દ્વાર આવે X X. 53. : Sion College Library. From the Stationers Company. 21817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURI oke TUEBOR RIS PENINSULAM AMOINAM CIRCUMSPICE A GD 39 W 34 1287 CHEMICAL ESSAYS.. CHEMICAL ESSAYS. Richard BY bp. of Llandaff WATSON, D.D. F.R.S. AND REGIUS PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. VOL. III. FOURTH EDITION. 3 LONDON. PRINTED FOR T. EVANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. MDCCLXXXVII. ISION COLLEGE LIBRARY. SOLD BY OPDER OF THE PRESIDENT AND GOVERNORS 1938. BU Lit.comms. Hodgson 7-5-37 3867 CONTENTS. ESSAY I. Of Bitumens and Charcoal. Page 1 II. Of the Quantity of Water evapo- rated from the Surface of the Earth in hot Weather. III. Of Water diffolved in Air. 51 75 IV. Of Cold produced during the Eva- poration of Water, and the Solu- tion of Salts. 119 V. Of the Degrees of Heat in which Water begins to part with its Air, and in which it boils. 143 VI. Of Water in a folid State; of the Heat of Spring Water; and of a probable Cauſe of the Impregnation of fuipbureous Waters. 171 VII. Of 3 CONTENT S. ESSAY VII. Of Derbyshire Lead Ore. 207 VIII. Of the fmelting of Lead Ore, as practifed in Derbyshire. 251 IX. Of Silver extracted from Lead. 301 X. Of Red and White Lead. 337 : : Books printed for T. Evans, in Paternofter-Row, London; J. and J. Merrill, Cambridge; and W. Hayes, Oxford. COLLECTION of THEOLOGICAL TRACTS, "A By RICHARD WATSON, D. D. F. R.S. Lord Bishop of Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. In Six large Volumes, Octavo, Price 11. 11s. 6d. fewed. 2. The Works of SAMUEL JOHNSON, L. L. D. with his Life, by Sir John Hawkins. Eleven vols. 8vo. Price 31. 6s. in boards. 3. The Hiftory of the firft Ten Years of the Reign of George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c. from his Acceffion to the Throne, in 1760, to the Conclufion of the Third Seffion of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain, in 1770: to which is prefixed, A REVIEW of the WAR which was terminated by the Peace of Paris, in 1763. In One Volume, 8vo. Price 55. in Boards. 4. The Hiftory of the Second Ten Years of the Reign of George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c. from the Conclufion of the Third Seffion of the Thirteenth Parlia ment, in 1770, to the End of the Laft Seffion of the Four- teenth Parliament of Great Britain, in 1780. 8vo. Price Six Shillings in Boards. Speedily will be publiſhed, The Firſt Part of the Hiftory of the Third Ten Years of the Reign of George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c. to the Conclufion of the War which was terminated by the Independence of America, and the Peace of Paris, in 1763. This Work is printed in the fame Size and Manner with Rapin's Hiflory of England, and Tindal's Continua- tion. 5. The Reports from the Committee of Secrecy, appoint- ed by the House of Commons, affeinbled at Westminster, in the First Seffion of the Fift enth Parliament of Great Britain, to inquire into the Caufes of the War in the Carnatic, and of the Condition of the Bitish Poffeffions in thoſe Parts ; and also the Report from the Committee to whom the Peti. tion i tion of John Touchet, and John Irving, Agents for the Bri- tiſh Subjects refiding in the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, and their ſeveral Dependencies, whofe Names are fubfcribed to the Petition; the Petition of Warren Haf- tings, Efq. Governor General, and of Philip Francis, and Edward Wheler, Efqts. Counsellors for the Government of the Prefidency of Fort William in Bengal; and the Peti- tion of the United Company of Merchants of England trad ing to the East Indies, were feverally referred. Alſo, The Reports of the Select and Secret Committees appointed by the Houfe of Commons, affembled at Weft- minster, in the Fifth and Sixth, Seffions of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain, to inquire into the State Nature, and Condition of the Eaft-India Company, and of the Britiſh Affairs in the East Indies. Four Vols. Fol. Price 81. half bound. Thefe Reports, with the Appendixes, containing the Original Papers referred to in the Proceedings of the Com- mittees, form the most authentic Hiftory of the Eaft-India Company's Affairs, from the Commencement of Lord Clive's Government, to the Conclufion of the First Sefon. of the Fifteenth Parliament in 178, 1 6. Minutes of the Evidence taken at the Bar of the Houfe of Commons, affembled at Westminster, in the Third Seffion of the Fifteenth Parliament of Great Britain, and of the Proceedings of the Houfe on the hearing of Counſel on the Second Reading of the Eill for inflicting certain Pains and Penalties on Sir Thomas Rumbold, Bart. and Peter Perring, Efq. for certain Ereaches of public Truft, and high Crimes, and Misdemeanours, committed by them whilft they refpec- tively held the Offices of Governor and Piefident, Counſel- lors and Members of the aid Committee, of the Settlement of Fort St. George, on the Coast of Coromandel, in the Eaft Indies, In One Volume Folio. Price 11. 11. 6d.. fewed. ESSAY I OF BITUMENS AND CHARCOAL. THE HE analyfes of pitcoal and of different woods, mentioned in the laft Effay, may ferve as inftances of the products obtainable by diftil- lation from bituminous and vege- table fubftances in general. They all of them yield water impregnated with an acid, and often alfo with a volatile alkaline falt, air, oils of dif- ferent colours, weights, and conſiſt- ences, and a black coaly refiduum. The bitumens generally taken notice VOL. III. A of ( 2 ) of by writers on Natural Hiftory are, with reſpect to their confiftence, either as fluid as oil, or as thick and tenacious as tar, or quite folid. The fluid bitumens are two, Naptha, and Petroleum, or rock-oil. Theſe are oils which differ from each other in co- lour and confiftence, and fome other properties; the naptha is pale, light, and very inflammable; the petroleum is yellow, brown, or blackiſh, hea- vier and lefs inflammable than nap- tha: its difference from naptha is attributed to its containing a greater quantity of acid in its compofition. Both thefe oils are found in many parts of the globe, either floating on ſpring water, or dripping from the crevices of rocks. Mineral pitch is a bitumen which differs from petro- leum in being thicker, heavier, 4 and ( 3 ) and more glutinous; it was formerly found in the environs of Babylon, and conftituted, according to Vitruvius, when mixed with lime, the cement which was uſed in building the walls of that city. At prefent it is met. with in feveral parts of Europe, and in America, where it drips from rocks, and is called by us Barbadoes tar: it has a very offenfive ſmell, and great tenacity, and is called by the inhabitants of Auvergne, in France, where it exudes from the earth, and ſticks to the feet, devils dung. The Afpbaltum, or Jews-pitch, is a bitumen much refembling mine- ral pitch; it is thrown up in a liquid form from the bottom of the lake where Sodom and Gomorrah ftood, otherwife called the Dead Sea, or the lake Afphaltes, from a Greek word denoting A 2 ( 4 ) denoting a bitumen. This lake in the time of Efdras yielded Bitumen-re- member what I did to Sodom and Gomor- rab, whofe land lieth in clods of pitch*. The bitumen floating upon the fur- face of the falt water, is condenfed by the heat of the fun into a ſolid form, and is gathered by the Arabs on the fhore where it is thrown. It is faid to be the fame fubftance which the Egyptians uſed in embalming their mummies, and it was called by them mumia mineralis. This bitumen has been found in many places of Afia and Europe, as well as on the fhores of the Dead Sea; all that we meet with in the ſhops, is either an arti- ficial compofition, or an European afphaltum, the Eaftern ones being feldom brought into Europe, but uftd * Efd. B. 2. c. 2. Haffelquift's Voy, p. 285, ( 5 ) ufed by the natives either as pitch for their fhips, or as an ingredient in varnishing, or dying wool, There is a very curious experi- ment which illuftrates the relation which thefe four bitumens bear to each other. The moft tranfparent oil of turpentine, refembling nap- tha, may be changed into an oil re- fembling petroleum, by mixing it with a ſmall portion of the acid of vitriol; with a larger proportion of the acid the mixture becomes black and tenacious, like Barbadoes tar; and the proportions of the ingre- dients may be fo adjufted, that the mixture will acquire a folid confift- ence, like afphaltum. This experi- ment teaches us to conclude that naptha, petroleum, Barbadoes tar, and afphaltum, differ chiefly from each A 3 ( 6 ) each other, with refpect to the quan- tity of acid which enters into their compoſition; and the ſubſtances pro- cured by diftilling pitcoal, or refi- nous vegetables may furniſh no im- probable conjecture concerning the origin of theſe bitumens. Let us fuppofe then a fubterra- neous fire to be fituated in or near a ftratum of pitcoal, of turf, of foffil wood, or of any other ſuch bituminous matter; it is manifeft that the inflammable air, and the dif- ferent kinds of oils, which were col- lected by diftilling fmall portions of theſe ſubſtances, would be elevated by the heat into the crevices of the fuperincumbent ftrata; the light and pale oil would be a fort of naptha, or petroleum, the black and tena- cious oil would be a Barbadoes tar, and ( 7 ) and this might be fo dried by the heat as to become an afphaltum. The oils not being mifcible with water, would be found floating upon its furface, as it iffued out of the bowels of the earth, and being very inflammable, might conftitute burn- ing wells, fuch as have been met with near Wigan, at Brofely, and in many other places: or where the oil did not meet with water, or was too heavy to float on it, we may conceive that it would impregnate the porous ftrata of feveral kinds of ftones and earth. It has been obferved in another place, that they formerly obtained a fort of tar, from a ſtone at Brofely, and the ftratum, which is called fale in Derbyshire, is fo ftrongly im- pregnated with oil, that it will burn * Vol. II. p. 347. A 4 of ( 8 ) of itſelf, when fet on fire : the work- men in digging through the black ftone, which is incumbent on the fhale, fometimes meet with cavities containing a thick black oil, which has oozed out of the furrounding ftone. One of the greateft foughs, or fubterraneous paffages, which has, perhaps ever been formed in Great Britain, is that which is called Hell- car fough, in Derbyshire; this fough is driven through a ftratum of fhale, and the workmen are much troubled with inflammable air, which general- ly breaks into the fough, through the fame crannies which give paffage to little streams of water: they ſecure themſelves from the air, by keeping great fans conftantly in motion; for the inflammable air, being lighter than common air, floats near the roof of (9) of the fough, and being drawn down from thence, and mixed with the common air by the motion of the fans, it is circulated in the fough without danger. I am fenfible that inflammable air may be produced by various other ways, as well as by the application of heat, to bituminous ftrata; but as bitumens do yield in- flammable air by diftillation, it is probable enough, that fuch as is met with in bituminous ftrata, may fome- times, at leaft, be referred to the action of a fire, fituated, perhaps, at too great a diſtance from the furface of the earth, to produce any other fenfible effect. In the Duchy of Modena in Italy, there is a remarkable rock, which confirms very much the notion of oils and pitchy fubftances being fe- parated ( 10 ) parated from bitumens by a kind of fubterraneous diftillation. The in- habitants of the district, by piercing the fides of this rock, at different diſtances from its fummit, obtain oils of different natures, thickening and growing heavier and deeper coloured, as the canals through which they flow approach to the fur- face of the earth; at the distance of a few feet below the furface, they find a very thick oil, which in dig- ging deeper becomes foft as butter, and at ftill a greater depth, it is found to be as folid as pitch. Befides pitcoal and afphaltum, there are three other folid bitumens which deferve to be mentioned-Fet- Amber—Ambergris. Jet fo much refembles cannel-coal in its colour, in its hardneſs, in its receiving a poliſh, ( 11 ) polish, in its not foiling the fingers when rubbed upon it, and in other properties, that many authors con- found the two fubftances together; and indeed they agree in fo many qualities that it is fomewhat difficult to ſay in what they difagree. Jet, however, when warmed by friction, has the property of attracting bits of ſtraw, feathers, and other light bodies; but I never obferved this property in any of the cannel-coals which I have tried. This property, if it may be generally relied on, as appertaining to jet, and not to can- nel-coal, is a very eafy characteriſtic, by which theſe fubftances may be diftinguifhed from each other. Jet is faid to be found only in fmall de- tached pieces, and that it is thereby diftinguishable from cannel-coal, which ( 12 ) J. which is found in large beds. Some think that the woody fibrous tiffue of jet, may ferve to diftinguish it from cannel-coal, but whoever ex- amines large quantities of this kind of coal, will fee many pieces which much reſemble wood in texture. The weight of a cubic foot of can- nel-coal is 1273 ounces; a cubic foot of jet is faid by one author to weigh 1238,* by another 1180 ounces. The natural hiftory of Amber is very obfcure. This bitumen was for a long time thought to be re- ftricted to the coafts of Pruffia, on the Baltic Sea. It was fuppofed to owe its origin to the exudations of certain trees on the coaſt of Sweden, which falling into the fea, were there hardened by the continual action of Martin. Lewis, Newm. Chem. the ( 13 ) the falts, and thence carried by par ticular winds to the open coafts of Pruffia. This opinion was fupported by, and formed to account for, the ants, flies, fpiders, leaves of trees, and other terreftrial matters, which are almost always found incloſed in pieces of amber, and which no doubt muſt be admitted, as proving its be- ing originally in a fluid ftate. In Pruffia they not only gather amber on the fea coaft, but they frequently find it at the depth of eight or ten feet beneath the furface of the earth, but at no great diſtance from the fea. The fuperincumbent ſtrata are fand, clay, foffil-wood, pyrites, fand again, in which the amber is found, fome- times in detached pieces, fometimes in little heaps. This diftribution of the ftrata, where amber is found, to- 0:1 gether ( 14 ) gether with their proximity to the fea, has made it with fome degree of probability be imagined, that this mineral owed its fituation to the inundation and receffion of the fea, and that it was derived partly from an oil arifing from the decompofition of vegetables by fubterraneous fires, and partly from a mineral acid. Amber is frequently found in Italy, where they have no foffil-wood, but great plenty of petroleum. The natural history of Ambergris is as uncertain as that of amber, unless we admit the defcription which has been lately given of its origin, as the true one. We are told that ambergris is a part of the Cachalot or Spermaceti- whale. "It is found in this animal, in the place where the feminal veffels are ufually fituated in other animals. It ( 15 5) ) It is found in a bag of three or four feet long, in round lumps, from one to twenty pounds weight, floating in a fluid rather thinner than oil, and of a yellowish colour. There are never feen more than four at a time in one of thefe bags; and that which weigh- ed twenty pounds, and which was the largest ever feen, was found fingle. Theſe balls of ambergris are not found in all fishes of this kind, but chiefly in the oldeſt and ſtrong- eft.*" This account feems probable enough, for ambergris is a fine per- fume, and we know that other per- fumes, fuch as civet, mufk, and caf- tor, are fituated in the inguinal re- gions of the civet cat, the mufk ani- mal and the beaver. All vegetable, and bituminous, and Goldſmith's Nat. Hift. Vol. VI. p. 220.- (16) and indeed all animal fubftances, leave, after their volatile principles have been feparated by diftillation, a black coal. Thefe coals differ fome- what from each other, with refpect to their proneness to catch fire, and their ability to fupport it, but I will content myfelf with examining the nature of the refidue, from the dif tillation of wood. This refidue does not differ from what is generally called charcoal; the flightest attention to the manner of obtaining this refidue, and of making charcoal, will convince us, that no difference ought to be expected. When the wood is distilled, its com- munication with the external air is obftructed, its volatile parts are ele- vated from it, by the heat to which it is expofed, and the refidue is that part ( 17 ) part of the wood which remains after all the volatile parts are driven off. In making charcoal they conftruct a pile of wood upon the furface of the ground, they cover the pile with a coating of turf, or other fub- ſtances, and make the coating fo compact, that it will not admit of air, except through fome little round holes, which are purpoſely made in it, and which can be ſtopped at plea- fure. When the pile, thus conftruct- ed, is fet on fire, part of the oil of the wood is confumed during the burning of the pile, the other part, together with the air and water con- tained in the wood, is evaporated, and there remains, when the opera- tion is finished, the earthy part of the wood, called in that ftate, char- coal. Thus the making of charcoal VOL. II. В is ( 18 ) is a kind of diſtillation, for the coat- ing which furrounds the pile of wood, may be compared to a retort. Henckel informs us, that 150lbs. of oak, will produce 62 lbs. of char- coal; but he does not inform us whether the oak was dry or green, whether it had its bark on or was peeled, whether it was all heart of oak, or partly heart, and partly fap, whether the operation of making the charcoal was difcontinued as foon as the wood ceafed to fmoke, or pro- tracted fome time longer; and yet a difference in any one of thefe circum- ftances, will fenfibly influence the weight of the charcoal, procurable from a definite weight of wood. The woods which I converted into charcoal were dry, and had been fel- * For. Satur. c. iv. p. 55. led ( 19 ) led many years; their relative weights were taken with great exactnefs. Weight of a cubic foot of Water 1000 avoir, ounces. Box 9.50 Oak 892 Afh 832 Mahogany 816 Walnut 790 Deal 61.5 Authors differ very much as to the weights which they have affigned to definite bulks of the fame kind of wood. Thus, one eftimates the weight of a cubic foot of dry box at 1030*; another at 1201 ounces: one puts the weight of a cubic foot of dry oak at 925; another at 800 ounces. To the more obvious B 2 * Cotes's Hydrof. p. 73. Tab. p. 237. Cotes. P. 132. fources + Ferguſon's Emerfon's Mech. (20) & Sources of this diverfity, in the weights of equal bulks of the fame kind of wood,-fuch as the wood being green or dry, being cut from the boll or branch of a tree,-one may be added, which has not, I be- lieve, been fufficiently attended to I mean the great lofs of weight ► i which in certain circumstances, the fame piece of wood fuftains, by a fimple expoſure to the atmoſphere, in the courſe of a few days. From the middle of a branch of an oak tree, which had been felled in April, and expofed without its bark, to the hot fummer of 1779, I. cut, Sept. 4, a round piece, about fix inches in diameter, and three in thickness: Sept. 15, I cut from the heart of this piece of oak a ſmall flip, 3 -inches in length, I of an inch in thick. ( 21 ) I I thickneſs, and 79 grains in weight; at the fame time, I cut a fimilar flip from the fap of the fame piece, the weight of which alfo was 79 grains : theſe two pieces were put into the drawer of my ſtudy table, and being weighed again, Sept. 25, the heart of oak had loft 8 grains, or near of its weight; the fap had loft 12 grains, or above of its weight. Now if the weights of feveral equal bulks of thefe woods had been taken on the 15th, and on the 25th of Sep- tember, it is obvious (notwithſtand- ing the contraction they might have fuffered) that there would have been fome difference in them, though the woods themselves appeared equally dry on both days. This ſpeedy diminution of weight which wood undergoes by expoſure B 3 to: ( 22 ) to the air, being a matter of fome importance in an economical view, I will mention another experiment which I made on the fubject. A piece of afh cut March 17, 1780, from the middle of a large tree, which had been felled fix weeks be- fore, was accurately weighed'; its weight was 317 grains, its length 3 inches, and its breadth 2. It was weighed again March 24, it had loft in the courfe of 7 days 62 grains, or near of its weight. I weighed this I S fame piece of wood on the 25th of Auguft in the fame year, but it had not loft any thing of its weight, from the 24th of March to the 25th of Auguft. The two pieces of oak, mentioned in the laft experiment, were weighed alfo, on the 25th of Auguft, 1780; they had neither of them ( 23 ) them loft, in the courfe of eleven months, quite grain; hence it ap- pears, that the matter which is dif perfed from wood after it is cut, is foon evaporated: this matter proba- bly confifts chiefly of water. The carriage of wood, efpecially by land, is very expenfive: if an oak or an afh tree was cut into boards, or fcantlings, upon the fpot where it is felled, there would be a faving of the carriage of one ton in fix or ſeven, from the evaporation of the fub- ftance of the wood; to fay nothing. of chips and other refufe parts. It is well known that all wood becomes heavier than water, by hav- ing the air extracted from the pores, either by an air-pump, or by boiling. it in water. The woods of which. I have given the relative weights, B 4 were ( 24 ) ¡ were all of them rendered heavier than water, by a long continuance in cold water; for the heat of the water in which they were put, never exceeded 60 degrees. They funk in the water after they had been foaked in it for different lengths. of time,. but it required above 100 days foak- ing before the deal would fink. After they had all lain in water for 110. days, I took them out, and let them dry by the gradual heat of the at- moſphere for above a month; I then weighed them, and found that box, oak, and aſh, had each of them loft of the weight they had before JZ they were put into the water; but that mahogany, walnut, and deal, 이 ​had loft only of their weight. This lofs of weight is occafioned, partly by the escape of fome portion of ( 25 ) of air, and partly by a diffolution of fome of the other principles of the woods; for the water, in which they were placed, had evidently acted upon them, its colour and confift-- ence being both changed. Moſt woods contain both a gummy and a refinous part; and gums being folu- ble, and refins not foluble in water, we can have no difficulty in appre- hending the reafon, why fome forts of wood lofe a greater proportion of their weight, by being immerfed in water, and afterwards dried, than others. Since the fame piece of wood has very different weights, when dry and when foaked with wa- ter; the covering carts, ploughs, and other huſbandry gear, ufually made of aſh, with a coarfe kind of paint which will keep out the rain, is ( 26 ) is a practice full as ferviceable in leffening the weight of the imple- ment which is to be moved by the ftrength of a man or horfe, as in preferving the wood of which it is made from decay. I took fquare pieces of the woods before mentioned, each piece being 3 inches in length, and weighing exactly 96 grains, and expofed them, when covered with fand, in a cru- cible, to the action of the fame fire, which was ftrong enough to keep the crucible red hot, for three hours;. they were, at the end of that time, all of them converted into perfect charcoals; the weights of the refpec- tive charcoals were taken, whilft they were ſtill warm, from the ope- ration, and are expreffed in the fol- lowing table: 5 Walnut ( 27 ) Walnut Oak Box Afli Deal 96 grs. gave 25 grs. of charcoal. 96 96 Mahogany 96 96 96 I 1 1 } 22 20 20 17 15 There is a good reaſon for remark- ing, that the charcoals were weighed whilft they were warm, for in weigh- ing them a few days afterwards, I found that they had all increafed in weight in confequence of fomething which they had attracted from the atmoſphere; their weights then were -walnut 28-oak 24-box 23- mahogany 24-afh 18-deal 16- grains. The quantities of refidue remain- ing from the diftillation of 96 ounces of oak, box, and mahogany, were refpectively 30, 26, and 27 ounces (28) 4 ounces, which numbers are feverally larger than thofe, expreffing the quantities of charcoal obtainable from 96 parts of thofe woods; this difference may proceed from the woods, employed in the two pro- ceffes, being of different qualities, or, more probably, from the heat in which the charcoal was made, being greater than that employed in the diftillation; for the ftronger the fire, the lefs is the quantity of charcoal, which a definite weight of wood will yield. In making charcoal the workmen obferve, that the pile of wood is fenfibly diminiſhed in fize by the operation; this proceeds from the fhrinking of the wood. All the kinds of wood which I charred were diminished in all their dimenfions, the ( 29 ) the mahogany, oak, and walnut, were the leaft diminished, and the box was the moft diminished; I thought it had loft an eighth part of its length. This diminution not only depends upon the nature of the wood, but it is influenced by the ftrength and continuance of the heat, that being moft diminished, which has fuſtained the greateſt heat. Though charcoal, from every fort of wood, is incapable of being de- compofed, by the ftrongest fires in clofe veffels, yet it is a compound- ed body, and may be decompofed by being burned in the open air. Van Helmont fays, that 62 pounds of oak charcoal will, by burning, yield only 1lb. of white afhes. The other 61 pounds which are difperfed into the air, he confiders as a vapour, ; of ( 30 ) of an elaſtic nature, which can neither be collected in veffels, nor reduced into a viſible form. This vapour he called by a new name, gas. * Stahl is of opinion, that 10lbs. of charcoal made from porous woods, fuch as fir and fallow, will not, when burned with a very flow fire, yield above 1 lb. of afhest; this quan- tity however, it muſt be remarked, is above fix times the quantity affign- ed by Van Helmont to oak, which probably contains more afhes in a definite weight of charcoal, than either fir or fallow. Geoffroy * Hunc fpiritum, incognitum hactenus, novo nomine gas, voco, qui nec vafis cogi nec in corpus vifibile reduci poteft. Van Hel. Op. omn. p. 193. Some derive gas from the Dutch ghoaſt-ſpirit; others from the German gaſcht, a frothy ebullition. Stahlii Exper. Numero CCC. p. 17. ( 31 ) Geoffroy, from fomewhat lefs than 34 ounces of the charcoal, remaining after the diſtillation of the heart of guaiacum, got near three ounces of white afhes, by calcining the coal in an open fire for 12 hours. From near 23 ounces of the coal, remain- ing from the diftillation of the fap of guaiacum, he got near 1 ounce of afhes. And 29 ounces of the coal, from the bark of guaiacum, gave him 13 ounces of white afhes*. Laftly, M. Sage affures us that 100 pounds of charcoal will not, when burned, furnish quite 2 ounces of ashes t. ... Theſe accounts, it muſt be ac- know- *Geoff. Mat. Med. or treatife on foreign vegeta. by Thicknefs, p. 112. † Exper. fur l' Alk. Vol. fluor. p. 27. ( 32 ) knowledged, differ very much, as to the quantity of afhes obtainable from a definite weight of charcoal; and the difference, I think, is much greater than what can wholly be at- tributed to the different textures of the feveral woods; a part of this di- verſity may, probably, arife from a difference in the manner of burning the charcoal. When charcoal is burned in fmall quantities, and in a flow fire, lefs of its fubftance will be diſperſed into the air, than when the quantity is larger, and the ftream of air which fupports the fire, is more rapid. This feems not improbable; but if the weight of the afhes re maining from the burning of a defi- nite weight of charcoal, be at all in- fluenced by the degree of fire, it feems reaſonable to fuppofe, that what ( 33 ) what is driven off by the violence of the fire, is of the fame earthy nature as that which remains when the fire is more moderate; at leaſt it may be argued, that when charcoal is burned with a flow fire, fome of its prin- ciples, its oily principle for inftance, though it, probably, alfo contains a faline one, are more completely de- compofed, than when it is confumed with a violent fire, and that the de- compoſition of theſe principles gives an additional quantity of earth or falt to the afhes. If there be any truth in this notion, we muſt not ſay, that the 61 pounds of matter which, according to Van Helmont, are difperfed into the air from 62 pounds of charcoal, are wholly of an elaſtic nature; fince they may confift principally of an VOL. III. C attenu- 1 (34 attenuated earth, which being driven off by the current of air, requifite for the maintenance of the fire, re- mains for a time fufpended in the at- moſpherical air, without being in its own nature elaftic. I would not be underſtood to ſay, that the whole of what is diffipated, during the burn- ing of the charcoal, is an attenuated. earth, fince it is certain, that the earth of the afhes is not inflammable, and that charcoal contains fomething which is inflammable; it is allowed. alfo, that fimple earth is inodorous : and it is well known that charcoal, during its inflammation, difperfes fomething into the air, which has a ftrong ſmell; this fomething by which charcoal is rendered inflammable, and by which the air is infected with a particular finell, during the burn- ing (35) ing of the charcoal, is called by moſt *. This che nifts the phlogiston *. C 2 phlogifton Phlogiſton is a constituent part of me- tallic fubftances, and it feeins, when fepa- rated from them, to be of an elaftic nature. I diftilled zinc with frong acid of vitriol, and obtained a portion of fulphur, produced as it fhould feem, by the acid's uniting itſelf with the phlogiston of the zinc. No inflam- mable vapour was produced, till the fulphur began to be fublimed; then indeed, there efcaped a vapour, compofed, I think, of the attenuated parts of fulphur, which upon the approach of a candle took fire. Another portion of zinc was diftilled with weak acid of vitriol; before the zinc felt the heat of the fire, the inflammable air, feparable from zinc by a weak acid of vitriol, paffed into the receiver, and being fet on fire, burst it with a great exploſion: another receiver was ap- plied, and the diftillation continued to dry- nefs, but not a particle of fulphur was pro- duced, the phlogifton neceffary for its for- mation having, probably, been feparated from the zinc, by the violent action of the S acid, } ( 36 ) phlogifton, whether it be an elaftic inflammable fluid, or an unelaftic earth of a particular kind, conftitutes, probably, but a very fmall portion of the weight of what is difperfed into the air, from burning charcoal : we all know what a ftrong fmell may be diffuſed through a large room, from the ignited fnuff of a candle, or from a very fmall piece of charcoal, which has not been thoroughly burned; the vapours iffuing from thefe fubftances are of an oily faline nature, and are viſible: the vapour of charcoal, though it is too fubtle to be feen, may be of a nature fomewhat fimilar, and capa- ble acid, and confumed at once by the inflam- mation. May it not, from the compariſon of thefe experiments, be conjectured, that the phlogifton of metals is an elastic inflamma- ble air? ( 37 ) ble of a very extenfive diffufion through the air. An infant has been known fuddenly to expire, from the ſmoke of a candle blown out under its noſe, and the vapour of charcoal is moſt dangerous, when the charcoal has not been thoroughly burnt. It has been found by experiment,, that the common atmofpherical air is much altered in its properties, by being made to pafs through red-hot charcoal, into the vacuum of an air- pump; it then extinguiſhes the flame of a candle, and animals die in it *. A fimilar change takes place, when charcoal is confumed in an apart ment, which has not a fufficient fup- ply of fresh air; the inftances of per- fons who have unhappily loft their lives in ſuch air, are very common in all c 3 *Haukfbee's Exper. p. 287. ( 38 ) all countries, where much ufe is made of charcoal; but efpecially in Ruffia, where their apartments are heated by ovens, containing red hot charcoal. The change which the atmoſpherical air undergoes, from the burning of charcoal, may pro- ceed either from the air, having loft fome of its conftituent parts in com- ing in contact with the burning char- coal, or from its having gained fomething from the charcoal, cr from its having done both at the fame time; juft as water, which paffes through a lump of falt or fugar, lofes a great * Philof. Tranf. 1779, p. 325— Where there is mention made of the Ruffian method of recovering perfons who have been rendered fenfeleſs by the vapour of the charcoal; it confifts in carrying the perfon into the open air, rubbing him with fnow or cold water, and pouring water or milk down his throat. ( 39 ) a great part of the air it contains in: its natural ftate, and gains a portion of the falt, which becomes diffolved: in it, and upon both accounts fuffers. a change of its properties. It is generally admitted, that char coal and all other bodies, nitrous: ones excepted, ceafe to burn, as foon as they cease to be fupplied with fresh air, and the air has, chiefly on this account, been thought to com- municate fomething to the fire, by which the fire was maintained, and: the air was confumed. And this: opinion has been confirmed by ob- ferving, that a definite quantity of air was much diminiſhed in bulk by bodies being burned in it. Thus, if 10 cubic inches of air be made to paſs through red hot charcoal, they will be reduced to nine, and there. C 4: are: ( 40 ) are means of making the diminution ftill greater. Dr. Hooke advances another hy- pothefis; he allows air to be neceſ- fary to the ſupport of fire, but he thinks that it contributes to this fup- port, not by imparting any thing of its own fubftance to the fire, but by diffolving the inflammable principle of bodies, as water diffolves falts: according to the former hypothefis, air is the food; according to this, it is the receptacle or ſolvent of fire. Dr. Priestley, to whofe inventive genius and indefatigable induftry the philo- * Hooke's Micogr. p. 103. and Pofthum. Works, p. 169. Juncker feems to have en- tertained a fimilar notion-ingens aeris quan- titas requiritur ad diffolvendas et recipiendas. ignitas illas et ultimo motu attenuatas parti-. culas, unde nifi fat aeris fit extinguitur ignis. Junck, Conf. Chem. Vol. I. p. 157. ( 41 ) philofophic world is peculiarly in- debted for his inquiries into the na- ture of fictitious airs, has obferved, that common air is diminiſhed one fifth by the fumes of burning char- coal; and this diminution, he thinks, is fome how or other effected by the air being highly charged with the phlogiston of the charcoal; and he obferves, which agrees very well with Dr. Hooke's hypothefis, that when any definite quantity of air is fully faturated with phlogifton from char- coal, no heat that he had ever ap- plied was able to produce any more. effect upon the charcoal *. Though common air is diminiſhed in bulk by the fumes of burning char- coal, and of other bodies in a ſtate of combuftion, yet a bottle or a bladder. filled Philof. Tranf. 