A 57181 6 MOTED ND ARI QE 392 J47 1871 गु OF University of Michigan Libraries 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS A TREATISE ON DIAMONDS AND PEARLS, IN WHICH THEIR IMPORTANCE IS CONSIDERED, • AND PLAIN RULES ARE EXHIBITED FOR ASCERTAINING THE VALUE OF BOTH; AND THE TRUE METHOD OF MANUFACTURING DIAMONDS. BY DAVID JEFFRIES, JEWELLER. The Fourth Edition, corrected to the present time. LONDON: W. L. MOLYNEUX, 127, STRAND. MDCCCLXXI. Price-Subscribers, 7/6; Non-subscribers, 10/6. Science Library 1 QE 33% J4.7 1871 Science Mineralogy Wormse 5-18-52 79192 ORIGINAL DEDICATION. TO THE KING. I SIR, BEG leave, with the profoundest humility, to dedicate the following Treatise to your Majesty, the patron of truth and friend to the common in- terests of mankind, more particularly to that of your Majesty's subjects; in which your royal character shines with the brightest lustre. 1 iv. ORIGINAL DEDICATION. It contains rational and plain rules for estimating the value of Diamonds and Pearls under all circum- stances, and for manufacturing Diamonds to the greatest perfection: both which have hitherto been but very imperfectly understood. From hence, all property of this kind has been exposed to the greatest injury, by being subject to a capricious. and indeterminate valuation; and the superlative beauty of Diamonds has been much debased. To countenance a work calculated to promote a general benefit, it is humbly apprehended, will not be deemed unworthy the condescension of a crowned head, as these jewels constitute so large a part of public wealth; and, as they are, and have been, in past ages, the chief ornaments of great and distinguished personages in most parts of the world. ORIGINAL DEDICATION. V. That the supreme Disposer of all things may long preserve your Majesty, the guardian of the com- merce and properties of these your kingdoms, and that you may continue to reign in the hearts of a grateful and loyal people, is the fervent prayer of May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty's most dutiful, And most faithful Subject, DAVID JEFFRIES. : TO THE READER. AS the following Treatise is calculated to inform the world concerning the value of Diamonds and Pearls; the weights made use of relative thereto, are here previously explained, as the knowledge of them will be found necessary to the public. They agree the nearest to troy weight of any other, and are commonly called carat weights; 150 carats make about an ounce of that weight. Carats are divided into halves, quarters, or grains; eighths, sixteenths, and thirty-two parts. as The draughts of the sizes of Brilliant and rose Diamonds, exhibited in the plates, are tests to prove the truth and defects of the manufacture of any Diamond, and will be found as necessary scales and weights, in attaining to a right judg ment of their value. To make the truth of this assertion appear more evident, it is here to be observed: first, that either a Brilliant or rose Diamond may be wrought in such a manner as to 3. viii. TO THE READER. contain one-fourth, or even one-third, more weight than it ought to have, which necessarily injures the beauty of its form, and likewise injures its true spirit and lustre ; and, if that over-weight be injudiciously valued, together with its due weight, the price will be thereby greatly heightened above its just value, more especially in large Diamonds. All which over-weighted stones will easily be dis- covered by the sizes exhibited in the plates, which exactly show the true expansion of well-wrought Diamonds. Secondly, it is to be observed, that the sizes before referred to will discover if any stones do not carry their true substance; an important circum- stance to be regarded, inasmuch as any degree of want thereof necessarily lessens the spirit and lustre they would otherwise be possessed of. In both cases directions are given in the Treatise, in what manner every such stone is to be valued, as well as all other well-proportioned ones, according to their water, and several degrees of perfection or imperfection, of what size or weight soever. POSTSCRIPT. THE price of this book, I hope, will not be thought too large when the following matters are taken into consideration. First, that of its being calculated to settle the value of Diamonds and Pearls, on a rational and firm basis: a circumstance of no small concern, in- asmuch as their worth has hitherto been rated by fancy and caprice, which has frequently proved very injurious even to traders in them, as well as to others who have bought them for their use. Next, as the subject concerns only persons of rank and fortune, and those of the trade for whose use the book is principally designed, the sale of it is not likely to be very large. To this may be added, that what it contains is the product of many years' study, and difficult labour of various kinds, attended with an expense much beyond what can readily be imagined. · X. POSTSCRIPT. And here I shall take leave to observe, that inasmuch as the tables of the prices of Diamonds. and Pearls answer the same purposes in attaining to the knowledge of the value of these jewels, as scales and weights, they may be considered in the same light; and that the Diamond sizes may be depended on for their truth, they are all engraved by myself, not daring to trust that performance to any one else; which is likewise the case in respect to some other things that I shall not here par- ticularise; all which have engrossed my thoughts and time to the neglect of my private concerns; by that means I have greatly injured a fortune (not got by trade) that put me above entering on this work with any mean lucrative views, and least of all, that of publishing for the sake of the profit that might arise therefrom. On the contrary, my former cir- cumstances enabled, and my inclinations led me to engage in this attempt, in order to serve the public and the jewel trade. And to my great satisfaction, I find the principles of the book begin already to operate; from whence it may be presumed they will more and more, and that the world will experience POSTSCRIPT. xi. their utility. That this was my original motive is a fact well known to some, and that I formerly in- tended to have published the matters contained in this Treatise, without having any regard to the profit arising thereby. These circumstances, doubt- less, will have their due weight in accounting for the price of the book. And now I think it my duty to mention, that whatever knowledge I may have acquired by ap- plying my thoughts and time this way, I shall endeavour faithfully to employ in any business that I may be honoured with in the jewellery trade. This I have not spoken of in my former edition, nor should I now, if I were not countenanced in so doing by some persons of rank, and many of my particular friends, both which have of late favoured me that way, and this leads me to hope for an increase thereof, which I flatter myself will not be found disadvantageous to any that may engage me in their service. In saying this, I am not appre- hensive of having said too much. ་ CONTENTS. Introduction Of the production of Diamonds, and the principle of valuing them. Of Brilliant Diamonds, and the method of manufacturing them. Of the sizes or expansion of Brilliants. Of the use of the Brilliant sizes in dis- covering ill-wrought ones. Of the method of manufacturing and valu- ing Spread Brilliants. Of Rose Diamonds. Of the impropriety of transforming well- wrought Rose Diamonds into Brilliants. PAGE. 17 I 4 IO I I 14 16 Of the form of a Rose Diamond. Of the manufacture of a Rose Diamond. 17 19 20 . i xiv. CONTENTS. Of the sizes of Rose Diamonds, and their use in discovering ill-made ones. Of the method of manufacturing and valu- ing Spread Rose Diamonds. Of the first method of valuing wrought Diamonds, in conjunction with Rough Diamonds, out of which they are sup- posed to be wrought. Of the second method of valuing wrought Diamonds in conjunction with the Rough Diamonds, out of which they are supposed to be wrought. PAGE 21 22 24 30 Of the method of valuing Rough Diamonds. wrought Diamonds, exclusive of any regard to Of the highest and lowest prices of Rough and Polished Diamonds. Remarks on Brazil Diamonds.. 32 35 38 Of the Table of Prices of Diamonds. 51 Of the innate perfections, imperfections and Water of Diamonds. 55 Of the superior worth of Diamonds over all other Jewels. 57 Reasons for working Diamonds in a com- plete manner, and the consequences resulting from a contrary practice. 58 CONTENTS. XV. Of the use of the sizes in purchasing Rough Diamonds. Remarks on the Indian manufacture of Diamonds, and their custom in regard to Rough Diamonds. Some accounts of authors who have here- tofore treated of Diamonds and Pearls, and the improvements which have been made since their time. PAGE 65 67 72 Of Pearls, their perfection and imperfec- tion. 75 Of the rule of valuing Pearls. Observations on the losses supposed to be sustained by the purchase of Jewels. Conclusion. 78 86 92 · INTRODUCTION. IAMONDS and Pearls being, of all Jewels of the DIAMONDS greatest importance to this and most nations of the world, justly demand the highest regard of any, inasmuch as they constitute the largest share of wealth of this kind, and are the chief ornaments of great and distinguished personages; more especially Diamonds, as being the most beautiful and valuable of all. On which account, as I have been about thirty years a considerable trader in them, and the xviii. INTRODUCTION. • manufacturer of Diamonds, I have studiously em- ployed great part of my time in search of rules, to ascertain the value of both, under all circumstancès, whatever be their weight and magnitude; and, likewise, for manufacturing Diamonds to the greatest perfection. And apprehending that I have fully succeeded-for the promotion of the commerce, and for the benefit of the public, I have exhibited in this Treatise, means by which the inquisitive may attain to a right knowledge in these matters; and more especially concerning those from one carat. weight to those of one hundred carats. The plates of the sizes of Diamonds, and the tables of the prices of both, are extended no farther than to Diamonds and Pearls of that weight. They might be carried on ad infinitum; and the rule of valuing will hold good, though they should weigh as much as Governor Pitt's Diamond, purchased by the Regent Duke of Orleans for Louis the Fifteenth, then a minor, which weighs 136 carats; or, as three others mentioned by Monsieur Tavernier, in the second part of his voyages, page 148, English translation, viz.: that of the Great Duke of Tuscany, INTRODUCTION. xix. which weighs 139 carats; or that in a Merchant's hand, which weighs 242 carats; or that of the 1 Great Mogul, which weighs 279 carats. 9 T6 If what is contained in this Treatise be found true, it will confute the notion that some Diamonds and Pearls are inestimable, on account of their ex- traordinary magnitude; which, to this time prevails, upon the supposition that no methods can be found to determine their value, and will likewise greatly contribute to support the dignity of the Diamond manufacture. PREFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. ; THE value and importance of this work have for many years been readily acknowledged by all in any way interested in the subject of which it treats. The first edition was published in 1750-more than one hundred and twenty years since-and from that period, no Treatise of importance of a similar kind has appeared. The author, well versed in all matters appertaining to precious stones, expended years of study in maturing his plans, and after considerable labour and expense, the work was issued. It has always been considered as the highest authority, as regards the value of Pearls and Diamonds; and, although time has caused various changes, it will xxii. PREFACE. nevertheless, even now be found deeply interesting, as well as useful to all engaged in the trade. This Treatise has long since been out of print, and many persons having expressed a desire to possess a copy, it has been re-printed in its entirety, the tables, diagrams, and plates being exactly the same as in the original edition. The lapse of time has naturally led to many changes in prices, &c., thereby necessitating careful revision; and emenda- tions, to suit the present value of Diamonds, have been given in the notes at the foot of the pages, so that the past may readily be contrasted with the present. This will render the work useful as well as valuable for all trade purposes. The recent discoveries of Diamonds in the South of Africa have created a great sensation at home as well as abroad, and the question has been raised as to the future value of these precious stones. The hidden wealth so unexpectedly brought to light is not sufficiently large to cause any material dépreci- ation in value, nor do the gems found in the valley of the Vaal, as a rule, possess the purity and brilliancy of those discovered elsewhere, consequently it may PREFACE. xxiii. safely be asserted that many years will pass away before any influence can be brought to bear upon the value of these precious stones. The production of this volume has entailed much labor and expense, and the original price has there- fore been adhered to, as it is probable that the demand for it will be limited. The book will always possess a singular value, from the fact of its being the only one of the kind published, and that for nearly a century and a quarter no one of any note. or experience in such matters has been found willing or able to give to the world any work on this intricate subject that can be deemed in the slightest degree reliable for trade purposes. Great honour, therefore, rests upon the memory of David Jeffries. THOS. WEEKES HOLMES, Editor of the "Goldsmith.” A TREATISE ON DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. Of the Production of Diamonds, and the Principle of Valuing them. THAT rules may be given for the just valuing of Diamonds, according to their increase in size and weight, is reasonable to suppose, from this con- sideration, that Nature has produced in times past, as well as it does at present, Diamonds in the follow- ing manner :-viz., a vast number of small ones, and progressively a less number of larger, and that they promiscuously inherit the same properties and share alike of perfection and imperfection. This, there- fore, is a sufficient foundation for rules to be given for valuing them, in proportion to their size and weight, which will be found hereafter exhibited, and B 2 A TREATISE ON if the use and application of them were conformable to the production of Nature, the rules thus founded and prescribed would never be interrupted; and therefore, if the humour of the world demands, at any time, more or less of any particular sizes and weights than Nature provides, the price obtained thereby must be reckoned the occasional, and not the just price, and complied with as such; which happens to be the case at present, by the extra- ordinary use of small Diamonds in the decorations now fashionable in jewelling; and as the price of these small Diamonds will always fluctuate by the alterations of fashions, little regard will be had in this treatise to any under the weight of one carat. It may be also observed, that the value of Dia- monds from two to three carats, and also of polished Diamonds, from one to one-and-a-half, do not cor- respond with the rules hereafter laid down, the price at present being lower than what is asserted by the rules, which is acknowledged, and will remain so, as long as the humour prevails of supplying the place of Diamonds of that weight by means of sett- ing small stones in a cluster in their room, for the sake of a showy and flashy appearance, at a less price than stones of these sizes would admit of; by which means these sizes are less used than formerly and become cheaper (the production of Nature being always the same), and from hence they are depre- ciated in their value, so that the present prices of DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 3 these sizes must also be reckoned the occasional and not the just price. The rules are, nevertheless, just, uniform and consonant to Nature, and therefore are here proper 'to be offered, in order to assist in coming at the true knowledge of the value of Diamonds of a higher worth than such as are liable to be affected in their price by the alteration of fashions in jewelling. The principal rule is, that the proportional in- crease or value of Diamonds, is as the square of their weight, whether rough or manufactured. For the explanation whereof, an instance is first given in rough Diamonds, on which account it will be neces- sary to lay down a general price, which is supposed to be £2 per carat, meaning the whole species, good and bad blended together, which are worthy the ex- pense of manufactory. For example, suppose the value of a rough Diamond of two carats, at the rate of £2 per carat should be required, the rule is first to multiply 2 by 2, which make 4, the square of its weight; then multiply the product of 4 by £2, the price of one carat, that makes £8, which is the true value of a rough Diamond of two carats.* * The value of a Diamond depends upon its size, colour, and form of crystals. The rough Diamond is estimated at half its weight, allowing a loss of fifty per cent. in cutting and polish- ing, the process of cutting averaging from 16/- to 20/- per carat. It will be seen that the prices have greatly increased since the days of Jeffries, the value of stones under two carats in weight varying from £2 15s. to £5 5s. per carat. 4 A TREATISE ON To make this rule applicable to manufactured Diamonds, it will be necessary to ascertain what waste or loss of weight will be sustained in manu- facturing them. And here it may be advanced as a matter of fact, that half the weight will be lost; con- sequently, doubling the weight of any manufactured Diamond renders the rule of the same use to show their value. This loss is to be understood to relate to the general manufactory of brilliant and rose Diamonds in the most perfect manner. To that end rules are to be offered for a general practice in both kinds of manufactory, which, if conformed to, will be found to exhibit Diamonds in such a manner as to be productive of greater perfection and saving of weight, than any other standards of practice. Of Brilliant Diamonds and the method of manufacturing them. BRILLIANTS are first to be considered; and the manufactory of a square one is fixed on for the * The rule laid down by Jeffries, to ascertain the value of Diamonds will not apply at the present time. The approximate value of stones of less than five carats, depends more upon their purity and lustre, than their size and weight. A perfect one-carat stone is now worth £18, but one of five carats would be about £320. Now to follow out the plan of valuation adopted by the Author of this work, the worth of a five-carat stone would be £450, which, however correct it may have been in his time, does not now apply. The fact must not be over- looked, that the value of all precious stones is regulated by the supply and demand, and that fluctuations in prices must inevit- ably occur according to circumstances. