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Cross TUCKER BROOKE PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, YALE UNIVERSITY, ON THE FUND GIVEN TO THE YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS IN 1917 BY THE MEMBERS OF THE KINGSLEY Trust AssocIATION To COMMEMORATE THE SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE SOCIETY .: The Yale Shakespeare :: THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR EDITED BY GEORGE VAN SANTVOORD ES - 71 NEW HAVEN · YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON · GEOFFREY CUMBERLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • MCMXXII Grad 2826 X مسیر COPYRIGHT, 1922 BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS First published, January, 1922 05/01/12 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 109 119 121 The Text . . . . . . NOTES. . . . . . APPENDIX A. Sources of the Play . . APPENDIX B. The History of the Play .. APPENDIX C. The Text of the Present Edi- tion . . . . APPENDIX D. Suggestions for Collateral Reading . . . INDEX OF Words GLOSSED . 125 127 128 The map opposite is reproduced from John Norden's 'Plan or Bird's-eye View of Windsor Castle from the North executed for James I in 1607 and now preserved in the British Museum (MS. Harley 3749). B e of Crewells wulke Puteor Crewkils walka LITLE PARKE DRAMATIS PERSONÆ SiR JOHN FALSTAFF FENTON, a young Gentleman SHALLOW, a Country Justice SLENDER, Cousin to Shalloro FORD PAGE 1 two Gentlemen dwelling at Windsor - WILLIAM PAGE, a Boy, Son to Page Sir Hugh EVANS, a Welsh Parson Doctor Caius, a French Physician Host of the Garter Inn BARDOLPH ) Pistol | Followers of Falstaff NYM Robin, Page to Falstaff SIMPLE, Servant to Slender Rugby, Servant to Doctor Caius MISTRESS FORD MISTRESS PAGE ANNE PAGE, her Daughter, in love with Fenton Mistress QUICKLY, Servant to Doctor Caius Servants to Page, Ford, &c. Scene: Windsor; and the Neighbourhood.] Dramatis Personæ: first given by Rowe (1709) The Merry Wives of Windsor ACT FIRST Scene One [Windsor. Before Page's House] Enter Justice Shallow, Slender, [and] Sir Hugh Evans; (and later] Master Page, Falstaff, Bar- dolph, Nym, Pistol, Anne Page, Mistress Ford, Mistress Page, [and] Simple. Shal. Sir Hugh, persuade me not; I will make a Star-chamber matter of it;. if he were twenty Sir John Falstaffs he shall not abuse Robert Shallow, esquire. 4 Slen. In the county of Gloucester, justice of peace, and coram. Shal. Ay, cousin Slender, and cust-alorum. Slen, Ay, and rato-lorum too; and a gentle- 8 man born, Master Parson; who writes himself armigero, in any bill, warrant, quittance, or obligation,--armigero. Shal. Ay, that I do; and have done any time 12 these three hundred years. Slen. All his successors gone before him hath done 't; and all his ancestors that come after him may: they may give the dozen white luces in 18 their coat. Shal. It is an old coat. Scene One S. d.; cf. n. Sir: old title for a priest 2 Star-chamber matter; cf. n. 6 coram; cf. n. 7,8 cust-alorum .... rato-lorum; cf. n. 10 armigero: esquire bill: bill of exchange quittance: discharge 16 give: display luces: pikes (fish); cf. n. from debt The Merry Wives 24 Eva. The dozen white louses do become an old coat well; it agrees well, passant; it is a 20 familiar beast to man, and signifies love. Shal. The luce is the fresh fish; the salt fish is an old coat. Slen. I may quarter, coz? Shal. You may, by marrying. Eva. It is marring indeed, if he quarter it. Shal. Not a whit. Eva. Yes, py’r lady; if he has a quarter of 28 your coat, there is but three skirts for yourself, in my simple conjectures: but that is all one. If Sir John Falstaff have committed disparage- ments unto you, I am of the Church, and will be 32 glad to do my benevolence to make atonements and compremises between you. Shal. The Council shall hear it; it is a riot. Eva. It is not meet the Council hear a riot; 36 there is no fear of Got in a riot. The Council, look you, shall desire to hear the fear of Got, and not to hear a riot; take your vizaments in that. Shal. Ha! o' my life, if I were young again, 40 the sword should end it. Eva. It is petter that friends is the sword, and end it; and there is also another device in my prain, which, peradventure, prings goot dis- 44 cretions with it. There is Anne Page, which is daughter to Master Thomas Page, which is pretty virginity. Slen. Mistress Anne Page? She has brown 48 hair, and speaks small like a woman. 20 passant: walking (heraldry) 22, 23 Cf. n. 24 quarter; cf. n. 34 compremises: i.e., compromises 35 Council: i.e., the Privy Council sitting in Star Chamber 39 vizaments: i.e., avisements, deliberations 48 Mistress: fornial title for women 49 small: shrilly of Windsor, I. i. Eva. It is that fery person for all the 'orld, as just as you will desire; and seven hundred pounds of moneys, and gold and silver, is her grandsire, 52 upon his death's-bed, -Got deliver to a joyful resurrections give, when she is able to overtake seventeen years old. It were a goot motion if we leave our pribbles and prabbles, and desire a 56 marriage between Master Abraham and Mistress Anne Page. Shal. Did her grandsire leave her seven hun- dred pound? 60 Eva. Ay, and her father is make her a petter penny. Shal. I know the young gentlewoman; she w has good gifts. : 64 Eva. Seven hundred pounds and possibilities is goot gifts. Shal. Well, let us see honest Master Page. Is Falstaff there? 68 Eva. Shall I tell you a lie? I do despise a liar as I do despise one that is false; or as I despise one that is not true. The knight, Sir John, is there; and, I beseech you, be ruled by 72 your well-willers. I will peat the door for Master Page. [Knocks.] What, hoa! Got pless your house here! Page. [Within.] Who's there? 76 Eva. Here is Got's plessing, and your friend, and Justice Shallow; and here young Master Slender, that peradventures shall tell you an- other tale, if matters grow to your likings. 80 50 'orld: i.e., world 56 pribbles and prabbles: Quibbles and brabbles (?), i.e., petty disputings 64 gifts: qualities of mind 65 possibilities: expectations The Merry Wives 88 [Enter Page.] Page. I am glad to see your worships well. I thank you for my venison, Master Shallow. Shal. Master Page, I am glad to see you: much good do it your good heart! I wished your 84 venison better; it was ill killed. How doth good Mistress Page?-and I thank you always with my heart, la! with my heart. Page. Sir, I thank you. Shal. Sir, I thank you; by yea and no, I do. Page. I am glad to see you, good Master Slender. Slen. How does your fallow greyhound, sir? 92 I heard say he was outrun on Cotsall. Page. It could not be judged, sir. Slen. You'll not confess, you'll not confess. Shal. That he will not: 'tis your fault, 'tis 96 your fault. 'Tis a good dog. Page. A cur, sir. Shal. Sir, he's a good dog, and a fair dog; can there be more said? he is good and fair. 100 Is Sir John Falstaff here? Page. Sir, he is within; and I would I could do a good office between you. Eva. It is spoke as a Christians ought to speak. Shal. He hath wronged me, Master Page. 105 Page. Sir, he doth in some sort confess it. Shal. If it be confessed, it is not redressed: is not that so, Master Page? He hath wronged 108 me; indeed, he hath ;-at a word, he hath,-be- lieve me: Robert Shallow, esquire, saith, he is wronged. Page. Here comes Sir John. 112 92 fallow: fawn-color 93 Cotsall; cf. n. 96 fault: misfortune of Windsor, I. i [Enter Sir John Falstaff, Pistol, Bardolph, and Nym.] Fal. Now, Master Shallow, you'll complain of me to the king? Shal. Knight, you have beaten my men, killed my deer, and broke open my lodge. 116 Fal. But not kissed your keeper's daughter? Shal. Tut, a pin! this shall be answered. Fal. I will answer it straight: I have done all this. That is now answered. 120 Shal. The Council shall know this. Fal. 'Twere better for you if it were known in counsel: you'll be laughed at. Eva. Pauca verba, Sir John; goot worts. 124 Fal. Good worts! good cabbage. Slender, I. broke your head: what matter have you against me? Slen. Marry, sir, I have matter in my head 128 against you; and against your cony-catching rascals, Bardolph, Nym, and Pistol. [They car- ried me to the tavern, and made me drunk, and afterwards picked my pocket.] Bard. You Banbury cheese! Slen. Ay, it is no matter. Pist. How now, Mephistophilus ! Slen. Ay, it is no matter. 136 Nym. Slice, I say! pauca, pauca; slice! that's my humour. Slen. Where's Simple, my man? can you tell, cousin ? 140 118 pin: trifle answered: atoned for 119 straight: immediately 123 in counsel: in secret 124 Pauca verba: few words worts: 1,., words 125 worts: vegetables 129 cony-catching: cheating 130-132 They . . . pocket; cf. n. 133 Banbury cheese; cf. n. 135 Mephistophilus: devil; cf. n. 137 Slice: of cheese (?); cf. n. 138 humour; cf. n. 132 137 The Merry Wives 152 Eva. Peace, I pray you. Now let us under- stand: there is three umpires in this matter, as I understand; that is—Master Page, fidelicet, Master Page; and there is myself, fidelicet, my- 144 self; and the three party is, lastly and finally, mine host of the Garter. Page. We three, to hear it and end it between them. 148 Eva. Fery goot: I will make a prief of it in my note-book; and we will afterwards ’ork upon the cause with as great discreetly as we can. Fal. Pistol ! Pist. He hears with ears. Eva. The tevil and his tam! what phrase is this, 'He hears with ear'? Why, it is affectations. Fal. Pistol, did you pick Master Slender's 156 purse? Slen. Ay, by these gloves, did he,-or I would I might never come in mine own great chamber again else,--of seven groats in mill-sixpences, 160 and two Edward shovel-boards, that cost me two shilling and two pence a-piece of Yead Miller, by these gloves. Fal. Is this true, Pistol? Eva. No; it is false, if it is a pick-purse. Pist. Ha, thou mountain foreigner !—Sir John and master mine, I combat challenge of this latten bilbo. Word of denial in thy labras here! 164 168 143 fidelicet: i.e., videlicet, namely 146 Garter: an inn at Windsor 159 great chamber: hall 160 groats: coins valued at fourpence mill-sixpences: coins with raised borders 161 Edward shovel-boards: broad shillings; cf. n. 162 Yead: abbreviation of Edward 166 mountain foreigner: Welshnan 167 latten bilbo: brass sword 168 labras: lips of Windsor, I. i Word of denial: froth and scum, thou liest. Slen. By these gloves, then, 'twas he. Nym. Be avised, sir, and pass good humours. I will say, 'marry trap,' with you, if you run the 172 nuthook's humour on me: that is the very note of it. Slen. By this hat, then, he in the red face had it; for though I cannot remember what I did 176 when you made me drunk, yet I am not alto- gether an ass. Fal. What say you, Scarlet and John? 179 Bard. Why, sir, for my part, I say, the gentle- man had drunk himself out of his five sentences. Eva. It is his 'five senses’; fie, what the igno- rance is! Bard. And being fap, sir, was, as they say, 184 cashier'd; and so conclusions pass’d the careires. Slen. Ay, you spake in Latin then too; but ’tis no matter. I'll ne'er be drunk whilst I live again, but in honest, civil, godly company, for 188 this trick: if I be drunk, I'll be drunk with those that have the fear of God, and not with drunken knaves. Eva. So Got udge me, that is a virtuous mind. 192 Fal. You hear all these matters denied, gen- tlemen; you hear it. [Enter Anne Page with wine; Mistress Ford and Mistress Page following.] Page. Nay, daughter, carry the wine in; we'll drink within. [Exit Anne Page.] 196 1 171 avised: advised 172, 173 run... humour; cf. n. 179 Scarlet and John; cf. n. 185 cashier'd: slang for robbed 192 udge: i.e., judge 172 marry trap: be off with you (?) 173 very note: exact information 184 fap: drunk careires; cf. n. The Merry Wives How Twait on les Slen. O heaven! this is Mistress Anne Page. Page. How now, Mistress Ford! Fal. Mistress Ford, by my troth, you are very well met: by your leave, good mistress. 200 [Kisses her.] Page. Wife, bid these gentlemen welcome. Come, we have a hot venison pasty to dinner: come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness. 204 [Exeunt all except Shallow, Slender, and Evans.] Slen. I had rather than forty shillings I had my Book of Songs and Sonnets here. [Enter Simple.] How now, Simple! Where have you been? I must wait on myself, must I? You have not the 208 Book of Riddles about you, have you? Sim. Book of Riddles! why, did you not lend it to Alice Shortcake upon All-Hallowmas last, à fortnight afore Michaelmas ? 212 Shal. Come, coz; come, coz; we stay for you. A word with you, coz; marry, this, coz: there is, as 'twere a tender, a kind of tender, made afar off by Sir Hugh here: do you understand me? 216 Slen. Ay, sir, you shall find me reasonable: if it be so, I shall do that that is reason. Shal. Nay, but understand me. Slen. So I do, sir. Eva. Give ear to his motions, Master Slender: I will description the matter to you, if you pe capacity of it. 220 206 Book of Songs and Sonnets; cf. F. 211 All-Hallowmas: All Saints' Day, Novenber I 212 Michaelmas: St. Michael's Day, September 29 213 stay: wait 215 tender: offer afar off: indirectly of Windsor, I. i 228 Slen. Nay, I will do as my cousin Shallow 224 says. I pray you pardon me; he's a justice of peace in his country, simple though I stand here. Eva. But that is not the question; the ques- tion is concerning your marriage. Shal. Ay, there's the point, sir. Eva. Marry, is it, the very point of it; to Mistress Anne Page. Slen. Why, if it be so, I will marry her upon 232 any reasonable demands. Eva. But can you affection the 'oman? Let us command to know that of your mouth or of your lips; for divers philosophers hold that 236 the lips is parcel of the mouth: therefore, precisely, can you carry your good will to the maid? Shal. Cousin Abraham Slender, can you love 240 her? Slen. I hope, sir, I will do as it shall become one that would do reason. Eva. Nay, Got's lords and his ladies! you 244 must speak possitable, if you can carry her your desires towards her. Shal. That you must. Will you, upon good dowry, marry her? 248 Slen. I will do a greater thing than that, upon your request, cousin, in any reason. Shal. Nay, conceive me, conceive me, sweet coz: what I do, is to pleasure you, coz. Can you 252 love the maid? Slen. I will marry her, sir, at your request; but if there be no great love in the beginning, 226 simple though: as sure as 237 parcel: part 245 possitable: i.e., positively 251 conceive: understand 252 pleasure: please I know dif 10 on ük. The Merry Wives la! yet heaven may decrease it upon better ac- 256 quaintance, when we are married and have more occasion to know one another: I hope, upon familiarity will grow more contempt: but if you say, 'Marry her,' I will marry her; that I am 260 freely dissolved, and dissolutely Eva. It is a fery discretion answer; save, the faul is in the 'ort 'dissolutely': the 'ort is, ac- cording to our meaning, ‘resolutely.' His mean- 264 ing is goot. Shal. Ay, I think my cousin meant well. Slen. Ay, or else I would I might be hanged, 268 Shal. Here comes fair Mistress Anne. [Enter Anne Page.] Would I were young for your sake, Mistress Anne. Anne. The dinner is on the table; my father 272 desires your worships' company. Shal. I will wait on him, fair Mistress Anne. Eva. Od's plessed will! I will not be absence at the grace. [Exeunt Shallow and Evans.] 276 Anne. Will 't please your worship to come in, sir? Slen. No, I thank you, forsooth, heartily; I am very well. 280 Anne. The dinner attends you, sir. Slen. I am not a-hungry, I thank you for- sooth. Go, sirrah, for all you are my man, go wait upon my cousin Shallow. [Exit Simple.] A 284 justice of peace sometime may be beholding to his friend for a man. I keep but three men and 263 faul: i.e., fault 281 attends: awaits 'ort: i.e., word 275 Od's: i.e., God's 283 sirrah: fellow of Windsor, I. i a boy yet, till my mother be dead; but what though? yet I live like a poor gentleman 288 born. Anne. I may not go in without your worship: they will not sit till you come. Slen. I' faith, I'll eat nothing; I thank you 292 as much as though I did. Anne. I pray you, sir, walk in. Slen. I had rather walk here, I thank you. I bruised my shin th' other day with playing at 296 sword and dagger with a master of fence; three veneys for a dish of stewed prunes;-and, by my troth, I cannot abide the smell of hot meat since. Why do your dogs bark so? be there 300 bears i' the town? Anne. I think there are, sir; I heard them talked of. Slen. I love the sport well; but I shall as 304 soon quarrel at it as any man in England. You are afraid, if you see the bear loose, are you not? Anne. Ay, indeed, sir. Slen. That's meat and drink to me, now: I have seen Sackerson loose twenty times, and have taken him by the chain; but, I warrant you, the women have so cried and shrieked at 312 it, that it passed: but women, indeed, cannot abide 'em; they are very ill-favoured rough things. [Enter Page.] Page. Come, gentle Master Slender, come; 316 we stay for you. 297 fence: fencing 298 veneys: fencing-bouts 304 the sport: i.e., bear-baiting 310 Sackerson; cf. 11. 313 passed: beat everything 314 ill-favoured: ugly 308 by the come twenty me, now: 2008 The Merry Wives 320 Slen. I'll eat nothing, I thank you, sir. Page. By cock and pie, you shall not choose, sir! come, come. Slen. Nay, pray you, lead the way. Page. Come on, sir. Slen. Mistress Anne, yourself shall go first. Anne. Not I, sir; pray you, keep on. 324 Slen. Truly, I will not go first: truly, la! I will not do you that wrong. Anne. I pray you, sir. Slen. I'll rather be unmannerly than trouble- 328 some. You do yourself wrong, indeed, la! Exeunt. Scene Two [The Same] Enter Evans and Simple. Eva. Go your ways, and ask of Doctor Caius' house, which is the way: and there dwells one Mistress Quickly, which is in the manner of his nurse, or his try nurse, or his cook, or his laun- 4 dry, his washer, and his wringer. Sim. Well, sir. Eva. Nay, it is petter yet. Give her this let- ter; for it is a 'oman that altogether's ac- 8 quaintance with Mistress Anne Page: and the letter is, to desire and require her to solicit your master's desires to Mistress Anne Page. I pray you, be gone: I will make an end of my 12 dinner; there's pippins and seese to come. Exeunt. 319 By cock and pye: a petty oath 13 seese: i.e., cheese 3 manner: capacity of Windsor, I. iii Scene Three [A Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Falstaff, Host, Bardolph, Nym, Pistol, [and] Page [Robin]. Fal. Mine host of the Garter! Host. What says my bully-rook? Speak schol- arly and wisely. Fal. Truly, mine host, I must turn away 4 some of my followers. Host. Discard, bully Hercules; cashier: let them wag; trot, trot. Fal. I sit at ten pounds a week. Host. Thou’rt an emperor, Cæsar, Keisar, and Pheezar. I will entertain Bardolph; he shall draw, he shall tap: said I well, bully Hector? Fal. Do so, good mine host. 12 Host. I have spoke; let him follow. [To Bar- dolph.] Let me see thee froth and lime: I am at a word; follow. [Exit.] Fal. Bardolph, follow him. A tapster is a 16 good trade: an old cloak makes a new jerkin; a withered serving-man, a fresh tapster. Go; adieu. Bard. It is a life that I have desired. I will thrive. 20 Pist. O base Hungarian wight! wilt thou the spigot wield? [Exit Bardolph.] Nym. He was gotten in drink; is not the humour conceited ? 24 2 bully-rook: fine fellow (slang) 7 wag: go their way 8 I sit at: my expenses are 9, 10 Keisar, and Pheezar; cf. n. 10 entertain: employ as servant 11 draw: draw liquor tap: act as tapster 14 froth and lime; cf. n. 14, 15 at a word: ready 17 jerkin: jacket 21 wight: mani; cf. n. 23 gotten: begottenz 24 conceited: ingenious The Merry Wives Fal. I am glad I am so acquit of this tinder- box; his thefts were too open; his filching was like an unskilful singer; he kept not time. Nym. The good humour is to steal at a 28 minim's rest. Pist. 'Convey,' the wise it call. “Steal! foh! a fico for the phrase! Fal. Well, sirs, I am almost out at heels. 32 Pist. Why, then, let kibes ensue. Fal. There is no remedy; I must cony- catch, I must shift. Pist. Young ravens must have food. Fal. Which of you know Ford of this town? Pist. I ken the wight: he is of substance 38 good. Fal. My honest lads, I will tell you what I 40 am about. Pist. Two yards, and more. Fal. No quips now, Pistol! Indeed, I am in the waist two yards about; but I am now about 44 no waste, I am about thrift. Briefly, I do mean to make love to Ford's wife: I spy entertainment in her; she discourses, she carves, she gives the leer of invitation: I can construe the action of 48 her familiar style; and the hardest voice of her behaviour, to be Englished rightly, is, 'I am Sir John Falstaff's.' Pist. He hath studied her well, and translated 52 her well, out of honesty into English. Nym. The anchor is deep: will that humour . pass? 25 acquit:rid 29 minim's rest: time of a half measure (music) 30 Convey: thieves' slang for steal 31 fico: fig 32 out at heels: out of money 33 kibes: chilblains 35 shift; devise a trick 38 ken: know 47 carves: shows courtesy 48 action: gesture 53 honesty: chastity 54 anchor ... deep; cf. n. of Windsor, I. iii 15 Fal. Now, the report goes she has all the rule 56 of her husband's purse; he hath a legion of angels. Pist. As many devils entertain, and "To her, boy,' say I. 60 Nym. The humour rises; it is good: humour me the angels. Fal. I have writ me here a letter to her; and here another to Page's wife, who even now gave 64 me good eyes too, examined my parts with most judicious æillades: sometimes the beam of her view gilded my foot, sometimes my portly belly. Pist. Then did the sun on dunghill shine. 68 Nym. I thank thee for that humour. Fal. O! she did so course o'er my exteriors with such a greedy intention, that the appetite of her eye did seem to scorch me up like a burn- 72 ing-glass. Here's another letter to her: she bears the purse too; she is a region in Guiana, all gold and bounty. I will be 'cheator to them both, and they shall be exchequers to me: they 76 shall be my East and West Indies, and I will trade to them both. Go bear thou this letter to Mistress Page; and thou this to Mistress Ford. We will thrive, lads, we will thrive. 80 Pist. Shall I Sir Pandarus of Troy become, And by my side wear steel? then, Lucifer take all ! Nym. I will run no base humour: here, take the humour-letter. I will keep the haviour of 84 reputation. Fal. [To Robin.] Hold, sirrah, bear you these letters tightly: 58 angels: gold coins valued at about half a sovereign 66 illades: amorous glances 74 Guiana; cf. ne 75 'cheator; cf. n. 81 Sir Pandarus; cf. n. 86 tightly: safel 84 haviour: behavior '16 The Merry Wives YET. Sail like my pinnace to these golden shores. Rogues, hence! avaunt! vanish like hailstones, go; 88 Trudge, plod away o' the hoof; seek shelter, pack! Falstaff will learn the humour of this age, French thrift, you rogues: myself and skirted page. [Exeunt Falstaff and Robin.] Pist. Let vultures gripe thy guts! for gourd and fullam holds, 92 And high and low beguile the rich and poor. Tester I'll have in pouch when thou shalt lack, Base Phrygian Turk! Nym. I have operations (in my head,] which 96 be humours of revenge. Pist. Wilt thou revenge? Nym. By welkin and her star! Pist. With wit or steel? Nym. With both the humours, I: I will discuss the humour of this love to Page. Pist. And I to Ford shall eke unfold How Falstaff, varlet vile, His dove will prove, his gold will hold, And his soft couch defile. Nym. My humour shall not cool: I will incense Page to deal with poison; I will possess 108 him with yellowness, for the revolt of mine is dangerous: that is my true humour. Pist. Thou art the Mars of malcontents: I second thee; troop on. [Exeunt.] 