Trelissuli Library. 1. Morning Room I Compartment C Thely 3 QA 515 P95 A Familiar Introduction TO THE THEORY and PRACTICE O F PERSPECTIVE. By JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, LL.D. F.R.S. ΚΑΙ ΑΓΕΩΜΕΤΡΗΤΟΣ ΕΙΣΙΤΩ. LONDON: Printed for J. JOHNSON and J. PAYNE, at N° 8. Pater-nofter-Row. M. DCC. LXX. English ΤΟ prayton 2-11233 27939 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, KNT. F.R.S. PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF PAINTING, &c. THIS TREATISE ON PERSPECTIVE IS, WITH GREAT RESPECT, INSCRIBED BY HIS MOST OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, LEEDS, MARCH 20. 1770. JOSEPH PRIESTLEY. [ 3 ] H. US US US US US US US US DR sk sk sk M A M sh si sk I W US HU WWW UF st staste DRS DR sk sk sk SR THE PREFACE. ++ poof of op of op of f T HE art of drawing in perſpective has fo many, and fuch obvious ufes, that there can be no occafion to enumerate them. Thoſe who want to communicate their ideas to others often feel the inperfection of founds, or of charac- ters that only reprefent founds, for this purpoſe; and thoſe who are defirous of re- ceiving information find, that it is, in many cafes, conveyed with unfpeakably more eafe and certainty, by the eye, than by the ear. a 2 The iv THE PREFA C E. The reaſon is, that every verbal defcrip- tion of any object that hath the dimenfions of length, &c. must be reduced to a lineal one in the imagination, before any diftinct idea can be conceived of it; and this is often a difficult and painful operation. It is particularly fatiguing to the imagi- nation to put together the parts of a com- plex object, when the defcription of each of them is made feparately; for each part being conceived very imperfectly, and one part being in danger of being forgotten, while the mind is engaged in attending to another, the conception of the whole can- not but be very obfcure, and inadequate. The ſymmetry and elegance of a pile or building is abfolutely loft without a draw- ing, and the moſt maſterly painters are in- capable of producing any thing but the moft hideous and unnatural groupes of fi- gures, without the affiftance of this art. Of all the imitative arts, this of perfpec- tive is capable of being brought, and in- deed has actually been brought the neareſt to perfection; becauſe it is wholly within the i GT THE PREFACE. V the ſphere of mathematical ſcience, a branch of knowledge which has been moſt dili- gently cultivated of late years, and with reſpect to the objects of which, we are not uſed to acquiefce in any thing fhort of ab- folute certainty. Accordingly, we fee, that there is no object of fight, be it ever fo complex, which thofe perfons who have applied themſelves to the ſtudy of this art are not able to repreſent, juſt as it appears to the eye. By this means the ideas of all the beauties of nature and art are faithfully preferved, and thofe perfons who have no opportunity of feeing the objects themſelves, may ſtudy, and be delighted with them, in the works of travellers and natural hifto- rians; and philoſophers can defcribe their machines, and their apparatus for making experiments, without any danger of em- barraffing themſelves, or of perplexing and confounding their readers. As in all the other branches of mathe- matical knowledge, the progreſs of this art has been flow, but fure; and the Engliſh writers (particularly Dr. Brooke Taylor) feem to have carried it to a degree of per- fection a 3 vi THE PREFACE. } fection we can hardly conceive it poffible to be exceeded. As much, however, is known, as we can imagine will ever be made ufe of. All that is wanting feems to be a me- thod of facilitating the attainment of this art; and in this refpect I cannot help think- ing there is room to improve upon all the books that I have yet feen upon this fubject. Indeed the actual ftate of the practice of this art ſeems to be a proof that the attainment of it has not been fuffici- ently eaſy. For of the great numbers, both of ladies and gentlemen, who learn to draw, and even take pains to draw with elegance, there are very few who ſo much as attempt to learn perſpective. Though, therefore, they be able to copy prints, and the defigns of others, and to execute theſe drawings in a maſterly manner, they are utterly incapable of defigning any thing themſelves, or of drawing from nature; fo that a perſon who can even draw human figures, in every variety of attitude and paffion, ſhall not be able to take a correct drawing of a table, a chair, or the moſt fimple THE PREFACE. vii ſimple machine, or inftrument, that re- quires nothing but ftraight lines. Of thofe gentlemen who travel, or go long voyages, how few are furniſhed with the rudiments of this art, for the exerciſe of which they have perpetual occafion, if they would preferve the ideas of the me- morable ſcenes and objects they meet with, or communicate any juſt notion of them to their friends. How many philofophers, and even perſons who have been no mean proficients in other branches, both of ſpecu- lative and practical mathematics, do we hear complaining of their ignorance of this art, and of the difficulties they have met with in their attempts to learn it; ſo that they are incapable of making a drawing of the apparatus they make uſe of in their ex- periments, and are always obliged to em- ploy a profeffed artift for this purpoſe. Thefe difficulties have difcouraged num- bers, who have not fcrupled to give the very great price that books of perfpective generally fell for, and who have been wil- ling to take a good deal of pains in the ſtudy of them. Though, viii THE PREFAC E. Though, for my own part, I got a ge- neral idea of the theory of perſpective pretty early, at the time that I attended to other branches of mathematical ſcience, I was not capable of making a draught of any thing, till I was under a neceffity of having original drawings of electrical ma- chines and apparatus, and was in a ſitua- tion where I could not find any perfon to make them for me. At firſt I puzzled myſelf with feveral mechanical me- thods of drawing; but though I made confiderable improvements in fome of them, I was obliged, at laft, to have re- courſe to the rules of perſpective. I found them, however, fo immethodically di- gefted, or fo infufficiently explained, that, in feveral cafes, I was able to inveſtigate the rule myſelf, from confidering the na- ture of the thing, fooner than I could find it in the books; and after all, the drawings that I did make at that time were executed when I had a very imperfect knowledge of the art. The embarraffment I then found myſelf in, made me attend to the fubject after- wards, THE PREFACE. Ix wards, when I was more at leifure for it. Having ſtruggled with the difficulties my- felf, and writing while the idea of them is freſh in my memory, I hope that I have been better able to obviate, or remove them, for the benefit of others. I have been willing, however, to make the attempt; and I flatter myſelf that any perſon, of the age and qualifications of thoſe who ever think of learning to draw, may, by the help of this treatife, without any in- ftructor, make themſelves maſters of every thing that is effential to this art. Lefs than a week, I am pretty clearly of opi- nion, would be fufficient for a mafter of the art to inftruct another in it, in the me- thod here laid down; and a few hours would be fufficient to give a perſon, who has a previous knowledge of geometry, a perfect idea of all the real varieties that can poffibly occur in the practice of it. Nor will this be any matter of wonder when it is confidered, that after the pre- paration of the drawing-board, the whole of this art confifts in drawing the perfpec- tive appearance of lines in no more than five X THE PREFAC E. five different varieties of poſition, and in fixing points at given diſtances in thoſe lines. I In the method defcribed, Part IX, no- thing is requifite, but to take the elevation and declination of any fingle point in an object, fo that the whole myſtery of it might be learned in a few minutes. therefore cannot help wiſhing that mathe- matical inſtrument-makers would conftruct fome cheap inftrument for this purpoſe. The contrivance would be very eafy, and it would greatly facilitate the practice of this uſeful art. Whether this method be explained in any other treatiſe I cannot tell. It occurred to me from confidering the nature of the thing; I practifed it be- fore I was acquainted with any other; and the method, both with refpect to theory and practice, is intirely independent of the common method, and abundantly more fimple. The common perſpective is founded on the confideration of planes and lines, but in this points only, in which they terminate, are regarded. But it is better adapted to the purpoſe of drawing large objects, in the THE xi PREFACE. the open air, than ſmall objects within doors. The reader will obferve that, befides the rules of orthographical perſpective, laid down in Part X, this treatife contains a defcrip- tion of three diftinct methods of drawing in common or scenographic perspective, each of which may be learned independent of the others. That which is of the moft general ap- plication is contained in Parts III, IV and V; and a fummary view of it is given in Part VI. By this method a perſon will be able to draw the perfpective appearance of all objects whatever, their dimenfions and diſtances being previously known. There is no occafion for their being in view, or for their ichnography being taken. The fecond method, contained in Part VIII, teaches how to draw the appearance of objects from their ichnography, or ground plan. The rules of it are exceed- ing few and eafy, but the true dimenfions of things must be taken before their ich- nography can be drawn. If any perfon would chufe to confine himſelf to this me- thod; xii THE PREFACE. thod; after learning to draw the appearance of objects on the ground plane, he muſt confult Part V. Sect. II. Cafe I. for a me- thod of raiſing perpendicular altitudes upon any part of that plane; and then the me- thod will be complete. The third method is that mentioned above, which fuppofes the objects to be in view, and by finding the fituation of points, determines the appearance of objects. This must be done by an inftrument, but one ſingle rule comprehends the whole practice. Mathematicians will perhaps be ſurpriſed to find fo little theory in this treatiſe, but of this I have made no parade, contenting myſelf with giving a fatisfactory reaſon for every effential part of the practice; and if theſe fatisfactory reafons be given, it is all that the reader can reaſonably require. Dr. Brooke Taylor, and other geometricians, appear to me to have made the theory of perſpective much more extenfive and com- plex, than the practice requires; and to have introduced more technical terms than are really neceffary for this purpoſe. Con- fidering THE PREFA C E. xiii * fidering perspective as a branch of geome- try, I am far from blaming the conduct of thofe great writers; but I would not have the young artist be difcouraged, by ima- gining that he muſt neceffarily make him- ſelf maſter of their works, in order either to practiſe this art, or to be fully con- vinced of the reafons on which it is founded. The reader is indebted for part of this work to Mr. Joſeph Priestley, of Halifax, from whoſe knowledge of mathematics in general, and of this branch in particular, I once expected a much more complete and elegant view of the theory of this art; and I do not yet deſpair of his undertaking fo ufeful a work. He drew up the general view of the theory of perspective, prefixed to the Notes, and wrote all thofe paragraphs in which the propofitions in that piece are referred to. He gave me the method of meaſuring a line oblique to the ground plane, deſcribed p. 34, with the demonftra- tion of it, and the method of drawing cir- cles deſcribed Cafe I and II. Part VII. He was alſo ſo obliging as to affift me in reviſing and correcting the whole work. Let xiv THE PREFAC È. ご ​Let it be obſerved, that I term this trea- tiſe only a familiar introduction to the the- ory and practice of perfpective. It is there- fore by no means intended to fuperfede other valuable works, that contain a greater variety of examples, and a detail of particular pro- ceffes, which are highly uſeful to thoſe who have much practice in this art. I flatter myſelf that by the help of this introduction, thoſe books will be much better underſtood, and more uſeful than ever. As a friend to the arts, but more efpe- cially to fcience, which is greatly indebted to this particular art, I fhall think myſelf happy, if, either by what I have written myſelf, or by recommending the writings of others, I fhall contribute to make the buſineſs of perſpective more generally un- derſtood and practifed. Every boy that is capable of being taught writing and ac- compts, might be perfectly inftructed in all the rules contained in Parts III, IV, and V, of this Introduction, in a few weeks. They take up no more than 24 pages of the work, not concisely written. And every THE PREFACE. XV every ſchoolmaster, who is as yet unac- quainted with the rudiments of this uſeful art, might make himſelf maſter of them in a few evenings. There is no occafion to trouble every boy with the theory of perſpective; but I would have all young perfons, without ex- ception, made ready in the practice. Thoſe who apply to any branch of the mathema- tics, may learn the theory afterwards. And if a perſon were taught no more than the neceſſary rules in his youth, he might learn particular improvements in drawing at his leifure, whenever he ſhould have occafion for them. Since this Work was printed off, I have ſeen a fubftance excellently adapted to the purpose of wiping from paper the marks of a black-lead-pencil. It muft, therefore, be of fin- gular uſe to those who practife drawing. It is fold by Mr. NAIRNE, Mathematical Inftrument-Maker, oppofite the Royal-Exchange. He fells a cubical piece, of about half an inch, for three fillings; and he Jays it will laſt ſeveral years. [ 1 ] 00050009 0000 0000 0005,0005 0000 0003 0003 0003 6000 0000 3000 2000 ODDO COOD COOD COOD 0800 0000 0000 0000 0000 : A FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION To the THEORY and PRACTICE of PERSPECTIVE. PART I. Of the Inftruments that are of Ufe in the Practice of PERSPECTIVE, and the Application of them. A Perſon who propofes to practice the art of drawing in perſpective muſt provide himſelf with a drawing board and Square, and a cafe of mathematical inftru- ments, confifting of a pair of compaffes, a ſet of ſcales, a fector, a protractor, and a drawing pen. A The '; A TREATISE ON The drawing board is made in the form of a fquare, or parallellogram; and if any one of the angles be a right angle, it will be fufficient, provided the fquare which is ufed in drawing lines upon it be always applied to one of the fides that contain that right angle; and lines may be drawn in all poffible directions without uſing any other fide of the board. It will be very convenient for a perfon who practices. drawing much, to have feveral drawing boards, of different fizes, for the fake of having greater variety in the compaſs of his draughts. The Square to be uſed along with the drawing board is a flat ruler, as a, Fig. 1, at one end of which are faſtened two tranf- verſe pieces; one of them, b, fixed at right angles to it, and the other c, moveable, ſo as to be fixed at any angle required. Theſe tranfverfe pieces are applied cloſe to the fide of the drawing board, while the ruler lies upon it; and by fliding them along the board, lines may be drawn parallel to one another with much leſs trouble than by the help of a parallel ruler. By the fixed tranf PERSPECTIVE. 