a. To wipe; to wipe out; to Scrub and wash (floors). e· sûlumèn, s. t. Name of two pre- parations of mercury ; - : Ak-, Corrosive sublimate, hydro-chlorate of mercury ; - Ve tAtli–, Calomel. · sülük, s. a. The taking, turning into, keeping, or following a road, a line of life, a rule of conduct; –, –et, v.n. To take orkeep (a road, &c.). · sèlvâ, The quails sent to feed the Israelites. * sillé (for · sili, s. p.), s. t. A smack on the face, box on the ear. * selika, s. a Natural genius, [ 601 ] *) * t? · sèlim, a. a. Free from defect, as it should be, proper. e· Süleymân, s. t. Solomon. • süleymâni, s. t. A kind of precious agate. [sèmm, s. a. Poison. * süm, s. p. The hoof of a horse; –, • • semâ, s. a (pl. · semâvât), The sky. · simât, s. a. Amark made on any- thing to distinguish it; a characteristic. · semâhât, s. a. Beneficence, liberality, generosity ; - “ sèmâ- hatlü, a. t. Beneficence (title given to high dignitaries of the law). ev sûmât, s.a. Atable(or its substitute) ready prepared with food for a meal. 8 - semâ”, s. a. Hearing; the dance of the dervishes ; · sèmâ'i (fem. *-e-· semâ” yyé), a, a. Founded on general hearsay; irre- gular (in grammar). • sümmâk, s. a. Sumach ; “ sümmâki (sömâki), s. t. Porphyry. · simâk, s. a Name of two stars ; J;el simâki-â”zel, (The un- armed Simak) Spica Virginis (?) and <*) *- simâki-râmih, (The spear- holding Simãk) Arcturus (?); cr-: ·12 ·beyné-'ss-simâki-vi- -’ss-sèmèk, The distance between the stars (Simâk) and the fish (Sèmek) on which the universe used to be said to be supported. [a. a. Celestial. · semâvi (fem. : · semâviyyé), *) * sûmpâré (zâmpara), s. p. Emery- L* [ 602 ] ö.4e 6 · semt, s. a A quarter, tract, country ; a parish, neighbourhood; a house, dwelling ; a direction, course; c-y-, semti-ress, The zenith * — sèmti-kAdEm, The Nadir. L• semer, s. t. A pack-saddle. · sèmirmek (aor. y* sèmirir), v.n. To grow fat. “ simsār, s. a. Abroker. 5-* sem”, s. a. A hearing ; the ear ; *e - sèm'an-ve-tâ'a, ad. a. No sooner heard than obeyed (an answer to a command or request). ci • sèmek, s. a. A fish. c 9 - sümkyurmek (aor. )v· sûmkyurur), v.n. To blow one's nose. t.j“ sèmen, s. p. Jessamine; –, simèn, 8. a. Fatness, stoutness ofbody. A • • sèmènd, s. p. A horse. _y \* sèmender, s. p. A salamander. * sûmüvv, s. a. Elevation, exaltedness, eminence. - 5 * semmür (sâmUr), s. a. The sable. · sûmuk, s. t. Snot, mucus; · sûmuklu, a. t. Snotty, mucous : • - e: sûmuklu-bîjek, s. t. A snail, a slug. [The poisonous wind. * sèmüm, a. a Poisonous; –, s. a. · or * simit, s. t. Akind of breakfast cake made like a large ring. * semir, s. a. Evening conversation. semiz, a. t. Fat, well-fed; ·-, sèmiz-öt, s. t. Purslain. 5-“ semi”, s. a.The all-hearing God. v** semin, a, a. Fat, well-fed. ter* sèn, pron. t. Thou ; · sèning, Thy ; thine ; u * sèni, Thee; K· sânga, To thee ; 8 sèndé, At or in thee; y sèndan, From thee; · sèningla, With thee ; ; sènsiz, Withoutthee; *si. sènja, Thy fashion, according to thee; –, sinn, s. a. A year ofage; age ; (pl. ·lessnân), A tooth. sènâ, s. a. Brightness, splendour ; -, 07” <- sénâ-mèkki, Senna (the most esteemed coming from Mecca). · sinân, s. a. The point or head of a lance. · sünbéki, s. t. A diver in deep sûnbul (zûnbul), s. p. Ahyacinth ; · sÜnbuli, a. a. Hyacinthine in colour, overcast (summer sky). · sünbulé, s. a. A head or ear of [Sleep. & sèné, s. a. A year ; –, siné, s. a. [water. corn; the sign Virgo. · sûnnèt, s. a. Any religious prac- tice founded on an imitation of the actions of Muhammed, especially cir- - cumcision; the whole body of practices so founded, constituting the third basis of Muhammedan canon law ; · sünnètji, s. t. A circumciser ; * sünnetli, a. t. Circutmcised ; j* sünnètsiz, a. t. Uncircumcised ; -, sünnët-öl, v.n. To undergo cir- cumcision : -, sûnnet-et, v.a. To circumcise. &: sentina, s. t. (Italian), The bilge of aship ; -, -sûyu, Bilge-water. * senj, a, p. (in composition), Who weighs, measures, esteems, values, considers. · sinjâb (zinjef), s. p. The grey squirrel ; · sinjâbi, a. a. Of the colour of the grey squirrel's fur. şi. sAnjak, s. t. A flag, banner, en- sign, standard; a minor province, of which several may be included in one ·: eyâlet, orgovernment-general; si. sAnjakdâr, An ensign-bearer; – –, sAnjaki-sherif, The sacred banner of Muhammed preserved at Constantinople. A* sèned, s. a. A document (as being a thing on which one can lean with con- fidence). c-) : ) sendérüss (sAndaloss), s. t. Gum copal(?), gum sandarac(?). (_y \ sûnduss, s. a. Akind of rich silk sinsi, s. t. A sly fellow. [stuff. ci sèning, pron. t. Thy; thine; –, sèngh, s. p. A stone ; — sèngh- bâr, — sènghsâr, * sèngh- lâkh, s. p. A stony place. ~ sènghsâr, s. p. The punishment of lapidation or stoning to death. e· sènghin, a.p. Heavy. e: * sinmek (aor. siner), v.n. To shrink to nothing (in a corner), tohud- dle one's selfup, to hide one's self asit werefromshame, modesty, orconfusion. z sünüh, s. a. A becoming manifest, appearing; -, -et, v.n. To appear, come forth, be made manifest. [ 603 ] · }}* sinir, s. t. A limit, boundary, fron- tier, coast; -4-, sinir-kèssmek, v. n. To appoint, mark out, lay down, define a frontier orboundary. -8 ° sènévi (fem : sènéviyyé), a. a. Annual. sèni, pron. t. acc. Thee ; –, seni (fem. & sèniyyé), a. a. Splendid, brilliant ; –, sûnni, a. a. Conforming to the practices of Muhammed in all religious observances ; a Sunnite or orthodox Mussulman. - cy senin, s.pl.a.(of& sèné), Years. * sü, s.p. A side ; -25° sü-bè-sü, Side by side ; on all sides, 5° sû', s. a. Evil; badness; J--, sü'i- . -hâl (Badness of condition or circum- stances), Bad circumstances ; · sü'i-zânn (Badness of conjectural opinion), Abad opinion, suspicion. · sewâhil, s.pl.a. (of - sâhil), Shores, coasts. · sèwâd, s.a. Blackness; a dark body easily seen at a distance, and hence a town, city. · süwâr, a. p. Mounted, riding. -5), • sûwâri, s. p. A cavalry soldier ; cavalry; –, s. t. The captain of a man- of-war. - J;- sü'âl, s. a. A questioning, asking ; b begging; a question; -, -et, v.a. To ask. *: sûbiyé, s. t. Any drink made from · sûpurmek, 46%r!* süpurghé, ·sûpurundu, See “ ·, &c. [crushed pips, kernels, &c. * -ş” [ 604 ] jy- * sükhté, a.p.Burnt;–, s.p.(söfta), süruklEnir), v.n. and p. To trail or be One whose heart or mind is burnt or dragged along. inflamed with the love of God, religion, : · sürghyun, s. t. Exile ; a place of [a lock. :*) * sürghu, s. t. A bolt ; the bolt of ·2)ye sürmek (aor. yy sürEr), v.a. or science; astudent oflawand divinity. exile; an exiled person. · sûd, s. p. Profit, gain; -, süd- -âvèr, a. p. Which brings profit ; – (or · süt), s. t. Milk ; ül-, süt- -âna, A wet-nurse ; foster-mother ; -, süt-(kârdashi), A foster- brother; -Şe sûtdan-késs- mek, v.a. To wean. - ley- sèvdâ, s. a. Black bile (a suppo- sititious humour of the body); melan- choly ; any fixed idea, wish, or mono- mania ; -: kAra-sèvdâ, s. t. The spleen or monomania of melancholy ; -5 ey- sèvdâvi, a. a. Pertaining to ölack bile or melancholy, To exile (a person); to drive (cattle, &c.) ; to rubin, on, or against (oint- ment, &c.); to plough (land); to live (alife); to shoot out (roots or branches); –, v.n. To travel quickly ; to last (a while); to require time, take time; to shoot (seeds, plants), spring up, take root, send forth shoots, grow ; to be purged or very much relaxed (the belly); - *e “imr-sürmek, v.n. To lead an agreeable life; –-āş-chift- -sürmek, v.n. To drive the plough ; 8 - südé, a. p. Rubbed. _5- sür, s.a. A rampart, city wall, castle –j: yüz-sürmek, v.n. To rub the face (on the ground) as a sign ofhumility. wall; –, s. p. A feast, merry-making | • y; sürunmek (aor. :) - süru- ö9 - sürâkh, s. p. A hole. [attack. nur), v.n. To rub one's self (against · sèvrit, s. a. The violence of an anything); to drag one's self along. * sûrtmek (aor. yy sürter), va, :) - süré, s. a. A chapter of the Kur'an. To draggle (one's clothes) in the dirt ; -5.yy or ); süru, s. t. A flock (asbeing e : ) - sürtunmek (aor._); * sur- tunur), v.n. To crawl, drag one's self along in the dirt; to grub one's selfin the dirt; to frequent improper places. driven by a drover); a considerable number of individuals of any live thing, a flock, crowd, group, herd; –, sivri, a. t. Sharp-pointed ; -: ), • ·ş- sürchmek (aor. 5- 9; sür- chEr), v.n. To slip (the foot). t ·U9 • sûrek, s. t. Duration, durability. c ky· sûruklémek (aor. · sü- rukler), v.a. To drag, drag along ; * 5 y” sûruklenmek (aor. 9 - sûruju, s. t. A postilion. * Sürriyyé, s. a. Syria. c· Sürriyyüs, s. a. Nimrod. j3- siz, s. t. A word; a saying, what one says; a promise; a word to say against anything ; an objection ; e üy- Aş*-:jy sûzu-ghècher, a.t.One whose word, command, or request has great weight ; e}: * S Anga-sizum-yök, I have nothing to say against that; c* * birina-siz-Atmak, v.n. To talk at one; •5 ·y birining-sîzunu-tûtmak, Tokeep some one's commandments ; ·-, sîz-dinémek, To give ear to advice ; c· birining-sîzun- dan-chikmak, Not to follow what some one has recommended or requested ; c* y° - ) - sizundan - dînmek with the necessary change of pronoun), To go away from one's word, retract a pro- mise or assertion ; & : *j;” sizum- -yâbAna (my word to the wilderness), Ibeg your pardon for using the term, but it does not apply to you (the İtalian : con rispetto parlando, said when the speaker uses any vulgar epi- thet); –, süz, a.p. (in composition), Which burns, ignites, destroys by burning ; -, 8. p. A burn, a burning ; grief, sorrow, Tegret. e)j; süzân, a.p. Burning. [der, filter. :- süzghech, s. t. A strainer, cullen- · sûzulmek (aor. jş sûzulur), v.n. To have the appearance seen in those of a drunken or sleepy person (the eyes); to droop down on the spot (a drunken man) ; -, v.p. To be strained, filtered. [To strain, filter. ·j süzmek (aor._jy” sûzEr), v.a. · süzèn, s. p, A needle. [ 605 ] · c-; süss, s. t. Any superficial embel- lishment ; the Shading of pencil or water-colour drawings ; · L** sûss-virmek, v.n. To set off with any embellishment; _; :· L** sûssunu- -wÜrmak, To shade (a drawing) ; \c - süss-et, v.n. To strut and show one's self off. cy süsèn, s. p. Alily; an iris. U5 sevk, s. a. A driving, pushing for- ward, urging, causing to go or march, sending; an instigating ; -, -et, v.a. To drive, push, urge, send, cause to go; to instigate, incite ; –, sük, s. a. A street of shops. · sîkuk, a. t. Ripped open at the [seam. e· · sûghlUn, s. t. Apheasant. · sükmek (aor. - shker), va. To rip up (a seam), unsew ; to take to pieces; to pullup by the roots ; to make one's way (through obstacles of any kind); to Tead, decipher; –, v.n. To make its way to the surface (any intermal disease), discharge itself, and be healed; –, sûghmek, v.n. To call names, revile, curse, swear; : S* sîkyulmek, v.n. To come unsewn ; to run, rove out (any knitted work); –, vp. To be ripped orunsewn or unrove, taken to pieces; to be got through, got over; to be read or deciphered. ·· sevkënd, s. p. An oath. · sevghili, s. t. The beloved object of one's affection; a gallant; a sweet- heart. · · silpuk, a. t. Limp, hangingloose and flaccid, flabby. ·· sûluk, s. t. Aleech. e·y· sûlumèn, s. t. Calomel. e: ; sèvmek (aor. yy sèver), v.a. To love; to like. : • sèvinj, s. t. Joy, gladness. e: ) sevindirmek(aor. y sivin- dirir), v.a. To make happy, cause to rejoice ; –, sindurmek (aor. yy • sindurur), v.a. To put out, extinguish. &y” singher, s. t. A sponge. ·9° sünghu, s. t. A bayonet. · sevinmek (aor. : sèvinir), v.n. To rejoice, be glad, be pleased; -, sinmek (aor. r9° sine), v.n. To go out, become extinguished. & seviyyé, s. a. Equality (in * ' e “âlé-’ss-seviyyé, ad. a. Equally, alike). u = sèviji, s. t. A woman who loves to excite herself with another woman. l: 9° süweydâ, s. a. A small black spot, the speck of original sin. · or * sivilja, st. Apimple · süweylémek (aor. : sûwey- ler), v.a. To say; to tell, communicate; to pronounce, utter; to speak ; to confess; • : y· süweyletmek, v.a. To cause to speak; to allow to speak; to force to speak; to torture and ex- tort a confession from (a person); · sûweylenmek, v.n. To speak or murmur to one's self, to grumble ; –, or sûweylénilmek, vp. To be said, pronounced, spoken ; [ 606 ] ee - · sûwèylEshmek, v.d. To confer together, talk (some matter - over) together. • * ·2) sûyundurmek (sindurmek); ·y· sûyunmek (sünmek). See · and “y”. 4. seh, a. p. Three; & & seh-shèn- bih, s. p. Tuesday ; –, sa, sé, Turk- ish conditional termination, contracted from 4-1 issé, if it be, though it be. fle- sihâm, s. pl. a. (of “ sèhm), Arrows. ş * Lé sehr, s. a. Restlessness, sleeplessness. Je sehl (sehil), a. a. Easy, not diffi- cult; level, plain (country). * sèhm, s. a. An arrow ; (sehim) a share, portion (of an inheritance) ; a kind of transferable life annuity pay- able by the treasury ; a kind of ex- chequer bill, bank-note, or assignat (afterwards called & 55 kâ'imé). yé* sèhv, s. a. A mistake ; -, –et, v.n. To make a mistake. · sûhülèt, s. a. Facility, ease ; gentleness, caution ; · sûhülètli, a. t. Easy, not difficult. 5° si, a. p. Thirty ; –, si or si, Turkish pronominal affix of the third person singular when the word to which it is added ends with a vowel; 8S - : bAbAssi, His father, L*8° dèdéssi, His grandfather. siya, s. t. The backing a boat with one or both oars, so as to turn her or make her go astern ; -! int. t. Back z- your boat ! –, –et, v.a. To back (a boat); –, v.n. To back astern (with a boat). z seyyâh, s. a A traveller. · seyâhat, s. a Travel; 4. --~ seyâhât-nâmé, s. p. Abook of travel. · siyâdet, s. a. The quality of being a \ seyyid, descendant of Muhammed. - sèyyâr (fem. *) - sèyyâré, A planet), a. a. Who or which moves about, wandering. · siyâsset, s. a The government or administration of public affairs ; capital punishment; 1-, –et, v.a. To subject to capital punishment; to govern, rule as a magistrate. · siyÂk, s. a. What follows in a sentence; the grammatical or logical construction of a phrase ; a mode, manner, way ; siyÂk-U- -sibÂk, The context; 8 bü- -siyAkda, According to this, thus, in this manner. · siyâkAt, s. a.The peculiar hand- writing used in the finance department. J— seyyâl (fem. seyyâlé), a.a. Flowing, liquid. e· siyân, s. a dual (of L* not used), Two like or equal things ; (as a Turk- ish adjective) equal, alike, all the - SãI]G. * siyâh, a, p. Black ; –, s. p. A black spot: blackness, of a black colour ; · sim-siyâh, Quite [ 607 ] 8r* black ; c· siyâhlatmak, v.a. To blacken, make black ; c· siyâhlanmak, v.n. To become black. · sib, s. p. Anapple. ş- sijAk, a. t. Warm, hot ; –, and · sijAklik, s. t. Heat, warmth. · sıkh, s. p. A spit or skewer. · seyyid, s. a. (fem. 8 seyyidé), 8. a. A prince; a descendant of Mu- hammed. y* seyr, s. a. Motion, change of place, a Wandering; a show, sight, anything to look at, a spectacle ; a looking at anything ; -: seyr-yèri, s. t. A place where people collect for enjoy- ment; 2 * seyrji, s. t. A spec- tator, looker-on, a promenader, a lounger ; -, -et, v.a. To look at, look on (anything as an object of pleasure or curiosity); –, v.n. To move, travel, change its locality; –, siyèr, s. pl, a. (of · siret), The characteristic acts of a person's life, particularly those of Muhammed or other celebrated men ; --* kyü- tubu - siyèr, Historical books, bio- graphical works relating to the lives of Muhammedan worthies ; –, sir, 8. p. Garlic; a. p. Full, satiated. ey- sèyrân, s. a. A promenading, walking about for pleasure ; * sèyrân-ghyâh, A place for a prome- nade. [a person's life and deeds. · siret, s. a The general tenour of 5) sira, s. t. Syra (island of). · · seyrek, a. t. Wide apart, open, not close ; not close woven ; ad. t. Not frequently, seldom. c siss, s. t. A fog, a mist. 4 ş: sighûrta, s. t. Insurance. - seyf, s. a. A sword, sabre. J· seyl (sel), s. a - silâb, s. p. A torrent; the overflowing of water. e)- seyélân, s. a. A flowing, running; \-, -et, v.n. To flow, run. · sili, s. p. A smack on the face; a The thirtieth. “ sim, s. p. Silver ; –, siyum, a. p. V• • simã, s. p. The features, visage, box on the ear. physiognomy: “ lâ-siyyémâ, ad.a. Especially, principally, above all. · simÂb, s. p. (Silver-water) Quicksilver, mercury. · siymek (aor. siyEr), v.n. To urine (said only of a dog), * simyā, s. a. A kind of occult science, magic, necromancy. c* simin, a. p. Of silver. e sinek, s. t. A fiy ; · At- -sinèghi, s. t. Agad-fiy ; - 52);* sivri-sinek, s. t. A musquito; a gnat ; · sineklik, s. t. A whisp for driving flies away with, a fiy-flapper. 4: siné, s. p. The breast, bosom. U* sini, s. t. A large brass or copper tray. e : * sivishmek (aor. : ; sivi- shir), v.n. To slip away quietly. - * süyüf, s. pl, a. (of -i seyf), Swords, sabres. [ 608 ] ol: · 0?” ·2 sivilja, s. t. A pimple. * siyeh (contracted from : * siyâh), a. p. Black. [keeper. · se'iss, s. a. A groom, horse- * seyyi'6, s. a. A sin ; an evil con- sequence ; ·=ş- - sèy- yi'éssini-chekmek, v.n. To be exposed to the evil consequences (ofany act). A ( )* C: shin (shin), Sixteenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having always the value of the English sh in sharp, rash. In chronograms it has the numeral value of 300, and in the dates of letters it stands, deprived of its points, as the abbreviation for the month : Shā"bÂn. U: shā, or.: shā'a, (God) wills (in the Arabic adverbiallocution W. ) in-shâ-'llÂh, If God wills, God willing, used instead of the English term, T hope, let us hope). - * (shAp), s. t. Alum ; -, shÂbb, s, a, Ayoung man, youth Ibravo c \!\ , shâbAsh ! int. p. Well done! ** sh Apka, s. t. A hat, a European cap of any kind; the truck of a mast; · sh Apkali, a. t. Aman wearing a hat or cap of European form. ** shâkh, s. p. Abranch. e: shād (shAz), eye shâdân, · shâdmân, a. p. Happy, joyful, merry, delighted. - elye” elye shād-rewān, s.p. (Which flows merrily), akind of reservoir for water in the court of mosques, having a roof and conveniences for the performance of ablution. - c shārih, s. : shārik, in : * shāriku-'l- [annotator. a. A commentator, -ènvâr, a.a. Light-diffusing, luminous, glorious, brilliant. C°· shâshirmak (aor. )y** shâ- shirir), v.n. To be confused, not know what to say or do; –, v.a. To lose (one's way), take the Wrong (road); to lose (one's place in reading or writing). · shâshkin, s. t. A stupid fellow, one who does not know what he is about. . * c : shâshmak (aor. ** shâshar), v.n. To be surprised, astonished; to be bewildered, confounded; to miss - (generally used in the negative form). ** shâshi, a. t. Squinting (eye). shAtir, s. t. A kind of running footman in the oldem time. gel: shā”ir, s. a. A poet. - J; * shâkül (shâghol), s. t. A mason's plummet and line ; a mason's or car- penter's plumb level. - -= * shâkir, s. a. One who gives thanks. - · shāghird, s. p. A pupil, School- boy, scholar; an apprentice, learner of any kind. * shâki, a. a. One who complains. J: shâl (shAl), s. p. Ashawl; a Cash- [ 609 ] ** mere shawl; the stuff of a Cashmere shawl. [merino. \: shÂlâki, s. t. The best French - * shAli, s. t. Akind of camlet made of goat's hair. ** shâm, s. p. The evening; –, shämm (fem, 4 : shāmm6), s. t. Syria ; –, a. a. Which perceives odours ; *· kÜvvéti-shâmmé, The sense of smelling. · or * shâ’âmet, s. a. The being inevitably unlucky to its pos- sessor (a house, horse, estate, employ). ** shâmikh, a. a. High (mountain, &c.). [which contains; comprehensive. J.: shâmil, a. a Which includes, e· shÂn, s. t. (for e : shë'n, s. a.) Honour, glory, reputation. ö: shāné, s. p, A comb. * : shāh, s. p. The king of Persia; the Sultan; öl. shâhâné, a. p. Per- taining to the Shah of Persia or to the Sultan; royal; imperial. _\ > : shâh-bâz, s. p. The royal falcon. All: shâhid, s. a. An eye-witness ; a legal witness in a court of justice; –, s. p. A beautiful youth or woman. *y** shâh-râh, s. p. A royal road, public road. sejo : shâh-zâdé, s. p. A Persian prince of the blood ; an Ottoman prince of the blood. *\: shāhinshâh, s. p. (King of kings) The Sultan. e : shāhnishin, s. p, A kind of 2 S e· projecting covered balcony or bow- window in a house. e· shâhin, s. t. A royal falcon. e : * shâyân, a. p. Worthy, meriting. *** shâ'ibé, s. a. A semblance, small tincture, least appearance. ** shāyed, c. p. Lest; perhaps, per- adventure. - · shâyèssté, a. p. Proper, fitting. s-* shāyi”, a. a. Diffused, divulged, rumoured, spread. [lugger. di: shāyika, s. t. Akind of Levantine e· shāyghyân, a p. Great, abun- dant (riches); –, 8. p. A treasury or - : shèb, s. p. The night. [treasure. shëbâb, : * shëbâbet, s. a. Youth, youthfulness; · ·:e “ûnfuvÂni - shebâbet, The flower of · shûbAt, s. a. February. [youth. ü: shebânrüz, ad. p, By night and [The stock ; the wall-flower. -5 shëb-büy, s. p. (Night-smelling), * : shëb-pèré, s. p. Abat (bird). e· shèb-khün, s. p, A night attack. e : shëbek, s. t.A baboon. *= shebéké, s. a Anything formed · by day. in meshes like a net, network. * sheb-nèm, s. p. Dew. * Shibh, s. a. Aresemblance; ...* – shibhi-mâ”in, A rhomboid. *e shûbhé (shûp-), s. a. A doubt, incertitude ; a doubt, suspicion; –, 9 –et, v.n. To doubt, to feel uncertain ; to have a suspicion ; · shûphélEnmek, v.n. To become sus- [ 610 ] picious, to have one's suspicions or doubts awakened; at : shûphéli, a. t. Doubtful, uncertain (thing) ; 2-44 shûphéji, s. t. A doubting person. - [work. · shëbik6, s. a. Any kind of net- d: shèbih, a. a. Similar, resembling, like : shitâ, s. a. The winter; –, shettâ, a. a. Various, many, different. · shitâb, s. p, A running, making haste ; -, -et, v.n. Torun, hasten. e : * shitâbân, a. p. Who runs, who makes haste. • ^ * shûtur - mûrgh, s. p. (Camel-bird), The ostrich ; ·: UŞ shûtur- -ghyâw-pèlènk, (Camel, cow, leopard) shûtur, s. p. A camel ; : • * A cameleopard; 9 : * shûturbán, 8. p. A camel-driver. * shètm, s. a. A vilifying, abusing, scolding ; -, –et, v.n. To call names. - [very, valour. ·eş* shèjâ”ât, s. a. Courage, bra- yş* shèjer, s. a. Atree, plant, bush. s,ş* shèjéré (sejéré), s. a. A genealo- gical tree, scheme of descent. ·* shûjün, s. pl. a. (of ·ş°, 200t used), Different ways of solution, rela- tion, or explanation, in . ş°,5 zü- -shûjün, a.a. Differently explained by different people (a tradition, &c.). s-ş” shèji”, a. a. Courageous, brave, bold. [ness of body. ·s* shâhâmet, s. a. Fatness, plump- â &s=* t 6ııı k, 4-=* shâhn6, s. p. A magistrate, governor. ·* shâkhss, s. a. A person ; the person, individual body; any object set up or fixed upon as a mark by surveyors. · shëdd, s. a. A tightening, making tight, firm, strong; -, -et, v.a. To tighten ; to make firm, strong; to strengthen ; –, shûd, s. p. A going, going away, departing; · âmed- -shûd, âmed-u-shûd, s. p. A coming and going, traffic of passen- gers, &c. ; – – –, âmed-u-shûd- -et, v.n. To come and go to and fro. · shiddet, s. a Violence, force, strength, vehemence; shiddetli, a. t. Violent, vehement. e· shûdéghyân, s. pl. p. (of 8 * shûdé, not used), The dead, those who were. [severe. \ \: shëdid, a. a. Violent, vehement, ^ su 9 khayr-u-sherr Good and evil. y* shirâ, s. a. A buying, purchasing; y°s-: bey”-U-shirâ, Sale and pur- chase. -y* shèrâb (shârab), s. a. Wine. L\,: shirâr, s. pl, a. (of shërr), Evils ; mischiefs ; (of 8y* shirâré), [Sparks. zy* shirâ”, s. a. A sail; Key shirâ”-kyüshâ-öl, v.n. To set sail, s, shirâré, s. a A spark. spread sails. :y* shâranpo, s. t. A palisade; a shërr, s. a. Evil; mischief; r:· - [stockade. shèrâ’ir, s. pl.a. (of 89: * sheriré), Evils, mischiefs. köy shèrâ'it, s. p. a. (of · shèrita), Conditions, stipulations ; indispensa- ble previous accessories. · shürb, s. a. A drinking ; -, –et, v.a. To drink. · shèrbet, s. a. A drink, either sweet and agreeable, or medicinal as a purgative draught, &c.; the water of twice-boiled coffee; the water ob- tained by steeping anything, as liquid manure, &c. - · shirrèt, s. a. Malice, evil-minded- ness ; –, 8. t. A mischievous person. C : shèrh, s. a. A cleaving and laying open; a commenting, glosing, para- phrasing; a commentary, glose, para- phrase ; a marginal or interlineary note ; –, –et, v.a. To explain by way of comment, glose, paraphrase, or marginal or interlineary note; to [cleft. 4-) : shèrha, s. a. A slice ; a gash, cut, cleave and lay open. · shèrzimé, s. a. Abody of people, congregation, troop. - · shârt, s. a. An indispensable pre- vious accessory, a condition, stipula- tion, proviso ; d. y: shârt-nâmé, s. p. A paper of conditions, an agree- ment; –, –et, v.n. To stipulate, lay down stipulations ; · e2r: shârt- -ölsun, int. t. (I will really do so, or) be it a condition (that I divorce my wife)! 2 s 2 · [ 612 ] A â * A* * y* shûrta, s. a. A kind of beadle or officer; –, a. p. Favourable (wind). 8 * shèr”, s. a. God’s sacred law, as educed from the Kur'an, the sayings or acts of Muhammed, and the unani- mous opinions of the Church in the earliest times ; er* sher”i (fem. * er: sher” yy6), a. a. Pertaining to God’s law; agreeable to God’s law ; 4 Ve sher”an, ad. a. Agreeably with God’s law. – : shèref, s. a. Honour, of which a person may feel proud; honour, or sanctity, which others respect ; l- shèref-yÂb-öl, v.n. To be honoured, receive honour. - shûréfâ, s.pl, a. (of–: sherif), Princes, descended from Muhammed. * shûrfé (sherifé), s. a.The gallery of a minaret; & (sheriféli), s. t. Possessed of a gallery or galleries (a minaret). y: shārk, s. a. The east ; : * shârki (fem : shārkiyy6), a. a. Eastern. ·9) : shirk, s. a The sin of professing that God is not onebut has associates ; polytheism. 5 shûrekyâ, s. pl, a. (of · shèrik), Partners, associates. ·· shirkèt, s. a. Partnership; an association, company. ·W* shirlaghAn (for · shir- -rüghÂn, s. p. Milk-oil), s. t. (Oil) of sesame. ev* shèrm, s. p. Shame ; bashfulness ; modesty; 9: shèrmsār, ·= * shermghin, shermnâk,8 2r* shèrmèndé, *) * shèrmidé, a. p. · shûrup, s. t. Syrup. [Ashamed. * shûrür, s. pl, a. (of : shërr), Evils; mischiefs, misdeeds, troubles. k,y* shûrüt, s. pl. a. (of e, shârt), Conditions, provisos, stipulations, points. ć :y: shûrü”, s. a. A beginning, com- mencing, entering upon; -, -et, v.n. To begin, commence, enter. * : shèreh, s. a. Avidity, greediness. · shiryân, (s. a. A pulse-vein, an artery) in -5, k ekU* shiryân-damari, 8. t. The aorta, jugular vein, or carotid [tape. · shèrid, s. t. A piece of braid or artery (?). L:y* shèrir, s. a. A malignant. - · shèri”ât, s. a. The same as 8 y* shèr”, which see. -: * shèrif (fem. &:J* shèrif6), a. a. Honourable, honoured, noble, sacred, holy ; -, s. a. A prince, descendant of Muhammed: · * shèrik, s. a. A partner, an [associate, a fellow. ^ · shüsst, s. p. A washing; - : y: shûsst-U-shü-et, v.a. To wash. & shûssté, a.p. Washed; 4 : Ü nâ-shûssté, Unwashed. U* shesh, a. p. Six. ** shesh-khāné (shish-hâne), s. p. Arifle ; 43 s* (shish-hânéli), a. t. Rifled (gun). - e· [ 613 ] &ü : e· shishman, a. t. Corpulent. · shishmek (aor. shisher), ğ9 vn. To swell, swell out. · shAsst, a.p. Sixty. ( :-2:) . shAtâret, s. a. Alacrity, ac- tivity, sharpness. • shAtreni (santrönj), s. p, The game of chess; a check or chequer (on any stuff or surface); · (sAntrânjli), a. t. Checked, chequered. shi”âr, s. a. A distinctive mark or sign. [sunbeam. ** shû”â”, s. a. Aray of light, a · shâ“bÂn, s. a. The eighth month of the Muhammedan year. - 8 shû”bédé, or 8 : shû”bézé, 8. p, Any trick of legerdemain or conjuring; ; 8 shû"bédé-bÂz, s. p, A conjurer, trickster. - 4 x : shû”bé, s. a. Aramiñcation; a subdivision; a branch of a clan or tribe. -> ^ y*· fire or vein ; –, shâ”r, s. a. Hair ; : ·-, shi'r-sûwëylémek, v.n. To indite poetry; c·-, shi'r- shi”r, s. a. Poetry ; the poetical -ökUmak, To read, recite, repeat poetry ; -5)** shî”ri (fem. 4:J** shî”riyyé), a, a. Pertaining to poetry. * - y<: shû”arâ, s. pl.a. (of e: shā”ir), Poets. [Vermicelli. *** shâ”riyyé (shehriyyé), s. t. **** shā"sha"a, s. a. A glittering, flashing, gleaming. 66-n e · shû”lé, s. a. Flame. _: shû”ür, s. a. Intelligence, intel- lect, understanding. _* : shā’ir, s. a. Barley. - ** shûghab, s. a. A turmoil. e-âk: shâghf, s. a. Violent love, passion. · shûghl, s. a. An occupation. shifä, s. a. A state of health; a return to health, a cure ; a remedy, means of cure, or wholesome thing conducive to health; li: shifâli, a. t. Wholesome, beneficial to health; c·-, shifâ-bÜlmak, v.n. To be cured, get well; ·: 5-, shifâ- -virmek, v.n. To grant health (God); (:) y shifâlEr-ölsUn ! int. t. May it be health to you ! (said to one after he has drunk, bathed, or been shaved) ; U: We dâru-’sh-shifâ, An hospital. ·e shifâ”ât (she-), s. a. Inter- cession; –, –et, v.n. To make in- tercession. [transparent. – sheffâf, a, a. Diaphanous, clear, *** shifâh, s. pl, a. (of : shèfé), Lips; *\: shifâhi, a a. Verbal, oral; (s: shifâhan, ad. a. Verbally, orally, by word of mouth. shèftâli, s. p. A peach ; a kiss ; –&o9: yârma-, A melting peach ; - et-sheftâlissi, kebâd-sheftâlissi, A eling- stone peach; ·şi tüysuz-shèf- tâli, (a downless peach) A. nectarine. d: shifté, a. p. Mad; distracted with love ; -, s. p. A lover. c* * [ 614 ] C; shâfak, s. a.The evening twilight; the break of day. · shâfakAt, s. a. The tendency of feeling which leads to commiseration ; shâfakAtlü, a. t. Kind (used in addressing letters). -6 shefévi, a. a. Labial. ** shef6, s. a. Alip; * shâkki- -shèfé-et, v.n. To open one's lips or mouth and speak. 8- * shefi”, s. a. An intercessor ; the great intercessor (Christ with Christ- ians, Muhammed with Muhammedans). C: shèfik, a. a. Kind, commiserating. C: shâkk, s. a. A splitting open, rend- ing, severing; –, shikk, s. a. A part, a subdivision of any matter under e· shik- kâyn, s. a. dual, The two cases (sup- consideration, a case ; posed or shown) ; i-, shâkk-et, v.a. To rend. \i: shâkâ, s. a. Wickedness, ill-doing ; -, s. t. Fun, a joke: -- . ) èrbÂbi-shâkâ, Wicked people, evil- doers ; -, -et, v.n. To speak or act in joke ; - shâka-sûweylé- mek, To speak in joke, shikâk, s. a. Contention, quarrel- ling, discord. [ness, badness. · shakâvet, s. a. Evilness, wicked- - c· shâkâyik, s. t. The peony. & : shûkka, s. a. A note, short letter. * shâki (fem, 4: shâkâyyé), a. a. , Wicked, evil-minded, bad; –, s. a. A wretch, villain. · e : shëkk, s. a. A doubt; a doubting ; \–, –et, v.n. To have a doubt, to doubt - : shikyâr, s. p. The chase, hunting, fowling, fishing; anything caught in the chase, prey ; -, a. p. (in comp0- sition), Who or which catches as prey. – K* shikyâf, s. p. A crack, fissure, cleft ; –, a. p. (in composition), Who cleaves ; – mü-shikyâf, a, p. Who splits hairs; 4 : mü-shik- yâfâné, a. p. After the manner of one who splits hairs. JK: shikyâl, s. p. Trammels for a horse. e· shikyân, s. p, A curl; a twist; a plait ; - a wrinkle; –, a. p. Curly; folded ; wrinkled. · shikyâyet, s. a. A complaint, doleance ; -, -et, v.n. To make a complaint ; şi° shèkyâyetji, s. t. A complainant. · shëkEr, s. t. Sugar ; sweetmeats made with sugar ; K - 5 ghyül-bé- -sheker, Conserve of roses; =· shèkErji, s. t. A confectioner ; · shèkErlémé, s. t. Sweetmeats of sugar, confectionery; –, shükr (shükyur), s. a. Thanks, thankfulness ; -, -et, v.n. To give thanks ; –, shükr! ·-, shûkr-ölsun! =* shûkyurlEr - ölsun ! Thanks be (to God) ! e)y=* shükrân, a.a. Thankful, grate- ful; K* shûkrâniyyet, s. a. Gratitude, thankfulness. *\,K: & K* shükrâné, s. p. A thanks-offer- ing, anything done as a mark of gratitude. [much. – shigherf, a, p. Good : abundant, · shikesst, s. p. A breaking ; -, -et, v.a. To break. ·=: shikessté, a. p. Broken; –, s. p. The common running writing of Persia. [open (a flower). 4:K: shûkyüfté, a, p. Blown, opened, JK: sheki (shekil), s. a. A form, figure; a kind, sort. · shikem, s. p. The belly. · shikèmbé (ishkèmb6), s. p. Tripe. e· shiken, a. p. (in composition), Who breaks. aşk : shikenjé (ishkinjé), s. p. Tor- ture; -, -et, v.a. To torture, put to the torture. K* (for ·) shekwà, s. a. A com- plaint; -, -et, v.n. To make a complaint. [som. 4i,K: shûghyüf6, s. p. A flower, blos- * K* shûkyüh, s. p. Majesty of appear- ance, dreadness, awe-inspiringness. · shekib, · shekibâ, a p. Patient; : * shekibâ'i, s. p. Patience [cushion for sitting on. &:): shilté, s. t. A thin quilted upper ** shalgham, s. t. A turnip. v : shAlwar, s. t. Loose and long | trOuSerS. * shèmm, s. a. Asmelling, examining, or perceiving odours ; -, -et, v.a. To smell. [ gısı L* â · shemâtet, *** shemâté (shâmAta), s. a. A noise, loud noise ; -, shâmAta-et, v.n. To make a great noise ; ** shâmAta-teli, s. t. * [fellow. P-45 • shèmâtéji, s. t. A noisy ** shâmar, s. t. A smack on the face, Tinsel. a box on the ear ; –, shÜmâr, s. p. A counting ; count, tale ; –, a. p. (in composition), Who counts, tells. J• shimâl, s. a. The north ; the left side ; - * shîmâli, a. a. Northern. J5 * shèmâ'il, s. pl, a. (of J** shimâl, not used in this sense), The qualities of heart or mind contained in one; the features contained in one's countertance. 5 • : shimdi (shindi), s. t. The present time ; –, ad. t. Now, at present; presently, immediately, directly, in a minute; just now, a minute ago ; - * hèmen-shindi, ad. t. Almost directly; just this moment; : shimdilik, ad. t. For the present; ci =2 • shimdijik, ad. t. Almost directly ; just this moment; · · shimdiki, a. t. The present. 8-)y• shümürdé, a. p. Counted, told. U-• : shèmss, s. a The sun ; -* shèmsi (fem. * - shèmsiyye), a.a. Pertaining to the sun, solar; 4 •* shèmsiyyé, s. t. An umbrella; parasol; pavilion : 4: • : –:ya- hürüfu-shèm- siyyé, (The solar letters) Those letters which, when in Arabic phrases they e : * commence a noun or adjective having the definite article Jl el, the, before them, require that, in pronunciation, the sound of the J should be omitted, and their own sound reduplicated, as is the case in the word · èsh- -shèmss, the sun. Those letters are ·, “-9, 9, ö, J. J. C.” c , U°s - *, e, k, and c) : the others being styled &!)* – - hürüfu-kAmériyyé, lunar letters. [of lightning. e : ** shimshek, s.t. Lightning, aflash : ** shimshir, s. p. A Sword, sabre. 8-** shèm”, s. a. A candle; U-e–, shèm”i- “Assel, Bees'-wax ; a wax- candle, wax-light; ) : shèm”idan (hamdan), s. p. A candlestick. ** shem'a (shâma), s.a. Awax-taper. J** shûmül, s.a. Acomprehending; in- cluding; comprehensiveness ; y* shûmülu-öl, v.n. To comprehend, in- clude, embrace. - ö4: shèmm6, s.a. A single whiff or sniff of odour ; aslight tinge. Dperfumed. (** shèmim, a. a. Smelling, odorous, cy: shën, a. t. Lively, gay; populous, cultivated, inhabited; shenlik, s. t. Liveliness, gaiety ; a populous place, showing signs ofman’s presence by buildings, cultivation, traffic, &c.; a merry-making, public Tejoicings and illuminations. c· shinâss, a. p. (in composition), Who knows, understands. · shènâ”ât, s. a. A being bad, [ 616 ] odious, shameful; abad,odious, shame- ful act. * shînâvEr, s. p. A swimmer. E-5 - shènâ’i”, s. pl, a. (of * shèni”a), Bad, odious actions. d: shènbih (shènbé), s. p. Saturday. · shinshiné, s. a Natural disposi- tion, character. - : shènid, s.p. Ahearing; · ghyûft-u-shenid,Speakingandhearing. 8 \: : shènidé, a. p. Heard, heard of; who has heard. 5- * shèni”, a.a. Bad, odious, shame- ful; * shèni”a, a, a, fem. ; -, s. a. One bad, odious act. [ing. * shü, pron. t. That ; –, s. p. A wash- J: shèvwÂl, s. a. Name of the tenth month of the Muhammedan year. : shükh, a p. Free in manners, for- ward, pert. y: shör, a. p. Saltish, brackish; bad, evil; –, s. p. Evil, trouble, disorder. W shûra, pron. t. This place, this spot; – (for -5); *), shûrâ, s. a. A council. - \:y: shörba (chörba), s. p, Soup. c 2)· shörish, s. p. Trouble, confusion, sedition, contention, disorder. –5): shûrâ, s. a. A council. 8.A): shüridé, a. p. In confusion, con- fused, disordered. k: shAvt, s. a. A course or round (in running, especially in the ceremonious running performed by the pilgrims to Mecca). • - *. U:* [ 617 T · : shèwk, s. a. Alacrity, cheerfulness and spiritin acting; inclination, eager- T10SS. - · shèvk, s. a. A thorn ; a spur, a goad. · shèvkit, s. a Imperial majesty ; ·shivkitlü, at - shiv- kEt-mâ'âb, a. p. Majestic (the title most specially assumed by and given to the Sultan). J: shöl, or * shü, pron. t. That. f : shüm, a. a. Unlucky, bringing bad luck. - e· shû”ün, Ü: shû'ünAt, s. pl.a. (of · shë'n, not used), States, con- ditions, aspects of being. * : shèvhèr, s. p, A husband. -5: shüy, a.p. (in composition), Who washes ; ·- jâmé-shüy, s. p. A washer of linen. * !: shüylé, ad. t. So, in that manner ; –, shüylé-biyle, ad. t. Middling, not too well. ** sheh (abbreviated form of : shāh), s.p. The Sultan; the Shah; a king. ·e: shihâb, s. a. A shooting or fall- ing star; a fiery meteor. · shâhâdet, s. a Valid legal tes- timony ; martyrdom ; the profession of the Muhammedan faith ; all things visible ; , ko9r-, shâhâdet-pârmaghi, s.t. The fore-finger. · shâhâmet, s.a. Courage, valour. L:é: shèh-pèr, s. p. The (royal or) pinion feather of a bird's wing. _y \ ç: shëh-bendir, s. p. A consul or commercial magistrate. - \é: shèhd, s. a. Honey. [Martyrs. e: shūhédâ, s. pl.a. (of · shehid), Jé* shèhr, s. a. A lunar month ; a cal- endar month; –, (shèhir), s. p. A city, town; ye: shehirli, a. t. A townsman (not a rustic ) ; -3yé* shehri (fem. ye shehriyyé), a, a. Pertaining to amonth, monthly; ** shëhriyyé, s. a. Monthly allowance, pay, or salary. Jé* shëhriyâr, s. p. A monarch ; the Sultan; - y: shehriyâri, s. p. The quality of being a monarch, empire, sovereignty; –, a.p. Royal, imperial; döW:· shehriyârâné, a.p. Pertain- ing to a monarch, to the Sultan. se je: sheh-zâd6, s.p.A prince of the We: shehlâ, a.a. Grey (eye). [blood. *\: shehinshâh, s. p. The king of kings, the Sultan. ye* shëhvâr, a. p. Good, excellent, fit [for a king's use. e: shëhwânî (fem :\ye sheh- wâniyyé) ; a. a. Pertaining to the appetites and passions, sensual. · shèhvèt, s. a. Sensual desire. e;é: shûhüd, s. a. The being visible ; all that is visible; –, s. pl. a. (of AR : shahid), Eye-witnesses; wit- nesses before a judge ; – e “âlémi –, The visible world. şe: shühür, s. pl.a. (of ve: shehr), Lunar months; calendar months. \:4: shèhid, s. a. A martyr, one who y* [ 618 J * dies for the faith, either in battle orin any other manner; -, shèhid-öl, To be killed in the cause of religion. ré* shehir, a. a. Commonly known. (for u &) shèy, s. a. A thing ; *y* hèr-shèy, Everything ; ** hich-bir-shèy, Nothing ; v : chök-shey ! Astonishing! Won- derful. e· shèyâtin, s. pl. a. (of e· shèytÂn), Devils, demons. sheybâ, a, a, (in leylé'i- -shèybâ), The bridal night. * shèykh, s.a. An old man; amature : a,=> ( /4 v aged man ; an elder; a chief of an Arab tribe; a chief of a community of dervishes ; a kind of ecclesiastical dignitarian equivalent to our dean or canon ; a prince (in Arabia); ( -, Shèykhu-’l-isslâm, The chief doctor- of-law in Turkey (his office being at once equal to those of the Lord Chan- cellor and Archbishop of Canterbury in England); •·-, Shèykhu-’l- -Hârem, The Prince or Governor of Medina. % · sheykhükhât, s. a. Old age. l: shèydâ, a.p. Mad, insane ; crazed with love. [râné, a.p. Lion-like (act). _* shir, s.p. Milk; a lion; * shi- *üy* shirâz6, s. p. The band at the top and bottom of the back of a book, which is usually ormamented. eyler: shirdân, s. p. The rennet sto- mach of an animal. *) * shiré (shira), s. p. The must or newly-expressed juice of grapes or [fruit. c_: shish, s. t. A skewer; a spit; a · shirin, a.p. Sweet. small-sword or any similar weapon ; a swelling. [(man). : shishko, a. t. Fat, corpulent · shishkin, a. t. Swoln, swelled. e : shishmek (aor. shisher), v.n. To swell; to become fat; to be inflated ; c shishirmek (aor. y: shishirir), v.a. To cause to swell. &: shishé (shishé), s. p. Common glass ; a glass bottle ; a bottle of any kind; a lath; a cupping-glass. · shèytÂn, s. a. The devil : a Cun- ning fellow ; * shèytÂni, a. a. devil, diabolic, [ishness, mischief, malice. Pertaining to the devilish. · shèytAnât, s. a. Devilry, imp- * : shi'a, s. a. Heresy in religion, particularly the Mussulman heresy prevalent in Persia principally; *** shî”i, a. a. Pertaining to the Shi”a sect; a Shiite. &: shifté, a. a. Enamoured; mad. * shiyem, s. pl. a. (of &•r: shimé), Qualities of the heart, points of natural or moral character. cy: shin (shin), s. a. Name of the letter : ; –, shèyn, s. a. Disgrace, shame, dishonour. 3: (shèv), s. p. A slope, talus, inclined plane, bevel ; -, a. t. Inclined ; ** [ 619 ] *e-e levelled ; Vs°–, shèvi-sâhrâ, The glacis. z: shüyükh, s. pl.a. (of * shèykh), Oldman ; elders; chiefs of tribes. : shüyü”, s. a. Abeing rumoured abroad ; ; ;–, shüyü”-bûlmak, on To be publicly spoken of, to be noised abroad. 8: shivê, s. a. Grace, any graceful act, look, or motion ; coquetry ; · shivé'i-lissân, A delicate point in language. U° v_e sÂd (sAt), Seventeenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of the letter s or 8s in English, though occasionally becoming more guttural. Compared with the ( -, it is the hard letter of the pair, and takes the hard vowels after it. In chronograms and astronomical tables it has the numeral value of 90 ; and in the dates of letters it is the abbreviation of the name of the month e SAfer. : • sÂbir, s. a. A patient person. e· (sâbUn), s. a. Soap ; c· sâbUnlamak, v.a. To soap. · sAp, s. t. The stalk of anything ; along handle; straw (in its natural untriturated state); : • sapli, a. t. Having a handle, handled. c· sAplamak (aor. : • sAplar), v.a. To stick (any long or pointed thing into any other thing); c* e sAplanmak (aor. • sAplanir), v.n. To stick in, become stuck, stick fast. c· sApmak (aor. y: • sApar), v.n. To leave a straight course and take a lateral direction. *'e sApa, a. t. Not in a straight line of road, out of the road, out-of-the-way ; ci • –, sApa-dûshmek, v.n. Tolie out of the road, to be out of the way. c; 5 e sAtashmak (aor. 5 • sAta- shir), v.n. To touch, meddle, have any- thing to do with (by word or deed). c· sAtmak (aor. 5'e sâtar), v.a. To sell, vend, debit ; to talk, prate about (anything), narrate, relate with an air of confidence; to talk with the air of possessing (any particular quality). * · sâtin, ad. t. By way of purchase ; ·-, sAtin-Almak, v.a. To buy, acquire by purchase. Lş • sAtiji, s. t. A seller. C; \e sAtilik, a. t. For sale, on sale. ze saj, s. t. Sheet iron ; J: -, sAj- -âyak, s. t. A trevet. Ve sAch, s. t. The hair of the head, a hair from the head. e-e 07° Ge-e sAchak, s. t. The eaves %: of a house ; a frimge. c· sAchmak (aor. yle-e sAchar), v.a. To scatter, to throw (seed, money, &c.) so as to fall in a scattered 100180İ161`e *-e sAchma, s. t. Anything thrown scatteredly; a cast-net; small shot for fowling; foolish talk, nonsense ; any foolish act; any valueless thing. · sAchi, s. t. Small money scattered at weddings, &c. · sâhib (sâ'ab), s. a. An owner, possessor ; afriend, protector : --- sâhibsiz (sâ'absiz), a. t. Without an owner ; friendless ; - • èv- -sâhibi (sâ'abi), -e& - khāné- -sâhibi, The master of the house ; a landlord; c· --e sâhib-firâsh, a. p, Sick, ilin bed; - ec~ tAbi”ât-sâhibi, Aman of refined taste; - d*örş-, sâ'ab-châkmak, v.n. To come forward and claim (anything) as the owner or protector ; ey - 07” eyi - • sâhib-kârân, (Lord of the age) A Mussulman monarch of mark (such as is said to have been promised in every century for the protection of the faith) ; z: -, sâhib - khûrüj, A great but umlawful conqueror, such as Timur the Lame, Jenghiz-Khan, &c. ele sÂd, s. a. Name of the letter Je. • sÂdir, a. a. Emanating, coming forth ; -, –öl, v.a. To emanate, to spring, arise, take its being. ele sÂdik, a. .a. Truthful, true, truth- speaking, true-spoken; faithful. “:yle sârp, a. t. Difficult of ascent, steep ; difficult of access ; violent, vehement. c 4-2· sârssmak (aor. ye2)'e sârsar), v.a. To shake violently and suddenly, [ 620 ı - #e · sarghi, s. t. Abandage. ye sArik, s. t. The shawl or muslin used in forming a turban. - d; 5 e sarkmak (aor. :) e sarkar), vn. To hang loosely down, to dangle ; ·iye sârkitmak (aor. ye sâr- kidir), v.a. To cause or leave (any- thing) to hang down, to let down danglingly (the end of a rope, &c.); c:iye sârkik, a.t. Pendulous, dangling, hanging down. - · sârkindilik, s. t. Any lawless, oppressive, or vexatious act of spolia- tion or damage. [A sharp sword, •v- sârim, a. a. Sharp (sword); –, s.a. c·: • sârmAshik, s. t. Ivy. c**• • sarmashmak (aor. :: • sârmAshir), v.n. To twine mutually round and about each other. : • sArimtrâk, a. t. Yellowish. ·· sârimsâk, s. t. Garlic. c : • sArmak (aor. ye sArar), v.a. To bind, bind up (athing with some other thing); to bind or twine (a thing) round or about (another thing); c·y'e sArilmak (aor. : • sArilir), v.n. To twine, to embrace ; –, v. p. To be bound up ; to be twined or bound round something. -55)'e sAri, a. t. Yellow ; red, carrotty (hair); –, s. t. The yolk or yellow (of an egg); c:ye sArilik, s. t. Yellowness; the jaundice. - &ie'e sâ”ika, s. a. Athunderbolt. ğe sâgh, a. t. Right (hand or side); c* Ale alive ; well, in good health ; whole, not broken, cracked, or injured; c • sâghlik, s. t. Health; a direction given as to any road to be followed ; c· sàghlijâk, s. t. dim. Good little health; * iş< \e sâghlijâkla ! (Go) with a good little health ! (said to friends who are taking leave, generally by ladies); * 45 le sâghlikla- -ölmassa (or some other verb)! (O! that he were not, in health !) I wish he had been anything else ! c· ·9: sàghlik-virmek, v.n. To direct (anyone as to the road he is to follow); to grant health (God); e - ' e sāghlik-ölsUn! Never mind so long as health remains ! c • sâghAlmak (aor. • sâghA- lir), v.n. Toget well, be healed, cured. • sâghir, a. t. Deaf; dead, dull, surd (sound). · sâghri, s. t. The crupper (of a [horse); shagreen. • Ve saghmak (aor. e saghar), va. To milk. • sâghanak, s. t. A heavy summer shower, storm of rain. –ile sAf, a, p. Pure unmixed, unadul- terated; guileless, sımple-minded. · sÂfi, a. a. Pure, unmixed; mere, sheer. 3 • saksi, s. t. A flower pot. c; 5 • 0?” c· sûklamak (aor. · saklar), va. To hide, hide away ; to save, keep; to protect, guard, preserve. [ 621 ] cş• • · sâkinmak (aor. yy ile sâkinir), v.n. To keep one's self free, safe; to get out of harm's way ; to flinch ; to be careful, have a care ; to refrain from speaking, be afraid to Speak, not to like to speak ; to avoid ; · sâkin ! Take care, now ! Mind what you’re about! ile sâkli, a. t. Hidden, secret. J'e sal, s. t. Araft. [merely. · sAlt, ad. t. Only, nothing but, · salih, a. a. (fem. *<- sâliha), Fit, valid, efficient; righteous (man) ; -, s. a. A righteous man. C:· sAldirmak (aor. )y • sAldirir), vn. To fly at and attack (as a dog or wild beast) ; –, v.a. (caus. of c· sAlmak), To causeto rush, orto make a push; to urge. - e· 07° e· sAlghin, s. t. A per- sonal, property, or income tax. • sAlkim, s. t. A bunch (of grapes, currants, &c.); grape-shot. · sAllamak (aor. yle sAllar), v.a. To swing, shake, wag, wave, or bran- dish to and fro ; to nod or shake (the head). c; \e sAllânmak (aor. e sAllâ- nir), v.n. To swing, wag, shake; to be loose in a socket and move when touched. c o salmak (aor. 3'e salar), v.n. To rush, make a push; -, v.a. To cast, throw, heave, pitch; to send; to put, place, c· [ 622 ] Gşü • sÂlinjâk, s. t. A swing, a seesaw. ·e sAlindi, s. t. The swell of the sea after a storm, the ground-swell. Ve sAli, s. t. Tuesday. c •· sAlivèrmek (aor. ): • sAlivèrir), v.a. To let go, let loose, set at liberty ; -Jäe sâkal-sAlivèr- mek, v.n. To let one's beard grow. · sāmit, s. a. Any kind of property which has no voice. e· sâmsUn, s. t. A mastiff or bull-dog; : — sâmsUnjU, s. t. Keeper of the mastiffs, title of certain of the Sultan's guards in the olden time. · sAnji, s. t. A colic, the gripes, N pain in the stomach ; c· N N sAnjilanmak, v.n. To have a colic, to be attacked with the gripes. = Ve sAnjimak (aor. sAnjir), v.a. (old) To thrust or stick (a lance, &c., into something). aile or , e sAnsâr, s. t. A pole- cat(?); a weasel(?). : • sâni”, s. a. A maker; the Creator. c** sânmak (aor. y: • sanir), v.a. To take for by mistake ; –, v.n. To think, suppose, imagine; Ke sân-ki, c. t. As if, as though, supposing it W6Te. [respect or consideration. • sâvrik, a. t. Who speaks without c· sawurmak (aor. )v, • sâwUrUr), v.a. To winnow, to thröw (grain) scat- teringly and circularly against the wind; to brandish (a sword). d· sâwUshmak (aor. • sâ- wushur), v.n.Toget out of the way ; to go away; to leave, quit; ; ;· sâwUshtUrmak (aor. )y· sâwush- tUrUr), v.a. To cause (any evil, or trouble) to pass or go away; to cause to pass by, allow to pass by; to escape from. · sâwsa, -* • sâwsaji, s. t. A • A sworn or professed seducer. • • sâwulmak (aor. • sâwulur), v.n. To clear the road, get out of the way. c· sâwmak (aor. • sûwar), v.n. To pass and be at an end, to pass over, pass away (any evil); –, v.a. To dismiss, send away, get rid of (visitors, suitore, &c.) ; G 9yeye sâw- dirmak (aor. )y· sâwdirir), v.a. To cause to pass away ; to dismiss, send away. · sâ'ib, a.a. Which hits the mark. · sâyghi, s. t. A consideration, matter taken into consideration, a scruple, 8, point of caution ; : • sâyghili, a. t. Cautious, scrupulous. d*** sâyiklamak (aor. : • sâyik- lar), v.n. To be in a delirium and talk nonsense, to wander in mind. 5\e sâ'im, a.a. Fasting, who fasts. · saymak (aor. \e sayar), v.a. To count, tell ; to enumerate ; to esteem, consider; to hold in esteem, in consideration. · sâyi, s. t. A number, count, tale. • [ 623 ] - \s° e sâbâ, or ee: bādi-sûbâ, Azephyr, gentle spring breeze. z = sâbÂh, s. a. The morning ; to- morrow ; e· sâbÂhléyin, ad. t. In the morning ; early, betimes ; z : - ching-sâbÂh, The time just after daybreak; c· sâbÂh- lamak (aor. y=- e sûbÂhlar), v.n. To become morning, to begin to be day; to be, to remain or to arrive (in any place) on the morrow ; K- • ·by - sâbÂhingiz-khâyr-ölsUn ! Good morning to you ! (said on first meeting) ; · sâbÂhu-'l-khâyr, A round white spot (on a horse's forehead); ş`le sâbâhji, s. t. A person who rises early to business. · sâbÂhât, s. a. Beauty, comeli- e· sâb An, s. t. A plough. [ness. · sâbÂvet, s. a Childhood ; minority of age. * sübh, s. a. The morning. e sAbr, s. a. Patience ; gum aloes ; the American aloe; -, -et, v.n. To be patient, have patience. 5-* sâbgh, s. a. A dye; Christian baptism. e-kee s?bghat, s. a. Any particular distinctive religious rite, as baptism or circumcision; areligious dispensa- “tion. [morning. z* sAbüh, s. a. Wine drunk in the _y e sAbür, a.a. Patient. e sabi (fem. * sÂbiyyé, and pl. e· sâbyân), s. a. A child, a minor. * sAbih (fem. &= sârfi (fem. taining to to spend, expend; ye 4. e sarfiyyé, a. a Per- etymology or grammar ; e· sarfiyyün, s. pl, a. Gramma- rians ; etymologists. *) e sürré, s. a. A money-bag or purse; the treasure sent to Mecca and Medina each year by the Sultan and various functionaries for the support of various officers or pensioners attached to the sacred places; –, sira, s. t. A series; a row ; a turn; proper order ; * • sârâ-ila, ad. t. By turns, one at a time ; · sirassila, In its proper order, time, or place; apropos; *ğre eşi sırassina-kömak, v.a. Toput (a thing) into proper order, to reform, to arrange or re-arrange ; -35), • s?ra- -vâri (sira-vârdi), a. p. Successive, 2 T h or hi), On, towards, or against him (orit); -, 8. t. The abstract state or position of what is against a person; *.e “âleyhima or *4 e “âleyhimda, Against me; * e “aleyhina, *-e “âleyhinda, Against him, her, it; &c. &c.; :e “âleyhâ ( * and > hâ, her, it), On, towards, or against her, it ; “4 e “aleyhimâ ( e and * himâ, The tuvo of them), On or against them both ; çee “âleyhim ( e and him, them) (mas.) On them all ; e· “âleyhinna ( = and J* hinna, them) (fem.), On them all. -e “âmm, s. a. A paternal uncle, father's own brother; –, abbreviation for the words • 4 e “âleyhi-'ss- -selâm ! Peace be upon him / –, “âmma! int. a. May (God’s favours, &c.) be universal! V•e “âmâ, s. a Blindness, cecity. ·e “imâd, s. a. A prop, support, post, column. ·)' e “imâret, s. a. The bearing the signs of man’s presence and industry, being cultivated, populated, in a state of good repair ; an inhabited orcul- tivated district or place ; any public building; a kitchen for the poor. 6 6 = ş 4° & •e “imâmé, s. a. A turban ; a par- ticular kind of turban worn by the doctors of the law. · ÜmmAn, s. a. The ocean, a sea. · “âmd, s. a. Design and premedi- 6 tation ; ( = 'âmdan, ad. a. De- signedly, premeditatedly. 5 •e “âmdet, s. a. A pillar, prop, stay ; a chief, a person of distinction. y•e “imr, s. a. The duration of life, lifetime ; real and true living, fun ; e: ) -, -sürmek, v.n. To live comfortably andhappily; )*- –ghèchirmek, v.n. To live, pass one's time or life ; ; ; “e “im- runguz-chök-ölsUn! int. t. (May your life be long !) I thank you ! (vulgar) c))-): 2 •e &WAllah-“îmrlar-vèrsin! May God grant you (or him) many ordinary lifetimes! –, “imer, Omar. · “ûmret, s. a. One of the obli- gatory ceremonies performed at Mecca as a part of the pilgrimage, that of visiting certain places. 2)* “âmru, s. a. Amru (proper name much used in law books, with : ; Zeyd, as we do the letters A and B). C 4c “Ümk, s. a. Depth; thickness ; c*J: 2je “ârz-U-tül-U-”ümk, The three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness or depth ; t = “ûm- kan, ad. a. In depth. J•e “Amel, s. a An acting, doing ; an act, action; a stool, going to stool; 'J•e “AmEl-et, v.n. To act, perform actions; y: U•e “Amel-virmek, v.n. Topurge, give a stool; 8 U•e “Amel-mândé, a. p. Incapacitated for **e [ 662 ] y°e any kind of work by age or infirmity ; e“Améli (fem. e “Ameliyye), Practical ; artificial. - e “Amélé, s. pl, a. (singular not used in this sense), Workmen, labourers. *2-3 c “Amuja (Amja), s. t. A paternal uncle, father's own brother. [dicular. · “âmüd, s. a. A column; a perpen- * “ümüm, s. a The being general or universal, the generality or uni- versality of anything (not any partic- ular portion of it) : 94 e “ümümî 6 6 sN - (fem. -*-e `ümümiyyé), a, a. ş - 6 6 . şii General, universal; —e *c `ümü- miyyet, s. a. The quality of being general or universal ; *_e “âlé- % -’l-“ümüm,andley•e”ümüman, ad. a. Generally, universally. u =** “âmmî, s. a. A paternal uncle, father's own brother. •e “immiyyâ (imyā), s. a Blindness, “Alé-ı -”immiyyâ, ad. a. Blindly, without understanding or thinking of the consequences, ignorantly. C:** “âmik, a. a. Deep, profound. (* “âmim, a. a. General, universal, common to all; --M-, “âmîmu- -’l-ihsân, a.a. Whose favours are uni- versal and common to all. eye “ân, p. a, Of, from, out of; d.e “ānhu or “ânh, From him, it; e:e “ânhâ, From her, it; · “ân- -kAssdin, ad. a. On purpose, with malice prepense ; ·e lâ-”ân- want of mental vision ; in * e - -kAssdin, ad. a. Accidentally, without malice prepense ; - eye “ân-kAri- bin (or kArib), ad. a. Soon, in a short time, before long. ue “ânâ, s. a. Fatigue, wearisome work, forced labour, molestation. - :e “ünnÂb, s. a The jujube fruit ; g e “ünnÂbi, a.a. Of a nut-brown colour. e :e “inâd, s. a. Obstinacy ; perversity ; \-, –et, v.n. To be obstinate ; to contend obstinately. J· “ânâdil, s. pl, a. (of - * “ândélib), Nightingales. ve e”ânâssir, s. pl.a. (of ra.e”ünsur), The elements ; &-x-:y-, “ânâssiri- -èrba”â, The four elements. · “inân, s. a The reins of a horse'e bridle; le c-dae"Atfi-“inân-et, v.n. (To turn the rein), Togo in any direc- tion. ·e “inâyet, s. a. Favour, grace, kindness; s54: * bî-”inâyetihi- -tâ”âlâ, or \s &\: bî-”inâyéti- -'llâhi-tâ”âlâ, ad. a. By the grace of God, (whose name) be exalted ; * e “inâyet-öla ! May (God’s) favour be (upon you)! (usually said to beggars öy way gf réfusing them an alms). ·e “ineb, s. a. A grape, grapes r* “ânbEr, s. a. Ambergris ; the yel- dwarf acacia; &U:e “ânbèriyyé, s. t. Ro- low-flowered, sweet-Smelling, saglio, liqueur ; C” re c “ânber- •\ c bâriss, s. t. Barberries; v.yye” “ân- bérin, a. p. Perfumed, scented with ambergris, sweet-smelling as amber- gris. · “ind, s. a The space near the side of any object ; the faculty of appre- ciation; –, “inda, pr. a. Near, by the side of, at the time of; 8 \o\ c * benim-“indimda, In my estimation; | J, eylee “inda-’l-vüssül, Atthe time of (his, her, its) arrival; 5 e “indi (fem. e “indiyyé, pl. e “indiyyât), a. a. Pertaining to mere idea and private appreciation. - c “ândélib, s. a. A nightingale. ra.e “Ünsur, s. a. An element, one of the four elements. -ö.e “Ünf, s. a. Violence, force ; * “ünfi (fem. :e “ünfiyyé), a. a. Pertaining to force and violence. e· “ûnfuwÂn, s. a. The prime or time of greatest beauty ; - *-, “ünfuwAni-shébâbet, The flower of youth, the prime of youth. c:e “ünk (“ünuk), s. a. The neck or throat ; et-2ra dârbi-”ûnuk, A de- collation, decapitation, beheading. \i.c “ânkâ, s. a. A fabulous bird. ·= e”ânkébüt (pl. - = e “ânâ- kib), s. a. A spider ; ·e t; târi- -“ânkébüt, A spider's web. · “ünvwÂn, s. a. A title of dignity. · “ânvet, s. a Force, violence ; # e “ânvétEn, ad. a. By force, by violence. [ 863 ] ·)ye - e “ânîf (fem. 4 e “ânifé), a. a. Violent, tyrannical, cruel, vexatious. cj* “innin, s. a. An impotent man ; · “inninet, or - e “inni- niyyet, s. a. Impotency as to the generative function. · “âwâriz, s. pl, a. (of *3)'e “âriza), Accidents, misfortunes, be- tidings. - - ) e “âwârif, s. pl, a. (singular not u8ed), Kindnesses, favours, good ac- tions. –eye “âwâtif, s. pl, a. (of ·e “âtifet), Kindnesses, favours. -i'ye "awâkib, s. pl, a. (of ·le “âkibet), Latter ends, conclusions. f'ye “âwÂmm, s. pl, a. (of4 c “Ammé), The common people. J· “âwâmil, s.pl, a.(of Jee “Âmil), Governing words (in grammar). eğişe “âwä'id, s. pl.a. (of 8°ğe “â'idé), Fees, dues, pickings. - cşi'ye “Awä’ik, s. pl, a. (of ile “â’ik), Obstacles, impediments. şe “âvd, s. a. A return; –, “id, s. t. The gall; the gall-bladder; –, “üd, s, a. A kind of lute; - ye “id- -Aghaji, Wood of aloes ; ·: •eye “izdum-pAtlAdi, (My gall burst) I was very much frightened. · “âvdet, s. a. Areturning, coming or goingback; return : -, -et, v.n. Toreturn, to come or go back. ·e “âvret, s. a. Any part of the body, or of a frontier, or amy part of a Lâye [ 664 ] man's family, which requires protec- tion from exposure or from insult; a wife; 5 –, “âvret-yèrléri, The privities ; * · yye “âvrétini- -sikdighim ! (âvradini) O man whose wife I have had carnal connexion with! O dear me! Oh, what shall Idol Well, that is singular! (éjaculation of anger or surprise, in which, for decency, they often say * s5'e sAtdighim, I have sold, or : • sAllAdighim, I have swung or rocked, instead of the com- mon expression first given). - *ye “vaz, s.a. Any equivalent, reward, compensation. u: “âwk, s. a. An impeding, hinder- ing, letting. (:);° “âvn, s. a. Aid, help, assistance. *4° “âhd, s. a. (pl. 9,ée “ühüd), A solemn promise; a covenant, agree- ment, convention; an age, the time when anyone was alive ; -, -et, v.a. To covenant, promise solemnly, undertake; 4 ü şe “âhd-nâmé, s. p. A written treaty, covenant, convention. * Açe “ûhdé, s. a. A charge or respon- sibility resulting from a promise or from an acceptance of office ; *çe y° dèr-ûhdé-et, v.a. To take into one's charge,take chargeof, receive in charge; e: 6 *e “ûhdéssindan-ghEl- mek, v.n. To accomplish or discharge completely (the functions of any re- sponsible office). ·e “iyâdet, s. a. A visiting the sick; -, -et, v.a. To visit (a sick person). 3 -e “iyâz, s. a A taking refuge; · “iyâzan - bi - 'llâhi! or * - ö el-“iyâzu-bi-'llâhi ! (Re- fuge can only be taken in God !) God forbid ! e “âyyâr, s. a. An impudent cheat, rogue, impostor, knave ; –, “iyâr (“âyâr), s. a. The standard of the precious metals, or of time and time- pieces ; the regulator of a watch ; –, a. t. Of the standard degree of fine- ness (gold or silver); true, correct (a watch or clock); –, –et, v.a. To regulate (a watch, &c.); to assay (gold or silver); ye · sâhib-”âyâr, The assay-master of a mint. c·e “ayyâsh, s. a. Adrunkard, one who passes his time in sensual plea- Sll'0S. Je “iyâl (“âyâl), s. pl, a, (sing. not u8ed), Family dependants; wife, chil- dren, slaves, and servants; (as a Turk- ish sing.) a wife; J 4 kèssiru- -’l-”âyâl, a, a. Having a large family. · “âyân, a. a. Manifest, evident, clear ; t = “âyânan, ad, a. Clearly. ·e “ayb (“âyp), s. a. Anything which may cause shame ; a defect, a vice ; –, int. t. Shame ! What a shame! It is a shame! –, a. t. Shame- ful; d e “ayplamak (aor. e “âyplar), v.a. Toblame. “Are [ 665 ] ğ. · “id, s. a. A religious festival, of - which the Mussulmans have but two ; viz. the a· “idi-ftr, 09° ail e “idu-’l-ftr, The festival of the break- ing of fasts, called also · =: shèkEr-bâyrami, The festival of sugar, immediately following the end of Ram- azan; and the s° e “idi-Adhâ, or y 'e kürbán-bayrami, The festival of sacrifices, on the 10th of Zi-'l-hüjé ; ; * j= e “idi - shèrifingiz-sâ'id - ölsun! May your sacred festival be happy! (equiva- lent to our Merry Christmas !) -5\rc “idi (fem. 4 Are “idiyyé), a. a. Per- taining to a festival; & c “idiyyé, s.a. A present given at festival time. u * “issâ, s. a. Jesus ; U_2 = e “2rd- Hâzréti-"Issâ, Jesus Christ; -°5-rc “issévi, a. a. Christian, pertaining to Jesus; –, 8. a. A Christian. - U:e “ish, s. a. The living a joyous life ; · “ish-u-“ishret, Life and pleasure, fun and frolic, wine and women. cje° “âyn, s. a. The eye ; a spring, fountain, source ; anything's own self; anything very much like another, a second self; kind (as opposed to money or to equivalent) ; the letter & : the second radical letter of any Arabic word; a copy (of a pape) ; asimilar number or quantity ; c· “âynini-Almak, v.n. To take a copy; c·ş- * “âynini - ch?kârmak, vn. To extract a copy (from a book orregister); L· cyr° “âynu-'sh- -shèmss, The opal ; · ·e “ayna- -’l-yâkin, ad. a. As of positive know- ledge; J Were “aynu-'l-kemal, The eye of perfection, called also the evil eye, because when it admires per- fection in anything it is supposed to bring calamity on the thing admired ; L:e “âyni, a. t. Very like, quite like, so much resembling as to leave no difference perceptible; ( = “âynan, ad. a. In kind ; the very thing itself; · e “âbdu-'l-"ayn, An eye-ser- vant ; · siddiku-’l-”âyn, A friend to one's face, but not a true One ; e· insânu-’l-”âyn, The pupil of the eye. “-9;rc “üyüb, s. pl.a. (of --e “ayb), Faults, defects, vices. , - J:e “ayyük, s. a. A certain bright star proverbially cited for its eleva- tion; C : :-452rc “Ayyüka-chikâr- mak, v.a. Topraise to the skies. e·e “öyün, s. pl, a. (ofere “ayn), Eyes ; springs, fountains, sources. 