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 5 fundamental and governing rule of practice, Nature for the most part directing thereto, as it produces abundantly more apparent six-pointed stones than stones of any other form; and because the same depth or substance, and the same manner of proportioning that substance, which are essential in rendering a square Brilliant of any other shape complete; and more substance, and any other manner of propor- tioning will be found, upon experience, prejudicial to the beauty of their form, and the true dignity of their spirit and lustre, compared with such as are made conformable to the following rules:- The form of a six-pointed rough Diamond is pre- viously to be described, as the shape of it is not much known. It is a figure composed of two square pyramids, joined at their bases, and which form an outline of a true square. The whole figure is composed of eight triangular faces or planes; four above the base, and four below it, all meeting in two points, one at the top, the other at bottom, terminating in the poles of the axis, or line passing through the centre of the stone from top to bottom. Some stones are found to answer this figure very nearly. To make a complete square Brilliant from such a stone, if it be not exactly true to Nature, it must be made so by art. The first thing, therefore to be done, is to reduce that part representing the base of the two pyramids 6 A TREATISE ON to an exact square, which forms what is called the girdle of the stone; and then work by the square from the girdle, which will produce the two points of the axis, and if it be truly executed, the length of the axis from point to point will be equal to the breadth of the square from side to side. A draught of a side-view of such a stone, will be found in the first Plate No. 1. 18 18 The next thing to be done is to produce the table and collet; in order to which, divide the block into eighteen parts from top to bottom, and then take away from the upper part, and from the lower part This gives the upper part or table side above the girdle, which is of the remaining substance; and the lower or collet side or, only 12 of the original parts being left in depth. And thus the table and collet are formed, which will be found to bear this proportion to each other, viz., the collet will be one-fifth, the breadth of the table. In this state it is a complete square table Diamond.* 3 18 Its different parts are denoted by the letters a, b, c, d, e,—a shows what is usually called the table of the stone, which is an horizontal plane at the *This species of manufactory has been exhibited, says Jeffries, time out of mind, and the Brilliant which is an improvement upon it, has been introduced during the last century, as will appear to those who shall give themselves the trouble of an en- quiry. But this not being essential to the present undertaking (which will be pursued with the utmost brevity), an historical account of these matters is omitted. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 7 top; b, the upper sides or bisils; c, the girdle which shows its expansion; d, the undersides or pavilions; e, the collet, which is a small horizontal plane. The pricked lines above the table, and those below the collet, show what has been taken away. view of one will be found in Plate 1, σ No. 2. A side This is the foundation of a square Brilliant, and in order to render it a perfect Brilliant each corner must be shortened part of its diagonal, and then the corner ribs of the upper side must be flattened, or run towards the centre of the table one-sixth less than the sides, and the lower part which terminates in the girdle, must be of one side of the girdle, and each corner rib of the under side must be flat- tened at the top to answer the above flattening of the girdle; and at the bottom of each side of the col- let. A side view of one will be found in Plate 1, No. 3. The parts of the small work which complete it a Brilliant are called star and skill fassets, and are of a triangular shape. Those which join to the tables are the star fassets, those which join to the girdle the skill fassets.† * The plan here laid down as to the form into which rough Diamonds are cut is still adhered to very closely, notwithstand- ing the time that has elapsed since the description of the modus operandi was written. It must, however, be remarked, that the double cut Brilliant is now the most common form, and is most generally admired. † Facets. The original mode of spelling various technical words has been strictly adhered to. It will also be noticed that "culet" is spelt collet. 8 A TREATISE ON Both of these partake equally of the depth of the upper sides from the table to the girdle, and meet in the middle of each side of the table and girdle, as also at the corners, and thus they produce regular lozenges on the four upper sides and corners of the stone. The triangular fassets on the under sides joining to the girdle must be half as deep again as the above fassets to answer to the collet parts; that is to say, in the proportion of three to two. A draught of a Brilliant rendered complete will be found in Plate 1, No. 4. Under the before-mentioned draughts are repre- sented four complete Brilliants in an horizontal view, by double draughts, weighing 36 carats each. No. 5 is a square, No. 6 a round, No. 7 an oval, No. 8 a drop. The left hand draughts regard their upper parts, and those on the right their under parts, which are supposed to be divided at their girdles. They are thus separately represented, the better to show their whole work, and in what manner it should lie; and likewise their size or expansion, and the size of their tables and collets. Their perpendicular depth from table to collet, are shown by the length of the bars placed under each double draught. The octagon in the middle of the left hand draught of No. 5 is the table, which is an horizontal plane or face at the top, and is denoted by the letter a. The triangular fassets adjoining to the table are star fassets, and are denoted by the ! ; DIAMONDS AND PEARls. 9 letter b. Those adjoining to the extreme part or outlines, are skill fassets, and are noted by the letter c. These meeting in the middle of the upper sides and corners of the stone, form figures of a lozenge shape round the upper sides and corners of the stone, and are denoted by the letter d. The outlines of this, and that of the right-hand draught, are the girdle of the stone, and are denoted by the letter e. The triangular fassets adjoining the out- lines of the right-hand draughts, are the under skill fassets, and are denoted by the letter f. The lower sides are denoted by the letter g. The octagon in the middle is the collet, which is denoted by the letter h, and is an horizontal plane or face at the bottom of the stone. This description serves as an explanation of the other three double draughts. All lines within the outline of the draughts are called ribs in Diamonds. These draughts, with these explanations, will always be found of use to give a right idea of a Brilliant Diamond.* In Plate 4 there is a draught of an instrument, useful for examining the size and depth of any Diamond, called a prover. * No change has since been made in the method of forming the stone. The first part of figure 5, Plate 1, gives a front view of a double cut Brilliant, the second part of the same figure shows the back view of a similarly cut Brilliant. The diagrams generally will be found not only useful but accurate. B2 IO A TREATISE ON IN Of the Sizes or Expansion of Brilliants. N Plates 2, 3, 4, and 5, is exhibited a list of the draughts of the horizontal representation of 55 square Brilliants, from one carat weight to a hundred . carats, ranged in progressive order, according to their increase in size and weight, which are so many tests to prove the truth or error of the manufacture of any brilliant Diamond. Here it is to be observed, that their depths are expressed by the length of the bars. placed under each draught, and the size of their collets by the octagons under the bars, in order more distinctly to discern their several parts. The numeri- cal figures on the left hand of each draught regard their number, those on the right hand their weight. The reason why the number of sizes is not more multiplied is, lest the progression of increase in size should not be discernable, and by that means should create too great difficulty in adjusting the degrees in which any stone departs from truth. And this the rather, on account of other stones differing in their shapes at the table, girdle and collet, from those of square Brilliants, which increases, in some mea- sure, the difficulty of determining any difference to a great nicety; the use of the sizes being to expose any considerable or gross departure from truth, and to prevent the carrying on the base and heavy manufacture, which has of late prevailed in an ex- travagant degree, to the great disparagement of the DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. II Diamond species; and has contributed, likewise, to a great deception and imposition on the public. It may with truth be said, regarding small stones. (which means stones under the weight of a carat), that, in general, they are so ill made, as to be void of their true beauty in all respects; and by reason of their closeness or want of due expansion, they will not fill up, by one fourth, the same space as well-made stones do in a piece of jewelling work. Consequently, they are so much less in appearance, and as they retain one-fourth more weight than well-made stones of the same expansion, and as they are wrought for one-third or half the price, the vendor of such can afford to sell them at least 30 per cent. less than he can afford to sell well-made stones. The truth of these matters will evidently appear by future enquiry and observation. Of the Use of the Brilliant sizes in discovering ill wrought ones. HERE it may be proper to show how far this ill manner of working before-mentioned, may de- base Diamonds of larger sizes, and how much it may contribute to the deception both of buyer and seller. To that end will be shown the use of the sizes in 12 A TREATISE ON discovering a well or an ill-made Brilliant. For ex- ample, suppose two stones of six carats weight each, the one a well-made, the other an ill-made stone: the first will tally in all circumstances with No. 20 of six carats weight, and the last may be loaded with undue substance, by which means its expansion may not exceed one of five or four carats weight. If any Brilliant be so circumstanced, it is to be valued only as it agrees with any of the same expan- sion in the list, allowing for the expense of rectify- ing; because, whatever substance or weight it carries. beyond what its size demands, destroys in propor- tion to such excess the beauty of its make, and its true spirit and lustre. And here may be seen the difference it would make to a purchaser, who may be induced to give the price that a well-made stone of six carats weight demands, for one whose expansion may not exceed that of five or four carats weight. For example, a stone of six carats weight, by the rule laid down is worth £288; one of five carats, £200; one of four carats, £128. If the difference be so great in the instance given, how much greater must it be in regard to stones of larger weights, and as that may be easily known by the same method of enquiry, no other instance need be here given. Since then, so great a deception may arise from the ill-manufacture of Diamonds, the great use of the sizes in discovering such evidently appears. And as the attaining a right knowledge of the true DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 13 make of Diamonds will be found, of all other cir- cumstances, the most necessary in arriving at their value, some remarks are here made, by which the reader is informed in what manner the defects of ill-made Brilliants will appear. To that end, an in- stance is given of a stone, six carats weight, which is but of the expansion of one of five carats. It will partake, more or less, of all the following defects: either it will be deeper than a stone of five carats, or if not deeper, its table and collet will be larger, and that will render it blocky, by the sides being too upright, or it will be left too thick at the girdle, be- fore the small work (which means the star and skill fassets) is performed; and if such thickness be sufficiently reduced, that is, so as to be consis- tent with safety in setting, the skill fassets will be executed in an obtuse or blunt manner, and that will cause an undue swelling in the stone, or it may, after all, be left too thick at the girdle.. A stone thus made will unavoidably be of an ill form, and be rendered lifeless and dull, which cannot be rectified without the loss of its superabounding weight, which will reduce it to five carats; and, therefore, it is to be valued only as one of five carats. And in case a stone, weighing six carats, should tally only in size with one of four carats, these defects will be proportionately increased, to the still greater pre- judice of the stone, and therefore it will be purchas- ing deformity at the price of beauty. 14 A TREATISE ON Of the Method of Manufacturing and Valuing Spread Brilliants. CONCLUDING it unnecessary to add anything farther on the head of full-substanced and over- weighted Brilliants, the next thing that requires notice is the method of manufacturing and estimating spread Brilliants. And as to the method of making them, to do it in the most complete manner, they must be proportioned, as in the case of full-substanced ones, at the upper or table side, and at the under or col- let side, and whatever be the diameter of their tables, that of their collets must be thereof. The small work is to be performed in the same manner as is practised in full-substanced stones. This is all that is necessary to be taken notice of in regard to their manufacture. But, previous to the method of valu- ing them, the following observations may be sug- gested, that as sufficient reasons have been given to make it appear that Brilliants may be injured in their shape and true beauty by a super-abounding of weight, so, on the contrary, it will appear, that if they do not carry their true or full substance, they will be injured in both these circumstances, by re- flecting on the consequence of rendering them very thin or spread, which has frequently been carried to so great an excess as to deprive them of the benefit of workmanship, for the work must necessarily be so flat as to cause such stones to be faint and languid DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 15 in lustre, and thereby less worthy of esteem in pro- portion to such excess. Notwithstanding which, it will be found, that in past times, instead of valuing the weight of such wrought Diamonds less on that account, it has been valued the more, merely for the sake of their making a showy appearance. To which may be added, that all such stones are more liable to receive injury by blows, falls, or hard pressure, than full-substanced ones. Here it is necessary to explain what is meant by excess, because it must be allowed, that some stones are so formed by Nature as not to be capable of being manufactured by art into any other than spread Brilliants, without too great a waste of the Diamond species. Therefore, it may be laid down as a fit rule to include under that denomination (viz. of excess) all spread Brilliants expanded beyond the size of full-substanced ones of double their weight, and such are to be valued only as they may be sup- posed to weigh if reduced to this standard. It remains to show in what manner spread stones are to be valued; which is as full-substanced ones are of the same weight similar in all other circum- stances; and they are to be so valued, on account of their expansion to the degree above mentioned, for it must be admitted, that the spaciousness of their appearance to that degree counter-balances the deficiency of lustre, owing to their want of sub- stance. And this is all that can be offered in justifi- # 16 A TREATISE ON cation of so valuing them, which carries the appear- ance of partiality rather in their favor than disfavor, especially in regard to such as are of the greatest expansion within the limits mentioned, considering that full-substanced stones have all the advantages that both Nature and art can bestow. Of Rose Diamonds. HERE it is to be observed, that nothing can more perpetuate rose Diamonds in the esteem they have hitherto had in the world, than maintaining the truth of their manufacture. Nor was it ever more fit to be recommended than at present, on account of the corrupt taste that has of late prevailed, in converting rose Diamonds into Brilliants, under pretence of rendering them, by that means, a more beautiful and excellent jewel. This has frequently been done, to the great prejudice of their value, by lessening the weight and expansion they bore in their preceding state, and they have frequently been * Rose Diamonds derive their title from the peculiar form in which they are cut, and being manufactured from pieces of what is termed "rough," are far less expensive than Brilliants. The rose cut Diamond possesses very lustrous qualities, indeed far more so than the stones termed spread Brilliants. Many of them are so minute that from 1200 to 1500 are required to make one carat. They can be formed into very attractive articles, and are again becoming somewhat fashionable, after having for some years fallen into disuse. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 17 : more injudiciously manufactured in the new species. than they were in the old. This will appear to have been often the case, by the upper part of such stones- not carrying a true proportion of the sub- stance of the stone: which, of course, renders the upper part flat, and the table of an immoderate ex- tent; so that the side work or bezil, appears but as a narrow border. This method of working has been introduced for the sake of preserving the expansion and weight of such stones, which unavoidably would be more reduced if they were allowed their true proportion of top; which reduction, both of their weight and expansion, will appear ever necessary to be done, to render such stones complete spread Brilliants, for such only are they capable of being manufactured into. Of the Impropriety of transforming well Wrought Rose Diamonds into Brilliants. ROM what has been observed it will appear, that FROM no Rose Diamonds are proper subjects of this metamorphosis, but such only as are over-weighted; * Rose Diamonds no longer enjoy the same amount of favor they once did, and for many years past have been regarded as unfashionable. The cost of rose Diamonds is about half that of Brilliants, so that for purposes of display they are more economical, and have, consequently, found favor latterly among those who desire to make the greatest show at the least pos- sible cost. E- 18 A TREATISE ON and of such those are the most proper subjects of the metamorphosis which have the base or gir dle too thick. The over weight will be discovered by the sizes hereafter mentioned. To convert any Rose Diamond not so circumstanced to a Brilliant, will be shown to be a practice not founded in reason, and which carries in it the appearance of an attempt to depreciate this ancient and spacious manufacture of Diamonds, in order to exalt a new one beyond its real and true merit. For it will be found that a complete Rose Dia- mond will be more expanded than a complete Bril- liant of the same weight, and proportionably so in regard to spread stones; therefore, as it has been shown that an increase of expansion is substituted in the room of depth or substance in Brilliants, the same is to be admitted in regard to Rose Diamonds, provided their expansion does not exceed the limits prescribed in the case of spread Brilliants. And, if it be admitted, as some have asserted, that there is a superior excellency in Brilliants, what must be the consequence, but that Rose Diamonds must sink in their value, to the great prejudice of the most noble and ancient families, who are greatly possessed of them as being a more ancient jewel than Brilliants? But, on the contrary, it will appear that Rose Diamonds, when truly manufac- tured, are not inferior to Brilliants, all circumstances considered. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 19 SOME Of the Form of a Rose Diamond. OME observations are now to be made concern- ing their form. Their being called Rose Diamonds probably took its rise from their shape, in some measure, resembling that of a rose-bud before it expands its leaves. They appear in a kind of semi- globular form, only terminating in a point at the top; which form, and likewise the work, or facets thereof, covering the whole face of the stone, being more equal, exhibit a more even display of beauty. than a Brilliant, whose lustre is derived from the angles or facets of the sides only. And as their angles are larger than those of a Brilliant, they throw forth more copious rays, the lustre of which appears to be equivalent to the sparkling vigour of the smaller and more numerous angles of a Brilliant. The fitness of asserting the dignity of the Rose Diamond manufacture having been shown, the man- ner in which it is to be performed is next to be pointed out. But first, it is necessary to lay down what is requisite to constitute a complete Rose Diamond. A round or circular stone is found the fittest for that purpose, because its form is the most beautiful, and productive of more vigour than any other shaped stone, which arises from its admitting of more equal and better connected facets than other shaped stones will allow of. And for this 20 A TREATISE ON further reason, that the same substance and manner of proportioning which renders them most complete, will render stones of any other shape as beautiful as their forms will admit. The right substance, proportions, and manufacture of a cir- cular Rose Diamond, are as follow. Of the Manufacture of a Rose Diamond. 'HE depth of the stone from the base to the point THE must be half the breadth of the diameter of the base of the stone, and the diameter of the crown must be of the diameter of the base, and the perpendicular from the base to the crown must be of the depth of the stone; and then the lozenges, which appear in all circular Rose Diamonds, will be equally divided by the ribs that form the crown. The upper angles, or facets, will terminate in the lower point. of the stone, and the lower in the base or girdle. In the 6th Plate, there are four draughts of Rose Diamonds manufactured by the before-mentioned rules. The first is a side view of a circular shape; the second, an horizontal view of the same; the third, an oval; the fourth, a drop. Their several parts are explained by the first and second draughts. As to the first, a, is the point; b, the crown; c, the girdle. The upper triangles, or facets, show half the work of the crown; the under triangles, half DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 21 the side. As to the second draught, the common intersection of the six cross lines meeting in the centre of the draught, is the point; the lines that form the hexagon, and the triangles within it, com- pose the crown; the triangles without the hexagon compose the sides; the outlines show the girdle. All lines in the draughts are called ribs in Diamonds, except what express the girdles. These draughts are representations of Rose Diamonds of 36 carats weight each, and may be of perpetual use to give a right idea of their proper figures and workmanship. Of the Sizes of Rose Diamonds, and their Use in Discovering Ill-Wrought Ones. IN N the following Plates 7, 8, 9, and 10, is exhibited a list of 55 draughts of circular Rose Diamonds, from one carat weight to an hundred carats, which are so many tests to prove the truth or defects of any manufactured stone of that kind. Their use, as in the case of Brilliants, will be shown in prov- ing a Rose Diamond to be either truly made or not. For example, suppose one of five carats weight; if it be truly made, it will be as expanded at the base or girdle as No. 18 of five carats, and the size of the crown will also agree therewith, its depth will be likewise half its diameter or breadth. But, if it be basely made, and left loaded with undue weight, 22 TREATISE ON A J exceed one of Such a stone, ` its expansion at the base may not above three or four carats weight. according to the degree in which it falls short of its just size, will partake of some, or all the fol- lowing defects. Either its depth from the base to the point will exceed the rule; or, though it should not be too deep, its sides below the crown may be too upright, which will be discovered by the crown exceeding its proper extent, and that will conse- quently cause a flatness from the crown to the point, or the crown may be situated too high; if so, the size of the crown may not exceed its just extent, but then it will occasion an increased flatness of the crown, and produce an extravagant depth below it, or the girdle may be left too thick. If any Rose Diamond is made after this manner, it will, accord- ing to the degree in which it is thus defective, be injured in its shape, spirit, and lustre; and, there- fore is not to be valued by its weight, but only as it agrees in size with any in the list; for the same reasons as are given in the like case of Brilliants. Of the Method of Manufacturing and Valuing Spread Rose Diamonds. THE next thing to be regarded is the manner of making and valuing Spread Rose Diamonds. As DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 23 to the manner of making them, what is necessary to be observed is, that their crowns must be of such an extent, and placed in such a situation, as to pre- vent any disproportionate flatness in the crown, and unequal division of the lozenges; and that they be made as thin at the girdle as is consistent with safety in setting them. This is all that is necessary to be observed on that head. As to valuing them, the same method is to be observed as in the case of Spread Brilliants in all respects.* From what has been said of Rose Diamonds it seems evident, taking in all circumstances, that they deserve as much esteem and regard as Bril- liants, and are entitled weight for weight, to an equal value; some persons with us, and those of great reputation for knowledge in Diamonds, pre- fer the former to the latter; but although this be the opinion of particular persons, it seems no better grounded than that of others in giving Brilliants the preference; for the same consequence must follow from thence to the possessors of Brilliants as has been mentioned concerning the possessors of Rose Diamonds, which was, that if Brilliant Dia- monds were preferred to Rose Diamonds, these lat- ter must sink in their value; so, on the contrary, if * This article of making Spread Rose Diamonds, is as necessary to the same ends and purposes as the manufacture of Spread Brilliants, inasmuch as they occupy thinner matter than Brilliants can.-Note by David Jeffries. 24 A TREATISE ON Rose Diamonds are preferred, Brilliants must sink in their value, and if they are equally esteemed and valued, as appears they ought to be, it will conduce to the saving of weight that a bias to either mode of working will unavoidably occasion. The next thing that falls under consideration is the method of valuing Diamonds. The first Method of Valuing Wrought Diamonds in conjunction with Rough Diamonds, out of which they are supposed to be wrought. AN example is here given to show in what man- ner the value of a manufactured or Wrought Dia- mond of one carat is to be found, upon the principle advanced, supposing rough Diamonds to be valued. at £2 per carat. The weight of such a stone must be doubled (on account of half being supposed to be lost in working it), which is considered as its original weight, mak- ing two carats; then multiply that weight into itself, which squares it and makes four; lastly mul- tiply the four by two, that produces £8, which is the value of a stone of one carat wrought or polished, and is equal to the value of the rough Diamond of two carats, out of which it is supposed DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 25 to be made. This single instance is here given to show the value of rough Diamonds in the price of wrought ones, and as a further explanation of the rule of valuing them, and previous to the offering of any other, it is to be observed that although £2 is 'laid down as the general price of rough Diamonds, † it is nevertheless to be understood that rough Dia- monds differ in their value according to their differ- ent degrees of perfection or imperfection, and according to the loss of weight they may be sup- posed to sustain in being truly wrought; as it is well known that some will lose abundantly more than others arising from their ill forms, and other defects that may attend them, which defects are so numerous and difficult to be expressed, that what may be said of them would probably not be under- stood but by the most experienced traders and manufacturers of them. This consideration, and that of its being but of little concern to the public, prevents my saying anything more relating thereto. In further explaining the principle of valuing * The mode of calculating the value of stones has, since the days of Jeffries, undergone considerable modifications, and it is difficult now to lay down any exact rule of valuation, so much depending on the colour, size, and form of the crystals. The price of Diamonds has, within the last quarter of a cen- tury, greatly increased, notwithstanding the recent discoveries in South Africa. The values will continue to fluctuate accord- ing to circumstances, and no arbitrary rule can be given that shall prove a correct guide for every period. †The value of Diamonds ranges, for those under two carats in weight, from £2 15s. to £5 5s. per carat, according to the nature of the stone. C 26 A TREATISE ON : wrought Diamonds, three other instances, besides that already given, will be offered, to show the opera- tion of the principle in coming at the value of wrought Diamonds, which, it is judged, will be sufficient in all other cases in this way of proceed- ing. After that will be offered three more of the same weight in a different manner of proceeding, but to the same end. Here it may be proper to hint, that all the instances that will be given, are founded upon the price of rough Diamonds in general, being put at £2 per carat, viz, good and bad blended together, as has been before noticed; so that £2 is the price of the middle sort only. And it is also to be remembered that in manufacturing, half the weight is supposed to be wasted. And as mistakes may be made in calculating the value of particular Diamonds, in the manner hereafter prescribed, it is here noted that the prices of Diamonds, from one of one carat to one of an hundred carats, of this degree of good- ness, are contained in Plates 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, which will prove the truth or falsity of any calcula- tion, and it is also to be observed, that the expense of manufacture or workmanship, is excluded in all the instances that will be given on this occasion, the reasons of which will hereafter appear. Now follow the three other instances proposed to explain this first method of finding the value of any wrought Diamonds. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 27 The First Instance. To find the value of one of five carats weight, the weight must be doubled, on account of half being supposed lost in working it; that replaces the ori- ginal weight, which makes ten carats; then multiply ten by ten, that squares the weight, and makes one hundred carats; and lastly, the one hundred must be multiplied by £2, the price of one carat; that produces £200, and is the value of a wrought stone of five carats, and the price of the Diamond when rough. EXAMPLE. 10 Carats Multiplied by 10 Pounds. Makes £100 Multiplied by 2 Pounds. Makes £200 Second Instance. To find the value of one of five carats the weight must be doubled, that makes ten; next multiply that weight by four, to bring it into fourths or grains, which makes forty-one; then multiply forty-one by forty-one, that makes one thousand six hundred and eighty-one, the square of the weight 28 A TREATISE ON in sixteenths: therefore divide the one thousand six hundred and eighty-one by sixteen, that brings it again into carats, and makes one hundred and five carats, which multiplied by two pounds, produces £210 2s. 6d. and is the value of the stone, rough or wrought. EXAMPLE. Carats 10 1 4 4I 4I 41 164 Carats 16) 1681 (105 Te 2 £210 2 6 *A Brilliant pure and perfect, weighing five carats, now possesses a far greater value. In 1865 the value of such a gem was £320; two years afterwards, in 1867, the value had increased to £350, and at the present time would be worth, owing to the increased demand of late years for Brilliants, from £350 to £375. It is now extremely difficult to give fixed rules for the purpose of ascertaining the intrinsic value of Diamonds. But the fact must not be overlooked that David Jeffries is here. speaking of what may be termed second rate or middle class stones. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 29 Third Instance. To find the value of one of five carats, the weight doubled is ten carats; reduce that weight into grains, by multiplying it by four, that makes forty-two; then multiplying forty-two by forty-two, that makes one thousand seven hundred and sixty- four, the square of the weight in sixteenths; which divide by 16, that brings them again into carats, and makes one hundred and ten carats and 1, which multiply by 2l., that produces 220l. 10s. and is the value of the stone, rough or wrought. EXAMPLE. 101 Carats 4 42 42 84 168 Carats 16) 1764 (110 1 2 £220 10 30 A TREATISE ON The Second Method of Valuing Wrought Diamonds in Conjunction with the Rough Diamond, out of which they are supposed to be wrought. то First Instance. find the value of a Diamond of five carats weight, as in the foregoing cases, so in this the weight must be doubled, that makes ten carats. As a rough Diamond of one carat is valued at two pounds, every carat in this stone accumulates ten times that value, and so every carat in this stone is to be valued at twenty pounds, that will produce two hundred pounds, and is the value of the stone, rough or wrought. EXAMPLE. 10 Carats Multiplied by 20 Makes the total 200 Pounds Second Instance. 89 To find the value of one of five carats the weight doubled makes ten carats ; next reckon that weight in the foregoing manner, that makes. every carat in this stone worth twenty pounds ten shillings; so just multiply ten carats by twenty DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 31 pounds, that makes two hundred pounds, then mul- tiply ten carats by ten shillings, that makes one hundred shillings or five pounds; next add the value of a fourth of a carat at the rate of 20l. 10s., that makes 51. 2s. 6d. Lastly, cast up these three sums, the total will be 210l. 2s. 6d., and is the value of the stone, rough or wrought. Multiplied by Makes EXAMPLE. 10 Carats 20 Pounds £200 10 cts. multiplied by 10s. makes 5 The value of of a carat at 2ol. 10s. is Makes the total } 526 £210 2 6 Third Instance. To find the value of one of five carats 4, the weight doubled makes ten carats ; reckon that weight as in the two other cases, that makes every carat in this stone worth twenty-one pounds: so multiply ten carats by twenty-one pounds, that makes 210l., then add the value of the half carat at 21l. per carat, that makes 10l. 105. Lastly, add the two sums together, the total will be 220l. 105., is the value of the stone, rough or wrought. and 32 A TREATISE ON Multiplied by Makes EXAMPLE. 10 Carats 21 Pounds £210 The value of the carat added, which is Makes the total } ΙΟ ΙΟ £220 10 The instances that have been given of two me- thods for finding the value of wrought Diamonds, as they stand connected with the rough (out of which they are supposed to be made), it is apprehended are a sufficient explanation of the principle for valu- ing rough and wrought Diamonds, and prove its being founded on reason. of the Method of Valuing Wrought Diamonds, exclusive of any regard to Rough Diamonds. A F S instances have been given of two different me- thods of attaining the value of wrought Dia- monds, in which cases the value of rough Diamonds of double their weight have been jointly considered, they being supposed to be made from such rough Diamonds; three instances of manufactured Dia- monds of the same weights will now be offered, to 1 DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 33 show in what manner their value may be found, ex- clusive of any regard to rough Diamonds; and as the last method appears the shortest and most easy to be understood, that method will be made use of on this occasion. This is to be known by applying the price they bear manufactured, which has been shown, viz., that as rough Diamonds are valued at two pounds per carat, a wrought Diamond of one carat is worth eight pounds; so to find the value of a stone of that degree of goodness, whatever number of carats are contained in such a Diamond, each is to be valued at eight pounds, and whatever sum they make must be multiplied by the weight of the Diamond. The instances are as follows: First Instance. To find the value of such a Diamond of five carats weight, reckon every carat at eight pounds; then multiply five carats by eight pounds, that makes forty pounds, so every carat is to be valued at forty pounds; then multiply five by forty, that produces 2007., and is the value of such a Diamond. EXAMPLE. 5 Carats Multiplied by 40 Pounds Makes the total £200 C2 3-4 A TREATISE ON Second Instance. To find the value of one of five carats, at the rate of eight pounds per carat, multiply five by eight, that makes forty, then add to that the value of of eight pounds, that is one pound; so the value of every carat in this stone is forty-one pounds, then multiply five by forty-one, that makes 205l., next add the value of of forty-one pounds, that makes. 51. 2s. 6d. These two sums cast up produce 210l. 2s. 6d., and is the value of the Diamond. 8 EXAMPLE. 5 Multiplied by Carats 41 Pounds Makes £205 To which is to be added the value of of 411. which is f 8 Makes the total 5 26 £210 2 6 Third Instance. One of five carats, the value of each carat is forty-two pounds; multiply five by forty-two, that makes 210l., then add the value of of forty-two, which is rol. 10s., makes the total 220l. 10s. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 35 Of the highest and lowest Price of Rough and Polished Diamonds. HAVING explained the different methods of find- ing the value of rough and wrought Diamonds of the middle sort, the first being rated at two pounds per carat, the second at eight pounds. As rough and polished Diamonds may be of a higher or lower value, it remains to show what may be the highest and lowest of each. First-I shall speak of rough Diamonds, and shall suppose three prices: for instance one pound, two pounds and three pounds; the middle being two pounds, there appears an advance of one pound above the middle price, and a fall of one pound be- low, which is a deviation of fifty per cent each way, and makes the worst sort be but one-third the value of the finest. That the two extreme prices naturally proceed from that of the middle price, I shall endeavour to prove, and in order thereto, I shall first show, that no rough Diamond which is not worth one pound per carat, ought to be manufactured; because all that are of less value must be very defective, carry- ing many or all of the following blemishes: fouls or stains, specks, flaws, being veiny, craggy, ill- formed, and of an ill-colour; which, consequently, must obstruct and defect the purposes of manufac- ture; for with all art can do, they will be void of 36 A TREATISE ON lustre, which will sink them below the rank of a jewel. Next, it is to be observed, that all under that value will sell for as much, to be used in cutting or form- ing the better sort, as any one can afford to give for them, with the view of manufacturing them, for the expense of workmanship must be the same as for better stones if well done, and if not well done, it will add to the other defects, and the loss of weight must be greater than what attends better stones, by its being frequently necessary to discharge or lessen the defects before-mentioned; indeed, when a stone of a very large size falls in the way, it may be thought worth the expense of working, as its size may recommend it. These being rarely to be met with, but not as ornamental to anything, such may be valued below 41. per carat, as the buyer and seller may agree on. As it cannot but appear that no rough Diamond ought to be wrought, that is not worth one pound per carat, this must be allowed the lowest price of rough Diamonds worthy of manufacture; which, as we have already observed, is half the value of the middle price; so allowing as much advance above it, makes the price of the finest rough Diamonds worth 37. per carat. This being admitted, it shows that manufactured Diamonds of the worst sort are worth 41. per carat, and the finest 12l. per carat; and this, probably, DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 37 will be thought scope sufficient to employ specula- tion and judgment; and if the value of rough Dia- monds should rise or fall, the middling price must be always that which the whole was valued at, good and bad blended together; and as many prices as will lie between those of the lowest price and those of the middle price, so many must be admitted above, the middle price, and that will determine the highest price, or, in other words, whatever the worst are valued at below those of the middle sort, so much must the finest be valued at above the middle sort. And, therefore, the value of all Diamonds is to be adjusted within the limits of the extreme prices.