hº Immmmm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.Ř * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tmºliſmiſſimiſm mTTTTTTTTTTTT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ſº º sº tº º sº Eºāmiſmſ,áſ%% #§.*s*.Ť· 5ÍÎÏÏĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪffffffÎÎÏÏĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪİIĮĮĶĶĹĹĻĪ * .*-3 ( ) ES- Rºn #| |#| ADMIRALs . . - - 160 Admiralty-Office . . . , 177 Admiralty-Court . . . . . 177 African Company . . . 320 African Inſtitution . . . . . 285 African and Aſiatic Society . 285 Agent-General’s Office . .233 Agents, Navy . . . . . 176 Agriculture, Board of . . . .297 Alien-Office . . . . 150 Alienation-Office . . . . . 242 Almonry . . . . . . 1:25 Ambaſſadors, Foreign . 151 . Abroad . 152 American Merchants, Soc. of 320 Antient Britons, Society of . , 347 Antiquaries, Society of . . . 294 Apothecaries . . . . ... 305 Archbiſhops and Biſhops . . 41 Archdeacons . . . . . 272 Army, Liſt of . . . . . 193 Army Medical Board . . . 190 Artillery Company . . . . 312 Arts, Society of . . . . . 295 Artiſts, Society of . . . . . 296 Artiſts Benevolent Inſtitution 346 Aſylum, Caledonian . . . . 344 Deaf and Dumb . , 343 Orphan Girls . . 335 Raine's , . . .. 342 Royal Military . 241 Royal Naval . . . 187 Auditor of the Land-Revénue 258 Audit-Office . . . 256 Audit-Office (Colonial) . 269 Augmentation-Office . . . 282 Bank of England • . 31.5 Banking-Clerks Society . . .345 Sankers, London . . . . 323 Bankrupt, Commiſſioners of, 242 ... Meſſengers of . 244 Baronets . • . . 110 Barrack-Office . . . . 190 Bedchamber, Lords of . . . 129 Bedchamber, Grooms of , . 129 Benevolent Lying-in Inſtitution 340 Bible-Society(Naval&Military).283 Bible-Society, Brit. & Foreign 284 Bray’s Inſtitution. Britiſh Inſtitution º e 285 299 Britiſh Muſeum . Cambridge, Duke of Cambridge Univerſity . . . . Canons and Prebendaries . . . Captains in the Royal Navy Carnatic, Commiſſioners for . Chamberlain, Great . . . Chamberlain, Lord . & Chancellors of Churches . Chancellors of Dioceſes . Chancery, Court of . . Chapel, Royal . º Charity-Schools; Patrons of . Charter-Houſe . * . º Chelſea-Hoſpital . . . . Cheſter. Court . . . Chimney-Sweepers,Society fo Choral Fund . . . • Church Miſſionary Society . 285 Chriſt’s Hoſpital. . . . Chriſt. Knowledge, Society for Cinque-Ports . . . . . City-Magiſtrates . . . . City-Officers • • º Claims, Board of . . . . . . Clarence, Duke of . . . Clothing Board . . . . . . College, r Dulwich . g Eaſt-India . e Eton . . . . . Greſham -> º Heralds . º Mancheſter . . Morden • e Royal Military . Royal Naval . . Sion º r -, * Weſtminſter . º * • Wincheſter, J . . Commanders in the R. Navy, Commander-in-chief’s Office Commiſſariat . • . . . . . . e. Common Council . . . . . . - Common Pleas, Court of . Commons, Houſe of . - CommercialTravellersSociety : ,. . 49 Commons, Alphabetical Liſtof - Commons, Officers of Houſe of 103 Compar. Rnk of Army & Navy 160 Comptrollers Office, Army . . 190 . w ( iv ) Conſuls, abroad . . . . 153 Contagious Fever Inſtitution . .340 Controul, Eaſt-India Board of 149 Copper-Company, Britiſh . . 321 gCopper-Company, Engliſh 321 , Cornwall, Duchy ſº . 141 Crown-Office . º . 241 Cumberland, Duke of . , 145 Curſitors º © , 244 uſtoms . º wº . 258 Deans . * te º . 27.1 , Diſpenſary, Bloomſbury . .340 * , City . º . .338 Eaſtern . . .338 Ear 332 Ele&trical . 339 Finſbury . 337 Finſbury, (new). 338 General . . 336 Gen. Lying-in 8 Sick341 London . . 337 Mary-le-Bone . .338 ;INorthern º ſº 1342 Public * , -338 , Surrey e . 4339 Univerſalfordhildren.342 Weſterii . 339 Weſtminſter Gen. 337 Diſpenſation-Office . . 242 Diſſenters Library e . .282 dock Company,Commercial .. 322 • ? Eaſt- India - 32% London 321 Surry Canal. 322 g Weſt-India. S21 Dock-Yards te * , 179 HDočtors of Law . Re . 269 JDurham Coult . º . 250 Ear, Diſpenſary for . . 332 Eaſt-India Company . . 316 Eaſtland Company . . . 319 Eccleſiaſtical Courts - - 270 Endeavour Society tº , 337 Engineers,Royal . º . 239 Engravers, Society of . 296 Entomological-Society . . 298 Examiner’s Office © 242 Exchequer-Court . º . 247 Exchequer-Office e . 255 Exchequer-Office of Pleas . 248 Exchequel, Tellers of the . .256 Exciſe-Office : º . 26% Eye-Infirmary, London . 335 * - Eye-Infirmary, Royal , , Weſtminſter. . Feldns, Society for proſecuting Filaſers © Figſt-Fruits. Office º * Fiſheries, Britiſh Society for 297 Fleet, Warden of . º , 242 Foreigners, Friends of . . . . 348 Freemaſons Chaity . . 347 Freemaſons, Grand Lodge of 347 Friendly Female Society .. 340 Garriſons in Great Britain . 231 General and Field-Gºfficers 193 General Officers, Board of . 191 Gentlemen Penſioners . 127 Geological Society . . . .297 Glouceſter, Duke of , 146 Gray’s-Inn Society . . . 254 Green Cloth; Board.of . .125 Greenwich-Hoſpital . . ,187 Hackney-Coach Office . .269 Hanaper-Office . te . . 242 Harbour-Maſters * , 312 Hawkers and Pedlers Office -269 Płibernian-School-Society . .344 Highland-Society s . .299 Horticultural Society . . .299 Hoſpital, Bridewell . . . .331 Bethlehem . . . .331 'Emanuel & . .332. Foundling . . . .333 Erench . . , 332 Guy’s se . 332 Jews c. * , 346 Lock º . 333 London dº . 333 Lying-in, Britiſh - 334 City 334 Queen's 335 *Weſtmr. 335 Magdalene . . . .335 |Middleſex . . K834 St. Bartholomew’s 1,331 St. George’s . . . .332 St. -Luke's o e 334 St. Thomas's , • 334 d Scots * e e 346. | Small-Pox , . 333 , f Weſtminſter •. w 332 Hudſon's-Bay Company Humane-Society . 336 336 321 247 282 e • 347 Jews, Society for Converſion of 285 Inns of Court . . . te $254 * ( v ) - Inſolvent. Debtor’s Court . 245 Inſurance Company, Albion 325 || Amicable 325 Atlas . 325 \ Britiſh .. 326 * County. 326 - Eagle .. 326 Equitable 326 , , Globe . 326 Hand-in-H.327. Hope . 327 Imperial , 327 London Li.328 Ilondon. 328 Norwich 328 Pelic.In , 329 Phoenix. 329 tº Provident 329 Rock 329 Royal Exc. 330 Sun . 330 º: º Union . 330 Weſtminſterå31 , Weſtr Life 331 Iriſh Society * e ... 312 Juſtices in Eyre . e . 147 Kent, Duke of . e 144 King’s Band of Muſic. 130 King’s Bench, Court of . 245 King’s Chaplains . . 133 King’s Houſehold . . 125 King’s Houſehold at Windſor 136 King’s Hunt . © . 128 King's Library º . 131 King’s Meſſengers * 150 King’s Phyſicians , 131 King’s Serjeants and Counſel 249 King’s Stables . & . 127 Knights of the Bath . . *106 Knights of the Garter . . #105 Knights of St. Patrick. . *106 Rnights of the Thiſtle , $106 ‘Lancaſter Court . t . 250 Lancaſter-Duchy w , 249 Land Revenue Office , . 147 Land-Tax, Middleſex . 310 Lead-Company . . 320 Levant Company . . • 319 Lieutenants of London. . 311 Lincoln’s-Inn Society . . . 254 Linnean Society , e . . .298 Literary Fund . yº . 344 lºondon Female Penitentiary 348 London Inſtitution . , 300 | London Maritime Inſtitution Lord Lieutenants of Counties , Lord-Steward . tº e Lottery Office . tº & Lying-in-Charity e - º Lying-in-Charity (Central) Ditto for Wives of Guards . Marine Society . e Marſhalſea e º Marſhalſea Court . - & Maſonic Benefit-Society . Maſonic Charity . - º Maſter of the Horſe . & Mathematical Society . º Medical and ChirurgicalSociet Medical Society of London Merchants’ Seamen’s Office Military Accompts, Office of Mint . . . . . º * Miſſionary-Society . • Muſical Fund, new . e & Múſicians, Royal Society of . National. Monuments, Com- mittee for . . . º Naval Charitable Society . Naval Hoſpitals 42 sº Navy-Office ſº e Navy, Pay of . * º Negro Slaves, Society for Converſion of . e º Notaries . . Ordnance-Office . Oxford Univerſity & Patriotic Fund . . Pay-Office, Army º Marines * Navy - © Peers, Alphabetical Liſt of . Houſe of . - e Homage, &c, Fees . Iriſh repreſentative . Officers of Houſe of . Scotch repreſentative Peereſſes . e º e Petty Bag, Clerks of . tº Philanthropic Annuity Infli- tution . wn e Philanthropic Society . . . PhilanthropicSociety, MileEnd Philological Society, º Philoſ, phical Society . . Phyſicians, College of Pipe-Office . • '. Pleas, Office of 3 e- e º O. º º: wº º 345 25% 125. 265 336 342 340. 342. 125 242 329 344 348 343 298 301 248 248 A 3 ( vi ) * Police-Offices tº Poor, Society for bettering Poſt-Office, General . Twopenny tºtº*te Precedency, Table of . ſº Prince Regent’s Houſehold . Princeſſes Eſtabliſhment . Priſons, Officers of . tº Privy Chamber, Gentlemen of Privy Council . * tº Privy Seal wº e te Proëtors . & & Property-Tax Offiee . . & Propagation of Goſpl; Soc. fo Queen’s Houſehold . e Queen Anne's Bounty Office Rangers, &c. . £ecord-Office . sº º Réétors and Vicars . g Refuge for the Deſtitute Regiſter, Middleſex . o Regiſter-Office in Chancery . Relig. Knowledge Society for Religious Tract Society º Report Office . . . Robe-Office we * Royal Academy . tº Royal Artillery . Royal Inſtitution º Royal Marines . ſº Royal Military Academ Royal Navy, Liſt of . & Royal Society . • ' , Ruptured Poor, Society for . *::::: Poor, New $ºry Ruſſell Inſtitution . . Rúña Company . * º*tetee* St. Patrick; Society of . . Samaritan Society . avoy Court . tº * Saxe-Coburg, Prince of © School, Beccles . & e º Bhind . . . Camberwell . •. > Charter-Houſe e Chriſt's Hoſpital tº Clergymen’s Orphans Harrow . . . . Mancheſter º § Mercers Chapel ſº Merchant Paylors . National & •, i 31.3 284 266 268 ii 138 i 138 $14 129 123 149 270 3.11 283 137 282 147 243 27.8 3 248 341 283 284 242 129 296 - 230 298. 176 236 154 293 293 39%. 282 292 29i 291. 292 285 _, sº School,Orphan Working . 343 Repton . & . 293 Rugby . 292 St. Anne's * . -344 St. Olave’s * . 292 St. Paul’s. * . 291 St. Saviour’s . . .293 *Welſh . g . 343 Weſt-India Naval . 189 Schoolmaſters, Society of 346 Scotch Correſponding Society 282 Scotch Mines Corporation 321 Scots Corporation * > 346 Sea-bathing Infirmary . 336 Sea-Policy Office º 265 Secretaries of State . 149 Select Tračts, Society for 285 - Serjeants at Law . . . " 249 Servants, Soc. for encouraging 347 Sewers, Commiſſioners o 313 Sheriffs . º • 253 Ship-Owners Society . . 320 Sick Poor, Fund and Diſp. for 342 Signet-Office wº 150 Sion-College e º . 278 Six Clerks Office º . 241 Sixpenny Receivers Office 188 Small Debts, Society for 348 Sons of Clergy,Corporation of 282 Sons of Clergy, Anniverſary of 28% Sovereigns of Europe . 104 South-Sea Company . . . 319 Southwark Court . . 314 Staff-Officers • • . 190 Stamp-Office . . . 264 State-Paper Office te . 150 Stationery-Office. e 268 Storekeeper General . . 233. Sunday Schools, Society for . . 283. Suppression of Vice, Soc. for 284 Surgeons, College of . . 304 : Surrey Inſtitution z. . 300 Suſſex, Duke of . e ... 145 Swindlers,Society againſt . 391 | Tally-Court . . 256 Tax-Office • , , . 258 Taxes, Receiver-Gen. Office 311 Temple-Society . de 254 Tenths Office . tº . 282 Tower of Londoñ g 234 Trade, Board of , . . . 148 Treaſury . & sº . 254 ( vii - ) º 188 Trinity-houſe . . Truſs-Society . & . 341 Turkey-Company & ..- 319 Vaccine laſtitution (Original) 33 Vaccine National Eſtabliſhm. 341 Vaccine Inftitution, London 341 Veterinary College . . 297 Vićtualling-Office . . 185 Univerſal Medical Inſtitution 339 Wales, Princeſs of . 143 Wales, Prince of, as Steward of Scotland . & - 142 Wales, Prs. Charlotte of . 146 War-Office - * º . 232 Water-Colour Painters, Soc. of 296 Water-Works, Eaſt London 322 Water Wºrks, Weſt Middleſex 323 Water-Works, York Buildings 322 Welſh Judges . º . 249 Weſt-India Accompt,Office for 233 Weſtminſter Court • 252 Weſtminſter Library . . .297 Whitechapel Court . . 314 Whitehall-Chapel 135 Whitehall Chapel Preachers. 135 Widows, Laudable Society for 345 Life Aſſurance for . 327 London Society for 328 Medical Men’s,Soc. for 345 of Army Medical Staff, Society for . 346 Woolwich Academy . . 236 * Water-Works, Grand Junction 323 Woolwich Royal Laboratory 236 Water.Works, London-Bridge 322 || Works, Board of . . . . . 148 Water-Works, New River .. 322 || Yeomen of the Guard . . 126 Water-Works, South London: 323 York, Duke of . º ... 143 SCOTLAND. Admiralty-Court • . -357 | Induſtrious Blind tº • 365 Advocates e . 358 Keepers of Palaces . . 356 Antiquary Society º . 362 King’s Houſehold e . 355 Bank of Scotland. e . 363 Linen Company . º . S63 Baronets. . . º . 353 || Lyon-Office & a 356 Biſhops . . . . 359 || Lord-Lieutenants • . 358 . Chancery * © . 358 ying-in-Hoſpital . 365 Chamber of Commerce 363 Magdalene Aſylum . 365 Chapel Royal e . 355 Magiſtrates of Edingburh .. 358 Chriſtian Knowledge 359 Mint . o º , 356 College of Phyſicians 361 || Officers of State , ſº ... 355 College of Surgeons . . 362 | Peers & • * e . 349 Commiſſary Court . . .357 | Poſt-Office º * , 363 Convention of Royal Burghs 363 Privy Seal * º . 356 Court of Seſſion & . 357 | Public Diſpenſary º . 364 Court of Juſticiary . 357 || Regiſtrers Office . • - . 358 Qourt of Exchequer . . . 357 || Royal Academy . . . 363. Court of Police . & . 35 Royal Bank - . º • 363 Cuſtoms, &c. . . 368 Royal Infirmary . . . .333 Epiſcopal Society e . 359 Royal Society . & . 362 Exciſe-Office w . 363 Sheriffs e e cº . 358 Freemaſons Society . 364 Signet-Office . º • 358 General Aſſembly e . 359 | Sons of Clergy . e 360 Great Seal Office. º . 356 Staff-Officers o * • 356 High Officers of the Crown . 355 | Stamp-Office . o . 363 Highland Society 364. | Tax-Office . e º • 363 High School & • * . 361 | Teind Court e e 359 Horticultural-Society . . 362 Truſtees for Fiſheries, &c. . . 363 Hunterian Muſeum . 360 | Univerſities º º • 359 ( viii ) IRELAND. - Admilalty o º . 383 King’s Counſel . . 384 A) chdeacons e * . 386 Linen Manufacture . 388 Arms, Office of . º . 380 | Magiſtrates of ſublin . 389 Audit. Office. . Q . 385 Maynooth College . 387 , Bank . & # º e . 389 || Metropolitan Court . 386 Baronets . 378 Ordnance Eſtabliſhment . 382 Biſhops g 377 | Peers . e • • . .366 Chancery º 382 | Peereſſes . tº ſº . 376 Common Pleas, . 383 || Phyſicians, College of 387 Counties, Governors of 381 | Poſt-Office © e 385 Cuſtodes Rotulorum 380 | Prerogative Court te . 386 Cuſtoms . . . e 384 Privy Council . . . . 365 Deans e e s 386 Regiſter-Office º . 384 Dublin, Magiſtrates . . 389 Royal Academy . e . 388 Exchequer . • • . . 383 Royal and Foundation Schools 387 Exciſe {º º * . 385 Stamp-Office e e . 385 General Officers ſe . 381 | State-Officers e . 380 Governors of Garriſons . 382 | Treaſury Office . & . 384 hibernian Society . . 387 Trinity-College . . . . 386 King’s Bench . e . 382 - COLONIES AND ISLANDS. Amboyna . g e . 395 || Malta . te e . 390 Antigua • º . 393 || Marigalante e º , 395 Bahama Iſlands . º . 395 || Mauritius . º ſº . 395 Barbadoes .- e º 393 || Montſerratt . . . . . . 393 Berbice tº e e 394 || Nevis . e º . . 393 Bermuda . . . . . .394 | New Brunſwick . . . 392 Canada * > te s . 390 | New-found Land º . 392 Cape Breton e º . 392 | New South Wales wº . 396 Cape-Coaſt Caſtle t . 396 || Nova Scotia º e . 391 Cape of Good Hope . • 395 | Prince Edward's Iſland . 392 Ceylon e ë tº . 395 || Sierra Leone g e . 396 Demerara and Eſſequiboº 393 || St Chriſtopher . e . 393 Dominica .. * e . 394 | St Lucia * & . 394 Gibraltar . e de . 390 | St Vincent . & . 394 Grenada . g e • 394 || Tobago º & s : 394 Heligoland , º . 390 || Tortola º p g 395 Jamaica . o . 392 | Trinidad w º . 394 Leeward Iſlands ; . 393 || Virgin Iſlands . . . 393 wº-ºº-º-º-º-º-º: .* * - * T+HE KING’s MINISTERS - Firſt Lord of the Treaſury.--Earl of Liverpool. Lord-Chancellor. — Lord Eldon. Lard, Privy-Seal. — Earl of Weſtmorland. £reſident of the Council. —Earl of Harrowby. Three Secretaries of State.—Viſcount Sidmouth, (Home); Viſcount Caſtle- reagh, (Foreign); , Earl Bathurſt, (Colonial). Chancellor of the Exchequer. – Rt hon. Nicholas Vanſittart. Firſt Lord of the Admiralty.—Viſcount Melville. Moffer-General of the Ordnance. - Earl of Mulgrave. Preſident of the Board of Control. – Rt hon. George Canning." Chancellor, of the Duchy of Taneafter. — Rt hon. Charles Bathurſt. Mafter of the Mint. – Rt. hon. William Welleſley Pole. The above form the CABINET. *. Lord Steward. — Marquis.óf Chalmondeley. Lord Chamberlain. — Marquis of Hertford. Moffer of the shorſe. - Duke of Montroſe. Treaſurer of the Navy. — Rt'hon. George Roſe. Secretary-at-hºar. - Viſcount Palmerſton. Paymaſter of the Forces. – Right hon. Charles Long. Preſident of the Board of Trade. — l *ice-Preſident of Ditto. – Rt. hon. Frederick John Robinſon. 4ttorney-General. — Sir Samuel Shepherd, knt. Solicitor-Generaſ. - Sir Robert Gifford, knt - Pºſtmaſters-General. — Earl of Chicheſter and Marquis of Saliſbury. Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance. — Sir Hildebrand Oakes, bart. g } * • IRELAND. Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. – Earl Talbot °ºmmander of the Forces.—Rt hon, Gen. Sir Geo. Beckwith, batt. G.C.E. . Lord-Chancellor. — Lord Manners. *retary of State.--Right hon. Robert Peel. 4. Chancellor of the Exchequer. — Rt. hon. William Veſey Fitzgerald. Vice-freqſarer.- Rt Hon. Sir Geo. F itzgerald Hill, bart. 4ttorney-General—Righthon. William Saurin. Solicitor-General-Charles Kendal Buſhe, Eſq. * ( x ) tº; The Editor will ſtrićtly attend to any Communications that may be ſent to him, (direéted, POST-PAID, to Mr. MARch, the Publiſher, Ludgate-Street, j and will think himſelf more obliged, if the Page be marked where the Alteration is to take Place, and, if poſſible, from the lateſ; Edition : — Alſo in whoſe Room the Change is to be made. - Note, ſtarticularly, that no Altcration for the November Edition can be made that is not ſent within the firſt Week of 0&ſober; nor any for the April Edition that is not ſent before the End of March. *** While gratefully acknowledging the very liberal aſſiſtance for which he is indebted to thoſe gentlemen, in public ſituations who have ſo readily made the neceſſary corrections in the Liſts ſubmitted to their in- ſpection: and reſpectfully ſoliciting their future communications ; the Editor finds it neceſſary to intimate; that no notice of alteration, unac- companied with ſatisfactory authority and reference, nor any anonymous information, can poſſibly be attended to. - J. A. NOTES OF ABBREVIATION, # Privy Counſellor in England. F.S.A. Fellow of the Society of Arts. * Member of Parliament. B, or D. C.L. Bachclor or Dočtor of the Civil Law. . B. or D. D. Bachelor or Doctor of Divinity. " D.M. Doctor of Muſic. F. A.S. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries y F.E.S. Fellow of the Entomological Society. F.H.S. Fellow of the Horticultural Society. F.L.S. Fellow of theLinnaeansociety. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society, LL.D. Dočtor of Laws. M.A.S. Member of the Aſiatic. So-- Ciety. . . g M.D. Doctor of Medicine. M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Iriſh Academy. * | Minors in the Peerages. ; Roman Catholics. § Scotch and Iriſh repreſentative Peers. m.b.w. on arried; bachelor, widower, [ ] Incloſed thus, or thus, ( ), the Country-Seats of the Peers and Commons. British Orders of Knighthood. G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. K.C.B.Knt. Commanders of the Bath. K.A. St Andrew in Ruſſia K.A.N. Alexander Newſki in Ruſſia K.B.A. St Bento d'Avis in Portugal. K.B.E. Black Eagle in Ruſſia K.C. Cretcent in Turkey. K.C.S. Charles III. in Spain. K.E. Elephant in Denmark. K.F. Ferdinand in Spain. K.F.M. St. Ferdinand and Merit in Sicily. K.G.F. Golden Fleece in Spain. K.G.V. Guſtavus Vaſa, in Sweden. K.J. St Joachim. .* K.L. Leopold of Auſtria. K.M. Knight of Malta. © $ K.G. Knight of the Garter. K. P. Knight of St Patrick. K.T. Knight of the Thiſtle. Foreign Orde-s. K. M.H. Merit in Holſtein. K.M.J.Maximilian Joſephin Bavaria. K.M.T. St Maria Thereſa in Auſtria. . K.N.S.Royal North Star in Sweden. R.E. Red Eagle in Pruſſia. .S. Sword in Sweden. S.A. St Anne in Ruſſia, .S.E. St Eſprit in France. S.G. St George in Ruſſia. S.L. Sun and Lion in Perſia, . S.P. St Staniſlaus in Poland. S.W. St Wlademir in Ruſſia. .W. William in the Netherlands. K.W.E. White Eagle in Poland. K.T.S.Tower and Sword in Portugal. K K K K K K K K K N.B. Foreign Orders give no title of Appellation, ( 1:1 ) > tº ºr THE Kº I N G. * 1760. NEORGE III. King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain '0&. 25. and Ireland, and Hanover, Defender of the Faith, Sove- ‘reign of the Orders of the Garter, Thiſtle, Batn, and St. Patrick. [h'indſor-Caffle, and Xew-Palace..] m. . THE REGENT. ** III. 1811. Feb. 5. # His Royal Highneſs GE or Gr-Au Gustus- FRED E R1ck, Prince Regent of Great Britain and Hanover, and Guar- dian of the Duchy of Brunſwick, Prince of Wales, and Electoral Prince of Brunſwick-Lunenburg, Duke of Cornwall and Rothſay, Earl of 'Cheſter and Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Iſles, Great Steward of Scotland, High Steward of Plymouth, Colonel of the Toth Regiment of Dragoons, and Capt.-General of the Hon. Artillery- ‘Company, K.G. K.A., A.N., S.E., G.F., E., & B.E. F.R.S. & D.C.L. ºThe fºllº, Brighthelmſfone, Suſſex; and the Cortage, Windsor- ank.] m. - The Hous E of PEERS. §3. The Scotch Pee, s take Precedence of Engliſh Peers of the ſame Rank created ſince the Union in 1707 : The Iriſh Peers take, in like Manner, Precedence of Britiſh Peers of the ſame Rank, created ſince the Union in . - 1801 : And I, iſ, Peers created/ince the Union rank according to the Dates ºf their Patents among the Peers ºf the United Kingdoms. •. * SP EAker, ºf Lord ELDON. * - PEERs of the BLOOD ROYAL. (7) 4784. Nov. 27., $ Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, Earl of Ulſter in Ireland, Biſhop of Oſnaburgh, a Field-Marſhal, Commander- in-Chief of all the Land-Forces, Colonel of the Firſt Regiment of Foot- . Guards, Col.-in-Chief of the 69th , (er Royal American) Regiment, and of the Royal Dublin Reg. of Infantry, Officiating Grand Maſter of the Order of the Bath, High Steward of New Windſor, and Warden and Keeper of New Foreſt, Hampſhire, K.G. G.C.B. K.S.E., B.E., R.E., M.T. &.C.S. D.C.L. & F.R.S. [Oatlands-Paré, Surrey, J m. 1789. May 16. tº Prince William Henry, Duke of Clarence and St. An- 'drews, Earl of Munſter in Ireland, Admiral of the Fleet, and Ran- ger of Buſhy-Park, K.G. K.T. G.C.B. K.S.E. D.C.L. & F.S.A. IBuſy-Park, Middleſex.] b. f * * Y. 1% House of PE E R s. Dukes. # 1799, April 23. § Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathern, Earl - f , of Dublin in Ireland, a Field-Marſhal, Colonel of the Royal Scots Regt. { % (4 ... of Foot, Governor of Gibraltar, and Keeper and Paler of Hampton-Court ‘. . . . . Park,..K.G. G.C.B. & K.P. [Kenſington-Palace, and Caſtle-hill, * Middleſex.] 6. - * . . / 1799. April 23. § Prince Erneſt Auguſtus, Duke of Cumberlând and Tiviotdale, Earl of Armagh in Irel. a Field-Marſhal, Preſident of the 4. ió Board of General Officers and of the Royal Naval Aſylum, Colonel of . # the 15th Reg. of Dragoons, and Chancellor of the Univerſity of Dublin, K.G. G.C.B. D.C.L. & F.S.A., [Kew-Green, Middleſex.] m. S) 1801. Nov. 27.%. Prince Auguſtus Frederick, Duke of Suſſex, Earl &# Inver- A neſs, Baron of Arklow, Preſident of the Society of Arts, and Colonel of * . . . . the Hon. Artillery Company, K.G. . [Kenſington-Palace, and Windſor- Caſtle..] b. - - J 1801. Nov. 27. § Prince Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Tipperary, and Baron of Culloden, Governor-General of Han- over, Chancellor of the Univerſity of St. Andrews, a Field-Marſhal, Co- y lonel of the Coldſtream Regiment of Foot-Guards, K.G. & G.C.B. b. # 1764. Nov. 14... }. Prince William-Frederick, Duke of Glouceſter and /* Edinburgh, Earl of Connaught in Ireland,ia Field Marſhal, Colonel of } . the 3d Reg. of Foot-Guards, Chancellor of the Univerſity of Cambridge, ' ' ' ' ' ' and Ranger of Bagſhöt-Park and Walk; KG. G.C.B. F.R.S. D.C.L. & . . . . F.S.A. . [Bagſbor-Park, Surrey;} , me. - - D U K E S. (18) - - Rich.III. 1483. June 28. f Bernard Edward Howard, D. of Norfolk, E. of Surrey and Arundel, Hereditary E.-Marſhal of England, Premier - - Peer and Earl, , F.S.A.. [Workſop-Abbey, Notts; Arundel-Caffle, Suſſex; and Formham St.-Genevieve, Suffolk.] - ***. His Grace enjoys the Earldom of Arundel, as a feudal honour, by inheritance and poſſeſſion of the Caſtle, without any other creation. &fohy, VI. 1546. Feb. 16. Edward AAdolphus Seymour, D. of Somer- ſet, Lord Scymour, D.C.L. & F.R.S.. [Bulſtrode-Park, Bucks; Farley- Park, Somerſet ; Berry-Caſtle, Devon; and Bradley-Houſe, Wilts.] m. * @ 5a. II. 1675. Aug. 9. §Charles Lennox, D. of Richmond, E. of March, - a General, Colonel of the 35th Regiment, Governor of Plymouth, . . . . Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos. Rotulorums of Suſſex, and High Steward of Chicheſter, K.G. (Duke of Lennox in Scotland, and D'Aubigny in France.) . [Goodwood-Park, and hººft Stoke; Suſſex.] ; m: . . . . . # 1675. Sept. 11...George Henry Fitzroy, P. of Grafton, E. of Euſton, hereditary Ranger of Whittlebury - Foreſt, Northamptonſhire, Lord Lieutenant, Vice-Admiral, and Cuſtos Rotulorum, of the County of Suffolk, a Truſtee, of the Hunterian Muſeum, and Recorder of T hetford. [Euftan-Hall, Suffolk; and Wakefield-Lodge, Northampton/Aire.] w. | 1682. Dec. 2. Henry Charles Somerſet; D. of Beaufort, M. of wor- ceſter, Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rot, of the Counties of Glouceſter, Monmouth, and Brecon, and Receiver of Rents for Monmouthſhire in the Duchy-Sourt of Lancaſter, Conſtable of St. Breawal's Caſtle, and Warden of the Foreſt of Dean, K.G. & D.C.L. [Badminton-Houſe, and Botatourt-Park, Glouceſter/Aire, and Troy-Houſe, Monmouth/ire.]" . • 2.44. 3. A4 amºrcoº * 44 ~~~~ %-24- /* *% /zºº/* Z.Z.4- :^ 4.- * 7 %~ : /e:-4 /x/4, 4 … … . w aſº Ho U S E of PE E R S. Durzs. 13 rô83. Yan. Io. William Beauclerck, D. of St. Albans, E. of Burford, Regiſtrer of Chancery, and Hereditary Grand Falconer of England, a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. m. * Öğüí. III. 1694. May 4. George William Frederick Oſborne, Duke of Leeds, Marquis of Carmarthen, Lord-Lieutenant of the North Riding of Yorkſhire, Governor of the Iſlands of Scilly, Ranger of Richmond- Foreſt; and Conſtable of Middleham-Caſtle. (V. Dunblane in Scot- land.) [Hornby-Caſtle, and Kiveton-park, Yorkſhire; and Godolphin- i’ark, Cornwall.] m. 1694. May 11, # John Ruſſell, D. of Bedfogd, M. of Taviſtock, Recorder of Bedford, F.S.A. L.Woburn-Abbey, Bedfordſhire, and Taviflock-Houſe, Devon..] m. ‘’ * * * * 1694. May 12. William Spencer Cavendiſh, D. of Devonſhire, Marq. of Hartington, High Steward, Ld-Lieut. and Cuſtos Rot. of the Co. of Derby, D.C.L. [Chatſworth-Houſe, and Hardwick-Hall, Derby/A1, e, Laneſborough-Park, Yorkſhire; Chiſwick-Houſe, Middleſex ; and Liſmore- Caſtle, Waterford.] b. - Sinne. 1702. Dec. 14. Geo. Spencer, D. of Marlborongh, M. of Blandford, High Steward of Oxford and Woodſtock, F.S.A.. [Blenheim-Houſe, Oxon; Sion-Hill, Middleſex ; Brighthelmſtone, Suſſex; and Lockeridge- Houſe, Wilts.] m. 1703. March Io. John Henry Manners, D. of Rutland, M. of Granby, Recorder of Cambridge and Scarborough, Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Leiceſter, and a Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, K. G. [Belvoir-Caſtle, Lincolnſhire; Haddon-Hall, Derbyſhire; and Cheveley-Park, Cambridge/ire.] m. - 1711. Sept. Io. Archibald Hamilton, D. of Brandon, Lord Dutton, Keeper of Holyrood-Houſe. (Duke of Hamilton and Premier Peer in Scotland, and Duke of Chatelherault in France.) [4/Aton-Hall, Lan- caſhire; Hamilton-Houſe, Lanarkſhire; and Kinnie', Linlithgowſhire.] w. &zo. I. 1716. july 6. Wm. Henry Cavendiſh Scott Bentinck, D. of Portland, M. of Titchfield, a Family-Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, and Lord-Lieutenant of Middleſex. [helbeck-Abbey, Notts, and Bolſover- Caſtle, Derbyſhire.] m. --- 1719. April 30. Wm. Montagu, D. of Mancheſter, V. Mandeville, Captain Gen. and Gov. of Jamaica, Lord-Lt. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Huntingdom. [Kimbolton-Caffle, Huntingdom/.] m. 1720, june 13. Charles Sackville Germain, D. of Dorſet, Earl of Mid- dleſex. [Drayton-House, Northamſhton/a, e.] §. QEco. II. 1756. Nov. 13. Henry Pelham Clinton, D. of Newcaſtle, Earl of Lincoln, Lord-Lt. and Cuſt, Rot. of Nottinghamſhire, Cuſt. Rot. of Newark, Steward of the Foreſt of Sherwood, and High Steward of Retford, K.G. [Nottingham-Caſtle and Clumber-Park, Notts.] m. B 14 Hous E of PEERs. Dukes. . . * Geo.III. 1766. 0.5.22. Hugh Perey, D. of Northumberland, Earl Perey, * Lord-Lieutenant and Vice-Admiral of Northumberland and New- caſtle-upon-Tyne, Conſtable of Launceſton-Caſtle, and High Steward of Launceſton, [Alnwick-Caſtle, Northumberland; Sion-Houſe, Middleſex; and hºerrington-Park, Cornwall.] m. . . . . *::::::: 1814. May 3. & Arthur Welleſley, Duke of Wellington, Marquis of Douro, a Field-Marſhal and Colonel of the Royal Re- giment of Horſe-Guards, Commander-in-Chief of the Cautionary Forces in France, and a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, (Prince of . Waterloo, and a Field-Marſhal in the Netherlands, Duke of Ciudad- Rodrigo, Grandee of the Higheſt Claſs, and a Captain-General in Spain, Duke of Vittoria and Marſhal-General in Portugal,) K.G. G.C.B. - ić.A., B.E., C.S., E., F., F.M., G.F., M.J., M.T., S., St.E., St.G., ... - T.s. & W.-D.C.L. m. ------ L. --- ~~~~~ zºomºrº"T • . . A , - - 2- . . . jº º . . . . *. ... - ... ** * s / ... - - £ . # * : .. - .*. . ; - ** . A. . ki r ; ... ºr * s f..s.º. ºf 3 “ . . . . *... - . . Fº $24.2 . . . , #7. {-X - Écº . . .” %. º * ... . . . 4... . - f - f * / ...~~~ : •x º / A " .." * } & . & º ( ~ ... : * M .* A- • //, • i. gº. ' ' ' ,º f ***** A' C. : * ~ * - H O U S E of PE E R S. Marquises. 15 (, ; 2. tº . . . . . MARQUISES. (16) ti j < * , ! { } ~ r «Eoin. VI. 1551. 0&. 12. #Charles Ingoldſby Paulet, M, of Wincheſter, E. of Wiltſhire, premier Marquis of England, Groom of the Stole to the King. [4mport, near Andover, Hants.] m. QBro. III. 1784, Nov. 30. #Richard Grenville Chandos Temple, M. of Buckingham, E. Temple, Ld-Lt. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Bucks, (Earl Nugent in Ireland,) D.C.L. [Stowe-Park, Buckinghamſhire; and Avington-Hosſe, Hants.] m. 1784. Nov. 30. § Henry Petty, M. of Lanſdowne, E. of Wycombe, (Earl of Shelburne in Ireland.) F.R.S. [Bow-wood, Wilts.] m. - 1786. Feb. 28. § George Granville Leveſon Gower, M. of Stafford, E. , Gower, Ld-Lieutenant and § Right of his Wife) hereditary Sheriff of Sutherlandſhire, and Cuſtos Rotulorum of Staffordſhire, K. G. [Tren. tham-Hall, Stafford/Aire, and Dunrobin-Caſtle, Sutherland.] m. i.787. Oči. 27. George Townſhend, M. Townſhend, Earl of Leiceſter, High Steward of Tamworth. [Tamworth-Caſtle, Stafford/ºire.] m. 1789. Aug. 18. § James Cecil, Marquis of Saliſbury, V. Cranborn, Joint Poſt-Maſter General, Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County, of Herts, and High Steward of Hertford, K.G. D.C.L. F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Hatfield-Houſe, and Cecil-Lodge, Hertford/ºire.] m. 1789. Aug. 18. Thomas Thynne, M. of Bath, V. Weymouth, D.C.L. '8: F.S.A.. [Longleat, Wilts.] m. 1790. 05. 2. John James Hamilton, M. of Abercorn, V. Hamilton, a Governor of the Counties of Donegall and Tyrone, (Earl of Aber- corn in Scotland, and Viſcount Strabane in Ireland, and a Privy- Counſellor there.) K.G. [Dudingstone-Houſe, Edinburgh/hire; Baron's Court, Ireland; and Bentley-Priory, Middleſex.] m. 1792. Aug. 15. Charles Cornwallis, M. Cornwallis, V. Brome, Maſter of the King's Hounds. [Brome-Hall, and Culford, Suffolk, and Swinley- , Lodge, Berks.] m. 1793. June 29. § Francis Ingram Seymour Conway, Marquis of Hertford, E. of Yarmouth, Lord Lieutenant and Cuſt. Rot. of Warwickſhire, Lord Chamberlain of the Houſehold, Cuſt. Rot. of Antrim, and a Privy-Coun- fellor in Ireland, (Lord Conway and Killulta in Ireland,) K.G. & F.S.A. [Ragley, hºarwick/?ire, and Sudbourn-Hall, near Orford, Suffolk.] m. B 2. 16 H O U S E ºf P E E R S. Marqurses. 3796. March 11. John Crichton Stuart, M. of Bute, Earl of Windſor, Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Glamorgan, and Lord Lieutenant of Buteſhire, Hereditary Coroner of the Iſland of Bute and Keeper of Rothſay-Caſtle: (Earl of Dumfries and Bute in Scotland.) [Mount-Stuart, Iſle of Bute; Luton-Houſe, Bedfordhure; Cardif-Caſtle, Glamorgan/Fire ; and Damfries-House, Ayrſhire.] b. 1Sor. Feb. 4. Brownlow Cecil, M. of Exeter, Lord Burghley, joint here- ditary grand Almoner to the King in Fee, Recorder of the Borough of Stamford. [Burghley-Houſe, near Stamford, Lincolnſhire.] b. Regency. 1812. Aug. 15. Charles Compton, M. of Northampton, Earl s Compton, Ld-Lt. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Northampton, - Rccorder of Northampton, F.S.A. & M.A. [Caſtle-A/Aby, Northampton- Aire, and Compton-Vinyates, Warwick/ºire.} m. .* $812. Aug. I 5, # John ſº Pratt, M.Camden, E of Brecknock, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, an Elder Brother of the Trinity-Houſe, Lord-Lieut. Vice-Admiral, and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Kent and City of Canterbury, and Recorder of Bath, w and Brecmock-Priory, South Wales.] m. K.G. F.S.A. & M.A. [Wilderneſs-Park, Kent; Bayham-Abbey, Suſſex; 1815. june 23. Henry William Paget, M, of Anglesey, E. of Uxbridge, a Lieutenant-General, and Colonel of the 7th Regiment of Dragoons, Lord. Lieutenant, Cuſtos Rotulorum, and Vice-Admiral of the County of Angleſey, and Ranger of Snowdown Foreſt, G.C.B. K.M.T. & K.S.G. r [Beaudeſert-Park, Stafford/fre, and Plas-Newyd, Iſle of Angleſey.] m. 1815. Sept. 30. # George James Cholmondeley, M. of Cholmondeley, E. of Rocksavage, Lord Steward of the Houſehold, judge 6f the Mar. ſhalſea and Palace Court, and Chamberlain of Cheſter; (V.-Cholmon- deley, in Ireland.) [Cholmondeley-Hall, Cheſhire; and Trent-Place, Middleſex.] m. " ~" , - .* . . . . . '1816. Dec. º Francis Rawdon Haſtings, M. of Haſtings, E. of Rawdon, Governor-General of India, a General, Conſtable and chief Governor of the Tower of London, Lord Lieut. and Cuſt. Rot. of the Tower-diviſion, Colonel of the 27th Regiment, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, and one of the Council of the Prince of Wales in Cornwall and Scotland, (Earl of Moira in Ireland.) K.G. F.R.S. F.S.A., <& M.R.I.A. [Donington-Park, Icicºſe/Aire; Rawdon-Hall; Yorºire ; º, Loudon-Caſtle, Airſhire.] m. * ~, H O U S E of P E E R S. EARLs, 17 & * EARLS. (roo) -*—- • * r Ipen. VI. 1442. May 20. Charles Talbot, E. of Shrewſbury, Lord: Talbot, F.S.A. (Earl of Waterford and Wexford in Ireland.) [Heythrop- Houſe, Oxford/Aire, and Grafton-Hall, Worceſter/hire.] m. ſpen.VII. 1485. Oči. 27. §§ Edw. Smith Stanley, E. of Derby, Lord Stanley, Ld-Lt. and Cuſt. Rot. of Lancaſhire, M.A. [Knowſley-Park, near Preſ- cor, Lancaſhire, and the Oakes, Surrey.1 m. , ! ~s. Čpm. VI. 1551. Off. I I, § George Auguſtus Herbert, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery; Ld Herbert, Lord-Lieut. and Cuſt. Rot, of Wilts, High Steward of Saliſbury, Governor of Guernſey, a General, Colonel of the 6th Reg. of Drag. and Hereditary, Viſitor of Jeſus-College, Ox-- ford, K.G. [Wilton-Houſe, near Saliſbury.] m. * 3|am. I. 1603. july 2i. John Howard, E. of Suffolk and Berkſhire, V. Andover, Governor of Londonderry and Culmore Forts, a Général, and Colonel of the 44th Regiment, F.S.A.. [Charleton, near Devizes, Wilts, and Suffolk-Houſe, Cheltenham, Glouceſterſhire.] 777, 1617. May 27. John William Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater, W. Brackley, a General, and Col. of the 14th Reg, of Dragoons, Steward of Eſtates to the Prince of Wales in Hertfordſhire, and Maſter of Gretham-Hof- pital, Durham, F.R. & A.S. [44ridge-Park, Bucks.] m. 1622. Sept. 14. Baſil Percy Fielding, E. of Denbigh, v. Fielding, (E. of Deſmond in Ireland and a Count in Germany.) [Mar. ?inſthorpe, Northampton/Aire, and Newnham-Paddox, near Lutter. worth.] & 1624. May 29, #John Făne, E. of Weſtmorland, Ld Burgherſh, Lord! Privy-Seal, an official Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, and Recorder of Lime-Regis, K. G. [4pthorp-Hall, Northampton/Atre, and Brimpton- Houſe, Somerſet.] m. Qſìg, H 1626. Nov. 8. Albemarle Bertie, E. of Lindſey, Lord Bertie, aſ General, Colonel of the 89th Regiment, and Governor of Blackneſs-- Caſtle. [Uffington, Lincolnſhire.] m. 1628. March 26. George Harry Grey, E. of Stamford and Warrington, Lörd º of Groby, Lord-Lieutenant, and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Cheſter, F.S.A. [Dunham-Park, Cheſhire, and Enville-Hell, Stafford/ºire.] m. ~ 1628. july 12, tº George Rinch, E. of Winchilfea and Nottingham, V. Maidſtone, Comptroller of the King’s Houſehold, Lord of #. Royal Manor of Wye, and Lord-Lieut, and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County. of Rutland, , K.G., F.R. & A.S. tº-ºn, kulº B, 3 1-3 HOUSE of PEER S. EARLs. \ 1628. Aug. 4. || George Auguſtus Frederick Stanhope, E. of Cheſterfield, Lord Stanhope, [Bradby-Hall, Derbyſhire.] b. 1628. Aug. 5. Sackville Tufton, E, of Thanet, Ld Tufton, Hereditary Sheriff of Weſtmörland. [Hothfield-Place, Kent; Appleby-Caftke, Weſtmorland; and Skipton, York/..] m. i. Cha. II. 1660. july 12. George-John Montagu, E. of Sandwich, V. Hin- chinbrook, LL.D. [Hinchinbrook-Houſe, near Huntingdon.] m. 1661. April 20. George Capel-Comingſby, Earl of Eſſex, v. Malden, Recorder and High Steward of Leominſter, F.S.A. & D.C.L. [Caſhio- berry-Park, near hºaford, Herts.] m. 1661. Apr. 20. Robert Brudenell, E. of Cardigan, L. Brudenell. [Dean- Park, Northampton/Aire, and Twickenham, Middleſex.] m. 1661. April 20. # Frederick Howard, E. of Carliſle, V. Morpeth, K. G. [Caſtle-Howard, York/Aire, and Naworth-Caſtle, Cumberland.] m. 1662. Feb. 15. Charles-William-Henry Scott, E. of Doncaſter, Lord Tyne. dale, Lord-Lieutenant of Edinburghſhire, and Dumfriesſhire, (Duke of Buccleugh in Scotland.) K.T. [Dalkeith-Houſe, near Edinburgh; Langholm-Caſtle, and Drumlanrig-Caſtle, Dumfries/ºire.] w. 1672. April 23. # Cropley Aſhley Cooper, E. of Shafteſbury, Ld Aſhley. Chairman of the Committees in the Houſe of Lords. [St. Giles's Houſe, Dorſetſhire.] m. 1679. Sept. 11. Thomas Moreton Fitzbardinge Berkeley, Earl of Berke- ley, Viſcount Durſley. b. 1682, Nov. 30. Montague Bertie, E. of Abingdon, Lord Norreys, High Steward of Abingdon, D.C.L. [Wytham-Abbey, Berks.] m. 1682. Dec. 6. Other Archer Windſor, E. of Plymouth, Lord Windſor. [Hewell-Grange, hºorcefferſhire, and St. Fugan's Caſtle, Glamorgan- /Aire.] m. * .* &iſi. III.i.690. April 15. Richard Lumley-Saunderſon, E, of Scarborough, V. Lumley. (V. Lumley in Ireland.) [Lumley-Caffle, Durham, and Sandbeck-Park, York/Aire.] m. -* 1695. May 19, Wm Henry Naſſau, E. of Rochford, V. Tunbridge. [Ea- Áon-Hall, Suffolk.] b. 1696. Feb. Io. Wm. Charles Keppel, E. of Albemarle, V.Bury. [Quid- denham-Hall, Norfolk, and Elveden-Hall, Suffolk.] m. ‘. 1697, April 26. George William Coventry, E. of Coventry, V. Deerhurſt, Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rotulorum of Worceſterſhire, Recorder of Worceſter, and High Steward of Tewkeſbury, [Crome-Court, Worceſter- /hire.] m. & 1697. Sept. 24. George Villiers, E. of Jerſey, V. Villiers, (Viſcount Grandiſon in Ireland.) [Middleton-Park, Oxford/ºire, and offerley- Park, Middleſex.] m. . t * ?inne, 17c6. Dec. 29. John Poulett, E. Poulett, V. Hinton, a Lord of the King’s Bedchamber, Lord-Lieut. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Somerſet, and Recorder of Bridgewater, K.T. [Hinton Saint George, Somerſet/ire.] ???, g * . . . H O U S E of P E E R S. Earls. 19 1711. july24. Edward Harley, E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, Ld Harley. [Eywood-Houſe, and Brampton-Park, Herefordſhire.] m. 1711. Sept. 3. Robert Shirley, E. Ferrers, V. Tamworth, F. S. A. L[Staunton-Harold, Rekdale, Leiceſterſhire, and Chartley-Caſtle, Stafford- Aire.] m. # 1711. Sept. 5. Wilkiam Legge, E. of Dartmouth, V. Lewiſham. [Sand- wel-Park, Stafford/ºire, and Wood/al-Hall, York/Aire.] b. - (Bes. I. 1714. Očí. 15. # Charles Bennet, E. of Tankerville, L. Oſſulſton. |[Mount-Felix, Surrey, and Chillingham-Caſtle, Northumberland.] m. 1714. Oğ. 15. Heneage Finch, E. of Aylesford, Lord Guernſey. [Pack- ington-Hall, ſºarwickſhire.] b. * 1714. Oğ, 15. Frederick William Hervey, E. of Briſtol, Ld Hervey, He- reditary Steward of St. Edmundſbury, F.R.S. [Icworth-Park, Suffolk, and Putney-Heath, Surrey.] m. r 1718. March 18. Peter-Leopold-Louis-Francis Cowper, E. Cowper, V. Fordwich, F.R.S. (a Count in Germany.) [Mote-Houſe, Kent, and Cole’s-green Park, Herts.] m, t 1718. April 7. Philip Henry Stanhope, E. Stanhope, V. Mahon, Keeper of the Records in Birmingham Tower, Dublin. iChevening- Place, Kent, and Mahon-Houſe, Devon..] m. 1719. May 4. |Philip. Sherard, Earl of Harborough, Lord Sherard, (Ld Sherard in Ireland.) [Stapleford, Leiceſher/hire, and Glaiſon, Rut- Band.] b. 1721. Nov. 15 tº George Parker, E. of Macclesfield, V. Parker, Ilord Lieut. of Oxfordſhire, and High Steward of Henley, in that county, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, and Prefident of the Board of Agri- culture, D.C.L. & F.R.S. [Sherborne-Caſtle, Oxfordſhire, and Bucſoft- Jeigh, Devon...] m. ' * * 1721. Dec. 21. George Fermor, E. of Pomfret, Ld Leominſter, D.C.L. [Eaſton-Hall, near Towceſter, Northampton/Aire.] m. s 1722. May 23. # James Graham, E. Graham, Lord Belford, Maſter of the Horſe to the King, Lord Juſtice-General of Scotland, Lord-Lieutenant of Stirlingſhire,Chancellor of Glaſgow-Univerſity,an extraordinary Direétor of the Bank of Scotland, (Duke of Montroſe in Scotland,) K. G. & D.C.L. [Buchanan-Houſe, Dumbarton/Aire.] m. * QBeo. II. 1729. Sept. 16. John James Waldegrave, E. Waldegrave, V. Chewton, a Lieutenant-Colonel of the 54th Regiment. ‘w. 1730. May 24. George Aſhburnham, Earl of Aſhburnham, V. St. Aſaph. [4%burnham-Place, Suſſex.] m. 1741. Feb. 9. § Charles Stanhope, E. of Harrington, V. Peterſham, Cap- tain, Governor, and Conſtable, of Windſor-Caſtle, a Gen. in the Army, and Col. of the 1ſt Reg. of Life-Guards, F.S.A. [E]vaſion-Hall, Derbyſhire.] m. 1743. April 1 1. John-Charles Wallop, E. of Portſmouth, V. Lymington, Bailif of Bulley in the New Foreſt. [Hurſtbourne-Park, Hants.] m. 1746. july 7. Henry Richard Greville, E. Brooke and E. of Warwick, La Brooke, ſh'arwick-Caſtle, and Brºoke-Houſe, Dorſet.] m, , 20 H O U S E of P E E R.S. EARLs, 1746. Aug. 20. George Robert Hobart, E. of Buckinghamſhire, Ld Hobart. [Nocton-Houſe, Lincoln/Aire, and Roehampton, Surrey.]. b. 1746. Sep. 6. #Wm Wentworth Fitzwilliam, E. Fitzwilliam, V. Milton, Lord-Lieut. and Cuſt. Rot. of the Weſt Riding of the Co. of York, High Steward of Hull, Cuſt. Rot, of the Soke of Peterborough, and Rec. of Higham-Ferrers, (E. Fitzwilliam in Ireland,) D.C.L. [Went- worth-Houſe, Yorkſhire; Milton-Park, Northamptonſhire; and Malton, Wicklow.] m. 1749. Oč. 3. Geo. O'Brien Wyndham, E. of Egrgmont, Ld Cockermouth, F.R. & A.S. [Petworth, Suſſex, and Orchard-Wyndham, near Watchet, Somerſetſhire.] m. 1749. Dec. 1. William Harcourt, E. Harcourt, V. Nuneham, a General and Colonel of the 16th Regiment of Dragoons, Governor of Portſmouth, Maſter of the Horſe to the Queen, Deputy-Lieutenant of Windſor-Foreſt, and Deputy-Ranger of Windſor Great Park. [Nuneham-Courtney, Oxon, and St. Leonard's Hill, Bucks...] m. 1752. April 8. Frederick North, E. of Guilford, Lord North, joint Cham- berlain of the Exchequer Tally-Office, and High Steward of Banbury. [Wroxton-Abbey, near Banbury.] m. 1754. April 2, #Philip Yorke, E. of Hardwicke, V. Royſton, a Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, High Steward of Cambridge-Univerſity, and Ld-Lt. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Cambridge, K.G. F.R. & A.S. [Wimpole, near Arrington, Cambridge/hire, and Tytten- hanger, near St. Alban's, Herts.] m. 1754. April 3. Wm Harry Vane, E. of Darlington, V. Barnard, Ld-Lt. and Vice-Adm. of the Co.-Palatine of Durham. [Raby-Caſtle, Durham.] m. 1756. june 5. Henry Stephen Fox-Strangways, E. of Ilcheſter, Ld Sta- vordale. D.C.L. [Melbury-Houſe, near Sherborne, Dorſet, and Redlynch, Somerſet/hire.] m. QEco.III. 1761. March 18. George-John Weſt, E. De Lawarr, V.Cantalupe, a Lord of the King’s Bedchamber. m. 1765. 0&. 31. Jacob-Pleydell Bouverie, E. of Radnor, V. Folkeſtone, Ld-Lt. and Cuſt. Rot. of the Co. of Berks, Recorder of Sarum, and High Steward of Wallingford, M.A. F.R. & A.S. [Longford-Caſtle, Wilts, and Cole/il-Houſe, Berks.] m. 1765. Nov. 1.3% Geo.-John Spencer, E. Spencer, V. Althorp, a Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, an elder Bro- ther of the Trinity-Houſe, and High Steward of St Albans, K.G. F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Althorp-Park, Northampton/Aire; Brandon, Norfolk; Wim- bledon-Park, Surrey; and St Albans, Herts.] m. 1766. Aug. 4. 's John Pitt, E. of Chatham, V. Pitt, Governor of Jerſey, an elder Brother of the Trinity-Houſe, a Governor of the Charter- . Houſe, High Steward of Colcheſter, a General in the Army, and Colonel of the 4th Regiment of Foot, K. G. [Gedding, Kent.]. m. 1772. Aug. 27. § Henry Bathurſt, E. Bathurſt, Ld Apſley, Secretary of State for the Colonial-Department, a Commiſſioner for the Affairs of India, one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, and Joint-Clerk of the Crown, K.G. F.S.A. & D.C.L. [Oakley-Grove, Cirenceſter, Glouceſter/irs, and Apſley, Suſſex.] m, º * * House of PEERs. Easts. 21 & 1772. Aug. 28. Arthur-Blundell-Sandys-Trumbull. Hill, E. of Hilſbo- rough, V. Fairford, Hereditary Conſtable 6f Hilſborough-Fort, (M. of Downſhire, in Ireland.) D.C.L. [Hilſborough-Caft/e, Downſhire, Pré- . Jand.] m. tº * * * 1776. june Io., Charles Bruce Brudenell Bruce, E. of Aileſbury, LdBruce, [Torrenham-Park, near Maliborough, Wilts, Tanfield-Hall, Yorkſhire, and Eaſt Sheen, Surrey.] m. - 1776. june 14. Thomas Villiers, E. of Clarendon, Lord Hyde, (a Count of the Kingdom of Pruſſia.) [Hindon, Wilts, and Grove-Park, Herts J b. 1784. May 17. Henry Neville, E. of Abergavenny, V. Neville, Re- corder of Harwich, and Patent Inſpector of Proſecutions at the Cuſtom- Houſe, K.T. [Eridge-Caſtle, Kent.] ‘w. 1784. fuly 2. Alexander Gordon, E. of Norwich, Ld Gordon, Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, Hereditary Keeper of Inverneſs-Caſtle, and Chancellor of King’s College, Aberdeen, (Duke of Gordon and Premier Marquis in Scotland,). K. T. & F.R.S. [Strathbogy-Caſtle, Aberdeen- 4ire, and Gordon-Caſtle, Banfshire.] w. 1784. july 3. ‘Charles Chetwynd Talbot Chetwynd, E. Talbot, V. In- geſtrie, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Grand Maſter of the Order of St. , Patrick, Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordſhire. F.S.A. [Dublin-Caſtle, and Phoenix-Park, Ireland; and Ingeſirie-Hall, near Stafford,J m. 1784. july 5. # Robert Groſvenor, E. Groſvenor, V. Belgrave, Lord- Lieut. of the county of Flint. [Eaton-Houſe, near Chefter, and Halkin- Houſe, Flintſhire.] m. * -- *. J - 1786. Aug. 8. § John Murray, E. Strange, L. Murray, Lord of the Iſle of Man, ILord-Lieutenant of Perthſhne, (Duke of Atholl in . Scotland,) K.T. & F. R. S. [4tholl-Houſe, and Dunkeld, Pe, th/ºire,’ and Mone-Caſtle, Iſle of Man.] m. * * . 1789. Aug. 18.3% Richard Edgcombe, E. of Mount-Edgcombe, V.Valletort, Lord-Lieutenant, Vice-Admiral, and Cuſtos Rotulorum, of the Co. of Cornwall, and High Steward of Plympton, Devon, D.C.L. F.R. & A.S. [Mount-Edgcombe, near Plymouth; Cotele, Cornwall; and Richmond-Hill, Surrey.] 1789, Aug. 18. Hugh Forteſcue, E. Forteſcue, V. Ebrington, Ld-Lieut. of the Co. of Devon, and High Stew. cf Barnſtaple and South-Molton, F.S.A. & D.C.L. [Caſtle. Hill, Devon, and Ebrington-Hall, Glouceſter- Aire.] w. ſº As * 1790. 05, 30. Edward Digby, Earl Digby, v. Coleſhil, Lord-Lieut. and Cuſtos Rotulorum of Dorſetſhire, (Ld Digby in Ireland,) D.C.L. [Sherborne-Caſtle, Dorſet/..] b. | " 1790. oã. 39. Algernon Percy, E. of Beverley, Ld Lovaine, Brother of the Duke of Northumberland. [Lovaine, York/ire, and Bennington, Herts.] w. . . . . ~ - - - ^ 1792. Aug. 1. William Murray, E. of Mansfield, Lord Murray, Lord- Lieut. of Clackmannanſhire, Herit. Keeper of Scoon, F.R. & A.S. (V. , Stormont in Scotland.) [Gumlongtan-Caffle, Dumfriesſhire ; Scone-P4- lace, Perthſhire; and Caen-Wood, Middleſex.] m, * 22 House of Peers. East. 1793. June 29, Henry George Herbert, E. of Carnarvon, Ld Porcheſter. [Highclere-Houſe, Haup/Aire, and Pixton, Somerſet.] w. * 1796. june 1.- : Robert Banks Jenkinſon, E. of Liverpool, Lord * Hawkeſbury, Firſt Lord of the Treaſury, a Lord of Trade and Plantations, a Commiſſioner for the Affairs of India, Conſtable of Dover-Caſtle, Warden, Keeper, and Admiral, of the Cinque- Ports, Maſter of the Trinity-Houſe, High Steward of the Corporation of Kingſton-upon-Thames, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, and! an official Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, K.G. & F.R.S. [Walmer- Gaffle, Kent, and Combe-Houſe, near Kingſton, Surrey.J. m. 1797. May 27. # John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent, V. St. Vincent, Lord Jervis, an Admiral of the Red, General of Marines, an elder. Brother of the Trinity-Houſe, and one of the Council of State for the Prince of Wales in Cornwall, G.C.B. K.T.S. & F.R.S. [Afton-Hall, Stafford/hire, and Rochets, Eſſex.] w. 1890. Bec. 27. Charles Henry Cadogan, E. Cadogan, V. Chelſea. {Santon-Downham, Suffolk.] b. ºk 1890, Dec. 29. § James Harris, E., of Malmeſbury, V. Fitz-Harris, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Southampton, G.C.B. & D.C.L. ..[Hurn-Court, Hants.] m. 18or. Ahril 21. James St-Clair Erſkine, E. of Roſſlyn, Ld Loughborough, a General, Colonel of the 9th Regiment of Dragoons, a Counſellor of State to the Prince of Wales in Scotland, and Direétor in Chancery in Scotland for Life. [Dyſart-Houſe, Fife/hire, and Laigle, Yorkſhire.] w. 1894, june 18. Wm. Craven, Earl of Craven, V. Uffington, a Lieutenant- General, and Recorder of Coventry. [Combe-Abbey, near Coventry; and flampſtead-Park, Berks.] m. ; : 1801. 3une 19. Thomas Onſlow, E. of Onſlow, V. Cranley, Out-Ran- ger of Windſor Great Park. [Clandon-Park, Surrey.] m. a 1801. june 22. Charles Marſham, E. of Romney, V. Marſham. [Mote- Park, Kent.] w. g 1891, june 23, # Tho. Pelham, E. of Chicheſter, Ld Pelham, F.R.S. joint Poſtmaſter-general, a Privy-Counſelor, alſo, in Ireland... [Stan - mer-Park, Suſſex.] m. * * * 1891. june 26. I Thomas Groſvenor, E. of Wilton, V. Grey de Wilton, ſecond ſon of Earl Groſvenor. [Heaton, Lancaſhire.] b. . . . . . 1894, May 14, # Edward Clive, E, of Powis, V Clive, P.C.L, Lord-Lieutenant of Shropſhire and Montgomeryſhire, and Recorder of . Shrewſbury and Ludlow, (Lord Clive in Ireland.) [Walcot-Hall, near , Ludlow, Salop.] m. . . . . . . . . 1805. Nov. 20. William Nelſon, E. Nelſon, V. Trafalgar, in Holy Orders, a Prebendary of Canterbury, D.D. (Duke of Brontë in Sicily.) [Trafalgar-Houſe, Wilts.] m. # * 1806. April 1. Charles Herbert Pierrepont, E. Manvers, V. Newark, a cap- tain in the Royal Navy.[Pierrepont-Houſe, and Thoreſby-Park, Norts.]m: 1896. April 1. Horatio Walpole, E. of Orford, Lord Walpole, M.A. High Steward of the Borough of Lynn. [Wolterton-Park, Norfolk.] w ſ house of peers. East. 25 1806. Ahril 1: * Charles Grey, E. Grey, V. Howick, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe. [Howick-Houſe, Northumberland.] m. 1807. April 4. William Lowther, E., of Lonſdale, V. Lowther, a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, Lord-Lieutenant of the Counties of Cumberland and Weſtmorland, and Recorder of Carliſle, K. G. & F.S.A. [Lowther-Caffle, Weſtmorland; Cotteſmore-Park, Rutland; and hºniteha- ven-Caffle, Cumberland.] m. 1809. July 18. § Dudley Ryder, E. of Harrowby, V. Sandon, Lord Preſident of the Council, High Steward of Tiverton, an Official Truſtee to the Britiſh Muſeum, D.C.L. & F.S.A.. [Sandon-Hall, Staffordſhire, and Norton, Glouceſter/Aire.] m. £egeucp. 1812. Aug. 15. # Henry Phipps, E. of Mulgrave, V. Normanby Maſter-General of the Ordnance, an elder Brother of the Trinity- Houſe, Lord-Lieutenant, Cuſtos Rotulorum, and Vice-Admiral, of the Eaſt Riding of Yorkſhire, a General, and Colonel of the 31ſt Regiment, Governor of Scarborough, F.S.A. (Lord Mulgrave in Ireland.) [Malgrave-Gaffle, York/ºire.] m. 1812. Aug. 15. Edward Laſcelles, Earl of Harewood, V. Laſcelles, [Harewood-Houſe, York/hire.] w. 1813. Feb. 2. Gilbert Elliott Murray Kynymmound, Earl of Minto, V. Melgund. [Minto-Caffle, Roxburgh/Aire.] m. 1814. June 18. § William-Shaw Cathcart, E. Cathcart, Lord Greenock, a General, and Colonel of the 2d Regt. of Life-Guards, Ambaſſador- Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of Ruſſia, Vice-Ad- miral of Scotland, an Advocate at the Scotch Bar, and a Privy-Coun- fellor in Ireland, K.T. K.A.N. K.A. &. K.S.A. (Lord Cathcart in Scot- land.) [Shaw-Park, Clackmaman/hire.] m. 1815. Sept. 30. James Walter Grimſton, E. of Verulam, V. Grimſton, (V. Grimſton in Ireland, and Lord Forreſter in Scotland.) [Contambury, Hertford/ºire, and Barry-Hill, Surrey.] m. 1815. Sept. 30. # Charles Whitworth, E. Whitworth, Lord Adbaſton, a Lord of Trade and Plantations, and High Steward of Stratford-upon- Avon. G.C.B. & D.C.L. (Lord Whitworth in Ireland.) Knowle, Kent ; Burghurſt, Suſſex; and Batchacre, Stafford..] m. 1815. Sept. 30. John Cuſt, E. Brownlow, V. Alford, Lord Lieutenant, Cuſtos Rotulorum, and Vice-Admiral, of the County of Lincoln, F.R.S & F.S.A.. [Belton-Houſe, Lincolnſhire.] w. 1815. Sept. 30. John Craggs Eliot, E. of St. Germains, Lord Eliot, M.A. [Port-Eliot, ornwall.] ??, 1815, Sept. 30. John Parker, E of Morley, v. Boringdon, D.C.L. & F.R.S. [Saltram and North-Molton, Devon..] m. 1815. Sept. 30. Orlando Bridgeman, E. of Bradford, V. Newport. [Wºffon- Hall-Caſtle, Staffordſhire; and Caſtle-Bromwich, hºarwi #. ???, 1815. Sept. 30. William Beauchamp Lygon, E. Beauchamp, W. Elmley. [Madresfield-Court, near horceffer.] b. 3. P2 y 34 , H. O U S E ºf P E E R S. Viscou NTs. VISCOUNTS, (22) f &oto. VI. 1549. Feb. 2: Henry Devereux, V. Hereford, premier Viſ. count of England. [Nantcribba-Hall, Montgomery/Aire, and Tregoya- Brecon.] m. - *Inne. 1712. july 8. Geo.-Richard St-John, V. Bolingbroke and St- Johu of Batterſea. [Lydiard-Park, Wilts.] m. QEco.I. 1720. june 23. Edward Boſcawen;V.Falmouth, Recorder of Chriſt, Church. [Tregothman, Cornwall, and Woolhampton-Houſe, Berks.] m. 172 I. sºp. 10. George Byng, V. Torrington, a Rear-Admiral of the Blue. B.C.L. & F.R.S. m. QEco. II. 1746. Feh. 17. Auguſtus-Frederick Fitzgerald, V. Leinſter, (Duke of Leinſter, and premier Peer in Ireland.)[Carton-Houſe; Kildare.j b. Øeo, III. tº 62. May 6, Wm Courtenay, V. Courtenay. [Powderham-Caſtle, , Devonſhire.] b. t - . 1763. April 21. Wm. Ward, V. Dudley-and-Ward, Recorder of Kidder- minſter. [Himley-Hall, Worceſterſhire.] m. * 1766. O3. 28. Charles Maynard, V. Maynard. [Eafton-Lodge, Eſſex.] m. 1776. june 14. Thomas Trevor Hampden, V. Hampden, D.C.L. [Hamp- den-Houſe, Bucks.] m. 1789 june 9. John Thomas Townſhend, V. Sydney, Ranger of St. James's and Hyde Parks, and High-Steward of Yarmouth, F.S.A. [Sydney-Lodge, Kent.] w. 1796, june 1. Henry Hood, V. Hood, (Lord Hood, in Ireland.) [Whitley-Abbey, near Coventry, and Catherington-Houſe, Hants.] m. 1797. Dä, 30. Robert Duncan, V. Duncan. [Lundic, Perth- Ahire.] m. 18oz. Feb. 27. Aſheton Curzon, V. Curzon, D.C.L. [Hagley, Stafford/4tre, and Penn-Houſe, ...; ‘(0s Ho USE of P E E R.S. Viscounts. 25 18oz. Deo. 24. § Robert Saunders Dundas, V. Melville, Firſt Lord of the Admiralty, a Lord of Trade and Plantations, an official Truſtee of the Britiſh and Hunterian Muſeums; Lord Privy-Seal, a Goveruor of the Bank, Regiſtrer of Seiſines, and Chancellor of the Univerſity of St. Andrew's, in Scotland. [Melville-Caſtle, Edinburgh; Dunira, Perth/Aire; and himbledon, Surrey.J. m. . . * 1805. jan. 12. § Henry” Addington, V. Sidmouth, ‘Secretary of State for the Home Department, a Commiſſioner for the Affairs of India, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, Ranger of Richmond-Park, Recorder of Devizes, and High Steward of Weſtminſter and Reading, F.S.A. & D.C.L. [Richmond-Park, Surrey, and Up-0ttery, Devon..] w. 1806. Feb. 17. Thomas Anſon, V. Anſon; D.C.L. [Shugborough, near Lichfield.] m. t . , 1807. O&#. 31. Francis Gerard Lake, V. Lake, a Lord of the King’s Bedchamber, a Major-General. [Afton-Clinton, Bucks.] m. Begency. 1814. May 14. George Keith Elphinſtone, Viſcount Keith, an Admiral of the Red, Secretary, Chamberlain, Keeper of the Signet, and a Counſellor of State for Cornwall, and in Scotland, to the 'Prince of Wales, and Treaſurer and Comptroller of the Houſehoki to the Duke of a Clarence," (Lord Keith in Ireſand.) G.C.B. K.C. & F. R. S. [Tulliaſian-Court; Stirling ſhire, and Parbrook-Park, Hants.] .m. ** 4. g 1814. June 18. § George Gordon, Viſcount Gordon, a Truſtee; of the Britiſh Muſeum, (Earl of Aberdeen in Scotland.) K.T. F.R. & A.S. [Haddo-Houſe, Aberdeen/Aire.] m. t w . . . . 1815.july 15, #Granville Leveſon Gower, ViſcountGranville, Half-brother of the Marquis of Stafford... [Tixal, near Lichfield, Stafford/ºire.] m. 1815. Sept. (5. ||Alan Hyde Gardner, Viſcount Gardner, (Lord Gardner in Ireland.) [Abbeville-Park, St affordſhire; and Court-Garden, Bucks.] 5. 1816. Sept. 21, Edward Pellew, Viſcount Exmouth, an Admiral of the Blue, G C.B. K.C.S. F.M. & W. D.C.L. [Treverry, Cornwall.], in - g is a t .* -26 House of PEERs. Barons, N. i # - BARONS. (136) 4. ſpen. III, 1269.June 3. Thomas Stapleton, Lord Le Deſpencer. [Gray’s Court, Oxfordſhire, and Mereworth-Caſtle, Kent.] m. 1269. Dec. 29. Edward, Southwell Clifford, Lord De Clifford, D.C.L. [King’s-Weſton Park, GlouceſterAire.] m. - GEoin. I. 1296. jan. 26. George Thickneſſe Tuchet, Lord Audley. [San- drige-Park, Wiltſhire.] m. - , 1298. Feb.-6. Robert-Cotton-SaintJohn Trefuſis, Lord Clinton, a Lieu- tenant-Colonel-in the Army. [Trefuſis-Caſtle, Cornwall.] m. * &bſp. II. 1308. Cecil Biſſhopp, Lord de la Zouch, F.R.S. & D.C.L. . . [Parham-Park, Suſſex.] m. - - jett. VI. 1448. May 13, f William Stourton, Lord Stourton. [Allerton-Park, Yorkſhire.] m. ', * .* ºpen. VII, 1492. Aug. 12... ſohn Peyto Verney, Ld Willoughby de Broke, D.C.L. [Compton Werney, Warwick/hire.] b ºftuſº. VI. Mar. 15, 1553. Kenneth Alexander Howard, Lord Howard of Effingham, a Major-General, Colonel of the 70th Reg, and Lieut.- Governor of Portſmouth, K.C.B. \ &Eity. 1558. jan. 13. ||Saint-Andrew Saint-John, Lord Saint-John of Bletſoe. F.R. & A.S. " [Bletſoe-Park, Bedfordſhire.] b. 1597. May 14. || Charles, Auguſtus Ellis, Lord Howard de Walden. [Claremont-Park, Surrey.] b. t 3|am. I. 1603. july 21. p William Francis Henry Petre, Lord Petre, [Thorndon-Hall, Eſſex; Buckenham-Houſe, Norfolk; and Dunket-Hah!, Lancaſhire.] m. sº 1603. Aug. 9. Gregory William Twiſleton, Ld Saye-and-Sele. [Brough- ton-Caffle, Oxford/ºire.] m. 16e5. May 4. t James Everard Arundel. Ld Arundel, of Wardour, (a Count of the Roman Empire.) [hºardour-Caffle, Will/?ire, and Imham-hall, Lincolnáire.] m. * * ~. w H O.U.S E ºf PE E R S. Ban-orts. 27, 1608. july 9. John Bligh, Lord Clifton, hereditary High Steward of Graveſend and Milton, Kent, (Earl of Darnley in Ireland.) D.C.L. & F.R.S. [Cobham-Hall, Kent, and Clifton-Lodge, Meath.] m. 1615. june 30. Charles Dormer, Ld Dormer. [Peterley-Lodge, Bucks; and Grove-Park, near Warwick.] b. 1616. july 9. John Roper, Ld Teynham. [Linſtead-Lodge, Kent.] b. Qſìja. I. 1643. Oči. 24: George Gordon Byron, Ld Byron. [Newſtead- Abbey, Norts.] m. (Iija. II. 1672. April 22. f Charles Clifford, Lord Clifford of Chudleigh F.S.A. [Ugbrook-Park, Devon, and Eaſt-Park Hall, Lancaſhire.] m. mnc. 1711. Sept. Io. # Alexander Hamilton, Lord Dutton, (Marquis. bf Douglas and Clydeſdale in Scotland.) Son of the Duke of Hamil. ton, Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkſhire, F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Holyrood- Houſe, Edinburgh.] m. * 1711. Sept. Io. Edmund Boyle, Lord Boyle, a Lieutenant-General, (Earl of Cork and Orrery in Ireland.) [Marſton-Hall, Somerſet/hire.] m. 1711. Dec. 31. Thomas Robert Haye-Drummond, Lord Haye, (E. of Kin- noull, and Lord Lyon King of Arms, in Scotland.) [Dupplin-Gaffle, Perthſhire.] b. - - 1712. jan. 1. Henry Willoughby, Ld Middleton, High Steward of the royal Town of Sutton-Coldfield. [Middleton-Hall, hºarwick, and Mollaton-Houſe, Notts.] m. Geo. I. 1725. May 29. Peter King, Lord King. Iockham-court, surrey, Xartie-houſe, Devon ; and Meyners, Somerſetſhire. m. --- Çeo. II. 1728. May 28. John George Monſon, Ld Monſon: [Burton- Houſe, near Lincoln.] b. - * 1741. May 9. Henry Bromley, Lord Montfort, D.C.L. [Monck’s Grove, Surrey.] m. * * 1749. june 12. Frederic Ponſonby, Lord Ponſonby, of Syſonby, (E. of Beſborough, in Ireland.) . [Beſòorough-Houſe, Kilkenny ; Syſonby, Leiceſher/hire; and Roehampton, Surrey.] m. --- 1760. May 21. Henry Stawell Bilſon Legge, La Stawell, M.A. [Maple- aurham-Houſe, Berkſhire.] w. 1760. May 22. Lewis Richard Watſon, Lord Sondes. [Lees-Court, Kent, and Rockingham-Caſtle, Northampton/Aire.] b. (Eco. III. 1761. April 7. Thomas Philip Weddell Robinſon, Lord Gran- tham, F.S.A. L Newby-Hall, Yorkſhire.] m. ? 1761 April 9. Nathaniel Curzon, Lord Scarſdale. [Kedlefton-Hall, Der- hy/hire.] m. --> 1761. April Io. Frederic Irby, Lord Boſton, a Lord of the King’s Bed- Chamber, D.C.L. & F.S.A.. [Hedſor-Lodge, Bucks.] m. 1762. May 6, § Henry Richard Vaſſall Fox, Lord Holland of Hol- land in Lincolnſhire, and 1793, April 16, of Foxley in Wiltſhire, Re- corder of Nottingham, F.R. & A.S. [Helland-Houſe, Kenſington.] m. * -- \ 1762. May 7. John-James Perceval, Lord Lovel and Holland of Enmore y - *- C 2. **, ’28 . Hous E & P E E R S. Barons. $. t * ' ' , , * . * ‘t - | - Ae Earl of Egmont in Ireland.) [Enmore-Caffle, Somerſet Wire; Sundon- owſe, Herts; and Egmont, Čork.]^m. , . . * * * **, *, *, ' ' ' ' Wºw - º . . *-** **, * * * * *- : *762. May 12. Henry Venables Vernon, Ld, Vernon, Maſter of the Robes to the King. TShdbury. Hall, Derbyſhire; Briñº-Ferry; Glamor- gan/ire, and Nuttall-Temple, near Bingham, Notts.] m. * j, ’s A 1763. April 27. Thomas Reynolds Moreton, Ld Ducie. F.S.A, [Tortworth- * , Court ; Spring-Park, Glouceſter/ire.] m. * ~ , - . .’’. . . 1766. Dec. 22. George-William Campbell, Lord Sundridge and Hamilton; Hereditary Maſt. of the King’s Houſehold in Scotland, Keeper of Dun- ſtafnage and Carrick,State. Counſellor to the Prince of Wales in Scotland, and 'Lord-Lieutenant of Argyleſhire, (Duke of Argyle in Scotland.) [Inverary, 23, gyle/Aire; Roſneath, Dumbarton/Aire; and Combank, near Sandridge, Kent. 3 m. t " . . 1776, May 20. Edward Harvey Hawke, Lord Hawke. [Scarthingwel- t l Hall, York/fre.] w. 1776. , May 29. George Pitt, Lord Rivers, one of the Four Lords of the Bedchamber attendant on the King. . . [Stratfieldſay, Hants, and Ruft- sº z 1 r * ! . more- odge, Dorſet.] b. w 1776. May 20. Thomas Foley, Lord Foley, ſhººtley-Court, Worcefferſhire.] m. , . . . . . * - e 1780. O&#. 17. George Talbot Rice, Lord Dynevor; Lord-Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rotulorum of Carmarthenſhire. . . [Dynevor-Caſtle, Carmarthen- J%ire, and Barrington-Park, Glouceſter/Aire.] m. *- . . . . s' 1789. ,067. 17. § Thomas De Grey, Ld Walfingham, Comptroller of the... firſt Fruits and Tenths, F.R.S. [Merton-Hall, Norfolk, 1 m. • 1780. Oči. 17. William, Bagot, Lord Bagot, F.S.A. & F.L.S. [Blithfield- Recorder of Droitwich. 'Houſe, Stafford/Aire, and Pool-Park, Denbigh/hire.] w. 1. t 1789, Qā. 17. ||Charles Fitzroy, Ld Southampton. [Fitzroy-Place; Middleſex.] §... . . . ! s \ , s , , .# f : 1782. April 8. Richard-Barré Dumming, Lord Aſhburton. [Spitheewike, and Bagſter, Devon, and Roſe-Hall, Sutherland.] m. ' v * 1782. April 9. Wm Norton, Lord Grantley, Lord High steward of Al- lertonſhire and Guildford, F.S.A., “[Graſſley-Park, York/Aire, and Mºonerſ, Surrey.] w. , , . ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , " . 1782. june 19. George Rodney, Lord Rodney, Lord-Lieutenant of Rad- nor. [Great Alresford, Hants.] 8. • , - \ * 1784. ‘fan. 29. § Henry Fréderick Carteret, Lord Carteret, High Bailif of Jerſey, D.C.L. [Hawnes-Place, Bedford/ºire, and Carteret, Corn- wall.] (b. ' ' . - • , , , , * - 1784. May 14. Thomas James Warren Bulkeley, Lord Bulkeley, Lord- Lieut. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Carnarvon, He editary Coti- ſtable of Beaumaris-Caſtle, and Chamberlain of North Wales, D.C.L. (V. Bulkeley, in Ireland,).[Baron-Hill, Angleſey; -Paynton, , Cheſhire; and Englefield-Green, Surrey.] m. - * 1784. May 17. John-Somers Cocks, Lord Somers, flord Lt. of Hereford- ſhire, Recorder of Glouceſter, and Chief Steward of Hereford. [Eaſtnor- Caſtle, Hereford/Aire; and the Priory, near Ryegate, Surrey.] m. ſ Ho Us E of PE E R S. Barons. 29 * 1784. May 19: Thomas Noel Hill, Lord Berwick, D.C.L. & F.S.A. [Aetingham-Houſe, near Shrewſbury.] m. 1784. May 20. James Dutton, Lord Sherborne. [Sherborne-Lodge, Glou- cefferſhire.] m. 1784. july 12. George Gordon, Lord Gordon, of Huntly, Son of the Duke of Gordon, a Lieutenant-General and Colonel of the 42d Regi- ment, Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenſhire, and Chancellor of Mari- ſchal College, in the Univerſity of Aberdeen. (Marquis of Hunt- ly, in Scotland). m. 1786. Aug. 21. Henry James Montagu Scot, Lord Montagu, of Boughton, Brother of the Duke of Buccleuch, Keeper of Geddington-Chaſe. [Boughton, Northampton/Aire.] m. 1786. Aug. 8. Henry de la Poel Beresford, Lord Tyrone, ſole Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Waterford, and a Privy Coun- ſellor in heland, (M. of Waterford in Ireland.) K. P. [Curraghmore- Houſe, Waterford..] m. " 1786. Aug. 8. Henry Boyle, Ld Carleton, Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Cork, a Privy-Counſellor, in Ireland, and Cierk of the Pells, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture there, (Earl of Shannon in Ireland.) K. P. [Caſtle-Martyr, Cork.] m. , 1786. Aug. 8. William Aſheton Harbord, Lord Suffield, Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk. [Blickling, Norfolk.] m. 1786. Aug. 8. || Arthur Henry Carleton, Ld Dorcheſter. [Staffings, Berks.J. b. w 1788. june 9. George Kenyon, Lord Kenyon, a Bencher of the Middle Temple, Cuſtos Brevium of the King’s Benth, F.S.A. & L.L.D. ÉGredington-Hall, Flint/ßire.] w. 1788. Sept. 5. Richard-Aldworth-Neville Griffin, Lord Braybrooke, Provoſt-Marſhal of Jamaica, Lord-Lieutenant, Vice-Admirai, and Cuſtos Rotulorum, of the County of Eſſex, Recorder of Saffron- Walden, Eſſex, High Steward of Wokingham, Berks, and hereditary Viſitor of Magdalen-College, Cambridge, F. S. A. & D C.L. [Audley- End, Eſſex, and Billingbear, near hºokingham, Berks.] w. 1788. Sept. 6. #William Pitt Amherſt, Lord Amberſt, a Lord of the King’s Bedchamber. [Montreal, Kent.] m. * 1790. july 3. George Auguſtus Chicheſter, Lord Fiſherwick, a Governor of the County of Antrim, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, (M. of Donegall. in Ireland.) [Ormeau and Haye Park, Downſhire, and Fiſherwick-Lodge, . Antrim.] m. 1790. july 8. Archibald Douglas, Lord Douglas, of Douglas, Ld-Lieut. , and hereditary Sheriff of Forfarſhire. [Douglas, and, Bothwell Caſtles, Lanarkſhire; and Ameſbury, Wilts.] m. 1799. Nov. 1. Henry Hall Gage, Lord Gage, (V. Gage in Ireland.) [Firle-Place, Suſſex, and Weſtbury-Houſe, Hants.] 'm. 1790. Nov. 25. # Wikliam Wyndham Grenville, Lord Grenville, Chan- cellor of the Univerſity of Oxford, Auditor of the Exchequer, an elde, Brother of the Trinity-Houſe, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, High * - - C 3 t so H O U S E of PE E R S. Barons. Steward of Briſtol, and a Privy-counſellor, alſo, in Ireland, D.CŞ. & F.S.A.. [Dropmore-Lodge, Bucks, and Boconnoc, Cornwall.] m. § 1791. Aug. 11. George Douglas, Lord Douglas, of Lochleven, Chamber- lain of the Queen’s Houſehold, and Lord Lieutenant of Fifeſhire, (E. of Morton in Scotland,). K.T. V.P.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Aberdour- Čaffle, Fife, and Dalmahoy, Mid-Lothian.] m. .* 1792. june 12. Edward Hovell Thurlow, Lord Thurlow, Registrar of the Dioceſe of Lincoln, Clerk of the Preſentations in the Petty-Bag- Office; Patentee of the Bankrupts Office, Clerk of the Cuſtody ºf Lunatics and Idiots, one of the Clerks of the Hanaper, and one.'of the Prothonotaries of the Court of Chancery, in Reverſion. m. , * * . * 1793. May 22. George, Eden; Lord Auckland, Auditor and a Direétor of Geenwich Hoſpital, (Lord Auckland in Ireland.) [Eden-Farm, near Bromley, Kent.] b. ' ' ' * - " ' 1794. Aug. 9. John Fitzpatrick, Lord Upper Oſſory, Ld-Lieut. and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Bedford, Keeper of Waltham - Foreſt, Lincolnſhire, and of Rockingham-Foreſt, Northamptonſhire, F.R.S. & F.S.A. (Earl of Upper-Oſſory in Ireland.) [Ampthil-Park, Bed- ford/ºire.] ‘w. - , ' - * " * . [.. $ 1794. Aug. I 3. George Fulke Lyttelton, Lord Lyttelton, High Steward of Bewdley, (Lord Weſtcote in Ireland.) [Hagley-Park, near Stoug- Bridge, Worceſter/ire.] b. * * f 1794. Aug. 13. Henry Welbore Agar Ellis, Lord Mendip, Recorder of $owran, and Clerk of the Privy-Council in lºeland, F.S.A. (V. * Clifden in Ireland.) [Gowran-Caſtle, “Kilkenny..] wº. - 1794. Aug. 13. Henry John Peachey, Lord Selſey, a Captain in the Royal Navy. [Cannon-Houſe, and Binderton-Houſe, Suſſex.] m. 1794, Aug. 13. Thomas Dundas, Lord Dundas, Lord-Lieut, and Vice- Admiral of Orkney and Shetland, Preſident of the Sociéty of Scottiſh Añtiquaries, and a Counſellor of State to the Prince of Wales in Scot- land, F.R. & A.S. [44e-Hall, and Upleatham-Park, York/Aire; had Kerſe-Houſe, Stfºliºg/hire.] m: • # * 1794, Aug. 13. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Lord Yarborough, D.C.L. F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Brockleſby-Hall, Lincolnſhire.] w. . . . . r 1796. junie 4. Francis Stuart, Lord Stuart, of Caſtle-Stuart,. Lord-Lieu- ºriant of Elginſhire, ( Earl of Moráy; in Scotland. º Fife; Caſtle-Stuart, Inverieſ ſhire; $º, Elgin Caſtle, Perth/ire.] m. 1796. june 6.9eorge Stewart, Lord Stewart, of Garlies, Ld-Lieut. of Wigtolinſhire, a Rear-Admiral of the Red, K.T. (Earl of Galloway, in Scotland.) [Powtoun, %.}. Gážlies; Kircudbright; and Ealing, Middleſex.] m. . . . * ire ; and Došne- 1796. june 7.3% James George Stopford, Ed Saltersford, Captain of the Band of Gentleman-Penfioners, a Governor of the County of Wexford, ... (É. of Qöurtown in Ireland) [Courtown-Houſe, Wexford..] m. . . 1796, june 9. John Chriſtopher Burton Dawnay, Lord Dawnay, (Viſcount Downe in Ireland.) [Cowick-Hall, and Dandy-Lodge, Yorkſhire.] m. * Ho Use of PEERs. Barons. 31 1796.june 11, George Brodrick, Ld Brodrick, Lord Lieutenant and £uſtos Rotulorum of the County of Surrey, (V. Midleton in Ireland.) [Pepper-Harrow Park, Surrey, and Cahirmone-Park, Cork.] m. 1796; june 14. John Rous, Lord Röus. [Henham-Hall, Wangford, Åuffolk.] m. * . * , * * * 1796. june 15. George Gough Calthorpe, Ld Calthorpe. [Edgbaſton- *Houſe, near Birmingham; Ampton-Park, Suffolk; and Elvatham, Hants.] b. . . ! s * * 1796. june 16. Peter Burrell, Lord Gwydir, Deputy Great-Chamberlain of England F.R.S. [Grimſthorpe-Caſtle, Lincolnſhire; Gwydir-Caſtle, ' 'Denbigh/ure and Langley-Park, Kent.]' m. sº 1796.June 17, Francis Baſſet, Lord De Dunſtanville and Baſſet, Re- corder of Penryn, D.C.L. [Tehidy-Park, Cornwall.] m. 1796. june 20. John Rolle, Lord Rolle, Recorder, of Torrington, Devon. [Bovey-Houſe, n, Colyton, Stevenſtone, Hudſcot, and Bićion, Devon..] m. 1796.jurie 2 I. John Campbell, Lord Cawdor, F.R.S. F.S.A. & D.C. I. ..[Cawdor-Caſtle, Nairn ; Glanfred, Cardigan/Aire ; and Stackpole-Court, Bembroke/Aire.] m. - * Y. > * * 1797. Oć. 20. # Richard Colley Welleſley, Lord Welleſley, Cuſtos Ro- tulorum of the County of Meath, and a Privy-Counſellor, alſo, in Ireland, &. Remembrançºr of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, (Marquis. Welleſley.'in Ireland,).K.G. K.C. K.S.L. & D.C.L. [Trim-Caſtle, Meath, and Upton, Somerſet/ire. J wo. -, • ". 1797. Oä. 20. Robert, Smith, Lord Carrington, (Lord Carrington in s Ireland.) F.R. & A.S.& D.C.L. [Wycombe-Abbey, Bucks.] m. - .. 1797. Oči. zo. Charles, Frederick Powlett Townſhend, Lord Bayning, [Honingham-Hall, Norfolk, b. as & * * . 1797. Oé. 20. # James Grenville, Ló Glaſtonbury, a Lord of Trade and ...Plantations, FButleigh-Court, Somerſet/Aire.] m. - 1797, 05. 20. William Orde Powlett, Lord Bolton. IHackwood-Houſe, , Hants; and Bolton-Hall, York/Aire.] m. * . . . . 1797; 65. 26. ſº Wodehouſe, Lord Wodehouſe, Recorder of Fal- Smouth: [Kemberley-Hall, Norfolk.] m. - * 1797. Oč. 26. John Ruſhout, Lord Northwick, F. S. A. [Northwick- Park, Worcefferſhire, and Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middleſex.] 3. . 1797, Oć. 26. Thómas Powis, Lord Lilford. [Liſford-Park, Northampton- Airé J. m. . . *- * , , ,” g * s 1797. Oči. 26. Thomas Liſter, Lord Ribbleſdale, D.C.L. IGi/ºurne- Park, and Malham water, York/ºire.] w. . * . . .Y t t * 1799, july 18, # John Scopt Lord-Eldon, Lord High Chancellor, and Speaker of the Houſe of Peers; a Lord of Trade and Plantations, official Viſitor of Oriel-Cöllege, Oxford, and of Pembloke and Catha. rine, Halls, Cambridge, an offic al Truſtee of the Britiſh and Hunterian `. Muſeums, High-Steward of Oxtold-Univerſity, and a Governor of thei Charter-Houſe, D.C.L., F.R.S. & F.S.A. Iłºſcombe, Deſer.] m. * * -- . * . . " º & * 3. * * r?99. Sept. 24. John Fitzgibbon, Lold Fitzgibbon, (Earl of Clare in Ireland.) [Mount Shannon, near Limerick.] b. H O U S E of P E E R S. Barons. 1801. Yan. 17. Charles Moore, Ld Moore, a General, Colonel of the 18th Regiment of Dragoons, Conſtable of Maryborough Fort and Caſtle, Cuſtos. Rotulorum of the King’s and Queen's County, a Governor of the King’s and Queen’s Countv and of the County of Meath, and a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, (Marquis of Drogheda in Ireland.) K. P. [Moore-Athey, Kildare j wi '- 1801. jan. 19. John Loftus, Lord Loftus, a Governor of the Counties of Wexford and Fermanagh, and a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, (Marquis of Ely in Ireland.) K P. and D.C.L. [Rathfarnham-Caffle, near 'i)ublin; Ely-Caſtle, Fer managh; and Loftus-Hall, hºexford.] m. 1801. jan. 20. Walter Butler, Lord Butler, Cuſtos Rotulorum, and ſole Governor of the Co. of Kilkenny, honorary chief Butler of Ireland, and Colonel of the Kilkenny Militia. (Marquis of Ormonde in Ireland.) K.P. & F.S.A.. [Kilkenny-Caft/e, Ireland, and Sutton-Hall, Derbyſhire.] m. ~. * r&oi.jan. 21. # John Joſhua Proby, Lord Carysfort, a Privy-Counſellor, alſo, in Ireland, (Earl of Carysfort in Ireland and M.R.I.A.) K.P. D.C.L. F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Elton-Hall, Huntingdonſhire, and Carysfors, Wicklow.] m * 1801. May 22. William Arden, Lord Alvanley, a Captain in the Army. [ Tºrporley, Cheſhire, and Hampſtead, Middleſex.] b. 18oz. july 31. # Alleyne Fitzherbert, Lord St Helens, one of the Four Lords of the Bedchamber attendant on the King, a Truſtee of the • Britiſh and Hunterian Muſeums, F.S.A. (Lord St Helens in Ire- land, and a Privy-Counſellor there.) #. 1801. Dec. 16. John Hely Hutchinſon, Lord Hutchinſon, Brother of the Earl of Donoughmore, a General, Colonel of the 18th Regiment of Foot, Governor of Stirling-Caſtle, and a Counſellor of State to the Prince of Wales in Cornwall, G.C.B. K.C. & F.S.A. b. 1801. Feb. 15. § John Freeman-Mitford, Lord Redeſdale, a Lord of Trade and Plantations, a Privy-Counſellor, in Ireland F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Batsford-Park, near Moreton-in-the-Marſh, Glouceſter/Aire.] w. 18oz. Apr. 11, #Edward Law, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Chief Juſtice of the King’s Bench, an official Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, and a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, F.S.A.' [Roehampton, Surrey, and Walder/hare-Houſe, Kent.] m. 18oz. july 28. § Charles George Perceval, Lord Arden, Half-brother of the Earl of Egmont, one of the Four Lords of the Bedchamber at- tendant on the King, Regiſtrer of the Court of Admiralty and of the Court of Delegates, and a Truſtee of the Hunterian Muſeum, F.R.S. & F.S.A. (Lord Arden in Ireland.) [Lohort-Caſtle, Cork, and Nork-houſe, Surrey.] m. 1802. july 29. § John Baker-Holroyd, Lord Sheffield, a Lord of Tiade, and Vice-Lieutenant of Suſſex, F.R. & A.S. (Earl of Sheffield in Ireland.) [Sheffield-place, Suffer; and Greave-hall, York/Aire, J m. 1806. Feb. Io # Thomas Erſkine, Lord Erſkine, Brother of the Earl of Buchan, a Counsellor of State in Cornwall and a Governor of the Char- Ster-Houſe, K.T. & F.R.S. [Roſamont, Ayrſhire; Reſtormel-Caffle, Corn- wall; Holmbush, Suſſex; and Hampſtead, Middleſex.] w. HOU SE of PE E R S. Banoss. 33 1866. Feb. 20. Howe Peter Browne, Ld. Monteagle, a Privy-counſelor 'in Ireland, and a Governor of the Côunty of Mayo, (M. of Sligo in Iteſand.) K. P. [Weſtport-Houſe, Mayo.] m. * {{s ** 3 1866, Feb. 21. Archibald Montgomery, Ld Ardroſſan, (E. of Eglintoua in Scotland,) Bailie of Cunningham,_[Églinton-Caffle, Skelmorlie-Gaſtle, and Coilsfield-Houſe, Ayrſhire, and Polhoon-Lodge, Renfrewſ,ire.J #. 1806. Feb. 22, #James Maitland, Ld Lauderdale, heretable royal Stand- ard-bearer of Scotland, an Advocate at the Scotch Bar, and a Counſellor of State for the Prince of Wales in Scotland, (Earl of Lauderdale in Scotland) [Thir/fane, Berwick/Aire, and Dunbar-Houſe, Eaſ-Lothiansºm. 1806. Feb. 24. George Forbes, Lord Granard, a Lieut. General; ſole Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Longford, Cerk of the Crown and Hanaper, and a Privy-Counſellor, in Ireland, Earl of Granard in Ireland.) I Caffle-Forbes, Longford.] ºn. 1806, Feb. 25. John Crewe, Lord Crewe. [Crewe-Hall, near Nampt- wich, Cheſhire.] m. wº- 1806, Mar. 13. John Ponſonby, Lord Pónſonby of Imokelly. [Biſhop's Court, Kildare.]' m. - 1806. Nov. 4. Archibald Kennedy, Lord Ailſa, a counſello, of State for the Prince of Wales in Scotland. (Earl of Caffilis in Scotland,) [Culzean-Caſtle, Ayrſhire.] m. 1806. Nov. 4. John Campbell, Lord Breadalbane, a Lieutenant-Gene- . rak; a Counſellor of State for the Prince of Wales in Scotland, F.R.S. (Earl of Breadalbane in Scotland,) [Kilchurn-Caffle, Argyle/Aire, and Taymouth-Caſtle, Perthſhire.] m. g - t - * * A 1807. April 14. #Thomas Manners Sutton, Lord Manners, Lord High . Chancellor of Ireland, and a Privy-Counſellor there. [Froſton, near Wainfleet, Lincoln/hire.] m. - 1867 Nov. 3. James Gambier, Lord Gambier, an Admiral of the Red. * G.C.B. [Iver, Bucks.] m. 1889, Jan. 28, John Hope, Lord. Hopetoun, a Lieutenant-General, Colonel of the 92d Regiment, and a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, (Earl of Hope- toun in Scotland, Lord-Lieutenant of Linlithgowſhire, and hereditary Keeper, of Lochmaben,) G.C.B. [Hopetoun-Houſe and Niddry, Linlith- gowſhire; Raehills, Dumfries/Aire; and Ormiſton, Haddington/hire.] m. iBeertgg, 1814. May 3. Thomas Graham, Lord Lyncdoch, a Lieute- nant-General, and Colonel of the 90th. Regiment; G.C.B. [Baſgowan, Perthſhire.] w. ? - *. ' ' ' ' . . ,- 1814. May 3. Stapleton Cotton, Lord Combermere, a Lieutenant-Ge- néral, Colonel of the 20th Regiment of Dragoons, Governor of Barba. does, and Commander of the Forces in the Windward and Leeward Iſlands, G.C.B. K.T.S. & C.S. [Combermere Abbey, Che/Aire.] m. 1814. May 3. *Rowláñº Hill, Lord Hill, a Liéutenant-General, Colo- nels of the 72d Regiment, and Governor, of Hull, G.C.B. K.T.S. K.M.T. & K.S.G. [Hardwicke, Salop.] b. *. * 3# H O U S F of P E E R S. Barons. * ~~ 1814. May 3. William Carr Beresford, Lord Beresford, a Lieutenant- General, Colonel of the 88th Regiment, and Governor of Cork, (Duke of Elvas in Portugal, and a Marſhal in the Portugueſe Service,) G.C.B. K.F. & K.T.S. b. 1814 June 18. §Charles William Stewart, Lord Stewart, of Stewart's Court, Second Son of the Marquis of Londonderry, a Lord of the King’s Bed- ehamber, Ambaſſador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of Vienna, a Lieutenant-General and Colonel of the 25th Dragoons, G.C.B. K.T.S., S.G., B.E., & S.—D.C.L. [Kilren, Londonderry..] w. 1815. july 15. § Richard Le Poer Trench, Lord Trench, Ambaſſador Extraordinary and Plenipotentialy to the Court of the Netherlands, Pre- fident of the Board of Trade and Plantations, ſole Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum bf the County of Galway, and a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland. (Earl of Clancarty in Ireland, and Maquis of Heusden in Holland.) G.C.B. [Garbally-Park, Galwayſhire.] m. 1815. july 18. John Lyon Bowes, Lord Bowes. (Earl of Strathmore in Scotland ) [Glamis-Caſtle, Forfar; and Gilſide-Park, and Streatlam- Caſtle, Durham.] b. 1815. july 18. George Ramſay, Lord Dalhouſie, a Lieut.-General, Lieu- tenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, and Colonel of the 26th Regiment of Foot. (Earl of Dalhouſie in Scotland.) G.C.B. [Dalhouſe-Caſtle, Mid- Lothian.] m. * 1815. july 18. George Gordon, Lord Meldrum. (Earl of Aboyne in Scotland.) [Aboyne-Caſtle, Aberdeenſhire.] m.’ i 1815. july 18. George Boyle, Lord Roſs, Lord-Lieutenant of Renfrew- ſhire, and an extraordinary Director of the Bank of Scotland. (Earl of Glaſgow in Scotland.) F.R.S. & F.S.A.. [Hawkhead, Renfrew/Aire; and Åilburn-Houſe, Ayrſhire.] m. ar -- 1815. july 18, John Willoughby Cole, Lord Grinſtead, a Goverhor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Fermanagh. (Earl of Enniſkillen in Ireland.) K.P. [Florence-Court, Fermanagh.] m. 1815. july 18. Edmund Henry Pery, Lord Foxford, a Privy Counſellor in Ireland. (Earl of Limerick in Ireland) M.R.I. A. LSouthhill-Park, Berks.] m. 1815. july 18. Peniſton Lamb, Lord Melbourne, a Lord of the King's Bedchamber. (Viſcount Melbourne in freland.) [Brocket-Hall, Herts; and Melbourne, Leiceſterſhire.] m. 181 #. july 18. Francis Almaric Spencer, Lord Churchill, only Brother of the Duke of Marlborough, Ranger of Whichwood-Forest. [Nortbinore, Oxon.] m. * 1815. july 18. George Harris, Lord Harris, a General, and Colonel of the 73d Regiment. f Belmont, Kent.] m. f 1816. Auguſt 14. Algernon Percy, Lord Prudhoe, only brother of the Duke of Northumberland, a Captain in the Royal Navy. LStanwick- Park, Yorkſhire.] b. & 1817. May 31, #Charles Abº ot, Lord Colcheſter, Keeper of the Privy Seal, and a Privy Counſellor in Ireland. [Kidbrooke, Suſſex.] m. H O U S E of P E E R S. Scots PE sas. 35 PEERS OF SCotlAND. (16.) Elečted in November, 1812. “ſha. II. 1682. Feb. 11. Charles Douglas, Marquis of Queenſberry, Viſcount Drumlanrig. [Kellbead, Dumfrieyſhire.] m. & *Inite. 1701. june 23, William Kerr, Marquis of Lothian, Earl of An- cram, Lord Lieutenant of Roxburghſhire. [Newbottle-Houſe, Mid- Lothian.] m. glaut. II. 1455. Aug. 28. James Sinclair, E. of Caithneſs, Lord Berrie- dale, Lord-Lieutenant of Caithneſsſhire, and Poſtmaſter-General in Scotland. [Barrogil Caſtle, Caithnes/hire.] m. Lha. I. 1605. March 4. Alexander Home Ramey, E. of Home, Lord Dunglas, Lord-Lieutenant of Berwickſhire. [Hirſal, Berwick/4ire.j m. 1619. March 12. Thomas Erſkine, E. of Kellie, V. Fenton, Premier Viſcount of Scotland, K.G.V. [Kellie-Caſtle, and Cambo-ouſe, Fife.] m. 1633. june 29. George Ramſay, E. of Dalhouſie, Ld Ramſay, a Lieut.- General, and Colonel of the 26th Regiment of Foot. (Lord Dalhouſe of the United Kingdom.) G.C.B. m. 1646. Aug. 4. Thomas Douglas, E. of Selkirk, Lord Daer, Lord-Lieut. of the Stewartry of Kircudbright, F.R.S. [St. Mary’s-Isle, Kiricud- bright.] m. *- QIlya. II. 1651. jan. 9. Alexander Lindſay, Earl of Balcarras, Lord Lindſay, a General, and Colonel of the 63d Regiment. [Haigh-Hall, Lancaſhire.] m. 1660. Sept. 10. George Gordon, Earl of Aboyne, Lord Strathaven. (Lord Meldrum of the United Kingdom.) m. 1682. Nov. 30. #George Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Haddo. (Visc. Gordon of the United Kingdom,) K.T. we 36 ° Ho U SE of PEERs. . Scots Pezas. Øttite. 1703. April 12. George Boyle, E. of Glaſgow, Ld Boyle, Lord- Lieutenant of Renfrewſhire, and an extraordinary Direétor of the Bank of Scotland. (Lord Roſs of the United Kingdom.) F.R.S. & F.S.A. m. 3|ant. II. 1440. James Ochoncar Forbes, Lord Forbes, a Lieutenant-Ge- neral, and Colonel of the 21ſt Regiment. [Caſtle. Forbes, Aberdeen- ſhire.] mº w * . - \ , p - 1445. june 23. Alexander George Fraser, Lord Saltoun and Abernethy, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, and a Captain in the firſt Regiment of Foot-Guards. K.M.T. [Philorth-Houſe, Aberdeenſhire.] m. 1445. Francis Gray, Lord Gray.[Kinfauns-Caſtle, Perth/ire.jm. 3|am. IV. 1489. March 26, Charles St clair, Ld Sinclair. [Herdmanſion, Hadington/hire.] m. Qſìja. I. 1627. May 4. Francis Napier, L. Napier, Lord-Lieutenant of Selkirkſhire, D.C.L. [Thirſane-Caſtle, Selkirkſhire.] m. * Ho U S E of P E E R S. In 1sh Pezes. 37 PEERS OF IRELAND (28). Elected for Life. * *m- Gºzo. III. 1800. Dec. 29. William O’Bryen, M. of Thomond, E. of In- chiquin, a Privy Counſeilor in Ireland, a Governor of the County of Cork, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, K.P. [Roſtellan-Caftle, Cork. 1 m. S g 1800. }. 29. Tho. Taylour, M. of Headfort, E. of Bećtive, a Lord of the King’s Bed-chamber, and a Governor of the County of Meath K.P. & F.S.A.. [Headfort-Houſe, Meath..] m. - Begency. 1816. Jan. 22. Robert Stewart, M. of Londonderry, V. Caſtlereagh, a Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the Counties of Londonderry and Down, a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, and a Privy-Counſellor, in Ireland, M.R.I.A.. [Mount-Stewart, Downſhire, and Ballylawn-Caſtle, Donegall.] m. * 1816. Jan. 22. Henry Burton Conyngham, M. Conyngham, E. of Mount- $, charles, a Lieut.-General, Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Clare, and a Governor of the County of Donegall, K.P. F.S.A. & M.R.I.A. [Slane-Caſtle, Louth.] m. (lºco. III. 1763. Dec. 23. Francis-William Caulfeild, E. of Charlemont, V. Caulfeild, and M. R.I.A.. [Marino, near Dublin, and Caſtle- Caulfeild, Tyrone..] m. 1768. Aug. 25. George King, E. of Kingſton, V. Kingſborough. [Mitchelſtown-Caffle, Cork.] m. 1771. Dec. 1, Robert Jocelyn, Earl of Roden, V. Jocelyn, a Privy- Counſellor in Ireland, Auditor Gen. of the Exchequer, Cuſt. Rot, of the County of Louth, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, K.P. [Hide-Hall, Hertfordſhire; Tollymore-Park, Downſhire; and Dandalk- Houſe, Lout 4..] m. D 38 H O U S E of P E E R S. Irish Peers. 1781. jan, 5. Stephen Moore, Earl of Mount-Cashel, Lord Kilworth. [Moore-Park, Cork, and Gilgorm-Caſtle, Antrim.] m. 4 1785. June 20. Thomas Pakenham, E. of Longford, Ld Pakenham, Cuſ- - tos Rotulorum of the County of Weſtmeath, K.P.F.S.A.. [Pakenham- Hall, hºeſmeath, and Longford-Caſtle, Longford.] m. 4785. June 22. John James Maxwell, E. of Farnham, V. Maxwell, a Governor of the County of Cavan, a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, [Farnham, Cavan.] m., 1785. June 27. John Boulke, E. of Mayo, Lord Naas, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, D.C.L. [Palmeſon-Houſe, Kildare.] m. 1789. Aug. 18. John Willoughby Cole, Earl of Enniskillen, Lord Mount- florence, a Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Ferma- nagh, (Lord Grinſtead of the United Kingdom.) K. P. [Florence-Court, Fermaragh.] w. - 1789. Aug. 18. John Creighton, E. of Erne, V. Creighton, a Privy- Counſellor in Ireland, a Gov of the County of Fermanagh, and a Truſ- tee of the Linen Manufacture, Crum-Caffle, Fermanagh. I m. :795. Oči. 6. Richard Bingham, Earl of Lucan, Lord Bingham. [Caſtlebar, Mayo, and Laleham, Middleſex.] m. 1800. Aug. 7. Charles-Henry Saint-John O’Neil, E. O'Neil, V. Raymond, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, joint Poſtmaſter-general, a Governor of the County of Antrim, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufac- ture, K.P. [Shanes-Caſtle, and Raymond-Cottage, Antrim.1 b. 1800. Aug. 7. Francis Bernard, E. of Bandon, V. Bernard, [Caſtle- Bernard, near Bandon, Cork, and Baſingbourne-Hall, Eſſex.] ‘w. 1800. Dec. 29. # Richard Hely Hutchinſon, Earl of Donoughmore, V. Suirdale, a Lieutenant-General, a Privy Counſellor in Ireland, a Go- vernor of the County of Tipperary, ſecond Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequel, F.S.A.. [Knocklofty-Houſe, Tipperary..] b. 1800. Dec. 29. Dupré Alexander, E. of Caledon, L. Alexander, a Governor of the County of Tyrone, and a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture. [Catedon-Caſtle, Tyrone.J. m. 1803. Feb. 11. Edmund-Henry Pery, E. of Limerick, Lord Glentworth, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, (Lord Foxford of the United Kingdom.) M.R.I.A.. [South-Hill-Park, Berks.] m. 1803. Feb. 11.% Richard Le Poer Trench, E. of Clancarty, V. Dunlo, Embaſſador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Netherlands, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, and a Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Galway, (Lord Trench of the United Kingdom.) G.C.B. [Gai bally-Houſe, Galway.] m. 1806. Feb. 10. Archibald Acheſon, Earl of Gosford, Lord Acheſon, Governor and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Armagh, a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture. [Gosford-Caſtle, Armagh..] m. 1806. Feb. 16. Laurence Parſons, Earl of Roſſe, Lord Oxmantoun, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, joint Poſt-maſter General, a Governor of the King's County, M.R.I.A.. [Birr-Caſtle, King's County.] m. * House of FEER's. In rsh: Przas. 39. 1806. Feb. 16. Charles-William Bury, Earl of Charleville, Lord Tulla- more, [Charleville-Foreſt, King’s County.] m. -- 3Regency. 1816. Jan. 22. Charles John Gardiner. E. of Bleſfington, V. Mountjoy; a Governor of the County of Tyrone. [Mountjoy-Park, Tyrone..] w. 1846. jan. 22. Richard Butler, E. of Glengalſ, V. Caher, a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture. [Caher-Caffle, Tipperary..] m. (5e0, III. 1791. July 5. Thomas Knox, V. Northland, a Governor and Cuſtos Rorulorum of the County of Tyrone, a Tiuſtee of the Linen Manufacture. . [Dungannon-l'ark, Tyrone..] 'w. A- 1797 Nov. 14. Hugh Carleton, V. Carleton, a Privy-Counſellor in Ireland, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, D.C.L. [Willow-Park, Dublin.] 'w. * 1797. Nov. 7. James Cuff, Ld Tyrawly, a Privy-Counſellor, in Ireſand, a Governor of the County of Mayo, and a Truſtee of the Linen-Manu- faéture, [Flm-Hall, Mayo.] m. D 2 40 H O U S E of P.E E R S. Perazsses PEERESSES. (10) In their own Right, by Creation or Deſcent. - -* > K_*- Čco. III. 1778. O&#. 31. Louiſa Greville, Counteſs of Mansfield, widow of David Earl of Mansfield, Lady of the Hon. Robert Fulk Greville, uncle of the Earl of Warwick. m. 182g eitcp. 1816. Sept. 11. Amabella Humé Campbell, Counteſs de Grey, Baroneſs Lucas, Widow of Lord Hume, Son of the late Earl of March- mont. [Wreſt-Houſe, Bedford/ºire, and Putney, Surrey.] we {}ett. III. 1264. Oči. 2. Charlotte Fitzgerald-de-Ros, Baroneſs de Ros, (Premier Barony.) Lady of Lord Henry Fitzgerald. [Strangford, Downſhire, and Boyle-Farm, Kent.]}n. Cºuto. II. 1307, Nov. 15. Gertrude Brand, Baroneſs Dacre, Widow of Thomas Brand, eſq. [The Hoo, Hertford/ºire.] w. 1814. june 27. Priſcilla Barbara Elizabeth Burrell, Baroneſs Willoughby de Ereſby, hereditary Great Chamberlain of England, Lady of Lord Gwydir. [Langley-Park, Kent.] m. - • wº 1322. May 2. || Barbara Yelverton, Baroneſs Grey de Ruthyn, ſole Daugh- ter of Henry Lord Grey de Ruthyn. [Brandon-Houſe, Warwick.] unm. {pen. VIII. 1532. May 4. Mary Anaſtaſia Grace Mordaunt, Baroneſs Mordaunt. [Dantzey, Wilts.] unm. - JEco. III. 1788, Aug. 19. Sophia Charlotte Walier, Baroneſs Howe, Lady of Sir Jonathan Wathen Waller, Bart. Daughter of the late Earl Howe. [Gopſal-Hall, Leiceſter/hire, and Twickenham, Middleſex.] m. 1801. May 28. Mary Anne Abercromby, Baroneſs Abercromby, Widow of Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B. [Tullibody, Clackmannan.] w. ‘1802. june 19. Mary Hill, Baroneſs Sandys, Widow of the Marquis of Downſhire. [Omberſley-Court, Worcefferſhire.] 'w. - 1805. Ahr, 27. Diana Noel, Baroneſs Barham, ſole Daughter of the late. Lord Barham, Lady of—Sir Gerard Noel Noel, Bart. [Barham-Court, • Kent.] m. * H O U S E of P E E R S. Branors. 