8 ğ. ghâyn, Twenty-second letter of the Turkish alphabet, having radically the sound of g hard, orgh, or gu, in English, though sometimes softened down, as is gh in English, till nearly or quite inaudible, and sometimes e· taking (also as gh in English) the in- cidental sound of y and of to. Its numeral value is 1000. e· ghÂbin, s. a. A cheater, deceiver, [thicket. ** ghAbé, s. a. A forest, a jungle, a * \s ghAbiya, s. t. (Italian), A top-sail ; 899)! ** ghAbiya-prüwa, The fore top-sail ; -5 - y = -\s ghAbiya- -ghrândi, The main top-sail; :\: v_s eş-ghÂbiya-chîbûghu, Atop-mast; ·y-* : ghAbiya-seréni, A topsail- yard. impostor. ghâr, s. a. A cave, cavern, grotto ; :: yâri-ghâr (The cave-friend), A faithful friend and companion in trouble (in allusion to Ebu-Bekr's having been Muhammed's companion in a cave during his flightfrom Mecca). ( : 92): ghâret, s. a. Pillage, plunder, spoiling ; \-, -et, v.a. To take as plunder. -5'e ghÂzi, s. a. A champion ofreligion, ome who has fought for the faith. · ghâshiyyé, s. a, A covering, (hAsha) an embroidered or plain saddle-cloth. dèlè ghagha, s. t. The bill or beak of a bird; ; Jaélè ghâghalamak, va. To peck, bite with the beak. J5° ghAfil, a.a. Negligent, careless, inattentive (to events); wrapper of any kind; unaware, ignorant (of an event); &\;\: ghÂ- filâné, a. p. Pertaining to a negligent, inattentive person, [ 666 ] - ghâlib, a.a. Preponderant; vic- torious ; ghÂlibâ, ad. a Most likely, according to appearances, if I judge rightly, if I am not mistaken. ghâli (fem, ghâliyyé), a, a. Dear, valuable, high-priced, expensive. * \ ghÂliyé, s. p. Perfume, musk. ( * ghÂnim, a. a. Laden with plunder, rich with spoil; t = ghAniman, ad. a. Same meaning adverbially. * ghÂni (fem : ghâniyyé), a. a. Rich, well off, independent of other people's pecuniary assistance; (fem.) a beautiful woman who has no need of artificial embellishment. -5V ghâ'ib, a.a. Absent; lost; lost to sight; the third person (in gram- mar); y-, –öl, v.n. To disappear ; to be lost; –, –et, (kâyb-ët-), va. Tolose ; 435 ghâ'ibâné, ad. p- In the absence of anyone, behind one's back. ·\é ghâyet, s. a. The extreme limit of anything, the extremity, end; –, * : * ghâyetda, * = ghâyetla, ad. t., -2 : be-ghâyet, ad. p. Ex- tremely, very, very much ; 4 Mále ghâyétu-’l-ghâyé, s. a. The extreme extremity, extreme end; –, –, ad. a. Extremely, in the very extremest degree. a5'e ghâ'ilé, s. a. Any cause of anxiety or painful solicitude. · ghibbé, p, a. After. ghübâr, s. a Dust. · [ 667 l J° · ghâbâvet, s. a. Weakness of in- tellect, stupidity. · ghibta, s. a Desire to possess, longing; an object of desire, anything longed for. *- ghâbghâb, s. p. The under part of the chin, the space between the chin, cheeks, and throat; - : ghâbghâbi-mînâ, The under part of the lip of a bottle or decanter. ey ghâbn, s. a. Unfairness in relations of business, taking an unfair advan- tage, cheating. · ghâbi, a. a. Weakin intellect, stupid. · ghâbin, s. a. Agull, dupe. l ghîdâ, s. a Food, nutriment, ali- ment; a dose ; a usual quantity (of anything) for any particular purpose. ghAddâr, s. a. An iniquitous, un- just dealer; a cruel, unconscionable person. ghAdr, s. a. Injustice, unconscion- ableness in dealing; -, -et, v.n. To act with injustice, to cause a loss (of some kind to anyone) iniquitously ; to treat with injustice. ş 3 ghûdüvv, s. a The morning; : Je}\, bi-'l-ghûdüvvi-ve-'l-āssâl, ad. a. Morning and evening. ghâdir, s. a. A pool, apond. 13: ghîzâ, s. a. Food, aliment. Vé ghârrâ, a, a, fem. Bright, shining, splendid. · ghürÂb, s. a. A crow, rook, or TBVGİl. · ghârâbèt, s. a. Strangeness, oddness, marvellousness. y* ghârâr (hârEr), y* ghârâré, s. a. A sack of hair-cloth; hair-cloth pre- pared for sacking, Sometimes used as stair-carpets. [ness. · ghârâmet, s. a Debt, indebted- -5 ghârâ'ib, s. pl, a. (of :)é ghâribé), Strange things, marvellous things. “-2, ghârb, s. a. The west ; y* ghârbi, a, a. Western, westerly, west ; tyé ghârban, ad. a. To or towards the west, in a westerly direction. ghürébâ, s. pl.a. (of - ghârib), Strangers ; a special corps of troops in the olden time. J.y* gh?rbâl, s. a. A seive. · ghûrbet, s. a, A sojourning away from home in a strange place ; - ·- –chekmek, v.n. To suffer or undergo a sojourning in a strange [throat. ş:i,é ghârtlak, s. t. The windpipe, the place. ghürer, s. pl, a. (of * ghûrré), The choice, select ones of any kind of things. c· ghârss, s. a. A planting, setting (of plants); -, -et, v.a. Toplant, to set. L ghâraz, s. a. A motive, object in view in doing anything; a spite ; -, –et, v.n. To have a spite, hold a grudge; L èl-ghâraz, ad. a. In short, in one word; Lay: bi-ghûraz, 875/8 a. p. Disinterested, having no motive for partiality ; * : bighûrazâné, a. p. Pertaining to a disinterested person. * ghârghara, s. a. A gurgling sound in the throat ; the death-rattle ; a gargle; -, -et, v.a. To gargle; -, v.n. To make a rattling or gurgling noise in the throat. Jé ghârk, s. a. A drowning in water ; a flooding; –, –et, v.a. To drown, in or with anything ; ·-, 6 - 3 ölUnmak, v.p. Tobe drowned; -iy* ghârk-Ab, s. p. Any water threatening one with drowning. ghürémâ (ghüramâ), s. pl. a. (of ( * ghârîm), Creditors, the body aggregate of a bankrupt's creditors ; –, s. t. A division of a bankrupt's effects among his creditors pro rata ; · * ghüramaya - ghirmek, vn. To be one of a body of creditors ; to be part of a bankrupt's estate divided among his creditors. 8 ghürrendé, a. p. Roaring fiercely. · ghürüb, s. a. The setting (of stars, &c.); -, -et, v.n. To set, go down. ghürür, s. a. Vanity, presumption. c· ghürüsh, s. t. Apiastre (value about 2d.); -: kAra–, A Spanish dollar. 8,8 ghürré, s. a. The first day in any lunar month; a large white spot on a horse's forehead, esteemed an orna- y [ 668 I J-é ment ; the choicest, best of any things. - ghârib, a.a. Strange, singular, curious, wonderful, marvellous ; –, s. a. A stranger in any place ; - :9° · ghârib-yighit (karipit), s. t. A poor person. : ghârir, s. a One who is deceived with false ideas, fed with false hopes. c :y* ghârik, s. a. A drowned person; –, a. a Drowned, flooded, sub- merged. [a creditor. f:y* ghârim, s. a. Adebtor; an offender; * gh?riv, s. p. A cry, plaint, lamenta- tion ; e : ghârivÂn, a. p. Crying, lamenting. Vé ghâzâ, s. a. Holy warfare, crusade, war for religion. · ghûzat, s. pl, a. (of -5° ghâzi), Champions ofreligion, holy warriors. JV4 ghâzâl, s. a. The gazelle. * ghâzeta, s. t. A newspaper. J; ghâzel, s. a. A short ode. · ghâzéwât, s.pl.a. (ofy ghâzâ), Expeditions in defence of one's religion. - *jé Ghâzza, s. t. Gaza in Palestine. -é ghâsssÂk, s. a. The horrible sweat and putrefaction which is to exude in hell from the bodies of the damned. J- ghüssl, s.a. The greater ablution when the whole body is bathed; -, –et, v.n. To perform the greater ablution; –, v.a. To wash a dead body canonically. U* [ 669 ] U** ghâshsh, s. a. Alloy in precious metals ; deceit in a show of friendship. · ghâshéyân, s. a. A fainting fit. · ghAssb, s. a. A seizing by force, a taking unlawfully ; -, -et, v.a. To seize by force and unlawfully, ura ghÜssn, s. a. Abranch of a tree. *a ghûsssa, s. a. Sorrow, grief. e- de gh AzAb, s. a. Wrath, indigna- tion, anger; -, –et, and · *· ghAZAba-ghèlmek, v.n. To get in a passion, be angry. · ghazbân, a. a Angry, furious, exasperated; passionate. ghAzAnfEr, s. a. Alion ; a brave man, a hero. [angered. · gh Azüb, a. a. Passionate, easily ghAffâr, s. a. God the continual pardoner of sin. [our sins. ey* ghûfrân, s. a. God’s pardon of · ghAfet, s. a. A want of care and circumspection, want of vigilance, negligence, carelessness ; -, -et, c* 8 ghAfletda -bölunmak, v.n. To be without vigilance, to be asleep at one's moral post, to be caught napping. [of sin. _; ghAfür, s. a. God the pardoner Jy* ghüfül, s. a. Neglect, negligence. ghâfir, a.a. Numerous, in ·- jemmi-ghâfir, A great multitude. Jé ghill, s. a. Deceit in professedfriend- ship ; –, ghüll, s. a. A yoke ; a pillory. [provisions. Yé ghâlâ, s. a Dearth, scarcity of · ghâlâzet, s. a Coarseness. – ghâlâf (klif), s. a A bag-shaped cover for anything; a bed-ticking. ghülâm, s. a. A lad ; a slave ; a courier (in Persia); * ghÜlâm- -pâré (külAmbara), A sodomite. · ghâlébé, s. a. Preponderance ; a thronging ; victory ; -, -et, v.n. To gain the victory ; c· ghAlé- bélik (kAlabAlik), A crowd, a throng ; confusion ; a litter ; –, kAlabAlik-et, v.%. To form a crowd, assemble in crowds; to create confusion ; to make a litter. as ghAlAt, s. a. A great and stupid mistake, an error ; an erroneous ex- pression. e· ghAltAn, a. p. Rolling; y-, –öl, v.n. To roll; -, -et, v.a. To make roll: [Constantinople). · Ghâlâta, s. t. Galata (a suburb of * ghâltida, a, p. Which has rolled, rolled. · ghilzët, s. a. Coarseness. · ghûlghulé, s. a. A noise of many voices or sounds mixed. ghâlmán, s. pl, a. (of ghü- lÂm), Boys, youths; young male slaves. ghülüvv, s. a. An assault, attack. ** ghâllé, s. a The fruits or produce of agriculture, corn ; the income ari- sing from anypropertyin mortmain or in tail. ey ghâléyân, s. a. A boiling, ebulli- tion ; active fermentation, working ; the excitement or fermentation of a mob ; –, ghâlyân, s. p. A hooka or water-pipe for smoking. * ghâliz, a. a. Coarse. fé ghamm (gham), s. a (pl. * ghûmüm), Grief, sorrow, care, regret; _\,s° ghAm-khâr, s. p. A person in sorrow ; a friend in need, a sympa- thizing friend; ) -= ghAm-kyûs- sâr, s. p. A sympathizing friend. * ghAmmâz, s. a. A tale-bearer. *j** ghâmz6, s. p, A wink, a sign with the eye, a look. ghânâ, s. a. Sufficiency, comfortable circumstances; –, ghânâ, s. a. A singing. [ghânîmèt), Spoils, plunder. ** ghânâ'im, s. pl.a. (of · *ştê ghÖncha, s. p. Arose-bud or rose just opening. * ghânem, s. a. Asheep. 8 ghünüdé, a. p. Asleep, sleeping. · ghûnné, s. a. A nasal twang in pronunciation. ghâni, a. a. Rich, possessing a sufficiency, comfortably off; plentiful, abundant; in want of no assistance or embellishment. · ghânimet, s. a. Spoil, plunder; any advantage that can be realised. Le ghAvwAss, s. a. Adiver, aplunger. y* ghâwâni, s. pl. a. (singular not used), Songs. J5'; ghâwâ'il, s. pl, a. (of :\: ghâ'ilé), Cares, causes of anxiety or preoccupation. D 670 ] Çş Müş:\: şe ghâvr, s. a. The bottom of any deep water, well, &c. - Le; ghAvss, s. a. Aplunging a diving. · ghâvta, s. a. A ducking, a dipping: ghâvta-khör, s. p. One who gets a ducking. ghâwgha (kâwgha), s. i. A quarrel; a fight; a battle ; -, -et, v.n, To quarrel ; to fight. J* ghül, s. p. A kind of demon or goblin, commonly termed · J;-é ghülU-yâbÂni (küluyabÂni), The goblin of the wilds. [cable. & eşé ghömana, s. t. (Italian), A ship's · ghâyâb, · ghiyâbet, s. a. Absence ; · ghâyâbéti- -jübbi, The bottom of the well (into which Joseph was cast). · ghiyâsset, s. a. A plunging, diving, dipping deeply. - ghâyb, s. a. Absence; any absent thing ; all absent and all invisible things, all things past or future, not actually existing or present; - : çe “âlâmi-ghâyb, The invisible world, the past or future state of things, the unknown ; ghâybî (fem. : ghàybiyyé), a. a. Pertaining to the invisible world. - · ghâybet, s. a. Absence ; back- biting; –, –et, v.n. Tobackbite. · ghâybübet, s. a. Absence. · ghâyss, s. a. Rain. c; “iş ghâjikmak (aor. 5ş ghâji- kir), v.n. To be ticklish, or tickled ; ·ghîjikdirmak(aor y° ghğjikdirir), v.a. To tickle. y: ghâyr, s. a. Any other or others than self; –, a. a. Not, non (this word before any Arabie adjective ha8 the same privative effect as the Syllaöles un, in, dis, &c., with us ; as, * -5 - ghâyri-mütéssâvi, unequal to each other ; * ghâyri-mâ”lüm, unknown, &c.); r: bi-ghâyri, ad. a. Without; *) * ve-ghâyrihi, Et cetera; *'e ilâ - ghâyri-'n - nihâyé, ad. a. Ad infinitum. · ghâyret, s. a, Zeal; earnest endeavour; homest jealousy, jealousy of one's honour ; -, -et, v.n. To strive zealously, to do one's best. · ghâyri, a. t. Other, another ; -, ad. t. Besides; –(kâyri), ad. t. No more, never again ; at length, after all. eya ghâytan, s. t. Narrow braid or square cord, W: ghâyz, s. a. Anger, wrath ; * kyâzimu-’l-ghâyz, a. a. One who subdues his rising anger. * ghâym, s. g. A cloud. c ghâyn, s. a. Name of the letter ğ. _;-: ghâyUr, a. a. Zealous (man): öy; ghâyürâné, a. p. Pertaining to a zealous person. – –3 fâ (fE). Twenty-third letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of fin English. Its numeral value is 80. [ 671 ] & 2 · In Persian words it is sometimesinter- changeable with --9, -°, and 9. * fâ, s. a. Name of the letter -i ; the first radical letter of any Arabic word. e : fâtih, s. a. A conqueror ; e : · fâtih-sültan-Mehémed, Mahomed the Second, conqueror of Constantinople. · fâtiha, s. a. The opening chapter of the KUr'an, generally used as the concluding prayer at devotions, and repeated over people's graves. : fâtir, a. a. Weak, worn out, unable J-i fajir, s. a. A sinner. [to proceed. ·-5 fâhish, a. a. Infamous ; passing the bounds of decorum; 4: - 5 fâhi- shé, s. a. fem. A prostitute, whore. * - fâkht6, s. p. A pigeon. fâkhir (fem. , fâkhiré), a. a. Glorious (apparel, &c.). L:yi fârsi, a. a. Persian (language); –, s. a. The Persian language ; ·yü fârsiyyât, s. pl. a. Persian idioms or grammatical rules. ğ : fârigh, a. a. Who desists, leaves off, or reposes from any action ; free from action or anxiety ; 3-, –öl, vn. To finish, have done, leave off, rest; J fârighu-l-bâl, Easy at heart, free from care. *): fâré, s. a. A mouse. · fâssid (fem. 8 ; fässidé), a. a. Bad, spoilt, corrupt, false. c : fâssik, s. a. A sinner. Jü fÂsh, a. p. Which has transpired, J· oozed out, got wind; -, -et, va, Tobetray (a secret), make public; -, –ol, v.n. To become known, ooze out, transpire. Je: fÂssil (fem. 4 e5 fássila), a.a. Which divides, ·ü fÂssila, s. a. A division, partition, separates ; separation, intermission; de bilâ- -fÂssila, ad. a. Unceasingly, uninter- ruptedly, incessantly, without inter- mission. [in virtue, learning, &c. J. fÂzil, s. a. One who excels others eli fktir, s. a God the impresser of natural qualities, the Creator. e· fÂtân, a. a. Intelligent, quick. Je: fâ”il, s.a. An actor, doer; Je - issmi-fâ'il, The active participle ; e: fâ“ili (fem. e: fâ"iliyyê), a. a. Pertaining to an actor ; - ali fâ”iliyyet, s. a. Quality of being an • actor. 45: fâka, s. a. Poverty, indigence. * fâkiha, s. a. A fruit. Jı (for Jü fe'), fal (f), s. a Any- thing taken as an omen, particularly in the nature of the Sortes Yirgilianae ; d; J: fAl-bAkmak, v.n. To open any one of certain books and take the first word of the page as an augury; or to use any other kind of augury. * fâlij, s. a. Paralysis, the palsy. * falya, and falya-delighi, s. t. The touch-hole of a gun. eli fâm, s. p. (in composition), Coloured c· fânüss, s. a. A glass shade. [ 672 ] * fäni (fem füniyye), a, a. Perishable ; ready to perish. < fâ'ih, a. a. Which exhales (per- fumes); which pervades the air (per- fume). - *sili fâ'idé, s. a. A use, an advantage; a moral (of a tale); 5\: fâ'idéli, a. t. Useful, beneficial; -8 ° fâ'idéssiz, a. t. Useless, of no avail; ss5U fä'idé-et, v.n. To avail, be of use, benefit ; y* * 5'-i fa'ide- -ghyirmek, v.n. To derive benefit; g* bir-fâ'idéyi-müfid-öl, To be of some use; · fâ'idé- mend, a. p. Benefited. 5ü fâ’iz, a. a. Who obtains. L45U fā’iz, a. a. Who or which gives forth abundantly ; –, 8. t. Interest on [passing. 55 fâ’ik, a.a. Excelling, superior, sur- e: fe-behâ, ad. a. Then all is well; in that case all is right. - · fit, s. t. in · · fit-virmek, money. v.n. To put (a person) up to some- thing, inspire with a mischievous idea. z : fettâh, s. a. God the opener of the means of welfare. se: fütâdé, a.p. Fallen; fallen captive. e· fettân, s. a. A plotter, intriguer, mischief-maker ; Satan. : feth (t-h), s. a. An opening; a broaching; a conquering; a pronounc- ing with the a or e vowel; -, -et, v.a. To open; to broach ; to conquer; to pronounce (a consonant) with the a &sü [ 673 ] · or e vowel following it ; z: fethi-kelâm-et, v.n. To begin a dis- course; sü fetihnâmé, s. p. A letter giving news of some victory or conquest. *sü fetha, s.a. The vowel point , equivalent to one of the vowels A, a, 0, E 07° e. · fitret, s. a. A time of general Tevolt; an interregnum ; an interval. c fetk, s. a. A bursting, breaking asunder ; a rupture, or hernia; : 5) retk-u-fetki-ümür, The general management of public busi- İ10SS, *: fitné, s. a. Temptation; any tempt- ing thing; a conspiracy, plot, treason; public trouble, sedition, disorder, riot; G-, -kyar, --, fitné-jü, s. p. -: fitné-enghiz, 6–, fitné- fitnfji, s. t. A causer of sedition. (for -6:) fetvâ, s. a. A legal opinion delivered by the proper legal functionary (the Mufti) upon any supposed case submitted to him; ·: i- hâzréti - fetvâ - -pènâhi, (H. E. the Asylum of legal opinions) The Sheykhu-’l-isslâm. · fûtûvvet, s. a. Generosity of character, magnanimity. z fütüh (pl. - fütühāt), s. pl.a. (of z: feth), Victories, suc- CGSSGS. ): fütür, s. a Lassitude, inability to proceed with work, lack of spirit; ·-, fütür-ghetirmek, v.n. To lose spirit; –, fütür-ghilmek, vn. To seize (a loss of spirit for work). -5: fetvâ. See : L: fetà, s. a. Alad. J: fitil, s. a The wick of a lamp or candle; a quick-match; a plug or pledget for deep wounds; a seton. * fej, s. a. An open and easy way between mountains. iş fj'éten, ad. a. Suddenly, un- expectedly. zş fijāj, a.a. Open and easy (a way between mountains). ş fejâ'i, a.a. Sudden; unexpected. ş” fejr, s. a. The dawn, daybreak; ·öS-, fejri-kyâzib, The false day- break, after which darkness is said to fall again; şe = fejri-sidik, The true dawn, the break of day. ) = füjür, s. a Sin, iniquity, wicked- ness, the lust of the flesh. · fâhss, s. a. An inquiring after or into, inquiry, search. J= fâhl, s. a. A stallion ; aman dis- tinguished for learning. 9 fâhm, s. a. Charcoal. = (for ·) fâhwâ, s. a. The sense, signification, meaning contained in a phrase. - = fikhâm, s. pl. a. (of * fâkhim), The very high in rank and station. · fâkhâmet, s. a. Exalted rank and station; s” fâkhâmetlü, a. t. The exaltedin rank and station (second 2 Y title of the Grand Wizier, to whom Europe accords the princely title of Highness). &s fakhz, s. a The thigh. * fâkhr, s. a. A glorying; a cause of just pride ; çe * fâkhri - “âlem, (The pride of the world) Muhammed; · fökhri (fem : * fakhriyye), a. a. Pertaining to pride and glorying; &:,* fakhriyyé, s. a The latter part of a poem, in which it is usual for the poet to speak of himself in terms of glorification, which we should call boasting. (* fökhim (fem. **fokhimé), a.a. Very high in rank and station (The feminine is the title hitherto given to all European States in distinction to 4 e “âliyyé, the very eralted, as- sumed for Turkey alone). \si fedâ, s. a. The sacrificing orgiving up anything in order to obtain some end; a sacrifice, a ransom : -, -et, v.a. To give up, to sacrifice; S\si fedâkyâr, a. p. One who makes sac- rifices, who sacrifices his own in- terests ; c:y) \si fedâkyârlik, s. t. The quality of sacrificing one's interests ; L: ; fedâ'î, s. p. One who volun- tarily risks his life in any perilous but praiseworthy enterprise. e· fidAn, s. t. (Greek (pıravm), A young plant; eya: *jÜ tâzé-fidAn (fig.), A young person. **** fidyé, s. a. Anything sacrificed or [ 674 ] given up in order to attain some good end ; a sacrifice ; a ransom. - * Âi fezléké, s. a The sum and sub- stance of any train of reasoning. _i fEr, s. p. Pomp, splendour, magnifi- CGI)CC. · Fûrât, s. t. The river Euphrates. 4-yi ferrājé (ferāj6), s. a. An over- cloak worn out of doors by women (formerly applied also to a cloak worn by doctors of the law). z : ferâh, s. a. Cheerfulness, gladness; –, a. t. Cheerful, open (a place, house, &c.); - and cy'e ferâh- -fèrâh, ad. t. Amply ; easily ; and to spare. öy ferAkh, a. p. Wide, ample, spacious; abundant; -yi ferâkhi, s.p. Ample- ness, abundance. · ferâdiss, s. pl, a. (of c : firdevss), Paradises; gardens or parks. firâr, s. a. Arunning away; a desert- ing ; -, -et, v.n. Torun away ; to desert. - j firâz, s. p. An ascent ; ·jy* firâz-u-nèshib, Up-hill and down- dale; –, a. p. (in composition), High, uplifted ; jW: sèr-firâz, a. p. Who holds up his head and is not ashamed, or who feels a just pride. * firâzendé, s. p. One who lifts up on high, who raises. · ferâssèt, s. a. Sagacity, judg- ment, penetration; equitation, horse- manship; the science of physiognomy. c , [ 675 ] 9ji cy: fârash, s. t. A dust-pan; –, ferâsh, 8. a. Amoth which flies rounda candle; -, firâsh, s. a. A bed ; –, ferrâsh, 8. a. An attendant whose duty it is to spread carpets, &c., especially one attached to the temple at Mecca (this last office is held by a certain number of the highest people, as an honour, and as meritorious, the duties being performed by persons on the spot paid by the titular officers) ; --· sâhib-firâsh, a. p. Sick in bed. · fèrāshèt, s. a. The office of carpet - spreader (to the temple of Mecca). ·y-i ferâ'iné, s. pl, a. (of · fir”âvn), Pharaohs ; proud, rebellious İ006İ]. [work or care. # J: firâgh, s. a. Ease, freedom from · ferāghAt, s. a The giving up, ceding; a ceasing from work ; -, –et, va, To cede. y* firÂk, s. a. Separation, the being separated one from the other, absence from one another. c· fèrâmüsh, s. p. A forgetting; –, –et, v.a. To forget ; · fèrâmüshi, s. p. Oblivion. ala: , firânjila, s. t. White wheaten bread in rolls. [Frenchman. 3- y* Frânsiz, s. and a. t. French ; a · Frânsa, s. t. France. e : fèrâwân, a. p. Copious, abundant. ç-y-i fèrâhèm, a. p, Accumulated, heaped up. &#-: fèrcha, s. t. Abrush. *5): ferâ'id, s. pl.a. (of 8 :J* feridé), Separate, single, umique things, single pearls or precious stones, beads, &c. ·yi farâ’iz, s. pl, a. (of fariza), Things incumbent and not to be omitted ; the indispensable parts of worship ; the portions allotted by the canonical law to the relatives of a deceased person; the science of ap- portioning property among the rela- tives of deceased persons. · fèrtüt, a.a. Decrepid. < fErj, s. a The female organ of generation; –, fèrej, s. a. Joy, happi- ness ; z z = èss - sAbru- -miftâhU-’l-fèrej, Patience is the key of happiness. f'ey* ferjâm, s. p. The end, conclusion; nâ-ferjâm, f = bed-fer- jâm, a. p. Ending ill, not ending as could be wished. · fûrj6, s. a. An opening, an oppor- tunity ; - *-L: fûrjé-yÂb, a. p. Who finds an opportunity ; -, fürjé-yÂb-öl, v.n. To find an oppor- [tunity. C ferah, s. a Joy, gladness; -: ferahnâk, a. p, Joyful, glad. e-- ferhân, a. a. Rejoicing, glad, joyful. 4-5 ferha, s. a. Joy, gladness. Z: J: ferrükh, 8 fèrkhûndé, a. p. Happy, fortunate. fèrd, s. a. An individual; a single one; anything unique sui generis; 2 Y 2 l9ji eş- jevhèri-ferd, An atom (in the atomic theory); leyey: ferdan- -ferdâ, ad a fèrdafErd, ad. p. One by one, singly, individually. leji fèrdâ, s. p. The following day, the T1OTTOW. [or park. c)-9°y firdèvss, s. a. Paradise; a garden fErz, s. p. The queen at chess *\}iyi ferzâné, a. p. Distinguished, remarkable (person); & ; fer- zânélik, s. t. süy ferzânéghi, s. p. Distinction (of a person). 5 ferzend, s. p. A son. L· feress, s. a. A horse, • fersâ, a. p. (in composition), Which rubs against; e: ; felek-fErsâ, a. p. Rubbing against, high as and touching the sky. ke frisstâdé, a. p. Sent. :: fErsûkh, s.p.A parasang, an hour's journey on horseback at a walk. se, fErsüdé, a. p. Rubbed; worn. fûrsi, s. a The Persian language; · fûrsiyyât, s. pl. a. Persian idioms and rules. c): fèrsh, s. a. The spreading (carpets, &c.) on the floor ; -, -et, v.a. To spread on the ground. * firishté (pl. firishtégh- [tunity. · fûrsAt (frsAnt), s. a. An oppor- yân), s. p. An angel. · fârz, s. a. An indispensable rite ; a supposing, a taking for granted ; \–, –et, v.a. To set down as sup- posed or granted: fârzâ (fûrazâ), [ 676 ] c· ad. a. By supposition, let us suppose, let it be granted ; J=” fârzi- -mühâl, The admission of an impossi- bility for argument's sake. k; fârt, s. a. A superabundant quantity, or degree. &i:: frtina, s. t. (Italian), A storm at sea, a rough sea ; · fırtinali, a. t. Stormy (sea or weather). &. * fer”, s. a. A secondary branch a ramification ; a subdivision ; °: fer”i (fem. deyi fer”iyyê), Secondary, derivative. e· fir”âwn, s. a Pharaoh; any ex- cessively proud and refractory man. J* fârk, s. a. The crown of the head ; a distinguishing; a distinction, dif- ference ; -, -et, v.n. To change, alter, vary; c ·-, fârk-ghyir- mek, To see a difference ; –, firak, s. pl, a. (of fırka), Bodies, troops of men. e· fürkÂn, s. a The Kür“An, in its quality of distinguishing between good and evil. e·i, fırkateyn, s. t. Afrigate. ö; frka, s. a Any detached part; a body, troop; a sect; a division (of an army). 5iyi ferkAd, s. a. A certain brilliant star used figuratively; 5. fErkAd-sây, a. p. Touching or reaching in height to the star Ferkad. * $ fErkindé, a p. Old, worn. · frlamak (aor. fırlar), v.n. To [ 677 ] 4: : 9-9 fly (as splinters, &c.); to chip, to splinter (as glass, steel, &c.); iyi frlatmak (aor. yeyi frlâdir), v.a. To cause to fiy ; to throw ; to cause to chip. fErmâ, a. p. (in composition), Who commands ; •3ji firmÂn-fermâ, 8. p. One who gives commands, a com- mander, a sovereign e· fèrmÂn, s. p. A command, order, injunction ; an imperial rescript, com- mission, or letters-patent; ): •: fEr- mân-bir, le fermán-birdâr, 8. p. One who is obedient to his sove- reign’s commands; 8 5 fermÂn- -dih, s. p. A giver of orders, a sove- reign. 899 •y* fèrmüdé, a. p. Ordered, com- manded; –, 8. p. An order, command. e : firènk, s. t. A man of any Euro- pean nation; · firènghisstân, s. p. Europe, or the whole country in- habited by non-Turkish Europeans ; ·iyi firinghi, s. t. The venereal disease. , • - 9y* füru, ad. p. Down, downwards; –, a. p. Low ; * : fÜrU-mâyé, a. p. Low bred. e: /; fürükht, s. p. A selling; a sale; \–, –et, v.a. To sell. · fürükhté, a, p. Sold. · fûrûd, s. p. The lower part, bottom; a hollow place, valley. :y* fûrüz, a. p. (in composition), Who or which lights or illuminates. el):y: früzÂn, a. p. Shining, bright, alight, blazing. * firüzendé, a. p. Who or which illuminates, makes light. · fürüsset, · fûrüssiyyet, 8. a. Equitation, horsemanship. c· firüsh, s. p. (in composition), A seller, vender; : ; -khöd-fûrüsh, (A self-seller) Abrag ; y--5° * c· ghendum-nûmâyi-jev-fürüsh, (A barley-selling wheat-shower) A cheat. & y* fûrü” (pl. \e : fûrü“At), s. pl. a. (of 5 * fer”), Branches, ramifications. [splendour. ğıy* fürügh, s. p. A ray, sunbeam ; * : füru-mândé, a. p. Who lags, straggles, remains behind ; worn out with fatigue and weakness. (:)2y* firin, s. t. An oven ; a bakehouse ; = firinji, s. t.A baker ; a con- structor of ovens. * fèrvé, s. a. Afur coat or cloak. e feryâd, s. p, A cry, scream ; -, –et, v.a. To cry, call out, scream ; (-):· feryâd-ress, s. a. Anyone who runs to help at a call for succour. -8 ° firib, a. p. (in composition), Who or which deceives. · ferid (fem. 8 : ; feridé), a. a. Alone ; single; unique; 3 feridé, s. a. A single or unique pearl, precious stone, bead, person, &c. 4:ji firifté, a.p. Deceived, taken in, cajoled, Seduced. Çô } C: )* D 678 ] c:): 5 c:): ferik, s. a. A class, body, or sect of men; a lieutenant-general, or general of division ; : * =: bāhriyyé- -feriki, An officer of corresponding rank in the naval service yi fezâ, a. p. (in composition), Who or which increases, augments. 5 * fez”, s. a. A lamenting; lamentation, plaint. e· füzün, a. p. Augmented, increased; j-i füzüni, s. p, Increasedness ; · füzüni'i-`imr, Length of life. U-i fess, s. t. The red cap worn all e-i fessÂd, s. a. Disorder; an abuse of any kind, a Wrong practice ; sedition, [over Turkey. trouble ; villainy ; intrigue ; corrup- tion, bad state of anything ; 8 \x o -sel-i mi”dé-fessÂdi, The stomach's being disordered; :*) *-i fèssÂ- da-vârmak, v.n. To get disordered, to become vitiated by abuses; el-i c% :· fèssâd-kürmak, To plot, devise any intrigue orvillainy; ş-e-i fèssâd-châkârmak, To put any plot or villainy into execution, & fessân6, s.p.An idle tale. -i fisstâkiz, s. t. in - : filÂn-fisstâkiz, forth. e, fisstAn, s. t. A woman's gown ; a man's kilt ; ·: ich-fisstÂni, s. t, A petticoat. So and so, and so fisstik, s. a. A pistachio; u * 5 fisstikî, a. t. Of a certain shade of lightish green, of a pistachio green colour. · fûsshat, s. a. Spaciousness, vastness, roominess; –5 s- füss- hat-sârây, s. p. A palace of great eXtent. · fesskh, s. a. A disuniting, pulling to pieces ; an annulling, abolishing ; -, -et, va, To pull to pieces ; to annul. 8 fûssürdé, a, p. Congealed, set. C;.: fissk, s. a. Sin, wickedness, iniquity, the lusts of the flesh. [Sinners. * fessaka, s. pl, a. (of fässik), & ö.: fisskâyyé, s. t. A jet d'eau, a fountain which throws its water up in a jet. · fisské, s. t. A fillip ; ; -, fisské-wÜrmak, v.n. To give a fillip. c le fissildamak (aor. )' fissil- dar), v.n. To whisper, make a whisper- ing noise; 5 fissildi, s. t. A whispering, whispering noise. · fessléghèn, s. t. Sweet basil. ey; fûssün, s. p. Anidle tale. <- fessih (fem. &=<-i fessiha), a. a. Spacious, vast, roomy. e· fishân, a.p. (in composition), Who or which sheds, spreads, scatters. fishkirmak (aor. fishkirir), v.n. To spout out, spirt out. i: fishki, s. t. The dung of animals, stable manure. c:.i fishenk (fishek), s. t. A car- tridge; a squib; a sky-rocket; fire- Lai works in general; K· fisheklik, 8. t. A kind of receptacle for cartridges Worn on the breast ; · 5° hâwä'i-fishek, s. t. A sky-rocket; · fishekji, s. t. A maker of fireworks, Lai fAsss, s. a. The bezel of a finger- ring, in which the stone is fixed. ·-ai fAssâhât, s. a. Flowingness and clearness of discourse. Jai fAsssÂl, s. a. A habitual criticiser or disparager ; –, fissâl, s. a. Mutual separation. Us* fÜssahâ, s. pl. a. (of * fAssih), Discoursers with ease and clearness. Jai fAssl, s. a. A dividing, separating; a deciding (disputes) ; a criticising, disparaging; a division, section, chap- ter, act, paragraph ; a season of the year ; -, -et, v.a. To divide, sepa- rate ; to decide, judge and terminate (a quarrel); to criticise, find fault with, disparage; in the phrase 5: · Assli-fAssli-yök, There is n0 foundation for it (a report) L.a3 is merely an imitative sequent of ; *y Jya: fÜssülu-èrba”a, The four seasons. & ai fAssülya, s. t. A French bean, a kidney-bean, a haricot bean. * fAssih (fem. d=< ai fAssiha), a, a. Clearly expressed, pure and free from outlandish expressions. Vai fAzâ, s. a An open space of ground. ·-a fAzâhât, s. a. Villainy, vil- [ 679 ] · J5 fazâil, s. pl, a. (of · fAzilèt), Virtues, eminent qualities. Jai fAzl, s. a. Virtue, any eminent quality ; grace, favour, kindness. Wai füzalâ, s. pl. a. (of fÂzil), Men of virtue ; men of eminent qualities. * fazla, s. a. A surplus, residue ; a residuum ; any excrementitious pro- ductions of the body. J; ai füzül, s. a. An exceeding the bounds of propriety or right; Jy 2! bü-’l-fÜzül, a. a. A talkative babbler ; · fÜzüli, ad. t. Without right, without right or title. âzi fidda, s. a. Silver. < fAzîh (fem. ö=<-d: fAziha), a. a. Villainous, bad, infamous; 4= d; fAzîha, s. a. A villainous act, bad, infamous action. · fazilet, s. a. A virtue ; a good, eminent quality, eminence, excellence; - fAzilètlü, a. t. Excellent, eminent (a title given to the “ulémâ). ·Wai fAtânet, s. a Quickness of in- telligence. ai ftr, s. a The breaking of a fast at the expiry of its legal term; ail = “îdu-’l-ftr, The festival of cessation from fasting, called also ·J=: shëkEr-bâyrami, The festival of sugar. (:2 ai fitret, s. a. The natural constitu- tion of creatures; 5 fitri (fem. *: a; fitriyyé), a.a. Natural, consti- lainousness. tutional. Ç) [ 680 ] Kş ·/ · fitnet, s. a. Quickness of intelli- gence. ·ai fâtin, a. a Quick, intelligent. ·ai fAzâzât, s.a. Coarseness, gross- mess of speech and manners. J\si fâ“âl, s. a. God the constant actOr. Jxi fi”l, s. a. An act, action; averb (in grammar); the word which is used as the paradigm of triliteral roots of Arabic words ; -5 ------, fi"li- -mûta”âddi, A verb transitive; ( -, fi”li-lâzim, A verb intransitive; – • • fi'li-mâ”lüm, A verb active or neuter, of which the actor is made known by the verb itself; J56ş°-, fi“li-mejhül, Averb passive, the actor of which is left unknown by the verb ; u –, fi"li-mâzi, A verb in the past tense ; 8 -, fi”li-mûzâri”, A verb in the aorist, having either a present or future sense ; Jağls: fâ'u-'l-fi”l, The first radical letter of an Arabic word ; · “âynu- -’l-fi”l, The second, and ·e) lâmu-’l-fi”l, The third radical letter; i: fi”lan, ad. a. In act, indeed, by deed; }<ğlı bi-'l-fi”l, ad. a. In ac- tuality, really ; · fî”lî (fem. * si fi”liyyé), a.a. Pertaining to action, or to a verb ; < y =** fi“la- -ghetirmek, ) e-a|< fi"la-chi- kârmak, zy=-l** fi”la-ikhrâj-et, v.a. To do, execute, perform, bring into a state of active performance; c· küvvédan-f"la- -chikârmak, To raise from posse to esse, from a state of possibility or mere project to one of actuality. e· fèghân, s. p. Plaint, lamentation, [China; china-ware. yiki fâghfür, s. a. The Emperor of e·\53 fâkâhet, s. a. Intelligence, apt- mess of mind; quality of being versed cry of distress, in law. e : fikdân, s. a. A state of desertion, abandonment by friends, separation from friends. ki fâkr, s. a. Poverty, indigence. Vü fükarâ, s. pl, a. (of fâkir), The poor, poor people ; (Turkish singular) a poor mam. 3,ü fikra, s. a. An anecdote, a tale ; a paragraph, an article. lai; fakat, ad. a. Only ; but still, still, yet, and yet. [prudence. &ği fikh (k-h), s. a. The science of juris- gāi fükahâ, s. pl, a. (of : fâkih), Lawyers, legists. re-i fâkir, s. a. A poor man; your humble servant, I ; *V: fâkirâné, a. p. Pertaining to a poor man; to your humble servant, to me. &: fâkih, s. a. A person versed in the law, a lawyer, legist. ci 5 fekk, s. a. A separating, detaching. 3 fikyâr, a. p. (in composition), Sore, galled ; KiJe dil-fikyâr, a. p. Sore at heart. Ki fikr (fikir), s. a The reflective or e· actively commemorative power of the mind; thought, reflection, meditation; İ-, -et, v.a. To think of, to call to mind; } = fikirsiz, a. t. Stupid, irreflective. e° fikèn, a. p. (in composition), Who casts down, throws on the ground. 2- fe-lâ-jerem, ad. a. Without fail, absolutely. z: felâh, s. a. A state of virtue, happi- ness, or prosperity ; c·-, fèlah- -bülmak, v.n. To attain a state of vir- tue, happiness, or prosperity; ·- z hâyya-”âlé-'l-felâh ! Come to (what will lead to) happiness! (para- graph in the call to prayer); –, fellâh, s. a. An Arab peasant. · felâhât, s. a. Agriculture. e· felâkhûn, s. p. A sling for throw- ing stones. *-i- felâssif6, s. pl, a. (of – fèylésöf), Philosophers. · felâket, s. a. Adversity, misfor- tune, an effect of the adverse influ- ence of the spheres. [tree, linden-tree. filâmür (ikhlâmür), s. t. The lime- e : filAn, a. t. Such a one, so-and-so, a certain ; ( -, filAn-AdAm, Such A <*-, filAn-shèy, Such a thing, a certain thing. a person, a certain person ; * felj, s. a. Paralysis, the palsy. 8öi filz6, s. a. Alobe; ·=8öi filzé'i- -kèbed, (The lobe of the liver) A dearly-beloved person. [ 681 ] -8 e filiz, s. t. A shoot, young branch ; –, filizz (filiz), s. a. Mineral ore. · filss, s. a. A mite, a farthing ; --, filssi-âhmEr, (Ared farthing) The smallest piece of copper money ; z =***-L- filssi- ahméra- -mûhtÂj-öl, v.a. Tobe reduced to sheer beggary, to be penniless, without a farthing. [-filfil, Red pepper in pods. Jāli filfil, s. a Pepper; Jäiyle dâri- 4ili fâlaka, s. t. Astout pole, with two holes about six inches asunder in the middle of its length, through which the two ends of about two feet of rope are passed and knotted. This is used for the infliction of the bastinado, the feet being passed through the loop of rope, and the pole being then turned round till the slack of the rope is wound up, the pole becomes pressed against the back of the leg near the ankle, and the soles of the feet are firmly held up to view. e: ; felek, s. a.The sky, the firmament; a sphere (according to the Ptolemaic system of astronomy), of which there are nine; fortune, or the influence of the spheres; ·le feléku-'l- -èflâk, (The sphere of spheres) The primum mobile; –, fülk, s. a. A ship, boat, craft; Bej=li felek-zedé, a.p. Struck by the adverse influence of the spheres. e li filémènk, s. t. A Fleming, a Dutchman ; the Dutch nation. · or *a filinta, s. t. A fowling- piece. · fölüri, s. t. A ducat, a sequin. *3 filika, s. t. A ship's boat, barge, cutter; a pleasure boat. [of a gun. (* fèm, s. a. The mouth ; the muzzle e° fEnn, s. a. An art; e:y;* hèzâr- -fènn (hèzârifEnd), s. t. Ajack-of-all- trades, a person clever at manythings. U: fèna, a. t. Bad; dangerous; grave; –, fènâ, s. a. Corruption, destruc- tion, annihilation, death; – We dâru-’l-fènā, The world of change ; : fEnâ-bûlmak, v.n. To be annihilated, destroyed ; · fènâleshmek, v.n. To become bad, dangerous, grave ; to grow worse, more dangerous. fènâr (fènEr), s. t. A lantern ; a lighthouse ; a pinion (on the shaft of a wheel). [coffee cup. e :<ü finján (finjan), s. t. Atea or A.5 fènd, s. t. A trick, piece of deceit. J* findik, s. t. A nut, filbert, cob, or Barcelona nut ; --ş°-, findik- -sèchAni, A mouse. e· fünün, s. pl.a. (of · fEnn), Arts; kimds, sorts, species. [the affections. eği fü'âd, s. a The heart, the seat of *): fèvwârf, s. a. A jet d’eau, a foun- tain whichthrows its Water up in a jet. 4-= - fevâkih, s. pl.a. (of *-e-=\i fâkihé), Fruits. oğl, fewä'id, s. pl.a. (of 5ü fä'idé), Uses, useful results, benefits. - Ü 682 ] fé · fevt, s. a. Tolose, to neglect, not to seize, to allow to go by and be lost; -~2,5-, fèvti-fürsAt-et, v.n. Tolose an opportunity ; y-, –öl, v.n. To die. z: fèvj, s. a. A troop of men, a cohort. e- fichi, s. t. A cask, barrel. aleyi födula, s. t. A kind of better bread- cake, served out at colleges and poor- kitchens, &c. ); fevr, s. a. Extreme quickness, hurry; Ü: fevran, 9, - -e alé-'l-fevr. ad. a. In extreme haste, quickly, hurriedly. eyyi fevérân, s. a. Aboiling, bubbling; spirting like a jet d'eau. j: fevz, s. a. Success in an undertaking. · füta, s. a. A kind of apron: 3; fevk, s. a The top or space above the top of anything; any superior degree ofrank; iyi fèvkÂni, a. a. Upper (storey of a house); –, fevka, aia Above 8 - 5 - fevka-’l- - âdé, Extraordinary, extraordinarily; * : fevka-'l-ghāyé, More than extremely, exceedingly. ss fûnda, s. t. The branches of the vine pruned away ; -55 -, –kyi- muru, Wine-charcoal (used by black- smiths, &c.) ; -, -et, v.a. To let go (the anchor). c· fihriss, s. a. … ye fihrisst, s. p. The index of a book. * fehm, s. a. The comprehending power of the mind; comprehension; \-, -et, v.a. To comprehend, seize [ing. * fehim, a. a. Quick in comprehend- the meaning of. fi, pr. a. In; into ; about, relating to ; among, between ; · fî-’l- -jümlé, ad. a. Generally; abstractedly, in a general sense; J= fi-'l-hâl, ad. a. Instantly, at once ; * üs : fi-'l-hAkika, ad. a. In truth, in sooth, Teally, This preposition is always placed before the date of letters and papers, and also before the price of things in accounts, in the following shape, and without the dot over the ğ. -5, thus = [goods. · fi'ât, s. a. The price per article of L: ; feyyâz, s. a. God who abundantly pours out blessings. · feyâfi, s. pl. a. (sing. not used), Deserts, uncultivated districts. J:y* firüz, j:y: firüzmend, -:):): firüzi, a. p. Victorious, successful, fortunate. sü: firüz6, s. p. A turquoise. Ja: feysAl, s. a. A discontinuance, in- terruption, cessation; a decision (of a trial or dispute), a terminating ; < - feysAl- vèrmek, v.n. To decide, terminate (atrial or dispute); c*- feysAl-bûlmak, v.n. To be decided, terminated. L4: feyz, s. a. Abundance; any pecu- liar gift of God, eminence ; c·-, feyz-bûlmak, v.n. To become emi- nent. [ 683 ] · · fèyézÂn, s. a. A plentiful out- pouring. J: fil (fil), s. a. An elephant; the bishop in chess ; · fil-dishi, 8. t. Ivory. – feylâssöf, s. a. A philosopher. filo, s. t. (Italian), A squadron, or line of ships of war. ** fi-mâ-bâ”d, ad. a. Hencefor- ward, henceforth. · fûyüzât, s. pl. a. (of LA 5 füyüz, not used, which is itself the pl. of _ feyz), Peculiar and abundant gifts of Providence. - ći fi'è, s. a. A troop of men. &: fih, or fihi, comp. a. In or about him, - it; e: fihâ, In or about her, it. eş -2 5 kâf. Twenty-fourth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of k in English, but is always followed by a hard vowel, in contradistinction to ·. which is also a k but softer in sound. The numeral value of 5 is 100. · kAb (or · kAp), Any containing vessel, comprising even certain cases, covers, or envelopes ; ş -i kAb- -kAchak, Pots and pans, kettles and CanS : · âyak-kAbi, Any kind of shoe, boot, or slipper ; ·% 5 kyürk-kAbi, The outer material of a fur cloak or coat ; –, kÂb, s. a. The ·ü length of a bow, or of a bow-shot ; e·ü kaba-kavseyn, Two bow- shots, or the length of two bows (an expression of the Kür'An indicative of Muhammed's near approach to God on the occasion of his night-journey and ascent to heaven) ; :5 (kApli), a. t. Cased, covered. L4ü kÂbiz, s. a. Who seizes, lays hold of; z-y)-, kÂbizi-èrwâh, The soul- taking angel of death. Jü kâbil, a. a Capable, possible ; ac- cepting, receiving, taking ; - 5 kÂbiliyyet, Capacity, ability, genius ; kabiliyyetli, a. t. Capable, clever. - c* O?” · (kAplamak), v.a. See cj : ; -de- 5. See ·. · kAp, ad. t. in 8,5-95 kap-kara, All black, quite black, very black. 5 kApli, a. t. Cased, covered ; 5 & kâpli - bAgha (kAplimbAgha), A tortoise ; a turtle. [To seize, snatch. - · kApmak (aor. 35 kApar), v.a. ·5 kAt, s. t. A fold (of any stuff); a fold (of any number or quantity); a k change (of linen) ; a suit (of clothes); a storey or floor of a house; opinion, estimation (in which one holds things or persons); the vicinity or presence (of a person) ; ·5!r: bir-kat, One single fold; ofone single fold, plain; of a single storey, consisting of only a ground floor; -es bir-kAt- -dâkhi, or *-95) bir-kAt - dâha, [ 684 ] zü -- ad. t. Still more, doubly ; - 5 : iki-kAt, Double, twofold; two-storied, consisting of a ground floor and upper storey; &c. &c.; · îsst-kat, The upper storey ; · Alt-kAt, The lower storey; e-5 kat-kat, In folds, layers, strata, stories ; ·5 ·l kAt-ënder-kat, Fold upon fold; by many degrees ; 8 45 * benim - kAtimda, In my estimation ; with me, near me, by me ; &c. &c.; ye 5, bir - kAt - rüba, A suit of clothes; “e- iki-kat- -châmAshir, Two changes of linen. cş55 kAtik, s. t. Anything eaten with bread to give it a relish. J55 katil, a. a. Which kills, deadly; –, s. a. A homicide, man-slayer, murderer ; J5ü 5 kAnli - kÂtil, A murderer, assassin. cş 55 kAtlanmak (aor. 55 kAtlanir), v.n. To get admitted into the service or companionship of (someone). 5 \5 katmer, a. t. Double (flower). c** kAtmak (aor. Uü kAtar), v.a. To add, superadd; to send in company, send by the side (of some person); c* U: *= îınga-kAtmak (with a pro- nominal affir added to · ing), v.a. Tocause to walk before orin front of one's self. z5 kâch, interrog. t. How many ? şiş-5 kAchinji, a. t. The how- manyeth? Which one in point of order in the row or series ? Jş-5 kAchak, ş-ü kAchamak, s. t. A pretext, excuse, means ofescape. Gş-i kAchik, a. t. Foolish, cracked, queer, half-witted, crazy. [deserter. ·-5 kAchkin, s. t. Arunaway; a c*-5 kAchmak (aor. ) e-5 kÂchar), v.n. Torun away; to desert; ye-i kAchirmak (aor. Je-5 kAchirir), v.a. To drive away; to allow to escape ; to aid to eseape; torun away with ; to smuggle away ; –, v.n. To go crazy, lose one's wits ; ·-5 kA- chirma, or * 5- * = = ghyûm- rukdan - kAchirma, a. t. Smuggled (goods); *:-5 kAchinmak (aor. ş-5 kAchinir), v.n. To avoid, to keep or get out of the way. : kÂdir, a. a. Able, having the power; God the able One; –, kÂdir-öl, v.n. To be able, to have the power or ability ; to have power enough. * kÂdim, s. a. A person newly ar- riving or newly arrived at a place ; } èl-kÂdimu-yûzâr, The newly arrived person is visited (by the older inhabitants). · Kâdiss, s. t. Cadiz (town of, in Spain). · Kadıkyiyi, s. t. Kadikeuyi (a town in Asia Minor, the ancient Cal- cedonia). e· kAdin, s. t. A genteel or respect- able woman; one of the seven state concubines of the Sultan. 5 kAr, s. t. Snow ; c·:yü kAr-yâgh- [ 685 ] y· mak, v.n. To snow ; c:yi kArlik, s. t. A large bottle used for icing water. : yü kârpuz, s. t. A water-melon. ( :-22,5 kârt, a. t. Old (man); tough meat; c·iyi kartlashmak (aor. y \ii) 3 kârtlashir), v.n. To grow old; to grow tough. ( )* 5 Kârss, s. t. The town of Kars. c:95 kArish, s. t. A span ; c· 5 kArishlamak, v.a. To measure by spanning ; - c kArish - mü- rUsh, s. t. Utter confusion ; & o3)5 c:9ü kârma - kArish, a. t. In utter confusion. c*yi kArishik, a. t. Mixed ; confused ; in disorder; yü kArishiklik, s. t. Confusion; disorder ; a row, tumult. c· kArishmak (aor. yy. kAri- shir), v.n. To mix, mingle, combine ; to become confused, or disordered; to meddle, have to do, interfere ; to ex- ercise authority; ; ) kArish- dirmak (aor. y kArishdirir), v.a. To add; to mix, mix up, stir up, stir about ; to put in disorder ; to cause or allow to meddle or interfere. :yü or :yü kârshi, s. t. The oppo- site side (of a street, river, &c.); the space opposite (to anything); –, ad. t. Opposite ; c·yü karshi- -kömak, v.n. To oppose, resist; *yü c**eş- kârshi-châkmak, v.n. To go forth to meet; c·yĞ kârshilamak, v.a. To meet, to advance and meet intentionally; to answer in an ad- : 5 [ 686 ] A : c· verse manner, oppose in argument; ·yü kârshilashmak, v.n. To meet one another face to face; to correspond, balance one another (the debtor and creditor sides of an ac- count, or income and expenditure); c· kârshilashdirmak, TO || bring (two people) face to face; to compare, collate (papers); to make balance, to balance (income and ex- penditure) ; ; ; karshilik, s. t. The steel (of a flint gun-lock); any retort, answer; tit for tat, quid pro quo; equivalent, complete set-off; a fund or means (in finance) ; *yü kârshim, The space opposite to me; *= 5 kârshinga, Opposite to thee, to the space opposite to thee; * : ; kârshissinda, Opposite to him, her, it; in the space opposite to him, her, it ; &c. &c. c·95 kârghashalik, s, t, A noise as of crows cawing; a noise of tumult and squabbling. & 5 kârgha, s. t. A crow ; a rook; * 5' Ala-kârgha, (The black and white spotted crow) The jackdaw (?); e·= kârgha-bûken, s. t. Nux VO(010â. k:y° kârn, s. t. The belly ; the womb ; c·-leyü kârn-âjikmak (with pro- nominal afi resto eyyü), v.n. Tobe hun- gry ; c* ) karn-Aghrimak, v.n. To have the belly-ache ; v_s -:9°'eyü kârn-Aghrissi, s. t. The belly-ache; a peevish child; (as an interj.) O you belly-ache ! you peevish thing ! c 5 kârn-dûsh (Womb or belly- fellow, usually written c·), 8. t. A brother ; a sister. da: 5 kArinja, s. t. An ant, pismire, emmet ; honeycomb (in cast metals); y 4- : kArinjali, a. t. Honeycombed (metal). U:):yü kârün, s. a. A person proverbial for his wealth, supposed to be the same as Korah ; the river Karoon. -5) kAri, s. t. A woman ; a wife ; –, kâri, s. a. A reader (especially of the Kür'An) ; an inhabitant of a town. k: 5 Kâriot, s. t. The island of Nicaria. }\5 kAz, s. t. A goose ; c· kAz- -ghibi-bAkmak, v.n. To stand and stare stupidly without doing anything. kAzik, s. t. A stake (of wood) ; c·ji kAziklamak, v.a. To impale. c· kAzmak (aor. ji kAzar), v.a. To dig; to dig out, Scoop out ; to engrave, to sink. ·ji kAzma, s. t. A pick-axe, a pick. j'i kâzmir, s. t. Kerseymere. c·ji kAzimak (aor. yj5 O?” j'i kAzir), v.a. To scratch out (writing with a kmife). c· kAsh, s. t. The eyebrow ; èyEr-kAshi, s. t. The pommel, also the cantle, of a saddle (or the curved pieces of wood which form the front and back part of the frame of a saddle); ü kAshli, a. t. Eyebrowed, having **ü [ 687 ] eyebrows ; · dirt-kAshli, a. t. (Having four eyebrows) Having the moustache, from youth, no thicker than the eyebrows; cş45-c. kAsh- -châtmak, v.n. To frown ; · e- châtik-kAshli, a. t. Having the eye- brows joined or meeting over the nose. v : ; kAshâghi, s. t. A currycomb. · kAshik, s. t. A spoon. d* kAshinmak (aor. )*ü kAshi- nir), v.n. To itch ; to scratch (an itch- ing place on one's own body). d·ü kAshimak (aor. 5 kAshir), v.a. To scratch (an itching place on any other person); to curry (a horse). ·5 kAssid, s. a. One who definitively intends to do something or to go somewhere, and is acting or preparing to act accordingly ; a foot-messenger. re: kÂssir, a. a. Deficient, defective, wanting, not up to the mark. c kAssik, s. t. The groin; :-, kAssik-biti, A crab-louse. c* kAssmak (aor. _\e 5 kAssar), v.a. To stretch tight (an extended rope). cş kAssnak, s. t. A hoop, rim, or other contrivance for tightening or holding together. kÂzi (kAdi), s. a, Ajudge accord- ing to the canonical law ; a putter of an end (to matters) ; · kÂzîyyu'l-hâjât, God who satisfieth ·5 K-e kâzi-“Assker (kaz'-“Assker), =-lu 5 kâziyyu -’l-"Assker, the wants of His creatures ; (Judge of the army) Title of two high legal functionaries of Muhammedan camon law in Turkey, one for Rumelia and the other for Anatolia, ranking next to the Shèykhu-’l-isslâm, and exercising the office of Supreme Judges in Constantinople, though formerly they were the judges of the army. * ; kâtibéten, ad. a. Not at all, never, * in * sa: kAt'an-ve-kÂtibéten, By no means whatever, in no case. ; kAtir, s. t. A mule ; an impudent little upstart. - kâtirji, s. t. A muleteer. * 5 kati”, a, a. Which cuts; –, s. a. A secant; C: 's-si kÂti”u-'t-târik, A highwayman, brigand. 8.Acü kA'idé, s. a. Arule; the base (of a mathematical figure) ; * S’sse 5 k”idé'i-kyülliyyé, A general rule. –ü kâf, s. a Name of the letter U53 name of the Caucasian chain ; –55j' – 55 èz-kÂf-tâ-kÂf, From east to west (the Caucasus being imagined to surround the whole habitable world). * kÂfilé, s. a. Acaravan of travellers. *: ; kafiyyé, s. a Rhyme in poetry; the syllables which compose the rhym- ing of words together. * 55 kâkulé, s. a. The cardamum. : 07° • kâkUm, s. t. The ermine ; the ermine fur. c· kAkmak (aor. kAkar), v.a. To give a tap ; to drive in by tapping; to push; to emboss (designs in metal); J5 tess ı e· c; 55 * : bAsha-kAkmak, v.n. To cast (former favours) in one's teeth, to upbraid, reproach, twit (with former benefits conferred); * 55 kAkma, s. t. An embossed design on metal; the art of embossing metals. J5 kxl, s. a. Word of mouth ; $; kÂlan, ad. a. In word ; ) yL: kil-U-kÂl, People's remarks, talk, whisperings, grumblings (These two words are origin- ally verös in Arabic, third pers. sing. pret., J5 is active, he said, J: is passive, it was said) ; –, kAl, s. t. The action of melting and refining (ores and metals); –, kAl-etmek, va. To melt and refine ; · kAlji, s. t. A k refiner, a smelter. -5 kalib, s. a. A mould; the body; – or - 5 (kalp), a. t. Bad, false (money); · (kAlpazân), s. t. A false-coiner, forger of coin ; afellow of great pretension and nointrinsic value. kAlbUr, s. t. A screen, a riddle ; · kalburdan gedir. mek, v.a. To screen, to riddle, to sift. cşü kAltûk, s. t. A slut, wench (term of reproach among women only). *ş; kAlcha, s. t. The hip, hip-bone. · kAlchin, s. t. Akind of shoe. fyol 5 kAldirim, s. t. A causeway ; pave- ment; t 2*2y°üs : piyâdé-kAldirimi, A foot pavement. d; ) ; kaldirmak (aor. yy kaldirir), v.a. To raise, lift; to take up, off, away; to suppress, abolish; to cause to get up from sleep or rest, to rouse ; toraise (troops). [extirpates. * 5 kÂli”, s. a Who pulls up or out, * 5 kAlfa, s. t. (from & - khalifé), A builder, architect; a workman (in any trade), journeyman; an upper female servant or slave. e ölü kAlkAn, s. t. Ashield, buckler, tar- get; -, kalkan-bAlighi, A turbot. cş - i kalkmak (aor. kalkar), v.n. Torise, to get up ; c 55 &él âyagha-kAlkmak, v.n. To get up on one's feet, to rise; to rise in rebellion; to set out on a journey. c·lü kAlmak (aor. 5 kAlir), v.n. To rest, stay, remain; to stop, leave off; to stop short ; to be altogether surprised, astonished, confounded; to wait; tobe put off (intime), deferred; to beleft; to beleft atthe option or discre- tion (ofanyone); * üK bAnga-kAlsa, If it were me, if I had to decide, ifit were left to my option, I think, I am inclined to think, I am of opinion; j•lük & : yâningda-kAlmâz, (It will not stay with thee), You will not re- tain possession of it. * : Kâlé, s. t. Calais (town of). 5 kÂli (hAli), s. p. A large carpet; *şyü kÂliché, s. p. Asmall carpet, a rug. [kAlinlik, s. t. Thickness. · kalin, a. t. Thick (through); ; ; e· kâlyön, s. t. A man-of-war; a ship of the line ; = 5 kâlyönji, s. t. A man-of-war's-man, sailor of the navy. D 6891 * kalya, s. t. Rough potash; · kalya-tAshi, Rough vitrified potash. . - · kÂmet, s. a. Stature. ş** kAmchi, s. t. A whip; c ş** kAmchilamak (aor. ş** kAmchi- lar), va. To whip ; to whip up, spur up, stir up to action. [cabin. 3, 5 kâmara, s. t. (Italian), A ship's · kÂmish, s. t. A reed ; penis. s-· kÂmi”, s. a. A subduer, breaker down, striker down. - c· kÂmüss, s. a. A sea, ocean ; name of a celebrated Arabic lexicon. 4.5 kAma, s. t. Aniron wedge; a long and broad Georgian dagger. e· kAn, s. t. Blood ; y-, –öl, v.n. To be bloody, or bloodshot ; ° kAn-tèr, A sweat of blood, a profuse perspiration ; ·l- kAn-Almak, Tobleed, take blood; - ye-, kAn-dî kmek, v.n. To shed blood ; c -, kAn-àghlamak, v.n. To shed tears of blood ; ·- kAn- -tükyurmek, v.n. To spit blood ; · · birining-kAnina- -ghirmek, v.n. To take one's life, be guilty of his blood; : * 5 kAna - bülashmak, v.n. To become soiled with blood; ; ) : * 5 kAna-bülashdirmak, v.a. To soil with blood, to steep in gore ; kAnli, a. t. Bloody ; blood-guilty; e •99) : e : kAn-kûrudan, s. t. The mandrake (?); ·e e5 kAn-(pAhāssi), s. t. Blood- money, a deodand, price paid to the heir of a slain man by the homicide ; ; · deli-kAnli, s. t. (One whose blood is mad) A young lad. c;--i kAnamak (aor. --i kAnar), v.n. To bleed, flow with blood ; d; Ü5 kAnatmak (aor. _y \, ; kAnA- dir), v.a. To draw blood, cause to bleed, make bleed. - -/*-i-i kÂnbUr, a. t. Crooked, bent ; hunchbacked ; hogged (a ship); –, s. t. Ahunchback, hunchbacked person; a hunched back, hunch. - · kÂnit, s. a. Pious, devout. = kanjik, s. t. Abitch. 4:5 kAnja, s. t. Aboat-hook; ahook; a grappling-iron : -, kAnja-bAsh, A kind of large boat with high hooked prow. - 8.Ali kAnda, ad. t. Where ? In what place ? In what place soever. s-: kÂni”, a. a. Satisfied, content, contented with what he possesses. e+ 35 kAnmak (aor. _\;\: kAnar), v.n. To satisfy one's thirst, one's desire for riches, one's doubts ; to have one's doubts or objections removed and be fully satisfied ; ; ;·5 kAndirmak (aor._y·5 kAndirir), v.a. To satisfy; to persuade, remove one's doubts or objections, to satisfy one's mind. e· kânün, s. a. A law, canon; a statute, regulation, bye-law; apsaltery; & : kânün-nâmE, A code of laws, a set of statutes, regulations, or bye- 2 Z u ü laws ; · kânüni, s. a. : kânünji, s. t. A lawgiver, maker of laws and regulations. Lü kAni (hâni), ad. t. Where ? In what place? Lğü kAni-yâ (hâni-yâ)! Where then! Where is it, then? Where are you, then ! 5 kâw, s. t. Touchwood, tinder, Ger- man tinder ; -°z AghAj-kâwi, , Touchwood; -5 mAntâr-kâwi, German tinder ; ·- bèz-kâwi, Tinder. c· kâwramak (aor. y° kâwrar), va. To seize, gripe, lay tight hold of with the whole hand. C°: : kâwurmak (aor. )v : kâwUrur), v.a. To fry ; to torrefy; roast (coffee). * yü kâwurma, s. t. Mutton or beef fried in Small lumps, and either eaten fresh, or potted and preserved in jars or skins by pouring the dripping over it. cş• 5 kâwushmak (aor. kâwU- shUr), v.n. To come together, meet, join ; ; ) kâwushdurmak (aor. -2v· kâwUshdurur), v.a. Tobring together. iyi kâwuk, s. t. Several kinds of cap, of various shapes, but all stuffed with cotton ; sidik-kâwughu, The bladder. e· kâwUn, s. t. A musk melon ; · iz AghAj-kâwUnu, A citron. 