QA 457 .L72 STOMAGE ff NON CIRCULATING LOURS PENINSUPAMAMOTNAM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY CB12 SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS OF THE CURCUMSPICE WE K-c-49 C 3o7 3 QA 4 己 ​. 2,把 ​... . .:. ܀ *** .-?'- .- ܀ ܀ : M 6.3 WA word Diem Rice 2 GULIELMUS D:Gratiæ Angliæs s cotiz, Francia, et mberriæ, REX Faei Defensor etc. Obunum. 8.2 var. Hove - GNO N OP bior Lux Stereometria: OR THE A R T Of Meaſuring Surfaces and Solids, Theoretically and Pra&tically DEMONSTRATED; And Apply'd To the moſt Difficult CASES in G AUGING, after a New and more Exact Method, than any yet Practis d. To which is Prefixd A ſhort View of Decimal Arithmetick, and the Extraction of the Square Root : Together with a Deſcription of the ſeveral ſorts of Superficial and Solid Bodies: and a TABLE for finding the Solid Content of Round Timber, c. d! By FAMES LIGATBODT, Philomath. . LONDON: printed for FRANCIS HUBB ART in Duck- lane, and HVGH NEW MAN at the Graſ- hopper in the Poultrey, 1701. -వరం . . . . . . - - - ఆ వస్తు సంక, నా అవును -- To His Ingenious A N D wa WORTHY FRIEND, Mr. J. Brightland, . T T HIS Treatiſe Is Humbly DEDICATED W By His Obliged Humble Servant 2 wacht The Authoz aminsgrike it រ ST 1 ។ I go ( ០៦ - :. Hilfsmance 315 S. fue on-le-e The Preface. Ince-my former perfor- mances of this kind bave met with ſo wel- come a reception from the orld, I ibought my ſelf Obliged by the Meaſures of Gratitude, to think of Jomething more wortby. of their applauſe. Hom far I bave ſucceeded in this di- tempt, the Publick is 10 judge: I can only ſay, that look upon this as the beſt of .: A 4 my The PREFACE. my performances, and flatter my ſelf with the hopes that the Opinion of the World will juſtifie my thoughts, by giving it the preferencea I bave often obſerved with re- gret, that the pratica) part of Geoinetry is com- monly fo fever'd from the Theory, that the Profeffors of the Former know little or nothing of the Ladier, to the infmite Scandal of their profeffion. By this méarar, they are uncapable of doing any thing but by Roat, and only follow the Cuſtomary rules, The PREFACE. rules, without ſeeing the rea- fons they are built upon, or knowing how to Meaſure any uncommon Figure that lies out of the beaten Road. Whereas if they apply'dibem- ſelves to tbe principles of Geometry, in wbich the Various forms of ſuperficial and ſolid bodies are examind and mutually collated, tbey would be able to give a rational Account of their o peration, and extend their Practice beyond the verge of a fet rule. Upon this ac- connt, V bave bere infifted upon ... The PREFACE. 3 upon that merbod of blend- ing tbe Tbeory and Practice together, and Uſhering in the rules of Menfuration by the Speculative Qualities of the bodies that are to be Meaſured. - My chief deſ Sign was to give a plain and rational Scheme of the Art of Gauginga mbich is the moſt difficult part of Practical Geometry: And I am hopeful that thoſe who are concerned on bis Majeſty's revenue of the Exciſe, will be ſenſible ibat I bave in ſome Meaſure compaſsid my end. There are other The PREFACE. *** os ture other incident propoſitions, relating to the Menfuration of Board Glaſs Wainſcot, &c. W bicb, tho they are not any direkt part of Stereometry or Gauging, yet they are uſe. ful for Iunſtrating the Do- Trine of Solids ; for the Na- that of Surfaces, as well as that of Surfaces døes upon Lines and indeed the beſt way of tracing the Knowledg of any thing, is reducing it 10 its firſt and ſimpleſt principles . It was neceſary to pre- mile a ſhort view of Decimal The PREFACE. Arithmetick and the Ex- traction of the Square Root: for the proportion between Surfaces and Lines is beſt Illuftrated by the nature of Square Powers: and the Ope- rations in the way of Gaug ing, are not to be perform d witbout Decimal Arithmetic, and extracting Square roots. If ny buſineſs bad not oca cafrond d neceſſary abſence from Town, Ibad taken care to have made tbis reariſe more Correct and Methodi. cal: However, fuch ar it is, I hope it will nor diſpleaſe tbe Reader. THE THE CONTENTS PART 1 0 P. 8. p. 11. Chap 1 F Decimal Arithme tick, Page r. Notation of Decimals. ibid. Addition of Decimals. P. 4- Subfraction of Decimals. P. 7. Multiplication of Decimals. Diviſion of Decimals. Extraction of the Square Roof. p. 14. Chap. 2. Of Magnitude or bigneſs, p.27. Geometrical Problems : ſuch as are moje aleful in the art of meaſuring, P.30. Menfuration of plain ſuperficies, ſuch as Board, Glas, Wainſcof, Painting, Paving, &c. P. 35 Chap The CONTENTS. Chap. 3. Menfuration of Solid! Food and Stone, 47. Chap. 4. Of Round T'imber, p. 61. ATable for finding the ſolid content of Round Tumber by theCircumference p.73 PART II. Chap. 1. The Art of Meaſuring Sarfaces and Solids Theoretically and Practically demonſtrated, p. 81. Chap.2 Mexfuration of Regular and Irregular Solids çalfo of imboſſed Solids P. 103 Chap. 3. of Gauging. p. 125. Chap.4. How to Gauge Brewers Tums of varions Forms and Situations, p. 137. Of CaskGauging, p. 139. To find the Vacuity of Spheroia al Cask, pofited with its Axis parallel to ebe Horizon, p. 145. To find the Vacuity of ſtanding cask pohted The CONTENTS. 1: pofated with its Axis Perpendicular to the Horizon, p. 147. Some uſeful Remarks in Gauge ing; whereby a Man may not only informa bis Judgment, but, at ſome time or e- ther, facilitate his works, p. 149. How to Inch a ſwelling Cask, Juch as the Middle of a Fruftum of a ſpheroid, Jo as you may know the Content of every Inch or Inches, from Head to Head, being erected with its Axis Perpendick- fer to the Horizon, p. 151, To inch a round or ſquare Tun, as the Fruftum of a Cone, cr Square Pyramid P. 157. csato & flestess 1: . pie Lux بها الآن . Lux Stereometrie : OR, THE A RT :: OF Meaſuring Surfaces and Solids: CH A P. I. of Decimal Arithmetick. Notation of Decimals. A Decimal is that by which is diſtin- guiſhed the Parts of a Unite, and is decreaſed from Unity to ſo many Tenth Parts of a Unite: for Uniry is di- vided into 10 Parts, and every roth Pare se Lux Stereometria. 4. is called a Prime, every hundreth Part is a Second ; and every thouſand Part a Third, ds. So as whole Numbers increaſe by Tens, from the Units place towards the left hand, fo Decimals decreaſe by Tens, from the Unites place towards the right hand; as may appear by the follow, ing Example. A IN 3 4 5 6 mong Unity, or an Integer, Primes, or Tenth Parts Seconds, or Hundred Parts. Thirds, or Thouſand Parts. + Fourths, or 10 Thouſand Parts, Fifths, or roo Thouſand Parts. Sixths, or 100000 Parts. For 1o Primes is one Unite; and 10 Seconds is one Prime ; and 10 Thirds is one Second; and to Fourths is one Third, &c. So that every place towards the left, is 1b Times leſs then the pre- ceeding Lux Stereometrie .......... cceding Figure : For preponing Cyphers, leffen the following Figure in a Tenfold manner; for (.2) is two Primes, or two Tenths of an Integer or Unite ; but (.02) is but . Seconds, or 2 hundred Parts of an Unite. Cyphers after a Decimal, nei- ther augment nor diminiſh the value of the Decimal. A Decimal is always diſtinguiſhed from a whole Number, by a Prick or Period, 2$ in the Numbers following 15,3 365-3,262.15 1625.32 273.2 The Numerators are only fer dower the Denominators being knower by the number of Places in the Numeraror; for if the Numerator confift baç of one place, as I, it is if of two, as 22, it is 22 if of three, as 235, it is 235 dc. I hall inklt no more upon notarion of Decimals, the foregoing being fufficient, but (hall proceed to Addition, 100) 1030) a B 4 Lux Stereometria. op Addition of Decimals. ADdition is the adding of Summs toge- ther, and making one intire Summ of two, or more; you muſt take particu- lar care in placing whole Number under whole Number; and Decimal under De- cimal, and Unites under Unites, and Tens under Tens., he adde Suppoſe 325.7 to be added to 463.72, I place them one under another, in man- ner following ; To--463.72 Add —-325.7 Summ 789.42 ito Obferve always to prick off as many Decimals in the toral, as there is in the biggeſt Decimal given to be added. Example Lüx Stereometria. 5 : 4 Example. To : 365.23 Add} 23.20 2.03 7 . * Summ 390.40 : An Example of Addition, as to Time ber or Board Meafure. 3 > Note, That all'intire Quantitics, as Feet, Yards, Ells, Ounces, Pounds, and hundred Weights, are divided into a hundred Parts; therefore the one Fourth of any of theſe is .25, the half is 59, and the three fourths is .75. There is three Boards of theſe following Dimenſions, What is the Summ of Feet and Parts ? Feet Parts The firſt Board 246.25 The ſecond 43 50 The third 16.26 11 306.01 The Summ The total Summ is 306 Foot, and one hundred part of a Foot. B 3 . 6 Lux Stereometria Addition of Money. A Pound Sterling is likewiſe divided into 100 parts; fo .o5 is the Decimal for one Shilling, and to for two Shillings and .15 for three Shillings, cc. Suppoſe I were to add 3 Shillings and 4 pence to 2 Shillings and 3 pence, The Decimal for 3 Shill, is 5.15 and The Decimal for 2 Shill. is jo The Decimal for 4 pence is .0166667 The Decimal for 3 pence is .0125 bona 2b, no! -2791667 pbouit Ic is very hard for the Learner to know the value of this totál, being he is not come the length of Multiplication, which is the only Rule uſeful in this caſe, the general Rule is, every prime in the total Summ is 2 s. value; and every 5 Seconds is 1 s. and the Superplus of the Secords above 5, is ſo many ten Farthings, and the number of Digits in the Thirds Place is ſo many Farthings; all the reſt of the Decimals to the right being of no value ; the .2 primes in the total is 4 s. and the 3 5 ſeconds of the 7 is i s, and the two re- 3 perc is .013; omi ti Summ maifiing } Lux Stereometria. 7 7 maining is 20 Farthings; the thirds ad- ded thereto, makes 29 Farthings, which is 7 d. farthing; but by reaſon the Num- ber is above 25, the Farthing must be cut off; the Summ is ss. d. So much for Addition of Decimals one : Subſtra&tion of Decimals... Subſtraction is the taking a ſmall Summ from or out of a greater; as if you wou'd take yl. 5 s. 6d, out of job 56.64 the Remainder muſt be 34 or if from 265.2, you would take 153.1, deci la M Example From 105.25 foot of fuperficial Mea- füre, ſubftra&t 97.39 foot. 105.259 C10352 97.255 Or, 973-5, from 2 8.00 61.7 From .876 Take 324 From 725.2 Take 322,6 Remains 552 Remains 402,6 B 4 8 Lux Stereometria. Multiplication of Decimals. IN Multiplication of Decimals, the Me- thod is the fame as in whole Numbers, only you are to prick off ſo many Deci- mals towards the right hand in the Pro. duct, as there is Decimals both in the Multiplicator and Multiplicand : As, fup- poſe I were to multiply 26.75 by 35, there muſt be two Decimals prick'd off in the Product, by reaſon there is two in the Multiplicand. 719 LI Example 1. S Of mix'd Numbers. Multiplicand—26.75 Multiplicator .35 13375 8025 ORTA Predua 936.25 Oo Exa nple 2. Lur Stereometria 9 2. Example 2. 246.32 24.61 24632 147792 98528 49264 6061.9352 : Example 3 Example 4. 32.6 6.32753 32.64 T: 6.52 2531012 3796518 1265506 1898252 206.5305792 4 Here you ſee in the Fourth Example, there is in the Multiplicator and Multi- plicand, ſeven Decimals; therefore I prick off as many in the Product as there is in both. Notes Lux Stereometria Nore, That as whole Numbers multi- ply'd by whole Numbers, increaſe their value; fo Decimals multiply'd by Deci- mals, decreaſe their value, by reaſon the Product is removed farther from Unity than either of the Decimals given to be multiply'd, as ſhall appear by the follow ing Example. 8:20 .03 •75 0:32 -01 2 006 0300 128 x It will ſometimes fall out, that there are not ſo many Figures in the Produđ, as there are Decimals in the Multiplicand and Multiplicator; in ſuch caſes you muſt place Cyphers before the Figures till they be equal; as you ſhall ſee in the following Work. boy 6.5 Example. QT70870s 004 .42 .22 O02 07 ODO 2.147 ino བསམ་པས་ལན་པ་ནམ་མ་ Prod: 1.000008 - .0297 09130" 3088 buon rri yung om Divi Lux Stereometria oor ܕ ܐ ܕ ܐ - o the right hand, in the bre Diviſion of Decimals. WE fall in the next place proceed to Diviſion of Decimals, which is the moſt difficult of all the reſt; all the diffi- culty being to find the true value of the Quotient. The general Rule is, when you have finiſhed your Diviſion, to prick off fo Qnocient, as will make the Decimals in the Diviſor equal in Number to theſe in the Dividend, and the Figures to the left are whole Numbers. plast one want Sorel Toro Example 1. Let 64.326 be divided by 32,4" or 32.4) 64.326 (19 LON 3 192 2766 You ſee in the foregoing Work, that there is three Decimals in the Dividend, and 12 Lux Stereometriæ. and one in the Diviſor, therefore I make that r in the Diviſor, and 2 in the Quo- tient equal to the 3 in the Dividend. Example 2. -325) 53.62321 (161.19 w 2012 296 23. dois de out to al 2 982 osoby 571 240 smiling ni bere Example 3. Let 28 be divided by 32.6 In this Ex- ample the Diviſor 32.6 is greater then 28, the Dividend; in this, and all other ſuch Caſes, you muſt place a competent number of Cyphers behind the Dividend ; and if it be a whole Number you are to divide, you muſt prick off the Cyphers from the whole Numbers, and then proceed in your Diviſion, as you were to divide whole Numbers, 32.6) 28.00000 (.8585 I 920 2900 1920 290 Ex. Lux Stereometrie. 