1772. P. 225-230, . ; ( 42 ) filled with this diminiſhed air, weighs lefs than when it is filled with com- mon air *, in the proportion of 183 to 185. That 5 cubic inches of common air fhould be reduced by the fumes of burning charcoal to 4 cubic inches, and that thefe 4 cubic inches of infected air fhould weigh leſs than 4 cubic inches of common air, cannot well be accounted for without admitting, that a part of the cubic inches of atmoſpherical air has been, by fome means or other, taken away, at the fame time that its bulk was reduced to 4 cubic inches. 5 Being defirous of feeing, whether the property I had obferved in char- coal, with respect to its weighing lefs when it was quite cold, than when it was warm from the fire in which *Prieft. Exp. and Ob. vol. II. p. 94°. it ( 43 ) (43 it had been made, was a general pro- perty appertaining to all hot and cold charcoal, I weighed ſeveral pieces when they were cold, and again, when they were fo hot as to be handled with difficulty, and found that they all loft (they were of the fame kind of wood) about 1 part in 12 of their weight, and that being. left to cool in the open air, they re- gained what they had loft in a few days. This acquifition of weight was made moſt rapidly at first, a piece which weighed 240 grains when cold, was reduced by being heated, to 220 grains, and being left to cool, it gained 9 grains in 4 hours, and 15 grains in 8 hours. From the manner in which charcoal is made, it is probable that what remains ad- herent to the wood, is not greatly different ( 44 ) different from what is forced from it by the laſt degree of heat; now this confifts of an acid, and an oil rendered thick and pitchy by its union with an acid; may we not hence fuppofe, that it is a portion of fixed acid, which attracts the humi- dity of the air, or perhaps the air it- felf, when the charcoal is hot, and becomes faturated therewith, and that what was attracted is again dri- ven off, when the charcoal is again heated; and thus the charcoal be- comes again capable of exerting its attraction, and acquiring an increaſe of weight? It is fome confirmation of this hypothefis, that charcoal, when taken out of hot fand, takes fire upon expofure to the air, and for much the fame reafon, probably, that Homberg's pyrophorus takes fire (45) 裙 ​fire in the open air *. Guaiacum contains a ftronger acid than moſt kinds of wood; and Geoffroy has obferved, that "the coal of guaia- cum being taken out of the retort, and expofed to the air, even two or three days after the procefs, takes fire immediately of its own accord; pro- to Homberg's Pyrophorus is known every ſchool-boy. It is made by calcining together for a proper time, and in proper quantities, either alum or any falt containing the vitriolic acid, with honey, fugar, flour, or any animal or vegetable fubftance, capable of being reduced to a coal. Part of the vi- triolic acid being uncombined with the phlo- gifton of the coal, and being in a dry con- denfed ftate, attracts the humidity of the at- inoſphere, and generates fuch a degree of heat by its mixture with water, as is fufficient te inflame the other part of the pyrophorus. Py- rophori may be made without the vitriolic acid, but fome acid probably enters into their com pofition. ( 46 ) provided, that when the diftillation is over, the neck of the retort be carefully ſtopped, and the veffels and furnace be left to cool of them- felves *. This property of increaſing in weight by expofure to the air, be- longs to the hot coal of pitcoal, as well as to that of wood; I took fome red hot cinders, and weighing them in that ftate, left them to cool; in 12 hours they had gained one 75th part in weight, and in 4 days they had gained one thirtieth of their weight. Some coak which had been burned with a strong fire, gained much less than the cinders. It has been obferved in another place, that charcoal may be decom- pofed, by being diftilled with the ** acid Treatife on Foreign Veget. p. 111, ( 47 ) acid of vitriol; this acid robs the charcoal of its inflammable principle, and reduces it to an earth: no other menftruum ſeems to have any action upon it. What alteration might be produced in charcoal, by quenching it when red hot, in various menftru- ums, or by boiling it in them, or by keeping it immerfed in them, when cold, for a long time, or by other lefs obvious proceffes, it does not fall within my deſign to inquire. Animals and vegetables are foon reduced by putrefaction to an earth; many forts of ftones and metallic fubftances are crumbled into duft by the action of air and water; but char- coal remains unchanged for ages, whether it be expofed to the air, or immerfed in water, or buried in the earth. The beams of the theatre * Vol. I. p. 175. at ( 48 ) at Herculaneum were converted into charcoal by the Lava, which over- flowed that city; and during the lapſe of above feventeen centu- ries the charcoal has remained as intire as if it had been formed but yeſterday, and it will probably con- tinue fo to the end of the world. This incorruptibility, as it may be called, of charcoal, has been known in the moſt diſtant ages: for it has been obferved, that the famous temple of Epheſus was built upon wooden piles which had been charred on the outfide. The cuſtom of charring the ends of pofts, which are to be fixed in the earth, is very common; and I have often wondered that the fame cuſtom has not prevailed with refpect to the wood ufed in mines. and fubterraneous drains. The tim- bers (( 49 49 ) bers which fupport, in many places, the roof of the foughs through which there is a current of water, are wafted away in a few years, that part of them eſpecially which is ex- pofed to the alternatives of moiſture and dryness by the rifing and falling of the water is foon rotted, and this part one would think would be char- red with great advantage. VOL. III. D ESSAY ESSAY II. OF THE QUANTITY OF WATER EVA- PORATED FROM THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH IN HOT WEATHER. THE HERE are many operations. conftantly carrying on by na- tural means, which, though they efcape the ordinary obfervation of our fenfes, fufficiently excite our af- toniſhment, when once difcovered. The vast quantity of a particular kind of air, with which the atmo- ſphere is daily impregnated, from the combuſtion of all forts of fuel, is D 2 One ( 52 ) one inftance of this kind; and the water which is raifed into the atmo- fphere from the furface of the earth, is another. Who would have con- jectured, that an acre of ground, even after having been parched by the heat of the fun in fummer, dif- perfed into the air above 1600 gal- lons of water in the fpace of twelve of the hotteft hours of the day? No vapour is feen to afcend, and we little fuppofe that in the hotteft part of the day, more ufually does afcend than in any other. The experiment from which I draw this conclufion, is fo eafy to be made, that every one may fatisfy himſelf of the truth of it. On the 2d of June, 1779, when the fun fhone bright and hot, I put a large drinking glaſs, with its mouth downwards, upon a grafs-plat which 5 was ( 53 ) was mown clofe; there had been no rain for above a month, and the grafs was become brown; in lefs than two minutes the infide of the glafs was clouded with a vapour, and in half an hour drops of water began to trickle down its infide, in various places. This experiment was repeated ſeveral times with the fame fuccefs. That I might accurately estimate the quantity, thus raifed, in any cer- tain portion of time, I measured the area of the mouth of the glafs, and found it to be 20 fquare inches : there are 1296 fquare inches in a fquare yard, and 4840 fquare yards in a ſtatute acre; hence, if we can find the means of meafuring the quantity of vapour raifed from 20 fquare inches of earth, fuppofe in D 3 one ( 54 ) one quarter of an hour, it will be an eafy matter to calculate the quantity which would be raifed with the fame degree of heat, from an acre in 12 hours. The method I took to mea- fure the quantity of vapour, was not perhaps the most accurate which might be thought of, but it was fim- ple and eaſy to be practifed: when the glaſs had ſtood on the graſs-plat one quarter of an hour, and had collected a quantity of vapour, I wiped its infide with a piece of muf- lin, the weight of which had been previouſly taken; as foon as the glafs was wiped dry, the muflin was weighed again, its increaſe of weight thewed the quantity of vapour which had been collected. The medium increaſe of weight, from feveral ex- periments made on the fame day, between 1 ( 55 ) between 12 and 3 o'clock, was 6 grains collected in one quarter of an hour, from 20 fquare inches. of earth. If the reader takes the trou- ble to make the calculation, he will, find that above 1600 gallons, reck- oning 8 pints to a gallon, and efti- mating the weight of a pint of wa- ter at one pound avoirdupois, or 7000 grains troy weight, would be raifed, at the rate here mentioned, from an acre of ground in 24 hours. It may eafily be conceived, that the quantity thus elevated will be greater when the ground has been well foaked with rain, provided the heat be the fame; I did not happen to mark the heat of the ground when I made the fore-mentioned experi- ments; the two following are more circumftantial: the ground had been WEE- ( 56 ) wetted the day before I made them by a thunder fhower, the heat of the earth, at the time of making them, eftimated by a thermometer laid on the grafs, was 96 degrees; one ex- periment gave 1973 gallons from an acre in 12 hours, the other gave 1905. Another experiment made, when there had been no rain for a week, and the heat of the earth was 110 degrees, gave after the rate of 2800 gallons from an acre in 12 hours; the earth was hotter than the air, as it was expofed to the reflec- tion of the fun's rays from a brick. wall. The heat in Bengal in the fummer months is variable, in the ſhade from 98 to 120 degrees *, and in the fun it probably does not fall fhort of 140 * Philof. Tranf. 1767, page 218, and for the year 1775, p. 202. ( 57 ) 140 degrees; hence, after the earth has been well drenched by the over- flowing of the Ganges, immenſe quantities of vapours must be daily raiſed, to the amount, perhaps, of five or fix thoufand gallons from an acre, in twenty-four hours. The rainy feafon in Bengal lafts from the beginning of June to the middle of October; all this interval is confidered as an unhealthy time, but especially the latter part of it, for then the earth begins to grow dry, the flime left upon its furface, confifting of decayed vegetables and other putref- cent bodies, begins to corrupt; and the fun, by its violent and continued action, raiſes up into the air not a pure water, but water impregnated with putrid particles of all kinds. Whether a merely moift fituation be ( 58 ) be unwholeſome, may be much queftioned; but that moiſture arifing from earth or water in a ſtate of pu- trefaction is fo, cannot well be doubted. The overflowing of the Nile puts a ſtop to the plague in Egypt, infomuch, probably, as it puts a ſtop to the putrefaction of the ca- nals of Grand Cairo and other places. Agues and putrid fevers are much more frequent in the fens of Cem- bridgeshire and Lincolnshire in very dry, than in wet years; the Irish, who annually come to reap the harveft in the fens of Cambridgeshire, have been ſo ſenſible of the difference, that for the three or four years lat paſt, which have been very dry, they have entered upon their task with great reluctance, and apprehenfion of what they call the Fen-fbake. The States ( 59 ) States of Holland, in the year 1748, laid the country around Breda under water, and ordered the water to be kept up till the winter, in order to ftop a fickneſs which had ariſen from the moist and putrid exhalations of half-drained grounds *. The Arabs are faid to take a horrid kind of vengeance when they think them- felves injured by the Turks at Baffora; they contrive to overflow the adjoin- ing country a peftilential fever be- gins to fhew itfelf as the land begins to grow dry by the evaporation of the water, and it rages with fuch violence as to carry off many thou- fands of the inhabitants of that city . The nature of the foil muſt have a great influence on the health of the people *Sir J. Pringle's Dif. of the Army, p. 63. + Philof. Tranf. 1778, p. 215. ( 60 ) people who inhabit it, fo far as that is dependent on the moisture or dry- neſs of the air. There is, probably, as much water raifed into the air, in a hot day, from an acre of ground in the fens of Cambridgeshire, as is raiſed in two or three days from an equal furface in the fandy parts of Norfolk and Sufolk. Not but the moft fandy country may have a very moiſt atmoſphere, when water hap- pens to be found near the ſurface; for the heat of the fun will penetrate through the fand, and raife the water in vapour, which will find an eaſier paffage through the fand than it would do through a lefs open foil. Thus the foil in fome parts of Dutch Brabant is a barren fand, but water is every where to be met with at the depth of two or three feet, and in propor- ( 61 ) proportion to its diftance from the furface the inhabitants are free from difeafes * Vegetation must be greatly influ- enced by the quantity of water which is raiſed from the earth; fome foils retain humidity much longer than others, and one great ufe of marles and other manures, is, to render the foil on which they are put lefs liable to be deprived of its moiſture by the heat of fummer. The water, in af- cending from the bofom of the earth, moiſtens the roots, and in being dif- folved in the air, it affords nutriment to the branches of vegetables; but as vegetation may be injured either by a defect, or an excefs of moiſture, and as different plants require dif- ferent quantities of it, for attaining *Difeaf. of the Army, p. 62. their ( 62 ) their utmoſt perfection, it merits the attentive obfervation of the farmer to fuit his plants and his manures to the nature of the foil. There are many fandy and limeftone foils, which are covered almoſt with flints or lime- ftone pebbles; the crop of corn would, probably, be lefs, if thefe ftones were removed: for they are ferviceable, not only in fheltering the firft germs of the plant from cutting winds, but they impede the eſcape of moisture from the earth; the afcending vapour ftrikes upon that ſurface of the ftone which is contiguous to the earth, and is there- by condenſed, and thus its further af- cent is for a time, at leaſt, prevented. Upon the fame grafs-plat, and contiguous to the glaſs uſed in the experiments, I placed a filver cup, with ( 63 ) with its mouth downwards, of a fhape fimilar to that of the glaſs, and nearly of the fame dimenfions; but I could never obferve that its infide had collected the leaft particle of vapour, though I frequently let it ftand on the graſs for half an hour, or more. By means of a little bees wax, I faftened an half crown very near, but not quite contiguous, to the fide of the glafs, and fetting the glafs, with its mouth downwards, on the grafs, it prefently became covered with va- pour, except that part of it which was near to the half crown. Not only the half crown itſelf was free from vapour, but it had hindered any from fettling on the glafs which was near it, for there was a little ring of glafs furrounding the half crown ( 64 ) crown to the diſtance of of an inch which was quite dry, as well as that part of the glafs which was imme- diately under the half crown; it feemed as if the filver had repelled the water to that diſtance. A large red wafer had the fame effect as the half crown; it was neither wetted itſelf, nor was the ring of glaſs contiguous to it wetted. A circle of white paper produced the fame effect, fo did ſeveral other fubftances, which it would be tedious to enumerate. Theſe phenomena, refpecting the different difpofitions of different bo- dies to attract the rifing vapour, are fimilar to what others have taken notice of concerning the falling of dew, and are, probably, to be ex- plained upon the fame principles, whatever they may be. Mufchen- broek ( 65 ) broek placed on the leaden terrace of the Obfervatory at Utrecht, veſſels of glaſs, china, varniſhed wood, po- liſhed brass, and pewter; he found that in the courſe of a night the glaſs, china, and varniſhed wood, had col- lected a great abundance of dew, but that not a drop had fallen on any of the poliſhed metals *. M. du Fay expofed to the air, when the dew was falling, two large funnels, one made of glafs, the other of po- liſhed pewter; the necks of the fun- nels being inferted into veffels pro- per to retain any moisture which might be collected by them; he fometimes found in the morning that the veffel under the glafs funnel con- tained an ounce or more of water, VOL. IIJ. E but * Introd. ad Philof. Nat. Tom. I. p. 992. ( 66 ) but he never obferved fo much as a drop in the other*. A great part of the water which is raiſed into the air from the per- fpiration of the earth during a hot day, defcends down again upon its furface in the courſe of the night; and this is the reafon that the dews are the greateſt in the hotteft wea- ther, and in the hotteſt climates. The earth retains the heat it receives in confequence of the fun's action longer than the air does; water, moreover, is evaporable in all de- grees of heat; hence water may con- tinue to riſe from the earth, when the air, being cooled by the abſence of the fun, is no longer able to fuftain what is thus raiſed, or to retain what • Hift. de l'Acad. des Scien. 1749. it ( 67 ) it had taken up during the day time, and a dew from thefe different caufes may, under certain circumftances, be found both to rife and fall during the whole night. Egypt, at one feafon of the year, is fo parched up by the heat, that the ſurface of the ground becomes quite rugged with fiffures; at this time the dew, proceeding from the vapour exhaled from the earth, is very plentiful, and by its plenty pre- vents the total deftruction of the country. "This dew is particularly ferviceable to the trees, which would otherwife never be able to refift the heat; but with this affiftance they thrive very well, bloffom and ripen their fruit. Therefore, the upper parts of the Egyptian trees, at one time of the year, do the office of E 2 roots, (68 ( 68 ) roots, attracting nourishment by their abſorbent veffels, the leaves, from the moiſt air.*" The quantity of water which was condenfed on the infide of the glafs, I found to be accurately proportion- able to the time during which it ſtood on the grafs; for in one ex- periment 6 grains were collected in 10 minutes, and in another 15 grains. were collected in 25 minutes; now the proportion of 6 to 10 is the fame as that of 15 to 25. • In order to fee whether the copious vapour collected by the glafs was owing to the natural perſpiration of the grafs, or to a kind of mechanical diftillation from the body of the earth, I put the glafs upon a foot- path which was dry, and had no grafs Haffelquift's Voy. p. 455. ( 69 ) grafs growing upon it, the vapour rofe from the footpath as well as from the grafs, but not fo abun- dantly. From what has been advanced, it may, probably, be justly inferred, that the air contiguous to, or not far removed from, the furface of the earth, whether that furface be plain or mountainous, barren, or covered with vegetables, will be much more. loaded with the vapour which arifes conftantly from the earth, than that which is at the distance of even a few yards from the furface. This point may be illuftrated by the fol- lowing hypothefis Suppofe the earth to be a globe of rock falt, and to be covered with water to the height of a mile; imagine the wa- ter to be divided into four fpherical- E 3 fhells, ( 70 ) 8.70 thells, each of a mile in thickness. Now the first fhell, which is fup- pofed to be contiguous to the fur- face of the falt, would foon faturate itſelf with the falt, and becoming thereby heavier than the water at a greater diſtance, it would not, by the ordinary motion of the winds and tides, foon mix itfelf with the whole mafs of water; but it would contain far more falt in folution than the ſecond ſhell, and the ſecond would contain more than the third, and the third more than the fourth. Let us further fuppofe the falt con- tained in the whole of the water to be precipitated, and the precipita- tion to begin from the fhell fartheſt emoved from the furface of the earth; it is evident, that the quan- tity of the precipitate will increaſe, not ( 71 ) not fimply with the increaſe of ſpace through which it has defcended, but in a much higher proportion, inaf- much as the laft fhell through which it defcends may be fuppofed to con- tain three or four times as much falt as the uppermoft. In like manner, it ſeems reaſonable to fuppofe that the air which is near the furface of the earth will be much more charg- ed with water, which it diffolves as water diffolves falt, than that which is fituated at the diftance of even a few yards from the ſurface. Dr. Heberden was the first perfon who took notice that a much larger quantity of rain falls into a rain- gage ſituated near the furface of the earth, than into one of the fame di- menſions ſituated a few yards above E 4 it: ( 72 ) } it; and he thinks that this differ- ence is to be explained from fome unknown property of electricity. The fact is placed beyond contro- verfy, by experiments which have been made at various places; at Liverpool in particular it has been obferved, that "a veſſel ſtanding on the ground in a ſpacious garden, re- ceived double the quantity of rain which fell into another veffel of equal dimenfions placed near the fame fpot, but eighteen yards high- ert." I am far from thinking that the foregoing obfervations relative to the quantities of water contained in equal bulks of air at different heights *Phil. Tranf. 1769, p. 361. See an ingenious effay on the fubject, by Dr. Percival, who has explained the pheno- menon from the known principles of electri city. Effays by Dr. Percival, p. 112. ( 73 ) heights from the furface of the earth, contain a fatisfactory explanation of this phenomenon; yet it may be re- marked, that rain-gages placed at equal diftances from the furface of the earth, collected nearly equal quantities of rain, though one of them was fituated on a plain, and the other on a mountain 450 yards in height above the plain*: this obſer- vation is fome confirmation of the hypothefis which has been mention- ed, as on that fuppofition it follows, that the air at the fame diſtance from the furface of the earth, is equally impregnated with water, other cir- cumſtances being the fame, and therefore equal quantities of rain ought to be collected by veffels placed at equal diſtances from the fur- * Philoſ, Tranſ. 1772, P. 294• face (74) face of the earth; though according to the fame fuppofition, a much larger quantity ought to be collected by a veffel placed on the furface, than by one placed a few yards above it. Thus this hypothefis, admitting its truth (which future experiments will perhaps eſtabliſh), ſeems as if it was fufficient for explaining the phe- nomenon; I would be underſtood however to mention it with much diffidence, and was I as much ſkilled in electricity, as the very worthy and ingenious perfon, who firft noticed the fact, is in every branch of natu- ral philofophy, I might probably have ſeen reaſon not to mention it at all. 요 ​ESSAY ESSAY III. OF WATER DISSOLVED IN AIR. W E have feen, in the preced- ing Effay, that large quan- tities of water are raifed from the earth in the hotteſt weather: the wa- ter, which is thus elevated, is no more viſible in the air, than a piece of fugar is vifible in the water where- in it happens to be diffolved, nor is the tranſparency of the air injured by the water it has received from the earth, ( 76 ) earth, and therefore we conclude, that the water is not merely mixed with the air, but really diffolved in it; a perfect tranfparency of the fluid, in which any body is diffolved, being efteemed the moft unequivo- cal mark of its folution. The cauſe of the afcent, fufpen- fion, and deſcent of vapours, is not yet fully determined; many think that electricity is the principal agent in producing theſe phenomena*; whilst others are of opinion, that wa- ter is raiſed and fufpended in the air, much after the fame manner in which falts are raiſed and fufpended in wa- ter; and it must be owned that this opinion * P. Philof. Tranſ. 1755, p. 124.—Electri- citas vapores in aërem extollit, in aëre fuf- pendit, et ex aëre in tellurem depluit. Prof. Bavers Exp. de Elec. Theo. p. 106. ( 77 ) opinion (which future experience may ſhew not to be wholly incon- fiftent with the other) has a great appearance of probability. Salts, in general, are more ſpeedi- ly diffolved in warm water than in cold; and water, in like manner, is more ſpeedily diffolved in warm air than in cold. We have a ſenſible proof of this in the exhalation of dew, it being much fooner dried up in places expofed to the direct rays of the fun, than in the fhade, becauſe the air in the fhade being fome de- grees colder than that in the fun, is not able to diffolve the fame quanti- of water in the fame time. ty When water is faturated with any kind of falt in a definite degree of heat, then will it retain the falt as long as it retains its heat; but if the 6 heat ( 78 ) heat be leffened, the tranſparency of the ſolution will be deſtroyed, a part of the falt will become vifible, and fall to the bottom, in confequence of its fuperior weight; what falls to the bottom will be re-diffolved, as foon as the water regains its heat. It is obvious that the quantity of the falt which is precipitated from the cooling of the water, will depend partly on the degree of heat in which the folution is faturated, and partly on the degree of cold to which the folution is reduced. Thus water of 80 degrees when faturated with falt, contains more falt than it would do if it had only 70 degrees of heat, and in being cooled to 50 degrees, the precipitation of falt will be greater in the firſt inſtance, than in the fe- cond; though it might probably be the ( 79 ) the fame, if the folution of 80 de- grees was cooled only to 60, and that of 70 to 50. Something very analogous to all this may be obferv- ed with reſpect to the folution of water in air. In mifty weather we frequently fee the mist of the morn- ing intirely vanishing towards the middle of the day, and coming on again towards the evening; the rea- fon of which feems to be, that the air being warmed by the approach of the fun to the meridian, is able to diffolve the morning mift, but as the air grows colder again towards the evening, the water which had been perfectly diffolved by the mid- day heat begins to be precipitated, the tranſparency of the air is deftroy- ed, and an evening mift is formed. This phenomenon has been ob- ferved ( 80 ) ferved to prevail, in the coldeſt at- moſphere that has ever yet been taken notice of, on the furface of the globe; for in January 1735, when the cold in Siberia was equal to 157 degrees below the freezing point in Fahrenheit's thermometer, the low- er region of the air was obfcured by a perpetual cloud, which was very thick in the morning, thinner to- wards noon, and thicker again at night*. Mifts and dew will, generally fpeaking, be the greateſt when the difference between the heat of the air in the day time, and at night, is the greateft, becaufe the hotter the day, the greater is the quantity of water which is diffolved; and the colder the night, the greater will be the Novi Commen. Petrop. Tom. VI. p. 429- ( 81 ) the quantity which is precipitated. It often happens that there is no mist obfervable towards the clofe of the day; this may be occafioned, either by there being little difference in the heat of the air at noon, and at night; or, though that difference be confiderable, yet the air may chance not to be faturated with water, and in that cafe it may, even in the night, be warm enough to retain all the water it had diffolved in the day time. In cold weather the breath of animals becomes vifible, becauſe the air is not warm enough to dif- folve the moiſture which is exhaled from the lungs * VOL. III F It * The breath is visible if the temperature of the air be colder than 61 degrees. Caval. on Air, p. 400. The degree of cold in which it is visible, depends partly on the humidity, or diynefs of the air. (82 ( 82 ) It is not unufual for a river in winter time, to be much warmer than the air, hence, the vapour which rifes from the river is condenſed, the air not being able to diffolve it, and a cloud or miſt of finall elevation, is ſeen to accompany the river in its courfe; this appearance ceaſes, as foon as the river is frozen, becauſe the ice, though it be ſubject to eva- poration, yet it does not yield fo much vapour as water does *. A cubic inch of rock falt, nitre, or any other kind of falt, is much longer in being diffolved, when it is in a compact ſtate, than when it is reduced into a fine powder, becauſe.. the falt, when in the form of a pow- der, * Angara fluvius nocte glacie confiftit, quo facto nebula illa perpetua, huc ufque ex fluvic hoc evecta, ceffavit. Vol. VI. p. 436. Novi Comm. Petrop. } ( 83 ) der, has a much larger furface ex- poſed to the action of the water, than if it was in one folid lump. In like manner, the air will diffolve any definite quantity of water fooner, when the ſurface of the water is in- creaſed by its being in the form of a vapour, than it would do if the wa- ter was either in the form of ice, or in its ordinary fluid ftate. The ſmoke of a chimney confifts principally of water, in the ſtate of vapour, and it is really aſtoniſhing, to fee how quickly, in particular ſtates of the atmoſphere, it is diffolved in the air. It has been remarked, that the fmoke of mount Vesuvius is much more ftrong and vifible in rainy, than in fair weather; if this phe- F 2 nomenon. *Lett. fur la Mineral. par M. Ferber, P. 188. 1 ( 84 ) nomenon does not proceed from the greater quantity of water, which is raiſed from the mountain in wet, than in dry weather; it may be ac- counted for, from the greater facility with which, aqueous vapours are dif folved in a dry ferene air, than in one which is fo faturated with water, that it can diffolve no more; which is the cafe, in general, of air, which parts with its water, in the form of rain or miſt. In riding upon wet fand in a hot day, a kind of tremulous motion in the air, to the height of a foot or more above the fand, may be ob- ferved; this appearance may proceed from hence, that the water in rifing from the fand, is not immediately diffolved in the air. A fimilar appear- ance may often be obferved on land, efpe- ( 85 ) eſpecially in corn fields towards au- tumn; the water which is exhaled from the ſtanding corn, not mixing itſelf at once, fo effectually with the air, as to conftitute with it an appa- rently homogeneous fluid. Some- thing of the fame kind happens, when either faline folutions, wines,. or vinous fpirits of any kind, are poured into a glaſs of water, the compound fluid muſt be agitated, or the mixture will not at firft be uniform. The quantity of water contained in the air, even in the drieft weather, is very confiderable. We may be faid to walk in an ocean; the water indeed of this ocean does not, ordi- narily, become the object of our fenfes, we cannot fee it, nor, whilft it continues diffolved in the air, do F. 3. we ( 86 ) we feel that it wets us, but it is ftill water, though it be neither tangible nor viſible; juſt as fugar, when dif- folved in water, is ftill fugar, though we can neither fee it nor feel it. Some philofophers have doubted, whether the weight of the air may not chiefly be attributed to the wa- ter which is conftantly fufpended in it*. But whether this conjecture be admitted or not, the power which the air has of keeping a great quantity of water diffolved in it, may very properly be applied to the illuftra- tion of that text, in which it is ſaid, God divided the waters which were under the firmament, from the waters which were above the firmament, without having recourfe with Epif Boerh. Chem. Vol. I. p. 461, † Gen. i. 7. copius ( 87 ) opius, to the very unphilofophical fuppofition of the blue fky being a ſolid ſubſtance compofed of con- gealed water *. Some are puzzled to find water enough to form an univerfal deluge; to affift their en- deavours it may be remarked, that was it all precipitated which is dif folved in the air, it might probably be fufficient to cover the furface of the whole earth, to the depth of above thirty feet. The air not only diffolves water, but various other vapours, which con- F. 4. • fift *Extima five fuprema hujus aëris regio attingit fornicem illum cæruleum, in quo poftea die quarta ftellæ fixæ collocate fue- runt; qui fornix cæruleus mihi effe videtur aquarum in altum elevatarum, et cryftalli: in- morem feu condenfatarum, feu conglaciata- rum, cæruleoque colore radiantium, compa- ges. Epif. Inf. Theol. Lib. iv. c. 3, ( 88 ) fift partly of water, and partly of vola- tile falts and oils. All vegetables, whether aromatic or not, are found to perfpire very greatly, and the mat- ter which they perfpire, could it be condenfed, would, probably, be fo far different from pure water, as to have both a tafte and fmell. The matter perfpired by animals, without fweating, confifts principally of wa- ter, but the water is ftrongly impreg- nated with odorous particles. It has been faid of Baron Haller, that he could fmell the perfpiration of old people, at the diſtance of ten yards; this is by no means incredible, for the human body is conftantly enveloped in an inviſible cloud, arifing from the great quantity of matter which is infenfibly perfpired. Sanctorius efti- mates the fenfible excretions of a perfon ( 89 ) perfon who eats and drinks 8 lbs of food in 24 hours, at 3 lbs, and the infenfible perfpiration at 5 lbs; but if we ſuppoſe the infenfible perfpira- tion in this climate (which is colder than that of Venice, where he made his experiments) to amount only to one half of our food, we cannot but conclude, that it muft form a great cloud around us; for 4 lbs of matter converted into a vapour as heavy as air, would occupy a great ſpace, amounting to above 50 cubic feet. The heat of the human body is ge- nerally between 90 and 100 degrees; this degree of heat is fufficient to raife from it, by a kind of diftilla- tion, a copious vapour, which would become visible, if the heat was in- creafed I remember having been greatly heated and fatigued in af cending ( 90 ) cending the ladders from the bottom of the copper mine at Eton; when I got to the top I obferved, by the light of a candle, a thick vapour reeking from the body, and visible around it, to the diſtance of a foot or more. The difpofition of the air for dif folving either pure water, or the matter perfpired by vegetables, or animals, is very various, depending chiefly on its denfity, beat, and dry- nefs. The power which dogs have of fcenting the animal they are in purſuit of, muſt be much affected by this difpofition of the air; for the air through which the animal has paffed, is impregnated with the matter perfpired from its body; and this matter may in one ſtate of the air be fo fpeedily diffolved, and fo much 1 ( 91 ) much as it were diluted with air, as to make either no 'impreffion, or a very flight one, on the olfactory nerves of the dog; whilft in another, it may make a very fenfible one. And if we fuppofe the perfpirable matter not to confift chiefly of wa- ter*, but of fuch particles as are thrown off by perfumes, without their lofing fenfibly of their weight, ftill it will be true, that the ſtate of the air muſt have a great influence in *If the whole body of a naked man, ex- cept his mouth and noftrils, was ſhut up in a glaſs caſe, ſo that no air could enter, the mat- ter of the infenfible perfpiration would, pro- bably, be condenfed, and ftand as dew on the infide of the glaſs; and I apprehend it would not differ much from the matter of the fenfible perfpiration, or fweat. But if any one be difpofed to confider the infenfible perſpiration, as an uncondenſable fluid, or a kind of air fimilar ( 92 ) in rendering them fenfible; fince it has been found, that on the tops of very high mountains, where the ſtate of the air is very different from what it is in the valleys below, the moſt odorous bodies lofe either in- tirely, or in a great degree, their powers of exciting a ſmell.