41 ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. * Pºith the Sum each See is charged in the King’s Books, and the Date of ... " their Conſecration. 1792, #Rt hon. Charles Manners Sutton, D.D. Lord Archb. of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan, a Lord of Trade and Planta- tions, an official Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, a Governor of the Charter-Houſe, and Viſitor of All-Souls and Merton Colleges, Ox- ford, Cousin of the Duke of Rutland, and Brother of Lord Manners. [Lam- éeth-Palace, and Addington-Place, near Croydon, Surrey.] m. 2682:12.: 2 1791 # Rt hon. Edward Venables Vernon, D.C.L. Lord Archb. of York, Primate of England, and Lold High Almoner to the King, Viſitor of Queen’s College, Oxford, Brother of Lord Vernon. [Biſhopſ horſ:- Palace, near York.] m. 1610l. 1813, # Rthon. William Howley, D.D. F.R. & A.S. Lord Bp of Lon- don, an official Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, Dean of the Chapel Royal, Viſitor of Sion-College, and Provincial Dean of Canterbury. [Fulham-Houſe, Middleſex.] m. 1000l. 1769. Hon. Shute Barrington, D.C.L. Lord Bp of Durham, uncle of Viſcount Barrington, Count-Palatine and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the Principality of Durham, a Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, and Vifitol of Baliol - College, Oxford. . [Durham-Palace, and Auckland-Caffle,. Durham ; and Mongewel-Houſe, Oxon.] w. - 1821 : 1 - 3 3 1771.Hon. Blownlow North, D.C.L. Ld Bp of Wincheſter, Prelate of the Or-- der of the Garter, Provincial Sub-Dean of Canterbury, and Viſitor of Magdalene, New, Trinity, St John’s, and Corpus, Colleges, Oxford, . Uncle of the Earl of Guilford, F.A. & L.S. [Farnham-Caffle, and, h’incheſter-Houſe, Chelſea..] w. 2873 : 18 : 1 1781. Hon.James Cornwallis, D.C.L. Lord Bp of Lichfield and Coventry, Dean of Durham, Uncle of Marquis Cornwallis. [Litchfield-Palace; , Eccle/all-Caſtle, Staffordſhire; and Deanery-Houſe, Durham.] w. 559 : 17 : 3. 1787. George Tomline, D.D. Lord Bp of Lincoln, Dean of St Paul’s, Viſitor of King’s Col. Camb. and of Braſen-noſe and Lincoln Coll. Oxford, and Provincial Chancellor of Canterbury, F.R.S. [Buckden-Palace, Hunting- don/Aire.] m. 828 : 4 ; 2 1789. Richard Beadon, D.D. Ld. Bp of Bath and Wells,and Viſitor of Wad- ham-College, Oxford. [Welton-Palace, Somerſet/hire.] 533 t 1 : 3. D & *s 12. HOUSE of P E E R S. Bishops. : 1797. Folliott Herbert Walker Cornwall, D.D. Lord Bp of Worceſter, Rećtor of Hartlebury. [Worceſler-Palace, & Hartlebury-Caſtle, Worceſ- ter/Aire.] w. ^ 929 : 13 : 3 1797. John Buckner, D.D. LdBp of Chicheſter, Rečtor of St Giles’s, Mid- dleſex. [Chicheſter-Palace, Suffºx.] 677: 1 : 3 1800. Henry-Wrm Majendie, D.D. Ld Bp of Bangor, Archdeacon of An- gleſey and Bangor. [Bangor-IPalace, Carnarvon%f e, ] m. 131 : 16 : 3 1802. George Iſaac Huntingford, D.D. & F.R.S. Ld Bp of Hereford, and Warden of Wincheſter College. [Hereford-Palace, and Wincheſter- College, Hants.] 768 ; 12 : 0 1802. Hon. George Pelham, D.C.L. Lord Biſhop and Archdeacon of Ex- eter, a Canon Reſidentiary of Chicheſter, and Clerk of the Cloſet to the King, Brother of the Earl of Chicheſter. [Exerer-Palace.] 500 : 0 : 0 1803. Thomas Burgeſs, D.D. Ld Bp of St David's, Dean of Brecon, and a Prebendary of Durham. F.R. & A.S. [Aberguilly-Palace, Carmarthen- Aire.] * * 426 : 2 : 1 tê03. John Fiſher, D.D. Ld Bp of Saliſbury, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, and Provincial Precentor of Canterbury, F.S.A.. [Saliſbury- Palace, Wilts, and Saliſbury-Tower, Windſor-Caſtle.] 1385 : 5: 9 1805. Henry Bathurſt, D.C.L. Lord Biſhop of Norwich, Brother- in-law of Lord Caſtle-Coote, F.S.A.. [Norwich-Palace.] 834 : 11 : 1 1807, John Luxmore, D.D. Lord Biſhop and Archdeacon of St. Aſaph, * F.S.A. [Palace of St. Aſaph, Flintſhire.] m. 187: 11, 8 1807. Samuel Goodenough, D.C.L. Lord Biſhop of Carliſle. F.R., A. & L.S. [Roſe-Caſtle, Cumberland.] 420 : 13 : 3 1808. William Lort Manſel, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Briſtol, Maſter of Tri- nity-College, Cambridge, and Rećtor of Barwick, Yorkſhire, [Briffo/- Palace and Trinity-Lodge, Cambridge.] * 294 : 11 : () 1808. Walker King, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Rocheſter, Provincial Chap- laim to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Canon of Wells and a Pre- bendary of Peterborough, F.S.A..[Bromley-Palace, Kent.l.m. 358:14:0 1809. Bowyer Edward Sparke, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Ely, official Viſitol of St. John’s, Jeſus, and Chriſt's, College, Cambridge, F. R. & A.S. [Ely-Palace, and hºiſbeach-Caſtle, Cambridge.] m. 2134 : 18 : 0 1812. George Henry Law, D.D., Lord Biſhop of Cheſter, Prebendary of Carliſle; #. of Lord Eilenborough. [Cheſter-Palace.jm. 420 : 13 : 3 1813. John Parſons, D.D. Ld Bp of Peterborough, Maſter of Balliol-Col- lege, Oxford. [Peterborough-Palace, Northampton; and Baliol-Lodge, Oxford.] 414 : 17 : 8 1815. Hon Henry Ryder, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Glouceſter and Dean of Wells, Brother of the Earl of Harrowby. [Glouceſter-Palace, and Deanery, Wells. **. 315 : 7 : 3 1815. Hon. Edward Legge, D.C.L. Lord Biſhop of Oxford, Uncle of the Earl of Dartmouth : Warden of All Souls-College, Oxford. [Cuddef- den-Palace, near Oxford.] 381 : 11 : 7 House ºf PE E R s. Bishops. 43. 1816. Herbert Marſh, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Landaff, Lady Margaret's-Pro- feſſor of Divinity at Cambridge. F.R.S. [Cambridge 1 154 : 14: 2: Biſhoprick in the Gift of the 4thal Family, not a Lord of Parliament. 1813, George Murray, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Sodor and Mann, Nephew of the Duke of Athol, and Brother in-law of the Earl of Kinnoul. [Biſhop’s Court, Iſle of Mann.] m. " *** Beſides the Sum charged in the King's Books, every Biſhop, on 'his Conſecration or Promotion, pays, as Homage-Fees, 1121. 10s. 4d.—and: an Archbiſhop double. *sº x- Iriſh Repreſentative Biſhops for the Fourteenth Seſſion of the Imperiał , ' Parliament. * Right Hon. William Beresford, D.D. Lord Archbiſhop of Tuam. Robert Fowler, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Oſſory. James Verſchoyle, DD. Lord Biſhop of Källa. Chriſtopher Bütson, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Clonfert. 44 4lphabetical Lºft of the House of Prers The HOUSE of PEERS, In Alphabetical Order, with their Town-Reſidence. *- tº The Figures refer to #he Pages where the Titles are explained. 15 25 21 18 34 21 18 32 29 16 25 32 28 26 19 28 21 Abercorn, M. Stratford-place. Aberdeen, E. Argyll-ſtreet. Abergavenny, E, Berkeley-ſquare. Abingdon, E. 1, Dover-ffreet. Aboyne, E. Charles-ſºr. Berkeley- fºuaré. t Aileſbury, E. Grosvenºr-ſquare. Albemarle, E. 2, Berkeley-ſquare. Alvanley, L. 10, Little Stanhope- freef. Amherſt, L. Lower Groſveno, ºft. Angleſey, M. Burlington-freet. Anſon, V. Sr. james’s Square. Arden, L. St. James’s P/ace. Argyle, D. Upper Brook-ſtreet. Arundel, L. Dover-ſtreet Aſhburnham, E. Dover-ſtreet. Aſhburton, L. Atholl, D. to, Great George-ſ. Auckland, L. Audley, L. Aylesford, E. Audley-ſquare. Bagot, L. 19, Great Cumberlandºff. Balcarras, E. Bandon, E. Baggor, Bp. Bath, M. Groſvenor-ſquare. Bath & Wells, Bp. 52, Wimpole-ſº, Bathurſt, E. Mansfield-ſtreet. Bayning, L. Seymour-place. Beauchamp, E. St.James's Square. Beaufort, D. Groſvenor-ſquare. Bedford, D. Hamilton-place. Beresford, L. Berkeley, E. Spring-garden. Berwick, L. 4, Stratford-place. Beſborough, E. Cavendiſh-ſquare, Beverley, E. Portman-ſquare- Bleſinton, E. Bryanſion-ſquare. Bolingbroke, V. S |s. 27 23 29 33 17 42 19 23 18 15 20 28 16 27 22 35 38 31 12 16 41 18 39 42 18 22 31 28 32 Bolton, L. Montague ſtreet, Port- man-ſpuare. Boſton, L. Groſvenoriſtreet. Bradford, E. Braybrooke, L. lington-ſtreet. Breadalbane, E. Park-lane. Bridgewater, E. Groſvenor-ſquare. Briſtol, Bp. Briſtol, E. St james’s Square. Brownlow, E. Cavendi/A-ſquare. Buccleuch, D.74, South.Audley-/ſ. Buckingham, M. 95, Pall-Mall. Buckinghamſhire, E. 13, Groſ- venor-freef. Bulkeley, V. Stanhope-ſtreet. Bute, M. Byron, L. Cadogan, E. Caithneſs, E. Caledon, E. Calthorpe, L. Groſvenor-ſquare. CAMBRIDGE, D. S. Audleyeſir. Camden, M. Arlington-ffreet. Canterbury, Abp. Lambeth. Cardigan, E. Portman-ſquare. Carleton, V. George-ſtreet, Han- over-ſquare. Carliſle, Bp. Berner’s Street. Carliſle, E. Groſvenor-place. Carnarvon, E. Groſvenor-ſquare. Carrington, L. Whitehall. Carteret, L. Carysfort, E. 1o, New Bur- 33 Caſſilis, E. Privy-garden. 23 31 37 30 26 19 28 35 38 42 15 41 20 31 23 12 13 34 18 29 27 221 39 24 4 39 20 Cathcart, E. Cawdor, L. Charlemont, E. Charleville, E. Piccadilly. Chatham, E. Hill-ſtreet. “Alphabetical Lift of the House of Pegas. $5 Cheſter, Bp. 18, Berner’s Street. 18 Cheſterfield, E. Audley-ſtreet. 42 Chicheſter, Bp. Wigmore-ſtreet. 22, Chicheſter, E. Stretton-ſtreet. 16 Cholmondeley, M. Piccadilly. 34 Churchill, L. Pall Mall. 38 Clancarty, E. Privy-garden. 32 Cltie, E. Saville-row. 11 . CLAR EN cF, D. St james’s. 21 Clarendon, E. 30 Clifden, V. Hanover-ſquare. 27 Clifford, L. Portman-ſquare. 26 Clinton, L 43 Clonfert, Bp. 34 Colcheſter, L. 53 Combermere, L. 37 Conyngham, M. 5, Hamilton-p. 27 Cork, E. * , 15 Cornwallis, M. O. Burlington-ffr. 18 Coventry, E. Piccadilly. 24 Courtenay, V. 30 Courtown, E. Hill-ſtreet. 19 Cowper, E.George-ſi. Hanover-ſq. 22 Craven, E. Charles-ſtreet. 33 Crewe, L Groſvenor-ſtreet. 12 Cu MBER LAND, D. Stjames’s. 24 Curzon, V. Davies-ſtreet. 34 Dalhouſie, E. 9, Berkeley-ſquare. 20 Darlington, E. St.james’s Square 37 Darnley, E. Berkeley-ſq. 19 Dartmouth, E. Berkeley-ſquare. 26 De Clifford, L. Bruton-ſtreet. 31 DeDunſtanville, L. UpperGroſ.-ft. 20 De Lawarr, E. Upper Groſvenorſ. 17 Denbigh, E. South-ſtreet. 17 Derby, E. Groſvenor-ſquare. 13 Devonſhire, D. Piccadilly. 21 Digby, E. Brook-ſtreet. 29 Donegall, M. * 38 Donoughmore, E. Bulfirode-ſtreet. 29 Dorcheſter, L. 27 Dormer, L. 13 Dorſet, D. Harley-ſtreet. 29 Douglas, L. Bruton-ſtreet. 27 Douglas, M. Goſvenor-place. 30 Powue, V. Charles-ft. Berkeley-ſq. 21 Downſhire, M. Hanover-ſquare. 32 Drogheda, M. . *. 28 Ducie, L. Dover-ſtreet. 24 Dudley, V. Park-lane. 24 Duncan, V. Devonſhire-ſtreet. 30 Dundaš, L.Arlington-ſtreet. 41 Durham, Bp. Cavendi/A-ſquare. 28 Dynevor, L. 34, Dover-ſireet. 42 33 27 20 31 32 42 32 38 38 33 18 42 16 25 24 38 19 20 28 35 21. 29 30 33 25 35 31 39 42 12 21 38 12 33 27 28 25 36 29 Eglintoun, E. Egmont, E. z v. Egremont, E. Groſvenor-place. Eldon, L. Bedford-ſq. Ellenborough, L. St. james’s Square. Ely, Bp. Dover-ſtreet. Ely, M. Enniſkillen, E. Erne, E. Erſkine, L Upper Berkeley-ſ. Eſſex, E. Great Stanhope ſtreet. Exeter, Bp. 9, Connaught-place, Exeter, M. Pembroke-houſe. Exmouth, V. • * Falmouth, V. St.james’s Square. Far ham, E. Ferrers, E. New Norfolk-ſtreet. Fitzwilliam, E. 4,6roſt'.-ſquare. Foley, L. Hamilton-place. Forbes, L. " Forteſcue, E. Groſvenor-ſquare. Gage, V. Galloway, E. Hill-ſtreet. Gambier, L. . Gardner, V. Glaſgow, E. - Glaſtonbury, L. Conduit-ſtreet. Glengall, E. 54, Groſvenor-ſtreet. Glouceſter, Bp. Glouces TER, D. Paré-lane. Goldon, D. New Norfolk-ſtreet.’ G.sford, E. Bentinck-ſtrest. Grafton, D. Piccadilly. Granard, E. Grantham, L. St.james’s Square. Grantley, L. 131, Sloane-ſireet. Granville, V. Great Stanhope-ſº. Gray, L. Grenville, L. 4, Hamiltonºplace. Grey, E. Portman-ſquare. *~ Groſvenor, E.Upper Groſv.-ftreet. Guilford, E. Queen-Ann-ffrect. Gwydir, L. Whitehall. Hamilton, D. New-road, Mary- /e-bone. Hampden, V. Green-ſtreet. Harborough, E. Harcourt, E. Cavendi/A-ſquare. Hardwicke, E. St. James’s Sq. Harewood, E. Hanover-ſquare. Harrington, E. Seable-yard. Harris, L. - Harrowby, E. Groſvenor-ſquare, * 21 20 31 13 24 19 20 | 20 |:23 19 34 23 º 46 Alphabetical Lift of the House of PEER •. 16 Haſtings, M. 28 Hawke, L. 37 Headfort, M. 6, Bryanſton-ſ, 42 Hereford, Bp. Chelſea. 24 Hereford, V. Hanover-ſquare. 15 Hertford, M. Mancheſter-ſquare. 34. Hill, L. Holding’s Hotel, Hanover Square. 27 Holland, L. 35 Home, E. 24 Hood, V. 33 Hopetoun, E. 26 Howard, L. 23, Bentinck-ſireet. 26 Howard de Walden, L. 29 Huntley, M. Richmond-houſe. 32 Hutchinſon, L. Bulſtroae-ſtreet. 20 Ilcheſter, E. O. Burlington-ſtreet. 18 !. E. Berkeley-ſquare. 25 Keith, V. Harley-ſtreet, 35 Kellie, E. 12 KENT, D. Kenſington. 29 Kenyon, L. Portman-ſquare. 43 Killala, Bp. 27 King, L. 37 Kingſton, E. 27 Kinnoull, E. 25 Lake, V 84, Wimpole-ſtreet. 43 Landaff, Bp. 15 Lanſdown, M. Berkeley-ſuare. 33 Lauderdale, E. 26 Le Deſpencer, L. 13 Leeds, D. Whitehall-y ird. 24 Leinſter, D. - 31 Lilford, L. Groſvenor-place. . 38 Limerick, E. Mansfield-ſtreet. 41 Lincoln, Bp, G, eat George-ſtreet. 17 Lindſey, E Connaught-place. 41 Lichfield, Bp. Hill-ſtreet. 22 Liverpool, E. Whit, hall. 41 London, Bp. St.james’s Square. 37 Londonderry, M. 38 Longford, E.8, New Burlington- recº 1. 23 Lonſdale, E. Charles-ſt. Berkeley- ſquare. *, 35 Lothian, M. 38 Lucan, E. Hamilton-place. 33 Lynedoch, L. 2, Grafton-ſtreet. 30 Lyttelton, L. Blackheath. 19 Macélesfield, E. Conduit-ſtreet. 22 Malmeſbury, E. 21, Hill-ſtreet. 13 Mancheſter, D. 45,0/arges-ſtreet, 33 Manners, L. *. --- 21 22 13 24 38 34 25 27 31 23 27 Mansfield E. Portland-place. - Manvers, E. Portman-ſquare, Marlborough, D. Pall-mall. Maynard, V. Groſvenor-ſquare. Mayo, E. - Melbourne, V. Whitehall. Melville, V. Admiralty. Middleton, L. Hertford-ſtreet. Midleton, V. Park-ſtr. Groſv.ſ. Minto, E. Monſon, L. 29 Montagu, L. Privy-garden. 27 19 30 23 30 38 21 23 36 22 13 12 16 39 14 31 42 38 2() 32 31 Montfort, L. 8, Seamore-place. . Montroſe, D. Groſvenor-ſquare. Moray, E. Morley, E. Knightſbridge. Morton, E. 39, Aſimpoleſłrect. Mount-Caſhel, E.Io,Stratford-p- Mount-Edgcombe, E. John-ſtrect, Berkeley-ſquare. * Mulgrave, E. Harley-ſtreet. Napier, L. Nelſon, E. Portman-ſºuare. Newcaſtle, D. Berkley-ſºuare. Norfolk, D. 27, Brook-ffreet. Northampton, M. Northland, V. Northumberland, D. Charing-c. Northwick, L. Norwich, Bp. 45, Wimpole-ſtreet. O’Neil, E. Onſlow, E. Clarges-ſtreet. Orford, E. Cavendiſh-ſquare Ormonde, M. Hanover-ſquare, Oſſory, Bp. Oxford, Bp. Oxford and Mortimer, E. Pembroke, E. Privy-garden. Peterborough, Bp. $ Petre, L. 37, Brook-ſtreet. Plymouth, E. 27, Groſvenor-ſq. Pomfret, E. Ponſonby, L. . Portland, D. Piccadily. Portſmouth, E. Poulett, E. Terrace, Piccadilly. Powis, E. Berkeley-ſquare. Prudhoe, L. Northumberland- houſe. Queenſberry, M. Radnor, E. Lower Groſvenoreſtr. Redeſdale, L. 43, Harley-ſtreet. Ribbleſdale, L. & ** * 4phabetical Liſt of the House of PE ERs. 47 12 Richmond, D. Privy garden. 38 Rivers, L. 8, Cheſterfield-ſtreet, 42 Rocheſter, Bp. 18 Rochford, E. Burton-ſtreet. 37 Roden, E. 28 Rodney, L. Harley-ſtreet. 31 Rolle, L. Upher Groſvenor-ſtreet. 22 Romney, E. Arlington-ſtreet. 33 Roſſe, E. *. 22 Roſſlyn, E. St. james's Square. 31 Rous, L. Hertford-ſtreet, M. Fair. 13 Rutland, D. Arlington-ſtreet. 13 St Albans, D. Brook-ſtreet. 42 St Aſaph, Bp. 78, Glouceſter-pl. 42 St David’s, Bp. 23 St. Germains, E. St. James's ſº. 32 St Helens, L. Graftonºſ. Bond-ft. 26 Saint-John, L. 22 St Vincent, E. Mortimer-ſtreet. 42 Saliſbury, Bp. Upper Seymour-ſºr. 15 Saliſbury, M. Arlington-ſheet. 36 Saltoun, L. Great Cumber/and-ft. 18 Sandwich, E. Dover ſtreet. 26 Saye-and-Sele, L. Lower Berke- Aey-ſtreet. Scarborough, E. Portman-ſºuare. Scarſdale, L. Selkirk, E. Selſey, L. L. Groſvenor-ſtreet. Shafteſbury, E. Groſvenor-ſquare. Shannon, E. Hamilton-place. Sheffield, E. Portland-place. Sherborne, L. Shrewſbury, E. 7, Stanhope-ſtreet. Sidmouth, V. Sinclair, L. Sligo, M. Somers, L. Great George-ſtreet. Somerſet, D. Park-lane. Sondes, L. Southampton, L. 20 Spencer, E. St james’s Place. 15 Stafford, M. Clevland-row. 17 Stamford,E. Charles-ſheet, Berke- Iey-ſºuare. 18 27 35 3O 18 29 32 29 17 25 36 33, 28 12 27 28 19 Stanhope, E. 27 Stawell, L. Chapel-ſtreet, Groſve- nor-place. Stewart, L. Stourton, L. Strathmore, E. Conduit-ſtreet. Suffield, L.Charles-ſº. Berkeley-ſq. Suffolk, E. Harley-ſtreet. Sussex, D. Kenſington. Sydney, V. Groſvenor-ſquare. Talbot, E. Tankerville, E. Teynham, L. 17, Phillimore- place, Kenſington. Thanet, E. Thomond, M. Thurlow, L. Torrington, V. 39, Up. Seymour-ſt. 15 Townſhend, M. Weymouth-ſtreet. 43 Tuam, Arbp. 39 Tyrawly, L. * 28 Vernon, L. Park-hlace. - 23 Verulam, E. Groſvenor-ſquare. 30 Upper Oſſory, E. Groſvenor-pl. 19 Waldegrave, E. t 28 Walfingham, L. U. Harley-free.. 19 Warwick, E. * 29 Waterford, M. Mansfield-ſtreet. 31 Welleſley, M. Hyde-hark-corner. 14 Wellington, D. Hamilton-place. 17 Weſtmorland, E. Groſv.-ſquare. 23 Whitworth, E. 26 Willoughby de Broke, L. 22 Wilton, E. 41 Wincheſter, Bp. Chelſea. 15 Wincheſter, M. Groſvenor-ſq. 17 Winchilſea, E. South-ſtreet. 31 Wodehouſe, L. U. Brook-ſtreet. 42 Worceſter, Bp 5, Clifford-ſtreet. 30 Yarborough, L. Arlington-ſtreet. 41 York, Abp. Groſvenor-ſquare. 11 York, D. Stable-yard, St. james’s. * Zouch, L. 21, Stratford-place. 34 26 34 29 17 12 24, 21 19 27 18 37 30 24 26 * 48. Clerks and Officers of the House of Per Rs. cLERKs and officers ºf the House ºf press. Speaker, º Lord Eldon. - Chairman of Committees, Clerk of the Parliaments, ##Rt hon. George Roſe, Clerk-Aſſant, Henry Cowper, eſq. Reading-Clerk and Clerk of the Pri- vate Committees, William Stewart Roſe, eſq. Counſel to the Chairman of Committees, Edward Stracey, eſq. Clerk of the journals, Edward Par- ratt, eſq. Copying-Clerk, W. Walmſley, eſq. Other Clerks in the Office, , William Charles Payne. William Walmiſley, jun. Edward George Walmiſley. Edward Parratt, jun. Robert Walmiſley. Bobert Harvey Strachan. George Kitſon. # Earl of Shafteſbury Gent. Uſer of the Black Rod, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, Knt. < Yeoman-Uſher, Rt Quarme, eſq. Sergeant at Arms, William Watſon, eſq. F.R.S. - Receiver of Fees, Mr. Charles Suth- erland. Principal Door-Keepers. Mr. Randall, Mr. Cox, Mr. Burcher, Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Stamp, Mr. Shells, Mr. W. Wright, and Mr. T. Wright. Extra Door-Keepers. Mr. Luſcombe, Mr. Roſs. Houſekeeper, Mrs. Brandiſh. Deputy-Houſekeeper, Mrs.W.Wright. Neceſſary-Woman, Mrs. Wray. Fees due on the Intredućtion of a Peer. Prince of Wales . . An Archbiſhop . . . A Duke . . . A Marquis . . . . . . . . A 30 0 01 An Earl . . . . © º e 4, 14 (). () tº wº 27, O () A Viſcount s e º 6 º' 12 (). () 27 0 9: A Biſhop . . . . . . . 14 0 0 19 6 8 || A Baron . . . . . . , 9 () () Theſe Fees are paid by every Peer on his firſt Introduction to the Houſe, both on his original Acceſſion to a Title and his Advancement to a higher one; and alſo by every Biſhop upon his firſt Conſecration and upon any future Promotion. Homage-Fees due on the Creation of a PEER, Prince of Wales . Ditto, as Earl of Cheſter 203 3 A Duke A Marquis . . . . * * * * * * * * , , , 273 10 8 e e A 703 6 8! An Earl 4|A Viſcount 350 3 4. A Baron . A 303 3 4 159 7 4 . . . . . . . 150 5 4 [ 49 } The HOUSE of COMMONS. Elcóted, November 24, 1812. (3" The Figure after the Name ſiews in how many Parliaments the Member has ſerved. Thoſe without Figures are new. * Lººm- ENGLAND and WALES, ; 13. tº SPEAKER, Rt. hon. CHARLEs MAN N E as SUTTo N. Abingdon, Berkſhire. Sir George Bowyer, bart. L. Agmonde/ham, Backs. Thomas Tyrwhitt-Drake, eſq. (Shardeloes near this borough,and St. Donat's Caſtle, Glamorganſhire.) 3. William Tyrwhitt-Drake, eſq., a major in the army, and a captain in the royal regiment of Horſe Guards. St. Albans, Hertford/ºire. Joſeph Halſey, eſq. (Gaddeſdºn-houſe, in this county.) I Right bon. Chriſtopher Smith, Lord Mayor of London . (Hyde. houſe, Edmonton, Middleſex.) - Aldborough, York/ºire. Henry Fynes, eſq. a barrister at law. (Welwyn Herts. and Chi ſchurch-coſ. lege, Oxford.) t Granville Venables Vernon, eſq. ſon of the archbiſhop of York. Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Right hon. James Stevenſon (Blackwood,) Lord Dufferin and Caneboye in Ireland, a governor of the county of Down, and a truſtee of the linen manufacture. (Ballyleidy-houſe, Down º Andrew Strahan, eſq. painter to the King. 4. Andºver, Hants. Hon. Newton Fellowes, only brother of the earl of Portſmouth. (Eggesſord, near Chumleigh, Devon.) 5 Thomas Asheton Smith, eſq. (Tedworth, near Andover.) * , Angleſey/bire. [2] Hon. Berkeley Paget, youngeſt brother of the marquis of Angleſey, and of the members for Carnarvon and Milboine-Port, a lord of the treaſury. Appleby, Weſtmorland. James Lowther, eſq. (Lowther, Weſtmorland.) *Right Hon. George Tierney, D.C.L. (Wimbledon, Surrey.) $ E 59 The HOUSE of COMMONs. - - Arundel, Suſſex. Sir Fiancis-John Wilder, knt, a major-general. (Binfield-place, Berks.) 2 Sir Samuel Romilly, knt. a king's counſel. 4/burton, Devonſhire. #Rt. Hon. John Sullivan, a commiſſioner for the affairs of India. (Rich- ings-park, Herts.) 1 Richard Preſton, eſq., a barriſter at law. (Aſcot, near Torrington, in this county.) 4yleſbury, Bucks. Righthon. George (Grenville), lord Nugent in Ireland, only brother of the marquis of Buckingham, and nephew of lord Grenville. (Lilley's, Bucks.) . * I Charles Compton Cavendiſh, eſq. ſon of the member for Derbyſhire, brother to the member for Derby, and firſt couſin to the Duke of Devonſhire, Banbury, Oxfordſhire. Hon. Frederick Sylveſter North Douglas, only ſon of Lord Glenbervie, and nephew of the Earl of Guilford. (The Pheaſantry, Middleſex.) Barnſtaple, Devonſhire. Sir Manaſſeh-Maſſeh Lopes, bart. recorder of Weſtbury. (Mariñow-houſe, Devon, and Weſtbury, Wilts.) I Sir Eyre Coote, only brother of lord Caſtle-Coote. K. C. (Weſt-park, Hampſhire.) Bath. #Lord John Thynne, brother of the marquis of Bath, and nephew of lord Carteret, lord chamberlain of his Majesty's establishment at Windsor, T. S. A. 4 Charles Palmer, eſq. of this city, a colonel in the army, and aid-de-camp to the Prince Regent. f , I Beaumaris, Angleſey/Atre. Thomas Frankland Lewis, eſq. . - Bedfordſhire. [4.] Francis Pym, eſq. (The Haſels, near Biggleſwade.) -- 3 Moſt Nobie Francis (Ruſſell,) marquis of Taviſtock, ſon of the Duke of Bedford, and ſon-in-law of the earl of Harrington. (Oakley, Bedford- £ire.), 3. Bedford. • * Lerd George william Ruſſell, ſecond ſon of the duke of Bedford, a lieut.- colonel in the army. - Hon. William Waldegrave, brother to earl Waldegrave, a captain in the royal navy, (ſon-in-law of the late Mr. Whitbread.) * ,” The Hous E of COMMONS. sº * Bedwin, Wilts. James Henry Leigh, eſq. brother-in-law of Lord Say and Sele. (Addel- fhope, GlouceſterAire, and Stoneleigh, Warwick/hire.) 3 ºrighthon Sir John Nicholl, knt. dean of the arches and judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury, and a lord of trade and plantations. i).c.L. (Merthyrmawr, Glamorganſhire.) 3 Beralſion, Devonſhire. . . . . Righthon. George (Percy,) lord Lovaine, ſon of the earl of Beverley, and nephew of the duke of Northumberland. e - * -º- 5 Hon. Jocelyn Percy, a captain in the royal navy, brother of the other member. < a 2. Berkſhire. [9.] Charles Dundas, eſq. couſin to lord Dundas, and a counſellor of ſtate in Scotland. (Barton-court, in this county.) 5 Hon. Richard Neville, eldeſt fon of Lord Braybroke, nephew of Lord Grenville.(Audley-end, Eſſex, and Billingbeare, near hºokingham, Bucks.)3 Berwick, Northumberland. Alexander Allan, eſq. a director of the Eaſt India company. Henry Heneage St. Paul, eſq. younger brother to the memoer for Bridport, (Ewart-hall, Northumberland.) Beverley, Yorkſhire. John Wharton, eſq. (Skelton-Caſtle, Guiſborough, Žorkſhire.) 4. Charles Forbes, eſq. lord rector ot the Marischal college of Aberdeen. - Bewdley, Worceſterſhire. Charles Edward Wilſonn, eſq. (Bognor, Suſſex.) o Biſhop's Caſtle, Shropſhire. William Clive, eſq. uncle of the earl of Powis. (Seyche, Salop.) 9 John Robinſon, eſq., a lieutenant-general in the army, and a colonel.com- mandant of the 69th regiment, brother-in-law of the earl of Powis. (Denſion-hall, Suffolk.) S s Blechingly, Surrey. John Bolland, eſq. a merchant in London. (Clapham, Surry.) Robert William Newman, eſq. (Sandridge, near Totneſs, Devon.) Rodmyn, Cornwall. Davies Giddy Gilbert, eſq., F. R. & L. S. (Tredrea, Cornwall.) 3 #Righthon. Charles Bathurſt,(brother in law of Viſcount Sidmouth,)barriſ. . ter-at-law, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaſter, F.S.A. & D.C.L. (Lydney-park, Glouceſterſhire.) 5 - Boroughbridge, 1%rk/#ire. - - Sir William Henry, Clinton, ſon-in. law of the earl of Sheffield, a lieute- nant-general, and colonel of the 55th regument of foot. G. C. B. 2 Sir Henry Clinton, brother-in-law of the earl of Wemyſs, a lieutenant- general and colonel of the 3d regiment of foot. G.C.B. & K.M.T. . JBoſſiney, Cornwall. James Archibald Stuart-Wortley, eſq. ſon-in-law of the earl of Erne. (Wortley-hall, York/ºire) William Yates Peel, eſq ſecond ſon of the member of Tamworth, and brother of the membe, for Oxford. E a 5 2. The HOUSE of COMMONS. N Boſton, Lincolnſhire. - William Alexander Madocks, eſq. (Dalmynlynlyn, near Dolgelly, Merio- - nethſhire, and Tre-Madoc, Carnarvonſhire.) Hoti. Peter Robert Drummond Burieli, eideſt ſon of Baroneſs Willoughby and Lord Gwydir. (Drummond-Caſtle, Perthſhire.) l Bracley, Northampton/Aire. Robert Haldane Bradſhaw, eſq. a trus, e - of the estates of the late duke of Bridgewater (HPorſley-Hall, Lancaſhire, and Runcorn, Cheſhire) 3 Henry Wrotteſley, eſq. barriſter-at law, a commiſſioner of bankrupts and cut fitor in Chancery. - * - Bramber, Suſſex. John Irving, eſq. a merchant in London. (Aſhford, Middleſex...) William Wilberforce, eſq. (Markington, Yorkſhire.) * Brecon/hire. [2. J Thomas Wood, eſq. ſon-in-law of the marquis of Londonderry, and bro- ther-in-law of the member for Downſhire. (Gwernever, in this county.) z - * Brecon. - Charles Morgan, eſq. eldeſt ſon of Sir Charles Morgan, bart. (Tredegar- Aouſe, Monmouth.) - Bridgenorth, Shropſhire. Thomas Whitmore, eſq. (Apley-park, Shropſhire.) 3. Hon. Charles Cecil Cope Jenkinſon, half-brother of the Earl of Liver- pool. (Pitchford, near Shrewſbury, and Bucſtead, near Ucfield, Suſſex.) Bridgewater, Somerſet/hire. George Pocock, eſq brother-in-law of earl Poulett. (Twickenham, Mid- dleſex. 1 wit: Anal eſq. a direétor of the Eaſt Ind a company. (Everton-houſe, Bedfordſhire.) - l Bridport, Dorſet/ire. Sir Horace David Cholwell St. Paul, bt. brother to the member for Berwick. (Ewart-park, Northumberland.) 9 tº Henry Charles Sturt, eſq. (Brown ea-caſtle in this county.) \- Briſtol. Richard Hart Divis, eſq. a banker in Briſtol. (Mortimer-Houſe, Clifton, Glouceſterſhire.) 1 Edward Prothcroe, efd. w Buckinghamſhire. [14] tº Rt. hon. Thomas Grenville, chief juſtice in Eyre ſouth of Trent, broth-r of lod Grenville, and uncle of the marquis of Buckingham and of lord Nugent. (Woot in park, Bucks.) 6 william Selby Lowndes, eſq. (Whadden-hall, Bucks.) I The House of commons. 53 Buckingham. William Henry Freemantle, eſq. (Englefield Green, Surrey.) 1. Hon. James Hamilton Stanhope, a lieutenant colonel, and a captain in the grenadier guards. w Callington, Cornwall. William Stephen Poyntz, eſq. father-in-law of Lord Clinton. (Midgham - 1. g Houſe, Berks, and Cowdray-park, Suſſex.) Hon. Charles Rodolph Trefuſis, brother of lord Clinton. Calne, Wilt/#ire. , r Hon. James Abercromby, third ſon of baroneſs Abercromby, brother of the member for Clackmananſhire, a commiſſioner of bankrupts, and barrister at law. -*. 2. James Macdonald, eſq., one of the clerks of the privy ſeal, eldeſt ſon of Sir Arch. Macdonald, bart, and nephew of the marquis of Stafford. (Eaſi-Sheen, Surry.) - Cambridgeſhire. [6.] Lord Charles Somerſet Manners, next brother of the duke of Rutland, a lieutenant-colonel of the 3d legiment of dragoons, brother of the mem- ber for Leiceſterſhire. 3 Lord Francis Godolphin Oſborne, brother of the duke of Leeds, and brother- in-law of Lord Auckland (Gogmagog-houſe, near Cambridge.) I [. Cambridge Univerſity. - # Rt. Hon. Henry John (Temple,) viſcount Palmerſton in Ireland, ſecre- tary at war. (Broadlands-Park, near Romſey, Hants. 3. John Henry Smyth, eſq., M.A. ſon-in-law of the duke of Grafton. near Wakefield, Yorkſhire.) (Heath, 3. * Cambridge Borough. s Hon. Edward Finch, uncle of the earl of Aylesford, a groom of the King's bed-chamber, a lieutenant-genewal, and colonel of the 22d regiment of foot. 7 Robert Manners, eſq. a general, colonel of the 30th regiment, and clerk marſhal and firſt equery to the king. (Bloxholm-Hall, Lincolnſhire.) 7 Gamelford, Cornwal. William Leader, eſq. Samuel Scott, eſq. (Bromley, Kent.) •gº Canterbury. Stephen Rumbold Luſhington, eſq., ſon-in-law of lord Harris, joint secretary of the Treasury. (Norton court, and Linſtead-lodge, Kent.) gº John Baker, eſq. a banker of this city.(St. Stephens, near Canterbury.) T *. Cardiff, Glamorganſhire. Lord Evelyn James Stuart, uncle of the Marquis of Bute. (Cardiff-caffle, t E 3 54 The flot) SE of COMMONS. Cardigan/Fire. [2.] William Edward Powell, eſq., lord-lieutenant and cuſtos rotulorum of the county. (Nanteos, in this county.) Cardigan, Hon. John Vaughan, half-brother of the earl of Liſburne; and brother-in- law of viſcount Courtenay, a colonel in the army. (Croſſwood, in this sounty, and Liſburne-houſe, Devon.) - Carliſle, Cumberland. * Sir James Graham, bart. recorder of the antient borough or Appleby. (Edmond-caſtle, near this city, and Kirkſtall, Yorkſhire.) * John Chriſtian Curwen, eſq (Workington Hall, Cumberland) 5 Carmarthenſhire. [2]. * Lord Robert Seymour, brother of the marquis of Hertford, patent joint filaſer and prothonotary in the court of king's bench, and clerk of the crown, and keeper of the writs, in Ireland. (Talliaris-park, tm this county.) 5 3. Carmarthem. - Hon. John Fred. Campbell, eldest son of lord Cawdor, ſon-in-law of the marquis of Bath. Carnarvonſhire. [2] Sir Robert Williams, bart. (Nant-hall, Carnarvonſhire.) - 4. C: rnarvon. Hon. Charles. Paget, a brother of the marquis of Angleſey, and of the members for Angleſey and Milborne-Port, a captain in the royal navy. (Fair-Oak-Lodge, near Rogate, Suſſex.) . * Caffle-Riſing, Norfolk. Hon. Fulk Greville Howard, a colonel in the army, brother of Viſcount Templetown, and brother in-law of the earl of Briſtol. (Leven’s Park, near Milthrop, Weſtmorland.) * I Hon. George Horatio (Cholmondsley) earl of Rock Savage, eldeſt ſon of the marquis of Cho'mondeley. Cheſhire. [4]. Davies Davenport, eſq. (Capeſhorne-hall, Cheſhire.) 3 Wilbraham Egerton, eſq. mephew of the member for Clitheroe. (Tatton- ... park, Cheſhire.) *. Øheſter. Thomas Groſvenor, eſq. couſin of earl Groſvenor, a lieutenant-general in the aimy, and colonel of the 65th regiment. (Stocking-hall, Leiceſter- 11’é, sº Grey Egerton, bart. (Oulton-park, Cheſhire.) : - Chickºffer, Suſſex. #Rt.Hon. William Huſkiffon, firſt commiſſioner of woods and foreſts, colonial agent of Ceylon, and a director of the Sun Fire-Office. (Eartham, Suſſex.) f . . 3. Right hor. Charles ( Lennox,) earl of March and Darnley, eldeſt ſon of the àuke of Richmond, and ſon-in-law of the marquis of Angleſey; a lieu. tenant-colonel. - 7%e House of commons, 55 * Chippenham, Wilts. * Charles Brooke, eſq. (Pimpledown, Hants.) * John Maitland, eſq. (Woodſord-hall, Eſſex.) Chriſtchurch, Hants. * #Right hon. George Roſe, clerk of the parliaments, treaſurer of the navy, keeper of the records in the receipt of the exchequer, an official lord of trade and plantations, one of the Verdurers of the New Foreſt, an elder-brother of the Trinity-houſe, a director of Greenwich Hoſpital, and a truſtee of the Britiſh and Hunterian Muſeums, father of the member for Southampton. (Cuffnells, near Lyndhurſt, Hants.) 6 William Edward Tomline, eſq. ſon of the biſhop of Lincoln, and maſter of St. John’s Hoſpital, Northampton. I Y Cirenceſter, Gloucefierſhire. Michael Hicks Beach, eſq. (Williamſtrip-park, Glouceſterſhire, and Ne- rheravon, Hºlts.) 5 Right hon. Henry George (Bathurſt,) Lord Apſley, ſon of earl Bathurſt, a commiſſioner for the affairs of India. Chithero, Lancaſhire. Hon. Robert Curzon, ſon of viſcount Curzon, and ſon-in-law of lord Zouche. w * - 4. Edward Bootle Wilbraham, eſq. (Lathem-houſe, Lancaſhire.) 5 Cockermouth, Cumberland. #Right hon. Thomas Wallace, brother-in-law of the earl of Hopetoun. . D. C. L. (Carlton-hall, in this county.) 2. John Henry Lowther, eſq. (Swillingham, Yorkſh’re.) Colchefter, Eſſex. & Hart Davis, eſq. ſon of the member for, Briſtol. (Mortimer-houſe Clifton, Glouceſterſhire.) $ Sir William Burroughs, bart, late a judge at Bengal. 56 The HOUSE of COMMONS. - ~s Corfe-Gaffle, Dorſetſhire. Henry Bankes, eſq. a truſtee of the British Muſeum. (Kingſon-hak, Winborne, Dorſet.) & George Bankes, eſq., ſon of the other member. Cornwall. [44,] . Sir William Lemon, bart, D.C.L. (Garclew, near Penryn, in this county.) io John Hearle Tremayne, eſq., son-in-law to the other member. (Heligan, Cornwall, and Sydenham, Devon.) 2 -- Coventry, Warwick/hire. peter Moore, eſq. (Thuby-priory, Eſſex.) Joſeph Butterworth, eſq. a merchant in London. Criclade, Wiltſhire. Thomas Calley, eſq. (Burdrop-houſe, in this county.) Joſeph Pitt, eſq. a banker at Cirencester. (Cirencester.) Cumberland. [6.] ohn Lowther, eſq. brother of the earl of Lonſdale, and brother-in-law of the earl of Weſtmorland. (Swillington, Yorkſhire.) 4. #Right hon. George (Howard,) viſcount Morpeth, ſon of the earl of Car- liſle, and brother-in-law of the Duke of Devonſhire. (Morpeth-caſtle. Northumberland.) I’artmouth, Devonſhire. Arthur Howe Holdſworth, eſq. governor of Dartmouth-Caſtle. (Stokenham, near Kingſbridge, in this county.) 2. John Baffard, eſq., brother of the member for Devonſhire, a captain in the royal navy. (Sharpham, near Torneſs.) - Denbighſhire. [2.] t Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, bart. nephew of lord Grenville, and ſon- in-law of the earl of Powis ; lord lieutenant and cuſtos rotulorum of the counties of Merioneth and Denbigh, and ſteward of Bromſalom- Yale Manor. (Wynnſtay, near Wrexham.) 5 Denbigh. Righthon. John O’Bryen (Fitzmaurice,) Viſcount Kirkwall, only ſon of the counteſs of Orkney, and brother-in-law of lord De Blaquiere. Derbyſhire. [4.] Lord George Auguſtus Henry Cavendiſh, uncle of the duke of De- vonſhire, father of the member for Derby. (Compton-place, near Eaſt- bourn, and Holkar-hall, near Ulver/fone, Lancaſhire.) 6 Edward Miller Mundy, eſq. father-in-law of the duke of Newcaſtle. (Shipley-hall near Derby.) .e. 6 Lerby. Edward Coke, eſq., brother of the member for Norfolk. Henry Frederic Compton Cavendiſh, eſq., a ſon of the member for the county, brother to, the member for Aylesbury, and first cousin to the duke of Devonſhire. * 1. The House of COMMONS. 57 a Devizes, Wiltſhire. - Joſhua Smith, eſq. father-in-law of the marluis of Northampton, F.S.A. . (Ed lington, and Stoke-park, Wilts.) . 7 Thomas Grimſton Eſtcourt, eſq. (New Park, Wilts.) 3 Devonſhire. [26.] - Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, bart. (Killerton-hºuſe, near Collumpton.) Edmund Pollexfen Baſtard, eſq. brother to the member for Dartmouth, (Ritley, near Plympton,) p Dorſeſhire. [20.] William Morton Pitt, eſq. brother-in-law of Lord Gambier, father-in-law of the earl of Romney, and cousin to lord Rivers, F. R. S. (Kingſion- houſe, near Dorcheſter.) 3 Edward Berkeley, Portman, eſq. ſon in law of Lond Dormer. (Bryanſion houſe, near Blandford.) Dorcheſter, Dorſet/hire. Robert Williams, eſq. a banker in London. (Moor-Park, Ricnanſworth, Herts. 3 Sir Samuel Shepherd, knt, a king’s ſerjeant and attorney general to the King, ~ * .. * Dover, Kent. Charles Jenkinſon, eſq. couſin of the earl of Liverpool. (Beech-houſe, Hants. 2. Sir John Jackſon, bist. a merchant in London, a dire$tor of the Eaſt India Company. (Woodcot-grove, Surrey, and Arſey, Bedfordſhire.) z Downton, Wiltſhire. Sir Thomas Brooke Pechell, bt. a major-general. (Paggleſham, Eſſex.) Edward Golding, eſq. (Maiden Erlegh, Berks.) Droitwich, Worcefferſhire. Hon. Andrew Foley, uncle of lord Foley. (Newport-houſe, Hereford- Jhire.) 9 Right hon. William Philip (Molyneux) earl of Sefton in Ireland, brother-in-law of the earl of Craven. (Croxheath-hall, Lancaſhire, and Stoke Farm, Berks.) - Ar Dunwich, Suffolk. Michael Barne, eſq. (Sotterley-hall, Suffo/k.) - Right hon, Joſhua (Vanneck,) lord Huntingfield in Ireland. (Hevening- _Aam-hall, Suffolk.) Durham, County of [4] John Geo. Lambton, eſq. (Lambton, in this county.) Hon. William John Frederick Vane Powlett, ſecon I ſon of the earl of Darlington, ſon-in law of the garl of Lonſdale, and brother of the mem- ber for Winchelſea. 58 The HOUSE of COMMONS. Durham, City of. * Richard Wharton, eſq. a barriſter-at-law. (Old Park, in this county.) 4 George Allan, eſq., F. S. A. (Grange, in this county.) Eaſt Looe, Cornwall. Sir Edward Buller, bart. a vice-admiral of the white, and recorder of this borough. (Trenant-park, Wivelſcombe, and Trevolland, Cornwall.) 3 Thomas Potter Macqueen, eſq. (Ridgmont Houſe, Bucks.) ' - Edmundſbury, St. Suffolk. Lord Charles Fitzroy, next brother of the duke of Grafton, and ſon-in-law of the marquis of Londonderry, a general, and colonel of the 48th regiment. (Whittlebury, Northamptonſhire.) 3 Frederic Thomas Hervey Foſter, eſq., ſon of the ducheſs of Devonſhire, and nephew of the Earl of Briſtol. (Richmond, Surrey, and Stonehouſe, Iouth, Ireland.) t Eſſex. [8] John Archer Houblon,eſq. (Hallingbury-place, %.} 1. Charles Callis Weſtern, eſq. (Felix-Hall, Kilvedon, Eſſex.) 5 Eveſham, Worcefferſºne. - William Manning, eſq. a merchant and banker in London, a bank director, (Coombe-bank, near Seven Oaks, Kent.) 5 Humphrey Howorth, eſq. - I JExeter. James Buller, eſq. (Downes, and Coffinswoll, Devon, and Shillingham, near Salta/#, Cornwall.) 6 William Courtenay, eſq. elder brother to the member for Totneſs, and cousin and next male heir to visc. Courtenay, a barrister at law, and a maſter in chancery. (Powderham Caſtle in this county.) Eye, Suffolk. Mark Singleton, eſq., brother-in-law of marquis Cornwallis, principal ſtore-keeper of the ordnance. (Wimbledon, Sury.) 2 Sir Robert Gifford, knt. a king's serjeant, and folicitor general to the king. * Flintſhire. [2.] - Sir Thomas Moſtyn, bart. (Moſlyn-hall, Flintſhire.) S wº- Flint. Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd, bart. (Pengwern, near St. Aſaph.) 3 The HOUSE of COMMONS. 59 Fowey, Cornwall. Robert Wigram, eſq. ſon of Sir Robert Wigram, bart. F.R.S. (Belmont Lodge, }orcester/Aire.) r I William Raſhleigh, eſq. (Menabilly, Cornwall.) Gatton, Surrey. Sir Mark Wood, bart. a colonel in the army in India, late chief engineer at Bengall. F.S.A.(Gatton-park, Surrey, and Lanthony-abbey and Penycoyd- caffſe, Monmouthſhire.) º Mark Wood, eſq. ſon of the other member St. Germans, Cornwall. Henry Goulburn, eſq. nephew of Viſcount Chetwynd, under ſecretary of ſtate for the colonial department. Sir William Henry Pringle, nephew in law of the eart of St. Germans, a major-general, and colonel of the 64th regiment. K. C. B. Glamorgan/hire. [2.] Sir Christopher Cole, a captain in the royal navy. K.C.B. (Penrice- caffle, in this county.) Glouceſterſ, re. [8.] Lord RobertEdward HenrySomerſet, brother of the duke of Beaufort, bro- ther-in law of Viſc. Courtenay, a major-general, and firſt lieutenant- colonel of the 4th regiment of dragoons. K.C. B. & K.T.S. 3 Sir Berkeley William Guiſe, bart. (Higham-court, in this county.J 1. Gloucher. Lord Henry-Thomas Howard-Molyneux-Howard, next brother of the duke of Norfolk, deputy earl marſhall of England, and high steward of this city. (Thornbury-caſtle, GlouceſterAire, and Tiverſall and hºek. Iow, Nottinghamſhire.) \ Edward Webb, eſq. b Grampound, Cornwal. John Teed, eſq. Ebenezer John Collett, eſq. (Locker's-houſe, Herts.) Grantham, Lincolnſhire. Sir William Earl Welby, bt. (Denton, in this county.) Robert Smith, eſq. late advocate-general at Bengal. Grimſby, Lincolnſhire. Sir Robert Heron, bart. (Stubton, Lincolnárre.) John Peter Grant, eſq., a barrister at law, and an advocate at the Scatch bar. (Rothiemurchus, Inverneyſhire.) 6e The HOUSE of COMMONS. Grinſtead, Suſſex. f Sir George William Gunning, bart. (Horton, Northamptomſhire.) Sir George Johnſton Hope, a rear admiral of the red, and a loid of the ad- miralty. K.C.B. -* * \ * Guilford, Surrey. Hon. Thomas Cranley Onſlow, ſecond ſon of the earl of Onſlow. Weſ; Clandon, Surrey.) 4. Arthur Onſlow, eſq. a King's ſerjeant. (Send-grave, near this borough.) Hampſhire. [26.] William Chute, eſq., son-in-law of J. Smith, eſq. mesmber for Devizes (The Vine, near Baſingſtoke, Hants.) 4. Thomas Freeman Heathcote, eſq., eldeſt ſon of fir William Heathcote, bart. ' (Embly, near Romſey, in this county.) I z Harwich, Eſſex. #Right hon. John Hiley Addington, under-ſecretary of ſtate for the home department, and high ſteward of Harwich, brother of viſcount Sidmouth. (Longford-court, Somerſetſhire.) 5 tº Right hon. Nicolas Vanſittart, brother-in law of lord Auckland, chan- cellor of the exchequer, a barriſter-at-law, and a privy-counſelor in Ire- kand D.C.L. 4. Haſlemere, Surrey, #Righthon. Charles Long, ſon-in-law of the member for Haſtings, pay- maſter of the forces, a privy-counſellor, alſo, in Ireland, an official lord of trade and plantations, a truſtee of the Britiſh and Hunterian Muſeums, a commiſſioner for the erection of national monuments, and a director of Greenwich-hoſpital, F.R.S. & S.A. (Bromley-hill, Kent.) 7 Robert Ward, eſq. clerk of the ordnance, brother-in-law ithe earl of Muſ. grave. (Hyde-lodge, Bucks.) s - 2 Haſtings, Suſſex. Sir Abraham Hume, bart. brother-in-law of the earl of bridgwater, and father-in-law of earl Blownlow. (Wormlybury, Herts.) ! James Dawkins, eſq. (Upper No, ton, Oxford/ºire.) Haverfordweſi, Pembrokeſ, ire. right hon. William (Edwardes,) lord Kenſington in Ireland. (johnſon, near this borough.) * 4 Helleftone, Cornwall. Hugh Hammerſley, eſq. a banker in London. William Horne, eſq.a barriſter-at-law, and commiſſioner of bankrupts. (Ep- ping-green, Little Berkhamſtead, Herts.) ‘ike House of COMMON3. 6 4 - Herefordſhire. [i.] Sil John Geers Cotterell, bart. (Garnons, Hereford.), . $2. Thomas Foley, eſq. ſon of the member for Droitwitch, and lieut, colonel of the Herefordſhire militia. (Berrington-park, Hereford.) 2 Hereford, City of Thomas Powell Symonds, eſq. (Pengethly, Hereford.) 4. Richard Philip Scudamore, eſq. (Kentchurch-court, near this eity.) , ; Hertford/ºire. [6.J Hen. Themas Brand, eldeſt ſon of Baroneſs Dacre. (The Hoo, Herts.) = Sir John Saunders Sebright, bart. (Beachwood, Herts.) 1. ſº Hertford. - Nicolſon Calvert, eſq. brother to the member for Southwark. (Hunſlon- Aouſe, Hents.) Rt. Hon. James Brownlow William (Cecil) viſcount Cranborne, only ſon of the marquis of Saliſbury. (Hatfield Houſe, Herts.) Heydon, Yorkshire. John Broadhurſt, eſq. Ant. Browne, eſq. agent for the iſland of Antigua. - Heyteſbury, Wills. Right Hon. Samuel (Hood), Lord Bridport of Ireland, ſecond ſon of viſ- count Hood, and ſon-in-law of earl Nelſon. (Cricket-Lodge, Somerſetſhire.) Charles Duncombe, eſq. (Duncombe park, Yorkſhire.) , º Higham-Ferrers, Northamptonshire. William Plumer, eſq. (Gilston-park, and Blakeſware, Herts.) * Hindon, Wilts. William Beckferd, eſq. father-in-law of the Marquis of Douglas, and uncle-in-law of the earl of Aboyne. (Fontbill-abbey, near this borough.) 1. Sir Benjamin Hobhouſe, bart, barriſter-at-law, and firſt commiſſioner between the Eaſt India Company and the creditols of the late Nabob of the Carnatic. F. R. and A.S. (Chantry-houſe, Milts ; Westbury- houſe, Gloucestershire; and Whitton-park, near Hounſlow, Middleſex.).5 Honiton, Devonshire, Richard William Howard Howard-Vyſe, eſq. ſon of general Vyſe, a major in the army, and a captain in the 2d regiment of life guards. F. S. A. (Stoke-place, Bucks.). I George Abercromby Robinſon, eſq., late accountant-general in India; chairman of the Globe inſurance Office, (Batts, near Taunton, So. mersetshire.) -- . . * * '- * F l 6s. The HOUSE of COMMONs. Horſham, Suſſex. Sir Arthur Piggott, knt. a King’s counſel. 3 Robert Hurſt, eſq. a barrister at law. (Hor/am-park, Suſſex.) 3 * . 4. Huntingdonſhire. [4] William Henry Fellowes, eſq. firſt couſin of the Earl of Portſmouth. (Ramſey-abbey, in this º * 7 Right hon. John (Proby) lord Proby, eldeſt ſon of the earl of Carysfort, and brother to the member for the county, of Wicklow, a majer- general. - Huntingdom. John Calvert, eſq. secretary to the lord Chamberlain. (Aldbury-hall, Hert- fordſhire.) º 3 Samuel Farmer, eſq. a merchant in London. (Nonſuch-park, Surrey.) Hythe, Kent. Sir John Perring, bart., an alderman and banker of London, F. A. and L. S. (Membland, Devon.) 2 Matthew White, eſq. - Ilcheſter, Somerſetſhire. Hon. John William Ward, only ſon of Viſcount Dudley and Ward. F. S. A. (Himley-hall, Staffordſhire.) George Philips, eſq. (Sedgley, near Manchester.) Ipſwich, Suffolk. Robert Alexander Crickitt, eſq. a banker in Colchester. John Round, eſq., LL.D. (Colchester.) St. Ives, Cornwal. Sir Walter Stirling, bart. a banker in Weſtminſter. F. R. & A. S. (Faſkin, Lanerkſhire, and Shoreham, near Sevenoaks, Kent.) I william Pole Tylney Long Welleſley, eſq., ſon of the member for Queen's county, nephew of Marquis Welleſley and of the Duke of Welling- ton; ranger of Epping Foreſt. (haºſ?ead-paré, Eſſex, and Drayts.- park, near Chippenham, hºiſts.) JKent. [10.] sir Edward Knatchbull, bart. (Merſham-hatch, Kent.) Sir William Geary, bart. (Oxen-heath, near Tanéridge.) Ring's Lynn, Norfolk. Sir Martin Browne Folkes, bart, F.R.S (Hillingdon-hall, Norfolk.) 5 Right Hon. Horatio (Walpole,), lord Walpole, ſon of the earl of Or. ford, and nephew of the member for Dungarvae, (Piddletown, Dorſet.) The HOUSE of COMMONS. 63 & Kingſton-upon-Hull, Yorkſhire. hn Staniforth, eſq. a bank director and a merchant in London. (Norton- hall, Suffolk.) - Sir George William Denys, bt. brother-in-law to the earl of Pomfret, equery to the duke of Suſſex. (Easton-Naſon, Northamptonſhire.) Knareſborough, Yorkſhire. #Lord John Townſhend, uncle of marquis Townſhend. (Ball's Park, near Hertford.) #Right hon. Charles-Auguſtus (Bennet,) lord Oſſulſton, M. A. ſon of the earl of Tankerville, and ſon-in-law of the duke de Gramont. (Chilling- ham-caſtle, Northumberland.) Lancaſhire. [14.] John Blackburne, eſq. F.R.S. (Orford-hall, and Hale, in this county.), 7 Right hon. Edward (Stanley,) lord Stanley, M.A. ſon of the earl of Derby. (Knowſley-pak, near Preſcot.) Lancaſter. John Fenton Cawthorne, eſq. (Wyerſide,and Mºyerſdale-tower, Lancaſter.)5 Gabriel Doveton, eſq. a major general in the East India service. (Everdon, near Daventry, Northamptonſhire.) -- Launceſton, Cornwal. * Brogden, eſq., chairman of the committees. (Clapham, Surrey.) Hon. Pewhall Baſtard Pellew, eldeſt ſon of viſc. Exmouth, a captain in the royal navy. -A • sº Leiceſterſhire. [4.] George Anthony Legh Keck, eſq. (Stoughton-Grange, near Leiceſter.) 4 Lord Robert William Manners, youngeſt brother of the duke of Rutland, and brother of the member for the county of Cambridge, 2d lieutenant- colonel of the 1 oth regiment of dragoons. (Belvoir, in this county.) a " t Leiceſter. Samuel Smith, eſq. a banker in London, brother of lo; d Carrington and of the member for Nottingham, and father of the member for Malmeſ- bury. (Woodhall-park, near Ware, Herts.) - . ... v. Thomas Babington, eſq. (Rothley-temple, Leiceſter/bi e.) . '4 Leominſter, Herefordſhire. ' John Harcourt, eſq. *- Sir John William Lubbock, bart, a banker in London 4 Leſkeard, Cornwall. 'Hon. William Eliot, brother of the earl of St. Germans, and brother-in- law of the marquis of Stafford, a lord of the treaſury. (Port-Elior, Cornwall.) , #Right hon. Charles Philip Yorke, half-brother of the earl of Hardwicke, a teller of the exchequer. (Bonington, Herts.) 5. F 2. 64 The HOUSE of COMMONS. * Leftwithiel, Cornwall. Right, hon. William Richard (Edgcombe) Wiscount Valletort, ſon of the earl of Mount Edgcombe, and nephew of lady Castlereagh. John Aſhley Warre, eſq. > Lewes, Suſſex. George Shiftner, eſq. (Combe place, Suſſex.) Sir John Skelley, bart. (Maresfield park, Suſſex.) Lichfield, Staffordſhire. Sir George Anſon, brother of viſcount Anſon, a major-general, and colo- hel of the 23d regiment of dragoons, K.C.B. & K. T.S. (Ruſſia...hall, sº - 3 George Granville Venables Vernon,eſq., eldeſt ſon of the alchbiſhop of Yolk, nephew of the Marquis of Stafford, and of lord Vernon, and ſon-in-law of the earl of Lucan. $ Lime Regis, Dorſetſhire. Sir Henry Fane, a major-general, and colonel of the 4th regiment of dra- goon-guards. K.C.B. (Fulbeck, Lincolnſhire.) John Thomas Fane, eſq., a major in the army. Lincolnſhire. [I2.] Hon. Charles Anderſon Pelham, eldeſt ſon of lord Yarborough, and bre- ther of the member for Newtown, Hants. (Appuldurcombe-park, Iſle ºf Wight, and Manby, in this county.) wº Hon. William Cust, brother of earl Brownlow. (Belton. Park, in this county.) Lincoln; John Nicolas Fazakerley, eſq. (Preſcot, Lancaſhire, and hººft Cowes, Iſle of Wight,) coningſby Waldo Sibthorp, eſq. lieutenant-colonel of the South Lincoln militia. (Canwick, in this county) Liverpool, Lancaſhire. - Iſaac Gaſcoyne,eſq. a lieutenant-general, and colonel of the 54th regiment of foot, (Roby-hall, Lancôſhire.) 4 #Right hon. George Canning, preſident of the board of controul, receiver- general of the alienation-office, and a family thuſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, D.C.L. * 5 Lo N Do N, —sir william Curtis, bart. an alderman and baske; ºf this city, and Preſi- dent of the Artillery-company. (Cullands, Middleſex.) . p —Sir James Shaw, bart an alderman and mechant of this city 2. – John Atkins, eſq. an alderman and merchant of this city. (Charlton, Kent.) ‘Matthew Wood, eſq. an alderman and merchant of this city. - Ludgerſhall, hiltſhire. * h Birch, esq. e & #; (i. iºn) earl of Carhampton (Paine's-hill, Surry.) * -* The House of commons. $65 Ludlow, Shropſhire. * Right honorable Edward (Herbert,) viſcount Clive, ſon of the earl of Powis. (Powis-caffle, Montgomeryſhire.) •º *- 2. Henry Clive, eſq. a barrister at law. - - I Lymington, Hants. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bart, a vice-admiral of the blue. K. C. B. (Walhampton, near this borough.) * * John Tayler, eſq. a merchant in London. Maidſtone, Kent. George Simſon, eſq. a banker in London. (Whitton-park, near Windſor. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, bart. K. J. and F. S. A. (Denton, Court, and Lee Priory, Kent.) Malden, Eſſex. Joſeph Holden Strutt, eſq. uncle-in-law of the duke of Leinſter. (Ter- Jing-place, Eſſex.) 6 Benjamin Gaſkell, eſq. (Thornes-houſe, near Wakefield, York/ºire.) - Malmeſbury, Wilts. . Peter Patten Bold, eſq. F. S. A. (Bank-hall, Lancaſhire.) Sir William Abdy, bart. (Cobham-Place, Surry.) Malton, Yorkſhire. Right hon. John William (Ponſonby,) viſcount Duncannon, ſon of the earl of Beſborough, and ſon-in-law of the earl of Weſtmorland. I John Charles Ramſden, eſq. eldeſt ſon of Sir John Ramsden, bt. and ſon- in-law of lord Dundas. Marlborough, Wiles. *- Hon. Sir Edward Stopford, brother of the earl of Courtown, a major- general. K.C.B. Hon. William Hill, brother of lord Berwick, and brother-in-law of the earl of Aileſbury, envoy extraordinary, and miniſter plenipotentiary to the court of Sardinia. `. Marlow, Bucks. Owen Williams, eſq. brother-in-law of the other member (Marlow-place, Bucks.) • * * S - - - Paſcoe Grenfell, eſq. brother-in-law of viſcount Doneraile and of lord Riverſdale. (Taplow-houſe, Bucks.) t Mawes, St. Cornwall. Scrope Bernard Morland, eſq. a banker, in Weſtminſter, brother of Sir Thomas Bernard, bart, (Nether-Winchendon, near Thame, and Kimble near Wendover, Bucks.) Joſeph Phillimore, eſq. Regius Profeſſor of Civil Law in the univerſity of Oxford, and chancellor of the dioceſe of Oxford. L.L.D. ; : ~ , * Merionethſhire. [1]. Sir Robert Williames Vaughan, bart. (Nannan, in this county.) 5 - St. Michael, Cornwall. Hon. Edward Law, eldeſt ſon of lord Ellenborough, ſon-in-law of the marquis of Londonderry, and brother-in-law of viſct. Caſtlereagh, and , loud Stewart; chief clerk on the pleas ſide in the court of King’s Bench. §Rt. Hon. Thomas (Hamilton) Lord Binning, eldeſt ſon of the earl of Haddington; a commissioner for the affairs of India. * F 3 66 The House of COMMONS. Middleſex. [8.] William Melliſh, eſq., a director of the bank of England. (Buſkhill-park, near Enfield) % 4. George Byng, eſq. (Wrotham-park, Middleſex) Midhurſt, Suſſex. •- Thomas Thompſon, eſq. a banker in Hull, F. S. A. (Cettingham, York- fhire. - 1 Sir Oſwald Moſley, bart. D.C.L. (Rollefton Hall, Staffordshire.) . Milborne-port, Somerſet/hire. Hon. Sir Edward Paget,(brother of the marquis of Angleſey, and of the mem- bers forwangleſeyſhire and Carnarvon, and brother-in-law to the Earl of - Dartmouth,) a groom of the King's bedchamber, a lieutenant-general, and colonel of the 28th regiment, G.C.B. & K.T.S. - I Robert Matthew Caſberd, eſq. a barrister at law. Minehead, Somerſetſhire. ohn Fownes Luttrell, eſq. (Dunſter-caſtle, Somerſetſhire.) , 9 Henry Fownes Luttrell, eſq. Monmouthſhire. [3] Sir Charles Morgan, bart. father of the member for Brecon. (Tredegar- houſe, Monmouthſhire.) 7 £ord Granville Charles Henry Somerſet, ſecond ſon of the duke of Beaufort. a' * Monmouth. Moff Noble Henry (Somerſet) marquis of Worceſter, eldeſt ſon of the duke of Beaufort, a lieutenant in the 7th regiment of dragoons, and a lord of the admiralty. º - Montgomeryſhire. [2.] f Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, eſq. brother of ſir Watkin Williams Wynn, bart. and nephew to lord Grenville, D. C. L. & F. S. A. (Pontreſgoe, in this county.) 4. Montgomery. Whitſhed Keene, eſq. fathel of this honourable houſe. (Richm. Surrey.) 13 Morpeth, Northumberland. William Ord, eſq., ſon-in-law to Mr. Creevy, member for Thetford, (Pen- Aam-hall, near Newcaſtle.) #on. William Howard, ſecond ſon of the earl of Carliſle. w Newark, Nottinghamſhire. Henry Willoughby, eſq. * deorge Hay Dawkins Pennant, eſq. brother in law of Wiſcount Hawar (Penryhn Caſtle, Carnarvonſhire.) 2. in b The House of COMMONS. Gy Newcaſtle-under-Lime, Staffordſhire. Sir John Fenton Boughey, bt. (4qualate-hall, and Betley-court, Staffordſhire.) Sir John Chetwode, bart, ſon-in-law of the earl of Stamford and Warring- ton. (Oakley, in this county.) Newcaſtle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland. Sir Matthew White Ridley, bart. a banker of this town. (Heaton-hall, and Blagdon-bouſe, Northumberland.) 3. Cuthbert Elliſon, eſq. (Hebburn-hall, Durham.) Newport, Cornwal. William Northey, eſq. (Box-Hall, Wiltſhire.) 4 Jonathan Raine, eſq. aking’s counſel. - --- • *g. & : Newport, Iſle of Wight. Sir Leonard Thomas Worſley Holmes, bart. (Pitford-hºuſe, Jºe ºf Wight.) * George Watſon Taylor, eſq. (Houghton-hall, Norfolk.) ** 3. Newton, Lancaſhire. John Ireland Blackburne, eſq. ſon of the member for Lancaſhire. (Hak, Lancaſhire.) * 1. Thomas Legh, efé. (tyme Park, Cheshire, and Heydock Lodge, Lancaſhire.) Newtown, Iſle of Wight. Hon. George Anderſon Pelham, ſecond ſon of Lord Yarborough, and brother of the member for Lincolnſhire. (Brockleſby, Lincolnſhire. .. 3 Hudſon Gurney, eſq. (Norwich.) **. * & , Norfolk. [rz.] Thomas William Coke, eſq., brother-in-law of lord Sherberne, and father- in-law of visct. Anſon. (Holkham-Hall, in this county.) Edmond Wodehouſe, eſq. - Northallerton, fork/hire. w Henry Peirſe, eſq. (Bedale, Yorkſhire.) John Bacon Sawrey Morritt, eſq., F. S. A. (Rokeby-paſh, York/ºire.) Northamptonſhire. [9]. * William Ralph Cartwright, eſq. brother-in-law of viſcount chetwynd. R ::::: in this county.) 4. Right hon. John Charles (Spencer,) viſeount Althorp, ſon of earl Spe thºſon, Notts.) (Sp 2) vi rP, pender 68 The HOUSE of COMMONS. * Northamp /677. William Hanbury, eſq. (Kelmarſh, Northamptonſhire, and Shobden-court, Herefordſhire.) * * 1 Right hon. Spencer Joſhua Alwyne (Compton,) earl Compton, ſon of the marquis of Northampton.(Ca.1/e Ashby, in this county.) 1. Northumberland. [8.] Thomas Richard Beaumont, eſq. (Hexham-abbey, in this county, and Bret- ton-park, Yorkſhire.) *- 5 Sir Charles Miles Lambert Monck, bart. (Beſſay-caſtle, Northumberland.) 1 Norwich, Norfolk. William Smith, eſq. a banker in London, F. R. and A. S. (Parndon-houſe, near Harlow.) 5 Charles Harvey, esq. a barriſter at law, and recorder of this city. - ~ Nortinghamshire. [8.] Frank Frank, eſq., a rear-admiral of the red. (Kirklington, Notts.) lord William Henry Cavendiſh Bentinck, next brother to the duke of Portland, a lieutenant general and colonel of the 11th regiment of dra- gooms, and clerk of the pipe in the court of Exchequer, brother-in-law of the earl of Gosford, G.C. B. Nottingham. John Smith, eſq. a banker in London, brother of lord Carrington and of the member for Leiceſter. F. R. and A. S. (Blenden-ball, near Bex. ley, Kent.) 4. Right hon. George Auguſtus Henry Anne (Parkyns,) lord Rancliffe in Ire- land, a captain in the army, ſon-in-law of the earl of Granard. (Bunny- park, Nottinghamſhire.) Oakhampton, Devonſhire. Albany Savile, eſq, recorder of Oakhampton. LL.D.(Sweetlands, near Oke- &ton, Devon.) * 1 Right hon. Thomas North (Graves,) lord Graves in Ireland, brother- in law of the marquis of Angleſey, a lord of the king's bed-chamber, and comptroller of the household to the duke of Suſſex. (Biſhop's-Court, near Exeter, and Thanks, Cornwal.) & Orford, Suffolk. #. hon. ‘. Arbuthnot, joint-ſecretary of the treaſury.K. C. r £dmund Alexander Macnaghten, eſq. a lord of the Treaſury in Ireland. (Beardville, near Coleraine ) 2 * y in Ireland Oxford/ºire, [9] Jºhn Fanº, eſq., brother-in-law of the earl of Macclesfield and couſin of the earl of Weſtmorland. D.C.L. (Wormſley, in iii. county.) in o William Henry Aſhurſt, eſq. (Water/ock, in this county.) fie House of commons. 3. 69 - Oxford Univerſity. #Right hon, Sir William Scott, knt. e.der brother of lord Eldon, and father-in-law to the marquis of Sligo, judge of the high court of admi- ralty and of the conſiſtory court, vicar-general to the archbiſhop of Can- ten bury, maſter cf the faculties, chancelor of London, and official com- miſſary of the city and dioceſe of Canterbury and Londor: ; a truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum. D.C.L. & F.R.S. (Ea. A court, Berks.) #Right hom. Robert Peel, eldeſt ſon of the men be for Tamworth, and brother of the member for Boſſinºy, secretary of state for Ireland, and a privy-counſelor there. (D, ayton-park, Staffordshire.) * Oxfo: d City. John Atkyns Wright, eſq. recorder of Henley upon Th mes. (Compton- Acuſe, Berks.) John Ingram Lockhart, eſq., a barriſter at law, recoider of Abingdon. (Tubney-lodge, Berks, and Sherfield-Houſe, Hants.) Pembrokeſhire. [3] Sir John Owen, bart. (Orielton, and Lanſfinan, Pembrokeſhire.) $ Pembroke. John Jones, eſq. (3%rad Lodge, Carmarthenſhire.) Penryn, Cornwal. t s Henry Swann, eſq. a barriſter-at-law. (Eſher, Surrey.) 2 Philip Gell, eſq. (Hopton-hall, Derbyſhire.) 1. Peterborough, Nºrthamptonſhire. # Righthon. William Elliot, a privy-counſelor, alſo, in Ireland. D. C. L. (Wells, near jedburgh.) & * 4. Hon. William Larnb, eldeſt ſon of viſcount Melbourne, and ſon-in-law of the earl of Beſborough. Petersfield, Hants. Hylton jolliffe, eſq. (Merſtham, Surrey.) * Geºrge Canning, eſq., ſon-in-law of the marquis of Londonderry. (Garvagh, Landonderry/hire ) A Plymouth, Devonſhire. Sir Chas. Morice Pole, bart. an admiral of the red, and a groom of the bed-chamber to the duke of Clarence, younger brother of Mr. Carew, member for Leſtwithiel. K.C.B. (HWolverton-park, Hants.) 3 #Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, knt. a major-general, 2nd a lieutenant-cotc- nel of the royal regiment of artillery, keepel of the privy purſe, and private ſecretary to the Prince Regent, a counſellor of ſtate, aid audi- tor and ſecretary of the duchy of Cornwall. Žo The HOUSE of COMMONS. Plympton, Devonſhire. Ronald Georg; Macdonald, eſq. ſon-in-law of the earl of Mount Edg- cumbe. 1. Alexandel Boswell, eſq. (Auchinleck, Ayrſhire.) Pontefrači, 2^orkſhire, * Robert Pemberton Milnes,eſq. brother-in-law of viſcount Galway. (Fry on- hall, York/bre.) *- 2. Right hon. John (Savile,) Viſcount Pollington, ſon of the Earl of Mex- borough, and ſon-in-law of the Earl of Hardwicke. (Methley-hall, Yorkſhire.) 1 Poole, Dorſeuſ%ire. Michaeh Angelo Taylor, eſq. one of the Prince of Wales's council for the duchy of Cornwall, and recorder of that town and county, F.S.A. 2 Benjamin Leſter Leſter, eſq. mayor of the borough, lº Portſmouth, Hants. John Markham, eſq., a vice-admiral of thered. (Walfton, Suſſex.) 4. John Carter, eſq. Preſton, Lancaſhire. Samuel Horrocks, eſq. (Penwortham-lodge, near Preſton, Lancaſhire.) 3 Edmund Hornby, eſq. nephew to the earl of Derby. Queenborough, Kent. Sir Robt. Moorſom, a vice-admiral of the blue, ſurveyor-general of the ord- nance.. K.C.B. * ~ It Jº Oſborn, eſq., a lord of the admiralty, eldeſt ſon of Sir George Oſborn, art. Radnor, County of [2] , Walter Wilkins, eſq. (Maeſlough in this county, and hallſworth hall, Glouceſterſhire.) * .." Radnor, New. Richard Price, eſq. (Knighton, Radnorſhire.) 4 Reading, Berkſhire. Charles Shaw Lefevre, eſq. recorder of Baſingſtoke, a director of the Sun Fire-office. F.R. & A.S. (Heefield-place, and Burleigh-park, near Ring- wood, Hants.) 4. Sir John Simeon, bart. a maſter in chancery, one of the commiſſioners for the protection of the king's property. (Walſcote-houſe, Oxfordshire.) 3. Retford, Notts. George Osbaldeſton, eſq. (Burton, Lincolnshire.) sº Charles Marſh, eſq. late king's advocate in the admiralty court at Madras. Richmond, Yorkſhire. Robert Chalomer, eſq. ſon-in-law of lord Dundas. (Gi/ºorough, in this county.) & & R Dudley North, eſq. son-in-law of Lord Yarborough. (Glemham-ball, near Woodbridge, Suffolk.) 7 The HOUSE of COMMONs. 7. - Ripon, Yorkſhire. George Gipps, eſq. (Howletts, near Caxterbury.) R # Rt. Hon. Frederick John Robinſon, brother of lord Grantham, vice- prefident of the board of trade and plantations, (Notting Hill, Surry.) 4 Rochºſer, Kent. John Calcraft, eſq. (Rempſtone-hall, Dorſetſhire, and Leeds, Kent.) 2. James Barnet, eſq. A. Romney, Kent, William Mitford, eſq. elder brother of lord Redeſdale. (Exbury, in the New Forest, Hants.) *. Rutland. [2.] Sir Gilbert Heathcote, bart. (Normanton-park, Rutland.) Sir Gerard Noel Noel, bart. huſband of baroneſs Barham. (Exton-park, and Catmore-lodge, in this county.) 5 Rye, Suſſex. Richard Arkwright, jun. eſq. (4/borne-place, Derby.) John Maberly, eſq. (Shirley-Houſe, Surrey.) Ryegate, Surrey. Hon. John Somers Cocks, eldeſt ſon of lord Somers, and ſon-in-law of the earl of Hardwi-ke. (Nevers, near Worrester.) James Cocks, eſq. a banker in London, and couſin to the other member. 1 Salop, or Shropſhire. - John Kynaſton-Powell, eſq. high ſteward of the ſeigniory and town of Oſ- weſtry. D.C.L. (Hardwick, in this county.) º John Cotes, eſq., ſon-in-law of the earl of Stamford and Warrington. (Wood- cote, in this county.) Saltaſh, Cornwal. Matthew Ruſſell, eſq. (Hardwick-houſe, Durham.) g I Michael George Prendergaſt, eſq. i Sandwich, Kent. Sir Joſeph Sydney Yorke, a vice-admiral of the blue, and a lord of the admiralty, half-brother of the earl of Hardwicke. K.C.B. (Sydney-farm, Hants.) 2 Joſeph Marryatt, eſq. a merchant in London, and agent for the iſland of Grenada. (Wimbledon-Houſe, Surrey.) T Sarum, New, Wilts. Right hon. William Pleydell (Bouveries) viſcount Folkeſtone, ſon of the earl **. (Longford-caſtle, Wilts, and Coleſbill, near Fairingdon, Berks, 4. George Purefoy Jervoiſe, eſq.(The Moat, near Britford, Wills,& IJerrfard. houſe, Hants.) & sº 72 The HOUSE of COMMONS. - Sarum, Old, Wilts. Joſias Dupré Porcher, eſq. couſin of the earl of Caledon. (Winfade, Devon.) \ 3 James Alexander, eſq. couſin of the earl of Caledon. (Summer-hill, Kent.); Scarborough, Yorkſhire. Hon. Edmund Phipps; brother of the earl of Mulgrave, a lieutenant-general lay maſter cf marines, clerk of the deliveries of the oldmance, and a colonel-commandant of the 6oth regiment. 5 #Right hon. Charles Manners Sutton, SPEAKER of this houſe, ſon of . the archbiſhop of Canterbury, and nephew of lord Manners. 2 Seaford, Suſſex, Charles Roſe Ellis, eſq. father of Lord Howard de Walden. (Claremont- park, Surrey.) 4 Sir Charles Cockerell, bart. brother-in-law of Lord Northwick (Seſimcote, Glouceſterſhire.) 9. Shafteſbury, Dorſet/hire. Charles Wethereil, eſq a King's counſel. Sir Edward Kerriſon, knt. a colonel in the army, and lieutenant-colonel of the 7th light dragoons, Shoreham, Suſſex. Sir Charles Merrik Burrell, bart., (Knep-caſtle, Suſſex.) 2. Sir Timothy Shelley, bart. (Caſtle Goring, and Field-place, Suſſex.) 3 Shrewſbury. Hon. Henry Grey Bennet, ſecond ſon of the earl of Tankerville, F. R. S. Richard Lyſter, eſq. (Rowton, near this borough.) - Somerſetſhire. [18.] William Diekinſon, eſq. (King-Weſton, near Somerton, in this county.) 5 William Gore Langton, eſq. (Newtºn-park, Somerſetſhire.) * - Southampton, Hants. George Henry Roſe, eſq. ſon of the member for Chriſtchurch, envoy ex- traordinary, and miniſter p"en potentiary to the court of Berlin. (Muddiford, Chriſt-church, in this county.) 4. Arthur Atherley, jun, eſq. brother-in-law of the marquis of Lothian, I Southwark, Surrey. Charles Calvett, eſq brother to the member for Hertford. Charles Barclay, eſq. (Clapham, Surrey.) V Staffordſhire, [Io.] Edward John Littleton,eſq. (Teddeſſy Park, wear Penkridge, ard Hather try, in this county.) * * 3. Right hon. George Granville (Lev.ſon Gower) earl Gower, ſon of the marquis of Stafford. º The House of commons. 73 A º: * Stafford. Ralph Benſon, eſq. (Lutwyche, near hºemlok, Shropſhire.} Thomas Wilſon, eſq. Stamford, Lincolnſhire. Evan Foulkes, eſq. a solicitor in London Rt. hon. John (Henniker Major,) lord Henniker in Ireland, D. C. L. F. R. & A.S. (Worlingworth-hall, Suffolk; Stratford-houſe, Eſſex; and , Broad-ſtairs, Iſle of Thanet.) 2. Steyning, Suſſex. James Martin Lloyd, eſq. (Lancing, Suſſex.) 3 Sir John Aubrey, bart, D.C.L. (Lantrithyd-park, Glamorgan/Aire, Dor. zon-houſe, Chilton, and Borſtal, all in Bucks.) X G Stockbridge, Hamp/Aire. , Joſeph Foſter Barham, eſq. brother-in-law of the earl of Thanet. (Stochridge, Hants.) 2. • George Porter, eſq., a lieutenant-general, and colonel of the 103d regi- ment; father-in-law of earl Groſvenor. (Stockridge, Hants.) 4. * * ^. Sudbury, Suffolk. Sir John Cox Hippiſley, bart. recorder of this borough, a bencher and trea- ſurer of the Inner-Temple, and a manager of the Royal Inſtitution. D.C.L., F.R. & A.S. (Stone-Eaſon-houſe, Somerſet/hire.) 5. Charles Wyatt, eſq. - Suffolk. [16.] Thomas Sherlock Gooch, eſq. eldeſt ſon of Sir Thomas Gooch, bart. brother-in-law of Lord Rous. (Bromfield-hall, Suffolk.) • 4. , Sir William Rowley, bart. (Tendring-hall, Suffolk.) Surrey. [14.] George Holme Sumner, eſq. F.R.S. & F.S.A. (Hatchlands, Surrey.) = Samuel Thornton, eſq. a Bank director, governor of the Ruſſia, and deputy governor of the Eaſtland company; brother-in-law of thclearl of Leº, ven. F.S.A. (Chobham Place, near Bagſhot.) Suſſex ſ 20.] Sir Godfrey Webſter,bart, ſon of lady Holland. (Battle-abbey in th; Walter Burrell, eſq." younger broth f si Ch ey in this county.) - C - * 74 . The HOUSE ºf ČomMONs. - Tamworth, Stafford/ºire. . 2, . Sir Robert Peel, bart::father of the members for Boffiney and Oxford (Dray- ton park, Stafford/tre, and Bury, Lanca/Arre.) - 5 Lord Charles Vere Ferrars Townſhend, only brother of Marquis Townſhend (Rainham-hall, Norfolk.) - Taviftock, Devon/Aire. - Lord William Ruſſell, only brother of the Duke of Bedford, 7 Lord Robert Spencer, ſecond fon of earl Spencer. Taunton, Somerſet/tre. Alexander Baring, eſq. next brother of Sir Thomas Baring, bart. (Wºº- Wycome Park, Kent.) Henry Powell Collins, eſq. (Hatch-court, Somerſet.) f Tewkeſbury, Glouce/fer/Atre. * John Edmund Dowdeſwell, eſq. a commiſſioner of bankrupts. (Poole-court, - near this borough.) . James Martin, eſq. a banker in London. (Overbury-houſe, Worcestershire. Thetford, Norfolk. r Lord John Fitzroy, youngeſt brother of the duke of Grafton, Thomas Creevey, eſq. father-in-law of Mr. Ord, member for Morpeth. Thirſk, fork/?ire. Robert Frankland, eſq. only ſon of Sir Thomas Frankland; bart. (Thirkle- by, in this colºnty.) ~ * Robert Greenhill-Ruſſell, eſq. a barriſter-at-law. (Cheequers, Bucks...} a Tiverton, Devonſhire. William Fitzhugh, eſq. a barriſter at law." (Milbrook, eounty ºf South- *ai - 3 ampton.) Richard Ryder, brother of the Earl of Harrowby, joint. Right #on. º t wº of the confiſtory-court. (Milton-Tetſworth, Oxfordſhire.) -5 Totneſs, Devonſhire. : – ' '. ------ ſ: the member for Exeter fo-" Peregrine Courtenay, eſq. brother to t • . . .****, *- Thomas g ſſioners for the affairs of India, and principal regis- ‘cretary to the commi trer of the land tax. Ayſhford Wiſe, eſq. (Mºnweil, near Modbury Devon.) \ a sº The House of COMMONs. 75, Tregony, Cornwal. t \. { william Holmes, eſq. e - Alexander Cray Grant, eſq. ſon of sir Alexander Grant, bt. -- _Truro, Caruwał. Sir George warrender, bart. a lord of the admiralty, brother-in-law of Viſcount Falmouth. (Lechend, Eaſt Lotbian.) º George Daſhwood, eſq., eldeſt ſon of the member for Woodſtock. (Kir- lington-park, Oxford.) • Wallingford, Berkſhire. - Ebenezer Fuller-Maitland, eſq. (Shinfield-park Berks.) William Lewis Hughes, eſq. Wareham, Dorſetſhire. Theodore Henry Broadhead, eſq. brother-in-law to sir John Daſhwood King, member for Wycombe Robert Gordon, eſq. a merchant in London. - Warwick/Aire, [6.] s * Dugdale Stratford Dugdale, eſq. ſon-in-law of Viſcount Curzon. (Mere- vale-ball, in this county.) Y *. 3 Sir Charles Mordaunt, bart. (Walton-houſe, hºarwic/hire.) * & Warwick. Charles Mills, eſq. (Barford, hear Warwic.) 3 Hon. Sir Charles Gleville, brother of the earl of Warwick, a colonel, in the army, and lieutenant-colonel of the 38th regiment of foot, K.C.B. rt Jºells, Somerſetſhire. Charles William Taylor, eſq. (Hollycombe, near Liphook, Hants). , 5 John Paine Tudway, eſq. Wendover, Bucks. George Smith, eſq. brother of Lord Carrington, a banker in ondon, and a director of the Eaſt India Company. - * 2. Abel Smith, eſq., ſon of the member for Leiceſter, and nephew of Lord Carrington. (Woodhall-park, Herts.) - * * - 1. + f Wenlock, Shrop/hire. Cecil Weld Foreſter, eſq. brother-in-law of the duke of Rutland. (Willey- park, near Broſeley, and Roſs-ball, near Shrewſbury.) Hon. John Bridgeman Simpſon, brother of the earl of Bradford. (Bab- won th; Notts.) 5 * , .2 G 2 * 76 The House of commons. heobley, Herefordſhire. James Lennox William Naper, eſq. couſin to the duke of Richmond. Lord Frederick Cavendiſh Bentinck, youngeſt brother to the duke of Portland, a colonel, and lieutenant colonel of the 1ſt regiment of foot guards - Weſtbury, Wiltſhire, Benjamin Shaw, eſq. a merchant in London. Ralph Franco, eſq. nephew and heir to Sir Manafeh Lopez, bart. Weſt Looe, Cornwall. *- Hon. Henry William Fitzgerald De Ros, eldeſt ſon of baroneſs De Ros, (Boyle Farm, Surry.J Charles Hulſe, eſq., ſon of Sir Charles Hulſe, bart. (Breamere, Hants.) Weſtminſter. Sir Francis Burdett, bart. (Foremark, Derbyſhire ; Ramſbury, Wilts; and Wimbledon, Sur, ey.) | * 4. Rt. hon. Thomas (Cochrane,) Lord Cochrane, ſon of the earl of Dundonald. (Holly Hill, Hants.) * 2, * Weſtmorland. - [4] Rt. Hon. William (Lowther) vict, Lowther, son of the earl of Lonsdale, lord of the treaſury, and a commiſſioner for the affairs of India, F.S.A. Hon. Henry Cecil Lowther, ſecond ſon of the earl of Lonſdale, a lieut. col. of the 12th regiment of foot. 3 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dorſetſhire. Sir John Murray, bart, a lieutenant-general, and colonel of the 3d Weſt- India regiment. (Twickenham, Middleſex.) 2. Maſterton Ure, eſq. Chriſtopher Idle, eſq. 'Adolphus John Dalrymple, eſq. Whitchurch, Hampſhire. f Hon. William Brodrick, brother of viſcount Middleton, F. S. A. 4. Hon. Horatio George Powis Townſhend, only brother of viſcount Sydney, a lieutenant-colonel in the army, and a captain in the 1ſt regiment ef foot guards. (Frognell, Kent.) & h'igan, Lancaſhtre. Sir Robert Holt Leigh, bart. (Whitly, Lancaſhire.) , . 4 John Hodſon, eſq. of this borough. (Ellerbee, Lancaſhire.) \ } The HOUSE of COMMONS: 77 milton, Wilt/Aire, Ralph Sheldon, eſq. (Weſton-houſe, near Shipſtone.) - 3 †. 'Hon, famº-Edward (Hárſis) viſcount Fitz-Harris, ºldeſt ºn of the earl of Malmſbury; governor of the iſle of Wight. (Park Place, near Henley; Oxon.) - * 3 }. , Wiltſhire. [34.] Richard Godolphin Long, eſq. ‘’ - 2 Paul Methuen, eſq. brother-in law of fir Henry Mildmay, bart. (Cor/am-houſe, Wilts.) 4. h'incheffer, Hampſhire. Sir Henry Carew Saint-John Mildmay, bart. (Dogmersfield-park, near Hartford-bridge.) Richard Meyler, eſq. (Crawley-houſe, Wincheſter.) * Winchelſea, Suffºx. Henry Brougham, eſq. (Brougham Hall, Weſtmoreland.) , . - Right hon. Henry (Vane) viſcount Barnard, eldeſt ſon of the earl of Dar- ſington, ſon-in-law of earl Poulet, and brother to the member for the county of Durham ; a cornet in the 7th regiment of dragoons,— (Sulby, near Melford, Northamptonſhire.) Windſor, Berkſhire. Edward Diſbrowe , eſq. vice-chamberlain to the Queen, (Walton, Derby- J%ire.) - - * John Ramſbottom, jun, eſq., a banker in London. (Clewer-lodge, Berks.) 1 hoodſock, Oxford/Aire. * Sir Henry Watkin Daſhwood, bart. one of the gentlemen of the king's privy chamber, father-in-law of the Marquis of Ely. (Kirtlington- park, Oxfordſhire.) A • - 7 William Thornton, eſq. a lieutenant-general. (Woodstock) x. N Mºorceſterſhire. [9.] Hon. Wm Henry Lyttelton, half-brother of Lord Lyttelton, and ſon-in- law of earl Spencer. 2. Hon. Henry Beauchamp Lygon, brother of earl Beauchamp, a lieutenant- colonel in the army, and majors of the 1ſt regiment of life-guards. Worceffer. Sir William Duff Gordon, bart, a merchant in London, (Worceffer.) 2 Rt. Hon. George William (Coventry) viſcourt Deerhurſt, eldeſt ſon of the earl of Coventry, and brother-in-law of earl Beauchamp. & * G 3 \ 53 The House of commons, Wotton-Baffet, Miltſhire. Richard Elliſon, eſq. (Sudbrooke-Holme.) 1 William Taylor Money, eſq., (Walthamſtow, Eſſex.) Wycombe, Buckingham/ºire. Sir John Daſhwood King, bart. (Weſt Wycombe, Bucks.) w Sir Thomas Baring, bart. brother of the member for Taunton, a merchant in London. (Stratton-park, Hants.) - 2. Yarmouth, Great, Norfolk. - William Loftus, eſq. uncle-in-law of Marquis Townſhend, , a general, colonel of the 24th regiment of dragoons, and lieutenant-governor of the Tower. (Stiffkey, near Wells, Norfolk.) 4 Edmund Knowles Lacon, eſq., son of Sir Edmund Lacon of this borough, kt. Yarmouth, Iſle of Wight. Jº Hj. Foſter, eſq. King's advocate-general in Ireland. (Collon, Iouth. *. | Alexander Macomochie, eſq. lord advocate of Scotland. Yorkſhire. [30.] Rt. hon. Charles-William (Wentworth-Fitzwilliam), viſcount Milton, only ſon of Earl Fitzwilliam, and ſon-in-law of Lord Dundas, an alderman of York. F. S.A. (Milton-houſe, Northampton/Aire. J 2 Right, Hon. Henry (Laſcelles), viſit. Laſcelles, eldeſt ſurviving ſon of the earl of Harewood. (Harewood-houſe, in this county.) 4 * York. Sir Mark Maſterman Sykes, bart. brother-in-law of Mr. Egerton, member for Cheſhire, F.S.A. (Sledmere, York/?ire.) ar 3. Hon. Lawrence Dundas, eldeſt. ſon of Lord Dundas, D. C. L. and F. S. A Q -* 3 w The House of commons. 79 -. f S C O T L A N D, 45. Aberdeenſhire. James Ferguſon, eſq. an advocate at the Scots bar, lord rector of King's College, Aberdeen. (Pitfour Houſe in this county.) Aberdeen, Inverbervie, Montroſe, Aberbrothock and Brechin. James Farquhar, eſq. a proëtor in Doétors Commons, and joint. deputy- regiſtrar of the admiralty-court. (johnſton-lodge, Kincardineſhire.J. Ayr/ºire. Sir Hew Dalrymple Hamilton, bart. brother-in-law of viſcount Duncan. D.C.L. (Bargenny, in this county, and North Berwick, Haddmo/āire.) Ayr, Irvine, Rothsay, Campbellońn, and Inverary. Duncan Campbell, eſq. a lieutenant general, and colonel of the 91ſt regiment. (Lochnell, Argyleſhire.) - . A Argyllſhire. Lord John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell, brother of the duke of Argyle. (Ardencaple Gaffle, Dunbarton/Aire.) Banffaire. Robert Abercromby, eſq. ſon of sir George Abercromby. (Birkenbog frt this county, and Forglen, Aberdeenshire.) Berwick/#tre. #eorge Baillie, eſq. couſin of the earl of Haddington. (Mellerſtain, in this county, ) º - 4. Bute, and Caithneſs/Aires. 4. Sir John Marjoribanks, bart. (Lees, Berwickáire.) * 82. The HOUSE of COMMONS. Clackmannan and Kinroſ/Aires. Hon. Alexander Abercrombie, fourth ſon of baroneſs Abercrombie, brother of the member for Calne, a colonel in the army, and a captain in the ſecond regiment of guards. Crail, Kilremny, Eaſt and Weſt Anſtruther, and Pittenweem, Sir John Anſtruther, bart. (Ely Houſe, Fifeſhire.) Lumbarton/#1re. Rt. hon. Archibald Colquhoun, lord regiſter of Scotland. (Kille, mont, Lanarkſhire.) -- Dumfries/ire. Sir William Johnſtone Hope, a rear admiral of the red, K. C. B. K. M. & F. R. S. *- 2. Dumfries, Sanquhar, Annan, Lochmaben, and Kircudbright. William Robert Keith Douglas,eſq.brother to the marquis of Queenſberry. Dyſart, Kil caldy, Kinghorn, and Bruntiſland. Sir Ronald Crawfurd Ferguſon, a lieutenant-general. and colonel of the Si- cilian regiment of foot. K.C.B. (Muir-town, Fife.) 2. Edinburgh/hire. Sir George Clerk, bart. (Pennycuick, in this county.) * 1. * Edinburgh. # Right hen. William Dundas, couſin of viſcount Melville, keeper of the ſignet in Scotland. I Elgin/Aire. Francis William Grant, eſq. brother to the earl of Seafield, a colonel in the army, and lord lieutenant cf Inverneſsſhire. (Cullen houſe, Inverneſ/ire.) Elgin, Cullen, Banff, Inverury and Kinto, e. Patrick Milne, eſq. (Crimmon-Moggat Houſe, Aberdeenshire.) Fife/4tre. & William Wemyſs, eſq., a general, and colonel of the 93d regiment, (Wemyſs- - caſtle, near Dyſart.) * 3. Forfar/Atre. Hon. William Ramſay Maule, brother of the earl of Da$houſe. (Panmure and Breehin caſtle in this nty.) * The HOUSE of COMMONS: 8: , Forfar, Perth, Dundee, Cupar, and St. Andrew’s, Sir David Wedderburn, bart. (Ballindean-houſe, Perth/Aire.) 3 *- Fortroſe, Inverness, Nairn, and Ferres. Charles Grant, jun. eſq. ſon of the member for Inverneſsſhire, a lord of the treaſury. (Batterſea-riſe, Surrey.) W Glaſgow, Renfrew, Rutherglen, and Dunbarton. Kirkman Finlay, eſq. r f Haddington/Aire. Sir James Suttie, bart. (Balgonie, in this county.) Haddington, Dunbar, North-Berwick, Lauder, and Jedburgh. Hon. Anthony Maitland, ſecond ſon of the earl of Lauderdale, a captain in the royal navy. - Inverkeithing, Dumfermline, 2ueensferry, Culross, and Stirling. Alexander Campbell, eſq. a general, and colonel of the 32d regiment. (Menzies, Perthſhire.) ~. Inverneſs/ºire. Charles Grant, eſq. director of the Eaſt-India Company. (Waterni/%, in this county.) 4. Rincardine/Aire. George Harley Drummond, eſq., a banker in London. (Drumtochy-Caſtle, Perth.) I Kirkcudbright Stewartry. James Dunlop, eſq., a lieutenant-general. Kirkwall, Wick, Dornoch, Dingwall, and Tain. Hugh Innes, eſq. (Lochalſh, Roſſshire.) l - Lanerkſhire. Lord Archibald Hamilton, ſecond ſon of the duke of Hamilton. 3. Linlithgow/3ire. Hon. Sir Alexander Hope, half-brother of the earl of Hopetoun, a lieu- tenant-general, and colonel of the 47th regiment, governor of the royal military college. G. C. B. (Farnham, Surrey.) 4 32 The HOUSE of COMMONS. Nairn and Clomarty/hires. Sil James Macintoſh, kt. late recorder of Bombay, D. C. L. Orkney/Aire and Shetlandſhire. Richard Bempdé Johnſtone Honyman, eſq. younger ſon of sir William Honyman, bt. (Armadale, Linlithgowshire.) # s Peebles/hire. Sir James Montgomery, bart, advocate, preſenter of fignatures in the exche- quct-court of Scotland, and keeper of the great ſeal to the Prince of Wales. (Stanhope and Whim in this county.) Perth/Aire. - James Drummond, eſq., ſon-in-law of the duke of Atholl, (Strathallan, Perthſhire.) I Renfrewſhire. Archibald Speirs, eſq. (Elder/lie, in this county.) ^ - 2 f * Roſsſhire. - & Charles Fraſer, eſq. (Braham-caſtle, Inverneſs-ſhire.) - Roxburgh/Aire. - Sir Alexander Don, bart. (Newton-Don, in this county.) º, - Selkirk/ºire. William Elliot Lockhart, eſq. an advocate at the Scotch bar. (Borthwick- brae, Tweed-dale.) 2. Selkirk, Peebles, Linlithgow, and Lanark. Sir John Buchanan Riddell, bart. brother-in-law of the earl of Romney. (Riddell, Roxburgh/Aire.) Stirling/hire. * Sir Charles Edmonſtone, bart, uncle-in-law of lord Hotham. (Dunt, cath, in this county.) * Sutherlandſhire. - - George M*Pherſon Grant, eſq. (Ballindalloch, Elgin, and Invershie, Inver- neſshire.) - - - 3/igtonſhire. James Hunter Blair, eſq. (Dunſkey, in this county. Wigton, Stranraer, New Galloway, and Hºhithorn. Hon. James Stewait, brother of the earl of Galloway, a lieut, col, in the army, and a captain in the third regiment of foot-guards. *. - The HOUSE of COMMONS, 83 1 R E L A N D, ico. Antrim. #Right Hon. Francis (Seymour,) Earl of Yarmouth, ſon of the marquis of Hertford, lord Warden of the Stannaries. (Rigley-paré, Warwic/Aire.) 4. Hon. John Richard Bruce O’Neil, only brother of earl O’Neil, a colomei in the army, and a captain in the Coldstream regiment of guards. (Tullamore-lodge, in this county.) 3 * Armagh. -- - William Richardſon, eſq. a truſtee of the linen manufacture. (Rich-hill, in this county.) [ Hon. Henry Caulfield, only brother of the earl of Charlement. (Caſtle. Caulfield in this county.) Armagh Borough. Daniel Webb Webber, eſq. a King's counſel. (Webbſborough, Slºgo.) 'N Athlone, Weſtmeath. John Wilſon Croker, eſq. ſecretary to the admiralty, and to the widows charity. I • Bandon-Bridge, Cork. * #Right Hon. William Sturges Bourne, a commiſſioner for the affairs of India. (Teffwood, Hants.) ~ 2 - Belfaſt, Antrim, John Michel, eſq., a lieutenant-general. (Dowliff, Dorſet.) Carlowſhire. Henry Bruen, eſq. (Oak-park, in this county.) & Robert La Touche, eſq. (Bally Williamroe, in this county.) } * v. k. Carlow Borough. : , , , , Sir Frederick John Falkiner; bart. fecretary of the order of St. Patrick, a colonel in the army. (Abbotſfown, Dublinſºire.) , , , ºr Carrickfergus, Antrim. * * Arthur Chicheſter, eſq. (Caſtle Cary, Maville.) * Ca/#el, Tipperary. . . . . . " ' " ... . . - * * * - - Sir Charles Saxton, bart. (Circourts, near Abingdom, Berks...} * Gavanſhire. Nathaniel Sneyd, eſq. cuſtos rotulorum of the county of Cavan, and tdeputy governor of the bank of Ireland. (Sackville-ſtrees, Dublin.) w } 84 The HOUSE of COMMONs. Rt. hon. John Maxwell Barry, brother-in-law of the earl of Mountnorris, and first couſin to the earl of Farnham; a lord of the treaſury, a governor of the county of Cavan, and a truſtee of the linen-manufacture. (New- ton-Barry, Wexford.) 3 Clare. Sir Edward O’Brien, bart. (Dromoland, in this county.) Auguſtine Fitzgerald, eſq. a major general. (Garrigoran, in thiscounty.) 1 Clonmel, Tipperary. Right hon. William Bagwell, joint muſter-maſter-general for Ireland, and a governor of the county of Tipperary. (Marlefteld-houſe, near this borough.) - tº 3 - Coleraine, Londonderry. Sir John Poer Beresford, bart. elder brother of ſord Beresford, a rear- admiral of the blue. Cork. Rt hon, James (Bernard,) viſcount Bernard, ſon of the earl of Bandon. (Caſtle-Bernard, near Bandon, in this county.) 2. Hon. Richard Hare, eldeſt ſon of viſcount Enniſmore, and brother-in-law of lord Clonbrock. (Convamore in this county.) Cork City. TMountifort Longfield, eſq. (Castlemary, near Middleton, in this county.) 4 Sir Nicholas Conway Colthurſt, bart. (Ardrum, in this county.) Donegalftire. Sir James Stewart, bart. . (Fort-ſtewart in this county.) -- George Vaughan Hart, eſq. a lieutenant-general. (Kilderry in this county.) Down/Aire. $Right hon. Robert (Stewart,) Viſ. Caſtlereagh, ſon of the marquis of Londonderry, and nephew of the Marquis of Hertford, ſecretary of ſtate for the foreign department, a lord of trade and plantations, an official truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, a commiſſioner for the affairs of India, a privy-counſelor, alſo, in Ireland, and a governor of the county of Lon- donderry. K. G. M. R. I.A. & F. R. S. (Mount Stewart, Downſhire.) 4. Lord Arthur Hill, next brother to the marquis of Hillſborough. - Lownpatrick, Down. Rt. Hon. William Richard (Anneſley) viſcount Glerawley, eldeſt ſon of the earl of Anneſley. Drogheda, Louth. Henry Meade Ogle, eſq. (Stanlon in this county.) Dublinſhire Hans Hamilton, eſq. a governor of this county. (Holm-park, and Sheephill- park, Dublin.) 4 Richard Wogan Talbot, eſq. (Malahide-caſtkº, in this county.) , $ The House ºf COMMONS. 85 l Dublin City. Right hon, Henry Grattan, a privy counſelor in Ireland, (ſinnehinch, Wicklow.) 3 Rt. hon. Robt. Shaw, lord imayor of this city. (Buſby-park in this county.) 3 Dublin Univerſity. Rt. hon. William Conyngham Plunkett, barriſter-at-law, a privy court- ſelor in Ireland. D.C.L. (Old Connaught, near Bray, Wicklow.}- . . " Dundalk, Louth. Lyndon Evelyn, eſq. * Dungannon, Tyrone. ' George Peter Holford, eſq. -. Dungarvan, Materford. * Hon. George Walpole, brother of the earl of Orford, uncle of the member for King’s Lynn. … y 1. Ennis, Clare. #Right hon. William Veſey Fitzgerald, eldeſt ſon of the Rt. hon. James Fitzgerald, a lord of the treasury, and of trade and plantations in Great Britain : chancellor and under-treaſurer of the Exchequer, a lord of the treaſury and a privy counſellor in Ireland : a truſtee of the linen manu- fäéture, a commiſſioner of national records, an official viſitor of the royal college of Maynooth, a member of the board of education, and a go- vernor of the county of Clare. (Ennis and Inchichronan, Clareſhire.) Enniſkillen, Fermanagh. Richard Magenis, fen, eſq. brother-in-law of the earl of Enniſkillen. Fermanaghſhire. Hon. Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, next brother of the earl of Ennis- killen, and ſon-in-law, of the earl of Malmeſbury, a lieutenant-general, and colonel of the 34th regiment. G.C.B. (Marlebank, in this county.) 3 Mervyn Archdall, eſq. a governor of the county--of Fermanagh, a lieutenant-general, and lieutenant governor of the Iſle of Wight. (Caſtle-Archdall, near Enniſkillen, in this county.) 4. - Galwayſhire. - Rt hon. Denis Bowes Daly, muſter-maſter general, and a privy-counſelor, in Ireland, brother-in-law of the counteſs dowager of Shannon. (Daly's Town, in this county.) r * 1. James Daly, eſq. (Dunſandale, in this county.) w Galway Tonn. Valentine Blake, eſq. (Menlo, in this county.) * -- Kerryſhire, Righthon, Maurice Fitzgerald, knight of Kerry, a privy-counſelor in Ire- land, and a truſtee of the linen-manufacture, M.R.I.A. (Ballinruaaery - in this county.) * - † James Croſbie, eſq. cuſtos rotulorum and a governor of the c Kerry. (Ballyheige, in this county.) § Qunty of Åildareſhire. Lord William Charles Fitzgerald, next brother of the d o R §. Dublin.) sºns, a b y uke of Leinſter. Robert Latouche, eſq.brother-in-law of the earl of Cl in this zoney). ‘l • . . . . many. Game": wº H r sé The House of COMMON$. Kilkennyſhire. z Hon. James Wandesford Butler, next brother of the marquis of Ormonde (Caſtlecomer, in this county.) Hon. Frederic Cavendiſh Ponſonby,ſecond ſon of the earl of Beſborough, and nephew of earl Spencer, a colonel in the army, lieutenant-colonet - of the 12th. regiment of dragoons, and extra aid-de-camp to the Prince Regent. (Beſborough-houſe, Kilkenny.) - 2. Kilkenny Borough. Hon. Charles Harward. Butler, ſecond brother of the marquis of Ormonde, and ſon-in-law of the earl of Carrick. - - *. Åing’s County. . . . . . . . ) Thomas Bernard, jun, eſq. brother-in-law of Lord Dunally, (Caſtle-Ber- 'hard, in this county.) • - - - - rº, , , Hardreſs Lloyd, eſq. brother-in-law of the earl of Roſſe. (Gloſter, in this county.). - - - 1 Kinſale, Cork. Henry Martin, eſq. a king’s counſel. ' ' . * Deitrim. - . Henry John Clements, eſq. couſin of the earl of Leitrim, a lord of the treaſury in Ireland, a governor of the county of Leitrim, and a truſtee of the linen manufacture. (Aſh-field, Cavan.) - . 3 John Latouche, eſq. a banker in Dublin. (Merrion-ſquare, Dublin.) 1. * - - Limerick. - , - Hon. Windham Henry Wyndham Quin, eldeſt ſon of viscount Mount- Earl. (Adare Abbey, in this county, Dunraven-caſtle, Glamorgan, and . Clearwell-court, Glouceſter.) . *. - william Odell, eſq. a lord of the treaſury. (The Grove, in this county.) I . -- Limerick City. * * . . . Hon. John Prendergaſt Vereker, only son of viſcount Gort. (£oughcooter ” caſtle, Galway.) * • § Liſburne, Antrim. Lord Henry Seymour Moore, ſecond ſon of the Marquis of Drogheda, and nephew of the marquis of Hertford, joint muſter-maſter general, and a privy-counſelor, in Ireland. (Moore-abbey, Kildare.) • 2. Londonderry." . Alexander Stewart, eſq. brother of the marquis of Londonderry, and fon-in law of the marquis of Drogheda. (Kilrea, in this county.) - George Robert Dawſon, eſq. fon-in-law of fir Robert Peel. (Caſtle. - Dawſon, in this county.) * - * e .” { - Londonderry City. tº Rt. hon. Sir George Fitzgerald Hill, ºt. vice-treaſurer of Ireland, a privy-counſelor in Ireland, a truſtee of the linen manufacture, and re- corder of Londonderry. (Brooke-ball, near this city.) 4. \ - Longfordſhire. - w" Sir Thomas Fetherſton, bart. (Ardagh, in this county.) • 4 Right hom. George John (Forbes,) viſcount Forbes, ſon of the earl of Gra. --nard, and nephew of the marquis of Haſtings, cuſtos rotulorum of this county, a colonel in the army, and aid-de-camp to the Prince Regent. (Caſtle-Forbes in this county.) , . º The House of COMMONS. az, g º - - Louthſhire. & Right ...}. Foſter, a privy-counſelor in Ireland, a governor of the county of Louth, an official viſitor of the royal college ºf St. Pa- trick, one of the corporators for the port of Dublin, and a truſtee of the linen-manufacture. (Collon-houſe, in this county.) & Rt. Hon. Robert (Jocelyn,) viſcount Jocelyn, ſon of the earl of Roden, "and ſon-in-law of lord Le Deſpence, vice chamberlain to the King. ' (Hyde-hall, Herts, and Tollymore-park, Downſhire.) - ** i. Mallow, Cork. James Laurence Cotter, eſq. eldeſt ſon of Sir James Laurence Cotter, bart. (Rockforeſ?, Mallow.) ~ s 2 . * * Mayo. - Right Hon. Denis Browne, uncle of the narquis of Sligo, a privy-coun- ſelor in Ireland. (Mount-Browne, in this county.) * - . 1 - Dominick Browne, eſq. father-in-iaw of viſcount Dillon. (Caſtle-Magar- •, ret, Clare.) * - s - * 4. t . Meathſhire. Sir Marcus Somerville, bart." (Somerville, near Navan, in this county.) A Righthon. Thomas (Taylour,) earl of Bećtive, ſon of the marquis of Head- fort. (Headfort-houſe, in this county.) * ~ Monaghan. Charles Powell Leſlie, a governor of this county, and a truſtee of the linen manufacture. (Glasſlough, in this county.) . *r 4. Thomas Charles Stewart Corry, eſq. (Fairfield, in this county.) Newry, Down. Hon. Francis Needham, a general in the army, and colonel of the 86th regiment, only brother of viſcount Kilmorey. (Datchet, Bucks.) 2. Portarlington, Queen’s County. - Richard Sharp, eſq. - Queen’s County. # Right Hon. William Welleſley Pole, next brother of marquis Welleſley; maſter and worker of the mint, a governor of Queen's County, and a privy-counſelor in Ireland. - ºr | Sir Henry Parnell,bart, brother-in-law of the earl of Portarlington. (Rath- league, near Mary-borough, in this county.) , , , Roſcommonſhire. Arthur French, eſq. (French-park, in this county.) - Hon. Stephen Mahon, ſecond ſon of Lord Hartland, a major general. w Roſs, (New,) Wexford. - Charles Leigh, eſq. ſs, (New,) ºf ... * * - - * Sligoſhire. - Charles O’Hara, eſq.a governor of the county of Sligo, (Nymphsfield, near Coloony, in this county.) * 3 Edward Synge Cooper, eſq. (Mercray, in this county, and Boden-park, Weſtmeath.) T - H 2 * , w . . . ; 38 The HöUSE of comfMöNs. • *- *-*. - * Sligo Borough. Sir Brent Spencer, a lieutenant-general and a colonel commandant of the rifle brigade. G.C.B. * t - ºr t Tipperary. Hon. Montagu Mathew, next brother of the earl of Landaff,a lieutenant-ge- neral, and colonel of the 98th regiment. (Thomas Town in this county.) Hon. Francis Aldborough Prittie, only brother of, Lold Dunally : ... cuſtos rotulorum of the county of Tipperary. (Corville, in this county.) 2 . . . . Tralee, Kerry. James Evan Baillie, eſq. ^ Tyrone/Aire. Thomas Knox, esq. grandſon of viſcount Northland, and ſon-in-law te the archbiſhop of Armagh. (Dungannon-park, in this county.) w 3 Right Hon.Sir John Stewart, bart, a privy counſellor in Ireland, a barrister at law. (Ballygawley-houſe, in this county.) 