2. 3 > 5’ Jul. 2 R31? WS 2 “A PATRIOTIC INVESTMENT.” “Reprinted from the Commencement Zssue, Yale Alumni Weekly.” p "A PATRIOTIC INVESTMENT.” | Being an address by the Hon. Andrew D. White at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Yale Class of 1853, delivered in College Street Hall, New Haven, June 22, 1903.] Something more than six months ago, I was present at the anniversary of the most venerable university in Scotland, and at one of the main festivities was Seated next a countryman of ours, whose wealth and public spirit have aroused not only wonder but admiration on both sides the Atlantic. The conversation be- tween 11s having turned upon public benefactions of various sorts, I spoke of the many great things waiting to be done in the United States, whereupon my munificent neighbor said: “Name some of them.” Whereat a great joy arose within me; a hope large and lucid seemed to swim within my ken: the opportunity to give substance to ideas and plans and dreams, which I had brooded over for years. But just at that moment, the tide of after-dinner eloquence was turned on in full flood, and in an instant it had swept away my opportunity—apparently for- e Ver. But the flood of eloquence has sub- sided; those old ideas, dreams and plans reappear; and now the answer which I could not give at St. Andrew's, I purpose to give, at least in part, at Yale. I say, “in part,” for there are a multitude of wise benefactions which I may not sug- gest liere and now. What I now pur- pose is, to answer the question: “What can wealthy Americans at this moment best do for their whole country P for the uplifting of its civilization ? for the strengthening of what is best in its char- acter, national and individual P for the evolution of better modes of thought and action on subjects of most profound interest, not only to ourselves, but to the nations around us and the centuries to follow us P” Looking over the country, and seeking agencies already working successfully for the steady uplifting of American civilization, I see, among the most effec- tive, our great universities. They are gradually taking rank among the first in the world; they have become a power as never before. Rightly did James Bryce see in them a main hope for our national future. Not only are their methods and range of instruction vastly superior to those in the days when the Class of Fifty-Three was gathered here, but their advantages have been enor- mously extended. At that time, a student body of 500 was considered exceedingly large. Now we have universities in various parts of the country numbering 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and in one case over 5,000 students. The main reason for this improvement in methods and range of instruction is, that the universities are taking hold up- on the national life in ways formerly un- thought of. The main reason for this increase in numbers is, that the nobly ambitious young American more and more realizes that, as the national life becomes more and more complicated, as its problems become more and more in- tricate, as universities offer more and more instruction in fields which fit men for every sort of high intellectual en- deavor, his chance, to say the least, is better with a university education than without it. The result is, that more and more, the brightest young men, the most energetic, the men of highest purpose and clearest thought, are drawn to the universities. It would appear, then, that these institutions are centers from which new influences are most likely to be forcefully exerted through the pulpit, the press, the courts, the legislatures, and in public life generally. But is this influence normally exerted on public life as yet? I doubt it. In Our courts, it has a stronghold; but in our county boards, our city councils, Our legislatures, our congress and our seats of executive power, I see no such proportion of university-bred men as every intelligent American patriot must desire. We see noble examples, it is true, especially in the executive field— of whom are Theodore Roosevelt, John Hay, William Howard Taft, Seth Low. But I wish to back them with many more. Not that I would give university 2 “A Patriotic /mºestment.” men a monopoly of public duty, legisla- tive or executive. Far from it. On the contrary, I would always have in public positions a very large proportion of men of affairs—men who take the most prac- tical hold on the everyday work of life; men who have tested theories by reali- ties—self-made men, if you choose to call them so; but I would certainly have our universities much more numerously represented than at present. What is the cause of this insufficient representation of the universities in our public life? A pessimist might answer me by pointing to Mr. Lecky's book on “Democracy and Liberty”; but need we go so far? In my opinion, the main cause is one which Mr. Lecky does not touch. Happily we need not despair; for I believe that it will be found in a fact which patriotic munificence can re- move;—in the fact that, as a rule, our universities do not yet offer their stu- dents, who wish to enter public life, the instruction which fits them thoroughly for it; the instruction which would make a university-bred man ipso facto presumed to know something more about public questions and to handle them more easily than do his fellow citizens. We have magnificent provision for in- struction in the sciences, in literature, in all that pertains to various professions; we