3 tranfverfe, lines may be drawn parallel to one fide of the board and perpendicular to the other; and by the moveable tranfverfe, lines that have any degree of obliquity to the fides of the board may be drawn paral- lel to one another; and if, without moving the tranfverfe, the ruler be removed to the other fide of the board, lines may be drawn perpendicular to them. But if the obli- quity be very great, it will be impoffible to apply the fquare, fo as to interfect the lines at right angles in fome parts of the board. In this cafe, recourſe muſt be had to a pa- rallel ruler. A great variety of fcales is uſeful, in order to lay down lines of any given length, in whatever proportion is moſt convenient, with respect to the fize of the drawing, &c. If none of the fcales happen to fuit the purpoſe, recourſe muſt be had to the line of lines upon the ſector: for, by the different openings of that inftrument, a line of any length may be divided into as many equal parts as a perſon chufes. A 2 The } } A TREATISE ON 4 The only lines that are neceffary to be attended to upon the fector, befides thefe, for the purpoſe of drawing, are the two lines of tangents; one of them marked T, beginning at the center of the inſtrument, and ending with 45 at the extremity of the leg; the other marked t, beginning at the diſtance of about one-fourth of the radius from the center, and reaching a little be- yond 75, near the extremity. Left a book explaining the uſe of the ſector ſhould not happen to be at hand, I ſhall juſt inform the perſon who is learn- ing to draw, that, if he want the tangent of an angle exceeding 45 degrees, he muſt open the ſector till the 45 on the lines marked t be fet at the fame diſtance, at which the two forty-fives on the lines marked T were placed; and then take the tangent required, juft as he would have done, if the tangent had been less than 45, and it had not been neceffary to make any other opening of the inftrument, If the fector be fo conftructed, as that the 45 t begin exactly at the distance of one- fourth PERSPECTIVE. §. 1 fourth of the radius from the center, and confequently the tangent of 45 t, be ex- actly one-fourth of 45 T; there will be no occafion for making any other opening of the fector; for the tangent of any degree exceeding 45 being taken on t, and repeated four times, will be the length of the tangent required. Befides the ſmall ſector in one of the common pocket cafes of inftruments, I would adviſe a perfon who propoſes to learn to draw to get another, of one foot radius, at leaſt. Two ſectors are, in many caſes, exceedingly uſeful, if not abſolutely ne- ceffary; and I would not adviſe a perſon to be fparing of expence in procuring a very good inftrument, the ufes of which are fo various and important. The protractor is generally a circle, or femi-circle, the limb of which is divided into 360 parts, called degrees. Sometimes, however, a parallellogram, about the fize of a common fcale, is ufed as a protractor. In this cafe the edges of it are divided in the fame manner as if it had been part of a A 3 circular t 6 A TREATISE ON ! circular piece, and the lines drawn from the center to the circumference; but it is eaſier to lay down any angle with accuracy from a circular, or femi-circular protractor. A drawing pen is neceffary, becauſe a common open pen can hardly be applied to the edge of a ruler without blotting the paper when it is taken up; befides, by the help of a drawing pen, lines may be made of preciſely the fame thickneſs throughout, and of whatever thickneſs a perfon pleaſes. Black lead pencils are very uſeful, in order to draw lines that are of no fervice, but as a direction to draw other lines by them; becauſe, when they have anſwered this purpoſe, they may be taken out with a few crumbs of ſoft bread. ! PART PERSPECTIV E. 7 PART II. The Definition of neceſſary technical Terms, and the Preparation of the Drawing- Board. PERSPECTIVE is the art of deline- ating objects as they would appear upon an upright plane, interpofed between them and the eye; for inftance, as they appear upon a pane of glaſs when they are feen through a window. In this manner it is evident, that the images of objects of the fame fize will occupy more or lefs fpace, according as they are nearer or farther off; and the great difficulty of drawing a num- ber of objects confifts in giving them theſe proportions. By this art, therefore, the pictures of objects are made to exhibit the fame appearance upon one plane, and at the fame diſtance from the eye, that they have in nature upon different planes, and at different diſtances; which is a ſpecies of imitation that is particularly pleaſing to all perfons. To 8 A TREATISE ON To make the practice of this agreeable art the more intelligible, I ſhall ſuppoſe that I am about to make the perfpective drawing of a number of objects, as a, b, Fig. 2. which require every variety in the practice; and ſhall minutely defcribe every part of the proceſs I make ufe of for this purpoſe. [A] The first thing I do is to faften a ſheet of paper upon my drawing-board, by bits of wafer or fealing wax, at each corner, in order to make it lie flat and ſteady. The ſurface of this paper is defigned to re- preſent the plane on which the objects are to be drawn, and which is generally called the perspective plane. In other words, it repreſents the glass window, which I be- fore fuppofed to intervene between my eye and the objects, and upon which their ap- pearance was to be drawn. This appear- ance I am now to copy on my paper. In order to this, I draw, or fuppoſe to be drawn, upon the plane on which the ob- jects ftand, called the ground plane, a line AB, Fig. 2, on which the perſpective plane, through which I view the objects, is PERSPECTIV E. 9 1 1 I then take my is ſuppoſed to ſtand. drawing-board, and, by the fixed tranſverſe of the fquare, draw the line AB, Fig. 3, to reprefent it. This line I, therefore, call the ground line of my piece. After this I note the point C, Fig. 2, in that part of this ground line which is neareſt to my eye; and upon it I raiſe, or ſuppoſe to be raiſed, the line CE, perpendicular to the other. Alſo, upon my paper, Fig. 3, I draw the line CE, to repreſent it. The next thing I do is to meafure the height of my eye above the plane on which the objects ſtand; and ſuppoſing it to be fix feet, I fet off from C to D, Fig. 3, the length of fix divifions, from any ſcale that I think proper, and draw the line FG pa- rallel to the ground line AB. This line, being drawn at the diſtance of the height of my eye, will reprefent a plane paffing through my eye, and feen edgeways; and being parallel to the horizon (fuppofing that I ftand upright) it is called the hori- zontal line. The point D in this line, to which my eye is directly oppofite, is called the 10 A TREATISE ON the point of fight. It is that point in the perfpective plane which is the neareſt to my eye. per When I have thus drawn upon my pa- the horizontal line, I meafure the dif tance at which I ftand from the imaginary perſpective plane; and, fuppofing it to be nine feet, I mark a point E, Fig. 3, in the perpendicular line, at the diftance of nine divifions from D in the horizontal line. I alſo ſet off the fame diftance both ways from the point of fight D, along the hori- zontal line to F and G. This being done, my board and paper are prepared for the delineation of the objects I propoſe to draw. Or, if I pleaſe, I may draw the lines HIKL, to bound the picture; but this may as well be omitted, till the drawing be compleated. N. B. In all that follows, I fhall ſuppoſe the drawing-board to be prepared in this manner; at leaſt, that as many of theſe lines are drawn, and as many of the points fixed, PERSPECTIV E. I I fixed, as the purpoſe of the picture requires. I fhall, therefore, hereafter omit the repe- tition of this part of the procefs. Let it be obferved, alfo, that the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, always keep the fame places, and have the fame ufes in all the figures belonging to this work. A general idea of the nature of perſpec- tive, and of the preparation of the drawing- board may, perhaps, be more clearly under- ftood by means of Fig. 4. In this figure the plane X, which muſt be laid flat upon the table, is the ground plane on which the objects ſtand; the plane Y, which muſt be raiſed perpendicular to the other, is the perspective plane upon which they are to be delineated, and the part Z, which muſt alſo be raiſed perpendicular to the table, repreſents the ſpectator, the line ab being the height of his eye above the ground plane. Alſo bC is the diſtance at which he ſtands from the perſpective plane Y, on which the fame lines are drawn as in Fig. 3, beſides others which will be explained in their proper place. If now the plane Y be 12 A TREATISE ON t be ſuppoſed to be tranſparent, ſo that ob- jects fituated on the plane X could be ſeen through it, their appearance on this plane Y would be the perſpective repreſentation re- quired. 1 10 PART 1 PERSPECTIVE. 13 PART III. To find the perspective fituation of right lines upon the ground plane. ΤΗ HE drawing board being prepared as has been already deſcribed, I pro- ceed to draw upon it the perſpective appear- ance of all the objects that are fituated be- yond the perſpective plane. Since the figures of all objects are con- tained under lines, bounded by points, i. e. under lines terminating in different places, it is evident, that the whole art of per- ſpective confifts of nothing more than a method of finding the fituation of all lines upon the perſpective plane, and of cutting thofe lines in any given proportion, accor- ding to the lengths required. Curves are no exception to this obfervation, fince they are drawn by fixing a ſufficient number of points in right lines, and joining them by a ſteady hand. In geometry, they are confidered as confifting of an infinite num- ber of right lines. I fhall, therefore, in the 14 A TREATISE ON the first place, explain the method of find- ing the perſpective fituation of right lines. running in all poffible directions, begin- ning with thoſe which are drawn upon the ground plane. All right lines drawn on the ground plane are either parallel to the ground line, as cd, Fig 2, perpendicular to it, as di, or oblique to it, as ml. SECTION I. To find the perspective fituation of right lines parallel to the ground line. F the lines to be drawn in perſpective be IT parallel to the ground line, as cd, Fig 2, they will be parallel to it on the perſpective plane, and confequently parallel to one another. [B] Being fenfible, then, that the image of the line H I, upon the ground plane X, Fig. 4, muſt be drawn parallel to the ground line A B, I only want to know at what diſtance it must be drawn from it. To PERSPECTIVE 15 To aſcertain this, I meaſure the perpendi- cular diſtance CM of the given line from the perſpective plane; and finding it, for inftance, to be three divifions, I fet off that diſtance from C to g, and draw the line Gq, cutting the line CD in m; and the line hi drawn through m; parallel to the ground line, AB is the true perſpective fituation of the line HI required. [C] If I would draw another line, as OP, farther on the ground plane, and parallel to the ground line, after having drawn bi, repreſenting HI; I have no occafion to meaſure the diſtance of this line from the ground line, but having taken the diſtance KM, of theſe parallel lines from one ano- ther, I ſet it off on the ground line from 9 to r; and drawing Gr, fo as to cut DC in k, I draw op through k parallel to hi, and that is the line required. If I chufe to draw a number of theſe pa- rallel lines and at the fame diftance from one another, as in Fig. 5, I continue to fet the fame diftance from C to a, from a to c, from c to e, &c. along the ground 9 line 16 A TREATISE ON : line AB, and drawing the lines Ga, Gc, Ge, &c. I find their interfections with the perpendicular CD at b, d, f, h, &c. then drawing lines through thoſe points, paral- lel to the ground line AB, I have their ſpective fituations. [D] per- If I chufe the diſtances of theſe lines to be unequal, I ſet off unequal divifions along the ground line. In this manner may the diftances be fixed, at which lines upon any the ground plane, parallel to the ground line, may be drawn; and when a method hath been ex- plained of cutting thefe parallel lines, in any length required, then all fuch lines as cd, Fig. 2, may be determined. SECTION } { PERSPECTIVE. I koji : SECTION II. To draw the perspective fituation of right lines perpendicular to the ground line. F I have occafion to find the perſpective I a to place of a line that is perpendicular to the ground line, as di, Fig. 2, I meaſure its diſtance from the perpendicular CE, and fetting it from C, upon the ground line, I join that point, and the point of ſight D, which gives the fituation required. For example; in Fig. 4, if I would draw the perſpective appearance of a line, QD, which is perpendicular to the ground line AB, and parallel to CD; I take the dif tance QC, and fet it off C to q; and then. Dq is the line required. For the fame reaſon, Dr repreſents the line DR; alfo Ds repreſents DS; and Dt repreſents DT, all drawn at equal diſtances, and parallel to one another. Since all lines perpendicular to the ground line, when infinitely produced, feem R to 18 A TREATISE ON to meet on the perfpective plane in the point of fight D, it is called the vanishing point of thofe lines. [E] SECTION III. To draw the perspective fituation of lines oblique to the ground line. : W Hen the line, whoſe perſpective re- preſentation I want to fix, is oblique to the ground line, as ml, Fig. 2, and CI, Fig. 6. I meaſure the degree of obliquity by the angle it makes with a perpendicular (as CE) to the ground line; and whatever that degree is, I make the angle at E with the perpendicular CE equal to it, and on the ſame fide; and to the point in which the line containing the angle falls upon the ho- rizontal line, I draw the line required; for that is the vanishing point of the given line, and of all its parallels. Thus fuppofing the angle DCI, in the plane X, Fig. 6, to be 30 degrees, I make the angle DEi, in the plane Y, on the fame fide of the perpendicular, of the fame quan tity, PERSPECTIVE. 