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JT I. í . . ..-.-.-.- . • •-•-.• •-•- • ' • •••••--•• •••-••-*-*********>**>**r*-- -- ** . • -.- •••••-• •••- ••• •-•--••-••-• •-• •-—•—•-**-* … -A -*• •*•-• • aE sc -gg cr-A JP// 4,^2 A-/Z u REMAINS HISTORICAL & LITERARY coNNECTED WITH THE PALATINE cοUNTIES oF LANCASTER AN D C H ESTER THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. VOL XV. PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. M.DCCC.XLVIII. LONDON – PRINTED BY WILLIAM NIcor., PAr.I, MAr.L. -l. I.! j^w QIdumcií, EDWARD HOLME, EsQ., M.D., PRESIDENT. REV. RICHARD PARKINSON, B.D., CANON OF MANCHESTER, j) est. THE HON. & VERY REV. WILLIAM HERBERT, DEAN op MANcpigstga. GEORGE ORMEROD, EsQ., D.C.L., F. R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., SED guttx PA s,;. SAMUEL HIBBERT WARE, Esq., M.D., F.R.S.E., EDINBuRgit. REV. THOMAS CORSER, M.A. REV. GEORGE DUGARD, M.A. REV. C. G. HULTON, M.A. REV. J. PICCOPE, M.A. REV. F. R. RAINES, M.A., F.S.A., Mi LN Row PARsoNAGE, N EA R Rocad Ai.g. JAMES CROSSLEY, EsQ. JAMES HEYWOOD, Esq., F.R.S. WILLIAM LANGTON, EsQ., TREAsURER. WILLIAM FLEMING, Esq., M.D., HoN. SECRETARy. THE HOLY LYFE AND HISTORY OF S A Y N T VV E R B U R G E VERY FRUTEFULL EOR ALL CHRISTEN PEOPLE TO REDE. EDITED BY EDWARD HAWKINS, ESQ. PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. M.DCCC.XLVIII. LONDON : pRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, PALL MALL. INTRODUCTION. A Society, established for the publication of historical and literary remaims connected with the Palatime counties of Lancaster amd Chester, could mot fail to direct their early attention to the history of a persom so illustrious by her birth, so reputed for the sanctity of her life, so memorable for her imputed miracles, and whose mame is familiar to every inhabitant of these palatime coumties as the patroness saint of the cathedral of the diocese. Amongst the earliest notices issued by the Society was an announcement of their intentiom to publish a reprint of Hemry Bradshaw's Life amd History of St. Werburgh from the very rare quarto of 1521, primted by Pynson. That intentiom is mow fulfilled by the present volume, comtaining the poem of which “ Harry Braddeshaa, of Chestre Abbay, monke,” is partly author, partly translator. In the “ prologe of the translatour," as he calls himself, he says, p. 4. I purpose to wryte a legende good and true And translate a lyfe into Englysshe doubtles ; amd at p. 26 gives am account of the work, which he purposes to translate. For as declareth, the true Passyonary A boke wherin, her holy lyfe wryten is Whiche boke remayneth, in Chester monastery iv INTRODUCTION. I purpose by helpe of Jhesu kynge ofblys In any wyse to reherse, any sentence amys But folowe the legende, and true hystory After an humble style, and from it lytell vary. These variations, be they ** lytell” or much, seem to be founded upom histories and chronicles, which have beem published, and are accessible to all who choose to trace the authorities for some of these legendary notices. Unto this rude werke, myne auctours these shalbe Eyrst the true legende, and the venerable Bede Mayster Alfrydus, and Wyllyam Malvysburye Gyrarde Polycronycon, and other mo in deed. p. 5. The “true legemde " is doubtless the * true Passyonary” mentiomed above, which is afterwards called the ** thrid Passionary; ” And as the history, of her lyfe doth expresse In a boke nominat, the thrid passionary; p. 120. which also seems to have contained an account of more miracles tham the translator was perhaps quite prepared to believe, or at least did not deem it quite expedient to publish at this time. To expresse all myracles, written in the place In a boke nominate, the thrid passionarye It wolde require, a longe tyme and space To the reders tedious, (nomervayle sothly) Where we omytte, to writte of them specially But touched in generall, unto your audience. p. 197. The poem is preceded by a “ Prologe in honour and laude INTRODUCTION. v of Sainte Werburge and to the prayse of the translatour by J. T.,” whose name and profession we have beem as little able to ascertain as was Herbert, when he first noticed this work. Of the main body of the poem then Bradshaw must be considered as a translator from a work,* in the Latim lan- guage, them remaiming in the library of Chester monastery, called the true Or third Passionary, inserting such addi- tional matter as he was pleased to extract from the various chronicles which he mentioms. He was however mot merely a translator, but am author, for the “ Prologes" to the first and second books, pp. 1 and 134, ** A litell orisom or prayer to the blessed virgine Saymte Werburge," p. 205, and the “ breve conclusion,” p. 207, are certainly original composi- tions of Bradshaw himself, and it is not improbable that he was also author of chapters 21 and 22, in the secomd book, being “ A breve rehersall of the myracles of Saymt Wer- burge after her translaciom to Chestre," and ** A charitable * The author of the original work here translated is not known, nor was Bradshaw himself acquainted with his name, for in ** a Balade to the auctour,” published with the translation the very year in which it was con- cluded, is mentioned (p. 210) that “ uncertayne was his name.” Warton observes ** a great translator of the lives of the Saxon Saints from the Saxon, in which language only they were then extant, into Latin, was Goscelinus, a monk of St. Austin at Canterbury, who passed from France into England about 1058. Among the rest were the lives of St. Werburgh, St. Ethelred and St. Sexburgh, most probably the legends which were Bradshaw's originals.” This conjecture can scarcely be reconciled to the above assertion with regard to the original author, that ** uncertayne was his name.” vi INTRODUCTION. mociom amd desyre to all the inhabytauntes withim the Countie Palatime of Chestre for the monasterie." The poem is writtem in stanzas of seven lines each, of which the first and third, the secomd, fourth and fifth, and the sixth and seventh, rhyme with each other. To this arrangement there are a few exceptions ; at p. 153 is a stanza ofeight limes, of which the first and third, the second, fourth, fifth and seventh, the sixth and eighth, rhyme with each other. At pp. 115, 116, 126, are three stanzas simi- larly arranged, in which three cases however the last line is Latin. Chapters 21, 22 and 23, and two balades at pp. 211 and 212 are all writtem in similar stanzas of eight limes, Throughout the poem, in order to produce, in reading, anything of rythmical intonation, the accent must be laid strongly upon the very last syllable of the line, even in cases where, according to the modern mode of pronunciation, the last syllable is as little dwelt upon as possible. Every stanza affords instances of this intonation, and it is scarcely necessary to refer to any particular passages, but in p. 125, the following illustrations may be observed, — gostly and remedy, parte and trinite, odour, savour, hour ; body, clergy, verily, &c. &c. The Latin language was probably very familiar to our author, for the reader can scarcely fail to be struck with the frequent introduction of quaint Latinisms. At p. 150 we find * With grace circumfulced and lyghtmed was Eng- land." In the same page he talks of faith enduring ** with- out recidivation," and in p. 152, of faith being “ remanent ;" we find * promyttynge," p. 163, 166 ; * facundious," p. 209, INTROIDUCTION. vii 210 ; ** desydery,” 56, and several others may be discovered by consulting the glossary. The greater number of these words it will be perceived were derived directly from the Latin, but mot unfrequently, as is most usual in writers of that age, the Latinisms appear to have been introduced under the influence of the French lamguage upom our own, rather than directly from the Latin. At p. 153, he speaks of St. Alban's monastery beimg edified, from edifier ; p. 1 15, of this life being caduce ; p. 137, of the abbey of Chester envired with walles; baptism is written baptym, baptime ; convent, covent ; sautynge, from assaut ; and dygne of dutye, from digne. The terminatiom of the past tense, de- rived from the Latim participle, is of almost universal oc- currence, as maculate, preparate, coronate, nominat, tumu- late, &c. &c. At pp. 147, 158 and 179 are quotations from Henry of Huntingdom, which contaim some errors ; it is as well there- fore to reprint them here from Savile's editiom of that author. p. 147. Nobilitas innata tibi probitatis honorem Armipotens Alfrede dedit, probitasque laborem, Perpetuumque labor nomen, cui mixta dolori Gaudia semper erant ; spes semper mixta timori. Si modo victor eras, ad crastina bella pavebas. Si modo victus eras, ad crastina bella parabas. Jam post transactos vitæ regnique dolores Christus ei sit vera quies, sceptrumque perenne. Henrici Huntingdoniensis, Hist. lib. v. viii - INTROIDUCTIO N. p. 158. O Elfleda potens, O terror virgo virorum Victrix naturæ, nomine digna viri. Tu quo splendidior fieres, natura puellam, Te probitas fecit nomen habere viri Te mutare decet sed solam, nomina sexus, Tu regina potens, rexque trophæa parans. Jam nec Cæsarei tantum meruere triumphi Cæsare splendidior virgo virago vale. Ibid. p. 179. Auctor opum, vindex scelerum, largitor honorum, Sceptriger Edgarus regna superna petit. Hic alter Salomon, legum pater, orbita pacis; Quod caruit bellis claruit inde magis. Templa Deo, templis monachos, monachis dedit agros Nequitiæ lapsum, justitiæque locum. Ibid. In the quotation from William of Malmsbury, p. 176, in the last lime, for * a " read * de.” The first book of this poem contaims an account of the descent of St. Werburge from four royal families, her charac- ter, the history of her life and those of some of her more im- mediate relations ; it also relates the primcipal circumstances of her death and subsequent removal and condition of her "body. The second book is chiefly devoted to the circumstan- ces which connected her with the city of Chester, of which she was considered the patron saint. The author at p. 4 calls her prioress and lady of the Abbey of Chester : but she was never so, except under the general appointment of Ethelred, who made her (p. 85) INTRODUCTION. ix lady ruler and presydent Over all the nonnes, of every monastery Within his realme. Ethelred indeed (p. 86) Edyfyed a collage chyrche, notable and famous In the subbarbes of Chester, pleasaunt and beauteous In honour of God, and the Baptyst Saynt Johan, but it does mot appear that she had any authority in this establishment, and indeed this foundatiom had not amy com- nexion with the Abbey of Chester. It is probable that he calls her “ Pryores” of the Abbey merely because she was enshrined there, and was considered the patroness saint of that monastery and city. To this imputed patronage of the city and its religious establishments we doubtless owe the existence of this poem ; for when the translator felt that as “ a relygyous man, losynge oftyme could not him excuse, and that for avoiding such great folyshenes he ressolved Some small treatyse to wryte brevely” p. 4. there cam be little doubt that he was led to the choice of his subject from a desire to do honour to Blessed vyrgyn Werburge, my holy patronesse, p. 5. indeed he acknowledges as much in his ** breve conclusiom,” The cause movyng us, this werke to begyn It was to avoyde, slouth and idelnes And most for the love, of this holy virgin Whiche is our sufferayn lady and patrones. p. 209. b X. INTRODUCTIO N. The reader will probably mot be displeased that this poem should be accompanied by Warton's criticisms and estimate of its character, which are, therefore, here quoted at length. “ Henry Bradshaw has rather larger pretensioms to poeti- cal fame than William of Nassington, although scarcely deserving the name of am original writer in any respect. Before the year 1500 he wrote the Life of St. Werburge, a daughter of a King of the Mercians, in English verse. This poem, beside the devout deeds and passion of the poet's patroness saint, comprehends a variety of other subjects ; as a description of the kingdom of the Mercians, the lives of Saint Ethelred and Saint Werburge, the foundation of the city of Chester amd a chronicle of our Kings. It is col- lected from Bede, Alfred of Beverley, Malmesbury, Gerardus Cambrensis, Higden's Polychronicon, and the Passionaries of the female Saints Werburgh, Ethelred and Sexburgh, which were kept for public edification in the choir of our poet's monastery. Bradshaw is not so fond of relating visioms and miracles as his argument seems to promise. Although concerned with three saints, he deals more in plaim facts tham in the fictions of religious romance ; and, on the whole, his performamce is rather historical than legendary. This is remarkable in an age when it was the fashiom to turn history into legend. “ His fabulous origim of Chesteris not so much to be im- puted to his own want of veracity as to the authority of his voucher, Ramulph Higden, a celebrated chronicler, his countryman, and a monk of his owm abbey. He supposes INTRODUCTION. xi that Chester, called by the ancient Britons Caer Lleon, or, the city of legions was foumded by Leon gaur, a giant, corrupted from Leon vaur, a great legion. The founder of Chestre, as sayth Policronicon Was Lleon Gauer, a myghty stronge gyaunt Whiche buyided caves, and dongions many one No goodly buyldyng, propre ne pleasaunt — p. 148. he adds with equal attention to etymology, But the Kynge Leil, a Briton sure and valiaunt Was founder of Chestre, by pleasaunt buyldyng And of Caerleil, also named by the kynge. p. 148. But a greater degree of credulity would perhaps have af- forded him a better claim to the character of a poet; and, at least we should have conceived a more advantageous opiniom of his imagination had he been less frugal of those traditiomary fables, in which ignoramce and superstitiom had clothed every head of his argument. “The most splendid passage of this poem is the descrip- tiom ofthe feast (ch. xvi. pp. 58—65) made by King Wulfer in the Hall of the Abbey of Ely when his daughter Wer- burge was admitted to the veil in that monastery ; among other curious anecdotes of ancient manners, the subjects of the tapestry with which the hall was hung, and of the songs sung by the minstrels on this solemn occasiom, are givem at large. “ If there be amy merit of imagination or invemtion to which the poet has a claim in this descriptiom, it altogether consists in the application. The circumstances themselves xii INTRODUCTION. are faithfully copied by Bradshaw from what his owm age actually presented. In this respect, I meam as a picture of ancient life, the passage is interesting, and for no other reasom. The versification is infinitely inferior to Lydgate's WOrSt mammer. - “ Bale, a violent reformer, observes that our poet was a person remarkably pious forthe times in which he flourished. This is am indirect satire on the monks and om the period which preceded the Reformation. I believe it will readilybe granted that our author had more piety than poetry. His prologe contains humble professions of his inability to treat lofty subjects and to please light readers.” Warton's remarks are too disparagimg ; Dibdim, who gives an extended account of the poem, forms a higher estimate of Bradshaw's merit. “ It is presumed,” he observes, “ that his name will stand among the foremost in the list of the poets of the period wherein he wrote. His descriptioms are oftentimes happy as well as minute ; and there is a tome of moral purity and rational piety in his thoughts, enriched by the legendary lore of romance that renders many pas- sages of his poem exceedingly