4 *- Waterfördſhire. Richard Power, eſq. (Claſhmore, in this caunty.) * Lord George Thomas Beresford, ſecond brother of the marquis of Water- ford, comptroller of the king's houſehold, a major-general. . ... " Waterford City. w #Right hon, Sir John Newport, bart, a privy-counſelor in Ireland, D.C.L. M.R.I.A. (New Park, near this city.) 1. Mºſtmeath. * Guſtavus Hume Rochfort, eſq. (Rochfort, in this county.) * Hon. Hercules Robert Pakenham, C.B. next brother of the earl of Long- ford, a lieutenant-colonel, and a captain in the 2d regiment of foot guards. (Pakenham-hall, in this county.) a a Wexfordſhire. Robert Shapland Carew, jun, eſq, nephew of the member for Waterford city. (Caſtleborough, Enniſcorthy.) | ? - f *- Sir Frederick Flood, bart, brother-in-law of lord Waterpark, a king’s counſel and cuſtos rotulorum of this county. (Banna-lodge, near Gerry.) - }/exford. . Richard Neville, eſq., teller of the exchequer in Ireland. (Furnace, Kildare.) Wicklow. Hon. Granville Leveſon Proby, ſecond ſon of the earl of Carysfort, and brother of the member for Huntingdonſhire, a captain in the royal navy. William Hayes Parnell, esq. next brother of the member for queen's county. (Avondale in this county.) Youghall, Cork. Sir John Keane, bart. (Belmont-houſe, Waterford, and Marchwood-bºr, Hants.) * ( 89 ) A LP H A B E T I C A L LIST . O F T H 3 House of CoMMONs. me Thoſe printed in Italie Chara&ers were new Members at the late General Election in 1812. Petition. N.B. *:: the Place ºf Reſidence” ºf land, they are chift, ºu, But any Gentleman ſending an Account Member, it will be carefully inſerted. § Choſen fince the General Election. + Voted in on of Town; of the Refidence or Removal of any Mames. §AB py, Sir Wm. Abercromby, Hon.Js. §Abercromby, Hon. A. Abercromby, Robert Acland, Sir Tho. } Dyke, bart. Addington, Right ; Hon. John Hiley Alexander, James §Allan Geo. Allan, Alexander Aº Althorp, Viſcount Anſon, Sir George Anſtruther, Sir Jn, Apſley, Lord Arbuthnot, Right hon. Charles, ; Archdall, Mervyn §Arkwright, Rd, jun. §Aſhurſt, Wm. H. Aſtell, William 4tberley, Arthur, jun, Atkins, john Aubrey, Sir John, bart, Babington, Thomas Bagwell Rt, hon, Wm. Baillie, George Baillie, Jas. E. . Baker, John ſ hºhere choſen. Malmeſbury Calme Clackmananſhire Banfshire Devonſhire Harwich Old Sarum | Durham-city ł Berwick Northamptonſhire Lichfield Crail, &c. & Cirenceſter Orford Fermanaghſhire Rye Oxfordſhire Bridgewater Southampton London Steyning Leiceſter *- Clonmel Berwickſhire } Tralee Canterbury Tºwn-Reſidence. zo, Hill-ſtreet. y * 6, New-ſtreet, Spring-Garden. *{ 85, Pall-Mall. 75, Harley-ſtreet. 2, Seamore-place. Parade, St. I ames's-park. 26 Baker-ſtreet. 1 o'7, Pall-Mall 36, Nottingham-place. - 1o, Hanover-ſtleet, 9, Mansfield-ſtreet. 12, Downing-ſtreet. Jordan's Hotel, St.James's-ſt. f 36, Wincheſter-ſtleet. Wallbrook 4, Upper Brook-ſtreat, 7, Downing-ſtreet 16, Bolton-ſtretº, Albany Groſvěcorattrests t H 3 i 93. Alphabetical Liſt of the House of Commons. Names. $Bankes, George Bankes, Henry § Barclay, Chas. Barham, Joſeph Foſter Baring, Alexander Baring, Sir Thomas §Barnard, Viſcount Barne, Michael §Barnett, James Barry, John Maxwell §Baſtard John Baſtard, Edm. Pollexfen Bathurſt, Rt Hon. Cha. Beach, Michael Hicks Beaumont, Tho. Rd. Beckford, William Rečfive, Earl of Bennet, Hon. Henry Grey - Benſon, Ralph §Bentinck, Lord F. C. § Bentinck, Lord W. H. C. * * Where ch Corfe-Caſtle Corfe-Caſtle Southwark Stockbridge Taunton r Wycombe Winchelſea Punwich Rochelter Cavanſhire Dartmouth Devonſhire Bodmyn Cirenceſter Northumberland Hindon Meathſhire Shrewſbury Stafford Weobly Nottinghamſhire open. § Beresford, Sir John Beresford, Ld Geo. Bernard, viſcount Bernard, Thomas, jun. §Binning, Lord Birch, Joſeph Blackburne, John Blackburne, Jn. Ireland §Blair James H. +Blake, Valentine Bloomfield, Sir Benj. §Bolland, John §Boſwell Alexander Boughey, Sir john { Fenton, bart. §Bourne, Wm. Sturges Bowyer, Sir George, bt. 131adſhaw, Robert Haldane Brand, Hon. Thomas Bridport, Loſ 4 Frcadhead, Theod. H. §Broadhurſt, John Broduck, Hon. Wim. Brogden, James Brooke, Charles §Brougham, Henry " browne, Ant. t | Winchelsea Coleraine Waterfordſhire Cork county King’s County , St. Michael Ludgerſhal Lancaſhire Newton, Lancaſhire Wigtownſhire Galway Plymouth Bletchingley Plympton Newcaſtle, Stafford, Bandon Bridge Abingdon Bracley Hertfordſhire Heyteſbury Wareham Heydon Whitchurch Launceſton Chippenham Heydon Town-Reſidence, Old Palace-yard. Old Palace-yard. Queen Ann-ſtreet. 33, Portman-ſquare. 21, Devonſhire-place. 8, Portagal-ſtreet. ^. 3, Portland-place. 4t New Burlington-ſtreet, 35, Portman-ſquare. 6, Upper Harley ſtreet. Whitehall. 44, Harley-ſtreet. 1 off, Glouceſter-place. 3, Connaught-place. 5, Cheſterfield-ſtreet. St. James's Place. ^ 2, Park-ſtreet, Weſtminſter. Carlton houſe. Mark-lane. Jack's Hotel, Dean ſtreet. | Alhamy. 12, Wimpole-ſtreet. 11 5, Park-ſtreet. Samtrook-co. Baſinghail-ſºr. |9, King's Bench Walk. 5, Montague-place, Bedf.-ſa. Alphabetical Lift of the House or commons. Names. Browne, Right Hon. Denis §Browne Dominick Bruen, Henry Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, bart. Buller,Sir Edward,bart. Buller, James Burdett, Sir Fran. bt. , Burrell, Hon. P. R. D. Burrell, Sir C. M. bt Burrell, Walter §Burroughs, Sir Wm. Butler, Hon. James.W §Butler, hon, Chas. H Butterworth, joſeph Byng, George Calcraft, John Calley, Thomas Calvert, Charles Calvert, §. Calvert, Nicolſon Campbell, Duncan § Campbell, Hon. John Campbell, lord John D. E. H. Campbell, Alexander Canning, Rt. hon.Geo. Canning, George Carew, Robert Shap-2 Zand, jum. $Carhampton, Eaul §Carter John Cartwright, W. Ralph Caſberd, Rt Matthew , Caſtlereagh, Viſcount § Caulfield, Hon Hen Cavendiſh, Lä Geo. ; Auguſtus Henry Cavendiſh, H., F. C. §Cavendiſh, Chas. C. Cawthorne, Jn Fenton Chaloner, Robert $9hetwode, Sir J. Chicheſter, Arthur Chute, William Clements, Hen. John Clerk, Sir George bt. Clinton Sir H. Clinton, Sir Win. H. Chiwe, Viſcount Clive, Henry Clive, William : Where choſen, Mayo Mayo Carlow/ºire Maidſtone Eaſt Looe Exeter Weſtminſter Boſton Shoreham, New Suffew Colcheſter Kilkennyſhire Kilkenny Coventry Middleſex Rocheſter - Criclade | Southwark Huntingdon Hertford Ayr, &c. Carmarthen Argyleſhire Inverkeithing, &c. Liverpool Petersfield Wexford/ºire Ludgershall Portſmouth Northamptonſhire Milborne-port i>ownſhire Armaghſhire | Derbyſhire Derby Ayleſbury Lancaſter Richmond Newcaſtle,Stafford. Carrickfergus Hampſhire Leitrimſhire Edinburghſhire Boroughbridge * Town-Reſidence. 9, Terrace, Palace-yard 19, St. James’s-place. Fladdon's Hotel, Oxford-ſtreet Batt’s Hotel. Warren's Hotel. 27, St. James’s place. Piccadilly. 21, Groſvenor-place. 8, Dover ſtreet. 22, Bruton-ſtreet. New Bu lington-ſtreet. 7, Bedford-ſquare. St. James’s Square. 5, Curzon-ſtreet. , 17, St. James’s-Place. Stable-yard, St. James's 16, New Burlington-ſtreet. 29, Upper Brook-ſtreet. Glouceſter-lodge, Brompton. 28, Bolton-ſtreet. | Boroughbridge Ludlow Ludlow Biſhop's Caſtle Duke-ſtreet, Weſtminſtel King's Mews. Brick-court, Temple. 15, St. James’s ſquare. r, Saville-row. 13, Berkeley-ſquare. Fladdon's Hotel. Hanover ſquare. Holmes’s Hotel, Parliament-ſt, Upper Groſvenor-ſtreet. York-ſtreet, Portman-ſquare. 3, Foley-place. 18, Grafton-ſtreet, 19, Mancheſter-square, …” .* 92 a Names. Cochrane, Lord §Cockefell, Sir Chas Cocks, Hon. j. Somers 'Cocks, James Coke, Edward Coke, Thomas Wm. $Cole, Sir Chriſtopher Cole, Hon. Sir • L. §Collett, Eben. I. Collins, Hen. Powell Colquhoun, Rt.h. Arch Colthurſ?, Sir N. C. &t. Compton, Earl Cooper, Edward Sing Covte, Sir Eyre §Coury, T. C. Steuart Cotes, John Cotter, js Laurence Cotterell, Sir J. G. bt. Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine Courtenay, William §Cranborne, Viſeount Creevey, Thomas Crickitt, R. Alexander Croker, John Wilſon Croſbie, james Curtis, Sir William, bt. §Culwen, John C. Curzon, Hon. Robert §Cuf Hon. Wm. § Dalrymple, Adol.Jn. Daly, Rt hon.]). Bowes Daly, james Daſhwood, Sir H.W.bt. §Daſhwood, Geo. Davenport, Davies Davis, Hart Davis, Richard Hart Dawkins, James §Dawſon, Geo. R. §Deerhurſt, Viſc. Diſbrowe, Edward § Don, Sir Alexander Doveton, Gabriel Douglaſs, Hon. F.S.N. Douglas, Wºn R. K. Dumfries, &c. Dowdeſwell, jn Edm. Grampound |Worceſter Denys, Sir George Wºnht Kingſton-on-Hull §De Roos, hon. H W T Weſt Loc Dickinſon, William | Somerſetſhire Where choſen. Weſtmejeſłes Seaford Jºyegate Ryegate Derby Norfolk Glamorganſhire Fermanaghſhire Taunton Dumbartonſhire Cork Northampton Sligoſhire Barnſ;aple | Monaghanſhire Shropſhire Mallow Herefordſhire Totneſs Exeter Hertford Thetford Ipſwich Athlone Åerry/hire London Calliſle Clitheroe Lincolnſhire Weymouth Galwayſhire Galway/hire Woodſtock Truro Cheſhire Colcheſter Alphabetical Liff of the House of Commons. Town-Reſidence. Terrace, Hyde-Park. 7, cheſterfield-ſtreet, May-fair. Fenton’s Hotel, St. James's Ste. 14, Park-place. Southwark. Downing-ſtreet. Henderſon's Hotel. 15? Harley-ſtreet. 22, Hertford-ſtreet, 17, New Norfolk-ſtreet, 8, Bedford-place. Arlington-ſtreet. Admiralty. Broad-ſtreet. 58, Welbeck-ſtreet Inner Templc. 1 Io, Glouceſter-place. 28, Lower Brook-ſtreet. 39, Piceadilly, Green-park. Briſtol Haſtings Londonderry, cºunty Windſor Roxburghſhire Lancaſter Banbury Tewkeſbury Drummond G, Harley Kincardineſhire - 39, Piccadilly, Green-park. 1c, Portman-square. 16, Berkeley ſquare. 9,. Grafton-ſtreet. Hans-place, 8, Upper Harley-ſtreit, 40, Hertford-ſtreet. 5, Henrietta-ſºr. Cay.-ſquare, 18, Fury-ſtreet. Albany. - 12, St James’s-biace. 16, New Norfolk-ſtreet. Alphabetical Lift of the House of Commons. 93 Names. Drummond, James Dufferin & Clane. boye, Lord Dugdale, Dugdale Stratford Duncannon, viſcount, Duncombe, Charles Dundas, Charles Dundas, hon. Lawr. Dundas, Rt. hon. Wm. Dunlop, james Edmonſtone, Sir C. &t. Egerton, Sir J. G. bt. Egerton, Wilbraham Eliot, Hon. William Elliot, Rt. hon. Wm. Ellis, Charles Roſe Elliſon, Cuthbert SElliſon, Richard Eſtcourt, Th. Grimſt. Evelyn, Lyndon Falkiner, Sir Fjºr. Fane, Sir Henry Fane, John . ŠEane, John Thomas Farmer, Samuel Farquhar, James Fazakerley, ºn Nic. Fellowes, hon. Newton Fellowes, Wm Henry Ferguſon, James Ferguſſon,SirRonaldC. Fetherſton, Sir T. bt. Finch, Hon. Edward Finlay, Kirkman Fitzgerald, Auguſtine Fitzgerald, Rt. hon. Wm. V. . 3 Fitzgerald, Right hon. Maurice $fitzgerald, Lord Wim Fitz Harris, Viſcount Fitzhugh, William Fitzroy, Lord Charles' Fitzroy, Lord John Flood, Sir Fred, bt. Foley, Hon. Andrew Foley, Thomas . . Folkes, Sir M. B. bt. Folkeſtone, Viſcount Forbes, Charºes Where choſen. Perthſhire | Aldéburgh Warwickſhire Malton Heyte/bury | Berkſhire York Edinburgh Áircadbright Stirlingshire Cheſter Cheſhire Leſkeard Peterborough Seaford Newcaſtle-on-Tyne Wotton-Baſſet Devizes Dundalk Carlow Lime Regis Oxfordſhire Lyme Regis Huntingdon Aberdeen, &c, Lincoln Andover Huntingdonſhire Aberdeenſhire Dysart, &c. Longfordſhire Cambridge Glaſgow Clareſhire Ennis Kerryſhire Kildareſhire | Wilton | Tiverton St. Edmundſbury Thetford Wexfordſhire Droitwich Herefordſhire King’s Lynn Sarum, New Beverley Town-Reſidence. 17, Upper Berrkeley-ſtreet. 13, Cavendiſh fauare. 23, Lower Brook-ſtreet, 18, Margaret-ſtreet. 24,4rlington-ſtreet. 17, Hertford-ſtreet. 44, Groſvenor-ſtreet. 4, Veralam-buildings. Harley-ſtreet. - 4, Grafton-ſtreet, Bond-st. St. james’s-ſquare. 24, Hanover-ſquare. 34, Old Burlington-ſtreet. Strarford place. 2, Lower Berkl.-ſtr. Portm.ſº 28, York-place. Clarendon Hotel, Bond-treet. | 3, Glouceſter pl. Portman-sq. 8, Great George-ſtreet. 32, Mortimer-ſtreet . . 13, Duke-ſtreet, Weſtm. Albany. 39, Sómerſet-ſtreet. 36, St. James’s Place. Clarges-ſtreet, \ Great George-ſtreet. Blake's Hotel, Jermyn-ſtreet. 15, Lower Berkley-ſtreet. 18 , Orchard-ſtreet. 21, Chapel-ſtreet, Audley-ſq. Stratford Hotel, Oxfold-ſtreet 59, Park-ſtreet, Groſvenor-ſq. Jordan’s Hotel,St. James's-ſt. 12, -Mansfield-ſtreet. 3) Fitzroy-ſuare, g 94 4/phabetical Liſt of the House or commons. *~~ Names. Forbes, Viſcount Foreſter, Cecil Weld *offer, Fred. T. H. Foſter, Rt., hon. John § Foſter, John Leſlie Foulkes, Evan § Franco, 'Ralph $Frank Frank Frankland, Robert §Fraſer, Chas. Fremanthe, Wm Hen. French, Arthur Fynes, Henry Gaſcoyne, Iſaac ºa/kell, Benjamin Geary, Sir Wm, bart. Gell, Philip Gifford, Sir Robert Gilbert, Davies Giddy Gipps, George. §Glerawley, Viſc. SGolding, Edward Gooch, Tho. Sherlock Gordon,Sir W.Duff,b; Gordon, Robert Goulburn, Henry Gower, Earl Graham, Sir James, bt. Grant, Alex. Cray Grant, Charles Grant, Charles, jun. Grant, Francis Wm. §Grant, George M. Grant, john Peter Grattan, Rt. Hon. Hen. Graves, Lord Greenhill-Ruſſell, R. Grenfell, Paſcoe ŞGrenville, Rt.hon.T. $Greville, hon. Sir C. Groſvenor, Thomas Guiſe, Sir B. W. bt. Gunning, Sir G. Wm. SGurney, Hudſon Halſey, Joſeph Hamilton, Ld. Arch. Hamilton, Hans Hamilton, Sir H.D.bt. Hammerſley, Hugh Hanbury, Wm. Harcourt, john Hare, hon, Richard .* \ Where choſen. Longfordſhire Wenlock St. Edmundſbury Louthſhire Yarmouth Stamford Weſtbury Nottinghamſhire Thirſk Rosſhire Buckingham. Roſcommonſhire . Aldborough Liverpool Malden Ren? Penryn Eye ^. Bodmyn Ripon Downpatrick Downton Suffolk Worceſter Wareham St. Germans Staffordſhire Carliſle Tregony Inverneſsſhire Fortroſe Elginſhire Sutherlandshire Grimſby Dublin Okehampton Thirſk Marlow Buckinghamſhire Warwick Cheſter Glouceſterſhire Gainſtead Newport, I. of W. |St. Alban’s Lamerkſhire Dublinſhire Ayrſhire elleſtone Northampton Leominſter Corkſhire Town-Reſidence. 28, Sackville-ſtreet. Albany. 24, Great George-ſtreet. 15- Lincoln's inn fields. 9, Old Burlington-ſtreet. '6, Stanhope-ſtreet, May-fair. Dean’s Yard, Weſtminſter. South-ſtreet. . 50, Upper Brook-ſtreet. Stone Build. Lincoln's Inn. 6, Holles-ſtreet. 39, Hertford-fl., May-fair, Stanhope-ſtreet, May-fair. . 32, Bruton-ſtreet. * 30, Great George-ſtreet. 21, Up. Groſvenor ſtieet. 1, Portland-place. 9, New-ſºr. Spring Gardens. 4o, Ruſſell-ſquare. 4o, Ruſſell ſquare. Cleveland row. 17, Spring Gardens. 9, Ten race, Palace-yard. | 14, Old Build. J.incoln’s Inn. 12, Spring-garden. Cleveland-ſquare. , gº Groſvenor-ſtreet. 15, Bridge-ſtreet, Weſtminſt, 12, Saville-row. Glouceſter-place. 22, Queen Ann-ſtreet. Chapel-ſt. May-Fair. Union Hotel, St. James's-ſq. Pall Mall 9, Palace Yard. 4phabetical Lift ºf the House or commons. $3. Names. Hart, George Waughan Harvey, Charles Heathcote, Sir Gil- &ert, bart. Heathcote, Thomas Freeman Henniker, Lord Bern, Sir Ro4. Bart, $Hill, Lord Arthur Hill, Rt. Hon. Sir Geo. Fitzg. bt, } Ś Hill, Hon. Wm. Hippiſley,Sir J.Cox,bt Hobhouſe, Sir Benj.bt. Hodſon, John Holdſworth, Arthur Howe Holford, George Pere; Holmes, Srl, T. W.bt Flolmes, William Honyman, Rd. Bem- pde Johnſtone { Hope, hon. Sir Alex. Hope, Sir Wm. John- ſtone, * §Hope, Sir Geo. J. Hornby, Edmund Horne, William Horrocks, Samuel Houblon, Jn Archer Howard, Hon. F. G. Howard-Molyneux- Howard, Lord H.T. } Howard, Hon. Wm. Howouth, Humphrey Hughes, Wm. Lewis § Hulſe, Charles Hume, Sir Ab, bart. $Huntingfield, Lord Hurſt, Robert Huſkiſſon, William Jackſon, Sir J. bt. § Idle, Chriſt. Jenkinſon, Charles Jenkinſon,hon.C.C.C. §Jervois, J. J. " Innes, Hugh Jocelyn, Viſcount Jolliffe, Hylton. §Jones; John Irving, John Keane, Sir John, bart. Keck, Geo. A. L.; Where choſen. Donnegal/hire Norwich Rutland Hampſhire Stamford Grimſºy Down County Londonderry Marlborough Sudbury Hindon Wigan Dartmouth Dungannon Tregony Orkneyſhire ~. Linlithgowſhire Dumfriesſhire Grinſtead Preſton Helleſtone Preſton Eſſex Caſtle-Riſing: Glouceſter Morpeth Eveſham t Wallingford Weſt Looe Haſtings Dunwich Horſham Chicheſter Dover Weymouth, &c. Dover Bridgenorth Sarum, New Kirkwall, &c. Louth County Petersfield Pembroke Bramber Youghall Leiceſterſhire Newport, I. of W. f Town-Reſidence. Whitehall. 2, Langham-place. 8,St.James's ſquare, 173 Lower Groveſnor-ſtreet. : Mancheſter-buildings, Weſtm 39, Bedford-row. Pulsford's Hotel, Piccadilly. 15, Bolton-ſtreet. Henderſon’s hotel * 19, Grafton-ſtreet, Piccadilly. * Miller's Hotel, Jermyn-ſtreet. Admiralty. 8, Hunter-ſi, Brzn/wick-ſq. 9, Bread—ſtreet. 7, Groſvenor-place. Groſvenor-ſtreet. 7, Berkeley-ſtreet. 12, Glouceſter-place. 3o, Hill-ſtreet. Swan Hotel, Bridge-ſt:Weſtm, Whitehall-place. New Broad-ſtreet. Adelphi Terrace. Scotland-yard. Portman-ſquale. 108, Pall-Mall. Ryder-ſtreet. --- 32, Lower Groſvenor-ſtreet. 54 Wimpole-ſtreet. gó % Alphabetical Lift of the House of Commons. Names. Where choſen: Town-Reſidence. Keene, Whitſhed Montgomery s 52 sº: Kenſington, Lord Haverfordweſt +Kerriſon, Sir Edward Shaitſbury King,Sir Iohn Daſh- tº gº .gº" . jº. ; Wycombe, Chipping 32, Upper Harley-ſtreet, Rirkwall, Wiſcount Denbigh 24, Holles-ſtrºet. kmatchbull, Sir Ed.bt, Kent e 56. Wumpole-ſtreet. Åncx, Thomas Tyroneſºire 41, Upper Groſvenor-ſtreet. Kynaſton-Powell, John Shropſhire . Warren’s Hotel, Charles-ſtr Lâcon, Edm. Knowles ||Yarmouth, Norfolk SLamb, Hon. Wm. |Feterborough Whitehall. §lambton, John Geo Purham | 19, Piccadilly. iangton, Wm. Gore Somerſetſhire Gioſvenor-ſquare. Laſcelles, Viſcount *Yorkſhire 14, Hanover-ſquare. Latouche, John Leitrimſhire * Latouche, Robert Kildareſhire §Latouche, Robert Carlowſhire jaw, hon. Edward | St. Michael \ Spring Gard ms. Leader, William Camelford 14, Queen-ſquare, Meſtm. Lefevré, Charles Shaw Reading 4,New-ſtreet, Spring-garden. § Legh, Thomas *| Newton, Lancaſhire|6. Albany Court. Leigh, Charles New Roſs | Albany. Leigă, James Henry Bºdwin 3o, Harley-ſtreet. Leigh, Šir Robt. Holt Wigan 14, Duke-ſtreet, Weſtminſter. Lemon, Sir Wm, bt. Cornwall Whitehall. Leſlie, cha. Powell Monaghanſhire Union Hotel, St. James's ſq. Leſter, Benj. Leſter Poole L ‘.* ; Beaumaris , , 34, curzon-ſtreet Littleton, Edw. John Staffordſhire Lloyd, Hardreſs King’s County, - – Lloyd, James Martin Steyning • º*wald } Flint London hotel, Albemarle-ſtr. Lockhart, Jn. Ingram Oxford City King's.arms Tav, Bridge-ſt. . Lockhart, Wm. Elliot Selkirkſhire ** - Loftus, William Yarmouth, Norfolk #53, Wimpole-ſtreet Long, Rt. hon. Cha. | Haſlemere Pay-Office, Whitehall. Long, Rd Godolphin. Wiltſhire & Britiſh Hotel, Jermyn-ſtreet. Longfield, Mountifort Cork 33; Bury-ſtreet, St. James's. Lopes, Sir M. M. Barnſtaple 3, Arlington-ſtreet, Lovaine, Lord | Beralſton 8, Portman-ſquare. Lowndes, Williana Buckinghamſhire Mount Coffee-houſe. lºgº) Weſtmorland , Charles-ſtreet, Berkley-ſq. Lowther, James Appleby Kenſington Gravel-pitsa - Lowther, John Cumberland 32, Groſvenor-ſquare. Lowther, John Henry Cockermouth. : - Lowther, viſcount Weſtmoreland 25, Pall Mall. * Zabback, Sir john Wm. Leominſter 19, Duke-ſtreet, Weſtm. lºº Canterbury 4,Cleveland-ſquare. SLuttrell, Hen Fownes Minehead Pump Court, Temple, Alphabetical Liſt of the House of Commons. 95. Namés. Luttrell, j. Fownes, § Lygon, Hon. Hen. B. § Lyſter, |Rich. Lyttelton, Hon. W. H. § Maberly, John § Macdonald, James Macdonald, Ronald Macintoſh, Sir jas. Macnaughten, E. A. § Macon chie, Alex. $Macqueen, Thos. P. Madocks, Wm. Alex. Magenis, Rich. ſen. Mahon, Hon. Stephen Maitland, Ebenezer Fuller §Mait and, Hon. Ant. § Maitland, John Manners, LaCharles Somerſet Manners, Lord Robert Manners, Robert Manning, William March, Earl ºf Marjoribanks, Sir john Markham. John Marryat, Joſeph Marſh, Charles Martin, Henry Martin, john Mathew, Hon. Mont.Js Maule, Hon. W. R. Mclliſh, William Methuen, Paul Meyler, Richard ŚMichel, Gen. John |Mildmay, Sir H. C. ; St. John, bt. Mills, Challes Milne, Patrick Milnes, Rt Pemberton Milton, Viſcount Mitford, William Monck, Sir C.M. L. bt § Money, William T Montgomery,Sir Js, bt. Moore, 1.d.-H. n. Seym Moore, Peter Meorſom, Sir Robert Mordaunt, Sir C. bt., Morgan, Sir Cha, bart. Morgan, Charles Moiland, Scrope R. Morpeth, Viſcount * j Kinſale Where choſen: Minehead e Worceſter ſhire Sh; ewſbury Worceſterihire Rye Calne Plympton Nairnſhire • Orford - Yarmouth, I. Wigh Eaſt Looe Boſton. Enniſ.illen Roſcommonſhire Wallingford Haddington, &c. |Chippenham | Cambridgeſhire Leiceſterſhire Cambridge Eveſham Chicheſter Caithneſs/ºire Portſmouth Sandwich Retford Tewkeſbury Tipperary County Porfarſhire Middleſex JP,thſhi P’ ºr Pºint hefter Belfaſt Wincheſter Warwick -Elgin, &c. Pontefract Yorkſhire --- Romney, New Northumberland Wotton-Baſſett Peeblesſhire Liſburne Coventry Queenborough- Warwickſhire Monmouthſhire A recon St. Mawes $., Cumberland Town-Reſidence, jº raan's Hotel. 3o, Groſvenor-ſquare. 20, Duke ſtreet, Weſtminſter. 15, Great George-street Albany B.ompton. *} | Britiſh Hotel, Jermyn-ſtreet." Groſvenor-ſquare 28, Sackville-ſtreet. 28, Sackville-ſtreet. Stable-yard, St. James's tr. 14, New-ſtreet,Spring-Gaidei. Whitehall. ' pring 3 Suffolk ſtreet. 6, Great George-ſtreet, Cecil H tel. . 22, Ruſſel-ſquare. 68, Lombard-street. 2, New-ſtreet, Spring-garden, 1 12, Biſhopſgate-within. #52, Norton-ſtreet. . 34, Grºſvenor ſtreet, 8, Mancheſte, -ſhuare. 15, Mancheſte -buildings, 24, Bolton-ſtreet. Groſvenol-place. 14, C/ages-ſtreet. -- 7; Great George-ſtrict, - 14, Cadogan-place. 77, Pall-Mall, - 77, Pall Mall , , 56, Pall-Mall. ..., * A 125, Park-ſtr. Ötoſvcnar-ſq-, * * * ~ * 4 * t t • 4 I *. *. 98 Alphabetical Liſt ºf the House of CoM Mons. ; Names. Where choſen. Town- Reſidence. Morrit, Jn. B. Northallel tom 24, Portland-place. Moſley, Sir Oſwald | Midhurſt Moſtyn, Sir Tho. bart. Flintſhire 32, George-ſtreet, Hanover-ſq. Mundy, Edw. Miller Derbyſhire 12, Montague-ſquare. Murray, Sir }; bt. Weymouth, &c. 63, Wimpole-ſtreet. Naper, jas. L.W. . .] Weobly 19, Upper Groſvenor ſtr. Neale, Sir Harry B. bf. Lymington t" - Needham, Hon. Fran, Newry wº * Neville, Hon. Richard Berkſhire to, New Burlington-ſtreet. Neville, Richard Wexford g * § Newman, Rt. Wm. Blechingly Newport, Right hon. § .*. } Waterford sº Nicholl, Rt. hon. Sir * sº John, knt. W. Bedwin 26, Bruton-ſtreet §Noel, Sir Gerard Rutland 1 I, Chandos-street Nolth, Dudley Richmond St. James’s-place. Northey, William Newport, Cornwall ||37. Bruton-ſtreet. Nugent, Lord Ayleſbury Pall-Mall. ©'Brien, Sir Edw.bart. Clare Odell, William Limericſhire Holmes’s Hotel, ogle, Henry Meade Drogheda 12, Straton-ſtreet. O’Hara, Charles Sligoſhite Curzon-ſtreet. O'Neil, Hon. lº Antrimſhire Stephens's Hotel, Bond ſtreet. Richard Bruce Onſlow, Arthur Guilford 3, New-street, Spring-gardens. Onſlow, Hon. Tho. Guilford | |8, Clarges-ſtreet. Cranley Ord, William Morpeth Oſbaldeſton, George Retford Oſborn, john Queenborough Admiralty.' Öſborne, Lord F. G. Cambridgeſhire Oſſulſton, Lord Knareſborough 26, Upper Brook-ſtreet. Owen, Sir John, bt. Pembrokeſhire 17, Hereford-ſtreet. Paget, Hon. Berkeley Angleſeyſhire | Paget, Hon. Charles | Carnarvon #:... Sir Edward] Milborne. Port --- akenham, Hon. Robert Hercules Weſtmeath County. Palmer, Charles Bath Albany. Palmerſton, Viſcount | Cambridge Univerſity 9, Great Stanhope-ſtr. Parnell, Sir Henry bt., Queen’s County f § Parnell, Wm. Wicklow * § Patten-Bold, Peter Malmeſbury 44, Lower Harley-ſtreet. $Pechell, Sir T. B. bt | Downton Stratford-place. * Peel, Sir Robert, bart. Tamworth 16, Upper Groſvenor-ſtreet. Peel, Rt. hon. Robert | Oxford 12, Stanhope-ſtreet. §Peel Wm. Yates Boſſiney Peirſe, Henry Northallerton I’elham, Hon. C. A. | Lincolnſhire Stratford-place, Pelham, ; G. A. | Newtown, Hants Pellew, Hon. Pow- nell Bºffard ; Launreſton $Pennant, Geo. H.D. Newark Groſvenor-ſquare. Percy, Hon, Jocelyn Beralſton 8, Portman-iguare. Alphabetical Lift of the House or Commons. Names. Perring. Sir Jn, bt §Phillimore, Joseph Philips, George Phipps, Hon. Edmund Piggott, Sir Arth. knt. Pitt, joſeph Pitt, William Morton Plumer, William Plunkett, Rt.bon. WinC. Pocock, George Pole, Sir C. Morice, bt. ..Pole, Rt Hon. Wm. Welleſley § Pollington, Viſcount Ponſonby, Hon Fred.C. Porcher, Joſias Dupré Porter, George Portman, Ed Berkeley §Powell, W. Edward § Power, Rich. §Powlett, Hon. W. I. F. V. * Poyntz, Wm Stephen Prendergaſt, Mic. G., Preſton, Richard Price, Richard Pringle, Sirhºm Henry Prittie, Hon. F. A. §Proby, Lord §Proby, Hon. Gran.L. Protheroe, Edward Pym, Francis . . . Quin, hon, Wind. H. Raine, Jonathan Ramſbottom, Jn, jun. Ramſden, john Charles Rancliffe, Lord Ra/#leigh, William Richardſon, William Riddell, Sir #n B. Ridley, ſir Matthew White, bart. Robinſon, George A. Robinſon, John Robinſon, Rt.hon, F.J. Rochfort, Guſtavus H §Rock-Savage, Earl § Romilly, ſir Sam knt Roſe, Rt hon. George Roſe, George Henry Round, j6bn Where choſen. Hythe St. Mawes Ilcheſter Scarboróugh Horſham Crickade Dorſetſhire Higham Ferrers Dublin Univerſity Bridgewater Plymouth Queen's County Pontefračt Kilkennyſhire Old Sarum - || Stockbridge Dorſetſhire Cardiganſhire --- Waterfordſhire Durham county Callington Saltaſh Aſhburton Radnor, New St. Germans Tipperary county Huntingdonſhire Wicklowſhire Briſtol , Redfordſhire Limerick County . | Newport, Cornwall Windſor * * Malton Nottingham Fowey * g Selkirk, &c., Newcaſtle-on-Tyne Hoxiton Biſhop's Caſtle Ripon Weitmeathſhire Caſtle-Riſing Arundel Chriſtchurch Southampton Ipſwich Rowley, Sir W. bart. Suffolk Armagh County . . Town-Reſidence. 43, Portland-place. Whitehall. 1, Mount-str. 64, Mount-ſtreet. 3, Lower Gower-ſtreet. 17, Clarges-ſtreet. Albemarle-ſtreet. 4, Cavendiſh-ſquare, 39,0harles-ſtreet,Berkeley-ſq., 18, Upper Harley-ſtreet. 3, Saville-row. 2, cavendiſh-ſquare. 16, Devonſhire-place. Warlen's Hotel, Charles-fºr. N 54, Queen-Anne-ſtreet. 7, New Square,Lincoln’s-Inn. | 1, Down-ſtreet. 17, Stratford place. Miller's Hotel, Jermyn ſur 24, Groſvenor-place * 39, Harley-ſtreet Queen Ann-ſtreet. 33, Bedford-row. sº to, Upper Brook freer. 1, Grafton-ſtreet. Oid Hummures, Covent-gard. 8, Pål k-place, St. James's, 21, Ruſſell-ſquare. Old Palace-yard. Old Palace-yard, 39, Piccadilly. 34, Jyimpole-ſtreet. I 2. tºte 4/phabetical Lift of the House of Commons. . Names. Tuſſell, Matthew Wrm Ruſſell, Ld George . Ruſſell, Lord Wm. Ryder, Rt Hon. Rich: St. Paul, Henry H. St Paul, Sir Horace David Chokwell ; Saville, Albany Saxton, Sir Cha, bt. Scott, Samuel Scott, Rt. Hon. Sir William, knt. w Scudamore, Rá Phillip Sebright, Sir John, b. §Sefton, Earl - Seymour, Lord Robert §Sharp, Richard Shaw, Benjamin Shaw, Sir James, bt. Shaw, Robert Sheldon, Ralph Shelley, Sir John Shelley, Sir Timothy $Shepherd Sir Sam. Shiffner, George §Sibthorp, C. W. Simeon, Sir John Simpſon, Hon, John B. Simſon, George - Singleton, Mark Smith, Abel Smith, Chriſtºpher Smith, George Smith, Tho. Aſheton Smith, John Smith, Joſhua Smith, Robert Smith, Samuel Smith, William Smyth, John Henry Sneyd, Nathaniel $Somerſet, Ld.G.C, H Somerſet, Lord R. } Somerville, Sir M. bt. Speirs, Archibald §Spencer, Lord Robert §Spencer, Sir Brent §St, nhope, Hon Js. H. Staniforth, John Stanley, Lord Where choſen, Saltaſh Bedford Tavittock Tivelton . Berwick B ridport Okehampton Caſhel Camelford : Oxford Univerſity Hereford Hertfordſhire Droitwich Carmarthenſhire | Portarlington Mºſtbury London Dublin Wilton Lewes Shoreham Dorchester Lewes, Lincoln * Reading Wenlock f # Maidſtone - Eye | Wendover *St. Albans Wendover Andover Nottingham Devizes •l. Grantham; Leiceſter | Norwich Camb. Univerſity Cavanſhire Monmouthſhire Glouceſterſhire Meathſhire Renfrewſhire Taviſtock Sligo Buckingham Kingſton-on-Hull Lancaſhire Stewart, Sir James, bt. Stewart, bon.james .* Donegallſhire Wigton, &c. Tortun-Reſidence Long’s Hotel, Bond-ſtreet. Hamilton-plee. 37, Lower Groſvenor-ſtreet. #3, Park-ſtreet, Weſtminſter Alba ſy. 16, Lower Groſvenor ſtreet. 15, Cleveland-row. 94, Jermyn-ſtreet. 21, Arlington-ſtreet• ‘ 27, Portland-place. Mark lane 17, New-ſtreet, Spring-gard. America-ſquare. 5, Mountague-pl. Portm.-ſq. . Miller's-hotel, Jermyn-ſtreet. 38, B'oomsbury-ſquare. iro, Dover-ſtreet. 50, Queen-Anne-ſtreet . 36, Portland-place. 8, Upper Groſvenor-ſtreet. 39. Berkeley-ſquare, Adam-ſtreet, Adelphi. 1, Upper Harley-ſtreet. ; Portman-ſquare. * : 13, New-ſtreet,Spring-gardea 20, Saville-row. 39, Berkeley-ſquare. . 6, 'Park-ſtreet, Weſtminſter.. 14, Charles-ſtr. Berkeley-ſq. Long’s Hotel, Bond-ſtreet. . 27, George-ſtreet, Hanov.-ſq. 46, Up. Groſvenor-ſtreet. *phabetical Łſ of the Housm of Commens. 101 Names. Stewart, Rt. hon. Sir john, bart. ; §Stewart, Alex. Stirling,Sir Walter, bt. Stopford, Hon Edw. Straham, Andrew Strutt, Joſeph Holden §Stuart, Lord Evelyn, J. Stuart-Wortley, js Archibald } Sullivan, Rt. Hon. Jn. Sumner, Geo. Holme Sutton, Rt. Hon. Cha. Manners Sykes, Sir M. M. bt. Symonds, Tho. Powell Taviſtock, Marquis of §Taylor John §Taylor, Geo. Watſon Taylor, Mich. Angelo Thompſon, Thomas Thornton, Sarauel Thynne, Lord John $Tierney, Rt. Hon Geo, Town/beha, La C.W. F. Townſhend, Ld John Horatio G. P. $Trefuſis, hon. Cha, Tremayne, Jn Hearle §Tudway, John P. Tyrwhit-Drake, Wm. ŠUre, Maſterton. Vanſittart, Rt Hon. Nicolas Vaughan, SirPobert ), Williames, bart Vernon, Geo, Gr.Ven. $Vermon, Gr. Ven. $Sturt, Henry Charles Suttie, Sir James Swann, Hen : Talbot, Rd. Wogan Taylor, Charles Wm. Teed, jobn ` §Thornton, Wm. Tomline, Wm. Edw. §Townſhend, Hon. Rodolph } Tyrwhit-Drake, Tho. §Valletort, viſcount Vaughan, Hon. John § Vereker, Hon. J. F. Vyſe, R.W.H. Howard | }%here choſen. Tyrone County Londonderryſhire St. Ives Marlborough Aldeburgh Malden Cardif Boſfiney Bridport Aſhburton Surrey Haddingtonſhire | Scarborough Penryn York Herefold , Dublinſhire Bedfordſhire Lymington Wells Newport, Iſle of W. Poole Grampound Midhurſt Surrey Woodftock Bath Appleb §..., Tamworth Knareſborough. Whitchurch Caſſington Cornwall Wells, Agmondeſham Agmondeſham Weymouth, &c. Leſtwithiel, Harwich Cardigan Merionethſhire: Limelick Lichfield t Tºldborough Honiton Town-Reſidences 106, Pall-Mall. * io, Printers-ſtreet, Shoe-lane.” 45, Upper Groſvenor-ſtreet. 79, Harley-ſtreet. 1, Little Stanhope-ſtreet. Palace yard, 23, St. James’s Place. New Broad-ſtreet. *. Ibbetſon's Hotel, Vere-ſtreet. Whitehall. y Henderſon's Hotel,Palace-yd. St. James'-square. , H. Groſvenor-gate, Park-lane. 15, Hill-ſtreet. 33, Burlington-ſtreet. , k s 19, Portland-place. $41, Groſvenor-place. |2, Chapel-ſt, Gros.-ſquare. 8, Spring-gardens; : Limmer’s Hotel, Conduit-ſhr. 8, Groſvenor-ſtreet. Downing-ſtreet. Thomas's Hotel, Berkley-ſq. ^larendon-Hotel, Bond-flºes, | Great Ruſſell-ftreet. H. 3, sos Alphabetical Lift of the House of CoM Mons, * * r Names. ) Where choſen. §Waldegrave, Hon. W. Bedford SWallace Rt. Hon. Th. Cockermouth Walpole, Hon. George Dungarvan Walpole, Lord King's Lynn Ward, Hon. Jn Wm Ilcheſter Ward, Robert Haſlemere Warrender, Sir ºff. Uli O Marre, jobn Aſhley | Left withiel º: §: $Webber Dam. Webb. Armagh Webſter, Sir Godfrey,bt., Suſſex Wedderburn, Sir { ; Folfar. & David, bart. | oltar, &c. % Sir Yº, Grantham elleſley, Wm. Pole P. #* E. St. Ives Wemyſs, William , ; Fifeſhire Weſtern, CharlesCallis Eſſex +Wetherell, Charles | Shafteſbury Wharton, John Beverley Wharton, Richard Durham City White, Matthew Hythe Whitmore, Thomas Bridgenorth Wigram, Robert Fowey, Wilberforce, Wm. Bramber Wilbraham, Edw: B | Clithero Wilder, Sir-Francis J. Arundel Wilkins, Walter | Radnorſhire Williams, Owen Marlow Williams, Sir Rob. bt. Carnarvonſhire Williams, Robert.jun | Dorcheſter Willoughby, Henry Newark Wilſon, Thomas #Stafford $Wiltonn, Chas. Edit}Bewdley Wiſe, Ayſhford. | Totneſs § Wodehouſe, Edmond |Norfolk Wood, S11 Malk, bart | Gatton $Wood Mark Gatton §Wuod, Matthew London Wood, Thomas Breconſhire ' “Worceſter, Marq. of Monmouth Wright, john Atkyns | Oxford City Wrotteſley, Henry Brackley {. Charles Sudbury mn, Charl -> W. Wiiams } Montgomeryſhire Wynn, Sir Wat W. bt. Denbighſhire Yarmouth, Earl of | Any rum county § hon Cha.P. L ſkeard: orke, Sir Joſeph . . & ; ; Sandwich Town Reffdence. 15, Bolton-ſtreet. Old Palace-yard. Queen-ſtreet, May Fair, 11, Berkeley-ſquare. 3, Bolton-row. Admiralty. 3, Stratford-place. Davies-ſtreet. Argyll-ſtreet. 3, Saville- ow. 18, Chapel-ſtreet, May-Fair. 5, Stone-buildings, Linco-inn. | Audley-ſquare. | 13, Grafton-ſtreet. 35, Bedfºrd ſquare.’ Warne's Hotel, S Conduit-ſtr. Connaught-place. Kenſington-gore. 55, Portland-place. Maſcall’s Hotel, Adelphi. 412 18erkeley-ſquare. 133, Hin-ſtreet. | 12, Nottingham-place. ; Pall Mall, T'all-Mali . | South Audley-ſtreet. South-ſtreet. Park-ſtreet. , Old Palace-12 ra. * 1e, Lincoln’s inn, New-ſq. Whitehall. St James's Square. 7, Seamore-place, -|28, Bruton-ſtreet, Admiralty. *. U to: ) ~$. Clerks and Officers of the Houſe of COMMONS. }ohn HATsell, eſq. Clerk of the Thouſe of Commons. (Cotton-Garden, old Palace-Yard.) ... ? Jé R EMIAH Dyson, eſq. Deputy. (New Palace-Yard.) john Henry Ley, eſq. Clerk-24/ſtant. (St. Margaret's Street.) John Rickman, eſq. ſecond Clerk-4ſ flant. (New Palace-Yard.) William Ley, eſq. Clerk of the Committees ºf Privileges and Eleåions. John Dorington, eſq. Clerk of the Fees. * *. Mr. J. S. Goodiff. Aſistant Clerk of the Fees. ! Principal Committee-Clerks : Depaty Committee-Clerks t Edward Stracey, eſq. Mr. S. Gunnell; John Benſon, eſq. .* Mr. H. Coles. Arthur, Benſon, eſq., Mr. W. G. Roſe. i. John Dorington, eſq. *- Mr. J. Robe. Aſſiſtant Deputy. Committee-Clerks,—R. Chalmers, G. whittam, jun. G. White, W. Hawes, K. *- * other Clerks who occaſionally attend upon Committees s— T. Beeby, R. Jones, C. Gandy, S. Gunnell, jun. George Whittam, eſq, Clerk of the journals and Papers. #º. sa. clerº of Ingriſment. Mr. W. Gunnell, Affant-Clerk of Ingroſſments. 3. Henry Gunnell, eſq. E. Johnſon, T. Beeby, Clerks in the Private-Bill lffice - i $ i * tºlerks in the ſeveral Offices of the Chief Clerk according to their Senior #y's —J. E. 'Dorington, J. Bull, E. Johnſon, T. Beeby, G. White, f R. Chalmers, A. Dickinſon, G. Whittam, jun. W. Hawes, R. Jones, - C. Gandy, S. Gunnell, jun. G. Dyson, R. Gibbons, G. Jelf, T. Gudge. Henry Seymour, eſq. Serjeant at Arms. * John Clementſon, eſq. Deputy-Serjeant. . . . . --- Mr. James Mitchell, Delivere, of Wofes. , 3. §. *: Bellamy, Deputy-Houſekeeper, and Collector of Serjeant's Fees. r. R. Taylor, W Mr. J. *::: dy, } Door-keepers. r. Pryce Jones, M. F. Wright, Mr. S. Spiller, Mr. C. Stein, g * Mr. W. Giffard, Lower Door-keeper. ? *. §: º iºn, Supernumerary Meſſengers. Mr. William Coltſon, Deliverer of Poſt-Letters. Meſſengers. ſº Rev Robert Stevens, M. A. Chaplain to the Houſe of Commons. Edward Phillips, eſq. Secretary to the Speaker. * Mr. Rowland, Train-bearer. -- / . Luke Hanſard, eſq. and Sons, Printers of the journals, &c, John Nichols, eſq. and Son, Printers of the Worcs. # t • 3 *3 194 Sovereigns of Europe. The SOVEREIG GREAT-BRITAIN. - GEORGE III. King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- land, and King of Hanover, born June 4, 1738. Succeeded his Grand- father, George II. O&t. 25, 1760. Married, September 8, 1761, to Char- lotte, Princeſs of Meclenburgh-Stre litz, born May 19, "1744 : crowned Sept. 22, 1761, and has iſſue : 1. George Auguſtus Fréderick, Prince of Wales,born Auguſt 2,1762, declared Regent, 1811. Married, April 8, 1795, to Caroline-Amelia- Elizabeth, Princeſs of Brunſwick, born May 17, 1788; by whom he has iſſue Princeſs Charlotte Auguſta, born Jan. 7, 1796, married 2d May, 1816, to Leopold George Frederick, Prince of Saxe-Coburg of Saalfeld. Died (soon after the birth of a ſtill born ſon,) Nov. 6th, 1817. v s. Frederick Duke of York, born Aug. 16, 1763, married, Sept. 29, 1791, Frederique Charlotte Ulrique Catharine, daughter of Fred.-William II, King of Pruſſia, 3. William Henry, Duke of Cla- sence, Aug. 21, 1765. 4. Princeſs Royal, Charlotte Au- guita Matilda, September 29, 1766, Lady of the Imperial Ruſſian Order of St. Catharine, married, May 18, 1797, to Frederick Charles-William, Duke, afterwards King of Wirtem- burg, who died 1816. 5. Edward, Duke of Kent, No. wenber 2, 1767. - * 6. Auguſta Sophia, Nov. 8, 1768. 7. Elizabeth, May 22, 1770. 8. Erneſt Auguſtus, Duke of Cum- berland, June 5, 1771, Married May, 29, 1815, Frederica Sophia Carolina, daughter of the late Duke of Mecklen- burgh Strelitz, and widow of Fred. William, Prince of Solms-Braunfels, born March 2d, 1778. , 9. Auguſtus Frederick, Duke of Suſſex, Jan. 27, 1773. 10. Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge, Feb. 24, 1774. 11. Mary, Duchess ceſter, April 25, 1776. 12. Sophia, Nov. 3, 1777. Iſſue of the late Duke of Glouceſter. Sophia-Matilda, born May 23, 1773, ,-- - of Glou- NS of EUROPE. William-Frederick, Duke of Glou- ceſter, born (at Rome) Jan. 15, 1776; married July 22, 1816, to his couſin, the Princess Mary. AUSTRIA. FRANCIS II. Emperor of Au- ſtria, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Lombardy, & Venice, and Preſident of the German Confederation. born February 12, 1768; ſucceeded his fa- ther the Emperor Leopoid, 1792; married firſt, Jan 6, 1788, Elizabeth Princeſs of Wirtemberg, who died 1790; ſecondly, Auguſt 14, 1799, Maria Tereſa, Daughter of Ferdi- nand iv. King of Sicily, who died -April 3, 1807; thirdly, Jan. 9; 1808, Maria-Beatrix, daughter of the late Archduke Ferdinand of Auſtria, who died April 7, 1816; and fourthly, Oct. 19, 1816, the princeſs Charlotte of Bavaia, born Feb. 8, 1792. - The Emperor's iſſue by his ed wife. 1. Maria-Louiſa, Grand Ducheſs of Parma, born December 12, 1791 ; married in 1810, to Napoleon, late emperor of France. 2. Ferdinand-Charles-Leopold Francis - Joſeph-Creſcentius, Crown ſ Prince, born April 19, 1793, 3. Leopoldina-Carolina- §. born January 22, 1797. Princeſs * of Portugal 4. Mary-Clementina-Frances-Je- ſepha, born March 1, 1798. 5. Archduke Joſeph-Francis-Lee- pold, born April 9, 1799. 6. Carolina-Ferdinanda-Joſepha- Demetria, born April 8, 1801. 7. Archduke Francischarles Joſeph, born Dec. 7, 1802. 8. Archd. Chas. Francis-Jöf, Duke of Sultzburg, born Aug. 29, 1895. Princes of the Blood. Archduke Ferdinand, Grand duke of Tuſcany. Archd. Charles, Palatine and Vice- roy of Bohemia, born Sep. 5, 1771. Archd. Joſeph, Palatine and Lieut. of Hungary, born March 9, 1776: Archduke Antony,Grand Maſter of the Teutonic order, born Aug. 31, 1778. f Sovereigns of Europe. 1°5 Archd. John, born Jan 20, 1782. Archduke Rainier, Preſident of the Çouncil, born Sept. 30, 1783, , Archd. Louis, born Dec. 13, 1784. - Archd.Rodolph, born Jan. 8, 1788. GERMANY. CoNFederarED IN DE PEND E N T STATEs. *** The number denotes the Votes each Slate has in the Diet. Bo H E M A, FRANCIS II. (Emperor of Auſ- tria,) King of Bohemia, Preſident of the German Confederation. BRAND E N E U R G H, 4. FREDERICK- WILLIAM IV. (King of Pruſſia,) Margrave of Bran- denburgh SAxony, 4. FREDERICK-AUGUSTUS IV. King of Saxony, born Dec. 23, 1756. Married Jan. 17, 1769, Maria Ame- lia, ſiſter to the King of Bavaria Issue, Maria Auguita, born June 21, 1782. BA v A R 1 A, 4. MAXIMILIAN-JOSEPH, King ef Bavaria, born on - the 27th of V of the Netherlands,) Grand Duke of t BAD EN, 3 CHARLES LOUIS FREDE- RICK, Grand Duke of Baden, borh June 8, 1786, ſucceeded his grand- father, June 1 o, 1811. Married April 8, 1806, Louise Adriene Napoléon of France, born 28th Auguſt, 1789. Issue, Louiſa Amelia, born June 5, 1811, Joſephine, born Oct. 21, 1813, and a fon, May 1, 1816. Hess E CAss E L ; 3. WILLIAM 1. Landgrave of Heſſe Caſſel, married the Princeſs Royal of Pruſſia. = r } Hess E DARM stant, 3. LOUIS X. Grand Duke of Heſſe Darmſtadt, born June 14, 1753, and married, Feb. 19, 1777, Princeſs Louiſa Caroline, daughter of his uncle George William. Iſſue, Louis, born Dec. 26th, 1777, and married June 19, 1804, to Princeſs Wilhe'- mina of Baden. June 9, 1806. Iſsue, Louis, born * 3. Ho L s T E 1 N, FREDER!CK VI. (King of Den- mark,) Grand Duke of Holſtein. LU x EMBE-R G, 3. WILLIAM FREDERICK, (King May, 1756, married firſt a Princeſs of Luxemberg. Heſſe-Darmſtadt. Ifſue, Louis Chas. | BR UN's w 1 cK, 3. *. r CHARL ES WILLIAM FERDI- Prince Royal, born 25th Aug. 1786. marri.d Oct. 12, 1809, to Thereſa, daughter of the Duke of Hildburg- hauſon. Iſſue, Maximilian, born 26th Nov. 181 or and Auguſta Ame- lia, married Jan. 13, 1806, to Prince Eugene Beauharnois ; and ſecond, 9th, Margh, 1797. Wilhelmina-Fré- derique Caroline, Princeſs of Baden. * - A N ov E R2 * I GEORGE III., (King of Great Britain,) King of Hanover, Duke of Brunſwick-Lunenberg, Governor General, Highness Adolphus Fied of Cambridge. * * * Wu RT EMB R.R.G, 4. FREDERICK-williaM, King of Wirtemburg, Duke of Suabia and Teck, S. C. B. born Sept. 27, 1781, married Jan. 24, 18 ré, Grand Ducheſs Catharine of Ruſſia, widow of the Duke of Oldenburg. Iſsue, 2 daughter, born Dec. 1816. 4- His Royal erick, Duke 4 NAND, Duke of Brunſwick and Luneburgh, born 36th Dee. 1804. Under the guardianſhip of George . . ‘Auguſtus Frederick, Prince Regent of Hanover. - Mecklen BURGH, 3. GEORGELEWIS FREDERICK V. Duke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, born Aug. 12, 1779; Succeeded his father Gharles 1836. married Aug. 12, 1817, to Princess Mary of Heſſe. NAss Au, 2. FREDERICK WILLIAM, Grand Duke of Naſſau, born 25th October, : 768, maried July 1, 1788, Iſabella, & Counteſs of Sayn. Iſſue, GeorgeWm. Hereditary Prinee, born June 14, F792. SAx E W E 1 M E R, 2. CHARLES AUGUSTUS, Grand Duke of Saxe Weimer, and Head of the houſe of Saxe, born September 3, 1757, married O &t. 3, 177 5, Prin" I eb Sovereigns of Europe, ceſs Louiſa of Heſſe. Iſſue, Challes Frederick, Hereditary Prince, born Feb. 29 1783, SAx E-Co B U R G SAA L Fe L. D. ERNEST, Duke of Saxe-Coburg Saalfeld, born Jan. 2, 1784 ; ſuc- ceeded his father Duke Francis, Dec. 9, 1806. Married July 31, 1817, to Princess Louisa of Saxe-Gotha. Brothers and ſiſters of the Duke. 1. Sophia, born Aug. 18, 1778, married in 1801 to Count Emanuel de Meusdorf, chamberlain of Auſtria. 2. Antoinette, born Ang 28, 1779, married 1798,to Alexander Frederick, Duke of Wurtemberg. 3. Julia, born Sep. 23, 1781, mar- ried 1796, to the Grand Duke Con- ſtantine of Ruſſia. 4 Ferdinand, born Mar. 28, 1785, married Jan. 2, 1816, to Antoinette, Counteſs Kohary. *. 5. Maria Louiſa, born Auguſ] 17, 1786. • . - 6 Leopold George Chriſtian Fre- derick, born Dec. 16, 1790 ; married to the Prineeſs Charlotte of Wales. * , Mother of the Duke. Auguſta Caroline, daughter of Henry XXIV. Count Reuſs d’Ebers- dorff, widow of Duke Francis. RUSSIA. ALEXANDER, Emperorof all the Ruſſias, and King of Poland, K. G. and D.C.L. born Dec. 23, 1777, and married, Oétober 9, 1793, to Louiſa Maria Auguſta, daughter ofthe Here- ditary Prince of Baden, born January 24, 1779. Princes of the Blood. 1. Grand Duke Conſtantine, bro- ther to the Emperor, born May 8, 1779, married 14th Feb. 1796, the Tºrinceſs of Saxe Coburg. 2. Gränd Ducheſs Maria Paulowna married to the Duke of Saxe Wei- Iſºar. . 3. Grand Ducheſs Catharine, Queen of Wurtemberg. 4. Grand Ducheſs Ann, Princeſs of Orange. * 5. Grand Duke Nicholas, born June 2, 1796, married July 13th, 181'ſ, to the Priucess Charlotte of frussia. 6. Grand Duke Michael, bota Feb. 8th, 1798. PRUSSIA. FREDERICK WILLIAM IV. King of Pruſſia, Margraveof Branden- burgh, and Sovereign Duke of Sikeſia, K.G. & D. C.L. bern Auguſt 3, 1770, proclaimed King, Nov. Io, 1797. Married, December 24, 1793, to the Princeſs Louiſa-Auguſta Wilhel- mina Amelia, of Meclenburgh-Stre- litz, born March 10, 1776, (who died July 19, 1810.) Iſſue, Frederick William, born O&tober 15, 1795, Prince Royal. William Lewis, born March 22, 1797. Charlotte, July 13, 1798, (Duchess of Saxe-Coburg). Charles, June 29, 1801. Alexan- drina. Feb. 23, 1813. Louiſa, Feb. 1, 1808, and Albert, Oct. 4, 1809. -y FRANCE. LOUIS XVIII. king of France and Navarre, K G. born Nov. 17, 1755, Married 1771, Maria Joſepha Louiſa, fiſter’to the preſent king of Sardinia, who died at Hartwell, in England, 13th Nov. 1810. i Princes of the Blood. Louis Charles Phillippe, Count D’Artois, ‘Monsieur, brother to the King, born Oct. 9, 1757. Married Maria Thereſa, ſiſter to the king of Sardinia, and has iſſue, Louis An- toine, Duc de Angouleme, Grand Admiral of France, born Aug. 6, 1775, married June 19, 1799, Maria Teresa Charlotte de France, daugh- ter of Louis XVI. born Dec. 19, 1778. Charles, Duc de Berri, born 24 Jan. 1778; married April 25, 1816, to Maria Caroline, daughter of the Prince Royal of Sicily. Louis Philippe, Duc de Orleans, born Oct. 16, 1778, married Nov. 25, 1899, Maria Antoinette Thereſa, princeſs of Sicily. Iſſue, Ferdinand, Duc de Chatres, born 3d Sep 18 to: Louiſa, Ducheſſe d’Orleans, 3d Apr.H, 1812; Mary, Ducheſſe d'Valois, 12th April, 1813; Louis Charles, Duc de Nemours, Oct. 24rh, 1814; and 2. daughter, 28th Mårch, 1816, Sovereigns of Europe. 107 z Louis Joſeph, prince of Condé, (grand maſter of the houſehold) born 9th August 1736. Iſſue by his firſt wife, Charlotte de Rohan, Louis, Duc de Bourbon, born 13th April, 1756, married 24th April, 1770, to Louiſa d’Orleans; and Louisa Ade- laide, Abbess of Remiremont, bon 5th Oct. 1758. He married ſecondly the Duchess Dowager of Monaco. SPAIN. FERDIN AND VII. king of Spain and the Indies, born Oct. 14, 1784, ſucceeded on the abdication of his Father in 1808. married Sept. 19, 1816, to Donna Maria Iſabel Infanta of Portugal. Prince of the B'ocal. Charles, Infant of Spain, born March 29, 1788. married Sept. 19, 1816, to Donna Maria Franceſcina Infanta of Portugal. "PORTUGAL. John MARIA JOSEPH LEWIS, King of the united king- dom of Portugal, Brazil and Al- garve, born May 13, 1767, married to Charlotte Joaquina, Infanta of Spain, born April 25, 1775, by whom he has iſſue, Antonio, Prince of Brazil, born Aug. 12, 1798, marricq April, 1817, to the Arch- duchess Leopoldina . . of Auſtria. Prince Michel, born Očt. 26, 1802, and four daughters. .. *- SWEDEN. CHARLES Xill. King of Swe- den and Norway, born 7, Oct. 1748. ſucceeded, on the abdication of Guf- tavus Adolphus IV. 1809. Crown Prince, Chas John Jules, P, ince of Ponte Corvo (Marſhal Bernadotte) elected Aug. 21, 1819, born Jan. 26, 1764, married 1798, Eugene Bernardine, and has iſſue, Oſcar, Francis Joſeph, duke of Sudeimania, born July 4. 1799 DENMARK. FREDERICK VI. King of Den- raark, Duke of Pomerania, born Jan. 27, 1768, married 31st July, 1790, Princeſs Sophia-Frederica of Heſſe- Caſſel. Iſſue, Caroline, botn 28th Oct. 1793, and Wilhelmina, 17th Jan. 1808. Prince Chriſtian, his couſin, Crown Prince, married, Feb. 18, 1806, Princeſs Charlotte of Mecklenburg. Iſſue, Chriſtian Fred. Charles, born Oct. 6, 1808. Mauried ſecondly, 21ſt May, 1815, Princeſs Caroline Ame- lia of Holſtein Auguſtenburg, born June 28, 1796. * NETHERLANDS. f WILLIAM FREDERICK, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange- Naſſau, and Grand Duke of Luxem- bug, K.G. born Mar. 8, 1768, marr. Oét. 14, 1791, Princeſs Frederica Sophia of Pruſſia, and has iſſue, Wil- liam Frederick, hereditary prince of Orange, a general in the Britiſh aimy, and G.C.B.; born Feb. 5, 1794, marricd June, 1816, to Grand Ducheſs Ann of Ruſſia; issue, Prince William Alexander Prederick Louis, born 1817 :— William Frederick, born Feb. 28, 1797, and Wilhelmina Frederica, 9th May, 1810. SWITZERLAND. Confederat on of twenty-two independent cantons. Landamman, M. DEN WATT E- VILLE, Advoyer of BERNE. ITALIAN STATES. Lo MBA R D Y A N G V E N ice. FRANCIS II. (Emp. of Auſtria) King of Lombardy and Venice, &c. SARD IN IA. VICTOR EMANUEL CAJE- TAN, king of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy, Piedmont, and Genoa, ſuc- ceeded on the abdication of his bro- ther in 1804. Married 25th April, 1789 Maria Theresa, daughter of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria. Issue, Maria Beatrice, born Dec. 6th, 1792, (Duchess of Modena) Maria Theresa and Mary-Anne, (twins) Sept, 9th, 1803, and Maria Christina, 14th Nov. 1812. •e to8 sovereigns of Europe.—United States of America. * NAPL Es, and S1 cu LY. FERDINAND IV. King of Naples, and of the two Sicilies, born January 12, 1751, aſcended the throne, October 5, 1759, on his Father's becoming King of Spain. Married April 7, 1768, to the Princeſs Mary Caroline, Aunt of the preſent Emperor, born Auguſt 13, 1752. Died Sep. 8, 1814. Iſſue, Francis, born Auguſt 19, 1777. Mar ried firſty, April 24, 1797, Maria Clementina, Archducheſs of Auſtria, who died 1801, Iſſue, Maria Du- cheſse de Berii, born 5th Nov. 1708; and secondly 1802, Maria Isabella Infanta of Spain. Issue, Louisa, born 24th Oct. 1804, a princeſs, 27th April, 1806, and Leopold, 22d March, 1813. Maria Christina, born 17' h Jan. 1779. Married to Prince Charles of Sar- dinia. Maria Amelia, Duchesse D'Orleans, boy n 26th April, 1782, and Leopold, born July 20, 1790 Married July 28th, 1816, to the Archduchess Maria Clementina of Austria. Rom E. • PIUS VII, ſovereign pontiff, born Aug. 14, 1742, created cardinal (Chiannonte) 1785, Elcéted Pope, March 13, 1800. TUs ca NY. *se FERDINAND, Grand Duke of Tuſcany, Archduke of Auſtria, and brother of the emperor, born May 6, 1769 Married Auguſt, 1790, Maria Louiſa, daughter of thrk’ng of Sciky. Iſſue, Leopold John Joſiph, Hore- ditary Prince, born Oct 3, 1797. PARMA. MARIA LOUISE,G, and Ducheſs of Parma, Piacenza, and Guaſtella, Archducheſs of Auſtria, and daugh- ter to the emperor. Married Ap. 1, 1810, Napoleon Buonaparte, and has iſſue, Napoleon Charles Francis, prince of Parma, born March 20, 1811. Mo D E N A. - FRANCIS Grand Duke of Modena and Duke of Reggio and Mirandolo. º M A s s A. MARIA BEATRICE, Ducheſs of Maſſa and Carrara. LU C C A. . MARIA LOUISA, Ducheſs of Lucca (infanta of Spain ) TURKEY. MAHMOUD | I. Grand Signior and Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, born July 20, h, 1785, cal'd to the throne cn the Depoſition of his uuc'e Selim III. 28th July, 1808. He has several daughters arid one son, Abdul-Hamid, born March 6.h, 1813. ION I A N ISLFS. Pr. ANTONIO CORN UTP, Pre- ſident of the Ionian Republic. Suc- ceeded, in 1804, on the death of Prince Theoric. Lord Commissioner, Rt. H.2m Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Maitland, G. C. B. *— UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Preſident. Vice-Preſident. Jakes Monroe, eſq. Inaugurated March 4, 1817. Daniel D. omkins, eſq. Secretary ºf State. Johu Quilcy Adams, eſq. Go v E R No Rs of the ſeveral ST a Tes. New Hampſhire. Wm. Plumer, esq. Maſſachuſetts, Wm. Blooks, esq. Rhode Iſland. Wm. Jones, esq. Connecticut. John Cotton Sinith,esq. Vermont. Jonas Galusha, esq. Aew York. Daniel D. Tompkins,esq. New Jerſey. Mahlon Dickenson,esq I’ennſylvania. Simon Snyder, esq. Delaware. John Haslet, esq. Maryland, Charles Ridgley, esq. 7irginia. Wilson C. Nicholas, esq. North Carolina. Wm. Hawkins, esq. South Carolina. David R. Williams, - €S-3 . Georg a David B. Mitchell, esq. Ken ucky. Isaac Shelby, esq. Tenneſſee. Wiley Blount, esq. Ohio. John Slaughter, esq. Louiſiana. Indiana. Jonathan Jennings, esq. Heralds College. *105 HERALDs college, EAR L. MARSHAL. Duke of Norfolk. . . Deputy, *Lord Henry Thomas Howard-Molyneux Howard. Kings of ARMs. Garter Principal, Sir Iſaac Heard, knt. Clarenceux, George Harriſon, eſq. Norroy, Ralph Bigland, eſq. . . Six HERAL ps. . . . Windſor, Frs. Townſend, eſq., F.S.A. Chefter, G. Martin Leake, eſq. Lancaſter, Edm. Lodge, eſq., F.S.A. 1340, St. Benett's Hill) York, Sir George Nayler, knt. F.S.A. Richmond, Joſ. Hawker, eſq., F.S.A. Somerſet, James Cathrow, eſq. Four Pu R survants. Blue Mantle, Fis Martingent}.S.A. Rouge Croix, William Radclyffe, gent. F.S.A. * Rouge Dragon, Cha. Geo. Young, eſq.- Portcullis, Geo. F. Beltz, eſq., F.S.A. Regiſtrer, Ralph Bigland, eſq. Earl-Marſhal's Secretary, Rev. Jas. Dallaway, M.B. & F.S.A. KNIGHTS of the Moff Nable order of the GARTER, Inſtituted January 19, 1350. THE SOWEREIGN. 1 Prince of Wales. Duke of York. Duke of Clarence. Duke of Kent, Duke of Cumberland. Duke of Suſſex. Duke of Cambridge. Duke of Glouceſter. Emperor of Ruſſia. King of France. Emperor of Auſtria. King of Pruſſia. King of Spain. King of the Netherlands. Elector of Heſſe. . Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg. 2 Earl of Chatham. 3 Marquis of Saliſbury. 4. Earl of Weſtmorland. 5 Earl of Carliſle. 6 Earl Spencer. 7 Marquis Camden. 8 Duke of Rutland. 9 Earl of Hardwicke. 10 Duke of Beaufort. 11 Marquis of Abercorn. 12 Earl of Pembroke. 13 Earl of Winchilſea. 14 Marquis ºf Stafford. 15 Marquis of Hertford. 16 Earl of Lonſdale. , 17 Marquis Welleſley. 18 Duke of Richmond. 19 Duke of Montroſe. , 29 Marquis of Haſtings. 21 Duke of Newcaſtle. 22 Duke of Wellington. 23 Earl of Liverpool. 34 Viſcount Caſtlereagh. 25 Earl Bathurſt. Prelate of the Order, Biſhop of Wincheſter. chancellar, Biſhop of saliſbury—regiºr, Den of windſor. Garter Principal King of Arms, Sir Iſaac Heard, knt. &entleman-Uſher of the Black Rod, Sir Thomas Tyrwhiti, knt. * # I * 106* - Orders of Knighthood. KNIGHTS of the Moſt Ancient and Mºſt Noble Order of the THISTLE, - Inſtituted 787, reſtorea 1540, revived 1687. r THE sover EIGN. 1 Duke of Clarence, K.G. . 7 Earl of Aberdeen. 2 Duke of Gordon. , 2. 8. Duke of Buccleuch. 3 Earl Poulet. 9 Earl of Eglintoun. 4 Earl of Morton. • 5 Duke of Atholl. 6 Earl Cathcart. 10 Earl of Galloway. 11 Earl of Abergavenny. 12 Lord Erſkine. Dean of the Order, Dr. William Lawrence Browne, 501, for each Creation. * Secretary, G. Dempſter, eſq., 300/. Lord Lion King of Arms, Earl of Kinmoul. Gentleman-Ü/her of the Green Rod, Robert Quarme, eſq. 1001. KNIGHTs of the Moſ Illuſtrious order of ST. PATRICK. • Inſtituted February 5, 1783, THE SOVEREIGN. Earl Talbot, Grand Maffer. 1 Duke of Kent, K.G. 2 Marquis of Drogheda. 3 Earl of Carysfort. 4 Marquis of Ormonde. 5 Marquis Conyngham. 6 Marquis of Waterford 9 Marquis of Ely. 10 Earl of Shannon. 11 Earl O’Neil. 12 Marquis of Thomond. 13 Marquis of Sligo. 14 Earl of Enniſkillen. 7 Marquis of Headfort. 8 Earl of Roden. - Prelate of the Order, the Lord Primate. 6hancellor, Archbiſh9p of Dublin. - Regiſlrer, Dean of St. Patrick's. ' t Secretary, *Sir Frederick John Falkirier, bart. Genealogiſt, Sir Stewart Bruce, bart. UAer of the Black Rod, Sir Charles Vernon, knt. Uſher King ofArms, Attendant on the Order, Adm.Si. ChicheſterForteſcue, knt. • Deputy, Sir William Betham, knt. 15 Earl of Longford. -vº KNIGHTS of the Moſt Honourable Military Order of the BATH. Inſtituted 1399, revived 1725, enlarged 1845. wº THE SOVEREIGN. . F1 Rs T CLA'ss. Military Knights Grand Croſſes. 1 Field-Marſhal His R. H. the Duke of York, Firſt and Princ, pal Knight Grand Croſs. Princes ºf the Blood Royal, Knights Grand Croſſes, not included in the Number - to which the Firſt Claſs of the Order is limited. dm. His R. H. the Duke of CLAR EN ce. d-M r. His R. H. the Duke of K E N 1. Fá-M. r. His R. H the Duke of Cu M P E R LAN D. Fa-Mar. His R. H. the Duke of CAM ER I do E. Fd-Mar. His Highneſs the Duke of Gloucester. Ed-Mar. His S. H. Prince Leopold of SAxe Coburg. & * * Orders of Knighthood. #107 Adm. Earl of St Vincent. Gen. Sir Robert Abercromby. , Adm: Viſc. Keith. Rthon.Adm. Sir J. B.Warren, bt. Gen. Sir Alured Clarke. Adm. Sir Jºhn Colpoys. Gen. Lord Hutchinſon, Adm. Sir Jas Saumarez, bart. Gen. Sir Jn Frs Cradock. Gen. Sir David Dundas. Fd Mar. the Duke of Welling- ton, K.G. . Gen. Earl Ludlow. Adm. Earl of Northeſk. . V. Ad. Sir Rd. Jn Strachan, bt. V. Ad. Hon. Sir A. F. Cochrane. V. Adm. Sir Rd. Goodwin Keats. Gen. Sir David Baird, bart. Gen. Sir G. Beckwith. Lt. Gen. Earl of Hopetown. *Lt. Gen. Sir Brent Spencer. Lt.Gen. Sir John Cope Shelbroke. Lt. Gen. Lord Beresford. Lt. Gen. Lord Lynedoch. Lt. Gen. Lord Hill. Lt. Gen. Sir Samuel Auchmuty. *Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Ed Paget. Lt. Gen. Lord Combermere. Hon. Ad. Sir Geo. Cranfield Ber- keley. - Gen. Sir Geo. Nugent, bart. Gen. Sir William Keppel. Lt. Gen. Sir John Doyle, bart. * Lt.Gen. Lord W.H.C. Bentinck. *Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Galb. Lowry Cole. Lt. Gen. Lord Stewart. *Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Alex. Hope. *Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton. Lt. Gen. Earl of Dalhouſie. Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Wm Stewart. Maj. Gen. Sir Geo Murray. Adm. Sir Wm Young, Gen. His R. H. the Prince of Orange. 43 Adm. Sir Rich, Onſlow, bart. 44. Adm. Hen. Sir Wim Cornwallis. 45 Adm Lold Radiock. 46 Lt. Gen, the Marq. of Angleſev. 47 Lt. Gen. Sir Rob, Brownrigg, bait 48 Lt. Gen. Sir H rºy Cal ert. 49 Lt. Gen. Rt Hon. Sir Thomas Maitland. * 50 *Lt. Gen, Sir W. H. Clinton. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4() 41 42 51 Adm. Sir Geo. Montagu, , 52 M.-Gen. Hon. Sir Chas. Colville. 53 Adm. Lord Gambier. 54 M.-Gen. Sir James Kempt. 55 Adm. Viſcount Exm uth. 56 M.-Gen. Sir D Ochterlony, bart. 57 Lt.-Gen. Sir Gordon Drummond, 58 M.-Gen. Sir Geo. T. Walker. " / Civil Knights Grand Croſſes. 1. Earl of Malmeſbury. 2 Lord Henley. 3 Earl Whitworth. 4 Rt Hon. Sir Jºſeph Banks, bart. 5 Rt Hon. Sir Arthur Paget. Sir Philip Francis. S r George Hilaro Barlow, bart. Viſcount Strangford, K.T.S. Rt Hon. Sir Henry Welleſley. Rt Hon. Sir Charles Stuart. Earl of Clancarty. Rt Hon. Sir Robert Liſton. 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 Honorary Knights Grand Croffes. Mar. His H.-Prince Schwartzen- berg. Mar. His H. Prince Blucher. Mar. Count Barclay de Tolly. Mar. His H. Prince Wrede. Gen. His Majeſty the King of Wirtemberg. , 1. : SE con D CLAss. Knights Commanders. *Adºn. Sir Chas. Morice Pole, bart. Adm. Sir Jas Hawkins Whitſhed. Adm. Sir Rob. Calder, bart. Adm. Sir Rich Bickerton, bart. Adm. Sir John Knight. Adm. Sir Edw Thornbrough. Adm. Sir Geo. Camp'Yell. , Adm. Sir Al'ºemarle Bertie, bart. V.-Adm. Sir Wm. Domett. V.-Adm. Sir Geo. Murray. V.-Ad n. Sir John Sutton. V.-Adm. Sir Eliao Harvey. V.-Adm. Sin Edm. Nagle. 14 V. Adm. Sir Rich. Grindall. , 15 V.-Adm. Sir Geo. Martin. 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7. 8 9 10 1 1 12 1085, Orders of Knighthood. 16 V.-Adm. Sir W. Sidney Smith. . 17 V.-Adm. Sir Herbert Sawyer. 18 V.-Adm. Hon. Sir Rob Stopford. 19 V.-Adm. Sir Thomas Foley. 20 Lt. Gen. Sir R. C. Ferguſon. 21 Lt. Gen. Sir H. Walde 22 V.-Adm. Sir Chas Tyler. 23 V.-Adm. Sir Thos. Williams 24 V.-Adm. Sir T. B. Thompſon, bt. 25 Lt. Gen. Sr Wim Houſtoun. 26 Lt. Gen. Hon. Sir Wm. Lumley. 27 Lt. Gen. Sir Miles Nightingall. 28 Lt. Gen. Sir H. F. Campbell. 29 V.-Adm. Sir Wm Hargood. 30 V.-Adm. Sir Rob. Moorſom. 31 V.- Adm. Sir Law. W. Halſted. 32 *V.-Adm. Sir Harry B. Neale, bt. 33 *V.-Adm. Sir Joſ. Sidney Yorke. 34 V.-Adm. Hon. Sir A. K. Legge. 35 M.-Gen. Sir Alan Cameron. 36 °M.-Gen. Sir Henry Fane. 37 *M.-Gen. Sir George Anſon. 38 M.-Gen. Lord Howard. 39 R.-Adm. Sir T. F. Freemantle. 40 R.-Adm. Sir F. Laforey, bart. 41 R.-Adin. Sir P. Charles Durham. 42 R.-Adm Sir Iſrael Pellew. 43 M.-Gen. Sir Henry Bell. 44 M.-Gen. Sir John Oſwald. 45 M -Gen. Sir Wim Anſon. 46 M.-Gen. Sir Edward Howorth. 47 M.-Gen. Sir Charles Wale. 48 M.-Gen. Sir J O. Vandeleur. 49 *M.-Gen. Hon, Sir Edw. Stopfºrd. 50 R.-Adm. Sir Benjamin Hallowell. 51 *R.-Adm. Sir George Hope 52 R.-Adm. Lord A. Beauclerck. 53 R.-Adm. Sir J. Nicoll Morris. 54 R.-Adm. Sir T. Byam Martin. 55 *M.-Gen. Sir Wm H. Pringle. 56 "R.-Adm. Sir Wm. J. Hope 57 R.-Adm. Lord Henry Paulett. 58 R.-Adm. Sir George Cockburn. 59 R.-Adm Sir Gíaham Moore. 60 R.-Adm. Sir Henry W Bayntun. 61 R.-Adm. Sir Richard King, bart. 62 R.-Adm. Sir Richard Lee. 63 M.-Gen. Sir F. Phillips Robinſon 64. M..Gen. Sir Edward Barnes. - 65 M-Gen. Sir John Byng. 66 M.-Gen. Str Thomas Rriſbane. 67 M.-Gen. Sil Denis Pack. 68 "M.-Gen. Lord R. Ed Somerſet. 69 M.-Gen, Sir Thomas Bradford, |106 70 M.-Gen. Sir John Lambert, 71 M.-Gen. Sir { W. Gordón. 72 M-Gen. Sir Manley Power. 73 M-Gen. Lord Aylmer. 74 R - Adm, Sir William Hotham. 75 R,-Adm. Sir Pulteney Malcolm. 76 R.-Adm. Sir John Gore. 77 R.-Adm. Hon. Sir H. Hotham. 78 R.-Adm. Sir Home Popham. 79 R.-Adm. Sir Joſias Rowley, bart. 80 R.-Adm. Sir Edw. Codrington. 81 R.-Adm Sir Charles Rowley. 82 M.-Gen Sir Colquhoun Grant. 83 M.-Gen. Sir T. S. Beckwith. 84 M.-Gen. Hon. Sir R. W. O’Cal. laghan. M.-Gen. Sir John Keane. M.-Gen. Sir Colin Halkett. M.-Gen. Sir H. Edw. Bunbury. M.-Gen. Sir R. Huſſey Vivian. 89 M.-Gen. Sir Henry Torrens, 90 Capt. Sir George Eyre, R.N. 91 Capt. Sir Chas. Briſbane, R.N. 92 Capt. Sir John Talbot, R.N. 93 Capt. Sir E. Berry, bart. R.N. 94. Capt. Sir Edw. Hamilton, R.N. 95 Capt. Sir E. W.C. R. Owen, R.N. 96 Capt. Sir T. M. Hardy, bt. R.N. 97 Capt. Sir J. Behton, bart. R.N. 98 Capt. Sir M. Seymour, bt. R.N. 99 Capt. Sir Thomas Lavie, R.N. 100 Capt.Sir P.B.V. Broke, bt. R.N. 101 Capt. Sir Wm Hoſte, bt. R.N. 102 *Capt. Sir Chriſt. Cole, R.N. 103 Capt. Sir G. R. Collier, bt., R.N. 104 Capt. Sir James Lind, R.N. 105 Capt. Sir J. A. Gordon, R.N. Capt. Sir Thomas Staines, R.N. Capt Sir Edw. Tucker, R.N. Capt. Sir J. Lucas Yeo, R.N. , Col. Sir John Elley. Col. Sir Charles P. Belſon. Col. Sir Benj. D'Urban. Col Sir G. Ridout Bingham. *Col. Hon. Sir Chas, J. Grevill. Col. Sir Haylett Framingham. Col. Sir Andrew F. Barnard. Col. Sir William Robe. Col. Sir John Cameron. Col. Hon Sir R Le Poer Trench. Col. Sir Charles Pratt 120 Col. Si Edw. Blakeney. 121 Col. Sir John M*Lean. 85 86 87 38 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 123 Col. Sir R. Downes Jackſon. Orders of Knighthood. 109 I23 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136- 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 15 L 152 153 154 15.5 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 l63 Col. Sir William Douglas. Col. Sir Colin Campbell. Col. Sir John Colborne. Col. Sir Archibald Campbell. Col. Sir Thomas Arbuthnot. Col. Hon. Sir Hy F. Bouverie. Lt.-Col. Sir Wim Williams. Lt.-Col. Sir Alexander Leith. Lt.-Col. Hon. Sir R. L. Dundas. Lt.-Col. Sir Robert Arbuthnot. Lt.-Col. Sir Charles Sutton. Lt.-Col. Sir James Douglas. Lt.-Col. Sir Henry Hardinge. Lt.-Col. Sir G. H. F. Berkeley. Lt.-Col. Sir Jeremiah Dickſon. Lt.-Col. Sir John M. Doyle. Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas Noel Hill. Lt.-Col. Sir Henry Wm Carr. Lt.-Col. Sir Charles Broke. Col. Lord Fitzroy Somerſet. Lt.-Col. Sir James Wilſon. Lt.-Col. Sir Alex. J. Dixon. Lt.-Col. Sr John May. Lt.-Col. Sir George Scovell. Lt -Col. Sir William Gomm. Lt.-Col. Sir Ulyſſes Burgh. Lt.-Col. Sir Richard Will ams. Lt.-Col. Sir James Malcolm. Lt.-Col. Sir James A. Hope. Lt.-Col. Sir Auguſtus Frazer. Lt.-Col. Sir Hew D. Roſs. Lt.-Col. Sir E. K. Williams, Lt.-Col. Sir Maxwell Grant. Lt.-Col. Sir Frederick Stovin. Lt.-Col. Sir Joſeph Carncroſs. Lt.-Col. Sir Robert Gardiner. Lt.-Gen. Sir More Diſney. M.-Gen. Sr William Inglis. M-Gen. Sr James Lyon. Vice-Adm. Sir Davidge Gould. Maj.-Gan, Sir George Cooke. • 164 Maj.-Gen Sir Peregrine M ſit- land. 165 Maj. Gen Sir Frederick Adam. 166 R.-Adm. Sir Chas. V. Penroſe. 167 M.-Gen. Sir Hudſon Lowe. 168 R.-Adm. Sir David Milne 169 Lt.-Gen. Sir Aiex. Campbell, bt. Of the Eaſ-India Service. Lt.-Gen. Sir John Macdonald. Maj.-Gen. Sir Robert Blair. Maj.-Gen. Sir George Wood. Maj.-Gen. Sir Hector Maclean. Maj. Gen. Sir Thomas Dallas. Maj.-Gen. Sir John Chalmers. , Maj.-Gen. Sir John Horsford. Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry White. Maj.-Gen. Sir Gab. Martindell. Maj.-Gen. Sir Geo. S. Browne. Col. Sir John Malcolm. Col. Sir Auguſtus Floyer. Col. Sir Robert Barclay. Lt.-Gen. Sir Richard Jones. f i : 1 5 Honorary Knights Commanders. 1 Lt.-Gen. Chas Baron Lin ſingen. 2 Lt.-Gen. Count Walmodem. Lt.-Gen. Count Nugent. M.-Gen. Sigiſmund Baron Low. M.-Gen. Charles Count Alten. M.-Gen. Henry de Hintiber. M.-Gen. Wilhelm de Dornberg. Col. Fred. Baron de Arentsch.ld Lt.-Col. F. A. de Hertzberg. 10 I.t.-Col Julius Hartmann. 11 M-Gen. Baron de Muſling. 12 Lt.-Gen. Don Miguel Alava. 13 V.-Adm. Baron Van de Capcilen i Dean of the Order, Dean of Weſtminſter. g Genealog'ſ and Blanc Courſer Herald, Sir George Nayler, knt. F.S.A. BATH King of Arms, John Palmer Cullum, eſq. Deputy, Francis Townſend, eſq. F.S.A. Windſor-Herald. Regiſler and Secretary, John Charles Herries, eſq. Gent-UA" ºf the Scarlet Rod,and Brunſwick Herald,Ceo.F.Beltz, eſq.F.S.A. Meſſenger, Thomas Beckley, gent. *. K I H Q Baronets. BARONETS of Great Britain, with their moſt uſual Places of Abode, and Time of Creation. Inſlituted May 22, 1611. & *Abdy, William, Cobham-place, Surrey, July 7, 1641. *Ackland,T.Dyke, Acland, Devon, & Holnicote, Somerſetſh.June24,1644. A’Court, W. P. Aſhe, Heyteſbury-houſe, Wilts, July 4, 1795. Aéton, John F. E. Aldenham-houſe, Salop, January 17, 1643. Affleck, James, Dalham-hall, Suffolk, May 28, 1782. Ainſlie, Robert Sharpe, Weſt Tourington, Lincolnſhire, Oétober 13, 1804. Alexander, William, Dublin, Dec 11, 1809. Alleyne, Reynold Abel, Meſner-hall, Eſſex, March 20, 1769. Anderſon, Rev. Charles John, Leã-hall, Lincolnſhire, December 11, 1660. Anderſon, John Caleb, Fermoy, Corkſhire, March 22, 1813. - Andrews, Joſeph, Shaw-place, Berks, Auguſt 19, 1766. *Anſtruther, John, Elie-houſe, Fifeſhire, May 18, 1798. Antrobus, Edmund, Eaton-Hall, Cheſhire, Dec. 27, 1814. Apreece, T. Huſſey, Waſhingley, Huntingdom, June 4, 1782. Armytage, George, D.C.L. Kirklees-hall, Yorkſhire, July 4, 1738. Aſgill, Charles, Fawley, Hants, April 16, 1761. Aſhburnham, William, Bromham-park, Suſſex, May 15, 1661. Aſtley, Jacob, Melton-park, Norfolk, June 20, 1660. *Aubrey, John, D.C.L. Dorton-houſe, Bucks, and Lantrithyd-palk, Gla- morganſhire, July 23, 1660 * Bacon, Edmund, (Premier,) Raveningham, Norfolk, May 22, 1611. Baille, Ewen, Portman-ſquare, Middleſex, Dec. 11, 1814. Baird, David, G.C.B. & K.C. Yardley-Bury, Hertfordſhire, and Fernton. Perthſhire, Mar. 28, 1809. Baker, Frederick, F.R.S & F.S.A. Loventor, Devon, Auguſt 14, 1776. Baker, Robert, Upper Dunſtable-houſe, Surrey, May 14, 1796. Baker, Edward, Aſhcombe, Suſſex, September 2, 1802. - Ball, William Keith, Blofield, Norfolk, June 24, 1801. Bampfylde, Charles W twick, D.C.L. Poltimore, Devon, July 24, 1641. #Banks, Jos., G.C.B. D.C.L. P.R.S. & F.S.A. Reveſby, Linc. Mar.24,1781. *Baring, Thómas, Stratton-park, Hants, May 29, 1793. Barker, William, Kilcooley-abbey, Tipperary, March 29, 1676. g Barlow, George-Hilaro, G.C.B. F. rt St George, Madraſs, June 25, 1803. Barrington, John, Barrington-hall, Eſſex, July 29, 1611. Bateman, Hugh, Hartington-ball, Derbyſhire, November 11, 1806. Baynes, Chriſtopher, Harefield-place, Middleſex, June 29, 1801. Beaumont, George, D.C.L. Coleorol, Leiceſterſhire, February 21, 1660. Beckett, John, of Leeds, Yorkſhire, Nov. 2, 1813. - Beckwith, Jonathan, Aldborough, Yorkſhire, April 15, 1681. Bedingfeld, Richard, Oxburgh, Norfolk, Jairuary 2, 1660. Becvor, Thomas, Hethel, Norfolk, December 10, 1783. Bellingham, William, F.S.A. Caſtle-Bellingham, Louth, March 16, 1796. Beresford, R. Adm. John Poer, Bagnall, Wate, ford, May 7, 1814. Bernard, Thomas, D.C.L. Nettleham, Lincolnſhire, April 5, 1769. Berney, John, Kirby Bedon, Norfolk, May 5, 1620. Berry, Edward, K.C.B. Catton, Norfolk, November 11, 1806. Bertie, Albemarle, Nether-ball, Dadham, Eſſex, Dec. 9, 1812. Biekerton, Richard, K.C.B. & K.C. Upwood, Huntingdonſhire, May 19, 1778. , Biddulph, Theophilus, Bulbury, Warwickſhire, November 2, 1664. *}ackett, William, Matſon, Northumberland, Jerember 12, 1673. Baronets. § 3 ; Blackwood, Hon. Henry, Rear Admiral of the Blue, July 23, 1814. Blair, David-Hunter, Dunſkey, Wigtounſhire, June 10, 1786. Blake, Patrick, Langham, Suffolk, September 19, 1772. Biakc, Francis, Twiſel-caſtle, Durham, May 3, 1774. Blakiſton, Matthews-London, April 22, 1763. A. Blane, Gilb.M.D. Blanefield, Ayrſh. and Culverlands, Berks, Dec 26, 1812. Blennerhaſſett, Rowland, Blennerville, Kerry, September 2, 1809. Blois, Charles, Cockfield-hall, Suffolk, April 15: 1686. Blomefield, Thomas, Attleborough, Norfolk, November 3, 1807. Blount, Edward, Mawley, Shropſhire, Oétober 5, 1642. Blunt, Charles-Richard, Croydon, Surrey, June 17, 1720 * Boevey, Thomas-Crawicy, Flaxley-abbey, Glouceſterſbye, Dºc: 10, 1783. Boothby, Brooke-William, F.L.S. Aſhburn-hall, Derbyſhire, July 3, 1960. Borough, Richard, of Baſeldoa-Pa; k, Berks, Nov. 12, 1813. rt s * *Boughey, John Fenton, Aqualate-hall, and Betley-court, Staffordſhire, Aug. 24, 1798. Boughton, Charles W. Rouſe, F.R.S. Downton-hall,Sa'op, & Rouſe-Lench, Leiceſter, Auguſt 4, 1641. - *Bowyer, George, Radley, Berks, Sept. 8, 1794, Boyd, John, Beachwood, Kent, May 20, 1775. Boynton, Francis, Barnſton, Yorkſhire, May 25, 1618. Brenton, Jahleel, K.C.B. & K.F. Dec. 24, 1812. Bridges, Brooke. William, Goodneſtone-lodge, Kent, April 19, 1718. Briggs, John, Blackbrooke, Monmouthſhire, Auguſt 12, 1641. Briſco, Waſtel, Crofton-place, Cumberland, June 4, 1782. Brograve, George-Berney, Worſlead, Norfoik, July 28, 1791; Broke, Philip Bowes Vere, K.C.B. Nacion, Suffolk, Nov. 2, 1813. Bromhead, Gonville, Thurlby-hall, Lincolnſhire, February 19, 1806. Bromley, Robert Howe, Stoke-hall, Nottinghamſhire, Oétober 29, 1757. Brooke, Richard, Norton, Cheſhire, December 12, 1662. Brooke, Joſeph, Cheſter, ſune 13, 1676. Brooke, Rd Brooke de Capel, F.R.S. Gº Oakley, Northamptonſh. June 14,1803 Broughton, Lt. Gen. John Delves, Doddington-hall, Cheſh. March 10, 1600. Brown, William-Auguſtus, Weſtminſter, March 11, 1732. Brownrigg, Lieut.-Gen. Robert, G.C.B. January 16, 1816. Bruce, Rev. Hen. Harvey Aſton, B. A. Downhill, Londonderry, June 29, 1804. Bruce, Stewart, Dublin, Dec. 23, 1812. - *Bydges, Samuel Egerton, Denton-court, Kent, December 27, 1814. Buchan-likpburn, George, Smeaton, Haddingtonſhiie, Dec. 27, 1814. Buckworth-Herne, Everard, Broxburn, Herts, April 1, 1697. *Buller, Edward, Trenant-park, Cornwall, September 24, 1808. Buller, Francis, Lupton, Devonſhire, November 28, 1789. Bunbury, Thomas-Charles, Barton, Suffolk, June 29, 1681. - *Burdett, Francis, Foremark, Derbyſh, and Ramſbury,Wilts, Feb. 25,1619. Burdcº, Charles-Wyndham, Acomb, Yorkſhire, July 25, 1665. Burgeſs, James-Bland, D.C.L. Bean-port, Suſſex, Öétober 19, 1795. Burgoyne, John-Montagu, Sutton-park, Bedfordſhire, July 15, 1641. Burnaby, William Criſp Hood, Broughton, Oxon, Oétober 31, 1767. Burrard, Harly, Olſden, Hants, November 3, 1807. *Burrell, Charles-Merrik, Knep-caſtle, Suſſex, May 3, 1774. Burroughs, William, Calcutta, December 1, 1804. Burton, Charles, Stockerton, Leiceſterſhire, July 22, 1622. Buxton, Robert-John, Shadwell-lodge, Norfolk, November 25, 1800, Calder, Robert, K.C.B. Southwick, Ha*ts, Auguſt 22, 1798. 4. V 2 f f 2. * Baronets. t Call, William-Pratt, Whiteford, Cornwall, july-28, 1791. Cameron, Ewen, Faſfifern, Argyleſhire, September 30, 1815. Campbell, Ilay, D.C. L. Succoth, Dumbartonſhire, September 6, 1808. Campbtil, Lieut.-Gen. Alexander, Gartsford, Roſſſhire, Dec. 27, 1814 Campbell, Lieut.-Col. Guy, Dec. 27, 1814. - Carew, Henry, Haccomb, Devon, Auguſt 2, 1661. Cave, William Brown, Thedingworth, Leiceſterſhire, June 30, 1641. Cayley, George, Bromptom-houſe, Yorkſhire, April 26, 1661. - Chad, Charles, Thursford-hall, Norfolk, July 28, 1791. Champneys, Thomas, Orchardley, Somerſetſhire, January 12, 1767. Chattelton, William-Abraham, Caſtle-Mahon, Cork, Aug. 3, 1807. *Chetwode, John, Oakley, Staffordſhire, April 6, 1700. Chetwynd, George, Brocton-ball, Staffordſhire, May 1, 1795. Chicheſter, Althur, D.C.L. Youlſton, Devonſhire, Auguſt 9, 1641. Child, Caeſar, Woodford, Eſſex, February 4, 1684. * Cholmeley, Montague, Eaſton, Lincolnſhire, March 4, 1806. Clarges, Thomas, Sutton, Yorkſhire, Oétober 30, 1674. " Clarke, Simon-Houghton, Shirland, Nottinghamſhire, May 1, 1617. Clarkc, William, Croſs-green Houſe, Cork, June 28, 1804. Clavering, John-Thomas, Axwell-park, Durham, Jude 5, 1664. Clayton, William, Morden-park, Surrey, January 13, 1732. Clayton, Richard, Adlington-hall, Lancaſhire, May 3, 1774. Clerke, Rev. William-Henry, Bury, Lancaſhire, July 14, 1660. Clifford, Thomas Hugh'; Tixal, Staffordſh,re, Dec. 27, 1814. Chſton, Robert, Clifton, Nottinghamſhire, May 22, 1611. *Cockerell, Charles, Sefincote, Glouceſterſhire, September 2, 1809. Codrington, Chriſt. Bethel, Doddington-park, Glouceſterſh. April 21, 172i. Coffin, Iſaac, Rephan), Lincolnſhire, June 16, 1804. Coghill, John, Randall-park, Surrey, July 31, 1778. Colebrooke, JamesEdward, Calcutta, Oétober 12, 1759. Colleton, James-Roupell, February 18, 1660. Collier, George Ralph, K.C.B. Captain R.N. July 23, 1814. Colquhoun, James, Luſs, Dumbartonſhire, June 27, 1786 Colt, John-Dutton, Leominſter, Herefordſhire, March 2, 1693. Congrevc, William, Walton, Staffordſhire, Dec. 7, 1812. Cooke, George, Wheatley-hall, Yorkſhire, May 10, 1661. Coote, Challes, Dublin, Apiil 29, 1774. • Cope, Denzil, Bramſhil-park, Hants, June 29, 1611. Cope, Jonathan, D.C.L. Nolton, Huntingdonſhire, March 1, 1713. Copley, Joſeph, Sprotborough, Yorkſhire, Auguſt 15, 1778. Corbet, Charles, June 20, 1642. Colbet, Corbet, Adderley-hall, Salop, June 10, 1786. Corbet, And. Moreton-Corbet, Shrop. & Linſlede, Bucks, Sep. 24, 1808. Cornewall, George A. D.C.L. Moccas-court, Herefordſhire, Auguſt 4, 1764. *Cotterell, John-Geers, Garnons, Herefordſhire, O&ober 5, 1805. Cotton, Charles, Madingley-hall, Cambridgeſhire, July 14, 1641. Crawfurd, James, Kilbirney, Stirlingſhire, March 24, 1781. Crewe, Henry, D.C. L. Caulk-abbey, Derbyſhire, September 8, 1626. Croft, Richard, Cloft-caſtle, Heits, M.D. November 18, 1671. -Crofton, Hugh, Mohill-Caſtle, Leitrim, Auguſt 10, 1801, Cullum, Thomas Gery, F.R.S.F.S.A. & F.L.S. Hardwick and Hauffed,Suf. folk, June 18, 1660. * Cunliffe, Foſter, F.S.A. Aćton, Denbighſhire, March 26, 1759, Cultis, Lucius, Gatcombe, Hants, September 10, 1794, Baronets. 1 ſ 3 *Curtis, William, Culland's Grove, Southgate, Middleſex, Dec. 23, 1802. Cuyler, Gen. Cornelius, St. John’s Lodge, Herts. July 23, 1814. Dallas, George, Petſal, Staffordſhire, July 31, 1798. Dalling, William Windham, Earſham, Norfolk, March 4, 1783. Dalrymple, Hugh, High. Mark, Wigtonſhire, Dec. 27, 1814. Darell, Harry Verelſt, (Bengall,) May 12, 1795. f - *Daſhwood, Henry-Watkin, Kirtlington, Oxon, September 16, 1684. Davie, John, Creedy, Devonſhire, September 9, 1641. De Bathe, James-Michael, Knightſtown, Meath, Auguſt 11, 1801. Te Creſpigny, Claude Champion, D.C.L. Champion-lodge, Camberwell, Surrey, Oétober 5, 1805. - *Denys, George William, Eaſton-Neſton, Northamptonſhire, Nov.23, 1813. Dering, Edward, Surrenden-Dering, Kent, February 1, 1626. * Dickſon, Alexander-Collingwood, Hardingham-hall, Norfolk, Sep. 21, 1802. Dillon, Charles, Liſmullen, Meath, and Brompton, Middleſex, (a baron of the Roman empire,) July 31, 1801: Dixie, Beaumont, Boſworth-houſe, Leiceſterſhire, July 14, 1660. Dolben, John, D.C.L. Finedon, Northamptonſhire, April 1, 1704. Domville, William, St. Alban’s Herts. June 18, 1814. ,- Domville, John Compton, Santry-Houſe, Dublin, Dec. 27, 181 p. Douglas, Howard S. Carse, Perthſhire, January 18, 1777. Douglas, George, Springwood-Park, Roxburghſhire, June 27, 1786. Doyle, John; G.C.B. K.C. Guernſey, Oétober 5, 1805. Doyley, John-Hadley, Doyley, Hampſhire, July 29, 1663. Doyley, William, Adderbury-weſt, Oxon, July 7, 1666. Drake, Flaneis-Henry, Sherford, Devon, Auguſt 2, 1622. Dryden, Edward, Canons Aſhby, Northamptonſhire, May 2, 1795. Duckett, George, Hartham, Wiltſhire, June 21, 1791. *Duckworth, Adm. John Tho. G.C. B. Wear, Excter, Nov. 2, 1813. Dudléy, Rev. Henry Bate, D.C.L. Kilcoran-houſe, Wicklow, and Welling- ham-Houſe, Cambridgeſhire, April 15, 1813. Dukenficli, Nathaniel, Dukenfield-hall, Cheſhire, and Stanlake-houſe, Berks, June 16, 1665. - Dunbar, * Capt. R.N. July 23, 1814. * Dundas, David, Richmond,Surry, &Llanelly,Carmarthen, M.D. Dec,27,1314. Duntze, John, Honiton, Devon, O&tober 29, 1774. * Durrant, Thomas, Scottoe, Norfolk, December 10, 1783. Dyer, Thomas, London, July 6, 1678. • Dyke, Thomas, Lullingflone-caſtle, Kent, March 3, 1676. Eaſt, William, Hall-place, Berks, June 5, 1766. Eden, Robert Johnſon, Windleſtone, Durham, November 13, 1672. --- Eden, William, of Truir, Durham, Septempei 10, 1776. ..,y- *Edmonſtone, Charles, Duntreath, Stillingſhire, May 3, 1774. * * Edwardes, Henry, Fredeſley, Salop. Feb. 12, 1645. * * *Egerton, |. Grey, Oulton Pak, Cheſhire, April 5, 1617. Elford, William, Bickham, Devon, November 26, 1800. Elphinſton, Lt.-Coi. Howard, Sowerby, Cumberland, April 1, 1815. Elton, Rev. Abraham, M.A. Clevedon-court, Somerſetſhire, Oćt. 31, 1717. Englefield, Henry, F. R. & S.A. Now, 25. *619 - Piſkine, William, Torry, Fifeſhire, July 28, 1791. Etherington, Henry, Ferriby, Yorkſhire, November 22, 1775. Evelyn, John, Wotton-place, Surrey, Auguſt 6, 1713. Everard, Hygh, Bromfield-green, Eſſex, January 24, 1628. *. *. K 3 1 14 Baronets. Every, Henry, Eggington-houſe, Derbyſhire, May 26, 1641. Eyles-Styles, John, M.A. More-houſe, Herts, Recember 1, 1714. Fagg, Rev. John, Myſtole-houſe, Kent, December 11, 1660. Farmer, George-William, Clairvil, Suſſex; Q&tober 26, 1779. Farnaby, Charles, Weſt Wickham, Kent, July 21, 1729. Farquhar, Walter, M.D. London, January 20, 1796. *Falkiner, Eredefick-John, Abbotflown, Dublin, Dec. 21, 1812. Ferguſon, Robert, Londonderry, Oétober 7, 1801. . Fetherſtonhaugh, Harry, Up-Park, Suſſex, January 3, 1747. Fettes, William, Wamphray, Dumfriesſhire, June 13, 1804. Filmer, Rev. John, Eaſt-Sutton Park, Kent, and Langley Bury, Herts, December 24, 1674. - - Fitzgerald, John-Judkin, Liſheen, Tipperary, Auguſt 5, 1801. Fitzherbert, Henry, Tiſfington, Derbyſhire, December 1, 1783. fleming, Daniel, Rydal, Weſtmºn land, Oétober 4, 1705. Fletcher, Henry, Aſhley-park, Surrey, May 20, 1782. Fletcher, Richard, Carrow, Cork, Dec. 14, 1812. Flower, Charles, Lobb, Oxfordſhire, and Woodford, Eſſex, Nov. 4, 1809, Floyd, Gen. John, January 23, 1816. Fludyer, Samuel-Brud. Troſtrey, Monmouthſhire, November 14, 1759. *Folkes, Martin-Browne, F.R.S. Hillingdom, Norfolk, May 3, 1774. Ford, Francis, Oakedge, Staffordſhire, February 22, 1793, * Foulis, William, Ingleby-manor, Yorkſhire, February 6, 1619. Fowke, Frederick Guſtavus, of Lowesby, Leiceſterſhire, Feb. 7, 1814. Frankland, Thomas, F.R. & L.S. Thirkleby, Yorkſhire, December 24, 1660. Fraſer, William, Leadclune, Invcrnesſhire, November 11, 1806. Frederick, John, Burwood-houſe, Surrey, June 10, 1723. Gage, Thomas, Hengrave-hall, Suffolk, July 15, 1662. Galbraith, James, Shanevalley, Donegall, Jan. 25, 1813. t Gallwey, William Payne, December 8, 1812, * Gamon, Richard, May 11, 1795. Gardiner, Jas Whalley Smythe, D.C.L. Clerk-hill, Lancaſh. Dec.28,1782. *Geary, William, Oxen-Heath, Kent, Auguſt 7, 1789. George, Rupert, Park-place, Middleſex, and St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin, Auguſt 28, 1809, Gerard, Wiſliam, Gareſwood-hall, Lancaſhire, May 22, 1611. Gibbes, Philip, Fackley, Oxfordſhire, May 30, 1774. Gibbons, John, Stanwel-place, Middleſex, April 21, 1752. Glyn, Lewen-Powell, Ewel, Surrey, September 29, 1759. Glyn, Richard Carr, Gaunts, Dorſetſhire, November 22, 1800. Glynne, Stephen-Richard, Hawerden-caſtle, Flintſhire, May 20, 1661. Gooch, Thomas, Benacre-hall, Suffolk, November 4, 1746. Goodricke, Henry, Ribfton, Yorkſhire, Auguſt 14, 1641. Goold, Francis, Old-court, Cork, Auguſt 8, 1801. - Gordon, Jeniſon-William, Haverholm-priory, Lincolnſhire, Aug. 24, 1764. Gordon, Wm Cumming, Altyre and Gordonſton, Elginſhire, May 21,1804. Goldon, William Duff, Kinſtair, Ayrſhire, Nov. 12, 1813. Goring, Henry, Shanceroy, Suſſex, July 23, 1627. Graham, Robert, Eſk, Cumberland, March 29, 1629. . \ Graham, Bellingham-Reginald, Norton Conyers, Yorkſhire, Nov.17, 1662. Graham, James, Netherby, Cumberland, December 28, 1782. *Graham, Js, Kilkſtall, Yorkſh. & Edmund-caſtle, Cumberl. Sept.24, 1808. Green, Juſtly Watſon, Maraſs, Kent, June 10, 1786. i- *- 4. *- Baronets. r 11 5 Green, Charles, Milnrow, Yorkſhire, December 5, 1805. Greſley, Roger, Drakelow, Derbyſhire, June 29, 1611. Grey, Hon. George, Capt. R.N. July 2, 1814. *Guiſe, Berkeley-William, Highnam-court, Glouceſterſhire, Dec. 9, 1783. *Gunning, George-William, Horton, Northamptonſhire, Oétober 17, 1778s Haggerſtone, Carnaby, Haggerſtone-caſtle, Northumberland, Aug. 15,1643. Hales, Edward, Hales-place, Canterbury, June 29, 1611. - Hales, Philip, Brymore, near Bridgewater, Somerſetſhire, July 12, 1660. Halford, Heºry, M. D. F.R.S. & S.A. Wiſtow, Leiceſterſhire, Sept. 2, 1809. Halton, William, Reach, Huntingdonſhire, September 10, 1642. Hamilton, Charles, the Mount, Uxbridge, Middleſex, July 6, 1776. Hamilton, John, K.T.S. Woodbrook, Tyrone, De , 27, 1814. Hamlyn, James-Williams, Clovelly, Devon, July 7, 1795. Hamond, Andrew Snape, Holly-grove, Berks, December 18, 1783. Hampſon, Thomas-Philip, London, June 3, 1642. Hanham, James, Dean’s Court, Dorſet, May 24, 1667. Hanmer, Thomas, Hammer-hall, Flintſhire, May 3, 1774. - Hardinge, Richard, Lurran, Fermanagh, Auguſt 4, 1801. - Hardy, Thomas Maſterman, K.C.B Holcot, Northamptonſhire,Feb.4,1806. Harland, Robert, Orwell-Park, Suffolk, March 19, 1771. Harington, John-Edward, Old Windſor, Berks, June 29, 1611. Hartopp, Edmund-Cradock, Fouroaks, Warwickſhire, D.C.L. May 12, 1796. Hartwell, Francis-John, Dale-hall, Eſſex, Oétober 5, 1805. Haſtings, Charles, Willeſley-hall, Leiceſterſhire, February 28, 1806. Hawkins, John-C. Kelſton-houſe, Somerſetſhire, July 25, 1778. Hawkins, Chriſtopher, F.S.A. Trewithen, Cornwall, June 21, 1791. Hawley, Henry, Leyburne-Grange, Kent, May 14, 1795. Hay, John, Old Luce, Wigtounſhire, April 27, 1798. Haye, Thomas Pelham, Weſtminſter, Feb. 6, 1797. Head, Rev. John, M.A. Wiarton-houſe, Kent, June 19, 1676. *Heathcote, Gilbert, Normanton, Rutland, January 17, 1733. Heathcote, William, Hunſley, Hants, Auguſt 16, 1733. Henniker, Frederick Augustus Brydges, Newton-hall, Eſſex, November 2, 1813 * - *Heron, Robert, Stubton, Lincolnſhire, July 25, 1778. Heſilrigge, Thomas-Maynard, Hoxne-hall, Suffolk, July 21, 1622. Heſketh, Thomas-D, Rufford-hall, Lancaſhire, May 6, 1761. Hewet, Rev. Thomas, Saville, Eſſex, Oétober 11, 162i. Hewett, Gen. Geo. Alcomb, Somerſet, Nov. 6, 1813 Hicks, William, Witcomb-park, Glouceſterſhire, July 21, 1619. Hillary, William, Danbury-place, Eſſex, Oétober 5, 1805. Hill, John, Hawkeſtone-hall, Shropſhire, Jan. 20, 1727. *Hippiſley, John-Cox, D.C.L. F.R. & A.S. Stone-Eaſton Houſe, somerſet- ‘ſhire, April 30, 1796. - - Hiſlop, Lieut.-gen Thomas, Tothill, Devon, Nov. 2, 1813. Hoare, Richard Colt, F.R.S. & S.A. Stourhead-houſe, Wilts, June 27, 1786. *Hobhouſe, Benjamin, F.R.S. & S.A. Chantry-houſe, Wilts, & Weſtbury- college, Glouceſter ſhire, Dec. 22, 1812. Hoghton, Henry-Philip, Walton-hall, Lancaſhire, May 29, 1611. *Holmes, Leonard Thomas Worſley, Pidford-houſe, and Newport, Iſle of Wight, June 29, 1611. w Home, Everard, Well-Manor Farm, Southampton, Jan. 2, 1813. Honyman, Wm. Armadale, Orkney, May 19, 1804. Honywood, John-Courtnay, Evington-place, Kent, July 19, 1660. 116 Baronets. Homan, William-Jackſon, Dunlum, Weſtmeath, Auguſt 7, 1801: .. Hood, Alexander, Wooton, Glaſtonbury, Somerſetſhire, April 13, 1809. Hort, Joſiah Willian, Hortland, Kildare, Auguſt 29, 1767. Horton, Rev. Thomas, Chadderton, La caſhire, January 4, 1764. . Hoſkins, Hungerford, Harwoo , Herefordſhire, December 18, 1676. Hoſte, William, Captain R.N. K.C.B & K.M.T. July 23, 1814. Hudſon, Charles, Leuver, Kent, July 3, 1660. Hughes, John Thomas, Eaſt Bergholt, Suffolk, June 25, 1773. Hulſe, Charles, Bremer, Hants, February 7, 1739. *Hume, Abraham, F.S.A. Wormlybury, Herts, May 20, 1769. Hunloke, Henry, Wingerworth-hall, Derbyſhire, February 28, 1643, Hunter, Clau ſus-Stephen, Dec. 15, 1812. Jackſon, Richard Forkhill, Armagh, April 21, 1813. Jackſon, John Ailſey, Bedford, Dec. 27, 1814. James, Walter J. Lañgley-hall, Berks, July 28, 1791. Ibbetſon, Henry-Carr, Denton-hall, Yorkſhire, May 12, 1748. Jephſon, Richard Mountney, Spring Vale, Dorſet, Dec. 27, 1814. Jerningham, George-William, Coſſey-hall, Norfolk, Oétober 16, 1621. Jervoiſe, Rev. Samuel Clarke, Idſworth-Park, Hants, Nov. 13, 1813. Ingilby, William, Ripley-palk, Yorkſhire, March 24, 1781. Inglis, Hugh, Milton-Bryant, Bedfordſhire, June 26, 1801. Jodrell, Richard-Paul, Sall-Hall, Norſolk, Dec. 10, 1783. Johnſon, John, Twickenham, Middleſex, November 27, 1755. . Johnſtone, John Vanden-Bempdé, Hacneſs, Yorkſhire, July 6, 1795. jones, Harford, K.C. Boultibrooke, Herefordſhire, Auguſt 22, 1807. Jones, Thomas John Tyrwhit, Stanley-hall, Shropſhire, Carſghova, Den- bighſhire, and Clarence Lodge, Roehampton, Surrey, Sept. 24, 1808. Irving, Paulus AEmilius, Woodhouſe, and Robgill-Tower, Dumfriesſhire, September 2, 1809. * * Iſham, Juſtinian, D.C.L. Lamport, Northamptonſhire, May 30, 1627. Kay, William, Eaſt-Sheen, Surrey, December 5, 1803. Kaye, John liſter, Grange, Yorkſhire, Dec.28, 1812. *Keane, John, Belmont-houſe, Waterford, and Marchwood-lodge, Hants, Auguſt 1, 1801. . . \ - Kellett, Richard, Cork, Auguſt 6, 1801. . Kennaway, John, Eſcote, Devon, February 12, 1791. Kent, Charles Egleton, Grantham-houſe, Lincolnſhire, Auguſt 3, 1783 *King, John-Daſhwood, Weſt Wycombe, Bucks, June 28, 1707. King, Richard, K.C.B. London, July 18, 1792. King, Gilbert, Charleſtown, Roſcommon, Dec. 27, 1814, Kingſmill, Robert, Sidmonton, Berks, November 24, 1800. *Knatchbull, Edward, Merſham-Hatch, Kent, Auguſt 4, 1641. Knightley, Cha. Fawſley-park & Pitchley-houſe, Northampt. Feb. 2, 1798. Knighton, William, M.D. Charlſton, Dorſet, Jan. 1, 1813. Knowles, Charles-Henry, Lovell, Berks, Oétober 31, 1765. Ladc, John, Guen. : Suſſex; March 17, 1758. Laforcy, Francis, K.C.B. Whitley, Devon, November 3, 1789. Lake, James, Coventry, Warwickſhire, Q&tober 17, 1711. Lambert, Henry-Anne, Mount-Ida, Norfolk; February 16, 1711. Langham, James, Cotteſbrooke, Northamptonſhire, June 7, 1660. Langley, Henry, Chaſſon, Bedfordſhire, May 29, 1641. Laroche, James, Alsfeld, Devon, Auguſt 14, 1776. Lawley, Robert, Canwel-Hall, Staffordſhire, Auguſt 16, 1641. Lawſon, Henry, Blough-hall, Yorkſhire, July 6, 1665. Baronets, * 1 tº Lee, Rev. George, M.A. Hartwel-houſe, Bucks, Auguſt,46, 1660. Leeds, George-William, Croxton-park, Cambridgeº Nov. 3, 1812. Lees, Rev. Harcourt, Blackrock, Dublin, June 23; 1804. .* Legård, Thomas, Ganton, Yorkſhire, December 29, 1660. pºp Leigh, Egerton, Brownſover-houſe, Warwickſhire, September 19, 1772. *Leigh, Robert Holt, whitley, Lºncaſhire, Pec. 37, 1814. Leighton, Rev. John, Loton-hall, Shropſhire, March 2, 1692. Leith, George, Burgh St Peter’s, Norſolk, June 2, 1775. .** *Lemon, wiiſiam, D.C.L. Carºlew, Cornwall, May 3, 1774. ennard, Thomas-Barrett, F.S.A. Beil-houſe, Eſſex, June 30, 1801. igh Lethbridge, Thomas Buckler, Sandhil-Paik, Somerſetſhire, and Wincleigh- court, Devonſhire, Tune 15, 1804. * CŞ Liddell, Thomas H. Hºme, Durham, November 2, 1642. Lippincott, Henry, Stoke, Glouceſterſhire, July 25, 1778: * Lloyd, Edward-Price, Pengwern, Flintſhire, Julv 23. 1778, ()6 Lockhart, Charles-Macdonald, Lee and Carnwath, Lanerkſh: May 24, 18 *Lopes, Manaſſeh-Maſſeh, Mariſtow-houſe, Devon, and Weſtbury, Wilts, Oćtober 5, 1805. * •º º Loraine, william, Kirkharle, Northumberland, September 26, 1664. Louis, John, Cadewel, Devon, March 29, 1896. . . * *Lubbock, john william, Lamas, Norfolk, April 3, 1806. Luſhington, Hemy, Wimbleton, Surrey, April 12, 1791. gº # Macdonald, Archibald, F.S.A. of Eaſt-Sheen, Surrey, Nov. 27. 1813. Mackenzie, Alexander-Muir, Delvine, Perthſhire, October 5, 1805. Mackintoſh, AEneas, Mackintoſh, Inverneſs thire, Nov. 3, 1812. Mackworth, Henry, Garant, Norfolk, Auguſt 14, 1619. -- Mackworth, Digby, London, Auguſt 16, 1776: Mac Mahon, Right Hon. Wm, Roſeway, Dublin, Dec 27, 1814. Mac Mahon, Thomas, July 19, 1817. Macpherſon, John, F.S.A. Reney, Inveneſsſhire, June 10, 1786. Mainwaring, Henry-Mainwating, Over-Peover Hal Cheſhiie, May 26, 1804. Malet, Alexander Charles, Wilbury-houſe, Ameſbury, Wilts, Feb. 12, 1791. Manners, William, Bucminſter, Lincolnſhire, January 12, 1793. Manſell, William, Itchoed, Carmarthenſhºre, January 14, 1621. *Marjoribanks, John, Lees, Berwickſhire, Dec 27, 1814. Martin, Roger, Burnham, Norfolk, Match 21, 1667. Martin, Henry, Lockynge, Berks, July 28, 1791. Mawbey, Joſeph, Bötleys, Surrey, July 30, 1765. Maxwell, David, Cardoneſs, Kırcudbright, june 9, 1804. Medlycott, Wm-Coles,Ven-houſe, Milborne-Port,Somerſetſh. Sep.24, 1808. Metcalfe, Theophilus-John, Fernhii, Berks, December 21, 1802. Middleton, William, Crow field-hall, Suffolk, June 8, 1804. *Mildmay, Henry Carew St. John, Dogmersfield, Hants, Sep. 19, 1772. Mill, Charles, Mottisfont, Hants, December 31, 1619. . Miller, Rev. Thomas Combe, Froyle-place, Hampſhire, Oétober 29, 1705. Miller, William, Glenlee, Kircuébright, (Lºrd Glenlee,) Fob 19, 1788 Milman, Francis, M.D. & F.R.S. Woodland, Devon, November 28, 1800. Milner, Wm-Mordaunt, Nun-Appleton, Yorkſhire, February 26, 1716 Milnes, Robert-Shore, Galfeº, Leiceſterſhire, March 21, 1801. Michell, Andrew, Weſt-Shore, Shetland, June 19, 1724. Moleſworth, Arſcott-Ourry, Pencarrow, Cornwall, July 19, 1689. --- *Monck, Ch.-Miles-Lambert, Belſay-caſtle, Northumberl. Gét. 24, 1662. Monoux, Rev. Philip, Sandy-rečtory, Bedfordſhire, December 4, 1660. Montgomery, George, Macbie-hull, Tweedale, Oétober 29, 1774, - 118 J3a oncz s. "...º. Stanhope, Peeblesſhire, July 16, 1801. Montgomery, Henry-Conyngham, the Hall, Donegall, Sep. 24, fö08. Moore, William, Kerſant, Berks, March 4, 1766. *Mordaunt, Charles, Walton, Warwickſhire, June 29, 1611. *Morgan, Charles, Tiedegar, Monmouthſhire, Oétober 30, 1792. Morris, John, Claſemont, Glamorganſhire, May 12, 1806. Morſhead, Frederick Treise, Treiſant-park, Cornwall, December 1, 1783. *Moſley, Oſwald, Rolleſton-houſe, Staffordſhire, March 24, 1781. *Moſtyn, Thomas, Moſtyn-ball, Flintſhire, Auguſt 3, 1660. Moſtyn, Pyers, Talacre, Flintſhire, April 28, 1670. tº Murray, John Macgregor, Lanrick, Perthſhire, July 3, 1795. Muſgrave, Philip Chriſt. F.S.A. Eden-hall, Cumberland, June 29, 1611. Nagle, Rd, Jameſtown-houſe, and Caſtle-Donower,Weſtmeath,Jan. 4,1813. *Neale, Harry-Burrard, K.C.B. Walhampton, Hants, March 20, 1769. Neave, Thomas, Dagenham Park, Essex, May 13, 1795. Nelthorpe, Henry, Sealby, Lincolnſhire, May 10, 1666. #Nepean, Evan, Bombay, Júly 10, 1802. Nightingale, Charles-Ethelſt. Kneeſworth-hall, Cambridg. Sept. 1, 1628. Noel, Ralph, Seaham-houſe, Durham, Auguſt 7, 1661. *Noel, Gerard Noel, Exton-park, Rutland, Sept. 4, 1781. Northcote, Stafford-Henry, Pynes, Devonſhire, July 16, 1641. Nugent, George, G.C.B. Waddeſdon Bucks, November 11, 1806. Oakeley, Charles, Palace, Lichfield, Staffordſhire, June 5, 1790. Oakes, Lieut-gen. Hildebrand, Nov. 2, 1813. *. Ochterlony, Maj.-Gen. David, K.C.B. November 21, 1815. Oglande”, William, Nunwel, Iſle of Wight, December 12, 1665. Ogle, Charles, Capt. R. N. Wolthy, Hauts, January 23, 1816. O’Malley, Samuel, Roſe-hill, Mayo, July 2, 1804. O’Neil, Randal, Talma, Cavan, November 13, 1643. ...” Onſlow, Richard, G.C.B. Altham, Lancaſhire, Oétober 30, 1797. Orde, John, Bognºr, Suſſex, July 27, 1790. Ormſby, Charles-Montagu, Dublin. Dec. 29, 1812. Oſborn, Ge (ge, Chickſands-Priory, Bedfordſhire, February 11, 1660. Ouſeley, Gore, K.A.N. & K.S. L. Claramont, Herts, September 24, 1808. Owen, Williamy, Aug. 11, 1641. *Owen, John, Orielton, Pembrokeſhire, Jan. 12, 1813. Oxenden, Henry, R. oome-houſe, Kent, May 8, 1678. sº Pakington, John, D.C.L. Weſtwood-palk, Worceſterſhire, June 22, 1620, Palk, Lawrence, Kenne-houſe, Devonſhire, May 25, 1782. ^. Palliſer, Hugh Palliſer, Lee, Kent, ſune 25, 1773. Palmer, Charles-Harcourt, Dorney, Bucks, June 29, 1621. Palmer, Th mas, Carleton, Northamptonſhire, June 7, 1660. Ralmer, Charles, Wanlip Hall, Leiceſterſhire, June 21, 1791. Parker, William, Meltoid-hall, Suffolk, July 1, 1681. Parker, Peter, Chaurand, Eſſex, December 28, 1782. Parker, William George, Harbury, Warwickſhire, June 24, 1797. Parſons, Mark, Epſom, Survey, April 9, 1661. Paſley, Thomas-Sabine, Craig, Dumfriesſhire, September 1, 1794. Paul, George-Onefiphorus, Rodborough, Glouceſterſhire, September 3,1762. Payne, Willium, Tempsford, Bec ford, Oct. 31, 1737. Peacock, Nathaniel Levitt, Bantic, Clare, December 24, 1802. *Pechell, Thomas Blooke, Paggleſham, Eſſex, March 1, 1797. * Peel, Robert, Drayton-park, Staffordſhire, November 29, 1800. Pennyman, William, Ormſby-Thornton, Yorkſhire, February 22, 1663 Baronets. 119 Pepys, Lucas, M.D. F.R. S. & S.A. London, December 1, 1783. Pepys, William-Weſler, ...}}. 