25 kAhir (fem. *,25 kÂhiré), a. a. Irresistibly subjugating. [ 690 ] c: *ğü kâ'id, s. a. A conductor, a leader. c·5 kâyirmak (aor. 5 kayirir), v.a. To take care of the interests of, push the interests of, take care he shall not come to want, to patronize actively. L: 5 kâyish, s. t. Aleather strap, a belt ; a mode or act of slipping ; sliding; -, -et, v.a. To steal, prig, bome (slang). d:5 kâyik, s. t. Aboat or ship with sharp prow and stern ; *: piyâdé-kâyighi, A common row-boat of Constantinople, usually with only one pair of oars ; c· bir- -chifté-kâyik, A boat with one pair of O3 Ş ( = iki, two; Ç: üch, three; · dürt, four ; U* bèsh, five ; beyond which none are used; the last are peculiar to the ministry, the next to councillors of state, &c., and the others are used by all who can afford them); : U* dölmush-kâyik, Akind of omnibus-boat, taking several passengers independently ; :yü: pâzar-kâyighi, A very large passage- boat going to distant villages and taking fifty or more passengers ; ·l : ; Atesh-kâyighi, *** Ada- -kâyighi, Large kinds of row-boats, the latter from the Princes' Islands ; =*u balikjikâyigi, A fisher- · ödun-kâ- yighi, A boat with firewood ( * kyîmur, charcoal ; ·y* shârâb, man's boat ; Jğü D 691 ] cş : wine; &c., &c.); *GL tebdil- -kâyighi, The Sultan's private boat ; · selâmlik - kayighi (or · sAltAnAt-), The Sultan's state boat : elchi-kayiyii, An ambassador's state boat; ş** kâyikji, Aboatman; öUs°5 kâyik- -khâné, A boathouse. J55 kâ'il, a.a. Consenting; y -, –öl, v.h. To consemt, to give consent; to be satisfied (that a thing should be done). A” kâ'im (fem. * 55 kâ'imé), a, a. Upright; standing; existing; right (angle); *ğü kâ'imé, s. a. An ofi- cial letter on a full-sized sheet of paper; a treasury bill; a bank-note ( *** kâ'im-makâm (kây-makAm), A lieutenant, deputy, or assignat ; vice, substitute ; the grand vizier's lieutenant when the former leaves Constantinople; the lord-lieutenant or governor of a secondary govern- ment or county ; a lieutenant-colonel in the army ; a second-class post- captain in the mavy ; a kind of regis- trar-general of property in mortmain in each of the subdivisions or depart- ments among which the administra- tion of that kind of property is dis- cause to slip; to manage underhand to make a person lose his office ; · ü kaymak-ghibi, a. t. Cream- like, white and smooth, e : kâyn, s. a. Abrother-in-law, own brother to one's wife ; 5'e 5 kâyn- -âta, or y \! · kâyn-pèdEr, Afather- in-law, father to one's wife; üler: kâyn-âna, *be : kâyn-wâlidé, A mother-in-law, wife's own mother; - e° kâyn-AghAji, A birch tree. · kâynamak (aor. 5 kâynar), v.n. To boil, be in ebullition ; to well up, break out at the surface of the earth (water); to swarm (insects, &c.); to sink, go down (a ship, boat); to weld (as iron) ; 45 : 5 kâynatmak, v.a. To cause (water, &c.) to boil (over the fire); to weld (iron). :5 or 5 * kaynak, s. t. The cheek of the bottom, the breech, the buttock; a place where iron has been welded. : kAba, a. t. Coarse, rough ; open, loose, not closely packed (any fibrous substance) ; –, s. t. Coarse or rough part; –, kÂbâ, s. p. Clothing, apparel, garment ; *-i kAbâché, s. p. A small garment. · kibÂb, s. pl.a. (of kübbé), Domes, cupolas; domed edifices. · kAbâhat, s. a. A fault, abad action, a crime. C_R:· kÂbarjik, s. t. A pimple. c :· kAbarmak (aor. ) kAbarir), v.n. To swell, become puffed; to rise tributed. cş---i kâymak, s. t. Clotted cream, similar to that made in Devonshire ; i- (aor. 5 kâyar), v.n. To slide, slip ; c :· kâydirmak, v.a. To 2 Z 2 cşli in blisters; toraise or risein ferment- ing (dough); to get up, rise, swell, become rough (the sea); to become loose, open, not closely packed, rufiled (hair, feathers, &c.); to become serious, important, extensive ; any quarrel or trouble ; •5i kâbartmak (aor. y°y-5 kAbardir), v.a. To cause to swell and be puffed; to rufile; to cause (any unpleasant matter) to be- come serious; ) : · költuk- -kAbartmak, v.n. (To puff up the arm- pits) To strut, walk pompously stick- ing out the elbows ; to become proud; &•5i): kAbartma, s. t. Any design in relief. • · kAbAk, s. t. Any plant or fruit of the gourd kind ; · J\! bAl-kA- bAghi, The yellow squash, calabash, or pumpkin ; -: - ya: kAntâr- -kAbAghi, The large round gourd or pumpkin ; - sâkiz-kAbAghi, The vegetable marrow ; - * Assma - kAbAghi, A long vegetable marrow, growing over trellises like a vine ; 5 *\! bAshi-kAbak, One whose head is bald like a gourd. <: kAbâ'ih, s. pl.a. (of = 5 kAbihâ), Vices, defects, bad actions or qualities. J5 kAbâ'il, s. pl, a. (of kAbilé), Tribes, clans. - kübeb, s. pl. a. (of kübbé), Domes, cupolas; domed edifices. <: kübh, s. a. Badness, reprehensible- | 1)GSS. [ 692 ] · r: kAbr, s. a. A grave, tomb, sepulchre ; · kAbrisstān, s. p. Aburial- ground, grave-yard, place of inter- ment, cemetery, churchyard. c· Kibris, s. t. The island of Cyprus. L· kAbz, s. a. A taking hold of, a taking with the hand; a receiving into possession or custody : constipation ; –, –et, v.a. To take; to receive. &a 5 kAbza, s. a. The gripe of the hand; the handle (of a sword) ; ·y: bir-kAbza-kilij, One sword (and so on for'any number, as when ve say ten head of cattle, &c.). · k?bti, s. a. A Copt; a gypsy ; a kind of stuff; –, a. a. Coptic. J: kAbl, s. a. The space in front of anything, or before anything in suc- cession ; –, kAbla, pr. a. Before ; –, kübl, s. a. A kiss. * 5 kebla, s.a. The spot towards which men turn their faces to pray, formerly the temple at Jerusalem, now the kyâ'bé (cubical temple) at Mecca; the south ; the south wind; c· kâbla-lödoss, South-south-west ; * * : = kâbla-keshishlémé, South- e· kâblé'i-”âlem, (The point to which the whole world directs its look) The sovereign ; * • kiblé-nûmâ, or Üa ; kiblé- -nâmé, A small compass showing the direction of the kibla; & J> ehli- -kiblé (for :) -Jel ehli-khibré), An expert (to whose examination and south-east ; - & k------ _);r* decision disputes are referred); · kibléteyn, s. a dual, The ancient and present Kiblas. L: kûbur, s. t. Along cylindrical pen- case, or any long case ; –, kübür, s. pl, a. (of : kAbr), Graves, sepul- chres. [(in a ship's frame). *5); 5 kAburgha, s. t. A rib; a timber : kAbUk, s. t. A shell, pod, cod, seed-vessel; bark, peel; a scab; a shell (of a shell-fish, eggs, &c.); crust (of bread) ; :: kAbuklu, a. t. Cov- ered with a crust, a shell, bark, or a scab ; -: kAbuksUz, a. t. Free shell, bark, or scab ; · kAbuklanmak, vn, To become covered with a scab (a sore); c· kAbUk-bAghlamak, v.n. To pod, form pods. J: kAbül, s. a. An accepting or re- from crust, ceiving; an admitting ; a permitting ; \-, –et, v.a. To accept, receive; to admit; to permit. & 5 kübbé, s. a. A dome, cupola ; a domed edifice. - * kAbih (fem. -1,5 kAbiha), a. a. Ugly, unsightly; bad, naughty; d=< 5 kAbiha, s. a. Abad action or quality. J: kabil, s. a. A class, category. * kAbilé, s. a. A tribe, clan, sept. · kip, ad. t. in - e-5 kip-kar- mizi, Quite red, very red. : kApAk, s. t. A lid, cover ; a line- of-battle ship, liner, two-decker; : mèza-kApAk, A rasee, a liner [ 693 ] c· %p cut - down, a double- bank frigate ; lümbar-kapaghi, Aport, port of a port-hole; ·y= ghyiz- -kApAghi, The eyelid. : kApAli, a. t. Shut, closed, covered. c· kApAmak (aor. : kApar), v.a. To shut, close, cover ; c· kApAt- mak, v.a. caus To cause, force, or allow one to shut, close, or cover force, or of itself; c*: kApAnmak, v.n. To shut (of itself); to stumble (a horse), trip; –, vp. To be shut, closed, or covered (by someone); ·- yüzu-köyn-kApAnmak, v.n. To throw (something), or to cause, allow (something) to shut one's self flat on the ground, face to the earth. · kÂpAn, s. t. A trap ; a kind of mart or market-place, wharf, custom- house, or bonded warehouse in one; da 5 kapanja, s. t. A trap ; a board that tips or trips over when anything heavy is placed upon it; &: : kApAn-kApAna, The mart is for him who cân take possession (proverbial expression). c : kAplamak (aor. : kAplar), v.a. To cover over or line (with something that can form an extended surface, as, with planks, with clouds, with fur, with silver, with an outer cover, &c.); c*: kAplAnmak, v.n. To become covered; –, v.p. To be covered; to belined; 5'i kAplatmak, va. To e : tp cause (someone) to cover or line (something with some other thing); · kAplama, Covered; plated ; · ghyümush-kaplama, Sil- ver-plated. e : kAplAn, s. t. A leopard. - &k: : kApli-bâgha (kAplimbagha), s. t. A tortoise ; a turtle ; *- 5 * dèngiz-kApli-bâghassi, A turtle. *: kAplija, s. t. A hot spring, a bath supplied from a hot spring. c;---5 kapmak (aor. : kapar) in c· ghyîz-kâpmak, v.a. To close the eye and open it again quickly, to wink, to blink. : kapi, s. t. A door, gate, wicket; a turnpike ; a house ; a public office ; (or ·: pâsha-kÂpissi), the government house (wherever there is a governor, and especially the Office of the central Government at Constantinople); a place, employment, service; : kApiji, s. t. A porter, door-keeper, gate-keeper, turnpike-keeper ; -: : kapiji-bAshi, (Head porter) A chamberlain (title ofrank and office) ; *-: kapi-bAja, (Door and loop- hole) All over the house, in every corner; --i kapi-öghlani, A kind of under-clerk attached to em- bassies at Constantinople, and whose business it is to receive such permits, letters, and other documents, as are sent to the embassy ; · · kApi-kètkhûdâssi (kApi-kyâyassi), An [ 694 ] J: official agent which each governor, tributary prince, and department of Government having a separate office, is obliged to maintain at Constanti- nople for the purpose of transacting business at the central office of Gov- ernment ; ik: kApi-tâkimi, The general body of government agents and clerks ; **: kApi-yöldashi, A fellow-servant; * 5 kapilan- mak, v.n. To get one's self into em- ployment, procure a place : C:·: kApilandirmak, v.a. To get (some other person) into employment, to find a place, to get employed. e· kapudan (kaptan), s. t. (Italian), A sea-captain, naval captain ; any European ; ye–, kapudani-deryâ, V: -, (kAptAn) - pâsha, The lord high-admiral of Turkey. *-ley--5 kapudana (kaptana), s. t. (Italian), The admiral's ship (old) ; e: -, -bègh, or U: -, –pasha, A full admiral. k: kaput, e: kapud, s. t. Akind of cloak with sleeves and a hood. · kAt, See ö; –, kit, See 5. J-i kitâl, s. a. A fight, battle, mutual slaughter. _: kûtr, s. a. A district, country. · kAtl, s. a. A killing; manslaughter, homicide, murder ; -, -et, v.a. To kill, put to death, slay; to murder ; L· kAtli-nefss, A slaying, put- ting to death; ; *L öJ* kAtli- W: -nefss-bî-ghâyri-hAkk, Unjustifiable homicide. \: (for ·) kAtla, s. pl, a, (of J: kAtil), The slain. · (or d·) kAtlanmak, v.n. To squat down (with a view of wait- ing for someone). [a papist. · kâtolik, s. t. A Roman Catholic, * kAti, a. t. Hard ; –, ad. t. Very (old); * 5 kAtilashmak, v.n. To become hard, to harden. · katil, s. a. Aslain person, · kijirdAmak (aor. )leyş kijir- dar), v.n. To gnash or grind together so as to make a noise (the teeth); · kâjirdAtmak, v.a. To grind orgmash (the teeth) and make anoise; · kijirdi, s. t. The grinding noise made by the teeth. c*ş kjikmak (aor. kjikir), v.n. To be ticklish, to be tickled; *ş: kijikma, s. t. Ticklishness ; a tickling sensation. [when. e ş kÂchAn, ad. t, When, at the time * = kahbé, s. a. Aharlot, whore : – There's a fine fellow ! * = kâhbé-öghlu (kâhpöghlu)! You ass! you son of a b–ch ! lasi kâht, s. a. Scarcity, dearth, famine, s5 kAdd, s. a. Stature. 5 kAdEh, s. a. A drinking cup or glass; a wine-glass or tumbler ; –, z kAdh, s. a. A reviling, reproaching, calling mames ; -, -et, v.a. To re- vile, reproach, call bad names. [ 695 ] &ğ ( *** y°5 kAdr, s. a. The real value or just estimation in which a thing or person is or should be held; –, kAdEr, s. a. The predestination or fore-arrange- ment of Providence ; –, kAdar, s. a. Quantity ; number ; length of time ; - : bÜ-kAdar, Thus much, so much ; öl(ö)-kÂdar, 5 * shū-kAdar, That much, so much; y. 5 nâkadar? How much? how many ? how long (in time)? how much ; how much soever ; · kAdr-ghéyjéssi, The 27th night of Ramazan; bey· y: bir-ö- -kAdar-dâhâ, As much again as that ; -, kÂdar, ad. t. As much as ; as many as ; as long as. ·y 5 kûdret, s. a. Power, ability, might; wealth, riches, pecuniary abil- ity, omnipotence ; “ 9) : A: yedi- -kûdret, (The hand of omnipotence) Nature (in its producing quality); *- · küdrët-hammÂmi, A natural hot-spring, or bath fed by One ; ·2) 5 küdret-helwâssi, Manna; 5) küdretlü, a. t. Puis- sant ; –, kûdretli, a. t. Wealthy, pecuniarily able. 4:y kAdirgha, s. t. Agalley. c·5 kûdss, s. a. A holy place ; para- dise, heaven; Jerusalem : –: -, kûdssi-shèrif, Jerusalem; c·z 2 ) rühU-’l-küdss, (The spirit of paradise) The angel Gabriel (according to Mu- hammedans); The Holy Ghost (accord- ing to Christians); –, kAddéssé (fol- * lowed by All)! May God sanctify ! –, küddissé! May (–) be sanctified! * küdsi (fem. de 5 küdsiyyé), a.a. Holy, sanctified; — 5 küd- siyyet, s. a. Holiness, sanctity. f kAdEm, s. a. A foot (limb, or measure) ; –, kâdem, s. a. Prece- dence, seniority ; kAdemli, a t. One whose foot or approach brings good luck ; lucky, fortunate ; s-: - • vwAz”i-kAdem-et, or c* * kAdEm-bAssmak, To tread, place the foot ; * Ü sâbit-kAdEm, a. p. Firm of purpose; firm of foot. küdémâ, s. pl, a. (of f: A: kAdim), Seniors, old or superior officers. & 5 kAdémé, s. a. A step (of a ladder, stairs, or rank). · kdvet, s. a. A person of mark. d; ) : kûdurmak (aor. yy 5 kûdurur), v.n. Togo mad (a dog), be seized with hydrophobia. kûduz, s. t. Hydrophobia; –, a. t. Mad, seized with hydrophobia. * küdüm, s. a. The approach, or arrival (of a person near to us). · kAdid, a, a, Dried, junked. :° kAdir, a. a. Almighty ; J5 e J. 5 * * Allâhu -“âla-kyûlli-shey'in- -kAdir, God is able to do all things, is almighty. f: 5 kAdim, a. a. Old, ancient, antique; –, s. a The olden time ; **le mîn-el-kAdim, ad. a. Ab antiquo, time 4 out of mind; V* kAdiman, ad. a. [ 696 ] Wi Of old; * kadimi, a, a Per- [tery. –· kazf, s. a An accusation of adul- yi (for - ) kürâ, s.pl.a. (of : kA- rîyyé), Villages; –, kürrâ, s. pl, a. (of -65): kKri), Readers of the Kür'An. ·yi kArâbet, s. a. Nearness, rela- taining to the olden time. tionship. . - e·y* kArÂbin, s. pl.a. (of · kür- bÂn), Sacrifices, beasts sacrificed or for sacrifice. *:Wi kürÂbiyyé, s. t. Asmall crisp cake, an almond cake; e-- kürÂbiyyé- -sâ”ati, Ahunting-watch, rather small and thick. [Rather black, blackish. *-yi kAraja, s. t. A roebuck ; –, a. t. kArâr, s. a. A state of repose; a state of changelessness ; permanency: a decision, resolution ; the usual quantity, size, time, or quality (of anything); ; ): -, kArâr-virmek, v.n. To come to a decision, to decide, determine ; c· :-, kArâr-bÜlmak, c·y* kArarlashmak, v.n. To be settled, decided; ; ) ) karâr- - lashdirmak, v.a. To arrange, settle definitively ; y: We dâru -’l- kArâr, The world of changelessness, the , future world ; *yi kArârghir, a. p. Decided, settled, definitively arranged; L:iyi bir-kArâr, a.p. In a state of changelessness, without change ; -, ber-kArâr, ad.t. Inan equable manner, without augmentation or diminution ; se 9)yi kArâr - dâdé, a. p. To which a definitive arrangement has been given; –, s. p, A definitive resolu- tion ; Wi :° düzÂkh-kArâr, a. p. Whose place of duration is hell, damned : )*yyi kArârsiz, a. t. Varia- ble ; inconstant, volatile ; ephemeral; *3); kArâr-ghyâh, s. p. A place of permament stay. - - iyi kararti (karalti), s. t. Any dark object or group of objects seen at a distance. - C° kArarmak (aor. vWi kArarir), v.n. To become black, dark, lowering; c*:iyi kArartmak (aor. y yyi karar- dir), v.a. To cause to become black or dark. - J; karaghol, s. t. Aguard ; an out- post, picket ; a sentry ; &s-J;é kAraghol-khâné, s. t. A guard-house. ·}: kâr Aghi, s. t. Frost; hoar-frost. JV5 kiral, s. t. (Slavonie), A king, sovereign, emperor (title applied con- temptuously to the sovereigns of Europe); Jyi yedi-kiral, The seven kings of Christendom, i.e. all the kings; 4ş kir.Alicha, s. t. A European queen or empress, consort or regnant ; c· k?r.Allik, s. t. The regal quality and functions; a kingdom. - - e· kAramAn, s. t. Caramania ; a big-tailed sheep, the Caramanian or Anatolian sheep. · kârân, s. a. Approach ; junction ; conjunction of planets ; eyyi-e - [ 697 ] & 5 sâhib-kârân, s. p. (Lord of the con- junction) A successful monarch ; iyi -e sâhib-kârâni, a p. Royal, imperial, august. - - e : kür'ân, s. a. Areading; a book; THE BooK, the Coran, the Muham- medan Bible: r ; kür'âni kerim, e· kür'âni-“Azimu-'sh- -shÂn, The noble Book, the glorious BooK. * krânta, s. t. A middle-aged man. ·yi kArantina, s. t. (Italian), Quar- antine. - [Dark. cşiyi kAranlik, s. t. Darkness ; –, a. t. * kAravèla, s. t. (Italian), A man-of- war, ship of the line. ·yi kirâ’ât, s. a. Areading aloud ; -, -et, v.a. Toread aloud. e5 kArâ'in, s. pl, a. (of : karinê), Indications from whence inferences are drawn ; inferences. · kürb, s. a. Nearness, vicinity. z : kırbach, s. t. Ariding whip. · kürbán, s. a. An approaching near; sexual connexion; a means of approach, i.e. a sacrifice, a beast sac- rificed or for sacrifice ; E-il, ·y: kürbÂn-wâki”-öl, Totake place (sexual connexion); · e· kürbÂn-bây- rami, The festival of sacrifices on the 10th of Zi-'l-hijé. &J: kârba, s. a. Two kinds of large leathern bottle or vessel for carrying water, one borne by men, the other by horses. · *25 kürret, s. a. Coolness (of the eye, freedom from the redness caused by grief and weeping); eyale: kûr- rétu-’l-”âyn, (Coolness of the eye) Joy, freedom from grief. J; kârtal, s. t. Akind of vulture (or a kind of carrion-eating eagle ?). CJ; kârh, s. a. A wounding; -, -et, v.a. To wound ; & kârha, s. a. A wound, sore. [for fumigation. ue 5 kürss, s. t. Around cake; apastile ·55 kârz, s. a. A borrowing ; a loan, any money lent : -, -et, v.a. To lend; to borrow. ·2,5 kârtÂss, s. a. Paper. 8 ° kâr”, s. a. Knocking (at a door for admittance); –, –et, v.a. To knock for admittance. de 5 kür”â, s. a. A casting or drawing lots ; the ballot; ·-- kür”â- -chekmek, v.n. To draw lots; 44e; e: = kür”âya-ghirmek, v.n. To be one of those balloted for. 3 kırk, a. t. Forty; şü,5 kirkinji, a. t. The fortieth ; ; ; ; kirk-âyak, s. t. A millipede ; ·i: kirk- -(mèrdivèn), s. t. (Forty steps) An excellent kind sword-blade. 45,5 kırkmak (aor. 5,5 kırkar), v.a. To clip; to shear (sheep); 5 of Damascus - steel kârkindi, s. t. Clippings. * kârlangh?ch, s. t. A swallow ; a martin ; --, -bAlighi, The flying fish. [ 698 ] e· }: k?rmiz, s. a. Cochineal; kermes, alkermes: -5):: kırmizi, a.a. Red. e· karn, s. a, An age, an indefinite period of time, ten, twenty, fifty years; a horn (of an animal); özü- -’l-kârneyn, (The lord of two horns) An imaginary hero, based upon Alex- ander the Great, on account of the horns marked upon his coins. • Ü kürénā, s. pl, a. (of : ; kârin), Associates, companions; the personal suite of the sovereign. c-ü 5 kûrnÂss, a.p. Subtle, sly. · kArnabit (usually written 'e'e kArini-bâhâr, Near to spring), s. t. A cauliflower. c·l 5 (for - ) karndâsh (kArin- dâsh, vulg. kârdash), s. t. Abrother ; a sister ; c·l* : kaz-kârdash, A sister ; c 5 : ·9 èrkek-kârdash, A brother ; · · sût-kâr- dashi, A foster-brother ; **: i, üz-kârdashi, An own brother or sister; c·= üweghi-kârdash, A step-brother or sister. · Krönstâd, s. t. Cronstadt. Jā kArenfil (kAremfil), s. a. A clove (spice) ; a pink, carnation, picotee (flower). * (or * 5) kürna, s. a. A sink, or rather a kind of fixed marble basinin Turkish baths, in which the cold and boiling waters are mixed for use. e· kürün, s. pl.a.(ofe karn), Ages, spaces of time. · [ 699 ] ·ji · kûrévi (fem. 4-3,5 kûréviyyé), a. a, Rustic, pertaining to a village. 3,5 kAra, a. t. Black; dark-coloured; swarthy ; –, s. t. Land (in distinction to water); z : kAra-AghAj, An elm; elm-wood ; 8,5-5j: yûzu-kAra, One who has reason to be ashamed ; L: 3,5 kara-bAsh (Black head) A Christian bishop ; · : kAra-bAtak, A cormorant; =-:: kAra-jigh Er, The liver ; V• -3,5 kAra-hÜmmâ, The black fever ; ; e: kAra - tâwUk, The blackbird ; c· kAra-küsh, The eagle; * ): 8,5 kAra-kürbAgha, The toad, s° kara-küllukju, (Formerly) a private in the janissary corps, stationed at a guard-house ; c· kAra-könjaloss, A hob- goblin ; u: ;)-5 kAra - kâsh, The coldest part of winter, mid-winter ; j =: kAra-ghyiz, (Black-eye) The parallel of our Punch in Turkish puppet-shows ; : 3,5 kAra-külAk, (Black ear) The lynx, or the jackal, called also the lion's provider; title of an officer attached to the Grand Wizier, and sent on important missions to other functionaries ; · kAra- -jûmlf, Addition (in arithmetic); 3,5-5 kap-kara, Quite black; 5,5 · karadan-ghitmek, Togo by land; 4--3,5 kAraja (See *-e- ), a. t. Blackish, rather black. c 8 kAralamak (aor. 3,5 kAralar), v.a. To write over as an exercise in caligraphy; to scribble over (paper); *3,5 kAralama, s. t. A copy, exercise in caligraphy ; careless writing, scrib- bling. Villages, hamlets. -: kûrâ, s. pl, a. (of : 5 kAriyyé), · kArib, a. a, Near ; –, s. a. A near relative ; - :e or - ) eye “ân-karib, ad. a. Soon, before long. *<: kAriha, s. a. The initiative un- prompted thought from which actions spring. r:yi kArir, a. a. Cool, free from red- ness and signs of grief (the eye) ; · kAriru-'l-“ayn, a.a. (Whose eyes are free from all redness of grief), Happy. * Kirim, s. t. The Crimea. er: 5 kArin, a.a. Quite close, quite near; –, s. a. An associate, companion ; · sü'i-kArin, Abad companion, evil associate; u:Jāj - sâ”âdet- -kArin, a. p. Whose companion is fortune, happiness, or prosperity; e: J: kArini-kabül-öl, v.n. (Tobe the associate of acceptance)Tobe accepted. 4: ; kAriné, s. a. An indication which, with reflection, points to some infer- ence ; c***y* kArinè-ila-bül- mak, To infer, to judge from indica- tions. * kariyyé, s. a. A village; a hamlet. C°: kâzârmak (aor. )v : kâzârir), v.n. To become red, or brown ; to grow red in the face, to flush; to become toasted or grilled brown ; c· yyi [ 700 ] c*\: kâzârtmak, v.a. To toast or grill; to cause to become red. [chant. jji kAzzÂz (kAzez), s. a. A silk-mer- Jji kazak, s. t. A sledge, sleigh; the ways on which ships are built ; a wooden frame placed under boats for the purpose of hauling them up out of the water ; a Cossack. [scarletina. cş kâzâmuk, s. t. The measles, or : kAZAnj, s. t. Gain, profit; earnings. c·yi kAzAnmak (aor. Wi kÂzAnir), v.a. To gain; to earn. z: kûzâh, s. a. in z°c· kAvsi-küzâh, (The bow of Kuzah) Therainbow. e· kAzghÂn (kAzAn), s. t. A boiler, cauldron ; ° (kAZAnji), s. t. A boiler-maker. g°ji kâzkAnj, a. t. Jealous ; envious ; –, s. t. Jealousy ; envy. c* kızkanmak (aor. kızka- nir), v.n. To be jealous ; to be envious. Jji kizil, a. t. Red; –, kâzil-elma, (Red apple) The (legendary) city of Rome; ak2)54 -, kâzil-yimurta, (Red egg) The eggs, died red and hard- boiled, eaten by Christians in the East at Easter. [itstree, and its wood. d· kâziljik, s. t. The cornel-berry, ş kâzilja, a. t. Reddish ; –, s. t. Rouge (cosmetic). U-5 kiss, v.a. imper. Be (it) judged, in * eu-: ve-kiss-“âlâ-hâzâ, ad. a. (And be (the others) judged by this) And so forth, and so on, et cetera. * kAsssâm, s. a. A distributor ; an officer of the ecclesiastical court, whose duty it is to apportion the property of deceased persons among the heirs. · kAssâvet, s. a. Grief, regret ; –, –et, and e: “Kş-, kAssâvët- -chèkmek, v.n. To grieve, feel regret. V-i kâssrAk, s. t. A mare. k-i kâsst, s. a. Justice, equity ; ashare, portion; a· f: yövma-’l-kâsst, or e-5 kissta-l-yi vm, ad. a. Ac- cording to the portion falling to each day. [balance, pair of scales. c· kısstÂss, s. a. Justice, equity ; a · Kösstantaniyyé, s. a. Con- stantinople. p *-i kAssem, s. a. An oath ; the taking an oath; -, -et, v.n. To swear, take an oath ; –, kâssm, s. a. A part, portion; akimd, the generality of any sort of thing ; as, *-i-5) kAri- -kâssmi, Womankind, -•-5 -2ye “ârab-kâssmi, Arabs in general. · kâssmet, s. a. Division, appor- tioning, distributing ; a lot; 72 - · khâriji-kâssmet, The quotient of arithmetical division. ·-: kAssvet, s. a. Hardness or want of moral feeling; - 5 -: kAssveti-kâlb, Hardness of heart. c)- 5 kAssiss, s. a. A Christian priest or monk. · kAshaghi, s. t. A currycomb. c** kAshAnmak (aor. : kAsh A- nir), v.n. To stale (a horse); -, v.p. To be groomed, curried (ahorse). [ 701 ] da: 5 kishr (kAshr), s. a. Bark, peel. | kishla, kishlāgh, kish- lAk, s. t. A winter quarters; winter pastürage for cattle; abarracks for troops. [v.n. To winter. c· kishlamak (aor. : 5 kishlar), · kAsssÂb (kAssAb), s. a. A butcher ; : a; kAssabiyyé, s. t. Butcher's fee. kAsssâr, s. a. A fuller ; ableacher. z· kâssAj, s. t. A pair of pincers, pliers, forceps, or blacksmith's tongs. ( :-2ya; kâssâret, s. a. The fuller's or bleacher's art. -- · kâssÂss, s. a. The application of the lea talionis, especially in the pre- cept of “ life for life ; ” –, –et, v.a. Topunish according to the lea talionis, especially in putting to death. ai kâssAlmak (aor. ) ya; kâssA- lir), v.n. To shrink in length, become shorter, be made shorter, be short- | ened ; c· kâssAltmak, v.a. To shorten, make shorter. *ğa kAssâ'id, s. pl, a. (of 8 kAssidé), Long poems. - ai kAssAb, s. a. A cane, a reed. 4 ai kAssaba, s. a. A town, borough, burgh. -- a5 kAssd, s. a. A determination, reso- lution, fixed purpose, design; an evil intent; an evil attempt; –, –et, v.a. To resolve, to purpose; –, v.n. To make an evil attempt (against * some one's life) ; le ai kAssdan, ·e “ân-kAssdin, ad. a. De- sigmedly; with malice prepense. ra: kAssr, s. a. A shortening, a pulling in or back ; a castle ; a palace ; a royal pavilion : -, -et, va. To shorten, to pull in or back ; re: kAssri-yed-et, v.n. (To draw back the hand) To withdraw (from any. busi- ness or possession) ; –, kâssr, a. t. Barren (animal). [tornado, hurricane. * ai kAssirgha, s. t. A whirlwind, ·a; kıssass, s. pl. a. (of da; kısssa), Amecdotes, short histories, tales. *ai kAss'a, s. a. A platter; - y 4-x-a- erbÂbi -kAss'a, Trencher- friends. c.; kâssik, a. a. Pinched up orin, not loose and free (the voice, &c.). c; “a; kıssmak (aor. yaş kâssar), v.a. To pinch (with anything but the fingers), to squeeze violently, to jam ; · kâssilmak, v.n. To be hoarse (the voice); –, v.p. To be pinched or jammed. yaş küssür, s. a. Want, deficiency ; a fault; a defect; a surplus, remainder; -, s. pl, a. (of ra: kAssr), Castles; palaces ; pavilions ; -, -et, v.n. To fail (in points of duty), to be wanting. *ai kıssa, a. t. Short; –, kısssa, s. a. An anecdote, short history, tale; an event, occurrence ; dağl el-kisssa, ad. a. Infine, to make short of a long story ; ; ) e-sa-e *ai kisssa- dan-h?sssa-chikârmak, To derive a * ai [ 702 ] * moral from a tale ; ; -4 d5 kıssajik, between two radii and the intervening a. t. (A) short little (thing) ; &z-4 ai portion of the circumference ; –, kâssdja, a. t. Shortish , y-4 ai küttâ”, s. pl, a. (of * kAti”), kâsssa-khÂn, s. p. A narrator. They who cut, in c; ** kûttâ“ü- *ai kAssidé, s. a. Along poem. -’t-târik, Brigands, highwaymen. *ai kAssir, a, a. Short. –ğ kAtâ'if, s. pl.a. (of & katifé), Va; kAzâ, s. a. The charge and functions Velvets; –, (kAdâ'if), s. t. Several of a judge ; the separate district sub- ject to a judge's jurisdiction; God’s decree or fiat; an accident ; a fulfil- ling, or paying (duty or debt) ; a pay- ing up, squaring up (of arrears); -, -et, v.a. To fulfil, pay (a duty or debt); pay up, make up; square up (arrears); ---- - 43 kAzâyi- -hâjet-et, v.n. To ease nature, do one's jobs ; kAzâ-U-kAdEr, Fate and destiny ; e· kAzâyi- -mûbrèm, A fatal accident ; ): = öy° yşe= ghyirunur-ghyîrunmâz- -kAzâlar, Accidents which can and which cannot beforeseen; ail --: vwājibU-’l-kAzâ, a. a. Which must or ought to be paid or fulfilled; d. 45 kAzâ-ila, ad. t. Vai kAzârâ, ad. p. sweet dishes, or the principal material of them; J5 tel-kAdâ'ifi, A preparation like fresh-made vermicelli; - a yâsssi-kAdâ'if, A kind of crumpet ; ai ·l (ekmek)- -kAdâ'ifi, Pain-perdu. · kütb, s. a. A pole (of a circle, the earth, the heaven) ; aman of mark, leader of a religious community ; J* - ai kütbU-shimâl, The north pole ; · kütbU-jenüb, The south pole. kûtr, s. a. The diameter (of a circle). · kAtrân, s. a. Tar. * kAtra, s. a. A drop (of fluid). ** kAt”, s. a. A cutting; a section ; \–, –et, v.a. To cut ; to cut off; to cut out ; to intersect ; to stop, put a By accident, by chance. [Judges. stop to, interrupt; to do away with; · küzât, s. pl, a. (of kÂzi), a passing over (distances in travel- :45 kAzâyâ, s. pl, a. (of --d-5 ling) ; to decide, to determine, to fix; kAziyyf), Propositions (in logic) ; * j: ; kAt”i-zâ'id, The hyperbola ; matters. [logic) ; amatter. - *E* kAt”i-mûkyâfi, The para- · kAziyyé, s. a A proposition (in bola; üs kAt”i-nâkiss, The ai kAtâr, s. a. A string (of mules, ellipse; : a; kAt”i-târik-et, v.n. horses, or camels). To act the highwayman ; : 8° kitâ”, or :leş ai kitâ”i-dâ'iré, kAt”i-ûmîd-et, v.n. Tolose all hope, s, a, A sector of a circle, comprised to despair; la ez- kat”i-“âlâka- 4sa; [ 708 ] s\: -et, v.n. To cease from all relation, intercourse, or affection ; *-e kAt”i-mèssâfé-et, v.n. To pass over distance; sla; kAt”â, ad. a. Not at all; never. * kit"à, s. a. A piece, portion; a segment of a circle ; a single one (of many things); · = iki- -kit”â-sefiné, Two sail of ships ; · besh-kit”â-töp, Five pieces of artillery. [and cotton. · kütni, s. a. A kind of stuff of silk 4 ai (kAdifé), s. a Velvet; 4 ai Kş - kadifé-chichèghi, The French or African marigold. 8.As5 kâ”dé, s. a. Repose by sitting down, in sasā-53 Zi-'l-kâ”dé, (The month of repose) The eleventh month of the Arabian year. * kâ”r, s. a. The bottom of anything deep; - 5 * nâ-kâ”r-yâb, a p. Unfathomable, bottomless, of which the bottom cannot be found. · kü” –et, v.n. To sit down ; to rise to a sitting posture. [of fire. * 07° - * kâghiljim, s. t. A spark Uğ5 kAfâ, s. a. The back of the head ; the head, skull, pate; birining-kAfassini-yârmak, To break one's skull; Melâ5 kAfadâr, s. p. A friend, comrade, companion, associate. · kAftAn, s. t. A kind of robe for- merly worn; a robe of honour. üd, s. a. A sitting down : -, L-ā5 kAfess, s. a. A cage; a wire or lattice-work ; a kind of window-blind of lattice-work ; anything quite full of holes; a suite of apartments in the Sultan's palace, allotted to the younger princes of the blood. [bolt, latch. Jk: kûfi, s. a (pl. Jşki küfül), A lock, Jleji; kökirdak, s. t. Gristle. L- ö: kAknUss, s. a. The phoenix. · küllâb, s. a. Ahook. · kâlAbdan, s. t. Gilt, silver, or copper wire. * 5 kilâdé, s. a. A necklace. c· kAllâsh, s.p. Arogue, rascal. : kâlâ”, s. pl, a. (of &s5 kâl”a), Forts, fortified places. castles, fortresses, j; ; kâlâghUz, s. a. A guide ; a pilot; a small, gimlet, Wimble, or auger ; a grooved surgical instrument for guid- ing the point of a cutting instrument; c· kâlâghUzluk, s. t. The func- tions of a guide or pilot ; ; ; ; kâlâghUzluk-et, v.n. To act as guide or pilot. [(of a sharp instrument). · kâlâghi, s. t. The edge, fine edge · (for e 5) kAlAn, act.part. (ofc· kAlmak), Which rests, remains ; e· bÂki-kÂlAn, a. t. Which remains OVGİ”. - 5 kAlay, s. t. Tin (metal, not tin in sheets; this latter is called K.5 tènéké); : kAlayji, s. t. A tinner of copper vessels ; c· kAlayla- mak, v.a. To tin ; c· kAlaylan- mak, v.p. To be tinned. · · kAlb, s. a. The heart; the centre ormain body (of an army); a rever- sing; a changing ; -, -et, v.a. To reverse; to change ; – (for ·), kAlp, a. t. False, forged; insincere, 4° , untrue ; U: kAlban, ad. a. At heart ; from the heart, cordially ; · kÂlbi (fem : 5 kAlbiyyê), a, a. Pertaining to the heart; kAlbzin (kalpa- zAn), s. p. A forger of money ; a 4. külubé, s. t. A hut. [knave. kAlpAk, s. t. Various kinds of cap formerly worn in Turkey. · killet, s. a Smallness of number or quantity, scarcity. [cuckold. e· kAltabân, s. p, A contented * kâlij, s. t. A sabre, sword; *Je dAl-kâlij, s. t. A kind of bravo or adventurous trooper; ·9)·· kilijdan-ghèchirmek, v.a. To put to the sword, slay with the sword, maSSaCre ; · mek, v.n. To draw a sword; ·: kili-baligi, The swordfish; * kâlîjlama, s. t. The edgewise position of a flat substance ; *ş° kâlij- lamassina, ad. t. Edgewise ; ş: kâlijji, s. t. A sword-cutler ; ği: kâlij-khâné, s. p. A government sword-manufactory ; · kâlijli, a. t. Armed with a sword. Gş° (for ·) kâlchik, s. t. The very small bones in fish ; iş° kâlchikli, a. t. Having many small hair-like bones (a fish). kilij-chek-’ D 704 ] * s-i kAl”, s. a. A pulling up or out; -, -et, v.a. To pull up or out, eradicate. * kal”a, (kalé), s. a. A castle, fort, fortress, fortified place ; a square (of infantry). [outer cover. – 5 klif, s. t. Any long bag-shaped · or - kAlafat, s. t. Acaulker; the caulking (of ships) ; -, -et, v.a. To caulk ; -: -, –yèri, s. t. A place were ships are hauled down and caulked. [Peaks ; spires, towers. Jli külël, s. pl, a. (of küllé), kâlEm, s. a. A pen; a reed pen ; a pencil; a camel-hair brush; a chisel; a cutting (for a graft or planting) ; a public office where many clerks as- semble ; an item ; 6 - tûy-kâlEm, A quill-pen; : kil-kâlEm, Ahair- pencil ; * ey*· kürshUn-kâlEm, A lead-pencil; *c tAsh-kÂlem, A slate-pencil; · diwÂn- -kâlémi, The office of the Imperial chancery; &c.; · kaléma- -ghèlmek, To be written or described; c** kâléma-Almak, va. To write, compose in the first instance ; 5 kâlEm-kyâr, A jeweller's engraver ; a painter of handkerchiefs ; ornamental engraving on gold, &c. ; -, a. t. Hand-painted (handkerchief, &c.); e : kâlEmdân, s. p. A pencase ; c kâlemtrAsh, s. p. A Turkish penknife ; y· kâlEmrëv, s. p. The limit of jurisdiction; 89j• 5 kâlem- c· D 705 ] zèdé, a. p. Written; ö. 5 kâlâmiyyé, s. a. Office fees. c (for c·) kalmak (aor. kâlir, : kâlar), v.a. See c·. kAlendir, s. p, Akind of Muham- [Hearts. · külüb, s. pl, a. (of - kalb), * - 5 külüchka, s. a. A hen sitting on eggs or tending chickens ; *- 5 c· külüchkaya - öturmak, v.n. medan friar. To sit (a hen on eggs). * küllé (külé), s. a. A tower ; a spire; a mountain peak. · kÂlil, a. a. Little (in number, quan- tity, or duration), few ; i: kAlılan, ad. a. Little, a little ; seldom. * kÜmÂr, s. a. Gambling of any kind; c·- kÜmâr-Öynamak, v.n. To gamble ; j\:y* kÜmâr-bÂz, s. p. u = 5 kümärji, s. t. Agambler. c· kÜmÂsh, s. a. Any cotton, linen, or silk textile fabric ; the texture (of any such stuff). c·-*-i kâmAshmak (aor. yy-* *-i kAmAshir), v.n. To be dazzled (the eyes) ; to be set on edge (the teeth); C:-2· kûmAshdirmak (aor. -2y· kâmAshdirir), v.a. To dazzle (the eyes); to set on edge (the teeth). -· kAmer, s. a. The moon ; - ** kAméri, a.a. Lunar; &y* kAmériyyé, s. a. An arbour, summer-house in trellis-work. -5 T ) 5-* kAm”, s. a. A felling, striking to 45 kûmrU, s. t. A dove. the ground: -, -et, v.a. To fell, knock down. &• •5 kümkUma, s. a. A squat round bottle with a long neck. J45 kAml, s. a. Alouse. c· kâmildamak (aor. 5 kimil- dar), and ile 5 kimildanmak (aor. ile : kâmildAnir), v.n. To move, to have, or be in, motion ; c ile 5 kâmildatmak(aor. Jel kimildadir), v.a. To move, cause to move. *5 kAmu, s. t. (old), The whole, all, [shift. La· kAmiss, s. a. A shirt, chemise, e : kAnad, s. t. A wing; a fold (ofa door, window, or shutter) ; yel: kAnAdli, a. t. Winged. Je: kAnâdil, s. pl, a. (of 5 kAndil), Lamps. [bird. & kânâriya, s. t. A canary, canary- : kAnâtir, s. pl.a. (of a: kAntara), Arches, bridges, viaducts, aqueducts. all things. · kAnâ”at, s. a. Content, con- tentment; –, –et, v.n. To be con- tented, satisfied. [bark (drug). 5.5 kina-kâna, s. t. Peruvian bark, c; kanamak (aor. kanar), v.a. Toblame, find fault with (a person). -: kûnnèb, s. a. Hemp. · kûnd, s. a. Sugar, sugar-candy : -5. 5 kûndi, a, a. Of sugar; per- taining to sugar. Jl : kûndak, s. t. Swaddling-clothes; the stock (of any portable fire-arms) ; the carriage (of a cannon on board 3 A c· ship); a bundle of incendiary rags, oakum, &c.; s kindakda öl, To be in swaddling-clothes (equivalent to our being in long-clothes) : – c*iye kündAk-sökmak, To introduce a prepared bundle of incendiary sub- stances. C; oy 5 kândirmak (aor. y kèndirir), v.a. (provincial), To excite to anger or discontent. j 5 kûnduz, s. t. The beaver(?); the otter(?); -:-, künduz-bijeghi, Cantharides ; ·-, kündüz- -khâyassi, A musk-bag, castoreum. 8 x 5 kAnda, ad. t. (old), Where? wher- ever, wheresoever. ya : Kândâhâr, s. p. Kandahar. · kAndil, s. a. Alamp. ya: kAntâr, s. a. A steelyard ; a quin- tal or hundredweight, varying in dif- ferent places, that of Constantinople being 44 okes, or about 126 lbs. [bridle). & o•yla: kAntarma, s. t. A bit (of a * kAntara, s. a. An arch ; a bridge; a viaduct or aqueduct. Jk: kAnghAl, s. t.A. coil. 5 kAnghi (hânghi), pron. t. Which ? which one ? whichever ; 5°----5 kAnghimiz, Which of us ? whichever one ofus ; * kAnghingiz, Which of you? whichever of you ; - : kAnghissi, Which ? which of them ? whichever one of them ; · kAnghilar, Which ones? avoirdupois. [ 706 ] c:): · kAni (hâni), ad. t. Where ? where is it f  1,5 kûwä, s. pl.a. (of · küvvet), Powers, strengths, mights ; faculties. ·55 kAvwAss, s. t. Akind of policeman. senses, 4 el: kAwAta, s. t. A round wooden platter; an unripe, exceedingly bitter kind of love-apple or tomata. *-el, kâwä”id, s. pl, a. (of *-e-i kâ”idé), Rules; bases. kAwak, s. t. A poplar tree. J; kAvwâl, s. a. A very talkative [Turkey). *\,: Kâvâlla, s. t. Cavalla (town of, in person. 5 k?wÂm, s. a. The proper state in which a thing should be ; · · k?wÂma-ghèlmek, v.n. To acquire the proper state. e) köwAn, s. t. A hive ; an outer mould or case (as for squibs, rockets, &c.) ; -:5) Ari-köwAni, A bee- hive ; the flower fox-glove; ey : (for e·), yelkowAn (for yelko- ghAn), A swift-flying sea-bird which passes in flocks up and down the Bos- phorus close to the water, and called by Europeans “souls of the damned” ; the minute-hand (of a watch, &c.). c· kâwanöss, s. t. A jar, pot, gallipot. [kânün), Laws. e· kâwânin, s. pl, a. (of ·: : köparmak (aor. y: köpârir), v.a. To tear or break off oraway ; to pluck, gather; to obtain by pertina- 6) [ 707 ] * city ; ·: · kâyâmet-köpar- mak, v.n. To make a great fuss (lit. to bring the resurrection about). *ş: köpcha, s. t. A large hook and eye, a clasp. c*: köpmak (aor. : köpar), v.n. To break (as a rope, branch, &c.); to start (from a spot in great haste); c·: ·y: birining -“ûdu- -köpmak, To burst (any one's gall- bladder), to be extremely frightened; ·: · kıyâmet-köpmak, v.n. To take place (the resurrection); to be (a great row, fuss, confusion). ·5 küvvet, s. a. Strength, power, might; a sense, faculty ; vigour ; –, küt, s. a. Food; · küti-lâ- -yèmüt, Food just sufficient to keep body and soul together ; 5 e - : kûvvéti-bÂssiré, The faculty of sight ; ·l*–, küvvéti-shämmé, The power ofsmelling; * \ –, küvvéti-sâmi”a, The hearing; diğ d-, küvvéti-zâ’ika, The tasting faculty; 4- -, küvvéti- -lâmissé, The power of touch : – a ail- küvvéti-hÂfiza, The power of memory. C:· kâwtarmak (aor. )y: kâwtârir), v.a. To shift (anything) from one ves- sel to another. 5: küjâk, s. t. The space or quantity embraced by the two arms ; the em- brace; a double armful ; the lap, or bosom (as though encircled by the two arms); c; 5'e küjâklamak, v.a. To take into one's arms (eitherto embrace or to carry); to encircle with the arms, to reach round (anything) with both 8İİT1S. c· köjamak (aor. Az köjar), v.n. To become old in years or in appearance. e· köjamAn, a. t. Large, immense. *a 5 köja, s. t. A husband; –, a. t. Old in age ; – - *- ây-köja -herif : large in size; There's a good fellow ! There's a trump : ; ; & *= köjaya-vârmak, vn. To be married (a girl or woman), to get married; ) da köjassi-öl, v.n. To be married (a woman), to have or possess a husband; ·: **z-: köjaya - vèrmek, v.a. To marry (a girl) to a husband, give in marriage ; -5,5 - 5 köja-kÂri, An old woman, ...**-: köja-yemishi, s. t. (Old man's fruit) The arbutus, ortree-straw- berry. [Odessa. · &a-: Köja-Bègh, s. t. The town of z: köch, s. t. A ram. zş-: köchach, s. t. A coachman. ş-: köchU, s. t. A kind of large carriage. c ) : kûdurmak (aor. )) kü- dUrUr), v.n. To go mad, be seized with hydrophobia (a dog); –, ködUr- mak (aor. ködurur), v.a. To cause or [Mad (a dog). Jye: küdUz, s. t. Hydrophobia ; –, a. t. allow to place. -): kör, s. t. Clear, bright, live coal of 3 A 2 Jy: [ 708 ] *): fire; –, a. t. Clear, bright, smokeless fire. yş5 kür.Ak, a. t. Dry (weather) : parched (soil); iyşi küraklik, s. t. Drought. & kürbagha (for * küru- -bAgha, The naked tortoise or batra- chian), s. t. Afrog ; * ) 53 kAra- -kürbAgha, The toad. · kürt, s. t. A wolf; a maggot; -5'e = 2,5 kürt-bâhâri, s. t. The privet; y; esski-kürt, (An old wolf) Awell-known rascal: - : -5. yy; ipek-kürdu, The silk-worm; c·yi kürtlanmak, v.n. To become maggoty or worm-eaten. d; )5): kûrtarmak (aor. y:5): kûr- tarir), v. a. To save, deliver, obtain the salvation of (anything from danger or any unpleasantness); to save (a dealer) from loss, to repay, pay (for expense and trouble). c*5); kürtulmak (aor. ) kür- tulur), v.n. To be saved, delivered ; to escape ; · kürtulUsh, s. t. A mode or way of escape, deliverance, salvation. ·· kürsak, s. t. The craw or crop (of a fowl). [bullet. e· kürshun, s. t. Lead (metal) ; a e·2) 5 kürsün, s. t. A man-of-war ; a piratical ship ; aletter-of-marque ship, privateer. k2) y: Körto, s. t. The town of Corinth. *5): Körfa, s. t. Corfu. dy 5 köruk, s. t. Sour grapes, green grapes ; e–, köruk-suyu, Ver- 35) ; körkak, s. t. A coward, Ljuice. *)şi körkmak (aor. :!) : körkar), v.n. To be afraid, to fear ; ·*) y: körkutmak (aor. ye 3 körkudur), v.a. To frighten; to threaten. körkuni, a.t. Fearful, frightful, terrible, dreadful, causing fear, dan- gerous. 5 körku, s. t. Fear, fright ; any fearful thing ; a threat, a menace; an alarm ; danger, peril; -9- -, körkU-virmek, v.n. To frighten ; to alarm ; to menace, threaten (by words); c:i, 5 körkuluk, s. t. A scarecrow; a balustrade, railings, bamister, guard, parapet; ; ; körkulu, a. t. Fearful, frightful; dangerous. c °) y: kÜrmak (aor. y yi kürar), v.a. To place anything in working order; to set (a trap, &c.); to wind up (a watch, &c.); to lay (foundations) ; to pitch (atent); to erect (ascaffold, &c.); to plan (in thought); –, v.n. To be pensive, moody, melancholy ; ·*)y* kürulmak, v.n. To set one's self up, assume airs ; –, v.p. Tobe set, wound up, laid, pitched, planned, &c. ·5 kûrundu, s. t. Vain fears or imaginations. *) * kürna, s. t. See & 5. *) * or -5): kûru, a. t. Dry (not wet); dry (not fresh, fruit, &c.); mere, sheer, unaccompanied with anything to add · to the value or agreeableness, as, · _2) : kûru-(ekmek), Dry bread, bread with no condiment ; – -, kÜrU-lÂf, Mere words; –, köru, and c: 5 köruluk, s. t. A preserve, any wood or forest in which wood must not be cut, or meadow kept for hay into which cattle must not be turned by the public generally. · kürvet, s. t. (Italian), A cor- vette; –, kürUt, s. t. A kind of dried f: ) : kûrum, s. t. Soot. [curds. ·9) : kürUmsâk, s. t. A contented cuckold. cş or *): kûrumak (aor. y: or) ) : kûrur), v.n. To dry, become dry ; to dry up ; to be parched ; –, körUmak, v.a. To preserve (from in- jury of any kind), to shield, protect; • y: kûrutmak (aor. y : kûru- dur), v.a. To dry, cause to become dry; to parch ; –, körUtmak, v.a. To manage so that something shall be shielded from any injury. i: köz, sü; közak, s. t. A cone or apple (ofany cone-bearing tree). e· küzghUn, s. t. The raven; * 5 küzghuni- siyâh, a. t. Raven black. sü: kûza, s. t. The ball spun by the [silkworm, the cocoon. -°): küzU, s. t. A lamb ; (:) : kûzum! My lamb! My dear! My dear sir! Kind sir! (term of request) ; 5j: : küzU-külAghi, (Lamb's ear) Sorrel (plant). [ 709 1 • . â : C5*3* c- 5 kAvss, s. a. A bow ; an arc of a circle ; zj*-, kAvssi - kÜzâh, The rainbow. [of a saddle or harness. · küsskun, s. t. The crupper strap C 5 küsh, s. t. A bird; · devé- -kûshu, (Camel-bird) The ostrich ; j• : küsh-könmâz, (Birds do not perch on it) A kind of wild prickly asparagus; } 'c kÜsh- -ûzumu, Small dried currants (for puddings, &c.) ; ; ;-i kûshbAz, s. t. A bird-catcher, bird-seller, bird- fancier. C 5\ 5 küsh'Atmak (aor. : küsh- Adir), v.a. To surround ; to wind or fasten round the waist ; · küshAnmak (aor. : kûshAnir), v.a. To wind or fasten round one's own waist ; –, v.n. To dress or arm one's self; –, v.p. To be wound or fastened round the waist; to be sur- rounded. * küshak, s. t. Any sash, shawl, or belt, worn round the waist; any dia- gonal piece of timber or iron which gives firmness to posts or beams, a brace. c &; küshluk, s. t. (Bird-time) The morning about breakfast-time; ; c kaba-kèshluk, s. t. The time when the sun is drawing towards the meridian. c**: köshmak (aor. : köshar), v.n. Torun (an animal or man) ; -, v.a. To put (horses, &c.) to (carriages, &c.); to appoint as a guide, escort, &c. ; c* öshulmak, vp. To be such that one may run; to be put to (horses); to be appointed as guide, escort, &c.; • .: köshUshmak, v.n. recip. Torun all together towards ** köshU, s. t. Arace. [one place. *, e: kAwsara, s. a. A kind of large mat basket, generally sent with rice from Egypt. c; “e küssmak (aor. e: kÜssar), v.n. [and a. To vomit, spue. Kötür, s. p. The town of Kotur. · kütU, s. t. A small box or case ; · enfiyyé - kütussu, A snuff-box. [lar), v.a. To pursue. c· köghAlamak (aor. Ve köghA- · köghush, s. t. A ward, a general sleeping-room ; a beam for supporting a floor. [To drive away. c* köghmak (aor. köghar), v.a. : küghu, s. t. Aswan. küghuk, s. t. A cuckoo. 4 kögha, s. t.A bucket. – köf, s. t. Dried up and hollow inside (fruit). · köklamak (aor. : köklar), v.a. To smell at, sniff at; c* : köklatmak, v.a. To cause or allow to smell or sniff at. * kükla, s. t.A doll. c· kökmak (aor. : kökar), v.n. To Smell, have a smell, to stink ; to become putrid or stinking; ; ; ; kökUtmak (aor. : kökudur), v.a. To Cause to emit a Smell, especially a [ 710 ] J: bad smell; to cause to be pervaded with a smell. : kökU, s. t. A smell, odour ; a scent, a perfume ; a stink; ataint; a Smack, a tack, the slightest degree of any- thing ; · kökUlu, a. t. Having a Smell (good or bad) ; scented, per- fumed, Sweet-Smelling. & : kökona, s. t. (Greek), A Greek lady or woman ; the lady of the house, the mistress. c· köngUshmak (aor. - : köngUshUr), v.n. To hold converse, to chat; to associate ; :· köngUshdurmak, v.a. To cause or allow to converse or associate ; to introduce (persons to one another). ·:5 köngshu (kömshu), s. t. Aneigh- bour ; , .5 : : 0?” * könU - kömshU, Friends and neigh- bours, near and distant neighbours. J: kAvl, s. a. An assertion ; one's words, what ome says ; a compact, agreement, understanding; a system, or view (in science) ; –, köl, s. t, The arm ; a branch (of anything which has ramifications, but not of trees or plants); a patrol ; –, kül, s. t. A servant, slave, bondsman ; a janissary (in bye-gone days); man, mankind (God’s servant) ; -, kAvl- -et, v.a. To agree, make an agree- kAvli (fem. * : kAvliyyé), a. a. Verbal, pertaining to words, or ment; opinions ; · kAvliyyÂt, s. pl. a. z: [ 711 ] * \, ; Mere verbal assertions ; ·J: köl-ghèzmek, v.n. To go the rounds, ğ9 to patrol; J: kara-köl, Jyêyi kAraghol, and J kAraöl, s. t. A guard of several soldiers or policemen; · kara-kol-khānā, s. t. A guardhouse ; -5), •: J: köl-dèmiri, s. t. A bar of iron used for closing a door or gate; %: külUnguz, Your servant, I ; c·: külluk, s. t. Ser- vantship ; a guardhouse. z: külach, s. t. A fathom. külAk, s. t. The ear ; a dwarf handle; a small piece of paper tacked on to the corner of a document with any little note relating thereto ; 5ji: küzU - külAghi, (Lamb's-ear) Sorrel (plant); c; el-, külAk-Ass- mak, %9-, külAk-virmek, v.n. To give ear, lend an ear, listen; : y! ·: • birining - külaghina- -sûwèylémek, v.a. To whisper in one's ear ; c· külaghina-kömak, v.a. To put (some tale) into one's head. e kölAn, s. t. A saddle-girth. –5); kölay, a. t. Easy, not difficult; –, s. t. A means, way (to do or ob- tain anything); c· kölaylik, s. t. Easiness,facility: convenience; : }: kölaylikli, a. t. Convenient, handy ; 46-5)İ: kölay-ghèlé, May (your work) come easy (to you)! c· kölay- lanmak, v.n. To become easy, to draw near to being accomplished. •• f * : kûlubé, s. t. A hut, ·: kûlp, s. t. An arched handle. · költUk, s. t. The armpit; the end of a sofa or ottoman, the arm of an arm-chair; ; költuklu, s. t. An arm-chair; –, a. t. Having arms (a chair); *-, költuk-deynéghi, s. t. A crutch; ·=* birining-költUghUna-ghirmek, v.n. To Support anyone under the arms in valking; ş° koltukju, s. t. A pedlar, hawker. 8 c. ) küllAnmak (aor. }: küllAnir), v.a. To use ; to employ ; c· küllAndirmak, v.a. caus. To cause or allow to employ or be employed ; cş : küllAnilmak, v.n. To be such as can be used ; · : küllAnilish, s. t. A manner of being used or em- ployed ; küllAnilishli, a. t. Convenient, fit or apt for use. : külUnj, s. t. The gripes, colic, or spasms in the belly. a: külé, s. t. A tower, a steeple ; –, küla, a. t. Akind of bay colour (in a horse). - f: küm, s. t. Sand; -, köm, s. t. A kind of Toadside inn or stables; –, kAvm, s. a. A people. Y * : kömânda, s. t. (Italian), The military word of command; a military command; -, -et, v.n. To com- mand; to give the word of command. *: ; ; kömpanya, s. t. (Italian), A commercial company. Jy JV kümral, a t Auburn, Ja: kümsAl, s. t. A sand in the sea ; a sandy beach; sandy land or soil. c ,5 kömak (aor. 5 kör), v.a. To put, place, lay; to leave, allow, permit, suffer, let ; – âd–, v.n. To name, give a name, christen ; –& bAsh- ka-, --6: âyri–, v.a. To put apart, place separately ; -öl • mèydAna–, v.a. To produce, show, exhibit ; -urr-by rehin–, v.a. To pledge, pawn, give in pledge; : könmak, c·y: könulmak, v.p. To be placed. [India-rubber. c; kömnâsstik, s. t. (French), * : kûma, s. t. A fellow-wife, either of two or more wives of one sole husband (in respect of the other or others). 5 könak, s. t. A large house, man- sion; a station, or resting place (on a journey); a day's journey ; a guest, a lodger, one quartered or billeted in a house ; the scurf (of the head); –, –et, v.n. To make a station, halt for the night or for a space. · künt, a. t. Thick and strong, solid. : könj, s. t. The upper leather (of kündAk, s. t. See 5 *. [boots or shoes). *) işi kündurA, s. t. A shoe, shoes; -*) * kündurdji, s. t. A Euro- pean shoemaker. c· könsoloss, s. t. (Italian), A [ 712 ] e° consul; & = : könsoloss-khâné, 8. t. The consular residence or office. cş• könmak (aor. yü; könar), v.n. To perch, to alight (a bird); to alight for rest (on a journey), to halt, camp, or bivouac ; to fall upon anything (dust, &c.). · 0?” : könu, ad. t. in · èni-könU, ad. t. In full detail and at ease (to converse). * 5 Köniyya, s. t. The town of Iconium. *: küvvé (for · küvvet, g.v.), d; ) e-sie küvv6dan - fi"la- -châkârmak, v.a. To change from posse to esse, to accomplish. -5,5 kâvi, a. a Strong; firm; robust; –köy, s. t. A small bay orinlet. · köytu, a. t. Sheltered, secluded ; y_: kûytu-yèr, A sheltered nook. J): kûyruk, s. t. A tail ; -, küyruk-yâghi, (Tail fat) Dripping obtained from the large tails of the Asiatic sheep; } e–, kûyruk-sAlan, The water-wagtail ; ·iyi : kûyruklu, a. t. Tailed; j -, küyruklu-yildiz, A comet. ş*: kûyumju, s. t. Agold and silver- [c**. c* 5 köymak or * kömak. See : 5 köyn, s. t. The bosom or breast- smith and jeweller. pocket of one's dress, the fob ; - *- köyn-sâ”ati, A watch ; -, köyUn, ad. t. in ey: -5j:yûzu-köyUn, With the face to the earth, flat on one's belly; 5 e: · yûzu- : [ 713 ] * -köyUn-yâtmak, To lie flat on one's belly. 2: : köyU, s. t. A well; a pit ; –, köyU, a. t. Thick (any fluid, semi-fluid; a forest, &c.); dark (ashade of colour). · köyun, s. t. A sheep. · köyuvermek (aor. 9 - -* köyuvèrir), v.a. (facile form of ş: kömak, To let, allow, not hinder), To let loose, let go. (It has also every meaning of the original verö). ; kâhhâr, s. a. God the curber or queller of the proud. /4° kâhr, s. a. A subduing, curbing, or - quelling by violence ; power, might ; violent grief; –, –et, v.a. To sub- due, curb, or quell by force ; v.n. To be violently grieved; ye kâhran, ad. a. By force, by violence. [queror. e· kâhramÂn, s. p. A victorious con- -5, iç kâhkarâ, s. a. A moving back- wards, walking backwards ; 8 = ) -5° rüjü”i - kâhkarâ, An igno- minious retreat. 44545 kâhkaha, s. a. A burst of laughter; c· =–, kâhkaha-ghyülmek, v.n. To laugh aloud. *ye; kâhw6, s. a. Coffee (either the raw berry, the roasted powder, or the beverage) ; a coffee-house ; *yé5-55): kürU-kâhwé, (Dry coffee) Coffee in the berry or in powder, not prepared as a beverage ; · kâhw6- -(tânéssi), A coffee-berry; ·: *: kâhwé-(pârassi), Coffee - money, small presentin money, a tip; · kâhwé-rènghi, Coffee-brown (colour); -° kâhwéji, A coffee-maker in a gentleman's house ; a keeper of a coffee - shop ; - yé-5);-i kûru- -kâhwfji, A dealer in coffee berries or powder. kây', s. a. A vomiting ; -, –et, v.a. To vomit ; ·-, kây'-ghEl- mek, v.n. To feel sick ; to vomit ; ·=-, kay'-ghetirmek, v.n. To cause to vomit. : kâya, s. t. A rock (either in the sea or in the strata of the earth); : L*5-> : kâya-pârchassi, A rough fragment of rock ; : kâya- -bAlighi, Rock-fish (black - skinned, but with very white delicate flesh, especially recommended for persons recovering from severe illness). c· kiyâss, s. a. A measuring orjudg- ing one by comparison with another; a syllogism (in logic); -, -et, v.a. To liken, compare ; –, v.n. To think, suppose, judge ; · kâyâssi, a. a. Regular (in grammar), founded upon comparison; c· bi-kâyâss, a. p. Without measure. e: kâyâsséré, s. pl, a. (of a - kâysEr), Caesars, emperors of Rome or Constantinople. · kâyâfet, s. a. External appear- ance ; physiognomy ; dress, costume. kâyâm, s. a. A rising and stand- ing on foot; application, assiduity, · perseverance ; a departure, starting, setting out; –, –et, v.n. To rise and stand on foot ; to apply one's self diligently ; to depart, start, set out ; f : yivmu-'l-kâyâm, The day of the resurrection. · kıyâmet, s. a The resurrec- tion; anynoise, confusion, scolding, or press, hurry, and crowding; : – kâyâmet - köpmak, v.n. To happen suddenly (the resurrection); to take place (a great noise or confusion); d; ): -, kiyâmet-köparmak, v.n. To make a great noise of scolding. e : kât, a. t. Scarce, not plentiful ; c· kâtlik, s. t. Scarcity. * kâch, s. t. The stern of a ship or boat; er: kâchin or · kâchin - k?chin, ad. t. Backwards, stern-foremost; & ş: şi kâchinlaya - kâchinlaya, ad. t. By dint of a repeated or continuous moving backwards. - * 5 kâyd, s. a. Any fastening with a rope, chain, or similar instrument; a rope, a chain, or any similar instru- ment of binding; a taking notice, fixing the attention (on anything un- pleasant) ; an enregistering, entering; an entry in a register; a restriction, or restrictive word in a phrase (logic); \–, –et, v.a. Tobind, fasten (with a rope, chain, &c.); to enter (in a Tegis- ter), to enregister ; to restrict the application of a term (in logic) ; [ 714 ] -, v.n. To care, take notice, pay attention (generally used in the nega- tive); Ses kâydinda- dighil (changing the pronoun as required), He (&c.) does not care (about it) ; JSo4 - 5 kâydi-bilé-dighil, He does not take even the slightest notice (of it) : * -· kâydi- -hâyat-shârtila, For life (lit. under condition of a restriction to the period of his natural life); \: bi-kâyd, a. p., lâ-kâyd, a. a. Careless, thoughtless. y: kâr, s. t. The uncultivated plain; heathland, moorland; –, a. t. Grey, black and white mixed. zy: kârach, a. t. Of the nature of sterile parched moorland. k\y: kirÂt, s. a. A carat. · kârghin, a. t. Hurt in one's feelings, somewhat grieved and angry, vexed. 3): kârik, a. t. Broken ; –, s. t. A broken place; iyi kiriklik, s. t. A feeling unwell, feeling of indisposi- tion ; ·= ghyûngul-k?rik- lighi, A being wounded in spirit, feeling hurt, grieved and sorrowed; s krikji, s.t. Asetter of broken bones. f.· krim, s. t. Wholesale slaughter ; wholesale death from disease. c.; kırmak (aor. yi karar), v.a. To break; to hurt a person's feelings ; to fold, plait, crimp; to discount (a bill · - [ 715 ] y° of exchange); to slaughter, massacre, cause wholesale death ; c*y: kâril- mak, v.n. To break (of itself); to be- come folded; to have one's feelings hurt, to feel hurt; to die in great numbers ; –, v.p. To be broken ; to be folded or plaited; to be slaughtered wholesale. *·5 kirma, s. t. A fold, a plait. · kirindi, s. t. A broken piece, a fragment. }: kiz, s. t. A maid, maiden, virgin, girl ; : - hânim-kiz, A young lady ; kâz-öghlAn-kiz, A virgin; c ' kiz-(kârdash), A sister; c kizlik, s. t. Virginity, maidenhead, maidenhood; - 5 c· kizing-kizlighini-böz- mak, To deflower a virgin. e· k?zghin, a. t. Hot ; red-hot; very angry; in heat (an animal). c kazmak (aor. W: k?zar), v.n. To become hot ; to become red-hot ; to become very angry ; to getin heat (an animal); ye): kizdirmak, v.a. To heat, to make hot ; to vex, enrage, put in a passion; • :): kâzishmak, v.n. To become hot on all sides (a battle, &c.). · kâysi, s. t. An apricot. · kâsh, s. t. The winter ; · : kAra-kâsh, The depth of winter; e· kâshin, ad. t. In winter, during winter. M: k shla, 3 kishlagh, : kishlak, s. t. See :.i. c· kâshlamak, v.n. See c·. ra: kâyser, s. a. Caesar, the emperor of Rome or Constantinople. &ra: Kâyseriyyé, s. a. Cesarea. 4 x 5 kâyghana, s. t. An omelet. : kâyghi, s. t. Care, anxiety, solici- tude; } : kâyghissiz, a. t. Free from care. - J-5 kil, s. t. A hair; a bristle; –, kil, s. a. in J. J.5 kil-u-kÂl, Public remarks and criticisms ; kâl- -kâlEm, Ahair-pencil, a small painting brush. [bones of fishes. Gş° klchik, s.t. The smalı hair-like c* kâlmak (aor. kâlar), v.a. To do, perform (This verö is not much used ercepting as an active auciliary, and even as such not very frequently); · nAmAz-kâlmak, To perform one's devotions ; c* 55 tâklAk- -kâlmak, To tumble heels over head. a 5 kâylülé, s. a. The siesta, the noon- day nap. · kimet, s. a. Value, price ; · zi-kimet, a. a Valuable, precious ; – (for · kâyâmet), s. a The resurrection. - c; “ kaymak (aor. 'i kayar), v.a. To chop up fine; to mince ; –, v.n. To bring one's self to make a sacrifice. *: kiyma, s. t. Mince-meat. e· kân, s. t. A sheath, scabbard. · küyüd (pl. - le: kûyüdât), s. pl, a. (of : kâyd), Entries ; regis- tries ; restrictions. y: kıvrak, a. t. Crisp, frizzly (hair); tight-twisted (yarn, thread, &c.). c· or -· kâvirjik, s. t. The thin, long-tailed sheep of Europe. (v: 09° * : 0?” ( ): k?vrim, s. t. A single twist in a hair or thread. y: orc· k°virmak (aor. y: kèvirir), v.a. To twist; to frizzle ; c·y: k?vrilmak, v.n. To twist, be- come frizzly; –, v.p. To be twisted or frizzled. f: kâyyüm, s. a. God the self-existing. *: kâyyé, s. a. An oke or oka, Turkish weight of 2ğlbs. avoirdupois. · kâyi, s.t. The shore, coast, sea-shore 5 yAli-kiyissi, The sea-side; c*ş-4:L: kiyiya-chikmak, v.n. To land, get to the shore ; , e 5 kayi- -sira, ad. t. Along the shore, close in land. · · kyâf (kif). Twenty-fifth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having three distinct values, for the discrimination of which no generally recognized method has been adopted, and con- Sequently none used in printed books or in current writing In the first of these values, that of a true and pure English k, the letter receives the appellative of ye– 6 kyâfi-“ârébi (the Arabic kEf or k), and in this value it is always left in its original [ 716 ] · forms, without any addition. In the second value, that of a g hard, gh, or gu, in English, the letter is called 5“yi- 6 kyâfi-fârsi (the Persian kèf). And in the third value, that of our final ng in the word sing (which, however, is always, in the mouth of educated city-bred people, sounded like a plain n), the letter is called – S· sāghir-kyâf (surd k) or • ey sâghir-nün (surd n). These two latter cases are, in some books where the vowel-points are marked, distin- guished from the first by the addition of three dots over the letter; but this method does not distinguish between It has therefore been imagined, that if the the two cases themselves. three points were confined to the ng sound of the letter, the hard g value might be shown by doubling the dash, and adding this double dash even to the letter when final, though then it usually has no dash at all. In chrono- grams and astronomical tables the letter has the numeral value of 20. In pronouncing this letter in either of its two first values, when followed by one of the vowels a, o, u, U, oru, the incipient sound of a y must be inserted between the letter and the vowel, and this peculiarity we have denoted by putting the inserted letter in italics. Compared with as a k, or with ğ. as a gh, is a soft letter, and is · [ 717 ] - always followed, when possible, by a soft vowel. · ke (at the beginning of some com- pounds), ad. a. As, like ; –, kor kf (at the end of a few compounds), prep. a. Thy ; thee. Jı6 Kâbul, s. p. The town of Cabul. c· kyâbüs, s. a. Nightmare, an incubus. [a dower. e· kyâbin, s. p. A marriage portion ; - 5 kyâtib, s. a. One who writes ; a clerk in a public office ; sirr- -kyâtibi, A secretary; –: = -" \S kyâtibu-’l-hûrüf, s. a. The writer of the present letter. * kyâkh, s. p. A palace or pavilion. · kyâzib, a. a. False, lying. 5 kyâr, s. p. Work, occupation, busi- ness; the fruit or result of work ; profit, advantage ; sexual intercourse ; combat, fight, battle ; –, (in comp0si- tion), a. p. Who does or performs ; who works with (some instrument or material); worked (with some instru- ment or material) : -, -et, v.n. To make a profit, to gain, be a gainer ; & 6 kyâr-khāné (ker-khân6), s. p. A manufactory ; a brothel. e) 6 kyârd, s. p. A knife. j 6 kyârzâr, s. p, A battle, conflict, fight, combat, action, engagement. ·06 kyârghir (kyâvghir), a. p. Built of brick or stone. e:y6 kyârwân, s. p. A caravan, a com- pany of travellers or of horses laden with merchandise ; - *-, kyârwān- -sârây, A caravanserai. · kyâsst, s. p. A deficit, a de- ficiency ; · 9 * bi- kèm-u- -kyâsst, ad. p. Exactly, with no de- ficiency. · kyâssé, s. p, A basin ; · kyâssé-liss, s. p. A parasite, lick- [ment or hall. & kyâshân6, s. p, A large apart- trencher. – 6 kyâshif, s. a One who discovers or uncovers a hidden thing; a kind of mayor in Egypt. , 1 4K 6 kyâshké (keshké), c. p. O that, I would that; –, int. p. I wish it WG]'G SO. - * 6 kyâzim, s. a. One who restrains his anger; · kyüzimiha -’l- -ghayz, They who restrain their anger. · kyāghid, s. p. Paper; a written paper ; a card ; playing cards ; · *ö-kyāghid - khāné, s. p. A paper mill, paper manufactory. – 6 kyâf, s. a Name of the letter ; -, (in composition), a. p. Which cleaves, splits; – 6 kyâf-u-nün, The mysterious letters and · of the Arabic imperative · kyûn (Be thou, erist thou), being all that God had to pronounce in order to create ; · – 6 kyâfi-lev-lâk, The (thee) of the expression · lèv-lâ- -ké (were it not for thee), mentioned in the Kür'ân, and indicating Mu- hammed. 6 [ 718 ] $ 6 kyâfir, s. a. A denier; an infidel or a denier of God’s unity and esteem as though it exist not, to re- gard as non avenu). Muhammed's divine mission; (in joke) e· kyânün, s. a. A fireplace ; name Arogue, a saucy chap ; (in anger) A brute, a beast ; · 6 kyâfiru-’n- -nî“mé, An ungrateful person, who denies the benefit he has received ; köy & kyâfirâné, a. p. Pertaining to an dö infidel. of two Syro-Roman months, of which the first, J y'e 6 kyânüni-èvvEl, is our December, and the second, e·5 - 6 ke-ennahü (ke-enna), comp. a. As though, asif. [cow. 6 kyâfür, s. a. Camphor ; :y; 5 | 6 ghyáw, s. p. An ox, bull, bullock, or kyâfüriyyé, s. t. Southernwood. -)2 kiS kyâffé, s. a. The whole of them ; S ghyâwur, s. t. A non-Muhammedan, unbeliever, infidel. 3- 4 kyâfféten, ad. a. Altogether, | 6 kyâh (in composition), a. p. Which wholly. * kyâfi, a. a. Sufficient; –, s. a. God the all-sufficient. [lock. J66 kyâkyul, s. p. A ringlet, curl, fore- 36 kyâlâ, s. p. Rich silk stuff. 6 kyâlbud, s. p. A form, mould ; a diminishes or takes away; –, ghyâh, s. p. A place ; a time ; a fitting or seasonable time ; –, ad. p, Some- times; 3686 ghyâh -ghyâh, ad. p. Now and then ; *Sü986 ghyâh-u-nâ- -ghyâh, Seasonable or not. body. Jo6 kyâhil, a. a. Lazy, slow, slothful, 6 kyâm, s. p. Wish, desire; K: be- fsky p f indolent. -kyâm, a, p. Successful, having his 26 kyâhin, s. a. A diviner, soothsayer, desire fulfilled; Ku nâ-bè-kyâm, a.p. augur. Unsuccessful, disappointed (Many ad- * ghyâhi, ad. p. d=126 ghyâhijé, jectives are composed with this word, almost all meaning successful). ad. t. Sometimes, at one time ; at another time. J.6 kyâmil, a.a. Complete, perfect; e 6 kyâ'in, a.a. Being, existing, extant; honest, well-behaved, good-tempered. es kyân, s. p. A mine ; -, kyâné, a. verb subst. third pers. sing. masc. pret. - c; “e 56 kyâ'ini-mütlAk, God, the absolute Being; 56 kyâ'inât, 8. pl.a. Allexisting things. He (she, it) was; –, ke-enna, Asif, - 5 kebâb (kèwAb), s. a. Roast (meat as though (in · çek kè-ènna-lim- or other substance). -yekyün, As though it exist not ; 6 ols kebâd, s. t. A clingstone peach. c· ke-enna-lim- kibâr, s. pi, a (of kebir), The -yëkyûn - hükmuna - kömak, v.a. To great, grandees; (as a Turkish singu- 5.5 lar) a grandee; a gentleman or great lady. [Great sims. · kebā’ir, s. pi, a (of kebiré), · kèbd, s. a. The liver. kibr, s. a. Pride, haughtiness ; –, kibër, s. a. Oldness, greatness (of age); –, ghèbr, s. p. A fire-wor- shipper. [Great people, grandees. V-= kyûbérâ, s. pi, a (of = kebir), ·= ghèbermek (aor. y = ghè- bérir), v.n. To die as a dog. * ghébéré, s. t. A caper. -5,4 kyûbrâ, a. a fem.(of = ekbir), The greatest; –, s. a. The major pro- position of a syllogism. :9° kibriyâ, s. a. The greatness and majesty of God. ( - :J4 kibrit, s. a. Sulphur, brimstone; small brimstone tapers or matches ; *--, kibriti-âhmèr, (Red sulphur) The philosopher's stone ; : 5 kib- riti, a. a. Brimstone coloured. · kèbsh, s. a. A ram; a chief, a leader. c kèbk, s. p. A partridge. :· kèbütEr, s. p. A pigeon. * 5 kebé, s. t. Akind of felt or very thick coarse woollen cloth; –, ghèbé, a. t. Big with child or young, pregnant. u = ghibi, a. t. Like, similar (is never used aösolutely, Öut always accompanied öy the indication of the thing compared vith); –, ad. İ. Assoon as, immediately on, or after. kebir (fem : $ kebiré), a, a. [ 719 ] 4: S Large, great; * kèbiré, s. a. A great sim. [sextile. · kebissé, s. a. Leap-year, the bis- *j 5 kèpâzé, s. p. A weak bow for aspiring toxophilites ; a foolish trifler. *ş44 kèpché, s. p. Aladle, askimmer. c= 4 kèpek, s. t. Bran. · kèpenk, s. t. A window-shutter ; –, kèpénèk, s. t. A butterfly ; a moth. · kyûpuk, s. t. Froth ; foam; suds; lather; •· kyûpurmek, v.n. To froth ; to foam, lather. · kitâb, s. a. A book; : = kitÂbji, s. t. A seller of foreign or common books; & < 5 kitâb-khāné, A library; All-:= kitÂbu-'llâh, (God's book)The Kur'ân; ·= > èhli-kitÂb, (People of a book) Jews, Christians (as having revealed Scrip- tures); –, kyûttÂb, s. pl. a. (of - * 6 kyatib), Secretaries, clerks in Government offices ; · · re'issu-’l-kyûttÂb, (Chief of the Sec- retaries) Former title of the Ottoman Secretary of State, who also officiated as Minister for Foreign Affairs ; he was commonly called -*'L re'iss- -èfendi ; the title is now abolished. · kitâbet, s. a The art of literary or epistolary composition; style. 