-The exiſtence of water in air is made ap- parent various ways. If a bottle of wine be fetched out of a cool cellar, in the hotteſt and driest day in fummer, its furface will preſently be covered with a thick vapour, which, when tafted, appears to fimilar to that which arifes from vegetable Auids, in a fate of fermentation (the heat of fermenting wort being much the fame as that of an animal body), ftill its mixture with the atmoſpherical air muft depend very much on the weight, humidity, and other properties of that air. ( 93 ) 93) to be pure water. This watery va❀ pour cannot proceed from any exu- dation of the wine, through the pores of the bottle, for glafs is im- pervious to water, and the bottle remains full, and when wiped dry, it is found to weigh as much as when taken out of the cellar. The fame appearance is obfervable on the outfide of a filver, or other vef- fel in which iced water is put in ſummer time; and it is certain, that the water which is condenſed on the furface of the veffel, does not pro- ceed merely from the moisture ex- haled by the breathing of the people. in the room, where this appearance is most generally noticed, becauſe the fame effect will take place, if the veffel be put in the open air. Water which is cooled by the folu- tion (( 94 94 ) tion of any falt, or even fpring wa- ter, which happens to be a few de- grees colder than the air, produces a fimilar condenfation of vapour on the outſide of the veffel in which it is contained. Thefe and other ap- pearances of the fame kind, are to be explained on the fame principle. Warm air is able to retain more wa- ter in folution than cold air can; when therefore warm air becomes contiguous to the outward furface of a veffel, containing cold liquor, it is preſently cooled to a certain de- gree, and in being cooled, it is forc- ed to part with fome of the water which it had diffolved, and this wa- ter, ceafing to be fufpended by the air, attaches itſelf to the ſurface of the cold veffel. The more ancient philofophers, no ( 95 ) not fufpecting that water might be diffolved in air, were of opinion that the moisture which they obſerved adhering to the outfides of veffels, which had been cooled by having fnow put into them, proceeded from a tranfmutation of air into water*. But there feems to be no more rea- fon for this fuppofition, than there would be for faying, that water was changed into faltpetre, from obferv- ing that water which had diffolved as much faltpetre as it could, in a certain *Naturæ myftas arcano modo, fed facili, aërem in aquam mediis caloribus cogere docebit abjecta hæc nix, fi vitro conicæ figuræ, intra tripodem, apice deorfum vergente fufpenfo, indatur nivis vel glaciei fruftum. Quippe fub- jecto vafculo excipiuntur, exteriore vitri frigi ditate collectæ, et laterum declivitate manantes aquæ gutte. Bartholinus de Figura Nivis, p. 3. See alfo Boyle's Worfts, Vol. II. p. 297. ( 96 ) certain degree of heat, depofited a part of it, when that degree of heat was leffened. Another method of proving the existence of water in the cleareſt air, is, to obferve the increaſe of weight, which certain bodies acquire by ex. poſure to the open air. I put upon a plate 8 ounces of falt of tartar, which had been well dried on a hot iron; the day was without a cloud, and the barometer ftood at 30 inches; in the ſpace of three hours, from II to 20'clock in the afternoon, the falt had increafed in weight two ounces; in the courfe of a few days its weight was increaſed to twenty ounces, it was then quite fluid, and being diſtilled it yielded a pure wa- ter equal in weight nearly to the increaſe it had acquired from the air, 3 and (.97 ) and therefore it is rightly inferred, that water was the fubftance which it had attracted from the air. Strong acid of vitriol is another body which very powerfully attracts. humidity from the air. An ounce of this acid has been obſerved to gain, in 12 months, above fix times its own weight. The power of the acid to attract water from the air, depends upon its ftrength, for it may be fo far diluted, that inſtead of attracting any more water from the air, it will, by evaporation, loſe a part of that which it had acquired; when it is in this ftate, its weight varies with the drynefs or moiftneſs of the atmosphere, and it becomes, when accurately balanced in a good pair of fcales, no bad kind of an hy- VOL. III. G grometer. Newm. Chem. by Lewis, p. 161. (98 ( 98 ) grometer. The time in which any definite quantity of acid acquires its greateſt weight from the air, depends partly upon the quantity of water which is diffolved in the air, and partly upon the furface of the acid which is expofed to the air, it hav- ing been aſcertained by experiment, that the quantity attracted from the air, in a definite portion of time, is greater as the furface is greater. Hence, instead of a twelve months expoſure to the air being requifite to make one ounce of acid of vitriol acquire fix ounces of water, it might poffibly acquire that weight in a few minutes, if its furface was enlarged in a due proportion. Onions and other bulbous roots, when hung up in a room ſheltered from rain and dew, are obſerved to germi- (( 99 99 ). germinate, and to acquire a great increaſe of bulk, and it might thence. have been fufpected, that they at- tracted much water from the air, and were increaſed in weight. But though they may increaſe in bulk, they are found to decreafe in weight; the root itſelf, in becoming rotten, fupplies nutriment to the germinat- ing plant; and if it imbibes any thing from the air, it lofes that and more by perſpiration. An onion on the 26th of January, when it had fcarce begun to fhew any figns of vegetation, weighed 296 grains; on the reth of the following May, after having put forth feveral ftems in the open air, it weighed only 145 grains *. The increaſe of weight which the G 2 human Novi Com. Petrop. Tom. II. p. 2 P. 225. ( 100 ) human body, in many cafes, experi- ences from the water which the pores. of the body fuck in from the air, is another very fenfible proof of the great quantity of water which is conftantly diffolved in the air. Keil has proved, that a young man weakened from want of nou- riſhment, but in other refpects healthy, added eighteen ounces to his weight, in the ſpace of one night, and this by the abforption through his pores. Another perfon has been feen to gain 40lbs. weight, in the ſame manner, in the ſpace of a day. M. de Haen is of opinion, that dropfical patients abſorb more than 100lbs. weight every day. It is fuppofed, that in general, the body abforbs more than 1lb, every day by ( ΙΟΙ by the pores." The ſkin of a middle-fized man is equal to about 15 fquare feet, and if we fuppofe the fkin of a dropfical perfon to be 20 fquare feet, then will each fquare foot imbibe 5lbs. or pints of water in one day. In addition to thefe inftances I will fubjoin the following account, which was given me by a perfon of credit and judgment. A lad at New- market, a few years ago, having been almoft ftarved, in order that he might be reduced to a proper weight for riding a match, was weighed at 9 o'clock in the morning, and again at 10, and he was found to have gained near 30 ounces in weight in the courſe of an hour, though he had G 3 Treatife of Phyfic by Zimmerman, Vol. II. P. 128. ( 102 ) : had only drank half a glafs of wine in the interval. The wine probably ftimulated the action of the nervous ſyſtem, and incited nature, exhauſted by abſtinence, to open the abſorb- ent pores of the whole body, in or- der to fuck in fome nouriſhment from the air. Something fimilar to this was the cafe of the negro, who, being gibbetted alive, regularly voided every morning a large quan- tity of urine, but difcharged no more till about the fame hour the next day*; the dews of the even- ´ing at Charles Town in South Ca- rolina, imbibed by his body, fupply- ing a fuperabundance of fluids in the night, and a fufficient quantity to fupport perfpiration in the day. It has been obferved, that "neither hogs * Medical Tranf. Vol. II. p. 103. nor ( 103 ) ter * nor beafts of burden ever drink in Jamaica, and yet they are continu- ally fweating. The air is fo moift, that the abſorbing pores of thefe animals imbibe a fufficiency of wa- The imbibition of water through the pores of the fkin is an acknowledged fact" it is well known, that perfons who go into a warm bath, come out feveral ounces heavier than they went in; their bodies having imbibed a correfpon- dent quantity of water †. Part of the utility of medicated and vapour baths, depends upon this principle of imbibition by the pores: and it is ſaid that thirſt may be allayed by bathing in warm fea water, the pores G 4 Treatife of Phyf. Vol. II. p. 101. im- + Goldfinith's Hift. of the Earth, Vol. I. p. 238-398. ( 104 ). 1 imbibing the water, and carrying it to the inteftines, but not fuffering the diffolved falt to accompany the water. With refpect to the quantity of water fufpended in the whole atmo- fphere, or even in a column of the atmoſphere, of a definite bafis, in- cumbent on any particular fpot, it cannot be aſcertained with precifion, unleſs we knew fome method of de- priving the air of all the water it contains, and could at the fame time make the experiment at different diſtances from the furface of the earth. For it is not only probable, that a cubic yard of air, contiguous to the furface of the earth, contains at different times very different quantities of water, even at the fame place, according as the ground is moift ( 105 () 105 moiſt or dry, or the temperature of the weather warm or cold; but we have great reaſon to believe, that at the fame inftant of time, a cubic yard of air, which touches the furface of the earth, contains as much wa- ter as three or four cubic yards, which are fituated at the diftance of thirty or forty yards above it. For the water which riſes from the fur- face of the ocean, from the perfpi- ration of organized bodies, whether vegetable or animal, or from the mere action of the fun on a moiſt earth, in being diffolved in the air as foon as it rifes, makes the air near the ſurface heavier than that which is at a diſtance from it, and on that account the motion of the air, unless it be violent, will not readily mix the lower and heavier air with the higher ( 106 ) higher and lighter, and the lower air will confequently contain more water in a definite bulk, than the higher. To what has in a former Effay been obferved on this fubject, the follow- ing illuftration may be added. If into a deep drinking glafs half full of water, you gently pour a glaſs of port or claret, you will fee the wine mixing indeed itfelf flowly with the water, but that part of it which is near the water, will be much more impregnated, in any definite portion of time, with water, than the more remote parts, it will be a confider- able time before the water will be uniformly diffufed through the wine, if they are left undisturbed; nor does a gentle undulating motion foon mix them, and this difficulty of mixing them would be ſtill much greater, ( 107 ) 1 greater, if there was a greater dif ference in their refpective weights, or if the upper parts of the wine were lefs denſe than the lower. Now this. is the cafe in the air, which is not only above 800 times lighter than water, but its parts, which are far removed from the furface, are much lefs denfe than thofe which are con- tiguous to it. That denfe air holds more water in folution than rarefied air, is proved from hence; that when common air is rarefied under the receiver of an air-pump, a part of the water which is contained is pre- cipitated, in the form of dew; this anſwers to the precipitation of falt from a faline folution, when part of the water is taken away, which held the falt in folution. Hence, as cold tends to render the air more denfe, I it ( 108 ) it certainly contributes to its holding more water in folution than it would do, if it was more rarefied under the fame degree of heat: but as hot air diffolves more water than cold air, and as air is rarefied by heat, it is evident, that the denfity and heat of the atmoſphere in fome meaſure counteract each other, with reſpect to the power the air has in diffolving water: the law according to which this power varies, in different de- grees of heat and condenſation, is not determinable from any experi- ments which have yet been made. It may not be improper to take notice, in this place, of an objection which is ufually made to the doctrine. here advanced,- of water being fufpended in the air by folution-It is afferted, that water is as evapor- able ( 109 ) able in an exhauſted receiver, where there is no air, as in the open air * It is certain, that heat will evaporate water, and great degrees of it may, probably, evaporate it faſter in vacuo than in the open air, inafmuch as the preffure of the air may tend to obftruct the action of the heat, in converting the water into vapour. Thus, quickfilver is not, I appre- hend, evaporable in the open air, yet it has long been remarked to be evaporable in vacuo, as may be col- lected from the little globules of quickfilver, generally found adher- ing to the upper part of a barome- ter, and which arife from the vapour which infenfibly efcapes from the furface of the quickfilver in the tube. * Berlin Mem. 1746. Waller de Afcen. Vapo. in vacuo. ( 110 ) tube. But though heat may be one caufe of the evaporation of water, the attraction between air and water, upon whatever principle it depends, may be another. The fact moreover, upon which the objection is found- ed, is very queftionable, and not ge- nerally to be admitted. A china faucer, which contained 3 ounces of water, loft nothing of its weight un- der an exhaufted receiver in the fpace of 4 hours; whilft a fimilar faucer, containing an equal quantity of water, loſt, in the fame time, in the open air, one drachm and eight grains; the heat of the atmofphere being between 48 and 50 degrees *. Many readers are gratified with feeing the general progrefs of any philo- * See Dr. Dobfon's ingenious Obferva- tions in Philof. Tranf. 1777, p. 256. ( III ) philofophical opinion, from its being first fuggefted, till its being general- ly admitted. of philofophy, is one of the moſt pleafing purſuits which a fpeculative mind can be engaged in, but it re- quires great leiſure and ability to cultivate it with fuccefs. It is not every diftant hint which he throws out, that can intitle a philofopher to the credit of being the firft framer of an hypothefis; nor on the other hand are we haftily to reject the maxim, that "all novelty is but ob- livion," inasmuch as we frequently fee old opinions putting on the ap- pearance of new difcoveries, from their being dreffed out in a new form. The hiftory, indeed, Natural philofophy principally confifts in exploring, by experiment, the ( 112 ) the phenomena refulting from the mutual action of different bodies upon each other. Theſe phenomena are innumerable, no arithmetic can reckon up the various ways in which terreſtrial bodies may, by natural or artificial means, be brought to ope- rate on one another. To this cauſe may we attribute the immenfe num- ber of volumes on experimental phi- lofophy, which have been publiſhed in Europe fince Bacon pointed out the proper method of ftudying na- This circumſtance, joined to the uniformity which muft ever at- tend the operations of nature in fimilar circumſtances, may juftly in- title different men to the honour of having made the fame diſcoveries, it being much eaſier to make an ex- periment, which may have been made ture. ( 113 ) made before, than to read all that has been written in different ages and countries on natural appear- ances. Doctor Halley, in the year 1691, propoſed to the Royal Society, his opinion concerning the origin of fprings in this tract he expreffes himſelf in the following manner: "The air of itſelf would imbibe a certain quantity of aqueous vapours, and retain them like falts diffolved in water, the fun warming the air, and raifing a more plentiful vapour from the water in the day time, the air would fuftain a greater portion of vapour, as warm water would hold more diffolved falts, which upon the abfence of the fun, in the nights, would be all again diſcharged in dews, VOL. III. H ( 114 ) dews, analagous to the precipitation of falts on the cooling of liquors.' M. Le Roy publiſhed an ingeni- ous differtation on the folubility of water in air, in the year 1751; among other experiments, by which he illuf- trated his hypothefis, he obferves, that if a large, new, hollow, globular glafs veffel, with a narrow neck, be cloſely corked up in a clear hot day, the water contained, in the apparent- ly dry air, will be precipitated, and form a dew in the infide of the veffel, whenever the veffel is cooled, and that this dew will vaniſh, being re- diffolved by the air included in the veffel, as ſoon as the air regains its heat. Doctor Franklin further illuſtrated this principle, of water being foluble * Philof. Tranſ. No. 192. in (115) in air, in a paper which was read be- fore the Royal Society in 1756, and afterwards printed in his works*. In the French Encyclopedie, pub- lished in 1756, we meet with the following paffage-on voit par la combien fe trompent ceux qui s' imaginent que l'humidite qu'on voit s'attacher autour d'un verre plein d'une liqueur glacee eft une vapeur condenfee par le froid: cet effet, de meme que celui de la formation des nuages de la pluie, et de tous les meteors aqueux, eft une vraie preci- pitation chimique, par un degre de froid qui rend l' air incapable de tenir en diffolution toute l'eau dont il s'etoit charge par l'evaporation dans un tems plus chaud; et cette precipitation eft precifement du H 2 * Franklin on Elec. p. 182. meme ( 116 ) 5 meme genre que celle de la creme de tartre, lorſque l'eau qui la tenoit en diffolution s' eft refroidie*. Mufchenbroek, amongſt other caufes which he affigns for the fufpenfion of vapour, evidently alludes to the folution of water in air, and com- pares it to the folution of falts in water.† But though a great many philo- fophers had fpoken of the folubility of water in air, before Doctor Hamil- ton, yet in juftice to him it muſt be owned, that no one has treated the ſubject more diſtinctly, or applied it more fucceſsfully to the explanation of various phenomena than he has done, in an effay which was read to the * Ency. Fran. T. VI. p. 283. Fol. Ed. Introd. ad Phil. Nat. Vol. II. p. 965, pub. 1769. ( 117 ) the Royal Society in 1765, and after- wards publiſhed with other effays, by the fame author.* The reader will be very well pleafed with feeing this principle illuftrated in an effay by Mr. White, publiſhed in 1771, in the elegant collection of Georgi- cal Effays by Doctor Hunter. * Philo. Effays by Hugh Hamilton, D. D. F. R. S. † Georgical Effays by Doctor Hunter, Vol. II. p. 15. H3 دی ESSAY ESSAY IV. OF COLD PRODUCED DURING THE EVAPORATION OF WATER, AND THE SOLUTION OF SALTS. O Nthe 27th of March 1779, when the weather had been for fome time very dry, I put a thermometer into a glass of water, which had been heated to 87 degrees, by ftand- ing expofed to the direct rays of the fun. The thermometer was then taken out, and its bulb was held op- pofite to the fun, which fhone very H 4 bright; ( 120 ) bright; as the bulb grew dry by the evaporation of the water, the mer- cury in the thermometer funk very faft; it continued for a moment fta- tionary at 76 degrees, and then it roſe rapidly to 90; fo that 11 de- grees of cold had been produced during the evaporation of the water. On another day in the fame month, when the heat in the fhade was 68 degrees, I put a thermometer into a glaſs of water, it ſtood at 50 degrees; upon taking it out, the mercury in- ftead of finking from the effect of evaporation, began immediately to rife from the effect of the heat of the atmoſphere upon it. I put the ther- mometer into the fame water, heat- ed to 55 degrees, and taking it out, the mercury continued ftationary for fome time, and afterwards it began to ( 121 ) to rife. It was put into the fame water heated to 58 degrees, and up- * on being taken out, the mercury did not either rife or continue ſtationary, but it funk one degree; when the water was heated to 60 degrees, the thermometer upon being taken out, funk 3 degrees before it began to rife. Thefe experiments were all made in the fhade, and it ſeems as if we might conclude from them, that 57 was the degree of heat in the wa- ter, in which the cold produced by evaporation, was juft equal to the heat produced by the atmoſphere which then ſurrounded the ball of the thermometer. The degree of cold produced by evaporation, depends, probably, up- on the quickness with which that is accomplished: now the quicknefs with ( 122 ) with which water, of a definite tem- perature, is evaporated, is influenced, partly by the degree of heat prevail- ing in the atmoſphere; partly by the wind blowing upon the thermo- meter; partly by the dryneſs or moiſtneſs of the air; and by other cauſes. September 30th of the fame year, when the heat in the fhade was 64 degrees, and the heat of the water 60, the thermometer upon being taken out, ſtood ſtationary for three minutes, and then it rofe; there was a gentle fouth wind. On the next day there was a cold dry wind from the north, the water and air were both at 56 degrees, and the thermo- meter on being taken out funk to 52. Spirits of wine, ether, and many other fluids, produce cold by being eva- ( 123 ) evaporated, and they produce a much greater degree of cold than water, in confequence, probably, of their be- ing more evaporable. Thus, vitrio- lic ether, which is one of the moſt volatile fluids in nature, has been obferved to lower Reaumur's ther- mometer 40 degrees below the freez- ing point (which anfwers to go de- grees of Fahrenheit's fcale). The experiment is most commodiouſly made, by applying a piece of fine linen wetted with ether upon the bulb of the thermometer, accelerat- ing Ether is made by diftilling a mixture of fpirits of wine and oil of vitriol.-Ether may be made alfo by diftilling fpirits of wine with the feveral acids of nitre, fea falt, and vinegar, and it is then called the nitrous, marine, acetous ether. Chem. Dict. art. Ether. Or Manuel de Chymie, par. M. Baumé, p. 375. % ( 124 ) ing the evaporation by blowing on the linen with a bellows, and moiſt- ening the linen as it becomes dry, or exchanging it for a fresh piece which is wetted with ether. Who- ever attempts to aſcertain the degrees of cold refpectively produced by dif ferent fluids, would do well to re- mark particularly the ftate of the atmoſphere with respect to other cir- cumftances, as well as to its heat. Sailors have a cuftom, in a calm, to hold a wet finger up into the air, and if one fide of it, in drying, be- comes colder than another, they ex- pect wind from that quarter. This cuſtom is not without its foundation; for an almoſt infenfible motion of the air, will evaporate the water from one fide of the finger fooner than ( 125 ) than from another, and thus pro- duce a degree of cold. There is a fimilar experiment, by which any one may convince himſelf that cold is produced by evapora- tion; let him wet a finger by putting it in his mouth, and then hold it up in the air, even in a warm room where there is no current of air, he will find that it grows cold as it be- comes dry by the evaporation of the humidity. "The method our gentlemen make ufe of to cool their liquors, is to wrap a wet cloth round the bottle and ſet it in the land wind: and, what is very remarkable, it will cool much fooner by being expofed thus to this burning wind, than if you take the fame method, and fet it in the 126) the cold fea-breeze."*-The cold is produced by the evaporation of the water from the wet cloth, and as the bot land-wind will evaporate the water fooner than the cold fea-breeze, it is not to be wondered at, that the liquor is fooner cooled when placed in the former wind than in the latter. "Kempfer relates, that the winds are fo fcorching on the borders of the Perfian gulph, that travellers are fuddenly fuffocated, unleſs they co- ver their heads with a wet cloth; but if this be too wet, they immedi- ately feel an intolerable cold, which would become fatal to them if the moiſture were not fpeedily diffipated by the heat." The cold, which is pro- * Ives's Voy. p. 77. Treatiſe of Phyfic by Zimmerman, Vol II. P. 151. ( 127 ) produced by the act of evaporation, ceaſes as foon as that is finiſhed, by the cloth becoming dry. The manner of making ice in the Eaſt Indies, has an evident depend- ence on the principle of producing cold by evaporation here mentioned. On large open plains the ice makers dig pits about 30 feet fquare and 2 deep; they ftrew the bottoms of theſe pits, about eight inches or a foot thick, with fugar canes, or with the dried ſtems of Indian corn. Upon this bed they place a number of unglazed pans, which are made of fo porous an earth, that the water penetrates through their whole fub- ftance. Theſe pans, which are about a quarter of an inch thick, and an inch and a quarter deep, are filled, towards the duſk of the even- 1 ing ( 128 ) ing in the winter feafon, with water which has been boiled, and then left in that fituation till the morning, when more or lefs ice is found in them, according to the temperature of the weather; there being more formed in dry and warm weather, than in that which is cloudy, though it may chance to be colder to the feel of the human body. Every * thing in this procefs is calculated to produce cold by evaporation; the bed on which the pans are placed, fuffers the air to have a free paffage to their bottoms, and the pans, in conftantly cozing out water to their external furface, will be cooled in confequence of that water being evaporated by a gentle ſtream of warm dry air, the power * Philof. Tranf. for 1775, P. 252, of the ( 129 ) the air to evaporate water depending much upon its warmth and dryneſs. They have a kind of earthen jar in fome parts of Spain, called Buxa- ros, which are only half baked, and the earth of which is fo porous, that the outfide is kept moift by the wa- ter filtering through; though placed in the fun, the water in the pots re- mains as cold as ice*: and it probably is colder from the jar being placed in the fun, becauſe the evaporation is thereby increaſed. The Blacks at Senegambia have a fimilar method of cooling water. .66 They fill tanned leather bags with it, and hang them up in the fun; the water oozes more or lefs through the leather, fo as to keep the out- ward ſurface of it wet, which, by its * Swinburne's Trav. p. 305. I VOL 111. quick ( 130 ) quick and continued evaporation, occafions the water within the bag to grow confiderably cool *." It is common enough for labour- ing people, in the height of fummer, to drink ſeveral quarts of beer or other beverage in a day; this quan tity is principally diſcharged from the body by perſpiration; and the cold which is generated during the evaporation of the fweat, greatly contributes to keep the body cool. Thus has Providence contrived to render the heat of the torrid zone leſs inſupportable to the inhabitants; an intenfe heat bathes the body in fweat, but the fweat being evaporated by the fame heat which occafioned it, a degree of cold is generated on Philof. Tranf 1780, p. 486. the (131) the furface of the body, which would not otherwiſe have been produced. It ſeems reaſonable to attribute the cold, which is produced in theſe and other fimilar circumftances, to the evaporation of the water, rather than to any other caufe; becauſe when the bulb of a thermometer is wetted with different fluids, the cold produced has a manifeſt dependence on the evaporability of the Auid with which it is wetted. Thus, more cold is produced when the thermometer is wetted with fpirits of wine, than when it is wetted with water, becauſe fpirits of wine are more evaporable than water; and more is produced when it is wetted with ether than with ſpirits of wine, becauſe ether is more evaporable than ſpirits of wine. No cold is pro- duced I 2 ( 132 ) duced when the thermometer is fmeared with linfeed oil, or other oils of a fimilar nature, becauſe theſe oils are not fenfibly evaporable in the ordinary heat of the atmoſphere. Strong acid of vitriol, when expoſed to the air, inſtead of lofing any thing of its weight, acquires an increaſe, by attracting the humidity of the atmoſphere; and as ftrong acid of vitriol, when mixed with water, ge- nerates a degree of heat, fo the bulb of the thermometer, when wetted with ſtrong acid of vitriol, inſtead of being cooled, is warmed, and the mercury afcends, in confequence of the heat produced from the union of the acid of vitriol with the water contained in the air. When water is refolved into va- pour, by the violence of a fall from a con- (133) a confiderable height, the air will diffolve it ſooner; and, in diffolving it fooner, it will, probably, produce more cold than it would have done, if the ſurface of the water had not been broken: hence natural and arti- ficial cafcades may, probably, be fer- viceable in cooling the air furround- ing them. This obſervation is pur- pofely expreffed in different terms, becauſe, having more than once ſprin- kled the floor and fides of a room with water in the fummer - time, when the heat of the air in the room and of the water was 68 degrees, I could not obferve that a thermometer, hung in the middle of the room, changed its degree of heat whilſt the room grew dry. In very hot climates the effect may, probably, be. different; thus we are told, that in the 1 3. ( 134 ) 1 the iſland of St. Lewis, in the river Senegal," water poured on the floor of a room for the purpoſe of cool-- ing the air, is dried up in an inſtant, and there is fome effect on the thermo- meter placed in fuch a room *.' This phenomenon of producing cold by evaporation, had been men- tioned by M. Amontons in the year 1699 t. It had been noticed alfo by M. Mairan in 1749‡, and by Muſſ- chenbroek, in his Effai de Phyſique.. Profeffor Richman, at Peterſburgh, gave an account of feveral experi- ments, which he had made on this ſubject in 1747 and 1748 ||, but he * Philof. Tranf. 1780, p. 485. did + Mem. de l'Acad. des Scien. à Paris, 1699. Differtation fur la Glace. Novi Comment. Petrop. Tom. I. for 3747 and 1748. ( 135 ) did not explain the finking of the mercury in the thermometer, whilft its bulk grew dry, on the principle of evaporation. Dr. Cullen has very particularly illuſtrated this principle, in a paper publiſhed in 1756; and he has there fhewn, that the cold produced was greater, when the evaporation was made in vacuo, than in the open air *. Laſtly, Pro- feffor Braun, to whom the world is indebted for the difcovery of freezing quickfilver, has made a further in- veſtigation of this matter, by pub- liſhing a table of the degrees of cold produced during the evaporation of different fluids. During the folution of falts in wa- * Effays, Phyfical and Literary, Vol. II Edinb. 