112 100 104 88 avaunt: be off 89 pack: depart 91 French thrift; cf. n. skirted: wearing a coat with skirts 92 gourd and fullam; cf. n. 93 high and low: i.e., high and low numbers on dice 94 Tester: sixpence pouch: purse 99 welkin: sky 102 discuss: tell 108 deal with: employ 108, 109 possess ... yellowness: make him jealous 109 the revolt of mine: i.e., my revolt of Windsor, I. iv 17 Scene Four [A Room in Doctor Caius's House] Enter Mistress Quickly, Simple, [and] John Rugby; [and later] Doctor Caius, and Fenton. Quick. What, John Rugby! I pray thee, go to the casement, and see if you can see my master, Master Doctor Caius, com- ing: if he do, i' faith, and find anybody in the 4 house, here will be an old abusing of God's patience and the king's English. Rug. I'll go watch. Quick. Go: and we'll have a posset for 't soon 8 at night, in faith, at the latter end of a sea-coal fire. [Exit Rugby.] An honest, willing, kind fellow, as ever servant shall come in house withal; and, I warrant you, no tell-tale, nor 12 no breed-bate: his worst fault is, that he is given to prayer; he is something peevish that way, but nobody but has his fault; but let that pass. Peter Simple you say your name is ? 16 Sim. Ay, for fault of a better. Quick. And Master Slender's your master? Sim. Ay, forsooth. Quick. Does he not wear a great round beard 20 like a glover's paring-knife? Sim. No, forsooth: he hath but a little whey- face, with a little yellow beard-a Cain-coloured beard. 24 Quick. A softly-sprighted man, is he not? 5 old; great 8 posset: hot milk curdled with ale 8, 9 soon at night: as soon as night conies 9 sea-coal: mineral coal (i.e., not charcoal) brought by sea 12 withal: with 13 breed-bate: mischief-maker 14 peevish: silly 17 fault: lack 23 Cain-coloured; cf. n. 25 softly-sprighted: gentle (?) 18 The Merry Wives Sim. Ay, forsooth; but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head: he hath fought with a warrener. 28 Quick. How say you?-0! I should remember him: does he not hold up his head, as it were, and strut in his gait? Sim. Yes, indeed, does he. 32 Quick. Well, heaven send Anne Page no worse fortune! Tell Master Parson Evans I will do what I can for your master: Anne is a good girl, and I wish- 36 [Enter Rugby.] Rug. Out, alas ! here comes my master. Quick. We shall all be shent. Run in here, good young man; go into this closet. He will not stay long. [Shuts Simple in the closet.] What, 40 John Rugby! John, what, John, I say! Go, John, go inquire for my master; I doubt he be not well, that he comes not home. [Exit Rugby.] [Singing.] And down, down, adown-a,' &c. [Enter Doctor Caius.] Caius. Vat is you sing? I do not like dese toys. Pray you, go and vetch me in my closet une boitine verde; a box, a green-a box: do in- tend vat I speak? a green-a box. 48 Quick. Ay, forsooth; I'll fetch it you. [Aside.] I am glad he went not in himself: if he had found the young man, he would have been horn-mad. Caius. Fe, fe, fe, fe! ma foi, il fait fort 52 44 26 tall: valiant 38 shent: scolded 42 doubt: fear 47 intend: hear (Fr. entendre) 28 warrener: gamekeeper 46 toys: foolish things 51 horn-mad: stark-mad of Windsor, I. iv 19 aff arquictes out chaud. Je m'en vais à la cour,-la grande affaire. Quick. Is it this, sir? Caius. Qui; mettez le au mon pocket; dé- 56 pêchez, quickly.–Vere is dat knave Rugby? Quick. What, John Rugby! John! [Enter Rugby.] Rug. Here, sir. Caius. You are John Rugby, and you are 60 Jack Rugby: come, take-a your rapier, and come after my heel to de court. Rug. 'Tis ready, sir, here in the porch. Caius. By my trot, I tarry too long.-Od's 64 me! Qu'ay j'oublié? dere is some simples in my closet, dat I will not for de varld I shall leave behind. Quick. [Aside.] Ay me! he'll find the young 68 man there, and be mad. Caius. O diable! diable! vat is in my closet ? -Villain! larron! [Pulling Simple out.] Rugby, my rapier! Quick. Good master, be content. Caius. Verefore shall I be content-a? Quick. The young man is an honest man. Caius. Vat shall de honest man do in my 76 closet? dere is no honest man dat shall come in my closet. Quick. I beseech you, be not so phlegmatic. Hear the truth of it: he came of an errand to 80 me from Parson Hugh. Caius. Vell. Sim. Ay, forsooth, to desire her to- 72 64 trot: troth 79 phlegmatic: i.e., choleric (?) 65 simples: medicinal herbs The Merry Wives Quick. Peace, I pray you. 84 Caius. Peace-a your tongue !-Speak-a your tale. Sim. To desire this honest gentlewoman, your maid, to speak a good word to Mistress Anne 88 Page for my master in the way of marriage. Quick. This is all, indeed, la! but I'll ne'er put my finger in the fire, and need not. Caius. Sir Hugh send-a you?—Rugby, baillez 92 me some paper: tarry you a little-a while. [Writes.] Quick. [Aside to Simple.] I am glad he is so quiet: if he had been throughly moved, you should have heard him so loud, and so melancholy. 96 But, notwithstanding, man, I'll do your master what good I can; and the very yea and the no is, the French doctor, my master,—I may call him my master, look you, for I keep his house; and I 100 wash, wring, brew, bake, scour, dress meat and drink, make the beds, and do all myself, Sim. [Aside to Quickly.] 'Tis a great charge to come under one body's hand. Quick. [A side to Simple.] Are you avis'do that? you shall find it a great charge: and to be up early and down late; but notwithstanding,- to tell you in your ear,—I would have no words 108 of it,--my master himself is in love with Mistress Anne Page: but notwithstanding that, I know Anne's mind, that's neither here nor there. Caius. You jack’nape, give-a dis letter to 112 Sir Hugh; by gar, it is a challenge: I vill cut his troat in de Park; and I vill teach a scurvy jack-a-nape priest to meddle or make. You may 104 92 baillez: fetch 103 charge: burden 115 meddle or make: interfere 95 throughly: thoroughly 112 jack’nape: coxcomb of Windsor, I. iv be gone; it is not good you tarry here: by gar, 116 I vill cut all his two stones; by gar, he shall not have a stone to trow at his dog. [Exit Simple.] Quick. Alas! he speaks but for his friend. Caius. It is no matter-a for dat:-do not you 120 tell-a me dat I shall have Anne Page for myself? By gar, I vill kill de Jack priest; and I have appointed mine host of de Jartiere to measure our weapon. By gar, I vill myself have Anne Page. 124 Quick. Sir, the maid loves you, and all shall be well. We must give folks leave to prate: what, the good-jer! Caius. Rugby, come to the court vit me. By 128 gar, if I have not Anne Page, I shall turn your head out of my door. Follow my heels, Rugby. [Exeunt Caius and Rugby.] Quick. You shall have An fool's-head of your own. No, I know Anne's mind for that: never a 132 woman in Windsor knows more of Anne's mind than I do; nor can do more than I do with her, I thank heaven. Fent. [Within.] Who's within there? ho! 136 Quick. Who's there, I trow? Come near the house, I pray you. [Enter Fenton.] Fent. How now, good woman! how dost thou? Quick. The better, that it pleases your good 140 Fent. What news? how does pretty Mistress Anne? Quick. In truth, sir, and she is pretty, and 144 122 Jack: term of contempt 123, 124 measure our weapon:i.e., as umpire in a duel 127 good-jer: an expression of disgust 131 An fool's-head; cf. n. 137 trow: wonder Come near: enter The Merry Wives honest, and gentle; and one that is your friend, I can tell you that by the way; I praise heaven for it. Fent, Shall I do any good, thinkest thou ? 148 Shall I not lose my suit? Quick. Troth, sir, all is in his hands above; but notwithstanding, Master Fenton, I'll be sworn on a book, she loves you. Have not your 152 worship a wart above your eye? Fent. Yes, marry have I; what of that? Quick. Well, thereby hangs a tale. Good faith, it is such another Nan; but, I detest, 156 an honest maid as ever broke bread: we had an hour's talk of that wart. I shall never laugh but in that maid's company ;—but, indeed, she is given too much to allicholy and musing. 160 But for you--well, go to. Fent. Well, I shall see her to-day. Hold, there's money for thee; let me have thy voice in my behalf: if thou seest her before me, com- 164 mend me. Quick. Will I? i' faith, that we will: and I will tell your worship more of the wart the next time we have confidence; and of other 168 wooers. Fent. Well, farewell; I am in great haste now. Quick. Farewell to your worship. [Exit Fen- ton.] Truly, an honest gentleman: but Anne 172 loves him not; for I know Anne's mind as well as another does. Out upon 't! what have I forgot? Exit. 160 allicholy: i.e., melancholy 145 honest: chaste 161 go to: no more of that! of Windsor, II. i 23 ACT SECOND Scene One [Before Page's House] Enter Mistress Page, (with a letter; and later] Mis- tress Ford, Master Page, Master Ford, Pistol, Nym, [Mistress] Quickly, Host, [and] Shallow. Mrs. Page. What! have I 'scaped love-letters in the holiday-time of my beauty, and am I now a subject for them? Let me see. [Reads.] ‘Ask me no reason why I love you; for though 4 Love use Reason for his physician, he admits him not for his counsellor. You are not young, no more am I; go to then, there's sympathy; you are merry, so am I; ha! ha! then, there's more 8 sympathy; you love sack, and so do I; would you desire better sympathy? Let it suffice thee, Mis- tress Page, at the least, if the love of a soldier can suffice, that I love thee. I will not say, pity me,- 12 ’tis not a soldier-like phrase; but I say, love me. By me, Thine own true knight, By day or night, Or any kind of light, With all his might For thee to fight, John FALSTAFF.' What a Herod of Jewry is this! O wicked, wicked 20 world! one that is well-nigh worn to pieces with age, to show himself a young gallant! What an unweighed behaviour hath this Flemish drunk- 7 sympathy: agreement 9 sack: white Spanish wine 20 Herod of Jewry; cf. n. 23 unweighed: inconsiderate Flemish drunkard; cf. n. 16 24 The Merry Wives ard picked, with the devil's name! out of my 24 conversation, that he dares in this manner assay me? Why, he hath not been thrice in my com- pany! What should I say to him? I was then frugal of my mirth:-heaven forgive me! Why, 28 I'll exhibit a bill in the parliament for the putting down of men. How shall I be revenged on him? for revenged I will be, as sure as his guts are made of puddings. 32 [Enter Mistress Ford.] Mrs. Ford. Mistress Page! trust me, I was going to your house. Mrs. Page. And, trust me, I was coming to you. You look very ill. 36 Mrs. Ford. Nay, I'll ne'er believe that: I have to show to the contrary. Mrs. Page. Faith, but you do, in my mind. Mrs. Ford. Well, I do then; yet, I say I could 40 show you to the contrary. O, Mistress Page! give me some counsel. Mrs. Page. What's the matter, woman? Mrs. Ford. O woman, if it were not for one 44 trifling respect, I could come to such honour! Mrs. Page. Hang the trifle, woman; take the honour. What is it?-dispense with trifles; what is it? 48 Mrs. Ford. If I would but go to hell for an eternal moment or so, I could be knighted. Mrs. Page. What? thou liest. Sir Alice Ford! These knights will hack; and so thou 52 shouldst not alter the article of thy gentry. 25 conversation: conduct 29 exhibit: submit for consideration 30 putting down: destroying 32 puddings: stuffed intestines, sausages 52 hack: grow common (?); cf. n. 53 article ... gentry: character of your rank of Windsor, II. i Mrs. Ford. We burn daylight: here, read, read; perceive how I might be knighted. I shall think the worse of fat men as long as I 56 have an eye to make difference of men's liking: and yet he would not swear; praised women's modesty; and gave such orderly and well-behaved reproof to all uncomeliness, that I would have 60 sworn his disposition would have gone to the truth of his words; but they do no more adhere and keep place together than the Hun- dredth Psalm to the tune of 'Green Sleeves.' 64 What tempest, I trow, threw this whale, with so many tuns of oil in his belly, ashore at Windsor? How shall I be revenged on him? I think, the best way were to entertain him with hope, till the 68 wicked fire of lust have melted him in his own grease. Did you ever hear the like? Mrs. Page. Letter for letter, but that the name of Page and Ford differs! To thy great 72 comfort in this mystery of ill opinions, here's the twin brother of thy letter: but let thine inherit first; for, I protest, mine never shall. I warrant, he hath a thousand of these letters, 76 writ with blank space for different names, sure more, and these are of the second edition. He will print them, out of doubt; for he cares not what he puts into the press, when he would put 80 us two: I had rather be a giantess, and lie under Mount Pelion. Well, I will find you twenty lascivious turtles ere one chaste man. 54 burn daylight: waste time 57 make difference: discriminate between liking: looks 60 uncomeliness: rude behavior 61, 62 disposition ... words; cf. n. 63 adhere: agree 64 Green Sleeves; cf. n. 68 entertain: fill his thoughts 83 turtles: turtle doves, symbolic of faithful love 26 The Merry Wives · Mrs. Ford. Why, this is the very same; the very 84 hand, the very words. What doth he think of us? Mrs. Page. Nay, I know not: it makes me almost ready to wrangle with mine own honesty. I'll entertain myself like one that I am not 88 acquainted withal; for, sure, unless he know some strain in me, that I know not myself, he would never have boarded me in this fury. Mrs. Ford. Boarding call you it? I'll be sure 92 to keep him above deck. Mrs. Page. So will I: if he come under my hatches, I'll never to sea again. Let's be re- venged on him: let's appoint him a meeting; 96 give him a show of comfort in his suit, and lead him on with a fine-baited delay, till he hath pawned his horses to mine host of the Garter. Mrs. Ford. Nay, I will consent to act any vil- 100 lainy against him, that may not sully the chari- ness of our honesty. O, that my husband saw this letter! it would give eternal food to his jealousy. Mrs. Page. Why, look where he comes; and 104 my good man too: he's as far from jealousy, as I am from giving him cause; and that, I hope, is an unmeasurable distance. Mrs. Ford. You are the happier woman. 108 Mrs. Page. Let's. consult together against this greasy knight. Come hither. [They retire.] [Enter Ford, with Pistol; and Page, with Nym.] Ford. Well, I hope it be not so. Pist. Hope is a curtal dog in some affairs: 112 Sir John affects thy wife. Ford. Why, sir, my wife is not young. 88 entertain: treat 98 fine-baited: subtly alluring 113 affects: is fond of 101 chariness: scrupulous integrity 112 curtal: having tail docked of Windsor, II. i 27 Pist. He woos both high and low, both rich and poor, Both young and old, one with another, Ford. 116 He loves the galimaufry: Ford, perpend. Ford. Love my wife! Pist. With liver burning hot: prevent, or go thou, Like Sir Actæon he, with Ringwood at thy heels.- 120 O! odious is the name! Ford. What name, sir? Pist. The horn, I say. Farewell: Take heed; have open eye, for thieves do foot by night: 124 Take heed, ere summer comes or cuckoo-birds do sing. Away, sir Corporal Nym! Believe it, Page; he speaks sense. [Exit.] Ford. [Aside.] I will be patient: I will find 128 out this. Nym. [To Page.] And this is true; I like not the humour of lying. He hath wronged me in some humours: I should have borne the hu- 132 moured letter to her, but I have a sword and it shall bite upon my necessity. He loves your wife; there's the short and the long. My name is Corporal Nym; I speak, and I avouch ’tis 136 true: my name is Nym, and Falstaff loves your wife. Adieu. I love not the humour of bread and cheese; (and there's the humour of it.] Adieu. [Erit.] 140 Page. The humour of it,' quoth 'a! here's a fellow frights humour out of his wits. 117 galimaufry: medley perpend: consider 119 liver: supposed seat of love 120 Actæon : . . Ringwood; cf. n. 124 foot: walk 125 cuckoo-birds; cf. n. The Merry Wives Ford. I will seek out Falstaff. Page. I never heard such a drawling, affect- 144 ing rogue. Ford. If I do find it: well. Page. I will not believe such a Cataian, though the priest o' the town commended him 148 for a true man. Ford. 'Twas a good sensible fellow; well. Page. How now, Meg! [Mrs. Page and Mrs. Ford come forward.] Mrs. Page. Whither go you, George?--Hark 152 you. Mrs. Ford. How now, sweet Frank! why art thou melancholy? Ford. I melancholy! I am not melancholy. 156 Get you home, go. Mrs. Ford. Faith, thou hast some crotchets in thy head now. Will you go, Mistress Page? Mrs. Page. Have with you. You'll come to 160 dinner, George? [Aside to Mrs. Ford.] Look, who comes yonder: she shall be our messenger to this paltry knight. Mrs. Ford. [Aside to Mrs. Page.] Trust me, 164 I thought on her: she'll fit it. [Enter Mistress Quickly.] Mrs. Page. You are come to see my daughter Anne? Quick. Ay, forsooth; and, I prav, how does 168 good Mistress Anne? Mrs. Page. Go in with us, and see: we'd have an hour's talk with you. LI 144 affecting: affected 158 crotchets: whims 147 Cataian: Chinese; cf. n. 160 Have with you: I'll go along with you of Windsor, II. i 29 176 184 [Exeunt Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford, and Mrs. Quickly.] Page. How now, Master Ford! 172 Ford. You heard what this knave told me, did you not? Page. Yes; and you heard what the other told me? Ford. Do you think there is truth in them? Page. Hang 'em, slaves! I do not think the knight would offer it: but these that accuse him in his intent towards our wives, are a yoke of his 180 discarded men; very rogues, now they be out of service. Ford. Were they his men? Page. Marry, were they. Ford. I like it never the better for that. Does he lie at the Garter? Page. Ay, marry, does he. If he should intend this voyage towards my wife, I would 188 turn her loose to him; and what he gets more of her than sharp words, let it lie on my head. Ford. I do not misdoubt my wife, but I would be loth to turn them together. A man 192 may be too confident: I would have nothing 'lie on my head': I cannot be thus satisfied. Page. Look, where my ranting host of the Garter comes. There is either liquor in his 196 pate or money in his purse when he looks so merrily.-- [Enter Host.] How now, mine host! Host. How now, bully-rook ! thou’rt a gentle-200 man. Cavaliero-justice, I say! 180 yoke: pair 181 very: thorough 201 Cavaliero-justice; cf. n. C 191 misdoubt: mistrest 30 The Merry Wives [Enter Shallow.] Shal. I follow, mine host, I follow. Good even and twenty, good Master Page! Master Page, will you go with us? we have sport in hand. 204 Host. Tell him, cavaliero-justice; tell him, bully-rook. Shal. Sir, there is a fray to be fought between Sir Hugh the Welsh priest and Caius the French 208 doctor. Ford. Good mine host o' the Garter, a word with you. [Drawing him aside.] Host. What sayest thou, my bully-rook? 212 Shal. [To Page.] Will you go with us to behold it? My merry host hath had the measur- ing of their weapons, and, I think, hath ap- pointed them contrary places; for, believe me, I 216 hear the parson is no jester. Hark, I will tell you what our sport shall be. [They converse apart.] Host. Hast thou no suit against my knight, my guest-cavalier? 220 Ford. None, I protest: but I'll give you a pottle of burnt sack to give me recourse to him and tell him my name is Brook, only for a jest. Host. My hand, bully: thou shalt have egress 224 and regress; said I well? and thy name shall be Brook. It is a merry knight. Will you go, mynheers? Shai. Have with you, mine host. 228 Page. I have heard, the Frenchman hath good skill in his rapier. Shal. Tut, sir! I could have told you more. In these times you stand on distance, your 232 202, 203 Good even and twenty; cf. n. 216 contrary: different 222 pottle: tankard burnt sack: warm wine recourse: access 227 mynheers: sirs 232 distance: interval between fencers of Windsor, II. ïï 31 passes, stoccadoes, and I know not what: ’tis the heart, Master Page; 'tis here, 'tis here. I have seen the time with my long sword I would have made you four tall fellows skip like rats. 236 Host. Here, boys, here, here! shall we wag? Page. Have with you. I had rather hear them scold than fight. [Exeunt Host, Shallow, and Page.] Ford. Though Page be a secure fool, and 240 stands so firmly on his wife's frailty, yet I cannot put off my opinion so easily. She was in his company at Page's house, and what they made there, I know not. Well, I will look further 244 into 't; and I have a disguise to sound Falstaff. If I find her honest, I lose not my labour; if she be otherwise, 'tis labour well bestowed. [Exit.] Scene Two [A Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Falstaff [and] Pistol; [and later] Robin, [Mis- tress] Quickly, Bardolph, [and] Ford. Fal. I will not lend thee a penny. Pist. Why, then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open. [I will retort the sum in equipage.] Fal. Not a penny. I have been content, sir, you should lay my countenance to pawn: I have grated upon my good friends for three reprieves for you and your coach-fellow Nym; or else you 8 233 passes: lunges stoccadoes: thrusts 236 made you: made ('you' is 'ethical) 4 retort:i.e., repay equipage; cf. n. 6 countenance; cf. n. 240 secure: unsuspicious 8 coach-fellow: mate The Merry Wives had looked through the grate, like a geminy of baboons. I am damned in hell for swearing to gentlemen my friends, you were good soldiers and tall fellows; and when Mistress Bridget lost 12 the handle of her fan, I took 't upon mine honour thou hadst it not. Pist. Didst thou not share? hadst thou not fifteen pence? Fal. Reason, you rogue, reason: thinkest 16 thou, I'll endanger my soul gratis? At a word, hang no more about me; I am no gibbet for you: go: a short knife and a throng !-to your manor of Pickt-hatch! go. You'll not bear a letter for 20 me, you rogue !—you stand upon your honour ! Why, thou unconfinable baseness, it is as much as I can do to keep the terms of mine honour precise. I, I, I, myself sometimes, leaving the 24 fear of God on the left hand and hiding mine honour in my necessity, am fain to shuffle, to hedge and to lurch; and yet you, rogue, will ensconce your rags, your cat-a-mountain looks, 28 your red-lattice phrases, and your bold-beating oaths, under the shelter of your honour! You will not do it, you! Pist. I do relent: what wouldst thou more of man? 32 [Enter Robin.] Rob. Sir, here's a woman would speak with you. Fal. Let her approach. [Enter Mistress Quickly.] 9 geminy: pair 13 handle; cf. n. took 't: swore 19 short knife: for cutting purses 20 Pickt-hatch; cf. n. 26 shuffle : equivocate 27 hedge: cheat lurch: lie in ambush 28 cat-a-mountain: wildcat bold-beating: blustering 29 red-lattice phrases: alekonse talk of Windsor, II. ië Quick. Give your worship good morrow. Fal. Good morrow, good wife. Quick. Not so, an 't please your worship. Fal. Good maid, then. Quick. I'll be sworn As my mother was, the first hour I was born. Fal. I do believe the swearer. What with me? or two? 44 Fal. Two thousand, fair woman; and I'll vouchsafe thee the hearing. Quick. There is one Mistress Ford, sir, I pray, come a little nearer this ways:-I myself 48 dwell with Master Doctor Caius. Fal. Well, on: Mistress Ford, you say, Quick. Your worship says very true:-I pray your worship, come a little nearer this ways. 52 Fal. I warrant thee, nobody hears; mine own people, mine own people. Quick. Are they so? God bless them, and make them his servants ! 58 Fal. Well: Mistress Ford; what of her? Quick. Why, sir, she's a good creature. Lord, Lord! your worship's a wanton! Well, heaven forgive you, and all of us, I pray! 60 Fal. Mistress Ford; come, Mistress Ford - Quick. Marry, this is the short and the long of it. You have brought her into such a canaries as 'tis wonderful: the best courtier of them all, 64 when the court lay at Windsor, could never have brought her to such a canary; yet there has been knights, and lords, and gentlemen, with their coaches, I warrant you, coach after coach, letter 88 after letter, gift after gift; smelling so sweetly- 63 canaries: i.e., quandary (?) The Merry Wives all musk, and so rushling, I warrant you, in silk and gold; and in such alligant terms; and in such wine and sugar of the best and the fairest, 72 that would have won any woman's heart; and, I warrant you, they could never get an eye-wink of her. I had myself twenty angels given me this morning; but I defy all angels, in any such sort, 76 as they say, but in the way of honesty: and, I warrant you, they could never get her so much as sip on a cup with the proudest of them all; and yet there has been earls, nay, which is more, 80 pensioners; but, I warrant you, all is one with her. Fal. But what says she to me? be brief, my good she-Mercury. Quick. Marry, she hath received your letter; 84 for the which she thanks you a thousand times; and she gives you to notify that her husband will be absence from his house between ten and eleven. 