interesting.” If it is not allowed to rank Bradshaw, according to Dibdim's estimate, among the foremost in the list of poets of his period, it is unjust to place him in so low a rank among his cotemporaries as the severity of Warton seems to demand. There is a tone of moral principle and devotional piety so unaffectedly pervading the whole volume, and so easily and maturally introduced, as to impress the reader with the convictiom that they had am INTRODUCTION. xiii habitual influence upom his mimd and heart, amd exhibited themselves without an effort and almost umconsciously im all his expressions. There is much strength and apparent sim- cerity in his numerous exhortations to piety amd devotiom. In his “ charitable mociom," (ch. xxii. p. 199 et seq.) he urges his readers to benevolence and to the support of the monastery, with great power, and sets before them every variety of motive that could be supposed to influence persons under the peculiar circumstances in which each might be placed. He appeals to the piety of their forefathers, amd endeavours to work upon all their passioms, affectioms and emotions, upom their love and fear, gratitude and duty. His familiarity with the Latin langnage has beem already moticed, and the reader cam scarcely have failed to observe his intimate acquaintance with the sacred writings, mu- merous scripture personages are adduced as models and examples of the various virtues, which adorm the christiam character ; and the language of scripture is constantly ap- parent in his exhortations and descriptions, especially where the character and acts of St. Werburge are his subjects. Moral maxims and proverbs, the concentrated wisdom of ages, seem to have been familiar to him, and may be de- tected in many of his pages. If Manners maketh man Quoth William of Wykeham, Bradshaw observes, by a proverbe certan Good maners and conynge maken a man, p. 134. amother of his proverbs is worth pointing out, as it exem- xiv INTRODUCTION. plifies the use of the word * lad " to signify a person of low degree, by a proverb auncyent A lad to wedde a lady is an inconvenyent. p. 38. The sententious brevity of a proverb is sometimes lost and weakened by adaptimg it to the metre of his poem ; Man proposes, God disposes, is expamded into Tho mankynde prepose his mynde to fulfyll Yet God dysposeth all thynge at his Wyll. p. 119. The remark of Wartom is probably just, that had he had a greater degree of credulity he would have had a greater chamce of being poetical ; credulity imdeed does mot seem to be his failing, for though he records mamy miracles of St. Werburge and with some appearamce of beliefim their reality, it is quite clear that he omits many marvellous tales, which might have beem supplied by the original work, but which would be to the ** reders tedious (no mervayle sothly)," amd to which he was mot himself quite prepared to give full cre- dit. It is true that he gives more, many more, tham suffi- cient to satisfy any modern readers ; but the Reformation was approaching, the shadows of coming events were already apparent, and were exerting their almost unobserved influ- ence upom the feelings and opinions of the people, amd Brad- shaw had evidently less faith in the miraculous legends of his monastery, tham had been enjoyed by his predecessors ; in truth there appears to be occasionally a lurking humour in his descriptiom, which betrays as much disbelief in his own narrative, as the temper of the times, and the still lin- gerimg credulity of his cotemporaries would permit. If his INTRODUCTION. XV owm good sense amd the growing enfranchisement of the pe- riod from the bondage of superstitiom, and papal impositioms, checked in him any tendency to imaginative flights amd poetic paroxysms ; it will not be denied that he frequently exhibits considerable strength of expressiom in his language, amd great powers in his vivid and graphic descriptioms. A goodly specimen of railing may be found in Book I. ch. x. where St. Ermemylde, St. Werburge and her brothers se- verely rebuke Werbode for his * grevous presumpcyon " in aspiring to the hand of St. Werburge. Many of the mira- 6 culous cures are described with great force ; and it will be difficult to find, im amy cotemporary author, so lively, pic- turesque and humorous a narrative as that of the unhappy geese of Wedon who went Mekely as yf they had reason naturall Unto her presence, amd with Theyr wynges traylynge entred into the hall. p. 98, 99. Had his merits as a writer been less tham they really are, his meek and humble apology for his defects, which he puts forth in his ** breve conclusion," would deprecate all seve- rity of criticism. He had clearly not a musical ear, his ver- sification is mot smooth and harmomious, and his naturally defcctive appreciatiom of rythmical intonation has been much exaggerated by the awkward and difficult arrangement of the stanza which he has adopted. With an easier metre his limes might have flowed with more ease and grace, and would have better conciliated the favour of his readers. xvi : INTRODUCTION. Rugged however and harsh as his verse may be, and low as may be the estimation of Bradshaw as a poet, the amiable and pious tone of the whole poem cannot but impress the mind with agreeable feelings, and excite admiratiom amd affection towards him as a mam and a christian. Of Henry Bradsha, Braddshaa or Bradshaw, who calls himself, p. 3, “ a religious mam," i. e. am ecclesiastic, nothing more is known than what is recorded by Anthony Wood, who says, “ he was born in the auncient town of Westchester, commonly called the city of Chester, and being much ad- dicted to religion and learming, when a youth, was received among the Benedictime monks of St. Werburgh's monastery in the said city. Thence at riper years he was sent to Gloucester college in the suburb ofOxon, where after he had passed his course in theology among the movices of his order he returmed to his cell at St. Werburge and in his elder years wrote, De antiquitate et magníficentia urbis Cestriæ chronicon, etc. amd translated from Latin into Eng- lish a book which he thus entitled, The life qf the glorious J^irgin St. J/erburge : Also many miracles that God had shewed for her. Londom, ] 521, 4to. He died in fifteen humdred and thirteen (5 Henry 8) and was buried in his monastery, leaving then behind him other matters to poste- rity, but the subject of which they treat I know not."— Athen. Oxon. edit. by Dr. Bliss, v. I. p. 18. The date of his death is expressly stated in * A balade to the auctor,” which is appended to the poem, by some um- knowm friend, and, probably, monk of the same monastery. INTROIDUCTION. xvii He laments the death of Bradshaw, a floure most riall Redolent in cronicles with historicall syght Whiche nowe is departed from this temporall lyght The present yere of this translacion M.D.XIII. of Christis incarnacion Cujus anime propicietur deus. p. 210. Of the works of Bradshaw above mentioned or alluded to, that “ De antiquitate et magnificentia,” etc., nothing is now known, but it is not improbable that some fragments dis- persed in various MSS. descriptive of this city may have beem extracted from his chronicle. The life of the glorious virgim St. Werburge is the work which is here reprinted. Of the ** other matters to posterity " nothing more is posi- tively knowm to us than to Wood, but Mr. Herbert was in pos- session of a poem, “ The lyfe of St. Radegunde,” also primted by Pynsom, of which he says, “ although the mame of the author or translator of this book does mot decidedly appear on the face of it, yet om comparing it with the Life of St. Werburgeit may readily be perceived that both were penned by the same person, Henry Bradshaw ; but hitherto omitted im every list of his works.” Typographical Antiquities, p. 294. Mr Cowper in his Summary of the life of St. Werburgh quotes more tham omce the Latin life of this lady by Bradshaw, and these extracts he derives from Leland's Collectanea, but where this collector discovered his original authority does not appear. Mr. Cowper is probably mistakem in ascribing the work to Bradshaw's own pen ; it is much more probable C xviii INTROIDUCTION. that the extracts are derived from the original chronicle or passionary, which Bradshaw translated into English verse, for he has himself distinctly stated that his poem was a translation from a Latin history preserved in his monastery ; he gives mo intimation of his having written it himself, and it is also stated that the name of the original author was um- known. Although this work is of very great rarity, it is not so much so as was at one time supposed, The earliest mention of the book, which we have discovered, is by Maittaire, who in 1741 inserts it in a list of books not before noticed. In 1749, Ames in his Typographical Antiquities, mentioms the work, and so describes it as to leave no doubt of his having had a copy before him. Notwithstanding all this, Dr. Foote Gower in his “ Sketch of Materials for the History of Cheshire ” in 1771, doubts the existence of such a printed volume ; and in a subsequent advertisement, arguing upom the evidence for and against the existence of such a work, adds “ no possible enquiries of mine have been able to dis- cover the least trace of it, in any private as well as in any public repository,” and closes the difficulty with the good humoured expression of Sir Roger de Coverly, “ that much may be said om both sides.” There are, however, at least five copies in existence ; one is in the Minster Library at York, and my kind friend Mr. Davies informs me that it is im modern binding, that it is imperfect at the beginning, wanting the first 22 pages, the first present leaf being C. 1. On page 23, that it is otherwise INTRODUCTION. xix cleam and in good preservation. It once belonged to Dr. Marmaduke Fothergill, and in the margim of one of the leaves near the close of the book, appears the name of Gervas Cliftom, to whom it had at ome time probably belonged. Two copies are in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, ome of which had been purchased at Warwick, July 2, 1730, by Mr. West, at the sale of whose books im 1773, it was bought by Mr. Gough, for £2. 15s. and with the other treasures of his collectiom now reposes in the Bodleiam. The other copy belonging to the same library bears the autographs offormer owners “ Wylliâ. Watson,” and “ Ri- chard Cartwright,” “ Homfree,” “ William Peate,” “John, and Mary Seres,” and om one margin appears ** John . . (cut off.) So God me save he is a loute I put you all out of doute By me John Beade, draper.” It was subsequently the property of Selden, from whom it passed to the Bodleiam. A fourth copy is in the British Museum. In the sale ca- talogue of the books of Mr. Martem of Palgrave, in lot 196, was a Life of St. Werburgh, which is supposed to be the same copy which came into the Pearson Library, which was sold im 1788, (lot 2374 the Life of St. Werburgh) and was bought by Isaac Reed for £1. 38. At his sale in 1807 it formed lot 6972, and was purchased by I. L., î. e. I. Lochee, the auctioneer in King Street, Covent Gardem, for £ 18. He is supposed to have purchased it for Mr. Parke, the editor and emlarger of Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, who XX INTRODUCTION. afterwards sold it for 28 guineas to Mr. Heber, who inserted in the volume the following note. * This book is of the first order of rarity, mot being in the Royal, British Museum, Bodleian, Spencer, Hunter, Blenheim, or Blandford collec- tioms, indeed no other copy is known to exist in any repo- sitory public or private, except one in Mr. Heber's library. Mr. Heber paid 28 guineas to Mr. P— for his copy 10 years ago, a time when 5s. went further in the purchase of a scarce book than a pound sterling does now." This mote upon a scrap of paper was probably intended as a commu- nication to some friend, perhaps to Mr. Dibdin, and, after having been copied for that purpose, was pasted into the volume as it now appears. At Mr. Heber's sale in 1834 it was purchased for the British Museum for £ 19. 5s. The fifth copy is probably the one stated by Herbert, in his edition of Ames' Typographical Antiquities, to have been then in his own possession, and which is supposed to have passed into the hands of Mr. Woodhouse, in whose sale in 1803 it was lot 859, and was sold to Mr. Hill, the prototype of Paul Pry, for £31. 10s. This gentleman's library, rich in early poetry, was sold to Messrs. Longman, and Co., and was the foundation of their “ Bibliotheca Anglo-poetica,” in which this book was priced£63., and sold to Mr. Midgely, whose library was brought to the hammer in 1818 at Messrs. Saunders, when this rare voluine was purchased by Mr. Hibbert for £42. At this gentleman's sale it was purchased by Thorpe for £19. 10s., from whom it passed to the library of Mr. Miller, the present possessor. INTRODUCTION. xxi It may be remarked that this work is the earliest, im print, which refers to Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, and his digmity in the earldom, see pp. 181, 182. The passage was cited in an affidavit made in 1843 in “ the Consistory Court of Chester," and appears in am Appendix to am appeal from “ the Chamcery Court of York, in the goods of Anne Roth- well Wignall, commonly called Amne Rothwell, Spinster, deceased, in the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council.” The errors in this reprint that may be chargeable to the press occur at page 18, lime 9, T read To, page 94, line 10, ha read had, page 99, line 15, compassyon read compassyom, amd page 112, last lime but ome, Gorrupte read Corrupte ; but it is to be feared that some triflimg errors im transcrip- tiom, such as kingdome for kyndome, befound for befoumde, us for vs, would be discovered by am accurate collatiom. Pynsom is mot uniform in the use of his i, his y, and the im- sertion or omissiom of the final e. The collation of the book is thus : it commemces with the Title-page and Wood-cut of St. Werburge, The prologe of J. T. and the Table of the boke, the secomd Title-page, with xxii INTRODUCTION. the Wood-cut repeated and reiterated at the back, and then follows the Poem, commencing with signature a and ending on giiii., the reverse bearing Pynson's device. a ii containing pages l to 14 f; » » ,, l 11 to l 18 fj 2 3 9 9 15 — 22 Í 9 » ,, 119 — 134 [C 9 9 » » 23 — 38 111 S 9 ,, 135 — 142 TJ [9 9 ,, 39 — 46 1! » 9 ,, 143 — 158 [2 9 9 » » 47 — 62 [0 3 9 ,, 159 — 166 f $ % ,, 63 — 70 4) $ » ,, 167 — 182 ß 2 9 ,, 71 — 86 [] 99 ,, 183 — 190 j) 9 » ,, 87 — 94 1. 