are rapidly taking the lead of the world in much of the instruction having to do with the application of Science to the arts; laboratories abound, and at the center stands the great new Institution for Research at Washington. But I See no equal provision for fitting men to grapple with the problems of American politics. The universities have indeed done admirably in part of this field. Political economy in its various branches is taught far more thoroughly than ever before. The same may be said of vari- ous departments of history; and here and there good work is done in inter- national law; but the fact remains, that when the average American graduate leaves his alma mater, he is rarely, if ever, prepared to discuss leading ques- tions, or even to study them with refer- ence to discussion, in such a manner that his neighbors recognize in him the man who can handle such questions with more knowledge and skill than very many men who have not had his train- ing. In this respect, politics remain very much as when Lowell stated the condi- tion of things in his “Biglow Papers”: “God sends country lawyers and sich-like wise fellers To drive the world’s team when it gits in a slough.” May I plead my own experience? It happened to me, a few years after my graduation, to be tossed into the legisla- ture of one of our largest States. What led to this choice, perfectly un- expected to me, was the fact that I had, while in a foreign country, published a political pamphlet which, though it virtu- ally fell dead there, aroused the interest of my fellow citizens in one of our in- terior cities. I went to the capital of the State to take my seat with a hope that there were some subjects on which I might impress my ideas, and never was man more disappointed. Before I had been in the place a week, I envied from the bottom of my heart Lowell’s “country lawyers and sich-like wise fel- lers.” I looked up with awe to the man who had been supervisor, or trustee of a public school, or acquainted with the practice in our justice's courts. Never was a man more unfit for his duties, and I burned the midnight oil humbly, long and sadly, in making up my ele- mentary deficiencies. It may be said that the knowledge, which I found myself then in need of, is of a kind which comes by practice in the lower regions of public life. To a cer- tain extent, that is true; and let me here confess that never in my life did I learn in ten or twenty times the same period so much of human nature as when, while holding a university profes- sorship, I was suddenly made the fore- Iman of a petit jury on a horse case. Let me here recommend to the young men who go from these halls, that they do not slight opportunities to do service upon grand juries or petit juries. But there is a group of subjects which, if well presented to the university youth, would, in my opinion, arouse in very many a legitimate ambition for dis- tinction won by true public service, would fit them to realize such an ambi- tion in a manner good for themselves and for their country, and would enable them so to grapple with public questions, great or small, as to insure them a hear- ing, whether they take part in discussion with pen or with tongue; and let me add the opinion that, if this group of sub- jects were presented in our universities, widely and well, the effect would be powerful in steadily uplifting our whole civilization, for the more satisfactory working of our political institutions throughout their whole range, for the betterment of American character, and for the healthful influence of our Re- public on the world at large. This brings back the question re- ferred to at the beginning : “What are “A Patriotic Investment.” 3 the best things which a man Or a com- bination of men of wealth could do now for the country as a whole?” And I would now make answer: The thing which I would recommend is the establishment, at the foremost institutions of learning in the United States, numbering perhaps twenty-five in all—north, south, east and west—of sundry professorships and Scholarships bearing directly upon public affairs. I. First of all, I would establish, in each of these institutions, a professor- ship and at least two fellowships in Comparative Legislation. Various coun- tries have made a beginning in this al- ready. The most notable example, per- haps, was when Laboulaye was called to such a professorship in the College of France at Paris. His lectures marked an epoch, and they did much to make up for the depressing influence upon po- litical morality exercised by the Second Empire. As one who attended his courses of instruction, I can testify that nothing could work more strongly and healthfully upon the minds of thinking young men than his presentation, not only of legal ideals, but of practica courses of political action based on his studies of the best that had been done in other countries and in his own coun- try at other epochs. Looking at the problem as it stands to-day, it would seem that Inowhere would professors and students in this field be supplied with such abundant material for thought and work, or encouraged by such certainty of fruitful results as in our own country. To say inothing of the legislation of SO many other constitutional countries, which is open for study to an American professor, he has in our own land, not only our national legislature, but some forty-five state legislatures, constantly working at the solution of every sort of practical problem in government. Here, in