88 Fal. Ten and eleven? Quick. Ay, forsooth; and then you may come and see the picture, she says, that you wot of: Master Ford, her husband, will be from home. 92 Alas! the sweet woman leads an ill life with him; he's a very jealousy man; she leads a very frampold life with him, good heart. Fal. Ten and eleven. Woman, commend me 96 to her; I will not fail her. Quick. Why, you say well. But I have an- other messenger to your worship: Mistress Page hath her hearty commendations to you too: 100 and let me tell you in your ear, she's as fartuous 70 rushling: i.e., rustling 71 alligant: i.e., eloquent 81 pensioners: gentlemen of the sovereign's bodyguard 83 she-Mercury: female messenger 91 wot: know 95 frampold: quarrelsome 101 fartuous:i.e., virtuous of Windsor, II. iż 35 a civil modest wife, and one, I tell you, that will not miss you morning nor evening prayer, as any is in Windsor, whoe'er be the other; and she 104 bade me tell your worship that her husband is seldom from home; but, she hopes there will come a time. I never knew a woman so dote upon a man: surely, I think you have charms, 108 la; yes, in truth. Fal. Not I, I assure thee: setting the attraction of my good parts aside, I have no other charms. Quick. Blessing on your heart for ’t! 112 Fal. But, I pray thee, tell me this: has Ford's wife and Page’s wife acquainted each other how they love me? Quick. That were a jest indeed! they have 116 not so little grace, I hope: that were a trick, indeed! But Mistress Page would desire you to send her your little page, of all loves: her hus- band has a marvellous infection to the little 120 page; and, truly, Master Page is an honest man. Never a wife in Windsor leads a better life than she does: do what she will, say what she will, take all, pay all, go to bed when she list, rise 124 when she list, all is as she will: and, truly she deserves it; for if there be a kind woman in Windsor, she is one. You must send her your page; no remedy. Fal. Why, I will Quick. Nay, but do so, then: and, look you, he may come and go between you both; and in any case have a nay-word, that you may know 132 one another's mind, and the boy never need to 128 111 parts: qualities 120 infection: i.e., affection 132 nay-word: password wNR 119 of all loves: for love's sake 124 list: please 36 The Merry Wives · understand anything; for 'tis not good that children should know any wickedness: old folks, you know, have discretion, as they say, and 136 know the world. Fal. Fare thee well: commend me to them both. There's my purse; I am yet thy debtor.- Boy, go along with this woman.—[Exeunt Mis- 140 tress Quickly and Robin.] This news distracts me. Pist. This punk is one of Cupid's carriers. Clap on more sails; pursue; up with your fights; 144 Give fire! she is my prize, or ocean whelm them all! [Exit.] Fal. Sayest thou so, old Jack? go thy ways; I'll make more of thy old body than I have done. Will they get look after thee? Wilt thou, after 148 the expense of so much money, be now a gainer? Good body, I thank thee. Let them say 'tis grossly done; so it be fairly done, no matter. [Enter Bardolph.] Bard. Sir John, there's one Master Brook 152 below would fain speak with you, and be ac- quainted with you: and hath sent your worship a morning's draught of sack. Fal. Brook is his name? Bard. Ay, sir. Fal. Call him in. [Exit Bardolph.] Such Brooks are welcome to me, that o'erflow such liquor. Ah, ha! Mistress Ford and Mistress 160 Page, have I encompassed you? go to; via! [Enter Bardolph, with Ford, disguised.] 143 punk: strumpet carriers: messengers ... 144 fights; cf. n. 156 1 145 my prize; cf. M. 159 Brooks; cf. n. 151 grossly: heavily 161 encompassed: outwitted via: go on of Windsor, II. ii 165 Ford. Bless you, sir! Fal. And you, sir; would you speak with me? Ford. I make bold to press with so little prep- aration upon you. Fal. You're welcome. What's your will ? — Give us leave, drawer. [Exit Bardolph.] Ford. Sir, I am a gentleman that have spent 168 much: my name is Brook. Fal. Good Master Brook, I desire more ac- quaintance of you. Ford. Good Sir John, I sue for yours: not to 172 charge you; for I must let you understand I think myself in better plight for a lender than you are: the which hath something emboldened me to this unseasoned intrusion; for, they say, 176 if money go before, all ways do lie open. Fal. Money is a good soldier, sir, and will on. Ford. Troth, and I have a bag of money here 180 troubles me: if you will help to bear it, Sir John, take all, or half, for easing me of the car- riage. Fal. Sir, I know not how I may deserve to be 184 your porter. Ford. I will tell you, sir, if you will give me the hearing Fal. Speak, good Master Brook; I shall be 188 glad to be your servant. Ford. Sir, I hear you are a scholar,—I will be brief with you, and you have been a man long known to me, though I had never so good means, 192 as desire, to make myself acquainted with you. I shall discover a thing to you, wherein I must 167 Give us leave: withdraw 176 unseasoned: ill-timed 173 charge: cause expense to 194 discover: disclose The Merry Wives CO 200 204 very much lay open mine own imperfection; but, good Sir John, as you have one eye upon my 196 follies, as you hear them unfolded, turn another into the register of your own, that I may pass with a reproof the easier, sith you yourself know how easy it is to be such an offender. Fal. Very well, sir; proceed. Ford. There is a gentlewoman in this town, her husband's name is Ford. Fal. Well, sir. Ford. I have long loved her, and, I protest to you, bestowed much on her; followed her with a doting observance; engrossed oppor- tunities to meet her; fee'd every slight occasion 208 that could but niggardly give me sight of her; not only bought many presents to give her, but have given largely to many to know what she would have given. Briefly, I have pursued her 212 as love hath pursued me; which hath been on the wing of all occasions. But whatsoever I have merited, either in my mind or in my means, meed, I am sure, I have received none; unless 216 experience be a jewel that I have purchased at an infinite rate; and that hath taught me to say this, ‘Love like a shadow flies when substance love pur- sues; Pursuing that that flies, and flying what pursues.' Fal. Have you received no promise of satis- faction at her hands? Ford. Never. 224 220 198 register: record 207 engrossed: bought up wholesale 220, 221 Cf.n. 199 sith: since 208 fee'd: employed of Windsor, II. üï 39 Fal. Have you importuned her to sueh a purpose? Ford. Never. Fal. Of what quality was your love, then? 228 Ford. Like a fair house built upon another man's ground; so that I have lost my edifice by mistaking the place where I erected it. Fal. To what purpose have you unfolded this 232 to me? Ford. When I have told you that, I have told you all. Some say, that though she appear honest to me, yet in other places she enlargeth her 236 mirth so far that there is shrewd construction made of her. Now, Sir John, here is the heart of my purpose: you are a gentleman of excel- lent breeding, admirable discourse, of great ad- 240 mittance, authentic in your place and person, generally allowed for your many warlike, court- like, and learned preparations. Fal. O, sir! Ford. Believe it, for you know it. There is money; spend it, spend it; spend more; spend all I have; only give me so much of your time in exchange of it, as to lay an amiable siege to 248 the honesty of this Ford's wife: use your art of wooing, win her to consent to you; if any man may, you may as soon as any. Fal. Would it apply well to the vehemency 252 of your affection, that I should win what you would enjoy? Methinks you prescribe to your- self very preposterously. Ford. O, understand my drift. She dwells so 256 244 237 shrewd: evil 241 authentic: powerful 243 preparations: accomplishments 240 admittance: fashion 242 allowed: approved 248 amiable: amor 085 The Merry Wives securely on the excellency of her honour, that the folly of my soul dares not present itself: she is too bright to be looked against. Now, could I come to her with any detection in my hand, my 260 desires had instance and argument to commend themselves: I could drive her then from the ward of her purity, her reputation, her marriage-vow, and a thousand other her defences, which now 284 are too-too strongly embattled against me. What say you to’t, Sir John? Fal. Master Brook, I will first make bold with your money; next, give me your hand; and 268 last, as I am a gentleman, you shall, if you will, enjoy Ford's wife. Ford, O good sir! Fal. I say you shall. 272 Ford. Want no money, Sir John; you shall want none. Fal. Want no Mistress Ford, Master Brook; you shall want none. I shall be with her, I may 276 tell you, by her own appointment; even as you came in to me, her assistant or go-between parted from me: I say I shall be with her be- tween ten and eleven; for at that time the jeal- 280 ous rascally knave her husband will be forth. Come you to me at night; you shall know how I speed. Ford. I am blest in your acquaintance. Do 284 you know Ford, sir? Fal. Hang him, poor cuckoldly knave! I know him not. Yet I wrong him, to call him poor: they say the jealous wittolly knave hath 288 261 - instance: evidence 262 ward: posture of defence (fencing) 281 forth: away from home 286 cuckoldly: having an unfaithful wife 288 wittolly: cuckoldly you kno Hang hindet I wrong ttolly ko of Windsor, II. iï 41 292 masses of money; for the which his wife seems to me well-favoured. I will use her as the key of the cuckoldly rogue's coffer; and there's my harvest-home. Ford. I would you knew Ford, sir, that you might avoid him, if you saw him. Fal. Hang him, mechanical salt-butter rogue ! I will stare him out of his wits; I will awe him 296 with my cudgel: it shall hang like a meteor o'er the cuckold's horns. Master Brook, thou shalt know I will predominate over the peasant, and thou shalt lie with his wife. Come to me soon at 300 night. Ford's a knave, and I will aggravate his style; thou, Master Brook, shalt know him for knave and cuckold. Come to me soon at night. [Exit.] Ford. What a damned Epicurean rascal is 304. this! My heart is ready to crack with impatience. Who says this is improvident jealousy? my wife hath sent to him, the hour is fixed, the match is made. Would any man have thought this? See 308 the hell of having a false woman! My bed shall be abused, my coffers ransacked, my reputation gnawn at; and I shall not only receive this villainous wrong, but stand under the adoption 312 of abominable terms, and by him that does me this wrong. Terms! names! Amaimon sounds well; Lucifer, well; Barbason, well; yet they are devils' additions, the names of fiends: but 316 Cuckold! Wittol Cuckold! the devil himself 290 well-favoured: good-looking 295 mechanical: vulgar salt-butter: rank (?) 299 predominate: have ascendancy 301 aggravate: add to 302 style: title 304 Epicurean: sensual 12, 313 stand ... terms; cf. n. 314, 315 Amaimon, Barbason: devils 316 additions: titles 317 Wittol: contented cuckold 92 The Merry Wives hath not such a name. Page is an ass, a secure ass: he will trust his wife; he will not be jealous. I will rather trust a Fleming with my butter, 320 Parson Hugh the Welshman with my cheese, an Irishman with my aqua-vitæ bottle, or a thief to walk my ambling gelding, than my wife with her- self: then she plots, then she ruminates, then she 324 devises; and what they think in their hearts they may effect, they will break their hearts but they will effect. God be praised for my jeal- ousy! Eleven o'clock the hour: I will prevent 328 this, detect my wife, be revenged on Falstaff, and laugh at Page. I will about it; better three hours too soon than a minute too late. Fie, fie, fie! cuckold! cuckold ! cuckold! Exit. 332 Scene Three [A Field near Windsor] Enter Caius [and] Rugby; [and later] Page, Shal- low, Slender, [and] Host. Caius. Jack Rugby! Rug. Sir? Caius. Vat is de clock, Jack? Rug. 'Tis past the hour, sir, that Sir Hugh 4 promised to meet. Caius. By gar, he has save his soul, dat he is no come: he has pray his Pible vell, dat he is no come. By gar, Jack Rugby, he is dead already, 8 if he be come. Rug. He is wise, sir; he knew your worship would kill him, if he came. Caius. By gar, de herring is no dead so as I 12 of Windsor, II. iii 43 16 20 vill kill him. Take your rapier, Jack; I vill tell you how I vill kill him. Rug. Alas, sir! I cannot fence. Caius. Villainy, take your rapier. Rug. Forbear; here's company. [Enter Host, Shallow, Slender, and Page.] Host. Bless thee, bully Doctor! Shal. Save you, Master Doctor Caius ! Page. Now, good Master Doctor! Slen. Give you good morrow, sir. Caius. Vat be all you, one, two, tree, four, come for? Host. To see thee fight, to see thee foin, to 24 see thee traverse; to see thee here, to see thee there; to see thee pass thy punto, thy stock, thy reverse, thy distance, thy montant. Is he dead, my Ethiopian? is he dead, my Francisco? ha, 28 bully! What says my Æsculapius? my Galen? my heart of elder? ha! is he dead, bully stale? is he dead? Caius. By gar, he is de coward Jack priest of 32 de vorld; he is not show his face. Host. Thou art a Castilian King Urinal! Hector of Greece, my boy! Caius. I pray you, bear vitness that me have 36 stay six or seven, two, tree hours for him, and he is no come. Shal. He is the wiser man, Master Doctor: he is a curer of souls, and you a curer of 40 24 foin: thrust (fencing) 25 traverse: march back and forth 26, 27 punto ... montant: fencing terms; cf. n. 28 Francisco:i.e., Frenchman 29 Æsculapius: Greek god of medicine Galen: Greek physician of second century A.D. 30 heart of elder: coward; cf. n. stale; cf. n. 35 Hector of Greece: i.e., valiant warrior 44 The Merry Wives 52 bodies; if you should fight, you go against the hair of your professions. Is it not true, Master Page? Page. Master Shallow, you have yourself been 44 a great fighter, though now a man of peace. Shal. Bodykins, Master Page, though I now be old and of the peace, if I see a sword out, my finger itches to make one. Though we are jus- 48 tices and doctors and churchmen, Master Page, we have some salt of our youth in us; we are the sons of women, Master Page. Page. 'Tis true, Master Shallow. . Shal. It will be found so, Master Page. Mas- ter Doctor Caius, I am come to fetch you home. I am sworn of the peace: you have showed yourself a wise physician, and Sir Hugh hath 56 shown himself a wise and patient churchman. You must go with me, Master Doctor. Host. Pardon, guest-justice.-A word, Mon- sieur Mockwater. 60 Caius. Mock-vater! vat is dat? Host. Mock-water, in our English tongue, is valour, bully. Caius. By gar, den, I have as mush mock- 64 vater as de Englishman.-Scurvy jack-dog priest! by gar, me vill cut his ears. Host. He will clapper-claw thee tightly, bully. Caius. Clapper-de-claw! vat is dat? Host. That is, he will make thee amends. Caius. By gar, me do look, he shall clapper- de-claw me; for, by gar, me vill have it. 68 42 hair: grain 48 make one: join in 60 Mockwater: physician (slang) 46 Bodykins: God's body 50 salt: quality 67 clapper-claw: thrash of Windsor, II. iii 45 Host. And I will provoke him to 't, or let him 72 wag. Caius. Me tank you for dat. Host. And moreover, bully,--But first, Master guest, and Master Page, and eke Cavaliero Slen- 76 der, go you through the town to Frogmore. [Aside to them.] Page. Sir Hugh is there, is he? Host. He is there: see what humour he is in; and I will bring the doctor about by the fields. 80 Will it do well? Shal. We will do it. Page, Shal., and Slen. Adieu, good Master Doctor. [Exeunt Page, Shallow, and Slender.] 84 Caius. By gar, me vill kill de priest; for he speak for a jack-an-ape to Anne Page. Host. Let him die. Sheathe thy impatience; throw cold water on thy choler: go about the 88 fields with me through Frogmore: I will bring thee where Mistress Anne Page is, at a farm- house a-feasting; and thou shalt woo her. Cried game; said I well? 92 Caius. By gar, me tank you for dat: by gar, I love you; and I shall procure-a you de good guest, de earl, de knight, de lords, de gentlemen, my patients. Host. For the which I will be thy adversary toward Anne Page: said I well? Caius. By gar, 'tis good; vell said. Host. Let us wag, then. 100 Caius. Come at my heels, Jack Rugby. Exeunt. 77 Frogmore; cf. n. 91, 92 Cried game; cf. n. 96 The Merry Wives ACT THIRD Scene One serwich way baself doctore pittie [A Field near Frogmore] Enter Evans [and] Simple; [and later] Page, Shal- low, Slender, Host, Caius, [and] Rugby. Eva. I pray you now, good Master Slender's serving-man, and friend Simple by your name, which way have you looked for Master Caius, that calls himself doctor of physic? Sim. Marry, sir, the pittie-ward, the park- ward, every way; old Windsor way, and every way but the town way. Eva. I most fehemently desire you you will 8 also look that way. Sim. I will, sir. [Exit.] Eva. Pless my soul! how full of chollors I am, and trempling of mind! I shall be glad if he 12 have deceived me. How melancholies I am! I will knog his urinals about his knave's costard when I have goot opportunities for the 'ork: pless my soul! [Sings.] 16 "To shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals; There will we make our peds of roses, And a thousand fragrant posies. To shallow- Mercy on me! I have a great dispositions to cry. 20 [Sings.] 5 pittie-ward: toward the little park; cf. n. 11 chollors: choler, i.e., anger 14 knog: krock costard : apple, used jokingly for head 17-26 Cf. n. 15 'ork: i.e., work of Windsor, III. i Melodious birds sing madrigals, When as I sat in Pabylon,- And a thousand vagram posies. To shallow,—' [Enter Simple.] Sim. Yonder he is coming, this way, Sir Hugh. Eva. He's welcome. [Sings.] 28 'To shallow rivers, to whose falls—’ Heaven prosper the right!“what weapons is he? Sim. No weapons, sir. There comes my master, Master Shallow, and another gentleman, 32 from Frogmore, over the stile, this way. Eva. Pray you, give me my gown; or else keep it in your arms. [Reads in a book.] [Enter Page, Shallow, and Slender.] Shal. How now, Master Parson! Good 36 morrow, good Sir Hugh. Keep a gamester from the dice, and a good student from his book, and it is wonderful. Slen. [Aside.] Ah, sweet Anne Page! Page. Save you, good Sir Hugh! Eva. Pless you from His mercy sake, all of you! Shal. What, the sword and the word! do 44 you study them both, Master Parson? Page. And youthful still in your doublet and hose! this raw rheumatic day? Eva. There is reasons and causes for it. 48 Page. We are come to you to do a good office, Master Parson. Eva. Fery well: what is it? 25 vagram:i.e.. fragrant 46, 47 doublet and hose; cf. . The Merry Wives Page. Yonder is a most reverend gentleman, 52 who, belike having received wrong by some per- son, is at most odds with his own gravity and patience that ever you saw. Shal. I have lived fourscore years and up-56 ward; I never heard a man of his place, gravity, and learning, so wide of his own respect. Eva. What is he? Page. I think you know him; Master Doctor 80 Caius, the renowned French physician. Eva. Got's will, and his passion of my heart! I had as lief you would tell me of a mess of porridge, 64 Page. Why? Eva. He has no more knowledge in Hibboc- rates and Galen,--and he is a knave besides; a cowardly knave as you would desires to be 68 acquainted withal. Page. I warrant you, he's the man should fight with him. Slen. [Aside.] 0, sweet Anne Page! 72 Shal. It appears so, by his weapons. Keep them asunder: here comes Doctor Caius. [Enter Host, Caius, and Rugby.] Page. Nay, good Master Parson, keep in your weapon. 76 Shal. So do you, good Master Doctor. Host. Disarm them, and let them question: let them keep their limbs whole and hack our English. 80 Caius. I pray you, let-a me speak a word vit your ear: verefore vill you not meet-a me? 54 odds: strife 58 so . , . respect: so indiferent to his reputation 06 Hibbocrates: i.e., Hippocrates, Greek physician and writer of fifth century B. Ć. 78 question: talk of Windsor, III. i 49 84 Eva. [Aside to Caius.] Pray you, use your patience: in good time. Caius. By gar, you are de coward, de Jack dog, John ape. Eva. [Aside to Caius.] Pray you, let us not be laughing-stogs to other men's humours; I 88 desire you in friendship, and I will one way or other make you amends. [Aloud.] I will knog your urinals about your knave's cogscomb (for missing your meetings and appointments.] 92 Caius. Diable!-Jack Rugby,mine host de Jarretierre,—have I not stay for him to kill him? have I not, at de place I did appoint? Eva. As I am a Christians soul, now, look you, 96 this is the place appointed: I'll be judgment by mine host of the Garter. Host. Peace, I say, Gallia and Gaul; French and Welsh, soul-curer and body-curer! 100 Caius. Ay, dat is very good; excellent. Host. Peace, I say! hear mine host of the Garter. Am I politic? am I subtle? am I a Machiavel? Shall I lose my doctor? no; he 104 gives me the potions and the motions. Shall I lose my parson, my priest, my Sir Hugh? no; he gives me the proverbs and the no-verbs. [Give me thy hand, terrestrial; so;]-give me thy hand 108 celestial; so. Boys of art, I have deceived you both; I have directed you to wrong places: your hearts are mighty, your skins are whole, and let burnt sack be the issue. Come, lay their 112 swords to pawn. Follow me, lads of peace; follow, follow, follow. 99 Gallia: i.e., Wales (Fr. Galles) 104 Machiavel: intriguer 109 art: learning 112 issue: conclusion The Merry Wives 116 Shal. Trust me, a mad host !-Follow, gentle- men, follow. Slen. [Aside.] 0, sweet Anne Page! [Exeunt Shallow, Slender, Page, and Host.] Caius. Ha! do I perceive dat? have you make-a de sot of us, ha, ha? Eva. This is well; he has made us his vlout- 120 ing-stog. I desire you that we may be friends and let us knog our prains together to be revenge on this same scall, scurvy, cogging companion, the host of the Garter. Caius. By gar, vit all my heart. He promise to bring me vere is Anne Page: by gar, he deceive me too. Eva. Well, I will smite his noddles. Pray 128 you, follow. [Exeunt.] 124 Scene Two [A Street in Windsor] [Enter] Mist[ress] Page [and] Robin; [and later] Ford, Page, Shallow, Slender, Host, Evans, [and] Caius. you were wont to be a follower, but now you are a leader. Whether had you rather lead mine eyes, or eye your master's heels ? 4 Rob. I had rather, forsooth, go before you like a man than follow him like a dwarf. Mrs. Page. O! you are a flattering boy: now I see you'll be a courtier. 