13 4.05) 900 (18.0 Example 4. To divide a Decimal Fraction by a Decimal Fraction, Ler 900 be divided by os ♡ 10 40 Let .gooo be divided by .0005 .0005).9000 (1800 40 000 : Would not one think it very ſtrange, à Decimal Fraction divided by a Decimal Fraction, ſhould bring forth a whole Nomber in the Quotient; I ſhall make it very plain that it muſt be ſo, and no otherways, by reaſonable Demonſtration. By the firft Example, you ſee I divide .900 by .os, and the Quotient I find to be 18.0, becauſe there is three Decimals in the Dividend, and one in the Diviſor; I make up the number of thoſe in the Dividend, by taking one Decimal from the Quotient, and adding to the 2 in the Diviſor. Now Lux Stereometria. Now the Nature of the Queſtion is this ; I deſire to know how many times S Seconds in nine Primes? The Anſwer is 18. For there is 18 times 5 Seconds in 9 Primes. If it fall out at any time, that there is not ſo many Figures in the Quotient, as will make theſe in the Diviſor equal in Number to thoſe in the Dividend then you muſt prefix Cyphers before the Quo- tient to the left hand, aa in the follow ing Example 4) 13779 (03444 I Shall give you an Example as to the Uſe and Application of Diviſion of Deci: mal Fractions, to the end that thoſe that intend to uſe Decimak, may the better underſtand what they are going about. craSuppoſe l-were to divide to Shillings amongſt 20 Men, the Decimal for 10 Shillings is .50; therefore I divide my Decimal .so by the number of Men 20, and the Quoricot will be .025 ; multiply by 12, and double the Prodaćt, it will be Six Pence. Vid booty I could give ſeveral Examples of this kind, but the various Examples that will hap- Lux Stereoinetrix: 15 happen in the following Work, will, in its proper place, give you a clearer De. monſtration than can be here expected fo I ſhall refer the Learner to the Pras Etice in General, and proceedeto my intended Worki kung The Extraction of the Square Root. origine in 2 Firſt, A Square Number is any Digit, or any other Number ; which being multiplied by or into it ſelf, pro-- duceth a Square Number; as 9 being multiplied into it felf, ſaying 9 times 9 produceth the Square Number, 81; the Root of which is g. Secondly, Square Numbers are eithes ſingle, or Compound. Thirdly, A lingle Square Number is that, which is produced by the Mul- tiplication of one ſingle Figure by it Telf, and is always leſs than 100; fo 36 is a fügle Square Number, produced by 6; likewile , multiplied by it ſelf, pro- dueeth the Square Number 49 Fouribly, . 16 Lux Stereometriæ. Fourthly, all the ſingle Square Num- bers, together with their reſpective Roots, are fet down in the following Table. Squares. | | 36 49 81 Fiftbly, When the Root of any Square Number is required, it being leſs than 100, and yet is not exa&ly a fingle Square expreſe in the Table above, then of that Lux Stereometriæ. fingle Square Number, expreſs’d in the faid Table, which ſ being leſs) is near- eſt to the given Square; as if it were re- quired to find the root of 60, it would be found to be 7; and I being given, the Root that belongs to it is 3. Sixthly, A compound Square Number is that, which being produced by a Num- ber (that conſiſts of more places than one) multiplied by it felf, is never los than 100 ; fo 729 is a compound Square Number, produc'd by the Multiplication of 27 multiplied by it ſelf. sve Seventhly, The Root of any Number under 100, may be eaſily diſcovered by the Table of bingle Squares; but to ex- tract the Root of a compound Square Number, conliſting of Integers, oblerve theſe following Precepts. Firſt, Point the given Number, viz place a Point over the firſt Figure, 10- wards the right hand, omicțiog every other Figure place one over the 3d, sth. and ſo on, according to the number of Places, The Figures thus diſtinguiſhed are call'd Points (or Squares ) and as many Points as are in the Number given for Extra- &ion, of fo mapy Places (or Figures) C cono 18 Lux Stereometria. an eonſiſts the Root, if the Number be exact compound Square. Secondly, When you have thus pre- pard your Number, then draw a crook- ed Line on the right hand of your Num- ber ; behind which you are to place the Root, as you do for a Quotient in Divi- Root, as you do Thirdly, When your Nomber is pre- pard, find out the Square Root, or the firſt Squarc (or Point, by the Table of ſingle Squares) and place that Root be. hind the crooked Line and ſubſtra& the ſaid Square from the firſt Point. Fourtbly, To this Remainder bring down the next Point (or Square ) and place it on the right Hand thereof, which call the Reſolvend. Fifthly, Double the Root of the firſt Point, and place it on the left hand of the Reſolvend, diftinguiſhing it there- from by’a crooked Line, thus; )? which call your Divifor. Sixtbly, Seek how often this Diviſor is contain'd in all the Figures of the Re- ſolvend, except the laſt towards the right liand, and place the Anſwer in the Quo tient, and alſo on the right hand of the Diviſor. Seventhly, Lux Stereometrie. 19 Seventhly, Multiply the Diviſor by the Figure laſt placed in the Quotient, and Subſtract that Product from the Reſol.. vend, ſubſcribing the Remainder. Laſtly, To this Remainder bring down the next Point for a new Reſolvend, and proceed as with the firſt Reſolvend, re- peating the work of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Præept aforegoing, and concinue lo to do, till the Extraction be finiſhed. A few Examples will make it plain. q Example i. I deſire to know the Root of 729. Firſt The Number being prepar'd, by Pointing it (according to the firſt Pre- * cept ) ſtands thus ; 729 which conſiſts of two Poincs (or Squares ) and therefore the Root fought is to conſiſt of two F:- gures or Places. Secondly, Draw a crooked Line 6 as is before taught ) and the Work will ſtand chuss of 272961 na Thirdly, The greateſt Square in the firſt Point, 7, is 4, whoſe Root is 2, where- C2 wich w Lux Stereometria. 20 with proceed, according to the 3d. Pre- cept, and the Work will ſtand thus ; 52962 grue de base die 4 Rem. 3 Fourthly, To the Remainder 3, bring down your next Square 29, and work according as you are directed in the sth, 6th, and 7th Precepts aforegoing, and the Work will ſtand thus ; Root 729)27 4 0 47( 329 Reſolv. Düne Diviſ. 329 Product 11 Boro Podano 100,7 Here you are to note, that che Points Being all brought down, and o remain- ing, ſhews the Work to be finiſhed ; and alſo that 729 is an exa& Square Number, whoſe Roor is found to be 27, as will appear; for if you ſquare 27 (which is the Proof of the Extra&tion of the Square Root) ! z S. . $ Lux Stereometria. Root) you will find the Product to be 729, which was the Number propos'd. Note likewiſe, That if at any time when you have multiplied the Number, Itanding in the place of the Diviſor, bý the Figure laſt placed in the Quotient or Root) the Product be greater than the Reſolvend, she work is erroneous; to correct which, you are to put a leſs Fi- gure in the Quotient; but if the Remain- der be greater than the next Diviſor, put a greater Figure in your Quotient, and proceed according to the 7th. Pre- cept, bc. It is alſo worth obſerving, that the reaſon why every other Figure is Pointed, is becauſe the Square of any one single Figure never exceeds 2 Places . The working of two or three Queſtions more (at large) will ( I preſume) make the Extraction of the Square Roor (of an exad Square Nnumber ) wtelligible enough to an ordinary Capacity. ci C3 More Lux Stereometriæ. More Examples. ch What is the Square of 15129. gada Firſt, Prepare the Number according to the firſt and ſecond Precepts, and your Work will ſtand thus : 151296 151296 Rem. o Then the Operation of the third Pre. cept being performed, the Work ſtand- eth thus : *** 15129( I DOI Then proceed according to the 4th. Precept, and the Work ftandeth thus : 1 SI Reſov. 15129(1 I The Lur Stereometrią. 23 The Operation of the sth. Precept ob- ſerved, the Work ſtands thus : Diviſ. 2 51 15129/12 I - The Operation of the 7th. Precept obſerved, the Work will ſtand thus : iſt. Div. 22) 5. Reſolv. Prod. 44 Rem. 07 Laſtly, The Operation of the 5th, 6th, and 7th, Precepts being duly performed, the Work will ſtand as you ſee: 15129(123 I 1ſt: Div. 22) 51 Refolvend. 44 Product 2 Div. 243) 729 Refov. which ſhews 15129 is an exact Square Number, found by fquaring 1 23. 729 Product C4 w What 24 Lux Stereometria. I :: -ว to $2990121.527 1991 $7 do not go 117 What is the Square Root of 10 bv 107 [fought 12299049(3507 the Root 9 iſt. Diviſ. 65)329 Reſolvend qo oT 329 Product Varoldo 1 (non 2d. Diviſ. 700) 490 Reſolvend ooo Product ro og 3d. Divi17007)49649 Reſolvend vir 49049 Product 19 TDNE Swo Warit COLOC Here you are to Note, That when the Diviſor cannot be had in the Reſolvend (according to the oth Přecept ) then, in that caſe, you are to place a Cypher in the Quotient, and alſo on the right hand of the Diviſor ; and then bring down the Reſolvend a ſtep lower ; and bring down the next Square to it (as in the laſt Ex- ample ) for a new Reſolvend; or let both the Refolvend and Divifor Remain, and bring duw, the next Point to it; as the laſt Lux Stereometria.s I 256 laſt Example again repeated, will fhew you more plainly. 12299049(3507 the Root . 9 Diviſor 65) 329 Reſolvend 325 Producto de 100 Diviſ. 7007) 49049 Reſolvend 1 49049 Product What is the Square Root of 9042049(3007 9 6007) 042049 Reſolvend 42049 Product Do The lo .000 Product 26 : Lux Stereometria. * The Operation after the other Method, will be as followeth: irilla orom 9042049(3007 9 60) 04 Reſolvend 600) 0420 Reſolvend CO 6007) 42049 Reſolvend 42049 Produa lo But if there be given an exa&t Square Number (to be extracted ) conſiſting either of whole Numbers with Decimals annexed, or of Decimals alone, then point every other Figure in the Decimals, from the place of Units towards the right hand, as you did in whole Num- bers towards the left hand , and as many Poipts as there are in the Decimals, ſo many Decimal Places there will be in the Root ſought. 1. As Er Lux Stereometria. 27 1. An Example of whole Numbers with Decimals. What is the Square Root of 141000, 25(372,5 the Roop 9 Divif. 67510 Refolvend 469 Prodnet Diviſ. 745)4100 Reſolvend 3725 Product .. Diviſ. 7505).37525 Reſolvend 37525 Product . :: Of Magnitude or Bigueſs. 1.MAgnitude is a continual quantity : 2. That is ſaid to be continual, whoſe parts are held together by ſome common Bounds, being either ſtreight, or crooked Lines. 3. A 28 Lux Stereometria. of 2 Magnitude, which may be called 6. Magoose or agreeable Magnitudes 3. A Bound is the utmoſt Part or Li- mit the Surface of ic. 4. A Magnicude is made continu'd, or divided by thoſe things wherewith it is bounded. A Point is an indiviſible fign in a Magnitude, incommenſurable. 6. Magnitudes commenſurable may be mcafüred by one and the fame meaſure. are equal ivia vonairs? (rors Of a Line. 1. Magnitude is either a Line, or a Lineate. 2. A Line is a Magnitude only of Length 3 but a Lincate is the bounds of of a Magnitude. 3. The bound of a Line is a Point 4 A Right Line is that which lieth equally between its own bounds, and is the nigheſt diſtance between its bounds: b 2S d. 2 5. A Lux Stereometria. 29 i 5. A crooked Line lieth contrarywiſe, and may be the greateſt diſtance between its bounds, as the Line c. d. 臺 ​d $ : 6. A crooked Line is either a Periphe. ry or Helix. 7. A Periphery is a Circumference of equal diſtance from the Center. 8. A Helix is a crooked Line equally diſtant from the midſt of the ſpace in- cloſed. 9. A Perpendicular Line is a Line which riſes from a Point upon a Line given, and doth encline to neither ſide; ſo that the Angles at the point are equal. 10. Parallel Lines are ſuch as are e- qually diltant ſo that if they were drawn out infinitely, they would never incloſe ſpace, as a, b. SHIRA Superficies is a Geometrical Fi- gure, incompaffed with a Line or Lines ; and is either Round or Angular. 12. A 30 Lux Stereometria. 51. 12. A Round Figure is that which is contain'd by one round Line, and either a Circle or Elipſis. Geometrical Problems : Such as are moſt uſeful in the Art of Meaſuring 1. Upon a Right Line given, te Vlianpo erect 4 Perpendicular. TO onds * oni OTO D Ivide the Line given into two equal Paris, then ſet the foot of the Compaſſes in a, and deſcribe the Arch c; likewiſe fer the Compaſſes in b, and de- fcribe the Arch d , then raiſe the Line from e, to the laterfection of the two Arches. 103 prin 2. How Lux Stereometria. 