19 tity, and i will be the vaniſhing point of the line CI; i. e. it will be the point in which that line, infinitely produced, will ſeem to meet the horizon, and alfo that in which all its parallels will feem to meet it. N. B. If it be more convenient (as fup- pofing E to be without the bounds of the paper) the tangent of the angle of declina- tion from the perpendicular may be ſet off along the horizontal line, from the point of fight D, the diſtance DE being made the radius. In Fig. 7, a number of parallels are drawn to the fame point a, 30 degrees to the right hand of the perpendicular CD; and the points in which they meet the ground line are equidiftant from one ano- ther. [F] B 2 PART 20 A TREATISE ON PART IV. To draw the perspective fituation of lines not fituated upon the ground plane. A LL lines not fituated upon the ground plane are either perpendicular, pa- rallel, or oblique to it; and thoſe that are parallel may be drawn by the help of thoſe that are perpendicular to it; fo that there remain only two varieties in the lines that are the ſubject of this chapter. SECTION I. To draw lines perpendicular to the ground plane. F the line I have to draw be perpendicu- IF lar to the ground plane, as ce, df, ib, and lk, Fig. 2. and HK in the plane x raiſed upright, Fig. 6. it muſt be repre- fented by a line perpendicular to the ground line, wherever it is fituated. If, therefore, the { } PERSPECTIVE. 21 the feat of the line on the perſpective plane be given, as at b, in the plane Y, Fig. 6, repreſenting H in the ground plane X, I raiſe the perpendicular hk, and fomewhere in that line continued will the line required terminate. [G] SECTION II. To draw the perspective fituation of lines ob- lique to the ground plane. IF a line, whofe perſpective fatuation 1 want, has an elevation above the ground plane, but no declination from the perpen- dicular; making DG equal to DF radius, I fet the tangent of it from D to a, Fig. 9, in the perpendicular CE; or, which produces the fame thing, I make the angle DG a equal to the elevation above the horizon (in this inftance 15 degrees) and will be the va- niſhing point of the line required, and alfo of all other lines parallel to it, as ga, fa, ea, ba, ca, da; all which reprefent lines ftand- ing upon the ground line, parallel to one another, having the fame elevation above the 22 A TREATISE ON the horizon, and no declination from the perpendicular. If the line, whoſe perſpective fituation is wanted, be both oblique to the ground plane, and have a declination from the perpendicular, as mk, Fig. 2, or CK, Fig. 6 ; I firſt meaſure the degree of declina- tion (e.g. 30 degrees) and making the an- gle DEi equal to it, find i in the horizontal line, which is that point in which the line upon the the ground plane, perpendicularly un- der the given line, would meet the horizon, and, through i, draw the line ig perpendicular to FG. Then taking iy equal to ¿E, I make the angle iyg equal to the elevation (in this cafe 20 degrees) which gives g for the va- niſhing point of the given line CK; and, confequently (joining C and g) Cg will be the line required. [H] In Fig. 10, the line Ca is made to de- cline 25 degrees from the perpendicular CE, to the right hand; and to have a depreffion of 15 degrees below the ground plane of the picture; and parallels are drawn to it at the diſtance of one divifion from each other. i.. The PERSPECTIV E. 23 The depreffion is made in the fame manner as the elevation, the angle being taken on the contrary fide of the horizontal line. In Fig. 11, the line Ca declines from the perpendicular 20 degrees, it has an ele- vation of 10 degrees, and the parallels are drawn at equal diſtances. PART 24 A TREATISE ON } PART V. To fix points in perfpective lines, or the doc- trine of perſpective meaſures. N the two preceding parts, I have IN given directions for drawing perfpective lines, and their parallels, in all poffible directions. All that remains to be done, in the whole buſineſs of this art, is to divide theſe lines, ſo as to intercept any lengths that may be required in them. For fince, as was obſerved before, all objects are con- tained in, or bounded by lines; if we can find the fituation or direction of thofe lines, and cut them in any length or proportion that is required, we can draw the outlines of any given objects. By the interſection of lines, points may be fixed in every poffible fituation; and curves are drawn by finding a fufficient number of points, and joining them with a ſteady hand. If, indeed, it ſhould hap- · pen, 1 PERSPECTIVE. 25 1 pen, that the perſpective curve is a circle, it will be moft conveniently drawn by the help of a pair of compaffes. SECTION I. To divide any line lying upon the ground plane, in any proportion required. CASE I. To divide a perspective line lying parallel to the ground line. IVIDE the ground line, and lay a DIVI ruler from thofe divifions to the point of diſtance in the horizon. Thus, in Fig. 4, let bi be the perſpective line given; Fig 4. if from any point in it, as u, I would cut off any particular length, e. g. two divifions, I first draw the line Gu, and continuing it to C, fet off two meaſures from C to s; and then drawing Gs, I cut the line ui at n in the proportion required; for un will be two meaſures, correfponding to Cs. In 26 A TREATISE ON 12 4 In the fame manner is ba in Fig. 12, made equal de, or three divifions, and be to two divifions. Lines parallel to the ground line may alſo be divided by marking the divifions upon the ground line, as before, and draw- ing lines to them from the point of fight D. Thus, if in Fig. 4, I draw Ds through u, and ſet off two divifions from ſ to t, the line Dt will go through the point n, mak- ing un equal to two divifions, as before. N. B. In this cafe, and in all that fol- low, if from any point, as u, I want a line of any given length, and the line from which it is to be cut be not previouſly drawn; I muſt, firſt of all, draw, with a black lead pencil, or fomething equivalent to it, a faint ftroke in the direction required; and when I have found the exact length, muſt take out the reft. [I] CASE PERSPECTIVE. 27 1 CASE II. To divide a perspective line that is perpendi- cular to the ground line. L ET DC, Fig. 4, be the perpendicular propofed, and let it be required to cut off mC equal to two divifions. To do this, I fet off Cq equal to two divifions, and draw the line Gq, cutting the line DC in m; making mC equal to two divifions, as was required. If, from, in the line Dt, which is another perpendicular to the ground line, I want to cut off two divifions towards t, I draw the line G/, and continue it till it cuts the ground line, which is here at C; and ſetting two divifions from C to s, draw Gs, which cuts the line Dt in n, the point required. [K] All the perpendiculars Dd, Dc, DC, Da and Db, in Fig. 13, are divided in the very fame manner; the divifions being fet off from the place where thoſe lines meet the ground 4 13. 28 A TREATISE ON } ground line, and other lines being drawn from them to the point of diſtance F or G; and this figure will fhow, that it is a mat- ter of indifference which of the points F or G be made ufe of for this purpoſe. It is only more convenient to take that point of diſtance which is on the fame fide with the line to be divided. Thus, if I would divide the line Db, I fet the diviſions from b towards a, C and d; and interfect it by drawing Ga, GC, Gc and Gd. But if I had wanted to divide the line Dd, I fhould have fet off the divifions the contrary way, and have made the interfections from F. " CASE III. To divide a line that is oblique to the ground L line. ET Ci, in Fig. 6, be the line given, and let it be ſuppoſed to make an angle of thirty degrees with the perpendicular CD. If I want to cut off feven divifions from the point C, I fet feven divifions from C to b; then, taking the diſtance from the vaniſhing PERSPECTIVE. 29 vaniſhing point i of this line, to the point of diſtance E in the perpendicular DE, and ſetting it off along the horizontal line to y, I draw the line yb, which will interſect the line Ci in b, the point required; Ch being equal to ſeven divifions. If from b I have occafion to cut off any number of divifions more, I fet them off from b towards A; and, drawing lines from y to thofe divifions, I find the points re- quired. In the fame manner may any other pa- rallels to this line be interfected; and if they are to be interſected in a ſimilar man- ner, the fame line will ferve for them all, as in Fig. 14, where the line ad, aC, and ab, are all divided by lines drawn from the point x to the divifions marked upon the ground line C, b, and e. [L] If I want nothing but a ſingle point in a given fituation upon the ground plane, I muſt find its place in the perſpective plane, by fuppofing it to be the interfection of two lines, the fituation of which is given; as 30 A TREATISE ON ì to C as by fuppofing one of them to be drawn through it perpendicular to the ground line, and the other to be a line drawn from the point of diſtance, and interfecting it at a given diſtance from the ground line. Thus if I want to find the perfpective place of the point U, in the plane X, Fig. 4 (as if I have occafion to fix the foot of a column in that place) I meaſure the diſtance UM from the perpendicular CD; and ſetting it off from C to s, I draw Ds, and conclude, that this line muſt go through the perfpec- tive place of the given point U; becauſe every point in this line Ds is at the diſtance of the point U from the perpendicular CE. I then meaſure US, the diſtance of the point U from the ground line, and ſetting it off from C to s I draw GC, which will cut the line Ds in the point u required. ป Otherwife, this point may be determi- ned by ſuppoſing one of theſe interfecting lines to be parallel to the ground line; for then I meaſure the diftance US from the ground line, and, by a preceding rule, draw the line ki parallel to the ground line. Then meaſuring the diftance UM from the perpen- PERSPECTIVE. 31 perpendicular, I fet it off from C to s, and drawing the line Ds to interfect the line bi, I find the point u required. It is evident that any point upon the ground plane might, alfo, be found, by drawing lines making any given angle with the perpendicular, and interfecting them at proper diſtances from the ground line; but the methods here defcribed are much eafier. SECTION II. To divide lines not lying upon the ground plane. CASE I. To divide a line perpendicular to the ground IF plane. F ac, Fig. 15, be the image of a line perpendicular to the ground plane, and I have occafion to cut off from the point a in it any number of divifions; for example 5, I take at random any point d in the ho- rizontal 32 A TREATISE ON і rizontal line, and generally (as being more convenient) beyond the bounds of the pic- ture; and from thence draw a line de to any point e, taken at pleaſure in the ground line. I then fet off 5 divifions from e to f, in the perpendicular ek, and draw the line fd. After this I draw a line from the foot a of my object, parallel to the ground line, cutting de in the point i; and raiſing a per- pendicular from i to the line df, find h; and this line ib contains the 5 meaſures re- quired; which I, therefore, fet off from a to b in the given line ac. Thus ab is equal to fe. The line de and ek, being once drawn, will ferve to meaſure any other lines per- pendicular to the ground plane, always drawing a line parallel to the ground line from the foot of the object to be meaſured, to the line de, and then proceeding in the method deſcribed above. In order to meaſure objects with the greater exactneſs, the point d fhould be taken at a confiderable diftance from the perpen- PERSPECTIVE. 33 perpendicular ek; but the meaſures will be the very fame at whatever diſtance it be taken. If a confiderable number of lines are to be raiſed, all of the fame height, ftanding in a right line, a line drawn from the va- niſhing point of that line, to the top of any of them, will touch the tops of them all, which fixes their height with very little trouble. For their tops, being all in a line parallel to the line that goes through their bafes, a line going through them muſt have the fame vaniſhing point as if it had been fituated upon the ground plane. Thus the lines a, b, c, d, e, f, &c. Fig. 16, repreſent rods of equal heights ſtand- ing upon a line, the vanishing point of which is at x. Alſo, if a number of objects be of the fame height in different parts of the picture; yet, if they all ſtand upon a line parallel to the ground line, they muft all be drawn of the fame length. All thofe marked d, in this figure, are examples of it. C [M] CASE 34 A TREATISE ON CASE II. To measure a line oblique to the ground L' plane. ET the line be Cg, Fig. 6, and let it be ſuppoſed that there be occafion to cut off 8 divifions from the point C. Draw CN parallel to the line yg, and confidering CN as a new ground line, lay the given number of divifions, viz. 8, from C to a; join the points a and Y with a line, cutting the given one in the point k; and Ck is the part required. Or, From the vaniſhing point g of the given line Cg take gy, parallel to the ground line AB, and equal to gy; on the ground line itſelf ſet off the given length from C to [a] and a line joining [a] and [y] will cut off the required part Ck as before. [N] The laft method will be found moſt convenient in general, not only on account of its being more correfpondent with the rules PERSPECTIVE. 