9 » ,, 191 — 206 i • » ,, 95 — 110 £3 p » ,, 207 — 214 A Glossary and Index are added. The following genealogical tables are drawn up from the third chapter of the Poem, which professes to trace the descent of St. Werburge from four * Kynges of this lamde, and of the riall blodde of Fraunce.” Table V. has beem compiled from the other four. They do not profess to be correct genealogies, nor has amy attempt beem made to reconcile the discrepancies which occur in various chronicles, mor even in this history. They are merely intended as aids to the reader by presenting to him, in a tabulur form, that which the author gives as marrative. TABLE I. ** Regnum Merciæ ex parte patris.” pp. 10, 11. Cryda, King 6f = Mercia, A. D. 594. IT Wybba == Penda, tenth from Woden, King of== Kyneswith. T. Quadriburge Oswy, King = rede] King of Mercia, who translated St. Werburge ten years after her burial. d. inf. Mercia, A. D. 626, grandfather of of Northum- St. Werburge, slain by Oswy at berland. Leedes. -L | L Il -r- —r— | -r- 1. Penda = Elflede, 2. Wulfer, == St. Erme- 3. Ethelred =a daughter 4. St. 5. St. Mer-== St. Ermen- Alfryde, =St. Kene- St. Kenes- (Peada in daughter King of | nylde Kynge. ofOswy of Mar- walde. berge of son of wyde, bu- p. 17,) &c. of Oswy, Mercia. | daughter Northum- ceyl. Kent, (or Oswy K. ried at put to Κing of of Ercom- berland Domueue, of North- Peterbo- death by Northum- bert King [Ostryde, see p. 17) umber- rough. his Queen, berland. of Kent. vide p. 87.] [Simeon land, A. D. 659. of Durham [called gives both Egfryde, nameS tO p. 87.] the wife of St. Mar- walde.] I I. Π ST. WERBURGE. St. Renrede. St. wlade. St. Rhyn. coelde [Coel- Mer$um, St. Myidea. St. Mylburge. St. Mylgylde. TABLE II. & III. « € Regnum Northumbrorum ex parte St. Edwyn, King == Quadriburge, daughter matri§, p. 12. of Northumber- of Cryda, King of Regnum Estanglorum ex parte land. Merslande, (Mercia.) matris,'' p. 12. _ - | I T Tytylus, = Eadfryde= Offryde, King of | slain in East battle. Anglia. - Γ I Redwald = Egnicius,= Hereryc, ==Beorswyde. Martyr. King of - • Deiram. Q- | [ | —I I —I 1. Kenu- 2. Corp- 1. Ethel- 2. Adel- 3. St. Anna == St. Hereswythe, mother St. Hylde, foundress herus. waldus. Wod. here. King of East | of St. Sexburge, and and Abbess of Whit- Anglia. three others. by. I. T- Π ę -T- IT II. ... Ercombert, == 1. St. Sexburge 2. St. Audry, 3. St. Ethelburge, 4. St. With- St. Jurwyne, Aldulph, King King of Abbess of Sheppay Abbess of Ely. Abbess of burge. Martyr. “ which reyned Κent. afterwards of Ely. Bruges. a long time.” Wulfer, King== Ermenylde of Mercia. afterwards Abbess of Ely. sT. WÈRBURGE. TABLE IV. Hengystus, fourth = D ** Regnum Canciæ et from Woden, who Franciæ ex parte ma- - was the 15th from tris,'' pp. 14, i5. Noe, by Sem, the eldest son. C] | [T] [T] == [T] Ermenrycus == C] King of Kent, A.D. 535. | ] Ethelbrycht K. of Kent, == Berta of Pædde, King= Ricula. A. D. 550, baptised by France. of Essex and St. Augustin. Mydylsex. Π I - St. Eadburg. Edwyne of= St. Ethel- Eadbald=Emma St. Anna, K. == St. Hereswithe. Northum- I burge. King of of of East Eng- berland. Kent. France. land. I -T- I I -I- I I - | -T- T 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 St. Enswyde. 2 Ermenred= Queen Ercumbert = Sexburge. ** Princes ** daughters gra- Ossava. K. of Kent. honorable** cyous and commendable.” Γ I. I I I —r— r— -I- I I. 1 Ethel- 2 Ethel- l St. Ermen- 2 St. Ermen- 3 St. Adel- 4 St. Ermen- 1 Egbrycht. 2 Lothary. Wulfer== 1 St. Erme- 2 St. Erkengode brycht, drede, berge, burge, dryde, gyde, K. of nylde. ** a moynes se- martyr. martyr virgin. virgin. virgin. matron. Mercia. rene,” at Bruges under her aunt WERBURGE. Ethelburge. Penda, King of == Kyneswithe. Mercia, begam to reign A.D. 626, tenth from Wo- TABLE V. Ermenryc, King of Kent == C] A. D. 535, great-grand- son of Hengist. of East Ang- lia. Cryda, King=DT Ethelbrycht, King=Berta of T Tytylus, King=[T] Eadfrid== C] Edwyn == Quadriburge daughter of Cryda King of Mercia, -I Offryde Egnicius, =[T] Hereryc, == Beorswyde. of Mercia, of Kent, AD. 556, I France. martyr. King of A. D. 599. baptised by Au- Deiram. gustin. | T Wybba==C] Eadbald, == Emma St. Anna, =St. Heres- St. Hylde, foundress and Abbess JKing of of martyr, wythe. of Whitby, ** Lady of Strenyshalt, HXent. France. slain in now called Whytby,” p. 19. battle. den. Wulfer, King of== Ermemylde Mercia. afterwards Abbess of Ely. ST. WERBURGE. Ercombert King of Kent == St. Sexburge, afterwards Abbess of Sheppay, then of Ely. CI3bere begpmmeti) tije jjolp lpfe amnjiftoyp of fapmt \perburge/begp frutefull foy all tijriftem proplt tO relJß. CII (The pyologeofg.Qt, in tfje bonottv &iatû£0f faimt úετburgc/amoto tije papfe of p* tranflatout oftj&i£gemD£ foio\mynge, $ omout/iope/anDglorie/tjg toynegprganicati , ¢ nùeieg myrtjegio* mieioDieg/pagte y& aiigº pyinceg £2 outiffjenim pertue/intact/ag pureag criftaii 13 cicfe toaii fymmetg/ojverburge iabpmtaiftreg 3 m gtacetbou pafTeD/aiiotjetanù in gOOOmeg Ûijam tijOu imag py£fent in tjig mum Dayn£ ipfe £20me1mâgtj£ ipfie/împîoîm&/magù£/n£ ímpfe 15 ypiuyne grace/toiga rgctjepetent 15 eiopce we mag/im CTierburge orie ambali g gemme of$ertue/a birgim refplement 32 iiectof ouv ig De (in iope anb biig etgrmaii $) ut&ipfjg igfet) to interc£ùcant) cati 39 et moutij matgcfiymg/foytjgmto cafiambcrge % m D in ijctttuft/of fymm£ toijalte m£tCy £D QOOD iapp mafffreg/Decipm£ tjp tygjtafer gnô graciouffgbgbolù£/tbp fcruauit cbaftam pure $emrp %apfja/fgmgtymę momfie in qtijeftet ābicije oniy foytiy foue/tofie tije paymę anniabOure çùpiegemDetotranflat£/be Dyùbig buty cure £Dutofiatim£/in Gmglifje rupe amDeamobgie Úícije ijeijatijam£nD£ù/imitij manp an ognate ftyfe giag of QTjcftre/ye montes íjatt£ foffa tteaftt£E 39emty %5}abfja/tije ftypa of cioquence QTj£ftvetjou map imagi£/tijc D£tij oftjig fioure $o mag tjecite3£mg/aiag f0 bigabfent? $omap manp otb£v/fo, iacfi£ of bigfentente . £DttmeteiaDgtTcrburge/am ijoig %bbaffe gloyiottg. 1Éem£mbr£ í}εmvy%5;abfba/tiy fcruaüt moft gvatiO" 3n bym temagmcD mo bíce n£ py£fumpcion giyug anb wyatij/from bymt were eryt£D. $ioutijne ®gnug imjymbaU mo bominiom guaticeamDgiotomy/je btteriperpelieb £20 £icein bpmt yegn£ù/bigfeioweg be erceiicù 33 cignc ag griffali/be barc thcfc ©crtu£gtjy£ QTjaftitc/obibicmc£/amù moyifuii pou£vt£ 4D cruciingtb/τρύicijcarttjr pcrfitc cmù£ £Dftíjíg nobi£ cÌ£vfi£/am D £u£vy moytaiitjyng ggapmft tbe/no mam map bym Defenù£ �LjOu Cattfcftimo/iangout /ambanguiffyng gnù mijo on tijig/Ymdiù£ ijau£ τεmcmbyng omę from grtb/togttbbc muftagagne £ mJDlù& Difpi[& aii tijyngegtijatbC mtttm Daym£, ({aie, (Τυς tabîc oftijig bofie, 3jvft tije pyologu£ of tije ttanflatOuv of tijig iit£ii trcatyfe QI g Defcripciom 0f tfje tcaimc 0f merciêg of tje boümeg anù COmmODitgg Of tije fam£ QTap.ii. 4I3 Dcfcripciom of tije gramoiogie of tgpnt Terburge anù ìjowe |)£ DefccnJED. of.iiii, figngeg of tjig iäù£ / amiò of tije viaii bíoDÙÇ of fraumC£ QTáp,iii, QT ii. CII g piayn Defcripciom of tije att$ amo cijiuaivg of figng £g; gíaütfatjcv to fapmt ζετburge / anù of big no. ¢ anD OCttUOU3 pyOQ&tii£. QCá.iiii. CI $9ome aftcv tije Deti) of fipng 3£ba/am D of big p inc& 4ρέσg jíg tccjne tom TTiuifev fatijev of fapmt CTierburge %mag £icct to bg fiyng of mt£tci&mg. QTap.b. QI g iyttcii Dcfcripcyon of tije npbie matgage bptimem* fipng tùuifer amb faymt ®vimenilù, tije figmg3 bougjtev of 3icnt/ano of tije folempnite bone at tje fame fcatom �Ljc fppt cjapitve. CI 3 by£u£ Deciataciom of tj£ boiy ipfe amD conuertació of tapnt Tierburge/ífcD in bcv tenù£v yOutj/aboue tij& COmOm COlttg of matut£. QTap,bii. CI $9owe tjig yong£ bitgim fagnt Terburge mag Defi- τεD of Dufieg anù evicg in mariage/amD of tge reatonae pie gntwere tbe gau£ to tjem in auopbyng tucbe woy- iy picafuv£g. QTap.biii. ®I £)owe tbe faite çeteboDe Detgrcò Éynge úuifev to jau£ big ùougjtev ζ{£τburg& in mariagc/amù ijome ije gtaumt£ù tj&τὸntO. QTap.ip. ©I 39owe tbe quene taynt Germeniiœ, ipgine nat confent tùerto/& bow bet byetberme fagnt TiuifaD&/anù 1$uffim m£££ ágágmft tj& fagù mariag£. Cap.p. GI $om tje faife ûετεbOD£ COmpiagmm CD $pon fagnt ζuifape & £uffyn to fipng Gulfet/amo mag tije caute of tijcit Detij, QTap.pi. CI $9ome fignge ®uffet wag conuertcD / anu tpfie qveat repentaumC& foy ijig offence , anù by tije COltmfcii of faint gtgaDe wag a D£uput mam /am) a QOOD benefactOuv to ijoiy cijuvcj&/amù folùm Dev of ύitt£tg piaC£g QTap.pii. QI £Dt ttje feruent Defire é fingular DeuOcioy tapnt ■et burge baD to b£ tcligioug / amiò of tge Dagip fupplicati. ong (be maD£ tO ijet fatijßt, fog tjje famę, QCáp,£iii. CII £Df tij£ c£atonabi£ & m£fi£ anímere fagnt ({crburge gau£ to ijcv fatijcv/m jam je moucm bcv to jauc bcm mtae tißî). QTap.£iiii. QI £oy faint Ωgrburge mag maDe an núme at Gig aft ijCt DCÍíte ínú&t faint %uJgí íåùy anb abbaffe. QTa.pb. CI £Dt ttje gttat foîemnitaciom figmg Tiuifer maDc at g* goftig mtariage of fagnt σύcvburge ijig Dougijt at Gig / to aii ijig iou£tg anù ft£mù£g. QTap.£%i. QI £)f the bpip profeftion anù QOftig töuerfaciom fayiit {{ετburge b[CD at Q£ig i vcligiö bmú* faimt %ubri. £bii. g iitcii treatitg of tijc ipfe of tapnt gub/ic abbafTe of giy /« of bcr ijOig comttctfacion 6 grcat DcuOciom mbicj %utyie imag aliiit anù COÍym tO faymt (({£τburg£, £biii, (II % by£u£ rejetfai of tijc ipfe of faint *q#* graiìt - .111. mtOQev to faimt yerburge / & pf bet compm y to Gig to ber tptt guntie tùabbate from èûcpap monafterie, c.rir. (II 390ìme faint ®tmeniio, aftev Detbe of figmg2 TJuifer 1mag maù£ a noung at QÉÍp / bnDev ijct mtOùet $epbutg£ anù ûctfiutg& ijet; DOttgijtet. QTáp,££. CI $9pwe figng. GttjcircDc fcgnge tje bolp conuertaciü of úerburge big ngce / maDe jet iapy anD py£fiùent at {{ευom/QTremtä / &£%amburg, gito bp bet example amp coumfci maù£ iym a mOnfi£ at ')5atù£m£y abbay. C.1V1, QI φύe boig töuerfació of figng ãërcD byotijet to tapmt τΊerburge/è bome be tefufcD big cromone / $ mag mate a monfi£ at 13om£/6 tijete D£ptcù a ijoiy cófeffOuv, rpii, CI QDt ttje gottip Deuociö of tapnt Gerburge & ggrtuo* gQuernamg of jet placeg / amb of tbe great bumilite fb? btcD to be* tyfterg amò aíí creatu££g. QTa.Tpiii. CII £)owe at tTagDÜ wjioe gyfe were pgnmeD at bet cömä- Dem£nt / am D aifo τ£i£Í£ù é put at iibett®. QTa.Tpiiii, QI i9omo a tyanDe mitijOut pite mag pungffbcto big face fet bachematne / and by big mcfiemeg wag tcftaurcD to ijcitj anD pyofp£rite agapm£. • QTap.ttb. CI3otm Dcuerg. p inccg foiowpmg fcnfuaiite emtòpng to bioiatg tjig birginę bp power : bp mgacie ímere put tO COnfufiom. QTap.Τρbi. CI $9ow tapnt ûerburge gaue fimowiege to bev fpftetg of bet Departure / @ ùomc fbe 0'Dy£D in bcrtite ber fagO monafterieg after ijer Departur£. QTap.trbii, QI_£Df tije goftiy ero tació faint (Gcrburge maDc to ber fpfterg in bet tefiemgg / amb_botye Deuoutip (be rcceptiem tije faCtamëteg of ijoip cjutcijc afoy£ ijer D£tij. C.££biii, QI £Df tije Departure pf fagnt Tierburge at ςτέtä bnto jeuem frö tijg miferabie ipfe/« wbat iamêtaciom ber fp. ft£tg anD fubiccteg maùc fog ijer Detij. QTa.ttit, QI i9oipe the bábugqen* tofie ttjg blcffcD bODp of tTicr. burgv fxú @ventä by mgracie & brougjt it to £)äburg/ anù of tijc butiati of tbig birgin /amU mtampfoibe figmcg fb£ìmcù of gOD by ìjct mcriteg/tije fpac£, perc afoye ijet tranfiaCion. QCap.£££, (II g iitci bycu£ trcatifc of ijcv ijOig iyfc/am D ijo\) foy ijer myacicg fbεΥm£D aftcr ijcr Detij / tijc Cott£nt of ì}ambuti purpofcO to trädat bet bODy bg ijcipe of fipng QtQcircDg τ£igmyng in mterCciamùe. QTa.ttti, (I Qtijg folcmpn£ tranffaciom of tbig glorioug όirgim£ fapnt CGerburgc , anù of tijg gtcat mpacieg bonę at tije fame fcafom bp tijc migijt of gOD/anù merite of tjig gta CiOug iaùy. QTa.t£rii. CI 39οτρc tje bOy of fapmt (Gerbttrge continucD ijote/ ® fubftäciai at i}amburg after y* träfiacioit by tbe fpace of .Qtgt, pcrcg/tyli tbe Daneg were comon to tjig iam De/ oy it fcii â refoiu£ù mag bmtO pOmD£τ. QTap,££tiii, CI 3bere folometi) tjje Ipfe of tjje glo2p2 oug uirgpm fapmt \perbnrge/alfo mamp miratleg ti)at goû ûatù ff)e\oco foy jjcr/t fpgft túc pyologe of tjje alta Ct0ut. (I QÜe prologe of tijc tranflatour of tbig iytcìì ìmcrfi£ y* ipfc offaymt ζΊcrburge, jjjjjTj iji jebcbug baù roiic big cpurgi fagittari || 3 mb Qtapricorm£ cmtrcD a fpgnc retrograt 5] £| gmpbDcg32ccèbre /p* aprc coiDc a frofty 71 Qnù paic iucpma/tijc crtijc DpD illumpnat §S=s<§ 3 rofc bp fbortig/fro my cubycic prcparat 3boutC myùnpgbt/amD caft in mym£ intent ì9ου 3 mygbt fpembe/tbt tpm£ comucmpcmt, 3 Calicù bmto mpmbe/tijc grcat bmftcùfaftmcg £Dftbig m)rctcijcù moriDe/mot by Courg of naturc 390 m tbere bcbrougbt/tome memto bufpricg gDppreffcù mitb poucrtc/lamgottt/am D ùpfpicafur£ $ome otber graitcù/to fcipcyte amD pieature Qtbc mafier of manhymbe/moft in maicfte 1άuictij aii at big mpli/it imay mom otijcr bc, ^5cboine Dyfcrctiy /amb fc tijc fprmamcmt Confyber túc fomme/ambtbc mone alfo ζΊitbati tijg planctteg/ambfterreg rcfplcnDcnt i9ow tbcy ficpe tbeyr Courg/bOtbc to amù fro QÉucr obcùy£mt/tbeyr Creatur£ bnto gnu byrbeg bcfciy fyngyngc cuct y Day 4ârayfymge tbeyr prgmate aiitbat túcp may, QLbc iiii cicmcntcg/im iyfic combycyom @tbc fyrc/tijc matcr/tijc apre/amt) tijc iomùc 4Dbfcrbcm tijgpr Duty /aftcr tbeyr crcaCyom %m D buicum bem/am D £u£r fob£ fomù£ @Lijug cu£ry crcature/ag \m£ unùerftonùc a. ζ{crburgc a. ii. gDbepetijtobig cvcatuve /imitbijum yiyt£ Grcgptijpfioiute mam /folomyng fenfualyt£. gf mam myii remembre/boty be wag cv£ate άotìjg iyfiem£gamù figuv£/of gOD aimpgtjty gnofct in paraùyfe/a plac& mooft ù£lycat& �Lobau£ tijc fcu ycyon/of ctcvmaii glory / gfniot fymme expuitcD bym/totije baie of myfety j5uttbat be τροίύ& emciym£/big naturalit€afom QLo fcvtt£ íjíg mafi£t/ttu£ipat Du£ fcafom. 32puerg people/baue Dyuerg Combiciong gtomymiy prOu£D/itigeuety Day $om£ fetto bertu/anù gODÙ DifpofpcpOng gn penaüce/prapcv/aii tbattjey may $ome in cQntemplacyon/tb£ fotbeto fay $ome in abftgnemce/to cbaftyc£ tije bOOy 3nl) mafi£ it fubgct/to tîjç fouîc pevfytely. $omtc otijev τ£iOyC&/im fyntt£ anù yÙcimeg %»om& fevttaumteg to ({£mu3/ botij Day amo mygijt gptberto couetyfe/anù moviòip betpncg $om£ toùcceyit£/byfubtgite in fpgijt $ome gnto marcijambyfe/ά τυρmmpnge fuii vygbt $ome fcvefuii amiò tym£rottg/imitijoiit auùacytę §)omte faùùc anù fobrc/am Dofgvcat grattyte, fîtaiiy bauepicature totpcfic ofrpbauory $ygmte offygbtpnge/brauipnge /amibacteg matcgaii %Dtijev to flatet/anû paymt tije company $ometofgtbytimemêtije cuppe giù tijg waii $om£ to blafpbeme/amobyíïèmbic mjitjaii ©o bacfibpte amD fciaüD£r/bp maipce amiò £mbp $om£ to crtorcyon/tijcftc anù piagmc rcbrp, Cijugafter frapite/amofumbry compleCcyong 32pucrg mcm bpuerg in iyuyngc tijcrc b£ 32pfpofcùbp a contrary Dyfpofycyom $om£ bmto ocvtu£ /fom£ omto bampte £aamy manerg of people/moim me map fc Gauerynge in tije moriDe/mitijOut quyetneg 3g a fbpp by tempcft/ig ùtyuem Doubtleg. ûijam 3 rettoiu£D /îmitij Du£ circumtftaum CC QLije Dyu£rg mam£rg/ami) mutabplpte £Df morlùip pcoplc/anD tijg (yvcat baryaumce gnù bom tbig iyfe/ig of mo fuerte £20ìm in gtcat iangottt/mom in profpetptc jactaftcr ottt mcrptc/Ymc fbai bc furc QL0 b£ τ£ìmarùçù/at out D£partut£, Qtbam tobertuoug iaboturg/wc fbufûc applp Qmb fpcmù£ mot our tym£ /aíí im yùlem eg for ag a byrDC ig maDe/by matur£ tO flp 1Éygbt fomefbuine bfe/fomc QOOD butyneg (To our foui£ ijcitbc/Ymitij grcat m£fi£n££ for tymc cuyi fpcmDc in tabourg %aym£ 3g ijarùc to be \mcii/rccOu£r£ù agapm£ 25ut mom fytij 3 amm/a tcipgyoug mmam ffov iofpmgc oftym£/cam mot mt£ £rCufc (Tijcrfore3 purpofc/to DO ag 3 cam gii fucje pOleneg/wbyiom to rcfufe ζ{itb tbc gracc of gOD/tjg tpm£ fov tO bfe, ,* a* a* ζ{£tbutgc, û, 111, $om£ fmaii trcatyfc/to imryte breucip QLotbc compm buigareg tbept mymbę to fatyffy, gTonetcrgbe bye byffprycg/3 Dare motbe fobolbe $ytgit iga mater/for cierfieg conuenyent gg of tije, bii, aege3/amo of ouv parcnt&g oiug £Dc oftije, iiii, empprcg/τρbyiom mQoft excellent íáno\mynge my fermynge /tijcrto imfuffyCp&mt gg for bamby baiaDcg/yg fijaii bau£ mom£ of m£ QLO ££cytç iygjt bcvteg /topicature amiò ôamptc, ')5ut moîm in auoybymge/fuctjc grcat foîyffb£m£g 3 purpofe to wrgtg /a iegemDe gOOD ambtru£ gnb tranfiatc a ipfe /into Q£nglyfîbc Doubtieg 3 meamg tije fpoute/of our iorbe 3befu ')5iefTcD fapmt ζΊcrburge/replete mitb bcrtuc - 3 noble prymceg botm£/31) prgpme pure amb gloryoug %ft£v am ijoiy monyaii/ambam abbcffc gracyoug, gm tije abbay of Qtijeftre/fbc ig (brymeD rycijcip £vyov£g amù iabp/oftbat boiy place Qtijc cijyef protcctvycc/of tbc fayD monaftcvy ílonge before tbe conqueft/bpDcuync gracc 3àtOteCttyC£ oftijC QTytcc/fbg ig amiò guer mag Qtalicù fp£Cyaii prpmate/am D prpncypaii prcfyDcnt Qτύere ruipnge bnbet/ouciorùe omiiypotènt, 3lmb pf 3 um mortbp/begpmmc ttjig iytcii mcrfic 3] praye ali tbe rcberg/ meficiy df parùon ¢0 correcfie anDamenDe /tytjgam nocicrhc CErtufe mp ignoraumce/anìtafie tbc cntemcpom :ftig mymoe ig to (beime/ijev iyfcam D