23, 1801. *Perring, John, F.S.A. Membland, Devon, September 24, 1808. Peyton, Henry, Doddington, Cambridge, Auguſt 24, 1776. Piggott, George, Knapton, Queen’s County, September 24, 1808. Pigot, George, Patſhul, Staffordſhire, November 23, 1764. Pole, William-Templer, D.C. L. Shute, Devonſhire, September 12, 1628. Pole, Peter, Walthamſtow, Eſſex, June 21, 1791. Pole, Charles-Morice, K.C.B. Wolverton-park, Hants,September 12, 1801, Pollen, John Walter, Redenham, Hants, May 15, 1795. Pool, Rev. Henry, M.A. Hook-place, Suſſex, Ośtober 25, 1677. Poore, John-Methuen, Ruſhall, Wilts, July 8, 1795. Preſcott, George-Beeſton, Theobalds, Herts, December 9, 1794. Preſton, Thomas, Beeſton-St. Lawrence, Norfºlk, Dec. 27, 1814. Prevoſt, George, Belmont, Hants, December 6, 1805. Price, Joſeph, Fleurmont, Merionethſhire, Aug. 10, 1628. Price, Charles, Spring-grove, Richmond, Surrey, February 2, 1804. Price, Roſe, Treagwanton, Cornwall, Dec. 27, 1814. Prideaux, Jobn-W. Farway, Devon, July 17, 1622. Proëtor, Thomas. B. Langley-park, Norfolk, February 20, 1744. Puleſton, Richard, Emral, Flint, Nov. 2, 1813. Radcliffe, Joſeph, of Milnſbridge-Houſe, Yorkſhire, Nov. 2, 1813. Rae, William, Eſkgrove, Mid-Lothian, June 27, 1804. Ranſden, John, Byram, Yorkſhire, November 30, 1689. Ramſey, Alexander, Balmain, Kincardineſhire, May 13, 1806. Reade, John, Shipton-Court, near Burford, Oxon, March 4, 1660. Rich, Rev. Charles, D.C. L. Roſe-hall, Suffolk, July 28, 1791. Richards, Philip, (in Spain,) February 22, 1684. Riddell, Js Milles, Ardnamurchan and Sunart, Argyleſhire, Sept. 2, 1778. *Ridley, Matthew White, Blagdon, Northumberland, May 6, 1756. Rivers, Rev. Honry, Norwich, July 19, 1624. Roberts, Walter, Britfieldstown, Cork, Sep 2, 1809. - Robinſon, George, Cranford, Northamptonſhire, jºine 22, 1660. Rogers, John-Lennon, Blatchford, Devonſhire, February 21, 1699. *Rowley, William, Tendring-hall, Suffolk, June 27, 1786. Rowley, Joſias, K.C.B. Captain in the Royal Navy, Nov. 2, 1813. Rumbold, George, Farrand, Yorkſhire, March 23, 1779. # Ruſſell, Henry, Howton, Eſſex, Dec. 10, 1819. Rycroft, Nelſon, Farnham, Surrey, December 1, 1783. Saint-Aubyn, John, F.R.A.& L.S. Ciowance, Cornwall, Dec. 11, 1671. *St. Paul, Horace David Cholwºll, Ewart-park, Northumb. Nov. 17, 1813. Saluſbury, Robert, Llanwerne, Monmouthſhire, May 4, 1795. 3. sºlvin Bayntun, D.C.L. Miſerden-Caſtle, Glouceſter, September 2, 1809. º Saumarez, James, G.C.B. & D.C.L. Guernſey, June 13, 1801. *Saxton, Charles, Circourt, Berks, July 26, 1794. - Scott, Joſeph, Great Barr, Staffordſhire, April 30, 1806. - *Sebright, Jºhn-S. Beachwood, Hertfordſhire, December 20, 1626. Seymour, Michael, K. C. B. High Mount, Limerick, May 6, 1809. Shaw, John-G. Eltham-Lodge, Kent, April 15, 1665. º *Shaw, James, Kilmarnock, Avrſhire, September 2, 1809. Sheaffe, Roger Hale, Edſwale, Clare, Jan. 16, 1813. 120 Baronets. Sheffield, Robert, Normanby, Lincolnſhire, March 1, 1755. shelley, John, Michel-Grove, Suſſex, May 32, 1611. f #shelley, Timothy, Caſtic-Goring, Suſſex, March 3, 1806. Sheppard, Thomas, Thornton-hall, Bucks, September 19, 1809. sºftburg, Francis, Shuckburgh-houſe, Warwickſhire, June 26, 1660." Sibbald, James, Sitwood Park, Berks, December 13, 1806. . . " silveſter, John, F.R. S. & S.A. Yardley-Houſe, Eflex, Dec. 27, 1814 *Simeon, John, Grazelcy, Berks, Dec. 27, 1814. - #Sinclair, John, D.C.L., F.R.S. & S A. Ulbſter, Caithneſs, Feb. 4, 1786. Sitwell, George, Remiſhaw, Derbyſhire, September 24, 1868. . . . . . Skeffington, Lumley St. George, Skeffington-hall, Leiceſterſhire, June 10, 1786 Skipwith: Gray, Hampton-Lucy, Warwickſhire, Dec. 20, 1622. Smithe, William, Hill. Hall, Éffex, November 28, 1661. Smith, John Wyldborº; Sydling, Dorſet, May 3, 1774. Smith, Čulling C. Hadley, Middleſex, December 22, 1801. Smith, Charles, Suttons, Essex, June 11, 1804, Smith, William, Eardiſt29, Worceſterſhire, September 2, 1809. # Smithe, Edward-Joſeph, Newland-Park, Yorkſhire, December 1, 1783, * smyth, Edward, Acton. Burº Shropſhire, and Wootton-Houſe, War- wickſhire, February 23, 1660. * Smyth, George-Henry, Bere-Church-Hall, Eſſex, March 30, 1665. Smyth, John-Hugh, Aſhton-Court, Somerſet, January 27, 1763. Stamer, william, Dublin, Dec. 2, 1809. - - Stanhope, Edwin Francis, Stamwell-Houſe, Middleſex, November 3, 1807. Stanley, John-Those F.R.S. & S.A. Aid, rley-Hall, Cheſh. June 16, 1660. Stanley, Thomas, Hooton, Cheſhire, June 25, 1661. Stapylton, Martin, Myton, Yorkſhire, June 22, 1660. . . . Stepney, Thomas, Lanelly, Carmarthenſhire, Nov. 24, 1621. Steuart, Henry, Allanton, Lanarkſhire, December 27, 1814. *Stewart, Right Hon. John, Athenrº, Tyrone, June 14, 1803. Stirling, Gilbert, Roſcilall, Edinburghſhire, July 19, 1792. f : * *Stirling, Walter, F.R. & A.S. Faſkine, Lanerkſhire, December 15, 1860. Stonhouſe, Thomas, Amerden-Hall, Eſſex, May 7, 1628. * Strachey, Henry, Sutton-Court, Somerſetſhire, June 15, 1801, Stickland, George, Boynton, Yorkſhire, July 30, 1641. \ Stronge, James Matthew, Tynan, Armagh, June 14, 1803. stuari, Sirheon, Hartley-Maudit, Hants, June 27, 1660. Style, Thomas Charles, Wateringbury, Kent, April 21, 1627. Sullivan, Henry, Thames-Ditton, Surrey, May 22, 1804. Sutton, Richard, Norwood-Park, Notts, Sept. 19, 1772. Swynburne, J. Ed. F.S.A, Capheaton, Northumberland, Sept. 26, 1660, Sykes, Francis, Baſildon, Berks, March 24, 1781. §., Mark Maſterman, R.S.A.; Sledmº, Yorkſhire, March 4, 1783. Synge, Edward, Kiltrough, Meath. Auguſt 12, 1801. - Tancred, Thomas, Sidney-Lodge, Iſants, November 16, 1662. * Tapps, George-Iviſon, Hinton-Houſe, Hants, July 28, 1791. Tºton, Gen. Banaſtre, January 23, 1816. Tempeſt, Henry: Tong-hall, Yorkſhire, May 25, 1664. , \ Temple, Grenville, Moorlands, Hants, November 25, 1619. Thomas, John, Wenvoe-Caſtle, Glamorganſhire, December 24, 1694 #. Wiśiewis George, Dale-Park, suffix, September 6, 1786. 3 : - Baronets. 121 Thompſon, Norborne, Virhees, Suſſex, June 23, 1797; - *Thompſon, Thomas-Boulden, K.C.B. Hartſbourne, Manor-place Herts, Nov. 11, 1806. & º Thorold, John-Hayford, Syſton-houſe, Lincolnſhire, Auguſt 24, 1642. Throckmorton, John, D.C.L. & F.S.A.Buckland-houſe,Berks, Sept.1, 1642. Tichborne, Henry, Tichborne-houſe, Hants, March 8, 1620. Trelawny, Rev. Harry, Egloſhayle, Cornwall, July 1, 1628. Trevelyan, John, F.S.A. Nettlecombe, Somerſet, January 21, 1661 Trollope, John, D.C.L. Caſewick-Lodge, Lincolnſhire, February 5, 1641. Troubridge, Edward-Thomas, Blomer, Suſſex, November 30, 1799. Turner,Gregory Oſborne Page, Battleſtone-Park, Bedfordſhire, Aug.24,1733. Turton, Thomas, Starborough, Surrey, May 13, 1796. -- Twiſden, John, Bradbourn, Kent, June 13, 1666. Twyſden, William, Roydon-Hall, Kent, June 29, 1611. Tyrell, John, Boreham-Houſe, Eſſex, September 2, 1809. Vane, Frederic-Fletcher, Hutton-Hall, Cumberland, June 10, #786. • Vavaſour, Thomas, Haſlewood, Yorkſhire, Oétober 24, 1628. Vavaſour, Henry, Melbourne, Yorkſhire, March 20, 1801: *Vaughan, Robert-Williames, Nannaw, Merionethſhire, July 28, 1791. Vincent, Francis, Matlarm, Surrey, July 26, 1610. Vyvyan, Vyell, Trelowarren, Cornwall, Feb. 12, 1645. Wake, William, D.C.L. Courteen, Northamptonſhire, December 5, 1621. Waller, Jonathan Wathen, Braywick-Lodge, Berks, December 27, 1814. Walſh, John Benn, Warfield-houſe, Berkſhire, June 14, 1804. Walters, Hugh Palliſer, Lee, Kent, June 25, 1773. #Warren, John Borlaſe, G.C.B. K.C. F.S.A. & D.C.L. Stapleford, Not- tinghamſhire, May 20, 1775. *Warrender, George, Lochend, Hadingtonſhire, june 2, 1715. Watſon, Charles, Fullrner, Berks, March 22, 1760. Webb, Thomas, Odſtoc-Houſe, Wilts, April 2, 1644. *Webſter, Godfrey, Battle-Abbey, Suſſex, May 21, 1703. *Wedderburn, David, Ballindean, Perthſhire, Auguſt 10, 1803. *Welby, William-Earle, Denton-Houſe, Lincolnſhire, June 27, 1801. Wentworth, John, D.C.L. Parlut, Lincolnſhire, May 16, 1795. Weſcombe, Anthony, Peerer, Surrey, March 19, 1699. Wheler, Rev. Charles M. A. Lemington, Warwickſhire, Auguſt 11, 1660, Whichcote, Thomas, Aſwarby, Lincolnſhire, April 2, 1660. White, Thomas-Wollaſton, Tuxford, Notts, December 20, 1802, Wigram, Robert, Walthamſtow-houſe, Eſſex, Oétober 5, 1805. *Williams, Robert, Nant-Hall, Carnarvonſhire, June 17, 1661. Williams, Edward, Langoyd-Caſtle, Brecknocſhire, Nov. 2, 1674. Williams, John, Bedylwyddan, Flintſhire, July 24, 1798. Williams, George Griffiths, Llwyny-Wormwood, Carmarthen, Decem- ber 27, 1814. Williamſon, Hedworth, Whitburn, Durham, June 3, 1642. Wilmot, Robert, Chaddeſden, Derbyſhire, February 15, 1758. Wilmot, Robert, Oſmaſton, Derbyſhire, September 10, 1772. Wilſon, Thomas Maryon, East Bourne, Suſſex, March 4, 1661, Willoughby, Chriſtopher William, Baldon, Oxon, Dec. 8, 1794. Winn; Edmund:Mark, Aéton-hall, Yorkſhire, December 3, 1660. wº Tho-Edward, F.S.A Stanford-Court, Worceſterſhire, Feb. 53 20. Wiſeman, William Saltonſtal, Auguſt 29, 1628. L 122 Baronets. wolff, James-Weſton, Chulmleigh, Devon, Oétober 18, 1766. wolfely, Charles, Wolſely-hall, Staffordſhire, Nov. 24, 1628. Wombwell, George, Wombwell, Yorkſhire, July 25, 1778. Wood, Francis-Lindley, Bówling-hall, Yorkſhire, December 10, 1783. . *Wood, Mark, Gatton, Surrey, September 24, 1808. t Woodford, Ralph James, Carlby, Lincolnſhire, July 28, 1791. Wraxall, Nathaniel-William, Wraxall, Somerſet, Dec. 21, 1813. Wrey, Beurchier, LL.D. Ilfracomb, Devon, June 30, 1628. . Wrotteſley, John, F.S.A. Wrotteſley, Staffordſhire, Auguſt 30, 1642. Wylie, James, Burcomb, Northampton, July 2, 1814. “Wynn, Watkin Williams, Wynnſtay, Denbighſhire, July 6, 1688, Yea, William Walter, Pyrland Somerſetſhire, June 18, 1759. sº Young, William-Laurence, Hartwell-Park, Bucks, Mar. 20, 1769 Young, Samuel, F.S.A. Formoſa-place, Bucks, Nov. 24, 1813. Privy Council. " 123 * The King's Moſt Honourable PRIVY COUNCIL. Prince-Regent, K.G. Duke of York, K.G. & G.C.B. , TXuke of Clarence, K.G. & K.T. Duke of Kent, K.G. & K.P. Duke of Cumberland, K.G. Duke of Suſſex, K.G. Duke of Cambridge, K.G. Duke of Gloueeſter, K.G. Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor. Archbiſhop of York. Archbiſhop of Armagh. Earl of Harrowby, Lord Preſident. Earl of Weſtmorland, K.G. Privy Seal. Tuke of Richmond, K.G. Duke of Bedford. Duke of Atholl, K.T. Tuke of Montroſe, K.G. Duke of Wellington, G.C.B. Marquis of Cholmondeley, Lord Steward. Marquis of Hertford, K.G. Ld-Chamb. Marquis of Wincheſter, Groom of the Stole. * Marquis of Buckingham. Marquis of Lanſdown. s. Marquis of Stafford, K.G. Marquis of Saliſbury, K.G. Marquis Welleſley, K.G. Marquis Camden, K.G. Marquis of Douglas. Marquis of Haſtings, K.G. Earl of Derby. Earl of Pembroke, K.G. Earl of Winchilfea, K.G. Earl of Carliſle, K.G. Earl of Shafteſbury. Earl of Lauderdale. $ Earl of Elgin. Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. Earl of Tankerville, Earl of Macclesfield. Earl of Harrington. Earl Fitzwilliam. Earl of Hardwicke, K.G. Earl Spencer, K.G. . Earl of Chatham, K.G. -- Earl Bathurſt. K.G. & ; Earl Talbot, Ireland. Earl Groſvenor. Earl of Mount-Edgcombe Lord Lieutenant ºf | Earl of Carysfort, K.P. Earl of Liverpool, K.G. Earl of St. Vincent, G.C.B. Earl of Malmeſbury, G.C.B. ' Earl of Courtown. Earl of Donoughmore. Earl of Chicheſter. * Earl of Clancarty, G.C.B. Earl of Powis. Earl Grey. Earl of Mulgrave. Earl Cathcart, K.T. Earl Whitworth, G.C.B. Earl of Sheffield. *Earl of Yarmouth. *Viſcount Caſtlereagh, K.G. Sec. of State for For eign Affairs. Lord Charles Henry Somerſet. Lord Challes Spencer. Lord Robert Spencer. Lord Charles Cavendiſh Bentinck, Viſcount Strangiord, G.C.B. *Viſcount Palmerſton. Viſcount Melville. Viſcount Sidmouth, See. of State for the Home Department. Viſcount Granville *Viſcount Morpeth. *Lord Bi ming. *Lord Oſſulſton. tº *Viscount Jocelyn. *Lord John Townſend. Lord George Thynne. *Lord John Thynne. " *Lord George Thomas Beresford, Biſhop of London. Lord Holländ. Lord Walfingham, Lord Carteret. ſlord Amherſt Lord Grenville. Lord Glaſtonbury. Lord Arden. + Lord St Helens.-- Lord Teignmouth. ‘Lord Henley, G.C.B. L 2 194 Privy Council. Lord Glenbervie. Lord Redeſdale. Lord Ellenborough. - Lerd Erſkine, K.T. Lord Manners. ^. Lord Stewart, G.C.B. Lord Colcheſter. | *Charles Manners Sutton, Speaker. Hon. Sir Thomas Maitland, G.C.B. Hon, John Charles Villiers. *Hon William Welleſley Pole. Hon. Sir Henry Welleſley, G.C.B. Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, G.C.B. *John Foſter. Thomas Steele. * Sir Archibald Macdonald, bt. Sir Joſeph Banks, bart. G.C.B. Hon. John Trevor. *Sir William Scott, knt. *Thomas Grenville. *George Canning. * William Dundas. * Charles Philip Yorke. Sir William Grant, knt. Mafter of the Rolls. *Thomas Wallaces *Charles Bathurſt. William Wickham. *George Roſe. *Charles Long. Sir J. B. Warren, bart. G.C.B. .. Hiley Addington. *George Tierney. Mathaniel Bond. Sir Evan Nepean, bart. Sir James Mansfield, kt. William Drummond. *Charles Arbuthnot. John Hookham Frere. *Nicolas Vanſittart, Chancellor, of Žhe Exchequer. - Reginald Pole Carew. *John Sullivan. *William Elliot. *Sir John Newport, bart. Hon. Henry Pierepont. *Hon. Richard Ryder. *Sir John Nicholl, knt. Sir David Dundas, bart. G.C.B. Sir John Sinclair, bart. Sir Robert Liſton, G.C.B. *Hon. Frederick John Robinſon, Pice-Preſident of the Board of Trade. *William Vesey Fitzgerald. *Robert Peel. Sir Thomas Plumer, knt. Vice- Chancellor of England. Sir Vicary Gibbs, knt. Chief-juſtice of the Common Pleas. Sir Richard Richards, knt. Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Hugh Elliot, Warren Haſtings. *William Huſkiſſon. . *William Sturges Bourne. Sir Charles Stuart, G.C.B. William Adam. Hon. Charles Bagot. Edward Thornton. Sir Henry Ruſſell, bart. *Sir George Fitzgerald Hill, bart. John Beckett. *Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, knt. T- OF FIce Rs of T H E Co UN C I L. Clerks in ordinary. Viſcount Chetwynd, Sir George Chetwynd, bart. James Buller, eſq. Clerk extraordinary. C, Cavendiſh Fulke Greville, eſq. Keeper of the Council-Records. Sir Stephen Cottrell, knt. Under-Clerks. Wm. Van, Jn Litchfield, Wm Ozias Humphry, Jn Barrett Lennard, William Adamſon, Peter Henry Vallé, Henry Gaitſkell, eſqrs. For receiving the Clergy Returns. The Rev. Dr. Thos. B. Clarke, Aſſiſtant, L. Clarke, esq. Keepers of the Council-Chamber. James Harding, William Flint,gents. Meſſengers, Js Neal, Wm Seville. office-keeper, Robert Pike. Neceſſary-woman, Mary Dalton. *- joint GREAT Cha MBERLAIN ºf England, rt Lady Willoughby d'Ereſby. Deputy, Lord Gwydir, 3000l. a year. * Board of Green cloth, Almonry, &c. 125 KING's HOUSEHOLD. - LORD STE WA R D’s D EPART MEN 'I. BoARD of Green CLot H. £º Lord Steward, #Marquis of Cholmondeley: Ar Secretary, Timothy Brent, eſq. - Treaſurer, tº Lord Charles Bentinck, Comptroller, #*Lord Geo. Thomas Beresförd. ' Mafter of the Houſehold, General Samuel Hulſe. Secretary to the Board. Timothy Brent, eſq. 1ſt Clerk, T. F. Cockett, eſq. 2d Clerk, G. C. H. Clark, Onder Clerk, C, Hill. \ Pay-Office. Pay-maſter, George Talbot, eſq.- ." Deputy, George Nicol. Aſſiſtant, William Nicol. Meſſenger, George Yerbury. Porter, Thomas Waldron. Neceſſary-woman, Anne Mackay. Auditor of the Civil List. John Charles Herries, esq. AL Mon R Y. Great Scotland-Yard. , Lord High Almoner, #Archbiſhop of York. . Sub-Almaner, William Page, D.D. * Hered. Grand Almoner, Marq. of Exeter. * Teoman, . 3. Rev. W. Cha. Dyer... , , *. Groom, John Jones, gent. Sergeant-Porter, F. Hammond, gent. * & Teoman-Porter, Thomas Miorgan, Grooms, J. Brooker, J, Roberts, Secretary to the Lord High Almohe,. Joſeph Hanby, eſq., f Court of the MARSHALse A-af the Ring’s Houſe. 7%e judges of this Court are the Lord Stewardsº Marq.of Cholmondeley. The Steward of the Court of Marſhal- ſea, Burton Morice, eſq. & The Knight-Marſhal, Sir Rames Blan Burges, bt., . - -, *** Since the Creation of the Court of the King's Palace, &c. no. Buſi- neſs has been done therein, but the Court is regularly opened and ād- journed at the ſame Time with the Palace-Court. It is very antient, and has its Foundation from the common Law of England. & i-x KIT chen. Clerk-Comptroller, 1ſt Clerk, 2d Under ditto, Hugh Hanna, 50l. 3d Underditto, , 2 oungeſ; ditto, Firſt Maſter-Cook, 2371. i I Second Mafter-Cook, 2 I 71. Teoman oftbe Mouth, 1381. s Teomen of the -Kitchen, Grooms, Iool. - James Cocks, William Barnard. Children, 96l. each. Aaron Clark, W. Poyntington, George Hook. * A44/fer-Scowerers, Joſhua Evans, jn Collins. s , Scowerers, T. Alden, T. Pendriji, J. Buſhel. - GAR DENs. - . Comptroller, George Sto e, eſq. Secretary. Mr. Thomas Keith. -Hampton-court, Wm Padrey, eſq. *enſington and St. james's, w. T. ... Aiton, eſq. ' '. L 3. 1,26 Yeomen of the Guard. &ueen's Houſe, Mr. Richard Smart: Richmond, Wm T.Aiton,eſq. F. L. S. Kew, W. T. Aiton, eſq. F. J. S. Windſor, J.T. Aiton, eſq. *— Pu R v EYors. Of Raſtry, Charles Ritchie. ' Bread, Jn Dix, James Morris, 5ol. Wine, Rich. Stainforth, J. Griffith. Brezwers, Swaine and Co. - Brandy, Rum, &c. Jn Bellamy, jun. Fiſh, Joſeph Walker, George Mawbey. Poultry, Richard Pearce, J. Spike. - Linen-drapers, Richard Day, Joſeph Sharman. Oilmen, B. Brown, E. Howis. * Purveyor of Trofels and Morells, Jn Mackay. Grocers, Whittingham and Brown. Spirery, C. Powell. •y Butcher, Rd Hudſon. Cheeſemonger, John Wilſon. Cornchandler, John Wilſon. Milkman, Tho. Coomber. * Braſiers & Ironmongers, J. Hanſon, Bennington, Maſon. Mill-maker & Smith, Jer. Stockdale. Pewterer, James Miſt. Tallow-chandlers, John Marſhall, Mrs. Vere. * - Wax-chandlers, William Barclay and Bryant Barrett. - Lamps, - Elliker. Cutler, Joſeph Tiercelin. } Glaſs-man, John Blades, * Turner, Jonathan Ordway. . Tea-men, E. Antrobus, Wm. Green, Cork-Cutter, Joseph Hardy. f Green-Gracer, J. Fuller Lemons & Oranges, – Wootton. Trunk-Maker, Robert Bromfield. YxoMEN of the King's Guards, inſtituted by Henry VII. anno 1486.- At fift there were only 50 Yeomen, but afterwards roo; of wbich 8 are called Uſhers, who have each Iol a year more than the others. Captain, $Earl of Macclesfield, 1oool, a Year. Lieutenant, John Henry Davis, eſq. 50ol. Bnſign, Alexander Atkins, eſq. 3ool. * Clerk of the Cheque, John Allen, eſq. 15ol. eputy, Mr. John wºn. ! Exemps, Wm Ruſs Whyting, eſq. Henry Cipriani, eſq. Roger Monk, eſq. Thomas Horſeley Curteis, eſq. Secretary, Coles Child, eſq. Eight Uſhers, 491. 11s. 3d. each. William Zachary, John Cape, Henry Baker, Thomas Varyer, John Veaſey, W. Eardley, John Todd, Robert Baldwin. Meſſengers, James Hunt, Edw. Jones, 1oo Teomen, at 391. 11s. 3d. . 4 Superannuared, at 25l. 6 Teomen-Hangers and 2 Teomen Bed- goers, at Iol. eacb. The Honourable Band of Gently Man-Pensionzas, ºftabliſhed 1509. #Earl of Courtown, Captain, Joool. a year. William Henderſon, eſq. Lieutenant, 5ool. Edward Dawſon, eſq. Standard-bearer, 31 ol. Joſeph Wells, eſq. Clerk of the Cheque, 1zol. Gentlemen-Penſioners. 127 - Gentlemen-Penſioners who wait the * New Year and Midſummer Quarters. Lady-Day and Michaelmas Quarters. I Robert Stace, I George Panton Carr, 2 John Spencer, 2. William Drake, 3 William Bulmer, 3 Fenwick Bulmer, 4 John Bragge, 4 Samuel Wood, 5 Leviſon Vernon, 5 James Fountain, § Robert Pearce, 6 Richard Burton, 7 William Collyer, 7 Edward Ainge, $ James Milſted, 8 Robert Pearn, 9 Henry Bent Ferne, 9 William Wilkinſon, Io Thomas Hughes, Io Joſeph Walley, 11 John Layburn, II William Blagg, 12 Charles Brewer, 1z John Bull, 13. Thomas Maſon, 13 Thomas Rutherford, 14 fames-Moncaſter Atkinſon, 14 William Geary, 15 Thomas Kimber, 15 Thomas King, 16 James Holbrook, 16 Samuel Page, 17 Henry Page, 17 Edward Weſt, 18 John Bailey, 18 Edward Knapman, 19 William Matthew Thiſelton, 19 Benjamin J. Cooke. 20 Samuel Cooke, Eſqs. 20 John Harris, Eſqs. F- - 1ool, a Year each. Joſeph Wells, eſq. Secretary. , Wm. Gifford, eſq. Pay-maſter. Mr. J. A. Oliver, Harbinger. Benj. Coles, 4xe-keeper and Meſſenger, at the Gentlemen-Penſioners Rooms, St. James's Palace. ./ & - * Master of the Horse’s DEPARTMENT. | * ..] . . . Mafter of the Horſe, | Fift clerk of the stables, william #Duke of Montroſe, K.G. Parker, eſq. Chief Equery, & Clerk Marſhal, ‘Lt.-Gen. Francis T. Hammond. ' Four Equeries in ordinary, Sir W. Congreve, Maj. Gen. Bayley, - Maj. Gen. Sir Rd H. Vivian, Lt. Cobº Hugh Seymour. Equerry extraordinary. Gen. Sir Rob. Bolton. Four Pages of Honour, Frederick Wm. CullingSmith,John Arthurſ)ouglas Bloomfield, eſqrs. Hon. William Thomas Graves, Fred. Paget, eſq. Second 3. of the Stables, Joſeph Goodwin, eſq. wºr Equery of the Crown-Stable, Charles Quentin, eſq. Firſt Yeoman-Rider, William Hob- man, gent. Second Yeoman-Rider, Mr. Richard Lane. Store-keeper, James Montagu, eſq. Peterinary-Surgeon, William Jos. Goodwin, eſq. 128 King’ $ Houſehold. & Maſter of the Buck-Hounds, . Marquis Cornwallis. Huntſman, George-Sharpe. .* Whippers-in, John Freeman, Charles Davis, George Roſe. gº * . The R'G) Yi A. L. Hu NT. t \ * ‘. Feeders, Paul Priſto, Groom, Jeſſe Auſtin. Grand Falconer, Duke of St. Albans, 12col. * Lord CHAMBER LA Lord Chamberlain. *Marquis of Hertford, K.G. & F.S.A. Salary, 1200l. a year. Vice-Chamberlain. **Viſcount Jocelyn. * Salary, 1159). 8s. 4d. a year. Secretary. * Iohn Calvert, eſq. * , Firſt clerk, Thomas B. Maſh, eſq. Second Clerk, Wm. Martins, eſq. Firſt Aſſt. Clerk, James Thomas, eſq. Second ditto, Wm. Todhunter, eſq. -Third ditto. Saperintendant of Payments, Henry Browell, eſq. Maſter of the Ceremonies. Sir Stephen Cottrell, knt. Salary, 300l. a year. 4//fant, Robert Cheſter, eſq. 6s. 8d. a Day. - Marſhal, Róbert Cheſter, eſq. 100l. a Year. Gentlemen-Uſhers of the Privy-Cham- ber, 2001. each. John Hale, eſq. . . . Robert Cheſter, eſq, ' ' Wm. C. Maſter, efg. * Geo. F. Hatton, eſq. *. IN’s DEPARTMENT. Gentlemen-UAers, daily W.aiters, Sir Tho. Tyrwhitt, knt. Black Rod. H. Y. Wortham, eſq. * Geo. H. Seymour, eſq. # Thomas Ramſden, eſq. 24//fant Gentleman-U/er, Edwald Sneyd, eſq. 66 13s. 4d. a Year. * Grooms of the Privy Chamber, Jas Meiler, W. Chapman Fowle, Fred. Chapman, Richard Powell, eſqrs. 731. Gentlemen-Užers, Quarterly Waiters , , in ordinary. * John S. Dobyns, eſq. * - R. Browne, eſq. * William Lewis, eſq. f Thomas B. Maſh, eſq. James Singer Burton, eſq. Hon. Henry Legge. Edward Aſh, eſq. William B. Clarke, eſq. Pages of the Back-stairs. State Page, Charles Downes, eſq. Page, C. J. Santhagen, Cha. du Paſquier, Geo. Jouaid, Benjamin Lucas, George Troop, J. Dyke, eſqrs.' * . . . . i 3 *, f f • * #Marquis of Wincheſter. " ". John Holmes. y } * *.*. & , ; ; ; # *- * f : * : Groom of the Stole, 2000l., - King’s Houſehold. 129 Lord, of the Bedchamber, 1000l. Lord Boſton. Earl Poulett, K.T. - #Lord Charles Spencer. Marquis of Headfort, K.P. Viſcount Melbourne. Lord James Murray. Viſcount Peterſham. Viſcount Lake. Earl De Lawarr. *Lord Graves. * Lord Stewart, G.C.B., # Lord Amherſt. Keeper of the Privy Purſe, # Rt. Hon. Sir Benjamin Bloomfield. Secretary to the Privy Purſe, Thos. Marrable, eſq. Private Sec. to the Prince Regent. *Hon. Sir Benjamin Bloom- eld. Aſſant Pr. Sec. F. B. Watſon, Eſq. Grooms of the Bedchamber. *Hon. Lieut. Gen. Edward Finch. . Col. Thomas. Gen. Edmund Stevens. Hon. Col. Stanhope. Gen. Sir J.Cradock, G.C.B. *Gen. Sir William Keppel, G.C.B. Col. Wilſon Bradw ll. *Hon. Aug C v ndiſh Bradſhaw. Lt-Gen.Hon.Surw. Lumley, K.C.B. Lieut.-G, n. Sir Tomkyns Hilgrove Turner, knt. *Lt.-Gen. Hon. Sir Edward Paget, G.C.B. V * Sir George Campbell, K.C.B. Salary 500l. a year, * Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, Thomas Allen, eſq. John Ackland, eſq. Hammond Alpe, eſq. Edward Pery Buckley, eſq. William Battine, eſq. Joſeph Berens, eſq. Edwyn Andrew Burnaby, eſq. Henry Mertins Bird, eſq. James Beale Bonnell, eſq. Sir James Bontein, Somerſet Davis, eſq. Sir John Brewer Davis, kat. *Sir Henry Watkin Daſhwood,bart. Francis Dickins, eſq. Robert Fellowes, jun, efg. Robert Foote, eſq. Charles Drake Garrard, eſq. Walter Raleigh Gilbert, eſq. William Ormſby Gore, ſq. Richard Plumptre Glyn, eſq. Thomas Strangways Horner, eſq. George Hatton, eſq. William Thomas Hull, eſq. William Hale, eſq. John Stuart Hippeſley, eſq. William Harding, eſq. Edward Knipe, eſq. Fiennes Sandelſon Miller, esq. Hon. John Monckton. Hon. Philip Puſey, Robert Ramſden, eſq. John Shiel, eſq. Thomas Tryon, eſq. Henry Line Templar, eſq. John Worth, cſq. Sir William Wolſely, bart. Pages of the Bedchamber, State Page, Charles Downes, eſq. Pages, John Wood, Sam. Booteil, Robert Jeakins, Joſeph Norden, Jenkin Stradling, eſqrs, Office of Robes. Moſier, Naſſau Thomas, eſq. 800l. Groom and Clerk, Timothy Brent,eſq. Furrier, John Nic. Schneider. | | Robe-Maker, Mr. Wm. Webb, 130 King’s Houſehold. * Laundreſs& Sempſtreſs, Miſs I.Finch. Pitto ofthe Body Linen, Mrs. A.Hicks. Mºſſenger, John Biſhop. ź. at HAMPTo N- Co URT, Neceſſary Woman, Miſs S. Farrell, 2001. * Neceſſary Woman to the State- Apartments, Mrs. Sarah Nortoni. Sergeants at Arms, 100l. E. Buſh, eſq. J. D. Worgan, eſq. E. Gordon, eſq. , C. Browne, eſq. Robert Cornfield, eſq. Samuel Sanders, eſq. T. Maſh, eſq. , ſ Meſſengers in Attendance on the King, * Mr. Thomas Jarrett. Mr. Thomas Thompſon. Mr. James Gaunt. Mr. Thomas Baylis. Mr. Thomas Dayton. Mr. Charles Roſenberg. | Meſſenger to the Lord Chamberlain, Mr. James Ruddock, &Meſſengers to the Chancelor of the Pacchequer, Edward Harland, eſq. , Thomas Alderton, eſq. Meſſenger to the Printing-Prefs. . Edward Gordon, eſq. Sergeant at 4rms attending the Lord Chancellor, William Watſon, eſq. , %. A. g- Sergeant at Arms attending the Houſe • $. of Commons, A * Benry Seymour, eſq. 1061. *. ** * * - -- i * * \ º Knight-Harbinger. ** * * * Sir Henry Rycroft, knt. Clerk of the Cheque to the Ring’s , A4eſſengers, William Martins, eſq. t º i $ | | Thomas Brett, : g {} BAND of Music, 24, 40i. Maſter and Condućior, 3001. Benjamin Chriſtian. Thomas Atwood. J. Croſdill. | F. Hackwood. W. Dance. | S. Allden. W. Blunt. B. Blake. S. Porter; . William Shield. . Parke, . Rowley. Daniel Wiggs, John Evans. John Scott. ; : Thomas Leach, King’s Houſehold.’ #31: { John Harriſon. David Taylor. William Cole. Fohn Relfe. Geo. Strubel. Chriſtopher Churchill. . Sergent-Trump. Chas Rooke, 100]. Imſirument-Maker, Thos Broadwood. Organ-Builder, James Broadwood. Piano-Forte-Maker, Henry Lawſon. \ MED1 cAL DEPARTMENT. Phyſicians in ordinary, 300l. Sir Lucas Pepys, bart. M.D. Sir Fr. Milman, bt M D. F.R.S. William Heberden, M.D. Sir Henry Halford, bait, M.D. g Phyſicians extra. James Carmichael Smith, M.D. Edward Aſh, M.D. F.R.S. Matthew Baillie, M.D. * Andrew Duncan, ſen. M.D. " Oculiffs, John Taylor and Jeremiah Taylor, eſqrs. Phyſician to the Houſehold; Sir Francis Milman, bart, M.D. & , ; F.R.S. Lower Brook-ſtreet. { Surgeon to the Houſehold, James Penroſe, eſq. 280l. Apothecary to the Houſehold, A. Jones, eſq. 160l. Apothecaries to the Perſon, Everard Aug. Brande, eſq. 320i. ; Robert Battiſcomb, eſq. ióOl. . Sergeant-Surgeons, Charles Hawkins, eſq. Sir David Dundas, bart. Sir Everard Home,bart,3961:13s. 4d, TRAD Esm EN. ‘Lockſmiths, John Hanſon and Son, George Davis, M. Bidwell. Lockſmith at Kenſington-Palace and Hyde-Park, Joſhua Worley. Car d-Maker, Joſeph Hunt. Dºuggiſt, Richard Stringer. Optician, Peter Dolland. Math. Inſt. Maker, Tho. Blunt. # Globe-Maker, Dudley Adams. Gunſmiths, H.W.Mortimer and Son. Printers, Cha. Eyre, *And. Strahan, and John Reeves, F.R.S. eſqrs. Letter-Founder, Edmund Fry, eſq. Shiftwright and Barge-Builder, Geo. Searle. jewellers and Goldſmiths, Rundell, Bridge, and Rundell. Goldſmith, Mr. Gilbert. Goldface-makers,Thomas Boys & Son. Sword-Cutlers, J. Proſſer, H. Tat- . ham, and H. Oſborn & Co. Buckle-maker, William Allen. Robe-maker, William Webb. Hatter, Melchior Henry Wagner. Feather-dreſſers, Alex, Brand, and Miſs Ann Carbery. Furrier and Skinner, Samuel Weſt. Floor-cloth Manufaāurer, Fenwick Bulmer. Turners, J. Gee, Mrs. Ryder. Perfumer, James Findlay. * Hair-dreſſer, Frederick Albert. Watch-maker, T. Mudge, eſq. Clock-maker, Vulliamy Whip-maker, Swaine and Co. Stationers in ordinary, Jn Triphook, - and F. Chaſſereau. Paper-Hangers, Iſherwood & Bolton. Bookſellers, Geo. and Wm. Nicol. Böokbinder, Wm. Armſtrong. Herb-ffrewer, Miſs M. Rayner, 241. Maffer of the Barges, Thomas Alex- ander Roberts, 100l. a Year. Diſtiller, Charles Bedell. e Comb-maker, Thomas Williams. Razor-maker, Alexander Paſher. * | Preſs and Mangle Maker, Richard Baker. Tallow-Chandlers, Brecknell & Co. | House KEEPERs. At Windſor Caſtle. Hon. Miſs Georgeana Townſhend, 320). At Kenſington, Mrs. J. Strode. At the Queen’s Houſe, Miſs Anne Frances Cheveley, and Miſs Mary Cheveley. St. james’s, Miſs E. Keet, 100/. Hampton-Court, Lady Eliz. Seymour. Kew, Mrs. W. A. Duck. At the Cock/hit, Miss Maria Anne Maſh. At Richmond-Lodge, Mrs. Tunſtall, Maſter of the Tennis-Court, Commiſſioners for the Management ºf the King’s private Property. *Sir John Simcon, bart. Count Munſter. Maj. Gen. Herbert Taylor. King', chapeñº and Chaptains. 1 33 Cristº: Royal, St JAM es's. . . ‘Dean of the Chaftel; ; Biſhop of London, 260/. . . . . '- Sub-Dean, William Holmes, M. A. 911. 53. º w Confeſſor of the Houſehold, Henry Fly, D.D., F.R.S. 361. 10s. Clerk of the King'scloſe,BP of Exeter. Deputy-Clerks, Willian Cookſon, -B.B. Thomas Hugliests.D. James Stanier Clarke, D.C.'ſ. Cloſet-keeper, Mr.Cockerton, 4-1!. To dittº for Neceſſaries, 50/. , To do for Linen and Waſhing, 34.1.5s. Cu Ap LAINs in Qs D1N Alty. . . ." , , jankary. { w Edward Kynaſton, B.D. Rečfer of Riſby, and Fornham, Suffolk. . . George Burrard, M. A. Rettor of Yarmouth, Iſle of Wight. . Anthony, Hamilton, M.A.-Rečiar of Loughton, Eſſex. Henry John Todd, M.A. F.S.A. Rečfor ,, of £oulſdon, and Vicar of Adding: toºl, Surrey. ! February. Thomas Barne, M.A. & F. S. A. Rećiorof Sotterley. Suffolk. Jeflah Thomas, Prehendary ºf Wells : and Rećior of Street cum Walton, Somerſet, & Deverhill, Wilts. { Thomas Coombe, D.D. Rector-of- St. Michael, Queenhithe, . Mini- i. ſter of Curzon-Chapel, and a Pre- bendary of Canterbury, vs º James Satterthwaite, D.D. Reāor of Lowther, Weſtmorland, and of Acton, Cumberland. ‘s + ſ ; March t Francis Haggitt, B:D. Prebendary " of Durham, and Rečfor of Nune- ham-Courtenay, Oxon. - *Durand Rhudde, D. D. Rector of , Brantham with Eaſt Berghott, & of Great Wenham, Suffolk. t Edward Auriol Hay Drummond, JD. D. Co-Dean of Bocking, Pré- bendary of York and Southwel, & Reāor of Hºw Suffolk, . . . . . . . a z\}.} : ! M Johnstrachey, D.C.L.Archdeacon of Suffolk, Prebendary of Landaff, - Preacher at the Rºlls, F.S.A., April. -3 -> * William Morice, D.D. Resor of Alt- haſlows, Bread-Street. Spencer Mädan, D.D. Prebendary ºf Peterborough, , and Reāor of Ibſtoc, Leiceſterſhire, and Thorpe- Conſtantine, Staffordſhire. : -º John Keyſall, M.A. F.A.S. Rečfor of Bredon, Worceſterſhire. Charles Lucas Edridge, S. D. Rećfor of Shipdhani, Norfolk. * .* . . . May. James Burton, D.D. Rečfor ºf Lit- tle Berkhamſtead, and Canon of Chriſt-Church.' * Han. Richard Bruce Stopford, Ca- non of Windſor, Prešeňdary of Hereford, and Reāor of Barton- Seagrave, Northampton. . . ; Robert Price, D.C.L. Prebendary of Burham, Canon reſident.of Sārūm. James Ruffei Dcare, Wicar ºf Bures, Suffolk. t!??&. | George Nugent, M. A. Reāor of Bygrove, Herts, William Bingham, D. D. Rºſor of • GreatCaddeſden,é Picarºf Hemp. ſtead and Gaddeſden, Herts, William Foſter Pigott, D.D. Feijóºro of Eton-College, Reāor of Clewer, Berks. * * , - John David Perkins, D. D. Rečiar of Mamhead, and Vicar of Dawliſh, Devon. Henry Jn Wollaſton, M.A. & F.R.S. RečforefScotter, nearGainſborough. Hon. Henry Leſlie, M.A. Prebendary of Exeter, & Picar of Shiphall, Herts. Hon. William Capeſ, M.A. Rečfor of Rainham, Eſſex, and Vicar of Wat- ford, Herts. - Thomas Mills, M.A., º Augºſé. William, Dechair Tatterfall, M.A. & F.S.A Rečfor of Weſtbourn. Suſſex, and Picar of Wootton-un- der-Edge, Glouceſterſhire. * * 34 JamesReed,M.A.Re8tor of Everſholt, Bedfordſhire. * Af eorge Thackeray, D.D. Provºſt of Kings College, Cambridge. Robert Orme, B.D. Rećior of Eſſen- dºn, and Vicar of All Saints and St. John's, Hertford. September. S.G.F.Triboudct Demainbray, B.D. j (ing’s Chaplains, &c, Hon. Auguſtus George Legge, M.A. Archdeacon of Wincheſter,& Rečfor of Wonſton & Crawley, Hants. Robert Barnard, M. A. Prebendary of Wincheſter, and Rečfor of Lighthorne, Warwickſhire, and of Wilney, Oxon. ~ Cha. Goddard, M. A. Prebendary of Lincoln. * , Rečfor of Broad Somerford, Wilts. Hon. Thomas De Grey, M.A. drch- deacon ºf Surry, Prehendary of Win- cheſter, and Rečfor ºf Calhourn, I. of Wight. * Charles Burney, D.D. F. R. & A. S., Rečiar of St. Paul's, Deptford, and of Cliffe, Kent. William Chafy, D.D. Maſterof Sidney- Suſſex College, Cambridge. Oćtaðey. Hon. Harbottle Grimſton Bucknall, M. A. Rečior of Halſtow, Kent, and of Pebmaſh, Eſſex, . James Carpenter Gape, M.A. Picar of St. Michaels, St. Albans, and of Redburn, Herts. f William Philips Menzies, M. A. Wicar of Friendſbury, Kent. John Carlton, D. D. Rečiar of Har- teſt-cum-Boxted, and of Stansfield, 5uffolk. * Ten PRI Esº's in Ordinary. William Clarke, M.A. a Minor Ca- tion of St. Paul's. ~ Henry Fly, D.D. F.R.S. Rector of -St. Auſtin’s, Watling-ſtreet, and Trinity, Minories., John Moore, B.C.L. Reāor of St. Michael Baſſiſhaw. Williañ Holmes, M.A. Wiear ºf St. Giles, Cripplegate. John Pridden, M.A. & F. S. A. Rečfor ºf St. Georges, Botolph Lane. } Edward Cannon, B.A. - . | Edward James Beckwith, M. A. Reāor of St.Alban’s, Wood-ſtreet. William Hayes, B.A. Minor Canon of St Pauſ’s. { Richard Webb, M.A. Reāor of St. Mary Magdalene, Old Fiſh ſtreet. | John Vander-Meulen, L.L.B Reāor of Meſſing, & Belchamp St. Paul, Eſſex. - * * Novemåer. * John Maddy, D. D. Rečfor of So- merton, Suffolk, & Preacher-Affift- ant ºf St. James, Weſtminſter. Hon. Gerald Valerian Welleſley, D.D. a Canon reſidentiary of St. Paul's, Chaplain of Hamptoh- Court, and Rector of Chelſea. James St nier Clarke, D.C. L. Chap- lainof the Houſehold & Librarian to His Royal Highneſs the Prince Regent Rećtor ºf Tillington, Mid 1.eſex, & Wicar of Preſton-cum-Hyva,Suſſex Alexander John Scott, D.D. Vicar of Southminſter, Eſſex, and ºf Cat- terick, Yokſhire. ~ : « • . Decemher. Edmund Ferrers, M.A. & F.S.A. Rećtor of Chi riton, Hants, and || Wroughton, Wilts. Sixteen Gentlemen of the Chapel, Royal, 73!, Joſeph Corfe, eſq., John Sale, eſq. J. S. Smith, eſq. Iſrael Gore, eſq. S. Heather, eſq. James Salmon,eſq. Jºnathan Neild, eſq. William Knyvett, eſq. James Bartleman, eſq. Thomas Vaughan, eſq. J. B. Sale, eſq. William Hawes, eſq. Thomas Welch, eſq. Charles Evans, eſq. Villam Salm-onseſ. N. B. Five clergymen and eight Gentlemen wait monthly, King's Chaplains, &e. #33 Ohganiſis, Charles Knyvett and John * Stafford Smith, 737.5each. * Compoſers, Thomas Attwood & Wil- liam Knyvett, 731 each. Pialiſt, Mr. John Croſdill, 40?. Luteniff, Mr.Charles Evans, 411.10s. * Sergeant of the Weſtry. - Howſe, eſq. 1821, 2s. Yeoman of the Weſtry. Tho.nas Foſter, 54l. 15s. Groom of the Pºſkry, George Stockes, 51/. 12s. 6d. William Hawes, eſq. far maintaining and teaching ten Chikdren of the Chaftei Royal, 320/. * Wh ITE HALL-Cu A pel. Reading-Chaplains, Rev. J. H. Howlett, M. A. Rev. Tho. Jones, M. A. 801. each. 4fternoon Reader, Rev. T. Heſketh. - Officers. 2-oman and Keeper, Thomas Provis. - Cloſet-keeper, John Miles. HAM Pron-Court. Chaplain, Reader, and Preacher, Hon. & Rev. Gerald Valerian s Kens N GTorº. Houſehºld Chapel, Rev. Jn Wetherall, D.C.L - , WFN p so h. Reader, Rev. C. Morice, M. M. GeamAN CHAPErs In the Friery. º * * * Chaplaias, Rev. Hernan Gieſe, Rev. p 3. Mr. Kueper, 243/, a year. H Reader, Rev. Mlr. Kueper, & & r Cl: , k, F. A. Kohlmann, 604, Durch CII APEI, In the Middle Court. A Preachers, James Compton, 160l. H. F. A. de la Fite. M.A. 160?. Reader, James Compton, 40l. FRE Neri CHAPE L in the Midºs' Court, St James’s Palace, at eleven. Predichers, John Lewis Chirol, M.A. 1601. Nicolas Carey, M.A. Alexander Sterky. Reader, Theop. Abauzit, 101. Chapel-Keeper, John Lanthois, 15? Welleſley, D. D. Dutch in the ſame Chapel at nine. PREACHERsai the King's chapel, &y the Biſhop of London. From Oxfor p. fa, Tho. Wintle, B.D. St.jobn's 2 Feb. Wm. Corne, B.D. Chrift Church. Mar. Edw. Griffith, M.A. Merton. 2 .4pr. Hen. Kett, B.D. Trinity. . . . May:John Daviſon, M.A. Oriel. I june.Edº-Goodenough, MA. C.C. july. Jn Lea Heyes, B. D. Exeter. Aug. Rt Dickenſon, M.A. Queen's. Sep. Cha.F.Parker, M.A. Pemároke 0& RtB.Gardiner, M A. Wadham. I Nov. PhN.Shuttleworth, MA. NewC. I I I , If 2 : * –- Whitehall, 391. a rear. appointed # From CAMBRIDGE. d Sam. Tho. Jephſon, M.A.St.John’s r Thomas S. Hughes, M.A. Trinity 2 , George Aug. Browne, M.A. Trinity. Fi Tho. Jackſon, B.D. St.john'ſ Col. 2 . T. W. Hornbuckle, B. D. john's. 2 James Henry Monk; M.A. Trinity 2 Wm French, M.A. Pembroke. 2. Rt Jefferſon, M.A.Sidney Suſſex... 2 W. H. Markby, M.A. Corpus Chrifti. I Thomas Dickes, M.A. feſts, 2. Samuel Vince, M.A. King’s College.2 Deg. Tho...E.Bridges, M.A.Corpus C.2 N. B. The Figu re James Cumming, M.A.' Trinity 1 after each Name ſhews whether the Preacher's Turn is for the 1ſt or 2d Part of the Month; f * M 2. h36 King's Houſehold. y *, * * z' * His MAJE sty’s Eſtabliſhment at Windſºr. 24een's Council... Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor. " . , Archbiſhop of York. - . . . Duke of Montroſe. t J.ord Arden. •. * Lord Ellenborough. , Sir William Grant, knt. * Groom gf the St. le. , .. #Earl of Winchelſea, K. G. Vice Chamberlain, # *Lord John Thynne. Lords of the Bedchamber. I.ord Sommer ville. * . Lord Rivers. # Lord Arden. #Lord St. Helens. Grooms of the Bedchamber. Hon. Robert Fulk Greville. Hon.Vice-Adm. Sir Ar. K. Legge, K.C. B. .A. *V.-Adm. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. K.C.B., * . Lt-Gen. Sir Harry Campbell, K.B.C. Maſter of the Robes Lord Vernon. * Groom, Hugh Rowland, eſq. Seam/rºſs, Miſs H. Finch. y Laundrºſs of the Bºdy linen, Mrs. E. Hicks. " : Neceſſary. Homan, Miſs S. Farrell. U.er & Martial and firſt Equery "Uen. Robt. Maniſers; , £queries, Gen. Francis Edward Gwyn; Gén. Geo. Garth, Lt-Gen. Wm. Cartwright, *Lt-Gen, Sir Brent Spencer, G.C.B.Lt.Gen.Wm HyWyn- ºard. * * { . * . . P}. ate Secretary to the Queen, Major- Gen. Herbert Taylor. Maſler of the Houſhold and Secretary, 1a the Groom of the Stale, B. C. Stephenſon, Esq.” * - Paymaſter of His Majesty's private Payments, Joſeph Bott, eſq. 1ſt Clk in the Office of the Groºm of the Stoe, Winde St. Croix, eſq., ; g £haplain, Rev. Cha: Morris. . . Bar &er to the Perſon; Hen. Cooper,eſq.- Apothecary to the Houſehold; Robeit , Battiſcomb, eſq. * , Pages to the King,ſos. Bott, Jn.Clarke, i Apt. Healey, Wm. Baker, John * Bott, efºrs. ' ' * r * & -uſekeeper at Windſor. Caſtle; Hon. Miſs Gcorgeana Townſhend. t H | Do. to the Queen’s Lodge and to the i } King’s Private Apartments, Mrs. i Mary Powell. ' * ! Do. at the Lower Lodge, Mrs. A.' i JDavenport. ' ' ' ' ' ' . | KITC H E N, ! / Clerk, David Hebbes, eſq. #2nd Clerk, Mr. James Mann. ; Cºpying Clerk, Edw. Rice. . . . $3 ; Maſter Cook, John Teede, eſq. * Teomen, Mr.A. Law, MrTim Spencer. Grooms, James Tye, Geo. Wileſon. !Children, John Cidde, David Hebbes, Jun. - Cooper. ‘. . . . . . Scowerers, Rd Buſhell, Wm.Coules. . Turn Broacher, James - Ban, fley, John Money. , . Soil Carliers, Rich. Marlowe, Cha. , Parkes, ". • —” § iPoſeyCooks,Cha. Ritchie, EdwClarke. ‘Confectioner, John Barker' . . . . º Mary Browns . . . . . . ºman of Silver Scullery, Mr. Rich. "Miſes. h w d Aſſants, Owen Jones, Tho...Wooden, lſº y, º jn vica º, Grºom of the hºine Cºllar, Mr. Rich.” Miles. . . . . . . . .7%aman of the Ewry, Mr. Rd Hooker. -- Laundreſs, Miſs, H. and E. Willis, Coffee Room, Mary Webſter. A $. Table Decker to the Equé, ries, George Robſon. . . . . . . . * * * Troman Porter, Jas. Weaver. Grooms, Wm.Mallinſon, J. T. Merrick, J. Moore. " . " * 3. Porter arthe Queen's Lorge,Jeremiah • G aſkin *. **. .. # &ucin's Houſehºld. - . . 37 . . The QUEEN’s Household. *> * > Lord Chamberlain, 12ool. Earl of Morton, K.T. Vice-Chamberlain, 5ool. *Edward Diſbrowe, eſq. Miftreſ of the Robes, 5ool. Marchioneſs of Bath. Ladies of the Bedchamber, 5ool. Counteſs of Pembroke, Counteſs Harcourt, Vi'counteſs Sydney, Counteſs of Harrington, Counteſs of Macclesfield, Vi'counteſs Melville, , Maids of Honour, 3ool. Miſs Caroline Vernon, Miſs Auguſta Brudenell, Miſs Seymour Coleman, Miſs Louiſa Wrotteſley. , Miſs Elizabeth Courteñay.' ' Miſs Louiſa Murray: " " - Bed-chamber Women, 3ool. Hon. Mrs. A. M. Egertön. Lady Radſtock. . . . .” Hon. Mrs Courtenay A. Boyle. Mrs. Mary Gwyn, 33 *. Hon. Mrs. Auguſta Leigh. Keepers of the Robes, Mrs. Charlotte Beckedorff & Miſs S. Beckedorff. . Modeler of Gems, Peter Rouw, gents: * ProfileShade-Painter, C. Sherratt, gent organiff in ord, Charles Weſley, eſ: TRADºs M. E.N. Bookſ & Stationer, J. Porter. Bookſellers extra. T. Payne, and T. J. Hookham. . . . - E. Book-Binder, Joſeph cooper. & Printers, B. MºMillan,John Barfield. jewelers, Rundell, Bridge, and Run- dell, T. Gray, and -De Symonds. Watch & Clock-makers, Vulliamy and Son, and Henry Favre. 4. Piano-Forte Maker, Tho.Tomkinſon. Sword-Cutler, J Proffer. Guze-Maker, Ezesiel Baker. Iacemen and Embr. Barrett, Corney. and Barret, and J. and J. Silver. Epaulette. Makers, Chalk & Farrant. Silk-Mercers, J. King & W. E. King. Glover, Joſeph Greves- Hoſiers, i.icknell and Co. - Linen-Drapers, M*Douall and Son, John Sloper. Hatters, Cºter and Co. Chemiſts and Druggifts, W. Grind- all, and J. H. Haſtings. ºfficers of the Duchy of Cornwall. 14t Perfumers, J. Amick and—Hugonin. Upbolders, Fatham, Bailey, and Co. and N. Morell,and Hughes. . . Glaſs- Manufaāurers, Palker Perry, Athlin and Collings. Potters and Chinamen, John Har- grave, B. W. Boucher. Glaſs-Stainer, Wm Raph. Eginton. %ax Chandlers, Barrett and Co. Bar- ‘clay and Co. Field, Touſſant. Tallow Chandler, Francis Shackleton. Metal Hothouſe Maker, Js Jorden. Barge-Maſters, Tho; Alex. Roberts, Richard Bradſhaw. and' Kicken & Cellar. Clerk Comptroller, &c. J. Watier, eſq. 1ſt Clerk, Sam. Wharton, eſq. 2nd do P. F. Haft, gent. 3rd do: Geo. Moorfield, gent. -- 1/f Maſter Cook, Fred. Badua, eſq. 2nd Ho. Amant. Wilmet, eſq. * Und.r Cooks, Alex.Grillon&HyBrand. Paſłry Cook, Francis Le Clerc, gent. Confectioner, Francis Benois, gent. 4ſiſtant, Phillip Watier, gent. Table-Decker, J. Lightband. Silv.-Scallery, Tho.. Jewers, Eliz. Walls. . . . | Gentleman’ of the Cellar," James Chriſtie, eſq. * Yeoman, William Strongitharm. Groom, Joſeph Langworth. Purveyor-General of Wines, Rekert Adamſon, eſq. Purveyors of Mºne, &c. extra, James- Hunt, Wm Newton, Joſeph Inces: Purveyors of Spirituaas Liquors, Wºm . Strongitharm, Jefferd & Simpfon. • Cordials, Johnſon and Co. . * > Brewers, Pa:k and. Co. * Oilmen, Mackay, Friſbey, & Howis. F/mongers, J. Coleman, Walker & * Goter. * -- * Eſtabliſhment at Brighthelmſtone. : Steward and Collečfor of Rents, Cha. : Becht, gent. . *** #ouſekeeper, Miſs Whittle. ' iButler, John Redifer. -- Baker, Richard Green. * Porter, Arnold Mort. 3, Watchman & Lamplighter, Joſhua Townſend. - * - # Gardener, John Furner. * * * Phyſ.to the Houſ. Mat.JnTierneyM.D. Surgeon, Wm. Attree, eſq. .’ “[. Apothecary, Mr. Walter Barret. = Jo Starling, Lt. T. C. Sherwin. 78 Superb, Qharles Ekins. 6 Surly, Li. john Hill. 8 Swan, Lt. Cha. j. Griffin. 12 Swinger, Lt. Jº by Mitchell, 48 Sybille F, Cha. Malcolm. 6 Sydney, Geo. Holbroke, Surveyor. 36 Tagus, jo/v. W. D. Dundas. 26 Tamar, Tho. R. Toker. . 46 Tiber, james R. Dacres. 42 Tigris, Rob. Henderſon. 37 7 omnant, F, RF-Adm. Sir B, II'llo- wº/l, Capt jobn Tailzier. # 8 Tortoiſe, 2. Cook, Maſter. 26 Towey, ºn Hill. 26 Tyne, G. T. Falcon. i o Tyrian, Wm. Popham. V 74 “Vengeur, %2. Alexander. • W. - 18 Waſp, Hºn Hºlridge. 16 Weymouth, Ra. Turner, Maſcr. William & Mary, yacht, Andrew Sp rowſe, t * , 26 Wye, jobn Harper. Royal Navy. 13.9 46 Ağolus. to Alacrity, 46 Amazons 1 o Ariel. 1 o Athól. to Barracouta. to Beagle. , s 74 Belliſle, 46 blanche, 46 Blonde, , , 74 Bofeaweil, he Briik, tie Britannla, ja Buiſłard, 74 Carnatie, #6 Cerberus, Ög Chleheſter, ,46 Clice, ig Cygnet, - 46 Dagdaluś, ie Delight, 46 Diana, 46 Druids. ie Eclipſe; Io . Emulous. 42 Eridanus. 1 o Falcon.. 46 Fisgard. 84. Formidable. 46 Fox. Io Frolic. 84. Ganges, | 46 Hamadiyad, 74 Hawke, 46 Hebe, | 46 |{}fl; Laheaſtër, 46 latana, (94 London, (8 Lynx 74. Malabar, 46 Meduſa, 46 Melam Fus, 46 Mercury, 46 Mermaid, 46 Minerva, 84 Menarch, 46 Nemeſis, - 46 Nercy's,. Ships building at different Places. 46 46 6c f 2 O f J_j 46 J 8 43 74. Pegaſus, Penelope. , Portland. Powerful. Prince Regent, Princeſs Charlotte, . Proſe pine. Ruſſe!}. Sanarang. . Sering på tarn, Soui haſh;toli, 46 Stät fü, Tālavera, Thalia, } Thames, Thiſbe, Thunderer. Trafalgar, Trincomalee, Unicorn, Wengeance, Venus. Waterloo. ) Wincheſter. 2.Édmirals. Comparative Rank of Officers in the Army and Navy. NAV Y. Admiral of the Fleet Admirals : Vice-Admirals - Rear-Admirals - - - - Commodores, and firſt Cap- tains to Commanders in chief - Captains of 3 Years Other Poſt Captains Commanders Lieutenants - - - - tº gº * sº * sº ©º Poſt - sº * * . gº dº * * A R MY. ºvir à Field-Marſhal. with Generals. avità Lieutenant-gencrals, wità Major-generals. with Brigadier-generals, with Colonels. with Lieutenant, solonel with Majors, twith Captailis, 5. ADM HRALS of th. Royal Navy. (196) .4dmiral of the Fleet, Dec. 24; 181 I. # His Roya. Highneſ; the Duke ºf Cia- rence, -i. G. & K.'l', . Admirals of the Red. #Earl of St. Vincent, G. C. B. & K. T. S. General of Afarines. Sir Richard Onſlow, bart.G. C. B. Lieut, Gemeral of Marines. Benjamin Caldwell, eſq. iſon. Sir William Cornwallis, G. C. B. 4'ice-Adm. of Great Britain. William Peere Williams, eſq. Sir John Colpoys, G.C.B. Governor of Greenwich Hoſpital. “Sir Gecrge Montagu, G.C.B. Piſcount Keith, G.C.B. & K. C. James Pigott, eſq. Lord Radſtock, G.C.B. John Henry, eſq. - Richard Rodney Bligh, eſq. Alexander Graeme, eſq. Iſaac Preſcott, eſq. Thomas Spry, eſq. . . Sir John Orde, bart. Sir Wm.Young, G, C, B, Rear, miral ºf Great Britain. Lord Gambier,G,C,E, - *Sir Charles Morice Pole,bart, K. Ad- ch Admiral of the IPhile, William Swiney, eſq. , Charles Edmund Nugent, eſq. Charles Powell Hamilton, eſq. John Holloway, eſq. George Wilſon, eſq. Sir Charles Henry Knowles, bt. Hon. Thomas Pakenham. Sir James Hawkins Whitſhed,K.C.B. Arthur Kempe, eſq. - - Sir Robert Calder, bart. K.C.B. Hon.Sir Geo. Cranfield Berkeley, G.C.B., Lord High Admiral of Portugal. Thomas Weſt, eſq. • -, James Douglas, eſq. Henry Savage, eſq. Sir Richard Bickerton,bt. K.C.B. &K.C. Major General of Marines, George Bowen, eſq. - Admirals, 161 ; Robert Montagu, eſq. - John Ferguſon, eſq. # Rt Hon. Sir Jn Borlaſe Warren, bt. G. C. B. & K. C. - .* Admiral ºf the Blue. I’dward Tyrrel Smith, eſq. Thomas Macnamara Ruſſell, eſq. Sir Henry Trollope, knight-banneret. Billy Douglas, eſq. John Wickey, eſq. *John Fiſh, eſq. - Sir John Knight, K.C.B. Sir Édward Thornbrough, K.C.B. Flag Offic, r < t Portſmouth. Simpſon Edwards, eſq., Sir George Campbell, K.C.B. Sir James Saumarez, bt. G.C.B. K.S. & D. C. L. Thomas Drury, eſq. - Sir º, bait. K .C.B. Earl of Northeſk, G.C.B. James Vaſhon, eſq. G.C.B.Flag offee, * Piſcount Exmouth, at Plymouth. Sir Iſaac Coffin, bart. Iohn Aylmer, eſq., Richard Boger, eſq. Vice-Admirals of the Red. John Child Purvis, eſq. Theophilus jones, eſq. Sir William Domett, K.C.B. William Woiſeley, eſq. . Sir George Murray, K.C.B. Sir John Sutton, K.C.B. Robert Murray, eſq. - Hon. Sir Alexander Inglis Cochrane, G. C. B. : ‘. - *John Markham, eſq." Henry D'Eſterre Dalby, eſq. Edward Bowater, eſq. George Palmer, eſq. * Sir Eliab Harvey, K.C.B. s Sir Edmund Nagle, K.C.B., John Wells, eſq. - Sir Richard Grindall, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Martin, K.C.B. Sir Rd John Strachan, bt.G.C.B. Sir W. S. Smith, K. C. B. K.S.C. & F. Thomas Sotheby, eſq. John Schank, eſq., F.R.S. Hon. Michael de Courcy. John Hunter, eſq. Pice-Admirals of the White, Charles Stirling, eſq. Francis Pender, eſq. Henry Nicholls, eſq. Sir Herbert Sawyer, K.C.B. Sir Davidge Gould, K.C.B. Sir Richard Goodwin Keats, G C.B.: Robert Devereux Fancourt, eſq. *Sir Edward Buller, bt. Hon. Sir Robert Stopford, K.C.B. Mark Robinſon, eſq. Thomas Revell Shivers, eſ). Francis Pickmore, eſq. Gov. of Nege, .. found/and. . *… John Diikes, eſq. Sir Thomas Foley, K.C.B. Sir Charles Tyler, K.C.B. Robert Watſon, eſq. Manly Dixon, eſq. George Loſack, eſq. Sir Thomas Bertie, knt. K. S. Vice-Admirals ºf the Blue. Rowley Bulteel, eſq. , William Luke, eſq. : Iſaac George Manley, eſq. is John Oſborn; eſq. , | Edmund Crawley, eſq. Sir Thomas Williams, K.C.B. Sir Thoëculden Thompſon, bi K C.B., T. &aſarer ºf Grerſ, wit/y Hoſpite 1. John Laugharne, eſq. | Sir William Hargood, K.C.B. } . John Ferrier, eſq. Richard Incledon-Bury, eſq., O 3 162. Admirals, *Sir Robert Moorſom, K.C.B. Sir Charles Hamilton,bt. - Hon. Henry Curzon. - William Bligh, eſq., F.R.S. Sir Laurence Win Halſted, K.C.B. Edward Oliver Oiborne, eſq. *Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. K.C.B. *Sir Joſ. Sydney Yorke, K.C.B. £Ion. Sir Arthur Kaye Legge, K.C.B. Rear-Admirals of the Red, Francis Fayerman, eſq. £arl of Galloway, K.T. Str Tho. F. Freemantle, KCB. &KMT, Sir Francis Laforey, bt. K.C. B. Sir Philip Charles Durham, K.C.B. Sir ſirael Pellew, K.C.B. . . . Alexander Fraſer, eſq. . . Sir Benjamin Hallowell, K.C.B. &K. F. Fag Officer on the Iriſh Sea. *Sir Geo. Johnſtoſie Hope, K.C.B. & K.T.S. . - - 1.0 d Amelius Beauclerck, K.C.B. William Taylor, eſq. Sir James Nicoll Morris, K.C. B. Sir Tho. Byam Martin, K.C.B & K.S. Comptroller of the Navy Office. Joh: Lawford, eſq. - *śraisk Sotheron, eſq. - Thomas Wolley, eſq. . . . * *Sir Wm.johnſt. Hope, K.C.B.K M.& F. R. S. F/ag Officer at Leith. J.ord Henry Paulet, K.C.B. Charles William Paterſon, eſq. Sir George Cockburn, K.C. B. Thomas Surridge, eſq. Samuel Hood i.inzee, eſq. James Carpenter, eſq. Robert Barton, eſq. Sir Graham Moore, K.C.B. Matthew Henry Scott, eſq. Rear-Admirals of the White. Joſeph Hanwell, cf. - Sir Henry Wºn Bayntun, K.C. B. | Edward Griffith, eſq. . -- Sir Richard King, bt. K.C.B. Flag Qjicer in the Eaft. Indies, Edward James Foote, eſq. Sir Richard Lee, Peter Halkett, eſq. William Bedford, eſq. Phillip Wilkinſon, eſq. Hon. Charles E. Fleming. , Sir Charles V. Penroſe, K.C.B. Flag Officer in the Mediterruzzean. - Sir William Hotham, K.C.B. Qeorge Hopewell Stephens, eſq. Sir Pultney Malcolm, K.C.B. William Nowell, eſq. James Biſlett, eſq. John Clements, eſq. Sir John Gore, K.C.B. - John Harvey, eſq, Flag officer at the Leward Iſlands. - Hon Sir Henry Hotham, K.C.B. Charles Dudley Pater, eſq Sir Home Popham, K.C.B. & K. M. Sir Joſias Rowley, bt. K.C.B. K.C. B. & K.T.S. Sir Edw. Codrington, K.C.B. {lon, Francis Farrington Gardner, Rear--ódmirals of the Blue. George Parker, eſq. . Robert Plampin, eſq. Flag Officer at the Cope # v. Edw. Leveſon Gower, eſq. . f/on, Sir Henry Blackwood, bt. John Erſkine Douglas,eſq. Flag Officer. at jazz., ica - Wiſcºunt Torrington. Roſs Donelly, eſq. Sir John Poer Beresford, bart. | Henry Lidgbird Ball, eſq. Thomas Eyles, eſq. Thomas Le Marchart Goſſelin, eſq. - - Sircharles Rowley, K.C.B. &K.M.T., * - Flag Officer at the Nore. Samuel James Ballard, eſq. Robert Rolles, eſq. - Walter Lock, eſq, -, * - Fla O zºet" | Sir David Milne, K.C.B., at Halifax. g lſº Superannuated Admirals.--Captains in the Royal Navy. James Young, eſq. - James Macnamara, eſq. Donald Campbell, eſq. Robert Waller Otway, eſq. ~--- Duke of Clarence, K. G. & K. w 163 John W. Spranger, eſq. William Lukin, eſq. T. Admiral of the Fleet. | Edward Fellowes, eſq. Hon.Sir WinCornwallis, G.C.B.Vice-Admiral of Great Britain, and Lieutenan of the Admiralty thereof, 20s, a day, and Ios a month for 16 ſervants Admiral Sir Wm Young, G.C.B. Rear-Admiral of Great Britai - and ros. a month for Iz ſervants. Earlcathcart,K.T.&K.A.N. vice-Adm. of Scotland,& Judge oftheadmiralty suPERANNUATED ADMIRALS, at 2s., a Day. William Duddington,eſq. John Kendall, eſq. David Graves, eſq. , Sir C. Forteſcue, knt. Alex. Chriſtie, eſq. Richard Graves, eſq. Jn Faithful Forteſcue,eſq. W. Chambers, eſq. Iſaac Smith, eſq. J& . The CAPTAINS in the Royal NAVY. (865.) &c. there, 1oool. David Stow, eſq. Abraham Guyot, eſq. Lachlan Hunter, eſq. Nicholas Ingram, eſq. Richard Willis, eſq. Henry Warre,eſq. William Carthew, eſq. | Sandford Tatham, eſq. n 16s, a day, —º- Fred. Watkins, eſq. Tho. Goldeſborough, eſq. John Monkton, eſq. John Cooke, eſq. Jodn Dawſon, eſq. Shuldham Peard, eſq. John Bazley, eſq. Alex. Wilſon, eſq. Simon Miller, eſq. Rich. Dacres, eſq. ~-m-m-mºm. 3. This Mark denotes Companions of the Order of the BAT M. 1796. Rick. Hen. Al. Bennett. 3. Willough.T.Lake, Col. of Marines. - Sir Charles Ogle, bart. Henry Raper. { 3.Wrm CharlesFahie, K.F. Col. of Marines. Sir Geo. Eyre, knt.K.C. B. Col. of ſºdarines. Robert Lambert. Joſeph Bingham. .. Robert Dudley Oliver. D’Arcy Preſton. - Man Dobſon. , Thomas Boys. - Josn ClarkeSearle, Chair. man ºf the Pictual/sng Office . Samuel Brooking. & Gov. of St. P'incent’s. of Marines. Robert Larkan. . John Halliday. of the Naval College. John Weſt. Joſeph Bullen. Stephen Poyntz. Thomas Pearſe. lord Colville. John Cochet. Sir Arch. C. Dickſon, bt. 3. Robert Redmill. Bobert Winthrop. : Henry Digby, X: Charles Ekins. Sir Cha. Briſbane, K.C.B. Sir JnTalbot, K.C.B Col. ſolin Giffard, Lieut. Gov.l 3.W.G.Rutherfuld, Capt of Greenwich Hºſpital John Sprat Rainier. Benj. W. Page. Hon. Ph.Wodehouſe, Cons at Halifax, Thomas Alexander. I 797. Andrew Smith. 3.Wrm Rt Broughton. James Stevenſon. (a). - Sir Edw. Berry, bart. KCB. 3. Wm Prowſe. Lºrd Mark Rt Kerr. Thomas M. Waller. - 3. Sir Js Athol Wood, kt. 3.Thomas Harvey. 3. Richard H. Moubra y, Henry Richard Glyn. 3. John Bligh. Peter Puget, Coxar. st Trini amalee. * ! 64. , Gaptains in the Royal Navy. Tho. Elphinſtorie. Sir Edw.Hamilton, KCB. 3:Thomas Baker. Henry Evans. Sam. Sutton. Hon. Courtenay Boyle, Com. of Sheerneſ, Yard. William Ogilvy Sfr Robert Lawrie, bt. Wm Håll Gage: John Maitland. Iſaac Wolley, Conr. at Gibraltar. John Miller. Stair Douglas. 3:Wm Cuming: º: James Walker, K.T.S. *Hon. Charles Paget. Robert Williams. Richard Worſley. 1793, John Cleland. Aſkew Paffard Holies. Henry Heathcote. Joſhua R. Watſon. And. F. Evans. Sir E. W. C. R. Owen, K.C. B. Geo. James Shirley. R. Runwa Bowyer. Geo. Frederick Ryves. Tho. G. Caulfield. ...:George Scott. Thomas Dundas. Gcouge Fowke. James Keith Shepard. Rd H. Pearſon. Samuel Peter Forſter. George Aſtle." 3: ſn Tremayne Rodd. John B. Hay. Sir Thomſ. Hardy, bt SCB Wm Cumberland Robert Cuthbert. 3. Graham E. Hamond. Robert Honyman. Bartholemew James. Robert Lewis Fitzgerald. Earl Man vels. Joſiah Niſbet. 3: Volant Vaſh. Ballard. Hugh Downman. ºHon. T. B. Capel. Wm Hanwell. I799. Thomas Manby. Lord James O’Bryen. David Lloyd. * William Sanderſon. Richard Matſon. Richard Raggett. John Mackellar. James Oughton. George Barker. Charles Adam. John Stiles. Michael Halliday. Wm. Granger. John Chambers.White, Charles Campbell. George White. Adam Mackenzie. ſames Oſwald. Francis Veſey. Henry Garrett, Pictual. Jing Agent at Deptford Walter Bathurſt. Adam Drummond. Robert Hall, Capt. of the Ordinary at Portſmouth. Thomas Sparke, Robert Lloyd. John Chesſhyre. 18oo. Sir T. Livingſtone, bt.' 3: Lucius Hardyman. Chriſtopher Laroche: Joſhua Sidney Horton. Thomas Tayley, Henry Bazely. º: Edward Brace. Šir Jahleel Brenton, bt. K.C B & K. F. Comr. a Sir Robert Mends, kt. John Wood. : Francis Wm Auſten Bend. Rt Littlehales. Robert Philpot. ŽPat. Campbell. Norborn Thompſon. Sir M. Seymour, K.C.B., Edw. Stirling Dickſon: 3. Edw. Rotheram. 3. Charles Grant. Tho. James Maling: John A. Ommanney. Henry Stuart. Zachariah Mudge. 3: George Wolfe. bt. 1801. Henry Hill. Jonas Roſe. Sir Tho. Lavie, K.C.B. • Gov. of R N. Aſylum. John Maſon Lewis, Comr. &f 2?ntigua, Charles Wollaſton. William Champain. Alex. W. Schomberg, Edw. D. King. William Waller. Henry Vanſittart. 3: George Mundy. ...George Sayer. Robert Manſel. Charles Tinling. Sir P.B.V. Broke,bt. KCB.- Andrew Broun, ...Fred. L. Maitland. & Sirjames Briſbane, knt. William Birchall. John F. Devonſhire. .. Frederick C. War, en. Richard Peacocke. James Carthew. Thomas Briggs. * John Broughton. º: * fºn. G. H. L. Dundas. Nicolas Tomlinſon. º: William Parker. the Cafe of Goof Hopet, Triſtiam R. Ricketts. George M*Kinley. Af Fames Katon. Charles Daſhwood, } Captains in the Royal Navy. - £8oz. H. E. R. Baker. Richard Curry. Sir Wm Foſte,bt. K.C.B. & K.M.T. Lenox Thompſon. Charles Fielding. Tho. G. Shortland, Capt. of the Ordinary at Ply- mouth. * - - Wm Skipſey. . Marcus Samuel Hill. Step. T.Digby, Hon. Fred. P. Irby. *Širchriſt. Cole, K.C.B Sir G.R.Collier, bt, KCB Daniel Woodriff, Cam, at Jathalea, Andrew Sproule, 3.John W. Loring, §n Winne, . Sir Rt Howe Brom- ley, bt., Hon. Duncembe Pleydell, Bouverie, * Richard Goddard, Richard Poulden. Charles Otter, Tho, Hurd, Hydrographer to the Admiralty. Thomas Miles, Richard Pellowe. John Dick, feter Riboleau. John Naſh. . Stephen Rains. . Thomas Hand, Farmery P, Epworth, Matthew Buckle. John Allen. (a) George Bowen. ames Noble. 3. Samuel Warren. Anſelm ſ. Griffiths, . George Burdett, |ames Naſh. Peter Spicer. James Seward. J. Taylor Mitchelſ. Tho. P. Durell. Alexander Becher. || 3: Richard Byron. |Richard Jones, Fs Holmes Coffin. . Jeffery Raigersfeld. Charles Ryderz Chriſt. J. W. Neſham. ... Charles Bullen. John Wight. Henry F. Edgell. Cornelius Quinton. Sir James Dunbar,bt. Wnn. Butterfield. William Young, Tranſ. port Agent at Deptford. 3: George Tobia. : John Wainwright. aimes Sanders, H. Webley Parry, t § - Edward *:W, º, K, S, Galwey, Richard Hawkins, Themäs Cowan, Wm Henry Daniel, George C. Pulling, jaceb Walton, Þavid Colby. Auguſtus Brine, Jaff, Coutts Crawford. #ſohn Hayes. Sam, C. Rowley, Bulkley M, Praed John Whyte, Samuel Mettley. | Edw. W. Browne. john Smollett Rouett, Wm Ricketts, # Alexander Skene. Hart, Wm. Twench. George Blake. Edw. Sneyd Clay. Thomas Richbell, Benjamin Carter. Charles Inglis Charles Carter. Thomas Browne. Lord Edward O'Bryen. Fs Godolphin Bond. Stephen Folvill. Wm. Henryſon. Archibald Dickſon. Clotw. Upton. W. H. B. Tremlett. George Reynolds, John Hazley. . . . 3. Samuel Pym, d George Argles. Samuel Buteher. Robert Jackſon. 3. Robert Barrie. 3: Cha. B. H. Roſs. |: Wilſon. Rathborne. Henry Matſon. | Charles Malcolm. 18o3. | John Serrell, Peterſ:Ieywood. 3. Murray Maxwell, 3.C. Marſh Schønberg, K. "[Y, S. - | Francis William Fane, Peter Huht, 1864, |tion, Geo. Eliot, William Durban, D.C.L, |}{James Hillyar. ºlord-Wm Fitzroy. | Hºllard Gee, Stuart, Sir James Lind, K.C.B. {}oſeph Nourſe, Robert O'Brien, Kg|th Maxwell, Matthew Godwin, Hugh Pigot, |ames, Maſter, S. P. Humphries, Edward L. Graham, John Tower, Kenneth Mºkenzie, Edward Hawker, Alexander Campbell, ... William Ferris. §:Charles Richardſon, John C. Woolcombe, 1805. George Aldham. |Francis Temple, 3: Rd Budd Vincent. - 3. Arthur Farquhar, K.S. Harry Gordon. • Sir Wim Bolton, kt. - SirjsAlex.Gordon, KCB, jº Hon.Fred Wm Aylme tg Richard Thomas. # John Quilliam. 3.John Pilfold. 16% Captains in the Royal Navy. rSoó. William Hennah. Wm Pryce Cumby. George Digby.. . James R. Dacres. 3. Peter Rainier. 3.Hon. Henry Duncan. bāvid Ramſay, Henry Vaughan. Thomas Campbell. Joſeph L. Popham. John S. Carden, . John Sykes. James Watſon, -* Charles º jaha Hańeaek, Jaña W. Holland, ght, Yelland, 'aadley Leſack, Jaha Impey; *Alex, Rºbert Kerr #Donald M*Leed, He try M., Qinmanney, Archibald Duff, # Edmund Heywood, Don, H. Mackay, §Francis Maſon, . aj, Fae, Henniker, Fr. Jackſon Snell, Matthew Forſter, ºPhilip Carteret, - ames Johnſtone, Sir T, Staines, KCB. &KF, Thomas - Browne, Capi, af the Sheerneſ, Alex, Shippard. Hon. Pown all B. Pellew John Bowen. . Henry Laroche. Robert Henderſon. º &Sir Lucius Curtis, by. Sir John Louis, bt. Hon. Edw. Rodney. Brian Hodgſon. Hood H. Chriſtian. , Hon. Arch. Cochrane. | Sir Joſiah C. Coghill, #t, Nath. Day Cochrane. John Ayſcough. Sir Tho, J. Cochra knt.; . M, A. N, Dg Stafék, | Wim Cagk, - | Arthur Lyſaght, Ordinary at . William King. - ne; Wm Hugh Dobbie. 3. Wrm Furlong Wiſe. Edm. Boger. William Jones Lye. . . 3: Hon.Geo. Fr. Seymour. Hon. Geo. Poulett. Hugh Cooke. James Haldane Tait. Gilbert Heathcote. W. Beauchamp Proctor. Cha. J. Johnſton, Edward Ratſey, Edward Hawkins. Rich, T.Hancock, James M, Northey, iPhilippumareſq, K, S, Cha, P, B, Batginań, *Han, Jocelyn Parey, - |*H. Han, Añt, Maitland, ligm, Granville Proby, 1897, , , Joſeph Edmonds, |ºlian Geo.G.Waldegrave º: Hon, George Cadºgan, |º E, H, Chamberlayne. John Edgcumbe, William Wooldridge, . John Qkes Hardy, Willian) Maude. Sam, Hood, Inglefield, 3: Edmund Palmer. º:W m Aug. Montagu. *John Baſtard. - George Burgayne Salt, Valentine Collard. John Fyffe. 3. Edward Chetham. |George Cocks, . | Reuben C. Mangin, 'William Croft. ...John Phillimore. | Francis Beauman. |as. R. Phillips, Pringle Stoddart. Andrew King, - William Bowled. Hyde Parker. - Chas. S. J. Hawtayne. |ames W. Dcans-Dundas. 3. Samuel Jackſon. Sir E.T. Troubridge, bt. Sir Js L. Yeo, K.C.B., & K. B. A. - Charles Gordoñ. ... George Harris, . . .8o3; Thomas Gaith, fohil Clavell, | | Wins, Parkinſon, jas, M. Gordgil, - George Langford, | Willian H, Billgas- ames Bradſhaw, atthew Smith, Hºhomas Searle, Henry Haps, 't. … - jº, |*Themas Uſher, | | Rowland Bevaſi, Wm Ward, , , fººd , Pechell, Róbert Cathcart, Robert Elliott, Cuth, F, Daly, Jn Rd Lumley, .. Philip Pipoh, George Pigot, Edward Woolcombe: . †Hon. F. B. R. Pellew, John Halſted. Geo. C. Mackenzie. Edw, Pelham Brenton. ... Francis Aug. Collier. George Miller Bligh. 1809. William Wilbraham, & Charles Gill. Jes. W. Maurice. | Charles Dilkes. Hon. Jas. W. King. |ames Prevoſt. . 2: Francis Newcombe, John Joyce. James Caulfield. 3: William Godfre r - } . . Joſeph Spear, - captain in the Royal Na vy. 167. William Wells, Thomas Withers. :Charles Napier. John Rich irds. George Sanders. Lord James Townſend. Thomas Thruſh. 3: William Mounſey. 3:Thomas Forreſt. Richard Harward. George Bell. . William Goate. Joſeph James, John Davie. Hy Hume Spence. John Brett Purvis. John Lake. George Andrews. Wm. Buchanan. 3.john M. Hanchett. Ed. Joſhua Moriarty, Arthur Walter. - Edw. Seymour Bailey. George Cadman. . Charles Bartholomew. William H. Shirreff. : John Simpſon. - Edward Dix, Capt. of the . Ordinary at Chatham, × Henry W. Pearſe. ,-- 18 Io. & Edward Kittoe. Richard Arthur. * Geo. Paris Monke. 3. Phipps Hornby. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Francis Stanfell. Samuel George Pechell. Cha- J. Auſten. * Spelman Swaine. Francis Beaufort. Benjamin Walker. John Maxwell. Phillip Browne. Mat, Bagton Bradby. 3.William Patterföö. 3: Henry Preſcott. Thomas White. (a) Thomas Graves. 3. Neſbet J. Willoughby. || Edw. W. Hoare. James Collins. . | John Criſpo. Robert Keen. john Lawſon. Chriſtopher Watſon. George Davies. Thomas White. (b). Geo. Sayer. Jas: A. Worth. James Slade. William W. Foote. Thomas Innes. - Richard J. L. O'Connor. Francis Douglas. John Hudſon. Robert Brown Tom. James Lillicrap. Walter Groffett. Francis John Nott. Lewis Shepheard. John Thompſon. (a) Robert Evans Thomas F. Baugh. ſaac Ferricres. ſohn Lamborn. John Baker. Alexander Infies. Charles M. Fabian. Samuel Colquitt. .Guſtavus Stupart. ſn W. Marſhal, K.S.G.&S Robert Forbes. - Antony Abdy, | Henry E. P. Sturt. Richard janverin. - - George W. Blamey. 3.john Coode: Thomas Burton. 3. Jeremiah Coghlan. T. F. C. Mainwaring. 18 I. |W. Henry Byam, i&obert Clephane. Joſeph Packwood. Piſcºunt Neville. William Flint. & Edward Crofton. John Williams. 3. Sir Robert Hall, knt.(b) K.F M Commiſſioner at Quebec. - 3. William Elliott, 3. Thomas Fellowes. Pitt B. Greene. *Hon. Wm. Wałdegrave. Thomas Huſkiſſon. Charles Webb. Edw. H. A 'Court. Thomas Coe. Bentinck C. Doyle. John Paſco. John Hollinworth. Clement Speyd. Richard Buck. Edward Scobell. ...J D Markland, K.L, William Fiſher. . Abel Ferris. Edward Harvey. Robert Fowler. Thomas Graharn. Wm F. Owen. Manly Hall Dixon. Wm. B. Dolling. John R. Lapéaotiere. Hon. Alexander Jones. Benjamin Clement. Hon. Hen. Dawſon. Donald Campbell. Francis G. Dickins. Henry Hart. Corbet j. D'Auvergne. George Jackſon. George Henderſon. Tho. Tudor Tucker. John Bowker. Henry Bouchier. John Strutt Peyton. Gardner H. Guion. Robert W. G. Feſting. Peter J. Douglas. : Gawen W. Hamilton. Edward Stopford. 1812. George Price. Joſeph S. Tetley. George Acklom. Barrington Reynolds, George Morris. James Greene. James Anderſon. William Shepheard. John Tancock. Ho". Geo A. Crofton. 3.james P. Stewar tº . 16s captains in the Rºyal Navy. Robert Maunſell. Chriſtopher Bell. 3. Richard Spencer. Villiers F. Hatton. Arthur B. Bingham, Thomas New. Henry Barwell. James Stevenſon. (3) Edmund S. P. Knox. Hºn. Geo. Douglas. Lºrd Bolgonie. Colin Campbell. (a) Charles T. Smith. Charles Sothbey. Joſeph Symes. Hon. W. H. Percy. ... Booty Harvey. Alex. R. M'Kenzie. James Pringle. Richard P. Davies. George Wyndham. Henry Weir. 3 Aug. W. J. Clifford. Samuel Leiſle. Hord Selſey. Eon. Val Gardner. Ldward Ellicott. Alexander Milner. James Barker. Peter Rye. James Veitch. Andrew Mott. James Gifford. Timothy Clinch. George Le Geyt. Buckland S. Bluett. Henry C. Morris. Samuel Chambers, William Autridge. Edward Aug. Down. Thomas Whinyates. William Hellard. John Thompſon. (3) Arthur Atcheſon. George Moubray. Alex. Cunningham. 3: Jas. W. Andrew. ' Joſhua R. Rowley. . . John Griffiths. . . . . Hew. Steuarts.' ' James Aberdour. William Robilliard. Joſh. Prior. 1813. . : Alex. Renton Sharpe, Hon. Robert Rodney. Robert Mitford. Henderſon Baine. Richard Spear. Clement Milward. 3 ſames Black &Joſeph N. Tayler. 3.John F. Maples. - - | Clerk, John Wolff. ſon, and Jºhn Ritſon, w- ; Firſt French-Maſter, Lewis Catty. Second Fr. Maſter, C. Warin. . . . . Profeſſor of Chemiſtry, John McCul- loch, M * & | Drawing ºfter for Landſcape, Tho. Sandby. Ditto for Ground, T. Peckham, T. Compton, - - Ditto for Figures, Joſeph Barney. Fencing-Maſter, Joſeph Roland. - Dancing-Maſter, W. H. Ware. Clerks, David Anderſon, jun. Thos. Robinſon. - - - Modelers, Searle Short and David Anderſon, ſen. and Royal Laboratory at Woolwich. Comptroller, Sir William Congreve, bt. Chief Fire-Mafter, Lieut.Gen. George Rochfort. - - - Affiftamt Fire-Maſter, Major Charles Bingham. * ..., - Aſſiſtant Fire-Mafter at Portſmouth, J. G. Burſlem, eſq. • Aſſiſtant Fire-Mafter at Plymouth, T. F. Forbes, eſq. * Inſpeãor of Gunpowder Manufaāories, Major By. --- - | Chief Clerk, Hen. Dugleby, eſq. Clerks, William Caffin, Charles Ellis, Wm Thomas, John Piper, and Geo. Fife, . Affiftant-Clerks, Aug. Wright, Geo. Shepherd, G. Clubb, T. Hague, and Thomas Aſhwood. ' Chief Foreman, Wm. Caſtledine. 'Inſpector of Artillery, - Lt.Gen. Sir Tho.Blomefield, bt. Affiftant and Draftſman, J. O. Hook- ham, eſq • - Proof-Maſter, Lieut. Reid. . . Search. of Ordnance, James Froſt. Inſtrument-Keeper, Thomas Walton, Modeler, T. Greenſtreet. . . . | Inſpeºfor of the Royal Braſs Founday, Lt. Gen. Sir Tho. Blomefield, bt. Mafter-Founder, Henry King. 4. iftamt ditto, Cornelius King. . . - Foreman of ditto, Wm. North. ..:... ** - - f Civil Branch ºf the Office of ordnause. 237 Royal Carriage-Department, Inſpektor, Maj.Gen. William Cuppage. Affiftant, Lt.-Col. Wm. Millar. Conſºručiar of Carriages, Jn Stradley. JDitto for the Out-ports, York Clark. Clerk of the Cheque, George Robin- ſon. - - Inſpectors Office. Clerks, A. Grinton, James Watts. Clerk of Cheque’s Office. Clerks, R. T. Ruſſell, Edward Dell. Hłafter-Artificers, W. Clark, P. Mc Donald, Charles Dibblin. Royal Military Repoſitory. Superintendant, Sir Wm. Congreve, bart. Modeler, J. Jeſſup. Clerk, C. H. Daniel. Praftſman, John Read. OFFICERs at Out-Ports and STATIONs. Woolwich. Store-keeper, John Geaſt, eſq. Clerk of Survey, W. R. Marſhall, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, Joſeph Cheetham. Clerks, Wm Pritchard, John Gueſt, Benjamin Gueſt, William Jones, Clerk of the Works, Thomas Weaver. Paymaſter, John Henderſon, eſq. Clerks, J. Pitfield, T. Mortimer. CHAT HAM. - Store-keeper, John Baillie, eſq. Clerk of Survey, S. Nicholſon, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, T. H. Hooper. SHE E R N Ess. Store-keeper, William Akid, eſq. Clerk ºf Survey, Thomas L. Pennal. . Clerk of Cheque, Matthias Dodd. Chaplain, Rev. Tho. French, D.D. •. Ports Mouth. Store-keeper, Wm Spencer, eſq. (Slerk of Survey, Cha. Hochſtetter. Clerk of Cheque, Edw. Lower, Dove R. - Storekeeper, Thomas Huntington, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, John Stapley. - g Pr. YMou'rit. Store-keeper, Wm. Ady, eſq. Clerk of Survey, B. May. Clerk of Cheque, Timothy Topping. Storekeepers. Scarborough-Caſtle, Wm Travis, eſq. Hull, Robert Stanton, eſq. - Pendennis-Caſtle, Geo. L. Hall, eſq. Scilly-Iſland, John Auſtin. - Cheſter & Liverpool, W.M.Henderſons Iſle of Man, Robert Murray. Carliſle, H. Dalrymple. Berwick, R. Brody. Tinmouth-Caſtle and Clifford's Fort, Francis Greenfield, eſq. *. Y AR MoU TH. Store-keeper, T. Gibſon, eſq. Clerk of Checque, George Gaſkoin. LAND GUARD-Fort and Harwich." Store-keeper, Love A. Parry, eſq GUE RNs EY. Store-keeper, Joſeph Robins, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, T. Turner. JERSEY. Store-keeper, Edmund Champion, eſq. | Clerk of Chegwe, James L. Hammond. AL prº-NEY. Store-keeper, E. Ludlow. ~ Gu NPowo ER-MANU FA cºrort E.S. FAvers HAM, Store-keeper, R. V. Minty, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, Frederick Wilks. WALT Ham-Arab EY. Store-keeper, H. S. Matthews, eſq. Clerk of Survey, William Breeze. Clerk of Cheque, J. Wright. GUNPowper-MAGAz1NEs. - Hype-PARx. Store-keeper, C. F. Walter. UPNor-CASTL. E. i Store-keeper, J. Sicklemore, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, T. N. Newnham. Graves END and TILBu R Y. Store-keeper, Empſon Middleton, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, C. Louch, eſq., Pu R F L E ET. Store-keeper, J. Godfrey, eſq. Clerk of Survey, J. Prynn. Clerk of Cheque, T. Pellatt. PRIDDY's HAR p. | Store-keeper, D. Onion, eſq. | Clerk ºf Chegwe, J. Hancern. 238 civil Pranch of the Office of Ordnance. - TirNER-Po1 N.T. Store-keeper, V. Drury, eſq. KEY HAM-Point. Store-keeper, Peter Glinn. Clerk ºf Cheque, John Clouter. Pick ET-FIELD, Hu NGER for D." Store-keeper, John Cloudeſley. DEP 6ts for SMALL-ARMs. BREcon. Store-kéeper, J.W. Tapp, eſq. . . . BR1stol. Store-keeper, G. Groves, eſq. CARMA RTHEN. Storekeeper, S. Harding, eſq. CHELMsfor p. Store-keeper, Pigot Bowker, eſq. - DER BY. Store-keeper, S. D. Beare, eſq. DoR chest ER. John Beſant, eſq. ENFIELD. - George Lovell, eſq. HoR SHAM. . Store-keeper, S. Bucholl, eſq. LIN col N. Store-keeper, R. Porrett, eſq. MARchwoop. Storekeeper, R. B. Ady, eſ. North Hype. Storekeeper, F. Chapman ..? eſq. Storekeeper, Storekeeper, St. EDM UND’s But y. Store-keeper, James Matthews, eſq. SHREws Bury. Store-keeper, John Linton, eſq. INLAND DEPOTS. WEEDoN-BEck. Store-keeper, Joſeph Wheeler, eſq. Clerk ºf Cheque, H. Jones. SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH. Store-keeper, R. MºRearlie, eſq. - clers of Cheque, M. Hambleton. - STIRLING-Castle. Store-keeper, Digby Jn French, eſq. | ‘. . . Store-keeper, Gabriel Smi Cheque, P. Daſton. . For T-WILLIAM. Store-keeper, Wm Stevenſon, eſq. For T-GEORGE. Store-keeper, W. Mackintoſh, eſq. BARRACK-DEPARTMENT. Inſpe&or, Maj. Gen. Charles Neville: Senior Clerk, A. B. Loriot. junior ditto, * BARRAck-Mast ERs. Bexhill, Henry Griffiths. Canterbury, J. W. Jacob. , # Chatham, Richard Forman. Leith, N. B. Ebenezer Thompſon. Newcaſtle, John Toppin. Plymoutb, Henry Lumley. Portſmouth, James Emſlie. Woolwich, John Hay. Foreign Stations, . - GIB R ALTAR. - Store-keeper, Robert Pringle, eſq. Clerk of Surv. Tim. Topping. Cheque, R. W. Stapells. Works, G. G. Adams, jun. Matra. Store-keeper, Tho. Joſhua Rutter, eſq. Clerk of Survey, Henry Bowen. - \ , - HELIcol AND. Store-keeper, F. Armſtrong. Jamaica. | Store-keeper, N. Lechmere, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, F. Matthews, ANT1GuA. ‘. - Store-keeper, S. S. Lamb. Clerk of Cheque, R. Moore. ST. CHRISTop HER's. -- Store-keeper, Robert Potter, eſq., Clerk of Cheque, John Dougherty. - Dominica. th, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, ST. Vincent's. stºre-ºper, - James Jeſſopp, eſq. . Clerk of Cheque, James Smith, Royal Engineers. Military Draftſmen. 239 Barbadoss. Stºre-keeper, Iſaac J. Tinling, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, Wooton Smith. . GRENADA. Stºre-keeper, Richard Hudſon, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, R. Cooper. ToBAGo. Store-keeper, James Scoby, eſq. Clerk of Checque, * Saint Lucia. Store-keeper, W. Fleming, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, Henry A. Genet TRINIDAD, Store-keeper, Henry St. Hill, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, J. W. Morriſon, DeMarara. Store-keeper, Richard Chapman, eſq. i Clerk of Cheque, John Walford. BERB1 ce. - Clerk of Cheque, Henry T. Edwards. ST. MARTYNs. Clerk of Cheque, - - Bahama Islands. Store-keeper, W. Hield, eſq. Clerk, James A. Miller. . BERMUDA. Store-keeper, Wm. Bartley, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, – Atkins. - MAURItius. Storekeeper, G. C. Scott, eſq. Clerk of Survey, L. E. Dunn. Clerk of Cheque, A. Macfarlane. QUEBE c. Storekeeper, Richard Fleming, eſq. Clerk of Surv. Richard Péân. Clerk of Cheque, E. H. Tolfrey. MonTREAL. Store-keeper, Francis Siffon, eſq. Clerk of Checque, Wm. Alcock. KINGSTON, (Upper Canada, ) Store-keeper, James Wilkie, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, Thomas Gardiner. HALIFAx. - Store-keeper, George Barron, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, J. Mudge. | Store-keeper at Annapolis Royal, James Fraſer, eſq. NEw BRUN swic. - -Store-keeper, Robert Parker, eſq. | Clerk of Cheque, W. Scovilſ. ST. Joh N’s, Newfound LAND, Store-keeper, j. Terrington, eſq. Clerk of Cheque, John E. Hurrell. CAPE of Good Hope. - Store-keeper, William Gribble, eſq. Clerk of Survey, W. Lawſon. Clerk of Cheque, B. Grayſon. Clerk of Cheque at Simon s Town, T. Caffyn, - CEY Lon. Stare-keeper, John Meade. , Clerk of Survey, J. O. Tibeaudo. Clerk of Cheque, R. O. Tibeaudo. Clerk of Cheque at Point-de-Galle, Richard Rogers. TRincoma Lee. Clerk of Cheque, G. Thompſon. Store-keeper, S. Waring. Ion 1 AN Islands. Store-keeper, Henry Langley. *. Clerk of Cheque, George Wakefield. • ‘ Military Branch of the ORDNANCE. CoRPs of Roy AL ENGINEERs. Colonel in Chief, tº Gen. E. Mülgrave. Colonel en Second, Lt.-Gen. Sir Hel- debrand Oakes, bt. * Colonels Cominandant, Gen. 'Morſe, Lieut.-Gen. Gother Mann, Lieut. Gen. Wm. Twiſs, Maj. Gen. Wm. Fyers, Maj. Gen. Wm. Johnſton. - Colonels, Rt.D’Arcy, Sam.T.Dickens, John Rowley, Aug. De Butts, Sir *. # Rob. H Alexander Bryce, Rob. Pilkington, H. Evatt, Wm. H. Ford. Lieut.-Colonels, Sir Howard Elphin- ſtone, bart. Elias Durnford, Geo. Whitmore, Frederick Thackaray, Henry A. Morſehead, Jn. F. Birch, Stephen R. Chapman, J. Handfield, Guſ. Nicolls, Js. C. Smyth, Geo. J.andman, Corn. Mann, George … Wright, John Haſſard, Chas. Wm. Paſley, Henry Goldfinch, I. R. w :: 142 Arnold, J. T. Burgoyne, Benj. Marlow, John T. Jones. Inſpečfor-General of Fortifications, Lieut. Gen. Gother Mann. Deputy ditto, Col. John Rowley. Brigade-Major, Lt.Col. J. Handfield. Brigade Major of Royal Sappers and Miners, Capt. Rice Jones. Adjutant, Major William Reid. - C I N Q_U E Lord Warden, Chancellor, and Admiral, of the Cinque Ports, and Conſtable º Dover-Caſtle, w - #Earl of Liverpool, K. G. 3Oool. Lieutenant of DoverCaſtle, Lt. Col. George Jenkinſon. Dep. Lieut. Thomas Bateman Lane, eſq. - - cºf Deal-Caſtle, Lord Carrington. Lieut. of Ditto, George Stringer, eſq. Capt. of Walmer Caſtle, George J. P. Leith, eſq. Lieut. of Ditto, Edw. Thompſon, eſq. Captain of Sandown Caſtle, Military Draftſmen. Cinque Ports. ebelſea College. | John ** Paymaſters, Greenwood and Cox, Craig’s Court, - - Quarter Maſter, James Galloway. Commiſſary’s Department to the Field Train of Artillery in Great Britain. Direčfor General, Gen. A. Farrington. Chief Commandant, William Stace. ' Commiſſaries, E. Edwards, larat Smith. Paymaſter, John Wray, eſq. 11, Park Place, St. james's. . P O R. T. S. Lieut. of Ditto, John Bray, eſq. - Captain of Sandgate-Caſtle, Edward Knatchbull, eſq. • * Lieut. of Ditto, John Simmons, eſq. Captain of Moat’s Bulwark, Samuel Latham, eſq. Lieut. of Ditto, John Jeken, eſq. Captuin of Arcbclif. Fort, H. Ladd, eſq. Lieut. of Ditto, Wm Knocker, eſq. judge of the Admiralty-Court, .*Joſeph Phillimore, D.C.L. Regiſtrer of Dittv and Clerk of Dover- Caſtle, Thomas Pain, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. R. Kielſhaw. M. Poynter, eſq. A- ) Secretary, Joſeph Smith, eſq. The Roy AL Hospital at CHELSEA. Commiſſioners. The Great Officers of State. Military Offcers. Gov. ºGen. Right Hon. Sir David Dundas, bt. G. C. B. 5ool. Lieutenant-Gov. Gen. Samuel Hulſe, 4ool. . r - Maj. Lt. Col. Henry Le Blanc, 3ool. Adjutant, Capt. Geo. Acklom, lºcol. Aſſiſtant-adj. Capt. Roycraft. Treaſ. Paymaſter General of the Land- Forces for the Time being. Deputy, William Henry Spicer, eſq. Chaplains, Rev. Wm Haggitt, M.A. Rev. Rd Yates, B. D. 13 ol. each. Sec. and Reg. Richard Neave, eſq. Chief Clerk, Joſeph Lynn, eſq. 2d do. Rich. Revell, eſq. Senior Clerks, Euſt. Danby, Rob. Rice Lynn, eſqs. * junior Clerks, J. Stidolph, Geo, Lynn, Jn. Faſſon, Geo. G. Mitchell, Fras, H. Talman, Step. Moulton, Wm. A. Brigden, Rich, Orſmond, Chas. Danby, Jn. Lorrain, Hy. Blucke, Chas. Revell. - * * Agent and Paymaſter to the Out-Pen- ſtomers, Joſ. Smith, eſq. Chief Clerk, William Plaſted, eſq. 2d do. Robert Gwilt, eſq. Senior Clerks, Joſiah Ricketts, John Willisford, eſqs. junior Clerks, Jas. Ricketts, Joſ. Leake, Jn. Holiday, Geo. Wynne, Wm. Hankins, Jn. Clarke, Joſ. Mum- ford, Wm. Everett, Wm. Hemmings, Edw. Daniel, and Geo. Chance. Magiſtrate to atteſ; the Invalids & Out- Penſioners, Fred. Matthews, eſq. | Phyſ. Benj. Moſeley, M.D. 3651, | Comptroller, John Heriot, eſq. | Steward, Valentine Fowler, eſq. Surgeon, Tho. Keate, eſq, Ioool. Deputy, John Leeds. . Aſſiſtant, John Hartſhorne. Apoth. William North, jun, eſq. 50l. Trºſs-maker, Thomas Ranby Reid. Houſekeeper, Mrs. Eliz. Dalrymple. Military Aſylum, and High Court of Chancery. 24; Whiffer, Mr. Charles Duke. | Clerk of the Works, John Soane, eſq. Organiſ, Miſs Margeret S. Robertſon. I Gardener, Mr. James Allen. wº- --m- Royal MILITARY ASYLUM, Chelſea. - Commandant, Lt.Col. Js Williamſon. I giaplain, Rev. George Clark, M.A. 6 &l : - ~ * 3;ol. - - Surgeon, Mr. Peter M*Gregor, 27.31, * 15s. ... • | 4|iffant, Mr. Robert Norris, 911. 5s. 3051. * . - 4dj. & Secretary, John Lugard, eſq. 1821, Ios., . . . . Sºgarter-Maſter, Joſeph Hill, 180l. raw-DEPARTMENT. High Court of CHAN cery. |*:::::::: Mr. Pick. Lord High Chancellor, ‘ī swilliam Courtenay, eſq. & Lord Eldon. . . | Principal Clerk, Mr. Stanley. Mafter or Keeper of the Rolls, | Copying Clerk, Mr. Hewlett. --- * Right Hon. Sir Wm. Grant, knt. Clerk of the Public Office, Mr. Hewlings Vice-Chancellory | Meſſenger, Thomas Paine. #Sir Thomas Plumer, knt. - - -*— sia.sº General, 'Clerk f Crown, #Earl Bathurſt. Chief Clerk, Mr. Parkinſon. | Pºpºy, Th9, Raſhleigh, eſq. , Clerks, Meſſrs. Robins, Ward. Bailey, . £ºrk, Mr. Benj. Pointer. f Parkinſon, jun. Kitſon, Bacon, #d Slerk, Mr. Thomas Jackſon. Crown-Öffice. oº:: Crawford. ! | Six CLER ks Office. Maſters in Chancery; 1991. 6ck.W. Luthersewell, in Kiplin . office t? Southampton-buildings. : Walden H. Hamme. |. §: *Sir John Simeon, bt. - | A. Johnſon, E. V. Utterſon, eſqrs. Principal Clerk, Mr. Alderſon. T. Sworne Clerks. t copying-clerk, Mr. Oſborn. - In Mr. Sewell's Diviſion, John Campbell, eſ; ten. J. G. Shaddicks, John, Shaddick, Principal Clirº, Mr. Pake, ºn | * Rob.study, Tho' Hill Moºn. Copying-clerk, Mr. Drake, jun: . In Mr Kipling’s Diviſion, Francis Paul Stratford, eſq. S. Bowyer, Henry Barton, Jn Spry. Principal Clerk, Mr. Kenſit. Smith, Jn. Fraſer, Tho. G. Smith. Copying-Clerk, Mr.William. in #3, Hammº, Bijon," john Springett Harvey, eſq., John Cottrell, Darcy Tancred, Gee. Principal Glers, MA. Pugh. * ...r Jackſon. Copying-Clerk, Mr. Bray. . . . . In Mr. Veſey's Diviſion, Samuel Compton Cox, eſq. . Robert Wainewright, • Principal Clerk, Mu. Woodroffe. In Mr. johnſon's Diviſion, Copying-Clerk, Mr. Penn. - Edw. Horne. - Charles Thomſon, eſq. In Mr. Uiterſon's Diviſion, - Principal glºrs, Mr. Wilſon. John Radcliffe, Joſeph Bicknell, Copying Clerk, Mr. Davis: John Baines, Geo. Sturdy, Rich. William, Alexander, eſq. Mills, Criſp Van Heythuyſen. Principatºlºton. | Djº Kºper, wiii. Roberts. Copying-Clerk, Mr. Gill. --- --ee- ... James Stephen, eſq. . . Regist Ex-Orrice. Principal Clerk, M. Hornidge. f - Hereditary Regiſtrer, - Copying-Clerk, Mr. Cree. | Duke of St. Alban's. • ‘a . Joſeph Jekyll, eſq. Lord Chancelor’s Regiſtrers, Principal Clerk, Mr. Hough. - Jº Crofts and The. Walker, eſqrı. 242 * High Court of Chancery. . Maſter of the Rolls Regiſtrers, Thomas A. Raynsford, and Henry Burrows, eſqrs. *- - Entering Regiſfirers, F. B. Bedwell, and Jas. C. Fry, eſqrs. Agents to the Entering Regiſtrers. james Dick and John Reid, gents. Clerk of Exceptions, and Stationer, James Bird, gent. . . . Bag-bearer to the Regiſłrers, Mr. Rob. J. Pym. - REpoR T-Office. . . Robert Martin Leake, eſq. Wm. Lawſon, Wm . White, Thomas * Mafter, Clerks, R.T. Abbot, Lampert, J. W. Banks. - HANAPER-Office. Truſtees, Jn Tho. Batt, and Hen. Wilmot, eſqrs. Deputies, Ja: Seton, and Ja. Garden. Seton, eſqs. g ->TALIENation-Office. Valentine cºmmiſſioners, Geo. Courthorpe, eſq. f. th, eſq.Hon. J. F. Stanhope. Jn Smi Receiver-General. *#Rt hon. Geo. Canning. - - 49eputy, Charles Dodd, eſq. - Maſter in Chancery, Cha. Flood, eſq. Clerks, R. B. Dean, Edward Cook. toffice-keeper. D. Williams. - • TD; spensation-Office. Clerk, George Humphrys and J 'Humphrys, eſqrs. - Dep. George Humphrys, eſq. oſiah * Tecosº-Office, Tower. Reeper, Sam. Lyſons, eſq. F A.S. Deputy, Wm Illingworth, eſq. F.A.S. chief Clerks, Mr. John Hickin, Mr. Jn Bayley, 3d Cl, Mr. Samuel Hoole. Record-Office, Rolls Chapel. Reefter, John Kipling eſq, F.A.S. Chief Clerk, Mr. John Davis. 2d Clerk, Mr. Thomas Palmer. 3d Clerk, Mr.Henry George Holden: Wardºñº Fºº Keeper fººt- minſter-ball, John Eyles, eſq. -—2–––––---~~~~ ExAMINER’s OFFICE. #xaminers, jn Nurſey Dancer, and Thomas Pierce, eſqs. Sworn Copying Clerks, Chs. Abbott Dancer, and Charles F. Spratlin, | : James Sayer, eſq. | Secretary of P Clerks of the Petty Bag, . Philip Parry, Laurence Dunn, John Bentall, eſqrs. - Deputy, Mr. Francis Abbott. Patentee of the Subpoena- Office, | William Courtenay, eſq. His Clerk, Wm Hardiſty. Receiver of the Sixpenny-Writ Office, * Deputy, Peter. Sykes. Chaff Wax, Walter Pye, an Buller, eſqrs. . Deputy, Thomas Hand. Sealer, Robert Hand, eſq. Deputy, Thomas Hand. d Wm. Preſentations, Richard Burdon, eſq. Clerk of Preſentations, Lord Thurlow. • Deputy, William Welch, eſq. Protbonotary, Tho. Thurlow, e ſq. Clerk, Mr. Thomas Carr. • Commiſſioners of BANKRuPTs. - Firſt Liſt. . . William Gould, eſq. 39, George-ſtreet, Portman-ſquare, *Hon. James Abercrom coln’s-inn Old Square. William Wingfield, eſq. 21, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. - John Turner, eſq. 49, Wimpole-ſtreet. William Thomas Roe, eſq. No. 7, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. Second Liſt. | John France, eſq, Io, Crown-Office Rºw, Temple. . - - John Mitford, eſq. Chapel-ſtairs, Lin- coln’s Inn. . . .” * *William Horne, eſq. I Lincoln’s Inn. * , Geo. Story, eſq. 6, F. C. Parry, Creſcent. by, 8, Lin- o,old star, Southampton-build. eſq. 19, Brompton- ..Third Liſt. * Burton Morice, eſq. Palace-court, Scotland-ºard. William Elias Taunton, eſq. N. 50, Chancery Lang, William Roberts, e. inn, New Square. Richard Burdon Saunderſon, eſq. 13, Montague-ſtreet, Ruffelſguare. - $ ſº. 2, Lincoln’s- ^. • - 243. High Court of chantry. Hon. Wm. Henry John Scott, 5, Lin- coln’s-Inn New ſºuare. Fourth Liſt. Henry Revell Reynolds, eſq. N. 8, Bedford-row. . Robert Joſeph Chambers, eſq. Union- Hall. ~ - - - Wm. Conant, eſq. 11, Portland place. - Joſeph Hickey, eſq. 14, Argyle-ſtreet, Richard Richards, eſq. 1, Old Square, Ilincoln’s-inn. - - $ Fifth Liſt. : John Reeves, eſq. N. 18, Dukeºffreet, Weſtminſter. - - - Richard Wooddeſon,eſq.D.C.L. N. 12, New Boſwell-court. - Archibald- Cullen, eſq. N. 23, Lin- coln’s-inn Old Square. - Richard Wilſon, eſq. N. 47, Lin- coln’s-inn Fields. - George Nigel Edwards, eſq., N. 17, Mitre-Court-buildings. r Sixth Liſt. Edward Chriſtian, eſq. B.C.L. Field Court, Gray's Inn. Robert Talbot, eſq. Dartford. . . - Francis Veſey, eſq. N. 33, Brompton- A Qºº), t Spencer Richard James Lewin, eſq. 19, Old-ſquare, Lincoln’s-inn. . . . Charles Edward Grey, eſq. N. 9, King's Bench Walk, Temple. - Seventh Liſt. ... - ...” Henry Stebbing, eſq. 41, Brompton- 7°0′U. John Beauclerk, eſq. 26, Bolton- .. ſtreet, Piccadilly. - * Henry Wrotteſley, eſq., N. Io, Lim- - - enry ey, el q IG); Lin | John Bowles, eſq. N. 55, Old Broad- coln’s-inn New Square. Jeffries Spranger, eſq. 13, Lincoln’s- inn Old Square, William Paley, eſq. 2, Eſſex-court, Temple. . . . w \ Eighth Liſt. \ Nathaniel C. * New-ſ. Lincoln’s-inn. William John Law, eſq. N. 19, Lin- coln’s-inn Old Square. . . " William Welfitt, eſq. N. 21, Square, Lincoln's Inn. .N. 4, Stone-caſtle, - Čayton, eſq. N. 3, John Penſam, eſq. Serjeants’-inn, Fleet-ſtreet. - - º Hon. Fred. Eden, N, 4, King’s Bench. Ža/k. - Ninth Liſt. . . º James Trebeck, eſq. N. 30, Green- ſtreet, Groſvenor-ſquare. . James Seton, gent. Adams'-court, Old Broad-ſtreet. . . . John Sam. Hudſon, eſq. 12, Harcourt- buildings, Temple. , - William Owen, eſq. N. 19, Old . Syuare, Lincoln’s Inn. | Edward Groſe Smith, eſq. N.4, Fins- bury-square. Tenth Liſt, -- Thomas Evance, eſq., N. Io, Walcer- place, Lambeth. Walter Pye, eſq. ſtreet. - Philip Neve, eſq. N. 17, Furnival’s. Inn. - William Randall, eſq. Terrace, Kentiſh. Town. Alexander Johnſon, eſq. N. T., Brick- * I4, Carmarthen- court, Temple. Eleventh Liſt. -- Andrew Hudleſton, eſq. N. 2, Gray’s- inn Square. : - Peter Johnſton, eſ: N. 11, Somerſet- /treet, fortman-ſquare. Hen. Hall, eſq. N. 6 3, iambº-conduit Street. | Baſil Montagu, eſq. N. 10, New- ſquare, Lincoln’s-Inn. & Thomas Meggiſon, jun, eſq. N. 1, , Eſſex-court, Temple. - Twelfth Liſt. : John Calthorpe Gough, eſq. N. 9, Lincoln’s-inn New Jquare. - ſtreet. - - - *John Edmund Dowdeſwell, eſq. N. 2, Lincoln’s-inn New-ſpuare. • George Dale Collinſon, eſq. N. 24, Old-ſºuare, Lincoln's Inn. - . Peter Still, eſq. N. 5, Lincoln’s- inn New Square. - Thirteenth Liſt. | George Daniel Harvey, eſq. More Old. - w v. tague-ſtreet. X 2. 2.44 - -- High Court of chancery. Joſeph Yates, eſq. N. 68, Park- - ſtreet, Groſvenor-ſuare. - Ceorge Roots, eſq. N. 20, Lincoln’s- inn Old Square. Chriſ. Puller, eſq. 8, old-ſuare, £incoln’s-inn. - Francis Croſs, eſq. 19, Old-ſºuare, Lincoln’s-Inn. Fourteenth Liſt. Giffin, Wilſon, eſq. Lincoln’s-Inn Fields. • Archibald Elijah Impey, eſq. N. 9, Guilford-ſtreet. - Montague Farrer Ainſlie, eſq. 2, Gray’s-Inn-ſquare. . William Williers Surtees, eſq. N. 11, King’s Bench Malks, Temple. Robert Grant, eſq. 4o, Ruſſell-ſuare. Mess ENGER s to the Commiſſioners of Bankruptcy. - * Henry Page, 8, Southampton-buildings. John Ridley, 2, Baptiſt Chambers. John Trinder Nixon, 35, Southampton- buildings. . . . - John Billing, 6, £uality Court. John Wright, 9, Quality Court. Stephen Long, 16, Southampton-build. Chas. Cutten, 32, Southampton-build. Tam-Quam Commiſſioners. Thomas Evance, eſq. N. Io, Walcot- place. . . . - Charles Cotton, eſq Gough-ſºuare. Philip Neve, eſq. 17, Furnivals-inn. Patentee for making out Commiſſions - of Bankruptcy. # Lord. Thurlow. . . Dep. Joſeph Doring, eſq. Clerk, Mr. Smith. Inrollment-office, and Office for inroll- ing Annuities. (Chancery-lane.) Clerks. The Six Clerks in Chancery, and Three Clerks of the Petty Bag. Senior Sworne Clerk, Edw.Hanmer, eſq. junior ditto, John Mitford, eſq. Clerk of Inrollments of Proceedings under Commiſſions ºf Bankrupt, Hen. Edw. || Church, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Charles Elley. Portugal-ſtreet, - Clerk of the Cuſtodies of Idiots and . Lunatics, Edward Thurlow, eſq. Deputy, Cha. Hen. Talbot, eſq. Chief Clerk, Mr. Edw. Goddard. Clerk of the Briefs, George Humphrys, eſq. . . Clerk of the Letters Patent, Valentine Hen. Wilmot, eſq. Def uty, Mr. James Seton. | Examiner, And. Hudleſton, eſq. Corporation of Cu Rs1 toRs. . Principal, Richard S. Appleyard, eſq. Aſſiſtants, John Vernon, Edw. Dod, e1Q.S. * Curſitors, Thos. Lloyd, Jegon' Wellard, Rt. Nuthall, Craven Ord, Robert Talbot, Philip Parry, Thos. Walker, Geo. Allen, Rd. Jackſon, *Tho. Phillips Lamb, *Henry Wrotteſley, Wm. Ran- dall, John Halket, Rd. Wilſon, John Penſam, Wm. Villiers Surtees, Ja. Sayer, Tho. Jones, John Bellamy, Thos. Carr, and Will. Welfit, eſqs. . . - Bag-bearer, Wm. Baſs. - ---— --smººr LoRD CHANcellor’s Officers. . Principal Secretary, James Farrar, eſq. | Gentleman of the Chamber and Purſe- bearer, Mr. Thomas Hand. Secretary of Bankrupts, John Penſam, eſq. . . . . . . Dep. Sec. H. Edw. Church, eſq. Clerks, Mr. Charles Elley, Mr. John Charnock, and Mr. Tho. Holms Smith. + . - Secretary to the Preſentations, John Dyneley, eſq. | Sealer in Chancery, Mr. Robert Hand. Secretary of the Comm. of Peace, John Penſam, eſq. . • . Secretary of Lunatics, Thomas Carr, eſq. . Deputy, Edward Goddard, eſq. Commiſſioners of Lunatics, Tho, Evance, Abraham Moore, Wm. Welfitt, John Weir, and Wm. Phillimore, eſqrs. & Receiver of the Fines, Hon. William Henry Scott, Court of King's Bench. 245 Officers To THE MAs TER of . the Rolls. • Chief Secretary, B. Jonath. Broad, eſq. Under-Secretary and Sec. of Cauſes, Charles Knight Mufray, eſq. Gentlemen of the Chamber, Mr. Broad, Mr. L. Dunn. ~ * Train-béarer, Mr. L. Dunn. * Uſher of the Court, Richard Critchettº eſq Deputy-Uſher, Tipſaf, John Davies, gent. Uſher of the Hall, Tho. Jackſon: Porter, Hugh Newmax. Court-Keepers, Hugh Newman & James. Baker. Secretary of Decrees, Injunctions, and * Appeals, Hon. William Henry Scott. Secretary of the Briefs, John Nares, eſq. .* Serjeant at Arms, William Watſon, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Wm. Butt, Middle Tem- ple Lane. Meſſenger, or Purſuivant. Deputy, Mr. Jn. Barber, 43, Quality- Court. Uſher of the Hall, Mr. John Ridley. Grier of the Court of Chancer tº: * of C. y; Court-Keeper, Thomas Lewis. Poor-Keeper, James Hooper. Tipſaſ, Thomas Allen. Running-Porter, John Torkington. | Vice-CHANc E L Lor's OFFICERs. . Secretary, William Turton, eſq. Train-bearer, Mr. James,Hooper- Uſher, Mr. Corlett. * Court fºr RELIEF of INsolvent DEBTORS. Cºmmiſſioner, Cha. Runnington, eſq. Aſſiſtant, Mr. Wm. Harriſkine, 'Self, at Law. * , Proviſioual Affignee, Mr. Joſ. Jayes. Chief Clerka Romaine W. Clarkſon: 3Receiver, Mr. Wm. Ciarkſon. eſq. 9, Eſſex. Street. Court of KING's B E N C H. Lord Chief juſtice and judges, #Lord Ellenborough, 4oool. Sir John Bayley, knt. -* * Sir Charles Abbott, knt. Sir George Sowley Holroyd, knt. 3oool; a Year each. cRow N side, The King’s Coroner or Attorney, Ed- mund Henry Luſhington, eſq. Secondary, Henry Barlow, e1g. Clerk of the Rules, Henry Dealtry, eſq. Examiner and Calender-Keeper, Wm. Bélt, eſq. - Clerks in Court, Robert Belt, Gabriel: Lepipre, Hy, Dealtree, Hy. Bar- low, Benj. Burnet, Wm. Saml. Jones, Wm. Belt, Peregrine Deal: try, Chs. Fr. Robinſon, eſqrs, P.I., E AS SID E. Chief Clerks, *Hon. Edward Law, and Oſborn Markham, eſq. Secondaries, Thomas Le Blanc, \ eſq. * Marſhal of the King’s Bench Priſon, William Jones, eſq. * Clerk of the Rules Charles Short, eſq.- Affiftamt, Mr. Samuel Card. Clerks oftbe Papers, Samuel and Joſhua Platt, eſqrs. Clerk of the Papers of the King's-Bench Priſºn, s Clerk of the Day-Ritles, ---Hill, eſq. Affiant. B. E. Brooſhoof. Clerk of the Dockets, Commitments, and Satisfactions, William Prevoſt, eſq. Deputy, John Clarke. Clerk of the Declarations, Rt Foſter, eſq. pº, L. Maddocks, eſq. , Clerk of the Common Balls, Poſłeas, drid * Effreats, Richard Smith, eſq. Signers of the Writs, Wm Prevoſt, and Thomas Chambré, eſqrs, X 3 246 Courts of King's Bench and Common Pheas. Signer of the Bills of Middleſex, —Pyke, eſq. Cuſtodes Brevium, Lord Kenyon, Hon. H. Law. r- Clerks of the Nift Prius, Hon. C. E. Law, and Job Walden Hammer, eſq. Clerk of the Inner Treaſury, Tho. mas White, eſq. Clerk of the Outer Treaſury, Andrew Edge, eſq. Filaſer, Exigenter, and Clerk ºf the Outlawries, (Office in the Inner Temple,) Hon. Thomas Kenyon. Deputy, John Yates. Filaſer for Eſſex and Monmouthſhire, * Mr. Andrew Edge. Clerk of the Errors, Rich. Smith, eſq. Marſhal and Aſſociate to the Chief juſ- tice, Hon. Ewald Law. Deputy, William Jones, eſq. Dep.