1756. p. 145. † Novi Commen. Petrop. Tom. X. 1.764.. L. 4 ter. ( 136 ) ter, either cold or heat, is generally produced, but more commonly cold.. Fixed alkaline falts, Glauber's falt,. and white vitriol, produce fmall de- grees of heat during their folution. Sal ammoniac produces the greateſt: degree of cold, of any falt hitherto known. When Fahrenheit's thermometer ſtood at 68 degrees, both in the open air, and in the water which was uſed for the experiments, I faturat- ed equal portions of water with fal ammoniac, with faltpetre, and with fea falt. The fal ammoniac made the mercury fink from 68 to 42 de- grees, hence 26 degrees of cold were produced; the nitre produced 17 degrees, and the fea falt produced only 2 degrees of cold. I repeated the experiment with the fea falt feve- ral: ( 137 ) ral times, and with different forts of it, but I could never obſerve that it produced above 2 or at moft 2 de- grees of cold. The experiments with fal ammoniac and faltpetre agree very well with thofe made by M. Eller, and mentioned in the Ber- lin Memoires for 1750; fince he pro- duced almoſt 27 degrees with fal ammoniac, and 18 with fältpetre. Boerhaave, indeed, made the ther- mometer defcend through 28 de- grees, by diffolving fal ammoniac in water; but he had reduced his falt to a very fine powder, and dried it well before he uſed it; and a differ- ence in the fineneſs of the powder to which the falts are reduced before they are diffolved, may make a dif- ference of a degree or two in the cold produced; for the finer the falt, ît the ( 138 ) the more furface has the water to act upon, and the quicker will the folu- tion be performed; and as the cold is produced only by the act of folu- tion, the fooner that is accompliſh- ed, the less effect will the heat of the atmoſphere have, in reftoring to the water, during the time of the folu- tion, any part of the heat it may have been deprived of, during the immediate action of the water upon the ſalt. Does any given kind of falt, dur- ing its folution in water, produce the fame number of degrees of cold, whatever be the temperature of the water before folution? I have only endeavoured to refolve this queſtion. with reſpect to fal ammoniac, and it ſeems to me that the quantity of cold: produced, is not influenced by the tempe- ( 139 ) temperature of the water. In the ſummer ſeaſon, when the temperature of the air, water, and fal ammoniac were each of them 70 degrees, the water fank during the folution of as much fal ammoniac as would fatu- rate it, to 44 degrees, or through 26 degrees. I thawed fome fnow in winter, the thermometer ſtood in the fnow water at the freezing point, or at 32 degrees; by putting fal ammo- niac, which was equally cold, into. the water, the thermometer defcend- ed during ſolution to fix degrees, or through 26 degrees. The poffibility of freezing water in the middle of fummer, is rightly enough inferred from this experi- ment. In a tub, ſuppoſe of 3 feet in diameter, place a bucket, a little taller than the tub, of 1 foot in dia- meter; ( 140 ) meter; in the bucket hang a Florence flaſk, or a flat lavender water bottle, fo that the mouth of the bottle may be above the rim of the bucket: fill thefe veffels with water heated, fup- poſe, to 70 degrees. Saturate the } water in the tub with fal ammoniac, then will the 70 degrees of heat be reduced to 44, the water lofing, dur- ing the folution of the falt, 26 de- grees. The water in the bucket being furrounded with this cold fluid, will itſelf be cooled; fuppofe it to be cooled only to 50 degrees, then by faturating it with fal ammoniac, it will lofe 26 degrees more of its heat, and be cooled to 24 degrees. The water in the bottle being im- merſed in a fluid, heated only to 24- degrees, will foon be cooled below the (141) the freezing point or 32 degrees, and confequently will concrete into ice. The cold, in all theſe cafes, is ge.. nerated only during the time of the folution. The water recovers the temperature of the atmoſphere fooner or later, according as its quantity is lefs or greater, and as the furface ex- poſed to the air is greater or lefs; it is here fuppofed, that the heat of the atmoſphere remains the fame. The different degrees of cold produced by different falts, do not depend up- on any general cauſe which has yet been diſcovered, nor is there any very fatisfactory reafon given for theſe, and other fimilar productions of cold or heat. The time may come when we fhall be able to compre- hend the reaſon why the acid of ni- tre has fuch different effects when mixed ( 142 ) (142 mixed with fnow from what it has when mixed with fnow water; when mixed with fnow water, it excites a very great degree of heat; and when mixed with fnow, it produces the greateſt degree of cold that has ever yet been obferved *. Rerum natura facra fua non fimul tradit. Initiatos nos credimus, in veftibulo ejus hæremus. Illa Arcana non promifcuè nec omnibus patent; reducta et in inferiore Sacra- rio claufa funt. Ex quibus aliud hæc etas, aliud quæ poft nos fubibit, adfpi- ciet. * Vol. I. p. 267. ESSAY ESSAY V. OF THE DEGREES OF HEAT IN WHICH WATER BEGINS TO PART WITH ITS AIR, AND IN WHICH IT BOILS. T HE air bubbles, which in fum- mer time adhere to the infides of decanters, water glaffes, and other veffels filled with water, cannot have eſcaped the obfervation of any one; I have endeavoured to afcertain the degree of heat in which thefe bub- bles begin to be formed. 3 Into ( 144 ) Into a water glafs filled with wâ- ter I immerſed a thermometer; the heat of the water was 64 degrees; the water was fet in a cloſet, where the fun never fhone, for two days; the heat remained much the fame during that period, and there was no appearance of bubbles. The glafs, with the immerfed thermemeter, was then fet in the fun, and when the heat amounted to about 90 de- grees, feveral air bubbles were found adhering to the graduated fide of the thermometer, and fome were begin- ning to be formed on the bottom and fides of the glaſs. Having frequently feen the in- fides of veffels containing water, ftudded with bubbles, when the heat, it was apprehended, was much lefs than 90 degrees; I put a thermome- ter * ( 145 ) ter into a water-glaſs at a time when it abounded with bubbles, and found that the heat of the water was not above 64 degrees. The refult of this experiment be-. ing very different from that of the preceding, in which the air did not begin to ſeparate itſelf from the wa- ter till the heat was about 90 de- grees, I was for ſome time at a lofs how to account for the difference; recollecting, however, that the water, which required 90 degrees of heat before it parted with its air, was pumped from a well fed by a ſtream, which had run four miles in the open air; and that the other water, which let go its air at 64 degrees, was pumped from a well fed by fubterraneous fprings, I attributed the difference in the degree of heat K requi- VOL. III. ( 146 ) requifite to make theſe waters part with their air, to the different quali- ties of the waters. In order to try theſe waters under- fimilar circumftances, two water- glaffes were filled, one with common well-water, another with that which had been fupplied by the ſtream; on being expoſed to the air, bubbles began to be formed in the well wa- ter when the heat amounted to 60 degrees, the other did not part with any of its air in the fame degree of heat. I was at firft difpofed to think, that theſe experiments pointed out a general difference between river wa-- ter and well water, with refpect to their difpofition for retaining or part- ing with their air; but the following experiment, made at a different fea- 3 fon ( 147 ) (147 fon of the year, convinced me that the conjecture was not well founded. In November, when the heat of the air had been for fome time about 50 degrees, I took three water-glaffes, one was filled with rain water imme- diately after it had fallen, another with the common well water, the third with the water which came from the ſtream: the heat of theſe feveral waters was the fame, namely 48 degrees: they were all gradually warmed, by fetting the water-glaſſes in hot water, and they all began to exhibit bubbles when the heat was about 60 degrees; I thought the rain waters fhewed the moft bubbles. Hence it is plain, that the ftream water does not differ from rain or well water, except accidentally, as to the degree of heat in which it parts K 2 with ( 148 ) with its air. The first experiment, in which the bubbles were not form- ed till the heat was 90 degrees, was made after there had been ſeveral days of very hot weather, and the water in being expofed, during its courſe, to the action of the fun, had probably loft a confiderable portion of its air before it arrived at the well. All river water has a vapid taſte in fummer time, which is in part, probably, occafioned by having Joſt ſome of its air, in conſequence of its being expoſed to the rays of the fun. Water-drinkers are defirous of having water fresh from the well, fpecially in fummer time; and not without reaſon, for the heat in that eafon being generally above 60 de- grees at our principal meal time, he water, if it has been long expofed to ( 149 ) to the air, muft have fuffered a change of quality, not only from its increaſe of heat, but from a confe- quent lofs of a portion of its air. The water which fupplies the warm bath at Matlock, and which is drunk by invalids, is 68 degrees warm; hence it has loft a part of the air which it would naturally contain, and, except in very hot weather, it does not exhibit any air-bubbles in the decanters. The air begins to be visibly fepa- rated when the heat is about 60 de- grees; but it begins, probably, to be invifibly feparated when the heat is much lefs and the leaft heat will be requifite to ſeparate it, when the weight of the atmofphere is the leaſt. Philofophers have invented vari- ous methods, equally conclufive, of fhew- K 3 ( 150 ) fhewing, that water, in its ordinary ftate, contains diffolved in it a por- tion of air. And they have fhewn, that water which has loft a portion of this air, either by being frozen, or beated, or by long continued agitation, or by other means, has the property of re-abſorbing as much air from the atmoſphere as it had loft; and they have fhewn, that this abforption is the ſtrongeſt at firft, and becomes: lefs and lefs powerful, as the water becomes more and more impregnated: with air. Theſe and ſimilar obſerva- tions render it probable, that water is as capable of diffolving a certain portion of air, as it is of diffolving a certain portion of any particular kind of falt. The quantity of air, which water is capable of diffolving and retaining in folution, depends partly upon ( 151 ) upon the temperature of the water, partly upon the weight of the at- moſphere, and partly, I conceive, upon the water's purity. From theſe circumſtances, as well as from fome others which might be attended to in making the experiment, it has happened, that authors have given very different accounts of the quan- tity of air contained in water. Boerhaave has an experiment *, from which he infers, that there may be ſeparated from water a quantity of air equal in bulk to the water; the experiment is ingenioully contrived, but the conclufion, I think, is liable to fome objections. The Abbé Nollet fays, that water which has been pre- viously purged of air, abforbs, in fix days, one thirtieth of its bulk †. * Boer. Chem. Vol. I. p. 5230 ✯ Hiſt. de l'Acad. 1743. " Do&tor £ 4 ( 152 ) (152 Doctor Hales obtained by diftillation one cubic inch of air from fifty-four cubic inches of water *. Mr. Elkr is of opinion that the portion of air contained in water does not exceed the 150th part of its bulk t. Dr. Priestley found that a pint of his pump water contained about one fourth of an ounce meaſure of air, that is, the bulk of the water was to that of the air it contained, as 64 to 1 §. M. Fontana fays, that the wa- ter of the Seine at Paris, after being long boiled, abforbs in forty days . one twenty-eighth of its bulk of common air. Laftly, M. Cavallo obferves, that in a temperate degree of heat, and when the barometer is about *Veg. Stat. c. 6. † Berl. Mem. 1750. § Philof. Tranf. 1772, p. 248. Philof. Tranf. 1779, P. 439- ( 153 ) about 29 inches, water abſorbs about one fortieth of its bulk of common air * It has been remarked in another placet, that the atmospherical air con- ſiſts, in part, of fixed air; and ſome of the moſt ſtriking differences be- tween fixed and atmoſpherical air were there mentioned. If a bubble of atmoſpherical air of a definite bulk, fuppofe it equal to eleven pints, be expoſed to the action of a fuffi- cient quantity of water, which has been purged of its air by boiling, the whole of the bubble will, in a proper length of time, be abforbed by the water; but when about feven pints, or even a lefs portion, have been abforbed, the remaining part will * Cavallo on Air, p. 213. Vol. II. p. 247. ( 154 ) will refemble fixed air in this-that a candle will not burn in it *. It is very probable that water which has not been boiled may have a fimilar effect under certain circumftances. "The wells at Utrecht are from 8: to 20 feet in depth; it has been the cuſtom to make ufe of pumps to raiſe the water, and they are then covered over with a kind of arch. When, after a certain period of time, the wells are opened, on any account,. it is neceffary to leave them un- covered for 12 hours, before any perfon deſcends into them; whoever fhould venture to go down into them fooner, would expofe himſelf to immediate death. The air of thefe wells extinguishes candles like that acquired from fermentation or effer- * Philoſ. Tranſ. 1774 P. 247- ( 155 ) effervefcence *." — Stagnating air, which has brooded, though but for a ſhort time, even over running wa- ter, is found to be fo greatly altered in its quality, that it will extinguiſh flame, though it be fufficiently pure to ſupport animal life. I was in- formed of this fact by a miner in- Derbyshire, who had frequently ve- rified it by his own experience. In order to free a mining diſtrict from. water, they frequently dig for miles together fubterraneous aqueducts; fupporting the fides and roof with. timber or ftone. The mouths or outlets of thefe aqueducts or foughs, being below the level of the diftrict to be drained, there is a conſtant ſtream of water flowing through them. Theſe foughs are many of them *Lavoifier's Effays, p. 118. (156) ! them high enough for a man to walk upright in them, the water reaching to his middle or higher; and men with lighted candles fre- quently walk through them from one end to the other, in order to prevent obſtructions; it fometimes however happens, that by the falling in of the roof, or other accidents, the fough is in part dammed up: when this is the cafe, the water beyond the place where the obſtruction is, rifes to the roof of the fough, and thus prevents a circulation of air, though there is ftill a diſcharge of water through the mouth of the fough. When an accident of this kind happens, men are fent with candles in their hands to find out and remove the ob- ftruction, but before they have walk- ed fifty yards from the mouth of the fough, ( 157 ) Tough, the candles go out, though they perceive no difficulty in breath- ing, and this extinction of the can- dles will take place in 24 hours af- ter the ſtoppage of the water has commenced. Fahrenheit, Boerhaave, and other philofophers, had obferved, that the degree of heat, requifite to make water boil, was variable according to the purity of the water, and the weight of the atmoſphere. Within the ufual limits of 28 and 31 inches in the barometer, Boerhaave was of opinion, that there would be a va- riation in the heat of boiling water, amounting to 8 or 9 degrees. This fubject has of late been examined with great accuracy by Mr. de Luc, and Sir George Shuckburg; and Mr. • Chem. Vol. I. p. 171. Cavallo ( 158 ) Cavallo has given us the refult of their experiments in the annexed table, which is formed according to the ſcale of Fahrenheit's thermome ter *. TABL E. Height of the Heat of boiling water according to Barometer. Mr. de Luc Sir G. Shuckburg Parts of Parts of a a Deg. deg. Deg, deg. 26 205,17 204,91 2 2 2 26/1/ 206,07 205,82 27 206,96 206,73 27/ 207,84 207,63 28 208,69 208,25 28/1/ 209,55 209,41 29 210,38 210,28 29/12/ 210,2 211,15 30 30/1/2 212 212 31 212,79 213957 * Cavallo on Air, p. 215. 212,85 213,69 The ( 159 ) The following experiment is curi- ous in itſelf, and it illuftrates both the nature of boiling in general, and what is here advanced relative to the heat of boiling water under dif- ferent preffures of the atmoſphere. I hit upon it many years ago, when I had another object in view. My defign was, to exhibit a ftriking in- ftance of the increaſe of dimenfions produced in fluids by various de- grees of heat in order to this, I took a large glafs veffel, refembling in ſhape fuch mercurial thermometers as have a bulb at the bottom *; the bulb of this veffel held above a gallon, and the ſtem had a ſmall dia- meter, and was above two feet in length. Into this veffel I poured boiling A veffel of this fhape is ufually called a Matrass. ( 160 ) boiling water, and having filled it up to the very top of the stem, I corked it with a common cork as clofe as I could. The water and the cork were at firft contiguous to each other; but in a very little time the water began to grow cold, and as it grew cold, it contracted itſelf and funk very viſibly in the ftem; and thus the firſt intention of the experi- ment was fully anfwered. But an unexpected phenomenon prefented itfelf, the water, though it was re- moved from the fire,-was growing cold,—and had for fome time in- tirely ceafed from boiling, began to boil afreſh very violently, the bubbles were large and numerous, and continued to afcend into the ſpace between the furface of the wa- ter in the ſtem, and the cork, where they ( 161 ) they burft, for above two hours. When a hot iron was applied to that part of the ftem, through which the water, in contracting itſelf, had de- fcended, the ebullition prefently ceaſed; it was renewed when the iron was removed; and it became more. than ordinarily violent, when, by the application of a cloth dipped in cold water, that part was cooled. There is no great difficulty in accounting for thefe feveral appearances: by the finking of the water in the ftem a kind of vacuum is left between its furface and the cork; water and other fluids boil with lefs degree of heat, when the preffure on their furface is diminished; here the preffure of the atmoſphere is wholly removed by means of the cork, and the water continues to boil, though its heat be L VOL. III. con- ( 162 ) (162 conftantly decreafing. The interval between the water and the cork is not, as will be fhewn prefently, a perfect vacuum; it is occupied either by the vapour of the water, or by a fmall portion of air, or by both; heat increaſes the elafticity of both air and vapour, and thus augments the preffure upon the furface of the water, hence, the ceafing of the ebullition on the application of the hot iron; cold diminishes the elafti- city of air, and condenfes vapour, and thus, the preffure upon the fur- face being leffened by the applica- tion of the cold cloth, the ebullition of the water became more violent. When the water ceafed boiling I poured it on the bulb of a thermo- meter, and found that its heat was only 130 degrees, Another ( 163 ) Another circumftance deferving of notice remains to be mentioned. When the water was become cold, it had funk through the whole ftem, and through part of the bulb; I then inverted the veffel which contained it, into a tub of water, and obſerved upon the bottom of the bulb a large circular fpot void of water. I con- fidered this fpot as a perfect vacu- um, for it anſwered to the fpace which the water, in contracting it- felf, had deferted; and the vapour which, whilft the water was warm, might have been fuppofed to occupy that space, I was perfuaded, was condenſed by the cold: in order to fee whether it was a vacuum or not, I pulled out the cork, whilft it was under the furface of the water into which the veffel was inverted, being certain L 2 ( 164 ) • certain that if it was a vacuum, it would be inſtantly filled with water, which the preffure of the atmo- fphere would make to afcend through the ſtem. In fact, the circular ſpot was greatly diminiſhed by the afcent of the water, but never (for the ex- periment was often repeated) taken wholly away. What remained muſt have contained either air, or fome other fluid, whofe elaſticity was a counterpoize to the preffure of the atmoſphere, on the ſurface of the water in the tub. It would be too hafty a conclufion, from this circum- ftance, to attribute the formation of the bubbles to the particles of air, from which water cannot be ſepa- rated by long boiling*; for it may be, *Licet diu ebullierit aqua non erit aeris expers. Muſchen. de Aqua. ( 165 ) be, that this fmall portion of air arofe from the fubftance of the cork, or from the air in the water of the tub, that water having not been boiled; or it may have been intan- gled in the parts of the boiling water, as it was poured into the veffel, and not have had time to efcape before the cork was inferted; or, laftly, which is the leaft probable fuppofi- tion, the vapour arifing from the water may not be capable of being totally condenfed. The phenomenon of the boiling of fluids is not very fatisfactorily ex- plained. It is clear, I think, from the experiment of which I have given an account, that it cannot be attri- buted, in all cafes, either to the efcape of air from the interstices of water, or to the matter of fire, as it L 3 is ( 166 ) is called, pervading the water; for the water continued boiling for two hours after it was removed far from the fire; and the air, if it contained any, was utterly inadequate to the formation of the numerous bubbles. Boerhaave has remarked, that bubbles of the kind here ſpoken of contain no air, but he has not affigned the cauſe of their origin: Dr. Hooke af- cribes them to the fubtle parts of the water, which, when the preffure of the air is removed (probably by means of an air pump), are able to acquire the form of vapours, by that fmall degree of heat which is left in the ambient air *: and other philo- fophers have adopted this idea, without hinting at, what Hooke fup- pofed, See Birch's Hift. of the Royal Society. The Abbe Nollet and Dr. Hamilton. ( 167 ) pofed, a different degree of volatility in the parts of the water. From what has been advanced we may conclude, that the Almighty, when he ſeparated the chaotic mafs into air and water, did not render theſe two oceans of matter fo wholly heterogeneous from each other, as that they ſhould be incapable of con- tracting any union together; they have, on the contrary, fuch a difpo- fition to unite, as feems to indicate their having had a common origin; and were it not for the intervention of heat, they would, probably, unite, and again compofe a common mafs. The water on the furface of the earth is conftantly replete with air, and the atmoſphere is replete with water. The numerous tribe of aquatic ani- mals, L 4 ( 168 ) mals, which inhabit the ocean of water, would perish, if it contained no air; and it is not an improbable conjecture, that the animals which exiſt in this ocean of air, would pe- riſh if it contained no water. The air, moreover, by being abforbed into the water, and afterwards fepa- rated from it by the action of the fun, to which it is daily expoſed, is ren- dered abundantly more fit for animal refpiration than common air; and this purified air (the quantity of which, confidering the great extent of the furface of the earth which is covered with water, muft be very confiderable) cannot but be one great means of reſtoring to the whole maſs of air, thofe falubrious qualities of which it is daily deprived, by the respi- ( 169 ) refpiration of animals, the putrefac- tion of bodies, the combustion of fuel, and other cauſes.* * Dr. Priestley has obferved, "that the fame water, which, if examined immediately, gives only a ſmall quantity of bad air, yields Spontaneously about ten times the quantity of pure dephlogiſticated air, after ftanding fome time expofed to the fun." Phil. Tranf. 1779, P. 377. An animal will live five times as long in what is called here dephlogiſticated air, as it will in common air of the beſt quality. ..h ESSAY ESSAY VI. OF WATER IN A SOLID STATE; OF THE HEAT OF SPRING WATER; AND OF A PROBABLE CAUSE OF THE IMPREGNATION OF SULPHU- REOUS WATERS. TH HE mind of man admits with great reluctance, the truth of every teftimony concerning matters of fact, which happen to be repug- nant to the uniform experience of his fenſes; hence the general back- wardness 4 ( 172 ) wardness to believe the miracles re- corded in the bible; and hence the Dutchman who informed the king of Siam, that water in his country would fometimes, in cold weather, be fo hard that men walked upon it, and that it would bear an elephant, if he were there, was efteemed a per- fon unworthy of credit, the king, as Mr. Locke relates the ftory, faying to him," Hitherto I have believed the ftrange things you have told me, becauſe I look upon you as a fober man, but now I am fure you lie.”* Mabine, the native of Borabora, could fcarcely be perfuaded, even by the information of his fenfes, of the reality of the fame effect. The ap- pearance of "white ftones," as he called * Locke's Effay on the Hum. Und. B. IV. C. XV. ( 173 ) called hail, which melted in his hand was altogether miraculous to him; and when he had been with difficulty convinced that an exten- five field of ice was not common land, he was determined at all events to call it "white land," by way diftinguiſhing it from all the reft*. of This determination of the favage was made in the true fpirit of philo- fophy, for ice in fmall particles is a fpecies of earth, and in folid maſſes it may be confidered as a kind of tranſparent ſtone. The waters, fays Job, fpeaking of the effect of froft, are hid as with a stone; that is, water conceals its nature, by affuming a ftone-like hardneſs and confiftence when it becomes ice. The Ruffians * Forſter's Voy. Vol. I. p. 530. + Chap. xxxviii. 30. applied ( 174 ) applied ice to the fame purpoſes with ſtone, at the whimfical mar- riage of Prince Gallitzen, in 1739; an houſe, confifting of two apart- ments, was built with large blocks of ice, the furniture of the apart- ments, even to the nuptial bed, was made of ice; and the icy cannon and mortars, which were fired in honour of the day, performed their office more than once without burfting.* Ice, however, differs from all other earths and ftones, not only in its melting in a much lefs degree of heat than any of them, but in its being fubject to a conftant diminu- tion of its weight when expofed to the open air, in the greatest degree of cold. It generally becomes fluid in the 33d degree of heat, as indi- cated * Manftein's Mem, of Ruffia. ( 175 ) * The cated by Fahrenheit's thermometer; and Mr. Boyle, by expofing in a good balance fomewhat lefs than two ounces of ice to a fharply freezing air, a little before midnight, found it in the morning diminished in weight ten grains. " It is probable, that this diminution of the weight of ice, is owing to the abraſion of its parts by the action of the air. particles of air are thought to be larger than the particles of water, and may by their motion acquire force enough to ſeparate the particles of ice; or if this fhould not be ad- mitted, it muſt be remembered, that the air always contains a great quan- tity of water, the particles of which, when converted into particles of ice, though in this country they are fel- dom * Boyle's Works, Fol. Vol. III. p. 66. (176) dom large enough to be feen, always make themſelves felt by impinging upon our ſkin: thefe icy particles when put in motion may abrade the ſurface of a mafs of ice, and cauſe thereby a conftant diminution of its weight. In confirmation of this ex- planation it may be obferved, that ice fuffers no lofs of its weight in a veffel devoid of air, veffel full of air. * nor in a cloſe That the icy particles, contained in a freezing at- moſphere, ſhould be able to act upon ice, cannot be a matter of difficult conception to thofe who recollect, that the hardeſt bodies in nature. fuffer a diminution of their weight, by the friction of the minute parts of the fame kind of bodies; dia- mond * Hamilton on the Afcent of Vapours, p. 71. (( 177 ) mond duft being effentially necef fary for the cutting or polishing of diamonds. That water was diminiſhed in quantity by being frozen, was known to Hippocrates; for he expreſsly ſays, that if a given quantity of water be frozen, and afterwards thawed, it will not fill the fame veffel it would have done before it was frozen * Pliny was of the fame opinion with Hippocrates, and they both of them attribute this diminution of weight to the feparation of the more fubtile parts of the water during congela- tion †. The principal caufe of the lofs of weight, fuftained by water when changed into ice, feems to be the inceffant * Hippoc. de Aqua. Plin. Hift. Nat. Lib. II. S. 61. & Lib. XXXI. S. 3• VOL. III. M ( 178 ) inceffant action of air upon its fur- face; it is true, however, that water is, by freezing, deprived of the great- eft part of the air with which, in its fluid ftate, it is ordinarily faturated; and this feparation of its air may contribute fomething towards the diminution of the water's bulk; fince water, when faturated with air, is fomewhat greater in bulk than when deprived of it. It is eafy to apprehend, that the lofs of weight which any given quan- tity, ſuppoſe a cubic foot, of ice will fuffer by expoſure to the air in a given time, will depend, partly upon the hardneſs or foftnefs of the ice, partly upon the temperature of the atmoſphere, with refpect to the de- grees of cold and humidity, partly upon the velocity of the wind which brushes 3 ( 179 ) brushes its furface, and probably enough upon the agency of other caufes with which we are lefs ac- quainted. Some philofophers have eſtimated, in general terms, the loſs of weight fuftained by a certain weight of ice, without fpecifying the magnitude of the ice's furface; others, with more accuracy, have mentioned both the weight and furface of the ice expofed to the air, but then they have either omitted to fpeak of the ice's confiftency, the temperature of the atmoſphere, the force and direction of the wind, or they have expreffed themſelves in very indefinice terms concerning thefe points, fo that we cannot be faid be faid to have hitherto gained, from their experiments, any precife information upon the fubje&. As to the fact itſelf, the moſt com- M 2 mon ( 180 ) ނ mon obfervation is fufficient to af certain us of its truth. In long con- tinued frofts, the ice formed in ponds, and other ſmall collections of water, is fenfibly diminiſhed every day, and often wholly evaporated; and a fall of ſnow may be feen confider- ably wafted in a few days, in the fevereſt ſeaſon. Notwithſtanding this diminution of weight, to which both ice and fnow are fubject in the coldeft weather, and the thaw which they experience in the hotteſt, yet fome have doubted whether the quantity of congealed water be not an increafing quantity upon the furface of the earth; and have even thought, that the globe of the earth muft in proceſs of time reſemble an egg, having its diameter from pole to pole, longer than the cqua. ( 181 ) equatorial diameter, on account of the conftant accumulation of frozen water at the two poles." After fo many years lapfe, it cannot be, I think, but that the diameter of the earth from pole to pole, from the top of the fnow at one end of the earth, to the top of it at the other end, is much longer, than in any part under the equator, though at the creation it were (as I believe) made ſpherical *. In ſome mountainous countries, the proportion between the ſnow which falls at one feafon of the year, and that which is diffolved in an- other, approaches fo near to an equality, that upon the fame fpot, the fnow may in one year be feen quite through the year, in another, * Childrey's Brit. Bacon, p. 148. M. 3 the (182) the laſt ſpeck of it will vanish in a few weeks or days, before a new fupply is brought by the approach. of winter. In colder climates, the utmoſt power of the fummer fun is not able to melt all the fnow which falls in the winter. In aſcending mount Etna, the Alps, or the Andes, though the lower parts are found to be rich in vegetation, yet you foon come to a region covered, as it fhould feem, with everlasting fnow: the height at which this region com- mences, does not admit much varia- tion in the fame latitude, but is very different in. different latitudes. It begins at the distance of near three miles above the level of the ſea, un- der the equinoctial line; and at each pole, probably, it is not removed from that level fo many hundred feet; (183) and feet; it is found to be 600 yards nearer to the level of the fea at Tene- riffe than under the equator; above 1200 yards nearer in Switzer- land than at Teneriffe Not only the tops of high moun- tains in every quarter of the globe are covered at all ſeaſons of the year with fnow, but the ocean both in the northern and fouthern hemifphere is, in high latitudes, replete with im- menfe mountains, and extenfive plains of The Hifto. Nat. des Glaciers Suiffe author fays, enfin la plupart des Montagnes voifines des poles font couvertes jufqu'à leur pied de neiges perpetuelles. This obferva- tion must not be admitted without refriction, if it be at all true, fince in Greenland, and in the latitude 79 degrees 44 minutes north, the feet of the mountains are in certain feafons freed from fnow. See Crantz's Hift. of Greenland, Vol I. p. 30. and Phipps's Voy. p. 52 and 700 M 4 ( 184 ) of ice, in the greatest heats of fum- mer; and hence it has appeared pro- bable to many, that both the fnow upon the land, and the ice upon the fea, receive an augmentation every year, from the continued agency of the fame cauſe which first produced them. A philofopher, well acquainted with the nature of the Alps, expreffes himſelf upon this fubject in the fol- lowing manner: "One cannot doubt concerning the increaſe of all the Glaciers of the Alps; for their very exiſtence is a proof, that in preced- ing ages the quantity of fnow which has fallen during the winter, has ex- ceeded the quantity melted during, the fummer. Now not only the fame cauſe ſtill ſubfifts, but the cold, oc- cafioned by the mafs of ice already formed, ( 185 ) ? formed, ought to augment it fil farther, and thence both more fnow. ought to fall, and a lefs quantity of it be melted *.” If this be admitted, the time will undoubtedly come when the fea will be diminiſhed in:: depth, if not dried up by the con-- verfion of the water, which is daily' raiſed from it, into fnow or ice; and had the world been as old, as fome are fond of fuppofing it to be, we ſhould, probably, have had no wa- ter upon its furface at the prefent day. However, it must be owned, that no argument can be drawn a- gainst the antiquity of the world, from this confideration, becauſe there is reaſon to believe that the ice and fnow upon the furface of the earth are not annually increafing in quan- tity. De Luc de l'Atmoſphere, Vol. II. p.. 328. ( 186 ) tity. For, befides the heat of the air in fummer, there is another caufe which tends to prevent an indefinite augmentation of congealed water- the internal heat of the earth. The general heat of the fprings of water,. fituated deep in the bowels of the earth, is 48 degrees; in mountainous countries, I fufpect it to be fome- what lefs, but fufficient, notwith- ſtanding, for the purpoſe here men-- tioned. When the fnow, incum- bent on any ſpot of ground, is but thin, it may fo far cool the earth, that its internal heat may not be able to diffolve it; but when the bed is thick enough to protect the earth from the influence of the atmo- fpherical cold, that furface of the fnow which is contiguous to the fur- face of the earth, may, even in the coldest (187) coldeft winters, receive more heat from the earth than it does cold from the atmoſphere, and, on that fuppo- fition, I fee no abfurdity in admitting, that it may be diffolved at all feafons of the year. The fact I believe is certain, that ftreams of water iffue from the bot- tom of the Glaciers in the Alps, in the greateſt feverity of winter; ſo that whether the internal heat of the earth be admitted, or not, as a caufe fufficient to explain the phenome- non, a conftant thaw of the ice or fnow, which is contiguous to the furface of the earth in the Alps, can-- not be denied; and this, added to other caufes, may render it probable that the quantity of congealed water has its limit, even in the coldest cli mates. The ( 188 ) The ordinary heat of fpring water, which does not feel the viciffitudes of the temperature of the atmo- ſphere, is here faid to be 48 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer; it may be worth while to add a few remarks on this fubject. In Auguſt 1778, when the heat of the air was 72 degrees, I tried, on the fame day, the temperature of feveral fprings, reputed cold, in the neigh- bourhood of Matlock; and I found them varying in heat from 50 to 54 degrees. This variation, pro- bably, proceeds from their fubterra- neous paffages being fituated at dif- ferent diſtances from the furface of· the earth, which was then much warmed by the heat of the fummer. Or it may proceed from the fprings being more or lefs mixed with the water ( 189 ) 189) water which fupplies the warm baths, the heat of that water being 68 de- There is a fubterraneous grees. paffage upon the fide of the hill near the new bath at Matlock, which ter- minates in a large cavern, fituated under one of the fields in the midway between the new and the old bath; and from this cavern, which is always full, iffues the warm water which fupplies both the baths; and it may probably ooze out in different direc- tions, and in different quantities, fo as to make the neighbouring fprings participate more or lefs of its warmth. * At Lord Godolphin's houfe on Gog- magog hills, near Cambridge, there is a well, above 230 feet in depth, which is dug through a ftratum of chalk; I have frequently examined. the heat of the water of this well, and ( 190 ) and conftantly found it to be 50 degrees. At Cherry Hinton, a village fituated at the bottom of theſe hills, there iffues from the chalk a very copious ſpring; the heat of this water, as it bubbles out of the earth, is, at all ſeaſons of the year, 50 degrees. I have tried the heat of fome deep wells dug in chalk at Bury St. Ed- mund's, and found it variable from " It has 50 to 52 degrees. been long and generally obferved, that as far as the limestone extends, that tract of ground makes the fnow that falls on it, thaw or melt fooner than it does on the neighbouring lands *" "This is Mr. Boyle's ob- fervation concerning fome limestone land in Ireland, and he fays its truth was confirmed to him by a Derby- *Boyle's Works, Vol. IV. p. 278. fhire ( 191 ) Thire miner, who affured him, that on contiguous diftricts of land, fnow was obſerved to diffolve much foon- er on the foil which covered lime- ftone, than on that which covered freeftone. If thefe obfervations may be depended on, we may, perhaps, in general infer, that the heat of cal- careous ftrata is greater than that of other kinds of ftrata, and this would furniſh a reafon for the fprings in chalk countries being of the warmth of 50, though the ordinary heat of fprings be not above 48 de- grees. In the middle of fummer, when the air was 72 degrees hot, I tried the heat of ſome fprings at Harrow_ gate in Yorkshire. Pump-water at the Granby Inn 48 degrees. — Old Spaw 45 degrees.