Deuocyon Qtbat euery mam amD momam/enfampie mage tafie 3t tibig pure byrgym /fymmc to forfafic, 3nb fptbtbatfbe ig in blyfTe nom gloryfpco 3t mere morcafom /bcr mamc bc bäù in fcptemce ')5ut to tijc pcoplc/ bcr mamme be magnpfpCD QL0ij&r lauùe amo prayfc/ijomour amiò rcucrcmce £2et parenteg anb brettjetme/y* fioureg of erpcrpence i}aue bem hepte in ciofe/fcctcte manp a Day Cúberfore 3 pttrpofe/fom\mbat of tbem to fap, ffytft 3 cntcmDc/to mafi£ piayn£ Dcfcrppcyom £pf ber fatbcrg fiyngcDomie tbe rcaime offiacrcycmg άλον longe it emburêù/umber big tuycyon (ìmùet bom mamy fiymgcg/it baù pr£bemyneng 3ifo ofbcr pctpgrc /tbc moblc crccilcncc forfo mamy fapmtcg/of one fignrcù ccrtapnc 33 barbc to bc founùe /im aii tijc moribe agapnc, (imtO tbig ruò£ \mcrfic/mmym£ auctourg tbcgc (balbc fprft tbe truc iegcm Dc/amo tijc bcncrabic )5cDc fitayftcr gifvyDug aiiD úylipam £aaiuytburyc (5yrarù£/3£pipcromycom/amù otijev mo in Dccù 320ìm gloryoug gOD/gtattmt m£ to prOCCùc 05ÌcffcD byrgym (Gcrburgc/mp boiy patroncfTc i9ctpc m£ to cmnptc /3 prapc tijc fum£te mayfttcffc, GI 3 Dcfcrypcyom oftije rcaime of £tcrcyemg/of bonorg anù CommuDùpteg of tije fame, Qtije pere of our $augoure/by fuit cumpulacyon foure büDrcù/mpne a fourty frome big matiuite . . Cúerburge, ά, 1111. gg bemerabie 25eDe/miafi£tb Declaracyon 32ufi£ ì}εngyft cam£ to tbig lambe in gvcat topaite {Gitb $arong/%mgl&g/3utcg/tbre people mpgijtye 32cfyvcD by Gortygcv/tijam fipnge of J5vytong QTamc to Defcnbe/fto grcttoug oppreffyOng, gito tijg yev€g of our bieffeù fattyOute $yre bumbrctù foutc fcorcam D mpme crprcffc Qtbc ^5vytong mere erpuitcD/fo taptb mpme auctoure from ®ngiam De to maii£g/mitij gteat moretciyOmeg 3m QEngiam Detijam cui cù/fcu£m fipmgeg Doubtieg úbofe mameg me purpofe/to fbeme mitbipceng 05ut prpmcypaiiy/oftije fiingùOm£ of £ìcrcycmg. @Lijc fyrft reaime of ©aromg/begam in íácmt Qiije yere of gtace/foure bumoretbfpue ambfyfty ζύere Dufic GEngyftug/im jompu* ercellent ζIitij fceptre anùccommc/fyrft reygmeD ropaliy (Tijc feconDc imag $olutijfer/faytij tije fyftory ζύet ADla amo ©tia/reygmeDfuii tygbt. ([(lijicje vcaimc cmburcD/but fbort tym£ im mpgijt, QTijg tbpyòe magúeft faromg/famOug anù mygbtp ζύere fpcft ccygn&ùíåyngc Qteroicug Qτύe pere of ouv iorDe/fyue bumoretùone amotwenty ζίύicij& rcaime bp proceffc/amo poìmer byctoryoug $ubDucDaii otjer/to bym fuii memoroug ¢ge pryncypaii Qtpteeg/of big regaipte ζετ£ in oiDc fcafom/ζìpncbefter anD $aiefburgc, QLijg fouvtij imag ©ftfep/imijevc Dufie Q£vcbemimpm ffptft tepgn£ù fipnge/ijauynge Domynacpom j5y tbe iynge offiaevteiamDe/brougbt ofte to tugne QLijc cbpef QLytee mag QTolcijcftct/of big ùomympom Qifo of ccft Gmgiaiiù£ /Ymag tijg fyfti) fiyngùom£ ζύere Gffa crommcD/ijabfyrtt tje fufferaynte 4Df 42ortijfoifi£ anù $outijfoifie/fimomcn in certaynte. QLijc fyrtbe mag tijg fiyngùomme of fìcrfiam De Ωibere QtryDa mag crommcD fyrft bp auctorpte í}auyngc nym£ fbyreg/obeùyemt to big bamùe Øgaftev fijali appetc/morc £upbcnt tobe Qiije fcucntij mag £%ovtbüberlambe/bnbet 30a & giie ζ{iyiomt ùyttyùçù/im fomùrp fiyngùom£gtìmapm£ QLijc cijpfc Qtytc£ mag yotfic/Ymber y* fiynge ùyù ccygnc, QTijg rcainmg of £t£vcycmg/by οίύc amtyquyte gg playmiy Dcciaretù/4Polycromycon QLijrc bumbrctij pereg/emùutcù in attctovytc (HnDcr cygbtem£ hymgcg/m/ortby nompnyon G5ccatcft of gouctmaumce of aiitbig t£Qyom ζύerc ({uifcc reygmcù/a fiymge byCtovyoug fatijcv to faymt ζ{crburge/byrgyn mooft gioryOug, QLije boüù£g ambiovfiyppe3/oftijc fayò fìcccycng 4g fijc\mcm ùyu£vg bofieg ijyftoryali ζ{ere targe anù mygijtp/amù of grcat prcijcmpncng Qúberetije fapD fignge reygmeù by pomet imperyati QLbig rcaim£ to Dyfctybc/begyn me fbaii £t tbc Qtytcc of Qtijcftet/amt) tûc imatcv ot 32cc ')5yt\mcn£ Q£mgianù£ amb imaieg/of tijc mcft partpe Qmb fo tramfcemiymgc/ bp tomatÙç ©bvcYmytbury ')5p tijg \mater of $abrync/t/mto ')5vyftome Qtije ©eft fcc mcturctij/tbe Gcft parte trucip Qtje mater of (Thamyg/tijc foutj parte Dotbtbeme fiomynge bmto Lonnom/imbofo Dotije it fimom£ (Ib£ mater ofí}umbrc mag om tijc mortû fpùe (Gitb tbc imater of £acrfec/tbeyr iambeg tobpugù£. QDftbeforctago tpuer/amo mater offiaertre Qttjc fiynge of £acrcyemg/tafictb big mame gg mooft fure bpugDemt/tobe baù in memorge £acturynge amb metpmge/tijc bombeg mitb gteat famt£ gDf £icvfc£ amb£}ortijumbcriamb£/fiymgcg of tijc fam£ 23itmemecheftyranniäcatgyrtbeyrfiigDomeg certapiic 4g aumcycnt QCromyci eg Defcrpbem it fuii plapnc, ¢betagb mygijty fipngDome/of £taercyengùyD boiDe £iaamy mobieQtytceg/witb tomneganù burgijeg ropati ζύicbc £emDa optaym£D/£miargcD mamyfoiDc ggQTijcfter/$tafforù/ilytcijcfciùc/Qtouëtice memorali îLyncoiit£ ambí}untyngbom/£2ottijamptom mitijaii IlepceftetamD32etby/Qtambrpbgc anD £Dromforbe (Gorcjcfter amb?3tpftomc/îmitij otber mo à î)erforDc fitamy royaii rpuerg/τρere conteymcD in tijc famc ([Gitû fumûty fipmbeg of fpffbeg/fimctcam D Dciycpoug 3t merc tcDpOug to fbemoc/oftijem tbe Dyuerg miamc £|m ryu£tg amù in po0i£g/fîmpmmpmge fuii plentuoug 3lifofot£ft£g/patfieg/cijatcg iarge amiò beautcoug 3mù alibccfteg of bencvy/picafäumt for a figngc QtO Courg atipberte /befounù tùere pafturyngè 3lifotijig toyaii τ£aim£/ijOibetbag mc fymDc 39abuitDaumice of ftuytcg /pletaunt amo profptabic ότgat piente of Corncg/gmD graymgg of ettetp fiymDe çiitijbyiieg/baleyg/paffureg/comip amo Dclectable - Qiije gogicam D giebe/ig fet plentuoug anù cùm embable gnaii picafaunt popurtegymo part pfaii tbigianùe ;£lay be COmpav£i)/to tijig forcfagù fiicrfclambe, ¢ûe propic Of £uercyemg/tbe troutije pfime Dare fape LorDcg/baromg/imgggteg/imitijaii tijc comunete jn mufture ambim batayie/euertije pyce baue tijey QLijc fiyngeg graCC to fcru£/mooft baiyaiit in attpicte gnaiiacteg fiaarcpaii/euer bauynge tùe byctorpe ζΊitij bettc /mpnDc anù batm£yg/t£ùy Day amù mygbt (Tijgy £m£mpeg to fubûu£/by pomer magn£ ® mygijt, 3ftbey be \mcii orOycD/όmDcra furc capytapm£ gnò fet to tucbe bufpncfTe/tijey bonoutto auaumce ¢betypumpbtbey optapne/finomen itig certayri£ _ 3m Q£ngiäD£ amiò $cotianùc/® in tijc rcaim£ of ffraiiC£ fc\mc oftijcm bauc coiitrcù/bp mambOùc à baicaiicc G5£cat mombre of enemygg/mitijfimygbtbODe 3 poiycp ζ£ m£an£ tijem mooft fpCcyaii/im tijc û£cft partp, {iiamg otber commoùyteg/picatureg anD pyoprgteg QLijig fayù tcaim£/ijolù£tij of diùç antyquyte 3jn royaitegamDiorDfyppcg/iamDcganDigberteg onourabiy DylateD/im mofbpp anbpolyce fflourymge in myfcbomc/ijonourg anù ciyuaiv£ Geryfycpbg fipnge Qffa/mooft mggijtp anb erceiient 320u£ù in ijig aCteg/by plapm£ ££p£rpm£nt QLijig %Dffa fubDu£ù/im byftory ag ig founù£ QLije fiynge of úcftfaromg/£2oytijumbcrlanùç ê íent 32pott£ )3yytong to maieg/out oftijigianne 3mò maDea Depebytcije/fotature DyugDent ' . J 05ytmgm£ Q£ngiam De anù ({aieg/a totijig Day pr£fente 33 calicnbgtrije £Dffa/fo ttat noj5ytom _ . 4Dm paym£ of punyffijcm£mt/fbuiD£ £mtrctijig τ£gyom. íynge QDffaträfiat£D/agfaytb3£oiycromycon 25p mgOjty pραγετ/tije fee of gtgmterbury ({mto ílycijefciù& cjptcijc /îmitij famoug oblacyom ffov £u£v to contpmu/confyrmcD by auctorpte %ifoije foum O£m/fapmt gibang monaft£vye ffytft of Deuocpon/to 13om£ gau£ 32eter peng QLiju3 togati fomtym£/imagtije v£aim£ of £t£rcycmg. �I 3 Defcypcgom oftije (5canalogy of fapmt ζΊerburge I I anù bom fbe DefcenDcD of fout£ fipmggg of tijigiamDc/a* • of tije togaii bioDe of fraunce, a^ (II 13egnum £l£tí, ££ pte pfig. QT£; mobi£ prpmceg/tije Dougijtev of $yom QLij£ flouge of bettu/am D bytgpm gioyyoug 03lefïcù$apnt ({£τburge/fuiiofù£uocyom 32cfc£nD£D by aumCetvy/am D tytie famoug qDffoure myggty fiyngeg/mobię amb byGtoyyoug 18cynynge in tjigiamD£/by tru£ fucceffpon ggjer iyfv iyftoyafi/mafietijDcciaracyon, qtbe gere of ouv iotùe/frometije natyugte fyu£ bumbrctij.riiii. ambaifo.iiii. fcOtc ûijam guftgm wagtenbe/frometapnt ©regorpe QIo comugtttijigregyon/bntoouvtaugoure QLijc nobi£ fiimge QtyyDa/tijam cepgm£Dimitij ijomoute 10 άpontije mcrcyeng/iobici;e fignge magfatjet (Hmto fipnge úpbba/am D gnuaiyiburge big fyfter, Qijigúybba gate £cmba/fipnge of mercpcng ζύicij£3£cmba gubύu£D/fyu£ fipmgcg of tbig ccgyom 13eygnyge tiyyty yccc/im mortbyp amiò reuercng ζΊaggaumtfatberto Gerburge/bg iympati fucceffpon ')5y big qu£m£ íáym£Íìmitij/ijaD a nobi£ gcncracyon fyue balcant pygmceg/£cnùa anù fignge úuifer/ íáynge ®tijeivcD/faint:£larccyi/faint martmaibcifcre, %mt) tìmo ijoiy Dougijterg/blcffcDanù b£rtuoug $apnt ijemcburge/amb fagntìemetimpòetije byrgym ζbicijeiaDyeg mcre butycD/fuii memoroug %t peturbOvo\m£ abbay/am D mom tijeve iyem in fbgym£ φύe fagb fipnge ©tjeireDe/by fufferaumce Deugne 39aba pygmce Qtocgene/Ymbicjc after reggncm fipnge QLijatttäflateù ûerburge/tije.r.yere ofijct buycmgc. $apnt £terùaine fpccyfgcD/bncie totaintçïerburge %5pbigqucme faint ©rmêberge a piccg Dougbter offièt GÉate.iii. boip byrgyng/faimt myibycù & faimt mylburge $agmt £ayiggOe tbettyJe/pf$ertu cqugpolent ζ{iti) a fon£ £l£r£um/Ymbicijc from£ tijc boiy factamêt 4Dfbaptym imagtafiem/by mgracic crprcffc QLotijc blygofijeuem/to repgnc tijere cmbcieffe, QLijcfcconDe fon£ of££mba/*m£ m£an£ fipnge ἀ{uifere 3 mobie baigant pygmce/byignyaii npfcent 1Éepgitynge bpon tije £tcrcpeng mitij voyaite & pomper fíìayy£ùtaynt Grmcmplûß /y* fipmggg Dougijtev of fient ζύcretijrougjc tije graCe of gOD ommppotent QTjeyijaofage yfiue/fagntOTictburgv /tayntientcù£ $apnt mouifaDc/taynt1Éuffym/im ftorpag τρε τ£D£. - QI 13egnum £20 tùumborum/ QÉp parte matgig, QLije fccùòg t£aim£ offmijjfapmt ({ςτbutg£byùbegcÉùε £iag pftapnt φορym/fiynge of %oyttjumbertampe ζύicijc matycD £)uamyburge/big rygijteg to DefemDe 320ugijtcv of QTyyDa/fiynge of £\£yfiamD£ 73ptìmem£ tjem D£fcenû£ù/ag ìmœ bnù£tftam DE ¢¤0 commig pygmceg/tje fptft we caii GaDfyùe QLije fccùùe fon£ in batayi£ ffayme magnam £D 4Dffypùe $yng£ ©aDfpJe gate $ecyc y' mag fiynge of32eiram QLijig i%ey£yyc by^5£oytimpùc big qu£n£ fayy£ ® f;£ í}ab fapmt ìàyibg tije abbeffe/fapmt 05£D£ Taytj y* fame LaDpaifofoummefTe/oftije abbay of Cùbptbye Qtjig fagb figmg239gyeyc/baDamotgeriamp Qτύequen£ pfeeft ©ngläoe/taynt ì)eytmitû fùe byggt :£lotijev totaynt $epburge/6 tijve otijeviabieg byggt. Qtjig ijoip $crburge/fuii of grace anDgooDmgg ζ{ag magycD to Q£vcombett/a mobię fiynge ofíent ')5ytmyr tjem DegcenD£D/a pr£cyoug tycijgg QLjeblefìgD ®tmtemplbe/bumibie anD pavpent ζύicje fprje* bettue/imagmapem fuit exceiient Qto (íuífet fignge of £l£tcicmg/imitij gveat golempnyte 3nl) motijev mag toTcvburge/afimcte flougc ofcijaftite ©I 13egnum ©ftangiorum/ £p* pattê matyig, Qtijg tijyyDe mobi£ fipng£Dom£/of ijct patcntag? ζ{ag tijc rcaime of ecft ©ngiamD/Ymbplom i gtcat D£gt£ Qtytyiugfipnge oftje fame/byctoyougamù fag£ Gate 15 emaib big fprft fome/à cùrpftem pygmce wagije Qtijig1Écùmaiùe bab.ii. fon£g/fiouynge in ciyuaiy& ©ije fyrft magiäenuijerug/amoblemam offame QLije fcCoimbe QTorpºmaibug/caii£ù by big mamm£, Qtjig foregayù fignge Qtytyiug /babatcconDe fone Qtaii£D ©gniciuß/accepteD aga martyre , úbicúe fagù Ggniciug/bp iympati progreffyom $9aù.iii, mobie prymceg/tijat mortijy £u£τ \mcrc QLijc fyvft mag caii£D Q£tíjcïìmOD/y* fcconDc 3 Dciijcrc QLijg tiyyDe mag fapmt %mma/a fiyngc mooft bcrtuoug 3n batapig fiapm£ bmrygijtfuiiy/mom a martyr glo!p09 Qtjigforfapò fignge %mma/mapycù agmc tcDe QLijcijoip pymccg i%y£Íìmitij/foriou£ ambampte QLijey ijaba nobig yfîu£/to cncy£afe tijcp, m£De Qtbe bieffeD $crburge/fagnt gumy of ©ipe $apmt ©tjciburgetije tjyyù/in 25pygeg mow iyctbtbe $apntúitjburge tbe.iiii. p* martyr fapnt gurwyne %lmo 3libuipij aftcv fiymgc/imijicij tcgmcD a lüge tym£, @Lijciaùy fapnt $epburgc/£iùcgt of tijcm aíí % gracpoug matyom&/£mùuymgeaiiijet ipfe (Jag maycD to ©rcombett/p* fiymge ofíent topaii QLijey brougùt fourtij a pyogemy/mobi& toùyfcyu£ ©ebieffeD GErmemptoe/bcrtuQug mapò amp mpfe ζύicij& iabp mag motijev /by graCe of goDaimpgijt άnto biefTcù ({crburgc/Our Confortam Douv iygjt. 13 (II 13¢gnum Qtamcic £t francic/er parte mtatnig, QLijc.iííí.mpgjti fiyngoom£/of mbom tjigtoyai p;iC£g $aymt ζ{στburgc Dcfc€mb£D/Ymag tije teaime offient ζύere reygm£bfyrgt $engyftug/bp byctorp & proweg ζ{ijîcîjç îmagtije fouttj mam/by iygmage £uyùçnt 3eyOCCùyngc fto ({ούεm/a prymce fuit prepotent £Df mijom out pgemytourg /%mgl&g/3juteg/@ $apomg iLpmpaiiy fuCCCùÉù/fipngeg of ùyu£tg maCyong, Qtjig foretayò pyiiccúODÉ/agopuetgauctoutgfagnc çgag tijg, rb, frö£2ge/by maturali progreffyon ØDfijig cibcft fone $em/ùefcenùpnge plapne 3; farong tongu£ (5caf/after ryte anù cuftome ot of tije ipgne pf3apbet/bp tijeg, oppmggm 13etourne me to 39engyft/anD to big fuccefToureg QnD fpefie oftijey royaite/to picafctije aubytoureg. QÉtmenycug fipnge of ficmit/teygn£D mitij grcat pomper QLije yere of out faugoute/fyue bumbrctij fpu£ a tijyate ἀnto mijome (Engyftug mag grcat graumbfather gjig fagb fignge Grmcngc/ijam gffue faye amofye % DOl1jt£t Caiitù 1Éicula/imjicij magicùimag to ficDD£ 4Df Géftfey amiò fìpùpifer/gou£tnoute anù fignge £Df mijom a mpgijtp fipntet)/bp pyoceg mag compmge, Qtjig germengcgate ©tijeibyct fuii bcrtuQug çibicje fignge reygmeD in fient/tije pere of our tauyottv fpu£ ijttmutetb fyu£ & fyfty/a baptyfcD mag gracpoug Qöp bieffyùbyffbop guftyn/of ©rigiäD£ caiieD Doctour Βε τύag fprft cyffem fignge/« pyncypali potectout £Dftije faptij mitijim tijiglambe/amiD foumber magaifo l4 £Df Dyuerg boip piaccg /amiD monafteypeg botij to\m. QLijig fayù fipnge ©tijclbyc/for tijg gtcat babunùaüCC £Df tycijegamù bomout/imag may€ù folemply QL0tije pymccg 05£vta/tbcfiymgcg Dougijtcr of ffraiice gno of tbem pyoceDcba bertuOug pyogenp GaDburg & ©tbelburg fainteg/mbicbc ©tbelburg tyuty 35y Gompne fipng of 320 tij/baD.iiii, piccg bonorable %nb.iii. ijoiy Dougijtetg/gvaCpOu3 anù COmm£mùabie, gigo fipnge ®tbcibyct/babto big fuccefioure $yngc Gabbainc/im iä£mt rcpgnpmg£ a ioitge fpaC€ í}c maycD iabp Q£mma/of fraumce tijc cbofcm floure gnD by ber baD pffue/faymt ©ngwyùr fuit of grace %ifo pymce Grmcm ycD bigtcconûc fome/îmbicjc mace 3£ìarpgù to qu£m£ 4Dffaua/of tbcm byù pyoCcùe QL\mo ijoiy martyrg/G£tijeibyctam D ®tbclb/εύc. ©big pymce GrmtemcD/baD.iiii. iayeg bypgt;t Lpfie tbe.iiii. flOODegDf£arabyfe/tbpnpnge in bertu QLbc cincft of tbe fyftcrg/fapnt Grmcmbcrgcbpgùt QLbε fcconDe fapnt Grmcmburgc/tijc fpoufcg of 3iJefu QIJe tbyne fapnt Abelbybe/aii bpceg DyD fubDu (Τύς,iiii, faymt ©cmëgyù£/faytiytbeyyiyu£gijyftoyaii (Lbre oftijcm ijoiy bptgymg/tijc fouttb mtatyom£ \mc cali QLijig forcfayò Gabbaiù£/a goucrayn£ mpgijty fiynge ')5y QÉmma of ftattmce /bat) tobig £mijgyptoute Qtbe noble fipnge ©rcumbert/fuii gracpoug in ipuyngc úbicijc magpçù $£rburge/imitij mogbpp (t bonoure Qtijg fiyngcgùOughter of ccft ©ngiamDfpccyfycDafore QLijig pymce iou£ù bcrtuc/prapcr anù Dcuocyon Cúcrburge b i. Qtomtmaiibyngcaiibig tcaim£/tofiepe £* faft ofíentOtt. ¢tcombert.rrr, yeve/tegmpnge imbígregaip $9aù a mobic pyogcnp/in gracc anùali gODDn&3 $igpygmce bygjt ®gbytt/bigtcconDefone Lotbag ζύicije pymce veggmcD buttem yete/fiynge erpreffe îLotijay fucceù£ùijpmt/taynynge.rii. yev€3DOubtiefTe gifo bcbaDtìmo Dougjter3/fagnt Q£vm£mylù£ y* qu£m£ (Lije otijev ijygjjtfagnt (Etfi£mgODc/a moym££ fcr£m£, QLijigiaDy Gtm£mpine/ìmag magpCD topaiip (Totije aforcfayò ({uifet/fiynge of £acrcyeng ')5yt\m£m£tijem DcfcenDCD/fuii gracyouffy % nobi£ £largarpte /ofijpe magnpfyceng % coote of 42arabyte/fuiiof prcbempn£ng :£tooft biefTcû Ôcrbutge/tije gemm£ ot boiyneg. 