8 119 sot: fool 120 vlouting-stog: i.e., floutingstock, laughingstock 123 scall: i. e., scald, scurvy cogging: cheating 3 Whether: (I wonder) whether of Windsor, III. üi 12 [Enter Ford.] Ford. Well met, Mistress Page. Whither go you? Mrs. Page. Truly, sir, to see your wife: is she at home? Ford. Ay; and as idle as she may hang to- gether, for want of company. I think. if your husbands were dead, you two would marry. Mrs. Page. Be sure of that,—two other 16 husbands. Ford. Where had you this pretty weather- cock? Mrs. Page. I cannot tell what the dickens 20 his name is my husband had him of. What do you call your knight's name, sirrah? Rob. Sir John Falstaff. Ford. Sir John Falstaff! Mrs. Page. He, he; I can never hit on's name. There is such a league between my good man and he! Is your wife at home indeed ? Ford. Indeed she is. 28 Mrs. Page. By your leave, sir: I am sick till I see her. [Exeunt Mistress Page and Robin.] Ford. Has Page any brains ? hath he any eyes? hath he any thinking? Sure, they sleep; 32 he hath no use of them. Why, this boy will carry a letter twenty mile, as easy as a cannon will shoot point-blank twelve score. He pieces out his wife's inclination; he gives her folly 36 motion and advantage: and now she's going to my wife, and Falstaff's boy with her. A man may hear this shower sing in the wind: and Fal- 24 26 league: friendship 35, 36 pieces out: ekes out 37 motion: instigation 39 hear ... wind: i.C., the matter is perfectly obvious 52 The Merry Wives staff's boy with her! Good plots ! they are laid; 40 and our revolted wives share damnation to- gether. Well; I will take him, then torture my wife, pluck the borrowed veil of modesty from the so seeming Mistress Page, divulge Page him- 44 self for a secure and wilful Actæon; and to these violent proceedings all my neighbours shall cry aim. [Clock strikes.] The clock gives me my cue, and my assurance bids me search; 48 there I shall find Falstaff. I shall be rather praised for this than mocked; for it is as posi- tive as the earth is firm, that Falstaff is there: I will go. 52 [Enter Page, Shallow, Slender, Host, Sir Hugh Evans, Caius, and Rugby.] Shal., Page, fc. Well met, Master Ford. Ford. Trust me, a good knot. I have good cheer at home; and I pray you all go with me. Shal. I must excuse myself, Master Ford. 56 Slen. And so must I, sir: we have appointed to dine with Mistress Anne, and I would not break with her for more money than I'll speak of. Shal. We have lingered about a match be- 60 tween Anne Page and my cousin Slender, and this day we shall have our answer. Slen. I hope I have your good will, father Page. 64 Page. You have, Master Slender; I stand wholly for you: but my wife, Master Doctor, is for you altogether. Caius. Ay, by gar; and de maid is love-a me: 68 my nursh-a Quickly tell me so mush. 47 cry aim: express their approval; cf. n. e-a me: 68 54 knot: company of Windsor, III. ii Host. What say you to young Master Fenton? he capers, he dances, he has eyes of youth, he writes verses, he speaks holiday, he smells April 72 and May: he will carry ’t, he will carry 't; ’tis in his buttons; he will carry't. Page. Not by my consent, I promise you. The gentleman is of no having: he kept company 76 with the wild prince and Poins; he is of too high a region; he knows too much. No, he shall not knit a knot in his fortunes with the finger of my substance: if he take her, let him 80 take her simply; the wealth I have waits on my consent, and my consent goes not that way. Ford. I beseech you heartily, some of you go home with me to dinner: besides your cheer, you 84 shall have sport; I will show you a monster. Master Doctor, you shall go; so shall you, Master Page; and you, Sir Hugh. Shal. Well, fare you well: we shall have the 88 freer wooing at Master Page's. [Exeunt Shallow and Slender.] Caius. Go home, John Rugby; I come anon. [Exit Rugby.] Host. Farewell, my hearts: I will to my honest knight Falstaff, and drink canary with 92 him. [Exit.] Ford. [Aside.] I think I shall drink in pipe- wine first with him; I'll make him dance. Will you go, gentles ? All. Have with you to see this monster. Exeunt. 96 72 holiday:in choice language 73, 74 he will . .. buttons: he'll win; he has it in him 76 having: property: 77 prince and Poins; cf. n. 78 region: height in the heavens 81 simply: by herself 92 canary: a sweet wine 94 pipe-wine: wine in the cask; cf. n. 54 The Merry Wives Scene Three [A Room in Ford's House] Enter M[istress] Ford [and] M[istress] Page; (and later] Servants, Robin, Falstaff, Ford, Page, Caius, [and] Evans. Mrs. Ford. What, John! what, Robert! Mrs. Page. Quickly, quickly Is the buck- basket- Mrs. Ford. I warrant. What, Robin, I say! 4 [Enter Servants with a basket.] Mrs. Page. Come, come, come. Mrs. Ford. Here, set it down. Mrs. Page. Give your men the charge; we must be brief. Mrs. Ford. Marry, as I told you before, John, and Robert, be ready here hard by in the brew- house; and when I suddenly call you, come forth, and without any pause or staggering, take 12 with it in all haste, and carry it among the whitsters in Datchet-mead, and there empty it in the muddy ditch, close by the Thames side. 16 Mrs. Page. You will do it? Mrs. Ford. I have told them over and over; they lack no direction. Be gone, and come when you are called. [Exeunt Servants.] 20 Mrs. Page. Here comes little Robin. [Enter Robin.] 2 buck-basket: basket for soiled linen 15 whitsters: bleachers of linen 7 charge: order Datchet-mead; cf. n. of Windsor, III. iji Mrs. Ford. How now, my eyas-musket! what news with you? Rob. My master, Sir John, is come in at your 24 back-door, Mistress Ford, and requests your company. Mrs. Page. You little Jack-a-Lent, have you been true to us? 28 Rob. Ay, I'll be sworn. My master knows not of your being here, and hath threatened to put me into everlasting liberty if I tell you of it; for he swears he'll turn me away. 32 Mrs. Page. Thou’rt a good boy; this secrecy of thine shall be a tailor to thee and shall make thee a new doublet and hose. I'll go hide me. Mrs. Ford. Do so. Go tell thy master I am 36 alone. [Exit Robin.] Mistress Page, remember you your cue. Mrs. Page. I warrant thee; if I do not act it, hiss me. [Exit.] 40 Mrs. Ford. Go to, then: we'll use this unwholesome humidity, this gross watery pumpion; we'll teach him to know turtles from jays. 44 [Enter Falstaff.] Fal. 'Have I caught my heavenly jewel?' Why, now let me die, for I have lived long enough: this is the period of my ambition: 0 this blessed hour! Mrs. Ford. O, sweet Sir John! Fal. Mistress Ford, I cannot cog, I cannot prate, Mistress Ford. Now shall I sin in my 48 22 eyas-musket: young sparrow-hawk 27 Jack-a-Lent: puppet used as target in a game 43 puinpion: pumpkin 47 period: final point 45 Cf. n. 50 cog: fawn 56 The Merry Wives wish: I would thy husband were dead. I'll 52 speak it before the best lord, I would make thee my lady. Mrs. Ford. I your lady, Sir John! alas, I should be a pitiful lady. 56 Fal. Let the court of France show me such another. I see how thine eye would emulate the diamond: thou hast the right arched beauty of the brow that becomes the ship-tire, the tire- 60 valiant, or any tire of Venetian admittance. Mrs. Ford. A plain kerchief, Sir John: my brows become nothing else; nor that well neither. 64 Fal. By the Lord, thou art a traitor to say so: thou wouldst make an absolute courtier; and the firm fixture of thy foot would give an excellent motion to thy gait in a semi-circled 68 farthingale. I see what thou wert, if Fortune thy foe were not, Nature thy friend. Come, thou canst not hide it. Mrs. Ford. Believe me, there's no such thing 72 in me. Fal. What made me love thee? let that per- suade thee there's something extraordinary in thee. Come, I cannot cog and say thou art this 76 and that, like a many of these lisping hawthorn- buds, that come like women in men's apparel, and smell like Bucklersbury in simple-time; I cannot; but I love thee; none but thee; and 80 thou deservest it. 60 ship-tire: headdress shaped like a ship tire-valiant: fantastic headdress 66 absolute: perfect 68, 69 semi-circled farthingale: petticoat, the hoops of which did 1100 c011e round in front 69, 70 Fortune thy foe; cf. n. 77 hawthorn-buds: dandies 79 Bucklersbury; cf. n. of Windsor, III. iii 57 Mrs. Ford. Do not betray me, sir. I fear you love Mistress Page. Fal. Thou mightst as well say, I love to walk 84 by the Counter-gate, which is as hateful to me as the reek of a lime-kiln. Mrs. Ford. Well, heaven knows how I love you; and you shall one day find it. 88 Fal. Keep in that mind; I'll deserve it. Mrs. Ford. Nay, I must tell you, so you do, or else I could not be in that mind. Rob. [Within.] Mistress Ford! Mistress Ford ! 92 here's Mistress Page at the door, sweating and blowing and looking wildly, and would needs speak with you presently. Fal. She shall not see me: I will ensconce 96 me behind the arras. Mrs. Ford. Pray you, do so: she's a very tattling woman. [Falstaff hides himself.] [Enter Mistress Page and Robin.] What's the matter? how now! 100 Mrs. Page. O Mistress Ford! what have you done? You're shamed, you are overthrown, you're undone for ever! Mrs. Ford. What's the matter, good Mistress 104 Page? Mrs. Page. O well-a-day, Mistress Ford! hav- ing an honest man to your husband, to give him such cause of suspicion ! 108 Mrs. Ford. What cause of suspicion? Mrs. Page. What cause of suspicion! Out upon you! how am I mistook in you! Mrs. Ford. Why, alas, what's the matter? 112 85 Counter-gate: gate of debtors' prison 96 ensconce: concear 97 arras: hanging screen of tapestry placed round the walls of a room 58 The Merry Wives Mrs. Page. Your husband's coming hither, woman, with all the officers in Windsor, to search for a gentleman that he says is here now in the house by your consent, to take an ill advantage 116 of his absence: you are undone. Mrs. Ford. [Aside.] Speak louder.-'Tis not so, I hope. Mrs. Page. Pray heaven it be not so, that you 120 have such a man here! but ’tis most certain your husband's coming with half Windsor at his heels, to search for such a one. I come before to tell you. If you know yourself clear, why, I am 124 glad of it; but if you have a friend here, convey, convey him out. Be not amazed; call all your senses to you: defend your reputation, or bid farewell to your good life for ever. 128 Mrs. Ford. What shall I do?—There is a gen- tleman, my dear friend; and I fear not mine own shame so much as his peril: I had rather than a thousand pound he were out of the house. 132 Mrs. Page. For shame! never stand you had rather and you had rather': your hus- band's here at hand; bethink you of some conveyance: in the house you cannot hide him. 136 O, how have you deceived me! Look, here is a basket: if he be of any reasonable stature, he may creep in here; and throw foul linen upon him, as if it were going to bucking: or—it is 140 whiting-time-send him by your two men to Datchet-mead. Mrs. Ford. He's too big to go in there. What shall I do? Fal. [Coming forward.] Let me see 't, let me 144 124 clear: innocent 140 bucking: washing 133 stand: lose time over 141 whiting-time: bleaching-time of Windsor, III. ili 59 see 't, 0, let me see 't! I'll in, I'll in. Follow your friend's counsel. I'll in. Mrs. Page. What, Sir John Falstaff! Are 148 these your letters, knight? Fal. I love thee, and none but thee; help me away: let me creep in here. I'll never- [Gets into the basket; they cover him with foul linen.] Mrs. Page. Help to cover your master, boy. 152 Call your men, Mistress Ford. You dissembling knight! Mrs. Ford. What, John! Robert! John! 155 [Exit Robin.] [Enter Servants.] Gotake up these clothes here quickly; where's the cowl-staff? look, how you drumble! carry them to the laundress in Datchet-mead; quickly, come. [Enter Ford, Page, Caius, and Sir Hugh Evans.] Ford. Pray you, come near: if I suspect without cause, why then make sport at me; 160 then let me be your jest; I deserve it. How now! what goes here? whither bear you this? Serv. To the laundress, forsooth. Mrs. Ford. Why, what have you to do whither 164 they bear it? You were best meddle with buck- washing. Ford. Buck! I would I could wash myself of the buck! Buck, buck, buck! Ay, buck; I war- 168 rant you, buck; and of the season too; it shall appear. [Exeunt Servants with the basket.] Gentlemen, I have dreamed to-night; I'll tell 157 cowl-staff: pole for carrying a basket between two persons drumble: dawdle 169 of the season: in season 165 buck-washing: washing of clothes 171 to-night: last night The Merry Wives you my dream. Here, here, here be my keys: 172 ascend my chambers; search, seek, find out: I'll warrant we'll unkennel the fox. Let me stop this way first. [Locking the door.] So, now uncape. Page. Good Master Ford, be contented: you 176 wrong yourself too much. Ford. True, Master Page. Up, gentlemen; you shall see sport anon: follow me, gentlemen. [Exit.] Eva. This is fery fantastical humours and 180 jealousies. Caius. By gar, 'tis no de fashion of France; it is not jealous in France. Page. Nay, follow him, gentlemen; see the 184 issue of his search. [Exeunt Page, Caius, and Evans.] Mrs. Page. Is there not a double excellency in this? Mrs. Ford. I know not which pleases me 188 better; that my husband is deceived, or Sir John. Mrs. Page. What a taking was he in when your husband asked who was in the basket! Mrs. Ford. I am half afraid he will have need 192 of washing; so throwing him into the water will do him a benefit. .. Mrs. Page. Hang him, dishonest rascal! I would all of the same strain were in the same 196 distress. Mrs. Ford. I think my husband hath some special suspicion of Falstaff's being here; for I never saw him so gross in his jealousy till now. 200 Mrs. Page. I will lay a plot to try that; and 174 unkennel: drive from cover 175 uncape: uncouple; cf. loto 190 taking: fright of Windsor, III. iii 216 we will yet have more tricks with Falstaff: his dissolute disease will scarce obey this medicine. Mrs. Ford. Shall we send that foolish carrion 204 Mistress Quickly to him, and excuse his throw- ing into the water; and give him another hope, to betray him to another punishment? Mrs. Page. We will do it: let him be sent for 208 to-morrow, eight o'clock, to have amends. [Enter Ford, Page, Caius, and Sir Hugh Evans.] Ford. I cannot find him: may be the knave bragged of that he could not compass. Mrs. Page. [Aside to Mrs. Ford.] Heard you 212 that? Mrs. Ford. [A side to Mrs. Page.] Ay, ay, peace.—You use me well, Master Ford, do you? Ford. Ay, I do so. Mrs. Ford. Heaven make you better than your thoughts ! Ford. Amen! Mrs. Page. You do yourself mighty wrong, 220 Master Ford. Ford. Ay, ay; I must bear it. Eva. If there pe any pody in the house, and in the chambers, and in the coffers, and in the 224 presses, heaven forgive my sins at the day of judgment! Caius. By gar, nor I too, dere is no bodies. Page. Fie, fie, Master Ford! are you not 228 ashamed? What spirit, what devil suggests this imagination? I would not ha' your distemper in this kind for the wealth of Windsor Castle. 231 Ford. 'Tis my fault, Master Page: I suffer for it. Eva. You suffer for a pad conscience: your 225 presses: clothespresses 231 kind: way The Merry Wives wife is as honest a 'omans as I will desires among five thousand, and five hundred too. Caius. By gar, I see 'tis an honest woman. 236 Ford. Well; I promised you a dinner. Come, come, walk in the Park: I pray you, pardon me; I will hereafter make known to you why I have done this. Come, wife; come, Mistress Page. I 240 pray you, pardon me; pray heartily, pardon me. Page. Let's go in, gentlemen; but, trust me, we'll mock him. I do invite you to-morrow morning to my house to breakfast; after, we'll 244 a-birding together: I have a fine hawk for the bush. Shall it be so? Ford. Anything. Eva. If there is one, I shall make two in the 248 company. Caius. If dere be one or two, I shall make-a de turd. Ford. Pray you go, Master Page. Eva. I pray you now, remembrance to- morrow on the lousy knave, mine host. Caius. Dat is good; by gar, vit all my heart. Eva. A lousy knave! to have his gibes and 256 his mockeries! Exeunt. 252 Scene Four [A Room in Page's House] Enter Fenton [and] Anne Page; [and later] Shal- low, Slender, [Mistress] Quickly, Page, [and] Mist[ress] Page. Fent. I see I cannot get thy father's love; Therefore no more turn me to him, sweet Nan. 245 a-birding: hawking; cf. n. 2 turn:refer of Windsor, III. iv 63 Anne. Alas! how then? Fent. Why, thou must be thyself. He doth object, I am too great of birth, 4 And that my state being gall’d with my expense, I seek to heal it only by his wealth. Besides these, other bars he lays before me, My riots past, my wild societies; And tells me 'tis a thing impossible I should love thee but as a property. Anne. May be he tells you true. Fent. No, heaven so speed me in my time to come! Albeit I will confess thy father's wealth Was the first motive that I woo'd thee, Anne: Yet, wooing thee, I found thee of more value Than stamps in gold or sums in sealed bags; 16 And 'tis the very riches of thyself That now I aim at. Anne. Gentle Master Fenton, Yet seek my father's love; still seek it, sir: If opportunity and humblest suit 20 Cannot attain it, why, then,-hark you hither. [They converse apart.] [Enter Shallow, Slender, and Mistress Quickly.] Shal. Break their talk, Mistress Quickly: my kinsman shall speak for himself. Slen. I'll make a shaft or a bolt on 't. 'Slid, 24 ’tis but venturing. Shal. Be not dismayed. Slen. No, she shall not dismay me: I care not for that, but that I am afeard. 28 5 state: estate gall’d with my expense: exhausted by my Sonundering 16 stamps: coins 22 Break: interrupt 24 shaft ... bolt; cf. n. 'Slid: God's eyelid 64 The Merry Wives Quick. Hark ye; Master Slender would speak a word with you. Anne. I come to him. [Aside.] This is my father's choice. 0, what a world of vile ill-favour'd faults 32 Looks handsome in three hundred pounds a year! Quick. And how does good Master Fenton? Pray you, a word with you. Shal. She's coming; to her, coz. O boy, 36 thou hadst a father! Slen. I had a father, Mistress Anne; my uncle can tell you good jests of him. Pray you, uncle, tell Mistress Anne the jest, how my father 45 stole two geese out of a pen, good uncle. Shal. Mistress Anne, my cousin loves you. . Slen. Ay, that I do; as well as I love any woman in Gloucestershire. 44 Shal. He will maintain you like a gentle- woman. Slen. Ay, that I will, come cut and long-tail, under the degree of a squire. 48 Shal. He will make you a hundred and fifty pounds jointure. Anne. Good Master Shallow, let him woo for himself. 52 Shal. Marry, I thank you for it; I thank you for that good comfort. She calls you, coz: I'll leave you. Anne. Now, Master Slender. Slen. Now, good Mistress Anne.- Anne. What is your will? Slen. My will? od's heartlings ! that's a pretty jest, indeed! I ne'er made my will yet, I thank 60 47 cut: with docked tail 59 od's heartlings: God's little heart 56 of Windsor, III. iv 65 heaven; I am not such a sickly creature, I give heaven praise. Anne. I mean, Master Slender, what would you with me ? 64 Slen. Truly, for mine own part, I would little or nothing with you. Your father and my uncle have made motions: if it be my luck, so; if not, happy man be his dole! They can tell 68 you how things go better than I can: you may ask your father; here he comes. [Enter Page and Mistress Page.] Page. Now, Master Slender: love him, daughter Anne. Why, how now! what does Master Fenton here? 72 You wrong me, sir, thus still to haunt my house: I told you, sir, my daughter is dispos'd of. Fent. Nay, Master Page, be not impatient. Mrs. Page. Good Master Fenton, come not to my child. Page. She is no match for you. Fent. Sir, will you hear me? Page. No, good Master Fenton. Come, Master Shallow; come, son Slender, in. Knowing my mind, you wrong me, Master Fenton. 80 [Exeunt Page, Shallow, and Slender.] Quick. Speak to Mistress Page. Fent. Good Mistress Page, for that I love your daughter In such a righteous fashion as I do, Perforce, against all checks, rebukes and manners, 84 I must advance the colours of my love And not retire: let me have your good will. 68 happy man be his dole: happiness be his portion (a proverbial 76 plirase) 84 checks: reproofs 85 colours: standards The Merry Wives 92 Anne. Good mother, do not marry me to yond fool. Mrs. Page. I mean it not; I seek you a better hus- band. 88 Quick. That's my master, Master Doctor. Anne. Alas! I had rather be set quick i' the earth, And bowl’d to death with turnips. Mrs. Page. Come, trouble not yourself. Good Master Fenton, I will not be your friend nor enemy: My daughter will I question how she loves you, And as I find her, so am I affected. Till then, farewell, sir: she must needs go in; 96 Her father will be angry. Fent. Farewell, gentle mistress. Farewell, Nan. [Exeunt Mistress Page and Anne.] Quick. This is my doing now: 'Nay,' said I, ‘will you cast away your child on a fool, and a 100 physician? Look on Master Fenton. This is my doing Fent. I thank thee: and I pray thee, once to-night Give my sweet Nan this ring. There's for thy pains. Quick. Now heaven send thee good fortune! [Exit Fenton.] A kind heart he hath: a woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart. But yet I would my naster had 108 Mistress Anne; or I would Master Slender had her; or, in sooth, I would Master Fenton had her. I will do what I can for them all three, for so I have promised, and I'll be as good as 112 my word; but speciously for Master Fenton, Well, I must of another errand to Sir John 90 quick: alive 95 affected: inclined 103 once: sometime 113 speciously:1.e., especially 104 of Windsor, I11.0 Falstaff from my two mistresses: what a beast am I to slack it! [Exit.] 116 Scene Five [A Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Falstaff [and] Bardolph; [and later Mistress] Quickly, [and] Ford. Fal. Bardolph, I say, Bard. Here, sir. Fal. Go fetch me a quart of sack; put a toast in 't. [Exit Bardolph.] Have I lived to be 4 carried in a basket, and to be thrown in the Thames like a barrow of butcher's offal? Well, if I be served such another trick, I'll have my brains ta'en out, and buttered, and give them to 8 a dog for a new year's gift. The rogues slighted me into the river with as little remorse as they would have drowned a blind bitch's puppies, fifteen i' the litter; and you may know by my 12 size that I have a kind of alacrity in sinking: if the bottom were as deep as hell, I should down. I had been drowned but that the shore was shelvy and shallow; a death that I abhor, for 16 the water swells a man, and what a thing should I have been when I had been swelled! I should have been a mountain of mummy. [Enter Bardolph with sack.] Bard. Here's Mistress Quickly, sir, to speak 20 with you. Fal. Come, let me pour in some sack to the . 9 slighted: tossed carelessly 19 mummy: dead flesh 68 The Merry Wives 28 Thames water, for my belly's as cold as if I had swallowed snowballs for pills to cool the reins. 24 Call her in. Bard. Come in, woman. [Enter Mistress Quickly.] Quick. By your leave. I cry you mercy: give your worship good morrow. Fal. Take away these chalices. Go brew me a pottle of sack finely. Bard. With eggs, sir? Fal. Simple of itself; I'll no pullet-sperm in 32 my brewage. [Exit Bardolph.]-How now! Quick. Marry, sir, I come to your worship from Mistress Ford. Fal. Mistress Ford! I have had ford enough; 36 I was thrown into the ford; I have my belly full of ford. Quick. Alas the day! good heart, that was not her fault: she does so take on with her 40 men; they mistook their erection. Fal. So did I mine, to build upon a foolish woman's promise. Quick. Well, she laments, sir, for it, that it 44 would yearn your heart to see it. Her husband goes this morning a-birding: she desires you once more to come to her between eight and nine. I must carry her word quickly: she'll 48 make you amends, I warrant you. Fal. Well, I will visit her: tell her so; and bid her think what a man is: let her consider his frailty, and then judge of my merit. 52 24 reins: kidneys 30 pottle: two-quart measure 45 yearn: grieve 27 cry you mercy: beg your pardon 41 erection: i.e., direction of Windsor, III.v 60 Quick. I will tell her. Fal. Do so. Between nine and ten, sayest thou? Quick. Eight and nine, sir. Fal. Well, be gone: I will not miss her. 56 Quick. Peace be with you, sir. [Exit.] Fal. I marvel I hear not of Master Brook; he sent me word to stay within. I like his money well. O! here he comes. [Enter Ford.] Ford. Bless you, sir! Fal. Now, Master Brook, you come to know what hath passed between me and Ford's wife? 64 Ford. That, indeed, Sir John, is my busi- ness. Fal. Master Brook, I will not lie to you: I was at her house the hour she appointed me. 68 Ford. And sped you, sir? Fal. Very ill-favouredly, Master Brook. Ford. How so, sir? did she change her de- termination? 72 Fal. No, Master Brook; but the peaking cornuto her husband, Master Brook, dwelling in a continual 'larum of jealousy, comes me in the instant of our encounter, after we had embraced, 76 kissed, protested, and, as it were, spoke the prologue of our comedy; and at his heels a rabble of his companions, thither provoked and instigated by his distemper, and, forsooth, to 80 search his house for his wife's love. Ford. What! while you were there? 