35 rules given in the preceding fections; but alſo, that in this cafe, we do not encumber that part of the picture, where the images are drawn, with unneceffary lines and points. In this example, the given line Cg ſtands upon the ground line AB; but the rules above will ferve for lines ftanding on any part of the ground plane. Should not the application immediately appear to the learn- er, he may take the following example : Suppofe Cg, Fig. 8, to be an indefinite line, ftanding on the ground plane at C, and let it be propoſed to cut off a part of it, from C, equal to a given length, for inftance, 10 divifions. Find the point [y] by the directions given above; and from C, parallel to the ground line, draw Cb; then confidering Cb as the image of a line parallel to the ground line, cut off from C, by Part 5. Cafe 1. a part Ca equal the given length, viz. 10 divifions, and a line joining [y] and a will cut the given line Cg in k, the point fought. C 2 If 36 A TREATISE ON C& If there be occafion to make feveral other divifions in the given line Cg; in or- der to fave the trouble of reducing thoſe divifions to the line Cb, make Cb equal the abfolute length of 10 divifions, and thro' k, draw bk, cutting gy produced, in d; and d will be a meaſuring point for the line Cg; fo that the divifions themſelves may be ſet upon Cb at once, and lines drawn from thence to d, will cut the given line Ch in the defired points. N B. The point d may be found at once, by taking gd to gy, as the height of the eye is to the perpendicular CL. ! ר 逆襲 ​L 粥​粥 ​FR SK DR SA DR S 丸​丸​枣 ​PART PERSPECTIVE. 37 PART VI. A fummary account of all the effential rules for drawing in perspective. S I have laid down the rules for AⓇa drawing in perfpective at full length, and have illuftrated them by a confiderable number of examples, it may be uſeful to the learner to have a general view of what is eſſential to this art, or a fummary of ail the rules, reduced into a fmall compafs. This, therefore, I fhall endeavour to do for him. All lines that are parallel to the ground line, or perpendicular to the ground plane, in short, all lines that are parallel to the perſpective plane, muſt be drawn parallel to each other. All other parallel lines meet, or have vanishing points in fome part of that plane. If the lines lie in any direc- tion upon the ground plane, they will va- niſh ſomewhere in the horizontal line; which is, therefore, called the vanishing line C 3 of 38 A TREATISE ON of that whole plane. If the lines be per- pendicular to the ground line, they vaniſh in the point of fight; but if they be oblique to it, or have a declination from the per- pendicular, the angle of this obliquity, or declination, muſt be ſet off from the point of diſtance on the perpendicular, and it will find the vanishing point on the horizontal line. If the line to be drawn be not in the ground plane, but have an elevation above, or a depreffion below it, fet off the angle of elevation, or depreffion, from the point of diſtance, on the horizontal line, and it will find the vanishing point on the perpendi- cular. If the line have both an elevation or depreffion, and likewiſe a declination from the perpendicular, ſet off the angle of declination as before, and through the va- niſhing point of declination fo found, draw a line at right angles to the horizontal line; lay the extent between this vaniſhing point and the point of diſtance on the perpendi- cular, along the horizontal line; and from the point laſt found, ſet off the given angle of PERSPECTIVE. 39 } ! of elevation or depreffion, which will cut the line, croffing the horizontal line, at right angles, in the vanishing point re- quired. All the meaſures of lines upon the ground plane are to be laid down upon the ground line, and the meafuring point of all lines parallel to the ground line, is either of the points of diſtance on the horizontal line, or the point of fight. The meaſuring point of any line, perpendicular to the ground line, is in the point of diſtance, on the ho- rizontal line; and the meaſuring point of a line oblique to the ground line, is found by extending the compaffes from the vanish- ing point of that line to the point of diſ- tance on the perpendicular, and ſetting it off on the horizontal line. A line perpendicular to the ground plane is meaſured by a triangle, as was particularly explained, p. 31, Fig. 15. Laftly, a line oblique to the ground plane is meaſured by drawing new horizontal and ground lines from the vaniſhing point and foot of the given line reſpectively, and taking a mea- Ї faring 4.0 A TREATISE ON i furing point in this new horizontal line; fuch, that its diftance from the vanifhing point, be to the diſtance of the eye from the fame point, as the height of the eye is to a perpendicular let fall from the foot of the gi- ven line, to the original horizontal line; then lines drawn from this meaſuring point, will transfer divifions, fet on the new ground line, to the given image, or the contrary. ..... PART PERSPECTIVE. 41 PART VII. Some more particular directions, to facilitate the practice of drawing in particular cafes. I SECTION I. Of drawing circles. Have obferved that all curve lines may be drawn by finding a number of points in their circumference, and joining them with a ſteady hand; and this might be deemed fufficient in a treatiſe, which pro- poſes to contain nothing but the neceffary rules, familiarly explained; but, fince circles are lines that frequently occur in drawing, I fhall give fome more parti- cular directions concerning them. A circle is drawn with the moſt eaſe by firft drawing a Square in which it is infcri- bed. If the projection of the ſquare be an oblong trapezium, the circle will have an oblong appearance, that is, it will be an oval, 42 A TREATISE ON oval, or more properly, as geometricians have demonſtrated, an ellipfis. Having therefore found the image of a fquare cir- cumfcribing the given circle, draw there- in two diagonals, and from their interfec- tion draw lines to the two vanishing points. of the fides of the fquare, cutting the fides of the projected ſquare in four points, thro' which the image of the circle will paſs. Theſe will be fufficient, in general, to enable a perſon to draw that image with tolerable accuracy. Let abcd, Fig. 17, be the image of the fquare, in which it is required to inſcribe a circle. Having drawn the diagonals ad and bc, and found their interfection at e, I draw lines through e to ƒ and &, the vaniſh- ing points of the fides (one of them making an angle of 40, and the other an angle of 50 degrees with the ground line) and through the points in which theſe lines interſect the fides I draw the curve. If two of the fides of the fquare be pa- rallel to the ground line, as in Fig. 18, and confequently have no vanishing points, I inter- PERSPECTIVE. 43 interfect the other fides, that vaniſh in the point of fight C, by a line parallel to the ground line, as ef If the figure be large, and very great ac- curacy be requifite, the images of a greater number of points in the circumference muſt be found; and by increafing the number of thoſe points, the curve may be determi- ned to the greateſt nicety. If I want to draw the appearance of a number of circles, fufpended perpendicu- larly one above another, or different ſections of an upright cylinder, I firft draw the image a of a fquare with a circle inſcribed, Fig. 19, lying upon the ground; then, raiſing the perpendiculars e, f, g, and h, I make another fquare b, at whatever height is required. This fquare, being raiſed fo much above the ground plane, will appear very narrow, and confequently the circle infcribed in it will be very ellip- tical. If I had made another ſquare and circle, at the height of the eye, in D, they would both have appeared as a right line. Advan- i 44 A TREATISE ON Advancing above the horizon, I draw the ſquare c, the lines which contain it being ſtill drawn to the point of ſight D; but as this ſquare and circle are above the horizontal line, it is the under-fide of them that we fee; and as the fquare and circle d are ſtill higher than c, they are dilated ftill more; and the higher I carry theſe ſquares and circles, the lefs oval, and the more nearly circular will their appearance be. Another example of fquares and circles, in a different pofition from thoſe laſt de- ſcribed, is exhibited, Fig. 20. The edges of theſe reft upon the ground plane, and the whole figure is oblique to the ground line, making an angle of 15 degrees with it. As the drawing of a figure like this may be thought difficult by beginners, I fhall briefly deſcribe the whole proceſs. ز Having pitched upon a point on the ground plane d, where I would chufe the neareſt angle in the figure to ſtand I draw the line de to a point in the horizon out of this picture, making at E an angle of 75 degrees (the complement of 15) with the PERSPECTIVE. 45 the perpendicular DE. In order to cut this line at right angles by another line upon the ground plane, I find the point f, by making the angle DEƒ equal 15 degrees, the complement of 75 to 90. In order to cut as much of the line fd as I want for the fide of the fquare (fuppofe 4 meaſures) I take fb equal to fE and thereby find b the meaſuring point of the line fd, and of all its parallels, feveral of which will be wanted in this figure. Setting off 4 di- vifions upon the ground line, from x (the place where a line drawn through b and d would touch the ground line) I make dg equal to 4 meaſures. Then raiſing per- pendiculars from d, and g, I make the line db equal 4 divifions; and, drawing the line fb, the firft fquare is compleated. This done, I draw lines from all the angles of it ij, hk, gl, to the fame vaniſhing point with de; for theſe lines will determine the fize of all the fquares; and now I have no- thing to do but to fet off on the ground line, from the place where a line drawn through a and d would touch it, the dif- tances at which I would place the ſquares from one another (fuppofe 4 diviſions.) ولا Thefe 1 46 A TREATISE ON Theſe I mark upon the line de, from the meaſuring point a; and when I have drawn the lines mq, nr, &c. to the vaniſhing point f, and have raifed perpendiculars from the points m, q, n, r, &c. to the lines hk, and , the fquares are completed; after which the circles will be infcribed in them with eaſe. All this may be done in lefs time than the deſcription of it can be tranſcribed; and with as little trouble may the fame. number of circles, in any other direction whatever, be drawn. Cylinders, being figures terminated at both extremities by circles, they may be drawn by firſt making a parallelopiped of the fame length, and infcribing circles in the fquares of each end of it; after which, the line which belongs to the parallelopiped, being drawn with a black lead pencil only, may be wiped out. If the image of a diameter of any circle, fituated any where on the ground plane, be PERSPECTIVE. 47 may be be given, the image of that circle determined in the following methods. CASE I. When the given image is parallel to the ground line. L ET ab, Fig. 21, be the given image; biſect it in s, and through s, and the point of fight C, and points of diſtance D, G, draw 1s℃,¸tsG, 25D; from either point of diſtance, D, draw lines, Db, Dą, cutting 1SC, in 1 and 4, and 14 is a diameter perpendicular to the ground line. Lay down the diſtances GE, DE on the horizontal line to F and H, by which, through a and b, draw Fal, Fb3 and Hb2, Ha5 cutting tsG and 25F, in t, 3, and 2,5 reſpectively; connect the points 1, 2, b, 3, 4, 5, a, t, with a curve, which will be the image required. [O] } CASE 48 A TREATISE ON : CASE II. When the given line is oblique to the ground F { line. IND the image of a diameter which is parallel to the ground line, and then proceed as in Cafe I. Thus, let [ab] be the given image; con- tinue it to the horizontal line at [g]; take the diſtance [gE,] and lay it on the hori- zontal line to [d] the meafuring point of [ab]; from [d] thro' [a] and [b] draw lines cutting the ground line in [e, t]; bifect [et] in [1] and join [ld] cutting [ab] in [h]. the image of the center of the circle; then through [h] draw [os] parallel to the ground line, terminating in [de] [dt] and [os] is the image of a diameter of the fame circle, parallel to the ground line. By theſe rules, the image of a circle, lying in any any known plane, may be defcribed from the image of a diameter being given. An example of one, in a plane perpendi- cular ་ས་ PERSPECTIVË. 49 cular to the ground plane, is given in the figure; where hgm is the vanishing line of the plane and cd the given diameter, thus making gh, gr⇒ gC, and hm, rk = hC, rC; then through e, the middle of cd, draw gef, rneq and hpet; draw hc, hd cutting gf in o and f; draw kc, kd cutting qnr in n and q; laftly draw mc, md cutting tph in p and t: and the points c, t, f, q, d, p, o, n, connected, will give the required image. The methods delivered above become very uſeful when the images of a great number of parallel circles are to be drawn; for the vanishing points C, D, G, F, H, ferve for drawing the reprefentation of circles in all planes parallel to the ground plane ; and g, k, r, h, m, for all thoſe lying in planes parallel to the plane cfdo. D SECTION 50 A TREATISE ON HTT SECTION II. Of different ground planes. ITHERTO all the objects to be drawn were fuppofed to ftand upon the fame ground plane, whofe vaniſhing line is the horizon; but in drawing land- ſcapes, and other things, it fometimes hap- pens, that there are other uniform planes, of confiderable extent, on which objects are to be drawn. In this cafe, it will be convenient to draw the vanishing lines of thoſe planes, and make uſe of them as ho- rizontal lines, for the objects that are to be defcribed upon them. Thus, in Fig. 22, the plane a, a, a, a, is the common ground plane, the vaniſh- ing line of which is the horizontal line, paffing through D; and to this point all lines upon the ground plane, perpendicular to the ground line, are to be drawn. But the plane b, has a depreffion of 15 degrees below the horizon. Its vanishing line, therefore, paffes through H, DFH, being 15 degrees, ? PERSPECTIVE. 