31 2. How to raiſe a Perpendicular upon the end of a Line giver: : de * 8 1 B a Set the foot of your Compaſſes in the Angle a, and deſcribe the Arch bc; and the Compaſſes at the ſame diſtance, divide the Arch into two equal Parts at f and ; then ſet the foot of the Compaſſes in f, and make the ſmall Arch e, ſo that it may be as oppoſite as can be conceived to the end of the Line at a ; then place the Com- paſſes at 8, and make the Arch d; and draw a Line from a, to the Interſection of the two ſmall Arches, d, and e. 3. T. :: 2 132 Lux Stereometria. **3. To let fall a Perpendicular from a Point giver, upon a Line. .. bo Let the Point given be a, and the Line whereon it is to fall, be bc; ſet the foot of the Compalles in the Point at a, and make upon the Line bean Arch; then divide that pare of the Line which lies between the Extremities of the Arch, in- to equal Parts at 0, then lay a Ruler from a to the Point ato, and draw a Line, and -you have your delire. bas tan 4. TO Lux Stereometria. 33 dicular, en right To find the Perpendicular of a Triangle,having the Baſe and Hypothenu. fal, From the Square of the Hypothenuſal) (which is the longeſt ſide of a Triangle) fubftract the Square of the Baſe, and the difference is the Square of the Perpendi- cular, the Roor whereof is the perpen- oot wh Example. The Square of the Hypothenuſal but is not in part 420.25 The Square of the Baſe is The Difference is 376.69 The Root or Perpendicu lar is om 19.4 oslu i sili bus 2 5. Having any two fides of angled Triangle to find the third. The Square of the longeſt fidé, or Hy- pothénuſal, is equal to the Sum of the Square of the Bafe, and Perpendicular. Example. Sappoſe the Bafe and Perpendicular of Triangle be 48 and 36, The Square of D 48 is 43.56 34 Lux Stereometria 48 is 2304, and the Square of 36 is 1296; the Sum of Both is 3600, which is equal to the Square of the Hpothenuſe, the Root whereof is the Hypothenuſe. (BOUNT 900035 WS IT oda lani u od tu silun 903 Daud N the following Chapter I Thall deſcribe the Meaſuring of ſuch Magnitudes as are moſt commonly uſed among Me- chanicks, fuch as Carpenters, Joyners, Glafiers, Painters, and Maſons; being done in a more exact and ſhort Method than has been yet Practiſed, both by Decimals and the Rule of Practice, which was never ap- plyed to Solids before. smed ora 10 92 oris oi trupra londo ciclibraqnos bnse sind sie osiç asipang l CHAP to istrabroqyol breskars stories? to twop2r; : bris od start zie Lux Stereometria. 35 CHAP II. : Menſuration of Plain Super- ficies, ſuch as Board Glaſs, Wainſcoat, Painting Pav- ing, &c. .. IN Superficial Meaſure the Square of 12 Inches is a Foot, being 144 Inches. DOCI Note, That the Squaring of a Number is Multiplying it in it Self. di voler Slug lorong If you would know how many Foot Square is in a Yard Square, you muſt mul- tiply the Feet in a Yard, Viz. 3 by it felf, and the Product is 9, the Square Feet in a Yard. u 01 loquerem nanish Absord o buc2001 Since1 CDI 92 am von obivia bus 70110 113 yo o doyo D 2 Example 36 Lux Stereometrix. II. Example How many Inches Square are tbere ir a Tard Square.. 19 artera M 1 zulo base 23.00 askarte 36 36 216 si lo sreupe od: 108 001 1296 Square Square Inches are The General Rule is to multiply the Length by the Breadth (let it be Inches, Feet or Yards) and the Product is the Content LTY 1901 srij yigit Bubor? gnt brus I ſhall Suppoſe a Plank to be 20 loches Long, and 16 Inches Broad, I demand how many ſuperficial Feet are in it ? Mul- tiply the one by the other, and Divide 1) and by 144. Length Lux Stereometria 37 : Ax", Heatheter : Length 20 Breadth 16 2 120 144) 320 (2. 22 Feet 320 320 3 I ſhall work the ſame Queſtion by the Rule of Practice, for a Proof of the other. Perhaps the Learner may be a ſtranger to this Rule; therefore I ſhall explain it as far as Room will permit. 75 Firſ, You are to multipy the Length by the Breadth, being Stated in Feet and Inches, faying, once 8 is 8, and once n is 1, then take the one third of 1 Foot 33 Inches,which is 6Inches and an half, beilig added together as follows, the Product is 2 Feet 2 Inches and an half, the Content of the Plank. The reaſon you take the one third is. becauſe 4 Inches are the one third of a Foor D 3 Foot 38 Lux Stereometrix. * Foot. Inches ] or 61 Length. I 8 Breadth: 1: 04 I 8 6. odio id not go patrow lindi abges1 s 12.30-23 Equalis Secondly, There are 3 Planks, one 3 Foot long and 2 Foot Broad ; another 2 Foot and an half long, and 2 Foot and a Quarter Broad, the third is 4 Foot and a Quarter long, and 3 Foot and 3 Quarters Broad how many Square Feet are there in all theſe Boards or Blanks.diverton Baboro dolor 90er De Note, That the Decimal for one fourth of Å Foot is 125, for one half 50 and for three Quarters 75.1 A 10 Length. :::::.. Lux Stereometria. 39 2. Length 2 2.50 Breadth. 3 2.25 5.25 3.75 Foot 6. 1250 2125 500 2975 500 1275 : 5. 6250 15.9375 5.6250 Number of Feet 27.5625 By the Rule of Practice. Long 2:6 Broad 2 4 : 3 3 3:9 % 3 5:0 12:96 7 1 3 : 2 } bi si bros: 77 15: 11 $ (6) 15.IT 06:00 27:6 Equal to the former: Thirdly, There is a Plank 10 Inches Broad at one end, and 7 at the other, and 64.5 in Length, how many Square Feet D4 are 40 Lux Stereometria. are in it. Add both ends together, and take half the Summ for the mean Breadth. IO 7 scramidi 17 8.5 5. the half Length 64 Breadth 5 8.5 3225 5166 144) 548. 25 (3. 807 1162 Io50 420 Fourthly, There is a Fiece of Painting 16 Foot and an half in length, and 12 and a Quarter Broad; bow many Foot is there- in. 1911moi gilt alaptors earloul ei meio e di asset Feet brie 19dro orisa bans. 39 500 1991 Staup, meme von eine Lux Sterremetrie. 41 Feet 16, Inches Decimal 6 16:50 3 12.25 I 2 5.82.50 32 106 4 O ? 3300 3300 I 650 2 202 202.12510 In the foregoing Queſtion, in Pradice it is harder than if the Number of Feet were under 10. For you muſt first mol- tiply the Number of Feet by it ſelf, then tay 13 Times 6 Inches is o Foot, which beeing added to it makes 198 Foot; then the Quarter of 16 Foot and an half is 4 Foot i Inch and an half, which Amounts to in all 202 Foot and one Inch and an half. To bring it into Yards, Divide by o for there is o Foot in a Superficial Yard, as you may fee by the following Exam- ple, Example ਦਾ ਕਰਨ 42 Lux Stereometrie. : Ioais Example. 9) 2021250 (22.4583 22 41 52 75 30 3 In 202 Foot one Inch and half there are 22 Yards and above a Quarter of a 1 There is a peice of Pavement 6 Yards and an half long and Five Yards and 2 Quarters broad, how many Square Yards are therein. Najno isech datar to THEO 2100 By Decimal, sibat 2009 os doch rant apie 6.50 100 5.25 kel. 3250 (gad xperia 1300 3250 34.1250 Ву Lux Stereometria. 43 By Practice 6. 32. 34. og Note, In the Practice way, you muſt multiply the half Yards by 5, which is 2 Yards and an balf; then 5 Times 6 Yards is 30,and 2 and an halt is 32 and an balf; and the Quarter of 6 Yords and an balf is 18. In all it is 34 Yards, and the Eighth part of a Yard. OD yleister If a Board be s Inches Broad and 19 Long, what is it over or under a Square Fuor? Multiply the Length by the Breadth, and the Product ſubduct from 144, and the Difference or Remainder is what it wants. If your Product had been above 144, then you was to ſubduct 144 from it, and the Remainder was what it was above. 1 Example 44 Lux Stereometria. Example R 19 ... 95 95 Wants 49 Inches. 4 Plank be 9 Inches lo årew what Longth will make a Square Foot? Divide 144 by g, and the Quotient is the Anſwer. 9) 144 (10 54 se o a ñgard to un breadth 18 Inchar, Longeb will de a Square Foot ? 4 10 1191 *p oomilica 18)-144 (8 11. u boix. I ar 000 There is a Pane of Glaſs 4 Foot long. tika ligot and an haif Broad, How many perficial Feet are thenin? Lux Stereometria. Anſwer. Length Broad 4 O 89 1000, The Content in Feer The fame Queſtion by the Rule of Practice. Example. 25 JJ Feet Inches. Long. 4. Broad 2. 6 8. 2. . AH 10. * There are 3 Panes of Glaſs, one is in Length 6 Foot and an half, and in Breadth 2 Foot and a Quarter another 4 Foop long and 3 Foot Broad : the third is 8 and a Quarter long and 6 Broad. I de mand how many Foot in all? Anfrer : 46 Lux Stereometria. Anſwer. . Feet Length 6. Inches 6.4. 8. 3 Breadth 2. 2 -3. 3. 6.0 13 0 12 49.6 7. Feet. po Inches Inches sin side The firſt Pane 14.2*** The Second The Third 49. ao 76. 1 $ TheContent of all 9001 CHAP led na bar 10010 il1903. br. 1001 i bas O boog getrol 1500 Lux Stereometria. 47 CH A P III. Men/uration of Solid Wood and Stone. . 15 many Solid bere is a Piece of 63 Inches Long, 32 T feet are Feet therein ? You are to Multiply the Length by the Breadth, and the Product by the Thick- neſs, and the laſt Product Divide by the Inches in a Solid Foot, viz. 1728, which is the Cube of 12, for 12 Multiplied in it ſelf is 144, and that by 12 is 1728. ? । 3 vagy I Example 2 8 Lur Stereometria. Exameplé, Decimally. n9N Length Breath0132 SA is 2018 ŠAM 911 Thick B 10083's baie bilo s ria 2016 ni boilustig 5:30 2 (918) 30246 (17.5 12960 * * 8640 C000 Pradically Lux Stereometria. 49 . Practically. Feet Inches Long S. 3 Broad 3 8 . Io. 6 6 2. 14 Thick 1: 3 - 14 3 6 : 17 6 DO . There 50 Lux Stereometria . There is a Piece of Timber 18 Inches Long, and 15 Broad, and 6 Inches Thick at one end, and 4 at the other; how wany Selid Feet are therein ? You muſt find a mean Thickneſs by taking the half of the Sum of the ends and work as before. : Example: ww Decimally. Length 18 Breadth 15 .:: 90 18 270 Mean Thick 5 1723) 1350. Co (78 13040 1216 Pra&ically Lux Stereometria 51 Practically Foot Inches. 6 6 L. : I. 6 4 2 45 I * IO 5 is 73 The The 3 is 2 0.9 ? The foregoing Queſtion is very har! in the Rule of Practice, being the wholo Solidity is under a Foot, for after you have multiply'd the Length by the Breadth, you are to find the one thir:1 and the one fixth of the Product, which is the Solid Content or three fourths of a Foot and one Eighth of an Inch. E 2 There 2 52 Lux Stereometria. There is a Stone 3 Foot 6 Inches long, and 2. Foot 3 Inubes Broad and 2 Foot Ihick, what's the Content. Length 3 : 6 Breadth 2. 3 7 10 7.10 Thick 2 : 0 15 : 09. 3 Oli niongrot na BATU 990 ads bacto TT bo sont so to satis en 30 Lux Stereometria. 53 of the Regular Polygons. T Here is a Stone in the form of an Oet- agon, having 8 equal fides, cach ſide being 6 Inches Broad. I demand the Content in Solid Feet. ic beeing 16 Inches long, you muſt Multiply a Line drawn from the Center, co the Middle of any ſide, by half the Sum of the ſides then Multiply that Product by the Length, and you have the Content in Inches, the which divided by 1728, gives you the Contents in Feet. 1 The ſides 8 The Inches 6 1392 16 48 8352 1392 Half the Sum 2+ 22272 Solid Inches. The Line 5.8 192 I 20 1321 the Sine fcial Inches. 5 54 Lux Stereometriæ. 1728) 2227.2 (1.2 4992 15360 1536 Here I find the Solid Content to be Foot and above one Fourth of a Foot. The ſame Rule is uſed in all the Rex gular Polygons, as is uſed in the forego Of Lux Stereometr... 55 . . Of Triangle's Trapeziums, and Rhomboides. : A Triangular Stone whoſe Baſe is 3 Foot Perpendicular 2 8 Inches, what's the Content? You muſt multiply the whole Baſe by half the Perpendicular; and the Product is the Superficial Content. A Trapezium. You are to multiply the common Baſe by half the Sum of the Perpendiculars. ... ** A RBombus. Multiply the longeſt fide by a Perpendicular let fall from the blunt Angle to the Oppoſite ſide, and the Pro- duét is the Content in Inches or Feet. The Superficial Content of theſe be- ing found as before directed, you are to multiply it by the Depth, Thickneſs or Length, and you have the Solid Content either in Inches or Feet. E+ 1 56 Lux Stereometria. The Triangle. Baſe Foot Inches 3 Halt thePers I pend. 4 8 Superficial Content DO You are to multiply this by theLcogth, and you have the Content in Soil Feet and Inches. The Trapezium. The Bale 4 3 Half the Sum of S200R the Perpend. Lisesti 8.6 Super Contest Lux Steroemetric 57 $ The Rhombus. fr Side 6 4 Perpend 33 IO 7 20 7 Superficial Content. Length 8 7 104 6 10 31 174 9 1 Solid Content: $ berit 58 Lux Stereometria. . Of Pyramids. . A Square Pyramid. You muſt multi- plythe Area of the Baſe by one third of the Height and the Quotient is the Solid Content, Bot Example The Baſe fide is 34 3 4 o I I ) IA One third of the Height 4 44 5 the Solid Cont. Of Round and Triangular Pyramids You are to uſe the fame Rule. Lur Stereometria. 59 A Globe or Sphere. A Globe is two thirds of a Cylinder, whoſe Diameter and Altitude are equal to the Diameter of the Globe. There is a Globe whore Diameter is 61.7. Idemand the Content in Solid Feet. Note, That two thirds the Area of Unity is . $23598, which is the Con- tent of a Sphere, whoſe Diameter is Unity; the which divided by 1728 Quote 0003041 ; If the Cube of the Diameter of any Globe be multiply'd by this, the Product is the Content in Square Feet : A Globe to Lux Stereometria. A Globe Diameter 61.7 : The Square is 3806.89 The Cube is 1234885093 NA .. ja au w 234885.093 SİNO 90 g or 9 95403722 704655279 cia on tub 70.5615567813 The Content of the Globe is 70 Foor and above an balf. CHAP Lux Stereometria . 