the efforts of all these legislative bodies, can he study, near at hand, as in no other country, all sorts of attempts to solve the problems of government, from the most crude to the most subtle, and from the most wise to the most far- cical. The endowment of professorships and fellowships at So many centers, to which there would be attached the duty of studying the best solutions arrived at in all these legislatures, foreign and do- innestic, could not fail to have a most happy influence. At present the in- struction in all our law schools is in answer to the question, what our law is. The instruction which I propose should answer the question, what our law ought to be. The first result of all these endowed professorships and fellowships would naturally be, to interest, in all parts of the Union, great numbers of young men, earnest, vigorous, and, in the best sense, ambitious. The next probable result would be, that many of these men would influence their fellow citizens helpfully on various important questions. An- other exceedingly likely result would be the increasing entrance of such men into positions executive and legislative. Yet another would be a steady and intelli- gent improvement in the laws through- out the country; and in addition to this, there would come, in the legislation of Our various States, an increasing tend- ency toward homogeneity—a consumma- tion most devoutly to be wished. It may be said against one of these expectations of mine, that the entrance of young men thus trained into public life does not appear to be by any means sure; that we constantly see men of high education passed in the race for public position by men of little or none. In answer to this, we must concede that native force will always be a strong factor in contests for public position; but we must bear in mind that hitherto our universities, while they have given general culture, and a special culture fitting men to speedily help clients, or patients, or parishioners, have not given a culture which fits a young bachelor to stand early on the platform and show his fellow citizens that he has a grasp of principles underlying practical issues and a thoroughness of knowledge bear- ing upon them which most other men have not. To say that young men, thus thor- oughly trained for the most intelligent discussion of public questions, would not have, in most cases, advantages in the competition for honorable position in public life, would be an indictment against American institutions and the American people which, if shown to be true, might well make us despair of the Republic. So far from this being the case, the history of our people, from the beginning to the present hour, proves that, as a rule, any man who has really any thing to say to them on public questions, which ought to be said, will finally get a hearing and win support. 2. And now to my second proposal. Besides the improvement of law, there is needed an improvement of Institutions ; and for this purpose I would establish, in our more important universities, to the number of say twenty or twenty-five, professorships and fellowships of Com- parative Administration. 4 “A Patriotic Investment.” 4. Look at the problem in its simplest form. Here are 80,000,000—and soon to be IOO,000,000—of the most active- minded and energetic people in the world. The number of its combinations for every purpose seems infinite. There are not merely State, county, city, and village organizations, but institutions dealing with pauperism, inebriety, lunacy, feebleness of mind, incipient crime, chronic crime, and beside these an in- numerable number of minor corpora- tions, combinations and arrangements bearing upon the public welfare. What some of them are our newspapers tell us from time to time to our shame, as recently in various articles devoted to the State of Delaware and the cities of Minneapolis, St. Louis and Pittsburg. Some other organizations are, no doubt, happy in their methods and admirable in their results, but the room for im- provement still remains large. An experience of my own is perhaps in point. Several years since I pro- posed an experiment on these lines at Cornell University, and there was called, for a succession of years, as a lecturer to the Senior classes, a gentleman emi- ment for his theoretical and practical grasp of one great class of subjects to which I have just referred, namely, the proper organization and conduct of in- stitutions dealing with crime—incipient and chronic, -pauperism, inebriety, lunacy, feebleness of mind, and the like. The course of lectures which he offered was taken by a considerable num- ber of students. They became deeply interested. Under his lead, they did what might be called research work, their researches being made at every sort of public institution for the relief or betterment of their fellow men. Be- ginning with the nearest county jail and almshouse, they made visits to a large number of the principal asylums, pris– ons, penitentiaries, reformatories of the State of New York, took notes, heard what their professor had to say on each, asked questions, and took part in dis- cussions. Several of these men, since that time, have been, in the legislatures of New York and other states, among the foremost in promoting a wiser man- agement of public institutions like those they studied during their university course. One of them, indeed, has greatly distinguished himself by his success in devising and securing the passage of laws for the