-Marſhal, Rt. Clarke. Train-bearer, Mr. Thomas Prince. Clerk of Niſi Prius in London and Middleſex, Hon. Chas. Law. Crier at Niſi Prius in London and Mid- dleſex, Richard Smith, eſq. Receiver-General of the Profits of the Seals in the King’s-Bench and Common Pleas, Duke of Grafton Deputy, Jas. Poole, eſq. | Sealer, John Pimlott. Clerk to the L. C. j. T. Platt, eſq. Crier and Uſher, Wm. Green, eſq. Deputy-Uſhers, Mr. Hewell and Mr. Sayer. pº. Criers, Mr. Harris, Mr. Green. Tipſtaf to the Lord Chief juſtice, Mr. Thomas Prince. To the other judges, Mr. Belcher, Mr. Stone, Mr. Yewd. Bag-bearer, John Mitchell.- Court of common PLEAs, (215) Chief juſtice and judges, # Rt hon. Sir Vicary Gibbs, knt. - F.S.A. 35ool. Sir Robert Dallas, kt. Sir James Allan Park, knt. Sir James Burrough, knt. Office of Cuſtos Brevium, Hon. Louiſa Browning, Sir Pyers Moſtyn, bt. Sir Fred. Eden bt., and Joſeph Hankin, eſq. 5841. Deputy, George Humphrys, eſq. | Prothonotaries, George Woodroffe, Geo. Watlington, and Robert Ray, eſqrs. 3econdaries, Geo. Griffith, Tho. Lo- dington, Jonathan Hohnes, eſqrs. Clerk of the judgements, Richard Bremridge, eſq. Clerk of Dockets & Declarations, Thomas Sherwood, eſq. Clerk of the Recoveries, Wm. Suffiell, eſq. Clerk of the Treaſury, Thomas Jeffereys, eſq. , Treaſury-keeper, Mr. Rt Watſon. Weputy, Wm. Danieh. Clerk of the gºat, *Wm. V. Surtees, eſq. - Clerk of the Warrants, Keene Fitzgerald, eſq. 2) puty, Mr. James Edge. 4. Clerk of the Effins, Nic. Smith, eſq. ". Clerk of the juries, Sir Tho. Turton, bt. executed at the Chief juſtice's Chambers. Deputy, Mr. Jefferies. - Clerk of the Inrollments, Mr.G. Suffell. Clerk of the King's Sikver office, Rev. Wm. Mansfield. Deputy, William Archer. Chirographers. George Colebrook, James Edwards Colebrooke, and Henry Thomas Colebrooke, eſqrs. Secondary & Regiſtrer, Jn. Welch, eſq. Exigenter, James Meddowcroft. Clerk of Aſſe, Home-Circuit, William Gould, Eſq. Deputy, Mr. Thos. Geo. Knapp. Midland-Circuit,R.Lowndes,eſq. 1801. Deputy, Mr J. Fred. Hilditch- t Norfolk Circuit, Harry Edgell, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Wm. Taylor. ! 0xford Circuit, Tho. Bellamy, eſq. , Deputy, Mr. Benj. Pugh. Northern Circuit, Peter Rigg, eſ. Northallerton. Agent, Mr. John Pownall, Staple Inn. hºſtern-Circuit, Thomas Chambre, eſq. 25ol. eputy, Abel Moyſey, eſq. Secondaries. Edward Taylor, eſq. David Burton Fowler, eſq. Sworne Clerks, Alex, Bennett, Craven Ord, Hutton court of Exc HE QUER." Wood, Wm. Bowyer, Wm. Gatty, Wm. Thompſon, eſqrs. Ld Treaſurer's Remembrancer, Snowdon Barne, eſq. Dep. Henry Playford, eſq. 1ſt Secondary, |John Kipling, eſq. 2d Secondary, and Filaſer. Jn. Matt. Grimwood, eſq. - Sworne Clerks, Wm Foxton, Henry Playford, Sam, Taylor. - Bag-bearer, John Wright. Clerk of the Errors in the £xchequer- Chamber, Harry Pdgell, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Wm. Poole. Hereditary Chief Uſher, John Walker Heneage, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Henry Tubb. Uſhers of the Court, James Wade, James, Hurſt, Rich. Guy, J. Davis, Cryer a - Morris, 243. Pipe-Office, and Exchequer Office of Pleas. - * Court-Keeper, J. B. Davis. Meffengers. -- Stephen Groombridge, Liſton George Keir, Robert Effington, Jon. Cope, Edw. Davies, E. S. Stephen- ſon. Marſhal of the Court of Exchequer, James Sayer, eſq., 13 ol. Deputy, Rob. Langley Appleyard, eſq. Foreign Appoſer, Jn Tekell, eſq. Dep. William Roberts, eſq. PIPE-OFFICE, Exchequer-office, Somerſet-Place. Clerk of the Pipe, *Lord Wm. Henry Cavendiſh Bentinck, 65 II. Deputies, Jonathan Kendal, and Cha. Hodges Ware, eſqs. | 1ſt Secondary, James Farrar, eſq, 2d Secondary, John Heaton, eſqs. Six Sworn Attorneys, Jas. Paine, John Wolfe, John Raper, Robert Preſton, Henry Burgh, and Cornelius Burgh, eſqrs. Clerk of the Eſtreats, William Gifford, eſq. Deputy, Thomas Farrar, eſq. Clerk of the Pleas, Deputy, John Day, eſq. ~ . Surveyor of the Green Wax, John Jenkinſon, eſq. Clerk ºf the Nichils, Rºbert Forſter, eſq. Sergeant at Arms, FIenry Brougham, oſq. Tipſaf, John Davis. $ * Board-Emd Clerks, * Joſeph Conder, John Pattiſon Pan- ton, eſqrs. Articled Clerks, Henry Raper, Joſ. Mullett, Wm. Henry Waldo, Joſ. Edwards, - Bag-bearer, Wm. Hy. Waldo, gent. CoMP TRol LER’s Of F1 ce. Comptroller, John Tekell, eſq. - Deputy-Comptroller, Tho. Farrar, eſq. Clerks, Henry Farrar, Tho. Pain- Clerk of the Pleas, William Stewart Roſe, eſq. Deputy, John Dax, eſq. Carey-ſtreet. Four Sworne Attorneys. Richard Edmunds, Senior Attorney and Secondary. Thomas Dax, Canterbury-row, New- - ington. Richard Collett, Chancery-lane. Benjamin Price, N. 9, Oid-ſquare. Each Swarne Attorney has four Side- Clerks in bis Diviſion. In Mr. Rd Edmunds’s Diviſion : Ralph Ellis, Curſitor-ſireet. * George Chilton, Chancery-lane. | George Edmunds, Chancery-lane. John Philpot, Red-lion-ſquare. ExcHEQUER OFFICE of PLEAs, Lincoln’s-inn old Buildings. Open from 9 till 2 o’Clock, and from 4 till 8 o’Clock. - In Mr. Thomas Dax’s Diviſion : . SpencerNewcome Meredith, Lincoln’s- Inn New Square. Edmund Walker, Chancery-lane. , John Elkins, N. 59, Newman-ſtreet. Thomas Adlington, Bedford-row. In Mr. Rich. Collett’s Diviſion: Kenrick Collett, 62, Chancery-lane. Robert Long, 9, Gray’s-Inn. - John Bridges, Red Lion-ſquare. * James Alexander, N. Io, New Inn. In Mr. Price’s Diviſion : Charles James, New Inn. Stephen Richards, Chancery-lane. Robert Baxter, Furnival’s Inn. Samuel Darke, Prince's-ſtreet, Red Lion-ſquare. - Bag-Bearer, Edward Dunn, Fleer fireet. - \ REGISTER of DEEDs in the County of Middleſex. Office in Bell-yard, Temple-bar. , Regiſłrers, Robt. Forfler, Keene Fitz- Deputies, gerald, Tho, Steele, Edward Han- mer, eſqrs. . . * Tho. Bodfield, and John Rigge, eſqrs. Chief Clerk, John Rigges .- *~ Welch juſtices, King's Counſel, and Duchy-Court of Lancaſter. 249 JUSTICES of the GRAND SESSIONS for the Counties in WALES. chºir, Mºntgomery, Flint, and Den- bi Rºſº), Chief juſtice, Jj Leach, eſq. Sec. juſ. William Draper Beſt, eſq. 4tt.-Gen. Sam. Y. Benyon, eſq. Brecon, Glamorgan, and Radnor. Firſt juſ. Abel Moyſey, eſq. Seº. 7'ſ. William Winkfield, eſq. 4tt.-Gen. John H. Allen, eſq. Cardigan, Pembroke, and Carmarthen, Fift jºuf. Samuel Heywood, eſq. Sec. 7uſ. John Balguy, eſq. . . 4tt.-Gen. William Owen, eſq. 4ngleſey, Carnarvon, and Merioneth. Firſt juſ. Hugh Leyceſter,eſq.D.C.L. Sec. juſ. William Kenrick, eſq. Att.-Gen. David Ellis, eſq. Protonotary of the Carmartben Circuit, Henry Mathias, eſq. 7ool; Chief juſtice of the Iſle of Ely, Sir Edward Chriſtian, knt. M.A. KING’s SERJEANTS AND COUNSEL. 4t. Gen. *Sir Samuel Shepherd, knt. Sol. Gen. *Sir Robert Gifford, knt. ićing's Ancient Serjeant, Sir Samuel Shepherd, knt. - King’s Serjeants. John Lens, eſq. William Draper Beſt, eſq. John Vaughan, eſq. Arthur Onſlow, eſq. King's Counſel. Francis Burton, ##Sir Arthur Pigot, knt. #Lord Glenbervie, Hugh Leyceſter, D.C.I.. tº Right hon. Nathaniel Bond. * Sir Samuel Romilly, knt. James Topping, Thomas Milles, + Joha Ton- blanque, *:::::...}. Francis Hargrave, tRhilip Dauncey, Ant. Hart, John Leach, “Henry Martin, Nathaniel Gooding Clarke, Charles Warren, “Jonathan Raine, James Scarlett, James. Trower, William Cooke, §: Bell, Samuel Yate Benyon, William Agar, tº Charles Wetherell, William Harriſon, John Gurney, Samuel Marryatt, eſqrs. Sir Robert Gifford, knt. - Serjeants at Law. Charles Runnington, Samuel Mar. ſhall, Samuel Heywood, Baker John Sellon, William Mackworth Praed; William Manley, Albert Pell, William Rough, Robert Henry Bloſſet, William Freere, John Singleton Copley, John Ber: nard Boſanquet, John Hullock, William Frith, eſqrs. Marked thus with + have Patents of Precedence. DUCHY-court of LANCASTER, Somerſet-place. Chancellor, #"Rt hon. Cha. Bathurſt 4ttorney-Gen. William Walton, eſq. King's Serg. Wm. Tho. Roe, eſq. King's Counſ. Robert Capper, and Wm Tho. Roe, eſqrs. Receiver-Gen. Wm. Fielding. eſq. 4uditors, J. W. Bramſton and John Mitford, eſqs. Clerk of the Council and Regiſłrer, Hon. George Villiers. Dep. Rob. John Harper, eſq. Sec. R. J. Harper, eſq. Clerks in Court in Cauſes, Mr. Har- per, Mr. Daviſon. Surveyor of Lands and Woods South ºf Trent, Hen, Jenkinſon Sayer eſq. Holbarn-court. y " Surveyor of Lands North of Trent, Mr. John Bower, of Smeethalls, near Ferrybridge, Torkſhire. Surveyor of Woods North of Trent. #*Rt. Hon. Jn Charles Villiers, Uſher, Mr. John Lack. Meſſenger, Mr Rich. Edwards. Receivers of the Rents. . Lancaſhire, Wm. Eccles, eſq. Terèſh. and Notts, Thomas Lack, eſq. Lincolnſh. Mr. John Parkinſon, jun. Bolingbroke. Leiceſterſh, & Northamptonſh. Mr.Freer, of Leiceſter. Staffordſhire, Tho. Lack, eſq. Monmºuthſhire, Duke of Beaufort. 250 Lancaſter and Durham Courts. Eſſex and Hertford, Mr. T. Hinckley, - Litchfield. Middl. H. J. Sayer, eſq. Hºlborn- (07/7't. - Derbyſhire, Arthur Hinckley, eſq. %. y, e1g Other Counties South of Trent, R. J. Harper, eſq. Somerſet-place. MAN or and LIBERTY of the SAvoy. Steward, Wm. Thos. Roe, eſq. Bailiff, Rob. J. Harper, eſq. Diputy Bailiff, Mr. Edwards. Savoy Ward. Burgeſ, John Reeves, eſq. Aſſiſtant, William Davis. S Church Ward. Burgeſs, John Burgeſs. Aſſiſtant, John Dean Paul, eſq. , Middle AWard. Burgeſs, Ed. Smith Foſs, eſq. - Affiftamt, Rich. Twining. * - Royal Ward. Burgeſs, Lancelot Burton, Affiftant, Will. M. Robinſon. Beadles, Thomas Gamby, Thomas Edmonds. -ā- county PALATINE of LANCASTER. *: Chancellor, ##Rthon. Cha. Bathurſt. I Pice-Chancellor, David Wm. Evans. elq. Sec. Robert J. Harper, eſq. 4ttorn. Gen. of the County, James Topping, eſq. King's Counſel, William Walton, eſq. M. F. A. Ainſlie, eſq. . Regiſłrer, Examiner, and Firſt Clerk, Wm Fielding. Deputy-Regiſłrer, Tho. Starkie Shut- tieworth, eſq. Seal-keeper, Jöſeph Seaton Aſpiden,eſq. Curſitors and Clerks of the Chancery, J. S. Aſpiden, John Grimſhaw, Thomas Wilſon, Nicolas Grim- ſhaw, and T.S.Shuttleworth, eſqrs. 4:ting Cuºſitor, N. Grimſhaw, eſq. Protonotary, ºf Right hon. John Charles Villiers. t; Deputy, William Croſs, eſq. Clerk of the Crown, J. T. Batt, eſq. Dep. Tho. S. Shuttleworth, eſq. sa-Trº--ºs- Court of Chancery. Chancellor, R. Hop. Williamſon, eſq. Att. Gen. James Topping, eſq. Solr. Gen. James Scarlett, efg. Curſtor, Hon. Geo. Barrington. Regiſtrar, Thos. H. Faber, eſq. Deputy Reg. Jn Gregſoº, gent. Dep. Curſitor, Henry Donkin, gent. Examiner in Chancery, Henry Donkin, gent. Clerk of the Crown, John W. Hays, gent. º Counſel, Wm. Hoar, James Loſh, Hen. Dickins, and R. C. Aſkew, eſqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Edward Deputy, Edw. Gorſt, eſq. Meſſenger, Mr. Wm. Webb CoMMIssion ERs of Affidavits, reſident in London. “ Thomas Blackſtock, Paper-build- ings, Temple. H. Blakelock, Serjeant's Inn, Fleetſ. James Edge, 9, Norfolk-ſtreet, Strand. Ralph Ellis, Chancery-lane. Philip Hurd, 7, King’s-bench Walk". Nathaniel Milne, Hare-court, Temple. John Hartley, N. 16, Red Lion-ſquare. Benj. Wells, Serjeant’s Inn. * $ohn James, Gray’s Inn-place. Nath. Atchiſon, 26, Auſtin Friars. Wm. Chippendale, 54, Gt. £geehºff. Tho. Wiggleſworth, 5, Gray's inn ſá. Cha. Clarke, 109, Chancery-lane. Tºdw. Cheſter, 3, Staple-inn. Wm. Cowburn, 5, Hare-court. Stephens. Wm. Makinſon, 3, Elm-court. Wm. Stevens, Sion College Gardens. county PALATINE of DURHAM. Court of Common Pleas, - judges, The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Durham for the time being, and the Juſtices of Aſſiſe. * Protonotary, Rev. Thomas Thurlow. Deputy, Thos. Wilkinſon, gent. Clerk of the Peace, Barrington Price, eſq. * Deputy, John Dunn, gent. -- Counſel, John Hullock, James Loſh, , C. Cookſon, C.Grey, N. Elliſon, and R. C. Aſkew, eſqrs. Courts of Chefter and the Marſhalſea. 251 V. * County-Court. * Sheriff, William Hutchinſon, eſq. Under-Sheriff, Richard Scruton, eſq. County Clerk, John Hodgſon, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Henry Donkin. Stew of the Halmotes, Hon. George Barrington. Clerk, Samuel Price, eſq. . Deputy, John Griffith, gent. Conſtable of Durham-Caſtle, Sir Thos. Clarges, bart. A- - F. Eccleſiaſtical Court. Picar-Gen. Sir S. Bernard, bt D.C.L - Begiſtrer, Wilkinſon Maxwell, eſq. Apparitor, - - Proctors, Meſſrs. Rob. Burrell, Peter B. Marſden, John Burrell. " fialnot-Courts. 1d Bridlingtonſhire, Barring- * Durham a d Bridlingtonſhire, Batring ton Price, eſq. Howdenſhire, Hon. J. Norton, Allertonſhire, Lord Grantley, Steward. All appointed by the Biſhop. Commiſſioners of Affidavits in London. Nathaniel Atcheſon, Auſtin-Friers. Wm Bell, 9, Bow-Church-yard. Ralph Blackiſton, Symond’s Inn. Ambroſe Caſtle, 17, Curſitor-ſtreet. Philip Hurd, 7, King's Bench Walks, Temple. J. Jopſon, 5, Caſtle-ſtreet, Holbourn. | Henry Lewis, 3, Staple-inn. -*. COUNTY-PALATINE of CHESTER. - Court of Exchequer." Chamberlain, Marq. of Cholmondeley. Pice-Chamb. Hugh Leyceſter, eſq. JBaron, Geo. Lane Blount, eſq. Dep. Stephen Leeke, eſq. Bailiff Itinerant, John Stevens. Deputy, Chas. Potts, eſq. - Filaſer, Chas. Hamilton, eſq. Seal-keeper, Chas. Potts, eſq. Court of Seſſion. Chief juſtice, John Leach, eſq. Second juſtice, Will. D. Best, eſq. Attorney-general, S. Y. Benyon, eſq. Prothonotory, S. Humphreys, eſq. Deputy, dº - Commiſſioners of Affidavits in London. Ralph Ellis, N. 43, Chancery-lane. Philip Hurd, 7, King's Bench Walks, Tcmple. Thomas Huxley, N, 3, Pump-court, Temple. Natha. Milne and Wm. Parry, N. 2, Hare-court, Temple. Tho. Orrell, N. 1, ºinſley-ſtreet. John Pownall, N. 8, Staple Inn. MARSHALSEA-court, and the court of the KING's PALACE at Weſtminſter. 16 Cha. II. Great Prothonotary's Office, 39, Chancery Lane. Scotland Yard. *. Style of the Court : The Court of the Lord the King, of the Palace of the King, at Weſtminſter. * Sittings every Friday. judges. Lord Steward of the Houſehold, #Mar- quis-of Cholmondeley, Knight - Marſhal, Sir James Bland Burges, bart, * Steward ofthecourt, BurtonMorice,eſq. Dep. Steward, Henry Revell Reynolds; eſq. - Prothanotary, Sir H. F. Campbell, K. C. B. - Peputy, Mr. Jn Churcher Hewlitt. Chaplain, Rev. A. W. Trollope, D.D. . . Four Counſel. ". James Agar, Benjamin Hart, Henry, Storks, Thomas Cowley, eſqrs. ' ' *. 4 Six Attorneys. Wrn Railton, Dobſon Willoughby, George Feild, Miles Williamſon, Edward Doleman, Edw. Try. Crier, Philip Pulſe, It is a Court of Record for the Trial of Perſonal Aétions to any amount, ariſing within the Circuit of twelve Miles from the Old Pakace at s Weſtminſter, except the City of London. The ſury are ſummoned in turn from within the aforeſaid , Circuit. w * The Court of the Lord Steward, | TREASURER, and CoMPTRoller of *- 252 Court of Weſtminſter and Lord-Lieutenants. “COURT of WESTMINSTER, the KING's Household. Created by the Stat. of 3 Hen VII. ch. F4. For the Trial of Felony by compaſſ. ing or conſpiring to kill the King, or any Lord or other of the King's Counſel. The Court of the Lord St EwARD of his MAJ Esty’s Housho LD, to be held before bim or in his abſence before the TREASURER and CompTRoller of H. M. Hous Hold, and the Steward of the MARSHAlsea, or before any two of them, whereof the STEwARD of the Marſhaſta to be one. Created by 33 Hen. VIII. ch. Iz. For Trial of all Treaſon, Miſprifions of Treaſon, Murder, Manſlaugh- _ter, Bloodſheds, and other mali- cious Strikings, by reaſon whereof blood is or ſhall be ſhed, againſt the King's Peace. Dean, Very Rev. John Ireland, D. D. High Steward, tº Wiſcount Sidmouth. Pep. Steward, Edward Robſon, eſq. High Bailif, Arthur Morris, eſq. Deputy-Bailif, Wm Tooke, eſq. St. Margaret's. Burgeſſes. John Abington, eſq. Mr. George Lytten Kier, Mr. Rt. Mann, Mr. Jn Jones. Affiftants, Mr. Harris, Mr. Henry Frederick Cooper, Mr. Wm. G. Mucklow, Mr. Wm. Bell. St. john's. Burgeſſes. Mr. T. Gayfere, Mr. J. Aſſiſtants. Mr. Walter Coffer, Mr. Tho. Boys. St. Martis’s. - Burgeſſet. Mr. Matt. Davies, Nath. Hadley, eſq. ! 4}#ants. Mr. Evan Williams, Mr. Edward Hadley. St. Anne's. - Burgeſſes. T. Dawes, eſq. Mr. James’ Newton. 4//fants, S. Bonnett, Mr. Bartholo- mew Dawes. St. james's. Burgeffes, John Willock, efa. Thomas Catherall. 4ffants, Rob. Johnſon, eſq. Samuel Jackſon. St. George's. Burgºſ, Mr. William Hurley. Affift. Mr. Joſeph Slack. St. Paul’s, Covent-Garden. Burgeſs, Mr. Joſeph Nutting. Aſſiſtant, Mr. Thomas Ovey. St. Clement’s. Burgeſs, Mr. John Ponten. nutty Office, Iſaac Phipps, eſq. Old Annuity Office. Firſt Affift. Clerk, M. L. Welch, eſq. Second ditto, Tontine Annuity Office. *irſt Aſſº. Clerk, Kenneth Courtenay, eſa. *. Second ditto, George Pepler, eſq. Third ditto, Hugh Debbieg, eſq. 44eſſengers, Henry Mance, G. H. Rowlands, John Tizzard. Four Tellers of the Receipts, &c. I. #Marquis Camden, K. G. IIis Deputy and 1ſt Clerk, James Bra- fier La Grange, Jn Wadman, J. Gimingham, jun. H. Smith, eſqrs. 2, #Earl Bathurſt. T Dep. & 1ſt Clk. Hon. W. Bathurſt. S. Wilde, C. Barton, Hen. Blunt, S., F.T. Wilde, eſqrs. 3. #"Rt hon. Charles P. Yorke. Pºp. Q. W. Manningham, eſq. W. Blakemore, Joſ. Francis Beſſy, Arthur Eden, J. J. Beauchamp, eſqrs. 4. Spencer Perceval, eſq. His Deputy and 1ſt Clerk, Robert Browne, eſq. - rº. J. Seeley, Thomas Perceval May- hew, C. Nottidge. eſqrs. Hon. John Rodney. tº From the Bank, Meſſrs. Andrew Ho- ºney, Wm Hall, J. Lincoln, gents. 42amey-Porters, A. Tem. Goodman, R. Rice, J. Stevens, J. Alderſon. Office-Keeper, John Sandford. * Porter to the Exch. Thomas Killick. Superintendants of Exchefuer-Watch, G. Rowlands, W. Dickons, 361, 1os. each. * TAL L Y-Cou RT. Chamberlains, Earl of Guildford, Mon- tague Burgoyne, eſq. Deputies, Robert Leet, Alex. Milne, and J. Browne, eſqrs. Tally-writer, E. J. Longley, eſq. , Aſſiſſant-Clerk, W. Charſley, eſq. ' Junior Clerk, R. J. Jennings, eſq. Clerk of the Introitus, C. Roberts, eſq. Tally-cutter, E. J. Longley, eſq. His Dep. Mr. W. Muller. Exchequer-Bill Pay-Office, 1794. Paymaſters, Edward Henry Nevinſon, H. Jadis, and W. C. Smyth, eſqrs. Compt, oller, Walter Pollard, eſq. Accomptant, William Waterfield, eſq., Clerks, Thomas Palethorp, Gilbert G. Blane, Wm. Ellis, Sam. J Wood, Philip Roe, David Simp- ſon, and A. G. Eagleton, eſqrs. Houſekeeper, Mrs. Elizabeth Maurice. Meſſenger and Office Keeper, Jekn Brooks. jº. OFFIce for Au DIT IN e the Public Accom PTs. (Somerſet-place, and Whiteball-place.) Commiſſioners, Chairman, Mr. Serjeant Praed. Sir Cha. Wm Rouſe Boughton, bart, Dawkins, eſq. John Sargent, eſq. John Anſtey, eſq. John Whiſhaw, eſq. Francis Perceval Eliot, eſq. Rich. Secretary, In Lewis Mallet, eſq. tº ** *...* r . . . * Audii and Tax-offte. ---. zº. *||ant. Sec. Racalcraft, eſq. . . . Cbief Inſpečfor, R. Whitcomb, eſq. Infºgółors, Robert Heathcote, John s Burſey, Frederic Leman Rogers, Acheſon Maxwell, Robert Mit- ford, Chriſtopher Bourcard, John Noble, George Matthias, John | Hoffay, and Lewis Gotlieb, En- gelbach, John Ruddick, eſqrs. Senior Examiners, William Clark, Cubittlightfoot, Edgeworth Moore, | William Knight, John George Pohlman, Charles Broughton, Jn. Gilbert, Thomas Theodore Camp- Bełł, Humphrey Repton, John Soady, John Finney, Wm. Black- | wood, Francis Tucker, John Wm. | 3ennett, Sam. Petrie, Baddeley Child, John Walker Vevers, Dan. Gibbon, Sam Wells, Archibald Dyer, Homer Snelgar, Wm. Bald win, Wm. Rix Beloe, Wm. Win- ſtanley. . . • *- junior Examiners, Geo. Potter, Thos. Arnold, Pet. Bicknell, Thos. Lan- phier, Wm. Middlecoat, Jn. Pugh, Joſeph Ede, John Hodſon, Jas. Ryland, Sam. Hazell Newell, Wil. liam Gibſon, Lionel Ducket Eliot, John Bazely Foſter, Theophilus Moon, Richard Wood, Edward Charles Eddrup, Richard Drake, Wm. Green, Joſ. Wm. Slatter, Jn. Burſey, jun. George Alex. Thomp- fan, George Marder, Char. Bulley. Steph. Francis Fax, Hen. Juſtice. 4ſſants, James. Smith, Edward Powell §. William Jekyl | Anſtey, William Buller, Charles Stow, William Henry Johnſon, William Andoe, Thomas Cock. erill, Charles Turbeville Eliot, Cha. Tompkins, Js Carthew, Wm. Henry Tizard, William Jones, John Malcolm, Charles Reid, Ro- bert Lewis Willoughby, Thomas | | Beſt, George Eaton, Wm. Stewart, i. Geo. Bagſter, Jn. Dyer Williams, George Martin Barnard, P. W. C. Harvey, William Mello, George Taylor, William Hanby, Alex. Foreign Tranſlators and Examiners, Henry De Traytorrens, David Ed- ward Williams, Alex. Scott. , • Minute Clerk and Clerk of the Fees, William Roſe Wulbier. Letter-Clerk and 1ſt Affiftamt to Se- cretary, John Morris. . . . . Clerk of the Requiſition-Department. Brooking Soady. . Clerk of the Inrollments, Downes. . - 1 Clerk of the Records, Jas, Prince Pollard. Deputy do. William Willcocks. Ledger-keeper of Inſuper-Accomptantsy. Joſeph Slatter. . . . . ‘. . Ledger-keeper of Impreſ: Accomptants, Thomas Hagger. At the Office in WHITE HALL-PLAcE, Secretary, William Walter, eſq. Minute-Clerk, John Taylor. Aſſiſtant Minute-Clerk, Thomas Sal burv. t C/erk ; Records, Henry Gooch. At the Office in-Som E R s ET-PLAck. Office-keeper, Samuel Tuttle. - Meſſengers, Edw. Baxter, Js Sprague, Samuel. Webb, John Brown, Johns Robertſon, Edward Cockell. Porter, William Golding. At the Office in WHITE HALL- , Houſe-keeper, Mary Brown. Office-keeper, . • . . . ." Meſſengers, John Edwards, Edward. Ladner. . . . . . . . . . . . Porter, William Wiggins. Tho. Richard uſ. - Pi. Ag E. • *. ! § | OFFICE of the AUDITOR. GENERAL: in Spain and Portugal... . : Auditor General, Rich. Dawkins, eſq., . Principal Inſpector, Chriſt. Bourcard, eſq. * * * q. – . . . . .” Inſpector, John Hoffay, eſq. Additiºnal Inſpector, A. Love and John Gilbert, eſqrs. -- | Clerks, George Duval, George Tatter, . Stephen. Vieu jeux, and James Smith. - .. |- A|ſiſtants, William J. Anſtey, Charles. Stow, Wm. Andoe, Charles Gil- bert, Wm. E. Green, and Wm. B. Llewellyn. - * ledge, Fraſer Bayne, - *. | Ledger Keeper, - Lewis Berthoud; - Y. 3, . A. - 258 officers of the Tax-ºffice, Mint, and Cuſtoms. - Tax-OFrice, Somerſet-Place. Commiſſioners, William Lowndes, Barne Barne, Henry Hodgſon, Thomas Davis Lamb, Gabriel . Tucker Steward, eſqrs. Secretary, Matthew Winter, eſq. - Firſt Department. Jnder-Sec. Solomon Treaſure, eſq. €lerks, Richard Groom, John Wills, Robert Tierney, Thomas Garnet, Hen. Hodgſon, jun. Hen. Platell. Second Department. *Inder-Sec. Benjamin Sayer, eſq. Clerks, Tobias Browne, Wm. Heynes, Edward Lulham,. Thomas Moore, William Garnett, Henry Hay. Solicitors, Frederick Booth and Hora- tio Leggatt, eſqrs. Meſſenger, E. F. Fearon. Houſekeeper, Elizabeth Fearon. wº Three Inſpeºfors-general, John Wil- liamſon, Joſeph Sabine, Robert Leigh, eſqs. * 67 Receivers General of Land, Aſ- ſeſſed, and Property, Taxes, 17 In- ſpectors of Taxes, 9 ſuperintending Surveyors for vacant Diſtricts, and 246 Reſident Surveyors. *** The Buſineſs of the Land Tax Regiſter Office is transferred from Lincoln's Ian Fields, to the Tax Office, Somerſet Place. Auditor of the Land-Revenue, Land-Tax, Aſſed Taxes, &c. White-ball. For the Counties of Lincoln, Notting- bam, Cheſter, and Derby.---déïing Auditor, Rd Gray, eſq. Auditors for all-the other Counties in England, - Sir William H. Cooper, bart, and F. Grey Cooper, eſq. . . Deputy, Richard Gray, eſq. Clerks, Wm. Hoſier, Jos. Salmon, Rt. Abbot, H. Brown, John Rud- len, Chas. Chriſtmas, Rd. Abbot. A&ting Auditor for the Principality of Wales, Palace-ycra, Albert Bad- ger, eſq. i . The KING’s MINT, (Tower-Hill, J Poé6. Žarden, Sir Walter J. James, bart. Dep. and Clerk, George Mott, zd Clerk, Edw. Eaſtland. Maſter and Worker, **Rt. Holi. Wm. Welleſley Pole. Dep. Mafter and Worker, James. W. Morriſon, eſq. aff Clerk, Robert Muſhet. 2d Clerk, Comptroller, John Tekell, eſq. Dep. Comptroller, John Barton, efg. Ring’s Affay-Maffer, R. Bingley, eſq. Åing's Clerk and Clerk of the Papers, , Wm Dickſon. Weigher and Teller, John Field. =- C US TO M-H O U SE, (Pro Tempore). Thames-Sweet. The Board and its ATT ENDANTs. - Commiſſioners, $ºbairnen, William Roe, eſq. and Francis Fownes Luttrell, eſq.f.C.L. John Buller, eſq. * Gloceſter Wilſon, eſq. F.R.S., John Williams, eſq. Surveyor of Meltings, Durell Stables. Clerk of the Irons, J. Lawſon, Maſter’s Aſſay Maſter, John M. Beck- with, eſq. Probationer-Aſſayer, N. Robinſon. Chief Engraver, Second do. Wm. Wyon. Provoſt of the Moneyers, J. Sage, Surveyor of the Money-Preſſes, John Cottington. Stamper of Žeights, J. Sage, Superintendant of Machinery, James Lawſon, eſq. Surveyor of Buildings, Rt Smirke,eſq. Solicitors, Vernon and Franklin. Bullion-Porter, John Kempe. | Office-keeper, Mary Wilſon. -m- Richard Betenſon Dean, eſq. Snowdon Barne, eſq. Henry Richmond, eſq. William Boothby, eſq. Secretary, George Delavaud, eſq.- Clerk of the Wºffern Ports D. Curling, eſq. • • , officers of the Cuſtom-baſe. 259 Clerk of the Northern Ports, S. B. Harriſon, eſq. Plantation-Clerk, H. Maclean, eſq. Principal Clerk, T. Whitmore, eſq. Clerk of the Minutes, J. Cuff, eſq. Aſſiſt. do. J. Ramſhaw, eſq. Whiteball Clerk, M. Dipnall. Other Clerks, R. Shipley, J. F. Ber- nard, C. Williams, J. J. Ripley, W. Dutton, A. Ewbank, J. Ram- fhaw, jun. J. R. Powell, J. Peace, M. Dipnall, jun. Wm. Maclean, A. L. Slatei, W. Laurie, W. P. Mauger, G. H. Wilcox, J. Mac- lean, H. G. Clyde, C. Claridge, G. Barne. Clerk of Bond-Office, C. Parker. Clerk of Petitions, J. H. Barnes. Affift. to do. W. Foote. Two Door-keepers & 6 Meſſengers. Houſekeeper, Miſs Kelly. Inſpešior of Plantation-Accompts, H. Davie, eſq. .dccomptant of the Petty Receipts, John Hall. Chief Clerk, J. S. Davies. t Surveyor of Buildings, David Laing, eſq. | OF FIc E R s for the LAw-Bus IN Ess. Solicitors for London and Weſtern Ports, Arthur Tyton, eſq.F.L.S. AVortb Ports, Wm. Earnſhaw, eſq. Bonds and Criminal Proſecutions, Robert Remmett, eſq. . Coaſt-Bonds, Samuel Thackeray, eſq. Cash IERs and PAY MASTERs, with their ſeveral Compt Roll ERs. Receiver General, Auguſtus Pechell, eſq. Aſſiſtant, Thos Youle. Firſt Clerk, Edward Beaumont, eſq. Firſt Paymaſter, John Cotman, eſq. Firſt Clk. in the Treaſury, Jn Ralph,eſq. Teller, George Franc. , Other Clerks, T. S. -Dibley, Tim. Lee, Jn Emmott, Jn Croxford, Jn Miller, Thos Linders, Thos. Noble, Corns Lee, Tim. Noble, Edward Beaumont. Huſband of the 4% per Ct. Plantation- Duty, Charles W. Cracroft, eſq. Compt. of ditto, Edward Bates, eſq. Clerk to the Huſband, C. Cracroft, jun. Superviſor of Receiver General's Re- ceipts and Payments, James Burrowes, eſq. Receiver of Fines and Forfeitures, James Wilde Dixon, eſq. Compt. in do. G. W. Paddon. Comptrollers and Examiners of General Accompts. Compt. Gen. Thomas Taylor, eſq. Chief Clerks, J. Frankiin, G. Ring. Inſpe&t. of Out Port Colleči. Accompts and Vouchers, W. Dickenſon, eſq. Chief Clerk, John Dickinſon. Clerks, Will. Tillman, John Hanger. Exam, of inferior, Officers Day-pay Bills, G. Penfold. Inſpeãors of Officers Condurf. Surveyors General, in London, James Earnſhaw, Charles Cullen, John Burgeſs, James Smyth, eſqrs. Chief Clerk, John Dally. Second ditto, Thomas Gale. Tbird ditto, F. de Veil Williams. Officers for Reeping Accompt reſpeciº- ing Trade. Inſpeš. General of Imports and Ex- ports, William Irving, eſq. Aſſiſtant, John Glover. Regiſlrer General of all trading Ships belonging to Great Britain, T. F. Willoughby, eſq. 4. Cbief Clerk, William Porter. Foreign-Buſineſs Department, Officers Inwards. Calle&for, Edward James Maſcall, eſq. Clerk of Ship-Entries, S. Welch, eſq. Affift. Thomas Tanner. Clerk of the Rates, John Lack, eſq. Receiver of Grand Receipt, H. Gardner, Receiver of Plantation-Duties, J. Dyer, eſq. - Rec. of Wine-Duties, Ch. Roberts, eſq. Clerk of the Certificates, George i. ſell Malcolm, eſq. Clerks, Henry Watts, James Gray, John Whitaker, Charles Ogilvy, Thomas Cope. £xaminer of Duties on Dry Goods, E. Dew, eſq. Examiner of hºine-Drties, J.Goldham, eſq. Examiners of Out-port Accompts, Id; Jas. Maſcall, eſq., Dyer Dew, eſq. Computer of Duties on Tea, Muſlims, and wbite,Calicoes, G. Maynard, eſq. Chief Clerk, Charles F. Wecks, 2nd do. G, H. Darley. 26o Officers of the Cuſtom-bowſ. Computer of Duties on unrated India | Goods, except the above. Renard Edw. Sims, eſq. Chief Clerk, W. H. Petch. 2nd do. Computer of Wine Duties, Lewis Howard, eſq. Clerk of the Warrants, E. H. Clark. Officers Outwards. Colle&ior, Tho. Willimott, eſq. 1ſt Aſſiſtant, Wm Reade, eſq. 2d Affſtant, John Dodſon, eſq. Receiver, Wm. Barraud. Uſher of the Long Room, 1ſt clerk, Edw. Wilkinſon, eſq. 2nd Clerk, Robt. Hughes. officers Inwards and Outwards. Comptroller Inwards, and Outwards, Fred. Thos. Walſh, eq. Aft, inwards, Boſw. Mddleton, eſq. Firſt Clerk, E.W. Rowel. Second Clerk, R. Ellis. Affift. Outwards, J. D. Hume, eſq. Firſt Clerk, John Brayſher. sº Second Clerk, J. Holden. Third Clerk, Frederic Brayſher. Surveyor inwards and outwards in the Port of London, John Silveſter, eſq. Aſſiſtant-Surveyor inwards, George Cooper, eſq. 1ſt Clk. Geo. Yeaman Blake. 2 d Clk. William Willimótt. Aſſiſtant-Surveyor cutwards, Rd. Fall. Ciężk, Thomas Greenſlade Whitmore. Additional Checks on the Foreign Buſineſs Inwards. g jerquers, Robert Greening, Thomas Ejuke, Cha. Green, Will, Wallop, Thos. Compton, eſqrs. Ch. Clks, Meſſ. Garnons, * bins, Haſeler, John Buck º Regiſtrer of Debentures, Henry Oxen- ford, eſq. g 1ſt Clerk, William Oxenford. 2d Clerk, James Smith. - . . " Waterſide Department, Officers - Inzwards. .. Principal Surveyor for the Weſt-India Docks, John Tilſtone, eſq. Comptrolling Surveyor, Thos. Burne »eſq. -Pr ;: Surveyor of the London Docks, Fred. Gibſon, eſq. ComptrollingSurveyor, W.Sawtell, eſq. ALauding, Surveyors, T. Harvey, T. Cramp, Ro- }~ Morris, J. Bellamy, T. Marſhalſ, R. Hodges, Wm Pulham, eſqrs. Clerk to Land. Surv. R. Spratt. 1 Mºffenger to ditto D. J. Morrice. 76 Landing-Waiters, viz. J. Harker, . Hawkins, H. R. Briſtow, G. Noake, J. Pulley, I. Rider, W. Manning, J. Forſter, W. Shaf: to, C, Darney, J. Manning, H. TXickinſon, J. Lampſon, J. Robi- ſon, S. Qlark, G. Tilitone, J. Crouch, R. Jones, W. Wride, P. Conſtable; T. Delacourt, Jackſon, T. H. Davis, T. L. Lechmere, I. Davies, A. Peters, T. Drinkwater, H. Godwin, . F. Wood, B. Granger, j. Wilkinſon, R. Govey, R. Read; J. Thomas, J. L. King, R. Alger, J. Beales, F. Hillas, J. Bezer, R. Chace, J. Weſtlake, J. Willſon, C. Hills, A. Roſs, S. Cartwright, C. Howgrave, R. Luda. gate, E. Lloyd, I. Shaw, W. Weſton, D. Vernon, J. Nancolas, J. Judge, W. Skelton, J. Bridge, J. G. Griffiths, S. Towſey, H. Faulkland, W. Campbell, John Chafy, Tho. Gray, Tho. Wrough- ton, John Pearce, Charles Dowd- ing, Patrick Dingwall, Richard Simpkin, H. Whytehead, John Pickering, J. Peace, T. Story, T. Young, H. T. Commins, W. S. Kendall, Philip Fennings, W. Southgate, Matthew Sturt. 5 Gaugers, viz, A. Fillan, T. Chal- dicott, J. Watts, J. Coldbeck, J. Lumley. -- Timber Meaſurers, Peter Murdoch, Henry Cook, George Croft, and William Cockſon Gilſon. 25 Weighing Porters. 40 Watchmen. Clerk of Cheque, William Wand... , Officers Outwards. - . Surveyors of the Searchers, F. An- , deſ don, and N. Saumarez, eſqrs. Searchers, ‘l hos. Croſs, Jos. S. Croſ- sley, Jas. Aheir, Wm. J. Albert, Wm. Drouet, Fred. Walſh, Charles Boyd, Jas. W. Weſton, Wm. Tucker; Neil Magvicar, Ed. Wil- ſon, J. Hames, W. Brown, eſqrs. Comptrolling - Searchers, Jn. Wolfe, Jos, Clarke, C. Norris, H. St. Jolin 3. H. * Collectors of the Cuſtoms in the Out Ports. 2 M. E. Sherwill, Francis Duval, Iſa ic Rice, Wm. Fowler, Tho. Atkinſon, W. Yeates, Alexander Forbes, George Parſons, eſqrs. SearcDers at Graveſend, G. Rich, Chas. Hriſcow, eſqrs. Comptrolling- Searcher at Graveſend, John Wade, eſq. Officers employed in the King's Wore- bouje. Surveyor, Peter Lock, cſq. Affift. Richard Eales, eſq. Warehouſe-keeper, G. G. Garmons. Officers employed in the Coal- Bºſineſs coaftºviſº, inwards. Colle&or, Richaid Harries, eſq. Comptroller, H. Biſhopp, eſq. €fficers employed in the Cºaſt-Buſineſs. Montroſe, Goddard. Union, Skinner. Pelham, Judd. Spencer, Weſtern. Liverpool, Davies. Uxbridge, Stevens. Chicheſter, Rogers. Between MILFoz D and WATER- F O R D. Sandwich, Potter. Auckland, Richards. Mansfield, Nuttall. { Leiceſter, Steele. Gozver, Grey. Freeling, Hughes. evenings. Camden, J. Nuttahl. Hinchinbrook, Quirk. TWOPENNY-POST. Ereğted, 1683; improved, 1794. ^ Chizy Officks, General Poſt-office Yard, Lombard-ſtreet, and Gerrard- Somptroller, Edward Johnſon, eſq. His Clerk, Thomas Bridges. Affift. 33. Wm. J. Maynard. -a, comptart, Cha. Freeman, eſq. Clerks, Wm. Collett, G. Quilton. Collečer, John William Ferguſon, eſq. Sub-Col. Charles Beloe, W. C. Wild, F. Blackſhaw. - Principal Clerks in Syrting Office, W. Harris, T's. Sumpter, G. Wiſe. 23|ſiſtant Clerks, J. Goſnell, R. Gorton, G. H. Helmore, H. Cromar, R. Smith, S. Bell, J. Hughes, J. Smith, W. Browning. &rters, G. Moſs, C. Tomlinſon, J. Oakley, G. Blink, E. Wells, P. Lamb, T. Reid, R. Bell, C. Bate, H. Ray, W. Palmer, — Baker. *--— STATIONERY-OFFICE, Middle Scotland-Yard, Wºffminſter, for the Public Departments of Government with Stationery. Comptroller, George Dickins, eſq. His Clerks, S. K. Parſon, T. H. Cleaver, William Wake. Caſhier, John Church, eſq. Clerks, John Ginger, Wm. J. Ginger. Storekeeper, ſtreet, • Soho. Letter-Bill Clerks, Tho. Sumpter, H. Cromar. f * Sub-Sorters, J Tyrell, J. Thomas, Wm Wood, Sam, Burt, T. Hodg- ſon, J. Pay e. º Stampers, T. j}owes, J. M*Andrew, Jn Ellis, G. Roberts, Wm. Plow- light, J. Powell, W. Powell, J. Baker. Inſpectors of Dead Letters, W. Harris, R. Smith, G. Helmore, C. Beloe. Detter Carricrs. 75 at 23s. a week. 225 at 20s. 3o at I Is. ſupplying Clerks, G. Sherlock, A., M. Beli- ſario, John Davis, Robert Fitz- gerald. • Order-Clerks, William Galliers, James James, Wm Wake, Sam. King. ! Wirehouſemen, Shepherd Hunt, Hugh *. Hackney Coach office.-Colonial Audit office. * ,263 Jullion, Will. Abbott, Robt. Lun- Parchment-Clerk, George Kent. die, and Henry Ebers. Receiving-Clerk, Joſeph Blades. i 44ffenger, Samuel Alder. Houſekeeper, Catharine Clerk. -ms- —w HACKNEY coach and HAWKERS OFFICE. (Effix-street.) Commiſſioners, Chas Wade Thornton, Edw. Jeſſe, Robert Willimott, Tho. Marrable, Edward Gwatkin, eſqrs. Receiver, Matt. Gent, eſq. Solicitor, Edward Donne, eſq. Regiſłrer, Matt. Gent, eſq. Firſ; Clerk, Jas Quaife. Second Clerk, Tho, Quaife, jun. Meſſengers, Jn French, Wm. Lewis, Thos. Quaife, ſen. Street-keepers, James Dean, Thomas Tuffery. Inſpeñors, Js Dobſon, Wm. Lorns, . Henry Smithers, Sam. Jewel, and Henry Irving. Sarveyor, James Quaife. Hoffekeeper, Rebecca Moore. HawkER’s DEPARTMENT. Riding Surveyors, Thos. Briggs, Jir Coupland, Jos Hughes Rann, Wm BurkitAllen, Rd Hawkins, Rt.Pint, Lanct. Morgan, Jn Elliſon Poole, Nich. Giles, Rd Hedgeman, Jn Adamſon, Geo. Score, Jn Thos. Bell, Wm Cunnington, Geo. Sams, William Hignett, Henry Bourne, John Dingle, Peter Whettenhall, and Samuel IIall. Town Surveyors, Thomas Williams, Thomas Goldfinch, Richard At- kinſon, and Alexander Smellie. By Aët Geo. III. the Commiſſioners are impowered to licenſe 11oo Hackney- Coachmen, and every Proprietor is to pay the weekly Sum of 5s to the Receiver at the Office every Month alſo, by Aćt 24 Geo. III. 5s. addi- tional Duty weekly. All owners, drivers, and watering-men, are appointed by the Commiſſioners, and under their controul. Yº- m-- Commiſſioners, E. H. Luſhington, eſq. and Hon. Edward Byng. Secretary, J. P. Kenſingto:), eſq. Minute Clerk, G. T. George, eſq. Aſſiſtant, Mr. T. Hay. Inſpectors, G. Panaris, G. W. Brande, eſqrs. Colonial AUDIT OFF1c E, james-freet, Buckingham Gate. Senior Examincrs, L. Gibſon, Otho W. Hara, iton, eſqrs. junior Examiners, G Egheback, Da- vid Lyons. Aſſiſtants, – Wright, —, Vardy, - Willan. - Office Keeper, J. Ellis. Meſſenger, T. Pike. ECCLESIASTICAL The College of Doctors of A DV OCATES • **Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, knt. D.C.L. F.R. & A.S. Official Principal of the Arches Court ºf | Canterbury, #. ... Or Commiſſary, of the Prerºgative Court of §3.4. Commiſſary of the beanries of the Arches ºf London, shoreham, and Croydon, and a Lord of Trade and Plantatiºni. DEPARTMENT. Law, incorporated in 1768. **Right Hon. Sir Wm Scott, knt. D. C. L. & F. R. S. judge of the High Court of Admiralty of England, Wicar General to the sIon-college, London-Wall, incorporated in 1630. - - Preſident, . Aſſiſtants, Robert Hamilton, D.D. Henry Budd, B.A. t Deans, Archdeacon Owen, M.A. Jämes Blenkarne, M.A. James Beckwith, M.A. Samuel Crowther, M.A. Lancelot Sharpe, M.A. FELLOWS are all the Incumbents of Pariſhes within the City and Liberties thereof. After the Incumbent’s name is ſet the annual value, (over and above glebes, gifts, and fees,) as fixed by Aët of Parliament in 1804, of thoſe Livings, 5o in number, where the Churches were rebuilt, after. the fire of London. - ‘. . + The Archbiſhop of Canterbury's thirteen Peculiars; r Rećtor; v Vicar. F. (P.) Served Preſidênt. - - 3. ‘d -- - - * A. * * * , tº St. Alban, Wood-fir, r. Edward James Beckwith, M.A. 233 6 8 Allhallows, Barking, v. Samuel Johaes Knight, D.D. - Allhallows, Bread-ſir. 44 (P.) r. William Morice, D.D. 233 6 .8. ...Allhallows, Lombardyſłr. 4. r. Walter Brown, M.A. 2OO o o Allhallows, London-Wall, r. - * , . Allhallows, Staining, Lancelot Sharpe, M.A. F.S.A. . Allhallows, Thames-ſtreet, r. Wm St. Andrew Vincent, M.A. 333 6 St. Alpbage, r. Robert Watts, M. A. " . 8 St. Andrew, Underſhaft, r. (P.) Wm Antrobus, B.D. St. Andrew, Wardrobe, r. Iſaac Saunders, M. A. - 233 6. 3 St. Anne, Alderſgate, r. (P.) John Hutchins, M.A. - 233 6 .8 St. Antholin, r. Richard Johnſon, B.A. - - - - , , - 200 °o o. St. Auſtin, (P.) r. Henry Fly, D.D. F. R. and A.S. - 286 - 13 4 St. Bartho. Exchange, r. Geórge Shepherd, M.A. gº zoo o o St. Benedići Finck, - - 2O6) O O St. Benedić, Gracechurch, 4 (P.) r. George Gaſkin, D.D. 233 6 8 St. Benedić, Paul's Wharf, r. Archd. Owen, M.A. 2do o O Chriſt-Church, v. Samuel Crowther, M.A. - ſº 333 6 8 St. Clement, Eaſtcheap, r. John Farrer, M.A. tº 233 6 8 St. Dionis Backchurch, 4 r. Dean of Windſor, D.D. dº 2OO ... O C. St. Dunſtan, Eaft, 4. r. Robert Heſketh, M.A. - 333 6 8 O G St. Edmund the King, r. (P.) Richard Lendon, M.A. - 3oo St. Ethelburga, r. William Parker, M.A. Sion-College. 279 St. George, Botolph-lane, r. John Pridden, M.A. F.A.S. - 3oo o St. Helen, v. James Blenkarne, M. A. - - St. james, Duke's place, (P.) Thomas. Moore, M.A. St. james, Garlic-hithe, r. Robert Stevens, M.A. - zoo o St. Katbarine Coleman, r. Thomas Horne, B.D. - - St. Katharine Cree, v. George Hodgſon, M.A. St. Laurence, jewry, v. Allation Burgh, M.A. - • 2 CC S) St. Magnus, London-bridge, Thomas Leigh, M.A. * 283 - 6 St. Margaret, Lothbury, r. John Banks Hollingworth, B.D. 366 13 S. Margaret Pattens, Rood-lane, r. Cha. Phelips, M.A. 2OO O St. Martin, Ludgate, r. Tiadal Thompſon Walmſley, B. D. 266 13 St. Martin, Outwich, r. (P.) John Roſe, D. D. St. Mary, Abchurch, r. James William Bellamy, M.A. • 2 O3 O St. Mary, Aldermanbury, r. James Thelwall Saluſbury, B.C.L. 25o o St. Mary, Aldermary, + r. Harry Briſtow Wilſon, B.D. 25O O St. Mary Le Bow, 4.4 r. Wm. Van Mildert, D.D. 333 6 St. Mary Hill, r. William Auguſtus Cane, M.A. - 333 6 St. Mary Mag. Old Fiſh-ſtreet, r. Richard Webb, M.A. 2OO O St. Mary Somerſet, r. Archdeacon Jones, D. D. - - - - 200 o St. Mary Woolnoth, Samuel Birch, M.A. - - - - - - 266 13 St. Matthew, Friday-ſtreet, (P.) r. G. Avery Hatch, M.A. 25o o St. Mchael, Baffſhºw, (P.) r. John Moore, B.C.L. - 22 o 18 St. Michael, Cornhill, (P.) r. Tho. Robert Wrench, M.A. 233 6 St. Michael, Crooked-lane, r. + Wim Whit. Dakins, D. C.L. F.S.A., zoo 40 St. Michael, Queenhitbe, r. Thomas Coombe, D.D. - 266 13 St. Michael Royal, College-bill, 4r. Geo. Fred, Louiſa Nicolay, M.A. 233 6 St. Michael, Wood-ſtreet, r. John Wilgreſs, D.D. * - zoo o' St. Mildred, Bread-ſtreet, r. John Crowther, M.A. - 216 13 St. Mildred, Poultry, Richard Crawley, M.A. • 283 6 St. Nicolas, Cleabby, r. John Mitchell, M.A. - • 2 16 13 St. Olave, Hart-ſtreet, r. Henry Butts Owen, D.D. . . - - St. Olave, jewey, y. Robert Hamilton, D. D. F.S.A. zoo o . St. Peter, Cornbill, r. Thoinas Roberts, M. A. s 2 oo o St. Peterie Poor, Broad-fireet, (P.) r. James Simpkinſon, M.A. St. Stephen, Coleman-ſtreet, v. Thomas Twigg. º --> 2CO - O St. Stephen Walbrook, r. Geo. Stepney Townley, M.A. 200 o' 6 St. Swithin, London-ſtone, 4. r. Henry George Watkins, M.A. 233 Sr. Wºdaft, Fºſter-lane, 4 r. Tindal Thompſon Walmſley, B.D. 266 1 ... 1 - Pariſhes without the Walls. St. Andrew, Holbourn, r. Thomas George Clare, B.D. . . . St. Bartbolomew the Great, Smithfield, r. John Richards Roberts, B.D. St. Barth, the Left, v. Samuel Wix, M.A. F.R.S. - St. Botolph, Alderſgate, r. Edmund Garden. St. Botolph, Aldgate, John Banks Hollingworth, B.D. St. Botolph, Biſhopſgate, r. Richard Mant, D.D. St. Bride, v. Thomas Clare, M. A. - - - - Bridewell-Précinéï, Chaplain, Henry Budd, B. A. Chriſt-church, Spitalfields, v. Weſt Wheldale, M. A. St. Dunſtan in the Weſt, v. Richard Lloyd, M. A. St. George the Martyr, Queen-ſºuare, r. John Lee Martyn, M.A. St. Giles, Cripplegate, v. William Holmes, M.A. St. james, Clerkenwell, Thomas Sheppard, M.A. . . St. john, Clerkenwell, r. Williamº Law Faulkner, B.A. -- 3. 2. ' - -s ºr - 200 $) • : : v" 28o Incumbents within Ten Miles of London, A. d -*. ** - • ‘3, &e St. Leonard, Shoreditch, v. Henry Plimley, M.A. - St Luke, Middleſex, r. Trefuſis Lovell, M.A. St. Mary, Whitechapel, r. Daniell Mathias, M A. . . . . " St. Sepulchre, v. R. Dickſon Shackleford, D.D. F.R. & A.S. 333, 6 3 frinity, in the Minories, (P.) Henry Fly, D.D. F.R.S. " . * Rev. Robert Watts, M.A. Librarian and Secretary, - Thomas Tilſon, eſq. Solicitor. * Incumbents of the Pariſhes within Ten Miles of London, with the ‘. . . Walaations ºf their Benefices in the King's Books. - *ēon, r. William Antrobus, B. l.). - - - - - - - 14 o & St. Anne, Wºffininſter, r. Roderick Macleod, D. D. - - - St. Anne, Middleſex, r. John Radcliffe, M.A. - 3arnes, r. John Jeffreys, M.A. - - - - - - - - - -9 3 4. Batterſea, v. Joſeph Allen, M.A. - - - - - - • I 3 15 2. Beckenbam, r. William Roſe, M.A. - * - Brentford, c. Sir Robert Peat, D.D. Bromley, Kent, r. Henry Smith, D.D. Fromley, Middleſex, c. William Haggitt, A.M. Camberwall, v. Edward Smyth, M.A. - - - - - - 20 # O © Carſhalton, v. William Roſe, M.A. • , sº ſº - 1 1 12 6 Charlton, Kent, r. Thomas Chamberlayne, M.A. º - Io. 7 8% Chelſea, v. Hon. Gerald Valerian Welleſley, D. D. -- - - 13 6 8 Chingford, r. Robert Lewis, M.A. - - - - - - - 14 § 5 Chiſwick, T. F. Bowerbank, M.A. - - - - - - 9 13 4 Chriſt-Church, Surrey, r. James H. Mapleton, B.C.L. Clapham, r. William Dealtry, B.D. & F.R.S. - - - - , 8 o' 10 St. Clement Dames, r. William Gurney, M.A. - - - - 52 7 I Croydon, v. John C. Lockwood, - - - - - - - - 21 18 3 Deptford, St. Nicolas, v. John Drake, D.D. - - - - - 12; 17 9 -—St. Paul, r. Charles Burney, D.D. F.R. & A.S. St. Dunſtan, Stepney, r. Thomas Barneby, D.D. - - - - 33 6 8 Ealing, v. Colſton Carr, B.C.L. - - - - - - - - - 13 6 8 . Eaſtham, Edward Willoughby, M.A. Edmonton, v. Dawſon Warren, M.A. - - - - - - - 18 o o Eltham, Kent, v. John Kenward Shaw Brooke, M.A. • 32, 8 o Enfield, v. Henry Porter, M.A. - - finebley, r. Ralph Worſley, M.A. - - - - 20 o e Fulham, v. William Wood, B.D. . . . . . . - St. George, Bloomſbury, r. Thomas Willis, D.C.L. . . . . St. George, Hanover-ſquare, r. 1) ean of Cheſter, D D. & F.R.S. St. George, Middleſex, r. Robert Farington, D. D. F.S.A. St. George, Southwark, r. John Buckland, B.D. - - - - 18 13 ) . St. Giles, Middleſex, r. Biſhop of Chicheſter. . - . Greenwich, v. George Mathew, M.A. - " - tº • 2. I Hampſtead, c. Samuel White, D.D. - - #lanwel, r. Herbert Randolph, B. D. - - - - - - - -20 Harrow, v. John W. Cunningham, M.A. - - - - 33 Hendon, v. Theodore Williams, M.A. - - - - -- flefton, v. Henry Trimmer, M.A. - - - - - - - - 11 Hornſey, r. Charles Sheppard, B.C.L. - - - - - - - 22 Iſleworth, v. William Heath, M.A. - - - - - - 18 St. %. Weſtminſter, r, Dean of Canterbury, D.D.F.S.A. bn, Horſelydºwn, r. William Jarvis Abdy, M.A. O © **. : 5 i i St. jo Incumbents within Ten Miles of London, 28t - - - * • $e d. St. john, Hackney, v. Archdeacon Watſon, D.D. - - - - #: o “o St. john, Wapping, r. John Parſons, D.D. . • . . . . . . Sr. john, Weſtminſter, r. Howel Holland Edwards, M.A. iſlington, v. George Strahan, D. D. - - - - - - - - 30 o o St. Katharine by the Tower, Mafter, — Brethren, George Fred. Louiſa Nicolay, M. A. Robert Baxter, D.D. - - Kenſington, v. Thomas Rennell, M.A., - - - - - - 18 8 4 Kew, v. Thomas Cope Marſham, M.A. - - . . . . Kingſton cum Richmond, r. Samuel Whitlock Gandy, M A. Lambeth, r. Chriſtopher Wordſworth, D.D. - - - - - 32 15 73. Lee; r. George Lock. tº <º ſº tº º jº - 3 II 8 Lewiſham, Y. Biſhop of Oxford - - - - - - - - - 23 19 z Leyton, v. Charles Laprimaudaye, M.A. - - - - - - - 7 12 o St. Mary-le-Bone, r. Archd. Heſlop, D.D. . + - - - St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondſey, r. Andrew Kirſteman, M.A. 15 8 11; St. Mary-le-Strand, r. James Edward Gambier, M.A. - - #3 8 4, St. Martin in the Fields, v. Archdeacon Pott, M.A. - - - iz o of St. Matthew, Bethnal-Green, r. Joſhua King, M. A. St. Margaret, Weſtminſter, r. Charles Fynes, D.C.L. “. Mitcham, v. L. D. Myers, M.A. - - - - - - - - - io o ºp Mortlake, v. Edward Owen, M.A. - Newvington-Buts, r. Arthur Cyril Onſlow, M.A. - - - 16. o o St. Olave, Southwark, r. William Greene, B.A. - - - 68 4 9 Paddington, r. Joſeph Pickering, M.A. 'St. Pancras, Middleſex, v. James Moore, L.L.B. 'St. Paul, Shadwel, r. Charles Webb Le Bas, M.A. St. Paul, Covent-Garden, r. Francis Randolph, D D, - • * St. Peter ad Pincula, Tower, r. William Coxe, M.A. - - - 18. 13 4. Poplar Chapel, Samuel Hoole, M.A. Putney, Richard L. B. Sandilands, M.A. . * Rotherbithe, r. John Short Hewett, M.A. - - - - - 18 o o' Savoy Precinči, r. — Hodſall, D. D. St. Saviour, Soutbwark, Chaplains, Wm. Mann, M.A. Wm. Harriſon, D.D. Stockwel Chapel, Preacher, – Prodger - Stoke-Newington, r. George Gaſkin, D. D. - - - - - - ro o o' Stratford-le-Bow, r. Hamlet Harriſon, B.D. *. . . . . #. Stretham, r. Herbert Hill, M.A. - - - - - - - - - 18 13 9. Temple, Maſter, Dean of Wincheſter, D.D. F.S.A. . . * St. Thomas, Southwark, Charles Hodgkin, M.A. . * ~ * w Tºoting, r. John Ravenhill, D.D. - - - - - - - - 3 8 6; Tottenham, y. Thomas Roberts, M.A. - - - - - - - I4 o o Twickenham, v. George Champagné, M.A. - - - - . It or o, Walthamſtow, v. Edward Conyers, D.D. - - ... - - 13 6 8 Tºſandſworth, V.R. H. Butcher, LL.B. - - - - - - 15 5 5 Wanſtead, r. William Gilly, M.A. - - - - - - - - - 6 1 3 9 Meffham, Hugh Chambers Jones, M.A. -...- : - - - - 39 & 4. Willeſdon, v. William Slarke, M.A. - - - - - - - 14 o os Wimbledon, r. Herbert Randolph, B.D. - - - - - - 32 z ºr Mºodford, r. William Boldero, M.A. - - - - - - - in 12 r. Woolwich, Hugh Fraſer, M.A. - - - - - - - - - 7 12 6. sº, Livings having no ſums affixed are not in charge. A. a-3: 282 Firſt Fruits and Tenths.-Queen Anne's Bounty. - FIR sºr-FR utt's OFF Ice, Temple. Comptroller, #Ld Walſingham. Remembrancer, Richardſon Harriſon, eſq. sº Clerk, Mr. Thomas Newſom. junior Clerk, Mr.William B. Deane Xeceiver, eſq. 2.5ol. Deputy, Mr. Wm. Bacon Dean. TENTH s-OF FIce, Temple. Remembrancer, Richardſon Harriſon, eſq. - Receiver, Mr. Baron Richards. His clerks, T. Trufhit, — Griffithes. "> Au GMENTATION-OFFIcz, for Ac- compts of Abbey-Lands, eſtabliſhed in 1704. (New Palace-Tard.) Keeper of Records, J.Caley,eſq. F.S.A. Qu EEN ANNE’s Bounty Officz, Dean's Yard, Weſtminſter. Secretary, Richard Burn, eſq. , Clerk, Tho. Glanfield, jun. Affiftant, James Butler, jun. . . . . Treaſurer, Jn Paterſon, eſq., N, 68. Old Broad-ſtreet, Solicitor, John Dyneley, eſq. Field- court, Gray's Inn. ——k ^: RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Coar of Arron of the SoNs of the CLER GY, for the Relief of their poor Winows and CHILDREN. * Incorporated in 1 678. Bloomſbury- place. - ... " Preſident, Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Vice-Preſident, Lord Ellenborough. ,” Treaſurers, Thomas Collins, eſq. Sir Nathaniel Conant. Regiſtrar, Jn. Matt. Grimwood, eſq., Meſſenger, Mr. J. J. Orlton. ANNIvers ARy of the SoNs of the e CLER GY. - Preſident, Abp. of Canterbury. . ice-Preſ. Lord Ellenborough. Treaſurer and Secretary, Charles Bick- nell, eſq. Spring-garden Terrace. Meſſenger, Mr. John Doggett. Society for Promoting Chriſtian Knowledge, 1699. Office, No. 5, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn. - Treaſurers, . Archdeacon Cambridge; M.A. . Joſhua Watſon, Eſq. . . . Henry Hugh Hoare, eſq. . . Secretary, Rev. Geo. Gaſkin, D.D. Aſſº. Sec. Rev. Wm. Parker, M.A., Accountant, Mr. Richard Gilbert. Senior Clerk, Mr. John Bird. Roºſellers, Mºrºc, and J. Riv- ington. - *- Correſpondent BoARD, in London, of the Society, in Scotland, for propagating Chriſtian Knowlege in the Highlands and Iſlands, and among the Indians in America. Scots Hall, Crane-court, Fleet-ſtreet. Incorporated in 1709. joint Preſidents, The Dukes of Kent. and Suſſex. Pice-Preſidents, Duke of Athol, Earl of Kinnoul, Earl of Breadalbane, Lord Dundas, Lord Lynedoch, Right Hon. Sir Arch. Macdonald, bart. Gen. Sir George Beckwith, Lord James Murray, The Lord Mayor, Col. Macdonnel, Ronald G. Macdonald, eſq. Chaplains, Wm. Nicoll, D.D. Rev. Wm. Maniel. - - Treaſurers, Jn. Wm Adam, eſq. Peter Laurie, eſq. Gratuitous Secretaries, Rev. Wm. Ma- nuel, James Thomſon, eſq. Collečfor, Mr. Francis Wilſon. LIBRARY, Redcroſs-ſtreet, inſtituted in 1720. Truftees, Rev. Dr. Rees, Rev. John Tayler, John Towgood, eſq. John Lewis, eſq. &c. . . Librarian, Rev. Thomas Morgan. Secretary, J. Wainwright, eſq. Agent, J. W. Jupp, eſq. Society for Maintaining, and Edwca. ting, Poor Orphans of Clergymen of the effabliſhed Church until of Age to be put ºpprentice. . Inſtituted in 1749. Incorporated, 1809. | Preſident, # Lord Biſhop of London, . .* Religious Societies. *33 ^ Colle&for, vice-Preſident, Rt Hon. Ld Kenyon. Treaſurers, Archd. Cambridge, M. A. and Joſhua Watſon, eſq. Secretary, John Byam Morgan, eſq. . Great Knight Rider-ſtreet; Dočiors’ Commons. - . Phyſicians, Dr. Budd, Dr. C. R. Pem- berton, Dr. Gower, and Dr. Ne- vinſon. - Surgeons, Sir William Blizard, Sir | William. Adams, and Thomas Copeland, eſq. - Mr. Orlton, St. George's-place, Blackfriars-road. * SocIETY for Promoting Religious Knºwledge among the Poor. Juſti- tuted in 1750. the Bank Coffee-bouſe, Cornbil. Treaſurer, Ebenezer Maitland, eſq. Secretary, Mr. T. D. Harriot. Bookſeller to the Society, Mr. John Barfield, 91, Wardour-ſtr. Soho. SocIETY for the Propagation of the Goſpel in Foreign Parts, incorporated by Charter, 17or. Meet at St. Martin's Library, Caſtle-ſtreet. Preſident, Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Secretary, Rev. Wm. Morice, D. D. Gower-ſtreet, Bedford-ſºuare. Treaſurer, Charles Bicknell, eſq. Spring-garden Terrace. Meſſenger, Mr. John Doggett, 24, Shouldham-ſtreet. - PATRoNs of the ANN Iversa R Y of the CHARITY Schools, under the Patronage of the King. Preſident, "Sir Watkin Lewes, ald. ' r Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Leeds, Lord Bagot, *Sir Wm. Curtis, bart, ald. Sir Richard Carr Glyn, bart, ald. Harvey Chriſtian Combe, eſq. Sir Charles Price, bt. ald. Richard . Clark, eſq. Chamberlain of London, Wm Luſhington, eſq. - knt. Treaſurers, William Marſh, eſq. and - Dep. Thomas Greenaway, eſq. , Secretary, Mr. John Bird. . Organiff, Thomas Attwood, eſq. Maſſenger, Mr. William Hyde, Meet. Monthly a t Naval and Military Bretz-Socre- Ty, I 13, Jermyn-ffreet, Eſtabliſhed, 178o, for diffributing Bibles. Patron, D. of York. Vice-Patron, D. of Glouceſter. Preſident, Archb. of Canterbury. Vice-Preſidents, Bp of London, Bp of Durham, BP of Glouceſter, Dean of Canterbury, Dean of Windſor, E. Spencer, K.G. E. of Dartmouth, E. of Radnor, E. Bathurſt, Lord Gambier, Right *Honourable Nicholas Vanſittart, Honourable Philip Puſey, Sir William Peppere]], bt. Sir Tho. Bernard, bt. Sir James Saumarez, bt. * Gen. Rt Manners, *Wm Wilberforce, cfq. Earl of Northeſk, Viſc. Melville, #Viſc. Palmer. ſton, Lt Gen. Sir Hy. Calvert, Lt. Gen. Sir H. Oakes, bt. Maj. Gen. Sir J. W. Gordon, Archdeacoa Owen. - Treaſurers, Ambroſe Martin, Jn Sté- phenſon, eſqrs. Secretaries (Gratuitous, ) Naval Dep. Cap. Fabian, R.N. . Military Dep. Maj. J. M. Cloſe. Aſſé. Sec. & Coll. Mr. Geo. Winter. -*. Society for the Support amd Ene couragement of Su NDAY-Schools thrºughout the Britiſh Dominions, Inſtituted in 1785. Preſident, Lord Carrington. Vice-Preſidents, *Thomas Babing- ton, eſq. *Sir Tho. Baring, bt. Joſeph Benwell, eſq. Tho. Bod- dington, eſq. *Cha. Grant, eſq. Wm. Hen. Hoare, eſq. Jn. Mait- land, eſq. Sir Tho. Plumer, kata Hon. Philip Puſey, T. Raikes, eſq. *Sam. Thorntón, eſq., *Wm. Wilberforce, eſq. *Matt, Wood, eſq. ald. *Js. Butterworth, efa. Treaſurer, John Phornton, eſq. .* Secretary, Mr. Thomas Smith, 1 , Little Moorfields. - - • * 284 Religiour Sºcieties. f Society for the Converſion, &c. of Negro Slaves. Incorporated by Char- ter, I 795. Preſident, Biſhop of London. Secretary, Thomas Porteus, eſq. 34, Half-moon-ſtreet. Treaſurer, Richard Burn, eſq. Dean’s Tard, Weſtminſter. - Meſſenger and Coll. Ezekiel Davies. Miſſionary at Antigua, Rev. Js Curtin. Schoolmaſter at ditto, Mr. Th. Croote. Miſſionary at Navis, Mr. D. G. Davis. Mission ARY SocIETY for propa" gating the Gºſpel in Heathem and un- enlightened Countries. 1795. . . Treaſurer, Joſeph Hardcaſtle, eſq. 9, Old Swan Stairs. - Secretaries, Rev. Geo. Burder, Rev. S. W. Tracey, Mr. D. Langton. Colle&for, Mr. Thos Adams, 8, old ‘Yazvry. Bºljellers, Williams and Son, Sta- | tioners-court. Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor, N. 192, Piccadilly. Inſtituted in 1796. . Patron, The King. Preſident, Biſhop of Durham. - Wice-Preſidents, Lord Dynevor, Sir . Thomas Bernard, bt. Patrick Col- quhoun, eſq. 52 Governors. - Secretary, Mr. Robt. Gillam. RELIGious TRAct society. . I?99. - Treaſurer, Joſeph Reyner, eſq. 50, Mark Lane. - Secretaries, Rev. Legh Richmond, M.A., Rev. J. Hughes, M.A. Rev. C. T. A. Steinkopff, M. A. Depoſitary, Mr. F. Collins, 60, Pater- noſter-row. Colle&#or, Mr. T. Slate, 35, Great Ruſſel-ffreet, Bloomſbury Society for the Su PPR Ession of W1c E, Eſſex-Street; Strand. Efta- biſhed in 1802. . . . f Preſident, Hon. Philip Puſey. Pice-Preſidents, Earl of Kerry, Biſhop of Durham, Biſhop of Rocheſter; Lord Radſtock, Lord Teignmouth, Lord Kenyon, Sir Charles Price, bart. ald. 3Wm Wilberforce, eſq. Rd. Clark, eſq. Sir Tho. Bernard, bart. Joſeph Cotton, eſq. *Thos. Babington, eſq. * Sir Thos. Ac- land, bt. - | Treaſurer, Henry Hoare, eſq. Secretary, George Prichard, eſq. Colle&for, Mr. Richard Stiff, No. 100, High ſtreet, Borough. . . Britiſh and Foreign BIBLE SocIETY, No. 1 o, Earl-freet, Blackfriars. * 18o3. Preſident, Lord Teignmouth. Žice-Preſidents, Archbiſhop of Caſhe?, Biſhop of Durham, Bp of Sã- liſbury, Bp of St. David's, Bp. of Briſtol, Bp of Norwich, Bp. of Glouceſter, Bp of Chicheſter, Bp of Cloyne, Bp of Clogher, Bp of Kildare, Bp of Meath, Bp of Derry, Dean of Carliſle, Dean of Briſtol, Marquis of Haſtings, Earl of Romney, Earl of Liverpool, Earl of Harrowby, Lord Gam- bier, Lord Headley, Right Hon. Sir Evan Nepean, bt. *Right Hon. Nich. Vanſittart, Sir William Pepperell, bart. Sir Tho. Bernard, bart. Sir Gore Ouſley, bart. *Cha. Grant, eſq. *William Wilber- force, eſq. *Thos. Babington, efg. Treaſurer, John Thornton, eſq. Secretaries, Rev. Jn Owen, M.A. Rev. Joſeph Hughes, M.A. Rev. C. F. Steinkopff, M.A. Affiftant-Secretary and Accountant, Mr. Joſeph Tarn. 's Collečior, Mr. Anthony Wagner, No. 3, Groſvenor-row, Chelſea. Depoſitary, Mr. Rich. Cockle, 10, Earl-ſtreet. - . . *** Out of this Society many others have emanated, in Europe, Aſia, Africa, and America, beſides upwards of 5oo Auxiliary and Branch Societies in the United Kingdom. . Religious Societies. - 285 CHUR ch Mission ARY Soci ET Y for Africa and the Eaſt. Saliſbury ſquare, Fleet-ſtreet. * Vice-Patrons, Ld Gambicr; Preſident, . Earl Ferrers, Rev. Viſc. Lifford, Viſc. Galway, Lord Calthorpe, Lord Teignmouth. Pice-Preſidents, Deans of Carliſle and Wells, *Sir T. Baring, bt. Sir W. Pepperell, bt. *Rt. hon. Nic. Van- ſittart, *T. Babington, * C. Grant, T. Read, Kemp, *Hon. C. Noel Noel, “W. Wilberforce, H. Hoare, Edward Parry, *Js Stephen, “Sam. || Thornton, eſqrs. Gen. C. Neville, and Col. Macaulay. Treaſurer, John Thornton, eſq. Secretary, Rev. Joſiah Pratt, B.D. Bookſellers, Mr. Seeley, Fleet-ſtreet, and Mr. Hatchard, Piccadilly. Dr. BRAY's INSTITUT 1 on for Paro- chial and Lending Libraries.—Office, M. 52, Hatton Garden. Preſident, Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Treaſurer and Secretary, Rev. Sam. Wix, M.A. F.R.S. & S.A. St. Bar- tholomew's Hoſpital. SocIETY for the Publication of SE- Lect RELIGIous TR Acts, 1804. Treaſurer, James Eſdaile, eſq. Secretary, Rev. Thomas Rees. AFR1cAN INst ITU TIon. Inſtituted in 1867, N. 3, Fludyer-ſtreet. Patron and Preſident, Duke of Glou- ceſter, K.G. . . . . Vice-Preſidents, Archbiſhop of Canter. bury, Marq. of Lanſdown, Marq, of Haſtings, Earl of Briſtol, Earl of Caledon, Earl Grey, Earl Groſ- venor, Earl of Mountnorris, Earl of Roſslyn, Earl of Selkirk, Earl Spencer, *V. Milton, Bp. of Dur- ham, Bp of Bath & Wells, Bp of St. David's, Ld Calthorpe, Ld Erſ- kine, Ld Gambier, Ld Grenville, Lord Holland, Lord Headley, Lord Teignmouth, *Rt Hon. Geo. Can- ning, *Rt hon. Nicolas Vanſittart, Rt hon. J. C. Williers, *Wm Wil- reaſurer, John Thornton, eſq. ! - Secretary, Thomas Harriſon, eſq. Dep Sec. Mr. Robert Stokes. Collector, Mr. J. Tattet. Solicitor, J. flambert, eſq. AFRICAN and Asr AT1c Socł z T Y ſor the relief and inſtruction of the ra- tives of Africa and Aſia reſident in London and its vicinity. Patrons, Dukes of Kent and Suſſex, Preſident, “Wm Wilberforce, eſq. Vice-Preſidents, Earl of Crawford, Ld Gambier, Lord Calthorpe, *Tho. Babington, eſq. Rev. Tho. R. . Kemp, John Stoddart, eſq. Rev. Lewis Way. - Treaſurers, Zach. Macauly, eſq. Bir- chin-lane, and Geo. Brooke, eſq. Spur-ſtreet, Secretary, (gratuitous, J Rev. Geo. Greig, Mornington-place, Hamp- ſtead-road. * Affift. Sec. and Colle&r, Rev. C. Ben- thin, 20, Trafalgar-ſtreet, Walworth. berforce, eſq. *Sir Sam. Romilly. | LoNDoN Society for promoting CHRISTIANITY among the JE wis- Brick-lane, Spital-Fields, Inſtituted in 1809. : Patrons, Biſhop of St. Davids, Biſhop of Glouceſter. . . . & Preſident, Sir Thomas Baring, bt. Pice-Preſidents, Rt. Hon. Nich. Van- fittart, Sir Geo. Leith, bait. Sir T. Bernard, bart, * William Wilber- force, eſq. *Thos. Babington, eſq. *Matthew Wood, eſq. ald. Eff- court Creſſwell, eſq. Wm Hogan, eſq. Geo. Freke Evans, eſq. Will. II. Hoare, eſq., Hon. Charles N. Noel, Francis Randolph, D. D. Hon. G.Vernon, Rev. Lewis Way. Treaſurer, Rich. Staniforth, eſq. Secretaries, Rev. Baſil Woodd, Rev. Chs. Hawtrey, Rev. David Ruell. Sub-Treaſirer, Mr.W m. Leach, N. 1, North place, Hampſtead Road. - -y-rºm NATIo NAL Soci et Y for the Educa- tion of the Poor in the Principles of the - Est AB L1su’D CH U R ch, in England and Wales. 181 i. Patron, The Prince Regent. Preſid. The Archbp, of Canterbury. 236 Univerſity of Oxfºrd. . . --- Pice-Preſidents, Archbiſhop of York, Treaſurer, Joſhua Watſon, eſq. . . . Biſhop of London, and the reſt of Secretary, Rev. Tindal Thompſon the Biſhops, Lord Chancelor, Earl Walmſley, B.D. 13, Clifford's Inn. of Shafteſbury, Earl of Hard- Superintendant of the Central School in wicke, K. G. B. of Liverpool, Baldwin’s Gardens, Gray’s-Inn Lord Grenville, Lord Kenyon, Lord Lane, Rev. Dr. Andrew Bell. Redeſdale, Speaker of the Houſe Aſſiſtant, Rev. Wm. Johnſon. of Commons, Right Hon. Richard School-Miftreſs, Mrs. Rogers. Ryder, Right Hon. Sir William Phyſician, Dr. Latham, jun. Scott. - -- Surgeon, Henry Earle, eſq. - Auditors, *Sir Thos. Plumer, knt. Collečior, Mr. J. J. Orlton, St. George's Baron Richards. • . Place, Blackfriar's Road. ſº * UN IV ERSITY or ox For D, #Lord Grenville, D.C.L. ChancELor, eleēted in 1809. #Lord Eldon, D.C.L. HIGH Srew ARD, appointed, in 1801. Thomas Lee, D.D. Preſident of Trinity-College, Vice-CHAN cezon. Pro-Vice-Chancz Lozs. Whittington Landon, D. D. Provoſt of Worceſter-College. John Cole, D.D. Rećtor of Exeter-College. Frodſham Hodſon, D.D. Principal of Brazen-Noſe-College. George William Hall, D.D. Maſter of Pembroke-College. Cup Arors of the Trearne, Whittington Landon, D.D. Prov. of Worc.-College, eleēted 1806. Michael Marlow, D. D. Preſident of St. John's College, elected 1808, BURG Esses of THE UN Ivens 1TY. #"Rt Hon. Sir Wm Scott, Kt. D.C.L. Judge.of the Admiralty. #*Rt Hon. Robert Peel, Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Deputy-Steward, 18oz. . * . James Blackſtone, eſq. D.C.L. Principal of New Inn Hall, Barriſter at Law. Aſſeſſor, 1812. John David Macbride, eſ. D.C.L. of Exeter College. - coll. & Hall. Founded, Heads of Colleges. . . Eleged Univerſity 872 James Griffith, D.D. Maſter, 1808 Balliol 1262 Biſhop of Peterborough, D.D. Mafter, 1798 Merton 1274 Peter Vaughan, D.D. Warden, 181 o' JExeter 1314 John Cole, D. D. Rešfor, . . . . . 1808. Oriel 1325 Edward Copleſton, D.D. Provoſt, 1814 2? Univerſity of Oxford. 287 Queen’s 134o Septimus Collinſon, D.D. Provoſt, New College 1386 Samuel Gauntlett, D.D. Warden, Lincoln - 1427 Edward Tatham, D.D. Rećtor, All Souls - I437 Biſhop of Oxford, D.C. L. - Braſenoſe 1509. Frodſham Hodſon, B.D. Principal, Corpus Chriſti I 5.16 John Cooke, D.D. Preſident, - Magdalen 1522 Martin Joſeph Routh, D.D. Preſident, Shriſt-Church 1532 Charles Henry Hall, i.D Dean, Trinity I 555 Thomas Lee, D.D. Preſident, St. John's 1557 Michael Marlow, D.D. Preſident, Jeſus 1571 Henry Foulkes, D.D. Principal, Wadham 1614 William Tournay, D.D. Warden, Pembroke 162o George William Hall, D.D. Maſter. . Worceſter 1714 Dean of Exeter, D.D. Provoſt, St. Mary Hall 1333 John Deane, D.D. Principal, Magdalen Hall I 486 John David Macbride, D.C.L. Principal. New-Inn Hall 1488 James Blackſtone, D.C.L. Principal, St. Alban Hall, 1547 Thomas Winſtanley, D.D. Principal, St. Edmund Hall 1559 George Thompſon, B.D. Principal, – P Rocto Rs. - Thomas Darke, M.A. of Exeter College. William Henry Turner, M.A. Fellow of Corpus Chriſti College. pe PRO-PROCTORS. º Fellows of Exeter College. - Thomas Wood Simpſon, M.A. Fellow of Worceſter College. Edward Whitehead, M.A. Fellow of Corpus Chriſti College. PUBLIC PREACHERs for 1816 and 1817. Frodſham Hodſon, D.D. Principal of Brazenoſe College. Thomas Horne, B.D. of Chriſt Church. John Page, B.D. Fellow of Brazenoſe College. Francis Rowden, B.D. Fellow of Merton College. John Lightfoot, M.A. For 1817 and 1818. Fdward Copleſton, D.D. Provoſt of Oriel College. William Crowe, B.C. L. of New College. . George Leigh Cooke, B.D. of Corpus Chriſti College. Reginald Heber, M.A. 6f All Soul’s College. Charles Lloyd, M.A. Student of Chriſt Church. . (1778.) Bampton's Leśurer for 1818. charles Abel Moyſey, M.A. of Chriſt Church. -- PUBLIC EXAMINERs. George Gleed, B.D. Fellow of St. John's College. * * Aſhhurſt Turner Gilbert, M.A. Fellow of Braſenoſe College. James Endell Tyler, M.A. Fellow of Oriel College. john Bull, M.A. Student of Chriſt-Church. . 7 1796 1794 1792. 1817 18C9 1783 179 it 18c.9 28c.8 17: 5 1817 18C 6 18c.9 1795 18: 5 1813 18c3 179 7 ºrSco 288 univerſity ºf Oxford, MASTERS of THE SCHOOLS, Edward Hawkins, M.A. Fellow of Oriel College. Noel Thomas Elliſon, M.A. Fellow of Balliol College, William Dalby, M.A. Fellow of Exeter College. * Found. PROFESSORS.. * Appointed or Ele:fed, * 54o Regius Divinity, William Van Mildert, D.D. tº 1813 I 54o Regius Hebrew, Rich. Laurence, D.C.L. dº 1814 1540 Regius Greek, Thomas Gaisford, M.A. tº 18, 1 1540 Regius Civil flaw, *Joſeph Phillimore, D.C.L. - . 1809 1540 Regius Medicine, Sir Chriſ. Pegge, knt. M.D. F.R. & F.L.S. 1891 1724 Regius Mod. Hiſſ. Edward Nares, lï.D. - 1813 1793 Regius Botany, George Williams, D.M. F.L.S. - 1796 1562 Margaret Divinity, Septimus Coilinſon, D.D. º 1798 - i., § 4ſtronomy, Ab. Robertſon, D.D. F.R.S. . . ; 1810 1619 Savile’s $3. Stephen Peter Rigaud, M.A. & F.R.S. 1813 162o Natural Philoſophy, George Leigh Cooke, R.D. tº 1810 1622 Camden’s Ant. Hiſł. }Thomas Winſtanley, D.D. 179e 1636. Abp. Laud's Arabic, $ { 1814 Lord Almoner’s Arabic, John David Macbride, D.C.L. - 1813 17oo Experimental Philoſ Stephen Peter Rigaud, M.A. & F.R.S. 1319 1707 Poetry, John Joſias Conybeare, M.A. * 1812 1758 Viner's Common Lagº, James Blackſtone, D.C. L. es' I793 itchfield’sCli- * * * - -- 1785 *::::::::: } Martín wall, M.D. F.R.S. - 1785 1795 Anglo-Saxºn, • Thomas Silver, D.C.L. - . 1817 - { Anatomy, John Kidd, M.D. * . . ~~ 1816 1803 Aldrich's Medicine, Robert Bourne, M.D. ſº 1803 • Chemiſtry, John Kidd, M.D.” tº 1803 1813 Mineralogy, William Buckland, M.A. 1813 1626 Muſic, William Crotch, D.Muſ. - 1797 University OFFIce Rs. x 564 Public orator, William Crowe, B.C.L. of New Col. 1784 1590 Keeper ºf Bodley's Libr. Bulkeley Bandinel, M.A. of New - - College * 181 - Henry Cotton, M.A. Student of Chriſt- Under-keepers, } hurch 3. - & ºn - 1814 Alcxander Nicoll, M.A. of Balliol-College. 1634 Keeper of the Archives, James Ingram, B.D. Fellow of Trinity . College º • 1815 1683 Keeper of Aſhmole's Muſ. Thomas Dunbar, Eſq. M.A. of Braſe- - noſe College tº 1815 1747 Keeper of Radcliff's Lib. George Williams M.D. & F.L.S. Fel- low of Corp.-Chriſti. - 1816 Clerks of the Iljarket, } John Gutch, M.A. of All Souls College. for Univ. and City. A William Brown, M.A. of Magdalen-College. Maſters of the ſtreets are Thirty Regent Maſters of Arts, nominated annually - - - - in Michaelmas-Term, by the Proëtors. Univerſity-Counſel, ' Richard Wooddeſon, D.C.L. Fellow of Magda- - len Cullege, Barriſter at Law, Univerſity of Cambridge. 289 John Gatch, M.A. & F.S.A. of All Souls College. .* - . G. Valentine Cox, M.A. of New College. Coroners of the Univerſity, º Hodgkinſon Bobart, eſq. Bedel - - - I of Law. Proëors in the Q William Brown, M.A. of Magdalen College. Univerſity Court. }} ames Hewlett, M.A. of New College. Solicitor, Baker Morrell, eſq. - - Robert Hall, B.C.L. Divinity. . Eſſuire-Bedels, & Geo. Valentine Cox, M.A. Medicine and Arts. Tilleman Hodgkinſon Bobart, Law. Regiſtrar, William Taman, Law. * Teºmen-Bedels, }: Brown, Medicine and Arts. ~ * George Kirtland, Divinity. - Pirger amd Divinity-Clerk, John Greene. Bailif, Robert Bliſs. *. Clerk of the Univerſity, William Goodenough Dodd. Bellman, William Shepherd. - - -- Marſhal, John Holliday." UNIVERSITY of cAMBRIDG E. chancellor, #Duke of Glouceſter, K.G. Eleåed in 181, HIGH STEwAR D, ºarl of Hardwicke, K.G. Vice-CHANc E L Lor, William Webb, D.D. Maſter of Clare Serjeant Lens, M.A. # Counſel, Joſeph Littledale, M.A. 1896 -1815 Repreſentatives in Parliament, V. Palmerſton, John Henry Smyth, eſq. M.A. Aſſºr, William Hunt, M.A. 1865 Commiſſary, Thomas Harriſon, M.A. F.R.S. 1814 - Solicitor, John Ingle, eſq. Coll. and Halls. Founded. Heads of Colleges. - - Ekāed. - Peter-Houſe 1257 Francis Barnes, D.D. Maſter, 1788 Clare-Hall 1326 William Webb, B.D. Maſter, 1815 Pembroke-Hall 1343 Dean of Norwich, Maſter, 1784 ...} :35, Philip Douglas, D.D. Mºſºr, 1795 Trinity-Hall 135o Thomas Le Blanc, D.C.L. Maſter, 1815 Gonviland Caius 1351 Martin Davy, D.D. F.R.S. Mafter, 1803 King’s 1441 Geo. Thackeray, D.D. Provoſt, 1814 Queen's 1448 Dean of Carliſle, Preſident, 1783. Catharine-Hall 1475 Jofeph Proëter, D.D. Mafter, 1799 Jeſus 1496 Dean of Ely, D.D. F.R.S. Mafter, 1789 Chriſt's, 1505 John Kaye, D.D. Maffer, * 181 4. St. John's 1599 James Woºd, D.D. Miſter, i814 k; b. *... : t - x. - \ . - - * 29.3 Univerſity of Cambridge. Magdalen Trinity Emanuel Sidfiey-Suſſex T}owning Proëtors, Taxors, Moderators, Scrutators, Every Univerſity-Grace muſt 1519 Hon. Geo. Neville, M.A. Maſter, 1546 Biſhop of Briſtol, Maſter, t 1584 Rt Towerſon Cory, D.D. Mafter, 1598 Robert William Chafy, D.D. Maſer, 18oo William Frere, eſq. M. A. Moffer, Edward René Payne, M.A. King's College. Thomas S. Hughes, Emanuel College. #ſº Day, M.A. Caius College. ...” — Michel, M.A. Emanuel College. Fearon Fallows, M.A. St. John's College. $º. French, M.A. Pembroke Hall. - }}. C. Renouard, B.D. Sidney College. Joſeph Shaw, B.D. Chriſt's College. CAPUT. . into the Senate. William Webb, D.D. St. John's College, Vice-Chancellor. Francis Barnes, D.D. St. Peter's College, Divinity. Edward Daniel Clark, LL.D. Jeſus College, Law. John Haviland, M.D. St. John's College, Phyſic. Thomas Catton, B. D. St. John’s College, Sen. Nom. Reg. Henry Roſe, M.A. Clare Hall, Sen. Reg. PROFESSORS. 15oz Margaret Dºvinity, 1540 Regius Divinity, 154o Regius Civil Law, 1540 Phyſic, 1540 Caſajical Profeſſor, 1540 Hebrew, # 511 Greek, 166 3 Mathematical, I 6 32. Arabic, 1704 Pluvian Aſtronomy, 1749 Lowndes's ditto, 17of Anatomy, 1724. Modern Hiſtory, 1706 Chemiſtry, • 3724 #. John Kaye, D.D., Jas. Wm. Geldart, LL.D. John Haviland, M. D. Francis Barnes, D.D. . Henry Lloyd, D. D. James Henry Monk, M.A. Dean of Carliſle - John Palmer, B. D. William Lax, M.A. F. R. S. John Haviland, M.A. William Smyth, M.A. John Cumming, M.A. Thomas Martyn, B.D. 1727 Woodwardian Leśurer, John Hailſtone, F.R. & L.S. 1768 Lady Marg. Preacher, James Fawcett, B. D. 1769 Norriſian Profeſſor, 1782. jackſonian Profeſſor, *8oo Common Law, , , Edward Chriſtian, M.A. ſ Medicine, - Cornwallis Hewett, M.A. AMuſic, . . . Charles Hague, D. Muſ. 1808. Mineralogy, - Edward Daniel Clarke, D.C.L. . . ... • University-Officers." Public Orator, Ralph Tatham, M.A. Chriſtian Advocate, Thomas Rennell,M.A. King's Coll, Principal Libraria”, Thomas Jackſon Calvert, B.D. William Fariſh, M.A. Thomas Kerrich, M.A. Archdeacon Vince, M.A. F. R. S. * , 1813 1798 1797 1813 1812 paſs the Caput before it can be introduced * , Appointed or Eleåed. Biſhop of Landaff, D.D. F.R.S. 1807 J 316 1813 2.8 ſ 7 1813 1795 1808 1798 1804. 1796 17 #: 1807 1815 1761 1788. 1795 1815 1813 18oo 1815 1790 18o3 1809 1815 1797 Foundation-Schools. 2.92. Librarian, Edward Daniel Clarke, D.C.L. 1817 Regiſtrary, William Huſtler, B.D. Jeſus Coll. 1816 - John Beverley, M.A. of Divinity 1770 Eſquire-Bedels, Henry Gunning, M.A. of Law - 1789 . . George Ware, M.A. of Arts 1814 Teacher of the French Language, Jean Baptiſte Gouſſel. ' Fencing-Maſters, Meſſrs. Angelo.—Univerſity-Printer, John Smith. Marſhal, J. Taylor.—Yeoman-Bedel, J. Laughton. School and Library Keeper, John Marſhall.—Bell-Ringer, Philip Moore. Organiff, John Pratt.—Wardens of the Market, J. Taylor and J. Hazard. Gauger, William James.—Appraiſer, Elliot Macro Smith. + Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Arthur Briggs. . Vintners, Jºſeph Berry, William Gurford, S. P. Beales. FOUNDATION-SCHOOLS. Wi Nch Este R Co. LEGE, Hampſhire, founded by William of Hºykeham, Biſhop of Wincheſter, in 1387. Pºſitor, Biſhop of Wincheſter. Warden, Biſhop of Hereford. IHead-Maſter, Rev. Henry Dyſon Gabell, D.D.- . Fellows, Rev. Henry Berkeley, D.C.L. Rev. Philip Williams, M. A. Rev. F. Lear, M.A. Rev. Charles Daubeney, B.C.L. Rev. Hy #. M. A. Rev. C. Blackſtone, Rev. Henry Siſſmore, B.C.L. Rev. G. Heathcote, M.A. Rev. C. B. Hen- ville, M.A. Rev. H. Huntingford, M.A. Rev. L. Clarke, M.A. Under-Mafter, Rev. David Williams, B.C.L. - Gbaplains, Rev. J. Hopkins, Rev. T. Weſtcombe, Rev.T.Watkins,M.A. Tutors, Rev. C. J. Urquhart, Rev. T. Weſtcombe, Rev. Jn Williams. Steward, James Ralfe, eſq. Organiſł, George Chard, Mus. Doc. Eton Col. LEGE, founded by Henry VI. * in 1441. . . Provoſt, Joſeph Goodall, D.D. Wice-Provoſt, Rev. E. Tew, M. A. Fellows, Benjamin Heath, D. D. Wm Roberts, D.D. Wm Foſter. Pigott, D.D. John Roberts, D.D. George Heath, D.D. John Sep. Grover, M.A. - Upper-Mafter, Rev. John Keate, D.D. Under-Maſter, Rev. Thomas Carter, M.A. and eight Aſſiſtants. - * MAN chest ER. School, founded by Hugh Oldham, Biſhop of Exeter, in I51O. High Maffer, Jer, Smith, D.D. Second Mafter, Rev. Robinſon Elſdale, M.A. } * Archbiſhop of Canterbury. - fraud in 175 I. | Lord Chancellor, y Patron, The KING. | Speaker ofthe Houſe of Commons. - The Council. | a a 2- . - Preſident, Earl of Aberdeen. Other Official Truffees. Right Hon. Sir Joſeph Banks, bart. Lord Preſident of the council. Frederick Auguſta Barnard, eſq. Firſt Lord of the Treaſury. F.R.S. P. P. Lord Privy Seal, Literary and Seientific Iſlitutions. 295 Firſt Lord of the Admiralty. Lord Steward. w Lord Chamberlain. Three Secretaries of State. Biſhop of London. Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Chief Juſtice of King’s Bench, Maſter of the Rolls. Lord Chief Juſtice of Common Pica Attorney-General. Solicitor-General. Preſident of Royal Society. Preſident of College of Phyſicians. Family-Truſtees. C. Sir Geo. Cornewall, bart. D.C.L. C. Rev. Arthur Anneſley. S. Hans Sloane, eſq. F.R.S. H. Duke of Portland. H. *Rt Hon. George Canning. T. Richard Payne Knight, eſq. E. Earl of Elgin. - - Truſtees eleēed. Earl Spencer, F.R.S. - Biſhop of Durham. Earl of Hardwicke, F.R.S. *Rt hon. Sir William Scott, F.R.S. *Rt hon. George Roſe. ' Lord St. Helens. Marquis of Stafford. Lord Grenville. Earl of Aſhburnham. Earl of Harrowby. Lord Glenbervie. ' *Rt Hon. Charles Long. barl of Aberdeen. Duke of Rutland. *Henry Bankes, eſq. S. s Principal Librarian. Joſeph Planta, eſq., F.R.S. _* Keeper of the Manuſcripts. Henry Ellis, eſq. B.C. L. F. R. & A.S. Affiftant, Rev. Thomas Maurice, M. A. Keeper of the printed Books. Rev. Henry H. Baber, M.A. F.R.S. Aſſiſtant, Rev. James Bean, M.A. Extra-Affift. A. Schlichtegroll, eſq. Keeper of the Antiquities and Coins. , Taylor Combe, eſq. M.A, Sec. R.S. Aſſiſtant, Jn G. Children, eſq. F.R.S. Keeper of the Natural Hiſtory. Chas Konig, eſq. F.R.S. Mineralogift. Aſſiſtant, Wm E. Leach, M.D. F.R. & L. S. Zºologift. ... x-x Secretary, Henry Ellis, eſq. Sec. A.S. + Soci ETY for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufačfares, and Commerce. Inſtituted 1753. (Adelphi. ) Preſident. Duke of Suſſex. Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Bedford, F.A.S. Duke of Northumberland. Marquis of Stafford, K.G. Earl of Radnor, F. R. & A.S. Earl of Liverpool, F.R.S. Earl of Romney, F.R.S. *Sir Robert Peel, bart. * Sir Watkin Lewes, knt. and alderma Sir Nathaniel Conant, knt. Thomas Pitt, eſq., F.S.A. Richard Clark, eſq. Chamberlain of London. Richard Powell, M.D, *John Chriſtian Curwen, eſq. Richard Wilſon, eſq. Joſeph Hume, eſq. Iſle Chairmen of Committees. Of Accompts, William Lumle Abraham Oforio, eſq. Qf Correſpondence and Papers, Win Tooke, Dan, Moore, eſqrs. - Of Polite Arts, J. T. Barber Beaumont, R. H. Solly, eſqrs. -- Of 43riculture, T. H. Andrew, Chas Waiſtell, eſqrs. * * Of Manufactures, Jas. Pearſall, eſq. John Sumith, eſq. y Of Mechanics, Thos, Gill, eſq. Bryant } Donkin, eſq. Of Chemiſtry, Henry Coxwell, eſq. F.L.S. G. D. Midgley, eſq. Of Colonies and Trade, Wm Lewis, eſq, F.L.S. eſq. W. Vaughan, eſq. Of Miſcellaneous Matters, Wm Kirk- by, eſq. Daniel Beaumont, eſq. Secretary, Arthur Aiken, esq. * Affiftant- Secretary, Mr.Tho. Wood fall, Houſekeeper, Miſs A. B. Cockings. Colle&for, Mr. Robert Elwin, y: eſq. , Extra-Aſſiſtant, Mr. J. T. Smith. 296 . Literary and Scientific Inſtitutions. Society of ARTIsts of Great Bri tain. Incorporated in 1765. Preſident, R. M. Paye, eſq. - Pice-Preſident, E. Hodgſon, eſq. Treaſurer, Peter Mazell, eſq. Secretary, G. Wright, eſq. Aſſant-Secretary, J. C. Barrow. Dire&ors. Painters. . Wm. Elliot, R. M. Paye, - , Wm.Aſhford, H Edwards, E. Hodg- ſon, Wm. Miller, F. Kennios, J. Hodgins, J. C. Barrow. Sculptors, Wm. Collins, E. M. Smith. Architects, J. Plaw, Iſaac Paine. Engravers, P. Mazell, R. Pollard, T. Milton, J. Taylor. Roy Al AcADEMY of ARTs, inſtituted 1768. - Patron, The KING. - Preſident, Benjamin Weſt, eſq. Profeſſors. Architecture, John Soane, eſq. Perſpective, J. W. M. Turner, eſq. Painting, Henry Fuſeli, eſq. Keeper. Sculpture, John Flaxman, eſq. Anatomy, Ant. Carliſle, eſq., F.R.S. Antient Lit. Charles Burney, D. D. . Sec. H. Howard, eſq. Prince Hoare, eſq. Chaplain, Bp of Saliſbury. Academicians. Sir Wm. Beechey, knt. F.A.S. Wm. Redmore Bigg, eſq., | Ed. Bird, eſq., Hen. Bone, cfq. A.W. Calcott, eſq. Alfred E. Chalon, eſq. Richard Coſway, eſq. F.S.A. George Dânce, eſq. Auditor, F.S.A. Thomas Danieil, eſq. F.S.A. Geo, Dawe, eſq. Joſeph Farrington, eſq. Auditor, H. Howard, eſq. Sec. Sir T. Lawrence, knt. Mary Lloyd, William Mulready, eſq. s. Joſeph | Members, Geo. Barret, Joſh. Nollekens, eſq. James Northcote, eſq. William Owen, eſq. Thos Philips, eſq., Philip Reinagle, eſq. \ 4/ociate Engravers. Charles Roſſi, eſq. Robert Smirke, eſq. Tho. Stothard, eſq. Martin Archer. Shee, eſq. Robert Smirke, jun. eſq. Henry Thomſon, eſq. William Theed, eſq, Js Ward, . eſq. Rd Weſtall, eſq. Rd Weſt- macott, Dav. Wilkie, eſq. John Yenn, eſq. Treaſurer. Aſſºciates. Geo. Arnald, Theophilus Clarke, William Collins, William Daniell, John Downman, Samuel Drummond, Joſ. Gandy, George Garrard, William Hilton, Elias Marten, Horace-Hone, G. F. Jo- ſeph, A. J. Oliver, Ramſay R. Reinagle, William Weſtall, John Jackſon, Henry Raeburn, Rich. . . Cook, Francis Chantrey. Joſ. Collyer, James Heath, Anker Smith, James Fittler, John Landſeer, William Ward. - - SocIETY of EN GR Ayr Rs. Patron, The Prince Regent. Preſident, | Vice-Preſident, Peltro Wim Tomkins. Treaſurer, Anker Smith, R.A. , Honorary Sec. Thomas Milton. Charles Warren. - * Coſmo Armſtrong. John Agar. Thomas Medland. William Holl. Auditors, Charles Knight and William Bond. Honorary Conſulting Member, Philip. Hammerſley Leathes, eſq. Society of PAINTE as in OIL and. WATER-Colours. Eſtabliſh’d in November, 1804. - - Preſident, John Smith. Treaſurer, Copley Vandyke Fieldings, Secretary, Thomas Unwins. . . Criſtall, Cornelius Varley, Wm Sawrey. | Gilpin, John Varley, David Cox, Literary snd Scientific Inſtitutions. 297 John Glover, Miſs Harriet Gould- ſmith, James Holmes, Jn Linnell, F. Mackenzie, G. F. Robſon, Wm Turner. Aſſºciate- Exhibitors, A. Pugin. - ME DI cA L SocIET Y of Lon Do N, N. 3, Bolt-court, Fleet-ſtreet. In- ſlituted, 1773. • Preſident, Dr. Walſhman. J. A. Atkinſon, Vice-Preſidents, Dr. Merriman, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Geo. Young. Treaſurer, Mr. Andree. Librarian, Dr. Hancock. Secretary, H. Blegborough, eſq., Regiſtrar and Sub-Librarian, Mr. T. J. Pettigrew, F.L.S. Council, Dr. Clutterbuck, Mr. B. At- kinſon, Mr. E. Leefe, Mr. Mat- thias, Mr. Taunton, Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Sutliffe, Dr. Walſhman, Mir. Stevenſon, Mr. E. Auſtin, Hooper, Mr. Damant, Mr. John- fton, Mr. Whateley, Mr. Beve - ridge, Mr. T. J. Pettigrew, Mr. Edwards, Dr. Adams, Dr. Pink- ard, Dr. Uwins, 1)r. Babington, Dr. Laird, Dr. Hamilton, Mr. Nor- ris, Mr. Wachſell, Mr. Heath, Mr. Vance, Mr. R. Adams, Mr. R. Jones, Mr. H. C. Field. Orator for 1818, Dr. Uwins, VETERINARY Col LEGE, St. Pancras, Inſtituted in 1791, for the Inprove- ment and Reformation of Farriery, Preſident, Duke of Northumberland. Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Kent, Earl of Morton, Earl of Pembroke, : Earl of Macclesfield, Earl of War- wick, Sir T. C. Bunbury, bart. * Geo. H. Summer, eſq. Thos, Pitt, eſq., F. A.S. Profeſſor, Mr. E. Coleman. Affiftamt and Secretary, Mr. Wm. : Sewell. Treaſurer, Mr. J. Butt, Collečfor, R. C. Webb. * BoARD of AGR 1 cu LT URE, Sackville- ſtreet. Eſtabliſhed 1793. Patron, The KlNG. Preſident, º Earl of Macclesfield. Pice-Preſidents, “John Fane, eſq * Davis Gilbert, eſq. * Charles Mr. º | Duncombe, eſq. Rev. Geo. L. … Jenyns. : Treaſurer, *George Smith, eſq. Secretary, Arthur Young, eſq. 4ool. Under-Sec. William Cragg, eſq. | Chief Clerk, Mr. S. J. Vigne. Solicitor, Thomas Whittard, esti. BR1 fish Soci ET Y for Extending the FIs HER I Es, and improving the SEA - CoAsts. Incorporated in 1786. . Governor, Earl of Bredalbane. Deputy-Gov. * William Smith, eſq. Dire?ors. Duke of Argyll, Lord Kin- naird, Rt. Hon. *Nich. Vanſittart Rt. Hon. Sir John Sinclair, bt. Rt. Hon. Sir Arch. Macdonald, bt. Hon. Douglas Kinnaird, Sir Alex. Mackenzie, *Geo Vanſittart, eſt- IſaacBrowne, eſq. *CharlesGrant, ſen. eſq., Neil Malcolm, eſq. John M*Arthur, eſq. Alex. Mº Leay, eſq. Secretary, Colin M*Rae, eſq. N. 16, Furnivais Inn. West MIN's T E R LIBRARY, jermyn- réets .* Preſident, Marquis of Haſtings. vice-Preſidents,” wmWilberforce,eſq. Sir John St. Aubyn, bt, Earl of Wountnorris, John Symmons, eſq. F. R. & A.S. Mr. Serjeant Onſlow, Lord Carrington, *Sir Benjamin Hobhouſe, bt. *James Brogden, eſq, viic.Harberton, F.A.S. "Sam. Thornton, eſq. ; Treaſurer, Sharon Turner, eſq. Truſtees, Rev. J. Archer, Mark Beaufoy, eſq., F.R.S. Wm. Blair, eſq. T. Jefferys, eſq Henry Field, eſq. David Jennings, eſs: *- Secretary, Mr. Benjamin Price. !º GEological SocIETY: February 5, 1813. *Preſident, John MºCulloch, M.P. vice-Preſid. *Hon. Henry Grey Ben- nett, F.R.S. Will. Blake, eſq. *Sir John Nichol), knt. Hen. Warburton, eſq., F.R.S. Sir Henry Englefield, bt., F.R.S. George B. Greenough, eſq., F.R.S. Secretaries, Charles Stoke, Henry J. Brooke, eſprs. 298 w Literary and Scientific Inſtitutions. Foreign Sec. A. Boggi Granville, M.D. Treaſurers, Daniel Moon, eſq. John | Taylor, eſq. Council, Arthur Aikin, eſq. Sec. Soc. 23rts, &c. Capt. Colby, Henry T. Colebrooke, eſq. Sir Henry C. Englefield, bt. G. B. Greenough, eſq. Henry Holland, M.D. Aſh- hurſt Majendie, eſq. William H. Pepys, eſq. Edmond W. Rundell, eſq. Samuel Solly, eſq., John Whiſ. haw, eſq. William H. Wollaſton, M.D. - Keeper of the Muſeum, Mr. T. Webſter. PHILosophic A.I. SocIET Y of Lon- DoN, Scots’ Corporation Hall, C. ame Court, Fleet Street, Iuftituted 1810. Pattors, Their Royal Highneſſes the Dukes of Kent and Suſſex, Preſident, Earl of Carysfort. /ice-Preſidents, Lord Henriker, *Sir J. C. Hippiſley, bt. A.-Rees, D.l.). O. Gregory, LL.D. W. B. Collyer, D.D. J. Sowerby, F.L.S. J. H. $rowne, F.R.S. J. Vandercom. Trcaſ, and Sec. T J. Pettigrew, F.L.S. Curators, W. C. Pettigrew, T.G. Ar- miger, eſqrs. - Regiſtrar, J. Miers, eſq. Affiftant do. Mr. Cromwell. Orator for 1818, Jn. M. Good, eſq. Council, B. H. Smart, and T. Fiſher, eſqrs. Chairmer, T. Adams, J. An. drewes, J. Barber, T. Bedder, Rev. Dr. Bathie, Benj. Benſley, C. Burton, jn. T. Cooper, G. Dudley, D. Forbes, H. C. Hodge, S. Mea- dows, P. Thomas, R.Thoſppſon, T. Tucker, Rev. T. M. Young, L.L.B. ENTomological Society of London. 1806. Preſident, A, H. Haworth, eſq, F.L. & H.S. . . * • * Vice-Preſident, Robert Sqales, eſq. Treaſurer, T. G. Jngall, eſq. . Secretary, J ohn Surr, eſq. Fellows, - Rev. John Burrell, M.A. & F.L.S. Wm Skrimſhire, Rev. T. Skrim- fhire, B. C. L. John Hatchett, F.L.S. John Howard, Joſ. Hooker, jun. James Savage, Wm Savage, F.L.S. & F.H.S. John Pittard, J. P. Neale, Ibbetſon Fenton, Joſeph Adams, M.D. & F.L.S. Matthew Eaſingwood, G. B. Sowerby, Simon Wilkin, W. Saliſbury, W. Elford Leach, Charles Pears, F.L.S. John Atkinſon, and S. T. Dawſon. Printer, William Savage, F.L.S. & F.H.S. - Roy AL IN sºr it ution. Incorporated in 180c. Inlarged by 4ét of Par- liament in 18 Io. Patron, The KlNG. Preſident, Earl Spexcer, F.R.S. Treaſurer, *Scrope Bernard-Morland, eſq. LL.D. Secretary, Tho. Harriſon, eſq. F.R.S. Managers. Earl Hardwicke, i.P. Lord Dundas, V. P. Lord Erſkine, V. P. |John Frederick Daniell, eſq. F.R.S. Sir Humphrey Davy, LNL.D., F.R.S. &c. &c. V. P. George Duckett, eſq., F. R. & A.S. Charles Hatchett, eſq., F.R.S. V.P. Sir Benj. Hobhouſe, bt. W. P. Charles [+olford, eſq. - Daniel Moore, eſq. F.R. A., & I.S. Thomas Snodgraſs, eſq. Samuel Solly, eſ]. F.R.S. James Stodart, eſq. Giles Templeman, eſq. . . - Profeſſors of Cbemiſtry, Sir H. Davy. W. T. Brande, eſq., F.R.S. Honorary Librarians, * Charles Burney, D.D & F.R.S. Sir Humphry Davy, knt. James P. Auriol, eſq. Keeper of the Library, Mr. W. Harris. Clerk, Mr. Joſeph Fincher. Collečar, Mr. David Brookes. The LINNEAN SocIETY, Gerrard- freet. Founded in 1788. Incorpo- rated in 1802. - Patron, The Prince-Regent. - Preſident, Sir James Edward Smith M.D. F.R.S., . - Vice-Preſidents, Biſhop of Carliſle, Aylmer Bourke Lambert, eſq. F.R. Literary and Scientific Inſtitutions. 2.99 & A.Ş. Thomas, Marſham, eſq. William George Maton, M. D. F.R.S. Treaſurer, Thomas Marſham, eſq. Secretary, Alexander M'Leay, eſq. Librarian, Mr. Robert Brown. CoMMITTEE for the Inſpection of NATIONAL Mon U M ENTs, ap- pointed in 1802. Chairman, “Right Hon. Charles Long. Marq. of Stafford, K.G. Earl of Carliſle, K.G. Earl of Carysfort, K.P. Sir Geo. Beaumont, * Rt Hon. Reginald Pole Carew, ſ Richard Payne Knight, eſq. Thos | Hope, eſq. Uvedale Price, eſq. W. Locke, eſq. *Hy Bankes, esq. Secretary, Robert Gillam, eſq. MATH EmAric A. Society, Crºſpin- ſtreet, Spital-fields, 1717. Preſident, Mr. John Croſsley. “Treaſurer, Mr. W. H. White. Secretary, Mr. James Stainton, Prim- roſe-ſtreet. - HoRT1c U L T U R A L SocIE TY of Lon- don, No. 9, Gerrard-ſtreet, Soho. Preſident, Thomas Andrew Knight, eſq. F. R. and L.S. &c. Pice-Preſidents, Js. Dickſon, Jn. El- liot, Roger Wilbraham, Jn. Creſſ- well, eſqrs. Treaſ. John Elliot, eſq., F.R.S. &c. Sec. Joſ. Sabine, eſq. F.R. & L.S. &c. Pice-Sec Geo. H. Rockden, L.L. D. Aſſiſt. Sec. Tho Hare, eſq. F.L.S. &c. Council, T. A. Knight: Jn. Braddick, John Creſwell, James Dickſon, jn. Elliot, Thes, Hare, Joſ. Kirke,’ froger Pettiward, Thos Reynolds, Jos. Sabine, Roger Wilbraham, Wm. Malcolm, Earl of Mount- morris, G. Rockden, Alex Seton, The Higº Nº Socºry of Lon- pon. Inſtituted 1778. Incorpo- porated 1816, - Chief, The Prince Regent. Preſident, Duke of Argyle. vice-Preſidents, *Lord John D. E. $ H. Campell, Col. , Sir Neil. Campbell, *Gen. Alex. Campbell, * Lient.-Gen. Duncan Campbell, Captain Patrick Campbell, R. N. jobn Campbell, eſq. bart. 4 Treaſurers, Simon M Gillivray, Divie Robertſon, James Hamilton, eſqrs. Auditors, Grant Allan, Colin Robert- ſon, John Watſon, efºrs. p. | Dire&fers, Nath. Atcheſon, Sir Tho. Bell, knt. Duncan Campbell, John Dingwall, James Gordon Duff, James Beveridge Duncan, John Galt, John Garden, Alexander Grant, Alexander Lamb, James Lindſay, Geddes M*Kenzie Simp- ſon, eſqrs. Chaplains. Rev. William M*Kenzie. Rev. Roderick A1*Leod, D.D. Secretaries, James Hamilton, efg. Do- nald Mackinnon, M.D. Deputy Sec. Colin Macrae, eſq. Officer, John Roſs. - MEDical and CHIRU R G 1cAl. Society of London : Lincoln's Irin-fields. - Eſtabliſhed in 1805. Preſident, William Babington, M. D. Vice-Preſidents, Thos. Young, M.D. Benj. C. Brodie, eſq. John R. Farre, M.D. Benj. Travers, eſq. Treaſurers, Aſtley Cooper, cfq. John Yello!y, M.D. Secretaries, Peter M. Roget, M.D. Wm. Lawrence, eſq. Ilibrarian, Thomas Bateman, M.D. Council, John Abernethy, eſq. Henry Earle, eſq. Robert Gooch, M.D. Geo. I. Guthrie, eſq. Alex, Hen- derſon, eſq. Joſ. Hodgſon, eſq. Henry Holland, M.D. Jas Laird, M.D. Alex. Marcet, M.D. Wn, , Prout, M.D. James Wardrop, eſq. BRIT is HIN's Titu rios, I So 5, Paſſ- Mall. KING. • Direčiors. Preſident, The Prince Regent, K.G. Dep. Preſident, Marquis of Stafford, K.G. P. ce-Preſidents, Duke of Bedford, Duke of Devonſhire, Duke of Marl- borough, Earl of Bridgewater, Earl of Aberdeen, Earl of Aſhburnham, Earl of Dartmouth, Earl of Car- liſle. Direétors, Earl of Mulgrave, Earl Cowper, Earl Fitzwilliam, Lord Dundas, *Right Hon. Chart .3 Long, Sir Gen. Beaurºnsn't, b. S. r h Patron, The | , is 390 Literary and Scientific Inſtitutio’su . Thomas Bernard, bt. *Sir Abraham Hume, bt. *Sir Tho. Baring, bt. Rev. W. H. Garr, Thomas Hope, eſq. Richard P. Knight, eſq. *Wm { Treaſurer, *Sir William Smith, eſq. Earl of Upper Oſſory, Earl Brownlow, *Sir Jn. Egerton, bart. Viſitors. . *Chas Duncombe, eſq. John Sym- mons, eſq. Marquis Earl of Carysfort, Rd Hart Da- vies, eſq. Ridley Colborne, eſq. Earl of Lonſdale, John Naſh. eſq. Earl of Egremont, *Wm. Fitz- hugh, eſq. Rt Hon. Nicholas Vanſittart, Rev. Wm long, *Rt IHon. Wm Huſkiſſon, Duke of Devonſhire, Earl of Bridgewater, Earl of Carliſle, Earl of Hardwicke, John Symmons, eſq. *G. W. Taylor, eſq. C. J. Cholmondely, eſq. Lord Dynevor, Lord North- wick. - Treaſurer, “Scrope B. Morland, eſq. Secretary, Robert Gillam, eſq. Keeper, John Young. eſq. Los Don IN sº I'ru'rio N, 1805. King’s-arms-yard, Coleman-ſtreet. Preſident, Rt Hon. Lord Carrington, F.R.S. . - price-Preſidents, *Wºm Manning, eſq. Sir Wm. Blizard, knt. Geo. Hib- bert, eſq. Beeſton Long, eſq. Managers, Wm Heygate, eſq. Rey. John Ruſſell, John Thornton, eſq James W. Freſhfield, eſq., Edward iittledale, eſq. Benj. Fayie, eſq. Tho. F. Foſter, eſq. Wm. Cotton, eſq. Cha. Elliott, eſq., Jn Gurney, eſq. Iſaac L. Goldſmid, eſq. Tho | Reid, eſq. Henry Smith, eſq. Sam. Woods, eſq. Chas Boſanquet, eſq. Money Wigram, eſq. "Richard Sharpe, eſq. Sam. Boddington, cfq. Benj. Harriſon, eſq. James Bell, efa. sº of Viſitors, Jn Towgood, eſq. Jn Wm. Lubbock, eſq. 1)avid Ri- cardo, eſq. *Jn Atkins, eſq. Peter Martineau, eſq. Hy Waymouth, eſq. Francis Baily, eſq. Joſhua Watſon, eſq. John Danvers, eſq. Sir Tho. Bell, knt. *George Smith, eſq. Charles H. Turner, eſq. John Rennie, eſq. | k | Auditors, James Eſdaile, eſq. Benj. Hanbury, eſq. P. Kelly, L.L.D. Henry Cazenove, eſq. Peter Mar- tineau, jun. eſq. . . . Curtis, bart. Secretary, Rt Stevens, eſq. F.L.S. Counſel, Charles Butler, eſq. F. S. A. Solicitor, Joſeph Fitzwilliam Vander- Camden, ; - * * -. com, eſq., - Principal Librarian, Mr.Wim Maltby. Aſſiſtant Librarian, William Upcott. sursky INst IT ution, 1808. . Black- Friars. Road. Preſident, Earl of Chicheſter. - Vice-Preſidents, *Joſ. Butterworth, eſq. Jn. Gurney, eſq. Eben Mait- land, eſq. Jn, Soane, eſq. *Sir W. Stirling, bart. *And, Strachan, * eſq. Truſtees, John Anſley, Thomas Row- croft Knight Spencer, and John P. Kenſington, eſqrs. Treaſurers, Rich. Saumares, eſq. Rev. Rich. Edwards. Auditºrs, Geo. Anderſon, Peter Davey, C, Platt, D. R. Roper, and George Rennie, eſqrs. - Secretary, Knight Spencer, eſq. - Libra, ian, A. Clarke, LL.D. F.S.A. Sub-Jilibrarian, Thomas H. Horne. ... liftamt, John Millard. Russ E L L INSTITUTION, 1808. Great Coram-ſtreet, Ruſſell-ſquare. Preſident, Duke of Glouceſter. Vice-Preſidents, D, of Bedford, E. of Selkirk, Marq. of Lanſdowne, Ld Holland, Sil Alan Chambré, knt Mr. Baron Graham. . Managers, *Sir Samuel Romilly, knt. Wm Walton, *Sir Jas Mackintoſh, Henry Davidſon, James Scarlett, Mr. Serj. Lens, John Whiſhaw, Stephen Gazelee, eſqrs. Truſtees, *Sir Samuel Romilly, knt. Mr. Serjeent Lens, *Wm Dickin- fon, eſq. - • - . - Profeſſors, P. Roget, M. D. Animal Phyſiology. J. Pond, F.R.S. Aftro- nomy and Mechanical Philoſºphy. Treaſurer, Stephen Gazelee, eſq. Secretary, Mr George Flack. dollege of Phyſicians. 301 The Roy AL college of PHYSICANS, Warwick-Lane. - effabliſhed in 1523. Those marked | are Commiſſioners for granting Licences to Perſons for keeping -- Houſes for Lunatics. Elected in the Montb of Ośīober. - P R E S I D E N T. Dr. John Latham, F. R. & L. S. Phyſician extraordinary to the Prince Regent, Harley-ſtreet. F E L L ow's. Sir Lucas Pepys, bart, F.R.S. Elect. Pbyſician to the King, and Phyſician general to the Army, Upper Brook-ſt. Dr. Richard Budd, Ele&t. Craven-ffr. Sir Francis Milman, bart. Eleči. Phyſician to the King, Queen and to the King’s Houſebold, Lower Brook- ſtreet. º! Dr. James Hervey, Elector, Percyſłr. Dr. Devereux Mytton, Garth, Mont- 676? 