* * There is a great difficulty in properly adjusting, with any degree of accuracy, a scale of charges for Brilliants which would be in every instance applicable. It may here be remarked that the value of stones of the first quality of a less weight than two grains, average at the present time from £10 10s. to £II IIS. per carat; the second quality £9 9s. per carat; and the third from £7 to £7 10s. per carat. A Brilliant weighing one carat will now realise from £20 to £30; two carats £75 to £85; two carats and a half, £90 to £120; three carats, £135 to £145; three carats and a half, £165 to £180; four carats, £215 to £225; five carats from £345 to £360. These prices are estimated for Diamonds of the first quality. It is impossible to fix the value of stones above five carats, as the purchase of large stones is always the subject of an arrangement altogether independent of market rates, and will greatly depend on the demand as well as the supply in the market. 38' A TREATISE ON Remarks on Brazil Diamonds. FROM the want of this knowledge, and the rule of valuing Diamonds, has arisen the wide dif- ference of Jewellers' sentiments, concerning their just and natural value; the ill-effects of which dif- ference to individuals I shall be silent about, that having been too sensibly felt to need any remarks, but proceed to show what an effect it has had in times past, on this important property in general. In the year 1733, rough Diamonds were not worth twenty shillings per carat; in the year 1735, not worth thirty shillings; in the year 1742, not worth more than thirty shillings per carat; all which may clearly be made to appear, from public sales in the before-mentioned years. Catalogues of them I have preserved, on which I have made particular remarks and shall be ready to show them on any proper occasion. I have been the more careful to preserve them, believing there never will be the like exhibited again; and the farther cause of publishing these facts, is to show that if the traders had better known how to value Diamonds at that time, and had been better informed of the real cause of so great a plenty as then appeared, they would not have discovered so great a consternation as then possessed them, which occasioned many even of the most capital traders in London, to believe that Diamonds were likely to become as plentiful as transparent pebbles, ? DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 39 and they were so far influenced by this opinion that most of them refused to buy Diamonds on any terms. The adventurers were chiefly persons of low cir- cumstances, on which account the Lisbon merchants dreaded any returns made them in Diamonds or any sent them for sale; being forced to deal with such persons upon credit, and at any price that these purchasers were pleased to give for them. One of the most considerable Portugal merchants, with whom I dealt, told me, in the month of January, 1733-4, at which time I bought a parcel, to the amount of seven hundred and fifty pounds, that he had been forced (for want of more reputable buyers) to sell and give credit for many hundreds of pounds, to such as he would not have trusted with five pounds in cash, and that he found other merchants were in the like case; on which account there were many large parcels returned to Lisbon, they not being able to find buyers enough, even of this sort, to take off their goods. I shall here mention some other matters that arose in conversation at this time. This gentleman observing me to be more exact than others, in weighing the large stones of the parcels I bought of him, and some of other parcels, asked me the reason of it, upon which I told him that no man who did not know how to value Diamonds in pro- portion to their weight (whatever knowledge else 40 A TREATISE ON he might have of rough Diamonds), could be a pro- per judge of the value of any stone. Upon which he was pleased to say, if I had that secret, he appre- hended I might get what money I pleased. I told him it could be of no service to me till it became public, and the world made sensible of the truth of the principle. Upon this he said, he thought it might be of great use to make it public, and asked if I did not intend to communicate it to the world. I told him it was my intention, when circumstances rendered it more proper; observing it would be by no means proper then, as the public, and likewise the traders in them, were so apprehensive of the Brazil mines producing an inexhaustible store; judging from thence, the world would scarcely think Diamonds worth any consideration, especially as Jewellers so undervalued them. As this has been, and still is, in a less degree, the state of the case in regard to Diamonds, it may be proper to enquire, whether it be fact, that these mines have produced any Diamonds or whether the Diamonds that have been sent from thence, be not such as are procured by trade. Having many years past been very solicitous to know the truth of this matter, I have spared no pains to come at as good a knowledge thereof as I could procure, and what information I have met with I shall disclose. In the year 1734, I had the pleasure of being ac- quainted with a gentleman that had been, but a few DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 4I years before that time, governor of Fort St. George. He told me, upon my talking with him about the Brazil mines, that he did not believe a tittle of the report, and gave this as a reason for his disbelief of it, namely:-that when he was at Fort St. George, he was informed that the Brazil people had long carried on a secret trade with the Indian people at Goa, for Diamonds, and was assured they had a vast stock, but not very fine, they generally choos- ing to buy the more indifferent sort, for the sake of cheapness; and he said, whatever quantity came from thence, would not alter his opinion in regard to the value of what he was possessed of, nor would he abate of the price they were valued to him at in India, saying they only knew how to value Dia- monds. In this resolution he persisted to his death, which happened but a few years since. Some of these Diamonds he sold before his death at his own price, and he then said it was his opinion, that their sending their Diamonds to Lisbon was not a matter of choice, but necessity; being forced thereto, in order to raise a large sum of money to discharge great arrears of indulto, which they then owed the King of Portugal; and the same has, since that, been said by others. And, moreover, it has been said, that the late King having been made acquainted that they were greatly in debt to their European correspondents, he insisted upon their sending a sufficient quantity to discharge those debts; and 42 A TREATISE ON when they came to Lisbon, in order to give im- mediate satisfaction to the merchants, it was said the King ordered them to be sold in a public manner for the sake of expedition; and some have thought it was done out of resentment to his Brazil subjects, for their using him and the European merchants ill, he knowing they had it in their power, long before, to have remitted these Diamonds. Another circumstance had liked to have escaped my notice which is, that it has been also reported here by persons of figure and unquestionable vera- city, who happened to be at Fort St. George when it was reported that the Brazil mines had furnished Europe with a great quantity of Diamonds very cheap, that the Indian people laughed, and said it would not alter their price. From what has been observed, there seems room to think, that these Diamonds are the effect of the King of Portugal's subjects' trade, and not the pro- duce of his Brazil mines; for it cannot be thought any prince would have countenanced such a disad- vantageous method of disposing of the produce of his own mines, as was practised in getting rid of them, notwithstanding any redundancy; on the con- trary, that he would have restrained the sending any quantity that must tend to sink their value, which is always carefully avoided by the Indian people.* * Up to the end of the 17th Century, Diamonds were wholly derived from India, from the mines of Sumbulpoor and Gol- DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 43 And if it were true that his Brazil mines so abounded with Diamonds, they must be come at with a great deal less expense than attends the search for Diamonds in India, and of course he must become the richest prince in Europe, for it would be an additional employment for his Brazilian subjects, in consequence of which his commerce must be greatly increased; inasmuch as we should always encourage it, rather than that of the Indian trade, on account of our purchasing Diamonds in India chiefly for bullion. And can it be supposed a wise prince would disregard a gift of Providence so highly esteemed by the eastern part of the world? And, therefore, the methods made use of must be supposed to proceed from the late King's knowing they were the effects of the trade; if so, it cannot but be judged a wise and just step in him, to force them to discharge their obligations to himself and their correspondents, knowing they could procure no advantage to them by lying in their hands as a dead stock. Besides, trading in Diamonds has been disallowed by the late King, and to conceal it from his knowledge is supposed to be the reason of their conda; the mine of Sierra do Trio, in Brazil, was discovered in 1727; and some were found in the Ural Mountains, in the year 1829. The latest discoveries are those of South Africa, and the Diamond diggers of the Vaal have in most instances been well rewarded for their exertions. Of course, in such a speculative employment, there must, of necessity. be many whose labours have been almost if not entirely unproductive. 44 A TREATISE ON giving out, that the Diamonds they were formerly possessed of were the produce of his Brazil mines; and to make it the more plausible they suffered it to be reported that they were of a different nature, as well as worse than India Diamonds. Upon this occasion I will venture to say (from critical observations in an extensive commerce and manufacture of both), that there has not appeared to me a circumstance, in those called Brazil Dia- monds that I have not found in India Diamonds; and it is likewise noticed, that some year's cargo from the Brazils have been as fine as any year's cargo from India, and that the small Diamonds have sold at as high a price as ever was given for small India Diamonds. And it is also remarked, that what have of late been brought from Brazil, we hear but little of more than their quantity yearly lessens, notwithstanding their price is raised more than treble of what they bore some years ago. There are various sentiments among traders con- cerning the cause of it, but being much divided in their opinions, I shall not trouble my readers there- with, not doubting but their sending so few, will appear to arise from their not being possessed of more. And, from hence may be inferred, that they are interrupted in this commerce, and deprived of the means of procuring them as formerly; which means are supposed to have been their purchasing them with Brazil gold, wherein the Brazil mines DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 45 are known to abound in a profuse degree; and in this sense it may be said, the Diamonds we have had from thence are the produce of the Brazil mines; and if there be a check or an interruption thrown in the way of this barter, we cannot expect to have such quantities as formerly, although more or less may always come from thence, which has been the case before the great glut appeared; but they were not then called Brazil Diamonds, and what was brought from thence was conducted with great secrecy, and it is likely this trade will be continued, from the circumstance of Diamonds being so port- able a commodity, and what may be conveyed with great secrecy, however strict his Portuguese Majesty's orders may be in prohibiting thereof. As to the political reasons for prohibiting this traffic, it is not my province to meddle with that. Amidst what has been said to show the impro- bability of the Brazil mines having produced the Diamonds that of late years have been placed to their account, the circumstance that has been be- fore-mentioned deserves more than ordinary notice, therefore I shall recite it again; which is, that not- withstanding the India people knew what despicable prices Brazil Diamonds sold for in Europe, in the before-mentioned years, they kept up the price of their Diamonds, which seems to prove they were the sellers of those Diamonds to the Brazilians, and serves to explain what they meant by laughing at 46 A TREATISE ON the report of the Brazil mines furnishing Europe with Diamonds, and their saying it would not alter their price. This conduct, surely, deserves the highest ap- plause, for had they copied after the Brazilians, this great article of wealth, by this time, would have been reduced almost to nothing; the ill effects of which words cannot sufficiently express: the pre- vention of this evil the Indian people must have the honor of. To maintain as invariable a price of these jewels as is possible, must be of the greatest utility to the public, which they appear to be sensible of from their past conduct; but there is more to be offered in proof of this. It is attested by unquestionable authority, that when they find a slack demand for Diamonds, they always withdraw them; the consideration of any quantity they may be possessed of seems to be no motive with them for abating their price; which is believed to arise from their supposing they have competitors to subject them thereto; and from what has been observed, the truth of it can scarcely be doubted, and their manner of trading with us seems to be a further proof it, which is thus:- They first find out what sorts are wanted, and then show such goods and put their price; if they are sold they have their demand, for they suppose themselves to be the only judges of their value, and } DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 47 it does not appear that anyone has disputed the truth of it. From hence it is, that Diamonds are sent here in bulces, which means parcels of Dia- monds neatly tied up in muslins, and sealed by the sellers of them; which Diamonds are generally bought here by the invoice, that is, are bought be- fore they are opened; it being always supposed they contain their value which they were sold for in India, and the buyer here gives the merchant such a profit as contents him. The Diamonds being thus bought, the buyer opens the parcel, separates them, and then values them separately as his judg ment directs; making to himself, likewise, such a profit upon the whole parcel as he thinks proper. And as this is the case, it is referred to the con- sideration of reflecting minds, whether or no any man can properly judge of the value of stones of different sizes and properties, without some rule to direct his judgment. As for the different properties of Diamonds, speculation assisted by the knowledge acquired in manufacturing Diamonds, is the only guide; but whether any can judge of their value, regarding their magnitude, is the thing in question. It seems as if our traders thought the Indian people were masters of some rule for that purpose, by placing such confidence in them as it appears they do by this representation; and it is believed, when the people of the European part of the world are acquainted with the true method of estimating Diamonds, it . 78 A TREATISE ON will be found that the people of India have generally valued their large Diamonds alike at all times, let the demand for them vary as it may. If that be the case, is not this issuing out another staple commodity, like that of gold and silver? And although its value is not ascertainable to so great an exactness as either of those by an assay, yet it may appear they are reducible to as great a near- ness in speculation as either of the other two. But however beneficial this may be, the value of Dia- monds can never be at all settled in Europe, whilst we are amused with the notion of the Brazil mines being productive of Diamonds. How far it is the interest of these parts of the world to be well in- formed of the truth of this matter, is left to the con- sideration of the public. But suppose it should be remarked, that although Diamonds in India, may at all times be near the same value, it cannot be the case in other parts of the world, arising from various circumstances: the chief cause of which variableness in the price of Diamonds or other Jewels, in other parts of the world, cannot but be seen to be the disagreement in the sentiments of Jewellers concerning the natu- ral value of them. But the extraordinary instances in the late wars in Germany, will be a farther proof of it, inasmuch as it has been told us by public papers, that not above one-third or one-fourth of the money which gems have cost, could be procured by DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 49 intrinsic worth Must not this way of pledge or sale; indeed, the avarice of the buyers may have some share in occasioning so great a loss. Does this prove the of jewels, so frequently talked of? be a vast discouragement to great personages from vesting themselves with this property? How fit, therefore, is it to render them as invariable in their price as the nature of things will admit of, since they possessed themselves thereof, not only for personal ornaments, but also as articles of solid treasure, to serve such emergencies as have been noticed? And it is known, that there are some rough Diamonds of great price, as well as polished in Europe, which have been bought upon that principle. Since it is thus, nothing can be a greater induce- ment to persons of high stations to purchase Dia- monds, than rendering their value more staple. And as nothing can accomplish that so much as being well acquainted with their true value, the fol- lowing method will be found the only way of coming at that knowledge. It appears from the reason of things, that all large Diamonds are to be valued according to the rule advanced, by the price that one of a carat bears, which is similar to a stone whose value you would know, for as you value the weight in a stone of one carat, so must you that of a stone of the same pro- perties, let the weight be what it may. And as a * David Jeffries applied the same rule to stones varying from D 50 A TREATISE ON farther proof of its being right, it will be found that Jewellers of the greatest experience and knowledge, have generally estimated Diamonds as this rule directs, by dint of sound judgment, and as the younger and less experienced must want some assistance in this important concern, this will put them in the right way, and by means hereof the value of Diamonds will be made universally known, as it is in so narrow a compass as that of anyone's making himself acquainted with the worth of a Diamond of a carat weight, which, it is presumed, persons of good judgment cannot be at a loss to know, let them be good, bad or indifferent, and that such will agree in their sentiments concerning the value of a stone of a carat weight, be it, as it may, from five to ten per cent. one carat upwards. The fallacy of this mode of calculating the exact value of Diamonds in the present day, arises from the fact, that for the large descriptions of gems frequently the most exorbitant prices are obtained, more particularly if it be what is termed a fancy stone. If a Diamond possesses a very decided colour, such as red, blue or green, it is called a "fancy stone." Instances have been known of a stone of five grains of a brilliant emerald green, realising no less a sum than three hundred guineas, for which, had it been white, not more than £28 or £30 could be obtained; hence the difficulty of laying down a fixed scale according to weight. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 51 THE Of the Table of Prices of Diamonds. HE next thing to be taken notice of is a table, which will be found in the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th Plates. This table consists of the prices of Diamonds, from one carat weight to one hundred carats, formed upon the principle of valuing them by the square of their weight, upon the supposition that the governing price of rough Diamonds, good and bad blended together, is £2 per carat; so that £2 is to be reckoned the mean or middle price, and will be found of great use to prevent the trouble of calculating the price of every stone by the rule. If any stone differs in its value from this mean or middle price, whether higher or lower, so much per cent. is to be added or deducted, as judgment shall direct. It may be observed, that the tables do not descend to sixteenths of a carat; it is omitted for brevity's sake, which may be sup- plied by casting up any two adjoining prices, and then take the half, that will give the prices of the intermediate weight. For example: a stone of one carat will be seen to be the first article in the table, and to come to £8. To find it out by this rule, the *The present value of Diamonds of the first water, not exceeding two grains in weight, is £10 to £10 10s. per carat ; the second quality, £8 5s. to £8 10s. per carat; the third, £7 IOS. Coloured Brilliants under one carat, range from £4 to £7 per carat, according to their shade, and to correctly esti- mate the value of these stones, must depend, in a great 52 A TREATISE ON A method is to multiply 2 by 2, that makes 4, which is the square of its weight; then multiply 4 by £2, the price of one carat, that makes £8. Here it is to be remembered, that all the prices which the tables contain are supposed to be of the middle sort, and also that half the weight is supposed lost in making, which occasions the first multiplying by 2; but as this method is more laborious and intri- cate in regard to stones of odd weights, the tables will be found of much convenience. 8 An instance is here given as a proof of a Diamond of seven carats, in the two different methods of valuing. For example: the first method is this the weight of a stone of seven carats must be doubled, which makes fifteen carats; next, that weight must be multiplied by 4, to bring it to grains, that makes 63; then multiply 63 by 63, that makes 3969, the square of the weight in sixteenths; there- measure, upon the judgment of the purchaser. To give any closer valuation than the figures above-mentioned, would be useless, and as fluctuations are constantly occurring in the values of gems of all kinds, it will at all times be necessary to watch the changes that take place in the market. * The weights by which Diamonds and Precious Stones are calculated are as follows:-4 grains I carat; 151 carats 1 oz. troy. No fixed rule can be laid down by which the value of Diamonds can be calculated according to any arbitrary con- nection with the weight. For instance, the value of a perfect one-carat stone, at the present time, is from £18 to £18 18s. ; and a five-carat stone varies from £310 to £350. According to the demand and the supply, so will the prices vary. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 53 fore divide the 3969 by 16, that brings it again to carats, which makes 248 carats and, which mul- tiplied by £2 produces £496 2s. 6d. The second method is this: first see what a Diamond of seven carats is worth per carat, which will be found to come to £63. First multiply 7 by 63, that makes £441, then add the value of of £63, which comes to £55 2s. 6d., these two sums added together pro- duce £496 2s. 6d., so both totals are alike, and agree with the price of one of the above weight in the tables. $ It will here be proper to observe farther, that no notice is taken of the additional price which the ex- pense of manufacture would occasion in each stone. This is omitted on account of the different prices their different sizes and weights demand; and like- wise, on account of the different prices which their various substances require. These circumstances render it impracticable to be inserted; and therefore, the prices of both are contained in four tables, ex- hibited at the end of the treatise. The first table contains the price of full-substanced or full-propor- tioned Brilliants, explained as follows:--the first column exhibits a supposed increase of size and weight, from a stone of a carat to one of an hundred carats. The first five articles are carried on by the increase of one carat each, the following by five carats each. The second column contains the price of their workmanship, according to their increase 54 A TREATISE ON in weight, at the rate of £1 per carat. The reason of carrying on the gradation by the increase of five carats is for the sake of brevity, as the different prices of the intermediate weights are inconsider- able, compared with the increased value of such stones. The first table being explained it will serve as an explanation of the other three. The second table exhibits the price of making spread Brilliants, which is rated at £1 5s. per carat, and is so done for the following reasons: namely, · that all spread stones require more care than full- substanced ones, and are not so soon despatched. The third and fourth tables regard the price of manufacturing rose Diamonds, which manufacture demanding less labour than that of Brilliants, causes the price to be one-fourth less, as will be seen by the third table regarding full-substanced or full-pro- portioned rose Diamonds. The fourth table regards spread rose Diamonds, the price of which is the same with that of full-substanced Brilliants, which is so raised for the same reasons as have been given in the case of spread Brilliants. N.B. The prices in these tables are to be doubled in wrought stones, half the weight being lost in manufacturing. If I had not inserted the different expenses of manufacturing Diamonds, it would be found want- ing in the value of every stone, but may now be easily supplied from the tables just explained. An * DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 55 7 83 instance will fully evince their use, which I will give in the case of a full-proportioned Brilliant. For example: suppose the value is required of one of the mean or middle sort of 7 carats; the Dia- mond, exclusive of the expense of workmanship, comes to £496 2s. 6d., the expense of workmanship must be reckoned at £3 15s. per carat, which comes to £26 14s. 4 d., that being added the whole makes £522 16s. 10d. From the various helps contained in this book, it may be reasonably expected that such as are skilful in Diamonds, and acquainted with the current price of them, will hereafter universally agree. The innate perfections and imperfections of Dia- monds come next under notice, Of the innate Perfections, Imperfections and Water of Diamonds. THE circumstances which distinguish the finest Diamonds are these. Their complexion must *be like that of a drop of the clearest rock water, and * Stones exceeding five carats in weight cannot be valued by any fixed rule. Their value must be determined by their size, purity, and proportion. It must be borne in mind that a badly-proportioned stone is always inferior to one that is properly proportioned. 56 A TREATISE ON if such stones be of a regular form and be truly made and free from stains, fouls, spots, specks, flaws and cross-veins, they will carry the highest lustre of any whatever, and will be esteemed the most perfect. If any are tinctured yellow, blue, green or red, in a high degree, which seldom happens, they are next in esteem; but if any partake of these colours only in a low degree, it sinks their value below the be- fore-mentioned. There are other complexions of a more compound sort, such as brown, and those of a dark hue. The first of these sometimes resemble the brownest sugar-candy, the latter dusky iror. And if any Diamonds are attended with stains, fouls, spots, specks, flaws and cross-veins, it will abate their lustre and sink their value. Here it may be ob- served, that what is commonly called the first water in Diamonds, means the greatest purity and per- fection of their complexion, which, as was said, must be like a drop of the clearest rock water. When any speak of a Diamond falling short, more or less, of that perfection, it is expressed by saying it is of the second or third water, &c., till a stone may pro❤* perly be called a coloured one. And to speak of a Diamond imperfectly coloured, and containing any. other defects, as a stone of a bad water only, is very improper, as it does not convey an idea of the par- ticular colour or defects belonging to it. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 57 Of the Superior Worth of Diamonds over all other Jewels. DIAMONDS have in every age been esteemed the chief of Jewels, on account of their innate specific qualities, which if not exhibited by proper skill, remain imprisoned. It is certain that in their natural state they have not so much beauty or lustre as some other sorts of Jewels, but when truly and judiciously manufactured, they throw forth a splendour and lustre surpassing all others, which justly entitles them to the most perfect workman- ship, and will consequently be the most likely means of perpetuating them in the esteem of the world. And this will tend to establish their worth, and secure everyone's property therein; whereas a neglect of exhibiting and displaying their beauty by proper workmanship, will render them unworthy ornaments of the great and distinguished, which of course, must sink their value. These considera- tions, doubtless, will influence the curious and dis- cerning to give all due countenance to their being exhibited, in future times, with that beauty and lustre of which they are susceptible. And if the following additional circumstances be taken notice of they will farther show that Diamonds deserve the chief regard of all Jewels. First they are the best repository of wealth, inasmuch as they will lie in the smallest space of any, and are thereby D2 58 A TREATISE ON the most portable and best conveyance of treasure. Next their superlative hardness secures them from all injury by wear, as nothing can make any im- pression on them, or prejudice their lustre, but their rubbing against each other. They can only be affected by fire, and that must be strong and lasting to do them much harm, and the injury they receive thereby arises chiefly from taking them too hastily from thence, whereby the immediate impression of the cold air may possibly produce flaws, &c. A moderate fire will only occasion a roughness on their surface, which may be repaired by new polish- ing. Reasons for Working Diamonds in a Complete Manner, and the Consequences resulting from a Contrary Practice. WHAT has been said of the superlative properties WHAT of Diamonds, &c., seems sufficient to recom- mend them to the protection of mankind from any abuse arising by ill-workmanship, as their pleasure, honour and interest are concerned in it, and nothing appears wanting to influence thereto, but that of the world being convinced of the necessity of it, from being made acquainted with the abuse that Diamonds have sustained by the contrary practice. 1 DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 59 To that end I shall first resume the observation that has been made on small Brilliants, which is, that they are in general so ill-wrought as to be void of their true beauty and lustre, and will not fill up by one-fourth or one-third the space that well-wrought stones do in a piece of jewelling work; of course purchasers of such are deprived of one-fourth or one-third of the show or appearance that well- wrought stones would make, and of the beauty and lustre that always accompany such. Next that the same effects attend stones of larger sizes, made after the same manner. N.B. The same ill effects also attend small or larger rose Diamonds, made in the same manner. The ends and purposes that are to be served by this manner of working, naturally fall under consi- deration: the most that can be pretended is that by the world being brought into a favourable notion of these goods on account of buying them at a lower price by weight than well-wrought stones, trade has been increased, and more hands employed; but it cannot mean the increase of England's trade, for that has been declining many years, and its hands unemployed, to the great impoverishment of the whole body of workmen, and those known to be as good as any, if not the best in the world: and which has arisen from their refusing to work after this rude manner, and not being able to support them- selves by the wages that are given abroad for such бо A TREATISE ON work, which appears not equivalent to the wages here given to the meanest handicraftsmen. Admitting our neighbours have increased the traffic, and employed more hands of the lowest sorts than we could ever boast of, let the consequences which are like to flow from this manner of working be considered. By the continuance thereof the disesteem that has of late been shown to Diamonds may increase; which principally has taken its rise from thence, particularly in England, and that probably has been forwarded by the good appearance which crystal or false stone work, commonly so called, has måde of late (on which all the embellishment that care and skill can procure, has been bestowed). This is observed to the credit and reputation of these traders and their workmen, and in consequence thereof this commodity frequently passes for Dia- monds; and if the same care should be taken in completing that sort of work for foreign use, they also may enter into the like contempt for Diamonds; if so, what will become of this boasted increase of trade? But if the truth of the Diamond manufac- ture be supported, their lustre will conspicuously excel the faint and languid efforts of all crystalline. matter, with all the helps of art. To disgrace this first-rate gem by ill-workmanship, in bringing it down almost to the level of this com- modity, seems to be very unwarrantable, especially DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 61 as it tends to sink this part of public wealth, and is a manifest discouragement to art and in- genuity, and also of great prejudice to fair traders, who scorn to submit to the encouragement of such mean, deceitful artifices to enrich themselves. But notwithstanding what has been offered, to show the impropriety and ill-consequences of work- ing Diamonds in an ill-manner, it is to be feared that such as have hitherto found their account in it will pursue the same method so long as they can find it their interest so to do. To prevent this abuse, the sizes of Brilliants and rose Diamonds are exhibited, by which anyone may know whether a Diamond of either manufacture be well or ill-made; and this is thought the most effectual means of putting a stop to it, judging all persons who have any considerable value of this kind will afford their assistance in discountenancing such an injurious practice; if so, the world will see persons of rank and fortune distinguished from others, by the in- imitable lustre of these jewels; for which purpose, doubtless, they were intended. But it may be said that many persons of rank and fortune are possessed of such ill-wrought stones, and the encouraging of this refinement of manufac- ture will make them appear in a worse light. This is allowed; but at the same time, it is to be under- stood that all ill-wrought stones are capable of being made as perfect in respect to workmanship, as any, 62 A TREATISE ON without the least loss of their expansion or breadth, and that such rectified stones will appear to sight rather larger than in their present form; for by be- ing made more open, every part of their upper sur- face will be more clearly seen, and what loss of weight they sustain will be compensated by the re- maining weight being of more value; or, in other words, that weight will be worth more per carat, and then such will weigh as much as they ought when sold, and by this means indifferent Diamonds may be made fine, if the matter or stuff be such, which is frequently the case; and the reason of their being but indifferent before, was their being overloaded with weight, and otherways ill-wrought, which obscured their true lustre. This compliance with what is proposed, will make them of rather more value than when bought, and the loss to the purchaser is that which is paid for rectifying them. This will prove a greater disadvantage to the pur- chasers of small Diamonds than to the purchasers of larger stones, as the workmanship of small stones is a considerable part of their value. Here it may be proper to observe, that the worst workmanship is frequently performed on coloured stones to render them cheap, by which means they are generally disposed; instead of that, they should have all the advantage that art can bestow on them, to recommend them to the just favour of the world. And stones, however coloured, that are not attended : DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 63 with specks, spots, fouls, stains or any other defects to weaken their lustre, ought to have the utmost skill of workmanship; and numbers there are, if well-wrought, that would carry as much or more vigour and spirit than many that do not fall under that denomination; and therefore, if any made stones appear susceptible of an improvement of their lustre by being rectified, it is fit that such should receive the benefit thereof, for the sake of the pleasure and credit it must afford the owners, and the reputation that such a conduct will bring to this species of Jewels. And it is to be imagined, that this will be thought worthy of some notice, as the world seems so strongly disposed to value per- fection in this Jewel, and none can be said to be so that has any manifest imperfection of workmanship. And here I shall take the liberty to observe, that the truth of the manufacture of either, was never brought under any stated rules of practice; nor was there any recourse to be had to prove the truth of the manufacture of any Diamond, till this treatise made its first appearance, and for