61 CHAP IV. Of Round Timber : THE Common way uſed by Carpenters for Meaſuring Round Timber, is to girdle the Tree in the Middle, and mul- tiply that Circumference by it ſelf, and the Product multiply by 7, and chat Pro- duct divide by 88, and multiply that Quotient by the Length and the Product, divide by the Square Inches in a Foot viz. 1728, and the laſt Quotient is the Square Feet contain'd in that Tree or Piece of Timber. non Example 62 Lux Stereometrią. Example. There is a Tree 72 Inches in Circumfe- rence and in Length 94 Inches ; How many Square Feet are therein? : ما نه 72 1.70 72 144 CUM 10+ 5184 IMI antolon il para carrin e Vos u vidunt Sabors 4.3 1.88) 3628838412.3 vih bo 108 bogen 90 Bopitore 00208 9122lydobavi 3200 1649240869 37107 1909 190 conto 94 50 1728) 38756.2 (22.4 Foot 4196 7502 490 There Lux Stereometria. 63 bu There is another way uſed by Carpen- ters,to girdle the Tree in the Middle, and take one fourth of that for the true Square, which is very falſe, for they ſhall looſe in a Tree which is not above so Inches Circumference, one fifth of the true Content, and the larger the Tree,the greater the Loſs They pretend that the Lofs in the Meaſure is an allowance for the Chips or Slabs, to bring it to a true Square: but still this cannot prove it, neither accor- ding to Art, nor truth; for you are to find the true Content, and make your Bargain accordingly. os I ſhall here lay down a true and exa& Method, the which if you Practice, you will find it both eaſy, juſt, and according to Art. Before I proced any further, I ſhall ſhew you the way to find the Square of the Gauge Point for Round Timber ; and then how you ſhall ufe it. You are to Multiply the Diviſor for finding the Square Inches in a Circle, viz. 1. 2735 by the Square Inches in a Cubi- 64 Lur Stereometria R. cal or SolidFoot viz. 1728 and the Product is the Square of the Gauge Point, the Roor whereof is the Gauge Poist,or 46.9. Over on Example. The story podran TOTO 1: 2735 napos et di 1000 1728 : 1075 101880 03 97 uomo ob Toto 25470 89145 outing ob 12732 may pide would bedram - 2200.6080 (46.00 olso 600 8460 No Hairy wolf sanit 9980 Datumupa ibu idup the dailograria d & To Luz Stereometria. . 65 2 To prove this Work, multiply the Square of the Guce Point v Z 2200*6080. y the Arca of Uni viz. 7853, and the Prodia will be 1728 353 &c. I fall in the next place thew you the ple of the Square, of the G uge Point, as alſo the D fforenci berween it and the ulgar way, which is by the Rule of Proportion, as 14 is to it, ſo is the Square of the Diameter to the Area in quare inches, Example The Diameter of a Itse is 14.2 The Square of it is 584.64 58564 58564 14) 6342,04 (453.00 74 4.2 C004 f . 66 Lux Stereometriæ. This Quotient is the Square Inches, or Superficial Area of it, which muſt be divided by 1728, and Multiplyed by the length, being 50, and the Product is the Content in Square Feet. : anj bricot Examples Example, on a adu 30 Doctoid W 1728) 453.00 100 2621 10740 50 3720 2640 13.1050 912 is to stop 28 Lux Stereometriæ. 67 I ſhall work the ſame Queſtion by the Square of the Gauge Point in half the Figures, and more exact. si The Square of the Diameter is me 2200) 585.64 ( 14564 Solopose 13640 $ 4400 13.3100 Note, The Quotient is the Area or the Content of one Foot in length of the Tree Suppoſe a Tree to be in Circumference at one end 46 Inches, at the other 34, and the middle 39; What's the Con- tent in Square Feet, the length being 27 Inches. F You 68 Lux Stereometria You are to find the Diameters of each of the places by Moltiplying the Circum- ference of each place ſeveraly, by. 318, as before directed, and one third of the Sum of the 3 Circumferences, is the mean D'amerer, the Square whereof divided by 2200 exhibits the Area, the which multiply by the Length, and you have the Content. de Roqqo gunsda olaraqua NOY 69 ? Lux Stereometriæ. Example. 318 318 318 39 Circumf. 46 34 1908 1272 1272 954 2862 954 14.628 10812 12402 10.812 I 2.402 3) 37 843 18 12.614 12614 0042 12 50456 .: 12614 75684 25228 12614 : . i * 2200) 159012996 (072279 5012 6129 1799 18996 1396 9 : Taare 70 Lux Stereometria. Theſe few Examples are ſufficient for the Learner, being there is ſo little Vari- ety in Round Timber. Only obſerve if it be a Growing Tree, to take the Cire cumference about the Middle of the Boole of it ; for they are commonly ſomwhat Taper ; but if it be a Cut Tree, you need not trouble your ſelf much with the Cir cumference, but take the Diameter of each end, (if the Tree be not Irregular) and half the Sum is the Mean Diameter. I ſhall hereunto annex a Table in which by taking theCompaſs of the Tree, you may find the Content, by infpe&tion of one Foot in Length, the which multiply'd by the wole Length gives you the COR- tent of the whole Tree. IQT THE - Lux Stereometria. 70 THE .. USE of the . TABLE YO ou will find the Compaſs of the Tree under Com. and over againſt it under Foot and Parts, you will find the Content of one Foot in length. F F Example: 72 Lux Stereometria. Example. There is a piece of Timber 48 Inches in Compaſs,and 20 Foot long ; , 1 find it to be 25 Foot and 460 Parts, for 48 Inches in Compaſs, gives 1.273, which Multwlyed by 20, gives 25.460 Foot . स I . fruit die het doel vastatas, trabajo enero On the batit Ilireanne Aroble cigion is that are Lux Stereometria. 73 A Ś 3 TABLE Which by the Compaſs of any piece of RoundTim- ber fbews the trueContent of one Foot in Length thereof. Com. F IO .055 066 fuduiog agi fo requun 12 079 13 093 108 :: 14 Lux Stereometrice. Com. F. Pa. 15 *124 q 16 go 141 17 159 179 18 0 1790 Th191 10 200 20 i So o 2673 221 43 21 243 Inches of the Compaſs. 22 23 292 24 b 318 25 343 26 374 27 403 28 O 433 29 465 90 Lux Stereometria 75 . Con. E & 30 *497 31 O 531 32 566 33 602 O O O O * * 34 639 35 677 36 O 716 Inches of the Compaſs. 37 756 38 O 798 : 39 840 : 40 537 * 41 929 1042 974 43 I 021 $8044 1 079 2 45 Lux Stereometria. 76 CAM. Pa. •119 . 46 I 169 47 I 220 . 48 273 49 I 327 So T 381 ipduos aqi to samour 437 - 52 I 490 353 I 552 1 612 55 671 0:56 1 732 57 I 795 38 1 860 1959 923 21 Lux Stereometria. 77 Con. F' Pa 60 I .988 61 056 :i 62 134 63 2 193 64 2 264 65 2 335 66 2 407 Laches of the Compaſs. 67 a 27 480 3 68 555 炎 ​69 631 70 2 707 71 2 785 72 864 173 945 > 74 3 Lux Stereometriæ. 78 Com F. Pa. 3074 3 2026 75 3 108 76 3 ΙΟΥ . 77 3 276 78 3 362 79 3 449 3 537 Incbes of the Compaſso 8 3 625 3 715 83 3 807 84 3 0866 2285 3 1990 86 4 $084 283 87 4 88 279 89 Lux Stereometria. 79 Com. F Pan * 89 ; 377 90 4 475 : g! 4 4 576 677 789 *882 4 the 93 94 4 Inches 95 4 987 96 S 093 97 5 98 5 99 5 307 576 6142 $ PART Siftsrétosustal . مت OL are Tad 08 ie 27 ze * ed TO . THAS : 81 mu Lüx Stereometrie, ASPART II. CH A P. I. The Art of Meaſuring Surfaces and Solids, Practically and The- orecically Demonstrated. After a moft Exact Mechód. Lanometry is that Part of the Ma- ematicks, by which the Surface or Planes of Things are Meaſored and Superficial Content found, which is dove, either by a Square inch, Foot, Tard, Pace, Percb, &c. 2 1011 Girion So 82 Lux Stereometria. So that I knowing how many Inches Feet, Tards, &c. the Sides Diameter, Cir cnmference, &c. of any Figure are, and u ſing the Methods following, you ſhall find how many Inches, Feet, or Tards, are con cain'd in ſuch Figures. (1.) To find the Superficial Content of a Geometrical Square. А B VIDEO A Geometrical Square is equal both in Sides and Angles, and the Segments by the Diameter A, are equal ; that is, the Segment Ais equal to the Segment B, otherwiſe it would be no Geometrical Square. There is Two ways to find the Superfi- cial Content of this Figure, ( viz. ) Mnltiply the Lux Stereometria 83 and you you have the Side by its ſelf, and you have the Su- perficial Content in Square Inches; or Multi- ply the Diameter by it ſelf, and double the Content: For, Euclids 47. Prop. Book 1. fays, That the Square of the Two Leſſer Sides of a Right Angle Triangle, ad- ded together, is Equal to the Square of the Greater Side. . Example, The Side 12. by 12. Produ- ces 144, and the Diameter a Inevitably is '16. 97. which, being Squared, Produces 287.9789, which wants not 100 Parts : of 288, double the Square of 12, Die on (2.) To find the Superficial Content of 4 Paralellogram, in Love 25b12 on loated sit A -Paralellogram is a Figure, whoſe op- A poſite Sides are Equal and Parallel, and has Four Right-Angles, and the Seg- ments Cut by the Diameter are Equal. ... bre G 2 84 Lux Stereometria. b slogo3 e A Fe Parallellogram is equal to a Triangle of double Baſe, and equal height For if you Multiply the Side a. B. into B.c. you have the Content of the Parallellogram, So likewiſe, if you Multiply the Side b. r. by the half of the Side e. d. you have the Con- tent of the Triangle, bed, which alſo proves that a Triangle is but the of a Pa- Tallellogram, or Geometrical Square, the Baſe of the Triangle being equal to one ſide of the Square, alſo equal in height (3.) TO Lux Stereometriä. 85 * but the Angle d. is Acute, being leſs than ( 3.) To find the Superficial Content of a Triangle. Triangles are either Right or Oblique- Angled ; A Right- angle is Compo- fed of Two Right-Lines, Perpendicular b C g to each other, as a. b. c. the Angle c. is Right, for the Line a. c. is Perpendicular to the Line b. c. as the Line b. c. is to a. c. i f Ve * a Right-Angles and the Lines which Inclofe the Angle, not being Perpendicu- lar to each other; and the Angle f. c b. is Obtuſe. by the fame Reaſon, and being greater than a Right-Angle, by the An- gle e. for the Sides, or Shanks b. f. Incloſe the Obtuſe Angle, and the sides f. g. the Acute Angle. G 3 The 86 Lux Stereometrie. vegada i el The Sides of a Triangle have ſeveral Denominations, viz. The Longeſt Side of a Right-Angled Triangle is call'd the Hy- pothenuſal, the shorteſt the Perpendicular, and the other the Baſe; but it matters not whether of the two Shorteſt you call the Baſe: but of an Acute, or Obtuſe Angled Triangle, you are to find a Perpendicular by letting fall a Line from the Greateſt An- gle upon the nighteſt place of the oppo- fite Side, as above. For ſuppoſe the side oppoſite to the Greateſt Angle, be 72 Inches, Feet, or Yards, Lux Stereometriz. 87 Yards, and the Perpendicular to be 60. you muſt Multiply the of the Baſe into the Whole Perpendicular, or the of the Peya pendicular into the Whole Bafe, as 72. by 30. makes 2100. equal to the Content in Inches, Fect, Yards, or whatſoever your Gi- ven Meaſure were. ( 4.) To find the Superficial Content of a Rhombus. e b : . 藤​攀​繼續​籌​馨馨​馨​織帶​拳拳 ​C A Rhombus is a Figure of T10 Obtufe, and Two Acute Angles ; and all the Sides are equal ; but a Rhomboides is a Figure, whoſe oppoſite Sides are only qual , having Length and Breadth, as a Parallellogram, or Oblong put Square, as above, a. b. C. d. Maltiply the Perpendicular e.d. by the ſide C. d. and you have the Content in Inches ; for if the Sidec, d. be 56. and Rerpen. 50. the Product will be 2800. (5) To puc out of G4 88 Lux Stereometrie. er hins * (5) To find the Content of a Trapezia , or Unequal Many Sided Figure, fuck As a Connexion of ကို လည်း D Tvide the whole Figure into Triangles by Lines, from one Angle to ano ther, and let fall Perpendiculars, fb chi as the Prickt-Lines, from the Greateſt in gles to the nigheſt part of the made Lines; then find the Content of the ſeveral Tri- angles, as before directed and add them all together, and you have the Content of the Tråpezia. 12 5: (6) To Lux Stereometria. 89 bul top 6) To find the Superficial Content of a Regular Poligon .. وقت از 2a Per 讓​維羅​議​禁​禁​禁​讓​業​籌​護盤 ​牆​藤蘿​露絲​攀​藤​、熱​器​臺​繼​靈​籌​藤​静​戀戀​。 趙麗​藤鞭​藤​藤​藤​藤​藤​燕燕燕​就能​兼​談​「藏毒​藤​藤藝​茶​帶​泰泰 ​然後​秦慧慧​慧慧​禁藥​將​帶​,戀戀​戀​、叢叢​業​赞​禁藥​籌​鱗​籌辦 ​A Regular Poligon is a Figure of more then 4 Sides, and all equal: and every Angle is greater than a Right An- ple. Multiply the half Sum of the Meaſure of all the sides by the Perpendicular, let fall from the Middle of any one side to the Center, and you have the Content in Superficial Inches : Example the Length of each go Lux Stereomatrid. each side is 6 Inches, and Perpendicular U. P. 5. the of the Sum of the Sides 36. i 18. Multiply'd by S. produces 94. the Content of the Hexagon. To find the Center of a Poligon ; if it hath even Sides,draw a ſtraight Line from the Middle of any oppofite fide, to the Middle of the other; and if it hąth an odd number of Sides, as 7. or 5. draw a Line from any Angle, to the Middle of the op: poſite ſide, and ſo croſs that with another ſuch Line, and where they crofs is the Center. : V sono mietin TOISU 5700314 Ve (7) TO 32 sio yne 19 olabim odj mori !!ci Ati friend or stopy bnb di to rirgto oslonilaudan him and Lux Stereomatrie. 