70 ill-favouredly: badly 74 cornuto: cuckold 80 distemper:ill humour 73 peaking: sneaking 75 'larum: aların The Merry Wives Fal. While I was there. Ford. And did he search for you, and could 84 not find you? Fal. You shall hear. As good luck would have it, comes in one Mistress Page; gives in- telligence of Ford's approach; and in her 88 invention, and Ford's wife's distraction, they conveyed me into a buck-basket. Ford. A buck-basket! Fal. By the Lord, a buck-basket! rammed 92 me in with foul shirts and smocks, socks, foul stockings, greasy napkins; that, Master Brook, there was the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril. 96 Ford. And how long lay you there? Fal. Nay, you shall hear, Master Brook, what I have suffered to bring this woman to evil for your good. Being thus crammed in the basket, 100 a couple of Ford's knaves, his hinds, were called forth by their mistress to carry me in the name of foul clothes to Datchet-lane: they took me on their shoulders; met the jealous knave their 104 master in the door, who asked them once or twice what they had in their basket. I quaked for fear lest the lunatic knave would have searched it; but Fate, ordaining he should be a 108 cuckold, held his hand. Well; on went he for a search, and away went I for foul clothes. But mark the sequel, Master Brook: I suffered the pangs of three several deaths: first, an intoler- 112 able fright, to be detected with a jealous rotten bell-wether; next, to be compassed, like a good 94 that: so that 101 hinds: servants 113 with: by of Windsor, III.0 my 1 bilbo, in the circumference of a peck, hilt to point, heel to head; and then, to be stopped in, 116 like a strong distillation, with stinking clothes that fretted in their own grease: think of that, a man of my kidney, think of that, that am as subject to heat as butter; a man of continual 120 dissolution and thaw: it was a miracle to 'scape suffocation. And in the height of this bath, when I was more than half stewed in grease, like a Dutch dish, to be thrown into the Thames, 124 and cooled, glowing hot, in that surge, like a horse-shoe; think of that, hissing hot, think of that, Master Brook! Ford. In good sadness, sir, I am sorry that for 128 my sake you have suffered all this. My suit then is desperate; you'll undertake her no more? Fal. Master Brook, I will be thrown into Etna, as I have been into Thames, ere I will 132 leave her thus. Her husband is this morning gone a-birding: I have received from her another embassy of meeting; 'twixt eight and nine is the hour, Master Brook. Ford. 'Tis past eight already, sir. Fal. Is it? I will then address me to my ap- pointment. Come to me at your convenient leisure, and you shall know how I speed, and 140 the conclusion shall be crowned with your en- joying her: adieu. You shall have her, Master Brook; Master Brook, you shall cuckold Ford. [Exit.] Ford. Hum! ha! is this a vision? is this a 144 dream? do I sleep? Master Ford, awake! awake, 136 115 bilbo; cf. n. 128 sadness: seriousness 138 address: prepare 118 fretted: consumed 135 embassy: message 72 The Merry Wives Master Ford! there's a hole made in your best coat, Master Ford. This 'tis to be married: this 'tis to have linen and buck-baskets! Well, I 148 will proclaim myself what I am: I will now take the lecher; he is at my house; he cannot ’scape me; 'tis impossible he should; he cannot creep into a half-penny purse, nor into a pepper-box; 152 but, lest the devil that guides him should aid him, I will search impossible places. Though what I am I cannot avoid, yet to be what I would not, shall not make be tame: if I have horns to 156 make one mad, let the proverb go with me; I'll be horn-mad. [Exit.] ACT FOURTH Scene One [A Street] Enter Mistress Page, [Mistress] Quickly, [and] Wil- liam; [and later] Evans. Mrs. Page. Is he at Master Ford's already, thinkest thou? Quick. Sure he is by this, or will be presently; but truly, he is very courageous mad about his 4 throwing into the water. Mistress Ford desires you to come suddenly. but bring my young man here to school. Look, 8 where his master comes; 'tis a playing-day, I see. [Enter Sir Hugh Evans.] 6 suddenly: at once 7 by and by: immediately of Windsor, IV.i 73 - How now, Sir Hugh! no school to-day? Eva. No; Master Slender is let the boys 12 leave to play. Quick. Blessing of his heart! Mrs. Page. Sir Hugh, my husband says my son profits nothing in the world at his book: I 16 pray you, ask him some questions in his acci- dence. Eva. Come hither, William; hold up your head; come. 20 Mrs. Page. Come on, sirrah; hold up your head; answer your master, be not afraid. Eva. William, how many numbers is in nouns? Will. Two. 24 Quick. Truly, I thought there had been one number more, because they say, 'Od’s nouns.' Eva. Peace your tattlings! What is fair, William? 28 Will. Pulcher. Quick. Polecats! there are fairer things than polecats, sure. Eva. You are a very simplicity ’oman: I pray 32 you peace. What is lapis, William? Will. A stone. Eva. And what is a stone, William? Will. A pebble. 36 Eva. No, it is lapis: I pray you remember in your prain. Will. Lapis. Eva. That is a good William. What is he, 40 William, that does lend articles ? Will. Articles are borrowed of the pronoun, 26 Od's nouns: God's wounds The Merry Wives 52 and be thus declined, Singulariter, nominativo, hic, hæc, hoc. 44 Eva. Nominativo, hig, hag, hog; pray you, mark: genitivo, hujus. Well, what is your ac- cusative case? Will. Accusativo, hinc. 48 Eva. I pray you, have your remembrance, child; accusativo, hung, hang, hog. Quick. Hang-hog is Latin for bacon, I war- rant you. Eva. Leave your prabbles, 'oman. What is the focative case, William? Will. O vocativo, 0. Eva. Remember, William; focative is caret. 56 Quick. And that's a good root. Eva. 'Oman, forbear. Mrs. Page. Peace! Eva. What is your genitive case plural, 60 William? Will. Genitive case ? Eva. Ay. Will. Genitive, horum, harum, horum. 64 Quick. Vengeance of Jenny's case! fie on her! Never name her, child, if she be a whore. Eva. For shame, 'oman! Quick. You do ill to teach the child such 68 words. He teaches him to hick and to hack, which they'll do fast enough of themselves, and to call ‘horum'; fie upon you! Eva. 'Oman, art thou lunatics? hast thou no 72 understandings for thy cases and the numbers of the genders? Thou art as foolish Christian creatures as I would desires. 51 Yang-hog; cf. n. 69 hick: hiccup 56 caret: is wanting (Latin) of Windsor, IV. Ü Mrs. Page. Prithee, hold thy peace. Eva. Show me now, William, some declen- sions of your pronouns. Will. Forsooth, I have forgot. Eva. It is qui, quæ, quod; if you forget your 80 quis, your quæs, and your quods, you must be preeches. Go your ways and play; go. Mrs. Page. He is a better scholar than I thought he was. 84 Eva. He is a good sprag memory. Farewell, Mistress Page. Mrs. Page. Adieu, good Sir Hugh. [Exit Sir Hugh.] Get you home, boy. Come, we stay too 88 long. Exeunt. Scene Two [A Room in Ford's House] Enter Falstaff, Mist[ress] Ford; [and later] Mis- t[ress] Page, Servants, Ford, Page, Caius, Evans, [and] Shallow. Fal. Mistress Ford, your sorrow hath eaten up my sufferance. I see you are obsequious in your love, and I profess requital to a hair's breadth; not only, Mistress Ford, in the simple 4 office of love, but in all the accoutrement, com- plement and ceremony of it. But are you sure of your husband now? Mrs. Ford. He's a-birding, sweet Sir John. 8 Mrs. Page. [Within.] What ho! gossip Ford! what ho! 82 preeches: j.e., breeched, flogged 85 sprag: 1.e., sprack, alert 2 sufferance: sufferings obsequious: devoted 9 gossip: friend The Merry Wives 20 Mrs. Ford. Step into the chamber, Sir John. [Exit Falstaff.] [Enter Mistress Page.] Mrs. Page. How now, sweetheart! who's at 12 home besides yourself? Mrs. Ford. Why, none but mine own people. Mrs. Page. Indeed! Mrs. Ford. No, certainly.--[Aside to her.] 16 Speak louder. Mrs. Page. Truly, I am so glad you have no- body here. Mrs. Ford. Why? Mrs. Page. Why, woman, your husband is in his old lines again: he so takes on yonder with my husband; so rails against all married man- kind; so curses all Eve's daughters, of what com- 24 plexion soever; and so buffets himself on the forehead, crying, Peer out, peer out!' that any madness I ever het beheld seemed but tameness, civility and patience, to this his distemper he 28 is in now. I am glad the fat knight is not here. Mrs. Ford. Why, does he talk of him? Mrs. Page. Of none but him; and swears he 32 was carried out, the last time he searched for him, in a basket: protests to my husband he is now here, and hath drawn him and the rest of their company from their sport, to make another 36 experiment of his suspicion. But I am glad the knight is not here; now he shall see his own foolery. Mrs. Ford. How near is he, Mistress Page? 40 22 lines: rage 24 complexion: sort of Windsor, IV. Ü Mrs. Page. Hard by; at street end; he will be here anon. Mrs. Ford. I am undone! the knight is here. Mrs. Page. Why then you are utterly shamed, 44 and he's but a dead man. What a woman are you! Away with him, away with him! better shame than murder. Mrs. Ford. Which way should he go? how 48 should I bestow him? Shall I put him into the basket again? [Enter Falstaff.] Fal. No, I'll come no more i the basket. May I not go out ere he come? 52 Mrs. Page. Alas! three of Master Ford's broth- ers watch the door with pistols, that none shall issue out; otherwise you might slip away ere he came. But what make you here? 56 Fal. What shall I do? I'll creep up into the chimney. Mrs. Ford. There they always use to dis- charge their birding-pieces. 60 Mrs. Page. Creep into the kiln-hole. Fal. Where is it? Mrs. Ford. He will seek there, on my word. Neither press, coffer, chest, trunk, well, vault, 64 but he hath an abstract for the remembrance of such places, and goes to them by his note: there is no hiding you in the house. Fal. I'll go out, then. 68 Mrs. Page. If you go out in your own sem- blance, you die, Sir John. Unless you go out disguised, - 59 use: are accustomed 65 abstract: catalogue ove r came out others 78 The Merry Wives Mrs. Ford. How might we disguise him? 72 Mrs. Page. Alas the day! I know not. There is no woman's gown big enough for him; other- wise, he might put on a hat, a muffler, and a kerchief, and so escape. 76 Fal. Good hearts, devise something: any ex- tremity rather than a mischief. Mrs. Ford. My maid's aunt, the fat woman of Brainford, has a gown above.. 80 Mrs. Page. On my word, it will serve him; she's as big as he is: and there's her thrummed hat and her muffler too. Run up, Sir John. Mrs. Ford. Go, go, sweet Sir John: Mistress 84 Page and I will look some linen for your head. Mrs. Page. Quick, quick! we'll come dress you straight; put on the gown the while. [Exit Falstaff.] Mrs. Ford. I would my husband would meet 88 him in this shape: he cannot abide the old woman of Brainford; he swears she's a witch; forbade her my house, and hath threatened to beat her. Mrs. Page. Heaven guide him to thy hus- 92 band's cudgel, and the devil guide his cudgel afterwards ! Mrs. Ford. But is my husband coming? Mrs. Page. Ay, in good sadness, is he; and 96 talks of the basket too, howsoever he hath had intelligence. Mrs. Ford. We'll try that; for I'll appoint my men to carry the basket again, to meet him 100 at the door with it, as they did last time. Mrs. Page. Nay, but he'll be here presently: let's go dress him like the witch of Brainford. 79, 80 fat woman of Brainford; cf. n. 82 thrummed: made of coarse yarn of Windsor, IV. iï 79 108 Mrs. Ford. I'll first direct my men what they 104 shall do with the basket. Go up; I'll bring linen for him straight. [Exit.] Mrs. Page. Hang him, dishonest varlet! we cannot misuse him enough. We'll leave a proof, by that which we will do, Wives may be merry, and yet honest too: We do not act that often jest and laugh; 'Tis old but true, 'Still swine eats all the draff.' 112 [Exit.] [Enter Mistress Ford, and two servants.] Mrs. Ford. Go, sirs, take the basket again on your shoulders: your master is hard at door; if he bid you set it down, obey him. Quickly; dispatch. [Exit.] 116 First Serv. Come, come, take it up. Sec. Serv. Pray heaven, it be not full of knight again. First Serv. I hope not; I had as lief bear so 120 much lead. [Enter Ford, Page, Shallow, Caius, and Sir Hugh Ευαης.] Ford. Ay, but if it prove true, Master Page, have you any way then to unfool me again? Set down the basket, villains. Somebody call my 124 wife. Youth in a basket! O you panderly ras- cals! there's a knot, a ging, a pack, a conspiracy against me: now shall the devil be shamed. What, wife, I say! Come, come forth! Be- 128 hold what honest clothes you send forth to bleaching! CD 107 dishonest: unchaste 116 dispatch: hasten 126 ging: gang 112 draff: swill pack: confederacy 80 The Merry Wives 144 D- Page. Why, this passes ! Master Ford, you are not to go loose any longer; you must be 132 pinioned. Eva. Why, this is lunatics! this is mad as a mad dog! Shal. Indeed, Master Ford, this is not well, 136 indeed. Ford. So say I too, sir.- [Enter Mistress Ford.] Come hither Mistress Ford; the honest woman, the modest wife, the virtuous creature, that hath 140 the jealous fool to her husband! I suspect with- out cause, mistress, do I? Mrs. Ford. Heaven be my witness, you do, if you suspect me in any dishonesty. Ford. Well said, brazen-face! hold it out. Come forth, sirrah! [Pulling clothes out of the basket.] Page. This passes ! Mrs. Ford. Are you not ashamed? let the 148 clothes alone. Ford. I shall find you anon. Eva. 'Tis unreasonable. Will you take up your wife's clothes ? Come away. 152 Ford. Empty the basket, I say! Mrs. Ford. Why, man, why? Ford. Master Page, as I am an honest man, there was one conveyed out of my house yester- 156 day in this basket: why may not he be there again? In my house I am sure he is; my in- telligence is true; my jealousy is reasonable. Pluck me out all the linen. 160 Mrs. Ford. If you find a man there he shall die a flea's death. of Windsor, IV. Ü Page. Here's no man. Shal. By my fidelity, this is not well, Master 164 Ford, this wrongs you. Eva. Master Ford, you must pray, and not follow the imaginations of your own heart: this 168 Ford. Well, he's not here I seek for. Page. No, nor nowhere else but in your brain. if I find not what I seek, show no colour for my 172 extremity; let me for ever be your table-sport; let them say of me, 'As jealous as Ford, that searched a hollow walnut for his wife's leman.' Satisfy me once more; once more search with 176 me. 180 Mrs. Ford. What ho, Mistress Page! come you and the old woman down; my husband will come into the chamber. Ford. Old woman! What old woman's that? Mrs. Ford. Why, it is my maid's aunt of Brainford. Ford. A witch, a quean, an old cozening 184 quean! Have I not forbid her my house? She comes of errands, does she? We are simple men; we do not know what's brought to pass under the profession of fortune-telling. She 188 works by charms, by spells, by the figure, and such daubery as this is, beyond our element: we know nothing. Come down, you witch, you hag, you; come down, I say! Mrs. Ford. Nay, good, sweet husband! good gentlemen, let him not strike the old woman. 192 172 show no colour: suggest no excuse 173 extremity: extravagance 175 leman: lover 184 quean: hussy cozening: deceiving 189 figure: effigy; cf. n. 190 daubery: false show 82 The Merry Wives 204 [Enter Falstaff in woman's clothes, and Mistress Page.] Mrs. Page. Come, Mother Prat; come, give me your hand. 196 Ford. I'll 'prat' her.--[Beating him.] Out of my door, you witch, you rag, you baggage, you polecat, you ronyon! out, out! I'll conjure you, I'll fortune-tell you. [Exit Falstaff.] 200 Mrs. Page. Are you not ashamed? I think you have killed the poor woman. Mrs. Ford. Nay, he will do it. 'Tis a goodly credit for you. Ford. Hang her, witch! Eva. By yea and no, I think the 'oman is a witch indeed: I like not when a 'oman has a great peard; I spy a great peard under his 208 muffler. Ford. Will you follow, gentlemen? I beseech you, follow: see but the issue of my jealousy. If I cry out thus upon no trail, never trust me 212 when I open again. Page. Let's obey his humour a little further. Come, gentlemen. [Exeunt Ford, Page, Shallow, Caius, and Evans.] Mrs. Page. Trust me, he beat him most 216 pitifully. Mrs. Ford. Nay, by the mass, that he did not; he beat him most unpitifully methought. Mrs. Page. I'll have the cudgel hallowed 220 and hung o'er the altar: it hath done meri- torious service. Mrs. Ford. What think you? May we, with the warrant of womanhood and the witness of 224 Wh! cry out there but the isontlemen? In 199 ronyon: mangy woman of Windsor, IV. iii 83 a good conscience, pursue him with any further revenge? Mrs. Page. The spirit of wantonness is, sure, scared out of him: if the devil have him not in 228 fee-simple, with fine and recovery, he will never, I think, in the way of waste, attempt us again. Mrs. Ford. Shall we tell our husbands how we have served him? 232 Mrs. Page. Yes, by all means; if it be but to scrape the figures out of your husband's brains. If they can find in their hearts the poor un- we two will still be the ministers. Mrs. Ford. I'll warrant they'll have him publicly shamed, and methinks there would be no period to the jest, should he not be publicly 240 shamed. Mrs. Page. Come, to the forge with it then; shape it: I would not have things cool. Exeunt. Scene Three UI [A Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Host and Bardolph. Bard. Sir, the Germans desire to have three of your horses: the duke himself will be to-mor- row at court, and they are going to meet him. Host. What duke should that becomes so 4 secretly? I hear not of him in the court. Let me speak with the gentlemen; they speak English? 229 fee-simple: absolute possession fine and recovery; cf. n. 230 waste: spoliation. 234 figures: pliantasms 237 ministers: agents 240 period: fitting conclusion 1 Germans; cf. n. The Merry Wives Bard. Ay, sir; I'll call them to you. Host. They shall have my horses, but I'll make them pay; I'll sauce them: they have had my house a week at command; I have turned away my other guests: they must come 12 off; I'll sauce them. Come. Exeunt. Scene Four [A Room in Ford's House] Enter Page, Ford, Mistress Page, Mistress Ford, and Evans. Eva. 'Tis one of the pest discretions of a 'oman as ever I did look upon. Page. And did he send you both these letters at an instant? 4 Mrs. Page. Within a quarter of an hour. Ford. Pardon me, wife. Henceforth do what thou wilt; I rather will suspect the sun with cold Than thee with wantonness: now doth thy honour stand, In him that was of late an heretic, As firm as faith. Page. 'Tis well, 'tis well; no more. Be not as extreme in submission As in offence; 12 But let our plot go forward: let our wives Yet once again, to make us public sport, Appoint a meeting with this old fat fellow, Where we may take him and disgrace him for it. 16 12, 13 come off: pay down of Windsor, IV. iv 85 S 20 as been grievould be terrors in his 24 Ford. There is no better way than that they spoke of. Page. How? to send him word they'll meet him in the Park at midnight? Fie, fie! he'll never come. Eva. You say he has been thrown into the rivers, and has been grievously peaten as an old 'oman: methinks there should be terrors in him that he should not come; methinks his flesh is 24 punished, he shall have no desires. Page. So think I too. Mrs. Ford. Devise but how you'll use him when he comes, And let us two devise to bring him thither. 28 Mrs. Page. There is an old tale goes that Herne the hunter, Sometime a keeper here in Windsor forest, Doth all the winter-time, at still midnight, Walk round about an oak, with great ragg'd horns; 32 And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle, And makes milch-kine yield blood, and shakes a chain In a most hideous and dreadful manner: You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know The superstitious idle-headed eld Receiv'd and did deliver to our age This tale of Herne the hunter for a truth. Page. Why, yet there want not many that do fear In deep of night to walk by this Herne's oak. 33 biasts: blights takes: bewitches 37 eld: people of olden time 36 40 86 The Merry Wives But what of this? Mrs. Ford. Marry, this is our device; That Falstaff at that oak shall meet with us, [Disguis'd like Herne with huge horns on his head.] 44 Page. Well, let it not be doubted but he'll come, And in this shape when you have brought him thither, What shall be done with him? what is your plot ? Mrs. Page. That likewise have we thoughỉ upon, and thus: 48 Nan Page my daughter, and my little son, And three or four more of their growth, we'll dress Like urchins, ouphs, and fairies, green and white, With rounds of waxen tapers on their heads, 52 And rattles in their hands. Upon a sudden, As Falstaff, she, and I, are newly met, Let them from forth a sawpit rush at once With some diffused song: upon their sight, We two in great amazedness will fly: Then let them all encircle him about, And, fairy-like, to-pinch the unclean knight; And ask him why, that hour of fairy revel, In their so sacred paths he dares to tread In shape profane. Mrs. Ford. And till he tell the truth, Let the supposed fairies pinch him sound And burn him with their tapers. Mrs. Page. The truth being known, 64 We'll all present ourselves, dis-horn the spirit, And mock him home to Windsor. Ford. The children must Be practis'd well to this, or they'll ne'er do 't. 51 urchins: goblins o uphs: elves 56 60 56 diffused: confused 59 to-pinch: pinch soundly 63 sound : soundly of Windsor, IV. iv 819 Eva. I will teach the children their be- 68 haviours; and I will be like a jack-an-apes also, to burn the knight with my taber. Ford. That will be excellent. I'll go buy them vizards. Mrs. Page. My Nan shall be the queen of all the fairies, Finely attired in a robe of white. Page. That silk will I go buy:-[Aside.] and in 72 Shall Master Slender steal my Nan away, 76 And marry her at Eton. Go, send to Falstaff straight. Ford. Nay, I'll to him again in name of Brook; He'll tell me all his purpose. Sure, he'll come. Mrs. Page. Fear not you that. Go, get us prop- erties, 80 And tricking for our fairies. Eva. Let us about it: it is admirable pleas- ures and fery honest knaveries. [Exeunt Page, Ford, and Evans.] Mrs. Page. Go, Mistress Ford, Send Quickly to Sir John, to know his mind. [Exit Mistress Ford.] I'll to the doctor: he hath my good will, And none but he, to marry with Nan Page. That Slender, though well landed, is an idiot; 88 And him my husband best of all affects: The doctor is well money'd, and his friends Potent at court: he, none but he, shall have her, Though twenty thousand worthier come to crave her. [Exit.] 92 72 vizards: masks 77 Eton; cf. n. 81 tricking: adornment 84 88 The Merry Wives Scene Five [A Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Host [and] Simple; [and later] Falstaff, Bar- dolph, Evans, Caius, [and Mistress] Quickly. Host. What wouldst thou have, boor? what, thick-skin? speak, breathe, discuss; brief, short, quick, snap. Sim. Marry, sir, I come to speak with Sir 4 John Falstaff from Master Slender. Host. There's his chamber, his house, his castle, his standing-bed and truckle-bed: 'tis painted about with the story of the Prodigal, 8 fresh and new. Go knock and call: he'll speak like an Anthropophaginian unto thee: knock, I say. Sim. There's an old woman, a fat woman, 12 gone up into his chamber: I'll be so bold as stay, sir, till she come down; I come to speak with her, indeed. Host. Ha! a fat woman! the knight may be 16 robbed: I'll call. Bully knight! Bully Sir John! speak from thy lungs military: art thou there? it is thine host, thine Ephesian, calls. Fal. [Above.] How now, mine host! Host. Here's a Bohemian-Tartar tarries the coming down of thy fat woman. Let her de- scend, bully; let her descend; my chambers are honourable: fie! privacy? fie! [Enter Falstaff.] 