4:3 kitâbé, s. a. (originally identic with the preceding), An inscription in a regularly formed frame, shield, or cartouche, on a public building, &c. e·= e·= kètán (kètEn), s. p. Flax ; · -5: (kèten)-bezi, s. t. Linen. · kyûtub, s. pl, a. (of - 6 kitâb), Books; ö= $ kyûtub-khān6, s. p. A library. [Secretaries, clerks. ·= ketébé, s. pl.a. (of - Skyâtib), l sisketkhudâ (kyâya), s. p. A steward, administrator of affairs or of a large household ; the mastgr or warden of a “-, the chief office of government atÇon- stantinople of any of the various departments of State, of a governor in the provinces, the Danubian Princi- palities, &c.; sis (kyaya)-begh, s. t. (Formerly) the official steward of the Grand Vizier (now abolished). - * kètf, s. a. The shoulder-blade. :S kètm, s. a. A concealing, not reveal- ing by words or signs; -, -et, v.a. To conceal, not to reveal. e· kitmân, s. a The non-revelation of anything on one's mind. c= $ ghitmek (aor. y·= ghidEr), vn. To go; –ö. yûbAna-ghitmek, v.n. To go to the winds, go to waste ; ·y8 = ghidérek, gerund (By dint of going) By degrees, in time, by little and little; ** ghitdikja, geruna (In proportion as – goes), By degrees, by little and little. ·2) = ghètirmek (aor. := ghè- tirir), v.a. Tobring with one, to fetch ; to cause to come; 45ü* ghètirt- [ 720 T <= mek (aor. y = ghètirdir), v.a. To cause to be brought or fetched; 4:): ·· yiErina-ghètirmek, va. To bring orget (athing) into its proper place; to accomplish, fulfil, perform, execute, carry out; e: •9° 8-992-9 vüjüda-ghètirmek, To bring about, cause to exist, do, accomplish, call into existence; ·=& • imÂ- na-ghètirmek, v.a. To convert to the faith ; - 6 - khātira-ghetir- mek, To call to mind. ketüm, a, a. Who conceals his thoughts and does not divulge them. · kètibé, s. a. A troop or body of soldiers. · kessâfet, s. a The being thick together, dense (trees, hair, atoms), density ; opacity ; coarseness, gross- TûGSS. ( :-22 = kèssret, s. a. Multiplicity, multitude, numerousness, great num- ber; great quantity ; frequency ; *) -, kèssret-üzéré, ad. t. Fre- quently, often ; in great mumbers or quantity. kessir (fem. kessiré), a, a. Much (in quantity); many (in num- ber); frequent (in recurrence). – kessif (fem : kessif), a. . Thick, dense, transparent; coarse, gross. close ; opaque, not == kej, a. p. Oblique, awry, crooked ; kri-refâr, a p Whose gaitis awry ; whose conduct is not straight- · [ 721 ] · forward; · kèj-re'y, a. p. Who has strange and unsuitable opinions. · gejikmek (aor = 4 ghèjikir), v.n. To be late ; to become late, grow late; to be behindhamd. J· krjkyül, s. p, A kind of long basket or receptacle formed of a half cocoa-nut shell cut lengthwise, and carried by suspended by chains, mendicant dervishes. * ghèch, a. t. Late. J=: ghèchkin, a. t. Past, over (the prime, or some particular age or state); oldish; rather too tipsy, half- seas over; overripe (fruit). · ghèchmek (aor. · ghèchEr), v.n. To pass (over, by, through, in, into, out, &c.), to go (by, through, in, &c.); to pass current (money, &c.); to pass away, not endure, not last, to finish, come to an end; to surpass (in number, quantity, or quality); to beat, leavebehind, get before (in arace); to penetrate (into or through a substance); to do without, to manage without, to relinquish, give up ; - *\: yûnin- dan-ghèchmek, To pass by or near; – ş: ichindan-ghèchmek, To pass through ; -e üsstundan- -ghèchmek, To pass over, above ; - Altindan-ghèchmek, To pass under ; · yèra-ghèchmek, To sinkinto the earth (for shame); *: · yErina-ghèchmek, To pass or go into (its) proper place ; -jlı vwâz-ghèchmek, To give up, leave, abandon, relinquish ; ş j', VWAZ- -ghèch ! Leave off! Be quiet ! Don't say that! –-5jy süzu-ghèchmek, To have great weight and influence (one's words); · ghèch- mish-ÖlsUn! May (worse than this trial) have been (thus) averted ! (said to anyone öy way of condolence after sickness or any accident) ; · ghè- chEn, acc. part. Who or which passes, passed, or will pass; the past; · ghèchEnlErda, ad. t. Latterly, a short time back, during one or some of the days of a week or month ago. *ş gechma, a, t, Anything which is composed of two or more pieces which fit into (pa88 into) each other; –, 8. t. A portable pipe for smoking, which takes to pieces. · ghèchinmek (aor. * ghè- chinir), v.n. To pass or hold a station among men, to be held as, to be ac- counted; to pass one's life, or obtain the means of living, to live, subsist, maintain one's self, exist ; (as a reci- procal) to pass time or life (with one amother), to agree. c · ghèchirmek (aor. )v** ghè- chirir), v.a. cau8. To cause or allow to pass (by, in, through, &c.); _* ·)yş* “imr-ghèchirmek, v.n. To spend one's life ; –-5: (wAkit)- -ghèchirmek, v.n. Tolose time; to gain time; to spend time; to pass 3 B · time ; - * kilijdan-ghèchirmek, v.a. To slay with the sword (many . yw- -rs people); -J şe= ghyüzdan-ghè- olairmek, va, To take a cursory view or survey, · klchuk, a, t, Smalı, little (in size); young, or younger (in years); · kemik düehmek,vn To appear 8mall or mean in other people's eyeş, - · kîchulmek (a0r, * küchu- lur), v.n, To become smaller, grow smaller ; · küçhultmek, v.a. To lessen in size, make smaller. aş* kèché, s. t. Felt; a coarse carpet. * kèchi, s, t, A goat ; -:): :-, kèchi - böynuzu, (Goat's-horn) The carob or locust-fruit (akind of sweet, pod). [pass, defile, gorge. · ghechid, s. t. A ford; a ferry, a J* kyîhl, s, a, A kind of collyrium used in the Eaşt for the eyes or for blackening the eyelids or eyelashes, * kedd, s, a, Work, real hard work; · keddi-yed, s, a, The work of one's hands, [a poor person, - ghedâ, s. p. A beggar, mendicant, Jl = ghyûdâz, a. p. (in composition), Which melts, softens, takes away all power of endurance. y = kèder, s. a, Grief, sorrow ; harm, injury; vexation, annoyance; –, –et, vn, To grieve, mourn; y: -, kèdEr-virmek, v.n, To cause sorrow, harm, or amnoyance, [ 722 ] · ghedik, a. t. Notched; –, s. t. A notch; a patent office or shop (i.e. office or shop established by patent, charter, or deed) ; a place held on amy foundation or establishment of a limited number; the right or title by which such an office or place is held, or such a shop is openedi --5°-4 ghèdikli, a, t, On the establishment, on the foundation, held by deed or charter (a shop, office, or place). . - · ghèdmek (aor, y* ghèdEr), v,a, To notch, [calabash. 6 kedü, s. p, A gourd, pumpkin, c= y = kyüdürèt, s. a. Harm, injury; yexation, annoyance. * 6 kedé, s. p. (in composition), A house (devoted to something special). · kedi, s. t. A cat ; -, kedi- -ötU, Valerian ; · · missk- kedissi, The musk-cat, civet-cat; –, ghidi ! int, t, What a fellow What a thing; (used Ü0th in praise and blame). * ke-zâ, comp, a, (lit, like that), in vè-ke-zâ, c, a, Also, and in like mann 8İ?, - · kezzâb, s.a. Aliar; e - * kezzib-sûyu (for -y: tizÂb), Aqua- fortis. - 35 ghyüzâr, s. p, A passing : -, a. p. (in composition), Who passes or causes to pass ; who fulfils ; 5 zy - kha- râj-ghyüzâr, a.p. Tributary, who pays tribute; = =* mAsslâhat- -ghyüzâr, s. p, A chargé d'affaires, - {} • * * 35 [ 723 T ·= agent; = -\ ish-ghyüzâr, a, t. Clever and diligent in business. * ghyüzârendé, a, p. Who or which passes; who or which bears, Carries part. ·ló= ghyüzāshté, a, p. Past, which has passed; which has been passed. - *-= ghyüzâf, s. p. Talk, chat; – 3 – 3 lâf-u-ghyüzÂf, Chit-chat, conversation. · kizb, s. u. Alie, falsehood. y* ghyüzEr, ey* ghyüzérân, s. p. A passing, passage ; ey* ghyü- zérân-èdEn, a. t. Last (month), last part. [of passing. · ghûzerish, s. a The act or mode · ghyüzésht, s. p, The act of having passed; &= sir- -ghyüzèsht, s. p, An adventure (what has passed over one's head). · ghyüzeshté, a, p. Past; –, s. p. Interest on money. [wise. · kezâlik, comp. a conj. Also, like- · ghir, c. p. (for = èghEr), If; –, p. particle (at the end of 80me words), Maker of or worker in ; –, kërr, s. a. The act of charging or assaulting the enemy, =--> âhenghèr, A blacksmith, worker in iron ; -:2· kërr-u-ferr, The charge and retreat (of combatants, especially horsemen, in the ancient mode of warfare). ,5 kirâ, s. a Rent or hire paid for the use of a house or other object ; ·= L: dish-kirâssi, (Tooth- rent) Money exacted in oldentimes by janissaries, &c., who honoured you by becoming your guest ; ·9 *\,= kirâya-virmek, To let out for hire or rent ; 45 · 4. y= kirâ-ila-tÜtmak, To take upon rent or hire; · kirâji, s. t. Atenant on rent; a lodger, • · kèrrât, s. pl. a. (of · kërré) ; Times (of repetition) ; \---, kirrât - jëdvéli, The multiplication- table. 5 kërrâr, a. a. Impetuous in assault, bold and constant in attack. jy= kirâz, s. t. A cherry; –, ghyîrâz, 8. p. Aboar, hog, pig; an iron mace, c· kirâss, s. t. A cherry. • 5 kirâm, s. pl, a. (of f:· kèrim), The noble, great, well-bred. · kèrâmèt, s. a. A wondrous work, a sign, a wonder, a marvel; any word or deed which proves the actor to be especially under divine guidance; no- bility, greatness ; · kèrâmetlü, a. t. Noble, great; wonder-working. · kèrân, s. p. A side, margin, shore, limit; –, ghirân, a. p. Heavy, weighty ; dull, stupid; difficult, slow (of digestion, motion, &c.); dear, high (priced); bi-kerân (bi-ghirān), a. p. Boundless; - : · ghîrân-pây, a. p. Heavy-footed, slow : : · ghîrân-bâr, a. p. Whose baggage is much and heavy. [seed. & kèrâviyyé, s. a. The caraway- ·y= kèrâhet, s. a. The being abom- 3 B 2 · inable ; an abominating; *\,= kerâ- hétEn, ad. a. With great repugnance. · kèrb (pl. - kyûrub), s. a. [cloth. c- : 5 kirbÂss, s. a. Cotton or linen J 4 kirbâl, s. a. Asieve ; a screen. & 5 ghyürbé, s. p. A cat. *3* kirpii, s. p. A sun-dried brick, ·: 5 kirpik, s. t. An eyelash. : $ kirpi, s. t. A hedgehog; a por- e: 55 kertik, s. t. A notch. · kirtmek (aor. kèrtEr), v.a. To notch. [A lizard. · 5 kèrten-kèlér (kertenkélè), S. t. d5i,5 kèrté, s. t. A degree (as marked on a circle) ; a point (of the compass); a Sorrow, affliction. [cupine. degree (of any quality, especially of physical or moral condition). · ghèrchèk, a. t. True ; real, -, 8. t. Truth, reality ; -, ad. t. Truly, [that . . . . ; although. &#-* ghèrchi orghèrché, c. p. It is true e)= kèrd, s. p. Work; an act; a deed; -, ghèrd, ghird, a. p. (in composi- really. tion), Who or which revolves round ; v )%le; ghird-â-ghird, ad. p. Round and roumd, all round. · Kürd, s.a. (pl. · ekrâd), A Kurd. · ghirdâb, s. p. A whirlpool. 'e 5 kirdâr (kirdâr), s. p. Work, deed, act; yley= \! bed-kirdâr, a.p. Whose deeds are evil. [revolves. ele ghErdân, a. p. Which turnsround, el ghird-bâd, s. p, A whirlwind e·y$ Kürdisstân, s. p. Kurdistan. [ 724 ] y= c· ghirdish, s. p. Rotation, revo- lution. ·y= ghirdek, s. t. The bridal cham- ber or canopy (as used in the East). S = kirdighyâr, s. p. God, the abso- lute actor. Je, ghirdel, s. t. A bucket. · ghirden, s. p, The neck; y,5 ghirdEnlik (ghirdAnlik), s. t. Aneck- lace; 4 e -= ghèrden - bessté, a. p. Fastened by the neck ; a slave ; · ghirdEn-kèsh, a. p. Refrac- tory. [spheres. ·9°y= ghèrdün, s. p. The world ; the döşe% ghirdüné, s. p. A coach. 89,5 kèrdé, a. p. Made, done; –, s. p. An act, deed; –, a.p. (in composition), - Which is or has been effected, done, worked out, accomplished, acted. *9,5 ghèrdidé, a. p. Who or which has gone round, or been gone round; which has turned or been turned; who has returned. ghyûrz, : 5 ghyürzé, s. p. A mace. & 9°= kèressté, s. t. Timber (for build- ing); materials in general. u = kyürsî, s. a. A stool; a preacher's the throne of God; the base of a column; or professor's chair or throne ; the bottom edge of a line of writing, which should be even ; · kyürsi'i-mèmlékèt (or ·=-- hûkyümet), The chieftown or capital; :3)=kyûrsulu, a.t. Written straight in aline (writing). c· [ 725 ] * 5 c· kirish, s. t. Catgut; abowstring; [dishments. *·= kirishma, s. t. Coquetry, blan- a joist (of timber). · ghirift, s. p. A taking, seizing ; -, -et, v.a. To take, seize, catch. 5 ghiriftâr, a. p. Seized, taken ; troubled with, afflicted with. · ghirifté, a.p. Seized, taken, caught. ·% ghèrek, a. t. Fitting, beseeming, opportune; –, c. t. Whether, or whether; ·=: s= ghèreghi-ghibi, (As is beseeming to it) Well, properly, thoroughly; –, ghyürgh, s. p. A wolf. - 5,5 kerghef, s. t. An embroidering frame. f· kèrEm, s. a. Kindness, favour ; –, \–, –et, v.a. To give or do as a favour; – –, v.n. To be so kind, be so good, to do the favour; –, kèrm, s. a. A grape-vine ; -, ghèrm, a.p. Warm, hot, sultry ; swift; –, kirm, 8. p. A worm. 5 kyürémâ, s. pl, a. (of f: * kérim), The noble, the great, the generous; –, ghèrmâ, s. p. Hot weather, heat of summer. ·· kirmân, s. t. Atown; –, Kermân, s. p. Kerman (the town of, in Persia). * : * Kermânshâh, s. p. Kermanshah (the town of, in Persia). e: ; ghèrmek (aor. 5 ghère), va, To stretch, extend forcibly ; –aş-- hAcha-ghirmek, v.a. To crucify (ex- tend on a cross). [Carmel. Kermel-daghi, s. t. Mount ·o% ghèrmiyyet, s. a. Warmth ; heat; zealousness ; activity. · kirémid, s. t. Atile. 2· ghirèv, s. p. Apawn, pledge; a hos- tage. ·* kèrwÂn, s, p. A caravan or com- pany of travellers or merchants on the road ; - : $ kErwAn-sèrây, s. p. A caravanserai. · kyürüb, s. pl, a. (of - 5 kirb), Sorrows, afilictions, griefs, cares. c)2: 2 5 kèrübiyyün, s. pl. a.The cheru- bim. · J5 kèrévèt, s. t. A bedstead or plat- **y* ghyürüh, s. p. Abody of people. JE :yş kèréviz, s. t. Celery. 3,5 kèrh, s. a. Aversion, distaste, re- [form for a bed or sofa. pugnance; –, kërré, s. a. One time (in repetition) ; S: kèrhan, ad. a. Repugnantly, with distaste; –, kyûré, s, a, A globe : -, ghirih, s. p, A knot ; a button ; a dificulty ; 5,4 kërrétEn, ad. a. Once; 5,5 * ğ 5 kèr- rétEn-bâ”da - kërrétin, ad. a. Time after time, repeatedly, often ; : bir-kërré, Once ; 5,5 iki-kërré, Twice ; z: üch - kërré, Thrice, three times ; 8)=-:ye dîrt-kèrré, Four times; &c. &c.; & ·: bA“zi- -kërré, Sometimes ; : bir-kAch- -kërré, Several times ; : z° kAch- -kërré, How many times? how many times soever ; _ 5): kyûré'i-ârz, The terrestrial globe ; the world ; -5.)= kyûrévi (fem & = kyüré- · [ 726 ] · vîyyé), a. a. Globular, spherical; ·y$ kyûréviyyât, s.pl.a. Spherics. e * ghiryân, a. p. Weeping. “\! 5 Ghirid, s. t. The island of Crete. j = ghiriz, s. p Flight, running away. e 5 ğhirizân, a p. Who takes flight, fugitive. f: kerîm, a. a. Noble; worthy of respect ; generous ; kind ; ~ :A kèrimu-’sh-shiyem, a. a. Of a noble and generous disposition ; f. Sa Allāh-kerim! God is good ! &la: S kerîmâné, a. p. Pertaining to a noble, generous, or kind person. *: $ kèrimé, s. a. A daughter; –, a. a. (fem. of f: =), Noble, worthy of respect ; d.•: 5 âyéti-kèrimé, (A wonder worthy of respect) A phrase or verse of the Kur'ân. [hostage. 2! 5 ghiriv, s. p. A pawn, pledge; a *- 4 kerih, a, a. Ugly, displeasing, unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting; –, ghiryé, s. p. Tears, weeping. 5 ghèz, s. p. An ell, the length of an arrow ; –, ngiz, pron. t. Your (joined to the end of a substantive ; as \! bAba, Father, 4: bAbAngiz, Your father). [edge of a sabre, e 5 ghizlik, s.p.A. penknife; the curved • 5 ghèzmek (aor. j5 ghèzEr), v.n. To walk about, take a walk, pro- menade ; to go about; to be at large; ·· ghezdirmek (aor. )v95 ghèz- dirir), v.a. cau8. To cause or allow to walk about ; to show (anyone) over (a place asa sight to be seen); j= ghèzinmek, v.n. To walk up and down without any exterior object ; *= 5 ci •:= ghèzméghé-ghitmek, v.n. To go for a walk. [harm. · ghèzend, s. p, Loss, damage, injury, * 5 ghèzidé, a. p. Bitten; –, ghyü- zidé, a. p. Choice, chosen, select. · ghyüzin, a.p. (in composition),Who seeks, chooses, prefers. fe: kèzhdûm, s. p. (Crooked-tail) A · kèss, s. p. (pl. · kèssân), A person; · hèr-kèss, pr. t. Every- [scorpion. body; –, kyûss, s. p, The female organ of generation. Tof commerce. · kessâd, s. a. Heaviness, stagnation · kessâfet, s. a Obscuration. ·. kèssâlet, s. a. Sloth. · kessb, s. a An acquiring, gain- ing, obtaining; –, kissb, s. a. An occupation of profit, trade, business ; l-, keseb-et, v.a. To acquire, gain, obtain. : — kyûsstâkh, a. p. Bold, impudent, insolent ; & -= kyûsstâkhâné, a. p. Pertaining to a bold, impudent person. 4 6 kèsstâné, s. t. A chestnut. · ghyüsstèr, a. p. (in composition), Who or which diffuses or scatters. -3 kessr' (kèssir), s. a. A breaking, Smashing; a defeating, routing ; a mortifying, subduing ; the pronoun- cing a consonant with the voweli ori following it in the same syllable; 8i 9-6 vulgar fraction (in arithmetio) ; –, kesser, s. t. Asmall adze; –, kessr- -et, v.a. To break ; to rout ; to mor- tify : U--i-iy-6 kèssri-nèfss, The mortifying the flesh ; -69- -ey-4 kessri-â"shâri, s.p.A. decimal frac- tion ; ·y = kyûssürÂt, s. pl, a. (of_) - = kyüssür, pl. of J-4 kèssr), Vulgar fractions; fractions (in arith- | metic). Tequivalent to i or i. kèssré, s. a. The vowel-point-, · kèssrâ, s. a. General name for a --- . king of Persia, as Caesar for a Roman emperor. [snapped. *-·-= kyûssissté, a. p, Broken, · kessik, a. t. Cut ; cut off; having a part cut off; terminating abruptly ; separate, detached (words or ejacula- tions). 4 · kèsskin, a. t. Sharp (cutting); strong, sharp, pungent; violent; swift; intelligent. J-4 kessel, s. a Sloth, sluggishness ; neglectfulness, negligence. · kèsslân, s. a. Slothful, sluggish ; meglectful, negligent. [charge, or tax, · kèssim, s. t. A determined price, · kèssmek (aor. -4 kèssEr), v.a. To cut ; to cut off, chop off, slice off, amputate; to determine, decide, fix, conclude; to interrupt, prevent; to bring to an end, finish, put a stop to ; – ümidini-kessmek (changing the pronoun as required), v.n. Tolose all hope ; - == : b'rining- t 727 ] u.& -"Akli-kèssmek, ua, To think in the affirmative, to hope (generally used in the negative, as j•-4 * = “Aklim- -kèssmâz, I think not, I cannot ven- ture to hope it) ; – sûtdan- -kessmek, To wean ; - fi'ât- -kèssmek, To fix a price ; · kèssilmek (aor. ) · kèssilir), v.p. To be cut, cut off; determined, fixed, finished, ended, put a stop to; –, v.n. To concluded ; interrupted ; break, Snap, become broken (a rope, &c.); to end, stop, finish; to become, turn into, be changed into : — kèssishmek (aor. ) · kèssishir), v.a. To fix or conclude mutually. *-5 kèssma, s. t. A soft kind of rock or shale which disintegrates on ex- posure to the weather, [anything. · kèssindi, s. t. Pieces cut off from · kissvet, s. a. Costume, dress, –i;-4 kyüssüf, s. a. A solar eclipse, · kèssiji, s. t. One who cuts as an occupation ; -J: yöl-kèssiji, A highwayman ; –· yûn-kèssiji, A pickpocket. J* kèsh, a, p. (in composition), Who or which bears, supports, or draws, pulls; –, küsh, a. p. (in composition), Who or which kills, slays ; –, kish ! int, p. Check to your king! 2.5 kyûshâ, a. p. (in composition), Who or which opens ; who or which con- quers, subdues; who or which makes bright or joyful. el:5 [ 728 ] * 5 el:5 kyüshâd, s. p. The act or manner of opening; a special method of be- ginning the game of backgammon. *el:5 kyüshâdé, a. p. Open ; opened. -5.5 keshshâf, s. a. An officer whose business it is to examine and report upon something, as a valuer or a COl'Oİ10İ”. US : 5 kesh-â-kesh, s. p, A state of discord ; pull here, pull there. e· keshân, a.p. Who or which bears, supports; draws, pulls; drags itself along.' [brightness. U** kyüshâyish, s. p. Openness, · ghesht, s. p. A passing by ; -, kisht, s. p. Seed-sowing; sown seed; growing corn ; — ghèsht- -u-ghyüzâr, A promenade, a travel ; 5 kisht-zâr, s.p.A field of arable land, sown orto be sown. · gheshté, a p. (in composition), Become ; –, kishté, a. p. Sown; –, kyüshté, a. p. Slain, killed. · kèshti, s. p. A ship, boat, vessel ; the ark (of Noah); : 5 keshti- bÂn, s. p. A sailor, boatman. · keshish, s. p. An act or manner ofbearing, supporting; or of pulling; or of fighting; –, kyûshish, s. p. Slaughter. · (for * keshishléma, The wind or guarter of Mount Olympus) kèshishléma, s. t. The south-east wind or quarter ; ·= kâbla-kèsh- : slal . . 4 A!** ğ. ishléma, S.S.E. ; 3.4· \ ghyun - (doghrussu) - keshishléma, E.S.E. – 5 keshf, s. a The uncovering anything covered; the discovering amything existing but unknown ; the examining and valuing any property; the making an estimate; the estimate itself; the examining into the com- dition and circumstances of amything or act ; –, –et, v.a. To uncover; to discover ; to examine, survey, value, estimate ; to examine into the circum- stances of a thing or fact. c- K.S keshkek, s. t. Akind ofporridge. J· keshkyül, s. p. A mendicant's begging-basket, generally of cocoa- nut shell, hungby chains. · kishmish, s. p., or : 'c * kishmish-ûzumu, s. t. Common raisins, plums. [squabble, battle. U· kesh-mékesh, s. p. A fight, · kishnish, * kishnij, s. p. The coriander. [v.n. To neigh. e : 3 kishnémek (aor. * kishnEr), se 5 kyüshüdé, a. p. Opened. · kishvEr, s. p. A country, region ; 5 kishver -kyüshâ, s. p. A monarch, subduer of regions. · kishi, s. t. A person, individual; *ey: kishi-zâdé, s. p. A gentleman by birth, person of gentle extraction. 8 $ keshidé, a. p. Borne, supported ; pulled, drawn; who has borne; who has drawn ; –, kyüshidé, a, p. Killed, slain. · U· keshish, s. p. A Christian monk or priest; e–, –dAghi, The Bi- thynian Olympus. * kyâzm, s. a. A subduing (one's own rising anger); -, -et, v.a. To sub- due (one's rising anger). -* kyâ'b, s. a. The ankle-joint or projecting bone; a cube. * s5 kyâ“bé, s. a. The sanctum sanc- torum, or square-house at Mecca, towards which Muhammedans turn, when praying, in all parts of the world; cy: <= kyâ"béteyn, s. a. dual. The two kyâ'bés, the present one at Mecca and the former one at Jerusalem. -* kef, s. p. Foam, froth; -, kèf, s. a. The palm (of the hand); the sole (of the foot); –, keff, s. a. The act of drawing back, withdrawing ; l*-, keffi-yed-et, v.n. To withdraw the hand from possession, to Telinquish, or give up one's hold, Jás kyüffâr, s. pl, a. (of °K kyâfir), Infidels, unbelievers, non - Muham - medans. ·s kefâret, s. a, A kind of volun- tary deodand or expiatory alms-giving. – 6 kefâf, and L-ö– 6 kefâfi-nefss, s, a. Subsistence, maintenance. Jáš kefal, and J* kefal-bAlighi, s. t. (Greek) The grey mullet (fish). ·\ğS kefâlet, s. a. Guaranteeship ; bailship ; -, -et, v.n. To be bail or guarantee. [ 729 ] e* 56 Kefalönia, s. t. Cephalonia. ·ā= kifâyet, s.a.The being enough, ample, sufficient; the being competent; the being anyone's equalin position; l–, –et, v.n. To be enough ; : -, kifâyet-mèrtébé, a.or ad. t. Enough. · ghyüft, s. p. A word, saying, talk, speech; * * ghyüft-u-ghyü, Chit- chat, talk, conversation ; discussion ; – – –, ghyûft-u-ghyü-et, v.n. To converse, talk, chat; to discuss, have a discussion. 6 ghyûftâr, a. p. Talk, conversation. * ghyüfté, a, p, Said, spoken ; -, s, p. The words (of a song). · kèfféteyn, s. a. dual (of &ke= kèff6), The two basins of a balance. *ş* kefehé (kepche), s. p, Aladle, 5 kefr, s. a An expiating (any sins by alms-giving, &c.) ; -, kyûfr, s. a. Unbelief, misbelief, denial of the unity of God or of the apostleship of Mu- hammed ; swearing, cursing : -, –et, v.n. To say anything smacking of misbelief; to curse and swear; = · kyüfru-ni“met, or * y* kyüfrâni-ni”met, Ingratitude, denial of benefits (in word or deed). ** keféré, s. pl, a, (of , 4 kyâfir), Misbelievers, non-Muhammedans. · kèfsh, s. p. A shoe or slipper, y.Kö5 kef-ghir, s. p. A skimmer; the strainer of a sink-hole. c- 5 kefen (kefin), s. a. A winding- sheet. - * kyüfv, s. a. A peer, an equal in posi- tion. &#s= kèffé, s. a. One basin of a balance. 5 kefil (keyfil), s. a. A person who is bail or guarantee, oranswerable. ·-=-5 ghèghirmek (aor. = ghèghirir), v.n. To belch. K= ghèngz, s. t. The opening of the nostrils into the mouth. c = kekik, s. t. Wild thyme. · keklik, s. t. Apartridge. J5 kil, s. t. The ringworm, tetterworm, scald (of the head); –, a. t. Affected with the ringworm, tetter, or scald ; -, ghyül, s. p, A rose; a flower; –, kyüll, s. a. The whole, all ; –, ghil, s. p. Clay ; –, kil, s. t. Fullers' earth ; bole ; 5 *J5 ghyül-süyU, Rose-water; K - 5 ghyûl-bé-shëkEr, Conserve of roses; u = \ 5 ghyül- -AghAji, A rose-bush ; rosewood. 5 kilâ, pr. a Both (in : 5 e “âla-kilâ-'t-tAkdireyn, In both cases). · kilâb, s. pl, a. (of - 4 kèlb), Dogs; –, ghyülÂb, s. p. Rose-water ; –, kyüllÂb, s. a. A hook for pulling and reaching things with. * ghyillaj, s. t. A sweet dish made from very white and thin skin-like cakes, composed of some farinaceous substance. #4 kelâgh, s. p, A crow, rook, or raven, Jls= kelâl, s. a Lassitude, fatiguedness. *-4 kelâm, s. a. A saying, a word, speech ; *-, kèlâmi-kAdim, The [ y80 ] - 5 eternally existing wörd (of God, i,e. the Kur'ân); miri-kelâm, (A lord of speech) A fluent or eloquent speaker; k 9) reddi - kèlâm - et, v.a. To answer one in conversation ; =sa es- khûlâssé'i-kelâm, Jas” ç mahsAli-kelâm, f 'aş netije'i- -kelâm, ad. t. In short, in fine, to sum up all. [of a minaret or steeple. *\5 kyülâh, s. p, A felt cap ; the spire - 4 kèlb, s. a. A dog. · ghyül-bÂngh, s. p, The Muham- medan call toprayer orto battle. · kèlbétân (kirpédèn), s. a dual. Pincers, pliers, forceps. 6 or -5, 4 ghèl-béri, s. t. Along iron hook for stirring the fire in an OVGİns e: $ kelébek, s. t. Abutterfiy. 4 $ kyülb6, s. p, A hut : a cell. · kyülkhān, * kyülkhàn, s. p. The fireplace of a bath, the stove; the ash-pit of a freplace; * kyülkhânî, s. p. A little blackguard (as usually to be found at night in the fire-rooms of public baths), [bouquet, ·5 ghyül-dessté, s. p, A nosegay, 6 keler, s, t. Shagreen (skin of some kinds offish, &c.). [den. · ghyülisstân, s. p. A flower-gar- · kèlesh, s. t. A ringwormy, mangy fellow. [flower-garden. e· ghyülshën, s. p. A flower-bed, ·---5 kyülfet, s. a The care and trouble attending work; -, -et, [ 781 ] · vn, To be at the trouble, to put one's self out of the way. < 5 kelek, s. t. Akind of raft in the Tigris and Euphrates, &c., supported by inflated sheep-skins; –, kilk, s. p. A reed-pen. ·= 5 ghyülghesht, s. p, A place of promenade among flowers. eş=4 ghyülghyün, =4 ghyül- ghyüné, a. p. Rose - coloured; –, s. p. Rouge. · kelim6, s. a. (pl. - 4 kelimât), A word; “İlk 5 kelimétu-'llāh, (The word of God) Jesus Christ. · ghèlmek (aor. 4 ghelir), v.n. To come ; to arrive ; –& •: imÂna- -ghèlmek, v.n. Toreceive, embrace the true faith ; –u)\ >- hAkkindan- -ghèlmek, v.n. To overcome ; to manage ; --~y rAsst-ghèlmek, v.n. To meet by hazard : –· Eldan-ghèlmek, v.n. To be possible, in one's power; (joined to the fifth gerund of any verb, it forms a new class of verös signifying to be usualto 3 as ) Ka, öla-ghèlmek, To be, in a customary manner ; - Sa:y! virila - ghèlmek, To be customarily given , • 5 ghelinmek, v.p. To be arrived at. - · kyûlunk, s. t. Astone-cutter's hammer-pick for shaping stones. $ ghyûlu, s. p. The throat ; · ghyûlu-ghir, a. p. Which seizes the throat, chokes. 4 gbelir, s. t. Income, revenue, receipts. 5 Ghiliboli, s. t. The town of Gallipoli. * 5 killé, s. p. The head, the pate (de- tached from the body); a sheep's head (cooked); a loaf (of sugar) ; a head (of a cabbage, &c.) ; –, ghyüllé, s. t. A cannon-ball, a shot; –, ghèlé! (In backgammon, said when the adeersary has a man on the bar and throws such points a8 are covered; it means literally) (wait patiently in order) that (afavour- able point) may come ! –, ghèlé, 8. p. A flock, herd ; –, ghilé, s. p. Plaint, lament; –, kyûleh (abb. from * = kyûlâh), s. p, A cap; a spire ; c·: alŞ killé-pösh, s. p. (Head-cover) A cap. _r: * 6 kelépir, s. t. Aprize obtained by chance. - 5 kyûllî (fem : 5 kyülliyyê), a, a. Pertaining to all, to the whole ; gene- ral, universal ; much, great (in num- ber or quantity) : 5 kyülliyyât, s, pl. a. Generalities, universalities ; the general sciences ; the whole works of an author ; · kyülliyyêt, s. a. Universality ; greatness (of number or quantity) : * - 4 kyülliyyet- *üzéré, In great quantity ; ük kyül- liyyan, : bi'l-kyülliyyé, ad. a. Altogether, quite, totally. aşık kyüliché, s. p. A disk ; a bar, ingot of metal. · kilid, s. t. A lock; S*-e Assma- · -kilid, Apadlock; 6 kilidlémek (kitlémek), v.a. To lock. [church. - 5 kelissa, s. t. (Greek), A Christian * kilim, s. t. A Turkey carpet (of various kinds); –, kelim, s. a. An interlocutor ; * 6 kèlimU -’llÂh, | Moses, the interlocutor of God, · ghelin, s. t. A bride ; a newly- married 'daughter-in-law ; - 5 ghèlinlik, s. t. The quality of being a bride; –, a. t. Nubile (girl), mar- riageable ; şik ghelinjik, s. t. dim. A little bride ; a weasel(?); a ferret(?); Kş ş-e şik ghelinjik- -chichéghi, The wildred corn-poppy. * kèm, a. p. Few in number, small in quantity; insignificant, trifling; bad (aluays used in the negative, as · kim-dighil, It is not so very bad) ; –, kem and kèmm, s. a. . Quantity (in number or substance); -, ghèm, s. t. A snafile ; –, ghyûm, a. p, Lost; –, kyûmm, s. a. Asleeve. * kèma, ada. As; J° : V• = kimâ- -fi-’l-èvvEl, As at first ; c: - * kèmâ-fi-'ss-sâbik, As before ; · U•S kimā-kyân, Asit was; : — kèmâ-yènbûghi, As is fitting, as is proper. · kyümât, s. pl. a. (sing. not used), Warriors, heroes, champions. ·=ghyûmâsht6, s.p. (pl. K. V.4 ghyûmâshtèghyān), A person in any public office or employ. J 45 kèmâl, s. a Perfection of any [ 732 ] ·= state or quality; completeness; J• = * kèmâli-mèrtébé, In a supreme degree ; ; J* kemâl-bölmak, ·la V = kemâlé- Ermek ( 6 ghElmek, -:9 vârmak), v.n. To arrive at perfection; \ 5 kimâlât, s. pl, a. Perfections of various qualities. e· kèmân, & S kemân6, s. p. Abow (for shooting); a violin; –, ghyümÂn, s. p. A doubt; a suspicion; a: = kèmânché, s. p, dim. A small violin ; u· kèmân- kesh, s. p. An archer, bowman; a toxophilite. * kèmtèr, a.p. compar. Less; smaller; very little; very small ; humble ; * 5 kèmtérâné, a. p. Pertaining to a humble individual; e 5 kim- térin, a.p. sup. The least, smallest ; most humble, [brocade. U* kimkhā, s. p, Akind of Oriental · kèmEr, s. p. A girdle, waist-belt, sash ; an arch ; (pl. = kèmerler), An aqueduct on arches ; –, ghèmEr, s. t. A gnawing noise of rats ; * ş° ghèmEr-sichAni, A rat ; * * : kèmEr - bèssté, a. p. Girded, ready. •y* ghyümrâh, a. p, Lost, erring from the road; corrupt, depraved; Tebel- lious. ·= ghyümruk, s. t. (Greek kopuepkı), A custom-house; an export or import duty ; :· * : kara-ghyümrughu, A land custom - house ; · rèssmi - ghyümruk, An export or ·= import customs duty ; e·=y• = c·-5 ghyümrukdan - kAchirmak, v.a. To Smuggle. ·= ghémirmek (aor. yy-•-= ghèmirir), v.a. To gnaw. * = kimèssné (kimsé), s. t. A per- son; (with a negative) Nobody, no one; (with an interrogation or a verb in the conditional), Anyone. [a halter. · kemend, s. p, A noose, slip-knot; * 07° kyîmur, s. t. Charcoal ; -5:); * =. -*-• mâ”den - kyimuru, Mineral coal, mine coal, fossil coal, coal ; -6: • =8°öy fÜnda-kyîmuru, Charcoal made from vine-branches(?), or heather, furze, &c.(?), used by black- smiths, coppersmiths, tinners, &c. e := kemmün (kimiyon), s. a. Cum- min; –, kyümün, s. a. Ahiding one's self, laying wait, lying in ambush. “= ghèmi, s. t. A ship ; = 4 ghèmiji, s. t. A sailor ; ·:yş- (chârk)-ghèmissi, A steamer ; Ujl -* Atesh-ghemissi, A fire-ship; -* - jenk-ghemissi, A man- of-war ; - Se 4 beghlik-ghe- missi, A government ship, man-of-war or otherwise ; · -: tüjâr-ghè- missi, A merchantman. · kemmiyyet, s. a. Quantity ; –, kyûmèyt, s. a. Abay horse, · or · kemik, s. t. Abone. · kemin, s. a. An ambush, ambus- cade ; –, and * keminé, a. 0. Very small; very few ; very humble, [ 733 ] c= kin, a p. (in composition), Who digs, undermines; –, kyün, a. p. (in composition), Who makes, does; –, ken (for K: iken), gerund of the fragmentary verö substantive, While being; –, kyûn, v. imperat. a. Be thou, exist thou (the word with which God created all things). $ kènâr, s. p. An edge, margin, border, shore; a marginal note ; a postscript ; V dèr-kènâr-et, v.a. To write as a marginal note, or asa postscript. [makes, does. · kyûnân, a. p. (in composition), Who * ghyünâh, s. p. A sin; K> := ghyünâh-kyâr, s. p. A sinner ; -, –et, v.n. To commit sin; ·= %:y; ghyünâhi-boynunguza! May the sin thereof(light) upon your neck! 4.5 kînâyé, s. a. Metonymy, the giv- ing to understand one's meaning by parallel, and not direct, explanation. · kenā'iss, s. pl, a. (of *- = kènissé), Christian churches. · kyünbed, s. p. A dome, cupola ; a domed building. · kinet, s.t. A clamp or cramp-iron; c kinetlémek, va. To join with clamps or cramps. * ghènj, a. t. Young; –, s. p. A hidden treasure; –, kyünj, s. p. A COİ'neİ°. · ghyünjâyish, s. p. Measure, capacity: ::: ghyünjäyish- -pèzir, a. p. Measured. 9 - · kyünjishk, s. p, A sparrow, · ghenjelmek (aor. ) =6 ghèn- jelir), v.n, To become young again in appearance or activity. :iS ghènjvèr, s. p. A treasurer. * ghyünjidé, a.p. Measured as to capacity, · ghyünjiné, s, p. A treasury, = kend, s. p. A village; –, kyünd, a. p. Blunt; stupid. y* kendir, s. t. Hemp. * ghèndum, s. p. Wheat ; *** [magazine, store, c·r ghèndum - nûmâ - ve -jev- -fürüsh, A cheat, one who shows wheat and sells barley. \ * and - 5 kendi, s.t. Self; –, a. t. Own ; * kendim, Myself; 6 kending, Thyself; - 5 kendissi, His, her, its, self, himself, itself; ** kendimiz, Ourselves ; K* kendingiz, Yourselves ; -6 këndiléri, Theirselves, f -5 = këndi-bAbAm, My own father ; 5 - 5 kendi-pûrangiz, Your own money, &c.; 8 - 5 = kendi-hâlinda, a, t, (A person) who minds his own business without med- dling in the affairs of others. *ghendidé, a.p. Putrid, stinking j* kènz, s. a. Hidden treasure. . U* ghenish, a. t. Wide ; full, ample; large, bountiful ; · ghènish- lEtmek, v.a. To make wide, full, or [a privy. – 6 kènef, s, a. A side, coast, region ; ample. [ 734 ] : *--4 - themselves ; * 5 | c* kyûnk, s. p, Pipes for water, &c., of earthenware or of trees bored out. - * kyûnghyuré, s. p. The crenelated battlements of a castle, or a small tower or spire of any building; ahill- top, peak; the summit of anything high. [Who makes, does. * 6 kyünendé, a, p, (in composition), j;* kyûnüz, s. pl. a. (of j* kènz), Hidden treasures. 3. · kènévir, s. t. Hemp (as a plant ?). · ghen6, s. t. Atike : –, kyûnh, s. a. The inward reality of anything ; –, ghyûnèh (contr.from 5), s. p. Sin, wickedness, - 4:3 kyünyé, s. a. Asurname composed by calling anyone the father ormother, or the son or daughter, of someone else, thus “ Thefather of lies,” “ The Son of man,” are of this class, as also, and more correctly, “The sons of Zebedee.” 5 keniz (dim. kènizek), s. p, A girl, maid, maiden, maid-servant. * = kènissé, s. a. A Christian church. .: • * ghyü, s. p. Speech, talk ; · ghyûft - u-ghyî, Conversation; –, ghev, s. t. The cud; · * ghèv- -ghètirmek, v.n. To chew the cud (lit, to bring the cud). ghyûwâr, s. p. Taste, savour. · kewâkib, s.pl, a, (of ·= kèvkEb), Stars. [testimony. s* ghyûwâh, s, p. A witness , witness, · [ 735 ] g* · kyöb, a.p, (in composition), Who or which beats, strikes. 9° ghyübré, s, t. (Greek korpıaç), Stable manure, dung. · y* ghyibek, s, t, The mavel ; the heart (of amy plant); a degree of descent, a generation in a line. · kyüp, s, t, Alarge jar for oil, water, or wine. ·r: * kyüpurmek (aor. y!ş= kyü- purur), v.n, To froth ; to foam ; to lather. -5,35 kyipru, s, t, Abridge; an iron staple; a cross-strap behind a buckle. ·= kyipek, s. t. A dog ; : * e := kyûpek-öghlu-kyûpek (kyip-öghlU-kyi pek), Dog, son of a * dog (term of insult or offun, and even admiration). *:* kyûpé, s. t. An ear-ring ; the fuchsia; L*:* Kes- khAsséki- kyûpéssi, s, t, Columbine, aquilegia (flower). ·= ghyit, s. t. The backside, breech; anus; (vulg.) courage ; · k tâwuk-ghyitu, s. t. A wart, * 5 kyûtâh, a. p. Short. - * kyûturdu, s. t. A noise as of knocking or falling substances. · * ghyiturmek (aor. y= ghyi- turur), v.a. To take or carry off or away ; to bear, carry. • 5 kyûturum, s. t. A bed-ridden, para- lytic person, - * ghyituru, ad. t. In the lump (bargaining or contracting); –, 8. t. A bargain in the lump, ·· kyütek, s. t. A thrashing with a stick ; *- kyitek-yemek, v.n. To receive a thrashing; or · kyîtuk, s, t, The stump of a tree or grape-vine ; ablock (on which to Gut things), a billet (for burning); (vulg. for · kyûtub) The official register of a court of law. · ghyütmek (aor. y° ghyûdEr), va. To watch, lead to pasture; in · · kin-ghyûtmek, v.n, To bear malice, to keep a malicious re- membrance of a wrong. dj $ kyüteh (contr.from * Ş), Short. kyitu, a. t. Bad; * = kyîtulEtmek, v.a. To giye abad name, speak ill of. - · ghyijenmek (aor. -3 ghyûjinir), v.n. To be hurt, vexed, angry; y =ghyüjindirmek, v,a, To vex, make angry, hurt the feelings of. ç: · ghyûch (in oblique oases z · ghyüj), s. t. Work, occupation, busi- ness; strength of body ; -, a, t. Difficult : -, ghyich, s. t. Migration, change of ab0de; death; the whole of one's traps and effects in moving; z : ish-ghyûch, Business and occupation; · ishli-ghyûchlu, a, t, Occupied in business regularly ; j-ş = -: ishsiz - ghyûchsuz, a. t. Haying no Tegular business ; · Ç: ş= z° kAch-kyich, The retire- ment of women from the presence or society of men, as practised in the East; –, ghyich-et, v.n. To change one's residence, move one's family and furniture ; to die ; * 'z 5 ghyüj-ila, ad. t. With difficulty ; hardly ; *z* ghyûch-belâ, ad. t. Hardly (in point of time), only just, at most, with the greatest difficulty: j•: ** ghyüjum- -yetmâz, I am not able, I have not strength sufficient; &z- · r! e : birining - ghyüjuna -ghitmek (e: 6ghèlmek is generally substituted in the first persons), v.n. Togo against one's grain, not to be liked, to dis- please, vex, rufile. · ghyichébé, s. t. Anomade, wan- dering man; **-, ghyichébé- -tâkimi, The nomade or wandering tribes. · kyûchek, s. t. A dancing boy; - or · küchuk, a. t. Smalı, little (in size) ; young, younger, or youngest in age ; e: 6* kûchukluk, s. t. Smallness; infancy; littleness, little-mindedness. c -*-e-· ghyichmek (aor. Je- s= ghyichEr), v.n. To migrate, change one's abode; to die (familiar). *- kyiché, s, p. Any public place, [or buckskin. -5) ghyûdéri, s. t. Chamois leather beş ghyûwdé, s. t. The trunk of an animal, man, ortree, distinct from the street, or square. [ 786 ] *_ limbs or branches ; 8 ; ghyüwdéli, a. t. Corpulent. 5 kyir, a. t. Blind ; blunt ; –, s. t. A blind man; Jay; kybr-öl! Be thou blind! ·* ghyîzung-kyîr- -ölsun! May thy eyes become blind ! (Imprecations); ş -5 Aghzi-kyir, Its edge is blunt ; –, kyör, s. p. A grave, tomb, sepulchre ; e·· kyörisstân, s. p. A graveyard, burial- ground, cemetery ; \y;= kyîr-et, v.a. To blind, make blind, strike blind ; ·= kyirlenmek, v.n. To be- come blunt; to be deprived of vitality (any project) ; · kyîırlEtmek, v.a. To make blunt, to blunt; to de- prive of vitality (any growing scheme). ·-· Ghyûrjisstân, s. t. Georgia ; u :* Ghyürji, s. and a. t. Georgian; a Georgian. c· ghyëresh, or U ghyülesh, s. t. Wrestling; : * ) = ghyûreshmek, ·-= ghyûleshmek, v.n. To wrestle. > }: 5 kyîrfez, s. t. A gulf, bay, cove, inlet ; the island of Corfu. ·yş kyürk, s. t. A fur ; any fur cloth- ing ; –, kyürek, s. t. A wooden shovel; an oar; a shoulder blade- bone ; the galleys (as a punishment); –, kyîruk, s. t. A pair of bellows ; –, ghèvrek, a. t. Brittle ; crisp; –, 8. t. Various kinds of crisp cakes; ·e-, kyûrek-chekmek, v.n. To pull at tho oar, to row, to pull; eveyş = [ 737 J ·* ds ş= kyüregha-ghyin - -dermek, v.a. To send to the galleys. Je) = kyör-ken, s. p, A grave- digger. · or y; ghyüruldu, s. t. Aloud noise; “ N}) = ghyûruldémek, v.n. 5 $ rushmek, v.n. recip.To see one another, visit, be on terms of friendly visiting ; to be introduced to each other ; ·* ghyîrushdurmek, v.a. To cause or allow (two people) to see each other; to introduce to each other. To make a rumbling noise. ·y* kyûrumek (aor. :v* kyürur), ·= ghyûrlémek (aor. y = ghyûrlEr), v.n. To make the noise of v.a. To shovel away; to blow with a bellows. thunder; y; ghyük-ghyûr- * kyûré, s. p. A district, region, liyor, It thunders, it is thundering ; ·Vş= = ghyük-ghyûrléméssi, Thunder ; –, or · ghyîrul- mek, v.p. To be seen. · ghybrmek (aor. yy; ghybrur), v.a. To see; to suffer, bear, be sub- country; –, ghyîré, 5th gerund of ··. used like an adverb, Accord- ing ; *) * K: bAnga-ghyüré, According to me ; ); *-9 Aning- -lâkirdissina-ghyîré, According to his account, to what he says. jected to, pass through; to do, per- J 4 ghyiz, s. t. The eye ; the eye (ofa form; to provide for or bear (ex- penses); to esteem, consider, see ; -L: ish-ghyirmek, v.n. To be useful; to be effective ; to do, perform, accomplish ; to work, act; --~~ münâssib - ghyürmek, v.a. To con- sider fit and proper ; - (*) * ghyireyim-sèni ! Let me see what you can do, what you are made of! –, or ghèvirmek, v.n. To chew (the cud); ·: * * ghèv- -ghèvirmek, To chew the cud; 5 or : * ghyûrulmek, v.p. To be seen ; to be suffered, borne; to be done, performed; to be provided for; to be esteemed or considered; ·* ghyîrunmek, v.n. To be seen, be in sight, appear; toseem; ** )* ghyi- needle); a compartment or pigeon- hole (in a box or desk); a mesh (in a met) ; any small hole (in a porous substance) ; –, ghyüz, s. t. Autumn; –, kyüz, s. a. A jug, pitcher ; -, ghèvz, s. p. A walnut ; 5 ghyûz-külAk-öl, v.n. To be all eyes and ears, all attention ; · ·· ghyîzung-bèbéghi, The pupil of the eye; · ghyîzung-Aki, The white of the eye ; · ghyiz- -kapaghi, An eyelid; “:j; ghyiz- -kipmak, v.n. To wink, blink: 5 G• •: ghyiz-yÜmmak, v.n. To shut the eyes tight; j; ghyiz-yûshi, Tears ; ; ) :-}; ghyüz -yâshar- mak, v.n. To have water run from the eyes; · ghyiz-hAbsi, A pri- 3 C 5 [ 738 ] · soner on parole or under surveillance; the quality of being under surveillance and without leave to go out unless under escort ; · ghyiz-dik- mek, v.n. To fix the eyes (upon a thing), to stare (at a thing) ; – –, ghyiz-dèghmek, v.n. To produce an evil effect of fascination (the eyes, on anything) ; · ghyiz-bÂghi, (A knot in the eye) A charm, enchant- ment, sorcery; : 5 ghyiz- -bAghiji, A sorcerer; · $ ghy?z-ghèzdirmek, v.n. To give a cursory look all over; ; ;·= ghyîzdan - ghèchirmek, v.a. To ex- amine cursorily ; *-5 = ghyiz- -âchmak, v.n. To open the eyes ; to be vigilant, attentive, sharp ; ; c ey - ghyiz-âchdirmak, v.n. To make or allow (one) to open his eyes, to become vigilant and attentive, or sharp ; · *ş- * ghyiz-âchdir- mamak, v.n. neg. Not to give time or opportunity to take any precaution; e· ghyîzung-âydin ! (May) thy eyes (be) radiant! (eguivalent to our “I wish you joy !”) - *) * ghyizumung - nürU ! Light of my eyes ! z âch - ghyîzlu, a. t. Covetous, insatiable; j *Gş- âchik- -ghyiz (Open-eye) and ş-l-5j;4 ghyîzu-âchik (Whose eye is open), a. t. Having his wits about him, quick, intelligent; crj;= ghyûzun, ad. t. In autumn, during autumn. ·j * ghyûzetmek (aor. y· 09° y°)$ ghyûzedir), v.a. To look after, . keep one's eye upon (from regard or from fear); –, v.n. To mind, take care, look after one's self. c*5) * ghyîzukmek (aor. j$ ghyüzukyur), v.n. To be visible, be in sight; to come in sight, appear, be- come visible. J° ghyüzël, a. t. Pretty, fine, hand- some, nice, good, excellent, pleasant; J 5 & nè-ghyüzel ! How pretty ! how nice ? how pleasant ? J· pek-ghyüzel, Very well! Jü* ghyûzel-ölur! That will be excellent ! that will do very nicely ! ·* * ghyüzèllEnmek, v.n. To become pretty (from what has been done to it) ; · 5 ghyüzèllEshmek, v.n. To become pretty (of itself and without anything being done to it). · ghyizluk, s. t. Spectacles, bar- nacles ; an eye-glass. ·= ghyizlémek (aor. -j = ghyîızlEr), v.a. To eye, watch with the eye. [cake or fritter. * 5 ghyizlémé, s. t. A species of pan- * 5 ghèvézé, s. t. A babbler, a blab ; –, kyüz6, s. p, Ajug, pitcher. c· kyüss, s. a. Adrum or kettle-drum. * ghyüsâlé, s. p, A calf. · ghyösspènd (for · ghyöss- fend), s. p. A sheep. · kyhsstébek, s. t. A mole c· ghyisstirish, s. t. Show, showi- [(animal). · [ 739 ] 4i,5 ness ; ·· ghyisstèrishli, a. t. Showy. · ghyisstermek (aor. · kyîsstek, s. t. A watch-guard or chain; any short chain, rope, or [ghyizssterir), v.a. To show. cord for securing anything, if used lengthwise only. [(town of). *şi Küstènjé, s. t. Kustendje · kyössfend, s. p, A sheep. e· kyûsskyun, a. t. In a pet, vexed, angry ; –, s. t. The Sensitive plant; ·y= = kyüsskyunluk, s. t. A pet, afit of pettishness against anyome. * kyüsskyu, s. t. Aniron implement, a poker or crowbar. · kyîssélé, s. t. Sole leather, pump- leather ; the sole of a shoe or boot. · kyüssmek (aor. · kyüssEr), v.n. To become disgusted or to fall out with any thing or any person hitherto liked; to wish to break off a bargain after having desired it. · kyîssé, s. p, A person with little or no beard naturally. · ghyüsh, s. p. The ear; –, kyÜsh, a. p. (in composition), Who exerts him- self, who labours at; –, or _:5 or c * ghèvish, s. t. The cud, a chew- ing of the cud. · ghyüsht, s. p. Flesh, meat. * $ kyüshtéré, s. t. A sort of long plane for forming straight edges to boards. J* 5 kyÜshish, s.p.A diligent striving, exertion, application, effort. e : ş kyîshk, s. t. A Summer-house, small pleasure house, pavilion ; a belvedere or look-out room in some high position; –, ghèvshek, a. t. Loose, slack (not tight); lukewarm (not zealous); heavy, dull (weather); ·= ghèvsheklik, s. t. Loose- ness; lukewarmness; heaviness; dul- mess ; a feeling of fatigue or indis- position. Tear; a reprimand. J*** ghyüshmâl, s. p. Abox on the = ghyüshvâr, *) = ghyüsh- vâré, s. p. An ear-ring or drop. * 5 kyūshé, s. p. A corner ; a place of retreat from the world ; Sa: $ kyü- shé-ghir, a. p. Who has taken up a place of retreat; &: 5 · dîrt- -kyîshé, a. t. Four-cornered. · ghèvshémek (aor. = ghèvshér), v.n. To become loose, slack (a knot or fastening, &c.); to become lukewarm (in one's endea- vours); to give (frost, ice, &c.); to become less severe ; · ghèv- shEtmek, v.a.Toloose, loosen, slacken. - * kyüf, s. t. Mouldiness, mould ; · kyüflenmek, – 4 kyûf - bàghlamak, v.n. To become mouldy. [to damson cheese. kyûftèr, s. t. A preparation similar · kyîftun, s. t. Oil-cake. · kyîfté, s. t. Mincemeat balls. a: kyüfé, s. t. A large open basket of one, two, or three bushels, with two handles. 3 C 2 · D 740 ] * · kyik, s. t. A root; –, ghyük, s. t. The sky; heaven ; –, a. t. Sky-blue ; - * ghyik-yûzu (Face of hea- ven), The sky; y; ghyik- -ghyirlémek, v.n. To thunder ; · · ghyük-mâ'issi (mâvissi), s. t. Asky-blue colour: :- kyik- -böya, Madder-roots ; * kyîkju, s. t. A herbalist. · kevkeb, s. a. A star. · kèvkébé, s. a. Pomp, grandeur, splendour. : ghyüghèch, s. t. A baking-dish. dji,94 ghyûghèrté, s. t. (Italian coperta), The deck or upper deck of a ship. cy:·ş ghyüghèrjin, s. t. A pigeon ; ·-:* ghyighèrjinlik, s. t. A pigeon-house, dove-cote. · ghyûghErmek (aor. )· ghyü- ghèrir), v.n. To put on the blue or green colour of the first sprouting of corn, &c. · ghyükss, s. t. The breast, chest ; ·ye tâwUk-ghyükssu (fowls'- breasts), A sweet dish of pounded rice and fowls' breasts. J$$ ghyitngul, s. t. The heart or seat ofthe affections; ; ), J$; ghyüng- ul-bülAnmak, v.n. To feel sick, have a nauSea ; · ghyüngul- -bülAntissi, Sickness, nausea ; · · ghyingulunu-yâpmak (or : ètmek), To persuade (one), obtain his consent (changing the pronoun as re- guired); c·$ ghyitngu- lunu-khösh-tütmak, v.n. To keep one's heart or mind free from anxiety or vexation : ; 635 ghyitngul-kAl- mak, v.n. To be angry, vexed, dis- satisfied ; · ghyitngul-dâ- yanmak, v.n. Tobear to see or hear of (the heart); ş-J5* ghyitngul- -âchilmak, v.n. To become pleased, rejoiced, freed from anxiety or re- straint ; c*ş- 5 * ghyitngul - ûch- mak, To open one's heart or mind ; c·y ·3-5 ghyitngulu - Ölmak (or · ölmamak in the negative), To have a desire, a heart, an inclimation ; · ez- jÂn - U - ghyānguldan, ad. t. With all one's heart and soul ; · Gş Alchak - ghyitngullu, and j- ghyitngulsuz, a. t. Meek, lowly of heart. [water-kettle. * ghyüghum, s. t. A kind of tall 5 ghyüknâr, s. p, A poppy. · ghyûghènmek (aor. )· = See : *ş= [s. t. Sulphur. ghyüghènir), v.n. ghyüwEnmek. · kyükyurt, or · kyükyurd, J° kyül, s. t. The ashes of wood or charcoal; –, ghyil, s. t. A lake, a pond, a pool, a puddle ; y J* kyül- -öl, v.n. To be ruined (in property); yJ kyül-ringhi, Ash-coloured, colour of ashes ; - J; ghyül- -kèssilmek, v.a. To be all afloat, in- undated, like a lake ; · kyül- -bAssdi, s. t. A steak or chop grilled (done in the ashes). · * - [ 741 ] · · kyülché, s. t. A bar or ingot of metal. · kyülkhân, s. p. An ashpit; a place from whence the fire is fed in large establishments. (See es5). · –4 ghyüleshmek, v.n. (See ·y:=), To wrestle ; –, ghyü- lushmek, v.n. To laugh together. e· gyülghin, s. t. The beech- tree. 44,5 ghyilgh 6, s. t. A shadow ; shade ; e: ; ghyilghélik, s. t. A shady place; anything which creates ashade. · ghyûlumsumek (aor. ·* ghyûlumser), v.n. To smile derisively | ·,5 ghyülmek (aor. ghyülEr), v.n. To laugh ; to smile ; -c : pek- -ghyülmek, To laugh out : --i ke- khûfif-ghyülmek, To smile ; el –4 ie Adaming-sâkalina-ghyülmek, v.n. To try and make a fool of anyone, to deceive (lit. To laugh at one's beard); -x \c: biyik-Altinda- -ghyülmek, v.n. To laugh in one's sleeve (lit. To laugh under one's moustache). a ş kyîlé, s. t. A male slave, bondsman; 5 * kyîléngiz, Your slave, your [Mameluke. e·,5 kyülémin, s. t. An old Egyptian · ghyümech, s. t.(?) : giyi- mech-bAli, Honey in the comb ; d.) · èbé-ghyümèji, s. t. The marsh- humble servant. mallow ; the common geranium. kyîmur, s. t. Charcoal. See - *. · kyümèss, s. t. A fowl-house, hen-coop. · ghyümislı, s. t. Silver ; · ghyümishi, a. t. Silver-grey. · ghèvmek (aor. )* ghèvEr), v.a. To chew (the cud). · ghyimlek, s. t. A shirt; a coat (of paint). · ghyîmmek (aor.· ghyimEr), v.a. To bury, inter; · ghyit- mulmek, v.n. To bury one's self; –, v.p. To be buried. · kyûmé, s. t. A heap ; a group. · giyin, s. t. A day; the sun ; –, ghyün, s. p. (in composition), Colour ; –, a. p. Coloured; –, kyün, s. p. The backside, breech ; –kèvn, s. a. Being, existence ; · ghyün- -döghUssu (döghrUssu), s. t. The east point of the horizon; the east wind ; · EvvElsi - ghyün, The day before yesterday ; · (ö)-bir- -ghyün, The day after to-morrow ; e· \Re dâhâ-ö-bir-ghyün, The third day from this; ) : bÜ-ghyün, To-day, this day; Jy e· - bir- -ghyûn-Evvél, ad. t. As soon as pos- sible, as early as possible ; one day before ; ) *J* her-ghyûn, Every day; ** iki-ghyündé-bir, Every other day, every second day, every alternate day ; uy% · ghyün-bè- -ghyûn, & e· ghyûndan-ghyüné, From day to day, daily; 5 bir- -ghyün, ev reye· := ghyünlerdan- · -bir-ghyun (or 8 : birissinda), Once upon a time; one day. ·U 5 ghyün-â-ghyün, a. p. Of various colours, many-coloured ; of various kinds and sorts. - * ghyindEr, s. t. A staff (of a boat- - hook, a flag-staff, &c.). < y ghyindermek (aor. - ghyindErir), v.a. To send. j** ghyûnduz, s. t. The daytime ; er)* ghyûnduzun, ad. t. In the daytime, during the daytime, by day; jy° 5 *ş45 ghèjé-ghyûnduz, Day and night. c= $ ghyûndélik, s. t. A day's pay or wages; * ghyûndélikji, 8. t. A day-labourer, workman hired by the day. · ghyünesh, s. t. The sun. · 5 ghyûnluk, s. t. Frankincense ; a quantity Telating to a day; –, a. t. A day old, of a day's standing. · ghyûwènmek (aor. ); 5 ghyü- wènir), or $; ghyüghènmek (aor. L*35 ghyûghènir), or *:* ghyüyènmek (aor. : * ghyüyenir), vn, To trust, place one's faith in (as a support, protection, or assistance). & 5 ghyüné, s. p. Akind, sort, species, 1008İ1İ16T. - e·* kèvnèyn, s. a. dual (of · kèvn), Thetwo worlds, spiritual and material. d: 5 ghyinyé, s. t. (Greek yovñ), A car- penter's or mason's Square; –, a. t. Square (a figure or corner). I 742 1 & * 5 ghyûwê, s. t. The moth or maggot in cloth, furs, &c.; –, kyüh, s. p. A mountain, a hill ; –, ghyüh, s. p. Human dung; –, ghyüweh (contr. from * 5 ghyûwâh), A witness, wit- mess, testimony. * ghèvhèr and ghyühèr, s. p. A pearl or precious stone; the matter or sub- stance of which things are made, es- pecially lumps of steel for Damascus blades ; :J* ghyûhèr-bâr, a. p. Who or which pours out pearls and precious stones. - 5 kyîy, s. t. A village or hamlet ; :· kyîylu, s. t. A villager, rustic, peasant; –kyüy, s. p. A street or lane : -, ghyüy, a. p. (in composi- tion), Who speaks or says. * ghyüyâ, a. p. Speaking ; having the faculty of speech ; –, ad. t. As though, asif, asit were. :* 07” = * ghyüweghi, s. t. A son- in-law, husband to one's daughter ; a bridegroom; ·*g: ich-ghyûwèghi (Interior son-in-law), s. t. A son-in-law who goes and lives with his wife at her parents' house. * \: 5 ghyüyendé, a, p. Speaking; en- dowed with speech. · ghyüyenmek, v.n. See • . 45 ki, conj. t. That; for, because ; –, keh (contr.from 86 kyâh), s. p. Abit of straw ; –, ghèh (contr. from *S ghyāh), s. p, A place ; –, kih, a. p. Smallin size, young in years. ·lé * İ ·lé kihânet, s. a. Divination, sooth- saying, augury. ·-4-5 kihtèr, a. p. Smaller in size ; younger in age ; r:·é kihtérin, a. p. The Smallest; the youngest. Jé ghyühir, contr.from *, q.V. yé keh-rübä (kehlibār), s. p, Yellow amber (lit. Straw-snatcher). [nitre. *ş-Jé ghyûhèrchilé, s. p. Saltpetre, •-” - * kèhf, s. a. A cave, cavern, grotto ; – 5-\s° AsshÂbi-kèhf, The seven sleepers (lit. Men of the cave). e· keh-keshân, s. p, The milky way (lit. The straw-stealers). &lé kehlé, s. t. Alouse ; *é* tâkhta-kehléssi, A bug (lit. a plank- louse); ·= kèhlélEnmek, v.n. To louse one's self; to become lousy. eyé kyûhèn, a p. Old, ancient. · kehéné, s. pl, a. (ofes5 kyâhin), Soothsayers, augurs, seers, diviners ; –, kyîhné, a. p. Old, worn out. 9'yé kehwâré, s. p. A cradle. · kyühèylân, s. a. An Arab horse of pure blood. · ki, Turkish relative particle, signify- ing, according as it is joined to a moun Ör promoun by the genitive pre- position, or by the locative, that which belongs to, or that which is held by or attached to : as, == \: bAbAmingki, That which belongs to my father, my father's; $s \: bAbAmdéki, That which is held by my father: it is joined directly to nouns of time ; as, - • sâbÂhki, The one of the morning ; · dîınku, The one of yesterday; –, ghi, Persian particle, joined to adjectives terminated in 8 vowel, which is then suppressed and equivalent to our ter- minations ment, ness,&c.; as, · le2) • mèrdânéghi, Manlinesş ; • sü- tüdéghi, Praiseworthiness. · keyâsset, s. a. Soundness of understanding and judgment. e· Keyyān, s. p, Surname of the second dynasty of Persian kings. ** ghiyāh, s. p. Grass, herbage; hay. · ghiti, s. p. The world ; · ghiti-sitân, s. p. A monarch, as con- queror of the world; · ghiti- sitâni, s. p. Sovereignty; –, a. p. Pertaining to a monarch, royal, im- perial, sovereign. · ghjishmek (aor. 4 ghi- jishir), v.n. To itch. · ghijik, s. t. An itching. 4:5 ghèyjé, s. t. The night; last night; –, ad. t. By night, in the night ; last night; e· ghèyjéléyin, ad. t. By night, during the night; · ghèyjélik, s. t. Night - clothes ; the quantity şpecial to a night; –, a. t. Special to the night; e: **ş ş ghèy- jélémek, v.n. To become night ; to pass the night, spend the night; 4=4 ghèyjé - öl, v.n. To become night; &ş4-5 yâri-gheyjé or * 5“:s); gheyjé-yârissi, Midnight. 99 * kıkh, s. p. The gum of the eyes. · kèyd, s. a. A trick, stratagem, plot, TU186, [going. c· ghidish, s. t. Departure, mode of - · kir, s. t. Any dirt collecting on bodies ; the scurf which may be rubbed off the body; the wax of the ear : –, ghir, a, p. (in composition), Who takes, holds, conquers ; –, 8. p. A taking, seizing ; J&yle dâr-u-ghir, s. p. Fight, battle; * kirli, a. t. Dirty, dirtied ; ·y* kirlEnmek, v.n.To become soiled, dirtied; · kirlEtmek, v.a. To dirt, make dirty, soil. %: kirech, s. t. Lime; - %: * kirech-8jaghi, Alime-kiln; - %: · sîınmamish-kirech, Quick-lime. · ghirmek (aor. )y* ghirEr), v.n. To enter, go in, penetrate ; –*\ 5 ghyünâha-ghirmek, v.n. To do wrong, to sin ; –* Şe y: birining- -ghyünâhina-ghirmek, v.n. To accuse or Suspect falsely, to sin against by so doing ; –&V) ûraya-ghirmek, v.n. To interpose ; mediate ; - : yöla- -ghirmek, v.n. To get into proper train, to get to rights, in a regular way, be rectified, be reformed; e **· ghîrishmek, v.n. To come into any understanding (with others), to act (with others); to enter into (any affair). y$ gheri, s. t. The space further and further away from the back of any one * [ 744 ] · ---- or thing; –, a. t. Slow (a watch); –, ad. t. Back; backwards (in space); forwards (in time); *-, gheri- -ghitmek, Togo back; 5-, ghèri- -kAlmak, To go too slow (a watch); lü s = ghèrida-kAlmak, To remain behind ; ; ; ; Şe *-V bir-ishdan-ghèri-kAlmak, Tobe remiss in the execution of any business (gene- rally used in the negative, and then meaning, To be as good as one's word); y:= gheri-lsstémek, va. To demand back again, demand the restitution : :y*· shimdi- dan-ghèri, From this time forwards, · ghizlémek (aor. W* ghizlEr), and ghizletmek (aor. 6 ghizlidir), To hide, secrete; e: • 5 ghizlEnmek (aor. · ghizlénir), v.n. To hide one's self; ci •·= ghizlèndirmek (aor. y· ghizlèn- dirir), v.a. To cause one to hide him- self. ·= ghizli, a. t. Secret, covert, hidden, underhand. · kiss, s, a. A purse, money-bag. · ghèysü, s. p, A curl, ringlet of hair, tresses. · keysé, s. a, A bag or purse ; a sum of 500 piastres; a small hair-bag used in baths for scrubbing the body with- out soap ; aşi &- = kèysé-Akcha, 500 piastres; : * ) = keysé- -sûrunmek, v.n. To be scrubbed with a hair-bag at a bath ; *- 5 kèysé- · -dâr, s. p. A purse-bearer; title of several functionaries of distinction, being a kind of chief clerk in certain offices of Government; (fam.) the state of one's own finances. · kish, s. p. Faith, religion, sect. - * keyf, s. a. The quomodo of any- thing, the how, in what way, what sort or kind; the state of one's health; the hilarity produced by joy, pleasure, or wine; joy, pleasure, happiness; good humour ; -, a. t. Tipsy, drunk; -, –öl, v.n. Toget tipsy; -, -et, v.n. To be amused, to enjoy one's self; v.a. To getinto one's headandinebriate (liquor) ; y°:-, keyf yetish- dirmek, v.n. To make one's self cosy, with all the appliances; ) * keyfi- * ° : keyfi-yök, He is unwell; · -vär, He is in a good humour ; 3 keyfi-yèrinda, He is in good health ; e-5 5 keyfi-kAchdi, His joy vanished; - 5 keyf. -vèrmek, v.n. To cause pleasure ; to inebriate (liquor); - 5 keyfsiz, a, t. Unwell; out of spirits; Ü- 5 keyfsizlik, s. t. Illness, sickness ; a being out of spirits ; –, kèyfa, ad. a. How ? howsoever ; ā.5 keyfamâ, ad. a. In what way soever. · keyfiyyet, s. a. A circumstance, event, matter; a quality, state, mode or manner of being ; the exhilarating effect of wine, &c. · gheyik, s. t. A stag, buck. t 745 ] · J5 keyl, s. a. A measuring (grain, &c.) ; a bushel. 5 kılâr (kilEr), s. t. A pantry, store- room, store-closet; 2-· kilErji, s. t. One who has charge of the pantry or store-closet. c· kèylüss, s. a. (Greek), The chyle. * 5 kilé, s. a. Abushel. * kim, pron. t. Who whosoever ; some individuals; · kimi, Some of them (those persons) : “$ kimimiz, Some ofus ; K** kimingiz, Some of you. ·ghiymek (aor. · 0?” · ghiyEr), v.a, To wear; to put on (clothes) ; · ghiyinmek (aor. J 4 ghiyinir), v.n. To dress one's self; to put on one's clothes; –, v.a. To put on (one's clothes); •· ghidir- mek, v.a. To cause or allow to wear ; to cause or allow to put on; to cause or allow to be worn ; · ghiyindirmek, v.a. To cause or allow to dress one's self; to cause or allow one toput on (some article of clothing). · kèymüss, s. a. (Greek), The chyme. * kimiyâ, s. a. (Greek), Alchymy, the art of making gold, of transmuta- tion ; the philosopher's stone; · A \a- kimiyâyi-jedid, (The new alchymy) Modern chemistry ; ** kimiyâ - ghèr, A chemist ; an alchymist. e· kin, s. p. Malice, rancour, ill-will; · kin-ghyûdmek, v.n, To bear ill-will; –, ghin, Persian termina- tion, changing mouns into adjectives like ourful, ish, or y ; as, · ghAm- -ghin, sorrouful. - ·· kèynünèt, s. a. Being, existence. - · kiné, 8. p. Malice, ill-will, rancour ; ** kiné-khāh, and şs-: kiné-khâr, a. p. Malevolent, vindic- tive (person). · ghèv, s. t. The cud of ruminating animals; 9)* · ghèv-ghètirmek, v.n. To chew the cud, to ruminate, · kèywÂn, s. p. Saturn. * ghiyeh (contracted from S ghiyâh), 8. p. Grass, herbage; hay. J J lâm Twenty-sixth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of Z in English. value of 80 in chronograms and astro- It has the numeral momical tables; and, in the dates of letters, stands for the month of J shèwwâl, Jm, prep, a. (in composition), For; - } li-èb, a. a. On the father's side, paternal; *3 li-ümm, a. a. On the mother's side, maternal ; Je-) li-êjl, dâ. t. In order to, on account of ; (with this preposition the of the Arabic definite article J is omitted, as in al li-'llâhi, For God). 