GOULD'S WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY CO= O INDEX. LIBERTY EQVALITY FRATERNITY LOVE IS THE SOVL OF JUSTICE JVSTICE THE FOUNDATION OF RIGHTFVL LAW TIFFANY & CO EX LIBRIS ALBERT MAY TODD AM ss , VIVES } 0 добI Museums QL 31 G69 S53 Of this Edition on Large Paper 100 Copies only are printed. This Copy is No. 33 4505 ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THE WORKS OF THE LATE JOHN GOULD, FRS JOHN GOULD, F.Z.S., &c. FROM A NEGATIVE BY MESSRS. MAULL & Fox, MARCH, 1875. PRINTED BY THE WOODBURY COMPANY, LONDON. AN ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THE WORKS OF THE LATE JOHN GOULD, F.R.S. BY R. BOWDLER SHARPE, LL.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., ETC.. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM; HOLDER OF THE GOLD MEDAL FOR SCIENCE FROM H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA ; HON. MEMBER OF THE NEW-ZEALAND INSTITUTE; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF LISBON; HON. MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY ('NATURA ARTIS MAGISTRA ') OF AMSTERDAM; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION; MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS OF MOSCOW; FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE; HON. MEMBER OF THE MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; MEMBER OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION, ETC. ETC. WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT. LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 37 PICCADILLY (OPPOSITE St. James's Church). 1893. ALERE FLAMMAM. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. Museums Reference Bartfield 2:2-46 5 4400 PREFACE. The idea of compiling a complete ‘Index' to the works of Gould was suggested to me by the Earl of Wharncliffe. On a certain occasion he was discussing some ornithological question with Lord Walsingham at his country seat, and a reference to one of Gould's plates became necessary. Some difficulty having been experienced in finding the exact volume in which the figure was given, it occurred to both the above-named noblemen that such a difficulty would not arise if there existed a complete ‘Index' to all the folio works issued by Gould. Lord Wharncliffe having asked me if I would undertake such a book, I found that Messrs. Sotheran were equally willing to publish an · Index,' and I therefore set about the task. Without quoting every reference to papers published by Gould in various journals, I deemed it wise to include at least every work which he had issued separately, whether in folio, or 8vo, or 4to form. Thus the present 'Index' contains quotations from the ‘Synopsis' and the “Handbook' to the * Birds of Australia'; while, in order to make the work still more complete, the · Mammals of Australia' have also been included in the scheme. I must confess that when I so cheerfully undertook this ‘Index' I had no idea of the time which it would take to catalogue all the books written by Gould and to extract the references therefrom. I find, however, now that my task is completed, that it has taken me as many years to finish as I expected it would have taken months. This is no doubt due to a wish on my part to do the work as conscientiously as possible, for an ‘Index' is of no use unless it be very carefully compiled and thoroughly checked. With the aid, therefore, of my faithful attendant at the 6 6 2 vi PREFACE. 6 6 66 British Museum, Mr. Charles Chubb, I have checked every one of the references quoted in this book-nearly seventeen thousand in number ! The labour involved in this work will be appreciated by any one who is accustomed to “verify his references.” In my desire to make the . book as useful as possible I have gone further and have put in a number of extra synonyms from popular works, such, for instance, as Oates's ‘Birds of British India,' which in a few years will have fami- liarized Indian naturalists and sportsmen with a certain set of names which do not occur in Gould's works, though the species may be duly figured therein. Thus, for instance, The Fulvous-fronted Suthora (Suthora fulvifrons) occurs in the ‘Birds of Asia,' vol. iii. pl. 71. Oates calls these birds Crow-Tits,” and the above-named species is the “Fulvous-fronted Crow-Tit” of his ‘Fauna of British India,' Birds, vol. i. p. 66. I have I therefore placed “ Crow-Tit” in the present Index, in case any one, remembering the bird's English name, might have forgotten the Latin title. Again, in the “ Birds of Asia,' vol. v. pl. 52, Gould figures :- Crypsirhina cucullata. The Hooded Crypsirbina. This is the “ Hooded Racket-tailed Magpie ” of Oates's book (Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 35), so I have added the latter names in the ‘Index.' It might have been better, perhaps, to have printed such names as are thus added in brackets or in a different type; but this notion did not occur to me until too late, and it must be remembered that this ' Index' was not primarily written for scientific men, but for people who own a set of Gould's works, and who want to find a particular plate in the series, as was the case with Lord Wharncliffe and Lord Walsingham in the instance alluded to at the commencement of the 66 Preface." It is therefore incumbent upon me to give a WARNING TO ORNITHOLOGISTS to verify their references, and to look up the original quotations, after consulting the present work. I trust that they will find all the 6 PREFACE. vii 6 references which they seek; but they will also meet with other synonyms which are not published in Gould's works, and which have merely been inserted to aid those who are familiar only with recent work and modern nomenclature. I have, moreover, duplicated many references, with the object of giving a complete index to Gould's plates for any one studying particular groups of birds, and it is again necessary to repeat my caution as to copying the synonyms from this ‘Index' without consulting the books themselves. As an example, take “ Savi's Warbler.” I have (p. 294) given the reference to the plate in the “ Birds of Europe' as well as to that in the “ Birds of Great Britain,' although the name really occurs only in the latter work. In the ‘Birds of Europe' it is called the “Willow Locustelle," a name under which very few people would now think of looking for it. The choice of English names for exotic birds seems to have been more or less a stumbling-block to Gould, as it is to every one, and several amusing mistakes have occurred through the publication of his works in parts. Generally he got out of the difficulty by repeating the Latin name. Thus “Amydrus tristrami” became “ Tristram's Amydrus;" but in the manufacture of English titles for some of the species of Humming- birds we get some curious names, such as Aurelia's Puff-leg”?! It is quite comprehensible that an author, issuing in parts a work which takes many years to complete, should repeat English names, through forgetting that he had bestowed them in a previous number; but one or two amusing mistakes of this kind are found even in the ‘Hand- book,' where, for instance, two “ Beautiful” Parrakeets occur within a few pages of each other, as well as two Pied” Crow-Shrikes, “ Fasciated ” Honey-eaters, “ Shining ” Flycatchers, “ White-throated' Honey-eaters; two “Sclater's” Honey-eaters in the Birds of New Guinea,' two “ Pied” Cormorants in the Birds of Australia,' two ‘ “ Elegant” Tits in the 'Birds of Asia,' two “ Helmeted” Friar-birds in 66 6 viii PREFACE. “ the Supplement to the 'Birds of Australia,' two “ Allied” and two Hairy” Hermits in the Monograph of the Humming-Birds, and two “Orange-breasted” Trogons in the second edition of the Monograph. The list of “ Errata et Corrigenda” proves that, with all one's care, a good many mistakes will occur in a gigantic Index like the present. Many of these errors were not discovered until the final sheets of the book were being checked, as it was impossible to put the whole of the work ир in type at the same time, and in this way most of the mistakes were noted only when too late for correction. In conclusion, I can only hope that this ‘Index,' over which I have expended so much time, will be found to supply a real want, and will be of much service to the possessors of Gould's splendid series of ornithological works. I have only once more to thank my assistant, Mr. Chubb, for the cheerful help which he has rendered me through- out the preparation of the work. Some little difficulty arose at first as to whose set of Gould's works should be used as an authentic and complete copy. Messrs. Sotheran very kindly lent me a complete set of the Indices to the folio works, as far as they had got them, but they were unable to supply me with those of the 'Birds of Europe,' the ‘Birds of Australia,' and some of the earlier Monographs. I therefore determined, in the case of these works, to depend upon the copies in the library of the Zoological Society of London. 6 R, BOWDLER SHARPE. Chiswick, Dec. 15, 1892. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. To write the history of a man's life when the subject of one's pen has passed away, leaving behind him no private journal or memoranda of any kind, is not easy. In the case of JOHN Gould it is perhaps not necessary to seek for such data, for his work speaks for itself and his books tell the story of his life. This is, I am sure, what he would himself have wished them to do. Several excellent notices of his life and labours were published in 1881 at the time of his death, notably in ‘Nature' and in the · Zoologist;' but perhaps the best and fullest account was that written by Count Salvadori in the 'Atti’ of the Royal Academy of Science of Turin, of which Gould had been a Corresponding Member since 1841. This paper, en- titled “ Della vita e delle opere dell' ornitologo inglese John Gould," was published in the ' Atti' of the above-named Academy in 1881, and Count Salvadori therein gives a complete list of all the works and papers written by the deceased naturalist. Another excellent notice was published in 1864 in Photographic Portraits of Men of Eminence,' when Gould was sixty years of age, and from this memoir and the story which he himself tells of his work in the “ Prefaces” to his various publications we gain a history of his early life and accomplishments. I have also received much assistance in compiling this memoir from his three daughters, Mrs. Moon, Miss Louisa Gould, and Miss Sai Gould, and also from my colleague Mr. John Cleave, of the British Museum, who is a nephew of the deceased naturalist. 9 7 X BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. John Gould was born at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, on the 14th of September, 1804, and when quite an infant his parents went to live at Stoke Hill, near Guildford, and it was in this beautiful neighbour- hood that the child first imbibed his notions of the beauty of natural life. In the year 1818, when the future great ornithologist was fourteen years old, his father received a good appointment in the Royal Gardens at Windsor under Mr. J. T. Aiton, and there the boy assisted his father in gardening. He always remembered these youthful days in later life, when he would recount how he had picked many a bunch of dandelions for Queen Charlotte's dandelion-tea. He had now begun to study birds in earnest, and he made the acquaintance of many British species for the first time in the royal domain; while there is no doubt that the botanical knowledge acquired at this time also stood him in good stead at a later period. After some years spent at Windsor, during which time he had already established a reputation for skilful taxidermy, Gould was sent by Mr. Aiton to Yorkshire, where he was placed under the care of Mr. Legge, gardener at Sir William Ingleby's seat at Ripley Castle, for the purpose of studying the higher branches of forcing. He does not, however, seem to have stayed long in the north of England; for in 1827 he was back in London, and had obtained an appointment at the Zoological Society, which then had its rooms in Bruton Street. The exact nature of his appointment appears to be doubtful, as Vigors, in the Introduction to the Century, speaks of Gould as “Superintendent” of the ornithological collection of the Zoological Society, whereas he is elsewhere spoken of as “Curator to the Zoological Society. My friend Mr. Gerrard remembers him in these early days as a man of singular energy, with a good knowledge of the art of mounting animals, and indeed some of the best taxidermists in England were working under Gould at that time—such men as Baker, Gilbert, and others. At that time Vigors and Broderip were the moving spirits of the Zoological Society, then in its infancy, and from the former naturalist Gould received great encouragement. Vigors was an Irish 6 9 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. xi gentleman and a member of Parliament for Co. Mayo. He was one of the most active of the early founders of the Zoological Society, and not only described several interesting collections of birds, but was the author of a “Classification” which exercised considerable influence on the minds of ornithologists for some years afterwards. He is also celebrated as having been the Editor of the “ Zoological Journal,' and, as Swainson says (Bibl. Zool. pt. 2, p. 365), he “ was one of the first to apply the circular theory to the arrangement of birds." 6 Not long after his appointment to his post at the Zoological Society John Gould married Miss Coxen, the daughter of a Kentish gentleman named Nicholas Coxen; and to this lady is due much of the ultimate success of her husband's career, for she was as accomplished an artist as she was one of the best of wives. His marriage took place in 1829, and in 1832 he published his first work, the Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains.' From whom Gould got the collection has, I believe, never been stated. It would seem to have been formed princi- pally in the North-western Himalayas, but at least one Southern species, Myiophonus horsfieldii, is included on the supposition that it might occur also in the Himalayas. The text, however, shows that the collections of Sykes and Hodgson were known to Gould and Vigors. The descriptions of these Himalayan birds form the subject of some of the earliest papers in the Proceedings of the infant Zoological Society, and Vigors's articles were read at the meeting on Nov. 23, 1830, and continued at intervals until Dec. 27, 1831. At the time of the first meeting in 1830 Gould is spoken of as an - Associate” of the Linnean Society, but from the title of the Century,' published in 1832, he appears to have become by that time a “ Fellow” of the Society. After Vigors had described the Himalayan novelties, the idea struck Gould that an illustrated work might be published, with figures of these interesting birds. Vigors would write the letterpress and Gould himself 66 6 وو 7 2 xii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. would be responsible for the illustrations. With his unfailing instinct he rightly estimated his wife's artistic powers, and he broached the subject to her. “ But who will do the plates on stone ?” she asked; for litho- graphy was not at that time an everyday matter as it is now. Who ?” replied her husband. “Why, you of course!” This was the story as told me by my old friend forty years after the event. Anyhow, aided by the sketches of her husband, Mrs. Gould did draw all the plates of the Century,' and, with the exception of Bewick's woodcuts and the beautiful illustrations of Swainson, no such clever drawings of birds had been seen in this country. By this time Gould had left the service of the Zoological Society and had a house in Broad Street, Golden Square, where Mr. Gerrard tells me he many times visited the young couple and saw Mrs. Gould at work upon the lithographic stones, which were destined to make the names of herself and her husband imperishable in the history of Ornithology. Considering that Gould was a self-taught man, his talents for sketching the details of a bird picture were remarkable; and though he had excellent interpreters in his wife, and afterwards in Mr. Lear, Mr. Richter, and Mr. Hart, still his was always the moving spirit in designing the plates. 6 When Gould died, and the papers were publishing notices of his career, the Times' alluded to him as a true Priest of Nature, and the following letter from the late Blanchard Jerrold appeared in that journal on the 11th of February, 1881:- - a SIR,—I should like to add a few words to your admirable article on that 'true Priest of Nature,' the author of a “Century of Birds from the Himalayas,' and so much other work of the highest value. The Priest of Nature was assisted by a devoted Priestess. The loving, skilful hands of Mrs. Gould were at work, painting the birds which she and her husband so passionately studied together, through trials and perils innumerable, for many a long year. There are those alive who BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. xiii remember her at work in the rooms of the Zoological Society in Bruton Street, where she and her husband lived, in the days when Laman Blanchard was Secretary to the Society, and Mr. N. Vigors, M.P., his brother-in-law, was one of its most arduous supporters. Mr. Gould never failed to tell his friends how deep was his debt of gratitude to the artistic aptitude and courageous devotion of his wife and fellow-traveller. She it was who gave form and colour to his 600 varieties of birds. It would grieve him could he know that this debt of his had been over- looked. 56 I have the honour to remain, Sir, 66 Your obedient Servant, 66 Reform Club, Feb. 9." 66 BLANCHARD JERROLD.”' 66 9 a The appreciation which Vigors felt for the talents of Mrs. Gould was shown by his naming a Sun-bird after her, Nectarinia gouldiæ, and his regard for her husband by his writing the letterpress for the “Century.' This work consisted of 80 plates only; but many of these illustrated both male and female of certain species, so that altogether 102 figures are given in the work. The males of N. gouldia and Vinago militaris being figured in two positions makes the total number of specimens illustrated exactly 100—hence the title of a Century.' Of these, ninety specimens are said to have been given by Gould to the Museum of the Zoological Society, and ten were borrowed from other collections. From internal evidence I am able to account for five of the latter with certainty ; viz., Henicurus scouleri, Pyrrhula erythrocephala, and Ibido- rhynchus struthersi, which were borrowed from the Glasgow Museum, and Pastor traillic from the Liverpool Museum. Falco chicquera and Phoenicornis peregrina may have been either in Sykes's or Franklin's collection; and Otus bengalensis was probably taken from a drawing belonging to the Hon. C. J. Shore, as Picus shorii certainly was. Vigors likewise says that some plates were drawn from specimens in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, but I cannot find which they actually were. xiv BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. 6 When, in 1855, the Zoological Society determined to abandon the idea of keeping up a separate Museum, to the British Museum was given the choice of securing whatever specimens were deemed of value to the national collection, and the choice of the birds was, I believe, left in the hands of my predecessor, Mr. George Robert Gray. The number of types which ought to have come to the British Museum and did not do so is considerable, and among the most important were the Hima- layan types of Gould's 'Century.' Out of the ninety specimens which Vigors mentions as having been given by Gould to the Museum, I can find but three at the present day: viz., the type of Alcedo guttatus (purchased in 1881 with the rest of the Gould Collection), the male of Pterythius erythropterus, from the same source, and Coccothraustes icteroides, which seems really to be the only type of the “Century' about which no doubt can exist (cf. Sharpe, Cat. B. xii. p. 44). Of Turdus poecilopterus [=Merula boulboul], spec. y of Seebohm's fifth volume of the Catalogue' (p. 249), from the Gould Collection, may possibly have been one of the types. The same may be said of Cinclosoma ocellatum, of which spec. a of my seventh volume of the 'Catalogue' (p. 383) may possibly be the type. Of Cinclosoma variegatum specimens v, w, of the same volume (p. 360), from the Gould Collection, may perhaps be types *. In none of these cases, however, is there any proof of the fact. 6 2 6 6 On the completion of the Century,' Gould seems to have been so far encouraged by the success of his first undertaking as to have commenced the publication of several folio works, the most important of which was his 'Birds of Europe.' Assisted by his wife in the drawing of the plates, which were 449 in number, he appears to have published the whole of the five volumes between 1832 and 1837; but during the same time he was also occupied with the production of sundry other works. Thus in 1834 appeared a “Monograph of the Ramphastide, or Family of 6 * N.B.-On p. 360 of vol. vii. of the Catalogue of Birds' for Cinclosoma erythropterum read C. erythrocephalum. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. XV Toucans ;' in 1837 the "Synopsis of the Birds of Australia,' wherein y were figured the heads of most of the species of birds known to inhabit that great country up to the time when Gould wrote. But even then additional material was beginning to flow in upon him from the southern continent, for the "Synopsis' contains an appendix in which many new species are described but not figured. The two parts of the Icones Avium' were published in 1837 and 1838; and in the latter work Gould appears to have conceived the idea of publishing a monograph of the Caprimulgide, or family of Goat- suckers--a difficult undertaking, which had to be abandoned in face of his journey to Australia, which must have been at that time in con- templation; before going, however, he had finished his Monograph of the Trogonidæ, or Family of Trogons.' The energy with which Gould and his devoted wife worked during the eight years from 1830 to 1838 may be gauged by the above list of works which they produced in the time; and he seems to have found leisure to visit the principal Museums of Europe, while his friendship with Temminck, then Director at the Leyden Museum, enabled him to figure many of the rare birds which that museum possessed. In his preface to the ‘ Birds of Europe' Mr. Gould states that the greater number of the plates of that work, as well as all those of his ‘Century of Birds,' the Monograph of the Trogons,' and at least three fourths of those of the “Monograph of the Toucans,' had been drawn and lithographed by Mrs. Gould from sketches and designs by himself, always taken from nature. The remainder of the drawings were done by Mr. Lear. 6 9 In 1837 Gould commenced to publish his “ Birds of Australia.' A second part bears date 1838; but he speedily found that he had not sufficient material to carry on the work as he wished it to be done, and he therefore boldly conceived the notion of leaving England with his wife, for the purpose of procuring the specimens necessary for the xvi BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. completion of his gigantic enterprise. The work was therefore stopped after the appearance of part 2; and these two cancelled parts of Gould's ' Birds of Australia’ are among the rarest of his works. Gould left England in May 1838 and returned in August 1840, after exploring Van Diemen's Land, Bass's Straits, South Australia, and New South Wales, into the interior of which country he penetrated to the distance of nearly four hundred miles from the coast-line. 300 species were added to the list of the Australian Avifauna by this adventurous journey of Gould and his assistants. Gilbert, who had worked under him at the Zoological Society, was sent by Gould to the western and northern parts of Australia and discovered many novelties. He then revisited England in September 1841, after two years of labour in the field, and returned to Swan River in the spring of 1842; and on the 28th of June in the same year he was killed by natives during Leichardt’s expedition, to which he had attached himself. 9 During Gould's absence his business affairs had been attended to by his faithful secretary, Mr. E. C. Prince, a most amiable and con- scientious man, whom I knew personally when I first came to London, and from whom I heard many anecdotes of his patron's early struggles. Mr. Prince entered Mr. Gould's service shortly before the latter went to Australia; and he is especially thanked for his administration of the traveller's affairs during his absence, in the “Introduction” to the Birds of Australia.' At the time of leaving for his travels in the southern hemisphere, Gould had made seven thousand pounds by his publications, so I was told in after years by his secretary; and it shows the marvellous self-reliance of the man, to undertake the long journey to Australia (a much more arduous business fifty years ago than it is now) for the purpose of procuring specimens and sketches of the country, that his work, on his return to England, might be 6 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. xvii more perfect. This great achievement has been rightly lauded by all Gould's biographers; and although in later years there have been men whe have undertaken hazardous explorations for the purpose of completing their knowledge of the natural history of a country, there have been none which produced such ample results. 6 و more On his return to England, Gould at once recommenced the publication of his great work on the Birds of Australia,' the first part of which appeared in 1840; and in 1848, the seven volumes, with their six hundred plates, were completed. No part of the work was interesting than the account of the Petrels, a family of birds to which the author had devoted the greatest attention. While in Australia, Mrs. Gould lived for some time with Sir John and Lady Franklin, and in Government House at Hobart Town their youngest son was born and named Franklin Gould after their kind entertainers. Within a year of his return to England Gould had the misfortune to lose his wife, a shock from which he never entirely recovered, and his later years were further saddened by the loss of two of his sons, both of whom had adopted the medical profession. Dr. Henry Gould died in Sinde, and Dr. Franklin Gould in the Red Sea, on his way between Aden and Suez, on the 19th of March, 1873. The third son, Charles, occupied an important post in Australia as a Government Geologist, and retired shortly before his father's death, since which date he has been travelling in China and Japan. After the death of Mrs. Gould, it was long before her husband could find a competent artist to supply her place; but he was at length fortunate enough to secure the services of Mr. Richter, who a skilful lithographer, and the work then progressed without interruption. Simultaneously he commenced the publication of a Monograph of the Macropodide, or Family of Kangaroos,' which was begun in 1841 and finished in 1844, and in continuation of the was с xviii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. 6 9 last-named work he published the “Mammals of Australia,' which lasted from 1845 to 1860. This was one of the most important works ever attempted by Gould, and he has often told me that he considered that he deserved more praise for bringing out this work than for any other which he attempted, because he did it for the love of science only, knowing well that it could never be remunerative. 66 After the ‘Birds of Australia ' were completed, Gould made an offer of the whole of his collection of birds and eggs to the Trustees of the British Museum; the account of the offer is given in the ‘Portraits of Men of Eminence,' and is no doubt authentic:-“He was naturally anxious that the specimens figured in the 'Birds of Australia,' most of which were new and of the utmost rarity and value, especially as being the original types of the species, should be preserved in the British Museum. They comprised examples of both sexes of nearly every known species of Australian bird, 1800 specimens in all, in various stages of plumage, each carefully labelled with the scientific name and the name of the place where killed ; and they were, of course, mostly new to our National Museum. A sum of two thousand pounds having been spent in the expedition by which they were acquired, it was not to be expected that Mr. Gould could present them as a donation. He offered them to the Trustees for the moderate sum of £1000 in money, or as a gift if they would purchase twenty-five copies of his work. The offer was declined, and Mr. Gould was induced, under his disappointment, to accept £1000, immediately tendered for the collection by an American, for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.”' It is not for the present writer, who of all men has felt most keenly the absence of the Gould collection, with its hundreds of types, from the ser bird-skins in the British Museum, to criticise the action of the officers of the British Museum at this distant date, but there can be no doubt that scientifically the loss of this historical series was nothing BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. xix less than a national disaster and one which unfortunately was irre- parable. The fortunate purchaser was Dr. John Wilson, of Philadelphia, in which city the collection is still to be found. There was not, of course, the same keen interest in Ornithology in those days which marks the present era ; but Gould told me in later years that he had never intended that the collection should leave the country, and he regretted ever afterwards that, in a moment of chagrin at the unexpected refusal of his offer to the nation, he accepted Dr. Wilson's offer and allowed his treasures to go to America. It is pleasing to remember how, after Gould's death, the Trustees of the British Museum promptly secured his remaining collections of birds and eggs on the recommendation of Dr. Günther. In 1840 Gould was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and many other honours were bestowed upon him by learned bodies in nearly every country in the world. A slight lull in the issue of his publications appears to have taken place during the year 1849, while Gould was pre- paring for still greater enterprises, and he was doubtless occupied during 1849 and 1850 in preparing for exhibition that wonderful collection of mounted Humming-Birds which was to be one of the sights of London in the year 1851. His love for Humming-Birds had always been manifested, but the study of this particular group had been held in abeyance during the life of his friend Mr. Loddiges, who was a well-known collector of these birds. In 1842 this gentleman possessed 196 species; but on the death of Mr. Loddiges, Gould turned his attention to the family and speedily made a collection which far surpassed anything that had existed before in a public or private museum. Having obtained the permission of the Council of the Zoological Society, he erected a building for the exhibition of his mounted Humming-Birds in the Zoological Gardens, and here they were shown during the great exhibition year of 1851. The birds were exhibited in twenty-four cases, which were the handiwork of Gould himself, and every case C 2 XX BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. > was prepared with a charming simplicity of detail, the few dried ferns and sober surroundings serving as a foil to the glittering plumage of the birds themselves. So long as these birds were in Gould's possession the cases were placed in a large room with light coming from above them, and each bird was carefully set at the angle that would best display the metallic lustre of its plumage, producing thus separately and collectively a fine effect of colour. It is much to be regretted that in the National Museum: no suitable space is available where they can be shown to equal advantage. When the season was over and the building was demolished and its materials were sold, Gould found himself with a clear profit of £800 (visitors paid the modest sum of sixpence for admission to the exhibition), and he further gained the names of seventy-two subscribers to his ‘Monograph of the Humming-Birds, including nearly all the crowned heads of Europe. In the year 1849 the “Monograph of the Trochilida' was commenced, and in 1850 another great work, namely the ‘Birds of Asia,' and a very interesting 'Monograph of the Odontophorinæ, or Partridges of America, complete in a single folio volume, was issued. In 1851 the first part of the Supplement to the ‘Birds of Australia' was published, and this was finished in 1869. In 1854 appeared the second edition of his Monograph of the Ramphastidæ '; and he was occupied with the different works above mentioned until 1861, when the “Mono- graph of the Humming-Birds' was finished. In the ensuing year Gould commenced his celebrated work on the ‘Birds of Great Britain,' and just as he had invested the Humming-Birds with their natural beauty by means of a process of metallic reproduction, which was the admiration of scientists and artists alike, so now he threw his whole soul into the delineation of our native birds, and he searched high and low for specimens of the nestlings of the rarer species, while the vast majority of the plates were drawn from freshly killed specimens, and the pictures of the nests were taken from the objects themselves. Such beautiful illustrations as those of the ‘Birds of Great Britain' scarcely existed BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. xxi before and are not likely to be surpassed. The rough sketches were always designed by the author himself, and were drawn on stone by Mr. Hart, who also made a finished painting of the whole of the plates of the Birds of Great Britain' (excepting the few done by Mr. Wolf) before they were put on stone. Mr. Hart commenced working for Mr. Gould in the summer of 1851, making the patterns for the Humming-Birds' and colouring the metallic portions of the plates. He commenced to draw the plates on stone from the twenty-second part of the Birds of Great Britain, and continued to do so till all the works were completed. > 9 It was about the year 1862 that I myself first became acquainted with Mr. Gould, when I was a boy careering about the neighbourhood of Cookham in search of birds. He was a frequent visitor to the pleasant little Berkshire village, which was not then the crowded resort of boating men that it is now. None of the notices of Gould's life which I have seen have referred to his prowess as a fisherman; but in my young days his name was in every one's mouth whenever an unusually big fish was known to be feeding in our neighbourhood. When the local fishermen had tried in vain to catch it, they used to say: '“Well! we shall have to leave it till Mr. Gould comes down.” And in after years, when he was an invalid, many is the story he has told me of the capture of some of his best trout in the Thames. One particularly fine fish which he caught off Formosa was painted for him by Mr. Hart, and the picture used to hang over the sideboard in his dining-room. His usual habit, on receiving information as to the time when the fish used to rise and feed, was to come down for several evenings in succession and verify for himself the time of feeding, and when assured of the fact he brought his tackle and seldom failed to land the trout. The particular fish whose portrait I have often seen in the dining-room at Charlotte Street was known to frequent the xxii BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. . neighbourhood of Formosa Point, and after the usual preliminaries Mr. Gould set out with the well-known Maidenhead fisherman, Harry Wilder, to capture it. All the evening, as he related to me, he threw his bait over and over again without success, and the night was closing in rapidly-in fact it became quite dark—and it was agreed to try one more cast before turning homeward. That last cast secured the fish, and, said Mr. Gould, “we landed him safely; and there is his portrait, painted by Mr. Hart.” Nor was this the only trophy of the rod which was to be seen in his house, for there were paintings in various rooms of Mr. Gould's house which repre- sented other fine captures, mostly from the Thames. One of his favourite fishing-grounds was the mill-tail of Mr. Venables's paper- mill, where he was always a welcome guest. It was outside Mr. Venables's house that I first met Mr. Gould. I was returning home with some specimens of the chase, amongst which were some young of Ray's Wagtails, when I was hailed by an elderly gentleman, who asked what I was going to do with my birds. “Take them to Mr. Briggs to be skinned,” was my reply. At that time Mr. De Vitré lived at Formosa and Mrs. De Vitré was very interested in birds, a beautiful collection of which had been mounted for her by the head gardener, Mr. Briggs, one of the most thorough field-naturalists I have ever known. On the next evening, when I went down to Mr. Briggs's cottage to see how the skins were getting on, he told me that Mr. Gould had been asking about me, and wanted my Ray's Wagtails for his collection. So I found out who my interrogator of the previous day had been, and it is needless to say that I was only too proud to think that I had shot some specimens which would be of use to such a well-known naturalist. After that we became quite friends, and I received an invitation to visit him in London, little thinking at the time that I should ultimately become an almost daily visitor at his house. The days of the British Museum, however, were then far off. I used always to let Mr. Gould know if any big fish was feeding BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. xxiii 9 off my brother-in-law's, Mr. James Burrows's, grounds at “The Elms,” which are situated on the upper part of the mill-stream at Cookham; and many a time, when we have been walking by the side of the river in the evening, we have seen the light of Mr. Gould's cigar on Odney Common, where, after his wont, he was studying quietly the feeding-grounds of some trout. After I came to London I used to meet Mr. Gould continually at the Zoological Society's meetings and also at his house, when he lent me many specimens of Kingfishers for my Monograph. In 1875 he finished the second edition of his “Monograph of the Trogons,' which he had begun in 1858, and he also commenced his ‘Birds of New Guinea. By this time Mr. Gould had become somewhat of an invalid and his faithful secretary, Mr. Prince, had died, so that he often asked me to help him in the preparation of his works. Of the ‘Birds of New Guinea,' eleven parts were finished at the time of his death, and I have since completed this and the Birds of Asia,' as well as the Supplement to the ‘Monograph of the Humming-Birds, which Gould had commenced in 1880. A single part of a 'Monograph of the Pittide, or Ant-Thrushes of the olay World,' which Mr. Gould brought out in the same year, is the only one of his works which has not been completed, the plates being in almost every case reproductions of those in the ‘Birds of Asia,' all the stones of these birds having been retained for a reproduction in a monograph 6 X In manner Mr. Gould was always somewhat brusque, but those who were intimate with him were aware that under a rough exterior he concealed a very kind heart. A friend who knew him well writes to me :-“ He had a really tender and affectionate heart, hidden though it was beneath a highly sensitive reserve, which never permitted him the relief of expression. The deaths of his loving 66 xxiv BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. > wife and two promising boys affected him in a way hardly known outside of his family circle.” I remember too when Mr. Prince was ill, how Mr. Gould, though himself an invalid, used to drive out himself every day to see his old friend and to carry with him every- thing that he fancied would do good to the sufferer. As a man of business he was most punctilious, making it a rule to pay for all the work directly it was delivered; and herein lay much of the secret why he was so well served. His artists, his lithographic printers, his colourists, and his printers worked for him for years, and the two latter seem never to have been changed throughout his life. I once asked him what had been the secret of his success in business, and he told me that he had always employed good , workmen and had always paid them well. - You should never," said he, “spend fifteen shillings until you have got a sovereign- then you will have five shillings to put by.” Shortly before his death Mr. Gould had his portrait painted twice. One of these pictures is in the possession of his eldest daughter, Mrs. Moon, and the other was given to the Linnean Society. To Mrs. Moon was bequeathed by will his own complete set of his works, to be kept as a family heirloom. In both of the pictures, which were executed by Mr. Robertson, the naturalist is represented holding a Bird of Paradise in his hand. He wished that when anyone should ask about the picture, the reply should be, “ This is John Gould, the 'Bird Man””; and he would have liked also to have had his epitaph written :-“ Here lies John Gould, the ‘Bird Man.'' No one has excelled Mr. Gould in his appreciation of bird-life. He was in every way a born ornithologist and knew and loved the birds. He was always able to sketch, somewhat roughly perhaps, the positions in which the birds were to be drawn upon the plates, and no one could have a better “eye” for specific differences. It was always a real pleasure to see the delight which animated the old naturalist when, a BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. XXV in his invalid days, I took him some startling new form of bird, such as Bulwer's Pheasant, to be figured in his ‘Birds of Asia.' On the latter occasion he exclaimed that there was only one man in the world who could do justice to such a splendid creature, and that was Mr. Wolf, who at his request at once designed a beautiful picture, which appeared in the Birds of Asia.' Some of the finest of the pictures of Raptorial birds in the Birds of Great Britain' were also drawn for Mr. Gould by Mr. Wolf. 6 G With the exception of the Birds of Asia' and the 'Birds of New Guinea,' no record of the dates when each species was published appeared during Mr. Gould's lifetime, but a most useful work on the subject was published in 1885 by Mr. F. H. Waterhouse, the Librarian to the Zoological Society of London ; this gives the dates of publication of most of Gould's works. I have already alluded to the excellent article by Count Salvadori on the “ Life and Work of John Gould," and by his permission I herewith add the list of the papers and memoirs which the Count has appended to his biographical notice. R. BOWDLER SHARPE. d BIBLIOGRAPHY.* ILLUSTRATED FOLIO WORKS. 1. 1832. A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. 1 vol., 80 plates. London, 1832 2. 1832-1837. The Birds of Europe. 5 vols., 449 plates. London, 1832–1837. 3. 1834. A Monograph of the Ramphastide, or Family of Toucans. 1 vol., 34 plates. London, 1834. 4. 1837–1838. Icones Avium, or Figures and Descriptions of New and interesting w Species of Birds from various parts of the World. 2 parts, 18 plates. London, 1837–1838. 5. 1838. A Monograph of the Trogonide, or Family of Trogons. 1 vol., 36 plates. London, 1838. 6. 1840–1848. The Birds of Australia. 7 vols., 602 plates. London, 1840–1848. 7. 1841-1844. A Monograph of the Macropodide, or Family of Kangaroos, with coloured representations of each species. 2 parts, 45 plates. London, 1841-1844. 8. 1845–1863. The Mammals of Australia. 3 vols., 182 plates. London, 1845– 1863. 9. 1849–1861. A Monograph of the Trochilide, or Humming-Birds. 5 vols., 360 plates. London, 1849–1861. 10. 1850. A Monograph of the Odontophorine, or Partridges of America. 1 vol., 32 plates. London, 1850. 11. 1850-1883. The Birds of Asia. 35 parts, 530 plates. London, 1850–1883. [Completed by R. BOWDLER SHARPE.] 12. 1851–1869. Supplement to the Birds of Australia. 1 vol., 81 plates. London, V. 1851-1869. 13. 1854. A Monograph of the Ramphastide, or Family of Toucans. 2nd ed. 1 vol., 52 plates. London, 1854. - 7 vols * Copied by permission, with a few additions and corrections, from Count Salvadori's Memoir of John Gould (" Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino,' vol. xvi. pp. 1-24). e xxviii BIBLIOGRAPHY. 14. 1858–1875. A Monograph of the Trogonide, or Family of Trogons. 2nd ed. V 1 vol., 47 plates. London, 1858–1875. 15. 1862–1873. The Birds of Great Britain. 5 vols., 367 plates. London, 1862- 1873. 16. 1875–1888. The Birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan Islands, including any new species that may be discovered in Australia. 25 parts, 320 plates. London, 1875–1888. [Completed by R. BOWDLER SHARPE.] 17. 1880–87. Supplement to the Monograph of the Trochilide, or Humming-Birds. 5 parts, 58 plates. London, 1880-1887. [Completed by R. BOWDLER SHARPE.] 18. 1880. A Monograph of the Pittide, or Ant-Thrushes of the Old World. 1 part, 13 plates. London, 1880. (Incomplete.) xxin - do) of Sa page birds obligh Some as asia OPUSCULA. 3. a 4. a - 1. 1829–1830. On the occurrence of a New British Warbler, the Black Redtail of Latham's Synopsis (Zool. Journ. v. pp. 102–104). 2. 1832. A Notice of the Reed-Warbler (Curruca arundinacea, Briss.) (Mag. Nat. Hist. v. pp. 309–311). On a New Species of Wagtail (Motacilla neglecta) (P.Z. S. 1832, pp. 129, 130). On a New Species of Woodpecker (Picus imperialis) (ibid. pp. 139, 140). 5. On a Collection of Birds from the Orkneys (ibid. p. 189). 6. 1833. On Specimens of Phasianus lineatus, Lath., presented by G. Swinton, Esq. (P.Z. S. 1833, pp. 13, 14). 7. Characters of a New Species of Toucan (Pteroglossus ulocomus) (ibid. p. 38). 8. On a New Genus of the Family Corvidæ (Dendrocitta, D. leucogastra nov. sp.) (ibid. p. 57; Trans. Zool. Soc. i. pp. 87–90, 1835). ; 9. On a Specimen of a Hornbill (Buceros cavatus, Lath.) living at the Society's Gardens (P. Z. S. 1833, p. 61). 10. Characters of three New Species of Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii, R. culminatus, Pteroglossus hypoglaucus) (ibid. pp. 69, 70). 11. Characters of a New Species of Malurus, Vieill. (M. pectoralis) (ibid. pp. 106, 107). 12. Description of the Female of Trogon pavoninus, Spix (ibid. p. 107). . 13. Characters of a New Species of Toucan (Pteroglossus castanotis) (ibid. pp. 119, 120). - - BIBLIOGRAPHY. xxix a 14. 1833. Characters of a New Species of Woodpecker (Picus flavinucha) (ibid. p. 120). 15. Characters of a New Species of Eurylaimus (E. lunatus) (ibid. pp. 133 134; Trans. Zool. Soc. i. (1836) pp. 175–178). 16. 1834. On a Collection of Birds from North America, presented by Mr. Folliot (P.Z. S. 1834, pp. 14, 15). 17. Characters of three New Species of Trogon in the Collection of the Society (Trogon erythrocephalus, T. malabaricus, T. elegans) (ibid. pp. 25, 26). 18. Characters of a New Species of Plover (Vanellus, Linn.), collected by Lieut. Allen in Western Africa (Vanellus albiceps) (ibid. pp. 45, 46). 19. On a Collection of Birds formed by Mr. Abbot in the neighbourhood of Trebizond (ibid. pp. 50–52). Characters of the Genera and Species of the Family Ramphastida, Vig. (ibid. pp. 72–79). 21. On a Collection of Birds from Nepaul, presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. (ibid. p. 115). 22. On a Second Collection of Birds from the neighbourhood of Trebizond (ibid. pp. 133, 134). Characters of a New Species of Toucan (Pteroglossus hæmatopygus) (ibid. a 20. - - 23. p. 147). - - 28. - 24. 1835. Exhibition of a living Red-billed Toucan (Ramphastos erythrorhynchus, Gm.) (P.Z. S. 1835, p. 21). 25. Characters of several New Species of Trogon (T. resplendens, T. tem- minckii, T. pavoninus, T. ambiguus, T. citreolus) (ibid. pp. 29, 30). 26. Characters of a New Genus of Merulide (Ianthocincla) (I. chrysoptera, nov. sp., I. rufogularis, n. sp.) (ibid. pp. 47, 48). 27. On a New Species of Toucan (Aulacorhynchus derbyanus) (ibid. p. 49). Catalogue, with Remarks, of some Birds from Trebizond (ibid. pp. 90, 91). 29. Notice of a Collection of Birds from Travancore (ibid. pp. 92, 93). 30. Characters of New Toucans and Araçaris (Ramphastidæ), with a Synoptic Table of the Species of the Family (Ramphastos citreopygius, R. osculans, Pteroglossus pluricinctus, Pt. humboldtii, Pt. nattereri, Pt. reinwardtii, Pt. langsdorffii, Pt. pavoninus) (ibid. pp. 156-160 ; Wiegm. Archiv, ii. (1836) pp. 307–311). 31. Characters of several New Species of Insessorial Birds, including a New Genus (Stenorhynchus) (P. Z. S. 1835, pp. 185–187). - a e 2 XXX BIBLIOGRAPHY. 32. 1836. Characters of some New Species of Birds in the Society's Collection (Edolius grandis, E. rangoonensis, E. crisna, E. viridescens, Orpheus modulator, Ixos leucotis, Colluricincla fusca, Trichophorus flaveolus, Geocichla rubecula) (P. Z. S. 1836, pp. 5, 6). 33. On a New Genus of Birds (Kittacincla) (ibid. p. 7). 34. Exhibition of Trogon resplendens and T. pavoninus (ibid. p. 12). 35. Characters of some new Birds in the Society's Collection, including two new Genera, Paradoxornis and Actinodura (Paradoxornis flavirostris, Actinodura egertoni, Corvus pectoralis, Corvus curvirostris, Prionites cæruleiceps, Plyctolophus productus) (ibid. pp. 17–19). 36. Exhibition of Birds from North Africa, presented to the Society by Sir Thomas Reade, with other specimens sent by M. Temminck to Mr. Gould (ibid. p. 59). 37. Characters of two New Species of Birds constituting a New Genus, Aplonis (A. marginata, A. fusca) (ibid. pp. 73, 74). 38. Characters of a New Species of Ortys from Mexico and two New Species of Zosterops from New South Wales (0. ocellatus, z. albogularis, Z. tenuirostris) (ibid. pp. 75, 76). 39. Characters of some New Species of Birds belonging to the Genera Tamatia and Cursorius (T. bicincta, C. rufus) (ibid. pp. 80, 81). 40. Characters of some New Species of Birds from Swan River (Gallinula ventralis, Oxyura australis) (ibid. pp. 85, 86). 41. Exhibition of Birds allied to the European Wren, with characters of new Species (Troglodytes magellanicus, T. leucogastra, Thryothorus guttatus, Scytalopus (nov. gen.) fuscus, S. albogularis) (ibid. pp. 88–90). 42. Characters of New Species of Birds from New South Wales (Petroica phænicea, Amadina castanotis, A. modesta, A. cincta, A. ruficauda, Calodera maculata, Cracticus hypoleucus, C. fuliginosus, Calyptorhynchus --- - -- naso) (ibid. pp. 104-106). 43. Characters of three New Species of the Genus Strix (S. castanops, S. cyclops, S. delicatulus) (ibid. pp. 139, 140). Exhibition of the specimens figured in the first part of Mr. Gould's work on the Australian Birds,' with characters of the new species (Ocypterus superciliosus, Vanga cinerea, V. nigrogularis, Struthidea (nov. gen.) cinerea, Tropidorhynchus citreogularis, Meliphaga penicillata, M. sericea, Hæmatops (nov. gen.) validirostris, H. gularis, Neomorpha (nov. gen.) acutirostris, N. crassirostris, Podiceps gularis, P. nestor, Calodera (nov. gen.) (ibid. pp. 142-146). 44. BIBLIOGRAPHY. xxxi - - - - 45. 1837. Remarks on a group of Ground-Finches from Mr. Darwin's Collection, with characters of the New Species (Geospiza (nov. gen.) magnirostris, G. strenua, G. fortis, G. nebulosa, G. fuliginosa, G. dentirostris, G. par- vula, G. dubia, Camar hynchus (nov. gen.) psittacula, C. crassirostris, Cactornis (nov. gen.) scandens, C. assimilis, Certhidea (nov. gen.) olivacea) (P.Z. S. 1837, pp. 4–7). 46. Exhibition of Australian Birds from his own Collection, and characters of New Species (Hemipodius melanogaster, H. melanotus, Coturnix pecto- ralis, Platy cercus ignitus) (ibid. pp. 7, 8). 47. Observations on the Raptorial Birds in Mr. Darwin's Collection, with characters of New Species (Polyborus galapagoensis, Polyborus (Phalco- benus) albogularis, Buteo varius, Circus megaspilus, Buteo ventralis, Otus (Brachyotus) galapagoensis) (ibid. pp. 9–11). 48. Exhibition of the Fissirostral Birds from Mr. Darwin's Collection, and characters of the New Species (Caprimulgus bifasciatus, C. parvulus, Hirundo frontalis, H. concolor, Halcyon erythrorhynchus) (ibid. p. 22). 49. Characters of New Species of Australian Birds (Acanthorhynchus (nov. gen.) superciliosus, A. dubius, Pardalotus affinis, Nanodes elegans, Platy- cercus flaveolus, Himantopus leucocephalus) (ibid. pp. 24–26). 50. Characters of New Species of Birds (Sterna poliocerca, S. macrotarsa, Phalacrocorax brevirostris, Orpheus trifasciatus, 0. melanotis, 0. par- vulus) (ibid. pp. 26, 27). 51. On the Genus Paradoxornis (Mag. Zool. Bot. i. pp. 62–64). 52. On a New Rhea (Rhea darwinii) from Mr. Darwin's Collection (P. Z. S. 1837, pp. 35, 36). 53. On a New Species of Ortyx from the Collection of the late Mr. David Douglas, and a New Species of the Genus Podargus from Java (Ortyx plumifera, Podargus stellatus) (ibid. pp. 42, 43). Exhibition of some rare European Birds received from Mr. Temminck (ibid. p. 48). Remarks on the Common British Wagtail (Motacilla yarrelli) (ibid. pp. 73, 74). 56. Exhibition of Mr. Darwin's Birds (Pyrgita jagoensis) and description of a New Species of Wagtail (Motacilla leucopsis) (ibid. pp. 77, 78). Characters of New Birds in the Society's Collection (Corvus nobilis, Ortyx guttata, Thamnophilus fuliginosus, Dendrocitta rufigastra) (ibid. pp. 79, 80). 58. Exhibition of Australian Birds from his own Collection and Characters of New Species (Platycercus hæmatonotus, P. hæmatogaster) (ibid. pp. 88, 89). - -- 54. 55. - 57. - xxxii BIBLIOGRAPHY. - 64. - 59. 1837. Description of New Species of Birds from the Museum at Fort Pitt, Chatham (Ceyx microsoma, Caprimulgus monticolus , Carduelis burtoni) (ibid. pp. 89, 90). 60. Observations on the Raptorial Birds of Australia and the adjacent Islands (ibid. pp. 96-100). 61. Description of a New Genus (Amblypterus) among the Caprimulgidæ and characters of New Birds from Australia (Amblypterus anomalus, Ibis strictipennis, Platalea regia, Platalea flavipes) (ibid. pp. 105, 106). 62. Observations upon a small Collection of Birds from Erzeroum, with characters of the New Species (Alauda penicillata, Fringilla sanguinea) (ibid. pp. 126, 127). 63. Description of a New Ibis from Hayti (Ibis erythrorhyncha) (ibid. p. 127). Characters of a New Grouse (Lyrurus derbyanus) from the Collection of the Earl of Derby (ibid. pp. 132, 133). 65. Characters of a New Genus (Sericornis) of Australian Birds (S. humilis, S. citreogularis, S. parvulus) (ibid. pp. 133, 134). 66. Characters of New Species of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains (Athene erythropterus, Turdus unicolor, Oreocincla parvirostris, Cin- clidia (nov. gen.) punctata, Brachypus plumifera, Cuculus micropterus, Pomatorhinus leucogaster) (ibid. pp. 136, 137). 67. Characters of about eighty New Species of Australian Birds (Haliaëtus sphenurus, H. leucosternus, Pandion leucocephalus, Falco frontatus, F. melanogenys, F. brunneus, Ieracidea (nov.gen.), Lepidogenys subcris- tatus, Milvus affinis, M. isurus, Elanus notatus, Circus jardinei, Athene fortis, A. strenua, Halcyon incinctus, Eurostopodus (nov. gen.), Myiagra nitida, Graucalus parvirostris, Gr. melanotis, Ceblepyris humeralis, Falcunculus leucogaster, F. flavigulus, Eopsaltria parvula, E. griseo- gularis, Sericulus magnirostris, Oreocincla (nov. gen.), 0. macrorhyncha, Symmorphus (nov. gen.), S. leucopygius, Acanthiza magnirostra, A. uro- pygialis, A. diemenensis, A. lineata, Psilopus (nov. gen.), Ps. brevirostris, Ps. fuscus, Ps. olivaceus, Ps. albogularis, Petroica modesta, Origma (nov. gen.), Ephthianura (nov. gen.) aurifrons, Malurus longicaudus, Pardalotus quadragintus, P. melanocephalus, P. rubricatus, Pachyce- phala xanthoprocta, P. longirostris, Sphenostoma (nov. gen.) cristatum, Cincloramphus (nov. gen.), Dasyornis brunneus, Calamanthus (nov. gen.), Cisticola ruficeps, Oreoica (nov. gen.), Calyptorhynchus xanthonotus, Platycercus hæmatonotus, Sittella pileata, S. melanocephala, S. leucoce- phala, Melipkaga sericeola, M. inornata, Acanthogenys (nov. gen.) rufo- - BIBLIOGRAPHY. xxxiii gularis, Anthochæra lunulata, Plectorhyncha (nov. gen.) lanceolata, Entomophila (nov. gen.) picta, Glyciphila ocularis, Gl. subocularis, Ægialitis canus, Erythrogonys (nov. gen.) cinctus, Hematopus austra- lianus, Rhynchæa australis, Numenius australis, Sterna melanura, Sula rubripes, Puffinus assimilis, Phalacrocorax carboides, Ph. leucogaster, Ph. flavirhynchus) (ibid. pp. 138–157). 68. 1837. Observations on some Species of the Genus Motacilla (Mag. Nat. Hist. 1837, i. pp. 459-461). 69. A Synopsis of the Birds of Australia and its adjacent Islands. Parts 1-4. 72 plates, in imperial 8vo. London, 1837. 70. 1838. On two New Species of Birds from Australia, belonging to the Genus Ptilotis (P. ornata, P. flavigula) (P. Z. S. 1838, p. 24). 71. 1839. Letter from Van Diemen’s Land, accompanied with descriptions of some New Australian Birds (Cypselus australis, Podargus phalenoides, Grau- calus phasianellus, Pachycephala lanioides, Petroica rosea, P. pulchella, Malurus cruentatus, Pardalotus uropygialis, Amadina annulosa, A. acuti- cauda, Dasyornis striatus, Myzantha flavigula, M. lutea, Tropidorhyn- chus argenticeps, Pomatorhinus rubeculus, Ptilotis flavescens, Myzomela erythrocephala, Sittella leucoptera, Hemipodius castanotus) (P. Z. S. 1839, pp. 139–145). 72. 1840. On five New Species of Kangaroos (Macropus robustus, M. frenatus, M. unguifer, M. Tunatus, M. leporides) (P. Z. S. 1840, pp. 92–94). 73. On the “Bower” or Playing-house constructed by the Satin-bird (Ptilo- norhynchus holosericeus), and on a similar structure formed by the Chlamydera maculata of Australia (ibid. p. 94). 74. On the Brush-Turkey (Talegalla lathami) of New South Wales (ibid. pp. 111, 112). 75. On some New Species of Australian Birds (Cinclosoma castanotus, Halcyon pyrrhopygia, Rhipidura albiscapa, Columba (Peristera) histrionica, Pedionomus (nov. gen.) torquatus) (ibid. pp. 113–115). 76. On the Habits and Characters of Leipoa ocellata, a new Genus of Birds from Swan River, allied to the Brush-Turkey of New South Wales (ibid. pp. 125, 126). 77. Descriptions of two New Species of Australian Birds (Cracticus argenteus, Amadina pectoralis) (ibid. pp. 126, 127). 78. On two New Species of Kangaroos (Macropus manicatus and M. brachyotis) from Swan River (ibid. pp. 127, 128). 79. Descriptions of fifty new Birds from Australia : Euphema splendida, E. aurantia, E. petrophila, Climacteris erythrops, C. rufa, Ocypterus - - - - xxxiv BIBLIOGRAPHY. 80. a 6 personatus, Ptilotis plumulus, Hemipodius velox, H. pyrrhothorax (ibid. pp. 147-151); Ephthianura tricolor, Myzantha obscura, Ptilotis sonorus, P. cratitius, Glyciphila albifrons, Meliphaga mystacalis, Platycercus adelaide, Aquila morphnoides, Buteo melanosternum, Falco hypoleucos, Podargus brachypterus, Malurus melanotus, Colluricincla brunnea, C. rufiventris, Pachycephala rufigularis, P. inornata, Zosterops chloro- notus (ibid. pp. 159-165); Entomyza albipennis, Myzomela pectoralis, Dasyornis longirostris, Drymodes (nov. gen.) brunneopygia, Piezo- rhynchus (nov. gen.) nitidus, Praticola campestris, Acanthiza inornata, Micræca (nov. gen.) assimilis, Myiagra latirostris, Hirundo leucosternus, Pyrrholæmus (nov. gen.) brunneus, Petrophassa (nov. gen.) albipennis, Eudromias australis, Rhipidura isura, Psilopus culicivorus, Xerophila (nov. gen) leucopsis, Licmetis pastinator, Numenius uropygialis, N. minutus, Porphyrio bellus, Otis australasianus, Anas novosa, Sula australis, Diomedea culminata, Thalassidroma nereis (ibid. pp. 169–178). 1840. Observations on Dasyurus maugei and D. viverrinus of Geoffroy, and Description of a New Species (D. geoffroyi) (ibid. p. 151). 81. Description of a New Species of Hypsiprymnus (H. grayi) (ibid. pp. 178, 179). 82. 1840–1844. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle,' under the com- mand of Capt. Fitzroy, during the years 1832 to 1836. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. Birds: by John Gould (Pts. 3, 6, 9, 11, and 15). 83. 1841. Description of a New Species of Himantopus from New Zealand (H. nove-zealandiæ) (P. Z. S. 1841, p. 8). On a New Species of Hypsiprymnus from King George's Sound (H.gilbertii) (ibid. p. 14). 85. On the Habits of the Lyre-bird (Menura superba) (ibid. p. 41). 86. Exhibition of a specimen of Apterys australis (ibid. p. 70). 87. Exhibition of Skulls of a New Species of Kangaroo (ibid. p. 77). Descriptions of four New Species of Kangaroos (Osphranter, antilopinus, 0. isabellinus, Halmaturus agilis, Lagorchestes conspicillatus) (ibid. pp. 80–83). Characters of a New Species of Goose nearly allied to Nettapus coroman- delianus (N. pulchellus) (ibid. p. 89). p 90. Characters of a New Genus and Species of Anatide (Mercanetta armata) (ibid. pp. 95, 96). 91. 1842. Description of two New Species of Kangaroos from Western Australia (Macropus ocydromus, Lagorchestes albifilis) (Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 1842, pp. 1-5), 84. . 88. - 89. - BIBLIOGRAPHY. XXXV - - - 92. 1842. On the Habits of the Alectura lathami (Tasm. Journ. Nat. Sc. i. 1842, pp. 21-24; Froriep’s Notizen, xxii. 1842, cols. 22, 23). 93. On a New Species of Petrogale (P. inornata) (P.Z. S. 1842, p. 5). 94. On some New Species of Australian Mammals (Macropus melanops, Belidea ariel, Mus penicillatus, Mus hirsutus, Mus delicatus) (ibid. pp. 10–14). 95. On New Species of Birds from Australia (Artamus leucopygialis, Pitta iris, Emblema (nov. gen.) picta, Poephila (nov. gen.) personata, Ptilin- opus swainsoni, P. ewingii, Geophaps (nov. gen.) plumifera, Ocyphaps (nov. gen.), Pedionomus micrurus, Megapodius tumulus) (ibid. pp. 17- 21). 96. - Characters of a New Species of Perameles (P. macroura) and a New Species of Dasyurus (D. hallucatus) (ibid. p. 41). 97. On two New Species of Kangaroo (Petrogale concinna and Halmaturus binoë) (ibid. pp. 57, 58). 98. Characters of two New Species of Australian Halcyonide (Halcyon platyrostris, Halcyon sordidus) (ibid. p. 72). 99. On a New Species of Hawk belonging to the Genus Elanus (E. scriptus) (ibid. p. 80). 100. On two New Genera of Birds belonging, one to the Family Sylviada, and the other to the Family Psittacida (Aprosmictus, Erythrodryas) (ibid. pp. 111, 112). 101. On two New Species of Australian Birds belonging to the Genera Astur and Lobivanellus (Astur cruentus, Lobivanellus personatus) (ibid. p. 113). 102. Descriptions of thirty New Species of Birds from Australia (Hirundo neoxena, Collocalia ariel, Dicrurus bracteatus, Rhipidura dryas, Micræca flavigaster, Gerygone (nov. gen.) magnirostris, G. chloronotus, G. levigaster, Smicrornis (nov. gen.) flavescens, Pachycephala falcata, P. melanura, P. simplex, Hylacola (nov. gen.) cauta, Cincloramphus cantatoris, Ptilotis flava, P. versicolor, P. unicolor, Myzomela obscura, Glyciphila fasciata, Entomophila rufogularis, E. albogularis, Calypto- rhynchus macrorhynchus, Cacatua sanguinea, Climacteris melanura, Porzana fluminea, P. palustris, Sterna velox, Hydrochelidon fluviatilis, Thaiasseus torresii, Sternula nereis) (ibid. pp. 131-140). 103. On a New Species of Parrot belonging to the Genus Coryphilus (C. dryas) a (ibid. pp. 165, 166). 104. On various New Species of Ortya (0. nigrogularis, 0. pectoralis, 0. castanea, 0. stellata) (ibid. pp. 181-184). f - - - 1 xxxvi BIBLIOGRAPHY. - - a 105. 1842. On two New Species of Trogon (T. personata, T. auriceps) and a New Species of Toucan (Pteroglossus castaneorhynchus) from the Cordillerian Andes (Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 1842, pp. 236-239). ) 106. 1843. On two New Species of Birds from the Collection formed by Sir Edward Belcher (Pteroglossus erythropygius, Pterocles personatus) (P. Z. S. 1843, pp. 15, 16). 107. Description of Ardea rectirostris (ibid. p. 22). 108. On the Habits of Leipoa (ibid. p. 81). 109. On a New Species of Kangaroo Rat (Bettongia campestris) (ibid. p. 81). 110. On nine New Birds collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Sulphur' (Halcyon saurophaga, Pipra vitellina, Leucosticte griseogenys, Necta- rinia flavigaster, Cactornis inornatus, Psittacus flavinuchus, Coccyzus ferrugineus, Penelope leucogastra, Larus brachyrhynchus) (ibid. pp. 103- 106). 111. Descriptions of two New Species of Ortya (O. parvicristatus, 0. mar- moratus) (ibid. pp. 106, 107). 112. Description of Diomedea culminata (ibid. pp. 107, 108). 113. Description of four New Species of Ortyx (0. leucophrys, 0. fasciatus, 0. leucotis, 0. strophium) (ibid. pp. 132–134). 114. Characters of two New Species of Toucans (Ramphastos citreolemus, Pteroglossus poecilosternus) (ibid. pp. 147, 148). 115. 1843–1845. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Sulphur,' under the Command of Capt. Sir Edward Belcher. London, 1843–1845. Birds : by John Gould. (Parts 3, 4.) 116. 1844. Description of Atrichia (nov. gen.) clamosa (P. Z. S. 1844, pp. 1, 2). 117. On New Species of Western Australian Birds (Psophodes nigrogularis, Amadina gouldie) (ibid. pp. 5, 6). 118. Descriptions of three New Species of Halmaturus and Lagorchestes (H. houtmannii, H. dama, L. hirsutus) (ibid. pp. 31, 32). 119. New Species of Birds from Australia (Geopelia placida, G. tranquilla, Eulabeornis (nov. gen.) castaneoventris, Puffinus carneipes, Procellaria solandri, P. leucoptera, Aptenodytes undina) (ibid. pp. 55–58). 120. Characters of New Species of Mammals and Birds transmitted from Australia by Mr. Gilbert (Macropus gracilis, Hypsiprymnus platyops, Perameles arenaria, Hapalotis longicaudata, Phascogale calurus, Ph. crassicaudata, Ieracidea occidentalis, Ægotheles leucogaster, Malurus pulcherrimus, Pachycephala gilberti) (ibid. pp. 103-107). 121. Description of Podiceps australis (ibid. p. 135). - - BIBLIOGRAPHY. Xxxvii a - - 122. 1844. On the Family Procellaride, with description of the New Species (Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. 1844, pp. 360–368). 123. 1845. On three New Species of Birds from China (Corvus pastinator, Mergus orientalis, Pica sericea) (P.Z. S. 1845, pp. 1, 2). 124. On a small Mammal and new Grallatorial Bird from Western Australia (Dromicia concinna, Fulica australis) (ibid. pp. 2, 3). 125. Descriptions of a New Trogon (Trogon puella) and seven New Birds from Australia (Cuculus optatus, C. insperatus, C. dumetorum, Sphenceacus gramineus, Pachycephala glaucura, Cisticola campestris, Calamoherpe longirostris) (ibid. pp. 18-20). 126. Description of four New Species of Birds from Australia (Ardea picata, Colluricincla parvula, Melithreptus melanocephalus, Hemipodius scin- tillans) (ibid. pp. 62, 63). 127. Description of a New Tern (Sterna gracilis) (ibid. p. 76). 128. Descriptions of five New Species of Mammals (Mus lineolatus, M. gra- cilicaudatus, M. albocinereus, Hapalotis murinus, Podabrus macrurus) (ibid. pp. 77-79). 129. Descriptions of three New Species of Birds from Australia (Strix tene- bricosus, Colluricincla rufogaster, Donacola flaviprymna) (ibid. p. 80). 130. On the Genus Anous, Leach (Megalopterus, Boie) (A. leucocapillus, nov. sp., A. melanops, nov. sp., A. cinereus, nov. sp., A. parvulus, nov. sp.) (ibid. pp. 103, 104). 131. Descriptions of two New Birds from New South Wales (Podargus plumi- ferus, Platycercus splendidus) (ibid. pp. 104, 105). 132. On a New Species of Platycercus (P. pulcherrimus) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 1845, p. 114). 133. 1846. On a New Species of Nyctibius (N. bracteatus) (P.Z. S. 1846, p. 1). 134. Description of eleven New Species of Australian Birds (Athene marmo- rata, A. rufa, Alcyone pulchra, A. diemenensis, Eopsaltria leucogaster, Strepera arguta, S. plumbea, S. melanoptera, Gallinula tenebrosa, Sylo- chelidon strenuus, Sula personata) (ibid. pp. 18-21). ) 135. Description of three New Species of the Family Trochilida (Trochilus (Petasophora) coruscans, T. flabelliferus, T. strophianus) (ibid. pp. 44, 45). 136. Description of six New Species of Birds (Trogon assimilis, Cinclosoma cinnamomeus, Ramphastos inca, Pteroglossus cucullatus, Odontophorus balliviani, Callipepla venusta) (ibid. pp. 67-71). 137. Description of two New Species of Australian Birds (Meliphaga longi- rostris, Limosa melanuroides) (ibid. pp. 83, 84). - - - f2 Xxxviii BIBLIOGRAPHY. - 138. 1846. On twenty New Species of Trochilide, or Humming-birds (Trochilus pyra, T. smaragdinus, T. gracilis, T. rufocaligatus, T. ligonicauda, , T. cupricauda, T. æneocauda, T. violifer, T. cyanopectus, T. aurescens, T. fulviventris, T. nigrofasciata, T. ruficeps, T. inornata, T. regulus, T. hypoleucus, T. hispidus) (ibid. pp. 85–90). 139. Descriptions of three New Australian Birds (Petroica superciliosa, Poephila leucotis, Climacteris melanotus) (ibid. pp. 106, 107). 140. 1847. Descriptions of six New Species of Australian Birds (Cisticola lineo- capilla, Mirafra horsfieldii, Amytis macrourus, Sericornis maculatus, S. osculans, S. lævigaster) (P. Z. S. 1847, pp. 1–3). 141. Drafts for an Arrangement of the Trochilide, with descriptions of some New Species : Oreotrochilus leucopleurus, 0. melanogaster, Trochilus calliope (ibid. pp. 7-11); Eriopus, nov. gen. (pp. 16, 17); Cometes, nov. gen., C. phaon (pp. 30, 31); Metallura, nov. gen., Doryfera, nov. gen., Trochilus violifrons, Lophornis regine, Trochilus cæruleogaster (ibid. pp. 94-96). 142. On eight New Species of Australian Birds, and on Anthus minimus, Vig. & Horsf., as the type of a new Genus Chthonicola, Gould (Artamus albiventris, Acanthiza apicalis, Cisticola isura, Chalcites osculans, Synoicus diemenensis, S. sordidus, Porzana leucophrys, Plotus nova hollandiæ) (ibid. pp. 31–35). 143. Descriptions of some New Species of Australian Birds (Melithreptus chlo- ropsis, M. albogularis, Grus australianus, Myiagra concinna, Herodias plumiferus, H. pannosus, Ardetta stagnatilis, Actitis empusa, Sterna gracilis) (ibid. pp. 220–222). 144. On a New Species of Apteryx (A. owenii) (ibid. pp. 93, 94; Trans. Zool. Soc. iii. 1849, pp. 379, 380, tab. 57). 145. 1848. Drafts for a new Arrangement of the Trochilidæ (Helianthea, H. eos, Agleactis, A. caumatonotus, Heliangelus, H. mavors, Thalurania, T. viri- dipectus, Campylopterus obscurus, Trochilus caligatus, Oxypogon) (P.Z. S. 1848, pp. 11-14). 146. On seven New Species of Australian Birds (Graucalus hypoleucus, Limosa uropygialis, Charadrius veredus, Totanus griseopygius, Schoniclus magnus, Ardetta macrorhyncha, Cracticus picatus) (ibid. pp. 38-40). 147. Description of a New Heron (Ardea leucophæa) (ibid. pp. 58, 59). 148. Description of a New Species of Cinclosoma (C. castaneothorax) (ibid. p. 139). 149. 1849. Description of a New Species of Nutcracker (Nucifraga multipunctata) (P.Z. S. 1849, p. 23). - -- BIBLIOGRAPHY. xxxix - - 150. 1849. Descriptions of two New Species, with the characters of a New Genus of Trochilide (Heliodoxa (nov. gen.) jacula, Eriopus simplex) (ibid. pp. 95, 96). 151. On New Species of Mammalia and Birds from Australia (Pteropus conspicillatus, Phalongista nudicaudata, Ptiloris victorie, pl. xii., Sphecotheres flaviventris) (ibid. pp. 109–112). 152. Descriptions of three New Species of Indian Birds (Ruticilla grandis, Yunx indica, Sitta leucopsis) (ibid. pp. 112, 113). 153. 1850. Descriptions of New Birds (Cephalopterus glabricollis, pl. xx., Syrrhaptes tibetanus, Andigena (nov.gen.) laminirostris, Odontophorus columbianus, Pycnoptilus (nov. gen.) floccosus) (P.Z. S. 1850, pp. 91–95). 154. On six New Species of Humming-birds (Trochilus scintilla, T. chionura, T. venusta, T. cæruleogularis, T. castaneoventris, T. niveoventer) (ibid. pp. 162-164). 155. On New Species of Birds from Australia (Tanysiptera sylvia, Sima flavirostris, Drymodes superciliaris, Carpophaga assimilis, Chlamydera cerviniventris, Nectarinia australis, Monarcha leucotis) (ibid. pp. 200, 201). 156. A brief Account of the researches in Natural History of John M'Gillivray Esq., the naturalist attached to H.M. Surveying Ship the 'Rattlesnake,' on the north-eastern coasts of Australia, New Guinea, etc. (Jardine's Contrib. Orn. 1850, pp. 92–106*). 157. Remarks on Notornis mantelli (P.Z. S. 1850, pp. 212–214, pl. xxi.; Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. 1850, pp. 73, 74). 158. On new Australian Birds in the Collection of the Zoological Society of London (Malurus amabilis, Machærirhynchus flaviventer, pl. xxxiii., Ptilotis filigera, pl. xxxiv., Arses kaupi, Pycnoptilus floccosus) (P.Z. S. 1850, pp. 276–279). 159. 1851. On a new and most remarkable form in Ornithology (Balæniceps rex) (P.Z. S. 1851, pp. 1, 2, pl. xxxv.). 160. On a New Species of Musophaga (M.rosse) (ibid. p. 93 ; Jardine's Contr. Orn. 1851, pp. 137–138, pl. lxxxi.; P. Z. S. 1854, pp. 23, 24). 161. On a New Species of the Genus Montifringilla (M. hæmatopygia) (P.Z. S. 1851, pp. 114, 115). 162. On some New Species of Trochilida (Trochilus amabilis, Phaëtornis griseogularis) (ibid. pp. 115, 116). 163. Remarks on the Genus Hapalotis (H. apicalis, H. cervinus) (ibid. pp. 126, 127). 164. Description of two New Species of Mammalia of the Genus Antechinus (A. maculatus, A. minutissimus) (ibid. pp. 284, 285). - - a la xl BIBLIOGRAPHY. a a - a 165. 1851. Descriptions of a New Species of Ptilotis and a New Species of Eopsaltria (P. fasciogularis, E. capito) (ibid. p. 285). 166. Descriptions of three New Species of Humming-birds (Phaëtornis syrma- tophora, Schistes albogularis, Eriopus lugens) (Jardine's Contr. Orn. 1851, pp. 139, 140). 167. 1852. On the Genus Thalurania (T. refulgens) (P. Z. S. 1852, pp. 8, 9). 168. Descriptions of three New Species of Humming-birds (Ramphomicron vulcani, Bourcieria inca, Trochilus auriceps) (Jardine's Contr. Orn. 1852, pp. 135–137). 169. 1853. Description of a New Species of Aulacorhamphus (A. cæruleogularis) (P. Z. S. 1853, p. 45; Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 1855, pp. 390, 391). 170. On the Nest and Eggs of Menura alberti (P. Z. S. 1853, pp. 45, 46, pl. liii.). 171. Description of a New Species of Tetraogallus (T. tibetanus) (ibid. p. 47). 172. Descriptions of five New Species of Humming-birds (Helianthea iris, H. aurora, Heliangelus viola, Trochilus cyanicollis, T. floriceps) (ibid. pp. 61, 62). 173. Observations on the Nests of Humming-birds (ibid. p. 160; Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 1855, pp. 313-319). 174. Descriptions of two New Species of Humming-birds from Peru (Spathura cissiura, Calothorax macrurus) (P. Z. S. 1853, p. 109). 175. 1854. Exhibition of Fuligula ferinoides, Bartlett (P. Z. S. 1851, p. 95). 176. Descriptions of two New Species of Pucrasia (P. castanea, P. nipalensis) (ibid. pp. 99, 100). 177. Description of a New Species of Humming-bird from Quijos (Threnetes cervinicauda) (ibid. p. 109). 178. Description of a New Species of Momotus (M. castaneiceps) (ibid. p. 154). 179. Description of a New Bird from Guatemala, forming the type of a new Genus (Malacocichla dryas) (ibid. pp. 285, 286, pl. lxxv.). 180. 1855. Exhibition of a Collection of Birds from Scinde, being the first of his son's contributions to Indian Ornithology (P.Z. S. 1855, p. 50). 181. Descriptions of eight New Species of Birds from South America (Cam- pylorhynchus hypostictus, Chamaza nobilis, Formicarius nigrifrons, F. erythropterus, Schistochlamys speculigera, Thamnophilus corvinus, Th. melanurus, pl. lxxxiii., Th. hyperythrus) (ibid. pp. 67-70; Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 1855, pp. 343–346). 182. Exhibition of a portion of a Collection of Birds formed by Mr. Hauxwell on the Eastern side of the Peruvian Andes (P. Z. S. 1855, pp. 77, 78). - - a BIBLIOGRAPHY. xli - - a - - - 183. 1855. Description of a New Species of Ruticilla from Erzeroum (R. erythroprocta) (ibid. pp. 78, 79). 184. On two New Species of Humming-birds (Heliothrix purpureiceps, H. phainolema) (ibid. pp. 86, 87). 185. On a New Species of the Genus Prion (P. brevirostris) (ibid. pp. 87, 88, pl. xciii.). 186. On some New Species of Birds collected by Mr. MʻGillivray (Nesocichla (nov. gen.) eremita, Merula vinitincta, Zosterops tephropleurus, Z. stre- nuus, Platycercus cyanogenys) (ibid. pp. 164–166). 187. On a New Genus and Species of Trochilide from Ecuador (Eugenia imperatrix) (ibid. p. 192; Ann. Nat. Hist. xviii. 1856, pp. 260–271). 188. On the occurrence of Otis macqueenii, Gray, in England (Proc. Yorksh. Phil. Soc. 1855, pp. 91–98). 189. 1856. On a new Turkey, Meleagris mexicana (P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 61-63; Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 1857, pp. 107–110). 190. On two New Species of Birds (Nestor notabilis and Spatula variegata) from the collection of Walter Mantell (P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 94, 95). 191. Descriptions of two New Species of true Cuckoos (Cuculus strenuus, C. hyperythrus) (ibid. p. 96). 192. Description of a New Trogon and a New Odontophorus (T. aurantii- ventris, 0. veraguensis) (ibid. pp. 107, 108; Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 1857, pp. 110, 111). 193. On some Birds collected by Mr. M‘Gillivray, the Naturalist attached to H.M. Surveying Ship ‘Rattlesnake,' and lately sent home by Capt. Denham, the Commander of the Expedition (Centropus milo, Ianthenas hyponochroa, Turacena crassirostris, Lorius chlorocercus, Hirundo subfusca, Iotreron eugenie) (P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 135–138). 194. On two New Species of Humming-birds belonging to the Genus Amazilius (A. cerviniventris, A. castaneiventris) (ibid. pp. 150, 151; Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 1857, p. 352). 195. 1857. Descriptions of three New Species of the Genus Phaëtornis, Family Trochilide (Ph. viridicauda, Ph. episcopus, Ph. obscura) (P. Z. S. 1857, pp. 14, 15). 196. Descriptions of three New and very beautiful Species of Birds from Guatemala and the Island of Lombock (Cotinga amabilis, pl. cxxiii.. Halcyon fulgidus, Pitta concinna) (ibid. pp. 64, 65). 197. Observations on his visit to the United States of America, with De- scription of a New Species of Ceriornis found in the collection of Dr. Cabot of Boston, U.S. (C. caboti) (ibid. pp. 160-162). - - - xlii. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 198. 1857. On several New Species of Birds from various parts of the World (Psephotus chrysopterygius, Malurus coronatus, Petroica cerviniventris, Spilornis rufipectus, Pyrrhula aurantiaca, Momotus æquatorialis, Odontophorus hyperythrus) (ibid. pp. 220–224). 199. On four New Species of Mus and one of Hapalotis from Australia (Mus assimilis, M. sordidus, M. manicatus, Hapalotis hemileucura) (ibid. pp. 241–243). 200. On a New Species of Cassowary (Casuarius bennetti, pl. cxxix.) (ibid. pp. 268–271). 201. 1858. Exhibition of British Specimens of Motacilla flava, Ray (P. Z. S. 1858, - p. 77). 202. 203. 204. 205. - 206. 207. 208. Remarks on three specimens of Steller's Duck (ibid. p. 78). Remarks on a series of Birds collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Aru Islands (ibid. p. 95). On a New Species of Toucan (Andigena spilorhynchus) (ibid. pp. 149, 150). On a New Species of Ptarmigan (Lagopus hemileucurus) (ibid. pp. 354, 355). Descriptions of two New Species of the Family Hirundinide (Atticora pileata, Chelidon cashmeriensis) (ibid. pp. 355, 356). Exhibition of a Drawing of Molossus australis of Gray (ibid. p. 372). 1859. List of Birds from the Falkland Islands, with Descriptions of the Eggs of some of the Species, from specimens collected principally by Capt. C. C. Abbot, of the Falkland Islands Detachment (Gavia roseiventris, n. sp.) (P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 93-98). On a New Species of Odontophorus (0. erythrops) (ibid. pp. 98, 99 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, p. 72). On the Members of the Genus Rupicola, and whether there be two or more Species (Rupicola sanguinolenta, nov. sp.) (P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 99, 100; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, p. 62). On a New Species of Dendrochelidon, or Tree-Swift (D. wallacii) (P. Z. S. 1859, p. 100; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, pp. 62, 63). Exhibition of all the known Species of the Genus Elanus, with de- scription of a New Species (E. hypoleucus) (P.Z. S. 1859, pp. 126, 127; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, p. 329). Description of two New Species of Birds, one belonging to the Family Cuculide, the other to the Coturnicer (Chrysococcyx minutillus, Excalfactoria minima) (P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 128, 129; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, p. 144). 209. - 210. 211. 212. a 213. BIBLIOGRAPHY. xliii - - - - 214. 1859. List of Birds collected at Tavoy, in the Tenasserim Provinces, by Captain Briggs, Deputy Commissioner of Tavoy (P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 149, 150). 215. List of Birds collected in Siam by Sir R. H. Schomburgk (ibid. p. 151). 216. On the Nidification of the Kingfisher (Alcedo ispida) (ibid. pp. 152, 153; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, pp. 150, 151). 217. Exhibition of some Specimens of Birds of the Genus Urocissa (Corvida) (P. Z. S. 1859, p. 200). 218. Exhibition of Specimens of the new Paradise Bird (Semioptera wallacii) and Drawing of the Nest and Egg of Sittella chrysoptera (ibid. p. 351). 219. Exhibition of a fine Species of Pheasant from Siam, Diardigallus crawfurdi (D. fasciolatus of Blyth) and of a Specimen of the Royal Spoonbill of Australia, Platalea regia (ibid. p. 353). 220. On two New Species of Cinclus (C. cashmeriensis, C. sordidus) (ibid. pp. 493, 494 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1860, p. 502). 221. Descriptions of four New Species of Humming-birds from Mexico (Amazilia ocai, Calothorax pulchra, Cyanomyia violiceps, C. sordida) (Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 1859, p. 96). 222. Letter on the occurrence of the Goshawk (Astur palumbarius) (Ibis, 1859, pp. 206, 207). 223. 1860. Description of a New Species of American Partridge (Eupsychortyx hypoleucus) (P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 62, 63; Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. 1860, - p. 77). 224. 225. - Exhibition of Specimens of the Chough' of the Himalayas (Fregilus himalayanus) (P. Z. S. 1860, p. 206). Description of twenty-two New Species of Humming-birds (Grypus spixi, Glaucis melanura, Phaëtornis zonura, Auyasma smaragdineum, Eucephala cæruleo-lavata, E. hypocyanea, E. hypocyanea, Erythronota elegans, Thaumatias viridiceps, T. cæruleiceps, T. nitidifrons, Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus, Ch. acuticaudus, Ch. osberti, Calothorax decoratus, Amazilia alticola, Phlogophilus hemileucurus, Calliphlox iridescens, Aphantochroa gularis, Eriocnemis squamata, Schistes personatus, Thalurania tschudii, Oreopyra leucaspis) (ibid. pp. 304–312). Remarks on a Kangaroo living in the Society's Gardens (Macropus pictus) (ibid. p. 373). On a New Species of Kangaroo of the Genus Halmaturus (H. stigmaticus) (ibid. p. 375; Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1861, pp. 71, 72). Description of a New Species of Hornbill from Western Africa (Toccus hartlaubii) (P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 380, 381; Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1861, pp. 147, 148). 226. 227. 228. a 9 xliy BIBLIOGRAPHY. a 230. - - 229. 1860. Description of a New Species of the Genus Moho of Lesson (M. apicalis) (P. Z. S. 1860, p. 381 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1861, p. 148). Description of a New Odontophorus (0. melanonotus) (P. Z. S. 1860, p. 382; Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1861, p. 149). 231. Exhibition of a series of Penguins, and descriptions of two New Species (Eudyptes nigrivestris, E. diadematus) (P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 418, 419; Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1861, pp. 217–219). 232. 1861. On a New Genus and Species of Parrakeet from Western Australia (Geopsittacus occidentalis) (P. Z. S. 1861, pp. 100–102; Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 1861, p. 489). 233. Remarks on a Species of Woodpecker from Siam (Meiglyptes jugularis) (P. Z. S. 1861, p. 182). 234. Description of a New Species of the Family Caprimulgida (Chordeiles pusillus) (ibid. p. 182; Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 1861, pp. 182, 183). 235. Letter on the Chiff-Chaff (Phylloscopus rufus) (Ibis, 1861, p. 112). 236. Descriptions of two New Species of Humming-birds belonging to the Genus Hypuroptila (H. urochrysa, H. isaure) (P. Z. S. 1861, pp. 198, 199; Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 1861, pp. 268, 269). 237. 1862. Exhibition of a Specimen of a Lyre-bird (Menura) from Port Phillip (M. victoriæ) (P. Z. S. 1862, p. 23). Exhibition and Descriptions of two New Species of Humming-birds from Ecuador, of a New Fregilus from Himalayas, and a Prion (Heliothrix longirostris, Aphantochroa hyposticta, Fregilus himalayanus, Prion magnirostris) (ibid. pp. 124, 125). 239. On a New Species of Chlamydera, or Bower-bird (C. guttata) (ibid. pp. 161, 162). 240. Description of sixteen New Species of Birds from the Island of Formosa collected by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., Her Majesty's Vice-Consul at Formosa (Parus castaneoventris, Alcippe brunnea, Myiophoneus insularis, Garrulas ruficeps, G. pæcilorhyncha, Pomatorhinus ery- throcnemis, Hipsipetes nigerrima, Pericrocotus griseogularis, Garrulus taivanus, Urocissa cerulea, Megalema nuchalis, Picus insularis, Gecinus tancolo, Euplocamus swinhoii, Bambusicola (nov. gen.) sunorivox, Numenius rufescens) (ibid. pp. 280–286). . 241. Remarks on Notornis mantellii (Traps. Zool. Soc. 1862, iv. p. 73). 242. 1863. On a Collection of Birds from Central Australia (Polyteles alexandræ) (P. Z. S. 1863, pp. 232–234; Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. 1864, pp. 248, 249). 238. -- a BIBLIOGRAPHY. xly - - - 243. 1863. On a New Genus of Humming-birds (Androdon (nov. gen.) equator- ialis) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 1863, p. 247). 244. 1864. Letter on Muscicapa parva (Ibis, 1864, p. 130). 245. Description of a New Species of Gull from Tibet (Croicocephalus tibetanus) (P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 54, 55; Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1864, pp. 379, 380). 246. Description of a New Species of Chrysococcyx (Ch. Schomburgki) (P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 73, 74; Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1864, pp. 73, 74). 247. Description of a New Species of the Genus Mergus (M. squamatus) (P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 184, 185; Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 1865, p. 71). 248. Exhibition of a Specimen of Emberiza pusilla, Pall., and Anthus cam- pestris, captured near Brighton (P. Z. S. 1864, p. 377). 249. Description of an Egg of Parra gallinacea (ibid. p. 661; Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 1865, p. 70). 250. 1865. Handbook to the Birds of Australia. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. 251. Description of Diphlogena hesperus, New Species of Trochilide (Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 1865, p. 129). 252. Descriptions of two New Australian Birds (Malurus leuconotus, Artamus melanops) (P. Z. S. 1865, pp. 198, 199; Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 1865, pp. 60, 61). 253. Description of four New Species of Birds from Eastern Asia (Nectarinia insignis, Otocompsa fuscicauda, Enicurus guttatus, E. sinensis) (P. Z. S. 1865, pp. 663–665). 254. 1866. Notice of a Japanese Pheasant (Phasianus scintillans, n. sp.) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 1866, p. 150). 255. Description of a New Species of Toucan belonging to the Genus Aulacoramphus (A. cyanolæmus) (P. Z. S. 1866, p. 24). 256. Exhibition of the Trachea of Manucodia gouldii (ibid. p. 201). 257. Exhibition of a Specimen of the Andalusian Hemipode (Turnix sylvatica) (ibid. p. 210). 258. Additions to the List of the Avifauna of Australia, with descriptions of three New Species (Gerygone personata, Ptilotis gracilis, Monarcha albiventris) (ibid. pp. 217, 218). 259. Exhibition of Ptilotis cassidix, and other rare Australian species (ibid. p. 558). 260. 1867. On a New Australian Parrakeet (Cyclopsitta coxeni) (P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 182, 183). - - - - - xlvi BIBLIOGRAPHY. - - 261. 1867. Description of a New Australian Bird pertaining to the Genus Malurus (M. callainus) (ibid. p. 302). p. 262. Description of a New Species of the Genus Malurus (M. hypoleucus) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. 1867, p. 369). 263. On two New Birds from Eastern Australia (Cuculus castaneiventris, Ptilotis notata) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 1867, p. 269). 264. On the Australian Genus Climacteris, with a Description of a New Species (C. pyrrhonota) (P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 975–977). 265. 1868. Remarks on Menura, and Exhibition of a Chick and Egg of Menura victorie (P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 52, 53). 266. On two New Australian Birds (Chrysococcyx russata, Pitta simillima) (ibid. pp. 74–76). 267. On four New Species of Birds (Brachypterys stellatus, Sturnus pur- purascens, Aulacorhamphus sexnotatus, Podiceps micropterus) (ibid. pp. 218–221). 268. Description of a New Species of the Genus Ceyx (C. philippinensis) (ibid. p. 404). Descriptions of two New Species of Humming-birds (Eriocnemis smaragdinipectus, Gouldia melanosternon) (Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 1868, - 269. p. 322). - - 270. On some Additional Species of the Genus Eutoxeres (E. heterura, E. salvini) (ibid. p. 455). 271. 1869. Descriptions of five New Species of Birds from Queensland, Australia (Eopsaltria leucura, E. chrysorrhos, Ptilotis cockerelli, Sittella striata, Gallinula ruficrissa) and a New Humming-bird from the Bahamas (Doricha lyrura) (Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 1869, pp. 108–112). 272. Description of Ceryle sharpii, a new Kingfisher from the Gaboon (ibid. p. 271). 273. Letter on the visits of rare Birds to England (Ibis, v. 1869, pp. 127, 128). 274. Description of a New Genus and Species of the Family Trochilidæ (Oreonympha nobilis) (P. Z. S. 1869, pp. 295, 296). 275. Description of a new Species of Dacelo from North-western Australia (D. occidentalis) (ibid. p. 602). 276. 1870. Description of a supposed New Species of Pigeon (Otidiphaps (nov. gen.) nobilis) (Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1870, p. 62). 277. Exhibition of a New Pigeon (Otidiphaps nobilis) (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 4). -- - BIBLIOGRAPHY. xlvii - - - 278. 1870. Exhibition of, and Remarks upon, some Specimens of Water-Ouzels (Cinclus) (ibid. p. 384). 279. Remarks on a Collection of Humming-birds made by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador, and Descriptions of two New Species (Chætocercus bombus, Thalurania hypochlora) (ibid. pp. 803, 804). 280. Description of a New Species of Seisura (S. nana) (Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. 1870, p. 224). 281. On a supposed New Species of Humming-bird from the Juan-Fernandez Group of Islands (Eustephanus leyboldi) (ibid. p. 406). 282. 1871. Exhibition of a Skin of Lady Ross's Touraco (Musophaga rossie) (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 1). 283. Descriptions of six New Humming-birds (Helianthea osculans, Helian- gelus squamigularis, Heliomaster albicrissa, Lesbia chlorura, Eriocnemis russata, Polytmus leucorrhous) (ibid. pp. 503-505). 284. Description of a New Species of Fruit-Pigeon from the Fiji Islands (Chrysona victor) (ibid. pp. 642, 643). 285. Description of a New Species of the Family Pittide (Pitta arquata) (Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. 1871, p. 340). 286. On a New Species of Humming-bird belonging to the Genus Spatura (S. solstitialis) (Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. 1871, pp. 61, 62). 287. Description of two New Species pertaining to the Avifauna of Australia (Xerophila pectoralis, Sternula placens) (ibid. pp. 192, 193). 288. 1872. Exhibition of, and Remarks on, a specimen of Ross's Gull (Larus rossi) in adult summer plumage (P. Z. S. 1872, p. 1). 289. Descriptions of two New Species of Humming-birds (Heliangelus micraster, Chlorostilbon pumilus) (Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 1872, pp. 195, 196). 290. On a New Species of Thrush pertaining to the Genus Oreocincla (0. iodura) (ibid. p. 401). 291. On two New Species of Birds (Dicæum retrocinctum, Colluricincla parvissima) (Ann. Nat. Hist. x. 1872, p. 114). 292. Descriptions of three New Species of Humming-birds (Iolama white- lyana, Adelomyia chlorospila, A. cervina) (ibid. pp. 452, 453). 293. 1873. On a New Genus and Species of the Family Trochilide (Hylonympha macrocerca) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. 1873, p. 429). - - - - 294. 1874. Letter concerning the existence of a New Parrot in Queensland (Aprosmictus insignissimus) (P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 499, 500). T xlviii BIBLIOGRAPHY. - 295. 1874. On a New Species of Fruit-Pigeon from Northern Queensland (Lampro- treron porphyrostictus) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. 1874, p. 137). 296. On three New Species of Toucans pertaining to the Genus Aulaco- rhamphus (A. calorhynchus, A. erythrognathus, A. phæolemus) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1874, pp. 183, 184). 297. 1875. Descriptions of three New Species of Australian Birds (Aprosmictus insignissimus, Cyclopsitta maccoyi, Ptilotis flavostriata) (P. Z. S. 1875, pp. 314, 315). 298. Further Contributions to the Ornithology of Australia (Amytis goyderi, n. sp., Melithreptus lætior, n. sp.) (Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 1875, pp. 285– 287). 299. On a New Species of the Genus Eupetomena (E. hirundo) (ibid. p. 370). 300. On the Bower-birds of Australia, with the Description of a New Species (Chlamydodera occipitalis) (ibid. p. 429). 301. 1879. Observations on the Chlamydodere or Bower-birds, with Description of a New Species (Chlamydodera orientalis) (Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 1879, pp. 73, 74). 302. 1880. Description of two New Humming-birds from Bolivia (Cynanthus bolivianus, Pinarolæma (nov. gen.) buckleyi) (Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 1880, pp. 488, 489). - ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THE COMPLETE SERIES OF GOULD'S WORKS. . Abeille's Flutterer Aberdevine. abnormis, Sasia Acanthiparus jouschistos niveogularis Acanthiza apicalis Chestnut-rumped chrysorrhea diemenensis o . Humming B. iv. pl. 211. Europe, iii. pl. 197; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 37. Asia, vi. pl. 41. Asia, ii. pl. 68. Asia, ii. pl. 67. Australia, iii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 368. Australia, iii. pl. 56; Handb. i. p. 367. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iii. pl. 63. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 54; Handb.i. p. 365. Australia, iii. pl. 55. Australia, Suppl. pl. 28; Handb. i. . ewingi Great IT || p. 373. inornata. lineata . Australia, iii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 370. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 61, Handb. i. p. 372. Australia, iii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 371. Australia, iii. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 364. Australia, Suppl. pl. 28; Handb. i. . . p Little Little Brown magna . p. 373. B 2 Acanthiza magnirostra . nana Plain-coloured. pusilla . pyrrhopygia Red-rumped reguloides Regulus-like Striated Tasmanian uropygialis . . . Western. Yellow-rumped Acanthogenys rufogularis Acanthorhynchus dubius superciliosus Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 371. Australia, iii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 370. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 364. Australia, iii. pl. 58 ; Handb. i. p. 369. p Australia, iii. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 369. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iii. pl. 62. Australia, iii. pl. 62. Australia, iii. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 372. Australia, iii. pl. 54; Handb. i. p. 365. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 56; Handb. i. p. 367. . . Australia, iii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 368. Australia, iii. pl. 63. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 53 ; Handb. i. p. 534. Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, iv. pl. 62 ; Handb. i. p. 553. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, iv. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 551. . Australia, ii. pl. 10. Europe, ii. pl. 99; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 54. Europe, ii. pl. 99; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 54. Asia, iv. pl. 49. Asia, iv. pl. 49. Asia, iv. pl. 48. Asia, iv. pl. 47. Asia, iv. pl. 48. Asia, iv. pl. 45. Asia, iv. pl. 43. Europe, ii. pl. 100; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 55. Asia, iv. pl. 45. Europe, ii. pl. 100; Gt. Brit. ii. tenuirostris. . Acanthylis caudacuta Accentor, Alpine . alpinus Altaian altaicus atrogularis Banded Black-throated Blue-shouldered erythropygius Hedge immaculatus modularis . . . pl. 55. montanellus Europe, ii. pl. 101; Asia, iv. pl. 41. 3 . . . Accentor, Mountain . nepalensis Nepaul Red-backed. Red-breasted rubeculoides rubidus Ruddy strophiatus. Accipiter fringillarius niger. nisus. torquatus @ . . Acrobates, Pigmy. Pygmæus. Acrocephalus australis longirostris . . turdoides Actenoides concretus hombroni lindsayi. Actinodura egertoni Egerton's nepalensis Nepalese ramsayi waldeni Actitis hypoleucus macularius Actiturus bartramius Europe, ii. pl. 101; Asia, iv. pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 44. Asia, iv. pl. 44. Asia, iv. pl. 43. Asia, iv. pl. 46. Asia, iv. pl. 46. Asia, iv. pl. 42. Asia, iv. pl. 42. Asia, iv. pl. 47. Europe, i. pl. 18. Synopsis, part iii. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 10. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, i. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 45. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 28. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 28. Australia, iii. pl. 37. Australia, iii. pl. 38. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 72. Asia, i. pl. 42. Asia, i. pl. 40. Asia, i. pl. 41. Asia, iii. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 59. Asia, iii. pl. 58. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 58. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 59. Australia, Suppl. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 242; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 63. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 69. . Handb. ii. p. 257. . Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 72. Handb. ii. p. 254. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 18. Australia, iii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 422. 3 O . Actochelidon cantiaca Actodromas australis. minuta acuminatus, Limnocinclus acuta, Dafila acuticauda, Poephila . . . p. B 2 4 . . . acutirostris, Neomorpha Synopsis, part i. Adamastor cinerea Handb. ii. p. 446. p . Adams's Mountain Finch Asia, v. pl. 1. adamsi, Montifringilla Asia, v. pl. 1. Adela's Hill-Star . Humming B. ii. pl. 73. adela, Oreotrochilus . Humming B. ii. pl. 73. adelaidæ, Platycercus Australia, v. pl. 22. Adelaide Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 22; Handb. ii. p. 46. adelaidensis, Platycercus Handb. ii. p. 46. Adelomyia, see also Humming Bird. castaneiventris . . Humming B. iii. pl. 203. cervina Humming B., Suppl. pl. 46. chlorospila Humming B., Suppl. p. 66. floriceps. Humming B. iii. pl. 202. inornata Humming B. iii. pl. 197. maculata Humming B. iii. pl. 199. melanogenys Humming B. iii. pl. 198. Adolph's Hermit Humming B. i. pl. 35. adolphi, Phaethornis. Humming B. i. pl. 35. adorabilis, Lophornis Humming B., Suppl. pl. 35. Aedon galactodes. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 53. Ægialitis bicinctus Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, App. p. 6. hiaticula Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 41; Handb. ii. . . . . canus . p. 231. minor monacha . monachus . . Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 42. Handb. ii. p. 231. . Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, part ii. (cancelled) pl. 10. Synopsis, part ii.; Handb. ii. p. 232. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 40. Handb. ii. p. 235. . Handb. i. p. 411. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 51. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 52. Cent. pl. 30. fig. 1. Asia, ii. pl. 70. Asia, ii. pl. 71. . nigrifrons Ægialophilus cantianus ruficapillus . Ægintha temporalis . Ægiothus linaria. rufescens Ægithaliscus erythrocephalus .. Ægithalus consobrinus flammiceps. . . . 5 . . . . . . 9 Ægithalus pendulinus Ægotheles leucogaster novæ-hollandiæ . wallacii ægyptiaca, Chenalopex ægyptius, Pluvianus æneicauda, Metallura æneum, Dicæum equatoralis, Androdon Gouldia. Phæolama æralatus, Pteruthius æruginosus, Circus æsalon, Falco Æstrelata cookii leucocephala leucoptera mollis Æthopyga gouldiæ affine, Trochalopteron affinis, Coracias Cymbirhynchus Glaucis Hesperiphona Milvus . Europe, iii. pl. 159. Australia, ii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 81. Australia, ii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 79. New Guinea, iv. pl. 39. Europe, v. pl. 353. Asia, vii. pl. 62. Humming B. iii. pl. 192. New Guinea, iv. pl. 4. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 1. Humming B., Suppl. p. 51. Humming B. iv. pl. 269. Asia, ii. pl. 13. Europe, i. pl. 32; Gt. Brit. i. pls. 24, 25. Europe, i. pl. 24; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 19. Handb. ii. p. 456. Handb. ii. p. 451. Handb. ii. p. 454. p Handb. ii. p. 453. p. Cent. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 37. Asia, i. pl. 55. Asia, i. pl. 60. Humming B. i. pl. 7. Asia, v. pl. 23. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 49. . Handb. i. p. 465. Australia, i. Introd. p. liii. Asia, vi. pl. 11. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 163. Humming B. v. pl. 299. Asia, v. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 4. Asia, ii. pl. 66. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 16. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 24, 25; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 5. . . . > . Mimeta Oriolus Palæornis Pardalotus . . - Thaumatias. Afghan Magpie Thrush Tit africanus, Turnix. Agile Wallaby. 6. agilis, Halmaturus . . . . . Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 24, 25; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 5. Asia, iv. pl. 65. Humming B. iii. pl. 180. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 47. Humming B. iii. pl. 179. Humming B. iii. pl. 181. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 50. Humming B., Suppl. p. 76. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 51. Humming B., Suppl. p. 78. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 52. Handb. i. p. 414. New Guinea, i. pl. 40. New Guinea, i. pl. 41. New Guinea, i. pl. 38. i New Guinea, i. pl. 42. New Guinea, i. pl. 39. Handb. i. p. 446. New Guinea, i. pl. 37. Asia, vii. pl. 69. New Guinea, iii. pl. 10. Europe, iii. pl. 164. Europe, iii. pl. 167; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 16. Europe, iii. pl. 166; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 15. Europe, iii. pl. 163. Europe, iii. pl. 162. Europe, iii. pl. 165. Europe, iii. pl. 161. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 21. Europe, iv. pl. 276. -, Pipastes. Aglæactis castelneaui ::: caumatonota cupreipennis pamela Agyrtria apicalis bartletti. cæruleiceps compsa fluviatilis luciæ . maculicauda neglecta . nigricauda nitidicauda taczanowskii Aidemosyne modesta . Ailurædus arfakianus buccoides maculosus melanocephalus melanotis smithii stonii. Aix galericulata ajax, Cinclosoma Alauda alpestris arborea arvensis brachydactyla. calandra. cristata tartarica. alaudarius, Falco Tinnunculus alba, Ardea. i . . . . . . . 7 . . . alba, Ciconia Herodias . Motacilla albata, Sitella Albatros, Black-eyebrowed . Cautious. Culminated. Short-tailed . Shy Sooty Wandering Yellow-billed Yellow-nosed albellus, Mergus Albert Lyre-Bird. alberti, Menura Europe, iv. pl. 283; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 30. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 22; Handb. ii. p. 301. . Europe, ii. pl. 143; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 2. New Guinea, iii. pl. 28. Australia, vii. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 438. Australia, vii. pl. 40. Australia, vii. pl. 41; Handb.ii. p. 436. Australia, vii. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 433. Handb. ii. p. 434. Australia, vii. pl. 44; Handb.ii. p. 441. Australia, vii. pl. 38; Handb.ii. p. 427. Australia, vii. pl. 42. Handb. ii. p. 437. Europe, v. pl. 387; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 37. Australia, Suppl. pl. 19. Australia, Suppl. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 307. albertisii, Drepanornis albescens, Schæniclus albicilla, Haliaetus albicollis, Leucochloris -, Muscicapa albicrissa, Heliomaster albifacies, Pæcilodryas Sceloglaux. New Guinea, i. pl. 11. Australia, vi. pl. 31. Europe, i. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 4. . Humming B. v. pl. 291. Europe, ii. pl. 63. fig. 2. Humming B., Suppl. p. 30. New Guinea, ii. pl. 18. Australia, Suppl. pl. 2; Handb. ii. . • p. 524. . albifrons, Anser Ephthianura Glyciphila Machærirhynchus . albigularis, Conopophila Ianthenas Zosterops Europe, v. pl. 349; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 4. Australia, iii. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 377. Australia, iv. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 497. New Guinea, ii. pl. 37. Handb. i. 532. New Guinea, v. pl. 67. Australia, Suppl. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. p. 535. albipennis, Entomyza Nettapus Petrophassa albipes, Antechinus Australia, iv. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 563. Handb. ii. p. 359. Australia, v. pl. 71; Handb. ii. p. 141. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 42. 8 . . . . . . o . p. 96. albipes, Hapalotis albiscapa, Rhipidura . albiventris, Artamus Callene Monarcha . Thaumatias. albivitta, Aulacorhamphus . Procelsterna alboauricularis, Stigmatops. albocincta, Merula albocinereus, Mus. albocoronata, Microchera albocristatus, Euplocomus - Phasianus albogularis, Dumetia . :: Entomophila Eurostopodus Gerygone Melithreptus Psilopus. Schistes Zosterops albolimbatus, Megalurus alboniger, Spizaetus. albonotata, Ptilotis alboscapulatus, Malurus albovittatus, Ocypterus Alca impennis. torda . Alcedo bengalensis grandis guttatus . ispida rudis. Alcippe brunnea Alcyone azurea diemenensis . • Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 238. Australia, ii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 149. Asia, iii. pl. 29. Australia, Suppl. pl. 13. Humming B. v. pl. 301. Toucans, (2) pl. 59. Handb. ii. p. 420. New Guinea, iii. pl. 45. Asia, iii. pl. 6. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 21. Humming B. ii. pl. 116. Cent. pls. 66, 67. Cent. pls. 66, 67. Asia, iv. pl. 5. Australia, iv. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 532. Australia, ii. pl. 7; Handb. i. i Australia, ii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 266. Australia, iv. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 571. p. Synopsis, part iv. Humming B. iv. pl. 220. Synopsis, part i New Guinea, iii. pl. 12. Asia, i. pl. 10. New Guinea, iii. pl. 47. New Guinea, ii. pl. 25. Synopsis, part i. Europe, v. pl. 400; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 46. Europe, v. pl. 401; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 47. Asia, i. pl. 53. Asia, i. pl. 52. Cent. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 61; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 10. Europe, ii. pl. 62. Asia, iii. pl. 66. Australia, ii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 139. Australia, i. Introd. p. xxxi; Handb. i. p. 141. . 9 . . . . 9 Alcyone pulchra . pusilla aldrovandi, Scops. alexandræ, Polytelis . Australia, i. Introd. p. xxxii; Handb. i. p. 141. . Australia, ii. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 142. Europe, i. pl. 41. Australia, Suppl. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 32. . . alexandri, Trochilus . Alice's Emerald aliciæ, Chlorostilbon. alinæ, Eriocnemis. alle, Mergulus. All-green Phyllornis Allied Diamond-bird. Dottrel Emerald. Eurylaime Flycatcher Fruit-Pigeon : Humming B. iii. pl. 132. Humming B. v. pl. 357. Humming B. v. pl. 357. Humming B. iv. pl. 280. Europe, v. pl. 402; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 163. Australia, vi. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 237. Humming B. v. pl. 299. Asia, i. pl. 60. Handb. i. p. 260. Australia, Suppl. pl. 67; Handb. ii. . . . . || | || p. 111. . 11 3 e . Grosbeak Harrier Hermit Ianthocincla Kite Laughing Thrush. Parrakeet Petrel Rat Sericornis Thrush Warbler. Allotrius melanotis xanthochloris alpestris, Alauda Otocoris Alpine Accentor Chough. Sparrow . Asia, v. pl. 23. Australia, i. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 58. Humming B. i. pls. 7, 18. Asia, iii. pl. 45. Australia, i. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 49. . Asia, iii. pl. 45. Asia, vi. pl. 11. Australia, vii. pl. 59; Handb.ii. p. 458. . Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 15. Handb. i. p. 358. p . Asia, iii. pl. 37. Australia, iii. pl. 48. Asia, ii. pl. 16. Asia, ii. pl. 17. Europe, iii. pl. 164. Europe, iii. pl. 164; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 18. Eur. ii. pl. 99; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 54. Europe, iii. pl. 218. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 2. . . .. с 10 e Alpine Swift alpinus, Accentor. - Cypselus. Altaian Accentor . Altaic Snow-Partridge altaicus, Accentor. Tetraogallus alticola, Amazilia . aluco, Syrnium amabilis, Carcineutes Damophila . Malurus. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 4. Europe, ii. pl. 99 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 54. Europe, ii. pl. 53. fig. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 49. Asia, vii. pl. 31. Asia, iv. pl. 49. Asia, vii. pl. 31. Humming B. v. pl. 304. Europe, i. pl. 47; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 29. Asia, i. pl. 50. Humming B. v. pl. 341. Australia, Suppl. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 328. Amadina castaneothorax castanotis cincta gouldiæ lathami modesta. ruficauda . . Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, part ii. (cancelled) pl. 5, and vol. iii. pl. 87. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, iii. pl. 88. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, iii. pl. 86. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iii. pl. 85. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, part i. (cancelled) pl. 4. Australia, part ii. (cancelled) pl. 5. Humming B. iii. pl. 170. Humming B. i. pl. 32. Iumming B. i. pl. 32. Handb. i. Humming B. v. pl. 303. Humming B. v. pl. 312. Humming B. v. pl. 315. Humming B. v. pl. 310. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 56. Humming B. v. pl. 307. Humming B. v. pl. 289. Humming B. v. pl. 313. Humming B. v. pl. 305. Humming B., Suppl. p. 90. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. . p. 286. . . Amaduvade, Chestnut-eared amaryllis, Lesbia . Amaura Hermit amaura, Phaethornis. Amaurodryas vittata . Amazili Berylline Blue-tailed - Chestnut-bellied Copper-tailed Coral-billed De Oca's Deville's . Duméril's Elegant Elliot's 9 9 . . . 11 . UU . . Amazili, Fawn-breasted . . Grayson's Green-bellied Mountain Rieffer's . Warszewicz's White-breasted White-vented Yucatan. Amazilia alticola beryllina castaneiventris. cerviniventris. corallirostris cupreicauda. cyanura devillei dumerilii. elegans graysoni. iodura leucophæa lucida ocai pristina riefferi viridigaster. warszewiczi . yucatanensis ambiguus, Rhamphastos Trogon Amblyornis inornata . subalaris Amblypterus anomalus American Bittern. Cuckoo Robin White-winged Crossbill . Humming B. v. pl. 309. Humming B., Suppl. p. 87. Humming B. v. pl. 314. Humming B. v. pl. 304. Humming B. v. pl. 311. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Humming B. v. pl. 306. Humming B., Suppl. p. 88. Humming B. v. pl. 308. Humming B. v. pl. 304. Humming B. v. pl. 312. Humming B. v. pl. 310. Humming B. v. pl. 509. Humming B. v. pl. 307. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 56. Humming B. v. pl. 315. Humming B. v. pl. 313. Humming B. v. pl. 305. Humming B., Suppl. p. 90. Humming B., Suppl. p. 87. Humming B., Suppl. p. 88. Humming B. v. pl. 306. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Humming B. v. pl. 289. Humming B. v. pl. 303. Humming B. v. pl. 311. Humming B. v. pl. 314. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Humming B. v. pl. 308. Toucans, (2) pl. 5. Trogons, (1) pl. 4, (2) pl. 8. New Guinea, i. pl. 46. New Guinea, i. pl. 47. Icones Avium, pl. 11. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 28. Europe, iii. pl. 242. Europe, ii. pl. 74. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 48. e . . . 02 12 . . americanus, Coccyzus Amethyst Mitchell's amethysticollis, Heliangelus amethystina, Calliphlox . Amesthystine Cuckoo Sun-Angel amherstiæ, Thaumalea amictus, Nyctiornis ammodendri, Passer Ammoperdix bonhami . heyi .. Ampelis garrula amurensis, Erythropus Amydrus tristrami Amytis goyderi macrourus striatus textilis anais, Melanopyrrhus Petasophora anaphonensis, Strepera Anas boschas Europe, iii. pl. 242. Humming B. iii. pl. 159. Humming B. iii. pl. 160. Humming B. iv. pl. 245. Humming B. iii. pl. 159. Asia, vi. pl. 47. Humming B. iv. pl. 245. Asia, vii. pl. 20. Asia, i. pl. 38. Asia, v. pl. 15. Asia, vii. pl. 1. Asia, vii. pl. 2. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 21. Asia, i. pl. 8. Asia, v. pl. 45. New Guinea, iii. pl. 8, Australia, iii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 338. Australia, iii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 337. Australia, iii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 335. New Guinea, iv. pl. 16. Humming B. iv. pl. 224. Australia, ii. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 173. Europe, v. pl. 361; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 15. Australia, vii. pl. 10. Australia, vii. pl. 11; Handb. ii. p. 365. Australia, vii. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 363. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 1. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 68. Handb. ii. p. 256. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 16. Europe, iv. pl. 264 ; Gt. Brit. iv. . 9 . nævosa . 3 . punctata. superciliosa anatinus, Ornithorhynchus . Ancylocheilus subarquatus. Ancylochilus subarquatus Andalusian Hemipode Turnix . pl. 16. . . . Anderson's Suthora Andigena bailloni. cucullatus hypoglaucus laminirostris nigrirostris Asia, iii. pl. 68. Toucans, (2) pl. 41. Toucans, (2) pl. 39. Toucans, (2) pl. 38. Toucans, (2) pl. 37. Toucans, (2) pl. 40. 13 Androdon equatorialis Anellobia lunulata mellivora Angela Star-throat angelæ, Heliomaster anglica, Gelochelidon Sterna anglorum, Puffinus p. 419. annabellæ, Myzomela Anna's Humming-bird annæ, Calypte annectens, Lioptila annulosa, Estrelda Stictoptera anomalus, Amblypterus . Anorthura formosa. Anous cinereus leucocapillus melanops stolidus Anser albifrons brachyrhynchus brenta ferus. hyperboreus indica leucopsis. ruficollis segetum. Anseranas melanoleuca antarcticus, Lopholaimus Antechinus albipes apicalis Dusky ferruginifrons flavipes Freckled. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 1. Handb. i. p. 543. Handb. i. p. 541. Humming B. iv. pl. 263. Humming B. iv. pl. 263. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 74. Europe, v. pl. 416. Europe, v. pl. 443; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 84. New Guinea, iii. pl. 67. Humming B. iii. pl. 135. Humming B. iii. pl. 135. Asia, iii. pl. 30. Australia, iii. pl. 81. Handb. i. p. 410. Icones Avium, pl. 11. Asia, iv. pl. 52. Australia, vii. pl. 37. Australia, vii. pl. 36; Handb. ii. Australia, vii. pl. 35; Handb. ii. p. 417. Australia, vii. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 413. p Europe, v. pl. 349; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 4. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 3. Europe, v. pl. 352. Europe, v. pl. 347; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 1. Europe, v. pl. 346. Cent. pl. 80. Europe, v. pl. 350. Europe, v. pl. 351. Europe, v. pl. 348; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 2. Australia, vii. pl. 2; Handb. ii. P. 552. Australia, v. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 116. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 42. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 39. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 37. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 36. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 40. . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 39. . . 14 . Antechinus fuliginosus. . leucogaster leucopus. maculatus Minute minutissimus Murine murinus Rusty-footed Rusty-fronted Sooty . Spotted swainsoni unicolor. White-bellied White-footed Anthochæra carunculata > . . > p. 538. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 35. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 44. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 45. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 45. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 40. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 36. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 44. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 34. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 37. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 35, 42. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 55 ; Handb. i. Australia, iv. pl. 54; Handb. i. Synopsis, part i. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 57. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, iv. pl. 56. Humming B. i. pl. 24. Europe, iv. pl. 272. Europe, ii. pl. 138. Europe, ii. pl. 139; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 392. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 9. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 12; Asia, iv. pl. 66. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 10. Europe, ii. pl. 136; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 13. Europe, ii. pl. 135; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 8. Europe, ii. pl. 137. Europe, ii. pl. 140. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 8, 9; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 7. Humming B. v. pl. 316. inauris lewinii lunulata mellivora anthophilus, Phaethornis Anthropoïdes virgo Anthus aquaticus arboreus. australis campestris cervinus obscurus. pratensis . richardi rufescens rufogularis spinoletta antilopinus, Osphranter p. 536. 9 antiqua, Erythronota. 15 ::: . > . antisianus, Pharomacrus antoniæ, Threnetes Ant-Thrush, Baud's Bengal Black. Black-headed Blue Blue-backed Blue-tailed Bornean. Cærulean Celebean Elegant Elliot's Formosan Forsten's. Great. Gurney's Hooded Koch's Large-billed Mafoor Island Malaccan Necklaced Nepal New Guinea Noisy. Rainbow. Red-headed Red-naped Rosenberg's. Schwaner's Steere's Ussher's . Van der Bosch's Vigors Aphantochroa cirrhochloris gularis Trogons, (2) pl. 2. Humming B. i. pl. 15. Asia, v. pl. 72. Asia, v. pl. 64. New Guinea, iv. pl. 28. Asia, v. pl. 76. Asia, v. pl. 80. New Guinea, iv. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 77. Asia, v. pl. 67. Asia, v. pl. 81. New Guinea, iv. pl. 34. New Guinea, iv. pl. 31. Asia, v. pl. 66. Asia, v. pl. 65. New Guinea, iv. pl. 30. New Guinea, iv. pl. 27. Asia, v. pl. 73. Asia, v. pl. 82. Asia, v. pl. 71. Asia, v. pl. 70. New Guinea, iv. pl. 33. Asia, v. pl. 68. Asia, v. pl. 69. Asia, v. pl. 79. New Guinea, iv. pl. 36. p 430. Handb. i. p. 432. New Guinea, iv. pl. 32. New Guinea, iv. pl. 35. New Guinea, iv. pl. 37. Asia, v. pl. 78. Asia, v. pl. 74. Asia, v. pl. 75. Asia, v. pl. 83. Handb. ii. p. 527. . Humming B. ii. pl. 54. Humming B. ii. pl. 55. . UI Handb. i. p. . 16 و" Aphantochroa hyposticta apiaster, Merops apicalis, Acanthiza Agyrtria . Antechinus - Hapalotis Hypsiprymnus apivorus, Pernis Aplonis metallica Shining apoda, Paradisea approximans, Astur و . . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 4. Europe, ii. pl. 59; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 9. Australia, iii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 368. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 39. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 2. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 68. Europe, i. pl. 16; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 8. Australia, Suppl. pl. 33. Australia, Suppl. pl. 33. New Guinea, i. pl. 30. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 41. New Guinea, v. pl. 9. Australia, v. pl. 18. New Guinea, v. pl. 10. Australia, v. pl. 17; Handb. ii. p. 35. Europe, iii. pl. 232. Australia, part ii. (cancelled) pl. 9, and vol. vi. pl. 2; Handb. ii. App. p. 568. Australia, vi. pl. 3; Handb. ii. App. Aprosmictus callopterus. erythropterus insignissimus scapulatus Apternus tridactylus . Apteryx australis . owenii p. 573. Owen's apus, Cypselus. Aquatic Warbler. Australia, vi. pl. 3. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. 2 ; Gt. Brit. ii. . pl. 76. . aquatica, Calamodyta Salicaria . aquaticus, Acrocephalus. . Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 76. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 76. Europe, ii. pl. 138. Europe, ii. pl. 83; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 41. Europe, iv. pl. 339; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 86. 8. Europe, i. pl. 7. Europe, i. pl. 6; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 2. . Australia, i. pl. 1; Synopsis, part iii. Europe, i. pl. 5. Anthus Cinclus Rallus Aquila audax bonellii. chrysaetos fucosa imperialis Handb. i. p. . 17 . . . . . > . . . . Aquila morphnoides . Australia, i. pl. 2. nævia. Europe, i. pl. 8; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 3. pennata Europe, i. pl. 9. i aquila, Eutoxeres Humming B. i. pl. 3. Tachypetes. Handb. ii. p. 499. . Araçari, Azara's Toucans, (2) pl. 28. Banded Toucans, (1) pl. 17. Blood-rumped Groove-bill. Toucans, (1) pl. 33. Cayenne. Toucans, (1) pl. 12, (2) pl. 15. Chestnut-eared Toucans, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 19. Collared. Toucans, (2) pl. 20. Curl-crested. Toucans, (1) pl. 18, (2) pl. 25. Double-banded. Toucans, (2) pl. 18. Double-collared Toucans, (1) pl. 16, (2) pl. 26. Duchess of Leuchtenberg's. Toucans, (2) pl. 30. Golden-green Toucans, (1) pl. 29. Green Toucans, (1) pl. 21, (2) pl. 24. Grey-breasted Toucans, (1) pl. 19. Grooved-bill Toucans, (1) pl. 31. Humboldt's.. Toucans, (1) pl. 22, (2) pl. 22. Koulik Toucans, (1) pl. 27. Langsdorff's Toucans, (1) pl. 28. Lettered. Toucans, (1) pl. 23, (2) pl. 23. Many-banded Toucans, (1) pl. 15, (2) pl. 17. Natterer's Toucans, (1) pl. 25. Peacock Groove-bill Toucans, (1) pl. 30. Prince Maximilian's Toucans, (2) pl. 16. Red-rumped Toucans, (2) pl. 21. Reinwardt's. Toucans, (1) pl. 26. Royal . Toucans, (1) pl. 14. Saffron-coloured Toucans, (1) pl. 20. Spotted-billed Toucans, (1) pl. 24. Sturm's Toucans, (2) pl. 27. Yellow-billed Toucans, (2) pl. 29. aracari, Pteroglossus Toucans, (1) pl. 12, (2) pl. 15. arborea, Alauda Europe, iii. pl. 167; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 16. Collocalia Australia, ii. pl. 14. arboreus, Anthus. Europe, ii. pl. 139; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 14. و . . . D 18 . . Archibuteo lagopus Arctic Skua. Tern arctica, Fratercula Sterna arcticus, Colymbus arctitorquis, Pachycephala . arctoa, Leucosticte Montifringilla. Arctocephalus lobatus arcuata, Dendrocygna Pitta. Ardea alba cinerea Gt. Brit. i. pl. 7. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 80. Europe, v. pl. 419; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 72. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 51. Europe, v. pl. 419. Europe, v. pl. 394; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 44. New Guinea, iii. pl. 19. Asia, v. pl. 2. Asia, v. pl. 2. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 49. Australia, vii. pl. 14. Asia, v. pl. 69. Europe, iv. pl. 276. Europe, iv. pl. 273; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 20; Handb. ii. p. 295. . . Europe, iv. pl. 275. Europe, iv. pl. 277. Australia, vi. pl. 55. Australia, vi. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 299. Australia, vi. pl. 52; Handb. ii. p. 297. Europe, iv. pl. 274; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 21. Australia, vi. pl. 54. Europe, iv. pl. 278. Handb. ii. p. 296. Asia, i. pl. 76; Trogons, (2) pl. 39. Asia, ii. pl. 75. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. I. Trogons, (1) pl. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 65. Australia, vi. pl. 66. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 29. Australia, vi. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 319. Australia, vi. pl. 67. Europe, iv. pl. 335; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 257. New Guinea, i. pl. 40. New Guinea, i. pl. 50. New Guinea, v. pl. 18. comata garzetta leucophæa novæ-hollandiæ pacifica purpurea rectirostris. russata sumatrana ardens, Harpactes -, Psaropholus Selasphorus. Trogon Ardetta flavicollis . macrorhyncha minuta pusilla stagnatilis arenaria, Calidris. arenarius, Pterocles Arfak Cat-bird. Drongo Lorikeet e . . . . . 19 . . . . . . Arfak Sericornis arfaki, Oreocharis . Parus Psitteuteles. arfakiana, Sericornis arfakianus, Ailurædus argentatus, Larus. argentauris, Liothrix. -, Mesia. argenteus, Cracticus argenticeps, Tropidorhynchus Argoondah Bush-Quail . argoondah, Perdicula. argus, Argusianus . Argus Pheasant Argusianus argus arguta, Strepera ariel, Attagen Belideus. Collocalia Lagenoplastes Prion. Rhamphastos Ariel Toucan Arinia boucardi arquata, Numenius Arquatella maritima Arrenga blighi Arses aruensis batantæ insularis kaupi . . New Guinea, iii. pl. 6. New Guinea, iv. pl. 1. New Guinea, iv. pl. 1. New Guinea, v. pl. 18. New Guinea, iii. pl. 6. New Guinea, i. pl. 40. Europe, v. pl. 434; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 59. Asia, iv. pl. 16. Asia, iv. pl. 16. Australia, ii. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 182. . Australia, iv. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 548. Asia, vii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 52. Asia, vii. pl. 52. Asia, vii. pl. 52. Australia, ii. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 171. Australia, vii. pl. 72. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 27. Australia, ii. pl. 15. Handb. i. p. 113. Handb. ii. p. 473. Toucans, (1) pl. 10, (2) pl. 12. Toucans, (1) pl. 10, (2) pl. 12. Humming B., Suppl. p. 81. Europe, iv. pl. 302; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 48. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 27. New Guinea, ii. pl. 42. New Guinea, ii. pl. 41. New Guinea, ii. pl. 43. Australia, Suppl. pl. 10; Handb. i. . . . p. 251. telescophthalmus Artamides temmincki unimodus Artamus albiventris cinereus New Guinea, ii. pl. 40. New Guinea, ii. pl. 2. New Guinea, ii. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 149. p. . Australia, ii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 147. D 2 20 Artamus insignis . leucopygialis New Guinea, iv. pl. 20. Australia, ii. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 154. . . maximus. melanops minor. monachus personatus : sordidus. superciliosus artemisiæ, Ianthocincla Aru-Island Wood-Shrike Aru Perroquet . aruensis, Arses. Cyclopsitta Rectes arundinacea, Calamoherpe Salicaria . Schønicola. arundinaceus, Acrocephalus arvensis, Alauda ascalaphus, Bubo asha, Herodias. Ash-coloured Cuckoo Harrier. Honey-eater Tit Ashy-fronted Flycatcher Asiatic Bush-Quail Dottrel Nuthatch Sun-bird. Water-Ouzel asiatica, Perdicula. Sitta. Nectarinia asiaticus, Cinclus. -, Cirripidesmus New Guinea, iv. pl. 19. Australia, Suppl. pl. 7; Handb. i. p.149. Australia, ii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 146. New Guinea, iv. pl. 21. Australia, ii. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 150. Australia, ii. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 143. Australia, ii. pl. 32; Handb. i. p. 152. Asia, iii. pl. 45. New Guinea, i. pl. 56. New Guinea, v. pl. 4. New Guinea, ii. pl. 42. New Guinea, v. pl. 4. New Guinea, i. pl. 56. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 73. Europe, ii. pl. 108. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 29. Europe, ii. pl. 108; Gt. Brit. ii. p). 73. Europe, iii. pl. 166; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 15. Europe, i. pl. 38. Handb. ii. p. 305. Australia, iv. pl. 86. Europe, i. pl. 35; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 27. New Guinea, iii. pl. 69. Asia, ii. pl. 55. New Guinea, ii. pl. 15. Asia, vii. pl. 4. Handb. ii. p. 229. Europe, iii. pl. 236. Asia, ii. pl. 32. Asia, iv. pl. 21. Asia, vii. pl. 4. Europe, iii. pl. 236. Asia, ii. pl. 32. Asia, iv. pl. 21; Cent. pl. 24. Handb. ii. p. 229. . • . . 21 . . Asio brachyotus - otus Assam Peacock Pheasant assimilis, Bourcieria Carpophaga. Circus Eriocnemis Megaloprepia Microca. Mus. -, Puffinus . Europe, i. pl. 40; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 39; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 31. Asia, vii. pl. 50. Humming B., Suppl. p. 26. Australia, Suppl. pl. 67. Australia, i. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 58. Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Handb. ii. p. 111. Australia, i. Introd. p. xi; Handb. i. p. 260; New Guinea, ii. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 15. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7; Australia, vii. pl. 59. New Guinea, i. pl. 17. New Guinea, v. pl. 8. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 41. Australia, i. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 43. New Guinea, i. pl. 1. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pls. 14, 15. Europe, i. pl. 17; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 9. Australia, i. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 40. Humming B. v. pl. 356. Humming B. v. pl. 356. Europe, i. pl. 29. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. Astrapia nigra. Astrolabe-Mountain Perroquet Astur approximans . cruentus. melanochlamys novæ-hollandiæ . palumbarius radiatus. atala, Chlorostilbon Atala's Emerald ater, Milvus. Parus. pl. 25. aterrimus, Microglossus . Australia, Suppl. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 27. . Athene boobook brodiei connivens fortis. maculata. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 32. Asia, i. pl. 15. Australia, i. pl. 34. Synopsis, part iii. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 33. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 37. Australia, i. pl. 36. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 35. noctua rufa strenua 22 athertoni, Nyctiornis . Atlantic Petrel. atlantica, Pterodroma atra, Florisuga. , Fulica . . atrata, Chenopis atratus, Cygnus. atricapilla, Curruca Muscicapa Pitta Sylvia atricapillus, Halcyon . Larus . Atrichia clamosa rufescens atricilla, Xema atricollis, Trogon atrogularis, Accentor. Aulacorhamphus Saxicola. Turdus Attagen ariel Atthis ellioti Atticora leucosternon audax, Aquila audouinii, Larus Audouin's Gull Augastes lumachellus scutatus augusti, Phaethornis. Auk, Great . Little. Razor-billed. Aulacorhamphus albivitta atrogularis ris. cæruleicinctus cæruleogularis Asia, i. pl. 37. Handb. ii. p. 449. Handb. ii. p. 449. Humming B. ii. pl. 115. Europe, iv. pl. 338; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 84. Handb. ii. p. 346. Australia, vii. pl. 6. Europe, ii. pl. 120 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 60. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 17. Asia, v. pl. 76. Europe, ii. pl. 120; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 60. Asia, i. pl. 45. Europe, v. pl. 426. Australia, iii. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 344. Australia, Suppl. pl. 26. Europe, v. pl. 426. Trogons, (1) pl. 8, (2) pl. 14. Asia, iv. pl. 48. Toucans, (2) pl. 50. Asia, iv. pl. 31. Europe, ii. pl. 75; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 36. Australia, vii. pl. 72. Humming B., Suppl. p. 44. Australia, ii. pl. 12. Handb. i. p. 8. Europe, v. pl. 438. Europe, v. pl. 438. Humming B. iv. pl. 222. Humming B. iv. pl. 221. Humming B. i. pl. 29. Europe, v. pl. 400; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 46. Europe, v. pl. 402; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 50. Europe, v. pl. 401. Toucans, (2) pl. 49. oucans, (2) pl. 50. Toucans, (2) pl. 46. Toucans, (2) pl. 51. . . . . . . . 23 . . . Aulacorhamphus castaneorhynchus. Toucans, (2) pl. 44. derbianus Toucans, (2) pl. 43. hæmatopygius Toucans, (2) pl. 45. prasinus Toucans, (2) pl. 47. sulcatus Toucans, (2) pl. 42. wagleri Toucans, (2) pl. 48. aurantia, Euphema Australia, v. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 75. Pyrrhula. Asia, v. pl. 34. aurantiifrons, Loriculus New Guinea, v. pl. 43. aurantiiventris, Iyngipicus Asia, vi. pl. 23. Trogon Trogons, (2) pl. 12. aurantius, Rhinolophus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 35. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 14, (2) pl. 24. aurea, Oreocincla Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 39. Aurelia’s Puff-leg Humming B. iv. pl. 283. aureliæ, Eriocnemis Humming B. iv. pl. 283. aureola, Emberiza . Europe, iii. pl. 174. aurescens, Clytolæma. Humming B. iv. pl. 250. aureus, Xanthomelus. New Guinea, i. pl. 48. auriceps, Chlorostilbon Humming B. v. pl. 350. -, Pharomacrus Trogons, (2) pls. 4, 4 a. auricomis, Meliphaga Synopsis, part ii. -, Ptilotis Australia, iv. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 511. auriculatus, Heliothrix Humming B. iv. pl. 214. aurifrons, Ephthianura Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 65; Handb. i. 380. aurita, Saxicola. Europe, ii. pl. 92. auritum, Crossoptilon. Asia, vii. pl. 22. auritus, Batrachostomus. Icones Avium, pl. 17. Heliothrix Humming B. iv. pl. 213. -, Iyngipicus Asia, vi. pl. 29. Podiceps Europe, v. pl. 391; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 40. Sypheotides Asia, vii. pl. 57. Turtur. Europe, iv. pl. 246; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 4. aurora, Diphlogæna Humming B. iv. pl. 248; Suppl. pl. 17. aurulentus, Lampornis Humming B. ii. pl. 79. austeni, Ianthocincla . Asia, iii. pl. 47. . . p. . . 24 . austeni, Paradoxornis Austen's Ianthocincla Paradoxornis australasiana, Lichmera . Meliphaga australasianus, Grus Hæmatopus. Numenius Otis Australian Bee-eater . Bell-bird. Bittern Bustard Cassowary Asia, iii. pl. 73. Asia, iii. pl. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 73. Handb. i. p. 493. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 27 Australia, vi. pl. 48 ; Handb. ii. p. 290. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. Australia, vi. pl. 4. Australia, ii. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 117. Australia, iv. pl. 80. Australia, vi. pl. 64; Handb. ii. p. 313. Australia, vi. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 208. Australia, Suppl. pls. 70,71 ; Handb. ii. p. 206. . p. 290. . p. 504. Coot . . Cormorant Crane. Cuckoo Curlew Dottrel Egret. Gannet Golden Plover. Goshawk. Greenshank. Jabiru Koel. Little Tern Megapode Molossus. Mycteria Partridge Pelican Pipit. Pratincole Rhynchæa Roller. Australia, vi. pl. 74; Handb. ii. p. 329. Australia, vii. pl. 66; Handb. ii. p. 488. Australia, vi. pl. 48; Handb. ii. Australia, iv. pl. 84 ; Handb. i. p. 614. Australia, vi. pl. 42; Handb.ii. p. 277. Australia, vi. pl. 15; Handb. ii. p. 227. Australia, vi. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 301. Australia, vii. pl. 76 ; Handb. ii. Australia, vi. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 225. Australia, i. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 41. Australia, vi. pl. 36. Handb. ii. p. 293. Handb. i. Australia, vii. pl. 29. Handb. ii. p. 167. p. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 31. Australia, vi. pl. 51. Australia, v. pl. 89. Australia, vii. pl. 74; Handb. ii. p. 486. Australia, iii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 392. Australia, vi. pl. 22; Handb. ii. p. 243. Australia, vi. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 274. Australia, ii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 119. p. 632. . . 25 . Australian Sandpiper. Shoveller. Sphecotheres Spine-tailed Swallow . Sun-bird. Australia, vi. pl. 30. Australia, vii. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 368. Australia, iv. pl. 15. Australia, ii. pl. 10. Australia, Suppl. pl. 45; Handb. i. . . p. 584. . . Swift . . Taphozous Teal Tippet-Grebe Tringa Whimbrel Wild Duck. australis, Acrocephalus -, Actodromas. Anthus -, Apteryx . . . . UUUUU Botaurus. Calamoherpe -, Casuarius Australia, ii. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 105. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 32. Handb. ii. p. 365. Australia, vii. pl. 80 ; Handb. ii. p. 511. Australia, vi. pl. 30. Australia, vi. pl. 43; Handb.ii. p. 279. Australia, vii. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 363. Australia, iii. pl. 37. Handb. ii. p. 257. Australia, iii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 392. p Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 9, and vol. vi. pl. 2; Handb. ii. App. p. 568. Australia, vi. pl. 64. Handb. i. p. 402. Australia, Suppl. pls. 70, 71; Handb. ii. p. 206. Handb. ii. 208. Handb. i. p. 475. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, ii. pl. 11. Australia, iii. pl. 32. Australia, iii. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 293. Australia, vii. pl. 17; Handb. ii. p. 379. Australia, vi. pl. 15; Handb. ii. p. 227. Handb. ii. p. 197. Australia, vi. pl. 74; Handb. ii. p. 329. Handb. ii. p. 271. Handb. ii. p. 100. Australia, ii. pl. 54. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 31. Australia, vi. pl. 51. Australia, Suppl. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. p Choriotis. Corvus Coturnix. Cypselus. , Dasyornis Eopsaltria Erismatura Eudromias Excalfactoria Fulica Gallinago Glossopsitta. Grallina. Molussus. Mycteria. Nectarinia . . p. 584. E 26 australis, Numenius Nyroca Oxyura Podiceps. Rhynchæa p. 511. . > . . . Schøniclus . . Scolopax . Sphecotheres Sula Synoicus . Taphozous Xenorhynchus . avicula, Locustella Avocet Fiery-tailed . Purple-tailed Red-necked. avocetta, Recurvirostra Avocettinus eurypterus Avocettula recurvirostris axillaris, Elanus Graucalus Piezorhynchus azaræ, Pteroglossus Azara's Aracari. Azure-breasted Porphyrio Azure-crown, Black-billed Blue-necked. Francia's. Green-fronted. Red-billed Small-billed. Azure Kingfisher Tit. Azure-winged Magpie azurea, Alcyone Australia, vi. pl. 42. Australia, vii. pl. 16; Handb.ii. p. 377. p Synopsis, part ii. Australia, vii. pl. 80; Handb. ii. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6; Australia, vi. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 274. Australia, vi. pl. 30. Australia, vi. pl. 40. Australia, iv. pl. 15. Australia, vii. pl. 76 ; Handb. ii. p. 504. Australia, v. pl. 89; Handb. ii. p. 193. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 32. Handb. ii. p. 293. Europe, ii. pl. 103; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 78. Europe, iv. pl. 308; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 52. Humming B. iii. pl. 201. Humming B. iii. pl. 200. Australia, vi. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 249. Europe, iv. pl. 308; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 52. Humming B. iii. pl. 200. Humming B. iii. pl. 201. Australia, i. pl. 23; Handb. New Guinea, ii. pl. 5. New Guinea, ii. pl. 51. Toucans, (2) pl. 28. Toucans, (2) pl. 28. Australia, vi. pl. 70 ; Handb. ii. p. 322. Humming B. v. pl. 286. Humming B. v. pl. 288. Humming B. v. pl. 287. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 49. Humming B. v. pl. 284. Humming B., Suppl. p. 72. Australia, ii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 139. . Europe, iii. pl. 153. Europe, iii. pl. 217. Australia, ii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 139. p. 53. e 27 . III . e JJ . Babbler, Brown. Long-billed. Marsh Spotted . Red-billed Red-eyed Red-headed. Robert's Pigmy Rufous-throated Short-tailed. White-throated babylonicus, Falco bactriana, Pica . badius, Phodilus Bahama Wood-Star bailloni, Andigena Crex. Ortygometra Pteroglossus Zapornia. Baillon's Crake bairdi, Trogon Baird's Trogon balliviani, Odontophorus Ballivian's Partridge Bamboo-Partridge, Formosan Rufous-breasted Bambusicola hyperythra . sonorivox Banded Accentor Araçari Grass-Finch... Hare-Kangaroo Honey-eater Jerboa-Kangaroo Kingfisher Lory Myrmecobius Parrakeet Asia, iii. pl. 66. Asia, iii. pl. 60. Asia, iii. pl. 65. Asia, iv. pl. 9. Asia, iv. pl. 9. Asia, iv. pl. 10. Asia, iii. pl. 62. Asia, iv. pl. 6. Asia, iii. pl. 63. Asia, iv. pl. 5. Asia, i. pl. 4. Asia, v. pl. 56. Asia, i. pl. 14. Humming B. iii. pl. 156. Toucans, (2) pl. 41. Europe, iv. pl. 344. Europe, iv. pl. 344. Toucans, (1) pl. 20. Europe, iv. pl. 344. Europe, iv. pl. 344; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 89. Trogons, (2) pl. 23. Trogons, (2) pl. 23. Odontoph. pl. 29. Odontoph. pl. 29. Asia, vi. pl. 72. Asia, vi. pl. 71. Asia, vi. pl. 71. Asia, vi. pl. 72. Asia, iv. pl. 47. Toucans, (1) pl. 17. Australia, iii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 425. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 56. Australia, iv. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 557. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Asia, i. pl. 48. New Guinea, v. pl. 34. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 4. Handb. ii. p. 43. . . . E 2 28 2 Banded Perameles Pigmy Woodpecker Red Knee Ruby. Sand-Grouse Stilt. Superb Warbler Thickhead Wren. Banksian Cockatoo banksii, Calyptorhynchus Prion. Banks's Prion Barbary Partridge barbata, Perdix barbatus, Dendrortyx Gypaetus Barbed-throat, Fawn-tailed . Sooty . White-tailed Barbet, Embroidered . Franklin's Barbet-like Cat-bird Bare-headed Bird of Paradise barnardi, Platycercus. . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 8. Asia, vi. pl. 31. Australia, vi. pl. 21. Humming B. iv. pl. 250. Asia, vi. pl. 65. Australia, vi. pl. 26 ; Handb. ii. p. 248. Handb. i. p. 323 . Australia, ii. pl. 67. Australia, iii. pl. 21. Australia, v. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 13. Australia, v. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 13. Handb. ii. p. 474. p Handb. ii. p. 474. Europe, iv. pl. 261. Asia, vi. pl. 73. Odontoph. pl. 22. Europe, i. pl. 4. Humming B. i. pl. 14. Humming B. i. pl. 15. Humming B. i. pl. 13. Asia, vi. pl. 49. Asia, vi. pl. 50. New Guinea, i. pl. 41. New Guinea, i. pl. 20. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, v. pl. 21; Handb. ii. p. 40. Australia, v. pl. 21; Handb. ii. p. 40. Europe, i. pl. 36; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 28. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, v. pl. 15; Handb. ii. Australia, v. pl. 15; Handb. ii. p. 31. Humming B., Suppl. p. 32 Europe, i. pl. 46. Europe, ii. pl. 128. Australia, vi. pl. 29; Handb. ii. p. 252. Handb. ii. p. 142. . p Australia, v. pl. 72. Humming B. iv. pl. 217. 6 Barnard's Parrakeet Barn-Owl barrabandi, Polytelis . p. 31. Barraband's Parrakeet barrali, Heliotrypha Barred Owl . Warbler. Barred-rumped Godwit . Barred-shouldered Dove. Ground-Dove barroti, Heliothrix . 29 barrovii, Clangula .. Barrow's Duck. Bar-tailed Emerald Godwit bartletti, Agyrtria. Bartlett's Emerald bartramius, Actiturus Europe, v. pl. 380. Europe, v. pl. 380. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. Europe, iv. pl. 306; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 51. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 50. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 50. Australia, Suppl. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 242; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 63. Europe, iv. pl. 313. Europe, iv. pl. 313; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 63; Australia, Suppl. pl. 77; Handb. ii. . Totanus Bartram's Sandpiper. p. 242. . Bar-wing, Egerton's Nepalese Ramsay's Walden's basalis, Lamprococcyx bassana, Sula Bass's Straits' Tern Bat, Chocolate. Fawn-coloured . Gould's Great-footed Great-leaved Horse-shoe. Little.. Orange Horse-shoe Small-footed Tasmanian batantæ, Arses batesi, Melirrhophetes Bates’s Honey-eater Bathilda ruficauda Batrachostomus auritus. baudi, Pitta. baudinii, Calyptoryhnchus Baudin's Cockatoo Baud's Ant-Thrush baueri, Platycercus Asia, iii. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 59. Asia, iii. pl. 58. Handb. i. p. 626. Europe, v. pl. 412; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 54. Australia, vii. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 396. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 34. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 40. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 47. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 33. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 46. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 35. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 42. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 48. New Guinea, ii. pl. 41. New Guinea, iii. pl. 35. New Guinea, iii. pl. 35. Handb. i. p. 412. Icones Avium, pl. 17. Asia, v. pl. 72. Australia, v. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 25. Australia, v. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 25. Asia, v. pl. 72. Australia, v. pl. 20. 30 . Bauer's Parrakeet. Bay Owl. Baza gurneyi subcristata Bean-Goose. Bearded Mountaineer Partridge Reed-bird Tit Tree-Swift Vulture beauharnasii, Pteroglossus Beautiful Dromicia Grass-Finch Honey-eater King Parrot Lorikeet. Nuthatch Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 20. Asia, i. pl. 14. New Guinea, i. pl. 4. Handb. i. p. 56. Europe, v. pl. 348; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 2. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 42. Asia, vi. pl. 73; Odontoph. pl. 22. Europe, iii. pl. 158. Europe, iii. pl. 158; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 30. Asia, i. pl. 24. Europe, i. pl. 4. Toucans, (2) pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 30. Australia, iii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 421. New Guinea, iii. pl. 40. New Guinea, v. pl. 10. New Guinea, v. pl. 20. Asia, ii. pl. 43. Australia, v. pl. 34; Handb. ii. . . . :: . . pp. 53, 67. Pigmy Goose Train-bearer Trochalopteron Trogon Wood-Star Wren. Beavan's Bullfinch beccarii, Drymædus Nasiterna Sericornis Beccari's Pigmy Parrot Scrub-Robin Sericornis Bee-eater Australian Forsten's. Hurrial Philippine . Australia, vii. pl. 4. Trogons, (2) pl. 2. Asia, iii. pl. 36. Trogons, (1) pl. 22. Humming B. iii. pl. 144. Australia, iii. pl. 23. Asia, v. pl. 39. New Guinea, iii. pl. 13. New Guinea, v. pl. 25. New Guinea, iii. pl. 5. New Guinea, v. pl. 25. New Guinea, iii. pl. 13. New Guinea, iii. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 59; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 9. Australia, ii. pl. 16; Handb. i. 117. Asia, i. pl. 39. Asia, i. pl. 35. Asia, i. pl. 36. . p. . 31 . > Bee-eater, Pirik behni, Trogon Behn's Trogon. Belideus ariel breviceps flaviventer Long-tailed . notatus. sciureus Short-headed Squirrel-like Stripe-tailed Bell-bird. -, Australian bellus, Porphyrio Ptilopus Zonaginthus Belted Hermit. Bengal Ant-Thrush Vulture bengalensis, Alcedo , Gyps Otus Pitta. Sypheotides. Thalasseus benjamini, Urosticte . bennetti, Casuarius . Asia, i. pl. 34. Trogons, (2) pl. 20. Trogons, (2) pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 27. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 26. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 26. Handb. i. p. 579. Australia, iv. pl. 80. Australia, vi. pl. 70; Handb. ii. p. 322. New Guinea, v. pl. 58. Handb. i. p. 406. Humming B. i. pl. 39. Asia, v. pl. 64. Asia, i. pl. 2. Asia, i. pl. 53. Asia, i. pl. 2. Cent. pl. 3. Asia, v. pl. 64; Cent. pl. 23. Cent. pls. 72, 73, 74. Handb. ii. p. 397. Humming B. iii. pl. 190. Australia, Suppl. pls. 72, 73; Handb. ii. p. 561. p. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 16,17; Monogr. Macrop. pt. i. New Guinea, i. pl. 10. Australia, Suppl. pls. 72, 73. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 16, 17; Monogr. Macrop. i. Handb. i. p. 31. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 11. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. . . . UJJ bennettii, Halmaturus Bennett's Bird of Paradise . Cassowary Wallaby. . berigora, Hieracidea . - Ieracidea Berlepsch's Whitethroat 2 32 Bernicla brenta jubata leucopsis. ruficollis . Bernicle Goose . beryllina, Amazilia Berylline Amazili. Bettongia campestris. cuniculus fasciata grayi ogilbyi penicillata . rufescens. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 7. Australia, vii. pl. 3. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 5. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 6. Europe, v. pl. 350; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 5. Humming B. v. pl. 312. Humming B. v. pl. 312. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 66. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 63; Monogr. Macrop. pt. ii. Monogr. Macrop. pt. ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 64. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 62. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 61; Monogr. Macrop. pt. i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 65 ; Monogr. Macrop. pt. i. Europe, v. pl. 356. Europe, v. pl. 356; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 10. Europe, iii. pl. 158; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 30. Asia, vii. pl. 51. New Guinea, v. pl. 73. Australia, iii. pl. 80. Handb. i. p. 409. Australia, iii. pl. 80.; Handb. i. p. 409. Australia, vi. pl. 16. Synopsis, part ii. Handb. ii. p. 238. . p. Europe, iii. pl. 152. Australia, iii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 283. Asia, v. pl. 60. Asia, v. pl. 60. Europe, iii. pl. 168. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 47. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 47. Europe, iii. pl. 168. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 35, 36 ; Monogr. Macrop. pt. i. bewickii, Cygnus Bewick's Swan . biarmicus, Calamophilus bicalcaratum, Polyplectron . bicarunculatus, Casuarius bichenovii, Estrelda Stictoptera Bicheno's Finch bicincta, Hiaticula. bicinctus, Ægialitis Ochthodromus bicolor, Parus Petroica biddulphi, Podoces Biddulph's Podoces bifasciata, Certhilauda Loxia . Bifasciated Crossbill Lark billardieri, Halmaturus . . . . 33 . و , Lyre . bimaculata, Pæcilodryas. Bimaculated Teal . . Bird, Coach-whip . Reed. Bird of Paradise, Bare-headed Bennett's. Bruijn's D'Albertis Golden Golden-winged Gorget Greater Grey-chested King Lawes' Lesser Superb Magnificent Marquis de Raggi's Papuan Red Six-plumed Superb Twelve-wired Waigiou. Wattled Bishop Hermit bispecularis, Garrulus bitorquatus, Pteroglossus Bittern American Australian Common Freckled. Little New Guinea, ii. pl. 17. Europe, v. pl. 363. Australia, iii. pl. 15 ; Handb. i. p. 312. Australia, iii. pl. 14. Europe, iii. pl. 158. New Guinea, i. pl. 20. New Guinea, i. pl. 10. New Guinea, i. pl. 12. New Guinea, i. pl. 11. New Guinea, i. pl. 48. New Guinea, i. pl. 23. New Guinea, i. pl. 17. New Guinea, i. pl. 30. New Guinea, i. pl. 27. New Guinea, i. pl. 24. New Guinea, i. pl. 26. New Guinea, i. pl. 19. New Guinea, i. pl. 22. New Guinea, i. pl. 32. New Guinea, i. pls. 28, 29. New Guinea, i. pl. 31. New Guinea, i. pl. 25. New Guinea, i. pl. 18. New Guinea, i. pls. 14, 15. New Guinea, i. pl. 21. New Guinea, i. pl. 16. Humming B. i. pl. 39. Cent. pl. 38. Toucans, (1) pl. 16, (2) pl. 26. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 27. Europe, iv. pl. 281; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 28. Australia, vi. pl. 64; Handb. ii. p. 313. p Europe, iv. pl. 280. Europe, iv. pl. 281. Europe, iv. pl. 282; Gt. Brit. iv. . . . . pl. 29. . Little Grey. Mangrove Australia, vi. pl. 67. Handb. ii. p. 317. 34 . . . Bittern, Minute Australia, vi. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 319. Thick-billed Green Australia, vi. pl. 66. Mangrove Handb. ii. p. 316. . Yellow-necked Australia, vi. pl. 65. Mangrove Handb. ii. p. 315. Biziura lobata. Australia, vii. pl. 18 ; Handb. ii. p. 381. Black-and-Blue Kingfisher . New Guinea, iv. pl. 57. Black-and-White Bush-Chat Asia, iv. pl. 32. Campephaga Austr. ii. pl. 62; Handb. i. p. 203. Crested Eagle Asia, i. pl. 10. Cuckoo-Shrike . Australia, ii. pl. 62; Handb. i. p. 203. . Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 17. Kingfisher Europe, i. pl. 62. Sibia. Asia, iii. pl. 32. Stone-Chat Asia, iv. pl. 29. Black-and-Yellow Grosbeak Asia, v. pl. 20. Black-and-Yellow-billed Garrulax. Asia, iii. pl. 51. . Black Ant-Thrush New Guinea, iv. pl. 28. Black-backed Hemipode Australia, v. pl. 84. Porphyrio. Australia, vi. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 321. Superb Warbler Handb. i. p. 322. Tree-creeper Australia, iv. pl. 96; Handb. i. p. 603. Turnix Handb. ii. p. 182. Wren. Australia, iii. pl. 20. Black-banded Wood-Nymph Humming B. ii. pl. 104. Black-bellied Humming-bird Humming B., Suppl. pl. 54. Sapphire Humming B., Suppl. p. 91. Storm-Petrel Australia, vii. pl. 62 ; Handb. ii. p. 479. Tern Asia, vii. pl. 70. Water-Ouzel Europe, ii. pl. 84; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 42. Black-billed Azure-crown Humming B. v. pl. 286. Hill Toucan Toucans, (2) pl. 40. Tern Australia, vii. pl. 26. Blackbird Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 37. Grey-headed Australia, Suppl. pl. .30; Handb. ii. . . . p. 528. Vinous-tinted Australia, Suppl. pl. 31; Handb. ii. p. 529. 35 . . . Black-breasted Buzzard. Australia, i. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 47. Cinclorhamphus Australia, iii. pl. 75; Handb. i. p. 395. Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 38. Hemipode Australia, v. pl. 81. Hill-Star Humming B. ii. pl. 72. Partridge Odontoph. pl. 5. Pewit. Australia, vi. pl. 11. Plover Handb. ii. p. 222. Puff-leg Humming B. iv. pl. 276. Sun-bird Asia, ii, pl. 27. Turnix Handb. ii. p. 178. Black-browed Caterpillar-catcher. New Guinea, ii. pl. 9. Black-cap Europe, ii. pl. 120; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 60. Black-capped Humming-bird Humming B. ii. pl. 98. Kingfisher Asia, i. pl. 45. Sittella Australia, iv. pl. 104; Handb.i. p. 612. Black-cheeked Cat-bird. New Guinea, i. pl. 39. Falcon Australia, i. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 26. Finch. New Guinea, iv. pl. 25. Perroquet New Guinea, v. pl. 6. Black-chinned Garrulax . Asia, iii. pl. 52. Black Cock . . Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 6. Cockatoo, see Cockatoo. Cormorant Europe, v. pl. 408. Black-crested Tit Asia, ii. pl. 61. Black-eared Adelomyia Humming B. iii. pl. 198. Allotrius Asia, ii. pl. 16. Cuckoo Australia, iv. pl. 88; Handb. i. p. 621. Humming-bird. Humming B. ii. pl. 64. Wheatear Europe, ii. pl. 92. Black-eyebrowed Albatros Australia, vii. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 438. Black-faced Graucalus Australia, ii. pl. 55; Handb. i. p. 192. . Kingfisher Asia, i. pl. 49. Trogon. Trogons, (2) pl. 10. Wood-Swallow . Australia, Suppl. pl. 7; Handb. i. . . . . . . . . p. 149. Black Falcon Fantail : Australia, i. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 28. Handb. i. p. 244. F2 36 Black Fan-tailed Flycatcher Black-fronted Dottrel Flycatcher Black-gloved Wallaby • . Black Grouse Georgian. Guillemot Ground-Thrush Black-headed Bunting . Diamond-bird Gull. Honey-eater Honey-sucker Pardalote Pitta. Superb Warbler Tanysiptera. Trogon Wren. Black Honey-eater Australia, ii. pl. 86. Australia, vi. pl. 20; Handb. ii. p. 232. Australia, ii. pl. 96; Handb. i. p. 263. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 20, 21; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Europe, iv. pl. 250; Gr. Brit. iv. pl. 6. Asia, vi. pl. 66. Europe, v. pl. 399; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 49. New Guinea, iv. pl. 28. Asia, v. pl. 13; Europe, iii. pl. 172; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 28. Australia, ii. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 165. Europe, v. pl. 427; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 64. Australia, iv. pl 75; Handb. i. p. 573. New Guinea, iii. pl. 66. Australia, ii. pl. 40. Asia, v. pl. 76. Handb. i. p. 333. New Guinea, iv. pl. 50. Trogons, (1) pl. 12, (2) pl. 27. Australia, iii. pl. 26. Australia, iv. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 558; New Guinea, iii. pl. 72. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 44. Europe, i. pl. 29; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 23. Europe, iii. pl. 161. Asia, iii. pl. 23. New Guinea, i. pl. 1. New Guinea, i. pl. 42. Australia, vii. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 400. Europe, ii. pl. 72. Europe, ii. pl. 96; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 52. Europe, v. pl. 378. Australia, iii. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 410. Australia, i. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 53. New Guinea, ii. pl. 52. Europe, iv. pl. 284; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 31. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 26, 27; Monogr. Macrop. part i. . :: . Blackish-grey Scotophilus Black Kite. Lark Black-mantled Fairy Blue-bird Goshawk Black-naped Cat-bird Tern Black Ouzel Redstart. Scoter Black-rumped Finch . Black-shouldered Kite Black-spectacled Flycatcher Black Stork. . Black-striped Wallaby 37 p. Black Swan. Black-tailed Coucal Emerald Gannet Godwit . | | . . . . . . Grosbeak Hermit Pachycephala Parrakeet Thickhead Tree-creeper Tribonyx Trogon Black Tern. Black-throated Accentor Crow-Shrike Daimophila . Diver Grebe Groove-bill. Honey-eater Partridge Psophodes Stone-Chat Sunbeam Thrush Trogon Black-tipped Emerald Black Tree-Kangaroo Australia, vii. pl. 6; Handb. ii. p. 346. Handb. i. 636. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Europe, v. pl. 413. Australia, vi. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 251; Europe, iv. pl. 305; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 50. Asia, v. pl. 19. Humming B. i. pl. 9. Australia, ii. pl. 66. Australia, v. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 33. p . Australia, ii. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 211. p. Australia, iv. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 604. Australia, vi. pl. 72; Handb. ii. p. 325. Trogons, (1) pl. 18, (2) pl. 29. Europe, v. pl. 422; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 75. Asia, iv. pl. 48. Australia, ii. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 180. Humming B. v. pl. 341. Europe, v. pl. 394; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 44. Australia, vii. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 513. p. Toucans, (2) pl. 50. Australia, iv. pl. 71; Handb. i. 566. Odontoph. pl. 4. Australia, iii. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 314. Asia, iv. pl. 31. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 47. Europe, ii. pl. 75; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 36. Trogons, (1) pl. 8, (2) pl. 14. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 49; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 13. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. . Asia, i. pl. 1. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 22, 23; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 10, 11; Monogr. Macrop. part i. p. . Black-vented Plumeleteer Puff-leg. Black Vulture . Wallaby Wallaroo 38 9 . Black Wheatear Europe, ii. pl. 88. Black-winged Gull Europe, v. pl. 426. Kite Europe, i. pl. 31. . Pratincole Asia, vii. pl. 63. Trogon Trogons, (1) pls. 10, 11, (2) pl. 21. blainvillii, Peltops New Guinea, ii. pl. 55. blighi, Arrenga Asia, iii. pl. 27. Myiophoneus Asia, iii. pl. 27. Bligh's Whistling Thrush Asia, iii. pl. 27. Blood-Pheasant, Geoffroy's . Asia, vii. pl. 42. Himalayan Asia, vii. pl. 43. Blood-rumped Groove-bill Araçari. Toucans, (1) pl. 33. Blood-stained Cockatoo Australia, v. pl. 3; Handb. ii. p. 6. Blossom-crown Humming-bird Humming B. iii. pl. 202. Blossom-headed Parrakeet. Asia, vi. pl. 2. Blue-and-White Kingfisher Asia, i. pl. 46. Blue-backed Pitta New Guinea, iv. pl. 29. Blue-banded Grass-Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 71. Groove-bill. Toucans, (2) pl. 46. Blue-bellied Lorikeet Handb. ii. p. 93. Tesia. Asia, iv. pl. 1. Blue-billed Duck . Australia, vii. pl. 17. Blue-bird, Himalayan Asia, iv. pl. 35. Blue-bird, see Fairy Blue-bird. Blue-bodied Eupetes . New Guinea, iii. pl. 4. Blue-breast. Humming B. ii. pl. 58. Red-throated Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 49. White-throated Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 50. Blue-breasted Plumeleteer Humming B. ii. pl. 91. Sapphire. Humming B. v. pls. 334, 343; Suppl. 9 p. 92. . . Superb Warbler Tanysiptera Blue-capped Saucerottia. Blue-cheeked Parrakeet. Handb. i. p. 326. New Guinea, iv. pl. 47. Humming B. v. pl. 323. Australia, Suppl. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 52. Blue-chinned Sapphire Blue-collared Parrot Blue-crest Humming B. v. pl. 335. New Guinea, v. pl. 29. Humming B. iv. pl. 205. 39 . . Blue Cuckoo-Shrike Blue-eyed Cockatoo Blue-faced Entomyza Honey-eater Sapphire. Blue-fronted Lance-bill Blue-grey Campephaga Blue-headed Emerald Sapphire. Blue Magpie, Chinese Formosan Great-billed. Red-billed White-capped Yellow-billed Blue-mantled Fairy Blue-bird . Blue-necked Azure-crown Blue Petrel. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 2. New Guinea, v. pl. 45. Australia, iv. pl. 68. Handb. i. p. 560. Humming B., Suppl. p. 93. Humming B. ii. pl. 87. New Guinea, ii. pl. 3. Humming B., Suppl. p. 76. Humming B. v. pl. 330. Asia v. pl. 48. Asia, v. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 49. Asia, v. pl. 47. Asia, v. pl. 51. Asia, v. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 22. Humming B. v. pl. 288. Australia, vii. pl. 52; Handb. ii. pl. 457. Asia, v. pl. 49. Asia, v. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 47. Asia, v. pl. 51. Asia, v. pl. 50. Asia, v. pl. 80. Australia, vi. pl. 60; Handb.ii. p. 307. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 43. Australia, ii. pl. 88. Asia, iv. pl. 45. New Guinea, v. pl. 35. Humming B. v. pl. 315. Humming B. ii. pl. 78. Asia, v. pl. 77. Humming B. iii. pl. 172. New Guinea, v. pl. 37. Humming B. ii. pl. 60. Toucans, (2) pl. 5. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 4. Asia, i. pl. 37. Blue Pie, Burmese Formosan Nepaulese White-capped Yellow-billed Blue Pitta Reef-Heron. Rock-Thrush Shining Flycatcher Blue-shouldered Accentor Blue-streaked Lory Blue-tailed Amazili Mango Pitta. Sylph. Blue-thighed Lory Blue-throated Cazique Groove-bill Helmet-crest Nyctiornis . . . . 40 و . . . . . Blue-throated Sabre-wing Sapphironia Warbler. Blue Thrush · Tit Blue-vented Puff-leg. Blue-winged Parrakeet Siva Blue Wren. blythi, Ceriornis -, Trochalopteron Blyth's Horned Pheasant Laughing Thrush boarula, Motacilla . Bogota Train-bearer Bolivian Inca Rainbow . Sylph Violet-ear boliviana, Bourcieria . bolivianus, Cynanthus bombus, Chætocercus Bombycivora garrula bonapartei, Helianthea Pelidna Todopsis. Bonaparte's Gull. Parrakeet Sandpiper Star-frontlet Todopsis . Bonasia europæa bonellii, Aquila Bonelli's Eagle. bonhami, Ammoperdix . Bonham's Sand-Partridge boobook, Athene Spiloglaux Humming B. ii. pl. 46. Humming B. v. pl. 346. Europe, ii. pl. 97. Europe, ii. pl. 87. Europe, iii. pl. 154; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 24. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. Asia, vi. pl. 7. Asia, iv. pl. 19. Australia, iii. pl. 18. Asia, vii. pl. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 41. Asia, vii. pl. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 41. Europe, ii. pl. 147. Humming B. iii. pl. 167. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B. iv. pl. 248. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 40. Humming B. iv. pl. 225. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 40. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 32. Europe, iii. pl. 160. Humming B. iv. pl. 236. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 71. New Guinea, ii. pl. 22. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 65. Asia, vi. pl. 4. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 71. Humming B. iv. pl. 236. New Guinea, ii. pl. 22. Europe, iv. pl. 251. Europe, i. pl. 7. Europe, i. pl. 7. Asia, vii. pl. 1. Asia, vii. pl. 1. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 32. Handb. i. p. 74. . . 41 . . . . Boobook Owl .. Bootan Magpie Booted Eagle Trogon Bornean Fairy Blue-bird Pitta. boschas, Anas boschii, Pitta Botaurus australis lentiginosus. minutus poiciloptilus stellaris bottanensis, Pica. boucardi, Arinia Boucard's Emerald bougueri, Urochroa boulboul, Merula . bourcieri, Phaethornis Bourcieria assimilis boliviana colombiana conradi fulgidigula inca insectivora torquata. - traviesi Bourcier's Hermit Bourke's Grass-Parrakeet bourkii, Euphema Bower-bird, Fawn-breasted. Australia, i. pl. 32; Handb. i. p. 74. Asia, v. pl. 57. Europe, i. pl. 9. Trogons, (1) pl. 7. Asia, iii. pl. 20. Asia, v. pl. 67. Europe, v. pl. 361; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 15. Asia, v. pl. 83. Australia, vi. pl. 64. Europe, iv. pl. 281 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 28. Europe, iv. pl. 282. Handb. ii. p. 313. Europe, iv. pl. 280; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 27. Asia, v. pl. 57. Humming B., Suppl. p. 81. Humming B., Suppl. p. 81. Humming B. ii. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 7; Cent. pl. 14. Humming B. i. pl. 25. Humming B., Suppl. p. 26. . Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B. iv. pl. 253. Humming B. iv. pl. 252. Humming B. iv. pl. 254. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 20. Humming B. iv. pl. 251. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 21. Humming B. i. pl. 25. Australia, v. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 80. p Australia, v. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 80. Australia, Suppl. pl. 36; Handb. i. . . . p. 454. . Gardener Great. Guttated. New Guinea, i. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 448. Australia, Suppl. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 452. Large-frilled New Guinea, i. pl. 45 G 42 Bower-bird, Orange-crested Queensland. Rawnsley's Satin. Spotted. Toothed-billed. boyeri, Graucalus . brachipus, Rallus. brachydactyla, Alauda Calandrella. . . و . . brachydactylus, Circaetus Lagopus. brachyotis, Osphranter Petrogale prachyotus, Asio Otus. Brachyotus palustris . brachyptera, Sphenura brachypternus, Podargus New Guinea, i. pl. 47. New Guinea, i. pl. 44. Australia, Suppl. pl. 34. Australia, iv. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 442. Australia, iv. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 450. New Guinea, i. pl. 43. New Guinea, ii. pl. 3. Handb. ii. p. 336. Europe, iii. pl. 163. Europe, iii. pl. 163; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 21. Europe, i. pl. 13. Europe, iv. pl. 256. Monogr. Macrop. pt. i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 47. Europe, i. pl. 40; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 40; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Handb. i. p. 342. Australia, Introd. p. xxviii; Handb. i. p. 89. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 3. Australia, vii. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 433. Cent. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 37, 38. Australia, ii. pl. 82; Handb. i. p. 235. Australia, ii. pl. 82. Europe, ii. pl. 103. Europe, iii. pl. 188 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 35. Europe, iii. pl. 188; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 35. Asia, vi. pl. 59. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 33, 34. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 14. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 22. Humming B. iii. pl. 192. Humming B. v. pl. 355. Humming B. iv. pl. 214. Humming B. iv. pl. 249. brachyrhynchus, Anser brachyura, Diomedea. Pitta. brachyurus, Halmaturus. bracteata, Chibia bracteatus, Dicrurus Brake Locustelle Bramble-Finch. Brambling Branded Pigeon Wallaby branickii, Lampraster Branta rufina Brassy-tail Humming-bird Brazilian Emerald. Fairy Ruby . . . 43 . . Brazilian Violet-ear Wood-Nymph brehmi, Psittacella Brehm's Parrot. brenchleyi, Megapodius .. Brenchley's Megapode Brent Goose brenta, Anser. -, Bernicla . brevicarinatus, Rhamphastos brevicaudatus, Cuscus Turdinus. brevicaudus, Nectris Puffinus breviceps, Belideus brevirostris, Muscipeta , Pericrocotus Psilopus. Smicrornis Thaumatias. Bridled Guillemot Honey-eater. Kangaroo Nail-tailed Kangaroo . Bright-tailed Emerald Brilliant-fronted Emerald Brilliant, Green-crowned Guiana Jameson's Leadbeater's Otero. Bristle-bird Long-billed Rufous-headed . broadbenti, Sphenura Broadbent's Honey-eater Broad-bill, Allied . - Dalhousie's . Humming B. iv. pl. 223. Humming B. ii. pls. 99, 108. New Guinea, v. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 68. New Guinea, y. pl. 68.. Europe, v. pl. 352; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 7. Europe, v. pl. 352. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 7. Toucans, (2) pl. 3. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 21. Asia, iii. pl. 63. Handb. ii. p. 459. Australia, vii. pl. 56. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 25. Cent. pl. 8. Cent. pl. 8. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, ii. pl. 103; Handb. i. p. 273. Humming B. v. pl. 298. Europe, v. pl. 397. New Guinea, iii. pl. 49. Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 54. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Humming B. v. pl. 297. Humming B. ii. pl. 94. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 15. Humming B. ii. pl. 95. Humming B. ii. pl. 97. Humming B. ii. pl. 96. Australia, iii. pl. 32 ; Handb. i. p. 342. . p . Australia, iii. pl. 33; Handb. i. 343. Australia, Suppl. pl. 25. Australia, Suppl. pl. 25. New Guinea, iii. pl. 45. Asia, i. pl. 60. Asia, i. pl. 64. . . p. G 2 44 . Broad-bill, Great Hooded Javan. Lunated , Red-backed. Steere's Broad-billed Flycatcher . Asia, i. pl. 61. Asia, i. pl. 58. Asia, i. pl. 57. Asia, i. pl. 62. Asia, i. pl. 63, Asia, i. pl. 65. Australia, ii. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 256; New Guinea, ii. pl. 55. Australia, vii. pl. 55; Handb. ii. p. 474. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 75. Europe, iv. pl. 331. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 70. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 57, 58. Humming B. ii. pl. 48. Humming B. iii. pl. 140. Asia, ii. pl. 73. Asia, ii. pl. 73. Asia, i. pl. 15. New Guinea, ii. pl. 44. New Guinea, ii. pl. 44. Asia, i. pl. 15. . . Prion . Sandpiper Tringa Broad-faced Rat-Kangaroo . Broad-fronted Wombat Broad-shafted Sabre-wing Broad-tailed Flame-bearer broderipi, Oriolus. Broderip's Oriole brodiei, Athene Piezorhynchus . Brodie's Flycatcher Owlet. Bronze Cuckoo, see Cuckoo. Bronze-shaded Flower-pecker . Bronze-wing, Brush Common. Crested Harlequin Partridge Plumed Plumed Partridge. Rust-coloured . . New Guinea, iv. pl. 4. Handb. ii. p. 125. . Handb. ii. p. 122. Handb. ii. p. 139. Australia, v. pl. 66; Handb. ii. p. 127. Australia, v. pl. 67; Handb. ii. p. 130. Handb. ii. p. 135. Australia, v. pl. 69. Australia, Suppl. pl. 68; Handb. ii. و p. 137. Smith's Partridge White-bellied Bronze-winged Pigeon Brown Alcippe. Brown-booted Puff-leg Brown Cinclorhamphus . Australia, v. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 133. Australia, Suppl. pl. 69. Australia, v. pl. 64. Asia, iii. pl. 66. Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Australia, iii. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 394. 45 3 Brown Dicæum Flycatcher Gannet Gerygone Hawk Honey-eater p. 267. . . Linnet Brown-naped Mountain-Finch. Brown Plover Red-throat Shrike-Thrush Snipe Brown-tailed White-eye. Brown Thickhead . Tree-creeper Tree-Kangaroo . New Guinea, iv. pl. 7. Handb. i. p. 258. Australia, vii. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 507. Handb. i. Australia, i. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 31. Australia, iv. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 500; New Guinea, iii. pl. 55. Europe, iii. pl. 191; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 49. Asia, v. pl. 4. Australia, vi. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 68. Handb. i. p. 223. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 76. New Guinea, iii. pl. 59. New Guinea, iii. pl. 20. Australia, iv. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 598. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 50; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Humming B. iv. pl. 229. Australia, ii. pl. 76. New Guinea, ii. pl. 45. Australia, v. pl. 31. Australia, iii. pl. 27. New Guinea, ii. pl. 45. Australia, v. pl. 31. Handb. i. p. 334. Australia, iii. pl. 27. Handb. ii. p. 388. Handb. ii. p. 387. New Guinea, i. pl. 12. New Guinea, iii. pl. 11. New Guinea, v. pl. 24. New Guinea, i. pl. 12. New Guinea, ii. pl. 5. New Guinea, iii. pl. 11. New Guinea, v. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 51. Asia, iii. pl. 66. . Violet-ear Wood-Shrike browni, Piezorhynchus Platycercus brownii, Malurus . Brown's Flycatcher Parrakeet Superb Warbler Wren. Bruchigavia gouldi jamesonii. bruijni, Drepanornis Grallina. Nasiterna Bruijn's Bird of Paradise :. Cuckoo-Shrike. Grallina. Pigmy Parrot bruni, Dorcopsis brunnea, Alcippe. . . 46 . brunnea, Colluriocincla Falco . Pachycephala Suthora. brunneicauda, Zosterops. brunneifrons, Picus brunneinucha, Leucosticte . Montifringilla brunneopygia, Drymodes brunneus, Dasyornis. Pyrrholæmus brunnichii, Uria Brunnich's Guillemot Brush-bird, Noisy. Brush Bronze-wing Bronze-winged Pigeon Cuckoo Brush-tailed Phascogale. Rock-Wallaby . Australia, ii. pl. 76; Handb. i. p. 223. Synopsis, part iii. New Guinea, iii. pl. 20. Asia, iii. pl. 68. New Guinea, iii. pl. 59. Cent. pl. 52. Asia, v. pl. 4. Asia, v. pl. 4. Australia, iii. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 290. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, iii. pl. 68; Handb. i. p. 384. Europe, v. pl. 398. Europe, v. pl. 398. Australia, iii. pl. 34. Handb. ii. p. 125. Australia, v. pl. 65. Australia, iv. pl. 87; Handb. i. p. 619. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 31. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 39, 40; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Handb. ii. p. 155. Handb. ii. p. 150. Australia, iv. pl. 56; Handb. i. p. 541. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 33. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 33. Europe, i. pl. 38. i Europe, i. pl. 37; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 30. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 24. Cent. pl. 46. New Guinea, i. pl. 41. Australia, Suppl. pl. 44; Handb. i. و Brush-Turkey, Ocellated Wattled. Brush Wattle-bird bryanti, Doricha Bryant's Wood-Star Bubo ascalaphus maximus. Bubulcus russatus Bucco grandis. buccoides, Ailurædus buceroides, Tropidorhynchus . 3 . p. 547. Cent. pl. 44. Asia, v. pl. 11. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 8. Buceros cavatus buchanani, Emberiza. buckleyi, Pinarolæma Buckley's Mountain Humming- bird. Budytes cinereocapilla . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 8. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 5. 47 . Budytes citreoloides flava rayi Buff-backed Heron Buff-bellied Flycatcher. Shrike-Thrush Wood-Shrike Buff-breasted Gerygone. Humming-bird Leucippus Sandpiper Sericornis Warbler. Buff-footed Rat Buff-rumped Geobasileus Buff-sided Robin . Asia, iv. pl. 64. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 4. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 3. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 24. New Guinea, ii. pl. 34. Handb. i. p. 222. i . Australia, ii. pl. 75. Australia, ii. pl. 101; Handb. i. p. 270. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 46. Humming B. ii. pl. 56. Europe, iv. pl. 326; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 64. Handb. i. p. 360. Australia, ii. pl. 101, iii. pl. 50. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 14. Handb. i. p. 376. Australia, Suppl. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 288. . . . . Buff-tailed Star-frontlet . Velvet-breast Buff-throated Dumetia Honey-eater buffoni, Hypuroptila . Buffon's Plumeleteer . Building Hapalotis Bulbul, All-green. Chinese, Crested Crested Formosan Black Grey-fronted Hardwicke's Green Hodgson's Green Javanese Green Jerdon's Green Malabar Green Moluccan Bullfinch Beavan's. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 18. Humming B. ii. pl. 85. Asia, iv. pl. 6. New Guinea, iii. pl. 54. Humming B. ii. pl. 89. Humming B. ii. pl. 89. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 6. Asia, iii. pl. 18. Asia, iii. pl. 11. Asia, iii. pl. 10. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Asia, iii. pl. 12. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Asia, iii. pl. 14. Asia, iii. pl. 15. Asia, iii. pl. 13. Asia, iii. pl. 17. Asia, iii. pl. 16. New Guinea, iii. pl. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 209; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 41. Asia, v. pl. 39. 9 . M . 48 . . Bullfinch, Cinereous Nepaulese Northern Orange-coloured Oriental . Red-headed. Scarlet Trumpeter bulweri, Lobiophasis Thalassidroma. Bulwer's Petrel Pheasant. Bungalow-Swallow Bunting, Black-headed . . . Cinereous Cirl Common. Asia, v. pl. 40. Asia, v. pl. 37. Asia, v. pl. 38. Asia, v. pl. 34. Asia, v. pl. 35. Asia, v. pl. 36. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 43. Asia, v. pl. 31. Asia, vii. pl. 13. Europe, v. pl. 449. Europe, v. pl. 449. Asia, vii. pl. 13. Asia, i. pl. 32. Asia, v. pl. 13; Europe, iii. pl. 172; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 28. Asia, v. pl. 8. Europe, iii. pl. 175; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 23. Europe, iii. pl. 171 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 26. Europe, iii. pl. 181. Asia, v. pl. 7; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 25. Asia, v. pl. 12. Asia, v. pl. 6. Asia, v. pl. 11. Europe, iii. pl. 169; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 169. Europe, iii. pl. 178. Europe, iii. pl. 182. Europe, iii. pl. 179. Europe, iii. pl. 176; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 27. Asia, v. pl. 9. Europe, iii. pl. 180. Asia, v. pl. 14. Europe, iii. pl. 183; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 10; Europe, iii. pl. 177; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 24. Cretzschmar's Dwarf Elegant Grey-capped Hutton's. Lapland Lark-heeled Lesbian Marsh Meadow Ortolan Painted Pine Red-headed. Reed Rustic . 49 . . Bunting, Snow. .. Europe, iii. pl. 170. Yellow Europe, iii. pl. 173. Yellow-breasted Europe, iii. pl. 174. Bunting, see also: Rose-Bunting. Buphus comatus Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 25. Buquet's Puff-leg Humming B. iv. pl. 273. Burmese Parrakeet Asia, vi. pl. 3. Roller Asia, i. pl. 55. burtoni, Fringilla Asia, v. pl. 16. Burton's Grosbeak Asia, v. pl. 16. Bush-Chat, Black-and-White Asia, iv. pl. 32. White-tailed Asia, iv. pl. 33. Bush-Lark, Horsfield's Handb. i. p. 404. Bush-Quail, Argoondah. Asia, vii. pl. 5. -, Asiatic Asia, vii. pl. 4. Bustard, Australian Australia, vi. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 208. Great. Europe, iv. pl. 267; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 17. Little. Europe, iv. pl. 269; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 18. , Macqueen's . Asia, vii. pl. 58. Ruffed Europe, iv. pl. 268. Thick-kneed Europe, iv. pl. 288;. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 35. Butalis grisola. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 19. Butcher-bird, see also Crow-Shrike. Butcher-bird Australia, ii. pl. 52; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 15. Silvery-backed. Australia, ii. pl. 51. Buteo lagopus. Europe, i. pl. 15. melanosternon Australia, i. pl. 20. vulgaris Europe, i. pl. 14; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 6. . Butorides flavicollis Handb. ii. p. 315. p javanica Handb. ii. p. 317. . macrorhyncha Handb. ii. p. 316. Button-Quail, Chinese Asia, vii. pl. 6. Buzzard, Black-breasted. Australia, i. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 47. Common Europe, i. pl. 14; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 6. Honey Europe, i. pl. 16; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 8. - Rough-legged Europe, i. pl. 15; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 7. . . 9 . H 50 cabanisi, Picus caboti, Ceriornis Cabot's Horned Pheasant Cacatua ducorpsi . eos . galerita gymnopis leadbeateri ophthalmica roseicapilla sanguinea Asia, vi. pl. 17. Asia, vii. pl. 48. Asia, vii. pl. 49. New Guinea, v. pl. 47. Australia, v. pl. 4. Australia, v. pl. 1 ; Handb. ii. p. 2. New Guinea, v. pl. 46. Australia, v. pl. 2 ; Handb. ii. p. 5. . New Guinea, v. pl. 45. Handb. ii. p. 8. Australia, V. pl. 3; Handb. ii. p. 6. . . . triton New Guinea, v. pl. 44. Caccabis chukar Cent. pl. 71. rubra . Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 14. cachinnans, Saxicola Europe, ii. pl. 88. Cacique, White-bellied Humming B., Suppl. pl. 5. Cacomantis castaneiventris . Australia, Suppl. pl. 55. dumetorum . Handb. i. p. 620. flabelliformis Handb. i. p. 618. insperatus Handb. i. p. 619. . pallidus Handb. i. p. 615. cælicolor, Grandala Asia, iv. pl. 35. cærulea, Eucephala Humming B. v. pl. 335. Halobæna Handb. ii. p. 457. Pitta. Asia, v. pl. 81. Procellaria Australia, vii. pl. 52. Urocissa. Asia, v. pl. 46. Cærulean Pitta Asia, v. pl. 81. cæruleiceps, Agyrtria Humming B., Suppl. pl. 76. cæruleicinctus, Aulacorhamphus . Toucans, (2) pl. 46. cæruleigaster, Hypuroptila . Humming B. ii. pl. 91. cæruleitorques, Pitta New Guinea, iv. pl. 32. cæruleocephala, Phænicura Cent. pl. 25. fig. 2. Ruticilla. Cent. pl. 25. fig. 2. cæruleogularis, Aulacorhamphus . Toucans, (2) pl. 51. - Sapphironia Humming B. v. pl. 346. cæruleo-larvata, Eucephala . Humming B. v. pl. 333. . 51 cærulescens, Eupetes. Zosterops cæruleus, Parus cæsia, Emberiza Sitta ... Calamanthus campestris fuliginosus . New Guinea, iii. pl. 4. Australia, iv. pl. 81; Handb. i. p.587. Europe, iii. pl. 154; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 24. Europe, iii. pl. 181. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 22. Australia, iii. pl. 71; Handb. i. p. 389. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 388. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 76. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 75. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 73 Handb. i. p. 402. Handb. i. p. 403. . Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 74. Europe, iii. pl. 158; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 162. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 19. Europe, iii. pl. 162; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 19. Asia, iv. pl. 72. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 21. Australia, vi. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 311. Europe, iv. pl. 335; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 324. Europe, iv. pl. 310; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 54. Odontoph. pl. 16. Odontoph. pl. 16. Trogons, (1) pl. 7, (2) pl. 16. Australia, Suppl. pl. 23. Asia, iii. pl. 29. New Guinea, iv. pl. 42. Humming B. iii. pl. 142. Asia, iv. pl. 38. Europe, ii. pl. 118. Icones Avium, pl. 4; Asia, iv. pl. 39. Asia, iv. pl. 40. Odontoph. pl. 16. Odontoph. pl. 18. Odontoph. pl. 17. . . Calamodyta aquatica . phragmitis Calamoherpe arundinacea australis longirostris. palustris. Calamophilus biarmicus calandra, Alauda Melanocorypha Calandra Lark. Calandre, Long-billed Calandrella brachydactyla caledonicus, Nycticorax . Calidris arenaria canutus calidris, Totanus Californian Partridge californica, Callipepla caligatus, Trogon. callainus, Malurus Callene albiventris Calliechthrus leucolophus calliope, Calothorax . Calliope camtschatkensis lathami pectoralis tschebaiewi Callipepla californica elegans gambelli . . H2 52 Callipepla picta. squamata Callipharus nigriventris , Calliphlox amethystina . mitchelli Callocephalum galeatum callopterus, Aprosmictus Calobates sulphurea Calodera maculata . . nuchalis. Spotted calolæma, Oreopyra Calophasis ellioti Calopsitta novæ-hollandiæ Calornis crassa. feadensis . gularis metallica calosoma, Lampornis. Calothorax calliope cyanopogon. decoratus fanny heliodori jourdani micrurus . . mulsanti. pulchra Odontoph. pl. 15. Odontoph. pl. 19. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 54. Humming B. iii. pl. 159. Humming B. iii. pl. 160. Australia, v. pl. 14; Handb. ii. p. 29. New Guinea,.v. pl. 9. Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 6, 7. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 3. Synopsis, part i. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 3. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 6. Asia, vii. pl. 23. Handb. ii. p. 84. New Guinea, iv. pl. 15. New Guinea, iv. pl. 14. New Guinea, iv. pl. 13. Handb. i. p. 477. . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 91. Humming B. iii. pl. 142. Humming B. iii. pl. 143. Humming B. iii. pl. 146. Humming B. iii. pl. 151. Humming B. iii. pl. 147. Humming B. iii. pl. 150. Humming B. iii. pl. 148. Humming B. iii. pl. 145. Humming B. iii. pl. 144. Humming B. iii. pl. 149. Humming B. iii. pl. 152. Asia, vi. pl. 1. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 32. Asia, i. pl. 1. Humming B. iii. pl. 135. Humming B. iii. pl. 134. Humming B. iii. pl. 136. Australia, v. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 13. rosæ . yarrelli calthorpæ, Palæornis. calura, Phascogale calvus, Otogyps Calypte annæ costa. helena Calyptorhynchus banksii 53 p. 20. naso . Calyptorhynchus baudinii Australia, v. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 25. funereus. Australia, v. pl. 11; Handb. ii. leachii Australia, v. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 18. p macrorhynchus Australia, v. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 15. Australia, v. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 17. xanthonotus Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, v. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 22. Campephaga, Black-and-White Australia, ii. pl. 62; Handb. i. p. 203. Blue-grey New Guinea, ii. pl. 3. humeralis : . . i Australia, ii. pl. 63; Handb. i. p. 204. Jardine's Australia, ii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 200. jardinii Australia, ii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 200. p karu Australia, ii. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 202. . leucomela Australia, ii. pl. 62 ; Handb. i. P. 203. Northern Australia, ii. pl. 61 ; Handb. i. p. 202. strenua New Guinea, ii. pl. 3. White-shouldered. Australia, ii. pl. 63; Handb. i. p. 204. campestris, Anthus Europe, ii. pl. 137; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 9. Bettongia Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 66. Calamanthus Australia, iii. pl. 71; Handb. i. p. 389. Campylopterus cuvieri Humming B. ii. pl. 52. delattrei. Humming B. ii. pl. 45. ensipennis Humming B. ii. pl. 46. hyperythrus Humming B. ii. pl. 51. latipennis Humming B. ii. pl. 48. lazulus Humming B. ii. pl. 44. obscurus Humming B. ii. pl. 49. pampa Humming B. ii. pl. 43. phainopeplus Humming B., Suppl. pl. 3. roberti Humming B. ii. pl. 53. rufus Humming B. ii. pl. 50. villavicencio. Humming B. ii. pl. 47. camtschatkensis, Calliope Asia, iv. pl. 38. candicans, Falco Gt. Brit. i. pls. 13, 14, 15. candida, Gygis Australia, vii. pl. 30; Handb. ii. p. 405. Strix Australia, Suppl. pl. 1; Asia, i. pl. 18. candidus, Himantopus Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 34. Thaumatias Humming B. v. pl. 292. و 54 . canescens, Glottis . Linaria canicapillus, Iyngipicus caniceps, Carduelis Emberiza Palæornis canifrons, Spizixos canina, Phalangista Canis dingo caniveti, Chlorostilbon Canivet's Emerald cannabina, Linaria Linota canoroides, Cuculus canorus, Cuculus Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 53. Europe, iii. pl. 193. Asia, vi. pl. 27. Cent. pl. 33. fig. 1. Asia, v. pl. 6. Asia, vi. pl. 5. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. iii. pls. 51, 52. Humming B. v. pl. 351. Humming B. v. pl. 351. Europe, iii. pl. 191. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 49. Handb. i. p. 614. Europe, iii. pl. 240; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 67, 68. Synopsis, part iii. Gt. Brit. v. pl .69. Europe, v. pl. 415. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 40. Europe, iv. pl. 298. Australia, iii. pl. 75.; Handb. i. p. 395. Asia, ii. pl. 4. Asia, ii. pl. 4. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. Europe, v. pl. 437; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 60. Europe, iv. pl. 324. Europe, iv. pl. 324; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 65; Handb. ii. p. 259. Australia, vii. pl. 53 ; Handb. ii. p. 469. . Australia, vii. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 469. Europe, iv. pl. 248; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 5. Asia, iv. pl. 28. Australia, Suppl. pl. 17; Handb. i. Haliaetus cantiaca, Actochelidon Sterna cantianus, Ægialophilus . Charadrius cantillans, Cincloramphus Canton Pericrocotus cantonensis, Pericrocotus canus, Ægialitis. Larus. canutus, Calidris Tringa . . . 9 p Cape Petrel. capensis, Daption. Capercailzie capistrata, Saxicola capito, Eopsaltria. . p. 297. . Caprimulgus europæus macrurus mahrattensis Europe, ii. pl. 51; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 100. Asia, i. pl. 19. 55 . . . Caprimulgus ruficollis Capueira Partridge Caraccas Partridge carbo, Phalacrocorax. Uria. carboides, Phalacrocorax Carcineutes amabilis . melanops pulchellus Carduelis caniceps citrinella. elegans orientalis spinoides. spinus Carib, Grass-green-breasted Green-breasted. Purple-breasted carinata, Monarcha . Europe, ii. pl. 52 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 2. Odontoph. pl. 26. Odontoph. pl. 30. Europe, v. pl. 407; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 52. Asia, vii. pl. 71. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, vii. pl. 66. Asia, i. pl. 50. Asia, i. pl. 49. Asia, i. pl. 48. Cent. pl. 33. fig. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 198. Europe, iii. pl. 196; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 17. Cent. pl. 33. fig. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 197. Humming B. ii. pl. 84. Humming B. ii. pl. 83. Humming B. ii. pl. 82. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 262. Australia, ii. pl. 95; Handb. i. P. 262. Toucans, (1) pl. 7, (2) pl. 2. Handb. ii. p. 465. . Asia, v. p. 21. Australia, vii. pl. 57. Humming B. iii. pl. 177. New Guinea, iv. pl. 47. Handb. ii. p. 282. . Europe, iii. pl. 206; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 43. Asia, v. pl. 26. Cent. pl. 31. fig. 2. Cent. pl. 31. fig. I. Asia, v. pl. 33. Asia, v. pl. 25. Australia, Suppl. pl. 67. New Guinea, v. pl. 65. Australia, v. pl. 59. Australia, y. pl. 60. . Carinated Flycatcher. carinatus, Rhamphastos . carneipes, Nectris. Mycerobas. Puffinus caroli, Cometes carolinæ, Tanysiptera Carphibis spinicollis Carpodacus erythrinus rhodochlamys rhodochrous. rhodopeplus roseus. . rubicilla. Carpophaga assimilis. finschii leucomela luctuosa. 56 • Carpophaga magnifica rubricera subflavescens van-wyckii Carrion-Crow carunculata, Anthochæra , Paradigalla caryocatactes, Nucifraga. Casarca rutila . tadornoides Cashmerian Water-Ouzel cashmiriensis, Cinclus caspia, Hydroprogne . Sterna Sylochelidon Caspian Snow-Partridge . Tern. . Australia, v. pl. 58. New Guinea, v. pl. 63. New Guinea, v. pl. 66. New Guinea, v. pl. 64. Europe, iii. pl. 221; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 58. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 55; Handb. i. p. 538. New Guinea, i. pl. 16. Europe, iii. pl. 213; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 65. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 12. Australia, vii. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 361. Asia, iv. pl. 25. Asia, iv, pl. 25. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 68. Europe, v. pl. 414. Handb. ii. p. 392. Asia, vii. pl. 29. Europe, v. pl. 414; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 392. Asia, vii. pl. 29. Australia, Suppl. pl. 39. Australia, Suppl. pls. 70, 71; Handb. ii. p. 206. Australia, Suppl. pls. 72, 73. Australia, Suppl. pls. 74, 75. New Guinea, v. pl. 74. New Guinea, v. pl. 73. New Guinea, v. pl. 75. Asia, iii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 27. Asia, vii. pl. 12. Asia, iv. pl. 11. Asia, iv. pl. 11. Humming B. iii. pl. 203. Humming B. v. pl. 310. Australia, Suppl. pl. 55. Australia, vi. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 338. Asia, ii. pl. 49. caspius, Tetraogallus . cassidix, Ptilosis. Cassowary, Australian . Bennett's One-carunculated Painted-throated Two-wattled Westermann's.. castanea, Merula Pucrasia. castaneicaudatus, Lobiophasis . castaneiceps, Ixulus. Sittiparus castaneiventris, Adelom via . Amazilia. Cacomantis Eulabeornis. Parus. . > 57 2 castaneiventris, Pomarea New Guinea, ii. pl. 57. Sitta Asia, ii. pl. 45. castaneo-coronata, Oligura Asia, iv. pl. 2. Tesia. Asia, iv. pl. 2. castaneonotum, Cinclosoma . Handb. i. p. 435. castaneorhynchus, Aulacorhamphus. Toucans, (2) pl. 44. castaneothorax, Amadina Synopsis, part ii. Cinclosoma . Australia, Suppl. pl. 32 ; Handb. i. p. 438. Donacola Australia, iii. pl. 94; Handb. i. . p. 426. . Castaneous Duck . castaneus, Ortyx castanonotus, Eupetes castanops, Strix castanotis, Amadina. -, Choropus Pteroglossus Tæniopygia. castanotus, Cinclosoma ,Hemipodius. -, Turnix castelneaui, Aglæactis Castelneau's Sunbeam castor, Mergus. castus, Piezorhynchus Casuarius australis Europe, v. pl. 368. Odontoph. pl. 3. New Guinea, iii. pl. 3. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 62. . Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, pt. ii. (can- celled) pl. 5, iii. pl. 87. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 6. Toucans, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 19. Handb. i. p. 419. Australia, iv. pl. 5. Australia, v. pl. 85. Handb. ii. p. 183. . . Humming B. iii. pl. 180. Humming B. iii. pl. 180. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 34. New Guinea, ii. pl. 47. Australia, Suppl. pls. 70, 71; Handb. ii. p. 206. Australia, Suppl. pls. 72, 73; Handb. ii. p. 561. New Guinea, v. pl. 73. New Guinea, v. pl. 74. Australia, Suppl. pls. 74, 75. New Guinea, v. pl. 75. Handb. ii. p. 517. Australia, vii. pl. 21. bennetti . . bicarunculatus picticollis uniappendiculatus westermanni catarractes, Chrysocoma . Lestris. I 58 . . catarrhactes, Lestris Europe, v. pl. 439. Stercorarius Gt. Brit. v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 389. Cat-bird. Australia, iv. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 446. p Arfak. New Guinea, i. pl. 40. Barbet-like. New Guinea, i. pl. 41. Black-cheeked. New Guinea, i. pl. 39. Black-naped New Guinea, i. pl. 42. Queensland. New Guinea, i. pl. 38. Stone's New Guinea, i. pl. 37. Caterpiller-catcher, Black-browed. New Guinea, ii. pl. 9. Catharma orthura . Humming B., Suppl. p. 43. Catreus wallichii. Cent. pl. 67; Asia, vii. pl. 18. Caucasian Grosbeak Asia, v. pl. 25. caudacuta, Acanthylis Australia, ii. pl. 10. Chætura. Handb. i. p. 103. Dafila. Europe, v. pl. 365. caudata, Acredula . Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 28, 29. Mecistura Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 28, 29. Pica Gt. Brit. üi. pl. 63; Europe, iii. pl. 216. caudatus, Parus Europe, iii. pl. 157. caumatonota, Aglæactis . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 47. cauta, Diomedea Australia, vii. pl. 40; Handb. ii. p. 434. Hylacola. Australia, iii. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 347. Cautious Albatros . Australia, vii. pl. 40. Hylacola. Handb. i. p. 347. Wren. Australia, iii. pl. 40. cavatus, Buceros Cent. pl. 44. Cawnpore Pericrocotus Asia, ii. pl. 6. Cayenne Araçari. Toucans, (1) pl. 12, (2) pl. 15. Fairy . Humming B. iv. pl. 213. Hermit Humming B. i. pl. 17. Wood-Nymph Humming B. ii. pl. 101. Cazique, Blue-throated Humming B. ii. pl. 60. Green-throated. Humming B. ii. pl. 63. Henry de Lattre's . Humming B. ii. pl. 62. Ceblepyris humeralis. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 2. Cecropis daurica. Asia, i. pl. 28. erythropygia Asia, i. pl. 29. . . 59 . . Cecropis hyperythra . rufula Celebean Elanus Pitta. celebensis, Pitta Celestial Grandala cenchroides, Tinnunculus Centrophanes lapponica . Centropus macrurus . melanurus : phasianus Cephalepis delalandi . loddigesi.. cephalus, Phaethornis Cereopsis Goose novæ-hollandiæ Ceriornis blythi caboti. hastingsii melanocephala. satyra. temmincki Certhia familiaris . himalayana. nipalensis Certhilauda bifasciata certhiola, Locustella. cervicalis, Cyclopsitta -, Otidiphaps. cervina, Adelomyia - Dacelo Asia, i. pl. 30. Asia, i. pl. 27. Asia, i. pl. 12. New Guinea, iv. pl. 34. New Guinea, iv. pl. 34. Asia, iv. pl. 35. Australia, i. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 35. . Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 30. Australia, i. Introd. p. lxi, iv. text to pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 636. Australia, i. Introd. p. lxi, iv. text to pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 636. Australia, iv. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 634. Humming B. iv. pl. 208. Humming B. iv. pl. 209. . . Humming B. i. pl. 19. Australia, vii. pl. 1; Handb.ii. p. 350. p Australia, vii. pl. 1; Handb. ii. p. 350. Asia, vii. pl. 47. Asia, vii. pl. 48. Cent. pls. 63, 64, 65. Asia, vii. pl. 45. Cent. pl. 62 ; Asia, vii. pl. 49. Asia, vii. pl. 46. Europe, iii. pl. 237; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 64. Asia, iv. pl. 58. Asia, iv. pl. 57. Europe, iii. pl. 168. Europe, ii. pl. 105. New Guinea, v. pl. 2. New Guinea, v. pl. 61. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 46. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 2, ii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 125. New Guinea, i. pl. 10. New Guinea, ii. pl. 35. Humming B. i. pl. 14. Icones Avium, pl. 14. • . cervinicauda, Drepanornis . Myiagra . Threnetes cerviniceps, Lyncornis 12 60 cervinipes, Mus cerviniventris, Amazilia . Chlamydera. Chlamydodera. -, Petroica. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 14. Humming B. v. pl. 309. Australia, Suppl. pl. 36. Handb. i. p. 454. Australia, Suppl. pl. 15; Handb. i. . و O p. 288. Pæcilodryas Australia, Suppl. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 288. Rectes cervinus, Anthus Hapalotis Rhinolophus Synoicus. Ceryle guttatus cettii, Salicaria . Cetti's Warbler Ceylon Spur-fowl . Ceylonese Mosque-Swallow. Pigmy Woodpecker Sun-bird. Ceyx gentiana solitaria Chætocercus bombus. Chætorhynchus papuensis Chætura caudacuta macroptera. Chaffinch New Guinea, i. pl. 53. Europe, ii. pl. 140; Asia, iv. pl. 66; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 12. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 34. Handb. i. p. 195. ii Cent. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 114. Europe, ii. pl. 114. Asia, vi. pl. 67. Asia, i. pl. 30. Asia, vi. pl. 32. Asia, ii. pl. 24. New Guinea, iv. pl. 46. New Guinea, iv. pl. 45. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 32. New Guinea, i. pl. 50. Handb, i. p. 103. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 187; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 34. Asia, vi. pl. 46. New Guinea, iv. pl. 43. Australia, iv. pl. 88. Asia, vi. pl. 47. Australia, v. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 118. Handb. ii. p. 119. . . Asia, vii. pl. 55. New Guinea, v. pl. 38. Australia, v. pl. 64. . Chalcites hodgsoni meyeri osculans xanthorhynchus Chalcophaps chrysochlora longirostris Chalcophasis sclateri . Chalcopsittacus scintillatus. chalcoptera, Peristera . . O 61 . chalcoptera, Phaps chalybea, Manucodia . chalybeus, Lophornis. Chalybura isauræ . Channel-bill Charadrius cantianus. hiaticula . minor. morinellus orientalis pluvialis . . . Handb. ii. p. 122. New Guinea, i. pl. 34. Humming B. ii. pl. 124. Humming B., Suppl. p. 13. Australia, iv. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 628. Europe, iv. pl. 298; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 40. Europe, iv. pl. 296; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 41. Europe, iv. pl. 297; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 42. Europe, iv. pl. 295; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 43. Handb. ii. p. 225. Europe, iv. pl. 294; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 38, 39. Europe, iv. pl. 299. Australia, vi. pl. 14. Australia, vi. pl. 13. Humming B. iii. pl. 177. New Guinea, v. pl. 12. New Guinea, v. pl. 11. New Guinea, v. pl. 14. New Guinea, v. pl. 13. New Guinea, v. pl. 15. Europe, ii. pl. 88. Europe, ii. pl. 92. Asia, iv. pl. 31. Asia, iv. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 32. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 47. Asia, iv. pl. 28. Asia, iv. pl. 34. Asia, iv. pl. 30. Asia, iv. pl. 26; Europe, ii. pl. 89. Europe, ii. pl. 91. Europe, ii. pl. 94; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 47. Europe, ii. pl. 93; Gt. Brit. ii. . pyrrhothorax veredus xanthocheilus Charles's Comet Charmosyna josephinæ margaritæ papuensis pulchella. stellæ. Chat, Black, Black-eared. Black-throated. Black-and-white Bush. Furze. Grey-capped Indian Furze Mountain Pied Russet Stone. Whin. . . pl. 46. White-tailed Bush Chat-like Flycatcher. Asia, iv. pl. 27. Asia, iv. pl. 33. New Guinea, ii. pl. 16. . 62 Chat-Thrush, Slender-billed White-bellied Chatterer, Waxen. . . . . Chaulelasmus strepera Chauliodes strepera cheela, Spilornis Cheer Pheasant Chelidon urbica Chenalopex ægyptiaca Chenopis atrata Chequered Violet-ear Cheramæca leucosterna. Chestnut-backed Eupetes Ground-Thrush Hemipode. Turnix Chestnut-bellied Adelomyia Amazili Dial-bird. Flycatcher Nuthatch Rail Rock-Thrush Tit Chestnut-billed Groove-bill. Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo Duck . Finch. Ground-Thrush Asia, iii. pl. 30. Asia, iii. pl. 29. Europe, iii. pl. 160; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 19. Europe, v. pl. 366. Cent. pl. 1. Asia, vii. pl. 18. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 6. Europe, v. pl. 353. Handb. ii. p. 346. Humming B. iv. pl. 226. Handb. i. p. 115. New Guinea, iii. pl. 3. Australia, iv. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 435. Australia, v. pl. 85. Handb. ii. p. 183. Humming B. iii. pl. 203. Humming B. v. pl. 310. Asia, iii. pl. 26. New Guinea, ii. pl. 57. Asia, ii. pl. 45. Australia, vi. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 338. Asia, iii. pl. 8. Asia, ii. pl. 49. Toucans, (2) pl. 44. Australia, Suppl. pl. 55. Australia, vii. pl. 11. Australia, iii. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 426. Australia, Suppl. pl. 32; Handb. i. . . Tit Asia, ii. pl. 68. Xerophila New Guinea, iii. pl. 27. Chestnut-coloured Merula Asia, iii. pl. 5. Partridge Odontoph. pl. 3. Shieldrake Australia, vii. pl. 7; Handb.ii. p. 361. p. Chestnut-crowned Pomatorhinus . Australia, Suppl. pl. 38; Handb. i. . p. 438. p. 484. 63 . Chestnut-crowned Tesia · Asia, iv. pl. 2. Chestnut-eared Amaduvade Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 5. Araçari Toucans, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 19. Chæropus Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 6. Finch. Australia, iii. pl. 87; Handb.i. p. 419. Chestnut-faced Owl Australia, i. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 62. Chestnut-headed Ixulus Asia, iv. pl. 11. Chestnut-rumped Acanthiza Handb. i. p. 367. Warbler. Australia, iii. pl. 56. Chestnut-shouldered Grass-Parra- keet Australia, v. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 77. Chestnut-sided Zosterops Asia, ii. pl. 35. Chestnut-tailed Lobed Pheasant Asia, vii. pl. 12. Chibia bracteata Australia, ii. pl. 82; Handb. i. p. 235. chicquera, Falco Cent. pl. 2. Chiff-chaff Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. . . pl. 66. . . . Siberian . Chilian Fire-crown Chimarrhornis leucocephala Chimborazian Hill-Star. chimborazo, Oreotrochilus Chimney Swallow. chinensis, Cissa Enicurus Excalfactoria Garrulax Henicurus Oriolus Synoicus. Chinese Blue Pie. Bulbul Crested Bulbul Crossoptilon Forktail Garrulax Jacana Penduline Tit Pucras Pheasant Quail Asia, iv. pl. 59. Humming B. iv. pl. 265. Cent. pl. 26. fig. 2. Humming B. ii. pl. 68. Humming B. ii. pl. 68. Europe, ii. pl. 54. Asia, v. pl. 54. Asia, iv. pl. 70. Asia, vii. pl. 6. Asia, iii. pl. 54. Asia, iv. pl. 70. Asia, ii. pl. 72. Australia, v. pl. 92. Asia, v. pl. 48. Asia, iii. pl. 11. Asia, iii. pl. 10. Asia, vii. pl. 22. Asia, iv. pl. 70. Asia, iii. pl. 54. Asia, vii. pl. 68. Asia, ii. pl. 70. Asia, vii. pl. 24. Asia, vii. pl. 6; Australia, v. pl. 92. | | | 64 . . . . p. Chinese Rhopophilus Ring-necked Pheasant Spizixos. Spotted Woodpecker. : Tit chinquis, Polyplectron chionogaster, Leucippus chionopectus, Thaumatias chionurus, Thaumatias —, Trogon Chlamydera cerviniventris guttata maculata nuchalis Chlamydochen jubata Chlamydodera cerviniventris guttata maculata nuchalis occipitalis orientalis chloris, Coccothraustes Criniger Ligurinus Stigmatops chlorocephala, Eucephala chlorocercus, Leucippus. chlorolæmus, Eulampis chlorolepidotus, Trichoglossus . chloronotus, Gerygone Zosterops chloropogon, Metallura chloropsis, Melithreptus. chloropus, Gallinula . chlororhynchos, Diomedea . chlorospila, Adelomyia Chlorostilbon aliciæ atala Asia, iv. pl. 3. Asia, vii. pl. 39. Asia, iii. pl. 10. Asia, vi. pl. 17. Asia, ii. pl. 56. Asia, vii. pl. 50. Humming B. v. pl. 290. Humming B. v. pl. 293. Humming B. v. pl. 300. Trogons, (2) pl. 22. Australia, Suppl. pl. 36. Australia, Suppl. pl. 35 Australia, iv. pl. 8. Australia, iv. pl. 9. Handb. ii. p. 354. Handb. i. p. 454. Handb. i. p. 452. Handb. i. p. 450. Handb. i. 448. New Guinea, i. pl. 45. New Guinea, i. pl. 44. Europe, iii. pl. 200. New Guinea, iii. pl. 2. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 39. New Guinea, iii. pl. 42. Humming B. v. pl. 332. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Humming B. ii. pl. 84. Australia, v. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 96. Australia, ii. pl. 102; Handb. i. p. 271. Australia, iv. pl. 82. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Australia, iv. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 570. Europe, iv. pl. 342; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 85. Australia, pl. 42; Handb. ii. p. 437. Humming B., Suppl. p. 66. Humming B. v. pl. 357. Humming B. v. pl. 356. . . 65 . . . Chlorostilbon angustipennis auriceps caniveti hæberlini osberti phaethon poortmanni . prasinus. stuebeli chlorura, Lesbia Chocolate Bat Chæropus castanotis . Chestnut-eared Choriotis australis Chough. Alpine White-winged. christophori, Pachycephala Chroicocephalus philadelphia . ridibundus chrysaetus, Aquila Chrysobronchus virescens viridicaudus. chrysocephalus, Sericulus chrysochlora, Chalcophaps Chrysococcyx lucidus minutillus Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus Chrysocoma catarractes. chrysocome, Eudyptes chrysogaster, Hydromys. chrysogastra, Pseudogerygone . Chrysolampis moschitus . chrysomelas, Phasianus Chrysomitris spinoides spinus. Chrysophlegma flavinucha chrysops, Meliphaga pl. 65. Humming B. v. pl. 353. Humming B. v. pl. 350. Humming B. v. pl. 351. Humming B., Suppl. p. 98. Humming B. v. pl. 352. Humming B. v. pl. 354. Humming B. v. pl. 358. Humming B. v. pl. 355. Humming B., Suppl. p. 99. Humming B., Suppl. p. 53. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 6. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 6. Handb. ii. p. 208. Europe, iii. pl. 219; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 62. Europe, iii. pl. 218. Australia, iv. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 470. New Guinea, iii. pl. 23. Gt. Brit. v. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 64. Europe, i. pl. 6; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 2. Humming B. iv. pl. 230. Humming B. iv. pl. 231. Australia, iv. pl. 12. Australia, v. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 118. . Australia, iv. pl. 89. Australia, Suppl. pl. 56. Asia, vi. pl. 37. Handb. ii. p. 517. Australia, vii. pl. 83. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 24. New Guinea, ii. pl. 13. Humming B. iv. pl. 204. Asia, vii. pl. 36. Cent. pl. 33. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 37. Asia, vi. pl. 36. Synopsis, part ii. . . . . K 66 chrysops, Ptilotis . chrysoptera, Diphyllodes Sitella . . . . chrysopterygius, Psephotus. chrysoráma, Eriocnemis . chrysorrhoa, Acanthiza chrysorrhea, Acanthiza . chrysorrhous, Geobasileus chrysostoma, Euphema chrysotis, Meliphaga . Ptilotis Xanthotis chrysura, Chrysuronia Chrysuronia chrysura eliciæ. humboldti josephinæ . cenone Australia, iv. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 521. New Guinea, i. pl. 23. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 101; Handb.i. p. 609. Australia, Suppl. pl. 64; Handb.ii.p. 65. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, iii. pl. 63. Handb. i. p. 374. Australia, v. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 71. Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 32. New Guinea, iii. pl. 51. Humming B. v. pl. 329. Humming B. v. pl. 329. Humming B. v. pl. 328. Humming B. v. pl. 327. Humming B. v. pl. 326. Humming B. v. pl. 325. Australia, iii. pl. 72 ; Handb. i. p. 390. Australia, iii. pl. 72. Handb. i. p. 390. Cent. pl. 71. Cent. pl. 71. Europe, iii. pl. 179. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 40. New Guinea, i. pl. 24. Europe, iv. pl. 283; Gt. Brit. vi. pl. 30. Europe, iv. pl. 285. Europe, iv. pl. 284; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 31. Australia, iii. pl. 75; Handb. i. Australia, iii. pl. 74; Handb i. Australia, iii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 395. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 394. . . Australia, iii. pl. 76. Australia, iii. pl. 76. Cent. pl. 19. Chthonicola, Little minima sagittata chukar, Caccabis. Perdix cia, Emberiza Cichloselys sibiricus Cicinnurus regius . Ciconia alba maguari. nigra . Cinclorhamphus, Black-breasted Brown cantillans cruralis . . . . P. 47. . p. 394. . rufescens Rufous-tinted cinclorhyncha, Phænicura 67 . . || . cinclorhyncha, Petrocincla cinclorhynchus, Orocætes Cinclosoma ajax castaneonotum. castaneothorax. castanotus cinnamomeum cinnamomeus Cinnamon-coloured erythrocephalum ocellatum punctatum variegatum Cinclus aquaticus. asiaticus. cashmeriensis leucogaster. melanogaster . . . . . . pallasi Cent. pl. 19. Cent. pl. 19. New Guinea, iii. pl. 10. Handb. i. p. 435. . Australia, Suppl. pl. 32; Handb. i.p. 438. Australia, iv. pl. 5. Handb. i. p. 437. . Australia, iv. pl. 6. Australia, iv. pl. 6. Cent. pl. 17. Cent. pl. 15. Australia, iv. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 433. Cent. pl. 16. Europe, ii. pl. 83 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 21. Asia, iv. pl. 25. Asia, iv. pl. 24. Europe, ii. pl. 84; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 42. Cent. pl. 24; Asia, iv. pl. 22. Europe, ii. pl. 85. Asia, iv. pl. 23. Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 69, 70. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, iii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 425. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, vi. pl. 21 ; Handb. ii. p. 240. New Guinea, iii. pl. 69. Asia, v. pl. 40. Asia, iii. pl. 39. Europe, i. pl. 35. Australia, iv. pl. 86. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 27. Handb. ii. p. 446. Europe, iv. pl. 273; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 20; Handb. ii. p. 295. . Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 1. Asia, v. pl. 8. Europe, iv. pl. 270; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 19. . pallasii sordidus. cinclus, Pelidna cincta, Amadina Poephila. cinctus, Erythrogonys e . cineracea, Myzomela . Pyrrhula cineraceum, Trochalopteron cineraceus, Circus Cuculus . cinerascens, Circus cinerea, Adamastor Ardea . . Curruca Emberiza Grus K2 68 * cinerea, Perdix Squatarola Struthidea . Surnia Sylvia . Terekia. . Europe, iv. pl. 262; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 13." Europe, iv. pl. 290. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 472. Europe, i. pl. 42. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 1; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 57. Europe, iv.pl. 307; Australia, vi. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. . 261. Synopsis, part i. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 7. New Guinea, ii. pl. 14. New Guinea, ii. pl. 15. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 5. Asia, v. pl. 40. Asia, v. pl. 8. Handb. i. p. 186. Europe, i. pl. 42. Asia, vii. pl. 64. Europe, v. pl. 445. Asia, iii. pl. 39. Europe, i. pl. 2. Australia, vii. pl. 37. Australia, ii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 147 Australia, i. Introd. p. xxxV; Handb. i. . Vanga cinereicauda, Oreopyra cinereiceps, Pseudogerygone cinereifrons, Heteromyias cinereocapilla, Budytes . Cinereous Bullfinch Bunting Crow-Shrike Owl, Great Pratincole Shearwater Trochalopteron Vulture cinereus, Anous Artamus. Cracticus . . p. 186. . . Parus Pericrocotus. Phascolarctos . Puffinus Vultur cinnamomeiventris, Sitta cinnamomeum, Cinclosoma. cinnamominus, Halcyon. Cinnamon-bellied Nuthatch Cinnamon-coloured Cinclosoma Cinnamon Fire-crown Cinnyris gouldiæ Asia, iii. pl. 55. Asia, ii. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 13, 14. Europe, v. pl. 445. Europe, i. pl. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 44. Australia, iv. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 437. Synopsis, part iii. Asia, ii. pl. 44. Australia, iv. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 437. Humming B. iv. pl. 267; Suppl. pl. 36. Cent. pl. 56. . 69 . . Cinnyris maforensis mysorensis sangirensis Circaëtus brachydactylus Circe doubledayi latirostris circia, Querquedula Circus æruginosus assimilis. cineraceus cinerascens cyaneus jardinii . . | | || P. 60. . pallidus rufus Cirl Bunting cirlus, Emberiza Cirrepidesmus asiaticus. cirrhochloris, Aphantochroa cisalpina, Pyrgita. cisalpinus, Passer Cissa, Hunting pyrrhocyanea Red-and-Blue venatoria. Cisticola exilis. isura lineocapilla. magna ruficeps. cisticola, Salicaria . Citado Wood-Nymph citreogularis, Sericornis New Guinea, iii. pl. 30. New Guinea, iii. pl. 31. New Guinea, iii. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 13. Humming B. v. pl. 339. Humming B. v. pl. 338. Europe, v. pl. 364; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 17. Europe, i. pl. 32; Gt. Brit. i. pls. 24, 25. Australia, i. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 58. Europe, i. pl. 35. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 27. Europe, i. pl. 33 ; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 26. . Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 27; Handb. i. Europe, i. pl. 34. Europe, i. pl. 32 Europe, iii. pl. 175; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 23. . . . . Europe, iii. pl. 175; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 23. Handb. ii. p. 229. . Humming B. ii. pl. 54. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 2. Asia, v. pl. 54. Asia, v. pl. 53. Asia, v. pl. 53. Asia, v. pl. 54. Australia, iii. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 350. Australia, iii. pl. 44; Handb.i. p. 352. Australia, iii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 351. Australia, iii. pl. 41; Handb. i. p. 349. Australia, iii. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 353. Europe, ii. pl. 113. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 28. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iii. pl. 46; Handb.i. p. 354. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 60 ; Handb. i. p. 549. Europe, ii. pl. 144. . - Tropidorhynchus. citreola, Motacilla 70 . . . . . . o . . citreolæmus, Rhamphastos . citreoloides, Budytes citreolus, Trogon. citreopygius, Rhamphastos Citril Finch citrinella, Carduelis - , Emberiza Citron-breasted Toucan Cladorhynchus pectoralis clamosa, Atrichia Clangula barrovii . glaucion histrionica vulgaris clarissæ, Heliangelus . clathratus, Trogon clemenciæ, Delattria . Cliff-Swallow, Indian Climacteris erythrops leucophæa melanonota. melanotus melanura picumnus placens rufa scandens Clouded Thrush clypeata, Rhynchaspis Spatula Clytoceyx rex Clytolæma aurescens rubinea Coach-whip Bird . Black-throated Coal-black Redstart Coal Tit coccinea, Pitta Toucans, (2) pl. 9. Asia, iv. pl. 64. Trogons, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 26. Toucans, (1) pl. 4. Europe, iii. pl. 198. Europe, iii. pl. 198. Europe, iii. pl. 173; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 22. Toucans, (2) pl. 9. Australia, vi. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 248. Australia, iii. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 344. Europe, v. pl. 380. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 31. Europe, v. pl. 381. Europe, v. pl. 379. Humming B. iv. pl. 242. Trogons, (2) pl. 28. Humming B. ii. pl. 60. Asia, i. pl. 33. Australia, iv. pl. 95; Handb.i. p. 602. Handb. i. p. 605. Handb. i. p. 603. Australia, iv. pl. 96. Australia, iv. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 604. Australia, iv. pl. 98. New Guinea, iii. pl. 29. Australia, iv. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 600. Australia, iv. pl. 93; Handb. i. Asia, iii. pl. 1. Europe, v. pl. 360. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 14; Handb. ii. p. 370. New Guinea, iv. pl. 59. Humming B. iv. pl. 250. Humming B. iv. pl. 249. Australia, iii. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 312. Australia, iii. pl. 16; Handb. i. P 314. Asia, iv. pl. 37. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 25. Asia, v. pl. 68. . p. 598. 9 . . 71 . . coccineifrons, Cyclopsitta coccineopterus, Ptistes Coccothraustes chloris icteroides vulgaris. Coccyzus americanus Cochoa, Green Purple purpurea viridis Cock of the Wood Cockatoo, Banksian Baudin's. Blood-stained Blue-eyed Crested Ducorps's Funereal. Gang-gang Great-billed Black Great Palm. New Guinea, v. pl. 8. Handb. ii. p. 39. Europe, iii. pl. 200. Cent. pl. 45. Europe, iii. pl. 199; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 40. Europe, iii. pl. 242. Asia, ii. pl. 1. Asia, ii. pl. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 1. Europe, iv. pl. 248; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 5. Australia, v. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 13. Australia, v. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 25. Australia, v. pl. 3; Handb. ii. p. 6. New Guinea, v. pl. 45. Australia, v. pl. 1. New Guinea, v. pl. 47. Australia, v. pl. 11; Handb. ii. p. 20. Australia, v. pl. 14; Handb. ii. p. 29. . Australia, v. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 15. . Australia, Suppl. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 27. . . . و . Great Sulphur-crested Leach's Leadbeater's Long-billed Naked-eyed. Rose-breasted Triton Western Black Western Long-billed . Yellow-eared Black Cockatoo-Parrakeet cockerelli, Ptilotis . Rhipidura Cockerell's Fantail Flycatcher Honey-eater cælebs, Fringilla Handb. ii. p. 2. . Australia, v. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 18. Australia, v. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 5. Australia, v. pl. 5; Handb. ii. p. 11. New Guinea, v. pl. 46. Australia, v. pl. 4; Handb, ii. p. 8. New Guinea, v. pl. 44. Australia, v. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 17. Handb. ii. p. 12. Australia, v. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 22. Australia, v. pl. 45; Handb. ii. p. 84. Australia, Suppl. pl. 43. New Guinea, ii. pl. 28. New Guinea, ii. pl. 28. Australia, Suppl. pl. 43. Europe, iii. pl. 187; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 34. . . . . . 72 . . . . coelestis, Cynanthus Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. Cæligena hemileuca Humming B., Suppl. pl. 5. prunelli. Humming B. iv. pl. 257. purpurea Humming B. iv. pl. 256. typica. Humming B. iv. pl. 255. wilsoni Humming B. iv. pl. 258. Coeligene Humming B. iv. pl. 255. Prunelle's Humming B. iv. pl. 257. Purple Humming B. iv. pl. 256. Wilson's. Humming B. iv. pl. 258. colchicus, Phasianus . Europe, iv. pl. 247; Asia, vii. pl. 34; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 12. Cole Tit. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. 1. Colinus virginanus Odontoph. pl. 1. Collared Araçari Toucans, (2) pl. 20. Crow-Shrike Handb. i. p. 184. . Inca Humming B. iv, pl. 251. Plain-Wanderer Australia, v. pl. 80; Handb. ii. p. 187. Pratincole Europe, iv. pl. 265. Sparrow-Hawk. Australia, i. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 45. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 13. Wood-Pigeon Asia, vi. pl. 58. collaris, Halcyon Synopsis, part iii. -, Muscicapa Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 18. Pachycephala New Guinea, iii. pl. 17. Strepsilas Europe, iv. pl. 318. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 13. Collocalia arborea. Australia, ii. pl. 14. ariel Australia, ii. pl. 15. terræ reginæ New Guinea, iv. pl. 38. Collurio excubitor Europe, ii. pl. 66. hardwickii Cent. pl. 12. meridionalis Europe, ii. pl. 67. minor : Europe, ii. pl. 68. collurio, Enneoctonus Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 15. Lanius Europe, ii. pl. 69. Colluriocincla, see also Wood-Shrike. -, Brown Australia, ii. pl. 76. . 5. . . . . . . . . 73 9 Colluriocincla brunnea. Buff-bellied harmonica Harmonious. Little. parvula rufiventris rufogaster . selbij.. Selby's colombianus, Odontophorus colombica, Thalurania colubris, Trochilus Columba intermedia leuconota livia e © anas . . Australia, ii. pl. 76; Handb. i. p. 223. Australia, ii. pl. 75. Australia, ii. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 220. Australia, ii. pl. 74. Australia, ii. pl. 78. Australia, ii. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 225. Australia, ii. pl. 75; Handb. i. p. 222. Australia, i. Introd. p. xxxvii; Handb. i. p. 226. Australia, ii. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 224. Australia, ii. pl. 77. Odontoph. pl. 30. Humming B. ii. pl. 106. Humming B. iii. pl. 131. Asia, vi. pl. 56. Asia, vi. pl. 55; Cent. pl. 59. Europe, iv. pl. 245; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 3. Europe, iv. pl. 244; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 2. Europe, iv. pl. 243; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. Asia, vi. pl. 54. Europe, iv. pl. 246. Humming B. v. pl. 353. Humming B. iv. pl. 217. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B. iii. pl. 184. Humming B. iv. pl. 224. Humming B. ii. pl. 106. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Asia, vi. pl. 7. Europe, v. pl. 394; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 44. Europe, v. pl. 393; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 43. Europe, v. pl. 395; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 45. Europe, iv. pl. 275. Europe, iv. pl. 275; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 25. Handb. ii. p. 330. Humming B. iii. pl. 177. Humming B. iii. pl. 175. . . . palumbus rupestris. turtur Columbian Emerald . Fairy . Inca Thorn-bill Violet-ear Wood-Nymph columbiana, Bourcieria columboides, Palæornis. Colymbus arcticus glacialis septentrionalis . comata, Ardea. comatus, Buphus . Dendrochelidon Comb-crested Parra Comet, Charles's . Phaon . . . . . . L 74 . . Comet, Purple-tailed . Sappho Cometes caroli glyceria phaon sparganurus Common Bittern. Bronze-wing Bunting . Buzzard Cormorant Crane Creeper Crossbill Cuckoo . o . Curlew Flamingo Gallinule Guillemot Gull. Heron Humming B. iii. pl. 176; Suppl. pl. 37. Humming B. iii. pl. 174. Humming B. iii. pl. 177. Humming B. iii. pl. 176. Humming B. iii. pl. 175. Humming B. iii. pl. 174. Europe, iv. pl. 280; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 27. Handb. ii. p. 122. Europe, iii. pl. 171 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 26. Europe, i. pl. 14; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 6. Europe, v. pl. 407. Europe, iv. pl. 270; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 19. Europe, iii. pl. 237. Europe, iii. pl. 202; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 45. Europe, iii. pl. 240 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 67, 68. Europe, iv. pl. 302. Europe, iv. pl. 287. Europe, iv. pl. 342. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 48. Europe, v. pl. 437; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 60. Europe, iv. pl. 273; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 20; Handb. ii. p. 295. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 28. Europe, iii. pl. 191. Europe, iv. pl. 279. Europe, iii. pl. 234. Europe, iv. pl. 262; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 13. Europe, iv. pl. 247; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 12; Asia, vii. pl. 34. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 46. Europe, iv. pl. 253. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 15. Europe, iv. pl. 316; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 58. Europe, v. pl. 357. Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 79. House-Sparrow Kite. Linnet Night-Heron Nuthatch Partridge Pheasant . - Pratincole Ptarmigan Quail . Sandpiper Shieldrake Snipe 75 . و . . Common Sparrow . Storm-Petrel Teal. Tern White-throat Wild Duck. Wren communis, Coturnix . compsa, Agyrtria. comrii, Manucodia Comte de Paris Star-frontlet concinna, Dromicia Myiagra Petrogale Pitta . Psaltria. concinnus, Trichoglossus concolor, Falco concretus, Actenoides Hemicercus. Condamine's Sickle-bill condamini, Eutoxeres conditor, Hapalotis connivens, Athene Hieracoglaux Conopophila albigularis. rufigularis. Conostoma æmodium conradi, Boucieria Conrad's Inca consobrinus, Ægithalus conspicillata, Curruca Procellaria. Sylvia. conspicillatus, Lagorchestes . Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 1. Europe, v. pl. 448. Europe, v. pl. 362. Europe, v. pl. 417; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 70. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 1. Europe, v. pl. 361. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 63. Europe, iv. pl. 263; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 15. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. New Guinea, i. pl. 33. Humming B. iv. pl. 238. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 30. Australia, ii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 254. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 48. New Guinea, iv. pl. 31. Asia, ii. pl. 65. Australia, v. pl. 52. Europe, i. pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 42. Asia, vi. pl. 19. Humming B. i. pl. 4. Humming B. i. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 6. Australia, i. pl. 34. Handb. i. p. 71. Handb. i. p. 532. Handb. i. p. 533. Asia, iii. pl. 31. Humming B. iv. pl. 253. Humming B. iv. pl. 253. Asia, ii. pl. 70. Europe, ii. pl. 126. Australia, vii. pl. 46. Europe, ii. pl. 126. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 59; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Handb. ii. p. 445. Australia, vii. pl. 74; Handb.ii. p. 486. . . 2 . Majaqueus Pelecanus . L 2 76 . و conspicillatus, Pteropus. constanti, Heliomaster constantia, Hapaloderma Constant's Star-throat Conver's Thorn-tail conversi, Gouldia. cooki, Æstrelata cookii, Phalangista Procellaria Cook's Petrel Phalangista. Coot. Australian Copper-crown Copper-tail, Guiana Jelski's Red-throated White-vented Copper-tailed Amazili Coppery Emerald . Coppery-bellied Puff-leg Coppery-tail Coppinger's Flycatcher Copsychus mindanensis . saularis suavis Coquette, De Lattre's Festive Frilled Gould's Great-crested Peruvian. Princess Helena's . Roraima. Salvin's Spangled. Tufted cora, Thaumastura Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 29. Humming B. iv. pl. 260. Trogons, (2) pl. 35. Humming B. iv. pl. 260. Humming B. iii. pl. 129. Humming B. iii. pl. 129. Handb. ii. p. 456. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 18. Australia, vii. pl. 51. Australia, vii. pl. 51; Handb. ii. p. 456. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 18. Europe, iv. pl. 338; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 84. Australia, vi. pl. 74; Handb. ii. p. 329. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 53. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 45. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 56. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 58. fig. 2. Humming B. iv. pl. 270. Humming B. iii. pl. 191. New Guinea, ii. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 25. Asia, iii. pl. 24. Asia, iii. pl. 26. Humming B. iii. pl. 121. Humming B. iii. pl. 124. Humming B. iii. pl. 119. Humming B. iii. pl. 118. Humming B. iii. pl. 120. Humming B. iii. pl. 125. Humming B. iii. pl. 123. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 36. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 35. Humming B. iii. pl. 122. Humming B. iii. pl. 117. Humming B. iii. pl. 153. . • . . . 9 77 . Coracias affinis . garrulus indica. temmincki Coral-billed Amazili corallirostris, Amazilia Cora's Shear-tail corax, Corvus . Corcorax leucopterus. melanorhamphus cordatus, Hemicercus Cormorant Australian Black . Common. Crested Desmarest's. Green Groove-billed Little Little Black Pied UU . > Asia, i. pl. 55. Europe, ii. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 11. Asia, i. pl. 54. Asia, i. pl. 56. Humming B. v. pl. 307. Humming B. v. pl. 307. Humming B. iii. pl. 153. Europe, iii. pl. 220 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 57. Australia, iv. pl. 16. Handb. i. p. 470. Asia, vi. pl. 18. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 52. Australia, vii. pl. 66; Handb.ii. p. 488. Europe, v. pl. 408. Europe, v. pl. 407. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 53. Europe, v. pl. 411. Europe, v. pl. 410. Australia, vii. pl. 67. Europe, v. pl. 409; Handb. ii. p. 493. p Handb. ii. p. 495. Australia, vii. pls. 68, 70; Handb. ii. . p. 490. Australia, vii. pl. 71; Handb. ii. p. 582. Australia, vii. pl. 69; Handb.ii. p. 492. Europe, iv. pl. 341; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 87. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 545. Europe, iii. pl. 222; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 59; Humming B. iv. pl. 212. Europe, v. pl. 591. Asia, vii. pl. 9. Australia, vii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 9. Asia, vii. pl. 65. Asia, i. pl. 21. Australia, Suppl.pl.20; Handb. i. p. 329. . . 9 . . Spotted White-breasted .. Corn-Crake corniculatus, Tropidorhynchus. . . . . cornix, Coryus. cornuta, Heliactin cornutus, Podiceps Coromandel Quail coromandelianus, Nettapus. coromandelicus, Coturnix Cursorius coronata, Dendrochelidon coronatus, Malurus . 78 . . corax. corone . . . . coronatus, Pterocles Asia, vi. pl. 63. corone, Corvus. .. . ; . Europe, iii. pl. 221; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 58. Coronetted Sand-Grouse. Asia, vi. pl. 63. Coronica fuliginosa Synopsis, part i. strepera Synopsis, part i. coronoides, Corvus Australia, iv. pl. 18. coruscans, Petasophora . Humming B. iv. pl. 226. Corvus australis Handb. i. p. 475. Europe, iii. pl. 220 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 57. cornix Europe, iii. pl. 222 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 59. :: . Europe, iii. pl. 221; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 58. coronoides Australia, iv. pl. 18. frugilegus Europe, iii. pl. 224; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 60. monedula Europe, iii. pl. 223; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 61. Corydon sumatranus. Asia, i. pl. 61. Corythus enucleator Europe, iii. pl. 204. longicauda Europe, iii. pl. 205. Cosmetornis vexillarius . Icones Avium, pl. 13. Costa-Rican Humming-bird Humming B. v. pl. 336; Suppl. pl. 13. costæ, Calypte. Humming B. iii. pl. 134. Costa's Humming-bird Humming B. iii. pl. 134. Cotile, see Cotyle. Coturnix australis Synopsis, part ii. communis Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 15. coromandelicus Asia, vii. pl. 9. dactylisonans Europe, iv. pl. 263. novæ zealandiæ Synopsis, part ii. pectoralis Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 88; Handb. ii. p. 190. Cotyle riparia Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 7, 8. Coucal, Black-tailed Handb. i. p. 636. . Great-tailed Handb. i. p. 636. Pheasant Handb. i. p. 634. Count Turati's Honey-sucker . New Guinea, iii. pl. 37. Count Branicki's Humming-bird . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 14. Courser, Cream-coloured Europe, iv. pl. 266; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 44. Indian Asia, vii. pl. 65. Cowled Seal Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 49. . . . 79 coxeni, Cyclopsitta Coxen's Parrakeet. coyolcos, Oxtyx Coyolcos Partridge Cracticus argenteus cinereus. || destructor hypoleucus . leucopterus p 3 |||| nigrogularis. picatus quoyii rufescens tibicen torquatus Crake, Baillon's Little Little Water Olivaceous Spotted Spotted Water. Tabuan Water . Water Crane, Australian . Common Numidian White White-eyebrowed Water Craspedophora magnifica , crassa, Calornis crassicaudatus, Podabrus crassirostris, Neomorpha Rhamphocaris. cratitius, Ptilotis Cream-coloured Courser. crecca, Querquedula Australia, Suppl. pl. 65. Australia, Suppl. pl. 65. Odontoph. pl. 6. Odontoph. pl. 6. Australia, ii. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 182. p Australia, i. Introd. p. XXXV; Handb. i. p. 186. Australia, ii. pl. 52. Synopsis, part i. Australia, i. Introd. p. XXXV; Handb. i. p. 187. Australia, ii. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 180. Australia, ii. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 181. Australia, ii. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 183. New Guinea, iii. pl. 16. Synopsis, part i. Handb. i. p. 184. Europe, iv. pl. 344; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 89. Europe, iv. pl. 345; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 90. Handb. ii. p. 340. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 30. Europe, iv. pl. 343; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 88. Handb. ii. p. 339. Handb. ii. p. 341. Australia, vi. pl. 80. Australia, vi. pl. 48; Handb. ii. p. 290. Europe, iv. pl. 270; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 19. Europe, iv. pl. 272. Europe, iv. pl. 271. Handb. ii. New Guinea, i. pl. 13; Handb. i. p.595. New Guinea, iv. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 47. Synopsis, part i. New Guinea, iv. pl. 9. Australia, iv. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 513. Europe, iv. pl. 266; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 44. Europe, v. pl. 362; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 16. . 9 9 p. 343. . 80 . . . Creeper, Common. Himalayan -, Nepaulese Spotted -, Tree Wall. Creeping Locustelle crepitans, Edicnemus -, Psophodes Crescent-marked Oriole. Crested Bronze-wing. Bulbul Cockatoo. Cormorant Eagle, Black-and-White . Hawk. Ixulus. Lark Oreoica Partridge Penguin Pigeon Spizixos Tit. Tree-Swift Wedge-bill Wood-Shrike Cretzschmar’s Bunting crex, Gallinula. Crex pratensis Crimson-and-Brown Kingfisher Crimson-bellied Parrakeet Crimson-breasted Partridge . Crimson Finch . Crimson-throated Wood-Star Crimson Topaz. Crimson-winged Finch Lory Europe, iii. pl. 237. Asia, iv. pl. 58. Asia, iv. pl. 57. . Asia, iv. pl. 56. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 64. Europe, iii. pl. 239. Europe, ii. pl. 105. Europe, iv. pl. 288; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 35. Australia, iii. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 312. Australia, iv. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 466. Handb. ii. p. 139. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Australia, v. pl. 1. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 53. Asia, i. pl. 10. Australia, i. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 56. Asia, iv. pl. 13. Europe, iii. pl. 165; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 17. Australia, ii. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 231. . . Odontoph. pl. 9. Australia, vii. pl. 83 ; Handb. ii. p. 517. Australia, v. pl. 70. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Europe, iii. pl. 156 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 26. Asia, i. pl. 21. Australia, iii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 316. . Australia, ii. pl. 81. Europe, iii. pl. 181. Europe, iv. pl. 341. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 87. New Guinea, iv. pl. 49. Australia, v. pl. 33. Asia, vi. pl. 70. Australia, iii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 415. Humming B. iii. pl. 149. Humming B. ii. pl. 66. Asia, v. pl. 28. Handb. ii. p. 39. . . 81 . e . . . . JJJ e . . . Crimson-winged Trochalopteron. Asia, iii. pl. 35. Criniger chloris New Guinea, iii. pl. 2. criniger, Irena Asia, iii. pl. 20. crinigera, Phlogænas. Asia, vi. pl. 52. crispus, Pelecanus . Europe, v. pl. 406. cristata, Alauda Europe, iii. pl. 165. Fuligula. Europe, v. pl. 370; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 23. Galerita Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 17. Oreoica Australia, ii. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 231. cristatum, Sphenostoma . Australia, iii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 316. cristatus, Eupsychortyx . Odontoph. pl. 9. Orthorhynchus. Humming B. iv. pl. 205. Parus. Europe, iii. pl. 156; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 26. Phalacrocorax Europe, v. pl. 410. Podiceps. Europe, v. pl. 388; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 38. Regulus. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 69. Thalasseus Handb. ii. p. 394. Vanellus. Europe, iv. pl. 291; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 33. Crithophaga miliaria . Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 26. crocea, Ephthianura New Guinea, iii. pl. 14. Crossbill, American White-winged. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 48. Common. Europe, iii. pl. 202; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 45. Himalayan Asia, v. pl. 41. Parrot Europe, iii. pl. 201; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 46. White-winged Europe, iii. pl. 203; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 47. Crossoptilon auritum. Asia, vii. pl. 22. Chinese Asia, vii. pl. 22. Crow, Carrion Europe, iii. pl. 221; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 58. Hooded . Europe, iii. pl. 222; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 59. , Royston Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 59. White-eyed . Australia, iv. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 475. Crow-Shrike, Black-throated Australia, ii. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 180. Cinereous Handb. i. p. 186. Collared . Handb. i. p. 184. Great. Australia, ii. pl. 42. Grey. Australia, ii. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 173. Hill Australia, ii. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 171. Keraudren's. Australia, Suppl. pl. 9. . UN . . . . . M 82 Crow-Shrike, Pied . III و p. 187. . . . . . Piping Quoy's :: -, Rufous Silvery-backed Sooty , Tasmanian White-backed. White-winged Crow-Tit, Anderson's Ash-eared Austen's. Black-fronted Brown Fulvous-fronted Heude's . . Hoary-headed. Larger Red-headed Munipur. Red-billed Webb's Yellow-billed. Crowned Superb Warbler Wren cruenta, Phlogenas cruentata, Myzomela . cruentatum, Dicæum cruentatus, Malurus . cruentus, Astur -, Ithaginis cruralis, Cincloramphus . . . 9 Australia, ii. pl. 50; Handb. i. pp. 168, 181. Australia, ii. pl. 46; Handb. i. p. 175. Australia, ii. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 183. New Guinea, iii. pl. 16. Australia, ii. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 182. Australia, ii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 170. Australia, ii. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 178. Australia, ii. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 176. Handb. i. Asia, iii. pl. 68. Asia, iii. pl. 69. Asia, iii. pl. 73. Asia, iii. pl. 70. Asia, iii. pl. 76. Asia, iii. pl. 71. Asia, iii. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 77. Asia, iii. pl. 78. Asia, iii. pl. 69. Asia, iii. pl. 31. Asia, iii. pl. 72. Asia, iii. pl. 75. Handb. i. p. 329. . Australia, Suppl. pl. 20. Asia, vi. pl. 51. New Guinea, iii. pl. 71. Asia, ii. pl. 38. Handb. i. p. 334. Australia, i. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 43. Asia, vii. pl. 43. Synopsis, part iv. App.p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 394. Asia, v. pl. 52. Asia, v. pl. 52. Trogons, (1) pl. 19. Odontoph. pl. 2. Trogons, (2) pl. 33. . . . > . Crypsirhina cucullata - Hooded. Cuba Trogon Cuban Partridge Trogon . . 83 . . . cubanensis, Ortyx. Odontoph. pl. 2. Cuckoo, American Europe, iii. pl. 242. Amethystine Asia, vi. pl. 47. Ash-coloured Australia, iv. pl. 86. Australian Australia, iv. pl. 84 ; Handb. i. p. 614. Black-eared. Australia, iv. pl. 88; Handb. i. p. 621. Bronze Handb. i. p. 623. Brush Australia, iv. pl. 87; Handb. i. p. 619. Chestnut-breasted. Australia, Suppl. pl. 55. Common Europe, iii. pl. 240; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 67, 68. Curl-crested Asia, vi. pl. 45. Emerald. Asia, vi. pl. 46. Fan-tailed Handb. i. p. 618. Flinders' Australia, iv. pl. 91. Great Spotted Europe, iii. pl. 241; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 69. Hoary-browed Asia, vi. pl. 44. Hodgson's Emerald Asia, vi. pl. 46. Little. Australia, Suppl. pl. 56. Little Bronze Handb. i. p. 625. . Meyer's Golden New Guinea, iv. pl. 43. Pallid. Handb. i. p. 615. p. Pheasant Australia, iv. pl. 92. Powerful Asia, vi. pl. 42. Rufous-bellied. Asia, vi. pl. 43. Shining Australia, iv. pl. 89. Solomon Island Lark-heeled. New Guinea, iv. pl. 44. Square-tailed Handb. i. p. 620. Unadorned. Australia, iv. pl. 85. White-crowned Black New Guinea, iv. pl. 42. Cuckoo-Falcon, Gurney's New Guinea, i. pl. 4. Cuckoo-Shrike, Black-and-White. Australia, ii. pl. 62 ; Handb. i. p. 203. Black-faced. Australia, ii. pl. 55; Handb. i. p. 192. Blue. New Guinea, ii. pl. 2. Bruijn's New Guinea, ii. pl. 5. Grey-faced New Guinea, ii. pl. 8. Ground Australia, ii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 199. Jardine's. Australia, ii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 200. . . . . . . 9 M 2 84 . . Cuckoo-Shrike, Mafoor-Island . Mount Arfak Northern Ramsay's Slaty-grey Swainson's Varied White-bellied White-shouldered . cucullata, Crypsirhina Melanodryas Pitta. Urocissa. cucullatus, Andigena. Mergus cuculoides, Glaucidium Noctua Cuculus canoroides . . 9 . canorus New Guinea, ii. pl. 6. New Guinea, ii. pl. 7. Australia, ii. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 202. New Guinea, ii. pl. 4. New Guinea, ii. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 197. Australia, ii. pl. 56; Handb. i. P. 195. Australia, ii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 196. Australia, ii. pl. 63; Handb. i. p. 204. Asia, v. pl. 52. Australia, iii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 283. Asia, v. pl. 82. Asia, v. pl. 51. Toucans, (2) pl. 39. Europe, v. pl. 386; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 36. Cent. pl. 4. Cent. pl. 4. Handb. i. p. 614. Europe, iii. pl. 240; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 67, 68. Australia, iv. pl. 86. Europe, iii. pl. 241. Cent. pl. 54. Asia, vi. pl. 43. Australia, iv. pl. 87. Australia, iv. pl. 85. Australia, iv. pl. 84. Cent. pl. 53. Asia, vi. pl. 42. Australia, ii. pl. 99; Handb. i. P. 268. Toucans, (1) pl. 27. Toucans, (2) pl. 36. Australia, vii. pl. 41 ; Handb. ii. p. 436. Australia, vii. pl. 41 ; Handb. ii. p. 436. Toucans, (1) pl. 1, (2) pl. 11. Toucans, (1) pl. 1, (2) pl. 11. Asia, vi. pl. 45. Australia, v. pl. 74. Handb. ii. p. 146. p . cineraceus glandarius himalayanus. hyperythrus. insperatus inornatus. optatus sparverioides strenuus. culicivora, Gerygone. culik, Pteroglossus Culik Toucanet culminata, Diomedea . Culminated Albatros . Toucan culminatus, Rhamphastos cumingi, Lepidogrammus cuneata, Geopelia. Stictopelia . . 3 . . . . 85 cuniculus, Bettongia . . : cupreicauda, Amazilia Metallura cupreiceps, Elvira cupreipennis, Aglæactis cupreiventris, Eriocnemis Curl-crested Araçari Cuckoo Manucode Curlew, Australian Common. Pigmy Rufescent Sandpiper . m . . . Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 63; Monogr. Macrop. i. pl. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 56. Humming B. iii. pl. 191. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 53. Humming B. iii. pl. 179. Humming B. iv. pl. 270. Toucans, (1) pl. 18, (2) pl. 25. Asia, vi. pl. 45. New Guinea, i. pl. 33. Australia, vi. pl. 42; Handb. ii. pl. 277. Europe, iv. pl. 302; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 48. Europe, iv. pl. 328. Asia, vii. pl. 60. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 68; Australia, vi. pl. 32; Handb. ii. pl. 256. Europe, iv. pl. 304. Europe, iv. pl. 288. Europe, ii. pl. 120; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 60. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. I. Europe, ii. pl. 126. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 121; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 62. Europe, ii. pl. 124. Europe, ii. pl. 123. Europe, ii. pl. 128. Europe, ii. pl. 119; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 61. Europe, ii. pl. 122. Europe, ii. pl. 127. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 58. Asia, vii. pl. 65. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 44. Europe, iv. pl. 266. Icones Avium, pl. 10. Humming B., Suppl. p. 5. Europe, iii. pl. 202; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 45. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 21. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 21. 1 Slender-billed Stone. Curruca atricapilla cinerea conspicillata garrula hortensis. leucopogon melanocephala . nisoria orphea ruppelli sarda. curruca, Sylvia. Cursorius coromandelicus gallicus isabellinus rufus. curvipennis, Sphenoproctus. curvirostra, Loxia . Cuscus brevicaudatus. Short-tailed . . . . . 86 87. . Cushat Cutia, Nepal nepalensis cuvieri, Campylopterus Podargus Rhamphastos Cuvier's Podargus. Sabre-wing Toucan Cyanalcyon macleayi cyanea, Cyanopica Hylocharis : Irena . Monticola Petrocincla Pica Pitta Cyanecula leucocyanea suecica cyaneipectus, Sternoclyta cyaneiventer, Tesia cyaneus, Circus Malurus. . . Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. Asia, iii. pl. 67. Asia, iii. pl. 67. Humming B. ii. pl. 52. Australia, ii. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 87. Toucans, (1) pl. 2, (2) pl. 8. Australia, ii. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. Humming B. ii. pl. 52. Toucans, (1) pl. 2, (2) pl. 8. Handb. i. p. 133. Europe, iii. pl. 217. Humming B. v. pl. 344. Asia, iii. pl. 19. Europe, ii. pl. 87. Europe, ii. pl. 87. Europe, üi. pl. 217. Asia, v. pl. 80. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 50. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 49. Humming B. ii. pl. 58. Asia, iv. pl. 1. Europe, i. pl. 33; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 26. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iii. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 317. Europe, iii. pl. 153. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 43. Humming B. v. pl. 323. Humming B. v. pl. 286. Asia, vi. pl. 3. New Guinea, ii. pl. 21. Humming B. v. pl. 288. Asia, iii. pl. 22. Humming B., Suppl. p. 93. Australia, Suppl. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 52. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 41. Humming B. v. pl. 286. Humming B. v. pl. 288. Parus. Petrocossyphus cyanifrons, Saucerottia cyanocephala, Cyanomyia Palæornis , Todopsis cyanocollis, Cyanomyia cyanogaster, Irena. cyanogenys, Eucephala Platycercus . . cyanolæmus, Oxypogon Cyanomyia cyanocephala cyanocollis • 87 . . . . . Cyanomyia franciæ quadricolor violiceps cyanonota, Pitta cyanopogon, Calothorax. Phyllornis cyanops, Sula cyanopus, Numenius cyanotis, Entomyza Petasophora cyanura, Amazilia . Pitta. cyanuroptera, Siva cyanurus, Cynanthus . cyanus, Parus. Petrocossyphus cyclops, Strix Cyclopsitta aruensis cervicalis. coccineifrons coxeni diophthalma maccoyi melanogenys occidentalis suavissima Cygnus atratus. bewickii . ! ferus mansuetus minor. olor Cymbirhynchus affinis : macrorhynchus . Cynanthus bolivianus. cælestis cyanurus . griseiventris. Humming B. v. pl. 287. Humming B. v. pl. 284. Humming B. v. pl. 285. New Guinea, iv. pl. 29. Humming B. iii. pl. 143. Asia, iii. pl. 18. Handb. ii. p. 506. Handb. ii. p. 277. Australia, iv. pl. 68; Handb.i. p. 560. . Humming B. iv. pl. 228. Humming B. v. pl. 315. Asia, v. pl. 77. Asia, iv. pl. 19. Humming B. iii. pl. 172. Europe, iii. pl. 153. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 43. Synopsis, part iii. New Guinea, v. pl. 4. New Guinea, v. pl. 2. New Guinea, v. pl. 8. Australia, Suppl. pl. 65. New Guinea, v. pl. 3. New Guinea, v. pl. 7. New Guinea, v. pl. 6. New Guinea, v. pl. 1. New Guinea, v. pl. 5. Australia, vii. pl. 6. Europe, v. pl. 356. Europe, v. pl. 355; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 9. Europe, v. pl. 354. Gt. Brit. v, pl. 10. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 8. Asia, i. pl. 60. Asia, i. pl. 59. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 40. Humming B., Suppl. p. 56 . Humming B. iii. pl. 172. Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. . . . . . . . - 88 . Cynanthus smaragdicaudus. cynocephalus, Thylacinus Cyornis rubeculoides . Cypselus alpinus apus australis infumatus melba . murarius. pacificus Cyrtonyx massena . ocellatus . Cysticola, see Cisticola. Humming B. iii. pl. 173. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 53, 54. Cent. pl. 25. fig. 1. Europe, ii. pl. 53. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 3. Australia, ii. pl. 11. Asia, i. pl. 20. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 4. Europe, ii. pl. 53. Handb. i. p. 105: Odontoph. pl. 7. Odontoph. pl. 8. . Dabchick Dacelo cervina . . . gigantea gigas leachii tyro dactylisonans, Coturnix . Dafila acuta.. caudacuta D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise Perroquet dalhousiæ, Eurylaimus -, Psarisomus Dalhousie's Eurylaime Dalmatian Nuthatch. Pelican Regulus Damophila amabilis Black-throated. danaë, Tanysiptera. Daption capensis Darjiling Pigmy Woodpecker . Darter, New Holland. Europe, v. pl. 393; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 42. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 2; Aus- tralia, ii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 125. Australia, ii. pl. 18. Handb. i. p. 122. Australia, ii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 124. p Asia, i. pl. 51. Europe, iv. pl. 263. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 18. Europe, v. pl. 365. New Guinea, i. pl. 11. New Guinea, v. pl. 5. Icones Avium, pl. i. Asia, i. pl. 64. Asia, i. pl. 64. Europe, iii. pl. 235. Europe, v. pl. 406. Europe, ii. pl. 149. Humming B. v. pl. 341. Humming B. v. pl. 341. New Guinea, iv. pl. 49. Australia, vii. pl. 53 ; Handb. ii. p. 469. Asia, vi. pl. 26. Australia, vii. pl. 75 ; Handb. ii. p. 496. . . . 89 e Dartford Warbler. darwini, Pucrasia Darwin's Pucras Pheasant Dasylophus superciliosus Dasyornis australis brunneus. longirostris Dasyptilus pesqueti Dasyurus geoffroyi. hallucatus maculatus North Australian Spotted-tailed Variable viverrinus Daurian Mosque-Swallow daurica, Cecropis. Hirundo. davidi, Pterorhinus Deccan Wagtail Deceptive Oriole decipiens, Oriolus. decora, Paradisea. Decorated Wood-Star decoratus, Calothorax De Filippi's Hermit De Lalande's Plover-crest delalandi, Cephalepis delattrei, Campylopterus -, Lophornis De Lattre's Coquette . Sabre-wing Delattria clemenciæ henrica viridipallens delesserti, Garrulax Delessert's Garrulax Laughing Thrush. De L'Huys's Monaul . Europe, ii. pl. 129; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 59. Asia, vii. pl. 25. Asia, vii. pl. 25. Asia, vi. pl. 44. Australia, iii. pl. 32. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, iii. pl. 33. New Guinea, v. pl. 33. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 51. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 52. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 49. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 59. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 49. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 50. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 50. Asia, i. pl. 28. Asia, i. pl. 28. Asia, i. pl. 28. Asia, iii. pl. 55. Asia, iv. pl. 62. New Guinea, i. pl. 49. New Guinea, i. pl. 49. i New Guinea, i. pl. 27. Humming B. iii. pl. 146. Humming B. iii. pl. 146. Humming B. i. pl. 21. Humming B. iv. pl. 208. Humming B. iv. pl. 208. Humming B. ii. pl. 45. Humming B. iii. pl. 121. Humming B. iii. pl. 121. Humming B. ii. pl. 45. Humming B. ii. pl. 60. Humming B. ii. pl. 62. Humming B. ii. pl. 63. Asia, iii. pl. 48 Asia, iii. pl. 48. Asia, iii. pl. 48. Asia, vii. pl. 54. . . . . . N 90 . Delicate-coloured Mouse Delicate Owl. delicatula, Zosterops . delicatulus, Mus Strix. Delichon nipalensis delphinæ, Petasophora Demiegretta greyi. jugularis . Demoiselle, Numidian Dendrochelidon comatus coronata klecho . mystaceus wallacei Dendrocitta himalayensis rufa Dendrocygna arcuata. eytoni gouldi Dendrolagus inustus . Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 23. Australia, i. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 66. New Guinea, iii. pl. 62. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 23. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 66. Asia, i. pl. 31. Humming B. iv. pl. 229. Handb. ii. p. 309. Handb. ii.p. 307. Europe, iv. pl. 272. Asia, i. pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 21. Asia, i. pl. 22. Asia, i. pl. 24. Asia, i. pl. 23. Cent. pl. 43. Cent. pl. 42. Australia, vii. pl. 14. Handb. ii. p. 375. . Handb. ii. p. 374. . Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 50; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 49; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Odontoph. pl. 22. Odontoph. pl. 21. Odontoph. pl. 20. Odontoph. pl. 26. New Guinea, i. pl. 43. Humming B. v. pl. 289. Toucans, (2) pl. 43. Humming B. iv. pl. 279. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 29, 30; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Asia, vi. pl. 9. Toucans, (1) pl. 32. Icones Avium, pl. 12. Toucans, (1) pl. 32. ursinus Dendrortyx barbatus. leucophrys . macrourus dentatus, Odontophorus . dentirostris, Scenopæus De Oca's Amazili. derbianus, Aulacorhamphus -, Eriocnemis Halmaturus. Palæornis Pteroglossus derbyianus, Nyctidromus Derby's A raçari 91 . Derby's Groove-bill Puff-leg Wallaby . . . De Rham's Garnet Desert White-throat . desmaresti, Phalacrocorax Desmarest's Cormorant destructor, Cracticus . Vanga devillei, Amazilia . Deville's Amazili diademata, Yuhina Dial-bird. Chestnut-bellied Malaccan Diamond-bird, Allied Black-headed Forty-spotted Red-lored Spotted. Striated Yellow-rumped diardi, Harpactes Trogon Diardigallus prælatus Diard's Trogon 9 . Toucans, (2) pl. 43. Humming B. iv. pl. 279. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 29, 30; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Humming B. ii. pl. 61. Asia, iv. pl. 50. Europe, v. pl. 411. Europe, v. pl. 411. Australia, ii. pl. 52. Synopsis, part i. Humming B. v. pl. 313. Humming B. v. pl. 313. Asia, iii. pl. 64. Asia, iii. pl. 24. Asia, iii. pl. 26. Asia, iii. pl. 25. Australia, ii. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 163. Australia, ii. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 165. Australia, ii. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 160. . Australia, ii. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 158. p Australia, ii. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 157. Australia, ii. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 161. Australia, ii. pl. 41; Handb. i. P. 166. Asia, i. pl. 70; Trogons, (2) pl. 36. Trogons, (1) pl. 30. Asia, vii. pl. 21. Asia, i. pl. 70; Trogons, (1) pl. 30, (2) pl. 36. New Guinea, iv. pl. 4. New Guinea, iv. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 38. Asia, ii. pl. 37. New Guinea, iv. pl. 7. New Guinea, iv. pl. 5. New Guinea, iv. pl. 6. Australia, ii. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 581. New Guinea, iv. pl. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 39. Asia, ii. pl. 38. و . Dicæum æneum Brown cruentatum dorsale eximium. fulgidum geelvinkianum hirundinaceum. pectorale. pryeri. Red-backed. . . N 2 92 . . . Dicæum, Red-collared retrocinctum Swallow. tristrami. . Yellow-throated dichroura, Helianthea dichrous, Parus dicolorus, Rhamphastos . Dicranostreptus megarhynchus Dicrurus bracteatus Didunculus strigirostris. diemenensis, Acanthiza . . Asia, ii. pl. 36 Asia, ii. pl. 36. Australia, ii. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 581. New Guinea, iv. pl. 3. Asia, ii. pl. 37. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 19. Asia, ii. pl. 58. Toucans, (1) pl. 11, (2) pl. 14. New Guinea, i. pl. 51. Australia, ii. pl. 82 ; Handb. i. p. 235. Handb. ii. p. 556. Handb. ii. p. 556. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 54; Handb. i. p. 365. Australia, Intr. p. xxxi ; Handb. i. . . Alcyone . p. 141. p. , Synoicus. dimorpha, Ninox. Dingo dingo, Canis Dingy Podoces. Diomedea brachyura . cauta. chlororhynchos culminata exulans fuliginosa melanophrys diophthalma, Cyclopsitta Diphlogæna aurora hesperus. iris Diphyllodes chrysoptera gulielmi III. respublica speciosa. Dipper Asiatic Cashmere Australia, v. pl. 90; Handb. ii. p. 194. New Guinea, i. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. iii. pls. 51, 52. Mamm. Austr. iii. pls. 51, 52. Asia, v. pl. 63. Australia, vii. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 433. . Australia, vii. pl. 40; Handb. ii. p. 434. Australia, vii. pl. 42 ; Handb. ii. p. 437. Australia, vii. pl. 41; Handb. ij. p. 436. Australia, vii. pl. 38; Handb. ii. 427. Australia, vii. pl. 44. Australia, vii. pl. 43; Handb.ii. p. 438. New Guinea, v. pl. 3. Humming B. iv. pl. 248; Suppl. pl. 17. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 16. Humming B. iv. pl. 247. New Guinea, i. pl. 23. New Guinea, i. pl. 21. New Guinea, i. pl. 20. New Guinea, i. pl. 22. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 21. Asia, iv. pl. 25. . . . . 93 . . Dipper, Pallas's Sombre-coloured discolor, Lathamus Discura longicauda discurus, Prioniturus. dispar, Fuligula Diver, Black-throated Great Northern Northern Red-throated Diving Petrel D'Oca's Amazili Docimastes ensiferus. doerriesi, Iyngipicus . Doerries's Pigmy Woodpecker dohrni, Glaucis Dohrn's Hermit Domestic Swan domestica, Pyrgita domesticus, Passer . Asia, iv. pl. 22. Asia, iv. pl. 23. Australia, v. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 90. Humming B. iii. pl. 126. Asia, vi. pl. 15. Europe, v. pl. 372. Europe, v. pl. 394; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 44. Europe, v. pl. 393 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 43. Europe, v. pl. 394. Europe, v. pl. 395; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 45. Australia, vii. pl. 60; Handb.ii. p. 483. Humming B. v. pl. 289. Humming B. iv. pl. 233. Asia, vi. pl. 22. Asia, vi. pl. 22. Humming B. i. pl. 10. Humming B. i. pl. 10. Europe, v. pl. 354. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 1; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 32. Asia, i. pl. 32. New Guinea, iv. pl. 26. New Guinea, iv. pl. 25. New Guinea, iv. pl. 24. Australia, iii. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 426. Australia, iii. pl. 96. Australia, iii. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 427. Humming B. iv. pl. 278. Humming B. iv. pl. 278. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 51. New Guinea, i. pl. 2. New Guinea, i. pl. 2. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 33. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 34. Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Humming B. ii. pl. 87. Humming B. ii. pl. 88. Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. و domicola, Hypurolepis Donacicola hunsteini. nigriceps spectabilis Donacola castaneothorax flaviprymna pectoralis d'orbignyi, Eriocnemis D'Orbigny's Puff-leg. Dorcopsis bruni Doria's Goshawk doriæ, Erythrotriorchis Doricha bryantæ lyrura. Dorifera euphrosinæ . johannæ. ludoviciæ rectirostris . . 94 Dorifera veraguensis . dorsale, Dicæum Rhamphomicron dorsalis, Gerygone Halmaturus. . . و . Zosterops. D’Osery's Hermit. Dotterel. Dottrel, Allied. Asiatic Australian Black-fronted Double-banded. Hooded. Little Ring Red-capped. Red-chested. Red-kneed Ring Dottrell . Double-banded Araçari . Dottrel Double-collared Araçari . doubledayi, Circe. Doubleday's Humming-bird Double-eyed Perroquet . Doubtful Sparrow Toucan Trogon dougalli, Sterna Dove, Barred-shouldered Mrs. Sclater's Ground Peaceful. Placid Rock. Stock. Turtle Dove-like Prion Humming B., Suppl. pl. 22. Asia, ii. pl. 37. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 43. New Guinea, ii. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 26, 27; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 81. Humming B. i. pl. 23. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 43. Australia, vi. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 237. Handb. ii. p. 229. . Australia, vi. pl. 15; Handb. ii. p. 227. Australia, vi. pl. 20; Handb. ii. p. 232. Australia, vi. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 238. Australia, vi. pl. 18; Handb. ii. p. 231. Europe, iv. pl. 297. Australia, vi. pl. 17; Handb. ii. p. 235. Europe, iv. pl. 299. Handb. ii. pl. 240. Europe, iv. pl. 296; Handb. ii. pl. 231. Europe, iv. pl. 295. Toucans, (2) pl. 18. Australia, vi. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 238. Toucans, (1) pl. 16, (2) pl. 26. Humming B. v. pl. 339. Humming B. v. pl. 339. New Guinea, v. pl. 3. Europe, iii. pl. 186. Toucans, (2) pl. 5. Trogons, (1) pl. 4, (2) pl. 8. Europe, v. pl. 418. Handb. ii. p. 142. New Guinea, v. pl. 49. Handb. ii. p. 144. Handb. ii. p. 145. Europe, iv. pl. 245. Europe, iv. pl. 244; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 2. Europe, iv. pl. 246; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 4. Australia, vii. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 472. . . 95 . Downy Pycnoptilus Drepanornis albertisi. bruijnii. cervinicauda Dromaius irroratus novæ-hollandiæ. Dromicia, Beautiful. concinna. gliriformis Thick-tailed. Dromolæa opistholeuca . picata. Drongo, Arfak. New Ireland Spangled. dryas, Rhipidura Australia, Suppl. pl. 27; Handb.i.p. 348. New Guinea, i. pl. 11. New Guinea, i. pl. 12. New Guinea, i. pl. 10. Handb. ii. p. 204. Australia, vi. pl. 1; Handb. ii. p. 200. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 29. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 27. Asia, iv. pl. 26. New Guinea, i. pl. 50. New Guinea, i. pl. 51. Australia, ii. pl. 82 ; Handb. i. p. 235. Australia, Intr. p. xxxix; Handb. i. p. 242; New Guinea, ii. pl. 32. Asia, iii. pl. 61. Australia, iii. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 290. Australia, Suppl. pl. 16; Handb. i. Drymochares stellatus Drymodes brunneopygia superciliaris. p. 291. Drymædus beccarii New Guinea, iii. pl. 13 Dryocopus martius Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 73. dubius, Acanthorhynchus Synopsis, part ii. Duchess of Connaught's Parrakeet. New Guinea, v. pl. 11. Duchess of Leuchtenberg's Araçari. Toucans, (2) pl. 30. Duck, Australian Wild Australia, vii. pl. 9. Barrow's. Europe, v. pl. 380. Blue-billed Australia, vii. pl. 17. Castaneous Europe, v. pl. 368. Chestnut-breasted. Australia, vii. pl. 11. Eider. Europe, v. pl. 374; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 26. Eyton's Australia, vii. pl. 15. Ferruginous. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 21. Freckled. Australia, vii. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 367. . Golden-eye. Europe, v. pl. 379. Harlequin Europe, v. pl. 381; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 32. King Europe, v. pl. 375; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 27. Long-tailed . Europe, v. pl. 382; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 33. 96 Duck, Mallard. Mandarin Marbled. Membranaceous Musk. Pink-eyed Pin-tail Red-crested. Scaup. Shoveller Steller's Surf Tufted Western Whistling White-eyed . Gt. Brit. v. pl. 15. Asia, vii. pl. 69. Europe, v. pl. 373. Australia, vii. pl. 13. Australia, vii. pl. 18; Handb. ii. p. 381. Handb. ii. p. 372. Europe, v. pl. 365; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 18. Europe, v. pl. 369; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 22. Europe, v. pl. 371; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 24. Europe, v. pl. 360: Gt. Brit. v. pl. 14. Europe, v. pl. 372; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 25. Europe, v. pl. 376. Europe, v. pl. 370; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 23. Europe, v. pl. 372. Australia, vii. pl. 14. Australia, vii. pl. 16.; Handb.ii. p. 377; Europe, v. pl. 368; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 21. Europe, v. pl. 383. Europe, v. pl. 361; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 15. New Guinea, v. pl. 47. New Guinea, v. pl. 47. Asia, iv. pl. 62. Humming B. v. pl. 305. Humming B. v. pl. 305. Asia, iv. pl. 5. Asia, iv. pl. 6. Asia, iv. pl. 6. Asia, iv. pl. 5. Handb. i. p. 620. Europe, iv. pl. 329; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 69, 70. Humming B. iii. pl. 158, Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 37. New Guinea, iii. pl. 46. Humming B. v. pl. 340. Australia, iii. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 286. Europe, v. pl. 444. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 11. New Guinea, iii. pl. 60. White-headed Wild . ducorpsi, Cacatua . Ducorps's Cockatoo dukhunensis, Motacilla . dumerilii, Amazilia Dumeril's Amazili Dumetia albogularis . Buff-throated hyperythra . White-throated dumetorum, Cacomantis. Dunlin . . . dupontii, Tryphæna Dusky Antechinus Honey-eater. Humming-bird Robin. Shearwater Dusky-footed Rat. Dusky-fronted White-eye . 97 dussumieri, Turnix duvauceli, Harpactes . duvaucelii, Trogon Duvaucel's Trogon Dwarf Bunting Koel. dybowskii, Eriocnemis Dybowski's Puff-leg dyselius, Eriocnemis . Asia, vii. pl. 10. Asia, i. pl. 67; Trogons, (2) pl. 40. Trogons, (1) pl. 32. Asia, i. pl. 67; Trogons, (1) pl. 32, (2) pl. 40. Asia, v. pl. 7; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 25. New Guinea, iv. pl. 41. Humming B., Suppl. p. 68. Humming B., Suppl. p. 68. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. . . . . 9 > . Eagle, Bonelli's -> Booted Golden Imperial. Little. Little Australian Owl Sea Short-toed Spotted . Wedge-tailed Whistling White-bellied Sea- White-breasted Sea- White-headed Eared Grebe Owl, Scops. Long. Short. Pheasant, Chinese Earl of Derby's Groove-bill of Derby's Parrakeet. Eastern Goldfinch Great Horned Owl Scrub-Robin Europe, i. pl. 7. Europe, i. pl. 9. Europe, i. pl. 6; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 2. Europe, i. pl. 5. Handb. i. p. 11. . . Australia, i. pl. 2. Europe, i. pl. 37; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 30. i Europe, i. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 4. Europe, i. pl. 13. Europe, i. pl. 8; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 3. i Australia, i. pl. 1; Handb. i p. 8. Australia, i. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 20. p Australia, i. pl. 3. Australia, i. pl. 4. Europe, i. pl. 11. Europe, v. pl. 392; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 41. Europe, i. pl. 41. i Europe, i. pl. 39. Europe, i. pl. 40. Asia, vii. pl. 22. Toucans, (2) pl. 43. Australia, v. pl. 29; Asia, vi. pl. 9. Asia, v. pl. 17. Europe, i. pl. 38. Australia, Suppl. pl. 16; Handb. i. O 9 . p. 291. eburnea, Pagophila eburneus, Larus Gt. Brit. v. pl. 62. Europe, v. pl. 436. o 98 . Echidna, Hairy hystrix setosa , Spiny. Eclectus polychlorus . riedeli Ecuador Racket-tail Thorn-tail Train-bearer Ecuadorian Lance-bill Racket-tail Rainbow Sickle-bill Star-frontlet Tooth-bill Edible Swift, Queensland Edoliisoma montanum poliopse edwardi, Erythronota edwardsi, Otis. egertoni, Actinodura . Egerton's Actinodura Bar-wing egregia, Eupherusa Egret, Australian Great Great White Little. . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 3. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 2. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 3. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 2. New Guinea, v. pl. 31. New Guinea, V. pl. 32. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 37. Humming B., Suppl. p. 51. Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Humming B. iii. pl. 163. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 16. Humming B., Suppl. p. 1. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 23. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 3. New Guinea, iv. pl. 38. New Guinea, ii. pl. 7. New Guinea, ii. pl. 8. Humming B. v. pl. 318. Cent. pl. 72. Asia, iii. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 56. Asia, iii. pl. 56. Humming B., Suppl. p. 85. Australia, vi. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 301. Europe, iv. pl. 276. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 22. Europe, iv. pl. 277; Handb. ii. p. 305; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 23. Australia, vi. pl. 62 ; Handb. ii. p. 306. Australia, vi. pl. 57; Handb. ii. p. 303. Europe, iv. pl. 278. Australia, vi. pl. 59; Handb. ii. p. 305. Australia, vi. pl. 58; Handb. ii. p. 304. Handb. ii. p. 303. Europe, v. pl. 353. Europe, v. pl. 353. Europe, i. pl. 3. Europe, i. pl. 3; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 1. . . . Pied. Plumed . Rufous-backed. Sombre Spotless egrettoides, Herodias egyptiaca, Chenalopex Egyptian Goose Neophron Vulture . 99 Eider Duck Elanus axillaris Celebean hypoleucus. melanopterus notatus scriptus elegans, Amazilia . Callipepla Carduelis Emberiza Erythronota Euphema Euspiza Malurus. © . . Europe, v. pl. 374; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 26. Australia, i. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 53. Asia, i. pl. 12. Asia, i. pl. 12. Europe, i. pl. 31. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 1. Australia, i. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 55. Humming B., Suppl. p. 90. Odontoph. pl. 18. Europe, iii. pl. 196; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 12. Humming B. v. pl. 320. Australia, v. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 73. Asia, v. pl. 12. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 21, iii. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 324. Synopsis, part ii. Asia, ii. pl. 50. Australia, v. pl. 65. Handb. ii. p. 125. Humming B. v. pl. 347. Trogons, (1) pl. 3, (2) pl. 9. Humming B., Suppl. p. 90. Asia, v. pl. 12. Humming B. v. pl. 320. Australia, v. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 73. . . Odontoph. pl. 18. New Guinea, iv. pl. 31. Asia, ii. pls. 50, 65. Humming B. v. pl. 328. Humming B. v. pl. 328. Humming B. iii. pl. 155. Humming B., Suppl. p. 44. Asia, vii. pl. 23. New Guinea, i. pl. 8. Asia, v. pl. 66. Asia, iii. pl. 42. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Asia, v. pl. 66. Nanodes. Parus Peristera Phaps Sporadinus Trogon Elegant Amazili Bunting Erythronote Grass-Parrakeet Partridge Pitta Tit eliciæ, Chrysuronia Elicia's Golden-tail elisæ, Thaumastura ellioti, Atthis Calophasis Epimachus Pitta. elliotii, Trochalopteron Elliot's Amazili Ant-Thrush . . . . . 2 . . . 0 2 100 . • . Elliot's Flame-bearer Inca. Pheasant. Pitta. Promerops Topaz. Trochalopteron. elphinstonei, Palumbus. Elphinstone's Wood-Pigeon Elsey's Hapalotis Elvira cupreiceps . Emberiza aureola . buchanani cæsia . caniceps. cia. cinerea cirlus. Humming B., Suppl. p. 44. Humming B., Suppl. p. 26. Asia, vii. pl. 23. Asia, v. pl. 66. New Guinea, i. pl. 8. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 12. Asia, iii. pl. 42. Asia, vi. pl. 57. Asia, vi. pl. 57. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 3. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 53. Europe, iii. pl. 174. Asia, v. pl. 11. Europe, iii. pl. 181. Asia, v. pl. 6. Europe, iii. pl. 179.. Asia, v. pl. 8. Europe, iii. pl. 175; Gt. Brit. iii. . . . pl. 23. citrinella. Europe, iii. pl. 173; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 22. . . fucata hortulana lesbia. melanocephala miliaria. palustris pithyornus pusilla rustica Asia, v. pl. 9. Europe, iii. pl. 176. Europe, iii. pl. 178. Europe, iii. pl. 172. Europe, iii. pl. 171. Europe, iii. pl. 182. Europe, iii. pl. 180. Asia, v. pl. 7; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 25. Europe, iii. pl. 177; Asia, v. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 24. Europe, iii. pl. 183 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 29. Australia, iii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 429. . Asia, vi. pl. 49. Humming B. v. pl. 357. Humming B. v. pl. 299. Humming B. v. pl. 356. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 50. و schoniclus : Emblema picta. Embroidered Barbet. Emerald, Alice's Allied. Atala's Bar-tailed Bartlett's. . . 101 . 9 . . Emerald, Black-tailed Black-tipped Blue-headed Boucard's Brazilian Bright-tailed Brilliant-fronted Canivet's Colombian Coppery Cuckoo Glittering Green-headed Guiana Heine's Linnæus's Long-tailed Lucy's Miller's Osbert's Poortman's Riverine. Ruddy-breasted Short-billed. Snowy-throated Stübel's. Taczanowski's. Venezuelan. White-bellied White-breasted. White-tailed White-throated Emerald-fronted Humming-bird Emilii, Melidectes . Empress Humming-bird . Emu Spotted: Wren. Eniconetta stelleri Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. . Humming B., Suppl. p. 76. Humming B., Suppl. p. 81. Humming B. v. pl. 355. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Humming B. v. pl. 297. Humming B. v. pl. 351. Humming B. v. pl. 353. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 58. fig. 2. Asia, vi. pl. 46. Humming B. v. pl. 354. Humming B. v. pl. 295. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. Humming B. v. pl. 302. Humming B. v. pl. 350. Humming B., Suppl. p. 78. Humming B. v. pl. 296. Humming B. v. pl. 352. Humming B. v. pl. 358. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 51. Humming B., Suppl. p. 98. Humming B. v. pl. 298. Humming B. v. pl. 293. Humming B., Suppl. p. 99. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 52. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 58. Humming B. v. pl. 301. Humming B. v. pl. 292. Humming B. v. pl. 300. Humming B. v. pl. 294. Humming B. ii. pl. 92. New Guinea, iii. pl. 37. Humming B. iv. pl. 234. Australia, vi. pl. 1; Handb. ii. p. 200. Handb. ii. p. 204. Australia, iii. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 339. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 25. . . . . . و 102 enicura, Thaumastura Enicurus chinensis guttatus. maculatus scouleri Enneoctonus collurio. rufus. ensiferus, Docimastes ensipennis, Campylopterus Entomophila albogularis picta . . . . rufogularis. Entomyza albipennis . -- Blue-faced cyanotis. enucleator, Corythus. Pinicola . Eophona melanura personata Eopsaltria australis capito griseogularis Humming B. iii. pl. 157. Asia, iv. pl. 70. Asia, iv. pl. 69. Cent. pl. 27; Asia, iv. pl. 68. Cent. pl. 28; Asia, iv. pl. 71. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 15. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 16. Humming B. iv. pl. 233. Humming B. ii. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 532. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iv. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 530. Australia, iv. pl. 52. Australia, iv. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 563. Australia, iv. pl. 68. Australia, iv. pl. 68; Handb. i. p. 560. Europe, iii. pl. 204. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 44. Asia, v. pl. 19. Asia, v. pl. 18. Australia, iii. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 293. Australia, Suppl.pl.17; Handb.i.p. 297. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 12; Handb.i. p. 294. Australia, iii. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 296. Australia, Suppl. pl. 18. Synopsis, part iv. New Guinea, v. pl. 34. New Guinea, v. pl. 35. Australia, v. pl. 4. Humming B. iv. pl. 237. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 377. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 380. New Guinea, iii. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 65. Australia, iii. pl. 66 ; Handb.i. p. 380. Australia, iii. pl. 66. Australia, iii. pl. 64. . leucogaster. leucura parvulus. Eos fuscata. reticulata eos, Cacatua Helianthea. Ephthianura albifrons . aurifrons crocea Orange-fronted tricolor Tricoloured . White-fronted. 103 • . T||||| . Ephthianura, Yellow-breasted . Epimachus ellioti. - speciosus episcopus, Phaethornis epops, Upupa. Equatorial Lilac-throat eremita, Phaethornis. Eriocnemis alinæ assimilis aureliæ chrysorama cupreiventris derbianus d'orbignyi dybowskii dyselius godini isaacsoni. luciani lugens mosquera nigrivestris sapphiropygia simplex smaragdinipectus squamata vestita Erismatura australis Erolia, Red-billed. eryphile, Thalurania . Erythaca rubecula Erythacus rubecula erythacus, Pyrrhula Erythra quadristrigata Erythrauchæna humeralis erythrina, Erythrospiza - Myzomela erythrinus, Carpodacus erythrocephala, Cinclosoma Myzomela New Guinea, iii. pl. 14. New Guinea, i. pl. 8. New Guinea, i. pl. 9. Humming B. i. pl. 39. fig. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 238; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 12. Humming B. iv. pl. 269. Humming B. i. pl. 40. Humming B. iv. pl. 280. Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Humming B. iv. pl. 283. Humming B., Suppl. p. 67. Humming B. iv. pl. 270. Humming B. iv. pl. 279. Humming B. iv. pl. 278. Humming B., Suppl. p. 68. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. Humming B. iv. pl. 277. Humming B. iv. pl. 272. Humming B. iv. pl. 273. Humming B. iv. pl. 282. Humming B. iv. pl. 274. Humming B. iv. pl. 276. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 48. Humming B. iv. pl. 271. Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Humming B. iv. pl. 281. Humming B. iv. pl. 275. Australia, vii. pl. 17; Handb.ii. p. 379. Asia, vii. pl. 61. Humming B. ii. pl. 108. Europe, ii. pl. 98. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 48. Asia, v. pl. 39. Handb. ii. p. 343. Handb. ii. p. 142. TO Europe, iii. pl. 206. New Guinea, iii. pl. 65. only Europe, iii. pl. 206; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 43. Cent. pl. 17. DOJE Australia, iv. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 556. . . 9 104 O rosea © . . . erythrocephala, Psaltria . Asia, ii. pl. 64. - Pyrrhula Asia, v. pl. 36; Cent. pl. 32. erythrocephalum, Trochalopteron. Cent. pl. 17. erythrocephalus, Ægithaliscus Cent. pl. 30. fig. I. - Harpactes Trogons, (2) pl. 43. Parus. Cent. pl. 30. fig. I. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 33. erythrocnemis, Pomatorhinus . Asia, iii. pl. 33. Erythrodryas rhodinogaster Australia, iii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 276. Australia, iii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 277. erythrogaster, Petrocincla Asia, iii. pl. 8. Turdus Cent. pl. 13. erythrogastra, Monticola Cent. pl. 13. Petroica. Australia, iii. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 526. Ruticilla Asia, iv. pl. 36. erythrogenys, Pomatorhinus Cent. pl. 55. Erythrogonys cinctus Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, vi. pl. 21; Handb.ii. p. 240. Erythronota antiqua Humming B. v. pl. 316. edwardi :: Humming B. v. pl. 318. elegans Humming B. v. pl. 320. feliciæ Humming B. v. pl. 317. niveiventris Humming B. v. pl. 319. saucerottei. Humming B. v. pl. 321. sophiæ Humming B. v. pl. 322. Erythronote . Humming B. v. pl. 316. Elegant Humming B. v. pl. 320. , Felicia's . Humming B. v. pl. 317. Saucerotte's. Humming B. v. pl. 321. Sophia's . Humming B. v. pl. 322. White-breasted Humming B. v. pl. 319. Wilson's Humming B. v. pl. 318. erythronotus, Collurio Cent. pl. 12. fig. 2. erythropleura, Zosterops Asia, ii. pl. 35. erythroprocta, Ruticilla . Asia, iv. pl. 37. erythrops, Climacteris Australia, iv. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 602. erythropterus, Aprosmictus Australia, v. pl. 18. Lanius Cent. pl. 11. - ! Pteruthius Asia, ii. pl. 14. . . . . . 105 . erythropterus, Ptistes Erythropus amurensis vespertinus . erythropygia, Cecropis Hirundo. erythropygius, Accentor. Pericrocotus Pteroglossus erythrorhyncha, Microperdix Pica. Urocissa. erythrorhynchus, Rhamphastos Erythrospiza erythrina githaginea incarnata obsoleta. 9 rosea e Handb. ii. p. 37. Asia, i. pl. 8. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 20. Asia, i. pl. 29. Asia, i. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 43. Asia, ii. pl. 6. Toucans, (2) pl. 21. Asia, vii. pl. 3. Cent. pl. 46. Cent. pl. 41. Toucans, (1) pl. 3, (2) pl. 6. Europe, iii. pl. 206. Asia, v. pl. 31; Europe, iii. pl. 208. Asia, v. pl. 30. Asia, v. pl. 29. Europe, iii. pl. 207. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 20. New Guinea, i. pl. 2. Australia, vi. pl. 6; Handb. ii. pl. 213. Australia, Suppl. pl.59; Handb.ii.p.552. Humming B. ii. pl. 70. Humming B. ii. pl. 70. Australia, iii. pl. 81. Australia, iii. pl. 78. Australia, iii. pl. 80. Australia, iii. pl. 79. Australia, iii. pl. 83, Australia, iii. pl. 84. Australia, iii. pl. 82. Humming B. v. pl. 335. Humming B. v. pl. 333. Humming B. v. pl. 332. Humming B., Suppl. p. 93. Humming B. v. pl. 330. Humming B. v. pl. 334. Humming B., Suppl. p. 92. Humming B., Suppl. p. 91. . Humming B. v. pl. 331. . . Erythrosterna parva Erythrotriorchis doriæ Esacus magnirostris esslingi, Nestor estella, Oreotrochilus Estella's Hill-Star. Estrelda annulosa . bella. bichenovii oculea phaeton ruficauda temporalis Eucephala cærulea cæruleo-larvata. chlorocephala cyanogenys grayi . hypocyanea pyropygia scapulata smaragdo-cærulea, . . . . - P 106 . . . . . Eucephala subcærulea eucharis, Lesbia Eudromias australis morinellus Eudynamis flindersi Eudyptes chrysocome Eudyptula minor undina Eugenes fulgens spectabilis Eulabeornis castaneiventris Eulampis chlorolæmus. holosericeus jugularis Eumyias melanops Eupetes, Blue-bodied cærulescens . castanonotus Chestnut-backed Eupetomena hirundinacea hirundo . Euphema aurantia bourkii chrysostoma elegans petrophila pulchella splendida Eupherusa egregia eximia poliocerca euphrosinæ, Dorifera . Euplocamus lineatus . swinhoii. vieillotii . Euplocomus albocristatus eupogon, Metallura Eupsychortyx cristatus leucopogon Humming B., Suppl. p. 92. Humming B. iii. pl. 171. Australia, vi. pl. 15; Handb.ii. p. 227. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 43. Australia, iv. pl. 91; Handb. i. p. 632. Australia, vii. pl. 83. Handb. ii. p. 518. Handb. ii. p. 521. p Humming B. ii. pl. 59. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 13. Australia, vi. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 338. Humming B. ii. pl. 84. Humming B. ii. pl. 83. Humming B. ii. pl. 82. Cent. pl. 6. New Guinea, iii. pl. 4. New Guinea, iii. pl. 4. New Guinea, iii. pl. 3. New Guinea, iii. pl. 3. Humming B. ii. pl. 42. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 2. Australia, v. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 75. Australia, v. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 80. Australia, v. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 71. Australia, v. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 73. Australia, v. pl. 40; Handb. ii. Australia, v. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 77. . Australia, v. pl. 42; Handb. ii. 79. Humming B., Suppl. p. 85. Humming B. v. pl. 324. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 55. Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Asia, vii. pl. 14. Asia, vii. pl. 16. Asia, vii. pl. 15. Cent. pls. 65, 66. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Odontoph. pl. 9. Odontoph. pl. 13. . . . . p. 76. p. . . 107 . . Eupsychortyx leucotis parvicristatus sonninii. Euptilotis neoxenus Eurinorhynchus pygmæus europæa, Bonasia. Sitta europæus, Caprimulgus Nycticorax Troglodytes European Francolin Goatsucker Shoveller Eurostopodus albogularis guttatus. Odontoph. pl. 10. Odontoph. pl. 12. Odontoph. pl. 11. Toucans, (2) pl. 6. Asia, vii. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 251. Europe, iii. pl. 234. Europe, ii. pl. 51; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 1. Europe, iv. pl. 279. Europe, ii. pl. 130; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 63. . Europe, iv. pl. 259. Europe, ii. pl. 51; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 1. Handb. ii. p. 370. Australia, ii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 96. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 98. . i Asia, i. pl. 60. Asia, i. pl. 64. Asia, i. pl. 61. Asia, i. pl. 59. Asia, i. pl. 58. Asia, i. pl. 57. Asia, i. pl. 62. Asia, i. pl. 63. Icones Avium, pl. 1. Asia, i. pl. 57. Asia, i. pl. 58. Humming B. i. pl. 16. Humming B. i. pl. 16. Humming B. iii. pl. 200. Australia, ii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 119. Asia, v. pl. 12. Asia, v. pl. 14. Asia, v. pl. 13; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 28. Humming B. iv. pl. 267; Suppl. pl. 26. Humming B. pl. 265. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 25. Humming B. iv. pl. 266. New Guinea, iii. pl. 53. Eurylaime, Allied . Dalhousie's Great. Great-billed. Hooded Javan. Lunulated Red-backed. Eurylaimus dalhousiæ javanicus. ochromelas Eurynome Hermit eurynome, Phaethornis eurypterus, Avocettinus . Eurystomus pacificus. Euspiza elegans luteola melanocephala Eustephanus fernandensis galeritus leyboldi stokesi Euthyrhynchus flavigula . . . P2 108 . Euthyrhynchus fulvigula griseigula Eutoxeres aquila condamini heterura salvini Eutrygon terrestris evelinæ, Thaumastura Evening Humming-bird. ewingii, Ptilonopus Ewing's Fruit-Pigeon Warbler. Excalfactoria australis chinensis minima excubitor, Collurio Lanius Exile Grass-Warbler. Tit Warbler. exilis, Cisticola Orthorhynchus Psaltria eximia, Eupherusa eximium, Dicæum eximius, Platycercus . New Guinea, iii. pl. 54. New Guinea, iii. pl. 55. Humming B. i. pl. 3. Humming B. i. pl. 4. Humming B., Suppl. p. 1. . Humming B., Suppl. p. 3. 3 New Guinea, v. pl. 62. Humming B. iii. pl. 156. Humming B. iii. pl. 154. Australia, v. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 107. Australia, v. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 107. Australia, iii. pl. 55. Handb. ii. p. 197. Asia, vii. pl. 6. Asia, vii. pl. 7. Europe, ii. pl. 66. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 13. Handb. i. Asia, ii. pl. 63. Australia, iii. pl. 42. Australia, iii. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 350. Humming B. iv. pl. 207. Asia, ii. pl. 63. Humming B. v. pl. -324. New Guinea, iv. pl. 7. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 55. Australia, vii. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 427. Asia, vi. pl. 64. Handb. ii. p. 375. Australia, vii. pl. 15. Australia, vii. pl. 15. Handb. ii. p. 375. . p. 350. و . exulans, Diomedea exustus, Pterocles eytoni, Dendrocygna Leptotarsis Eyton's Duck Tree-Duck Fairy Blue-bird, Black-mantled Blue-mantled Bornean Indian Asia, iii. pl. 23. Asia, iii. pl. 22. Asia, iii. pl. 20. Asia, iii. pl. 21. 9 109 . Fairy Blue-bird, Malayan Fairy, Brazilian Cayenne. Colombian Green-throated Martin Penguin Prion Purple-crowned Sandpiper falcata, Pachycephala Falcinellus igneus falcinellus, Ibis Falco æsalon babylonicus. brunnea candicans chicquera concolor. frontatus. gyrfalco hypoleucus islandicus islandus jugger lanarius lunulatus. : melanogenys Asia, iii. pl. 19. Humming B. iv. pl. 214. Humming B. iv. pl. 213. Humming B. iv. pl. 217. Humming B. iv. pl. 215. Australia, ii. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 113. Australia, vii. pl. 85; Handb.ii. p. 521. Handb. ii. p. 473. . Humming B. iv. pl. 216. Australia, vi. pl. 35. Australia, ii. pl. 68; Handb. i. p. 213. Australia, vi. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 286; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 47. Europe, iv. pl. 301. Europe, i. pl. 24; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 19. Asia, i. pl. 4. Synopsis, part iii. Gt. Brit. i. pls. 13, 14, 15. Cent. pl. 2. Europe, i. pl. 25. . Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 10. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 16. Australia, i. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 24. Europe, i. pl. 19. Gt. Brit. i. pls. 11, 12. Asia, i. pl. 7. Europe, i. pl. 20; Asia, i. pl. 6. Handb.i. p. 29. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, i. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 26. Asia, i. pl. 3. Europe, i. pl. 21; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 17. i Europe, i. pl. 23. Asia, i. pl. 5. Europe, i. pl. 22; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 18. Australia, i. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 28. i Europe, i. pl. 27. Europe, i. pl. 26. Australia, i. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 28. . || ||||||| peregrinator peregrinus rufipes sacer subbuteo. subniger tinnunculoides tinnunculus. Falcon, Black و 110 . . . . . Falcon, Black-cheeked Greenland Grey. Gyr Hobby Iceland Jer Juggur Kestrel Lanner Lead-coloured . Lesser Kestrel Merlin Norwegian Peregrine Red-footed Red-naped Saker. Shaheen White-fronted Falcunculus flavigulus frontatus. leucogaster . Australia, i. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 26. Gt. Brit. i. pls. 13, 14, 15. Australia, i. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 24. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 16. Europe, i. pl. 22. Gt. Brit. i. pls. 11, 12. Europe, i. pl. 19. Asia, i. pl. 7. Europe, i. pl. 26. Europe, i. pl. 20; Asia, i. pl. 6. Europe, i. pl. 25. Europe, i. pl. 27. Europe, i. pl. 24. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 16. Europe, i. pl. 21 ; Gt. Brit. i. p). 17. . Europe, i. pl. 23. Asia, i. pl. 4. Asia, i. pl. 5. Asia, i. pl. 3. Australia, i. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 29. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, ii. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 228. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, ii. pl. 80; Handb. i. p. 229. New Guinea, iii. pl. 39. Humming B. ii. pl. 56. Europe, iii. pl. 237; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 64. Humming B. iii. pl. 151. Humming B. iii. pl. 151. Australia, ii. pl. 86; Handb. i. p. 244. New Guinea, ii. pl. 28. New Guinea, ii. pl. 29. Australia, ii. pl. 85; Handb. i. p. 242. Handb. i. p. 246. Handb. i. p. 240. New Guinea, ii. pl. 30. New Guinea, ii. pl. 33. Australia, ii. pl. 84; Handb. i. p. 240 ; New Guinea, ii. pl. 26. . . . . . fallax, Glicychæra. Leucippus familiaris, Certhia . fanny, Calothorax . Fanny's Wood-Star Fantail Flycatcher, Black Cockerell's Larat. Northern Pied Preiss's Rufous-backed. Rufous-breasted Rufous-fronted . . 9 111 Fantail Flycatcher, Timor Laut White-breasted. White-shafted Warbler. Fan-tailed Cuckoo. Flycatcher fasciata, Bettongia. Glyciphila Perameles Fasciated Hemipode . Honey-eater. . . . New Guinea, ii. pl. 31. New Guinea, ii. pl. 27. Australia, ii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 238. Europe, ii. pl. 113. Handb. i. p. 618. Australia, ii. pl. 86. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Australia, iv. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 499. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 8. Asia, vii. pl. 11. , . Australia, iv. pl. 30; Suppl. pl. 40; Handb. i. Odontoph. pl. 14. Asia, i. pl. 75; Trogons, (2) pl. 38. Asia, i. pl. 75; Trogons, (2) pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 56. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 4. Odontoph. pl. 14. Asia, vi. pl. 65. Asia, vii. pl. 11. Australia, ii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 258. Australia, Suppl. pl. 40; Handb. i. pp. 499, 507. . Partridge Trogon fasciatus, Harpactes Lagorchestes Myrmecobius Philortyx Pterocles. Turnix fascinans, Microca fasciogularis, Ptilotis . . p. 507. Fawn-breasted Amazili Bower-bird. Humming B. v. pl. 309. Australia, Suppl. pl. 36; Handb. i. . p. 454. . Kingfisher Sabre-wing Superb Warbler Wood-Shrike Fawn-coloured Bat Hapalotis Fawn-tailed Barbed-throat Flycatcher feadensis, Calornis. Fead-Island Starling . feliciæ, Erythronota feliciana, Juliamyia Felicia's Erythronote. Australia, ii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 125. Humming B. ii. pl. 50. Australia, Suppl. pl. 22. New Guinea, i. pl. 53. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 34. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 10. Humming B. i. pl. 14. New Guinea, ii. pl. 35. New Guinea, iv. pl. 14. New Guinea, iv. pl. 14. Humming B. v. pl. 317. Humming B., Suppl. p. 95. Humming B. v. pl. 317. . . 112 . Felicia's Humming-bird . Felt ferina, Fuligula Nyroca fernandensis, Eustephanus ferrocyanea, Myiagra . ferruginea, Lophophaps . ferruginifrons, Antechinus Ferruginous Duck ferus, Anser. Cygnus Festive Coquette fiber, Sula Ficedula hypolais . Field Calamanthus Ground-Warbler Reed-Lark Fieldfare. Field-Mouse Fiery Parrakeet Fiery-tailed Avocet Sun-bird. Fiery Topaz. Filander filifera, Hirundo filigera, Ptilotis Finch, Adams's Mountain Banded Grass. Beautiful Grass Bicheno's Black-cheeked. Black-rumped Bramble ... Brown-naped Mountain . Burton's. Caucasian Chestnut-breasted. Chestnut-eared. Citril. Humming B., Suppl. p. 95. . Europe, ii. pl. 76. Europe, v. pl. 367. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 20. Humming B. iv.pl. 267; Suppl. pl. 374. New Guinea, ii. pl. 36. Australia, Suppl.pl. 68; Handb.ii.p.137. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 36. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 21. Europe, v. pl. 347; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 1. Europe, v. pl. 355; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 9. Humming B. iii. pl. 124. Handb. ii. p. 507. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 71. Handb. i. p. 389. Handb. i. p. 389. Australia, iii. pl. 71. Europe, ii. pl. 76 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 35. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 22. Australia, v. pl. 30. Humming B. iii. pl. 201. Asia, ii. pl. 28. Humming B. ii. pl. 67. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 51. Asia, i. pl. 26. Australia, Suppl. pl.42; Handb.i.p.522. Asia, v. pl. 1. Australia, iii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 425. Australia, iii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 421. Australia, iii. pl. 80; Handb. i. p. 409. New Guinea, iv. pl. 25. Australia, iii. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 410. Europe, iii. pl. 188; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 35. Asia, v. pl. 4. Asia, v. pl. 16. Asia, v. pl. 25. Australia, iii. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 426. Australia, iii. pl. 87; Handb.i. p. 419. Europe, iii. pl. 198. 9 . . 9 . 2 113 > e . Finch, Crimson Crimson-winged Fire-tailed Forbes' Gouldian , Gouldian Grass Large Rufous-and-Black Long-tailed Grass. Masked Grass Mountain Northern Mountain Orange-rumped Painted Plain-coloured . Red-eared Red-eyebrowed Red-mantled Red-necked Mountain -, Red-rumped Mountain Red-tailed Rosy. Rosy-winged Sepoy Serin. Siberian Rose Snow. Spotted-sided White-breasted White-eared Grass Winter Yellow-rumped Finsch's Fruit-Pigeon finschii, Carpophaga . Fireback, Siamese Swinhoe's Vieillot's Fire-breasted Myzanthe. Fire-crested Wren Australia, iii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 451. Asia, v. pl. 28. Australia, iii. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 406. New Guinea, iv. pl. 23. Australia, iii. pl. 88. Handb. i. p. 420. New Guinea, iv. pl. 22. Australia, iii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 422. Australia, iii. pl. 91 ; Handb. i. p. 423. Europe, iii. pl. 188. Asia, v. pl. 2. New Guinea, iv. pl. 24. Australia, iii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 429. Australia, iii. pl. 85; Handb. i. p. 414. Australia, iii. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 407. . Australia, iii. pl. 82; Handb. i. p. 411. Asia, v. pl. 26. Asia, v. pl. 5. Asia, v. pl. 3. Australia, iii. pl. 84; Handb. i. p. 412. Asia, v. pl. 30. Asia, v. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 24. Europe, iii. pl. 195; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 38. Asia, v. pl. 27. Europe, iii. pl. 189. Australia, iii. pl. 86; Handb.i. p. 417. Australia, iii. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 427. Australia, iii. pl. 92, Europe, iii. pl. 190. Australia, iii. pl. 96 ; Handb. i. p. 428. New Guinea, v. pl. 65. New Guinea, v. pl. 65. Asia, vii. pl. 21. Asia, vii. pl. 16. Asia, vii. pl. 15. Asia, ii. pl. 40. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. 1; Gr. Brit. ii. 1 M . . pl. 70. Q 114 . > . p. 618. Fire-crown, Chilian Cinnamon Leybold's Fire-rumped Sapphire Fire-tailed Finch fischeri, Ptilopus Fischer's Fruit-Pigeon flabellifera, Florisuga flabelliformis, Cacomantis Flame-bearer, Broad-tailed . Elliot's Floresi's. Heloisa's. Henshaw's Lesson's Little . Rosy-throated Rufous Salvin's Torrid Flame-breasted Robin Flame-fronted Flower-pecker. Flamingo, Common flammea, Strix . flammeus, Pericrocotus, flammiceps, Ægithalus flammula, Selasphorus flava, Budytes Motacilla Ptilotis flaveolus, Platycercus Humming B. iv. pl. 265. Humming B. iv. pl. 267; Suppl. pl. 26. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 25. Humming B., Suppl. p. 92. Australia, iii. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 406. New Guinea, v. pl. 56. New Guinea, v. pl. 56. Humming B. ii. pl. 114. Handb. i. Humming B. iii. pl. 140. Humming B., Suppl. p. 44. Humming B. iii. pl. 139. Humming B. iii. pl. 141. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Humming B., Suppl. p. 43. Humming B. iii. pl. 138. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. 2. Humming B. iii. pl. 137. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. 1. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Australia, iii. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 282. Asia, ii. pl. 71. Europe, iv. pl. 287. Europe, i. pl. 36; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 28. Asia, ii. pl. 8. Asia, ii. pl. 71. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 4. Europe, ii. pl. 145. Australia, iv. pl. 42 ; Handb. i. p. 518. . Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 25; Handb. ii. p. 50. Humming B. ii. pl. 111. Australia, iv. pl. 41; Handb. i. p. 517. p. Europe, iii. pl. 195. Australia, ii. pl. 104; Handb. i. p. 274. Asia, vi. pl. 13. Humming B. ii. pl. 85. Australia, vi. pl. 65. . . flavescens, Panoplites Ptilotis Serinus Smicrornis flavicans, Prioniturus flavicaudata, Lafresnaya . flavicollis, Ardetta 115 . flavicollis, Butorides. Ixulus flavigaster, Micræca . flavigula, Euthyrhynchus Myzantha Ptilotis flavigulus, Falcunculus . flavinucha, Chrysophlegma . flavipes, Antechinus -, Platalea. Handb. ii. p. 315. Asia, iv. pl. 13. Australia, ii. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 261. New Guinea, iii. pl. 53. Australia, iv. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 578. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 508. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 2. Asia, vi. pl. 36. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 40. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7; Australia, vi. pl. 49. Handb. ii. p. 288. Australia, iii. pl. 96. Handb. i. p. 428. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 8. Australia, Suppl. pl. 5. Asia, iii. pl. 75; Icones Avium, pl. 6. Toucans, (2) pl. 29. Handb. i. Asia, v. pl. 50. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 23. Australia, Suppl. pl. 11; Handb. i. - Platibis flaviprymna, Donacola Munia flavirhynchus, Phalacrocorax flavirostris, Halcyon . Paradoxornis Pteroglossus Syma. Urocissa . flaviventer, Belideus Machærirhynchus 9 p. 135. و 9 p. 257. flaviventris, Platycercus . Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 48. Australia, Suppl. pl. 37; Handb. i. Sphecotheres p. 468. . . flavocincta, Mimeta flavocinctus, Oriolus flavogrisea, Pachycare flavopalliatus, Lorius. flavostriata, Ptilotis Flesh-footed Grosbeak Fleshy-footed Petrel. flindersi, Eudynamis. Flinders' Cuckoo . floccosus, Pycnoptilus Handb. i. p. 466. Australia, iv. pl. 14. New Guinea, iii. pl. 15. New Guinea, v. pl. 36. New Guinea, iii. pl. 50. Asia, v. pl. 21. Australia, vii. pl. 57; Handb.ii. p. 465. Australia, iv. pl. 91; Handb. i. p. 632. Australia, iv. pl. 91. Australia, Suppl. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 348. Q2 116 . . floresii, Selasphorus Floresi's Flame-bearer floriceps, Adelomyia Florikin, Lesser Florisuga atra flabellifera mellivora Flower-pecker, Bronze-shaded. Brown Fire-breasted Flame-fronted Geelvink Bay Legge's Long-tailed Müller's. Pryer's Red-backed. Red-collared Rosy-flanked Stout-billed. Tristram's Verster's. Yellow-throated fluminea, Porzana Flutterer, Abeille's Guimet's fluviatilis, Agyrtria Hydrochelidon. Locustella fluvicola, Lagenoplastes . Flycatcher, Allied Ashy-fronted Black Black-and-White Black-breasted. Black Fantail Black-fronted Black-spectacled. Blue Shining Humming B. iii. pl. 139. Humming B. iii. pl. 139. Humming B. iii. pl. 202. Asia, vii. pl. 57. Humming B. ii. pl. 115. Humming B. ii. pl. 114. Humming B. ii. pl. 113. New Guinea, iv. pl. 4. New Guinea, iv. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 40. Asia, ii. pl. 71. New Guinea, iv. pl. 6. Asia, ii. pl. 41. New Guinea, iv. pl. 11. New Guinea, iv. pl. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 39. Asia, ii. pl. 38. Asia, ii. pl. 36. New Guinea, iv. pl. 5. New Guinea, iv. pl. 9. New Guinea, iv. pl. 3. New Guinea, iv. pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 37. Australia, vi. pl. 79; Handb.ii. p. 339. Humming B. iv. pl. 211. Humming B. iv. pl. 210. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 51. Australia, vii. pl. 31. Europe, ii. pl. 102. Asia, i. pl. 33. Australia, i. Intr. p. x; Handb.i. p. 260. New Guinea, ii. pl. 15. Australia, ii. pl. 86. New Guinea, ii. pl. 17. New Guinea, ii. pl. 38. Handb. i. p. 244. . Australia, ii. pl. 96; Handb. i. pl. 263. New Guinea, ii. pl. 52. Australia, ii. pl. 88. . . 117 > Flycatcher, Bonaparte's Broad-billed . p. 258. . Brodie's. Brown Brown's. Buff-bellied Carinated Chat-like Chestnut-bellied Cockerell's Fantail Common Coppinger's. Fan-tailed Fawn-tailed. Forbes' Pied Frilled-necked Gray's Great Blue. Great-winged Grey-headed Ince's Paradise Kaup's New Guinea, ii. pl. 22. Australia, ii. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 256 ; New Guinea, ii. pl. 55. New Guinea, ii. pl. 44. Australia, ii. pl. 93; Handb. i. New Guinea, ii. pl. 45. New Guinea, ii. pl. 34. Australia, ii. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 262. New Guinea, ii. pl. 16. New Guinea, ii. pl. 57. New Guinea, ii. pl. 28. Europe, ii. pl. 65. New Guinea, ii. pl. 50. Australia, ii. pl. 86. New Guinea, ii. pl. 35. New Guinea, ii. pl. 39. New Guinea, ii. pl. 40. New Guinea, ii. pl. 24. Asia, ii. pl. 20. Australia, ii. pl. 93. New Guinea, ii. pl. 14. Asia, ii. pl. 19. Australia, Suppl. pl. 10; Handb. i. . . JJ TIL p. 251. Larat Fantail Large Frilled-necked. Leaden-coloured Little Frilled-necked. Macgregor's Misori Yellow . New Guinea Northern Fantail Orange-collared Papuan Yellow Paradise Pied. Pied Fantail Plumbeous Preiss's. New Guinea, ii. pl. 29. New Guinea, ii. pl. 41. Australia, ii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 252. New Guinea, ii. pl. 42. Asia, ii. pl. 22. New Guinea, ii. pl. 53. New Guinea, ii. pl. 21. Australia, ii. pl. 85; Handb. i. p. 242. New Guinea, ii. pl. 43. New Guinea, ii. pl. 54. Asia, ii. pl. 18. Europe,ii.pl.63.fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. pl.17. Handb. i. p. 246. Australia, ii. pl. 89. Handb. i. p. 240. . 118 . . 9 . Flycatcher, Pretty Australia, ii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 254. , Purple-backed New Guinea, ii. pl. 36. Red-breasted Europe, ii. pl. 64; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 20. Restless Australia, ii. pl. 87; Handb. i. p. 246. Richards's New Guinea, ii. pl. 46. Rowley's Blue. New Guinea, ii. pl. 20. Rufous-and-Chestnut New Guinea, ii. pl. 56. Rufous-backed Fantail New Guinea, ii. pl. 30. Rufous-breasted Fantail. New Guinea, ii. pl. 33. Rufous-fronted Fantail Australia, ii. pl. 84; Handb. i. p. 240 ; New Guinea, ii. pl. 26. Scaly-necked Pied. New Guinea, ii. pl. 49. Shining Australia, ii. pl. 91; Handb. i. pp. 249, 255. Southern White-faced . . New Guinea, ii. pl. 18. Spotted. Europe, ii. pl. 65; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 19. Sundara. Asia, ii. pl. 21. Timor Laut Fantail New Guinea, ii. pl. 31. Ugi Island New Guinea, ii. pl. 58. Wallace's New Guinea, ii. pl. 23. White-backed Pied New Guinea, ii. pl. 48. White-bellied. Australia, Suppl. pl. 13. White-breasted Fantail New Guinea, ii. pl. 27. White-collared Europe, ii.pl. 63. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii.pl.18. White-crowned New Guinea, ii. pl. 47. White-eared Australia, Suppl. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 264. . White-fronted. White-shafted Fantail White-spotted . White-tufted Wood Wood Fantail Yellow-bellied 9 • New Guinea, ii. pl. 37. Australia, ii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 238. New Guinea, ii. pl. 12. New Guinea, ii. pl. 51. Handb. i. p. 242. New Guinea, ii. pl. 32. Australia, ii. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 261; New Guinea, ii. pl. 13. Australia, Suppl. pl. 11; Handb. i. . Yellow-breasted p. 257. Flying Phalanger, Great Foolish Guillemot Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 22. Europe, v. pl. 396. 119 . . forbesi, Munia. New Guinea, iv. pl. 23. Ninox New Guinea, i. pl. 6. Rallicula New Guinea, v. pl. 70. Forbes' Hawk-Owi. New Guinea, i. pl. 6. Munia New Guinea, iv. pl. 23. Pied Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 39. Rail New Guinea, v. pl. 70. Fork-tail, Chinese Asia, iv. pl. 70. Lunated. Asia, iv. pl. 68. Scouler's. Asia, iv. pl. 71. Spotted Asia, iv. pl. 69. Fork-tailed Humming-bird, Great Humming B., Suppl. pl. 27. . Kite Europe, i. pl. 28. Liothrix. Asia, iv. pl. 15. Storm-Petrel Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. formosa, Anorthura Asia, iv. pl. 52. Sitta. Asia, ii. pl. 43. Formosan Bamboo-Partridge Asia, vi. pl. 72. Blue Pie Asia, v. pl. 46. Green Woodpecker Asia, vi. pl. 35. Hypsipetes Asia, iii. pl. 12. Jay Asia, v. pl. 58. Pitta. Asia, v. pl. 65. Spotted Woodpecker. Asia, vi. pl. 16. Whistling Thrush Asia, iii. pl. 28. formosum, Trochalopteron. Asia, iii. pl. 36. formosus, Pezoporus . Australia, v. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 86. Troglodytes. Asia, iv. pl. 52. forsteni, Meropogon Asia, i. pl. 39. Pitta. New Guinea, iv. pl. 30. Forsten's Bee-eater Asia, i. pl. 39. Pitta. New Guinea, iv. pl. 30. fortis, Athene. Synopsis, part iii. Pachycephalopsis New Guinea, iii. pl. 24. Forty-spotted Diamond-bird Handb. i. p. 160. p. Four-coloured Kingfisher New Guinea, iv. pl. 56. Fowl, Ceylon Spur Asia, vi. pl. 67. Painted Spur Asia, vi. pl. 69. Rufous Spur Asia, vi. pl. 68. . . . . 120 Fowl, Sonnerat's Jungle . frænata, Onychogalea frænatus, Macropus franciæ, Cyanomyia Francia's Azure-crown Francolin, European Geoffroy's - Sanguine Francolinus vulgaris franklini, Cyanops Megalæma Franklin's Barbet. fraseri, Glaucis Fraser's Hermit Fratercula arctica. fratercula, Mormon fraterculus, Phaethornis. Freckled Antechinus Bittern Duck fregata, Pelagodroma Fregetta grallaria . melanogaster Fregilus graculus . frenata, Ptilotis fretensis, Hirundo Friar-bird Helmeted Silvery-crowned Sordid Yellow-throated Frigate-bird, Great Small Frilled Coquette Frilled-necked Flycatcher --, Large Little. Fringilla burtoni cælebs Asia, vii. pl. 56. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 54. Monogr. Macrop. part i. Humming B. v. pl. 287. Humming B. v. pl. 287. Europe, iv. pl. 259. Asia, vii. pl. 42. Asia, vii. pl. 43. Europe, iv. pl. 259. Asia, vi. pl. 50. Asia, vi. pl. 50. Asia, vi. pl. 50. Humming B. i. pl. 12. Humming B. i. pl. 12. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 51. Europe, v. pl. 403. Humming B. i. pl. 18. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 39. Europe, iv. pl. 281. Australia, vii. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 367. Handb. ii. p. 482. . Handb. ii. p. 480. p . Handb. ii. p. 479. Europe, iii. pl. 219; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 62. New Guinea, iii. pl. 49. Handb. i. p. 110. Australia, iv. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 545. Handb. i. p. 547. Australia, iv. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 548. Handb. i. p. 550. Australia, iv. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 549. Handb. ii. p. 499. Australia, vii. pl. 72; Handb. ii. p. 499. Humming B. iii. pl. 119. New Guinea, ii. pl. 40. New Guinea, ii. pl. 41. New Guinea, ii. pl. 42. Asia, v. pl. 16. Europe, iii. pl. 187; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 34. 9 " 121 . Fringilla hyemalis montifringilla nivalis rhodochroa rhodopepla fringillarius, Accipiter Frontal Shrike-Tit frontalis, Hirundo Ionolaima Phænicura Ruticilla Sericornis Europe, iii. pl. 190. Europe, iii. pl. 188; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 35. Europe, iii. pl. 189. Cent. pl. 31. fig. 2. Cent. pl. 31. fig. I. Europe, i. pl. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 228. Handb. i. p. 107. Humming B. ii. pl. 92. Cent. pl. 26. fig. I. Cent. pl. 26. fig. I. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 359. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 10. Australia, ii. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 228. Europe, iii. pl. 224; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 60. Australia, Suppl. pl. 67; Handb. ii. UJU frontatus, Falco -, Falcunculus frugilegus, Corvus Fruit-Pigeon, Allied p. 111. . II . 2 . Ewing's Finsch's. Fischer's Knob-billed Lewis' Lilac-bellied Magnificent Massena New Ireland Purple-bellied Richards' Rusty-banded Solomon Island Superb Swainson's Tiny . Torres Straits Van Wyk's . Wallace's White-headed Yellow-tinted White. Australia, v. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 107. New Guinea, v. pl. 65. New Guinea, v. pl. 56. New Guinea, v. pl. 50. New Guinea, v. pl. 54. New Guinea, v. pl. 57. Australia, v. pl. 58; Handb. ii. p. 110. New Guinea, v. pl. 59. New Guinea, v. pl. 63. New Guinea, v. pl. 58. New Guinea, v. pl. 53. New Guinea, v. pl. 60. New Guinea, v. pl. 52. Australia, v. pl. 57; Handb. ii. p. 108. Australia, v. pl. 55; Handb. ii. p. 106. New Guinea, v. pl. 51. Australia, v. pl. 60. New Guinea, v. pl. 64. New Guinea, v. pl. 55. Australia, v. pl. 59; Handb. ii. p. 112 . New Guinea, v. pl. 66. . . UU R 122 . fucata, Emberiza fucosa, Aquila. fulgens, Eugenes fulgidigula, Bourcieria fulgidum, Dicæum fulgidus, Halcyon. Pharomacrus , Trogon Fulica atra. australis . fulicarius, Phalaropus fuliginosa, Coronica Diomedea Onychoprion Phalangista. Phæbetria Sterna Strepera . fuliginosus, Antechinus . Calamanthus . Asia, v. pl. 9. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 1. Humming B. ii. pl. 59. Humming B. iv. pl. 252. New Guinea, iv. pl. 5. Asia, i. pl. 46. Trogons, (2) pl. 3. Trogons, (1) pl. 24. Europe, iv. pl. 338; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 84. Australia, vi. pl. 74; Handb.ii. p. 329. Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 81, 82. Synopsis, part i. Australia, vii. pl. 44. Australia, vii. pl. 32; Handb. ii. p. 408. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 15. Handb. ii. p. 441. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, ii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 170. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 41. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 388. Australia, vi. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 217. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 27. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 5; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Europe, v. pl. 370; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 23. Europe, v. pl. 372. Europe, v. pl. 367. Europe, v. pl. 368. Europe, v. pl. 371; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 24. Europe, v. pl. 373. Europe, v. pl. 369. Europe, v. pl. 446; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 82. Asia, vi. pl. 31. Australia, iv. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 495. Asia, iii. pl. 71. New Guinea, iii. pl. 54. New Guinea, ii. pl. 34. Hæmatopus. Hydromys Macropus Fuligula cristata dispar. ferina. leucophthalma marila marmorata rufina. Fulmar Petrel. fulvifasciatus, Iyngipicus fulvifrons, Glyciphila Suthora. fulvigula, Euthyrhynchus fulviventris, Myiagra. 123 . • . > . fulvolavatus, Hydromys. Fulvous Beaver Rat Fulvous-fronted Honey-eater Suthora. fulvus, Vultur. funerea, Surnia Funereal Cockatoo Vampire funereus, Calyptorhynchus . Pteropus furcata, Thalurania furcatoides, Thalurania furcatus, Nauclerus Furze-Chat, Indian fusca, Gerygone Halcyon. Meliphaga Oidemia. Pachycephala Petroica. Ptilotis Sula fuscata, Eos fuscatus, Turdus fuscifrons, Zosterops. fuscipes, Mus. fuscoflava, Pachycephala fuscorufa, Rhipidura . Fuscous Honey-eater. fuscus, Larus Psilopus. Totanus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 25. Australia, iv. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 495. Asia, iii. pl. 71. Europe, i. pl. 1. Europe, i. pl. 45; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 35. i Australia, v. pl. 11; Handb. ii. p. 20. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 30. Australia, v. pl. 11; Handb. ii. p. 20. p. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 30, Humming B. ii. pl. 101. Humming B., Suppl. p. 39. Europe, i. pl. 30. Asia, iv. pl. 34. Australia, ii. pl. 98; Handb. i. p. 267. Asia, i. pl. 43. Synopsis, part ii. Europe, v. pl. 377; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 29. Synopsis, part iii. Australia, iii. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 286. p Australia, iv. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 520. Australia, vii. pl. 78. New Guinea, v. pl. 34. Asia, iii. pl. 1. New Guinea, iii. pl. 60. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 11. New Guinea, iii. pl. 18. New Guinea, ii. pl. 31. Australia, iv. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 520. Europe, v. pl. 431 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 56. Synopsis, part iv. Europe, iv. pl. 309; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 55. . . Gadwall. galactodes, Aedon. Salicaria. Sphenæacus Europe, v. pl. 366; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 19. Europe, ii. pl. 112; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 53. Europe, ii. pl. 112. Australia, iii. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 399. = R2 124 . . . galbanus, Garrulax Asia, iii. pl. 52. galbula, Oriolus Europe, ii. pl. 71; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 31. galeatum, Callocephalon Australia, v. pl. 14; Handb. ii. p. 29. galericulata, Aix Asia, vii. pl. 69. Galerita cristata Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 17. galerita, Cacatua Australia, v. pl. 1; Handb. ii. p. 2. galeritus, Eustephanus Humming B. iv. pl. 265. Plyctolophus Synopsis, part iv. gallicus, Cursorius Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 44. gallinacea, Parra Australia, vi. pl. 75; Handb. ii. p. 330. Gallinaceous Parra Australia, vi. pl. 75. Gallinago australis Handb. ii. p. 271. major. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 78. scolopacina. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 79. gallinago, Scolopax Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. 2. Gallinula chloropus Europe, iv. pl. 342 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 85. crex Europe, iv. pl. 311. phænicura Asia, vii. pl. 67. ruficrissa Australia, Suppl. pl. 79. tenebrosa Australia, vi. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 328. gallinula, Limnocryptes Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 80. Scolopax Europe, iv. pl. 322. Gallinule, Azure-breasted Purple. Australia, vi. pl. 70; Handb. ii. p. 322. Black-backed Purple . Australia, vi. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 321. . Common Europe, iv. pl. 312. Rufous-vented Australia, Suppl. pl. 79. Sombre Australia, vi. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 328. . Spotless Australia, vi. pl. 82. Galloperdix lunulosa Asia, vi. pl. 69. spadiceus Asia, vi. pl. 68. zeylonicus Asia, vi. pl. 67. Gallus sonnerati Asia, vii. pl. 56. gambelli, Callipepla . Odontoph. pl. 17. Gambel's Partridge Odontoph. pl. 17. Gambetta pulverulentus. Handb. ii. p. 268. Gang-gang Cockatoo . Australia, v. pl. 14; Handb. ii. p. 29. Gannet Gt. Brit. v. pl. 54. Australian Australia, vii. pl. 76; Handb.ii. p. 504. 9 . 125 p. 506. p. 509. Gannet, Black-tailed . Europe, v. pl. 413. Brown Australia, vii. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 507. Masked Australia, vii. pl. 77; Handb. ii. , Red-legged Australia, vii. pl. 79; Handb. ii. Solan Europe, v. pl. 412. Garden Warbler Europe, ii. pl. 121; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 62. Gardener Bower-bird New Guinea, i. pl. 46. Garganey Gt. Brit. v. pl. 17. Teal Europe, v. pl. 364. Garnet, De Rham's Humming B. ii. pl. 61. garrula, Ampelis. Europe, iii. pl. 160; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 21. Bombycivora Europe, iii. pl. 160. Coracias. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 11. Curruca. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 2. Myzantha .. Australia, iv. pl. 76; Handb. i. p. 574. Sylvia Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 2. Garrulax, Black-and-Yellow-billed. Asia, iii. pl. 51. Black-chinned Asia, iii. pl. 52. chinensis Asia, iii. pl. 54. delesserti Asia, iii. pl. 48. galbanus Asia, iii. pl. 52. gularis Asia, iii. pl. 49. leucolophus. Cent. pl. 18. picticollis Asia, iii. pl. 53. pæcilorhynchus Asia, iii. pl. 51. Red-crowned Asia, iii. pl. 50. ruficeps. Asia, iii. pl. 50. Yellow-throated Asia, iii. pl. 49. Garrulous Honey-eater Australia, iv. pl. 76; Handb. i. p. 574. Garrulus bispecularis Cent. pl. 38. glandarius Europe, iii. pl. 214; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 64. infaustus Europe, iii. pl. 215. lanceolatus Cent. pls. 39, 40. leucolophus Cent. pl. 18. striatus Cent. pl. 37. taivanus Asia, v. pl. 58. garrulus, Ampelis Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 21. Coracias. Europe, ii. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 11. - 126 Gartered Trogon garzetta, Ardea Herodias gaudichaudi, Sauromarptis . Gaudichaud's Kingfisher gayi, Layfresnaya . Gecinus occipitalis squamatus tancolo viridis Geelvink-Bay Dicæum geelvinkianum, Dicæum Gelinotte Gelochelidon anglica macrotarsa Trogons, (2) pl. 16. Europe, iv. pl. 277. Europe, iv. pl. 277; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 305. New Guinea, iv. pl. 52. New Guinea, iv. pl. 52. Humming B. ii. pl. 86. Cent. pl. 47. Cent. pl. 48. Asia, vi. pl. 35. Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 74, 75. New Guinea, iv. pl. 6. New Guinea, iv. pl. 6. Europe, iv. pl. 251. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 74. Australia, Suppl. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 403. Gennæus nycthemerus Gentian Kingfisher gentiana, Ceyx . Geobasileus chrysorrhous - reguloides Geocichla schistacea geoffroyi, Dasyurus Ithaginis Nyctophilus Schistes Geoffroyius heteroclitus simplex .. timorlaoensis Geoffroy's Dasyurus Francolin Nyctophilus Wedge-bill. Geopelia cuneata humeralis placida: Asia, vii. pl. 17. New Guinea, iv. pl. 46. New Guinea, iv. pl. 46. Handb. i. p. 374. Handb. i. p. 376. New Guinea, iii. pl. 1. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 51. Asia, vii. pl. 42. Mamm. Austr. iii. pls. 36, 37. Humming B. iv. pl. 218. New Guinea, v. pl. 28. New Guinea, v. pl. 29. New Guinea, v. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 51. Asia, vii. pl. 42. Mamm. Austr. iii. pls. 36, 37. Humming B. iv. pl. 218. Australia, v. pl. 74. Australia, v. pl. 72. Australia, i. Introd. p. lxxi; Handb.ii. . . p. 145. tranquilla Australia, v. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 144. 127 Australia, v. pl. 69. Australia, v. pl. 67; Handb. ii. p. 130. p Australia, v. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 133. Australia, Suppl. pl. 66; Handb.ii.p. 88. Asia, vi. pl. 66. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 11. Australia, vi. pl. 45. Australia, ii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 266. Handb. i. p. 267. . Australia, ii. pl. 101; Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, ii. pl. 102 ; Handb. i. p. 271. Australia, ii. pl. 99; Handb. i. p. 268. . . New Guinea, ii. pl. 11. Australia, ii. pl. 98; Handb. i. p. 267. Australia, ii. pl. 98. Australia, ii. pl. 100; Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 102 ; Handb.i. p. 271. Australia, ii. pl. 101; Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, ii. pl. 100; Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, Suppl. pl. 14. Australia, Suppl. pl. 14. New Guinea, ii. pl. 11. Australia, ii. pl. 99; Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 97; Handb. i. . p. 270. Geophaps plumifera . scripta smithii Geopsittacus occidentalis Georgian Black Grouse . germana, Petasophora Geronticus spinicollis Gerygone albogularis Brown Buff-breasted chloronotus. culicivora dorsalis fusca. Fuscous Great-billed Green-backed lævigaster magnirostris Masked personata Rufous-backed Western.. White-throated see also Warbler. Giant Humming-bird Petrel Trogon gigantea, Dacelo Ossifraga —, Procellaria gigas, Dacelo Patagona Trogon gilberti, Hypsiprymnus . ; I p. 268. p. 266. Humming B. iv. pl. 232. Australia, vii. pl. 45; Handb. ii. p. 413. Trogons, (1) pl. 28. Australia, ii. pl. 18. Handb. ii. p. 443. Australia, vii. pl. 45. Handb. i. p. 122. Humming B. iv. pl. 232. Trogons, (1) pl. 28. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 69 ; Monogr. Macrop. i. pl. 14. Australia, ii. pl. 71; Handb. i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 69 ; Monogr. Macrop. i. pl. 14. p. 216. Pachycephala Gilbert's Rat-Kangaroo . 128 . . Gilbert's Thickhead Gilt-crest githaginea, Erythrospiza glacialis, Colymbus Harelda. Mormon. Procellaria glacialoides, Procellaria . Thalassoica. glandarius, Cuculus. Garrulus Oxylophus Glareola grallaria. lactea melanoptera orientalis pratincola torquata. glareola, Totanus Australia, ii. pl. 71; Handb. i. p. 216. Humming B. iv. pl. 207. Europe, iii. pl. 208; Asia, v. pl. 31. Europe, v. pl. 393; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 43. Europe, v. pl. 382; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 33. Europe, v. pl. 404. Europe, v. pl. 446; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 82. Australia, vii. pl. 48. Handb. ii. p. 467. . Europe, iii. pl. 241. Europe, iii. pl. 214 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 64. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 69. Australia, vi. pl. 22 ; Handb. ii. p. 243. Asia, vii. pl. 64. Asia, vii. pl. 63. Australia, vi. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 245. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 46. Europe, ir. pl. 265. Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iv. 9 . pl. 57. Glaucidium cuculoides glaucion, Clangula Glaucis affinis dohrni fraseri hirsuta lanceolata mazeppa. melanura ruckeri glaucogularis, Mecistura glaucopis, Thalurania Glaucous Gull. glaucura, Pachycephala . glaucus, Larus. Glede Glicychæra fallax . gliriformis, Dromicia Glittering Emerald Cent. pl. 4. Europe, v. pl. 379; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 31. Humming B. i. pl. 7. Humming B. i. pl. 10. Humming B. i. pl. 12. Humming B. i. pl. 5. Humming B. i. pl. 8. Humming B. i. pl. 6. Humming B. i. pl. 9. Humming B. i. pl. 11. Asia, ii. pl. 69. Humming B. ii. pl. 99. Europe, v. pl. 432; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 57. Australia, ii. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 209. Europe, v. pl. 432; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 57. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 22. New Guinea, iii. pl. 39. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 29. Humming B. v. pl. 354. . . 129 1 glocitans, Querquedula . Glossopsitta australis porphyrocephalus. pusilla Glossy Ibis . p. . . Starling, Fead Island Long-tailed . Purple-throated Shining Slaty-grey Glottis canescens glottoides glottis, Totanus glottoides, Glottis -, Totanus . Glowing Puff-leg glyceria, Cometes , Sparganura. Glyciphila albifrons fasciata fulvifrons ocularis Europe, v. pl. 363. Handb. ii. p. 100. Handb. ii. 102. Handb. ii. p. 103. Australia, vi. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 286 ; Europe, iv. pl. 301; Gt. Brit.iv. pl. 47. New Guinea, iv. pl. 14. New Guinea, iv. pl. 12. New Guinea, iv. pl. 13. Handb. i. p. 477. New Guinea, iv. pl. 15. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 53. Australia, vi. pl. 36; Handb. ii. p. 265. Europe, iv. pl. 312. Australia, vi. pl. 36; Handb. ii. p. 265. Cent. pl. 76. Humming B. iv. pl. 275. Humming B. iii. pl. 176. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 39. Australia, iv. pl. 29; Handb. ii. p. 497. Australia, iv. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 499. Australia, iv. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 495. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6; Australia, iv. pl. 31. New Guinea, iii. pl. 46. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 27. Asia, v. pl. 11. Australia, v. pl. 76. Asia, ii. pl. 29. Europe, ii. pl. 51; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 9. Australia, Suppl. pl. 4. New Guinea, iv. pl. 40. Europe, ii. pl. 52. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 2. Australia, ii. pl. 8. New Guinea, iv. pl. 39. . . . . subfasciata subocularis. Glycispina hortulana Glycyspina huttoni Gnathodon strigirostris . goalpariensis, Nectarinia Goatsucker, European Large-tailed Marbled. Ocellated Red-collared Red-necked. Spotted Wallace's : . TIT . S 130 . . . D Goatsucker, White-throated Australia, ii. pl. 7. godini, Eriocnemis Humming B. iv. pl. 277. Godin's Puff-leg Humming B. iv. pl. 277. Godwit, Bar-tailed Europe, iv. pl. 306; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 51. - Barred-rumped. Australia, vi. pl. 29; Handb. ii. p. 252. . - Black-tailed Australia, vi. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 251; Europe, iv. pl. 305; Gt. Brit.iv. pl.50. Terek Australia, vi. pl. 34; Europe, iv. p. 307. goensis, Vanellus. Cent. pl. 78. Gold-crest, Himalayan Asia, iv. pl. 60. Golden-backed Parrakeet Australia, Suppl. pl. 64. Golden-bellied Beaver-Rat. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 24. Golden Bird of Paradise New Guinea, i. pl. 48. i Golden-crested Wren or Kinglet. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 69. Golden Eagle Europe, i. pl. 6; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 2. Golden-eared Honey-eater New Guinea, iii. pl. 51. Golden-eye . Europe, v. pl. 379; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 31. Barrow's. Europe, v. pl. 380. Golden-green Araçari Toucans, (1) pl. 29. Groove-bill. Toucans, (2) pl. 47. Golden-headed Train-bearer Trogons, (2) pl. 4. Golden Oriole. Europe, ii. pl. 71; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 31. Pheasant Asia, vii. pl. 19. Plover Europe, iv. pl. 294; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 38, 39. Plover, Australian Australia, vi. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 225. Golden-shouldered Parrakeet Handb. ii. p. 65. Golden Star-frontlet. Humming B. iv. pl. 237. Golden-tail, Elicia's Humming B. v. pl. 328. Humming-bird. Humming B. v. pl. 329. Golden-tailed Plumeleteer . Humming B. ii. pl. 90. Golden-throat, White-vented Humming B., Suppl. p. 86. . Golden-throated Humming-bird Humming B. iv. pl. 230. Golden-winged Bird of Paradise New Guinea, i. pl. 23. Goldfinch urope, iii. pl. 196; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 36. Eastern Asia, v. pl. 17. goldiei, Trichoglossus New Guinea, v. pl. 41. . . . . . 131 . p. 280. . 9 . . JUULI . . Goldie's Perroquet goodenovii, Petroca Petroica. Goosander Goose, Bean Beautiful Pigmy Bernicle. Brent. , Cereopsis Egyptian Green Pigmy Grey-Lag Grey-legged Wild Maned Pigmy Pink-footed. Red-breasted -, Semipalmated Snow. Solan. White-fronted Gorget Paradise-bird. Warbler. Gorgeted Partridge Sun Angel Goshawk Australian Black-mantled. Marquis Doria's New Holland Radiated West-Australian White goudoti, Sapphironia. gouldi, Bruchigavia Dendrocygna Lesbia Lophornis New Guinea, v. pl. 41. Synopsis, part i. Australia, iii. pl. 5; Handb. i. Europe, v. pl. 384; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 34. Europe, v. pl. 348; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 2. Australia, vii. pl. 4. Europe, v. pl. 350; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 5. Europe, v. pl. 352; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 7. Australia, vii. pl. 1; Handb. ii. p. 350. Europe, v. pl. 353. Handb. ii. p. 357. Europe, v. pl. 347; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 1. Europe, v. pl. 347. Australia, vii. pl. 3; Handb. ii. p. 354. Australia, vii. pl. 5. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 3. Europe, v. pl. 351; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 6. Australia, vii. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 352. Europe, v. pl. 346. Europe, v. pl. 412; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 54. Europe, v. pl. 349; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 4. New Guinea, i. pl. 17. Europe, ii. pl. 118. Odontoph. pl. 31. Humming B. iv. pl. 243. Europe, i. pl. 17; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 9. Australia, i. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 41. New Guinea, i. pl. 1. New Guinea, i. pl. 2. Australia, i. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 37. Australia, i. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 40. p . Australia, i. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 43. Australia, i. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 38. Humming B. v. pl. 345. Handb. ii. p. 388. Handb. ii. p. 374. p Humming B. iii. pl. 167. Humming B. iii. pl. 118. . . . و . . . s 2 132 . . . gouldi, Manucodia Mus Neomorpha Pteroglossus Scotophilus Selenidera Turdus Zosterops Gouldia æquatorialis. conversi lætitiæ langsdorffi popelairi. gouldiæ, Æthopyga Amadina. Cinnyris Nectarinia Poephila. Gouldian Finch Grass-Finch. Gould's Bat. Coquette. Manucode Neomorpha Short-wing Silver Gull Sun-bird. Thrush Toucanet Goulpourah Sun-bird Govinda Kite govinda, Milvus goyderi, Amytis Goyder's Striated Wren. Graceful Ground-Dove Honey-eater Ptilotis Superb Warbler Handb. i. p. 236. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 19. Australia, iv. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 530. Icones Avium, pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 40. Toucans, (2) pl. 32. Asia, iii. pl. 3. Handb. i. p. 588. Humming B., Suppl. p. 51. Humming B. iii. pl. 129. Humming B. iii. pl. 130.. Humming B. iii. pl. 128. Humming B. iii. pl. 127. Cent. pl. 56. Australia, iii. pl. 88. Cent. pl. 56. Asia, ii. pl. 26. Handb. i. p. 420. . Australia, iii. pl. 88. Handb. i. p. 420. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 40. Humming B. iü. pl. 118. Handb. i. p. 236. . . Australia, iv. pl. 19. Asia, iii. pl. 61. Handb. ii. p. 388. Asia, ii. pl. 26. Asia, iii. pl. 3. Toucans, (2) pl. 32. Asia, ii. pl. 29. Asia, i. pl. 11. Asia, i. pl. 11. New Guinea, iii. pl. 8. New Guinea, iii. pl. 8. Australia, v. pl. 74. Australia, iv. pl. 39. Handb. i. p. 515. Handb. i. p. 324. . 133 . . 9 Graceful Tern. Train-bearer Trogon Wren. gracilis, Lesbia. Sterna graculina, Strepera graculus, Fregilus. Phalacrocorax Grakle, Tristran's grallaria, Fregetta Glareola . grallarius, Edicnemus Grallina australis . bruijnii Bruijn's picata. Pied Gramatoptila striata gramineus, Lampornis Sphen@acus. granatina, Pitta Grand Niltava. Grandala, Celestial cælicolor. grandis, Alcedo Bucco Munia Niltava Grass-bird, Little . Tawny Grass-Finch, Banded . Beautiful Gouldian Long-tailed Masked. White-eared Grass-green-breasted Carib . Australia, vii. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 399. Humming B. iii. pl. 168. Trogons, (1) pl. 3, (2) pls. 9, 15. Australia, iii. pl. 22. Humming B. iii. pl. 168. Australia, vii. pl. 27; Handb.ii. p. 399. Australia, ii. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 168. p Europe, iii. pl. 219; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 62. Europe, iv. pl. 408; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 53. Asia, v. pl. 45. Handb. ii. p. 480. Australia, vi. pl. 22; Handb. ii. p. 243. . Australia, vi. pl. 5; Handb. ii. p. 210. Australia, ii. pl. 54. New Guinea, iii. pl. 11. New Guinea, iii. pl. 11. Handb. i. p. 188. . Australia, ii. pl. 54; Handb. i. p. 188. Cent. pl. 37. Humming B. ii. pl. 77. Australia, iii. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 400. p Asia, v. pl. 67. Asia, ii. pl. 20. Asia, iv. pl. 35. Asia, iv. pl. 35. Asia, i. pl. 52. Cent. pl. 46. New Guinea, iv. pl. 22. Asia, ii. pl. 20. Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 399. Australia, iii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 425. Australia, iii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 421. Handb. i. p. 420. Australia, iii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 422. p Australia, iii. pl. 91; Handb. i. p. 423. Australia, iii. pl. 92 ; Handb. i. p. 424. Humming B. ii. pl. 84. o . . p. 400. 134 . 9 Grasshopper Warbler Grass-loving Warbler Grass-Owl Grass-Parrakeet, Blue-banded . Bourke's. Chestnut-shouldered . Elegant . Orange-bellied Rock. Splendid Warbling Grass-Warbler, Exile Great Lineated. Rufous-headed Square-tailed Graucalus axillaris Black-faced. Ground hypoleucus maforensis melanops . Europe, ii. pl. 103; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 78. Australia, iii. pl. 36. Australia, Suppl. pl. 1 ; Asia, i. pl. 18. Australia, v. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 71. Australia, v. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 80. Australia, v. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 77. Australia, v. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 73. Australia, v. pl. 39. Australia, v. pl. 40. Australia, v. pl. 42; Handb. ii. p. 79. Australia, v. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 81. Handb. i. p. 350. Handb. i. p. 349. Handb. i. p. 351. Handb. i. p. 353. Handb. i. p. 352. New Guinea, ii. pl. 5. Australia, ii. pl. 55 ; Handb. i. p. 192. Australia, ii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 199. Australia, ii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 196. New Guinea, ii. pl. 6. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 55; Handb. i. p. 192. Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 56; Handb. i. p. 195. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, i. Introd. p. XXXV; Handb.i. p. 194. New Guinea, ii. pl. 4. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 197. Australia, ii. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 197. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, ii. pl. 56; Handb. i. p. 195. Australia, ii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 196. . melanotis mentalis . parvirostris. pusillus swainsoni . Swainson's tenuirostris. Varied White-bellied see also Cuckoo-Shrike. grayi, Bettongia Eucephala . Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 64. Humming B. v. pl. 330. و 135 . . . grayi, Todopsis Gray's Jerboa-Kangaroo Todopsis. graysoni, Amazilia Grayson's Amazili Great Acanthiza Alcedo Auk Great-billed Black Cockatoo Blue Pie Cockatoo Eurylaime Gerygone Heron Warbler. Great Black-backed Gull Black Woodpecker New Guinea, ii. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 64. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 24. Humming B., Suppl. p. 87. Humming B., Suppl. p. 87. Australia, Suppl. pl. 28; Handb.i.p. 373. Asia, i. pl. 52. Europe, v. pl. 400; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 46. Handb. ii. p. 15. . Asia, v. pl. 49. Australia, v. pl. 8. Asia, i. pl. 59. Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, vi. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 296. Australia, ii. pl. 100. Europe, v. pl. 430; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 55. Europe, iii. pl. 225; Gt. Brit. iii. . pl. 73. . o . Bower-bird. Australia, iv. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 448. Brown Kingfisher. Australia, ii. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 122. p Bustard . Europe, iv. pl. 267; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 17. Cinereous Owl. Europe, i. pl. 42. Great-crested Coquette Humming B. iii. pl. 120. Great Crested Grebe Europe, v. pl. 388; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 58. Crow-Shrike Australia, ii. pl. 42. Egret. Europe, iv. pl. 276. Eurylaime Asia, i. pl. 61. Flying Phalanger. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 22. Great-footed Bat Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 47. Tern. Australia, Suppl. pl. 81. Great Forked-tailed Humming-bird Humming B., Suppl. pl. 27. Frigate-bird Handb. ii. p. 499. Grass-Warbler Handb. i. p. 349. Grey Heron Australia, vi. pl. 55. Grey Kangaroo Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 1, 2; Monogr. Macrop. i. pl. 1. Grey Petrel. Australia, vii. pl. 47; Handb.ii. p. 446. p. Grey Shrike Europe, ii. pl. 67; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 13. 136 . p. 68. Great Horned Owl Eastern Jacobin Great-leaved Horse-shoe Bat Great Northern Diver Owl of the Brushes Palm-Cockatoo Pericrocotus Pied Wagtail Pitta. Promerops Racket-tailed Parrot Red Kangaroo . Europe, i. pl. 37. Europe, i. pl. 38. Humming B. ii. pl. 114. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 33. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 43. Handb. i. Australia, Suppl. pl. 61; Handb. ii.p. 27. Asia, ii. pl. 7. Asia, iv. pl. 61. New Guinea, iv. pl. 27. New Guinea, i. pl. 9. Asia, vi. pl. 13. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 6, 7; Monogr. Macrop. i. pl. 2. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Australia, vi. pl. 33; Handb.ii. p. 260. Europe, ii. pl. 106. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 83. Europe, ii. pl. 66. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 389. Europe, iv. pl. 320; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 78. Europe, iii. pl. 241. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 70. Handb. ii. p. 2. . Handb. i. p. 636. Europe, iii. pl. 150; Gt. Brit. ii. . Rock Wallaby - Sandpiper Sedge-Warbler. Shearwater Shrike Skua. Snipe. Spotted Cuckoo Spotted Woodpecker. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Great-tailed Coucal . Great Tit . pl. 23. Warbler Wattled Honey-eater. White-capped Redstart . White Egret Great-winged Flycatcher Petrel Greater Bird of Paradise Grebe, Australian Tippet Black-throated. Eared. Great Crested. Australia, iii. pl. 41; Suppl. pl. 28. Australia, iv. pl. 54. Asia, iv. pl. 36. Europe, iv. pl. 276; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 22. Australia, ii. pl. 93. Handb. ii. p. 449. New Guinea, i. pl. 30. Australia, vii. pl. 80; Handb. ii. p. 511. Australia, vii. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. :13. Europe, v. pl. 391; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 41. Europe, v. pl. 388 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 38. . . . 137 . . e . . Grebe, Hoary-headed Horned Little. Red-necked. Greek Partridge Green Araçari. Green-and-Blue Crest Sapphire Green-backed Gerygone Lorikeet. Warbler. White-eye Zosterops Green-bellied Amazili Green-billed Toucan. Green-breasted Carib Puff-leg. Sapphironia Green Cochoa . Cormorant Green-crowned Brilliant Wood-Nymph Greenfinch Green-fronted Azure-crown Lance-bill Green Grosbeak Green-headed Emerald Sapphire Greenland Falcon. Green Lory Manucode Pigeon, Little Long-billed . Pigmy Goose Sandpiper Australia, vii. pl. 82; Handb. ii. p. 512. Europe, v. pl. 390; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 40. Europe, v. pl. 392; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 42. Europe, v. pl. 389; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 39. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. 2. Toucans, (1) pl. 21, (2) pl. 24. Humming B. iv. pl. 206. Humming B. v. pl. 331. Handb. i. p. 271. New Guinea, v. pl. 17. Australia, ii. pl. 102. Australia, iv. pl. 82. Handb. i. P. 588. Humming B. v. pl. 314. Toucans, (2) pl. 14. Humming B. ii. pl. 83. Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Humming B. v. pl. 345. Asia, ii. pl. 1. Europe, v. pl. 410. Humming B. ii. pl. 94. Humming B. ii. pl. 107. Europe, iii. pl. 200; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 39. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 49. Humming B. ii. pl. 88. Europe, iii. pl. 200. Humming B. v. pl. 295. Humming B. v. pl. 332. Gt. Brit. i. pls. 13, 14, 15. New Guinea, v. pl. 31. New Guinea, i. pl. 34. Handb. ii. p. 118. Handb. ii. p. 119. Handb. ii. p. 357. Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. I; Gt. Brit. iv. . . . pl. 56. Greenshank . Europe, iv. pl. 312; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 53 ; Handb. ii. p. 265. Australia, vi. pl. 36. Australian T 138 . . Green-spangled Humming-bird Humming B., Suppl. p. 66. p Green-tailed Hermit. Humming B. i. pl. 33. Humming-bird Humming B. iv. pl. 231. Sylph Humming B. iii. pl. 173. Train-bearer Humming B., Suppl. p. 53. Green-throated Cacique Humming B. ii. pl. 63. Fairy . Humming B. iv. pl. 215. Inca Humming B. iv. pl. 252. Mango Humming B. ii. pl. 77. Green Woodpecker Europe, iii. pl. 226; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 74, 75. Formosan Asia, vi. pl. 35. Grey-headed Europe, iii. pl. 227. gregarius, Vanellus. Europe, iv. pl. 292. Grey-backed Storm-Petrel Australia, vii. pl. 64; Handb. ii. p. 476. White-eye Australia, iv. pl. 81. Zosterops Handb. i. p. 587. Grey-banded Laughing Thrush Asia, iii. pl. 53. Grey-bellied Rail . New Guinea, v. pl. 71. Train-bearer Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. Grey-breasted Araçari Toucans, (1) pl. 19. Hill Toucan Toucans, (2) pl. 38. Robin Australia, iii. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 294. White-eye Australia, Suppl. pl. 49. Wood-Swallow Australia, ii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 147. Zosterops Handb. ii. p. 538. Grey-capped Bunting Asia, v. pl. 6. Stone-Chat. Asia, iv. pl. 28. Wagtail. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 5. Grey-chested Bird of Paradise New Guinea, i. pl. 27. Grey-crowned Paradoxornis Asia, iii. pl. 77. Grey Crow-Shrike Australia, ii. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 173. Grey-faced Cuckoo-Shrike . New Guinea, ii. pl. 8. Grey Falcon Australia, i. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 24. Grey-headed Blackbird . Australia, Suppl. pl. 30; Handb. ii. App. p. 528. Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 14. Green Woodpecker Europe, iii. pl. 227. Parrakeet Asia, vi. pl. 5. . . . 1 139 . Grey-headed Pigmy Woodpecker. Asia, vi. pl. 27. Pteruthius Asia, ii. pl. 13. Staphidia Asia, iv. pl. 8. Vampire Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 28. Wagtail . Europe, ii. pl. 146 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 4. Grey Kangaroo, Great Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 1, 2. Grey-lag Goose Gt. Brit. v. pl. 1. Grey-legged Wild Goose Europe, v. pl. 347. Grey-naped Otidiphaps. New Guinea, v. pl. 61. Grey Noddy Australia, vii. pl. 37; Handb.ii. p. 420. Pericrocotus Asia, ii. pl. 11. Phalarope Europe, iv. pl. 337; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 81, 82. Plover Australia, vi. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 224; Europe, iv. pl. 290; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 36, 37. Grey-rumped Sandpiper Australia, vi. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 268. p. Grey Shrike, Great Europe, ii. pl. 67. Lesser Europe, ii. pl. 68. Grey-sided White-eye New Guinea, iii. pl. 62. Grey Snipe. Europe, iv. pl. 323. Stripe-tail Humming B., Suppl. pl. 55. Struthidea Australia, iv. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 472. Grey-tailed Humming-bird. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 7. Thickhead Australia, ii. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 209. Grey Thickhead New Guinea, iii. pl. 26. Grey-throated Hermit Humming B. i. pl. 36. Pericrocotus Asia, ii. pl. 3. Thickhead New Guinea, iii. pl. 24. Grey Tit. Asia, ii. pl. 58. Wagtail. Europe, ii. pl.147; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 6, 7. Grey-winged Honey-eater New Guinea, iii. pl. 56. Merula Asia, iii. pl. 7. greyi, Demiegretta Handb. ii. p. 309. Halmaturus Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 18, 19. Herodias Australia, vi. pl. 61. Scotophilus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 45. Greyish-white Mouse Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 21. Grey's Scotophilus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 45. . . . . T2 140 Grey's Wallaby Griffon Vulture griseigula, Euthyrhynchus griseiventris, Cynanthus griseogularis, Eopsaltria . . . Pericrocotus Phaethornis. griseopygius, Totanus griseus, Macrorhamphus —, Nycticorax grisola, Butalis , Muscicapa Groove-bill. Black-throated. Blood-rumped Blue-banded Blue-throated Chestnut-billed Earl of Derby's Golden-green , Wagler's White-banded. Groove-billed Cormorant Grooved-bill Araçari . Grosbeak, Allied. Black-and-Yellow. Black-tailed Burton's. Caucasian Flesh-footed Green Icterine Masked Pine Red-mantled Rosy Scarlet Siberian Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 18, 19. Europe, i. pl. 1. New Guinea, iii. pl. 55. Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 2; Australia, iii. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 294. Asia, ii. pl. 3. Humming B. i. pl. 36. Australia, vi. pl. 38. Europe, iv. pl. 323; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 76. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 26. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 19. Europe, ii. pl. 65. Toucans, (2) pl. 42. Toucans, (2) pl. 50. Toucans, (1) pl. 33. Toucans, (2) pl. 46. Toucans, (2) pl. 45. Toucans, (2) pl. 44. Toucans, (2) pl. 43. Toucans, (2) pl. 47. Toucans, (2) pl. 48. Toucans, (2) pl. 49. Australia, vii. pl. 67. Toucans, (1) pl. 31. Asia, v. pl. 23. Asia, v. pl. 20. Asia, v. pl. 19. Asia, v. pl. 16. Asia, v. pl. 25. Asia, v. pl. 21. Europe, iii. pl. 200. Asia, v. pl. 22. A.sia, v. pl. 18. Europe, iii. pl. 204; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 44. Asia, v. pl. 26. Europe, iii. p. 207; Asia, v. pl. 33. . Europe, iii. pl. 206. Europe, iii. pl. 205; Asia, v. pl. 27. . . 9 . 141 . . . 9 . 9 Grosbeak, Vinous . Europe, iii. pl. 208. Ground Cuckoo-Shrike . Australia, ii. pl. 59. Ground-Dove, Barred-shouldered. Australia, v. pl. 72. Graceful. Australia, v. pl. 74. Mrs. Sclater's New Guinea, v. pl. 49. Peaceful. Australia, v. pl. 73. Ground Graucalus Handb. i. p. 199. . Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 86. Nocturnal Australia, Suppl. pl. 66. Western. Handb. ii. p. 88. Ground-Pigeon, Grey-naped New Guinea, v. pl. 61. Papuan New Guinea, v. pl. 62. Ground-Thrush, Black New Guinea, iv. pl. 28. Black-breasted. Handb. i. p. 395. Brown Handb. i. p. 394. Chestnut-backed Australia, iv. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 435. Chestnut-breasted. Australia, Suppl. pl. 32; Handb.i.p.438. Cinnamon Australia, iv. pl. 6; Handb. i. pl. 437. Meyer's New Guinea, iii. pl. 1. Orange-sided New Guinea, iii. pl. 10. Rufous-tinted Handb. i. p. 397. . Spotted . Australia, iv. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 433. Grouse, Black . Europe, iy. pl. 250. Georgian Black Asia, vi. pl. 66. Hazel. Europe, iv. pl. 251. Hybrid Europe, iv. pl. 249. Red Europe, iv. pl. 252 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 7. Rock Europe, iv. pl. 254. Sand, see Sand-Grouse. Short-toed Europe, iv. pl. 256. Willow Europe, iv. pl. 255. Grus australasianus Australia, vi. pl. 48; Handb.ii. p. 290. p cinerea Europe, iv. pl. 270; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 19. leucogeranus Europe, iv. pl. 271. grylle, Uria. Europe, v. pl. 399; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 49. Grypus nævius Humming B. i. pl. 1. spixi. Humming B. i. pl. 2. guerinii, Oxypogon Humming B. iii. pl. 182. Guerin's Helmet-crest Humming B. iii. pl. 182. . . . . . 142 . . Guiana Brilliant Copper-tail Emerald. Partridge Violet-ear guianensis, Odontophorus . Guillemot, Black . Bridled Brünnich's Common Foolish Kurile guimeti, Klais. Guimet's Flutterer gularis, Aphantochroa Calornis Garrulax Hæmatopus Halcyon Melithreptus Paradoxornis Podiceps Humming B., Suppl. pl. 15. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Odontoph. pl. 23. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 11. Odontoph. pl. 23. Europe, v. pl. 399; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 49. Europe, v. pl. 397. Europe, v. pl. 398. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 48. Europe, v. pl. 396. Asia, vii. pl. 71. Humming B. iv. pl. 210. Humming B. iv. pl. 210. Humming B. ii. pl. 55. New Guinea, iv. pl. 13. Asia, iii. pl. 49. Synopsis, part i. Asia, i. pl. 44. Australia, iv. pl. 71; Handb. i. p. 566. Asia, iii. pl. 77. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, vii. pl. 81; Handb.ii. p. 513. Asia, iii. pl. 77. New Guinea, i. pl. 21. Europe, v. pl. 438. Europe, v. pl. 427; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 64. Europe, v. pl. 426. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 65. Europe, v. pl. 437; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 60. Europe, v. pl. 432; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 57. Handb. ii. Europe, v. pl. 430; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 55. Europe, v. pl. 434; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 59. Europe, v. pl. 433; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 58. Europe, v. pl. 436; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 62. Australia, vii. pl. 20. Europe, v, pl. 435; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 67. Europe, v. pl. 425. . 9 . 9 Scæorhynchus . gulielmi iii., Diphyllodes Gull, Audouin's Black-headed Black-winged Bonaparte's. Common Glaucous Gould's Silver Great Black-backed Herring Iceland Ivory Jameson's Kittiwake Laughing p. 388. . . . 143 Gull, Lesser Black-backed . Little Pacific Parasitic. Pomarhine Ross's Sabine's. Silver 9 UJJ Skua. Europe, v. pl. 431; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 56. Europe, v. pl. 428; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 66. Australia, vii. pl. 19; Handb.ii. p. 385. Europe, v. pl. 442. Europe, v. pl. 440. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 63. Europe, v. pl. 429 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 67. Handb. ii. p. 387. Australia, vii. pl. 21. Europe, v. pl. 416; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 74. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 9. New Guinea, i. pl. 4. Asia, v. pl. 73. New Guinea, i. pl. 4. Asia, v. pl. 73. Cent. pl. 5. Australia, Suppl. pl. 35. Handb. i. p. 452. Handb. i. p. 417. i Australia, Suppl. pl. 35; Handb. i. Gull-billed Tern gunnii, Perameles. Gunn's Perameles gurneyi, Baza Pitta. Gurney's Cuckoo-Falcon Pitta. guttata, Ceryle Chlamydera Chlamydodera. Steganopleura . Guttated Bower-bird. . > p. 452. . Partridge guttaticollis, Paradoxornis guttatus, Alcedo Enicurus Eurostopodus . Odontoph. pl. 28. Asia, iii. pl. 73. Cent. pl. 5. Asia, iv. pl. 69. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 8'; Handb. i. Asia, iv. pl. 69. Odontoph. pl. 28. Asia, vi. pl. 62. Australia, ii. pl. 64. Synopsis, part iv. p. 4; Australia, ii. p. 98. í Henicurus Odontophorus Pterocles Guttural Thickhead gutturalis, Oreoica pl. 81. Pachycephala guyi, Phaethornis. Guy's Hermit. Gygis candida. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, ii. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 207. Humming B. i. pl. 26. Humming B. i. pl. 26. Australia, vii. pl. 30; Handb.ii. p. 405. . e 144 Gymnocrex plumbeiventris Gymnophaps pacilorrhoa. gymnophthalmus, Iyngipicus gymnops, Melipotes gymnopsis, Cacatua Gymnorhina leuconota organicum tibicen Gypaëtus barbatus Gypoictinia melanosternon. Gyps bengalensis . gyrfalco, Falco. Gyr Falcon. New Guinea, v. pl. 71. New Guinea, v. pl. 60. Asia, vi. pl. 32. New Guinea, iii. pl. 38. New Guinea, v. pl. 46. Australia, ii. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 176. . Australia, ii. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 178. Australia, ii. pl. 46; Handb. i. Europe, i. pl. 4. Handb. i. p. 47. Asia, i. pl. 2. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 16. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 16. . p. 175. . habroptilus, Strigops . Australia, Suppl. pl. 57; Handb. ii. p. 539. . . hæberlini, Chlorostilbon hæmatogaster, Platycercus Psephotus hæmatonotus, Platycercus Psephotus Hæmatopus australasianus fuliginosus gularis longirostris. lunulatus ostralegus Humming B., Suppl. p. 98. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 7. Australia, v. pl. 33. Synopsis, part iv. p. 5. Australia, v. pl. 36; Handb. ii. p. 69. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. 6 Australia, vi. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 217. Synopsis, part i. Australia, vi. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 215. Synopsis, part i. Europe, iv. pl. 300; Gt. Brit. iv. و pl. 45. . و validirostris. Synopsis, part i. hæmatopygia, Leucosticte Asia, v. pl. 3. -, Montifringilla Asia, v. pl. 3. hæmatopygius, Aulacorhamphus . Toucans, (2) pl. 45. Pteroglossus Toucans, (1) pl. 33. Hæmatornis undulatus Cent. pl. 1. hæmatorrhous, Psephotus Handb. ii. p. 62. Hæmatortyx sanguiniceps Asia, vi. pl. 70. Hæmatospiza sipahi . Asia, v. pl. 24. Hairy-browed Cuckoo Asia, vi. pl. 44. Hairy Echidna. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 3. . 145 . . . . e Hairy Hermit Hairy-nosed Wombat Haladroma urinatrix. Halcyon atricapillus cinnamominus collaris flavirostris fulgidus. fusca. gularis incinctus leucopygia macleayi. nigrocyanea. omnicolor pyrrhopygia. quadricolor sanctus sordidus . . Humming B. i. pl. 22. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 59, 60. Handb. ii. p. 483. . . Asia, i. pl. 45. Synopsis, part iii. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, Suppl. pl. 5. Asia, i. pl. 46. Asia, i. pl. 43. Asia, i. pl. 44. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 1. New Guinea, iv. pl. 55. Australia, ii. pl. 24. New Guinea, iv. pl. 57. Asia, i. pl. 47. Australia, ii. pl. 22. New Guinea, iv. pl. 56. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, ii. pl. 21. Australia, ii. pl. 23. New Guinea, iv. pl. 58. New Guinea, iv. pl. 54. Europe, i. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 4. Synopsis, part iii. Europe, i. pl. 11. . Synopsis, part iii. Synopsis, part iii. Synopsis, part iii. Europe, i. pl. 12; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 5. Australia, i. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 17. Australia, i. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 20. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 52. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 24, 25; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 16, 17; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 35, 36; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 37, 38. stictolæma : . tristrami. Haliaetus albicilla canorus . : leucocephalus leucogaster. leucosternus sphenurus haliaetus, Pandion Haliastur leucosternus — sphenurus hallucatus, Dasyurus. Halmaturus agilis. . . bennettii. . billardieri brachyurus U 146 Halmaturus derbianus dorsalis greyi . manicatus parma parryi. ruficollis. . ||||| Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 29, 30; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 26, 27; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 18, 19. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 20, 21; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 28. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 14, 15; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 33, 34. Mamm. Austr, ii. pls. 31, 32; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 22, 23; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Handb. ii. p. 457. New Guinea, ii. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 32. stigmaticus thetidis ualabatus • . . Halobæna cærulea hamadryas, Rhipidura Handsome-tailed Phascogale Hanging-Parrakeet, Orange- crowned Hapalotis albipes . apicalis Building cervinus conditor Elsey's Fawn-coloured. hemileucura hirsutus. Long-haired longicaudata Long-tailed mitchellii Mitchell's Murine murinus. Pencil-tailed penicillata . New Guinea, v. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 1. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 2. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 6. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 6. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 3. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr, jii. pl. 3. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 8. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 8. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 5. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 5. . . . 147 . :: . p. 220. . Hapalotis, White-footed. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 1. White-tipped Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 2. Haploderma constantia Trogons, (2) pl. 35. narina Trogons, (2) pl. 34. hardwickii, Collurio Cent. pl. 12. Iyngipicus Asia, vi. pl. 28. Phyllornis Asia, iii. pl. 14. Hardwick's Phyllornis Asia, iii. pl. 14. Hardwicke’s Pigmy Woodpecker . Asia, vi. pl. 28. Hare-Kangaroo Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 57; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Banded . Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 56. Leichardt's Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 60. Rufous Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 58. Spectacled Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 59. Harelda glacialis Europe, v. pl. 382; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 33. Harlequin Bronze-wing Australia, v. pl. 66; Handb. ii. p. 127. Duck. Europe, v. pl. 381; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 32. harmonica, Colluriocincla Australia, ii. pl. 74; Handb. i. Harmonious Shrike-Thrush Australia, ii. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 220. Harpactes ardens Asia, i. pl. 76 ; Trogons, (2) pl. 39. diardi. Asia, i. pl. 70; Trogons, (2) pl. 36. duvauceli Asia, i. pl. 67; Trogons, (2) pl. 40. erythrocephalus Trogons, (2) pl. 43. fasciatus : Asia, i. pl. 75; Trogons, (2) pl. 38. hodgsoni Asia, i. pl. 69; Trogons, (2) pl. 42. kasumba Asia, i. pl. 74; Trogons, (2) pl. 37. mackloti. Asia, i. pl. 73; Trogons, (2) pl. 45. oreskios Asia, i. pl. 71; Trogons, (2) pl. 46. reinwardti Asia, i. pl. 72; Trogons, (2) pl. 44. rutilus Asia, i. pl. 68; Trogons, (2) pl. 41. Harpy-Eagle, New Guinea . New Guinea, i. pl. 3. Harpyopsis novæ guineæ New Guinea, i. pl. 3. Harrier, Allied Australia, i. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 58. Ash-coloured Europe, i. pl. 35; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 27. i Hen Europe, i. pl. 33; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 26. Jardine's Australia, i. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 60. Marsh Europe, i. pl. 32; Gt. Brit. i. pls. 24, 25. Montagu's Europe, i. pl. 35. . • e . و" . U2 148 . Harrier, Pallid. Europe, i. pl. 34. . hartlaubi, Hemicercus Asia, vi. pl. 20. Hartlaub's Spotted Woodpecker . Asia, vi. pl. 20. hasitata, Procellaria . Australia, vii. pl. 47. hastingsii, Tragopan. Cent. pls. 63, 64, 65. Hattam Thickhead New Guinea, iii. pl. 25. hattamensis, Pachycephalopsis New Guinea, iii. pl. 25. Hawfinch Europe, iii. pl. 199; Gt. Brit. iii. . pl. 40. . . . . © . . Hawk, Brown Australia, i. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 31. Collared Sparrow . Handb. i. p. 43. Crested Australia, i. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 56. Sparrow . Europe, i. pl. 18; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 10. Western Brown Handb. i. p. 33. Hawk-Owl. Europe, i. pl. 45 ; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 35. Forbes' New Guinea, i. pl. 6. New Britain New Guinea, i. pl. 5. Salvadori's. New Guinea, i. pl. 7. Hazel-Grouse Europe, iv. pl. 251.. Heart-spotted Woodpecker. Asia, vi. pl. 18. Heath-Island White-eye New Guinea, iii. pl. 61. Hedge-Accentor or Hedge-Sparrow. Europe, ii. pl. 100; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 55. Heine's Emerald Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. helenæ, Calypte Humming B. iii. pl. 136. Lophornis Humming B. iii. pl. 123. Helena's Calypte Humming B. iii. pl. 136. Heliactin cornuta . Humming B. iv. pl. 212. Heliangelus amethysticollis Humming B. iv. pl. 245. clarissa Humming B. iv. pl. 242. Humming B. iv. pl. 246. micrastur Humming B., Suppl. pl. 23. spencei. Humming B. iv. pl. 244. strophianus. Humming B. iv. pl. 243. Helianthea bonapartei Humming B. iv. pl. 236. dichroura Humming B., Suppl. pl. 19. Humming B. iv. pl. 237. lutetiæ Humming B. iv. pl. 238. osculans Humming B., Suppl. pl. 18. typica Humming B. iv. pl. 235. mavors . eos . 149 :: Helianthea violifera heliodora, Calothorax Heliodore's Wood-Star . Heliodoxa jacula. jamesoni leadbeateri. otero . . xanthogonys Heliomaster albicrissa angelæ constanti longirostris. mesoleucus pinicola Heliopædica melanotis xantusi. Heliothrix auriculatus auritus barroti phainolæma purpureiceps Heliotrypha barrali parzudaki viola. Helmet-crest, Blue-throated Guerin's. Linden's. Stübel's. Helmeted Friar Bird Honey-eater heloisæ, Selasphorus . Heloisa's Flame-bearer helvetica, Squatarola . Humming B. iv. pl. 239. Humming B. iii. pl. 147. Humming B. iii. pl. 147. Humming B. ii. pl. 94. Humming B. ii. pl. 95. Humming B. ii. pl. 97. Humming B. ii. pl. 96. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 15. Humming B., Suppl. p. 30. Humming B. iv. pl. 263. Humming B. iv. pl. 260. Humming B. iv. pl. 259. Humming B. iv. pl. 262. Humming B. iv. pl. 261. Humming B. ii. pl. 64. Humming B. ii. pl. 65. Humming B. iv. pl. 214. Humming B. iv. pl. 213. Humming B. iv. pl. 217. Humming B. iv. pl. 215. Humming B. iv. pl. 216. Humming B., Suppl. p. 32. Humming B. iv. pl. 240. Humming B. iv. pl. 241. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 41. Humming B. iii. pl. 182. Humming B. iii. pl. 183. Humming B., Suppl. p. 59. Handb. i. p. 547. Australia, Suppl. pls. 39, 44. Humming B. iii. pl. 141. Humming B. iii. pl. 141. Australia, vi. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 224; Europe, iv. pl. 290; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 36, 37. Asia, vi. pl. 19. Asia, vi. pl. 18. Asia, vi. pl. 20. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 5. . . Hemicercus concretus cordatus. hartlaubi hemileuca, Caligena. . 150 . . . hemileucura, Hapalotis . . hemileucurus, Phlogophilus Hemipode, Andalusian . Black-backed Black-breasted. Chestnut-backed Fasciated Little Red-chested: Sparkling Speckled Swift-flying Varied Hemipodius castanotus . melanogaster . melanotus pyrrhothorax scintillans tachydromus varius velox. hemispila, Nucifraga. hendersoni, Podoces . Henderson's Podoces Hen-Harrier Henicurus chinensis guttatus. maculatus scouleri. henrica, Delattria. Henry de Lattre's Cacique henshawi, Selasphorus Henshaw's Flame-bearer Hermit, Adolph's. , Allied Amaura Belted Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 3. Humming B. v. pl. 360. Europe, iv. pl. 264; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 16. Australia, v. pl. 84; Handb. ii. p. 182. Australia, v. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 178. Australia, v. pl. 85; Handb. ii. p. 183. Asia, vii. pl. 11. Asia, vii. pl. 10. Australia, v. pl. 86; Handb. ii. p. 186. Australia, v. pl. 83. Handb. ii. p. 181. Australia, v. pl. 87; Handb. ii. p. 184. Australia, v. pl. 82; Handb. ii. p. 179. Australia, v. pl. 85; Handb. ii. p. 183. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, pt. 1 (cancelled), pl. 8; & v. pl. 81. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, v. pl. 84. Australia, v. pl. 86. Australia, v. pl. 83. Europe, iv. pl. 264. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 82. Australia, v. pl. 87. Cent. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 61. Asia, v. pl. 61. Europe, i. pl. 33; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 26. Asia, iv. pl. 70. Asia, iv. pl. 69. Asia, iv. pl. 68. Asia, iv. pl. 71. Humming B., ii. pl. 62. Humming B., ii. pl. 62. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Humming B. i. pl. 35. Humming B. i. pls. 7, 18. Humming B. i. pl. 32. Humming B. i. pl. 39. fig. 1. Humming B. i. pl. 39. fig. 2. . . * . Bishop :: 151 .. . . . . Hermit, Black-tailed . Bourcier's -, Cayenne. De Filippi's. Dohrn's. D’Osery's Eurynome Fraser's Green-tailed Grey-throated Guy's. Hairy. Lanceolate Little. Longuemare's Mazeppa Mexican. Middle-sized Obscure. Pallid Pigmy Pretre's Rucker's. Salle's Southern Stripe-throated Train-bearing Yaruquian Herodias alba. asha. egrettoides garzetta. greyi . immaculata. jugularis. melanopus pannosus picata plumiferus Humming B. i. pl. 9. Humming B. i. pl. 25. Humming B. i. pl. 17. Humming B. i. pl. 21. : i Humming B. i. pl. 10. Humming B. i. pl. 23. Humming B. i. pl. 16. Humming B. i. pl. 12. Humming B. i. pl. 33. Humming B. i. pl. 36. Humming B. i. pl. 26. Humming B. i. pls. 5, 22. Humming B. i. pl. 8. Humming B. i. pl. 40. : . Humming B. i. pl. 31. Humming B. i. pl. 6. Humming B. i. pl. 19. Humming B. i. pl. 30. Humming B. i. pl. 38. Humming B. i. pl. 24. Humming B. i. pl. 41. Humming B. i. pl. 28. Humming B. i. pl. 11. Humming B. i. pl. 29. Humming B. i. pl. 34. Humming B. i. pl. 37. Humming B. i. pl. 20. Humming B. i. pl. 27. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 22 ; Handb. ii. p. 301. p Handb. ii. p. 305. . Handb. ii. p. 303. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 305. Australia, vi. pl. 61. Australia, vi. pl. 58. Australia, vi. pl. 60. Handb. ii. p. 304. Australia, vi. pl. 59. Australia, vi. pl. 62; Handb.ii. p. 306. Australia, vi. pl. 57. . . . . . 152 Herodias syrmatophorus Heron, Blue Reef. Buff-backed. Common . . . Great-billed Great Grey. Great White Nankeen Night -, Night Pacific Purple Squacco . White-fronted. White Reef. herrani, Ramphomicron . Herran's Thorn-bill Herring-Gull. Hesperiphona affinis . icteroides hesperus, Diphlogena Heteranax mundus heterocerca, Metallura heteroclitus, Geoffroyius Heteromyias cinereifrons heteropogon, Ramphomicron heterura, Eutoxeres Heude's Crow-Tit. heudii, Paradoxornis . heyi, Ammoperdix Hey's Sand-Partridge Hiaticula bicincta . inornata. monacha. nigrifrons ruficapilla hiaticula, Ægialitis Charadrius Hieracidea berigora Australia, vi. pl. 56. Australia, vi. pl. 60; Handb. ii. p. 307. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 24. Europe, iv. pl. 273; Handb. ii. p. 295 ; . Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 20. Australia, vi. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 296. Australia, vi. pl. 55. Europe, iv. pl. 276 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 22. Handb. ii. p. 311. Europe, iv. pl. 279; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 26. Australia, vi. pl. 52; Handb. ii. p. 297. Europe, iv. pl. 274; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 21. Europe, iv. pl. 275; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 25. Australia, vi. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 299. Handb. ii. p. 309. Humming B. iii. pl. 187. Humming B. iii. pl. 187. Europe, v. pl. 434; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 59. Asia, v. pl. 23. Asia, v. pl. 22. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 16. New Guinea, ii. pl. 39. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 45. New Guinea, v. pl. 28. , New Guinea, ii. pl. 15. Humming B. iii. pl. 184. Humming B., Suppl. p. 1. Asia, iii. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 74. Asia, vii. pl. 2. Asia, vii. pl. 2. Australia, vi. pl. 16. Australia, vi. pl. 19. Australia, vi. pl. 18. Australia, vi. pl. 20. Australia, vi. pl. 17. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 231. Europe, iv. pl. 296. Handb. i. p. 31. . . و . • 153 p. 33. . p. 69. . . . . : . Hieracidea occidentalis Hieracoglaux connivens . rufus strenuus Hieraëtus morphnoïdes Hierococcyx sparverioides Hill Crow-Shrike Hill-Star, Adela's. Black-breasted. Chimborazian Estella's .. Pichinchian. White-sided Hill-Toucan, Black-billed Grey-breasted Hooded. Laminated Saffron-coloured Hill-Warbler, Little . Hill-Wren, Long-tailed . Himalayan Conostoma Creeper. Crossbill. Gold-crest. Nuthatch Pteruthius Pucras Pheasant Ruby-throat Snow-Partridge himalayana, Certhia . Loxia himalayanus, Cuculus Otis himalayensis, Dendrocitta Regulus Sitta. Tetraogallus Himantopus candidus Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 71. Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 68. Handb. i. p. 11. Cent. pl. 53. Australia, ii. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 171. Humming B. ii. pl. 73. Humming B. ii. pl. 72. Humming B. ii. pl. 68. Humming B. ii. pl. 70. Humming B. ii. pl. 69. Humming B. ii. pl. 71. Toucans, (2) pl. 40. Toucans, (2) pl. 38. Toucans, (2) pl. 39. Toucans, (2) pl. 37. Toucans, (2) pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 4. Asia, iv. pl. 53. Asia, iii. pl. 31. Asia, iv. pl. 58. Asia, v. pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 60. Asia, ii. pl. 47. Asia, ii. pl. 14. Asia, vii. pl. 26. Asia, iv. pl. 39. Asia, vii. pl. 30. Asia, iv. pl. 58. Asia, v. pl. 41. Cent. pl. 54. Cent. pls. 73, 74, 75. Cent. pl. 43. Asia, iv. pl. 60. Asia, ii. pl. 47. Asia, vii. pl. 30. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 34. . . . . . X 154 Himantopus leucocephalus. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, vi. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 246. Europe, iv. pl. 289. Australia, vi. pl. 25; Handb. ii. App. melanopterus novæ zealandiæ p. 574. palmatus hippolais, Sylvia hirsuta, Glaucis hirsutus, Hapalotis --, Lagorchestes hirundinacea, Eupetomena . hirundinaceum, Dicæum Hirundo filifera fretensis. frontalis . neoxena . . riparia rufula rupestris. rustica urbica hirundo, Eupetomena Sterna hispaniolensis, Passer Pyrgita hispidus, Phaethornis histrionica, Clangula . Peristera Phaps Histrionicus torquatus Hoary-headed Grebe. Hoary Puff-leg. Hoary-throated Honey-eater Hobby - Orange-legged. hodgsoni, Chalcites Harpactes Phyllornis Synopsis, part ii. Europe, ii. pl. 133. Humming B. i. pl. 5. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 4. Mamm Austr. ii. pl. 58. Humming B. ii. pl. 42. Australia, ii. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 581. Asia, i. pl. 26. Handb. i. p. 110. Handb. i. p. 107. . Australia, ii. pl. 13. Europe, ii. pl. 58. Europe, ii. pl. 55. Europe, ii. pl. 56. Europe, ii. pl. 54; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 57. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 2. Europe, v. pl. 417; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 70. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 1. Humming B. i. pl. 22. Europe, v. pl. 381. Australia, v. pl. 66. Handb. ii. p. 127. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 32. Australia, vii. pl. 82; Handb. ii. p. 512. Humming B. iv. pl. 282. New Guinea, iii. pl. 41. Europe, i. pl. 22; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 18. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 20. Asia, vi. pl. 46. Asia, i. pl. 69 ; Trogons, (2) pl. 42. Asia, iii. pl. 15. a 155 hodgsoni, Trogon. hodgsoniæ, Perdix Hodgson's Phyllornis Trogon . holosericeus, Eulampis Ptilonorhynchus hombroni, Actenoides Hombron's Kingfisher Honey-Buzzard Honey-eater, Ash-coloured . Banded. Bates' Beautiful Black. Black-headed Black-throated. Blue-faced Bridled. Broadbent's. Brown Trogons, (1) pl. 34. Asia, vi. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 15. Asia, i. pl. 69; Trogons, (1) pl. 34, (2) pl. 42. Humming B. ii. pl. 83. Australia, iv. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 442. Asia, i. pl. 40. Asia, i. pl. 40. Europe, i. pl. 16; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 8. New Guinea, iii. pl. 69. Australia, iv. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 557. New Guinea, iii. pl. 35. New Guinea, iii. pl. 40. Australia, iv. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 558; New Guinea, iii. pl. 72. Australia, iv. pl. 75; Handb. i. p. 573. Australia, iv. pl. 71 ; Handb. i. p. 566. Handb. i. New Guinea, iii. pl. 49. New Guinea, iii. pl. 45. Australia, iv. pl. 31 ; Handb. i. p. 500 ; New Guinea, iii. pl. 55. New Guinea, iii. pl. 54. Australia, Suppl. pl. 43. New Guinea, iii. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 30 ; Suppl. pl. 40 ; Handb. i. pp. 499, 507. . . Australia, iv. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 495. Australia, iv. pl. 44 ; Handb. i. p. 520. Australia, iv. pl. 76; Handb. i. p. 574. New Guinea, iii. pl. 51. Australia, iv. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 515. Australia, iv. pl. 54. New Guinea, iii. pl. 56. Australia, Suppl. pl. 39, 44. New Guinea, iii. pl. 41. New Guinea, iii. pl. 43. p. 560. . Buff-throated Cockerell's . Dusky -, Fasciated . Fulvous-fronted Fuscous. Garrulous Golden-eared Graceful. Great Wattled Grey-winged Helmeted Hoary-throated Kebir Scaly-throated. X2 156 . . . • . Honey-eater, Lake Wakolo. Lanceolate Least Lewin's. Long-billed. Long-plumed Lunated. Lunulated Luteous Moustached Mysol Naked-faced New Holland Obscure Ochraceous. Painted Pectoral. Pied . Plumed Pygmy Red-headed. Red-tinted Red-throated Sanguineous Scaly-chested Sclater's. Silky-plumed Singing Slender-billed Sombre Spiny-cheeked Streaked. New Guinea, iii. pl. 64. Australia, iv. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 525. Handb. i. p. 501. . Handb. i. p. 503. Australia, iv. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 488. New Guinea, iii. pl. 57. Australia, iv. pl. 72. Australia, iv. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 568. Australia, iv. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 577. Australia, iv. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 491. New Guinea, iii. pl. 42. New Guinea, iii. pl. 38. Australia, iv. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 486. Australia, iv. pl. 67; Handb. i. p. 559. New Guinea, iii. pl. 34. Australia, iv. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 530. New Guinea, iii. pl. 36. Australia, iv. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 529. Australia, iv. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 516. New Guinea, iv. pl. 8. Australia, iv. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 556. New Guinea, iii. pl. 71. Australia, iv. pl. 52; Handb. i. p. 533. Australia, iv. pl. 63; Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 555. p New Guinea, iii. pl. 44. New Guinea, iii. pl. 52, 68. New Guinea, iii. pl. 39. Australia, iv. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 504. Australia, iv. pl. 61. Australia, iv. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 576. Australia, iv. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 534. Australia, Suppl. pl. 42; Handb. i. . 9 . . p. 522. Strong-billed Swan-River. Tasmanian Uniform Uniform-coloured . Varied Australia, iv. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 565. p. Australia, iv. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 570. Australia, iv. pl. 27 ; Handb. i. Australia, iv. pl. 46. Handb. i. Australia, iv. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 506. p. 493. p. 523. 9 . 157 Honey-eater, Von Rosenberg's Warty-faced Wattled. 9 > . Wattled-cheeked White-cheeked White-eared White-eyebrowed . White-faced White-fronted White-marked White-pinioned White-plumed. White-quilled . White-throated . New Guinea, iii. pl. 70. Australia, iv. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 527. Australia, iv. pl. 55; Handb. i. pp. 536, 538. Australia, iv. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 513. Australia, iv. pl. 25; Handb.i.pl. 490. Australia, iv. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 510. p Australia, iv. pl. 62. New Guinea, iii. pl. 33. Australia, iv. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 497. New Guinea, iii. pl. 47. Australia, iv. pl. 69. Australia, iv. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 519. Handb. i. p. 563. Australia, iv. pls. 51, 74; Handb. i. pp. 532, 571. Australia, iv. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 518. Australia, iv. pl. 32. Australia, iv. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 521. New Guinea, iii. pl. 50. Australia, Suppl. pl. 41. Australia, iv. pls. 35, 79; Handb. i. > Yellow Yellow-eared Yellow-faced Yellow-streaked Yellow-spotted . Yellow-throated . p. 508. . , Yellow-tinted Yellow-tinted Brown . Yellow-tufted Honey-Guide, Yellow-rumped . Honey-sucker, Black-headed Count Turati's . Mottled-breasted Mrs. Forbes New Ireland Hooded Crow Australia, iv. pl. 41 ; Handb. i. p. 517. New Guinea, iii. pl. 53. Australia, iv. pl. 37; Handb.i. p. 511. . Asia, vi. pl. 48. New Guinea, iii. pl. 66. New Guinea, iii. pl. 37. New Guinea, iii. pl. 48. New Guinea, iii. pl. 67. New Guinea, iii. pl. 65. Europe, iii. pl. 222; Gt. Brit. iii. . p. 59. Crypsirhina Dottrel. Eurylaime Hill Toucan Merganser Asia, v. pl. 52. Australia, vi. pl. 18; Handb. ii. p. 231. Asia, i. pl. 58. Toucans, (2) pl. 39. Europe, v. pl. 386 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 36. . 158 . . . . . . Hooded Pitta Robin Tree-Swift Vizor-bearer Wood-Swallow. Hook-billed Kingfisher Hooper Hoopoe Indian Horned Grebe. Pheasant, Blyth's Cabot's Nepaulese Temminck's. Western. Horse-shoe Bat, Great-leaved Orange horsfieldii, Mirafra . Myophonus. Horsfield's Bush-Lark Lark. hortensis, Curruca . , Sylvia hortulana, Emberiza Glycispina Serinus houbara, Otis House-Martin Huia. humboldti, Chrysuronia . Pteroglossus Humboldt's Araçari Humming-bird. humeralis, Campephaga . , Ceblepyris Erythrauchæna Geopelia Podargus Asia, v. pl. 82. Handb. i. p. 283. p Asia, i. pl. 25. Humming B. v. pl. 222. New Guinea, iv. pl. 21. New Guinea, iv. pl. 53. Europe, v. pl. 355. Europe, iii. pl. 238; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 12. Asia, i. pl. 66. Europe, v. pl. 390; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 40. Asia, vii. pl. 47. Asia, vii. pl. 48. Asia, vii. pl. 49. Asia, vii. pl. 46. Asia, vii. pl. 45. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 33. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 35. Australia, iii. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 404. Cent. pl. 20. Handb. i. p. 404. p Australia, iii. pl. 77. Europe, ii. pl. 121; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 62. Europe, ii. pl. 121; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 62. Europe, iii. pl. 176. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 27. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 38. Europe, iv. pl. 268. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 6. Handb. ii. App. p. 530. Humming B. v. pl. 327. Toucans, (1) pl. 22, (2) pl. 22. Toucans, (1) pl. 22, (2) pl. 22. Humming B. v. pl. 327. Australia, ii. pl. 63 ; Handb. i. p. 204. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 2. Handb. ii. p. 142. Australia, v. pl. 72. Australia, ii. pl. 3. . . . . 159 Hume's Starling Wedge-tailed Wren humii, Sphenocichla . Sturnus humilis, Podoces Sericornis . JJ . . Asia, v. pl. 43. Asia, iv. pl. 55. Asia, iv. pl. 55. Asia, v. pl. 43. Asia, v. pl. 63. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 356. Humming B. iii. pl. 135. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 54. Humming B. ii. pl. 98. Humming B. ii. pl. 64, iii. pl. 198. Humming B. iii. pl. 202. Humming B. iii. pl. 192. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 8. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 46. Humming B. iii. pl. 203. Humming B. iii. pl. 191. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 13. Humming B. v. pl. 336. Humming B. iii. pl. 134. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 14. Humming B. iv. pl. 339. Humming B. v. pl. 340. Humming B. iii. pl. 92. Humming B. iv. pl. 234. Humming B. iii. pl. 154. Humming B., Suppl. p. 95. Humming B. iv. pl. 232. Humming B. iv. pl. 230. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 27. Humming B., Suppl. p. 66. Humming B. iv. pl. 231. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 7. Humming B. iii. pl. 136. Humming B. v. pl. 327. Humming B. v. pl. 359. Humming B. ii. pl. 113. Humming B. v. pl. 326. Humming-bird, Anna's . Black-bellied Black-capped Black-eared. Blossom-crown Brassy-tail Buckley's Mountain , Buff-breasted , Chestnut-bellied Coppery-tail Costa Rica Costa Rican Costa's Count Branicki's Doubleday's. Dusky Emerald-fronted Empress . Evening Felicia's Giant. Golden-throated Great Fork-tailed . Green-spangled Green-tailed Grey-tailed Helena's. Humboldt's. Iridescent Jacobin Josephine's . . e > . 160 . • . Humming-bird, Lilac-throat . . Humming B. iv. pl. 268. Little . Humming B. iii. pl. 133. Marvellous Humming B. iii. pl. 161. Mauge's Humming B. v. pl. 349. Mazatlan. Humming B., Suppl. p. 96. Enone Humming B. v. pl. 325. Olive-throated Humming B., Suppl. p. 32. Pied-tailed Humming B. v. pl. 360. Primoli's. Humming B. iii. pl. 194. Puce-throated Humming B. ii. pl. 55. Purple-tail Humming B. iii. pl. 193. Purple-throated Humming B. iii. pl. 132; Suppl. pl. 6. Riccord's. Humming B. v. pl. 348. Ruby-and-Topaz Humming B. iv. pl. 204. Ruby-throated Humming B. iii. pl. 131. Saw-bill. Humming B. i. pl. 1. Schreiber's Humming B. ii. pl. 93. Sickle-bill Humming B. i. pl. 3. Snow-cap Humming B. ii. pl. 116. Sombre Humming B. ii. pl. 54. Sparkling-tail Humming B. iii. pl. 158. Spotted Humming B. iii. pl. 199. Spotted-breasted Humming B., Suppl. pl. 4. St. Domingo Humming B. v. pl. 347. Stokes Humming B. iv. pl. 266. Swallow-tail Humming B. ii. pl. 42. Thorn-bill Humming B. iii. pl. 189. Tyrian-tail Humming B. iii. pl. 195. Violet-tail Humming B. iii. pl. 196. Whitely's Humming B., Suppl. pl. 12. White-throated Humming B., Suppl. p. 10. , White-tip Humming B. iii. pl. 190. Xantus's . Humming B. ii. pl. 65. hunsteini, Donacicola New Guinea, iv. pl. 26. Hunstein's Weaver-Finch New Guinea, iv. pl. 26. Hunting Cissa. Asia, v. pl. 54. Hurrial Bee-eater . Asia, i. pl. 35. . 161 huttoni, Emberiza . Glycispina Hutton's Bunting Hyacinthine Porphyrio hyacinthinus, Porphyrio . Hybrid Grouse. hybridus, Tetrao Hydrochelidon fluviatilis leucopareia leucoptera nigra. Hydrocolæus minutus Hydromys chrysogaster fuliginosus fulvolavatus leucogaster Hydrophasianus sinensis Hydroprogne caspia hyemalis, Fringilla Junco Hylacola cauta. pyrrhopygia Hylocharis cyanea || Asia, v. pl. 11. Asia, v. pl. 11. Asia, v. pl. 11. Europe, iv. pl. 340. Europe, iv. pl. 340. Europe, iv. pl. 249. Europe, iv. pl. 249. Australia, vii. pl. 31. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 406. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 76. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 75. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 66. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 27. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 26. Asia, vii. pl. 68; Cent. pl. 76. Gt. Brit. vi. pl. 68. Europe, iii. pl. 190. Europe, iii. pl. 190. Australia, iii. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 347. Australia, iii. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 346. p. Humming B. v. pl. 344. Humming B. v. pl. 343. Humming B. v. pl. 342. Handb. i. p. 111. . p Humming B., Suppl. pl. 27. Asia, ii. pl. 12. Europe, v. pl. 346. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 83. Europe, iv. pl. 336. Asia, vi. pl. 71. Asia, i. pl. 30. Asia, iv. pl. 6. Asia, i. pl. 30. New Guinea, iii. pl. 21. New Guinea, ii. pl. 33. Humming B. ii. pl. 51. . lactea . . sapphirina Hylochelidon nigricans. Hylonympha macrocerca Hyloterpe philippinensis hyperboreus, Anser Lobipes Phalaropus . hyperythra, Bambusicola Cecropis. Dumetia. Hirundo. Pachycephala Rhipidura hyperythrus, Campylopterus . . Y 162 hyperythrus, Cuculus. Picus. hypochlora, Thalurania. hypocyanea, Eucephala . hypoglaucus, Andigena . hypolais, Ficedula hypoleucus, Actitis Cracticus -, Elanus Falco . Graucalus Malurus. Phalacrocorax Totanus. hypopolius, Nestor . . . . Asia, vi. pl. 43. Cent. pl. 50. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 28. Humming B. v. pl. 334. Toucans, (2) pl. 38. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 71. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 58. Synopsis, part i. Asia, i. pl. 12. Australia, i. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 24. Australia, ii. pl. 57; Handb. i. p. 196. Australia, Suppl. pl. 22. Australia, vii. pl. 68. Europe, iv. pl. 316. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. ii. (can- celled) pl. 6; Suppl. pl. 58; Handb. ii. p. 548. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 4. Handb. ii. p. 334. New Guinea, ii. pl. 20. Asia, iii. pl. 12. Cent. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 68. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 69; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 67. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 70. Asia, i. pl. 32. Humming B. ii. pl. 89. Humming B. ii. pl. 91. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 10. Humming B. ii. pl. 90. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 2. hyposticta, Aphantochroa. Hypotanidia philippensis Hypothymis rowleyi . Hypsipetes nigerrima. psaroides Hypsiprymnus apicalis gilberti . murinus platyops. Hypurolepis domicola Hypuroptila buffoni . cæruleigaster melanorrhoa urochrysia hystrix, Echidna . . 163 Iache magica Ianthocincla artemisiæ austeni lunulata. ocellata phænicea Ianthænas albigularis Ibidorhyncha struthersi. Ibis falcinellus . Glossy Humming B., Suppl. p. 96. Asia, iii. pl. 45. Asia, iii. pl. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 46. Cent. pl. 15; Asia, iii. pl. 44. Icones Avium, pl. 3. New Guinea, v. pl. 67. Cent. pl. 79; Asia, vii. pl. 61. Europe, iv. pl. 301. Europe, iv. pl. 301 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 47 ; Australia, vi. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 286. . Australia, vi. pl. 45; Handb. ii. p. 282. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7. Australia, vi. pl. 46; Handb. ii. Straw-necked strictipennis White p. 284. Iceland Falcon. Gull Gt. Brit. i. pls. 11, 12. Europe, V. pl. 433; Gt. Brit. V. pl. 58. Ichthyaetus leucogaster . icterina, Hypolais Sylvia. Icterine Grosbeak. icteroides, Coccothraustes Hesperiphona. icterotis, Platycercus . Australia, i. pl. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 132. Europe, ii. pl. 132. Asia, v. pl. 22. Cent. pl. 45. Asia, v. pl. 22. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 29; Handb. ii. p. 58. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, i. pl. 11. Australia, i. pl. 12. Australia, vi. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 286; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 47. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. Ieracidea berigora. occidentalis igneus, Falcinellus . 3 ignicapillus, Regulus pl. 70. ignicauda, Nectarinia ignipectus, Myzanthe. ignitus, Platycercus iliacus, Turdus. Asia, ii. pl. 28. Asia, ii. pl. 40. Synopsis, part ii. Europe, ii. pl. 78. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. in. pl. 34. New Guinea, iii. pl. 57. iliolophus, Melilestes Y 2 164 . . . immaculata, Herodias Porzana immaculatus, Accentor. impennis, Alca imperatrix, Eugenia . Imperial Eagle. imperialis, Aquila . impeyanus, Lophophorus inauris, Acanthochæra Inca Bolivian Collared. Columbian Conrad's . Elliot's Green-throated. Travies's. -, Tschudi's Inca Toucan inca, Boucieria . Rhamphastos incarnata, Erythrospiza Ince's Paradise Flycatcher. incii, Muscicapa incinctus, Halcyon Indian Cliff-Swallow . Courser. Fairy Blue-bird Furze-Chat. Hoopoe Kingfisher Mosque-Swallow Rock-Pigeon Roller Scops Owl Screech Owl Tailor-bird . Tern. Tree-Pipit Australia, vi. pl. 58. Australia, vi. pl. 82. Asia, iv. pl. 45. Europe, v. pl. 400; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 46. Humming B. iv. pl. 23. Europe, i. pl. 5. Europe, i. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 53 ; Cent. pl. 60. Australia, iv. pl. 54; Handb. i. p. 536. Humming B. iv. pl. 254. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B. iv. pl. 251. Humming B., Suppl. p. 27. Humming B. iv. pl. 253. Humming B., Suppl. p. 26. Humming B. iv. pl. 252. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 21. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 20. Toucans, (2) pl. 7. Humming B. iv. pl. 254. Toucans, (2) pl. 7. Asia, v. pl. 30. Asia, ii. pl. 19. Asia, ii. pl. 19. Synopsis, App. p. 1 Asia, i. pl. 33. Asia, vii. pl. 65. Asia, iii. pl. 21. Asia, iv. pl. 34. Asia, i. pl. 66. Asia, i. pls. 43, 53. Asia, i. pl. 29. Asia, vi. pl. 56. Asia, i. pl. 54. Asia, i. pl. 13. Asia, i. pl. 17. Asia, iv. pl. 7. Handb. ii. p. 397. p Asia, iv. pl. 65. . . © 165 o > . Indian Wryneck indica, Anser Coracias. Iynx. Pratincola Strix. Yunx Indicator xanthonotus indicus, Limonidromus. inepta, Megacrex . infaustus, Garrulus Perisoreus infumatus, Cypselus . innominata, Vivia inornata, Acanthiza . Adelomyia Amblyornis Hiaticula Meliphaga Monarcha , Petrogale 9 Asia, vi. pl. 38. Cent. pl. 80. Asia, i. pl. 54. Asia, vi. pl. 38. Asia, iv. pl. 34. Asia, i. pl. 17. Asia, vi. pl. 38. Asia, vi. pl. 48. Asia, iv. pl. 67. New Guinea, v. pl. 69. Europe, iii. pl. 215. Europe, iii. pl. 215. Asia, i. pl. 20. Asia, vi. pl. 39. Australia, iii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 370. Humming B. iii. pl. 197. New Guinea, i. pl. 46. Australia, vi. pl. 19. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 5. Synopsis, part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 45, 46; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Australia, v. pl. 85. Handb.ii. p. 237. Australia, ii. pl. 87; Handb. Toucans, (1) pl. 23, (2) pl. 23. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 20. New Guinea, iv. pl. 20. Asia, ii. pl. 25. Humming B. v. pl. 336. New Guinea, v. pl. 10. New Guinea, v. pl. 50. Handb. i. p. 619. Australia, iv. pl. 87. New Guinea, ii. pl. 43. Asia, iii. pl. 28. Asia, vi. pl. 16. Asia, vi. pl. 56. Humming B., Suppl. p. 34. . p. 246. inornatus, Cuculus Ochthodromus. inquieta, Seisura inscriptus, Pteroglossus . insectivora, Bourcieria insignis, Artamus. Nectarinia , Panterpe insignissimus, Aprosmictus insolitus, Edirhinus . insperatus, Cacomantis Cuculus. insularis, Arses Myophoneus --, Picus intermedia, Columba Urosticte 166 intermedius, Phaethornis interpres, Strepsilas inustus, Dendrolagus. . iodura, Amazilia iolæma, Ptochoptera . iolata, Petasophora Ionolæma whitelyana Ionolaima frontalis schreibersi Irena criniger cyanea cyanogastra. melanochlamys puella iridescens, Smaragdochrysis Iridescent Humming-bird iris, Diphlogæna Pitta. irroratus, Dromaius isaacsoni, Eriocnemis isabellinus, Cursorius isauræ, Chalybura islandicus, Falco Larus islandus, Falco ispida, Alcedo isura, Cisticola Lophoictinia Rhipidura isurus, Milvus. Humming B. i. pl. 30. Australia, vi. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 269; p Europe, iv. pl. 318; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 60. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 50; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Humming B., Suppl. p. 88. Humming B., Suppl. p. 48. Humming B. iv. pl. 225. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 12. Humming B. iv. pl. 92. Humming B. ii. pl. 93. Asia, iii. pl. 20. Asia, iii. pl. 19. Asia, iii. pl. 22. Asia, iii. pl. 23. Asia, iii. pl. 21. Humming B. v. pl. 359. Humming B. v. pl. 359. Humming B. iv. pl. 247. Australia, iv. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 432. Handb. ii. p. 204. Humming B. iv. pl. 272. Europe, iv. pl. 266. Humming B., Suppl. p. 13. Europe, i. pl. 19. Europe, v. pl. 433; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 58. Gt. Brit. i. pls. 11, 12. Europe, ii. pl. 61; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 10. Australia, iii. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 352. Australia, i. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 51. Australia, ii. pl. 85 ; Handb. i. p. 242. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 51. Asia, vii. pl. 43. Asia, vii. pl. 42. Europe, v. pl. 436; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 62. Asia, iv. pl. 11. Asia, iv. pl. 12. Asia, iv. pl. 11. . . Ithaginis cruentus geoffroyii Ivory Gull. Ixulus castaneiceps Chestnut-backed Chestnut-headed 167 . Ixulus, Crested flavicollis occipitalis Thick-billed Yellow-naped Ixus sinensis Iyngipicus aurantiiventris auritus canicapillus . doerriesi. fulvifasciatus gymnophthalmus hardwickii. maculatus nanus. peninsularis ramsayi scintilliceps semicoronatus temmincki Asia, iv. pl. 13. Asia, iv. pl. 13. Asia, iv. pl. 12. Asia, iv. pl. 12. Asia, iv. pl. 13. Asia, iii. pl. 11. Asia, vi. pl. 23. Asia, vi. pl. 29. Asia, vi. pl. 27. Asia, vi. pl. 22. Asia, vi. pl. 31. Asia, vi. pl. 32. Asia, vi. pl. 28. Asia, vi. pl. 30. Asia, vi. pl. 34. Asia, vi. pl. 33. Asia, vi. pl. 24. Asia, vi. pl. 21. Asia, vi. pl. 26. Asia, vi. pl. 25. . Jabiru, Australian Jacana, Chinese Comb-crested Jackdaw . Jack Snipe Jacobin, Great Humming-bird Pied jacula, Heliodoxa . jamesoni, Bruchigavia Heliodoxa Xema Jameson's Brilliant Gull Japanese Pheasant Jardine's Campephaga Cuckoo-Shrike. Handb. ii. p. 293. Asia, vii. pl. 68. Handb. ii. p. 330. . Europe, iii. pl. 223; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 61. Europe, iv. pl. 322; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 80. Humming B. ii. pl. 114. Humming B. ii. pl. 113. Humming B. ii. pl. 115. Humming B. ii. pl. 94. Handb. ii. p. 387. Humming B. ii. pl. 95. Australia, vii. pl. 20. Humming B. ii. pl. 95. Australia, vii. pl. 20. Asia, vii. pl. 40. Handb. i. p. 200. Australia, ii. pl. 60. 168 . Jardine's Harrier Panoplites jardinii, Campephaga. Circus Australia, i. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 60. p Humming B. ii. pl. 110. Australia, ii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 200. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 60. Edoliisoma, see Campephaga. , Panoplites Javan Eurylaime Spotted Woodpecker . Javanese Phyllornis javanica, Butorides javanicus, Eurylaimus javensis, Phyllornis Jay Formosan Siberian . jelskii, Metallura Thalurania Jelski's Copper-tail Star-frontlet Wood-Nymph Jerboa-Kangaroo . Humming B. ii. pl. 110. Asia, i. pl. 57. Asia, vi. pl. 19. Asia, iii. pl. 13. Handb. ii. p. 317. Asia, i. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 13. Europe, iii. pl. 214; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 64. Asia, v. pl. 58. Europe, iii. pl. 215. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B., Suppl. p. 414. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 19. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 29. Mamm. ii. pl. 61; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 14. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 64. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 62. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 66. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 65. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 63. Asia, ii. pl. 54. Asia, iii. pl. 17. Asia, iii. pl. 17. Asia, ii. pl. 54. Europe, i. pl. 19. Asia, ii. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 48. New Guinea, i. pl. 55. New Guinea, i. pl. 55. Humming B. ii. pl. 87. New Guinea, v. pl. 49. . . Gray's Ogilby's . Plain-loving Rufous Tasmanian. jerdoni, Parus Phyllornis Jerdon's Phyllornis Tit Jer-Falcon Jericho Sun-bird. jobiensis, Phlogænas. Rectes Jobi-Island Wood-Shrike johannæ, Doryfera -, Phlogænas. 169 . Josephina Parrakeet.. josephinæ, Charmosyna. Chrysuronia. Josephine's Humming-bird . jourdani, Calothorax. Jourdan's Wood-Star jouschistos, Acanthiparus jubata, Bernicla - Chlamydochen. juggur, Falco Juggur Falcon. jugularis, Demiegretta Eulampis Herodias. Juliamyia feliciana typica. Jungle-fowl, Sonnerat's . New Guinea, v. pl. 12. New Guinea, v. pl. 12. Humming B. v. pl. 326. Humming B. v. pl. 326. Humming B. iii. pl. 150. Humming B. iii. pl. 150. Asia, ii. pl. 68. Australia, vii. pl. 3. Handb. ii. p. 354. . Asia, i. pl. 7. Asia, i. pl. 7. Handb. ii. p. 307. Humming B. ii. pl. 82. Australia, vi. pl. 60. Humming B., Suppl. p. 95. Humming B. v. pl. 337. Asia, vii. pl. 56. Kafiristan Pucras Pheasant Ka-ka Parrot . Kakapo. Kangaroo, Banded Hare Banded Jerboa. Black Tree. Bridled Brindled Nail-tailed Broad-faced Rat Brown Tree Asia, vii. pl. 27. Australia, Suppl. pl. 58; Handb. ii. App. p. 548. Australia, Suppl. pl. 57; Handb. ii. App. p. 539. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 56. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 49; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 54. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 70. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 50; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 69; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 1, 2; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 1. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 6, 7; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 2. Gilbert's Rat.. . Great Grey. Great Red Z 170 Kangaroo, Grey's Jerboa Hare. Jerboa Leichardt's Hare Lunated Nail-tailed Nail-tailed . New South Wales Rat Ogilby's Jerboa Plain-loving Jerboa Rufous Hare Rufous Jerboa. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 64. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 57; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 12. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 61; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 14. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 60. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 55. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 52, 53; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 67. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 62. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 66. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 58. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 65; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 13. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 5; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 16. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 59; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 28. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 68. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 63; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 29. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 3, 4. Australia, ii. pl. 61; Handb. i. Sooty . Spectacled Hare Tasmanian Rat. Tasmanian Jerboa . P. 202. 9 West Australian Great Karu, Campephaga Lalage, see Campephaga. kasumba, Harpactes . Kasumba Trogon. kaupi, Arses Asia, i. pl. 74; Trogons, (2) pl. 37. Asia, i. pl. 74; Trogons, (2) pl. 37. Australia, Suppl. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 251. Kaup's Flycatcher Australia, Suppl. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 251. . Kea Parrot. Australia, Suppl. pl. 60; Handb. ii. App. p. 554. Kebir Scaly-throated Honey-eater. New Guinea, iii. pl. 43. kebirensis, Stigmatops New Guinea, iii. pl. 43. Keel-billed Toucan Toucans, (2) pl. 2. Ké-Island Pigmy Parrot New Guinea, v. pl. 27. White-eye New Guinea, iii. pl. 58. keiensis, Nasiterna New Guinea, v. pl. 27. • . . 171 Kentish Plover . . . Lory .. . Keptuschka Lapwing keptuschka, Vanellus keraudreni, Manucodia Keraudren's Crow-Shrike Kestrel Lesser Nankeen White-winged Red-footed King Bird of Paradise Duck. . . King-Parrot, Beautiful Yellow-winged. Kingfisher Azure. : . Banded Black-and-White . Black-and-Blue Black-capped Black-faced. Black-headed Blue-and-White Blue-breasted Crimson-and-Brown Fawn-breasted . Four-coloured Gaudichaud's Gentian. Great. Great Brown Hombron's Hook-billed. Indian Leach's Lindsay's Little. MacLeay's Europe, iv. pl. 298; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 40. Europe, iv. pl. 292. Europe, iv. pl. 292. Australia, Suppl. pl. 9. Australia, Suppl. pl. 9. Europe, i. pl. 26 ; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 21. Europe, i. pl. 27. Australia, i. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 35. Asia, i. pl. 8. New Guinea, i. pl. 24. Europe, v. pl. 375; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 27. Australia, v. pl. 17; Handb. ii. p. 35. New Guinea, v. pl. 10. New Guinea, v. pl. 9. Europe, ii. pl. 61; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 10. Australia, ii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 139. . Asia, i. pl. 48. Europe, ii. pl. 62; Asia, i. pl. 46. New Guinea, iv. pl. 57. Asia, i. pl. 45. Asia, i. pl. 49. New Guinea, iv. pl. 50. Asia, i. pl. 46. New Guinea, iv. pl. 47. New Guinea, iv. pl. 49. Australia, ii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 125. New Guinea, iv. pl. 56. New Guinea, iv. pl. 52. New Guinea, iv. pl. 46. Asia, i. pl. 52. Australia, ii. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 122. Asia, i. pl. 40. New Guinea, iv. pl. 53. Asia, i. pls. 43, 45. Australia, ii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 124. Asia, i. pl. 41. Australia, ii. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 142. Australia, ii. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 133. . . . . . . z 2 172 . . . Kingfisher, Manilla Asia, i. pl. 44. Mantled. Asia, i. pl. 51. Many-coloured Asia, i. pl. 47. Port Moresby Racket-tailed. New Guinea, iv. pl. 51. Red-backed. Australia, ii. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 130. Red-breasted New Guinea, iv. pl. 48. Sacred Australia, ii. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 128. Solitary New Guinea, iv. pl. 45. Sordid Australia, ii. p. 23; Handb. i. p. 132. Spoon-billed New Guinea, iv. pl. 59. Spotted-throated New Guinea, iv. pl. 58. Sumatra. Asia, i. pl. 42. Tenasserim Asia, i. pl. 50. Tristram's New Guinea, iv. pl. 54. White-backed New Guinea, iv. pl. 551; Handb. i. 9 . 9 . . p. 137. White-tailed Yellow-billed Australia, Suppl. pl. 6. Australia, Suppl. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 135. . 9 Kinglet Kite, Allied Black. Black-shouldered . Black-winged Common. Govinda. Letter-winged Square-tailed Swallow-tailed . Kittiwake Gull Kiwi-Kiwi . . p Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 69. Australia, i. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 49. Europe, i. pl. 29; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 23. Australia, i. pl. 23; Handb. i. . p. 53. Europe, i. pl. 31. Europe, i. pl. 28; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 22. Asia, i. pl. 11. Australia, i. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 55. Australia, i. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 51. Europe, i. pl. 30. Europe, v. pl. 435; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 61. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 9; & vol. vi. pl. 2 ; Handb. ii. App. p. 568. Humming B. iv. pl. 210. Asia, i. pl. 22. Asia, i. pl. 22. New Guinea, v. pl. 50. Europe, iv. pl. 324: Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 65; Handb. ii. p. 259. . . . . Klais guimeti. klecho, Dendrochelidon Klecho Tree-Swift Knob-billed Fruit-Pigeon Knot. 173 Koala kochi, Pitta Koch's Pitta Koel, Australian Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 13, 14. Asia, v. pl. 71. Asia, v. pl. 71. Handb. i. p. 632. New Guinea, iv. pl. 41. New Guinea, ii. pl. 53. Toucans, (1) pl. 27. Asia, vii. pl. 71. , Dwarf . kordensis, Monarcha . Koulik Araçari Kurile Guillemot. • . . . lachrymans, Uria .. lactea, Glareola Hylocharis . Lady Amherst’s Pheasant :: Laemmergeier. lætitiæ, Gouldia lætior, Melithreptes lævigaster, Gerygone. Sericornis Lafresnaya flavicaudata :: gayi.. Lagenoplastes ariel fluvicola. Lagopus brachydactylus . mutus. P. . Europe, v. pl. 397. Asia, vii. pl. 64. Humming B. v. pl. 343. Asia, vii. pl. 20. Europe, i. pl. 4. Humming B. iii. pl. 130. New Guinea, iii. pl. 40. Australia, ii. pl. 101; Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, iii. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 360. Humming B. ii. pl. 85. Humming B. ii. pl. 86. Handb. i. 113. Asia, i. pl. 33. Europe, iv. pl. 256. Europe, iv. pl. 253; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 8, 9, 10. Europe, iv. pl. 254. Europe, iv. pl. 255. Europe, iv. pl. 252; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 7. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 7. Europe, i. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 59; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 56. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 58. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 60. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 57; Monogr. Macrop. part i. rupestris. saliceti scoticus lagopus, Archibuteo Buteo. Lagorchestes conspicillatus . fasciatus hirsutus leichardti leporoides 174 . . . . . lagotis, Peragalea . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 7. Lake Wakolo Honey-eater New Guinea, iii. pl. 64. Lalage mæsta New Guinea, ii. pl. 9. lalandi, Cephalepis Humming B. iv. pl. 208. lamberti, Malurus. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. i. (can- celled) pl. 1;. & vol. iii. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 327. Lambert's Superb Warbler. Handb. i. p. 327. Wren. Australia, iii. pl. 24. Laminated Hill Toucan: : : : Toucans, (2) pl. 37. laminirostris, Andigena. Toucans, (2) pl. 37. Lampornis aurulentus Humming B. ii. pl. 79. calosoma. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 9. gramineus Humming B. ii. pl. 77. mango Humming B. ii. pl. 74. porphyrurus. Humming B. ii. pl. 81. prevosti. Humming B. ii. pl. 75. veraguensis Humming B. ii. pl. 76. virginalis Humming B. ii. pl. 80. viridis . :: Humming B. ii. pl. 78. Lampraster branickii. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 14. Lamprococcyx basalis Handb. i. p. 626. minutillus Handb. i. p. 625. plagosus. Handb. i. p. 623. Lamprocorax minor New Guinea, iv. pl. 18. Lamprolaima rhami Humming B. ii. pl. 61. Lamprotornis spilopterus Cent. pl. 34. Lamprotreron superbus Handb. ii. p. 108. lanarius, Falco. Europe, i. pl. 20; Asia, i. pl. 6. Lance-bill, Blue-fronted . Humming B. ii. pl. 87. Ecuadorian. Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Green-fronted . Humming B. ii. pl. 88. Mulsant's Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Veraguan Humming B., Suppl. p. 22. lanceolata, Glaucis Humming B. i. pl. 8. Plectorhyncha. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iv. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 525. Lanceolate Hermit Humming B. i. pl. 8 175 Lanceolate Honey-eater. lanceolatus, Garrulus Land-Rail . . . • . langsdorffi, Gouldia . . -, Pteroglossus Selenidera Langsdorff's Araçari Thorn-tail Toucanet laniger, Macropus. lanigera, Phascogale Lanius collurio erythropterus excubitor hardwickii minor rufus. Lanner Falcon. lanoides, Pachycephala lanuginosa, Phalangista. Lapland Bunting lapponica, Centrophanes -- -, Plectrophanes Lapwing - Keptuschka . Larat Fantail Flycatcher Large-billed Pitta. Plover Sericornis Shore-Plover Warbler . Large-frilled Bower-bird Large Frilled-necked Flycatcher Large-headed Robin . Australia, iv. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 525. Cent. pls. 39, 40. Europe, iv. pl. 341; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 87. Humming B. iii. pl. 128. Toucans, (1) pl. 28. Toucans, (2) pl. 33. Toucans, (1) pl. 28. Humming B. iii. pl. 128. Toucans, (2) pl. 33. Monogr. Macrop. pt. i. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 33. Europe, ii. pl. 69. Cent. pl. 11. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 13. Cent. pl. 12. fig. 1. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 14. Europe, ii. pl. 70. Europe, i. pl. 20; Asia, i. pl. 6. Australia, ii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 214. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 20. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 30. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 169. Europe, iv. pl. 291; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 33. Europe, iv. pl. 292. New Guinea, ii. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 70. Australia, vi. pl. 6. Handb. i. p. 362. Handb. ii. p. 213. Australia, iii. pl. 52. New Guinea, i. pl. 45. New Guinea, ii. pl. 41. Australia, Suppl. pl. 17; Handb. i. . . . O . . . p. 297. Large Rufous-and-Black Finch Large-tailed Goatsucker. New Guinea, iv. pl. 22. Australia, ii. pl. 9. 176 . JU . . Large-tailed Nightjar Partridge Pigeon Podabrus Trogon Wren. Lark, Bifasciated Black. Calandra. Crested Horsfield's Bush Long-billed Calendra Shore Short-toed Sky - Wood Lark-heeled Bunting Larus argentatus audouinii canus. eburneus fuscus glaucus islandicus marinus pacificus. rissa lasiorhinus, Phascolomys lateralis, Petrogale White-winged :::: . Handb. i. p. 100. Odontoph. pl. 20. Handb. ii. p. 148. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 46. Trogons, (1) pl. 17. Australia, iii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 338. Europe, iii. pl. 168. Europe, iii. pl. 161. Europe, iii. pl. 162; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 19. Europe, iii. pl. 165; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 17. Handb. i. p. 404. i Asia, iv. pl. 72. Europe, iii. pl. 164; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 18. Europe, ii. pl. 163; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 21. Europe, iii. pl. 166; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 15. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 20. Europe, iii. pl. 167; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 16. Europe, iii. pl. 169. Europe, v. pl. 434; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 59. Europe, v. pl. 438. Europe, v. pl. 437; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 60. Europe, v. pl. 436. Europe, v. pl. 431; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 56. Europe, v. pl. 432; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 57. Europe, v. pl. 433; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 58. Europe, v. pl. 430; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 55. Australia, vii. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 385. Europe, v. pl. 435. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 59, 60. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 41, 42; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, iii. pl. 86. Europe, ii. pl. 118. Australia, v. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 150. Australia, v. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 90. . Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 57, 58. Humming B. ii. pl. 48. Humming B. v. pl. 338. . . . • . . . lathami, Amadina Calliope , Talegallus Lathamus discolor latifrons, Phascolomys latipennis, Campylopterus latirostris, Circe . 177 1 و . latirostris, Myiagra Lattice-tailed Trogon Laughing Gull Laughing-Thrush, Allied Austen's. Beautiful Black-and-Yellow-billed . Black-chinned . Blyth's Chinese Cinereous Crimson-winged Delessert's Elliot's Grey-banded Lunulated Ocellated Red-crowned Tickell's . Variegated White-eyebrowed. Yellow-throated laurinæ, Liothrix lawesi, Parotia. Lawes's Bird of Paradise Lawrence's Sapphironia Lazuline Sabre-wing . lazulus, Campylopterus . leachii, Calyptorhynchus Dacelo Thalassidroma . Leach's Cockatoo . Kingfisher leadbeateri, Cacatua Heliodoxa Plyctolophus Leadbeater's Brilliant Cockatoo Lead-coloured Falcon Australia, ii. pl. 92 ; Handb. i. p. 256. p. Trogons, (2) pl. 28. Europe, v. pl. 425. Asia, iii. pls. 37, 45. Asia, iii. pl. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 36. Asia, iii. pl. 51. Asia, iii. pl. 52. Asia, iii. pl. 41. Asia, iii. pl. 54. Asia, iii. pl. 39. Asia, iii. pl. 35. Asia, iii. pl. 48. Asia, iii. pl. 42. Asia, iii. pl. 53. Asia, iii. pl. 46. Asia, iii. pl. 44. Asia, iii. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 43. Asia, iii. pl. 38. Asia, iii. pl. 40. Asia, iii. pl. 49. Asia, iv. pl. 17. New Guinea, i. pl. 26. New Guinea, i. pl. 26. Humming B., Suppl. p. 97. Humming B. ii. pl. 44. Humming B. ii. pl. 44. Australia, v. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 124. Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. Australia, v. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 124. Australia, v. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 5. Humming B. ii. pl. 97. Synopsis, part iv. Humming B. ii. pl. 97. Australia, v. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 5. Europe, i. pl. 25. i @ . 2 A 178 Handb. i. p. 252. Handb. i. p. 501. Handb. ii. p. 197. Asia, ii. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 60. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 60. Leaden-coloured Flycatcher Least Honey-eater Swamp-Quail Legge's Flower-picker leichardti, Lagorchestes. Leichardt's Hare-Kangaroo Leioptila, see Lioptila. Leiothrix, see Liothrix. Leipoa ocellata Ocellated Lemon-breasted Trogon . Lemon-rumped Toucan lentiginosus, Botaurus Leopard, Sea lepida, Suya Lepidogenys subcristatus Lepidogrammus cumingi leporoides, Lagorchestes . . . leptonyx, Stenorhynchus Leptopæcile sophiæ . Leptorhynchus pectoralis Leptotarsis eytoni lerchi, Timolia Lerch’s Sapphire Lerwa nivicola . Partridge Lesbia amaryllis chlorura . eucharis gouldi gracilis Australia, v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 155. Australia, v. pl. 78. Trogons, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 26. Toucans, (1) pl. 4. Europe, iv. pl. 281; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 28. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 50. Asia, iv. pl. 4. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 25. Asia, vi. pl. 45. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 57; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 50. Asia, ii. pl. 62. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 9. Australia, vii. pl. 15. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 57. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 57. Asia, vi. pl. 75. Asia, vi. pl. 75. Humming B. iii. pl. 170. Humming B., Suppl. p. 53. Humming B. iii. pl. 171. Humming B. iii. pl. 167. Humming B. iii. pl. 168. Humming B. iii. pl. 169. Europe, iii. pl. 178. Europe, iii. pl. 178. Europe, v. pl. 431; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 56. New Guinea, iv. pl. 18. Asia, vii. pl. 57. Europe, ii. pl. 68. nuna . . lesbia, Emberiza Lesbian Bunting Lesser Black-backed Gull Brown-winged Starling Florikin. Grey Shrike 179 Lesser Kestrel Noddy Redpole. Spotted Woodpecker Superb Bird of Paradise Whitethroat Europe, i. pl. 27. Australia, vii. pl. 35; Handb. ii. p. 417. Europe, iii. pl. 194; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 52. Europe, iii. pl. 231; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 72. New Guinea, i. pl. 19. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 58. p. 55. lessoni, Procellaria Lesson's Flame-bearer Lestris catarractes parasiticus pomarinus richardsonii. Letitia Letter-winged Kite Lettered Araçari leucaspis, Oreopyra Leucippus, Buff-breasted chionogaster chlorocercus fallax. viridicauda. White-breasted leucocapillus, Anous. leucocephala, Æstrelata . Chimarrhornis. Phænicura. Sitella . Australia, vii. pl. 49. Humming B., Suppl. p. 43. Europe, v. pl. 439; Australia, vii. pl. 21. Europe, v. pl. 442. Europe, v. pl. 440. Europe, v. pl. 441. Humming B. iii. pl. 130. Australia, i. pl. 24; Handb. i. Toucans, (1) pl. 23, (2) pl. 23. Humming B. iv. pl. 264 ; Suppl. p. 10. Humming B. ii. pl. 56. Humming B. v. pl. 290. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Humming B. ii. pl. 56. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Humming B. v. pl. 290. Australia, vii. pl. 36; Handb. ii. p. 419, Handb. ii. p. 451. Cent. pl. 26. fig. 2. Cent. pl. 26. fig. 2. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 102 ; Handb. i. p. 610. Europe, v. pl. 383. Europe, i. pl. 11. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, vi. p. 24; Handb. ii. p. 246. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 22. Asia, vii. pl. 59. Humming B. v. pl. 291. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 50. Australia, ii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 81. . Undina. leucocephalus, Haliaetus Himantopus 9 Pandion. - Tantalus Leucochloris albicollis leucocyanea, Cyanecula . leucogaster, Ægotheles . . . 2 A 2 180 . leucogaster, Antechinus. Cinclus. Eopsaltria Falcunculus 9 . Haliaetus . Hydromys Ichthyaetus - Lophophaps Phalacrocorax . . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 38. Asia, iv. pl. 24. Australia, iii. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 296. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 2 ; Australia, ii. pl. 80; Handb. i. p. 229. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 13. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 26. Australia, i. pl. 3. Australia, Suppl. pl. 69. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7; Australia, vii. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 492. p Handb. i. p. 13. Australia, vii. pl. 63. Humming B. v. pl. 294. Asia, ii. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 271. New Guinea, iv. pl. 42. Cent. pl. 18. Cent. pl. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 62; Handb. i. Australia, v. pl. 59. . Polioaetus. Thalassidroma. Thaumatias, leucogenys, Psaltria leucogeranus, Grus leucolophus, Calliechthrus. Garrulax Garrulus leucomela, Campephaga Carpophaga Lalage, see Campephaga. Saxicola . Leucomelæna norfolciensis . leuconota, Columba Gymnorhina p. 203. . Asia, iv. pl. 29. Handb. ii. p. 112. Cent. pl. 59; Asia, vi. pl. 55. Australia, ii. pl. 47 ; Handb. i. p. 176. leuconotus, Malurus Australia, Suppl. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 332. . Picus. leucopareia, Hydrochelidon Viralva leucophæa, Amazilia Ardea Climacteris. leucophrys, Dendrortyx . Porzana. Europe, iii. pl. 229; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 71. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 406. Europe, v. pl. 424. Humming B. v. pl. 306. Australia, vi. pl. 55. Handb. i. p. 605. Odontoph. pl. 21. Australia, vi. pl. 81. 181 . leucophthalma, Fuligula leucophthalmos, Nyroca leucopleurus, Oreotrochilus leucopogon, Curruca. --, Eupsychortyx leucopsis, Anser Bernicla. Sitta Xerophila leucoptera, Æstrelata Hydrochelidon --, Loxia. Melanocorypha Pica Sitella Viralva leucopterus, Corcorax , Cracticus. Europe, v. pl. 368, Gt. Brit. v. pl. 21. Humming B. ii. pl. 71. Europe, ii. pl. 124. Odontoph. pl. 13. Europe, v. pl. 350. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 5. Asia, ii. pl. 46. Australia, iii. pl. 67; Handb. i. p. 382. p Handb. ii. p. 454. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 76. Europe, iii. pl. 203; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 48. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 20. Asia, v. pl. 55. Australia, iv. pl. 103; Handb. i. p. 611. Europe, v. pl.423. Australia, iv. pl. 16. Australia, i. Introd. p. XXXV; Handb. . . i. p. 187. Malurus. leucopus, Antechinus leucopygia, Halcyon . leucopygialis, Artamus leucopygus, Symmorphus leucorhynchus, Rectes leucorodia, Platalea leucorrhous, Polytmus Leucosarcia picata Leucospiza novæ-hollandiæ . raii leucostephes, Melirrhophetes. leucosterna, Cheramæca . leucosternon, Atticora leucosternus, Haliaetus Haliastur leucothorax, Rhipidura leucotis, Eupsychortyx Meliphaga Australia, iii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 330. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 35. New Guinea, iv. pl. 55. Australia, ii. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 154. Synopsis, part. iv. App. p. 3. New Guinea, i. pl. 52. Europe, iv. pl. 286; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 32. Humming B., Suppl. p. 86. Australia, v. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 120. Handb. i. p. 38. . Handb. i. p. 37. New Guinea, iii. pl. 33. Handb. i. p. 115. Australia, ii. pl. 12. Synopsis, part iii. Australia, i. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 17. p. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 27. Odontoph. pl. 10. Synopsis, part i. . . . 182 leucotis, Monarcha Australia, Suppl. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 264. . o Poephila Ptilotis leucura, Eopsaltria Pratincola leucurus, Threnetes lewinii, Anthochæra Ptilotis Rallus Lewin's Honey-eater Water-Rail . 9 . lewisi, Ptilopus Lewis's Fruit-Pigeon . leyboldi, Eustephanus Leybold's Fire-crown. l'huysi, Lophophorus Lichmera australasiana Lichnotentha picata Licmetis nasicus pastinator tenuirostris Ligurinus chloris . Lilac-bellied Fruit-Pigeon Lilac-throat. , Equatorial Limicola pygmæa Australia, iii. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 424. Australia, iv. pl. 36 ; Handb. i. p. 510. p Australia, Suppl. pl. 18. Asia, iv. pl. 33. Humming B. i. pl. 13. Synopsis, part i. Handb.i. p. 503. Australia, vi. pl. 77. Handb. i. p. 503. . . Australia, vi. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 336. New Guinea, v. pl. 54. New Guinea, v. pl. 54. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 25. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 25. Asia, vii. pl. 54. Handb. i. p. 493. Handb. i. p. 529. Australia, v. pl. 5. Handb. ii. p. 12. Handb. ii. p. 11. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 57. Humming B. iv. pl. 268. Humming B. iv. pl. 269. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 75. Handb. ii. P. 254. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 67. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 80. Asia, iv. pl. 67. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 73. Europe, iv. pl. 305; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 50. Australia, vi. pl. 28; Handb.ii. p. 251. Europe, iv. pl. 306; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 51. Europe, iv. pl. 307. Australia, vi. pl. 29; Handb. ii. . Limnocinclus acuminatus pectoralis Limnocryptes gallinula Limonidromus indicus Limonites temmincki. Limosa melanura melanuroides rufa terek . uropygialis . . p. 252. 183 Linaria canescens cannabina minor. montana. linaria, Ægiothus lindenii, Oxypogon Linden's Helmet-crest lindsayi, Actenoides Lindsay's Kingfisher lineata, Acanthiza . 9 Europe, iii. pl. 193. Europe, iii. pl. 191. Europe, iii. pl. 194. Europe, iii. pl. 192. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 51. Humming B. iii. pl. 183. Humming B. iii. pl. 183. Asia, i. pl. 41. Asia, i. pl. 41. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 372. Handb. i. p. 351. Asia, vii. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 43. Asia, vii. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 351. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 18. Odontoph. pl. 32. Humming B. v. pl. 302. Humming B. v. pl. 302. Europe, iii. pl. 191; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 49. Europe, iii. pl. 191. Europe, iii. pl. 192. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 49. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 30. Asia, iv. pl. 16. Asia, iv. pl. 15. Asia, iv. pl. 17. Asia, iv. pl. 15. Asia, iv. pl. 15. Asia, iv. pl. 16. Australia, iii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 371. . Europe, v. pl. 402; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 50. Australia, i. pl. 2. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 46. Europe, iv. pl. 282 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 29. Handb. ii. p. 495. Handb. i. p. 625. > Lineated Grass-Warbler Pheasant. Warbler lineatus, Euplocamus. lineocapilla, Cisticola lineolatus, Mus. Odontophorus linnæi, Thaumatias Linnæus' Emerald Linnet, Brown Common. Mountain Linota cannabina montana. Lioptila annectens Liothrix argentauris Forked-tailed laurinæ luteus Red-billed Silver-eared. Little Acanthiza Auk Australian Eagle Bat Bittern Black Cormorant. Bronze Cuckoo . : . > . • . 184 . Little Brown Acanthiza . Brown Warbler Bustard Chthonicola . Cormorant Crake. Cuckoo Eagle. Egret. . . Flame-bearer Frilled-necked Flycatcher Grass-bird Grebe Green Pigeon Grey Bittern Gull Hemipode Hermit Humming-bird. Kingfisher Lorikeet. Mangrove-Bittern . Owl Penguin Pericrocotus Racket-tailed Parrot . Rat Red-billed Partridge. Ring-Dottrel Ring-Plover Rock-Wallaby Sandpiper Handb. i. p. 364. Australia, iii. pl. 53. Europe, iv. pl. 269; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 18. Australia, iii. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 390. Europe, v. pl. 409; Handb. ii. p. 493. Europe, iv. pl. 345; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 90. Australia, Suppl. pl. 56. Handb. i. p. 11. Europe, iv. pl. 277; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 305. Humming B. iii. pl. 138. New Guinea, ii. pl. 42. Handb. i. p. 400. Europe, v. pl. 392 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 42. Australia, v. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 118. Australia, vi. pl. 67. Europe, v. pl. 428; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 66. Asia, vii. pl. 10. Humming B. i. pl. 40. Humming B. iii. pl. 133. Australia, ii. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 142. Australia, v. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 103. Handb. ii. p. 317. Europe, i. pl. 48; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 37. i Australia, vii. pl. 84; Handb. ii. p. 518. Asia, ii. pl. 9. Asia, vi. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 20. Asia, vii. pl. 3. Europe, iv. pl. 297. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 42. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 48. Australia, vi. pl. 31; Handb.ii. p. 257; Europe, iv. pl. 332. New Guinea, iii. pl. 7. Handb. i. p. 225. Europe, iv. pl. 332; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 72. Asia, iv. pl. 4 . Sericornis Shrike-Thrush Stint Suya. 185 . Little Tern Europe, v. pl. 420; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 73. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 17. Turtle-Dove Handb. ii. p. 146. Violet-ear Humming B. iv. pl. 228. Warbler. Australia, iii. pls. 60, 72. Water-Crake Handb. ii. P. 340. Whimbrel Australia, vi. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 280. Wood-Shrike Australia, ii. pl. 78. Wood-Star Humming B., Suppl. pl. 32. Wood-Swallow. Australia, ii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 146. livia, Columba. Europe, iv. pl. 245; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 3. lobata, Biziura Australia, vii. pl. 18 ; Handb.ii. p. 381. lobatus, Arctocephalus. , Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 49. Lobivanellus Australia, vi. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 218. . Lobed Pheasant, Chestnut-tailed . Asia, vii. pl. 12. Lobiophasis bulweri . Asia, vii. pl. 13. castaneicaudatus Asia, vii. pl. 12. Lobipes hyperboreus Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 83. Lobivanellus lobatus. Australia, vi. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 218. personatus Australia, vi. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 220. Locustella avicula Europe, ii. pl. 103; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 78. certhiola Europe, ii. pl. 105. fluviatilis Europe, ii. pl. 102. luscinioides Europe, ii. pl. 104. Locustelle, Brake . Europe, ii. pl. 103. Creeping Europe, ii. pl. 105. Reed Europe, ii. pl. 102. Willow Europe, ii. pl. 104. Loddiges' Plover-crest Humming B. iv. pl. 209. loddigesi, Cephalepis Humming B. iv. pl. 209. Loddigesia mirabilis Humming B. iii. pl. 161. Long-billed Babbler Asia, iii. pl. 60. Bristle-bird. Australia, iii. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 343. Calandre Asia, iv. pl. 72. Cockatoo Australia, v. pl. 5; Handb. ii. p. 11. , p Green Pigeon Handb. ii. p. 119. Honey-eater Australia, iv. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 488. Parrot Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 7. . . 2 B 186 P. 403. . Long-billed Puff-leg Reed-Warbler. Star-throat Wren Zosterops Long-eared Owl Peragalea Long-haired Hapalotis. Rat longicauda, Corythus Discura Urocharis Urocichla longicaudata, Hapalotis . longicaudatus, Orthotomus longicaudus, Malurus Stercorarius. longipilis, Mus longirostra, Pachycephala longirostris, Acrocephalus Calamoherpe Chalcophaps Dasyornis , Hæmatopus Heliomaster Meliornis Meliphaga Sphenura Zosterops Long-legged Plover Tern . . Long-nosed Perameles Tarsipes. Long-plumed Honey-eater Long-tailed Belideus. Duck. Emerald. Humming B. iv. pl. 272. Australia, iii. pl. 38; Handb. i. Humming B. iv. pl. 259. Asia, iii. pl. 60. Handb. ii. App. p. 536. Europe, i. pl. 39; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 31. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 13. Europe, iii. pl. 205. Humming B. iii. pl. 126. New Guinea, iv. pl. 11. Asia, iv. pl. 53. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 8. Asia, iv. pl. 7. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 320. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 81. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 13. Synopsis, part iii. Australia, iii. pl. 38. Handb. i. p. 403. Handb. ii. p. 119. Australia, iii. pl. 33. Australia, vi. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 215. p. Humming B. iv. pl. 259. Handb. i. p. 488. Australia, iv. pl. 24. Handb. i. p. 343. New Guinea, iii. pl. 61. Europe, iv. pl. 289; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 34. Handb. ii. p. 403. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 5. New Guinea, iii. pl. 57. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 23. Europe, v. pl. 382 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 33. Humming B. v. pl. 350. . 187 Long-tailed Flower-pecker. Glossy Starling Grass-Finch. Hapalotis Hill-Wren Paradoxornis Skua. Superb Warbler Tit New Guinea, iv. pl. 11. New Guinea, iv. pl. 12. Australia, iii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 422. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 8. Asia, iv. pl. 53. Asia, iii. pl. 76. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 81. Handb. i. p. 320. . Europe, iii. pl. 157; Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 28, 29. Trogons, (2) pl. 30. Australia, iii. pl. 19. Humming B. i. pl. 31. Humming B. i. pl. 31. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 1. Australia, i. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 51. Australia, v. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 116. Australia, Suppl. pl. 68; Handb. ii. . Trogon. Wren. Longuemare's Hermit longuemareus, Phaethornis. Long-winged Swift Lophoictinia isura Lopholaimus antarcticus Lophophaps ferruginea . . p. 137. . leucogaster plumifera Lophophorus impeyanus l'huysi Lophorhina minor superba. Lophornis adorabilis . chalybeus delattrei. gouldi helenæ magnificus ornatus pavoninus regina regulus verreauxi lophotes, Ocyphaps Loriculus aurantiifrons Australia, Suppl. pl. 69. Handb. ii. p. 135. Asia, vii. pl. 53; Cent. pl. 60. Asia, vii. pl. 54. New Guinea, i. pl. 19. New Guinea, i. pl. 18. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 35. Humming B. iii. pl. 124. Humming B. iii. pl. 121. Humming B. iii. pl. 118. Humming B. iii. pl. 123. Humming B. iii. pl. 119. Humming B. iii. pl. 117. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 36. Humming B. iii. pl. 122. Humming B. iii. pl. 120. Humming B. iii. pl. 125. Australia, v. pl. 70; Handb.ii. p. 139. . New Guinea, v. pl. 43. . • - 2 B 2 188 . p. 102. . 9 . Lorikeet, Arfak Beautiful Blue-bellied. Green-backed Little . Musk Musky Papuan Pectoral . Porphyry-crowned Red-backed. Red-collared Scaly-breasted Swainson's Swift . Van Musschenbroek's Varied Wilhelmina . Lorius flavo-palliatus . tibialis Lory, Banded Blue-streaked Blue-thighed Crimson-winged Green King Red-fronted Red-winged. Yellow-mantled lotenia, Nectarinia Loten's Sun-bird. Lovely Superb Warbler. Wren. Loxia bifasciata curvirostra himalayana leucoptera pityopsittacus New Guinea, v. pl. 18. New Guinea, v. pl. 20. Handb. ii. p. 93. New Guinea, v. pl. 17. Australia, v. pl. 54; Handb.ii. p. 103. Handb. ii. p. 100. Australia, v. pl. 52. New Guinea, v. pl. 14. New Guinea, v. pl. 13. Australia, v. pl. 53; Handb. ii. New Guinea, v. pl. 16. Australia, v. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 95. . Australia, v. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 96. Australia, v. pl. 48. Australia, v. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 90. New Guinea, v. pl. 42. Australia, v. pl. 51; Handb. ii. p. 98. New Guinea, v. pl. 19. New Guinea, v. pl. 36. New Guinea, v. pl. 37. New Guinea, v. pl. 34. New Guinea, v. pl. 35. New Guinea, v. pl. 37. Handb: ii. p. New Guinea, v. pl. 31. Australia, v. pl. 17; Handb. ij. p. 35. New Guinea, v. pl. 38. Australia, v. pl. 18; Handb. ii. p. 37. New Guinea, v. pl. 36. Asia, ii. pl. 33. Asia, ii. pl. 33. Handb. i. p. 328. Australia, Suppl. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 47. Europe, iii. pl. 202; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 45. Asia, v. pl. 41. Europe, iii. pl. 203; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 48. Europe, iii. pl. 201; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 46. . p. 39. . D 189 . luciæ, Agyrtria luciani, Eriocnemis Palæornis lucida, Amazilia lucidus, Chrysococcyx luctuosa, Carpophaga Muscicapa Lucy's Emerald ludoviciæ, Doryfera lugens, Eriocnemis lugubris, Melampitta. Motacilla Parus. lumachellus, Augastes luminosa, Sapphironia lunata, Onychogalea. Lunated Eurylaime Honey-eater Nail-tailed Kangaroo Thickhead Humming B., Suppl. p. 78. Humming B. iv. pl. 273. Asia, vi. pl. 4. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Australia, iv. pl. 89. Australia, v. pl. 60. Europe, ii. pl. 63. fig. I. Humming B., Suppl. p. 78. Humming B. ii. pl. 88. Humming B. iv. pl. 282. New Guinea, iv. pl. 28. Europe, ii. pl. 142. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. 1. Humming B. iv. pl. 222. Humming B., Suppl. p. 97. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 55. Asia, i. pl. 62. Australia, iv. pl. 72. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 55. Australia, ii. pl. 68; Handb. i. . p. 213. و p. 439. . . Wattle-bird. lunatus, Serilophus lunulata, Acanthochæra . Anellobia Anthochera. Ianthocincla Oreocincla Lunulated Forktail Honey-eater Wattle-bird. lunulatus, Falco Hæmatops Melithreptus lunulosa, Galloperdix Luscinia philomela luscinia, Philomela luscinioides, Locustella Australia, iv. pl. 57. Asia, i. pl. 62. Australia, iv. pl. 57. Handb. i. P. 543. Synopsis, part iv. Asia, iii. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. Asia, iv. pl. 68. Handb. i. p. 568. Handb. i. p. 543. Handb. i. p. 29. Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 568. p Asia, vi. pl. 69. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 56. Europe, ii. pl. 116. Europe, ii. pl. 104. 190 luscinioides, Lusciniopsis Lusciniopsis luscinioides lutea, Myzantha luteola, Emberiza . Euspiza Luteous Honey-eater. lutetiæ, Helianthea luteus, Liothrix Zosterops Lycocorax obiensis Lyncornis cerviniceps macrotis . temminckii Lyre-bird Prince Albert's Queen Victoria's Lyre-shaped Wood-Star . lyrura, Doricha Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 77. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 77. Australia, iv. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 577. Asia, v. pl. 14. Asia, v. pl. 14. Australia, iv. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 577. Humming B. iv. pl. 238. Asia, iv. pl. 15. Australia, iv. pl. 83; Handb. i. p.590. New Guinea, i. pl. 36. Icones Avium, pl. 14. Icones Avium, pl. 15. Icones Avium, pl. 16. Australia, iii. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 298. Australia, Suppl. pl.19; Handb.i.p. 307. Handb. i. p. 302. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 34. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 34. maccoyi, Cyclopsitta . McCoy's Perroquet macgregoriæ, Niltava . MacGregor's Niltava . Machærirhynchus albifrons. flaviventer New Guinea, v. pl. 7. New Guinea, v. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 22. Asia, ii. pl. 22. New Guinea, ii. pl. 37. Australia, Suppl. pl. 11; Handb. i. . p. 257. nigripectus Machetes pugnax . mackloti, Harpactes Pitta. Macklot's Pitta Trogon macleayi, Cyanalcyon -, Halcyon. Macleay's Kingfisher . New Guinea, ii. pl. 38. Europe, iv. pl. 325; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 61, 62. Asia, i. pl. 73 ; Trogons, (2) pl. 45. Australia, Suppl. pl. 29. Australia, Suppl. pl. 29. Asia, i. pl. 73; Trogons, (2) pl. 45. Handb. i. p. 133. Australia, ii. pl. 24. Australia, ii. pl. 24; Handb. i. p: 133. 191 . . macqueeni, Houbara . Asia, vii. pl. 58. Otis Asia, vii. pl. 58. Macqueen's Bustard Asia, vii. pl. 58. macrocerca, Hylonympha Humming B., Suppl. pl. 27. macrolopha, Pucrasia Asia, vii. pl. 26; Cent. pls. 69, 70. macroptera, Chætura Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 1. Microca Australia, ii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 258. . Pterodroma Handb. ii. p. 449. Macropus frænatus Monogr. Macrop. part i. fuliginosus : Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 5; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. laniger Monogr. Macrop. part i. major. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 1, 2; Monogr. Macrop. part i. ocydromus Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 3, 4. unguifer. Monogr. Macrop. part i. macropus, Vespertilio Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 47. Macropygia phasianella . Australia, v. pl. 75 ; Handb. ii. p. 148. Macrorhamphus griseus. Europe, iv. pl. 323; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 76. macrorhina, Melidora New Guinea, iv. pl. 53. macrorhyncha, Ardetta Australia, vi. pl. 66. Butorides Handb. ii. p. 316. Oreocincla Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. macrorhynchus, Calyptorhynchus. Australia, v. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p.15. Cymbirhynchus Asia, i. pl. 59. macrotarsa, Gelochelidon Australia, Suppl. pl. 81; Handb. ii. • . . p. 403. و P Sterna macrotis, Lyncornis macroura, Trogon. macrourus, Dendrortyx Podabrus macrura, Sterna Macruropsar magnus. macrurus, Amytis , Caprimulgus Centropus Synopsis, part ii. Icones Avium, pl. 15. Trogons, (1) pl. 17. Odontoph. pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 46. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 72. New Guinea, iv. pl. 12. Australia, iii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 338. Australia, ii. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 100. Australia, i. Introd. p. lxi, & iv. text to pl. 92; Handb. i. P. 636. P 192 macrurus, Trogon macularius, Actitis Totanus maculata, Adelomyia . -, Athene Calodera. . > . Trogons, (2) pl. 30. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 59. Europe, iv. pl. 317. Humming B. iii. pl. 199. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, i. pl. 33. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 3. Australia, iv. pl. 8. Handb. i. p. 450. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 44. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 49. Asia, iv. pl. 68; Cent. pl. 27. Asia, iv. pl. 68. Asia, vi. pl. 30. Australia, iii. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 361. Handb. i. p. 76. Humming B., Suppl. p. 77. Toucans, (1) pl. 24. Toucans, (2) pl. 31. New Guinea, i. pl. 38. و Chlamydera. Chlamydodera . maculatus, Antechinus Dasyurus Enicurus Henicurus Iyngipicus Sericornis Spiloglaux maculicauda, Agyrtria maculirostris, Pteroglossus . Selenidera. maculosus, Ailurædus Madame de Lafresnaye's Plume- leteer madaraszi, Psittacella Madarász's Parrakeet maderaspatensis, Motacilla . Mafoor-Island Black Sun-bird . Cuckoo-Shrike. Pitta. Mafoor Pygmy Parrot maforensis, Cinnyris . Graucalus Nasiterna Pitta magica, Iache. magna, Acanthiza Cisticola . . Humming B., Suppl. p. 13. New Guinea, v. pl. 40. New Guinea, v. pl. 40. Asia, iv. pl. 61. New Guinea, iii. pl. 30. New Guinea, ii. pl. 6. New Guinea, iv. pl. 33. New Guinea, v. pl. 22. New Guinea, iii. pl. 30. New Guinea, ii. pl. 6. New Guinea, v. pl. 22. New Guinea, iv. pl. 33. Humming B., Suppl. p. 96. Australia, Suppl. pl. 28; Handb.i. p. 373. Australia, iii. pl. 41; Handb. i. 9 . > p. 349. magnifica, Carpophaga Australia, v. pl. 58. e 193 magnifica, Craspedophora New Guinea, i. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 595. . • . Megaloprepia. Ptilorhis. Magnificent Bird of Paradise Fruit-Pigeon Rifle-bird magnificus, Lophornis magnirostra, Acanthiza magnirostris, Esacus Gerygone Sericornis Urocissa. magnus, Macruropsar Schøniclus . Magpie. Handb. ii. p. 110. Australia, Suppl. pl. 51. New Guinea, i. pl. 22. Australia, v. pl. 58; Handb. ii. p. 110. Australia, Suppl.pl. 51; Handb.i.p.595. Humming B. iii. pl. 119. Synopsis, part iv. : Australia, vi. pl. 6; Australia, vi. pl. 6; Handb. ii. p. 213. Australia, ii. pl. 100; Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, iii. pl. 52; Handb. i. p. 362. Asia, v. pl. 49. New Guinea, iv. pl. 12. Australia, vi. pl. 33. Europe, iii. pl. 216; Gt. Brit. ij. ; . pl. 63. JJJ . . 2 . -, Afghan Azure-winged Black-rumped Bootan Ceylonese Chinese Blue Formosan Blue Great-billed Blue. Green Hooded Racket-tailed Red-and-Blue Red-billed Blue White-capped Blue White-winged . Yellow-billed Blue maguari, Ciconia Maguari Stork . Mahratta Nightjar mahrattensis, Caprimulgus. Picus Majaqueus conspicillatus Asia, v. pl. 56. Europe, iii. pl. 217. Asia, v. pl. 57. Asia, v. pl. 57. Asia, v. pl. 53. Asia, v. pl. 48. Asia, v. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 49. Asia, v. pl. 54. Asia, v. pl. 52. Asia, v. pl. 53. Asia, v. pl. 47. Asia, v. pl. 51. Asia, v. pl. 55. Asia, v. pl. 50. Europe, iv. pl. 285. Europe, iv. pl. 285. Asia, i. pl. 19. Asia, i. pl. 19. Cent. pl. 51. Handb. ii. p. 445. JUNI . . . 2 c 194 major, Gallinago - Macropus Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 78. Mamm. ii. pls. 1, 2; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Parus. Europe, iii. pl. 150; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 23. . . Picus . Puffinus , Pyrrhula Scolopax Malabar Phyllornis Trogon malabaricus, Phyllornis . Trogon Malacca Trogon Malaccan Dial-bird Parrakeet Pitta malaccensis, Palæornis malachurus, Stipiturus malacoptilus, Rimator Malacorhynchus membranaceus Malacoturnix superciliosus . Malayan Fairy Blue-bird Peacock Pheasant. Piculet Pigmy Woodpecker Mallard Duck . Malurus alboscapulatus . . . Europe, iii. pl. 229; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 70. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 83. Asia, v. pl. 38. Europe, iv. pl. 320. Asia, iii. pl. 16. Trogons, (1) pl. 31. Asia, iii. pl. 16. Trogons, (1) pl. 31. Asia, i. pl. 68; Trogons, (2) pl. 41. Asia, iii. pl. 25. Asia, vi. pl. 10. Asia, v. pl. 68. Asia, vi. pl. 10. Australia, iii. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 339. Asia, iii. pl. 60. Australia, vii. pl. 13; Handb.ii. p. 372. Asia, vii. pl. 8. Asia, iii. pl. 19. Asia, vii. pl. 51. Asia, vi. pl. 41. Asia, vi. pl. 29. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 15. New Guinea, ii. pl. 25. Australia, Suppl.pl.21; Handb.i. p. 328. Australia, iii. pl. 27. Australia, Suppl. pl. 23. Australia, Suppl. pl. 20; Handb. i. . Handb. i. p. 334. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, iii. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 317. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled), & vol. iii. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 324. . . . p. 329. amabilis brownii callainus. coronatus cruentatus . cyaneus elegans 195 Malurus hypoleucus lamberti. leuconotus . leucopterus longicaudus || | || . . > melanocephalus melanotus pectoralis Pied pulcherrimus splendens Mandarin Duck Maned Goose Mango, Blue-tailed Green-throated Humming-bird Porphyry-tailed , Prevost's. St. Domingo St. Thomas's Veraguan mango, Lampornis Mangrove-Bittern, Little Thick-billed Yellow-necked. manicatus, Halmaturus. Australia, Suppl. pl. 22. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, pt. i. (cancelled), & vol. iii. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 327. Australia, Suppl. pl. 24; Handb.i.p.332. Australia, iii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 330. p Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Australia, iii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 320. Australia, iii. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 333. Australia, iii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 322. Synopsis, part i. New Guinea, ii. pl. 25. Australia, iii. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 326. Australia, iii. pl. 21; Handb. i. P. 323. Asia, vii. pl. 69. Australia, vii. pl. 3; Handb. ii. p. 354. Humming B. ii. pl. 78. Humming B. ii. pl. 77. Humming B. ii. pl. 74. Humming B. ii. pl. 81. Humming B. ii. pl. 75. Humming B. ii. pl. 79. Humming B. ii. pl. 80. Humming B. ii. pl. 76. Humming B. ii. pl. 74. Handb. ii. p. 317. Handb. ii. p. 316. Handb. ii. p. 315. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 20, 21 ; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 16. Asia, i. pl. 44. Europe, v. pl. 443. Handb. i. p. 579. Europe, v. pl. 354. Australia, Suppl. pl. 76; Handb. ii. Mus Manilla Kingfisher Manks Shearwater Manorhina melanophrys mansuetus, Cygnus mantelli, Notornis . p. 576. Mantled Kingfisher Asia, i. pl. 51. 2 c 2 196 . . . Manucode, Curl-crested. New Guinea, i. pl. 33. Gould's Handb. i. p. 236. . Green New Guinea, i. pl. 34. Purple-and-Violet. New Guinea, i. pl. 35. Manucodia chalybea . New Guinea, i. pl. 34. comrii New Guinea, i. pl. 33. gouldii Handb. i. p. 236. keraudreni Australia, Suppl. pl. 9. Many-banded Araçari Toucans, (1) pl. 15, (2) pl. 17. Many-coloured Kingfisher Asia, i. pl. 47. Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 35. Many-spotted Nutcracker Asia, v. pl. 59. Manx Shearwater. Europe, v. pl. 443; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 84. Marbled Duck. Europe, v. pl. 373. Podargus Australia, Suppl. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 94. Mareca penelope Europe, v. pl. 359; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 13. margaritæ, Charmosyna New Guinea, v. pl. 11. mariæ, Pteroglossus . Toucans, (2) pl. 30. marila, Fuligula Europe, v. pl. 371; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 24. marina, Thalassidroma Australia, vii. pl. 61. marinus, Larus. Europe, v. pl. 430; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 55. maritima, Arquatella. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 74. , Tringa Europe, iv. pl. 334. Marmora's Warbler Europe, ii. pl. 127. marmorata, Fuligula. Europe, v. pl. 373. Ptilotis New Guinea, iii. pl. 48. marmoratus, Podargus Australia, Suppl. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 94. Spiloglaux. Handb. i. p. 73. . . Maroon-breasted Pigeon Asia, vi. pl. 52. Maroon Oriole. Asia, ii. pl. 74. Marquis de Raggi's Bird of Paradise. New Guinea, i. pl. 32. Doria's Goshawk New Guinea, i. pl. 2. Mars Humming-bird . Humming B. iv. pl. 246. Marsh Bunting Europe, iii. pl. 182. Harrier Europe, i. pl. 32; Gt. Brit. i. pls. 24, 25. Pellorneum. Asia, iii. pl. 65. Sandpiper Europe, iv. pl. 314; Australia, vi. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 267. . . . . 197 Marsh Tern. Tit . . p. 113. . Tringa Warbler. marshallorum, Megalæma Martin, Fairy House Rock. Sand. Tree Martin-Swallow, Nepal martius, Dryocopus Picus. maruetta, Porzana Marvellous Humming-bird . Masked Barn-Owl Gannet Grass-Finch Grosbeak Owl Pewit. Plover Wagtail. Warbler. Wedge-bill Wood-Swallow. Massena Fruit-Pigeon massena, Cyrtonyx Troctes Trogon Massena's Partridge Trogon Matthews' Panoplites matthewsi, Panoplites maugæi, Sporodinus Mauge's Humming-bird mavors, Heliangelus . Australia, vii. pl. 31; Handb.ii. p. 406. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 27. Handb. ii. p. 254. Europe, ii. pl. 109; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 74. Cent. pl. 46. Australia, ii. pl. 15; Handb. i. Europe, ii. pl. 57; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 6. Europe, ii. pl. 56. Europe, ii. pl. 58; Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 7, 8. Australia, ii. pl. 14. Asia, i. pl. 31. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 73. Europe, iii. pl. 225. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 88. Humming B. iii. pl. 161. Australia, i. pl. 29. Australia, vii. pl. 77; Handb.ii. p. 506. Australia, iii. pl. 91; Handb. i. p. 423. Asia, v. pl. 18. Handb. i. p. 64. . Australia, vi. pl. 10. Handb. ii. p. 220. Asia, iv. pl. 63. Australia, Suppl. pl. 14. Humming B. iv. pl. 219. Handb. i. p. 150. . . New Guinea, v. pl. 59. Odontoph. pl. 7. Trogons, (2) pl. 31. Trogons, (1) pl. 16. Odontoph. pl. 7. Trogons, (2) pl. 31. Humming B. ii. pl. 112. Humming B. ii. pl. 112. Humming B. v. pl. 349. Humming B. v. pl. 349. Humming B. iv. pl. 246. 6 . 198 Handb. i. p. . . maxillaris, Sphecotheres maxima, Melanocorypha Pitta. maximus, Artamus Bubo. Mazatlan Humming-bird Mazeppa Hermit mazeppa, Glaucis Meadow Bunting . Pipit. Mealy Redpole Mecistura caudata glaucogularis medius, Picus. - Piezorhynchus megacephalus, Podargus 467. Asia, iv. pl. 72. New Guinea, iv. pl. 27. New Guinea, iv. pl. 19. Europe, i. pl. 37; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 30. Humming B., Suppl. p. 96. Humming B. i. pl. 6. Humming B. i. pl. 6. Europe, iii. pl. 179. Europe, ii. pl. 136; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 13. Europe, iii. pl. 193; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 51. Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 28, 29. Asia, ii. pl. 69. Europe, iii. pl. 230. New Guinea, ii. pl. 50. Australia, i. Intr. p. xxviii; Handb. i. 9 P. 89. . . . Megacrex inepta Megalæma franklini . marshallorum nuchalis . Megaloprepia assimilis. magnifica Megalurus albolimbatus. megaphyllus, Rhinolophus . Megapode, Australian - Brenchley's Mound-raising Megapodius brenchleyi . tumulus megarhyncha, Pitta megarhynchus, Dicranostreptus Melampitta lugubris . melananthera, Spathura . melanauchen, Sterna . melanocephala, Ceriornis New Guinea, v. pl. 69. Asia, vi. pl. 50. Cent. pl. 46. Asia, vi. pl. 49. Handb. ii. p. 111. Handb. ii. p. 110. . . New Guinea, iii. pl. 12. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 33. Handb. ii. p. 167. New Guinea, v. pl. 68. Australia, v. pl. 79. New Guinea, v. pl. 68. Australia, v. pl. 79; Handb. ii. p. 167. . Asia, v. pl. 70. New Guinea, i. pl. 51. New Guinea, iv. pl. 28. Humming B. iii. pl. 163. Australia, vii. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 400. Cent. pls. 63, 64, 65; Asia, vii. pl. 45. Europe, ii. pl, 123. . Curruca. 199 2 melanocephala, Emberiza Euspiza. Myzomela Sitella Sylvia. Trogon Xema melanocephalus, Ailurvedus Larus , Malurus. Melithreptus Pardalotus . Trogon melanochlamys, Astur Irena. Melanochlora sultanea Melanocorypha calandra leucoptera maxima Melanodryas cucullata picata melanogaster, Cinclus Fregetta. Hemipodius Europe, iii. pl. 172. Asia, v. pl. 13; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 28. New Guinea, iii. pl. 66. Synopsis, part iv. Europe, ii. pl. 123. Trogons, (1) pl. 12. Europe, v. pl. 427. New Guinea, i. pl. 42. Europe, v. pl. 427. Australia, iii. pl. 26; Handb.i. p. 333. Australia, iv. pl. 75; Handb. i. p. 573. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 165. Trogons, (2) pl. 27. New Guinea, i. pl. 1. Asia, iii. pl. 23. Asia, ii. pl. 51. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 19. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 20. Asia, iv. pl. 72. Australia, iii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 283. Handb. i. p. 285. Europe, ii. pl. 84; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 42. Handb. ii. p. 479. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, pt. i. (can- celled), & vol. v. pl. 81. Humming B. ii. pl. 72. Handb. ii. p. 178. Asia, vii. pl. 70. Humming B. iii. pl. 198. New Guinea, v. pl. 6. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 26. . Australia, vii. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 352. Asia, iv. pl. 32. Asia, iii. pl. 32. Australia, vii. pl. 70.; Handb. ii. P. 493. Cent. pl. 30. fig. 2; Asia, ii. pl. 61. Oreotrochilus Turnix Sterna melanogenys, Adelomyia Cyclopsitta Falco. و melanoleuca, Anseranas . Rhodophila . Sibia. melanoleucus, Phalacrocorax melanolophus, Parus. . 200 melanonota, Climacteris. Monarcha melanophrys, Diomedea . Handb. i. p. 603. New Guinea, ii. pl. 54. Australia, vii. pl. 43; Handb. ii. . p. 438. . Manorhina Myzantha melanopogon, Acrocephalus Salicaria. melanops, Anous Artamus. Carcineutes. Eumyias Graucalus Muscicapa Stoparola melanoptera, Glareola melanopterus, Elanus Himantopus Trogon melanopus, Herodias. Melanopyrrhus anais. orientalis melanorhamphus, Corcorax melanorhyncha, Sterna melanorrhoa, Hypuroptila . melanosternon, Buteo , Gypoictinia . melanostigma, Trochalopteron. melanotis, Ailurædus Allotrius. Graucalus Heliopædica melanotus, Climacteris Hemipodius Malurus. Porphyrio Turnix Handb. i. p. 579. Australia, iv. pl. 80. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. I. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. I. Australia, vii. pl. 35; Handb. ii.p.417. Australia, Suppl. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 149. Asia, i. pl. 49. Cent. pl. 6. Synopsis, partiv.; Australia, ii. pl. 55; Handb. i. p. 192. Cent. pl. 6. Cent. pl. 6. Asia, vii. pl. 63. Europe, i. pl. 31. . Europe, iv. pl. 289. Trogons, (1) pls. 10, 11. Handb. ii. p. 304. New Guinea, iv. pl. 16. New Guinea, iv. pl. 17. Handb. i. P. 470. Australia, vii. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 398. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 10. Australia, i. pl. 20. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 43. New Guinea, i. pl. 39. Asia, ii. pl. 16. Synopsis, part iv. Humming B. ii. pl. 64. Australia, iv. pl. 96. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, v. pl. 84. Australia, iii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 322. Australia, vi. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 321. Handb, ii. P. 182. Handb. i. p. 201 melanoxanthus, Mycerobas. melanura, Climacteris Eophona. Glaucis Limosa Asia, v. pl. 20. Australia, iv. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 604. Asia, v. pl. 19. Humming B. i. pl. 9. Europe, iv. pl. 305; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 50. Pachycephala Polytelis. Sterna Sula -, Trogon melanuroides, Limosa melanurus, Centropus Trogon melba, Cypselus Meliarchus sclateri Melicophila picata Melidectes emilii torquatus Melidora macrorhina . Melilestes iliolophus. poliopterus melinus, Sericulus Meliornis longirostris mystacalis nova-hollandiæ sericea Meliphaga auricomis. australasiana chrysops. chrysotis fusca inornata. leucotis longirostris mystacalis Australia, ii. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 211. . Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, v. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 33. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7. Europe, v. pl. 413. Trogons, (1) pl. 18. Australia, vi. pl. 28 ; Handb. ii.p. 251. Australia, i. Introd. p. lxi, & vol. iv. text to pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 636. p Trogons, (2) pl. 29. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 4. New Guinea, iii. pl. 52. Australia, iv. pl. 49. New Guinea, iii. pl. 37. New Guinea, iii. pl. 36. New Guinea, iv. pl. 53. New Guinea, iii. pl. 57. New Guinea, iii. pl. 56. Handb. i. p. 456. Handb. i. p. 488. Handb. i. p. 491. . Handb. i. p. 486. Handb. i. p. 490. Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 27. Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part i. Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 5. Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 24. Australia, iv. pl. 26. . . 2 D 202 . . p. 566. Meliphaga novæ hollandiæ . Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 23. penicillata Synopsis, part i. phrygia Handb. i. p. 527. sericea Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 25. sericeola . Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 5. Melipotes gymnops New Guinea, iii. pl. 38. Melirrhophetes batesi New Guinea, iii. pl. 35. leucostephes New Guinea, iii. pl. 33. ochromelas. New Guinea, iii. pl. 34. Melithreptus albogularis Australia, iv. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 571. p chloropsis Australia, iv. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 570. gularis Australia, iv. pl. 71 ; Handb. i. lætior. New Guinea, iii. pl. 40. lunulatus Australia, iv. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 568. melanocephalus Australia, iv. pl. 75; Handb. i. p. 573. validirostris. Australia, iv. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 565. Melizophilus provincialis Europe, ii. pl. 129; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 59. Mellisuga minima. Humming B. iii. pl. 133. mellivora, Acanthochæra Australia, iv. pl. 56. Anellobia Handb. i. p. 541. Anthochæra. Synopsis, part i. Florisuga Humming B. ii. pl. 113. Melodious Warbler Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 71. Willow-Wren Europe, ii. pl. 133. Melopsittacus undulatus Australia, v. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 81. Membranaceous Duck Australia, vii. pl. 13. membranaceus, Malacorhynchus . Australia, vii. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 372. mentalis, Graucalus Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, ii. pl. 56 ; Handb. i. p. 195. Menura alberti. Australia, Suppl. pl. 19; Handb. i. . 9 . . p. 307. 2 superba victoriæ Merganser Hooded Red-breasted merganser, Mergus Mergulus alle Mergus albellus Australia, iii. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 298. Handb. i. p. 302. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 35. Europe, v. pl. 386; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 36. Europe, v. pl. 385. Europe, v. pl. 384. Europe, v. pl. 402; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 50. Europe, v. pl. 387; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 37. 2 1 203 e . Mergus castor cucullatus merganser serrator meridionalis, Collurio Trogon Merlin Meropogon forsteni Merops apiaster ornatus philippinus quinticolor viridis Merula albocincta. boulboul. castanea migratoria poliocephala . . . IL torquata unicolor vinitincta Gt. Brit. v. pl. 34. Europe, v. pl. 386; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 36. Europe, v. pl. 384. Europe, v. pl. 385 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 35. Europe, ii. pl. 67. Trogons, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 17. Europe, i. pl. 24; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 19. Asia, i. pl. 39. Europe, ii. pl. 59; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 9. Australia, ii. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 117. Asia, i. pl. 36. Asia, i. pl. 34. Asia, i. pl. 35. Asia, iii. pl. 6. Asia, iii. pl. 7; Cent. pl. 14. Asia, iii. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 74. Australia, Suppl. pl. 30; Handb. ii. App. p. 528. Europe, ii. pl. 73 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 38. Asia, iii. pl. 4. Australia, Suppl. pl. 31; Handb. ii. App. p. 529. Europe, ii. pl. 72; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 37. Asia, iv. pl. 16. Handb. i. p. 621. Humming B. iv. pl. 262. Humming B. iv. pl. 280. Australia, Suppl. pl. 33. Handb. i. p. 477. Humming B. iii. pl. 192. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Humming B. iii. pl. 191. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 45. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B. iii. pl. 194. Humming B. iii. pl. 196. . vulgaris Mesia, Silver-eared Mesocalius osculans mesoleucus, Heliomaster Metallic Puff-leg metallica, Aplonis . Calornis. Metallura æneicauda. chloropogon cupreicauda. eupogon heterocerca. jelskii primolina primolinus smaragdinicollis . 1 . 2 D2 204 . . Metallura tyrianthina williami. Mexican Hermit Sabre-wing Satellite Shear-tail Star Trogon Violet-ear mexicanus, Trogon meyeri, Chalcites. Meyer's Golden Cuckoo Ground-Thrush Wood-Swallow micrastur, Heliangelus Microchera albocoronata parvirostris microdon, Scotophilus Microdynamis parva . Micræca, see also Flycatcher. assimilis. Humming B. iii. pl. 195. Humming B. iii. pl. 193. Humming B. i. pl. 19. Humming B., Suppl. p. 5. Humming B. iii. pl. 142. Humming B. iii. pl. 155. Humming B. iii. pl. 143. Trogons, (1) pls. 1, 2, (2) pl. 7. Humming B. iv. pl. 227. Trogons, (1) pls. 1, 2, (2) pl. 7. New Guinea, iv. pl. 43. New Guinea, iv. pl. 43. New Guinea, iii. pl. 1. New Guinea, iv. pl. 19. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 23. Humming B. ii. pl. 116. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 42. New Guinea, iv. pl. 41. Australia, Introd. p. xi; Handb. i. p. 260; New Guinea, ii. pl. 10. Handb. i. p. 258. Australia, ii. pl. 94 ; Handb. i. p. 261. Australia, ii. pl. 93. Australia, ii. pl. 93. New Guinea, ii. pl. 10. Australia, ii. pl. 94. Australia, Suppl. pl. 61; Handb. ii. fascinans flavigaster Great-winged macroptera Western . Yellow-bellied Microglossus aterrimus 9 p. 27. . Microperdix erythrorhyncha microrhyncha, Ramphomicron Tanysiptera. Uranomitra Microura squamata micrurus, Calothorax Middle-sized Hermit. Middle-spotted Woodpecker migrans, Milvus Asia, vii. pl. 3. Humming B. iii. pl. 189. New Guinea, iv. pl. 51. Humming B., Suppl. p. 72. Icones Avium, pl. 5. Humming B. iii. pl. 148. Humming B. i. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 230. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 23. 205 migratoria, Merula Migratory Ouzel miliaria, Crithophaga Emberiza militaris, Vinago . milleri, Thaumatias Miller's Emerald milo, Nesocentor. Milvus affinis p. II ater govinda isurus migrans regalis vulgaris . Mimeta affinis . flavocincta viridis mindanensis, Copsychus . Miner, Yellow-throated minima, Chthonicola Excalfactoria Mellisuga minimus, Sericornis Minivet, Canton Cawnpore Great Grey Grey-throated Little Orange Rosy Yellow-throated minor, Ægialitis Artamus Charadrius Collurio . Europe, ii. pl. 74. Europe, ii. pl. 74. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 26. Europe, iii. pl. 171. Cent. pl. 58. Humming B. v. pl. 296. Humming B. v. pl. 296. New Guinea, iv. pl. 44. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 21; Handb. i. 49. Europe, i. pl. 29. Asia, i. pl. 11. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 51. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 23. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 22. Europe, i. pl. 28. Handb i. p. 465. Handb. i. p. 466. Handb. i. p. 462. Asia, iii. pl. 25. Australia, iv. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 578. Australia, iii. pl. 72. Asia, vii. pl. 7. Humming B. iii. pl. 133. New Guinea, iii. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 4. Asia, ii. pl. 6. Asia, ii. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 11. Asia, ii. pl. 3. Asia, ii. pl. 9. Asia, ii. pl. 8. Asia, ii. pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 5. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 42. Australia, ii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 146. Europe, iv. pl. 297. Europe, ii. pl. 68. . LITT 206 . . . . 9 9 minor, Cygnus Eudyptula Lamprocorax Lanius Linaria Lophorhina Numenius Ocypterus Parus. Picus . Podiceps. Spheniscus Tachypetes. minuta, Actodromas Ardetta Porzana. Tringa Sterna Xema Minute Antechinus Bittern Quail . minutillus, Chrysococcyx Lamprococcyx minutissimus, Antechinus minutus, Botaurus Hydrocolæus Larus. Numenius mirabilis, Loddigesia . Poephila . Mirafra horsfieldii Horsfield's Misori Pygmy Parrot misoriensis, Nasiterna Missel-Thrush. mitchelli, Calliphlox . Hapalotis Gt. Brit. v. pl. 10. Handb. ii. p. 518. New Guinea, iv. pl. 18. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 14. Europe, iii. pl. 194. New Guinea, i. pl. 19. Handb. ii. p. 280. Synopsis, part i. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 56. Europe, iii. pl. 231; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 72. Europe, v. pl. 392; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 42. Australia, vii. pl. 84. Handb. ii. p. 499. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 72. Europe, iv. pl. 282; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 29. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 90. Europe, iv. pl. 332. Europe, v. pl. 420. Europe, v. pl. 428. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 45. Australia, vi. pl. 68; Handb.ii. p. 319. Asia, vii. pl. 7. Australia, Suppl. pl. 56. Handb. i. p. 625. . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 45. Europe, iv. pl. 282. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 66. Europe, v. pl. 428. Australia, vi. pl. 44. Humming B. iii. pl. 161. Australia, iii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 421. Australia, iii. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 404. Australia, iii. pl. 77. New Guinea, v. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 23. Europe, ii. pl. 77; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 33. Humming B. iii. pl. 160. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 9. 2 9 207 . Mitchell's Amethyst Hapalotis mlokosiewiczi, Tetrao mocinno, Pharomacrus modesta, Aidemosyne Amadina Petroica. Regulus modularis, Accentor mesta, Lalage. Moho. mollis, Æstrelata. Procellaria mollissima, Somateria Molossus, Australian . australis Moluccan Bulbul. monacha, Ægialites Hiaticula Monachella muelleriana monachus, Ægialitis . e . Humming B. iii. pl. 160. Mamm. Austr. iji. pl. 9. Asia, vi. pl. 66. Trogons, (2) pl. 1. Handb. i. P. 414. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iii. pl. 85. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 149. Europe, ii. pl. 100; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 55. New Guinea, ii. pl. 9. Handb. ii. App. p. 576. Handb. ii. p. 453. Australia, vii. pl. 50. Europe, v. pl. 374; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 26. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 31. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 31. New Guinea, iii. pl. 2. Handb. ii. p. 231. Australia, vi. pl. 18. New Guinea, ii. pl. 16. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 10. New Guinea, iv. pl. 21. , Australia, Suppl. pl. 13. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 262. Synopsis, part ii. New Guinea, ii. pl. 53. Australia, Suppl.pl.12; Handb.i.p. 264. New Guinea, ii. pl. 54. New Guinea, ii. pl. 52. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 96; Handb. i. p. 263. Asia, vii. pl. 53. Asia, vii. pl. 54. Asia, vii. pl. 55. Europe, iii. pl. 223; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 61. Asia, vii. pl. 41. Artamus. Monarcha albiventris carinata inornata kordensis leucotis melanonota. periophthalmicus trivirgata . Monaul De l’Huys' Sclater's. monedula, Corvus. Mongolian Pheasant 1 208 Mongolian Rock-Pigeon Ruby-throat mongolicus, Phasianus Montagu's Harrier montana, Linaria. Pyrgita Saxicola montanellus, Accentor montanum, Edoliisoma , montanus, Passer . . Asia, vi. pl. 54. Asia, iv. pl. 40. Asia, vii. pl. 41. Europe, i. pl. 35. Europe, iii. pl. 192. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 30. Europe, ii. pl. 101; Asia, iv. pl. 41. New Guinea, ii. pl. 7. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 33. Cent. pl. 13. Cent. pl. 22. Cent. pl. 29. fig. 2; Asia, ii. pl. 57. Asia, v. pl. 1. Asia, v. pl. 2. Asia, v. pl. 4. Asia, v. pl. 3. Asia, v. pl. 5. Europe, iii. pl. 188 ; Gt. Brit. iii. Monticola erythrogaster monticola, Zoothera monticolus, Parus. Montifringilla adamsi arctoa brunneinucha hæmatopygia ruficollis . montifringilla, Fringilla pl. 35. montium, Linota . Moorhen Mooruk morinellus, Charadrius -, Eudromias morio, Scotophilus Mormon fratercula glacialis .. morphnoides, Aquila . Hieraëtus Nisaëtus. mortieri, Tribonyx Mortier's Tribonyx moschitus, Chrysolampis Mosque-Swallow, Ceylonese Daurian. Indian Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 50. Europe, iv. pl. 342 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 85. Handb. ii. App. p. 561. Europe, iv. pl. 295. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 41. Europe, v. pl. 403. Europe, v. pl. 404. Australia, i. pl. 2. Handb. i. pl. 11. Australia, i. pl. 2. Australia, vi. pl. 71; Handb. ii. p. 324. Australia, vi. pl. 71; Handb. ii. p. 324. Humming B. iv. pl. 204. Asia, i. pl. 30. Asia, i. pl. 28. Asia, i. pl. 29. . 209 . p. 244. . mosquera, Eriocnemis Humming B. iv. pl. 274. Mosquera's Puff-leg Humming B. iv. pl. 274. Motacilla alba . Europe, iii. pl. 143; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 2. boarula Europe, ii. pl. 147. citreola Europe, ii. pl. 144. dukhunensis Asia, iv. pl. 62. flava Europe, ii. pl. 145. lugubris. Europe, ii. pl. 142. maderaspatensis Asia, iv. pl. 61. neglecta. Europe, ii. pl. 146. personata Asia, iv. pl. 63. yarrelli Europe, ii. pl. 141; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 1. motacilloides, Rhipidura Australia, ii. pl. 86. Sauloprocta. Handb. i. Moth-plumaged Podargus Handb. i. p. 90. Mottled-breasted Honey-sucker New Guinea, iii. pl. 48. Mound-raising Megapode Australia, v. pl. 79. Mount Arfak Cuckoo-Shrike. New Guinea, ii. pl. 7. Mountain Accentor Europe, ii. pl. 101; Asia, iv. pl. 41. Amazili Humming B. v. pl. 304. Finch Europe, iii. pl. 188. Adams' Asia, v. pl. 1. Brown-naped Asia, v. pl. 4. Northern Asia, v. pl. 2. Red-necked : Asia, v. pl. 5. Red-rumped Asia, v. pl. 3. Humming-bird, Buckley's. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 8. Linnet Europe, iii. pl. 192; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 50. Stone-Chat. Asia, iv. pl. 30. Thrush Australia, iv. pl. 7. Tit Asia, ii. pl. 57. Trogon Asia, i. pl. 71; Trogons, (1) pl. 36, (2) pl. 46. Mountaineer, Bearded Humming B., Suppl. pl. 42. Mou-pin Snow-Patridge . Asia, vii. pl. 44. Mouse, Delicate-coloured Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 23. Greyish-white Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 21. New-Holland Field Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 22. . 9 III . 2 E 210 . Mouse, White-footed . Moustache Tern Moustached Honey-eater Warbler Mrs. Forbes's Honey-sucker Mrs. Layard's Parrakeet. Mrs. Sclater's Ground-Dove muelleriana, Monachella Müller's Flower-pecker mulsanti, Calothorax Mulsant's Lance-bill . Wood-Star . multicolor, Petroica . . . Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 19. Europe, v. pl. 424. Australia, iv. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 491. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. I. New Guinea, iii. pl. 67. Asia, vi. pl. 1. New Guinea, v. pl. 49. New Guinea, ii. pl. 16. New Guinea, iv. pl. 2. Humming B. iii. pl. 145. Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Humming B. iii. pl. 145. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iii. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 279. Australia, v. pl. 35; Handb. ii. p. 68. Icones Avium, pl. 2. Handb. ii. p. 93. . Asia, v. pl. 59. New Guinea, ii. pl. 39. Handb. i. p. 428. New Guinea, iv. pl. 23. New Guinea, iv. pl. 22. Asia, iii. pl. 69. Asia, iii. pl. 69. Europe, ii. pl. 53. fig. I. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 67. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 21. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 14. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 19. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 18. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 13. . Psephotus Todus Trichoglossus multipunctata, Nucifraga mundus, Heteranax Munia flaviprymna forbesi grandis Munipur Suthora munipurensis, Suthora murarius, Cypselus Murine Antechinus Hapalotis murinus, Antechinus. Hapalotis Hypsiprymnus. Mus albocinereus assimilis. cervinipes delicatulus fuscipes gouldi lineolatus longipilis . . 211 Mus manicatus nanus. nova-hollandiæ sordidus. vellerosus Muscicapa albicollis . atricapilla collaris grisola luctuosa melanops parva. Muscipeta brevirostris incei. paradisi . peregrina princeps musicus, Turdus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 16. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 22. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 12. Europe, ii. pl. 63. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 17. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 18. Europe, ii. pl. 65. Europe, ii. pl. 63. fig. 1. Cent. pl. 6. Europe, ii. pl. 64. Cent. pl. 8. Asia, ii. pl. 19. Asia, ii. pl. 18. Cent. pl. 9. Cent. pl. 7. Europe, ii. pl. 78. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 32. Australia, vii. pl. 18; Handb. ii. Musk Duck p. 381. Lorikeet. Handb. ii. p. 100. Musky Lorikeet Australia, v. pl. 52. musschenbroecki, Trichoglossus New Guinea, v. pl. 42. Mute Swan. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 8. mutus, Lagopus Europe, iv. pl. 253; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 8, 9, 10. Mycerobas carneipes . Asia, v. pl. 21. melanoxanthus Asia, v. pl. 20. Mycteria, Australian . Australia, vi. pl. 51. australis Australia, vi. pl. 51. Myiabeillia typica Humming B. iv. pl. 211. Myiagra cervinicauda New Guinea, ii. pl. 35. concinna. Australia, ii. pl. 90 ; Handb. i. p. 254. . ferrocyanea. New Guinea, ii. pl. 36. fulviventris. :: New Guinea, ii. pl. 34. . latirostris Australia, ii. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 256. 2 E 2 212 Myiagra nitida . plumbea. Myiophoneus blighi insularis . Myophonus horsfieldii temmincki myosurus, Perameles Myristicivora spilorrhoa. Myrmecobius, Banded fasciatus. Mysol Honey-eater Mysore Island Black Sun-bird Yellow Flycatcher mysorensis, Cinnyris . mystacalis, Meliornis Meliphaga. mystaceus, Dendrochelidon Myzantha flavigula garrula lutea melanophrys obscura Myzanthe ignipectus Myzomela annabellæ . cineracea cruentata erythrina erythrocephala melanocephala nigra. . Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, ii. pl. 91; Handb. i. p. 255. Australia, ii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 252. Asia, iii. pl. 27. Asia, iii. pl. 28. Cent., pl. 20. Cent. pl. 21. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 10. Handb. ii. p. 114. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 4. New Guinea, iii. pl. 42. New Guinea, iii. pl. 31. New Guinea, ii. pl. 53. New Guinea, iii. pl. 31. Handb. i. p. 491. Australia, iv. pl. 26. Asia, i. pl. 24. Australia, iv. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 578. Australia, iv. pl. 76; Handb. i. P. 574. Australia, iv. pl. 78; Handb. i. Australia, iv. pl. 80. Australia, iv. pl. 77; Handb. i. Asia, ii. pl. 40. New Guinea, iii. pl. 67. New Guinea, iii. pl. 69. New Guinea, iii. pl. 71. New Guinea, iii. pl. 65. Australia, iv. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 556. New Guinea, iii. pl. 66. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled), & vol. iv. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 558. New Guinea, iii. pl. 72. Australia, iv. pl. 67; Handb. i. p.559. Australia, iv. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 557. New Guinea, iii. pl. 70. Australia, iv. pl. 63; Handb. i. P. 555. New Guinea, iii. pl. 68. p. 577. p. 576. nigrita obscura pectoralis rosenbergi sanguinolenta sclateri . 213 Myzomela wakoloensis Myzornis, Fire-tailed pyrrhoura Red-tailed New Guinea, iii. pl. 64. Asia, iv. pl. 20. Asia, iv. pl. 20. Asia, iv. pl. 20. O > nævia, Aquila nævius, Grypus nævosa, Anas Stictonetta Nága Nuthatch nagaensis, Sitta Naked-eyed Cockatoo Naked-faced Honey-eater Nail-tailed Kangaroo Bridled Lunated. nana, Acanthiza 3 Europe, i. pl. 8; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 3. Humming B. i. pl. 1. Australia, vii. pl. 10. Handb.ii. p. 367. Asia, ii. pl. 42. Asia, ii. pl. 42. New Guinea, v. pl. 46. New Guinea, iii. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 52, 53; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 4. . Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 51; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 55. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 371. Asia, iv. pl. 50. Australia, i. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 63; Handb.ii. p. 311. Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled). Synopsis, part ii. Asia, vi. pl. 34. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 20. New Guinea, v. pl. 51. Trogons, (1) pl. 26, (2) pl. 34. Trogons, (2) pl. 34. Trogons, (1) pl. 26. Handb. i. p. 626. New Guinea, iii. pl. 19. Australia, v. pl. 5. . Sylvia Nankeen Kestrel Night-Heron Nanodes elegans pulchellus undulatus venustus. nanus, Iyngipicus Mus Ptilopus. Narina Trogon. narina, Hapaloderma Trogon Narrow-billed Bronze Cuckoo. Narrow-collared Thickhead nasicus, Licmetis . . . 214 . . • Nasiterna beccarii bruijnii keiensis maforensis misoriensis pusio . pygmæa. naso, Calyptorhynchus nasuta, Perameles nattereri, Pteroglossus Selenidera -, Sylvia Natterer's Araçari Toucanet Vizor-bearer Warbler. Wood-Nymph Nauclerus furcatus naumanni, Turdus Naumann's Thrush nebulosa, Ulula Necklaced Pitta Nectarinia asiatica australis . New Guinea, v. pl. 25. New Guinea, v. pl. 24. New Guinea, v. pl. 27. New Guinea, v. pl. 22. New Guinea, v. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 21. Australia, v. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 17. . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 11. Toucans, (1) pl. 25. Toucans, (2) pl. 34. Europe, ii. pl. 134. Toucans, (1) pl. 25. Toucans, (2) pl. 34. Humming B. iv. pl. 221. Europe, ii. pl. 134. Humming B., Suppl. p. 48. Europe, i. pl. 30. Europe, ii. pl. 79. Europe, ii. pl. 79. Europe, i. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 69. Asia, ii. pl. 32. Australia, Suppl. pl. 45; Handb. i. . p. 584. goalpariensis gouldiæ ignicauda insignis lotenia nipalensis Osea Asia, ii. pl. 29. Asia, ii. pl. 26. Asia, ii. pl. 28. Asia, ii. pl. 25. Asia, ii. pl. 33. Asia, ii. pl. 31. Asia, i. pl. 23. Asia, ii. pl. 27. Asia, ii. pl. 30. Asia, ii. pl. 24. Handb. ii. p. 459. 465. Humming B., Suppl. p. 75. saturata vigorsi zelonica Nectris brevicaudus carneipes neglecta, Agyrtria. . Handb. ii. p. 215 neglecta, Motacilla Europe, ii. pl. 146. Negros Yellow-faced Woodpecker. Asia, vi. pl. 37. Neochmia phaeton Handb.i. p. 415. Neomorpha acutirostris Synopsis, part i. crassirostris. Synopsis, part i. gouldii Australia, iv. pl. 19; Handb. ii. App. p. 530. Gould's Neophron, Egyptian percnopterus neoxena, Hirundo . neoxenus, Euptilotis Trogon Nepal Martin-Swallow Nepalese Actinodura . Bar-wing Nepaul Accentor Cutia . Pitta Pucras Pheasant Nepaulese Blue Pie Bullfinch Creeper Horned Pheasant Sun-bird. Wren. nereis, Procellaria . Sternula Australia, iv. pl. 19. Europe, i. pl. 3. Europe, i. pl. 3; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 13. Trogons, (2) pl. 6. Trogons, (1) pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 31. Asia, iii. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 57. Asia, iv. pl. 44. Asia, iii. pl. 67. Asia, v. pl. 79. Asia, vii. pl. 28. Asia, v. pl. 47. Asia, v. pl. 37. Asia, iv. pl. 57. Asia, vii. pl. 49. Asia, ii. pl. 31. Asia, iv. pl. 51. Handb. ii. p. 476. Australia, vii. pl. 29; Handb. ii. . . p. 402. . Thalassidroma. Nesocentor milo Nestor esslingii hypopolius Australia, vii. pl. 64, New Guinea, iv. pl. 44. Australia, Suppl. pl. 59; Handb. ii. App. p. 552. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. ii. (can- celled); Suppl. pl. 58; Handb. ii. App. p. 548. Australia, Suppl. pl. 60; Handb. ii. App. p. 554. notabilis. 216 Nestor productus. nestor, Podiceps Nettapus albipennis coromandelianus pulchellus New-Britain Hawk-Owl. New-Guinea Flightless Rail Harpy-Eagle Pitta Rifle-bird Tit. Todopsis Tree-creeper New-Holland Darter . Field-Mouse Goshawk Honey-eater Snipe . New-Ireland Drongo Fruit-Pigeon Honey-sucker Wood-Swallow. New South Wales Oriole Rat-Kangaroo New Zealand Stilt. Synopsis, part i. ;. Australia, pt. i. (can- celled), & vol. v. pl. 6; Handb. ii. App. p. 550. Synopsis, part i.; Handb. ii. p. 512. Handb. ii. p. 359. Australia, vii. pl. 5. Australia, vii. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 357. p New Guinea, i. pl. 5. New Guinea, v. pl. 69. New Guinea, i. pl. 3. New Guinea, iv. pl. 36. New Guinea, i. pl. 13. New Guinea, iv. pl. 1. New Guinea, ii. pl. 21. New Guinea, iii. pl. 29. Australia, vii. pl. 75; Handb.ii. p. 496. . Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 22. Australia, i. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 37. Australia, iv. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 486. Australia, vi. pl. 40; Handb.ii. p. 271. New Guinea, i. pl. 51. New Guinea, v. pl. 63. New Guinea, iii. pl. 65. New Guinea, iv. pl. 20. Australia, iv. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 462. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 67. Australia, vi. pl. 25; Handb. ii. App. p. 574. . Nicobar Parakeet. nicobaricus, Palæornis niger, Accipiter nigerrima, Hypsipetes Night-Heron, Common Nankeen. Nightingale. -, Thrush Nightjar, or Goatsucker. -, Large-tailed. Asia, vi. pl. 6. Asia, vi. pl. 6. Synopsis, part iii. Asia, iii. pl. 12. Europe, iv. pl. 279; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 26. Australia, vi. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 311. p. . Europe, ii. pl. 116; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 56. Europe, ii. pl. 117. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 1. Australia, ii. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 100. . > 217 5 Nightjar, Mahratta Owlet Spotted White-bellied Owlet. White-throated nigra, Astrapia. Ciconia Hydrochelidon , Myzomela Asia; i. pl. 19. Australia, ii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 79. Australia, ii. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 98. Australia, ii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 81. Australia, ii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 96. New Guinea, i. pl. 17. Europe, iv. pl. 284; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 31. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 75. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 8, & vol. iv. pl. · 66; Handb. i. • o p. 558. O Oidemia. Sterna Viralva nigricans, Hylochelidon Seleucides nigricauda, Agyrtria . nigricaudata, Trogon. nigriceps, Donacicola Otis Tanysiptera nigricinctus, Phaethornis nigricollis, Podiceps nigrifrons, Ægialitis. Hiaticula nigripectus, Machærirhynchus nigripennis, Upupa nigrirostris, Andigena nigrita, Myzomela nigriventris, Callipharus nigrivestis, Eriocnemis nigrocyanea, Halcyon nigrofasciata, Thalurania nigrogriseus, Scotophilus nigrogularis, Cracticus . Ortyx Psophodes Vanga Europe, v. pl. 378; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 28. Europe, v. pl. 422. Europe, v. pl. 422. Handb. i. p. 111. New Guinea, i. pls. 14, 15. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Trogons, (1) pl. 18. New Guinea, iv. pl. 25. Cent. pl. 72. New Guinea, iv. pl. 50. Humming B. i. pl. 39. fig. I. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 41. Synopsis, part ii.; Handb. ii. p. 232. Australia, vi. pl. 20. New Guinea, ii. pl. 38. Asia, i. pl. 66. . Toucans, (2) pl. 40. New Guinea, iii. pl. 72. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 54. Humming B. iv. pl. 276. New Guinea, iv. pl. 57. Humming B. ii. pl. 104. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 44. Australia, ii. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 180. Odontoph. pl. 4. Australia, iii. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 314. Synopsis, part i. . . 2 F 218 > Niltava grandis macgregoriæ sundara Ninox dimorpha forbesi odiosa nipalensis, Accentor Actinodura Anorthura Certhia Cutia Delichon Nectarinia Pitta. Pucrasia. Pyrrhula Suthora. Troglodytes nisoria, Curruca Sylvia , nitida, Myiagra . . Asia, ii. pl, 20. Asia, ii. pl. 22. Asia, ii. pl. 21. New Guinea, i. pl. 7. New Guinea, i. pl. 6. New Guinea, i. pl. 5. Asia, iv. pl. 44. Asia, iii. pl. 57. Asia, iv. pl. 51. Asia, iv. pl. 57. Asia, iii. pl. 67. Asia, i. pl. 31. Asia, ii. pl. 31. Asia, v. pl. 79. Asia, vii. pl. 28. Asia, v. pl. 37. Asia, iii. pl. 70. Asia, iv. pl. 51. Europe, ii. pl. 128. Europe, ii. pl. 128. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 10. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 1; Australia, ii. p. 91 ; Handb. i. p. 255. Humming B., Suppl. p. 80. Humming B. v. pl. 297. Australia, ii. pl. 88; Handb. i. p. 249. Europe, iii. pl. 189. Europe, iii. pl. 189. Europe, iii. pl. 170; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 31. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 34. Humming B. v. pl. 319. Asia, ii. pl. 67. Asia, vi. pl. 75. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 42. Asia, vi. pl. 53. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 37. Cent. pl. 4. Europe, i. pl. 48. nisus, Accipiter. nitidicauda, Agyrtria nitidifrons, Thaumatias nitidus, Piezorhynchus nivalis, Fringilla Montifringilla Plectrophanes nivea, Nyctea niveiventris, Erythronota niveogularis, Acanthiparus . nivicola, Lerwa nobilis, Oreonympha . Otidiphaps . noctua, Athene Noctua cuculoides nudipes . 219 Noctua passerina tengmalmi Nocturnal Ground-Parrakeet Noddy, Grey Lesser Tern. :: Europe, i. pl. 50. Europe, i. pl. 49. Australia, Suppl. pl. 66. Australia, vii. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 420. Australia, vii. pl. 35; Handb. ii. p. 417. Europe, v. pl. 421; Australia, vii. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 413. Handb. ii. p. 419. Australia, iii. pl. 34. Australia, iv. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 430. Handb. i. p. 344. Handb. ii. p. 112. Australia, iii. pl. 4; Handb. ii. App. O و White-capped Noisy Brush-bird. Pitta. Scrub-bird norfolciensis, Leucomelæna . Norfolk Island Robin p. 526. Plover Europe, iv. pl. 288; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 35. . O North Australian Dasyurus Northern Bullfinch Campephaga Cuckoo-Shrike. Diver. Fantail Flycatcher Mountain Finch Puffin Sphecotheres Swamp-Quail Norwegian or Gyr Falcon notabilis, Nestor . p. 468. : Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 52. Asia, v. pl. 38. Handb. i. p. 202. Australia, ii. pl. 61. Europe, v. pl. 394. Handb. i. p. 242. Australia, ii. pl. 85. Asia, v. pl. 2. Europe, v. pl. 404. Handb. i. Handb. ii. p. 195. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 16. Australia, Suppl. pl. 60; Handb. ii. App. p. 554. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 12. Australia, Suppl. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 26. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 1. Australia, Suppl. pl. 76; Handb. ii. App. p. 576. Humming B. iii. pl. 169. New Guinea, i. pl, 3. e notata, Pseudogerygone. Ptilotis notatus, Belideus. Elanus Notornis mantelli. e Nouna-Koali novæ-guineæ, Harpyopsis 2 F 2 220 novæ-guineæ, Orthonyx Pitta. nove-hollandiæ, Ægotheles Ardea Astur. 5 Calopsitta Cereopsis Dromaius Leucospiza Meliornis Meliphaga Mus Nymphicus New Guinea, iii. pl. 9. New Guinea, iv. pl..36. Australia, ii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 79. Australia, vi. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 299. Synopsis, part iii.;. Australia, i. . pls. 14, 15. Handb. ii. p. 84. Australia, vii. pl. 1; Handb.ii. pl. 350. Australia, vi. pl. 1;. Handb. ii. p. 200. Handb. i. p. 38. Handb. i. . Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 22. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 6, & vol. v. pl. 45. Handb. ii. p. 488. Australia, vii. pl. 75; Handb.ii. p. 496. Australia, iv. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 628. Handb. i. p. 64. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, vi. pl. 25; Handb. ii. App. p. 486. Phalacrocorax Plotus Scythrops Strix . novæ-zealandiæ, Coturnix -, Himantopus p. 574. nuchalis, Calodera Chlamydera. Chlamydodera. Megalæma. Nucifraga caryocatactes . hemispila multipunctata nudipes, Noctua . Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 9. Handb. i. p. 448. . Asia, vi. pl. 49. Europe, iii. pl. 213; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 65, 66. Cent. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 59. Europe, i. pl. 48. Handb. ii. p. 458, Europe, iv. pl. 302; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 48. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. Australia, vi. pl. 42. Handb. ii. p. 277. Handb. ii. p. 280. Australia, vi. pl. 44. nugax, Puffinus Numenius arquata . . australasianus australis. cyanopus minor minutus 221 Numenius phæopus rufescens tenuirostris. uropygialis . Numida vulturina Numidian Demoiselle Nun. nuna, Lesbia Nutcracker. 2 Europe, iv. pl. 303; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 49. Asia, vii. pl. 60. Europe, iv. pl. 304. Australia, vi. pl. 43; Handb. ii. p. 279. Icones Avium, pl. 8. Europe, iv. pl. 272.. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 37. Humming B. iii. pl. 169. Europe, iii. pl. 213; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 65, 66. Asia, v. pl. 59. Europe, iii. pl. 236. Asia, ii. pl. 43. Handb. i. p. 612. Asia, ii. pl. 45. Asia, ii. pl. 44. Europe, iii. pl. 234; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 22. Europe, iii. pl. 235. Asia, ii. pl. 47. Asia, ii. pl. 42. Handb. i. p. 609. Asia, ii. pl. 46. Handb. i. p. 610. Handb. i. p. 611. Handb. ii. p. 114. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 36. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 34. Europe, i. pl. 43. Asia, vii. pl. 17. Icones Avium, pl. 18. Australia, vi. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 311. Europe, iv. pl. 279. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 26. Icones Avium, pl. 12. Asia, i. pl. 38. Asia, i. pl. 37. Asia, i. pl. 37. Asia, i. pl. 38. . Many-spotted . Nuthatch, Asiatic . Beautiful Black-capped Chestnut-bellied Cinnamon-bellied Common Dalmatian Himalayan Naga. Orange-winged White-faced White-headed. White-winged Nutmeg-Pigeon, White. Nyctale tengmalmi Nyctea nivea nyctea, Surnia nycthemerus, Gennæus Nyctibius pectoralis Nycticorax caledonicus europæus griseus Nyctidromus derbyanus . Nyctiornis amictus athertoni Blue-throated Red-throated . . . . 222 Nyctophilus geoffroyi Geoffroy's Tasmanian ... timoriensis unicolor. Western. nympha, Tanysiptera . Nymphicus novæ-hollandiæ Mamm: Austr. iii. pls. 36, 37. Mamm: Austr. iri. pl. 36, 37. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 39. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 39. New Guinea, iv. pl. 48: Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 6, & vol. v. pl. 45. Australia, vii. pl. 16; Handb.ii. p. 377. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 20. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 21. Nyroca australis ferina leucophthalmos 6) obesula, Perameles Obi Paradise Crow obiensis, Lycocorax obscura, Myzantha Myzomela Phaethornis. Obscure Hermit Honey-eater obscurus, Anthus Campylopterus . Puffinus. Tetraophasis obsoleta, Erythrospiza ocai, Amazilia . occidentalis, Cyclopsitta Geopsittacus Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 12. New Guinea, i. pl. 36. New Guinea, i. pl. 36. Australia, iv. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 576. Australia, iv. pl. 67; Handb. i. p. 559. Humming B. i. pl. 38. Humming B. i. pl. 38. Australia, iv. pl. 67; Handb. i. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 10. Humming B. ii. pl. 49. Europe, v. pl. 444. Asia, vii. pl. 44. Asia, v. pl. 29. Humming B. v. pl. 289. New Guinea, v. pl. 1. Australia, Suppl. pl. 66; Handb. ii. p. 559. . p. 88. . Hieracidea Ieracidea occipitalis, Chlamydodera Gecinus. Ixulus Picus. Urocissa Handb. i. p. 33. Australia, i. pl. 12. New Guinea, i. pl. 45. Cent. pl. 47. Asia, iv. pl. 12. Cent. pl. 47 Asia, v. pl. 47. 223 . occipitalis, Yuhina oceanica, Oceanites Oceanites oceanica ocellata, Ianthocincla Leipoa Ocellated Goatsucker Ianthocincla Laughing Thrush. Leipoa Partridge ocellatum, Cinclosoma Syrnium, ocellatus, Cyrtonyx Podargus ochracea, Sasia . Ochraceous Honey-eater ochromelas, Eurylæmus . Melirrhophetes ochropus, Totanus P Asia, iv. pl. 14. Handb. ii. p. 478. p . Handb. ii. p. 478. Cent. pl. 15; Asia, iii. pl. 44. Australia, v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 155. New Guinea, iv. pl. 40. Asia, iii. pl. 44. Asia, iii. pl. 44. Australia, v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 155. Odontoph. pl. 8. Cent. pl. 15. Asia, i. pl. 16. Odontoph. pl. 8. New Guinea, iv. pl. 40. Asia, vi. pl. 40. New Guinea, iii. pl. 34. Asia, i. pl. 58. New Guinea, iii. pl. 34. Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. 1; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 56. Handb. ii. p. 238. p 237. Synopsis, part iv. App.p. 6; Australia, iv. pl. 31. Handb. i. p. 500. Australia, iii. pl. 79. Handb. i. p. 407. p . Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 3, 4. Australia, v. pl. 70; Handb. ii. p. 139. Synopsis, part i. Synopsis, part i. Synopsis, part i. New Guinea, i. pl. 5. Odontoph. pl. 29. Odontoph. pl. 26. Odontoph. pl. 30. Odontoph. pl. 23. Odontoph. pl. 28. Ochthodromus bicinctus inornatus ocularis, Glyciphila Handb. ii. p. Stigmatops oculea, Estrelda oculeus, Zonæginthus ocydromus, Macropus Ocyphaps lophotes Ocypterus albovittatus: minor superciliosus odiosa, Ninox . Odontophorus balliviani dentatus. columbianus guianensis guttatus . . 224 Odontoph. pl. 32. Odontoph. pl. 24. Odontoph. pl. 25. Odontoph. pl. 27. Odontoph. pl. 31. . . Odontophorus lineolatus pachyrhynchus. speciosus stellatus strophium Edemia, see Oidemia, infrà. Edicnemus crepitans grallarius Edirhinus insolitus distoma pygmæum . æmodium, Conostoma ænanthe, Saxicola . ænas, Columba enone, Chrysuronia Enone Humming-bird ogilbyi, Bettongia. Ogilby's Jerboa-Kangaroo Oidemia fusca nigra. perspicillata olivacea, Pachycephala e 1 . - . . Europe, iv. pl. 288; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 5; Handb. ii. p. 210. New Guinea, v. pl. 50.- New Guinea, iv. pl. 8. Asia, iii. pl. 31. Europe, ii. pl. 90.; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 45. Europe, iv. pl. 244; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 2. Humming B. v. pl. 325. Humming B. v. pl. 325. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 62. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 62. Europe, v. pl. 377; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 29. Europe, v. pl. 378; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 28. Europe, v. pl. 376 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 30. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, ii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 218. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 90. Australia, ii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 218. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 44. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 44. Synopsis, part iv. Humming B. iv. pl. 271. Humming B., Suppl. p. 32. p Europe, ii. pl. 107. Europe, ii. pl. 107. Europe, ii. pl. 107. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 8. Asia, i. pl. 47. Australia, Suppl. pls. 74, 75. Europe, v. pl. 405. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 54. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 55. و Olivaceous Crake. Thickhead Thornbill olivaceum, Rhamphomicron olivaceus, Psilopus Olive-coloured Puff-leg Olive-throated Humming-bird. Olive-tree Salicaria olivetorum, Hypolais Salicaria. olor, Cygnus omnicolor, Halcyon One-carunculated Cassowary onocrotalus, Pelecanus Onychogalea frænata . lunata . . 225 Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 52, 53. Australia, vii. pl. 32 ; Handb. ii. p. 408. Australia, vii. pl. 33. Handb. ii. p. 411. New Guinea, v. pl. 45. New Guinea, ii. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 27. Asia, iv. pl. 27. Australia, iv. pl. 84. Australia, v. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 75. . . . Onychogalea unguifer Onychoprion fuliginosa. panaya panayensis ophthalmica, Cacatua opistherythra, Rhipidura opistholeuca, Dromolæa. Saxicola. optatus, Cuculus Orange-bellied Grass-Parrakeet Orange-breasted Pygmy Wood- pecker. Trogon Orange-chested Starling Orange-collared Flycatcher. Orange-coloured Bullfinch . Orange-crested Bower-bird . Orange-crowned Loriculus Orange-fronted Ephthianura Orange Horse-shoe Bat. Orange-legged Hobby Orange Pericrocotus . Orange-rumped Finch Orange-sided Ground-Thrush Orange-winged Sittella oreas, Pitta. Oreocincla aurea . Asia, vi. pl. 23. Trogons, (1) pl. 14, (2) pls. 12, 24. New Guinea, iv. pl. 16. New Guinea, ii. pl. 43. Asia, v. pl. 34. New Guinea, i. pl. 47. New Guinea, v. pl. 43. Australia, iii. pl. 65; Handb.i. p. 380. . Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 35. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 20. Asia, ii. pl. 8. New Guinea, iv. pl. 24. New Guinea, iii. pl. 10. Australia, iv. pl. 101; Handb.i. Asia, v. pl. 65. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 39. Australia, iv. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 439. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. Australia, ii. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 231. p . Handb. i. p. 231. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 4; Aus- tralia, ii. pl. 81. p. 609. . . lunulata. macrorhyncha Oreoica, Crested. cristata gutturalis . see Shrike-Tit. see Wood-Shrike. Oreonympha nobilis Oreopyra calolæma cinereicauda Humming B., Suppl. pl. 42. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 6. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 7. 2 G 226 . . 9 Oreopyra leucaspis White-throated Oreotrochilus adela chimborazo estella leucopleurus melanogaster pichincha oreskios, Harpactes -, Trogon organicum, Gymnorhina Oriental Bullfinch Pratincole orientalis, Carduelis Charadrius. Chlamydodera. Glareola . Melanopyrrhus -, Pyrrhula. Origma rubricata. solitaria Oriole, Broderip's. Crescent-marked Deceptive Golden Maroon New South Wales Northern Philippine Red Southern Oriolus affinis broderipi chinensis decipiens flavocinctus. galbula traillii Humming B. iv. pl. 264; Suppl. p. 10. Humming B. iv. pl. 264. Humming B. ii. pl. 73. Humming B. ii. pl. 68. Humming B. ii. pl. 70. Humming B. ii. pl. 71. Humming B. ii. pl. 72. Humming B. ii. pl. 69. Trogons, (2) pl. 46; Asia, i. pl. 71. Trogons, (1) pl. 36. Australia, ii. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 178. Asia, v. pl. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 245. Asia, v. pl. 17. Handb. ii. p. 225. New Guinea, i. pl. 44. Australia, vi. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 245. New Guinea, iv. pl. 17. Asia, v. pl. 35. Australia, iii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 385. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. Asia, ii. pl. 73. Australia, iv. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 466. New Guinea, i. pl. 49. Europe, ii. pl. 71; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 31. Asia, ii. pl. 74. Australia, iv. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 462. Handb. i. p. 468. Asia, ii. pl. 72. Asia, ii. pl. 75. Handb. i. p. 467. Australia, i. Introd. p. liii. Asia, ii. pl. 73. Asia, ii. pl. 72. New Guinea, i. pl. 49. Australia, iv. pl. 14. Europe, ii. pl. 71; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 31. Cent. pl. 35. . . . 227 . . . . LIT p. 607. Oriolus viridis . ornata, Cissa Ptilotis ornatus, Lophornis - Merops Orthorhynchus. Ptilotis Ornithorhynchus anatinus Orocætes cinclorhynchus orphea, Curruca Sylvia Orphean Warbler. Orthonyx novæ-guineæ -, Papuan spaldingi Spalding's Spine-tailed spinicaudus. Orthorhynchus cristatus exilis. ornatus Orthotomus longicaudus orthura, Catharma Ortolan Bunting ortoni, Zodalia. Ortyx castaneus coyolcos cubanensis nigrogularis pectoralis plumifera virginianus . osberti, Chlorostilbon Osbert's Emerald osculans, Chalcites Helianthea. Mesocalius Rhamphastos Australia, iv. pl. 13. Asia, v. pl. 53. Handb. i. p. 515. Humming B. iii. pl. 117. Australia, ii. pl. 16; Handb. i. P. 117. Humming B. iv. pl. 206. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 39. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 1. Cent. pl. 19. Europe, ii. pl. 119; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 61. Europe, ii. pl. 119; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 61. Europe, ii. pl. 119; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 61. New Guinea, iii. pl. 9. New Guinea, iii. pl. 9. Australia, Suppl. pl. 53. Australia, Suppl. pl. 53. Australia, iv. pl. 99; Handb. i. p. 607. Australia, iv. pl. 99; Handb. i. . Humming B. iv. pl. 205. Humming B. iv. pl. 207. Humming B. iv. pl. 206. Asia, iv. pl. 7. Humming B., Suppl. p. 43. Europe, iii. pl. 176; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 27. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 54. Odontoph. pl. 3. Odontoph. pl. 6. Odontoph. pl. 2. Odontoph. pl. 4. Odontoph. pl. 5. Icones Avium, pl. 9. Odontoph. pl. 1. Humming B. v. pl. 352. Humming B. v. pl. 352. Australia, iv. pl. 88. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 18. Handb. i. p. 621. Toucans, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 10, . . . . 9 2 G 2 228 osculans, Sericornis Osculant Toucan osea, Nectarinia oseryi, Phaethornis Osphranter antilopinus . brachyotis parryi robustus. . و Australia, iii. pl. 48 ; Handb.i. p. 358. Toucans, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 23. Humming B. i. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 8, 9; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 12, 13. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 10, 11; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 6, 7. Europe, i. pl. 12; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 5. Australia, i. pl. 6; Handb. i. P. 22. Handb. ii. p. 443. Europe, iv. pl. 300; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 45. Humming B. ii. pl. 96. Humming B. ii. pl. 96. Asia, vi. pl. 53. New Guinea, v. pl. 61. New Guinea, v. pl. 61. Asia, vi. pl. 53. Australia, vi. pl. 4. Cent. pl. 3. Cent. pl. 72. Cent. pls. 73, 74, 75. Europe, iv. pl. 268. Asia, vii. pl. 58. Cent. pl. 72. Europe, iv. pl. 267; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 17. Europe, iv. pl. 269; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 18. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 18. Asia, i. pl. 1. Europe, i. pl. 40. Europe, i. pl. 39; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 31. Europe, i. pl. 39. Asia, iv. pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 72. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 42. Europe, ii. pl. 74. rufus. Osprey White-headed Ossifraga gigantea ostralegus, Hæmatopus . Otero Brilliant otero, Heliodoxa Otidiphaps. cervicalis. Grey-naped. nobilis Otis australasianus bengalensis edwardsii himalayanus houbara macqueeni nigriceps. tarda. tetrax Otocoris alpestris. Otogyps calvus. Otus brachyotus vulgaris otus, Asio Ouzel, Asiatic Water Black . Black-bellied Water Migratory . . . 229 Ouzel, Pallas' Water . Ring Sombre-coloured Water . Water White-bellied Water. owenii, Apteryx Europe, ii. pl. 85; Asia, iv. pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 73; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 38. Asia, iv. pl. 23. Europe, ii. pl. 83; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 24. Australia, vi. pl. 3; Handb. ii. App. p. 573. p. p. 66, > . Owen’s Sabre-wing Owl, Barn Barred Bay Boobook. Brown Chestnut-faced . Cinereous Delicate Eagle. Grass. Great Cinereous Great Horned Hawk Indian Scops Indian Screech. Little . , Long-eared Masked of the Brushes, Great Powerful. Rufous Scops. Short-eared. Snowy Sooty Sparrow Speckled Wood , Spotted Tawny Tengmalm's. Ural. Humming B. ii. pl. 53. Europe, i. pl. 36; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 28. Europe, i. pl. 46. Asia, i. pl. 14. Australia, i. pl. 32; Handb. i. p. 74. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 29. Australia, i. pl. 28; Handb. i. 62. Europe, i. pl. 42. Australia, i. pl. 31; Handb. i. Europe, i. pl. 37; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 30. Asia, i. pl. 18. Europe, i. pl. 42. Europe, i. pl. 37. . Europe, i. pl. 45; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 35. Asia, i. pl. 13. Asia, i. pl. 17. Europe, i. pl. 48; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 37. Europe, i. pl. 39; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 31. i Australia, i. pl. 29; Handb. i. 64. Handb. i. p. 68. Australia, i. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 68. Australia, i. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 69. Europe, i. pl. 41; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 33. Europe, i. pl. 40; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 43; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 34. Australia, i. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 65. Europe, i. pl. 50. Asia, i. pl. 16. Australia, i. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 76. Europe, i. pl. 47; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 29. Europe, i. pl. 49; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 36. Europe, i. pl. 44. p. > . 230 . Owl, Winking Wood. Owlet, Brodie's Nightjar White-bellied Oxus Pheasant Oxylophus glandarius Oxypogon cyanolæmus guerinii lindenii stuebeli Oxyura australis Oyster-catcher. Sooty . White-breasted Australia, i. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 71. Europe, i. pl. 47. Asia, i. pl. 15. Handb. i. p. 79. p Australia, ii. pl. 2 ; Handb. i. p. 81. . Asia, vii. pl. 36. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 69. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 41. Humming B. iii. pl. 182. Humming B. iii. pl. 183. Humming B., Suppl. p. 59. Synopsis, part ii. Europe, iv. pl. 300; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 45. Australia, vi. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 217. p Australia, vi. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 215. . و • Pachycare flavogrisea Pachycephala arctitorquis Black-tailed brunnea. christophori. collaris falcata fusca fusco-flava gilberti Gilbert's. glaucura. Grey-tailed Guttural. gutturalis . New Guinea, iii. pl. 15. New Guinea, iii. pl. 19. Australia, ii. pl. 66. New Guinea, iii. pl. 20. New Guinea, iii. pl. 23. New Guinea, iii. pl. 17. Australia, ii. pl. 68; Handb. i. p. 213. Synopsis, part iii. New Guinea, iii. pl. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 71; Handb. i. p. 216. Australia, ii. pl. 71. Australia, ii. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 209. Australia, ii. pl. 65. Australia, ii. pl. 64. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, ii. pl. 64; Handb. i. 207. New Guinea, iii. pl. 21. Australia, ii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 214. Synopsis, part iii. Australia, ii. pl. 68. Australia, ii. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 211. . hyperythra. lanoides. longirostra Lunated. melanura 231 Pachycephala olivacea Olivaceous pectoralis Synopsis part iii.; Australia, ii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 218. Australia, ii. pl. 73. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 3, & vol. ii. pl. 67. Australia, ii. pl. 72. Australia, ii. pl. 70. Handb. i. p. 212. Australia, ii. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 215. New Guinea, iii. pl. 22. Australia, ii. pl. 69. Australia, ii. pl. 72 ; Handb. i. p. 217. Synopsis, part iii. - . - Plain-coloured . Red-throated rufiventris rufogularis. schlegeli --, Shrike-like simplex. xanthoprocta see also Thickhead. Pachycephalopsis fortis. hattamensis poliosoma pachyrhynchus, Odontophorus Pacific Gull Heron pacifica, Ardea pacificus, Cypselus Eurystomus. Larus. Pademelon Wallaby . . New Guinea, iii. pl. 24. New Guinea, iii. pl. 25. New Guinea, iii. pl. 26. Odontoph. pl. 24 Australia, vii. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 385. p Australia, vi. pl. 52 ; Handb.ii. p. 297. Australia, vi. pl. 52; Handb. ii. p. 297. Handb. i. p. 105. Australia, ii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 119. Australia, vii. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 385. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 31, 32; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 62. Asia, v. pl. 9. Australia, iii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 429. Australia, iv. pl. 50; Handb. i. Australia, vi. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 274. Asia, vi. pl. 69. New Guinea, v. pl. 74. Asia, vi. pl. 11. Asia, vi. pl. 1. Asia, vi. pl. 5. Asia, vi. pl. 7. Asia, vi. pl. 3. p. 530. . Pagophila eburnea Painted Bunting Finch. Honey-eater Snipe, Australian Spur-fowl Painted-throated Cassowary Palæornis affinis calthropa caniceps. columboïdes cyanocephala . 232 rosa . Palæornis derbianus Asia, vi. pl. 9. luciani Asia, vi. pl. 4. malaccensis. Asia, vi. pl. 10. nicobaricus Asia, vi. pl. 6. Asia, vi. pl. 2. schisticeps Asia, vi. pl. 8. Pale-headed Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 51. pallasi, Cinclus Europe, ii. pl. 85; Asia, iv. pl. 22. pallasii, Cinclus [= C. asiaticus]. Cent. pl. 24. Pallas's Sand-Grouse . Asia, vi. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 11. Water-Ouzel Europe, ji. pl. 85; Asia, iv. pl. 22. palliceps, Platycercus Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 26 ; Handb.ii. p. 51. Pallid Cuckoo Handb. i. Harrier Europe, i. pl. 34. Hermit Humming B. i. pl. 24. Thrush Europe, ii. pl. 80. pallidus, Cacomantis . Handb. i. p. 615. Circus Europe, i. pl. 34. Turdus Europe, ii. pl. 80. Palm-Cockatoo, Great Australia, Suppl. pl. 61; Handb. ii. . p. 615. . > و p. 27. Palm Roof-Swift palmatus, Himantopus palumbarius, Astur palumbus, Columba Palumbus elphinstonei pulchricollis torquatus palustre, Pellorneum . palustris, Acrocephalus Brachyotus. , Calamoherpe Emberiza Parus. Pecile Porzana Salicaria . pamela, Aglæactis. Asia, i. pl. 20. Synopsis, part ii. Europe, i. pl. 17; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 9. Europe, iv. pl. 243; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. Asia, vi. pl. 57. Asia, vi. pl. 58. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. Asia, iii. pl. 65. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 74. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 74. Europe, iv. pl. 182. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 27. Australia, vi. pl. 80; Handb.ii. p. 340. Europe, ii. pl. 109. Humming B. iii. pl. 181. . . 233 . Pamela's Sunbeam pampa, Campylopterus Panama Stripe-tail panaya, Onychoprion Panayan Tern . . panayensis, Onychoprion panderi, Podoces Pander's Podoces Pandion haliaëtus. leucocephalus Humming B. iii. pl. 181. Humming B. ii. pl. 43. Humming B., Suppl. p. 85. Australia, vii. pl. 33. Australia, vii. pl. 33 ; Handb. ii. p. 411. Handb. ii. p. 411. Asia, v. pl. 62. Asia, v. pl. 62. Europe, i. pl. 12; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 5. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 22. Australia, vi. pl. 59. Humming B. ii. pl. 111. Humming B. ii. pl. 110. Humming B. ii. pl. 110. Humming B. ii. pl. 112. Humming B. ii. pl. 112. Humming B. ii. pl. 111. Humming B. v. pl. 336. Humming B., Suppl. p. 101. Humming B., Suppl. p. 100. New Guinea, i. pls. 28, 29. New Guinea, v. pl. 62. New Guinea, v. pl. 14. New Guinea, iii. pl. 9. Handb. i. p. 91. p New Guinea, ii. pl. 54. New Guinea, i. pls. 28, 29. New Guinea, v. pl. 14. New Guinea, i. pl. 50. Australia, Suppl. pl. 3; Handb. i. pannosus, Herodias Panoplites flavescens . jardini Jardine's. matthewsi Matthews Yellow-fronted Panterpe insignis . Panychlora russata stenura Papuan Bird of Paradise Ground-Pigeon. Lorikeet. Orthonyx Podargus Yellow Flycatcher papuana, Paradisea papuensis, Charmosyna Chætorhynchus Podargus. . . 2 p. 91. . . Para Wood-Nymph Humming B., Suppl. p. 39. Paradigalla carunculata . New Guinea, i. pl. 16. Paradise-bird, see Bird of Paradise. Paradise Crow, Obi New Guinea, i. pl. 36. Flycatcher Asia, ii. pl. 18. Paradisea apoda New Guinea, i. pl. 30. decora New Guinea, i. pl. 27. . 2 H 234 . . Paradiseа papuaua raggiana. sanguinea paradisea, Ptilorhis Sterna paradisi, Muscipeta Paradoxornis austeni. Austen's. flavirostris gularis heudei Long-tailed Père Heude's Red-headed. ruficeps. unicolor. Yellow-billed paradoxus, Syrrhaptes Parasitic Gull parasiticus, Lestris Stercorarius. Pardalote, Allied Black-headed Forty-spotted Red-lored Spotted Striated Yellow-rumped see also Diamond-bird. Pardalotus affinis New Guinea, i. pls. 28, 29. New Guinea, i. pl. 32. New Guinea, i. pl. 31. i Australia, iv. pl. 100; Handb. i. p. 591. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 71. Asia, ii. pl. 18. Asia, iii. pl. 73. Asia, iii. pl. 73. Asia, iii. pl. 75; Icones Avium, pl. 6. Asia, iii. pl. 77. Asia, iii. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 76. Asia, iii. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 78. Asia, iii. pl. 78. Asia, iji. pl. 76. Asia, iii. pl. 75. Asia, vi. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 11. Europe, v. pl. 442. Europe, v. pl. 442. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 80. Australia, v. pl. 39. Australia, ii. pl. 40. Australia, ii. pl. 37. Australia, ii. pl. 36. Australia, ii. pl. 35. Australia, ii. pl. 38. Australia, ii. pl. 41; Suppl. pl. 8. . . . . . melanocephalus Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 163. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 165. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 157. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 160. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 158. punctatus quadragintus rubricatus 235 . > 2 Pardalotus striatus Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 161. uropygialis Australia, ii. pl. 41; Handb. i. p. 166. xanthopygius Australia, Suppl. pl. 8. parma, Halmaturus Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 28. Parma Wallaby Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 28. Parotia lawesi New Guinea, i. pl. 26. sexpennis New Guinea, i. pl. 25. Parra, Comb-crested. Handb. ii. p. 330. gallinacea Australia, vi. pl. 75; Handb. ii. p. 330. Gallinaceous Australia, vi. pl. 75. sinensis Cent. pl. 77. Parrakeet, see also Grass-Parrakeet. Adelaide Australia, v. pl. 22; Handb. ii. p. 46. Allied Asia, vi. pl. 11. Banded Handb. ii. p. 43. Barnard's Australia, v. pl. 21; Handb. ii. p. 40. Barraband's . Australia, v. pl. 15; Handb. ii. p. 31. p. Bauer's Australia, v. pl. 20. Beautiful Australia,v.pl. 34; Handb. ii. pp.53,67. Black-tailed Australia, v. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 33. Blossom-headed Asia, vi. pl. 2. Blue-banded Grass Handb. ii. p. 71. Blue-cheeked Australia, Suppl.pl. 63; Handb.ii.p.52. Blue-winged Asia, vi. pl. 7. , Bonaparte's . Asia, vi. pl. 4. Bourke's Grass Handb. ii. p. 80. Brown's. Australia, v. pl. 31. Burmese. Asia, vi. pl. 3. Chestnut-shouldered Grass Handb. ii. p. 77. Cockatoo Australia, v. pl. 45; Handb. ii. p. 84. Coxen's Australia, Suppl. pl. 65. Crimson-bellied Australia, v. pl. 33. Duchess of Connaught's. . New Guinea, v. pl. 11. Earl of Derby's Australia, v. pl. 29; Asia, vi. pl. 9. Elegant Grass Handb. ii. p. 73. Fiery . Australia, v. pl. 30. Golden-backed . Australia, Suppl. pl. 64. Golden-shouldered Handb. ii. p. 65. . . . و 9 و 2 1 2 236 . 9 Parrakeet, Grey-headed . Ground . Josephina Madarász's Malaccan Many-coloured . Mrs. Layard's Nicobar. Nocturnal Ground Orange-bellied Grass . Orange-crowned Hanging Pale-headed Pennant's Princess of Wales' Asia, vi. pl. 5. Australia, v. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 86. New Guinea, v. pl. 12. New Guinea, v. pl. 40. Asia, vi. pl. 10. Australia, v. pl. 35. Asia, vi. pl. 1. Asia, vi. pl. 6. Australia, Suppl. pl. 66. Handb. ii. p. 75. New Guinea, v. pl. 43. Australia, v. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 51. Australia, v. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 44. p . Australia, Suppl. pl. 62; Handb. ii. . p. 32. . > Red-backed. Red-capped. Red-rumped Red-vented. Rock. Rose-hill. Slaty-headed Splendid . Stella. Varied Warbling Grass Western Ground Yellow-bellied . Yellow-cheeked Yellow-collared Yellow-rumped Yellow-vented Parrot, Beautiful King Beccari's Pigmy Blue-collared. Brehm's . Bruijn's Pigmy Crossbill. Great Racket-tailed Australia, v. pl. 36. Australia, v. pl. 32 ; Handb. ii. p. 60. Handb. ii. p. 69. . Handb. ii. p. 62. Handb. ii. p. 76. Australia, v. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 55. Asia, vi. pl. 8. Australia, v. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 57. New Guinea, v. pl. 15. Handb. ii. p. 68. Handb. ii. p. 81. Handb. ii. p. 88. Australia, v. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 48. p. . Handb. ii. p. 58. Australia, v. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 42. Australia, v. pl. 25; Handb. ii. p. 50. Handb. ii. p. 63. New Guinea, v. pl. 10. New Guinea, v. pl. 25. New Guinea, v. pl. 29. New Guinea, v. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 24. Europe, iii. pl. 201; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 46. Asia, vi. pl. 13. 237 Parrot, Ka-Ka Australia, Suppl. pl. 58; Handb. ii. p. 548. 2 - Ké Islands Pigmy Kea New Guinea, v. pl. 27. Australia, Suppl. pl. 60; Handb. ii. p. 554. Little Racket-tailed Long-billed. Mafoor Pigmy Misori Pigmy Pesquet's Philip Island Philippine Racket-tailed Pigmy Prince of Essling's Asia, vi. pl. 15. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 7. New Guinea, v. pl. 22. New Guinea, v. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 33. Australia, v. pl. 6; Handb. ii. p. 550. Asia, vi. pl. 14. New Guinea, v. pl. 21. Australia, Suppl. pl. 59; Handb. ii. p. 552. . . Racket-tailed Riedel's Solomon Islands Pigmy . Tenimber Yellow-headed. Yellow-winged King parryi, Halmaturus Osphranter Parry's Wallaby Wallaroo. Partridge Altaic Snow Australian Ballivian's Barbary Bearded. Black-breasted. Black-throated. Bonham's Sand Bronze-wing Asia, vi. pl. 12. New Guinea, v. pl. 32. New Guinea, v. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 30. New Guinea, v. pl. 28. New Guinea, v. pl. 9. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 12, 13. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 12, 13. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 13. Asia, vii. pl. 31. Australia, v. pl. 89. Odontoph. pl. 29. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. I. Asia, vi. pl. 73; Odontoph. pl. 22. Odontoph. pl. 5. Odontoph. pl. 4 Asia, vii. pl. 1. Australia, V. pl. 67; Handb. ii. . > p. 130. Californian. Capueira Caraccas . Odontoph. pl. 16. Odontoph. pl. 26. Odontoph. pl. 30. 238 U. . > . Partridge, Caspian Snow Chestnut-coloured Common. Coyolcos . Crested Crimson-breasted Cuban Elegant Fasciated Formosan Bamboo Gambel's Gorgeted Greek Guiana Guttated Hey's Sand Himalayan Snow Large-tailed Lerwa Little Red-billed Massena. Moupin Snow Ocellated Plumed . Red-legged. Rufous-breasted Rufous-breasted Bamboo Scaly Short-crested Slate-coloured Sombre Sonnini's Starred Striped-breasted Thibet Thick-billed Tibetan Snow Van Diemen's Land Virginian Asia, vii. pl. 29. Odontoph. pl. 3. Europe, iv. pl. 262; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 13. Odontoph. pl. 6. Odontoph. pl. 9. Asia, vi. pl. 70. Odontoph. pl. 2. Odontoph. pl. 18. Odontoph. pl. 14. Asia, vi. pl. 72. Odontoph. pl. 17. Odontoph. pl. 31, Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. 2. Odontoph. pl. 23. Odontoph. pl. 28. Asia, vii. pl. 2. Asia, vii. pl. 30. Odontoph. pl. 20. Asia, vi. pl. 75. Asia, vii. pl. 3. Odontoph. pl. 7. Asia, vii. pl. 44. Odontoph. pl. 8. Odontoph. pl. 15. Europe, iv. pl. 260; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 14. Odontoph. pl. 25. Asia, vi. pl. 71. Odontoph. pl. 19. Odontoph. pl. 12. Asia, vii. pl. 8. Australia, v. pl. 91. Odontoph. pl. 11. Odontoph. pl. 27. Odontoph. pl. 32. Asia, vi. pl. 74. Odontoph. pl. 24. Asia, vii. pl. 32. Australia, v. pl. 90. Odontoph. pl. 1. . . . 239 . > Partridge, White-eared White-eyebrowed. White-faced Parus arfaki ater . bicolor cæruleus. | | castaneoventris caudatus. cinereus cristatus . Odontoph. pl. 10. Odontoph. pl. 21. Odontoph. pl. 13. New Guinea, iv. pl. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 25. Europe, iii. pl. 152. Europe, iii. pl. 154; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 24. Asia, ii. pl. 49. Europe, iii. pl. 157. Asia, ii. pl. 55. Europe, iii. pl. 156 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 26. Europe, iii. pl. 153. Asia, ii. pl. 58. Asia, ii. pl. 50. Cent. pl. 30. fig. I. Asia, ii. pl. 54. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. I. Europe, iii. pl. 150; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 23. Asia, ii. pl. 61; Cent. pl. 30. fig. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 56. Asia, ii. pl. 57; Cent. pl. 29. fig. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 59. Asia, ii. pl. 60. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. 2. Asia, ii. pl. 53. Asia, ii. pl. 48. Asia, ii. pl. 52; Cent. pl. 29. fig. 1. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 20. New Guinea, iv. pl. 41. Europe, ii. pl. 64; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 20. Odontoph. pl. 12. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, i. Intr. p. XXXV; Handb. i. p. 194. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 30. Australia, ii. pl. 78; Handb. i. cyanus dichrous. elegans erythrocephalus jerdoni lugubris. major. melanolophus minor. monticolus palustris rubidiventris rufonuchalis sibiricus . spilonotus venustulus xanthogenys parva, Erythrosterna . Microdynamis Muscicapa parvirostris, Eupsychortyx Graucalus . . Microchera parvula, Colluriocincla p. 225. 240 parvulus, Eopsaltria . Sericornis parzudaki, Heliotrypha . Parzudaki's Star-frontlet Passer ammodendri domesticus montanus . passerina, Noctua . pastinator, Licmetis Pastor, Rose-coloured roseus Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv. Humming B. iv. pl. 240. Humming B. iv. pl. 240. Asia, v. pl. 15. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 32. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 33. Europe, i. pl. 50. Handb. ii. p. 12. . Europe, iii. pl. 212; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 55, 56. Europe, iii. pl. 212; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 55, 56. Cent. pl. 35. Humming B. iv. pl. 232. Trogons, (1) pl. 23. Humming B., Suppl. p. 50. Trogons, (2) pl. 5. Toucans, (1) pl. 30. Trogons, (1) pl. 23. Handb. ii. p. 144. Australia, v. pl. 73. Toucans, (1) pl. 30. Asia, vii. pl. 50. Asia, vii. pl. 51. New Guinea, iii. pl. 36. New Guinea, v. pl. 13. Australia, v. pl. 88; Handb. ii. p. 190. Australia, vi. pl. 76; Handb. ii, p. 334. Europe, iv. pl. 327; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 67. New Guinea, iv. pl. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 39; Icones Avium, pl. 4. Australia, vi. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 248. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 88; Handb. ii. p. 190. . Australia, iii. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 427. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 9. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 67. traillii Patagona gigas Pavonine Trogon pavoninus, Lophornis Pharomacrus Pteroglossus -, Trogon . Peaceful Dove . Ground-Dove Peacock Groove-bill Araçari Peacock-Pheasant, Assam Malayan. Pectoral Honey-eater Lorikeet. Quail. Rail Sandpiper pectorale, Dicæum pectoralis, Calliope Cladorhynchus. Coturnix. . . و Donacola Leptorhynchus. Limnocinclus 241 pectoralis, Malurus Myzomela Nyctibius Ortyx Pachycephala . . . Rallus -, Sarciophorus Tringa Xerophila Pedionomus torquatus Peewit Black-breasted . Masked. Wattled. pekinensis, Rhopophilus pelagica, Thalassidroma. Pelagodroma fregata . pelecanoides, Thalasseus Pelecanus conspicillatus crispus onocrotalus. Pelican Australian Dalmatian Pelidna bonapartii cinclus pella, Topaza Pellorneum palustre . Peltops blainvilli . Penang Sun-bird. Pencil-tailed Hapalotis Pencilled Pheasant Penduline Tit. Chinese pendulinus, Ægithalus penelope, Mareca . Penguin, Crested. Fairy Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 557. Icones Avium, pl. 18. Odontoph. pl. 5. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 3, & vol. ii. pl. 67. Australia, vi. pl. 76. Australia, vi. pl. 11; Handb.ji. p. 222. Europe, iv. pl. 327. New Guinea, iii. pl. 27. Australia, v. pl. 80; Handb. ii. p. 187. Europe, iv. pl. 291; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 33. Australia, vi. pl. 11. Australia, vi. pl. 10. Australia, vi. pl. 9. Asia, iv. pl. 3. Europe, v. pl. 448; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 86. Handb. ii. Australia, vii. pl. 23. Australia, vii. pl. 74; Handb. ii. p. 486. Europe, v. pl. 406. Europe, v. pl. 405. Europe, v. pl. 405. Australia, vii. pl. 74 ; Handb. ii. p. 486. Europe, v. pl. 406. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 71. Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 69, 70. Humming B. ii. pl. 66. Asia, iii. pl. 65. New Guinea, ii. pl. 55. Asia, ii. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 17. Europe, iii. pl. 159. Asia, ii. pl. 70. Europe, iii. pl. 159. Europe, v. pl. 359; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 13. Australia, vii. pl. 83; Handb. ii. p. 517. Australia, vii. pl. 85; Handb. ii. 9 . . . . . p. 482. p. 521. 21 242 Penguin, Little penicillata, Bettongia Hapalotis , Meliphaga Petrogale . . Australia, vii. pl. 84; Handb.ii. p. 518. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 61; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 5. Synopsis, part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 39, 40; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. i. p. 31. Australia, iv. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 519. Asia, vi. pl. 33. Europe, i. pl. 9. Australia, v. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 44. Australia, v. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 44. Asia, i. pl. 13. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 8. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 8. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 12. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 10. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 12. Europe, i. pl. 3 ; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 1. Asia, vii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 4. Asia, vi. pl. 73. Europe, iv. pl. 262; Gt. Brit. iv. Phascogale Ptilotis peninsularis, Iyngipicus. pennata, Aquila pennanti, Platycercus Pennant's Parrakeet pennatus, Scops Peragalea lagotis -, Long-eared Perameles, Banded fasciata gunnii Gunn's Long-nosed myosurus nasuta obesula Saddle-backed Short-nosed percnopterus, Neophron. Perdicula argoondah. asiatica Perdix barbata. cinerea . 2 . . pl. 13. . . hodgsoniæ petrosa rubra saxatilis Père David's Pterorhinus Heude's Paradoxornis peregrina, Muscipeta peregrinator, Falco Asia, vi. pl. 74. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. I. Europe, iv. pl. 260. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. 2. Asia, iii. pl. 55. Asia, iii. pl. 74. Cent. pl. 9. Asia, i. pl. 3. 243 Peregrine Falcon peregrinus, Falco --, Pericrocotus Pericrocotus brevirostris. cantonensis. -, Cawnpore cinereus erythropygius flammeus Great Grey · Grey-throated griseogularis Little Orange peregrinus Europe, i. pl. 21; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 17. i Europe, i. pl. 21; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 17. Cent. pl. 9; Asia, ii. pl. 9. Cent. pl. 8. Asia, ii. pl. 4. Asia, ii. pl. 5. Asia, ii. pl. 11. Asia, ii. pl. 6. Asia, ii. pl. 8. Asia, ii. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 11. Asia, ii. pl. 34. Asia, ii. pl. 3. Asia, ii. pl. 9. Asia, ii. pl. 6. Cent. pl. 9; Asia, ii. pl. 9. Asia, ii. pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 5. Cent. pl. 7; Asia, ii. pl. 7. Asia, ii. pl. 5. . 2 roseus , Rosy . . . solaris speciosus Yellow-throated see Minivet. periophthalmicus, Monarcha Peristera chalcoptera . elegans histrionica Pern, Honey Pernis apivorus Perroquet, Aru Astrolabe Mountain Black-cheeked. D'Albertis Double-eyed Goldie's McCoy's , Southern Ringed Western. Persian Starling personata, Eophona -, Gerygone New Guinea, ii. pl. 52. Australia, v. pl. 64. Australia, v. pl. 65. Australia, v. pl. 66. Europe, i. pl. 16; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 8. Europe, i. pl. 16; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 8. New Guinea, v. pl. 4. New Guinea, v. pl. 8. New Guinea, v. pl. 6. New Guinea, v. pl. 5. New Guinea, v. pl. 3. New Guinea, v. pl. 41. New Guinea, v. pl. 7. New Guinea, v. pl. 2. . New Guinea, v. pl. 1. Asia, v. pl. 44. Asia, v. pl. 18. Australia, Suppl. pl. 14. . . . 212 244 . . . . personata, Motacilla . ,Poephila. Strix ... Sula personatus, Artamus . Lobivanellus Schistes. Trogon perspicillata, Oidemia peruana, Spathura Peruvian Coquette Racket-tail. White-tip pesqueti, Dasyptilus . Pesquet's Parrot Petasophora anais cyanotis. coruscans delphina germana . iolata . serrirostris thalassina Petaurista taguanoides Petrel, Allied Atlantic. Banks' Blue. Broad-billed Bulwer's. . Cape . Common Storm Cook's Diving Dove-like Fairy . Fleshy-footed Fork-tailed Storm Fulmar Asia, iv. pl. 63. Australia, iii. pl. 91; Handb.i. p. 423. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 29. Australia, vii. pl. 77. Australia, ii. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 150. Australia, vi. pl. 10; Handb. ii. p. 220. Humming B. iv. pl. 219. Trogons, (2) pl. 10. Europe, v. pl. 376; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 30. Humming B. iii. pl. 164. Humming B. iii. pl. 125. Humming B. iii. pl. 164. Humming B., Suppl. p. 34. New Guinea, v. pl. 33. New Guinea, v. pl. 33. Humming B. iv. pl. 224. Humming B. iv. pl. 228. Humming B. iv. pl. 226. Humming B. iv. pl. 229. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 11. Humming B. iv. pl. 225. Humming B. iv. pl. 223. Humming B. iv. pl. 227. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 22. Australia, vii. pl. 59; Handb. ii. p. 458. Handb. ii. p. 449. . Handb. ii. p. 474. Australia, vii. pl. 52; Handb. ii. p. 457. Handb. ii. p. 474. Europe, v. pl. 449; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 449. Australia, vii. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 469. . Europe, v. pl. 448; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 86. Australia, vii. pl. 51; Handb. ii. p. 456. Australia, vii. pl. 60; Handb. ii. p. 483. Handb. ii. p. 472. Handb. ii. Australia, vii. pl. 57; Handb. ii. p. 465. Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. Europe, v. pl. 446. . • p. 473. 245 . . . Petrel, Giant Great Grey Great-winged Leach's . Short-tailed Silvery-grey. Soft-plumaged. Solander's Spectacled Storm Wedge-tailed White-headed White-winged Petrocincla cyanea erythrogastra saxatilis . Petrocossyphus cyaneus Petrogale brachyotis. concinna. inornata. Australia, vii. pl. 45; Handb.ii. p. 443. Australia, vii. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 446. Handb. ii. p. 449. p Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. Australia, vii. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 459. Australia, vii. pl. 48; Handb. ii. p. 467 Australia, vii. pl. 50; Handb.ii. p. 453. . Handb. ii. p. 450. . Australia, vii. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 445. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 86. Australia, vii. pl. 58 ; Handb. ii. p. 466. Australia, vii. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 451. Handb. ii. p. 454. . . Europe, ii. pl. 87. Asia, iii. pl. 8. Europe, ii. pl. 86; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 44. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 47. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 48. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 45, 46; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 41, 42; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 39, 40 ; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 43, 44. Australia, iii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 283. Australia, Suppl. pl. 15; Handb.i.p. 288. Australia, iii. pl. 4; Handb. ii. App. . lateralis penicillata . p xanthopus Petroica bicolor ? cerviniventris. erythrogastra . p. 526. fusca . goodenovii. modesta. multicolor Australia, iii. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 286. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iii. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 280. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iii. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 279. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, iii. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 282. Australia, iii. pl. 9. phænicea - superciliosa. 1 246 . petronia, Pyrgita. Petrophassa albipennis petrophila, Euphema petrosa, Caccabis. Perdix Pezoporus formosus . Phænicornis brevirostris peregrina princeps Phæolæma æquatorialis. . rubinoides Phæoptila sordida phæopus, Numenius. phaethon, Chlorostilbon Phaethornis adolphi . . amaura anthophilus augusti bourcieri cephalus episcopus eremita eurynome fraterculus griseogularis guyi hispidus . intermedius. longuemareus nigricinctus. obscura oseryi. philippi. pretrei pygmæus striigularis superciliosus syrmatophorus . viridicaudata yaruqui Europe, iii. pl. 186. Australia, v. pl. 71 ; Handb. ii. p. 141. Australia, v. pl. 40; Handb. ii. p. 76. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. 1. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. I. Australia, v. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 86. Cent. pl. 8. Cent. pl. 9. Cent. pl. 7. Humming B. iv. pl. 269. Humming B. iv. pl. 268. Humming B. iv. pl. 340. Europe, iv. pl. 303; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 49. Humming B. v. pl. 354. Humming B. i. pl. 35. Humming B. i. pl. 32. Humming B. i. pl. 24. Humming B. i. pl. 29. Humming B. i. pl. 25. Humming B. i. pl. 19. Humming B. i. pl. 39. fig. 2. Humming B. i. pl. 40. Humming B. i. pl. 16. Humming B. i. pl. 18. Humming B. i. pl. 36. Humming B. i. pl. 26. Humming B. i. pl. 22. Humming B. i. pl. 30. Humming B. i. pl. 31. Humming B. i. pl. 39. fig. 1. Humming B. i. pl. 38. Humming B. i. pl. 23. Humming B. i. pl. 21. Humming B. i. pl. 28. Humming B. i. pl. 41. Humming B. i. pl. 37. Humming B. i. pl. 17. Humming B. i. pl. 20. Humming B. i. pl. 33. Humming B. i. pl. 27. . . 247 . Phaethornis zonura Phaëton phænicurus. phaeton, Estrelda. Neochmia phainolaima, Heliothrix phainopeplus, Campylopterus . Phalacrocorax carbo . carboides cristatus. desmaresti flavirhynchus graculus . hypoleucus leucogaster . melanoleucus novæ-hollandiæ punctatus Humming B. i. pl. 34. Australia, vii. pl. 73 ; Handb. ii. p. 501. Australia, iii. pl. 83. Handb. i. p. 415. Humming B. iv. pl. 215. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 3. Europe, v. pl. 407; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 52. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, vii. pl. 66. Europe, v. pl. 410. Europe, v. pl. 411. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 8. Europe, v. pl. 408; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 53. Australia, vii. pl. 68. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7; Australia, vii. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 492. . Australia, vii. pl. 70; Handb. ii. p. 493. Handb. ii. p. 488. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 10, & vol. vii.pl. 71 ; Handb.ii. App. p.582. Europe, v. pl. 409. Handb. ii. p. 495. Australia, vii. pl. 67. Handb. ii. p. 490. Australia, ii. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 90. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 22. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 18. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 19. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 19. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 16. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 16. Europe, iv. pl. 337; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 81, 82. Europe, iv. pl. 336; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 83. Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 81, 82. pygmæus stictocephalus. sulcirostris varius. phalaenoides, Podargus Phalanger, Great Flying Woolly Phalangista canina cookii fuliginosa lanuginosa Short-eared. Sooty viverrina Viverrine vulpina Vulpine. Phalarope, Grey > e . Red-necked. Phalaropus fulicarius 248 . . . . . Phalaropus hyperboreus. platyrhynchus Phaon Comet phaon, Cometes Phaps chalcoptera elegans. histrionica Pharomacrus antisianus . auriceps. fulgidus . mocinno pavoninus Phascogale, Brush-tailed calura Handsome-tailed lanigera penicillata Woolly. Phascolarctos cinereus Phascolomys lasiorhinus latifrons. wombat phasianella, Macropygia , Pteropodocys. Phasianus albocristatus . . Europe, iv. pl. 336. Europe, iv. pl. 337. Humming B. iii. pl. 175. Humming B. iii. pl. 175. Handb. ii. p. 122. Handb. ii. p. 125. Handb. ii. p. 127. Trogons, (2) pl. 2. Trogons, (2) pls. 4, 4 a. Trogons, (2) pl. 3. Trogons, (2) pl. 1. Trogons, (2) pl. 5. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 31. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 32. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 32. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 33. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 31. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 33. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 13, 14. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 59, 60. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 57, 58. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 55, 56. Australia, v. pl. 75; Handb. ii. p. 148. Australia, ii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 199. Cent. pls. 66, 67. Asia, vii. pl. 36. Europe, iv. pl. 247; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 12; Asia, vii. pl. 34. Asia, vii. pl. 41. Cent. pls. 69, 70. Asia, vii. pl. 33. Asia, vii. pl. 38. Asia, vii. pl. 35. Asia, vii. pl. 37. Cent. pl. 68. Asia, vii. pl. 39. Asia, vii. pl. 40. Australia, iv. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 634. Asia, vii. pl. 52. . . . chrysomelas colchicus mongolicus . pucrasia . reevesii scintillans shawi. sæmmeringii stacii. torquatus versicolor phasianus, Centropus Pheasant, Argus 249 > . II . a Pheasant, Assam Peacock Asia, vii. pl. 50. , Blyth’s Horned Asia, vii. pl. 47. Bulwer's. Asia, vii. pl. 13. Cheer. Asia, vii. pl. 18. Chestnut-tailed Lobed Asia, vii. pl. 12. Chinese Eared . Asia, vij. pl. 22. Chinese Pucras Asia, vii. pl. 24. Chinese Ring-necked Asia, vii. pl. 39. Common Europe, iv. pl. 247; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 12; Asia, vii. pļ. 34. Coucal Handb. i. p. 634. Cuckoo Australia, iv. pl. 92. Darwin's Pucras Asia, vịi. pl. 25. De l’Huy's Monaul Asia, vịi. pl. 54. Dr. Cabot's Horned Asia, vii. pl. 48. Elliot's Asia, vii. pl. 23. Geoffroy's Blood Asia, vii. pl. 42. Golden Asia, vii. pl. 19. Himalayan Blood Asia, vii. pl. 43. Himalayan Pucras Asia, vii. pl. 26. Impeyan. Asia, vii. pl. 53. Japanese Asia, vii. pl. 40. Kafiristan Pucras. Asia, vii. pl. 27. Lady Amherst's Asia, vii. pl. 20. Lineated . . Asia, vii. pl. 14. Malayan Peacock . Asia, vii. pl. 51. Mongolian Asią, vii. pl. 41. Nepal Pucras Asia, vii. pl. 28. , Nepaulese Horned Asia, vii. pl. 49. Oxus. Asią, vii. pl. 36. Pencilled Asia, vii. pl. 17. Reeves' Asia, vii. pl. 33. Sclater's Monaul Asia, vii. pl. 55. Shaw's Asią, vii. pl. 35. Siamese Fire-backed. Asia, vii. pl. 21. Silver Asia, vii. pl. 17. Sömmering's Asia, vii. pl. 37, , Sparkling Asia, vii. pl. 38, Swinhoe's Fire-backed . . Asia, vii. pl. 16. . 2 e . > 9 2K 250 و Pheasant, Temminck's Horned Vieillot's Fire-backed Western Horned . Pheasant-tailed Pigeon philadelphia, Chroicocephalus. Philemon plumigenis Philip Island Parrot . Asia, vii. pl. 46. Asia, vii. pl. 15. Asia, vii. pl. 45. Australia, v. pl. 75. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 65. New Guinea, iii. pl. 41. Australia, v. pl. 6; Handb. ii. App. ; p. 550. . • philippensis, Hypotænidia philippi, Phaethornis Philippine Bee-eater.. Oriole Racket-tailed Parrot . Island Thickhead. philippinensis, Hyloterpe philippinus, Merops . Philomela luscinia turdoïdes philomela, Luscinia ! , Philortyx fasciatus Phlogenas crinigera cruenta jobiensis johannæ . tristigmata Phlogophilus hemileucurus Phodilus badius Phæbetria fuliginosa . phænicea, Ianthocincla Petroica. phæniceum, Trochalopteron phænicoptera, Treron Trichodroma Phænicopterus ruber Phænicura cæruleocephala . cinclorhyncha. frontalis leucocephala • . Handb. ii. p. 334. Humming B. i. pl. 21. Asia, i. pl. 36. Asia, ii. pl. 72. Asia, vi. pl. 14. Asia, ii. pl. 12. Asia, ii. pl. 12. Asia, i. pl. 36. Europe, ii. pl. 116. Europe, ii. pl. 117. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 56. Odontoph. pl. 14. Asia, vi. pl. 52. Asia, vi. pl. 51. New Guinea, v. pl. 48. New Guinea, v. pl. 49. Asia, vi. pl. 59. Humming B. v. pl. 360. Asia, i. pl. 14. Handb. ii. p. 441. Icones Avium, pl. 3. Australia, iii. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 282. Icones Avium, pl. 3; Asia, iii. pl. 35. Cent. pl. 58. Europe, iii. pl. 239. Europe, iv. pl. 287. Cent. pl. 25. fig. 2. Cent. pl. 19. Cent. pl. 26. fig. 1. Cent. pl. 26. fig. 2. . 251 > . Phænicura rubeculoides. Cent. pl. 25. fig. 1. ruticilla Europe, ii. pl. 95. suecica Europe, ii. pl. 97. tithys. Europe, ii. pl. 96. phoenicura, Gallinula .. Asia, vii. pl. 67. -- Petroca Synopsis, part i. Ruticilla. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 51. phoenicurus, Phaëton : . Australia, vii. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 501. Phonygama purpureoviolacea . New Guinea, i. pl. 35. phragmitis, Acrocephalus Europe, ii. pl. 110; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 75. Calamodyta. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 75. Salicaria. Europe, ii. pl. 110. phrygia, Meliphaga Handb. i. p. 527. Zanthomyza Australia, iv. text to pl. 48. Phyllopneuste rufa Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 66. sibilatrix Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 67. tristis. Asia, iv. pl. 59. trochilus. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 65. Phyllornis, All-green. Asia, iii. pl. 18. cyanopogon. Asia, iii. pl. 18. hardwicki Asia, iii. pl. 14. hodgsoni. Asia, iii. pl. 15. javensis. Asia, iii. pl. 13. jerdoni Asia, iii. pl. 17. malabaricus. Asia, iii. pl. 16. , see also Green Bulbul. Pica bactriana . Asia, v. pl. 56. bottanensis Asia, v. pl. 57. caudata Europe, iii. pl. 216; Gt. Brit. iii. . . و" pl. 63. 3 . cyanea erythrorhyncha leucoptera sinensis. vagabunda picata, Dromolæa . Grallina -, Herodias Europe, iii. pl. 217. Cent. pl. 41. Asia, v. pl. 55. Cent. pl. 43. Cent. pl. 42. Asia, iv. pl. 26. Handb. i. p. 188. Australia, vi. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 306. و 2 K 2 252 6 O . OG . picata, Leucosarcia Lichnotentha Melanodryas Melicophila Rhipidura Sauloprocta picatus, Cracticus. Scotophilus pichincha, Oreotrochilus Pichinchian Hill-Star picta, Callipepla Emblema Entomophila Thaumalea. picticollis, Casuarius . Garrulax Piculet, Malayan Rufous Speckled picumnus, Climacteris Picus brunneifrons cabanisi hyperythrus insularis. leuconotus mahrattensis major. martius medius minor. Australia, v. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 120. Handb. i. p. 529. Handb. i. p. 285. Australia, iv. pl. 49. Australia, i. Intr. p. xxxix. . Handb. i. p. 246. . Australia, ii. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 181. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 43. Humming B. ii. pl. 69. Humming B. ii. pl. 69. Odontoph. pl. 15. Australia, iii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 429. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iv. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 530. Asia, vii. pl. 19. New Guinea, v. pl. 74. Asia, iii. pl. 53. Asia, vi. pl. 41. Asia, vi. pl. 40. Asia, vi. pl. 39. Australia, iv. pl. 98. Cenț. pl. 52. Asia, vi. pl. 17. Cent. pl. 50. Asia, vi. pl. 16. Gt. Brit. jii. pl. 71. Cent. pl. 51. Europe, iii. pl. 229; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 70. Europe, iii. pl. 225. Europe, iii. pl. 230. Europę, iii. pl, 231; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 72. Cent. pl. 47. Cent. pl. 49. Cent. pl. 18. Asia, v. pl. 48. Asia, v. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 49. Asia, v. pl. 47. - . : . occipitalis shorii . squamatus Pie, Chinese Blue. Formosan Blue Great-billed Blue . Nepaulese Blue > و . 253 Pie, White-capped Blue -, Yellow-billed. Pied Cormorant Asia, v. pl. 51. Asia, v. pl..50. Australia, vii. pls. 68, 70; Handb. ii. e . p. 490. . Crow-Shrike Egret. Fantail Flycatcher Grallina. Honey-eater Jacobin Malurus Robin Scotophilus . Stone-Chat Tail Wagtail . Deccan Great Masked Wheatear Pied-tailed Hummingbird . Piezorhynchus axillaris . brodiei browni castus medius nitidus richardsi. squamulatus vidua. Pigeon, Branded Bronze-winged Brush Bronze-winged Collared Wood Crested Elphinstone's Wood . Grey-naped Ground Indian Rock Australia, ii.pl.50; Handb.i.pp.168,181. Australia, vi. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 306. Handb. i. p. 246. Europe, ii.pl. 63. fig. 1; Gt. Brit.ii. pl.17. Australia, ii. pl. 54; Handb. i. P. 188. Australia, iv. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 529. p Humming B. ii. pl. 115. New Guinea, ii. pl. 25. Australia, iii. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 285. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 43. Asia, iv. pl. 26. Humming B. ii. pl. 57, Europe, ii. pl. 141; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 1. Asia, iv. pl. 62. Asia, iv. pl. 61. Asia, iv, pl, 63. Europe, ii. pl. 89. Humming B. y. pl. 360. New Guinea, ii. pl. 51. New Guinea, ii. pl. 44. New Guinea, ii. pl. 45. New Guinea, ii. pl. 47. : New Guinea, ii. pl. 50. Australia, ii. pl. 88; Handb. i. p. 249. New Guinea, ii. pl. 46. New Guinea, ii. pl. 49. New Guinea, ii. pl. 48. Asia, vi. pl. 59. Australia, v. pl. 64. Australia, v. pl. 65. Asia, vi, pl. 58. Australia, v. pl. 70. Asia, vi. pl. 57. New Guinea, v. pl. 61, Asia, vi. pl, 56. 9 . 254 2 . Handb. ii. p. 148. Australia, v. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 118. Handb. ii. p. 119. Asia, vi. pl. 52. Asia, vi. pl. 54. New Guinea, v. pl. 62. Australia, v. pl. 75. Asia, vi. pl. 51. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 3. Handb. ii. p. 556. . Australia, v. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 116. Asia, vi. pl. 55. New Guinea, v. pl. 48. New Guinea, v. pl. 67. Australia, v. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 120. Europe, iv. pl. 243; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. 9 9 Pigeon, Large-tailed . Little Green , Long-billed Green Maroon-breasted Mongolian Rock Papuan Ground Pheasant-tailed Red-breasted Rock. Tooth-billed Top-knot White-bellied White-chested. White-throated Wonga-wonga. Wood see also Bronze-wing. see also Fruit-Pigeon. see also Green Pigeon. Pigmy Acrobates Curlew Goose Green White-quilled Hermit. Honey-eater Parrot Beccari's . Bruijn's . Ké Islands Mafoor Misori Solomon Islands Woodpecker, Banded -, Ceylonese , Darjiling Doerries'. Grey-headed Hardwicke's . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 28. Europe, iv. pl. 328. Australia, vii. pl. 5. Handb. ii. p. 357. Handb. ii. p. 359. Humming B. i. pl. 41. New Guinea, iv. pl. 8. New Guinea, v. pl. 21. New Guinea, v. pl. 25. New Guinea, v. pl. 24. New Guinea, v. pl. 27. New Guinea, v. pl. 22. New Guinea, v. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 26. Asia, vi. pl. 31. Asia, vi. pl. 32. Asia, vi. pl. 26. Asia, vi. p). 22. Asia, vi. pl. 27. Asia, vi. pl. 28. . e 255 . 2 e p. 612. > Pigmy Woodpecker, Malayan Asia, vi. pl. 29. Orange-breasted Asia, vi. pl. 23. Ramsay's. Asia, vi. pl. 24. Sonnerat's Asia, vi. pl. 30. Swinhoe's ... Asia, vi. pl. 21. , . . Temminck's Asia, vi. pl. 25. Travancore Asia, vi. pl. 33. Vigors' Asia, vi. pl. 34. pilaris, Turdus. :: Europe, ii. pl. 76; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 35. pileata, Sitella. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 104; Handb. i. pileatus, Platycercus . Australia, v. pl. 32. , Purpureicephalus . Handb. ii. p. 60. . Pinarolæma buckleyi. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 8. Pine Bunting Europe, iii. pl. 180. Grosbeak Europe, iii. pl. 204; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 44. Star-throat Humming B. iv. pl. 261. Pinicola enucleator Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 44. pinicola, Heliomaster Humming B. iv. pl. 261. Pink-breasted Wood-Robin. Australia, iii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 276. Pink-eyed Duck Handb. ii. p. 372. Pink-footed Goose : Gt. Brit. v. pl. 3. . v Pintail Duck Europe, v. pl. 365. Pin-tailed Duck Gt. Brit. v. pl. 18. Sand-Grouse Europe, iv. pl. 258. Pipastes agilis . Asia, iv. pl. 65. piperivora, Selenidera Toucans, (2) pl. 36. Piping Crow-Shrike Australia, ii. pl. 46 ; Handb. i. p. 175. Pipit, Australian Australia, iii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 392. Indian Tree. Asia, iv. pl. 65. Meadow. Europe, ii. pl. 136. Meadow, or Titlark Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 13. Red-throated Europe, ii. pl. 140; Asia, iv. pl. 66; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 12. Richard's Europe, ii. pl. 135; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 8. Rock . Europe, ii. pl. 138; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 10. Tawny Europe, ii. pl. 137; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 9. Tree Europe, ii. pl. 139; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 14. Vinous Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 11. . . JUU . . 256 . O O Pirik Bee-eater piscator, Sula pithyornus, Emberiza Pitta arquata atricapilla baudii bengalensis . Black-headed Blue Blue-backed Blue-tailed Bornean. boschii brachyura cærulea cæruleitorques. celebensis coccinea. concinna. cucullata . . . Asia, i. pl. 34. Australia, vii. pl. 79; Handb. ii. p. 509. Europe, iii. pl. 180. Asia, v. pl. 69, Asia, v. pl. 76. Asia, v. pl. 72. Cent. pl. 23; Asia, v. pl. 64. Asia, v. pl. 76, Asia, v. pl. 80, New Guinea, iv. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 77. Asia, v. pl. 67, Asia, v. pl. 83. Cent. pl. 23. Asia, v. pl. 81. New Guinea, iv. pl. 32. New Guinea, iv. pl. 34. Asia, v. pl. 68. New Guinea, iv. pl. 31. Asia, v. pl. 82. Asia, v. pl. 80. New Guinea, iv. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 77. New Guinea, iv. pl. 3. Asia, v. pl. 66. Asia, v. pl. 65. New Guinea, iv. pl. 30. Asia, v. pl. 67. New Guinea, iv. pl. 27. Asia, v. pl. 73. Asia, v. pl. 82. Australia, iv. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 432. Asia, v. pl. 71. Asia, v. pl. 70. Australia, Suppl. pl. 29. Australia, Suppl. pl. 29. New Guinea, iv. pl. 33. Asia, v. pl. 68. New Guinea, iv. pl. 27. . . . . . cyanea cyanonota cyanura Elegant ellioti Formosan forsteni granatina Great. gurneyi Hooded. iris kochi. Large-billed mackloti. Macklot's maforensis Malaccan maxima. . :: 257 Pitta megarhyncha Necklaced nipalensis New Guinea Noisy. novæ-guineæ oreas . Asia, v. pl. 70. Asia, v. pl. 69. Asia, v. pl. 79. New Guinea, iv. pl. 36. Australia, iv. pl. 1 ; Handb. i. p. 430. New Guinea, iv. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 65. Australia, iv. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 432. Asia, v. pl. 72. New Guinea, iv. pl. 32. New Guinea, iv. pl. 35. New Guinea, iv. pl. 37. New Guinea, iv. pl. 35. Asia, v. pl. 78. Asia, v. pl. 74. Australia, iv. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 430. Asia, v. pl. 75. Asia, v. pl. 83. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 4, & vol. iv. pl. 2; Handb. ii. App. p. 527. Australia, iv. pl. 2; , Handb. ii. p. 527. Europe, iii. pl. 201; Gt. Brit. iii. Rainbow. Red-backed. Red-headed. Red-naped rosenbergii. rubrinucha schwaneri steerii strepitans ussheri Van der Bosch's vigorsi . Vigors pityopsittacus, Loxia . pl. 46. > placens, Climacteris Pæcilodryas Psitteuteles. Sternula . Placid Dove placida, Geopelia . New Guinea, iii. pl. 29. New Guinea, ii. pl. 19. New Guinea, v. pl. 20. New Guinea, v. pl. 72. Handb. ii. p. 145. Australia, i. Introd. p. Ixxi; Handb. ii. 9 و p. 145. plagosus, Lamprococcyx. Plain-coloured Acanthiza Finch. Thickhead Warbler. Plain-loving Jerboa-Kangaroo . Plain Rat Plain-wanderer, Collared Plain Zosterops Handb. i. p. 623. Handb. i. p. 370; Australia, iii. pl. 59. Australia, iii. pl. 85; Handb. i. p. 414. Australia, ii. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 217. Australia, iii. pl. 59. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 66. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 18. Handb. ii. p. 187. Asia, ii. pl. 34. 2 L 258 Platalea flavipes . . leucorodia regia . . Platibis flavipes Platycercus adelaidæ . adelaidensis . barnardi. . baueri brownii. cyanogenys eximius flaveolus. flaviventris hæmatogaster hæmatonotus icterotis. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7; Australia, vi. pl. 49. Europe, iv. pl. 286; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 32. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7: Australia, vi. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 287. Handb. ii. p. 288. Australia, v. pl. 22. Handb. ii. p. 46. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, v. pl. 21; Handb. ii. p. 40. Australia, v. pl. 20. Australia, v. pl. 31. Australia, Suppl. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 52. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 55. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, v. pl. 25; Handb. ii. p. 50. Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, v. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 48. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 7. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 5. . Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, v. pl. 29; Handb. ii. p. 58. Synopsis, part ii. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, v. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 51. Australia, v. pl. 23 ; Handb. ii. p. 44. Australia, v. pl. 32. Australia, v. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 42. Australia, v. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 57. Synopsis, part iv. Handb. ii. p. 53. Synopsis, part iv. ; Handb. ii. p. 43. Humming B. iii. pl. 140. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 70. Europe, iv. pl. 331. Europe, iv. pl. 337. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iv. pl. 47; Handb. i ignitus palliceps. . pennantii pileatus. semitorquatus splendidus tabuensis venustus. zonarius. platycercus, Selasphorus. platyops, Hypsiprymnus. platyrhyncha, Tringa platyrhynchus, Phalaropus . Plectorhyncha lanceolata p. 525. 259 . Plectrophanes lapponica nivalis Plotus novæ-hollandiæ Plover, Australian Golden Black-breasted . Brown Egyptian Golden . Europe, iii. pl. 169; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 170; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 31. Australia, vii. pl. 75; Handb. ii. p. 496. Australia, vi. pl. 13; Handb. ii. p. 225. Handb. ii. p. 222. Australia, vi. pl. 14. Asia, vii. pl. 62. Europe, iv. pl. 294; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 38, 39. Europe, iv. pl. 290; Australia, vi. pl. 12; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 36, 37; Handb. ii. Grey. p. 224. . . p. 252. Kentish. , Large-billed Shore Little Ringed Long-legged Masked Norfolk Ringed Spur-winged Wattled. -, Zic-zac Plover-crest, De Lalande's -, Loddiges plumbea, Myiagra plumbeiventris, Gymnocrex Plumbeous Flycatcher Plumed Bronze-wing. Egret. Honey-eater Partridge Bronze-wing. Podargus Plumeleteer, Black-vented Blue-breasted Buffon's. Golden-tailed Madame de Lafresnaye's plumifera, Geophaps Europe, iv. pl. 298; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 40. Australia, vi. pl. 6; Handb. ii. p. 213. Europe, iv. pl. 297; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 42. Europe, iv. pl. 289; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 34. Handb. ii. p. 220. Europe, iv. pl. 288. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 41. Europe, iv. pl. 293. Handb. ii. p. 218. p Asia, vii. pl. 62. Humming B. iv. pl. 208. Humming B. iv. pl. 209. Australia, ii. pl. 89; Handb. i. New Guinea, v. pl. 71. Australia, ii. pl. 89. Handb. ii. p. 135. Australia, vi. pl. 57; Handb. ii. p. 303. Australia, iv. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 516. Odontoph. pl. 15. Australia, v. pl. 69. Handb. i. p. 93. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 13. Humming B. ii. pl. 91. Humming B. ii. pl. 89. Humming B. ii. pl. 90. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 13. Australia, v. pl. 69. . . 2 1 2 260 . plumifera, Lophophaps Ortyx plumiferus, Herodias Podargus plumigenis, Philemon plumulus, Ptilotis pluricinctus, Pteroglossus pluvialis, Charadrius . Handb. ii. p. 135. p. Icones Avium, pl. 9. Australia, vi. pl. 57. Australia, ii. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 93. New Guinea, iii. pl. 41. Australia, iv. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 516. Toucans, (1) pl. 15, (2) pl. 17. Europe, iv. pl. 294; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 38, 39. Asia, vii. pl. 62. Europe, iv. pl. 293. Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv. Icones Avium, pl. 5. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 20. Europe, v. pl. 367. Europe, v. pl. 371. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 47. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 46. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 46. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 47. Australia, Introd. p. xxviii; Handb. i. Pluvianus ægyptius spinosus Plyctolophus galeritus leadbeateri Pnoepyga squamata Pochard. Red-headed. Scaup Podabrus crassicaudatus. Large-tailed. e macrourus Thick-tailed Podargus brachypterus . p. 89. p. 87. cuvieri Cuvier's. humeralis Marbled . marmoratus. megacephalus Australia, ii. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 87. Australia, ii. pl. 4; Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 3. Australia, Suppl. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 94. Australia, Suppl. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 94. Australia, i. Introd. p.xxviii ; Handb. i. p. 89. . . p. 91. Moth-plumaged ocellatus -, Papuan papuensis phalenoides Plumed plumiferus Short-winged strigoides Australia, ii. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 90. New Guinea, iv. pl. 40. Australia, Suppl. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 91. Australia, Suppl. pl. 3 ; Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 90. Australia, ii. pl. 6; Handb. i. . p. 93. Australia, ii. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 93. Handb. i. p. 89. Handb. i. p. 84. U 261 Podargus, Tawny-shouldered Podiceps auritus australis cornutus cristatus gularis p. 513. minor nestor. nigricollis poliocephalus rubricollis Podoces biddulphi hendersoni humilis panderi Pæcile palustris Pæcilodryas albifacies bimaculata cerviniventris placens superciliosa. pæcilopterus, Turdus pæcilorhyncha, Garrulax pæcilorrhoa, Gymnophaps pæcilosternus, Pteroglossus Poephila acuticauda . cincta gouldiæ leucotis mirabilis . personata poiciloptilus, Botaurus Polioaetus leucogaster poliocephala, Merula Australia, ii. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 84. p Europe, v. pl. 391 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 40. Australia, vii. pl. 80; Handb. ii. p. 511. Europe, v. pl. 390. Europe, v. pl. 388; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 38. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, vii. pl. 81 ; Handb. ii. Europe, v. pl. 392; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 42. Synopsis, part i.; Handb. ii. p. 512. . Gt. Brit. v. pl. 41. Australia, vii. pl. 82. Europe, v. pl. 389; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 39. Asia, v. pl. 60. Asia, v. pl. 61. Asia, v. pl. 63. Asia, v. pl. 62. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 27. New Guinea, ii. pl. 18. New Guinea, ii. pl. 17. Handb. i. p. 288. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 19. Handb. i. p. 289. Cent. pl. 14. Asia, iii. pl. 51. New Guinea, v. pl. 60. Toucans, (2) pl. 18. Australia, iii. pl. 90; Handb. i. . Australia, iii. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 425. Handb. i. p. 420. Australia, iii. pl. 92; Handb. i. p. 424. Australia, iii. pl. 89; Handb. i. p. 421. Australia, iii. pl. 91; Handb. i. 423. Handb. ii. p. 313. Handb. i. p. 13. . Australia, Suppl. pl. 30; Handb. ii. . . p. 422. p. p. 528. poliocephalus, Podiceps. Pteropus poliocerca, Eupherusa Australia, vii. pl. 82. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 28. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 55. 262 poliocerca, Sterna, poliocercus, Thalasseus Synopsis, part ii. Australia, vii. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 396. poliopse, Edoliisoma . poliopterus, Melilestes poliosoma, Pachycephalopsis polychlorus, Eclectus Polyplectron bicalcaratum chinquis . Polytelis alexandræ New Guinea, ii. pl. 8. New Guinea, iii. pl. 56. New Guinea, iii. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 31. Asia, vii. pl. 51. Asia, vii. pl. 50. Australia, Suppl. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 32. barrabandi. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, v. pl. 15; Handb. ii. p. 31. melanura Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, v. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 33. Polytmus leucorrhous Humming B., Suppl. p. 86. polytmus, Trochilus Humming B. ii. pl. 98. Pomarea castaneiventris New Guinea, ii. pl. 57. rufocastanea New Guinea, ii. pl. 56. ugiensis New Guinea, ii. pl. 58. Pomarhine Gull Europe, v. pl. 440. pomarhinus, Lestris Europe, v. pl. 440. Pomatorhine Skua Gt. Brit. V. pl. 79. Pomatorhinus, Chestnut-crowned. Australia, Suppl. pl. 38; Handb. i. . p. 484. . erythrocnemis erythrogenys Red-breasted Red-kneed rubeculus ruficeps superciliosus Temporal temporalis White-eyebrowed . pomatorhinus, Stercorarius . Pomatostomus rubeculus ruficeps superciliosus Asia, iii. pl. 33. Cent. pl. 55. Australia, iv. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 481. Asia, iii. pl. 33. Australia, iv. pl. 21. Australia, Suppl. pl. 38. Australia, iv. pl. 22. Australia, iv. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 479. Australia, iv. pl. 20. Australia, iv. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 482. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 79. Handb. i. p. 481. Handb. i. p. 484. Handb. i. p. 482. p . > ; > 263 . ||| . • . Pomatostomus temporalis Handb. i. p. 479. poortmanni, Chlorostilbon Humming B. v. pl. 358. Poortman's Emerald Humming B. v. pl. 358. Popelaire's Thorn-tail Humming B. iii. pl. 127. popelairi, Gouldia. Humming B. iii. pl. 127. Porphyrio, Azure-breasted Australia, vi. pl. 70; Handb. ii. p. 332. bellus. Australia, vi. pl. 70; Handb. ii. p. 322. . Black-backed Australia, vi. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 321. , Hyacinthine Europe, iv. pl. 340. hyacinthinus Europe, iv. pl. 340. melanotus · . . p Australia, vi. pl. 69; Handb. ii. p. 321. porphyrocephalus, Glossopsitta Handb. ii. p. 102. Trichoglossus Australia, v. pl. 53. porphyrurus, Lampornis Humming B. ii. pl. 81. Porphyry-crowned Lorikeet Australia, v. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 102. Porphyry-tailed Mango Humming B. ii. pl. 81. Port Moresby Racket-tailed King- fisher. New Guinea, iv. pl. 51. Porzana fluminea. Australia, vi. pl. 79; Handb.ii. p. 339. immaculata. Australia, vi. pl. 82. leucophrys Australia, vi. pl. 81. maruetta Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 88. minuta Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 90. palustris. Australia, vi. pl. 80; Handb. ii. pl. 340. pygmæa. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 89. tabuensis Handb. ii. p. 341. porzana, Crex Europe, iv. pl. 343. Ortygometra Europe, iv. pl. 343. -, Zapornia Europe, iv. pl. 343. Powerful Cuckoo . Asia, vi. pl. 42. Owl Australia, i. pl. 35. Tern Australia, vii. pl. 22. prælatus, Diardigallus Asia, vii. pl. 21. , Euplocomus Asia, vii. pl. 21. prasinus, Aulacorhamphus . Toucans, (2) pl. 47. Chlorostilbon Humming B. v. pl. 355. , Pteroglossus Toucans, (1) pl. 49. pratensis, Anthus. Europe, ii. pl. 136; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 13. Crex. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 87. . . e 264 . p. 240. Pratincola indica leucura rubicola pratincola, Glareola Pratincole, Australian Black-winged Cinereous -, Collared Common Oriental preissi, Rhipidura Preiss's Fantail pretrei, Phaethornis. Pretre's Hermit Pretty Flycatcher prevosti, Lampornis Prevost's Mango Primoli's Humming-bird primolina, Metallura . primolinus, Metallura Prince Albert's Lyre-bird of Essling's Parrot Asia, iv. pl. 34. Asia, iv. pl. 33. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 47. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 46. Australia, vi. pl. 22; Handb. ii. p. 243. Asia, vii. pl. 63. Asia, vii. pl. 64. Europe, iv. pl. 265. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 46. Australia, vi. pl. 23; Handb. ii. p. 245. Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 240. Humming B. i. pl. 28. Humming B. i. pl. 28. Australia, ii. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 254. Humming B. ii. pl. 75. Humming B. ii. pl. 75. Humming B. iii. pl. 194. Humming B., Suppl. p. 63. Humming B. iii. pl. 194. Handb. i. p. 307. Australia, Suppl. pl. 59; Handb. ii. App. p. 552. Trogons, (1) pl. 16. Toucans, (2) pl. 16. Cent. pl. 7. Humming B. iii. pl. 123. Australia, Suppl. pl. 62; Handb. ii. . . . Massena's Trogon. Maximilian's Araçari . princeps, Muscipeta. Princess Helena's Coquette. p. 32. of Wales's Parrakeet. Prion ariel banksii Broad-billed Dove-like Fairy turtur vittatus Prioniturus flavicans discurus. setarius Handb. ii. p. 473. Handb. ii. P 474. Australia, vii. pl. 55; Handb. ii. p. 474. Australia, vii. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 472. Handb. ii. p. 73. Australia, vii. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 472. . Australia, vii. pl. 55; Handb.ii. p. 474. Asia, vi. pl. 13. Asia, vi. pl. 15. Asia, vi. pl. 12. 265 Prioniturus spatuliger Prionochilus vincens . Prionoteles temnurus pristina, Amazilia . Pristorhamphus versteri. Procellaria cærulea conspicillata cookii gigantea glacialis glacialoides. hasitata lessoni mollis nereis Procelsterna albivitta productus, Nestor. . Asia, vi. pl. 14. Asia, ii. pl. 41. Trogons, (2) pl. 33. Humming B. v. pl. 303. New Guinea, iv. pl. 10. Australia, vii. pl. 52. Australia, vii. pl. 46. Australia, vii. pl. 51. Australia, vii. pl. 45. Europe, v. pl. 446; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 82. Australia, vii. pl. 48. Australia, vii. pl. 47. Australia, vii. pl. 49. Australia, vii. pl. 50. Handb. ii. p. 476. Handb. ii. p. 420. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. i. (can- celled) pl. 7, & vol. v. pl. 6; Handb. ii. p. 550. New Guinea, i. pl. 8. New Guinea, i. pl. 9. Europe, ii. pl. 129; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 59. Humming B. iv. pl. 257. Humming B. iv. pl. 257. Asia, ii. pl. 39. Asia, ii. pl. 39. Asia, ii. pl. 65. Asia, ii. pl. 64. Asia, ii. pl. 63. Asia, ii. pl. 66. Asia, i. pl. 64; Icones Avium, pl. 1. Cent. pl. 34. Cent. pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 75. Asia, ii. pl. 74. Australia, Suppl. pl. 64; Handb. ii. Promerops, Elliot's Great. provincialis, Melizophilus Prunelle's Cæligene . prunelli, Cæligena pryeri, Dicæum Pryer's Dicæum Psaltria concinna erythrocephala. exilis. leucogenys Psarisomus dalhousiæ Psaroglossa spiloptera psaroides, Hypsipetes Psaropholus ardens trailli Psephotus chrysopterygius . . . p. 65. hæmatogaster. hæmatonotus Australia, v. pl. 33. Australia, v. pl. 36; Handb. ii. p. 69. 2 M 266 . . . Psephotus hæmatorrhous multicolor pulcherrimus xanthorrhous Pseudogerygone chrysogastra cinereiceps notata Psilopus albogularis brevirostris fuscus olivaceus. Psittacella brehmi madaraszi Psitteuteles arfaki placens rubronotatus subplacens wilhelmina Psophodes, Black-throated . crepitans nigrogularis Ptarmigan Common. Rock. Short-toed Willow Ptenoedus rufescens Pterocles arenarius • Handb. ii. p. 62. Australia, v. pl. 35; Handb. ii. p. 68. Australia, v. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 67. Handb. ii. p. 63. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 13. New Guinea, ii. pl. 14. New Guinea, ii. pl. 12. Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv. Synopsis, part iv. New Guinea, v. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 40. New Guinea, v. pl. 18. New Guinea, v, pl. 20. New Guinea, v. pl. 16. New Guinea, v. pl. 17. New Guinea, v. pl. 19. Australia, iii. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 314. Australia, iii. pl. 15; Handb. i. p. 312. Australia, iii. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 314. Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 8, 9, 10. Europe, iv. pl. 253. Europe, iv. pl. 254. Europe, iv. pl. 256. Europe, iv. pl. 255. Handb. i. p. 397. Europe, iv. pl. 257. Asia, vi. pl. 63. Asia, vi. pl. 64. Asia, vi. pl. 65. Asia, vi. pl. 62. Europe, iv. pl. 258. Handb. ii. p. 449. . Handb. ii. p. 449. Handb. ii. p. 450. Toucans, (1) pl. 12, (2) pl. 15. Toucans, (2) pl. 28. Toucans, (1) pl. 20. . coronatus . exustus fasciatus. guttatus setarius Pterodroma atlantica. macroptera solandri Pteroglossus araçari . azaræ. bailloni 267 . . Pteroglossus beauharnaisii . bitorquatus . castanotis culik. derbianus erythropygius flavirostris gouldii hæmatopygus humboldtii. hypoglaucus inscriptus langsdorffi maculirostris mariæ. nattererii. pocilosternus pavoninus pluricinctus. prasinus regalis reinwardtii sturmi sulcatus torquatus ulocomus viridis wiedi . Pterophanes temmincki. Pteropodocys phasianella Pteropus conspicillatus funereus poliocephalus Pterorhinus da vidi Père David's Pteruthius æralatus erythropterus Grey-headed Himalayan Toucans, (2) pl. 25. Toucans, (1) pl. 16, (2) pl. 26. Toucans, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 19. Toucans, (1) pl. 27. Toucans, (1) pl. 32. Toucans, (2) pl. 21. Toucans, (2) pl. 29. Icones Avium, p. 7. Toucans, (1) pl. 33. Toucans, (1) pl. 22, (2) pl. 22. Toucans, (1) pl. 19. Toucans, (1) pl. 23, (2) pl. 23. Toucans, (1) pl. 28. Toucans, (1) pl. 24. Toucans, (2) pl. 30. Toucans, (1) pl. 25. Toucans, (2) pl. 18. Toucans, (1) pl. 30. Toucans, (1) pl. 15, (2) pl. 17. Toucans, (1) pl. 29. Toucans, (1) pl. 14. Toucans, (1) pl. 26. Toucans, (2) pl. 27. Toucans, (1) pl. 31. Toucans, (2) pl. 20. Toucans, (1) pl. 18. Toucans, (1) pl. 21, (2) pl. 24. Toucans, (2) pl. 16. Humming B. iii. pl. 178. Australia, ii. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 29. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 28. Asia, iii. pl. 55. Asia, iji. pl. 55. Asia, ii. pl. 13. Asia, ii. pl. 14. Asia, ii. pl. 13. Asia, ii. pl. 3. 199. . 2 M 2 268 Asia, ii. pl. 15. Asia, ii. pl. 15. . . Pteruthius rufiventer Rufous-bellied . see also Shrike-Tit. Ptilinopus ewingii superbus. swainsoni Ptilonorhynchus holosericeus rawnsleyi smithii Ptilopus bellus. fischeri lewisi. . . Australia, v. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 107. Australia, v. pl. 57. Australia, v. pl. 55; Handb. ii. p. 106. Australia, iv. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 442. Australia, Suppl. pl. 34. Australia, iv. pl. 11. New Guinea, v. pl. 58. New Guinea, v. pl. 56. New Guinea, v. pl. 54 New Guinea, v. pl. 51. New Guinea, v. pl. 53. New Guinea, v. pl. 59. New Guinea, v. pl. 52. New Guinea, v. pl. 57. New Guinea, v. pl. 55. Australia, Suppl. pl. 51. Australia, iv. pl. 100; Handb. i. p. 591. Australia, Suppl. pl. 50; Handb. i. nanus. richardsi. rivolii solomonis speciosus wallacii Ptilorhis magnifica paradisea victoriæ . p. 593. Ptilosclera versicolor. Ptilotis albonotata auricomis cassidix chrysops. chrysotis. cockerelli cratitius. fasciogularis. Handb. ii. p. 98. New Guinea, iii. pl. 47. Australia, iv. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 511. Australia, Suppl. pl. 39. Australia, iv. pl. 45 ; Handb. i. p. 521. Australia, iv. pl. 32. Australia, Suppl. pl. 43. Australia, iv. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 513. Australia, Suppl. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 507. filigera Australia, Suppl. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 522. II flava. flavescens flavigula. Australia, iv. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 518. Australia, iv. pl. 41; Handb. i. p. 517. Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iv. pl. 35; Handb. i. New Guinea, iii. pl. 50. p. 508. flavostriata . 269 Ptilotis frenata fusca. leucotis lewinii p. 503. marmorata : notata ornata. ornatus penicillatus. plumula. sonorus . unicolor versicolor Ptistes coccineopterus erythropterus Ptochoptera iolæma Puce-throated Humming-bird . Pucras Pheasant, Chinese Darwin's. Himalayan Kafiristan Nepal. Pucrasia castanea . darwini macrolopha. nipalensis xanthospila pucrasia, Phasianus puella, Irena Trogon Puffin. Northern Puffi nuria urinatrix Puffinus anglorum New Guinea, iii. pl. 49. Australia, iv. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 520. Australia, iv. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 510. Handb. i. New Guinea, iii. pl. 48. Australia, Suppl. pl. 41. Australia, iv. pl. 39; Handb. i. p.515. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, iv. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 519. Australia, iv. pl. 40; Handb. i. p. 516. Australia, iv. pl. 33 ; Handb. i. p. 504. Australia, iv. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 506. Handb. ii. p. 39. Handb. ii. p. 37. p Humming B., Suppl. p. 48. Humming B. ii. pl. 55. Asia, vii. pl. 24. Asia, vii. pl. 25. Asia, vii. pl. 26. Asia, vii. pl. 27. Asia, vii. pl. 28. Asia, vii. pl. 27. Asia, vii. pl. 25. Cent. pls. 69, 70; Asia, vii. pl. 26. Asia, vii. pl. 28. Asia, vii. pl. 24. Cent. pls. 69, 70. Asia, iii. pl. 21. Trogons, (2) pl. 11. Europe, v. pl. 403; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 51. Europe, v. pl. 404. Australia, vii. pl. 60. Europe, v. pl. 443; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 84. Synopsis, part iv. p. 7; Australia, vii. . pl. 59. assimilis. و" brevicaudus. carneipes cinereus Australia, vii. pl. 56. Australia, vii. pl. 57. Europe, v. pl. 445. 270 . . Puffinus major. nugax obscurus sphenurus Puff-leg, Aurelia's. Black-breasted . Black-vented Blue-vented. Brown-booted Buquet's.. Coppery-bellied Derby's D'Orbigny's Dybowski's Glowing Godin's Green-breasted Hoary Long-billed Metallic Mosquera's Olive-coloured . , Sapphire-vented Scaly pugnax, Machetes . Gt. Brit. v. pl. 83. Handb. ii. p. 458. Europe, v. pl. 444. Australia, vii. pl. 58. Humming B. iv. pl. 283. Humming B. iv. pl. 276. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. Humming B., Suppl. p. 69. . Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Humming B. iv. pl. 273. Humming B. iv. pl. 270. Humming B. iv. pl. 279. Humming B. iv. pl. 278. Humming B., Suppl. p. 68. Humming B. iv. pl. 275. Humming B. iv. pl. 277. Humming B., Suppl. p. 70. Humming B. iv. pl. 282. Humming B. iv. pl. 272. Humming B. iv. pl. 280. Humming B. iv. pl. 274. Humming B. iv. pl. 271. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 71. Humming B. iv. pl. 281. Europe, iv. pl. 325; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 61, 62. New Guinea, v. pl. 13. Australia, v. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 77. Asia, i. pl. 48. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, vii. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 357. Trogons, (1) pl. 22. Australia, iii. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 326. Australia, v. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 67. Australia, i. Intr. p. xxxii; Handb. i. . و . . , pulchella, Charmosyna Euphema pulchellus, Carcineutes Nanodes. Nettapus. Trogon pulcherrimus, Malurus Psephotus pulchra, Alcyone . p. 141. Calothorax pulchricollis, Palumbus . pulverulentus, Gambetta Humming B. iii. pl. 144. Asia, vi. pl. 58. Handb. ii. p. 268. . 271 . . . . . pumilus, Scotophilus . Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 46. punctata, Anas. Australia, vii. pl. 11; Handb.ii. p. 365. p. punctatum, Cinclosoma . Australia, iv. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 433. punctatus, Pardalotus Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 157. Phalacrocorax Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 10, & vol. vii. pl. 71 ; Handb. ii. p. 582. Purple-and-Violet Manucode . . New Guinea, i. pl. 35. Purple-backed Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 36. Purpleback, Quito Humming B., Suppl. pl. 38. Purple-bellied Fruit-Pigeon New Guinea, v. pl. 58. Purple-breasted Carib Humming B. ii. pl. 82. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 19. Purple Cochoa. Asia, ii. pl. 2. Coligene Humming B. iv. pl. 256. Purple-crowned Fairy Humming B. iv. pl. 216. Purple Gallinule, Azure-breasted. Handb. ii. p. 322. . Black-backed Handb. ii. p. 321. Heron Europe, iv. pl. 274; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 21. Sandpiper Europe, iv. pl. 334; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 74. Snowcap. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 30. Purple-tailed Avocet . Humming B. iii. pl. 200. Comet Humming B. iii. pl. 176 ; Suppl. pl. 37. Humming-bird. Humming B. iii. pl. 193. Purple-throated Adelomyia Humming B. iii. pl. 197. Glossy Starling New Guinea, iv. pl. 13. Humming-bird. Humming B. iii. pl. 132; Suppl. pl. 6. purpurascens, Sturnus Asia, v. pl. 44. purpurea, Ardea Europe, iv. pl. 274; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 21. Cochoa Asia, ii. pl. 2. Cæligena Humming B. iv. pl. 256. Purpureicephalus pileatus Handb. ii. p. 60. . purpureiceps, Heliothrix Humming B. iv. pl. 216. purpureo-violacea, Phonygama New Guinea, i. pl. 35. Purre. Europe, iv. pl. 329. pusilla, Acanthiza . Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 364. Alcyone Australia, ii. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 142. --, Ardetta Australia, vi. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 319. p . . . . 272 . 3 pusilla, Crex Emberiza Glossopsitta Ortygometra Zapornia. pusillus, Graucalus Trichoglossus pusio, Nasiterna Pycnoptilus, Downy . Europe, iv. pl. 345. Asia, v. pl. 7; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 25. Handb. ii. p. 103. Europe, iv. pl. 345. Europe, iv. pl. 345. New Guinea, ii. pl. 4. Australia, v. pl. 54. New Guinea, v. pl. 26. Australia, Suppl. pl. 27; Handb. i. o p. 348. floccosus. Australia, Suppl. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 348. . pygmæa, Limicola Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 75. Nasiterna New Guinea, v. pl. 21. Porzana Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 89. pygmæum, Edistoma New Guinea, iv. pl. 8. pygmæus, Acrobates Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 28. Eurhinorhynchus Asia, vii. pl. 66. Phaethornis. Humming B. i. pl. 41. Phalacrocorax Europe, v. pl. 409. Pygmy Babbler, Roberts? Asia, iii. pl. 62. Pygmy Parrot, see Pigmy Parrot. Pygmy Woodpecker, see Pigmy Woodpecker. Pylzoff's Rose-Bunting Asia, v. pl. 32. pylzowi, Urocynchramus Asia, v. pl. 32. pyra, Topaza Humming B. ii. pl. 67. Pyrgita cisalpina Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 2. domestica Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 1. hispaniolensis Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 1. montana. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 2. petronia. Europe, iii. pl. 186. pyropygia, Eucephala Humming B., Suppl. p. 92. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Europe, iii. pl. 218. pyrrhocyanea, Cissa Asia, v. pl. 53. Pyrrholæmus brunneus Australia, iii. pl. 68; Handb. i. . . . p. 384. pyrrhops, Stachyris pyrrhopygia, Acanthiza . --, Halcyon. Asia, iv. pl. 9. Australia, iii. pl. 58; Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 22. p. 369. 273 . . . Pyrrhopygia, Hylacola. pyrrhopygius, Todirhamphus pyrrhothorax, Charadrius —, Hemipodius Turnix pyrrhoura, Myzornis. Pyrrhula aurantia . cineracea erithacus erythrocephala. major.. nepalensis orientalis vulgaris Australia, iii. pl. 39; Handb. i. p. 346. Handb. i. p. 130. Europe, iv. pl. 299. Australia, v. pl. 86. : Handb. ii. Handb. ii. p. 186. p. Asia, iv. pl. 20. Asia, v. pl. 34. Asia, v. pl. 40. Asia, v. pl. 39. Cent. pl. 32; Asia, v. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 38. Asia, v. pl. 37. Asia, v. pl. 35. Europe, iii. pl. 209; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 41, 42. 111 quadragintus, Pardalotus . . . Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 160. Humming B. v. pl. 284. New Guinea, iv. pl. 56. Handb. ii. p. 343. Asia, vii. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 4. Asia, vii. pl. 6; Australia, v. pl. 92. Europe, iv. pl. 263; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 15. Asia, vii. pl. 9. Asia, vii. pl. 7. Australia, v. pl. 88; Handb. ii. p. 190. Handb. ii. p. 193. . quadricolor, Cyanomyia . Halcyon. quadristrigata, Erythra Quail, Argoondah Bush. Asiatic Bush Chinese Common Coromandel Minute Pectoral. Swamp see also Swamp-Quail. Queen Victoria's Lyre-bird. Rifle-bird. Queensland Bower-bird . Cat-bird. Edible Swift Querquedula circia 2 و . Handb. i. p. 302. Handb. i. p. 593. . p New Guinea, i. pl. 44. New Guinea, i. pl. 38. New Guinea, iv. pl. 38. Europe, v. pl. 364; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 17. Europe, v. pl. 362; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 16. Europe, v. pl. 363. . crecca glocitans. 2N 274 . . Quezal quinticolor, Merops Quito Purple-back quoyii, Cracticus Quoy's Butcher-bird . Crow-Shrike Trogons, (2) pl. 1. Asia, i. pl. 34. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 38. Australia, ii. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 183. Australia, ii. pl. 53. Handb. i. p. 183. e . , Little . p. 40. Racket-tail. Humming B. iii. pl. 126. Ecuador Humming B., Suppl. pl. 37. Ecuadorian Humming B. iii. pl. 163. Peruvian Humming B. iii. pl. 164. Red-booted. Humming B. iii. pl. 165. Scissor-tailed Humming B. iii. pl. 166. White-booted Humming B. iii. pl. 162. Racket-tailed Magpie, Hooded Asia, v. pl. 52. Parrot Asia, vi. pl. 12. Great. Asia, vi. pl. 13. Asia, vi. pl. 15. Philippine Asia, vi. pl. 14. Radiated Goshawk Australia, i. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 40. radiatus, Astur. Australia, i. pl. 16; Handb. i. Radjah Shieldrake Australia, vii. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 360, radjah, Tadorna Australia, vii. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 360. raggiana, Paradisea New Guinea, i. pl. 32. Raggi's Bird of Paradise, Marquis de. New Guinea, i. pl. 32. raii, Leucospiza Handb. i. p. 37. Rail, Chestnut-bellied Australia, vi. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 338. Forbes's . . New Guinea, v. pl. 70. Grey-bellied New Guinea, v. pl. 71. Land. Europe, iv. pl. 341; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 87. Lewin's Water. Handb. ii. p. 336. New-Guinea Flightless New Guinea, v. pl. 69. Pectoral . Australia, vi. pl. 76; Handb. ii. p. 334. Red-necked. Australia, Suppl. pl. 78. Water Europe, iv. pl. 339; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 86. Rainbow Ant-Thrush Australia, iv. pl. 3. Bolivian. Humming B. iv. pl. 248. Ecuadorian . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 16. e e 275 . Handb. i. p. . . Rainbow Humming-bird Pitta. Warszewicz's Rallicula forbesi Rallina tricolor Rallus aquaticus brachipus lewinii pectoralis Ramon De la Sagra's Trogon ramonianus, Trogon. Ramphastos, see Rhamphastos. Ramphomicron dorsale herrani heteropogon microrhyncha olivaceum ruficeps Humming B. iv. pl. 247. . 432. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 17. New Guinea, v. pl. 70. Australia, Suppl. pl. 78. Europe, iv. pl. 339; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 86. Handb. ii. p. 336. Australia, vi. pl. 77. Australia, vi. pl. 76. Trogons, (2) pl. 18. Trogons, (2) pl. 18. . . stanleyi .. e . vulcani ramsayi, Actinodura . Iyngipicus Ramsay's Bar-wing Cuckoo-Shrike. Pigmy Woodpecker Thickhead Rat, Allied. Buff-footed. Dusky-footed Fulvous Beaver Golden-bellied Beaver Little. Long-haired :: Plain . Sooty Beaver Sordid Tawny White-bellied Beaver White-footed Humming B., Suppl. pl. 43. Humming B. iii. pl. 187. Humming B. iii. pl. 184. Humming B. iii. pl. 189. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 44. Humming B. iii. pl. 188. Humming B. iii. pl. 185. Humming B. iii. pl. 186. Asia, iii. pl. 59. Asia, vi. pl. 24. Asia, iii. pl. 59. New Guinea, ii. pl. 4. Asia, vi. pl. 24. New Guinea, iii. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 14. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 13. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 18. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 27. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 12. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 26. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 16. . . > 2 N 2 276 . . Rat-Kangaroo, see Kangaroo, Rat. Raven Europe, iii. pl. 220;. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 57. rawnsleyi, Ptilonorhynchus. Australia, Suppl. pl. 34. Rawnsley's Bower-bird Australia, Suppl. pl. 34. Rayed-tail Trogon Trogons, (2) pl. 11. rayi, Budytes Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 3. Razor-bill Gt. Brit. v. pl. 47. Razor-billed Auk : Europe, v. pl. 401. Rectes arvensis New Guinea, i. pl. 56. cerviniventris New Guinea, i. pl. 53. jobiensis . New Guinea, i. pl. 55. leucorhynchus . New Guinea, i. pl. 52. uropygialis New Guinea, i. pl. 54. rectirostris, Ardea Australia, vi. pl. 54. -, Dorifera Humming B., Suppl. p. 28. Recurvirostra avocetta Europe, iv. pl. 308; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 52. rubricollis Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, vi. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 249. . recurvirostris, Avocettula Humming B. iii. pl. 201. Red-and-Blue Cissa. Asia, v. pl. 53. Red-backed Accentor Asia, iv. pl. 43. Dicæum. Asia, ii. pl. 38. Eurylaime Asia, i. pl. 63. Kingfisher Australia, ii. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 130. Lorikeet. New Guinea, v. pl. 16. Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 36. Pitta. Asia, v. pl. 72. Shrike Europe, ii. pl. 69. Red-billed Azure-crown Humming B. v. pl. 284. Erolia Asia, vii. pl. 61. Toucan Toucans, (1) pl. 3, (2) pl. 6. Train-bearer Trogons, (2) pl. 5. Red Bird of Paradise New Guinea, i. pl. 31. Red-booted Racket-tail Humming B. iii. pl. 165. Redbreast, Common . Europe, ii. pl. 98; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 48. Red-breasted Accentor Asia, iv. pl. 46. Flycatcher Europe, ii. pl. 65; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 20. Goose Europe, v. pl. 35; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 6. Merganser Europe, v. pl. 385. . . - . . 277 . . . . . . e Red-breasted Pigeon. Pomatorhinus Snipe. Tanysiptera. Toucan Red-capped Dottrel Parrakeet Robin Thorn-bill Red-chested Dottrell . Hemipode Turnix Red-collared Dicæum Goatsucker Lorikeet. Red-crested Duck. Red-crowned Garrulax Red-eared Finch Red-eyebrowed Finch Tree-creeper Red-eyed Stachyris Red-footed Falcon Red-fronted Lory . Red Grouse Red-headed Bullfinch Bunting. Crow-Tit, Larger Honey-eater Paradoxornis Pitta. Pochard Stachyris Tit Trogon Red Knee, Banded Red-kneed Dottrel Pomatorhinus Red-legged Gannet Partridge Asia, vi. pl. 51. Australia, iv. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 481. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 76. New Guinea, iv. pl. 48. Toucans, (1) pl. 11. Australia, vi. pl. 17; Handb. ii. p. 235. p Australia, v. pl. 32; Handb. ii. p. 60. Australia, iii. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 280. Humming B. iii. pl. 188. Europe, iv. pl. 299. Australia, v. pl. 86. Handb. ii. p. 186. Asia, ii. pl. 36. Europe, ii. pl. 52. Australia, v. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 95. Europe, v. pl. 369; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 22. Asia, iii. pl. 50. Australia, iii. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 407. Australia, iii. pl. 82; Handb. i. p. 411. Australia, iv. pl. 95; Handb. i. p. 602. Asia, iv. pl. 9. Europe, i. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 38. Europe, iv. pl. 252; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 7. Asia, v. pl. 36. Asia, v. pl. 14. Asia, iii. pl. 78. Australia, iv. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 556. . Asia, iii. pl. 78. New Guinea, iv. pl. 32. Europe, v. pl. 367. Asia, iv. pl. 10. Asia, ii. pl. 64. Trogons, (1) pl. 33, (2) pl. 43. Australia, vi. pl. 21. Handb. ii. p. 240. . Asia, iii. pl. 33. Australia, vii. pl. 79; Handb. ii, p. 509. Europe, iv. pl. 260; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 14. . . 278 . . . . Red-lored Diamond-bird Red-mantled Grosbeak Red-naped Falcon Pitta . . Red-necked Avocet Goatsucker . Grebe Mountain Finch Phalarope Rail. Red Oriole. Redpole, Lesser -, Mealy Red-rumped Acanthiza Araçari Hylacola. Mountain Finch Parrakeet Warbler. Wren. Redshank Spotted Redstart, Black Coal-black -, Common . Great White-capped Güldenstadt's Red-tailed Finch Myzornis. Tropic-bird Red-throat. Brown Red-throated Bluebreast Copper-tail. Diver. Honey-eater. Nyctiornis Pipit. Handb. i. p. 158. Asia, v. pl. 26. Asia, i. pl. 4. New Guinea, iv. pl. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 249. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 2. Europe, v. pl. 389; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 39. Asia, v. pl. 5. Europe, iv. pl. 336; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 83. Australia, Suppl. pl. 78. Asia, ii. pl. 75. Europe, iii. pl. 194; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 52. Europe, iii. pl. 193; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 51. Australia, iii. pl. 58; Handb. i. p. 369. Toucans, (2) pl. 21. Handb. i. p. 346. Asia, v. pl. 3. Handb. ii. p. 69. Australia, iii. pl. 58. Australia, iii. pl. 39. Europe, iv. pl. 310; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 54. Europe, iv. pl. 309; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 55. Europe, ii. pl. 96; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 52. Asia, iv. pl. 37. Europe, ii. pl. 95; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 51. Asia, iv. pl. 36. Asia, iv. pl. 36. Australia, iii. pl. 84; Handb. i. p. 412. Asia, iv. pl. 20. Australia, vii. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 501. Handb. i. p. 384. Australia, iii. pl. 68. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 49. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Europe, v. pl. 395; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 45. Australia, iv. pl. 52; Handb. i. p. 533. Asia, i. pl. 38. Europe, ii. pl. 140; Asia, iv. pl. 66; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 12. . . 279 Red-throated Sapphire Thickhead Thrush Red-tinted Honey-eater Red-vented Parrakeet White-tip Red Wallaroo. . Redwing Humming B. v. pl. 342. Australia, ii. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 215. Asia, iii. pl. 2. New Guinea, iii. pl. 71. Handb. ii. p. 62. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 8, 9; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 78. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 34. Australia, v. pl. 18; Handb. ii. p. 37. Europe, iii. pl. 158. Europe, iii. pl. 183 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 29. Australia, iii. pl. 71. Australia, iii. pl. 70. Europe, ii. pl. 102. Australia, iii. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 402; p Europe, ii. pl. 108; Gt. Brit. ii. Red-winged Lory Reed-bird Reed Bunting Lark, Field. Striated Locustelle Warbler. pl. 73. 9 Warbler, Long-billed White-edged Wren Reedling, Bearded Reef-Heron, Blue White Reeve reevesii, Phasianus Reeves's Pheasant. Sapphire refulgens, Thalurania Refulgent Wood-Nymph regalis, Milvus.. Pteroglossus Regent-bird. regia, Platalea. . Australia, iii. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 403. New Guinea, iii. pl. 12. Europe, ii. pl. 108. Europe, iii. pl. 158; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 30. Australia, vi. pl. 60 ; Handb. ii. p. 307. Australia, vi. pl. 61; Handb.ii. p. 309. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 62. Asia, vii. pl. 33. Asia, vii. pl. 33. Humming B. v. pl. 333. Humming B. ii. pl. 102. Humming B. ii. pl. 102. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 22. Toucans, (1) pl. 14. Australia, iv. pl. 12; Handb. i. pl. 456. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7; Australia, vi. pl. 50 ; Handb. ii. p. 287. Humming B. iii. pl. 122. New Guinea, i. pl. 24. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 62. reginæ, Lophornis regius, Cicinnurus reguloides, Acanthiza 280 reguloides, Geobasileus . Reguloides superciliosus Regulus cristatus . Dalmatian himalayensis ignicapillus Handb. i. p. 376. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 68. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 69. Europe, ii. pl. 149; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 68. Asia, iv. pl. 60. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. . pl. 70. modestus vulgaris regulus, Lophornis Regulus-like Acanthiza reinwardti, Harpactes Pteroglossus Selenidera Trogon Reinwardt's Araçari Toucanet Trogon Europe, ii. pl. 149. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. 2. Humming B. iii. pl. 120. Australia, ii. pl. 62. Asia, i. pl. 72; Trogons, (2) pl. 44. Toucans, (1) pl. 26. Toucans, (2) pl. 35. Trogons, (1) pl. 27. Toucans, (1) pl. 20. Toucans, (2) pl. 35. Trogons, (1) pl. 27, (2) pl. 44; Asia, i. 9 pl. 72. . . . . . Rendova White-eye rendovæ, Zosterops resplendens, Trogon Resplendent Trogon respublica, Diphyllodes . Restless Flycatcher reticulata, Eos. retrocinctum, Dicæum rex, Clytoceyx rhami, Lamprolaima . Rhamphastos ambiguus. ariel. brevicarinatus carinatus citreolæmus. citreopygius. culminatus cuvieri dicolorus. New Guinea, iii. pl. 63. New Guinea, iii. pl. 63. Trogons, (1) pl. 21. Trogons, (1) pl. 21. New Guinea, i. pl. 20. Australia, ii. pl. 87; Handb. i. p. 246. New Guinea, v. pl. 35. Asia, ii. pl. 36. New Guinea, iv. pl. 59. Humming B. ii. pl. 61. Toucans, (2) pl. 5. Toucans, (2) pl. 12. Toucans, (2) pl. 3. Toucans, (1) pl. 7, (2) pl. 2. Toucans, (2) pl. 9. Toucans, (1) pl. 4. Toucans, (1) pl. 1, (2) pl. 11. Toucans, (1) pl. 2, (2) pl. 8. Toucans, (1) pl. 11, (2) pl. 14. 281 . toco o . . Rhamphastos erythrorhynchus Toucans, (1) pl. 3, (2) pl. 6. inca Toucans, (2) pl. 7. osculans. Toucans, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 10. swainsonii Toucans, (1) pl. 8. tocard Toucans, (2) pl. 4. Toucans, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 1. tucanus Toucans, (1) pl. 10. vitellinus Toucans, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 13. Rhamphocaris crassirostris. . New Guinea, iv. pl. 9. Rhamphomicron, see Ramphomicron. olivaceum Humming B., Suppl. pl. 44. Rhinolophus aurantius Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 35. cervinus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 34. megaphyllus Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 33. Rhipidura albiscapa Australia, ii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 238. cockerelli New Guinea, ii. pl. 28. dryas. Australia, i. Introd. p. xxxix; Handb. i. p. 242; New Guinea, ii. pl. 32. fuscorufa New Guinea, ii. pl. 31. hamadryas New Guinea, ii. pl. 30. hyperythra New Guinea, ii. pl. 33. isura. Australia, ii. pl. 85; Handb. i. p. 242. leucothorax. New Guinea, ii. pl. 27. motacilloides Australia, ii. pl. 86. opistherythra New Guinea, ii. pl. 29. picata Australia, i. Introd. p. xxxix. . preissi Handb. i. p. 240. . . Tubrofrontata New Guinea, ii. pl. 26. rufifrons. Australia, ii. pl. 84; Handb. i. 240. rhodinogaster, Erythrodryas Australia, iii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p 276. rhodochlamys, Carpodacus Asia, v. pl. 26. rhodochrous, Carpodacus Cent. pl. 31. fig. 2. Rhodopechys sanguinea . Asia, v. pl. 28. rhodopeplus, Carpodacus Cent. pl. 31. fig. 1. Rhodophila melanoleuca Asia, iv. pl. 32. Rhodopis vespera Humming B. iii. pl. 154. Rhodostetha rossii Gt. Brit. v. pl. 63. Rhopophilus, Chinese Asia, iv. pl. 3. . . P. 20 282 Rhopophilus pekinensis . Rhynchæa, Australian australis . . . . . . Rhynchaspis clypeata rhynchotis, Spatula richardii, Anthus . richardsii, Piezorhynchus Ptilopus. Richard's Pipit Richards's Flycatcher Fruit-Pigeon richardsoni, Lestris ricordi, Sporadinus Ricord's Humming-bird ridibunda, Xema . ridibundus, Chroicocephalus Larus. riedeli, Eclectus Riedel's Parrot. riefferi, Amazilia Rieffer's Amazili Rifle-bird Magnificent Asia, iv. pl. 3. Australia, vi. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 274. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6; Australia, vi. pl. 41; Handb. ii. p. 274. Europe, v. pl. 360; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 14. Australia, vii. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 368. Europe, ii. pl. 135; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 8. New Guinea, ii. pl. 46. New Guinea, v. pl. 53. Europe, ii. pl. 135; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 8. New Guinea, ii. pl. 46. New Guinea, v. pl. 53. Europe, v. pl. 441. Humming B. v. pl. 348. Humming B. v. pl. 348. Europe, v. pl. 425. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 64. Europe, v. pl. 425; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 64. New Guinea, v. pl. 32. New Guinea, v. pl. 32. Humming B. v. pl. 311. Humming B. v. pl. 311. Australia, iv. pl. 100; Handb. i. p. 591. Australia, Suppl. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 595. New Guinea Queen Victoria's Victoria Rimator malacoptilus Ring-Dottrel Little Ring-necked Pheasant, Chinese Ring-Ouzel. Ringed Plover. riparia, Cotyle -, Hirundo. Rissa tridactyla rissa, Larus. Riverine Emerald . New Guinea, i. pl. 13. Handb. i. p. 593. Australia, Suppl. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 60. Europe, iv. pl. 296; Handb. ii. p. 231. . Europe, iv. pl. 297 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 42. Asia, vii. pl. 39. Europe, ii. pl. 73; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 38. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 41. Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 7, 8. Europe, ii. pl. 58. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 61. Europe, v. pl. 435. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 51. . 283 Rivoli rivolii, Ptilopus roberti, Campylopterus Sphenocichla Turdinulus Robert's Pigmy Babbler Wedge-tailed Wren Robertson's Starling Robin American Buff-sided Dusky Eastern Scrub Flame-breasted Grey-breasted Hooded . Indian Ruby-throated Large-headed Norfolk Island . 2 > . . Pied. > Humming B. ii. pl. 59. New Guinea, v. pl. 59. Humming B. ii. pl. 53. Asia, iv. pl. 54. Asia, iii. pl. 62. Asia, iii. pl. 62. Asia, iv. pl. 54. New Guinea, iv. pl. 17. Europe, ii. pl. 98; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 48. Europe, ii. pl. 74. Australia, Suppl.pl. 15; Handb.i.p. 288. Australia, iii. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 286. Australia, Suppl. pl.16; Handb.i. p. 291. Australia, iii. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 282. Australia, iii. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 294. Handb. i. p. 283. Asia, iv. pl. 39. Australia, Suppl. pl.17; Handb.i.p. 297. Australia, iii. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 526. Australia, iii. pl. 7; Handb. i. P. 285. Australia, iii. pl. 1; Handb. i. . p. 276. Australia, iii. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 280. Australia, iii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 277. Australia, iii. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 279. Australia, iii. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 290. Asia, iv. pl. 38. Asia, iv. pl. 40. Australia, iii. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 296. p . Australia, iii. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 280. Australia, Suppl. pl. 18. New Guinea, ii. pl. 19. Australia, iii. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 293. Australia, Suppl. pl. 48. Australia, Suppl. pl. 48; Handb. ii. App. p. 537. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 10, 11; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Europe, iv. pl. 245. Australia, v. pl. 71. 9 Pink-breasted Wood . Red-capped Rose-breasted Wood Scarlet-breasted ---, Scrub. , Siberian Ruby-throated Thibet Ruby-throated White-bellied White-eyebrowed White-tailed Yellow-banded. Yellow-breasted Robust White-eye - Zosterops robustus, Osphranter Rock-Dove White-quilled 2 0 2 284 . . . . . > . Rock Grass-Parrakeet Rock-Martin Rock-Parrakeet Rock-Pigeon Indian Mongolian White-quilled Rock-Pipit Rock-Ptarmigan Rock-Thrush Blue Chestnut-bellied Rock-Wallaby, Brush-tailed Little Short-eared. Stripe-sided Unadorned. Yellow-footed Rock-Warbler rodochroa, Fringilla rodopepla, Fringilla Roller Australian Burmese. Indian Temminck's Rook. Roraima Coquette rosa, Palæornis rosæ, Calothorax rosea, Erythrodryas Erythrospiza Roseate Tern Rose-breasted Cockatoo . Shrike Wood-Robin Rose-Bunting, Pylzoff's . Rose-coloured Pastor. Rose-Finch, Caucasian Australia, v. pl. 40. Europe, ii. pl. 56. Handb. ii. p. 76. . p Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 3. Asia, vi. pl. 56. Asia, vi. pl. 54. Handb. ii. p. 141. Europe, ii. pl. 138; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 10. Europe, iv, pl, 254. Europe, ii. pl. 86; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 44. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 43. Asia, iii. pl. 8. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 39, 40. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 48. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 47. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 41, 42, Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 45, 46. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 43, 44. Australia, iii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 385. Cent. pl. 31. fig. 2. Cent. pl. 31. fig. 1. Europe, ii. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 11. Australia, ii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 119. Asia, i. pl. 55. Asia, i. pl. 54. Asia, i. pl. 56. Europe, iii. pl. 224; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 60. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 36. Asia, vi. pl. 2. Humming B. iii. pl. 149. Australia, iii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 277. p. Europe, iii. pl. 207. Europe, v. pl. 418; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 71. Australia, v. pl. 4; Handb. ii. p. 8. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 2; Handb. i. p. 277. Asia, v. pl. 32. Europe, iii. pl. 212; Gt. Brit. iii. pls.55,56. Asia, v. pl. 25. . . 285 . Rose-Finch, Red-mantled Siberian. Rose-hill Parrakeet roseicapilla, Cacatua . roseigaster, Tmetotrogon Trogon rosenbergi, Myzomela Pitta. Rosenberg's Pitta. roseus, Carpodacus Pastor . . . . . Asia, v. pl. 26. Asia, v. pl. 27. Australia, v. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 55. Handb. ii. p. 8. p Trogons, (2) pl. 32. Trogons, (1) pl. 20. New Guinea, iii. pl. 70. New Guinea, iv. pl. 37, New Guinea, iv. pl. 37. Asia, v. pl. 33. Europe, iii. pl. 212; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 55, 56. Asia, ii. pl. 10. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 63. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 63. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 5. Asia, v. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 207; Asia, v. pl. 33. Asia, ii. pl. 10. Asia, vii. pl. 59. Asia, i.pl. 76; Trogons, (1) pl. 35,(2) pl.39. New Guinea, iv. pl. 5. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. 2. Trogons, (1) pl. 20. Asia, v. pl. 29. Europe, i. pl. 15; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 7. New Guinea, ii. pl. 20. New Guinea, ii. pl. 20. Toucans, (1) pl. 14. Australia, vi. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 287. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 59. Europe, ii. pl. 98. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 48. Asia, iv. pl. 46. Cent. pl. 25. fig. 1. Cent. pl. 25. fig. I. Cent. pl. 25. fig. I. Australia, iv. pl. 21. Handb. i. p. 481. . Pericrocotus rossii, Rhodostethia Ross's Gull. . rostratus, Tarsipes Rosy Finch. Grosbeak Pericrocotus Tantalus. Rosy-breasted Trogon Rosy-flanked Flower-pecker Rosy-throated Flame-bearer Rosy-vented Trogon. Rosy-winged Finch Rough-legged Buzzard rowleyi, Hypothymis Rowley's Blue Flycatcher Royal Araçari Spoonbill : Royston Crow. rubecula, Erythaca , Erythacus. rubeculoides, Accentor Cyornis Phænicura Siphia rubeculus, Pomatorhinus - Pomatostomus . . . . 3 • UIT . 286 ruber, Phænicopterus rubetra, Pratincola Saxicola. rubicilla, Carpodacus rubicola, Pratincola Saxicola . rubidiventris, Parus rubidus, Accentor. rubinea, Clytolæma rubinoides, Phæolama rubra, Caccabis rubricata, Origma. rubricatus, Pardalotus . rubricera, Carpophaga rubricollis, Podiceps . Recurvirostra Europe, iv. pl. 287. Europe, ii. pl. 93. Europe, ii. pl. 93; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 25. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 47. Europe, ii. pl. 94. Asia, ii. pl. 59. Asia, iv. pl. 42. Humming B. iv. pl. 249. Humming B. iv. pl. 268. Europe, iv. pl. 260; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 14. Australia, iii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 385. . Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 36 ; Handb. i. p. 158. New Guinea, v. pl. 63. Europe, v. pl. 389; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 39. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, vi. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 249. p New Guinea, iv. pl. 35. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7. Australia, v. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 95. New Guinea, ii. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 16. Asia, i. pl. 63. Humming B. iv. pl. 250. Humming B. iv. pl. 249. Asia, iv. pl. 39. Asia, iv. pl. 40. Asia, iv. pl. 38. Humming B. iii. pl. 131. Humming B. i. pl. 11. Humming B. i. pl. 11. Asia, iv. pl. 42. Europe, v. pl. 358; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 12. Humming B., Suppl. p. 98. New Guinea, iii. pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 62. Europe, ii. pl. 122. Europe, ii. pl. 122. . rubrinucha, Pitta . rubripes, Sula. rubritorquis, Trichoglossus rubrofrontata, Rhipidura rubronotatus, Psitteuteles rubropygius, Serilophus. Ruby, Banded. Brazilian Ruby-throat, Himalayan Mongolian Siberian Ruby-throated Humming-bird. ruckeri, Glaucis Rucker's Hermit Ruddy Accentor Sheldrake Ruddy-breasted Emerald Thickhead rudis, Alcedo rueppelli, Curruca Rueppell’s Warbler و . . 287 . rufa, Athene Climacteris. Dendrocitta. Limosa Phyllopneuste Sylvia. rufescens, Ægiothus . Anthus Atrichia Bettongia . . IT p. 397. Cinclorhamphus Cracticus Numenius Ptenoedus Tringa —, Tryngites Rufescent Curlew . Scrub-bird Ruff. . . Australia, i. pl. 36. Australia, iv. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 600. Cent. pl. 42. Europe, iv. pl. 306; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 51. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 66. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 52. Europe, ii. pl. 137. Australia, Suppl. pl. 26. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 65; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Australia, iii. pl. 76. New Guinea, iii. pl. 16. Asia, vii. pl. 60. Handb. i. Europe, iv. pl. 326. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 64. Asia, vii. pl. 60. Australia, Suppl. pl. 26. Europe, iv. pl. 325; Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 61, 62. Europe, iv. pl. 268. Australia, vi. pl. 17. Handb. ii. p. 235. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 4. Handb. i. p. 412. p Australia, i. pl. 84. Australia, iii. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 353. Asia, iii. pl. 50. Asia, iii. pl. 78. Australia, Suppl. pl. 38. Handb. i. p. 484. Humming B. iii. pl. 188. Asia, iii. pl. 78. Asia, iv. pl. 10. Asia, iv. pl. 10. Europe, v. pl. 351. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 6. Ruffed Bustard ruficapilla, Hiaticula . ruficapillus, Ægialophilus ruficauda, Amadina . Bathilda . -, Estrelda. ruficeps, Cisticola --, Garrulax. Paradoxornis Pomatorhinus -, Pomatostomus. Ramphomicron Scæorhynchus Stachyridopsis -, Stachyris. ruficollis, Anser -, Bernicla . 288 ruficollis, Caprimulgus Halmaturus Montifringilla Turdus ruficrissa, Gallinula - Urosticte rufifrons, Rhipidura rufigaster, Colluricincla Europe, ii. pl. 52; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 2. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 14, 15; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Asia, v. pl. 5. Asia, iii. pl. 2. Australia, Suppl. pl. 79. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 24. Australia, ii. pl. 84; Handb. i. p. 240. Australia, i. Intr. p. xxxvii; Handb. i. p. 226. rufigularis, Acanthogenys . . -, Conopophila rufina, Branta -, Fuligula. rufipectus, Spilornis rufipes, Falco rufiventer, Pteruthius rufiventris, Colluriocincla -, Pachycephala rufocaligata, Spathura rufocastanea, Pomarea rufogularis, Acanthogenys c . Synopsis, part iv. ; Australia, iv. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 534. Handb. i. p. 533. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 22. Europe, v. pl. 369. Asia, i. pl. 9. Europe, i. pl. 23. Asia, ii. pl. 15. Australia, ii. pl. 75; Handb. i. p. 222. Handb. i. p. 212. Humming B. iii. pl. 165. New Guinea, ii. pl. 56. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 534. Europe, ii. pl. 140. Australia, iv. pl. 52. Australia, ii. pl. 70; Handb. i. Asia, ii. pl. 60. New Guinea, iii. pl. 16. Humming B. iii. pl. 137. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 58. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 65; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Australia, i. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 69. Asia, vi. pl. 40. Europe, ii. pl. 112; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 53. Asia, vi. pl. 68. Europe, ii. pl. 55. Australia, iv. pl. 94; Handb. i. Anthus Entomophila Pachycephala rufonuchalis, Parus Rufous Crow-Shrike Flame-bearer Hare-Kangaroo Jerboa-Kangaroo p. 215. . . Owl Piculet Sedge-Warbler. Spur-fowl Swallow. Tree-creeper . p. 600. 289 . . . . Rufous-and-black Wood-Shrike New Guinea, i. pl. 54. Rufous-and-chestnut Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 56. Rufous-backed Egret Europe, iv. pl. 278. Fantail Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 30. Gerygone New Guinea, ii. pl. 11. Rufous-bellied Cuckoo Asia, vi. pl. 43. Pteruthius Asia, ii. pl. 15. Tit Asia, ii. pl. 59. Rufous-breasted Bamboo-Partridge. Asia, vi. pl. 71. Fantail Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 33. Partridge Odontoph. pl. 25. Sabre-wing Humming B. ii. pl. 51. Spilornis Asia, i. pl. 9. Thickhead Handb. i. p. 212. Rufous-fronted Fantail Handb. i. p. 240. Flycatcher Australia, ii. pl. 84; New Guinea, ii. pl. 26. Rufous-headed Bristle-bird Australia, Suppl. pl. 25. Grass-Warbler. Handb. i. p. 353. p . Warbler. Australia, iii. pl. 45. Rufous-naped Tit. Asia, ii. pl. 60. Rufous-necked Wallaby Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 14, 15; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 17. Rufous-tinted Cinclorhamphus Australia, iii. pl. 76; Handb. i. p. 397. Rufous-vented Gallinule Australia, Suppl. pl. 79. rufula, Cecropis Asia, i. pl. 27. Hirundo. Europe, ii. pl. 55. rufus, Campylopterus Humming B. ii. pl. 50. Circus Europe, i. pl. 32. Cursorius Icones Avium, pl. 10. Enneoctonus Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 16. Hieracoglaux Handb. i. p. 69. Lanius Europe, ii. pl. 70. Osphranter Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 6, 7. Phylloscopus Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 2. Selasphorus. Humming B. ii. pl. 137. rupestris, Columba Asia, vi. pl. 54. Hirundo. Europe, ii. pl. 56. - Lagopus Europe, iv. pl. 254. . و" . . 2 P 290 . russata, Ardea russatus, Bubulcus Russet Wheatear Rust-coloured Bronze-wing Europe, iv. pl. 278. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 24. Europe, ii. pl. 91. Australia, Suppl. pl. 68; Handb. ii. . p. 137. Rustic Bunting rustica, Emberiza . e . Hirundo. rusticola, Scolopax Rusty-banded Fruit-Pigeon Rusty-breasted Shrike-Thrush Rusty-footed Antechinus Rusty-fronted Antechinus Rusty-naped Yuhina . Ruticilla cæruleocephala erythrogaster erythroprocta frontalis . phoenicura tithys rutila, Casarca Tadorna. rutilus, Harpactes Europe, iii. pl. 177; Asia, v. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 24. Europe, iii. pl. 177; Asia, v. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 24. Europe, ii. pl. 54; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 5. Europe, iv. pl. 319; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 77. New Guinea, v. pl. 60. Handb. i. p. 226. . . Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 40. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 36. Asia, iv. pl. 14. Cent. pl. 25. fig. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 36. Asia, iv. pl. 37. Cent. pl. 26. fig. 1. Europe, ii. pl. 95; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 51. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 52. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 12. Europe, v. pl. 358. Asia, i. pl. 68; Trogons, (2) pl. 41. . . . . sabini, Larus Scolopax Xema Sabine's Gull Snipe Sabre-wing, Blue-throated . Broad-shafted. Cuvier's . De Lattre's. Fawn-breasted Europe, v. pl. 429. Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. I. Europe, v. pl. 429; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 67. Europe, v. pl. 429; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 67. Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. I. Humming B. ii. pl. 46. Humming B. ii. pl. 48. Humming B. ii. pl. 52. Humming B. ii. pl. 45. Humming B. ï. pl. 50. . 291 . I. 2 . . Sabre-wing, Lazuline. Mexican Owen's Rufous-breasted Simon's Sombre Vallavicencio's Wedge-tailed sacer, Falco. Sacred Kingfisher. Saddle-backed Perameles Saffron-coloured Araçari Hill Toucan sagittata, Chthonicola St. Domingo Humming-bird Mango Trogon St. Thomas's Mango Saker Falcon Salicaria aquatica arundinacea cetti. cisticola galactotes melanopogon olivetorum Olive-tree palustris phragmitis sericea turdoides saliceti, Lagopus Sallé's Hermit. Salpornis spilonota Salvadori's Hawk-Owl salvini, Eutoxeres Salvin's Coquette . Flame-bearer Humming B. ii. pl. 44. Humming B., Suppl. p. 5. p Humming B. ii. pl. 53. Humming B. ii. pl. 51. Humming B., Suppl. Humming B. ii. pl. 49. Humming B. ii. pl. 47. Humming B. ii. pl. 43. Asia, i. pl. 5. Australia, ii. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 128. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 10. Toucans, (1) pl. 20. Toucans, (2) pl. 41. Handb. i. p. 390. Humming B. v. pl. 347. Humming B. ii. pl. 79. Trogons, (2) pl. 32. Humming B. ii. pl. 80. Asia, i. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 108. Europe, ii. pl. 114. Europe, ii. pl. 113. Europe, ii. pl. 12. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig 1. Europe, ii. pl. 107. Europe, ii. pl. 107. Europe, ii. pl. 109. Europe, ii. pl. 110. Europe, ii. pl. 115. Europe, ii. pl. 106. Europe, iv. pl. 255. Humming B. i. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 56. New Guinea, i. pl. 7. Humming B., Suppl. p. 3. . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 35. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. I. . . 2 p 2 292 . . Salvin's Sickle-bill San-Christoval Thickhead sanctus, Halcyon . Todirhamphus. Sanderling Sand-Grouse Banded Coronetted. Pallas' Pin-tailed Spotted Tibetian. Whistling Sand-Martin Sand-Partridge, Bonham's Hey's . Sandpiper, Australian Marsh Bartram's Humming B., Suppl. p. 3. New Guinea, iii. pl. 23. Synopsis, part iii. ; Australia, ii. pl. 21. Handb. i. p. 128. . Europe, iv. pl. 335; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 257. Asia, vi. pl. 65. Asia, vi. pl. 63. Asia, vi. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 11. Europe, iv. pl. 258. Asia, vi. pl. 62. Asia, vi. pl. 61. Asia, vi. pl. 64. Europe, ii. pl. 58; Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 7, 8. Asia, vii. pl. 1. Asia, vii. pl. 2. Handb. ii. p. 254. Europe, iv. pl. 313; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 63; Australia, Suppl. pl. 77 ; Handb. ii. . p. 242. Bonaparte's . Broad-billed Buff-breasted Common Curlew Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 71. Europe, iv. pl. 331; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 75. Europe, iv. pl. 326; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 64. Europe, iv. pl. 316; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 58. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 68; Australia, vi. pl. 32 ; Handb. ii. p. 256. Australia, vi. pl. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 33; Handb.ii. p. 260. . Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. I; Gt. Brit. iv. . . Fairy Great Green pl. 56. Grey-rumped Little p. 268. . Marsh Australia, vi. pl. 38; Handb. ii. Europe, iv. pl. 332; Australia,vi. pl. 31; Handb. ii. p. 257. Europe, iv. pl. 314; Australia, vi. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 267. . Europe, iv. pl. 327 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 67. Europe, iv. pl. 334; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 74. Europe, iv. pl. 330. Europe, iv. pl. 311. Pectoral , Purple Schinz's Semipalmated 295 . Sandpiper, Spoon-billed . Spotted Terek. Wood Asia, vii. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 317; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 59. Handb. ii. p. 261. Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 57. Sandwich Tern. Sanghir Black Sun-bird sanghirensis, Cinnyris Sanguine Francolin sanguinea, Cacatua Paradisea Rhodopechys Sanguineous Honey-eater sanguiniceps, Hæmatortyx sanguinolenta, Myzomela Sapphire, Black-bellied Blue-breasted Europe, v. pl. 415; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 69. New Guinea, iii. pl. 32. New Guinea, iii. pl. 32. Asia, vii. pl. 43. Australia, v. pl. 3 ; Handb. ii. p. 6. New Guinea, i. pl. 3). Asia, v. pl. 28. Australia, iv. pl. 63; Handb. i. p. 555. Asia, vi. pl. 70. Australia, iv. pl. 63; Handb. i. p. 555. p. Humming B., Suppl. p. 91. Humming B. v. pls. 334, 343; Suppl. G . p. 92. ---, Blue-chinned Blue-faced Blue-headed Fire-rumped Green-and-Blue Green-headed Lerch's Red-throated Reeves's , White-throated Sapphire-vented Puff-leg Sapphire-wing, Temminck's sapphirina, Hylocharis. Sapphironia, Blue-throated. cæruleogularis goudoti Green-breasted. Lawrence's luminosa . sapphiropygia, Eriocnemis Sappho Comet Humming B. v. pl. 335. Humming B., Suppl. p. 93. Humming B. v. pl. 330. Humming B., Suppl. p. 92. Humming B. v. pl. 331. Humming B. v. pl. 332. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 57. Humming B. v. pl. 342. Humming B. v. pl. 333. Humming B. v. pl. 344. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 48. Humming B. iii. pl. 178. Humming B. v. pl. 342. Humming B. v. pl. 346. Humming B. v. pl. 346. Humming B. v. pl. 345. Humming B. v. pl. 345. Humming B., Suppl. p. 97. Humming B., Suppl. p. 97. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 43. Humming B. iii. pl. 174. . 294 Sarciophorus pectoralis Sarcophanops steerii . Sarcophilus, Ursine ursinus sarda, Curruca. Sylvia Sardinian Starling Warbler Sasia abnormis . ochracea . Satellite, Mexican. Satin Bower-bird saturata, Nectarinia satyra, Ceriornis satyrus, Tragopan saucerottei, Erythronota . Saucerotte's Erythronote Saucerottia, Blue-capped cyanifrons saularis, Copsychus Sauloprocta motacilloides picata Sauromarptis gaudichaudi Savi's Warbler. Saw-bill Humming-bird . Spix's saxatilis, Perdix Petrocincla Saxicola atrogularis aurita cachinnans capistrata leucomela montana. ænanthe. rubetra rubicola stapazina Scaly-breasted Lorikeet. Australia, vi. pl. 11; Handb. ii. p. 222. Asia, i. pl. 65. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 48. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 48. Europe, ii. pl. 127. Europe, ii. pl. 127. Europe, iii. pl. 211; Asia, v. pl. 42. Europe, ii. pl. 123. Asia, vi. pl. 41. Asia, vi. pl. 40. Humming B. iii. pl. 142. Australia, iv. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 442. Asia, ii. pl. 27. Cent. pl. 62; Asia, vii. pl. 49. Cent. pl. 62. Humming B. v. pl. 321. Humming B. v. pl. 321. Humming B. v. pl. 323. Humming B. v. pl. 323. Asia, iii. pl. 24. Handb. i. p. 244. Handb. i. p. 246. New Guinea, iv. pl. 52. Europe, ii. pl. 104; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 77. Humming B. i. pl. 1. Humming B. i. pl. 2. Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 86; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 44. Asia, iv. pl. 31. Europe, ii. pl. 92. Europe, ii. pl. 88. Asia, iv. pl. 28. Europe, ii. pl. 89; Asia, iv. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 30. Europe, ii. pl. 90; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 45. Europe, ii. pl. 93; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 46. Europe, ii. pl. 94. Europe, ii. pl. 91. Australia, v. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 96. . . 295 . Scaly-chested Honey-eater Scaly-necked Pied Flycatcher. Scaly Partridge Puff-leg scandens, Climacteris scapulata, Eucephala scapulatus, Aprosmictus Scarlet-breasted Robin Scarlet Bullfinch Grosbeak Scaup Duck Pochard. Sceloglaux albifacies . New Guinea, iii. pl. 44. New Guinea, ii. pl. 49. Odontoph. pl. 19. Humming B. iv. pl. 281. Australia, iv. pl. 93; Handb. i. p. 598. Humming B., Suppl. p. 91. Australia, v. pl. 17; Handb. ii. p. 35. Australia, iii. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 279. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 43. Europe, iii. pl. 206. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 24. Europe, v. pl. 371. Australia, Suppl. pl. 2 ; Handb. ii. App. . p. 524. . Scenopæus dentirostris New Guinea, i. pl. 43. schinzii, Tringa Europe, iv. pl. 330. Schinz's Sandpiper Europe, iv. pl. 330. schistacea, Geocichla New Guinea, iii. pl. 1. Schistes albogularis Humming B. iv. pl. 220. geoffroyi. Humming B. iv. pl. 218. personatus Humming B. iv. pl. 219. schisticeps, Palæornis Asia, vi. pl. 8. schlegeli, Pachycephala . New Guinea, iii. pl. 22. Schlegel's Thickhead. New Guinea, iii. pl. 22. Schønicola arundinacea Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 29. Schoniclus albescens. Australia, vi. pl. 31. australis Australia, vi. pl. 30. magnus Australia, vi. pl. 33. subarquatus Australia, vi. pl. 32. schæniclus, Emberiza Europe, iii. pl. 183. Schreiber's Humming-bird . Humming B. ii. pl. 93. schreibersi, Ionolaima Humming B. ii. pl. 93. schwaneri, Pitta Asia, v. pl. 78. Schwaner's Pitta Asia, v. pl. 78. Scimitar-Babbler, Chestnut-crowned. Handb. i. p. 484. -, Red-breasted Handb. i. p. 481. Red-kneed Asia, iii. pl. 33. Temporal Handb. i. p. 479. -, White-eyebrowed . Handb. i. p. 482. 296 . 9 Scimitar-bill scintilla, Selasphorus scintillans, Hemipodius. Phasianus Turnix scintillatus, Chalcopsittacus scintilliceps, Iyngipicus Scissor-tailed Racket-tail scissiura, Spathura. sciureus, Belideus . sclateri, Chalcophasis Lophophorus Meliarchus Myzomela Sclater's Ground-Dove, Mrs. Honey-eater Monaul scolopacina, Gallinago Scolopax australis. gallinago gallinula. major. rusticola. sabini. Scops aldrovandi Eared Owl Owl Indian pennatus zorca. Scoter -, Black Surf Velvet scoticus, Lagopus Scotophilus, Blackish-grey gouldi greyi . Grey's Asia, iii. pl. 34. Humming B. iii. pl. 138. Australia, v. pl. 83. Asia, vii. p. 38. Handb. ii. p. 181. New Guinea, v. pl. 38. Asia, vi. pl. 21. Humming B. iii. pl. 166. Humming B. iii. pl. 166. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 24. Asia, vii. pl. 55. Asia, vii. pl. 55. New Guinea, iii. pl. 52. New Guinea, iii. pl. 68. New Guinea, v. pl. 49. New Guinea, i. pls. 52, 68. Asia, vii. pl. 55. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 79. Australia, vi. pl. 40. Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. 2. Europe, iv. pl. 322. Europe, iv. pl. 320. Europe, iv. pl. 319; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 77. Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. 1. Europe, i. pl. 41. Europe, i. pl. 41. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 33. Asia, i. pl. 13. Asia, i. pl. 13. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 33. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 28. Europe, v. pl. 378. Europe, v. pl. 376; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 30. Europe, v. pl. 377; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 29. Europe, iv. pl. 252; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 7. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 44. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 40. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 45. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 45. o . . . . . 297 . . Scotophilus microdon morio nigrogriseus picatus Pied pumilus . scouleri, Enicurus Henicurus Scouler's Forktail . scripta, Geophaps scriptus, Elanus Scrub-bird, Cautious . Downy Little. Noisy. Red-rumped Rufescent Scrub-Robin Beccari's. Eastern Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 42. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 41. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 44. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 43. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 46. Asia, iv. pl. 71 ; Cent. pl. 28. Asia, iv. pl. 71. Asia, iv. pl. 71. Australia, v. pl. 67 ; Handb. ii. 130. Australia, i. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 55. Handb. i. p. 347. Handb. i. p. 348. Handb. i. p. 390. . Handb. i. p. 344. . Handb. i. p. 346. . . Australia, Suppl. pl. 26. Australia, iii. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 290. New Guinea, iii. pl. 13. Australia, Suppl. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. . O • p. 291. • . scutatus, Augastes Scythrops novæ-hollandiæ Sea-Eagle White-bellied. White-breasted Sea-Leopard Seal, Cowled Sedge-Warbler Great. Rufous segetum, Anser Seisura inquieta Selasphorus ardens flammula floresii heloisa henshawi platycercus Humming B. iv. pl. 221. Australia, iv. pl. 90; Handb. i. p. 628. Europe, i. pl. 10; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 4. Australia, i. pl. 3; Handb. i. p. 13. Australia, i. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 17. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 50. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 49. Europe, ii. pl. 110; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 75. Europe, ii. pl. 106. Europe, ii. pl. 112; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 53. Europe, v. pl. 348; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 2. Australia, ii. pl. 87; Handb. i. p. 246. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. 1. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 31. fig. 2. Humming B. iii. pl. 139. Humming B. iii. pl. 141. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Humming B. iii. pl. 140. 2 Q 298 Selasphorus rufus. scintilla torridus. selbii, Colluricincla Selby's Shrike-Thrush Wood-Shrike Selenidera gouldi langsdorffi maculirostris nattereri. piperivora reinwardti Seleucides nigricans Semeiophorus vexillarius semicoronatus, Iyngipicus Semioptera wallacei . . . Humming B. iii. pl. 137. Humming B. iii. pl. 138. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Australia, ii. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 224. Handb. i. p. 224. Australia, ii. pl. 77. Toucans, (2) pl. 32. Toucans, (2) pl. 33. Toucans, (2) pl. 31. Toucans, (2) pl. 34. Toucans, (2) pl. 36. Toucans, (2) pl. 35. New Guinea, i. pls. 14, 15. Icones Avium, pl. 13. Asia, vi. pl. 26. Australia, Suppl. pl. 52; Handb. ii. App. p.532. Australia, vii. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 352. Europe, iv. pl. 311. Europe, iv. pl. 311. Australia, v. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 42. Asia, iii. pl. 10. Asia, v. pl. 24. Europe, v. pl. 395; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 45. Handb. i. p. 490. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, iv. pl. 25. Europe, ii. pl. 115. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 5. Australia, iii. pl. 48 ; Handb.ii. p. 358. New Guinea, iii. pl. 6. New Guinea, iii. pl. 6. New Guinea, iii. pl. 5. New Guinea, iii. pl. 5. Australia, iii. pl. 50; Handb. i. P. 360. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 46; Handb. i. p. 354. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, i. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 359. . Semipalmated Goose . Sandpiper semipalmatus, Totanus . semitorquatus, Platycercus semitorques, Spizixus Sepoy Finch septentrionalis, Colymbus sericea, Meliornis Meliphaga Salicaria. sericeola, Meliphaga . Sericornis, Allied . Arfak arfakiana beccarii. Beccari's Buff-breasted citreogularis . . . . frontalis . . 299 Sericornis humilis . . lævigaster Large-billed Little maculatus magnirostris minimus. osculans. parvulus Sombre-coloured Spotted. White-fronted Yellow-throated Sericulus chrysocephalus melinus Serilophus lunatus rubropygius Serin Finch. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 356. Australia, iii. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 360. Australia, iii. pl. 52 ; Handb. i. p. 362. New Guinea, iii. pl. 7. Australia, iii. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 361. Australia, iii. pl. 52; Handb. i. p. 362. New Guinea, iii. pl. 7. Australia, iii. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 358. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, iii. pl. 47. Australia, iii. pl. 51. Australia, iii. pl. 49; Handb. i. p. 359. p Australia, iii. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 12. Handb. i. p. 456. Asia, i. pl. 62. Asia, i. pl. 63. Europe, iii. pl. 195; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 38. Europe, iii. pl. 195. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 38. Asia, i. pl. 9. Europe, v. pl. 385; Gt. Brit. v. . . Serinus flavescens. hortulanus Serpent-Eagle, Rufous-breasted serrator, Mergus . pl. 35. . serrirostris, Petasophora setarius, Prioniturus Pterocles setosa, Echidna sexpennis, Parotia Shag Humming B. iv. pl. 223. Asia, vi. pl. 12. Europe, iv. pl. 258. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 3. New Guinea, i. pl. 25. Europe, V. pl. 410; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 53. . . Shaheen Falcon Sháma, Chestnut-bellied Sharp-billed Toucan shawi, Phasianus . Shaw's Pheasant Shear-tail, Cora's . Asia, i. pl. 3. Asia, iii. pl. 26. Toucans, (1) pl. 7. Asia, vii. pl. 35. Asia, vii. pl. 35. Humming B. ii. pl. 153. 2 Q2 300 . . . . . . Shear-tail, Mexican .. Humming B. iii. pl. 155. Slender Humming B. iii. pl. 157. Shearwater, Cinereous Europe, v. pl. 445. Dusky Europe, v. pl. 444. Great. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 83. Manks Europe, v. pl. 443. Manx Gt. Brit. v. pl. 84. Shieldrake, Chestnut-coloured. Australia, vii. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 361. p. Common. Europe, v. pl. 357; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 11. Radjah Australia, vii. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 360. Ruddy Europe, v. pl. 358; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 12. Shining Aplonis Australia, Suppl. pl. 33. Calornis. Handb. i. p. 477. Cuckoo Australia, iv. pl. 89. Flycatcher Australia, ii. pl. 91 ; Handb. i. pp. 249, 255. Sun-beam Humming B. iii. pl. 179. Train-bearer Trogons, (2) pl. 3. Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 24. Shore-Lark. Europe, iii. pl. 164; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 18. Shore-Plover, Large-billed . Handb. ii. p. 213. shorii, Picus Cent. pl. 49. Tiga. Cent. pl. 49. Short-billed Emerald Humming B. v. pl. 298. Smicrornis Handb. i. p. 273. . Warbler. Australia, ii. pl. 103. Short-crested Partridge . Odontoph. pl. 12. Short-eared Owl Europe, i. pl. 40; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 32. Phalangista. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 17. Rock-Wallaby. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 47; Monogr. Macrop. part i. pl. 6. Short-headed Belideus. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 25. Short-nosed Perameles Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 12. Short-tailed Albatros Australia, vii. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 433. Cuscus Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 21. Petrel Australia, vii. pl. 56; Handb. ii. p. 459. Turdinus Asia, iii. pl. 63. Wallaby Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 37, 38. . . . . . 301 . Short-tailed Wood-Star . Short-toed Eagle Lark Ptarmigan Short-wing, Chestnut-headed Gould's Slaty-bellied Stellated. Short-winged Podargus Shoveller, Australian. Humming B. iii. pl. 148. Europe, i. pl. 13. Europe, ii. pl. 163 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 21. Europe, iv. pl. 256. Asia, iv. pl. 2. Asia, iii. pl. 61. Asia, iv. pl. 1. Asia, iii. pl. 61. Handb. i. p. 89. Australia, vii. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 368. . Duck. European Variegated Europe, v. pl. 560; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 14. Handb. ii. p. 370. Australia, Suppl. pl. 80; Handb. ii. . p. 580. . Europe, ii. pl. 66. Europe, ii. pl. 67; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 13. Europe, ii. pl. 68. Europe, ii. pl. 69. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 14. Europe, ii. pl. 70. > . . 2 . P. 222. Shrike, Great Great Grey Lesser Grey Red-backed. Rose-breasted. Woodchat , see also Cuckoo-Shrike. Shrike-like Thickhead Shrike-Thrush, Brown Buff-bellied. Harmonious Little. Rusty-breasted. Selby's Shrike-Tit, Black-eared. Crested. Frontal Grey-headed Himalayan . Rufous-bellied. White-bellied. Yellow-green Shy Albatros Australia, ii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 214. Australia, ij. pl. 76 ; Handb. i. p. 223. Australia, ii. pl. 75; Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 74; Handb. i. p. 220. p. Australia, ii. pl. 78; Handb. i. p. 225. Handb.i. p. 226. . Australia, ii. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 224. Asia, ii. pl. 16. Handb. i. p. 231. Australia, ii. pl. 79; Handb. i. p. 228. Asia, ii. pl. 13. Asia, ii. pl. 14. Asia, ii. pl. 15. Australia, ii. pl. 80; Handb. i. p. 229. p. Asia, ii. pl. 17 Handb. ii. p. 434. III . . . . 302 . . . . Siamese Fireback. Siberian Grosbeak Jay Ruby-throat Thrush Tit Sibia, Black-and-White . melanoleuca sibilatrix, Phyllopneuste Phylloscopus -, Sylvia sibiricus, Cichloselys . Parus. Turdus Uragus Sickle-bill, Condamine's. Ecuadorian . Humming-bird. Salvin's Silky-plumed Honey-eater Silky Warbler. Silver Gull. Silver-eared Liothrix. : Silvery-backed Butcher-bird Crow-Shrike Silvery-crowned Friar-bird Silvery-grey Petrel Silvery-throated Tit Simon's Sabre-wing Thorn-bill simplex, Eriocnemis Geoffroyius. Pachycephala Zosterops sinensis, Hydrophasianus Ixus . Parra. Pica Asia, vii. pl. 21. Europe, iii. pl. 205; Asia, v. pl. 27. Europe, iii. pl. 215. Asia, iv. pl. 38. Europe, ii. pl. 82; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 40. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. 2. Asia, iii. pl. 32. Asia, iii. pl. 32. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 67. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 3. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 40. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 82. Europe, iii. pl. 205; Asia, v. pl. 27. Humming B. i. pl. 4. Humming B., Suppl. p. 1. Humming B. i. pl. 3. Humming B., Suppl. p. 3. New Guinea, iii. pl. 39. Europe, ii. pl. 115. Handb. ii. p. 387. Asia, iv. pl. 16. Australia, ii. pl. 51. Handb. i. p. 182. Australia, iv. pl. 59; Handb. i. P: 548. Australia, vii. pl. 48; Handb.ii. p. 467. Asia, ii. pl. 69. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 3. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 43. Humming B. iv. pl. 271. New Guinea, v. pl. 29. Australia, ii. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 217. Asia, ii. pl. 34. Cent. pl. 76; Asia, vii. pl. 68. Asia, iii. pl. 11. Cent. pl. 77. Cent. pl. 43. . . . . . . . 303 . . . . sinensis, Urocissa . Singing Honey-eater. sipahi, Hæmatospiza . Siphia rubeculoides Siskin Sitta asiatica cæsia. castaneoventris cinnamomeoventris europæa. formosa himalayensis leucopsis. nagaensis syriaca Sittella albata Black-capped chrysoptera . . . . Asia, v. pl. 48. Australia, iv. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 504. Asia, v. pl. 24. Cent. pl. 25. fig. I. Europe, iii. pl. 197; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 37. Europe, iii. pl. 236. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 22. Asia, ii. pl. 45. Asia, ii. pl. 44. Europe, iii. pl. 234. Asia, ii. pl. 43. Asia, ii. pl. 47. Asia, ii. pl. 46. Asia, ii. pl. 42. Europe, iii. pl. 235. New Guinea, iii. pl. 28. Australia, iv. pl. 104; Handb. i. p. 612. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl.101; Handb. i. p. 609. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl.102; Handb. i. p. 610. Australia, iv. pl. 103; Handb. i. p. 611. Synopsis, part iv. Australia, iv. pl. 609. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iv. pl.104; Handb. i. p. 612. Australia, Suppl. pl. 54. Australia, Suppl. pl. 54. Australia, iv. pl. 102 ; Handb. i. p. 610. Australia, iv. pl. 103; New Guinea, iii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 611. Asia, iv. pl. 19. Asia, iv. pl. 19. Asia, iv. pl. 18. Asia, iv. pl. 18. New Guinea, i. pl. 25. Europe, v. pl. 439. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 80. leucocephala leucoptera melanocephala . Orange-winged pileata - . striata Striated White-headed White-winged 2 . . . Siva, Blue-winged cyanuroptera strigula -, Striped-throated Six-plumed Bird of Paradise Skua. -, Arctic . 304 6 Skua, Great Gull Long-tailed . Parasitic . Pomarhine Pomatorhine Richardson's Skylark .. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 389. Australia, vii. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 81. Europe, v. pl. 442. Europe, v. pl. 440. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 79. Europe, v. pl. 442. Europe, iii. pl. 166; Gt. Brit. iii. . & o pl. 15. o . . Slate-coloured Partridge Slaty-grey Cuckoo-Shrike Glossy Starling Slaty-headed Parrakeet Slender Shear-tail. Slender-billed Chat-Thrush. Curlew Spine-bill White-eye Small-billed Azure-crown Small-footed Bat Small Frigate-bird smaragdicaudus, Cynanthus smaragdinicollis, Metallura . smaragdinipectus, Eriocnemis . smaragdo-cærulea, Eucephala . Smaragdochrysis iridescens . Smew. Smicrornis brevirostris flavescens Short-billed Yellow-tinted see also Warbler. smithii, Ailurædus Geophaps Ptilonorhynchus . Smith's Partridge Bronze-wing Snipe, Australian Painted Brown Asia, vii. pl. 8. New Guinea, ii. pl. 1. New Guinea, iv. pl. 15. Asia, vi. pl. 8. Humming B. iii. pl. 157. Asia, iii. pl. 30. Europe, iv. pl. 304. Australia, iv. pl. 61. Australia, Suppl. pl. 47. Humming B., Suppl. p. 72. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 42. Australia, vii. pl. 72; Handb. ii. p. 499. Humming B. iii. pl. 173. Humming B. iii. pl. 196. Humming B., Suppl. p. 72. Humming B. v. pl. 331. Humming B. v. pl. 359. Europe, v. pl. 387; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 37. Australia, ii. pl. 103; Handb. i. p. 273. Australia, ii. pl. 104; Handb. i. p. 274. Australia, ii. pl. 103 ; Handb. i. p. Australia, ii. pl. 104 ; Handb. i. p. 274. & . p. 273. . . . • Handb. i. p. 446. Australia, v. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 133. Australia, iv. pl. 11. Australia, v. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 133. Handb. ii. p. 274. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 76. . . 305 Snipe, Common Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 79. UJIUN . . . . . . JU Great. Grey Jack New Holland Red-breasted Sabine's Summer Snow-Bunting Snow-cap Humming-bird Purple Snow-Finch Snow-Flake. Snow-Goose Snow-Partridge, Altaic Caspian Himalayan Moupin Tibetan Snow-tailed Trogon Snowy Owl . Snowy-throated Emerald sæmmeringi, Phasianus Soft-plumaged Petrel Solan Gannet Solander's Petrel . solandri, Pterodroma solaris, Pericrocotus solitaria, Ceyx Origma Solitary Kingfisher Solomon Islands Fruit-Pigeon . Lark-heeled Cuckoo Pigmy Parrot solomonis, Ptilopus solstitialis, Spathura . Somateria mollissima Europe, iv. pl. 320; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 78. Europe, iv. pl. 323. Europe, iv. pl. 322; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 80. Australia, vi. pl. 40; Handb. ii. p. 271. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 76. Europe, iv. pl. 321. fig. I. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 58. Europe, iii. pl. 170; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 31. Humming B. ii. pl. 116. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 30. Europe, iii. pl. 189. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 31. Europe, v. pl. 346. Asia, vii. pl. 31. Asia, vii. pl. 29. Asia, vii. pl. 30. Asia, vii. pl. 44. Asia, vii. pl. 32. Trogons, (2) pl. 22. Europe, i. pl. 43; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 34. Humming B. v. pl. 293. Asia, vii. pl. 37. Australia, vii. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 453. Europe, v. pl. 412. Handb. ii. p. 450. Handb. ii. p. 450. Asia, ii. pl. 5. New Guinea, iv. pl. 45. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. New Guinea, iv. pl. 45. New Guinea, v. pl. 52. New Guinea, iv. pl. 44. New Guinea, v. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 52. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 37. Europe, v. pl. 374; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 26. . p . . . 2 R 306 . . . Somateria spectabilis Sombre Egret. Gallinule Honey-eater Humming-bird Partridge Sabre-wing Swamp-Quail. Tit Sombre-coloured Sericornis Warbler. Water-Ouzel Song-Thrush sonnerati, Gallus Sonnerat's Jungle-fowl Pigmy Woodpecker sonninii, Eupsychortyx . Sonnini's Partridge sonorivox, Bambusicola . sonorus, Ptilotis Sooty Albatros . Antechinus. Barbed-throat Beaver-Rat Crow-Shrike Kangaroo . Europe, v. pl. 375; Gt. Brit. V. pl. 27. Australia, vi. pl. 59; Handb. ii. p. 305. Australia, vi. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 328. Australia, iv. pl. 77; Handb. i. p. 576. Humming B. ii. pl. 54. Australia, v. pl. 91. Humming B. ii. pl. 49. Handb. ii. p. 195. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. I. Australia, ii. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 356. . Australia, iii. pl. 47. Asia, iv. pl. 23. Europe, ü. pl. 78. fig. I. Asia, vii. pl. 56. Asia, vii. pl. 56. Asia, vi. pl. 30. Odontoph. pl. 11. Odontoph. pl. 11. Asia, vi. pl. 72. Australia, iv. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 504. Australia, vii. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 441. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 41. Humming B. i. pl. 15. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 27. Australia, ii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 170. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 5; Monogr. Macrop. ii. pl. 16. Australia, i. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 65. Australia, vi. pl. 8. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 15. Australia, vii. pl. 32 ; Handb. ii. p. 408. Humming B. v. pl. 322. Asia, ii. pl. 62. Humming B. v. pl. 322. Handb. i. Australia, v. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 132. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 17. Humming B. v. pl. 340. . . Owl Oyster-catcher. Phalangista. Tern. sophiæ, Erythronota . - Leptopoecile Sophia's Erythronote. Sordid Friar-bird Kingfisher Rat sordida, Phæoptila p. 550. 307 Sordidus, Artamus Cinclus Halcyon. Mus --, Synoicus. Todirhamphus. Tropidorhynchus . Australia, ii. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 143. Asia, iv. pl. 23. Australia, ii. pl. 23. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 17. Australia, v. pl. 91; Handb. ii. p. 195. Handb. i. p. 132. Australia, Introd. i. p. lviii ; Handb. i. U p. 550. || . Southern Hermit. Ringed Perroquet. . Sphecotheres Stone-Plover Tern Thorn-bill White-faced Flycatcher. spadiceus, Galloperdix spaldingi, Orthonyx Spalding's Orthonyx Spangled Coquette Drongo Drongo-Shrike. Spanish Sparrow Sparganura glyceria sparganurus, Cometes Sparkling Hemipode. Pheasant Sparkling-tail Humming-bird. Sparrow, Alpine Common. Humming B. i. pl. 34. New Guinea, v. pl. 2. Handb. i. p. 467. . Australia, vi. pl. 5; Handb. ii. p. 210. Handb. ii. p. 398. . Humming B. iii. pl. 186. New Guinea, ii. pl. 18. Asia, vi. pl. 68. Australia, Suppl. pl. 53. Australia, Suppl. pl. 53. Humming B. iii. pl. 122. Australia, ii. pl. 82. Handb. i. p. 235. . . Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. I. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 39. Humming B. ii. pl. 174. Australia, vi. pl. 83. Asia, vii. pl. 38. Humming B. iii. pl. 158. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 1 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 32. Europe, iii. pl. 186. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 55. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 50. Europe, iii. pl. 185. fig. J. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 33 Asia, v. pl. 15. j UJ و Doubtful Hedge House Owl Spanish Tree Turkestan 2 R2 308 . . . Sparrow-Hawk. Collared. sparverioides, Cuculus --, Hierococcyx Spathura melananthera peruana . rufocaligata. scissiura. solstitialis underwoodi. Spatula clypeata rhynchotis variegata Europe, i. pl. 18; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 10. Australia, i. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 45. Cent. pl. 53. Cent. pl. 53. Humming B. iii. pl. 163. Humming B. iii. pl. 164. Humming B. iii. pl. 165. Humming B. iii. pl. 166. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 37. Humming B. iii. pl. 162. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 14; Handb. ii. p. 370. . Australia, vii. pl. 12 ; Handb. ii. p. 368. Australia, Suppl. pl. 80; Handb. ii. App. . . p. 580. . spatuliger, Prioniturus speciosa, Diphyllodes. speciosus, Epimachus Odontophorus Pericrocotus. , Ptilopus. Speckled Piculet Turnix Wood-Owl. spectabilis, Donacicola Eugenes. Somateria Spectacled Hare-Kangaroo. . . . Asia, vi. pl. 14. New Guinea, i. pl. 22. New Guinea, i. pl. 9. Odontoph. pl. 25. Asia, ii. pl. 7; Cent. pl. 7. New Guinea, v. pl. 57. Asia, vi. pl. 39. Handb. ii. p. 181. . Asia, i. pl. 16. New Guinea, iv. pl. 24. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 13. Europe, v. pl. 375; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 27. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 59; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Australia, vii. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 445. p. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 29. Europe, ii. pl. 127. Humming B. iv. pl. 244. Humming B. iv. pl. 244. Australia, iv. pl. 15. Australia, iv. pl. 15. Australia, Suppl. pl. 37; Handb. i. . Handb. i. p. 467. Australia, Suppl. pl. 37. Petrel Vampire. Warbler. spencei, Heliangelus Spence's Sun-Angel Sphecotheres, Australian australis . . flaviventris p. 468. maxillaris Yellow-bellied. 309 Spheniscus minor. undina Sphenocercus sphenurus Sphenocichla humii roberti Sphenceacus galactodes gramineus Grass-loving Tawny Sphenoproctus curvipennis . Sphenostoma cristatum Australia, vii. pl. 84. Australia, vii. pl. 85. Cent. pl. 57. Asia, iv. pl. 55. Asia, iv. pl. 54. Australia, iii. pl. 35; Handb. i. p. 399. Australia, iii. pl. 36; Handb.i. p. 400. Australia, iii. pl. 36. Australia, iii. pl. 35. Humming B., Suppl. p. 5. Australia, iii. pl. 17; Handb. i. - p. 316. و o Sphenura brachyptera broadbenti longirostris. Treron Vinago sphenurus, Haliaetus Haliastur Puffinus. Sphenocercus Thiellus Spiloglaux boobook maculatus marmoratus. spilonota, Salpornis spilonotus, Parus . spiloptera, Psaroglossa spilopterus, Lamprotornis Spilornis rufipectus - Rufous-breasted spilorrhoa, Myristicivora Spine-bill Slender-billed White-eyebrowed. see also Honey-eater. Spine-tailed Orthonyx Swift spinicaudus, Orthonyx Handb. i. p. 342. Australia, Suppl. pl. 25. Handb. i. p. 343. Cent. pl. 57. Cent. pl. 57. Synopsis, part iii. Australia, i. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 20. Australia, vii. pl. 58. Cent. pl. 57. Handb.ii. p. 466. p Handb. i. p. 74. Handb. i. P. 76. Handb. i. p. 73. Asia, iv. pl. 56. Asia, ii. pl. 53. Cent. pl. 34. Cent. pl. 34. Asia, i. pl. 9. Asia, i. pl. 9. Handb. ii. p. 114. Handb. i. p. 551. Australia, iv. pl. 61. Australia, iv. pl. 62 ; Handb. i. p. 553. . Australia, iv. pl. 99; Handb. i. p. 607. Handb. i. p. 103. Australia, iv. pl. 99; Handb. i. p. 607. . 310 . . ز . spinicollis, Carphibis . Geronticus spinoides, Carduelis - Chrysomitris spinoletta, Anthus spinosus, Pluvianus spinus, Carduelis Chrysomitris Spiny-cheeked Honey-eater Spiny Echidna. spixi, Grypus Spix's Saw-bill. Spizaëtus alboniger Spizixos canifrons. . Chinese . Crested semitorques. splendens, Malurus Splendid Grass-Parrakeet Parrakeet splendida, Euphema . splendidus, Platycercus Spoonbill Royal . Yellow-legged Spoon-billed Kingfisher Sandpiper Sporadinus elegans maugæi ricordi Spotless Egret. Gallinule Spotted Adelomyia Antechinus Babbler, Marsh Bower-bird Calodera. Cormorant Handb. ii. p. 282. . Australia, vi. pl. 45. Cent. pl. 33. fig. 2. Cent. pl. 33. fig. 2. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 11. Europe, iv. pl. 293. Europe, iii. pl. 197. Europe, iii. pl. 197; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 37. Australia, iv. pl. 53; Handb. i. p. 534. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 2. Humming B. i. pl. 2. Humming B. i. pl. 2. Asia, i. pl. 10. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Asia, iii. pl. 10. Asia, iii. pl. 9. Asia, iii. pl. 10. Australia, iii. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 323. Australia, v. pl. 42; Handb. ii. p. 79. Australia, v. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 57. Australia, v. pl. 42; Handb. ii. p. 79. Australia, v. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 57. Europe, iv. pl. 286 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 32. Australia, vi. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 287. Australia, vi. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 288. New Guinea, iv. pl. 59. Asia, vii. pl. 66. Humming B. v. pl. 347. Humming B. v. pl. 349. Humming B. v. pl. 348. Australia, vi. pl. 58; Handb. ii. p. 304. Australia, vi. pl. 82. Humming B. iii. pl. 199. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 44. Asia, iii. pl. 65. Australia, iv. pl. 8; Handb. i. p. 450. . Australia, pt. i. (cancelled) pl. 3. Australia, vii. pl. 71; Handb. ii. App. . . . . . p. 582. 311 . Spotted Crake. Europe, iv. pl. 343; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 88. Creeper Asia, iv. pl. 56. Cuckoo, Great. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 69. Diamond-bird Handb. i. p. 157. Eagle. Europe, i. pl. 8; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 3. Emu Handb. ii. p. 204. Flycatcher Europe, ii. pl. 65; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 19. Forktail. Asia, iv. pl. 69. Goatsucker Australia, ii. pl. 8. Ground-Thrush Australia, iv. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 433. Nightjar Handb. i. p. 98. Owl Australia, i. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 76. Redshank Europe, iv. pl. 309; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 55. Sand-Grouse Asia, vi. pl. 62. Sandpiper Europe, iv. pl. 317; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 59. Sericornis Australia, iii. pl. 51; Handb. i. p. 361. Tit Asia, ii. pl. 53. Warbler. Australia, iii. pl. 51. Water-Crake Australia, vi. pl. 79; Handb. ii. p. 339. p Whitethroat Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Woodpecker, Chinese Asia, vi. pl. 17. Formosan Asia, vi. pl. 16. Great Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 70. Hartlaub's Asia, vi. pl. 20. Javan Asia, vi. pl. 19. Lesser Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 72. Wren. Asia, iv. pl. 52. Spotted-billed Araçari Toucans, (1) pl. 24. Toucanet Toucans, (2) pl. 31. Spotted-breasted Humming-bird . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 4. Spotted-sided Finch Australia, iii. pl. 86; Handb. i. p. 417. Spotted-tailed Dasyurus. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 49. Spotted-throated Kingfisher New Guinea, iv. pl. 58. Spur-fowl, Ceylon. Asia, vi. pl. 67. Painted Asia, vi. pl. 69. Rufous Asia, vi. pl. 68. Spur-winged Plover Europe, iv. pl. 293. . . . 312 . Squacco Heron squamata, Callipepla. Eriocnemis Micrura Pnoepyga Stigmatops squamatus, Picus . squamulatus, Piezorhynchus Square-tailed Cuckoo Grass-Warbler. Kite. Warbler. Squatarola cinerea helvetica . Squirrel-like Belideus Stachyris pyrrhops Red-eyed Red-headed. ruficeps stacii, Phasianus stagnatilis, Ardetta Totanus. Europe, iv. pl. 275 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 25. Odontoph. pl. 19. Humming B. iv. pl. 281. Icones Avium, pl. 5. Icones Avium, pl. 5. New Guinea, iii. pl. 44. Cent. pl. 48. New Guinea, ii. pl. 49. Handb. i. p. 620. Handb. i. p. 352. Australia, i. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 51. . Australia, iii. pl. 44. Europe, iv. pl. 290. Gt. Brit. iv. pls. 36, 37; Australia, vi. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 224. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 24. Asia, iv. pl. 9. Asia, iv. pl. 9. Asia, iv. pl. 10. Asia, iv. pl. 10. Cent. pl. 68. Australia, vi. pl. 67. Europe, iv. pl. 314; Australia, vi. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 267. Handb. i. p. 417. Australia, Suppl. pl. 52; Handb. ii. App. p. 532. Humming B. iii. pl. 185. Humming B. iii. pl. 185. Europe, ii. pl. 91. Asia, iv. pl. 8. Asia, iv. pl. 8. Humming B. iv. pl. 235. Humming B. iv. pl. 236. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 18. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 23. Humming B. iv. pl. 237. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 19. . Stagonopleura guttata Standard-wing : . stanleyi, Ramphomicron Stanley's Thorn-bill. stapazina, Saxicola Staphida torqueola Staphidia, Grey-headed Star-frontlet Bonaparte's . Buff-tailed Ecuadorian. Golden Jelski's 313 و Star-frontlet, Parzudaki's. , Viola . Violet-throated Starling, Common . . . . UJU Humming B. iv. pl. 240. Humming B. iv. pl. 241. Humming B. iv. pl. 239. Europe, iii. pl. 210; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 53, 54. New Guinea, iv. pl. 14. Asia, v. pl. 43. New Guinea, iv. pl. 18. New Guinea, iv. pl. 12. New Guinea, iv. pl. 16. Asia, v. pl. 44. New Guinea, iv. pl. 13. New Guinea, iv. pl. 17. Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 55, 56. Europe, iii. pl. 211; Asia, v. pl. 42. New Guinea, iv. pl. 15. Odontoph. pl. 27. Humming B. iv. pl. 263. Humming B. iv. pl. 260. Humming B. iv. pl. 259. Humming B. iv. pl. 261. Humming B. iv. pl. 262. Humming B., Suppl. p. 30. Asia, i. pl. 65. Asia, v. pl. 74. Asia, v. pl. 74. Asia, i. pl. 65. New Guinea, v. pl. 15. New Guinea, v. pl. 15. Europe, iv. pl. 280; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 27. Asia, iii. pl. 61. Asia, iii. pl. 61. Odontoph. pl. 27. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 25. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 25. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 50. Humming B., Suppl. p. 100. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 78; Handb. ii. p. 389. Fead Island Glossy Hume's Lesser Brown-winged Long-tailed Glossy Orange-chested Persian Purple-throated Glossy Robertson's. Rose-coloured Sardinian Slaty-grey Glossy. Starred Partridge. Star-throat, Angela Constant's : Long-billed. Pine. Stripe-breasted. White-vented Steere's Broadbill . Pitta. steerii, Pitta - Sarcophanops Stella Parrakeet stellæ, Charmosyna stellaris, Botaurus. Stellated Short-wing . stellatus, Drymochares Odontophorus : stelleri, Eniconetta Steller's Duck. Stenorhynchus leptonyx. stenura, Panychlora Stercorarius catarrhactes . . . . . 2 s 314 O. . Stercorarius longicaudus parasiticus pomatorhinus Sterna anglica. arctica cantiaca :: caspia dougallii fuliginosa gracilis hirundo macrotarsa . macrura . . . Gt. Brit. v. pl. 81. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 80. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 79. Europe, v. pl. 416. Europe, v. pl. 419. Europe, v. pl. 415. Europe, v. pl. 414. Europe, v. pl. 418. Synopsis, part ii. Australia, vii. pl. 27; Handb. ii. p. 399. p. Europe, v. pl. 417; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 70. Synopsis, part ii. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 72. Australia, vii. pl. 28; Handb.ii. p. 400. Asia, vii. pl. 70. Australia, vii. pl. 26; Handb.ii. p. 398. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7. Europe, v. pl. 420; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 71. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 71. Synopsis, part ii. Europe, v. pl. 421. Humming B. ii. pl. 58. Europe, v. pl. 420; Gt. Brit. v. 71. Australia, vii. pl. 29; Handb. ii. P. 402. New Guinea, v. pl. 72. Handb. ii. p. 495. New Guinea, iv. pl. 58. Handb. ii. p. 367. Handb. ii. p. 146. Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 409. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 34, 35. New Guinea, iii. pl. 45. New Guinea, iii. pl. 42. New Guinea, iii. pl. 43. Handb.i. p. 500. New Guinea, iii. pl. 44.. Handb. i. p. 501. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 34. melanauchen melanogaster melanorhyncha melanura minuta paradisea poliocerca stolida Sternoclyta cyaneipectus Sternula minuta nereis. placens stictocephalus, Phalacrocorax stictolæma, Halcyon . Stictonetta nævosa Stictopelia cuneata Stictoptera annulosa bichenovii stigmaticus, Halmaturus Stigmatops albo-auricularis chloris kebirensis ocularis squamata subocularis Stilt. . p. 410. . . 315 • . Stilt, Banded New Zealand Plover White-headed Stint, Little. Temminck's. Stipiturus malachurus Stock-Dove . Stokes's Humming-bird . stokesi, Eustephanus . stolida, Sterna. stolidus, Anous Stomiopera unicolor . Stonechat Black-and-White Black-throated. Grey-capped Indian Mountain Pied . . White-tailed Stone-Curlew Stone-Plover, Southern Stone's Cat-bird stonii, Ailurædus . Stoparola melanops Stork. Black. Maguari. White Storm-Petrel Black-bellied Common Forked-tailed Grey-backed Leach's White-bellied White-faced Wilson's.. Australia, vi. pl. 26; Handb. ii. p. 248. Australia, vi. pl. 25; Handb. ii. p. 574. Europe, iv. pl. 289. Australia, vi. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 246. Europe, iv. pl. 332; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 72. Europe, iv. pl. 333; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 73. Australia, iii. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 339. : . . . 2 Europe, iv. pl. 244; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 2. Humming B. iv. pl. 266. Humming B. iv. pl. 266. Europe, v. pl. 421. Australia, vii. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 413. Handb. i. p. 523. Europe, ii. pl. 94; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 47. Asia, iv. pl. 29. Asia, iv. pl. 31. Asia, iv. pl. 28. Asia, iv. pl. 34. Asia, iv. pl. 30. Asia, iv. pl. 26. Asia, iv. pl. 27. Europe, iv. pl. 288; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 35. Australia, vi. pl. 5; Handb. ii. p. 210. New Guinea, i. pl. 37. New Guinea, i. pl. 37. Cent. pl. 6. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 30. Europe, iv. pl. 284; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 31. Europe, iv. pl. 285. Europe, iv. pl. 283. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 86. Australia, vii. pl. 62; Handb. ii. p. 479. Europe, v. pl. 448. Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. Australia, vii. pl. 64; Handb. ii. p. 476. Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. Australia, vii. pl. 63; Handb.ii. p. 480. p. Australia, vii. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 482. Australia, vii. pl. 65. . . . . . MIII 2 s 2 316 Storm-Petrel, Yellow-webbed . . Stout-billed Flower-pecker . Straw-necked Ibis Streaked Honey-eater Handb. ii. p. 478. New Guinea, iv. pl. 9. Australia, vi. pl. 45; Handb. ii. p. 282. Australia, Suppl. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 522. . strenua, Athene Campephaga strenuus, Cuculus. Hieracoglaux Sylochelidon Zosterops Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 35. New Guinea, ii. pl. 3. Asia, vi. pl. 42. Handb. i. p. 68. Australia, vii. pl. 22. Australia, Suppl. pl. 48; Handb. ii. . p. 537. . Strepera anaphonensis arguta fuliginosa graculina strepera, Chaulelasmus. Chauliodes Coronica. strepitans, Pitta Strepsilas collaris . interpres. و • Australia, ii. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 173. Australia, ii. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 171. Australia, ii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 170. Australia, ii. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 168. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 19. Europe, v. pl. 366. Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 1 ; Handb. i. p. 430. . Europe, iv. pl. 318. Australia, vi. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 269; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 60. Cent. pl. 37. Australia, Suppl. pl. 54. Australia, iii. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 372. Handb. i. p. 388. Handb. i. p. 161. Handb.i. p. 388. Australia, iii. pl. 70. Australia, Suppl. pl. 54. Australia, iii. pl. 61. Australia, iii. pl. 29; Handb.i. p. 337. New Guinea, iii. pl. 8. Australia, iii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 337. Cent. pl. 37. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 38; Handb. i. p. 161. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7. striata, Grammatoptila. Sittella Striated Acanthiza Calamanthus Diamond-bird Ground Warbler Reed-Lark Sittella Warbler. Wren. Goyder's . striatus, Amytis Garrulus Pardalotus . . . strictipennis, Ibis . 317 strictipennis, Threskiornis strigirostris, Didunculus Gnathodon. strigoides, Podargus Strigops habroptilus . . Australia, vi. pl. 46; Handb.ii. p. 284. Handb. ii. p. 556. Australia, v. pl. 76. Handb. i. p. 84. Australia, Suppl. pl. 57; Handb. ii. App. p. 539. Asia, iv. pl. 18. Humming B. i. pl. 37. strigula, Siva striigularis, Phaethornis. Stringops, see Strigops. Stripe-breasted Star-throat . Stripe-sided Rock-Wallaby. > Stripe-tail Grey. Panama Stripe-tailed Belideus Stripe-throated Hermit Striped-breasted Partridge Striped-throated Siva Strix candida castanops cyclops delicatulus Humming B. iv. pl. 262. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 41, 42; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Humming B. v. pl. 324. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 55. Humming B., Suppl. p. 85. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 26. Humming B. i. pl. 37. Odontoph. pl. 32. Asia, iv. pl. 18. Australia, Suppl. pl. 1; Asia, i. pl. 18. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 62. Synopsis, part iii. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 66. Europe, i. pl. 36; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 28. Asia, i. pl. 17. Handb.i. p. 64. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 29. Australia, i. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 65. . Australia, iv. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 565. Humming B. iv. pl. 243. Asia, iv. pl. 47. Odontoph. pl. 31. Cent. pl. 79; Asia, vii. pl. 61. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, iv. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 472. Australia, iv. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 472. Humming B., Suppl. p. 99. -- flammea . indica novæ-hollandiæ personata tenebricosus Strong-billed Honey-eater strophianus, Heliangelus strophiatus, Accentor strophium, Odontophorus struthersii, Ibidorhynchus . Struthidea cinerea . . Grey. stuebeli, Chlorostilbon 318 stuebeli, Oxypogon Stübel's Emerald . Helmet-crest sturmi, Pteroglossus . Sturm's Araçari Sturnus humii. purpurascens unicolor vulgaris , - . . . Humming B., Suppl. p. 59. Humming B., Suppl. p. 99. Humming B., Suppl. p. 59. Toucans, (2) pl. 27. Toucans, (2) pl. 27. Asia, v. pl. 43. Asia, v. pl. 44. Europe, iii. pl. 211; Asia, v. pl. 42. Europe, iii. pl. 210; Gt. Brit. üi. pls. 53, 54. Asia, iii. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 5. New Guinea, i. pl. 47. Europe, ii. pl. 124. Europe, ii. pl. 124. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 256. Europe, iv. pl. 328. Australia, vi. pl. 32. Europe, i. pl. 22; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 18. Humming B., Suppl. p. 92. Handb. i. p. 56. . Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 25. New Guinea, iii. pl. 46. New Guinea, v. pl. 66. Australia, i. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 28. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 6. Handb. i. p. 501. New Guinea, v. pl. 17. Europe, ii. pl. 97 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 49. Europe, ii. pl. 97. Australia, vii. pl. 76; Handb. ii. p. 504. Europe, v. pl. 412; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 54. Handb, ii. p. 506. Handb. ii. p. 507. Australia, vii. pl. 78. Europe, v. pl. 413. Australia, vii. pl. 77. Australia, vii. pl. 79; Handb. ii. p. 509. p Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 7. suaris, Copsychus. suavissima, Cyclopsitta . subalaris, Amblyornis subalpina, Sylvia . Subalpine Warbler subarquata, Ancylocheilus Tringa subarquatus, Schøniclus subbuteo, Falco subcærulea, Eucephala subcristata, Baza subcristatus, Lepidogenys subfasciata, Glyciphila subflavescens, Carpophaga subniger, Falco subocularis, Glyciphila Stigmatops subplacens, Psitteuteles. suecica, Cyanecula Phoenicura Sula australis bassana . . . . . . . . cyanops fiber fusca. melanura personata piscator rubripes . . 319 . . sulcatus, Aulacorhamphus . Toucans, (2) pl. 42. Pteroglossus Toucans, (1) pl. 31. sulcirostris, Phalacrocorax . Australia, vii. pl. 67. Sulphur-and-white-breasted Toucan. Toucans, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 13. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Great . Handb. ii. p. 2. sulphurea, Calobates. Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 6, 7. Sultan Tit. Asia, ii. pl. 51. sultanea, Melanochlora Asia, ii. pl. 51. Sumatran Kingfisher. Asia, i. pl. 42. sumatrana, Ardea . Handb. ii. p. 296. sumatranus, Corydon Asia, i. pl. 61. Summer Snipe. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 58. Sun-Angel Humming B. iv. pl. 242. Amethystine Humming B. iv. pl. 245. Gorgeted Humming B. iv. pl. 243. Spence's. Humming B. iv. pl. 244. Sunbeam, Black-throated :: Humming B., Suppl. pl. 47. Castelnau's. Humming B. iii. pl. 180. Pamela's Humming B. iii. pl. 181. Shining Humming B. iii. pl. 179. Sun-bird, Asiatic Asia, ii. pl. 32. Australian Australia, Suppl. pl. 45; Handb. i. . 2 p. 584. . JULI . Black-breasted. Ceylonese Fiery-tailed -, Goalpourah Jericho Loten's Mafoor Island Black . -, Misori Island Black -, Mrs. Gould's Nepalese. Penang Sanghir Black Vigors' sundara, Niltava Sun-Gem Superb Bird of Paradise Asia, ii. pl. 27 Asia, ii. pl. 24. Asia, ii. pl. 28 Asia, ii. pl. 29. Asia, ii. pl. 23. Asia, ii. pl. 33. New Guinea, iii. pl. 50. New Guinea, iii. pl. 31. Asia, ii. pl. 26. Asia, ii. pl. 31. Asia, ii. pl. 25. New Guinea, iii. pl. 32. Asia, ii. pl. 30. Asia, ii. pl. 21 Humming B. iv. pl. 212. New Guinea, i. pl. 18. . . 320 . Superb Fruit-Pigeon Warbler. Banded Black-backed Black-headed Blue-breasted -- Brown's Crowned. Australia, v. pl. 57; Handb. ii. p. 108. Australia, iii. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 317. Australia, iii. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 323. Australia, iii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 322. p. . Australia, iii. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 333. Australia, iii. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 326. Australia, iii. pl. 27; Handb.i. p. 334. Australia, Suppl. pl. 20; Handb. i. . p. 329. . Fawn-breasted. Graceful. Lambert's Long-tailed --, Lovely Australia, Suppl. pl. 22. Australia, iii. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 324. Australia, iii. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 327. Australia, iii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 320. Australia, Suppl. pl. 21; Handb. i. 9 . p. 328. Turquoisine --, White-backed . Australia, Suppl. pl. 23. Australia, Suppl. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 332. p. 330. --, White-winged . superba, Lophorhina.. Menura. superbus, Lamprotreron Ptilonopus . superciliaris, Drymodes. Australia, iii. pl. 25; Handb. i. New Guinea, i. pl. 18. Australia, iii. pl. 14; Handb. i. p. 298. Handb. ii. p. 108. Australia, v. pl. 57. Australia, Suppl. pl. 16; Handb. i. p. 291. p. 289. Xiphorhamphus. Asia, iii. pl. 34. superciliosa, Anas Australia, vii. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 363. Petroica. Australia, iii. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 289. , Pæcilodryas Australia, iii. pl. 9; Handb. i. superciliosus, Acanthorhynchus . Synopsis, part ii. ; Australia, iv. pl. 62 ; Handb. i. p. 553. Artamus. Australia, ii. pl. 32 ; Handb. i. p. 152. Dasylophus. Asia, vi. pl. 44. Malacoturnix Asia, vii. pl. 8. Ocypterus Synopsis, part i. Phaethornis Humming B. i. pl. 17. - Pomatorhinus Australia, iv. pl. 22. Pomatostomus . Handb. i. p. 482. Reguloides. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 68, 2 321 e . . Surf Duck Europe, v. pl. 376. Scoter Gt. Brit. v. pl. 30. Surnia cinerea Europe, i. pl. 42. funerea Europe, i. pl. 45; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 35. nyctea Europe, i. pl. 43. uralensis . Europe, i. pl. 44. Surucua Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 15, (2) pl. 25. surucua, Trogon Trogons, (2) pl. 25. surucura, Trogon Trogons, (1) pl. 15. Suthora, Anderson's Asia, iii. pl. 68. brunnea Asia, iii. pl. 68. fulvifrons Asia, iii. pl. 71. Fulvous-fronted Asia, iii. pl. 71. munipurensis Asia, iii. pl. 69. nipalensis Asia, iii. pl. 70. Webb's Asia, iii. pl. 72. webbiana Asia, iii. pl. 72. White-faced Asia, iii. pl. 70. sutorius, Orthotomus Asia, iv. pl. 7. Suya lepida. Asia, iv. pl. 4. Little. Asia, iv. pl. 4. swainsoni, Antechinus Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 34. Graucalas Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, ii. pl. 58 ; Handb. i. p. 197. Ptilonopus Australia, v. pl. 55; Handb. ii. p. 106. swainsonii, Rhamphastos Toucans, (1) pl. 8. -, Trichoglossus Australia, v. pl. 48. Swainson's Antechinus Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 34. Cuckoo-Shrike. Australia, ii. pl. 58. Fruit-Pigeon : . p Australia, v. pl. 55; Handb. ii. p. 106. Graucalus Handb. i. p. 197. Lorikeet. Australia, v. pl. 48. Toucan Toucans, (1) pl. 8. Swallow, Australian Spine-tailed . Australia, ii. pl. 10. Bungalow Asia, i. pl. 32. Ceylonese Mosque Asia, i. pl. 30. -, Chimney Europe, ii. pl. 54. Common Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 5. Daurian Mosque Asia, i. pl. 28. 9 . o . . . UIT . 2 T 322 > p. 110. . . . . . . Swallow Dicæum. Indian Cliff. Indian Mosque Rufous Torres Straits' Tree. Welcome Western Mosque . White-breasted Wire-tailed. Wood Swallow-tail Humming-bird Western. Swallow-tailed Kite Swamp-Quail -, Least. Northern Sombre Tasmanian Swan, Bewick's. --, Black. Domestic Mute. Whistling Wild. Swan River Honey-eater Swift . . , Alpine. Australian — Bearded Tree Common Crested Tree Hooded Tree Klecho Tree Long-winged Lorikeet. Palm Roof. Queensland Edible Spine-tailed. Australia, ii. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 581. Asia, i. pl. 33. Asia, i. pl. 29. Europe, ii. pl. 55. Handb.i. Handb. i. P. 111. Australia, ii. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 107. . Asia, i. pl. 27. Australia, ii. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 115. Asia, i. pl. 26. Australia, ii. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 143. Humming B. ii. pl. 42. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 2. Europe, i. pl. 30. Handb. ii. p. 193. . Handb. ii. p. 197. . . Handb. ii. p. 195. Handb. ii. p. 195. Handb. ii. p. 194. p Europe, v. pl. 356; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 10. Australia, vii. pl. 6; Handb. ii. p. 346. Europe, v. pl. 354. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 8. Europe, v. pl. 355. Gt. Brit. V. pl. 9. Australia, iv. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 570. p. Europe, ii. pl. 53. fig. 1; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 3. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 4. Australia, ii. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 105. Asia, i. pl. 24. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 3. Asia, i. pl. 21. Asia, i. pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 22. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 1. Australia, v. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 90. Asia, i. pl. 20. New Guinea, iv. pl. 38. Australia, ii. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 103. . . . 323 . Swift, Wallace's Tree White-bellied Swift-flying Hemipode Turnix swinhoei, Euplocamus Swinhoe's Fireback Pigmy Woodpecker . Sword-bill Sylochelidon caspia strenuus. Sylph, Blue-tailed. Bolivian. - Green-tailed Sylvia cinerea و 2 curruca hippolais icterina O nana Asia, i. pl. 23. Europe, ii. pl. 53. fig. 2. Australia, v. pl. 87; Handb. ii. p. 184. p . Handb. ii. p. 184. Handb. ii. Asia, vii. pl. 16. Asia, vii. pl. 16. Asia, vi. pl. 21. Humming B. iv. pl. 233. Handb. ii. p. 392. Australia, vii. pl. 22. Humming B. iii. pl. 172. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 40. Humming B. iii. pl. 173. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 57. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 58. Europe, ii. p. 133. Europe, ii. pl. 132. Asia, iv. pl. 50. Europe, ii. pl. 134. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 1. Handb. i. p. 137. Handb. i. p. 135. Synopsis, part iv. App. p. 3. Australia, v. pl. 89; Handb. ii. p. 193. Handb. ii. p. 195. . Australia, v. pl. 92. Australia, v. pl. 90; Handb. ii. p. 194. Australia, v. pl. 91; Handb. ii. p. 195. Asia, vii. pl. 57. Cent. pls. 73, 74, 75. Europe, iii. pl. 235. Australia, vi. pl. 56. Humming B. i. pl. 20. Europe, i. pl. 47; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 29. Asia, i. pl. 16. Asia, vi. pl. 60; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 11. Asia, vi. pl. 61. nattereri. rufa sibilatrix trochilus. sylvia, Tanysiptera Syma flavirostris Symmorphus leucopygus Synoïcus australis. cervinus. chinensis diemenensis sordidus. Sypheotides auritus bengalensis . syriaca, Sitta syrmatophorus, Herodias --, Phaethornis Syrnium aluco. ocellatum Syrrhaptes paradoxus tibetanus . -- 2 T2 324 . . . . . Tabuan Water-Crake tabuensis, Platycercus --, Porzana . tachydromus, Hemipodius . Tachypetes aquila minor taczanowskii, Agyrtria Taczanowski's Emerald Tadorna radjah rutila. vulpanser tadornoides, Casarca . Tæniopygia castanotis taguanoides, Petaurista Tailor-bird. taivanus, Garrulus Talegalla lathami . Wattled. Talegallus lathami tancolo, Gecinus Tantalus leucocephalus . Rosy. Tanysiptera, Black-headed Blue-breasted carolinæ. danaë. microrhyncha nigriceps. nympha. Red-breasted sylvia.. White-tailed Taphozous, Australian australis . tarda, Otis. Tarsipes, Long-nosed. rostratus. tartarica, Alauda . Tasmanian Acanthiza Bat Handb. ii. P: 341. Synopsis, part iv. Handb. ii. p. 341. Europe, iv. pl. 264. Handb. ii. p. 499. Handb. ii. p. 499. . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 52. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 52. Australia, vii. pl. 8; Handb. ii. p. 360. Europe, v. pl. 358. Europe, v. pl. 357; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 11. Australia, vii. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 361. p. Handb. i. p. 419. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 22. Asia, iv. pl. 7. Asia, v. pl. 58. Australia, v. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 150. Australia, v. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 150. Handb. ii. p. 150. . Asia, vi. pl. 35. Asia, vii. pl. 59. Asia, vii. pl. 59. New Guinea, iv. pl. 50. New Guinea, iv. pl. 47. New Guinea, iv. pl. 47. New Guinea, iv. pl. 49. New Guinea, iv. pl. 51. New Guinea, iv. pl. 50. New Guinea, iv. pl. 48. New Guinea, iv. pl. 48. Australia, Suppl. pl.6; Handb.i.p.137. Australia, Suppl. pl. 6. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 32. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 32. Europe, iv. pl. 267; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 17. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 5. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 5. Europe, iii. pl. 161. Australia, iii. pl. 54; Handb. i. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 48. . . . . . . P. 365. 325 Tasmanian Crow-Shrike Honey-eater Jerboa-Kangaroo . Nyctophilus Rat-Kangaroo Swamp-Quail Wallaby. . p. 399. . Warbler. tasmaniensis, Vespertilio Tawny Grass-bird. Owl Pipit. Rat Sphenoacus Warbler. Tawny-shouldered Podargus Teal, Australian Bimaculated Common. Garganey telescophthalmus, Arses. temminckii, Artamides Ceriornis. Coracias. Iyngipicus :! Leimonites. Lyncornis Myophonus. Pterophanes Tringa Trogon Temminck's Horned Pheasant. Pigmy Woodpecker . Roller Sapphire-wing Stint. Tringa Trogon Australia, ii. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 178. Australia, iv. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. 493. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 63; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 68. Handb. ii. p. 194. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 35, 36; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Australia, iii. pl. 54. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 48. Handb. i. Europe, i. pl. 47; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 29. Europe, ii. pl. 137; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 9. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 12. Australia, iii. pl. 35. Australia, iii. pl. 35. Handb. i. p. 84. Handb. ii. p. 365. Europe, v. pl. 363. Europe, v. pl. 362; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 16. Europe, v. pl. 364. New Guinea, ii. pl. 40. New Guinea, ii. pl. 2. Asia, vii. pl. 46. Asia, i. pl. 56. Asia, vi. pl. 25. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 73. Icones Avium, pl. 16. Cent. pl. 21. Humming B. iii. pl. 178. Europe, iv. pl. 333. Trogons, (1) pl. 29. Asia, vii. pl. 46. Asia, vi. pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 56. Humming B. iii. pl. 178. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 73. Europe, iv. pl. 333. Trogons, (1) pl. 29. . > 9 . . 326 . temnurus, Prionoteles Trogon Temporal Pomatorhinus temporalis, Ægintha . Estrelda. Pomatorhinus. Tenasserim Kingfisher tenebricosus, Strix tenebrosa, Gallinula . tenellus, Trogon tengmalmi, Noctua Nyctale. Tengmalm's Owl Tenimber Parrot Thickhead tenuirostris, Acanthorhynchus . Trogons, (2) pl. 33. Trogons, (1) pl. 19. Australia, iv. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 479. Handb. i. p. 411. Australia, iv. pl. 82. Australia, iv. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 479. Asia, i. pl. 50. Australia, i. pl. 50; Handb. i. p. 65. Australia, vi. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 328. . , Trogons, (2) pl. 15. Europe, i. pl. 49. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 36. Europe, i. pl. 49; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 36. New Guinea, v. pl. 30. New Guinea, iii. pl. 18. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, iv. pl. 61; Handb. i. p. 551. Synopsis, part iv. Handb. ii. p. 11. Europe, iv. pl. 304. Handb. ii. p. 260. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, Suppl. pl. 47; Handb. ii. p. 536. Australia, Suppl. pl. 49; Handb. ii. . . . Graucalus Licmetis. Numenius Tringa Zosterops . tephropleurus, Zosterops p. 538. Terek Godwit. Europe, iv. pl. 307; Australia, vi. pl. 34. . Sandpiper terek, Limosa Terekia cinerea Tern, Arctic Australian Little Bass's Straits' Black Black-bellied Black-billed Black-naped --, Caspian. Handb. ii. p. 261. . Europe, iv. pl. 307. Australia, vi. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 261. Europe, v. pl. 419; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 72. Australia, vii. pl. 29. Australia, vii. pl. 24; Handb.ii. p. 396. Europe, v. pl. 422; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 75. Asia, vii. pl. 70. Australia, vii. pl. 26. Australia, vii. pl. 28; Handb. ii. p. 400). Europe, v. pl. 414; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 68; Handb. ii. p. 392. . 327 UUUU Tern, Common Graceful. Great-footed Gull-billed Indian Little. --, Long-legged Marsh Moustache. Noddy . . TIITIT MIT Panayan. Powerful Roseate Sandwich Sooty. Southern Torres' Torres Straits'. Europe, v. pl. 417; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 70. Australia, vii. pl. 27; Handb.ii. p. 399. Australia, Suppl. pl. 81. Europe, v. pl. 416; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 74. Handb. ii. p. 397. Europe, v. pl. 420; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 402. Handb. ii. p. 403. . Australia, vii. pl. 31; Handb.ii. p. 406. Europe, v. pl. 424. Europe, V. pl. 421 ; Australia, vii. pl. 34; Handb. ii. p. 413. Australia, vii. pl. 33; Handb.ii. p. 411. Australia, vii. pl. 22. Europe, v. pl. 418; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 71. Europe, v. pl. 415 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 69. Australia, vii. pl. 32; Handb. ii. p. 408. Handb. ii. p. 398. Australia, vii. pl. 25. Australia, vii. pl. 23; Handb.ii. p. 394; New Guinea, v. pl. 72. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 77. Australia, vii. pl. 30; Handb.ii. p. 405. Australia, vii. pl. 36. Europe, v. pl. 423; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 76. New Guinea, iv. pl. 38. New Guinea, v. pl. 62. Asia, iv. pl. 1. Asia, iv. pl. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 1. Europe, iv. pl. 249. Asia, vi. pl. 66. Europe, iv. pl. 250; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 6. Europe, iv. pl. 248; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 5. Asia, vii. pl. 31. Asia, vii. pl. 29. Asia, vii. pl. 30. Asia, vii. pl. 32. o . o Whiskered White White-capped White-winged. terræ reginæ, Collocali terrestris, Eutrygon Tesia, Blue-bellied castaneo-coronata . Chestnut-crowned . cyaneiventer Tetrao hybridus . mlokosiewiczi : : . tetrix. urogallus Tetraogallus altaicus. caspius himalayensis tibetanus . 328 . . . . . . . . Tetraophasis obscurus tetrax, Otis . tetrix, Tetrao Textile Wren textilis, Amytis Thalasseus bengalensis cristatus. pelecanoides poliocercus torresii Thalassidroma bulweri leachii leucogaster . marina melanogaster nereis pelagica. wilsonii thalassina, Petasophora . Thalassoica glacialoides . Thalurania columbica eryphile furcata furcatoides glaucopis hypochlora. jelskii nigrofasciata refulgens tschudi venusta verticeps. wagleri watertoni Thaumalea amherstiæ picta. Thaumastura cora. elisæ. enicura Asia, vii. pl. 44. Europe, iv. pl. 269; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 18. Europe, iv. pl. 250; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 6. Australia, iii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 335. Australia, iii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 335. . Handb. ii. p. 397. Handb. ii. p. 394. Australia, vii. pl. 23. Australia, vii. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 396. Australia, vii. pl. 25. Europe, v. pl. 449. Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. Australia, vii. pl. 63. Australia, vii. pl. 61. Australia, vii. pl. 62. Australia, vii. pl. 64. Europe, v. pl. 448; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 86. Australia, vii. pl. 65. Humming B. iv. pl. 227. 467. Humming B. ii. pl. 106. Humming B. ii. pl. 108. Humming B. ii. pl. 101. Humming B., Suppl. p. 39. Humming B. ii. pl. 99. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 28. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 29. Humming B. ii. pl. 104. Humming B. ii. pl. 102. Humming B. ii. pl. 103. Humming B. ii. pl. 105. Humming B. ii. pl. 107. Humming B. ii. pl. 109. Humming B. ii. pl. 100. Asia, vii. pl. 20. Asia, vii. pl. 19. Humming B. iii. pl. 153. Humming B. iii. pl. 155. Humming B. iii. pl. 157. Handb. ii. p. . 329 Thaumastura evelinæ Thaumatias affinis albiventris. brevirostris candidus. chionopectus chionurus leucogaster linnæi milleri nitidifrons viridiceps thetidis, Halmaturus. . . . Humming B. iii. pl. 156. Humming B. v. pl. 299. Humming B. v. pl. 301. Humming B. v. pl. 298. Humming B. v. pl. 292. Humming B. v. pl. 293. Humming B. v. pl. 300. Humming B. v. pl. 294. Humming B. v. pl. 302. Humming B. v. pl. 296. Humming B. v. pl. 297. Humming B. v. pl. 295. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 31, 32; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Asia, vi. pl. 74. Australia, vi. pl. 66. Asia, iv. pl. 12. Handb. ii. p. 316. Odontoph. pl. 24. Australia, ii. pl. 67. Australia, ii. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 211. New Guinea, iii. pl. 20. Australia, ii. pl. 71; Handb. i. p. 216. New Guinea, iii. pl. 26. Australia, ii. pl. 65; Handb. i. p. 209. New Guinea, iii. pl. 24. Australia, ii. pl. 64. New Guinea, iii. pl. 25. Australia, ii. pl. 68; Handb. i. p. 213. New Guinea, iii. pl. 19. Australia, ii. pl. 73; Handb. i. p. 218. Asia, ii. pl. 12. Australia, ii. pl. 72; Handb. i. p. 217. New Guinea, iii. pl. 17. Australia, ii. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 215. New Guinea, iii. pl. 21. Handb. i. New Guinea, iii. pl. 23. New Guinea, iii. pl. 22. . . . Thibet Partridge Thick-billed Green Bittern Ixulus Mangrove-Bittern Partridge Thickhead, Banded Black-tailed Brown Gilbert's. Grey. Grey-tailed . Grey-throated Guttural Hattam Lunated. Narrow-collared Olivaceous Philippine Islands Plain-coloured . Ramsay's Red-throated Ruddy-breasted Rufous-breasted San Christoval. Schlegel's JU و p. 212. > 2 U 330 > . . . Australia, ii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 214. New Guinea, iii. pl. 18. Australia, ii. pl. 64; Handb. i. p. 207. New Guinea, iii. pl. 15. Europe, iv. pl. 288. Europe, iv. pl. 288; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 35. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 29. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 47. Handb. ii. p. 466. Humming B. iii. pl. 184. Humming B. iii. pl. 187. Humming B. iii. pl. 189. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 44. Humming B. iii. pl. 188. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 43. Humming B. iii. pl. 186. Humming B. iii. pl. 185. Humming B. iii. pl. 129. Humming B., Suppl. p. 51. Humming B. iii. pl. 128. Humming B. iii. pl. 127. Europe, iii. pl. 232. Humming B. i. pl. 15. Humming B. i. pl. 14. Humming B. i. pl. 13. Australia, vi. pl. 46; Handb. ii. p. 284. Asia, iii. pl. 4. Asia, iii. pl. 37. Asia, iii. pl. 45. Asia, iii. pl. 47. Asia, iii. pl. 36. : Thickhead, Shrike-like . Tenimber White-throated Yellow-and-Grey Thick-knee. Thick-kneed Bustard. Thick-tailed Dromicia Podabrus Thiellus sphenurus Thornbill, Columbian Herran's Humming-bird Olivaceous Red-capped. Simon's Southern Stanley's. Thorn-tail, Convers' Ecuador . Langsdorff's Popelaire's Three-toed Woodpecker Threnetes antoniæ cervinicauda leucurus. Threskiornis strictipennis Thrush, Afghan Allied Allied Laughing Austen's Laughing Beautiful Laughing Black-and-yellow-billed Laughing . Black-chinned Laughing Black-throated. Bligh's Whistling. Blue Blue Rock Blyth's Laughing . . • . . . . Asia, iii. pl. 51. Asia, iii. pl. 52. Europe, ii. pl. 75; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 36. Asia, iii. pl. 27. Europe, ii. pl. 87. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 43. Asia, iii. pl. 41. > 331 Thrush, Chestnut-backed Ground. Handb. i. p. 435. Chestnut-breasted Ground . Australia, Suppl. pl. 32 ; Handb. i. . p. 438. و" • Chestnut-coloured Asia, iii. pl. 5. Chinese Laughing. : . Asia, iii. pl. 54. Cinnamon Ground Australia, iv. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 437. Clouded. Asia, iii. pl. 1. Crimson-winged Laughing . Asia, iii. pl. 35. Delessert's Laughing. Asia, iii. pl. 48. Elliot's Laughing Asia, iii. pl. 42. Formosan Whistling . Asia, iii. pl. 28. Gould's . Asia, iii. pl. 3. Grey-banded Laughing Asia, iii. pl. 53. Grey-winged Asia, iii. pl. 7. Lunulated Laughing. Asia, iii. pl. 46. Missel Europe, ii. pl. 77; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 33. Mountain Australia, iv. pl. 7; Handb. i. p. 439. Naumann's. Europe, iipl. 79. Nightingale. Europe, ii. pl. 117. Ocellated Laughing Asia, iii. pl. 44. Pallid. Europe, ii. pl. 80. Red-crowned Laughing Asia, iii. pl. 50. Red-throated Asia, iii. pl. 2. Rock. Europe, ii. pl. 86; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 44. Siberian :::: Europe, ii. pl. 82; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 40. Slender-billed Chat- Asia, iii. pl. 30. Song Europe, ii. pl. 78. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. . pl. 32. . > Spotted Ground Handb. i. p. 433. Tickell's Laughing Asia, iii. pl. 43. Warbler. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 72. White-collared. Asia, iii. pl. 6. White's . . Europe, ii. pl. 81; -Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 39. Yellow-throated Laughing . Asia, iii. pl. 49. Thylacine. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 53, 54. Thylacinus cyanocephalus . Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 53, 54. Tibetan Short-toed Sand-Grouse Asia, vi. pl. 61. Snow-Partridge Asia, vii. pl. 32. tibetanus, Syrrhaptes :: Asia, vi. pl. 61. . . 2 u2 332 . . . . tibetanus, Tetraogallus . tibialis, Lorius. tibicen, Cracticus. Gymnorhina Tickell's Laughing Thrush. Tiga shorii. Timolia lerchi . timoriensis, Nyctophilus timorlaoensis, Geoffroyius Timor Laut Fantail Flycatcher tinnunculoides, Falco Tinnunculus alaudarius. cenchroides . tinnunculus, Falco Tiny Fruit-Pigeon Tippet-Grebe, Australian Tit, Afghan. Ash-coloured Azure. Bearded. Black-crested Blue. Chestnut-bellied - Chestnut-breasted. Chinese Chinese Penduline Coal Cole Crested Elegant. Exile. Great. . Jerdon's. Long-tailed. 9 Asia, vii. pl. 32. New Guinea, v. pl. 37. Synopsis, part i. Australia, ii. pl. 46; Handb. i. p. 175. Asia, iii. pl. 43. Cent. pl. 49. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 57. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 30. New Guinea, ii. pl. 31. Europe, i. pl. 27. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 21. Australia, i. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 35. Europe, i. pl. 26. New Guinea, v. pl. 51. Handb. ii. p. 511. Asia, ii. pl. 66. Asia, ii. pl. 55. Europe, iii. pl. 153. Europe, iii. pl. 158; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 30. Asia, ii. pl. 61. Europe, iii. pl. 154; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 24. Asia, ii. pl. 49. Asia, ii. pl. 68. Asia, ii. pl. 56. Asia, ii. pl. 70. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 25. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 156 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 26. Asia, ii. pls. 50, 65. Asia, ii. pl. 63. Europe, iii. pl. 150; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 23. Asia, ii. pl. 58. Asia, ii. pl. 54. Europe, iii. pl. 157; Gt. Brit. ii. pls. 28, 29. Europe, iii. pl. 155. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. 9 . . . . . -, Grey 9 Marsh pl. 27. Mountain Asia, ii. pl. 57. 333 . . . > و و Tit, New Guinea . New Guinea, iv. pl. 1. - Penduline Europe, iii. pl. 159. Red-headed. Asia, ii. pl. 64. Rufous-bellied. Asia, ii. pl. 59. Rufous-naped Asia, ii. pl. 60. Siberian. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. 2. Silvery-throated Asia, ii. pl. 69. Sombre. Europe, iii. pl. 151. fig. 1. Spotted Asia, ii. pl. 53. Sultan Asia, ii. pl. 51. Toupet. Europe, iii. pl. 152. White-naped Asia, ii. pl. 48. White-throated Asia, ii, pl. 67. Yarkand. Asia, ii. pl. 62. Yellow-cheeked Asia, ii. pl. 52. Tit-Babbler, Chestnut-headed . . Asia, iv. pl. 11. tithys, Phænicura Europe, ii. pl. 96. Ruticilla Europe, ii. pl. 96; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 52. Titlark Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 13. Tmetotrogon roseigaster Trogons, (2) pl. 32. Tocard Toucan Toucans, (2) pl. 4. tocard, Rhamphastos. Toucans, (2) pl. 4. toco, Rhamphastos Toucans, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 1. Toco Toucan Toucans, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 1. Todirhamphus pyrrhopygius Handb. i. p. 130. sanctus Handb. i. p. 128. sordidus. Handb. i. p. 132. Todopsis bonapartii New Guinea, ii. pl. 22. cyanocephala New Guinea, ii. pl. 21. grayi .. New Guinea, ii. pl. 24. wallacii New Guinea, ii. pl. 23. Todus multicolor . Icones Avium, pl. 2. Tooth-bill, Ecuadorian Humming B., Suppl. pl. 3. Tooth-billed Bower-bird New Guinea, i. pl. 43. Topaz, Crimson Humming B. ii. pl. 66. - Elliot's Humming B., Suppl. pl. 12. Fiery. Humming B. ii. pl. 67. and Ruby Humming-bird Humming B. iv. pl. 204. Topaza pella Humming B. ii. pl. 66. . 334 . Topaza pyra Top-knot Pigeon torda, Alca .. torquata, Bourcieria Glareola . Merula torquatus, Accipiter . > Cracticus Histrionicus Melidectes. Palumbus Pedionomus Phasianus Pteroglossus torqueola, Staphidia . torquilla, Yunx torresii, Thalasseus Torres' Tern Straits' Fruit-Pigeon. Swallow. Tern. Humming B. ii. pl. 67. Australia, v. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 116. Europe, v. pl. 401; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 47. Humming B. iv. pl. 251. Europe, iv. pl. 265. Europe, ii. pl. 73; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 38. Synopsis, part iii.; Australia, i. pl. 19; Handb.i. p. 45. Handb. i. p. 184. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 32. New Guinea, iii. pl. 36. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. Australia, v. pl. 80; Handb. ii.p. 187. Asia, vii. pl. 39. Toucans, (2) pl. 20. Asia, iv. pl. 8. Europe, iii. pl. 233; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 76. Australia, vii. pl. 25. Australia, vii. pl. 25. Australia, v. pl. 60. Handb. i. p. 110. Australia, vii. pl. 23 ; Handb.ii. p. 394; New Guinea, v. pl. 72. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Humming B., Suppl. p. 41. Europe, iv. pl. 313. Europe, iv. pl. 310; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 54. Europe, iv. pl. 309 ; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 55. Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iv. . Torrid Flame-bearery. torridus, Selasphorus Totanus bartramius calidris fuscus glareola . pl. 57. glottis glottoides :: griseopygius hypoleucus . macularius .. ochropus semipalmatus stagnatilis Europe, iv. pl. 312. Cent. pl. 75. Australia, vi. pl. 38. Europe, iv. pl. 316. Europe, iv. pl. 317. Europe, iv. pl. 315; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 56. Europe, iv. pl. 311. Europe, iv. pl. 314; Australia, vi. pl. 37; Handb. ii. p. 267. 335 > 2 JJ . UIT . 3 . Toucan, see also Araçari. see also Groove-bill. see also Toucanet. Ariel. Toucans, (1) pl. 10, (2) pl. 12. Black-billed Hill ::. Toucans, (2) pl. 40. Chestnut-billed Groove-bill. Toucans, (2) pl. 44. Citron-breasted Toucans, (2) pl. 9. Culminated. Toucans, (2) pl. 11. Cuvier's. Toucans, (1) pl. 2, (2) pl. 8. Doubtful Toucans, (2) pl. 5. Green-billed Toucans, (2) pl. 14. Grey-breasted Hill Toucans, (2) pl. 38. Hooded Hill Toucans, (2) pl. 39. Inca Toucans, (2) pl. 7. Keel-billed. Toucans, (2) pl. 2. Laminated Hill Toucans, (2) pl. 37. Lemon-rumped Toucans, (1) pl. 4. Osculant Toucans, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 10. Red-billed Toucans, (1) pl. 3, (2) pl. 6. , Red-breasted Toucans, (1) pl. 11. Saffron-coloured Hill. Toucans, (2) pl. 41. Sharp-billed Toucans, (1) pl. 7. Short-billed. Toucans, (2) pl. 3. Sulphur-and-White-breasted. Toucans, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 13. Swainson's. Toucans, (1) pl. 8. Tocard Toucans, (2) pl. 4. Toco Toucans, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 1. Toucanet, Culik Toucans, (2) pl. 36. Gould's Toucans, (2) pl. 32. , Langsdorff's. Toucans, (2) pl. 33. Natterer's Toucans, (2) pl. 34. Reinwardt's. Toucans, (2) pl. 35. Spotted-billed Toucans, (2) pl. 31. Toupet Tit Europe, iii. pl. 152. Tragopan hastingsii Cent. pls. 63, 64, 65. satyrus Cent. pl. 62. trailli, Oriolus. Cent. pl. 35. Pastor Cent. pl. 35. Psaropholus Asia, ii. pl. 74. . . UJ . 