7 truckle-bed: trundle-bed, pushed under standing-bed when not in 10 Anthropophaginian: cannibal 19 Ephesian: boon companion 20 24 use 21 Bohemian-Tartar: wild fellow of Windsor, IV., 28 Fal. There was, mine host, an old fat woman even now with me, but she's gone. Sim. Pray you, sir, was 't not the wise woman of Brainford ? Fal. Ay, marry, was it, mussel-shell: what would you with her? Sim. My master, sir, Master Slender, sent to her, seeing her go thorough the streets, to know, 32 sir, whether one Nym, sir, that beguiled him of a chain, had the chain or no. Fal. I spake with the old woman about it. Sim. And what says she, I pray, sir? 36 Fal. Marry, she says that the very same man that beguiled Master Slender of his chain cozened him of it. Sim. I would I could have spoken with the 40 woman herself: I had other things to have spoken with her too, from him. Fal. What are they? let us know. Host. Ay, come; quick. 44 Sim. I may not conceal them, sir. Host. Conceal them, or thou diest. Sim. Why, sir, they were nothing but about Mistress Anne Page; to know if it were my 48 master's fortune to have her or no. Fal. 'Tis, 'tis his fortune. Sim. What, sir? Fal. To have her, or no. Go; say the 52 woman told me so. Sim. May I be bold to say so, sir? Fal. Ay, sir: like who more bold? Sim. I thank your worship: I shall make my 56 master glad with these tidings. [Exit.] 29 mussel-shell; cf. n. 32 thorough: through 55 like ... boid: like the boldest 45 conceal: i.e., reveal 90 The Merry Wives Host. Thou art clerkly, thou art clerkly, Sir John. Was there a wise woman with thee? Fal. Ay, that there was, mine host; one that 60 hath taught me more wit than ever I learned before in my life: and I paid nothing for it neither, but was paid for my learning. [Enter Bardolph.] Bard. Out, alas, sir! cozenage, mere cozenage ! 64 Host. Where be my horses? speak well of them, varletto. Bard. Run away, with the cozeners; for so soon as I came beyond Eton, they threw me off, 68 from behind one of them, in a slough of mire; and set spurs and away, like three German devils, three Doctor Faustuses. Host. They are gone but to meet the duke, 72 villain. Do not say they be fled: Germans are honest men. [Enter Sir Hugh Evans.] Eva. Where is mine host? Host. What is the matter, sir? 76 Eva. Have a care of your entertainments: there is a friend of mine come to town, tells me, there is three cozen-germans that has cozened all the hosts of Readins, of Maidenhead, of so Colebrook, of horses and money. I tell you for good will, look you: you are wise and full of gibes and vlouting-stogs, and ’tis not convenient you should be cozened. Fare you well. [Exit.] 84 [Enter Doctor Caius.] 58 clerkly: scholarly 64 mere: pure 66 varletto: rascal servant 71 Doctor Faustuses; cf. n. 79 cozen-germans; cj. 11. 80 Readins: Reading 81 Colebrook: Coinbrook, four miles east of Windsor kaly a scholar Servant of Windsor, IV.0 91 Caius. Vere is mine host de Jarteer? Host. Here, Master Doctor, in perplexity and doubtful dilemma. Caius. I cannot tell vat is dat; but it is tell-a 88 me dat you make grand preparation for a duke de Jamany: by my trot, dere is no duke dat de court is know to come. I tell you for good vill: adieu. [Exit.] 92 Host. Hue and cry, villain! go. Assist me, knight; I am undone. Fly, run, hue and cry, villain! I am undone! [Exeunt Host and Bardolph.] Fal. I would all the world might be cozened, 96 for I have been cozened and beaten too. If it should come to the ear of the court how I have been transformed, and how my transformation hath been washed and cudgelled, they would 100 melt me out of my fat drop by drop, and liquor fishermen's boots with me: I warrant they would whip me with their fine wits till I were as crest-fallen as a dried pear. I never pros- 104 pered since I forswore myself at primero. Well, if my mind were but long enough to say my prayers, I would repent. [Enter Mistress Quickly.] Now, whence come you? 108 Quick. From the two parties, forsooth. Fal. The devil take one party and his dam the other! and so they shall be both bestowed. I have suffered more for their sakes, more than 112 the villainous inconstancy of man's disposition is able to bear. 90 Jamany: 1.e., Germany 101 liquor: grease 104 crest-fallen . . . pear; cf. n. 105 primero: a card game 92 The Merry Wives Quick. And have not they suffered? Yes, I warrant; speciously one of them: Mistress Ford, 116 good heart, is beaten black and blue, that you cannot see a white spot about her. Fal. What tellest thou me of black and blue? I was beaten myself into all the colours of the 120 rainbow; and I was like to be apprehended for the witch of Brainford: but that my admirable dexterity of wit, my counterfeiting the action of an old woman, delivered me, the knave con- 124 stable had set me i' the stocks, i the common stocks, for a witch. Quick. Sir, let me speak with you in your chamber; you shall hear how things go, and, I 128 say somewhat. Good hearts! what ado here is to bring you together! Sure, one of you does not serve heaven well, that you are so crossed. 132 Fal. Come up into my chamber. Exeunt. Scene Six [Another Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Fenton [and] Host. Host. Master Fenton, talk not to me: my mind is heavy; I will give over all. Fent. Yet hear me speak. Assist me in my pur- pose, And, as I am a gentleman, I'll give thee 4 A hundred pound in gold more than your loss. Host. I will hear you, Master Fenton; and I will, at the least, keep your counsel. 132 crossed: thwarted of Windsor, IV. vi 93 12 Fent. From time to time I have acquainted you 8 With the dear love I bear to fair Anne Page; Who mutually hath answer'd my affection, So far forth as herself might be her chooser, Even to my wish. I have a letter from her Of such contents as you will wonder at; The mirth whereof so larded with my matter, That neither singly can be manifested, Without the show of both; wherein fat Falstaff 16 Hath a great scene: the image of the jest I'll show you here at large. [Showing the letter.] Hark, good mine host: To-night at Herne's oak, just 'twixt twelve and one, Must my sweet Nan present the Fairy Queen; 20 The purpose why, is here: in which disguise, While other jests are something rank on foot, Her father hath commanded her to slip Away with Slender, and with him at Eton 24 Immediately to marry: she hath consented: Now, sir, Her mother, even strong against that match And firm for Doctor Caius, hath appointed That he shall likewise shuffle her away, While other sports are tasking of their minds; And at the deanery, where a priest attends, Straight marry her: to this her mother's plot She, seemingly obedient, likewise hath Made promise to the doctor. Now, thus it rests: Her father means she shall be all in white, And in that habit, when Slender sees his time 36 To take her by the hand and bid her go, 10 mutually: reciprocally 24 28 32 20 present: represent rank: abundantly 30 tasking: occupying 14 larded: interspersed 17 image: idea 22 something: somewhat 27 even: equally 94 The Merry Wives She shall go with him: her mother hath intended, The better to denote her to the doctor, For they must all be mask'd and vizarded - 40 That quaint in green she shall be loose enrob’d, With ribands pendent, flaring 'bout her head; And when the doctor spies his vantage ripe, To pinch her by the hand; and on that token 44 The maid hath given consent to go with him. Host. Which means she to deceive, father or mother? Fent. Both, my good host, to go along with me: 48 And here it rests, that you'll procure the vicar To stay for me at church 'twixt twelve and one, And, in the lawful name of marrying, To give our hearts united ceremony. 52 Host. Well, husband your device; I'll to the vicar. Bring you the maid, you shall not lack a priest. Fent. So shall I evermore be bound to thee; Besides, I'll make a present recompense. Exeunt. ACT FIFTH Scene One [A Room in the Garter Inn] Enter Falstaff [and Mistress] Quickly; and [later] Ford. Fal. Prithee, no more prattling; go: I'll hold. This is the third time; I hope good luck S 41 quaint: elegantly 52 united ceremony: union of the marriage rite 2 hold: keep the engagement of Windsor, V. i lies in odd numbers. Away! go. They say there is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, 4 chance or death. Away! Quick. I'll provide you a chain, and I'll do what I can to get you a pair of horns. Fal. Away, I say; time wears: hold up your 8 head, and mince. [Exit Mistress Quickly.] [Enter Ford.] How now, Master Brook! Master Brook, the matter will be known to-night, or never. Be you in the Park about midnight, at Herne's oak, and 12 you shall see wonders. Ford. Went you not to her yesterday, sir, as you told me you had appointed ? Fal. I went to her, Master Brook, as you see, 16 like a poor old man; but I came from her, Master Brook, like a poor old woman. That same knave Ford, her husband, hath the finest mad devil of jealousy in him, Master Brook, that 20 ever governed frenzy. I will tell you: he beat me grievously, in the shape of a woman; for in the shape of a man, Master Brook, I fear not Goliath with a weaver's beam, because I know 24 also life is a shuttle. I am in haste: go along with me; I'll tell you all, Master Brook. Since I plucked geese, played truant, and whipped top, I knew not what it was to be beaten till lately. 28 Follow me: I'll tell you strange things of this knave Ford, on whom to-night I will be reveng- ed, and I will deliver his wife into your hand. Follow. Strange things in hand, Master Brook! 32 Follow. Exeunt. 9 mince: walk prudishly 25 life is a shuttle; cf. n. 96 The Merry Wives Scene Two [Windsor Park] Enter Page, Shalloro, [and] Slender. Page. Come, come; we'll couch i' the castle- ditch till we see the light of our fairies. Re- member, son Slender, my daughter. Slen, Ay, forsooth; I have spoke with her 4 and we have a nayword how to know one an- she cries, 'budget'; and by that we know one another. 8 Shal. That's good too: but what needs either your ‘mum,' or her 'budget'? the white will decipher her well enough. It hath struck ten o'clock. 12 Page. The night is dark; light and spirits will become it well. Heaven prosper our sport! No man means evil but the devil, and we shall know him by his horns. Let's away; follow me. 16 Exeunt. Scene Three [A Street leading to the Park] Caius. Mrs. Page. Master Doctor, my daughter is in green: when you see your time, take her by the hand, away with her to the deanery, and dis- 1 couch: lie 6,7 mum . . . budget; cf. n. 11 decipher: indicate of Windsor, V. iv patch it quickly. Go before into the Park: we 4 two must go together. Caius. I know vat I have to do. Adieu. Mrs. Page. Fare you well, sir. [Exit Caius.] My husband will not rejoice so much at the 8 abuse of Falstaff, as he will chafe at the doctor's marrying my daughter: but ’tis no matter; better a little chiding than a great deal of heart-break. Mrs. Ford. Where is Nan now and her troop 12 of fairies, and the Welsh devil, Hugh? Mrs. Page. They are all couched in a pit hard by Herne's oak, with obscured lights; which, at the very instant of Falstaff's and our meeting, 16 they will at once display to the night. Mrs. Ford. That cannot choose but amaze him. Mrs. Page. If he be not amazed, he will be 20 mocked; if he be amazed, he will every way be mocked. Mrs. Ford. We'll betray him finely. Mrs. Page. Against such lewdsters and their lechery, 24 Those that betray them do no treachery. Mrs. Ford. The hour draws on: to the oak, to the oak! Exeunt. Scene Four [Windsor Park] Enter Evans [disguised] and [others as] Fairies. Eva. Trib, trib, fairies: come; and remember your parts: Be pold, I pray you; follow me into 24 lewdsters: lechers The Merry Wives the pit, and when I give the watch-'ords, do as I pid you. Come, come; trib, trib. Exeunt. 4 Scene Five [Another Part of the Park] Enter Falstaff [disguised as Herne; and later] Mis- tress Page, Mistress Ford, Evans, Anne Page, [and others, as] Fairies; [also] Page, Ford, [Mistress] Quickly, Slender, Fenton, Caius, [and] Pistol. Fal. The Windsor bell hath struck twelve; the minute draws on. Now, the hot-blooded gods assist me! Remember, Jove, thou wast a bull for thy Europa; love set on thy horns. 04 powerful love! that, in some respects, makes a beast a man; in some other, a man a beast. You were also, Jupiter, a swan for the love of Leda; O omnipotent love! how near the god drew to 8 the form of a beast; O Jove, a beastly fault! and then another fault in the semblance of a fowl: think on 't, Jove; a foul fault! When gods 12 have hot backs, what shall poor men do? For me, I am here a Windsor stag; and the fattest, I think, i' the forest: send me a cool rut-time, Jove, or who can blame me to piss my tallow? 16 Who comes here? my doe? [Enter Mistress Ford and Mistress Page.] Mrs. Ford. Sir John! art thou there, my deer? my male deer? 4 Europa; cf. n. of Windsor, V. 99 Fal. My doe with the black scut! Let the 20 sky rain potatoes; let it thunder to the tune of 'Green Sleeves'; hail kissing-comfits and snow eringoes; let there come a tempest of provoca- tion, I will shelter me here. 24 Mrs. Ford. Mistress Page is come with me, sweetheart. Fal. Divide me like a brib'd buck, each a haunch: I will keep my sides to myself, my 28 shoulders for the fellow of this walk, and my horns I bequeath your husbands. Am I a wood- man, ha? Speak I like Herne the hunter? Why, now is Cupid a child of conscience; he 32 makes restitution. As I am a true spirit, wel- come! [Noise within.] Mrs. Page. Alas! what noise? Mrs. Ford. Heaven forgive our sins! 36 Fal. What should this be? Mrs. Ford. In Away, away! [They run off.] Mrs. Page. Į say Fal. I think the devil will not have me damned, lest the oil that is in me should set 40 hell on fire; he would never else cross me thus. Enter [Sir Hugh Evans, disguised as before; Pistol, as Hobgoblin; Anne Page, and others, as] Fairies [with tapers.] Anne. Fairies, black, grey, green, and white, You moonshine revellers, and shades of night, 44 20 scut: tail (of a deer) 21 potatoes: sweet potatoes (supposed to incite love) 22 kissing-comfits: perfumed sweetmeats 23 eringoes: candied sea-lolly 27 brib'd: cut into portions 29 fellow: keeper walk: forest 30 woodman: hunter; cf. n. 32 child of conscience; cf. n. 42 S.d. Hobgoblin: Puck 100 The Merry Wives Tour radiahey are You orphan heirs of fixed destiny, Attend your office and your quality. Crier Hobgoblin, make the fairy oyes. Pist. Elves, list your names: silence, you airy toys! 48 Cricket, to Windsor chimneys shalt thou leap: Where fires thou find’st unrak'd and hearths un- swept, There pinch the maids as blue as bilberry: Our radiant queen hates sluts and sluttery. 52 Fal. They are fairies; he that speaks to them shall die: I'll wink and couch: no man their works must eye. [Lies down upon his face.] Eva. Where's Bede? Go you, and where you find a maid That, ere she sleep, has thrice her prayers said, 55 Raise up the organs of her fantasy, Sleep she as sound as careless infancy; But those as sleep and think not on their sins, Pinch them, arms, legs, backs, shoulders, sides, and shins. 60 Anne. About, about! Search Windsor castle, elves, within and out: Strew good luck, ouphs, on every sacred room, That it may stand till the perpetual doom, In state as wholesome as in state 'tis fit, Worthy the owner, and the owner it. The several chairs of order look you scour With juice of balm and every precious flower: 68 Each fair instalment, coat, and several crest, With loyal blazon, ever more be blest! 45 orphan heirs; cf. n. 46 Office: duty quality: profession 47 oyes: hear ye! (the court crier's call) 64 51 bilberry: blueberry 54 wink: close nig' eyes 57 Cf. n. 67 chairs of order; cf. n. 70 blazon: armorial bearings 69 instalment: stall of Windsor, V.0 101 ou sing, 72 t it be iss, in a And nightly, meadow-fairies, look you sing, Like to the Garter's compass, in a ring: The expressure that it bears, green let it be, More fertile-fresh than all the field to see; And, Honi soit qui mal y pense write In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue, and white; 76 Like sapphire, pearl, and rich embroidery, Buckled below fair knighthood's bending knee: Fairies use flowers for their charactery. Away! disperse! But, till 'tis one o'clock, Our dance of custom round about the oak Eva. Pray you, lock hand in hand; yourselves in order set; And twenty glow-worms shall our lanterns be, 84 92 But, stay; I smell a man of middle-earth. Fal. Heavens defend me from that Welsh fairy, lest he transform me to a piece of cheese! 88 Pist. Vile worm, thou wast o'erlook'd even in thy birth. Anne. With trial-fire touch me his finger-end: If he be chaste, the flame will back descend And turn him to no pain; but if he start, It is the flesh of a corrupted heart. Pist. A trial! come. Eva. Come, will this wood take fire? [They burn him with their tapers.] Fal. Oh, oh, oh! Anne. Corrupt, corrupt, and tainted in desire! 96 About him, fairies, sing a scornful rime; And, as you trip, still pinch him to your time. 72 compass: circle 79 charactery: writing 89 o'erlook'd: bewitches 73 expressure: picture 86 middle-earth: world of mortals 102 The Merry Wives 100 104 The Song. 'Fie on sinful fantasy! Fie on lust and luxury!: Lust is but a bloody fire, Kindled with unchaste desire, Fed in heart, whose flames aspire, As thoughts do blow them higher and higher. Pinch him, fairies, mutually; Pinch him for his villainy; Pinch him, and burn him, and turn him about, Till candles and star-light and moonshine be out.' 108 [During this song they pinch Falstaff. Doctor Caius comes one way, and steals away a boy in green; Slender another way, and takes off a boy in white; and Fenton comes, and steals away Anne Page. A noise of hunting is heard within. All the fairies run away. Falstaff rises.] [Enter Page, Ford, Mistress Page, and Mistress Ford.] Page. Nay, do not fly: I think we have watch'd you now: Will none but Herne the hunter serve your turn? Mrs. Page. I pray you, come, hold up the jest no higher. Now, good Sir John, how like you Windsor wives ? 112 See you these, husband? do not these fair yokes Become the forest better than the town? Ford. Now sir, who's a cuckold now? Mas- ter Brook, Falstaff's a knave, a cuckoldly knave; 116 here are his horns, Master Brook: and, Master 100 luxury: lasciviousness 105 mutually: all at once 101 bloody fire: fire in the blood 113 yokes; cf. n. of Windsor, V.0 108 Brook, he hath enjoyed nothing of Ford's but his buck-basket, his cudgel, and twenty pounds of money, which must be paid too, Master Brook; 120 his horses are arrested for it, Master Brook. Mrs. Ford. Sir John, we have had ill luck; we could never meet. I will never take you for my love again, but I will always count you my 124 deer. Fal. I do begin to perceive that I am made an ass. Ford. Ay, and an ox too; both the proofs 128 are extant. Fal. And these are not fairies? I was three or four times in the thought they were not fairies; and yet the guiltiness of my mind, the 132 sudden surprise of my powers, drove the gross- ness of the foppery into a received belief, in despite of the teeth of all rime and reason, that they were fairies. See now how wit may be 136 made a Jack-a-lent, when 'tis upon ill employ- ment! Eva. Sir John Falstaff, serve Got, and leave your desires, and fairies will not pinse you. 140 Ford. Well said, fairy Hugh. Eva. And leave you your jealousies too, I pray you. Ford. I will never mistrust my wife again, 144 till thou art able to woo her in good English. Fal. Have I laid my brain in the sun and dried it, that it wants matter to prevent so gross o'er-reaching as this ? Am I ridden with a 148 121 arrested: seized by warrant 134 foppery: deceit 133 powers: faculties 149 coxcomb: fool's car 104 The Merry Wives given out could ba hodge Phan frize? 'Tis time I were choked with a piece of toasted cheese. Eva. Seese is not goot to give putter: your 152 pelly is all putter. Fal. 'Seese' and 'putter'! have I lived to stand at the taunt of one that makes fritters of Eng- lish? This is enough to be the decay of lust and 156 late-walking through the realm. Mrs. Page. Why, Sir John, do you think, though we would have thrust virtue out of our hearts by the head and shoulders, and have 160 given ourselves without scruple to hell, that ever the devil could have made you our delight? Ford. What, a hodge-pudding? a bag of flax? Mrs. Page. A puffed man? 164 Page. Old, cold, withered, and of intolerable entrails? Ford. And one that is as slanderous as Satan? Page. And as poor as Job? Ford. And as wicked as his wife? Eva. And given to fornications, and to taverns, and sack and wine and metheglins, and to drinkings and swearings and starings, pribbles 172 and prabbles ? Fal. Well, I am your theme: you have the start of me; I am dejected; I am not able to answer the Welsh flannel. Ignorance itself is 176 a plummet o'er me: use me as you will. Ford. Marry, sir, we'll bring you to Windsor, to one Master Brook, that you have cozened of money, to whom you should have been a pander: 180 150 frize: woollen cloth, made in Wales 163 hodge-pudding: pudding of many ingredients (?) 171 metheglins: read, a fermented drink 175 dejected: humbled 176 flannel: cloth, commonly made in Wales 176, 177 Ignorance ... me; cf. n. 168 of Windsor, V.0 105 over and above that you have suffered, I think, to repay that money will be a biting affliction. [Mrs. Ford. Nay, husband, let that go to make amends; Forgive that sum, and so we'll all be friends. 184 Ford. Well, here's my hand: all is forgiven at last.] Page. Yet be cheerful, knight: thou shalt eat a posset to-night at my house; where I will desire thee to laugh at my wife, that now laughs 188 at thee. Tell her, Master Slender hath married her daughter. Mrs. Page. [Aside.] Doctors doubt that: if Anne Page be my daughter, she is, by this, 192 Doctor Caius' wife. [Enter Slender.] Slen. Whoa, ho! ho! father Page! Page. Son, how now! how now, son! have you dispatched? 196 Slen. Dispatched! I'll make the best in Gloucestershire know on’t; would I were hanged, la, else! Page. Of what, son? Slen. I came yonder at Eton to marry Mistress Anne Page, and she's a great lubberly boy: if it had not been i' the church, I would have swinged him, or he should have swinged me. If I did 204 not think it had been Anne Page, would I might never stir! and 'tis a postmaster's boy. Page. Upon my life, then, you took the wrong. Slen. What need you tell me that? I think 208 so, when I took a boy for a girl. If I had been 200 203 swinged: beaten 206 postmaster: master of post horses 106 The Merry Wives married to him, for all he was in woman's ap- parel, I would not have had him. Page. Why, this is your own folly. Did not 212 I tell you how you should know my daughter by her garments ? Slen. I went to her in white, and cried, 'mum,' and she cried 'budget,' as Anne and I 218 had appointed; and yet it was not Anne, but a postmaster's boy. [Eva. Jeshu! Master Slender, cannot you see put marry poys? 220 Page. O I am vexed at heart: what shall I do?] Mrs. Page. Good George, be not angry: I knew of your purpose; turned my daughter into 224 green; and, indeed, she is now with the doctor at the deanery, and there married. [Enter Caius.] Caius. Vere is Mistress Page? By gar, I am cozened: I ha' married un garçon, a boy; un 228 paysan, by gar, a boy; it is not Anne Page: by gar, I am cozened. Mrs. Page. Why, did you not take her in green? Caius. Ay, by gar, and 'tis a boy: by gar, I'll 232 raise all Windsor. .. [Exit.] Ford. This is strange. Who hath got the right Anne? Page. My heart misgives me: here comes 236 Master Fenton. [Enter Fenton and Anne Page.] How now, Master Fenton! Anne. Pardon, good father! good my mother, pardon! 240 of Windsor, V.0 107 244 248 252 Page. Now, mistress, how chance you went not with Master Slender? Mrs. Page. Why went you not with Master Doctor, maid? Fent. You do amaze her: hear the truth of it. You would have married her most shamefully, Where there was no proportion held in love. The truth is, she and I, long since contracted, Are now so sure that nothing can dissolve us. The offence is holy that she hath committed, And this deceit loses the name of craft, Of disobedience, or unduteous title, Since therein she doth evitate and shun A thousand irreligious cursed hours, Which forced marriage would have brought upon her. Ford. Stand not amaz’d: here is no remedy: 256 In love the heavens themselves do guide the state: Money buys lands, and wives are sold by fate. Fal. I am glad, though you have ta'en a special stand to strike at me, that your arrow 260 hath glanced. Page. Well, what remedy ?