- Pewit or Tewit well (192) well 48 degrees.-Sulphur well · 50 degrees. The cold well at Buxton, examined at the fame time of the year, was 48 degrees, and the famous Spaw at Llanrhaid'r in Denbighshire was alfo 48 degrees; St. Winifred's well, at Holywell in Flintshire, was con- fiderably warmer, the thermometer, when held in the fpring as it roſe out of the earth, ftahding at 54 de- grees. I have tried a great many other fprings in different parts of Great Britain, and found the heat of most of them to be included be- tween the limits of 48 and 54 de- : grees, the mean of which is 51. Springs on the fides of high moun- tains may, probably, participate of the cold which is found to be greater in elevated than in low fituations. There is a fpring by the fide of the : turn- · ( 193 ) turnpike road leading over the high ground called Otley Shevin in York- fhire; I obferved the heat of this fpring in September, when the air was warmed to 62 degrees, to be not 48, but only 45 degrees. The mean heat of fprings near Edinburgh is faid to be 47, and at London 51 degrees: this diverfity depends, probably, on the different elevations of London and Edinburgh above the level of the fea. I have mentioned the Sulphur well at Harrowgate, according to its uſual appellation at that place, without taking upon me to decide the long controverted queftion, concerning the exiſtence of fulphur in that and other waters of the fame kind. "Sulphur has been long efteemed a VOL. III. N * Philof, Tranf. 1775, P. 460. mine- ( (194 194 ) mineral body very common to be met with in waters; and all thoſe waters which have a strong fetid fmell, reſembling that of a foul gun, have been esteemed to be more or lefs impregnated with fulphur. How- ever, Dr. Hoffman feems to doubt much of its existence in the greater number of fuch waters; and Dr. Lucas has affirmed, that it is not to be found in the form of fulphur in any water whatever; not even in that of Aix-la-Chapelle, where a true and perfect fulphur is found on the up- per parts of the conduits through which the water paffes; for he fays, that, ftrictly speaking, thefe waters do not contain fulphur fubftantially diffolved in them, but are impreg- nated with a phlogifton and an acid, the principles of fulphur; which be- ing ( 195 ) ing in a volatile ſtate, are ſublimed, meet on the ſurface of the conduits, and there unite into a true and per- fect fulphur, which did not naturally exift in the water*." The author, from whom I have made this ex- tract, informs us, that Dr. Rutty maintains the exiſtence of fulphur in mineral waters; and that both Dr. Shaw and Dr. Short found fulphur in Harrowgate water. Notwithſtand- ing the teftimony of fuch eminent phyficians, the more recent opinion of a phyſician, whom Dr. Monro con- fulted on the fubject in 1768, is againſt the exiſtence of fulphur in fuch waters. "I have taken parti- cular notice of every appearance of the Harrowgate waters, and muſt N 2 own * Monro on Mineral Waters, Vol. I. p. 30. and 196. ( 196 ) own I never obferved any appear- ance of fulphur floating in them, nor any fcum at the top of the well; nei- ther could I meet with any perſon in that quarter, who remembered the appearance of real fulphur fublimed, upon taking up the ftones at the bottom of the well, as mentioned by Dr. Neal."I beg leave to add my own obfervation on the fubject, which I made in 1780. The water in the well rifes into a circular ftone bafon; a whitish cruft adheres to the ftone, where it is contiguous to the ſurface of the water; I fcraped off a portion of this cruft, and put- ting it on a hot iron, I found that it burned with the flame and fmell of fulphur. I do not think that this experiment abfolutely warrants us to con- * Monro on Mineral Waters, Vol. I, p. 196. ( 197 ) conclude, that actual fulphur is con- tained in this and other waters ge- nerally denominated fulphureous; we juftly infer from it, that fome- thing is fublimed from the water, which either of itſelf is fulphur, or which in conjunction with the air, or fome other principle, conftitutes fulphur. The profecution of this fubject would lead to fpeculations too ab- ſtruſe for my deſign; the following experiment, however, which I have frequently made, will, I hope, throw no inconfiderable light on the cauſe of the impregnation of fulphureous waters in general. The acid of vitriol does not act upon the common Derbyshire lead ore, except when it is affifted by heat, it then diffolves it, and a great efcape N 3 (198) efcape of air is obferved; I made this air, as it was difcharged from the ore, paſs through a high-bended tube into a bottle full of pump wa- ter: the water, in a very little time, acquired the fetid fmell of Harrow- gate water, its tafte was the fame as that of ſuch fulphureous waters as contain no falt,-it was perfectly tranfparent, but in the courſe of 24 hours it became cloudy, and loft moft of its fmell, it did not fuffer any precipitation by the addition of the acid of vitriol,-filver was blackened both by being put into this water, and by being expofed to the vapour which arofe from it; from all theſe it may properly circumſtances, enough, I think, be called an arti- ficial fulphureous water. I have obferved the fame pheno- mena ? ( 199 ) mena when, instead of lead ore, I ufed black jack; and I remember that once having placed a bottle, containing black jack and acid of vitriol, fo that its neck leaned againſt a plastered wall, I obferved fome days afterwards, that the wall was ftained, to the distance of above a foot from the mouth of the bottle, of a purple colour, efembling the purple fediment often found in ful- phureous wells. Air of the kind here fpoken of, may be ſeparated from other fub- tances, as well as from lead ore and black jack, and by other means, as well as by the acid of vitriol; and it feems very probable, that the wa- ters uſually called fulphureous, are impregnated with this kind of air, which has been feparated, in the bowels N 4 ( 200 ) bowels of the earth, from particular minerals, eſpecially fulphureous ones. It has been remarked of Harrowgate water, that as it fprings up it is clear and ſparkling, and throws up a quan- tity of air bubbles. During the procefs of impregnat- ing water with air, by diffolving lead ore in the acid of vitriol, a part of the glaſs tube was coated with a thin pellicle of fulphur, which had accompanied the air in its afcent: May not the fulphur fublimed from Harrowgate water, have accompani- ed the air which gives it its fmell? Is it certain that this kind of air does not confift of attenuated parts of ful- phur, which have acquired an elaftic force, and which cannot be con- denſed in water? Or is it not more probable, that this kind of air is one of ( 201 ) of the conftituent parts of fulphur, than fulphur itſelf? Does this air, and the inflammable air feparable from fome metallic fubftances, by folution in acids, confift of oleaginous particles in an elaftic ftate? If the reader withes to impregnate common water with the fulphureous properties of Harrowgate water, he may do it in the following fimple manner-Into an apothecary's vial, holding four or five ounces, put fome pounded lead ore, and pour upon it fome acid of vitriol (there is no occafion to be folicitous about the proportions of the lead ore and acid, for if there be more or lefs ore than the acid can diffolve, ftill air enough for the purpofe will be difcharged); wrap a few folds of wet linen round one end of a bended tube, ( 202 ) tube, infert this end into the neck of the vial fo cloſely, that no air may pafs out of the vial except through the tube; the end of the tube fhould be at fome diftance from the furface of the acid. Put the other end of the tube into a bottle. full of water, then, by fetting the vial on the hot bar of a grate, or by fome other means, heat the acid, and as foon as it is heated, it will begin to act on the lead ore, and a great quan- tity of air will be diſcharged, which will pass through the tube into the water in the bottle, and in a few mi- nutes the water will be ftrongly im- pregnated with the fulphureous pro- perties of Harrowgate water. fides its fulphureous impregnation, Harrowgate water contains fea falt; and moſt other fulphurcous waters Be.. contain ( 203 ) contain fome falt or other, ſo that to make a complete imitation of them, the falts which they ſeverally hold ſhould be added, in due pro- portion, to the water impregnated with the air here ſpoken of. Though I am greatly difpofed to believe, that fulphureous waters are impregnated with their peculiar fmell and tafte, after the manner I have deſcribed; yet, to affift the rea- der's conjectures concerning the ori- gin of this impregnation, I will men- tion another way in which it may be fuppofed to arife, and which will account for the faline taſte as well as the ſmell of the water. I know not whether any fpecies of maritime plants, containing fea falt, will impregnate water with a fulphureous fiell by means of putre- faction; ( 204 ) faction; nor whether all of them will do it by means of combuftion, but that one of them will do it I can have no doubt: I allude to the bladder fucus or fea wrack, which is burned on our coafts for the making of kelp. It has been mentioned be- fore*, that fea wrack, when burned to a black coal, will yield, by being boiled in water, a great quantity of common falt; and I would now re- mark, that the water extracts from the black afhes, not only a great quantity of common falt, but fome- thing elſe alfo, by which, without lofing its tranfparency, it acquires both the ſmell and fulphureous taſte · of Harrowgate water; and by which it is enabled, like that water, to blacken filver and white paint. This { * Vol. I. p. 137. ( 205 ) (205 That fomething I am fenfible may be what chemiſts call liver of fulphuï, or an union of fulphur with fixed alkali, and it would not be difficult to explain its formation during the combuftion of the fea wrack; no ful- phur however can be precipitated from the water by the acid of vitriol, though that acid turns it, as is the cafe with Harrowgate water, a little cloudy. The air extracted from iron by the acid of fea falt, impregnates water with a fmell fomewhat refem- bling that of Harrowgate water, but its difference both from the natural and the artificial fulphureous waters, may be eaſily diſtinguiſhed, eſpecial- ly after the water has ſtood a few hours expofed to the air. ESSAY ESSAY_VII. * OF DERBYSHIRE LEAD ORE, L EAD ore, as dug out of the mine, is generally much mixed with ſpar, limeftone, and other ſub- ftances, bulk for bulk, lighter than the ore itſelf. It undergoes various dreffings before it becomes a mer- chantable commodity, the general tendency of which is to free it, as much as poffible, from every hetero- geneous impurity. Suppoſe * The ſubſtance of this Effay was printed in the Philof. Tranf. 1768. (208) Suppofe that a cubic foot of lead ore, which contained no fpar or other extraneous matter, would weigh 7800 ounces, and that a cubic foot of ſpar, which contained no lead ore or other foreign ſubſtance, would weigh 2700 ounces, then would a mixture, con- fifting of a cubic foot of pure lead ore, and a cubic foot of pure ſpar, weigh 10500 ounces, and one cubic foot of fuch a mixture would weigh 5250 ounces. It is obvious that according to the different propor- tions in which the particular kinds of fpar and lead ore here affumed, are ſuppoſed to be mixed together, a cubic foot of the mixture will have different weights, the limits of which are on the one hand 7800, and on the other 2700 ounces; it never can weigh fo little as 2700 ounces, for .3 then ( 209 ) 209) then it would confift intirely of fpar without any lead ore; nor can it ever weigh fo much as 7800 ounces, for then it would confift intirely of lead ore without any fpar. From this view of the matter it is evident, that the purchafing of lead ore by the meafure, which is the general, though not the univerfal custom in Derbyshire, is a mode lia- ble to fome exception; fince a difh, containing any definite meafure, mult have different weights according as the ore with which it is filled is more or lefs free from fpar. And it is fcarce poffible, by repeated dreffings, to feparate all the fpar from an ore, or equal portions of it from equal portions of ore. There is a diverfity, however, in the weights of equal measures of lead VOL. III. ore (210) ore which, probably, does not arife from ſparry or other heterogeneous accretions, but from the nature of the ore itſelf. I have carefully cal- culated the weight of a cubic foot of many of the Derbyshire lead ores; the weight of a cubic foot of the lighteſt which I met with was 7051 ounces, and the weight of a cubic foot of the heavieft was 7786 ounces; the difference amounting to between a ninth and a tenth part of the weight of the lighteft. There are, proba- bly, other ores of lead, the weights of equal bulks of which differ more than theſe here mentioned; but the difference between thefe is fufficient to fhew the great uncertainty of pur- chafing lead ore by the meaſure, fince ten diſhes of one fort of ore may not weigh more than nine diſhes of ( 211 ) of another fort, though both the forts are equally well dreffed. Lead ore is not always of the fame goodneſs in the fame mine, nor even in the fame part of the fame mine; and, what is more remarkable, the different parts of the fame lump of ore have in equal bulks different weights. I could not eafily have believed this, unleſs a variety of ex- periments had convinced me of the fact. They were employed lately at Holy- well in fmelting a lead ore from the Iſle of Man; the ore was rich in filver. A lump of this ore, weighing about ten ounces, was broken into feveral pieces, and fuch of the pieces were felected as appeared to the eye to be wholly pure. I eftimated the weight of a cubic foot of fix of thofe pieces, Q 2 and ( 212 ) and found that a cubic foot of the lighteſt kind would have weighed 6565 ounces, and a cubic foot of the heaviest kind would have weigh- ed 7636 ounces. Suppofing the weight of a cubic foot of water, to be denoted by 1000, the mean weight of a cubic foot of the fix different pieces of this ore, may be expreffed by 7115 avoirdupoife ounces. A very pure fpecimen of teffella- ted lead ore, from a mine near Aſh- over in Derbyshire, was broken into fix pieces, weighing near one ounce each. A cubic foot of the lighteft of theſe pieces would have weighed 7326 ounces, and a cubic foot of the heaviest would have weighed 7786 ounces. The mean weight of a cu- bic foot of the fix pieces was 7566. At ( 213 ) At the fame mine they frequently meet with fmall quantities of fteel- grained lead ore. Six different pieces of the fame lump of this kind of ore were chofen, each of which ap- peared quite free from fpar and every other impurity. A cubic foot of the lighteft of thefe pieces would have weighed 7183 ounces, and a cubic foot of the heaviest would have weighed 7442 ounces. The mean weight of a cubic foot of the Ex pieces was 7342. Other lumps of ore from different mines, were refpectively broken into different pieces, and fcarcely any two equal pieces of the fame lump were obſerved to agree in weight. This diverfity in the weights of equal bulks of the feveral pieces of the fame lump of ore may be owing, either 03 ( 214 ) either to the different proportions in which the conſtituent parts of the ore are combined in the feveral pieces; or to the different quantities of extraneous fubftances impercepti- bly mixed with them, or, which feems moſt probable, to a diverfity in the fize or configuration of their pores. But be the cauſe of this diverſity what it may, the fact, I believe, iş certain, and by no means fingular; for not to mention the varieties ob- fervable in the weights of equal bulks of different pieces of roll brimſtone, of corrofive fublimate, of caft fteel, and other factitious fub- ſtances, the natural fpars generally found along with lead ore are fub- ject to a fimilar diverfity, though not, perhaps, in an equal degree. A piece of rhomboidal, otherways I called (215) called refracting or lantern Spar, was broken into four ſmaller pieces, the weights of a cubic foot of each of which were 2675, 2687, 2715, 2723; the medium of the four is 2700 ounces. Mr. Cotes fixes the weight of a cubic foot of Iceland cryſtal at 2720, and Wallerius fixes it at 2700 ounces. The weights of a cubic foot of four pieces of the fame lump of cu- bical spar were 3204, 3218, 3222, 3231; the medium of the four is 3219 ounces. Moft of the fpars met with in Derbyshire are either rhomboidal or cubical; they are eafily diftinguished from each other by a view of their fhape, when their an- gles can be difcerned; and when the ſhape cannot be eaſily ſeen, the na- ture of the fpar may be afcertained 04 by ( 216 ) by touching it with an acid; the rhomboidal ſpar always effervefcing with an acid, and the cubical refift- ing its action. The lead fmelters make great ufe of the cubical fpar as a flux for fuch lead ores as do not readily melt it is curious to fee its effect; a few fhovels full of it, thrown upon a heap of red hot ore, immediately melting down the ore into a liquid, though the longeſt continuation of the fame degree of heat, without the addition of the fpar, would not have been fufficient for the purpoſe. Six ounces of fine teffellated lead ore were put into a crucible and ex- poſed, at firſt, to a gentle, and after- wards to a ftrong fire: the ore grew red, and emitted fumes which fiel- led of fulphur; at length it melted, and ( 217 ) and the fumes became very copious; they were accompanied with a yel- lowiſh flame upon the ſurface of the melted ore, and when collected had a whitiſh appearance. The crucible, after the ore had continued a full hour in perfect fufion, was taken from the fire, and when it was cold it was broken. The mafs which it contained weighed five ounces and an half; there was no fcoria obſerv- able on its furface, nor were any particles of metal formed; it was ftill an ore of lead. The maſs remaining from the laſt experiment was put into a fresh cru- cible, and expoſed to a ſtrong melt- ing heat; the fumes which arofe from it feemed to be heavy; they brooded over the furface of the melted mafs in undulating flames, which (218) which now and then appeared like burning zinc *. The lead was now formed, and many particles of it were fublimed to at leaft fix inches above the ſurface of the liquid in the crucible. After letting the cru- cible continue two hours in this ftate, I poured out its contents, and found them confifting partly of lead, partly of lead ore, and partly of a very minute portion of browniſh fcoria. I repeated this experiment with the fame fucceſs. Theſe experiments prove, that ſome ſubſtance or other is contained in lead ore, which must be difperfed before the ore can be formed into lead; and they fhew too, that it re- quires a confiderable time to effect the * It may deſerve to be inquired whether zine may not be contained in lead, iron, and other ores, more frequently than is ſuppoſed, ( 219 ) the difperfion of this fubftance, fince fix ounces of ore, though kept three hours or more in complete fufion, were not wholly brought into the form of lead; they inftruct us alſo to believe that the lead in this kind of ore is in its metallic flate, as the ore was changed into lead without the addition of any fubftance containing the inflammable principle; and, laſt- ly, they render it probable, that the fumes arising from melted ore, carry off with them no inconfiderable por- tion of the lead itſelf. At the great fmelting houſes in Derbyshire, they put a ton of ore at a time into the furnace, and work it off in eight hours; the ore might be wholly melted in one hour, but the lead, perhaps, is not formed in the greateſt poffible quantity in eight hours. Some (2:20) Some fine teffellated lead ore from Derbyſhire, was pounded into fmall lumps, each about the fize of a pea, and carefully picked from ſpar and other impurities. Sixteen ounces of this cre, thus previouſly cleanſed, were diftilled in an earthen retort; as foon as the ore felt the fire, the ftopple of the quilled receiver had a ftrong finell, refembling that of the inflammable air, feparable from fome metals by folution in acids; ſoon af- ter a ſmall portion of a liquid came over into the receiver; the fire was then raiſed till the retort was of a white heat, when a black matter be- gan to be fublimed into the neck of the retort; the operation was then difcontinued. This experiment was undertaken with a view of feeing- whe- (221) whether fulphur could be feparated from lead ore, as it may be from fome fpecies of the pyrites, by diſtil- lation, and it appears from the iffue of the experiment that it cannot, at leaſt in the degree of heat which is requifite for fubliming the ore. Up- on breaking the retort, I found that the ore had been melted during the operation, for there was a confiflent cake of ore of the figure of the bot- tom of the retort; the weight of this cake was fifteen ounces and an half, the weight of the liquid in the re- ceiver, and of the black matter which had been fublimed, did not together amount to one quarter of an ounce, fo that a quarter of an ounce or more had been diſperſed, probably in the form of air, or fome elaſtic fluid. The ore by this pro- cefs ( 222 ) cefs had loft one thirty-fecond part of its weight. The liquid did not effervefce with either acids or alka- lies; nor did it produce any change in the colour of blue paper, yet I am certain, from experiment, that one drop of oil of vitriol, though diluted with two ounces of water, would have produced a fenfible red- nefs on the blue paper which I uſed. The liquid, notwithstanding, had an acid taſte, and a pungent fmell, re- fembling that of the volatile vitriolic acid. The black matter which had been fublimed into the neck of the retort, was examined with a micro- ſcope, and it appeared to be pure lead ore. The melted ore which was found at the bottom of the re- tort, had not any appearance of ſcoria, or of lead, upon its furface. Some (223) Some phenomena attending this experiment, deferved, I thought, a further inveſtigation. I therefore diftilled another 16 ounces of ore, but with a fire ftronger and continu- ed for a longer time, than in the pre- ceding experiment: the quantity of liquid was much the fame, there was a ſmell of fulphur, and, perhaps, to the amount of half a grain of ful- phur was found in the receiver; the ore was in this experiment fublimed into the neck of the retort to the thickness of one fourth of an inch. There was found, as before, a cake of melted ore at the bottom of the retort, but no fenfible portion of either lead or ſcoria*; ſo that we may fafely * I have faid no fenfible portion; there was, however, an appearance of ſcoria ad- hering to the fide, and an appearance of lead adhering (224) fafely conclude that lead ore cannot be decompofed by the ftrongest fires in cloſe veffels, but that it may be fublimed in them. The ore had loft near an ounce of its weight. Though the experiment is fuffici- ently troublefome, I was not deter- red from making it once more; for I wanted to fee whether lead ore could be wholly fublimed; as I thought that philofophers might thereby form fome conjectures of the efficacy of fubterraneous fires in fubliming adhering to the bottom of the retort; but the quantity of each was exceedingly ſmall, and they were both, probably, produced from that minute decompofition of the ore which pro- duced the fulphur, and which would not, I think, have taken place in any degree, had there been no communication with the external air; but the orifice of the quilled receiver was not always clofely stopped during the diftilla- tion. ( 225 ) in lead ores, and, perhaps, ores of other metallic fubftances. The event of this third experiment was perfect- ly correfpondent to that of the two former, with refpect to the produc- tion of liquid, and the feparation of air, which was caught in a bladder, but was not found to be inflamma- ble: the lead ore too was ſo plenti- fully fublimed into the neck of the retort, that it quite plugged it up for above three inches in length. Upon difcontinuing the fire, which had been raiſed to a degree of heat exceedingly great, I found the retort was cracked, and that the cake at its bottom was very different from what was found at the bottom of the other retorts, which had ftood the fire without cracking; for this cake. was covered with a black glaffy ſco- VOL. III. P ria (226) I ria of an inch in thickneſs, and the 4 ore which laid under it, was in part changed into lead, and the whole of the ore did not weigh quite ten ounces, fo that above 6 ounces had been loft by eſcaping through the crack. By a communication with the air through the crack, the ore was decompofed, and thus both lead and ſcoria were formed, which in the other experiments, for want of fuch a decompofition, could not be form- ed. There was a thin coat of ful- phur alfo which lined the infide of the receiver, and this fulphur, pro- bably, arofe from the decompofition of the ore, fince none, or next to none, was obferved in the other dif- tillations of the ore. I found that the weight of a cubic foot of the ore, which had been fublimed into 4 the ( 227 ) the neck of the retort, was 7500 Qunces; which fufficiently agrees with the weight I had before afcer- tained of this kind of ore. A cubic foot of the black glaffy fcoria weigh- ed 3333 ounces; and the metallic cake which laid under it, and which confifted partly of lead, and princi- pally of ore not quite changed into lead, gave 8738 ounces to the cubic foot. Finding that fulphur could not be ſeparated from lead ore by diftilling it in clofe veffels without addition, and yet being much difpofed to think that it contained a confidera- ble portion of fulphur, I first thought of diftilling it with charcoal duft, iron filings, fand, and other addi- tions; but recollecting that fulphur might be feparated from antimony P.2 by (228) by folution in acids, I thought it not improbable, that it might be ſe- parated from lead ore by the fame means, and the fuccefs of the follow- ing experiment abundantly juftified the conjecture. Upon ten ounces of lead ore, cleanfed as in the preceding experi- ments, I poured five ounces of the ſtrongeſt fuming fpirits of nitre; this ftrong acid not ſeeming to act upon the ore, I diluted it with five ounces of water; a violent ebullition, ac- companied with red fumes, immedi- ately took place; the folution of the ore in this menftruum became mani- feft, and when it was finished, there remained floating upon the furface of the menftruum a cake of fine yel- low fulphur, perfectly refembling common fulphur. : 1 re- ( 229 ) I repeated this experiment a great many times, in order to aſcertain the quantity of fulphur contained in lead ore, and ſeparable therefrom by ſo- lution in acid of nitre. The refults of different experiments were feldom the fame; the matter ſeparable from the ore by folution, after being re- peatedly waſhed in large quantities of hot water, in order to free it from every faline admixture, fometimes amounted to more, fometimes to leſs than one-third of the weight of the ore. This matter may, for the fake of diſtinction, be called crude fulphur. Its apparent purity might induce a belief that it contained no heterogeneous mixture, yet the fol- lowing experiments fhew how much we ſhould be deceived in forming fuch P 3 (230) 1 fuch a conjecture and how rightly it is denominated crude fulphur. From one hundred and twenty parts, by weight, of lead ore, I ob- tained, by folution in acid of nitre, fubfequent waſhing in hot water, and drying by a gentle fire, forty parts of a fubftance which looked like ful- phur thefe forty parts were put on a red-hot iron, the fulphur was made manifeſt by a blue flame and pun- gent fmell. When the flame went out, there remained upon the iron unconſumed, twenty-fix parts of a greyish calx; the weight of the ful- phur which was confumed muft there- fore have amounted to fourteen parts, or between one eighth and one ninth part of the weight of the ore. It has been obferved, that the weight of the matter, feparable from lead ore by: (231 ( 231 ) by folution in acid of nitre, ſome- times exceeded and fometimes fell fhort of, one third part of the weight of the ore; this variety, as far as I have been able to obſerve, does not extend to the quantity of fulphur contained in a given quantity of ore, it depends upon the quantity of calx remaining after the burning of the fulphur. Different lead ores will doubtless contain different quantities of fulphur; but that the fulphur contained in the lead ore which I examined, conftitutes between one eighth and one ninth part of the weight of the ore, is a conclufion upon which, from a variety of expe- riments, I am difpofed to rely. There are faid to be annually ſmelted in Derbyshire about ten thoufand tons P 4 of ( 232 ) of lead ore*; now if means could be invented (which I think very poffi- ble) of faving the fulphur contained in ten thousand tons of ore, fuppof- ing that the ore fhould only yield one tenth of its weight of fulphur, though it unquestionably contains more, Derbyshire alone would furnish annually one thoufand tons of ful- phur, the value of which would an- nually be about fifreen thouſand pounds. I mention this circumſtance thus publicly, in hopes that the lead fmelters may be induced to proſe- cute the fubject. If the fulphur contained in the lead ore could be collected, it would not only be a lu- crative bufinefs to the fmelters, but a great faving to the nation. We at prefent * This eſtimate is, I have reafon to think, too high. ( 233 ) prefent import the fulphur we ufe, and the confumption of this com- modity is exceeding great, in the making of gunpowder, in form- ing the mixture for covering the bottom and fides of ſhips, and in a great variety of arts. The fimelters need not be apprehenſive left the quality of the ore fhould be injured by extracting the fulphur. Eighteen hundred weight of ore, from which the fulphur has been extracted, will certainly yield as much lead as twenty hundred weight of ore, from which the fulphur has not been extracted, and it will, pro- bably, yield more. Arfenic is ex- tracted *This mixture is made of one part of tal- low, of one part of brimstone, and of three parts nearly of rofin. The tallow and rofin are melted together, and the brimstone is ftirred into them; 140 pounds of brimſtone is enough for a veffel of 140 tons. (234) tracted from a particular ore in Saxony, by roafting the ore in a fur- nace, which has a long horizontal chimney; the chimney is large, has many windings and angles, that the arfenical vapour which arifes from the ore may be the more eafily con- denfed: the arfenic attaches itſelf like foot to the chimney, and is from time to time ſwept out. It is very probable, that by fome