4Dur fynguicr fuffragc/anù ftetice of out cicremeg, CI 3 Defcypcyom oftije attegé ciyuaiy of fignge £em. Da graumofatber to fapmt Tierburge/a of big moble anD h£ttttoug yffu£ amb progenye, QTa.iiii. bepeve ofgtac£,bi, c. fgpe ambtwenty Qtije foretayò pygmce£èòa/begam for to reygne Qtjc tentij mam fröçûODem/a pygmce in $aromy $ome ambijeyreto (Tipbbe/taptij mpme auctour playmę fyfty ycteg of a£ge/tbat tym£ ije mag certayn£ úbam be mag fyrttctommcD/fipnge of £aercyeng QLijytp peregije repgn£D/mitij great reuereng, fyue fipmgeg in batayie/tijig3£&nbabyùfubDu£ $ainteg QEDm pn & 4DÎmaiD/fipngeg of £20 tijübetiäDe 16 úitù $ygebert/®gnyciug/amD @mma fuii offertu ©bre nobie figmgcg/regmpnge in ccft ©nglanbe [Gitbbripe ot^Bytom£gyby 05¢De me bnbcrftambe 32yiatcD big regpom/tmitù woyfbypambbomoureg :£locije more tijam ùyù/amp Ofijig preDeceffouv£g. í}c matycD íá£m£f$mitij/a iaby fayy£ amiò byggijt gnb by bet babyffue/a gOODiy generacyon 4æcaba big pygmce/άuifet a mobie fimygt;t $aymt ®ttjcircù/anD £τ£τωain£ fuli of DettOcyon %igo fapmt £τετfciipn/of ijoiy conuerfacyom $aymt íá£m£burgc/aigo fapmt íá£n£fîmpúe Qumteg to fapmt (î£tburgc/upon tijc fatijCtg fpù£. (Tijy£ ofijig ciyiby£m/ag mc ímbergtamDe 32 pncc£caba/ìpneburge/amD ©tgeireDc 39e marggù mitij£Dtypßäpnge of 320/tbumberianoe (Io. iii. ofijig yffu£/fot iou£ amb for m£D£ Guifcr amb £l£rmaiD£/tijc ftoyy faptij in DcDC Cúere marycb bmto/tije rogaii bioDe ofíícnt QÜO Q£tm£mylùe amD 320mu£u£/tYmo labygg grccííent, $0om£ aftcr by gracc/tije myùùyli parte offiacrcyeng GmDet pygmce £caDa/*mere baptyfgò cuey cijomc {{bicùç £caba matycD/C£ìfleD£ ìmitij reuercng 32oughter bmto ADtwp/fipnge oftije £2o,tû regyon 42cnùa tijgrto grauntgù/mitijputcontraDyccyom Gnù£r a fte ipcence/big people ípere at iyberte Cúitijim aiiijigrcgpom/baptyfcD foy to be. Qifo pymce giftyù£/fon£ to figmg£ £DÍmy filatycû fapmt íáemeburge/fpftecto pygmce 49caDa ζ{ετbutgc b, ii, 1 7 Úbicjc fapD 4£caba/bougjt from tijg motb part? foiirc boip pyèefteg /QtcD/55eccy/am D 3Ìa Qtopygctje tjbig peppig /tije fouvtiyag 32ugna (Jijicje.iiii.fcîûem feafcD/ùay {ἐ nOy tym£ QLoconuert tije pcopi£ /ônto clyfte3 DOCttym£. Éymge 4eemba contentcD/agafo, & igfayò gno permyttcD Doctpurg/to pyccbę in euetp place φύugúout big vcaime/am D neuey itûenapgD Qto baptyte bigttibgectcg/bp fagtbanb gtjoftiy grace $% ayûcû tiJem mitijfocouv/am Dijcipe in tibat cafe (Tijat \moiù£ bc conuertCD/foy tijey, fymguier m£Dc 3g faptb mym£ auctouv /tijc ben£tabie %3cù£. 35ut by tbe temptacyon/ofouv (joftiy enemy Qtjig tapD fiynge £enta/tijig byctoyoug fimygbt gDf baipaunt mem in atmute/tayfcba gvcat compamp gnD to tbe £20 tb pavtyeg mcnt/putpotpnge to fygjt gno crueiiy tp dee/bppowcr/magne/anD mpgbt Qtbe foyefaiofiynge gDtwy/ag beafore babtiapme $ayt %DÍmalùe bigbyotijet/fipnge anù martyr, playm£, §ébo tip mag fogotem/tijc fauout of bigaffynytc ¢bat fuiiy mag cötracte/bytmemc tijefe fiymgegt\maymę 3ogmcD at tbe mavgageg/gftbeg, cúpimen tjye Q£u£v to bab& cmbutcb/im iou£ by ceafom playmę get 4Dtmy offereD £emDa/mamy rycije gyfteg certayne £0 auogù& big maiycc/amofoy to fiepetije prag {{ijicje 3®emba vefufcD/replete mitij moycficioneg, %5ptim£n£tijefc.ii.fipngeg/imagaftrüge mygbty batcii £2ot ferre from yopfie/my tije floOO ofïûprim£ù 18 3m tijc vegyon of ílccD£g/imijerc bp fortun£ crucii Éynge 4eenDa peyffjcD/« carefuligimagiccD gnb.rrr.Dufiegmitij gym/ipere fiagne ambiefte DecD ζύe hymge gDÍmy offercù giaDiy/ìmitij gOOD £mtemt í}ig pomge Dougijtet ®ùgifl£ù/to gOD ommpp0t£mt. {}£ fct bcr fo, Doctrpm£/to tije abbcffc fapmt ì}piùe £aùy of $trenpfjait/mom caii£D£ìbytbg gnD gau£,rii.pofIefIyomg/a monaftery to buyine úbictjc place igfrom yofie/mplegttyytp 39¢ gau£ gr£at iambeg/to big fom£ in la\p£ 3££aD£ 25ut tbe ttpye yere after/tbig tagb pygmce mag dapmc ')5y trcagom of big myfe ©iflcDc/fo, ccrtapnc. (II 39om after D£tije of 42£nDa a big fon£ pypnce 42caDa big fcCombe fom£ άuifer/fatijecto fapmt ζετburge mag cicctc to be fipnge ofaii tijg £τετCycng. QTa.b, Q| ftettibat tibig 42cmba/of £l crcyemg fipmgc gnbataple bp fipnge gDÍmp/crueiiy magtiapme gnb big pygmce 4ecama/after bym tbye peregreggmgnge {{ag put bmto ùcti}/by big qu£m£ in certapn£ QLbefe pcopi£ of £\£rcycmg/τεbeii£D foy£agayng QLije fopefapù %DÍmy/fiyimgc of£20ytijumberlanbg Qnù bym tcfuf&ù/ag y€ gijali bmù£rgtanùc, gii tijg tagù £agtcgeng/bp a generaiicoumfcii foytyfy£ù tijcmfcifc/imitij pomet mygtjt anD rcafom gnù crommcD pymce Guifer/ag 25cDe Dotij bg tcii witb jomouv/woyfjyp/am D gtcatc rcmomme úbicbe pygmce to fipnge 3eemba/YmagtijefcconDe fonc QLijig pymce mag pa£fcicucù/afo,& tym£ fccretiy ζ£tburge b.iii. 19 amo taurobp bis tubiccttgttomenctheam malabp. Qtjig batgaumt pygmce/anb tcDoubtebfimygbt $ynge (juifev fjug cvomn£O/îmitij gt£at p/0fpetgte Gpofitije £τεττgengregmeDfby tptjc ambmtygbt . çìïjicje veaimeiyag dyityDcD/άbylom in pavteg tb & fpít íntùe Caeft £aarcbtg/a in the $putb parte tru£ip Qije tjync parte mag nomgnate/myùîc Gengiomù£ 4Dit£v tjem aíítjy£/ijv t£ygm£D ag ig fomù£, - QLjig tayo figngeGuifgt/im bonoux famiOug Qiag Deuouteiy baptyfcD/iyitúgtcat tolempmpte ')5y tìmo boly byffbopg/tije bicffzD finamug gnù byffijop gcrumammug/faytbe tijc bpftoyc Qtije fignge maDea bom£/ofbpe auctomyte %iitem pi£g of yOoig/imitijim big τέαyon (Io DegttOy amb cjaumgę/bmto cijypftem vciygyon, ¢ûig Guifet magpoiytyfie/repletewitò mytDom. gyctopoug in bataple /pyou£D by big ciyuatrp 39ig£n€mpcg oppreffeD/ bp manjoDe amb vcafom §>ubùuęD bigabuertavp&g/amo babtije byctoy from big reaime erpelieD/aii crueiitgammy QTOmqu£τ€υ in batayi£/at gfbbum cygbt famoug QLijg fiymge ofú£ft ©arong/ caiieDáenmaicug, 3lifo je fubDucD/ionto ijig Q£mpyre £0€ glanug Gccta/caiieDtge gig ofwygjt 3|mùaftev tijatije ijab/ofitijigbefyy& T £}¢ gau£ tbe fapò pie/by tpti£ fuiírpgijt QL0tb£ figmg€ Ofeeft ©nglanùc/to eniiarge big mygijt (ßnbev tijat combpcyon/tijat ijc baptpfcû îmûîne bc. ' 20 Qnù ìmag ijig gODfatijgt/Of put£ cijatyt& gn igfiempfe agtijig pyouymce/of fìercyen3 úbyiom mag greateit reatme/mitbim ©nglambe :£lamy pςτ£g comtymupmg£ im pycijem ymê3 13pgbtfotije tpyytuaite/wgii fimomgm amìfoum D£ 39om fpu£ byfTjop fccg /imitijimtijig fayù fiicrfclatiù£ %g at qtijcfter/at LycijcfciDc/aigo at Joycefter QLijc fourtij at iLyncoime/tijc fyftù at 320ycij>£t. foytbermtOy£ after Detijc /of%£tttmannu3 ^)5pffijop ofíLycijfciDe/ άuifcr tbcfayù fiymgc 32£fyy£ù tijg arcbcbyffbop/amb papmtatc (JLbcOOoyug QLo graumttbem abyffbop/ofijoly ipuynge Qto gouerme tije people/by fpyytuaiitgcbynge Qto fb£\m£ to big fubiccteg /tijg £mfamplc of becttt Qmb to pycciJcamù tecij&/tije fayti} of QTijryft 3ij&fu QLijig ijoiy arcijgbyffop/amD pymate QLijcOOQug 32efyycD faymt QtcDDa/oftije fipnge 4Dtmy fo/ big perfcCcyom/ambipupnge bcrtuoug ¢to be remogucD/totje pyougce offiacrcy íáynge Guifcr mag glaÙDe/pf big Comynge truip 1Éygbtfo mcve aii/tiJc pcopie ofijig ccaime ©ijamfipmgctijerfoyc/tije hymge of 3jerufaicm. íáymge ({uifcr grattmtcù/to fapmt QteDDa tjß cöfcffourc QLbam byffbop of Lycijcfclbe/mtocijc pofTcffyon QL0 £ùyfp ciypycijCg/bmto ciyft>omoutc Q5ut mamciy ije gau£ a Ccttayn£ mamfyon 3jm tije pyouymceof LynDcfy/mp bmto iLpncoinc $uffyCygnttO fuffy[z/am Dimcii foy to contcnt 2 1 fpfty teruaumttg/of gooD reiygyoug obεὐpent. Qtbig mobie fapò pygmce /amoteDoubteύfouerapne fiouvpmgg in mambecù/wytcDome ambpOipcp QÉrcciicDtije percg/oftbig tcaim£ certaym£ gm perfgn/foytytuDe/anD poueD ciyuairy ÍLyberaiitoijig fcruaumteg/gentyil in Compamp (5tacyoug to tije pooy£/amba furc pyotectout % foumb£v of ciycjgg/ambagOOD bcnefactout. ©I 3 iptcii Defcvypcyon of tbe nobie mavgage byt\meme íígnge Guifct & faymt ©tmemptùe y* fiyngeg Dougbter Ofiäent/® oftije folêpnyte bone at p* fam£ fcafon. Qta. bi. £2 m£an£ imiyic túc fiymg£ /mynùcù matyage %p tbe fufferaunce of ouv ioyOg gOD ommppotent %ffu£ to £mct£afe/aCOyDymgg toijigipgmaߣ %ft£v iym to fuCC£ù£/fiynge anù py£fyùemit άλεmpnD£D mooft/tije fiymgeg Dougbter ofíent 42ypmccg £tmenyiDe/nomgnate fùg mag 3 beaut&fuii ct&atur£/t£pi£te ìmitij gveat gracc. gtettaynipber fatijer/imag caiicD ©rcomberte 38 afoyeig tpecpfycD/tbe fignge ofíent 39et motùer $erburge/ bumbic in ijev ijerte gDf \mbomt£ Q£vm£ngiùe/aiaDy £rceiient iLpnyatiy Defcenù£ù/by tytie fuiiaumcycnt 39et gvattmbfatijev /Q£ùbaiùe fiymge Gtijeibyctegton£ QLije fygt Cvpftem pygmce/of $arong macyon, 4Df foute mygijty fiyngùom£g/fb£ ígù£fcenD£D from tjc rogalibidùe of fraumce /aigo ofíícnt 22 άpom bcr fatberg party/ag afore ignOtyfy£ù gno om jjcr motbcrg £yDc/bpiym£ aumCy£mt fromctje eeft GEnglaminc/famougam D ercctient gifo of 42oytijumberiam De/flourymge in ij0m0ut Qtonuertcù amiò baptyf&ù/bmto Out faupout. QLbigfayù Grmcm yinc/tbig floure of bertue ζ{ag £u£r Dyfpofcù/from bcr matyuyte GmtotbeDyfcyplyne/of ouriorùe 30egu Gêmfpyy£ù mitijijig gvâC& /amb bempgnpte 13efufcùtûîgîmoyibc/rycijcganb ©ampte í}e bfcD tijc manetg/offaDDc Dyfpofycyon 3àaffpngc fragyii youtij/am D maturali rcafom. $ucije fyngui£τ confoyt/of bcrtuoug DOctrym£ gm ber foùgò mater/ a purc pcrfpte plante çìbicije Dayiy cmcrcafcD/by fufferaumce Deugne fiterueyloufip gromynge/im bct freffbe amD barmatimt {litij Dyucrg ppoppytcg/of gracc crubcraumt 3g fobym£g/ùpfcrccyom/aniù mcficmcffe bygymaii gnbeùyemcc/grauytc/ambimpfcDom£ maturaii. Q£u£ty trce o, piante /ig pyoucD cttybcmt úbptber QOOD Oy cuyii/bp etperycmcc fuii fure 25p tijc buìòùe anù frupte /amo pi£afaumt Defcent %fmcte trcc bypmgctijfoytb/by Courg of maturc $m£te frupte amiò ùcìycyoug/im taftanùbcrour£ 1$ygbtfo ©rcombcrt/bp ijig qu£m£ mooft myiD£ 7520ugijt graC; Oufiy foyttj/ttjc fìmctc GrmcmyiDg. $ije foioimcD bet fatijer/im moyfbypanù bomoure %lg ijer motbet $crburge/[be tohc imytacyon (Gerburge C.i. 23 Qτοῖpue im cîemm£g/ppetentynge in bejauyout i9er íatjcv im pomer/ijct motbet in teiygyon èumbié in beite/baupnge compafiyom £èyteoug amijiybcraiìjìjjete $033m&C£tTyt£ 3Gyfuiito obfccu£/tgc Dcùêßofcijatyt£, foytber ot ger iyfc/to mafie DeciatacpOn 3g tije tru£iegêiioc piagnipbotbe ££p!efTe QtonîyDcr tbeijyftoyy/îmitij gOOùimfp£C£gQm £Dfbi£ffeD $ej burg£/tijat nobi£ pyrit£ffe ¢ge fago conuerta poti/am Dgtjoftig fwetemefTe Qtjat ig pcrceyu£O/im bevboiy motù£t QLije fami£ pcrfcccpom/imag in tije Otj&v. £2£u£rtíjcíefTe Q£rm£nyiug /£fcape m£ mpgijt ΩΠομίύ£ip ύomoutg/amo fccui&τ ύygnyte %g t€quyy£D fo nobi£a ftat¢ Of tygijt 13pciJeg/poffefîyom/namciy bet beauty ')3ut bmto marpage /compeiicù mag (bg gDfijev parent£g/contrary toijev entent QLO ìmjom£ fbg Ymag foumbe/£u£t obeDyent. QLijignobi£ iaùy/by Deuym£ pottpDeng QÉlecteDtoijcv/a fpoufe commenDabie 3 balyaumt papmcc /tijg fiymgeg fom£ of £\£tcycng graiieD fipnge Guifct/famoug anù bono abie 13epgpynge in £terceiambe/mitb iop incomparabie ¢r¢£iiynge many otjct/p/ymcegoftijig vegyon 3m vycjc3/vetymu/fo tunc/ijomout/anù ìyfDom£ 3it tijig matpag&/imag mocije tolempnyte - í}ετ fatijer Grcomberte/amibijev fvcinb£gait 24 Qtbo pymccg ber bmclcg/Ggbyct amù iotjary Cbc hynge of ceft GEnglamDe/ginuipb in fpccpali 32uficg/crieg/baromg/amb fimpgbteg in generali ζύicijc fayò compamp/imcrc ccDy tijat fame bay Qto moyfbyp tbc matrymony/im tijey beeft arap. ©big royati matyagc/imag folempmyfcù ζ{itb fymgulcv picafurcg/tpcijegambroyaite Q tijcp, frcmùcg cofpmg/rcùy om cucry fyDc QUo DO tiyey, D£uOyyc/amofbc\m£ ijummamptc £2otbyngc mamtymgc/£u£ry tbymgc Ymagpiemtc ØDfùCipcate m£teg/ami) mygijty mpm£g ftromge ζ{itb mymftvcig/m£iDÙp/amù miytiJcgamongc, ζbam tbig faye pymceg/rcfplcnbent in bcrtuc qtamte brito ££tercclamDc/ in tbe o/Jcr of matrymony QLijam graCę mitij ßOOù gou£rmaumce/ùpD bycc fubùu£ (ácrtuc mag mtayftr£3/Cij&fc tulet ambiaty Qtbcfaytbc ofijoiy ciycijc /ùyù gro\mc anù muityply 13 ciygpom emcrefcù/ij0m0ut amù pyofpcrytc 3jm £u£ry plaC€ paCy£mCc/ttu£ lou£ amù cijaryte, gttbe folempne fpoufage/oftbig ialy bygùt íápngc Guifcr prompfcD/om bigfybcipte Grrourg to Coyrccfi£/bpbig mpfùome amù mygijt Qtierety to erpgti/aii fecteg ptgOolatrpc frome big tcaimc/amo fuifyii by big auctoytc Qtjc prompte truciy maDe/at tje fonte of baptyme (Üíjg CijyyCiJC tO COnfetu£ /amt) fau£ it from cupm£, Qtijc mygijty rcaime offitcrcpcmg/aifo Ofiäcnt Cùat fcatom pcre brougbt/botbe bnto bnpte ζ{ετburgc, 25 gmDagone fiymgeDome/tuicDfuiiercctient QTjey, tubicttegamnfcruaumteg/im tranquyiigte Éynge úuifecby gig queme/baù a mobię progenye (|uifan£ amo 13uffyn/ìmitij pygmc£ íá£mtcù£ %lmt) ({ετburge/of mijom£ ττε purpofe tO pOC£D£. (II 3 by£u£ D£ciaracpom of tìjg ijoiy ipfc amb Comtt£tfacpe om oftaynt Gerburge/bfcDim ber temDcr youtbe/abou£ tije COmmpm Coutg of matut£, QLá,í)ii. QT£; blcffcû iabp/am D royaii pgpmceg 32efcemùymge of mobie/amD byc parentage ζag Dougbter to (Huifct/tije legenù£ Dotìjg ccij&tg Éymge of fìercclamùe/am D offamOug iymage {9©r motijct ®tm£mpinc/iopncD toijpm in marpage Qtbey melicù fomtpme/a igteii frome$tome gta place in $taffo Defbyy£/amyDD£g jíg t€gyom. QLijcy bab bytimeme tijcm/otijct cbpimen tijge GuifaDeamb1fiuffpm/martyyg fuii gloyoug $ymtiäemrcb£ big pygmce /ofgveate auctoytc Qtumytate at 130m£/a Confcffour gracyoug QTtjg iytt£g Oftijefctijy£/ime impii not no\m Dyfcug ()5ut fpcfie of tijg gjoftiy/anb mcfie conuerfacyon QDf bicftcùçûerbttrgc/notm at tbig fcafom, foyag Declaretb/tbetru££aftyonary 3 bofig τρberim /ber boiy iyfe mygtem ig ζbicbe bofie remagn£tb/im Qtbcfter monaftery 3 purpofe bybcipe/of 3jbefu fiynge ofblyg 3jn amp myfc to rcijevfc/amy fcntence amyg 25ut folope tije iegemDe/anùtrue byftoy %fter am ijumbi£ ftyi£/anû from itiytcii batp, (Lbig biefTcù (Gcrburgc/from ber matyuyte folowyngc tbc counteyii/of bcr noble parcntcg 32pfpotcD ijer fcifc/euerto bumpipte gDbCDpent totiJem/ìmitij aii reuereng ilotij to Dyfpicafc/oy mafic amy offemg £py opfqupctamy rcafonabic creature QLijug mag ijcr mtam£t/im yotttijC bg y€ futt. $aùù£ anù Demiurc /of bcr countemaumce $tabi£ im gcftur£ /pyou£D in cuc?p piacc $pb!c Ofijer moyùgg/ali bcttu toauaumce í}umbic/mcfie/am D mpinc/replete mitij gracc :fitamy bertuoug manerg/im ber foumbctbere mag Qmùùpu£rg gpfteg maturaii/toijcv appyopyate %g mag Conuenygmt/fo/ fo mobi£ a ftate. 