3 lâ, ad. a (in composition), No ; not; [ 746 ] *j} there is not; : lâ-ûbâli, a.a. Careless, free and easy (lit. I care mot); c- lâ-be'ss, a. a. Harmless, innoc- uous; :) lâ-bûdd, a, a. Indispen- sable, necessary; –, ad'a. Absolutely, without fail; •· lâ-jerem, ad. a. Absolutely, without fail; Jj lâ-zâlé! May (his glory, &c.) mever fade away ! Vas<3 = } lâ-yûhâdd-ve-lâ-yûhsâ, a. a. Unlimited and innumerable ; · lâ-yemüt, a. a. Immortal. c-) Ap, and jel; lapadak, ad. t. All at once, suddenly * lApa, s. t. Porridge; a poultice ; c% :: -, lApa-wÜrmak, v.n. To put on a poultice ; to poultice. e lâtin, a. t. A man of Roumelian origin and Romanist by religion. -: Apaji, s. t. (A porridge-man) A coward, a simpleton. · lâjivèrd, s.p. Lapis-lazuli : -, a. t. Deep indigo - blue colour ; ·- lâjivirdi, a. p. Azure, light- blue, sky-blue. G-0 lâhik, a. a. Joined, touching ; [actually in office. 4 - lâhana, s. t. A cabbage. ) lâdèn, s. t. A precious gum or -j lâzib, a, a. Adherent. Jj lâzik, a. a. Adhesive. [balsam, “ lâzim (lâzim), a. a. Necessary, wanted, required, requisite : neuter, intransitive (a verb) : never leaving, inseparable ; -, –öl, v.n. To be wanted, necessary, requisite ; · lâzimli, a. t. Useful, necessary. · Ü 747 ] - * lâzim6, s.a. An inseparable, neces- sary duty or consequence. *) lâshé (lesh), s.p. An unclean car- Case ; carrion. [a nothing. ’ lâ-shèy', s. a. A thing of naught, : lâgh, s. p. A joke, fun, pleasantry. _é lâgher, a.p. Thin, emaciated, lean. – 1Âf, s.p. Chit-chat; conversation ; boasting words; lâfzen (afazan), 8. p. Atalkative person; avainboaster; -lósy- ) lâf-u-ghyüzÂf, Chit-chat, conversation, talk. · lâkirdi, s. t. A word ; talk, speech, saying: conversation; Con- sultation ; an assertion : -, -et, v.n. To talk ; to speak, converse ; - ) lâkirdissini-et, v.n. To talk about ; to consult about, talk over; ·: bösh-lâkirdi, Nonsense, idle talk; * 5-5 lâkirdi-kArish- mak, To become confused (one's words) ; ; ) : -, lâkirdi-kArish- dirmak, To create a confusion of words by interfering and mixing with what is said. Jl lâl, a. p. Dumb ; dumbfoundered. Y) 1Ala, s. t. Aman who has charge of a child, like a nurse, a) lâla, s. p. A tulip ; jal) lâlé-zâr, s. p. A bed of tulips. la'âlî, s.pla (of lû'lü), Pearls *) lâm, s. a Name of the letter J; the symbol of crookedness or of being bent; –, li-ûmm, a. a. On the mother's side, maternal. * =° lâ-mâhâlé, ad. a. Absolutely, in- evitably, without fail. c· lâmiss (fem. - ) lâmissé), a, a. Which touches, feels with the fingers ; · küvvéti - lâmissé, The faculty of touch, tact. s- ) lâmi”, a, a, Throwing forth rays, shining, sparkling. ö) lân6, s. p. Anest. [lute. * or de lâwUta, s. t. A kind of · lâhüt, s. a. Divinity, the Di- vine nature or quality, the Godhead ; · = “âlâmilâhüt, The Divine mature; the universe peculiar to the Godhead. 5 lâ'ih, a.a. Clear, evident, manifest. &s° lä'iha, s. a. A written project, report, scheme. 4i-: Lâypsika, s. t. Leipsic (town of). J}} lâ-yezâl, a. a. Unfading, perma- nent, eternal. [supportable. lâ-yütÂk, a. a. Ünbearable, in- c: lâyik, a, a. Fitting, proper, worthy; –, s. a. That which is worthy of any- thing, that which is merited; al\ : Allah-lâyikini-versin ! May God give him what he deserves ! ·* C: lâyik-ghyirmek, va. To esteem or see fit; & layikila, ad t. As he (she, it) deserves ormerits. ·i) lâ’ik, s. a, A eynic, a seeker of faults; a critical person. - leb, s. p. The lip; an edge, brink; a shore ; –, lübb, s. a. A kernel; the heart ; the mind, understanding ; de •p · leb-â-leb, a.p, Brimful; lip to lip ; }y* lèb-riz, a. p. Overflowing. *- libâché, s. p. A mantle, garment, robe, se lebâdé, s. p. or lûbbâdé, s. a. A coarse outer cloak or wrapper. c· libâss, 8. a. Clothing, a garment, clothes, raiment. [in grains. · leblébi, s. t. Indian corn parched e leben, s. a Milk; –, lebin, s. a. A brick. - · Libnân, s. t. The Lebanon. · lèbib, a, a. Possessed of a heart, mind, and understanding. e lebbik! int.a. Here I am ! What âre your commands ? Holloa! ·- lett, s. a, A striking, beating : -, –et, v.a. To beat, strike. * lètm, s. a. A striking ; a wounding ; \-, –et, v.a. To strike ; to wound. * lèssm, s. a. A kissing. [obstinacy. : lejj, s. a. A contending : contention ; : lijāj, s. a. Mutual contention. lijâm, s. a. The bridle and reins. lijé, s. a The sea. – = lihâf, * = lihâfé, s. a. A quilted [look. · lâhza, 8. a, A glance of the eye, a counterpane; a quilted jacket. = lâhm, s. a. Flesh, meat. · lâhn, s. a. A sound, note, or tone of voice; an error in pronouncing the vowels. · lahana, s. t. A cabbage. · lühük, s, a The reaching to, join- ing, arriving (of one thing to another). İ748 ] * = lâhyé, s. a. The beard and whiskers. e· ledun, s. a The presence (of God). c· lödoss, s. t. (Greek vöroc), The south-west wind or quarter; · kâbla - lÖdoss, S.S. W. ; c· · bAti-lödoss, W.S.W. · lèda (before the definite article J) lèdé), pr. a. Immediately near to (in -- space) ; immediately after (in time); J;- ·l ledé-'ss-sü'âl, On the question being put, when asked. && lezâ’iz, s. pl, a. (of && leziz6), Agreeable things, delights. · lezzet, s. a (pl. lezzät), Taste, savour; the pleasure felt in en- joyment ; c·-, lèzzet-Almak, v.n. To become fond of (any pleasure); c·-, lezzet-bûlmak, v.n. To feel, joys, pleasures, derive a pleasure ; to find a taste: lezzetli, a.t. Tasty, flavoursome ; j & lèzzetsiz, a. t. Insipid ; fels ·l hâdimu-’l-lèzzât, s. a. Death, the destroyer of all pleasures. · li-zâliké, ad. a. For this reason, therefore. [pleasant. && leziz, a, a. Tasty, savoury, sweet, ey liErzân, a. p, Trembling. lèrzé, s. p. A trembling, shaking, shivering; U * lèrzénâk, a. p. Seized with trembling. [in Persia. · Lûrisstân, s. p. Name of a district ey lüzüm, s. a. Necessity, want, re- quisiteness, abeing wanted, required; a being in want, meed; inseparability. e· · lissân (lissAn), s. a. The tongue ; speech ; language, idiom : J-e- lissâni-hâl, s. a. The mute language of circumstances; 6° - lissâné- -ghèlmek, v.n. To be generally ill- spoken of; · lissâné- -ghètirmek, v.a. Tocause (anyone) to be talked about ; ü- lissânan, ad. a. Verbally. lèshkEr, s. p. An army. lashmak, : * leshmek (for 80ft verös), Turkish terminations of in- finitives, which, added to many nouns or adjectives, form verbs neuter. [breaker. · lüsss, s. a. A thief; a robber, house- := lüssük, s. a. Junction, adhesion. · lâtâfet, s. a Grace, gentleness, loveliness, elegance ; fineness, plea- santmess. –ğa lâtâ'if, s. pl, a. (of a lâtifé), Agreeable things ; agreeable, pleasing sayings. – lütf, s. a. Goodness, kindness, grace, favour, amiability ; -, -et, v,n. To have the goodness, orkindness, to be so good or kind, to do the favour; –, v.a. To give, hamd, do, &c., out of kindness ; ( lütfan, ad. a. As a kindness, as a favour. * lûtmé, s. a. Ablow, a slap, smack, box, cuff. [pleasant, fine, lovely. – lâtif, a. a. Graceful, agreeable, 4 lâtifé, s. a. A joke ; an agreeable act or saying ; -, -et, v.n. To joke ; - lâtiféssiz, ad. t. Really, Ü 749 ] without joking; -* lâtiféji, s. t. A joker ; = lâtifé-ghyü, s. p. A wit, sayer of witty things. · lû”âb, s. a. A jelly, juice and sugar reduced to a jelly ; slaver; L-* · lû”âbu -'sh - shèmss, (Sun's slaver) Fine cobwebs floating in the air. e· li”ân, s. a. A formal bearing witness upon oath in cases of adultery, coupled with self-execration if the testimony be false. [diversion. · lâ"b, s. a. Play, amusement, j lü”betbÂz, s. p. An exhibitor of fantoccini or ombres chinoises. * lû”bé, s. a. Any game ofamusement; a plaything; a doll. J< lâ"I, s. a The garnet (a stone); carmine (colour) ; - Js lâ”li- -müzAb (Melted garnet), Wine, e° lâ'n, s. a. A cursing. · lâ'net (vulg. nâlet), s. a. A curse, malediction; –, –et, and c· lâ'net-ökumak, v.n. To curse, utter a curse ; · lâ”net-ölsun ! Mayhe (she, orit) be accursed; e &s lâ”nétu-'llâhi- -“âleyh ! (May) the malediction of God (be) upon him! · lâ”in, a. a. Accursed; e· èl-lâ”in, s. a. The devil, Satan. · lughât (pl. lüghāt), s. a. Language, idiom; a word; alexicon, dictionary; Se: lüghst-kitâbi, 8. t. A dictionary. [ 750 ] d j* làghz, s. p, A slip, trip, stumble: -, lûghâz, s. a. An enigma, a riddle; an ambiguous phrase. ey* lâghzân, a. p. Sliding, Slipping, tripping, stumbling. *j làghzidé, a, p. Who has slipped, tripped, stumbled. * làghim, s. t. A sewer, drain ; a military mine ; ş* làghimji, s. t. A sapper and miner; a sewerman, a nightman ; c· * làghim-kAzmak, To construct (dig) a mine ; c· * lâghim-Atmak, To fire, or spring a mine y* lâghv, s. a. A blunder; nonsense ; an abolishing, suppressing (an office) ; \–, –et, v.a. To abolish, suppress. ·y* löghofet, s. t. (Greek Aoyo6érmç), Title of a high political fünctionary of the subject Greek mation, acting be- tween the synod and the community; also that of a functionary in Wallachia and in Moldavia, who is a kind of home secretary of state. · lüghavi (fem. :· lüghavîyyé), a. a. Literal, etymological (sense of a word). · làghviyyât, s. pl, a. (n0 sing), Foolish talk, nonsensicalities. - leff, s. a. An enveloping, folding in something, inclosing in a letter ; -, –et, v.a. To envelop, fold in, eneloşe a; 1.Afz, ala: Afza, s. a. A word; Vai lAfzan, ad. a. Verbally; verbatim ; ka (Afiz)-be-(IAfiz), ad. p. Word by word ; * 1Afzi (fem. 4 ail 1Afziyyé), a. a Verbal; le-i izâféti-lAfziyyé, A verbal relation or construction of noun with noun in a sentence. [Nicosia, in Cyprus. ·i Lefkösha, s. t. The town of c: lik (e- lik in soft words), A Turkish terminal syllable with various mean- 1st When added to the word denoting any kind of trader, artisan, ings. officer, or functionary, it denotes th6 aöstract trade, art, Office, function, or guality ; as, ş-: fichiji, a cooper, c şe: fichijilik, the cooper's trade Or art ; · yüz-bAshilik, the rank of captain; Skyâtiblik, the ofice of secretary ; c e: pâdi- shâhlik, the regal or imperial office or 2nd. Added in the same way to any noun, it demotes the function. abstract essential guality or function of the thing named; as, · kâlem- lik, the peculiar quality or function of apen; ş° kililik, the quality or function of a sword; el âdemlik (AdAmlik), The quality of man ; &c. 3rd Added to the name of anything made of any material, ifaccompanied with a noun of number and the name of the material, it denotes the quantity of material necessary for the number of things designated; as, *ye-c U*): bir-sètrilik-(chöha), the quantity of cloth necessary for one coat; if the moun of number be wanting, then this c [ 751 ] AX syllable denotes a quantity of the material fit for the object named; as, · setrilik-(chöha), cloth fit for coats. 4th, Joined to a noun oftime, it denotes a thing that has required or would require the time named for its production, accomplish- ment, or being due; as, c*-e- y: bir-âylik-chöjuk, A child one month old; ): ·*z ş üch-ghyûnluk- -yöl, three days'journey ; c· âylik, monthly pay ; c· hAftalik, weekly pay. natural object which creates a dis- 5th. Joined to the name of any tinction between different kinds of land, it desigmates land where those objects abound ; as, c·9 ÖrmAn- lik, a country of forests, c· tAshlik, stony ground, rocky country ; c dAghlik, mountainous, hilly country. 6th. Joined to many nouns it forms a name of a thing special to what the simple noun indicates ; as, c·- chibûkluk, a cupboard where pipes are kept ; c:): yâzlik, clothes, &c., peculiar to summer; Jü; töz- luk, gaiters, as especially designed to protect the legs from dust; ci i: tüzluk, a salt-cellar ; : beshlik, a five-piastre piece. 7th. Added to an adjective, it denotes the abstract quality of the same : as, : iyilik, good- ness; ( ; : beyÂzlik, whiteness, 8th. Joined to the infinitives of verbs, it forms an abstract verbal noun; as, c bAkmaklik, the act of looking, looking in the abstract; K•: ghitmeklik, the act of going. \i likâ, s. a The face, countenance, physiognomy. -i lâkab (pl. -ā elkÂb), s. a. A title of honour. [See -595). · or -5)y: lâkirdi, s. t. Talk, &c. * lâkta, s. a Any kind of found or [A stork. lâklák, à lâklâk (leylek), s. a. · lâklâkiyyât, s. pl, a. (no sing), stray property. Senseless chattering, vain babbling, arguments devoid of sense. * lökma, s. a. A mouthful ; a kind of globular fritter. * lüküm (lökUm), s. pl, a. (of & lökma), Mouthfuls; (as a Turkish sin- gular), akind of small round cake-nut, and various kinds of small cake. ki lika, s. t. Refuse silk used for filling inkstands before pouring in the ink. lâkit, s. a. A foundling. · lik, Turkish termination. See lik. *K lighyâm, s. p. Abridle and reins. · leked, s. p, A kick; a blow, slap, box, cuff; ej· leked-zèdé, and · leked-kyüb, a. p. Kicked, beaten, trodden under foot. · lâkin, c. a. (also e· ve-lâkin), But; –, lèghEn, s. t. An ewer. · lüknet, s. a. Impediment; · · lûknéti-lissân, Impediment of speech. 4° leké, s. t. A spot, soil, stain, blemish ; * ( ıssı * • • • / o* lekédâr, a p. 4 lekéli, a. t. Soiled, stained, spotted, blemished; \-, -et, v.a. To spot, soil, stain, blemish ; –, v.n. To make spots, stains, blemishes; a% lekélet- mek, v.a. To spot, soil, stain, blemish ; e la lekélenmek, 4K leké-öl, v.n. Tobecome spotted, soiled, stained, blemished; --- - lekéji, s. t. A scourer of stained clothes. lèm, ad. a. (in composition), Not ; Ja lim-yezil, a. a. Whioh fades not away, eternal ; lim-yezili, a. a. Pertaining to the Eternal (God). · lèmha, and · lèmhatu- -“âyn, s. a. Alook, glance; a moment. · lèmss, s. a. Touching, feeling. e· lem”ân, a. a. Shining, sending forth rays of light. * lem'a (pl. = ~ lem”ât), s. a. A ray of light, flash. · lamak, lémek with soft verbs, Turkish termination of infinitives, which, addedto manymouns, form verbs active or neuter. e lenk, a. p. Lame; –, link, and “K. linklama, s. t. A horse's trot- ting pace. Kı lengher, s. p. A ship's anchor ; lengher-endâz, a, p. An- chored, at anchor ; y- –, lènghEr- -èndâz-öl, v.n. To anchor, to cast anchor. c· lanmak, lenmek for soft words, Turkish terminations of infini- tives, which, added to many nouns or substantives, form verbs neuter. lèv, c. a. If, even though, though; : wè-lèv, And even though ; –, li, li, lü, Turkish termination for forming adjectives from mouns, with the sense of p08sessing, or being somehow related to, the thing named. : liwâ, s. a. A flag, banner, standard ; a brigade of soldiers; ; ) miri-liwā, 8. t. A brigadier or major-general in the army or a vice or rear admiral in the mavy. - - lewâhik, s. pl.a. (of :-}, not vsed), Appurtenances. *ge Livâdia, s. t. Thessaly. •j'ylewâzim (pl. lewâzimāt), s. pl.a. (of & j} lâzimé), Necessaries, needfulthings, requisites; inseparable accompaniments. * liwâta, s. a. Sodomy, the act of the people to whom Lot (e: Lüt) preached. * lèvwâm (fem. * lèvwâmé), a. a. Reproaching, upbraiding ; · nèfssi-lèvwâmé, The flesh, the carnal spirit, in the middle stage between utter rebellion and complete subjec- tion, when it is forced to submit to the will, but not without an effort to domineer. [bright, shining things. s-9 levâmi”, s. pl.a. Rays, flashes ; e lewâ'ih, s. pl.a. Manifest things ; written reports, projects. * lübiya, s. p. The haricot bean. · [ 753 ] e· · lèvss, s. a. Dirt, filth, pollution. c levh, - levha, s. a A tat sur- face, plate, board, table, tablet, &c., which can be written over ; · levhi-mâhfüz, (The preserved tablet) The tablet on which God hasinscribed the decrees of His providence, the tablet of God’s omniscience and pre- jy lèvz, s. a. An almond. · 07” · löghUssa, s. t. A woman newly delivered in childbed. * : lökânda, s. t. (Italian), An eat- [science. ing-house, a lodging-house, an inn, a hotel, a tavern. e· likyun, s. t. A peculiar kind of oil cement, usedfor water-pipes, cocks, &c. · lèv-lâk, comp. a. If thou hadst not existed, had it not been for thee (said to have been addressed by God to Muhammed, with the addition, “Verily the heavens had not been created.” The is the Arabic pronoun, thee or thy; consequently Muhammedis styled ·– 6 kyâfi-lev-lâk, the (thou) of the phrase or address ·). : lû'lû', s. a. A pearl; -: lü'lü'- -pAsh, a. p. Pearl scattering. á lîılé, s. t. A bowl of a smoking-pipe; a large water-pipe or spout; a certain measure for water - pipes in the hydraulic system. f: lèvm, s. a. Blame, reproach, repri- mand; -, --et, v.n. To speak blam- ingly. · lèvn, s. a. Colour ; a kind, sort, İspecies. * : lönja, s. t. A place for a lounge, for meeting. · lèvend, s. t. A volunteer in a cer- tain corps in days of old. *) Löndra, s. t. London. & la, lé, pr. t. (contracted from & ila), With ; –, leh, s. t. Poland ; –, lâhü, lèh, comp. a. For him or it; –, lâhü,, s. a. (An acting or speaking in) favour (or for someone); or * lâhüma, 8 & or * lâhümda, In my favour; * or *-é lâhüssina, * or · lâhüssinda, In his, or her favour, &c.; lèhli, a. t. A Pole, Polish. lâhâ, comp. a. For her or it. *ş lehjé, s. a. The tongue ; a language, idiom ; the face, countenance, visage ; –, s. t. The Polish language; Polish M008)]T16T. [reason. \& lihâzâ, comp. a. For this, for this · lehv, s. a. A playing, romping, diverting, amusing one's self. ç lehim, s. t. Solder; · lehim- lémek, v.a. To solder. li, Turkish termination for adjectives, generally written , which see. ·l liyâkAt, s. a. Merit, worthiness. J leyâl, eyâlî, s. pl, a. (of leyl), Nights. [Wretches, reprobates. li'âm, s. pl. a. (of lè'im), · leyté! int. a. Oh, that it were ! Would to God ! · leyss, s. a. Alion. · Lizbon, s. t. Lisbon (town of). 3 D · · leysa, a. negative, It is not, there is not, is not; · lèysa- -’l-khAbEr-kè-’l-“iyân, Hearsay is not like eye-witness. (Dogma of juris- prudence) ; –, liss, a. p. (in composi- tion), Wholicks; - 5 kyâssé-liss, A lick-trencher, parasite. – lif, s. a. A fibrous mass obtained from the palm and used for lathering soap in baths. e lik (contrfor e° lâkin), c. p. But. J: leyl, s. a The night; % leylan, ad. a By night; yU leyl-u-nâhâr, Day and night ; y'e 9 J. * · tessâvi'i-leyl-u-nâhâr, The equinox. · leylâk, s. t. The lilac tree or flower. * leylé, s. a. A night; : leylétu-’l-kAdr (The night of power, the night of destiny), The night before the 27th day of Ramazan, being that in which Muhammed's first revelation occurred; -55).4 leylé'i-rûghā'ib (The night of desirabilities), The night before the first Friday in the month Rèjeb, being that of the conception of Muhammed; zy· leylé'i- -mi”râj, (The night of the ascension) The night before the 26th day of Rèjeb, in which Muhammed's ascen- sion to the presence of God took place; leylé'i-berât, The night of the diploma, being that before the 15th day of Shâ”bân, in which it is supposed the record- [ 754 ] r ing angels close the register of the year ; leylé'i-mevled (mev- lüd), The night of (Muhammed's) birth, being that before the 12th day of Rebî“u-’l-èvvel; – j.& leylé'i- -zifâf, The bridal night. e - limAn, s. t. (Greek Ap)), A harbour, port ; ; “ limanlik, s. t. State of calm of air and water ; e· · limAn-re'issi, s. t. A harbour- master; : : ve “: limAn-re'issi- -pâsha (formerly bègh), The port-admiral. [lemon. · limü, s. p., e· limön, s. t. A 45\}· limonâta, s. t. Lemonade. · eyyin (fem eyyine), a, a. Gentle, mild, soft, yielding; –, lèyin, prep. t. During, during the time of ; according to, after the manner of; · eyyinu-ljünib, a, a, of a mild disposition. · linet, s. a. Softness, emolliency ; [of). J: y: Liverpül, s. t. Liverpool (town & Liona, s. t. Lyons (town of, in France). easiness of the bowels. [reproach. : lë'im, a. a. Worthy of blame and • * mim. Twenty-seventh letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of m in English. Its numeral value in chronograms and astronomical tables is 40, and in the dates of lettersit • [ 755 ] z - stands for the month eys” Muharrem. Added to a moun, it is the possessive pronoun of the first person singular, and if the noun ends in a consonant, that consonant takes an esséré (z), for vowel; as * bAbAm, My father, “i kâlémim, My pen. Added to a verb in the third pers. sing. (with the same rule as to the vowel), it is the sign of the first pers. sing. • • sèvèrim, I love; ev: bAkiyorim, I am looking ; *-* ghitsEm, If I go, that I were to go. Interposed between the root of a verb andits conjugational imflexions, or added to the root in the imperative singular (with the addition of or * as a vowel, if required), it constitutes the negative voice ; as & e; sèvma, Do not love; · Either alone, at the end of a phrase, or in the ghElmadi, He did not come. form of : 07” : im, it is the first person singular present of the frag- mentary verb substantive, and signifies I am ; “y” tèmiz-AdAmim, I am a respectable person. l• mâ, s. a. Water; juice; humour; –, pron.a. What, that which, whatever, so long as; (added to interrogatives) Soever. - ma’âb, s.a. Aresort, focus, place to which one returns ; · shèvket-mâ’âb (Focus of autocracy), The Sultan. • mâ-bÂki, s. a. That which re- [mains. e· më'bün, s. a. A passive sodomite. e· mâ-beyn, s. a. The interval between two things, the midst of several things ; –, mâ-bèyna, pr. a. Between ; amongst ; · e· mâbèyn-Ödassi, s. t. A room between the women's and men's apartments, communicating with both, and capable of being used as part of both on occasions ; e· e· mâbeyni- -hümâyün, The Sultan's ordinary Teception-rooms or palace. · mâta, a verb. Obit, died (used in chronologies); –, mAt, s. p. Check- mate; \–, –et, v.a. To checkmate (in chess) ; to frustrate. • • mâ-tâkAddEm, s. a. The words or time preceding; ;y· mâ- -tâkÂddEmdan-bèri, Ab antiquo, from times of old. : • mâtEm, s. p. Mourning for the dead: -, –et, To mourn for the dead. ü. mâ'âssir, s. pl.a. (sing. not used), Traces, signs, vestiges ; any things worthy of being accounted monu- ments, as books, buildings, acts, &c. *ü. mû'âssim, s. pl.a. (sing. not used), Sins, evil deeds. -) me'sür, a. a. Traditionally related *- mâjid, a, a, Glorious, glorified. y=-l. mâ-jèrâ, s. a. That which hap- [or spoken of. pened, an event, adventure. %: ·- me'jüj, s. a. Magog, name of a northern tribe behind Caucasus. 3 D 2 • mejür, a. a. Rewarded, recom- pensed; having a recompense attached to it. e· mâchin (mâchUn), s. p. Some indefinite part of China; e·e- chin-u-mâchin, Chinain general. Ja- mâ-hAssal, s. a That which exists, which has been collected. · mâ-hÂzar, s. a. That which is [nihilates. · mâhi, s. a. Who obliterates, an- 's-t mekhaz (pl. sü ma'âkhiz), 8. a. A place from which anything is present or ready. taken or derived, a source, derivation, origin. ö· më'khüz, a. a. Taken, derived. •le mâ-dâma, verb. a. As long as endures ; ·e mâdâm-ki, c. t. Since, as. • mâdEr, s. p. A mother ; el; mâdErzâd, a. p. Innate, inborn ; -5iye- mâdéri, s. p. Maternity, motherhood ; –, a. p. Maternal; *öye mâdérâné, a. p. Pertaining to a mother, maternal. · Madrid, s. t. Madrid. se mâddé, s. a. Matter; an article, paragraph ; –, mâdé, a. p. She, female. [a. a. Material. · mâddi (fem, sel mâddiyyé), · mâdiyân, 43° mâdiyân6, s. p. A mare. e· më'zün, a. a. Having leave, having permission ; permitted. mâr, s. p. A Snake, serpent; –, [ 756 ] · Syriac, Lord (title given to saints and bishops); –, mârr (fem. : • mârré), a. a. Which passes (through or by); Söy • mârru-'z-zikr, a.a. The afore- [month of March. ( :-2: • mârt, s. t. The Syro - Roman mentioned. e)3) mârid, s. a. An obstinate, refractory, rebellious person. · Mârsilia, Marseilles. ·: • mârti, s. t. A sea-gull. [fish). ·· mâr-mâhi, s. p. An eel (snake- J.v• mârul, s. t. A lettuce, cos-lettuce. & mâriya, s. t. A ewe. Jéj mAzghAl, s. t. An embrasure. 07° · mâzi, s. t. A nut-gall, gall- nut. [cedes ; preceding time. c· mâ-sèbak, s. a. That which pre- c mâssik (fem. K mâssiké), a. a. Who or which holds fast, retains. t· mâ-sèwâ, s. a. That which is besides (anything, particularly God; hence), the world, the flesh, and the devil. [tive. • me'sür, a. a. Captive, taken cap- * - mâssUra, s. p. A small water- pipe or spout; a Small measure of water-pipe in the system of hydraulics. · mâssa, s. t. (Italian), A table, a dining-table. * mâshita, s. a. A tire-woman ; a woman who decks out brides. · mAsha, s. p. Tongs or pincers. ** mâshi, s. a. Anything walking; a pedestrian; mâshiyan, ad. a. On foot, by way of walking. 5 • • *-– *-e- mâ-sAdak, s. a. That which proves a saying to be true ; a proof, a corroborative fact. · mâzi (fem. 4: Ve mâziyyé), a. a. Which has gone by, former; –, 8. a. The preterite, the past tense; * · fî”li - mâzi, A verb in the preterite ; ·J- hâli-mâzi, The imperfect tense, the past condition, or past present. se mâ-“âdâ, s. a. Whatever is other; –, ad. t. Other; –e'– 99 dan- -mâ”âdâ, Besides, else, further; e· e Andan - mâ”âdâ, ele : bÜndan-mâ”âdâ, c. t. Furthermore. e· maghun, s. t. Mahogany. · mâ-fât, s. a That which has been lost (time or opportunity). Jl mâ-fi-’l-bâl, — mâ- -fi-'z-zâmir, comp. a. That which is in the heart or mind. J- *-e mâ-kAbl, s. a The word (or words) or letter preceding, or the place thereof. Dor has been. e S mâ-kyân, s. a. That which is, was, J= mekil (pl. J=V m8'âki), and J;-= - mekyül (pl. -= me'kyülât), s. a. An eatable, food. e· mâkiyân, s. p. A hen, a fowl. J• mÂl, s. a. Anything that can be accounted property ; money, effects ; (in the provinces) sheep ; –, mâl, a. p (in composition), Who rubs; mÂli (fem. * mÂliyyé), a. a. Per- taining to the treasury, to the public [ 757 ] & Kle finances ; d. yy. ÜmürU-mÂliyyé, Financial affairs ; - le mâliyyet, 8. a. Value, valuableness, quality of being valuable ; J°-: beytu-'l- -mÂl, or e·J - : beytu- -mÂli-’l-müsslimin,Thepublic treasury; · beytu-l-malji, s. t. An officer whose duty it is to calculate and collect the share of the public treasury from the estates of defunct persons, and from the spoils of war. U• mû'âl, s. a. The place to which one returns, a resort ; the sense, meaning (of a sentence) - mû'âlsiz, a. t. Meaningless; trifling, inconsiderable. ç mâ-lâ-kelâm, a. a. Beyond all expression; beyond controversy. J\ \. mâlâmâl, a. p. Brimful, quite filled, full. mâ-lâ-yâ'ni, a. a. Vain, use- - mâlikhülyâ, s. a. (Greek puéAayxoAm), Any vain idea. • • and · mä-lèzimé, s. a. The needful, that which is necessary. da Mâlta, s. t. The island of Malta. e mâlik, s. a. A possessor, owner, [less, worthless, trifling. aking ; -, –öl, v.n. To own, pos- sess, to be possessed, in possession; · mâliki-milk, --- e· f': mâliku-yevmi-’d-din, God, the possessor of all sovereignty, king of the day of judgment. • • mâlikyâné, a p. Pertaining to a possessor ; pertaining to a king; -, 8. t. A manor, of which the tithes are - • [ 758 ] ** paid to the lord, but of which the arable land is owned by separate pro- prietors. – me'lüf (fem iyi mè'lüfé), a. a. Accustomed, usual, habituated, habitual. * mAla, s. p. A mason's trowel. * mâlidé, a. p. Rubbed, W mâ-mâzâ, s. a. What is past; a• • mAzâ- mâ-mAzâ, What is past is past; let bye-gones be bye- gones. [sessed, one's possessions. · • mâ-mèlek, s. a. What is pos- e· më'mèn, s. a. A place of safety ; a person in whom trust is placed. -) më'mür, a.a. Under orders, under authority ; -, 8. a. A public func- tionary, a commissioner ; -: : )· me'müriyyet, s. a. Any employ, office, or commission under government. * më'müré, s. a. An order, com- mand; ) --- hAssba-'l- me'müré, ad. a. In accordance with the orders received (or given). Jı më'mül, a. a. Hoped for, ex- pected; –, s. a. Expectation ; –, -et, v.a. To hope, expect, look for. e· me'mün, a. a. Made safe and secure, free from fear. *) * mAndra, s. t. A farm-yard for cows, calves, and oxen. * mAnda, s. t. A buffalo; –, mândé, a. p. (in composition), Remaining, rest- ing, left; -, 8. p. Arrears of pay or rations (of the Janissaries); 8 ile:: fÜrU-mândé, a. p. Tired out, knocked up with fatigue. : • mâni”, a.a. Impeding; –, s. a. An obstacle, impediment, dificulty ; -, –öl, v.n. To impede, prevent, obstruct, hinder. · mânend, a. p. Life. c· më'nüss, a.a. Familiarized with, accustomed to. · (for * ) mâni, s. t. A song ; c ·ş- mâni-châghirmak, v.n. To sing a song. [tion, place of abode. |· (for - ) me'vâ, s. a. A habita- y < mâ-vèrâ, s. a. That which is behind or beyond; the space behind ; ye’L/9 mâ-verâ'u-’n-nehr, Trans- oxiania. [happened. E: mâ-vâka”a, s. a That which has -5 • mâvi (for • mâ’i), a. t. Light blue. [place of abode. · (or ) me'vâ, s. a. A habitation, * mâh, s. p. The moon ; a month, a solar or calendar month ; ** * mâh-bè-mâh, ad. p. Monthly, from month to month, once every month; · mâhiyyé, s. a Monthly pay, salary, wages. · mâh-tâb (mâhitAb), s.p. Moon- light, moonshine; asquib, slow match, a port-fire. *ş” mâhché, s. p. dim. A small moon, moonlet; figure of a crescent used to be placed on spires, cupolas, flag- staffs, &c. [science or art. · mâhir, a. a. Well versed in any · [759 ] · * mâhi, s. p. A fish. · mâhiyyet, s. a The quiddity of anything, the essence. · mâ’it, a. a. Dying; dead. e· mi'ateyn, s. a dual (of 5 mî'a), Two hundred. c· mâykhôsh, a. p. Sourish, acidulous, tart, sub-acid. * 5 mâ'idé, s. a. A table or tray ready set with food for eating. · mâyiss, s. t. The Syro-Roman month of May ; (in Armenia) fresh made cakes of dung for fuel. * - mayisstra, s. t. (Italian), The main-sail ; · mâyisstra- -sèréni, The main-yard, :y898 - mâyisstra-dirèghi, The main-mast. *- mâyi”, a, a, Fluid, liquid. J5 mâ'il, a.a. Leaning, inclined. · mâyna! int. t. (Italian), Lower away ; -, -et, v.a. To lower (sails, masts, flags, &c.), to strike, haul down. c· me'yÜss, a. a. Desperate, hope- less, who hopes no more ; · më'yüssiyyet, s. a. Despair, hopeless- ness, lack of all hope. * mâyé, s. p. The substance of which the material ; anything is made, leaven, ferment ; *** mâyéssiz, a. t. Unleavened. öğle mî'a, a.a. One hundred. : mâyéssil, s. p. (Flood of the humours), The piles, hemorrhoids ; amy scrofulous appearance or affection of the skin or flesh. z : mûbâh, a. a. Lawful, not sinful to do or to use. · mèbâhiss, s. pl, a. (of = mèbhâss), Subjects treated of; para- graphs. *- mûbâhéssé, a.a. A treating, discoursing; a discussing, disputing, controversy ; -, –et, v.n. To treat, discourse; to discuss, to dispute, hold [not! God forbid ! e mebâd, mebâdâ, int.p. Be it · mübâdéret, s. a. A setting a controversy. about (any work), beginning ; --, –et, v.n. To set about, set to work. ale mûbâdélé, s. a. A mutual ex- changing; -, -et, v.a. To exchange. - mebādi, spla (ofi mebde'), Sources, origins, beginnings. mübâriz, s. a. A fighter, champion, [battle, sü) mûbârézé, s. a. Confict, fight, ·), • mübârek, a.a. Blessed; ·- mûbârek-ölsun ! May it be blessed ! (eguivalent to our “I wish you joy !”) warrior. mübÂshir, s. a. A kind of official agent charged to see any business or lawsuit carried through and to help the same. · mübâshérèt, s. a. A setting one's self to work; -, -et, v.n. To set to. · mûbâ”adet, s. a. A with- drawing, going to a distance. · mübâlât, s. a. Consideration, regard, deference. : — [ 760 ] * mebāligh, s. pl, a. (of : meb- lagh), Sums (of money). * mübâlagha, s. a. Exaggeration; \-, -et, v.n. To exaggerate. · mèbâni, s. pl. a. (singular not used), Structures, edifices. · mübâhât, a, a. Afeeling proud, honoured; -, -et, v.n. To feeljustly proud. [justly proud. · mûbâhi, a. a. Who feels proud, *----- mûbâya”a, s. a. A buying; buying up largely ; -, -et, v.a. To buy largely; tobuyup old and foreign coins for the mint at their intrinsic value, less the mint profit (one of the most crying evils in Turkey, as the agents in one stage orother invariably pass off, at their nominal value, the coins so bought); - * mü- bâya”aji, s. t. An agent appointed to buy up old and foreign coins for the [unlike, different. :< mübâyin, a. a. Separate, distinct, mint. e" · mûbâyénet, s. a. Separation, becoming widely separated in distance, quality, or affections. mübtéda, s. a The grammatical Of logical subject of a phrase, sentence, or proposition. [ginner. -6 x o mübtédi, s. a. A novice, be- J& mübtézel, a. a Little esteemed. mübtéghâ, a. a. Desired; –, s. a. The thing desired. mübtélâ, a. a. Subject to, exposed to, in prey to; addicted, given. mübténi, a. a. Built, founded, based. · mübtèhij, a. a. Rejoicing, joyful. Jş mûbêjel, a. a. Honoured, to whom honour is paid. -: < o mèbhâss, s. a. A matter of discussion; a section of any treatise, a paragraph, article. i mëbde', s. a. An origin, source, commencement, beginning. J· mûbèddel, a. a. Changed for or into somethingelse. [given. Jı • mèbzül, a. a. Abundant, largely y- mübërrâ, a. a. Free, exempt. · mibred, s. a. A file (for filing metals); arasp. * mübrem, a, a. Urgent, which will not be put off; • • -545 kAzÂyi- -mübrem, Irresistible fate. mèbrür (fem : ) mèbrüré), a. a. Accounted good; ; ):· khÂdémâti-mèbrüré, Good and faith- ful services. [strated by proofs. J*)* mübèrhèn, a. a. Proved, demon- · mèbsüt, a.a. Spread, extended. mübeshshir, s. a. The bringer of good news, of glad tidings. · meb”üss, a.g. Sent; deputed ; raised from the dead ; –, s. a. A deputy, a messenger. c_ mèbghüz, a. a, Hated, detested, the object of enmity. 5 • meblagh, s. a. Asum of money; –, mûbelligh, s. a. One who com- municates (intelligence, information). · meblak (mAb-), s. a. A spatula. J· mèblül, a. a. Wetted, drenched. u = c mebni, a.a. Built, founded, based. * mübhèm, a. a. Doubtful, obscure ın meanıng. ·é, o mèbhüt, a.a. Reduced to silence, stultified. [the night. · mèbit, s. a. A place for passing L4r mübeyyiz, s. a. A fair-copier; –, mübèyyez, a. a. Copied out fairly. e: mûbin, a. a. Which distinguishes truth from error ; clear, manifest; de- claratory, explanatory; –, mübeyyin, a. a. Which declares, makes manifest; –, mûbèyyen, a. a. Declared, made manifest. · mûtâba”ât, s. a. A following, conforming to ; -, –et, v.n. To follow, to conform. müté'èssir, a. a. Affected; grieved. - müta'akhkhir, a. a Recent; modern ; ev· müta'âkhkhirin, s. pl. a. The moderns. · mûté'èzzi, a.a. Pained, hurt, annoyed, vexed. * mütâréké, s. a. A truce, suspen- sion of hostilities, armistice. – müté'esssif, aa. Sorry, grieved. 8 mAtâ”, s. a. Any object of mer- chandise, a piece of goods. · mAtâ”ib, s. pl, a. (singular not used), Fatigues, fatiguing things. : • mûté'ellim, a. a. Grieved, pained, afflicted. [strength, solidity. · metânet, s. a. Firmness, passive [ 761 ] crasu • Js müté'ehhil, a, a, Married, having a wife. J· mûtébâdil (fem de müté- bâdilé), a. a. Interchangeable, inter- -= changed ; alternate (angles in geo- metry). J= c mütébâhhir, a. a. Profound as the sea in erudition and learning. 8 * metbü”, a. a. Obeyed, followed, conformed to ; –, s. a. One's sove- reign. - * mütétâli, a. a. Following each other in succession. 'şi mütéjässir, a.a. Daring, having the courage. [ous. L- sis mûtijAniss, a, a, Homogene- J şi mütéjâviz (–jâwUz), a. a. Ex- ceeding ; passing ; more (than any number). · mûtéjësssiss, a. a. Who pries into, inquires into minutely. · mütahâbb (fem := mûta- hâbb6), a. a. Mutually friendly, mu- tually loving. sis mütahÂshi, a. a. Avoiding, abstaining from, keeping clear of. - t = mütahAttim, a. a. Indispensable, absolutely necessary. [one. · müttahid, a, a. United, joined in ·}}= mûtahârrik, a. a. Moving, in motion; (aletter) followed by a vowel in the same syllable. · mütahAsssin, a. a. Who fortifies or shuts himself up in astronghold or fortress. · = • mütahâlli, a. a. Ornamented with trinkets and jewels, adorned. · mütahâmmil, a.a. Bearing, sup- porting, enduring. [tonished. = • mütahâyyir, a. a. Astounded, as- := mütahâyyiz, a. a. Collected, com- prehended, included ; possessing, con- taining; –, s. a. A member, fellow (of a grade). s- sis mütakhAshshi”, s-4 müta- khAzzi”, Endowed with humility, who humbles himself. - asis mütakhAtti, a. a. Passing, over- stepping (bounds), venturing (too far). · mütakhâlliss, a. a. Bearing a literary surname. - J· mütakhāyyil (fem. mü- takhâyyilé), a. a. Figuring to one's self, imagining ; sie - 5 küv- véti-mûtakhâyyilé, The imaginative faculty. J. mütédâvil, a. a. Passing current from hand to hand (money, books, &c.). [pious. er: mûtédeyyin, a. a. Religious, & mütézekkir, a, a. Calling to mind, remembering. [self, abasing himself. J& mütézellil, a. a Humbling him – mütérâdif (fem. die mûté- râdif6), a.a. Joined together in travel, in point of time (events), in meaning (words); synonymous * • mîıtérâkim, a. a. Collected to- gether in quantities. -5 mûtérettib, a.a. Which enters [ 762 ] i- into any series or category ; which enters into any shape, form, or mode of being, formed, composed, consist- ing. müterjim, s. a. A translator ; –, mütèrjèm, a. a. Translated from one language into another; J *· müterjimi-èvvEl, Chief translator (title of the principal assistant of the In- terpreter of State). mütérèiji, a, a. Hoping, wishing, anxiously looking. (man). · mütérâhhim, a, a. Compassionate · mütérèddid, a. a. Doubtful, lean- ing first to one opinion and then to another, hesitating which to choose ; coming and going, going to and fro. Cy J* mètèriss, s. t. Works of circum- vallation, field-works round a camp, trenches, breast-works. [exuding. *: • mütérèshshih, a. a. Transuding, · mütérAsssid, a, a. Watching, ob- serving, looking out for. -5 mûtérâkkib, a.a. Looking for, expecting, hoping, wishing. · mütérâkki, a.a. Increasing, rising, augmenting by degrees (in quantity or in rank); reaching, attaining. · mütérekkib, a, a, Composed, consisting (of several things). ·: • metrük, a. a. Abandoned, left, neglected; 6· metrükyât, s.pl.a. Property left behind at death. -i-:• mütézâhif, a. a. Drawn up and advancing in order of battle. - • - mûtézâhim, a. a. Collected in Crowds, crowding, flocking. * mütézâyid, a. a. Increased, aug- mented (in number or quantity). · mütèssâvi, a. a. Reciprocally equal to one another. [concubine. -°) mûtèssèrri, a. a. Having a slave · mütéssallit, a, a. Arrogating to himself the exercise of power (over any person or thing). — mütéssellim, s. a. A governor of a single town or district. · mütésselli, a.a. Consoled, who derives consolation. * mütéshâbih, a. a. Mutually re- sembling one another; metaphorical, allegorical, parabolical (expressions). · mütéshâ”ir, s, a. A person who pretends to be a poet, a writer of doggerel. · mûtéshebbiss, a. a. Taking hold of, taking in hand; having re- course to; setting to work. 4: o mûtéshèbbih, a. a. Mutually re- sembling each other. [canon law. 8 • mütéshërri”, a. a. Versed in the – • mûtéshërrif, a, a. Deriving ho- nour, esteeming himself honoured. - * • mûtéshâ” “ib, a. a. Derived (as a branch of a family, aramifica- tion, &c.) [grateful. - mütéshekkir, a, a Thankful, J-K· mûtéshëkkil, a, a. Formed, figured, put in form. [lamenting. mütéshëkki, a, a. Complaining, [ 763 ] ci • -=4 –59'a mütéssÂdif, a, a. Who meets, lights upon, finds. • • mütessÂdim, a. a. Mutually dashing against each other. a· mütéssAbbir, a.a. Patient through reflection, long-suffering. -5 a o mütéssAddi, a. a. Setting about, occupying one's self with (any work). –5ra • mütéssârrif, s. a. An absolute governor of a large province ; -, a, a. Disposing absolutely of things, being absolute master and possessor ; de- clinable (in grammar). -ia o müttAssif, a. a. Qualified, en- dowed with, possessing (a general quality). · müttAssil, a. a. Joined, touching ; şa mûtéssAvvEr, a.a. Imagined, con- [–, ad. t. Continually. ceived ; imaginable, conceivable. – • mütéssAvvif, s. a. One who studies, pursues, or follows out the science of mystical philosophy and religion. [increased manifold. –ie mütézâ”if, a, a, Doubledor mütazûrrir, a.a. Suffering loss or damage. 5 * mütédârri”, a.a. Acting with humility, as a supplicant. 5- müttAzi”, a. a. Low, abject, humble. cy”* mütazâmmin, a. a. Contained, included; containing, including, com- prehending; –, s. a. Surety, guaran- tee, bail. · mûtétÂbik, a, a. Mutually con- 5 * [ 764 ] c· formable, agreeing, corresponding, müta”âllikât, s. pl. a Dependants and similar. [behind each other. relatives ; appurtenances. u: mûtétÂrik, a.a. Following closely * mütétÂhir, a. a. Canonically cleansed and purified by ablution. mûtétûrrik, a. a. Contending, opposing, assaulting, striking repeat- [clean. a mûtétâhhir, a. a. Cleansed, made J mütazâllil, a. a. Protected, or taking protection under the shade. mütazûllim, a. a. Who complains ofinjury or Wrong. * mütazâhhir, a. a. Who leans his back against any support. · müta”âkib, a, a. Following each other in succession. J• • müta”âl, a. a. (God) Most High. · müta”âhid, a.a. Mutually stipu- lating and covenanting with each other. *-e müta”âbbid, a.a. Devout, practi- edly. cally devotional. [wondering. e-ş° müta”âjjib, a. a. Surprised, · mûta”âddid, a. a. Numerous. -** müta”âddi, a. a Transitive (a verb). [beset with valid obstacles. * müta”âzzir, a, a. Impossible, · mûta”ârriz, a. a. Meddling, in- juriously interfering. L*-o müta”Asssir, a. a Surrounded with difficulty. ing. ey* müta”Affin, a. a. Putrid ; stink- c· müta”âllik, a. a Suspended, attached, dependent; related, con- nected (from, to, on, with); · * mût'a, s. a. A temporary marriage (practised in Persia). *ça: müta”âhhid, a.a. Who has under- taken (to do or manage something). cy: “ müta”âyyin, a. a. Distinguished, notable (person); mûta”ây- yinÂn, s. pl.p. Distinguished, principal persons. · mütéghâllib, a. a. Exercising an illegal and violent authority ; –, s. a. A rebel or enemy successful for a time. [altered; spoilt, ruined. - mütéghâyyir, a. a. Changed, · mûtéfâvit, a, a. Unequal in quantity, differing. Las* mütéfâhhiss, a. a. Curious, minute and dilligent in inquiry. zy* mütéferrij, s. a. (pl. e : * mütéferrijin), A promenader. mütéferrid, a. a. Isolating one's self; rebellious, declaring one's self independent. 8 * mütéferri”, a. a. Derived as a branch or ramification : ele · mûtéferri”ât, s. pl. a. Details; rami- fications, branches. mütéferrik (fem. & müté- ferrika), a. a. Separate. mütéferrika, s. a. Title of a corps of officers in the olden time, who used to be sent on missions by the Sultan. cşi müttéfik, a. a. United (in any moral manner); –, 8. a. An ally, ·` 4ğë K• [ 765 ] uy* o confederate; - –, müttéfikU-'r- -re'y, a.a. United in opinion, agreed: unanimous; e–, müttéfiku-“âleyh, 8. a. That upon which different people are agreed. Ağü mûtéfâkkid, a. a. Inquiring after, or longing after, any absent thing. & mûtéfâkkih, a. a. Studious of, or versed in, the canon law. K mütéfekkir, a. a Thoughtful, thinking. mûtéfevwik, a. a Superior (to J: mütékÂbil, a, a, Opposite to each other. [presses for payment. · mütakÂzi, a. a. Who duns, e: mûtak”id, a.a. Pensioned off, allowed to retire with a pension. • • mütakAddim, a. a. Preceding, [anything). going before; er mûtakAddi- min, The ancients. - mütakârrib, a.a. Approaching. * mütakâllid, a. a. Who wears round the neck ; who obeys, follows. · müttakin, a. a. Who knows for certain, is perfectly convinced. * müttaki, a. a. Pious, devout, God- fearing. [one may lean or recline. müttékyâ, s. a. Anything on which * mütékèbbir, a. a. Proud, puffed up. JäK· mütékèffil, a. a. Who stands surety, becomes answerable. - K mütékèllif, a, a. Prepared with great cost and care. K~ mütékèllim, a. a. Who speaks ; –U-à- nefssi - mütékèllim (The speaker's self), 8. a. The first person singular of verbs and pronouns in grammar ; s— nefssi- -mûtékèllim - mâ”é-’l - ghâyr, (The speaker's self with others) The first [the elbow. · müttéki, a. a. Leaning against on person plural. – mütékèyyif, a, a. Possessing a quality. mütélâtim, a. a. Rough (the sea), agitated. · mütélâfi, a. a. Catching up, making up for (lost time, &c.). · mütélâki, a. a. Meeting, coming together. mûtélâli (for ' ' mütélè'li'), a. a. Glittering, resplendent. ö& mütélezziz, a.a. Enjoying (any- thing pleasant), deriving pleasure. mütélAfiz, a.a. Pronounced. · mütélâkkib, a. a. Taking or bearing a title or surname. e· mütélèvvin, a. a. Inconstant, ca- pricious, changeable. · mütémâdi, a. a. Extendedin duration, continued ; continual; – 0?” ( mütémâdiyyan, ad. a. Con- tinually, uninterruptedly. 5-*· mütémetti”, a. a Reaping a profit or benefit, profiting (by the use or possession of anything). J mûtémessil, a. a. Conforming to anything. - cy* mûtémeddin, a. a. Established, settled (in some country). 9) • • [ 766 ] &a-5 c 9) • • mûtémèrrid, a. a. Perversely obstinate, rebellious. c— mûtémessik, a. a Miserly, niggardly (person). · mûtémekkin, a a Established (in any place). ci • mütémellik, a. a. Possessed of (anything), possessing. “ mütèmmim, a. a. Who finishes, completes; –, s. a. The supplement (of an are orangle in trigonometry). L* mütémenni, a. a Desiring, ask- ing, praying (for something); –, or * mütémennâ, a, a. Asked for, desired, wished for. - z;* mütémèvvij, a. a. Rough with waves (the sea, &c.). Jy* mütémèvvil, a. a. Rich, posses- sing much property. · metn, s. a The text of any work commented upon. · müténâssib, a. a. Mutually proportionate, inter - proportionate ; well - proportioned in shape ; 5-:y * \ erbâ”i - müténâssébé, (The four proportionals) The rule of three, the rule of proportion. müténâzir, a. a. Mutually regard- ingeach other; opposite to each other. · müténâfi, a. a. Mutually repul- sive; inconsistent, incongruous. · müténâkiz, a. a. Mutually de- molishing; contradictory. · mûténâvib, a, a. Alternating, taking turns. J. müténâvil, a.a. Taking, eating or drinking, partaking. ** mûténâhi, a. a. Finite, ending; · Ü nâ- müténâhi, Infinite, endless. [rise (a spring, river, &c.). 5- • mûténèbbi”, a. a. Rising, taking & o mûténèbbih, a. a. Aware, advised; on his guard ; better aware and con- ducted in future (after punishment or reprimand). [ment of some good. · mûténâ” “im, a. a. In the enjoy- : müténeffir, a. a. Disgusted ; in flight, running away. _-: • mûténefiss, a. a. Who or which breathes, breathing. [recognisable. * müténèkkir, a. a. Incognito, not 8 * müténèvvi”, a. a. Various, dif- ferent. [generally spoken of. mûtéwâtir, a.a. Publicly known, e: ) mütéwâriss, a.a. İnheriting in succession. [riving. e)9) • mütéwârid, a. a. Successively ar- –5) mütéwâri, a. a. Getting behind anything and so being lost from sight. -5) mütéwâzi, a. a. Parallel to each [humbling. E- : • mûtéwÂzi”, a, a. Humble, self- other. mütéwâli, a. a. Successive, in uninterrupted succession; : 5 mü- téwâliyyéten, ad. a. In uninterrupted succession, one after the other. & - mütéwêjjih, a. a. Turning the face (towards an object); pointed, directed; travelling in the direction (of a place). 89 • [ 767 ] 8 * mütévèrri”, a. a. Pious, devout. ~ mütévi Assit, a. a. Intervening ; [(in God). J· mütévèssil, a. a Trusting solely · mütawAttin, a.a. Settled (in a middling (quality). country as a home). or mütéweffa, a, a. Dead, E: • mütéwâkki”, a. a. Waiting in expectation. - mütéwâkkif, a, a. Waiting for the decision, depending on the de- cision. · mütéwâkki, a.a. Cautious, timid. J5 mütévekkil, a.a. Relying, trust- ing, depending; · müté- vekkilan-”âla-'llāh, ad. a. Putting his trust in God. · mütévèllid, a.a. Born. mütévèlli, a, a. Turning away (from anything); –, s. a. A trustee of property in mortmain. 4 c< \e mütahâlik, a.a. Casting himself precipitately (into danger or trouble). * müttéhim, a. a. Culpable, guilty, convicted of a fault. ve mütehevvir, a, a, Headstrong, violent, inconsiderate. * mûtéhèyyij, a. a. Set in motion (dust, troops, &c.). u_s -4 -* mütéhèyyi, a. a. Prepared, equipped, in readiness. r· mütéyèsssir, a. a. Facilitated, made easy of accomplishment; be- coming accomplished without diffi- culty. [defunct. * mütéyâkkiz, a. a. Awake ; on his guard, watchful. - cyr* mètin, a. a. Strong, firm. ·2: • müssâbéret, s. a. Setting to (at work), turning to. [estimation). * mèssâbé, s. a. Place or degree (of J missâl, s. a An example, an illus- tration ; asimilar thing, counterpart ; a command, order; J' e “âlémi- -missâl, The world of counterparts, in which everything occurs, immaterially, in exactly the same time and order as here below materially ; a dream. · mûssbit, a. a. Which confirms ; –, mûssbèt, a. a. Confirmed, proved. J misskÂl, s. a. A weight for pearls, &c., equal to about 3 dwts. troy. J: messel, s. a. A parable, proverb ; –, missl, s. a. Alike thing or quan- tity ; · iki-missli, Twice the quantity; messélâ, ad. a. For example ; as for example ; if, for example ; · zârbi-mèssel, A proverb. · müsselless, a, a. Threefold. composed of three parts; –, s. 6. s A triangle ; a preparation of wine boiled with spices and sweetened; · müsselléssât, s. pl. a Trigo- nometry,trigonometrics; :· · müsselléssâti - kyüréviyyé, Spherical trigonometry ; 8 - müsselléssi - mütéssâviyyu -’l-Adl”, An equilateral triangle ; -5: -, e· müsselléssi - mütéssâviyyu - · -’ss - sâkâyn, An isosceles triangle ; 8 – s°–, mûsselléssi- mûkh- telifu-’l-Adlk”, A scalene triangle ; &: : -, müsselléssi-kâ'imu-’z- -zâviyyé, A right-angled triangle ; & 'z –, mûsselléssi-münferiju- -'z-zâviyyé, An obtuse-angled tri- angle ; \: el- –, mûssèlléssi-hâd- du - 'z - zèwâyâ, An acute - angled triangle. missilli, a. t. Like similar, of a kind, of a sort ; · bü-missilli, Of this kind ; J, (ö)-missilli, Of that kind. • • müssmir, a. .a. Fruitful. v*** mûssèmmEn, s. a. An octagon. -5 messnévi, s. a. Poetry, every two successive lines or hemistichs of which rhyme with each other. e : mèssübet, s. a. A promised reward (for good actions). J; müssül, s. a. The standing respect- fully in waiting for orders. -6 or mèsswâ, s. a, A place of rest or habitation. - c mûssèyyeb, a. a. No longer a virgin, depucelated. -ş” müjâb, a.a. Answered, accepted; acceptable (prayer). Aleş• müjâdélé, s. a. Controversy, contention, dispute; -, -et, v.n. To contend, dispute. \ş° mAjar, s. t. A Hungarian ; Hun- gary ; · ·-, mAjar-Altini, A ducat. -5) ş° mèjâri, s.pl.a. (of 5 ş° mèjra), [ 768 ] 5 ş.” Beds (of rivers), courses; the tracks in which things move. j\ş” mèjâz, 'a a. Permitted, lawful ; –, s. a. A metaphor ; - müjâz, a. a. Permitted, licit, lawful; -°iş • mèjâzî, a. a. Metaphorical, figurative. ·}\ş * müjâzât, s. a. Punishment ; \–, –et, v.n. Topunish. Jş mejâl, s. a, Power, strength, ability (to do anything). L- ş” mèjäliss, s. pl, a. (of · mèjliss), Assemblies ; councils. · ş” müjälésset, s. a. A sitting down in company (with anyone). ·ş° müjäma”ât, s. a. Sexual intercourse. [honourable treatment. ·ş müjâmélé, s. a A good, kind, ğ = mèjjânan, ad. a. Gratis, gratui- tously (received or acquired). · müjânébet, s. a. An avoiding, keeping away (from) ; -, -et, v.n. To avoid, keep away. & ş” müjâvébé, s. a. An answering each other ; altercation. ş” müjâvir, a.a. Neighbouring. *\ş° müjâhid, s. a. One who strives earnestly ; a champion of the faith, ** ş” müjāhédé, s.a. A zealous stri- ving; fighting for the faith. _ybeş” mèjbür, a. a. Constrained; put in its place and bound up (a broken bone or sprained joint); obliged (by force or by favour); - ş” mej- büriyyet, s. a. Constraint; necessity ; obligation. J ş” [ 769 ] –5ys” J; ş” mèjbül, a. a. Innate, inborn, natural. [selected, chosen. ş° or ş° müjtébâ, a.a. Elected, 5-• ş° müjtemi”, a.a. Collected to- gether, gathered together. ·ş<° müjtènib, a. a. Who avoids, keeps away. \6:ş° müjtehid, s. a. One who studies the original authorities in matters of religion and law, and founds thereon tenets and doctrine. Aş* mèjd, s. a. Majesty ; –, müjidd, 8. a. One who earnestly endeavours. • ş=* müjeddid, s. a. A renewer ; –, müjëdded, a. a. Renewed, renovated ; new ; isa= müjëddédan, ad. a. Anew, afresh, again. ·ş” mèjzüb, a. a. Attracted ; crazy. yş= or -5) ş° mèjrâ, s. a. The bed (of a river), channel, course. -27ş müjerreb, a. a Tried, known by experience; experienced. ş” müjërred, a.a. Mere, sheer; naked; sole, alone; unmarried; -, ad. t. Only, merely, for nothing else but. • ş” müjrim, s.a. A culprit, an offender. z :) ş° mèjrüh, a. a. Wounded. -5ş mèjrâ, s. a. See yş”. :j=” mèjzüm, a. a. Decided, decided upon ; fully believed, considered as quite substantiated; marked with the sign - - (aletter), which indicates that it is not to be followed with a vowel in the same syllable when pronounced; –, s. a The decision or determination taken in any case ; a determined opinion. ş° müjësssem, a. a. Solid (not hollow or superficial); *-ş***:sü zâviyyé'i- -müjësssémé, A solid angle. Wş or ş” müjella, a, a. Polished, burnished; rubbed up, enlightemed. · müjellid, s. a. Abookbinder; –, müjëlled, a. a. Bound (a book); –, 8. a. A volume. · mèjliss, s. a. An assembly, meet- ing ; a council; a picture or illustra- tion in Persian books of poetry. “=” mijmEr, 3/4 ş” mijméré, s. a. A CGT1SGT. s-•ş” mèjmâ”, s.a. Any place in which things are collected together ; –, and *ş° mèjma”â, s. a. A note-book, memorandum-book, album, book, pocket-book. J•ş.” müjmël, s. a. Concise, abstract, 8 ş° mèjmü”, a.a. Collected; –, 8. a. The whole. \ ş° müjënned, a.a. Collected as troops scrap- [summary. or regiments, embodied, called out. c)5 ş° mèjnün, a. a. Mad (possessed with a devil). jyş” müjèvvèz, a. a. Permitted, tol- erated (in grammar). sü; ş° müjevvézé, s. t. A kind of tall turban worn on state occasions in the olden time by various functionaries. ş° mejüssi, s. a. Afire-worshipper, a magian. Dinside. -i ş° mûjevwef (müjevf), a, a, Hollow 3 E yeşş” [ 770 ] * \s* Ayş° müjèvhèr, a.a. Ornamented with pearls and precious stones. }eş” müjëhhèz, a, a. Equipped, fitted out; rigged and armed (a ship). eş4ş” mèjhüd, s. a. One's utmost ability. Jé=” mèjhül, a. a. Unknown ; passive (a verö, so called because, in using a verö passive, the actor is not necessarily de- clared or pointed out). ş° mèji, s. a. Arrival, a coming. - ş=° müjib, s. a. One who answers or grants a request. \ ş=” mèjid, a.a. Most glorious, clothed in great majesty ; · èl-Mèjid, s.a. God: =* =“abdu-l-Mejid, The servant of God the Most Glorious (name of a Sultan of Turkey). * mech, s. t. Asmall sword, rapier. \ \s° mühâbâ, \ \s° mühâbât, s. a. Respect of persons, consideration ; =” bi-mûhâbâ, ad. p. Without any respect of persons, off-hand. ·lös mühâzât, s. a. Being opposite and parallel; or being on the same line. paralel equal. sö\s• mühâzi, a. a. In the same line ; ·ys” mühârib, a. a. At war, in a state of warfare. d: s” mühârébé, s. a. Warfare ; war ; a battle, fight, action, engagement. * \s° mühâssébé, s. a. A settling of accounts; an auditing of accounts; - s” mühÂssébéji, s. t. An auditor or accountant-general ; – mühāssébé-kâlémi, s. t. An audit-office or accountants' office of the treasury. · mâhâssin, s. pl.a. (sing. not used), Praiseworthy acts or qualities; the beard, whiskers, and mustaches. res” mühÂssir, s. a. A besieger. *, es” mühÂssara, s. a. A siege ; a blockade; –, –et, v.a. To besiege; to blockade. else mühÂt, a.a. Surrounded, encircled; = or = mühiti “ilm, Embraced in the knowledge, known. asls” mühÂfiz, s. a The governor of a fortified town. *ais” mühÂfaza, s.a. The guard, keep- ing, protection, defence ; -, -et, v.a. To guard, keep, protect, defend. Jis” mâhâfil, s. pl, a. (of Jäs” mâhfil, not used in this sense), Assem- blies, places where people assemble; society. s° mâhak, s. a. Total disappearance of the moon at the end of a lunation. *Ss mühâkémé, s. a The trial (of a person by a judge) ; –, –et, v.a. To try, to bring to a trial, to put upon his trial. -4 J=” mâhâll, s. pl, a. (of Us" mâhâli), Places ; –, mûhâl, a. a. Impossible. * =” mâhâlé, s. a. Fraud, deceit, trick; * = } lâ-mâhâlâ, ad. a. Without fail. · mâhâmid, s. pl.a. (of · mâhmédet), Acts or qualities worthy of praise and glory. *) s” [ 771 ] s” *) s° mühâvéré, s. a Common con- versation; noisy talk. -s° mühibb, s. a. An affectionate friend; 45 s° mühibbāné, a.p. s° mühibbî, a. a. Pertaining to a friend. ·s° mâhâbbet, s. a. Affection, friend- ship. U-s° mâhbèss, s. a. A prison, place of [confinement. · mâhbüb (fem. &ş s” mâh- bübé), a. a. Beloved. (The masculine generally öears a filthy meaning). c)-5 s” mâhbüss, a.a. Imprisoned. z· mühtÂj, a. a. Needing, in need, in want; needy, poor. [flagration. C s° mühterik, a. a. Burnt by a con- (:· mühtérèm, a. a. Honoured, held in honour, Tespected, venerated. --:=* mühtèssib, s. a. A chief officer of excise, having a supervision over merchants and shop-keepers, at pre- sent called - ö- - ihtissÂb- -nâziri. = s” mühtekir, s. a. One who keeps back provisions from market in hopes of creating a scarcity and selling dear. J• =” mûhtémël, a. a. Possible, pro- bable. L* s° mühtemi, a. a. Who avoids hurtful articles of food, or diet. · mühtevi, a.a. Comprehending, [ful. - ş° mâhjüb, a.a. Ashamed; bash- -9. Asr° mühâddeb, a. a. Convex. c* \s° mûhâddiss, s. a. An author who treats of the acts and words of Mu- containing, embracing. -s hammed; –, mühdèss, a. a. Created (not eternal); new, recent (not an- cient). [and boundaries. \s° mühâddid, s. a. A tracer of limits ·s” mâhdüd, a.a. Limited, bounded; few (in number), small (in extent). s° mâhzür, s. a. A defect to be guarded against, an objection. – &s” mâhzüf, s. a. Understood, not expressed (a word); elided (aletter). - =” mihrÂb, s. a. A niche or mark of any kind in the wall of a mosque to show in which direction to turn in prayer. -/ys” mühârrir, s. a. One who writes, the writer ; –, mühûrrèr, a. a. Written; ·yys” mühûrrérât, s.pl.a. Writings. - s” mühârref, a. a, Corrupted, tam- pered with, erroneous (texts, books, &c.). ·}}=” mühûrrik, s. a. A seditious per- son, mover of sedition ; who causes things to move. •ys” mâhrem, s. a. A confidant, one admitted into a secret ; one who legally had admission into the Society of one of the other sex ; –, mühâr- rem, s. a. Name of the first month of the Muhammedan year ; Prohibited, unlawful (in religion) ; · mühârrémât, s. pl.a. Ün- lawful things ; ç,s° nâ-mâhrEm, -> Q- 6’e a. p. To whom the society of one of the other sex is not legally permitted. 3 E 2 c) s” c· mâhrüss (fem. =” mâh- rüssé), a. .a. Defended, protected ; · mâhrüssé, s. a. A city, forti- fied city; d. =°e memâliki- -mâhrüssé, (The defended dominions) The Ottoman territory. f:y=” mâhrüm, a.a. Deprived ; without; disappointed. [sorrowing. e·js” mâhzün, a. a. Grieved, afflicted, er-=” mühsin, s. a. One who confers benefits, grants favours, does kind- nesses; –, mûhâsssèn, a.a. Approved, worthy of approbation; = -s° mü- hâsssénât, s. pl. a. Deeds or qualities worthy of approbation, virtues. “-2-s° mâhsüb, a. a. Counted, 6 reckoned; \: -s” mahsüban, ad. a. On account of, towards the account of. cy -s° mâhsüss, a. a. Sensible, felt, perceived. =” mâhshEr, s. a. The resurrection, or place of assembly for the last judg- ment; an assemblage, troop, company (of people). Jas° mühAsssil, s. a. Title of one class of former governors of towns or dis- tricts (lit. collector); Jas° mâhsAlu-’l-kelâm, or mühAsssAlU-’l- -kelâm, ad. a. In fine, in shorf, in one word, to sum up. cras” mühâsssan, a. a. Guarded round about, fortified ; ·as° mühâss- sanât, s. pl. a. Chaste, virtuous, dis- Creet WOmen. e, as” mâhsüd, a, a, Reaped, mown. [ 772 ] *Ks” 9 as° mâhsür, a. a. Bounded, confined, shut in, besieged, surrounded. J; as” mâhsül, s. a. Produce, fruit ; a=” mâhsüldâr, a, p. Fruitful. Las° mâhz, a. a. Sheer, pure ; V4s• mâhzâ, ad. a. Merely, purely, simply, entirely. as” mâhzâr, s. a. A petition signed by all the people present (called also _rds”- ye “ârzi-mâhzar); –, müh- zir, s. a. An officer who cites or summons people before a court of justice. as° mâhAtt, s. a. Ahalting-place, where the baggage animals are unloaded. as• mâhzüz, a. a. Pleased, glad ; · mühzüziyyet, s. a. Satis- faction, pleasure, joy. alaks” mâhfaza, s. a. A case (for pro- tecting anything). Jäs” mâhfil, s.a. Agalleryin a mosque; any place of congregation; )9 V*-, mâhfili-hümâyün, The gallery reserved for the use of the Sultan. k, s” mâhfüz, a. a. Preserved; c: k, s: lèvhi-mâhfüz, (The preserved tablet) The tablet of God’s providen- [temptible. is” mühAkkar, a. a. Contemned; con- Jäs° mühAkkAk, a.a. Fully ascertained, tial decrees. verified, corroborated. [stone. c =” mâhâkk (mèhènk), s. a. A touch- mühkèm, a. a. Strong; well forti- fied; tight. [court of justice. * K=” mâhkémé (mehkémé), s. a. A · [ 773 ] ( •s } ols• · mâhkyük, a. a. Scratched out (writing, with a knife); engraved. ç s” mâhkyüm, a. a. Subject to any jurisdiction : - e–, mâhkyümun- -”âleyh, a. a. Sentenced, on whom sentence is passed. s” mahki, a. a. Related, narrated, recounted ; & c ==” mâhkiyyun- -”ânh, s. a. Him on whose authority athing is recounted: ** = mâh- kiyyun-fih, s. a. Him about whom a narration is recounted. J=” mâhâll, s. a. A place ; the proper place for anything; a fitting place ; a place in which anything occurs ; as” şaa ehluhu-fi-mâhâlihi, The rightman in the right place. Jys” mâhlül, a. a. Dissolved ; untied, loosened; vacant (a place of employ); –, s. a. A vacancy, vacant office. 4 s” mâhâllé (pl. s” mâhâllât), s. a. A parish; a quarter or locality of a town. [ornaments). =” mûhâllâ, a. a. Adorned (with •s° mühâmmed, a. a. Praised; praise- worthy ; Muhammed (Mahomet); -5 M•s° mühAmmédi (fem. & M•s° mühûmmédiyyé), a. a. Muhammedan, Mahometan. e: 9x*=” mâhmédet, s.a. Apraiseworthy point of character; praise, glory. J•s” mâhmil, s. a. A litter for travel- ling on a camel; a covering for the sacred building at Mecca. ey•s” mâhmüd, a.a. Praised, glorified. | J; “=” mâhmül, a. a. Loaded (upon anything), placed upon; imputed, at- tributed. *s° mâhmüm, a. a. Attacked with [fever. “=” mâhmi (fem. =” mâhmiyyé), a.a. Protected; &: •s” mâhmiyyé, s.a. A city. ·° mihnet, s. a. (pl. Js” mihân), A source of grief, a trouble, afiliction. 