2 . . 336 . . . Train-bearer Beautiful Bogota --, Ecuador . Golden-headed Graceful Green-tailed Grey-bellied Red-billed Shining Train-bearing Hermit tranquilla, Geopelia Travancore Pigmy Woodpecker traviesi, Bourcieria Travies's Inca Tree-creeper Black-backed Black-tailed. Brown New Guinea ,Red-eyebrowed Rufous White-throated Tree-duck, Eyton's -, Whistling Tree-Martin Tree-Pipit. -, Indian Tree-Sparrow Humming B. iii. pls. 170, 171. Trogons, (2) pl. 2. Humming B. iii. pl. 167. Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. Trogons, (2) pl. 4. Humming B. iii. pl. 168. Humming B., Suppl. p. 53. Humming B., Suppl. p. 56. Trogons, (2) pl. 5. Trogons, (2) pl. 3. Humming B. i. pl. 20. Australia, v. pl. 73; Handb. ii. p. 144. Asia, vi. pl. 33. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 21. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 64. Australia, iv. pl. 96; Handb. i. p. 603. Australia, iv. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 604. Australia, iv. pl. 93 ; Handb. i. p. 598. p. New Guinea, iii. pl. 29. Australia, iv. pl. 95; Handb. i. pl. 602. Australia, iv. pl. 94; Handb. i. p. 600. Australia, iv. pl. 98; Handb. i. p. 605. . . Handb. ii. p. 375. . Handb. ii. p. 374. Australia, ii. pl. 14. Europe, ii. pl. 139; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 14. Asia, iv. pl. 65. Europe, iii. pl. 184. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iii. . . . pl. 33. . . Tree Swallow Tree-Swift, Bearded , -, Crested -, Hooded. -, Klecho -, Wallace's Treron phænicoptera . sphenura Handb. i. pl. 111. Asia, i. pl. 24. Asia, i. pl. 21. Asia, i. pl. 25. Asia, i. pl. 22. Asia, i. pl. 23. Cent. pl. 58. Cent. pl. 57. . . 337 e Tribonyx, Black-tailed mortieri . , Mortier's ventralis. Trichodroma phænicoptera . Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus . concinnus goldiei multicolor musschenbroeckii . porphyrocephalus pusillus . rubritorques swainsonii versicolor tricolor, Ephthianura Rallina Tricoloured Ephthianura tridactyla, Rissa tridactylus, Apternus Picoides. Tringa, Australian canutus maritima. Marsh minuta pectoralis platyrhyncha rufescens schinzii. subarquata temminckii tenuirostris. variabilis Tringites rufescens tristigmata, Phlogenas tristis, Phyllopneuste Phylloscopus Australia, vi. pl. 72 ; Handb.ii. p. 325. Australia, vi. pl. 71 ; Handb. ii. p. 324. Australia, vi. pl. 71; Handb. ii. p. 324. Australia, vi. pl. 72; Handb. ii. p. 325. Europe, iii. pl. 239. Australia, v. pl. 50; Handb. ii. p. 96. Australia, v. pl. 52. New Guinea, v. pl. 41. Handb. ii. p. 93. New Guinea, v. pl. 42. Australia, v. pl. 53. Australia, v. pl. 54. Australia, v. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 95. Australia, v. pl. 48. Australia, v. pl. 51. Australia, iii. pl. 66 ; Handb. i. p. 380. Australia, Suppl. pl. 78. Australia, iii. pl. 66; Handb. i. p. 380. . Gt. Brit. v. pl. 61. Europe, iii. pl. 232. Europe, iii. pl. 232. Australia, vi. pl. 30. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 65; Handb. ii. p. 259. Europe, iv. pl. 334. Handb. ii. p. 254, Europe, iv. pl. 332; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 72. Europe, iv. pl. 327. Europe, iv. pl. 331. Europe, iv. pl. 326. Europe, iv. pl. 330. Europe, iv. pl. 328. Europe, iv. pl. 333; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 73. Handb. ii. p. 260. Europe,iv. pl.329; Gt. Brit. iv. pls.69,70. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 64. Asia, vi. pl. 59. Asia, iv. pl. 59. Asia, iv. pl. 59. . 2 x 338 . tristrami, Amydrus Dicæum. , Halcyon. Tristram's Amydrus Flower-pecker Kingfisher triton, Cacatua Triton Cockatoo trivirgata, Monarcha. . 9 . Trochalopteron affine Beautiful blythi. cineraceum Cinereous Crimson-winged elliotii erythrocephalum formosum melanostigma phoeniceum. variegatum. virgatum White-eyebrowed Trochilus alexandri colubris. polytmus trochilus, Phyllopneuste Phylloscopus Sylvia Troglodytes europeus nipalensis Trogon ambiguus ardens atricollis. aurantiiventris. aurantius bairdi Asia, v. pl. 45. New Guinea, iv. pl. 3. New Guinea, iv. pl. 54. Asia, v. pl. 45. New Guinea, iv. pl. 3. New Guinea, iv. pl. 54. New Guinea, v. pl. 44. New Guinea, v. pl. 44. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, ii. pl. 96 ; Handb. i. p. 263. Asia, iii. pl. 37. Asia, iji. pl. 36. Asia, iii. pl. 41. Asia, iii. pl. 39. Asia, iii. pl. 39. Asia, iii. pl. 35. Asia, iii. pl. 42. Cent. pl. 17. Asia, iii. pl. 36. Asia, iii. pl. 43. Asia, iii. pl. 35; Icones Avium, pl. 3. Asia, iii. pl. 38. Asia, iii. pl. 40. Asia, iii. pl. 40. Humming B. iii. pl. 132. Humming B. iii. pl. 131. Humming B. ii. pl. 98. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 65. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 1. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 1. . Europe, ii. pl. 130; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 63. Asia, iv. pl. 51. Trogons, (1) pl. 4, (2) pl. 8. Trogons, (1) pl. 35. Trogons, (1) pl. 8, (2) pl. 14. Trogons, (2) pl. 12. Trogons, (1) pl. 14, (2) pl. 24. Trogons, (2) pl. 23. 339 Trogon, Baird's Beautiful behni. Behn's Black-faced. Black-headed Black-tailed. Black-throated. Black-winged Booted caligatus chionurus citreolus . clathratus Collared. collaris Cuba. Cuban diardi Diard's Trogons, (2) pl. 23. Trogons, (1) pl. 22. Trogons, (2) pl. 20. Trogons, (2) pl. 20. Trogons, (2) pl. 10. Trogons, (1) pl. 12, (2) pl. 27. Trogons, (1) pl. 18, (2) pl. 29. Trogons, (1) pl. 8, (2) pl. 14. Trogons, (1) pls. 10, 11, (2) pl. 21. Trogons, (1) pl. 7. Trogons, (1) pl. 7, (2) pl. 16. Trogons, (2) pl. 22. Trogons, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 26. Trogons, (2) pl. 28. Trogons, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 13. Trogons, (1) pl. 5, (2) pl. 13. Trogons, (1) pl. 19. Trogons, (2) pl. 33. Trogons, (1) pl. 30. Asia, i. pl. 70; Trogons, (1) pl. 30, (2) pl. 36. Trogons, (1) pl. 4, (2) pl. 8. Trogons, (1) pl. 32. Asia, i. pl. 67; Trogons, (1) pl. 32, (2) pl. 40. Trogons, (1) pl. 3, (2) pl. 9. Trogons, (1) pl. 33. Asia, i. pl. 75; Trogons, (2) pl. 38. Trogons, (1) pl. 24. Trogons, (2) pl. 16. Trogons, (1) pl. 28. Trogons, (1) pl. 28. Trogons, (1) pl. 3, (2) pls. 9, 15. Trogons, (1) pl. 34. Asia, i. pl. 69; Trogons, (1) pl. 34, (2) pl. 42. Asia, i. pl. 74; Trogons, (2) pl. 37. Trogons, (1) pl. 17. --, Doubtful duvaucelii Duvaucel's . - elegans erythrocephalus Fasciated fulgidus. Gartered Giant. gigas. Graceful. hodgsoni Hodgson's . . Kasumba Large-tailed 2 x 2 340 Trogon, Lattice-tailed Lemon-breasted Little. Long-tailed . Macklot's . . macroura macrurus Malabar. malabaricus. Malacca. . . massena. Massena's melanocephala . melanocephalus melanopterus melanura melanurus meridionalis Mexican mexicanus Mountain Trogons, (2) pl. 28. Trogons, (1) pl. 13, (2) pl. 26. Trogons, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 17. Trogons, (2) pl. 30. Asia, i. pl. 73 ; Trogons, (2) pl. 45. Trogons, (1) pl. 17. Trogons, (2) pl. 30. Trogons, (1) pl. 31. Trogons, (1) pl. 31. Asia, i. pl. 68; Trogons, (2) pl. 41. Trogons, (1) pl. 16, (2) pl. 31. Trogons, (2) pl. 31. Trogons, (1) pl. 12. Trogons, (2) pl. 27. Trogons, (1) pls. 10, 11. Trogons, (1) pl. 18. Trogons, (2) pl. 29. Trogons, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 17. Trogons, (1) pls. 1, 2, (2) pl. 7. Trogons, (1) pls. 1, 2, (2) pl. 7. Asia, i. pl. 71 ; Trogons, (1) pl. 36, (2) pl. 46. Trogons, (1) pl. 26. Trogons, (1) pl. 26, (2) pl. 34. Trogons, (1) pl. 25. Trogons, (1) pl. 18. Trogons, (1) pl. 14, (2) pls. 12, 24. Trogons, (1) pl. 36. Trogons, (1) pl. 23. Trogons, (1) pl. 23. Trogons, (2) pl. 10. Trogons, (1) pl. 16. Trogons, (2) pl. 11. Trogons, (1) pl. 22. Trogons, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 19. Trogons, (2) pl. 18. Trogons, (2) pl. 18. Trogons, (2) pl. 11. narina Narina . neoxenus . . nigricaudata Orange-breasted oreskios. Pavonine pavoninus personatus Prince Massena's puella pulchellus Purple-breasted Ramon de la Sagra's . ramonianus . Rayed-tail . 341 Trogon, Red-headed reinwardti Reinwardt's. resplendens. Resplendent roseigaster. --, Rosy-breasted . Rosy-vented St. Domingo Shining Snow-tailed. . surucua. Surucua . . Trogons, (1) pl. 33, (2) pl. 43. Trogons, (1) pl. 27. Asia, i. pl. 72; Trogons, (1) pl. 27, (2) pl. 44. Trogons, (1) pl. 21. Trogons, (1) pl. 21. Trogons, (1) pl. 20. Asia, i. pl. 76; Trogons, (1) pl. 35, (2) pl. 39. Trogons, (1) pl. 20. Trogons, (2) pl. 32. Trogons, (1) pl. 24. Trogons, (2) pl. 22. Trogons, (2) pl. 25. Trogons, (1) pl. 15, (2) pl. 25. Trogons, (1) pl. 15. Trogons, (1) pl. 29. Trogons, (1) pl. 29. Trogons, (1) pl. 19. Trogons, (2) pl. 15. Trogons, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 19. Trogons, (2) pl. 21. Trogons, (1) pl. 25, (2) pl. 6. Trogons, (2) pl. 35. Europe, v. pl. 396; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 48. Australia, vii. pl. 73; Handb.ii. p. 501. . Australia, iv. pl. 59; Handb. i. p. 548. Australia, Suppl. pl. 44; Handb.i.p.547. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 549. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, iv. pl. 58 ; Handb. i. p. 545. Australia, i. Introd. p. lviii; Handb. i. surucura. temminckii . Temminck's. temnurus tenellus. . variegatus viridis Welcome West-African troile, Uria. Tropic-bird, Red-tailed Tropidorhynchus argenticeps buceroides citreogularis . . . : . . . corniculatus sordidus . p. 550. Trumpeter Bullfinch . Tryngites rufescens Tryphæna dupontii tschebaiewi, Calliope. Asia, v. pl. 31. Gt. Brit. iv. p. 61. Humming B. iii. pl. 158. Asia, ir. pl. 40. . 342 . . p. 167. tschudii, Thalurania . Tschudi's Inca . Wood-Nymph tucanus, Rhamphastos Tufted Coquette Duck . tumulus, Megapodius Turati's Honey-sucker, Count. Turdinulus roberti Turdinus brevicaudatus turdoides, Acrocephalus. Philomela Salicaria . Turdus atrogularis erythrogaster fuscatus. gouldi iliacus Humming B. ii. pl. 103. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 20. Humming B. ii. pl. 103. Toucans, (1) pl. 10. Humming B. iii. pl. 117. Europe, v. pl. 370; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 23. Australia, v. pl. 79; Handb. ii. New Guinea, iii. pl. 37. Asia, iii. pl. 62. Asia, iii. pl. 63. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 72. Europe, ii. pl. 117. Europe, ii. pl. 106. Europe, ii. pl. 75; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 36. Cent. pl. 13. Asia, iii. pl. 1. Asia, iii. pl. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 78. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. . . pl. 34. musicus . . naumannii pallidus. pilaris poecilopterus ruficollis . sibiricus viscivorus whitei Turkestan Sparrow Turnix africanus Andalusian Black-breasted. castanotus dussumieri fasciatus . melanogaster melanotus Europe, ii. pl. 78. fig. 1; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 32. Europe, ii. pl. 79. Europe, ii. pl. 80. Europe, ii. pl. 76; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 35. Cent. pl. 14. Asia, iii. pl. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 82. Europe, ii. pl. 77; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 33. Europe, ii. pl. 81. Asia, v. pl. 15. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 16. Europe, iv. pl. 264; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 16. Australia, v. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 178. Handb. ii. p. 183. Asia, vii. pl. 10. Asia, vii. pl. 11. Handb. ii. p. 178. Handb. ii. p. 182. . 9 . . 343 Turnix pyrrhothorax. scintillans varius velox see also Hemipode. Turnstone Handb. ii. p. 186. Handb. ii. p. 181. Handb. ii. p. 179. p . Handb. ii. p. 184. Turquoisine Superb Warbler . . Turtle-Dove -, Little . Turtur auritus . turtur, Columba -, Prion. Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise Twite.. . و Europe, iv. pl. 318; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 60; Australia, vi. pl. 39; Handb. ii. p. 269. Australia, Suppl. pl. 23. Europe, iv. pl. 246; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 4. Handb. ii. p. 146. . Europe, iv. pl. 246; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 4. Europe, iv. pl. 246. Australia, vi. pl. 54; Handb. ii. p. 472. New Guinea, i. pls. 14, 15. Europe, iii. pl. 192; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 50. New Guinea, v. pl. 73. Humming B. iv. pl. 255. Humming B. iv. pl. 235. Humming B. v. pl. 337. Humming B. iv. pl. 211. Humming B. iii. pl. 195. Humming B. iii. pl. 195. Asia, i. pl. 51. • Two-wattled Cassowary . typica, Coligena Helianthea. Juliamyia Myiabeillia Tyrian-tail Humming-bird. tyrianthina, Metallura tyro, Dacelo ualabatus, Halmaturus ugiensis, Pomarea Ugi-Island Flycatcher ulocomus, Pteroglossus . Ulula nebulosa Unadorned Cuckoo Rock-Wallaby Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 22, 23; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. New Guinea, ii. pl. 58. New Guinea, ii. pl. 58. Toucans, (1) pl. 18. Europe, i. pl. 46. Australia, iv. pl. 85. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 45, 46 ; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. pl. 25. Humming B. iii. pl. 162. Europe, v. pl. 383. Ilandb. ii. p. 521. e underwoodi, Spathura Undina leucocephala undina, Eudyptula © e 344 . 9 . undina, Spheniscus undulatus, Hæmatornis . Melopsittacus Nanodes. unguifer, Macropus -, Onychogalea uniappendiculatus, Casuarius . unicolor, Antechinus Merula Nyctophilus Paradoxornis Ptilotis Stomiopera Sturnus Suthora Uniform Honey-eater Uniform-coloured Honey-eater unimodus, Artamides Upupa epops nigripennis . Uragus sibiricus Ural Owl uralensis, Surnia Uranomitra microrhyncha . viridifrons urbica, Chelidon :: , Hirundo Uria brunnichii carbo. grylle. lachrymans troile. urinatrix, Halodroma Puffinuria Urocharis longicauda Urochroa bougueri urochrysia, Hypuroptila Urocichla longicauda Australia, vii. pl. 85. Cent. pl. 1. Australia, v. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 81. Australia, pt. i. (cancelled). Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 52, 53. Australia, Suppl. pls. 74, 75. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 37. Asia, iii. pl. 4. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 38. Asia, iii. pl. 76. Australia, iv. pl. 46. Handb. i. p. 523. Europe, iii. pl. 211; Asia, v. pl. 42. Asia, iii. pl. 76. Australia, iv. pl. 46. Handb. i. p. 523. New Guinea, ii. pl. 1. Europe, iii. pl. 238; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 12. Asia, i. pl. 66. Asia, v. pl. 27. Europe, i. pl. 44. Europe, i. pl. 44. Humming B., Suppl. p. 72. Humming B. Suppl. pl. 49. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 6. Europe, ii. pl. 57. Europe, v. pl. 398. Asia, vii. pl. 71. Europe, v. pl. 399; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 49. Europe, v. pl. 397. Europe, v. pl. 396; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 48. Handb. ii. p. 483. Australia, vii. pl. 60. New Guinea, iv. pl. 11. Humming B. ii. pl. 57. Humming B. ii. pl. 90. Asia, iv. pl. 53. . . . 345 • Urocissa cærulea cucullata erythrorhyncha flavirostris magnirostris occipitalis sinensis Urocynchramus pylzowi urogallus, Tetrao . uropygialis, Acanthiza p. 367. Limosa Numenius Pardalotus Rectes Zosterops Urosticte benjamini intermedia ruficrissa Ursine Sarcophilus ursinus, Dendrolagus Asia, v. pl. 46. Asia, v. pl. 51. Cent. pl. 41. Asia, v. pl. 50. Asia, v. pl. 49. Asia, v. pl. 47. Asia, v. pl. 48. Asia, v. pl. 32. Europe, iv. pl. 248; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 5. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, iii. pl. 56; Handb. i. Australia, vi. pl. 29; Handb.ii. p. 252. Australia, vi. pl. 43 ; Handb. ii. p. 279. Australia, ii. pl. 41 ; Handb. i. p. 166. New Guinea, i. pl. 54. New Guinea, iii. pl. 58. Humming B. iii. pl. 190. Humming B., Suppl. p. 34. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 48. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 49; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 48. Asia, v. pl. 75. Asia, v. pl. 75. 3 Sarcophilus . ussheri, Pitta Ussher's Pitta . . vagabunda, Pica validirostris, Hæmatopus Melithreptus Vampire, Funereal Grey-headed Spectacled Van der Bosch's Pitta Van Diemen's Land Partridge. Vanellus cristatus. goensis keptuschka Cent. pl. 42. Synopsis, part i. Australia, iv. pl. 70; Handb. i. p. 565. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 30. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 28. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 83. Australia, v. pl. 90. Europe, iv. pl. 291; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 33. Cent. pl. 78. Europe, iv. pl. 292. . . 2e 346 . . . . . . Vanga cinerea destructor nigrogularis. Van Musschenbroek's Lorikeet van-wyckii, Carpophaga. Van Wyck’s Fruit-Pigeon . variabilis, Tringa . Variable Dasyurus Varied Cuckoo-Shrike Graucalus Hemipode Honey-eater Lorikeet. Parrakeet Turnix variegata, Spatula . Synopsis, part i Synopsis, part i. Synopsis, part i. New Guinea, v. pl. 42. New Guinea, v. pl. 64. New Guinea, v. pl. 64. Europe, iv. pl. 329. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 50. Australia, ii. pl. 56. Handb. i. p. 195. Australia, v. pl. 82. Australia, iv. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 506. Australia, v. pl. 51; Handb. ii. p. 98. Handb. ii. p. 68. Handb. ii. p. 179. Australia, Suppl. pl. 80; Handb. ii. . . p. 580. Variegated Shoveller. . . . . Thrush Wagtail variegatum, Cinclosoma . Trochalopteron variegatus, Trogon varius, Hemipodius Phalacrocorax Turnix vellerosus, Mus velox, Hemipodius Turnix Velvet-breast, Buff-tailed White-tailed Velvet Scoter venatoria, Cissa Venezuelan Emerald . ventralis, Tribonyx venusta, Thalurania venustulus, Parus. Australia, Suppl. pl. 80; Handb. ii. App. p. 580. Asia, iii. pl. 38. Asia, iv. pl. 67. Cent. pl. 16. Asia, iii. pl. 38; Cent. pl. 16. Trogons, (1) pl. 6, (2) pl. 19. Synopsis, part ii.; Australia, iv. pl. 82. Handb. ii. p. 490. Handb. ii. p. 179. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 12. Australia, v. pl. 87. Handb. ii. p. 184. Humming B. ii. pl. 85. Humming B. ii. pl. 86. Europe, v. pl. 377; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 54. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 58. Australia, vi. pl. 72; Handb. ii. p. 325. Humming B. ii. pl. 105. Asia, ii. pl. 48. . 347 . و . . venustus, Nanodes Platycercus. Veraguan Lance-bill Mango Wood-Nymph veraguensis, Dorifera Lampornis. veredus, Charadrius verreauxi, Lophornis. versicolor, Phasianus. Ptilosclera Ptilotis Trichoglossus versteri, Pristorhamphus Verster's Flower-pecker. verticeps, Thalurania vespera, Rhodopis Vespertilio macropus . tasmaniensis vespertinus, Erythropus. vestita, Eriocnemis vexillarius, Cosmetornis Semeiophorus Victoria Rifle-bird victoriæ, Menura. Ptilorhis. Synopsis, part ii. Handb. ii. p. 53. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 22. Humming B. ii. pl. 76. Humming B. ii. pl. 105. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 22. Humming B. ii. pl. 76. Australia, vi. pl. 14. Humming B. iii. pl. 125. Asia, vii. pl. 40. Handb. ii. p. 98. Australia, iv. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 506. Australia, v. pl. 51. New Guinea, iv. pl. 10. New Guinea, iv. pl. 10. Humming B. ii. pl. 107. Humming B. iii. pl. 154. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 47. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 48. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 20. Humming B. iv. pl. 275. Icones Avium, pl. 13. Icones Avium, pl. 13. Australia, Suppl. pl. 50. Handb. i. p. 302. Australia, Suppl. pl. 50; Handb. i. . . p. 593. vidua, Piezorhynchus vieilloti, Euplocamus Vieillot's Fireback vigorsi, Nectarinia Pitta. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 48. Asia, vii. pl. 15. Asia, vii. pl. 15. Asia, iv. pl. 30. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 4, & vol. iv. pl. 2; Handb. ii. p. 527. Asia, vi. pl. 34. Australia, pt. ii. (cancelled) pl. 4, & vol. iv. pl. 2 ; Handb. ii. App. p. 527. Asia, ii. pl. 30. Humming B. ii. pl. 47. Vigors' Pigmy Woodpecker Pitta. • و Sun-bird. villavicencio, Campylopterus . 2 y 2 348 . . Villavicencio's Sabre-wing. Vinago militaris sphenura. vincens, Prionochilus vinitincta, Merula Humming B. ii. pl. 47. Cent. pl. 58. Cent. pl. 57. Asia, ii. pl. 41. Australia, Suppl. pl. 31; Handb. ii. p. 529. Vinous Grosbeak. Pipit . Vinous-tinted Blackbird o . . . . Europe, iii. pl. 208. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 11. Australia, Suppl. pl. 31; Handb. ii. App. p. 529. Humming B. iv. pl. 241. Humming B. iv. pl. 241. Humming B. v. pl. 285. Humming B. iv. pl. 225. Humming B. iv. pl. 223. Humming B. iv. pl. 229. Humming B. iv. pl. 226. Humming B. iv. pl. 224. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 11. Humming B. iv. pl. 228. Humming B. iv. pl. 227. Humming B. iii. pl. 196. Humming B. iv. pl. 239. Humming B. v. pl. 285. Humming B. iv. pl. 239. Europe, v. pl. 424. Europe, v. pl. 423. Europe, v. pl. 422. Humming B. iv. pl. 230. Asia, iii. pl. 40. Humming B. ii. pl. 80. Odontoph. pl. 1. Odontoph. pl. 1. Odontoph. pl. 1. Europe, iv. pl. 272. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Humming B. i. pl. 33. Humming B. iv. pl. 231. Humming B. v. pl. 295. viola, Heliotrypha Viola Star-frontlet Violet-crown Violet-ear, Bolivian Brazilian Brown Chequered Colombian Guiana Little. Mexican Violet-tail Humming-bird . Violet-throated Star-frontlet violiceps, Cyanomyia . violifera, Helianthea . Viralva leucopareia leucoptera nigra virescens, Chrysobronchus virgatum, Trochalopteron virginalis, Lampornis Virginian Partridge virginianus, Colinus . -, Ortyx virgo, Anthropoides viridicauda, Leucippus viridicaudata, Phaethornis . viridicaudus, Chrysobronchus . viridiceps, Thaumatias . . . 349 > viridifrons, Uranomitra . viridigaster, Amazilia viridipallens, Delattria viridis, Cochoa Gecinus. Lampornis Merops Mimeta Oriolus Pteroglossus Trogon viscivorus, Turdus. vitellinus, Rhamphastos. vittata, Amaurodryas. vittatus, Prion. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 404. Humming B. v. pl. 314. Humming B. ii. pl. 63. Asia, ii. pl. 1. Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 74, 75. Humming B. ii. pl. 78. Asia, i. pl. 35. Handb. i. p. 462. Australia, iv. pl. 13. Toucans, (1) pl. 21, (2) pl. 24. Trogons, (2) pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 77; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 33. Toucans, (1) pl. 9, (2) pl. 13. Handb. i. p. 286. p Australia, vii. pl. 55; Handb. ii. . p. 474. viverrina, Phalangista Viverrine Phalangista viverrinus, Dasyurus . Vivia innominata . Vizor-bearer, Hooded Natterer's Von Rosenberg's Honey-eater. vulcani, Ramphomicron. vulgaris, Buteo Clangula Coccothraustes. Francolinus. Merula Milvus Otus Pyrrhula > Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 19. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 19. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 50. Asia, vi. pl. 39. Humming B. iv. pl. 222. Humming B. iv. pl. 221. New Guinea, iii. pl. 70. Humming B. iii. pl. 186. Europe, i. pl. 14; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 6. Europe, v. pl. 379. Europe, iii. pl. 199; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 40. Europe, iv. pl. 259. Europe, ii. pl. 72; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 37. Europe, i. pl. 28. Europe, i. pl. 39; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 31. Europe, iii. pl. 209; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 41, 42. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. 2. Europe, iii. pl. 210; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 53, 54. Europe, v. pl. 357; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 11. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 16. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 16. Regulus. Sturnus vulpanser, Tadorna vulpina, Phalangista . Vulpine Phalangista. . 350 Vultur cinereus fulvus. Vulture, Bearded . Bengal Black Cinereous Egyptian Griffon vulturina, Numida Europe, i. pl. 2. Europe, i. pl. 1. Europe, i. pl. 4. Asia, i. pl. 2. Asia, i. pl. 1. Europe, i. pl. 2. Europe, i. pl. 3; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 1. Europe, i. pl. 1. Icones Avium, pl. 8. . . • wagleri, Aulacorhamphus Thalurania. Wagler's Groove-bill. Wood-Nymph. Wagtail, Deccan Great Pied Grey e . 9 Grey-capped Grey-headed Masked Pied. Variegated White White-winged Yellow Yellow-headed. Waigiou Bird of Paradise wakoloensis, Myzomela . waldeni, Actinodura Walden's Actinodura Bar-wing Wallaby, Agile Toucans, (2) pl. 48. Humming B. ii. pl. 109. Toucans, (2) pl. 48. Humming B. ii. pl. 109. Asia, iv. pl. 62. Asia, iv. pl. 61. Europe, ii.pl.147; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 6,7. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 5. Europe, ii. pl. 146 ; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 4. Asia, iv. pl. 63. Europe, ii. pl. 141; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 1. Asia, iv. pl. 67. Europe, ii. pl. 143; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 2. Europe, ii. pl. 142. Europe, ii. pl. 145; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 3. Europe, ii. pl. 144; Asia, iv. pl. 64. New Guinea, i. pl. 21. New Guinea, iii. pl. 64. Asia, iii. pl. 58. Asia, iii. pl. 58. Asia, iii. pl. 58. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 24, 25; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 16, 17; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 22, 23; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. 9 . . . Bennett's Black. 351 Wallaby, Black-gloved Black-striped Branded . Brush-tailed Rock Derby's O Great Rock. Grey's Little Rock . -, Pademelon TIJ TIJ Parma Parry's Rufous-necked Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 20, 21; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 26, 27; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 33, 34. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 39, 40; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 29, 30; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 18, 19. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 48. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 31, 32; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 28. Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 14, 15; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 47 ; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 37, 38. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 41, 42; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 35, 36; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 45, 46; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 43, 44. New Guinea, v. pl. 55. New Guinea, iv. pl. 39. New Guinea, ii. pl. 23. Asia, i. pl. 23. New Guinea, iv. pl. 39. Asia, i. pl. 23. New Guinea, v. pl. 55. Australia, Suppl. pl. 52; Handb. ii. Short-eared Rock. > Short-tailed. Stripe-sided Rock. Tasmanian Unadorned Rock 9 Yellow-footed Rock . Wallace’s Fruit-Pigeon . Goatsucker. Todopsis. Tree-Swift wallacii, Ægotheles Dendrochelidon Ptilopus. Semioptera. . p. 532. Todopsis . New Guinea, ii. pl. 23. 352 Wallaroo, Black Parry's Red Wall-creeper wallichii, Catreus. Wanderer, Collared Plain Wandering Albatros Warbler, Allied Aquatic. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 10, 11; Monogr. Macrop. part i. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 12, 13. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 8, 9; Monogr. Macrop. part ii. Europe, iii. pl. 239. Cent. pl. 67; Asia, vii. pl. 18. Australia, v. pl. 80; Handb. ii.p.187. Australia, vii. pl. 38; Handb. ii. p. 427. Handb. i. p. 358. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. . pl. 76. Australian Reed Banded Superb Barred Black-backed Superb Blackcap Black-headed Superb Blue-breasted Superb Blue-throated Bonelli's Brown Brown's Superb Buff-breasted. Handb. i. p. 402. Australia, iii. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 323. Europe, ii. pl. 128. Australia, iii. pl. 20; Handb. i. p. 322. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 60. Australia, iii. pl. 26; Handb. i. p. 333. Australia, iii. pl. 23; Handb. i. p. 326. Europe, ii. pl. 97; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 49. Europe, ii. pl. 134. Australia, ii. pl. 98; Handb. i. p. 267. Australia, iii. pl. 27; Handb. i. p. . 334. Australia, ii. pl. 101; Handb. i. pp. 270, 360. Handb. i. p. 376. Europe, ii. pl. 114. Handb. i. p. 367. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 66. Australia, Suppl. pl. 20; Handb. i. Buff-rumped Cetti's Chestnut-rumped Chiffchaff Crowned Superb p. 329. Dartford Desert Exile Grass. Fantail. Fawn-breasted Superb Field Ground . Fuscous. Garden Europe, ii. pl. 129; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 59. Asia, iv. pl. 50. Australia, iii. pl. 42; Handb. i. p. 350. Europe, ii. pl. 113. Australia, Suppl. pl. 22. Handb.i. p. 389. Australia, ii. pl. 98. Europe, ii. pl. 121 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 62. . . 353 . . UIT Warbler, Gorget Graceful Superb .. Grasshopper Great-billed. Great Grass Great Sedge Green-backed Icterine. Lambert's Superb. Large-billed Lineated Grass Little Europe, ii. pl. 118. Australia, iii. pl. 22; Handb. i. p. 324. Europe, ii. pl. 103; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 78. Australia, ii. pl. 100; Handb. i. p. 270. Australia, iii. pl. 41; Handb. i. p. 349. Europe, ii. pl. 106 ; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 72. Australia, ii. pl. 102; Handb. i. p. 271. Europe, ii. pl. 132. Australia, iii. pl. 24; Handb. i. p. 327. Handb. i. p. 362. Australia, iii. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 351. Australia, iii. pls. 60, 72; Handb. i. > p. 371. Little Brown Little Hill , Long-billed Reed Long-tailed Superb Lovely Superb Hardb. i. p. 364. Asia, iv. pl. 4. Handb. i. Australia, iii. pl. 19; Handb. i. p. 320. Australia, Suppl. pl. 21; Handb. i. p. 403. p. 328. Marmora's . Marsh TIL JULIJ JULIJ | JIH JI Melodious Moustached Natterer's Orange-fronted Orphean . . p. 380.. . Europe, ii. pl. 127. Europe, ii. pl. 109; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 74. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 71. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. I. Europe, ii. pl. 134. Handb. i. Europe, ii. pl. 119; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 61. Handb. i. p. 370. Handb.i. p. 369. Europe, ii. pl. 108; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 73; Australia, iii. pl. 37. Australia, iii. pl. 69; Handb. i. p. 385. New Guinea, ii. pl. 11. Australia, iii. pl. 45; Handb. i. Plain-coloured. Red-rumped Reed. O . Rock. Rufous-backed. Rufous-headed Grass P 353. Rufous Sedge Rüppell's Sardinian .. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 53. Europe, ii. pl. 122. Europe, ii. pl. 123. . 22 354 Warbler, Savi's. , Sedge Short-billed. Europe, ii. pl. 104; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 77. Europe, ii. pl. 110; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 75. Australia, ii. pl. 103; Handb. i. O p. 273. . 9 Siberian Willow Silky. Sombre-coloured Spectacled -, Spotted . Square-tailed Grass Striated Striated Ground Sub-Alpine. Superb Tasmanian Thrush Tricoloured Turquoisine Superb Western White-backed Superb Asia, iv. pl. 59. Europe, ii. pl. 115. Handb. i. p. 356. Europe, ii. pl. 127. Handb. i. p. 361. Australia, iii. pl. 44; Handb. i. p. 352. Handb. i. p. 372. Handb. i. p. 388. Europe, ii. pl. 124. Australia, iii. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 317. Handb. i. p. 365. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 72. Handb. i. p. 380. . Australia, Suppl. pl. 23. Australia, ii. pl. 99; Handb. i. p. 368. Australia, Suppl. pl. 24; Handb. i. . . . . p. 332. White-faced White-fronted White-throated White-winged Superb Willow Handb.i. p. 382. Handb. i. p. 359. Australia, ii. pl. 97; Handb. i. p. 266. Australia, iii. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 330. Europe, ii. pl. 132; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 65. Wood Yellow-browed Yellow-rumped Yellow-throated Yellow-tinted . Warbling Grass-Parrakeet. Warszewicz's Amazili Rainbow warszewiczi, Amazilia W arty-faced Honey-eater Water-Crake Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 67. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 68. Handb. i. p. 374. Handb. i. p. 354. Australia, ii. pl. 104; Handb. i. p. 274. Australia, v. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 81. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 17. Humming B., Suppl. p. 89. Australia, iv. pl. 48; Handb. i. p. 527. Australia, vi. pl. 80. 355 9 Water-Crake, Little . --, Spotted Tabuan White-eyebrowed. Waterhen, Black-tailed . Mortier's White-breasted Water-Ouzel Asiatic Handb. ii. p. 340. Australia, vi. pl. 79; Handb. ii. p. 339. Handb. ii. p. 341. . Australia, vi. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 343. Handb. ii. p. 325. p Handb. ii. p. 324. Asia, vii. pl. 67. Europe, ii. pl. 83; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 41. Asia, iv. pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 84; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 42. Asia, iv. pl. 25. Europe, ii. pl. 85; Asia, iv. pl. 22. Asia, iv. pl. 23. Asia, iv. pl. 24. Europe, iv. pl. 339; Gt. Brit. iv. Black-bellied ! Cashmirian. Pallas's Sombre-coloured White-bellied Water-Rail. . pl. 86. . Lewin's watertoni, Thalurania Waterton's Wood-Nymph . Wattle-bird, Brush Lunulated Wattle-cheeked Honey-eater p. 543. p. 513. Wattled Bird of Paradise Honey-eater Peewit Plover Talegalla Waxen Chatterer. Australia, vi. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 336. Humming B. ii. pl. 100. Humming B. ii. pl. 100. Australia, iv. pl. 56; Handb. i. p. 541. Australia, iv. pl. 57; Handb. i. Australia, iv. pl. 38; Handb. i. . . New Guinea, i. pl. 16. Australia, iv. pl. 55; Handb. i. pp. 536, 538. Australia, vi. pl. 9. Handb. ii. p. 218. Australia, v. pl. 77; Handb. ii. p. 150. Europe, iii. pl. 160; Gi. Brit. ii. pl. 21. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 21. New Guinea, iv. pl. 25. New Guinea, iv. pl. 23. New Guinea, iv. pl. 26. New Guinea, iv. pl. 22. New Guinea, iv. pl. 24. Asia, iii. pl. 72. Wax-wing Weaver-Finch, Black-cheeked. Forbes' Hunstein's , Large Rufous-and-Black Orange-rumped webbiana, Suthora . 2 z 2 356 Webb's Suthora Wedge-bill, Crested Geoffroy's Masked White-throated Wedge-billed Wren, Hume's Robert's. Wedge-tailed Eagle Petrel Asia, iii. pl. 72. Australia, iii. pl. 17; Handb. i. p. 316. Humming B. iv. pl. 218. Humming B. iv. pl. 219. Humming B. iv. pl. 220. Asia, iv. pl. 55. Asia, iv. pl. 54. Australia, i. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 8. Australia, vii. pl. 58; Handb. ii. . p. 466. Sabre-wing Wekau . p. . و Welcome Swallow Trogon West-African Trogon West-Australian Goshawk. Great Kangaroo westermanni, Casuarius Westermann's Cassowary Western Acanthiza Black Cockatoo Brown Hawk Duck. Gerygone Ground Parrakeet Horned Pheasant. Long-billed Cockatoo Microca. Mosque-Swallow Nyctophilus Perroquet Swallow-tail Warbler. Wheatear, Black Black-eared Common Pied . Humming B. ii. pl. 43. Australia, Suppl. pl. 2; Handb, ii. App. p. 524. Australia, ii. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 107. Trogons, (1) pl. 25, (2) pl. 6. Trogons, (2) pl. 35. Australia, i. pl. 18; Handb. i. 43. Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 3, 4. New Guinea, v. pl. 75. New Guinea, v. pl. 75. Handb. i. p. 368. Australia, v. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 17. p Australia, i. pl. 12 ; Handb. i. p. 33. . Europe, v. pl. 372. Handb. i. p. 268. Handb. ii. p. 88. Asia, vii. pl. 45. 12. New Guinea, ii. pl. 10. Asia, i. pl. 27. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 39. New Guinea, v. pl. 1. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 2. Australia, ii. pl. 99, iii. pl. 57. Europé, ii. pl. 88. Europe, ii. pl. 92. Europe, ii. pl. 90; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 45. Europe, ii. pl. 89. . Handb. ii. p. . . . . 357 Wheatear, Russet. Whimbrel Europe, ii. pl. 91. Europe, iv. pl. 303; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 49. . Australian Little. Whinchat Whiskered Tern Whistling Duck Eagle. Sand-Grouse Swan Thrush, Bligh's Formosan Tree-Duck White-backed Crow-Shrike Kingfisher Pied Flycatcher Superb Warbler . Australia, vi. pl. 43 ; Handb. ii. p. 279. Australia, vi. pl. 44; Handb. ii. p. 280. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 46. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 77. Australia, vii. pl. 14. Australia, i. pl. 5; Handb. i. p. 20. Asia, vi. pl. 64. Europe, v. pl. 355. Asia, iii. pl. 27. Asia, iii. pl. 28. Handb. ii. p. 374. Australia, ii. pl. 47; Handb. i. p. 176. New Guinea, iv. pl. 55. New Guinea, ii. pl. 48. Australia, Suppl. pl. 24; Handb. i. . p. 332. . . Woodpecker White-banded Groove-bill White-bellied Antechinus Beaver-rat Bronze-wing Cacique Callene Cuckoo-Shrike Emerald. Flycatcher Graucalus Owlet-Nightjar Pigeon Robin Sea-Eagle Shrike-Tit Storm-Petrel Swift . Water-Ouzel Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 71. Toucans, (2) pl. 49. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 38. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 26. Australia, Suppl. pl. 69. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 5. Asia, iii. pl. 29. Australia, ii. pl. 57. Humming B. v. pl. 301. Australia, Suppl. pl. 13. Handb. i. p. 196. Handb. i. p. 81. Asia, vi. pl. 55. Australia, iii. pl. 13; Handb. i. p. 296. . Australia, i. pl. 3; Handb, i. p. 13. Australia, ii. pl. 80; Handb. i. p. 229. Australia, vii. pl. 63; Handb.ii. p. 480. Europe, ii. pl. 53. fig. 2. Asia, iv. pl. 24. . . 358 > White-billed Wood-Shrike. White-booted Racket-tail White-breasted Amazili. Cormorant Emerald. Erythronote Fantail Flycatcher Finch. Leucippus Oyster-Catcher Sea-Eagle Swallow. Waterhen Zosterops New Guinea, i. pl. 52. Humming B. iii. pl. 162. Hurming B. v. pl. 306. Australia, vii. pl. 69; Handb.ii. p. 492. . Humming B. v. pl. 292. Humming B. v. pl. 319. New Guinea, ii. pl. 27. Australia, iii. pl. 95 ; Handb. i. p. 427. Humming B. v. pl. 290. Australia, vi. pl. 7; Handb. ii. p. 215. Australia, i. pl. 4; Handb. i. p. 17. Australia, ii. pl. 12; Handb. i. p. 115. Asia, vii. pl. 67. Australia, Suppl. pl. 46; Handb. ii. App. p. 535. Asia, v. pl. 51. Handb. ii. p. 419. Australia, vii. pl. 36. Australia, iv. pl. 25; Handb. i. p. 490. . New Guinea, v. pl. 48. Europe, ii. pl. 63. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. . White-capped Blue-Pie . Noddy Tern White-cheeked Honey-eater White-chested Pigeon White-collared Flycatcher pl. 18. . Merula White Crane White-crowned Black Cuckoo. Flycatcher White-eared Flycatcher. Asia, iii. pl. 6. Europe, iv. pl. 271. New Guinea, iv. pl. 42. New Guinea, ii. pl. 47. Australia, Suppl. pl. 12; Handb. i. . . P. 264. . Grass-Finch. Honey-eater Partridge White-edged Reed-Warbler White Egret, Great White-eye, Brown-tailed Chestnut-sided . Dusky-fronted. Green-backed Grey-backed Australia, iii. pl. 92; Handb.i. p. 424. Australia, iv. pl. 36; Handb. i. p. 510. Odontoph. pl. 10. New Guinea, iii. pl. 12. Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 22. New Guinea, iii. pl. 59. Asia, ii. pl. 35. New Guinea, iii. pl. 60. Australia, iv. pl. 82 ; Handb. i. p. 588. Australia, iv. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 587. . . / 359 White-eye, Grey breasted .. Grey-sided Heath Island Ké-Island Long-billed. . 9 Handb. ii. p. 538. New Guinea, iii. pl. 62. New Guinea, iii. pl. 61. New Guinea, iii. pl. 58. Australia, Suppl. pl. 47; Handb. ii. App. p. 536. 1. Asia, ii. pl. 34. New Guinea, iii. pl. 63. Australia, Suppl. pl. 48; Handb. ii. Plain Rendova. - Robust p. 537. White-breasted Yellow White-eyebrowed Partridge Pomatorhinus. Robin Spine-bill Trochalopteron Water-Crake Wood-Swallow. White-eyed Crow. Duck. Handb. ii. p. 535. Australia, iv. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 590. Odontoph. pl. 21. Australia, iv. pl. 22 ; Handb. i. p. 482. Australia, iii. pl. 9; Handb. i. p. 289. Australia, iv. pl. 62; Handb. i. p. 553. Asia, iii. pl. 40. Australia, vi. pl. 81; Handb. ii. p. 343. Australia, ii. pl. 32; Handb. i. p. 152. Australia, iv. pl. 18; Handb. i. p. 475. . Europe, v. pl. 368; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 21; Australia, vii. pl. 16; Handb. ii. p. 377. . White-faced Honey-eater Nuthatch Partridge Storm-Petrel Suthora . Xerophila White-footed Antechinus Hapalotis Mouse Rat White-fronted Ephthianura Falcon . Flycatcher Goose Heron New Guinea, iii. pl. 33. Asia, ii. pl. 46. 1. Odontoph. pl. 13. Australia, vii. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 482. Asia, iii. pl. 70. Australia, iii. p. 67; Handb. i. p. 382. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 35, 42. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 1. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 19. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 16. Australia, iii. pl. 64; Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 377. p Australia, i. pl. 10; Handb. i. p. 29. . New Guinea, ii. pl. 37. Europe, v. pl. 349; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 4. Australia, vi. pl. 53; Handb. ii. p. 299 . 360 . . . . p. White-fronted Honey-eater. Australia, iv. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 497. Sericornis Handb. i. P. 359. Warbler. Australia, iii. pl. 49. White Fruit-Pigeon, Yellow-tinted. New Guinea, v. pl. 66. Goshawk. Australia, i. pl. 15.; Handb. i. p. 38. White-headed Duck . Europe, v. pl. 383. Eagle . . Europe, i. pl. 11. . Fruit-Pigeon Australia, v. pl. 59; Handb. ii. p. 112. Osprey Australia, i. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 22. Petrel Australia, vii. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 451. Sittella Australia, iv. pl. 102 ; Handb. i. p. 610. - White-winged New Guinea, iii. pl. 28. Stilt Australia, v. pl. 24; Handb.ii. p. 246. White Ibis. Australia, vi. pl. 46; Handb. ii. 284. White-marked Honey-eater : New Guinea, iii. pl. 47. White-naped Tit Asia, ii. pl. 48. Yuhin Asia, iii. pl. 64. White Nutmeg-Pigeon. Handb. ii. p. 114. White-pinioned Honey-eater Australia, iv. pl 69. White-plumed Honey-eater Australia, iv. pl. 43; Handb. i. p. 519. White-quilled Honey-eater. Handb. i. p. 563. Pigmy Goose Handb. ii. p. 359. Rock-Dove Australia, v. pl. 71. Rock-Pigeon Handb. ii. p. 141. . White Reef-Heron Australia, vi. pl. 61; Handb. ii. p. 309. White-rumped Wood-Swallow Australia, ii. pl. 33; Handb. i. White-shafted Fantail Flycatcher. Australia, ii. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 238. White-shouldered Campephaga Handb. i. p. Cuckoo-Shrike . Australia, ii. pl. 63. White-sided Hill-Star Humming B. ii. pl. 71. White-spotted Flycatcher New Guinea, ii. pl. 12. Laughing Thrush. Asia, iii. pl. 44. White Stork Europe, iv. pl. 283; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 30. White-tailed Barbed-throat Humming B. i. pl. 13. Bush-Chat Asia, iv. pl. 33. Emerald Humming B. v. pl. 300. Kingfisher Australia, Suppl. pl. 6; Handb. i. p. 137. Robin Australia, Suppl. pl. 18. . p. 154. 204. . . . . 361 o White-tailed Stonechat. Velvet-breast White Tern White-throat ini Berlepsch's Common. Desert - Lesser Spotted White-throated Bluebreast Dumetia . Emerald. Gerygone Goatsucker Honey-eater p. 266. || | || | Asia, iv. pl. 27. Humming B. ii. pl. 86. Australia, vii. pl. 30; Handb. ii. p. 405. p Humming B. v. pl. 291; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 57. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 1. Asia, iv. pl. 50. Europe, ii. pl. 125. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 58. Humming B., Suppl. p. 73. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 50. Asia, iv. pl. 5. Humming B. v. pl. 294. Handb. i. Australia, ii. pl. 7. Australia, iv. pls. 51, 74; Handb. i. pp. 532, 571. Humming B., Suppl. p. 10. Handb. i. p. 96. Humming B. iv. pl. 264. New Guinea, v. pl. 67. Humming B. v. pl. 344. Handb. i. p. 207. Asia, ii. pl. 67. Australia, iv. pl. 98; Handb. i. p. 605. Australia, ii. pl. 97. Humming B. iv. pl. 220. Humming B. iii. pl. 190. Humming B., Suppl. p. 34. . . Humming B., Suppl. pl. 24. Mamm. Austr. ii. pl. 2. New Guinea, ii. pl. 51. Humming B., Suppl. p. 88. Humming B., Suppl. p. 64. Humming B., Suppl. p. 86. Humming B., Suppl. p. 30. Australia, ii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 149. ЗА . | | Humming-bird Nightjar. Oreopyra Pigeon Sapphire Thickhead Tit Tree-creeper Warbler. Wedge-bill White-tip Humming-bird Peruvian Red-vented. White-tipped Hapalotis. White-tufted Flycatcher White-vented Amazili Copper-tail . . Golden-throat Star-throat Wood-Swallow. . • . 362 . . . • . . White Wagtail White-winged Chough Corcorax Crossbill. American Crow-Shrike Lark. Magpie Petrel Red-footed Kestrel Sittella Superb Warbler Tern. Wagtail. White-headed Sittella Wren. White's Thrush whitei, Turdus. whitelyana, Ionolæma Whitely's Humming-bird Whooper Widgeon wiedi, Pteroglossus Wild Duck. -, Australian Swan. Wilhelmina Lorikeet wilhelminæ, Psitteuteles williami, Metallura Willow Locustelle Ptarmigan Willow-Warbler, Melodious Siberian Willow-Wren Melodious Yellow wilsoni, Cæligena. wilsonii, Thalassidroma . Europe, ii. pl. 143; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 2. Australia, iv. pl. 16. Handb. i. p. 470. . Europe, iii. pl. 203; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 47. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 48. Handb. i. p. 187. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 20. Asia, v. pl. 55. Handb. ii. p. 454. Asia, i. pl. 8. Australia, iv. pl. 103; Handb. i. p. 611. . Handb.i. p. 330. Europe, v. pl. 423 ; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 76. Europe, ii. pl. 142. New Guinea, iii. pl. 28. Australia, iii. pl. 25. Europe, ii. pl. 81; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 39. Europe, ii. pl. 81. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 12. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 12. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 9. Europe, v. pl. 359; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 13. Toucans, (2) pl. 16. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 15. Australia, vii. pl. 9; Handb. ii. p. 363. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 9. New Guinea, v. pl. 19. New Guinea, v. pl. 19. Humming B. iii. pl. 193. Europe, ii. pl. 104. Europe, iv. pl. 255. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 71. Asia, iv. pl. 59. Europe, ii. pl. 133; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 65. Europe, ii. pl. 133. Europe, ii. pl. 132. Humming B. iv. pl. 258. Australia, vii. pl. 65. . . . . . . . 363 . - . . . . . . a Wilson's Cæligene Erythronote Storm-Petrel :: Winchat. Winking Owl . Winter Finch . Wire-tailed Swallow . Wombat. . Broad-fronted Hairy-nosed wombat, Phascolomys Wonga-wonga Pigeon Woodchat Shrike Woodcock Wood Fantail Flycatcher Wood-Ibis, Indian Wood-Lark. Wood-Nymph, Black-banded Brazilian -, Cayenne Citado Columbian. Green-crowned Jelski's Natterer's Para . Refulgent Tschudi's Veraguan Wagler's Waterton's. Wood-Owl, Speckled Woodpecker, Banded Pigmy Ceylonese Pigmy . Chinese Spotted Darjiling Pigmy Humming B. iv. pl. 258. Humming B. v. pl. 318. Australia, vii. pl. 65. Europe, ii. pl. 93. Australia, i. pl. 34; Handb. i. p. 71. Europe, i. pl. 190. Asia, i. pl. 26. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 55, 56. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 57, 58. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 59, 60. Mamm. Austr. i. pls. 55,56. Australia, v. pl. 63; Handb. ii. p. 120. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 16. Europe, ii. pl. 70. Europe, iv. pl. 319; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 77. New Guinea, ii. pl. 32. Handb. i. p. 242. Asia, vii. pl. 59. Europe, iii. pl. 167; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 16. Humming B. ii. pl. 104. Humming B. ii. pls. 99, 108. Humming B. ii. pl. 101. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 28. Humming B. ii. pl. 106. Humming B. ii. pl. 107. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 29. Humming B., Suppl. p. 48. . Humming B., Suppl. p. 39. Humming B. ii. pl. 102. Humming B. ii. pl. 103. Humming B. ii. pl. 105. Humming B. ii. pl. 109. Humming B. ii. pl. 100. Asia, i. pl. 16. Asia, vi. pl. 31. Asia, vi. pl. 32. Asia, vi. pl. 17. Asia, vi. pl. 26. . 2 . . . 9 . . . . 3 A 2 364 Woodpecker, Doerries' Pigmy. Formosan Green. Formosan Spotted Great Black Great Spotted . Green . . > . . . Grey-headed Pigmy . Hardwicke’s Pigmy Hartlaub's Spotted Heart-spotted Javan Spotted . Lesser Spotted . Malayan Pigmy Middle Spotted Negros Yellow-faced. Orange-breasted Pigmy . Ramsay's Pigmy Sonnerat’s Pigmy. Swinhoe's Pigmy . Temminck’s Pigmy Three-toed. Travancore Pigmy Vigors' Pigmy. White-backed. Yellow-naped. Wood-Pigeon Collared. Elphinstone's Wood-Robin, Pink-breasted Rose-breasted . Wood Sandpiper Asia, vi. pl. 22. Asia, vi. pl. 35. Asia, vi. pl. 16. Europe, iii. pl. 225; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 73. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 70. Europe, iii. pl. 226; Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 74, 75. Asia, vi. pl. 27. Asia, vi. pl. 28. Asia, vi. pl. 20. Asia, vi. pl. 18. Asia, vi. pl. 19. Europe, iii. pl. 231; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 72. Asia, vi. pl. 29. Europe, iii. pl. 230. Asia, vi. pl. 37. Asia, vi. pl. 23. Asia, vi. pl. 24. Asia, vi. pl. 30. Asia, vi. pl. 21. Asia, vi. pl. 25. Europe, iii. pl. 232. Asia, vi. pl. 33. Asia, vi. pl. 34. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 71. Asia, vi. pl. 36. Europe, iv. pl. 243; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 1. Asia, vi. pl. 58. Asia, vi. pl. 57. Australia, iii. pl. 1; Handb. i. p. 276. Australia, iii. pl. 2; Handb. i. Europe, iv. pl. 315. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. iv. pl. 57. New Guinea, i. pl. 56. Australia, ii. pl. 76. Australia, ii. pl. 75. Australia, ii. pl. 81. New Guinea, i. pl. 53. . p. 277. . Wood-Shrike, Aru Island Brown Buff-bellied. Crested. Fawn-breasted, . 365 Handb. i. p. 472. Australia, ii. pl. 74. New Guinea, i. pl. 55. New Guinea, i. pl. 54. Australia, ii. pl. 78. Australia, ii. pl. 77, New Guinea, i. pl. 52. Wood-Shrike, Grey Harmonious Jobi Island . Rufous-and-Black Little Selby's White-billed see also Shrike-Thrush. Wood-Star, Bahama . Beautiful Bryant's Crimson-throated. Decorated Fanny's Heliodore's . Jourdan's Little Lyre-shaped Mulsant's Short-tailed Yarrell's Wood-Swallow Black-faced. . Humming B. iii. pl. 156. Humming B. iii. pl. 144. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 33. Humming B. iii. pl. 149. Humming B. iii. pl. 146. Humming B. iii. pl. 151. Humming B. iii. pl. 147. Humming B. iii. pl. 150. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 32. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 34. Humming B. iii. pl. 145. Humming B. iii. pl. 148. Humming B. iii. pl. 152. Australia, ii. pl. 27; Handb. i. 143. Australia, Suppl. pl. 7; Handb. i. . > 9 p. p. 149. 9 P. Grey-breasted. Hooded. Little Masked :) Meyer's - New Ireland White-eyebrowed. White-rumped. White-vented Wood-Wren Australia, ii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 147. New Guinea, iv. pl. 21. Australia, ii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 146. Australia, ii. pl. 31; Handb. i. 150. New Guinea, iv. pl. 19. New Guinea, iv. pl. 20. Australia, ii. pl. 32; Handb. i. p. 152. Australia, ii. pl. 33; Handb. i. p. 154. Australia, ii. pl. 30; Handb. i. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 3 ; Gt. Brit. ii. 1 p. 149. pl. 67. Woolly Phalanger Phascogale Wren, Banded. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 20. Mamm. Austr. i. pl. 33. Australia, iii. pl. 21. . 366 Wren, Beautiful Black-backed Black-headed Blue Brown's Cautious Common Crowned Emu . Fire-crested Australia, iii. pl. 23. Australia, iii. pl. 20. Australia, iii. pl. 26. Australia, iii. pl. 18. Australia, iii. pl. 27. Australia, iii. pl. 40. Europe, ii. pl. 130; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 63. Australia, Suppl. pl. 20. Australia, iii. pl. 31; Handb. i. p. 339. Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. I; Gt. Brit. ii. :. pl. 70. Golden-crested Europe, ii. pl. 148. fig. 2; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 69. . Goyder's Striated . Graceful Hume's Wedge-tailed Lambert's Large-tailed Long-billed Long-tailed Hill Lovely Melodious Willow Nepaulese. Red-rumped Reed. Robert's Wedge-tailed Spotted Striated. Textile . . White-winged Willow Wood New Guinea, iii. pl. 8. Australia, iii. pl. 22. Asia, iv. pl. 55. Australia, iii. pl. 24. Australia, iii. pl. 30; Handb. i. p. 338. Asia, iii. pl. 60. Australia, iii. pl. 19. Asia, iv. pl. 53. Australia, Suppl. pl. 21. Europe, ii. pl. 133. Asia, iv. pl. 51. Australia, iii. pl. 39. Europe, ii. pl. 108. Asia, iv. pl. 54. Asia, iv. pl. 52. Australia, iii. pl. 29; Handb. i. p. 337. Australia, iii. pl. 28; Handb. i. p. 335. Australia, iii. pl. 25. Europe, ii. pl. 132; Gt. Brit. ii pl. 65. Europe, ii. pl. 131. fig. 3; Gt. Brit. ii. 9 pl. 67. Yellow Willow Wryneck Europe, ii. pl. 132. Europe, iii. pl. 233; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 76. Asia, vi. pl. 38. Indian 367 . xanthocephalus, Chrysocolaptes . Asia, vi. pl. 37. xanthocheilus, Charadrius . Australia, vi. pl. 13. xanthochloris, Allotrius . Asia, ii. pl. 17. xanthogenys, Parus Asia, ii. pl. 52 ; Cent. pl. 29. fig. 1. xanthogonys, Heliodoxa Humming B., Suppl. pl. 15. Xanthomelas aureus New Guinea, i. pl. 48. xanthonotus, Calyptorhynchus. Synopsis, part iv.; Australia, v. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 22. Indicator Asia, vi. pl. 48. xanthoprocta, Pachycephala Synopsis, part iii. xanthopus, Petrogale Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 43, 44. xanthopygius, Pardalotus Australia, Suppl. pl. 8. xanthorhynchus, Chalcites. Asia, vi. pl. 47. xanthorrhous, Psephotus Handb. ii. p. 63. xanthospila, Pucrasia Asia, vii. pl. 24. Xanthotis chrysotis New Guinea, iii. pl. 51. xantusi, Heliopædica. Humming B. ii. pl. 65. Xantus's Humming-bird Humming B. ii. pl. 65. Xema atricilla. Europe, v. pl. 426. jamesonii Australia, vii. pl. 20. melanocephala . Europe, v. pl. 427. minuta Europe, v. pl. 428. ridibunda Europe, v. pl. 425. sabinei Europe, v. pl. 429; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 67. Xenorhynchus australis Handb. ii. p. 293. Xerophila, Chestnut-breasted . New Guinea, iii. pl. 27. leucopsis Australia, iii. pl. 67; Handb. i. p. 382. pectoralis New Guinea, iii. pl. 27. White-faced Australia, iii. pl. 67; Handb. i. 382. Xiphoramphus superciliaris Asia, iii. pl. 34. O . p. . Yaffle Yarkand Tit yarrelli, Calothorax Motacilla Yarrell's Wood-Star . Gt. Brit. iii. pls. 74, 75. Asia, iii, pl. 62. Humming B. iii. pl. 152. Europe, ii. pl. 141; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 1. Humming B. iii. pl. 152. 368 . yaruqui, Phaethornis Yaruquian Hermit Yellow-ammer. Yellow-and-Grey Thickhead Yellow-banded Robin Yellow-bellied Flycatcher . Humming B. i. pl. 27. Humming B. i. pl. 27. Europe, iii. pl. 173; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 22. New Guinea, iii. pl. 15. New Guinea, ii. pl. 19. Australia, ii. pl. 94; Handb. i. pl. 261; New Guinea, ii. pl. 13. Australia, v. pl. 24; Handb. ii. p. 48. Australia, Suppl. pl. 37. Australia, vii. pl. 42. Toucans, (2) pl. 29. Asia, v. pl. 50. Australia, Suppl. pl. 5; Handb. i. . . Parrakeet Sphecotheres Yellow-billed Albatros. Araçari Blue Pie Kingfisher p. 135. Yellow-breasted Bunting Ephthianura Flycatcher Europe, iii. pl. 174. New Guinea, iii. pl. 14. Australia, Suppl. pl. 11; Handb. i. . p. 257. . Robin Yellow-browed Warbler Yellow Bunting Yellow-cheeked Parrakeet Tit Yellow-collared Parrakeet Yellow-eared Black Cockatoo . Honey-eater Yellow-faced Honey-eater Yellow-footed Rock-Wallaby Yellow-fronted Panoplites Yellow-green Allotrius . Yellowhammer Yellow-headed Parrot Wagtail . Yellow Honey-eater . Yellow-legged Spoonbill Yellow-mantled Lory Yellow-naped Woodpecker Yellow-necked Bittern. Australia, iii. pl. 11; Handb. i. p. 293. Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 68. Europe, iii. pl. 173; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 22. Handb. ii. p. 58. . p. Asia, ii. pl. 52. Australia, v. pl. 19; Handb. ii. p. 42. Australia, v. pl. 12; Handb. ii. p. 22. p. Australia, iv. pl. 32. Australia, iv. pl. 45; Handb. i. p. 521. . Mamm. Austr. ii. pls. 43, 44. Humming B. ii. pl. 111. Asia, ii. pl. 17. Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 22. New Guinea, v. pl. 28. Europe, ii. pl. 144; Asia, iv. pl. 64. Australia, iv. pl. 42; Handb. i. Australia, vi. pl. 49; Handb. ii. p. 288. New Guinea, v. pl. 36. Asia, vi. pl. 36. Australia, vi. pl. 65. . . p. 518. e 369 Yellow-necked Mangrove-Bittern. Handb. ii. p. 315. Yellow-nosed Albatros Handb. ii. p. 437. Yellow-rumped Diamond-bird. Australia, ii. pl. 41; Handb. i. P. 166. Finch Australia, iii. pl. 96; Handb. i. p. 428. Flower-pecker Australia, Suppl. pl. 8. Geobasileus. Handb. i. p. 374. i p Honey-Guide Asia, vi. pl. 48. Parrakeet Australia, v. pl. 25; Handb. ii. p. 50. Warbler. Australia, iii. pl. 63. Yellow-spotted Honey-eater Australia, Suppl. pl. 41. Yellow-streaked Honey-eater New Guinea, iii. pl. 50. Yellow-throated Dicæum Asia, ii. pl. 37. Friar-bird Australia, iv. pl. 60; Handb. i. p. 549. Garrulax Asia, iii. pl. 49. Honey-eater Australia, iv. pls. 35, 79; Handb. i. . . • - p. 508. Laughing Thrush Miner Asia, iii. pl. 49. Australia, iv. pl. 79.; Handb. i. . . p. 578. • Pericrocotus Asia, ii. pl. 5. Sericornis Handb. i. p. 354. Warbler. Australia, iii. pl. 46. Yellow-tinted Brown Honey-eater. New Guinea, iii. pl. 53. Honey-eater Australia, iv. pl. 41; Handb. i. p. 517. Smicrornis .. Handb. i. p. 274. Warbler. Australia, ii. pl. 104. White Fruit-Pigeon . New Guinea, v. pl. 66. Yellow-tufted Honey-eater. Australia, iv. pl. 37; Handb. i. p. 511. Yellow-vented Parrakeet Handb. ii. p. 63. Yellow Wagtail Europe, ii. pl. 145; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 3. Yellow-webbed Storm-Petrel Handb. ii. p. 478. Yellow White-eye. Australia, iv. pl. 83. Willow-Wren Europe, ii. pl. 132. Yellow-winged King-Parrot New Guinea, v. pl. 9. Yellow Zosterops. Handb. i. Yucatan Amazili. Humming B. v. pl. 308. yucatanensis, Amazilia Humming B. v. pl. 308. Yuhina diademata Asia, iii. pl. 64. o . . . p. 590. Зв 370 Yuhina occipitalis Rusty-naped Slaty-headed White-naped Yungipicus, see lyngipicus. Yunx indica torquilla. Asia, iv. pl. 14. Asia, iv. pl. 14. Asia, iv. pl. 14. Asia, iii. pl. 64. • . . > Asia, vi. pl. 38. Europe, iii. pl. 233; Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 76. . . . . Zanthomyza phrygia . Zapornia baillonii. porzana pusilla zeylonica, Nectarinia zeylonicus, Galloperdix . Zic-zac Zodalia ortoni Zonæginthus bellus oculeus zonarius, Platycercus zonura, Phaethornis Zoothera monticola zorca, Scops Zosterops albogularis p. 406. . Australia, iv. text to pl. 48. Europe, iv. pl. 344. Europe, iv. pl. 343. Europe, iv. pl. 345. Asia, ii. pl. 24. Asia, vi. pl. 67. Asia, vii. pl. 62. Humming B., Suppl. pl. 54. Handb. i. Handb. i. p. 407. . Synopsis, part iv.; Handb. ii. p. 43. Humming B. i. pl. 34. Cent. pl. 22. Gt. Brit. i. pl. 33. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, Suppl. pl. 46; Håndb. ii. App. p. 535. New Guinea, iii. pl. 59. Australia, iv. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 587. Asia, ii. pl. 35. Australia, iv. pl. 82. New Guinea, iii. pl. 62. Synopsis, part i. ; Australia, iv. pl. 81. Asia, ii. pl. 35. New Guinea, iii. pl. 60. Handb. i. p. 588. Australia, iv. pl. 82; Handb. i. p.588. Australia, iv. pl. 81; Handb. i. p. 587. Australia, Suppl. pl. 49. . 2 brunneicauda cærulescens. Chestnut-sided chloronotus .. delicatula dorsalis erythropleura fuscifrons gouldi Green-backed Grey-backed Grey-breasted . . 371 Zosterops, Long-billed longirostris luteus --, Plain rendova. Robust . simplex Slender-billed - strenuus Handb. ii. App. p. 536. New Guinea, iii. pl. 61. Australia, iv. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 590. Asia, ii. pl. 34. New Guinea, iii. pl. 63. Australia, Suppl. pl. 48; Handb. i. App. p. 537. Asia, ii. pl. 34. Australia, Suppl. pl. 47. Australia, Suppl. pl. 48; Handb. ii. App. p. 537. Synopsis, part i.; Australia, Suppl. pl. 47; Handb. ii. App. p. 536. Australia, Suppl. pl. 49; Handb. ii. App. p. 538. New Guinea, iii. pl. 58. Australia, Suppl. pl. 46; Handb. ii. App. p. 535. Australia, iv. pl. 83; Handb. i. p. 590. tenuirostris. tephropleurus . uropygialis. White-breasted Yellow see White-eye. 3 B 2 ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. . . . . . - Page 3. Add: Acrocephalus melanopogon. Europe, ii. pl. 111. fig. I. phragmitis Europe, ii. pl. 110; Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 75. 5. Add: æmodium, Conostoma Asia, iii. pl. 31. 7. Add: albicollis, Trogon. Trogons, (1) pl. 19. 8. albivitta, Aulacorhamphus. For pl. 59 read pl. 49. 9. Allied Sericornis. Add: Australia, iii. pl. 48. 13. Add: angustipennis, Chlorostil- bon Humming B. v. pl. 353. 28. Add: Barn-Owl, Masked Australia, i. pl. 29. 30. Add: Beaver-Rat, Fulvous Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 25. Golden-bellied Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 24. Sooty Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 27. White-bellied. Mamm. Austr. iii. pl. 26. 31. Add: bella, Estrelda Australia, iii. pl. 78. 34. Add: Black-backed Gull, Great. Gt. Brit. v. pl. 55. Lesser Gt. Brit. v. pl. 56. 35. Add: Black-crested Puff-leg Humming B. iv. pl. 276. 38. Add: Black Woodpecker, Great. Europe, iii. pl. 225. 39. Blue-throated Groove-bill For pl. 5 read pl. 45. Helmet-crest For pl. 4 read pl. 41. 40. Add: Bonelli's Warbler Europe, ii. pl. 134. 42. For brachypternus read brachypterus. 45. Add. Brown Kingfisher, Great Australia, ii. pl. 18; Handb. i. . . . . 3 p. 122. Brown Owl 47. Buff-breasted Sericornis. Bullfinch Europe, i. pl. 47; Gt. Brit. i. pl. 29. Add Australia, iii. pl. 50. For pl. 41 read pls. 41, 42. 374 و © . . o Page 49. Bunting, Snow Add: Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 31. Yellow Add: Gr. Brit. iii. pl. 22. 50. Add: Caccabis petrosa Europe, iv. pl. 261. fig. I. Cacique, Henry De Lattre's. Humming B. ii. pl. 62. 52. calosoma, Lampornis For pl. 91 read pl. 9. 54. Add: canus, Picus Europe, iii. pl. 227. 56. caryocatactes, Nucifraga. For pl. 65 read pls. 65, 66. cassidix, Ptilosis, read Ptilotis. 66. Cinclorhamphus, Black-breasted. For Handb. i. p. 47 read p. 395. 67. Cinclosoma, Cinnamon-coloured. Add: Handb. i. p. 437. 79. Add: Crake, White-eyebrowed Water Handb. i. p 343. 80. Add: Crex pusilla Europe, iv. pl. 345. 83. Add: Cuckoo, Narrow-billed Bronze Handb. i. p. 626. 85. Curlew Sandpiper For Handb.ii. pl. 256 read p. 256. 88. Cypselus murarius : Add : fig. 1. 91. Dicæum cruentatum, read cruentum. 97. Eagle, White-bellied Sea Add: Handb. i. p. 13. White-breasted Sea. Add: Handb. i. p. 17. 99. elegans, Malurus . For pl. 21 read pl. 2. 112. Field-Mouse, add New Holland. 113. Finch, Crimson For p. 451 read p. 415. White-eared Grass Add: Handb. i. p. 424. : . 123. Add: Furze-Chat Gt. Brit. ii. pl. 47. 130. Godwit, Terek For p. 307 read pl. 307. 134. Grass-Parrakeet, Orange-bellied . Add: Handb. ii. p. 75. 136. Great Spotted Cuckoo Add: Gt. Brit. iii. pl. 69. 143. guttata, Steganopleura, read Stagonopleura. 144. Add: Hæmatops gularis Synopsis part i. lunulatus Synopsis, part i. validirostris Synopsis, part i. Erase: Hæmatopus gularis. lunulatus. validirostris. 148. Hawk, Collared Sparrow For p. 43 read . p. 45. 160. Add: Humming-bird, Rainbow Humming B. iv. pl. 247. . . 375 Page 169. Kangaroo, Brindled, read Bridled. 172. Kingfisher, Sordid White-backed. White-tailed 174. Lance-bill, Veraguan 175. Large-billed Sericornis 176. Add: Larus ridibundus . For Australia, ii. p. 23 read pl. 23. Erase : Handb. i. p. 137. Add: Handb. i. p. 137. . For 22 read pl. 22. Add: Australia, iii. pl. 52. Europe, v. pl. 425; Gt. Brit. v. • p. pl. 64. 177. Add: Leach's Petrel. Europe, v. pl. 447; Gt. Brit. v. pl. 85. . 180. leucomela, Saxicola . Add: Europe, ii. pl. 89. 187. Add: Loriculus, Orange-crowned. New Guinea, v. pl. 43. 206. Add: minuta, Sternula . Gt. Brit. v. pl. 73. 207. modesta, Regulus: read modestus. 208. morphnoides, Hieraëtus For pl. 11 read p. 11. 209. Mountain Thrush Add: Handb. i. 228. For Otis bengalensis read Otus. 233. Add: Paradise Flycatcher, Ince's. Asia, ii. pl. 19. 250. phænicoptera, Trichodroma, read Tichodroma. 291. Sabre-wing, Vallavicencio's, read Villavicencio's. 298. Sericornis, Allied . Handb. ii. p. 358, read i. p. 358. . 305. Add: Solan Goose Europe, v. pl. 412; Gt. Brit. v. p. 439. pl. 54. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF THE MAGNIFICENT SERIES OF GRAND ORNITHOLOGICAL WORKS, BY THE LATE JOHN GOULD, F.R.S., F.Z.S., ETC. IT HAS BEEN UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED BY NATURALISTS THAT THE ORNITHO- LOGICAL WORKS OF THE LATE MR. GOULD STAND AT THE VERY HEAD OF THEIR CLASS, whether as regards the ACCURACY OF THEIR DRAWING, or the BEAUTY AND CORRECTNESS OF THEIR COLOURING; to- say nothing of the scientific and interesting character of the DESCRIPTIONS. ANOTHER GREAT CHARM OF MR. GOULD'S PRODUCTIONS-one which from their commencement brought them into high popularity-and one which will ever secure for them the favour of all classes, whether scientific or not,-is the unequalled skill displayed in the ATTITUDES, GROUPINGS, MOVEMENTS, and ACCESSORIES of the Birds. In these animated pictures we indeed look upon them “in their habits as they lived,”-seeing not one, but in most cases. both the Male and Female in various attitudes, sometimes sitting, sometimes on the wing; as well as the Trees which form their homes, and the PLANTS, FLOWERS, and INSECTS upon which they feed. In the Work on HUMMING BIRDS, the number and variety of the Orchids introduced are additional attractions. With regard to the COLOURING OF THE PLATES, some have supposed that it has been produced by a mechanical process such as Chromo-Lithography. So far from this being the case, every feather of each bird, and leaf of each flower, in all its varied tints, has been COLOURED, under the most careful superintendence, BY HAND. Messrs. H. SOTHERAN & CO. beg to call especial attention to the fact that very few copies of any of MR. GOULD'S Works remain for sale, and that they cannot be reproduced. They are all published in unison with each other, in Imperial Folio, with the Plates and Descriptions in the same style, so as to form a regular series. *** Prices and full particulars of any of the works mentioned in this Catalogue will be forwarded on application-either in parts, or in the different styles of binding, as quoted. LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 37 PICCADILLY (OPPOSITE St. James's Church). 1893. 由 ​ THE BIRDS OF GREAT BRITAIN. COMPRISING 367 COLOURED PLATES, WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. FORMING FIVE VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO. Newly bound in Half Morocco extra, gilt edges, OR IN Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges. 6 "No Work of greater beauty will be produced than that on which John Gould, returning in his later life to his first love, bestowed the fulness of his energy and the acme of his artistic talent. We allude to his 'Birds of Great Britain.' The care bestowed on the plates of this Work was remarkable, the aim of the Author being to produce a picture of the Birds as they appeared in their Natural Haunts, and especial pains were bestowed on the Young, particularly those of the Wading-Birds and Natatores. In this fine Work most of the drawings were developed and placed on stone by Mr. W. Hart, who also executed all the plates of the later Works.”— Nature, 1881. “Let it not be supposed that we deny credit to others—to writers on certain departments of Ornithology who have admirably illustrated their subject. But from all these Mr. Gould's grand works stand out in bold relief—THEY ARE “THEMSELVES ALONE.'”-The Times. THE TROCHILIDÆ, OR HUMMING-BIRDS, . Comprising (with the Supplement), 418 Coloured Plates. WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. FORMING SIX VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO. Newly bound in Half Morocco extra, gilt edges, OR IN Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges. This is undoubtedly the most universally attractive of all MR. Gould's publications. He himself thus speaks of it: “Having from an early period devoted myself to the study of these beautiful birds, and acquired a most valuable and extensive collection of a group peculiar to America and its adjacent islands, I determined upon publishing a Monograph of a family unequalled for the gorgeous and ever-changing brilliancy of their hues, the variety of their form, the singularity of their habits, and the extent of their territorial distribution." "As winged gems of unsurpassed glory do Humming Birds claim our admiration. On them the great Creator has bestowed the gift of rare and wondrous beauty, clothing them in colours that can only be rivalled by Emeralds and Rubies, Topazes and Sapphires.”-Fraser's Magazine. “Altogether we consider this publication to be Mr. Gould's magnum opus; and we strongly recommend all who can afford the cost to possess themselves of the Work."-C.R.W. (in Fraser's Magazine.) THE BIRDS OF ASIA . COMPRISING 530 COLOURED PLAT E S. WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS, FORMING SEVEN VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO, Newly bound in Half Morocco extra, gilt edges, OR IN Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges. . "To no portion of the globe (says the Author) does there attach so much interest as to that vast extent of the Old World which we designate Asia. It is there that all the productions of Nature essential to the well-being of man occur in the greatest abundance. That the zoology, then, of such a country should have called forth the notice and study of able minds cannot be surprising; and yet it is remarkable that no one has attempted a Work comprehending a general history of its Ornithology.” This hiatus in Ornithological literature has been filled up by the present Work on « The Birds of Asia." " The later Works of Mr. Gould have been distinguished for the exquisite finish of the Illustrations, but none is so remarkable in this respect as . The Birds of Asia.' Drawn with all the fidelity which characterizes his earliest productions the Birds represented in this Work may be seen in the romantic beauty of their native haunts, and many of the bright- hued Flowers of the East will be found figured in these magnificent illustrations.”—Nature. The VERY FEW COMPLETE SETS it was possible to make up having been for some time disposed of, the- Work is now wholly out of print, and is rapidly becoming as scarce and valuable as Mr. GOULD's other Works. THE BIRDS OF NEW GUINEA AND THE ADJACENT PAPUAN ISLANDS. T COMPRISING 320 COLOURED PLATES, WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS, FORMING FIVE VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO. Newly bound in Half Morocco extra, gilt edges, OR IN Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges. “IT IS ADMITTED (says Mr. GOULD) that New Guinea, or Papua, and the Papuan Islands (the former is. separated only by Torres Strait from North Australia), have the FINEST BIRDS IN CREATION—THE PARADISEIDÆ, which have many different decorations, and must be seen in the Drawings to understand their forms; also THE FINEST PARROTS, KINGFISHERS, and PITTAS.” This beautiful work was completed by Dr. R. BOWDLER SHARPE, of the British Museum, who had been the Author's friend and fellow-worker during the later years of his life. THE RHA M P H A STID Æ, OR FAMILY OF TOUCANS. COMPRISING 51 COLOURED PLATES, WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. SECOND AND ENLARGED EDITION, WITH ALL THE PLATES RE-DRAWN. ONE VOLUME IMPERIAL FOLIO. NEWLY BOUND IN HALF MOROCCO EXTRA, GILT EDGES, OR IN WHOLE MOROCCO EXTRA, GILT EDGES. "AN EDITION OF THIS WORK (says the Author) was published in 1834; but the extensive researches since carried on among the great Andean ranges of South America having led to the discovery of many additional and beautiful species belonging to this extraordinary group of Birds, a revision of the Work not only became necessary, but an entirely new edition was deemed imperative; and accordingly one, with the whole of the former Plates re-drawn, was published.” The above is this new edition. “THE TOUCANS (family Rhamphastidæ) constitute a group of Birds confined to the tropical portions of America. They are at once to be distinguished by the enormous size of their Bills, by the feathered character of their long and slender tongue, by the parrot-like arrangement of the Toes (covered with broad plates), which are formed as close graspers; by a broad naked space around the Eye, and by the richness and strong contrasts of the Colouring of their Plumage." THE TROGONIDÆ, OR FAMILY OF TROGONS. COMPRISING 47 COLOURED PLATES, WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. SECOND AND ENLARGED EDITION, ONE VOLUME IMPERIAL FOLIO. NEWLY BOUND IN HALF MOROCCO EXTRA, GILT EDGES, OR IN WHOLE MOROCCO EXTRA, GILT EDGES. "THE SAME REASONS which induced the Author to publish a new edition of the Monograph of the Rhamphastidæ also rendered another edition of this Monograph desirable; accordingly the present one has been prepared, comprising all the New Species, and information acquired respecting this family of Birds during the last twenty-five years." "The Trogons may dispute the palm of beauty with the Humming Birds. Their plumage in certain parts shines with metallic brilliancy, and exhibits all the colours of the rainbow.”—Griffith's Edition of Cuvier. 中 ​ $ 中 ​THE ODONTOPHORINÆ, OR PARTRIDGES OF AMERICA. COMPRISING 32 COLOURED PLAT E S. WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. ONE V O L U ME I M P E R I A L FOLIO Newly bound in Half Morocco extra, gilt edges, OR IN Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges. “ This (says Mr. Gould), the result of twenty years' investigation of the subject, is perhaps the most perfect as welli as the most important of the Author's Ornithological Monographs.” He further says: “The interest which attaches to this work is threefold. First, it displays, even to the most unpractised eye, the broad distinction which subsists between the Partridges of America and those of Europe; secondly, the species are all remarkable for the elegance of their forms and for the chaste beauty of their colouring; and thirdly, at. no distant date these Birds will be regarded in America, as our Partridges in Europe are, as game, and perhaps preserved by law-their flesh being as delicate for the table as that of our ordinary bird, from which, however, they differ considerably in the structure of the beak, and in general habits and economy.' THE MAMMALS OF AUSTRALIA. COMPRISING 182 COLOURED PLATES, WITH COPIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. FORMING THREE VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO. Newly bound in Half Morocco extra, gilt edges, OR IN Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges. The Author's visit to Australia had enabled him to procure so much valuable information respecting the habits and economy, and many new species, of the singular and interesting MAMMALIA of that country, that he determined on publishing a Work on the subject. “In this work, the animals themselves are not only figured, but portraits of them from life are delineated, of which we cannot but notice one of Landseerian vigour—the physiognomy of the Tasmanian Wolf. In the publication of such a Work Mr. GOULD confesses that he has departed from his original purpose of confining himself wholly to Ornithology, and owns that, with such profusion of materials at his command, he was tempted to overstep his self-assigned limits. The scientific world ought to be grateful to him for having yielded to a temptation which, contrary to the normal rule, is. productive of good.”—Times. A COMPLETE SET OF MR. GOULD'S MAGNIFICENT SERIES OF ORNITHOLOGICAL & OTHER WORKS, , Uniformly Printed in Imperial Folio size, AND COMPRISING- . . THE BIRDS OF EUROPE, with 449 Coloured Plates 5 Volumes. THE BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA, WITH THE SUPPLEMENT, 683 Coloured Plates 8 Volumes. THE MAMMALS OF AUSTRALIA, with 182 Coloured Plates 3. Volumes. A CENTURY OF BIRDS FROM THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS, with 80 Coloured Plates I Volume. THE BIRDS OF GREAT BRITAIN, with 367 Coloured Plates 5 Volumes. THE TROCHILIDÆ, OR HUMMING BIRDS, WITH THE SUPPLEMENT, 418 Coloured Plates 6 Volumes. THE RHAMPHASTIDÆ, OR FAMILY OF TOUCANS, with 51 Coloured Plates I Volume. THE TROGONIDÆ, OR FAMILY OF TROGONS, with 47 Coloured Plates I Volume. THE ODONTOPHORINÆ, OR PARTRIDGES OF AMERICA, with 32 Coloured Plates . I Volume. THE BIRDS OF ASIA, with 530 Coloured Plates 7 Volumes. THE BIRDS OF NEW GUINEA AND THE PAPUAN ISLANDS, with 320 Coloured Plates 5 Volumes. . . FORMING TOGETHER FORTY-THREE VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO. UNIFORMLY BOUND IN THE BEST STYLE IN GREEN MOROCCO SUPER-EXTRA, HANDSOMELY GOLD-TOOLED, GILT EDGES. The whole enclosed in Two Elegantly Carved Mahogany Cabinets, with Plate-Glass Doors. *** An Engraving of one of the Cabinets, showing the appearance of the Volumes when arranged therein, appears on the next page. 中 ​ A MAGNIFICENT WEDDING OR OTHER PRESENT. A SERIES OF MR. GOULD'S MOST ATTRACTIVE WORKS, Beautifully bound and enclosed in an Elegantly Carved Cabinet, with Plate-Glass Doors (as under). いや​、でき​なく​て​いい​.. Warsaw 1113 Wise in ordering home Histmunir DO 100 BOMBO GU10 BI POLIES SIETE LE 一一​一一​一一 ​MEES བྱེད་ པའི ་ དའི ད་ LVSEEDORES D 2020 0.90 Contents: Birds of Great Britain, 5 Vols.; Birds of Asia, 7 Vols.; Partridges of America, i Vol.; Trochilidæ, or Humming-Birds, 6 Vols.; Rhamphastidæ, or Toucans, 1 Vol.; Trogonidæ, or Trogons, 1 Vol. FORMING TOGETHER 21 VOLUMES IMPERIAL FOLIO, Uniformly Bound in the best Style in morocco super-extra, handsomely gold-tooled, gilt edges. A SYNOPSIS OF THE BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA AND THE ADJACENT ISLANDS. Containing 73 Coloured Plates. With Copious Descriptions. ONE VOLUME IMPERIAL OCTAVO, Newly bound in Half Morocco, gilt edges, Price £5, or in Whole Morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s. " The object of the present publication (says the Author), is in the first instance to make known and record in an eligible form the vast accessions which Science has latterly acquired from this portion of the globe; and in order to render it of real value and utility to the men of Science of all countries, he has given, besides a Latin and English description, measurements, synonyms, etc., a figure of the head of the natural size of every species, a feature not to be found in preceding Works of a similar nature, and by which each bird may at once be distinguished, hitherto a matter of some difficulty, particularly in those that are nearly allied.'' A HANDBOOK TO THE BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA. . Two Volumes Imperial Octavo, Cloth, Price £2. 10s. The Author says that since the publication of his " folio work on 'The Birds of Australia,' many new species have been discovered, and much additional information acquired respecting those comprised therein; it therefore appeared to him that a careful résumé of the entire subject in an octavo form, without plates, would be useful to the possessor of the folio edition, as well as to the many persons in Australia who are now turning their attention to the Ornithology of the country in which they are resident. " The two volumes (he also says) contain a considerable amount of interesting information, and descriptions of many species not in the folio edition." ور IOS. 6d. Introduction to the Birds of Australia, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1848 Introduction to the Mammals of Australia, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1863 1os. 6d. Introduction to the Birds of Great Britain, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1873 ios. 6d. Introduction to the Trochilidæ, or Family of Humming Birds, 8vo. cloth (SCARCE), 1861 Only a very limited number of the above four useful works were printed for private distribution among the author's IOS. 6d. scientific friends, and very few copies are now left. Pittidæ, or Short-Tailed Thrushes, with 10 coloured plates. Part 1 (all published) £3. 35. The Edition limited to 250 Small and 100 Large Paper copies. ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THE COMPLETE SERIES OF GOULD'S ORNITHOLOGICAL WORKS. BY R. BOWDLER SHARPE, LL.D., F.Z.S., etc., etc., DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM (By whom Mr. Gould's Works were completed after his death.) CONTAINING UPWARDS OF 13,230 CROSS REFERENCES TO ALL THE SPECIES FIGURED IN MR. GOULD'S — GRAND WORKS-A BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR AND PORTRAIT OF THE EMINENT ORNITHOLOGIST—AND A BIBLIOGRAPHY. One Volume, impl. 8vo. cloth, top edges gilt price £1. 16s Net. Large Paper copies, impl. 4to., half morocco, top edges gilt price £4. 4s Net. The Birds of Europe. With 449 Coloured Plates. 5 vols. Imperi al Folio. 5 The Birds of Australia. With the Additional five supplementary Parts. 683 Coloured Plates. 8 Vols. Imperial Folio. A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. With 80 Coloured Plates, exhibiting 100 figures of Birds. Imperial Folio. Of the three works named above, only single second-hand copies can be supplied as occasion offers; they having long been out of print, and very scarce. Messrs. H. S. & Co. will have much pleasure at any time to report copies they may have in stock. Parts 1 and 2 now ready, uniform with Mr. GOULD'S Works in Folio. The Edition limited to 350 Copies. . A MONOGRAPH of the PARADISEIDAE, THE OR BIRDS OF PARADISE; AND PTILONORHYNCHIDA E, OR BOWER-BIRDS. BY R. BOWDLER SHARPE, LL.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., ETC. (Of the British Museum.) PROSPECTUS. 3 The interest which is everywhere manifested in Birds of Paradise dates from the time when mutilated skins of these lovely creatures were sent to Europe more than a century ago as articles of commerce. Many monographic works have been written about the family, and the cleverest pens and the most celebrated artists of their times have united to do justice to these, the most beautiful of all the feathered tribes. Most of the species have been figured by Mr. John Gould in his “ Birds of New Guinea”; but since his death some of the most remarkable of the family have been discovered, and it is with the object of bringing some of these wonderful novelties before the public that the present work has been written, The author believes that this will be the most complete account of the Birds of Paradise which has yet been compiled, as it will include the results of all the recent workers in New Guinea, where some splendid species have lately been discovered—all of which will be figured in this work, including Paradisornis Rudolphi, Astrarchia Stephaniæ, Paradisea Augustæ Victoria, etc. Where practicable, the fine plates of Gould's “ Birds of New Guinea” will be employed; but in many cases the species have been re-drawn by Mr. Hart, the artist who assisted Mr. Gould in the production of his plates for more than forty years. Every care has been taken to engage only the best of colourists, so that all the plates may receive full justice; and the publishers feel confident that the present Monograph will be one of the most beautiful, and at the same time one of the most interesting, ornithological works ever issued to the public. The Work will be published in Six Parts, forming One Volume Imperial Folio, uniform with Mr. Gould's Works, price Three Guineas each Part, to Subscribers only. On the conclusion of Publication, should any Copies remain unsubscribed for, the price will be raised to Twenty Guineas. Each Part will contain Ten Magnificent Hand-coloured Illustrations. SELECT OPINIONS ON MR. GOULD'S WORKS. “Mr. Gould has produced a Series of Magnificent Works without a rival in the Cabinets of Science, and the gem of every rich man's library, to which, unfortunately, Works of such artistic beauty, from their great costliness, must necessarily be confined. . In taking a review of Mr. Gould's labours, we cannot fail to be impressed with the benefits conferred by them on Ornithological Science. These benefits are not merely confined to the introduction of new species to our knowledge, nor yet to the elucidation of points involved in doubt, or the extrication of species or groups from a maze of confusion,—they also result from the plan of the Works themselves, which constitute, as far as they go, a complete pictorial Museum of Ornithology, to which the student may refer at once, and without the trouble of searching for the description of one species in one publication, and of another in a second, and so on, before he is able to satisfy himself as to the novelty or the contrary of the European Bird, Toucan, Trogon, or the rest, under examination.”— Prof. Macgillivray. THE TIMES. The Works of Mr. Gould constitute a new epoch in the history of Ornithology, from the boldness of the plan on which they were executed; the number of New Species added to science, and of doubtful species cleared away from previous obscurity; the unadorned fidelity of the descriptions; the exquisite accuracy of the Plates, in which the utmost adherence to Nature is united with that felicitous effect which stamps the artist, and proves that grace and truthfulness may meet together. Again, Mr. Gould's works form in themselves an Ornithological Museum; pictorial we grant, but of such a character as to obviate the necessity of a collection of mounted specimens obtained at no trifling cost, and preserved, even where room can be afforded for them, not without the greatest trouble. THE DAILY NEWS. The issue by Messrs. Henry SOTHERAN & Co. of the twenty-fifth part of "The Birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan Islands" brings at last to a close the magnificent series of Ornithological Works to which the late Mr. John Gould devoted his long and laborious life. They are comprised in forty-three volumes, uniformly printed in the large size technically known as “imperial folio,” and are illustrated with considerably more than three thousand full-page drawings, every one of which has been coloured by hand. Such expensive publications can of course be but little known , to the general public. The fact that a set handsomely bound in morocco, enclosed in two carved cabinets, and including one or two now out of print, is offered [by the advertisers] at the price of one thousand pounds sufficiently indicates that the works of Mr. Gould are only for the wealthiest or for those students of natural history who are fortunate enough to have leisure to do battle with the huge tomes in our great public libraries. It is just eight years ago since the busy brain and hand that produced this wonderful evidence of what may be achieved by one individual in the way of promoting the study of Nature were stopped for ever. Mr. Gould was then engaged upon “The Birds of New Guinea" and his supplement to the “Monograph on the Humming-Birds"; but since then all his manuscripts, drawings and copyrights have become the property of Messrs. SOTHERAN, who, with the assistance of Mr. Bowdler SHARPE, of the British Museum, and Mr. OSBERT SALVIN, have availed themselves of the materials at their disposal for the completion of the several unfinished publications on the lines laid down by their author. For this service the learned who are interested in these studies will not fail to feel grateful. THE SPECTATOR. We have before us parts of three magnificent works : “A Monograph of the Trochilidæ, or Humming Birds," complete in 30 parts (418 plates); “The Birds of Great Britain," in 25 parts (367 plates); and “The Birds of New Guinea and adjacent Papuan Islands," in 25 parts (320 plates). All were the work of the most accomplished illustrator of bird-life that this country has ever produced, Mr. John Gould, excepting that a little more than half of the third is due to the exertions of Mr. BowdLER SHARPE. Anything more perfect, for colour and form, than these figurings of birds cannot be conceived. To indicate a preference would be unjust, for all are admirable in their own department; but perhaps for rich variety of colour the humming birds may be allowed to bear the palm. THE SATURDAY REVIEW. MR. BOWDLER SHARPE in his preface to the twenty-fifth-i.e. the final-part of “The Birds of New Guinea '' expresses a very natural regret that the work should be brought to a conclusion just at a time “when the development of European enterprise in New Guinea and the adjacent islands seems to point to the discovery of new and highly interesting birds. no other country in the wide world [he adds] has in recent times disclosed more novelties in the way of birds, and every fresh expedition to the mountains of the interior seems to add to their number.'' The record of every attempt at exploration bears out Mr. SHARPE's statement. Thirty years ago—.e. in 1858– Dr. SCLATER, writing in the Transactions of the Linnæan Society upon the Zoology of New Guinea, could only record the occurrence of 177 species of birds; in 1865 Dr. Otto Finsch, in his “Neu-Guinea und seine Bewohner, estimated the entire number at 252; a more recent list, that of Count SalvADORI, the “Ornitologia della Papuasia,” contains a description of 1,030 species, of which 300 are figured in Mr. Gould's magnificent folio. But still the ornithology of New Guinea and the adjacent islands is not complete; only within the last few months two beautiful new Birds of Paradise have been observed, and who can tell how many examples of smaller or less conspicuous species yet await discovery? Surely the hope expressed by Mr. SHARPE will be realised, and sufficient subscribers be found to enable him to continue a work, which, in such admirable form, illustrates the avifauna of these islands. Mr. Gould died in February, 1881, in his seventy-seventh year. The cost of producing these superb folios, extending to forty-three volumes, has of course placed them beyond the reach of any but the wealthiest ornithologists; the number of copies is also necessarily limited; but it would surely be worth the while of those who have the care of our larger local museums or scientific libraries to secure for their shelves such sets as may still be attainable. . 3 ور a 6 中 ​ THE ASIATIC QUARTERLY REVIEW. 9) By the publication of the final parts of his “ Birds of New Guinea," Messrs. SOTHERAN have brought to a conclusion the magnificent ornithological works of the late Mr. John Gould. The “Birds of New Guinea " constitute what many consider, from the grand character of the Birds depicted and the splendour of their plumage, the finest volumes of even this magnificent collection on, practically speaking, all the birds of the world. Our readers will feel a direct interest in the fact that it took Mr. Gould more than thirty years to illustrate the “Birds of Asia," which was finally completed in 1883. More than half a century ago also Mr. Gould produced his first work on the birds of the Himalayas. It will thus be seen that India attracted much of his attention. It would be presumptuous to attempt to criticise so noble a Work, which has a standard and imperishable value, both for Mr. Gould's scientific and graphic descriptions and for the singularly beautiful hand-painted pictures of each bird, and, generally, of both the male and female kinds. We cannot but think that the Princes of India, like the Nizam, the Gaekwar, and Maharajah Holkar, who are known as patrons of English Literature and extensive purchasers of our books, should certainly secure a copy of this noble and rare Work for their libraries. The value of most books is affected by their only supplying a temporary use, and the purchaser hesitates to buy because a better work on the same subject may be issued a very few months afterwards. Such fears need not be entertained with regard to Mr. GOULD, who has left nothing for his successors to do in the particular line of research that he made his own indisputable province. THE BIRMINGHAM DAILY POST. The completion of the magnificent series of Ornithological works by the late John Gould, F.R.S., F.Z.S., etc., is an event of no ordinary importance. It is a work without peer and without rival, the most wonderful product of the single-minded devotion of a life which has been given to science. The publication began in 1832 with the “Himalayan Birds,” and to it he devoted his best energies and his rare natural gifts till his lamented death in 1881. It were wasteful and ridiculous excess now to praise a work which has been for half a century a wonder and delight to all ornithologists. The bold scheme of the work, the accuracy of the life-size plates, the fidelity of the descriptions, and other graces have fulfilled a sort of ideal standard of perfection, which no other work of the kind may hope to attain. The sequence of these great works, involving such an infinitude of patient labour, exemplifies the German poet's ideal," unhasting, unresting.' In none of them is there the least trace of hurry, with its inevitable concomitants of error and defect, but as each left his hands, perfect and complete, he turned to new work without pause or interval of holiday-making At the time of his death Mr. Gould had been engaged for more than thirty years on the “ Birds of Asia," which was incomplete at the time of his death, but which has now been brought to a satisfactory conclusion by Mr. BOWDLER SHARPE, of the British Museum, forming now seven volumes, containing 530 plates. One other work was initiated by Mr. GOULD, and eleven parts had been published when his eyes opened on another world than ours. This was the 4 Birds of New Guinea." Fourteen other parts have now been added by Mr. BowDLER SHARPE, and with this the superb and inimitable series ends. We have not referred to Mr. Gould's other miscellaneous works, only to the great atlas-sized volumes with life-sized figures of about three thousand birds—life-sized, or where this was not possible, large drawings showing clearly the form and marking of every bird--the most stupendous and perfect series ever yet produced ; a great treasure-house of ornithological knowledge, which may be supplemented but which will never be superseded. THE NORTHERN WHIG (BELFAST). 9 The recent completion of the last of the series of Ornithological works undertaken by Mr. Gould, by his friend and sometime fellow-worker, Mr. R. BowDLER SHARPE, has redirected public attention to these wonderful books; and although many, indeed most, of the works are no longer new, the series, as a whole, is so remarkable in various respects- its size, its completeness, its letterpress, and its illustrations—that we think a brief mention of it should be acceptable to our readers. The first portion of this truly gigantic undertaking appeared in 1832, when Mr. GOULD was only twenty- eight years of age; and from that time till his lamented death in 1881, he devoted almost his entire time and attention to the furtherance of this his life's work. We need not enumerate his several works in detail. Suffice it to say that, while his " Birds of Great Britain," in five folio volumes, and illustrated by above three hundred and sixty magnificent plates, may probably possess most interest for the general reader or observer, his own, we might almost say, affection seems to have been devoted to those gorgeous tropical birds, the Trogons and the Birds of Paradise, and the smaller, but if possible still more lovely, Humming Birds, those winged gems of unrivalled beauty. It is worth a journey to London to see his collection of the latter, now beautifully displayed in the west wing of the new Natural History Museum at South Kensington. Thanks to the foresight and good management of the publishers, the whole of this magnificent series of works, in all forty-three volumes, in uniform imperial folio size, can still be obtained. We cannot do better than conclude this brief and imperfect notice of one of the most remarkable works that ever issued from the Press in the words of such admittedly high authorities as Mr. SEEBOHM and the late Professor MACGILLIVRAY. “GOULD's Birds of Great Britain," says Mr. SeeBOHM, “almost approaches, in the exquisite softness of its plates, the delicacy of the living bird,” while Professor MACGILLIVRAY's opinion was that “Mr. Gould had produced a series of magnificent works without a rival in the cabinets of science,” and as such he recommended them to all students of ornithology. a $ HENRY SOTHERAN & Co., Second-Hand Booksellers, Fine Art Publishers, &c. & c - ESTABLISHED 1816. 1 Old Book Department. OLD AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS.-- The Stock is now, as it has been for many years, unapproachable in extent and variety, numbering upwards of 500,000 volumes. A Monthly Catalogue (Sotheran's Price Current of Literature) of new purchases in all classes of Literature has been published uninterruptedly for over forty years. Publishing Department. NATURAL HISTORY and FINE-ART Works of the highest class only. Bound Book Department. The Advertisers have a large stock of newly-bound books in all classes of literature, and more particularly such as are generally considered needful for an English library. A special department is appropriated to works suitable for SCHOOL PRIZES and other presentations. Catalogues on application. Free Public Libraries. The Advertisers have always on hand a great quantity of works of standard authors and other books in cheap, readable editions, both new and second-hand, suitable for lending libraries, and they would bring these before the special attention of all about to establish such institutions. Export Department. The Advertisers having been long in the habit of supplying books to, and acting as general agents for, Government Institutions, Public Libraries, Clubs, etc., in America, the Colonies, India, and foreign lands, for which they have unusual facilities in the extent of their stock and wide experience, can give their assurance that all orders will be executed with intelligence, care and promptness, and that any discretionary powers entrusted to them will be exercised with judgment, and a regard for the interests and wishes of customers. New Book Department. STANDARD BOOKS AND New PUBLICATIONS.—All the Standard Works, particularly those necessary for an English Library, together with the New Books issued by the leading publishers, are kept constantly in stock. Bookbinding Executed. To this Department the Advertisers direct especial attention, as they enjoy unwonted facilities for executing binding of the highest class at very moderate prices, as well as every description of plain binding, suitable for Lending Libraries, Mechanics' Institutions, Clubs, etc. Libraries and Books Purchased. TO EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND OTHERS.—The Advertisers, who have the largest Stock of Second-Hand Books in London, are at all times prepared to PURCHASE LIBRARIES or smaller Collections of Books, either in town or country, and to give the utmost value in cash. Experienced Valuers sent. Removals without trouble or expense to Vendors. Library Furniture. The Advertisers, having been for many years in the habit of fitting up private libraries and book-rooms with appropriate furniture of the best quality, can furnish estimates, as well as drafts or plans, to those who are not only in want of the advice of experts in such subjects, but skilled workmen who can carry out with intelligence the plans agreed upon. Libraries Catalogued and Arranged, also valued for Probate, in Town or Country. 1817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CARTE TUEBOR SI QUÆRIS PENINSULAM-AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE SUDARAM MUSEUM