17:6 s * * p: fºe. Hereford. Dr. James Robertſon Barclay, F.R.S. Phyſician extra to the Princeſs of Wales. - Dr. Martin Wall, F.R.S. Clin. Prof. Oxford. * Dr. James Carmichael Smyth, F.R.S Phyſicióh extra to the King, Sunbury. Dr. John Mayo, Phyſician to the Prin- cºſ of Wales, Tunbridge Wells. Dr.Robert Bourne, Prof. Mºd.0xford. Dr. Matthew Baillie, F. R. S. Elect. Physician ext, a to the King, Lozoer Groſvenor-ſtreet. , Dr. Thomas Monro, Adelphi-Terrace. Dr. William, Moore, Iſle of Wight. iXr. Edward Roberts, F. R. S. Elect. Bloomſbury-ſquare. * - Sir Henry Flalford, bart. Elector, Pby- fician to the King, and Phyſician to the Prince Regent, Curzon ſtreet. Dr. G. Paulet Morris, Parliament.fºr. |Dr. Henry Ainſlie, Dover-ſºr. - Dr.William Hyde Wollaſton, F.R.S. Buckingham ſtreet, Fitzroy-ſºuare. j)r. Arthur Daniel Stone, Charter- boºſe-square. Sir Chriſtopher Pegge, knt. F.R. & L.S. Cenſor, Regius Prof. of Physic, Oxford, Upper Seymour-street. Dr. Chr. Rt. Pemberton, Physician, extraordinary to the Prince Regent, George-ſtr. Hanover-square, Dr. Paggen William Mayo, Dorcaſter. Dr. Richard Powell, Eeºford placc, Russel-square, Secretary to the Com- missioners for Lunatics. ^s. Dr. William Heberden, F.R.S. Phy- ſician to the King and gueen, Uf per Brook ſtreet. • Dr. Robert Darling Willis. Dr Algernon Frampton, New Broad-ſireet. - Dr. Edward Aſh, F. R. S. Phyſicias extra. to the King, Argyll ſtreet. Dr. George Williams, Regius Prof. Bot, Oxford, F.L.S. - Dr. Devey Fearon. Dr. Chas Gower, Old Burlington-ſir. Dr. Samuel Holland. -. - Dr, William George Maton, F.R. & L.S. Treaſurer, Spring-garden. Dr. J. Haworth, Red Lion-ſquare. Dr. James Fraick, Paper-buildings, Temple. - Dr. Richard Edwards, Falmouth. Dr. George Smith Gibbes, F.L.S. Bath. |Dr. Willian Lambe, King's Road, Bedford-row, - Dr. John ſebpſtone, Birmingbam. Sir James Fellowes, knt. Dr. Charles Price, Brighton. Dr. George Gilbert Currey, Half- moon-ſtreet. - - -- Dr. Th9mas. Turner, Cenſor, Curzon- ſtreet. Dr. Edward Nath. Bancroft, jamaica, Dr. Charles Dalſton. Nevinson, So- merſet ſtreet, tºo tin an-ſquare. Dr. Pelham Warren, F.R.S. Leºver- Brook-ſtreet, - * */ § - C C SO2 |Dr. John Cooke, F.A.S. Gower-street. Sir Arthur Brooke Faulkner, knt. Cheltenham. . . . . . . Dr. Thomas Hume, hope-fireet, May Fair. Dr. Peter Rainier, Albany. Dr. Richard Faber. - - Little Stan. Dr. Clement Hue, Regiſtrar, Ber- nard ſtreet, Ruſſel ſquare. Dr. John Bright. . . Dr.'ſ hosyoung, F.R.S. Welbeck ſt: Dr. Hy JS Cholmeley, St. Mary Axe. Sir Thomas C. Morgan, knt. Dublin. Dr. Rd Simmons, F.R.S i Dr. Joseph Ager, Margaret-ſtreet, Cavendish-square. - Dr.Steph. Winthrop, Tunbridge-Wells. Dr Joseph C. pe. . . . . Dr. Andrew Bain, Physician extra. to the Prince Regent; Curzon-st. - Dr. James Tattersall, Somer’s-place. T}r. Thomas Dunne. - Dr. Richard Harrison. Dr. John Ayerton Paris, Cenſor, Bur- lington-ſtreet. pr. J. Noble Johnson, M.B. cenſºr, - Clarges ſtreet, . . . pr. Grant David Yeats, King-ſtreet, St. james'3-ſquare. . - tyr. Ed 9.Thos, Monro, Gower-ſtreet. Dr. Wm. Henry Fenton, Northampton. ¥). Wrm. Henry Williams, Ipſwich. Dr. Wm. Macmi, hael, Albany. . . Dr. George Leman Tuthill, Soho-ſq. CAND 1 D A T Es. Dr. Will. Macmichael, Ryder-freet. Dr. Robert Williams, Bedford place. i)r. John Kidd, Oxford. Dr. John Haviland, Rºg. Proff, of | Phyſic, Cambriage. Dr. Peter Mere Latham, Gower ºff. Dr. Joſeph Hurlock, Walbrook. Dr. Charles Badham, South Audley-ſt IN C1 PTO R CAN B I DATES. Wm Fred Chambers, M.A. Dover-ſº. Cornwallis Hewett, M. B. Prºff, of Medicine, Cambridge. Joha Ranicar Park, M.B. Southamp- ton-ſtreet, Bloomsbury. . . William Clark, M. A. Prof. of Ana- tomy, Cambridge. - Harry William Carter,M.B. * College of Phyſicians. |Dr. RobertBree,F .R.S. Hanover-sq. - Dr. Stephen Pellett, Dr. Joſeph Philan, y - John Scott, M.B. Bedford-ſquare. - Thomas Mayo, M. B. Queen Ann-str. Jerem. Gladwin Clowes, M.B. Queen- | ſtreet, Mayfair. fy Lie E N F IATE s. Dr. John Lee, F.R.S. - Dr. James Sims, D.C.L. Bath. - - - Dr. John Sims, F. L. S. Upper Guil- Dr. Triſtram Whitter, New Bridge-st. . . . - ford-ſtreet. - . Weymouth-ſtreet. Dr. William Payne, America. Sir Gilbert Blane, Lart. & F. R.S. Phyſician to the Prince Regent, . Cleveland-row. Dr. Wm. Liſter, 8, Lincoln’s-inn-field; Dr. Robert Freer, Glaſgow. Dr. Jn Meyer, Broad-ſtreet-buildings. Dr. George Pearſon, F.R.S. George- ſtreet, Hanover-ſquare. - Dr. Thomas Watſon, Tunbridge. Dr. Samuel Ferris, F. R. & A.S. Bea- . consfield, Bucks. º - Curzon-ſtreet. Dr. Theodore Forbes Leith, Scotland. Dr. George Sandeman, Redlion-ſquare. Dr. Wm. Blackburn, Cavendiſh-Jauare. Dr. William Black, Piccadilly. Dr. Ben. Moſeley, Albany. - Dr. Joſeph Hart Myers, jobn-ſtreet, America-ſquare. . - * Dr. Laurei.ce Nihell. Dr. Caleb Hillier Parry, F.R.S. Bath. Dr. Joseph Fox, Falmouth. - Dr. John Stark Robertson. Dr. Richard Pearsoll, F.S.A. | Dr. Chriſt.Stºnger, Greſham, Profeſſºr - of Phyſic, Lamb’s Conduit-place. Dr. Thomas Sutton, Greenwich. Dr. Edward Fryer, Charlotte-ſtreet, Fitzroyºſquare. Dr. Richard Kentiſh. " . Dr. Alexander Crichton, F.L.S. Ruſſia. Dr. John Rogerson. Dr. Edmord Somers, Seymour-place. Dr. John Aikin, F.L.S.Stoke Newington. Dr. John Muller, Chriſtiania, Norway, Dr. Richard Temple, Bedford-row. Dr. Sayer Walker. - ... - Dr. Walter Vaughan, Rocheiter. Dr. John Murray, Thayer-street. - Dr. Rt.Robertson, Greenwich-Hospit. | D . Thomas Blair, Brighton. | Dr. Geo. Pinckard, Bloomſburysquare. . . Dr. Robert Hamilton. College of Physicians. - 303 Dr. Philip Elliott, Bath. . Dr. Malcolm M'Queen. - Dr. Nicolas Romayne, New York. Dr. Edward Thomas, Barbadoes. Dr. James Buchan, jamaica. Dr. Richard Uenniſon, F A S., Dr. Stewart Crawſord, Bath. . . Dr. Richard Fowler, Saliſbury. Dr. Wm. Babington, FRS. Aldermani. Sir Alex. Douglas, bt. Scotland. Dr. Robert Graves, F.L.S. Bridport. Dr. Robert Wightman, Southampton. Sir Walter Farquhar, bart. Physician to the Prince Regent, Conduit-ffreet. Dr. Pink ſtan James, George ſtreet, Hanover-ſquare, Physician Extraor- dinary to the Prince Régent. Dr. Alex. Marcet, F.R.S. Ruffºll-sq. HDr. Thomas Nelſon, Berners-ſtreet. Dr. John Yelloly, F.R.S. Finſbury-ſq. Dr. Halliday Lidderdale, Falcon-ſqu. Dr. James Curry, F.A.S. Bridge-ſtreet, Black Friers. - Dr. Francis Home. * Dr. Thomas Jameſon, Cheltenham. Dr. Alexander P.Buchan, Percy-ftreet. Dr. Alexander Aberdour. Dr. Willlam Pitts Dimsdale. Dr. Joſeph Skey. Dr. Charles Tice. - Dr. John Reid, Grenville-ſtreet. Dr. Hy. Clutterbuck, New Bridge-ſt. Dr. Robert Batty, F.L.S. Charlotte- /?reet, Portland-place. - Dr. Alexander Lyon Emerſon, Bath. Dr. Thos. Bateman, FLS, Bloomſbury. ſºuaré. . . * Dr, Iſaac Buxton, New Broad-street. Dr. Samuel Fothergill, Craven-ſtreet. 19r. Ralph Blegborough, Bridge-street, Blackfriars. - Dr. Samuel Pett, Clapton. Dr. Samuel Irving, Canterbury. . Dr. Robert Hooper, Saville-row. Dr. John Duncan. Dr. James Laird, Bloomſbury-ſquare. Dr. }. Herdman. ºſbury-ſº * Dr. Jno. Rich. Farre, Charterhºuse-#. Dr. Adam Neale, Exeter. Dr. Robert Calvert, Worthing. - Dr. George Alexander Morewood. Sir Wm Knighton. ht. Phyſician to the Prince Regent, Hanover-square. Dr. Richard Duncan Mackintoſh, Colcheſter. - | Dr. Matthew John Tierney, Phyſician to the Prince Regent, Dover-ff. - Dr. Charles Henry Parry, F.R.S. Bath. ' Dr. John Frederick Lampert, Sweden. Dr. Warner Wright, Norwich. iXr. William Gordon. Dr. Robert Robinſon Watſon Robin- ſon, Preſton. •, Dr.Chs Bankhead, LowerGrºſvencrºft. Dr. Thomas Bree, Hastings. Dr. Edward Campbeil. Ds. Tho. Walſhman, Kennington-row. Dr. John Eyre. Dr. David U wins, Thavies-fun, Dr. George Birkbeck, Cateaten-ſtreet. Dr. Alexander Moriſon. Dr. Janies M*Dougle. Dr. John M*Mullan. Dr. George Rees, Finsbury-ſuare. Dr. Wm Shearman, Northampton-siſ. Dr. John M“Culloch, Blackbeath. Dr. John Förd Davis, Bath. . Dr. Richard Cooper, Dorchesters Dr. Alexander Robert Sutherland, Great George-street, Westminster Dr. Alexander Henderſon, Curzon-s, Pr. Charles Whitteli, Chester. Dr. Edwingodden jones, Hertford st. Dr. Joſeph De Courcy Laffan. Dr. Peter Mark Roget, Berzard-st. Dr. Edmund Lockyer, Plymouth. Dr. Robert Burgoyne Tomkins. , Dr. Joſeph Ad ims, 17, Hatton-garden Dr. Alexander Lawlor. - Dr. Dr. Tr. {}r. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Thos. Hancock, Finſbury-ſquare. john Booth, Birmingham Thomas Alº Whirter, Brussells. " John Hinds. - - John Francis Berger. - Patrick Mackenzie, Bombay. Charles Mackenzie. Thomas Brown, Sackville street. Dr. George Dent, Windſor. Dr. Wm. Maſon, Plaſclough, D, nbigh. Dr.Benj. Fonſecaoutram, Hanoveriſ?. Dr. William Bromet. Dr. Thoseas Smith, Hertford. HDr. Thomas Jones. . . . Dr. Donnald Mackinnon, Adelphi. Dr. John Dwyer. Dr. Adam Black, Sloane-street C & 2 304 Colleges of Phyſicians and of Surgeons. Dr. Jn. B. Davis, N. 7, St. George's- place, Blackfriers Road. Dr. Thomas Čhriſtie, Phyſician extra, to the Prince Regent, Cheltenham, Dr. J Elliotſon, Grafton-st. Piccadilly, Dr. Francis Hichen Northen, New- caſtle, Staffordſhire, Dr. Robert John Thornton; Dr. Dennis Conſiden. Dr. George Goldie, York. Dr. Robert Gooch, Berner’s-street. Dr. George Cumming, Denbigh. Dr. Matt, Brydie Cowie, Faulcon-sq. Dr. Jn Walker, Bond-court, Wallbrook. Dr. H. H. Southey, Queen Ann-freet. Dr. Charles Wightman, Alnwick, Dr. W. Prout, Southampton-ſº, Bioomsb. Dr. Thomas Drever, Grosvenor-street. Dr. Thomas Gray, F.R.S. George- ſtreet, Hanover-ſºuare. Dr. John Mackenzie. Dr. R. B. Denniſon, Guildford-ſtreet. Dr. John Foley, Berners-ſtreet. Dr. Henry Clements, Worksop. Dr. David Davis, Charlotte-st. Bloomſö. Dr. Ralph Eden, Chapel pl.-Duke-ſtr. Dr, T. C. Carpent, r, Lyme, Dorſetſh, Dr. Robert Daun, 89th Regt. Breadſ. Dr. Wm Sainſbury, Corſham, Wilts. . Dr. Charles Scudamore, Wimpoleſt. Dr. William Back, St. Thomas’s-st. Dr. Chas. Ferguson Forles, Argyleſ. Dr. Thomas Donalloo. Dr. Theodore Gordon, York Hospital. Dr. Stephen Luke, Argyle-street. Sir James M. Gregor, ſensington. Dr. D. Flenderleath, Upper Berkley-st. Dr. Robert Richardson, Rathbone-pl. Dr. Robert Chisholm, Canterbury. Dr. Miguel Caetano de Castro, Red * Lion-square. JDr. Hugh is one. Dr. Helenus Scott, Russel-34uare. Dr. John Edward Freake, Dr. Samuel Cleverley, Montagu-str. Dr. Henry Holland, Mount-ſtreet Dr. Joseph Mitchell, Charlotte-str. Portland-place. . . . Dr. William Silver, Curzoniſt, eet. Dr. Bart, de Sanctis King-É Cov.-gar. Dr. George Gregory, Mortimer'ſ rest. Dr. William Moore, Percy-street, Dr. Richard Bright, Spring-gardens. Dr. Neil Arnott, Bedford-square. Dr. John G. Spurzheim, Foley-pl. Dr. Geo. R cKetts Nut all, Gerrard-st. Dr. William Somerville, Queen ſqu- Dr. Thomas Mºore, Air street. Dr. Thomas Thompson, Kensington. Dr. Benj. Robinſon, Finsbury-place. £, I c E N T 1 A T E s in M I D w if E R Y . Dr. Michael Underwood. Ex T R A-L1 c 2 NT I At E s. Dr. William Falconer, Bath. Dr. Nicholſon Doubleday, Berwick- upon-Tweed. . . * . . . Chriſt. Mann Torre, M. A. Pontefra'ī. 1)r. Charles Brown, Berlin. Mr. William Landſdale, Maryland, Dr. Edward Long Fox, Briſtol. | Dr. William May. Dr. john Nott, Briſtol Hot Wºls Mr. J. Newman. : Dr. Samuel Edmonds. Dr. Gaſpard Chas de la Rive, Geneva. Dr. John Chapman, Barbadoes. Dr. John Sherwen, Bath. - Dr. John Edmonds Stock, Briſtol. Dr. John James De Roches, Geneva. Dr. John Hull, Mancheſter. - Dr. John O'Ryan, Waterford, Dr. John Robinſon, Doncaſter. . . Dr. James Clarke, Nottingham. Dr. Patrick Miller, Exeter. - Dr. Walter C, Heywood, Blandford. Dr. James Gaſking, Plymouth Dr. Robert Anderſon, Brighthelmſtone. Dr. James Clough, Manchefter. * Charles Littlehales, LL.B. Wincheſter. | Dr. John Erly. -- - Dr. George Bellamy, Plymouth. j Dr. Joſeph Da Cunha, Oporto. ł)r. Js Proud Johnson, Shrewsbury. Dr. Samuel M*Guffog. Dr. Franceſco Romero. Dr. Whitlock Nicholl, Ludlow. Dr. David Davies, Bristol. Dr. William Barrow, Liverpool. Dr. John Carnegie, Frome. Dr. Robert Smith, Maidstone. Roy A. Col. L E G E of Su R G EoNs, Lincoln’s-inn Fields, London. . Chartered in 1800. - - Thoſe marked | are Members of the Court of Examiners. Maſter, Geo. Chandler, eſq.Stam/ord Areet, Blackfrterf-road. College of Surgeons, and Society of Apothecaries, - - Governor. |Thomas Keate, eſq., F.R.S. Surgeon to the Queen&# to the Prince Regent, : Chelſea. - |Sir David Dundas, bart. Sergeant- Surgeon to the King, Richmond. Aſſiſtants. William Long, eſq. F.R.S Lincoln’s- Inn Fields. | Thompſon Forſter, eſq. Southamp- ton-ſtreet, Bloomſbury. Extraordinary to the King, George- ſtreet, Hanover-ſquare. | Sir William Blizard, knt. F.R.S. Devonſhire-ſquare. - | Henry Cline, eſq. F.R.S. Lincoln’s- inn Fields. - ** | William Norris, eſq. Old jewry. | Sir Everard Home, bt. F.R.S. Ser- geant-Surgeon to the King, Sackville-ſº, Jn Adair Hawkins, eſq. Great Marl- borough-ſtreet. - Francis Knight, eſq. Saville-row. | Sir Ludford Harvey, knt. Redlion-ſq.- Wm. Lynn, eſq. Parliamentiff'reet. J.Abernethy, eſq. F.R.S. Bedford row, 305 Wm. Lucas, eſq. Threadneedle-ſtreet. Aſtley, Paſton Cooper, esq. Ne - Broad-ſtreet. Anthony Carlisle, esq. Surgeon E x- traordinary to the Prince Regent, Soho-ſquare, . | Thomas Chevalier, esq. Surgeon extr. to the Prince Regent, South Audley ſº. James Wilson, esq. George. street, Hanover-square. * . John Günning, esq. Grosvenor treet, John Heavifide, eſq. F.R.S. Surgeon | Curators of the Muſeum, William Long, George Chandler, Sir Wim. Blizard, Henry Cline, William Norris, John Abernethy, Aſtley Paſton Cooper. Honorary Profeſſors of Anatomy and Surgery, Sir William Blizard, knt. Sir Everard Home, bart. Profeſſors of Anatomy & Surgery, An- thony Carlisle, and William Lau- rence, eſqrs. Honorary Member, Sir Joſeph Banks, bart. Prt. R. S. &c. % Secretary, Mr. Edmund Belfour. Conſervator of the Muſeum, Mr. Wii- liam Clift. Beadle, William Stone. Society of Apothecar I Es of London, Black-friers. Incorporated in- 16 .Maſter, William Box, eſq. Wardens, Miles Partington, esq. Wil- liam Atkinſon, esq. . . Aſſiſtants, Richard Haworth, eſq. F. A.S. Robert Sherſon, eſq. F.A. & L.S. Hugh French, eſq. Elias de Gruchy Faſſett, eſq. Philip Nicho- las, eſq. John Stephen Bacot, eſq. John Newſom, eſq. Edward Ro- berts, eſq., F.L.S.- Thomas Hard- wick, eſq. William Simons, eſq. William Wheeler, Esq., Samuel Lawford, eſq. Joseph Jackson, esq, Rice Davies, eſq. Geo. Cabbell, esq. John Baker, esq., Thomas Wheeler,esq.F.L.S. Richard-flºad- ford, esq. Edward Browne, esq. Henry Field, eſq. Clerk to the Society, Edmund Bacot. Readle, Frederick Kanmacher, Pil. S. The Court of Examiners. William Simons, eſq. Chairman, Thos. Secretary John Watſon: Naval, Galenical, & Drug Departments. | Treaſurer, William Simons, eſq. Wheeler, F.L.S Edward Bröwne, John Gibbs Ridout, F.L.S. John. * . 17. Hunter, James Hill, Jas Upton, Richard Strong Wells, Geo. John. ſon, Arthur Tegart, James Seaton, and Henry Robinson, eſqs. *~. Deputy-freaſurers, John Newſom,eſq. and John Stephen Bacot, eſq. Accomptant, Sotherton Backlers Operator, Richard Clarke. chemical Department. Treaſurer, Philip Nicholas, eſq. DeputyTreas. Edw. Browne, Hy. Field. Superintending Chemical Operator, and Leśturer on Chemiſtry & Materia Medica Wm. Thomas Brande, F.R. & L.S., | Chemical operator, Silvanus Ronalds. Accomptant, William Bonner. Botanic Garden at Chelſea, Prof. & Jºãurer, T-Wheeler, F.L.S. Principal Gardener, William Ander- ſon, F.L. & H.S. * cc 3 306 - City-Magiſtrates, &c. CITY-MAGISTRATES, Right Honourable #CHRISTOPHER SMITH, Lord Mayor, elected Alderman of Cordwainer. Ward, in 1807, Manſion-Houſe. º AL or RMen. } - - - - Bridge Without. 1772-1804. Sir Watkin Lewes, kt. Somerſæt-ſtreet, Port- - - man-ſquare, Father of the City. - Tower. 1785. *Sir William Curtis, bart. Broad-ſtreet. Biſhopſgate. 1790. Sir Richard Carr Glyn, bart. F.L.S. Arlington- . ... -- ſtreet. . - - Langbourn. 1795. Colonel Sir John Eamer, knt. Rutland-place, Upper - . - * - . Thames-ſtreet. - - F.arringdon Without. 1793, Sir Charles Price, bart. F.L.S. Bedford-ſuare. * . Broad-ſtreet. - 1793. *Sir John Perring, bart. Portland-place. - Portſoken. 1793. *Sir James Shaw, bart. America-ſguare. Billingſgate. 1799. Sir William Leighton, knt, Fenchurch-buildings, Bread-ſtreet. 18co. John Anſley, eſq. F.L.S. Bread-ſtreet. Cornhill. 1801. Sir Charles Flower, bart. Finſbury-ſquare. Farringdon Within, 1802. Thomas Smith, eſq. New Bridge-ſtreet. A. - Caſtlebaynard. 1803. Lt. Colonel Joſhua Jonathan Smith, Benet's Hill. I Baſſhaw. 1894.' Colonel Sir Claudius Stephen Hunter, bt. Spring- - - garden. - - Dowgate. 1805. George Scholey, eſq. Old Swan. - Queenhithe. - 18& 6. Sir William Domville, bart. New Ormond street. . Candlewick. - 1807. Samuel Birch, eſq. Guildford-street. Cripplegate. 1807. "Matthew Wood, eſq. South Audley-ſtreet. Record ss., 1893. Sir John Silveſter, bart. D.C.L. & F.R.S. Blooms. - bury-ſquare. Salary, 25ool, a year. Bridge Within. 1803, tSir Matthew Bloxam, knt. Wallworth. :/allbrook. 1808. f*John Atkins, eſq. Wallbrook. cheap. 1809, tSamuel Goodbehere, eſq. Cheapſide. Wintry. 1810. #Chriſtopher Magnay, eſq. Queen-ffreet. Lime-freet, 1813. FGeorge Bridges, eſq. Trinity-ſquare. Cokman-ſtreat. 1812. tWilliam Heygate, eſq. Chatham-place. Mºderſgate. * 1813, #Robert Albion Cox, eſq. Little Britain. 4’dgate. . . . 1817. HJohn Thomas Thorpe, eſq. - N. B. 4# befºre the Recorder have paſ'd the Chair 5-and thoſe mark'd thus + have ſerv'd the office of Sheriff, j - City-off cers, &c. .. soy sHERIFFs. Francis Desanges, eſq. ald. George Alderson, eſq. cham B E R LAIN. Richara Clark, eſq., F.A.S. 1798. Inner office. Principal Clerk, B. W. Scott, eſq. Aſſiſtants, Mr. Rd Keys, Mr.Jas Byfield, Mr. Tho. Smith, Mr. Joſ. Nalder. Outer Office. Clerk of the Chamber, James Boudon, eſq. - Affſtant, Mr. John Sewell. - Common-Serjeant, Newman Knowlys, eſq. Town-Clerk, Henry Woodthorpe, eſq. Principal Clerk, Mr. Henry Woodthorpe, jun. ; Aſſiſtant, Mr. James F. Firth. Under-Sheriffs, Joseph Smith, esq. Thomas Orrell, esq. - . judges of the Sheri s Court, Francis Maſeres, eſq. F.R.S. John Vaillant, eſq. Four Common Pleaders, William Watſon, F.R.S. Henry Revell Reynolds, William Bolland, William St. Julian Arabin, eſqrs. . Comptroller of the Chamber, Joſeph Buſhnan, eſq. Principal Clerk, Mr. John Read. Secondary of Giltſpur-ſtreet Compter, Samuel Collingridge, eſq. Secondary of the Poultry Compter, Philip Wyatt Crowther, eſq. Remembrancer, Timothy Tyrrell, eſq. - Solicitor, William Lewis Newman, eſq. - Clerk of the Works, William Montague, esq. - Clerk of the Peace for London and Southwark, Regiſtrer of the Mayor's Court, and Clerk of Arraigns for London and Middleſex, Thomas Shelton, eſq- Principal Clerk of the Court of Requeſts, John Holmes, eſq. Three Eso UIR Es of the Lord-Mayor's Houſehold. - Sword-bearer, William Cotterell, eſq. - Common Crier, James Renat Syms, eſq. - Water-bailiſ, William Howell, eſq. Comptroller of the Bridge-houſe, Samuel Newman, eſq. juſtice of the Bridge-yard, Sir John, Eamer, knt. Bridge-Maffers, John Wm. Galabin and Richard Yeoward, gents: **. City-Marſhals, John Wontner, Neville Browne, gents. Collector of the City-Dues at the Cuſtom-Houſe, Edward Dew, gent. Colle&ior of the Orphans Duty on Coal, *Sir William Curtis, bart. alderman. Principal Land Coal-Meters, William Anderſon, eſq. Mr. John Hawkins. clerks of the Coal-Market, Mr. John Butcher, Mr. Samuel Richardſon, and Mr. Benjamin Woods. . . . . - - - Hall-keeper, Mr. George Temple. - t - Diſtrict-Surveyors of the Buildings in the City.—Eaſt, Mr. John Gibſo Hackney: Weſt, Mr. William Mountague, Guildhall: North, Mr. Na- thaniel Wright, Hatton-garden : South, Mr. George Smith. º 303 Court of Common Council. Depu Tres and Common-Council. Men of the City of London, elected on the 21ſt of December. Alderſgate 8. Robert Fiſher, eſq.Goldſmith. Deputy. - Errington Paxton, Innholder. Thomas Liſter Forreſt, Haberdasher. William Matthews, Innholder. Joseph Turner, esq Wire-drawer. Samuel Rolls, Currier. r Daniel Kay. Wheelwright. John Lorkin, Baker. Aldgate 6. Samuel Weddel), eſq. Draper, Dep. Samuel Thorp, Tinplate-worker. Charles Druce, Innholder. Samuel Favell, Clothworker. John Jackson, †Merchant-tailor. º f Baſſhaw 4. Solomon Wadd,eſq. Muſician, Deputy. Edward Friſby, Merchant-tailor. paniel Britten, Cloth-worker. William Smart, Weaver. Billingſgate Io. John Ord, eſq. Goldſmith, Deputy. Theophilus Hearſey, Gover. Edward Hanſon, joiner. r Ant. Brown, eſq. Fiſhmonger. Thomas Dornford, Cooper. John Sudlow, Fiſhmonger. - Wm Sampſon, Framework-knitter. Samuel Wilſon, Draper. - George Thomas King, Wintner. William Austin, Wheelwright. Biſhopſgate Io. - Thomas Greenaway, eſq. Carpenter, Deputy. - - ames Davies, Cordwainer. John Bumſted, Patten-maker. William Day, Grocer. - Thomas Glover, Innholder. Daniel Whittle Harvey, Girdler. Benjamin Yates, Cook. “ Isaac Wale, Innholder. Henry Sandford, Ironmonger. Bishopſgate Without, Sir William Rawlins, knt. Upholder, Deputy. * John Dueſfell, Maſor. Samuel, Naſh, Stationer. - -> - Thomas Judkins, Baker. * : Bread-ſtreet 12. Samuel Hayward, Glaſer, Dep. John Elliott, Draper. . William Mathie, Grocer. Zachary Langton, Skinner. James Bate, Stationer. | Thomas Coleman, Clothworker. | Henry JDibbin, Innholder. Matthew Topham Gibſon, Weavers. | Thomas Moore, Skinner. | William Sowerby, Leather-ſeller. | William Gilman, Founder. . . John Blackmore, Cordwainer. º: I ºr *. | Wm Child, eſq. Merchant-tailor, Dep. | Benjamin Bovill, Goldſmith. John Joyner, Haberdaſher. - Robert Dutton, Upbolder. * Tho. Cartwright, Tiler & Bricklayer. Philip Green, Ironmonger. | Nathaniel Saunders, Fiſhmonger. X- : John Wells Dean, Clothworker. William Wadham Cope, Fiſhmonger, John Eocke, Painter-ſtainer, | John Sharp, Clock-maker, Joſiah Harris, Joiner. | Thomas Saunders, Fiſhmonger. | Frederick Gye, Ironmonger. John Kidgell, Stationer. Broad-ſtreet Io. John Paterſon, esq. Mercer, Deputy. | Thomas Crokatt, Fiſhmonger. Thomas Clarke, Merchant-tailor. | Charles Foſter, Goldſmith. John Defhons, Draper. William Peppercorne, Innholder. - | Richard Webb Jupp, Carpenter. 3. #. Smith, Cooper. - | Francis Wakefield, Draper. - candlewick 8. | Joſeph Welſh, eſq. Girdler, Deputy. John Ryland Mander, Tinplate- worker, - - |John waiter, Cordwainer. {..."; Vintner. - - Robert Kirby, esq. Needle-maker. Joſeph Humpleby, Plumber. |joſeph Eaton, F#monger. Thomas Carr, Leather-seller. Court of Common Council. 309 Caſtlebaynard Io. William Box, eſq. Apothecary, Dep. James Griffiths, joiner. Robert Slade, eſq. Ironmonger. Thomas. Farrance, Cook. John Treacher, Wheelwright. Joſeph-Hurcombe, Wheelwright. -Joſeph Hurlock, Apothecary. Perrot Fenton, jun. Weaver. John Pearson, Draper. Joseph Vere, Draper. .* • 'Cheap 12. Thomas Arnold Loxley, eſq. Tiler and Bricklayer, Deputy. Samuel Hale, Vintner. Richard Cheeſwright, Turner. Thomas Swift, Upholder. John Smith, Fiſhmonger. Richard Rothwell, Fiſhmonger. Richard Brook, Goldſmith. John Perrell, Weaver. William Edward Smith, Ironmonger. Joseph Tayler, Weaver. Robert Jennings, Stationer. Samuel Jerram, Girdler. tº Coleman-ſtreet 6. -- Francis Paynter, eſq. Needle-maker, Depaty. . John Weſt, Girdler. - Nathaniel Davies, Mufician. William Chapman, Armourer & Bra- ſier. • -* - John Letts, Merchant-tailer. William Mercer, Goldſmith. Cordwainer 8. . John Hamman, eſq. Girdler, Dep. William Row, Skinner. James Trimbey, eſq. Draper. Guſtavus AdolphusSmith, F/Amonger Richard Abbey, Patten-maker. Charles William Hick, Felt-maker. William Watſon, Wheelwright. George Stevenſon, Stationer. Cornbil 6. James Jacks, eſq. Deputy. . Charles Chapman, Cordwainer. Thomas Blunt, Needlemaker. Philip Barraud, Clock-maker. Lucas Birch, Cook. ‘. - Wm. Sandell Angell, Cloth-wºrker. " ^. Merchant tailor, Cripplegate Within 3. Tho. Vallance, eſq. Stationer, Dep. William Kerl, Currier. Stephen Habberton, Wheelwright. William Waterhouſe, Innholder. Francis Jowers, Carpenter. Thomas Kidder, Barber. Jonathan Delver, Fletcher. Edward Heath, Stationer. Cripplegate Witbour, 4. - Joſeph Daker, eſq. Cloth-worker, Debº - John Pullen, joiner. | Joſeph Yallowley, Carpenter. John Brogden, Goldſmith. Dowgate 8. James Saunders, eſq. Fiſhmonger, Dep. john Pearſon, Wheelwright. | Joſeph Fitzwilliam Vandercom, Ha- berdaſher. Thomas Britten, Merchant-tailor. James Ebenezer Saunders, Fiſhm. Thomas Atkinſon, Diſtiller. John Forſter, Brewer, David Price, Haberdaſher. Farringdon Within 17. N. Side. John Crowder, eſq. Playing-Card Maker, Dep. John Wheble, Stationer. Wm Pritchard, Innholder. George Winter, Baker. James Pearſali, Dyer, - Adam Oidham, Wax-chandler. Robert Westwood, Ironmonger. John Murcott, Distiller. Malcolm Dunnett, Barber. South Side. Daniel Pinder, eſq. Dyer, Dep. - Jobn Leigh, Merchant-tailor. Lewis Lewis, Vintner. James Scatcherd, Stationer. Joſeqh Daw, Painter-ftainer. John Howeli, Ironmonger. - John P. Hayward, Goldsmith. Farringdon Without 16. North Side. Wm Jn Reeves, eſq. Blackſmith, Dep. Abraham Young, Turner. William Griffith, Stationer. William Murrel), Barbér. James Crook, Cordwainer. Wm Pontifex, Armourer and Brafter, John Blacket, Glaſs-ſeller. William Patten, Goldsmith. .* 310 South-fide. Robert Herring, eſq. Upholder, Dep. Robert Walthman, Thomas Reeve, Ironmonger. Framework- * Thomas Harper, Turner. Thomas Oak Smith, Giafter. - William Vale, Barber. Sharles Augustus Savage, Innbolder. William Patten, Goldsmith. - Langbourn 1 o. Thomas Ayres, eſq. Goldſmith, Dep. Richard Dixon, Fiſhmonger. • William Witherby, Stationer. Robert Elliot, Glaſs ſeller. Thomas Wiltſhire, Clothworker. Benjamin Stubbing, Butcher. Joſeph Carter, Weaver. . Edward Poynder, Plumber. Samuel Joyce, Clock-maker. J. H. Gibson. - Lime-ſtreet 4. John Adcock, eſq. Salter, Deputy. Thomas Price, Merchant-tailor. John Dyſter, Merchant-tailor. William Shearman, Felt-maker, Portſoken 5. Edward Colebatch, eſq. Haberdaſher, Deputy. Robert Carter, Cooper. Thomas Parker, Wheelwright. {. Smith, Bowyer. eter Perry, Clockmaker. Queenhithe 6. John Wm. Goſs, eſq. Haberdaſher, Deputy. John Cotton, Stationer. Court ºf Common Cºuncil, and Commissioners of Land-ºrax. Edward Hughes, Grocer. John Joſeph Skilbeck, Muſician. John Aſhlin, Painterſtainer. John Hancock, Merchant-tailor. - Tower 12. - ~~ Samuel Hutchinſon, eſq. Merchant- tailor, Deputy. - Samuel Dixon, Fiſhmonger. Samuel Wright, Wheelwright. Matthias Prime Lucas, Vintner Charles Stuart, Baker. . . - | David Laing, Tiler & Bricklayer. Thomas Bridges, Vintner.' Peter Skipper, Barber. - William Cawthorn, Fiſhmonger. Gilpin Gorſt, Vintner. . John Drinkald, Wintner. - Robert Smith, Haberdaſher, Wintry 9. Thomas Whitby, eſq. Draper, Deputy- Joſeph Gattey, Painter-ſtainer. Charles Martin, eſq. Vintner. Thomas Conway, Cordwainer. Thomas Garratt, Bowyer. . John Combs, Patten maker. Thomas Crook, Cordwainer. Charles Ingall, Wintner. Richard Woodward, Salter. Wallbrook 8. Tho. williams, eſq. Blackſmith, Dep. William Pearce, Clock-maker. | Sir Thomas Bell, knt. Needle-maker. . William Ryde, Wax-chandler. William Roſs, Grocer. . . 1 Thomas Hale, Haberdaſher. William Woodward, joiner. Ephraim Haywood, Barber. sºr commissioners for sale of the Land Tax in the county of Middleſex. John Bacon, eſq. Friers Barnet. t Rev. Dr. Bennet, Highgate. Thomas Collins, eſq. Finchley. Sir Nathaniel Conant, knt. Great Marlborough-ſtreet. s Hammond Croſſe, eſq. Knightſbridge. Rice Davies, eſq. . Lambeth-ſtreet, Whitechapel. - Samuel Edwards, eſq. Beaufort-build- 2ngs. ** Luke Flood, eſq. Mile-end. | John Jeſſop, eſq. Waltham-Abbey. William Kinnaird, eſq. High Ho!- bourn. - James Quilter, eſq. Hadley. John Rae, eſq. Aſhford. . . Caſten Rhode, eſq. Radclife. . . Marmaduke ‘Sellon, eſq. Clerkenwell, William Spencer, eſq. Norwood. Sir Daniel Williams, knt. Spital- Fields. . . . . . . . Clerk, Daniel Hindley. Commiſſioners ºf Property Tax, and Lieutenancy. *.. FROPERTY-TAX CoMM Ission E R s. Chairman, Deputy, David Jennings, eſq. . . Joſhua Jonathan Smith, eſq. ald. Nathaniel Brickwood; JPiummer, Daniel Pinder, Thomas Poynder, Stephen Cattley, Henry Wildman, Samuel Weddell, James Palmer, Benjami, Harriſon, John - Eſtabliſhed in 1803. Thoulas 3i i OFFICE, London, N. 107, Fenchurch-ſtreet. Clark Powell, Joſh. Gough, Iſaac Solly, eſqrs. - - Clerk, Joſeph Blades, eſq. Aſſiſt. Clerks, Meſſrs. W. Rawlinſon, Joſeph Stalling, Joſeph Thompſon, Jacob Martin, Joſeph Starling,jun. Richard Ruſſell, Chambers. Meſſengers, John Wood, Wm Smith. In door Meſſenger, James Parrott. and George G. - REce 1 v E R s GENERAL of TAxes in London and Middleſex. Land-Tax, William Bagot, eſq. . - . . . - Deputy, John Juland Rawlinſon, eſq. The Office at N. 27, Auſtin Friars. Aſſeſſed Taxes, William Everett, eſq. Office, N. 24, Exchange-alley. Deputy, Mr. Richard Nixon. Commiſſioners of the Lieu're N as cy for London. & The LoRD-MAYok, Aldermen, and their Deputies, Recorder, Chamberlain, William Albin, John Julius Angerſtein, *William Aſtell, Jaſper Atkinſon, jun. George Aufrere, Thomas Bainbridge, Robert Baker, Matthew Beachcroft, T. Beachcroft, Thomas Boddington, Edward Gale Boldero, . T. Boſanquet, George Briſtow, <-james Brogden, John Buſhnān, J. Calvert, Lord Carrington, - J H. Cazenove, Abel Chapman Joseph Coton, J. Coore, J. Cornwall, jun. James Curtis, - Edward Darell, Thomas Dea, - Sir Claude Charmpion De Creſpigny, bart. J. Desfell, . . . - Baron Dimſdale, George Dorrien, Samuel Douglas, Samuel Drew, . Joſeph Dunnage, . | Thomas Fitzhugh, J. Forbes, - Samuel Edwards, Hon. William Fullarton Elphinſtone, - Edward Forſter, jun. F. L. S William Fraſer, - Samuel Robert Gaussen, £aniel Giles, Henry Golding, | Henry Goodwin, | Sir Hugh Inglis, bart. | *Paſcoe Grenfell, jun. ” Silas Grove, Richard Hankey, | Jeremiah-Harman, | Robert Harriſon, Thomas Harvey, Charles Herries, | Robert Holford, | J. Hunter, Robert Hunter, *- Henry Jackſon, Randle Jackſon, J. Judd, J. Judd, junior, i John Pooley Kenſington. | Thomas King " Robert Ladbroke, • # Lane, - - # Thornas Langley, Themas Furly Forſter, and Common Sergeant, for the time being. J. Langſtone, Thomas Lewis, | Beeſton Long, S. Long, And Loughnan, Sir John Lubbock, bart. . *Eben. Fuller-Maitlands William Mainwaring, *William Manning, John Manſhip, *William Melliſh, C. Melliſh, R. Meux, jun. *Charles Mills, Thomas Neave, J. Neſbitt, Joſ. Nutt, T. Parry, J. Pearſe, J. Perkins, J. Perry, . - Henry Peters, William Pitt, ThomasPlummer, William Porter, Richard Puller, Thomas Raikes, Will. Mathew Raikes, J. Reed, Major Rhode, J. Roberts, | *Abraham Robarts, . William Robinſon 312. Court of Lieutenancy, Board of Harbºur-Maſters, and Artillery Company. C. Robinſon, H. Roxby, *George Smith, Henry Smith, S, Smith, Iſaac Solly, T. Sparks, Alex. H. Sutherland, E. Tatem, Chriſtopher Tadd y, | J. Thackray, G. Thornton, Robert Thornton, Robert Thornton, jun, *Samuel Thornton, Stephen Thornton, Stephen Todd, J. Travers, J. Turnbull, Thomas Turquand, Timothy Tyrrell, John Whitmore, William Willis, Matthew Wilſon. The above Gentlemen are Eſquires by Pirtue of the King's Commiſſion. Randle Jackſon, eſq. Standing Council to the Commiſſion, and Aſſeſſor to the Court in all caſes of Appeal.—Edward Groſe Smith, eſq. Clerk and Treaſurer, Barbers Hall.—Thomas Gregg, eſq. Muſer-Maſter.—Samuel Manſell, Meſſenger. * ~ H A R B ou R-M A.st ERs, Office of the Upper Station, Little Thames-ſtreet, St. Catherine's. Lower-0%ice, }ſfice of pp Canal-Office, #ſºft - 2ft Captain John Raymond Show, St. Catherine's. Captain Anthony Ludlam. Manſel-ſtreet, Goodman’s Fields. Captain Thomas Wake, Queen Elizabeth's Row, Greenwich. Captain Alexander Murray, Royal Hill, Greenwich. Captain Matthew Welch, St. Catherine's. The Honourable ARTILLERY company. --- Captain General,PR IN c Eof w Ales. Preſident, *Sir Wm. Curtis, bt. Ald. Vice Preſident, Sir Chas Price,bt. Ald. Surgeon, Thomas Luxmoore, esq. Assistant, Mr. Jas Birch Sharpe. Quarter-Maffer, R. S. Kirby. Treasurer, “Sir JamesShaw, bt. Ald. Serjeant-Major, Mr. W. H. White. Colonel, The Duke of Sussex. Lieut.-Colonel, Gerard De Viſme, eſq. Major, Charles Edward Cox, eſq. Adjutant, B. W. Hemans, esq. Chaplaim, Rev. Andrew Hatt, M.A., Phifician, John Yelloly, M. D. Secretary, Mr. Wm. White. Aſſiſtant-Secretary, Mr. Wm. Henry. White, jun. % Meſſenger, John Edwards. Drum-Major, John Clarke. I R I s H. So c 1 ET Y. Governor, John T. Thorpe, eſq., ald. Dep,-Gov. Edward Hughes, esq. Sir Johnsilveſter,bt.D.C.L. Recorder. Sir Richard Carr, Glyn, bt. ald. *Sir John Perring, bt, ald. Sir William Leighton, knt, ald. John Ansley, esq. aſd. Sir Claudius S. Hunter, bt. ald. Mr. John Deshons. •. Mr. William Edward Smith. Mr. Thomas Clark. - Mr. William Row. Ms. Richard Rothwell. Mr. Richal d Price. Mr. Charles Ingall. Mr. William Mercer. Mr. John Pearson. Mr. Willian Ross. Mr. John Brogden. Edward Colº batch, e q. Deputy- John Adcock, csq. Deputy. Mr. Joſeph Howell. Mr. Samuel Hale. Mr Daniel Brittain. | Joseph Daker, esq. Deputy. Secretary, Robert Slade, esq. s Cºmmiſſioners of Sewers and Magiſtrates of the Police-offices. 313 Com Mission E R s of SEw ER s, LAMP s, and PAv E MEN rs. LoR D MAY or and all the Aldermen and their Deputies who are eligible. Alderſgate Within, Mr. W. Matthews Alderſgate Without, Mr. Daniel Kay Aldgate, Mr. Charles Druce. Baffiſhaw, Mr. Edward Frisby. Billingſgate, Anthony Brown, eſq. Biſhopſgate Witbin, Mr.William Day. Biſhopſgate Without, Mr. Sam. Naſh. , Bread-ſtreet, Mr. Thomas Coleman. Bridge, Mr. William W. Cope. Broad-ſtreet, Mr. Charles Foſter. Candlewick, Mr. John Platt. Caſtlebaynard, Mr. Perrot Fenton. Cheap, Mr. Richard Cheeſewright. Coleman-ſtreet, Mr. John Weſt. Cordwainer, Mr. George Stevenſon. Cornhill, Mr. Thomas Blunt. Cripplegate Mithin, Mr.Step.Haberton Cripplegateſ/ithout, Mr. Jos. Yallowly. Dowgate, Mr. Thomas Atkinſon. Farringdon Within, Mr. Joſeph Daw, Mr. Robert Weſtwood. Do. Without, Mr. William Griffith, Mr. Thomas Oak Smith. . Langbourn, Mr. Thomas Wiltſhire, Mr. Joſeph Carter. - Lime-ſtreet, Mr. William Shearman Portſoken, Mr. Thomas Parker. Queenbithe, Mr. Edward Hughes. Tower, Mr. David Laing. Vintry, Mr. Joseph Gatty. - Wallbrook, Mr. Ephraim Heywood. Chief Clerk, Mr. Wm. Bond. -- Aſſiſt. Clerks, Mr. Charles Hallier, Mr. Francis Thomas Donne. Surveyor, Mr. Samuel Acton. MAGISTRATES, &c. of the POLICE-OFFICEs. Bow-STR E E ºr, Covent-Garden.- - , Magiſtrates Chief, Sir Nathaniel Conant, 11, Port- land-place. - Richard Birnie, eſq. 14,0xendon-firect George Hicks, eſq. Somerſet-ffreet. - Clerks. - Mr. John Stafford, at the Office, Mr. William Woods, at the Office. Mr. Sam. Keene, 23, Princesſitreet, Red lion-ſquare. - Conſtables. John Townſend, Pimlico. john Sayers, Pimlicº. - john Pearks, 2, Caſtle-ſir. Long-acre, Stephen Lavender, 40, Long-Acre. iłarry Adkins, 22, Bow-ſtreet. John Wickery, 54, St. Jºhn.ſtreet. Šamuel Taunton, 27, Duke-ſtreet Lincoln’s-inn Fields. - paniel Bishop, 41, Great Qween-st. And 100 other Conſtalles and Patrºles. Salary.—Chief Magiſtrate, Izool, The other izve 600l. each. C REAT MARL so Rou GH-STR E E T. Robert Baker, eſq. at the Office. John Burrows, eſq. Glouceſter-place. John Gifford, eſ]. 1ſt Clerk, Mr. A. Biſſon, at the Office. 2d Clerk, Mr. Jn Fletcher, jun, Hyde- ſtreet, Bloomsbury. - D d HA t toN-GAR Dr. N. John Turton, eſq. Clapham. Thºmas Leach, eſq. Hatton-garden. Robert Rainsford, eſq. Houſand-ſº. 1ſt Clerk, Mr. Ford. 2d Clerk, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Wors HIP -s T R E E T, Sãored ºch, George Bolton Mainwaring, eſq. Friar'f-place, Acton. - Henry Moreton Dyer, eſq. John Edward Conant, eſq. 1ſt Clerk, Mr. Samuel Yardley. 2d Clerk, Mr. Wm. Heritage. La Maº Th-str = x +, Whischapel. Rice Davies, eſq. at the office, Sir Dan. Williams, knt. Stamford hill, Wm Lorance Rogers, eſq. Guid/ora, street. . . . - 1ſt Clerk, Mr. Jn Thompſon. . . 2d Clerk, Mr. William Oſman. High-st REET, Sbadwell. T Geo.Story eſq. Southampton buildings Edward Markland, eſq. at the Off... William Bennett, eſq. . - 1ſt Clerk, Mr. Jn. Jas Mallett. 2d Clerk, Mr. Thos Mallett. Qu EE N-S QUAR E, Weſtminſter. Patrick Colquhoun, eſq. D. C. L. N. 21, James-ſt. Buckingbam- diff : . William Fielding, eſq. at the Office. 31% Police-Offices, and Public Prisons. William A. A. White, eſq. College- ſtreet, Westminster. Aſt Clerk, Mr. Blackiſton. 2d Clerk, Mr. Miller. * UNIon-HALL, Southwark. Thomas Evance, eſq. Walcot - Place. Baker John Sellon, eſq. Chapter-house, St. Pauls. - Rich. Carpenter Smith, esq. High ſt Southwark. : 1ſt Clerk, James Reeve, eſq. 2d Clerk, Mr. George Kitſon. Receiver of the above OFF 1 c Es, John Baldwin, eſq. - - Thalazs Po Lic E OF FIce, , N. 259, Wapping-ſtreet. Special juſtices. - Wm Kinnard, eſq. 309, Holbourn. }. eſq. at the Office. Thomas Richbell, eſq. Muſcovy-court, Tower-bill. * . . - Receiver, Patrick Colquhoun, eſq. D.C.L. 21, james-ſtreet, Bucking- - ham-gate. - g . Clerks. Chief, Mr. Edw. W. Symons, N. 1, George-row, Bermondſey. Second, Mr. James Fell, 58, Para- diſe-ſtreſt, Rotherhitbe. Officers on the Eſtabliſhment. Principal Surveyor, John Gotty. 14 River Surveyors. - 5 Land Conſtables. I Meſſenger. 1 Gifice-Keeper. 43 River-Conſtables, or Watermen. 2. Waterfide Watchmen Borou GH-Court, Southwark. Steward, Sir John Silveſter, bt. Prothonotary, John Holmes, esq. Bailif, John Princep, Eſq. Peputy-Bailif, John Holmes, eſq. Cottnſel, Vitruvius Lawes, eſq. Keeper of the Compter, John Law. Just 1 ce-Roo M, Town-Hall, - Soſthwark. juſtice of the Bridge-Yard and Sitting Alderman for Sºuthwark, Sir John Eamer, knt. - . Clerk, james Newman, eſq. Hall-keeper, Joſeph Weald. | WHITE c H A P E L-Co u R.T. Steward, Sir Jn. Silveſter, bt. D.C. L. Protonotary, Rich. W. L. Farmer, eſq. | Counſel, Philip Keys, eſq. PUBLIC PRISONS. - Newgate, ereàed in 1:76. Reeper, Mr. William R. H. Browne. Ordinary, Rev. Horace S. Cotton. º FLE ET PR I son • w - Warden, John Eyles, eſq. Dputy, Nixolas Nixon, eſq. Kt N G 's BEN c H PRI so N. Marshall William Jones, eſq. Dapity, Bernard E. Brooshooft. . Chaplain, Rev. W. Evans. Whitec Ross–St Reet CoMF TER. Reeper, Mr. Edward Kirby. *F G1 LTS P UR-STREET Co M PTE R' - Kºper, Mr. John Teague. Chaplain to the Compters, Rev. Methu- ſaleh Davis. * g Lu do Ate PR1són. Keeper, Mr. John Teague. Chaplain, Rev. John Roſe. GENERAL PEN 1 T ENT I ARY, - Milbank. - Governor, Mr. H. Ryde. - , Chaplain, Rev. Sam. Bennet, M.A. Surgeon, Mr. Pratt. - Conſulting, Medical Officers, Alex. C. Hutchinson, M.D. Anth.White,eſq. Secretary, Mr. N. Thoms. Matron, Mrs. Sharpe." Steward, Mr. J. Hutch Task Master, J. Bynon. Task Mistress, Mrs. Wilkinſon. Porters, J. Hiron, J. Strangeways, Meſſenger, A. Reynolds. bank of England. - - 3.15. w cow MERCIAL AND TRADING establish MENTs. BANK. of ENGLAND, incorporated in rô94. - Directors. . Governor, "Jeremiah Harman, eſq. Deputy, George Dorrien, eſq. George Blackman, eſq. John Bowden, eſq. - Cornelius Buller, eſq. James Campbell, eſq. Henry Davidſon, eſq. Samuel Drewe, eſq. - William. Haldimand, eſq. Thomas Langley, eſq. Beeſton Long, eſq. *William Manning, eſq. *William Mellish, eſq. John Horſley Palmer, eſq. James Pattison, jun. eſq. John Pearſe, eſq. . Charles Pole, eſq. w William. Tierney Robarts, eſq., John Staniforth, eſq. rt IIenry Smith, eſq. - Andrew Henry Thompson, esq., *Samuel Thornton, eſq. Samuel Turner, eſq. William Ward, eſq. Robert Wigram, eſq. John Whitmore, eſq. . - QF FIce Rs. . . Secretary, Robert Beſt, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Wm Smith. 4|ſiſtant, Mr. John Knight. Secretary to the Committee of Treaſury, Mr. Wm. Shrubſole. Solicitors, Meſſrs. Winter & Kaye. Architeå, John Soane, eſq. Chief Accomptant, Wm Dawes, eſq. Deputy, Mr. Wm. Hutchiſon. Aſſiſtant, Mr. Robert Bryer. Principal Clerks of the Accomptant's ° Office for 5l. Notes and upwards, Mr. Ed. Bentley, Joſ. Hawker, eſq. Principal Clerk of the Accºmplant's Qffice for 14, and 21. Notes, Mr. lºobert Bicknull - - Principal Clerk of the Bank-Stock Office, Mr. Robert Browning. y Principal Clerks of the 37, per Cent. Reduced Annuities, Mr. Thomas Brennand, Mr. John Holloway. Principal Clerks of 31.per Cent. Conſols. Mr. Lawrence Poppleton, Mr.Nath. Hancock Towle, Mr. James Boult. Prin. Cl. of the Iriſh 51. per Cents. & | Imperial Anns, Mr. Rd. Marſton. Prin. Cl, of the 4!. per Cents. & Navy 5 per cents, Mr. Chas. Norris, Mr. | Thos. Bateman, Mr. Wm. Giles. Principal Clerk of the Register Office, | Mr. Alfred Clare. Principal Clerk of the Power of Attor- ney Office, Mr. Thomas Nisbett. Principal Clerk of the Chancery Office, Mr. Thomas. Landifield. Principal Clerk of the Cheque Office, Mr. P. H. Leathes. - -- Chief Caſhier, Henry Haſe, eſq. His Firſt Aſſiſtant, Mr.T. Rippon. Second ditto, Mr. Thomas Bross. Caſhiers, Meſſrs. Chr. Olier, Jn. Wal- dron, Frs. Kenſall, Iſc, Field, Peter Pineau, T’s Triquet, Jas.Longman, Jn Fletwood, Alex. Hooper, Sl. De la Maziere, Jn Clack, Sl. Hulme, , Gerard Ts-South, Cs. Phillips, Jn. Coward, Wm. Rt. Weſt, Wm. Har. ris, Iſc. Booth, T3. Donovan, Jn. Hogben, Wm Hughes, Jas. Lambert, WmSeabrooke,&JsDurnford Capel. 1ſt Clerk of the Exchequer-Office, Mr. Andrew Honey. - 1ſt Cl, Bullion-Office, Mr. Jn. Humble; 1ſt In-Teller, Mr. Andrew Feltham. 1ſt Cl. Diſcount-Office, Mr. Wm. Cuell. IſiCl, of Bill-Office,Mr. John Pickett. 1ſ; Clerk of the Drawing-Office. far Päblic Accompts, Mr. Jacob Clark, 1ſłCl for Priv.24ccompts, Mr. Thomas. Surr, $16 Raft-India Company. EAST-INDIA company, ºftaliſed in 1796. Dr R r ctors. . - John Bebb, eſq. Chairman, ºf 500. Jas. Pattiſon,eſq. Dep.-Chairm, ºf $oo, Saml. Davis, eſq., Hon. Hugh Lindſay, Jno. Morris, eſq. David Scott, eſq. *Alex. Allan, eſq. Jacob Boſan- quet, eſq. Jos. Cotton, eſq. Ed. Patry, eſq. Thos. Reid, eſq. Wm. Wigram, eſq. Hon. Wm. Fullarton Elphinstone, Jno.1nglis, esq. Jas. Daniell, esq. Jno. Bladen Tayler, esq, , "Chas. Grant, eſq. *Geo. Smith, eſq. SweneyToone,eſq. *Wm. Astell, eſq. Campbell Marjoribanks, eſq. *Sir Jno. Jackſon, bart, Robt. Campbell, eſq. ºf 300 each. . - OF FIc E Rs. Secretary, James Cobb, eſq. Deputy, Joſeph Dart, eſq. , Chief Clerk, Peter Auber, esq. - Clerks, Js Coſmo Melvill, Alex. Way Maſon, Pelham Thos. Maitland, Thos De La Garde Griſſell, Jas S. • Kingſton; Geo. Owen. Wm. Bridg- man, Geo. H. Brown Alex. Innes, Scott, HyWm Maſon,Sl. Babington, Ed. Thornton, Jno.Docwra Dick- inson, Jno. Chas Mason. , - Examiner of Indian Correſpondence, William M’Culloch, eſq. f Aſſiſtants, Thos.W.Rundall, & Nath. B. Halhead, eſqrs. - . Clerks, Jn Brett, Jn. J. Harcourt, Joſ. Caldecourt, Chas R. Fenton, Joſ. Maitland, jn C. Hudſon, Hy Tho- || mas, Thos Rundall, Jn Noble, Wil- lou ghby Wigſtone,Ts. Rt. Andrews. Süperintendant of Extra Clerks, Wm. Włalbon. i - Auditor, and Cl. to the Com. of Law- | ſuits, Wm. Wright, eſq. Deputy, Thomas Woodhouſe. Clerks, Thos Maitland, T. H. Hen- ‘derſon, W. H. Truſs, Thos Tiew, Edw. Dodwell, Martin Rawlings, Chas Wright, Jacob Challé, Chas | Lingham, Robt. Fletcher. - Military Assistant to the Auditor, Lt. Col. Alex. Boyce. Military Secretary for Correſpondence with India, James Salmond, eſq. Aſſiſtants, , Fred, W. L. Stockdale, jn Urquhart, Philip Melvill, eſqs. Treaſurer, John A. Gilmour, eſq. Deputy, Charles Mortimer. Jno. Lumſden, esq. | Clerks, Jas Bone, Jn Atkinſon, G. Potter, W. H. Partridge, J. R.Vin- cent, S. H. Morriſon, W Sims, W. Baker, Joſ, B. Wilks, Jas B, Pul- ham, Randolph Blankenhagen,Cs. Hudſon, InBrown,HyDowdeſwell, Chf.of the Bullionoffijnš,B,Cobb,esq. Accomptant-General, Charles Cart- wright, eſq. . - - Deputy, George Paterſon. - Clerks, Thos, G. Lloyd, J. C. Hyde, H.Hedges, Sam. Wolfe, Thos, Bye, Pet. Solomon Du'Puy, W. Collett, Nich, Willard, Joſ. Thompſon, Thos Dowley, Chas Lamb, John Matthie, H. Dodwell, H. Rouſe, H. Wadd, G. Medley, Thos S. Cabell, E. White, C. H. Winfield, W. D. Plumley,In Chambers, Rob Hud- ſon, Fräsſ. Field, F. D. Whalley, Chas. Ryle, Wm. Moberly, Wm. Keith, Ch. W. Smith, J. Farewell, W. Collingwood, Sam, Kerſhaw, Jn. W. Medley, Fra. Thompſon, Geo. Friend, Thos. Hennah. Jno. Ogilvie. : - . . . . . Freight-Accompt. W. Raincock, eſq. Deputy, S. Sillitoe. | Clerks, R. A. Druce, Jas. Lowe, Steph S. Cancellor, Ju Lee, J. H., Ball, Geo. Hobſon, Jos. Allen, E. Ro::ſe, J. Richards, Chas. Sleath, Wm H. Dobſon, Edw. Pariſh, Fred. Sandoz, Thos, Sillitoe, Wm. H. Mayne, Walter Powell, Horatio J. Street, Step. Hooie, Jaſ. B. Yzarn. Transfer-Accomptant, Rt Nuthall, eſq. Aſſiſtant, J. H. Kennedy. - Clerks, Jas. Peppercorne, Geo. Col. Jard, W. E. Maclagan, Rob:.Smith, W. Creſſwell, Jn Pearce, Vincent. Rice, Rich. Everett. Paymaſter of Seamen's Wages, James, Coggan, eſq. . . . . . Deputy, Cornelius Wittenoom. Clerks, C.W. Churchill, J. C. Adams, Geo. W. Gunſton, Wm. Morgan. Clerk to the Comm. of Shipping, Johu Morice, eſq. + . • - Aſſiſſant, Richard Le Gros, Clerks, Wm. Gunſton, H. D. Bland, Sam. J. Nettlefold, H. Owen, Jn M. Connell, G. Rob C. Wilcocke, Jas Sabine, Rob, Ritherdon, Benj. Jones, Js Broughton, Chs Preſton, Christ, Brodies East-India company. 317 ° Maſter-Attendant, Capt.J Boulderſon. Deputy, Capt. Jn. W. Hilton. Aſſiſtants, Capt. J. V. Baker, Jn j)instaše." - - Extra ditto, Thos Sandon. Clerks, G. Browie, Chas. Hebard. Arch. Rodick. - Surveyor of Ship. J. Hillman, eſq. Assiſtants, Rd Barton, T. Mitchell. ,Paymaſter of the Military Fund, Wm Forssteen, eſq. . . . . Aſſiſtant, S. C. Wilks. Clerks, J. Wilmot, Geo. Foot. Clerk to Committee of Buying and Ware- houses, W m Simons, eſq., Assistant, Jn. Woodcock. Clerks, Walt. Young, Thos. Hoole, P. M. Hart, Luke Higgs, Wm. Simons, jun. Jn Poud, Thos Har- ding, Jn Daviſon, Wm. Carter, . Cls Graham, Fletwood J. Wood- ford, Wm. Banton, D’Arcy Preston. Company’s Huſband & Salt-Petre Warehouſe-keeper, Rt. Gear, eſq. Aſſiſtant, John Foſter. . Cox, Thos Boyton, Jas A. Tabor, Jn B. Sharpe, Jn T. T. Knudson, Chas. H. Prichard. Coaſt Warehouſe-keeper, Geo. Mor- daunt, eſq. Aſſiſtant, Robert Markland Barnard, Clerks," Benj. Niñd, Geo. Mordaunt. jun, Chas Durand, Edw. Wright, "Tſarehouſe-Keeper of Tea, and Drugs, John Stockwell, eſq. Aſſiſtant, Robert Butcher. Clerks, H.H. Goodhall. H. Seally, E. Price, C. Wheeler, E. Goldsmith, S. Glarke, W. A Hunt, Rt Hunter, In T. Miller, Hy. Burge, Thos. Brown, A. Williamson, Geo. Pa- riſh, Gilson B. Simons, Jn B, Far- mer, Jos. H. Newman, Tho. W. Horn, Alex. C. Cruikſhank, Wm. Eade. . . g Bengali Warehouſe-keeper, Henry Dickenſon, eſq. . . . . . Aſſistant, Henry Johnson. • * Cierks, E. Bolger, Geo. Cliatfield, F. Cooke,M.Greenaway. Private Trade Warehouſe-Keeper, Ths * Cleeve, eſq. Clerks N, N, Savery, Sam, Mann, Jn 1 * * - - , , Bd. 3 | Clerk to Comm. | Door Keepers, Jn Guy, Messengers, Jas, Norman, Jas Tº. Kiddell, Geo. Hayton, Fred. S Danvers. Geo. Ritherdon, Wm. Restell. - - - Aſſiſtant Private Trade Warehouſe... . Keeper, Wm. Johnſon. Clerks, Nath. W. Baſnett, Peter Cor:- tel, cin, Geo. Ritherdon, . Robt. ‘Rouſe, Wm. Dickinſon, Rich. Bºx Hennah, Wm. Bell, - * Pepper Warehouſe-Keeper, Rt Froſt, eſq. Clerks, W. H. Nuthall, Peter Came-, ... ron, Wm. G. Skidmore, Charles, Williamson, Jas. Burn. Wm. Heathcote. . . - | BaggageMarch.-keeper, W. Evans,eſq. Clerk, William Babington. Warehouse Keeper for Stationary, H., Gºre, eſq, t • *- Cl. to the Com. of Correspondence, J. Dart, esq. - - Clerk to Committee of House, and Col- lege, Jºn Lloyd, eſq. Clerk to the Com. for Gov. Troops, &c, Geo. Owert, esq. - Assistant, Wm.Owen. ~ Clerks, Ed. Leſlie, Wm Fearce, Ed, Clerk to Secret Commercial Committee, Joseph Thompson. - Aſsistant, J. Cox. - Hydrographer, James Horsburgh, esq., Clerk, James Malbon. * . * -- Astronomical Examiner, Lawro wyme, L.L.D. - Clerks ſarpaſſengers.Orders, & Bonds, J. Sl. Kingſton, Hy, W. Maſon. Cl, for Baggage & Private Trade out. wards, Matth. Sharphouse, esq. of Private Trade, J.Lee. Assistant, J. s. Richards. - - French Translator, Charles Graham, Dutch do. Peter. S. Du Puy. . Hiſtoriograpber, Jn Bruce, eſq. F.R.s. - Oriental Librarian, Charles Wilkins. eſq., L.L. D. Assistant, Chas Julius Mickle, Chaplain, Rev. Samuel Hoole. Counſel, John Bernard Boſanquet, eſ; Advocate before. Parliament, Randjo. Jºckſon, eſq. | Solicitor, Henry Smith, eſq. Surveyor, S.P. Cºckerell. J. woelley, dor, Peter:Cropper, Jn. Saunders, Pet, Davis, Aug. Raymond. * 318 Company. East-India For ºrc N Est ABLISHMENTs. BE N G ALL. - Supreme Council. #Marq. of Haſtings, Governor-Gene ral, & Commander in Chief, Neil B. Edmondſtone, eſq. Arch. Seton, eſq. Geo. Dowdeſwell, eſq. Chief Secretary, Chas. M. Rickets. Secretary Secret Service Department, John Adam. Deputy, G. Swinton. 44ilitary Sec. Chas W. Gardiner. * Chief juſtice, Hon. Sir Edward Hyde Eaſt, knt. judges,Sir Francis M*Naughton, knt. Hon. Sir Anty Buller, knt. -4dvocate General, Rob. Spankie, eſq. Standing Council, R. C. Ferguſon, eſq. Clerk of the Crown, J. A. Simpſon, eſq., | €ommissary of the Vice-Admiralty | Court, Sir Edw. H. East, knt. Deputy, Sir John Royds, knt. Regiſtrar, D. Heming, eſq. judge-Advocate, Maj. Chriſr. Fagan Piſhop of Calcutta, Thomas Fanſhaw Middleton, D.D. . 4rchdeacon. Rev. Hen. Lloyd Loring. | MA D R Ass. Council. # Rt Hon. Hugh Elliot. Governor, Lieut. Gen. Sir Thos Hiſlop, bt., | Commander in Chief, Rob. Fuller- ton, esq. Robert Alexander, eſq. Chief Secretary, George Strachey, eſq. Military Secr. Edw, Wood, eſq. Civil Secretary, David Hill, esq. Chief juſtice, Hon. Sir John Henry Newbolt, knt. - judges, Hon. Sir Edmd. Stanley, knt. as Hon. Sir Geo. Cooper, knt. Advocate-Gen. Sir Sam. Toller, knt. Commiſſary of the V.-Admiralty Court, Hors. Sir G. H. Newbolt, knt. Regiſlrar, Gilbert Ricketts, eſq. judge Advocate-Gen, Col. Jas Leith. Archdeacon, Rev. John Mouſley. BoM.B.A. Y. Council, - * Rt Hon. Sir Evan Nepean, bart. Governor, Lt.Gen. Sir Miles Night- ingale, Commander of the Forces, Geo. Brown, eſq.; Jn Elphiſton, eſq., Chief Secretary, Francis Warden, eiq. Military Secr. James Fariſh. . Recorder & judge of the Vice Admiral. ty-Court, Sir Alex. Anſtruther, knt. Advºcate-gen. Hugh G. Macklin. Cl. of the Crown, & Regiſrar of Ad- miralty, Win. A. Morgan, eſq. Archd, acon, Rev. Geo. Barnes.’ ST, H E L E N A, - Council, Maj.Gen. Sir Hudſon Lowe, Governor, Wm W. Doveton,eſq.Rt Leech,eſq. Chief Secretary, Tho, H. Brooke, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. Bowater Vernon, M.A. Commissioners, Bar. de Sturmer, Auj- trian, Count de Monteheſme, French, Count Billeman, Russian, PRIN ce of WA Les Isl AND. Council. - Jn Alex. Bannerman, eſq. Governor, William E. Philips, eſq. John J. Erskine, esq. - | Secretary, Wm. Clubley, eſq. Recorder, Sir Ralph Rice, knt. Registrar, Archibald, Duff, eſq. Governor of Sumatra, Sir Thos. Stam- ſord Raffles. Preſident of the Committee at Sir Geo. T. Stanton, Canton, *. Commissioners appointed under an Agreement between the East-INDI a Cox- FA NY and the PR 1 v At E CR editors of the late Naboos of the CARN At 1 c, and authorised by Parliament “ the better to carry the same into effect y 3 × e (Office, N. 11, Manchester-buildings, Westminster.) Commissioners, $3ir Benjamin. Hobhouse, bart, Thomas Cockburn, esq. Robert Harry Inglis. esq. - Secretary, Geo. Parkhouse, esq. Assist. Set, Robert Playfair, caq. , glas Baodie, esq. oriental Interpreter, Alexander Ha- milton, esq. - | Registers in London, Charles Binny, esq. James King, esq. Regist, er at Madrass, William Dou- commercialand Trading Companies. , 31:9 The Sou th-Sza Company, incor- - porated in 17 Io. Governor, The KING. Sub. Governor, Charles Bolanquet, eſq. Deputy-Governor, Benj. Harriſon, eſq. , Robert Baker, eſq. ... Henry Berens, eſq. Sir Claude Champion De Creſpig hy,bt William Dent, eſq. Francis Freeling, eſq. Richard Plumptree Glyn, eſq. Charles Holford, eſq. • ". John Samuel Hudſon, eſq. Henry Lanroy Hunter, eſq. Eben. Fuller Maitland, eſq. Nicholas Pease, eſq. - Henry Peters, eſq. Abraham Pole, eſq. David Powell, eſq. Job Matthew Raikes, esq. Harry Stoe, esq. Claude George Thornton, eſq. John Thornton, eſq. Thomas Vigne, esq. John Willing Warren, eſq. William Whitmore, eſq. Caſhier, James Towſon, eſq. Secretary, Nath. Simpſon, eſq. Accomptant, John Lamb, eſq. , Chief Clerk of the Transfer-Office, William Hunt, eſq. Counſel, John Bern. Boſanquet, eſq. . . Solicitor, Ralph Dunn, eſq. , - Housekeeper, . Russia Comºr ANY, incorporated in I 555, l. Gov. •samuel Thornton, eſq. Dep. Gov. Alexander Henry Suther- land, eſq. - Conſuls, Tho.F. Forster, Tho. Raikes, Wm Mw. Raikes, Thos. Langley, eſqrs. . # * Aftants, Steph. Thornton, *Jas. Brogden, John Chriſtian Wegue- len, Claude G. Thornton, James Gibſon, Thomas 'Tooke, Samuel Drewe, Daniel Henry Rucker; An, drew Hy Thomſon, Rd M. Raikes, John Thornton, John T. L. Mel- ville, Thos Solly, Benj. Pear, Jno Jeffery, Nich. Garry, Wm Osch- terlony, Job M. Raikes; Iſaac Sol- ly, J. A. Rucker, and John Har- vey, Wm. Aſtell, Stephencattley, eſqrs. . - Chaplain, at St. Petersburgh, Rev. Wm Spencer; at Cronstadt, Rev, R. Marſhall. | Secretary, J. A. De Reimer. Lev ANT or Tu R KEY Company, in- corporated in 1579. Meet at the South Sea Houſe, removed from St. Helen’s Place, # - . - Governor, º Lord Grenville, Dep. Gov. Jacob Boſanquet, eſq. Treaſurer, John Green, eſq. Court of ºffants, John Blunt, Jos. W. Boddington, Ebenezer Briggs, John Bürgon, George Bailey, F. D. De La Chaumette, John Theo- Deputy-Caſhier, Thomas Snape, eſq. * - philus Daubuz, John liver Han- ſon, William Hore, Niven Kerr, Edward Lee, Zaccaria Levy, John Nickols, John Prior, John Stani- forth, Haſkett Smith, Robert Thomſon, William Tomlinſon, eſqrs. Secretary, Mr. George Liddell. Solicitors, Meſſrs. Kaye, Freſhfield, and Kaye, New Bank-buildings. Collector, James Alexander De Rei- mer, Long-room, Cuſtom-bouſe. Beadle, George Blair. -* , EA's T L AND Com PANY, incor- porated in 1579. Governor, George Norman, eſq. | Pºp. Gov. Sam. Thornton, eſq's Treaſurer, Thos Furley Forſter, eſq. 320 * Commercial and Trading Companies. s 4ffſtants, John Rigge, Sam, Drewe, *James Brogden, Benjamin Pead, Stephen Thornton, William Mat- thew, Raikes, Iſaac Solly, Wm. Tooke Robinſon, * William Aſtell, T. Raikes, jun. John Chriſtopher Weguelen, Edw. For ſter, Thom– ſon Bonar, John Tºcraton, Samuel Solly, Claud. Geo. Thornton, Wm. Mair, Jas Gibſon, Thos Rooke, Alex. Hendreas Sutherland, Wm. Ouchterlony, Job M. Raikes, eſars. . - - Secretary, J. A. De Reiner, Merchant Seagmen’s Office. - A FR Ic A N Co M P AN. Y. Incorporated in 1662. Office, N. 2, Frederick's- place, Old jewry. * . Committee. For London. . . !. Swanzy, eſq. ichard Miles Wynne Thomas Molton, esq. For Briſtol. John Noble, eſq. . George Henry Ames, eſq. Thomas Reed, eſq. John Taylor Vaughan, esq. # , eſq. * For Liverpool. John Backhouſe, eſq. James Barnes, eſq., Edgar Corrie, esq. Secretary, Simon Cock, eſq. Deputy-Sec. Wm. Willoughby, esq. - Solicitor, Robert Smith, eiq. Hudson's Bay Company, incorpo- rated in F67o. ... Gov. Joſeph Berens, jun. eſq. - Committee. Thomas Langley, eſq. . Benjamin Harriſon,eſq. John Webb, eſq. - Andrew Colvile, eſq. Thomas Pitt, eſq. | Ditto at St. john's Agent, Mr. Atcheſon. Dep. Gov. John Henry Pelly, eſq. -}. - Corp or At 1 on for finelting down | ſtreet. Incorporated 1692. Tº | Governor, Mr. Jºhn Halkett eſQ- * | Pºp. Governor, Henry Lannoy Hunter, eſq. Secretary, Mr. Alexander Lean. * Soc 1 ET Y of SHIP-owners, e a- bliſh’d in 1802. , eſ: Wincheſ'er-Street. £reſident, Earl of Sheffield. - ** W. Preſidents, SirCh. Price, bt. ald. “Sir Wm. Curtis, bt. ald. *Sir Js Shaw, bt, ald. J. P. Anderdon, eſq., *Jn Atkins, eſq. ald. Wm. Clark, James Paniel, Jn Inglis, Thomas wºn Plummer, Joſhua Reeve, Thomas Rowcroft, eſqrs. - Committee for the Port of landon, Chairman, *Benj. Shaw, eſq. . Dep. Chairman, Jn W. Buckle, eſq. Secretary,Simondock seſq. Oldjewry. Society of BRIT is a North. AM E. Rica N Me R chants. In- fituted at London in 1809. Office, 35,0reat-Wincheſler-Street. Committee. Chairman, J. Inglis, eſq. Dep. Chairman, J. Bainbridge, eſq, , Sir Alex. Mackenzie, Geo. Sheddon, John L. Venner, John Uſborne, Chriſt. Idle, Robert Livie, Simon M. Gillivray, JohnGilleſpy, James, Poigndeſtre, Hen. Usborne, And. Belcher, eſqrs. *- } Secretary, Nath. Atcheſon,eſq. F.A.S. Chairman at Quebec, Hon. jš Irvinee, Ditto at Moutreal, Hon.Jnrichardſon.’ Dilto at Halifax, Wm. Sabatier, eſq. . N. Brunſwic, Hon. John Robinſon. - . * *A* . * - , LEAD with Prºr and SEA CoA.I. N. 9, Martin's Lane, Canon- * Jacob Hagen. Mr. James Palmes Office, 35, Great - Trading, Canal and Bock Companies, 3.34. Aftantſ, Meſſrs. Robert Barclay, Joſeph Yates Cooper, John Hil- lerſdon, Anthony Horne, Thomas How Maſterman, John Maſter. man, Charles Pearfon, Kilpin Warner, Thomas Weſton, James Williams. . . . . . . Secretary, Robt. Tippler, eſq. Accountant, Mr. H. Atkinſon. Cosporation for working of Mines, Minerals, and Metals, in Scor- | LAND, Incorporated in 1730.— Office holden at the Sun Fire-Office, in Cornbil. . . . . - Governor, Henry Boulton, eſq. Dep. Gov. Nicholas Pearſe, eſq. Treaſ & Sec, Charles Bell Ford, eſq, Clerk, Mr. John Richards. - Aſſiſtant, Mr. E. Harwood. ENGL 1sh CoP P E R Comp A NY. In- corporated in 1691. Office, 27, Upper Thames-ſtreet. . Governor, Joſeph Cotton, eſq. Dep. Gov. Abraham Mello, eſq. Direbors, Sir Geo. Buggin, Sir Geo. J. Tapps, bt. Geo. Ballantine, Rt Calvert, Benj.Cotton, Rich. Lewin, | Joſ. Sage, Iſaac Warners, Thos, G. Bayliff, Joſ. Coltman, jun, eſqrs. Secretary, Mr. John Gunſton. BRITISH Corps R CoMPANY. office & Wharf, N. 68, Upper Thames fir. Committee. Chairman, Michael Barnett, eſq. Nath, Hadley, John. Judſon, Thomas Barnett, John Tylor, J. G. Nut- -ting, John Ord, John Man, John Pearſon, Thoſ. Rowcroft, Mich. Hay, eſqrs. Traffees, Nathaniel Hadley, Michael :Barnett, John Judſon, eſqrs, Secretary, Joſeph Chater, eſq., Society for Prosecutine FE- tons. ºnd for defraying the ºxpenſes of 4dvertiſements, Hand- || LoN Don 'bills, and Rewards. * Inſtituted in Preſident, Harvey Chriſtian combe, eſq. } Collečfor, Mr. Geo, Cremer, Society of Gua RD 1ANs for the Vice-Preſident, Sir Cha. Price, bart. and Matthew Wood, esq. . Treaſurer, *Sir Wm. Curtis, bt, ald. Solicitor & Secretary, S. S. Hunt, eſq., Bedford-row, - - - Auditors, Meſſrs, Jn. Butcher, Jn. Cadogan, Jas. "Compigne, Geo. Vipond, and Jass Lynn. North- ampton-place, Kent-road. Protection of Trade againſt Sw1N- D Le R s and SHAR P E Rs. - Preſident, Richard Clark, eſq. Cham- berlain of London. - - Vice-Preſident, Harvey Chriſtian. Combe, eſq. alderman. Treaſurer, Mr. Percival North. Secretary, Messrs. Foſs and Son. 36, Eſſex-ſtreet. *. ‘WE's T-INDIA Dock CoMPANY,. Billiter-ſquare. Inſtituted in 1799. | Chairman, Andrew Colvile, eſq. Dep. Chairman, John Bourdeu, eſq. Dire&fort, *Sir Wm. Curtis, bt. Dan. Pinder, eſq. Jn Ede, eſq. Jn. Plummer, eſq. John. Smith, eſq., Sir Riehard Carr Glyn, Lt. Sam. Thorpe, eſq. Rob, Lang, eſq. bich, Lae, eſq. OEneas Barkly, eſq. Sir John Eamer, knt Edw. Cole- batch, eſq. Joſeph Timperon, eſq. James Baillie, eſq. Sir Charles. Flower, bt. Rob. Slade, eſq. John. Irving, eſq. Colin Robertſon, eſq. . John L. Anderſon, esq. - Secretary, Henry Longlands, eſq. First Clerk, Wm Dixon, eſq. Accountant, Wm Turner, eſq. Collector, Jn Hair, eſq. Principal Dock-Maffer, Chas, C. Pa- rish, eſq., Blackwallpock, Maft.Wrm. Tyler,eſq. Limehouſe Dk-Maſt, WmScargill, eſq.- Comptroller, John Lloyd, eſq. Princip. Police Officer, Robt. Gibſon. Dock CoM P ANY, 1802, - Prince's Street. - Chairman, Beeſton Long, eſq. Dep. Chairm. John Inglis, eſs. i 322. ‘Freaſurer, Thomas King, eſq. Direáiors, James Bell, Jn Blunt, Sam. Boddington, Edward Burrnester, Charles Campbell, Aaron Chap- man, Thomas Coles, George Clay, Crawford Daviſon, Thomas. Furley Forſter, Iſaac L. Goldſmid, John Joſiah Holford, Thos. Reid, Hy. William Smith, Iſaac Solly, Rob. Taylor, Steph. Thornton, James Warre, John Whitmore, jun. Chas. Clarke, Geo. H. Gower, eſqs. Standing Counſel, Mr. Sergeant Beſt. Secretary, George Robinſon, eſq. Accomptant, M.P. Dove, esq- Engineer, John Rennie, eſq. Surveyor, Daniel Alexander, eſq. Solicitors, Weſton and Teeſdale. Superintendant, Charles Wheeler, eſq. Deputy, Denis Chapman. Dock-Master, Francis Walton, eſq. Deputy, Rich. Owen, - East INDIA Dock Company, 1 I, St. Heleu's Place, Bishopsgate, Inſtituted in 1803. Chairman, Joſeph Cotton, eſq. Pep.-Chairman, John Woolmore, eſq. Directors, Wm Agnew, * William Aſtell, *John Atkins, ald. Abel Chapman, Fian. Creswell, John Pascal Larkins, Rich. Lewin, Fran. P. Martin, Ed. Parry, Sweny Toone, Jno. Hampden Turner,eſqs. Secretary, John Farran, eſq. , Solicitor, Timothy Tyrrell; eſq. Principal Dock-Maſter, Capt. Wm. John Eaſtfield. - CoMM E R c 1 AL Dock Com P A NY. Office, N. 106, Fenchurch://reet. . Chairman, Sir Charles Price, bt. ald. JDep. Chairman, *Benjamin Shaw, eſq. Prectors, Jn Atterſoli, Jn Bouscott, George Grote, Richard Harford, Robert Humphrey Marten, Wm. Tooke Robinſon, eſqrs. Secretary, Wil,iam Allan, eſq. Bngineer, James Walker, esq. Super intendant, Bechy Eilbeck, esq. # Dock Companies, and Water-Works. : Treaſurer, Sir Charles Price, bart. Auditors, Joſh Atterſoll, W. W. Preſcott, Jas. Pattiſon, eſqrs. G R AND SU R RE Y-CAN AL Dock CoMPANY. Incorporated in 18on. Office 11, Abchurch-Lane.' Committee. - William Beck, Aaron Chapman, James Davies, *Lyndon Evelyn, Rd Gardner, John Gray, Joſeph Hardcaſtle,William Heygate, ald. James Heygate, jun. James Hors- ford, Samuel Medley, Thomas Nixſon, Jeremiah Olive, William Old, John Oliver, Sir John Pin- horn, James Phillips, Thomas Popplewell, Robert Sutton, Thos. Taylor, Jn Wilſºn, eſqrs. Treaſurer, James Heygate, eſq. Auditors, Samuel Jackſon, and Wm. Curling, jun. eſqrs. - | Secretary, Mr. Samuel Travers. Lon Do N-BR 1 DG E W A T E R-WoR ks. Managers, Joſeph Bradney, Richard Clark, Wm. Child, David King, Fr. M, Ommaney, Daniel Pinder, Thomas Poynder, William Willis, William Wix, eſqrs. Treaſurer, Mr. Richard Percival. Secretary, Mr. Richard Till. 2 | Directors, —- N Ew R1 v E R W At E R-WoR ks. Office, Jquare. | Governor, Charles Holford, eſq. Dep.-Governor, P. W. Benyon, eſq. Treaſurer, Sam. Garnault, eſq., * Secretary John Paul Rowe, eſq. Yo R K-BU 1-LD 1-N G s WATE R- WöRks, 19, Williers ſtreet. William Caſs, Géorge-- Watts, Robert. Pedder, G. R. Butcher, Rich. Moſeley, Wm. Moſeley, Charles Price, Benjaminº Brecknell, eſqrs. h Secretary, Janies Dupin, eſq. | EA sq.-Lo ND on War E R-Wo RKs, Old Ford, Bow, Middleſex, Chairman, John Ord, eſq. Doſt-ſtreet, Salisbury- Water JV.orkſ, and Bankers. 323 3Dep, Chairman, Thomas Barnes, eſq. Directors, Walter Brind, James Bel- loncle, Thomas Chambers, James Davies, Thomas Day, John Caſtle Gant, Joſeph. Merceron, Edward Meyrick, George Prickett, Robt Simpſon, Robert Vaux, William Venning, William Bayne, eſqrs, Engineer, Mr. Joſeph Steevens. Chief Clerk and Secretary, Mr. T. N. Pickering, at the Office, 16, St. Helen's-place. # SouTH-Lon Dön WATER. WoR ks. Incorporated in 1805. - Directors, Wm. Peppercorne, Chairman, Geo' C. Strobel, Wm. Careleſs, Jas. McLacklan, Jas. Howe, Wm. Alex- ander, Geo. Davis, Jn. Silby, Wm. Turquend, Robt. Gunter, Hy.T. Hewitt, Jas. Peppercorne, eſqrs. Chief Clerk, Matt. C. Marshall, esq. 1, Henry street, Vauxhall-road. Inspector, Rob. Oram. We t square. Collegory, Wm. Auſtin, 4, Aew-ft. New- ington road, Geo, Hote,19,0layton- street, Kenningtºn. ^. BAN KERS West-MID Dr. Esex WATER - , WoR ks. Office, Berners-ſtreet. Chairman, Thos Abbott Green, eſq. Deputy-Chairman, Wm Fiſher, eſq. Directors, James Barbet, John Per- rell, Samuel Wilſon, Wm. Wil- loughby Preſcott, Thos -Fidkin, Edw. Smith, Joſ. Smith, Iſaac Smith, Robt. Vaux, Fran. Stedman, eſqrs. - Secretary, M. K. Knight, esq. . Engineer, Mr. William Tierney Clark. Solicitor, Mr. John Burchell. G R A N D J U N C T 1 on WATER Wo Rºks. Office, Shepherd-ſtreet, Hanover-ſºuare. Directors. Chairman, Rich. Bateman Robſon,eſq. Sir Gilbert Blane, bt. Geo. Bridges, ald. Blagrave, Samuel P. Cog- kerell, Jn. Carbonell, Col. Dalton, Thomas Dickaſon, Kennard Smith, Andrew Timbrell, eſqrs. Engineer, John Rennie. Chief Clerk & Sec. Wm. M. Coe. Sub-Engineer, Wm. Anderſon. IN LONDON. Barclay, Tritton, Bevan, and Co. N. 54, Lombard-ſtreet. Barnard, Dimſdale, and Dimſdale, 5o, Cornhil. - Birch and Chambers, N. 160, New Bond-ſtreet. . . Bond, (John) Sons, and Pattishal, N. 2, Exchange-aliey. Boſanquet, Pitt, Anderdon, and Franks, N. 73, Lombard-ſtreet. Bouverie and Antrobus, 35, Craven-ſtreet. - rooks, Son, and Dixon, 25, Chancery-lane. Brown, Langhorne, and Brailsford, N. 25, Bucklerſbury. Brown, Cobb, and Co. N. 66, Lombard-ſtreet. - Chatteris, Whitmore, and Co. N. 24, Lombard-ſtreet. "Child and Co. N. 1, Fleet-ſtreet. Cocks, Cocks, Ridge, and Biddulph, N. 43, Charing-croſs. Coutts (Thomas) and Co. N. 59, Strand. Cox, Merle, and Co. N. 2, Cox's Court, Little Britain. . Curries, Raikes's, and Co. N. 29, Cornhil. Denniſon, Joſeph, aná Co. N. 1 oé, Fenrhurch-street, Dorrien, Magens, Borrien, and Mello, N. 22, Finch-lane. Trummonds and Co. N. 49, Charing-croſs. - Eſdaile, Sir James, Eſdailes, Hammets, and Co. 21, Lombard-ſtree Everett, Walker, Maltby, Ellis, and Co. N. 9, Manſion-houſe-ſtreet, Fry's and Chapman, Mildred's Court, Poultry. Tuller (Richard and George) and Co. N. 84, Cornhil. - Glyn, Mills, Hallifax, Glyn, Mills, & Co. N. 12, Bichin-lane, \ #24 r Lift of Banun. Goſling (Francis and Wm) and Sharp, N, 19, Fleet-ſtreet. - Hammerſleys, Greenwood, Drew, and Brookſbank, N. 76, Pall-Mall. Hankeys and Co. N. 7, Fenchurch-ſtreet. Herries, Farquhar, Halliday, Chapman, and Halliday, N. 16, St. James's st. Hoare, Henry, Henry-Hugh, Charles, William-Henry, and Henry-Merrik, N. 37, Fleet-ſtreet. - .- t Hoare, Barnetts, Hoare & Co. N. 62, Lombard-ſtreet. Hodſoll and Stirling, (Sir Walter) bt. N. 345, near Catharine-ſtreet, Strand. Hopkinſons, (George=Caesar, Charles, and Edmund) N. 34, Pall-Mall. Jones, Loyd, and Co. N. 43, Lothbury. . Ladbroke, Ladbroke, and Gillman, Bank-buildings. Lees, Satterthwaite, Braffey, and Farr, N. 71, Lombard-ſtreet. - Lubbock, (Sir John, bt.) Lubbock, Forſter, and Clarke, 11, Manſion-houſe- ſtreet. - --- - - Marſh, Sibbald, Stracey, Fauntleroy, and Graham, 6,-Berners-ſtreet. Marten, Call, and Arnold, 25, Old Bond-ſtreet. .. Martin, Stone, and Martin, N. 68, Lombard-ſtreet. - J. Maſterman, Peters, Mildred, Maſterman, and Co. N. 2, White-hart-court, Gracechurch-ſtreet. t 1Minett and Feòtor, Auſtin Friars. Morland, Ranſom, and Co. N. 56, Pall-Mall. Pares and Heygate, N, 63, Aldermanbury. Paxtons, Cockerell, Trail, and Co. Pall-mall. - Perring (Sir Jn), Shaw, Barber, and Co. N. 72, Cornhill. * Pole (Sir Peter, bt) Thornton, Free, Down, and Scott; N. 1 Bartholomew- lane. - - - . Praeds, Mackworth, and Newcombe, 139, Fleet-ſtreet. - Preſcott, (Sir G. W.) Grote, and Preſcott, N. 62, Threadneedle-ſtreet. Price, (Sir Charles, bt.) Kay, (Sir William, bt.) Price, and Chapman, N. 1, Manſionhouſe-ſtreet. '. Puget, Bainbridge, and Co. College, Warwick-lane. - - Ramſbottoms, Newman, Ramſbottom, and Có. N. 11, Lombard-ſtreet. Robarts, Curtis, (Sir Wm, bt., Robarts, and Curtis, N, 15, Lombard- {treet. - - - Rogers, Towgood, Rogers, Olding, and Boycott, N. 29, Clement's-Lane. Sanſom, Poſtlethwaite, and Sanſom, N. 65, Lombard-ſtreet. t Sharpe, (Wm) and Sons, N. 8, West-Smithfield, Sikes, Snaith, and Co. N. 5, Manſion-houſe-ſtreet. Smith, Payne, and Smiths, George-ſtreet, by the Manſion-houſe: Snow, Sandby, and Paul, N. 217, Strand. - Spooner, Attwoods, and Spooner, N. 27, Gracechurch-ſtreet. Stephenſons, Remingtons, Smith, and Co. 69, Lombarè-ſtreet. Stevenſon and Salt, N. 80, Lombard-ſtreet. Taylor, Hanbury, Bowman, and Lloyds, N. 60, Lombard-ſtreet, Veres, Baron, and Hawkins, N. 77, Lombard-ſtreet. - Wentworth, Chaloner, and Riſhworth, N. 25, Threadneedle-ſtreet. Weſſion, Pinhorn, (Sir Jn. kt.) Newſome, and Weſton, jun, 37, Southwark, Williams, Moffatt, and Burgeſs, N. 20, Birchin-lane. Willis, Percival, and Co. N. 76, Lombard-ſtreet. - Wright, Thomas, and Co. N. 5, Henrietta-ſtreet, Covent-gardens Iiſuran ce-Societies. - * . . . . INSURANCE-societies, ALE Ion F1R E and LIF E-IN su- RANce Com PAN.Y. New Bridge- ſtreet. Inſtituted in 1805. Directors. Chairman, James Pattiſop, eſq. Dep. Chairman, John Towgdod, eſq. Thomas Starling Benſori, eſq. Henry Bonham, eſq. . Henry Burmeſter, eſq. James Burton, eſq. John Calvert Claike, eſq. Richard Clay, eſq. Wm. Coningham, eſq. . John Danvers, eſq. . * Solomon Davies, eſq. . . . Gilbert Handaſyde, eſq . . Matthew Harriſon, eſq. John Kingſton, eſq. Thomas Maltby, cſq. Henry Pigeon, eſq. Sir John Pinhorn, knt. William Rayley, eſq. Joſhua Jonathan Smith, eſq., ald. Thomas Smith, eſq. ald. *William Smith, eſq. Daniel Richard Warington, eſq. Auditors, William. F. Jones, eſq. Kennard Smith, eſq. Richard King, esq. Secretary, - Warner Phipps, eſq. Solicitors, Messrs. Weſton and Tees- | dale." - - Phyſician to the Life-Department, Dr. Pett. . . . . . . " . . Surveyor, Mr. Thomas Jefferies. Accomptant, Mr. Benjamin Pearce. Principal Clerks. . . . . Town-Department, Mr. Henry Hewitt. Life-Department, Mr. Wm. Reynolds. Country - Department, Mr. Edwin Charlton. . . . - , Foreman of the Firemen, Peter Crox- ford. . . . . . . . Meſſengers, John Payne and Joseph Flack. . . . . . . . . . . | Preſident, Sir |{ } | Chairman, J. º - & M1c as L E Society for a perpe- tual Affarance-Qifice, Sergents Inn, Fleet-ſtreet. Incorporated in 1706. s Direáiors. - | Pitt Cobbett, eſq. Rich. Cheslyn Cresswell, esq. Robert John Harper, eſq. Rev. John Moore, LL.B. ; Francis Rivington, et]. William Marmaduke Sellon, eſq. James Trower, eſq. . . ||Thomas Denman, eſq. ;Rev. J. Grindlay, LL.D. ;George Harriſon, eſq. Henry Hodgſon, eſq. William Moore, eſq. Auditors. . . . – Aſ r. Thomas Brennad. Mr. William Smith. Mr. Robert Tippler. Mr. Theophifus Browne Mr. John Moſs s Regiſtrer, John Penſam, eſq. ATLASF I RE and LIFE Assu RAN e E. CoMPANY, Cheapſide. Inſtituted in 1808. - Chriſtopher Baynes, be. Pirečºors. D. Hume, eſq. Deputy-Chairman, Sir Thºmas Tur- ton, bt. - - Charles Campbell, eſq. . . . . , John Carrick, eſq. f *Sir William Duff Gordon, bart. , }John Green, eſq. ' s RJohn Higgin, eſq. ; William Laforeſt, eſq. ; Moſes Mocatta, eſq. . . . Emanuel Pacifico, eſq. , W.W. Preſcott, eſq. Joſeph Pulley, eſq. - *Chriſtopher Smith, eſq. aid. John Woolley, eſq. - . Secretary, Fleury Deſborough, jun. Clerk, - . . . . . . E e 2. Isſurance-Societies. $26 BR 1 T 1 s h FIRE OF FIc E, for affil- ring Houſes, Goods, and Ships. Strand and Cornbill. 1799. Chairman,” Sir Jno. Cox Hippiſley, bt. Dep. Chairman, Hon. Doug, Kinnaird. William Agnew, eſq. * James Peter Auriol, eſq., John Clements, eſq. Samuel P. Cockerell, eſq. - Finlay Ferguſon, efg. - Charles Freeman, eſq.- Francis Freeling, ele. John Hoſier, eſq. *fchn Leach, eſq. Willian Marſh, eſq. *George Holme Summer, eſq. Robert Taylor, eſq. J. Soane, eſq. John Varnham, eſq. Simeon, Droz, efºl. .."w. eſq. . *- Richard C. Plowden, eſq. ſº Warter, eſq. . ir Robert-Wigram, bart. Truſtees, *Sir John Cox Hippiſley, bartº Rt. hon. John Sullivan, “Geo. H. Sumner, eſq. *John Leach, eſq. Auditors, Jn. Hoſier, eſq. Sir Rob. Wigram, bt. Geo. Gillam Mills, eſq. Secretary, Richard Barnes, eſq. Solicitor, Richard Williams, eſq. º. County FIRE-OFF Ice, South- ampton-ſtreet, Strand. 1807. - - Truſtees. • * Duke of Rutland, K. G. Marquis of Buckingham. Marquis of Northampton, Earl of Upper Oſtory, William Praed, eſq. *Scrope Bernard Morland, eſq. Sixty Directors. Managing Di, eśīor, J. T. mont, eſq. - EacLE IN su RAN ce. Com PANY, for Fire and Life Inſurance. Cornhill and Haymarket. 1807. , Direčfors. - Claireran, Sir Wm Rawlins, knt. Dºp.-Chair." Sir Jn Perring, bt., ald. Samuel Birch, eſq. ald. James Brewer, eſq. - Jahn Cleugh, eſq. | John Dixon eſq. John Dueffeſ, eſq., Chriſtopher Fryer, eſq. Thomas Greenaway, esq. Challes Johnſon, eſq. Sarnuel Naſh, eſq. . John Ord, eſq. Philip Perring, eſq. | Benjamin Rankin, eſq. R. Whiteaves, eſq., - -Secretary, W. Beetham, eſq. EQUITABLE Assu RAN ce-O;- Fice, on Lives and Survivorſhips, in Bridge-ſtreet, Blackfriars. - Preſident. *Sir Charles Morgan, bart. - Vice-Preſidents. Rich. Clark, eſq. Richard Frewin, eſq. - Directors. , William Bray, eſq. Henry Deal:ry, eſq. John Griffiths, eſq. Newman Knowlys, eſq. Robert Lee, eſq. Rev. Robert Lewis ... - Henry Charles Lichfield, eſq. John May, eſq. • - - Joſeph Planta, eſq. Sir Lucas Pepys, bart. Ralph Price, eſq. Robert Ray, eſq. - Truſtees. *Sir Charles Mººn, bart. Richard Clark, eſq. Richard Frewin, eſq. Sir John Silveſter, ot, Robert Ray, eſq. - -. 4ćtuary, Wm. Morgan, eſq. F.R.S., 4//ant, William Morgan, jun. B. Beau- Globe Insurance Office, Pall- malland Cornbill. E ſtabliſh’d in 1803. Chairman, “George Abercrombie Robinſon, eſq. " . . Dep.-Chairman, Joſeph Dorin, eſq. , } Dire&ors. Charles R. Barker, eſq. Thomas Barrow, eſq. Thomas Blair, eſq. William Breach, eſq. *Sir Charles Cockerell, bart. Thomas Coles, eſq. Yºja rance-Societies tº º Harvey €hriſtian Combe, eſq. . . George Fraſer, eſq., - William Gilpin, eſq. . . . . . . Sir Richard Carr Glyn, bart, ald, Edward Goldſmid, eſq., Pſaac L. Goldſmid, eſq. David Hunter, eſq. John Latham, M. D. John Neave, eſq. Wm Phillimore,eſq. Fredéric #." Pigon, eſq. . . John Richard Ripley, eſq. *Sir Walter Stirling, bart. Arthur Shakeſpear, eſq. , James Taddy, eſq. - Robert Taylor, eſq. s' *Charles Edward Wilſonn, eſq. Secretary, Mr. Jim Charles Denham. HAN D IN-HAND FIRE-OFsrce, Bridge-ſtreet, BlacAfriers. **9°. Direars. James Eſdaile, eſq. John Evans, eſq. I homas Gaitskell, eſq. Benjamin Harriſon, esq. Thomas Jefferys, eſq.' Alexander Maitland, eſq. *Ebenezer Fui er Martland, esq. Peter Martineau, esq. Jaunes Palmer, eſq. Martin Pearkes, eſq. Thomas Platt, eſq. , Robert Prickett, esq. Thomas Savill, eſq. James Scott, eſq. George Scott, eſq.- *Richard Sharp, eſq. Wii.ia.un Sharp, esq.- Henry Piper Sperling, eſq. Thomas Stiff, eſq. Nathaniel Stonard, eſq. John Furne. Tuffen, eſq. |. Ward, esq. enry Waymouth, eſq. William Wix, eſq. Secretary, Mr. Benjamin Rouſe. Hop & 1 Nsu R A Nck Come An y, - Ludgate-bill, 1807. r Chairman, Thomas Cobb, eſq. Dep.-Chairman, Wm Rothery, eſq. - Dire?ors. - j William Reece, eſq. },George Scholey, eſq. ald. Solonel Taylor. - {ijobs. Warmington, eſq. - 1803, - | Edward Bike, eſq. John Burnell, eſq. . . . John Card, eſq. - - y Robert Albion Cox, eſq. ald. - John Farley, eſq. . . . - . John Jones, jun. eſq. George Leyburn, eſq. John Man, eſq. ;Secretary, Mr. William Bury, IMPER I Al Insus A N ce. Com PANY., - Sun-Sourt, Cornbill, and 5, ! Sº, Jºss's Street, - Chairmas, Wiilian Lewis, eſq. Iºffitated | Grant i George Brown, eſq. i Cornelius Buller, eſq- i Stephen Cattley, eſq. | Sir Charles Price, | Thomas Reid, eſq., Robert Barron, eſq. . . . Pºp.-Chairman, Samuel Drewe, eſq. Direfiors. Allan, e.g. Andrew Colviiie, eſq. J times Haglis, e.g. | Robert Lang, eſq. David Lyon, eiq. Daniel Mildred, eſq. Jeremiah Olive, eſq. bt, and ald. *Sir James Shaw, bt. | Robert Slade, eſq. - Henry Smith, eig. *George Smith, eſq. # *John Smith, eſq- Joſeph Timperon, efºl. Secretary, John H. Tritton. Life-Assurance Society, for Wi- i dºes and Female Relations, ºftably:- ! edin 1795. . . . . . . . . . . . Preſident, Sir Chriſt. Willoughby, bart. - - - Pice-Preſidents, Sir George William Preſcott, bart, John Bayley, eſq. Truſtees, Sir Chriſt. Willoughby, bart, Sir George William Preſcott, bart, , John Bayley, eſq. Richard Ogle, eſq. John Dowſe, eſq. Treaſurer, John Dowſe, eſq. Sec. and Solicitor, Charles Mayo, eſq. Receiver, Mr. John Dowie. . . . . - E 2 .# 32s Inſurance Societies. \ Lon Don As Nu Ity-Society for the Br. N EF IT of Wu Dows. Office, 25, Old Fiſh-ſtreet, near St. Paul's. g Direčors. Mr. Baniſter Flight. Mr. Robert Humphrey Marten. Mr. Antheny Brown. . . . - Mr. James Davidſon, jan, Mr. R. W. Jupp. Mr. Samuel Jackſon. Mr. William Marſh. Mr. Frederick Gibſon. Mr. Joſeph Carter. Mr. Joſeph Proctor. Mr. R. Davidſon, ſen. Mr. Nicholas Pheme; ſen. Mr. Edward Browne. Mr. William Curling, jun. Mr. Edward Francis. Treaſurer, Mr. Henry Field. Secretary, John Field, jºin. Meſſenger, James Goodwin. . LoN D on Assu RAN ce (Birchin- Robert Allen, eſq. . . lane), for Marine and Fire Affu- rances. Incorporated in 1720. Governor, Abraham Melle, eſq. Sub-Gov. Sir William Fraſer, bart. . Dep. Gov. Richard Lewin, eſq. , - Direáñozs. John Lewis André, eſq. . . . john Watſon Borradaile eſq. Edward Burmaster, eſq., Abel Chapman, eſq. . Gabriel Gillett, eſq. . . . Abel Anthony Gower, eſq. John Hillerſdon, eſq. William Larkins, eſq. $ --John May, eſq. William Ouchterlony, eſq. : Iohn Plummer, eſq. John Clark Powell, eſq. William Powell, esq. ohn Anthony Rucker,eſq. James Sims, eſq. . . William Smith, eſq. . . . . . Î - Richard Stainforth, eſq. Andrew Timbreli, eſq. . . . . John Harriſon Thompſon, eſq. ". . . James Williams, eſq . Leſtock Peach Wilſon, eſq. Henry Septimus Hyde Wöllaſton,eſq. Henry Woodfall, eſq. Timothy A. Curtis, eſq. Secretary, John Laurence, cfq. Accomptant, Mr.Abraham Allen Miles. Book-keeper, Mr. John Laurence, jun. . Chief Clerks. " ; ,- Ship-Departm. Mr.Timothy Greated. Fire-Department, Mr. Jos Hy. Clarke. Surveyor, Mr. William Sabine. Solicitors, Meſſrs. Bleaſdale, & Co. Lo N Don LIFE-Assoc (At Ions for the Aſſurance of Lives, N. 35, Cannon ſtreet. - - Prºfiini,” william Manning, eſq. | Vice-Preſident, Robert Nicholas, eſq. Truſtees. * Charles Boſanquet, eſq. William Alers Hankey, eſq. . . Henry Haſe, eſq. . . . . Benj. Harrison, eſq. Direflors. John Aldridge, eſq. . . . Hieronimus Burrueſter, eſq., Wiſliam Child, eſq. Charles Druce, eſq. Michael Gibbs, eſq. John Hunter, eſq. . . . . James Renat Syms, eſq. Thos. Borradaile, eſq. Zachary Langton, . q. . . | Apſley Pellatt, eſq. . . . . Jacob Wrench, eſq. Phyſician, Alexander Marcet, M.D. Surgeon, William Norris, eſq. . . | fººt. The diſtinguiſhing.principle of this Society is, that the benefits reſulting from its tranſačtions ſhall be enjoyed by the Members, during life, ſo as to render Life Aſſurance as eaſy to the aſſured, as a due regard to Security will admit. Norwich UN to N INsu RAN cº- OF F 1 c E, Bridge-street. Truffees. Duke of Somerſet, Duke of Beaufort, Duke of Argyle, Earl of Roseberry, Earl of Craven, Earl of Surrey, L. Saltoun, Wiſc. Barnard. *Viſc. Althorp, *Viſc. Kirkwall. Viſc. de Montmorency, Lord Salhoun, Šir' Geo. Jerningham, bart. Sir Geo. . Armytage, bt. Sur Jos. Scott, bt. Sir Geo. Leeds, bt. Sir Geo Os- borne, Lt. Wm. Colville, eſq., Wm. * ,” ." Inſurance-Societies. 3.29. Pickering, eſq. Waltºr Fawkes, esq.. Hy Host Henley, esq., Arthur Cayley, esq. General Onslow. Secretarics, Thos. and Sam. Bignold. Aétuary, Richard Morgan. PE LIcAN LIFE-IN su RAN c e OF- F1c E, and for Endowments for Children, 1797. Office in Lombardſ. Dire&ors. *Sir William Curtis, bart. Major Rohde, eſq. * Hugh Hammerſley, eſq. John Brickwood, eſq. Abraham Bracebridge, eſq. William Walker, eſq. Caſten Rohde, eſq. Walter Bracebridge, eſq. James Bell, eſq. ‘ . William Samler, eſq. John Cooper, eſq. George Shum, eſq. John Hawes, eſq. Sir Charles' Flower, part. Secretary, Thomas Parke, eſq. PH CEN Ix F I RE-OFF 1 c E, Lom- bard-ſtreet & Charing-Croſſ, 1782, for Property from Fire at bome and - abroad. Direétors. James Bell, eſq. . Abraham Bracebridge, eſq. Walter Bracebridge, eſq. John Coope, eſq. William Curtis, eſq. William Davis, -eſq. Sir Charles Flower, bart. John Hawes, eſq. John Petty Muſpratt, eſq. William Nanſon, eſq. Emanuel Goodhart, eſq. , Caſten Rohde, eſq. Major Rohde, eſq. Thomas Rowcroft, eſq. William Samler, eſq. George Shum, eſq. *John Tayler, eſq. . . - Charles Hampden Turner, eſq. Matthew Wilſon, esq. Thomas Wilſon, eſq. - Secretary, Jenkin Jones, eſq. Philanthropic AN Nu 1 TY INst ITU- Tion, 1806, N. Io9, Pall-Mall. - Dire:Fors. * Sir Jas. Cockburn, bt. G. F. Strat- ton, eſq. Luder Hoffman,eſq. Jno. Prowett, eſq. W. C. Jackſon, eſq. Benj. Angell, eſq., Caſhier, Robert Prowett. Secretary, S. R. Ellis. Prov I DENT LIFE-OFF ice for In- furance of L1 v Es, Grant and Purchaſe of ANN U 11 1 Es, and EN Dow Me N t of Children. Soutb- ampton-ſtreet, Strand. 1806. Preſident, Marquis of Buckingham. Pice-Preſidents, Marquis of Saliſbury, E. of Hardwicke, V. Bulkeley, V. Chetwynd, *V. Duncannon, Ld. Braybrooke. - Truſtees, Marq. of Buckingham, Lord Braybrooke, Earl of Hardwicke, *Scrope Bernard-Morland, eſq. Wm Praed, eſq. Geo. Ducket, eſq. Fifteen Directors. Managing-Director, . J. T. Barber Beaumont, eſq., Roo K LIFE-INsu RAN cr OF FIce, on Lives and Survivorships, at N. 14, New Bridge-ſtreet. 1806. Direéſors. Chairman, Magens Dorrien Magens, eſq. Deputy-Chairman, Sir Chas. Price, bt. David Bevan, eſq. • William Clay, eſq. John Cooke, M. D. - Gerard De Wiſme, eſq. John Elliott, eſq. - William Forsteen, eld. *- George Gooch, eſq. James Innes, eſq. William Lewis, esq., John Maſterman, esq. James Perry, eſq. - Richard Price, eſq. Joſeph Reid, eſq. Richard Wilson, eſq. | Ağuary, William Frend, eſq. M. A. Sub-Aétuary, Mr. Wm Stone Lewis. The diſtinguiſhing feature of this Socicty is a periodical addition out of its profits to the principal ſum assured for the whole of Life. E 3 530 ... Insurance-Societies. Roy Al Exchange Assu RAN c 2- Off Ice, up Stairs in the Ex- change; and alſo in Pall-mall ; for aſſuring Buildings, Goods, and . Ships, from Fire, alſo for Aſſuring Lives, and granting Annuities. In- corporated in 1719. . Direéiors. - Governor, William Vaughan, eſq. Sub. Gov. Wm. Matthew Raikes, eſq. Dep. Gov. *Paſcoe Grenfell, eſq. Arthur David Lewis Agaſſiz, eſq. Thomas Bainbridge, eſq. - George Pearkes Barclay, eſq-. Henry Cazenove, cfq. Allen Cooper, eſq., John Deacon, eſq. John Ede, eſq. Samuel Fenning, eſq. Thos Furley Forſter, eſq. James Gibſon, eſq. Samuel Hibbert, eſq. Bartholomew Jeffery, eſq. Edward Lee, eſq. - - . . . *Sir John William Lubbock, bt. William Mitchell, eſq. , ohn Henry Pelly, eſq. sº William Tooke Robinſon, cfq- William Sampſon, eſq. John Slegg, eſq. Iſaac Solly eſq., Robert Thorley, eſq. john Fam Timins, eſq. Thomas ‘looke, eſq. John Woolmore, eſq., - . Secretary, Samuel Fenning, jun. Caſhier, John Burford. - Accomptant, James Booth. - Life-Accomptant, W. Fairman: . . Smperintendant of the Fire-Depart- ment, Matthew Ward. . Surveyors, John Stevens and Ben- jamin Cooper. Sun FIRE-OFF Ice, Cornhill, and craig's Court, Charing-Croſs. Eſta- bliſh’d in 1710. . . - Treaſurer, Wm C. Shawe, eſq. . . Secretary, Charles Bell Ford, eſq. Sir Edmund Antrobus, bl. - Henry Boulton, eſn- Charles Boulton, eſq. William Burnie, eſq. . Thomas Dorrien, eſq. | James Trotter, eſq. Thomas Dorrien, ium, eſq. William Hamilton, eſq.- Edward Harman, eſq. . . + :*Right Hon. William Huskiſſon. Felix Ladbroke, eſq. : Henry Ladbroke, eſq. *Charles Shaw Lefevre, cfq. Charles S. Lefevre, jun, eſq. Charles Littledale, eſq. Henry Littledale, esq. William Moffat, eſq. John Pearſe, eſq. Brice Pearſe, eſq. Charles Pole, eſq. . . Giles Templeman, eſq. ..Claude George Thornton, eſq. Office-Secretary, Edward Griffin, eſq. Accomptant, Mr. John Richards. UN 1 on Assu RAN ce Soc 1 ETY, for Fire & Life Insurance, Cornbill, Old Bond-street, and College-green, Dub- lin. Instituted. 1714. - - Direčāors. Chairman, David Jennings, eſq. Ebenezer Johnſton, eſq. . . . Richard flea, eſq. Nicholas Phene, eſq - John Robins, eſq. . sº Richard H. Solly, eſq. John Wanſey, eſq. Joſeph Wilſon, eſq. . . . Benjamin Brecknell, eſq., John Inglis, eſq. James Palmer, eſq. Francis Rivington, eſq. George Rutt, eſq. Joseph Stonard, eſq. Reader Wilkinson, eſq. Thomas Bodley, eſq. , Stephen Groombridge, eſq. Franeis Paynter, eſq. Edward Pickard, eſq, John Rogers, eſq. . . . . Samuel Thorpe, eſq. . g Secretary, Mr. Thomas Lewis. | Accemptamt, Mr. David Botterill. Surveyor, Joſeph Parkinson, eſq. Manager of Iriſh. Department, Henry Lamauze, eſq. . . . . . Solicitor, Francis Gregg, esq...: Agent for Germany, Joſh Carty, eſq. Hamburgh. . Hoſpitals and Infirmaries. 331 West MIN ster Fire-Office, Bed- ford-ſtreet, Covent-garden. Incor- porated in 1717. - Direšors; . {#. Lett, eſq. . . illiam Nurſe, eſq. William Storey, eſq. Richard Barker, eſq. , John Mills, eſq. . . , Robert Hooper, M. D. Charles Millett, jun. eſq. Richard Ovey, eſq. Jeffry Wyatt, eſq. Péter Henry, eſq. William Crighton, eſq. Daniel Willſhen, eſq. - Frederick R. P. Barlow, eſq. Henry Robins, eſq. - Joseph Wigg, eſq. Thomas Palmer, eſq. . William Girdler Mucklow, eſq. John Willock, eſq. ‘. . John Holroyd, eſq. James Little, eſq. Joseph Nutting, eſq. James Winckworth, eſq. Robert Barlow, Pratt, eſq. John Yenn, eſq. ... Secretary, Mr. George How Browne. Surveyor, James Gray Mayhew, eſq. West MINst ER Society, for Inſurance on Lives and Survivor- /hips, and for granting Annuities. Strand and Cornhil. 1793. * - Dire&#ors. ...,’ Chairman, Thos. Philip Hampson, eſq. Pºp.-Chairman, William Marsh, eſq. William Agnew, eſq. r - Stamp Brookſbank, eſq. John Clements, eſq. George Cumming, esq. *William Fitzhugh, esq. Charles Freeman, eſq. . . . Ralph Leiceſter, jun, eſq. - Hon. Douglas Kinnaird. - *George Holme Sumner, eſq. | Joseph Sage, eſq. Swiney Toone, eſq. , James Peter Auriol, eſq. *Sir James G1aham, bt. *Sir John Cox Hippiſley, bart. Secretary, Richard Barnes, esq. Solicitor, Richard Williams, et]. HOSPITALs and INFIRMARIES, Saint BART Holomew's Hoſpital, Founded by Rayhere in 11 oz, re- founded by Hen. VIII. 1539. Preſident, *Sir James Shaw, bt, ald. Treaſurer, Hugh Powell, eſq. Picar and Hoſpitaler, Rev. Samuel || Wix, M.A. F.R.S. - - Phyſicians, Edward Roberts, M. D. & F.R.S. Richard Powell, M.D.’ & James Haworth, M.D. s Surgeons, Sir Ludford Harvey, John Abernethy, eſq., F.R.S. and John P. Vincent, esq. - Aſſiſt.-Surgeons, Mr. W. Lawrence, Mr. Hy Earle, & Mr. Edw Stanley. Aśothecary, Mr. T. Wheeler, F.L.S. Clerk, John Wood, eſq. Steward, Mr. William Wilby. Surveyor, Mr. Thos Hardwicke. Rehter, Mr. Thomas Watts. Matron, Mrs. Eliz. Tomkins. Porter, William Shobrook. Beadles, T. Golding, Jas Richardson, Thomas Toms and Richd Cotton, BR 1 DE wi: L L & Beth LeM. Founded by Edward VI. 1553. Preſident of both Hoſpitals, Sir Richard Carr Glyn, bart. Alderman. Treaſurer, Richard Clark, eſq. Cham- berlain of London. . - - Chaplain, Rey. Henry Budd, M.A. Phyſicians, Thomas Monro, M. D. G. L. Tuthill, M.D. - Surgeon, William Lawrence, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. Geo. Wallett. Clerk and Solicitor, John Poynder, eſq. Receiver to both, and Steward to Bridewell, Bolton Hudſon, eſq. Porter to Bridewell, Richard Weaver. Matron to ditto, Mrs. Mary Bolland. Steward to Bethlem, Mr. Hy Humby. Porter to Bethlem, James Simmonds. | Matron to ditto, Mrs. Eliz. Forbes. - St. Thomas’s Hoſpital. . Founded by Edward VI. 1553. Preſident, Sir Charles Price, Bt. ald. Treaſurer, Abel Chapman, eſq. $3e Hoſpitals and Infirmarier. Hºſpitaler, Rev. Servington Savery, B.C º º e Phyſicians, Geo Gilbert Currey, M.D.’ Rob. Williams, M.D. John Scott, Nſ. D. Aſſiſtant-Phyſ. Thos. Elliotson, M.D. Surgeons, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Cline, jun. and Mr. Benj. Travers. Apothecary, Mr. R. Whitfield. Clerk, John Wainewright, eſq. Receiver, Mr. Joſeph Beevers. Steward, Mr. William Naſh. Matron, Miss Savery. Butler, Mr. Daniel Wheeler. EMAN UE L-Hos P1 TAL, Weſtminſter, founded by Baroneſ; DA cre' in 16o I. Truſtees, the Lord Mayor and Alder- men of London. - Mafter, Thomas Waters, D.D. Treaſurer, - Secretary, Roy a L DISP EN sary, for the Diſeaſes of the Ear. Carlisle Str. Soho Square. Patrons, The Prince Regent. Duke of York,and Duke of Cumberlaud, Preſident, Marquis Cambden. - Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Devonſhire. Duke of Buccleugh. Earl Fitz- William. Rt. Hon. N. Vanſittart. Sir W. Farquhar, M.D. *Matth. Wood. esq. . . . Consulting Physician, Jno. Sims, M.D. * F.R.S. •, Surgeon, J. H. Curtis, esq. Treasurer, William Cobbe, esq. Secretary, Mr. G. Whiting. Collector, Mr. Davies. Hoſpital for FR EN CH PR ot est ANTs and their Deſcendants, incorporated in 1718, Old-ſtreet. - - Governor, Earl of Radnor, . Sub-Governor, David Duval, eſq. Treaſurer, James Belloncle, eſq. Secretary, J. L. André, eſq. - Chaplain, Rev. Theophilus Abauzit, Phyſician, John Meyer, M.D. Surgeon, & Apothecary, Mr. Edward Browne. - - Steward, Mr. John Hebert. West MINst 25 Hospital, infti- tuted, by Subſcription, 1719. Patroneſs, The Queen. | Porters, Rich, Goldſmith, Preſ. Duke of Northumberland. Vice-Preſidents, Earl Spencer, Earl. Groſvenor, Lord Arden, Sir Arch. Macdonald, bt. Lord Colcheſter. Visc. Sidmouth, and Hon. Phil. Pusey. t Treaſurer, George Auſt, eſq. F.R.S. Phyſicians, A. P. Buchan, MI. D. G. L., Tuthill, M. D. Triſtram Whittº, M. D. Surgeons, William Lynn, W. R. Mo- rel, Ant. Carliſle, eſqrs - 4ſſ. Surgeon, Ant. White, eſq. Houſe-Apoth. Mr. Merrick. Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Nicholſon. Sec. and Receiver, Mr. John Daniel, Little College street. Matron, Jane Mort. Guy’s Hosp 1 T A L. Founded by Thomas Guy,eſq. in 1722. Preſident, *Samuel Thornton, eſq. - Treaſurer, Benj. Harriſon, eſq F.S.A. Chaplain, Rev. Jas. Blenkarrie, M.A., Phyſicians, James Curry, M. D. Alex. Marcet, M.D. Hy. as. Cholmeley, M. ſº *-- - l - Aſſiſ?. -Phyſician, James Laird, M.D. Surgeons, Thomſon Forſter, William Lucas, jun. Aſiley P.C.coper, eſqrs. Reg. & Clerk, Mr. Sam. Welchman. Apothecary, Mr. Richard Stocker. Steward, Mr. William Keall. Butler, Mr. Thomas Shattock. | Accomptant, Mr. Wm Arnold. Beadle, Mr. John Jeſſe. Matron, Mrs. . - Aſſiſtant-Matron, Mrs. Jeſſe. . Mistreſs of the Lunatic Houſe, Mrs. Mary Clarke. º - Surgery-Man, Samuel Bayfield. - John Wil- kinſon, and J. Lee, - St. GE or GE’s Hosp Iſr AL, Hyde- Park Corner, inſtituted, by Subſcrip- tion, in 1733. .& Preſident, The KING. Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Clarence, Duke of Montroſe, Marq of Salis- bury, Marq. of Wincheſter, Marq. of Hertford, Marq. of Cholmon- deley. • Treaſurers, John Chamier and Henry Harnage, eſqrs, Hoſpitals and Infirmaries. * -º Phyſicians, George Pearſon, M. D. t Charles Dalſton Nevinſon, M., D. Thomas Young, M. D. Wm. F. Chambers, M. D. Surgeons, Sir Everard Home, bart. John Griffiths, John Gunning, |. and Robert Keate, eſqrs. Affiftant Surgeon, B. C. Brodie, eſq. Piſiting-Apothecaries, Geo. E. Ew- bank, Ar. Tegart, Rich. Walker, J. Faller, and Ev. Brande, eſqrs. Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Hughes. Houſe-Apothecary, Mr. Hammerton. Secretary, Mr. Joſeph Gunning. Colle&for, Mr. William Thompſon, Matron, Mrs. Mary Jacobs, - Pou Nos.1 so Hospital. Incorpo- rated in 1739. Guildford-ſtreet. Patron, "The KING: Preſident, T'i.e. Prince ièegent. Vice-Preſidis. V. Sidmouth, Lä Dundas, Ld. Eardley, *Sir Jn Nicholl, Sirº Thos Plumer, knt. Wm Watſon,eſq. Treaſ. Samuel Compton Cox, eſq. Secretary, Mr. Morris Lieveſley. Chaplain, Rev. C. Heathcote, D.D. Morning-Preacher, Rev. John Hew- iett, B.D. - Evening Preachers. Rev. Saml Wat- ſon, D.D. Rev. John Pitman, M.A. Even.-Reader, Rev. RichWebb, M.A. Organiff, Mr. J. C. Nightingale . Solicitor, James Farrer, eſq. Phyſicians, Chriſtopher Stanger, M.D. Clement Hue, M.D. Surgeon, Henry Earle, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. Julian Mariner. Dentist, — Parkinſon. Architect, Joſ. Kay, eſq. Steward, Mr. Richard Dobbs. Matron, Hannah Ley Johnſon, Sub-Matron, Mary Sarell. Schoolmaſter, Mr. William Woodham. Treaſurer & Clerk, Mr. Mich. Barrett. Meſſenger, George Palmer. Porter, Matthew Iones. Lon Don Hosp It AL, inſtituted in 1740. Incorporated, Dec. 9, 1758. Whitechapel-Road. Preſident, Duke of Gjouceſter. : Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Wellington, Marq. of Haſtings, Earl of St.Vin- | - cent. Viſct.Torringtons. *Ló. Hen- niker, Wm. Mainwaring,eſq., *Sanj. Thornton, eſq. *Sir Wm. Curtis, bart. & ald. Sir Rt. Wigram, bt. *Geo. Byng, eſq. *Wm. Melliſh, eſq. *William Manning, eſq. Treaſurer, Thomas Brown, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. And. Hatt, M. A. . Phyſicians, Algernon Frampton, M.D. Iſaac Buxton, M.D. John Yelloly, M.D. . . Surgeons, Sir Wim Blizard, knt.F.R.S. R. C. Headington, Jn G. Andrews, eſqrs. Secretary & Receiver, Mr. John Jones. Apothecary, , , * * Steward, Mr. John Jenkinſon. Matron, Mrs. Catharine Le Blond. Clerk & Collector. Mr.Thos. Maſters. ** * * * -* SAMAR ITAN Soc 1 E. T.Y: An Appen- dage to the London Hoſ. ital. Inſti- tuted in 1791. —Office in the London Hoſpital. - - Chairman, John Parſons, D.D. Treaſurer, C. Richardſon, jun, eſq. Almoner, Sam. Rhode, esq. . Secretary, Mr. Samuel Rutherford. Hºnorary Sec. J. G. Andrews, eſq. Hosp It Al for the Small-Pox Inocu- lation and Vaccination, at Pancras, inſtituted in 1746. • | Patron, The KING. Preſident, Duke of York. vºice-Preſidents, Duke of Bedford, Earl of Macclesfield, Rich. Clark, eſq. Chamberlain of London, Jonathan Hoare,eſq. Iſaac Hawkins Browae, eſq. *Samuel Thornton, eſq. Treaſurer, Iſaac Solly, eſq. 13, St. Mary Axe. - Phyſician, Joſeph Adams, M.D. . Secretary, Mr. Ant, Highmore, Soli- citor, No. 33, Ely-place. . Apotbecay & Steward, Mr. J. C. Wachſel. : Lock Hosp I T A L2 near Corner, 1746. patron, Duke of York. - |Preſiden', Marquis of Hertford. . Wice-Preſidents, Earl Bathurſt, Lord Sondes, Earl of Dartmouth. Treaſurer, Charles Hoare, eſq. Hyde-Park- 884 - Hoſpitals and fºrmatia. Phyſician, Fred.W. Chambers, M.D. Chaplain, Rev. James Gibſon. Surgeons, John Pearſon, eſq. F.R.S. W. Blair, M. A. . . . . Aftſt, Surgeons, Patk. Macgregor, - G. G. Batington, eſqs. Secretary, Mr. Nicolas Meredith. Matron, Mrs. Pariſh. - Collector, Mr. Whiting, Chapel street; Groſvenor-place. The Lock Asy Lu M for the Reception ºf Penitent Females discharged from the Hoſpital untid otherwise provided for. Inſtituted 1787 - Matron, Mrs. Wethereſt. Mr BBLF's six Hosp Ira L., Berners- ſtreet, for Sick & Lame, and Lying- in married Wºomen, (who are - attended at their own Hašitations.) Inſtituted by Subſcription, 1745. Patron, The Prince Regent. Preſident, Duke of Northumberland, - Fice-Preſidents, Duke of Portland, Duke of Wellington, Marq-of Staf- ford, Marq- of Hertford, Marq. of Cholmondeley, Earl of Beveriey, Earl Groſvenor, Biſhop of Durhamn, *Lord Robert Seymour. Sir W. W. Pepys, bt. Iſaac H. Browne,eſq. Thos. Coutts, esq. Treaſurers, Wm. Fowler Jones, eſq. Rob. Dalrymple, esq. Chaplain, Rev. J. H. Stewart Phyſicians, Charles Gower, M. D. Peter M. Latham, M. D. and H. H. Southey, M. D. Accoucheur, Samuel Merriman, M.D. Phyſician extraordinary to the Cancer- Ward, John Mayo. M.D. - Surgeons, Jno. Joberns, Rich. Cat- wright, Clias Bell, esqrs. - Apothecary, Mr John Biddell. Houſe-Surgeon, Mr. Arthur Wyatt Secretary, Mr. Henry Jenkinſon Matron, Mrs. Sarah Archbald. Cºllector, - - BR IT Is H LY IN G-1 N Hospit a L for Married Women, in Brownlow- fºreet, Losg-Acre. Inſtituted in I 749. * . . . . . Patroneſs, Ducheſs of York. Preſident, Duke of Portland. ſ Pice-Preſidents, Earl Spencer, Lord Eardley, Lord Gwydir, Rt. Hon. Sir Joſeph Banks, bt., & K.B. Treaſurer, Henry Hoare, eſq. . . . Conſulting Phyſician, . Phyſicians, Robert Batty, M.D. &. F.L.S. John Foley, M.D. . . Surgeon, Mr. Charles L. Herbert Chaplain, Rev. William Heydon, M.A. joint-Secretaries, Mr. George Tru . . whitt, Mr. William Yewd, Matron, Mrs. M. Buttruſs. . - City of Lon Don LY IN G-1'N Hosp 1 TA:... . Inſtituted in 1750, Gºy-road. . . . . . Patron, Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, for the time being. . .. Preſident, *Sir John Perring, bart. alderman, F.L.S. . . . . . Pice Preſ. Sir Rd Carr Glyn, bt, ald. *Sir Js Shaw, bt. ald, Sir Wm. Leighton, knt.; ald. *Sir Charles Flower, bt. ald. *Sir Jn Jackſon, bt. *Wom Melliſh, George Hibbert, *Samuel Thornton, Thomſon Bo- . nar, Jn Milward, Jn Wilies, Jeffe Watts Ruſſell, eſqrs. . . . . . . Treaſ John Wilſon,eſq.49, Chiswell-ſt Céairman of the Comm F. Brown, eſq. ‘Preacher, Rev. Tho; Wilkinson, M.A. Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Lens. . . - Physician, Sayer Walker, M.D. - Accouch. Extra. Rich. Denniſon, M.D. Accouch. in ordinary, Rob. Gooch,M.D. Surgeon, Wm. Lucas, jun. efg.. Apothecary, Mr. Wm. Moorhouſe, St Leonar diſquare. . . . Secretary, Anthony Highmore, esq.” - N. 33, Ely-place. - . . s - Matron S Midwife, Mrs. C. Widgen. ST. Luke’s Hosp 1 TA 1 for Lºnatics, old-ſtreet, 175 . . . . Preſident, Duke of Leeds, # Vice-Preſidents, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Kenyon, *Charles Shaw Lefevre, John Weyland, *Wm. Mellish, and *Wm. Manning,eſqrs. - Treaſurer, John Clark Powell, eſq., Phyſician, Alex.Rt. Suthe, land,M. D. Surgeon, George Vaux, eſq., - Reſident Apoth. Mr. . . Secretary, John Webſter, eſq. - Hoſpitals and Infirmaries. 333 Súperintendant, Mr. Thos Dunſton. }. Sec. Mr. Tho. Webſter. Maſter and Matron, I. & M. Tow. .Accomptant, Mr. George Haswell. Qu E EN’s LY IN G-IN Hos PITAL at Lisson-green. Inſtituted in 1752. Patroneſs, The QUEF N. - - Preſidents, Duke of Suſſex, Duke of bevonſhire, Duke of Grafton, Earl of Plymouth, a d Earl Percy. Vice-Preſidents, Marq. of Hastings, E. Groſvenor, E. of Hardwicke, and the E. of Shafteſbury. Treaſurer, Nich. T. Selby, cfq- Conſulting-Phyſicians, Edwin G. Jones, M. D. Peter M. Roget, M. D, Phyſician and Accoucheur, David D. Davis, M.D. - Surgeon Accoucheur, C.M.Clarke, eſq. Affiftant, Richard Blagden, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. Badger, 44, Craw- ford ſtreet. - - Secretary, Mr. Jim Leigh, 17, Lisson- ſtreet. - Collector, Mr. Potts, 73, Dean-street, Sobo, - Matron &f Midwife, Mrs. Sarah Peter Asylum, or Houſe of Refuge for Or- - phan-Girls, near Weſtminſter-Bridge, inſtituted in 1758. Patroneſs, The Queen. Preſident, Duke of Cambridge. Vice - Preſidents, Duke of Marlbo- rough, Earl Spencer, Earl of Mans- field, Ld Radſtock, Rt. hon. Sir Arch. Macdonald, bart. Sir Wm Leighton, knt. alderman. Treaſurer, *Charles Barclay, eſq. Chaplain and Secretary, Rev. W il- liam Agutter, M. A. - Alternate Morning-Preachers, Rev. Dr. Busfield, Rev. Hy White, M.A. Evening-Preacher, Rev. Henry White Organiff, Mr. Horſely. . - Phyſicians, Sanuel Fothergill, M.D. and Triſtam Whitter, M. D. . . Surgeons, Mr. Wm. Lynn, Mr. Ant. White. - - Apothecary, Mr. Peter Heaume. WE's T M I N S T E R N Ew LY IN G-1 N Hosp IT A L, near the Bridge. In- fituted in 1765; . . . . Patroneſs, Ducheſs of York. Conſulting Phyſician, -Preſident, Earl Groſvenor. . - Vice-Preſidents, Lö. Eardley, Ld. Ar- den, Bp. of Durham, Hon. Philip Pusey, Sir Allan Park, kt. and *William Wilberforce, eſq. Treaſurer, John Lett, eſq. -" Phyſicians & Accoucheurs in ordinary Robert Gooch, M. D. and Hugh Ley, M.D. . . + Wm. Geo. Ma- ton, M.D. -Surgeon, Andrew Matthias, eſq. Apothecary, Humphry Pritchett, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. G. Gibſon, M.A. Secretary, Mr. J. C. Williams. , Matron & Midwife, Mrs. J.Wright. Receiver, Mr. S. Orlton. - MAG D AL EN - Hosp IT A L, Saint George’s Fields. Instituted 1758. Incorporated in 1769. • Patroneſs, The Queen. Preſident, Earl of Radnor. Vice-Preſidents, Earl Groſvenor, Eart of Liverpool, Hon. Philip Puſey, George Muſgrave, and John Julius Angerſtein, eſqrs. Treaſurer, Alex. Bennett, eſq. Chaplain & Secretary, Rev. Jn Prince. £vening-Preachers, Rev. George Ma- thew, M. A. and Rev. Edw Rep- ton, M. A. . . " Phyſician, Rd Powell, M.D. Surgeºns, Wm. Norris, eſq. Sir Lud ford I larvey. - Apothecary, Mr. Wentworth AIzlim. Surveyor, Samuel Page, eſq. , Matron, Mrs. Elizabeth Wiggins. London Infirmary, for Diſeaſes of the EYE, N. 4o, Charterhouſe-ſquare, injtituted in 1805. Preſident, Sir Charles Price, bt. ald, Vice-Preſidents, J. J. Angerſtein, eſq. John Anſiey, eſq. ald. William Babington, M.D. George Bain- bridge, eſq. George Barclay, eſq. Thomas Boddington, eſq. Henry Cline, eſq., Aſtley P. Cooper, eſq. Sir C. Flower, bt. Thos F. Foſter, eſq. Rd Heathfield, eſq. J. Pooley Kerfington, eſq. Henry Kenfing- ton, eſq. Rich flea, eſq. Sir Wm. Leighton, knt. ald. Jeremiah Olive, eſq. Thomas Rowcroft, eſq. Wil- 336 Differſaries and Medical charites. : liam Salte, eſq. Harry Sedgwick, eſq. *Sir James Shaw, bart, ald. Joſhua Jonathan Smith, eſq. ald. ſohn Thomſon, eſq Sir Robert Wigram, bt. . - Treaſurer, *Benjamin Shaw, eſq. Surgeons, Benjamin Travers and Wm. Laurence, eſqrs. - - Conſulting Phyſician, Dr. Farre. Solicitor, R. Pitches, eſq. Secretary, Richard Battley, eſq. S.E.A - BAT H 1 N G IN FIR MARY at Margate. Inſtituted in 1794. Patron, The Prince Regent. Patroneſſes, Counteſs Dowager of Dart- mouth, Counteſs of Darnley. Preſident, Earl of Liverpool. *- Vice-Preſidents, Marquis of Nor- ! . thampton, Lord Henniker, Baron | *Sir. Edward Knatch- Garrow, bull, bart. * Sir Wm. Geary, bart. Sir Robert Wigram, bart. Sir Wim Leighton, ald. Sir Wm. Blizard, *Sam.Thornton,eſq. Franciscobb, eſq. Jas. Taddy, esq. Tho..Warre, esq. . Phyſicians to the Infirmary, Thomas Brown, M.D. Thomas Grey, M.D. Conſulting-Surgeon, George Slater,eſq. Reſident-Surgeon, Mr. John Silver. Treaſurer, Michael Gibbs, eſq. 33, Walbrook. - Secretary, Mr. Joſeph Rainbow, 35, Cannon-ſtreet. -- Secretary and Collector, Mr. Zechariah Cozens, Margate. Collector, Mr. Ånty Wagner, Groſ- venor-row, Chelſea. Operating-Surgeon - Steward, Mr. John Naſh. . . Matron, Mrs. Naſh Royal Infirmary for Diſeaſes of EY E, Cork-ſtreet, Burlington-gar- ibe dens. Inſtituted in 1804. Patrons, The Royal Family. Preſident, Duke of Somerſet. Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Bedford, Duke of Devonſhire, Earl of Beſborough, Biſhop of Durham, Earl of Ayleſbury, Lord Bagot, Lord Eardley, *Right Hon. George Roſe, Sir John Wrotteſley, bt. J. J. Angerſtein, eſq. . . . & Surgeon in ord. Henry Alexander, eſq. 6, Cork-st. | Viſiting-Apothecary, E. A. Brande, i eſq. . . - Conſulting-Phyſicians, Sir Walter Far- quhar, bart. M. D. Sir Henry Halford, bt., M.D. Edward Fryar, M. D. J. W. Phipps, eſq. . Treaſurer, Thomas C. Slack, eſq., Secretary, Henry Alexander, eſq. Collector, Mr. Orlton, St. George's- place, Blackfriars. - Royal Westminster Infirmary for Diseases of the EYE, Mary-le-bone Street, Piccadilly. Inſtituted Dec. 52 1816. * : - . . Patron, Duke of York. Vice-Patrons, Duke of Kent, Duke of Cambridge. President, Duke of Wellington. Treasurer, Samuel Reed, eſq. N. 4, Berkeley-street. . * ! Physician, Charles F. Forbes, M.D. Surgeon, G. J. Guthrie, eſq. N. 2, Berkeley-street. * . and DISPENSARIES and MEDICAL CHARITIES. I.Y 1 N G-1 N CHAR 1 ty, under the Patronage of the Prince and Prin- ceſs of Wales, inſtituted in 17 57.- Office, No. 2, Bell-yard, Doctor’s f Commons. . *. . Preſident, The Duke of Kent. Vice-Preſidents, Marq of Angleſea, Earl of Dartmouth, Wm Dent, ... John Blackburn, Iſaac H. Browne, Wm. Wynch, Richardson Borra- daile, Dan. Henry Rucker, eſqrs. Treaſurer, Thomas Thompson, eſq. Phyſicians, John Sims, M.D, Sir Rich: Croft, bt. Jn Ramſbotham, M.D. D. D. Davis, M. D. . . Secretary, Mr. W. S. Hall. Colleſtor, Mr. Jeremy Garfield, tº Vineyard Gardens, Clerkenwell. GENERAL DI spr Nsak y for Relief of the Poor, Alderſgate-ſtreet. in- ſtituted in 1770. - •. Preſident, Lord Carrington. Diſpenſaries and Medical Charities. 337. Pice-Preſidents, Hon. Phil. B. Puſey, Jonn Hoare, eſq. Jn Julius Anger- ſtein, eſq. Geo Stackpole, eſq. Alex Daviſon, eſq. Iſaac H. Browne, eſq. *Mat. Wood, eſq. ald. *Wm. Man- ing, esq. Hon. Rob. Smith, Rob, A. Cox, eſq. aid. Jerem. Harman, eſq. *Geo. Smith, esq. Treaſ. Solomon Hougham, eſq., Phyſicians, Henry Clutterbuck, M.D. George Birkbeck, M. D. Wm Lamb, M. D. . - - Conſulting Phyſ. Geo Sandeman, M.D. Surgeons, G.Vaux, Geo. Wm.Young. Secretary, Mr. Jn Pullen, 34, Fore-st. Apothecary, Mr. Dandy. Collector, Mr. Piper. W E S T M I Nst E R G E N E R AL D 1s- P E N SARY,32, Gerrard-ſtreet, Sobo. * Inſtituted in 1774 - Patron, The Prince Regent. . Wice Patron, Duke of Suſſex. Preſ. Duke of Northumberland. - Vice-Preſidents, Earl of Beverley, Marq. of Hertford, Lord De Dun- ſtanville, Rt hon. Sir Joſ. Banks, bart. Hon. Philip B. Puſey, *C. S. Lefevre, eſq. Iſaac H. Browne, eſq. R. Gray, eſq. Jn Willock, eſq. Roderic Macleod, D.D. . Treaſurers, R., M*Leod, D. D. Jn Willock, eſq. , t Phyſicians, G. R. Nuttall, M.D. John F. Ashburners, M.D. Wm. Moore, ..}D. - Conſulting Phyſ. Sam Merriman, M.D. Phyſ. Man-Mid. Dun. Stewart, M.D. Surgeons, Thomas Chevalier,and Thos C. Hutchinson, esqrs. <ſpothecary, Mr. Coiman. Aſſiſtant, Mr. Jn Hailes. Secretary, Joſeph Wells, eſq. LoN do N Dºs P E NSA R x, Artillery- ft. Biſhºpſgate. Inſtituted in 1777. Patron, Duke of York. Preſident, Duke of Suſſex, Pice-Preſidents, Js Vere, eſq. *Win Smith, eſq. *Geo Byng, eſq. Beeſton Long, eſq Thos Boddington, eſq. Sir Rich C. Glyn, bart, ald. Rich Clark, eſq. *Sir John Jackſon, bt. • *Wm. Astell, eſq. Mat. Wood, eſq. aid. *Wrm. Melliſh, eſq. Sampſon Hunbury, eſq. *Sir Jn Simeon, bt. F f Treaſurer, Sir Wm Rawlins, knt Phyſicians, John B. Davis, M. D. William Shearman, M.D. Conſulting Pbys, Js Hamilton, M.D. Surgeon, Mr. R. C. Headington. - 4potbecany, Secretary, Mr. James Collins. Colle&ior, Mr. Joseph Baker. The EN DE Avou R, & BE N Evo L E N r LY IN G-1 N Society, for the Deli- very of Poor Women at their own Habitations, with the loan of Child- bed Linen, Medicines, &c. as alſo for the Vaccination of the Children, and the cure of their Diſeaſes under Seven Years of Age. Inſtituted 1794, at The Stratford Coffee-Houſe, 160, Oxford-ſtreet. . . . Patroness, Marchs, oſ Stafford. President, Earl of Besboreugh. Vice-Presidents, La Brownlow, Hon. S. E. Eardley, Archdeacon Heslop, *Chas. Forbes, eſq. Samuel Davis eſq. Nath. Garland, eſq., W. G. Smith, eſq. - - Treaſurer, Mortimer Tucker, eſq. Phyſician Accoucheur, H. G. Clough, M. D. 68, Berners-street, Surgeon-Accotcheur, Abr.Ta ylor,eſq. 35, Leicester-square. - Diſpenſer of Medicines, Mr. Monk- houſe, 10, Charles-st. Middleſex- Hoſpital. Secretary and Receiver, Mr. Jas Wiſe, 196, Great Titchfield-ſtreet. Sempfftreſs, Mrs. Billington, 82, New- man-street. . " . - FIN six U R Y Di SF EN sary, Saint- jobn-street, Clerkenwell, for admi- niffering Advice and Medicines to the Poor at the Diſpenſary, or at their own Habitations, gratis. Inſti- tuted in 1780. ... , ', Preſident, Marquis of Northampton. Vice-Preſidents, Harv, C. Combe, eſq. Sir Chas. Price, bart, ald. *Sir Jas. Shaw, bt. ald. *Matt. Wood, eſq. ald. John Dickinſon, eſq. Jn Bent- ley, eſq. Sir Thos, Bell, knt. Sir C. Downie,kut. Jn Martineau,eſq. Treaſurer, Gurney Barclay, eſq. Phyſicians, Halliday Lidderdale, M.D. Thomas Hancock, M.H.). Surgeon, John Taunton, eſq. $38 Diffenſºries and Medical Charities. Apothecary, Mr. Michael Bartlett. Secretary, Thomas Laurance, eſq. Collector, Mr. John Long. *—----------.” EastE R N DIS PENSARY, Great Alie-ſtreet, for the Religf of the Sick • Poor, and for attending Pregnant Women at their own Houſes. tuted in 1782. Patron, Duke of Kent. Preſident, Marq. of Haſtings. Pice-Preſidents, G. Wolff, eſq. Rt H Williams, eſq. H. C. Combe, eſq. *Sir Js. Shaw, bart. ald. Sir Chas. Flower, bt. ald. Ths Rowcroft, eſq. Jn Willes, eſq. *Geo Byng, eſq. *Wm Melliſh, eſq. A. Cooper, eſq. F.R.S. Ths C. Marſh, eſq. J. P. Anderdon, eſq., F.R.S. Treaſurer, Thos C. Marſh, eſq. Phyſician, Benjn Robinſon, M.D. Surgeon, Thomas Armiger, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. E.L. Godfrey. Secretary, Wm. Baker, eſq. Collector, Mr. Charles J. Eddrup. PUB L1 c D1s PEN's A R Y, Biſhop’s-crt. Chancery-lane. Inſtituted 1782. President, Duke of Suſſex. Wice. Preſidents, Ld Eldon, Ld Redeſ- | dale, Rt Hon. Baron Thompſon, *Sir Walter Stirling, bt. Harvey C. Combe, eſq, *William Wilber- force, eſq. Sir Jn Silveſter, bt. *Sir Wm. Garrow, Fra. Goſling, eſq. H. Hoare, eſq. Sir Jas, A. Park, kt. Treaſurer, Wm Waddington, eſq. , Phyſicians, Thomas Bateman, M. D. Conſulting Phyſician, Surgeon, Mr. James Briggs. Secretary, Mr. Richard Geldard. Apothecary, Mr. Jer. Jackſon. Collečar, Mr. W. B. Copeland. MARY-LE-Bo NE r ENSARY, N. 77, Welbec- Inſtituted in 1785. Patron, Duke of Clarence. Preſident, Marquis of Hertford. Vice - Preſidents, Duke of Portland, E. of Mansfield, E. of Beverley, E. of Beſsborough, E. of Briſtol, E. of Mulgrave; Lord Radſtock, ... *Ld Henniker, *Sir Watkin W. £et, Wynn, bt. *Sir Jas Graham, bart. *Geo Byng, eſq. Treaſurer, Inſti- GENERAL D 1s- lº Phyſicians, Richard Temple, M.D. Benj. F. Outram, M.D. Accoucheur, H. G. Clough, M.D. Surgeons, Rich. Simmons, and Titus Berry, esqrs. Apothecary, Mr. Pattiſon Tinkler. Secretary, Mr. Tho. Lamb. Collečtor, Mr. S. Evans, N. Io, Little Portland-ſtreet, Cavendiſh-ſquare. , New FINs B u R Y and Central D1s- PRN sary, Weſt Smithfield. Inſti- tuted in 1786 . - Preſident, “Wm. Manning, eſq, Vice - Preſidents, *Sir Rob Peele, bt. Sir Chs Price, bt. ald. *Wm. Wil- berforce, eſq., Jn Anſley, eſq. ald. Ths Smith, eſq. ald. Joſh J. Smith, eſq. ald, Rich. Clark, eſq., H. C. Selby, esq. Jas Wildman, eſq. Treaſurer, W. M. Sellon Scretary, James Platt, eſq. | Phyſician extra. Phyſician in ordinary, Joſeph Adams, M. D. Hatton-garden. Surgeon, Charles Platt, eſq. Apothecary & Col Mr. Jas Woodham. CITY-D1sr EN's ARy, Grocers-Hall Court, Poultry. Inſtituted in 1788. Patron, The Prince Regent. Vice-Patrons, The Duke of Kent and Prince Leopold. Preſident, The Lord Mayor. Wice-Preſidents, Sir Watkin Lewes, knt, ald. Harvey C. Combe, eſq. Wm Luſhington, eſq. *Rob Wil- liams, eſq. Rich Clark, eſq. Sir Rich C. Glyn, bt. ald. Dav. Gordon, eſq. Matt Wood, eſq. ald. *ſh Atkins, eſq. ald. *Wm Melliſh, eſq. Rob. A. Cox, esq. ald. Jn Reay esq. Sir Thos Bell, kt. Jn T. Thorpe, esq. Jn Blades, eſq. Wm Salte, eld. Treaſurer, Mr. James Horwood. | Phyſicians, Thos Hancock,M.D. Dav. Uwins, M.D. | Surgeon, john Taunton, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. Wm Honeywood. . . Secretary, HySetree,eſq. Freeman's-ct. Collečfor, Mr. Jn Cooper, 61, Brick-la. West ERN D is F ENsa Ry, Charles- freet, Weſtminſter, for the Relief % the Sick Poor, and for Inocu- ation. Inſtituted in 1789. Diffenſaries and Medical Charities. 889 ^ Preſident, Duke of Buccleuch. Vice-Preſidents, V. Melville, V. Sid- mouth, Lord Montagu, *Wm Wil- berforce, eſq. Wm. Hy White, eſq. F.A.S. ſas Simpſon, eſq. Rev. C. Fynes, LL.D. Iſ. H. Browne, eſq. Treaſurer, BuckeridgeB.Acworth, eſq. Conſulting Phyſician, Edw Fryer,M.D. Attending-Phyſicians, Ralph Blegbo- rough, M.D. Sam. Cleverly, M.D. Donald Mº Kinnon, M. D. Surgeon, Mr. Charles. Olier. Apothecary, Mr. Wm. Hy Furnival. Sec. Mr. Wm. Lindeman, Up. Crown-ſº. Col. Mr. Ja Capon, 51, Marſham-st. Sur Rex D1s P ENs ARY, Union-ſtreet, Southwark. Preſident, Viſct. Middleton. Wice-Preſidents, Earl Spencer, K.G. Lord Grantley, *Ló William Ruſ fell, Sir Jn. Frederick, bt. Sir Thos Turton, Lart. Sir Matthew Bloxam, knt. ald. Robert Barclay, eſq. *Samuel Thornton, eſq. *George Holme Sumner, eſq. *Rt.hon. Geo. Tierney, Jás Bulcock, eſq. *Chas Calvert, eſq. *Chs Barclay, eſq. Treaſurer, Florance Young, eſq. Phyſicians, Chs. Ferguſon Forbes, M. D. Wm. Back, M.D. John B. Da- vis, M. D. - Surgeons and Accoucheurs, Jn. Allen Gilham, and Hy Greenwood,eſqrs. Apothecary, Mr. Benj. G. Davis. Aftflant, Mr. Wm. Wood. - Sec. Mr. F. W. Carter, 48, Borough. Collector, Mr. Henry Crichard. 26, Maze, Southwark. - UNIv ER's AL MED 1 cAL IN st 1- Tu Tron, Old Gravel-Lane, Rat- cliff-bighway. Preſident, *Geo. Byng, eſq. Pice-Preſidents, Wm. Mainwaring, eſq. *Sir Wm. Curtis, bt, ald. Harvey Chriſtian Combe, eſq., John Col- lett, eſq. John Perry, eſq. Wm. Luſhington, eſq., Sir Wm. Leighton, kt. ald. Thos Coxhead Marſh, eſq. Treaſurer, Charles Rich, eſq. Phyſ. º Ord. R. G. A. Collingwood, M. D. - Surgeon, T. B. Holloway, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. E. H. Willis .*. Inſtituted in 1792. Secretary, Mr. John Clement. Collector, Mr. Tho. Burford. LoN Don ELE et R1c AL DISP en- sARY, 16, Bunbill-row. Inſtituted - in 1793. * Preſident, *Matt. Wood, eſq. ald: Vice-Preſidents, *Jn Atkins, eſq. ald. *Jn Dent, eſq. Thos Platt, eſq. *Jn Staniforth, eſq. Geo Wolff, eſq. Jas Eſdaile, eſq. Edw. Harman, eſq. Treaſurer, Wm. Marlott, jun, eſq. Phyſicians, Thomas Hancock, M. D. Geo. Rees, M. D. - Surgeons, Jacob Jones, & — Dalley, eſqrs. Ele&frician, Mr. Dalley. " Secretary, Wm. Beetham, esq. Collector, (pro tempore) Mr. Dalley. Society for the Relief of the Rur- Tu RED Pook. Instituted in 1796. Preſident, Duke of Suſſex, K. G. Vice-Preſidents, Sir Wm. Leighton, , knt. ald, Sir Francis Blake, bt. Sir Chas Flower, bt.ald. Joſh. Jonathan: Smith, eſq. ald. Sir John Pinhorn, knt, and Alexander Daviſon, eſq. Treaſurer, Sir John Pinhorn, knt. Bo- rough-Bank. . Surg. Rees Price, eſq. Black-friers Rd.' Pro-Secretary, Mr. Wm. Weſt. Collector, Mr. J. Gregg. O RI G IN A LV Acc 1 N E Pock IN sºr 1- Tu Tion. Inſtituted in 1799. , Broad-ſtreet, Golden-ſºuare. Patron, Duke of Suſſex. Preſ. Marq. of Cholmondeley. Vice-Preſ, Rev. Sir George Lee, bart. Thos Liſter Parker, eſq. Sir Fred. Baker, bt. Hon. and Rev. Fras Egerton, W. F. H. Norton, eſq. Treaſurer, P. De Bruyn, eſq. - Truſtees, Wm Noble, Ch.Binny, eſqrs, and Hon. Gen. G. Macdonald. , Phyſicians, Geo. Pearſon, M.D.F.R.S Robert Williams. M.D. - Honorary Phyſicians, L. Nihell, M.D. Thomas Nelſon. M. D. Conſulting Surgeons, Tho. Keate, eſq. F.R.S. J. Heaviſide, eſq., F.R.S. J. C. Carpue, eſq. • surgeons, William Wadd, George } Ewbank, and Henry Earle, eſqrs. F f 2. 840 - Diſpenſaries and Medical Charities. Piſting-Apothecaries, E. A. Brande, ... Rd Ogle, and Rd Carus, eſqrs. Secretary, Mr. Robert Durham. . THE BEN Evo L E N T IN sºr IT u T 1 on for delivering poor married women at their own Habitations. (At Hun- | gerford Coffee-Houfe, Strand.) Preſ. Duke of Sussex. W. Preſidents, Earl of Eſſex, Viſcount Bulkeley, Lord Gambier, Lord Hill, Lord Lyndoch, *Sir Walter Stirling, bt. Adm. Sir John Col- poys, *Michael A Taylor, eſq. Treaſurer, Thomas Jefferys, eſq. Phyſician - Accoucheur, Henry G. Clough, M. D. – Secretary, Mr.W.S. Lemage, Solicitor, Castle-street, Leicester fields. Forty Midwives. Ly 1N G-IN N CH A RIT v for the Wives of the Foot-GU ARDs. Inſtituted in Surgeon, William Blair, eſq. M.A. 18or. N. 9, Panton-ſtreet, Hay- market. Patroneſs, Ducheſs of York. Directresses, Ducheſs of Dorset, Coun- tess of Mulgrave, Lady Sheffield, Lady Auck and, Countess of Har- court, Lady Dalrymple. Secretary, Mr. Fr. Brothers, 43, King- street, Covent-garden. 4. Institution for the CURE and PREve N.11on of Cont A G Tou's FE vers in the Metropolis. 1801, Gray’s-inn-lane Road. Preſident, Duke of Somerſet. Vice-Preſ. Earl of Egremont, Biſhop of Durham, Ld Carrington, Sir Thos Bernard, bt. Sir Thomas Plumer. Treaſurer, Richard Phillips, eſq. Phyſician, Thomas Bateman, M. D. Phyſician extraordinary, Chriſtopher Stanger, M.D. -- - 23ft othecary, Mr. Mat. Wigham. Secretary, Mr. Charles Murray, Sun- | court, Córnhill. Inſpector & Collector, Mr. John Chas | Mathews, N. 3, Mount Pleaſant, Gray's Inn Lane. - Bloom's B U R Y D1 sp E N S A R Y, for the Sick Poor, and the Cow-Pock INoc U L A T 1 on. N. 62, Great Ruſſell-ſtreet ; inſtituted in 1801. Patron, Duke of Bedford. Preſident, Marquis of Huntley. Vice-Preſidents, Biſhop of Chicheſter, V. Sidmouth, Lord Ellenborough, Sir Hugh Inglis, bt. Sir Thomas - Plumer, knt. Hon. John Chapple Norton, Jn. Julius Angerſtein, eſq. Hon. Mr. Juſtice Bayley, knt. Hon. Mr. Baron Garrow, knt. *Sir Sam Romilly, kt. Sir Claudius Stephen Hunter, bt. Sir Chas. Price, bt. Rev. Thos Willis, L.L.D. Sam. Birch, eſq, ald, Sir John Silveſter, bt., *Gran. Vernon, eſq. Mr. Serjeant Bosanquet. • Treaſurers, Dam. Beaumont, and Ste- phen Hough, eſqrs. - . . . Phyſician, J. C. Smyth, M.D. F.R.S. Attending Phyſ. Geo. Piackard, M.D. Superintendant of the Vaccine Inocula- tion, Edward Jenner, M.D. F.R.S. * Apothecary, Mr. Hughes. - Secretary, James Paſmore, eſq.- Colle&#or, Mr. Jeremy Garfield. FRIENDLY FEMALE Soc IETY, for relieving Poor, Infirm, and 4ged, Widows, and Single Women, of good Chara&ier, who have ſeen better days. Inſtituted in 18 oz. . Under the Management of Ladies. . . Patronºffès, Princeſs of Wales,Princeſs Charlotte, and Ducheſs of York. President, Miſs Vănfiti art. Sec. Mrs. Smith, Bath place, Peckham. | Collec. Mrs. Stennett, 60, Paternoſter- 7°0&U. New Ruptus E Society, for the Relief of both Sexes, afflićied with Herniary Complaints and Prolapſes. Inſtituted in 1804: f *. Patron, Duke of York. . . . wice-Patrons, Duke of Somerſet, P. of Bedford, Marq, of Hastings, E. of Shrewſbury, E. of Dartmouth, E. of Mansfield, E. Fitzwilliam, E. of Ashburnham, . Biſhop of Durham. Preſident, Lord Arden, . . . . . Vice-Preſidents, Lord Teignmouth, E. Brownlow, E. of Besborough, Ld. carrington, Ld. Dynevor, Lord Rolle, Biſhop of Chicheſter, V. Hampden, Ld Cal- - 3. * Pierwaria and Medical charities. 341 : thorpe, *V. Milton, Hon. Philip Puſey, *Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Plu- mer, knt. *Wm. Wilberforce, eſq. *Sam. Thornton, eſq. Sir Walter Farquhar, bt. M.D. in Iulius An- gerſlein, eſq. J. W. Adam, eſq. Jn Heaviſide, eſq. John Tyrwhitt, eſq. Wm. Melliſh, esq. *Chas Grant, eſq. Sir Jas A. Park, kt. Sir Hy. Martin, Jas. Gordon, eſq. *Josh. Butterworth, esq. J. H. Browne, esq. *Christopher Idle, esq. Treaſurers, Henry Hoare, eq; and W. H., Hoare, eſq. N. 37, Fleet-ſt. Surgeon, William Blair, eſq., N, 69, Great Ruſſell-ſtreet, Bloomſbury-ſq. Secretary, John Poynder, eſq. Bride- well-Hospital. Collector, Mr. Benj. Beſt, 16, Milman- freet, Bedford-row. GEN E R A L Lºg 1 N G-1 N and Sick D1s P E N s A R x, N. 94, Charlotte- ſtreet, Rathbone-place. For the De- livery and Support of poor Married Women, and the Relief of the Sick - Poor at their own Habitations. Inſtituted in 1778. - Patrons, Dukes of Devonſhire, Graf- ton, and Buccleugh, Marquiſſes of Hertford, Saliſbury, Cornwallis, Camden, and Cholmondeley, Eal is of Weſtmorland, Spencer, Carliſle, Beverley, Amherſt, Eardley, and Sydney. - Patroneſſes, Ducheſses of Devonſhire, Richmond, Buccleuch, Grafton, Leeds, Marlborough,Marchionefies of Hertford, Bute, . Buckingham, Saliſbury, Camden, and Cholmon- deley. Phyſician & Accoucheur, Dr.Thynne, | Surgeon-Accoucheur, Mr. Carolan. Conſulting Surgeon, Mr. Cuſack. Apothecary, Mr. Edw. T. Bennett. . Secretary, Mr. H. Carolan. Collector, Mr. Davies. - Forty Midwives - ionoon WAccºrse institution. Preſidents, Archbp., of Canterbury, Ijukes of Newcaſtle, Leeds, Devon- ſhire, Gordon, and Wellington, Marquiſſes Lanſdowne, Stafford, Bath, and Camden. gor, Bp. of St. David’s, Bp, of Nor- wich, Bp. of Sodor and Man, Earl of Bridgewater, &c. &c. &c. &c. Treaſurer, Barclay and Co. Secretary, Hugh Beams, eſq. g Agent & Collečior, Mr. A. Johnſtone, . N. 52, Burr-street. CHTY of Lon Don'FRuss-Soc 1 ETY, . Jor the Relief of the Ruptured Poor, , Grocers-Hall Court, Poultry. 1807. Patrons, Dukes of Kent& Cambridge. ' Preſident. *John Atkins, eſq. ald. Vice-Preſidents, Jn Anſley, eſq. ald. Wm. Babington, M.D. & F.R.S. *Sir Fras Burdett, bt. E. of Carys- fort, Henry Cline, eſq. F. R. S. H.C. Combe, eſq. Aſtley Cooper, eſq.F.R.S. *Sir Wim Curtis, bt.aid. . Ld Eardley, Sir Wm Domville, bt. ald. Sir C. S. Hunter, bart. ald. Zachary Langton, eſq. Chriſt Mag- nay, eſq. ald. *Wm Melliſh, eſq. Sir C.Price,bt.ald. Wm Salte, eſq. *Sir Js Shaw, bt. ald. Thomas Smith, eſq. ald. *John Wharton, . eſq. *RtWilliams, jun, eſq. *Mat- thew Wood, eſq. ald. Trustees, John Taunton, efg. James's Harwood, eſq. Rev. H. G. Wat-- kins, A.M. - Treaſurer, John Taunton, eſq.- Surgeon, Jn Taunton, eſq. Hatton-gars See Walter Jackson,eſq. Gutter. #. Collector, Mr. Jn Cooper, 61, Bricks lane, Old-ſtreet. National TV Accrine Esra sº. Isº- MENT, N. 18, Percy ſtreet. Preſident, John Latham, M.D. Phyſicians, Arth D. Stone, M.D.'Geo- G. Currey, M.D. And Bain, Mil]... Jas Tattersall, M.D, Cenſors of the College of Phyſicians. r . | Surgeons, Wm Norris,eſq., Master, Sir James Earle, and Geo. Chandfer, , eſq. Govs. of the Collegeof Surgeans.. Treaſurer, Wm G. Maton, M.D. Regiſtrar, James Heivey, M.D. . . birettor, ſames Moore, eſq., rººf Surgeons, J. C. Carpue, , efq 13, Eisle-street, Leicester square; C. R. Aikin, efo. Broad-street Buildings; E. Leese, eſq. Baker-str. Portman-square; S. Sawrey, eſq., P & e-Preſidents, Bps of Ely, Bø, of Ban- Bedford-row ; J. A. Gillham, eſq. . $42' Medical and Schukcharities. - * School Room, Surry Chapel, Black- friars-road; J. Addington, eſq, Spi- tal-square; Mr. Freeman, Spring- gardens; Mr. Ward, Wellcloſe Jqu. Mr. Sterry, Alscot-place, Bermond- ſey; Mr. Ager. Whitechapel; and Mr. Bennett, St. john-ſhreet. Secretary, Charles Murray, eſq. . Charitable FUND and DIS PENSA RY, for relieving the S1 cK Poor at their own Habitations with Medi- cines and pecuniary Aid. , N. 5, Lilypot-lane, near Goldſmiths Hall. Inſtituted in 1808. - - Preſident, The Lord Mayor. - Treaſurer, Mr. Tho. Willats, Fore-ſtr. Phyſician, Hal. Lidderdale, D.D. Fal- con ſquare. Surgeon, Mr. Jones, Finſbury ſquare, Apoth. Mr. Smith, 40, Whitecross-ſt. Secretary, Mr. James Kemp, jun. . Queen's Row, Hoxton. Collečºor, Mr. D. Freeman, N. 41, Gee-street, Goswell street. No RTM E R N D is PEN.s ARY, Duke’s Row, New Road, near Taviffoc- Jquare. Inſtituted in 1810. Patron, Duke of Suſſex. Preſident, Marquis of Lanſdowne. Vice-Preſidents, Marq. Camden, E. of Mansfield, Sir Thos Plumer, kt. *Sir Sam Romily, kt. *Sir Arthur Piggout, knt *Wm Courtenay, eſq. G. Andrews, D.D.Col. Bannerman. Treaſurer, David Barclay, eſq. . . Phyſicians, Peter M. Roget, M. D. Samuel Cleverly, M.D. Phyſician Accoucheur, D.D. Davis, M.D. Surgeon, John Shaw, eſq. . * , Conſulting Surgeon, And. Mathias, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. Prichard. . Cupper, Mr. Jn Sadler, Rathbone-pl. | Collector, Mr. H. B. Caſborne. Secretary, J. J. B Coram-street. * - : * . llector, Mr. John Hawkes, 37, Fenry-street, Hampſtead-road. UN 1 v E Rs Al 191s pens ARY forCHIL- D R EN, N. 5, 8t. Andrew's-hill, Doctor's commons, Instituted in 1816. Patrons, D. of Kent & D. of Suſſex. President, *Matthew Wood, ald. Vice-Presidents, D. of Marlborough, Sir W. Farquhar, bt. M.D. Sir Jas M“Grigor, kt. *Chas Barclay, eſq. *Chas Calvert, esq. Sir Thos Bell, kt. R. Bree, M.D. J.T. Thorp,esq. D. Bevan, esq. Rev. Dr. Collyer. Physician, John B. Davis, M. D. Surgeons, J. T. Pettigrew, J. As Gillham, eſqrs. ~ Surgeon Extra. J. Waſdell, esq. Apothecary, Mr. Jas Field. Secretary, Mr. Henry Richards. urn, eſq. 50, Great Go central. LY IN G-1 N CHARITY. Inſtituted 1816. Patron, Duke of Suſſex. | Preſident, Duke of Bedford. | Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Argyle,Marq. of Angleſey, E. of Eſſex, E. Man- vers, *Ld Milton, Hon. Waſhing- ton Shirley, Hon. Geo. Lambe, Sir Digby Mackworth, bt. Rev. Sir R. Peat, bt. *Wm Melliſh, eſq. Wm. Harriſon,eſq., JnTrotter,eſq. Fred. Webb, eſq. Rich. Wilſon, eſq. Treaſurer, Thomas Clark, eſq. Bury- place, Bloomsbury. - Physician, David D. Davis, M.D. Charlotte-street, Bloomsbury, Apothecary and Seeretary, Mr. Joſeph Harris, 44, Drury-lane. Collector, Mr. Earl, 21, Old MARINE Society, (Office, Biſhopſ- gate-ſtreet.) Inſtituted in 1756, Incorporated in 1772. -- Preſident, Earl of Romney. Vice-Preſidents, *Sam Thornton, eſq. Adm. Sir John Colpoys, Earl Spen- cer, Beeſton Long, eſq. Lord Gam- bier, John Blackburn, eſq. Treaſurer, Samuel Thornton, eſq. Chaplain, Hon. Jac, Marſham, D. D. Consultg.-Surgeon, Sir W. Blizard, knt Surgeon, Geo, Wiſson, eſq. `SCHOOL:CHARITIES. Change. Secretary, Mr. John Newby. - Affiftant-Secretary, Mr. Thos King. Meſſenger, William Vandyke Raine's Asylum, St. George's, Mid- dleſex. For the Education and Sup- * port ºf 40 Girls. 1758. | Preſident, Rev. R. Farington, D.D. Treaſurer, William Blackmore, eſq. Wellcloſe-ſquare. X- OR P HAN Work i Ng-School, in the City-Road, for the Maintenance, In- Apothecary, James Bromley, eſq. struction, & Employment of Orphans School-Charitics. 343 and ther neceſſitous Children. In- ſtituted in 1759. Preſident, Thomas Boddington, eſq. Treaſurer, Ebenezer Maitland, eſq. Phyſician, Wm. Liſter, M. D. Surgeon, James Ware, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. Lake. . . Secretary, Js.Smith, eſq. Austin friers Collector, Mr. Geo. Winns. Moffer, Mr. James Harriſon. . WELsh CuARITY School, Gray's -" - inn-road. Patron, The Prince Regent. Preſident, wSirWatkin WmsWynn, bt. Pice-Preſidents, D of Northumberland, D. of Beaufort, D. of Rutland, Viſc Bulkeley, E. of Powis, E. of Aſh- burnham, E. Groſvenor, Sir Wat- , kin Lewes, kt. ald. Lord Dynevor, Lord Gwydir, Earl of Pembroke, Marquis Camden, *Sir Thomas Moſtyn, bt. Ld. Bagot, E. of Brad- ford, Ld Kenyon, Ló Kenſington, *Sir Charles Morgan, Bt. *Sir Ro- | , bert Saluſbury, bt. Viſc, Kirkwall, Viſct. Clive, Earl of Oxford, Marq. of Downſhire, Ld Cawdor. Márq. of Angleſea, E. of Plymouth Marq of Worcester, E. of Jerſey. Treaſurer, Rd Edmunds, eſq. Vice-Treaſurers, William Yarnold, and David Allen, eſqrs. . - - Chaplain, Rev. Tho. Alban. . . . . Phyſician, Byam Denniſon, M.D. Surgeons, Mr. Wellbank, Mr. Owen. Secretary, Mr. J. Bennett. As y Lu M for the Support and Edu- cation of the DEAF and Du MB Ch I LDREN of the Poor; ſituated in the Kent-road, Inſtituted in 1792. Protectrix, The Queen. - - Patron, Duke of Glouceſter. • Patroneſs, Duchess of Gloucester. Preſident, Marq of Buckingham, Vice-Preſidents, Duke of Buccleuch, D. of Bedford, D. of Northumber- land, E. of Bristol, V. Sidmouth, Lord Calthorpe, Lord Rolle, Lord Arden, Lord Gambier, Lord Dun- das, Lord Eardley, Sir Rd Carr Glyn, bart. ald. *Sir Tho. Turton, bt. Sir Wm. W. Pepys, bt. Harvey ...C. Combe, eſq. *W m. Wilberforce eſq. Sir Charles, Flower, bt. ald. ſtein, eſq. Thos. Boddington, eſq. Treaſurer, William Nottidge, eſq. Sub-Treaſ. Rev. John Townſend. - Secretary, Rev. R. Yates, B.D. & F.S.A. Phyſician, Wm. Babington, M.D. Conſulting Surgeon, Sir Wm. Blizard. Apothecary, Mr. John Caſtle. Surveyor, John Newman, eſq. - Deputy-Secretary and Colle&or, Mr. H.Clemſon, Long-lane, Bermondſey. Teacher, Joſeph Watſon, D.C.L. PHI Lo Lo G 1c AL SocIET Y, ſor edu- cating and apprenticing the Sons of poor Ciergymen, Naval and Military Officers, Reduced Tradeſmen, &c. Inſtituted in 1792. School, King- ſtreet, Bryanstone-ſquare. - Patron, Duke of York. - - Vice-Patrons, Marquis of Anglesea, Marq. of Bath, Earl of Carysfoot, Earl of Dartmouth. * Preſident, Lord Teignmouth. Vice-Preſidents, Hon. Sir Arth. Page', *Sir T. Baring, bt. Sir F.Blake, bt. Sir Jas, Graham, bt. Sir R. Har- dinge, bart. *Sam, Thornton, eſq. Rev. Lewis Way, M.A. Rev. Baſil Woodd, M. A. *William Wilber- force, esq. . - Treasurer, Rev. Joſhua Mann. - Truſtees, *Wm Wilberforce, esq. & *Rev. Baſil Woodd. - Solicitor, R. W. Jupp, eſq. Head Master, Mr. Fay. Assistant, Mr. Denton. . Drawing Maſter, Mr. Marks. Secretary, Mr. Walker, Lisson-ſtreet. School. For IND 1 G ENT BL-IND, St. George's Fields. Eſtabliſhed in 1799 . Thos. Dorrien, eſq. J. J. Anger- | Preſ. Biſhop of Durham. Vice-Preſidents, Marquis of Stafford,.. Earl of Carliſle, Earl of Radnor, Biſhop of Wincheſter, Lord Rad- ftock, Lord Teignmouth, *Geo P. Holford, esq, *Will Manning, esq. Treaſurer, Samuel Boſanquet, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Grindlay, D.C.L. Secretary, C.Dodd, esq. 5, Billiter-st. Phyſ. Edward Roberts, M.D. F.R.S. Conſulting-Surgeon, Martin Ware, eſq. Surgeon & Apoth. S. H. Sterry, eſq. Superintendant of the Schoo; Mr.J. Hill Houſekeeper, Mrs. Hill. , - . coiſºtors, MrR,Graffwell, Mr.R.Stiff, 344 Benefit-Societies. * PHILANT H Ror H 1 c Soc 1E. T.Y. St. - George's Fields. Preſ. Duke of York. Wice-Preſ. Duke of Leeds, Marquis of Saliſbury, E of Hardwicke, Earl Spencer, E. Groſvenor, Visct. Bul- keley, Hon. Phil. Puſey, Jas.Sims, M.D. Geo. Hardinge, esq. *Geo. Holford, eſq. Col. Harnage. Treaſurer, Samuel Boſanquet, eſq. -Chaplain and Secretary, Rev. John Grindlay, D.C.L. Alternate Preachers, Rev. Rich. Yates, B.D. Rev. Iſaac Jackman, M.A. Reader, Rev.W. Pace, B.A. Phyſician, Geo. Birkbcck, M.D. Surgeon, William Norris, eſq. Apothecary, Mr. J. H. Hooper. Superintendant, Mr. R. Collier. Steward, Mr. Thomas Ruſſel. Matrons, Mrs. Field & Mrs. Robinſon St. AN N E's SocIETY Schools, Al- derſgate, London, and Peckham, Surrey, Instituted 1709. Patron, Duke of Kent. Preſident, " Wm. Wilberforce, eſq. Price, Vice-Preſidents, *Sir Charles eſq. Samuel Scholey, eſq. ald. , *Matthew Wood, eſq. ald. *John Atkins, eſq. ald. Samuel Good- | behere, eſq. ald. Chriſtopher Mag- || nay, eſq. ald. *Chriſt. Smith, eſq. ald. Wn.Wilſon, eſq. Rob.A.Cox, eſq. ald. *Sir Jas Shaw, bt. Thos | Smith, eſq. ald. Geo. Bridges, esq. ald. Rich. Lea, esq. • ‘ Treaſurer, R. Percival,eſq. Lombardºſº. Secretary, Jas Hurſt, eſq. Milk street. Collector, 3.Cooper, Pump-row, 6ld-ft. HIE E R N IAN SocIETY, I Šoć. promoting Schools, &c. in Ireland. Treaſurer, S. Mills, eſq. 20, Finsbury- place. - *— LITE BARY Fu No. 36, Gerrard- fireet, Sobo; eſtabliſhed in 1790. Patron, The Prince Regent. - Preſident, Duke of Somerſet. Pice-Preſidents, Marq. of Haſtings, Earl of Radnor, Earl Spencer, Earl of Chicheſter, E. of Sheffield, V. Dudley & Ward, Ld Brandon, Ld Dundas, Ld De Dunstanville, Ld Carrington, *Sir Jn Cox Hip- For || BENEFIT societies. Sec. John Butler, esq. 14, Tavistack- Jquare. x - * Assistant Sec. & Collector, Mr. John | Neale, 21, Rosamon-street. : Bookseller, Mr. T. Hamilton, Pater- noster-rozo. . . - - - The CoR P or ATIGN of the CALE Do- NIAN Asy Lu M, for supporting and educating the Children of Soldiers, Sailors, and Atarines, natives of Scot- land, and of Indigent Scotch Parents, resident in London, not entitled to pa- rochial relief. Instituted and incorpo- rated 1815. Office, Hatton House, 16, Croſs-street, Hatton Garden. President, Duke of Kent. º Vice Preſidents, Duke of Buccleugh, D. of Athol, D. of Montroſe; D. of Wellington, Earl of Dalhouſie,. Earl of Breadalbane, Visct. Mel- ville, Ld. Lyndoch, Sir Arch. Macdonald, bt. *Chas Forbes, eſq. : Directors, Ld Saltoun, Ld Eifkine,+Rt. Hon. Geo Roſe, Gen. Sir David. Dundas, *Hon. Ja. Abercromby, *Sir Ja. Shaw, bt. Gen. Sir Geo. Beckwith, Sir Thos. Bell, knt. Au- ditor, Grant Allan, eſq. Treaſurer, Gen. Jas. Balfour, Arch Campbell' esq. Alex Daviſon, esq. Jas. B. Duncan, eſq. Auditor, Will Doug- las, eſq. *Charles Grant, jun, esq. *Jn P. Grant, eſq. Mungo Gil-. more, esq. *T. P. Mºqueen, esq. Donald M*Lean, eſq. §n Galt,eſq. Secretary,Wm. Mitchell, esq. And. Robertion, eſq. Treaſurer, Colin Robertſon, esq. Treaſurer, Divie Robertſon, esq. Auditor, Col. David Stewart. - . Physician, Donald Mackinnon, D.M., Surgeon, Charles Bell, eſq. Collector, Mr. John Roſs. —-r-, . º + =-g sº pisley, bt. Sir W. Weller Pe- pys, bt. *Sir R. Peel, bt. *Sir Benj. Hobhouſe,ht. *Owen Williams,eſq. Jn Symmons, eſq. Jn Ansley, eſq. ald. Thomas Rowcroft, eſq. Charles Monro, eſq. g . ** Regiſtrars,C,Symmons, D.D.J. Ander- ſon, LL.D. JnNichols, eſq.F.S.A. Treaſurers, Jn Reeves,eſq. G.Rankin eſq. Rev. R. Yates, B.D. & F.S.A’ , Benefit Societieſ, 345 Receiver & Clerk, Mr. C. Lamborn. Collector, Mr. C. Oliver. Roy Al Soc 1 Ety of Music I A N s. Inſt. in 1738. Incorporated in 1790. Patron, The KING. Patroneſ, The QUEEN. * President, Duke of Cumberland Vice-Preſ. D. of Cambridge, Arbp. of York, D. of Devonſhire, Earſ Forteſcue, Earhof Darnley. Chaplain, Rev. G. Nicholas, D.C.L. Phyſicians, C. R. Peomberton, M. D. W.G.Maton, M.D, R. Batty, M.D. Surgeons, Jn. Heavifide, eſq., F.S. As Ant. White. esq. . . Secretary, Charles J. Aſhley, eſq. No. 4, Cirencester place, Titchfield-street, Collector, Mr. Matthew Simcock, No. 2, 0snaburgh-row. Pimlico. BEN Evo LEN T Soci et Y of Sr. PA t R 1 c K. Patron, Duke of Kent Preſident, Viſcount Caſtlereagh. Vice-Preſidents, Marq. of Headfort, Earl of Blessington, Earl of Darn- ley, V. scount De Vesci. Treaſurer, Thomas Bainbridge, eſq. Secretary, Mr. John Michell. Society of School.Maste Rs. Preſ. Bp. of Hereford, Bp. of Carliſle, Vice-Preſ. Rev. Joſ. Goodall, D.D. Rev. Sam. Parr, D. D. Rev. C. Burney, D.C.L. . . * Committee. Chairman, Rev. J. Ruſſell, M.A., Rev. A. Crombie, D.C.L. Rev. G. Gibſon, M. A. Rev. J. Hewlet, B.D., P. Kelly, D.C.L., Rev J. Lindſay, D: D. Mr. Lord, Rev.A. W. Trollope, D.D. Rev.C.P. Bur- ney, M.A. Rev. Dr. Sleath. Rev , Dr. Pearson, • Sec. and Treaſurer, Dr. Kelly, Sec. to the Com, Rev. G. Gibſon, M.A., Carlisle-House, Lambeth. . . . . Lon Don MARITIME INs fºr J. T 1 on, for , decayed Maſter-Mari- ners and their Families, Office, Royal Exchange. Inſtituted in 1791. Preſident, John Mann, eſq. *. Wice-Preſident, Thomas Hullah, eſq. Treaſurer, John Bayley, eſq. - Secretary, Mr. William Watſon. Mason 1 c BEN EF1 T Soc 1 ET Y. Patron, The Prince Regent. Preſident, Marq. of Haſtings. Treaſurer, Tho. Hammerſley, eſq. Actiary, Iſaac Vale, esq. Sun-ſtreet, Biſhopsgate. - CoMMER c1 AL TRA v E L E R S So- c1 et Y, 38, Ludgate-hill. Inſti- tuted in 1800. - Preſi, Sir Charles Price, bart. ald. Vice-Preſident, James Deniſon, eſq. Treaſurer, Benjamin Barnard, eſq. Secretary, Mr. Cooke Elliott, Aſſiſtant-Secretary, Mr. Peach. Solicitor, Joſeph Smith, eſq. - Society of Britiſh BAN K iN G and CoM- MERC I A L CLE R Ks of London, Weſtminſter, and Southwark, for Re- lief of Old Age, Widowhood,&c. 1802. Preſident. - - Truſtees, Sir Jn Pinhorn, knt. Richard Lea, eſq. John Inglis, eſq. Alex- ander Maitland, eſq. - - Secretary, Mr. Robert Dunell, Alderſgate ſtreet. LavdAs Le Society for the Be- 89, N EF 1 T of W1 Dows. Öffice, N. 8, Chancery-lane. - Directors, Iſaac Atkinson, eſq. Edw. Bacon, eſq. Joſ. Coles, eſq. John Henderſon, eſq. Sam Higgins, eſq. Chas Stuart, eſq., Jn Waddell, eſq. Hy Gunnell, eſq. Joscole, eſq. . . Treaſurer &Secretary; Wm. Pontin,eſq. Society for the Relies of Wi- cows and ORP HANs of ME DI car. ME N in London and its Vicinity. Set on Foot, 1788, by Dr. Squire and Mr Chamberlaine.Meetingshºld at the Gray’s-Inn Coffee-houſe, Holbourn: Patron, Duke of Kent. - Preſident, Matthew Baillie, M. P. , Vice-Preſidents, Sir Fr. Milman, bart. M. D. Dr. Haworth, Sir Gilbert Blane, bart, M.D. Dr. Denniſon, Sir William Blizard, kt, Mr. Heavifide, Mr. Martin Ware, Mr. Norris, Mr. Rendall, Mr. Haworth, Mr.Ridout, Mr. Simons. Treaſurers, Dr. Johnsims, Mr. Upton, Mr, Sieele. - . - Directors. Phyſicians, Dr. Merrimas, Dr. Qutram, Dr. Maton, Dr. War- sq6 Miſcellaneous Inſtitutions. ren. Dr. Frampton, Dr. Farre, Dr. Adams; Dr. Laird —Surgeons, Rt. Keate, Ed. Browne, G., Vincent, — Cartwright, Geo. M. Burrows, And Matthias, and Ch. M. Clarke, eſqrs.—Apothecaries, Meſſ. Benj. At- kinſon, Seaton, Malim, Wells, Te- gart, Jn Simpſon, Wheeler, and Hunter. Secretary, Mr. W. Chamberlaine, 29, Aylesbury-ſtreet. Colle&or, Mr. George Hunt, St. Mar- - tin’s-court, Ludgate-hill. Society for the Benefit of W i pows of Officers of the Hoſpital and Re- gimental Medical Staff of His Ma- jeſty’s Army. Established in 1816. President, Francis Knight, esq. Vice Presidents, Sir Walt. Farquhar, bt. Sir Eve, Home, bt. Sir Jas M“Gre- gor, bt. Dr. Chas Ker, Dr. W. Franklin, Dr. Wm. Somerville, Trustees, Fras Knight, eſq. Dr. Frank- lin, John C. Clarke, esq. * Bankers, Meſſrs. Drummonds. Secretary & Collector, Mr. Thos Tan- ner, N. 5, Berkley-st. Piccadilly. Chor AL FUN D. Patrons, PRIN c E. R. E. G ENT, Duke of Clarence, Duke of Suſſex, Duke of Cambridge. - Preſident, Duke of Mancheſter. Wice-Preſidents, Sam. Birch, eſq. ald. Hon. John Spencer, Sir Richard Carr Glyn, bart. aid. Sir Charles Price, bt. ald. Sir Wm. Dom- ville, bt. ald. Sir Wm. Rawlins, knt. Tho. Smith, eſq. ald. Joſhua Jonathan Smith, eſq. ald. George Scholey, eſq. ald. Rd. Clark, eſq. Wm. Dalrymple, eſq. *John Jack- ſon, eſq. Wm. Curtis, eſq. Js Earn- ſhaw, eſq. Tho. Greatorex, eſq. James Bartleman, eſq. Frängois . Cramer, eſq. John Braham, eſq. Treaſurer, Leonard Wiltſhire, eſq. Secretary, Mr. Joſ.Weſt, 194, Strand. New Music A L. F UN D. Preſident, Duke of Suſſex, Vice-Preſidents, Marq. of Douglas, E. Spencer, E. of Pomfret, Lord Chas Spencer, *Sir Geo. W. Denys, bt. Treaſurer, Mr. George Smart. Secretary, Mr. James King, 14, Little Chapel-street, Soho. - - An T 1st scenerał Benevolent Inſtitution. Directors, I. M. W. Turner, Chair- man ; T. C. Hoffland, eſq. Deputy Chairman ; Duke ºf Marlborough, Lord Dundas, *Sir Thos. Dyke Ackland, bt. Sir Thos Bell, knt. Sir Thosmas Laurence, knt Dam. Alexander, F. L. Chantrey, W.F. Collaad, Wm.Collins, Ja. Glover, Jn.Gait, Chas Heath, Jas Lonſdaie, G.B.Lonſdale, Thos Phillips, Jno. Soane, Geo. Samuel, J. Saunders, Geo. Tappen, Benj. Weſt, H.W. Watts, John Young, eſqrs - Treaſurer, I. M. W. Turner, esq. Honorary Secretary, John Young, eſq. Auditor, J. C. Denham, esq. Clerk, Mr William Roper Collector, Mr. Rob. Reynolds MISCELLANEOUS INSTITUTIONS. Scottish Corpor A Tron, Crane- court, Fºff. of the Foundation of £ing Charles II. Annis 1665, 1676; reincorporated, 1775. For the relief of Natives of Scotland or their Deſ: cendants, who have acquired no pa- | rochial Settlement. Preſident, Duke of Clarence. Wice-Preſidents, Duke of Bedford,Earl of Bredalbane, Visct. Melville V. Keith, *Charles Forbes, esq. *Wil- liam Douglas, esq. . . Treaſurer, Alexander Gordon, eſq. Secretary, Robert Auld, eſq. Collector, Mr. Francis Wilson. . Beadle, Donald McPherſon. Jews Hospital, Mile-End. For The reception ºf aged Poor and Educating to uſeful Induſtry Youth of both Sexes. Founded 17th Feb. A. M. 5566, and opened 28th June A. M. 5567. Préſident, Barnet Phillips, eſq. V.-Préſidents, ... L. A. Goldſhmidt, iſaac L. Goldſmid, eſqrs. - Treaſurer, Aaron Joſeph, & 1ſaa Selig, eſqrs. - w Auditors, Alexander Goldſmid, A.L. Moſes, eſqrs. : - Phyſician, Dr. J. H. Meyers. v | Surgeon, J. Van Oven, eſq. Miſcellaneous Inſtitutions: 347 Soficitor, Mr. Jacob Jacobs. Secretary, Mr. I. I. Bing, Manſell- | - ſtreet, Goodman's-fields. MoR DEN -CoI. L. Egg, Blackheath, | Vice-Preſidents, E.of Romney, V. 5ud- 'I . s * -- * wº Truſtees, Jn Green, Jacob Boſanquet, . ley & Ward, Ld Rivers, *Ló Hen *Sir William Lubbock, bt. Thos, Furley Forſter, *Wm Melliſh, for decayed Merchants. *John Staniforth, eſqrs. Treaſurer, Alexander Bennett, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Watſon: United Grand Lodge of AN cle NT FREE Masons of England. Patron, The Prince Regent. Grand Maſter, Duke of Suſſex. 3Deputy Grand-Maſter, Lord Dundas. Sen. Warden; Wm. W. Preſcot, esq. junior Warden, Yeates Brown, eſq. , Treaſurer, John Dent, eſq. - Chaplains, Sam. Hemming. D.D. and Rev. J. D. Cockburne. Registrar, Wm. Meyrick, efd. Secretaries, Wm Hy White, Edwards Harper, eſqrs. Deacs. Jas Harmer & Bn Rouſe, eſqrs. 3Deputy Chaplain, Rev. Hy Jn Knapp. Superintendant of Works, Jú.Soane,eſq. Director of Ceremonies,Sir Geo. Nayler. Sword Bearer, Geo. Reid, eſq. organist, Mr. Samuel Wefley. Usher, Benj. Aldhouſe. Tyler, W. V. Salmon. FREE MA so N s : CHAR 1 TY, Saint George's Fields. Inſtituted 1788. Patron, The Prince Regent. President, Duke of Suſſex. Truſtees, Duke of Sussex, Marq. of Haſtings, William Forſteen, David Gordon, and John Dent, eſqrs. Treaſurer, Wm Forſteen, eſq. Secretary, Mr. J. W. Hucklebridge. Matron, Mrs. Frances Crook, Assistant Matron, Mrs. Jack. Collector, Mr. G. Parker, N. 23, Can- te, bury-place, Lambeth, - Society of ANTIENT BRI tons, Preſident, Earl of Jerſey. *ice-Preſ. Lord Gran. Somerſet, Hon. Rob.H.Clive, *Tho...A.Smith, eſq. *W.E.Powell,eſq. J.A. Lloyd,eſq. Rev. M.Buck ley, Jn. Edwards esq. Ponald Maekay, eſq. and E. J. Troughton, eſq. § Chaplain, Rev. Thos. Alban. Secretary, M.I. Jno. Bennett. Roy AL Hu MANE Socre TY, 1774. No. 48, St. Paul’s Church-yard. The KIN G, Patron. Preſ, E. of Stamford & Warrington. niker, La. Dundas, Ld Erſkine, Hon. Philip Bouv. Puſey, *Sir Abraham Hume, bt. Adm. Sir Jn Colpoys, Iſaac Hawkins Browne, eſq.F.R.S. Rt Barclay, eſq. Joſ. Thomſon, eſq. Baron Garrow, John Gur- ney, eſq. Jn. Blackburn, eſq. *Jn. Atkins, eſq. ald. Fred. Webb, esq. Treaſurer, *Charles Barclay, eſq. | Sub-Treaſurer, B. Hawes, esq. | Chaplains, Henry Fly, D. D. Rev. Jn. Pridden, M.A. R.Yates, B.D. Rev. J. B. Sanders, Rev. T. G. Ack- land, M.A. . Auditors, E. R. Adams, T. Cranage, Jn Evans, R, Ogborn, Wm. Wood- ward, eſqrs. - Regiſtrar and Secretary, T grew, eſq. F.L.S. Collečfor and Messenger, Mr. H. B. Casborne. BRIT Ish Society for the Encou. R A GEMENT ºf SE R v ANTs. In- ſtituted in 1792. N. Io, Pall-Mall. Preſident, Rd Clark,eſq. Chamberlain. e J. Petti. | Wice-Preſidents, Lord de Dunſtan- ville, Lord Colchester, *George Yanſittart, eſq. Jn. Julius Anger- ſtein, eſq. Dean of Canterbury, Truſtees, John Julius Angerſtein, eſq. *George Vanfittart, eſq. Treaſurer, Sec. Mr. R. Stonhewer Illingworth. Society for improving the Condition of CH IMN ex-Sweeps Rs. Eftabliſ- ed in 1803. - Patron, The Prince Regent. - Patroneſs, Ducheſs of Glouceſter. Preſident, Biſhop of Durham, Vice-Preſidents, D. of Bedford, Duke of Northumberland, E. Groſve- nor, Ld Somerville, Sir Tho. Cha. Bunbury, bt. William Wilberforce, eſq. *Wm. Morton Pitt, eſq, Jn. ~ #. Angerſtein, eſq. Sir Thos. ernard, br, D.C.L. P. Colquhoun, eſq., D.C.L. | Treaſurer, William Tooke, eſq. Secretary, Wm. Jºnes, eſq. 6 Chapel. fºrcet, Pentonville. S48 Miſcellaneous Inſtitutions. . - Pa TR 1 or 1 c Fu N D, at Lloyd's. 1803. Trustees, J. J. Angerſtein, eſq. and Robert Shedden, eſq. Committee of Treaſury, J.J. Angerſtein, Rt Shedden, T. Reid, Jn. Mavor, eſqrs. -" - WA rer Loo Subſcription, 1815. Treaſurers, * Alex Baring, *Wm Manning, *Wm Melliſh, *Hug : Hammersley, esqrs. Secretary; J. P. Welsford, eſq. Office, N. 80, Cornhill. Reef u G E for the Dest Itu t E, Mid- dleſex Houſe, Hackney-road for the Female, and Hoxton for the Male Eſtablishment. Preſident, D. of York. - - Vice-Preſ, Duke of Bedford, Marq. of Hastings, E. of Briſtol, Viſct. Sid- mouth, Lord Eardley, Ld. Ken- yon, Ld. Carrington, Bp. of Lou- don, Bp. of Oxford, Rt. Hon. Geo. Roſe, * Rt Hon. Nich. Vanfittart, Rt. Hon. *Sir Thomas Plumer, kt. , Alex. Bennett, eſq. - Treaſurers, Rev. E. Wm. Whitaker, Edward Forſter, eſq. . - Chaplain and Secretary, Rev. Phyſicians, C. Gower, M.D. Samuel Pett, M.D. - Surgeons and Apothecaries, I. Ridout. eſq., H. Sterry, eſq. . . . . .3 Collectors, Mr. Abra.Tattet, Prince's Road, Kennington, and Mr. Joſeph Hoſkins, Refuge. . . . . - MILE-END PHILANTH RoP 1 c So- c 1 Ety, for the Diſcharge of Perſons. impriſoned for ſmall Debts, &c. 1803. Patron, Duke of Suſſex. - Preſident, Lord Erskine. _ wice-Preſidents, Viſc. Torrington, Sir C. Flower, bt. & aki. Sir W. Leighton, knt. & ald. *G. Byng, *W.Melliſh, J.Bayford,T.Brown, N. Charrington, G. Green, J. Hall, S. Hanbury, Thomas S. Marſh, Wm Stims, Chs H. Turner, eſqrs. , Chaplain, Rev. Chs Champnes,M.A. Treaſurer, Mr. Iſaac Vale, 74, Biſhopſgate without: . . . . . . Directors, Mr. C. Martin, Chairman; Meſſrs. Edw Lind, T. S. Nicholls, Wm. Bateman, Jas Frankland, L. Wiltſhire, T. Pedley, N. Cheſter, R. Hunt, R. Keates, W. L. Bryan, C. Richardson, jun. H. B. Hall, | C. Walker, JJudson, sen. J. Ra- cine, C.M.Johnson, E.L.Godfrey, T. Edge, J. Walker, G. Turney, J. Tyler, and R. Harrison. Honorary Secretary, Mr. Jn Jones, 2,. Size-ſane. - Assistant Secretary, Mr.Wim Grugeon. Auditors, Mieſſrs. T. Stimſon, S. Nicholls, sen, & Mr. P. Higgins. . Collečtor, Mr. Thomas Roman, 17, Raren-row, Whitechapel. road. Soc 1 ETY for the Disc H A R G E and RE L I E F of Perſons impriſoned for ſmall Debts. Inſtituted in 1772. Craven-ffreet, Strand. - Preſident, Earl of Romney, Vice-Preſident, M. of Hertford. E. of Radnor, Lord Eardley, Hon. Phil. B. Puſey. - Treaſurer, Jas Camden Neild, eſq. Secretary, Richard Graſſwell. Soc 1 Et Y of FR 1 EN Ds of Fo- RE 1G NER s in Diſtreſs. 1807. Patron, Duke of Glouceſter. Preſident, Earl of Radnor. • . Vice-Preſidents, Ld Calthorpe, Ld De Dunſtanville, Rt. hon, Jn Trevor, Hon. Philip B. Puſey, Count Munſter, *Sir Jn St. Aubyn, bt. Sir C. Price, bt, ald. Sir Wm. Paxton, knt. Baron Rehauſen, *Wm Wilberforce, eſq. *Sir Sam Romilly, Jn julius Angerſtein, eſq. Wm Pinkney, eſq. Treaſurer, William Vaughan, eſq. Secretary, Charles Murray, eſq. 1, Sun-court, Cornhill | Lon Don FEMALE PEN I TENT I AR Y. - Pentonville. 1808. Chairman, Richard Lea, eſq. Committee, Sixty-four Ladies. -. Phyſician, George Pinckard, M.D. Surgeon, W. Blair, eſq - Apothecary, S. Griffith, eſq. Matron, Mrs. Stimpſon. - | MA son 1 C INST It UT 1 on, for cloth- ing and educating the Sons of Indi- gent Antient Freemaſons. - Patrons, D. of Suſſex & D. of Athol. Truſtees, Iſaac Lindo, Thomas Scott, and Robert Gill, eſqrs. Treaſurer, Iſaac Lindo, eſq. Secretary, William Hancock. Collector, Benjamin Aldhouſe. ( 849 ) S C O. T L A N D. The P E E R S of SCO. T L A N D. - In the Order of the Election Roll. . - ~ - - R E G E N T. r Hºoh. III. 1398. April 28. §George Auguſtus Frederick (Prince of Wales, y Duke of Rothſay, Earl of Carrick, Lord of the Iſles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland. K. G. in. - -- * . . * D u k E S. (8. - “Iba. I. 1643. April 12. Archibald Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton, Marqui of Douglas and Clydeſdale. (Duke of Brandon of Great Britain and Duke of Catelherrault in France.) ºw. - - • . & ba. II. 1663. April 20. Charles William Scott, Duke of Buccleuck and Queenſberry, Earl of Dalkeith. (Earl of Doncaſter, of Great Britain.) K: T. w, . - - .." 1675. Sept. 9. §Charles Lennox, Duke of Lennox, Earl of Darnley, K. G. (Duke of Richmond of Great Britain.) m. - ... • - - 1684. Nov. 1. Alexander Gordon, Duke of Gordon, Marquis of Huntley, - (Earl of Norwich of Great Britain.) K.T. ‘w. - tºiſ. III. 1701. June 3...George William Campbell, Duke of Argyle, Marquis of Lorn, Hereditary Maſter of the King's Houſehold, (Lord Sundridge of Great Britain.) m. ** flume 1703. June 3o. #John Murray, Duke of Atholl, Marquis of Tulli. bardine. (Earl Strange of Great Britain.) K.T. m. 1707. April 24. § James Graham, Duke of Montroſe, Marquis Graham. (Earl Graham, of Great Britain.) K. G. m. 1707. April 25. James Innes Kerr, Duke of Roxburghe, Marquis of ‘Beaumont and Cesford. [Fleurs-Castle, Rowburghſhire, and Brox- mouth, Haddingtonſhire.] ºn. - - - M A R Q U 1 s r. s. (3.) . .. £ja. II. 1682. Feb. 11, SCharles Douglas, Marquis of Queenſberry, Viſcount Drumlanrig. {Kellhead, Dumfriesſhire.] ... m. ibiſſ. Ili. 1694. Dec. 17. George Hay, Marquis of Tweedale, Earl of Gifford, Hereditary Chamberlain of Dumfermline, a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army. [Yeſter-Houſe, Haddingtonſhire.] m. - 1701. June 23. §William Kerr, Marquis of Lothian, Earl of Ancram, Lord Lieutenant of Roxburghſhire, and Colonel of the Edinburghſhire Militia. [Newbottle-Houſe, Miłłothiºl m. - ** . . . . . E A R L. s. (40.) 5am. II. 1452. March 17. William Hay, Earl of Errol, Lord Hay, Heredi. tary Lord High Conſtable and Knight Mariſchal of Scotland. Lord Com- miſsioner to the General Aſsembly of the Church of Scotland. [Errol. Hoºſe, Aberdeenſhire. 3??, - . . . . - 1457. March 14. George Douglas, Earl of Morton, Lord Aberdour. (Lord Douglas of Lochleven of Great Britain.). K. T. m. f. “ 3am. III. 1469. — David Steaurt Erſkine, Earl of Buehan, Lord Cardroſs [Dryburgh-Abbey, Roxburghſhire, and Kirkhill, #: ???, Şam. IV. 1597. -- Archibald Montgomery, Earl of Eglintoun, Lord Montgomery, (Lord Ardroſſan of the United Kingdom.) b 1569. — Archibald Kennedy, Earl of Caſilis, Lord Kennedy, (Lord Ailſº of the United Kingdom.) m. - • . : * 3am. I. 1455. Aug. 28. §James Sinclair, Earl of Caithneſs, Lord Berric- dale, Lord Lieutenant of Caithneſsſhire, and Poſtmaſter-general of scgi- land. [Barrogil-Caffle, cutºſº 777, - - - . - * * ^ $ -, J 359 SCOTL AND. ſºlarp I. 1 562. Yan. 30, Francis Stuart, Earl of Moray, Lord Doune (Lord Stuart of Great Britain.) m. , * -. 3|ain. VI. 1605. Ma ch 4, § Alexander Home Ramey, Earl of Home, Lord Dunglaſs, Lord Lieut. of Berwickſhire. . [Hºrſal, Berwick.) m. * v6oG. july 10. John Lyon Bowes, Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, Lord Glamis, (Lord Bowes of the United Kingdom.) [Glamºs-Caſtle, Forfar -ſhire.] 8. - - -- 1606. July 10. John James Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn, Lord Paiſley, K.G. (Márq of Abercorn of Great Britain, and Viſcount Strabane in Ireland ) m. 1619. March 12. §Thomas Erſkine, Earl of Kellie, Viſcount Fenton, Premier viſcount of Scotland, Vice Lord Lieutenant of Fife. K.G.V. [Kallie- Caſtle, and Cambo-Houſe, Fifeſhire.] m. s 1619. Mar. 20. Charles Hamilton, Earl of Haddington, Lord Binning, Lord Lieutenant of Haddingtonſhire. [Tyningham-Caſtle, Haddingtonſhire.] ‘IO a 1623. Sept. 19. George Stewart, Earl of Galloway, Viſcount Garlies, (Lord Stewart of Great Britain.) K. T. m. * * 1624.; March 14. James Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, Lord Maitland, Hereditary Poyal Standard-Bearer of Scotland. (Lord Lauderdale of the United Kingdom.) m. - . 6tha. I. 1633. May 25. Thomas Robert Hay Drummond, Earl of Kinnoul, vſst. Dupplin, Lord Lyon, King-at-Arms. (Lord Hay of Great Britain.) 5. 1633. fume 12. John Stuart Crichton, Earl of Dumfries, Viſc. Ayr, and 1703. #arſ of Bute, Viſc. Mount Stuart, (Marq. of Bute of Great Britain.) b. 1633. jºine 21. # Thomas Bruce, Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Lord Bruce, a Lieut.-General, K. C. [Broomhall, Fifeſhi, e.] m. º 1633. june 23. tcharles Stuart, Earl of Traquair, Lord Linton. [Traquatr Caffle, Tweedale.] w. . . . - - 1633, June 25. Francis Wemyſs Charteries Douglas, Earl of Wemyſs, Lord Elcho, and 1697, Earl of March, Viſc. Peebles. [Mmisſield ang Gosford, near IIaddington, and Neidpath Caſtle, Peeblesſhire. m. 1633. June 29, §George Ramſay, Earl of Dalhouſie, Lord Ramſay, (Lord Dalhouſe of the United Kingdom). m. …’ - - 1639. April 2, Walter Ogilvy, Earl of Airly, Lord Ogilvy. [Airly. Castle and Clova House, Augus.] on. . . . . . . 1641. Oct. 11. Alexander Leſlie, Earl of Leven and Melville, Lord Balgonie, Comptroller of the Cuſtoms in Scotland. [Melville-Houſe, Fife.] m. 1643. Aug. 3. Wilbraham Tollemache, Earl of Dyſart, Lord Huntingtower, High Steward of Ipswich. [Ham-Houſe, Surrey.] w. 1646. Augs 4. Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, Lord Daer, Lord-Lieut. of the Stewartry of Kircudbright, F.R.S. [St. Mary's Is 'e, Åircudbright.] . 1647. Nov. 1. William Carnegie, Earl of Northeſk, Lord Roſehili, an Admiral of the Blue, G.C. B. [Ethie-Houſe, Forfarſhire.] ºn. &Iba. II 1651. Jan. 9. §Alexander Lindſay, Earl of Balcarres, Lord Lindſay, a General and Colonel of the 63d Regiment. w. - 1660 Sept. 10. §George Gordon, Earl of Aboyne, Lord Strathaven. (Lord Meldrum of the United Kingdom.), [Aboyne Caſtle, Aberdeenſhire.] ºn. 1660. Dec. 31. IFrancis Eyre, Earl of Newburgh, Viſcount Kinnaird. (Haſſop; Derbyſhires) m. , . . - 1669 May 12. Archibald Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald, Lord Cochrane, [Culroſs-Abbey, Fife.] m. -* - - 1677. june 20. Anthony Adrian Keith Falconer, Earl of Kintore, Lord Inverury and Halkerſton. [Keith Hall, Aberdeenſhire, Ingliſmaldy, Kincar.hn ſhire.] m, - - - & SCOTLAND. 33 1 **77. June 28, John Campbell, Earl of Breadalbane, Viſcount Glenorchy.” F. R. S. Lord Breadalbane of the United Kingdom.) . m . .. 1982. Nov. So. ºGeorge Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Haddo, (Viſcount Gordon of the United Kingdom), K. T. and F. S. A. m. . • 3'ani. VII, 1636. Aug. 16. George Murray, Earl of Dunmore, viſa. Fin- ºaſtle... [Dunmore-Park, Stirlingſhire.] riz. - “ſiſt. II. 17or. June 24. Lewis Ālexander orant Ogilvy, Earl of Seafield, Viſe. Redhaven, an advocate at the scotch bar. [Caff/egrant, Inverness- - ... ſhire, and Cullen-Houſe, Bamfºre.] b. º &liſte, 1703. April 8. John Dalrymple, Earl of Stair, Viſcount Dalrymple, a Counſelor of State for the Prince of Wales in Scotland. [Stair-Houſe, ^{yr-ſºire.] b. . - - . - - F723. April 10. Archibald John Primroſe, Earl of Roſeberry, Lord Dāl- ºny, Iſºaſmºny-Park, Linlithgowſhire, and Bixley-Hall, Norfolk.] c. *793.4%ri/12. §§eorge Boyle, Earl of Glaſgow, Viſc. Kilburn, (Lord Roſs of the United Kingdo:n), F. R. S. & F. S. A. m. --- ... '723: 4Pri/13. William Charles Colyear, Earl of Portmore, Viſcount Mil- fington. [Wybridge, Sur roy.] we . . . - 1793. Apaiſ 15. John Hope, Earl of Hopetoun, Wisc. Aithrie, (Lord' Hopetoun of the United Kingdom), G.C. B. we - V is cou N T s. (4.) *; VI. 1623 Nov. 10. ſhºr/ey-Ha/, Berks.] b. ' - 1621. Aug. 16. # Murray, Viſcount Stormont. (Earl of Mausfield of Great Britain.) m. - - . . . . . . 4. ba. I. 1641. Nov. 16. John Arbuthnot, Viſcount Arbuthnot, Lord Lieut. ºf Kincardineſhire. [Arbuchat Houſe, Kincardineſhire.] m. •' «[ba. II. 1673. Feb. 2. George William Frederick Oiborne, Viſcount Dunblare, (Duke of Leeds in England.) m. | Charles John Carey, Viſcount Falkland. r - B A R o N s. (23.) Sãitrl. II. f 440, §James Ochoncar Forbes, Lord Forbes, a Lieutenant. Géneral, and Colonel of the 21ſt Regiment. m. - H45. June 28. §Alexander George Fraſer, Lord Salton and Abernethy, 3. Lieut.-Col. in the Almy, and a Captain in the Firſt Regiment of Foot- Guards... [Philorth-Houſe, Aberdeenſhire.] m. 1445. — $Francis Gray, Lord Gray. 1447. — William Shaw Cathcart, Lord Cathcart, (Earl Cathcart of the United Kingdom.) m • . . . 3|aul. IV. 4*9. Jaw. 25. §Charles St. Clair, Lord Sinclair. [Hermand/ox Haddºughonſhire, aid Nesbit Howse, Rºxbargſhi, ej * º I 4 - 3. Hugh Semple, Lord Semple. [Semple-house, Renfrewſhire I w; 5 D9. - ||John Elphinſtone, Lord Elphinſtone, [Cumbernatild-Houſe, D.nba, tºnſhire.] b. - • * - 3 airt. I. 1430. John Somerville, Lord Somerville, one of the Four Lords of the Bedchaniber attendant on the King. [Drum, near Dalkeith ; Fitzhead, near Milverton, Somersel hire; and Fairmilc-Farm, mcar Cobham, Surrey.J. b. . . . . - * - . . " . . . iſºlarp 564 — James Sandilands, Lord Torphichen. [Calde, -Houſe, Alist-Lotbian.] ... m. - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . G g 2. * 35% - SCOTLAN ty. - ºnavy. [Broom, wel-Houſe, near Briſto'.j m. . . . . *::: Nov. 17. James Edward Cranſtoun, -Lord Cranſtoun, [G anſtoun- 3|ain. VI. 1606. July 10. Robert Walter Stuart, Lord 'Blantyre, 3ſ Coloneţ in the Army, [Erskine. Hoºſe, Renſ, ewſhire, and Lenzclove, Haditing- tonſhi, e.J. m. - • . . . . * 1604. April. 25. John Colvill, Lord Colvill, a Captain in the Royal House, St. Chriſłopher's...] m. - . . . . . . . . . *- &ba. I. 1627. May 4. §Francis Napier, Lord Napier, Lord Lieutenant of Selkirkſhire, D.C. L. [Thirlſfane Caſtle, Selkirkſhire.} m. . 1627. Oct. 18. º Fairfax, Lord Fairfax of Cameron, in holy orders. . [Ins * º Virginia, N, ź merica | ## a - . . . 1628, º: go, Erie Mackay, furd Reay, Tojigitt and Šibu, Sutherluid- shire.] b, : 1647, Nov. 28, Walter Hutchinſon Aſton, Lord amon, In holy orders, fg ºr of Hartfield, Suſſex, m, * x - • • , 1633. July 22, James Walter Grimston, (Lord Forrestºr, Earl of Veru- jam of the United. Kingdom, and Viſcºunt Grimston in Ireland,) m, 1633. June 25. Sholto Henry Maclellan, Lord Kiſcudbright, b, . . *643. Murch 18. Alexandeſ Murray, Lºrd Elibank, Lord Lieutenant of ºf weedale, [Darn-Hall, Peebleſhire, and Ballenerieſ, Haddingtonſhire.] m. 1647. Dec. 15, Robert Mºntgºmery Hamilton, Lord Belhaven and Sten- toa. [Wiſhaw, lanerkſhire.] m, , , . . - 6tha, ii. 1651, Jan., 10, Jn Rºllo, Lord Rollo. [Duncillb, Perthſhire.] m. 6:1,- James Ruthven, Lord Ruthven, [Freeland-louſ, Perthſhire.]m. *6%2. Dec. 28. Charles Kinnaird Lord Kinnaird, a Counſelor of State for the Prince of Wales in Scotland, F.R.S.A.S.. [Kinna/rd-Hanſe, and Drimmie-Caſtle, Perthſhire.] m, - -- Pn E R v 8 s r. s. (3.) . . . . . altplit II. 1061, Elizabeth & ower Sutive land, Counteſs of Sutherland, * Baroneſs Strathnaver, Premier Counteſs of Scotland, Lady of the Marquis of Stafford... [Dunrobin-Caſtle, Sutherandſhire. J m. am. II. 1457. Henrietta Ann Leſlie Counteſs, of Rothes, Baroneſs Leslie, Lady of George Gwyther; eſq. . . . - «tha. i. 1633. Mny 12. Flora Rawdon Campbell, Counteſs of Loudoun, Ba- roneſs Machline, Lady of the MQ, of Haſtings.[Loudon-Caſtle, Ayrſhire.] m. aleiſt. III. 1696. Jan. 3, Mary O’Bryen, Cnteſs. of Orkney, Yiſcteis Kirk- wall, Widow of the Hon. Tho. Fitzmaurice. [Taplow-Court, Bucks.] wr BARONETS OF SUU I LAND Inſtituted in 1925, * (BARONS of Nov A Sco T1 a.) . . . . Abercrombie, George, Birkenbog, Bamfshire, 1637. Agnew, Andrew, Lochnaw caſtle; Wigtounſhire, 1629. Aitchison, Archibald, of Clancairny, (Earl of Gosford) 1623. Anſtruther, John Carmichael, of Anſtruther, Fifeſhire, 1694. Anſtruther, Robert, Balcaskie, Fifeshire, 1694. Arnot, William, Arnot, Perthſhire; 1628. - Balfour, Patrick, Dennill, Fife, 1633. . Barclay, Robert, of Pierſton, Ivy-Cottage, Middleſex, 1663. Baird, James Gardner, Sanghton-Hall, Mid-Lothian, 1680. Bannerman, John, Elphick, Aberdeenſhire. 1682. . . • Bingham, Richard, of Caſtlevar, (Earl of Lucan) 1634, Bruce, William, Stenhouſe, Stirlingſhire, 1629. * . . . Burnet, Robert, Leys, Aberdeenshire, 1626. Calder, Robert, of Muirton, Park-Place, Kent, 1686. &bell, James, Auchinbreck-caſtle, Argyleſhire, 1628, scorlaxy. 353 Campbell James, Ardnamurchan, Argyleſhire, 1629. Campbell, Alexander, Aberuchill, Perthſhire, 1628. Carmichael, Thomas Gibſon, Skirling, Peebleſshire, 1628. Carnegie, James, Southeſk, Forfarſhire, 1663. Cathcart, Andrew, Carlton, Ayrſhire. 1763. *Clerk, George, Pennycuick, Edinburghſhire, fé79. Cockburn James, Langton, Berwickſhire, 1627. - Cockburn, William, D. C. L.Cockburn, Berwickſhire, tº 32. Colquhoun, Robert, Tillyquhoun, Dunbartonſhire, 1625. Sooper, Rey; William H. of Gogar, Wortlington-Houſe, Suffolk, 1638. Craigie, William, Gairſay, 1707. - . - - - - Crawfurd, Robert, of Jordan. hill, Renfrewſhire, 1638. Cumming, Kenneth, of Coulter, 1695. . - Cunningham, Richard, Auchinharvie, Ayrſhire, 1673. Cunningham Fairlie, William, Robertland, Ayrſhire, 1630. Cunningham, William, Caprington, Ayrſhire, 1669. ©unningham, Walter, Corſe-Hill, Ayrſhire, 1672. * Cunningham, William Auguſtus, Milncraig, Linlithgowſhire, 17 oz. . Dalrymple, John, Cranſton, Edinburghſhire, 1697. Dalrymple, John Pringle, New Hailes, Haddingtonſhire, 1701. Dalziel, James, Binns, Linlithgowſhire, 1685. Dick, John, Braid, Mid-Lothian, 1637. *-k * Dick, Andrew Lauder, Fountain-Hall, Hadingtonſhire, tº 88. Dick, Robert Keith, Preſtonfield, Edinburghſhire, 17 oz. *Don, Alexander, Newton, Berwickſhire, 1667. . . Douglas, Alexander, M. D. Glenbervie, Kincardineſhire, t 625, Dunbar, William Rowe, Mochrum, Wigtonſhire, 1694. Dunbar, John, Durn, Banfshire, 697. - Dunbar, Archibald, Northfield, Elginſhire, 17014 - Dunbar, Benjamin, Hempriggs, Caithneſsſhire, 1706.- . Dunlop, Tho. Wallace, Craigie, Ayrshire, 1669. . Elliot, William, Stob-houſe, Roxburghſhire, 1666, - Ferguſon, James, Kilkerran, Ayrſhire, 1703. Forbes, William, Pitſligo, Aberdeenſhire, 1626. Forbes, William, Craigievar, Aberdeenſhire, 1630. Foulis, James, Collington, Edinburghſhire, 1634. . . Fullarton, William, Cunningham-head, Ayrſhire, 1627. Gordon, James, Letterfourie, Banfshire, (Premier,) 16254 . Gordon, Francis, Lesmore, Aberdeenshire, 1625. Gordon, Orford, Embo-houſe, Satherlandſhire, 1631... Gordon, Erneſt, Park, 1686. - . Gordon, Adam, of Dalpollie, 1704, -- Gordon, John, of Earlſton, 17C 6: - Grant, Alexander, of Dalvey, Malſhanger Houſe, Hants, 168?... Grant, Archibald, Monymuſk, Aberdeenſhire, 705. - Grierſon, Robert, of Lag, Dumfriesſhire, 1685. Halket, Charles, Pitferran, Fifeſhiré, té71 . Hall, James, Dunglaſs, Haddingtonſhire, 1687. - Hamilton, William, Weſtport, Lanerkſhire, 1627. - *Hamilton, Hew Dalrymple, D.C.L. North Berwick , Haddingtonſhire, 1 697 * Hannay, Samuel, Mochrum, Wigtounſhire, 1630. - - - Hay, John, Smithfield and Hayston, Peeblesshire, 1635 a. Hay, John, of Park, 1661. - - . - G & 3. s:4 Scotland. Way-M*Dougall, Henry, Makerſton, Roxburghſhire, 1703 •. Henderſon, John, Fordel, Fifeſhire, 1664. - Holburne, Francis, Kirſhie, 17o 5. - Home, Alexander, of Wedderburn, 1631. Home, James, Blackadder, Berwickſhire, 1671. Hope, John, Craig-hall, Fifeſhire, 1623. #nglis, Patrick, Cramond-houſe, Mid-Lothian, 1637, Innes, David; Coxtoun, Elginshire, 1686. - Innes, James, Balveny, Bamfſhire, 1628. - Jardine, Alexander, Applegirth, Dumfriesſhire, 1672. - Johnſton, William, of Hilton, Burnham-Grove, Berks, 1626. Johnſtone, George Frederick, Weſterhall, Dumfriesſhire, 1739. Keith, George Mouat, of Ingleston, 1664. . . - - Kilpatrick, Thomas, Cloſeburn, Dumfriesſhire, 1685. Yinloch," David, Gilmertown, Edinburghſhire, ré86. Lauder, Alexander, Fountain-Hall, 1688, , , Lawrie, Robert, Maxweltown, Dumfrieſhire, 1685. Leſlie, John, Wardes and Findraſſie, Morayſhire, 1625. - Livingſtone, Thomas, of that Ilk and Weſtquarter, Stirlingſhire, 1635. Longueville, Thomas, Prostatin, Flintshire, 1638. r - Mackenzie, George Stewart Coul, Roſsſhire, 1673. M“Kenzie, He&tor, Gairloch, Roſsſhire, 17oo. McKenzie, James Wemyſs, Skatewel, Roſsſhire, 1703. Maclean, Hettor, Morvaren, Roſsſhire, 1631. - Malcolm, John, Lochore, Fifeſhire, 1665. Maxwell, William, Calderwood, Lanerkſhire, 1627. Maxwell, William, Montreith, Wigtounſhire, 1681. Maxwell, John, Pollock, Renfrewſhire, 1682. Maxwell, John Heron, Springkell, Dumfriesſfire, 1683. Menzies, Neil, Caſtle-Menzies, Perthſhire, 1665. Milne, John, Barnton, #686, , , Moncrieff, Thomas, Moncrieff, Perthſhire, 1685. Monro, Hugh, Foulis, Roſsſhire; ºr 634. . . . . . *Murray, John, of Hilhead, Twickenham, Middleſex, 1626s. Murray, Archibald, Blackbarony, Peeblesſhire, 1628. - Murray, Joha, Stanhope Peeblesſhire, 1664. i Murray, Patrick, Ochtertyre, Perthſhire, 1673 Murray, Count, Melguin, 1704. . . - r Muſgrave, William, Hayton-Caſtle, Cumberland, 1633. Naeſmith, James, Poffo, Peeblesſhire, 1706. . . Niſbet, John, Dean, Mid-Lothian, 1669. - . . . Nicholſon, William, Tillicoultry, Clackmannanſhire, 1636, Nicholſon, James, Glenbervy, Kincardineſhire, 17oo. - Ogilvie, John, Innerquharity, Forfarſhire, 1626. - Ogilvie, George Muſgrave, Barras, Kincardineſhire, 1661. Piłkington, Michael, Chevet-Hall, Yorkſhire, 1635. Pfingle, John, Stitchell-houſe, Roxburghſhire, 1633. - Preſton, Robert, Valleyfield-houſe, Perthſhire, 1637. . . . . Purves, William Home Campbell, Purves-Hall, Berwickſhire, 1665). Ramſay, Thomas, Balmain, Kincardineſhire, 1625. . . - ~. Ramſay, James, Banff, Forſarſhire, 1666. - * Reid, John, Barra, Aberdeenshire, 1703, - Richardſon, John Charles, Pencaithland, 1636. * → - *Riddell, John Buchanan, Riddell, Roxburghſhire, 1628.; Toſs, Charlee, Balnagowan, Roſsſhire, 1672 . . - scotland. 355 Th; Roxburghſhire, 1671 tº Stevenſon, Haddingtonſhire, 1636 as Longformacus, Berwickſhire, 1664- Dunbeath, Caithneſsſhire, 1794. n, Linlithgowſhire, 1646. Aberdeenſhire, I 633 . es, of Coltneſs and Goodºrees, Lanarkshire, 1636.. Scott, William, Ancru Sinclair, John Gordon, Sinclair, John, Sinclair, John, ‘Seaton, Alexander, Abercor Seton, William, Pitmedden, Steuart, Jam zº” Stewart, Michael Shaw, Blackhall? Renfrewſhire, 1667. Stewart, George, Grandtully, Perthſhire, 1683. Stewart, Robert, Tillicoultry, Clackmannanſhire, 1707. Stirling, John, Glorat, Sti rlingſhire, 16 66. Strachan, Richard John K.C.B . Thornton, - Kincardineſhire, 1615. Stuart, John, Allanbank, Berwickſhire, 1687 - Stuart, John, *Suttie, James, Bal Thriepland, P. M. Turing, Robert, Foveran, Wardlaw, John, Pitreavie, Fifeſhire, Fettercairn, Kincardineſhire, 1795-. gonie, Haddi ngtonſhire, 1702. of Fingaſk, Perthſhire, 1687. - Aberdeenfaire, 1639. 1636. Wellwood, Rev. Harry Moncrieff, D.D. Tullibole, Kinroſsſhire, 1633. wernyss, James, Bogie, Fifeſhire, 1793. - OFFICERS High Oyr I cr Rs of the Crown. Great Steward. Pain c : REGENt. Keeper of the Great Seal, Duke of Gordon, K.T., 30col. a year. Lord Privy Seal, #Viſcount Mel- ville, 4.5oal. --- Lord Regifter, *Rt. Hon. Archibald Colquhoun, 1800l. Lord Juffice Clerk, Rt. Hon. David Boyle, 4oo: 1. . . . - Lord Advocate, Alexander Macon- chire, eſq. I 50ol. Heretable Lord High Conſtable, and sº OF STATE. Heretable Armour-bearer, Archibald Seton; eſq. * - - - Heret. Standard-bearer, Earl of Lau-- derdale. . - Keeper of the Wardrobe, Richard - Carter, 55l. 1 1s. 4d. . Falconer, Ludovic Colquhoun, eſq. Phyſicians, James Home, M.D. James Gregory, M.D. * --- Apothecary, Geo. Wood, M.D. Hiſtoriograpber John Gillies, D.C.L. & F. R.S. 2 oo Gazette-Writer, - Dugald Stewart, . eſq. 3ool. • Knight-Mariſchal Earl of Errol. Heret. Royal Standard-Bearer, Henry Scrymgeour Wedderburne, eſq. price-Admiral, #Earl Cathcart, K.T. ALord juſtice General, # Duke of Montroſe, K. G. - Lord Preſident, Rt Hon. Charles Hope, Lord Chief Baron, Rt Hon. Robert Dundas. The KING’s House Hol. D. Heretable Mafter of the King's Houſe- bold, Duke of Argyle. Heret. Carver, *Sir J. Anſtruther, bt. Heretable Uſher of the White Rod, - Printers and Stationers, Sir D. Hun ter Blair, bt. and John Bruce, eſq. F. R. S. . King’s Botaniſ, D., Rutherford, M.D. F. L. S. 5ol . . . . . Limner, T. S. Abercrombie, eſq. CH A P & L Roy A 1. |Almoner, Rev. John Paton, M.A., - || 411. I3s. 2d. * Almoner's Deputy, Walter Cook. - Dean of Chapel, Royal, Wm. Laurence. Brown, D. D. Deans and Chaplains, Geo. Hill, D.D. ; , Muter, D.D. John, Inglis, "Sir Patrick Walker. * $. 356. scotland. Chaplains, T. Somamerville, D.D. 8ol. David Johnſton, D. D. Alex. Flem- ing, D. D. John Mackenzie, D. D. William Taylor, jun. D.D. Duncan M“Farlane, D.D. 50l. each. Krewers of Palaces. Holy- Rood. Houſe, Duke of Hamilton. Lin/ithgow, Sir Thomas Livingſtore, | bart Scoon, Earl of Mansfield. Dochmabem, Earl of Hopetoun. Dunſafnage and Carrick, Duke of Argyle. ^ . . Rothſay-Caſtle, Marq. of Bute. Falkland, Moncreiff, of Hallyards. & * GREAT-SE al Offic E. Lord Keefer, Duke of Gordon, K.T. ~ 3ocoli - Deputy-Keeper and King John Robertson, eſq. Dep. Uſher, Tho. Beveridge, eſqr. 's Writer, PR 1 v Y-SE A1. Ó FF 1 c E. Lord Privy Seal, ; Viſcount Melville, - 30Ocl. Deputy Robert Dundas, eſq. Hriter to the Privy Scal, art Oliphant, eſq. 4°ol. James Stew- Lyo N-OFF , ce. , Ilord 1,yor, Earl of Kinnou!; 66 Lyon-Depute, James Home, eſq. - Heralds, 25l. each. Albany, James Mitchell, eſq. Rothſay, Robert Dick, eſq. Marchmont, Thomas Sm all, eſq. 7ffay, John Cook, eſq. . - Smawdown, Ken. M*Kenzie Roſs, Patrick Bennett, eſq. Purſuivants, 6l. 13s. 4d. each. Untcorn, David Taylor. - Bite, Alexander Law. ol. 2 eſq. | Deputy Adjutant-General, Lieut.-Col . Military Secret Kintyre; James Geddeg. 3rmond, William Allan. . . Pingwall; Robert Thomſon. Øfficers. - P incipal Cerk, James Home, Depute, David Clyme. - Keeper of Lyon Records, &c. Ker. • . - Eſq. John Solicitors, Sam. Watſon, Wm. Sc . Jas. Feggans, John Wood. . . . Bºſcal, James Williamſon. Trumpeters, 164. 13s. 4d. each. Jos. Reinagle, Nath. Gow, win Ka Pie", Daniel Dewar, Alex. Na- pier. . . . . . . . . . ott, Of F 1 c E R s of the M. N.T. Gen. George Elliot, eſq. 3ool. Mºffer, Henry Alves, zooi. Hºrden, Laurence Cragie, efs. 1.5ol. Cºunter ºarden, James. L. Grant 6el. 3ffay-Maſter, *J. S. Simpſon, 1ool. - Engraver, 5ol. Smith, Alexander Boog, 331. ... Staff-Officers. Commander of the Forces, Maj. Gen. John Hope. - Aide de Ca mA, Lieut. M. C. Trevil- lian. - Sir Gregory H. B. Way. * 4’ Deputy Quorter-Master G eneral, Lieut.-Col. Sir Jas. Douglas, K.C.B. arº/, Lord Robert Kerr. -** -- Inſpector of Milita ry. Reads, Robert ‘Anſtruther, eſq. - • Barrack-Mafter General, Dep. Commiſ. Gilbert Young, eſq. ºndge Adv. Gilbert Hutcheſon, eſq. Dep. Sec. to the Forces, Alex. Ander. ſon, eſq. r - Cartick, John Grieve. Inſpector of Hoſhitals, Joh | M. D r n Hennon, SCOTLAND. 3.) - Co v R F of Szss to N. 1425. Firſt Division. Lord Preſident. *3rº, Rt Hon. Charles Hope, 430ol. * Lords, zooo... each. 1797. Balmuto. . Geórge Ferguſſon, Ld Hermand 1829. Arch. Campbell, Ld Succoth. ºf B lyid Willamſoſ, ſad Balgray, #41, Adam Gillies, Lºrd Gilliº, 13 FB, David Sātbeat, Ll Alloway, 1949; James Wolfo Murray, Lorá Prºpal Clarks, Waltor Scott, Geo. Home, Day, Hume, Rob, fºundas, eſqrs, - Deputo Clerks, George Bruce, John] Pringle, Win Pingle, eſqrs. Seeond Division, 1841. Lord juſtice Clerk, Right Hon. David Boyle. . * 1795. Sir Wm. Miller, Lord Glenlee. *799. W. M. Bannatyne, Ld Bannatyne. 1895, Wm. Robertſon, Ld Robertſon. 1811, Robert Craigie, Lord Craigie, 1813, David Monypeany, Lord Pit- milly. - 1843. Tavid Douglas, Lord Ream. Príncipal Clerks, James Ferrier, colin Mackenzie, H. M. Buchanan, eſqrs. 2éputé Clerks, Rt. Menzies, James Roſe. Thomas Manners, eſqrs. Princiéal Clerks to the Bills, james Hope and James Skene, eſqrs. Pºp: Clerks, Andrew Miller and James Mercer, eſqrs. - - *::::::: of Saſinus, Robert Dundas, €1 CF Reeper of the Regiſter John Wauchop, eſq. Clerk of the King's Proceſes, David Hume, eſq. • . . . . of Hornings, Court of Just 1 c 1A sy. Lord Juſtice General. 1795. Duke of Montroſe, 2000l. 1811. Lord Jºffice Clerk, Right Hon. David Boyle, 200ol. . Commiſſioners, 6col. each. 1898. Lord Hermand. * LAW DEPARTMENT. Claude Irvine Boſwell, Lord} (8 ſ 2. Lord Gillies. 18 R. Lörd Pitmilly. I 813. Lord Succoth. - 1816. Lord Reston. 1316. Lord Advocate, Alexander Maconochie, eſq. 3oool. 1816. Solicitor-Gen. James Wedden- burn, eſ;. 16ool. 4dvocates Depute on the Circuits, Home Drummond, Sam. M'Cor- mick, and jaunes A. Maxonochie, -- eſqrs, Crºwn Agent, Hugh Warrender, eſq. Principal Citrk, John Boyle eſq. zool, - +. Pºp. Clerk, James Anderson 3ol. Cous t of excursºrs. Lord Chief Baron •. 1801. Rt Hon Robert Dundas, 4ooct. . . Barons, 1776. Hon. Fletcher Norton, 28651. 1807. Sir John Stuart, bart. 2000ſ. 1809. James Clerk, eſq.2000l. 1814. º Rt Hon. Wm. Adam, zoool. King's Remembrancer, Sir Peter Mur- ray, bt., 5ool. • Lord Treaſurer's Remembrancer, Geo. Robinſon, eſq. 2 ool. Solicitor, John Buchan, eſq. 14ol. Aluditor, Hon. Geo. Murray, Izool. Dep. Aud. Francis Anderſon. X- Clerks of the Pipe, Jas. Walker and Jn. A. Murray, eſqrs. 2 ool, .. Preſenter of Signatures, * Sir James Montgomery, bt. 2 ool. Rec.Gen. of Land. Rents, Alex. Mac- lean, eſq., 6591. . . . . Rec. Gen, of Riſhops Rents, Sir John Anſtruther, bart, 4ool. . . Heretable Uſher, Jas. Gibſon, efa- Civil Ju Ry Court, 1815. Chief Commiſsioner. #Rt Hon. William Adam, 2000l. Commiſsioners, 6ool. each. Lord Pitmilly 1816. Lord Gillies. - Clerks, William Clerk, John O. Brown, John Rüſsell, eſqs. | 359 scotland. ". . .Court of ADM is a try. Lord *ice-Admiral, Earl Cathcart, I4 Ool. - Zºº 23dmiraſ, John Connell, OCI. - Procurator Piſcal, Alex. Kidd Clerk, Wm. Campbell, eſq. eſq. , eſq. CoM Missary-cous T. Commiſſaries, James Gordon, Thomas Tod, James Ferguſon , George Ross, eſqrs. 6col. - Principal Clerk, Robert Graeme, eſq Peputy, Geo. Carphi * * . Procura tor-Fiſcal, Patrick Wiſhart,eſq F a cu Lºſ Y of ADvoc. Es. Pean, Mathew Roſs, eſq. Treafºrer, Alex. Irving, eſq. Collectors of Deciſions, Geo. Tait, Wilſon, Robert Rollo, and M. A. Fletcher, eſqrs. * £ibrarian, A. Manners, eſq . --ºr, Chanc Ery. Direéior, Earl of Roſslyn. Pep. Director, James Dundas, Principal Clerk, David Ewart. y- SIG NET Office. ^eeper of the Signet, # Right Hon Wm. Dundas ºcco). Peºuſy-Keeper, **-Keeper, Jas. Home, eſq. Tº a- J” ºr, Rich. Hotchkiſs, 'ſq. Fi/. Çal, Pat. Russel, eſq. Librarian, Macvey Napier, esq. Le, twor, - Cºnveyanceing, Mºv ey Napier, sq. eſq. Jrs.| LoRD RE G 1st ER’s Oy F.1 c.g. - * Lord, Regiſter, Rt. Hon. Atch?bald. Colquhoun, 180c]. . . - Deputies, The Principal. Clerks of Session. - • . . . - Peputy-Keepers of Records, Wm Ro- bertſon, Alex. Robertſon , eſq.S. MAG 1st RATEs of EDINBURGH. . . Ld. Provoſī, Rt. Hon. Kincaid Kac- kenzie. - Baiſles, Geo. White, Neil Ryrie, Jn Anderſon, Rt. Anderſon, eſqrs. Dean ºf Guild, Alex. Hende, ſon, eſq. Deacon Co., venor, Jas. Thomson, eſq. Treaſurer, John Manderſton, esq. 4/º/ors, Ja. Ferguſon, Ja, l’Amy, Ja Simpſon and John Wood, eſqrs. Chamberlain, Thomas Henderſon, eſq. City Clerks, Cha. Cunningham, Car- ly ſle Bell, eſqrs. • - Keeper of Records, David Beatson, eſq. Admiralof Leith, John Young, eſq. Co u RT of Poliée. Established by Act of Parliament, Judges, TheCity Magistratesforthetime being : the four Old Bailies': the Hugh Warrender, eſq.ft. Sheriff Depute and his Subſtitutes. Superintendant of Police, Capt. Jas. Brown. . . General Clerk, Mr. John Murray. Lieutenants, Alex. Inglis, David Bremner, A. Baird, John Bogue. *—- - - - #. 1-0 R D Li Fu T E N ANTs and SHER FFs L. Epu T E. - 4he deen, Marquis of Huntley. Alexander Moir, esq. - ºf .400 23rgy/e, Duke of Argyle. 4yr, Earl of Eglintor, Banf, . Earl of Fife. JBerwick, Farl of Home. Bute, Marquis of Bute. Gaithneſs, Earl of Caithneſs. Clºckman nam, Earl of Mansfield. &fnºs, º&t Hon. Wm. Adam. Pºttſries, Duke of Buccleuch. JDunbarton, Duke of Montr ſe £dinburgh, Duke of Buccleuch. Flgin, Earl of Mgray. ; Nairn, James Brodie, eſq. **/ar, £ord Douglas, of “Douglas. : Fife, Earl of Morton, Donald Maclachlan, esq. - - 400. Archibald ſell, esq., - - - - 400 James Urquhart, esq, -, -- 390. William Boswell, esq. - - - 300 J. J. Edmonstone, esq. - - 300 James Trail, esq., º - 300 James Moncrief, esq. - - 300 Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, bt. - 350 John C. Colquhoun, esq. - 300 Sir William Rae, bart. - - 600 Sir George Abercrombie, bt 300 John Anstruther, esq. - - - - 400 - 400. Adam Duff, esq. - . * scorla ND. 3×3 Haſl ſington, Ezºrº of H addington. Haverneſ, “Francis Wm. Grant, eſq. Kººcardine, Viſcount Arbuthnot. Kºrcz lbright, Earl of Selkirk. Lºrteré, Varquis of Douglas. Lºnlithgow, Earl of Hopetoun. Øréney and Zetland, Lord Dundas. Peebles, Lörd Elibank. g Perth, Duke of Atholl. Renfrew, Earl of Glaſgow. Roſs, Sir Hector M'Kenzie, bart. Cromarty, R. S. &E. Ma :leod, eſq. Roxbºrgh, Marquis of Lothian. ** Selkirk, Lord Napier. . . . Stirling, Duke of Montroſe, Sºtherland, Marquis of Statford. *igton, Earl of Galloway, William Horne, esq. -- - 30%) . Wilian Fraser Tytler, esq. - 40.) George Douglas, esq. - - 54 it) Sir Alexander Gordon – ' - 39.) Robert Hamilton, esq. - - 508) : John H. Mackenzie, esq. - 3.}{} William Erskine, esq. - 35°) Andrew Clephine, esq. - - 31){} John H. Forbes, esq. - - 40,5 John C. Du.:10p, esq. - - 350 Donald M'Leod, esq. - - 40) William Oliver, esq. - - 393 Walter Scott, esq. * - 3& 3 Ranald M. Donald, esq. - 350 George Cranston, esq. – 350 John B. Maitland, esq. - S():) Ecclesiastical AND RELIGIOUS INstitutions. GENER A L Ass EM B LY. High Commiſſ. Earl of Errol, zoool. Moderator, Gavin Gibb, D.D. Frocurator and Caſhier for the Church, John Connell, eſq. Adv. § Clerk, Andrew Duncan, D. D. Sub-Clerk, Tho. Macknight, D. D. Agénés, Wm. and John Murray, eſqrs. Edinburgh, – John Spottiſwood, eſq. Lºndon. - Collector of the Widow's Fund, Sir H. M. Wellwood, bart D.D. 31stiops of j Printer, Peter Hill. *s-, - TEIN D-Cou RT. * * commiſſioners fºr the Plantation of Kirks, and Valuation and Sale of Tiends, The Lords of Seſſion. Solicitor, Rob. Corbet, eſq. Agent, Robert Dundas, eſq., Ciré, Joſeph Williamſon, eſq. Deputies, J Iſlat) . - Extrachor. David Williamſon. Soºn ETV for Propagating CHR is- TIAN KNowl z ∈ G E , 1799. Preſident, Earl of Dalhousie. . . - Briffdent of Com. Sir H. M. Well- wopd, D. D. . . . • * Secretary, John Campbell, D. D. Clerk, John Dickſon: eſq. . . + Accomptant, James Bonar, eſq. Treaſurer, Alex. Duncan, eſq., Ilibrarian, John Pitcairn. [Society of the Soss of the Clergy. °rcſºlent, Earl of Had Îinston. - Managers, Sir H. Moncrief, D.D.Wm. Ritchie, D.D. Hy. Jardyne, esq. Rt. Hou, Dav. Boyle, Hugh Meckle- jo'un, D.D. Sam. A nierson, Arch. Gibſon, and Walt. Cook, esqrs. ſreaſoner, Alex. Bonar, eſq. * 4|iffant, Charles Tawſe, eſq. * * & Secretary, James Bonar, eſs. the Scots EpiscoPAL C:l URCI1. - Brechin, Right Rev. George Gleig, LL.D. & F.R.S Slirling. - Roſs, Right Rev. Andrew Macfarlane, Inverneſs. - . Edinb. PRIM US, | Moray, Rt. Rev. Alexander Jolly, Frasersburgh. | Edinburgh and Glasgow, Right Rev Daniel Saudford, D. D. Eduº- burgh. r - . . * |Dunkeld, Right Rev. Patrick Torry, ' Peterhead. -- - 4berdeen, Right Rev. Wm. Skinner, D. D. Aberdeen. P I sco P A L FRIENDLY Socter Y. oreſ;d. Rt. Rev. Biſhop Glcig. .. Treaſurer, - Secretary, Rev. J. Cruikſhank, M. As A broath. Scors E Scotlán D. * ACADEMICAL AND scientific INSTITUTIONs. UN I V E R S 1 T I E S. ST. AN P R E w”s, founded 1412, Chancel'or, Viſcount Melville. Reeſcr, John Lee, D.D. - UN IT E D Co I, L E G E of St. SAL. v A T OR and ST. Leo Nag D. Principaſ, James Playfair, D.D. - (Profeſſors. Creek, Fenry David Hill, M.A. Logic, James Hunter, LL.D. Aſor Philoſophy, W. Crawford, D.D Aalural Philoſºphy, Tho, Jackſon, LL.D - Humanity, John Hunter, LL.D. Civil Hillory, Rev. William Ferrie. Mathematics, Robert Haldanc, D.D Medicine, Robert Briggs, M.D. Theology, W. Crawford, D.D. 1815. - NE w Co I, L is G F. Principal, Georg Hill, D.D. Profeſſors. J)ivinity, John Cook, D. D. JEccl. Hiſł. John Lee, M. D. . Helrew, Geo. Buiſt, D.D. 1817. GLASGOW, founded 1454. Chancellor Duke of Montroſe. Bord Refior, Rt Hon. Tavid Boyle. JDean of Faculty, John Clonnell,eſq. Principal, William Taylor, D. D. Profeſſors. Divinity, Stevenſon McGill, D.D. Greek, John Young, Civil L. 20, p ($6. Davidſon, D.C.L. JMo al. Phil. James M yºne. Mathem atics, James Millar. Zogic, George Jardine. & Natural Phil. Wm. Meikleham, .D. C. L. Płºm anyty, Jos Walker. M.A. Medicine, Robert Freer, M. D. Natio al Hiſ cry, Lockhart Muirhead, M. A. Anar. * Bot. James Jeffray, M.D. Orient. Languages, Gavin Gibb, D.D. Pračical Afronomy, James Cowper, D. C. L. 1815. Church Hiſory, Wm M“Turk, LL.D. |%emiſtry, Rob. Cleghorn, M.D. 44t. Medica, Richard Miller, M.D. Midwifery, James Towers, M. D. Sargºy, John Burns, M. D. Hunter IAN Museum. | Qfficial Trºfees, Lord Chancellor 1ſt Lord of Treaſury, Chancelior of Exchequer, 1ſt Lord of Admiralty, Speaker of the Houſe of Commons, Secretary at War, Preſident of th: Royal Society, Prefident and cen. ºrs of the College of Phyſicians, Profeſſor of Phyfic and Réader"; Anatomy at Oxford, Regius, Pro- feſſor of Phyſic and Profeſſor of Anatomy at Cambridge. Flefted Truffees, Duke of G Rt Hon. George Roſe, Baillie, M.D. Lord St. Helens, Lord Arden, Sir Charles Blagden, knt. Iſaac Hawkins Browne, eſq. Sir Archibald Macdonald, bart. and *Rt Hon. Charles Long. w rafton, Matthew —-º-º- ABERDEEN, ſounded 1494. K in g’s Co Lt. R s r. |Chancellor, Duke of Gordon. Rector, *James Ferguſon, eſq. Principal, William jack. - Sub-Principal Hugh M*Pherson. Profeſſºrs. Divy, Rev. Dan Mearns, D.D. 18, 5* Civil Law, Alexander Dauney, D.c.i. Medicine, James Bannerman, M. D. Humanity, William Ogilvy, M.A. Greek, Hugh Macpherſon, D.D. Mathematics, John Tulloch, M.A. Nat. Phil. William Paul, M.A.", Moral Phil. Rev. Dan. Dewar, LL.D. Orient. Lang. James Bentley, M.A ** MARischal Col LE GE, 1593, Chancellor, Marquis of Huntly. Keāor, “Charles Forbes, eſq. * * SCK)TLAN D. 3G ſ- Bean of Faculty, Gee. Douglas, esq. Principal and Profeſſor of Divinity Wm L. Brown, D.D. * - Profeſſors. Medicine. Wm. Livingſton, M.D. Oriental Languages, jas. Kidd, LL.D. Greek. John Stuart, D.D. Moral Philoſophy and Logic, Georg Glennie, D.D. - - Nat. Phil. Patrick Copland. - Nat. Hiſt. James Davidſon, M.D. Chemiſtry, George French, M. D. Anatomy, Charles Skene." Mathematics, Rt. Hamilton, LL.D. Aſit. John Cruikſhank, M.A. Civil Law. John Wilde and Alex. Ir- vine, B. C. L. Public Law, Robt. Hamilton, D.C.L. Rhetoric, Andrew Brown, D. D. Botany, Daniel Rutherford, M. D. F.L.S. Materia Med. James Home, M. D. Practice of Phyſic, [ames Gregory J*::::: gº, ſº 30|yo |Chemiſtry, Thomas Charles Hope, M. D. F.L.S. - Anatomy, Alex. Monro, M.D. and Alex. Monro, jun. M. D. Midwifery, James Hamilton, M. B. Military Surgery, Jn Thomſon, M.D. Medical Juriſprudence and Police, -- EDINBURGH, founded 1582. Patron, The Town Cou Nc 11. Principal, George Baird, D. D. . . Profeſſors. Divinity, Willian Ritchie, D.D. Hebrew, Alex. Brunton, D.D. church Hiſ, Hugh Micklejohn, D.D. Lºgic, David Ritchie, D.D. Greek, George Dunbar, M. A. Humanity, Alex. Chriſtiſon, M.A. Mathematics John Leſlie, M.A. Moral Phil. Thomas Brown, M.D. Nat. Pbil. John Playfair, F. R. S. Univ. Hiſ. Wm Fraſer Tytler. Scotch Law, Dav. Hume, LL.D. Andrew Duncan, jun. M. D. Nat. Hiſt. Robert Jameſon, F. L. S. Aftronomy, Robert Blair, D. D. |4griculture, Andrew Coventry, LL.D. Phyſiology, Andrew Duncan, M.D. Clinical Le:Furer, James Ruſſell. Librarian, And. Duncan, jun. M. D. *::::: §if the Muſeum, Robert Jameſon F.L.S. - Botanic Gardener, Jn Mackay, F.L.S. Hiſ G HSc Hoo Loſed 1 NB U R G H,1519. Rector, James Pillans, M.A. . Maſters, Wm Ritchie, Alex R. Car. ſon, James Gray, and George Ir. VIIle, - . hºriting-Maffer, Andrew M*Kean. Roy AL Col. L E G E of PHY s 1 c 1ANs. + Profeſſors in the Univerſity. || Electors. Preſident, + || Dr.T.C.Hope, F.L.S. vice-Preſ. t \| Dr. Jas Hamilton, jun, Fellows. + Dr. Alexander Monro, ſen. Dr. William Shippen, Pbiladelphia + || Dr. Alex. Duncan, ſen. CEN so R. Dr. James Hamilton, ſen. * + || Dr. Daniel Rutherford, CEN sor. + Dr. James Gregory, F.L.S. Dr. A. B. Beerenbrock, Antwerp. Dr. William Wright. I}r. James Hamilton, Sec. London. Dr. john Lind, Portſmouth. |t| Dr. James Home. Dr. Robert Stevenſon, Newcaſtle. Di John Marſhall, Lynn Regis. - Dr. James Wood, Perth. Dr James Campbell, Calcutta. Dr. Henry Maclagan. - Dr. Robert Freer, Glaſgow. |Dr. Thomas Spens, TREASUREr. Dr. Patrick Baron Seton. +| Dr. Charles Stuart. Dr. James Clerke, Dominica. . Dr. George Wilſon, Virginia. Dr. William Moncrieffe, Briſtol. HDr. Thomas flºº, Leiceſters h. *- 362 SCOTLAND. Dr. John Yule. Tr. Joſeph Fox, London. . . Dr. James Macdonnell, Belfaſt. Dr. Alex. Macdonald, Taunton. Dr. A. Ph. Wilſon, Worceffer. Dr. James Buchan, Yamaica. Dr. James Gaſking, Plymouth. Dr. Alex. Stewart, Perfb. - Sir Walter Farquhar, bt. London. Dr. J. H. Cooper, Stamford. Dr. George Dickſon. r +Dr. Andrew Duncan, jun. FiscAL. Dr. Andrew Keltie, Perth. +Dr. Alexander Monro, jun. Sec. Dr. Colin Lauder. Dr. George Gavin Browne Mill, Bath Sir Alexander Wilſon, kt. Bath. Dr. Matthew Poole, Ireland. Dr. Thomas Jamieſon, Cheltenham. Dr. Wm Kennedy, Inverneſs. Dr. Nicolas Romayne, New York. Dr. Alex. Morriſon. Dr. Oſwald Hunter, Bengal/. Dr. William Dick, London, ... Dr. Walter Franklifi, London. Dr. Robert Foxley, Mancheſter. Dr. John Gray. Dr. Samuel Macdowall. +Dr. Thomas Brown. # Dr. Alex, Mackenzie, Madraſs. Dr. John Barclay. - Dr. James Mac Grigor, Portſmouth. Dr. Wm. Gourlay, Madeira. . Dr. John Henry Davidſon. | Dr. | | Dr | L) r Dr. W Pr. J. P. Johnſon, Shrewſbury. Henry Hardie, #1ancheſter. Dr. James Anderſon. • David Daniel Davies, Sheffiel • John Bigsby, Nottingham. º • Wm. Elford Leach, London. di. 1)r Win. Ferguson, Portugal. William Pulteney Alison. Dr. Alex. M“Larty, Jamaica. Dr. Benj. Bartlett Buchanan. Dr. John Warrock Pursell. Dr. John Clark. . Dr. William Maxton. Dr. John Williamſon. Dr. Samuel Ferguson. Dr. Robert Briggs, St. Andrew’s. Dr. John Bower. - . . Dr. Benjamin Lara, - Dr. George Magrath, Plymouth. Dr. William Beaty, Plymouth-dock. Dr. * Dr. Henry Dewar. Dr. Anthony Lindſay. Dr. James. Murdoch. Dr. Andrew Nicoll, Dr. John Murray. Dr. George Dryſdale. . Dr. D. J. H. Dickſon, F.L.S. Clifton. * Licentiates, Dr. James Sanders, Dr. John Thomſon, Dr. John Th and Dr. Henry Evans Holde ... . . Honorary Fellows. Sir Joſeph Banks, bt. Pr. J. Rogerſon, Peterſburgh. atcher, F. Dr. Alex. Wylie, LiskAR Ian. Dr. Adam. Burt, Bengall. Dr. John Cheyne, Dublin. Dr. James Muttlebury, jamaica. "Roxa. CoLLEGE of Su R G EoN s. Preſident, James Bryce, eſq. Treaſurer, William Brown, eſq. Framinators, George Bell, William Newbigging, , , George Kellie, Thomas Lothian, John Aber-f cromby, William Wood, John Hy. V j - Keith, David. Hay, Adolphus M. Roſs, and John Gairdner, esqrs, Gerk, Wm. Balderſton, eſq. W.S. Royal Ac Apamy 2. 1766. - Patron, The King. . - Maſter, Lieut. Col, Latham. : Wishart, Joseph Bell, James Dr. A. G. Richter, Gottingen. Dr. J. G. Walter, Berlin." Pr. Edw. Jenner; London. Dr. Math. Baillié, London. Clerk, Alex. Boſwell, eſq. W. S. Pep. Maſier, AMr. Roſſignol. - Secretaries, Tho. Cranſion, and Geo. Veitch, eſqrs. W. S. s Royal Society—1783. Preſ. Sin James Hall, .bt. ºrce-Preſ, Lord Gray&id. Glenlee. Secretary, John Playfair, eſq. . . . Tºſurer, James Bonar, eſq. Librarian, Thomas Allan, esq. Phyſical Gaſ.3 President, Sir Geo. Mackenzie, bt. Secretary, T. C. Hope, M.D. F.L.S., * SCOTLA #13; - 363 Founsellors, Sir Wim Forbes,bt. And. Coventry, . L. L. D. John Leſlie, M.A. Lord Webb Seymour, Frvin, esq. Robt. Jameson, F.L.S. ºlerary Claſs. President, Henry MacKenzie, esq. Secretary, Thomas Thomson, esq. Counsellors, Thos. Brown, M.D. Wm Arhuthnot, eſq., James Pillans, eſq. Geo. Dunbar, M.A. T. M. Knight, D. D. A. Alison, D.C.L. * Sv c 1 ET Y of ANT1 qu A R1Es–178o. Preſident, Lord Dundas. Vice-Preſidents, Alex. Keith. John Gfaham Dalyell, eſprs. Rt. Hon. Robe, t Dundus. - Treaſurer, Robt. S. Moncrieff, jun. - wºr- —wr-v- - - —w- REVENUE D TAx-QF F 1 c F. - comptroller, Henry Mackenzie, eſq. - - | Agent at London, Robt. Mitford, eſł. Affiftant, Jam' s Mackenzie, eſq. Surveyor, Thomas Campbell, esq. Collectors,. Peter Hill, eſq. Sir James;, &. Baird, bt. and Jas ſytler, eſq. Solicitor, Henry Jardine, ell. • . *. EPARTMENT. Secretaries, John Jamieson, D.D. and Alex. Smellie, esq. Latin Secretary, james Cririe, esq. French Sec. Alex. Drummond, esq. Gaeli: Sec. John Campbell, eſq. For eign Sec. Alex. Bruñton, D. D. Superintendant of Natural Hiſtory, J. G. Dalyell, eſq. . HoRºticulturAl Society, 1810. Preſident, Earl of Wemyſs. Vice Preſidents, And. Duncan, M.D. Henry Jardyne, Geo. Bruce, and John Wauchcpe, eſqrs. Secretaries, Mr. Tho. 1)ickſon, Mr. Patrick Neil. - Sherint.cndùnt of Experiments, Mr. John Fletcher. - ‘. . ** | Inſpector of Incidents, John Black- wood. - * * * * * * H Excise Of Frc E. Chairman, - Woodbine Parish, eſq. F. A. S. 12 oc/. - Bo A R D of CU S to Ms. Chairman, Edward Earl, eſq. 12 ocl. Commiſſioners, Henry Veitch, Alex- ander Oſborn, L. H. Terrier, Tho- mas Bruce, eſqrs. 