51 15 degrees, and the plane ccc has an ele- vation of 15 degrees above the horizon. Its vaniſhing line, therefore, paffes through I, the angle DFI, being 15 degrees. If the plane have a declination with reſpect to the perpendicular, or be ob- liquely fituated, with reſpect to the ground plane, its vaniſhing line may be found by finding the vaniſhing points of two lines, drawn on that plane in any direction, pro- vided they are not parallel to one another for the vanishing line required, will pafs through both thoſe vanishing points. ز D2 PART 52 A TREATISE ON PART VIII. A method of drawing in perſpective from the ichnography of objects. IF any perſon will take the pains to draw the ichnography, or ground plan of what he propoſes to draw, expreffing the true proportions of all the objects he intro- duces into it, it will be eafy, afterwards, to reduce it into true perspective. This method I ſhall illuftrate by an example, which will render it very eaſy. Let the object to be drawn be the tri- angle abc, Fig. 23; and let its fituation, with reſpect to the grouud line, be the fame that it has in this figure, being only pla- ced on the oppofite fide of it, and therefore in an inverted pofition. To find the vaniſhing point of any of the fides of this triangle, as [ac] I produce that line, till it meet the ground line in d, and draw Ef, parallel to ad by which means I find f the vanishing point required; fo PERSPECTIVE. 53 ſo that, drawing fd, I conclude that the perſpective repreſentation of the line [ac] muſt be a part of it. In order to deter- mine in what part of this line either of the extremities, as [c] is to be fixed, I lay a ru- ler from [c] to E, which cuts the line fd in e the point required. In like manner, the perſpective place of [a] will be found с to be in a. By the fame procefs, G will be found to be the vanishing point of the fide [bc] and b the perſpective place of [b.] Theſe three points being joined, the triangle is completed. But there is no occafion to find any thing more than the directions of the lines fd, and eG, together with the points b and c, for the interfections of the lines will find the point a. The vanishing point of the line [bc] might have been found by the fame method, but it was unneceffary; becauſe it was de- termined, by joining the points bc, which were found as the extremities of the other lines. D3 If 54 A TREATISE ON If the body to be drawn be a folid, I firſt lay down the ground plan, and when I have reduced that into perſpective, I raiſe either perpendiculars, or lines oblique to the ground plane, from any point in the ichnography, according to the rules laid down before. If I want no more than to fix the per- ſpective place of a ſingle point upon the ground plane, as for inftance, that of [c] I draw a line through it in whatever direc- tion I pleaſe, to the ground line, as to d. Then finding, as before, f the vaniſhing point of that line, I lay a ruler from [c] to the point of diftance E, which cuts that line in c, the point required. But a more ready way of determining the place of a fingle point as [a] Fig. 24, is to let fall a perpendicular ab, to draw the line from 6 to D, the point of fight (or the vanishing point of the line ab, which is perpendicular to the ground line) and then, fetting off, on the ground line bd equal to ba, to draw a line from d to F, the PERSPECTIVE. 55 ! the point of diſtance, cutting the other line in a, which is the perfpective point required. The line ba may be transferred to the ground line to c, as well as to d; and from thence a line may be drawn to G, the other point of diſtance on the horizontal line. This figure fufficiently fhows, that both the lines dF and CG will crofs the line bD in the very fame place a. [P] When objects are very complex, confiſt- ing of a great number of fides and angles, it may be the moſt convenient to divide the ichnography of them into ſmall ſquares; and having thrown the fquares into perſpective, to note the termination of every line, by marking its place in the correſponding fquare. An example, in Fig. 25 (taken from Mr. Emerſon) will make this method perfectly intelligible. In the lower part of this figure, the ichnography of a piece of fortification is divided by fquares; and in the upper part of 56 A TREATISE ON of it, thoſe ſquares are thrown into per- fpective, and exhibit a view of the fame piece of fortification; each point being placed in its correſponding ſquare. This is a very common method of draw- ing in perſpective, and is called the method of Reticulation. F PART PERSPECTIVE. 57 PART IX. An easy method of drawing in perſpective without previous menfuration, by means of an inftrument to take the angles under which objects appear. T HE rules before laid down for draw- ing in perfpective, ſuppoſe a previous knowledge of the real diftances, magni- tudes, and relative poſitions of all the ob- jects that are introduced into the picture. But, in many cafes, a perfon may be fo fituated, that this knowledge cannot be obtained; and in many cafes, likewiſe, the labour which this method requires would be exceedingly troubleſome and dif- couraging. I fhall, therefore, in this part, deſcribe a method of drawing any objects in true perſpective, without moving from the place in which they are viewed. It is alſo a method of drawing that is very fim- ple; it requires the knowledge of very few technical terms; and the rationale extremely obvious. of it is To 58 A TREATISE ON To fupply the place of actual menfura- tion, I provide myſelf with an azimuth qua- drant, a Siffon's theodolite, or any inftrument by which I can find the elevation of an object, and likewiſe its angle of declination from the perpendicular going through the point of fight. Having this inftrument, and placing myſelf at what diſtance I think moſt con- venient, from any objects that I propoſe to draw; I lay down, upon the paper of my drawing-board, only two lines, croffing one another at right angles; one of them FG, Fig. 26, to repreſent the horizon, and the other CE the perpendicular, paffing through the point of fight D. I alſo chuſe what- ever diſtance I think proper to work at, and fet it off from D to E. Having thus prepared every thing for the operation, I pitch upon any point in an object before me, as that which cor- refponds to x, and, by the help of my in- ſtrument, first of all, find its declination from the perpendicular to the right or left hand. Suppofing it to be 10 degrees to the PERSPECTIVE. 59 the right, I fet off the angle DEa equal to 10 degrees, and conclude, that the point I want to fix muſt be fomewhere in the per- pendicular ae. To find in what part of this line the point is, I, in the next place, take its elevation above the horizon, and, fuppofing it to be 20 degrees, I make ab equal to aE, and the angle abx equal to 20 degrees, which finds x the point required. In this method may the fituation of any other point be found, and theſe points, be- ing joined by lines, the whole object will be delineated. But if the objects to be reprefented con- tain many right lines, that are parallel to one another, fuch as occur in buildings, machines, &c. there will be no occafion to take many points; becauſe the fituations of the lines may be determined by vaniſh- ing points, found by the help of a few of them. Thus having found y in the fame manner as I found x, and knowing that the line xy is parallel to the horizon; I produce it till it touches the horizontal line 60 A TREATISE ON line in c; which is, therefore, the vaniſh- ing point for that line, and all that are pa- rallel to it, ſeveral of which are repreſented in this drawing. The diſtance at which theſe parallels are drawn, may either be gueffed by the eye, or be determined with more accuracy by finding a point at one of their extremities, in the manner juft now deſcribed. Alſo, if I know the angle that any line, as yz, makes with another line, as xy, the fituation of which is known, I have no occafion to take any point, in order to determine the direction of it. In this Fig. xyz repreſents a right angle, which is that which moft frequently occurs in buildings, machines, &c. To determine, therefore, the fituation of the line yz, I confider that c, the vanishing point of yx, makes the angle DEc equal to 20 degrees, the complement of which, from 90, is 70. I, therefore, make the angle DEH equal to 70 degrees, and a line EH produced till it meets the horizontal line (in a place without the bounds of this picture) gives the PERSPECTIVE. the vanishing point of yz, and of every other line at right angles with the line xy. To this point, therefore, I draw the line yz, and all the others in that figure that are parallel to it. The point x is to the right hand of the perpendicular, and it has an elevation above the horizon; but it can require no particular inftruction, or example, to be able, from this, to fix any point to the left hand of the perpendicular, and one that has a depreffion below the horizon. [Q] If I would introduce measures into a drawing made in this manner, or find a fcale for the picture; I meaſure ſome one line in the original, as kf. In order to this, from c, the vanishing point of the line kf, I take cd equal to cE, which gives d the meaſuring point of the line; and from this point I draw two lines, one from each extremity of the line kf to ib in the line that bounds the picture, or any other line drawn parallel to the horizontal line. Then I divide 62 A TREATISE ON 1 I divide the line ib in the fame proportion as kf; and by this means I get a fcale, by which I can meaſure any other line in the picture, or infert in it other objects of any given magnitudes, according to the rules laid down above. 25 枣​丸 ​染 ​A 4: PART PERSPECTIVE. 63 IN PART X. Of orthographical perspective. the methods of perfpective, the rules of which have been laid down in the preceding parts of this treatiſe, the eye of the ſpectator was fuppofed to be placed at a definite diſtance from the perſpective plane; they may, therefore, be called fte- reographical methods, in allufion to the fte- reographic projection of the ſphere, in which the eye has a fimilar fituation; or rather, fince the fituation of the eye, in the common method of perfpective, is variable, the term Scenographic may be more proper. But there is another method of perfpective, in which the eye is fuppofed to be placed at an infinite diſtance from the perſpective plane. It may, therefore, be called ortho- graphic, in allufion to the method of pro- jecting the ſphere orthographically. This method of perſpective is peculiarly adapted to the deſcription of machines, and other things, the magnitudes of which bear but 64 A TREATISE ON but a ſmall proportion to the diſtance which they are generally viewed. A clearer idea may, perhaps, be concei- ved of this method of perſpective, by con- fidering what kind of a ſhadow of an object would be projected upon a plane, by the rays of the fun falling perpendicularly upon it. For the diſtance of the fun is fo great, that all its rays may be conſidered as coming parallel to one another. Since there can be no more than two pofitions of a right line with respect to the rays of the fun, viz. perpendicular, or ob- lique, the perſpective of lines in this ortho- graphic method is comprehended in two cafes, and that of angles in another. The poſition of a line, parallel to the rays, does not deſerve to be called a cafe, becauſe the image of it is nothing more than a point. If the line be perpendicular to the fun's rays, i. e. to the vifual ray, the image of it upon the perſpective plane will be a line, of exactly the fame length. Thus if AB, Fig. 27. be a fection of the perſpective plane, PERSPECTIVE. 65 A plane, and I would lay down the image of any line, as ef, I make cd of exactly the ſame length; for it is plain that it would be the fhadow of the line ef; the rays coming in the direction of ed and fe. If the line be oblique to the vifual ray, as ce, I lay it down with the fame degree of obliquity to the fection of the perſpective plane. Suppofing it to be 25 degrees, I make the angle dce equal to 25 degrees, and the perpendicular let fall from e, the remote extremity of this line will intercept cd, the image required: For it is evident that cd would be the fhadow of the line ce in that fituation. In other words, the image of any line is always the co-fine of the an- gle of its elevation above the perſpective plane, the line itſelf being confidered as radius. I fhall illuftrate this method of drawing in perſpective by examples, in which both the methods may be compared. Fig. 28 reprefents a front view of a cube, drawn in the common method of perſpective. It ftands upon the ground plane; E t 66 A TREATISE ON : { plane, and its upper fide is terminated by lines drawn to a vaniſhing point in the ho- rizontal line. Only two of the fides are vifible in this pofition. The image of a circle, infcribed on one of its fides is a cir- cle, that of the other an ellipfe. In the orthographic method, the vifu- al rays being equally perpendicular to every part of the fide that is oppofed to it, all that can appear is a plain fquare, with a circle infcribed, as in Fig. 29. Fig. 30 repreſents the fame cube in the common method of perſpective, in a fitua- tion oblique to the eye, one of the fides being placed at an angle of 25 degrees, and confequently the other at an angle of 65 degrees. In this pofition three of the fides appear, and the images of all the cir- cles are ellipfes. Fig. 31 repreſents the cube, in the fame fituation, viewed orthographically. The fide cd was found by drawing ce, Fig. 27, equal to the true length of the fide, ma- king the angle dee equal 25 degrees (being the PERSPECTIVE. 