5s” mâhv, s. a. An obliterating, can- celling, demolishing; –, –et, v.a. To obliterate; to demolish; · s° mâhv-u-issbÂt, A cancelling or de- molishing some parts and adding or leaving others (in writings orin build- [ings). J s° mühAvvel, a.a. Referred to, turned over to, left to the care or ) y=* mihvEr, s. a. Anaxis. decision of (some person). s° mühyi, a. a for s”, which see. s” mühit, a.a. Encircling, surround- ing; embracing, containing, compre- hending; as” = bahri-mühit, The ocean, as surrounding the habitable earth. s° mühyi, s. a. Who animates, gives life; who renovates, restores; who renders flourishing, populous ; who [Arabia. \s° Mökhâ, s. a. Name of a town in ys” mükhÂbéré, a. a. Correspondence reclaims (waste land). by letter or message: -, -et, v.a. To correspond, tohold communication. · mükhādénet, s. a Friendship, amity. JöUk” [ 774 ] - zy* J; öUs" mâkhāzil, s. pl, a. (of J &s” mâkhzül), Low wretches, rascals. (:ys” mâkhârij, s. pl, a. (of zJ* mâkhrèj), Places of issue, issues, outlets; the different parts of the organs of speech from whence the sounds of the several letters, or classes of letters, are derived; expenses. eys” mâkhâzin, s. pl.a. (of j=” makhzen), Magazines, storehouses, cellars. * es” mükhāssamé, s. a. Alitigating. · mükhstab, a, a. Addressedin The second person of verbs and pronouns; · müfred-mükhstab, The second person singular; ·- speech by anyone; –, s. a. jem”i-mükhÂtAb, The second person plural. [anyone in speech. * \s• mükhÂtAba, s. a. An addressing * s” mükhÂtara, s. a. Danger, peril. · mâkhâlib, - = makhâlib, s. pl, a. (of - s” mikhleb, - * mikhlâb), Claws, talons. · mükhâlésset, s. a. Sincerity of friendship. * \s• mükhâlata, s. a. Intercourse. - * mükhâlif, a, a. Opposed to, contrary, adverse. · mükhâléfet, s. a Opposition; an opposing; -, -et, v.n. Tooppose, be opposed to. =* mükhbir, s. a. Who gives notice, communicates information, an infor- mant. s” mükhtâr, a. a. Preferred, prefer- able; having the option, free to choose; –, s.a. Choice, election made; eli :* fâ"ili-mükhtâr, One who, being of age and of sound mind, is free to act according to his own discretion. 8 * mükhteri”, s. a. An inventor, introducer. [acts humbly. 8- * mükhtèshi”, a.a. Humble, who v_a s° mükhtAsss, a. a. Appropriated, dedicated. ra s” mükhtAssar, a. a. Abridged, abbreviated, curtailed ; short ; of moderate dimensions. [self. s” mükhtèfi, a. .a. Who hides him- s° mûkhtell, a.a. Spoilt, deranged, injured. [site, compound. s° mükhtelit, a.a. Mixed, compo- - s° mükhtelif, a.a. Various, divers, mükhtelifu -’l - Adl”, a.a. Scalene (triangle). different, dissimilar ; ( * mâkhtüm, a. a. Sealed ; · • s tini-makhtüm (Sealed earth), s. a. Lesbian clay. [a narcotic. _y \s* mükhèddir, s. and a a. Narcotic ; *) * mükhâddéré (pl. y s” mü- khâddèrāt), s. a. A veiled woman, a chaste, retiring, modest, virtuous W0]008ll. [one serves ; a son. ** mâkhdüm, s. a. A master whom J;&-s” mâkhzül, s. a. A miserable wretch. â Z: =” mâkhrèj, s. a. Anissue, outlet ; any part of the organs of speech where kays” [ 775 ] u· the sound of a letter is formed; one of the degrees conferred upon the “ulémâ or Doctors of Muhammedan law and divinity ; –, mükhrèj, a. a. Extracted, drawn out, taken out. eys” mâkhrüt, s. a. A cone ; - * mâkhrüti, a, a. Conical; eys” mâkhrütiyyât, s. pl, a. Conics, the Conic sections. [house; a cellar. · mâkhzen, s. a. A magazine, store- La-a-s° mükhâsssass, a. a. Appro- priated, dedicated, devoted. eş as” mâkhsüss, a. a. Peculiar, par- ticular ; express, special, especial; reserved, private ; –, ad. t. Ex- pressly ; on purpose, designedly, in- tentionally; e; as” mâkhsüssiy- devotedness, Devotion, yët, s. a. special attachment. · mâkhtüb (fem. * a=” mâkh- tübé), a. a. Sought or asked for in marriage. -)2 s° mâkhtür, a. a. Thought of, con- ceived, come to one's mind; –, s. a. A thought, idea. e-i- s° mükhâffèf, a, a. Lightened, made light ; not sounded as double (aletter). [hidden. ş s” mâkhfi, a. a. Secret, secreted, J·* mükhill, a. a. Detrimental, in- jurious, hurtful, which damages, de- stroyS. -\s° mikhlâb, · mikhleb, s. a. The clawing foot of a bird or beast of prey. · mükhâlled, a. a Lasting eternally, everlasting. L· mâkhlâss, s. a. The additional name giyen to young men, or assumed by them, when they become writers of any kind, either as authors, poets, or simply Clerks in a government office, and by which, excepting in the case of the Sovereign, they are ever afterwards commonly known and named : * Reshid e “Ali, Fü'âd, are of this description : •e “Umèr, · Issmâ'ıl, ·* Mâhmüd, are not ; –, mükhliss, s. a. A sincere and devoted friend ; –, mükhâlliss, s. a. A saviour, one who delivers from any evil or danger. & as° mükhlissâné, a. p. Pertaining to a sincere and devoted friend. -âs” mükhâllef, a, a. Left behind (at death); s° mükhâlléfât, s. pl, a. The effects and property of a defunct person, especially such as devolve to the crown. s” mâkhlüt, a. a. Mixed, having some one or various ingredients mixed into itself, not pure. 8 -* mèkhlü”, a. a. Deposed, de- throned; removedi. * mâkhlük, a. a. Created; ·\5 =* mâkhlükÂt, s. pl. a. All creation, all creatures. U-•s° mükhûmmess, s. a. A pentagon; a small piece of poetry of five verses or hemistichs. 2** D 776 ] *) * s” mâkhmür, a. a. Who feels and still labours under the distressing and depressing reaction consequent upon the passing off of intoxication, or, figuratively, of any elating influence. e : s=° mükhènness, s. a. A sodomite. · mûkhènnesslik, s. t. Sodomy, –5ys” mâkhüf, a. a. Fearful, frightful, dreadful. :=* mükhayyer, a.a. Optional; bought upon approval or trial; who has an option given to him. ç * mükhâyyem, a. a. Under canvass, in tents, encamped; -, 8. a. A camp; *K· mükhāyyem-ghyâh, A camp, a place where an army is encamped. • • mëdd, s. a. A stretching out, length- ening, prolonging ; astretching forth (the hand); the prolongation of voice in a long vowel; the sign –, which is used for marking a long initial \, or the suppression of a long medial ; as ifâfet, ·2) râhmân; high water of the sea, high tide ; an addi- tional term of office frequently given to judges at the end of the year for which alone they are always appointed: \–, –et, v.a. To stretch out, lengthen, prolong; to stretch forth, put out (the hand). z : meddâh, s. a. A public story-teller. J- medâkhil, s. pl, a. (of Us- mëdkhâl), Entries, inlets ; income, receipts; –, müdâkhil, s. a. An in- terferer, one who interferes. *-i mûdâkhalé, s. a. An interfe- rence ; –, –et, v.n. To interfere. el mëdâd, s. a. Writing-ink. mëdâr, s. a. The point or place at, or about which, things revolve or turn; a centre ; a tropic ; ·2)* mëdâri-sèratÂn, The tropic of Cancer; ·l medâri-jedi, The tropic of Capricorn. Vl müdârâ, ·y • müdârât, s. a. A soft answer, the quiet, prudent tone and manner necessary to be used towards adversaries (it need not, though it may be dissimulation) ; -, –et, v.n. To give a soft answer, assume a quiet tome and manner (towards an adversary). 76: medârij, s. pl. a. (sing. not used) Steps, degrees of ascent. ( )*: • medâriss, s. pl. a. (of * ) • medréssé), divinity. Colleges for law and · müdâréssèt, s. a. The public teaching of law and divinity. *l müdâfa”a, s. a. A repelling; a striving to repel (an assailant) ; self defence ; -, -et, v.a. To repel or strive to repel. fl müdâm, a. a. Permanent, con- tinual; –, s. a. Wine. · müdâvât, s. a. Medical treat- ment; –, –et, v.n. To treat medi- cally. *), • mûdâvéré, s. a. A passing round, causing to circulate. Jyl* Jıl • mûdâvil, a. a. Circulating, in cir- [(at duties). mûdâvim, a. a. Assiduous, steady culation. · müdâvémet, s. a. Constant attendance, steady application; -, –et, v.n. To be constant in atten- dance and steady in application. e-e- müdâhin, s. a. A flatterer, adulator. · müdâhéné, s. a. Flattery, adu- lation ; the giving unmerited praise ; or the withholding merited reproach ; \-, –et, v.n. To use flattery, adula- tion; to give false praise or to with- hold merited reproach, < - mëdâ'ih, s. pl, a. (öf d=< mëdihé), Laudable acts or qualities ; praises. [mëdiné), Towns, cities. · medâ’in, s. pl, a. (of : mûdbir, s. a. One who retrogrades; one fallen into misfortune; –, müdèb- bir, s. a. One who conducts business, whose mind finds plans for managing affairs. ğ** medbügh, a. a. Tanned (leather). c“ 9 x e müddet, s. a. A period, length of time ; “e 9 • müddéti-“imr, A lifetime. z· mëdh, s. a. A praising, speaking well of, eulogizing; -, -et, v.a. To praise, eulogize. · midhèt, s. a. A praiseworthy act or quality; a tribute of praise, [(corn, &c.). --- x-e müddakhir, a. a Stored up eulogy. [ 777 ] * J· mëdkhal, s. a. An entry, inlet ; participation, interest, influence, com- plicity. J3 - • mëdkhül, a. d. Into which some- thing has entered; (a woman) who has been deflowered, is no longer a virgin. “X\ o mèded, s. a. Assistance, help, suc- cour ; –, int. a. Help ! (_- y° • mëded-rèss, 6e mëded-kyâr, s. p. A helper, succourer, deliverer. ) mëdEr, s. a. A sun-dried, unbaked brick ; _ _s èhli-mëdEr, One who dwells in a house (as opposed to Jel : ehli-vèber, Adweller in tents). }\y mâdrabÂz,s.t.A pedlar, huckster. v_ y müderriss, s. a. A public pro- fessor of law and divinity. *) mëdréssé, s. a. A college for the study of law and divinity. · müdrik (fem. mûdriké), a. a. Who overtakes, comes up with ; who seizes (ameaning), catches, takes; ·küvvéti-mûdrik6,The com- prehension, apprehensive faculty. e (for e*) müdda”â, a. a. Con- tended for, pretended, maintained; -, 8. a, A thesis; a plea; a proposi- tion contended for and maintained. şe med'ûvv, a. a. Invited. L* müddâ”i, s. a. A contender, maintainer ; a plaintiff; · müdda”â-“âleyh (müddâ”i-), s. a. A defendant, an accused person. * müddâghim, a. a. Inserted, co- alesced, comprehended in the sound of the following letter (a comsonant, in [thing is buried. · medfen, s. a. A place where any- u: medfün, a. a. Buried, interred. d;5 mûdâkkik, s. a. A person who examines minutely. Arabic grammar). [and proofs. Jl mûdellel, a. a. Indicated by signs Midilli, s. t. The island of Mity- lene; a pony. J medlül, a. a. Indicated by signs and proofs; –, s. a The deduction, the thing, sense, or meaning indicated by any words or signs. - v** müdmin, a. a. Who constantly practises or uses anything, who ac- quires a knack. Towns, cities. cy müdn, s. pl.a. (of : o mëdiné), mèdéni (fem. mèdéniyyé), a. a. Living in a town or towns; civi- lized; notnomade; o mèdéniy- yêt, s. a. Civilized or town life, or the abstract quality of living in towns ; civilization. _99 • müdèvvèr, a. a. Round, globular. c)9° müdèvvin, s. a. One who collects poetry into a regular diwÂn ; –, müdèvvèn, a. a. Collected and formed into a regular diwân (poetry); com- piled and made into a book. , U*-*-• müdhish, a. a. Frightening, which causes terror. e,* müddehin, a, a. Oiled, greased, anointed. [scared. C 2-2 - medhüsh, a, a. Terrified ; · meda (medé before the definite [ 778 ] $ article J), s. a. As far in space or as long in time as something can reach ; a l-* mèdé-’l-bAssar, As far as the eye can see; y° -* medé-'d- -dühür, As long as time lasts. &c< \ o mèdiha, s. a. A praiseworthy quality or act; praise, eulogy, enco- mium. \ \ o mëdid, a.a. Long, extended. L** müdir, s. a. A manager ; director ; title of the petty governors of districts, who also collect the revenue, assess [Medina in Arabia. d: o mëdiné, s. a. A town, a city ; property, &c. uy: medyün, a, a, In debt, indebted. & A midyé, s. t. (Greek) A muscle (fish). - mûzâb, a. a. Melted, molten. mèzÂk, s. a. The taste. 3,4 * müzâkéré, s. a. A conference, talking over (any subject); -, -et, v.a. To talk over, discuss. · mezâhib, s. pl, a. (of -* mèzhèb), Religious sects or peculiar creeds. <* mezbah, s.a. A place forslaughter- ing cattle; an altar for the Same (but not for fire or for burning). ->&& müzèbzib, a. a. A trifler who is constantly changing his fancy. c mezbüh, a, a Slaughtered by having the throat cut; sacrificed (in like manner); *3 - 3 mezbühâné, a. p. Pertaining to a slaughtered animal müzekkEr, a. a. Masculine (word • [ 779 ] ·ley • in grammar); –, müzekkir, s. a. One who repeats litanies in praise or commemoration of Godor the prophet. L* * mezkyür, a.a. Mentioned, afore- mentioned, aforesaid. · mezellet, s. a. Abjectness. • • • mèzmüm, a. a. Blamed, ill- spoken-of, detestable. · mèzhèb, s. a. A path ; a rule of faith; a religious sect or creed; –, mûzehbeb, a. a. Gilt with gold. · mezi, s. a. A slight seminal mois- ture occurring from mere lascivious- T)GSS. _ mürr, s. a. Myrrh (generally called ·2r mûrri-sÂfi, Pure myrrh, or pure öitterness, or sheer gall); –, a, a. -& ro mèr', s. a. A man. [Bitter. V• mirâ, s. a. Hypocrisy, dissimulation; Ş- 6 -, mèrâ, s. pl, a. (of = y mir'ât), Mirrors, looking-glasses. · mürâbahât, s. a. A gaining, profiting in business. ay • mürÂbit, s. a. One who devotes himself entirely to the service of the faith, either as a warrior to guard the frontiers against external foes, or as a man of piety to pray for the welfare of the church and combat internal enemies. Ey • merâbi”, s. pl, a. (of s-ro mèrbâ”), Houses for spring habita- tion; pastures for spring use. · mir'ât, s. a. A mirror, looking- glass, speculum ; y-e mèrrât, s. pl. a. (of 3, mèrré), Times (in sne- cession). · merâtib, s. pl, a. (of mèrtébé), Grades, ranks, gradations. ·- mûrâja”ât, s. a. A referring, having recourse (to some thing or person) ; -, -et, v.n. To refer, have recourse, fall back. J-y merâhil, s. pl, a. (of ~ mErhalé), Stations on a journey ; days’ journeys. · mürâhalèt, s. a. Going, start- ing, departing. f-ye merâhim, s. pl, a. (of · mèrhâmet), Compassionate acts, graces. ey • mürâd, a. a. Wished for, desired, aimed at; –, 8. a. Wish, desire, aim, intent, intention ; Murad (corrupted by ignorance into Amurath, proper name); -, -et, v.a. To wish, desire, aim at, intend. y• mîrâr, s. pl. a. (of 8 mèrré), Times (of repetition) ; ğıye mirāran, ad. a. Often, repeatedly, many times. (:2) re mèrâret, s. a. Bitterness. · mûrâssélé, · mürâssélèt, 8. a. Correspondence by letter or messages. ~ mèrâssim, s. pl. a. (no sing.), Ceremonies, customary usages. “y” merâssim, s. pl, a. (of : • mèrsüm), Edicts, rescripts. ·ey mûrâ”ât, s. a. A careful obser- vance (of any requisite, thing) ; -, * -et, v.n. To observe, keep, revere, or execute, fulfil. *si, mûrâfa'a, s. a. A trial at law ; -, –öl, v.n. To go through a trial at law. ·öy • mûrâfakAt, s. a. An accom- panying (one) on a journey ormission; –, –et, v.n. Togo in company (with someone). r mèrâk, s. a. A whim, fancy ; curiosity; taste ; pleasure ; anxiety, suspense ; fear; monomania; hypo- -, To be anxious, to fear; to be curious ; chondria ; -et, v.n. c·y * merâkda-brâkmak, v.a. To leave in doubt, suspense ; · mèrÂkli, a. t. Fanciful, whimsical ; curious; having a taste, being an amateur. [tion and contemplation. ·y mürâkaba, s. a. Ascetic medita- · merâkid, s. pl, a. (of mèr- kAd), Tombs, graves. · mèrâkib, s. pl. a. (of - r mèrkèb), Things used for riding in or on, as horses, camels, mules, asses, carriages, ships, boats. [desire. ry- mèrâm, s. a. Intention ; wish, · mûrâmât, s. a. A firing, pro- jecting, lancing (missiles at someone). j; öy • 0?” c·öy • 07° c·y- mâran- ghoss, 8. t. (İtalian), A ship's carpen- ter ; a cabinet-maker. * or 52re mer'é, s. a. A voman. * • mèrâhim, s. pl. a. (of * mèrhèm), Ointments, salves. [ 780 J * merâyâ, s.pı a, (of mir'ât), Mirrors, looking-glasses, specula. · mûrâyât, s. a. Hypocrisy. y* mûrâ'i, s. a. A hypocrite, dis- sembler. 5-) • merbâ”, s. a. A house for spring residence; a spring pasturage; –, mürebbâ”, s. a. Amathematical square (figure or number); * mürebbâ”i, a. a. Square. k: mèrbüt, a.a. Connected, fastened, tied (together orto something); reg- ular. · mürebbi, s. a. One who educates ; 0?” : re mürebbâ, s. a. A preparation, condiment; !r• : âywa-müreb- bâssi, Preserved quince. (}ş - ) • mürettEb, a. a. Set in order, arranged, duly disposed; ready, pre- sent, existing ; · mürettébât, s. pl. a. The different things regularly supplied to, by, or for, any department of administration, such as money, clothes, men, arms, &c.; –, mürettib, 8. a. A compositor in a printing-office. * • mErtébé, s. a. A degree, grada- tion; a rank ; 8e4 5y•J* kèmâli- -mèrtébédé, ad. t. To a supreme degree, very, extremely. · mürtedd (mürtAd), s. a. A pervert from Mahommetanism. - * mürtezika (Les * èshkhāss, or some similar voord, being understood), s, pl, a. (of :y• mürtèzik), People who receive their pay and rations, A ° u_5°re their livelihood (from the public trea- sury, &c.). mürteshi, s. a. Aman in office who accepts a bribe. or 45, mûrtézâ, a.a. With whom one is well pleased; -5· el-mûrtézâ, “Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammed. [tree, &c.) 8- • mürtefi”, a. a. High (hill, place, ·U• mürtekib, s. a. One who does, commits (any sin or crime) ; a corrupt bribe-taking, peculating fellow. · mèrsiyyé, s. a. An elegy. ·- mèrjān, s. p. Coral ; Merjan (proper name often given to ölack slaves); –, merjān-bAlighi, s. t. A gold fish. -z mûrèijeb, a. a. : mûreijah, a. a. Preferable. *- mèrja”, s. a. A place to which [revered. Honoured, one returns, or has recourse. e: •a-· merjémek, s. p. Alentile. 35-ro mErjü, a. a. Begged, requested, asked. --· mèrhabâ! int. a. (In affluence !) Allhail! (said only öy one Muhammedan to another). [a station. * mèrhalé, s. a. Aday's journey; · mèrhâmet, s. a Pity, com- miseration, mercy. f - mErhüm, a. a. Received into God’s mercy (said only of defunct Mu- hammedans). La· mûrâkhkhAss, a.a. Having full permission; -, 8. a. A plenipotentiary. [ 781 ] (• • * as mèrkhassa, s. a. A Christian bishop, abbot, or prior. · mèrd, s. p. A man; amanly fellow; –, mûrd, a. p. Dead (said only of non - Muhammedans, in contempt); &le, mèrdâné, a. p. Manly ; brave; öley mèrdânéghi, s. p. Manliness, bravery; -59) • mèrdi, s.p. Manhood, manliness. _'e, mürdâr (mûndâr), a. p. Filthy, dirty; canonically unclean. • • mèrdum, s. p. A man ; · mèrdumek, s. p. dim. A little man ; *-e- mèrdumeki - cheshm, s. p. The pupil of the eye ; ·yle mûrdum-èrighi, s. t. Adamson. · mèrdüd, a. a. Contemned, re- pulsed, disowned, rejected. 8 mèrédé, s. pl.a. (of :yle mârid), Obstinate rebels ; –, mûrdé, a. p. Dead. e 89, o mûrdé-senk, s.p. Litharge(?). _j) • miErz, s. p. A frontier, a march ; e ye mèrzubÂn, s. p. A warden of the marches, a governor ; • • miErzubüm, s. p. A country, region. - (for ) mersà, s. a. A port, harbour, anchorage-ground. J mürsel, s. a. A messenger, an apostle; · : seyyidu-’l-mûr- sélin, The prince of the apostles, Muhammed, • • miErsüm, a. a. Delineated; drawn ; written; the above-mentioned; -, a.a. An edict, rescript, order. u_e”re u 5`r* mèrsâ, s. a. A harbour, port, [sturgeon (fish). cy”) mèrsin, s. t. A myrtle (tree) ; a anchorage-ground. · mûrshid, s. a. A spiritual guide and preceptor; a guide. d\e2re mirsAd, s. a., *Sese: • miErsAd- ghyâh, s. p. A place for a look-out ; a lurking-place. [precious stones. 5- er. mûrâsssa", a, a, Ornamented with cLe; ero miErsüss, a. a. Held together firmly with cramp-irons. ·, o mâraz, s. a. Disease, malady ; a pining sickness ; –, mûrazi- mèvt, The disease of which one dies. V • (for ) mèrzà, s. pl.a. (of L· mûriz), The sick. · ro mèrzât, s. a. Satisfaction, the being pleased, content, satisfied. °r* miErzi, a. a. With which one is satisfied or pleased; –, mErzâ, s. pl. a. (of L4: • mâriz), The sick. · mèrtüb, a.a. Moistened, wetted. Ve or / ground. sN 66 A er• mera, s. a. Pasture- sere mErı, a. a. To which attention is paid, to which people conform ; observed, in force. ğ. mürgh, s.p.A bird; a fowl. - mürghâb, s.p. Aduck. “- • mèrghüb, a. a. Such as is liked and desired. 4 müreffeh, a.a. At ease; in good circumstances; J *) müreffèhu-’l- -bâl, With the heart at ease. [grave. · miErkAd, s. a. A sepulchre, tomb, [ 782 ] f: mèrküm, a.a. Written; the above- mentioned. ·9) mèrgh, s. p, Death. · merkèb, s.a. A beast for riding, whether horse, camel, mule, or ass; an ass, a donkey ; a carriage; a ship or boat (The idea of the camel being called by Arabs “ the ship of the desert,” is a mistaken European fable, the truth being that, if anything, they have, on the contrary, likened the ship to the camel, and called the for- ihe 4- 6 6: mer -5:<-42) • mèrkèb-bâhri, sea-camel,” or rather “ the marine thing for riding”); –, mürekkèb, a. a. Compound ; –, s. a. Writing ink ; -, mürekkib-bAlighi (The ink- fish), The cuttle-fish, the sepia; Jé- -65 jehli-mürekkib, (Compound ignorance) The ignorance which ig- nores its own ignorance, presump- tuous ignorance. mèrkèz, s. a. A centre ; a seat of provincial government ; the head-quar- ters of a corps-d'armée. · mèrkyüb, a.a. Ridden, mounted. re mèrkyüz, a. a. Stuck in or up, planted (as a javelin in the ground). · mirildamak (aor. yley• mâril- dar), c· · m?rildAnmak (aor. _yley• m?rildAnir), v.n. Tomurmur, mutter. · mèremmet (mèrémet), s. a. Repairs, reparation; –, –et, v.n. To make repairs, to repair. roj• _roy • mirmir, s. t. Marble ; –, m?rmir, 8. t. Amurmuring, muttering. [garded. v : re mèrmük, a. a. Looked at, re- mèrmi (fem. 4: , mèrmiyyé),a.a. Thrown, cast, projected ; u_5°r* --- jissmi-mèrmi, A projectile. *) Merv, s. p, Merv (town of). “\! mèrvârid, s. p. A pearl (Greek puapyepırm). · mûrüvvet (for ·5ro mârû’et), 8. a. Generosity, magnanimity. zyy-• mürevvij, s. a. One who pro- motes, advances, gives course or ami- mation (to any business). [ness. “99) • mürüd, s. a. Obstinacy, rebellious- ) / mûrür, s. a. A passing (over, by, or through); –, –et, v.n. To go or pass (over, by, through); ·j-, mürürU-zâmÂn, The lapse of time ; –, mürvEr, s. t. The elder tree ; -ş-5--, mûrvEr-chichèghi, Elder- berry-flowers. [told, recounted. -°r• mièrvi, q. a. Related, handed down, * mèrré, s. a. A time (of repetition); 8 • *: 8J• mèrréten-bâ”da-mèrrétin, ad. a Repeatedly, time after time. *ye merhèm (melhèm), s. a. Ointment, salve. e mèrhün, a. a Pledged, pawned. : • mèrrıkh, s. a. The planet Mars. · mèrid, s. a. An obstinate, rebellious person; –, mürid, s. a. A follower of a religious preceptor, a novice, a [a. a. Sick, ill. Lá: r* mâriz, s. a. A sick person ; –, disciple. [ 783 ] : • mèryém, s. a. Mary (proper name); Üle: meryem - âna, s. t. Mary, the mother (of Jesus); f:y < bükhüri- -meryem (Incense of Mary), The cy- clamen, or sow-bread. } miz or miz (j* after a consonant which will not join calligraphically) after a vowel, or imiz, imiz after a consonant ; Turkish possessive pronoun, first pers. pl. Our, } : bAbAmiz, Our father, j• kâlè- mimiz, Our pen ; j•:yel r: birâdéri- miz, Our brother ; –, or } • mâz, Turkish termination of the aorist par- ticiple active of every negative verö ; j* ghitmâz, Who does not, will not gO ; * · süweylémâz, Who does not, will not say. - z}< mîzâj, s. a. The state of a person's health ; the general constitution; per- sonal character, disposition ; j-- 9 mîzâjsiz, at. Unwell,ill, sick; K- mizâj-ghir, a. p. Who suits anyone's disposition, takes, and becomes liked; - * z5 mizāji - sherif : - }=: mizâji - sherifingiz ? (The, your, noble health?), How do you do? cj mûzâh, s. a. Fun, a joke, a jest. -U• mezâhim, s. pl, a. (of ·j zâhmet), Fatigues, difficulties ; –, mûzâhim, a. a. Impeding; –, s. a. An obstacle, impediment. ·-j• müzâhémèt, s. a. An im- peding, impediment; a crowding, thronging together. e · mèzâd, s. a. Public auction ; -, –et, v.a. To sell by auction ; se · mèzâda-vèrmek, To give to be sold at auction ; c·leyee U• mèzâddan-Almak, To buy at an auc- tion ; –, müzâd, a. a. Increased, added to. • mèzâr (mezar), s. a. A grave ; **-, mèzar-tAshi, A tombstone ; U_: • mèzarji, s. t. A gravedigger; ·: • mèzarisstân, s. p. c mezarlik, s. t. A graveyard. , & mezâri”, s. pl, a. (of de:) • mezra”a), Arable lands; sown fields. mezâyâ, s. pl, a. (of -j mèziy- yet), Special points, virtues, advan- tages ; e:): ·: • ·: bir- -shey'ing-mezâyâssina - varmak, v.n. To seize and appreciate the special point of anything. [auction. * müzâyédé, s. a. A putting up at 4 mezbélé, s. a = mezbélé- lik, 8. t. A dust-heap, heap of refuse rubbish. : • mèzbür, a. a. Written ; the above- [mentioned. z_} • mèzj, s. a. A mixing intimately, a blending ; -, -et, v.a. To mix, blend. • * – mûzâkhref, a, a. Ornamented with false ornaments ; · müzâkhréfât, s. pl.a. Rubbish, pec- cant humours. 9} • müzd, s. p. A reward, recompense. e-e- müzdèhim, a. a. In crowds, thronged (people). [ 784 ] ** y* mâzrAk, s. t. A spear, a lançe. *e)j mezra”a, s. a. Arable land; a [gold thread. L =: • müzèrkesh, a.g. Worked with 8 y* mezrü”, a.a. Sown (seed, field). · mèzellet, s. a. A slip of the foot; sown field. an error, a fault. mizmâr, s. a. A pipe, a flute. croje müzmin, a.a. Chronic, old, long- standing. j• müzevvir, s. a. A lying, swindling rogue ; –, müzèvvEr, a. .a. Forged, made up, concocted oflies. 3} • mezé, s. p. A whet before dinner, an appetizer (consisting Teally of dry and salt condiments, or fruit, taken with raw spirits); a joke, fun, raillery; - - mezéli, a. t. Funny, joking (saying). * · meziyyet, s. a. The particular point, virtue, or advantage (of a thing). · mezid, a.a. Much, increased, aug- mented. [to disappear, to vanish. · müzil, a. a. Who or which causes er!)-• müzeyyen, a. a. Embellished, adorned. · müzhd, e· müzhdéghyân, * Se; müzhdéghyâné, s. p. A pre- sent given to a bringer of good news. 93 müzhdvir, a. p. Rewarded, re- compensed. * müzhdé, s. p. Good news, glad tidings of any happy event; 2-8 • mûzhdéji, s. t. Hangers-on at public offices, who, whem people are appointed · [ 785 ] 6- *-o to any employ, carry the news to their friends, and expectareward; j8°: • müzhdé-ress, s. p. A bringer of good T16WS. [an eyelash. · mûzhghyân, s. p. The eyelashes, L-o mèsss, s. a. A touching; -, –et, v.n. To touch ; to happen ; –, miss, 8. p. Copper. - messâ, s. a The evening. · müssâbakAt, s. a An arriving or happening before (something else); a taking the precedence; -, -et, v.n. To arrive or happen before; to take precedence. ·--e messâjid, s. pl, a. (of ş-* mèssjid), Small parish mosques. *-- mèssâha, s. a. A measuring, surveying (land); the measure (of a piece ofland); -, -et, v.a. To mea- sure (land). (-:- C· mûssâra”ât, s. a. A being quick, ready, and willing; -, -et, v.n. To hasten willingly, to be quick (about doing a thing). c-e mûssâ”id, a.a. Favourable. 8.Ac-e mûssâ”adé, s. a. Favour shown, permission or assistance given as a favour ; the admitting or allowing (anything to be done) ; -, -et, vn. To show favour, to favour, to be favourable; to give permission or assistance ; to admit or allow (to be done). · messâ”i, s. pl.a. (ofu *- sâ'y), Endeavours, exertions. 8- mèssâgh, s. a. Permission, tolera- tion, indulgence. [to place. * - messâf6, s. a. Distance from place - mûssâfir, s. a. Aguest, a visitor ; a sojourner ; a traveller. · mûssâférèt, s. a. The being a guest or visitor, quality of guest; a sojourn; a journeying; -, -et, v.n. To sojourn ; to travel. - e· mèssâkin, s. pl. a. (of . . mèsskèn), Habitations. · mèssâkin, s. pl. a. (of · misskin), The poor, needy. < - messâlik, s. pl, a. (of · mèsslek), Roads, paths, ways; careers. · mûssâlémet, s. a Peace, free- dom from enmity or warfare. · messâmmât(messâmât),s.pl.a. (n0 sing.), Pores. &s*-e mûssâmaha, s. a. A taking no notice, a not preventing; -, -et, v.n. To take no notice, not to prevent, to connive at(without corrupt motives). s---- messâmi”, s. pl.a. (no sing.), Ears. ·· mûssâvAt, s. a. Equality. · mûssâvi, a. a. Equal. J5 - messâ'il, s. pl. a (of a - mèss'élé), Questions, subjects, theses. - o mûssèbbib, s. a. He who causes or creates (needful things); –, mûs- sèbbeb, a. a. Furnished with all need- ful things; - –, mûssèbbibu- -’l-èssbÂb, (God) the creator of all needful things. * 3 F uğ* :“ mèssbük, a. a. Precedented ; · nâ-mèssbük, a. p. Unprece- dented. ----o mèsst, s. t. A kind of light half- boot for indoor wear, and over which slippers or shoes are worn out of doors ; –, a. p. Drunk, tipsy, intoxi- cated; & messtâné, a, p. Per- taining to one who is drunk. -- mûsstë'jir, s. a. One who takes a thing on hire. · mûsstë'min, s. a. One under safe conduct or the law of nations, to whom immunity from hostilities has been granted at his own request ; one who, being a foreigner and not a Mu- hammedan, goes into a Muhammedan territory or into Turkey on any peace- able mission; any Muhammedan go- ing abroad on any peaceable mission, and under the laws of nations. e — mûsstébân, a. a. Clear, mani- fest, evident. 5- • mûsstètbi”, a.a. Who or which is followed or accompanied. : mûsstetir, a.a. Who veils or hides himself. J: • mûsstesskâl, a. a. Treated as if counted abore. [cepted, exempted. : • or L: • mûsstessnâ, a, a, Ex- · mûsstéjâb, a. a. Answered, accepted (a prayer, request). · mûsstèjlib, a. a. Which draws, attracts, causes, brings down. s-*şi • mûsstèjmi”, a. a. Who or [ 786 ] < -• which contains, collects within him- self. · mûsstahâbb, a. a. Esteemed as lovely or loving or meritorious. e· mûsstâhsèn, a. a. Approved of, praiseworthy. asi- müsstâhzâr, a. a. Of which one is informed or aware, known, under- stood. [risoning a fortress. aksi· mûsstâhfiz, s. a. A soldier gar- c = - mûsstâhikk (müsstahakk), a. a. Deserving ; –, mûsstahAkk, a. a. Deserved, merited; –, s. a. What one has deserved, merited ; 4- - ) cy°): · AllÂh - müsstahAk- kingi-vèrsin ! May God give you your deserts ! [fortified. · mûsstâhkèm, a.a. Strong, firm; *si- mûsstâkhdèm, a. a. Employed (a person), in service. %:Jsi- mûsstâkhrèj, a. a. Extracted. * mûsstédâm, a, a. Continual, perpetual. [Demanded, requested. \e - or L** mûssted”â, a. a. mûsstédir, a. a. Not plane, round; ) · sAthi-müsstédir, Around surface, a non-plane super- [stant. *- mûsstédim, a. a. Perpetual, con- ficies. mûssettir (pl. fem. · mûs- sèttérât), s. a. A veiled woman, a modest, virtuous woman. [Requested. = or U = mûssterja, a, a. * mûsstérih, a. a. At ease, free from care and trouble. ey - [ 787 ] -35 • • • müsstézâd, a. a. Increased, aug- mented, added to. * mûsstesski, a. a Dropsical. mûsstéshâr, s. a. A councillor, and under-secretary of state, with whom the secretary of state advises. e-s“* mûstasshAb (-ss-hAb), a. a. Taken with, made or allowed to ac- company ; acquired, purchased. · mûsstatÂb, a. a Good, ap- proved (book, &c.). · mûsstatil, a. a. Long, length- emed; –, 8. a. A parallelogram. J· mûsstazill, a, a. Who seeks or finds protection in the shade. - *-e mûssta”âr, a. a. Borrowed. e· mûssta”ân, a.a. From whom assistance is asked; · èl- -mûssta”ân, s. a God, from whom all ask assistance. [quired in haste. Jş*-* mûsstâ”jël, a. a. Pressing, re- · mûssta”idd (mûsstâ”id), a, a. Prepared, ready, in readiness; ready witted, quick at learning, clever ; in- clined, predisposed. · mûsstà''mel, a, a. Used, in use ; which has been used, second- hand. : mûsstàghrâk, a. a Submerged, [drowned. mûsstaghni, a.a. Independent, not in want, able to do without (some- thing or anything). el mûsstéfâd, a. a Gathered, un- The derstood, acquired; –, 8. a. meaning (of a phrase or writing). J· müsstakbel, s. a The future time, time to come ; the future tense. L: mûsstakârr, a. a. Firmly estab- lished, settled; a place in which one is definitively settled. · mûsstakill (mûsstAkil), a, a, In- dependent, absolute. : • mûsstakim, a. a. Straight, right; upright, honest, straightforward; as- –, khAtti-müsstakîm, A right line, a straight line. [gust. : • müsstekrèh, a. a. Held in dis- f - mûsstèlzim, a. a. Which causes, makes necessary. [constant. y• • mûsstémèrr, a. a. Permanent, · mûsstémènd, a, p. Poor, hum- ble ; &l· mûsstémèndâné, a.p. Pertaining to a humble individual. * - mûsstènbèt, a. a. Deduced. “A: -o mûsstenid, a. a. Who or which leans upon something for support; –, mûssténèd, s. a. A thing or person leant upon for support. y* mûssténir, a. a. Deriving its light from something else. · mûsstèvjib, a, a. Causing, rendering imperative. messtür, a.a. Covered, hidden. · mûsstevfi, a. a. Sufficient, ample (salary, &c.). · mûsstèvli, a. a. Overrunning, taking, occupying. -° -• mûsstévi, a. a. Plane ; · - -5 sAthi-mûsstévi, A plane su- perficies. 3 F 2 -% mûsstehzi s. a. One who ridi- cules others. \ş:“ messjid, s. a. (the original ofour vord “mosque”), A place of adora- tion; a smallparish or private mosque; ey=- mesidu-ı-harâm, The ·-, mèssjidu -’l - Aksâ, The temple or sacred mosque at Mecca ; mosque of Omar at Jerusalem, or the | heavenly temple immediately over it in paradise. z-ş-* mûssèjja”, a.a. Rhymed (prose) but not metrical. Jş-* mûssèjjel, a, a. Inscribed in the register of a court of law. ·ş** mèssjün, a. a. Imprisoned, in- carcerated. <- mèssh (mèss-h), s. a. A rubbing with the inner parts of the fingers ; the canonical mode of performing certain parts of the Smaller ablution; –, –et, v.a. To rub in that particular way. s-* mûssâkhkhâr, a. a. Conquered, subdued, brought under subjection. *, s“ mAsskhara, s. a. A buffoon, tom- fool ; c: ss- mAsskharalik, s. t. Buffoonery, tom-foolery. · mèssdüd, a. a. Closed, shut, [mirth. · messerret, s. a. Joy, gladness, stopped up. – - mûssrif, s. a A spendthrift; 455)-e mûssrifâné, a. p. Pertaining to a spendthrift. [mirthful. _yr-• mèssrür, a, a. Joyful, glad, [ 788 ] A-• · mûssAttâh, a. a. Made flat ; · ** = kyûré'i-mûssAttaha, A planisphere. · misstâr, s. a. A machine for ruling lines on paper, consisting in a piece of cardboard with lines of hard- twisted silk sewn through it; this is placed under the paper to be ruled, and the finger being drawn along the silks, the lines are formed, raised on one side of the paper, depressed on the other; –, mûsAttâr, a.a. Having lines or writing traced upon it. -2ya- mèsstür, a. a. Written. · mess”üd, a. a Blessed with felicity and good fortune. _y* mèssfür, a. a. Written ; the above- mentioned (aluvays used as a mark of reprobation). ai- mAsskAt, s.a. A place where any- thing drops ; Muscat in Arabia; – c- mAsskAtu-'r-re'ss, (The place where the head dropped) A birth- place, the place of one's birth. 5°-• Mösskov (mösskof), s. t. ARussian; Russia. e: missk, s. a. Musk; =· misski, a. a. Musky ; dark-coloured, swarthy. · misskèt, s. a. Name of a kind of grape, of a kind of apple ; grape- shot ; –, mûsskit, a. a. Which re- duces to silence, satisfies. ~ mûsskir, a.a. Inebriating; · mûsskirât, s. pl.a. Intoxicating drinks. e· e· mèsskën, s. a. A habitation, an abode. · messkénet, s.a. Utter poverty. · mèsskyük, a. a. Coined, struck with a die ; · mèsskyükyât, s. pl. a. Coins, medals. e· messkyün, a, a, Inhabited; - ) · rûb'u - messkyün, The in- habited quarter of the globe. e· misskin, a. p. Musky ; dark- coloured, tawny ; – (misskin), s. a. A pauper ; a leper ; · miss- kinlik, s. t. Utter poverty, rags ; - müsellâh, a. a. Armed. [leprosy. · müssèlsël, a. a. Concatenated, continuous as the links of a chain. mûssAllAt, a. a Arrogating do- minion : -, mûssAllat-öl, v.n. To attack, to meddle with, to leave no peace, to pester. e: messlek, s. a. A course pursued; a path, road, way. --- mûsslim, s. a. (pl. e· müss- limin), A true Muhammedan, a fol- lower of Islamism ; –, mûssèllèm, Conceded; admitted ; testable, incontrovertible; Ceded, given (!. 0. incon- up, delivered; –, mûssèllim (for ~ mutésssèllim), s. a. A governor of a town ; - mûsslimân, s. pl. p. Musslims, Isslamites, Muhamme- dans; (mÜssUlmÂn, as a Turkish sin- gular), A Musslim, Moslem, Muham- medan, Mahometan. [stripped. · mèsslüb, a. a. Despoiled, [ 789 ] (-“:*-o · mèsslük, a.a. Followed, taken (a road, path, course, &c.). - J - mèsslül, a. a. Drawn, unsheathed (a sword, &c.). “- (for “) mûssèmmâ, a, a. Named, called, bearing a name. -e missmär, s. a. A nail. cr“ mûssmin, a. a. Fat, plump. & “ mèssmü”, a.'a. Heard. *- mèssmüm, a. a. Poisoned. U5 * mûssèmmâ, a. a. Named, called, bearing a name. J“ mûssinn, a. a. Aged, old, in years. · mèssned, s. a. A place, post, office of high distinction ; a place where one reclines on the elbow ; –, müssnèd, a. a. Which has been made to lean (against something), leant ; imputed, attributed. ( -- mûssènnèm, a. a. In profile ; “2) ~ ressmi-müssènnèm, A drawing or figure in profile. ey; o mèssnün, a.a. Founded on or supported by an act or saying of Muhammed. · missvâk, s. a. A kind of tooth- brush used in the East, made of a fibrous Toot; the using a tooth-brush. 8 -o mûsswëddé, mûssèvvédé, s. a. The rough copy of a writing; 8-99-0 mûsswëddélik, s. t. Paper for rough copying. [gative medicine, a purge. Je· mûsshil (–ss-h-), s. a. A pur- --~ mûssèyyeb, a.a. Careless and prodigal in money matters. <- mèssih, s. a. The Anointed, the Messiah ; v_s = -• mèssihi, a. a. Christian, Messiahian. y* mèssir, 8)“ mèssiré, s. a. A place of promenade ; a journey. \: Messina, s. t. Messina, in Italy. * mess'élé, s. a. Aquestion, subject of disquisition. [swerable. J, mess'ül, a, a. Responsible, an- U mish, mish, Termination of the past active participle, and of the dubitative mood, of Turkish verbs. [sembling. 4: mûshâbih, a.a. Like, similar, re- ·e: müshâbéhet, s. a. Likeness, resemblance, similarity. · müshâtémé, s. a. A calling each other names, mutual reviling. 3- müshâjéré, s. a. A quarrelling. • mûshâr, a. a. Shown, indicated; * V: • müshârun-ileyh, s. a. The aforementioned (only used as indi- of high rank); e· müshârun -bi-’l-bènân, cative of persons a. a. Pointed at with the finger, dis- tinguished, of note, of mark. · müshârékèt, s. a. Partnership ; community, participation. · mèshâta, s. a. A tire-woman, a comber and decker-out of brides, a lady's-maid. [divisable (property). : • mûshâ”, a. a. Undivided, un- ***. mûshâfaha, s. a. Verbal commu- mication and intercourse. meshâkk, s. pl, a. (of · mèshâkkAt), Fatigues, inconveniences. [ 790 ] J*-• • • mèshâmm, s. a. The seat or organ of Smelling ; the sense of smelling ; the quality of odour. • *) • müshâvéré, s. a. Deliberation, mutual consultation : -, -et, v.n. To deliberate, consult together. ***. mûshāhédé, s. a. A seeing, witnessing ; -, -et, v.d. To see, - witness. · meshâhir, s. pl, a. (of ye mèshhür), The famous, noted, cele- brated. * meshā’ikh, s. pl, a (of : shèykh), Chief doctors of law and divinity. [net-work or trellis-work. ci mûshëbbek, a. a. Formed like d· mûshèbbèh (fem. dé: mûshëb- béhé), a, a, Assimilated; * e sâfAti-müshèbbéhé, An adjective de- rived from a verb and assimilated to [with the fist. ( - o mÜsht, s. p. The fist ; a blow : • meshtà, s. t. Winter quarters ; a participle. winter pasturage ; a conservatory, greenhouse. mûshtÂk, a. a. Longing, desirous [ful. d: o müshtèbEh, a.a. Doubted ; doubt- \:·o müshtèdd, a. a. Which has become more violent. · - • mûshtéri, s. a. A customer, pur- of seeing, wishing for. [more than one. mûshtérèk, a. a. Common to chaser; the planet Jupiter. J· mûshtà"il, burning with a flame. a. a. In flames, *se % C* C: o mûshtâkk, a. a. Derived etymo- logically. * or müshtékya, s. a A subject of complaint, a thing com- plained of. · müshtéki, s. a. A complainant. · mûshtemil, a, a. Containing, comprising; : mûshtémélât (mûshtémilât), s. pl. a. Things con- tained, comprised, appurtenances. : • müshtwâré, s. p. A handful. & o mÜshta, s.p. The fist ; a blow with the fist ; a kind of hammer or beater used by shoemakers and bookbinders, shaped like a dumb-bell. 6: o mûshtèhir, a. a. Become famous, celebrated. or L: mûshtéhâ, a. a. (pl. ·\ré -o mûshtéhiyyât), Desired, longed for; capable of exciting desire. u “ mûshtéhi, a. a. Desirous, filled with desire, inflamed with desire. eys” meshhün, a.a. Filled, full. -2)* mèshreb, s. a. Character, dis- position, temperament; -9) • Gş- âchik-mèshreb, a. t. Of a forward disposition, not sufficiently modest. & meshrébé (mAshrapa), s. a. A drinking-pot. – • mûshërrèf, a, a. Honoured, to whom or to which an honour has been paid ; -, müshrif, a. a. Near, bor- dering upon. :) -- mèshrik, s. a. The place of sun- rise, the east ; ·y • mèshrikÂn [ 791 ] se % G9-o (oblique e - meshrikayn), s. a. dual, The two places of sun-rise, i.e. the east and the west, since the sun is to rise in the west before the day of judgment. ·9) • mûshrik (pl. · müshri- kin), s. a. Any misbeliever who, deny- ing verbally or practically the unity of God, treats anything else as a partner in the Godhead. · meshrüb, a. a Drunk or drink- able ; · mèshrübât, s. pl. a. Drinks of the various kinds. z:)* mèshrüh, a. a. Explained, com- mented upon. k,· meshrüt, a.a. Stipulated, condi- tioned ; * :y* mèshrüta, s. a. A piece of property in mortmain, with the condition that, before being ap- plied to public purposes, certain pri- vate conditions shall be carried out. 8:y· meshrü”, a. a. Legali ö:· ghâyri-meshrü”, a. a. Illegal. L* • mûsh”ir, a, a. Indicative, informa- tory. [torch, flambeau. * mesh”âlé (mAshala), s. a. A * meshghalé, s. a. An occupation, piece ofbusiness. - J* mèshghül, a. a. Occupied, busy. mûshfik, a. a. Kind to those in trouble ; &lää: müshfikâné, Per- taining to one whoiskind; kind (act). C: • mèshk, s. a. A writ g copy c -, mèshk-Almak, Totake lessons in calligraphy. ( : 5: 9 [ 792 ] e* t = 5 . o mèshâkkAt, s. a. Trouble, in- convenience, fatigue, suffering. mûshk, s. p. Musk; e· mûshkin, a. p. Musky; dark-coloured, tawny. JK· mûshkil, a. a. Difficult : -, (pl. · mishkilât), and & - mûshkilé, s. a. A difficulty ; –, mü- shèkkël, a. a. Formed, figured, shaped. meshkyür, a. a. For which thanks [doubted. · mèshkyük, a. a. Doubtful, 5-• • mûshèmmâ”, a. a. Waxed with –(müshâmba), s. a. Wax- cloth, cere-cloth, oil-cloth, tarpaulin, oiled silk. Jy• • mèshmül, a. a. Comprised, con- are given or due. WaX ; tained ; comprising, Containing. * mèshmüm, a. a. Perfumed with, fragrant with, smelling of (something). (:2), • mèshvérEt, s. a. A council; consultation : -, -et, v.n. To hold [embroiled, disordered. c· müshèvvèsh, a. a. Confused, a council. f: • meshüm, a.a. Unlucky (thing or place), bringing ill-luck to the owner or holder. “Aé: o mèshhèd (sh-h), s. a. A place where anyone was killed for the true religion, or where he is buried, aplace [witnessed. ·e: mèshhüd (sh-h), a. a. Seen, of martyrdom. yye: meshhür (sh-h), (menshür), a. a. Well-known, famous, celebrated, com- monly known, commonly called. L: meshy, s. a. The act of walking; ( mèshyan, ad. a. On foot, walk- ing. - · meshi’et, — meshiyyet, s. a. The will, desire, volition. · meshikhât, s. a The dignity or quality of Sheykh or Shèykhu-’l- -isslâm; * : • mèshikhât-pènâh, s. p. The Sheykhu-’l-isslâm. \: o mûshèyyid, s. a. One who builds, lays, or erects, broadly and firmly; –, mûshèyyëd, a. a. Broadly or firmly built, laid, or erected. r* mûshir, s. a. A commander, one who commands, directs, orders ; the title of Pashas of the first class, who are either Ministers of State, Gov- ernors-General of provinces, or full Generals commanding armies. &4:-o mèshimé, s. a. The after-birth, the membrane which envelopes the foetus in viviparous animals and man ; or, that to which the foetus is attached by the umbilical cord, the placenta ; ** meshimé'i -”âlem, The sun ; the sky. [sheepskin, roan. c*-• mèshin, s. a. Leather made from • • mesh'üm, a, a, Unlucky, which brings bad luck to the owner orholder. · meshi'ât, s. a The will, desire, volition. · müssÂb, a. a. Hit, struck, wounded. [of patience. (°ya• müssÂbérèt, s. a. The exercise * mâssÂbih, ** mâssÂbih, · [ 793 ] ra• s. pl. a. (of z* missbah), Lan- terns; morning cups of drink. · mûssâhib, s. a. A court functionary, whose duty it is to enter- tain the monarch by conversation and wit; a bosom friend ; a courtier. · mûssāhébet, s. a. Abeing or keeping in company or conversation ; -, -et, vn, To keep company, to converse, hold conversation. · mAssAd, s. t. A steel (for sharp- ening knives). ve a mAssâdir, s. pl, a. (of a mAssdar), Issues, outlets ; infinitives or verbal nouns (in grammar). *ye a• mûssÂdéré, s. a. A confiscating, escheating to the crown ; –, –et, v.a. To confiscate, escheat. · müssÂdémé, s. a. A shock ; -, –et, v.n. To knock violently (against athing). –5) a• mAssârif, s. pl, a. (of –i, a [mAssraf), Expenses. –3 a mèssÂff, s. a. A place where the ranks of two armies are drawn up against each other; a battle-field ; a battle. · mûssâfât, s. a. Friendly terms, · mÜssâfaha, s. a. A taking each other by the hand in token of friend- ship or on the conclusion of abargain. Ja• mAssAl, s. t. A tale, a fiction, story. · mAssâlih, s. pi, a (of · mAsslâhat), Affairs, businesses ; –, [friendship, amity. mûssâlih, a.a. At peace, not at war. · müssâlaha, s. a. A making peace, a peace. [by marriage. · mûssâhéret, s. a. Relationship -i a• mAssâ'ib, s. pl, a. (of a· mÜssibet), blows. z. ~ m?ssbâh, s. a. A lantern; atorch, Misfortunes, fortune's flambeau, a morning cup of drink. 5- a• mûssèbbâgh, a. .a. Dyed. s“ müssâhhih, s. a. A corrector of the press, reader for the press ; –, mÜssâhhâh, a. a. Corrected. c-5s” müsshâf, s. a. The sacred volume, the Kur'ân. - s* mAsshüb, a. a. Which anyone takes with or causes to accompany him, accompanied. a• mâssdÂk, s. a. A true saying, 8). axiom, a trite saying ; a proof of the truth of a saying ; *şi a m?ss- dÂkinja, According to the true saying _y \ a• mAssdar, s. a. An issue, outlet; a source; an infinitive or verbal noun ; d: ) \a mAssdarîyyé, s. a. An old obsolete local export duty. J* mÜssAddik, a. a. Corroborative ; –, s. a. A corroborator or admitter of the truth of what is said ; -, mÜssAddâk, a. a. Corroborated, con- firmed, admitted. - _yy a mâssdür, a.a. Aftlicted with a chest complaint, consumptive. ra missr (missir), s. a. A city; Egypt; Cairo ; –, or * ya • missir- 8 ° böghdayi, Indian corn, maize ; ra• · missir-tâwUghU, or · \ 5 hind-tâwUghu, A Turkey-fowl, tur- key; –, mûssârr, a. a. Who perti- naciously sticks to any act or asser- tion, obstinately persisting. [poetry. 8 * missrâ”, s. a. A hemistich in zy* müssârrâh, a. a. Expressly and clearly mentioned. – mAssraf, s. a. Expense, expen- diture ; ·ra• mAssrafli, a. t. Ex- pensive ; –5ra• ey irâd-mAssraf, Income and expenditure, incomings and outgoings. 8 ra• mAssrü”, a. a. Struck with epi- lepsy. – ac mAssrüf, a, a, Spent, expended, laid out ; turned, directed (in travel- ling); declinable (in grammar). 8ra • mAssra, s. t. A Small-sized pipe or measure for water in the hydraulic system. · mÜsstafâ, a. a. Chosen ; –, –, s. a. The chosen one, Muhammed; Mustapha or Mustafa (prop. name). · mAsstâki, s. t. Brandy or liqueur perfumed with gum-mastic. •a o müsstAlâh, a. a. Filled with hard words or with technical expressions. Jäa mAsskal, * mAsskala, s. a A burnisher, burnishing instrument. \a or · mÜssAllâ, s. a. A place in the open air, devoted to public prayer; any place of prayer. müsslih, s. a. A pacificator ; [ 794 ] Jea o * \s * mûsslihâné, a. p. Pacifica- tory. • · mAsslahat, s. a. An affair, a piece of business ; an advantage, an advantageous state of things ; s* mAsslahat-ghyûzâr, s. a. An agent, a chargé d'affaires. c· mAsslAk or müssluk, s. t. A cock, tap, stop-cock, turn-cock. - * mAsslüb, a. a. Hung, crucified. · mussalla, s. a. See a . mÜssûmmèm, a. a. Fully intended, designed, decided upon. S- a• müssânnâ”, a. a. Made or pre- pared with art. e- a müssânnif, s. a. An author (ofa book) ; –, mÜssânnèf, a. a. Written, composed, compiled ; · mûs- sânnéfât, s. pl.a. Works, compositions, compilations. - 8 * mAssnü”, a.a. Made ; ·a mAssnü”ât, s. pl, a. Things made by artificers. _ya müssAvvir, s. a. A painter or statuary, an artist ; –, mÜssAvvèr, a. a. Figured, drawn, painted, cut out; ornamented with figures and designs. eyya • mAssün, a. a. Protected, shielded, preserved, kept free and safe. -ra müssib, a.a. Which hits, effects the proposed object. ·a o mÜssibet, s. a. A calamity which befalls; –! int. t. You pest! the pest! Dabode. Jea mAssir, s. a. A place of being, an İ -* [ 795 ] - a• mAssif, s. a. A summer resi- dence [polished. J5 a• mûssâykal, a, a. Burnished, * mazâ-mâ-mAzâ! comp. a. What is past is past, let bye-gones be bye-gones. &v müzârébé, s. a. A mutual beat- ing of each other, a fighting. 8 * müzâri”, s. a The aorist of verbs which has either a present or a future signification. -āe de müzâ”âf, a, a. Doubled, or augmented any number of times. – müzÂf, s. a. Anything added to another, an appendix or appendage ; a complement; when two nouns are in construction or en régime in a sentence, the governing moun is called – 4 müzÂf, and the complement or noun governed – müzAfun- -ileyh ; müzâfât, s. pl, a. Conquered or subjected territories. e· mAzâmin, s. pl, a. (of ~ mAzmün), Things contained ; con- tents; senses, meanings. c mAzā’ik, s. pl. a. (of c* mAzik), Narrowed, straitened, diffi- cult places, times, or circumstances. 4i de müzâyaka, s. a. Anything which causes embarrassment or straits. · mAzbAta, s. a. A report, a pro- tocol, a procès-verbal. * mAzbüt, a. a. Fastened, bound ; subject to rule or regulation ; small, handy, conveniently arranged. e· e s* müdhik, a. a Which. causes laughter ; –K-s* müdhikyât, s. pl.a. Sayings which cause laughter. _-i müzirr (müzUr), a. a. Hurtful, noxious; : — J5 kyüllu-müzir- rin-yüktel, Every noxious animal may beslaughtered (prov). · mizrâb, s. a. An instrument for striking; a musical plectrum or bow. · mAzûrret (mAzarât, pl. -y • mAzûrrât), s. a. Hurtfulness, noxious- mess; harm, injury. (-92 rde mAzrüb, a. a. Struck, hit, beaten; –, s. a. The multiplicand (in arith.); *-: rd• mâzrübUn-fih, 8. a. The multiplier. * müztârr, a. a. Forced, obliged, constrained; in constrained circum- stances. (-?* mÜztârib, a. a. Uneasy (in body or in mind), disquieted, in pain. -ás-i müzâ“âf, a, a. Doubled, in- creased any number of times. Ja mûdill, s. a. One who leads astray; J. J. zÂlli-mûdill, One in error leading others astray, the blind lead- ing the blind. “* mizmâr, s. a. An open plain or space for horse exercise, aracecourse. J=* müzmahill (müzmâhil), a. a. Destroyed, annihilated, disappeared. * müzmir, a. a. Intended, kept at heart. e : * mAzmün, a. a. Contained ; -, 8. a. The sense contained in a writing * D 796 ] · or saying; a pun, a double-entendre, bon-mot. de müzi (for * d• müzi'), a. a. Which gives light, illumines ; * * d• mAza-mâ-mazà! What is past is past! Let bye-gones be bye-gones! C: d• mAzik, s. a. Any time, place, or circumstance which presses hard upon 0]]0. [cording. c· mütÂbik, a. a. Conformable, ac- · mütÂbakAt, s. a. A conform- ing, a being conformable ; -, -et, v.n. To follow, conform to, adaptone's self to. [dificult questions. d>-· mütâraha, s. a. A disputing on 8 müt”, a. a. Obeyed; 8° - jihÂn-müt”, a. p. Obeyed by the whole world. – mâtâf, s. a Place or path in which people walk round in proces- sion; –, mûtâf, s. a. Thing round which people walk in procession. · mAtâlib, s. pl, a. (of - mAtlâb), Subjects, questions, propo- sitions; demands ; things sought or demanded. * mütâlébé, s. a. Ademanding; \-, -et, v.a. To demand. * mAtâli”, s. pl. a (of s- mAt- lâ”), Points at which celestial bodies rise. *a mûtâla"à, s. a The studying, revolving in one's mind, carefully weighing and examining ; a reading; \-, –et, v.a. To study; to read. · mütâva”ât, s. a Obedience, conformity ; -, -et, v.n. To con- \ form, act in conformity. matāyā, s.pl, a. (of a mAtiyyé), Horses, * mAtbAkh (mütfAk), s. a. Akitchen. E* mAtbâ”, · mAtba”â, s. a. A printing-office. [A decoction. : matbükh, a.a. Cooked : -, s. a. ** mAtbü”, a.a. Printed; imprinted in one's nature; agreeable to anyone's taste. * mAtâr, s. a. Rain. V (for - ) mûtûrrâ, a. a. Made to look fresh and spruce, fresh- looking. e mütrÂn, s. a. A Christian bishop. G-2 a• mütrib, s. a. A musician, singer, or dancer ; an enlivener. - z * mütûrrâh, a. a. Extensive, high, and well-built (a building). mûtûrrèz, a.a. Ornamented; –, mûtûrriz, s. a. One who arranges Ornaments. : * mAtrâk, s. t. A cudgel. z :y· mAtrüh, a. a. Laid, built (foun- dations, &c.). [cast off. “:J* mAtrüd, a. a. Rejected, ejected, 8ya mAtara, s. t. Aleather bottle. -5* mûtûrrâ, a, a. Made to look fresh and spruce; fresh-looking. (:)· mAt”ün, a. a. Struck, wounded by a thrust ; struck with the plague. · mAtfi, a. a. Extinguished, put Out. \la \la mütâllâ, a. .a. Gilt; rubbed over with ointment, &c. · mAtlâb, s. a. A subject, ques- tion, matter; a thing sought for. s— mAtlâ”, s. a. A place where a celestial body rises; the first distich of a poem; –, müttAli”, a.a. Aware, informed, cognisant. c· mûtlAk, a. a. Unbound, unfettered, free, unrestrained; absolute ; Vila mütlAkâ, ad. a. In an absolute man- ner ; absolutely. · mAtlüb, a.a. Desired, wished for; –, 8. a. A thing desired, desi- deratum ; an active debt, one for which payment is required by the creditor, a demand. mAtmâh, s. a. An object on which the eye is fixed. [secure. · mûtma'inn, a.a. Feeling safe, -5 • mAtwi, a. a. Folded up in any- thing, contained. mütahhir, a. a. Cleansed, purified. * mAtâyyé, s. a. A horse. s-* mûti”, a. a. Obedient, submis- : • mAzâlim, s. pl. a. (no sing.), Grievances, oppressions. (-:'ye müzühérèt, s. a. Support, pro- [sive. tection, a backing ; -, -et, v.n. To back, support, protect. –:· mAzrüf, a, a. Contained in a cover or envelope. müzAffer, a, a. Successful, attain- ing the end of his efforts; •ğle el-müzAffer-dâ'imâ, Ever successful [ 797 ] 8-• (the last epithet assumed by Sultans of Turkey in the y· tîghrâ or cypher of their names which is figured on coins and placed over all public buildings, &c.). müzlim, a. a. Dark, obscure. • • mÂzlüm, a. a. Who has suffered Wrong; -, a. t. Easy-tempered, gentle. · mAzûnné, s. a. A place where any- thing is supposed to be ; a person on whom suspicion falls. e· mAznün, a. a. Supposed, con- jectured, suspected. mAzhâr, s. a. The place of mani- festation, the object in or through which a thing is manifested (practi- Cally it öecomes an adjective in the sense of“visited with”); 5 - :e mAzhâri-”inâyet-öldu (He became the place of manifestation of grace, grace Was manifested in him ; he was an object of, or visited with, grace and favour. N. B-Barker has totally mis- understood, andhas, consequently, mis- represented the meaning of this word, in the notes appended to a chapter of St. John in Turkish, given in his larger Turkish Grammar); - mAzhâriyyet, s. a The quality of being the object of, or visited with, anything. 5-• mâ”a, a, a. With ; *s- mâ'a- -hâzâ, * z-e mâ”-mâ-fih, ad. a. But notwithstanding, still ; * 's- mâ”d-’l-kerâhé, With regret; & 6 mâ`an, ad. a. Together. · [ 798 ] · \ 6 6 *-e mâ”âbid, s. pl, a. (of · mâ”- bèd), Temples, oratories, places of devotion. :'a mâ”âbir, s. pl, a.(of mâ'bèr), TPlaces or means of getting through or across a natural obstacle, as a pass, a [scolded. - 5 * mü”âteb, a. a. Reprimanded, ford, a bridge, a ferry. el* mâ”âd, s. a. A place to which one returns, a resort. ·le's mü”âdât, s. a. Enmity. Jelse mü”âdil, a. a. Equal, equivalent. · mü”âdélèt, s. a. Equity, justice. alel· mü”âdélé, s. a. (originally iden- tic with - le * ), An equation in algebra. [mâ”dèn), Mines. · mâ”âdin, s. pl, a. (of · öx mâ”âz, s. a. A place of refuge, a refuge; *) * mâ”âza-'llAh! God forbid ! God is our only refuge (in such a case) [excuses. ( :-2yö• • mü”âzérèt, s. a The offering %:· mâ”ârij, s. pl, a. (no sing.), Steps by which one mounts. ·: • mû”âriz, a. a. Who squabbles, scolds, shows dissatisfaction. · mü”âraza, s. a. A squabbling, disputing ; -, -et, v.n. To squabble. - * mâ”ârif, s. pl. a (of · mâ”rifet), Knowledge of various kinds, sciences ; kindnesses, favours ; praiseworthy acts or qualities. · mâ”ârik, s. pl, a. (of 5 * mâ”réké), Battle-fields; battles. a$9 x mü”âréké, s. a. A fighting ; fight, battle ; -, -et, v.n. To do battle. } • 6 6- c* mâ âsh, s. a. A means of sub- [sistence, pay, salary. ( :y· mü“Ashérèt, s. a. Living in company, getting on (with someone); - *--- hûssnu-mü”âshéret- -et, v.n. To live on friendly terms, get on well (with someone). · mü"Assit, s. a. Perversity, rebellion, wickedness. res mü"Assir, s. a. A contemporary. * mâ”Assi, s. pl.a. (of · mâ”siyyet), Sins, wickednesses. –5 *-e mü”âf, a, a. Pardoned, forgiven, let off, excused ; exempted ; · mü”âfiyyet, s. a. Exemption, freedom. * mü”âléj6, s. a. A taking medi- cine ; a curing with medicine. - * mâ”âlî, s. pl.a. (no sing.), High qualities. - * \s mü”âmélé, s. a. An acting, con- ducting one's self (towards another); interest (upon money); -, -et, v.n. To conduct one's self (towards some- one); A = A bed-mü”âmélé, Im- proper, unkind, disrespectful treat- ment; : * & = mü”âméléyé- -vèrmek, To put out at interest ; = ----- mû”âméléji, s. t. A usurer, money-lender. ·s mü”ânédet, s. a. Obstinacy. * mâ”âni, s. pl. a. (of * mâ'nā), Senses, significations, mean- ings. · mü”âvédet, s. a. Areturning, e· Coming orgoingback; -, -et, v.f. Toreturn. e· mü”âvin, s. a An assistant. - * mü”âvénet, s. a. Assistance. · mü”âhid, a.a. Who has mutually entered into a treaty. **** mû”âhédé, s. a. A treaty, com- pact, convention ; an entering into a treaty ; -, -et, v.n. To enter into a treaty, make a convention. - mâ”â'ib, s. pl, a. (no sing), Defects ; vices. **** mü”âyédé, s. a. A visiting and Congratulating on the occasion of a religious festival. · mû”âyéné, s. a. An inspecting, viewing formally ; –, –et, v.a. To inspect. [temple. · mâ"bed, s. a. A place of devotion, _r.* mâ”bEr, s. a. A place of passage ; a pass, ferry, ford, bridge. · mâ”büd, a.a. Served; –, s. a. An object of worship ; God. e: mû”tâd, a. a. To which one is accustomed; -, 8. a. A person's custom, way, habit. _r:* • mû”tebèr, a. a. Esteemed, held in estimation. - J* mû”tedil, a. a. Temperate (in degree). - * mû'tériz, a. a. Who objects, raises an objection ; · mû'te- 'a - · jûmlé'i-mû”teriza, A paren- riza, s. a. A parenthesis ; thetical phrase. [ 799 ] eşş* – mû”terif, a, a. Who owns, admits, acknowledges. - * mü”tekif, a, a. Who shuts himself up entirely for devotional purposes. J* mû”tell, a.a. Affected with some defect ; (in grammar) having a or a -5 as a radical letter; Ül mû- “tellu-’l-fâ, Whose first radical is 9 or –6 ; e· mü”tellu-’l-“âyn, Whose second radical is or -* ; J* mû”tellu -’l-lâm, Whose third radical is or 5. · mû'témed, a.a. Trusted, trust- worthy ; –, 8. a. A storekeeper, or clerk of the works. :< (for * ) mû”ténâ, or & :x mü”ténâ-bih, a, a. Important, ofim- portance (business), to which import- ance is attached. [infancy. 8; *-e mâ'tüh, a.a. Imbecile, in second j=* mü”jiz, a. a. Which exceeds one's power and foils or tires out. sjş* mü”jiz6, s. a. A miracle, what exceeds the power of man to effect. Jş* mü’âjël, s. a. Immediate, paid down at once (any payment). eş” mü”jèm (fem. d• ş* mû”jémé), (A. letter of the alphabet) which has one or more dots or diacritical points. u ş* mâ”jün, s. a. Any paste-like composition ; glazier's putty ; any cement; an electuary; a kind of soft toffy or preparation of Sugar with spices. 8 \x o [ 800 ] · * mi”dé, s. a. The stomach. J· mü"Addil, s. a (A thing) which makes things equal; \J*· khAtti-mû”âddilu-’n-nîhâr, The equi- noctial line. - * mâ”délet, s. a. Justice, equity. u.)*-o mâ”din, s. a. A mine (for min- erals) ; an ore ; a metal ; a metallic * mâ”déni, a, a. Mineral; - As mâ”déniyyât, composition; s. pl, a. Minerals, mineral substances ; metals. c· mâ”dénöss, s. t. Parsley. · mâ”düd, a.a. Limited in num- ber; counted (among things). J* mâ”dül, a.a. Turned out of the [annihilated. * mâ”düm, a. a. Non-existent ; way, deviating. · mû”zib, s. a. A tormentor, a plague ; –, mû”âzzeb, a. a. Tor- mented, plagued. ( : 92) mâ”zéret, s. a. An excuse offered; * =5) mâ”zéret-khâh, s. p. One who offers excuses. y* mâ”zür, s. a. Excused, having a valid excuse. V* (for 5 * ) mü”ârrâ, a.a. Naked, stript ; free, void, exempt. zy* mi”rāj, s. a. Anascension ; the ascension of Muhammed into God’s presence. ·* • mâ”râz, s. a. A cause, occasion, opportunity ; -, mû”riz, s. a. A Cause, Causer. · mâ'rifet, s. a. Knowledge; art, cunning, dexterity ; a work of art, a curious piece of workmanship; agency, intervention, instrumentality ; ·* • ma”rifetli, a. t. Expert, dexterous, skilful (person); curiously or skilfully made (thing). [a battle. öS *-o mâ”réké, s. a. Afield of battle ; - * mâ”rüz, a.a. Presented, offered, laid before; –, s. a. The subject of a representation or petition. - * mâ”rüf, a, a. Known ; favour- ably known ; praiseworthy (acts or conduct). · (or V* ) 'mü“arra, a. a Naked, stript ; free, exempt; –, mâ'râ, s. a. Any part of the body usually exposed to view. [esteemed and honoured j* • mü”âzzez, a.a. Held dear, highly Jyj* mâ”zül, a. a. Displaced from office, superseded; e· mâ”zülin, s. pl.a. Officers, or rather function- aries, who have been superseded from * their places; jx mâ”zülan, ad. a. As a superseded functionary. K-~ mü“Assker, s. a. A camp, the assemblage-place of an army. _* mâ”shèr, s. a. An assemblage, troop, body of men. -*-*-• mâ"shük (fem. 4 - *-• mâ”shüka), a. a. Beloved, the object of one's love. f a** mâ”süm, a.a. Innocent of sin ; –, 8. a. An innocent, a little child, · mâ”siyyet, s. a. Sin, wicked- ness ; rebellion. a· a---- mû”âttâr, a. a. Scented, per- fumed. [and idle, inactive. · mû”âttAl, a. a. Rendered useless - a** mâ”tüf, a.a. Turned, inclined (from or towards any direction or object). * mü"Azzûm, a.a. Great, large; im- portant; honoured, greatly respected. *-e mâ”fûvv, a.a. Pardoned, forgiven. J* mâ”kil, s. a. A place of refuge, an asylum. Jyi mâ"kül, a, a, Intelligible, com- prehensible ; sage, prudent (act) ; · mâ”külât, s. pl. a. Matters coming within the sphere of reason. c· mâ”kyüss, a, a, Inverted. * (for * ) mü”âllâ, a.a. Exalted. c· mü”öllAk, a. a Suspended, hang- ing ; left in suspense, undecided ; · mü”âllakat, s. pl, a. Ancient poems formerly suspended in the temple at Mecca before the introduc- tion of Isslamism. ( ** mü”âllim, s. a. A teacher, in- structor, trainer; –, mü”âllèm, a.a. Instructed, taught, trained. f ~ mâ”lüm, a. a. Known ; given (in problems) ; –, s. a. A datum; ( ** * dil”i-mâ”lüm, Abase-line (in geodesy); mâ”lümat, s. pl, a, Known things; knowledge; information; mâ'lümAtli, a. t. Possessed of knowledge or in- formation. · (or - ) mü”âllâ, a, a. Exalted. [ 801 ] •994* • * (for * ) mü”âmmâ, s. a, A riddle, an enigma. - * mî”mâr, s. a. An architect. L* • mü”âmmèr, a. a. Long-lived. _); ** mâ“mür, a. a. Peopled; in- habited; cultivated; prosperous, in good estate; an epithet applied to public establishments; : ) ----- mâ'müriyyet, s. a. The state of being populous and prosperous (a place, a country). J* mâ”mül, a.a. Made, manufac- tured; artificial; d. Jy* mâ'mülun- -bih, a. a. Upon or according to which people act; in force, observed. L* (or V* ) mü”âmmâ, s. a. A riddle, an enigma. * (for * ) mâ”nà, s. a.The literal sense, meaning (of a word or phrase), signification, import; a virtual sense, an implied sense, a real sense ; a state of things; a dream; a song; * mâ”nan, ad. a. In reality, virtually; in sense, logically ; * çe “âlémi- -mâ'nâ, The world of visions; a dream; - · mâ”nâyi-lüghavi, A literal meaning; -ae - mâ'nâyi-isstilâhî, A technical mean- ing ; - * mâ”névi, a. a. Spiritual; virtual, implied; logical. [ambergris. mü”ânbir, a. a Perfumed with ey; mü”ânven, a.a. Bearing a title. * (or * ) mâ'nâ, s. a See * . “934° mâ“hüd, a. a. Agreed upon ; notorious, famous, well-known (a 8ar- 3 G * 60 [ 802 ] • } castie term for designing a person or anything). [gold or silver by. mi”yâr, s. a. A standard for trying · mü”âyyeb, a, a. Stigmatized: · mü”âyyébât, s. pl. a. Vices. - *-e mâ'îyyet, s. a. The official suite of a functionary; -5)· mâ'îyyet - më'mürU, A subordinate official. 