8ocl. . Secretary, Mathew Pemberton, eſaſ Receiver Gene al, Jn Campbell, efg. Deputy, James Hamilton, Solicitors, John Menzies, Dinning, eſqrs. Affiftant-Solicitor, H. Warrender, eſq. Surveyors General for Scotland, G. Cuningham and J. Weſtgarth. and John Inſpektor General of Imports and Ex-f- ports, Alex. Cleghorn, eſq. cºmptroller general, Earl of Leven. . Affi/fant, George Examiners of Cuſto Mill, eſqrs. - Inſpektor of Seiſures, Francis An- Gardner, eſq. derſon, ms, Alex. Will, Jnſ His 2 Commiſſioners, Fred. Fothringham,eſq. Jas Jackſon, eſq. Sam. Roſe, erº. and Jn. Dougias, eſq.8ool. Sec. James Bruce, eſq. Sºlicitors, Jn. Gleed, Jas. Bonar, eſqrs. Ǻſhier, #Rt Hon. Sir Jn Sinclair, bt. Deputy, Hugh Broughton, ef). Accomplant-Gen, Jas. Dundas, and, Jas. Hamilton, eſqrs. * Comptroller, Rich Wharton Duff, eſq Auditor, John Philip Wood, eſq. . Gen. Examiner, jas. Fletcher, eſq. .3'gent, Donald Horne, eſq. 2 ool. Agent at London, It ob. Mitford, eſs, GENERAL Post-Off ic E. Poſt-Maſter-General, Earl of Caith. IYC i S. - . . . . - . Secretary, Wm Kerr, eſq. Solicitor, James Robertſon, eſq. decomptant, Charles Buchan, eſq. * g . . . * x 364 SGOTLANr), Surveyors, Fran. Ronaldſon and James. Shearer, eſqrs. Inſpector of dead and mis-ſent Letters, George Maſon. ... Cl, of the Engliſh Road, John Laws. Cl. of the Weſt Road, Fra. Gibſon, &I. of the North Road, Rob. Young, Robert Anderſon. . St AM P-OFF I c E. . Head Diffributor and Colleior, Robert. Hepburne, eſq. Deputy, John Gray, eſq. | Clerks, And. Plimer, William Young, and John White. - Comptroller, Thos: Pender, eſq. Diffributor for Edinburgh and Leith, Mr. James Bailie. Solicitor, James Bremmer, eſq. Inſpector, James Waddell. comMERCIAL INSTITUTIONs. Cony ENT to N of Royal Boroughs, I 552. - Frºſes, Lord Provoſt of Edinburgh, Clerks, Charles Cunningham, Car- lyle Bell, eſqrs. Agent at Edinb. John Irving. Agent at J.ondon, Tho. Langlands. Conſervator of Scots Privileges at Campvere, James C. M“Leod, eſq | BoAR n of TRUs Te Es, for Fiſke, tes, Manufactures, and 1mprovements in Sco T L A N D, 1727. buke of Buccleuch, Duke of Athol, | Earl of Leven, Earl of Caithneſs, Marquis of Douglas, Viſ. Mel- ville, Lord President of the Court of Seſsion, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Lord JuſticeClerk, Lord Glenlee, Lord Pitmilly, Baron Clerk, Rt Hon. Wm. Adam, Lord || Regiſter, Hon. G. Abel crombie, Sir Wim Honyman, bart. Sir Pat Murray, bt. Rt HonSir Jn. Sinclair, bart. Sir James Montgomery, bart. Sir John Hay, bart. Sir A. M McKenzie, bart. Sir Win Forbes, bart. Jn. Campbell, eſq. Gilbert Innes, eſq. Adam Rolland, eſq. Alex. Houston, eſq. Alex. Oſborne, eſq. . Nº. sºao, Wm Arbuthnot, efg. Principal Clerk, Geo. Thomſon, eſq. Accountant, J. Stuart, eſq. BANK of Sco T LAN D, 1995. Governor, Viſc. Melville. Dep. Gov. Adam Rolland, eſq. o, Aimary Direáiors, Rob. Dundas,esq. And. Bonar, eſq. Jas. Hope, eſq. Peter Wood, esq. Jas. Walker, efg. --~~~~ * Sir John Marjoribanks bart., James Thompſon, eſq. William Arbuthnot, eſq. Geo. Kinnear, eſq. and Walter Watſon, eſq. Wm. Ca, dell, eſq. David Wemys, eſq. Extraordinary Directors, Duke , of Montroſe, Duke of Roxburghe. Marquis of Douglas, Earl of Kellie, Farſ of Glaſgow, Sir David Dundas, Alex. Keith, esq.' Alex. C. M. Gibson, eſq. Lord Balgray, James Cheap, eſq. Wm. Johnſton, eſq. William Donaldſon, eſq., Treaſurer, Robert Forreſter. Secretary, George Sandy. Accom/itant, ſames Marſhall. ROY AL BAN K, 1727. Governor, Duke of Buccleuch. Deputy-Governor Gilbert Innes, eſq. * Ordinary Directors, Hugh Warrender, Alexander Bonar, Alexai, der Duncan, James Bruce, Jas Ferrier, eſqrs, Sir Wim Rae, bt. Hy Jardyne, Jn Corſe Scott, & Chas Selkrig, eſqrs. - - Extraordinary Dire∨, Henry Erſkine, Peter Free, Sir George B. Hepburn, bt. Henry Glaſsford, James Hopkirk, John Tawſe, John Campbell, Wm Scott Moncrief, Thos Allan, & Wm Ramſay, eſqrs. Caſhiers, William Mitchell. . - Accomptint, John Stirling. Secretary, Andrew Bogle. Bs it is H Li N EN Co M P ANY, 1746. Gov. Earl of Northeſk, G.C.B. Deputy-Gº'. *Sir Ja. Montgomery, bt. SCOTLAND. £6%. Direáiors, Dep.-Chairment, Eben. Gilchriſt and John Hunter, esq. Sir William Fet- Alexander Henderſon, esqrs. tes, bt. Lord Alloway, Adam Mait- Treaſurer, Robert Alian, eſq. land, eſq. and Thos. Corrie, eſq. Manager, Ebenezer Gilchriſt. Secretary, william Henderſon. - 4ccomptants, Wm. Baillie, Jas. Gentle CHAMBER of CoMMÉRice, 17 St. Chairman, Thomas Allan, eſq. - Secretaries, Meſſrs. Dav. Steuart an Alex. Wight. : : Auditors, Jas. Hill, Jas. Haig, Alex. Cowan, Will. Gilehriſt, and Wm. | Henderſon, eſqrs. -. -- - - - -- ºm & . - * * : • . * MiscELLANEOUS INSTITUTIONS. G R A N p Lo D G E of F# E E-MA so N s. Grand Maſer and Patron, The Prince REGENT, - - Aéïing Grand Maffer,"Sir J. Majori- banks, bart. , - - Gd Maſier Dipute, Marq. of T weedale. Subſtitute G and Maſter, Wm Inglis, , eſq. * * c. Wardens, Dav. A. Blair, eſq. Jóhn Hay, eſq. . . . Chaplain, John Lee, D, D. Treaſere, Sir John Hay, bart. Secretary, Alex. Lawrie, eſq. H G H LAND Soc ET Y., 1784. Preſident, Duke of Buccleuch. Vice-Preſidents, Marq. of Lothian, Earl of Wemys, Earl Gower, Lord Douglas. . . . . . . .” Tº eaſterer, Gilbert Innes, eſq. * Sécretary, Ranald Macdonald, eſq. Auditor, Rob. Wilson, eſq. Chaplain, Geo Baird, D. D. Recorder and Clerk, Mr. C. Gordon. Translator of the Gaelic, Mr. John Campbell. Medaliſ, James Mackay. Roy AL IN F I R MARY, 1738. Preſident, The Lord Provoſt. Managers, Dr. Monro, Sir William Forbes, bt. Gilbert Innes, eſq, Au. * - Wood, eſq. Jn. Wauchope, eſq., Dr. Davidſon, George Wood, eſq. Ld Preſident, 1}r. Rutherford, Sam. Anderſon, eſq. Baron Clerk, Dr. J. Hope. . . . . . . . Phyſicians, Dr. James Tho. Spens. * Hamil tº Dr. 4:/ending Surgeons, Jas. Law, Geo. Bell, Wm. Newbigging, Jas. Rui- - ſell, Wm. Wood, Alex, Gilleſpie, eſqrses , Kº h 3 I reaſurer, Henry Jardine, eſq. Chaplain, Rev. Jas. Porteous. Clerk, Alex. Boswell, W. S. PU B L 1 c Dise E N sa R Y, 1776. Preſident, D. of Montroſe, K.G. Vice-Préſidents, Earl of Lauderdale, Hon. H. Erſkine, Adam Rolland, Marq. of Haftings, *Wm Dundas, Sir John Sinclair, bt. Earl of Leven and Earl of Wemys, :* Treaſurer, Geo. Kinnear. Secretar y, Wm Inglis, efg. , #792. LY IN G-1 N-Hospit Al K. P. Earl of Leven, Sir John Sinclair, bt., Alex. Munro, M.D. and Dr. Davidſon. . . . Phyſician, J. Hamilton, M.D. Phyſician extra, Dr. C. Stuart. Treaſurer, Arch. Mackinlay, esq. - w UM, 1797. Preſident, The Lord Provoſt. Vice-Preſidents, Rev. James Peddie, Rev. D. Dickſon, W. Buchanan, MAG DAL E N E Asy L Geo. Roſs, Wm. Murray, efºrs, Treaſurer, John Waugh, eſq. Phyſician, jas. Anderſon, M.D.3% - - & ; : \ Surgeon, James Abercrombie, eſq. Sec. Rev. W. Taite & Dav Niven, ſq. IN 5 US T R io Us BL IND so- C I ETY... Preſident, Duke of Buccleugh. . . Pice Preſ. Earl of Leven, John F. Erſkine; eſq . . Treaſurer, Sir John Hay, bt. ecretaries, David Johnſton, D.D. and Rob. Johnſton, eſq. . . Surgeon, George Bell, eſq. • ...' ( ses. -) Lord lieut.-Gen. and GEN en Al Gover Nos. His Excellenty #CH A R Les Chetwyn D. EARL TAL Bo F, Grand Moffer of the Order of St. PAT arck, 30,000l. a year. } The King's Moff Honourable Paiv tº Lord Primate. Archbiſhop of Dublin. # Lord Chancellor. Archbiſhop of Caſhell. Archbiſhop of Tuam. / Earl of Roden, K.P. - Marq. of Ely, K.P. Marq. of Ormonde. Marq. of Londonderry. # Duke of Welkington, K.G. &. G.C.B. Marq. of Abercorn, K.G. Marq. of Waterford, K.P. Marq. of Donegall, Marq, of Drogheda, K.P., & Marq.Welleſley, K.G. Marq. of Thomond, KP. Marq. of Sligo, K.P. *Earl of Harrington, - Parl of Granard. Earl of Shannon. Earl of Roſſe. Earl of Hoptoun. #Earl Cathcart, K.T. # * Viſct. Caſtlereagh. Ld Henry Fitzgerald. - Viſct. Carleton. #Viſct. Melville. Viſet. Frankfort. . . . - | Visct. Gart. $Marq.of Hertford, K.G. Biſhop of Meath. Biſhop of Kildare. * Lord Grenville. Lord Muſkerry. & Lord St. Helens. Lord Tyrawly. | Lord Caſtlecoote. Lord Tara. | #Lord Glenbervie. Lord Norbury, Lord Chief. Juſtice of the Commºn Pleas. #Lerd Redeſdale. Lord Caſtlemaine. | #I,ord Colcheſter, Earl of Carhampton. Earl of Mayo. Earl of Anneſley. Earl of Erne. *Earl of Carysfort, K.P. Earl of Wicklow. Earl O’Neil, K.P. *Earlof Donoughmore | *Earl of Chicheſter. Earl of Limerick, #Earl of Clancarty, G.C.B. . " ##John Foſter. ** Hon. Robert Ward. .* *Hon. Denis Browne. Hon. George Knox. Hon. T. Iſ Foſter. William Downcs, Lord Chief Juſtice of the Maſter of the Rolls Bachequer. King's Bench. i Sir Wm. MI* Mahon, bt. W. Standiſh O'Grady, Lord! Chief Baron of thef: * Y Co UN c1 L. . $*Sir Geo. F. Hill, t-ti Pīce-Treasurer of I, eland. - #*Sir John Newport, bart. Sir John Stewart, bt. *Sir Evan Nepean, bt. **Hon. Wm. Welleſley Pole. z Gen. Sir Geo. Hewett, bt. Commander of the Forces. - Henry King. James Fitzgerald.’ Sackville Hamilton. Saint George Daly. *Maurice Fitzgerald. . John Ormſby Vandeleur. John Staples. , - - #William Wickham *Charles Long. *W.Conyngham Plunket, ## William Elliott. *Denis Bowes. Daly John Philpot Curran. * Henry Grattan. William Shurin, Attor- ney-General. - *William Bagwell. *John Maxwell Barry. **William Veſey Fitz-, gerald, Chan ellor -o/ the Exchequer. #*Robert Peel, Chief. Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant. #Nicholas Vanſittart, Kº, V . . . º, . Clerk of the Trivy Council, Viſcount clifien. - - Deputies, John Pattickſon, John Ebbs, and John M'Kay, eſqrs. tre+.A.N.D. - $67 The PEERS of 1RELAND. - - s Blood Ro YA L. (5. ) . - . It!. 1784. Now. 27. #Prince Frederick, Earl. of Uliter, K. G. & G. C. B. (Duke of York of Great Britain.) n. - 1789. May 19. §Prince William Henry, Earl of Munſter, K. G. & K. T. (Duke of Clarence of Great Britain.) 8. - - 1799. April 23. #Prince Edward, Earl of Dublin, K.G. & K. P. (Duke of Kent of Great Rritain.) b. . - 1799. April 23. *Prince Erneſt Auguſtus, Earl of Armagh, K. G. (Duke. of Cumberland of Great Britain.) m. - - 1764. Nov. 14. § His Highneſs William, Frederick, Earl of Connaught, K. G. (Duke of Glouceſter of Great Britain.) m. - . . . . . . . . D u k g . • - &zo. III. 766. Nov. 16. Auguſtus Frederick Fitzgerald, Duke of Lein- iter, Marquis of Kildare, premier Peer, Marquis, and Earl, of Ireland, a governor of the county of Kildare. (Viſconnt Leinſter of Great Bri- tain.) [Carton-Houſe, Kildare.] b. - - M A R. Qiu is E. s. (12.) - - Özg. III. 1789. Ag. 19. Henry Dela. Poer Beresford, Marquis of Water ford, Earl of Tyrone. (Lord Tyrone of Great Britain,), K. P. [Curragh- more-Houſe, Waterford.] m. - 1789 Aug. 19. Arthur-Blundeli-Sandys-Trumbal Hill, Marquis of Downſhire, Earl of Hilſborough, hereditary Conſtable of Hilſborough-Fort. D.C.L. (Earl of Hillborough of Great Britain.) [Hilſborough-caffle, Downſhire.] m. - 1791, june 27, George Auguſtus Chicheſter, Marquis of Donegall, Earl of Belfaſt. (Lord Fiſherwic of Great Britain.) [Ormeau, near Belfaſt, Antrim.] m. - - ºf 91. june 27. Charles Moore, Marquis of Drogheda, Viſcount Moore (Lord Moore of the United Kingdom.) K. P. [Moore-Abbey, Áildare.] ‘ūy. • - - - 1799. Dec. 2. #Richard Colley Welleſley, Marquis Welleſley, Earl of • Mornington. (Ld Welleſley of Great Britain.) K.G. K.C. K.S.L. & D.C.L. [Tram-Caſtle, Meath..] w. - 18co. Dec. 29. § William O'Bryen, Marquis of Thomond; Earl of Inchi- quin, a Privy Counſellor in Ireland, a Governor of the County of Cork, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, K. P. [Roſtellan-caſus, Cork.] m. - * •. 18oo. Dec. 29. §Thomas Taylour, Marquis of Headfort, Earl of Bećtive, a Governor of the County of Meath, a Lord of the King's Bedcham- ber, K. P., & F.S.A.. [Headfort-Houſe, Meath.] m. . 18oo. Dec. 29. Howe Peter Browne, Marquis of Sligo, Earl of Altamont, a Privy Counſelor in Ireland. (Lord Monteagle of the United Kingdom.) K.P. [JWeſtport-Houſe, Mayo.] m. - , - 1800. Dec. 25. John Loftus, Marquis of Ely, Viſcount Loftus. (Lord Loftus of the United Kingdom.). K.P. & D.C.L. Ruthfarnham-Caſtle publin; Ely-Caſtle, Fermanagh; and Loftus-Hall, Wexford.] ... J . 3Regentp, 1816. Jan. 22. Walter Butler, Marquis of Ormonde, Éarl of Öſſory, honorary chief Butler of Ireland, K. P. & F. S. A. (Lord Butler of the United Kingdom.) [Kilkenny Caſtle..] m. - 1816. Jan. 22. §Robert Stewart, Marquis of Londonderry, Viſcount- - Caſtlereagh, a Gov. and Cuſt. Rot. of the Counties of Londonder and Down, a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture, and a Privy Counſelor. in Ireland. M.R.I.A.. [Mount-Stewart, Downſhire, and Ballylau. Caſtle, Donegall.] m. - * - - - . 1816. Junº.22 $#enry Burton Conyngham, Marqais Conyngham, Earl of Mount-Charles, a Lieut.-Generai, Cuſtos Rotulorum ºf the County of Clare, Governor of the County of Donegall, and a Truſtee of the Linen- Manufacture, K. P. & M.R.I.A. [Slane-caſ'/e, Lºuth.] m. - .** E A R L. s. (76. - #ell. YH1 tº 3. July 1. IUlick John De Burgh, Earl of Clanricarde, Lord punkellin. [Portumna-Caſtle, Galway.] A. - . . . . 3atil. I, 1623. Oct. 26. Edmund Boyle, Earl of Cork and Orrery, Viſcount Dungarvan. (Lord Boyle of Great Britain). m. - ... *, * 1621. Sept. 4- George Thos. John Nugent, Earl of Weſtmeath, Lord'Eel. vin, a Governor of the County, of Weſtmeath, [Caſtletown-Delvin, Heſtmeath..] m. * . . . . . 1622. Aug. 5; Il Michael James Robert Dillon, Earl of Roſcommon, Lord Kilkenny-AWeſt - - - 1622. Nov. 22. |Bafil Percy Fielding, Earl of Deſmond, Viſcount Callanº (Earl of Denbigh in England.) b. . . . . - .. «Iba. I. April 16. 1627. John Brabazon, Earl of Meath, Lord Ardee, Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Wicklow. [Kilruddery Houſe, Hºlclow, and Ectºn Cºurſ, Herefordshire.] m - - - 1628. Feb. 23. Henry Barry, Earl of Barrymore, Vi’count Buttevant, Pre- mier Viſcount of Ireland. m. - * 1628. Sept. 26. # Arthur James Plunkett, Earl of Fingalſ, Lord Killeen, a Viſitor and Truſtee of the Royal College of . St. Patrick, Maynooth. EKil- leen-Caſtle, Meath.] m. - . . . 1647.-April 30. Richard Ford William Lambart, Earſ of Cavan, Viſcount. Kilcourſe, a General, Governor of Calſhot-Caſtle. and Colonel of the 58th regiment, K.C.. [Eaglehºff-Hºuse, Hampſhire.] m. - Tba. II. 1661. :Charles Talbot, Earl of Waterford and Wexford, Lord Talbot. (Earl of Sbrewſbury in Engländ.) m. - , - 1684. Dec. 30. George. Forbes, Earl of Granard, Viſcount Forbes. Clerk of the Hanaper, (Lord Granard of the United Kingdom.) ºn. . . . ălbiſſ. III. 1691. Mar. A. Ryman Diederick’. Jäcob de Ginkell, Earl of Athlone, Lord Aghrim, a Lieutenant General in the Army, b. *. &za. I. 1717. Yuly 2... : William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Farl Fitzwil- liam, Viſcount Milton. (Earl Fitzwilliam of Great Britain.) D. G. L. 7%, - -. . . . . . . . . . - 1722. Jan. 17. Francis Thomas Fitzmaurice, Eart of Kerry, Viſcount Clan- maurice, a Governor of the County of Kerry. w. . . . - 1725, june 29. John Bligh, Earl of Darnley, Lord Clifton, (Lord Clifton, in England.) D. C. L. [Cobham-Hall, Ken/.] m. & 20. II. 1733. Nov. 6. John James Perceval, Earl of Egmont, Viſcount Perceval, (Lord Lovel and Holland of Great. Britain.) m. . 1739. Oct. 6. Frederick Ponſonby, Earl of Beſborough, Viſcount Duncannon. (Lord Ponſonby of Great Britain). [Beſborough-Houſe, Kilkenny, and Syſonby, Leiceſte'ſ ire.J. m. . . . * : - ; . . . . 1748. june ſo. Somerset Richard Butler, Earl of Carrick, Viſcount Ikerrine [Mount juliet, Kilkennys] m. . . . - - - - 1751. Oct. 3. John Fitzpatrick, Earl of Upper-Oſſory, Lord Gowran. (Lord - Upper-Oſſory of Great Britain.) [Ampthil-Park, Bedfordſhire.] w.' 1753. June 26. #Henry Petty, Earl of Shelburne, Viſcount Fitzmau- rice. (Marquis of Lanſdown of Great Britain.) [Bow-Wood, Wilts.] m. 1756. April 17. Henry Boyle, Earl of Shannon, Viſcount Boyle, (Lord. Carleton of Great Britain.) K.P. [Caſtle-Martyr, Cork.] m. 1756. july 20, Brinſley Butler, Earl of Laneſborqugh, Lord'Newtowns. [Belvidere-Houſe, Hºeſtmeath..] b. . . . . . . . . HRELAN D. - 360 *śjr 4-ril 26, , James Duff, Earl of Fife, Viſcount Macduff, Lord Lieutenant of Bamfſh re. [Duff-Houſe, and Balvenie-Caſtle. Bºtaf- shire;. Iones-Horſe, Moray; Mar. Lodge and Delgary-ºaſtle, 49erdeen- shire.j w. - ^. * - r?6o. O&#. 3. George James Ludlow, Earl Lullow, Viſcount Preſton, a General, Colonel of the 38th Regiment, and Lieutenant-Governor of Berwick, G.C.B. [Ardſalla, Meath..] b. ‘bed. III. 1761. May 1. John Delaval Carpenter, Earl of Tyrconnel, Viſ- Count Carlingford. J. - r? 62, jan. 30. #Francis Rawdon Haſtings, Earl of Moira, Lord Rawdor- ( Marq, of Haſtings of the United Ringdon.) m. - * *73° 4Pril 12. Arthur Saunders Gore, Earl of Arran, Viſcount Sudley • _{Saunders-Court, Wexford, and Heron Hall, Eſſex.] m. * *72%. 3pril 12, § James George Stopford, Earl of Courtown, Viſcount Stopford, (Lord Saltersford of Great Britain.) [Courtown, Wexford, .* Beate-Hall, Cheſhire.] m. *753. May 10, Joſeph Leeſon, Earl of Milltown, Viſcount Ruſborough- [8wſºoroºgh-Houſe, PWielow.] b. - • ‘T 1763, Dec. 23. § Francis William Caulfeild, Earl of Charlemont, V. Caul- feild, a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture, M.R.I.A.. [Marino, near Dublin, and Caſtle-Caulfeild, Tyrone..] m. - *7%. Feb. 11. John Savile, Earl of Mexborough, Viſcount Pollington, £Met bley-Hall, 2%rkſhire.] m. - ; 1796; Feb. 12. Edward Garth Turnour, Earl of Winterton, Viſcount Turbour, ... [Shillinglee-Park, Surrey.] m. - . 1797. Sept. 3. . William Saint-Lawrance, Earl of Howth, Wiſcount St. Hºwrance. [Howth-Caſtle, Dublin.] ºn. - - - - 1768. Aug. 25. §George King, Earl of Kingſton, Wiſcount Kingſborough. [Mitcheſtowt-Caſtle, Cork. 1 m. - *774. Nº. 32. " Willian, Philip Molyneux, Earl of Sefton, Viſc. Molyneux. |Grºteth-Hall, Lancaſhire.] m. `, *771. Dec. I, § Robert Jocelyn, Earl of Roden, V Jocelyn, Cut. Rot. of the County of Louth, joint Auditor General of the Exchequer, and a Privy Øounſelor in Ireland, K. P. [Hide Hall, Herts; Tollymore Park, Down- Jère, and Dundalk-Houſe, Louth.] m » 1776. july 16. Wilmot Vaughan, Earl of Liſburne, Lord Vaughan. [Liſ- burne-Houſe, Devonſhire, and Croſſwood, Cardiganſhire.] b: g #776. jaſy to. ||Richard Meade, Earl of Clanwilliam, Lord Gilford. [Li - Jane, Tipperary.] b. . - 1779. Jºly 21. Richard Grenville Chandos Temple, Earl Nugent. (Marquis of Buckingham of Great Br.tain.) ºn, - - 1777. Feb. 9. John Stratford, Earl of Aldborough, Lord Baltinglaſs, a Governor of the County of Wicklow. [Belan-Hall, Kildare, we 1781. Jan. 5. §Stephen Moore, Earl of Mountca.hel, Lord Kilworth. [..M.v. e- Park, Cork a “d Gilgorn-Caſtle, Antrim.] 2n. 1785. jane 20. §Thomas Pakenham, Earl of Lon Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Weſtmeath, K.P. Weſtmeath, and Longford-Caſtle, Longford..] m. - 1785. june 2 ſ. John Dawſon, Earl of Portarlington, Viſcount Carlow, a Colouel in the Army. [End-Pa. ic, Queen's County. ] w. 1785. June 22. §John James Maxwell, Earl of Farnham, Viſcount Maxwell, a Governor of the County of Cavan, [Farnham, Cavan.] *W. 1785. June 23, *Henry-Lawes Luttrell, Ears of Carhampton, Lord Irnham, gford, Lord Pakenham, [Pakenham-Hall, 37.6’ IRELANE, à Privy Counſelor in Ireland, Governor and Cuſt Rot. cf. the Count; of Dublin, Patent - Cuſtomer at Briſtol, a General, and Colonel of the 6th Regiment of Dragoon-Guards. [Paine's Hill, Surrey.] m. 785. Jane 24. § ſohn Bourke, Earl of Mayo, Lord Naas, a Privy Coun: ſelor in Ireland, D.C.L. [Palmerſton-liouſe, Kildare.] m. . . . 1789. Aug. 18, Richard Anneſley, Earl Anneſley, Viſcount Glerawly. a Privy Counſellor in Iceland, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture. [Cºſtlewel'an, Downſhire.] ..w, " . . . , e - - 1739. Aug. 18. §John Willoughby Cole, Earl of Enniſkillen, Lord Mount- florence, (Lord Grinstead of the United Kingdom,) K.P. [Florence- Court, Fermanaghſhire.j zv. - - ". 1789. Aug. 18. § John Creighton, Earl of Erne, Viſcount Creighton, a Governor of Fermanagh, and a Privy Counſelor it, Ireland. [Crum- Caſtle, Fermanagh.] m. , . . . . . - 1789. Aug. 18. § Jöhn Joſhua Proby, Earl of Carysfort, Lord Proby, (Lord Carysfort of the United Kingdom.) K.P.F.R.S. D.C.L. F.S.A. & M.R.I.A.. [Elton-Hail, Huntingdonshire, and Carysfort, PWiclow.] m. 1791. Dec. 20. Edmund Butler, Earl of Kilkenny, Viſcount Mountgarret. [Ballyconra, Kilkenny J m. , - - N 1793. Dec. 20. George Anneiley, Earl of Mountnorris, Viſcount Valentia, a Governor of the County of v. exford. (Premier Baronet.) [Camolia- Park, Welford, and Arley Hill, Staffordſhire], . w 1793. Dec. 20. *John Otway Cuffe, Earl of Deſart, Viſcount Caſtle-Cuffe. ... [Deſart, Kilkenny..] m. . . . - - 1793. Dec. 20. Thomas Scott, Earl of Clonmell, Lord Earlsfort. [Thorſley- Park, Warwickſhire.] m. * - , . . . . 1793, Dec. 20. Wm. Howard, Earl of Wicklow, Lord Clonmore, a Privy Counſellor in Ireland. (Shelton-Howſe, Wicklow, and Castle Forward; Donacgal.) b. . . . . . - . . 1795. june ro, John. Fitzgibbon, Earl of Clare, Viſcount Fitzgibbon. (Lord Fitzgibbon of Great Buitain.) [Mount-Shannon, Limeric..] b. 1795. Oct. 6. Nathanic]. Clements, Earl of leitrim, Viſcourt Clements, Xuſt. Rot, of the Counties of Leitrim and Donegal, a Truſtee of the Li- 'nen Manufacture, and Port Searcher at Dublin, [Killadoon, Kildare.] tº. 1795. Oct. 6. §Richard Bingham, Earl of Lucan, Lord Bingham. [Laleham, Middleſe v.] m. - - . . 1797. Nov. 14. Somerſet Lowry Corry, Earl of Belmore, Viſcount Corry, a Governor of the County of ſyrone, and a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufac: ture. LCaſle-'ooſe, Fermanaghſhire.] m. . 1797. Nov. 14. Francis james Mathew, Earl of Landaff, Wiſcounc Mathew. [Thomaſtown-House; 'Tiſperary.J. m. t - . . . . 1860. Aug. 7. §Charles Henry. Saint-John O'Neil, Eart O’Neil, Viſcount Raymond, a Privy Counſelºr and joi.lt. Poſtmaſter-Gen. in Ireland, a Go- vernor of the County of Antrim, and a Truſtee of the Łinen Manufacture, K.P. [Shanes-caſt/e, Azºrim.] b. . . . . . . 1800. Aug. 7. §Francis Bernard, Earl of Bandon, Viſcount Bernard. [Gºſ- tle-Bernard, Cork, and Baffingbourne-Hull, Fffey.j w..... . . . . 18oo. Dec. 29. Robert Stewart, Earl. of Caſtle-Stewart, Wiſcount Stewart, [Stewart–Hall, Tyſonejhire.] m. : . . . . . . . . 18&o, Dec. 29. §§ Richard Hely Hutchinſon, Earl of Donoughmore, Lord Suirdale, a Lieut.-General, ſecond Remcmbrancer. of the Court of. Exchequer, a Governor of Tipperary, and a Privy Counſelor, alſo, in Ireland, [Knocklºfty-Hºuſe, Tippera'y.] b. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, o, Dec. 29. §Dupré Alexandel, Earl of Caledon, Viſcount Alexander, \ IRELArſD. - 37.4. a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture, and a Governor of the County of Tyrone, [Caledon-Calile, Tyrone..] m. - *20. Dec. 29. £Walentine Browne, Earl 6f Kenmare, Viſcount Caſtle- Roſſe. [Caſtle-Roſe, Kerry..] b. - r **og. Feb. 11. §Edmund Henry Pery, Earl of Limerick, Lord Glentworth, s(Lord Foxford of the United Kingdom.) [Southhil Park, Berks] m. 1893. Feb. 11. $ #Richard Le Poer Trench, Earl of Clancarty, Viſcount Punlo, (Lord French of the United Kingdon.) [Garbally-Park, Gal- wayſh.'re m. - * **off. Feb. io. $ Archibald Acheſon, Earl of Gosford, Lord Acheſon, ſole Governor and Cuſt. Rot. of Armagh. [Gosford-Caſtle, Armaghſhire.] m. *1806. Feb. 1 o. §[..aurence Parſons, Earl of Roſſe, Lord Oxmantoun, Gover- nor of King's County, joint Poſtmaſter-general, and a Privy Counſelor in Ireland. M.R.I.A.. [Birr. Caſtle, King's County.] m. -- *SoS. Feb. Io. Welbore Ellis Agar, Earl of Normanton, Viſcount Somer- t On... m. } - -- 1826. Feb. 20. §Charles william Bury, Earl of Charleville, Lord Tulla- more, F.R. S. & M. R. I. A. [Charleville-Foreſt, King's County.] m.) 3Regency, 1816. Jan. 22. § Charles John Gardiner, Earl of Biesinton, Viſcount Mountjoy, a governor of the county of Tyrone. [Mountjoy- #’ark, Tyrone arid Oxburgh. Park, Norfºlk.] m. - - 1816. Jan. 22. Richard White, Earl of Bantry, Viſcouat Beerhaven. [Bantry_House, Cork.] m. . . " 1816. Jan. 22. §Richard Butler, Earl of Glengall, Viſcount Cahir. [Cu- her Caſtle, Tipperary..] m. * , . . . . ' .#816. Jan. 22. #John Baker Holroyd, Earl of Sheffield, Viſcount Pevenſey, (Lord Sheffield of the United Kingdom). - . . . - - V 1 s co-U N.T. s. (51.) . &bul. IV, 1478. Aug. 7. tſenico Preſton, Viſcount Gormanſton, a Truſ- tee of the Royal College of St. Patrick's, Maynooth. [Gormanſton-Caffle, Meath.] m. - . . . jam...I. 162o. jan. 3. George Villiers, Viſcount Grandiſon. (Earl of Jerſey in England.) [Oſterley-Park, Middleſex, and Middleton-Stoney, Oxfordshire.] m. . 1621. March 16. Henry Auguſtus Dilſon-Lee, Viſcount Dillon, Colonel of the Iorst Regiment. [Dutchley-Hall, Oxfordſhire, and Loughglyn- Houſe, Roſcommon.] m. ... e - gº . ." - 1622. April 3. tſohn Netterville, Viſcount Netterville, [Douth, Meath.] B. ‘I ha. I. 1625. April 18. Robert Needham, Viſcount Kilmorey. [Shenron- Hall, Salop, and Kilmorey-Houſe, Dzwnſhire.] wi. 1628. july 12. Richard Lumley-Saunderſon, Viſc Lumley, (Earl of Scar- borough in England.) . - . 1628. july 17. § Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, Viſc. Strangford, G.C.B., K - - : - ..T.S. m. - - - # 1628. Aug. 1. tºodolphus Taaffe, Viſcount Taaffe, a Count in Germany. [Eliſchan-Castle, Bohéana.] m. • 1628. Aug. 25. Thomas Jones, Viſcount Banelagh. [Fulham, Middlesex.] 1620. Aug. 5. John Fitzwilliam, Viſcount Fitzwilliam, F.R.S. (Richmond- , Green, Surrey.J. m. * @ . . • --. º 1643. jan. 6. Thomas James Warren Bulkeley, Viſcount Bulkeley, sº § Bulkeley of Great Britain.)[Baron-Hill, 4ngleſey, and Poynton, Cheſhire.]... m. * . & t . . . . * 3. 29. Matthew Barnewall, Viſcount Kiugsland. [Turvey- Houſe, Dublin]. m, - -- $ºe IRELAND. *Tha II. 1661. March 29.4% George James Cholmondeley, Wiſcount Chel” mondeley. (Marquis Cholmondeley of the United Kingdom.) m. 1680. Feb. 19. John Chriſtopher Burton Dawnay, Viſcount Downe. (Lord Dawnay, in Great Britain.) (Cowic-hall, Yorkſhire.) m. e 30 nm.e. 17 o 1. Dec. 2. John James Hamilton, Viſcount Strabane, (Marquis of Abercorn in Great Britain, and Earl of Abercorn in Scotland.) K.G. (Bentley-Priory, Middleſex, and Baron's Court, Tyrone.) º, , , . & G. P. 1716. July 16, Richard Pigot Moleſworth, Viſcount Moleſ- worth. [Brecdenſtoun, Dublin.] m. . - 1717. June 29. Richard Chetwynd, Viſcount Chetwynd, a Clerk of the Privy Council in England. m. . . - . . . . 1717. Aug. 15. George Brodrick, Viſcount Midleton. (Lord Brodrick of gº Britain.) [Pepper-Harrow Park, Surrey, and Midleton-Park, Cork.] me * . . . . . .. *717. Aug. 20. Guſtavus Ramilton, Viſcount Boyne. [Stackallan, Meat h, and Burwater-Houſe, Sakp..] m. - - *h 17, Aag. 28. Joſhua William Allen, viſc. Allen. [Ladytown, Kildare]?- 1719. May 18. James Walter Grimſton, Viſcount Grimſton. (Earl of Ve- rulam of the United Kingdom, and Lord Forreſter in Scotland.) [Fe- rulam, Herts]. m. - #720. july 1. Geo. Barrington, Viſcount Barrington: in holy orders, Pre- bendary of Turham, and Rector of Sedgefield. [Sedggfield Houſe, Durham and Baskett-House, Berks.] w. x - sº #720. Sºftt, 14, Henry Hall Gage, Viſcount Gage. (Lord Gage of Great Britain.) (Firle-place, Sº/ev.) ºn. , t . . . . . . . . . 1722 : March 12.** Henry John Temple, Viſcount Palmerſton, Secretary- at-War. [Broadlands-Park, Hants.] m. - - ©eg. II. 1727. july 17. William George Arundel, Viſcount Galway, Selby-Hall, Yorkshire.] m. - . 1743. Feb. 4. Richard Wingfield, Viſcount Powerſcourt, [Powerſcourt- Caſtle, Wicklow.] }%. * . . . . . 1751. Sept. 30. Henry Flower, Viſcount Aſhbrook. [Caſtle-Durrow, Kil- _Kenny, and Beaumont-Lodge, Berks.] m. - . tºº. III. 1763. June 29. Francis Hervey De Montmorency, Viſcount Mountnorres. m. T. - , - *756. Feb. 17. Arthur Hill-Trevor, Viſcount Dungannon. [Brinkynalt- Caſtle, Denbighshire.] m. . . . . . - *77%, Jºy 18, 31 homas Ant. Southwell, Viſcount Southwell. [Rokely- hall, Louth.J. m. - - - - , , , , 1776, july 19. John Veſey, Viſcount De Veſci. Abbey-Leix, Queen's Co.] ??? - 1776. july 23. William Charles Forteſcue, Viſcount Clermont, a Lieute- nant-Colonel in the Army, and a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture. [Ravenſdale-Park, and Clermont, Louth.] b. . . . 1781. jan. 4. James Hewitt, Viſcount Lifford, in holy orders, Dean of Ar- magh, D.C.L. [Deanery-Houſe, Armagh.J. m. 1781. %; 13. Nicolas Ward, Viſcount Bangor. [Caſtle-Ward, Down- *. %, 1. Peniſton Lamb, Viſcount Melbourne, (Lord Melbourne ef * Kingdom. • - - - - . - ..º.º. Hºwaw. Ellis, Viſcount Clifden, clerk to the - Privy Council of Ireland. (Lord Mendip of Great Britain.) [Gowran- Caſtle, Kilkenny, and Paulton-Park, Hants.] tº. 2 - 1785. June 22. Hayes St. Leger, Viſcount Donetaile, a Governor of the County of Cork. [Donºraile, Cork.] m. . . . . . . * HRELAND. - 373 179 ... july 5. §Thomas Knox, Viſcount Northland, a Governor and Cuſt. Rot. of Tyraneſhire, and Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture. [Dungar.- ton-Park; Tyrone..] w. . . . . . - - - 1731. july 5. Henry Pomeroy, Viſcount Harberton, F.S.A. 1793. Dec. 20. Cornwallis Maude, Wiſcount Hawarden. [Dundrum, Tip- perary.]. m. - - - - - 1797. Nov. 14. §Hugh Carleton, Viſcount Carleton, a. Privy Counſelor in Irelatid, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture. av. - .130.o. Dec. 29. Barry John Yelverton, Wiſcount Avonmore, Regiſtrer o the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. [Belliſle, Tipperary J m 1802. Dec. 29. Henry Stanley Monk, Wiſcount Monk. [Charleville, Hºcklow.] m. . . . . : - * t * * * * * * * . . º. 1800. Dec. 29 John Wolfe, Viſcount Kilwarden, Public Regiſter of Deeds in Ireland. [Newlands, Dublin.]-}. - - 1803. Feb. 11. Thomas Gleadowe Newcomen, Viſcount Newcomen, a Governor of the County of Longford. [Carrickg'aſs, Longford..] b. 1896. March 8. John Henry Upton, Viſcount Templetown, F. S. A. [Caſtle. Upton, Antrim.] • ???, - - :- -- - 1866. May 35. Cornelius O'Callaghan, Viſcount Litmore. [Shanbally; Caſtle, Tipperary.]. m. " * - ... • * * * . - ? 1806. May 30. Robert Edward King, Viſcount Lorton, a Lieut. General - in the Army, a Governor and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Roſeom- mon, next brother of the Earl of Kingſton, [Rockingham, Roſcommo'ſ.) m. 3Regency, 1816. Jan. 22. Lodge Evans, De Montmorency, Viſcount Frankfort, a Privy Counsellor in Ireland and a Truſtee of the Linen’ Manufacture. [Frankfºrt, Kilkenny, and Maryville. Dublin J m. , 1816. Jan. 22. Richard Quin, Viscount Mount-Earle. [4.lare Abbey?' Limerick.] m. - - . . . . - - - - - 1816. J.,n. .2. William Hare, Viſcount Enniſmore of Listowell. [Co- y vanmore, Cork, and Kingston Houſe, Middleſex.] m. - 1816. Jan. 22. Charles Vereker, Viſcount Gort, a Privy Counſellor in Ireland, a Governor'of the County of Galway, and Conſtable of Lime- rick. [Loughcooter Caſtle, Gaºl º - . . - B A R O N s. (73) - . . . T}cit. II. 1181. John de Councy, Lord Kinſale, Báron’ De Courcy and . Ringrone. [Kinſale, Cork.] "... . . . . . . . . . . . . . *, * His Lordſhip enjoys the hereditary and unique privilege of wearing his "hat in the Royal Pfefence, granted to his Anseitor, John De Courcy, Earl of Ulſter, and Baron of Kinſale, Courcy, and Ringrone, by John, King of England. . . . '. * - ... - &uay.iv. º. Mirch 4.3 Jºhn Thomas Barnewall, Lord Trimleſtown. [Trimleſtown-caſtle, Meath..], *: , , . . ... -- - - ſ!)ett. VII. I490. Randal Plunkett, Li Dunſany. I Dunſany-caſtle; Meath.] ???s {}cil. VIII. 1541. June 15. Thomas Plunkett, Lord Louth. [Louth-hall, Louth.l.. m. . . . - * 3am. I. *: July 29. Edward Digby, Lord Digby, (Earl Digby oſ Great-Britain.) D.C.L.A.- ... . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - 162 is july 29. Añdrew Thos Blayney, Lord Blayney, a Major-General. Caſtle:Blayney, Monaghānī.]... m. w - ... --- . . . «tja. I. 1627. july Ho, MPhilip Shºard, Lord Sherard. (Earl of Harborough ºf Great Éritain.) [Stapleford-Hålt, Leicesletſhire.] 6. *Imme. 1703. Oct. 16. #Francis Ingram Conway Seymour: Lord Conway and Killulta, (Marquis of Hertford in Great Britain.) K.G. & F.S.A., [Ragley-Park, Warwickſhire, * Swdbourn-Hall, Sºffolk.] m, - - ! r *. z $74 IRELANB. - ~ *; } 1715. May 9. John Evans Freke, Lord Carbery. [Caſtle-Eye's, 07 & . I ???, - * , 1718. May 1. Mathew Aylmer, Lord Aylmer, a Major General, and Adjutant General in Ireland, K.C.B. m. - - - &cg. II. 1758. Seſt 16. William Croſbie, Lord Branden, in Holy Orders, Rector of Caſtle. Iſland in Kerry D.D. [Caſtle Iſland, Kerry..] m. 1758. Sept. : 8. John Lyſaght, Lord Liſle. [Moºntnorth, Cork.] m. tº ea. III. 1762. Feb. 26. George Hanger, Lord Coleraine. [Driffield, Glouceſterſhi e ] b. - - - - - 1762 Mar 15, #Edward Clive, Lord Clive, D.C.L. (E. r1 of Powis of the United Kingdom.) [Walcot-Hall, Salop.] m. . . r?67. Sept. 3. § Henry Phipps, lord Mulgrave, (Earl of Mulgrave of the United Kingdom.) [Mulgrave-Caſtle, Yorkſhire.] m. . - 1779. My 23.;Challes George Perceval, Lord Arden, Half Brother of the Earl of Egmont, (Lord Arden of the United Kingdom.) F. R. & A. S. [Lohort-Caſt'e, Cork.] ×. 1776. july 22. Richard Philipps, Lord Milford, Lord Lieutenant and Cuſt. Rot. of Pembrokeſhire. [Picton-Caſtle, Pem/rokeſhi. e. J w. . . . 1776. july 23. Thomas John Wynn, Lord Newborough. {Glynnllivon- Caffle, Carnarvonſhire.] b. -- . - 1776. july 27, Alexander Wentworth Macdonald, Lord Macdonald. [Amidale, !. of Sky.] ú. - - 1776. july 28. *William Edwardes, Lord Kenſington. [johnſon, nd Hºeſtmead, Pembrokeſhire.] w. - - - 1776. july 29. George Fulke Lyttelton, Lord Weſtcote. (Lord Lyttelton of Great Britain.) b. - - - . . . . 1776. july 30. || Robert Henley Ongley, Lord Ongley. [Old J.Parden, Bed- ordſhire." 5. - . * º |Hugh Hamon Maſſy, Lord Maſſy. [Hermitage, Limerick.] b. 1777. Feb. 26. Morris Robinſon, Lord Rokeby. [Monk's-Porton, Kent.] b. 1781. jan. 5. Robert Tilſon Deane, Lord Muſkerry, a Privy Counſelor in Ireland, ſole Governor and Cuſt. Rot. of the County of Limerick, and a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture. [Shringfield-Caſtle, Limerick] m. . 1782. Seht. 12. Henry Hood, Lord Hood, (Viſc. Hood of Great Britain.) [Whatley-Abbey, Warwickſhve.] m. - 1783. Oct. 13. William Tonſon, Lord Riverſdale, a Governor of the County of Cork. . [Berry Hill, Bucks, and Liſmegar, Cork.] m. - - 1783. Oct 21. Lowther Pennington, Lord Muncaſter. a Gen. in the Army, [Muncaſter-Caſtle, Cumberland.] m. 1789. Nov. 16. George Eden, Lord Auckland, Auditor of Greenwich Hoſpital, (Lord Auckland of Great Britain. [Eden-Farm, Kent.] b. . . 1789. Nov. 16. James Caulfeild Browne, Lord Kilmaine, a Governor of the County of Mayo. [Gaulſton-Park, Weſtmeath..] m. - 1789. Nov. 16. Valentine Browne Lawless, Lord Cloncurry. (Lyons- Caſtle, Kildare, and Alºngton, Limerick.] m. - ... . . . 1789. Nov. 16. Sampſon Eardley, Lord Eardley, D.C.L. F.R.S. & F.S.A. (Belvidere-Houſe, Kent. w.) . . . . . 1790. June 6. Luke Dillon, ſlord Clonbrock. [Clonbrock, Galway.] m. 1791. $Alleyne Fitzherbert, Lord St. Helens, (Lord St. Helens of the United Kingdom) b. - . . . . . ºngº. june 14. Richard Cavendiſh, Lord Waterpark. [Doveridge Hall, Derbyſhire.] mſ. :. . . . . - - - - a - JREſ,ANE). 375 f794, fºly 4. *Thomas North Graves, Lord Graves, a Lord of the King's Bedchamber, and Treaſurer and Comptroller of the Houſehold to the Duke of Sifſex. [Biſhop's Cou, t, Devonſhire.] m. - #794. A.g. 12. "Samuel Hood, Lord Bridport, ſecond ſon of Viſct. Hood; and ſon-in-law of Earl Nelſon. [Crickel-Lodge, Somerſetſhire.] m. #795. Oct. I. *George Auguſtus Henry Anne Parkyns, Lord Rancliffe, a Captain in the Army. [Bunney-Park, Nottinghamſhire J m. - 1796. july 16. *Joſhua Wannsck, Lord Huntingfield. [ Heveningham-Hall, Suffolk.] m. . . 1796. Jºly 16. Robert Smith, Lord Carrington, C2ptain of Deal. Caſtle. F.R.S. (Lord Carrington of Great Britain.) [/7'ycombe-Aſſbey, and Hºe: dove:- Hoºſe, Bucks.J m. - 1796, Oct. 19. Warner William Weſtenra, Lord' Roſſmore, a Governor and Cuſt, Rot, of the County of Monaghan. [Roſſmore-Park, Monaghan.] w. 1797, Mar. 7, George Keith. Elphinſtone, Lord Keith, (Wiſe. Keith of the United. Kingdom.) m. . - 1/97. Ma ch 7. Bcaimont Hotham, Lord Hotham, a Captain in the Army; and Lieutenant in the Coldſtream Regiment of Guards. [Soutb-Dalton Hoºſe, Yorkſhire.J. B. . . 1797. Nov. 7. Richard Thomas Dawſon, Lord Cremorne: (Dawſon's Grove, Monaghan, and Chelſea-Farm, Middleſex. ) m. - 1797. Nov. 14. Ś ſames Cuff, Lord Tyrawly, a Governor of the County of Mayo, a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture, and a Privy Counſelor in Ireland. [Elm-Hall, and Dea -Caſtle, Mayo.] 20, 1797. Nov. 14. Charles. Allanſon Winn, Lord Headley. [Bramham-Hall, Yorkſhire.] §.. - -. 4. • - - iz97. Nov. 14. §John Shore, Lord Teignmouth, a Cômmiſſioner for the Affairs of India, E.S. A. [Clapham, Middleſex.] m. . 1798. Feb. 14, †.. harles Ffrench, Lord Ffrench, a Truſtee of the Royal College of St. Patrick, Maynooth. [Caſtle-Ffrench, Galway.] m. . 1799. Nov. 9. §Frederick Morton Eden, Lord Henley, G.C.B. F.R.S. [Ruffell Farmv, Herts.] nº. - - - 18oc. March 21, #Charles Whitworth, Lord Whitworth, Lord Lieut. of Ireland, , (Earl Whitworth of the United Kingdom,) G.C.B. m. 13co. Juli; 30. Chales Henry Coote, Lord Caſtle-Coote, a Governor of Queen's County, chief Commiſſioner of the Cuſtoms, and a Privy-Counſelor, in Ireland. [Foreſt-Lodge, &ueen's County, and Shaen-Caſtle, Kildare.] m. 1800. July 30. Clotworthy-Rowley, Lord Langford, Brother of the Marquis of Headfort. [Coºpers’ Hill. Sarrey.j m. - 1.8co. July 30...John Biaquiere, Lord De Blaquiere, Grand Alnager of Ire-- land. [Portlemon, Hºſtmeath.] b. . . 18o3. july 30. * John Henniker Major, Lord Henniker, D. C. L., F. R. & S.A.. [Stratfºrd-Houſe, Eſſev, a “d Hºolingworth-Hall, Suffolk.] m. 18Co. july 30. "James Blackwood, Lord Dufferin and Claneboye, a Go- vernor of the County of Down, and a Truſtee of the Linen-Manufacture. (Baly'eidy-Houſe, Downſhire.) m. . . . - 1860. july 30. Thomas Mullins, Lord Ventry. [Burnham-Hoºſe, Kerry.] m. 1800, july 30. Joſeph Blake, Lord Wall ſcourt, a Lieutenanr in the 85th reg ment of Foot. [Ardfry, Galway.] §. - . . . * 1890. July 30. Henry Sandford, Lord Mount-Sandford. [Caſacrea, Roſcommon.] b, . - - 1?oo. july 30. Henry Prittie, Lord Dunally, Half-Brother of the Earl ef Charleville. (Dunally-Caſtle, Tipterary.) m. * li 2. 37 5. w RELAN}). #3oo. 7, ly 30. John Preſton, Lord Tara, a Privy Counsellor in Ireland, and Hereditary Truſtee of the Free Schools of Navan and Bally rean. [Bell linter-Houſe, Meath.] m. - - - - - - 1800. july 30. Maurice Mahon, Lord Hartland, a Governor of the County of Roſcommon... [Stokeſtown-Houſe, Roſcommonſhire.] m, 18oo. July 30. John Bingham, Lord Clanmorris. {Newbrook, Mayo.J. m. 1800. JDec. 29. Wim Waldegrave, Lord Radſtock, an Admiral of the Red. G.C. B. m. - #8oo. Dec 29. §Sylveſter Douglas, Lord Glenbervie, a Privy Counſellor in Ireland, a King's Counſel, a Truſtee of the Britiſh Muſeum, and Rec- tor of King's College, Aberdeen, F.R.S., & F.S.A.. [The Phea antry, Middleſex...] tº. - - - - - 1800. Dec. 29. John Toler, Lord Norbury, Lord Chief Juſtice of the Com mon Pleas, a Viſitor of the Royal College of St Patrick, Maynooth, a. Bencher of the Hon. Society of King’s Inns, and a Privy Counſelor in Ireland. [Cahragh, Dublin.] m. - 1890. Dec. 29. Alan Legge Gardner, Lord Gardner, (Visct Gardner of the United Kingdom.), l. * . . . . A 800. Dec. 29. *George Grenville, Lord Nugent, only brother to the Marquis of Buckingham. (Lilleys, Bucks.) m. . . . . . . . . . 18oo. Dec. 29. Frederic Trench, Lord Aſhtown, [Woodlawn, G alway.] ms 18oo. Dec. 29. || Eyre Maſſey, Lord Clariná. (Elm-Pa., k, Limerick.) - 1806. Feb. 1. John Phelluſion, Lord Rendleſham. [Rendleſham-Halk Suffolk.] m.” - * - * - * - 38egency.—1812. Dec. 24. William Handcock, Lord Caſtlemaine, a Privy Counſelor, in Ireland, a Governor of the County of Weſtmeath, and Conſtable and Governor of Athlone, [Moydrum. Caſtle, Weſtmeath J_m. 1812. Dec. 24. William Beresford, Lord Decies. Archbiſhop of Tuam, Pri- mate of Connaught, Biſhop of Ardagh, D.D. a Privy Counſelor in Ireland § Brother of the late Marquis of Waterford. . [Bolam-Houſe, Northumber- ..and...] tw. - . . . . . . t P E E R x s s r. s. (5) &zo. HI, 1785. June 19. Anne Catharine Macdonnell, Counteſs of Antrim, Viſcounteſs Dunluce, Wife of Edmund Macdonnell, eſq. and widow of Sir H. V. Tempeſt, bart. Glenarm-Caſtle, Antrim.] m. . . Čía. 11. Nov. 21. 1660." Harriet Skeffington, Viſcounteſs Maſsareene. * Lady of the Right Hon. Thomas Henry Skeffington, ſon of Viſcounteſs Ferrard. [Antrim Caſtle, Antrim, and Oriel Temple, Lºuth.] m. , G20. Il I. 1797. Nov. 14. Margaretta Foſter, Viſcounteſs Ferrai.", Lady of . the Right Hon. John Foſter. [Cullon-Houſe, J.owth J. m. . . . . . 1797. Nov. 14. Grace Toler, Baroneſs Norwood, Lady of Lord Norbury, Lord Chief Juſticc of the Common-Pleas. (Cabragh, Dºbſºn.J. m. 1797, JDec. 9. Anne Crofton, Baroneſs Croftoa, widow of Sir Edward Crofton, bart. [Mote, Roſcommon.] w. - ARchbishops and Bishops. *8oo. §Right Hon. Wilhiam Stuart, D.D. Tord Archbiſhop of Armagh, Primae of all Ireland, Prelate of the Illuſtrious Order of St. Patrick, a Priyy Counſelor, alſo, in Jreland, and a Truſtee of the Linen Manufacture: great uncle of the Marquis of Bute. [Armagh-Palace.] ſh. . . * * 1759. Rt Hon. Euſeby Cleaver, D. D. Lord Archbiſhop of Dublin, and Biſhop of Glandelagh, Primate of Ireland, Chancellor of the Illuſtrious, IRELAND. 377 * Order of St. Patrick, Viſitor of Trinity-College, Dublin, and a Privy. Counſelor in Ireland. [Tallagh-Caſtle, Dublin.] m. -- 1801. Rt Hon. Charles Brodrick, D. D. Lord Archbiſhop of Caſhel, Primate of Munſter, Biſhop of Emly, and a Privy-Counſelor in Ireland, brother of Viſcount Midleton. (Caſhel-Palace, Tºpherary.) we . - 1794. Rt Hon. William (Beresford), Lord Decies, D.D. Lord Archbiſhop of Tuam, Primate of Connaught, Biſhop of Ardagh, and a Privy-Counſelor in Ireland, Uncle ofthe Marquis of Waterford. I ſuam-Pulace, Galway.)w. 1795. Right Hos. Thomas Lewis O’Beirne, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Meath, a Privy-Counſelor in Ireland. (Ardbraccan-Houſe, Meath.) m. 1803. Right Hon. Charles Dalrymple Lindſay, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Kilda:e, Dean of Chriſt-Church, a Privy Counſelor in Ireland, and brother of the Earl of Balcarras. m. - • : - 1790. William Bennet, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Cloyne, M.R. L.A. [Cloyne- Palace, Cork.] m. • . - - 1794. Hon. William Knox, D. D. Lord . Biſhop of Derry, ſon of Vi’- count Northland. (Down-houſe, Derry.) m. 1796. John Porter, D.D.. Lord Biſhop of Clogher- .(Clºgher Palace.).m. 18or. George De-la-Poer Beresford, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Kilmore, Nephew & of the Archbiſhop of Tuam. (Kilmore-houſe, Cavan.) m. - 1851. Nathaniei Alexander, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Down and Connor. m. 1802. Hon. Power Le Poer Trench, D. D. Lord Biſhop of Elphin, brother of the Earl of Clancarty. m. - 1854. Chriſtopher Butſon, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh. [Confert-houſe, Galway.] m. - -- 1864. Lord Robert Tottenham, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Killaloe and Kilfenora, . only brother of the Marquis of Ely. (Killaloe-Palace, and Clarisford, Clare.) m. - - - . " . . - . . . . . 1856. & Warburtºn, D. D. Lörd Biſhop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. (Limerick.J. m . . . . - - -- -- . 1807. Lord John George de la Poer Beresford, P.D. Lord Biſhop of Raphoe, next brother of the Marquis of Waterford. (Raphoe-Palace, Donegall.) b. 1So?. Hon. Thomas St. Lawrance, D.D., Lord Biſhop of Cork and Roſs, only brother of the Earl of Howth. (Cork-Palace.) m. . . . . . . . 1809. Hon. Percy Jocelyn, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Leighlin and Férnes, bro- “. ther of the Earl of Roden. (Ferns Palice, P/exfºrd.) & . 1810. James Verſchoyle, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Killalla and Achonry. (Kil-". . lalla-Castle, Mayo, ) m. . - ' ' ' " . . . . . 1811. John Leſlie, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Dromore. (Dromore-houſe, Downſhire.) ºn. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213. Robt. Fowler, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Oſſory, brother of the Counteſs', . oſ Kilkenny. (Kilkenny-Palace.) m. - - .. * = - !" ~ x .. • * * 1313. Hon. Rich. Bourke, D.D. Lord Biſhop of Waterford and Liſmore, brother and preſumptive heir to the Earl of Mayo. (Hatepford-Palace.) miss. **** * • . . " • * i i & 378 IRELAND. BARoners of Iarland. Inſtituted in 1619. Aylmer, Gerald, Donedea-Caſtle, Kildare, Jan. 25, 1621. Barry, Edward, Dublin, July 6, 1775. - - ºf Bellew, Edward, Barmeath, Louth, Dec. 1 1, 1688. tBlake, John, Menlo, Galwayſhire, July 1:0, 1622. Bloſſe, Robert Lynch, Caſtle-Carra, Galway, June 8, 1622. . . Blunden, John, Caſtle-Blunden, Kilkenny, March 12, 1766. Bond, James, Coolamber, Loligford, Jan. 21, 1794. Borrowes, Walter Dixon, Giltown, Kildaré, Feb. I I, 1645. Brabazon, William, Newpark, Mayo, Dec. 9, 1797. • Bradſtreet, Simon, Stacummie, Kildare, July 14, 1759. Browne, John Edmond, Palmerſton, Mayo, Dec. 8, 1797. Burdett, William Bagenal; Dunmore, Carlow, July 11, 1723. Burke, John, Glinsk, Roscomman, Aug. 2, 1623. - {Burke, John, Marble-Hill, Galway, Dec. 5, 1797. Burton, John, Pollerton, Carlow, Oct. 2, 1758. Butler, Thomas, Garryhundon, Carlow, Aug. 16, 1628. Caldwell, John, Caſtle:Caldwell, Fermanagh, June 22, 1683. Carden, John Crayen, Templemore Priory, Tipperary, Aug. 31, 1787. 'Chapman, Thomas, St. § Weſtmeath, Feb. 10, 1782. Chinnery, Brodrick, Flintfield, Cork, Aug. 29, 1799. *Colthurſt, Nicholas. Conway, Ardrum, Cork, Aug. 3, 1774. Coote, Charles Henry, (Premier Baronet,) Baiſyfin, Queen's County.s. April 2, 1629. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * z Cottér, James-Laurence, Rockforeſt, Cork, Aug. 11, 1763. Cox, John, Dunmanway, Cork, Nov. 27, 1706. Crofton, Edward, Mote-Park, Roſcommon, June 12, 1758, - Crömie, Michael, Toddington-Park, Leiceſterſhire, June 25, 1776. Cuffe, Jonah. Wheeler Denny, Leyrath, Kilkenny, Öct. 1, 1799. Dancer, Amyrald, Northland, Tipperary, Aug. 12, 1662. . . . . - De Burgh, John Allen, Caſtle-Connel, Limerick, June 16, 1 785. De Montmorency, Wm Ryves, U ppercourt, Kilkenny, April 24, 1758, Denny, Edward, Tralee-Caſtle, Kerry, Jaa. 15, 1781. . . . . . . Deſvoeux, Charles, India Ville, Queen’s County, Sept. 1, 1787. Echlin, James, Clonagh, Kildaré, Oct. 17, 1721. . . . . . Eſmonde, Thomas, Ringville, Waterford, Jan. 28; 1628. Falkingr, Samuel, Annmount, Cork, Aug. 27, 1778. *Fetherſton, Thomas, Ardagh, Longford, June 26; 1776. . . Fitzgerald, James, Caſtle-Iſhen, Cork, Feb. 8, 1644, * Flood, Frederick, Newton-Ormond, Kilkenny, June 3, 1780. Foſter, Richard Thomas, Tullaghan, Monaghan, Jan. 15, 1794, ' ". . . . Sethin, Perºy, Percymount, Sligo, Asg. 1, 1665. . . . . . . Gilman, John St. Leger, Cork, Oct. 1, 1799. “” - Godfrey, William, Buſhfield, Kerry, June 17, i785. . . Gore, Ralph, Manor-Gore, Donegall, Feb. 2, 1621. Gore, Robert, Liſładell, Sligo, Aug. 30, 1760. . . Hamilton, John Charles, Dunnamana, Tyrone, Dec. 2, 178o: Harvey, Robert, Bateſon, Killoquin, Antiim, Aug. 26, 1789. Hayes, Samuel, Drumboe-Caſtle, Donegall, Aug. 27. 1789. # º ſight Hon. George Fitsgerald, Brooke-Hall, Londonderry, July 3, 1779s . . Y” - - .* HR EL AN EX. - 3: 9 Hoare, Joſeph Walſis, Annabell, Cork, 1)ec. 10, t 784. Hodſon, Robert, Hollybrook-Caſtle, Wicklow, Aug. 28, 1789. Hopkins, Francis, Athboy, Meath, July 25, 1795. Hunt, Vere, Curragh, Limerick, JDec. 4, 1784. Hutchinſon, Rev. Samuel Synge, Caſtle Sallagh, Wicklow, Dec. l I, 1782. Jervis, John Jervis White, Bally-Ellis, Wexford, Dec. 6, 1797. Johnſton, William, Gilford, Down, July 27, 1772, - Eangriſhe, Robert, Knocktopher, Kilkenny, Jan. 24, 1777. Deſlie, Edward, Tarbert-hourſe, Kerry, Sept. 3, 1787. Levinge, Richard, High Park, Weſtmeath, Oct. 25, 1764. Łeyceſter, John Fleming, Tabley, Cheſhire, May 17, 1671 ... Lighton, Rev. John Merville, Dublin, March 1, 1791. Loftus, Edward, Mount Loftus, Kilkenny, July 16, 1768. Macartney, Rev William, Lith, Armagh, Jan. 4, 1799, Mannix, Henry, Richmont, Cork, Sept. 4, 1787. Maſley, Hugh Dillon, Donas, Clare, Oet.-9, i 781. May, Humphry, Mayfield, Waterford, June 30, 1763. Meredyth, Joſhua Colles, Madaleen, Kilkenny, Nov. 9, 1669. Meredyth, Henry, Carlanſtown, Meath, July 26, 1795. Miller, John Riggs, Ballicaſey, Clare, Aug. 24, 1778. Molyneux, Capel, Caſtle Dillon, Armagh, July 4, 1730. Moore, Richard, Roſs-Carbery, Cork, June 29, 1681. Muſgrave, Richard, Turin, Waterford, ſ)ec. 2; 1782. #*Newport, John, New Park, Kilkenny, Aug. 25, 1789. - Nugent, Hugh, Billińlough, Weſtmeath, July, 3, #795. . .” *O'Brien, Edward, Drom land, Clare; Nov. 9, 1686. - , - ©’Donel, Neil, Newport-Houſe, Mayo. 1)ec.2, 1780. . - Qſborne, Thomas, Newtown, Tipperary, Oct. 15, 1629. * - Palmer, John Röger, Caſtle-Lachen, Mayo, May 2, 1777. **arnell, Henry, Rathleague, Queen's County, Nov. 3, 1766, Paul, Joſhua, Ballinglan, Waterford, jan. 2 o, 1794. Piers, John,Triſternah. Abbey, Weſtmeath, Feb. 12, 1660. Reynell, Richard, (America,) July 27, 1678, - Ribton, John-Sheppey, Grové, Dublin, April 21, , 1760. 4. Richardſon, William, Caſtlehill, Tyrone, Aug. 30, 1787. . . St. George, Richard, Bligh, Woodſgift, Kilkenny, March 12, 1766, ; Geºrge, §º Carlow, Jain. 22, 1794; ... - mith, Rt Hon. William-Cuſack, Newton, King's County, Aug. 2 *Somerville, Marcus, Somerville, Meath, Jäue 14, ‘. s 8, 1799, .. Sºaples, Robert, Dunmore, Queen's County, July.j9, 16:8: Staunton, George Thomas, Cargins, Galway, Oct. 31, 1787. Steele, Richard, F.R., & S. A. Hampſtead, Dublin, Feb. 13, 1762. *Stewart, James, Fort Stewart, Donegal), May 2, 1623; - Talbot, George, Belfaſt, Antrim, March 31, 1790. ºf - Tuite, George, Lſºcvoolin, Weſtmeath, June 16, 1622. Waller, Robert, Shinrone, Tipperary, June 3, 178c. - - , , wº John, Aklen. Johnſon, Ballykilcavan, Queen's C9unty, July 27, Warren, Auguſtus, Warren-Sourt, Cork, July 17, 1784. Wolſeley, Richard, Mount Wolſeley, Carlow, Jan.19, 1744. * * £8tº HREE A NEA, . OFFICERS of STATE. Lord .4/moner, º'The Primate. C# Sec. to the La Lt. #"Rt. hon. Robert Peel. - Unde, Sec. of the Civil Department, William Gregory, eſq. - Fºrst Clerk, - - Secretary for the Provinces of Ul- fier and Munſler, Col. J. Ready. C/erk, . Richard Broughton, esq. . Under Sec. of the Milit, Department, | Sir Edw. B. Littlehales, bt. Fºrf Clerk, Edward Conner, eſq. Private S. c. to the Chief Sec. Syd- hey Streatfielc,..,eſq. . . Keeper of the Privy Seal, # Lord Colcheſter. s Deſiuty, Dugald Campbell, eſq. Keeper of the Phaeux Park, Wm. Gregory, eſq. . . . of Aililare, Ranger of the Curragh James K. Gore, eſq. Inſpector Gen. of Royal Mines, Griffiths, jun, eſq. . . . . . . . . Conſtable of Dublin Caſle, Hon. Lt Col. J. R. Bruce O’Neill. - Deputy, Auſtin Cooper, eſq. - Dean of the (ha, el, Rev. Sanuel Siade, M. A. . . . Ricº, Houſekeeper of Dullin-Cafe, Mrs. labella Cooke. - . . . . Gazette-writer, Nichs. Price, eſq. Superviſor of the King's-Preſs Charles Berkeley, eſq. . . . . . . . . State. Phyſicians, James Cleghorn, M. D. & Alex. Jackſon, M.D., State Surgeon, Gerard Macklin,eſq State Apothecary, Jaš Hunt, eſq Keeper of the Rezo ds, Birmingham Tower, Earl Stanhope; . . . Keeper of the Records of Parliam-fit; Edward Cooke, eſq. ... ". . . . . Keeper of State Papers, J. Mahon, eig. . . . . . . . . Clerk, Peter Le Bas, eſq, Captain of Battle-Are Guards, Colonel 1. dward Hill. - Commissioners of the Works, “ . . . Lieut. Gen. Quin J. Freeman, Sir Hugh Nugent, bt. Jn. Longfield, eſq. Hy. Singleton, eſq. Rd, French, cſq. Geo. I. Archdall, eſq. Rob. tºº. eſq. • * Board of * | Donegall, Eärk of Leitrim. V1 c 1: Roy' Hosse Het D. Private S. c. Col. Ready. . Steward, Robt. Wynne, eſq. , Comptroller. Geo. Rich, eſq. . Chamberlain, Sir Cha. Vernon, knt. Gentleman Uher, Sir S. Bruce, bt. Maſter of the Hºrſe, Lt. Col. Hon. W. Gore. . . . . - - - - Gºvt. ºf the Chamber, Lt Col New- . port, and Robert Wynne, jun. eſqrs. . . , Pages, . Mr. Henry II. Stewart,. Mr. Vernon. . . . . - . OFF 1 c E of A.R.M. s. Ulfter. King of Arms, Sir Chich ter Forteſcue, kirt. . . Deputy, Sir. Wm. Betham, knt. Dublin Herald ºf Aºms, Tho. Me dith Winſtanley, eſq. ef- - re- Coré Herald at Arms, 'Regiſlrer and ; So'izizor, Theobald Ri chard O'Fla- herty, eſq. . . . . . . . . 4thlone. Purſuivant at . Arms, Sir. William Bethan), knt. Chief Serjeants at Arms, Jr. M'Clin- tock, jun, and Wm Foster M*- . Clintock, eſqrs. - J)eputies, Rob. Simp Pratt, eſqrs. Second Serjeant at Minchin, eſq. . Deputy, Joſeph M Custodes RotuloruM. . . - Antrim, #. Marquis of Hertford, , ſon and James . . ...Arms, Henry inchin, eſq., Armagh; Earl of Gosford. - Carlow, *Rthon. David Latouche. . ^avan, “Nathaniel Saeyd, eſq. Clare, Marquis Conyngham. erk, Earl of Shannon. rry. . . 'Down, Marquis of Londonde * | Dublin, Earl of Carhampton. |Fermanagh, Earl of Enniskillen. . . . . Galway, #Earf.of Clancarty. • T Kerry, *James Croſbie, Eſq. . . . Rildare, Lord Robert Fitzgerald. - . . Kilkenny, Marquis of Ormonde. . King's Co. Marq. off)rogheda. . Leitrim, Earl of Leitrim. Limerick, Lord Muskerry. . Londonderry, Marq. of Londonderrys. |Longford, *Viſcount. Forbes. Seeretary, P. R. Wolfe, esq. Louth, Earl of Roden- ºf LANſ). 38 he Mºjo, James Cliff, esq. Meat”, ºl/arq. Wellesley. Monaghan, Lord Rossmoré. &u. Co. Marquis of Drogheda. Boſcommon, Viſcount Lorton. Sligo, Owen Wynne, eſq. Tºpperary, *Hon.F.A. Pittie. Tºrone, Viſcount Northland.” %terford, Marq. of waterford. Hºestmeath, Earl of Longford. &ſºrd, "Sir Frederick flood, bt. hºcklow, Earl of Meath, o F. Cou N T 1 Es. Gover Nors Antrim, Marg. O'Neil. - - 4 magh, Earl of Gosford. Cºrſov, Wm. Burton, Jn. Stauntou - Rochfort, Wm. Browne, and Hy | Bruen, eſqrs. cºn, Earl of Farnham, Rt hon, Jal M. Barry. Clare, Hon. F. N. Burton, Rt Hon Wm. V. Fitzgerald Cork, V. Doneraiſe, La Riverſdale, Marq. of Thomond, Rob. U. Fitz- gerald and Wm H. Hodder, eſqrs...} Donegall, Marquis of Abercorn, Earl of Leitrim, Mar Conyngham, Sir Samuel Hayes, bt. Pown, Marq. of Londonderry, Lord || |Tyrone, Viſcount Northland, Marq..of Dufferin, Rt hon. Robert Ward. Dublin, Earl of Carhampton, George | Veſay, Hans Hamilton, and Thos. White, eſqrs, - Fermanagh, *Lt. Gen. Mervin Arch- dall, Earl of Erne, Earl of Ennis- killen, Marq. of Ely. G Åerry, Earl of Kerry, J. Croſbie, cfqs) Kildare, Duke of Leinſter, Lord H. Moore. Kilkenny, Marq. of Ormonde. , —r- GE N E R A 1. St A F F. . Com. ºf the Forces, Gen. Sir Geo. Beckwith, G.C.B. - Aides de Camp, Capt. Cairmichael, Capt. William Miller, and Capt. I. Hewett. * - Military Sec. Col. Peter Carey Adj.-Gen. Maj. Gen. Lord Ayl- mer, K. C. B. w - J}ep. 21.j, Gen. Col. John Roſs. & of Donegali and Earl. - e | Monaghan, Lord Roſſmore, . King's County, M. of Drogheda. E. of Rofle, H. P. L'Eſtrange, eſq. *Leitrim, Walter Jones, eſq. Hen. Jn. Clements, eſ]. Limerick, Lord Muſkerry. Condonderry, *Vi’count Caſtlereagh, Marq of Londonderry. - - - - Congford, Earl of Granard Viſcount . Newcomen, Couth, *Rt. Hon. John Foſter, *Rt hon. Thomas Henry Foſter. - Mºyo, Lord Tyrawly, Lord Kilmaine, D. G. Browne, eſq. Hen. Browne, eſq. Marquis of Sligo. Cha. , Powel Leſlie, eſq. . . " . Meatb, Marquis of i)rogheda, Marq. of Head fort. p 2 - - Queen's County, Mar. of Drogheda, # *Rt hon. Wm. W. Pole, Lord Caſtle-Coote, and Tho. Coſby, eſq., *ſº Lord Hartland, and Viſc. Lorton. . . . . - " a "Sligo, *C. O’Hara, eſq. O. Wynne, eſq. Rt. Hon. H. King, J. E. Cow- per, eſq. Jn ilrwin, eſq. . . . Tipperary, Richard Penefather, eſq. John Bagwell, eſa. Stephen Moore, eſq., E. of Donoughmore, Rt Hon. Wm. Bagwell. . Abercorn, Earl of Belmore, Earl of Caledon, Earl of Bleſsinton. Jºaterford, Marq. of Waterford . . Galway, Earl of Clancarty, Visct. }ors. - Weſtmeath, Eart of Weſtmeath, Lord. Q- aſtlemaine, Güſtavus Rochfort, eſq. - - rºd, Earl of Mountnorris, Mq. . . of Ely, Charles Tottenham, eſq. Earl of Coul tout. %icklow, Earl of Aldborough, Hon. B. O'Neil Stratford, Hon. Hugh. Howard, Lord Clonmore. . MILITARY DEPARTMENT, Quart. Maſi. Gen. Maj.-Gen. Geo. Airey. - JJeſ. Q.-M. Gen. Col. S. Brown. Mºſier-Mºſers-Generaſ, Lord Hen." Moore, and * ºt, hor. \\'m Bagwell. Deputy, Matth. Handcock, cſq. , Commiſſ-Gen. Col. Cha, Handfield. Commiſſioners ºf Military Accºunts, Col. Thomas Brownrigg, Roht. Barry, eſq. Dugald Campbell, eſq; - N •&sy, is 32 Gen. Quin John Freeman Judge-Adv. Gen. F. Paterſon, eſq Provost Marshal, R. Speedy, eſq. Director Gen. ºf H2 Renny, M.D. ii. 3 day. Govzanors of Forts and Gas. R1sons, &c. . 4thlone, &c. Coºſable, Lord Gaſ. tlemaine. - £arrickfergus Lieut.-Gen. Baldwin Leighton, 16s, a day. . . Caſtlemain. Conſtables, Antony Bo- tet, eſq. Sir George Cuſ. , Charlemonſ, Gen. Hon. Jn Chapple Norton, 11. a day. Cork, Lieut. Gen. Lo al. a day. Z *. Gov. Col. Wm. Dickſon. & Puncannon, Lt Gen. Sir John Ha- milton, bart. . ººlºway, Lt.Col. P. Daly, 11s. ſ a day. Hilſborough Fore. Hereditary Cox- J’able, Marquis of Downſhire. Tº 3. Aimerick, Major-General william Fawcett, 11. a day. *ºnſale, Gen. Sir Cornelius Cuyler, . Londonderry and Cuſmore Fo t. ſhira's, George} rd Beresford, rRELAND. J2ep. Barrac{-Maffe, General, Lt. º Marybºrºugh Conft, M. of Drogheda. Roſs-Caſtle, Gen. Henry John- - ſon, a cs, a day. - - of F. c E of on DNANCE. . . Commanding Officer of Artillery, Major-Gen. Thomas Trotter. Com. Engineer, Major Gen. W. Hyers. Store-keeper, 1.t Col. Henry Rogers, Eºſ Cſe k, John Belſon, eſq. - Clerk of Survey, Rt Coleman, eſq, Firſt Clerk, Rd Wrightſon, eſq. . . . . Clk of Checque, Ab, şills, eſq. F.R.S. Fºrſ. Clerk, Edward Dalton, eſq. Treasurer, Joſeph Atkinſon, eſq. Fiſ Clerk, Charles Wiber, eſq. - Pºp. Fire master, Ma, Jo. W. Tobin. Inſpeºo" ºf Gun-Carriages, Colonel Maclean. .* - Senior Construșor, Wm Monks, gt. junior Conſtructor, P. M'Mahon, gt. Commiſſary of Field T. a 'n, Jeptha : Kiiton, eſq., " . . . ge . * [4sistants, Thos. Coote, Jas. Elliot; and Pat. Hanlon. . Superintendant Gen. of Barracks, & Robt. O C, N ewenham, esq. - Supervisor of Accounts, Edward. Smith, esq. .. - . . . £oºnsel, Charles Torrens, e ſq. Gen. Earl of Sufiok, il, a day. Soli, it r, Richard Martin, eiq. . * Thus + marked, Comm iſſioners to hear the 4bſence of the Lord Chancelor; a judg Cou kT of CH AN cer Y. Lord Clance!"or, $Lord Manners. Maſer ºf the Roſs, Rt hon, Sir Wm. M“Mahon, bart. . . . Pºpuy, Robt. Wogan, eſq. . . Maće sin-Chancey, f Wm. Henn, + Stewart King, f fliº. Ellis, # Tho. Ball, cfqrs. " - Six Clerks, Edw. Woods, eſq. Jones Stevelly, eſq. Thos. Spunner, Michael Mills, Fras. Dwyer, John Brenan, eſq. Clerk of the C, own and Hanape, , Earl of Granard. - ..Pepity, T homas Bourchier, eſq. . Regºſłrer, Viſcount Avonmore. LAW DEPARTMENT. —- and determine. Cauſes in Chancery in e to be always one. .* Deputies, Francis Prendergaſt, C. O’Keefe, eſq. * Uſher and Register of Affidavits, Hon. Richard Hobart Fitzgibbon. . " 4ccompant Gen. Jof Jamieſon, eſq., (Werk ºf the Report-Office, John- Pollock, eſq. - Curſºr, Tho, Prendergraft, eſq. - Ch’ſ Exam. Thomas Quinam, and , Tho. G. Digby, eſqrs. - - Sec. to the Lord Chancelor, and Sec. of Bankrupts, Tho. Lockwood, eſq. Cerº of Inrollments in Bankruptcy, john Warburton, eſq. tRELAND.º. 583 *Court of King's Be Nºch. Lord Chi,ºf Justice and Judg.cf. * Rt Hon. Wm. Downes t Hon. Robert Day. f Right. Hon. Saint-George Daly. Clerks of the Crown, Pre/honºt ºries.| Åeepers of the PPºiºs, Fiase's, Cleº, of the E-rors, Rt. hon Lord Henry Seymour C nway. and *R*, hon. Lord Robert Seymour Conway. . PP. Clk of Crown, W. Bourne, eſq. ... Deſiuty Protonataries, &c Rowley. Heyland, and Robert Hamilton, eſqrt. C/ ré of the Rules and Orders, God frey James, eſp. ~. Deputy F/a2.cs, Thomas Church, and Dawſon Church, eſqrs. $º *... .º.º. º. Sourt of Common P. v. As. Lord Chief Juſtice and Judges. + Lord Norbury. . . . ºf Edward M. Ayne, eſq. . t William Fletcher, eſq. + Arthur Moore, eſq. . . - Chirºgraphers, Keepers of the Hºries, and Clerk of the Áing's Sºver, David Babington and W.C. Babington, eſqrs Protonoraries, Hon. Tho. Knox. and Hon. Veſey Knox. . : Deputy Proth: notary and Secondary, Geoge Hill and Rob. Hill, eſqrs. Flaſer and Exigenter, Hon Daniel Toler. - * . - Cº. of the hºarrants, Francis Pier- point Hewit, eſq. - Clerk of the Rales and Entries, Peter Jackſon, eſq. * > . * Clerks of the Errors, Effoigns, and juries, And. Reid, and Joſ Reid, eſqrs . . Clerk of the Outlawries, Wm. Kem. mis, eſq. . • - Clerk of Assignments, W. T homas, eſq. - * > * Court of Excheque R. Chancelor ºf the Exchequer, ºkt hon. William Vesey Fitzgerald. Lord Chief Baron, Rt. hon. Stan- diſh O'Grady. . . . . - + Second Baron, Penis George, eſq. + Third Baron, Sir Wm. C. Smith, bart. Evaminers, William Croker, John Swift m ºf n, Ce . Crozier, and | 3 erald Tench, eſprs. Çerk of Abe Pſeus ºf the Brclequer, Peºutics, Jºſeph Farran & Carew. J. O Crady, eſārs. . Clerk of the Rt. 'es, Henry Yeo, eſq. Clerk of the Plead ngº, John and Henry Carev, eſqrs. Chief Remembrancer, Welleſley, - , Pećaty and Aaſitor of Acroſºft/s, Fred. Thºmpſon, eſq. Marquis ley, eſq. - - - Filazer, Samuel Page, eſq. i Dep. Fila ºr, Rich. Eames, gent. - *egiſtre”, Francis H. Riddaiph, Uſhers, Sir Charles Vernon, ind Charles Fleetwood, eſq. ºccº my tºn’-Ge”. John O'Neil, eſq. ſi. k nt. # 2°uty, Sampſon Browne, gent. | ºrd ºre ſorºr, or Second Remem- |*rajic, r, Earl of Donoughmore. Deputies, Rich. AWaller, Joſh. Nunn, and Edward Aug. Waller, eſqrs. Kich, Waller, and Rd. Beere, eſqrs. Clerk of the Pipe, Hy. Luttrell, eſ". Tranſcriptor and Fore:3”.4ppoſer, John Pollock, eſq. . s Summoniſter and Cik of the E'ſtreats, fames Dance, eſq. * * Remembrazeer, and Receiver of the First Fruits, and Twentieth Parts, Walter Jas. Glaſcock, Edward Glaſ: cock, and Wm. Shaw Maſon, eſqrs. Surveyor General of Lan is, am? Paluer of bis Myesty's Honours, angford Heyland, eſq. Deputies, Rowly Heyland and Jn. Fowler, eſqrs. . . . . .." Sºc. High Court of Admiral. Tz. Surrogates, W. Vavaſour, LL.D. Milliam Ridgway, LL.D. Ninian Wahaffy, LL.D. . . . . Ying's Advºcate-Gen. *Jn. L. Foſter. ... King's Proctor, Wm. Richardſon, cfq . - - * t - s • # *Fourth Baron, Js. M'Cleland, eſq. - Regiſter y Daniel Pineau, eſq. - Marſhal, Thomas Mulock, eſs. Clerk of Reports, Joſeph Macart. • & Qºdaties, Dăn. Beere, r. Nunn, ** Judge, Sir Jonah Barrington, LL.D. . * 38:1 ºłREL K! Nº o’s cºuns £1.. Attorney General, Right hon. Wiſ liam Saurin. . . . Cherk, Wm. Kemmis, eſq. Solicitor Gen. Charles K. Buſhe, ſg, Clerk, John I)omville, eſq. Prime Sergeant, Wm. Johnſon, ſq. 'Clerk, Thomas Johnſton, eſq. * Second Sergeant, Henry Joy, eſq. || Third Sergeant, Rich. Jebb, eſq. d *Sir Fred. Flood, bart. Rt. hon. J. Fitzgera'd, Beresford Burſton, eſq Sir Edm. Stańley, knt. Sir Jonah Bar- tington, D.C.L. James White ſtone, Art. C. Macartney, Barth. Hoare, Jo- ſeph Jameſon, Jºhn Kirwan, Chriſto- pher Stone Williams, Peter Burrowes, . Thomas Quin, Francis Knox, eſqrs. Sir C. Mountagu'Ormſby, bt. Henry| ‘Deane Grady, John Burne, Abraham ‘Boyd, Thomas Goold, Charles Bur- ‘ton, John Dunn, John Parſons. —r- Taz As U RY OF FIce. f Pice- Treaſurer of Ireland, ºright; Honourable Sir George Frederick ‘Hill. - See-etary Hon. G. Cavendiſh. Chief Clerk, James Crofton, eſq. lſ. Clerk in Secretary’s Office, Rich. 20uch, eſq. - Ledger Cle, k, Edw. Mitchell, eſq. 1st Aſst. Clks P. O. Mitchell, eſq. Cºmputer of Qff-fºcckonings, Edw. Mitchell, eſq. Revenue Clerk, Wm. Turner, eſq. Life Annuity Clerk, Fran. Standiſh, eſ AA * T.EVENUET) EPARTMENT A NB, • * - Timothy Diſcoli, John Lloyd, k Sealy Tºwnſend, Dan. W. Webbeſſ, In Radcliffe, Jn. Smyly, Thos. | B. Vandeleur, Thos. Lioyá, Rich. Penefather, Edw. Penefather, Thos. Lefroy, Rob. Johnſton, Rob. Tor- rens, Thos. Wallace, *John L. Fos-, ter, eſqrs. - - . CRow?t. So L I citos s. x - Thomas Keram is, Wm. K emmis, Jºhn Pollock Ar hur H. C. Pollock, Bavid Gordon, Robert Hamilton, Sir Jas. Galbraith, bt. Edw. S. Hick. man, Samuel Prendergaſt, eſqrs. Sºcitºr in a' Matzers relative to Forſeited Eſtates, Robt. Reeves, eſq. REG 1's TER Office. - Registrer, Viſct. Kilwarden. Deputies, Geo. Moore, Oliver Moor ë, Francis Armſtrong, eſqrs. . *** * Clerk of éhe Public accompts, Wrii Harding, gent. . • ‘Cleré for Orders, W. Barclay, gent. Clerk for Civil Lift Debenfares, Richard Bower, gent. Qlerk of the Ingroſſments, William M“Loughlin, gent. 9'erk of the Pells, Earl of Shannon. Pºpaty, Wm. Jenkins, eſq. - ...Caſhier, or Teller ef the Exchequer; Rich. Neville, eſq. •s ... * Pºpwty, Arthur Hume, eſq. Chamberlain, W. H. Palmer eſq. Keeper of the Houſe for Receip's, Mr. Alex. Stubbs. Receiver General, Sir Gen. Shee, bt; Accomplant Gen. Steph Moore, eſs "T"---------, "... Clerk, Edward Standiſh, eſq. - CoMMrssio NER's of Customs and Auditors-Gen. Earl of Roden, and || *Viſcount jocelyn. Deputy, John Metge, eſú. Clerk of the Iſſies & Records, Hy. Harding, eſq. g” is a Regiſter, and Keeper of the Civil Lift, John Barry; eſq. . . Cerk of the Wonchers and .47s, Tho. Haſfield, eſq. Military Ledger Keeper, J. Bower, gent. Treaſily Port Duties. . . . . i, Lord Caſtlecoot, Right Hoa. John B. Van eleur, Robert ww.nne, Eſq. Hon. Abra. H. Hutchinson, Hon. John Jocelyn, Henry Hamil. toº, esq., and Hulton S. King, eſq.” Sec. Allan M'Lean, esq. . - .. ; Second See. Charles j. A. Mać. Lean, eſq. - .’ ... . . Clerk of the Minutes, T. T. White, ſ - Civil do, Wm. jun. Bower, gent. e1Q. . * Solicitor, Edw. Aug. Waller, eſq. - IRELAND. . . 385 . Account. Gen. Wm. Syme, eſq., Surveyor General, Sir Richard Hardinge, bat. Deputy, H. A. Dudgeon, eſq. Comptroller, Robert Tighe, esq. Deputy, Peter Jacob Hodgſon, eſq. Equalizer of Duties and Inſpecior of the Hereditary Revenue, of Ireland, Francis Edward Thomas, Eſq. Registrer General of Shipping, Tho. Warren, esq. Registrer of . Seiskres, Frazer, esq.” Counſel, Hen. Deane Grady, eſq. and Sir C. Montagu Ormſby, bart Agent for Irish Affairs in London, Sir Charles Wm. Flint, kat. Surveyors General, John Cuthbert, Thomas Worthington, Paul Dawſon, and Samuel Page, eſqrs. Dublin Po, t. - Charles Collect. Hon. F. Hely Hutchinſon. Firſt Clerk and Comm. for taking Affidavits, Henry Kinſey, eſq. Customer and Collector, Hon. Ed- ward Acheson. - J)épaty, A. St. George, efg. Scar, her, Paeker, and Cuager, Hon. Robt. Clo.worthy Clements, JDep. , Cha. Dawſon Larkin, eſq. Jerquer, Hen. Peter B. Blaquiere, Inſpe:for of Revenue Boats; and Examinator of Tide Surveyºrs Diaries, Hon. Fr. Charles Anneſley. Regiſter of Debentures and Cocket Office, James Leech, eſq. Clerk of the Woºl Accounts, Paul Dawſon, eſq. f Craner and IWharfinger, Lord Henry Seymour. . - Deputy, Lord George Seymour. Aſsiſtants, Pierſe Worthington and Henry A. Dudgeon, eſqrs. Almager, Lord de Blaquire. ERs of Excise and TAX E S. Chas. S. Hawthorn, esq. John Therry, eſq. Rich. Longfield, esq. Tho. Odell, esqrs, Sir Robert Lan- grishe, bart, Hon. Jas, Hewit, and Wa, Plunkett, esq. * > CoMMIssion * Solicitor in London, Secretary, Edw. Harman, esq. Geo. Pentland, esqrs. Sir Charles Wm. Flint, knt. - neral, Edward Hearne, esq. . First Clerk, Robert Cooper, esq. Clerk of the Qwit Rents, Francis O‘Beirne, eſq. - Register of Forfeitures, Dugald | Campbell, esq. . - Examiner, Geo. Hatton, esq. Reg. of Seizures, Ch. Frazer, gent Com/htroller of Taxes, Sackville H. Lovett. Inspectors, Edward J. B. Fitzsim- mons, Win. Andrews, Hy Hardruan, Hugh Boyle, John Hnmphries, and John Swift, esqrs. . . t & STAM P-OFF1 ce. £ommissioners. Hon. Hugh Howard, William Gore, eſqrs, Chairmen. John Trench, Thomas Burton Fitz- gerald, Euw. Glascock, eſqrs. Secretary, Peter Holmes, esq. . Receiver Gen. Wm. Daniell, esq. Comptroller, Robt. Mulock, esq. Solicitor, Robert Borrowes, esq. . * Darcy Mahon, esq. - G E N E R A L Post OFFIce, Du e LIN. Poſt-Maſters General, Earl O’Neil, and Earl of Roſie. - - Secretary, Edward S. Lees, eſq. Treaſurer, Graves C. Swan, esq. Accomp. gen. And, R. Prior, eſq. Resident Surveyor, H. A. Bushe, eſq. - Comptroller, Fred. Homan, eſq. **- AUDIT OFFIce. Commissivners. - Richard. Townsend Herbert, Mau- rice Cane, Rich. Magenis, Hon. Hans Black wood, and John Ma- hon, eſq. - . Secretary, Donough O’Brien, esq. Solicitor, Josius Dunn, esq, K k Solicitors, John Edwards and Comptroller and Accountant Ge- Inspector General ºf Stamp Duties, *. 386 IRELAND. Ecclesiastical DEPARTMENT: … y - COU T 'º. AR- Liſmore John Scott, M. A. I ETR or oil tº: RT of Oſſory, #on. Joſeph ºn. t" Jn. iſſ, D.C.L. Baphoe, Richard Allott, P., D. Vicar Gen. Jn Radcli * #. James Forward Bond, M.A. Reg. |Tuam, Thomas Carter, D.D. - Deputy, Hugh MºMafler, Armagh.|Paterford, Uſher Lee, M.A. - - Venerable the ARCHDEACONS ºf PreRoc Atiye Count. *: I RELAND. - ...' Judge, John Radcliff, P.C.L. Achonry, Joſeph Verſchoyle, M.A. Regiſter, Rev. John Robinſon. Aghadoe, George Biſhop, M.A. £ºgiftſ, Jºhn Hawkinº ſºlº.’Rojº Bºttº, D.C.L. Murſhal, Tho. Kingſmore, sent, 2.d£ert, Thomas Grace, D.D. . - - - Armagh, Hon. Chas. Knox, LL.D. The Very Rev, the DEANS of IRE- |Cashel, Wm. Galway, M.A. w—- r I. A N D. Clogher, John Brinkley, D.D. Achonry, Arthur H. Kenny, D.D. Clonfert, Jas Strange But ſon, M. A. Ardagh, Richard Graves, D.D. . Cloyne, Zachary Cooke Collis, D.D. Ardfert, Gilbert Holmes, B.A. Connor, Anthony Trail, M. A. Armagh; Vi'count Lifford, D.C.L. Cork, Wm. Thompson, M.A. Cashel, Joseph Palmer, B.D. Derry, Thomas T. Aveling, M.A. Clogher, Richard Bagwell, M.A. | Down, Robt, Anderſon, D.D. Clonfert, Thomas Iſawkins, D.D., | Dromore, Hon. Pierce Meade, M.A. Clonmacnoiſe, Henry Roper, D.D. Duilin, James Saurin, D.D. . . . . Cloyne, Alexander Arbuthnott, D.D. Elphin, William Digby, M.A. “ Connor, Theophilus islakely, B.C.L. | Emly, Garret Wall, M.A. Cork, William Magee, D. D. | Ferns, Edward Barton, D.D. JDerry, John Hume, M.A. Glandelagh, James Langrishe, M.A. JDown, .# Kildare, William Maunsell, M.A. Dromore, James.Mahon, M. A. Kilfenora, James-Kenny, D.C.L. Dublin, Christ-Church, lyishop. of Killala, John King, M.A. Kildare. - Killaloe, Edw. Price, B.C.L. St. Patrich's, Hon Jn. Pomeroy, DD. Kilmacduagh, Henry King, M.A. Elphin, John French, B.A. | Kilmore, John Caulfield, D.D. Em/y, Richard Moore, B. A. | Leighlin, John Elgee, D.C.L. Ferns, Peter Browne, M. A. Limerick, Wm. Maunsel, M.A. Rildare, Thomas Trench, B.D. Lifmore, Philip Ryan, D.D. Kilfenora, George Stevenſon, D.D. |Meath, Thomas De Lacy, B.A. Killala, Edmond Burtºn, iJ. C. L. Oſſory, Paul Helsham, i.C.L. Killalue, John Bayly, M. A. Raphoe, John Uſher, D.D. £ilmacduagh, Wm Forster, B C,L. Ross, William Bisset, D.D. Kilmore, William Magenis, M. A Tuam, Charles Warburton, B.A. Leighlin, George Maunsell, D. D. Jºaterford, Geo. Lewis Fleary, Limeric, Arthur J. Preſton, D.D. D.C.L. - ACADEMICAL INSTITUTIONs. Tarsity Col.I.E.g E; Dublin. 1591. Viſitors, the Chancellor (or in-h.s Chancelor, #Duke of Cumber- absence the Vice-Chancellor,) and land, K.G. & D.C.L. Archb. of i)ublin. - Vice-Chan. Lord Chief Justice Rt | Provoſ, Rev.Tho. Ehington,D.D. Hon. Win Downes, D.C.L, | IREHANI). 387 ar, KING's. Professons. ... Divinity, Rev. Rich. Graves, D.D. Corn. -Law, Philip Crampton, D.C.L. Øiv. Ilaw, Fr. Hodgkinson, D.C.L. Physic, Edward Hill, M.D., F.L.S. Greek, Tho. Prior, D. D. French and German, Charles Wil. liomicr; D.C. L. - * Spin. and Ital. Alfonso Pellegrini, D.C.L. - - Archbishºp I(ing’s Lecturer in Davi- wity, Wm. Davenport, D.3). ccturer in Greek, Francis Sadlier, D. D. - E. SMITH's PR of Esso Rs. Mathematics, Bart. Lloyd, D.D. Orien ital Languages, John Barrett, |Roy AL and Fouse A11ox Schools Founded by CHARLEs I, 1626 and 1630. - --- - ARMAGII. Trustee, Abp. of Armagh. Master, Thomas Carpendale, M.A. BANAGHER. Master, Thomas Mor- ris, M.A. - . . . - GAVAN. Master, John Moore, M.A. Under-Master, Mr. Arbuthnot. CARYSFORT. Master, Rev. Sir Tho. Foster, bt. DUNGANNoN. ray, J.D.D. Ex NISKILLEN. rowes, D.D. RAPHoF. Master, James Irvin, B.A. Founded by John PREston, esq. of Tara, 1686. . * = . - Master, Wm. Murs Master, Rt Bur- D. D. - --- Oratory, - Mac Donnett, LL.D. Modern Hist. Rev. Fra. Hodgkin- son, D.C. L. Nat, and Eap. Phil. Wm.Davenport, D. D. - 4ndrew's Professor of Astronomy, Archdeacon Brinkley, D.D. & F.R.S. Medical Professors. . 4natomy, James Macartney, M. D. , F.R.S - Chemiſtry, Francis Barker, M.D. BALLYRoon. Hereditary Trustee, Ld | Tara. - . Master, Rev. Joseph Preſton, M.A. Assistant, Arthur Hutchinson. −. wº HIBER NIAN SocIETY, - For Educating and Apprenticing the . Orphans of Soldiers. President, The Lord Lieutenant. Vice-President, Gen. Sir G. Hewett. Commandant, Lt.Col. Hugh Colville. Botany, William Allman, M.D. Roy AL College of St. PATRI cK, 1MAYNooth, 1795. Preſident, Rev. Bart. Crotty, D.D. Wice-Preſident, Rev. Mich Montague. Dean, Rev. John Cantwell. . . . Sub-Dean, Rev. Philip Dooley. £urſar, Rev. John Cumumins. - Professors. - Dogmatic Theology, Lewis Dela- hogue, D. D. Moral Theology, F. Anglade, LL.D. Sacred Scriptwre, Rev. Jas. Browne. Natural Philoſophy, Rev. Cornelius Denvit. . . . . Logic, Rev. Cha. M'Nalty. Greek and Latin, Rev. Rich, Gibbons Irish, Rev. Paul O’Brien. French, Rev. Francis Power, M.A. English Elocution, Rev. Chriſtian Boylan, 1. Treasurers, Right Hon. D. Latouche and Co. . . . . . . * Adjutant & Secretary, Capt. Irving. Colleg E of Physicians FELLows. Dr. James Cleghorn, State Ph fician, PREs 1D en T. y- Dr. Edward Hill, Regius Profeſſor of Phyſic. . - Dr. William Harvey, Phyſician General. - - - Dr. Francis Hopkins. Dr. Alexander Peliſſier. Dr. Anthony Gilholy. Dr. Daniel Mills King. Dr. Thomas Herbert Orpen. Dr. Hugh Ferguson. Dr. James Callaman, Treaſurer the Funds of Sir Patrick Dun. K l: 2 Dr. Ja Dr. G. Clarke. Dr. &eorge Frank Todderick, Vice Preſident, Treaſurer, and Cenſor. Dr. Robert Bredin, Censor. - Dr. Thos. Taylor, Cenſor. - Dr. Sam. Litton, Regiſler & Censor. HoNor ARY FEL low s. w Dr. Chas Wm. Quim. - Dr. Robert Perceval. *. Dr. John William Boyton. Dr. John Cranjpton. Dr. Thomas Egan. Dr. Joseph Clarke. . . . Dr. Arthur Saunders, Dr. Walter Wade. . . I}r. Martin Thomy. HDr. Francis Barker. Dr. William Allman, Dr. Thomas Evory. Dr. Whitley Stokes. LICENTIATEs in PHYsic, Dr. Daniel Bryan. Dr. James Murray. - Dr. Bartholomew Dillon. Dr. Willliam Drennan. IJr. John Pentland. Dr.William Brooke. Dr. Alexander Jackson. T)r. William Stoker, Dr. Thomas Mills. Dr. John Joseph Burke. . Dr. Samuel Bell Lahatt. Dr. Grant David Yeates. Dr. Andrew Armſtrong. 1)r. Henry Blennerhaſſett. Dr. James Macabe. Dr. Peter E. Mac Loghlin. 388 mes John Leahy. # - . 4 » - ? - -, - . - . COMMERCIAL Trustees of the LIN EN-Manufacture. Ulst ER. — Marq. of Abereorn, Marq. of Drogheda, Earl of Charle- mont, Earl of Ernie, Earl of Leitrim; Earl O’Neil, Earl of Charle- ville, Viſcount Clermont, Lord Dufferin, Biſhop of Kilmore, Sir Thomas Fetherſton, bart. Rt hon: THenry King, *Hon. J's Butler, Rt # Dr. | Dr. JDr. Dr. | T)r. Dr. Edward Percival, Dr. J. C. Douglas. 'Dr. Patrick Sharkey. Dr. Thomas Burnfide, Dr. Robert Reid. Dr. George Maxwell. Dr. Nicholas Archer. Dr. Chriſt. Teeling. John Cheyne.' . . Patrick Harkan. . . Francis Duany. John O’Reardon. John O’Brien. John Breen. Robert Lloyd. . . . . Henry Edward Joly, Archibald Nicholls. Richard Grattan. James Clarke. Dr. John Byrn. Dr. James Frizell. Dr. Samuel Black. ** Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Farrell @'Reilly. *—---sºº. -ºr * → --~~ a- • Royal Inish Acabeux. Incorporated 1? 6. Pa'ron, The KING. - Piſi.or, Chief Governor of Ireland. Preſident, Earl of Charleville. Vice-Preſidents, Rev. Thos Elring . ton, John Brinkley, D.D. Wm. Davenport, D.D., Col. Edw. Hill. Treaſurer, Thos. Prior, D.D. Secretaries, Wm Davenport, D.D. Rev. Jos, Hy. Singer, A.M. Foreign Sec. Col. Edward Hill. Librarian, Wm. Brooke, M.D, ~ x. INSTITUTIONS. .* ham, James Verner, *J. Claudius Beresford, Charles P. Leslie, George |A1athews, esqrs. i - Leinster.—M. of Donegall, M. of Waterford, M. of Downſhire, E. of Annesley, Earl of Roden, Earl of Belmore, Ld Muskerry, Ld Nor- bury, Biſhop of Derry, Ld Clonbrook, .*Rt hon, M. Fitzgerald, * Rt hon. hon, Robert Ward, Lt. Gen. Need- .* Sir G. F, Hill, bt, Rt hon. J. O. IRELAND. 39 ºn sº Vandeleur, P. Latouche, jun. *Wm Richardſon, Wm. Gore, Nat. Sneyd, eſqrs. - MuNSTER.—Ld Primate, Marq. of Thomond, E. of Granard, E. of Shannon, E. of Farnham, Marquis Conyngham, Earl of Caledon, E. of Carrick, E. of Glengall, Visc. Nor- thland, Biſhop of Down, “Rt hon. John M. Barry, Right hon. T. H. Foster, Right hon. Sir J. Stewart, *James Stewart, Rich. Gervas Ker, — |. Francis Savage, Robert Sterne Tighe, esqrs. . . . CoNNAught. — Marq. of Lon- donderry, Earl of Enniskillen, Earl of Gosford, Earl of Aldborough, V. Frankfort, *Rt hon. John Foster, Rt.Hon. D. Latouche, Rt hon. Wn Fitzgerald, *Hon. Tho. Knox, Cor. nelius Bolton,”Cha. Brownlow, Wm. Burton, *Henry J.Clements, *Arth. French, Owen Wynne, James Cuff, *Edmund A. M*Naughten, James Daly, esqrs. . - Secretary ºf Linen Office, James Corry, esq. • , - First Clerk, John Blaker. Chamberlain of Linen Hall, James King, esq. ' - Chamberlains of Yarn Hall, F. and T. W. Warren, esqrs. . . . . . Provincial Inspectors. - Ulster, James Green, and Wm. Pol- lock, esqrs. Leinster, - Munster and Connaught, Peter Besnard, esq. 15 Direčfors. Rt. Alexander, Leland Crofth- wait, Jas. Chambers, Jer. D’Olier, Geo. Drevar, Jos. Goff, Arth. Gui, neſs, Wm. Harkneſs, Nat. Home- Alex. Kirkpatrick, Wm. P. Lunell, Jn. L. Macquay, Jn. Stewart, Wria. Sparrow, Hugh Trevor, eſqrs. Sec. Thomas Williams, eſq.-. Clerk of Diſcount, Geo. Draper. MAGISTRATE's of DUBLIN. Lord Mayor, Right hon, Abra- ham B. King. - Recorder, Wm Walker, esq. Aldermen, *#Rob. Shaw, esq. tSir Wm. Alexander, bt. t.John Exshaw, - fHenry Howison, thenry Gore San- key, tSamuel Reed, f'ſ homas An- drews, fcharles Thorp, +Richard Manders, thferedith Jenkin, || A. Kirkpatrick, thugh Trevor, f Fred. Darley, fSir Wu Stamer, bt. tha- thaniel Home, t\Vm Henry Archer, it.John Caſh, + Mark Bloxham, Ju C. ' Beresford, Jn Alley, Tho M'Kenny, Matt. Weſt, Geo. Warner, John S. Fleming, eſqrs. - Sheriffs, William Dixon, Joha Read. eſqrs, • * President of the Covrt of Con- cience, Jn. C. Beresford, eſq. - City Treasurer, William Henry BANK of IRE LAND. Gov. Arch. Hawkſley, eſq. Dep. Gov, *Nat, Sneyd, eſq. Archer, eſq. . . . . • Town Clerks, John Allen, esq. , Moleſworth Green, esq. . - f Served Lord-Mayor.--| Fing ºr t 300 tº * *- BRITISH colonies. . BRITISH co G1 BRALTAR. Gov. Gen. Field- Marſhal Duke of Kent, K.G. & K. P. Lt. Gov. Gen. George Don. Sec. J. Marſhall, eſq. . Paym, Hon. Aug. Phipps, 5471. Ios. Principal Com. Stores, John Sweet- land, eſq. .5471. 17 SY Chap. to the Gov. Rev. John We. therall, 1151. 53. . . - Sec. to the Governor, J. Marshali. judge Adv, Fr S. Larpent, eſq. Judge of the Vice Adm. Court, Sir Rich. M. Jephson, bt. 1721. 17s. Registrer, Hon. Geo, Villers. Marshal, John Tyrwhitt, eſq. Town-Major, John Fraſer, esq., 86%. 8s. 9d. . - Town-Adj.Lt.A. Campbell,511.17s.3d Surg. Maj. W. W. Fraſer, esq. Eart:-Surg. Hem. Glaſſe, 259.6s. 8d. Superintendant General of the Hoſ. pitals, Mervin Nooth. Mate, Alexander Banes. . # row. Marſh. John Roſs, 6911. 3s. Signal-Man, Rd Daere, 171. 5s. 9d. . LONIES AND ISLANDS. EUROPEAN. - MALTA. . . . . . . Governor and Commander in Chief, Rt Hon. Sir Thos. Maitland. > . Public Sec. Alex. Wood, eſq. Private Secretary, Rich. Plaſket, eſq.- Military Sec. Lt.-Col. Hankey. . . . Chaplain, Rev. J. C. Miller. . . Ring's Aſſºff. Waller R. Wright, esq., Naval Department. . Commiſſary, Capt. Larcome. . Nav. Store Keeper, Wm. I. Weſt, eſo. Agent-Victualler, P. Wilkinſon, esq. Harbour-Maſter, Lieut. R. Corner. Judge of Vice-Admirally Court, King's Advocate, R. Forreſt, eſq. |Marshal, -- Corry, eſq. . . . Regiãrer, John Lockyer, eſq. Advocates, R. Forrest, eſq. George . Ogilvie, D.C.L. Superintendant of Quarantine, Rob. Greeves, eſq. - Captain of the Port, G. B. S PWarden of t ch ombri. he Lazaretto, Filippo- Pulis, H El I Go LAND. Gov. Turnkey, Riehard Catton, 1.7l. 5s. 9d. AMER —r. Low ER CANADA. Gov. Gen. Sir John. Cope Sher- broke, G.C.B. - Liwetenant-Gyvernor, esq. > - Civil Secretary to the Governor, Her- man W. Ryland, eſq. - Military Secretary, N. Addiſon, eſq Lt. Gov. of Gaſpé,-Forbes, eſq. Biſhop of Quebec, Rt. Rev. Jacob Mountains D. D. Executive Council. The Chief Jus- tice, the Biſhop of Quebec, F, Baby- T. Dunn, James Monk, J. Young, and Jenkins Williams, eſqrs. •Clerk, Hermar W. Ryland, eſq. . Legiſl. Council, H.Allcock, Speaker, the Biſhop of Quebec, '1'. Dunn, P. R. F. N. Burton, Lt. Gov. Lt. Col. Henry King. Town Major, John Smith, eſq. ICAN. - - A. de Boucherville, H. Caldwell, J. Monck, eſqrs. Sir J. Johnſon, bart. C. v. – de Lotbiniere, G. E. Taſchereau, and T. Williams, eſqrs. - Clerk and Mafter in William Smith, eſq. - Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Herman W. Ryland, eſq. - Chief juſtice of Quebec, Jonathan Sewell, esq. * Pujné judges of the Court of King's Bench, for the Diſtriël of Quebec, T. Dunn, P. A. de Bonne, and J. Wil- .liams, eſqrs. Chief juſtice ºf Montreal, James. Monck, eſq. Puiſne judges, P. L. Panet, J. Og- Chaneery, de St. Ours, F. Baby, C. de Lanaudiere > den, and J. Reid, eſºs, - 39 f. BRITISH colonies." Provincial judge at Three - Rivers, - L-Foucher, eſq. - Provincial Judge for the Inferiºr Diſ. - trict of Gaſpé, Wm. Crawford, eſq. . Attorney and Advocate Gen. N. F. Uniacke, eſq. - Salicitor Gen. chas Marſhall, eſq. IV.ival Officer, Frederick Eaſt, esq. the Admiralty, James| - " . . . | Clerk of the Corºnt iſ, Jn Small, eſq. judge of Kerr, eſq. - Ditto for Quebec, Iſaac Ogden, eſq. Regiſtrer, G. Hawdan, eſq. . . Secretary and Regiſłrer of t arince, Thos. Amyot, eſq. Deputy, John Taylor, eſq. . . . . Ck of the Crown, J. C. Bloomfield,eſq.- Rec. Gen. H. Caldwell, eſq. - Collector, - Percival, eſq. Com/htroller, T. Scott, eſq. . Surveyor General, J. Bouchette, eſq. Suri). of Woods, J. Coffin, eſq. Provincial Agent, Commiſſioners for managing the rates formerly belonging to the je- ſuits, T. Dunn, T. Pavy, J. Wil- ſiams, Bertholot D'Aſtigny, and R. W. Ryland, eſqrs. . . Corporation of the T inity- • Quebec. Moſier, J. Young, eſq. Deputy, J. Painter, eſq. Capt. of Port, F. Bouc be P re- Houſe at her, eſq. Government’s Agent for the Purchaſe eſ| Hemſl, J. W. Clarke, eſq. Dehuty for the Diſtrict of &uebec, L. Fay, eſq. . . • . . Deputy for the Diſtrict of three Rivers, T. Coffin, eſq. - - . . UP P E R CANADA. Lieut. Gov. Francis Gore, eſq. Chief juſt. Wm. D. Powell, eſq. judge of Common Pleas, W. D. Pow. elle, eſq. - - - 4tt. Gen. Darcy Boulton, eſq, Solicit. Gen. John B. Robinson, eſq. Surveyor Gen. of Lands, Thomas Ri dout, eſq. . . . Inſpector-Gen. of Prov. Accompºs, Hon. John M*Gill. - Aid. Gen. Hon. Prideaux Selby. " Sec, and. Regift. John Small, eſq. Clerk of the Crown, John Small, eſq. Naval Officer, John Powell, eſq. - Agent, W. D. Adams, eſq. - } Es-l. Executive Coºnſelors, The Chief Juſ- tice, The Bishop, Thos. Scott, W. D. Powell, iºra. Baby, js M*Gill, and Sam. Smith, eſqrs. Degiſlative Council, The Chief Juſ. tice, Speaker. The Biſhop, Hon. James Baby, Richard Cartwright. Alex. Grant, Rd Luncan, AEneas- Shaw, jn M'Gill. Maſł. in Chancery, eſq. . - - Maj. of Brig. Lt.-Col. Æneas Shaw. Town Adj. at Fort George, Major Campbell. - Dep. ſperintendant General of India Affairs, Wm. Claus, eſq. 4ſ. at Détroit, Capt. Tho. M*Kee, Dep. Surveyor of hºoods, Thomas Merrit, eſq. . - Wm H. Baldwin, - Now A Sco T 1 A. Lt. Gov. Earl of Dalhouſie. Biſhop, Rt Rev. Rob. Stauſer, D.D. Ch. juſ!. S. Salter Blowers, eſq. id judge, James H. Monk, eſq. 3d judge, Brenton Halliburton, eſq. Attorn Gen. R. J. Uniacke, eſq. Sol. 'Gen. S. B. Robie, eſq. - Protonotary & Clerk of the Crown, - Wm Thomſon, eſq. - Sec. of the Province, Rec. and Clerk of the Council, Rich. D. George, eſq. . S Treaſurer, Michael Wallace, eſq. Cb, Surv. of Lands, C. Morris, eſq. 'Surv. Gen. of King's Woods, Sir John Wentworth. . - Naval Off. John Beckwith, eſq. Colle&for of the Caftons at: Halifax, Thomas Nicholſon Jeffely, eſq. Compt. John Slayter, eſq. Dep Paymaſter, G. J. Williams, eſq. Collector of the Customs at Shelburne, Comptroller, Colin Campbell, e Surveyor, A. S. Bruce, eſq. Searcher, John Newton, eſq. fudge of the Pice-Admiralty Court, Crofton Uniacke, eſq., - Regiſłrer, Tho. Howe Parker, eſq. ſa, Marſhal, James Putnam, eſq. }Agent, Thomas James Mathias, eſq. 392. BRITISH COLONHES. K: Ne's Col LE GE, 1802. Governors, Sir Jn Wentworth, bt. . . Biſhop of Nova Scotia, Sam. Salter Błowers, eſq. R. J. Uniacke, eſq. James Stewart, eſq. Patron, Abp. of Canterbury. Viſitor, Biſhop of Nova Scotia. Preſident, Rev. Charles Porter. NEw BR UN swick. Lt. Gov. Maj. Gen. Geo. S. Smyth. H. M. C.uncil, The Chief Juttice, Jonathan Odell, Jn Saunders, Geo. Leonard, Chriſt. Biſlopp, W. Chip- man, Geo. Sproule; Jn. Coffin, & Jn. M. Bliſs, eſqrs. * Cb, juſt. Jonathan Bliſs, eſq. juſtices, Jn. Saunders, Ward Chip- man, and Jn Murray Bliſs, eſqrs. 4tt. Gen. Thomas Wetmore, eſq. So/. Gen. Wm. Batsford, eſq. Sec. Rºg, and Clerk of the Council, Wm | F. Odell, eſq. Rec. Gen. And. Rainsford, eſq. Surv. Gen. of Lands, Geo. Sprowle,eſq. Coll. of the Cuſtoms, Hy Wright, eſq. Comptroller of ditto, Rb. Parker, esq. Naval Off. Francis Gilbert, eſq. . Surv. & Searcher, — Kelly, eſq. Agent. - - Provinc. Agent, Thos. Bonnor, eſq. | Iſland of PRINc E. Edwan D, Gulph , , of St. Laurence. Lt. Gov. Chas. Douglaſs Smith, eſq. Ch. juſt. and Preſident of the Coun- cil, Thomas Tremlett, eſq. Speaker, Robert Hodgson, eſq. 4t. Gen. Wm. Johnſtone, eſq. Solicitor-General, * Secretary, Registrer, and Clerk of Council, Thomas Desbrisay, eſq. Surveyor General of Lands, Thomas Wright, esq. . . . . Naval Officer, and Collector of Cus- toms, . - - Comptroller, James L. Desbarres, eſq. Receiver-General of Quit-Rents, John Stuart, eſq. . . Chaplain, Rev. Thomas Desbrisay. Prov, Marshal, T. H. Haviland, eſq. Commissary of Stores and Provisions. Alexander Howe, eſq. Barrack-Master and Ordnance Store. keeper, J. F. Holland, eſq. Town-Major, Ronald M*Donald, eſq Áing's-Agent, J. N. Duntze, eſq. Colonial-Agent, Philip Codd, eſq. - care Bºon. T- £ieut. Gºv. Geo. R. Ainſlie, esq. Cº. ºff. Arch. Charles Dodd, eſq. Att. Gen. R. J. Uniacke, eſq. Prov. Maſh. John Hames, eſq. . . Naval Officer, Jos. Noad, eſq. Sec. & Rºg. Jas. Cowdy, eſq. Šišg's 4 gent, George Iſted, eſq. £ollector, Philip Dumareſq, eſq. - Com/troller, Ranna Coſſitt. *w- New-Fou N D. LAN D. Gov. Francis Pickmore, eſq. Lt. Gov. of Placentia, Gen. G. Garth., Lt Gov. of St. john's, Col. Jn Elford. Chief juſtice, Francis Forbes, esq. Barrack-Mafter, Chas Andrews, esq. Collectºr, Arthur Holdſworth Brook- ing, eſq. - Comptroller, Geo. Baillie, eſq. judge of the Vice-Adm. Court, Wil- liam Carter, eſq. .. Regiſlrer, Thomas Tremlet, jun, efd. Marſhal, John Stewart, eſq. . . . Naval Officer, Rd. Hatt Noble, eſq. King's Agent, Joſeph Smith, eſq. JAMAI cA. Captain General, and Governor, Duke of Mancheſter. - Lieut.-Gov. Maj. Gen. Conran. Pºeſ of the Council, Hon. Jn Lewis Clerk, G. Clayton, eſq. . . Speaker of Houſe of Aſſembly, Hon. James Lewis. . Clerk, Francis Smith eſq. Regiſt, ar of the Court of Chancer #. º: C. Wydham. Ty's judge of the Vice-Adm. Court, Henry John Hinchcliffe, eſq. Surrogates, Thos. Dennis, William S. Grigson, esqrs, King's Advocate, James Lewis, eſq. Regiſtrer, Onſlow Rowley, eſq. . Marſhal, Sir Mor- daunt Martin, bt. Deputy Regiſtrar and Clerk of Arraigns, Adam Dolmage, eſq. - - Chief Juſtice, Hon. John. Lewis. . 4tt. Gen. Wm. Burge, esq. Clerk of the Court, Sir E. Nepeam. . Clerk of the Crown, T. F. Hii, esq. Colonial Treaſurer, Rob. Gray, eſq. Crown Solicitor, W. Andrews esºls. . . Garriſon Chaplain, Rev. Rd, Grant, Auditor Gen, James Stewart, CSQ.. " BRITISH COLONIES. €ommiſſioners of Stamp Duties T. G Harris, Aug. Gould, eſqrs. 8ool. Naval Officer, John King, efo. . Barrack Maffer, Major Hall, 365l. Crown Surveyor, Mr. Pat. Keiffe. Botaniſt Stewart Weſt, M. D. zool Sect, to the Iſland G. Clayton, eſq. Aec. Gen. J. W. Parlington, eſq. . Collector of the Cuſtoms, Rott. Mac Culloch, eſq. Kingſton, Thos Thor- man, eſq. Morant Bay. Agent in London, George Hibbert esq. 15 Pol x . . . - BA R B A Does. Governor, Lord Comberbere. Secretary, Clerk of Courts, and Proto- notory of the Common Pleas, Hon. Percy Charles Wyndham. ” | Regiſtrer, John judge of the Admiralty, W. Molloy, eſq. Naval officer, Benj. Smith, eſq. Marſhal, Hon. Geo. Villiers. Monºrs E R R AT T. Lieut. Gov. Sam. P. Steward, esq. Ch. juſt. Mark Dyott, eſq. Se:... and Clerk ºf the Crowni, James Maſters, esq. judge of Adm. H. Hamilton, eſq. £oll. of the Cuff. R. Symons, eſq. Comptroller, R. Ellis. ST. CHR Is T or M. E. R. | Gov. Thomas Probyn, esq. Lt Gov. John Hayman, eſq. Chief Juſtice, John Garnett, esq. Secretary, Thos. Harper, eſq. : Att, Gen. John Woodley, esq. Prov, Marſh. Thomas Carter, esq., Reg, in Chan, and Clerk of the Crown, Edw. Deſbrowe, eſq. - Dep. Clarke, eſq. Att. Gen. Jn. Beckles, eſq. - Sol. Gen. Matt. Couthurſt, esq. Nav. Officer, W. H. E. Bentinck. judge of the Vice-Adm. Court, Regiſtre+, Tho. Hope Byde, eſq. Marſhal, Hon. Sir George Grey,bart. Chahlain, Rev. A. K. Thomas, M.A. LE EwA R D Is LAN ps. Capt.Gen. and Governor in Chief, Ld Cumberbere. . - * . . . . . Lieut. Gen. Maj. Gen. Edw. Barnes. Provoſt Marſhal, Jn. L. Pownall. Sol Gen. John Stephens, esq. - Naval Officer, Thos W. Sturgeon, sº Judge of W. Adm. Court, Rt Thomp- ſon, eſq. . Coll, ºf Cuſtoms, Nat Pine Coffin, eſq-. Comhiroller, W. H. Male, eſq. Agent, *Ant. Browne, eſq. . N E vis, Lt Gov. William Boothby, eſq.” küb. juſt. George Daniel,-eſq. Sec. Jn. R. Small, eſq. Naval Officer, Geo. Abbott: - Post-Master, D. Maedowell, esq. ;Collector, Edward Colton, eſq. . Comptroller, Richard Stanley. ... Agents, P. & J. Colquhoun, eſq. VIRGIN IS LAN Ds. Lt Gov. Lt. Col. James Bathurſt. Attorney Gen. Paul Horsford, eſq. Adv. Gen. John Burke, eſq. Sol. Gen. W. Mardenborough, eſq. Auditor-Gen. Hon. and Rev. R. Cholmondeley. - Sec. and Clerk of the Crown, J. T. Oſwald, Eſq. - Nav. Marſhal, J. L. Pownall, eſq. Proval Off. - Regiſrer of the Vice-Admiralty Court, john William Molloy, eſq." . - ANTIG tº A. Gov. M. Gen. Geo. W. Ramsay.. . It Gov. Robert Mathews, eſq. Ch. juſtice,, John Athil, eſł. Att. Gen. Paul Horsford, eſq. So/. Gen. Wm. Musgrave, esq. Reg, in Change, y, Wm Nanton, eſq. Secretary and Clerk of the Crown. sam, B. Peris, esq. . - | First Fiſcal, Theo. |Second Fiſcal," John P. Smith, eſq. | Wendue-Maſter, Hon. T. M. Eden. ch, juſtice, James Robertſon, eſq. |Sec. Thos. N. Wilkins, eſq. Agents, P. and J. Colquhoun, eſqrs. St. James’s. Place. - - D. MARARA and Esssºu i Bo. Gov. Maj. Gen. John Murray, Pres. Cr of Juſtice, JamesBQugh, eſs. . Secretary, Registrer, and King’s Ré. ceiver, John A. Sullivan, eſq. De- puty, Alex. Simpſon, eſq. Judge of Admiralty, williams, eſt. Deputy, A. Mills, eſq. Firſt Eaploiteur, J. Farr, eſq. puty, -, Haley, eſq. Collector of Cºſtoms, Jºn Forbes, eſq. Comptroller, Philip Staple, eſq. ..! De- 394 BRITISH COLONIES. Nav. ºfficer, C. Greville, eſq. De Treaſurer, Elphinſton Pigott, eſq. pºtty, H. Strange, eſq. Poſſ-Maffer, Theo. Williams, eſq 6, duance Stor, keeper, - Inſpector Gen. of Roads, F. Vanden Velden, eſq. - 4gents, A. Gordon and J Beete, eſqs. BER B1 ce. . . . Lt. Gov. Chas. W. Bentinck, eſq. Chief justice, Eman. Samuel, eſq. 4tr. Gen. Henry Fuller, eſq. Secretary, J. T. Capel, esq. Awaval Officer, Adam Gordon. Provoſt Marſhal, Geo Adderly. . Cºptroller, Wm. Gordon, eſq. Agent, George Baillie, esq. TRIN 1.p.A.D. . . Gov. Sir Ralph Js Woodſord, bart. Judge of P.Adm. Ct, J.T., Bigg, eſq. Regiſtrer, Webſter Gillman, cf. 34arſhal, Robert Palgrave, eſq. Surv. Gen. Lt. Col. J. Rutherford. Colct. of Cuſtoms Comptr. John Hudſon, eſq. wºrt. Gen. Henry Fuller, eſq. | Cherk ºf Patents, Jame - Clogton, eſq. x < * ~ Toſ. of Cºff. C. A. Franklyn, eſq. , Compt. of Do. Finlay Macfarlane, eſq. . S T. Vi Nc EN T. • . Gov. Commander, and W. Adm; Sir Charles Briſbane, K.C.B. Chief juſt. & judge of the Admiralty Court, Edward Sharpe, eſq. |gtºn, Jn Roche Daſent, eſq., Solicit.-Gen. Sam. B. Windser, eſq. Pres. of the Council, Robt. Paul, eſq. Sec. Reg, and Clerk Andrew Roſe, eſq. Spsake of the Aſſembly, Alex. Cruick- ſhank, eſq. -- s Grant, eſq. . Treaſurer, Robert Paul, eſq. . . Deputy, George Hartley, eſq. Prov, Mar. Jn G. Nanton, eſq. Collector, Charles Thesiger, esq... . Deputy, Wm Taylor, eſq. - Naval Officer, Edw. Desbrowe, esq . . Agents in Łondon, Patrick and Jas. Colquhoun, eſqrs. St. james's Place. . . . . . Superintendant of Botanic Garden, Wm. Lochhead. Sr. Lu c1 A.