improvement of the civil service and for the better administra- tion of cities in the most populous State of our Union. * 3. I now come to my third proposal. This has reference to an improvement which has already begun and which shows admirable fruits. I refer to the establishment, on a large and broad Scale, in the leading universities throughout our Union, of Professor- ships and Fellowships in International Law. We of the Class of ’53 were among those who saw the feeble beginnings of this instruction. Those who came soon after us were so fortunate as to receive it from him whose memory we so deeply venerate—President Woolsey. By him, more than by any other since Henry Wheaton, international law has been brought to bear on American students, both as a means of culture and as an aid in patriotic endeavor. But the provision for such work needs to be far more widespread. And first in the interest of the great number of active-minded young men—for their best development, intellectual and moral. In the study of international law there is not only a constant appeal to those intellectual powers which are exerted in comprehending and developing its prin- ciples, but there is an appeal, no less constant, to the conscience of the stu- dent and his sense of right and wrong. No matter what aberrations have at times taken place, the Law of Nations is developed especially in accord with the rules of right reason; and in the development and statement of these rules of right reason there is constant appeal to the moral sense of the student. Mod- ern international law began with this appeal in the minds of Ayala, Gentilis and Grotius, and having gone far afield indeed under Machiavelli, it returned under their influence to its higher ideals and better methods in the great arbitra- tion treaty of Washington, the Alabama Tribunal at Geneva, the Venezuela Tribunal at Paris, and the International Peace Conference at The Hague. But there are other interests of a more general sort; look for a moment at those of our own country. She is ex- tending her relations throughout the world as never before; her diplomatic corps is every year getting a better hold upon the world’s affairs, and her con- sular service has already become next to the largest—if not the largest—in exist- ence. In both these services we need a larger proportion of men trained in those principles of international law which give a fitness to grasp and advo- cate the principles on which American dealings with the nations should be con- ducted. We hear much said regarding the extension of what is called “Our Empire.” Many discussions and decla- “A Patrioſzc ſizzles/ment.” 5 rations on this subject have been more vivid than illuminating: great space has been given in them to men of high pre- tensions and low expedients—pretensions far transcending justice, and expedients far below any which a self-respecting nation ought to consider. The training of a large body of young men in all parts of our country, which I propose, would result in a force sure to be felt through the pulpit, the press, in popular discussion, in the legislative bodies, and in the diplomatic and consular services, in behalf of national soberness and inter- national honesty. 4. Now to my fourth proposal. It is, that there be established, at the leading universities of our country, professor- ships and fellowships for the History of Civilisation, and that there be knit into them obligatory instruction in Po- litical Ethics. In the middle years of the last century we had in this country a man who made his mark in this field, and won the high approval of men as far apart as Woolsey, the Helenist-Puri- tan President of Yale, and Buckle, the agnostic historian of civilization in Great Britain. It was my privilege to know him well. This man was Francis Lieber. But he lived and wrought too early, and the Civil War called him from academic service to public duties. Still his influence was precious, and there are many now living who can testify to the value of what they then gained from him, both morally and in- tellectually. But in the growth of American universities, the time has now come when such professorships can do work vast and beneficial. Their pur- pose would be, to show what the essen- tial progress of mankind in civilization has been, and to deduce from this what environment should be promoted, and what powers should be cultivated for the evolution of the civilization which we hope for. As to the incorporation into the main professorship of a de- partment of political ethics, it would, I trust, serve to show, in the history of civilization, the working of “a Power not ourselves, which makes for Right- eousness.” An abiding sense of this, deeply inwoven, forms a tough warp and a serviceable woof for all really great statesmanship. There would doubtless be other professorships covering vari- ous fields of history, general and spe- cial ; but I should expect this, which I now propose, both to derive light from all these and to shed light upon them. I should also expect it to be effective in so influencing other his– torical professorships as to keep Out of them scholastic pedantry, party bigotry, and sectarian narrowness. In any case, such a course of instruction could not fail to enlarge beneficially the minds of those who follow it, to heighten in them a sense of civic duty and responsibility, and to make them, in whatever community their lives may be cast, the advocates of those insti- tutions and policies which tend to the real greatness of the nation. 