i 3: jía ; ," ‘. .-- $...} : * * * . - * , º, . A Proclamation by the Governor Elrbor º)ay, 1903. Co the people of the 5tate of (Nichigan, Greeting: Acting under authority vested in the Executive, I do hereby proclaim jfríðay, Elpril 24, 1903, as Elrbor º)ay and request a general observance, Arbor Day being essentially educa” tional in character, its purposes should be impressed upon the minds of the young by appropriate exercises in the educational institutions of the State, and in general by increased attention to the beautifying of private and public grounds, - -- Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, at the Capitol, in Lansing, this Ninth day of April, in the (Great Seal.) year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three, and of the Indepen- dence of the United States the One Hundred twenty-seventh, - (Signed) vº. Governor. By the Governor: Secretary of State.