6 6- ğ e · mâ`ishèt, s. a. Means of living, [an allowance, pension. cyr* mâ”in, s. a. A rhombus ; –, mü”in, s. a. A helper ; an abettor ; –, mü”âyyen, a. a. Fixed, deter- mined, determinate; c* shibhi- -mâ”in, s. a. A rhomboid. 5- mügh, s. p. A fire-priest; a wine- priest, wine-merchant, wine - shop keeper; aş: mègh-beché, s. p. A boy of either of these classes. *) * mâghâré (mâghara), s. a. A cave, cavern, grotto. [mart. *jk mâghâza, s. t. A shop, magazine, -5 k• mâghâzi, s. pl, a. (no sing.), Warlike acts, deeds, expeditions. · mâghâk, s. p. Aditch, a pit. ** mâghÂnim, s. pl.a. (n0 sing.), [formable. ** müghâyir, a. a. Contrary, not con- Booty, things captured. rek o müghbEr, a. a. Made dusty ; made turbid ; discomposed, hurt (one's feelings). - mâghbüz, a.a. Against whom hatred and enmity are entertained. · mâghbün, a. a. Cheated, de- ceived. * müghtènim, a. a. Who seizes or has seized booty; who takes (an op- portunity). · mâghrib, s. a. The place of set- ting of the heavenly bodies; the west; the west or north Africa, Morocco. Maglıribli, s. t. A Moor. maghrür, a, a. Over-confident, trusting too much, vain, proud ; · mâghrüriyyet, s. a. Pride, over-confidence, vanity, self-esteem. j* maghz, s. p. The brain ; marrow ; the kernel; j*: bi-mâghz, a. p. Brainless, thoughtless; j* sèbuk- -mâghz, a. a. Light-brained, foolish [adulterated, false. c mâghshüsh, a, a. Alloyed, (person). -5 dk mâghzüb, a. a. Angered, irri- tated ; * e---- mâghzübUn- -”âleyh, s. a. Against whom anger is felt, the object of anger. _kk mighfer, s. a. A helmet. · mâghfiret, s. a. God’s pardon of sins and admittance to a taste of the joys of Paradise. màghfür, and & mâghfürun- -leh, a.a. Whose sins are pardoned and who has been admitted to a taste of the joys of Paradise ; deceased (said only of a Muslim). J· Mnghûl, s. p. The Great Mogul, the Moguls, the Tartars. · mâghlata, s. a An error, con- fusion of ideas. [expressed, not elear. c· müghlâk, a, a. Obscure, obscurely · [ 803 ] · · mâghlüb, a, a, Vanquished, beaten; -, –öl, v.n. To be beaten, to lose (in a contest); · mâghlübiyyet, s. a. The state or quality of one vanquished. * mâghmüm, a.a. Afflicted, dis- tressed in mind. ey;& mâghün, s. t. Mahogany. döşk mâghuna, s. t. A lighter, barge. · mâghib, s. a. Time or place when someone is absent, absence. · müghiss, s. a. One who gives aid and succour. e· mâghin (e meghin in soft verös), Turkish termination of the sixth gerund of verbs, showing a reason, or a means, or a precedent, for the occurrence of an act expressed by a following verb. * * mèfâtih, and * mèfâtih, s. pl.a. (of za** miftâh), Keys. mefâkhir, s. pl, a. (of · mèfkharet), Qualities or acts which entitle one to be proud; –, mûfâkhir, a. a. Who glories, boasts. · müfâkharet, s. a. A glorying, boasting ; -, -et, v.n. To glory, boast. 5 * mefürik, s. pl, a. (of : - mèfrak), Crowns of the heads ; –, müfürik, a, a. Separated (from any place or person). · mûfârakAt, s. a. A separation, absence (from a place or person); –, -et, v.n. To leave, quit, go away. · mefâssid, s. pl, a. (of · mèfsédet), Iniquities, basenesses. · mefâssil, s. pl, a. (of Ja** mèfsAl), Joints of the body. · müfÂz, a. a. Poured out abun- dantly ; :3–, mûfÂzUn-fih, a.a. On the subject of whom much talk occurs. · müft, s. p. Anything acquired without trouble or payment, a wind- fall; the being given or acquired with- out any equivalent ; · müft- -khör, s. p. One who looks to acquire things without an equivalent, ablood- sucker, hanger-on; *** müfté- -ghitmek, v.n. To be given away for nothing. [for opening. < miftâh, s. a. A key, instrument sü. mûftâkhir, a.a. Who feels proud, glories. U---• müfettish, s. a. An officer charged with scrutinizing accounts or title-deeds, &c. : • müftâkir, a. a. Poor, reduced to poverty, indigent ; in want. z* mèftüh, a. a. Open, opened; conquered, taken ; read with one of the vowels A, a, a, é, or é (aletter). meftün, a.a. Subject to machi- nations ; mad with love. u müfti, s. a. A legal officer whose office it is to lay down the law on all cases submitted to him ; •UV müftîyyu-'l-ènâm, The Shèykhu-'l- -isslam. · mèfkharet, s. a, A glorying, 3 G 2 feeling proud and honoured; amy quality or act of which one is proud. ç* müfâkhkhâm, a. a. August, to whom homage is paid ; ***** metbü”i-mûfâkhkhâmim, My august [spirits, cheerful. zy* müferrih, a. a. Which raises the sovereign master. 9 • mèfred, a. a. Large, big, enor- mous ; –, müfred, a. a. Single; –, 8. a. The singular number (in gram- mar); · müfrédât, s. pl. a. Items, single or separate things in a list. [head. d, mefrak, s. a The crown of the iyi mefrüz, a.a. Separated, divided, taken off (of anything). c· mèfrüsh, a. a. Spread on the ground (a carpet, bed, &c.), laid, ex- tended. - mefrüz, a.a. Supposed, posi- tively supposed, put as a supposition ; essentialandindispensable (in religious practices), obligatory. · müfsid, s. a. A plotter, machi- nator, stirrer up of strife. · mefsédet, s. a. A plot, ma- chination, evil practice. -* müfessir, s. a. A commentator. :-* mèfsükh, a. a. Annulled, ab- rogated. Jak mefsAl, s. a. Ajoint of the bones, an articulation; –, mûfAsssAl, a. a. Detailed, long. [natural. a** mèftür, a. a. Created ; innate, J* mef“ül, a. a. Which is done, or [ 804 ] J: acted; which is the object of any action ; Jy - issmi-mèf“ül, The passive participle (always to be dis- tinguished in idea from a past parti- ciple), of which there are various kinds; * );< mef“ülun-bih, The accusative or direct object of an action; also, the instrument or object with which an act is effected ; *J** mèf“ülUn-leh, The object for or on account of which an act occurs ; & c · mef“Ülun-“ânh, The ob- ject from or through which an act [after. eyi mefküd, a. a. Lost and sought ·-=-à-e mefkyük, a.a. Untied, occurs, &c. loosened, unbound, dissolved. · müfliss, s. a. A bankrupt. z* mèflüj, a. a. Paralytic, struck with palsy. · müfèvwâz, a.a. Bestowed, given, delivered. * mèfhüm, s. a. The purport, gen- eral sense of a writing. · mîfîd, a. a. Useful, advantageous. L4 müfiz, s. a. (God) the bountiful distributor (of blessings). c.; mak (ci mek in soft words), Turkish termination of the infinitive. ri mâkÂbir, s.pl.a. (of : mâk- béré), Graves, tombs. J: 5 mükâbil, a.a. Opposite, facing; –, s. a. The place or space opposite to or facing a thing ; 8 mükk- bilinda, Opposite tohim (her, it); in * \i [ 805 ] *** return, as a return (for any act), asa reprisal; in answer (to anything said). * mükabélé, s. a. A facing anyone, meeting or opposing ; a returning (act for act, or word for word) ; an answering (word for word) ; a com- paring, collating; · mükÂ- bélé-bi-’l-missl, A returning like for like, tit for tat ; using reprisals ; * - jebr-u-mükâbélé, Alge- bra (as a science which unites separate quantities and opposes them to each other); –, –et, v.n. To return like for like, good for good, evil for evil, act for act, word for word; –, v.a. To compare, collate. < mâkâbih, s. pl.a. (ofz mAk- büh), Detestable actions or qualities. * mükÂtélé, s. a. Fight, battle, mutual slaughter. -e mâkÂdir, s. pl, a. (of ' e mikdâr), Quantities. [ing, nearing. (-: :yā mükÂrébèt, s. a. An approach- de 5 e mükâra”à, s. a. Fighting, battle. (:)yi-e mükârin, a. a. Close to, close upon, nigh, near, coming quite up to, joining in with. · mükârénèt, s. a. A near ap- - proach ; a coming close up to and touching. *· mûkAssémé, s. a. A partitioning, sharing out : -, -et, v.a. To divide, partition, share out. · mâkass, s. t. A pair of scissors, shears, or snuffers; shears for lifting masts, &c., on board ship ; · mÜm-mâkassi, A pair of snuffers. · mâkássid, s. pl, a. (of · mAksAd), Objects in view, designs, things sought to be accomplished or attained. * mükâta”â, s. a. Afief attached to an office, the tithes going to the holder of the office (now generally aÖolished, salary being substituted). Jli mâkÂl, s. a. What is said, the words (of anyone). &ie mâkÂlé, s. a. Abook, a section (of a work) treating on a branch of the general subject (especially the “ Books” of Euclid). · mâkÂlid, s. pl, a. (no sing.), Bolts, bars, locks. fie mâkÂm, s. a. A place in which any person or thing stands; a station; a high office, department, post; a light, estimation, view (in which a thing or act is taken or intended) ; a time, an air (of music) ; ri : O?” ( **** kâ'im-mâkÂm, A lieutenant, locum- tenens, alter ego, substitute ; the official representative of the grand vizier at the capital while he is him- self absent ; a lieutenant-governor ; a lieutenant-colonel (in the army); a captain of a line-of-battle ship (in the mavy); a superintendant-general (of property in mortmain); ç-5'-i Je kâ'imu-mâkÂmi-’l-fâ"il, The nominative or subject of a verb pas- giyi. [ 806 ] * sive (as standing in the place of the “ name of an agent”). * mükAvélé, s. a The making an agreement; an agreement : -, -et, v.a. To covenant, agree, stipulate mutually. · mükÂvémèt, s. a. Opposition, resistance; -, -et, v.n. To resist. · mükâyéssé, s. a. Comparing (mentally) one thing with another. 3) o mÂkbéré, s. a. A grave, tomb, sepulchre ; aburial-ground. z: • mAkbüh, a. a. Ugly, disliked, detestable. L: ão mAkbüz, a, a. Taken, received; -6 –, mAkbüz-sènédi, A receipt. Jyeğ • mAkbül, a. a. Liked, approved, acceptable ; · mAkbüla- -ghèchmek, v.n. To be liked, appre- ciated, deemed acceptable. · mûkt, s. a. Hatred, enmity. (for 5 ) müktédâ, a. a Fol- lowed, imitated (in matters of opinion and practice) ; –, 8. a. A teacher, guide, ensamplar, pattern. _y \: müktedir, a. a. Able, capable, powerful enough. -5. 5 e müktédi, s. a. One who follows or imitates (another in matters of opinion and practice) ; – (or ) müktédâ, a. a. Followed, imitated ; –, s. a. A teacher, guide, ensamplar, pattern. (for * ) müktAzâ, s. a. The requirement (of anything), thing re- quired; the name of a ministerial letter generally given with a firman, addressed to the same person or per- sons, and indicating, in a brief way, what is ordered in the firman. L* müktAzi, a. a. Needful, neces- sary, wanted ; –, müktAzâ. See . [to death. J; mAktül, a, a. Killed, slain, put y' e mâkdâr (miktar), s. a. A quantity (either of bulk, number, length, dura- tion, &c.) ; a portion ; y' i: bir- -miktar, A little, some, a certain small quantity or number. mükAddir, a.a. Decreed by God ; vouchsafed by God ; duly estimated; understood (in grammar or logic), not expressed; 4 - y· mükAd- dérâti-îlâhiyyé, The things decreed by God’s providence. e : Ağ e mâkdérèt, s. a. Power, might, ability. C 5 o mükAddess, a. a. Holy, sacred. * mAkdEm, s. a. An arrival, coming; –, mükdim, a. a. Assiduous, dili- –, mükAddEm, a. a. Placed further forward, before gent, persevering ; another thing (in space or in time) ; -, 8. a. The former part (of anything); former time ; a premise (in logic); an (and & o\ğ-e mükAd- démé), the advanced guard of an antecedent ; army: -, ad. t. and lesi mükâd- démâ, ad. a. Formerly ; before (in time) ; -°– - mükAddémât, 4 Ağ o [ 807 ] · 8. pl.a. Things explained first, pre- fatory remarks. *-o-Ağ o mükAddimé, s. a. An introduc- tion, a preface, a peroration. y° mAkdür, a.a. Predestined, vouch- safed by Providence; –, s. a. The utmost of one's power and ability. 5 mâkârr, s. a. A place where one stays permanently ; an abode, a seat, a residence ; –, mükârr, a. a. Who admits, confesses. ·y • mikrâz, s. a. A pair of scissors, shears, or snuffers. (See Leis). (-22,5 • mükârreb, a. a. Placed or drawn near; –, s. a. A person placedin close communication (with a sovereign). -)y-5-• mükârrèr, s. a. Sure, certain, ascertained, beyond all doubt, con- firmed, established, fully established; –, mükArrir, s. a. One who confirms and establishes. [pocket-handkerchief. * - mâkrama (mâhrama), s. a. A 8 y* mAkrü”, s. a. Struck ; knocked at (a door). e· mAkrün, a. a. Approached closely, quite touched ; associated, joined, ad- joined. - *-i- mükâsssim, s. a. A distributor. f - mAksüm, a. a. Divided into por- tions ; –, s. a. The dividend (in arith.) ; ·f· mAksümun- -“âleyh, s. a. The divisor. uai mâkâsss, s. a. A pair of scissors, shears, snuffers. (See ·) · mAksAd, s. a and yağ • mAksUd, a. and 8. a. Anything proposed or designed, wish, design, aim, end, intent, the thing aimed at. ai mAksür (fem. 5) ak c mAksüré), a. a. Defective, wanting ; shortened, abbreviated ; : ya – èlifi-mÂk- süré, The short , or 5 sounded as a short at the end of words. * • mâkzi, a. a. Accomplished, at- tained, granted ; “y” ai• mAk- ziyyu-’l-mèrâm, a. a. Whose wish is attained. *- mâktâ”, s. a.A place of scission ; a bone or ivory on which reed-pens are nibbed; –, mükAttâ”, a. a. Cut asunder, divided, separated ; –: - *ai hürüfi-mükAtta”â, The sepa- rately written or separately named letters placed at the commencement of some chapters of the Kur'ân. 8 mAktü”, a.a. Cut ; cut off; in- terrupted ; defined; limited. Aske mâk”âd, s. a The seat, breech : anus; (mâkat) a small quilt used for covering the corner seats of a sofa. J-*-i-e mük┓âr, a. a. hollow. ãi (for ) mükafa, a. a Rhymed Concave, according to the rules of prosody. · mükalib, s. a One who turns, inverts, changes (things). · mükAllid, s. a One who takes on himself the yoke of submission ; a mimic ; an actor ; –, mükAllèd, a. a. Whose yoke of submission is accepted. · [ 808 ] · - mAklüb, a.a. Reversed, inverted; an anagram. 8 --- mAklü”, a. a. Torn from its U- miknâtiss (mikhlâdiz), s. a. A magnet, loadstone. [place. \.ö.o mükânnèd, a. a. Candied, sugared. * mükântara, a, a, fem. Arched; supported on arches ; · mükântarÂt, s. pl. a. Almicanthers or circles of altitude. -- e, mükânnin, s. a. Alegislator ; -, mükânnèn, a. a. Ordered by law. i -ā-• (for -5 * ) mükavwa, a, a. Strengthened; –, s. a. Pasteboard, cardboard. [as a bow. c)-55 e mükâvvess, a. a. Arched, bent al: • mâkülé, s. â. A sort, kind, species, category. -: • mükâvvi, a. a. Corroborative, strengthening (medicine) ; –, mü- kâvwâ, a. a. Strengthened; –, s. a. Pasteboard, cardboard. _yçö mAkhür (k-h), a, a. Vanquished, subjected to the overwhelming might of someone. L· mikyâss, s. a. An instrument for measuring and comparing; a scale. · mükâyyed, a. a. Bound, tied, fastened; restricted, coupled with a restrictive complement (a word in a limited, attentive, painstaking ; sentence) ; constitutional ; registered ; -, –öl, v.n. To take care, take pains, pay attention. * mükim, a, a. Residing. mükâyyi, a.a. Vomitive (medi- cine), an emetic. e+ mek, Turkish termination of the infinitive in soft verbs. ·, mûkyâbéret, s. a Pride, · mekyâtib, s. pl, a. (of - Ke mèktEb), Schools; –, mükyâtib, s. a. A covenanted slave, to whom a bind- ing permission has been accorded to ransom himself. * mükyâtébé, s. a Correspondence by letter ; -, -et, v.n. To corre- spond by letter. · mekyâtib, s. pl, a. (of - mèktüb), Letters, notes, billets, epistles. [cheat. * mekkyâr, s. a. A subtle knave and • • mekyârim, s. pl, a. (of mèkrémet), Noble or generous deeds or qualities. · mûkyâfât, s. a. A reward, recompense, retribution : -, -et, v.a. and n. To reward, recompense. · mükyâfi, a. a. Equivalent ; sa: kAt”i-mûkyâfi, A parabola. · mükyâlémé, s. a. A conference ; a conferring, deliberating ; -, -et, v.n. To hold a conference. · mèkyân, s. a. A place in which a thing exists, locus ; 8 · (God is) exempt from place (is omnipresent). *K mekyâ'id, s. pl, a. (of : - mèkidé), Stratagems, wiles. · mektEb, s. a. A school. mèkyândan - mûnèzzeh, · [ 809] J • 6ş · müktéfi, a. a. Who considers as sufficient what he receives, content. · mükteni, a. a. Called by a sur- name (d. 6 kyünyé). - mèktüb (mektup), a. a. Written; –, s. a. A letter, epistle, note; ·-, mektubu-sâmi, (High letter) A vizirial letter, an official letter written in the name of the Grand Vizier ; * mektupju, A secre- tary for official letters; :· mektuplEshmek, v.n. recip. To corre- spond by letter. * mèktüm, a. a. Hidden, concealed. · mekss, s. a. A staying, making a stay ; a withholding, arresting; -, –et, v.n. To stay, make a stay ; –, v.a. To withhold, arrest, stop, delay. · mükèddir, a. a. Grieved, sorry, afflicted; –, mükEddir, a.a. Afflicting, vexing, annoying; · mükEd- dirât, s. pl. a. Afflictions, distressing things. mekr (mekir), s. a. A wile, strata- gem, piece of knavery ; –, mèghEr, c. p. Unless ; and still, and yet, and all the while. · mükèrrèr, a. a. Repeated, done repeatedly; highly rectified, highly purified ; 1!) mükërréran, ad. a. Repeatedly. • • mükrim, a. a. Kind, courteous, affable ; noured, treated with respect and -, mûkErrèm, a. a. Ho- g° consideration : -· mükërréman, ad. a. With great respect and with all due honours. ( - o· mèkrémet, s. a. Any noble or generous act or quality. “-22· mèkrüb, a. a. Sad, distressed, afflicted, sorrowful. *:· mèkrüh, a. a. Held in aversion · mèghess, s. p. A fly, any winged insect like a fiy. · mükèssèr, a. a. Broken to pieces ; -·- jem”i-mukesser, An irre- gular plural Arabic noun. · mèksüb, a. a. Gained, acquired. Ly--- mèksür, a. a. Pronounced with (canonically). the vowelior i (a consonant). [vealed. – mèkshüf, a, a. Discovered, re- · mûkyâ“âb, a, a, Cubical ; -, 8. a. A cube (figure, or number). e: mekik, s. t. A weaver's shuttle. -i mükellef, a, a Sumptuous, rich, splendid; highly adorned; resting under an obligation to do certain duties (as man is to keep the com- mandments of God), responsible to- wards God. J• • mükemmel, a, a. Complete, full. e· mèkmün, a. a. Concealed in an ambush. [treasury. j mèknüz, a. a. Deposited in a e· meknün, a. a. Concealed. · mèkyük (mekik, see ·), s. a. A weaver's shuttle. [in Arabia). &. Mekka, s. a. Mecca (the town of, J mikyâl, s. a. A bushel or similar measuring instrument. * [ 810 ] : • * • mèkidé, s. a. A wile, a piece of deceit. [qualities, or with a quality. – mükeyyef, a, a, Endowed with e· mekin, a. a. Powerful, mighty, strong, firmly established ; residing ; abiding, dwelling ; –, méghin (in soft verbs), Turkish termination of the sixth gerund. (See e.) melâ, s. a An assembly (of people); a plenum, space filled or occupied by matter; khâlâ - vé - melâ, Vacuum and plenum, void space and occupied space ; c· “âlâ- -melâ'i-'n-nâss, ad. a. Openly, before the assembled people. · mülâbéssé, s. a Arelation or connexion, a consideration ; · * shÜ- mülâbéssè-ila, From this consideration, arising out of this re- lation or connexion. z : mèllâh, s. a. A sailor, a tar. · melâhât, s. a Sweetness, agreeableness. · mülâhid (pl. 8 - mülâhidé), 8. a. A heretic, schismatic (of a par- ticular class). *- mülâhaza, s. a. A cautious look, examination, or consideration; cau- tion; -, -et, v.n. To hesitate, to look before leaping. melâz, s. a An asylum, refuge. • • mülâzim (mülâzim), a. a. Ever accompanying and never quitting, in- separable; –, 8. a. A constant atten- dant or follower; a supernumerary attached to an office, &c., without pay; a lieutenant (in the army) ; a mate (in the navy). · mülâzémèt, s. a. Constant attendance (about a person or place); \–, –et, v.n. To attend regularly; to follow about. [attached, adherent. · mülâssik, a. a. Joining, joined, * mülâtafé, s. a. Ajoking, treating facetiously ; kindness, treating with marked kindness ; -, -et, v.n. To joke ; to show kindness. · mélâ”ib, s. pl.a. (no sing. used), Games, playthings, toys. 4 e mülâ”abé, s. a. A playing, amu- sing one's self; -, -et, v.n. Toplay, to amuse one's self; to toy. · melâ”in, s. pl. a (of mel”ün), Accursed ones, dammed fellows. [interview, audience. · mülâkât, s. a. A meeting; an mülâki, a. .a. Who or which meets, joins. J mélâl, - melâlet, s. a. Sad- ness, vexation ; fatigue, tiredness. • • melâm, · melâmet, s. a. Reproach, rebuke. e mèl'ân, a. a. Full. * mèlâhi, s. pl.a. (n0 sing.), Games, diversions; toys, playthings. e: 5 melâik, 445 melâ’iké, s. pl.a. (of · melek), Angels; (as a Turkish sing.), an angel. : • mülâyim, a. a. Mild, not severe (weather, &c.); proper, fitting. · mülâyémet, s. a Mildness. · mülèbbèss, a. a. Clothed ; con- fused, ambiguous (language). c· mèlbüss, a. a. Worn, used as raiment; · mèlbüssât, s. pl. a. Clothing, articles of dress. · millet, s. a. A people, commu- nity; a religious denomination or sect. · mültebiss, a. a. Obscure, am- biguous (language). mültèssèm, a. a. Kissed; –, s. a. The place kissed ; –, mültessim, s. a. One who kisses. \şi (for = ) mültéjà, s. a. A place of refuge, a refuge, asylum. mültéji, s. a. A refugee ; – (or şa ) mültejâ, s. a. A place of refuge. • • mültézim, s. a. A farmer or con- tractor of the revenue. - · mültéfit, a. a. Who turns his face or attention towards an object. U: (for ) mültékâ, s.a. A place of meeting, a junction. ( mèltèm, s. t. The Etesian winds, the cooling wind from the north-east, which, during the summer, rises with the sun, blows strongly all day, and ceases at sunset. · mültèmiss, a. a. Who requests ; –, mültémèss, a. a. Requested ; a request. - -e mültehib, -se mültehif, a.a. In flames ; inflamed; in a fever ; thirsting. [refuge, an asylum. U· meljá, s. a. A place of refuge, a · milh, s. a. Salt. S= mûlhid, s. a. A heretic, schismatic (of some particular kinds). d· mülhÂk, a. a. Joined on (to something), added, tached ; · mülhAkÂt, s. pl. a. Appurtenances. appended, at- mülâhhâm, a. a. Corpulent, fleshy. k,= mèlhüz, a. a. Half expected, anticipated, thought of. mèlez, s. t. A mulatto. [in argument. • • mülzem, a. a. Convinced, silenced • • mèlzüm, a. a. To which something is inseparably attached. · mèless, s. a. A mulatto. · mel”anet, s. a. Any dammable act or quality. [tized. e· mel'ün, a.a. Cursed, anathema- * mèlfüz, a. a. Uttered, spoken, mentioned; - - melfüzÂt, s. pl, a. Sayings. – mèlfüf, a. a. Inclosed, en- veloped; ( mèlfüfan, ad. a. In- [or titles. -i mülâkkâb, a.a. Bearing a title c melek, s. a. An angel; –, mèlik, s. a. A king, a petty ruler ; –, milk, closed, as an inclosure. 8. a. Dominion, sovereignty ; do- minions, territory ; –, mülk, s. a. Freehold property ; · mèléki, a. a. Pertaining to a sovereign, orto an angel, royal, angelic ; –, milki, a. a. Pertaining to sovereignty, sove- reign; · milkiyyet, s. a. Sovereignty, sovereign rights. · · mèlékyüt, s. a. Sovereignty; God’s supreme sovereignty ; - • ·l mâlikyu-’l-milki-vé- -’l-mèlékyüt, Lord of all dominion and sovereignty. · mèlîké, s. a. A queen; –, mèléké, s. a. Great dexterity from constant practice. · milël, s. pl. a. (of · millèt), Peoples ; religious denominations, SectS. mali (méli in soft words), Turkish termination of the necessitative mood of verbs, corresponding to our must, should, ought. e)· mèlévân, s. a. dual, Day andnight. · mülevvess, a. a Dirtied, soiled, polluted. · mülük, s. pl.a. (of melik), Kings ; *S mülükyâné, a. p. Royal, imperial, sovereign (said only of the Sultan). Jı • mèlül, a. a. Sad, vexed; fatigued. · (or ·) melémek (aor. 07” mèlEr), v.n. Tobleat. çe melhim (for çe, mirhèm), s. t. Ointment, salve ; –, mülhîm, s. a. Who inspires, reveals ; –, mülhèm, a. a. Inspired, revealed, made known by inspiration and revelation. · mel'ân, a.a. Full. < • mèlih, a. a. Sweet, agreeable. e· mülèyyin, a. a. Laxative, opening (medicine) ; –, mülèyyen, a. a. Open (the bowels). [ 812 ] z :)* e· milyön, s. t. (French), A million. · memât, s. a. Death, the state of death ; V• • memâti, Pertaining to the state of death. Ji• mümāssil, a.a. Corresponding, agreeing, like, conformable. · mümāssélet, s. a. A conform- ing ; -, -et, v.n. To conform. *-:-*· mûmâréssèt, s. a. Experience gained by practice. c· mûmâsss, s. a. A tangent. · mûmâshât, s. a. A going with the stream, obsequious compliance. c memâlik, s. pl, a. (of · mèmlékèt), Countries, territories, do- minions. · memâlik, s. pl.a. (of · mèmlük), Slaves ; the Mamelukes of Egypt. · mîmâna”ât, s. a. Opposition; a preventing; -, -et, v.n. To oppose, try to prevent. j mümtâz, a. a. Distinguished, pre- eminent (among others). \:4-o mümtedd, a. a. Prolonged, drawn out in length or duration. 5- • • mümteni”, a. a. İmpossible. z:* mèmdüh, a. a. Praised, praise- worthy; = \-: • omèmdühât, s.pl.a. Praiseworthy acts and qualities. · mèmdüd, a.a. Prolonged, ex- tended. [passage, path, way. memerr, s. a. A place of passage, a z:)* mèmzüj, a. a. Mixed, com- pounded. · [ 813 ] · c mûmsik, a.a. Tenacious, hard- fisted, grasping, avaricious. * (for ) memshâ, s. a A place for walking; a privy, water- closet. [signature. U d• • mümzi, a. a. Signed, bearing a e· mümkin, a. a. Possible ; e· * mümkin-mèrtébé, ad. t. As much as possible. ş J· mûmill, a. a. Wearisome, fatigu- ing, tiring, tiresome. mèmlaha, s. a. A salt-works. · mèmlékèt, s. a. A country ; a memlü, a. a Full. · mémlük, a. .a. Possessed, held in possession; –, s. a. A slave; a Mameluke ; - 5 · mèmlükiyyet, 8. a. The quality of being held in possession. J* mèmlül, a. a. Tired, wearied ; 8 * memnü”, a. a. Forbidden, pro- [town. [vexed. hibited; = \e: • • memnü”ât, s. pl.a. Forbidden acts; prohibited things ; · memnü”iyyet, s. a The quality of being forbidden, prohibited. ey memnün, a, a. Pleased, rejoiced, glad; *-o memnüniyyet, s. a. Pleasure, gladness, satisfaction. *y mûmévveh, a, a. Gilt or washed over; superficial, put on, false, in- sincere. ö*-o mèmé, s. t. A teat, nipple ; an udder, dug; any protuberance in shape of a nipple; * memélenmek, vn. To acquire the form of a nipple. _:64-e mèmhür, a. a. Sealed with a seal. · mümit, a. a. Who causes to die (God). j* • mümèyyiz, s. a. An officer whose duty it is to examine draughts of re- ports, &c., and see they are properly drawn; an examiner; inspector. ce men, pron, a. Whosoever, whoever ; –, min, pr. a. From, of, out of; –, mEnn, s. a. The manna of the Israel- ites ; *u mîn-bâ'd, ad. a. Hence- forward. [Preachers' pulpits. menâbir, s. pl, a. (of minbèr), s- ménâbi”, s. pl, a. (of s— menbâ”), springs. ·- münâjât, s. a. A prayer. · münâdât, s. a, A proclaiming. · münâdi, s. a. A herald, crier. { = * ğ. 8) • mînâré, s. a. A minaret, the tower Sources, fountain-heads, attached to a mosque, like a steeple to a church, from which the call to prayer is made. [quarreller, contester. 8 – mûnâzi”, s. a. A disputer, *-e j --e münâza'à, s. a. A dispute, quarrel, contest; -, -et, v.n. To dispute. J; mènâzil, s. pl.a. (of J} • menzil), Stations (on a road). [battle. *j münâzélé, s. a. A fighting, doing · münâssib, a. a. Fit, fitting, proper, expedient; apt. · münâssébèt, s. a. Fitness, pro- priety, expediency ; aptness; relation, connexion ; · nè-münâssé- · [ 814 T ( : * bet! How ! why ! upon what grounds! — münâssébetsiz, a.t.Untimely, unfitting, inexpedient, malapropos. · mAnasstir, s. t. (Greek), A mon- astery, convent. ci ménâssik, s. pl, a. (no sing.), Rites, ceremonies, observances used in performing the canonical pilgrimage to Mecca. * mènâshir, s. pl.a. (of 95 o menshür), Imperial letters-patent con- ferring the highest dignities. - · mAnâssib, s. pl, a. (of - a o mAnsib), High offices of state. e· münâssafet, s. a. Equity, jus- tice ; Kāe münâssafétan, ad. a In two equal shares. k münât, a.a. To which something is tacked on or suspended. · mènâzir, s. pl.a. (of mAnzâr), Aspects ; - e “ilmi-menâzir, The science of aspects, perspective. · münâzaret, * münâzara, s. a. A disputation, discussion. * mènâzim, s. pl. a. (of * nAzm), Orders, arrangements. · menâ”ât, s. a. Impregnability, strength, inaccessibility. · mûnâféssé, s. a. Spite, enmity, malevolence. s- menâfi”, s. pl, a. (of · menfâ’at), Uses, advantages; in- terestS. c; - mûnÂfik, s. a. A hypocrite (canonically) ; a tale-bearer. · münâfi, a. a. Incompatible, hin- dering, opposed. -5 menâkib, s. pl, a. (of • mânkab6), Traits of character ; anec- dotes. [quarrelling. 4: münâkasha, s. a. A disputing, L45 mûnâkiz, a.a. Destructive, de- molishing; contrary, mugatory, con- tradictory. [tradiction. 4. münâkaza, s. a. Mutual con- J· mènâl, s. a. Property, possessions. • • mènâm, s. a. Sleep ; a dream, [all good things. & mennân, s. a. (God) the giver of · mânaw, s. t. A dealer in fruits, a vision. fruiterer. &: • münâvébé, s. a. Alternation, a taking turn and turn about; & münâvébétEn, ad. a. By turns. ** mènâhij, s. pl. a. (of · mînhèj), Roads. * menâhi, s. pl, a. (of mènhi), Forbidden things or acts. --- menâyâ, s. pl, a. (of : • mèniyy6), Deaths, different kinds of death. e : - o münbit, a. a. Fertile (land). minbEr, s. a. A preacher's pulpit. k· münbAssit, a.a. Spread, ex- tended; expanded; joyful. 5- • menba", s. a. A spring, source, fountain-head. ·o minnèt, s. a. A favour, grace, kindness, obligation ; an averseness, backwardness from doing a favour; a ğ6 6 - Q ·/ Teproach for favours bestowed, a throwing in one's teeth ; - *: bi- -minnet, a. p. Who is never averse from bestowing benefits ; who never hurts the feelings of those he has favoured by casting those favours in their teeth. mAntar, s. t. (Greek), A mushroom; a toadstool, fungus ; cork; a cork, a bung; · mAntar-kâwi, Ger- mantinder. · mintan, s. t. A short jacket. · mûntij, a. a. Producing, resulting in. [chosen. · mûntakhâb, a. a. Selected, - c mûntèssib, a. a. Related, con- mected. • mûntèshir, a. a. Spread, scattered abroad, spread out; expanded, dilated; in a state of erection (penis). · mûntAzir, a. a. In expectation, looking (for). * mûntazâm, a. a. In order, ar- ranged, regular; & *** · -e “Assâkiri-müntAzamé'i-shâhâné, The imperial regular troops. 5- mûntefi”, a.a. Who has derived a profit or advantage. Jä o mûntâkil, a.a. Who or which passes from one place to another. * mûntemi, a. a. Related, con- nected. c* mûntin, a. a. Putrid, stinking. · mûntèvi, a. a. Directed towards anything. [ 815 ] d\ o (for L: ) mûntéhâ, s. a. The end, utmost limit. mûntéhi, a.a. Who or which arrives at the end; which reaches, touches, comes quite up to ; –, s. a A master or proficient (in science). _): • mènsür, a. a. Scattered anyhow, not arranged in order; –, s. a. Prose. Jşi• mûnjërr, a. a. Coming (to any state of things), being brought. : • münèjjim, s. a. An astronomer or astrologer. [gealed. · münjëmid, a. a. Frozen, con- · mânjénık, s. a. A catapulta; a balista; a crane (for lifting). · minah, s.pla (of· minhât), Graces, favours, blessings. – = mûnhârif, a. a. Turning out of a straight path, turning aside ; –, s. a. A trapezium or four-sided figure, having two sides parallel but unequal; –:· shibhi-mûnhârif, Atrape- zoid or four-sided figure having no two sides parallel. asis mûnhAssir, a.a.Limited, confined. J bir-müjeb, ad. p, According to the Tequirement, in conformity with; - 2-5 c Yı bilâ- -müjib, ad. a. Without cause. · müjid, s. a. An inventor. _2-2 • müjëz, a. a. Short, abstracted, cursory, abridged. Ja-5 mû'ejjel, a.a. Postponed, de- ferred to a certain time. · mevjüd, a, a. Present, exist- ing, inventus ; in store, in stock; · mèvjüdât, s. pl. a. Ex- isting things ; goods or stores. 42-2 • [ 821 T • * mûvejjeh, a. a. Approved, fit, proper, suitable. *-- -e mîwâhhid (pl. er: ----- mûwâhhidin), s. a. A unitarian, a Muhammedan. U*- mühish, a. a. Which frightens, terrifies; frightful, terrific. /> 5 mü’âkhkhâr, a. a. Posterior in time orplace; postponed; retrograded; y* mü’âkhkharan, ad. a. Latterly, of late. le5 (for -seğe) mü'eddâ, s. a The sense, purport (of a sentence). · mü'èddèb, a. a. Well behaved, well disciplined, well educated. ·y-o mèveddet, s. a. Love, affection ; je; mèveddetlü, a. t. Friendly (person). 8 ° mèvdü”, a.a. Delivered, con- signed, leftin charge, entrusted. -6 • mû'eddi, a. a. Which causes, brings about ; –, mû'eddâ, s. a. The sense, purport (of a phrase). e· mü’ezzin, s.a. The crier who calls to prayer. · mü’ezzi, a.a. Which gives pain, causes trouble or annoyance. mör, a. t. Purple, dark damask red; –, mür, s. p. An ant. &:y: • Mörâvia, s. t. Moravia. · müriss, a.a. Causing, producing. 4-) mürché, s. p. dim. A little ant, an emmet; the marks on Damascus steel. zy • müverrikh, : 3 mü’errikh, s. a. A historian, chronologist, chronicler; –, müverrâkh, mü’errâkh, a.a.Dated, bearing date; s müverrakhan, ts· mü’errakhan, ad. a. Bearing date. 9): mèvrid, s. a. A way or point by which a thing is approached, an ap- proach ; a station, place, position. · mèvrüss, a. a. Inherited, of inheritance. [recounted. *99) • mèvrüd, a. a. Related, recited, *) Möra, s. t. The Morea. *: ) mörina, s. t. The tunny fish.(?) ey:j; mevzün, a. a. Weighed; ba- lanced ; in metre, metrical as to the feet and syllables in it. * müzé, s. p. A boot. Möstâr, s. t. Mostar. : • müvèsssâkh, a. a. Filthy, dirtied. · mü’esssis, s. a. Who founds, lays a foundation, establishes ; –, 8. a. A founder ; –, mû'èsssess, a.a. Based, founded, established. “y” mèvsim, s. a. A season, the par- ticular time when anything is usually in season ; (pronounced by Arabs mÖssim : this is the origin of our very corrupt word monsoon, called rather better öy the Frenci mousson). * mèvsüm, a. a. Marked with a mârk. L** müssâ, s. a. A razor ; Moses ; -5; o müssévi, a.a. Mosesian, one following the dispensation of Moses, a Jew, an Israelite, a Hebrew. \ · I 822 ı *3 • müssikâr, s. a. Akind of musical instrument, a Pandean pipe; a fabu- lous musical bird; music; a musician. müssiki, s. a. (Greek), Music as 3 SC160CGe · müsh, s. p. A mouse ; a rat. * mûveshshâh, a, a. Ornamented with a scarf or fillet. –* mü-shikyâf, s. a. A hair- splitter ; &üK* mü- shikyâfâné, a. p. Pertaining to a hair-splitter. · mÜshmula, s. t. A medlar. · mèvsil, s. a. A place of junction; –, mössil (mössUl), s. a. Mosul or Mosool in Mesopotamia. · müssluk, s. t. A cock, a tap, a stop-cock or turn-cock. % –iyeye mevsüf, a, a. Possessing a quality; bearing a title; qualified by an adjective (in grammar). Jye mèvsül, a. a. To which anything is joined, or has reached; -, 8. a. A relative pronoun (in Arabic grammar). 8-39 • mevzi”, s. a. A place, position, situation, locality, : • mevzü”, a.a. Placed; used as an appellative ; · mevzü”ât, s. pl. a. The axioms of any science ; *8 • mevzü”'un-leh, The thing indicated by a name, the thing treated on by a science, the subject. -i müwAzzAf, a, a, Salaried, paid, pensioned. · mev“id, 8.Ae5 • mev’idé, s. a. A promise, *ey • mev”iz6, s. a. An admonition, exhortation. · mèv'üd, a.a. Promised; to which - a time is fore-assigned ; eye Ja- èjéli-mev”üd, The appointed hour of death. [numerous, copious. -): • mèvfür, a. a. Abundant, many, · mevkit, s. a. An appointed time ; –, müwAkkit, s. a. A public regulator of time, an astronomer ; –, mÜwAk- kât, a. a. Temporary, ad interim; müwAkkatan, ad. a. Temporarily, ad interim; 4 - ki mûwAkkit- -khâné, s. p. An observatory for regulating the time. : • mÜwâkkâr, a. a. Honoured, held in honour; stately, grave. - z-i; mevki”, s. a. A place, position, situation, locality ; s5; mevki”i, a. a. Local; –, müwâkkâ”, a, a. Bearing the E-: tevki“ or y* tûghra, i.e. the Sultan's cypher. -i mevkif, s. a. A station, halting- place. [burning. · mevküd, a.a. Lighted, set fire to, –: mevküf, a.a. Stayed, stopped, arrested ; depending, referred, refer- able; in mortmain, entailed; = yiy-o mèvküfÂt, s. pl.a. Properties in mort- main; entailed estates. · mevkib, s. a. A camp, an army; (:): * -= mevkibi- hümâyün, The imperial camp (equivalent to our footstool or throne). · mü”ekked, a.a. Strong, express, · [ 823 ] strongly expressed, peremptory; cor- roborated, strengthened. J** müvekkil, a. a. Charged, ap- pointed as agent or attorney. - (for ·) mèvlâ, s. a. God, the Lord ; a master ; –, mÖlla, s. a. A judge (when following a name); a student (when preceding a name). N.B. These are merely two modifica- tions in sound of the Self-same word. Ü); mèvlâ-nâ, comp. a. Our Lord (said of God, Muhammed, and any high dignitary of the lau); Ü), , a- hâzreti - mèvlâ-nâ, His Holiness our Lord (Jelâlu-’d-dini-r-Rümi, Founder of the order of Mevlévi dervishes). · mevlid, s. a. A birthday ; a birth- place ; –, müwellid, s. a. A gene- rator ; mûwellidu -’l-mâ, Hydrogen ; · müwellidu- -'l-hümüza, Oxygen. - * mû'ellif, a, a. Which consoles, accustoms, familiarizes, reconciles; –, s. a. An author, compiler; –, mû'el- lèf, a. a. Consoled; accustomed, fami- liarized; reconciled; composed; com- piled ; · mû'elléfât, s. pl, a. Works, pilations. literary productions, com- · mèvlüd, a. a. Born, given birth to ; a kingdom in nature, mineral, vege- table, or animal; * mèvlüdUn- -lèh, To whom a child is born, a father ; mevlüdun-lehâ, A mother. möloz, c· möloss, s. t. Stones and brickbats, rubbish for filling in hollows, trenches, &c. · mèvlévi, a. a. Pertaining to the religious order founded by Molla Jelalu-’d-dini-r-Rumi. mevlâ, s. a The Lord God, who is }** bi-menni-hî-’l-mèvlâ, By the grace of Him (who is) the Lord whom all worship. served and worshipped ; • • müm, s. t. A candle ; · bÂl- -mÜmU, s. t. Bees'-wax, wax; a wax candle ; u_5° /4° mühur - mÜmU, Sealing-wax ; müm-yaghi, Tallow. · mû'min (pl. e : mû'minin), 8. a. One who believes in God and the prophet, a true believer. * mümâ-ilèyh, s. a. The afore- mentioned (person of Some, but not very high, rank). — mümiyâ, 4 oy mümiyyé, s. a. A mummy ; the substance of mummified bodies (supposed to be efficacious in many diseases); an artificial compound resembling it; the state of a mummy, mashed to a pulp. ·5• mâ'ünèt, s. a Food, feed, sup- port, maintenance. [grammar). ·5• mû'ènnèss, a. a. Feminine (in * mevhibé, s. a. A gift (of God). -’y°y mevhüb, a.a. Given (by God). “y”; mevhüm, a.a. Imaginary. -83-0 müy, s. p. A hair; e· müy- *5• [ 824 ] yé • -miyân (Hair-waisted), a. p. Slender- waisted. [supported. *35 • mû'èyyed, a. a. Strengthened, * mèh, s. p. (contr. from 8 mâh), The moon ; –, mih, a. p. Large. e le mâhâbet, s. a Dreadness, aw- fulness, majesty; mâhâbetlü, a. t. Dread, awful, grand, sublime, majestic (one of the special styles of the Sultan). =-les mûhâjir, s. a. One compelled to abandon his country; erJa-es mü- hājirin, s. pl. a. Those inhabitants of Mecca who fled to Medina and joined Muhammed. ( :-22}=\es mühâjérèt, s. a. An abandon- ing one's home and country. ele mihâd, s. a. A seat, couch, bed, [snafile. le mihâr, s. a. Arein or kind of bit or (-:2)'e mâhâret, s. a. Skilfulness, skill, sofa, throne. perfect experience. e l'a mâhâlik, s. pl, a. (of meh- léké), Dangerous places or enterprises. f'e mâhâmm, s. pl.a. (n0 sing.), Affairs ofimportance. \ f - 4 o mèhèbb, s. a. The place from whence the wind blows. · mihbit, 8. a. A place of descent, where one alights. *) * mèh-pâré (Piece of the moon), 8. p. A beauty, beautiful boy or girl. · mèh-tâb, s. p. Moonlight, moon- shine ; : :e mehtâbiyyé, s. a. An arbour, open summer-house. -63:éo mühtedi, s. a. A convert to the true faith, (called öy Europeans) a renegade. :é mihtir (mèhtèr), a. p. Greater ; older, elder; –, 8. p. Various kinds of attendants upon pashas in the old system; some were musicians, others tent-pitchers, &c.; & -· (mEh- tèr)-khâné, s. p. The old feudal mili- tary band. - şé* mèhjür, a. a. Abandoned, left desolate and disconsolate. 4şé* mèhché, s. p. A little mOOn ; a little figure of a crescent. \é o mèhd, s. a. A cradle ; · ·e ketkhudâyi-mehdi-“ül- yâyi- sAltan At (Steward of the high cradle of the sovereignty), Title of the High Steward of the mother of the reigning Sultan. * mèhdüm, a. a. Demolished. -6\4 o mèhdi, s. a. A guide, conductor. Under this title a personage is ex- pected by Muhammedans to appear, in the latter days, and to re-establish the true Teligion in great glory. Jé mehr, s. a. A marriage-portion, a dower given by the husband to his wife on their betrothal. It is of two kinds, one paid down and called ve ş* mehri-mü“Aijel; the other, deferred till their separation by his death or by divorce, is called ve Ja-5 mehri-mü'ejjel; –, mihr, s. a. Friendship, amity ; –, s. p. The sun; e· -, mühr (mûhur), s. p. A seal; 6 • · mihr-u-mâhâbbet, Friend- ship and affection; &le Jé mihr-u- -mâh, Sun and moon (proper name for women); · ve o mühri-süleymân, Solomon's seal; :yé • mührlu, a. t. Sealed; ve** ser-bé-mühr, a. p, Of which the mouth is sealed. e· mihrbán (mihribân), s. p. A friend ; Ué • mihribÂni, a. p. Per- taining to a friend, friendly ; –, 8. p. Friendliness, friendship. - yleyé-e mührdâr, s. p. A seal-bearer. ·yé-e mûhurlémek, v.a. To seal. yé mèhrü (moon-faced), s. p. A beau- tiful girl or woman. 3/4 - mehéré, s. pl, a. (of * mâhir), Adepts, proficients; –, mühré, s. p. An instrument of agate, glass, or wood, used for polishing gold-leaf, *A. paper, &c. ; * mühréli, a. t. Polished ; glazed; “ :ye mühré- lémek, v.a. To polish, to glaze with a muhré. Jye mèhzül, a, a, Thin, lean, ema- ciated. [stone. ci é-e mehèkk (mehènk), s. a. A touch- · mèhl, · mühlet, s. a. Adelay, postponement; 9: 9 · mühlet- -vErmek, v.n. To grant a delay. c- mûhlik, a. a Dangerous; fatal. 4 te mèhléké, s. a. A dangerous thing, spot, or enterprise. · mèlémek, v.n. Tobleat. * mühimm (fem. *4 o mühimmé), D 825 ] U 5° a. a Important; “e mühimmât, s. pl. a. The most important military stores, ammunition, &c. e· meh-mâ-emken, comp. a. As much as possible. e mihmân, s. p, Aguest; yl*** mihmândâr, s. p. An officer whose duty it is to take charge of guests and attend to all their wants ; “ce mihmân-nüwâz, a. p. Hospitable, kind to strangers ; - *-e- mihmân- -sârây, s. p. A guest-house, hotel; the world. J•4 mühmël, a. a. Neglected; having no dots or diacritical points (aletter). j*4 mèhmüz (mâhmuz), s. a. A spur; –, a. a. Containing a * hèmzé. \:é o mühènnèd, a. a. Indian, Damascus (blade). C A*4 c mühèndiss, s. a. A geometer, a [civil or military engineer. *) * mèhwâré, s. p. Monthly pay. c· mehvesh, s. p. A beauty, beauti- Tequipped. 4 müheyya, a, a. Ready, prepared, ful girl or boy. - 4 o mühib, a. a. Inspiring awe, awful, dreadful. t_5° mi or mi, Turkish general interro- gative particle which must always be used in questions ifone of the special interrogatives is not introduced: it is affixed to the word on which, more especially, the question turns (see Grammar); –, mey, s. p. Wine ; dös mey-khân6, s. p, A public- house, a wine-shop. e· ere meyâdin, s. pi, a (of • mèydAn), Open spaces, squares. J~ mèyyâl, a. a. Inclined, leaning, disposed. e· meyâmin, s. pl, a. (of · mèyménèt), Fortunate qualities or events. e· miyân, s. p. The middle ; the midst : the waist : = = miyân-kyükyu, s. t. Liquorice-root ; · e· miyân - bAli, Spanish liquorice ; · miyânji, s. t. A mediator. ö\ , miyâné (meyâné), s. p, The midst ; the relation between several things. c* mîyâwlamak, v.n. To mew. * miyâh, s. pl.a. (of mâ), Waters. · meyyit, s. a. A dead body ; a [dred. e· mî'éteyn, s. a. dual. Two hun- dead person, dead man. : — missâk, s. a. A pact, promise, [boy. 351 micho, s. t. A cabin-boy, sailor- * mikh, s. t. A nail; mákh- lamak, v.a. To nail; to fasten with agreement. rivets ; to set (a precious stone) ; · mikhlayiji, s. t. A stone- setter ; · m?khli, a. t. Nailed ; rivetted ; set. e meydân, s. a. A vacant space ; a public square; an interval of time. & o mîdiyé, s. t. A muscle or mussel (fish). mir (contr. from · emir), s. p. [ 826 ] ej* A commander; an officer ; anyone holding the title of Begh or Bey ; miri-liwā, A major- general ; eyr:9-o miri-mîrân, A civil governor of a district, with the rank of lieu- tenant - general ; V miru-'l- -ümérâ, A civil governor of a dis- trict, with the rank of major-general; - mir-Alây, A colonel (in the army) ; a captain of a three-decker (in the navy); )y- mir-âkhör (îmrakhör), Master of the horse ; **y: • miri - kelâm, An eloquent person : -5 miri (fem : / mi- riyyf), a. a. Belonging to government, public. · mirâss, s. a. An inheritance ; şa y~ mirāss-khör, An inheritor, ome who has received an inheritance ; · receive an inheritance, to inherit; · mirāss - yedi (Who has received an inheritance), 8. a. A spend- thrift. -- Ür* mirzâ, s. p. A title used in three mirāss-yèmek, v.n. To ways : when placed after a name, it signifies a Prince of the blood ; but when placed before, it merely denotes a civilian of any grade: without a name, it means a clerk or secretary. - mizâb, s. p. A canal, drain, spout. · mizân, s. a. A balance, pair of scales; the sign Libra ; a proof (in arithmetic); an object of comparison; · [ 827 ] (:) c :9 -, mizân-wÜrmak, To com- pare, to draw a conclusion. · mizbân, s. p. A host, receiver and entertainer of guests. - müyessser, a. a. Facilitated, put into one's power or possession by God’s permission; * - * AllÂh- -müyesssèr - eyléyé! May God facili- tate it (to you). [an army. 8)“• meyséré, s. a. The left wing of *· meyshé, s. t. An oak; oak-wood; c meyshélik, s. t. An oak- forest, or region bearing oaks. cy: • mishin (mèshin), s. p. Leather made from sheep's skin. · mi”âd, s. a. A place foretold, a rendezvous ; the resurrection. 5- migh, s.p. A fog, a mist. · mikât, s. a A time fore-ap- pointed ; a fixed or marked time, a S08SOle 8 mey-kedé, s.p. A wine-shop. meyl, s. a. Inclination; declination; affection; –, –et, v.n. To incline ; to decline (north or south); to have an affection or liking ; –, mil, s. a. A pivot i a probing-needle i a mile ; e- Ke-J mil-chekmek, To use a red-hot iron instrument for blinding state prisoners. · milâd, s.a. Birth; ·-, milâdi- -“issâ, The Nativity, the birth of Jesus; & milâdiyyé, a.a. (The year) reckoned from the Nativity. e: meyélân, s. a, Inclination. · Milo, s. t. Milo, “ mim, s. a. Name of the letter f. ·o mèyménèt, s. a. Any fortunate quality or event. & • o mèyméné, s. a. (Originally identic with - • o), The right wing of an army. - · mèymün, a. a. Endued with felicity; fortunate, happy ; –, mây- mün, s. t. A monkey ; · mâymUnjU, A monkey-leader. cy meyn, s. a. Alie, falsehood. minâ, s.p. Enamel (miné); glass; a drinking - cup; the sky ; : • minéli, a. t. Enamelled; : • minâ- -fâm, a. p. Of a sky-blue colour. U: • (for c· minâ-vesh, s.p.), mènévish, s. t. The browning of gun- barrels; the blueing of watch-springs, &c.; the watering on silks, &c. c· meyyüss (for C-5 mey’üss), a. a. Despaired of; despairing ; hope- less; mèyyüssiyyet, s. a. Despair, hopelessness. 892 o mèyvé (pl. p. * mèyvéhâ), s. p. Fruit ; les --e meyvédâr, a. p. Fruitful. a mi'é, s.a. Ahundred, one hundred; · mi'éteyn, Two hundred. U:) vy nün. Twenty-eighth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having the value of n in English. In chronograms and U [ 828 ] astronomical tables it has the numeri- cal value of 50, and in the dates of letters it stands for the month of Added to the root of a verb active or neuter, it indicates an Ramazan. indefinite action without exterior ob- ject; and in the case of verbs active or neuter the roots of which endin J or in a vowel, it either takes the place of the J which usually forms the passive, orit precedes that letter in combining the passive voice (See Grammar.) - Ü nâ! int. t. There! There's for you! There it is ! There, take that ! –, Persian privative particle, preceding nouns and adjectives, and correspond- ing with our un, in, &c., or with our less at the end of words; \ nâ- -ümid, a.p. Hopeless ; ·:U nâ-pâk, a. p. Unclean. -ü nâb, s. a. A canine tooth, atusk, tush; ivory ; –, a. p, Pure, clear, ·ü nâbit, a.a.Which grows, vegetates. -ü nâ-bé-jä, şiş' nâ-bé-henjär, a. p. Out of time or place, unfitting, unsuitable, unseemly. ·ü Nâbulus, s. a. Samaria. -ü* nâji, a. a. Who escapes ; who finds salvation. * It is a great mistake to suppose that this word corresponds to “ Saviour.” On the contrary, it means “one who escapes from peril,” as Mr. Redhouse has stated. If used for * Saviour” it would be entirely · j:-0 nâ-chiz, s.p. Anothing, a thing of little account; a humble insignifi- cant person; & e-5 nâ-chizâné, a.p. Pertaining to a humble, insignificant person. 4-ü nâhiyyé, s. a. Asmall district, a canton, a hundred. - e·ü nâkhUn, s. p. A nail, claw, talon. y°ü nâdir, a. a. Rare ; yet nâdiran, ad. a. Rarely, seldom. *yel nâdiré, s. a. A rarity, a thing seldom seen. *ü nâdim, a. a. Repenting, repentant, sorry for what he has done. ·ü nâdi, s.a. A place where one is. yü nâr, s. a. Fire ; hell-fire ; hell; –, s. t. A pomegranate ; -65): nâri (fem. d: ö nârîyyé), a. a. Pertaining to fire, fiery. ·yü nârdènk, s. p. A sharp kind of syrup, made from some fruit, either grapes(?), apples(?), plums(?), or pome- gramates(?). * Sü nârghilé, s. t. An instrument for smoking Persian tobacco, in which the smoke is drawn through water. : nârinj, s. p. An orange ; a Seville orange. ev nârin, a. t. Slender, weakly made. misunderstood by natives, as they would take it to mean one who himself avoids or escapes from danger, and not one who saved others. This mistake was first made by Meninski, and was copied by Bianchi; and, as I find others have taken the same erroneous view of the meaning of the word, I avail myself of this opportunity of drawing attention to its real signification.-C. W. jü jü nâz, s. p. The conscious or uncon- scious self-sufficiency and graceful pride of a beautiful girl; graceful and well-founded disdain, real or pre- tended, for all exterior embellishment and for all admiration ; the graceful playfulness and motions of a beautiful object which attract attention ; the disdain of anyone for what he may consider not necessary to himself or not worthy of acceptance; c· nâzlanmak, v.n. To be disdainful of anything offered, whether homage to a beauty, or a gift of any kind to other people ; jü nâzli, a. t. Who shows a real or affected disdain for offered homage or gifts; W:2ğü nâz-u-niyâz- -èt, v.n. Tourge a request in a grace- ful, bashful, attractive manner. · nâzik, a.p. Delicate (in mind, constitution, or quality). J}\; nâzil, a.a. Which descends; which is sent down from heaven. e· nâzénin, s. p. A beautiful, grace- ful girl, disdainful in her gracefulness, or graceful in her bashful boldness. c-ü nâss, s. pl, a, (of · insân), Men, mankind, 5 Sğ Ü nâ-sâz-kyâr, a.p. Who acts nâ-sâz, a. p. Discordant; improper; improperly. · nâssüt, s. a. Humanity, human nature ; - 5 çe “âlémi-nâssüt, The world, state, or degree of human nature. [ 829 ] Ü yy-i nâssür, s. a. A kind of running ulcer; a fistula ; -, s. t. A wart, a corn, the hard skin which forms on the inner parts of the hands of work- ing men. · nâssi, a. a. Forgetful, who forgets. nâshir, s.a. One who spreads, opens out, or disseminates. -*- nâshi, a. a. Growing, which grows; proceeding, springing, arising; –, ad. t. Owing to, arising from (amy cause, &c.). · nâssib, s. a. One who sets up, erects; one who appoints officers. · nâssih, s. a. One who gives advice. nâssir, s. a. A helper, helper to victory ; –, (or yye, nÂssir), s. t. A wart, a corn, the hard skin which forms on the inner parts of the hands of working men; c·yye nAssirlan- mak, v.n. To form into a wart, corn, or hard skin. 4 e5 nâssiyy6, s. a The forelock; the forehead; J-4 e5 nâssîyye'i-hâl, The appearance of circumstances. c· nÂtik, a. a. Which speaks ; which reasons; which has a voice ; ): - - hâywÂni-nâtik, Man, the speak- ing, reasoning animal ; - Ü J• mâli - nâtik, Possessions in slaves, flocks, herds, &c. nâzir, a. a. Which looks ; –, s. a. A spectator, looker-on ; an overseer, director; a minister of state; d:=> - ·ü khārijiyyé-nâziri, The minister ekli for foreign affairs; 65 ü* mÂliyyé- -nâziri, The minister of finance. * nAzim, s. a. Who puts in order, regulates. -iü nâf, s. p. The navel; the middle of anything. *u nâfikh, s. a. One who blows (a wind instrument); y = 0 nâfikhu- -’ss-sür, He who blows the trump, the angel who will blow the last trump. 3-3 nâfiz, a. a. Which penetrates, makes its way into or through things ; (a command) which receives full exe- cution ; · nâfizu-’l-keli- méteyn, One whose two words, yes and no, are punctually attended to. z-i nâfi”, a.a. Useful, beneficial. 4 ü nâfilé, s. a Supererogatory prayers beyond the five canonical ones; –, a. a. Useless, vain; –, ad. t. Im vain. *ü nâfé, s. p. The navel; a musk-bag; the belly part of an animal's fur. ·ü nâkiss, a. a. Deficient, wanting; minus (in algebra). J5ü nâkil, a. a. Bearing, carrying about : -, 8. a. A marrator, relater. c·ü nâküss, s. a. A bell; a piece of wood suspended in churches or mon- asteries in the East, and struck in lieu of a bell. 45ü nâka, s. a. A female camel. · nâk, One of the Persian termina- tions which, added to a noun, makes an adjective signifying possessing or [ 880 ] c· subject to ; ·y° dèrdnâk, a. p. Grieved ; · nèmnâk, Damp. * Sü nâ-ghyâh, a p. Out of time or place, untimely; sudden; suddenly. L-Sü nâ-kèss (nèkess), a. p. Not a man, a sordid, disagreeable fellow. 4SU nâ-ghèh (contr. from * Sü), a p. Untimely ; sudden; 'éü nâ-ghè- hâni, a. p. Sudden. eylü nâlân, a. p. Weeping, lamenting. ·ü nâlish, s. p. A weeping, lamenting. *ü nâlé, s. p. Weeping, plaint, lamen- tation. * nâm (nAm), s. p, A name; a title, a quality ; honour, reputation, repute, celebrity ; –, a. p. Named; ·- · *ü Ahmed- nâm-kimèssné, A person named Ahmed ; ü nâm- dâr, 5 nâmvâr, rü nâmvèr, a. p. Famous, celebrated. ·ü nâm-zed, s. p. One whose name a betrothed person; a person named or proposed has been mentioned ; for an office. 5 nAmkyür, a. t. Ungrateful. nâmli, a. t. Having a name or reputation; –, s. t. The blade of a sword or kmife (as bearing the maker's name). c· nâmüss, s. a. (Greek vopuoc), A law ; the Kur'ân; the angel Gabriel; a person's honour ; -~~ nâmüss- sUz, a. t. Regardless of his honour ; ·ü nâmüsslu, a. t. Careful of his honour, scrupulous as regards rectitude. * Ü ·ü nâmé, s. p. A letter; a royal letter; a letter of credentials ; (in comp08i- tion), a book, a treatise, or writing on any particular subject ; · shâh-nâmé, The book of kings (name ofa book); * nâm6-bër, c 4.5 nâmé-ress, One who brings a letter, an envoy. [tates, flourishes. · nâmi, a. a. Which grows, vege- · nân, s. p, Bread; üye nân- -u-nèmek, Bread and salt, the two sacred or essential articles of food ; * Ü nân-pâre, s. p. A piece of bread, a loaf or cake of bread ; a subsistence, maintenance, allowance, salary, pension. Kü nân-kyür, a. p. Ungrateful. yü nânü, s. p. A ditty sung to put children to sleep. &ü nân6, s. t. Mint (herb); peppermint. e· nâwdân, s.p.A water-pipe, canal, channel, spout. [ing. *3) nâvèrd, s. p. Battle, combat, fight- · nâvek, s. p. dim. Asmall light 8İ]'OW. e:yü nâvlun (from Jy nèvl, s. a.), s. t. The freight paid for carriage of goods by ship ; ·le 5 nâvlUn-ila- -tûtmak, To hire (a ship). · nâvi, s. t. (Italian), A bark, three- masted vessel with only two masts full rigged. · nâhib, s. a. A plunderer. -- nâhi, s. a. A prohibitor, for- bidder. [ 831 ] L· ·ü nâhid, s. p. A young maiden ; the planet Venus. -sü nây, s. p. A reed, a bamboo, a cane; a flute or flageolet; sü*) * sürnây (zÜrna), A clarion, trumpet ; –558 5 kërré-nây, s. p. A kind of long trumpet. -5 nâ'ib, s. a. Alieutenant, locum- tenens, substitute; a judge-substitute. * 55 nâ'ibé, s. a. A misfortune which befalls. deşi nâyché, s. p. A small reed; a small *ı - . * *<ü nâ'iha, s. a. A woman hired or [flute or pipe. employed for screaming and weeping over the dead. * Ü nâ'iré, s. a. Fire, flames. · nây-zEn, s. p. A flute-player. J55 nâ'il, a, a. Who receives, acquires, attains (anything desirable); -, –öl, v.n. To receive, acquire, attain, beblessed or gratified with. * Ü nâ'im, a. a Sleeping, asleep. · nebât (pl. 5 nebâtât), s. a. A plant; a vegetable ; - 5 “ilmi-nebâtât, Botany ; -5,K* = nèbât-shëkéri (nûbet), s. t. Sugar- candy; · nèbâti, a. a. Vegetable. J-i nibâl, s. pl, a. (of nebl), Arrows, [taste, an inkling. 83. nebz6, s. a. Asmall portion, a e)90° nèbèrd, s. p. War, battle, fight, combat. L: nèbsh, s. a. A digging up, exca- vating (graves, &c.). L4: nAbz, s. a. The pulse ; pulsation ; s-: [ 832 ] Ö. c i 4. nAbza - bakmak, v.n. To feel one's pulse. s-° nèb”, s. a. A springing up (water from a spring) ; -, -et, v.n. To spring up, flow from a source. · nübüvvet, s. a The quality of being a prophet or God’s messenger. - nebévi (fem. : nebéviyyé), a. a. [from God. nebî, s. a. A prophet, a messenger Pertaining to a prophet. * nèbiré, s. p. A grandson. * netâ'ij, s. pl.a. (ofaş netijé), Results, consequences. * nité-kim, ad. t. As, even as, in like manner as. *: netij6, s. a. Aresult, consequence; a corollary ; =*ş netijé'i- -kelâm, ad. t. In short, in fine. nissâr, s. a. A scattering ; small money scattered at Weddings ; -, a. p. (in composition), Who scatters. ° nèssr (nèssir), s. a. A scattering ; prose. [(in man or horses). ·a: nejâbet, s. a. Nobility of race · nejât, s. a Deliverance, escape, salvation ; c·ş!-, nèjât - bülmuk, v.n. To find a means of escape, to escape, save one's self, be saved. ya: nèjjâr, s. a. A carpenter. · nèjâssèt, s. a. Uncleanness (canonical), unfitness to be touched ; filth, dung. · nejâshi, s. a. General title for the kings of Ethiopia Or Abyssinia. · nejd, s. a The upper and interior part of Arabia, from whence are derived the best horses, called · nèjdi. · nèjdèt, s. a. Courage, valour. · nèjiss, a. a. Unclean (canonically), not to be touched. * néjm, s. a. A star ; * * “ilmi- -nujüm, Astrology. = inji, Turkish termination of the ordinal numbers, answering to our th or eth; –, or -& neji ? Turkish interrogative of trade or occupation, · sèn-nèji - sin? What is your trade or occupation ? · nèjib, a. a. Of a noble race (horse orman). [bronze. L· nûhâss, s. a. Copper ; brass ; U->< nâhss, s. a. A sinister aspect or malign influence of the stars ; an unlucky star; –, nâhiss, a. a. Un- lucky, under an unlucky star (a day); =L-s°nâhsi-ekbir,Saturn; -s” kelnâhsi-Assghâr, Mars. [bee. J= mahl, s. a Bees; 4 = nâhlé, One ys” nâhv, s. a. Syntax ; · nâhvi (fem. : · nâhviyyé), a. a. Per- taining to syntax, syntactical ; – -(pl. e· nâhviyyün), s. a. A-– writer on syntax. · nühüssèt, s. a. The quality of possessing a malign influence, ma- [tion, feeble. – = nahif, a, a. Weakly in constitu- lignity. ş° nâkhjir, s. p. Any animal pur- sued or taken in the chase as game; (} J·° [ 833 ] 3ji * ş° nâkhjir-ghir, s. p. A hunts- Companions, associates, intimate II18İl. friends. [companion. J·nakljı, s. p Akind of wood or berry of which rosaries are made. · nükhUsst, · nükhUsstin, a. p. The first. · nâkhsheb, s. p. Name of a place near Semerkand, having a cele- brated well (-**le- châhi-nâkh- shëb), from whence the impostor Mukanna“ (the Veiled Prophet of Khorassan) is said to have caused an artificial moon (- **-e mâhi- -nâkhshèb) to rise. J· nâkhl, s. a. A palm-tree, a date- tree ; · nâkhlisstân, s. p. A palm-grove. · nâkhwet, s. a Pride, haughti- T1GSS- · nökhUd, s. t. A chick-pea; a large, white, hard-boiling pea. nidā, s. a. A calling aloud; an ejacu- lation : -, -et, v.a. To call out aloud ; to ejaculate ; – - hârfi- -nîdâ, An interjection, or vocative particle. L-l nAdass, s. t. A ploughing, har- rowing, and cleaning land after or during a fallow ; -, -et, v.a. To clean (land) by ploughing, &c. · nedâmet, s. a. A feeling of regret, repentance, penitence. d: A nüdbé, s. a. A weeping and lament- ing over the dead. nüdémâ, s. pl, a. (off nedim), ** nèdim, s. a. An intimate friend and nèzr, s. a. A vow; anything sacri- ficed or bestowed in consequence of a vow ; –, –et, v.a. To vow, to sacri- fice orbestow as a fulfilment of a vow. nir, a. p. Male. : nèrkh (nârk), s. p. The officially- taxed price of commodities. 9): nèrd, s. p. Backgammon. f e· nerdibin (mirdivin), s. p. A ladder, steps, a staircase ; ·e,5 (mèrdivèn) - bAshi, The top of the stairs ; ·'e (mirdivèn)- -âyaghi, The foot of the stairs. 