-Fenton, heaven give thee joy! What cannot be eschew'd must be embrac'd. Fal. When night dogs run all sorts of deer are chas'd. Mrs. Page. Well, I will muse no further. Master Fenton, Heaven give you many, many merry days! Good husband, let us every one go home, And laugh this sport o'er by a country fire; 268 Sir John and all. . 264 248 contracted: betrothed 260 stand: place from which to shoot 253 evitate: avoid 265 muse: complain 108 The Merry Wives of Windsor, V.O Ford. Let it be so. Sir John, To Master Brook you yet shall hold your word; For he to-night shall lie with Mistress Ford. Exeunt. FINIS. NOTES I. i. S. d. At the head of each scene of this play in the Folio of 1623 is prefixed a list of all the char- acters who appear during the scene. Except for these lists, and the exeunt at the close of each scene, the Folio is practically without stage-directions. It has been suggested that whoever prepared the play for the Folio was probably influenced by the 'classical method of dividing plays into scenes, followed in the volume of Ben Jonson's plays published in 1616. By this method a new scene begins every time there is a change of actors on the stage. Thus the exit or en- trance of a character marks the beginning of a new scene, and to each scene is prefixed a list of the actors who are actually on the stage during its course. I. i. 2. Star-chamber matter. The Star Chamber was a court deriving its name from the ‘chambre des estoiles' at Westminster, where it sat, beginning with the reign of Edward III. It was proverbially harsh and arbitrary. 1. i. 6. coram. Slender is confusing the Latin words quorum and coram. Quorum was the first word of a clause, in the commission which named justices, and so came to be a title of certain justices. Coram was the first word Shallow would use as justice, in attestation of the legal documents he speaks of in lines 10 and 11: 'Coram me Roberto Shallow, armi- gero,' i.e., 'before me Robert Shallow, Esquire. I. i. 7, 8. cust-alorum ... rato-lorum. Blunders for Custos Rotulorum, Keeper of the Rolls, the prin- cipal justice of the peace of a county. I. i. 16. luces. This is evidently a hit at the War- wickshire gentleman, Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecote, whose game Shakespeare poached while a youth at 110 The Merry Wives Stratford. His arms were three luces hauriant argent.' Cf. Appendix B. I. i. 22, 23. An obscure passage. “May not the whole point of the matter lie in Shallow's use of the word “salt,” the heraldic term used especially for vermin? If so, “salt fish”=“leaping louse," with a quibble on “salt” as opposed to "fresh fish.” There is a further allusion to the predilection of vermin for “old coats,” used quibblingly in the sense of “coats of arms" (Gollancz). I. i. 24. quarter. In heraldry, to combine the arms of another family with one's own by placing them in one of the four compartments of the shield. I. i. 93. Cotsall. The Cotswolds, a hilly region in Gloucestershire, celebrated for the 'Cotswold games, where coursing and other rural sports flourished. I. i. 130-132. Here and elsewhere, passages of the text found in the Quarto of 1602, but not in the Folio, are marked by square brackets. I. i. 133. Banbury cheese. Proverbially thin, ‘nothing but paring. Bardolph is ridiculing Slen- der's leanness. I. i. 135. Mephistophilus. The evil spirit at- tendant upon the hero in Marlowe's tragedy, Doctor Faustus (1588). I. i. 137. Slice. Either Nym is still ridiculing Slender's thinness, or he is using the word in its slang sense, meaning to cut, whether to cut with a sword, or 'cut and run.' I. i. 138. humour. According to medieval physi- ology there were four chief 'humours' (or fluids) in the human body—blood, phlegm, choler and black bile. The relative proportion of these determined whether a person's temperament were sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric or melancholy. In Shake- speare's time 'humour' was the most overworked of Windsor 111 word in the language, 'racked and tortured with constant abuse,' as Ben Jonson said. It is a favorite with Nym and Pistol. I. i. 161. Edward shovel-boards. Shilling pieces coined in the reign of Edward VI (1547-1553), commonly used in a game which consisted in pushing coins toward a mark. They were sufficiently rare to bring a premium in Shakespeare's day. I. i. 172, 173. run ... humour. If you say I am a thief (Steevens). Nuthook was the slang for con- stable. I. i. 179. Scarlet and John. Two of Robin Hood's men. Falstaff is ridiculing Bardolph's red face. I. i. 185. careires. A term used to designate galloping a horse at full speed, backward and for- ward. Probably Bardolph's 'conclusions pass'd the careires' meant the words ran high, at full gallop.' Commentators have been as much puzzled by it as is Slender. I. i. 206. Book of Songs and Sonnets. 'Songes and Sonnets, written by the Right Honourable Lord Henry Howard, late Earle of Surrey, and others, printed in 1557, and very popular during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. . I. i. 310. Sackerson. A famous bear exhibited at Paris Garden in Southwark. I. iii. 9, 10. Keisar, and Pheezar. Keisar is another form of Cæsar, the general term for em- peror. Pheezar is probably from ‘pheeze,' to beat. I. iii. 14. froth and lime. The host calls for an immediate exhibition of Bardolph's abilities as a tapster. Frothing a pot of beer made it appear fuller than it really was; mixing lime with the sack made it sparkle in the glass. I. iii. 21. Pistol's line is a parody on a line taken from one of the old bombast plays (Steevens). 112 The Merry Wives I. iii. 54. anchor ... deep. “The scheme for de- bauching Ford's wife is deep.' I. iii. 74. Guiana. In 1596 Sir Walter Raleigh returned from an expedition to South America and published a book entitled 'The Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden Citie of Manoa, which the Spaniards call El Dorado.' I. iii. 75. 'cheator. An officer appointed to look after the King's escheats (i.e., properties which fell to a lord by forfeit or fine). He would have abun- dant opportunity of defrauding people of their estates, hence Falstaff's pun. I. iii. 81. Sir Pandarus. The go-between in the story of Troilus and Cressida. Pistol makes him a knight. I. iii. 91. French thrift. 'An economy then prac- tised in France of making a single page serve in lieu of a train of attendants' (Clarke). I. iii. 92. gourd and fullam. Gourds were hollow dice; fullams were dice loaded at one corner. I. iv. 23. Cain-coloured. 'In old pictures and tapestries Cain and Judas were always represented as having yellow beards, or what we now call sandy- coloured' (Hudson). I. iv. 131. An fool's-head. Mistress Quickly is punning on ‘Anne' and 'an' with reference to Caius' speech in line 129. II. i. 20. Herod of Jerury. Herod was the arch- villain in the old mystery plays. II. i. 23. Flemish drunkard. The Flemish were notorious for their intemperance. II. i. 52. hack. This word is a puzzle. 'Grow cheap,' 'kick,' 'deny,' and 'do mischief' are some of the meanings that have been suggested for it. It occurs again in the play, IV. i. 69. Whatever the of Windsor 113 exact meaning, the general sense is clearly that Mrs. Page does not set a high value upon knight- hood. II. i. 61, 62. disposition would have gone to the truth of his words. That is, his character would have been in accordance with his speech. II. i. 64. Green Sleeves. An old ballad-tune, usually sung with vulgar words, popular ‘from the time of Elizabeth to the present day. II. i. 120. Actaon . .. Ringwood. Actæon was a hunter in classical mythology, who accidentally saw Diana bathing, and was transformed by her into a stag. He was then slain by his dogs. Like him Ford will have ‘horns' (the symbol of a cuckold, or deceived husband) if Falstaff's plans succeed. Ringwood was a typical dog's name. II. i. 125. cuckoo-birds. The cuckoo's note was supposed to foretell cuckoldom. Cf. Love's Labour's Lost, V. ii. 908, "The cuckoo then on every tree Mocks married men,' etc. II. i. 147. Cataian. Often used as a term of re- proach. From Cataia, or Cathay, the old name for II. i. 201. Cavaliero-justice. The host is be- stowing an additional title on Justice Shallow. Cavaliero meant a gentleman trained in arms; hence a gallant. II. i. 202, 203. Good even and trenty. 'Good evening and twenty of 'em ! II. ii. 4. equipage. Pistol may mean “I'll pay you in commodities,' i.e., swords, bucklers, etc.; or (as Greg suggests) the sense may be ‘I will return II. ii. 6. countenance. Falstaff means he had gone surety for Pistols borrowings. He is punning on 114 The Merry Wives the two meanings of countenance: (1) face, and (2) patronage. II. ii. 13. handle. Fans were often set in handles of gold and silver. II. ii. 20. Pickt-hatch. A district of ill-repute in London, the houses having hatches or half-doors guarded with spikes to prevent marauders from 'leaping the hatch.' (Cf. King Lear, III. vi. 76.) II. ii. 144. fights. A kind of screen used during naval engagements to protect the crew of a vessel. II. ii. 145. my prize. Perhaps an intimation of the fate of Mistress Quickly. In Henry V we find Pistol has married her. II. ii. 159. Brooks. Throughout the play as printed in the Folio, Ford's assumed name is Broome. Falstaff's pun here, and the authority of the two Quartos, have led modern editors to follow Pope in reading Brook throughout the play. Wright suggests the name may have been altered at the instance of someone named Brook, who had influence with the actors or their patron II. ii. 220, 221. Cf. Ben Jonson's “Follow a shadow, it still flies you; Seem to fly it, it will pursue: So court a mistress, she denies you; Let her alone, she will court you." II. ii. 312, 313. stand under the adoption of abominable terms. Have to submit to being called by vile names. II. iii. 26, 27. punto ... montant. The punto was a blow with the point of the sword, the stock or stoc- cado (cf. II, i. 233) a thrust, the reverse a backhand stroke, and the montant an upward blow. II. iii. 30. heart of elder. 'In contradistinction to "heart of oak, elder wood having nothing but soft pith at heart' (Clarke). Stale. Slang term for phy- sician. The word means urine, and alludes to the of Windsor 115 m practice of examining patients' water in diagnosing cases. II. iii. 77. Frogmore. Now best known as the site of the mansion in Little Park, Windsor, built for the late King Edward VII while Prince of Wales. II. iii. 91, 92. Cried game. "The sport is arranged and proclaimed' (Hart). The phrase is from bear- baiting. III. i. 5. pittie-ward. Towards the Petty or Little Park, as distinguished from the Windsor Great Park. III. i. 17-26. Stanzas from a popular song by Christopher Marlowe. In line 24 Sir Hugh substi- tutes for one of Marlowe's lines a line from a metrical version of Psalm 137. III. i. 46, 47. doublet and hose. The ordinary men's dress in Elizabethan times was the doublet, a close-fitting garment extending to the hips, and hose. Out of doors, and in cold weather a cloak or gown (line 34) was worn outside this. The latter still survives in the academic gown. III. ii. 47. cry aim. Archers when about to shoot were encouraged by cries of 'Aim!' III. ii. 77. prince and Poins. This is a reference to the adventures of Falstaff in Henry IV, where he is the associate of Prince Hal and his companions. III. ii. 94. pipe-roine. There is a pun here upon pipe in its double sense of a cask and a musical instrument. It is suggested by Falstaff's mention in line 92, of canary, which was the name of a lively dance, as well as a sort of wine. III. iii. 15. Datchet-mead. An open meadow by the river, where clothes were washed out of doors as they are in France to-day. The village of Datchet is two miles east of Windsor, on the left bank of the Thames. III. iii. 45. Falstaff is quoting the opening line of 116 The Merry Wives the second song of Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophel and Stella, which begins: 'Have I caught my heavenly jewel Teaching sleepe most faire to be?' III. iii. 69, 70. Fortune thy foe. An allusion to a popular old song beginning 'Fortune my foe, why dost thou frown on me?' 111. iii. 79. Bucklersbury. A street off Cheapside in London, inhabited by herbalists, who sold all sorts of simples or medicinal herbs. III. iii. 175. uncape. Ford is here using the language of the hunting-field. "The collar of the grayhound was sometimes called his cape; a term equally applicable to the couple (or leash) of the running hound' (Madden). Hence to uncape would mean to uncouple, or set free, the hounds. III. iii. 245. a-birding. Birding was hawking with a sparrow hawk. Page's hawk is especially trained ‘for the bush'; that is he flies at small birds which take refuge in a bush, where they can be shot. III. iv. 24. a shaft or a bolt. A shaft was a long slender arrow, a bolt a short thick one. Slender's whole phrase means 'I'll do it one way or another.' III. v. 115. bilbo. The swords of Bilbao, in Spain, were noted for the temper and elasticity of their blades. The test of a good sword was that it could be bent into a circle, IV. i. 51. Hang-hog ... bacon. Probably sug- gested by an anecdote of Sir Nicholas Bacon. A prisoner named Hog had been condemned to death and prayed for mercy on the ground of kindred. 'Ay,' replied the judge, 'but you and I cannot be of kindred unless you be hanged, for Hog is not Bacon till it be well hanged.' IV. ii. 79, 80. fat woman of Brainford. “The of Windsor 117 Shakespeare's day, kept a tavern at Brentford, a town on the Thames about twelve miles directly east of Windsor. In the 1602 Quarto of The Merry Wives, and in Dekker and Webster's Westward Ho! she is spoken of as 'Gillian of Brainford.' IV. ii. 189. figure. To 'work by the figure' meant to operate on a wax effigy of a person for the purpose of enchantment. IV. ii. 229. fine and recovery. The means by which an estate tail was converted into a fee simple, so that the owner might dispose of it as he wished. . the visit to Windsor in 1592 of Count Frederick of Mompelgard, afterwards Duke of Wurtemberg and Teck (cf. IV. v. 90). In the text of the 1602 edition of the play there is evidently a reference to his title in the lines: There is three sorts of cosen garmombles Is cosen all the Hosts of Maidenhead and Readings. Post horses were furnished him gratis during his stay, through a pass of Lord Howard. IV. iv. 77. Eton Town in Buckinghamshire across the Thames from Windsor, famous for the school founded there in 1440 by Henry VI. IV. v. 29. mussel-shell. 'He calls poor Simple mussel-shell because he stands with his mouth open' (Johnson). IV. v. 71. Doctor Faustuses. Faustus was the famous mediæval scholar who obtained magic power for twenty-four years by selling his soul to the devil. He is the hero of Marlowe's tragedy of Doctor Faustus. IV. v. 79. cozen-germans. A pun on cousin- mans. 118 The Merry Wives of Windsor IV. v. 104. crest-fallen as a dried pear. “Pears when they are dried become flat, and lose the erect and oblong form that distinguishes them from apples' (Steevens). V. i. 25. life is a shuttle. Falstaff is thinking of Job 7. 6: ‘My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope. . V. ii. 6, 7. mum... budget. 'To play mum- budget' was to be tongue-tyed, to say never a word.' V. v. 4. Europa. The sister of Cadmus, who was carried off by Jove in the shape of a bull. Her story is told by Ovid, Metamorphoses, ii. 833 ff. V. v. 7. Leda. Courted by Jupiter in the shape of a swan. The story is given in the Odyssey, Book xi, and in Ovid's Metamorphoses vi. 109 ff. V. v. 30. woodman. Falstaff is priding himself on his knowledge of the rules for cutting up and apportioning a buck. V. v. 32. child of conscience. Cupid is conscien- tious, and will requite him for his past misfortunes. V. v. 45. orphan heirs. Fairies were believed to be of spontaneous birth, and so were 'created orphans by fate.' V. v. 57. 'Exalt her imagination by pleasant dreams. V. v. 67. chairs of order. The stalls in St. George's Chapel at Windsor assigned to the Knights of the Garter, an order of Knighthood, founded about 1347 by Edward III (1327-1377). The emblem of the order is a blue garter with the motto 'Honi soit qui mal y pense.' V. v. 113. yokes. Alluding to the antlers on Falstaff's head, which bore some resemblance to the projections on the top of ox-yokes. V. v. 176, 177. Ignorance . . . me. 'Ignorance has sounded me,' or 'got to the bottom of me." d APPENDIX A SOURCES OF THE PLAY The Merry Wives of Windsor ranks next after Love's Labour's Lost, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and The Tempest among Shakespeare's plays, as owing least to any definite sources for its plot. It is a comedy of contemporary manners, and most of its details seem to be original with Shakespeare. There are two elements in the plot for which parallels can be found in contemporary English and Italian literature. The first of these is the incident of the women who discover that one gallant is courting them simultaneously, and their luring him on successively, only to make a laughingstock of him in the end. A story of this sort which Shakespeare may have seen is found in William Painter's Palace of Pleasure, published at London in 1566. The 49th tale in Painter's first volume is a free adaptation of an Italian story told by Straparola and by Ser Giovanni Fiorentino, whose novels were printed in Italy about 1550. In Painter's story, Philenio Sisterno, a scholar of Bologna, meets three ladies at a ball, and professes his devotion to each in turn. The ladies' discovery of his deceit and their deter- mination to make a mockery of him have some slight resemblance to the story of Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page and their revenge on Falstaff. 'Esmerentiana, the wife of Seignior Lamberto, not for any euill, but in sporting wise said vnto her com- panions: “Gentlewomen, I have gotten this night in dauncing, a curteous louer, a very faire Gentleman, and of so good behauiour as any one in the world”: and from point to point, (she) rehearsed vnto them all that he had said. Which Panthemia and Sim- 120 The Merry Wives phorosia vnderstanding, answered, that the like had chaunced vnto them, and they departed not from the feaste before eche of them knewe him that was their louer: whereby they perceiued that his woordes proceded not of faithful Loue, but rather of follie and dissimulation, and they separated not from thence vntill all three with one accorde, had conspired every one to give him mocke. Each of the ladies then sends Philenio an invitation to visit her and each tricks him when he comes to her house. Esmerentiana's husband returns unexpectedly, and she claps Philenio into a hiding-place which she had filled with 'fagots of sharp thorns. Panthemia leads him into a closet, and a loose board in the floor precipitates him into an outhouse, where he spends a miserable night. Sim- phorosia gives him drugged wine, which he drinks all unsuspecting. Her servants then strip him and fling him into the street, where he lies unconscious until morning. Another element in Shakespeare's plot, which may have been suggested by several contemporary stories, is that of the lover who unwittingly confides his plans to the jealous husband of his lady. This theme is found in the Tale of the two lovers of Pisa in Tarl- ton's Newes out of Purgatorie, a collection of stories published in 1590. In this tale, Mutio, an old doctor of Pisa, discovers that Lionello is courting Margaret, the beautiful woman he has just married. Lionello informs his friend of his plans for meeting Margaret, so Mutio is able to break in upon them each time. Margaret is quick of wit, and manages to conceal her lover-once in a dry-vať full of feathers; again ‘between two ceilings of a chamber,' and finally in an old chest where valuable papers are stored. This time Mutio is sure Lionello is in the house, so he sets fire to the room, and Margaret saves her lover by bidding the servants carry out the chest. of Windsor 121 Similar stories by Straparola and Ser Giovanni Fiorentino have interesting parallels to Mrs. Ford's trick of concealing Falstaff in the buck-basket. In these stories the wife makes use of a chest with clothes in front,' or 'a heap of wet clothes from the wash' for hiding her lover. But it is doubtful if English translations of them were available at the time The Merry Wives was written. A translation of one of them (printed in 1632) describes the husband in words that might apply to Shakespeare's Ford, as 'a person naturally inclin'd to jealousy (a passion extraordinarily reigning in Italy).' Recent scholars have been interested in elements in the play that may be derived from ancient Roman comedy. Except for such details as may be drawn from these sources, The Merry Wives of Windsor is of Shakespeare's own invention. It is the only one of his plays which deals exclusively with English coun- try society. APPENDIX B THE HISTORY OF THE PLAY The Merry Wives of Windsor was entered on the Stationers' Register on January 18, 1602. It was published the same year as a small Quarto, which was reprinted in 1619. The text of both is very corrupt. Comparison of them with the text of the Folio, pub- lished in 1623, seems to indicate that the publisher of the Quarto secured his version of the play by taking it down as best he could from the mouths of the players, perhaps with some assistance from one of them. The play was probably written in 1599. In the 1 22 The Merry Wives epilogue to the Second Part of Henry IV (produced about 1598), Shakespeare had written: 'If you be not too much cloy'd with fat meat, our humble author will continue the story with Sir John in it ... where for anything I know Falstaff shall die of a sweat, unless a' be killed already with your hard opinions. The Merry Wives seems to offer the promised continuation of Sir John's adventures. Two interesting traditions have long been current about the play. The first of these is that it was written at the command of Queen Elizabeth, and in a period of fourteen days. John Dennis, writing in 1702, says of the play: 'I know very well that it hath pleased one of the greatest queens that ever was in the world. ... This comedy was written at her command, and by her direction, and she was so eager to see it acted that she commanded it to be finished in fourteen days; and was afterwards, as tradition tells us, very well pleased at the representation.' Rowe repeated the story in his Life of Shakespeare, adding of Queen Elizabeth: 'She was so well pleased with that admirable character of Falstaff in the two parts of Henry the Fourth, that she commanded him to continue it for one play more, and to show him in love. This is said to be the occasion of his writing The Merry Wives of Windsor. How well she was obeyed, the play itself is an admirable proof.' The other tradition is that in Justice Shallow, Shakespeare is satirizing Sir Thomas Lucy of Chariecote, near Stratford, who had prosecuted him in his youth for poaching. According to a note by Archdeacon Davies, written probably between 1688 and 1707, Shakespeare was ‘much given to all un- luckinesse in stealing venison and Rabbits particu- larly from Sr. Lucy, . . . but his reveng is so great that he is his Justice Clodpate, and calls him a great man and that in allusion to his name bore three of Windsor lowses rampant for his Arms.' Rowe, in 1709, adds to this: 'Amongst other extravagancies, in The Merry Wives of Windsor he has made him a deer- stealer, that he might at the same time remember his Warwickshire prosecutor under the name of Jus- tice Shallow; he has given him very near the same coat of arms which Dugdale, in his Antiquities of that county, describes for a family there, and makes the Welsh parson descant very pleasantly upon them.' Of the earliest performances of the play we know from the title-page of the 1602 Quarto that it was 'divers times acted, both