67 the angle that this fide was fuppoſed to make with the vifual rays) and letting fall the perpendicular ed; fo as to intercept the line cd, the projected length required. The length of the line bc, Fig. 31, was found by taking the line de, Fig. 27, the fine of the angle of elevation of the former line. It might have been found by placing the line ce at an angle of 65 degrees, and taking the co-fine of the elevation, as before. For, reverfing the figure, the line ce will be feen to be in that pofition, and ef equal to de will be the line required. Bifecting the fides of the two parallelo- grams made upon theſe lines, Fig. 31, points are found for the termination of the axes of the ellipfes, into which the infcribed cir- cles are projected. Only two of the fides of the cube are vi- fible in this pofition, becauſe one line in the figure, viz. ch, is perpendicular to the vifual ray. If the pofition be changed, and dx be confidered as the bafe, it will repreſent the E 2 cube 68 A TREATISE ON cube refting on that fingle line; the line ch being drawn forwards; fo that cd, or hx will make an angle of 25 degrees with the perpendicular; the confequence of which will be, that the upper fide of the cube chyb will come into view. : If the figure be fuppofed to reft on the line yb, it will reprefent the cube leaning ftill more forwards, and more of the upper fide hcxd in view. Inſtead of the cube being fuppofed to reft on a ſingle line, in thefe cafes, we may conceive it to be viewed obliquely, the eye being raiſed above the plane on which it ſtands; ſo that the upper fide of fo the cube may be feen, without its being raiſed towards the eye. • If I would reprefent three fides of this cube as feen orthographically, it is evident that it muſt both ſtand obliquely, as in Fig. 31; and alſo that the eye muſt be elevated above the plane on which it ftands. Sup- poſe then, every thing elſe in this figure remaining the fame, the eye be raiſed 10 degrees, PERSPECTIVE. 69 degrees, as in Fig. 32, it will be evident, that the lines ch and dx muſt be made ſhorter than the correfponding lines in the preceding figure, for being inclined 10 de- grees to the viſual ray, they muſt be leſ- fened in the proportion of the co-fine of that angle to radius, and reduced from the length ci, Fig. 27, to cj. Alſo every line in the figure, parallel to them, muſt be made of the fame length. The lines cd and cb muſt now no longer be one line, for the upper fide of the cube will be ſeen, and confequently the baſe would be ſeen too, were the figure tranſ- parent. In order to determine the reduced lengths of the fides cd and cb, and at the fame time the angle they make with each other, in this fituation, I lay down the fides and angles DCb, Fig. 33, in their real fize and poſition, and draw Ce, from the point C, in the fituation in which a plane would pass through the eye and that point, in the pofition given before, i. e. fo as to make the angle eCb equal 25 degrees, and eCD equal 65. Perpendicular to Ce, and through 70 A TREATISE ON through the point b I draw the line be, and produce it till it meet the line CD, continued, in f. Upon the center e, with the radius eC, I defcribe the arc Ch, and from I ſet off hg equal to the an- gle of the elevation of the eye. Then pa- rallel to th, I draw gc, cutting the per- pendicular Ce in c, the point into which C will be projected. Joining cb, I have the image of the fide Cb, and drawing Dd parallel to Ce, to cut fe in d, I get de for the other fide. Alfo the angle dcb, is the projected angle required. [R] Accordingly, in Fig. 32, I make deb the fame angle as that in Fig. 33, contained under the fame fides; and completing all the parallelograms, the projection of the whole figure is determined. If the line cd be not drawn parallel to the ground line, the angle it makes with it, ad- ded to the angle ncb, muſt always make 10 degrees, or any other angle that is required. Inſtead of fuppofing the eye to be raiſed above the plane of the bafe, the image would PERSPECTIVE. 71 would be the fame, if the cube were fup- poſed to rest upon the corner c, the line ch leaning forwards, in an angle of 10 de- grees. It may be convenient to apply this me- thod of orthographic perſpective in draw- ing very complex figures, when it would re- quire a good deal of time to find the va- nifhing points of all the fides. If a view in common perſpective be neceffary, it will be eafy to reduce this orthographic projec- tion to it by the rules laid down, in Part 8, to draw the perſpective appearance of ob- jects from their ichnography, which is gi- ven by this orthographic method. In drawing machines in general, there is no occafion to lay down angles and fides with this exactneſs. It will be fufficient to lay down the ichnography of the object to be defcribed; as for example, the paral- lelogram, in Fig. 34, in whatever pofition may be thought moft convenient, and drawing the elevation in perpendiculars over the baſe. Thus in Fig. 35, a hollow paral- lelopiped, or trough, is reprefented ſtanding upon 72 A TREATISE ON I upon the baſe of Fig. 34. A figure like this is perfectly intelligible, and much more eafy for a workman to copy after than any other drawing whatever; becauſe all the dimenfions are taken from a com- mon fcale, and the imagination may be fufficiently affifted to conceive of it by good fhading. It might not, perhaps, be amifs for perfons who are learning to draw in perſpective, to begin with this ſimple me- thod, and accuftom themſelves to it for fome time, before they attempt any other. [S] ...... 1 PART PERSPECTIVE. 73 WH PART XI. Of Shadows. WHEN objects are feen in a ſtrong light iffuing from one place, they project ſhadows, which it is very conveni- ent, at leaſt ornamental, to draw in the perſpective views of them; I propoſe, therefore, in this part, to lay down rules for delineating theſe fhadows, beginning with thoſe which are projected on the ground plane on which the objects ftand, as being the most common, and the moſt uſeful cafe. SECTION I. To draw the shadows of bodies on the fame planes on which they are fituated. INCE rays of light always iffue in SING ftraight lines, it is evident that the ſha- dow of any object will cover juſt as much Ipace, as it would hide from an eye fituated in } the 74 A TREATISE ON ; the place of the luminous body. For the fame reaſon, the ſhadow of any point of an ob- ject must be fomewhere in a right line drawn on the ground plane, from a point perpendicularly under the luminous body, through the point that is perpendicularly under that whofe fhadow is required; and the precife point of this line on which the fhadow will fall, will be determined by a right line drawn from the luminous body through the point of the object. This obfervation fupplies a rule for pro- jecting the ſhadows of all bodies whatever. Find the point upon the ground plane that is perpendicularly under the luminous body. From this draw right lines through per- pendiculars let fall from thoſe points, the fhadows of which are required, and inter- fect them by right lines drawn from the luminous body through thofe points. Thus, in Fig. 36, if the luminous body be at a, perpendicularly over b, upon the ground plane, and it be required to find where the fhadow of c, the top of the line cd (in one angle of the folid [x]) will fall; fince PERSPECTIV E. 75 fince ed is a line perpendicular to the ho- rizon, I draw a right line through b and d; and drawing another right line through a and c, interfect it in e; which will, there- fore, be the place of the fhadow required. Finding, in the fame manner, ƒ the place of the fhadow of g, and b the place of the ſhadow of i, and joining the points d, e, ƒ and b, I have the out-lines of the fhadow of the whole folid [x]. If I want the ſhadow of the rod [y] which ftands oblique to the ground plane, I let fall a perpendicular kl from the top of it, k, to the ground plane, and drawing the lines ak and bl, I find that they inter- fect each other at m; which, therefore, marks the place of the fhadow of k; and fince the rod is a ſtraight one, and confe- quently all the points of the fhadow muſt fall on the fame right line, I draw a line from d, the foot of the rod, to m, and thus get the ſhadow of the whole rod. In the fame manner may be drawn the fhadows of folid bodies, the baſes of which project beyond the perpendiculars let fall from 76 A TREATISE ON from them. Firft find the place where the perpendicular would fall upon the ground plane within the folid, and proceed with it, as if nothing folid had been in the caſe. If the fhadows of objects be made by the light of the fun, the fituation of that luminary, with reſpect to the picture, muſt be determined, and this is done by the help of the following confiderations. By reaſon of the immenſe diſtance of the fun, it muſt always be ſuppoſed to be in, or over fome point in the horizontal line, in which the ground plane, when extended to an infinite diftance, is conceived to va-` niſh; and the particular point in the horizontal line must be determined from the number of degrees that the fun is fitu- ated to the right or left hand of the per- pendicular that goes through the point of fight; in the fame manner as the vaniſhing point of a right line upon the ground plane, that is oblique to the ground line, is found. ! } If, PERSPECTIVE. 77 If, for inftance, the fun be 30 degrees to the left hand of it, I make the angle DEH, Fig. 37, equal to 30 degrees, and H will be that point in the horizontal line over which the fun may be fuppofed to be perpendi- cular; and nothing is now wanting to fix its precife place above the horizon, but to know its altitude, which is laid down in the fame manner as the vanishing point of a line that is elevated above the ground plane. If, for inftance, the fun be 35 de- grees high, I make HI equal to HE; and, raifing the perpendicular HK, make the angle HIK equal to 35 degrees, and K will be the fun's place. If, now, I would draw the fhadow of any object made by the fun in this fituation, I fuppofe K to be the place of the candle a, in Fig. 34, and H to be b, the point upon the ground plane that is perpendicu- larly under it, and I proceed exactly as in that example. Thus, to draw the fhadow of the folid [x] Fig. 36, the place of the fun being at K, I draw Ha, and interfecting it by Kb in c, I have the place of the ſha- dow of b; and joining ac, I have the ſha- dow 78 A TREATISE ON dow of the perpendicular line ab. In like manner I find d, the fhadow of f, at the top of the line ef; and alſo g, the ſhadow of the vertex of the line bi. theſe points, I have the Then, joining fhadow of the whole object [x]: for it is evident, from the poſition of it, that the fhadow of any other line in the figure muft fall within that of theſe. When, as in this example, the place of the fun is fixed above the horizontal line, it is evident, that the ſhadows will be pro- jected as falling towards the fpectator, and that they will always be larger than the objects. To draw the fhadows which are made by the fun, having; the fame degree of elevation behind the fpectator, which will make the fhadows fall nearer the hori- zontal line, and lefs than the objects; the perpendicular from H, Fig. 37, muſt be let fall to L, and the angle HIL muſt be the fame as HIK in the former cafe; and then, if the point L be made ufe of, in- ftead of K; as theſe points are ſituated on the contrary fides of the horizontal line, the ſhadows of objects will be repreſented as they would be made by the fun placed on PERSPECTIVE. 79 on the back of the fpectator; and this po- fition of ſhadows is generally thought more agreeable in a picture than the other. To find, in this manner, the fhadow of the line ab, in the folid [x] Fig. 39, I draw He to the foot of it, and Lb to the top, interfecting each other in c, the place of the shadow. Finding, in the fame manner, where the ſhadow of the line ef, behind the body, would fall, I join that point and c, by a line which cuts the fide of the figure in d, where only the ſhadow begins to be visible. Thus joining a, c, and d, the ſhadow of the folid [x] is completed. In both theſe cafes, the fun is fuppofed to be fituated either before, or behind the picture. If it be in the plane of the pic- ture, it is evident that its place muſt be in the horizontal line, at an infinite diſtance from the point of fight. Confequently all lines proceeding from it may be fuppofed parallel to one another. To draw the iha- dows of objects made by the fun in this fituation, draw lines parallel to the hori- zontal line from the foot of the object, and 80 A TREATISE ON $ 3 : and interfect them by lines making angles with the horizontal line equal to the fun's altitude. This practice is very eafy by means of the drawing board and fquare. Thus if I would draw the fhadow of a folid [x] Fig. 40; with the ruler of the fquare parallel to the ground line AB, I draw ac; and fixing the moveable tranfverfe of the ruler in the angle of the fun's elevation, I draw the line bc, which gives c for the place of the ſhadow for b. In the fame manner alſo, I find d the place of the ſhadow of e; and joining the points dc, I get the ſhadow of the whole figure; though it is fo fitu- ated, that part of it is hid by the object. If there be ever fo many lines, the fhadows of which are to be found, once fixing of the ruler ferves for them all. I have no- thing to do but to flide it along the draw- ing-board, till I come to the points from which the lines are to be drawn, both for the lines that are parallel to the horizon, and thoſe that interfect them. To PERSPECTIV E. 8 1 To draw the ſhadow of the folid [y] Fig. 40, which lies oblique, both to the horizon, and to the ground plane, I draw ac from the foot of the line ab, parallel to the ho- rizon; and fixing the moveable tranſverſe of the ruler, fo as to make an angle equal to the fun's altitude, I draw bc. In the fame manner I alſo find g, the fhadow of f; then drawing gc, and joining ed, the place where the neareſt extremity of the folid touches the ground, I am able to compleat the outline of the whole fhadow; for the fhadows of all the other lines muſt fall within theſe. Let it be obſerved, that it makes no dif- ference in the fhadow, whatever be the height, or ſhape of objects, provided their tops, and every part of them, be in the fame right lines proceeding from the lumi- nous body. Thus the fhadows of the ſe- veral objects a, b, c, and d, Fig. 41, per- fectly coincide, from the plane where each of them begins. F SECTION 82 A TREATISE ON SECTION II. Of Shadows intercepted by other objects. HEN the ſhadow of a line falls WH upon any object, it muſt neceffa- rily take the form of that object. If it fall upon another plane, it will be a right line, and if upon a globe, or cylinder, it will be circular. If the body intercepting it be a plane, whatever be the fituation of it, the fhadow falling upon it might be found by pro- ducing that plane till it intercepted the perpendicular let fall upon it from the lu- minous body; for then a line drawn from that point would determine the ſhadow, juſt as if no other plane had been con- cerned. But the appearance of all theſe ſhadows may be drawn with lefs trouble, by firft drawing it through theſe interpofed objects, as if they had not been in the way, and then making the fhadow to afcend perpen- dicularly PERSPECTIVE. 