5. And now, as the fifth and final fea- ture in this group of studies, I would suggest professorships and fellowships for the History of the United States. Many years ago, a Berlin professor, in my hearing, scouted the idea that a his– tory of the United States could be writ- ten at that time or for centuries to come. To his mind American history was the record of a squalid Tyre and Sidon, the annals of fanatics and shopkeepers—Or say, rather, of beasts of prey more igno- ble than Milton's kites and crows. The events of the last forty years have ended that view ; they have revealed Ameri- can history as a subject suggesting in- numerable trains of fruitful thought. In various universities such professor- ships have already been established; but T would have more of them, until lec- tures on the growth of our national life shall be offered at every university. That this would promote a deep feeling of enlightened patriotism ; that it would stimulate a desire in many to join in ligh public activities for noble ends; that the trains of thought thus set in motion would inure to the ad- vancement of what is best in legislation and policy; that the ideas thus struck out would gradually filter down into the thinking of the people at large—seems to me certain. But you will perhaps be surprised that | end my group of studies fitting men for public life just here, and especially that I omit from my list political econ- omy and its cognate subjects. I make this omission because that department is already established in every institu- tion fit to call itself even a germ of an American university. But while providing for these more severe studies, I would add two counsels of perfection. I would summon to the aid of this more severe group the human- izing influences of literature and art. Large provision is already making in our universities for the study of litera- ture. We of the Class of '53 recall a time when there were at Yale no lectures on literature of any sort, ancient or mod- ern, and we may well rejoice that there are now two professorships devoted to : : © o e • * **e e s • sº º e • e e • * * © • * ee º' © e •. • - • * * 6 “A Patriotic Investment.” English literature alone, one of these having been founded by a member of our own class. What I offer, then, as my first counsel of perfection is, that there be established something akin to these, namely, a ſteadership in English Literature. I would have, in each of the leading universities, a fitting person appointed to interpret, by the living voice, the masterpieces of our English tongue. He should not lecture. He should read or recite, as Riddle, Locke- Richardson, and men like them were wont to do. In this way, I would have the greatest things in our literature pre- sented with the least possible note or comment. He would prepare the way for the professors of our literature. The first need of the great body of students is not talk about 11terature, but the literature itself. Those of us who Inave heard Julius Caesar as given by Lawrence Barrett, or Hamlet as given |by Booth, or Bulwer's Richelieu as given by Forrest, or Shylock by Irving, or Milton's sonnets and Wordsworth’s sonnets and Ode to Duty by Corson, or st1ndry extracts from the Bible, or from the poems of Tennyson, Browning and Burns as given by Richardson, have a lasting joy in those 1masterpieces, which could never have come by tearing them in pieces and analyzing them. So much for the humanizing influ- ences of 11terature; and now for the humanizing influence of art. The art I would bring to bear 11pon each of our universities is music. It is of all the beautiful arts the most powerful. It appeals perhaps to a larger audience than does any other, and it has this immense advantage, that while the 1mas- terpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture cannot be brought within easy reach of our universities, music in its highest development can be brought to them perfoctly. A picture by Raphael, a statue by Michael Angelo, a building by Erwin von Steinbach or Sansovino cannot be brought to our audiences; but the chorales of Bach, the symphonies of Beethoven and Haydn, the requiems of Mozart and Cherubini, the oratorios of Handel and Men- delssohn can be given and are given at several of our universities very remote from great city centers, in a way which would have rejoiced their composers. My second counsel of perfection, then, is that there be established in each of our, say twenty-five leading universities, a Professorship of Music in the largest sense of the word; not an instructor to give lessons to individuals, but a man able to present the evolution of music . . 