want of something of this kind, there have been, in all times past, in- numerable disputes amongst workmen, concerning the true method of working Diamonds. But this must be owned, that the fewest disputes on this head have been found amongst those of the best judgment; and, moreover, it is known that their practice, when left to work agreeable to their 64 A TREATISE ON own sentiments, has nearly been conformable to the rules here advanced, and to which practice they would have always adhered, if left at liberty; but the selfish views of those they have wrought for have obstructed it, and laid them under a necessity of working according to the directions given them. This has been the cause of so much defective work- manship on Diamonds, and not only on middling stones, but likewise capital ones. This was the very cause of the largest Diamond that ever appeared in Europe being wrought in a deficient manner; which, if it be now as it came out of the hands of those who wrought it, I take the liberty to say, may be rendered complete; by which means its form will be more comely and graceful, its lustre greatly increased, and of course its value, although its weight may be somewhat reduced; and then it may be said to possess all the dignity that Nature has favoured it with, and likewise that art has done it justice. The first fact I can make appear by two leads cast from the stone; one when it was a rough Dia- mond, the other when cut and polished; and the second, how it came to be wrought as it was, I can prove by incontestible evidence. That this is the case of this and many other large Diamonds is not to be wondered at; but rather how those who had the direction of manufacturing such stones, were influenced to submit to the loss DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 65 of so much weight, having nothing but conjecture to direct their conduct; and their having left an over-weight, must be owned to be an error of the right side as that may be discharged whenever it is thought proper; and it can scarcely be imagined that any will be fond of retaining weight in a stone that renders it ungraceful in its figure, and destroys its life and vigour; especially as its expansion is not lessened thereby, but will appear to sight larger than before; which, perhaps, may cause a stone to be deemed good that before was ranked in a lower class. And, as it has been before said, such stones will be worth as much or more, notwithstanding the reduction of their weight, than when possessed of their former weight by the remaining weight being of a higher worth; so the expense of rectifying them is the only loss that will be sustained. The Use of the Sizes in Purchasing Rough Diamonds. AS the use of the sizes cannot but be sufficiently seen in regard to wrought stones, they will appear of equal use in regard to rough Diamonds, inasmuch as they will assist the judgment concern- ing the loss of weight that may be sustained in 66. A TREATISE ON 2 working any Diamond; and therefore must be of great service towards forming a right notion of their value, as it is well known that some rough Diamonds must sustain a much greater loss or diminution of weight than others, arising from their peculiar shapes. And to form a true judgment of the value of any rough Diamond, the price or value of one of a carat weight, similar to the stone which is to be purchased, determines its value, as in the case of manufactured Diamonds. But as it is more difficult to judge what a rough Diamond will prove when cut, than to judge of one manufactured, the buyer, supposing him to be a merchant, must act with proper precaution, and make sufficient allowance to himself for the uncertainty of the stone answer- ing expectation when wrought. And if it be a stone of a considerable value, he must allow him- self also for the interest of the money he lays out, according to the time he supposes the stone may remain unsold. These precautions are the only means of guarding against the hazards and disad- vantages that attend dealing in large rough Dia- monds; and by such a conduct, dealers may be enabled to sell at a price agreeable to the estimation of the skilful; which estimation is the only thing to be regarded by those who purchase them for their own use. To urge any other considerations to the purchaser for augmenting the price of any Diamond beyond its just value, will, it is humbly DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 67 apprehended, be judged a weakness, and likely to hinder the sale of such goods. But, if it should be here remarked, that particular cases or occasions may justify the seller in demand- ing an advanced price for any Diamond, such de- viations must be considered as merely occasional, and the buyer is at liberty whether he will comply or not. Remarks on the India Manufacture of Diamonds and their Custom in Regard to Rough Diamonds. ALTHOUGH it has been supposed, under the head of valuing Diamonds, that the India people are acquainted with the principle of esti- mating them, it will be now shown that they are masters of no other essential parts of knowledge concerning Diamonds. * The Diamonds of India differ from the Brazilian; the Indian are of a different specific gravity, and possess more lustre and brilliancy, and consequently are more valuable than the Brazilian. The supply from India has for many years been gradually decreasing, and numerous places which formerly produced large quantities of Diamonds have become totally unproductive. From several Indian sources, at one time so rich, producing Diamonds of great value in abundance, the supply appears to have become almost entirely exhausted. The defective knowledge of the Indian people, referred to by Jeffries, has been considerably modified of late years. Civil- isation has diffused light and knowledge. 68 A TREATISE ON The manufacture of them they seem to know very little of, as appears by the wrought stones that come from thence, none of them being fit for use, and therefore are always now wrought when brought to Europe, which I shall describe as follows: they are called lasks. They are in general ill-shaped or irre- gular in their form at the girdle; their substance or depth is ill-proportioned; some have more of the stone's substance at the top than at the bot- tom; their tables are seldom in the middle or centre of the stone, and the collets the same; and some- times the tables are of an extravagant breadth, and sometimes too small; in the same manner are the collets, and seldom horizontal; and their girdles are often very thick and not level; the small work very irregularly performed, and none are properly polished; and the chief thing regarded is that of saving the size and weight of stones; and this is not much to be wondered at in them, as they are unacquainted with the beauties of well-wrought Diamonds. From hence it will appear that they must be unqualified to judge of the true worth of individual rough Diamonds. For instance: they cannot know what a Diamond will lose in working, to be well made; nor can they know, if a stone be coloured, what degree of colour it will retain, or what life and spirit a stone will carry well wrought; all which they are very conscious of, and this makes it very difficult to trade with them for single stones. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 69 But it is not so difficult to trade with them for parcels, because in them there are stones of all shapes; and as some will lose more, some less, they guess at that as well as they can; and so in respect to their other properties, in which they are not quite so much at a loss: and then they value them by the lump, as they weigh one with another, by the rule. From whence we may see how necessary it is for Europeans to be furnished with knowledge, as by that means they must have some advantageous opportunities in buying large stones, through the ignorance of these people. Although it has been shown how much regard they have to the saving of weight in working of Diamonds, their attachment thereto will farther appear, by the following custom having prevailed time out of mind, the reality of which seems not to be doubted. The great people there employ a vast number of slaves in search of diamonds: the small and *It is a curious fact, that in Sumbhulpore the Diamond washing is hereditary in two tribes, whose origin is unknown, but who appear, from the traces of negro blood, to be descen- dants of slaves imported by one of the conquerors of India for that labour; they are called respectively Thara and Tora, and possess sixteen villages in free Jhageer, or freehold; they now number about 400 to 500 persons, working in the dry season in the bed of the Mahanuddy, from Kunderpore to Sinepore. The largest Diamond found there, since the transfer of this country from the Mahratta to British rule, has been of eighty- four grains. The quality of the diamonds is here distinguished by the names of the Hindoo castes. The first quality is called - 70 A TREATISE ON • middle-size Diamonds they sell, and some of the large ones; but when they are fortunate in meeting with a very large one, they lay it up as a treasure, to aggrandise their family; and the head of the family has a small, shallow hole drilled on the surface of the stone, and when he dies, the next chief does the same, and so from one to another—and the more of these holes a stone has, the higher it is in esteem, although such holes may prejudice it, if it were to be manufactured; but as that is never in- tended, they do not regard such prejudice, and these stones are never parted with, let what will happen; and if they foresee any ruin to the family (as that sometimes happens in their further pur- suit of Diamonds, which is very expensive, from the vast number of hands they, employ in that undertaking), in such cases they bury those stones, so that they never appear again. For they cannot bear the thoughts of any others having the posses- sion of that which they have obtained at so great an expense; and, it is said that, in consequence of that custom, there are many very large Diamonds irrecoverably lost, and likewise many that will never be parted with. Brahma, the second Kschetri, the third Bysch, the fourth Su- dras. The weights used are the machas and the ruttee; the machas consists of seven ruttees, and the ruttee is something less than 2 carats weight." For this quotation we are in- debted to Mr. Harry Emanuel, F.R.G.S., being an extract from his work on " Diamonds and Precious Stones." DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 71 This custom is imagined to arise from their being fearful of a Diamond losing its value, by losing weight and magnitude in being wrought, which is very true, as they work them, because they are void of lustre, and therefore it is not an unreason- able conduct in them, on that account alone; but there is another reason assigned for it, which is, the hazard their Diamonds are exposed to by their manner of working: this is much greater than what attends the working of Diamonds in Europe, for they perform it in a rougher manner than is done by the Europeans, more especially in respect to polishing them; in doing of which they lay an excessive weight on their Diamonds through un- skilfulness (and for want of such curious machinery, or mills, as are in Europe), which makes it not practicable for them to give Diamonds a true polish. Although this is the case in respect to the India manner of working, there come now and then stones tolerably well wrought and polished; but these have been supposed to have been done by Europeans, and upon their mills and skeves, and to have been the property of such. 72 A TREATISE ON Some Account of Authors who have heretofore treated of Diamonds and Pearls, and the Im- provements which have been made since their Times. THOUGH what I have advanced is really the produce of many years' critical observation, in the course of dealing in rough and polished dia- monds, and has been a work of much time, labour, and great expense, I am not a little pleased to see it agree with what I have since found to be mentioned by some celebrated writers, who have · exhibited the principle upon which Diamonds are to be valued. The first which fell into my hands was Monsieur Tavernier, who mentions it in his "Voyages through Turkey, Persia, and the East Indies," which he published in the year 1670, and which were translated into English in the year 1678. The next was the memorable Mr. Lewis Roberts, who published it in his "Map of Com- merce," in the year 1638. Some time after, I communicated the principle of valuation I have exhibited in this Treatise to an acquaintance of mine, who was a dealer and a Diamond-cutter, and who had lived many years at Fort St. George in that capacity; by whom I was informed, that the India traders (meaning the natives of India) had some established rule of estimating Diamonds, etc., which he believed to be the same with what I then DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 73 proposed. At length, several years after the pe- rusal of the above writers, a still more ancient one was shown me, by means of a gentleman of great learning, and of great figure in the literary world. This author was John Arphe de Villa Fane, who speaks of the principle of valuation in his treatise. entitled the "Standard of Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones," published in Spanish in the year 1572, by the King of Spain's especial licence. These writers have mentioned some attempts to settle rules for the manufacture of Diamonds; but, it is to be ob- served, that not only what they have delivered is very imperfect, but that when they wrote, the art of making brilliants was not discovered; which manufacture is essential to the saving of the weight formerly lost, by cutting all rough Diamonds into tables and roses; to prevent which loss of weight, as much as possible, a heavy load of substance has been left on both these kinds of manufacture. Moreover, to save weight, rough Diamonds have. been frequently sawed, especially such as had no corners, in order to make them into roses; but this practice was attended with a much greater expense of workmanship, and withal, a much greater loss of weight, than they have been subject to since the making of brilliants has been introduced; this latter manufacture being more suitable to stones of most shapes. These observations show, that if the truth of the E 74 A TREATISE ON manufacture of table and rose Diamonds had been known in times past, which appears not to have been the case, although it might have been of use in preventing the past defective manner of making them, it could not procure the advantages which flow from the addition of the brilliant manufacture, since that renders the whole a complete system; and not only contributes to the greatest saving of weight, but likewise ascertains the general loss of weight, as has been already observed, which could not be known till the manufacture was reduced to settled rules. The want of this, probably, occa- sioned a disregard of what has been taken notice. of by these authors, concerning the manufacture and valuation of Diamonds. The next thing to be considered is Pearls. i PEARLS. Of Pearls: their Perfections and Imperfections. THESE jewels are next in importance to Diamonds, as they constitute the next greatest share of wealth of any other kind. The first thing to be * The Pearl, from the most remote ages, has been considered one of the richest gifts of Nature. In the sacred writings, Pearls are frequently alluded to; as, for instance, in the Book of Job, chap. xxviii, we are reminded that the excellency of wisdom " cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire; the gold and the crystal can- not equal it, and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold: no mention shall be made of coral or of pearls, for the price of wisdom is above rubies." Another familiar in- stance may be given, the kingdom of heaven being likened unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. The ancient Persians, Egyptians, Baby- lonians, and other Oriental nations, held the Pearl in great esteem. The Romans regarded them as extremely valuable, and they realised the most extraordinary prices. Pliny places the Pearl next to the Diamond in value, and supposes the former to proceed from drops of dew swallowed by the oyster. In China Pearls are used as medicine-a belief existing among Orientals of their great curative powers in various diseases. The Pearl in Hindostanee is called "Moti." In Bengal, at one time, virgins wore them on their arms as a preservative of virtue. Seneca exclaimed against the shameful extravagance of the Roman ladies in wearing Pearls. They termed a Drop- Pearl "Unio," and wore a pair in the ear, just as ladies do at the present day. 76 A TREATISE ON observed concerning them is, that what beauty they possess is the mere produce of nature, and that they are not susceptible of any advantages or helps by art- -a circumstance which recommends them to the esteem of the world. Those of the finest shape are perfectly round, which fits them for neck- laces, bracelets, jewels for the the hair, and other such like uses. But if a Pearl, of any considerable size, be of the shape of a pear, it is not reckoned an imperfection, because it may be suitable for drops to ear-rings, solitaires, and many other jewels. Their complexion must be milk-white; not of a dead and lifeless, but of a clear and lively, hue, free from stains, fouls, spots, specks, or roughness: such are of the highest esteem and value.† * Pearls vary in shape as well as in colour. Some of them are of very curious form indeed, and will realise good prices if found suitable for fancy articles. As regards colour, those of a pure white are held in the highest esteem: the other colours which some Pearls possess are pink, red, blue, yellow, green, and grey. Pearls possess great historical interest; and these beau- tiful gems, when of large size and fine quality, are of great value and realise high prices. Philip IV. of Spain, in 1625, purchased one of the finest Pearls in existence called La Pere- grina, and which, after passing through the hands of several nobles, is supposed now to be in the possession of a Russian princess. In proof of the value of Pearls we may mention the fact that the Shah of Persia has a Pearl valued at sixty thou- sand pounds, and the Truaum of Muscat has refused thirty thousand pounds for one he possesses. The Empress of the French has the finest Pearl necklace in the world-equalled only by the one presented to Her Majesty by the East India Company. The Marquis of Abercorn possesses a matchless Drop Pearl of large size, and the Princess of Prussia was pre- sented, on her marriage, with a very large necklace, but the Pearls are unfortunately of inferior quality, and misshapen. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 77 Pearls are defective when rough, spotted, or dull; whether that be owing to any miscarriage of nature, or to age, to wear, or any other accident; when irregular in their shapes, be they flat or hollow, craggy or gibbous; when they are stained with any colour, as yellow, blue, green, red, brown, or that of a dusky iron. It is also an imperfection when they have large drilled holes, or are rubbed flat about the edges of the holes by long use. These defects cause a very considerable difference in the value of Pearls, of the same weight and size.