fuch con- trivance the fulphur contained in lead ore might be collected. The fmelters call every thing fulphur which is volatilized during the roaft- ing or fluxing of an ore; but none of thoſe with whom I have converſed, had any notion that common ful- phur could be feparated from lead ore. The greyish calx which remained upon (235) upon the iron after the fulphur was confumed, was put upon a piece of lighted charcoal; the heat of the charcoal being quickened by blow- ing upon it, a great number of glo- bules of lead were formed upon its furface. From hence it appears, that this calx is not an unmetallic earth contained in the ore, which the acid of nitre could not diffolve;. but a calx of lead, probably pro- duced by the violent action of the acid, and which, by the addition of phlogiſton, may be exhibited in its metallic form. The quantity of this calx depends much upon the action. of the acid upon the ore; if that action is violent, the calx is in greater abundance than if it be mo- derate; and I am not certain whe- ther the experiment might not be fo managed, ( 236 ) managed, that there would be little or no calx remaining; that is, a given quantity of ore might be fo diffolved in the acid of nitre, that nothing would remain undiffolved except the fulphur. But I have not yet perfectly fatisfied myſelf as to the conſtituent parts of lead ore. I am certain that it contains lead, and fulphur, a liquid, and air: of the ex- iftence of the three firft there can be no doubt, from what has been ſaid, and the air is rendered beautifully apparent by the following experi- ment. Let fome lead ore be reduced into a fine powder, put it into a narrow- bottomed ale glafs, fill the glaſs three parts with water, drop into the water a portion of the ftrong acid of nitre, you may judge of the requi- fite ( 237 ) fite quantity by feeing the folution commence, and you will obſerve the ore universally covered with bubbles of air, thefe will buoy the ore up in large tufts to the furface, and the air will continue to be feparated from the ore till the acid becomes faturated with the lead. The falt arifing from the union of the nitrous acid to the lead often appears cry- ftallized upon the furface of the menftruum in this experiment; and if, when the menftruum is in that ftate, a little freſh acid be added, the falt inſtantly cryftallizes and falls down to the bottom of the glass, the acid having abforbed the water which held it in folution. When lead is diffolved in the manner here men- tioned, by a very diluted acid of ni- tre, there is no appearance of ful- phur (238) phur upon the furface of the men- ftruum, there is found at its bottom a black matter, which is the fulphur. But though lead, and fulphur, a liquid, and air*, are unquestionably conſtituent parts of lead ore, I do not take upon me to fay, that they are the only conftituent parts: it is well known, that during the fmelt- ing of lead ore, a third part or more of its weight is fome how or other loft, fince from one and twenty hun- dred weight of ore, they feldom ob- tain above fourteen hundred weight of lead. What is loft partly conſiſts of a ſcoria which floats upon the furface of the lead during the opera- tion of fmelting, and partly of what is * I have ſeparated inflammable air from lead ore, by diffolving it in the acid of fea falt. (239) is fublimed up the chimney and dif fipated in the air. The ſcoria, I ap- prehend, would be very little, even from a ton of ore, if the ore was quite free from ſpar: it is the ſpar which is mixed with the ore that con- ſtitutes the main portion of the fco- ria*. I have in my poffeffion a folid maſs of ſcoria, which accidentally flowed out from a ſmelting furnace, and which in colour and conſiſtency perfectly reſembles grey lime-ftone; it receives a poliſh as fine as marble, and it might perhaps with advan- tage be caſt into moulds for paving ftones, chimney pieces, and other mat- * The fpar without queſtion augiments the quantity of the fcoria, yet the lead ore, which appears to the eye to be quite free from fpar, yields a confiderable portion of a black glaſſy fcoria, when urged with a fufficient fire. (240) matters. It arifes from the fpar mix- ed with the ore, and, by the addition of cubical ſpar to the ore during its fufion, its quantity might be increaf- ed at no great expence, in any pro- portion. That part of the ore which is fublimed and diſperſed in the air, confifts partly of the fulphur which is decompofed, and partly of lead; this fublimed lead attaches itfelf in part to the fides of the chimney of the fmelting furnace; the reſt of it flies up into the air, from whence it falls upon the ground, poifoning the wa- ter and herbage upon which it ſet- tles. This fublimed lead might be collected either by making it meet with water, or with the vapour of water, during its afcent, or by mak- ing it pass through an horizontal chimney of a fufficient length. It ( 241 ) It is not eaſy to determine with preciſion the quantity of this fublim- ed lead; a general guefs, however, may throw fome light upon the fub- ject. They ufually at a fmelting houſe work off three tons, or fixty hundred weight, of lead ore every twenty-four hours; the fulphur con- tained in fixty hundred weight of ore, we will ſuppoſe to be ſeven hundred weight, and the lead to be forty hundred weight; the air, liquid, fco- ria, and fublimed lead muſt toge- ther, upon this fuppofition, amount to thirteen hundred weight; now, admitting three hundred weight of the thirteen to be fublimed lead, it is evident that, could it be collected, there would be an annual faving at each fmelting houfe of above fifty tons, which, fuppofing it to be FOL. III. е worth ( 242 ) worth four pounds per ton, would amount to above two hundred pounds a year. The price, if not the quan- tity of lead ſublimate, here affumed, is, probably, below the truth; but my end is anſwered in giving this hint to perfons engaged in the fmelt- ing buſineſs. : The following experiments, though upon a different fubject, may not be unacceptable to the lovers of chemiſtry, as I do not remember to have any where met with them. It is commonly known, that the furface of melted lead becomes co- vered with a pellicle of various co- lours. I undertook fome experi- ments in the courſe of laſt winter, with a view to aſcertain the order in which the colours fucceeded each other. The lead which lines the boxes ( 243 ) boxes in which tea is imported from China happening to be at hand, fome of it was melted in an iron ladle; but I was much furpriſed to find that its furface, though it was prefently covered with a dufky pellicle, did not exhibit any colours. Imagining that the heat was not fufficiently ftrong to render the colours vifible, the fire was urged till the ladle be- came red hot, the calcined pellicle upon the furface of the lead was red hot alfo, but it was ftill without co- lour. The fame parcel of lead was boiled in a crucible for a confider- able time; during the boiling a co- pious fteam was difcharged, and the furface of the lead, as is ufual, be- came covered with a half vitrified fcoria. The lead which remained un- vitrified was then examined, and it Q 2 had ( 244 ) (244 had acquired the property of form- ing a fucceffion of coloured pellicles, during the whole time of continuing in a ſtate of fufion. Another portion of the fame kind of lead was expofed to a ftrong cal- cining heat for a long time; the part which remained uncalcined did, at length, acquire the property of ex- hibiting colours fufficiently vivid. Theſe experiments induced me to conclude, that the Chineſe lead was mixed with ſome ſubſtance from which it was neceffary to free it ei- ther by fublimation or calcination, before it would exhibit its colours. It would be uſeleſs to mention all the experiments which I made be- fore I diſcovered the heterogeneous ſubſtance with which I fuppofed the Chineſe lead was mixed. At laft I hit (245) hit upon one which feems fully fuf- ficient to explain the phenomenon. Into a ladle full of melted Derby- fhire lead, which manifefted a fuc- ceffion of the most vivid colours, I put a fmall portion of tin, and ob- ſerved, that as foon as the tin was melted, and mixed with the lead, no more colours were to be ſeen. I do not know precifely the fmalleſt poffible quantity of tin, which will be fufficient to deprive a given quan- tity of lead of its property of form- ing coloured pellicles, but I have reaſon to believe that it does not ex- ceed one five thoufandth part of the weight of the lead. Derbyshire lead, which has loft its property of exhibiting colours by being mixed with tin, acquires it again, as is mentioned of the Chineſe lead, ез (246) lead, by being expoſed to a calcining heat for a fufficient time; the tin, it is fuppofed, being feparated from the lead by calcination, before all the lead is reduced to a calx. Some calcined Chineſe lead was reduced to its metallic form by burn- ing fome tallow over it. The re- duced lead gave, when melted, co- loured pellicles; the calx of tin, which we ſuppoſe to have been mix- ed with the calcined lead, not being ſo eaſily reducible as that of lead. I find that zinc is another metallic fubftance which has the fame pro- perty as tin with refpect to the de- priving lead of its power of forming coloured pellicles; but it does not, I think, poffefs this power in fo emi- nent a degree as tin. I put finall portions of bifmuth alfo into melted lead, ( 247 ) lead, but the lead ftill retained its quality of forming colours. I melted together fome filver and lead, but the lead did not thereby lofe its power of forming colours. A little tin added to a mixture of lead and bifinuth, or to a mixture of filver and lead, immediately takes away from the reſpective mixtures the fa- culty of forming coloured pellicles. This quality of tin has hitherto, as far as I know, been unobferved; but every new fact, relative to the actions of bodies one upon another, ought to be recorded. The change, produced in lead by the admixture of a ſmall portion of tin, is much felt by the plumbers, as it makes the metal fo hard and harsh, that it is not without difficulty they can caft it into fheet lead. If their old lead Q4 does ( 248 ) does not work fo willingly, nor exhibit colours fo readily, as new lead, they may refer the difference to the fmall quantity of tin contained in the folder, from which old lead can feldom be thoroughly freed. With reſpect to the order in which the colours fucceed one another upon the furface of melted lead, it feems to be the following one; yellow, pur- ple, blue,-yellow, purple, green,— pink, green, pink, green. Upon ex- hibiting the bright furface of melted lead to the air, I have often obferv- ed theſe ten changes to follow one another in a more or lefs rapid fuc- ceffion, according to the degree of heat prevailing in the lead. If the heat is but ſmall, the fucceffion ſtops before it has gone through all the changes; but with the greateſt heat I did ( 249 ) I did not obſerve any further varia- tion. All the colours are very vivid, and each ſeems to go through all the ſhades belonging to it before it is changed into the next in order. The formation of theſe colours may be explained from what has been advanced by Sir Ifaac Newton, and illuftrated by the very ingeni- ous experiments of Mr. Delaval, re- lative to the fize of the particles con- ftituting coloured bodies. ESSAY ESSAY VIII. OF THE SMELTING OF LEAD ORE, AS PRACTISED IN DERBYSHIRE. T HERE is a certain ftandard of perfection in the exerciſe of every art, which is not always well underſtood; and after men do fuffi- ciently comprehend it, many ages often pafs away before they are for- tunate or ingenious enough to attain it. To extract the greateft poffible quantity ( 252 ) quantity of metal, from any parti- cular kind, and any definite quantity of ore, is a problem of great impor- tance, whether it be confidered in a philofophical or a commercial light; yet he who ſhould apply himſelf to the folution of it, with an expecta. tion of being uſeful to mankind, must take into confideration another circumftance, of as much importance as the quantity of metal to be ex- tracted, the expence attending the proceſs. For it is obvious, that a great quantity of metal extracted at a great expence, may not produce fo much clear profit, as a lefs quantity procured at an eafier rate; there is a beneficial limit between the quantity to be obtained, and the expence at- tending the operation, which nothing but experience can aſcertain. It ( 253 ) It has been proved, by experi- ments made in France, that lead ore, when ſmelted by a fire made of wood, yielded one tenth more lead, than in the ordinary method of fmelting by means of pitcoal; yet pitcoal is fo much cheaper than wood, in Derby- fhire, and moſt other parts of Great Britain, that the lofs of a tenth of the lead is, probably, more than compenfated, by the ufe of pitcoal inſtead of wood or charcoal. It is poffible, perhaps, even with the uſe of pitcoal, by an alteration in the procefs of finelting, to extract from every twenty tons of ore, one ton more of lead than is any where ex- tracted at prefent; but whether the price of one ton of lead, would be more *Effais des Mines, par M. Hellot, Vol II. P. 114. (254) more than fufficient to defray the extraordinary expence attending the alteration of the proceſs, muſt be left to the deciſion of thoſe who are intereſted in the fuccefs of fuch in- quiries. The art of finelting the ores of all metallic fubftances, was, probably, at first very imperfect in every part of the world; and this doubtleſs has been a reaſon, why the ufe of iron has every where been of a more re- cent date, than that of the other metals, fince it requires the applica- tion of a much ſtronger fire to finelt the ores of iron, than thoſe of any other metal. We have no certain account when, or by whom, the feveral metals were difcovered; Wallerius fays, that, as far as he knew, Pliny was the firſt 2. who ( 255 ) - who enumerated the fix metals:* Pliny may, probably, be the first Natural Hiftorian who mentioned them, but they were certainly known long before the age of Pliny, and were mentioned both by Homer, and by an author far more ancient than Homer-Mofes." Only the gold, and the filver, the brafs (copper), the iron, the tin, and the lead, every thing that may abide the fire, ye fhall make it go through the fire, and it fhall be clean." From this teftimony we are certain that all the metals were known, at leaſt in the country of the Midianites, above 1450 years before the birth of Chrift, or near 900 years after *Primus (fcil. Plinius) quantum mihi conftat, fex metalla enumeravit. Waller. de Syf. Minera. p. 10. † Numb. xxxi. 22. (256) after the deluge. When I fay all the metals, I must be underſtood to mean, all thoſe which were anciently known; for platina, the feventh me- tal, has been but recently diſcovered, and is not yet brought into general ufe; and quickfilver or mercury is not admitted by mineralogifts into the clafs of metals; though it has a good right to be admitted, fince in a fuffi- cient degree of cold, it poffeffes the great characteriſtic property of a metal, as diftinguifhed from a Semi- metal — malleability. This property of malleability, as conftituting the criterion by which metals differ from femimetals, is not over rigidly to be infifted on, fince iron, when firft fluxed from its ore, or when con- verted into ſteel, and hardened by being fuddenly immerfed when red hot ( 257 ) hot in water, is lefs malleable than zinc, which is always claffed amongſt the femimetals. It has been contended, that copper was one of the first metals which was ufed as money, and that gold and filver were, in very remote ages, of little account in that view. In many inftances the greatnefs of the Roman name has made us forget the æra when that people began to be dif- tinguiſhed in hiftory, and induced us to confider their cuftoms, as the firſt which prevailed amongſt man- kind. It is granted, that Servius Tullius firſt coined copper, and that the Romans ufed no other currency till the four hundredth and eighty- fifth year of their city,* when filver began to be coined; but from this * Plin. Hift. Nat. Lib. XXXIII. S. 13. VOL. III. R con- ( 258 ) conceffion, no argument can be de duced for the fole uſe of copper as a currency, in the firft ages of the world. We know, from undoubted authority, that filver was uſed in commerce, at leaſt eleven hundred years before even the foundation of Rome. And Abraham weighed to Ephron, the filver which he had named in the audience of the fons of Heth, four bundred fhekels of filver, current money with the merchant*. About 60 years before Abraham paid this fum for a piece of land in Canaan, he is faid, upon his return from Egypt, to have been rich, not in copper and iron, but in filver and gold †. Iron and copper were certainly known before the deluge; and it is probable, that all the other metals, every * Gen. xxiii. 16. Gen. xiii. 2. ( 259 ) every one of which is more eafily ex- tracted from its ore than iron and copper are from theirs, were known alfo to the Antediluvians; we have proof, however, that in the time of Abraham, gold and filver were ef teemed, as they are at prefent, pre- cious metals; and hence it feems reaſonable enough to conclude, that Noah was able to inftruct his de- fcendants in the art of fmelting me- tallic ores: but, though this be ad- mitted, we need not be furpriſed at the ignorance of many barbarous na- tions in this particular. For the va- rious colonies which, either by com- pulfion or choice, quitted the plains of Afia, in ſearch of ſettlements, may not always have had in their com- pany men who had been inftructed in the art of fmelting; and thofe who R 2 did ( 260 ) (260 did underſtand it, when the colony firſt migrated, may, in many in- ſtances, have died before any ores were diſcovered, upon which they might have exerted their ſkill; and thus the art of fmelting being once loft, it is eaſy to conceive that many nations may have remained for ages without the uſe of metals, or with the uſe of ſuch only as are found ready formed in the earth, or are eafily fluxed from their ores. The earth in a little time after the deluge, and long before it could have been peopled by the pofterity of Noah, muſt have become covered with wood; the moft obvious me- thod of clearing a country of its wood, is the fetting it on fire: now in moſt mineral countries there are veins of metallic ores, which lie con- (261) contiguous to the furface of the earth, and theſe having been fluxed whilft the woods growing over them were on fire, probably, fuggefted to many nations the firft idea of ſmelt- ing ores. Pow'rful gold firſt raiſed his head, And brafs, and filver, and ignoble lead. When fhady woods, on lofty mountains grown, Felt fcorching fires; whether from thunder thrown, Or elfe by man's defign the flames arofé. Whatever 'twas that gave theſe flames their birth, Which burnt the towering trees and ſcorch'd the earth, Hot ſtreams of filver, gold, and lead, and braſs, (copper) As nature gave a hollow proper place, Defcended down, and form'd a glittring mafs * R 3 There Lucretius by Creech, Vol. II. p. 572. ( 262 ) There is no natural abfurdity in this notion of the poet; and indeed it is confirmed by the teftimony of various ancient hiftorians, who ſpeak of filver and other metals being melted out of the earth, during the burning of the woods upon the Alps and the Pyrenees. A fimilar circum- ftance is faid to have happened in Croatia in the year 1761; a large maſs of a mixed metal, compoſed of copper, iron, tin and filver, having been fluxed, during the conflagra- tion of a wood, which was acciden- tally ſet on fire.* The putting a quantity of ore up- on a heap of wood, and fetting the pile on fire, in conformity to the manner in which ores were melted during the burning of forefts, was, Annual Regiſter, 1761, p. 138. it (263) it may be conjectured, the firſt rude proceſs by which metals were ex- tracted from their ores. But as the force of fire is greatly diminiſhed, when the flame is fuffered to expand itſelf, and as the air acts more forci- bly in exciting fire, when it ruſhes upon it with greater velocity, it is likely, that the heap of wood and ore would foon be furrounded with a wall of ftone, in which fufficient openings would be left for the en- trance of the air, and thus a kind of furnace would be conftructed. Peruvians, we are told, "had diſcover- ed the art of finelting and refining filver, either by the fimple applica- tion of fire, or where the ore was more ftubborn and impregnated with foreign fubftances, by placing it in fmall ovens or furnaces on high grounds, R 4 The (264) grounds, fo artificially conftructed that the draught of air performed the function of a bellows, a machine with which they were totally unac- quainted." This method of ſmelting ores on high grounds, without the affiftance of a bellows, at leaſt of a bellows moved by water, feems to have been formerly practiſed in other countries as well as in Peru. When M. Belon travelled into Greece, he found the furnaces placed on the fides of ri- vulets, and obferves, that all their bellows played with wheels turned by ſtreams of water, yet formerly they had ſmelted their ores in a dif- ferent manner: for upon the moun- tains **Robertfon's Hift. of America.-Alonfo Barba, Treatife of Metals, French Tranflation, Vol. I. p. 272. (265) tains of Macedonia, where mines had been wrought in the time of Philip the father of Alexander, great heaps of flag have been diſcovered, which are fituated ſo far above any river of the country, that the furnaces from which they were formed, muft, pro- bably, have been wrought by the wind. There are feveral places in Derbyshire called Boles by the inha- bitants, where lead has been ancient- ly fmelted, before the invention of moving bellows by water. Theſe places are diſcovered by the flags of lead, which are found near them; there is no certain tradition concern- ing the manner in which the ore was ſmelted at theſe boles, it was, probably, as fimple as that of the Peruvians; for in Derbyshire, as well as in Peru, they feem chiefly to have relied (266) relied upon the ftrength of the wind for the fuccefs of the operation; the boles being always fituated upon high grounds, and moftly upon that fide of a hill, which faces the weft. This fituation was not fixed upon with- out defign, fince the wind blows in England, in the courfe of a year, near twice as many days from that quarter as from any other. A me- thod is mentioned by Erckern † of fmelting bifmuth ore by the wind, and it ſeems as if the ore of lead might have been fmelted at theſe boles, * As may appear from the following abridged ſtate of the winds at London in the years 1774 and 1 N 177425 1775. S E W INWI SE NE SW I Idys 2 I I 17212 24 432 30 74 126 dys 1775222111 1839 3272148 Philof. Tranf. 1774-5. P. 305. z See Fleta Minor, by Sir John Pettus, ( 267 ) boles, after the fame manner. This method confifts in putting the bif- muth ore, when beat to a proper fize, into ſmall flat iron pans, theſe are fet in a row contiguous to each other, in an open place, and when there is a strong wind, a fire of dry wood is made clofe to the pans, and on that fide of them from which the wind blows; by this contrivance, the wind driving down the flame of the wood upon the pans, the ore con- tained in them is quickly melted. A pig of lead was dug up at one of the boles in the year 1766 on Crom- ford moor near Matlock; upon its un- der furface there is an infcription in relievo, from which it appears to have been ſmelted in the age of the Emperor Adrian; it is not very dif- ferent in ſhape from the pigs which 3: are ( 268 ) are caft at prefent; it confifts of fe veral horizontal layers of unequal thickneffes, and there is an irregular hole in it running from the top to near the middle of its fubftance; from theſe appearances it feems as if it had been formed by pouring into a mould, at different times, feveral quantities of lead; and if lead had been fmelted after the manner before mentioned of fmelting bifmuth ore, the feveral pans being emptied, at different times as they became ready, into the fame mould, would have yielded a maſs of lead divided into layers of unequal thickneffes, and reſembling this Roman pig; for the hole in its furface was, probably, made accidentally, from the unequal cooling of the lead, or from fome extraneous matter being lodged in it. The (269) The boles in Derbyshire are, pro- bably, many of them of high anti- quity, as appears from the pig of lead before mentioned; yet I have met with a paffage in a writer of the laft century, from which it is evident, that the method of fmelting lead on high grounds was then practifed in "The lead-ftones in the Peak lie but juft within the ground next to the upper cruft of the earth. the Peak. They melt the lead upon the top of the hills that lie open to the weſt wind; making their fires to melt it as foon as the weft wind begins to blow; which wind by long experi- ence they find holds longeſt of all others. But, for what reaſon I know not, fince I fhould think lead were the eafieft of all metals to melt, they (270) they make their fires extraordinary great."* The fmelting of ore by the varia- ble and uncertain action of the wind, muſt have been a troublefome pro- cefs. It has therefore been univer- fally difufed, and the more regular blaft of a bellows has been intro- duced in its ſtead. The invention of the bellows is attributed by Strabo to Anacharfis the Scythian: but it is more probable, that he was the in- ventor of fome improvement of this machine, than of the machine itſelf.; for Homer, who lived long before the age of Anacharfis, defcribes Vulcan as employing twenty pair of bellows at once, in the formation of Achilles's **Childrey's Britan. Bacon. 1661. Strab. Geog, Lib. VII. fhield. (271) * hield. It is difficult to fay when the art of moving bellows, by means of a water wheel, was firſt diſcovered; it is pretty certain, that the ancients did not know it; and that it was very generally known, amongſt the Germans at leaft, in the time of Agricola, one of the first of our metallurgic writers, for he fpeaks of it in feveral places without any hint of its being a recent invention. The heat of the fire in a furnace de- pending much upon the force of the blaſt of air impelled againſt the fuel; and that force, other circumftances remaining the fame, being in pro- portion to the quantity and velocity of the air; the application of a power able * Iliad. Lib. XVIII. v. 470. Agric. de Re Metal. publiſhed in 1550, P. 165. 338. (~272) able fuddenly to comprefs the largest bellows when fwelled with air, could not fail of being confidered by me- tallurgifts, as an invention, whenever it was made, of the laft importance. The moderns accordingly have, in many inftances, worked over again, with confiderable profit, the heaps of iron and other kinds of flag, from which the metal had been but im- perfectly extracted, before the mov- ing of bellows by water was difco- vered. It is not fifty years fince the blast or hearth furnace, was the only one in uſe for ſmelting lead cre in Der- byshire. In this furnace ore and charcoal, or ore and what they call white coal, which is wood dried but not charred, being placed in alter- nate layers, upon a hearth properly con- ( 273 ) } conftructed, the fire is raiſed by the blast of a bellows, moved by a water wheel; the ore is foon ſmelt- ed by the violence of the fire, and the lead as it is produced trickles down a proper channel, into a place contrived for its reception. There are not at prefent, I believe, above one or two of theſe ore hearths in the whole county of Derby; this kind of furnace, however, is not likely to go entirely out of ufe, fince it is frequently applied to the extracting lead from the flag which is produc- ed, either at the ore hearth, or the cupola furnace, and it is then called a flag hearth; and the lead thus ob- tained is called flag lead: the fire in a flag hearth is made of the cinder of pitcoal inftead of charcoal. The furnace called a cupol or cu VOL. III. S pota, ( 274 ) pola, in which ores are fmelted by the flame of pitcoal, is faid to have been invented about the year 1698, by a phyfician named Wright*, though Beccher may, perhaps, be thought to have a prior claim to its invention or introduction from Ger- manyt. But whoever was the firſt inventor of the cupola, it is now in general ufe, not only in Derbyſhire and other counties, for the fmelting of the ores of lead, but both at home and abroad, where it is called the English furnace, for the fmelting of copper ores. This furnace is fo contrived, that the ore is melted, not by coming into immediate contact with the fuel, but by the reverbe- ration of the flame upon it. The bottom of the furnace on which the * Effais des Mines, Vol. II. p. 114. † Sée Vol. I. p. 33• lead (275) - Head ore is placed, is fomewhat con- cave, fhelving from the fides towards the middle; its roof is low and arch- ed, refembling the roof of a baker's oven; the fire is placed at one end of the furnace, upon an iron grate, to the bottom of which the air has free accefs; at the other end oppo- fite to the fire-place, is a high per- pendicular chimney; the direction of the flame, when all the apertures in the fides of the furnace are cloſed up, is neceffarily determined, by the ſtream of air which enters at the grate, towards the chimney, and in tending thither it ftrikes upon the roof of the furnace, and being re- verberated from thence upon the ore, it foon melts it. It is not always an eafy matter to meet with a current of water fuffi- S 2 cient (276) 置 ​cient to move the bellows required in finelting on an hearth furnace; and to carry the ore from the mine where it is dug to a confiderable diftance to be fmelted, is attended with great expence; this expence is faved by finelting in the cupola furnace, which not requiring the uſe of bellows, may be conftructed any where. Wood is very fcarce in every mining county in England; and though pitcoal cofts ten or twelve fhillings a ton in Derby- fhire, yet they can ſmelt a definite quantity of ore in the cupola, at a far lefs expence by means of pit- coal, than of wood. The flame which plays upon the furface of the ore and fmelts it in a cupola fur- nace, is not driven againſt it with much violence; by this means fmall • ! 7 (277) fall particles of ore, called bel- land, may be finelted in a cupola /furnace with great convenience, which would be driven away, if ་ expoſed to the fierce blaft of a pair of bellows in a hearth furnace. -Thefe are fome of the advantages attending the uſe of a cupola in pre- ference to a hearth furnace; and to thefe may be added one fuperior to all the rest, -the prefervation of the workmen's lives; the noxious particles of lead are carried up the chimney in a cupola, whilft they are driven in the face of the hearth fmelter at every blaft of the bellows. They generally put into the cù- pola furnace a ton of ore, previouſly beat ſmall and properly dreffed,, at one time; this quantity they call a charge; if the ore is very poor in lead, they put in fomewhat more, and they work $ 3 (278) work off three charges of ore in every twenty-four hours. In about fix hours from the time of charg-- ing the ore becomes as fluid as milk. Before the ore becomes fluid, and even whilft it continues in à ſtate of fufion, a confiderable por- tion of its weight is carried off through the chimney; what remains in the furnace confifts of two dif ferent fubftances,-of the lead, for the obtaining of which the process, was commenced, and of the flag or ſcoria. The proportion between thefe parts is is not always the fame, even in the fame kind of ore; it depending much upon the management of the fire. The lead, being heavier than the flag, finks through it as it is formed, and fet- tles into the concavity of the bot- tom of the furnace. The pure flag,. accord- ( 279 ) 1 according to the idea here given, is that part of the ore of lead which is neither driven off by the heat of the furnace, nor changed into lead. In order to obtain the lead free from the flag which ſwims over it, the finelters uſually throw in about a bufhel of lime; not, as is ufually fuppofed, in order to contribute to- wards the more perfect fufion of the ore, but to dry up the flag which floats upon the furface of the lead, and which, being as liquid as lead, might otherwife flow out along with it. The flag being thus thick- ened by an admixture of lime, is raked up towards the fides of the furnace, and the lead is left at the bottom. There is a hole in one of the fides of the furnace, which is pro- perly stopped during the finelting $ 4 of ( 280 ) } of the ore; when the flag is raked off, this hole is opened, and being fituated lower than the lead in the furnace, the lead gufhes through it into an iron pot placed contiguous to the fide of the furnace; from this por it is laded into iron moulds, each containing what they call a pig of lead; the pigs, when cold, being or- dinarily ftamped with the maker's name, are fold under the name of org lead. After the lead has all flowed out of the furnace, they ftop up the tap hole, and drawing down the flag and lime into the middle of the furnace, they raiſe the fire till the mixture of flag and lime, which they fimply term flag, is rendered very liquid; upon this liquid mafs, they throw another quantity of Time to dry it up as in the former i part (281) -- 7. part of the procefs. This fecond mixture of flag and lime is then raked out of the furnace, and the fmall portion of lead feparated from the fufion of the firft, generally to the amount of twenty or thirty pounds, being let out of the fur- nace, a new charge of ore is put in, and the operation re-commenced. In order to ſpare the lime, and the expence of fuel attending the flux- ing of the mixture of lime and flag, they have in fome furnaces lately contrived a hole, through which they fuffer the main part of the li- quid flag to flow out, before they tap the furnace for the lead; upon the little remaining flag they throw a fmall portion of lime, and draw the mixture out of the furnace. without fmelting it. This kind of fur- (282) furnace they have nick-named a Maccaroni. The proceſs of fmelting here de- fcribed, appears to be defective in fome points, which I will take the liberty to mention, and at the fame time ſuggeſt the means of improve- ment; without, however, prefuming to fay, how far it may be expedient to adopt the propofed alterations; being fenfible that what may appear very feaſible in theory, or may even anſwer in ſmall affays, may not be practicable in large works. The first alteration which I would propofe to the confideration of the lead fmelters, is to fubftitute an ho rizontal chimney of two or three hundred yards in length, in the place of the perpendicular one now in uſe. In the preceding Effay, which (283) which was firſt publiſhed in 1778, mention is made of the probability of faving a large quantity of fub- limed lead, by making the fmoke which rifes from the ore paſs through an horizontal chimney, with various windings to condenfe the vapour. I have fince converfed with fome of the principal lead fimelters in Derbyshire, and find that I had over-rated the quantity of this fublimed lead; the weight of the fcoria from a ton of ore, amounting. to more than I had fuppofed; they were all of them, however, of opi- nion, that the plan I had propoſed for faving the fublimate, was a very rational one. But fo difficult is it to wean artifts from their ancient ways of operating, that I queftion very much. whether any of them 3. would ( 284 ) would ever have adopted the plan⠀ they approved, if an horizontal chimney, which was built a little time ago in Middleton dale, for a quite different purpofe, had not given them a full proof of the practicability of faving the fubli- mate of lead, which is loft in the ordinary method of fmelting. This chimney was built on the fide of an hill to prevent fome adjoining paf- tures from being injured by the fmoke of the furnace. It not only anfwers that end, but it is found alfo to collect confiderable quanti- ties of the lead, which is fublimed: during the fmelting of the ore; this fublimed lead is of a whitifh. caft, and is fold to the painters at ten or twelve pounds a ton; it might perhaps be converted into red lead with ftill more profit. A fe ! 