83 ל dicularly up every perpendicular plane, and obliquely on thoſe that are fituated ob- liquely, in the manner that I ſhall now defcribe. Finding that the fhadow of the upright pole a, Fig. 42, would have reached, in a ftraight line, to b, if it had not been inter- cepted by the object [x]; I firſt draw the ſhadow through that object, and finding that it firſt touches it at c, where it muſt afcend perpendicularly to the ground line, I raiſe the perpendicular cd; and fince the upper furface of this body is a plane, pa- rallel to the ground plane, I make that part of the fhadow de parallel to the reft of the fhadow upon upon the the ground plane. If the firft fide of the interpofing object. that the ſhadow falls upon be hid from the eye, as in Fig. 43, I ftill draw the line ab, as if it were viſible, and where the fhadow meets with it, raiſe the perpendicular bg, as before. Or, I may begin at the termina- tion of the ſhadow, and tracing it back to the place c, where it cuts the interpofing body, find the point f, where it left that F 2 new 84 A TREATISE ON } new ſurface, and draw the part fg of the ſhadow parallel to the reft of it, as before. If the ſurface of the body interpofed be an inclined plane, I find, by perpendiculars, as a and b, Fig. 44, both where the ſhadow enters the oblique furface, at e, and where it leaves it at d; and then joining the points c and d, I have the direction of the ſhadow on that oblique plane. If theſe planes change ever ſo often, I have only to draw perpendiculars from them all, and the direction of the fhadow will be found with great eaſe. If I want a fhadow of only part of an object, or an object not ſtanding upon the ground, as for inftance, the part [ab] Fig. 44, I fuppofe it to be continued to the ground, and I find where the fhadow of [b] falls, as at e, in the fame manner as if the pillar had been no higher; and then the part at ƒ, lying upon the ground plane, together with the part de, upon the incli- ned plane, will be all the ſhadow of [ab] required. If ! PERSPECTIVE. 85 If the pillar reach no higher than [b] and it had been required to find on what part of the inclined plane its fhadow would terminate; I fuppofe the object to have been continued higher, till fome part of the fhadow had fallen upon the ground plane, as at f; then drawing the perpen- dicular bd, I find d, the place where the ſhadow would have left the inclined plane, if the object had been continued; and the point e, where a line from [b] cuts the line dc, is the termination of the fhadow required. If the object upon which the fhadow is thrown be circular, the fhadow will be circular. It muft, therefore, be drawn with juſt ſuch a degree of curvature, as the body itſelf would have had, if it had been interfected by a plane in the direction of the ſhadow. Thus, in Fig. 45, when the ſhadow of the pole comes to the cylin- der, lying obliquely to the horizon, it goes over it, in the form of an ellipfe, fuch as would have been made, if the cylinder had been interfected by a plane in the direction of the fhadow. The curvature may be F 3 drawn $6 A TREATISE ON drawn with ſufficient accuracy, by obſerving where the fhadow cuts the line repreſenting the baſe of the cylinder, and raiſing a per- pendicular on that point, equal to the cy- linder's apparent diameter, for this will find the place where the fhadow goes over it. Thus, the fhadow croffing the baſe of the cylinder at a, I raife the perpendicular ac, cutting the line repreſenting the higheſt part of the cylinder in c, and the ſhadow will pafs over that point. WH SECTION III. Of faint fhadows. HEN objects are not fuppofed to be viewed by the light of the fun, or of a candle, but only in the light of a cloudy day, or in a room into which the fun does not fhine, there is no fenfible ſhadow of the upper part of the object, and the lower part only makes the neighbouring parts of the ground on which it ſtands a Fittle darker than the reft. This imperfect, obfcure kind of fhadow is eafily made, being nothing more than a fhade on the ground, PERSPECTIVE. 87 ground, oppofite to the fide on which the light is fuppofed to come; and it may be continued to a greater or leſs diſtance, ac- cording to the fuppofed brightneſs of the light by which it is made. It is in this manner (in order to fave trouble, and fometimes to prevent confufion) that the fhadows in the greater part of drawings are made. Examples of theſe ſhadows may be feen in Fig. 15, 16, 26, and fome others in this work. SECTION IV. To draw the reflected images of objects in TH water. HE appearance of the image of any object, as viewed in a plain mirrour, is exactly of the fame dimenfions with the image itſelf, but inverted with reſpect to it. If, therefore, from the foot of the repre- ſentation of any object, ftanding near the water fide, a fimilar image be drawn down- wards, in an inverted pofition, of the ſame length and form with the repreſentation. itſelf, the part that falls upon the water is the 88 A TREATISE ON the reflected image, or as much of it as can be ſeen in that fituation. Thus b, Fig. 46, is the reflected image of the object a, ſtanding cloſe to the water fide; c is as much of the image of d, ſtanding upon the plane, at fome diſtance from the water, as can be ſeen in that po- fition; and e is as much as can be ſeen of the image of f, ftanding upon an eminence near the water. If the object be oblique to the ground plane, as h, give the image g an equal de- gree of obliquity, and that will exhibit the true image required. Theſe objects are uniform throughout. When objects of other forms are to be re- preſented, let it be remembered, that, fince theſe images must be inverted, that part which is higheſt in the object muſt be loweſt in the image, and vice versa. Thus the tops of trees, and the heads of men muſt be drawn the fartheft from the brink of the water. : PART PERSPECTIVE. 89 $ PART XII. General advices and directions, relating to the art of drawing in perspective. It di T diſcourages many perfons, who would be glad to learn the art of perfpective, to think that they muſt be obliged to mea- fure every thing that they draw; and, it is true, that all the rules of perfpective, except thoſe laid down in Part ix. do fuppofe the objects to have been mea- fured, and no drawing can be perfectly accurate without it. But where extreme accuracy is not required (as indeed it very feldom is) there is little occafion to mea- fure any thing; and yet a perfon who has a juſt idea of the nature of perſpective, will make a drawing infinitely more juſt, and agreeable, than another perfon can, who ſhall even meaſure every thing. This is more eſpecially the cafe where a great number of parallel lines, cutting each other at right angles, or any given angles, are to be reprefented; fuch as always oc- cur go A TREATISE ON cur in drawing buildings, machines, fur- niture of houſes, &c. For fince all pa- rallel lines, not parallel to the picture, have the fame vaniſhing points, if a perfon only know where to fix thofe points, fo that lines drawn from them fhall make any given angle with one another, his drawing, by the help of thoſe points, will be far more agreeable to truth, and look infinitely better, than if he had gone to work with- out that previous knowledge to guide him. Befides a perſpective drawing is always made in far leſs time than any other. A perſon who underſtands this art, has nothing to do but to judge by his eye of the proportion of objects, and all his lines are fure to be perfectly true upon that fuppofition; and, therefore, the whole will be confiftent with itſelf. But the random defigner may, in one draught, make a hundred different fuppofitions; and as it is a great chance if any two of them agree, the whole will be very inconfiftent with itſelf, and, therefore, muft make a very aukward appearance. This PERSPECTIVE. 91 This confideration, I think, is a matter of conſequence for the encouragement of young defigners. I fhall, therefore, give them an example of it, in my own practice. The drawing, plate vii, which is a per- fpective view of an electrical machine of my conſtruction, was made when I had very little knowledge of the theory or practice of perſpective. I only knew how to fix vanishing points in the horizontal line, according to any pofition of lines upon the ground plane; but as all the planes in this machine were either per- pendicular to the ground plane, or parallel to it, I was fenfible that I wanted no other; and though I knew but little of the doctrine of perſpective meaſures, I could judge nearly enough of the proportion of the feveral lines by my eye, and therefore could do without them. All that I did, therefore, was to con- fider the center of the globe as the point of fight, and to draw the horizontal line and perpendicular croffing one another at right angles in it. On the perpendicular I fet 92 A TREATISE ON I fet off the diſtance at which I choſe to work, and from the fame point ſet off angles of 35 degrees on one fide, and 55 on the other, which gave me two vaniſh- ing points, from which I could draw lines cutting one another at right angles. Then obferving the angle under which the whole machine was viewed in the fituation I choſe for myſelf, and having the machine before me, I made every thing as nearly in pro- portion to it as I could judge by my eye. As I meaſured nothing, I drew no ground line, but, when I had done, cloſed the drawing where I thought proper. It is a fault in this drawing, that I fixed the point of diſtance too near the point of fight, But this doth not make the drawing lefs juſt, or leſs uſeful. The electrical battery, plate iii, was drawn at the fame time. Both the fides have equal degrees of obliquity to the ho- rizontal line; and therefore I drew all the lines to one or other of the points of diſtance (or the tangents of 45 degrees) on each fide of the point of fight. Here, alſo, I had no meaſures, or gound line. With PERSPECTIVE. 93 With more knowledge of the art of perſpective I might have made more elegant drawings of theſe figures, but theſe are perfectly juſt, and fufficiently plain. In theſe, and in many other cafes, I have often been agreeably furprized to find how much uſeful practical knowledge may be derived from a very little theory. I could engage to communicate to any perfon all the knowledge that is requifite to make theſe two drawings in two or three minutes, whereby he might finiſh them, at his leifure, in little more than an hour each and without that little knowledge, a perfon might puzzle himſelf a month about them, and, after all, produce nothing that ſhould not be quite prepofterous. ; It is a maxim with defigners, founded upon experience, that no picture fhould take in quite fo much as is comprehended within an angle of 90 degrees. In other words, the figure fhould not extend to both the points of diſtance on the horizontal line. The reafon of this rule is, that the eye cannot, at one time, diſtinctly take in ſo great 94 A TREATISE ON ジン ​great a compaſs, but the extremities of the profpect will be confuſed and indiftinct. In general, the leaft diftance fhould be about one-third more than the height of the eye. In many drawings it ſhould be much greater. In drawing landſcapes, a low horizon is. particularly agreeable. It fhould be about one-third of the depth of the picture. The rule laid down above for chufing the diſtance, ſhould be obſerved even where very high horizons are chofen, in order to give what is commonly called a bird's view of objects. Thus [a] Fig. 47, is a view of a plain ſquare inclofure, with a pretty low horizon, and [b] is a view of the fame ſquare incloſure with a higher-horizon, and a proportionably greater diftance. By this means more of the infide of the incloſure is feen. I fhall PERSPECTIVE. 95 I fhall cloſe this part of the work with the following extracts from Mr. Emerfon's Perſpective. "If any print or perfpective view, be looked at through a lens, whoſe focal diſ- tance is equal to the principal ray, and the print placed in its focus; it will be ſo mag- nified, as to have the very fame appearance, as at the place it was drawn for. "Glaffes which are not of a due focal length, will not give the exact appearance of a place. Shorter glaffes make the dif tances lefs, and fo contract the view. And longer glaffes make the diſtances greater, and extend the view. "Since glaffes of a long focal diſtance, give a large and extenfive proſpect of a country, therefore they are better than fhorter glaffes. And when the profpects. are well drawn, and properly coloured; it is very delightful to view them through a good glaſs, as they fo nearly imitate nature. And though there is but one focal length that } 96 A TREATISE ON EX that will give a true appearance, yet the draught will always appear a regular piece of perſpective, though it may not exactly repreſent any place in the world, fuppofing the eye placed fomewhere in the principal ray. And the draught will feem longer in proportion to the focal diſtance of the glaſs made uſe of; or in proportion to the apparent diſtance of the neareſt part of the picture. "As there is nothing more pleaſant than viewing the draughts of countries, towns, cities, magnificent buildings, and other grand objects, when well drawn: to fee them to the beſt advantage, the focal diſtance of the glaſs ſhould be juſt ſo long, as not to fhew the fcratches and coarfenefs of the engraving; or not much longer; for then the view will be narrow, and the parts too small to be feen fo far off. And if it be far off, it will hide the beauties as well as deformities. And to get a proper glaſs, obferve at what diſtance the fcratches dif- appear to the naked eye, and that is the focal length of the glafs. Perfpective views ſhould be drawn, ſo that the point of view be PERSPECTIVE. 