91 7) To find the Superficial Content of a Circle. Je : A Circle, of all Plains, is the moſt Or- dinate by 10. There is Two ways to find the Super- ficial Content of a Circle, one by Plato, and. another by Euclid. But the Proportion between a Circle and a Square, could ne- ver be exaâly found : ſo that until we find what Proportion the Diameter bears to 92 Lux Stereometriæ. to the Circumference, we can never for the Quadrature of a Circle ; for Ram ſays, That the Circumference is Thri the Diameter, and almoſt one Seventh the ſame Diameter s ſo that this bein nigheſt the Truth, we fall take it for granted. Example. The Diameter is 18. divided by : give 2. 57. added to Thrice the Diameter, 54 produces 56. 57. for the True Circumfe rence. Now having thus found the Cir- cumference, Multiply the Circumference by , the Diameter, and you have the Quadrature of the Circle , or the Square Inches in the Circle. Euclid, as Hero Relates, Squares the Cir- cle thus ; If from the Quadrature of the Diameter you Subſtract parts of the ſame Diameter, the Remainder ſhall be P the Content of the Circle. Example, of both ways. ti et constig T The Diam. is-18. The; of the Diam. 2. 57 7.) 18 (2.57 40 50 I om Added to thrice the Diam. 54 2.57 12.57 Makes 56,57 the Circ. The Lux Stereometria. 93 The whereof is 28. 28 The Diam. 18. domain -9 The Content of the Circle--254.52 This is Plato's Way. :: . Here follows Euclids way. 14) 324 (23. i The Diam, is 18 44 3 The Square of the Diam.324 20 69:3 The Å of the Square 69.3 6 of the Dia, Subſtr. from the Squareof the Diam. 254:7 the Cont of the Circle Produces 1915 Duis 70 harighe Theſe Two ways differ not two tenths of an Inch : Therefore I hold both ways to be exact. The Common way is by the Rule of Proportion, or fingle Rule of Three di- rect, to find the Circumference, having the Diameter, or having your Diameter, to find the Circumference, As 7. is to 22. fo is the Diameter, given to the Circum- ference Required: Or as 22. is to 7. ſo is the Circumference to the Diameter. :- 22 : 18: 56.57 Circumference. 22:7; 56.57 ; 18 Diameter. (8.) TO 94 Lux Stereometria. (8) To find the Content of a Sem circle. : E A Rectangle made of the Semi-dian and the Circumference, is equ to the Superficial Content of the Semi Circle. witor 104 bod hley . For if the Diameter be 18. and Circuit ference 56.57. the Quarter of the Circum ference 14. 14. Multiply'd by 9. the D anieter produces 127.26. equal to the Content of the Semi-Circle. HOS Radiation (9) Lux Stereometrie 95 (9) To find the Superficial Content of any Sector of a Circle, or Segment thereof, extending to the Center.. : M" Ultiply · the Arch 0.0, by the Semi- diam. of the Whole Circle, and you have the Content of the Section 0.0.0. whether it be above or under a Quadrant. Suppoſe the Diam. of the whole Circle be 18. and the Arch o, o to 22. Multiply the Arch 11, by the Diam. 9. and the Produ& is 99. the Content of the Section Required to start ague Si hastas: 20.000 body lunos ojn won Page neslo sai og host 2008 (10) To 96 Lux Stereometriæ. (101) To find the Content of ſuch an Segment as a. b.f. having the Con tent of the whale Circle ; alſo havin the bare Segment given without it! Meaſure, to find the Content of the Segment, and of the whole Circle which it is a part. d/ mais it pd dora DTIG storia lodvor 16b 0.0.0-41011110 3293b200. Toh so stari slattw siin . fm da Na firſt to find the Content of the A Circle. Segment, having the Content of the 0 2 Suppoſe the Content of the whole Circk to be 254. 52, its granted the Diameter is 18. and Circumference, 56. 57. Now you are to find the Content of the Two Sections e. d. a. and f.d.e. by the laſt foregoing Rule, and Subſtract the Sum of theſe Two Sections from the Content of the Lux Stereometriæ. 97 mains 65. 52. But the more eaſie way, and near the Circle, and the Remainder is the Setti- on a. C. d. The Arch a. e. is 21 Deg. and ſo is f.g: the of both thoſe Arches is the whole of one Arch 21. Multiply'd by the Cemidia- meter 9. Produces 1 89. for the Content of the Sections a, e. f. g. which being Sub- Itracted from the Content of the whole Circle, leaves the Content of the Section 4. d. c. Thus 189. from 254.52. Re- Then to find the Content of the Segment 72. C. Subſtract the Content of the Trian- gle a. d. c. from 65.52. the Content of the Section a.d.c. and the Remainder is the Content of the Segment a.c. Example, the Baſe a. g. is 12. and Perpendicular d. 1.6. the of 92 Multiply'd by 6. produces 36.. the Content of the Triangle, which being Subſtracted from 65. 22. the Section leaves 25. 52. the Content of the Segment a. b. o. nough the Truth in Practice, is to Multi- ply the Chord a. c. by , the Sine h.b. and you have the Content of the Segment very near the Truth. H (11) TO 98 Lux Stereometria. (mr) To find the Diameter of a Cir- cle, having the Segment of a Circle. Chid 3 . D' sa di wobnie (vide the Square of the Chord of the Segment, by the Sine or Alci. tude of the Segment, add the Quot, to the Sine, and the Sum is the Diameter of the Circle, of which the Segment is a part, Suppoſe the Chord of the Segment al be 20, and Sine c. p. 6, the Square of the * Chord 10 is 1oo, divided by 6 Quotes 16,6, which, being added to the Sine, PTO- duces 22.6 the Diameter fought, (12) Having Lux Stereometrie. 99 (12) Having the Content of a Circle, to find the Diameter. STER Ippoſe the Content of a Circle be 148 Inches. A$ 22, is to 28. fo is 148 to the Square of the Diameter, the Square Root where- of is the Diameter. I fhall work an Example of this, and by the fame Rule you may find all the O- ther Proportions that follow. 22 : 28 : 148 28 : 396 1184 Diameter. 22 ) 4144 ( 188 (137 194 19.00 184 23) 8 | 267) 31 اش I might have brought out more Deci- mals, and the Diameter would have been more exact ; but I only give this as an Example H2 (13) Ha. . 100 Lux Stereometrice. (13) Having the Content of a Cir cle, to find the Circumference. A : S 7 is to Four times 22, which is 88, ſo is 148 the Content to the Circumference. Having the Diameter of a Circle; to find the side of a Square equal to the Circle. As 1.oo is to .886 fo is the Diameter of the Circle to the side of a Square, which ſhall be equal in Content to the Circle. By the Circumference given , to find the side of a Square Equal. As 1.oo is to .282 fo is the Circumfe- rence to the side of a Square equal to the Circle. By the Diameter to find the side of a Square Inſcribd in the Circle. As 1.00 is to.7071, ſo is the Diameter of the Circle to the Side of a Square in- ſcrib'd. By the Circumference to find the Sides of a Square Inſcribd. As 1.00 is to .225, ſo is the Circumfe- rence to the ſide of a Square equal to the Circle. (14) TO Lux Stereometria. 10l :.. (14) To find the Superficial. Con- tent of an Elipſis. Multiply the Tranſverſe Diameter of an Elipſis by the Conjugate, and Extract the Square-Root of the Pro- duct, and you have the Diameter of the Elipſis equal to the Diameter of a Circle, which will be equal in Content to the Elipſis. Suppoſe the longeſt Diameter be 62. and the ſhorteſt 32. the Product of theſe are 3224. Extract the Square-Root of this and you have the Mean Diameter South H 3 (15) TO of the Elipſis. TO2 Lux Stereometriæ. :.:: (15). To find the Superficial Content of a Spherical Triangle. b 馨​:兼​聽​兼​聽​囊​,繼​離​藤​藤​攀​:攀​藤​讓​蕭蕭​織​繼 ​காக Sun Uppoſe the Triangle be a. b. c. the Spherical Triangle being made of the 3 Arches of a great Circle, as all Spheri- cal Triangles are, you are to cut off the Segments a. b. b. c. and 6. a. by the Prick Lines in the Triangle, and meaſure them as is directed in Propoſition 10. Chap. !. Then find the Content of the Plain Tri- angle, 4. 6. b. which is made, by the prickt Lines, by Propoſition 3.Chap. 1. and add to the Content of the Plain Triangle, the Content of the Segments, a. c. and 6 b. and ſubſtract from the Triangle the Segment a. c. and you have the Content of the Spherical Triangle a.b.c. Example Lux Stereometriæ. 103 Example. Let the Content of the Plain Triangle be 108. and the Content of the Segntent a. c. 30. and b. 6. 22. all theſe added together amounts to 160. from that take the Segment a. 6. 20, and you have 140. Equal to the Content of the Spherical Triangle, a, boc CHAP. I I. Menſuration of Solids, Regular and Irregular ; Alfo of Imboſſed Solids. R Egular Solids are ſuch whoſe Bounds are either ſtreight Lines, or Circular. And Irregular Solids are ſuch Solids, whoſe bounds are mixt Lines, Streight and Crooked. And Imbofs'd Solids are comprehended of an Imboffed Sarface, ſuch as an Egg-Shell. [ (I TO 104 > Lux Stereometrice. ** (1) To find the Solid Content of a Cube. в у A 6 D E G F ... sont A . of $ Length is only proper to a Line, Length and Breadth to a Surface ſo a Solid Body is a Compoſition of Lines and Surfaces, therefore conſiſts of Length Breadth, and Thickneſs, for every part of a Body is alſo a Body. So that as a Line, Multiply'd in it felf , produces a Surface or Geometrical Square, to that Square being Multiply'd by its firſt Original or Root, produces a Cube , or Solid Body, of equal height to the Root of the Square Surface. For Lux Stereometria. 105 For if a. b. be 6 Inches, that Line Mul- tiply'd by it's ſelf, produces the Square Surface A. B. Ć. whoſe Superficial Area is 36. and Sides all equal to the Side a.b. given, and that Surface being Multiply'd by 6 again, gives Thickneſs and Height, and ſo becomes the Solid Body AB.C.E.F.G. of Length, Breadth, and Thickneſs, So that to find the Solid Content of a Cube, Multiply the Side by it's ſelf, and the Product by. the side again, and you have the Solid Content in Inches, then to know how many Solid Foot is herein : divide by 1728. the folid Inches in a Foot and you have your deſire. ! Suppoſe the Side a.b. be 30 Inches, Square 30 and it Produces 200 Multiply that by 30 and the Product is 27000 divided by 128, quores 15.6 Foot : But for thoſe that underſtand the Rule of Practice it is done more eaſy thus, f. : 106 Lux Stereomatriæ. f. 8 . 2.63 3.11 2.6 5.0 1.31 ber 6.32 Side 2.6 12.6 Duo .. 15.71 . The Sum of all the Segments of a Cube are equal to the Cube. For if the side of a Cube be 30 Inches, the Cube of 15, the of the Side is but 3375, equal to of the Cube. So that in a Cube of a Foot w Solid, there is 8 Solid Feet and 64 Quarter-feet, c. So that a Cube is in aquadruple Ratio to a Square. . (2) Ta Lux Stereomatrie, . 107 Sagt -Y ( 2 ) To find the Content of a Pa- ralellapipedon, or Solid Oblong. id Ind the Superficial content of any one of the Plains and Multiply that into the height, and you have the Solidity. Suppoſe the side a. be 60.2 and Side b. 23. the product of that plaine is 1384.6 and that Multiply'd by the height, or Side a. produces 83352.92 Solid Inches, which may be brought into Solid Yards, Feet, Gallons, &c, by dividing the number of Solid laches, by the Solid Inches, in either of theſe reſpedively. . (3) TP 108 Lux Stereometrix. ! ( 3.) To find the Solid Content of * Bruido Cronogiqslla Cylinder. 1 d f توجی -- : PE е с 2 Et. Ramus ſays, That a Cylinder is made by the turning about of a Right angled Parralellogram, the one ſide ſtand- ing ſtill. It is a Solid, whoſe Diameters in all parts are equal, and Baſes Parrallel . The Superficial Area of the Baſe Mul. tiply'd into the height produces the Solid Content, So that if the Diameter of the Baſe be 40, the Circumference (by the Com- mon-Rule as 7 is to 22 ) will be 125.7. Now you may omit the way of finding the Area of a Circle, practiced by Plato, &c and take the common way, by Multiply. ing the - Circumference by the Diame- tefs Lux Stereometria, 109 1. at ter, and Multiply that Product by the Depth. 4. :) To find the Content of the Section, or Cemi-Cylinder d. b. e. Y this Ou are only to Multiply the Area of the Baſe by the height,and you have the Solid Content, but to find the Content of the Section d.b.c. it is harder ; for you muſt find the Content of the Priſm a.c.d. by Multiplying the Area of the Baſe by Altitude ( but the Priſm is a Cylin- der ) and Sabitract the Content of the Priſm. from the Content of the Cylinder, and, the remainder is the Content of the Segment dib.c. but d.b.c. is the Cy- linder, by the 16 Propofition 1. B. Euclid. riangles of equal Baſe and equal height are equal. So the Triangle d.b.c. is equal to die.c. being both on the fame Baſe and between the fame Parallels; therefore d. kis , is of the Cylinder of which it is a Segment f.b.c. would have been the of a Cylinder of the fame height with the Seg- ment. (5) TO saigon. : G So you are to Multiply the Area of the Multiply'd into the Area of the Bale ES 401983.8. the Content IIO Lux Stereometriæ. (5) To find the Solid Content of Pyramid. A Pyramid is of a Parallellapipedor or Priſm ; or of any of the Regular Poligons of equal Baſe and Altitude. Pyramids Baſe by the Altitnde and you have the Content. Suppoſe the Area of the Baſe to 37923. and height 32, the of 32 is 10 of the Pyramid. be There Lux Stereometria. III There is ſome difficulty in finding the (pendicular height of a Pyramid or Cone, but it is nothing but a Confectary out of the he 47. E. 1. B. from the Square of the laint height Subſtract the Square of of one of the ſides of the Baſe, and the ſquare Root of the difference is the Perpendicular altitude or Axis. 6) To find the Solidity of a Cone . . - cis A Cone is of a Cylinder, of Equal Baſe and Altitude, and is made by the turning about of a Rect-angled-Tri. one lide ſtanding ſtill. The Content of a Cone is found after the line inanner as the Pyramid, only the one has a Circular Baſe and the other a Square, Triangular, Pentagonal, Oxogonal, or a ſtreight 112 Lux Stereometriæ. . ſtreight Linc-Baſe ; ſo that the Area of their Baſes muſt be found, according to the ſuperficial propoſitions foregoing. G) To find the Solid Content of the Fruſt um of aCone ſuch as a Brewers Tun. nebo ... .. He moſt Practical way is to reduce it into a Cylinder,by finding a mean betwixt the greater and leſſer Diameters, thus ſubſtract the leſſer Diameter from the greater, and add the difference to the leſler Diameter, and that is the mot Practical mean. Multiply the 1 of this mean by the Circumference of that mean Daneter, and multiply the Product by the Depth or Length, and you have the Content in Solid Inches and Parts. Example The greatel Diameter is 62.3. the leſſer is 57. the difference is 5-3, the of which is 2. 