89, nirdé? nerédé? Where ? In what place ? In whatever place? - nèrghiss, s. p. A marigold ; a beautiful eye, the eye of a mistress. * nèrm, a. p. Soft to the touch; easy in disposition, yielding. s, neré ? Turkish interrogative of place, What place ? What exact spot? What place soever ; : 8, nèréning? Of what place ? of what place soever ; * neréyé, To what place ? To whatever place ; 893, nerédé, In what place ? In whatever place ; · nèrédan ? From what place ? From whatever place ; f: nèrém ? What part of my body ? Whatever part of my body ; e: neréming? Of what part of my body ? &c., 3, neréssi, What part or spot of 3 I e· it ? · mèréssiné ? To what part of it ? &c., &c. [hero. e· nerimân, s. p. A champion, a y nizâr, a. p. Thin, slender, lean. 8 ; nizâ”, s. a. Altercation, dispute, quarrel ; -, -et, v.n. To dispute, quarrel. · nèzâkèt, s. a. Politeness, deli- cacy of manners ; delicacy of taste, [bat. Jji nîzâl, s. a. A fighting, battle, com- smell, &c. 9ji nèzd, s. p. The immediate vicinity or proximity of anything. e:9} nezdik, a. p. Near. 8 ° mez”, s. a. A tearing up, out, or away ; -, -et, v.a. To tear up, tear out, tear away ; 8 -- hâlétu- -’n-nèz'“, The agony of death, the point of death. J}: nûzul, s. a. Provisions ; ·-, nûzul-èmini, s. t. The commissary- general of an army. * nèzlé, s. a. A cold in the head. J2j nûzül, s. a.A descending, going or coming down; an alighting ; astroke of apoplexy or palsy ; -, -et, v.n. To descend; to alight. : Ej nûzhèt, s. a The taking astroll for pleasure; recreation pleasure, (either by strolling or sitting in plea- sant places). V- nissâ, s. a. A woman ; women in general ; V- ** Â5 - tä'ife'i-nissâ, Womankind. z· nèsssâj, s. a. A weaver. [ 884 ] · nissājet, s. a The weaving art. nissAk, s. a. A series, arrange- Uniform; regular. g: - nessâ'ij, s. pl.a. (no sing.), Tex- tile fabrics, woven articles. ment, order; : — yek-nissÂk, a.p. * nessä'im, s.pl.a. (of f- nèssim), Airs, breezes. --i nèsseb, s. a. Extraction, birth, parentage ; - nessébi (fem. 4: nèssébiyyê), a. a. Pertaining to extraction or parentage. - · nissbet, s.a. (pl. -- ensâb), Relation; ratio, proportion; a loga- rithm ; spite ; -, -et, v.n. To act in spite ; (in stating a sum in the rule of three) as ; · ke-nissbet, so; * 9z ·_}\ - niss- bèti-elif-ila-bè-kè-nissbëti-jim-ila-dÂl (The ratio of a to ö (is) as the ratio of c to d), As a is to b, so is c to d; d:ee- nissbeti-jeybiyyé, Alog. sine; * -- nissbeti-zilliyyé, A log. tangent ; *-i nissbétan, ad. a. In respect, in relation, in proportion; out of spite. * nèssté, s. t. A thing, anything, nothing in partieular (used in humming and haing). <- nèssj, s. a. A weaving ; a texture ; -, -et, v.a. To weave. z- nèsskh, s. a. An abolishing, annul- ling, abrogating ; –, –et, v.a. To abolish, annul, abrogate; –, nûssâkh, s, pl.a. (of &s- nûsskha), Copies d* (of books or writings) ; –, nèssikh, 8. a The peculiar handwriting used in copying the Kur'an and most prose books in Turkey, Syria, and Arabia. ·- nüsskha, s. a. A copy of a book or writing ; (misska) an amulet or charm in writing, much used in the East, sewn to the cap, orbound round various parts of the body. nèssr, s. a. A bird ; an eagle. ev!r- nèssrin, s. a. A kind of flower ; evi J5 ghyûlu-nessrin, s. p. Akind of flower. [succession. c· nèssâk, s. a. An order, row, series, J-i nèssl (nessil), s. a Progeny, race, posterity. [a satyr. c· nèssnâss, s. a. Akind of ape ; & nèssné, s. t. A thing. · nisswân, s. pl.a. (of - nissa), Women. e· nissyân, s. a. A forgetting ; ob- livion, forgetfulness; \-, –et, v.a. To forget. [tinguished family. - nessib, a. a. Belonging to a dis- f- nèssim, s. a. A gentle air, zephyr, breeze. [an arrow. ***. nûshshâbé, s.a. A wooden arrow; uy--- Nishâbür, s. p. The town of Nishabur, in Khorassan. nishâdir, s. p. Sal ammoniac ; ammonia ; u_5-2)- nishâdir - rühU, Spirit of ammonia, spirit of hartshorn, sal volatile. &.: ; nishâssta, s. p. Starch ; wheat fecula, used in confectionary. [ 885 ] · 4 b. nishāt, s. a Mirth, joy. · nishÂn, s. p. A mark, sign, trace, sigmal of any kind ; an index, indica- tion; sign-post; beacon; a mark set up to shoot at, a target; a decoration, insignia of rank or of amy order of knighthood; a pledge, token (given to a girl at a betrothal); the Sultan's cypher ; imperial letters-patent bear- ing the cypher; a sear, cicatrice ; *K : nishānghyāh, s. p. A sight (used for pointing guns) ; · - nishÂnli, a. t. Marked, bearing a mark; betrothed, affianced ; · nishÂnji, s. t. Former title of a high functionary of the Ottoman Govern- ment, akind of High Chancellor, from whose office the imperialletters-patent, firmans, &c., were issued ; –, nishân, a. p. (in composition), Who or which sits ; who or which causes to sit; which calms, composes, soothes; which re- calls, calls to mind ; ·ye's- khÂtir- -nishân, s. p. Anything fixed on the mind, or on which the mind is fixed. * \: nishândé, a. p. Planted, set up, erected. [vestige. dö\: ; nishâné, s. p. A mark, trace, neshr, s. a. A spreading out or abroad, a scattering, dispersing; a resuscitation; -, -et, v.a. To spread out or about, to scatter, disperse ; to publish; to resuscitate ; ) :) -- * hAshr-u-nèshr, The resurrection and gathering of the dead to judgment. 3 I 2 - by wine or any stimulant- ğ. · [ 836 T · nishèsst, s. p. The act of sit- ting: -, -et, v.n. To sit; & nishèsstghyâh, s. p. A seat, place for sitting. &.j nishëssté, a. p. Seated, sitting. 3 \:. .5 nèshinidé, a. p. Unheard of ; who has not heard. * nèshv, s. a. A growing, increasing, prospering; V•i 9 · nèshv-u-nèmâ, A growing and prosperingid; ş! •:y; nèshv-u-nèmâ-bülmak, To grow and prosper. * nèshvé, s. a. The hilarity caused by any stimulant; U*<: nèshvé- -bâkhsh, a. p. Stimulating. - 5 nishib, s.p.A descent ofground, a declivity ; low ground. · nesh'et, s. a A springing up, shooting, sprouting; a deriving one's origin; an origin; -, -et, v.n. To spring, originate, c “ nèshimen, s. p. A company, society : 8 K : * neshimenghyâh, 8. p. A place where people meet in society. cy: nishin, a.p. Sitting, seated. *: nesh'i, s. a The hilarity caused [proof d_ağ nAsss, s. a. An irrefragable divine -\a nissÂb, s. a The exact degree or proportion which best suits anything; rank, degree. Va or -5)'a nAssârâ, s. pl, a. (of ya nAssrâni), Christians, Naza- TC)CSe * nâssâ'ih, s. pl.a. (of ·a; nAssihât), Counsels, advices given. e- a nAssb, s. a. A setting up, erect- ing; an appointing to high office; \-, –et, v.a. To set up, erect; to appoint; ·*Jje “Azl-U-nAssb, Appoint- ment and dismissal. ra, nAssr, s. a. Aid, help, succour; vic- tory ; –, nAssir, s. t. A wart, corn, or hard skin; 8ra je “âzza-nAssruhu, (God) whose aidbe powerful! (inscribed on Turkish coins) ; ·ya nAssirlan- mak, v.n. To form warts, corns, Or hard skin. y* nAssrâni (fem :\ra nAssrâ- niyyé), s. a. A Christian, a Nazareme; ·ya nAssrâniyyet, s. a. Chris- tianity. ·a nüssret, s. a. God’s aid and suc- e-ia nâssf, s. a. A half; half-way ; the middle; 3 ile -ia nissfi-dâ'iré, A [cour; victory. semicircle : 'el-i-a-i nâssfu-’n- -nihâr, Noon, mid-day; ·l-ia nâssfu-’l-leyl, Midnight. ·a nAssafet, s. a. Justice, equity, conscientiousness. Jaj nâssl? (Turkish interrogative and eaclamative of quality or manner), How? In what way? What sort? What kind ? However, howsoever ; how ! e· nâssl-sin ? How are you? · nâssl-èdEr- -issa-ètsin, Let him do in any way he can. - *a nAssib, s. a. Whatever falls to 6ş [ 887 ] one's lot ; a lot, fate ; y-, nAssib-öl, v.n. Tofall to one's lot. ·a nAssihât, s. a. Advice, counsel; ·-, –vèrmek, v.n. To give advice ; –, –et, v.a. To counsel. ·a nAzâret or nAdâret, s.a. Bright- ness, freshness, beauty, bloom. * nitÂk, s. a. A belt, girdle, zone. ** nAt”, s.a. Achess-board orportable leather for chess or draughts. & a nûtf6, s. a Sperm, seminal fluid. · nûtk, s. a. The faculty of speech ; a set speech, an oration. · nâtük, a. a. Facile in speech. : nüzzâr, s. pl. a. (of U nâzir), Spectators. ( :-22): nAzâret, s. a. A view, a spectacle; direction, supervision; a ministry, de- partment of state, ministerial office. · nAzâfet, s. a. Cleanness, clean- liness. f : nizÂm, s. a. Order, regularity, an arrangement; a system ; a regulation, law, bye-law; \ \a--, nizAmi-jedid (New system), Name given to the general system of government intro- duced into Turkey by Sultan Mahmud II. in 1826, upon the suppression of the Janissaries, particularly the em- ployment of regularly - disciplined troops; e f : nizÂmi-”âlem (A means of the world's being governed in an orderly manner), One of the titles given in firmans to Pashas of the highest order ; ·– nizâm- -“Asskéri, Regular troops ; & \: c= $ nizÂma-ghèlmek, v.n. To get in order, to be put to rights ; ·: y-, nizÂm-virmek, v.n. To put in order, to regulate ; - nizÂmsiz, a. t. Irregular, disordered, disorderly ; c· nizÂmsizlik, s. t. Disorder, want of order. 5 * nAzā’ir, s. pl, a. (of : a; nAziré), Similar things, parallel things; paro- dies, imitations, rival pieces of com- position. a nazar, s. a The sight; a looking ; the effect of an evil eye; favour, good graces, esteem, consideration; \-, –et, v.n. To look ; i: nÂzaran, ad. a. In comparison ; in respect; e· nAzar-dâghmassin ! Let not the effect of the evil eye light upon it! (said plainly or satirically of anything one is called upon to admire, and in the sense of It is beautiful ; may God preserve it from evil !) c*** · nAzardan-düshmek, v.n. To fall into disgrace, get out of favour. 3 nAzara, s. a. A single look. * nAzm, s. a. Verse ; a versifying ; order, regularity ; -, -et, v.a. To put into metre, to say or write in verse, to sing. : nAzir (fem. : nAziré), a. a. Similar, like; parallel; : bi- -nAzir (bi-nâzir), a. p. Peerless, un- equalled; capital, very good. : nAziré, s. a. Any piece of com- position in prose or verse, or any anecdote, told or written in imitation of some other, as a parody to it, or with a view to outrival it in ex- cellency. e-â a nAzif, a, a. Clean, cleanly. J x ni”âl, s. pl, a. (of }< nâ”l), Pattens, slippers (for going into the street); Js l-ie sAffu-’n-ni”âl, The place near the door where the shoes are left on entering a house or room. * nâ”âm, s. a. An ostrich. · nâ”t, s. a. A eulogistic poem in praise of Muhammed, always to be found occupying the second place in complete collections of poetry. * nâ”ra, s. a. A great noise, roar, vociferation. U** nâ”sh, s. a. Abier or litter with a dead body ; L* : binâtu- -'n-nâ”sh, The stars of the Great Bear. Jx nâ”l, s. a. A patten, a slipper for going out of doors with ; (nAl) a horse-shoe; y < nâ”leyn (nAlin), A pair of pattens (onepatten); · nâ”l-bend (nAlbant), s. p, A farrier ; e nâ”llemek (nAllamak), va. To shoe. · nâ”lché (nAlcha), s. p. An iron heel with projections, used for boots or shoesto prevent slipping in walking. * nâ”am, ad. a. Yes; very good; very well; –, ni”âm, s. pl, a. (of - si [ 838 ] nî“met), Comforts, blessings, benefits; * : veliyyu-'n-ni”âm, A bene- factor. * V· nâ”mâ, and nü”mâ (for -5 s. a. Any goodness, benefit, favour. •sü), · ni’met, s. a. A comfort, bless- ing, benefit from Providence. * nü”mâ, s. a. Any benefit or favour. \ 6 6 ** nâ”nâ”, 5-* nâ”nâ A 6 6 , dx.x) nâ`- na”à (nâné), s. a Mint; peppermint. · nü”üt, s. pl, a. (of · nâ”t), Eulogistic poems on Muhammed. *\: ö· nâ”üzU-bi-'llAh ! (We take refuge in God !) God preserve us! * nâ”im, s. a. The state of being in possession of every blessing; - =- * jennèti-nâ”im, Name of one of the subdivisions of Paradise or one of the names of Paradise. d•k nâghma (nâghma), s. a. A vocal time, an air in vocal music. c-ü nifâss, s. a. The condition of a woman for forty dâys after childbirth. · nefâsset, s. a. Goodness, ex- cellence, superiority (of quality), deli- cacy, richness. ki nifÂk, s. a. Discord, disagreement. L-5° nefâ'iss, s. pl.a. (of a né- fissé), Things excellent and esteemed, precious things, valuables, delicacies. ·ü nèft, s. p. Bitumen ; -: nèft-yâghi, s. t. Naphtha ; spirit of * mèfti, a. a. Of a green-black colour. * nefh, s. a. A diffusion (of odour); turpentine ; *s° [ 839 ] a blowing (of the wind or with the mouth). as° nèfha, s. a. A single breath of wind or of perfume ; a blast; is* 8 nefhatu-'l-fez”, The first blast of the trump at the end of time, when all living creatures will die; &s° · nefhatu-’l-bâ”ss, The second blast, when all the dead shall rise. * nèfkh, s. a. A blowing with the mouth ; blowing an instrument. ° nèfEr, s. a. An individual, a person ; (pl. y: néférāt), Aprivate soldier, common sailor. (This word is generally used after a cardinal number when fol- lowed by any word signifying man, and is then always in the singular ; ·iyi bir-nefer-kimessn6, One person; C - L* besh - nefer- -châwUsh, Five sergeants). · nefret, s. a., J:Jğü nefrin, s. p. Aversion, dislike, disgust : -, -et, v.n. To have a dislike, disgust. aversion, U-ü nefss, s. a. The life; the soul ; the flesh (biblically speaking), the passions; the sperm or seminal fluid ; one's own self, essence, or individual- ity; the interior of a town or country, as distinguished from the environs or dependencies ; -, nefess, s. a. The breath ; one inhalation; one exhala- tion; a peculiar miraculous power of the breath to cure diseases, &c., be- lieved tobe possessed by many persons; *) 'L-ā nefsi-emmâré, (The com- manding soul or flesh) That state of the passions when they habitually control and compel the individual to obey their exigencies; 4 - : nèfsi-lèvwâmé, (The upbraiding soul) That state when the passions can be controlled, though they still strive to make their voice heard ; · nefsi-mûtma'inné, (The peaceful soul) That state when the passions are totally subdued ; } U-ü nefsu-'l- -(emir), The reality of any matter ; L-8: fi-nefsi-'l-(emir), ad. a. In reality: L : bi-'n-nefss, ad. a. Personally; ö \! bAlik-nefsi, s.t. Spermaceti ; · * bAlik- -nefsi-yâghi, Sperm-oil; *: & & nefsina-Üymak, v.n. To follow or sub- mit to one's passions ; c· nefsini-kirmak, v.n. To subdue one's passions, to spite them ; c· nefess-Almak, v.n. To breathe, respire, to inspire; to rest; repose one's self; to have a hole, or not to be air-tight ; to get air; L-& nefess-vèr- mek, v.n. To allow breathing-time; to give rest or respite : -5): -ö ·3 nefessini-dishâri-virmek, To expire (in breathing), to breathe out ; L-° • söng - nefess, The last breath ; ·yi L·!r! bir-nèfess-tütun, A whiff, a puff (in smoking). -° nefsâni, a.a. Pertaining to the flesh or passions, carnal; · lağ [ 840 ] y Aü nèfsâniyyet, s. a. Spite, a grudge, enmity, ill-will. lak neft, s. a Bitumen; naphtha. 8-° nef”, s. a. Utility, advantage, use, benefit. &öğj nèfaka (nâfaka), s. a. The allow- ance due to a wife and children from the temance. husband and father for main- ö· nüfüz, s. a. A penetrating through orinto ; a pervading; moralinfluence; · nüfüz-sâhibi, A person of influence. c· nüfüss, s. pl. a. (of L-kü nefss), Persons, individuals, souls ; c-; ö -6 nüfüss - deftéri, A statistical register of births and deaths. nefy (nefi), s. a. An exiling; exile ; banishment; the making an expres- sion negative ; –, –et, v.a. To banish, exile; to make negative (in grammar). & nefir, s. a. An assembling of people for political purposes; fle· nèfiri- -"Amm, s. a. A general rising, a levy in mass; –, 8. p. A fife or kind of trumpet; also the shrill note of the S8İ00. L·ğü nefiss, a. a. Good, beautiful, sumptuous, delicious, precious. “-ü nikâb, s. a. A veil. e-:\ü nikÂbet, s. a. The office of mayor or master over a class of men; – :)) · ü nikÂbétu-'li eshrâf, The office of superintendent over the enregistered descendants of Muham- med. *): nâkâré (nâghara), s. p. A kettle- drum; :)) *yü nûkâré - zen, The beater of a kettle-drum. c \ü nâkkÂsh, s. a. One who em- bellishes with designs of any material, whether embroidery, paint, &c.; a house-painter. [or designer's art. e : ü nikÂshet, s. a. The embellisher's klü nikât, s. pl. a. (of dağ nökta), Dots, diacritical points. · mâkÂvet, s. a. Purity, cleanness ; the select of anything. ·ğü nâkâ'iss, s. pl, a. (of a ü nâ- kissa), Imperfections, defects. L4ğü nâkÂ’iz, s. pl.a. (of a-āi nâki- za), Contradictory things or sayings. e-i nâkb, s. a. A hole ; a subter- ranean way or gallery ; -, -et, v.a. To work a hole or a way through a wall or underground; to tap (a per- son for the dropsy); to pierce (ears or noses for rings). Ağü nAkd, s. a. Cash, hard coin, ready money; is: nAkdân, ad. a. In or with ready money ; -5 Ağü nAkdi, a. a. Pertaining to cash or ready money. yei nâkadar, Turkish interrogative and evclamative of quantity and degree of guality, How much ? How many ? How ... ? How much soever ; how how . . . J)* y°i nâkadar - ghyüzel, How beautiful ! many soever ; soever ; * Aü [,841 ] · ·ü nAkdin6, s. p. Cash, ready money, hard coin. c·ü nikriss, s. a. The gout. 8,5ü nükra, s. a. Silver. U*-i- nâksh, s. a. An embellishing with designs or portraitures, either as writing, painting, engraving, em- broidery, &c.; a design, portraiture, figure ; (nâghsh) embroidery; -, –et, v.a. To draw, paint, design, portray ; to e : Lü (nâghsh)-ishlémek, To work in embroidery; : ö nâksh- -bend (nâkshibend), s. p. An embel- a writer ; write ; to engrave ; lisher in portraitures ; -53:.ğü nâkshibendi, a. p. Name of an order of dervishes. eya nöksân, s. a. A deficiency ; a defect, fault, imperfection; –, a. t. Deficient, imperfect. J4i nAkz, s. a. Destroying, demolish- ing, pulling down, pulling to pieces; a violating, violation, deviation from ; –nikss, s. a. The old materials of anything pulled to pieces: -, nAkz- -et, v.a. To demolish; to violate ; ·ü nAkzi-âhd, A violation of treaty; a breach of allegiance or of faith. alai nökta, s. a. A dot, a diacritical point of a letter; a point (in mathe- matics) ; yala: nöktali, a. t. Dotted. Jğü nAkl, s. a. A transporting from place to place, Temoving; a changing one's residence, moving; a relating, recounting; a transferring; –, –et, v.a. To transport ; to transfer ; to re- late ; –, v.n. To move or change * 4 9 $ Yği Yğ 6 6 one's residence ; Mğü *c Aklan-u- -nAklan, according to tradition. * nAkala, s. pl, a. (of J50 nakil), Relaters, reporters, narrators. According to reason and * nAkam, s. a. Anger ; hatred, male- volence ; –, nikâm, s. pl. a. (of ·ü nikmet), Angers ; hatreds, vengeances. [vengeance. ·ü nikmet, s. a. Anger; hatred; ·ü nâkvet, s. a. The choice, best of anything. ü nüküd, s. pl.a. (of Aü nAkd), Coins, c· nüküsh, s. pl, a. (of U ü nAksh), Portraitures, designs, figures. J; nükül, s. pl.a. (of Jā nakl), Re- lations, narrations. Dpieces of money. - ü nâkîb, s. a. A special magistrate over a class of people ; – * M- ö nâkibu-’l-èshrâf, The chief or super- intendant over the registered descen- dants of Muhammed. rü nâkir, a. a. Few, little ; * 9 yö nâkir-u-kâtmir, ad. t. Minutely. da:ğü nâkissa, s. a. A defect, imperfec- tion; a fault : a vice. 4.d.ğü nâkiza, s. a. A contradiction, con- tradictory fact or assertion. · ning, ning, nung, nUng, Turkish prepositional particle of possession for words ending in a vowel, answering to our 's or of; \,\! bAbAning, ·K Father's ; ise 5 dèdéning, Grand- father's; · 5 türpunung, Of the rasp ; - 5 -5 kökunung, Of the smell. · nikyât, s. pl, a. (of := nükté), Sayings of subtle wisdom. -i kûvvéti- -vwâhimé, The creative faculty of the imagination. e : vwâhin, a. a. Feeble, weak. · vwâhi, a. a. Baseless, unfounded. · vwây, wây, int. t. Holloa! Oh! Alas! ***-5l, vwây-bAshima! Oh! the misfortune that has befallen me! (An alas for my head !) * vwâyé, s. p. A share in any good thing ; le: ; vwâyédâr, s. p. A sharer, participator ; -, vwâyédâr- -öl, v.n. To participate, share. \: vwebâ, s. a. An epidemic; the plague; the cholera. [punishment. J: vwëbâl, s. a. A crime, fault, sin ; · vwëbâlet, s. a. Dangerousness, unwholesomeness, likeliness to lead to unpleasant consequences. r, vebér, s. a Hair of animals of which thread, string, cloth, and tents are made; r::JM ehli-veber, People who dwell in hair tents, nomades. 5 vweted, s. a. A tent-peg; a stake ; : [ 851 ] name of two kinds of elements which go to the formation of a foot in Arabic prosody. vwëtEr, s. a. The string of a bow; the chord of an arc ; the diameter of a rectangular figure ; the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; the side (of a triangle) which subtends an angle ; –, vwitr, s. a. A special voluntary prayer performed in addition to the five canonical. 8r:iş vëtiré, s. a. A road, path, way ; a mode, manner. : vissâk, s. a. A tent-rope ; a rope or bond of any kind; a pact, compact. c , vwèssâ’ik, s. pl.a. (of *: vwès- siké), Trustworthythings, assurances, securities ; letters, documents. ·i, vwèssébât, s. pl.a. Assaults, at- tacks, flyings at. [cerity. 5 : vwüssük, s. a. Confidence ; sin- c·iş vwessik (fem. *: vwèssika), a. a. Firm; sincere; trustworthy. *: vwèssika, s. a. A letter, a docu- ment that may be relied on. 8-: vijä”, s. pl.a. (of 5-: vejâ”), Pains, aches. *: vijâh, s. a. The being face to face ; (s vijâhan, ad. a. Face to face. · vejâhèt, s. a. Beauty, comeli- ness ; appositeness ; fitness, seemli- T10SS. · vèjd, e : vîjdân, s. a. Ecstasy, ecstatic rapture (of saints). E-Pr: vejâ”, s. a. A pain; an ache. ğ v_°-9 c-992-9 vwûjüb, s. a. The being due, incumbent, necessary, right, proper. · vwüjüd, s. a. Existence, being ; the body. 8 - vwüjüh, s. pl, a. (of *-> wèjh), Faces ; sides ; considerations ; ways, modes, manners ; the principal people of a town, the notables ; * ) 89-9 vwüjüh-ila, ad. t. On many accounts, for many reasons, in many ways ; * - Seye min-kyülli-’l-vwüjüh, ad. a. In every way. * &z vwêj, wèjh (vwëjih), s. a. A face; a side; a surface; a way, mode, man- ner; *- : bir-wèjh, pr. p., *- e “âlâ-vejh (followed by a noun with the definite article J), pr. a. As, by way of; ağ & -; bir-wëjhi- -tafsil, ad. p., a·*: e “âlâ- -wèjhi-’t-tAfsil, ad. a. In detail, in a detailed manner ; * (:)* - vwèjhan-miné-’l-vwüjüh, ad. a. In some ome way or other; (with a nega- tive), in no way whatever. [rection. 44--> vwèjhé, s. a. A side, quarter, di- s-- veji”, a, a. Painful. · vwëjih, a, a. Beautiful, comely; apposite, fitting, seemly. -: vwâhdâni, a. a. Pertaining to the sole God ; · vwâhdâ- niyyet, s.a. The divine quality of being one only God. · vwâhdet, s. a. The general quality of being alone or unique. U*-: vwâhsh, s. a. The desert, wilder- 3 K 2 e: -> [ 852 J ( ): ness; (pl. d_:- vwûhüsh), A wild animal; *-> vwâhshi, a. a. Wild ; avoiding the presence of man; bar- barous ; : :->ş vwâhshiyyet, s. a. Wildness. · vwâhshet, s. a. Wildness, soli- tude (of places), voidness of man's presence ; barbarity. c· vwühüsh, s. pl, a. Wild animals, >, vwâhy, s.a. Inspiration, revelation; · e· èminu -’l- vwâhy, The angel Gabriel; - - 6 kyâtibu- -’l-vwâhy, Ossman, the third Caliph, as having been Muhammed's secretary in reducing the revelations of the Kur'ân to writing. *- vwâhid, s. a. A unique, sole, soli- tary thing or person (as a phoenix). · vwâkhâmet, s. a. Unwhole- someness of air or food. ---- vwâkhîm, a. a. Unwholesome, insalubrious, hurtful. 95 vidd, ele; vedâd, s. a. Love, affec- tion. 8'e, vwedâ”, s. a. A committing one to God’s keeping; an adieu; abidding farewell; –, –et, v.n. To commit to God, to take leave, to say good-bye, to bid farewell; e: • ele vwedâ”- lèshmek, v.n. recip. Tobid each other farewell, commit each other to God’s keeping. s-5le, vwedâ’i”, s. pl, a. (of*e, vwe- di”a), Trusts, things committed to one's keeping. *9995 vèdüd, a. a. A loving, affectionate friend; God the loving friend of all. * : vwëdi”a, s. a. A trust, anything committed to one's keeping ; 4 3.se, vwëdi”atU-'llāh, A trust committed to one's care by God. ege, Widdin, s. t. Widdin (town of). _: vir (contr. from vb vâr), Persian termination signifying a possessor ; 3,6 behrévèr, A participator, one who has a share or part : -, (for : ber), Who carries, carries out; _999) reh-vèr, A guide ; (for \, vè- -èghEr), c. p. And if. y verâ, s. a. The back or hind part of anything; the space behind anything; the breech ; the anus ; sey verâda, ad. t. Behind, in the space further back; :): verâya, Behind, to the space further back; ·yş verâs- sinda, Behind him, her, it. ·y vîrâssèt (verâsset), s. a. The in- heriting, entering into possession of an [Heirs. öyy vèréssé, s. pl.a. (of ·2) vwâriss), inheritance; an inheritance. *)9 vèrd, s. a. A rose ; –, vird, s. a. Any portion of scripture or other read- ing which a person continually recites. c )i) verzish, s. p. An effort, exertion, diligent application. [fearingness. 30° verâ”, s. a. Piety, devotion, God- L: vèrak (wârak), s. a. A leaf (ofa tree or book); leaf brass, false gold- & veraka, s. a, One leaf. [leaf. f): verem, s. a. Phthisis, consumption, *2) 9 disease of the lungs ; any consuming, debilitating complaint. “99) vwürüd, s. a. Arrival, coming ; \-, -et, v.n. To arrive, come. · verid (and J-hâblu-'l- -vèrid), s. a. The jugular vein. “-92)} vizâret (vezâret), s. a. The func- tions and quality of vizir, viziriate ; *-e ( :-2:)) vizâreti -"Üzmâ, The Grand-Wiziriate. el): vèzân, a. p. Blowing, which blows (wind) ; i-, –öl, v.n. To blow (the wind). Jj vizr, s. a. A burden, load. Vj; vüzérâ, s. pl, a. (of : vezir), Viziers, ministers of state. eyj vwëzn, s. a. A weighing; a weight; the weight (of anything); the metre, measure (of a verse), scansion : -, –et, v.a. To weigh. öğ19 vwëzné, s. a. Abalance ; a priming- flask; =-döj vwëznéji, s. t., y'°): vwèznédâr, s. p. A person charged with examining the weight of things. r}, vezir, s. a. A minister of state, one charged with the burden of public affairs ; a pasha of the lowest sub- division of the highest class ; *e _r): veziri-â”zâm, The Grand-Vizier. * : vîssâdé, s. a. A pillow, cushion. · vèssâtèt, s. a. Intervention, medium, instrumentality. · vèssâviss, s. pl. a. (of *· vwèssvéssé), Fears, alarms, anxieties ; evil suggestions, infernal whisperings. [ 853 T & : * ; vessâ'id, s. pl, a. (of * vîssâ- dé), Pillows, cushions. J5 vessâ'il, s. pl, a. (of vwes- silé), Pretexts, excuses ; means, oc- Casion (for doing something). : vwèssakh, s. a. Filth, dirt, muck. a· vwAssAt, s. a. The middle ; the midst; –, a, a. Middling. a· or · vwüsstâ, a. a. fem. (of ), Middle; middling. 5-“: vwüss”, s. a. Ability, capacity, capability. · vwüss”ât, s. a. Spaciousness, extensiveness; space, extent; ability, extent (of pecuniary means). · vwèssvâss, s. a. The devil ; a whisperer or suggester ofevilthoughts. & vwèssvéssé, s. a. An evil thought; an anxious thought, fear, care. [sive. 5-: vwessi”, a, a. Spacious, exten- * vwèssilé, s. a. A means, a favour- able conjuncture, opportunity, or oc- casion; a pretext or excuse (for doing something). J: vesh, Persian particle added to words, and c , lâlé-vesh, a, a, Tulip-like. z: vishâh, s. a. A girdle, belt, zone, baldrick. : or C: vwAshak, s. t. A lynx indicating similarity ; or ounce (of which the fur is much esteemed). [cherries. · vishnâb, s. t. Syrup of morella & : vishné, s. t. The morella cherry ; :y;- * vishné-chûrughu, a, a. -ile, [854 ] - : The colour of a decayedmorella cherry, a maroon colour. –5'e, vwAssaf, s. a One who praises or describes much or well. Je, vwissâl, s. a. Union, junction ; meeting, interview, tête-â-tête with one's beloved. :e vwAssâyâ, s. pl, a. (of ·5 vwAssiyyet), Recommendations, ex- hortations, precepts, commandments. · vwissâyet, s. a. Making a testa- ment ; a testament; amandate ; –, -et, v.a. To recommend, exhort; to make a testament. -āey wAssf, s. a. A describing, enu- merating the qualities, especially the good qualities, speaking well of, praising; an adjective ; -, -et, v.a. To enumerate the qualities ; to qualify with an adjective ; to praise ; -de, · wÂssfi-terkibi, A compound epithet or adjective. · vwAssl, s. a. A joining ; name of the sign `, placed over the or J of the definite Arabic article J \, thus J \, when the article is to be passed over in the pronunciation and the fol- lowing letter doubled; ):· read bi-'z-zârür ; -, vwAssl-et, va. To join together. · vwÜsslet, s. a. A meeting, in- terview, tête-â-tête, bodily or carnal union with one's beloved. Jye, vwüssül, s. a. Arrival, junction ; c·- vwüssül-bûlmak, v.n. To arrive, to effect one's junction. u_5°9 vwâssi, s. a. A guardian to an orphan. · vwAssiyyet, s. a. The making a testamentary bequest; a testamentary bequest ; a recommendatory piece of advice ; -, –et, v.a. To bequeath. · vwAzâ”ât, s. a. Humility. 5-: vwAz”, s. a. A placing, putting, laying, arranging; a making; a cre- ating; a pose, gesture, attitude ; a piece of conduct, an act; -, -et, v.a. To place, put, lay, arrange, make, Create ; 'J“-E: vwAz”i-hAml-et, v.n. To give birth, be confined, bring forth, be put to bed. 5°: vwüz”, s. a. The lesser or partial ablution, called also ·- âb- desst. <*: vwÜzüh, s. a. Clearness, plain- ness, being evident, manifest. <: vwAzih, a. a. Clear, plain, evi- dent, manifest. 5-*: vwAzi”, a, a. Low ; humble. · vwAtAn, s. a. One's country, birth- place, domicile; el-- hübbu- -’l-vwAtAn, Love of country, patriot- ismi r: · vwAtAn - ghâyréti, Patriotism. : (for e,) vwAty, s. a. A treading under foot; a having carmal connection with a female; –, –et, v.a. To tread; to have connexion. – : wAzâ'if, s. pl. a. (of · · wAzif6), Matters which concern any- one; duties, concerns; pay, salaries. -: vwÜzüb, s. a. Assiduity, perse- Vel'8İ106, *: wAzif6, s. a. A matter which con- cerns anyone ; a concern, duty, busi- ness; pay, salary ; ) · wAzif6- -khör, yledi: wAzifé-dâr, s. p. One who is in receipt of pay or salary. · vwâ”d, s. a. A promising ; a pro- mise ; \–, –et, v.a. To promise. 8 eş vwâ”dé, s. a. A term assigned, a set time given ; · vwâ”- déssi-ghèlmish, Its term is come ; of which the term is come, due. acş vwâ”z, s. a. An admonitory predi- cation, a sermon : -, -et, v.n. To preach a sermon, deliver an admoni- tory discourse. \: wàghâ, s. p. Battle, combat, fight. ü, wèfâ, s. a. Fidelity to an engage- ment, to a requirement, to a debt ; \–, –et, v.n. To remain faithful, act with fidelity ; ) : wefâdâr, a. p. Faithful; : bi-wëfâ, a. p. Faithless. ·: wefât, s. a. Death, decease; –, –et, v.n. To die, to decease. : wifÂk, s. a. Concord, unanimity, agreement. [coming. si: wefd, s. a. An arriving, arrival, ·, wefret, s. a, Abundance, great number or quantity. : wèfk, s. a. Accordance ; a kind of charm consisting of a prayer or similar formula spokem or Written, and be- [ 855 T -: lieved to have the virtue of curing, &c.; : ber-wefk, ad. p. Accord- ing to. L: wefi (fem : wefiyyé), a. a. Amply sufficient, abundant. vwâkâr, “ 92): vwâkâret, s. a. Gravity of appearance and demeanour. · vwâkâmet, s. a. A rude repulse, rebuff. * vwikâyé, s. a A sheltering, shield- ing, protecting; protection : -, -et, v.a. To shelter, shield, protect. s-i: vwâkâ’i”, s. pl. a. (of - : vwâk”à), Events. · vwAkt (wAkit), s. a. Time ; · vwAkitli, a. t. Timely; aşk , wAkitli-wAktinja (or : wâktila), ad.t. Punctually, regularly in point of time ; } : wAkitsiz, a. t. Incon- venient in point of time ; out of sea- son, unseasonable ; } : : wÂkitli- -wAkitsiz, ad. t. At all times, at any time, convenient or inconvenient. * e_-: wë-kâss-“âlâ-hâzâ, comp. a. And so forth, and thus of the rest. s-iş vwâk”, s. a Gravity, stateliness of mien and behaviour. * vwâk”à, s. a. Any grave event; an untoward event, catastrophe ; a dream ; *ş-5Jş yéngichéri- -wâk”âssi, The destruction or insur- rection of the Janissaries; U-: *: wâk”a-nîwiss, s. p. The official chron- icler of passing events. -: wAkf, s. a. A staying, standing : still, halting ; a pausing ; the settling any property in mortmain or in tail with remainder in mortmain ; (pl. – 5, evkaf), any piece of property so settled ; -, -et, v.a. To settle property in mortmain or in tail with remainder in mortmain, the latter being called e - , wAkfi-mesh- rüt, Conditional mortmain ; : wAkfiyyé, s. a. The deed of settle- ment in mortmain. : wâkwâk, s. a. Name of a certain infernal tree, the fruit of which are said to resemble human bodies, and to cry out continually the word wökwâk. y: vwâkür, a.a. Grave, steady, stately in manner and demeanour. 8 : vwükü”, s. a. A happening : – c·, vwükü”-bûlmak, v.n. To hap- pen, to come to pass, to take, place. –: vwüküf, s. a. A staying, halting ; a pausing ; knowledge, information ; \-, –et, v.n. To stay, halt; to pause; – : · kèssbi-wüküf-et, v.n. To acquire information. *: wâkiyyé (Ökka), s. a. The Turkish pound weight, equivalent to nearly 2ğlbs. avoirdupois English. *: wâkî'a, s. a. A grave event; a battle, an affair. · vekyâlet, s. a. The quality and fumctions of an attorney, agent, lieutenant, or alter ego; ae - S; vekyâleti-”üzmâ,TheGrand-Viziriate, [ 856 ] e· office of Sultan's alter ego ; ·S, vëkyâlet-nâmé, A power of attorney. YS, vükélâ, s. pl, a. (of $, vekil), Agents, attorneys; ministers of state; c; S vûkélâlik, s. t. The grade of a minister of state, given ad honores to a certain number of mushirs. ·3 vekil, s. a. A person entrusted to act in the absence of another, an agent, attorney, lieutenant, substitute, alter ego, locum-tenens ; %:·9 vekil-khârj, s. t. The servant who has charge of superintending all the ordinary household expenses. Y, velâ, s. a. Friendship, affection; alle- giance. [Governors-general. ·), vwülât, s. pl, a. (of : wāli), c: ), vilâdet (velâdet), s. a. Nativity, birth. · vilâyet (wilâ’at), s. a. A country in general; a district, town, or village in particular; the quality andfunctions of a governor-general, or of an inde- pendent ruler ; also of a guardian, or patron, or next of kin ; also of a saint, saintship, sanctity; ·, vilâ- yetli (wilâ’atli), a. t. Belonging to a country, a countryman ; a fellow- countryman. · veled, s. a. (in composition of names), Son; (alone) a sharp fellow ; *- ·l: Ahmed-velédi-Mûhâmmed, Ahmed, son of Muhammed; 5}\ , vèlédu-’z-zînâ (vëlédiznâ), A bastard. ej=: vè-lâkin, comp. a. But, but then. : [ 857 ] ve-lev, comp'a Even, though, z:ş vûlüj, s. a. Entering (into or upon anything) ; becoming, turning into (as night into day). * velvélé, s. a. A repeated cry ; the loud noise of many voices. 4)}y vèlèh, s. a. Astonishment, amaze- ment, stupefaction; 5 Sa9 bAnga- -vèlèh-ghèldi, Amazement came over İT16. : veli, s. a. One very near to anyone in blood, relationship, or affection; a Saint; a master, patron; a servant ; the next of kin; , veliyyu-'llāh, A saint ; · veli-ni'met, or *\ , velîyyu-’n-ni”âm, A bene- factor ; * 9 veli-”âhd, The heir- apparent or presumptive, the desig- mated successor to the throne. · vèlimé, s. a. A marriage-feast. · Venédik, s. t. Venice ; a Vene- tian ; the Venetian people or republic. - *, vâhhâb, s. a. (God) the constant giver of good things. ** vâhhâm, a. a. Who fancies all manner of dangers and difficulties. · vEhl, s. a. Fear, fright. * vèhlé, s. a, in 8 *** vëhlé'i- -ülâda, ad. t. At first, on the spur of the moment, on first consideration (The word itself means an attack of fear, a sudden fright). (*) vèhm, s. a. Fear, apprehension of something future; · vèhimnâk, a. p. Apprehensive. 8/2 4;:* Viâné, s. t. Vienna (town of, in Austria). e)y:9 virân, a, p. Ruined, in ruins, in a neglected condition, deserted and gone to ruin; ruined in pocket or in affec- tion. *öy virâné, s. p. The ruins of a house, or the empty plot of ground left after a fire has happened ; Jü*y: virâné- -zâr, A place full of ruins. c , 5 vèrish, s. t. A giving ; a selling ; c 2)!· âlish-vèrish, Trade, com- InGİ'Ce. · virghyü (vèrghi), s. t. A gift, pre- sent; a tax, contribution, tribute. ·-: - y virmek, virmek (aor. yr: : virir, virir), v.a. To give; to give out. Joined to the root of any verb (which is then to be augmented with the addition of a 6 vowelif ending with a consonant, or the syllable : yi, if ending with a vowel), this word forms the verö gffacility, and has the signification of doing with facility, offhandedness, the action expressed by the root so augmented; as, ·: yâpi-vèr- 80 quickness, or mek, To do or make with facility ; e : - süweyléyivirmek, Just to say, merely to speak. *): vira, vira, s. t.A capitulating, giv- ing up; 9: :: vira-virmek, vira- -vèrmek, To capitulate, give up (a fortress); –, vira, and *) *) 9 vira- -vira, gerund, By continuously giving, · giving out, giving one's self or one's strength to a thing ; –, vira ! Now then, goit myboys! clap on! pullaway ! c & vèréssiya-Almak, va. To buy upon credit, to buy on condition (This form L*:/9 vèréssi is an obsolete of paying at a future time. verbal form, now used in only a few words, of which this is one.) c·}: wizildamak (aor. W: wizil- dar), c· w?zlamak (aor. L: 9 wizlar), v.n. To buzz; 6 ·: wizildi, s. t. A buzzing noise ; ·}: 2)! wizz-w?zz-îtmek, v.n. To make a buzzing, phizzing noise, *): , vizita, s. t. (Italian), A visit. J: veyl, s. a. Woe; Y: veylâ ! int. a. WOe ! [governor. 893 wâywoda, s. t. (Bulgarian), A 3 8 hè or hâ'i-hèwwâz. Thirtieth letter of the Turkish alphabet, having, as a consonant, the power of an aspirated h, in whatever part of a word it may occur, and, as a vowel at the end of words or syllables only, the value of one of the vowels a, 6, or é. In chronograms and astronomical tables, it has the numeral value of 5. Placed overletters and writings, in the middle of the very top of the page, and gen- erally in the shape <, it stands for the Arabic word yle hûwé or hü, and [ 858 ] ** signifies He, God, Jehovah. At the end of Arabic compound terms, it is either the personal or possessive pronoun of the third person singular masculine, signifying his, him, it, its, and varying in pronunciation either as a final aspirate, or as the syllable hU or hi, according to the rules of Arabic grammar. U hâ, s. a. Name of the letter *; –, pron, a. pers. and p088. at the end of Arabic compound terms, Her ; -, at the end of Persian nouns, is the sign of theplural for inanimate orirrational things ; –! int. t. O ! Oh! Ho! |al hâbit, a. a. Who alights ; -, –öl, v.n. To descend, alight. J:Ve hâbil, s. a. Abel the son of Adam. -āj\n hâtif, s. a. One who calls; a voice which calls ; · - * hâtifu-’l-ghâyb, A voice from an unseen caller, a voice from heaven ; descends, an unseen, secret monitor, the heart or a guardian admonishing spirit, fels hâdim, s. a. Who demolishes ; ·lÂl-, hâdimu-’l-lezzât (The de- molisher of enjoyments), Death. -sele hâdi, s. a. A guide, conductor ; God, the Great Guide. -> m hârib, a. a In flight; -, -öl, v.n. To take flight. • hâzim, a. a. Who digests (food); who puts up with (insults or in- juries). e: U. [ 859 ] 8 ş” e: * hâlik, a.a. Who dies, perishes; -, –öl, v.n. To die, to perish (asa wretch, never used but in a contemp- tuous way). aile hâlé, s. a. A halo round the moon. ğ.yy k Hâmbürgh, s. t. Hamburgh. e· hâmün, s. a. The open, unculti- vated country, the wilderness. \e hâni, * hâniya, or hâni- -yâ? ad. t. Where ? Where is it ? (for ° kâni). z'e hâwUj, s. t. A carrot. yıs Hâver, s. t. Havre (town of, in France.) j: P hâwruz, s. t. (for ; Âb-riz, 8. p.), A chamber-pot, urinal. · hâvEn (hAwAn), s. t. A mortar for pounding drugs, &c., or for firing shells ; 'e: • (hAwAn)-Eli, s. t. A pestle. -su hây, int. t. Ho! –58-5° hây- -hây, ad. t. Yes, to be sure ; by all means ; · hây-hüy, s. p. The confused cries of combatants. ** hây-dé, 5 * hây-di, int. t. Now then! Go on ! Now for it ! 5 Ala · hâydi-ghit! Go along with you! Be of! ·e hâydélémek, v.a. To drive forward or away. J5 U hâ'il, a. a. Terrible, frightful. hèbâ, a. p. Going in pure loss; –, –et, v.a. To allow (anyone's work or endeavours) to go in pure loss; -, –öl, v.n. To goin pure loss, to bring in no advantage. c-; hübüb, s. a. A blowing (of the wind); –, –et, v.n. To blow (the wind). * hûbüt, s. a. A descending, descent from on high, alighting; \-, -et, v.n. To descend, to alight. & B hibé, s. a. A free gift without any thing or consideration being Teceived in exchange; –, –et, v.a. To present as a free gift. e: hètk, s. a. Atearing; a violation ; \-, -et, v.a. To tear, to violate. e· hètmân, s. t. A hetman of the Cossacks. Üş* heje', hejâ’, s. a A syllable ; Uş°-i - hürüfu-hèjâ, The letters of the alphabet; ş°–iy- hûrüfu - hèjâ - tèrtibi, Alphabetical order ; < \ş° hèjélémek, v.a. To spell syllable by syllable. ş° hèjr, Vş° hijrân, s. a. Exile, banishment, separation from home, family, and friends. ·ş° hijret, and & ş° hijréti- -nèbéviyyé, The Hegira, the flight, the voluntary exile of Muhammed from Mecca, from whence dates the Muhammedan era ; &: ş° hijriyyé, a. a fem. Pertaining to the era of the Hijré or Hegira. ş° hijv, s. a. A satire; -, -et, v.a. To satirize ; -y-ş° hijviyyât, s. pl, a. Satires, lampoons, satirical pieces of poetry. 83ş° hüjü”, s. a. Sleep, slumber. fyş° f s° hîjüm, s. a. An attack, assault ; \-, -et, v.n. To make an attack. e·* hèjin, s. a. A half-blood Arab horse. [Presents. ''* hedāyā, s.pl.a. (of : * hediyyé), ·l* hîdâyet, s. a. A guiding or a being guided aright, especially in matters of faith and religion; & Ale · hidâyéta-ghèlmek, v.n. To be brought to embrace the true religion. AR hedr, s. a. Blood shed with impu- nity and going unrevenged; \-, -et, v.a. To allow to go unrevenged (blood); %y A. hedran, ad. a. With impunity. - AR hedef, s. a. The mark or target at which aim is taken in shooting. &# AR hèdéfé, s. a. A sight (in any in- strument through which one looks). * hèdm, s. a. A demolishing, demo- lition; -, -et, v.a. To demolish, pull down. \R AR hüdhûd, s. a. The hoopoo bird. -5.AR hûdâ, s. a. The guidance which leads to salvation ; -*'s 'e er èss-sèlâm U- -“âlâ-mèn-etteba”â-'l-hüdâ! Saluta- tion to whomsoever follows the true direction or guidance ! **** hediyyé, s.a. A present; c & A. hèdiyyélik, s. t. A thing fit or in- tended for a present. lÂR hâzâ, a. a. mas. (fem. 8&B hâzihi), This. e· hèzéyân, s. a. Nonsense, imper- [tinence. R hèr, a. p. Every; (followed by any [ 860 ] *S.” -^ of the interrogatives) soever ; , o hèr-bir, Each, every one ; _}**) * hèr-birimiz, Every one of us; * 8j•: y: hèr-birerlérimiza, To each one of us ; y” hèr-bâr, ad. p. Always, every time; y” hèr- -chènd, How much soever, how many soever ; 5 * hèr-ghiz (followed by a negation), ad. p. Never ; -3 ° hèr- -kèss, All, every one, every person, every man; * * hèr-kim, Whoever, whosoever ; döyo hèr-ni, Whatever, whatsoever ; *- * hiEr-kAnghi, Whichever; ye 4 hèr-ne-dûrlu, Whatever kind ; ·j*y* hèr-nè- -zâmÂn, Whatever time, whenever ; y* hèr-nâkAdar, How much so- ever ; ·y* hèr-âyiné, Always, in every way. ·y* Hèrât, s. p. The town of Herat. c· hirâss, s. p. Fear, fright, terror. zy“zy* herj-mèrj, ad. a. In confusion, in utter disorder. · hèr-jâyi, s. p. A gad-about (man) ; a pansy, heart's-ease (flower). 8j* hèrz6, s. p. Foolish talk, babble ; ·: sy> hèrzé-vekili, A person em- ployed, asit were, to talk nonsense for someone else. ·y* Hersek, s. t. The Herzegovina. · Hèrsèkli, s. t. A Herzegovinian. alŞ2)* hèrghélé, s. t. A haras, establish- ment for breeding horses; a troop of horses brought to market fresh from the breeding establishment. y* j* hèzâr, a. p. A thousand; _j* e·le hèzâr-dâssitân, s. p. The nightingale, who tells a thousand tales, or of whom a thousand tales are told ; ;ylj* hèzâr-fènn (hèzâri- fènd), s. p. Ajack-of-all-trades. _r)* hizèbr, s. a. A lion. Jj* hezl, sa, Obscenity; y* hèzliy- yât, s. pl. a. Obscene poetry. [defeat. ·j* hèzimèt, s. a. A rout, total · hèsst, s. p. Present being, actual existence ; •9989 - R. hèsst-u-büd, What is and what has been, present and past evidence ; hessti, s. p. A present being, an actual existence, existence. · hèsht, a. p. Eight ; * hésh- tum, cy* hèshtumin, a. p. The eighth, ...* heshtâd, a.p. Eighty; 8 \:.b hèsht-deh, a. p. Eighteen. * hÂzm, s. a. Digestion ; patience, longanimity: -, -et, v.a. To digest; to bear (an insult) ; · hAzmi- -nèfss, A curbing the passions. ·ğR hèft, a. p. Seven; * hèftum, e· hèftumin, a. p. The seventh ; · heftâd, a. p. Seventy ; 8 ° hèft-dèh, a. p. Seventeen. · (hAfta), s. p. A week ; - 4 km (hAftalik), s. t. A thing of a week old; a week's pay or provision. · hefévât, s. pl, a. (no sing) Errors, faults. * K. hèghbé, s. t. A small saddle-bag, carried on the same horse with a rider. [ 861 ] fl** K* Heghbéli, s. t. Halki (one of the Princes Islands near Constantinople). * hèkim, s. t. A medical practitioner hâkim, A sage.) J* hel? Arabic interrogative, Is it or is it not so that . . . ? · helâk, s.a. Death, destruction; –, –et, va. To kill; –, –öl, v.n. To die, perish, be destroyed (when said of man, it is always an erpression ofenmity). Je hilâl, s. a. The crescent, the moon (corrupted from *: during the first few days after new İ00100İl. [a, a. Deadly poisonous. J** helâhil, s. a. Deadly poison ; –, &B hèlé, int. t. Now! Look there ! Do just look! Well ! Did you ever. * hèm, ad. p. Both, also ; –, a. p. (in composition), Fellow, brother, of the same-; fey* * * *hem-ghit- dim-hèm-ghyîrdum, I both went and also saw ; c· hèm-firâsh, s. p. A bed-fellow ; *y* hèm-râh, s. p. A fellow-traveller; -63/4°-** hèm-shèhri, s. p, A fellow-townsman, fellow-coun- tryman ; –, hèmm, s. a. Amy matter about which one troubles one's self; a single care, anxiety, Solicitude; –, him, hüm, pron, a. mas. (at the end of Arabic composites), Their, them. V* hîmâ and - * hümây, s. p. A fabulous kind of bird of paradise of good omen. r- f --> humâm, s. a. A great man, a great ruler and leader; –, hèmmâm, A slanderer. e· [ 862 ] L* e, P hemân (hemen), ad. p. Only, just, hardly, only just; in that very (time); · (hEmEn) - shimdi, Just now, just this moment, this minute; • • hèmândem, · hèmân-sâ’at, a. p. That very mo- ment. * hemâ’im, s. pl, a. (of : * him- met), Endeavours, exertions. U) ---> hümâyün, a. p. Auspicious, august, imperial (said only of the Sultan); e· as-khAtti-hümâyün, An edict, being a few words in the Sultan's handwriting commanding it to be put in execution. ( :-4° himmet, s. a. The exertion of one's influence, authority, power, or ability ; -, -et, v.n. To exert one's influence, authority, power, orability ; - =**K*himmetingiza-mûhtÂj- -dir, It requires your kind influence. · hemtâ, a.p. Equal; similar; “e: bi-hèmtâ, a. p. Without an equal. * hémej, s. a. An old imbecile. ·ş** hèmchûnin, yş* hèmchü, ad. p. As, in like manner as. e) - Hâmâdân, s. p. The town of Hamadan in Persia. * hèm - dem (One breathing the same breath), s. p. A fellow, associate, intimate friend and companion. · hem -digher, pron, p, One another, each other. * hemz6, s. a Name of the ortho- graphical character : , the various functions of which are explained in the preface. -°/4° hèm - shèhri, s. p. A fellow- countryman or townsman. *) * hemshiré, s.p. A sister. * himèm, s. pl.a. (of : ** himmèt), Exertions of one's influence, authority, power, or ability. )iş4° hèmvâr, a. p. Equal, smooth, uni- form; proper, fitting, suitable. 3)y* hèmvâré, a. p. Continually, con- stantly. [Cares, anxieties, solicitudes. * hûmüm, s. pl. a. (of * hèmm), &•n hèmé, a. p. All. [hung at the side. e· himyân, s. a. A purse; a bag &: •R hèmishé, a. p. Always. uyr”* hèmin, a. p. The very same. * or · hinto, s. t. A carriage, coach. şük hènjâr, s. p. The proper place, manner, or position of a thing ; şie nâ-bé-hènjâr, a. p. Out of time, place, or position, unsuitable, unbefitting. A R hind, e· hindisstân, s.p. India; -6\ b hindi, a. p. An East-Indian ; East-Indian, Indian; ·9° \ b hindi- -ghârbi, s. a. The West Indies. - * hindibâ, s. t. The dandelion, chicory, or taraxacum plant. & \ b hèndéssé, s. a. Geometry ; the [Indian. y --> hindü, s. p. An Indian, East- J** hûnEr, s. p. Art : ability ; talent, skill; * hünerli, a. t. Skilful, mathematics in general. * talented (man); skilfully made (thing); · hünErmend, _) J* hünErvir, 8. p. A skilful, clever, talented person, a master, an artist, a genius. • • hènghyâm, s. p. Time, moment, interval, space of time ; *: bi- -hènghyâm, a. p. Untimely. · hènghyâm6, s. p. Time, space of time ; a row, confusion, tumult; a fight, conflict; J* · hènghyâmé- -ghir, a. p. Filling with noise. · hûnüd, s. pl.a. (of –5 > hindi), Indians, East-Indians. j; P henuz (heniz), ad. p. Just this moment, only just this moment ; (toith a negation) not yet. 5° hü, hüwé, pron. a. He, it ; He, God, Jehovah ; *\; yâ-hü ! int. a. (as ve should say, O thou ! but as it means) O He ! O man! O God ! O Jehovah ! y-> hèwa (hâwa), s. a. The air ; the wind; the climate ; the atmosphere ; the weather; –, hèwâ, s. a. Desire, inward inclination, taste, lust; İ5° C”5° hèwâ -u - hèvess, Desires and tastes, fancies and inclinations, lusts and passions ; y-se- bâdi - hèwâ (bèdâwâ), s. and a. p. A thing got for nothing, a windfall ; gratis ; le'ye hâwâdâr, a. p. Open, airy. •yle hèwâmm,s. pl, a. (no sing.), Insects, reptiles, Crawling things. e° hèwân, s. a. The state of insignifi- cancy. y” hewâ'i, a, a. Pertaining to the [ 868 ] * air; pertaining to the mere imagina- tion or desire ; –, s. t. A sky-rocket. zey* hèvdèj, s. a. A kind of camel- litter, in which ladies travel ; z* cy:.i hèvdèj-nishin, a. p. Who sits in a camel-litter (and travels). c şehèvess (hâvess), s. a. Wish, desire, inclination; a taste, liking ; -, -et, v.n. To nourish a desire, cherish a wish ; · hâvessli, a. t. Desirous, having a wish, taste, or liking (for anything); –, s. t. JK * hâvess- kyâr, 8. p. An amateur; a candidate. ·* hüsh, s. p. Mind, sense, intelli- v’ gence ; c :é: bi-hüsh, a. p. Sense- less ; · hüshmend, = -> hüshyâr, a. p. Sensible, intelligent. Jy* hèvl, s. a. Terror; · yb hèvilnâk, a. p. Terrible, terrific. [manifest. - 5-B hüwèydâ, a. p. Clear, evident, hey ! int. t. O! J5 * heyâkil, s. pl, a. (ofJKP heykel), Palaces, temples, largebuildings; large colossal forms, bodies or phantoms. e : R hèybèt, s. a. Awfulness, dread- ness of appearance ; fear, awe ; · hèybetli, a. t. Awful in ap- pearance, imposing. sı” hèyjâ, s. a. Battle, combat, fight. e· hèyéjân, s. a. The getting into motion, rising (dust or bodies of men); -, -et, v.n. Toget into motion. * hich, a. p. No, none, not one; –, s. p. Nothing ; z* hich-bir, Not One, mOne. ·V 4: : yökhsül, a. t. Friendless. * S-: yökhsa, c. t. Or else, otherwise, or (after or before a negative). · yörtU, s. t. A Christian or Jewish festival or holiday. 9): yürd, s. t. A habitation, country, home ; ·y: yÜrdluk, A fief or place special as a home ; de): · - yürdluk - öjaklik- vèjhlé, By way of fief as a home and as an hereditary domain. e·: yürghAn, s. t. A coverlet, quilt for a bed; = yürghanji, A maker of upholstery, bedding, sofas, curtains, &c. e·:): yÖrghUn, a. t. Tired, fatigued ; c·:): yörghUnluk, s. t. Fatigue, tiredness ; c· yörghUn- lUghUnU-Almak, v.n. To obviate or drive away fatigue, to rest one's self. ·2): yürek, s. t. The heart; courage ; hard-heartedness ; ·*): \Ş Anga- -yürek-isstEr, For that one requires courage, or a heart of stone ; ·!): yürekli, a. t. Courageous ; j- 99 yüreksiz, a. t. Timid; — Ş : yüreklEnmek, v.n. To take heart; ··5 yy yüreklendirmek, v.a. To encourage, give heart. C 9): yörmak (aor. W: yÖrar), v.a. To tire, to fatigue, to harass ; c·*)2: yörulmak, v.n. To grow tired, to become fatigued, to be harassed; c·y: yörultmak, v.a. To cause to fatigue one's self. ·y; yüruk, a. t. Which goes fast, ·: [ 878 ] travels fast, walks fast; nomade; -, s. t. A man of certain nomade tribes; a Turcoman. J:2): yûruyush, s. t. A manner of walking; a charge, assault, escalade. e : ); yûrumek (aor. :): or ): yûrur), v.n. To walk, to go, to travel; ·y: or e : ) ; yürutmek, v.a. Tocause or allow to walk, go, ortravel; · or · : yürunmek, v.n. To be such that one can walk it, or in, or on it ; ·: yüruyu- -virmek, To just walk off oraway. i: yüz, a. t. One hundred; –, s. t. The face; the right side (ofany stuff, &c.); a side ; : Ak-yûzlu, a. t. Whose face is white or clean, who has no reason to be ashamed; 5,5-5j:yûzu- -kAra, a. t. Whose face is black, who has reason to be ashamed ; *j: ): yüz-yüz6, Face to face; 2)* j: yüz - sürmek (To rub the face), v.n. To throw one's self at one's feet, and rub one's face (against the feet, the ground, skirts, &c.); ·'yi25- }: yûz-chèvirmek, v.n. To turn the face (away, towards, &c.); 90-89 j: yûz-virmek, v.n. To encourage one's | impudence; · j; yüz-ghyiss- tErmek, v.n. To show itself, appear, come forth ; c· yüz-bülmak, vn. To grow bold from foolish en- couragement; to put on a bold face ; to dare ; : = yüz-ekshit- mek, v.n. To make a sour face ; e: -5): yûzu - köyun, ad. t. Flat on the face and belly (to lie or fall); } } } yüzsuz, a. t. Bold, impudent, shameless ; : = ghyülEr-yüzlu, a. t. Having a cheerful countenance ; · iki-yuzlu, a. t. Two-faced, hypocritical. [Usbek. ·): Yüzbek, s. and a. t. Uzbek, an · : yûzuk, s. t. A finger-ring set with a stone or seal. · yüzlEshmek (aor. ): yüz- lEshir), v.n. recip. To come or be put face to face with someone ; ··: yüzleshdirmek, v.a. To bring face to face. ·: yüzmek (aor. )j: yüzer), v.n. To Swim; –, v.a. To skin, to flay. -i : Yüsûf, s. a. The name of the patriarch Joseph ; the proper name Joseph in general. · yössma, a. t. Fine, handsome- looking (young man). c) e: yössUn, s. t. Moss ; J6 · yössunlu-ghyül, Amoss rose ; ; e: c· yössUn-bAghlamak, To gather moss, become mossy. * · yöghurt, s. t. A kind of sourish curds and whey. c:): yöghurmak (aor. : yöghu- TUr), v.a. To knead. · or · yöghun, a. t. (obsolete or provincial), Coarse ; thick. -: yüf! int. t. Oh! (mark of con- tempt); K. -: yüf-sànga! Fie upon thee ! - [ 879 ] J: *: yüfka, a. t. Very thin in substance; -, s. t. A kind of wafer-cake. u: yök, ad. t. No; –, a. t. Absent; non- existent ; · : . sèn-yök-iken, While you are or were absent; C : yök-et, v.a. To annihilate; –, or y°: yök-dir, There exists not, it exists not; he is not here ; he (she, it) is absent, or does not exist; · yökluk, s. t. The want, the absence, the non-exist- ence (of anything); *, 5: yök-yèra, ad. t. Without cause, for a Teason which does or did not exist in reality. -5): yükâri, s. t. The upper, higher part or top of anything ; -, ad. t. Up, upwards ; 8 \! : yükârida (yü- kârda), Up, upstairs, at the top or upper part ; uy - - yükâridan, From above, from the top; * : · yükâridan-Ashâghi, From top to bottom ; from beginning to end. U: yökUsh, s. t. A hill, an ascent; -5): J*: yökUsh-yükâri, ad.t. Up- hill; : A: yökush - Ashaghi, ad. t. Down-hill ; ·: yÖkUshlU, a. t. Having several or many hills or ascents. c : yöklamak (aor. ): : yöklar), v.a. To examine, inspect, search ; c*: yöklanmak, v.p. To be ex- amined, searched, inspected. * 5: yöklama, s. t. An examination ; search, inspection ; a muster ; – – yöklama-defteri, A muster-roll. · yük, s. t. A load, burden ; a cargo; luggage, baggage ; a sum of the number one hundred thousand ; a a hundred thousand piastres ; large closet where bedding is put away in the daytime ; –, yüng, s. t. Wool; · yüklu, a. t. Loaded, laden; - 5: yüklenmek (aor. L: yüklEnir), v.n. To take one's load, load one's self; –, vp. To be loaded, to have a load put in or on one ; to be put in or on a thing or person as a load ; to be imputed or charged to anyone as a fault ; ·: yükletmek (aor. y°: yük- lédir), v.a. To load, to place as a load (in or upon anything) ; to load, to place a load in or upon (anything) ; to impute or charge (anything) as a fault (to anyone); : - · yük- -hâywÂni, A baggage -horse ; · s°ye yük - “arabassi, A cart or waggon. · yüksek, a. t. High, tall: -, s. t. A high position : -=: yükseklik, Height, altitude ; c**ş- ·y: yükségha-châkmak, S. t. Tomounta high spot; •iş-e: -5: yüksek-châkmak, Torise high up. ·=: yüksuk, s. t. Athimble. Jy: yöl, s. t. A road, way, path; a way, manner ; the proper way ; a careerin life, a profession ; a custom, usage ; a habit ; a way, means ; a journey, a voyage; distance ; a channel of any kind; communication (from place to J: [ sso ı : place); the cause, sake, orlove (ofany- thing dear to one) ; -°5 J: yöl- -èmri, A kind of special passport for the interior of the country ; · yölıla, ad. t. In the proper way (to do, to speak, &c.); J y: yöl-Almak, To make way, advance ; 45*J: yöl- -tûtmak, To take any particular road; c:-3) e·2: ): bir-yöldan-wÜrmak, To turn into anyroad; C; ** ş- a: yöla- -châkmak, To set out, take one's de- parture ; ·: ·: yölunu-bûlmak, To find the way ; to find one's way ; ·= *: yöla-ghirmek, To come right, to get right; **: yölUna-ghirmek, To get into proper order ; : ye sû-yölU, A conduit of water ; · âyak-yölU, A privy, water-closet ; *:22: · wAtAn-yölUna, In the ·: eyle din-yöluna, For the sake of cause of one's country ; religion; & G-hAkk-yöluna, In the cause of truth, or of God; · yöljU, s. t. A traveller, wayfarer ; ·2: yöljuluk, s. t. Travel ; e j* ·2: yöljUluk-nè-zâmÂn? When do you set out on your journey ? When do you start? _le: yöldash, s. t. A fellow- | traveller; one in the same career (a term much used by the janissaries to each other, now much less used; : kapi-yöldashi, A fellow- servant under the same master ; : yöllu, a.t. Right, proper, regular, in rule ; *şi: : yöllu-yölunja, ad. t. In the proper and regular way ; - j-2: yölsUz, a. t. Irregular, out of order ; improper, unbecoming i sent to Coventry (a tradesman by his trade- corporation; he is then debarred from all the privileges of his order). yÜlar, s. t. A headstall. –: yûlAf, s. t. Oats. c·: yöllamak (aor. : yöllar), v.a. To send ; ·: yöllAtmak (aor. : yöllAdâr), v.a. To cause or allow to send or be sent; c· yöllanmak, or * yöllanilmak (aor. : yöllAnir, : yöllAni- lir), vp. To be sent; to be such as can be sent. [pluck, to strip. c· 2: yölmak (aor. : yölar), v.a. To % f: yevm (yivm), s. a. A day; : : yevman-fè-yèvmâ, ad. a. Day by day, day after day, from day to day ; r: èl-yevm, ad. a. To-day, now, at pre- sent; (: J5 kyüllu-yevmin, ad. a. Every day. In all the following terms this word signifies the day of judgment; e· f: yevmu-’d-din, (*: yevmu-’l-kâyâm, : yevmu- -ı kıyâmet, --- yevmu-l- -hissâb, · (: yevmu-’l-mî”âd, (*: yevmu-’l-missâk, *: yevmu-’l-kArâr, J; : yevmu-’ss- -sü'âl, &c. &c. &c. The following are the days of the week in order: Sun- day, -) : yevmu-’l-âhâd; Mon- day, e· f: yevmu-’l-issneyn ; Tuesday, \;\:' “: yevmu-’ss-selâssâ ; · [ 881 ] Wednesday, s:yle: yevmü - 'l- -èrba”â; Thursday, · f: yev- mu-’l-khâmiss ; Friday, 4 \ f: yevmu-’l-jûm”â;Saturday, · f: yevmu-’ss-sebt ; yevmi (fem. *: yevmiyyé), a.a. Daily; *: yevmiyyé, s. a. Daily pay or allow- 30CCe : yÜmak, s. t. A ball (of thread, &c.). U: r: yÜmruk, s. t. The fist ; a blow with the fist. - :yümru, a. t. Round like the fist; –, 8. t. A large bump or swelling. C : yümak (aor. ): yür), v.a. (obsolete or provincial), To wash. • 2 yÜmmAk (aor. : yÜmar), v.a. To close tight (one's own eyes). ·i, yünân, s. t. A Greek (of the little kingdom) ; an ancient Greek; Ü 2 yünâni, a. a. The ancient Greek (language). e·ü: yünânisstân, s. t. Greece. END OF PART THE c*: yontmak (aor. : yöntar), v.a. To make, to mend (a pen). * : yönja, s. t. Lucerne, clover, sainfoin, trefoil. L-: YönUss, s. a. Jonah ; –, and u-ş: YönUss-bAlighi, Aporpoise. &: or *ö; yöngha, s. t. A carpen- ter's chips and chocks. c , ! yönmak (aor. : yönar), v.a. To cut or chip into shape (stone). 4. yé, ya, pr. t. (joined only to words ending with a vowel), To, towards; for, on account of. *9942 yâhüd, s. t. The Jewish nation; -5.954 yâhüdi, s. t. A Jew. yi, yi. Termination of the definite accusative of nouns or nominal phrasos, if ending in a vouvel. J: yil, s. t. A year. : yiv, yiw, s. t. A groove. e 2-4: yèyéjek, s. t. Food, victuals, eatables; –, a. t. Ready to eat; ready to be eaten. SE00ND, 1E İR R A TU M. PAGE 55.-For Bosphorus, s. · ş- chânak-kâléssi, read -65: * : KAra-dengiz-böghAzi, or j\: BöghÂz. APPEN DIX, ORDINARY geographical names which are well known to the Turks and whose orthography is settled, have been inserted in the body of both parts of this enlarged edition of the Dictionary. As, however, untilthe last few years the names of many im- portant countries, towns, rivers, &c. out of the Turkish dominions were unknown to most Turks, and are still unfamiliar to the mass of the people, these could scarcely be considered as regularly received into the Turkish language, and their ortho- graphy was quite unsettled, and even now is somewhat uncertain. Several of these newly-adopted mames having come under my notice in official documents too late to be inserted in the body of the Dictionary, Ithink it well to append them here, together with a few Turkish names of places accidentally omitted.–C. W. ·öl Ezmid, s. t. Ismid (town of, in Asia Minor). j Azâk, s. t. Azof (Sea of). Isstökolm, s. t. Stockholm. :Vall Alâmânya, s. t. Germany. * Sağl Antâkiyâ, s. a. Antioch. öylül AncÖna, s. t. Ancona. e· Aydin, s. t. Aden. · Bârsèlöna, s. t. Barcelona. ·: Bâtüm, s. t. Batoum. ·l-: BÂb-u'l-Mándeb, s.a.The Straits of Babelmandeb. e·k Bâyön, s. t. Bayonne. ·y: Brest, s. t. Brest. ·y: Berlin, s. t. Berlin. (2r Brem, s. t. Bremen. f :9: Birminkâm, s. t. Birmingham. J-: r! Brüksel, s. t. Brussels. J;- : Brisstol, s. t. Bristol. -: :U: Brindisi, s. t. Brindisi. j8, Brezilya, s. t. Brazil. e: * Bà"Ibek, s. a Baalbek. 99): BordÖ, s. t. Bordeaux. e : Böston, s. t. Boston (in America). -5 : Bömbay, s. t. Bombay. · Beyrüt, s. a. Beyrout. *el : Biyuk-Ada, s. t. Pringipo (the island of, near Constantinople). ·- Biyuk-deré, Buyukderé (a watering place on the Bosphorus). 5°: : Palermo, s. t. Palermo. öy : Petersbürgh, s. t. Petersburgh, ·: Pèshta, s. t. Pesth. ·j): Pörtâghiz, s. t. Portugal. * Târâpiyâ, s. t. Therapia (on the Bosphorus, a summer residence of the European ambassadors). · Triesté, s. t. Trieste. : * : Tölöna, s. t. Toulon. · Tiflis, s. t. Tiflis. · - - Hāji-tirkhān, s. p. As- trakhan. --- Hâleb, s. t. Aleppo. · jile Dânzik, s. t. Dantzic. ·2)° Drèssd, s. t. Dresden. ·ye Düblin, s. t. Dublin. ·Köye Dûnkèrk, s. t. Dunkerk. & \e Diyâr-bekr, s. a. Diarbekir. c-94° Dièp, s. t. Dieppe. * \) Râgüza, s. t. Ragusa. döbly Ravena, s. t. Ravenna. •lejii, Rûterdâm, s. t. Rotterdam. : Rümânié, s. t. Roumania. - 5 * Sâksöniyâ, s. t. Saxony. U-:5- Sûwèyss, s. a. Suez. - Siyâm, s. t. Siam. · Silân, s. t. Ceylon. jy* ShirÂz, s. p. Shiraz. [ 884 ] e· | éli Shikâgo, s. t. Chicago (in America). Shili, s. t. Chili. _) * Sür, s. a Tyre (in Syria). J'y* Temèshvâr, s. t. Temesvar. - :e Ayntâb, s. t. Aintab. J5ji Kârtâl, s. t. Kartal (in Asia Minor). * : Könia, s. t. Koniah. * 5 Kalkütta, s. p. Calcutta. #4. Liézh, s. t. Liége. \.· Marsâla, s. t. Marsala. * le MAltepé, s. t. Maltepe (in Asia Minor). = Mânhaym, s. t. Mannheim. · Mânchester, s. t. Manchester. · Mèrâsh, s. t. Merash. * 9 • Mârmarâ, s. t. Marmora (Sea of). * :y· Missolönghi, s.t. Missolonghi. · Milân, s. t. Milan. THE END. · · · · y* s-- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN İü 9015 04843 2366 „-ºs“ , “<~x~~~~ ~~~. :) … , … .s·** * ...…-->--~~~~ ~~~~" ſ.--~~~~“ ___----** . --~~~~ ~~~~. :) ſae?!!!???, ¿¿.*¿¿.----§§§§§)*)? # .… !} :§§· -¿?- …? !!*** √∞ f√}} }}&');§§§: ·* * …-·- §§…..…*…*… (***) *¿¿.* ğ : : :: .*;;+.* # : ; , ,.* **************. 3.s- , , , , Å. * : " # 3 : : * : f: : : , gy: : İ. s : eğ : :: :::: z : : : :: s: *. *- : : * : : §§ ~Ř 、 §§§*** §§§; ſº º №8: º ſae ſae iſ ſae -->' ***** ', ,'');};-4:,ſ.* .. *-→- ſaeſae ſaeºs··- ***¿¿.*** ¿•· ſaei ſaeſº,º).:- ¿și,º , § 3 №. % (******* !*®, §§ §§ -####### ț¢ŠĶĒĶī£§! :∞ √°.¿§§ ¿? ¿RĘ, ëſ ،¿ ( -¿.**)، ، ، ،-§§§§§§ ~!*ğ! ·-ſae. ! 3 ·$('#'< &isſae;№.izaeae -§§§§، ·- 1.¿;¿*$'- · **(;|:)…:·----~ ·))*…*.…· -- …:ºº: x ≤ . - -n.:·Łºſºſ ğ, !|--•§§§ §§§§§…..….!ſae-: };{№}}∞, , , ,¿?§§ ¿:· §§ №, …§§ ț¢ |×- 。 §), §:ſae §§§§§ **、、。 ſaeae, §§§§§§§ ¿ ############# ¡¿