3mba3 fb£ £mcrcafcù/m00/£ anù m0£ in age % m£m£ piant of goDÙncg/tm bccbayip ùyùfp?yngè G5t£at grac£ anù bcrtu£/mcre fct in ijet ymage çiberofjcr fatiyev/bgùmocje mcrbegipnge í}et motbet mufcD/of tbig gjoftiy tbynge Qto beijolùfo yongc/amotembcr a may from b£cttt to bcrtu/to pyoccùc cu£ry Day, £20 mcrueyiiit ig/imijo fo tafictijijcù£ 3m maturali tijpmgcg/tijc Dyuerg opcracyon 320tge not a rgpaii rofc/from a byere pyoceDc 4àafiymge tijg ftocfic/imitij ptcafaumt ùyicctacgom Cùc fìmcte yyuer pafTetj/by Duc probacyon Cúerburge C.iii. 27 i9ig bcrbamDfoumtayme/rygbtfo Dotbe fbe (tranfcenùc ijcr parcnteg/imitij gv£atbcmygmptę, gnb tbobcv by£tbcrn£/DcipteDfoy to bere foy tijgy fouie ijcitije/gjoftiy croytacyon yet ttjc tbem pafTcD/mampfoiDe move ciere gm igue ofoutiQDe/anù mefie conuertacyon @nbiyficag 32bebug/im big ijcucniy τ£gyon É otber ftreteg/tbympnge mooft pute O Dotijc tbig bygyn/abou£ tije Courg of matut£. ÌLorùeg/bufi£g/batomg/imitijim tbg fiyngeg ijaii :£l£ru£y(£D om bet man£τg/anù conftaumte fobyym£g Qtijc picnt£ of myfcDom£/anù Dyfcrecyom mitijaii 3jn fo tcnùcr ag€/tbcy ncuter fin£\m£ £rpyeffe i9£r mynDe fo pcrfpte /auoyoymge aii yimeg 05ut tijcp fin£\m£ mcii/it pyctcnùcù by ait rcafonc $pmguier graccamù gOOùm£g/to ijer Comynge foonc. gffyymynge om tbigimyfe/yf tje molDe contpmu ζΊitij fucbe bertuoug mancr/im pereg of bpc Dpfcvccyom (Lbat fije fboiDc Do bonout/bp tijc gracc of 3υςgu (ìmtOaiiijet fiyntCDe/ant) fyngulet COnfolaCyon 3lm cnfampie of bertu/am D ijum yiyacpom Qtbey, confote/tbepytreturc/amofterre fuii byggt Qmb cij&fe lumpnavy/fbynynge Dapant) mygijt, fyft in tbe moympmge/to cbrycbe fbe moine go folomynge ger motber/tije queme euery Day ζ{itb bet bofi£ ambbcDcg/amD Departe mot tiJcm fro {9£tc ait Deuyn£ fcrupCe/anû bcr DcuOcyong fay %mb t0 Out bleffcù faupouv/m£fi£iy on fin££g ppay 28 32ayip bym Defyynge/fo- big enûcieg grace amo pyte QLo ficpe ijcr from£ fpnnc/anù py£teru£ bcr im cbaftyte, ζύcre poutijc ig ùyfpofcù/of maturali mocyom QLo byfpoyteg anù picatureg/fuii of bamptc QLbig mapùe imag £u£c/of faùùc Dyfpofycyom QTpmftaumtamù Dyfcrcte/ftpilamD mpmanic G5ìaùùe in ijcr foute/to bcrc fpcfi£ of cbaftyte Qticmn£gamù foby£m£g/amù ioyfulifo? to ijcrc G5j0ftiy £rotacyong/to ijcr ijcrte mooft Dcrc. (Ii)gw tbig pomge bygyn fapnt Cúerburge mag Defp. rcù ofDufiega cricg in maryaTc/amù oftbeant merefbe gatt£ to tijé/im auoyùpngc moyibiy picafureg, QTa.biii. $tender youtbe pafTcD/tbig biefTcD maybpm 32ayiy cmcrcafcù/moy£ anù moy£ in bcrtuc %m gijoftiy fcycmce /amb ©crtuoug ùyfcyplync gDbfcrupnge tijc Doctrymc/of our ioJegbcfu í}abbig commaumbpmcntcg/im bcr ijerte fuii tru $0tbat mo crcaturc/mo/c pcrfptc mygbtbc 3 m bcrtu Oug gpfteg (by gracc)tijam fijc. $ijc mag repletc/îmitij gyfteg naturaii {}er bpfage moDft picafaunt/faycambampabic 19er g0Oùiy cycg/cicrcr tbam tbe cryftaii í}¢r COumtemaumce COmiy/fìmcte amì) COmmcnùabic í}er berte iybcraii/ijer gcfturc fauourabic $be ipteii confyùerynge /tijefe gyfteg tranfytop $et ijcr fciycptc/im ciyft pcrpctuaiiy $be baÙDe mocbc mofbpp/mritbe/ ambrgctjcg ζΊerburge C.llll. Gcfturcg/bomoutcg/tcucrcmccamD royaite QTijc rycgeg tije DyfpotcD/imitij gveat mefiemefTe (Totijc poομε p£opic/Ymitij gvcat cjatytę 05utijci; fabncg/conftaumc£/ambijumyipte (£ttu£/gentyin£g/fo pacyentamù Colb£ (Tranfcenù£ùaîi tijcfc otijct/a tijOufam De foiùe. Qiije bertuDugmanerg/anJ etceiient fame 4pftijigjoiy bygyn/rcDoubteD to ferre jn aiitbig τεgyon/im paytyngeijgv mamte ¢bat tije nobicg of tijigianDe/τροίύe motùyfferre ')5ut mitij vpcije appavcii/am D mpgijty potmer Qtame foy to fefie ber/iyfie ag to $alomon £\u£m£ $aba appyocjcD/toijevc ofijig myfcDom£, $oiyfi£\myfe fom£ cam£/to ijer ofijcr bcrtu£ $om£ ofijet fabncffc/anto pyuJcnt Dyfcrecyom $om£ fo ber Conftaum CC /fo ftabicanù ttu? $om£ Ofijer cijaftyte/amt) py£gmaunt τ£afom $om£ foy ijer beaute/am D famOug impfùom£ Qnù fometijatimere bone/offipmgegiygmage 32cfycD yftijey mygijt/ijau£ ber ín mäïyage, gm beaute ampabie/tjg yag equaiito 13acûcii QTomparabi£ to $ata/im fpym£ fùgipte jn tabnegambyfebom/ipfieto gbygaeii 15eplete ag?2cibQa/mitb grace of prophecy £quyuatent t01iutb/tjexmag in bumpipte gn puiclytuDe1îcbccca/igfie £)egter in ioiymefTc ípfie 3jubptij in bctttt£/am D pyou£Dijoipncffc, QLÎjçpgymce of Çîcftfapong/a pςτ£ oftijigiam DC 30 ζ{piiynge to bauc bcr by map of marpage Cúitb bumibic rcucrence/ag $me bnb£rftanù£ $apùto ber tijcfc ìmOyDcg/imyfciy anù fage 4D fouerayne iaDy/boyne of bpc ignage 4D bcautefuii creature/am D imperpati pygmceg QLijigig my fuii mpmù£/tbat 3 mom rcbcrg, from mp fatijcrg reaim£/iyùct 3 am commc Grito Our prcfence /yf ye bc fo content ζ{iti) moyfbpp amù bomout/amù m Ocbe remoYmm£ 3maii boncft maner/aperyngc cuyùgnt fily mynùc ig om you fct/mitbiou£ fcrttcnt @Lo ijaue you im matyagc/aii otijet to fopfafic 3f it bg your picaturc/tijug m£ fo! totafic, pς (haibe afutcù/a qu£n£ foy to be p¢ fbaiiijattc tycbeg/Ymo fbpp/am D ijonour 13oyaii tycje appareyit/anù efie tbefufferapnte 4£y£cyoug ftomeg in gofùc/Ymoytiy a fipmgcg trcfottt îLambeg/rcmtcg/ambipbcttccg /aii at pour plcafur $eruaumteg £u£ry tjouv£/yOut byùùpngc foy to Do ([Gitbiaùpeg in your cijamby£/to maptc om pou aifo. ζ{itb tbcfc fipmbe τρογύcg/tijc bpygpm abaftijCù forc %nb mitij mpiùc coumtemaumCe/amifìmereD bpm agayn£ QLijc playmeg of ijcv mpmbc/to tcft fo/ cuermone $apenge : O mobìc pymce /3 tijamfi£ you nomm certapm£ ffoy yourg gemtyii offet/fbcimcù to m£ fo plagnc pę be \mcii montijp/foy your regaiptc QL0 batt£ a bettet marpag£/am ijumbacti} folù£ tijam me. ')5ut mo\m 3 fbc\mc you/piaymiy mpttu£ mpnDc {hy purpofcimag m£u£τ/margCD foy tobe gio ne 3 bau£ cgofcm/rcDemet of mamfipnù£ 3Jetu tijc tcconûc perfon£ in trpmpte @Lobœ my fpoufc/to (íijom£ mp bpngymptę gjauc Depeig boycD/emDuryngeaiimp ipfe í}ig fcruaunt to be/ttu£ fpoufcg amù ìmpfe. Qτύerfoy£ nobi£ pymce /ij&vtfuiiy 3 you pyap ©tempte memofo tbgt/after fucbe compcpon ζύicijeam fo ftcDfaft/anù ìmpii bc mygijt anù bap £2cuer foy to cijaumge/no mafic alteracgom QLafi£ yg tijigamfìmgv&/fo, a fttv£ conciufpon Qtijeprompfe 3 bau£ maDe/amD bome of cijaftyte QÉnburynge mp ipfe/fbati neucr byofiem be. 32puerg otijevaftateg/gameber fo, toaffapie 3£tabe inftaumt tcquefteg/bmto tbig bpygyn fce for aii tbey, butymefTe /tgep mygt;t mot ppcuagie $o conftaunt fym£ é ftable /in ijcrtc a mpnne mag fje % mountapm£ 0! íyíí/fon£ti£u£ γε m£ 3ßápggtb£ τ£mOeu&ù/aga pnfttije Courfc of matute QÎbam fijc fo/ to gvattmte/to fucije moyibiy picatutc, $ibc imcii confyDcccD/tije terte of boipfccpptur£ Úbobpleuetij bcr cjaft/fontije ioue ofjijefu QLijc temple of goù/tijey be cipppcD furc %nb fbaibe τετmatùcù/fo, tijat nobi£ bcrtu %m ijum Jpctij folùê(by gtac£) byceg to fubDu 3nD beuem foy tobaue/at tijgy Departynge QVibicbe fbc vememb£ù myfcip/abou£ aii tijpmge, �I£}om p* faife ûerboDe DefycD fipnge Gulfer totjauc 32 ζ{crburge big Dougùter in matyage, 3nb jom p* fipnge gtaumtCù tijCttO., $» afoy£ igfapù/mbam 42cmìa tijc fiymgc 05p fapnt ADtmp fipnge/at Lcebeg mag flaymę Qnù (juifcr ijig fon£/tijc fourtb y£re foio\mynge ζ{ag baptyfeù amiò crommcD/)5p byffbop fynanc 3 folempne boue be maòc] fagtbfuii anù ccrtagne %ii tcmptcg of pùoiieg/im big tcaim£ to Dcftroy Qmb cijaumgg tijcm to cijyyCjCg/amù m£m£ £ùyfy. (Lbc fam£ ije pyompfcù/ag ijc mag tru£ fimpgijt ζύam tijatijc maryCù/blcffcù Grmemyiuc 32y£ùymge foyg tijg iuftyCc/of goû aimygbt ffo, bigfatijcrg D£m£rytcg/bmtcConfpt£D £Dm bym tofaii fOùeynip/am D fo bc bcgpien £yomyfyngeamenùcg/at bi3 cpnuerfyom (îmto ijoiy ciypycij& /mitij ijitmbi£ D£uOcpon. ζbicije hymgc Guifcr/ag ìmag tijc moye pytc 759 tije mpcfi£ù Coumfepti/ofa faig fimpjt QtaiicD ΟΤΙcrbODc/ramm£ foone in apoftafy ffo, a ipteli mbpig/imantynge pcrfpte ipíijt Qtbe bygijtmeg of tbe bap/imag tourmcDto nygijt ζ{ijam ijC gau£ creùence/tijat crcature bmto £yolomgpmge tbe actCg/ije pyomyfcù to Do. Gmber fiynge $uffct/cbefe ftematbeof big bali ζ{ag ttjig faife (GerbODe/tuler of cuery pote ζύQmetije iaòy Gcnug/bougbt bntotjali 42crfcD ambtmOum Dcù/fo greu0ufiy bigbartc Q£nflammeù mitij ioue/amù mitijijer fyy Darte £îonget mitijfmorm£/fygbynge Dagant, mygjt (JLije bcautę ofúετburgc/mocucùfo bigfygjt. QijebipnDegOOQeg QtuppJe/%ereD fofoyebig mpnbe ζ{itb intergo, iou£/anù fenfuaii Defyy£ gDfimo inciy affcccyon/tbat tefte couDcije mom£ fymDe £9ig tpyytewagtroubicD/b£ byemmcb agDotbe tije fyye gpom tbig boiy bygym/bigioue magfo entgne ¢obaue bet in marpage/magaiibig intent. QTjat £u£ry ijoute mag a monetij/after big iuDgement. 320uyòcpim big mgmbe/boy tbat be meii mygijt £mfQce bym ygf?ip/imitijbologncfTe amo poiycye ¢0 (jeme big fuii entent/in maner QOOD amo cyggt £20tyfpicature tafiem/£pomjigio D£gpattpe 25g tijg ymagpnacyon/be feii bpon big finee 3fo/£ bigio De anD figmg€/5cfyynge a petycyon $9ig mymb£ to Deciat£/ìmitij fuiip gtace of parDom. ¢£cciient pymce be fagO/am) mooft motùy fiynge Qijat reygneg iiom pitbim tbercaime of Gmgiaiioc floutpnge in ciyuairy/im bomOuv encrcafynge Qttäfcemppmge otijer pygmceg/oftijigfofagù Ìánne £ty fuit intencyom/moto gefbaii bnDerftanoe 1â€quyYpmg£ yOut gtace/im tbig pO0pc cyyCumftattmce %tmp petycyOm/totafi£ mo grcuaunce, £ty t QOOD io D£/ijertfuiiy 3 you pay ζάiti} τ£queft/am Dijumible fuppipcäcyom Graunte me youvtougjter (ierburge/ag ycmiage £0 bau£ bet in margage/auopùpngeaiitrcatom 3jf yOut grace bcnp/tijig ppefemtpetycyon 32etije mc bcboucg/fuii fooncambijattcip fiay iouc ig to fcruent/tijcrc igno rem£ùy. $tanùc bp (GerbODe/fipnge Guifcr tjam fagO 4Dur cijyfc ctjam ppom/im ail out ciyuaivp pottt bumible Dcfyy£/fbali motb£ D£mapù £Df ζ{ετburge our Dougbter/moim confent impii me 3f pe may optaym£/bcv myiiamD mpmbe trucie i9cr motbcrg aifo/ bmù£t tbat combycpom Ö£ gtaunt ijcv to yOtt/at yOut mt£fi£ fuggeftyOm. gDftbig gracyoug anfwere/a glaDDe mam be mag ARcioytynge im big bcrtc/begam t9 confppe Qtaftynge im big mpmbe/craftcip bp compag om bc mygbt optaprig /to tbe bpe empye mD ccygnc after Guifet/at big omne bcfyy£ ^5ut tbomam py£pofe/gOD Dyfpof&ù aii ζjo ciymbctij to ijye/oftem batba faii. CII 39omo túc quem£ fapmt Grmcnpiùc motùe mot cöfcntc tijcrto/t ijom ber by£tbetm£ fapmt (JuifaD& anù 1Éuffyn merc agapmft tije fapù marpagc, QTa.t, (β£ tbig butyneffe/ mijam tij& qu£m£ijaù fimo*mi£ge 32amciy of úercbODe/tije grcuQug pcfumpcyom £)om/ be babmpcuçù/ttyugbt bigwycficDrage Qtùcfipnge in fucbe caufeg/bp fymgulcv pctpcpom gno bom tje fignge contenteû/to bigfuppiycarpom $be mag foye grcucù/at tbig prom De crafty fimggijt Qtaiicùiym in pyctcmcc/amù fagù tijefe moyD£g rygijt, QLijou mpcftcDty aunt/amb bmfignù£ crcatuve 35 folomyngc tbym£ appetytc/amofcnfuaipte Qtgou crucii pagane/p/efumynge gttiy pleature 33iymDcD mitb ygnoaumle/anû infyùcipte Úbo gau£ tijg iycencc/amo fucij& auCtoyte 4Dux Dougbter @erburge/tO Defyy£ oftije fiynge ζάitijoutour countepii/tijerto confentynge, QTomfybcr tpgjt mcii/tiy fipmtcbant) pcDcgte 3t ig mcli fimomcn/tijOu arte comem of moujt £)otbey of Dufie/erie/io D£/bp auncetre ^5ut of bytapmc pcopic/pf it bc mcii fougbt %gaynft ouv bomout/momtijat tijou bafc myottgijt çibicje confequentip/fjaiibetotjp papne ffoy aii tby iabout/ig fp£nD£ in baym£, Qtjou fimo meg of a certagne/rgfufcofbe bafe ;£lamy a tycije matyag£/îmitijim tbig iomùe % tijOufam D£ tym£g bettet/tijam £u£v tijou mafe 3g nom oycig fbaibe/byany man£r fonùc gDut Dougjt£v to tijc/fbaii m£u£v be bonDe 420, fucije a caytyfe/fbaii bau£ mo powere ζΊitb fiymgcg bidù£ τοyaii/toappyocjcit m£re. άmùcr my fou£ragm£ioyDc/am D m£ aifo %lm offyCertijOu atte/anû of gt£at toyaite (Tobc a ttu£ fctttaunte/nom tijOu arte Ouv foo (Trygù/pyou£D/foum De faig/in £cij© D£gr£ QLijott bafc mcii Defcru&ù/to b£ bangcù on att£ ffo, tiy myfDcbe/tijou fbaiifoone repent QLijy iy& p£fumpCyOn/p/0ub£ ambijpfobCùpent, 3g fo! Ouv Dougjt£v/anDbcre Deriynge 36 ')5p tijg gtaCe of QOD/anù out abuyfcment $pone fbaibe marpcD/to túc mooft mygijty fipnge (Tijat cu£r imag boync/amù in tijig crtbicmt ûc mcamc out faupour /ioyùç 0mmy potent ζίjcrfo/c tiy ìmpetciyùn£g/Ympii bpon tijc ipgbt ©ijou tapmtcD traytouv/out of our fygijt, (Gitb tbat fapmt (Gcrburgc/cam£ into pycfcnce gfonc bev motber /amb aiitije company 320yngc i)cr Dutp/mitij aiibu£ tcucrcmc ffoio\myngc bcr Doctvync/fuii fappcntiy ζ{itbiycemcc optayimcù/fpafic cupiJcntiy %ftev fucijc mancr/tiJatafi tijc aubyence 13cioyícù toijcrc/iget iufty cioquciicC 4D goucrayng iaùp/aiiD fipmggg Dougibtcr D£τε :£ty Dctc motbct/ou£vaiitiyngc tranfytoy 4D graCyoug pymceg/amb quemeto hpmgc Guifcre QLo pour gjoftiy Counteyii/ùo me cucr apply 3g3 ijau£ pyomtyfcù/rygijt cupùcntiy ¢0 the fipnge offipngeg/ambigúc ccicftpaii 3 împii obferu£/£mùutpngc tijig ipfc moytafi. %mo tijOu falfe ÔcrbODE/foiommpmgc fcnfuaiytc g metuaple grcatip/tby bye pyefumpcyon QLo m0£u£ out fatbct/îmitb fucije auùacyt£ íìmom pngc my miyn Je/fct on teiygypm pct foy tijy fotti£ ijcitbe/accepte tbig ieffom %ffie mercy amb gracc/of my fpoufc ctcrnaii iL£ft bengeaumce foùçpmiy/bpon tijc Do faii. ζίγέττρitijijct b;£tijern£/({uifaDc anù 1$uffyn 37 Qtmo mobie ppnceg/mamfuiitaDDe ambimpfe _ . $oyg beyenwitû pegme/tbey, bertag were witbim gttbig faifeftemarDe/wbicje tanto Deuyfc %lgaym£ tbey, ijonout/to Do fucije py£iuùyfe 3g to attempte tijcp, fatijCt tjcfiynge 3m fo grcata mater/tijey not confcmtynge. QLjjey caiicù û£tcbODc/afo,& tjem aii $agenge tijou captyfc/ipbo gau£tije ipccmce (Ü0 mogu£tijig Caufe/fo bp anùfpeCpaii QLoucbynge a laùy/offttcije pycijcmym£mc£ g fiyngeglougbter/of mocje magnpfyfence £2om£ comparabi£ to bym/im aíí tbig τ£gpon 3jn ijonouv/voyaite/pomet/amo Dpfcrccyom, gnù ag Out mOtbet fapO/to tbe byfoym£ Lofi£ mciitiy pyogemy/am D aiitùp ipmage 3 byiiayng oycig metg/fotijip/tbou imag boyn£ £λοῖm out D£tc fyfter/imoiù£ bau£ in marpage 3g temynge fo, a pygmc£/ofbpe pateritage £9anfo, fucje a carie /bp apyouerbe aücyent %liaD to m£Ùù£ a laby/igam inconuenygmt. QTjerfo,& ip& chargetije/όpon greuQug peyne fíìOu£ no fucije matet/no? fpefi£ of it no moy£ foy yftucij& mocpom/com£ to bg agagne 4Dfijy£ py£fumpcyon/ag ig ùOm£ afoy£ QLijou fbait τ£p£mt/tije Caufc ambbcDe fuii foye £}ου τρα commaunû£ tbe/nofo,tûcr to contrgue 05ut ccafe offucje buf pmeffe/im pepncoftùpiyug, (II 39om) tije faife û£tbODe Compiayn£D bpom (juifaDe 38 anD fuffyn tofiymge Gulfare by maiyce amD emup/amù mag tije caufe of tbey, Detijc, QTa.ti. QT£; mycficp (igrcbOD£/tbe bcDyiiof 05£ipali QLijc minifter of mpfcjcf/t fcrgcaiìt offatijamag Qtomfyùcrymge bc imag/Dcfppfcù oftiJem aii gno foye rebuficD/fo, big Outragyoug trctpag ôc gemm£ù in cmugyaga mam witbout grave Qtaft in ijig mymbę fijotm ije mygijt my0fi£m bC Úpomijcr by£tbermc/by fom£ fubtyite, Q£u£t from tbat tym£ /ijciay in mapte $efignge occafyomg/om tbem t0 complapne 32ayiy ymagymcD/\mitij fubtyii Deceptc QLijem to fubOu£ /amt) caufc to bc fiapne 3ttenùymge opoytumyte/to tafic tijcm in a trapm£ ()5y túc faifc cntyfcmcnt/of big mayftcr )5cipali 327ompte to ali myfcijcfc/ag ùyfcyple maturaii. gm fauour of big pygmce/by crafte be bym bought (3g now ig in cuftome) mitbfaifc flatery $om£ picafe tbey, magftet/am tbat ig rygijt mougùt ä; ύγύtijig ÖßcrcbOD©/by fubtyli polycy ig bemgcabie mymbc/Ymagijpmfcifcto magnpfy Qmb uttcrip to iofc/tijcfc pymceg tìmapm£ £D, Dcftroye iymfcifc/by myffo,tunc piapnc, ilpfic ag grcijptijOfeii/cijcfc Cottmfeiouv toabfaiom $ttnDy tymeg mocucnbymt/£nto baryaunce Qmb \mitij fiymgc @ffucrug/im fattout mag %mon QTOumfcpiymge ijpm £u£τ/bnto gtcat myfcijaum CC 3n ipfie caufe ©erbODe/m0cucùto bengeaumce , û£rbutg£. ù,i. (Gag cjgfe Coumfci£τ/to (Juifcv tijg fiymg£ ζβicû£ byougjtijpm fcifc to (bam£/amb £uyii €mùynge. QTge ciber pymce GuifaDe/im big Dpfponte άteD baufiynge/buntpmgc/fo, a paft tpme ^5ut omto buntyng£ mamm£iy/Ymag jig τ£fopte guery Dap in tbe mo/ome/iomge afo c pyme %lmi) agit foytum£D/bpOm a tym£ - 3 mpgijty barte regfeu mag/Court£ba longe fpac£ ζυomε ἀuifaDe putfu£D/ìmitij picafutc anù folaCC, QLijigijarte foy£ ftrapncb/tann£ fo/ big foCOut 3gait Dcer Done/oftbey propyte Qto a mcii imitij matcr/after big grcat labout èymtpreconfote/amDtbe moye freftbct bc ζύerbytaynt Qtcaù/ijab big oyatoyc £be myfùebarte tbere iap/fuiifecrete anb ftyii Qmb fuffer£D tbig ijoiy mam/to Doaii big myii, QijigbleffenbyfTÜop mocucù mitb ppte QtouercDtijig tayò barte/witb botmeg annicucg aifo 42ut a fmaii C0D£ /aboute big m£cfi£ ttuie 3mbafter commaunbcbiymt fpcùiy to go @to tbe impiDe myOODeg/mijengije came fro í}ig paftute tofcfi£/foy fapmt QTcaù fincmctruiy 3t maga fygne foioimpnge/of fomc grcat myferp. (3g ()5£ùc mytm effetij) tijig ijoiy confcfTour £ag byffbop ofiigcbcfclbc/amo Qtouentre ζίύicije fo/ tijg ioug of out fauyour 3jm myibcrn£ffe btmciicD/aii foiytarpc Qtontent£ù mitij frugteg/of tbc impiùc trce çúitb rooteg/berbcg/water/fo big fuftentacgom QÉnnutpmge penaumce/îmitij Du£ ContemplaCyon, Qtijig benerable pygmce/enfuynge tjig gteat barte %ppyocijcù to big c£li/mitij grcat bplpgemCę Qt£nDeriy requpynge /ymbere amo im τρbat parte Qtjig jjarte etcapciyfo fcrrc out of pyctcmce QLbig ijoiy mam anf\m£r£ù/ìmitij aii rcucrcmCC QÉecfteg/by/Deg/fomigg/3 fiepe nomeat ali ')3ut 3 fimóme tbe inftructout/of tby ijcitije ctetmaii, ')5y tbig butcbecft/tbou fbaii pcrccyu£ mcii QLijc facramentcg of ijoiy ciycije cuετycjone QLo emcrefctby bpleue/by our gboftiy Coutifcli %mbfo to be baptpfcD/ambijau£ tcmpfiyom ')5y ùyu£rgbyute becfteg/fo, mamm£g faiuaCyOm £putione batbfbewcù/fccreteg myftycali (Tobig clcctc perfon£g/by graCC fupermaii, QL0 320¢ Cam£ Comfo/tc/aftcv tijg gt£at Delug& ')5y aùouu£ /bymgynge a bauncije of 4Dipue QIo tbe propbet {9cip/a rauem DyD rcfuge . ')5yougijtijpm big fuftemaumc£ /amo faucù ijig iyue çntofagnt Guftacbyfuii memoyatgue %Durio De appercD/im a barteg ipfien£g (To \mbom£ ijc obeyCù/glaùiy mitij m£fi£m£g, 4Df Ymbicijc £rampieg/p/ymce ἀuifabc giabòc mag QLijamfiymge gOD anb fapmt QtcaD/tbat bc tiyù£t Come gnofapD ijoiy fatbet/fuifpiieo witb grace £jf pe cam fuppîp/myinftaumte petycyom QCbat tije fagb parte/mygbt retourne byDer foone ζ{£tburge, D.ii. 41 ζύicijc ig nom in \mpiDgtmcffe /^nto out pycfcmce QLjam to youv Doctrym£/3 mpii gyu£ fuiiy cv£Ùence, $aymt QTgaù òmto paycc/ùçuoutciy ment gmm tije mytbe barte/frometbe