65 added to the leſſer Diameter pro- duces 59. 65 for a mean Diameter the Circunference thereof is 187.47. Now thes of this Circumference, viz. 93.73 Multiply'd by the Diameter 29.82 pro duces Lux Stereometrice. 113 duces 2795.0286. for the Superficial Area, Multiply'd by the depth 22 produces 61 4.90.6292, the Solid Content. But the moſt Geometrical way is Having the Cones Fruſtum to find the Altitude of the whole Cone, and ſubſtract the Altitude of the Fruftum from the Altitude of the whole Cone, and the difference is the Alti- tude of the top or ſmall Cone c.d.e. the Content of the ſmall Cone being taken from the great Cone leaves the Content of the Fruſtum a.b.c.d. Thus, let the height of the Fruſtum be 22 the greateſt Diameter 62. 3. the leſer 57, the difference of Dia- meters is 5.3. Multiply the greater Dia- meter by the Fruſtum's altitude and divide by the difference of Diameters and you have the whole Cones Altitude Example. 62.3. Greater Diam. 22 Fruſt. Altitude . 1 24.6 124.6 - 5.3) 1370.6 (258.0 310 456 32,0 2 298,6 114 Lux Stereometrie. 258.6 The Altit. of the whole Cone. 22.0 The Altitude of the Fruſt. 236.6 The Altit.of the Leller Cone. : Now find the Solidity of the leſſer Cone, and ſubſtract from the Solidity of the whole Cone, and it leaves the Solidity of the Fruftum a.b.c.d. Note, That the Leſſer Diameter of the Fruſtum is the Baſe of the ſmall Cone, be cauſe the Fruſtum is a part of the Great Cone. (8) To find the Solidity of a Sphere. E :: Very Sphere is equal unto Two Cones , whoſe height and Diameter at the Bale is the ſame with the Axis of the Sphere, or a Sphere is two thirds of a Cy. linder, whoſe Diameter and height is equal to the Axis of the Sphere, as Arebimedes manifeſts in his firſt Book of the Sphere and Cylinder. Therefore, the Superficial Area of the Sphere's Axis, being multiply'd' by twice , the Lux Stereometria. 115 the Sphere's Axis is the ſolid Content of the Sphere. Or, as 2 is to 3, ſo is the Content of a Globe to the Solid Content of a Cylinder of the ſame Baſe and Altitude. So that when you have the Dimenſions of your Globe, compute the Content of it as it were a Cylinder of that Diameter and Al- titude, then as 2 is to 3 fo is the Content of the Suppoſed Cylinder to the Content of the Globe. Suppoſe the Globe's Axis bei 2 Inches, and greateſt Arch or Circle be 37.7. the Circumference is 18.85. the Diameter is 6. Superficial Content II 3.1. the Double Axis is 8. The Content of the Sph. 904.8. 1 2 AS A 116 Lux Stereometria. :: the Altitude of the other Segment, by the a Circle : having the Segment, Divide As 21 is ta 11, ſo is the Cube of the Globes Diameter to the Solid Content Or as 42 is to 22, fo is 1728 the Cube of the Globes Diameter to the Solid Con- tent of the Globe. Or, having the Circumference of the Sphere, to find the Solid Content. As 1.0000 Is to 0.01688 So is the Cube of the Globes Circunt- ference to the Solid Content. (9) To find the Solidity of a Segment. His muſt be done by the Rule of Proportion double. Thus, firſt find Propoſition for finding the Diameter of .. Sphere's 1E the Lux Stereometria. the Square of the Diameter of the Seg- ments Baſe by the Altitude of the Seg- ment, and add the Quot, to the Segments Altitude, and the Product is the Axis of of the Sphere. Then Subſtract the Seg- ments Altitude from the Axis of the Sphere, and the remainder is the Altitude of the Great Segment. Then by Proportion, As the Altitude of the Great Segment is to the Altitude of the Leſſer Segment given, ſo is the Altitude of the Greater Segment added to the Axis unto a fourth Number. Then Multiply the Quadrant of the the Chovd of the Segment by the fourth Number, and you have the Solidity of the Spberes Segment. Example. Suppoſe the Diameter at the Baſe of the Segment a.b.c. be 10, and the Altitude 4 Inches. Half the Baſe 5 S Š The Altitude is 4) 25 (6.35 10 29 13 6.25 118 Lux Stereometria. 6.25 08:25 . the Segments Altitude. 10.25 the Diam,or Axis of the Sph . 4 . :: 6.25 The Altit.of the great Seg. 5.12 the Axis. 11.37 Sum 6.25.411.377.2 : 100 7.2 200 700 720.0 The Solidity of the Spheres . Segment 720 . ( 10.) The Superficial Content of a Sphere is found by Multiplying the whole Diameter by the whole Circumference; for the Superficial Content of a Spbere is equal to 4 times the Superficial Content of its greateſt Circle. The Lux Stereometria. 119 The Superficial Content of the Segment of a Globe is found by Multiplying the height by the Circumference of the whole Sphere: ( 11 ) How to find what Diameter the Shell of a Boom was, having any part of the Shell. b f Apply a pair of Calloppers to the Arch ing part of the Broken Piece, as near to the Edge that was joyned to the whole as you can, and ſet it off upon a Sheet of Large Paper, and let it be the Line a.c. then take the height of the Broken Piece from the utmoſt extremity of the Fracture to the higheſt part of the Arch, and let that be the Line b.d. divide the Line into Two equal Parts at d. and raiſe the Line b.d. (being equal to the 14 height 1 I20 Lux Stereometrie. height of the piece of the Boom ) Per- pendicular to a.c. draw the Lines a.b. and b.c. then raiſe the Perpendiculars e. and f. and draw them out at length until they meet at g. and where they Croſs is the Center of the Boom, of which a.b.c. was a part, and the Lines.e.g. and f.g. are the Semi-diameters of the Boom, or theſe two added together are equal to the Diameter of the Boom. ( 12 ) Suppoſe a Brewer to have an Oblong-Back, 240 Inches in Length, and Breadth 104 Inches, and the Room where he is to erect another Back ( which he deſigns to be of equal Content with the former ) will allow the Breadth to be but 68 Inches, what Length muſt this Back be to be equal in Area and Content with the former, being of equal Depth. Divide the Superficial Area of the Given Back by the Breadth of the de- fign’d Back, and you have the Anſwer. Example The Superficial Area 24960. The Breadth of the deſign d Back 68. 68) 24960 (367 the Length requir’d. 456 480 The Lux Stereometrie. HI The Proportion holds thus. As the Breadth of the deſigned Back is to the Breadth of the Given Back, ſo is the Length of the Given Back to the Length of the Back requir'd. ( 13. ) Having the Length and Breadth of the Given Back, and Length of the Back requir’d, what ſhall the Breadth be. As the Length of the required Back is to the Length of the Given, fo is the Breadth of the Given to the Breath of the required. 367-240--104-68 (14.) A Square Back being 100 Inches each ſide, and the Breadth of an Oblong being given 52, what Length muſt the Oblong be ſo as it may be equal in Content to the given Square. As the Breadth of the Oblong required is to the side of the Square Given ; ſo is the side of the Square to the Length of the Oblong. Example. tresnakutanen 1 00sportartending I 00-serien 10000 480 : 120 16,0 1 . عدم معه (15.) TO A Lux Stereomatria. (15.) Tofind the Dimenſions of Cone that ſhall be equal to a Sphere. . Uch a Cone as has its Axis equal to the Radius or Semi-Axis of the Sphere, and the Diameter of its Baſe twice the Diameter of the Sphere is equal in Content to the Sphere. Or ſuch a Cone as hath its Axis equa ! to twice the Diameter of the Sphere, its Diameter at the Baſe equal to the Dia meter of the Sphere, is equal to the Sphere . and Example. Let the Sphere be a.c. b.d. the Diameter is a.b. or c.d. 30 Inches; twice the Dią. meter Lux Stereometria 123 2827.5 meter e.f. 60. the Semi-Diameters a.e. 152 the Content of the Sphere is 14142. The Superficial Area of the Baſe of the Cone c.o.f. is Multiplyed by the Height is 14137.5 Which wants but 4.5 of the Spheres Content, which deficiency proceeds from the want of more decimals in the finding the Content of the Baſe. The Baſe of the Conc a.e.b is a.b 30 Whoſe Superficial Area is 707.10 Multiply by the height is 1414.2.0 Efore I enter upon Gauging I ſhall give you an Account of the Area of Unity and Gauge-Points together with their uſe, and how they are found. (16.) To find the Area of Unity, or Superficial Content of a Circle whole Diameter is one Inch. The Diameter being 1, the Circum- ference is 3.14159 Circumference. 1.57079 Diameter S The Arca of Ulnity. 785395 Multiply the Square of any Diameter by 124 Lux Stereometria. 1 by the Area of Unity, and the Product is the Square Inches contain'd therein. The Gauge-Point for Ale-Gallons is 18.95 The Gauge-Point for Wine-Gallons is 17.15. The Square of the Gauge-Point for Ale is 359.95 The Triple Square of the Gauge-Point for Ale is -1077 The Square of the Gauge-Point for VVine is 294 The Triple Square of the Gauge-Point for VVine is 882 The Gauge-Point is the Diameter of a Circle which holds a Gallon on an Inch in Depth. For if the Diameter of a Circle be 18.95, and one Inch deep, its Content will be/282 Inches, that is the Solid Inches in an Ale-Gallon. If you divide the Square of any Diameter by the Square of the Gauge-Point, you have the Gallons contain'd on an Inch in depth ; Or if the Triple Square of a Circle be divided by the Triple Square of the Gauge-Point you have the Area : For, Since the Single Square of any Diameter, divided by the Single-Square of the Gauge Point, produces the Area, conſequently the Square of three Circles, divided by thrice, . Lux Stereonretria. 125 thrice the Square of the Gauge-Point, muſt needs give the Area. CHA P. II. Stereometry of Gauging. L Et none enter into Gauging until he is ſufficiently qualified in Vul- gar and Decimal Arithmetick, and very dexterous and ready in the ſingle and double Rules of Proportion direct, for that is the moſt uſeful Rule alluſive to Gauging. And likewiſe let him be very perfect in the Geometrical Prob. foregoing, and meaſuring of various Surfaces. (1) To find the Area of an Oblong, or Geometrical Square in Ale or Wine-Gallops. TH He Proportion is, as the Cubical Inches in an Ale or VVine-Gallon, 126 Lux Stereometria. is to tlie Breadth in Inches and Parts, ſo is the length to the Area. .*.*.. Example. B L 282- Area. For a Geometrical Square; as 282 is to the ſide, ſo is the ſide to the Area, Example. fide fide 35.435.4: 4.44 Area. Or as 231 is to the ſide, 10 is the fide to the Area in VV'ine-Gallons. · 282-35.4 ( 2 ) To find the Area of a Triangle in Ale or Wine-Gallons. F" hind the Superficial Area as is directed in the 3d. Propoſition of Surfaces ; and divide by 282 or 231, and you have the Area in Ale or VVine. Or by Proportion thus, As 282 is to the Bafe, ſo is the , Per- pendicular to the Area in Ale- Gallons. Example. Suppoſe the whole Baſe be 12, and of the Perpendicular 30. Baſe 3 Perp 282—72-30-7.6 Area. (3.) T. Lux Stereometrie. 127 ( 3.) To find the Area of «Rhombus in Ale or Wine Gallons. A S 282 is to one of the Longeſt fides, ſo is the perpendicular to the Area in Ale Gallons. 282 -5650-_-99 Area. ( 4.) To find the Area of a Trapezia in Ale or Wine Galons. Ivide it into Triangles, as is directed in Prop. sth. and work the ſeveral Triangles, as is directed in the foregoing Theorem of a Triangle, and add the ſeveral Areas of the Triangles together, and the Sam is the Area of the Trapezia. Example of one Triangle. 282.-03-29,2- 4.SI .. (5.) To 128 Lux Stereometriæ. (5) To find the Area of any Regular Poligon. Et fall a Perpendicular as in Prop. 6. L tlien by the Rule of Proportion, As 282 is to the ſum of all the ſides , fo is the perpendicular to the Area in Ale Gallons. 3 Example. Suppoſe the Sum of all the ſides be 8o and the Perpend. 16. 282-80--16-4.5 Area. (6.) To find the Area in Ale Gallons of a Cylinder: S 359 is to the Diameter, fo is the fame Diameter to the Area ſought . A Example. 