before her Majesty and elsewhere. Shakespeare's company presented it at Whitehall before King James during the winter of 1604-1605; and another court performance occurred in 1612-1613. The play was presented before Charles I also; for in the records of Sir Henry Herbert is the entry: 'before the king and queene this yeare of our Lord 1638. . . . At the Cocpit the Of the actors in these productions we know nothing definite. John Heminge, a member of Shakespeare's company and one of editors of the 1623 Folio, is said to have been the original Falstaff; and after the Res- toration John Lowen (1576-1659) was remembered as having excelled in the part 'before the wars.' The Merry Wives was one of the first plays revived after the Commonwealth. On December 5, 1660, Pepys records seeing it with the humours of the country gentlemen and the French doctor very well done, but the rest but very poorly, and Sir J. Falstaffe as bad as any.' In 1661 he went again to the theatre such is the power of the Devil over me . . . and saw the Merry Wives ill done. And in 1667 yet another production of the play 'did not please me at all in no part.' When the Drury Lane Theatre opened in 1663 124 The Merry Wires The Merry Wives was one of the productions which 'being well performed were very satisfactory to the town'; and forty years later John Dennis still remem- bered Wintersel's success as Falstaff ‘in King Charles the Second's reign.' In 1702 Dennis produced an adaptation of The Merry Wives under the title of The Comical Gallant, or the Amours of Sir John Falstaff. Falstaff's beat- ing at the end of the play is shifted to Ford, to punish him for his jealousy, and Sir John is spared the humiliation of appearing in women's clothes, but he has a far more degrading part to play when he is bullied by Mrs. Page, disguised as a roistering cap- tain. Dennis' piece 'was received but coldly,' and the original play was soon afterward successfully revived by Betterton, with Mrs. Bracegirdle, and later Peg Woffington, in the rôle of Mrs. Ford. During the eighteenth century the part of Falstaff was ably interpreted by Quin, Henderson, and Cooke. Horace Walpole wrote on hearing of Quin's death, 'Pray, who is to give an idea of Falstaff, now Quin is dead?' John Henderson (1747-1785) won great applause in the part. Rogers in his table-talk says ‘his Hamlet and his Falstaff were equally good.' Kemble revised the play in 1797, and successfully produced his version a few years later, playing Ford to the Falstaff of George Frederick Cooke. Cooke later visited the United States, where he died in 1811. The Merry Wives had already been produced in this country in 1770, at the Southwark Theatre in Phila- delphia. During the nineteenth century the play has been a favorite source for librettos for operas. In 1824 Frederick Reynolds was 'censured as an interpolator, for converting Shakespeare's plays into operas'; but his production of the Merry Wives ran for thirty-two performances at Drury Lane, and was a great success. of Windsor 125 In 1838 Balfe's opera, Falstaff, with an Italian libretto by Maggioni, was produced at London. Nine years later a German version, Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor, with music by Nicolai, was given in Berlin. Nicolai's work was soon afterwards pro- duced in Paris with some amusingly Gallic touches- Fenton is transformed into a young poet; Caius be- comes a bullying captain; and Anne Page's character suffers by being made deceitful and dishonest. Per- haps to balance these French features Rule Britannia was introduced into a chorus toward the end of the piece. The greatest of the operatic versions of the play is Verdi's Falstaff (1893). During all this time the original comedy has main- merable modern productions may be mentioned that at the New Theatre in New York (1910), and those of Sir Herbert Tree, who 'made Falstaff such a merry rogue that you forgot his cowardice and his grossness in laughing at his conceit and his mock bravery.' Tree's productions of the play in England and America were elaborately mounted, and generally accompanied by the music for the lyrics composed by Arthur Sullivan in 1874. The play is a favorite for amateur performances. It was presented by the Yale Dramatic Association in 1909. APPENDIX C THE TEXT OF THE PRESENT EDITION The text of the present volume is, by permission of the Oxford University Press, that of the Oxford Shakespeare, edited by the late W. J. Craig, except for the following deviations: 1. In accordance with the plan of this series, the 126 The Merry Wives of Windsor stage-directions of the First Folio have been preserved so far as possible. Modern additions to these are enclosed in square brackets, and passages of the text found only in the Quarto are similarly marked. 2. A few unimportant changes have been made in punctuation and the spelling of a few words has been normalized, as anything for any thing, Gloucester, Gloucestershire for Gloster, Glostershire, lantern for lanthorn, mussel-shell for muscle-shell, æillades for williades, Poins for Pointz, till for 'till, villainy, vil- lainous for villany, villanous, warlike for war-like. 3. The following changes in punctuation or word- ing have been made, all of them being reversions to the readings of the Folio. The readings of the present edition precede the colon and Craig's follow in each case: I. iv. 23 Cain-coloured: cane-coloured (Folio Caine-colourd) II. i. 104 look where: look, where II. ii. 20 Pickt-hatch: Picht-hatch II. ii. 91, 92 Cried game;: Cried I aim? (Folio Cride-game,) III. i. 99 Gaul: Guallia (Folio Gaule) III. iii. 114 in Windsor: of Windsor III. v. 69 sped: how sped III. v. 157 one: me IV. i. 12 let: get IV.i. 51 Hang-hog: Hang hog IV. i. 71 horum;: horum?. IV.i. 74 of: and IV. ii. 22 lines: lunes IV. ii. 139 Mistress Ford; Mistress Ford,: Mistress Ford, IV. ii. 208 his: her IV. v.31 master: Master IV. v.55 sir: like: Sir Tike; IV. vi. 17 scene: scare V. ii. 11 heart-break: heart break (Folio hearte-break) V. v. 57 Raise: Rein V. v. 59 as: that APPENDIX D SUGGESTIONS FOR COLLATERAL READING W. H. Ainsworth: Windsor Castle (1843). Mary Cowden Clarke: 'The Merry Maids of Wind- sor' in The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines (1850-1882). (In vol. i of the Everyman's Library ed.) D. H. Madden: The Diary of Master William Silence (1897). W. W. Greg: Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Wind- sor. (A reprint of the 1602 Quarto.) (Clarendon Press, 1910.) John Masefield in Shakespeare (1911). (Home University Library.) R. S. Forsythe: A Plautine Source of “The Merry Wives of Windsor.” Modern Philology, December, 1920. A INDEX OF WORDS GLOSSED i avaunt: 16 (I. iii. 88) avised: 7 (I. i. 171) baillez: 20 (I. iv. 92) Banbury cheese: 5 (1. i. 133) Barbason: 41 (II. ii. 315) bilberry: 100 (V. v. 51) . a-birding: 62 (III. iii. 245) absolute: 56 (III. iii. 66) abstract: 177 (IV. ii. 65) acquit: 14 (I. iii. 25) Actæon: 27 (II. i. 120) action: 14 (I. iii. 48) additions: 41 (II. ii. 316) address: 71 (III. v. 138) adhere: 25 (II. i. 63) admittance: 39 (II. ii. 240) Æsculapius: 43 (II. iü. 29) afar off: 8 (1. i. 215) affected: 66 (III. iv. 95) affecting: 28 (11. i. 144) affects: 26 (II. i. 113) aggravate: 41 (II. ii. 301) All-Hallowmas: 8 (1. i. 211) allicholy: 22 (I. iv. 160) alligant: 34 (II. ii. 71) allowed: 39 (II. ii. 242) Amaimon: 41 (II. ii. 314) amiable: 39 (II. ii. 248) An fool's head: 21 (1. iv. 131) anchor . . . deep: 14 (I. iii. bill: 1 (I. i. 10) blasts: 85 (IV. iv. 33) blazon: 100 (V. v. 70) bloody fire: 102 (V. v. 101) bodykins: 44 (II. iii. 46) Bohemian-Tartar: 88 (IV. v. 21) bold-beating: 32 (II. ii. 29) Book of Songs and Sonnets: 8 (I. i. 206) break: 63 (III. iv. 22) breed-bate: 179 (I. iv. 13) brib'd: 99 (V. v. 27) Brooks: 36 (II. ii. 159) buck-basket: 54 (III. iii. 2) bucking: 58 (III. iii. 140) Bucklersbury: 56 (III. iii. 79) buck-washing: 59 (III. ii. 165) bully-rook: 13 (I. iii. 2) burn daylight: 25 (II. i. 54) burnt sack: 30 (II. i. 222) by and by: 71 (IV. i. 7) 54) angels: 15 (1. iii. 58) answered: 5 (I. i. 118) Anthropophaginian: 88 (IV. V. 10) armigero: 1 (1. i. 10) arras: 57 (III. iii. 97) arrested: 103 (V. v. 121) art: 49 (III. i. 109) article ... gentry: 24 (II. i. 53) at a word: 13 (I. iii. 14, 15) attends: 10 (1. i. 281) authentic: 39 (II. ii. 241) 319) Cain-coloured: 17 (I. iv. 23) canaries (quandary): 33 (11. ii. 63) The Merry Wives of Windsor 129 9) canary (wine): 53 (III. ii. | cornuto: 69 (III. v. 74) 92) costard: 46 (III. i. 14) careires: (I. i. 185) Cotsall: 4 (I. i. 93) caret : 74 (IV. i. 56) couch: 96 (V. ii. 1) carriers: 36 (II. ii. 143) Council: 2 (I. i. 35) carves: 14 (1. iii. 47) countenance: 31 (II. ii. 6) cashier'd: 9 (1. i. 185) Counter-gate: 57 (III. iii. Cataian: 28 (II. i. 147) 85 ) cat-a-mountain: 32 (II. ii. cowl-staff: 59 (III. iii. 157) 28) coxcomb: 103 (V. v. 149) cavaliero-justice: 29 (II. i. cozen-germans: 90 (IV. v. 201) 79) chairs of order: 100 (V. v. cozening: 81 (IV. ii. 184) 67) crest-fallen ... pear: 91 charactery: 101 (V. v. 79) (IV, v. 104) charge (burden): 20 (I. iv. cried game: 45 (II. iii. 91, 103); 37 (II. ii. 173) 92) charge (order): 54 (III. iii. crossed: 92 (IV. v. 132) crotchets: 28 (II. i. 158) chariness: 26 (II. i. 101) cry aim: 52 (III. ii. 47) 'cheator: 15 (Î. iii. 75). cry you mercy: 68 (III. V. checks: 65 (III. iv. 84) 27) child of conscience: 99 (V. v. cuckoldly: 40 (II. ii. 286) 32) cuckoo-birds: 27 (II. i. 125) chollors: 46 (III. i. 11) curtal: 26 (II. i. 112) clapper-claw: 44 (II. iii. 67) cust-alorum .. . rato-lo- clear: 58 (III. iii. 124) rum: 1 (I. i. 7, 8) clerkly: 90 (IV. v. 58) cut: 64 (III. iv. 47) coach-fellow: 31 (II. ii. 8) cog: 55 (III. iii. 50) Datchet-mead: 54 (III. iii. cogging: 50 (III. i. 123) 15) Colebrook: 90 (IV. v. 81) daubery: 81 (IV. ii. 190) colours: 65 (III. iv. 85) decipher: 96 (V. ii. 11) come near: 21 (1. iv. 137) dejected: 104 (V. v. 175) come off: 84 (IV. iii. 12, 13) diffused: 86 (IV. iv. 56) compass: 101 (V. v. 72) discover: 37 (II. ii. 194) complexion: 76 (IV. ii. 24) discuss: 16 (I. iii. 102) compremises : 2 (1. i. 34) dishonest: 79 (IV. ii. 107) conceal: 89 (IV. v. 45) dispatch: 79 (IV. ii. 116) conceited: 13 (I. iii. 24) disposition ... words: 25 conceive: 9 (1. i. 251) (II. i. 61, 62) contracted: 107 (V. v. 248) distance: 30 (II. i. 232) contrary: 30 (II. i. 216) distemper: 69 (III. v. 80) conversation: 24 (II, i. 25) Doctor Faustuses: 90 (IV. convey: 14 (I. iii. 30) y. 71) cony-catching: 5 (1. i. 129) | doubleť and hose: 47 (III. coram:1 (I. i. 6) Li. 46, 47) 130 The Merry Wives doubt: 18 (I. iv. 42) draff: 79 (IV. ü. 112) draw: 13 (I. iii. 11) drumble: 59 (III. üi. 157) figures (phantasms): 83 (IV. ii. 234) fine and recovery: 83 (IV. fine-baited: 26 (II. i. 98) flannel: 104 (V. v. 176) Flemish drunkard: 23 (II. i. 23) foin: 43 (II. iii. 24) foot: 27 (II. i. 124) foppery: 103 (V. v. 134) frampold: 34 (II. ii. 95) Edward shovel-boards: 6 (I. French thrift:16 (I. iii. 91) fretted: 71 (III. v. 118) frize: 104 (V. v. 150) froth and lime: 13 (I. iii. 14) Galen: 43 (II. iii. 29) galimaufry: 27 (II. i. 117) gall’d with my expense: 63 (III. iv. 5) Gallia: 49 (III. i. 99) Garter: 6 (I. i. 146) geminy: 32 (II. i. 9) gifts: 3 (1. i. 64) ging: 79 (IV. ii. 126) give: 1 (I. i. 16) give us leave: 37 (II. ü. i. 161) eld: 85'(IV. iv. 37) : embassy: 71 (III. v. 135) encompassed: 36 (II. ii. 161) engrossed: 38 (II. ii. 207) ensconce: 57 (III. iii. 96) entertain (fill his thoughts): 25 (II. i. 68) entertain (treat): 26 (II. i. 88) Ephesian: 88 (IV. v. 19) Epicurean: 41 (II. ii. 304) equipage: 31 (II. ii. 4) erection: 68 (III. v. 41) eringoes: 99 (V. v. 23) Europa: 98 (V. v. 4) even: 93 (IV. vi. 27) evitate: 107 (V. v. 253) exhibit: 24 (II. i. 29) expressure: 101 (V. v. 73) extremity: 81 (IV. ii. 173) eyas-musket: 55 (III. ii. 22) fallow: 4 (I. i. 92) fap: 2 (1. i. 184) fartuous: 34 (II. ii. 101) faul: 10 (I. i. 263) fault: 4 (I. i. 96); 17 (I. iv. 17) fee'd: 38 (II. ii. 208) fee-simple: 83 (IV. ií. 229) fellow: 99 (V. v. 29) fence: 11 (I. i. 297) fico: 14 (I. iii. 31) fidelicet: 6 (1. i. 143) fights: 36 (II. ii. 144) figure (effigy): 81 (IV. ü. 189) 167) go to: 22 (1. iv. 161) good even and twenty: 30 . (II. i. 202, 203) good-jer: 21 (I. iv. 127) gossip: 75 (IV. ii. 9) gotten: 13 (I. iii. 23) gourd and fullam: 16 (1. iii. 92) great chamber: 6 (I. i. 159) Green Sleeves: 25 (II. i. 64) groats: 6 (I. i. 160) grossly: 36 (II. ii. 151) hack: 24 (II. i. 52) | hair: 44 II. iii. 42) of Windsor 131 39) handle: 32 (II. ii. 13) intend: 18 (I. iv. 47) happy ... dole: 65 (III. issue: 49 (III. i. 112) iv. 68) have with you: 28 (II. i. / Jack: 21 (1. iv. 122) 160) Jack-a-Lent: 55 (III. iii. having: 53 (III. ii. 76) 27) haviour: 15 (I. iii. 84) jack’nape: 20 (I. iv. 112) hawthorn-buds: 56 (III. ii. Jamany: 91 (IV. v. 90) 77) jerkin: 13 (I. iii. 17) he . . . buttons: 55 (III. ii. 73, 74) Keisar and Pheezar: 13 (I. hear . : . wind: 51 (III. ii. iii. 9, 10) ken: 14 (I. iii. 38) heart of elder: 43 (II. iii. kibes: 14 (I. iii. 33) 30) kissing-comfits: 99 (V. V. Hector of Greece: 43 (II. 22) iii. 35) knog: 46 (III. i. 14) hedge: 32 (II. ii. 27) knot: 52 (III. ii. 54) Herod of Jewry: 23 (II. i. 20) labras: 6 (I. i. 168) Hibbocrates: 48 (III. i. 66) larded: 93 (IV. vi. 14) hick: 74 (IV. i. 69) 'larum: 69 (III. v. 75) high and low: 16 (1. iii. 93) latten bilbo: 6 (I. i. 167) hinds: 70 (III. v. 101) league: 51 (III. ii. 26) Hobgoblin: 99 (V. v. 42, S. Leda: 98 (V. v. 7) leman: 81 (IV. ii. 175) hodge-pudding: 104 (V. v. | lewdsters: 97 (V. iii. 24) 163) like ... bold: 89 (IV. v. hold: 94 (V. i. 2) 55) holiday: 53 (III. ii. 72) liking: 25 (II. i. 57) honest: 22 (1. iv. 145) lines: 76 (IV. ii. 22) liquor: 91 (IV. v. 101) honesty: 14 (I. iii. 53) list: 35 (II. ii. 124) horn-mad: 18 (I. iv. 51) humour: 5 (1. i. 138) liver: 27 (II. i. 119) luces: 1 (I. i. 16) lurch: 32 (II. ii. 27) I sit at: 13 (I. iii. 8) luxury: 102 (V. v. 100) ignorance . .. me: 104 (V. | v. 176, 177) Machiavel: 49 (III. i. 104) ill-favoured: '11 (1. i. 314) | made you: 31 (II. i. 236) ill-favouredly: 69 (III. V. make difference: 25 (II. i. 70) 57) image: 93 (IV. vi. 17) make one: 44 (II. iii. 48) in counsel: 5 (1. i. 123) manner: 12 (1. ii. 3) infection: 35 (II. ii. 120) marry trap: 2 (1. i. 172) instalment: 100 (V. v. 69) measure our weapon: 21 (I. instance: 40 (II. ii. 261) L iv. 123, 124) d.) 132 The Merry Wives 6,7) mechanical: 41 (II. ii. 295) 'orld: 3 (I. i. 50) meddle or make: 20 (I. iv. orphan heirs: 100 (V. v. 45) 115) 'ort: 10 (I. i. 263) Mephistophilus: 5 (I. i. 135) ouphs: 8. (IV. iv. 51) mere: 90° (IV. v. 64) out at heels: 14 (I. iii. 32) metheglins: 104 (V. v. 171) oyes: 100 (V. v. 47) Michaelmas: 8 (I. i. 212) middle-earth: 101 (V. v. 86) pack (depart): 16 (I. iii. mill-sixpences: 6 (I. i. 160) 89) mince: 95 (V. i. 9) pack (confederacy): 79 minim's rest: 14 (I. iii. 29) (IV. ii. 126) ministers: 83 (IV. ii. 237) parcel: 9 (1. i. 237) misdoubt: 29 (Iỉ. i. 191) parts: 35 (II. ii. 111) Mistress: 2 (1. i. 48) . passant: 2 (1. i. 20) Mockwater: 44 (II. iii. 60) passed (surpassed): 11 (I. motion: 51 (III. ii. 37) i. 313) mountain foreigner: 6 (I. i. passes (lunges): 31 (II. i. 166) 233) mum. .. budget: 96 (V. Ü. pauca verba: 5 (1. i. 124) peaking: 69 (III. v. 73) mummy: 67 (III. v. 19) peevish: 17 (I. iv. 14) muse: 107 (V. v. 265) pensioners: 34 (II. ii. 81) mussel-shell: 89 (IV. v. 29) period: 55 (III. iii. 47); 83 mutually (reciprocally): 93 (IV. ii. 240) (IV. vi. 10) perpend: 27 (II. i. 117) mutually (all at once): 102 phlegmatic: 19 (1. iv. 19) (V. v. 105) Pickt-hatch: 32 (II. ii. 20) mynheers: 30 (II. i. 227) pieces out: 51 (III. ii. 35, 36) pin: 5 (1. i. 118) nay-word: 35 (II. ii. 132) pipe-wine: 53 (III. ii. 94) pittie-ward: 46 (III. i. 5) obsequious: 75 (IV. ii. 2) pleasure: 9 (1. i. 252) odds: 48 (III. i. 54) possess . .. yellowness: 16 Od's: 10 (I. i. 275) (1. iii. 108, 109) od's heartlings: 64 (III. iv. / posset: 17 (1. iv. 8) 59) possibilities: 3 (I. i. 65) Od's' nouns: 73 (IV. i. 26) possitable: 9 (I. i. 245) cillades: 15 (I. iii. 66) postmaster: 105 (V. v. 206) o’er look'd: 101 (V. v. 89) potatoes: 99 (V. v. 21) of all loves: 35 (II. ii. 119) pottle: 30 (11. i. 222); 68 of the season: 59 (III. ii. (III. v. 30) 169) pouch: 16 (I. iii. 94) office: 100 (V. V. 46) powers: 103 (V. v. 133) old: 17 (1. iv. 5) predominate: 41 (11. ii. 299) once: 66 (III. iv. 103) preeches: 75 (IV. i. 82) 'ork: 46 (III. i. 15) preparations: 39 (II. ii. 243) . of Windsor 133 present: 93 (IV. vi. 20) presses: 61 (III. iii. 225) pribbles and prabbles: 3 (1. i. 56) primero: 91 (IV. v. 105) properties: 87 (IV. iv. 80) puddings: 24 (II. i. 32) pumpion: 55 (III. iii. 43) punk: 36 (II. ii. 143) punto ... montant: 43 (II. iii. 26, 27) putting down: 24 (II. i. 30) quaint: 94 (IV. vi. 41) quality: 100° (V. v. 46) quarter: 2 (1. i. 24) quean: 81 (IV. ii. 184) question: 48 (III. i. 78) quick: 66 (II). iv. 90) quittance: I (I. i. 10) raise . . . fantasy: 100 (V. v. 57) rank: 93 (IV. vi. 22) Readins: go (IV. v. '80) recourse: 30 (II. i. 222) red-lattice phrases: 32 (II. ii. 29) region: 53 (III. ii. 78) register: 38 (II. ii. 198) reins: 68 (III. v. 24) retort: 31 (II. ii. 4) Ringwood: 27 (II. i. 120) ronyon: 82 (IV. ii. 199) run... humour: 7 (I. i. 172, 173) rushling: 34 (II. ï. 70) sea-coal: 17 (I. iv, 9) secure: 31 (IÌ. i. 240) seese: 12 (1. ii. 13) semi-circled farthingale: 56 (III. iii. 68, 69) shaft . .. bolt: 63 (III. iv. 24) she-Mercury: 34 (II. ii. 83) shent: 18 (I. iv. 38) shift: 14 (1. iii. 35) ship-tire: 56 (III. iii. 60) short knife: 32 (II. ii. 19) show ... colour: 81 (IV. ii. 172) shrewd: 39 (II. ii. 237) shuffle: 32 (II. ii. 26) simple though: 9 (I. i. 226) simples: 19 (1. iv. 65) simply: 53 (III. ii. 81) Sir: 1 (I. i. S. d.) Sir Pandarus: 15 (I. iii. 81) sirrah: 10 (I. i. 283) sith: 38 (II. ii. 199) skirted: 16 (1. iii. 91) slice: 5 (I. i. 137) 'slid: 63 (III. iv. 24) slighted: 67 (III. v. 9) small: 2 (1. i. 49) so... respect: 48 (III. i. 58) softly-sprighted: 17 (I. iv. 25) something: 93 (IV. vi. 22) soon at night: 17 (1. iv. 8, 9) sot: 50 (III. i. 119) sound: 86 (IV. iv. 63) speciously: 66 (III. iv. 113) sprag: 75 (IV. i. 85) stale: 43 (II. iii. 30) stamps: 63 (III. iv. 16) stand (lose time): 58 (III. iii. 133) stand (shooting position): 107 (V. v. 260) stand . . . terms: 41 (II. ii. 312, 313) sack: 23 (II. 1. 9) Sackerson: 11 (I. i. 310) sadness: 71 (III. v. 128) salt: 44 (11. iii. 50) salt-butter: 41 (II. ii. 295) scall: 50 (III. i. 123) Scarlet and John: 7 (I. i. 179) scut: 99 (V. v. 20) 134 The Merry Wives of Windsor 120) 3 Star-chamber matter: 1 (I. | unkennel: 60 (III. iii. 174) i. 2) unseasoned: 37 (II. ii. 176) state: 63 (III. iv. 5) unweighed: 23 (II. i. 23) stay: 8 (I. i. 213) urchins: 86 (IV. iv. 51) stoccadoes: 31 (II. i. 233) use: 77 (IV. ii. 59) straight: 5 (I. i. 119) style: 41 (I). ii. 302) suddenly: 72 (IV. i. 6) vagram: 47 (III. i. 25) sufferance: 75 (IV. ii. 2) varletto: 90 (IV. v. 66) swinged: 105 (V. v. 203) veneys: 11 (I. i. 298) very: 29 (II. i. 181) sympathy: 23 (II. i. 7) very note: 7 (I. i. 173) takes: 85 (IV. iv. 33) via: 36 (II. ii. 161) taking: 60 (III. iii. 190) vizaments: 2 (1. i. 39) tall: 18 (I. iv. 26) vizards: 87 (IV. iv. 72) tap: 13 (I. iii. 11) vlouting-stog: 50 (III. i. tasking: 93 (IV. vi. 30) tender: 8 (I. i. 215) tester: 16 (I. iii. 94) wag: 13 (I. iii. ) that: 70 (III. v. 94) walk: 99 (V. v. 29) the revolt of mine: 16 (I. iii. ward: 40 (II. ii. 262) 109) warrener: 18 (1. iv. 28) the sport: 11 (I. i. 304) waste: 83 (IV. ii. 230) thorough: 89 (IV. v. 32) welkin: 16 (I. iii. 99) throughly: 20 (1. iv. 95) well-favoured: 41 (II. i. thrummed: 78 (IV. ii. 82) 290) tightly: 15 (I. iii. 86) whether: 50 (III. ii. 3) tire-valiant: 56 (III. iii. 60) whiting-time: 58 (III. i. to-night: 59 (II). iii. 171) 141) took't: 32 (II. ii. 13) whitsters: 54 (III. ii. 15) to-pinch: 86 (IV. iv. 59) wight: 13 (I. iii. 21) toys: 18 (I. iv. 46) wink: 100 (V. v. 54) traverse: 43 (II. iii. 25) with: 70 (III. v. 113) tricking: 87 (IV. iv. 81) withal: 17 (I. iv. 12) trot: 19 (1. iv. 64) wittol: 41 (II. ii. 317) trow: 21 (I. iv. 137) truckle-bed: 88 (IV. v.7) wittolly: 40 (II. ii. 288) turn: 62 (III. iv. 2) woodman: 99 (V. v. 30) turtles: 25 (II. i. 83) worts: 5 (I. i. 125) wot: 34 (II. ii. 91) udge: 7 (I. i. 192) uncape: 50 (III. iii. 175) Yead: 6 (I. i. 162) uncorneliness: 25 (II. i. 60) yearn: 68 (III. V. 45) united ceremony: 94 (IV. vi. yoke: 29 (II. i. 180) 52) yokes: 102 (V. v. 113) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE en stridesetih MAR 0 6 2003 Vrement ;,- VOL.:.:•: ... :: - SAMA 1 . . . . . . . AR * - ". - TE SETTE . ..LV R1 IS , ' a . 9.NL . .. t Sii! . : UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIIT 3 9015 05426 7730 E . . .. . - -- . . .... ! !): " - 1. .. - -- -- . . + .' ' .. - - + -- *A9- 4 AN - - 4' - - . - - . - - 1 -- AN 4' . . - .. * * RT At 11 MN -1 SHI CAL . - - THANNA T HI - - - . PLAN- 01 * 1 . 114 +ILI 11. tittiri ANI . Altitl4H * 4 HAAN 41 - . - * - - - - * . 11" HH t +01. 1. 11 t ட - - . 1 1 + -1 14 - ஈ + +++ + * * t 71. .. - - - " கப் * ++ V AH +- . ... .. - 4 ' .) . 4 4 * . . . * * :- 4 ht | - NH4 ' = 4 ". , > - ₹10' .. - - ' .. . .! . 15 * ...' 1.1 . . . SLP - 14 14 44 | .. . . ச 4 4 * | * ச - +1 ப க . . . * 1.1. + + + + - - - HAS 11 க து +1fi. * . - .- .. . 21- Stattti- 1 , - - '41: - - 1 . .4 - 1 *14 M 14AA13 . [ 1 ..1HNLI +. . . .. 1. . ... . . A1TH. . . 4 . * 14 - - t+ - t. T . 4 . 141.-TIT- 1 . L -4 14 14.4.44 . .. 4 ' DHA t. - . க ! - -'' -- - சத .- . . - - .- .. .- 1,12 Tial + 2 21- 4 . *IL K ' / பட JITISSI 15,irls Tfut - - - - .. ..- ATH . 1 - " . . ,3,4 M .L - . - .4 . - .. 1 ANT --- INTHAA. . IN4N N44444 IN44. 1440-44 1NHl11. து * * . * * . க சN+++4. 44.* -AN+ AH - + 1+ 10 - - -- - - - -- . . TH. . . LAL . .. . 444 +++ | 4- * 4 14 4 - . 4 4 H - + 1015 .1 - 14. 1 . ' AA N.4 . .. + +1.. 4+AA44. பர்-- - *+ tist' FATH - … ! - . . . - HNA... . ... A-1- 4 1-1- AIPA A TTI-FINIT- TITLINI AA-HA ச 44. - 11 * 4.10 - tit - +1+1- . - 4 1010110 - .1. - - 110114 . . - 1+ . - - * .-.-.- A _* % + + 4. HT- .-1 : 414--1 . + 14 1 + -- *+ ச+ 144-It +| * - . . AA- 11. M LALAA .A 4A T AAHHH. +t - - ... . ANITHAN 14.11 ,+ 4 1 4 -* + + 4- * * * 24. 5.4- A - V. ; ' 1 . 014 . - 244 | 1 - -14 - ! - A 1424 At- - ls - - - - -- |- - ' 4 - * . ' 14-- 11 - '' * - - . . T .. * A HHHHHHH . 4 .:P14 -14114. 4. 4. N +1- - - 2011 4 A..A... - - T -- T HLHHHHH 4.A.ANAL- HE -- - -4 1 +14. . . பக * 44 -- ...1 . . 4 " + 4 INIST.. - . - 1. 1 -- - * IA ' - - - - - - - - + + 04- 01 + 1 + 1 44 . . 1 . *, + * . + . . . .. . ..HIN . =.III . 4 14% HAA, AL NA TIRUTH, 10. 4 rt.4441 +:+ 1.AUTHITHIN 4 4 ATTI ப 4 - " ச . IẾN .. | *' ச *...* NATHAN - ---- CANADA - - --- 14 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 144H . ..AAN- 40 . அ . ... - / - 14 - *+ 1A -TRATE - - t. .. - t - - . 41 . - . -1- + ' + 4 14+ - 41Iatti1AH+- + Art. TPFH + MHAINA, . 44 4: 1 4 து " .. +.... - - , 4, 4 4 1- ' - NILA க YL4 ' - -A AATH 4 - A II 4ம் --- ' ++ சி-40 - ++ APP144 - 1 + , I - II 14 . t ' 1st 4 : 4 + - - N - A - . . சON, +P + . 41 - ATI -N . '144 . + -- It''பே11 A . - பன்'. 4. 1 14 T - * N . - - - 14--101 - - - IILAHA L AAAAA. G +ILAA.. API -- | + AfA " I NATA ++ - - -- - - - 14:14 | 2 : : - - * + 1 1 '.- . 4 i ++ 1/** IN - A . . ' 4 T. - ++44 I . .. -.- 1 4 ..H . .A * . . *+14- -. 1 . .. ... .. - +1 - 1H 1 + - 4 + 1 " , + + - 4 ப 14 1 - - - 4. - - - 10 - N . l à 1 loa , , , , - - - . . .. 4.2 1 4 . .. 1.11 . 1.1 .4t. - 4 .. *11/ . .. .... ....... A + ++ + + + + . ** 4 *'* .. hit 1 4 14. 4- ச TN- . 141 4 . ச 1+ 4 . * 114 4 . *, * 4 +1411411 4. NAAN+ATTAPPA 1 . AHAN..பா 1 - tAHHHHHH 1 2 - 14T .- .- . t -f +++ ++ HT- . . ++++ . - A - TH, A பட H 1. + HTTN -14- N - ...++++ -I 4 . 4 1NN * . 4.44 . + . * . *+++ + "|' * I1**1. . - 11. - - - 4 + ++: * 44 H * *RI . * ... -1. 14 4 44C4-- . HT... TNT14 சாது.. 111, - * TH. I 4.1.444.. D .. f - F - .t+ -.- - . . + -4.-. - 1-10, + . " + I -1 ++ A- L -1 M T44 -4. A PH + +++ 4 - -- I - - * -4 - 4.A -- 11-+4- H -4T ++ +.- - 4 .- - H + .-. 1 414 -14 + . - + + . . *: 1. க . 4. N A .,. * * | L - - - A t -T HS-ANNUL HINTA - +12! 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