285) A fecond circumftance to be at- tended to in the fmelting of lead ore, is the faving the fulphur contained in it. The pure lead ore of Derbyshire contains between an eighth and a ninth part of its weight of fulphur; but as the ore which is fmelted is never pure, being mixed with par- ticles of Spar, cawk, limeſtone, brazil, and other ſubſtances, which the mi- ners cáli deads, we fhall be high enough in our fuppofition, if we fay that the ordinary ore contains a tenth of its weight of fulphur; it may not, probably, contain fo much, but even a twelfth part, could it be col- lected at a ſmall expence, would be an object of great importance to the' finelter. In the common method of fmelting lead ore there is no ap- pearance of the fulphur it contains, it (286) it is confumed by the flame of the furnace, as foon as it is feparated from the ore; an attentive obſerver may, indeed, by looking into the furnace, diftinguifh a diverfity in the colour of the flame, at different pe- riods of the procefs; during the first three or four hours after the ore is put into the furnace, the flame has a bluish tint, proceeding no doubt from the fulphur which, in being fublimed from the ore, is inflamed: after all the fulphur is feparated from the ore, the flame has a whit- ifh caft, and then, and not before, the fire may be raiſed for finiſhing the operation; for if the fire be made ftrong before the fulphur be difperf ed, the quantity of lead is lefs, pro- bably, for two reafons; the fulphur unites itſelf in part to the lead which is (287) > is formed, and by this union be- comes infeparable from it; for the fulphur cannot without much diffi- culty be feparated from an artificial mixture of lead and fulphur, when the two ingredients have been fufed · together. -2. The fulphur, whilſt it continues united to the lead in the natural ore, renders the ore vo- latile, fo that in a ſtrong heat a great portion of it is driven off. Hence, very fulphureous ores fhould be roaſted for a long time with a gen- tle heat, and in this proper manage- ment of the fire, principally conſiſts the fuperiority of one fielter above another. An old lead fmelter informed me that he had often reduced a ton of ore to 16 hundred weight by roaft- ing it, but that he did not obtain more T288 288) ! more metal from it by a fubfequent fufion, than if he had fluxed it with- out a previous roafting. This may be true of fome forts of ore, but it is not true of very fulphureous ores. Indeed the fire may be fo regulated in a cupola furnace, as to make it anfwer the purpoſe of a roafting and a fmelting furnace at the fame time. I have feen much lead loft by fielt- ing a ton of fulphureous ore in eight hours, which might have been faved, if the fire had at firft been kept fo gentle as to have allowed twelve hours for finiſhing the operation. Sulphur cannot be feparated from lead ore in clofe veffels, and the lead ore melts with fo fmall a degree of heat, that there may be more diffi- culty in procuring the fulphur from the ores of lead, than from thofe of " copper (289) copper or iron, however, I am far from thinking the matter impracti cable, though I have not yet hit up- on the method of doing it; and the following reflections may, perhaps, tend to fuperfede the neceffity of collecting the fulphur in fubftance. When it is faid that the fulphur is confumed by the flame of the fur- nace as foon as it is feparated from the ore, the reader will pleafe to re- collect, that fulphur confifts of two parts, of an inflammable part, by which it is rendered combustible, and of an acid part, which is fet at liberty, in the form of vapour, during the burning of the fulphur. Now this acid, though it may be driven out of the furnace in the form of a vapour, yet it is incapable of being thereby decompofed; it fill VOL. III. T con- ( (290 290 ) continues to be an acid; and, could the vapour be condenſed, might an- fwer all the fame purpoſes as the acid of vitriol; fince all the acid of vitriol, now uſed in commerce, is actually procured from the burning of fulphur. That the fact, with reſpect to the acid not being decom- pofed, is as I have ſtated it, may be readily proved. The fmoke which iffues out of the chimney for fome hours after each fresh charge of ore, has a fuffocating fmell, perfectly re- fembling the ſmell of burning brim- ftone; and if a wet cloth, or a wet hand, be held in it for a very ſhort fpace of time, and afterwards appli- ed to the tongue, a ftrong acid will be fenfibly perceived. Various me- thods may be invented for condenf- ing this acid vapour, and, probably, more ( 291 ) more commodious than the follow- ing one, which, however, I will juſt take the liberty of mentioning, as, if it fhould not fucceed, the trial will be attended with very little expence. Suppofing then an horizontal chimney to be built, let the end far- theft from the fire be turned up by a tube of earthen ware, or otherwife, fo that the fulphureous acid may iſſue out in a direction parallel to the flue of the chimney, and at the dif tance of about a foot and an half above it. Let a number of large globular veffels be made of either glafs or lead, each of theſe globes muſt have two necks fo as to be capable of being inferted into one another; let thefe veffels be placed on the flue of the chimney, the neck of the firft being inferted into T 2 the $ (292) the tube through which we have ſuppoſed the fulphureous acid to iffue, and the neck of the last being left open, for fear of injuring the draught of the furnace. Let each of thefe globular veffels contain a ſmall quantity of water, then it is con- ceived, that the heat of the flue will raiſe the water into vapour, and that this watery vapour will be the means of condenſing the fulphureous acid vapour, if not wholly, at leaft in fuch a degree as may render the un- dertaking profitable. When the ful- phur is all confumed, the draught of the furnace may be fuffered to have its ordinary exit at the end of the horizontal chimney, by a very flight contrivance of a moveable damper. Since the first publication of the preceding Effay, I have feen an ( 293 ) an horizontal chimney at the copper works near Liverpool, where every thing I had faid concerning the pro- bability of faving fulphur by roaſt- ing lead ore, is verified with refpect to copper ore; and I believe a patent has been granted to fome individual · for this mode of collecting fulphur. Sulphur might be obtained with equal facility from the pyrites which is found amongst coal, and this ap- plication of the pyrites might, pro- bably, be more lucrative than the preſent one-making green vitriol *. A third circumftance, which re- quires the utmost care of the lead- fmelter, is the leaving as little lead as poſſible in the flag. Near every fmelting-houſe there are thouſands of tons of flag, which, when properly affayed, T 3 Vol. I. p. 229. ( 294 ) affayed, are found to yield from one eighth to one tenth of their weight of lead; though no perfon has yet diſcovered a method of extracting fo much from them when ſmelted in large quantities; and indeed the fmelters are fo little able to obtain all the lead contained in them, that in many places they never attempt to extract any part of it: in fome places where they do attempt it, I have known the proprietor of the flag allow the ſmelters 20 s. for every pig of lead they procured of the va- lue of 38s. befides furnishing them. with fuel and yet the men employ- ed in ſuch an unwholefome bufinefs,. feldom made above 7s. a week of their labour. This fufion of the flag of a cupola furnace is made, as has been mentioned, at a hearth fur- : 3 nace; ( 295 ) nace; the coal cinder, which they uſe as fuel, and the flag, are foon melted by the strong blaft of the bellows into a black mafs, which, when the fire is very ſtrong, becomes a perfect glafs; this black maſs, even in its moft liquid ftate, is very tenacious, and hinders many of the particles of lead from fubfiding, and it being from time to time removed from the furnace, a confiderable quantity of lead is left in it, and thereby loft. A principal part of the lead con- tained in the flag of the cupola fur- nace, is not, I apprehend, in the form of a metal, but in the form of a litharge or calcined lead: a portion of the lead, in being finelted from its ore, is calcined by the violence of the fire; this calcined lead is not only very vitrifiable of itfelf, but it helps T 4 (296) Y helps to vitrify the fpar which is mixed with the ore, and thus confti- tutes the liquid fcoria; might it not be uſeful to throw a quantity of char- coal duft upon the liquid fcoria in the cupola furnace, in order that the calcined lead might be converted into lead, by uniting itſelf to the inflammable principle of the char- coal? Iron will not unite with lead, but it readily unites with ful- phur, and, when added to a mixture of lead and fulphur, it will abſorb the fulphur, leaving the lead in its. metallic form; might it not be uſe- ful to flux fulphureous lead ores in conjunction with the fcales or other refufe pieces of iron, or even with fome forts of iron ore? The fmelter's great care fhould be to ex- tract as much lead as poffible at the first (297) first operation of fmelting the ore, and to leave the flag as poor as pof- fible; but if he ſhould ſtill find either the flag of the cupola furnace, or that of the hearth furnace, contain- ing much lead (as that even of the hearth furnace certainly does), he may, perhaps, find it worth his while to reduce the flag into a powder by a ſtamping mill, or by laying it in highways to be ground by the carts, or by fome other contrivance, and then he may ſeparate the ftony part of the flag from the metallic, by wafhing the whole in water, inafmuch as the metallic part is far heavier than the other. I eſtimated the weights of feveral pieces of flag, and found them to differ very much from each other; this difference is principally to be at- ( 298) attributed to the different quantities. of lead left in them. Weight of a cubie foot of Slag from a cupola furnace, where no lime was uſed Black flag from a hearth furnace Another piece Avoir. oz.- } 3742 3652 3612 Black flag from another hearth fur- "} nace---ftruck fire with fteel Black glafs flag - 3378 337 This may not be an improper place to add a word or two concern- ing the Derbyshire Toadstone, which conſtitutes one of the principal ftrata. in the mining country, and which is fuppofed to have been in its origin a flag thrown out by a volcano. It perfectly reſembles fome of the fpe- cimens, I have feen, of one of the forts of the lava of Vefuvius, not only * See Vol. II. p, 206. in ( 299 ) in the hardneſs of its texture, and blackneſs of its colour, but in its weight; a cubic foot of fome forts of Derbyshire toadftone weighing more, and of other lefs than a cubic foot of the Vefuvian lava, which it reſembles. The streets of London have ſome of them been paved, of late years, with a teadſtone from Scot- land, of the fame nature as the Der- byſhire toadſtone; and the streets of Naples have for many centuries paft been paved with the lava from Ve- fuvius which reſembles toadftone. Neither the Derbyshire toadſtone, nor that fort of Vefuvian lava which reſembles it, feem to have experienced in their formation any great degree of heat; they are but in a half vitri- fied ftate the toadftone I have fre- quently melted in a fmith's forge into ( 300 ) into a black glafs, and the Vefuvian lava gives a glaſs of the fame kind. The air has a manifeft action upon the Derbyſhire toadſtone, for it not only waftes away the fpar which is found in the blebs of fome forts of toadſtone, but it reduces into a brownish mould, fit for vegetation, the moſt hard and compact forts; the Vefuvian lava is fubject to the fame change from the operation of the fame cauſe. Weight of a cubic foot of Avoir. oz. Toadſtone hard and free from blebs 2884 Vefuvian lava refembling toadstone 2865 Iron flag, a greenish glafs 2843 Iron flag, a brownish glafs Iceland cryſtal-Mr. Cotes Toadstone, decaying Another piece Another piece 2729 2720 2680 2662 } 2558 ESSAY ESSAY IX. OF SILVER EXTRACTED FROM LEAD. WE E have no filver mines, pro- perly ſpeaking, in Great Bri- tain, but we have plenty of lead, from which filver is, in fome places, extracted with much profit, If the method of doing this had been known to the ancient Britons, it might have freed our country from the reproach of Cicero, who tells his friend Atticus, that there was not a fcruple of filver in (302) in the whole ifland*; and in another place, he ſays, that he had heard there was neither gold nor filver in Britain. The Romans had a very imperfect knowledge of this country in the time of Cicero, fo that his ac- count of the matter may not, per haps, deferve to be much relied on; we are certain, at leaſt, that about fifty or fixty years afterwards, both gold and filver were reckoned by Strabo amongst the products of Bri- tain ; hence, if the Britons did not underſtand the art of extracting fil- ver from lead at the firſt invaſion of * the etiam illud jam cognitum eft, ne- que argenti fcrupulum effe ullum in illa infula (Britann.) Epift. ad Att. L. IV. E. XVII. Epift. Fam. L. VII. E. VII. L. IV. p. 305,-Sec alfo Tacitus's Life of Agricola. ( 303 ) the Romans, they foon learned it from their conquerors; and this be- comes more probable, if it be ad- mitted, that filver was coined in Bri- tain in the time of Auguftus *. Silver is fo commonly contained in lead, that it is eſteemed a very great curiofity to meet with lead which is intirely free from it: it has even been afferted, that there is no lead in the world, except that of Villach in Ca- rinthia, which does not contain fil- ·ver †. The more ancient alchemifts, not knowing, probably, that filver was fo generally contained in lead, and * Sir John Pettus Fod Reg. yet Il n'y a point de plomb au monde, hot- mis celui de Villach, que ne contient de l' argent. Lehman fur les Mines, Vol. I. p. 174.See alfo Philof. Tranf. for 1665, p. 10. ( 304 ) yet obferving that lead, when treated according to their proceffes, often gave a portion of filver, were of opinion, that they could convert lead into filver. This was an eafy miſtake, and if they had obtained a portion of gold, they would, no doubt, have concluded, that they had tranfmuted the lead into gold; fince there is no metal, perhaps, which does not con- tain a fmall quantity of gold, or from which gold may not be ſeparated by long calcination. Lifter had long ago obferved, that all the English lead contained filver; and he ſpeaks as having, by his own experiments, proved the existence of filver in the lead of at leaft thirty different mines t; nor has any per- : * Gebri Chem. L. I. C. XIX. fon Lifter de Fontibus, Cap. II. S. 9, 10. (305) fon fince his time, found lead wholly free from filver. The Derbyshire lead has been ſaid to contain two grains of filver in a pound of lead *. Every general obfervation of this kind is liable to much contravention. from particular facts; becaufe the quantity of filver contained in lead, is not only different according as the lead is fluxed from the ore of differ- ent mines, but it is very poffible in an aſſay of the ore of the fame mine, to meet with one piece of ore which fhall afford a lead yielding eight or ten times as much filver as another piece would do. This diverfity ariſes from the ore itſelf being variable in quality in different parts of the fame mine; and even different lumps of ore, though contiguous to each other, Oper. Min. Explicata, p. 263. U VOL. II. will (306) will often yield very different quan. tities of filver, from the fame quan- tity of lead. This obfervation may explain the reaſon of the very oppo- fite teftimonies, which have been fometimes given in courts of juſtice, concerning the richness of a mine from particular affays; the plaintiffs and defendants, where the iffue to be tried was the quantity of ſilver, having been feverally intereſted in getting the best and the worft pieces of ore affayed, in order to fupport their respective claims. There was a notable inſtance of this with refpect to the lead mine of Eft kyr-kyr in Cardiganshire, which was difcovered in 1690. The law at that time ad- judged every mine to be a royal mine the metal of which contained enough of gold or filver to compenfate the charges ( 307 ) charges of refining, and the lofs of the bafer metal in which they were contained. In confequence of this law, the patentees of royal mines laid claim to the mine of Eft-kyr-kyr which was rich in filver, and they produced proof in Westminster-ball, that the lead of that mine contained to the value of fixty pounds of filver in every ton; whilft the proprietor produced proof, that it only contain- ed to the value of four pounds of filver in a ton *. I have been informed by an in- telligent perfon, that there are fome lead ores in Great Britain, which, though very poor in lead, contain between three and four hundred ounces of filver in a ton of the lead. It is not to be expected that the pro- prietors → Some Account of Mines, pa 27 a U 2 (308 ( 308 ) prietors of theſe, or of any other mines rich in filver, fhould be for- ward in declaring to the world the quantity of filver which they con- tain. The proprietor indeed of a lead mine containing filver, may work the fame, without any appre- henfion of its being taken from him, under the pretence of its being a royal mine; yet the crown, and per- fons claiming under it, have the right of pre-emption, of all the ore which may be raiſed. There was an act of parliament paffed in the fixth year of William and Mary, intitled,-An act to prevent difputes and contro- verfies concerning royal mines. - This act gave great quiet to the fub- ject, by declaring, that every propri- etor of a mine of copper, tin, iron, or lead, fhould continue in poffeffion of ( 309 ) of the faid mine, notwithſtanding its being claimed as a royal mine, from its containing gold or filver: but it further enacted, that their majefties, their heirs and fucceffors, and all claiming under them, fhould have the privilege of purchafing all the ore which ſhould be raiſed out of fuch a mine, at the following prices; that is to fay, paying for all ore waſhed, made clean, and merchant- able, wherein is copper, after the rate of fixteen pounds a ton; for tin ore (except that raiſed in Devonshire and Cornwall) forty fhillings; for iron ore forty fhillings; and for lead ore nine pounds a ton. This ftand- ard price of nine pounds a ton for lead ore was, at the time it was fix- ed, much higher than the ordinary price of ore, in which there was no filver U 3 ( 310 ) filver worth extracting; the beſt kind of Derbyſhire lead ore being, at prefent, generally worth no more than ſeven pounds a ton. It may deſerve, however, the confideration of the legislature, whether the claufe in the forementioned act, refpecting the right of pre-emption, ſhould not be wholly repealed; as there may be many lead mines in England very rich in filver, but which, on account of the difficulty of working them, cannot be entered upon with advan- At tage, whilft this right fubfifts. many lead mines, moreover, there are large quantities of fteel-grained ore raiſed together with the ordinary fort, now it generally happens that the ſteel-grained ore is much richer in filver than the ordinary diced ore of Derbyſhire; and it might, if ſepa- rated (311) rated from the reft, be worked for filver; but whether from an appre- henfion of the operation of the clauſe we are fpeaking of, or from mere ignorance or inattention, all the forts of ore are mixed and fmelted toge- ther. Silver has formerly been extracted from lead in a great many places in this ifland. In the reign of Edward I. near 1600 pounds weight was ob- tained, in the courſe of three years, from a mine in Devonshire, which had been diſcovered towards the begin- ning of his reign; this mine is called a filver mine by the old writers, but it appears to have been a mine of lead which contained filver *. The lead * Hollingfhed's Chron. Vol. II. p. 316. See alfo, in the fame author, a further account U 4 of ( 312 ) > lead mines in Cardiganshire have at different periods afforded great quan- tities of filver: Sir Hugh Middle- ton is faid to have cleared from them two thouſand pounds a month * and to have been enabled there- by to undertake the great work of bringing the new river from Ware to London; and in allufion, probably, to theſe two great circumstances of his life, there are painted upon fome of his pictures the two terms-fontes -fodina. Theſe fame mines yield- ed, in the time of the great rebellion, eighty ounces of filver out of every ton of lead, and part of the king's army was paid with this filver, which was of filver extracted from the lead in Devonshire and Cornwall in the time of Edward III. p. 413. * Oper. Min, explic. p. 245. ( 313 ) (313 was minted at Shrewsbury. A mint for the coinage of Welch filver had before that time been eſtabliſhed in 1637 at Aberystwith; the indenture was granted to Thomas Bufhel for the coining of half- crowns, fhillings, fix-pences, two-pences, and pennies, and the monies were to be ftamped with the oftrich feathers on both fidest. In the year 1604 near three thouſand ounces of this Welfh bul- lion were minted, at one time, at the Tower. Webster, in his Hiſtory of Metals, publiſhed in 1671, makes mention, from his own knowledge, of two places in Craven, in the weft- riding of Yorkshire, where formerly good filver ore (lead ore abounding * Sir J. Pettus, Effay on Metal. Works. Rym. Foed. Tom. XX. 164. Some Account of Mines, p. 6. in (314) in filver) had been gotten. One of the places was Brunghill moor in the parish of Slaidburn, the ore of which held about the value of fixty-feven pounds of filver in a ton: the other was Skelkorn field within the townſhip of Rimmington in the parish of Giſ- burn; it had formerly belonged to one Pudfey, who is fuppofed to have coined the filver he got out of his mine, there being many fhillings in that country which the common people called Pudfey's fhillings *. There is not at prefent any place in Derbyshire where filver is extracted from lead. A work of this kind was eſtabliſhed a few years ago not far from Matlock, and the lead yield- ed fourteen ounces of filver from a ton; but the mine which afforded the Webſter's Metal. p. 21. ( 315 ) the ore was foon exhauſted, or be- came too difficult to be worked with profit. There is a lead mine in Patterdale near Kefwick, which yields between fifty and fixty ounces of fil- ver from a ton of the lead : the ore of this mine is reckoned to be poor in lead; and indeed it is very common- ly obferved, that the pooreft lead ores yield the moft filver, fo that much filver is probably thrown away, for want of having the ores of the poorest fort properly affayed. The quantity of lead fielted an- nually in Derbyshire, may be eſti- mated at 7,500 tons upon an average; fifty years ago the average was, pro- bably, 10,000 tons a year, but we put it high enough in fuppofing it, at prefent, to amount to 7,500 tons: I have never been able to get any proper (316) proper information, concerning the quantity of lead annually fmelted in other parts of Great Britain, but for the illuftration of the fubject we are upon, let us fuppofe, that in the whole kingdom 30,000 tons of lead are annually fmelted, and that at a medium each ton of lead would yield 12 ounces of filver; then would there be, if all the lead was refined, a faving of three ounces of ſilver from each ton of lead, or ninety thou- fand ounces in the whole; our Eng- liſh workmen reckoning that nine ounces of filver are full adequate to the expence of refining a ton of lead, added to that of the lead which is loft during the operation. The general manner of extracting filver from lead is every where the fame; it is very fimple, depending upon ( 317 ) upon the different effential proper- ties of the two metals. It is an effential property of lead, when melted in the open air, to loſe its metallic appearance, and to burn away into a kind of earth. It is an effential property of filver not to burn away, or to loſe its metallic ap- pearance when expofed to the action of the ſtrongeſt fires, in the open air. Hence, when a maſs of metal, con- fifting of lead and filver, is melted in the open air, the lead will be burned to aſhes, and the filver re- maining unaltered, it is eaſy to un- derſtand how the filver may be ex- tracted from the lead; for being hea- vier than the ashes of the lead, and incapable of mixing with them (fince no metal is mifcible with an earth), it will fink to the bottom of the ( 318 ) the veffel in which the mafs is melt- ed. Iron, tin, and copper, reſem- ble lead, in being convertible into a kind of afhes, when expofed to the action of air and fire, and gold re- fembles filver in not undergoing any change from fuch action; hence ei- ther gold or filver, or a mafs con- fifting of both, may be purified from any or all of theſe metals by the mere operation of fufion; for theſe metals will rife to the top of the veffel, in which the fufion is made, in the form of an earth or droſs, leav- ing the gold or filver pure at the bottom. The ancients certainly knew that filver could be purified from the bafe metals by the force of fire.- The boufe of Ifrael is to me become drofs: all they are brass (copper), and 2 ting (319) tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace, they are even the drofs of filver. And as we read of filver being purified ſeven times in a fur- nace of earth, it may, perhaps be inferred, that the method of refining filver, which was then in ufe, con- fifted in reducing the bafe metals into earth, by a repetition of the procefs of fufion. This inference, it muſt be owned, is rendered doubt- ful by a paffage in Jeremiah ;—the bellows are burned, the lead is confumed of the fire, the founder melteth in vain ‡. -This paffage is fomewhat ambi- guous, and interpreters tranflate the original Hebrew differently, but moſt of them collect from it, that the founder * Ezek. xxii. 18. Jerem. vi. 29. Pf. xii. 6. (320) founder added lead to the mixed mafs which he wanted to refine. Lead, when reduced to an earth by being burned in the open air, may, in a ſtronger degree of heat, be converted into a yellowish glaſs *, which * Other metallic fubftances yield coloured glaffes, either when vitrified alone, or in conjunction with pure glaſs. In enamel and china painting, they prepare rofe red and purple colours from gold; fcarlet reds from iron, or vitriols that partake of it greens ; from copper; blues from cobalt blacks from magnefía, zaffer, and ſcales of iron; yel. lows from filver antimony, Naples yellow, and crocus martis; white from tin. The ſame ſubſtance yields different colours, ac- cording to the degree of heat to which it is expoſed; thus, the green colour of common glafs bottles, which proceeds from the iron contained in the fand and vegetable aſhes from which the glafs is made, is changed into a blue. by a ſtronger degree of heat. (321) which has the property of greatly contributing to the eafy vitrification of all earthy fubftances; hence, when gold or filver are mixed with iron, copper, or tin, it is ufual to add to the mixed maſs a quantity of lead, in order to accelerate the purification; for the lead will be converted into glafs, and this glafs will vitrify all the extraneous fubftances with which the gold or filver are polluted, with- out exerting the leaft action upon the precious metals themfelves. I do not know upon what grounds one of the most diftinguished che- mifts of the age has afferted, "that the refining of gold and filver mere- ly by the action of the fire was the only method anciently known;" f and Chem. Dist. by M. Macquer, artic. Refining. VOL. III. X (322) and that the doing it by the addition of lead, is a difcovery with which the ancients were unacquainted. Not to infift upon what has been quoted from Jeremiah; in Diodorus Siculus there is a very minute de- fcription of the manner of working fome gold mines in the confines of Egypt and Arabia; this defcription was probably written on the ſpot when he visited that country, but the mode of operation feems to have been derived from a more early pe- riod; as the diſcovery of the mines is attributed by him to fome of the moſt ancient Egyptian kings; amongſt other particularities, he takes notice of their melting the mineral in con- junction with a little tin, fome fmall portion of falt, and a lump of lead.* Sirabo *Diod. Sic. Lib. III. p. 183-189. (323) Strabo quotes Polybius as fpeaking of a filver ore, which, after being five times washed, was melted with lead, and became pure filver. Unfortu- nately this part of the works of Po- lybius is loft, or we might have had a more circumftantial knowledge of the proceffes by which the ancients extracted filver from its ores, as Strabo fays, that he omitted Poly- bius's account of this matter, becaufe of its prolixity. Pliny probably has an allufion to the ufe of lead in refining filver, when he fays, that a filver ore in the form of an earth could not be melted except in con- junction with lead or the ore of lead.† A more diligent fearch into the writ- ings of the ancients would, doubt- * *Strab. Geo. Lib. II. p. 221. Plin. Hift. Nat. Lib. XXXIII. C. 6. lefs, X 2 (324) lefs, furniſh more authorities upon the point, but theſe may be ſuffi- cient to induce us to believe, that they were not unacquainted with the uſe of lead in refining gold and fil- ver. But to return to the manner of extracting filver from lead. The veffel in which the workmen melt the maſs of filver and lead, is of a ſhallow form, that a large fur- face of the melted mafs may be ex- pofed to the air; it is made ufually of four meaſures of the afhes of calcined bones, and of one meaſure of un- waſhed fern afhes, and is called a teft:* This veffel is very porous, but * Teſts are ſometimes made of clay and other materials, and metallurgic writers of ten order the wood afhes to be waſhed, leſt the alkaline falts which they contain fhould tend to vitrify the teft; but a very good re- finer (325) but not fo much as to imbibe the metal, whilst it continues in the form of a metal; but as the earth, into which the lead is foon reduced by the action of the fire, becomes melt- ed, the teſt imbibes a portion of it in that liquid ftate, the other por- tion is driven off (as cream is blown off from milk) from the furface of the melted mafs, by the blaft of a bellows. The liquid, half vitrified, earth of lead, which is thus driven off, concretes into hard maffes of a fcaly texture, and is called in that ftate litharge, or filver ftone, from the manner of its being produced, or from an idle notion of its con- taining finer at Holywell informed me, that he always uſed the aſhes without waſhing them, as the veffel became thereby lefs apt to crumble into pieces. x 3 (326) taining much filver. The litharge which is firft formed is whitiſh, that which experiences a greater degree of heat is red; the colour of the litharge is alfo influenced by that of the other metals, which may chance to be mixed with the mafs of lead and filver. When the furface of the melted maſs becomes white, and throws up no more litharge, the ope- ration is finiſhed; but as the re- maining filver is not quite pure, fince it contains a fmall portion of lead, from which the degree of heat requifite for melting the mixed maſs cannot readily free it, it is taken to a refining furnace, and rendered quite pure, at leaſt from lead, by cupella- tion. This procefs confifts in melt- ing the filver obtained from the firſt operation, in a veffel made of the fame 2 ( 327 ) fame materials as the teft, and which, from its refemblance to a wide- mouthed cup, has been called a supel. The cupel being expofed to a ftronger heat than the teft, the lead which had eſcaped the action of the fire on the teft, is now driven out from the filver, and being converted into litharge, is abforbed by the cu- pel, and by this means the filver is purified from every metal except gold; for it is not neceffary, on this occafion, to remark, that a minute portion of copper, when there hap- pens to be any in a maſs of filver and lead, probably eſcapes the action of the fire in cupelling gold or filver. There are ſeveral fmelting houfes at Holywell in Flintshire, where filver is extracted from lead; Mr. Pennant * × 4 * Tour through Wales. has (328) has given the following account of the quantity of filver extracted at one of the largest of thefe houfes in the courſe of fix - years. ounces. ounces. Year 1754 12160 Year 1774 - 5693 1755 - 1276 * 1775 6704 1756- 7341 1776 - 4347 The filver obtained from lead at Holywell, is chiefly fold to the manu- facturers at Birmingham and Sheffield. Much filver is alfo extracted from lead in Northumberland. At Holywell they ufually work off three tons of lead at one operation, the quantity of filver which they procure, is variable according to the richneſs of the lead; a few years. ago they were refining lead from an ore found in the Iſle of Man, and it gave them about 60 ounces at every ope- ! (329) ་ operation, or 20 ounces in a ton of the lead. The litharge ordinarily obtained from three tons of lead amounts to 58 hundred weight; this litharge may either be changed into red lead by calcination, or it may be reduced into lead again by being Aluxed with charcoal, or any other matter containing the inflammable principle, but when it is reduced they feldom obtain more than 52 hundred weight of lead, fo that by ex- * Lead from litharge is, generally ſpeak- ing, worth five fhillings a ton more than ore lead, as the plumbers eſteem it ſofter and fitter for making fheet lead; yet the litharge lead from the ore of the Ifle of Man here mention- ed, was found quite unfit for making fheet lead, on account, probably, of the ore having held other metals befide filver and lead. In the foreign works they eftimate the lofs of weight, which the litharge fuftains in being (330) extracting the filver, there is a lofs of eight hundred weight in three tons of lead. It has been faid that the Dutch can extract the filver from three tons of lead, and not loſe above fix hundred weight upon convert- ing the litharge into lead, and that this fuperior ſkill, aided, probably, by their fuperior induftry, enabled them to purchaſe our lead, and to extract the filver from fuch as could not be refined here with advantage: I have been informed, however, by an experienced refiner in Derbyshire, that he could extract the filver with- out lofing quite fo much as fix bun- dred being reduced into lead, at a fixth part of the weight of the litharge, or 93 hundred weight from 58 hundred weight of litharge. Effais des Mines, Tom. II. p. 401. * Webſter's Metal. p. 233. ( 331 ) dred weight in three tons of lead; I make no queſtion that the lofs de- pends, in fome meaſure, on the qua- lity of the lead. It has been re- marked before, that lead, which does not contain nine ounces of filver in a ton, is not thought worth the re- fining; the fmalleft quantity which can be extracted with profit, muft depend much upon the price of lead, all expences attending the feveral proceſſes being the fame. For eight hundred weight of lead, which may be affumed at a medium as the lofs fuftained during the operations of refining and reducing, is worth 61. when lead is at 151. a ton, and it is worth only 41. 