3594-40 40-4.0 -404.45 Area: Or, as 282 is to half the Circumference fo is half the Diameter to the Area in Ale Gallons. Example Lux Stereometrie. 129 ,!! 20. Example. The Circumference is 125.7 The Diameter is 40. Half the Circumference is 62.85 Half the Diameter is 282-62.85--20-4.45 Note, If you would know how many Wine Gallons the Cylinder contains on an Inch in Depth, inſtead of 282 you muſt uſe 231, and to know the Content of the Cylinder in Ale or Wine Gallons, you muſt multiply the Area, or what it holds upon one Inch, by the Namber of Inches and parts the Cylinder is in depth. (6.) To find the Content of a Semi- Cylinder, ſuch as the figure is. L K Suppoſe 130 Lux Stereometrie. Sum Altitude 105.2. Uppoſe the Baſe a.b. be 40 Inches, and As 359 is to the Square of the Dia- meter of the Baſe, fo is the half of the Altitude to the Content in Ale Gallons, The Square of the Diameter of the Baſe is found to be 1600 half the Altitude is 52.6. 359---1600-_-52.6---234.4. Gallons, . 2.0.b. is likewiſe the of a Cylinder of the ſame Baſe and Altitude by the 3d Prop, of the 2d Chap. (7.) To find the Area, or Content of Such a Segment of a Cylinder, which hath its ptain Surface cut parallel to the Axis, not touching the Center. d flagga Lux Stereometria. 131 FR Urlt find the Superficial Content of the Baſe a.0.c.d. in manner following , and Multiply that into the height. Múltiply the Chord c.d. by the verſed fine 2.0, and you have the fuperficial Area in Inches, then divide by 282,and theQuot. is the Area in Ale Gallons. Example. The Chord cd. is 20.2. and the verred line is 9. and Depth 48. 282) 121,2 (42 84.0 48 Volgens een initi 27 6- 336 168 net Ale Gallons 2 0.16 Or by the Rule of Proportion, as 3,82 or 231 is to a Rectangle made of the Chord Line, and the verſed line, To is the Length to the Content in Ale or Wine Gallons 282---121.2---48---20,6 Ale Gallop. K 2 (.8.) TO 132 Lux Stereometria. ( 8.) To find the Solid Content of a Cone in Ale and Wine Gallons. Ou are firſt to find the Cones Axis by ſubſtracting the Square of the Semi-diameter of the Baſe from the Square of the Cone's flant height, that is a Line drawn from the Extent of the Baſe's Dia- meter to the Vertex; and the Square Root of the difference is the Axis or Per- pendicular Altitude of the Cone. Example The ſlant height is The Diameter is 200 106 37191 192 The Square of the ſlant height is 40000 The Square of the Semi-diam. is 2809 TILOR The Difference is Square Root, or Perpendicular The Perpendicular is 64 ei Then, as 359 or 294 is to the Square of the Diameter of the Baſe, ſo is the the Axis to the Content in Ale or Wine Gallons DOMINO D d 359 Lux Stereometrie. 133 2003 359_1123664 64 44944 67416 719104 Or, As 1077 is to the Square of the Diameter at the Baſe, ſo is the whole Altitude to the Content. 1077 -11236--192 2003 * ( 90 ) To find the Content in Ale or Wine Gallons of any Fruftum of 4 Conc .: I Thall only make uſe of the moſt Geo- metrical Rule, and Conſequently Ra- tional, and leave the moſt Practical ways to thoſe who have a mind to make uſe of theni. ITp on an b K3 This 134 Lux Stereometria. P R AF E IN KA OSC B G с This figure is deſign'd only as a Geo- metrical Demonftration, not to be uſed in the Practice of Gauging, but to ſatisfy the Curious Artiſt of the Truth of the work and that the true mean is found. . poll: DOV Example. Let Q.C.B.E, repreſent the Fruſtum of a Cone ſtanding on its leſſer Baſe, whoſe top Diameter is ** Bottom Diameter 2 Draw the Line C.R. Perpendicular to C.B. and continue the Line C.B. to 0. making c.0. cqual to Q.R. let the Line Q.R. and 0.c. be divided into two equal parts at the points P. and S.then draw the Parrallel Line P.S. and where it Cuts the 40.4 32.2 Depth 38.0 fide Lux Stereometria 135 3 be added to the Lefler Diameter ſide of the Fruſtum is the Mean-Diameter of the Fruitum. Proof. Extend the Line C.B. to G. at the difference of Drameters, and from thence raiſe a Perpendicular, and the Lines G. A. and S.P. make a Cylinder equal to the Cone's Fruftum For the Triangles M.and N. are equal, and ſo are the Triangles K.and the 29 of Euclid Lib. 1. ſo that as the Fruſtum is more than a Cylinder at the Top by the Triangles M.K. ſo it is leſs at the Baſis by the Triangles N.L. Rule, As 2 is to i, fo is the difference of Diameters to the Number which muſt Or, the difference of Diameters added to the Leffer Diameter is the true mean. Top: Diameter 40.4 Bottom Diameter 32.24 Difference 8.2 . Difference Bottom Diameter 4.1 32.2 36.3 ...: 136 Lux Stereometria. As 359 is to the Mean Diameter, fo is the Mean Diameter to the Content of one mean Inch in Depth ; that Multiplyed into the Depth Produces the Content. Example. 359-36.336.363.667 Depth 38 29336 II OOI Content 139.346 109. A Pyramid has a ſquare or right-line Baſe, and has ſo many flat Surfaces as there is fides at the Baſis, but decreaſes gradually to the Vertex; fo that the dif- ference between a Pyramid and a Cone is in the Formation of their Baſis, and may be meaſured by the ſame General Rule, having the Areas of their Baſis, according to the Rules preſcribed in the sth and 6th Propoſition of the 2d Chapter. - cho C H A P. Lux Stereometri&. 137 alike Scicuate, the Diameter of the СНА Р. IV. To Gauge Brewers Tuns of Vari. ous Forms and Scituation. Uppoſe a Tun to have a Circular and an Elliptical Baſe Parallel and Circular Baſe 72. the Length of the Ellipti- cal 72.5 and Breadth 53 Inches and Depth 86 ; how many Ale Gallons will this Tun contain. Find the Area of the Circular Baſe and then of the Elliptical, and multiply the of the Sum of thoſe two by the Depth, and you have the Content. o Example 138 Lux Stereomatriæ. Example. The Area of the Circular Baſe Area of the Elliptical Baſe 14.4 10.6 Bananesinin insan Sum of both Areas 25.0 12.5 Sum Depth of the Tun is 86 750 1000 Content 10750 A Tun whoſe Baſes are unequal, one being, Square and the other Oblong; the Side of the Square Baſe is 40. 2 and Long Side of the Oblong Baſe 40.5 and Thort Side 32 and Depth 50; what's the Con- tent, Find the Area of both Baſes and mul- tiply the Sum of both theſe Areas by the depth of the Tun, and you have the Content in 'Gallons. Example Lux Stereometrie. 139 Example The Area of the Square Baſe is 5.73 The Area of the Oblong Bafe is 4.57 Sum Sum Depth 10.30 5.15 50 Content in Ale Gallons. 257.50 Of Cask-Gauging A E go F D Б Efore a B Man goes abont to Gauge any Vellel or Cask, he is to have reſpect to the form of it, and to conſider under what denomination the Figure of the Cask ought to be ; whether Cylindrical, Parara- bolical, 140 Lux Stereometriæ. bolical, Hiperbolical, Spheroidal, or Co- noical ;' But to wave all niceties in Cask- Gauging, being that ſuch variety as is here mentioned cannot well be diſtin- guiſhed by a mans Eye, and ſome thereof may be denied, we ſhall only make ſuch diſtinctions here as are moſt obvious, viz. the midle Fruſtum of a Spheroid, the midle Fruſtum of a Parabola, and the midle Fruftum of two Cones abutting on a Common Baſe, as are demonſtrated in the following Figure, the Outmoſt Arch- line forms a Spheroid, the midle Arch forms a Parabola, and the innermoſt de- ſcribes two Cones abutting on a Common Baſe. Let A.B. be the Bong Diameter, and C.D. the Head Diameter of either of theſe Casks and E.F. the Length. Now we ſhall Gauge theſe three Casks ſeverally by the Rules proper to their Variety, and ſhall begin firſt with a Spheroid. Suppoſe the Bong Diameter of a Spher- oid to be 26 and head Diameter 22, and length 34, how many Ale Gallons will this Contain. I ſhall here mention ſeveral ways pro- poſed by ſeveral Authors and leave every man to his own Choice in uſing any one of hem. Firſt, Lux Stereometrik. 141 i Firſt, Mr. Everard in his Stereometry makes uſe of a very Accurat way, viz. To once the Sum of the Squares of the Bong and Head Diameters, add the Sum of the Squares, and to that add the difference of the Squares of Head and Bong, Multiply that Sum by the Casks Length, and divide by 1077 and you have the Content in Ale Gallons, or by 882 for Wine Gallons. Secondly, Other Authors direct that to the double Square of the Bong Diameter you add the Square of the Head, and Multiply the Sum by the Length, and divide by 1077. Thirdly, Another way is, to ſubſtract the Head Diameter from the Bong, and Multiply the difference by 1, add that Product to the Head Diameter, and you have the mean Diameter of the Cask, which Squared and divided by 359 Pro- duces the Area, which Multiply by the Length, and you have the Content in Ale Gallons Example 143 Lux Stereometria. @ Example. Bong Diameter 27 Head Diameter 24 :: 3 2. I 24 Mean Diameter 26.1 Squared and Multiplyed by the Length 40, and divided by 359 produces 76 Ale Gallons. I ſhall here ſhow another way which I have not only took pains to prove by Geometrical Lines of Proportion, but by filling the Cask with Water by a ſtatute Gallon I had made for the ſame end which was 16.79 Inches each ſide and one Inch in depth : and 77 of thoſe fill’d the Cask of the before-mentioned Dimen- fions, only there was about a Pint over when the Cask was full. I ſhall here ſhow how the mean Dia. meter is found by Geometrical Lines and Lux Stereometrie. 142 BE 9 , and leave it to the Judgment of the better Artiſt to Judge on the truth of it. Let A.B. be the Bong Diameter, 27 mean between thoſe, by Multiplying by :7, and adding to the Head Diameter, will be 26.1, equali to the Line ses, for if the Line A.B. be 27 Equal parts, the Line s.s. will be 26.1, but the true mean is the Line 0.0. B Demonſtration, Continue the Line D.C. to m. fo that the Line m.C. may be equal to An. draw the Line Am, parallel to 1.C. then divide the Lines A.n, and m.c. into four equal parts ; draw the Line 2 9. and it will cut the Curved Line at o, which is the mean between Head and Bong viz. 144 Lux Stereometria. viz. 26.25. for q.C. is three fourths of the half difference of Diameters m.C. therefore you are to add three fourths of the difference of Diameters to the Head Diameter, and that is the Mean-diameter 0.0. for ſince the Arch riſes gradually be- tween Head and Bong; "the proportion muſt be as 4 is to 3, and not as to is to 7. for 0.B. is of the difference of Dia- meters. Example. Bong 27 Head 24 2) 3.00 775 3 20 2.25 24 The mean Diam.26.25 The Square of this Multiplyed by 40 the Length, and divided by 359 quotes 76.88. Let there be a Cask of the ſame di- menſion as to Bong, Head, and Length, but leſs Curved than the former, ſuch as the middle Line in the laſt Figure but one, which we ſhall call a mean Cask. Multiply Lux Stereométriæ. 1451 . Multiply the difference of Diameters by by .64, and add the Product to the Head Diameter, and the Sum is the mean Dia meter, which being Squared and Multi- ply'd by the Casks Length, and the Pro- duct divided by 359, quotes the Content in Ale Gallons, or by 294 for Winery (2.) To find the Vacuity of the Spher- oidal Cask poſited with its Axis parallel to the Horizon. o xorit 2013 pd coniu I ſhall not go about to preſcribe any new way, there being ſo many ways already, which do to a niçety agree in the main, but ſhall adviſe you to make uſe of Mr. Everard's way in his Stereome- try, by his ſliding Rule, where the Seg- ments are fitted to a Spheroid, there being none more eaſy; however I hall not leave you altogether deſtitute here, but ſhall fet down ſuch plain ways as my brevity will allow. Suppoſe the Dimenſions of a Spheroid to be as follows, viz. to be Content 57 Bong Wet 17. L Divide 1 25.8 1462 Lux Stereosnetrix. Divide the wet. Inches by the Bong Diameter, adding a Competent Number of Cyphers to the wet Inches, and if the Quot. Exceedi.go, add to it a third part of what it is above,50, but if the Quotient want of so, then ſubſtract a third part of what it wants of .50, and Multiply the remainder by the Content of the Cask, and you have the Quantity of Liquor re- maining in the Cask, as, near the Truth as Common Practice doth require, buc r 'would not have any perſwade them- felves that they can do it exactly by any Rule; Curved Lines being ſo Various and the difficulty of finding a mean Segment and Verſed Line either Geometrically or Arithmetically between Head and Bong, being ſo hard. 26W 2 gue si la $ obou 2 * 500 erori zaidi 0 1983 gota Dovoza Ym er 275* malu dabing-sasa un biozole a la enoiloma Pat Here Lux Stereometria. 147 Here follows an Example. 25.8) 17.200 66 1 720 0:50 172 .16 sima $).167.053 one third the difference. 1.00.66 113 $7 the Content . 이 ​4991 3565 40.641 Remaining Liquor 3.) To find the Vacuity of a Stand- ing Cask poſited with its Axis Per- pendicular to the Horizon Tuppoſe the Dimenſions of the Cask to be Content - - - - 148 Lux Stereometric. Content Bong Diameter Head Diameter Length Wet Inches | 1 95 28.6 21.8 48.5 13 Subſtract the Area of the Head Dia- meter from the Area of the Bong, and divide the difference by 1.78, then add the Quotient that proceeds from that diviſion to the Area of the Head-dia- meter, and Multiply the Sum by the Wet Inches, and you have the Quantity of the remaining Liquor. Example. The Area of the Bong is The Area of the Head is 2. 