modo came bafteiy £gitijtije coJe in big mgcfie/apperynge cupùent gno in tijey, py£fence/ftoDc fuii τραύt fobetip £ay fometbam be fayO/byleuetbamfteJfaftip άmù£vftamù£ y£ mag/aiitiynge poffybie ig QLoa fagtijfuii pcrfon£/tijat perfptciy byieu yg, quifaDe comfoteb/amo in tb£ fapti, pyobate ffciiDoimncto bigfete/îmitibijumbi£ DcuOcyon 32efpynge baptpm/to be τ£generate (Hnto out fauyout/fo, ijig fouieg faiuaCyon $agit Qteat, biefTeD/tije meii tbat feafom gnù baptyfcDtijig pygmce/im mamm£ of tije typmpte ζΊagpμε£ft anDgODfatbet/fo/ mamt of Compampe. QLijig ciyftem pgpmc£/tarycù ìmitij bym aii mpgijt 3n faftynge/paget/amù menytacgom gnb wag refreffbeù/naturaiiy in tyght ζ{iti) bOùpiy anb (joftiy fuftcntaCyon Qt9e nert bay recepueb/tije goiy cömumpom ζ{itbipcemce Depattcù/to big fatijcr agapne QLije battc to tije foy£ft/τεCourfcù ccrtayn£. Qijg tbp Debay after/jigbyotber 1$uffyn folio mpmg£ tje tameijarte /bpbcupn£ pyouyòence ζάag mpeii inftructcù/im gjoftiy Doctrpnie 25aptyf£bby fapmt gteaù/a communcù mitij vcucrence Qnù agit fortun£D/by piagn£ erpcrgcmce 42 £Dfaiitije pyoceg Done/to tijc ciber byotijcr QiitijpmgcbgDijappc/ rpgbtfo to tijg otbet, gfo ctijig fcafom/ciyftegfaytb mOOft gracyoug QTiyugij ttjig iambe/mag precijcù in £u£p piaC£ ^5p byffbop ffyman£ /am D 3 crumammug ζύicúe gerumam of ecit Gmgiam De/fyftbyffop mag %mù mitij fapnt Grm£mpiù£/cam£ iyùet bp graCe pet fuiiy conucrtcù/imag not £icrfe£ regyom Qtiemc from£ pùoiatrp/bmtotbig fcafom. QLijcfc forfayù pymceg/conuerteD m£mip ')5y biefTcù QTcaD/to ciyftem reiygyom 32ayip to bym refortcD/fo, counteyii gjoftip Qto emcrcace in bertue/amD bolp pcrfcccpom ζ{iti) iycence petenDcD/tbey molne togyùçr Come Gritobig oyatOy/from tbe fignggg bati άmùcr colour ofí}untyngc/agtbcy Dyù it cali, 3mbag it ig mytem/im boip fcrypture Qijofoiga fure fremDe/iouctjftcDfaftiy Qmù mijo ig £m£my/puttetb Dyiygcnt cur£ :fíìpfcijcfc to accompiyffijc/mooft ftuDyoufiy QLijc faifc (IcrcbOùc fufpcctyngc/£uyDentiy QTijc mc\mc conucrfyon/of tijcfc pymcegtmagn£ 42cparcD iym crafteip/to tafi£ tijcm in a trapm£. i9£ matcijcD om tijcm/fccrctcip £u£ry Day QLofimom e tbey, rcfo/te/amb bmto mbat place Lyficaga boumùe folomyngc/tijcfe pynceg to bytray £D, a ùOgg£ ùotijc a Dere/by fcmt of tijc cijag ζbam ije ijaù perceyu£ù/bom aiitijpnge mag, 43 £9c compatcbim mpmbe/by faife imitemCypm ἀto comipiayn£ to tijc fipnge/fo tjey DeftruCtyOm. £ap fynguier gogDe ioJe/ajûmooft pygmcppaii $ayò tjigúετεbOD£/tije faig tvaytout 3àicafctij youv goOOmeg/ambgvaC€ fpeCyaii QIo my fuppipcacyon/to be a protectout peijau£ twoppiiceg/mpgbty in gonput ûijicje arę myioyùçg/amù £u£t fbaibe 3ftjey imoiDe b£ tvtt£/to your fou£ragnte Qtijgy bau£ rcfutcD/tije moy£ ppte ig youv auncyentiam eg/amofccteg cuerycijone gnbmitb youv iycence/baue Dome yet mone amyg foy noim tijey be fubiccte/to a ncYmc vciygyon (Htteriy rcfufymgc/yout Dccrceg anù oibe cuftom£ ffoioimpnge tije cOumfcpti/anù myntœ of a fengo; QTaiicD byffijop QTcaù/tijey fpccyaii aucto,. your ftrapte commtaunbgmentcg/tijep Dayiy Detpyce gnû purpofe gteii you/im fecretemcg (Hmto your pctfom£/t0D0 mocije py£iubyce (To muttijer o, popfom you/fboptiy Doubti£g 3mD fofo, totcygne /am D gou£rn£ youv vpcjeg ')3ytîmême ti}£m tmagn£/to DpugDe yout iam De QÉpfaig Confpp/acp/ag y£ fbaii bnbcvftamDe, ζΊitij tbefe faife tai£g/am D many otijer mo Qtije fignge mag mocucD/to maiyce anD yye %3y ijig COmpleCcyon/ag ij& imag montto Do £to,& crucii tijam a bccft/ag fcruent agtije fyy£ 32epelpaffy mpmge/tjat Detije fbuiDcbc ttjey; byye . 44 jfije mygjt tafie tbem/im amp placc (Tijgy fjuin£ be fiapm£/anù fuffcr weitjoutcm gvace, 3jn tijc mo/orm£ after/imijam 3£bcbug begam tO ciere Qtije fiyngetofie çerboDc/mitij bym fccrctiy Cotty outtbe trutbe/amobomm it molúe appere ζbcDet big pygmceg/wcrc gone totbe oatOy gfit mere fo/ije tenue bympygueiy Qtogyue tijem finomiege/pfjig entent ffo, tot£mocu£/from ijig ijaftp %ubgm£nt, (Tbe fatijcr ijab pptc/bponijig ciyibycm maturaii ζ{olùe mot bau£ fiapnc tiJem/tije fotijc tofay ζύerfo,cijc fcmDe/tijc fcruaumt of ')5cipali (Lo comuay tbcmt frotjcmg/fomt£ otijet may $tbe fignge fineme bymfcifc/ notable tjat Day Qio refragme biggye/amo cruciibaftymefTe Gàpu£m toijpm of maturc/im fucijc grcat Dpftveffe, QtijigwpcfiCD CGcrcbODe/came to tije ovatoy 3mD fam£ tbefc pygmceg/im great DeuOcpon QToumcepicù big meffage/by maipCc amb cmuy 1Éctoutm£ù to tijc fipnge/baftciy am D foone £2c\mip COmptaynynge/by faig ymagynacpom % bumîy£tú folù£ moyfc/tijam attije fymft tym£ (Gitû mem aùùycyomg/tobynge tijcm to tuym£, %mo \mbam tije hymge/appyocijcù mygb tijc celi i9crymge tijc Complapmtcg/oftijig faig fimpgijt QLij& cúpiùμεm percepu£ù/a boyce rygijt mcii Qtcffcù oftijey payevg/amD cam£ fotij fuii rygijt 4Dm mobome Ymbam Guifcre/ijam omcga fygjt 45 £9c mag to £ mocucù/ag ijQt£ a£tije fyn£ 4gapnft bcv ciyimcn/tijatiou£D bym £mty £. 05ut bp tijc maiyce/am D mycfi£ò temptaCyOm gDftjç ù£uyii/mamm£goine montaii £m£my gnò $ibat by tgc faife cvaftg fuggcftyon qDfçiycfi£D ®crcbODe /fuifyiicD miti) enuy gno bgijig omne baftymeffc/amo crucii fury Qtjctc pymceg mcre fiagme/άuifaùc amb1iuftgm £2otm gioyoug mattyng/τ£pgnpmg€ in beuym, gftet wbam fignge Guifet/appyoc9eDbig cafteii 3'mb bmn£tij $ma3 emitteD/intobig baii 3ncomtym£ntipa tpyytc /tije faife fcnDe ofbcii gntrem faig {GcrcboDe/aftev tije prople aii £nmarbiy bpm bercD/imitb pegneg contpnuaii Qtbat bigarmegamD bamDeg/ije DyD borybiy tere ζ{ijicijc foDaym£ bcmgeaumce /aii tijc coutte ùyù ferc. í}ς τοτέDanD y&iicD/ipfi£ a mpîù£ buii $bemcD aiitge myfcijcfe/maiyceano enug 320ne agagnfttije martyg/witija mpmbe gncfuii $p to,& conftrapricD/witb pepneg gteu0ufip ¢É¢ Deugii ceat£D not/bigùOiourgto multppiy Qiyiibig fyitby fouie/compeiieD fore mag ffoy to £rpy£/fo/ bigijyDeOug tt&fpag, €Ii}om fignge Guifer mag conuerteD & tofie gveat re- pentaumcc fo/ijig offenceg, 3nD by tge coüfcyiioftapmt QTcaύέ γράg a ù&u0utè mam/anù a gOOD benefactouv to boiy ctycbe/anù a founùet of byuerg boig piaccg rciy. QyOu3, QTa.rii. 46 i}am (îuifcr confyberpmge/imitij buc bpfcreCp0m i9ig crucii baftyngg/amù futyoug mpnùe {9om ferrc bc baD/abutcb big rcafom 4gapmftbig ciyimem /bp mature amiò hymDc i93 fo/e rcpcntcD/im bpftoy ag mc fynne í}ig grcttoug trcfpag/amo bomycyùe bmmaturali 3n confcyence gτεu&ù/fo/ijig (pmmcg mortaii, £2amiciy tamentyngc/im fouie bigapoftatp %fter big baptym£ /amb gijoftiy COnuevfyom gnu foy ttjç ùeparturc/of big pymccg ttuip Qtontrary tprpgjt/fignùe ambali reafom Qtije iofTe of big fame/tiyugij tijig regyom 3 Detbe tobig queme/am D bigiouetg aii (5tcttoug t0 big fiymmcfm£m/ani) ft£nD£g maturaii, gii tijcfc confpùêvcù/îmitij Du£ cycumftaumce í}¢ wayîcû amo mepcD/fobbynge fuii foye £longcD in foyovmc/jcuym£g/amù greuaumce Lamcntpmge ijig OffcmC& /a tijOufamùc tym£g tijcrfoy£ i%ig intollerabi£ p£pm£/£mcrcafcD moy£ am D moy£ Qßofuiiy be ment/tobig bcD by ano by $uppofpmgc fom£ D£tije/imitijOutem amp rem£ùp. $ome of bigiou£rg/bcpmgctijcrc ppetent (5au£ bym tûcpm Coumfeyii/to ijunte in tbc foycft $om£ to Dyfp0teg/amù pi£afut£g Cuyùent $ome bmto meiODy/aii tijougjteg to Degcit ^5ut ©cmcmplù£ big qu£m£/Ymbicje iou£ù bym beft QToumfcyl£ù bym ttuiy/to tafic contrpcyon %lmù memb£3 mafi£/by Du£ fatpffaCCpom, ((|i£tbutg£, e.i. 47 gpftijig gboftiy countgyii/tbefiynge wag bery giab %mt) in tijE mOyOmJg ÉÉÉÉÉ bcfyiy çìitij mcfiemefTe to fefie/bleft£ fapnt QtcaD $o mijam tije hymge Cam£/t0 big ovatOy QLgę byffbop mag at maffc/am D rygijt confcquentiy ffvoijeuem D£fcemineD/fo gioyottg aiygijt (Tjatoftije myftery/άuifer baù no fpgijt, ζύam maffe mag £nb£D/faymt QTeab big òeftutgg caftc άpon tij& fomne bcame/by mpacie tijcre bangynge $uppofymge om a foym£/am D mabe mocije ijafte ©omete at tije Doo/e/meficiy tbe fayofiynge ζύicije iayv tijete pyoftrate/pcmaumce Dcfyynge ([(litij τ£u£rence iym £leuate/amo gau£ am £poytacyom QLijg fiynge magagtcabie /fo, tO DO fatyffaCcyom. QLije byffbopbym £mioym£D/in parte of penaumce ¢oneftroye aii pOolleg/ambtccteg of gDOiatvy %naii ijig τ£aim£ /am D tije tempi£g of pagam£g �Lo tranfiate totije bonouv/of goD aimygjty Tiitb pccfteganùcierfieg/to pay ambfgnge Deuoutip gifopeagano iuftgge/tobc fiepte contgnuaii Ûitijtijc methegof mercy/to be bfcD in fpecgaii. fontijcrijc £mioym£Diym/of ijig cibarytæ fìonaftergegto mafie/ofgveat perfetcpom ¢ribowen mitijiamDeg/pofTefTcD inipberte ¢berim fo, totgt/mem ofteiygyon QL0p apto out io De/foy big faluacpom ζύicije GuifcvpyomipfcD/to fuifyli giable 3g foom£ agije myjt/bp poffybpiyte, 48 QLbam tijc foycfayù fiymgc/anb tbc boip confcffour ζ{εnt totbey, pay£rg/im tijc oyatogy Qnù ag tije fipmgc ioficù up/to out fauyout QLije fayù factat bcfturcg/ijc fam£ cupùcntip i9amgymge om tbe fommc bcame/fuii mteruepioutip 39ig glougg/big gp Dcii/tbe fipmgebaD opom Cúbicij& fboytip to groumbe/faiicù aùomne. ζύcrbp ije perceyucù/tijc grcatijoiym cfTc gDfbleffcò fapmt QtcaD/am D interyo, D£uocyom 32etpy£ù big paapcr/ùayiy mitij mcficmeffe Qio aimggijtp gOD/fo/ big rempfigom from£ tbeng DepartcD/imitù big bcncbyccyom 3joyfuii im big fouic/tomarùc big place ©ijamfiymge gOù mchciy/of big great gracc. 3g tijg fiyngc prompfcù/t0 out faupour $ij0/tiy be auoyùcù/aii yùoiatvp Y52emmcb tijey yùoiieg/coyrccficù tùcyy £vvouv (Tranflateb tijcp, templeg/bnto gOD aimygjty foum D£ù monaftcrpęg/of tciygyon mamy £Df i £m amù momcm/gau£ tijem poffcffpong ÎLambeg/τεnteg/τyCijeg/to cmciccfc DcuOcyong £2amcip befoumDcD/a tycbe monaftery ffo, DCtijg of tijc pymceg/im fatyffaccpom Qiotbe bonour OfgOD/anû fapmt £cter truip Qtaiicù £eterboyome abbap/im ail tbig regyon QÉnno\mcD it imitij rcntcg/ipbcrtcg/poffcftyon 3 place úbere mamp/rctygpoug pcrfoneg bc $eruynge bap amb mygijt/out io De mitij cijaryte, Ô£rburgc, e.ii. 49 gifo tbcrc Ymag foum D£ù/at $tom£ apyoy? gn tbe bonour of gOD/ambtbe mattgg tmagne jàofTeffcb mitijiambeg/remteganDigberte ζσατεύ£uoute cjamomg/bcm imijabpte Certapm£ , • £\yyaci£g anù fygm£g/ijau£ bcm fb&\mcù tb&t£ playm£ QLo tije lauùe anù prayfc/of gOD Ommppotent gnb of tbefc boiy martyg/patroneg tijeve py&fent. CII QDf tbe feruemt Defye a great Deuocyom y* faymt ζύere burgc baDDe to bc rciygyoug/® of p* Dayiy fuppipcacyjg fb£ mabeto tijc fiymgcber fatijct fo/ tijc fame. QTá.tiii, $ tbig mygbty pygmceg/encrcatcD im age $o Dagiy emcrefcD/bet QooD combycyong QLjat gtcatiy £miopCD/bcv bomo abíciymag& QTonfpùerynge in ijcr/ fucjc b£rtuoug DyfpofpCpomg 3jn bygpig/payctg/anù gjoftiy mεὐytacyong $etali bev m ymbe/pomer/mmygjt/am D magn£ 3I0 fetu£ out faupour /ùay ambimpgijt certaym£, $9e peii cQntyQevcD/mitijbue byfcrccyom £pttbig pyctcntiyfe/tije gtcat mctciyùmefTe £}Omby£D£fuii itig/fuii df9arpacyon 32eCeuabi£ /peryiloug/anù of no fyfiermcffc Q£be tymę bncertagne /tobe fimomen Doubtleffc jgy ijere igno cytce/mo, fure meipynge place %lii tijpmge ig tranfytoy/im fbot pygcegaiio fpace, ζόέtfo & tijig bygym/giaùù£ ambbemyuoicnt folompng* tijc couimfepii/of biefTcD £iatjempe gagon gffyue bygpng/euer remp ppetent í}ábijet iampe tepi?tc/imitij oyicfüii of bertuc 50 1ÉÉDy fo/ to mete/ber fpoufe fwete jbctu Qiitb ctjatgtable merfieg/im berfoule contpnuati (Tijcrfoy£ fbc \magtafi£m/to big biyg ctcrmaii. $ijc mcii confpDcrcD/tijc moyD£g of tbc gofpcit ζ{ijo rcfufeg picafureg/anù maturali gcncracyom ffOy tbciouc of 3 bcfu/rcYmarùcù fbalb£ mcii Qìitij a bunùyetb folùc grace/bere fo tbey, gucrùom gnoafter tbig ipfe (baue eterne frugcpom (Gbicjc (bc rcmcmbycù/amb £u£v fxotfjatùay ØDm bcc fatijcr motùc caii/amb meficip to bym fap. 1É¢u£rent mygijty pymc€ /ambio;D£ bomo ablc filooft Dccc bylou£ù fatbev /my fpmguier bcipc a focour {ì y truft/trcfurc/amb foiacc/to m£ mooftampable gnftaumtiy 3 befccije you /fo, ioue of out faupoure gnbof big motber marpyof ppngpmgtgefioure Qiitbali tijc company/ttat in bcucm be $ty ijumbi£ petycyon/moim gtaunt it bmto me, (Gcit bpioucù fatijer/tijig ig my fttiiy mynùc ftup inftaumte ù£fyy£/amù bumble fupplycacyon ^)5y tbc graCe of goù/mafi£v ofali mamfi pnDc gmb by youv iytemcc/beipe/amù tuycpom 3 purpofe to cmter/imtoijoiy vciygyon ἀmo utteriy vefufc/ati picatureg tranfytoy (To bc pyofcffcD/at tije ijoufc ofQ£ip. £D mp Dere bougbter/fapotbig mobic fipnge :£up picafur£/foiacc/amù bope of my glaüm cfTc £tooit Deve byiou£ù/amb mp fymgulcr fìmctc Dcriynge 3 mcii COmfyùcr/your bettuc anDfaDmcfTe Cúerburge, e.iii, 5 1 your inftaumt requeft/amo 9umbic ggntyineffe %nU of your Defyy£/immarùiy 3 am glaùùe 05ut yctpouv motyon/mafieg my bertę fuil faDDe. giimy ioye anù comfo/tc/no\m vcfteti) in tije $ptij tby ùcre by£tberm£/from 0g bem agome QLjOu arte tbc trufty tccafurc/to tiy motijev amiò me gDut tpmgulcv foiace/amDfuve confolaCyon ζύcrfoy£ t\mcte Derlyngc /ag foy my beyy£ aione 3 moiDe tbe marp/amD a qu£m£tije mafie gftijou împli confcnt/anD mp Coumfepii tafie. QTomfyDer anù bcbdib£ /tiyugibaii tbig ianùe QLafi£ tbe a maryage/at tijpm£ omne picatur£ g pymce mooft baipaumt/mooft mobie to be founbe grinofbcipe ambayòe /3 |)aiitije affure (Hitij tycbeg/royaite/m£itijg /amotic£fure QTiotìjgg of αρίύe/am D rQyaii vycijc apparcii %mbaiitbyngeg m£ceffaty/ag mmam Cam ofteii, 1É£m£mby£ aigO/ijotm aftet coutfe of fiynù£ %£g£ DOtije foye gteu£/tijp moùer anù m£ aifo Qtberfoye naturali ioue (timete ciyibe)botbe me bymDe QLogyu£ tbe bcft coüfepii/imbat tijou fbaiiDO @LO ijonout anù moyfbyp/ijoYm tijou map comcto ζύtcije gccat temomnc/amù by£ aftate certaymę QLO fe tijca qu£m£/împii mafi£ b3pOnge agayng, G50Ù OyD£pm£b mattymony/fppft in £araDyfe ')5ytmem£ mam & momam/imbam ije tje modòe DyD mafic Qtjatmanhymoe mygijt emctefe/muitypiy ano ryte QÉcije p£rfon£ at pigafuv&/a fpoufc foy tjem totafie 52 £}om iogmcD by boiy ciyci}e/aii otijet tpfofafic Qtbe ciyiDe oftijc fatber/to tafie big Dyfcyplymę 3nD after tijat to tccjc/ijig yfiu£ tijgpg DOCtrpm£. gifo mam anù bccft/bauc Dyfpofpcyom maturali QTobynge foytt tbey, iyficmefTe/by generacyon 35ut mam baugmge rcafom /amD fre mpii mitb aii 3giamc requyetb/ijatijjig pyocreacpom GnDet tru£ matrymony/by big omne eieccyom £D, cig to obfcruc/amo ipuc in pure bpngpmpte ffoy tijg gtcatet merptc/ani) τεΥmarùè of gioyyg. %mù yf aiimayù£mg/fbuiDe ficpe tijg yy cijaftyte 3gpe momùo/ijom (bulbe tùe wo;ipe emcrete $moete louciy crcaturc/rygijt iopfuii moiD£ 3 bc @Lofipffc a ciyiùe of tijpm£/ijauynge tùy ipficmcfTe Qnò fe tbg aifo Co/omate/ag a mpgijty pygmceffc QÉmcipm£ D£τε ύeriymgc/tiy mpmùc to mym£ cmtcmt Qmbali tijcfe fapD ijonourg /impii folomc Confcqucnt, GI 4Df the mcfic amfìmcrc fapmt ζ{crburge gatt£ to |jer fa- tij&r mijam fbe mag mocucù to mavgage, QTa.tiiii. QT£; bpii magD/mbâ fbe fimgwe bev fatijerg m pnpc í}et fouic mag cepictc/Ymitb moo a pcmfyucmefTc gnofoy£ begam to mepe/after courg of fipmùe QLúc faitc tecregùyftylicD/foy payme ambijeupmcffc ^5pijcr tuùùp cijcfieg (bynyngc/fuii fayy£ DoubtcicfTc 4®yteoug to bcboiDc/but \mbam tijc foycfayD maybe QLCafCù Ofijer foyo\m£ /tijug to iymm (bcfayùc, £aOoft bceftbgioucD fatijev /merte togODaimygbt. (({£tburgc, [2,1111, 53 youv fiymb£ gemtyii mocyon/ττοίύg m0£u£ immatù£ip άτυε miymov ofaniy crcaturc/to folom£ yOut tygijt £Diamy ftomy ftomafie/to vcient ambappiy gno rctoiuc ectje baroebevte/toimapipnge Doiefuiiy gtomtyberynge om £uevy parte/mitbgOODbytcrccyom Qtoaccepte oy refufc/tijig barb£ £i£CCyOm. - ffatijcr 3 bau£ bem to pou/mefie anù obcbyemt Q£uet tytjg bao/yereg of bytcrccyom gíaDDe toobferue/youv ijye cpmmaüDpment çiitiyioue inteyo/amD bumible intemcyon gnb foimpii comtgnue/witbiguoiy fubmyftyon 3jm tjig pa£tent ipfe/Ymbyie 3 Do £mbut£ £Df my iou£ anD pgayer/£u£v ye fbaibe fure, ^5ut mooftioueiy fatijcr/3 pay you bertfuiiy Qtafie moùyfpicfure/parDom mbat 3 [0ait fay :£p fouic/miy berte/amb mpmbe/ig fct ftyDfaftiy QTo fccu£ mpio D£ gOD/mygbtamb aifo Day £2eu£v to be matycù/by iiomam et of îmap foyfotijiy 3 baue bomcD/mgtrue bygynyte (3nto 3ijefu/tije fcconJ£ perfon£ in trympte, Qiijat