16s. when it is at 121. a ton. The value of 27 ounces of filver, which we ſuppoſe to be the quantity feparable from three tons of ( 332 ) 1 of lead, is 71. 1os. 9d. at 5s. 7d, an ounce; hence, the difference be- tween the value of the filver obtain- ed, and that of the lead loft, would, when lead is at 151. a ton, be > Il. 10s 9d. and when lead is as low as 121. a ton, it would amount to 21. 145. gd. In the times of Sir John Pettus, the ufual allowance for waſte in refining and reducing of lead, was three hundred weight in a ton, or nine hundred weight in three tons, and the lead was valued at 12l. a ton, * fo that lead has altered very little in its price in the courſe of above one hundred years. Silver is here valued at 5s. 7d. an ounce; this requires fome ex- planation. A pound of standard filver in England, confifts of 11 Fodina Reg. p. 10.) ounces ( 333 ) ounces and 2 pennyweights of fine filver, and of 18 pennyweights of copper; in other words, every mafs of Standard -filver confifting of 40 parts by weight, is compofed of 37 parts of fine filver, and of 3 parts of copper; the copper is called the al- oy. All nations ufe fome alloy both in their gold and filver; partly with a view of rendering thefe metals harder, and partly becauſe it would require much labour and expence to free them wholly from that fmall portion of copper, which, in their ordinary ſtate, as fluxed from their ores, they are generally found to contain. A pound of ſtandard ſilver is coined into 62 fhillings, hence the Mint price of an ounce of ſtandard filver would be a twelfth part of 62 Thillings, or 5s. 2d. From hence it ( 334 ) it might be fhewn, by the rule of proportion, that the market price of an ounce of fine filver, which con- tains no copper, will be 5s. 7d. at the leaft. The market price of fil- ver bullion does not wholly depend on the mint price, it can never be lower than that, but, from the ope- ration of various caufes, it may ex- cced it. Standard gold with us confifts of 11 parts of fine gold, and of part of copper, or of a mixture of filver and copper; and a pound or 12 ounces of ftandard gold, is coined into 44 guineas; hence the price of an ounce of ftandard gold is 31. 17s. 10 d. and the price of an ounce of fine gold is 41. 4s. 114d. Foreign gold trinkets ftain the hands more, and have a more cop- I 2 pery Effay on Money and Coins, p. 2. and 55. (335) pery look than English ones; and in fact they are made of gold which is alloyed with a much greater pro- portion of copper, than the ftand- ard gold of England; yet, when an enamel is to be fixed on gold, one of the most experienced of the fo- reign enamellers recommends the ufe of gold, which has the fame al- loy as the English ftandard gold, or two parts alloy, and twenty two parts of fine gold. Copper communicates a fmell both to gold and filver. The Ro- man ſpecula, which they uſed as look- ing glaffes, in Pliny's time were commonly made of filver, but the filver was alloyed with much cop- per; for we find a cunning waiting maid in Plautus advifing her mif- trefs † M. de Montamy, Traite des Coleurs. (336) treſs to wipe her fingers after hav- ing handled a fpeculum, left her paramour, from the finell of her fingers, ſhould fufpect her of having received filver from fome other. lover. Ut fpeculum tenuifti, metuo ne oleant argen- tum manus, Ne ufque argentum te accepiffe fufpicetur Philolacles. Plaut. Moît. Act. I. ESSAY ESSAY X. OF RED AND WHITE LEAD. F the reader does not know what IF minium or red lead is, I would with him to fend for a few ounces of it to his painter or apothecary.- Suppofing him to have a parcel of red lead before his eyes, the firſt thing which will ftrike him is its vi- vid colour verging a little towards orange; if he crumbles it between VOL. III. Y his ( 338 ) - his fingers, he will find it to be an almoſt impalpable powder; if he poizes it in his hand, he will per- ceive it to be much heavier than either brick duft or red ochre, with which fubftances it is fome- times adulterated; if he compares it with a piece of lead, he will be aftoniſhed how it can be either pro- duced from lead, or be capable of being, by a very flight operation, reduced into lead again. It has been mentioned in the pre- ceding Effay, that red lead is made from litharge at Holywell: this red lead, which is made from litharge, is not perhaps, in all its properties, of quite the fame kind with that which is made directly from lead; at leaſt I have been informed, that the mak- ers of Alint glafs, who uſe much red lead ( 339 ) lead in the compofition of that glaſs, are of opinion, that the litharge red lead does not flux fo well as that which is made from the direct cal- cination of lead, as is practifed in Derbyshire. There are in that county nine red-lead mills or furnaces, all of which are much upon the fame con- ftruction. The furnace is very like a baker's oven, its vaulted roof is not at a great diſtance from the bottom or floor, on each fide of the furnace there are two party walls, rifing from the floor of the furnace, but not reach- ing to the roof, into the intervals, between thefe walls and the fides of the furnace, the pit-coal is put, the flame of which being drawn over the party walls, and ſtriking upon the roof, is from thence reflected down Y 2 (340) down upon the lead, which is placed in a cavity at the bottom, by which means the lead is foon melted. The furface of melted lead, when expofed to the open air, inftantly becomes covered with a dufky pellicle; and this pellicle being removed another is formed, and thus by removing the pellicle, as faſt as it forms, the great- eft part of the lead is changed into a yellowish green powder. This yellowish powder is then ground very fine in a mill, and being waſhed, in order to ſeparate it from ſuch parts of the lead as are ftill in their me- tallic ftate, it becomes of an uni- form yellow colour, and, when it is dried to a proper confiftency, it is thrown back again into the furnace, and being conſtantly ſtirred, fo that all its parts may be expofed to the action ( 341 ) action of the flame of the pit coal, in about 48 hours it becomes red lead, and is taken out for uſe. The colour of the red lead admits fome variety, which is occafioned by the different degrees of heat. If the heat is too fmall, inftead of red it is yellow or orange coloured; if it is too great, the red colour is chang- ed into a dirty white, between theſe two extremes it is fubject to fome di- verfity of ſhades of red, which cannot well be noticed or deſcribed, except by thoſe who are engaged in the making of it. It has been afferted, that the re- verberation of the flame and ſmoke upon the furface of the lead, is not a neceffary circumftance in giving it a red colour, but that it will ac- quire *Inftit. de Chym. par M. Demachy, p. 522. Y 3 (342) quire this colour by a long calci- nation without coming into contact with the flame. The truth of this affertion I think may be doubted. I have more than once calcined lead for above 60 hours, without fuffer-, ing the flame of the fire to touch it during any part of the proceſs, but by this method I could never obtain any thing better than a dirty red, reſembling the red of brickduft, which is very different from the colour of red lead; and even this dirty red was changed into a yellow colour, by augmenting the degree of heat with which the lead had been calcined. The method of making red lead is very well underſtood in England and Holland, but not in France; and the French workmen are of (343) of opinion that it cannot be made by the flame of wood fires*. During the making of red lead, part of it is volatilized, there rifes up from it a vapour, which attaches itſelf to the roof of the furnace, and forms folid lumps. Thefe lumps are of a yellowish white colour mix- ed with pale green and ſome reddiſh ſtreaks, wherein are frequently finall red cryſtals, reſembling ſuch as may be artificially formed by fubliming fulphur and arfenic together. The workmen call the whole of what is ſeparated from the lead in the form of fmoke, fulphur: when this fub- limed matter is detached from the roof of the furnace, the red parts * Mem. de l'Acad. des Scien. 1770. Elemens de Mineral, par M. Sage. Vol. II. P. 248. Y 4 are ( 344 ) are converted by a fubfequent pro- cefs, into red lead; and the yellow ones are fent to the fmelting fur- naces, to be run down again into lead. The quantity of this fubli- mate amounts to about five hundred weight in making one hundred tons of red lead. The proportion here affigned is not wholly to be relied on, fince the fmoke arifing from the lead forms itſelf into larger maffes, and in lefs time, when it is not con- ſtantly ſwept from the roof of the furnace than when it is; and the workmen endeavour to keep the roof as free from it as they can, be- cauſe a ſmall portion of it injures the colour of a large quantity of the red lead with which it happens to be mixed. A ton or twenty hundred weight of (345) of lead generally gives twenty-two hundred weight of red lead, notwith- ſtanding the lofs of fubftance which the lead evidently fuftains from the copious ſmoke which arifes from it during the operation. Some authors tell us, that the increaſe in the weight of the red lead is double what I have here mentioned: thus, Orfchall fpeak- ing of the red lead made at Nurem- berg, affures us, that 100 pounds of lead yield 120 pounds, and fome- times even more, of red lead. It is not impoffible that, according to the different manners of conducting the procefs, there may be a differ- ence in the quantity of weight which the red lead acquires: I had my in- formation from fome of the moſt 1 expe- * Orfch. Metal. French Tranſ. p. 100. M. Sage's Miner. Vol. II. p. 384. ( 346 ) experienced makers of red lead in Derbyshire. There have been great difputes amongſt philofophers, to what principle this increaſe of weight fhould be afcribed; fome have attri- buted it to what they call the matter of fire; others are upon good grounds convinced, that it is owing to the abſorption of the air itſelf, or of fome of the principles of which the air confifts. This hypothefis con- cerning the fixation of air during the calcination of metals, is faid to have been firſt advanced by John Rey, a French phyſician, in 1630; Dr. Hales was partly of the fame opinion *; and Dr. Pemberton very exprefsly af- firms, that calcined metals receive their increaſe of weight from the air, which," by acting on the inflamma- ble *Veget. Stat. ( 347 ) ble fubftance, either in metals or other bodies, expels it from them, and unites itſelf (in part at leaſt) to the remains of the body." The ingenious labours of Dr. Priestley and of M. Lavoisier have confirmed the conjectures and experiments of for- mer philofophers, for they have clearly proved two points-firſt, that a large portion of air may be Separated from red lead, by reducing it to the ftate of a metal;—and fecondly, that a large portion of air is abforbed by lead during the calci- nation, by which it is reduced to the ſtate of red lead †. During the calcination of lead, it is certain, from what has been faid, that Pember. Chem. p. 245. + Priestley's Exper. and Lavoifier's Effays, tranflated by Henry. ( 348 ) that much of its fubftance is difperf- ed into the air; this fubftance may indeed be ſeen aſcending as a ſmoke from the ſurface of the lead, if the heat be fo great as to make it boil; and in a lefs degree of heat, the va- pour which afcends from it, may be rendered viſible, by holding over it a wet iron ladle to condenſe it. But at the fame time that the lead lofes confiderably of its weight by the volatilization of part of its fubftance, it receives fuch an acceffion of new matter from the air, as renders the weight of the part which remains much greater than that of the whole lead which was expofed to calcina- tion. This acceffion of aërial matter may be driven off from red lead, by reſtoring to it the inflammable prin- ciple which was confumed during the 349) the calcination; but after this extra- neous matter is driven off by re- ducing the lead, we ought not to expect that the lead, which is thus brought back to its former ftate, fhould weigh as much as it did be- fore it was calcined; becauſe that part of it which was volatilized and diſperſed into the air cannot be re- covered. And in fact, it was obſerved in the laſt Effay, that three tons of lead, when converted by calcination into litharge, had loft two hundred weight; this quantity, and, probably, much more than this, had been vo- latilized and loft, for the remaining fifty-eight hundred weight conſiſted partly of the earth of lead, and partly of the air which had been fixed in it during the calcination; and hence, when it was reduced, it did not give above (350) above fifty-two hundred weight. In calcining then, and reducing fixty hundred weight of lead, there is a lofs of eight hundred weight: a great part of this lofs is rightly referred to the volatilization of the lead, but a part alſo may juftly enough be re- ferred to the fcoria which remains after the reduction of the litharge into lead, that operation being fel- dom performed fo accurately as not to leave fome part of the litharge unreduced. I have here fpoken of the lofs of weight ſuſtained during the reduction of litharge, as if it was the fame as that which red lead fuftains; there probably may be fome difference between them, but the general inference is the fame; and I have been informed moreover, that there is neither increaſe nor de- creaſe ( 35 ) creaſe in weight in converting li tharge into red lead*. In making red lead in Derbyshire, the workmen mix one hundred weight of flag lead with about eigh- teen hundred weight of ore lead; and they are perfuaded that this flag lead has a great effect, in accelerating the converſion of the other lead into an earth. Tin, when mixed with lead, very much promotes its calci- nation; and the flag lead has this .. pro- * This obfervation does not accord with that of the author of the Familiar Difcourfe concerning Mines, p. 34. 20 hundred weight of this litharge will produce 22 hun- dred weight of red lead." Another author informs us that 20 pounds of lead will, by a long calcination, give 25 pounds of aſhes, and that theſe 25 pounds of afhes will, when re- duced, give 19 pounds of lead. Lemery Cours de Chym. p. 145. 2 J (352) property in common with a mixture of tin and lead, that it does not, when melted, exhibit any colours on its furface: may not its properties, 'by which it is diſtinguiſhable from ore lead, arife from its containing zinc or tin? We are too apt, I think, to look upon the ores of lead as con- taining only one metal; fince we are certain that they all contain two, namely, lead and filver; and it may be, that they contain other metallic fubftances, particularly zinc and tin. In converting a ton of lead into red lead, the workmen obferve, that towards the end of the operation, a few pounds of lead are always found to remain, which cannot be changed into red lead, with the fame facility with which ordinary lead is changed. When I was firft informed, of ( 353 ) - df this circumftance, I confidered it in the following manner. Der- byshire lead, though it does not con- tein filver enough to render the ex- traction of it profitable, yet it gene- rally contains five or fix ounces in a ton: filver is not capable of being converted into an earth by the ac- tion of air and fire, when therefore a ton of lead is converted, as to its greateft part, into red lead, why may not the fix ounces of filver contained in that lead be left unaltered? and may not the fuperior difficulty of reducing the laſt portion of the lead into red lead, proceed from hence, that it is much more impregnated with filver, than ordinary lead is? Under the influence of this conjec- ture, I procured from Derbyſhire, fome of the lead which remained: VOL. III. Z un- () ( 354 354 uncalcined in the making of red lead, and I affayed it for filver, but it did not contain more filver than many ſpecimens of ore lead contained. It has been remarked, more than once, that red lead may be reduced into lead, by being melted with rofin, tallow, charcoal, or any fubftance containing the inflammable princi- ple. The proof of this is very eafy; a few grains of red lead being fcat- tered on a piece of red-hot charcoal, will be changed into globules of lead; or if the reader burns a com- mon red wafer in the flame of a candle, holding a piece of white paper under it, he will fee many red-hot globules falling upon the paper, and theſe globules he will find to be lead this lead proceeds from I the ( 355 ) the red lead with which ordinary wafers are coloured, being reduced into the ſtate of a metal, by uniting itſelf with the inflammable principle. The best wafers are coloured with vermilion-powdered cinnabar *. Having been difappointed in the expectation of finding a large pro- portion of filver, in the fall refidue of lead remaining after the conver- fion of ordinary lead into red lead; and being unwilling to give up the notion, I was defirous of convincing myſelf that I had not been guilty of any mistake in the affay that I had made, by trying whether red lead it- felf did not contain filver; for if red lead contained filver, I faw no reaſon to * Cinnabar is an ore of quickfilver; it is compofed of quickfilver and fulphur; gene- rally of 7 parts of quickfilver to 1 of fulphur. Z 2 ( 356 ) 356) to be ſurpriſed at the refidue,, before mentioned, not containing more than I found it to do. I therefore re- duced a quantity of red lead into the ſtate of a metal, by melting it with rofin; this reduced lead was carefully affayed more than once, and it always afforded a portion of filver. Hence we may conclude, that the filver contained in lead, though it be not fubject to calcina- tion during the process of making red lead, is nevertheleſs mixed with the calcined lead in fuch, a commi- nuted ſtate, as to escape our ſenſes; the filver, probably, is ftill in the form of filver, but its particles are fo indefinitely fine, that they can- not be diftinguished in the mafs of red lead, which contains them. The method of making flag lead has ས ( 357 ) has been defcribed before; I affayed' this kind of lead feveral times, and I fometimes obtained from it a glo- bule of filver, at other times there was no appearance of filver. This difference in the refult of the affays, is not to be attributed to any differ- ence in the quality of the flag lead which was affayed, for all the pieces which I tried were cut from the fame lump, but to the different de- grees of heat ufed in the operation; when the fire was too ftrong, the filver, I conceive, was volatilized. Silver, I know, is looked upon as a fixed metal, and not capable of being volatilized; and the lofs of filver, when the fire is too ftrong, has been attributed to its not being volatiliz- ed, but abforbed by the cupel: I have no objection to this account; Z 3. but (358) but that the volatilization of filver on the cupel is no unwarranted con- jecture, appears from hence, that in the laft procefs of refining lead for filver at Holywell, fo much of the filver is carried into the chimney of the furnace, that they have pro- cured a filver cup from melting the fweepings. A great quantity of lead is annu- ally imported in the tea boxes from China; a Congo box contains about 10 pounds, and an Hyfon box about 4 pounds of lead; I have frequently affayed this lead, and always found that it contained filver, but not in quantity fufficient to quit the ex- pence of extracting it. Pure lead is heavier than pure fil- ver, and the purer the lead the great- er is its weight; I calculated the weigh (359) weight of a cubic foot of five differ- ent ſorts of lead : Weight of a cubic foot of Lead from the reduction of red lead Lead uncalcined in making red lead Lead fmelted from an ore Lead from the flag of a cupola furn. Lead from a tea box Avoir.oz. 11460 - 11331 11262 II 212 11176 The experiments from which I form- ed this table, were repeated at dif- ferent times, and the mean of feve- ral trials in the refpective forts is expreffed. A cubic foot of fine filver weighs 11091 ounces *. The following affays of the feveral leads here mentioned, were made by an experienced affayer in London; they are very little different from * Cotes. Z 4 thofe 2 (360) thoſe which I myſelf had made, but I was defirous that the reader might rely upon the authority of a perſon- verfed in the particular bufinefs of affaying, rather than upon mine. Fine filver in a pound of Grains. Lead from the reduction of red lead 1 // Lead uncalcined in making red lead 11 Lead ſmelted from an ore Lead from the flag of a cupola furn. Lead from a tea box 13 I 13 Hla mica molt mit mo't From comparing the two tables. together, we fee that the heaviest lead contains the leaft filver. I do not think, that perfons intereſted in knowing the quantity of filver con- tained in any particular fpecimen of lead, fhould reſt fatisfied with aſſay- ing fo fmall a portion as a pound, efpecially if no notice is taken of any (361) ! any weight less than one fourth of a grain. White lead or cerufe, is lead cor- roded by vinegar. Thin plates of lead are rolled up in a fpiral form, and placed in earthen pots contain- ing vinegar; thefe pots being ranged on proper ftages, and their mouths being covered in fuch a manner, as to permit the vapour of the vinegar to eſcape, and at the fame time to prevent any impurity from falling into them, a quantity of horſe-dung is thrown in amongst them; by the heat of which, as it grows putrid, the vinegar is raiſed in vapour, and this vapour attaching itfelf to both fides of every fpiral of the lead, which is fo placed as not to touch the vinegar, it corrodes the lead into white fcales, which being beat off from (362) from the plates, washed and ground in a mill, conftitute the white lead of the fhops, excepting that this is generally, even before it gets into the hands of the painters, adulterat- ed with chalk. Cerufe was for- merly made by the vapour of putrid urine inftead of vinegar. The time when this preparation of lead was firſt diſcovered, is wholly uncertain; Diofcorides fpeaks of its being made in great perfection at Rhodes, Corinth, and Lacedemon, and of an inferior fort of it at Puteoli*; and Pliny defcribes two ways of conducting the opera- tion, both of which are now in uſe †. The Roman ladies were well ac- quainted with the ufe of cerufe as a cofmetic: Plautus introduces a wait- * Diof. Lib. V. C. 103. Lib. XXXIV. S. 54. ing (363) ing woman refufing to give her mif- ftreſs either ceruse or rouge, becauſe, forfooth, in the true fpirit of a flat- tering Abigail, fhe thought her quite handſome enough without them *. I fuppofe the Chriftian ladies in the days of St. Jerome, were given to this- pagan custom, for the venerable fa- ther inveighs very forcibly againſt -X the non do,. fcita es tu quidem, Nova pictura interpolare vis opus lepidiffi- mum, Non iftanc ætatem oportet pigmentum ullum attingere, Neque cerufam, neque melinum, neque aliam ullam offuciam. Plaut. Moft. A&t. I. Quid faciat in facie Chriftianæ purpuriffus et cerufa, quorum alterum ruborem genarum, labiorumque mentitur, alterum candorem: oris et colli, ignis juvenum, fomenta libidi- num, impudicæ mentis indicia, Hieron. ad. Fufcum. ! (364) the ufe of rouge for the lips and cheeks, and of ceruſe for the face and neck, as incentives to luft, and indi- cations of unchafte defires. With- out prefuming to explore the arcana of a lady's toilet, or to reveal the arts by which my fair countrywo- men endeavour to improve charms naturally irrefiftible, I would add to the admonition of St. Jerome, a caution more likely, in thefe dege- nerate times, to be attended to- the certain ruin of the complexion, to fay nothing of more ferious mala- dies, which must ever attend the conftant application of this drug. Nor is the magiftery of bifmuth or Spanish white, as it is called, much lefs pernicious than cerufe, notwith- ftanding its being in fuch repute in London, that the chemifts can hardly pre- ( 36.5.) pare it faft enough to fupply the demand for it *. But if, as is moſt probable, they will neglect this cau- tion, I warn them, however, to for- bear the uſe of ſuch waſhes at Har- rowgate, Moffat, and other places of the fame kind, left they fhould be in the ſtate of the unlucky fair one, whofe face, neck, and arms were fuddenly defpoiled of all their beau- ties, and changed quite black by a fulphureous water. Indeed, all phlo- giftic vapours, and even the fun it- felf, tends to give both the magiftery of bifmuth, and cerufe, a yellow co- lour: this obfervation may explain a line The magiftery of bifmuth is made by diffolving that femimetal in aqua fortis, and precipitating the diffolved biſmuth from the acid, by water. ( 365 ) a line in Martial, where a cerused lady is faid to fear the fun *. Other fluids, befides the vapour of vinegar, corrode lead into a kind of cerufe. When plumbers ftrip the roofs of churches, or other build- ings covered with lead, which has lain undisturbed for many years, they ufually find that fide of the lead which is contiguous to the boards, covered with a white pellicle, as thick fometimes as an half crown; this pellicle is corroded lead, and is as ufeful for painting, and other purpoſes, as the beſt white lead. The lead on the fouth ſide of any build- ing is found to abound moft with cretata timet Fabulla nimbum, Cerufata timet Sabella folem. this Mar. Ep. Lib. II. E. XLI. (367) this white cruft; that on the north fide having very little, or none at all of it. It is believed alſo, that lead which lies on deal boards, is not fo apt to be covered with this white in- cruftation, as that which lies upon oak if there be any truth in this obfervation, it may, perhaps, be ex- plained from hence, that oak con- tains a much ftronger acid than deal, and this ftrong acid being diftilled, as it were, by the heat of the fun in fummer, attaches itſelf to the lead, and corrodes it or this corrofion may be the effect of the fun and air, which, by their conftant action, cal- cine or corrode the lead; and this calcined lead not being washed off by the rain, may, in the courſe of a great many years, form the cruft here fpoken of. It might be worth : while, (368) while, in a philofophical view, to examine more minutely than has been done, the difference between old lead which has loft fome of its parts by long expoſure to the air, and new lead. The plumbers have affured me, that if a pig of old lead, and an equal pig of new lead, be put together into the fame iron pot, and expofed to the fame degree of heat, the new lead will be melted much fooner than the old lead, An- other difference betwixt them, re- fpects the quicknefs with which they may be reduced to a calx, the new lead being obferved to calcine much fafter than the old. Neither cerufe, nor litharge, nor minium, have any tafte; but any of theſe ſubſtances being boiled in di- filled vinegar, which has an acid taſte, ( 369 ) tafte, will be diffolved in it; and the folution being cryftallized will give one of the fweeteft fubftances in na- ture, called Saccharum Saturni, or fugar of lead. It is this property which lead has of acquiring a fweet tafte by folution in an acid, that has rendered it fo ferviceable to thofe wine merchants who, refpecting their own profit more than the lives of their cuſtomers, have not fcrupled to attempt recovering wines, which had turned four, by putting into them large quantities of cerufe or li- tharge. I believe this adulteration is puniſhed with death in fome parts of Germany; and it is to be wifhed that it met with that punishment every where. In 1750, the farmers general in France being aftonished at the great quantities de vin gaté which A a VOL. III. were ( 370 ) 1 were brought into Paris, in order to be made into vinegar, redoubled their reſearches to find out the cauſe of the great increaſe in that article; for near thirty thouſand hogfheads had been annually brought in for a few years preceding the year 1750, whereas the quantity annually brought in forty years before, did not exceed 1200 hogsheads. They difcovered, that feveral wine merchants, aſſum- ing the name of vinegar merchants, bought theſe four wines (which were ftill rendered more four by the cuf tom of pouring into each hogfhead fix pints of vinegar before it was fold), and afterwards, by means of litharge, rendered them potable, and fold them as genuine wines *. Our *Exam. Chy. de Differ. Subf. par. M. Sage, p. 157. ( 371 ) Our English vintners, there is rea- fon to fear, are not lefs fcrupulous in the uſe of this poifon than the French wine-merchants; for it not only corrects the acidity of four wines, but it gives a richneſs to meagre ones, and by this property the temptation to uſe it is much. in- creaſed. The reader may foon furnish him- felf with the means of detecting lead when diffolved in wine. Let him boil together in a pint of water, an ounce of quicklime, and half an ounce of flour of brimstone, and when the liquor, which will be of a yellow colour, is cold, let him pour it into a bottle, and corking it up, referve it for ufe. A few drops of this liquor being let fall into a glafs of wine or cider containing lead, Аа 2 will ( 372 ) will change the whole into a colour more or leſs brown, according to the quantity of lead which it contains ;- if the wine be wholly free from lead, it will be rendered turbid by the li- quor, but the colour will be rather a dirty white than a blackiſh brown. Van Helmont was of opinion, that Paracelfus made no vain boaft, in faying that he could cure two hun- dred diſeaſes by preparations of lead; but he does not tell us of the many hundred perfons he, probably, fent to their graves by his attempt. But it is beyond my ability, and falls not within my deſign, to diſcuſs ei- ther the falubrious or poiſonous qualities of lead; efpecially as the labours * Adeo ut non fruftra Paracelfus glorietur folo plumbo forte ducentas morborum claffes fuperare poffe. Helm. Op. p. 563. (373) labours of Sir G. Baker and Dr. Percivalt have fo fully illuftrated that ſubject. Having accidentally heard, during the printing of this volume, that Dr. Priestley had diſcovered a method of reducing red lead to its metallic form, by melting it, in contact with inflammable air, by means of a burning glafs, I was very defirous of having fo remarkable a fact confirm- ed by other experiments. But being prevented by a bad ſtate of health from venturing into an elaboratory myfelf, I communicated my wishes and ideas to an ingenious gentleman of this univerfity, who has for fome years been cultivating chemifty with a pro- * Med. Eff. Eff. on the Poifon of Lead. Rev. Mr. Milner, A. M. Fellow of Queen's College. ( 374 ) a proper degree of enthufiafm, and he has fucceeded in reducing red lead by means of inflammable air in the following manner. To one end of a glass tube, into the middle of which fome red lead had been put, an empty bladder was tied; to the other end a bladder full of inflam- mable air, obtained from a folution of iron in the acid of vitriol, was faſtened very cloſe: that part of the tube, in which the red lead was principally lodged, being heated al- moſt red hot, by being held over a finall crucible full of burning char- coal, the inflammable air was preſſed out of the bladder; at its firft paffage through the tube the red lead be- came brown, as if it had been mixed with fome oleaginous particles; and by preffing the bladders alternately for a fhort (375) a fhort ſpace of time, the red lead was reduced into fmall globules of lead; the quantity of inflammable air was fenfibly diminiſhed, a part it having been abforbed by the red lead when it became a metal. of Occafion was taken in another place to remark, the inflammable air, as a conſtituent part of com- buftible bodies, bore a great reſem- blance to phlogiſton*, and a doubt alſo has been expreffed, whether the phlogiston of metallic fubftances be not an elaſtic inflammable fluid; this experiment, in which lead is reduced by abſorbing inflammable air, tends very much to firengthen that hypo- thefis, and I doubt not we fhall fee reafon to admit it without heſitation, when the fubject has been more in- * Vol. II. p. 33T. veſtigated ( 376 ) veftigated; at prefent I do not know whether it has been proved that the whole of any definite quan- tity of inflammable air can be ab- forbed by a metallic earth; nor, if it cannot, what the nature of the remainder is: but the removal of theſe, and other doubts, will be beft accompliſhed by the ability of him, to whom we owe the firſt ſuggeſtion of the phlogifton of metallic fub- ſtances being an inflammable air, END OF VOL. 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