* * The number of fine and large Pearls is exceedingly small, and are found of almost every imaginable colour, and of the most curious shapes-in some instances of considerable size, but those of fine quality and large dimensions are very rare. The Oriental Pearls are seldom found of any colour but yellow and white, and are usually of a round shape, whilst the American or Panama are generally blackish or brownish, and principally long and drop-shaped. The wonderful polish of a fine Pearl-which constitutes its value-has never yet been even passably imitated, and appears to be caused by the friction of the soft body of the oyster for a considerable length of time, and this polish exists, in most cases, only on the outer skin, as on removing the external surface the neat layers are invariably dull in colour, and dead in lustre. | 78 A TREATISE ON Of the Rule of Valuing Pearis. HE only rule of valuing them, is by the square of THE their weight, as in the case of Diamonds; nature producing them after the same manner, viz., a vast number of small ones, and progressively a less number of larger, as they increase in size and weight. Upon this principle two tables are formed, of the prices of Pearls. The first eight contain those of a carat weight downwards, of eight differ- ent values, which will be found in Plates 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24. The first being explained, it serves for the other seven. The first column con- tains the number of Pearls in an ounce troy, from those of a carat weight to such as weigh but the 32nd part of a carat. The second column contains the progressive decrease of their weight, from those of one carat, to those of the 32nd part of a carat. The third contains their several prices, from one carat at 2s. to those of the part of a penny. The fourth contains the price of an ounce, at the rate of 2s. per carat, which makes £15, to that of the small- est size, which is 9s. 43d. 3 The next thing to be taken notice of, is a table that relates to Pearls, of a carat weight and upwards to an hundred carats, which will be found in Plates 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. The prices of Pearls in this table, are founded upon the supposition, that the general price of Pearls, good and bad blended DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 79 together, is 8s. per carat; which will be found to be the first article in it. This table, therefore, will be of the same use with regard to Pearls, as the Dia- mond table is in regard to Diamonds. For, if any Pearl exceeds in quality, or falls short of those of the middle sort, the rise or fall upon the price of a Pearl of any weight must be so much per cent., as judg- ment shall direct; which prevents all trouble of finding it out by the rule. To show the convenience of this table, the following example may be given. If the value of a Pearl of 43 carats is required, which may be supposed to be 10 per cent. better than one of the mean or middle price, its price will be found, by the table, to be £9 10s. 1d., then 19s. is to be added, which is the produce of the 10 per cent., and makes its value to be £10 9s. 1d. To find out the first price by the table, reduce the 4 carats into eighths, which makes 39; then mul- tiply 39 by 39, that makes 1521, the square of the weight in sixteenths; therefore divide 1521 by 16, that brings it again into grains, and makes 95; then divide the 95 by 4, that brings it to carats, and makes 23 carats, 3 grains, and of a grain; which at 8s. per carat, produces £9 10s. 11d. I 6 And as another method is introduced for finding out the value of Diamonds, which is as applicable to Pearls, the foregoing weight is made use of as an example. For instance, see what a Pearl of 47 carats comes 80 A TREATISE ON to at 8s. per carat, which will be found to be 39s.; so multiply 39 by 4, that makes 156s., or £7 16s.; then add the value of of 39s. which is £1 14s. Id.; cast up the two sums, and that will produce £9 10s. 1d.; so these two totals are alike, and agree in price with one of that weight in the table; and that being the price of one of the middle sort, the value of the 10 per cent. must be added, which is 19s., so the value of such a Pearl is £9 10s. 1d. These instances are supposed sufficient to show how much readier the value of any single Pearl is to be found, by making use of the table; the usefulness of which will appear in a stronger light, when it is considered what number of occasions Pearls furnish by their multiplicity, and likewise the small value they are of individually, although not so regarding their quantity. N.B. Their value, compared with Diamonds, is but as 8s. to £8. As an application to the table appears to be by far the readiest way of coming at the value of any single Pearl, its farther usefulness will be shown in valuing any parcels of Pearls. For instance: suppose a parcel of Pearls (be their number and weight what they may), and various in respect to their qualities or goodness; first, weigh the parcel altogether; when the weight is known, count their number; when that is known, see what the weight would be per piece, if they ! DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 81 were all of one weight, and then endeavour to form a judgment what they may be rated at per carat, as a mixed parcel; having settled that, see what a Pearl is worth, of the weight you found they would be of if they were all of equal weight or size, and then value the weight of the whole parcel by the price of that Pearl, and that will give the value of the whole parcel. To illustrate this, suppose nine Pearls of nine several weights, which may be of different qualities or goodness, but being blended together, they may be reckoned worth 8s. per carat. As this supposed price agrees with the table, the example will be drawn from thence, and will begin with the first article therein, as underneath :--- Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 of Carats. Ι Ο Ο Ο Ι Ο Ο I 0 1 0 ΙΟ I 1/1/0 I I 11/0 I 8 00 BELLO O - - 0 1 8 1 8 2000 1 t 1 1 £ s. d. 68 0 O Ο ΙΟ O 12 1 1/1/0 6 0 15 1/1/0 O 18 O I I I I 4 6 I 8 1 H H I 12 O The nine weigh 134 carats, and come to £8 9 6 The above nine Pearls, weighing 13 carats, would make the weight of each 1 carat, the price of which in the table is 18s., therefore multiply E 2 82 A TREATISE ON 18s. by nine, the number of the Pearls, that makes 162s. or £8 2s. od. The value, rating them by their several weights, as above, makes the total £8 9s. 6d., which is 7s. 6d. more than by the other method of valuing them; and this arises from the loss of fractions in that case, and although that be something in this sum, it is not worth regard in a larger sum, which will be the same when Pearls are rated at 8s. per carat, and for farther satisfaction the following case is inserted:— Carats. Ist of 6000 2nd 600 A 8 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th t 1 8 600 бо 6 ㅎ ​6 금 ​Hez Haz Hlaz -laz O 6 2/3/20 7 0 0 0 The nine weigh 58 carats, I · 1 I £ s. d. 14 8 0 15 8 15 12 6 16 5 16 18 17 II 11 О I 1/1/ 6 18 4 18 18 1 19 9 6 £152 9 6 The above nine Pearls, weighing 58 carats, would make the weight of each 6 carats, the price of which in the table is £16 18s. First, multiply nine by £16, that makes £144; next, multiply nine by 18s., that makes £8 2s., add these two sums together, the total will be £152 25., which is 7s. 6d. short of the above sum of £152 9s. 6d. But if the DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 83 number of articles had been more, and the price of any parcel of Pearls should be higher, it can but little increase the difference, and therefore it is not worth regarding, more especially when it is con- sidered, that none can judge the value of any one Pearl or parcel, to any such-like nicety. As to what has been said of the convenience of this table, the same might have been said of the Diamond table; but as there seemed not to be the like necessity for it, in regard to Diamonds, it has hitherto been omitted, and the rather to avoid repetition. As the convenience of this table is evidently shown, it may be proper to observe, that in making use of that, or either of the other methods for find- ing the value of Pearls, the highest price of any Pearl of a carat weight cannot be valued at more than 16s., when the price of the middle sort of that weight is valued at 8s., nor those of the lower sort of a carat, at less than 2s., because all of a baser sort deserve not to be considered as Jewels. And this, probably, will be thought scope enough to em- ploy speculation and judgment; notwithstanding which, it is to be supposed, that all who are skilful will agree in sentiments concerning the value of any Pearl of a carat weight, however circum- stanced, as nearly as in the case of Diamonds, as the value of Pearls if any weight is to be deter- * The beauty and value of Pearls depend on their colour, form, texture, transparency, and lustre. To be perfect a Pearl 84 A TREATISE ON mined by the price of one of a carat weight similar in all circumstances; or, as was said of Diamonds, the same may be said of Pearls, that every Pearl is to be valued as it is worth per carat, by the rule of estimating. N.B. It is to be observed, that what is supposed of judicious Jewellers agreeing in their sentiments to five or ten per cent. concerning the value of any Diamond or Pearl of one carat weight, by which the value of a Diamond or Pearl of any weight is to be determined, is to be understood to relate to the natural and just value of them only; and when there is a compliance with any other price, that must be considered as the occasional price; and if persons who buy for their use, could be assured what is the just price of any Jewel, it would be the means of influencing them to give the value of them. And this must necessarily facilitate the transaction of this business, and I am humbly of opinion, if this had been the case in times past, must be perfectly round, or drop-shaped; it must be of a per- fectly pure white colour; it must be slightly transparent, free from specks, spots, or blemish, and possess the peculiar lustre characteristic of the gem. The value of drop-pearls is difficult to estimate, and the prices vary so greatly according to size and quality; but it may be mentioned that perfect white drop- pearls of 80 to 100 grains, may be estimated at from £7 to £11 per grain; those of 50 to 80 grains, at from £4 to £7 per grain; and those of 30 to 50 grains, at from £3 to £5 per grain; smaller sizes bring from £1 to £3 per grain. Misshapen pieces are often sold at per ounce, the price varying from £10 to £200 per ounce, according to size, quality, and colour. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 85 many capital Jewels, which have lain many years in the hands of persons who bought them in order to make profit of the money laid out, would have found purchasers of them long ago, to the advan- tage of their present owners. As so much depends on traders being masters of the most complete knowledge of this business, it must be supposed they will not be wanting in im- proving themselves therein by all means that may be procured, as it will render them a beneficial body to the rest of mankind, and, of course, raise their characters, which have heretofore lain under disagreeable imputations. Here it may be proper to observe, that whatever knowledge persons may have of the just value of Jewels, it will not exempt those who buy them for their own use from sustaining a loss in purchasing them; but it will lessen the losses that might other- wise happen, which the world has heretofore been subject to for want of such knowledge. That losses must be sustained is unquestionable, and that these must vary as circumstances differ, the following cases will evince. 86 A TREATISE ON 3. Observations on the Losses supposed to be sustained by the Purchase of Jewels. THE expense of making some pieces of jewelling work comes to a considerable part of the pur- chase money; and generally where there is the least value of Diamonds, the expense is the greatest, as when a large number of small Diamonds are em- ployed; when such a Jewel is re-sold, that expense. must be deducted, if it be injured by wear or by accident, or it becomes unfashionable. Again, Jewellers must be supposed to have a considerable sum of money employed in trade, the returns of which are not very frequent; and, there- fore, a loss must unavoidably attend the purchasing Jewels, and the greater in buying large Diamonds, although the expense of setting them be less on account of their lying much longer in the posses- sion of Jewellers than those of the smaller sort; and, therefore, all Jewellers, supposing the pro- bability of this, never give so near the value of them as for smaller stones, they being always more marketable. As this is the case, persons of rank and fortune, that need not regard any reasonable loss, or the interest of money, are the proper purchasers of Jewels; and the money laid out by such persons * Pearls are much more generally worn on the Continent than in this country, some of the commonest description being DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 87 can no more be deemed luxury in them, than that which is expended in equipping and furnishing side- boards and cabinets, and on all other costly personal equipments in gold and silver. But it may be said, that the latter is more useful and necessary than the former; to which it may be answered, that its uses may be supplied at a much cheaper rate; so the appearance and credit must be the remaining motive for laying out money that way, which is the same in respect to Jewels; and if the losses attend- ing the purchasing these be an objection, it will be found to lie as strong against the other, in respect to fashionable elegant things, the workmanship of which, upon an average, comes to at least one- fourth, if not one-third, of the purchase money. sold very extensively in the south of Germany, Russia, and the Danubian Principalities, where they are worn by the pea- santry, and are greatly valued by them. Pearls deteriorate by age, and by contact with acids, gas, and noxious vapours of all sorts. Various means for restoring them to their original beauty have been tried, but have been found useless, and cal- culated to still further injure them than to restore them. The best way to preserve Pearls is to wipe them with a clean linen cloth after being worn, depositing them, carefully wrapped in linen, in a closed box. The operation of boring Pearls should be performed slowly and with great care, so as to avoid the risk of breaking them. The natives in India are very expert in this particular, the holes there being drilled much smaller and more straight than is accomplished in this country. In the Exhibition of 1862 a curious article was shown in imitation of Pearl. It was made of mother-of-pearl, in the form of a straw- berry, and was sold to an English merchant for a ridiculously exorbitant price, its intrinsic value being comparatively trifling. 88 A TREATISE ON The loss by Jewels, it is humbly apprehended, will not, in future times, exceed that, although it has been otherwise in times past, as appears by instances that have been given; which show that not above one-third or one-fourth of the purchase- money could be obtained for Jewels, either by way of pledge or sale; which has chiefly arose from jewellers not being well acquainted with the natural and just value of them, which cannot be the case in future times; it being evident that traders have it in their power to come at their true value, by estimating them as they are worth per carat, by the rule exhibited. This being the case, anyone else may attain the knowledge of the value of any Diamond or Pearl, or parcels thereof, by applying to a skilful jeweller, to know what they may be worth per carat. And this will be the means of preventing any persons selling their Jewels on such disadvantageous terms, as have been before taken notice of, since they will rather pledge them, and wait for a more favourable offer; and a better knowledge of their value will procure more money lent on them, if occasion requires it, than in times past. And as the skill of traders appears so useful, they must be supposed to be entitled to a suitable reward, for giving their opinions in all such cases. These measures will tend to support the worth of Jewels, and render all property of this kind permanent DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 89 wealth, exclusive of the deductions a little before mentioned, and make them the proper possession of persons of rank and fortune here, as well as in other countries-especially if the wealth of the nation increases; because all purchases of income must advance as that augments, and of course brings down the value of money. For example, if any one should be forced to give three hundred pounds for an income, that in time past could be purchased for two hundred pounds, it is evident that then three hundred pounds is reduced to the value of two hundred. If this be an evil, the laying out the exuberance of our money in Jewels, seems to be the properest redress of it, as they are a durable, though not a profitable, treasure; inas- much as they may be found of convenience in any time of distress, whether private or public. The latter, indeed, we have the happiness to have no reason to fear. What has been observed of the utility of Jewels, Diamonds especially, to persons of dignity, and those of different fortunes; and of the conduct of the India people, in not forcing the sale of them, by lowering their price, but, on the contrary, withdraw- ing them when there appears a slack demand, which is supposed to arise from the great expense they are at in the search of them; for although the price of labour in India is excessively cheap, yet the hands that are employed in this work, as 90 A TREATISE ON Monsieur Tavernier and other authors have taken notice of, are so very numerous, that it makes it a costly, and even a precarious undertaking; and con- sidering that, notwithstanding Europe has been supplied with Diamonds from thence, and from the Brazils, within twenty years last past, abundantly more than in any preceding number of years; yet the amount of the annual value of them, on an average, comes a great deal short of two hundred thousand pounds sterling; and, further, considering that many countries are come more into the use of them, of late years, than formerly, and that some, which in times past, were almost strangers to their existence, are now buyers of them, but principally the most indifferent sort, which is a beneficial circumstance, as the taste of other countries, which I need not name, is so much refined: all these cir- cumstances taken into the account, and supposing the Brazil mines prove abortive, cannot but abate a suspicion that has been entertained concerning this part of the world being glutted with Diamonds, which it is thought by such persons, will in time sink the price of them. Judging these considerations are sufficient to quell such fears, I shall proceed to show it is not the case at present, their price of late being advanced (I mean in Europe only), and the cause of it is this: that most of the capital Jewels are returned into the possession of their proper owners, which have some DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 91 years past been in the hands of usurers, owing to the great expense that some princes have been at in the late war; which the peace has not only enabled them to redeem, but likewise qualified them to become farther purchasers. And this proves the fitness of pledging Jewels rather than selling them below what they ought to fetch, supposing that necessity does not force any thereto; which is not to be imagined of persons of high rank, or of good estates, as time gives them an opportunity of redeeming any pledges. CONCLUSION. THIS concludes the important subject I have been treating of; and the enlargements that have been made to this edition, I flatter myself will be found not only explanatory of my first publication, but that they will likewise give force to what is therein contained, and which would have been added thereto, had I then seen it to be necessary; but which I have not been convinced of till lately, and now think the omission of it would be an impedi- ment to my design, which is that of communicating 'truth and knowledge, beneficial to the public, and to all ingenious traders, and which is calculated to raise their reputations and usefulness, and likewise to promote art in the embellishments of Diamonds, and recover, if possible, the almost lost manufacture of them to this kingdom, that has in time past been possessed of the chief share thereof, and which has carried the improvement of it to the greatest height of any part of the world, and is now as capable of doing so as ever, if permitted; which I hope to see brought about. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 93 The loss of this valuable manufacture, and of the trade resulting therefrom, has been wholly owing to a delusive manner of working them abroad, which enables foreigners to sell 'Diamonds cheaper by weight than it is possible to afford well wrought ones for. By this means they are become pos- sessed of almost the whole of this manufacture and trade. And this practice has been much countenanced by some traders in London, who have sold for some years past three-fourths or more of these foreign wrought Diamonds, to the great discredit of their wearers; which conduct seems to come but little short of an affront on the quality and gentry of this kingdom, and shows a manifest disregard of the interest thereof; which I am sorry to have occasion to take notice of, as well as of some other matters that could not justifiably escape my observation, but which I am satisfied will give no offence to any impartial unprejudiced person; and the new matter in this edition, I doubt not, will meet with the approbation of the judicious, as it must give an additional enforcement to what is contained in the first, and serves to render these important articles of wealth of more established worth than in timės past, since their value appears to be determinable by rules founded on reason and truth, which has hitherto been subject to the capricious estimation of unguided judgment. And I am the more 94 A TREATISE ON encouraged to hope for the countenance of such persons, as my first has received that honor, as well among people of rank and condition, as among traders in Jewels; and I have the satisfaction of knowing it daily gains ground, and am particularly pleased in finding a considerable increase of busi- ness within twelve months past, in the best manner of working Diamonds. And now being no ways conscious of having taken any unwarrantable freedom in any part of this treatise, but pursued truth, justice, and the fit- ness of things to the best of my knowledge, I shall not trouble my readers with any farther vindication of my conduct. But in respect to any imperfection of style that may appear in this treatise, I hope the candid part of the world will overlook it, as I make no pretension to any accomplishment in that way, and all that I have aimed at has been to convey my thoughts in as clear a manner as my abilities would enable me to do: and this, I question not, will be accepted as a sufficient apology for any in- accuracy of expression in the Book. DIAMONDS AND PEARLS. 95 1 The expence of making The expence of making full-proportioned bril- liant diamonds. spread brilliant dia- monds. Carats. Per Carat. Carats. Per Carat. d. l. s. d. I 1 2 3 l. s. I I I I 4 5 IO 15 20 I O O 2 6 5 7 6 I IO O 2 2 6 2 15 3 7 6 5 IO I 5 O 1 8 1 I II 3 I 14 4 I 17 6 2 13 I 389 4 4 4 5. o O 5 15 7/1/0 6 II 3 7 8 6 10/1/20 2 6 8 18 1 9 13 9 IO 9 4 II 12 5 0 0 71 12 16 3 13 II 101 14 7 6 15 3 11/1/0 15 18 9 O 15 20 25 4 0 25 30 4 12 6 30 35 5 5 O 35 40 5 17 6 | | | | | | | | ││││ 1 2 3 4 5 40 45 6 10 O 45 50 726 50 55 7 15 55 60 87 6 60 65 9 0 0 65 70 9 12 6 70 75 10 5 75 80 10 17 6 80 85 II IO О 85 | | | | | | | | go 12 2 6 90 95 100 12 15 O 13 7 6 95 ΙΟΟ 16 14 4 96 DIAMONDS AND PEARLs. The expence of making The expence of making full-proportioned rose diamonds. spread rose diamonds. Carats. Per Carat. Carats. I 1 2 3 4 O 15 0 16 101/20 0 18 9 I 0 7/1/2 1. s. d. I 5 I 2 6 ΙΟ I II 10 15 2 I 3 20 2 10 7/1/ 20 25 3 0 O 25 30 3 9 41 | | | | | | | | | │ 4 123 +50 ΙΟ 15 30 35 3 18 9 35 40 4 8 40 45 4 17 6 45 S. Per Carat. 1. d. 0 2 о O 6 I I I 5 O I 7 6 2 I IO O 2 6 2 15 O 3 7 6 400 6 4 12 5 5 5 17 6 6 10 O 50 5 6 101 50 7 2 6 55 5 16 3 55 бо 65 71 60 65 77∞∞ 70 6 15 7 4 4 O 65 70 75 7 13 9 75 80 85 8 3 1 8 12 6 80 O 50 IN O 7 7 15 O 8 6 9 0 0 85 90 95 9 I 10/10 9 II 3 90 95 JOO 10 10 71 100 | | | | | 9 12 ΙΟ 5 IO 17 II IO O 12 2 6 12 15 O 15 7 6 6 1 2 a 5 a a 9 7 Z a 9 T h 9 7. 1 .3 4 6 4 1 2 The Size of Brillant Diamonds. Number Weight|| Number Weight Number Weight 13 34 3 22 7 2 18 14 J 3 1/3/ 23 72 4 5 15 44 27 16 12 เง 2 25 り ​17 4/3/ 7 24 9 2½ 18 5 23 19 52 3 20 11 34 12 ནས་ ذا 21 62 26 27 10 24 122 ت 3 Brillant Diamonds. Number Weight Number Weight 29 14- 35 24 30 1522 36 26 31 32 17 183 37 28 38 30 33 20 33 34 22 39 ୦ O 4 Brillant Diamonds. Number Weight|| Number: Weight 40 36 44 50 41 39 45 54 72 42 46 O о 58 73 46 47 62 5 No Brillant Diamonds. WtNo 18 49 50 51 O о Wł 66 52 55 70 53 90 75 54 95 80 55 100 6 3 7 ནཱ། ། The Sizes of Rose Diamonds. Number Weight || Number Weight||Number Weight 7 2 3 13 3 22 ク ​4 Fif 14 23 72 1 ~~ 15 44 24 8 18 76 42. 2 17 43 25 7 24 9 8 2/1 70 5 26 10 9 23/0 19 53 10 3 27 11 20 6 11 34 28 12/ 27 622 12 3} 8 Rose Diamonds. number Weight Number Weight 29 14 35+ 24 30 15½ 30 26 31 17 37 28 32 182 38 30 33 20 34 22 39 33 9 Rose Diamonds. Number Weight|| Number Weight 40 36 44 50 41 39 45 54 42 42 46 58 43 46 47 62 10 No Rose Diamonds. W t люб Wł 48 66 52 85 49 70 53 90 50 75 54 95 51 80 55 100 .1 11 The Tables of Diamonds. Nt Price Wt Price Nt Price Cr £ s d Cr £c s d Cr £es d 1 8:0:0 3/ 105:2:6 64 312 :10:0 16 10:2:6 3 9/9/9/0 112 10:0 68 325:2:6 14 12:10:0 37 120:2:6 67 338:0:0 13 15:2:6 4 128:0:0 6 351:2:6 12/12/2 18:0:0 4ㅎ ​136:2:66 364:10:0 18 21:2:644 144:10:0 67 378:2:6 19 24:10:0 4 3 3 3 153:2:6 7 392:0:0 1/3/ 28:2:6 4 2 162:0:0 76 406:2:6 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ too six majoo you 40/20 coli noo 32:0:0 435/55 171:2:6 74 420:10:0 2호 ​24 2 3/ 2÷ 24 N N 36·2:6 43 180:10:0 73 40:10:0 43 190:2:6 7/2/2 45:2:6 5 200:0:0 732/ 50:0:0 53 270:2:6 55:26 54 220:10:0 7% 2章 ​60:10:0 53 231:2:6 2/17/ CO N 3 66:2:6 5½ 496:2: 6 8 512:0:0 242:0:0 86 528:2:6 72:0:0 535385 253 ·2:6 84 544 10:0 264·10:0 8 9330 561.2.6 34 8 84:10.0 5/1/2 276:26 8 2/3/1/1 578·0:0 33 97:2:66 288:0:0 83595:26 3 ½ 98:0:0 63 300·2·683 612:10:0 37 78:2:6 5 435:2:6 450:0:0 73465:2:6 480:10:0 12 Diamonds continued Wt Price Wt Price Wt Price Cr £ s d Cr £ s d Cr £ p d 87 فل 630:2:6 11½ 1058:0:0 14% 1596:2:6 648:0:0 11/15/ 1081:2:6 144 1624:10:0 9 9급 ​666:2:6 9 # 684:10:0 77-3 11/7/ 1704:10:0 748 7653:2:6 7128:2:6 14 ½ 1682:0:0 9 3 703:2:6 72 1152:0:0 14 1771:2:6 7 9ž 722:0:0 123 1176:2:6 143 1740:10:0 98998505 71:2:6 724 1200:10:0 143 7770:2:6 9 760:10:0 72-3/30 1225:2:6 15 1800:0:0 93 780:2:6 723/ 7250:0:0 15 1830:2:6 10 800:0:0 12 1275.2:6 15 1860:10:0 10/3/ 820:2:6 723 1300:10:0 153 7897:2:6 10 840:10:0 12/3/ 70/31/ 867:2:6 13 1326:2:6 1522 1922:0:0 1352:0:0 15 1953:2:6 10글 ​882:0:0 73 1/1/ 1378:2:6 153 1984:10:0 70% 903:2:6 137 1404:10:0 153 2016:2:6 103 924:10:0 | 133 | 1431:2:6 76 2048:0:0 10% 946:2.6 13½ 1458:0:0 16% 2080:2:6 77 968:0:0 || 133 | 1485:2:6 767 2112:10:0 11's 990:2:6 132 1512:10:0 163 16층 ​2745:2.6 114 1072:10:0 1331540:26 162 2178:0:0 11-3/31/ 1035:2:6 14 1568:0:0 168 2271:2:6 13 Diamonds continued. Wt Price Nt Price W Price Cr £s d Cr £os d Cr £os d 763/ 3 2244:10:0 19 3003:2:6 22 3872:0:0 16% 2278:2:6 192 3042:0:0 | | 17 2312:0:0 | 193 | 3081:2:6 772346:26 193 3120:10:0 22% 3976:2:6 22 3960:10·0 22 40052.6 | | 174 2380:10:019 3160:26 22 4050:0:0 224095·2·6 3240:26 22 4140:10:0 172485:26 204 3280:10:0 22 4186:2:6 17 2415:2:6 20 3200:0:0 17½ 2450:0:01 20 1/1/ 17 2520:10:0 203 3321:2:6 23 4232:0:0 17 2556:2:6 20½ 3362:0:0 23% | 4278:2:6 18 2592:0:0 20 € 3403:2:6 234 | 4324:10:0 18% 2628:2:6 203 3444:10: 0 23% 4377·2·6 23 4418:0:0 18 2707:2:6 21 3528:0:0 235 4465:2:6 18 | 266410:0 || 20% | 3486:2:6 18½ 2738:0:0 211 | 3570:2:6 3570:2:6 232 4512:10:0 18% 2775.2:6 274 183 2812:10:0 21 187 2850:2:6 21 19 28880 0 213 19 2926.2.6 21 19 296470:0 27% 3612:10:0 23% 4560:2:6 23급 ​3655:2:6 24 4608.0:0 3698·0:0 24% 4656.2.6 3747:26 24 4704:10:0 3784·70·0 248 4753:2:6 3828:26 24 4802·0:0 14 Diamonds continued. Wt Price Wt Price Wt Price Cr £s d Cr £o s Cr £o s 24 4851:2:6 292 6962:0 34 9660:10 25 24 4900:10:0 | 293 24% 4950:2:6 30 5000:0:0 30 7080:10 35 9800:0 7200:0 7320:10 35½ 10082:0 354 9940:10 25号 ​5100:10:0 30% 252 5202:0:0 30% 7442:0 35 10224:10 7564:70 36 10368: 0 25 5304:10:0 31 7688:0 36 10572:70 26 5408:0:0 31 7872:10 36½ | 10658:0 263 5512:10:031 7938:0 364 10804:10 2625618:00 313 8064:10 3710952:0 26 5724:10:0 32 8192:0 37411100:10 27 5832:0:0 32 8320:10 37½ 11250:0 27% 5040:10:0 32 8450:0 37 11400:10 2732 6050:0:0 | 323 8580:10 38 11552:0 27 6160:10:0 33 8712:0 3811702:10 28 6272:0:0 337 8844:10 383/2 11838:0 282 6384·10:0 | 33½ 8978: 0 3812012:10 28/ 6498·0:0 333 9112:10 28/3/ 6672.10.0 34 9248:0 29 6728:0:0 343 9384:10 20 6844:10:0 342 9522:0 39 12768:0 39412324:10 393 | 12482:0 3 39 12640:10 15 Diamonds continuedo. Wt Price Nt Price Wt Price Cr £ s Cr 40 128000 45% 404 12960:10 45½ £es Cr £ 51 20808 21218 16380:10 16562 0 51% 401 13122:0 | 45% 16744:10 52 21632 403/ 13284.10 46 16928:0 522 | 22050 47 13448: 0 | 46± 17112:10 53 22472 414 13612:10 4612 17298 0 533 | 22898 412 137780462 17184 70 54 23328 41 13044:10 47 17672054 23762 42 24200 43 14112:0 474 | 17860:10 55 | 424 | | 14280:10 47½ 18050: 0 55½ 24642 | 423 144500 47218240:10 56 25088 42% | 14620:10 | 48 14792:0 484 18432 056 | 25538 18624:10 57 25992 43 4 14964:10 48% 7 18818:0 57½ | 26450 43 ½-½ 15138: 0 483 432/ 15312 10 49 44 154880 49i 10012:10 58 26912 19208:058½ 27378 19404:10 59 27848 444 15664:10 49½ 196020 59% 28322 44½ || 15842·0 493 19800:10 60 28800 41 16020:10 50 20000 0 60% 29282 45 16200: 0 50ž 20402:0 61 29768 16 Diamonds continuedo Wt Price W Price W Price Cr £ Cr £o| Cr £o 61½ | 30258 72 41472 90 64800 62 30752 72ź 42050 91 66248 622/ 37.250 73 42632 92 67772 63 37752 73ź 43218 93 69792 637 32258 74 43808 94 70688 64 32768 742 44402 95 72200 642 33282 75 45000 96 73728 65 33800 76 46208 97 75272 65½ 34322 77 47432 98 76832 66 34848 78 48672 99 78408 66ź 35378 79 49928 100 80000 67 35912 80 51200 671 36450 81 52488 68 36992 82 53792 682/ 37538 83 55112 69 38088 84 56448 69z 38642 8.5 57800 70 39200 86 59168 70%2 30762 87 60552 71 40328 88 61952 • 712 40898 89 63368 77 The Tables of small Pearl. The Number of Pearl in an Oz Froy. Their Value Their Value Their Weight s P. Piece P. Ounce at 2 p. Carrat at that Rate No 6 Cr 750 160 171 184 1 15 76 14:7:3 1:63 8 13:1 : 10/1/ 72:2:774 s d£ s d 2: 0 1:932 1: 932 15:0:0 200 3 4 17 278 240 266 300 342 400 480 boo 800 1200 16 晋 ​2-2 32 1 1/2 3 8 18 Die No 2/0 cold 5/20 7 ть 8 ~/or N/ÃO 3/0 6/10 y/o m/ão 0/00 1:32232 1:12 11 322 ク ​19 7392925 6 4 32 19 3 3 -0 11:5:0 10:6:01/08 9:7:6 8:8:348 7:10:0 6:10:1176 5:12:6 4:13:9 3:15:0 72222 2:16:3 1:17:6 2400 71/6 18:9 4800 7 32 1928 9:47/2/2 18 Small Pearl continued. The Number Their Value Their Value Their of Pearl in an Oz. Triny Weight at 4 p. Carrat at that Rate 4. Piece D. Ounce No Cr s d £ s d 150 160 777 75 76 7 4:0) 30:0:0 2/0 0/00 3:63 28:2:6 3:01 26:3:84 13 184 76 2:7 24:5:102 200 2:3 22:10:0 278 1/6 1:10 1/6 20:12:1궁 ​240 266 300 312 400 480 600 800 5 8 1:6-3 18:15:0 4 9 ть 1:33 금 ​7/6 NOU NÃO opo 1:0 16:16:7/½ 15:0:0 9 3/3/6 13:7:70/4/ 6 3 77:5:0 4 4. $ 9:7:0 3 77 1 1/ 7:10:0 7200 2400 1/6 4800 13322 3 m/x mião mi 5:12:6 3:15:0 1:17:6 18:9 19 Small Pearl continuedo. in an The Number of Pearl Z Their Oz Troy Their Value Their Value P. Piece 4 Ounce Weight at op. Carrat at that Rate No 150 6.r sd. £s d 1 6.0 45·0:0 15 160 16 5:3 32 42:3:9 7 171 8 13 184 2010 4. 218 ть 5 240 266 300 312 400 480 600 800 1200 2400 4800 No monio No You Nije oni 1/10 NT GO/A0 NO NÃO Many 4:78 34·5:63 3:11 2 17 36:8:9-3/4 32 3:42 33:15:0 2:10 32 30:18:2.13 73 76 2:4. ㅎ ​28:2:6 1:10 - 20592 25.4.11/ 32 1:6 22:10:0 7 16 1:1 23/32 25 8 10/ 10 8 19:12:93/6 16:17:6 7 32 74:1:3 76 7 4 4 7/47 3 2 52 32 1 // Nivala No va 11:5:0 8:8:9 5:12:6 323 2:16:3 32 128 1:8:17 20 Small Pearl continued. Their Value Their Value The Number of Pearl in an Oz Froy No 150 160 777 184 200 Their p. Piece Weight at & g. Carral f. Ounce at that Rate 6r s d £s d 1 218 7/6 240 266 300 342 400 480 600 800 1200 210 ya monix 5ão 50/60 ayo Ny MAO 3/00 53/20 siqi milo ale 8:0 7:0층 ​60:0:0 56:5:0 3 6:1 1/2 52:7:43/ 13 76 5:3:3 48:11:9 3 4 4:6 45:0:0 3:9층 ​47:4:33/ 3:1 ½ 37:10:0 2:67 2:0 7:63 33:13:3.3 30:0:0 26:3:84/ 1:7 3 22.10:0 9 8 18:15:0 4 6 15:0:0 3 3 3 11:5:0 1 7:10:0 2400 166 3:15:0 4800 32 933528 7:176 21 Small Pearl continuedo IN AN The Number of Pearl Z Trcy Their Value Their Value Their P. Piece Weight at top. Carral އ P.Ounce at that Rate Vo Cr s d £ s d 750 15 160 76 171 184 200 218 240 266 300 342 400 480 600 73 76 CO NO NO mid 50 60 3 10:0 8:91592 7:7 공 ​6.7 32 7 5:7 2 75:0:0 70:6:3 32 65:9:28 60:14:84 56:5:0 4:823 51:10:4끎 ​32 3:10 7/ a 16 3:1 32 31 4 77 76 8 7 miec w/o sit apo ~/00 2:6 7:10 31 32 46.17:6 42:1:7- 37:10:0 32:14:79/6 7:43 28:2:6 17 322 23:8:9 7 2 18:15:0 4 32 14:1:3 7 1 % 7 9:7:6 2400 76 15 32 4800 32 15 4:13:9 2:6:707/2 728 800 1200 3 78 8 22 Small Pearl continuedo The Number of Pearl in an Oz Troy Their Their Value Their Value Weight P. Prece P.Ounce at 12 p.Carrat at that Rate: No 6.r s d £sd 150 160 171 184 200 218 240 266 300 342 400 480 600 15 16 Ala atler 0:00 ale nie ako o/a al/a A/co aică color 12:0 1 90:0:0 10:69 84:7:6 76 9:24 78:11:0 16 7:17 16 6:9 5.876 4:8 금 ​3:9 3/6 3:0 2:3 -1/6 ть 7:8 4 7 7:2:76 9 72.77:72 67:10:0 61:16:55/ 56:5:0 50:9:113/ 45:0:0 39:5:63 33:15:0 28:2:6 22:10:0 800 16 5 76 16:17:6 1200 7 8 2 4 71:5:0 2400 7/6 5:12:6 4800 325 2:16:3 64 23 · Σ Small Pearl continuedo. Their Value Their Value 200 218 .240 266 300 542 400 480 600 800 1200 ठ 2400 1/6 4800 210 000 03/10 3/4 5/10 1/0 0/0 y/o no 3/0 0/0 1/4 3/10 7/ Yo Yo 76 7 79 16 The Number of Pearl Their P. Piece Pounce in an & Froy Weight in No 150 160 777 184 at is Carrat at that Rate 6.r s d £ s d 1 15 14:0 12:3-32 105:0:0 98:8:9 10:8 흥 ​91:12:10/7/ 9:2:22 85:0:64 32 7:10:2 78:15:0 71 - 76 6:7:32 13 72:26 5 5:5:8/ 4:5:32 65:12:6 2 3:6 7 2:8 32 5 45:16:51/0 1:1 응 ​39:7:6 7:413 32:16:3 32 10 1/ 26:5:0 76 5 224 29 32 19:13:9 2 / 13:2:6 27 32 6:1:3 32 27 728 3:5:72 58:18:39 52:10:0 24 Small Pearl continued. The Number Their Value Their Value Their of Parl inan Oz Froy Wight at 18 & Carrat at that Rate f. #Piece P. Ounce لة No 로 ​sd £sd 150 160 177 75 76 1 16:0 120:0:0 184 76 200 218 240 266 300 342 400 10/10 7/0 0/100 5/10 40:00 0/0 Nov 7/10 3/00 14:03 112:10:0 8 12:3 104:14:9 73 10:6 3 录 ​97:3:6 9:0 90:0:0 71 16 67:6:72 4:0 60:0:0 3:0 $ 52:7:4 2:3 45:0:0 480 1/ 1:6 2/4 37:10:0 600 4 1:0 30:0:0 800 1200 7/6 2400 4800 32 76 3/10 ~100 6 3/ 22:10:0 7 3 15:0:0 76 7:6 3/ 6:3 5:03/ 75:0:0 82:8:77 only majo 3 76 7:10:0 3:15:0 25 The Tables of large Pearl. Wt Price Wt Price Wt Price Cr £ s d Cr £ s d Cr £ s d 1 8:0 38 5:5:14 64 15:12:6 1/7/ 10:11½ 35 5:12:6 63 16:5:1/3/2 17 12:6 3/7/ 6:0:17 62 16:18:0 18 15: 1½ 4 6:8:0 65 17:11:13 11/12/2 18:0 4/ 6:16:732 63 18.4.6 1/ 1:1:1/3/2 44/ 7:4:6 6% 18:18.13 13 7:4:6 4号 ​7:13:13 7 19:12:0 17 1 : 8 : 1½ 42/3/2 8:2:0 7½ 20:6:1½ 2 1:12:0 45/55 8:11:11/2 7/3/4/ 27:0.6 2备 ​1:16:7½ 43 9.0:6 7/3/ 27:15:13/ 24 2:0:6 4 / / 9:10:7/3/ 7/1/2 22:10:0 23 2:5:74/ 5 10:0:0 750 23:5:73 23 2:10:0 5/17/ 10:10:13/ 73 24:0:6 2 1/1/00 2:15:1 5/1/ 11:0:6 7/%/ 24:76:73 23/03 3:0:6 54 17:71 72 8 25:72:0 2급 ​3:6:1/7/2 5/1/ 12:2:0 81 26:8:12 3 3:12:0 5/15 12:13:12 8/4/274:6 37 3:18:17 53233 13:4:6 8-32353 28:1:1/2/2 34 4:4:6 5%/% 13.16 1/2 8/3/ 28:18:0 33 4:17:172/2 6 14:8:0 84 29:15:7/2/2 37 4:18.0 6 ž 15:0732 87 30:12.6 26 Large Pearl continued. Wt Price Wt Price Wt Price Cr £ s d Cr £ s d Cr £ s d 877 31:10:13/ 77/31/2 52:18:0 74ㅎ ​79.76·732 9 32:8:0 1150500 54:1: 1½ 74 87:4:6 9 33.6·1/½2 773/ 55:4:6 143 82:13:1½ 94 344:6 11/4/ 56:8:13½ 7412 84:2:0 93 35:3:7/½/2 72 57:12:0 145 85:11:1½ 9/32 36:2:0 123 58:16:12 || 142 87:0:6. 9 37:7:7½ 123 60:0:6 747 88:10:12 9 38:0:6 72 67:5:7½ 15 90:0:0 9739:0:172 12호 ​62:10:0 15/%/ 97:10:132 10 40:0:0 12€ 63.15:1½ 75元 ​93:0:6 10% 47:0:72 12号 ​65:0:6 15% 94:11:1/2 10% 42:0:6 12급 ​66:6:132 153 96:2:0 10%/ 43.711 13 67:72:0 15/5/ 97:13:13½2 10½ 44:2:0 133 68:18:17½ 153 / 99.4.6 10 45:3:13½-½ 13/14 70:4:6 15% | 100:16:13½/ 10% 464·6 133 | 71 11: 1½ 16 102 8:0 10% 47:6:732 13 ½ 72.78: 0 16% 104·0:1½ 17 48:8:0 13 -/-/-/ 74:5:1½ 16 105:12:6 11% | 49:10:12 132 75:12:6 763 | 107:5:1½ 17 50:12:6 137 77:0:7/7/2 16½ 108:18:0 113 57:15:13 14 78:8:0 16/5/ 110:11:12 27 16% 16385 173.78:7½ 10/2/2 17 115 12:0 19 154:1:12 Large Pearl continued: Wr Price Nt Price W Price Wt Cr £ s d Cr £ s d Cr £ 3 d 712-46 19 750.3 : 7½ Z | 752.2.0 s 193:12:0 22 22 221/195.76:7½2½ 198.0:6 17/3/ 174 17 777:6-7½ 103 156:0:6 119:0:6 193 158:0.1½ | 120:15:14 20 160.0:0 22% 200:5:17 222 202:10:0 22 204.15.13 77호 ​722:10:0 20% 162.0.1½ 22/3/ 207:0:6 178 1245:7ź 20% 164:0:6 223200:6:1½ 773 126:0:6 202 766:1:1/3/2 23 271:12:0 17% 127:16:13 2012 768:2:0 23/ 273:18:12 78 129:12:0 205 170:3:12/ 23/ 216:4.6 186 131:8:1½ 20 172.4:6 23 218:11:1½ 187 733:4:6 20/ 174:6:13½/2 23 2 220:18:0 18.3 135:1:1/2 27 176:8:0 23 223:5:142 183 136:18:0 216 178:10:1/2/2 28 225:72:6 1985 138:15:12 214 180:12:6 23. 228:0:1/2 18/23/ 140:12:6 || 21? 182:75:122 24 230:8:0 183 142:10:14 27½ 184:18:0 243 232:16:14/2 19 1448:0 27 187:1:142 198 146:6:19 213 189:4: 6 244 235:4:6 243 237:13:1½ 19* 118.4.6 213 1977:8.12 24/2/1 240:2:0 28 Large Tearl continued. Wt Price Nt Price Wt Price Wt Wr Cr £s d Cr £ s d Cr £ s d 24-1/ 242 71:12 29/1/ 348:2:0 34 483:0:6 24$ 245.0:6 29 354:0:6 35 400:0:0 243 247:70:73 30 360:0:0 35% 497·0:6 25 254 250:0:0 255:0·6 30½/2 30% 366:0:6 35% 504:2:0 372·2·0 35 577:4:6 25½ 260:2:0 30 378.4:6 36 578:8:0 } 26 25 2654.6 37 270:8:0 384:8:0 36 525:2·6 312 390:12:6 36 532:18:0 264 280:18:0 26 286.4.6 27 297:12:0 27 297:06 27½ 302.10:0 32 429:06 27 308.0:6 26 275.126 31½ 396:18:0 36 540:46 31/32/403·4.6 37 37 547:12:0 32 400:12:0 37 555:0:6 32% | 416:0·6 || 37½ 562:10:0 32 422:10:0 372 570:0:6 9 38 577:72:0 33 38% 585.4.6 28 313.12.0 33% 4424.6 382 592:18·0 287 379:4:6 333 287 324:18:0 33 45572.6 448:18:0 382 / 600.12.6 за 608:8:0 28 330:72.6 34 462:8:0 20 330:8:0 34% 469.4.6 20+ 342:4:6 34% 476.20 39% 6164.6 307 624:2:0 30 632.0.6 392-632:0:6 4 29 Large Pearl continued. Wt Wt Price Nt Price Nt Price Cr £'s d Cr £ s d Cr £ 40 640:0.0 45% 819:0:6 40% 648:0:6 45 828:2:0 402 656:2:0 45 8374·6 8 40% 6644:6 46 846:80 51 1040:8 513 1060:18 52 1087:12 523 1102 70 41 672·80 46% 855:12:6 53 1123:72 41 680.12.6 462 86418:0) 462864:18:0 53 1744 18 11½ 688.18.0. 4638744.6 54 1766:8 41 69746 47 883-12:0 54½ 7788:2 42 42 705.72.0 7140.6 47½ 902.10.0 47% 893.0.6 55 7210:0 | 55 1232 2 42 423 722:10:0|| 473 912.0.6 731·0:6 48 927:72:0 43 730:72:0 56 56½ 1276·18 7254:8 48% 937.4.6 57 7299:72 431 7484.6 48½ | 040.18.0 57½ 1322.70 432 756:18:0 48% / 950:726 58 1345:12 43 765-126 || 49 | 960:8:0 58½ 1368 18 44 7748·0 49 9704-6 59 1392·8 444 783.4 6 32 49 9802:0 59½ 1416:2 44+ 792.2.0 49$ 990:0:6 60 1440:0 442 801:0:6 50 10000:0 60% | 1464 2 45 810:0:0 50% 1020:2:0 61 1488 : 8 30 Large Pearl continued. Wt Price Wt Price Wt Price Price|Wt Nt Nt Cr £ s Cr £ s Cr £ s Cr £ s 67/1/2/ 1512 · 18 72 2073:12 90 3240:0 62 7537:72 72/1/2 | 2702:10 623/2 63 1562:10 73 2731:12 1587:12 7371 2160:18 63½ 1612:18 74 2190:8 64 76388 74 2220: 2 64½ 1664:2 75 2250:0 65 7690:0 76 2310: 8 65½ | 1716 · 2 77 2377:72 66 1742:8 78 2433:72 དྱེ ཤྲི 8 བཻ 8 དྱེ ི ཙྪཾ ཅུ 3312:8 3385:12 93 3459 12 3534.8 3610:0 3686:8 97 3763 72 98 3841:12 99 3920·8 662 | 1768:18 79 2496:8 100 4000:0 67 7795:72 80 2560:0 67 1822:10 87 2624:8 68 7849:72 82 2689:12 68½ 1876:18 83 2755:12 6919048 84 2822: 8 692 1932:2 85 2890:0 70 1960:0 86 86 70½ 1988:2 87 3027:72 2958:8 77 2016:8 88 3097:12 71ź 2044:18|| 89 3768 8 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 04920 6116