28 1.32 96 The difference is 21: 1978).9600 (-53 iniwal 700 950 0 10 ** 166,091 181 1.32 0.53 1.85 1.85 Lux Stereometriæ. 149 1.85 555 185 : 24.05 Whoever will be at the pains to Com- pare this work with Mr. Everard's Slid- ing Rule will find it agree exactly to the 400 part of a Galion, ( 4.) Some uſeful Rules in Gauging, whereby a Man may not only inform his Judgment, but at ſome time or other facilitate his Work. 1. TF 282 be divided by the Area of Unity -7854, the Quotient will be 359,the Square of the Gauge-point for Ale. Or, Multiply 282 by 1. 2735, the Square of the Diameter of a Circle whoſe Area is 1.00, and the product is the ſame. If 1.00 be divided by 3.14, the Quo- tient will be .318, a Multiplicator to Multiply the Circumference by to find the Diameter. L 3 If 150 Lux Stereometrie. If 1.00 be divided by .318, the Quoti- ent will be 3.14, a Multiplyer to Mul- tiply the Diameter to find the Circum- ference, 2. The Area of a Circle is 2.47,what's the Diameter ?. Multiply the Area by 359, and the Square Root of the product is the Dia- meter. 3. Having the Circumference of a Circle, to find the Area in Inches. Square the circumference and Multiply the produa by .07958. 4. Having the Area of a Circle, to find the Circumference, Multiply the Area by 12.5064. 5. If a Tub, at any given Number of Inches deep, hold any Number of Gallons ſuch as 270, or the Like, what was the Diameter of that Tub. Multiply the Number of Gallons it holds at the given Number of Inches deep by 359, and divide the product by the given number of Inches deep , and the Square Root of the Quotient is the Diameter ſought. 6.If the Gauge-point,or 18.95Diameter give one Gallon upon an Inch in depth, what Diameter will give a Gallon on .5 of an Inch. Multiply Lux Stereometrie. 150 Multiply 359 by 1.0 and divide the product by :5, and the Square Root of the Quotient is the Diameter of Circle which will hold a Gallon, or 5 Tenths of an Inch in depth. Or add a Cypher decimal ways to 359, and divide by .59 and Extract the Root. Lobivia notion 91). Otsi Foro 901 (5.) How to Inch a Swelling Cask, ſuch as the midle Fruſtum of a Spheroid, ſo as you may know the Content of every Inch or Inches from Head to Head, being erected with its Axis Perpendicular to the Horizon. Vle. Subſtract the Area of the Head from the Area of the Bong , and divide the difference bym # the Casks Length, and of the Quotient is the Common addend below the Bong, and ſnbducend above the Bong .. 10 tort srusinov -Trious sii Example. The origh Suppoſe the Length of a Cask tó be4o Inches, and Bong. Diameter to be 28, and Head- Diameter to be 24, the Content of this Cask is 8o Ale-Gallons. tent L4 The 152 Lux Stereometrie. it obivih bris or The Area of the Bong-Diam. 28 is 2.18 The Arca of the Head-Diam. 24 is 1.60 115 The difference of Bong and Head Areas is Divided by the Casks Length, 40, viz, 10, the Quotient divided by 3, and the Quotient Multiply'd by 2, gives the Common addend, board 710).58 (058 80 358 (019 aixA 25028 2 58 038 the Com. addend. Si Having found my addend, I now begin to delineate my Inch Table thus; In the firft Column ander. I, is the Length of the Cask from 1. Inch to 40. In the ſecond Column under 1, is the Areas of every Particular Inch from i to 40. In the third Column, under Ad, is the Com- mon Addend, or Subducend : and in the fourth Columa, under C, is the Content of any Number of Inches from the firſt Inch. Now Lux Stereometriæ. 133. the fourth the third Inch Now having Lined out my Inch Table, oppoſite to the firſt Inch I ſet the Area of the Head, and to it I add the Addend ,038, and it makes 1,638, the Content of the firſt Inch, to that I add the Addend, and it makes 1.676, the Content of the ſecond lach, add theſe two Areas together, and it makes 3,314, which ſet oppoſite Content of the firſt two Inches add the Addend to the Ayer of the ſecond Inch 1.714, add that to the Content of the firſt two Inches, and it makes 5.028, the Content of the firſt three Inches, and ſo continue adding the Addend to the Laſt Area, and adding that Area to the Lalb Content, until you come to the Bong- Diameter, and you have the Semi-Content: of the Cask, viz. 39.98. Now fince the Cask above the Bong doth decreaſe gradually, I uſe the Add- end as a Subducend, by Subftra&ing it from every Area, as before I added it to every Area : The Area at 21 Inches muſt be the ſame as at 20, for the Dia- meter an Inch above the Bong, is Homo geneal to the Diameter an Inch below the Bong, ſo it muſt be 2.360 to the Con- tent above the Bong, viz, 39.98, and it is 154 Lux Stereomatria. is equal to 42.34 Gallons, and ſo much the Cask holds at 21 Inches deep: Then Subſtract the Subducend from the Area at 21 Inches, and the remainder is 2,322, the Area at 22 Inches deep ; add that to the Content at 21 Inches deep, and the Sum is 44.662, the Content at 22 Inches deep, and fo proceed to the laſt Inch 40, and the Content at 40 Inches deep is 80,06, equal to the Content of the whole Cask. The aſe of the Table is plain for ſuppoſe you dip your Röle into the Cask and it wet 29 Inches, you look for 29, and over againſt 29, and under Cont. you will find 59.8s, which is equal to the Content at 29 Inches deep; but if your Rale wet 29.5, Then add the Con- tent at 29, and the Content at 30 together and half the Sum is the Content at 29.5; or if it wet 29. 2, you are to ſuppoſe .2 to the 4 of an Integer, therefore you are to add the Area, at 30 Inches, to the Content at 29, and the Sum is the Con- tent at 29.2, and ſo in all other dips. Kant wolun Lax Stereometrie. 135 . L. A. Ad. Cont. 2 038 .038 5.028 6.780 98 7 8 19 10 1.638 1.038 1.638 1.676 .038 3.314 1.714 1,752 1.790 .038 8.579 1.828.038 .038 10,398 866 1.038 1 12,264 1.904 038 | 14.168 1.942 038 16.110 1.980.038 .038 18.090 2,018 1.038 20.108 2.056.038 ,038 22,164 2.094.038 24.258 2,132.038 26.390 2.170.038 | 28.560 2.208 .038 30.768 2.246 ,038 | 33.014 2.284 .038 35.298 2.322 1.038 37.620 2.360.038 .038 39.980 II 13 Krk 14 16 . . 19 156 Lux Stereometria. L. Ad. Cont 28 2.094 21 2.360 038 | 42.340 22 2.322 .038 44.662 23 2.284 2.284 | .038 46.946 24 | 2.246.038 49. 192 25 | 2.208 .038 51.400 26 2.170 | .038 53.570 27 2.132 .03855.702 .038 57, 796 29 | 2.056 1.038 .038 59.852 30 2.018 .038 | 61.870 31 1.980 .038 | 63.850 32 1.942 .038 | 65.792 33 1.904 .038 | 67.690 34 1.866 .038 | 69.562 351.828.038 71.490 36 1.790 .038 1. 73.280 37 1.752 75.032 1.714 1.038 76.746 39 1.676 .038 | 78.422 40 1.638.038 80.000 mm lo ho .038 38 (6.) To į Lux Stereometrie. 2 D' (6.) To Inch a Round or Square Tun, As the Fruſtum of a Cone, or Square Pyramid. Ivide the difference of Diameters or Sides, by the depth, and Mul- tiply thé Leſſer Diameter, or Side of the Leſfer Baſe, by that Quotient, and add the Product to the Square of the Leſſer Diameter, and to that Sam add of the Square of the firſt Quotient, and divide the Laſt Sum by 359, or 282, and the Quot, is the Content of the firſt Inch, : Example 3 Depth 8 14 Great Diameter 102-10 Leller Diameter 08 98 911 9 8 8) 4.00. S kn 1 49.00 98 158 Lux Stereometrie. 98 98 784 882 9604 Sq, of the Leſs Diam. 49 To Firſt Quot. :S 9653 .08 }).25 (.08 359) 9653.08 (26.91 Content of the 2473 firſt Inch. 319,0 598 39 Multiply the Leſſer Diameter by the Quot. as before, and to the Product add of the Square of that ſame Quot, and Multiply the Sum by 2, and to that Sum add the Square of the Leſſer Diameter, ånd Multiply that Sum by 2, divide the laſt Sum by 359, and you have the Con- tent of the firft two Inches. Example, Lux Stereometrie. 159 Example 98 5 3).25 6.08 49.0 o 8 49.08 98.16 . 98 98 H 784 882 9604 08.16 9702.16 1940432 160 Lux Stereometriæ. 359) 19404.32 (54.05 Cont. of the 1454 two firſt Inches. 1832 37 Go on as in the laſt Paragraph, only Multiply by 3 inſtead of 2. 98 49 o .08 49.08 3 147.24 98 Lax Stereometrie. 161 : 98 98 784 882 9604 147.24 K VE 9751.24 3 11 359) 29253.72 (81.48 333 1747 240 M 1,62 Lax Stereometria The 3 firſt Inches The 2 firſt Inches 81.48 - - $4.05 The ift Inch - 26.91 The 20 Inch | 11 27.14>81.48 The 3d Inch 27.43 siirre 23.18) $ ces (ez: napi 2d. 27.14 cute ift. 26.91 .23 90T To .. Lux Stereometriæ. 183 Deptb. Cons.of every imeh. ift Differ. 2d Differ. 26.917 o Donna ,23 27.14 .06 .29 27.43 .06 .35 27.78 06 ol 06 28.19 47 60028.66north .53 7 29.19 59 8 29.78 .06 M 2 Haring 164 Lux Stereometria. sid Having ſet down the Content of the Three firſt Inches ſeverally, as in the Table, Subſtract the Firſt Inch from the Second, and ſet down the difference, as 23 ; then Subftra&t the Second from the Third, and ſet down the difference, as 29. Then Subſtract the difference of the firſt and Second from the difference of the Second and Third, which will be 106, and ſet down as in the Table; then add.06 to 29, and that makes .35, which muſt be added to the Second Inch, and that makes the Content of theFourth Inch, and ſo on. bas un A ni .cc anorama hodan oo. otto ( 7.) TO Lux Stereometrik. 165 Suo .. Sub (7) To Inch the Middle Fruſtum of two Cones abutsing on 4 Common Baſe. übſtract the Head-Area from the " Bong Area, and divide the differ ence by the Semi-Length, and add that Quotient to the Head-Area, and that is the Content of the Firſt Inch then add that fame Quotient to the Content of the Firft Inch, and the Summ is the Con- tent of the ſecond Inch, and ſo continue adding that Quotient to every Inch, even to the Semi-Length, and you have the Casks Semi-Content by adding all the Inches together. Then, when you come above the Bong, inſtead of adding you muſt Subſtract that Quotient from the Bong Area, or rather from the Area of the Diameter, i an Inch below the Bong, for chele Area's are in the Middle of e very Inch, from Head to Bong. M 3 Length 166 Lux Stereometria. 166 Bong O Length 40 28 2.18 Area. I Head I alb 24 241.60 Area. KO 20) 58 (.029 (The com- 18.0 mon addend below,or ſubducend above the Bong. JETLI SI ei Jahr 1912 ofit o, or bborong iba to 100 di ho asi sunt nobre novo oni volan So gabbs boy 29.0-imad on sil: lis gniste voorste zde smoo hap monn daorsogos en DO (- anilbi to u beplan 2008 9:1 bo podle ori mort gripitolo di Fasilitas jo 17A off out 1-100 brod or's wolod om te The sto olbb?n ons nie aon of her moil and 191 tirgas, Lux Stereometria. 167 The Inch-Table for a Cask in the Form of two Cones abutting on a Common Baſe. Leng. Cont. offCom. add. Cont.from B.E.G. Levery In.lor Subduc. Inch. from In.toIn. 1.6 2 3.287 8.435 7 1.861 1 11629 1,029 1.629 1.098.029 3 1.687,029 4.974 4 1.716 ,029 6.690 5 1.745 1.029 6 1.774 1019 10.209 1.8031.029 12.012 8 1.832.029 13.844 .029 15.705 10 1.890.029 .029 17.595 II 1.919 1.029 | 19.514 1.948.029 21.462 13 1.977 1.029 231439 14 2.006 . 029 25.445 IS 21035 1.029 27.480 16 2,064.029 29.544 17 2,093 029 31.637 18 2,122 1.029 33.759 192 ISI .029 351910 2.180 | .029 38 090 M4 Bong. 168 Lux Stereometria. Bống. 4, Leng.(Cont. of Com. add.Cont.fromCo. in B.E.G. every In.for Inch from In. O' (1.6 23 24 O 2.18 029 40.270 22 2,151 ,029 42.421 2.1 22 029 44.543 2.093 ·029 | 46,636 25 2.064 .029 | 48.700 26 2.035 ,029 50.735 27 2.006 - 929 52.741 28 1.977 .029 54.718 29 1.948 | .029 56.666 30 1.919 .029 | 58.58s 31 1.890 .029 | 60.175 32 1861 .029 162.336 1.832 029 64.168 34 | 1.803 .029 165.971 35 1.774 | .029 | 67.745 36 029 | 69.490 37 1.716 .029 71.206 38 1,687 029 | 72:893 39 1.658 .029 1 74.551 40 1,629 76.180 mm BOOKS BOOKS Printed and Sold by H. Nenman, at the Graſhopper in the Poultry. EY Very Man his own Gauger ; wherein not only the Artiſt is ſhown a more ready and exact method of Gauging than any hitherto extant. But the moſt Igno- rant, who can but read Engliſh, and tell twenty in Figures, is taught to find the Content of any Veſel, either full or in part full ; and to know if they be right liz'd. Alſo what a Pipe, Hogſhead, &c. amounts to at the common rate and mea- ſure they buy or ſell at : with ſeveral uſe- ful Tables to know the Content of any Veſel by. Likewiſe a Table fhewing the price of any Commodity, from one Pound to an Hundred weight, and the contrary. To which is added, the true Art of Brew ing Beer, Ale, Mum ; of Fining, Preſery- ing and Bottling Brew'd Liquors, of making the moſt comnion Phyſical Ales now in uſe, of making ſeveral fine Engliſh VVines. · The Vintners Art of fining curing, preſerving and rectifying all ſorts of Wines, of making Artificial Wines, Diſtilling Diniling of Brandy and Spirits from Malt, Molofles, ac. Together with the Compleat Cofice-man, teaching how to make Corce, Tea, Chocolet Content sid the Richeſt Fineſt Cordials, of great ole for common Brewers Vi@g- allers, Vintners, Wine Coopers, Diſtillers Strongwátermen, Coffeemen, and all other Trawlers By 1. Lightbody, Philoináth. Duodecimal Arithmeriok viz. Nota tion. 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