ig mg fpoute/amD bictteDtaupour ffoy mbofe ioug refufcb/im certapntc bauc 3 3ii τροτίρcip pi£atureg/ioeltb/rpcijegano bomour ζίitgaiibopDe bufyrieffe/anD cureg trantytoy :£ipiou£ om bym igfcttc/fo fure anù feru£ntiy Qtijat motijpnge fbaii feparate/mp bertiym fcò $£fi£m£g no?ijcitj&/picature/peym£/m£ Ymo, 3lifo mp fuii emtemt/mag neuev otberimptc 54 QLjam to bc jambmayD£/to mp ioyD£ 3 befu 2lnt) of my foui£ amD bOùp/to mafi£ bym factpfyce foy mp gboftly weitbe/ati byceg to fubDue i9e ig my Derc fpoufe/folace/geitb£ mopfttvue £Dm bym igaii mp ijcrtc/am D bafcbem fetaîîmap Qnù cuct (balbc /bnto my £nDpmg£ Dap. %m tibig myctcûcû îmoyiù£/ime cam motionge embure gnbof tbig pyctcntiyfe/ìme arc in mo fuerte 33 \mc bauc DcferucD/fo \mc fbaibc fut£ 4ftcr tbig ppigvymage/tzìmatùcù fo! to b£ ffom mcrcy anù gracc/tijcrfoyg m£ficiy Caii me ζυγίε ως bau£ tymę anù fpace/foy tbam itig to iate ζύam Detbe ìmitij big batte/faptb toug Cijcfi£mate, ζύerfopc Dere fatijcv/% fb£\m£ you mo\m agayne gii my bole berte/ùefycambentent ζύicijc cucv batij bem/amù fo fbaibc ccrtayn£ ffoy to bc tciygyoug /cijaft/anb obeùpent £2amciy at Gly/foy tiyepy b£rttt£ ercciient fatijcv 3 tequyy£ you/for Ciyftcg ioue anù cjaryte :£ìp m£fi£ fuppiyCaCyom/110ìm grattmte it bnto m£, QÜbe fipnge mcii confpDcrcD/big bottgijterg Dcfp;c i9er conftaumte true mpmbe/am D pute Deuocyon (Brauntcb bet petycyom/mitij fpmguier ioue cntppe Qttuftpmgc by bet pap£τ/amù Dayiy fuppîycacyon ÖÄnto bcucm bipffe/tije tatijer foy to Come í}er motber ©rmemylue/imag glaύύc oftijig tpùynge 3mbiauDCD fuiiiomiy/oucioJe ambijeuem fignigc, (I{}οῖm faymt ζάerburge mag maDc a moyneg after ber Dctyc at túc monaftery of ©iy bmber taynt @uòy/laby anù abbeffe. QTa.tb. í}am tije fipnge remíb/£D/ìmitij Du£ cyciiftaíìce (Tìjg £rCelient b£rtu£ /fabn£g/amù grauyt£ qDf big Dere DOugùtet/am D tije pcrfpte coaftaumC£ £9cr bumible petycyon/am D pure bygynyte 39etjamfigD Ourio De/witb great bumgigte £pf big imfympte grace/tijatfo rogati a floure frome bym DefcenDcD/to big papfc ambijomoutc. £)e temDe meffagcg/im aii QOOQig baft Gitbietterg myftyug /tijugùbig regpom Qtommaunnynge big fubiectęg/tibep fjuine fuii faft 05y a Dap affygm£ù/bc tcùy £u£rycijom£ gn tijey beft maner/imitù bym fo togone ¢0 bypngcijig Dougijtet/totijg boug of Q£iy QLjere to be tciygyoug/after ber DcfpDety. ζbam tije bap mag Come/of tijgy appoyntment QLijc mobieg of tije tcaim£/am Diogùcg \m£τε τ£ùy Qto attenùe om tijey fouetayne/atijig commaüùpmemt íìpnge Guifcr prepateD/aiitiynge picataumtip Qmb ofbig couvt/bab cijofem a nobi£ company %m túey beft avay/topaite/anù renommc (Looffct fapmt ([([{£tbutge/to gOD anb tclpgyom. Qt9e fignge om big3ourney/tODe fontbe rogatip QLijc qucne bym folomeD/ag ig tije cuftom£ ûerburge fucccDcDtijem confequentiy QLije pe£τεg amù ijig Coumfepii/fim£\me meiitijey, τοῖmme 32ufi£g/£vi£g/ioyDeg/amb mamy a moytby baroimne 56 íánygt;tcg/fqupcrg/gcmtpig/of ber fipmrgù alto ζ{iti) labyeg anb gcmityimom£m/® fcruaiiteg botij timo, ζbam tbe fiynge app;ocij£D/tbe fapù monaftcrp $apnt guby tbam abbcfTe/tOfie ber bolp couent %lmo mctte tîjç fapù fiyngc/anû ali ijig COmpany ζΊitij folempne pyoceftyOm/am D gretynge bempuoient 42ayfyng£ our ioJe QOD ommppotent ζύicije ofijig goDÙm£g/totijat congrccacp0m $emù£ tbem a fyftct/of fuciJc p£tfcCCp0m. ζ{ετέburgc rcquyy£D/bp tijg oyDet of cijarytæ :£l£fi£iy om iJev fim££g/tO £mter reipgpom $apmt %uby τεC£yu£ù/ofijer benpgnpte %mb grauntcû fte ipCem Ce/after ijer petpcpom Glabùe mere aifo/ttje ijole COngregacpon 3mD fangc (QTe Deum) mitjmocbe reuerence ftilagngfy£mg£ out iogDC/Ofijig pyOl1gùemC£. $ije mag rcceyucù/imitij mocije folcmpnyte %mto tijc ijoty oyùcr/aftccijCt cntcnt ¢0 pyou£ bet fabncg/am D bum yipte (3g ig tijg Cuftom£)am D fobe obeùycnt (Toiyu£ £u£c after/bumble/cjaft/anù contynent QLijam Dyùtbey??joye /mctu£yioufip cmcrcag QT0mfyùetyngcijct paCyêmg/anù perfpte ijoiyneg, £}er ropali ùpaDem£/am D fbpnynge cogomaii Ûag fyft refutei)/f02 iou£ of our faugoure Qtije pOoye bayle accepteu/amo tijc fymple pati Qtbe rogati rpcije purpuii/reicctcù tjat famę boure Öliti} 0t9£v ciOtijgg of golù£/fyifi£g of gτ£at ijonoure 57 $ije toficio me appareyii/όeftur>bat mete biafi£ gii ger picfaumt gavm£nteg/fbe cicrciy byù fo/fafi£, gifo fb£ τεfufcD/ijct fatberg vcaim£ am D royaite giitpcijeg/remtgg/picatureg/poffeffpon ζβitjaii μογincip bonoureg/full of bampte Loîmiy fubmyttynge ijet/bmDci: fubicccyom άετtu to £mctcfc/mpnoymge mooft rciygyon $ijc rcfufcù y£t moy£ bet omnc pyoper impii 42ut aiitoijev abbcffc/ijer 0;D£v to fuifyii, (II 4)f the great folempnyte fiynge Guifer male at túc gjoftip mavgage of fagnt Cúerburge big Dougbter/to ai big iou£rg/Cotyng/ami) fcemi)eg. QTa.rbi. 35#; (áuífct ijer fatijcr/attbig gjoftip fpoufage 42eparcDgreat tryumpbeg/amiD folempmpte £aabe a rogati feeft/ag cuftome igOf marpage $emù£ fo/ big fvemb&g/after gOOD ijumampte Βcpte a nobi£ boufbolbe/tbeweò greati pbgraiyte ^5otijg tovycije anù pOOt£/tijat totijig fe£ft moiùe com£ £20 mam mag Deny£ù/£lÌ£ty mtam mag $mcti COme, í}et uncicgamD aumteg/imere py£fcnt tùere aii Q£tύcircD/anD £τετωaïù£/amD £\crcciiy aifo £υτεblefTeDfiyngeg/τρύom£ fapmtegime Do caii $aint fi£m£fîmpù/fait fi£m£burg/tijey, fyfterg botijtmo gnb ofbet nobleiygnage/many otijer mo £cre vcDy tijat fcatom/mitú reuerenceano bonour %t tijignobie ttyttmpij&/tO DO ali tijeyy Deu0ur. QLijo fynges mett& tijem/imitij tijepm company ßß Q£gbrpctfiynge officnt/byotijcr totijc qu£m£ QLije fcconDeimag %iDuipbcfiynge of tbe ccft pattp 05yotijcx to fapmt gubrp/wyfc amb maybe fcreme ([([iitij Dyu£rg of tbey, progemy/anù mobicg ag% m£m£ 32ufi£g/erieg/barong/ambigDeg ferre anù mere 3jn tijey beft arap/ìmere py£fent ali in fct£. %t merc fuiitcùyoug/to mafi£ Dcfcrypcyon £Dftijc grcat tryumpijeg/amo folempne royaite ')5£iomgyngc totijc fccft/tijC bomOtttamD pyouyfyom 35g plagne declaracpom/bpom euery partye ')5ttttijc fotijg to fay/îmitijoutem ambyguyt£ gii berbegam Dfioureg/fragraunt faye amotwete ζετ£ ftram cù in baileg/ambiayù bmbcr tijey fctc, Qtiotijeg of goine ambarrag/mere bgmgcDim tûcûati 32epagntcDimitb pyctureg/ambyftoryeg mamyfoloe ζ{£li myougbtam D Crafteiy/mitij pr£Cyoug fton£gaii GÉîpterynge ag £ij£bug/amD tijc bctem goiùc Lyfi£ am crtijiy parabytc/picataumt tobcboiùc gg fo tbe fapù moyneg/imag not tbem amonge Q5ut papemge im bcv ceii/ag Don£ ali nouyce pomge, Qtije ftory of gDamt/tijgre mag QOODlp mougbt gnb of big myfc Q£u£/byt\mcmctijcm tijcferpcnt i9oim tijcp mercùcceyu£ù/amù totijep, pgpmcg bougijt QÜbcrc \mag Qtagmam D 3 beii/offerynge tibey, pyctcnt Qtbe facryfyce of gbcii/accepte fuit cupùcnt QtubaiiamD QLubaitaim/imere purtraycD in tijat place QLije inuentourg of mufyfie/amù crafteg by gtcat grace, £λος ambijig fjyppe/ìmagmtaDC tijcv& Cutpouffy 59 $cmoyngefo,tûarauem/wbicbe itgu££ camte ggggt;£ gno bömjtjcùóuuc vctourm£D/Ymitba bauntije ijaft£iy g toficm of confoytc anD pcace/tomam Ccttapne gb agam túere mag/ftafioynge upontije mount piagne Qtooffcr intacvyfyce/gfaacbig Dere tome, gno ijotm ttjc fjcpc fopiym/imag offcrcD in oblatyom. φύc twciue foneg of3acob/tgere yere in gutttaptuve griobom into ©gypt/yonge gofepb mag folbe Qtgcre maginprytom£D/bgafaife coniectout gfter in ail GEqypte/imagtuier (ag igtoine) φυστε τύag in pycture/£ìogfegmpfe anD boine gDutio D£ appevyngc/im buffbc flammyngg ag fyy£ gnû notijpnge tigerofbgemit/icfe/trec/nor £ppy£. Qttjc tcm piaggg of ®gpptc/ττετα τψeii emboft ¢ûe ciyiorem ofgfrácli/pafIynge tjerccb fee $ymge 32baroo Dyomm£D/mitijaii big pyouDc ijooft gnoijom tijc tìmo tableg/attije mounte of $ynape (Icve gyuem to £ìoyfeg/am Dijom foom£ to yùoiatry QLijc pcopi£ mere p/ome/amù pumpffijCù ìmer£ tbetfoye 39om 32atam anù %by/on/fo, pgpùe mere ioft fuii youve. 32ufic goftt£ mag ioym£D/after tijcm in pyctute iL£Dynge tije jtteijeipteg/to tije iambe of prompffyon %m Dijovm tij& fapùianùc/imag Dyuyùçùby mctur£ (TotiJQ pgopi£ of gdù/by £quafi funty poycyom QLije 3jungegambbpffijopg/imere tbere £u£rycjone QTijgy nobię actcg/anùtryumpijeg £tarcyäii fccffijip mere byomùm cù/intjete ciotijeg toyaii. £2erte tobpe bo De io De/appctcD fayyc ambbrygijt 1 60 Βpngc $auiianD32augù/ariò pruùent $alomon 1Éobdag fucccDpmge/τρbicúe foon£ foftbig mygt;t QTijc QooD fiyngc ©fccùpag/amù big generatyOm gnù fo totbc £aacgabceg/amobpucrg otjcr maCp0m giitbctc fayùftoypêg/fo tycijciy Dom£ amb impougbt Y5ciügyngtô hymgGuifer/agayn y* tymę mer£ b Ougtjt ^5ut ou£v tijc iyc Dcffc/im tûc pymcypaiiplaC£ ζjcrc ttjc fayùtbye fipmgcg/tatc cromm cù ali Qtijt bcft baliyngc bangcD/ag tcafom mag (Tiberim mere impugbt/ Nyeg angclgcati 32pugDcDim tiy£ 3 crarciyfeg/not ccffyngc to Caii $anctug/fanctug/tanctug /bieftgù betbe tryripte 320mimttgùeugfaba0tij/ttj!£p£tfon£g in Om£ Dèptè, £2¢rte im 0'Dy£ fupmgc/fcttc in gooDÍp purtraptur£ Tiag our blcffcúiaDy/fioure of fcmpnyte ζΊitij tijg tmciuc apoftl£g/£cijcom£ im big fygur£ gnòtije foute euang£lyfteg/img0ugbt moOit curyoufiy gifo tijc Dyfcypi£g/ofciyft in tijey, Degrc £y£Cbymgc anùtecijpmge/6nto £u£ry maCyom QLjcfaytijt£g of ijoiy clypcije /fottijcy faiuacyom. £aartyygtbam folomcD/vygút mamyfeftig QLije boiy immoC&mteg/imijomc ijcrODe ijaD fiapm£ Ύ$icfTcD faymt $tepbam/tije pyotjomarty, truip $apnt Laurëc£/fagnt Gpncèt/fufferyngc grcat papne Qgitb manp otber mo/tijam gere beri nom certapne £Df \mbicbe fagù martyg/erfample m£ map tafie 3®acycmcc to obfctuc/imijcrte for cijyfteg fafi£, Qtonfeffotttg appyocij&D/tygijt Comucmpemt 61 ffvetfbcig cmbyolycD/im tycjetyffijewe amiò fpme ' $aymt £2ycijoiag taynt 05cmcDpcte/ampbig gouent $apnt gerom/)5afyiyuß/ambfapmt%uguftpm£ Gregory tje great Doctout/gmbofeant, fagnt fitattgme %ii tjcte mere fette/in gooDiy puttvaytuv£ QLgem to beijoiùe/imag aijcuemiy pigafuv£. Gygyng tijem foio\m£D/crowncb mitij tîjç ipiy gmonge τρύomte out iabyCjcfe pyctybcmt mag $ome crommcD mitij voofeg/fo, tbey, gtcat bgytoy $apnt $atijçrym£/fapnt £largar£te/fapmt %gatijag $aymt Qtpcyip/fagnt %gn£g/am D fapmt QTjatytag $apnt Lucye/fagntúêmeftyOe/amo fagut 3ppipn %ii tijcfe mere byotgercD/tije ciotjeg of golù£ mitijim. άpon tijc otijev tpOe/of tijcijaii fette mere £2obIe auncyentitoyeg /ébom tje ftronge èamptom $ubύιτ£D ijig cnemp£g/bpbig mygijty pom£t QÍ£)ccto, gf Qtrop/tiagne by faigtrcatom £Df mobi* grttur/fignge pftjigteggom úitúmtamy otijet mo/mbicije it ig to ionge 4àlaymiy to £ppy£ff£/tijig tpmt£ yoltamonge, Qiije tablegimere cougreD/ymitij ciotjeg pf£paper 1Épcjcig eniargcD/mitû fyiuer amiòiyitùgoinc (Tbe CupbOyDe mitij plate/fbynynge fapge anùciete fíìatfbaiieg tijey, offyccg/fuifyiicD mamyfoibe £Dfmygùty wymę pienty/botije meme amboioe 3iimam£v fiym De/of mevteg ù£iycat£ (((iijam gtace mag tagD) totiJem mag py£parate. QL0tíjíg nobíe fecit/ttere Ymagfucije 0'DynaumCę 9 QLbat motùynge ìmanteD/tbat gotem mpgijt b£ 4Dm fc£ anù om iambe/buttijcre imag fjabunùäunc& gDfaii manet picatureg/to bc baù fo, mompe QLijcbo D£g aiicjargcD/fuii of meet plente gno Dyuerg fubtyiteg/preparcùfotbiy mere ([([iiti) CoJyaiifppCcg/tbeyg gjcft£g foy to cijer£. φύe goyfuiimo Neg/anù fimete communpcacyon $pofiem at the table/it mere barbe toteli Q£iiJC mam at ipbccte/imitijOut interrupCyOm 050tij© fabncgam D mystijeg/aifo pyu£ COumfcii $om£ abutacyon/fom£ tije trutije ùpùteii ')5uttijc grcataftateg/fpafi£ oftij&py regyong íánygbtcg of tbey, cijpuaity/of Craftegtbg comong, QTgttayncat £cijE COut g/offctu yc£ in tbe bali Qttumpcttcg blewe bp/thaimegamù ciaryong $bcwpmgetijey metOy mitb/toymeg mufycali 32yu£rg otber mynftvcllcg/tm crafty pyopoycyong {ilaùc f\m£tc concoynaumCc/amùiufty ùpuyfyong %m beuenip pleature/fuctje armomp to pere 1É£ioyíynge tijc ijcvteg/oftijc aubyence fuli cicrc, g tpmguier mynftrcii/aiiotber ferre paftynge (Toym£ù big imftrument/im pieafaunte armony gnofamgc mooit £mctciy/tije COmpany giaùynge £Df mygijty conquerourg/tbe fami0ug byctoy ζόermitij mag vauyffbcD/tijcy. fpyytcgant) mcmoyy $pecyalip be fange/of tbe great Alexandere (5fijig ttyumpbeg anù bomioutg/emùurynge.rii.yere, $0i£mply bc fongc /tije ftate oftije 13omang ζ{ετburge f.i. 63 1;uigo bnper fiprigeg/bp polygpany wyfebome £Dftgey, bye iuftpcr/ambrygtjtfuii o|)pnaumg 32agig emcreatynge/im woyfbgp amiò remomm£ Qtyïí ôtarquyn£ y prouDe fiynge/imitij p* grcat cófufyon gDppyeftem Dame Lucrcce/tije mpfe ot Qtpiatym£ íäyngcg mcucr rcpgmcD im 1Éome/tptij tijat tym£. gifo ijotm tije 1Éomayng/ bmbet tbre DyctatOut3 G50u£tncD aii r£gyong/oftije motùe rpgijt myf&iy Qtpii guigug Qtetat/£rcciiynge aii conquerourg $ubùcù£ompeiug/amù tofi* tije bole momarcijy gno tije vule of1ìome/to gpmfcife mamfuiip 25ut Qtafiiug )5;utu3/tije faig confppatour QTaufeù to be fiapm£/tij& fagù mobie £mperOut. gftertbe fayò guipug/tucceDeo bigtyftev tome gtafigù %Dctauyanug/im tbe imperpati fec Qmb by ijig pgccepte/imag maùc defccppcyon £0 cuerp regyon/lambe/fbye/amDcgtee 3 trybute topay/bmto big ùygnyte ©ijat tymę mag/bnyuerfaii peagamDijonour 3m mijicij£ tym£ mag boym£/0ut bicfTcù fauyout2, 3ii tbefe byffopeg/mobie ambaumcperit 13£i0yfpngctijc aubyemce/be fange mitij picafu£r 3lmb mamy otijet mo/of tije memeteftament £l£afaunt anD pyofytable/fo, they fouieg cure ζύicijcbe OmyttcD/no\m mot put in bgc ®Tbemiympftcrg mcre tcDy/tbep, offycc tofuifyii QL0tafi£ bptije tabi£g/at tbeyyioyùgg imyii, ζίύam tijignoblefccft/am Dgreat folempmpte, 64 32ayiy £mbtttpmgc/a ionge tpm£ amb fpace ζ{ag toyaiip cnùcù/îmitijbomouc anD royaite QÉcije fipnge at otijer/ iyfence tafiem bacC 3mbfo DepartcD from tbemg/to tbey, place íápnge ({uifet tetoutm£D/îmitij moyfbyp amiò rcmoimnc ftome tije ijOufe of Q£iy/to big omne manfyon, SI ©f tbe boip profeffyom a gjoftip conuertacyon faymt çûcrburge bfcD at GEig in reipgyon/bnDcr faymt gub;p ijèt abbeffe amb Cofyn. QTá.tbii, $; $újam tbig bpngpm/tbetpoute ofgbctu £/£9abfuiiy contynucD/im boip rciygyon ζ{iti) mt£fi£m£ffe /pacycmg/anù aii bcrtu fuiip tge pere/of ber probacgom QLijam fb£ maDc inftaumce/fo, bet profcffyom gmto fagnt guby/bcriaDy ambabbefTe ζ{bicije foom£ tmag grauntCD/imitij great glabmcffc. £D Dymauncc tijcp maDc/amo great royaite 39et fremeg ycre caligo/aQaynfttbatfcafom $ije tpag profefTcD/witb great bumpipte QLije obferuaumce Dom£/îmitij Du£ D£uOcyom $ijc maDc folempmc botm£/of gboftiy conucrfacyon ;£t£fi£iy toobfcru£/ob£ùpcmce anù cijaftyte Génùurpngc bcr ipfc/amb implfuii poucrte, 05p tije crfample/of bcr perfcccyom £tamp Dyuerg perfon£g/ofber mobicipmage 1â€fufcD tijig mo/ibe/amb cntrcD reipgyon 1íempùfymge bapmc picafureg/rycbegamo maryage QÉmcipm£ù t0 bertue /fo, tbey, gijoftiy auaumtage (ú£tburge f.ii. 65 gg may bc fpccyfyeD/bere after foiowynge Qtijey, nam£g/fgep, aftatc/amotbey, goOOiyuynge, £}οη tijig gioyyoug bygym/aftev bet ύεΓριε 3g gijoftiy matycD/to out io D£ 3j£fu gcro Dpmgc to bev entent/ambttuciou£ £mty & $ije Dayiy emcrefcD/fromc bcrtu to b£ttu Titij mioye ftrapter ipfe/byceg to fubDu QLijciongcr fb£ cmburcù/im rciygyon * QLijc bcttcr fbc pμεparcù/ijcr ijcrte to DeuOcyon, %mb tijotijig òygpm/cicreipùpb fopfafi£ gii tpcijgg bonourg/amù picatureg moibip ζGitb aii pofIefIyong/fo/ bcrioJ£g fafi£ $ije ttjougjttbam (be repgm£ù/mooft ipfi£ atabp gtaute tbat (beiyucD/im ciyfteg fcrupce Dayip Qmb certaym£ it ig/ijoiy fcrypture recogDpnge ζ{ijofctueg mcii gOD/ύotije tepgm£ ipfi£ a hpmge, 3m payct/penaumCc/ amb/contempiacyon ûag aii ijcr bufpncffc/am D ftuùy aîîmay gompafpmgebywbat manet of mcDptacyom $be mygijtbeft plcafe/out io De to big pay –<*>- £. 3::;<;;:;:… * • • 3jt?í *-**… $ecu*s*s*w*w-*• •• …w* • *: s* *ia*** Š ©*;£*§s;;33><; i£T£::;;;;;;;';;;;:::;:;;;;;£;r:: - - - - 2. *•*• * - •*<**** e*l • * ' $£ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ £t Š :>:; <*v«*e. : ********** $: * <** w*-*rw ••(*•*** * *** 3 : -; ^•-!*•] È t%$ - - - *. - & su - - - © o- 33E - $ - ras. ię$ - r- áë**•*••**••sas Ê - fis* Ęr<<-** r- * . . 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