22 • * * * * * : : * * * * * * * * * * © º Ç : ". . : •,• • * in its grander forms, and to illustrate his presentations by means of the king of instruments: the organ. I would have these organ recitals wrought into the life of each of the universities con- cerned. That this can be done with Thost satisfactory results, I know ; for at two or three of our largest insti- tutions I have seen music used most effectively to enrich academic life. And here let me add that I have seen literature and art made to do beautiful service as yokefellows. It has been my lot, during my lifetime, to enjoy in various capitals of the modern world Imany of the things which men who have the deepest feeling for art most rejoice in ; but never have I known anything more uplifting and ennobling than that which I have heard in an American university chapel ;-public recitals from Milton, Wordsworth and other poets of the greater inspiration, with organ interludes from the mightier masters of music surging along the aisles and resounding under the arches of those vast fabrics of poetry; glorifying the whole. The first question which now meets us is as to the outlay required for these foundations. The sum needed would be large—very large;—but there is nothing in that which need discourage us. We have seen such splendid gifts made by Americans within the last few years, that we need 1not despair when a purpose of high national utility is con- cerned, no matter at what outlay. Each of the professorships I have named should be well endowed ; and for the fellowships, provision should be made sufficient to enlist the most active minded and promising students in the departments concerned. Some of the departments, at a few of our institu- tions of learning, have been well pro- vided for already, but in the great ma- jority of these they only exist imper- fectly if at all. Some of them might be established here and there by gifts of individuals to special institutions; but there are American citizens able, singly, to make the complete endowment of all at once, and willing to do so, could they be persuaded that such a great endowment would be well bestowed. My hope is that they can be so per- suaded. The question may now be asked, in case some individual or individuals may propose to endow such foundations as those I have sketched, how shall the recipient institutions be selected P. The answer is not difficult. A commission of competent men, looking over the “A Patriotic Inves/ment.” - 7 needs of the country, and in possession of proper documentary evidence, could easily discern, in the great mass of in- stitutions of learning in the United States, whether called universities, or colleges, those which are really leading in university work, to the number of twenty to twenty-five; and if, after full discussion, the selection should be made in the commission, by ballot, there can be no reasonable doubt that it would Imeet the needs of the country. And now, my dear classmates, I feel that there may well be among you many who would have preferred, to the sub- ject I have presented, something bear- ing on our old life together or on the world as we have seen it since. If such there be, I must throw myself on their forbearance, and plead that I have obeyed the command, “Look into thy heart and write.” May I not hope that, upon reflection, the hearts of us all will, in this matter, beat together? We shall open our hearts to each other else- where before we part. It is, perhaps, well that a party of septuagenarians, meeting after a separation of many years, reserve some of their emotions for each other alone. We have lived through one of the most important and entrancing periods in history; and above all is this true as regards our own land. We have seen not merely marvelous gain in wealth, strength, population, discovery, inven- tion, but we have seen progress in the deeper realities of civilization. We have seen this land pass through great trials and emerge all the stronger. We lave seen slavery abolished and the Union firmly established. We have seen our government wage war bravely and use victory magnanimously. We have seen our universities and schools and libraries developed beyond our dreams. We have seen the United States leading in great world politics. We have in- deed lived in times to make us idolize our country. At this day when, as a class, we virtually take final leave of our alma mater, our last thoughts go out to her and to the glorious nation she serves. The greatest of Venetian states- men, who had, in a terrible emergency, saved the republic he served, and, by his policy, taught wisdom to all nations and all times, could only, when he came to the last moment of his life, utter the prayer for the republic, “esto perpetua.” Such, in an hour like this, may well be our utterance. This new century which we are allowed barely to enter, is to en- dure new trials of our institutions, to face new assaults upon their founda- tions, to unravel new fallacies, to ex- pose new sophisms, to grapple with new fanaticisms, to steer wise courses amid new storms of unreason and athwart Inew tides of folly. In earlier times and amid simpler problems, plain, strong men could lead us, and there will always be great place and crying need for such ;—but just as in material progress, the old, strong engineers by rule of thumb can no longer say the last word, so in all this new political and social welter and swirl of conflicting and confusing ideas, is- sues, doctrines, tides, tendencies, we are now to need, more and more, men taught to apply to our problems, national and international, the wisest thought and most skillful practice evolved in his– tory or discovered among our con- temporaries. So long as each generation does its part in developing such men, our hearts need neither faint nor fear. The latter half of the nineteenth century, which has passed since we first met here, has done nobly. What greathearted, muni- ficent, patriotic outlay of life, thought, effort and colossal wealth we have seen lavished by individual citizens upon Our country | Now, let the first half of the twentieth century do its part and, with Heaven's blessing, the new time shall reveal a growth loftier, nobler, better than the old. : * ſº * : **, * * * > *: © © tº C e_e " º © • e s • iſſil 3 9015 054482990