97 if be farther off, than is generally practiſed, you would have the piece to be a true copy of nature. The principal ray ſhould not be less than two feet, and then the draught, being looked at through a lens of that focal diſtance, will appear in per- fection, and give a true reprefentation of the place it was drawn for. The view fhould be fo large as to fubtend an angle at the lens of about 30 degrees. And it is proper to put the lens in a ſhort ſquare tube; which will confine the fight, and direct it to the perſpective draught; which, to complete its beauty, ought to be coloured with the fame colours as the natural objects appear in. For this purpoſe water co- lours need only be uſed." G PART 98 A TREATISE ON PART XIII. The definition of all the technical terms made ufe of in this treatije. T HE ground plane; the plane on which both the fpectator, and the objects that are to be drawn, ſtand. The perspective plane; a plane ſtanding perpendicularly upon the ground plane, interpofed between the eye and the ob- jects. On this plane (as on à glaſs window) the images of objects are ſuppoſed to be intercepted; fo that their perspective ap- pearance is the appearance they have on this plane. The ground line; the line on which the perſpective plane is ſuppoſed to reſt. per- The point of fight; that point in the ſpective plane which is neareſt to the eye, and at the ſame diſtance from the ground line with the height of the eye above the ground plane. N. B. A line drawn from the eye to the point of fight is fometimes called the principal ray. The 1 PERSPECTIVE. 99 The horizontal line; a line upon the per- ſpective plane, drawn through the point of fight, parallel to the ground line. The perpendicular; a line on the per- ſpective plane, drawn through the point of fight, perpendicular to the ground line and the horizontal line. Points of diſtance; points on the perfpec- tive plane, ſet off from the point of fight, fometimes on the horizontal line, fome- times on the perpendicular; at the fame diſtance from the point of fight that the eye is ſuppoſed to be at from the perſpective plane. Vanishing points; points on the perfpec- tive plane, in which parallel lines, infinitely produced, feem to meet. Meaſuring points; points from which any lines in the perſpective plane are meaſured, by laying a ruler from them to the divi- fions laid down upon the ground line. G 2 A GE- A GENERAL VIEW } O F THE THEORY OF PERSPECTIVE. WITH NOTE S, RELATING TO IT. G 3 A [ 103 ] tttttttttttttttet tek tettet ※ **; A GENERAL VIEW of THE THEORY OF PERSPECTIVE, To which fome of the particular DE- MONSTRATIONS in the following NOTES refer. DEFINITION I. The vanishing line of an original plane, is a right line in the picture, formed by the interfection of an imaginary plane paffing through the eye, and parallel to the ori- ginal one, with the picture. T HUS, in Fig. 4, having raiſed the planes Y and Z, if we ſuppoſe a plane to go through the eye at a, and to be parallel to the ground plane X, that plane will 104 A TREATISE ON will cut the picture Y, in the horizontal line FG; which, therefore, is the vanish- ing line of the plane X, or ground plane. A little attention will make it evident, that no point in the original plane X, can have its image in the picture, above the line FG, fo long as the poſition of the picture and the eye remain the fame; and, that if the plane X were infinitely extended beyond the picture, yet its perſpective ap- pearance, in the prefent example, would be a finite ſpace, bounded by the vaniſhing line FG. DEFINITION II. The vanishing point of an original line, is that point in the picture, where an ima- ginary line, drawn from the eye, parallel to the given line, cuts it. HE planes Y and Z, Fig. 4, being THE raiſed as before, the vanishing point of the line CD, on the plane X, perpen- dicular to the picture, will be the point D ; for it is plain, that an imaginary line drawn from PERSPECTIVE. 105 from the eye a, to D, is parallel to the line CD, fince CD ba, and the line aD is alſo perpendicular to the picture. It will not be difficult to conceive, that were the original line CD, extended be- yond the picture, to any diſtance whatever, the image of no point in it could appear higher in the picture, than the point D. PROPOSITION I. Suppoſing the picture a plane, which may be extended every way at pleasure, the line in which any original plane, not parallel to the picture, cuts the picture (and which may be called the interfecting line of that plane,) is parallel to the vaniſhing line of the fame plane. 1 FOR, fince the imaginary plane, paffing through the eye, and producing the vaniſhing line, is parallel to the original plane, the lines formed by their interfec- tions with any other plane, as the picture, will be parallel (16 Eu. 11.) Thus the ground line AB, Fig. 4, which is the in- 4: terfecting } 106 A TREATISE ON terfecting line of the ground plane, is pa- rallel to the horizontal, or vanishing line of that plane. Corollary. Planes parallel to the picture, can have no vaniſhing line. For a plane paffing through the eye pa- rallel to fuch planes, is alſo parallel to the picture, and therefore can never cut it. PROPOSITION II. The image of every original line, perpendi- cular, or oblique to the picture, tends to its vaniſhing point: and the images of fuch original lines, as are parallel to the picture, can have no vanishing points; they will, therefore, be parallel to their respective originals. L ET the planes, Fig 4, be prepared as before; and let any original line, as KM, be produced till it cut the picture in C (which point is called the interfecting point of the line KM) join this point and the vaniſhing point D, of the line; then, the appearance of every point in the ori- ginal line, infinitely extended beyond C, will PERSPECTIVE. 107 will be found in this line, and confequently, the image km of any part KM thereof, muſt tend to the point D. A line parallel to the picture, will have the imaginary line drawn from the eye, which fhould find its vanishing point, pa- rallel to the picture alfo; fo that fuch a line can have no vanifhing point. The image of fuch a line will, therefore, be parallel to this imaginary line drawn from the eye, and, of confequence, parallel to its original. Corollary. The images of parallel lines, not parallel to the picture, tend to the ſame point; and parallel lines, parallel alfo to the picture, will have their images parallel one to another. PROPOSITION III. The vanishing point of every original line, lying in the fame original plane, will be found in the vanishing line of that plane. FOR the vanishing line of a plane, is the boundary of the appearance of that plane, > 108 A TREATISE ON plane, infinitely extended before the eye; and the vaniſhing point of a line, is alſo the boundary of the image of that line, extended in like manner. It is plain, there- fore, that the latter must be found fome- where in the former. So the vaniſhing point of the line KM, Fig. 4, is a point D, FG, of the plane X, in the vanishing line in which it lies. Corollary I. Hence, if we know the vaniſhing points of two lines, not paralle the one to the other, and which lie in the fame plane; we know, alſo, the va- niſhing line of that plane. For a line joining thoſe vanishing points, is the vanishing line required. Corollary II. The imaginary line drawn from the eye, which finds the va- niſhing point of any original line, is pa- rallel to the plane in which that line lies, PRO- PERSPECTIVE. 109 1 PROPOSITION IV. The image of a line, parallel to the picture, will be fimilarly pofited with its object; and have its length in proportion to that of its original, as the diſtance between the eye and the image, is to the distance between the eye and the object. LEt Y, Fig. 48, be the picture, E the place of the eye, AB an original line, parallel to the picture; I fay, ab: AB :: Eb : EB. For, ab being parallel to AB, (Prop. II.) the triangles Eab and EAB are fimilar; whence, ab: AB :: Eb: EB :: Ea: EA. ! } PROPO- I-10 A TREATISE ON ་ PROPOSITION V. The image of any point, in a given original line, not parallel to the picture, is a point in the indefinite image of that line, which divides the faid indefinite image in the pro- portion of the diſtance between the eye and vanishing point of the given line, to the diſtance between the given point and point of interſection. Et Y, Fig. 49, be the perſpective plane, E the place of the eye, AB an original line, whofe vaniſhing and interfecting points are v and A, reſpectively; I fay, vb : bA :: Ev: Ab. For, fince Ev and AB are parallel, (Def. II.) the triangles Evb and BAb are fimilar; whence ub: bA :: Ev: AB. NOTES, [ 11 ] sk ste st ste si ste s S DR sta k FR SA SA SA IR SA MA R N O TE S, Relating, chiefly, to THE THEORY OF PERSPECTIVE. IF NOTE A. Page 8. N dwing the few objects compriſed in Fig., there is occafion to introduce every real variety in the practice of perſpective. It will, therefore, be of ufe to the learner to attend to it; and when he is mafter of all the neceffary rules, to draw it over fre- quently, varying the lengths and fituations of the lines contained in it. For when once a perſon can draw any line in this fmall picture, independent of the reft, from the fituation and meaſure of it, previouſly given, he will be able to draw the repre- fentation 112 A TREATISE ON ſentation of any object, or any number of objects whatever, be they ever fo complex. B. Page 14. Since theſe lines are parallel to the ground line, they are parallel to the picture; hence, (per Prop. II.) their images will be paral- lel to the original, and, therefore, muft be parallel to the ground line alſo. This is clearly exemplified in Fig. 4, where OP and HI, upon the ground plane X, are repreſented by op and bi on the per- fpective plane Y. For if the perſpective plane be perforated in k, l, m and n, and a ſtraight wire be put through a in the plate Z, repreſenting the eye of the ob- ferver, and alſo through the holes k or l, it will fall upon OP; and if it be put through the holes m and n, it will fall upon the lines HI. C. Page 15. That this method of determining the diſtances of theſe parallel lines muſt bẹ ac- curate, PERSPECTIVE. 113 curate, will be evident from confidering that G, Fig. 4, being ſituated at the height of the eye from the ground line AB, and GD being the diſtance of the eye from the perſpective plane, the line DC may be ima- gined to be the perſpective plane, feen edgeways; and then any point q, fituated three meaſures beyond it, muſt appear at m, in a ſtraight line drawn from the eye at G to it: m, therefore, is the proper dif- tance from C, at which that point in the line required muſt be drawn. Now, fuppofing the perſpective plane to revolve, and to be reſtored to its former fituation, with the eye at a; for the fame reaſon that m muſt be placed at the diſtance of mC from the ground line AB, every point in the fame line muſt be placed at the fame diſtance; and therefore a parallel to the ground line, drawn through m, will be the line re- quired. To explain this more clearly, put wires through a and m, when the planes Y and Z are fet upright; and it will be ſeen, that this wire is exactly in the fame fituation, and of the fame length, with the line Gq; H both 114 A TREATISE ON both of them paffing through m, and cut- ting off the fame length, Cm, from the line CD. D. Page 16. The more of thefe lines I draw upon the ground plane, equidiftant from one an- other, the nearer they ſeem to approach, when reduced to the perfpective plane; because every interval between them is continually farther from the eye. The lines CA, Fig. 9, being continued ad in- finitum, and the fame proceſs repeated, it is plain that every fucceeding parallel would approach nearer to the preceding one, till at laſt they coincided with the horizontal line FG. This is evident from Def. II. for the original lines being perpendicular to the ground line, are perpendicular to the pic- ture; therefore, the imaginary line paf- fing through the eye, which gives the va- nifhing point of theſe lines, will be perpen- dicular to the picture alſo; but it muſt be parallel to the ground plane (Cor. II. Prop. III.) confequently will cut the picture in the point of fight. E. Page PERSPECTIVE. 115 E. Page 18. That all fuch lines, perpendicular to the ground line, will meet on the perſpective plane in the point of fight D, is alſo evi- dent from confidering the fituation of the ſpace included between the parallel lines QD and SD, each of which is equally diftant from the perpendicular CD. The extremity of this fpace QS, being neareſt to the eye, muſft appear wider than the diſtance between thefe lines at any place more remote from the eye; and the farther off theſe diſtances are taken, the leſs they will appear. Confequently the fides which bound this ſpace muft appear to approach nearer and nearer continually, till they meet ſomewhere; and this point, in which they meet or vanish, muſt be fomewhere in the line CD; becauſe each fide of the ſpace is every where equidiftant from the eye. It muft, likewife, be fomewhere in the horizontal line FG; for raifing the planes Y and Z, the point M on the ground plane H 2 will 116 A TREATISE ON will appear in m on the perſpective plane, to an eye fituated at a; the point K will appear in k; and fo CD on the ground plane, being infinitely continued, and every point in it, more remote from the eye, appearing to rife higher and higher in the perſpective plane, they muſt at laſt reach as high as D. And they can never rife higher than D; fual ray becaufe, were the vi- and the line CD actually parallel, ftill the former could only pafs through D. For the fame reaſon that the lines QD and SD will meet at D on the perfpective plane, the repreſentations of RD, TD, and all other lines that are parallel to them, at whatever diftance they be taken, on either fide of the perpendicular CD, muft meet in the fame point of fight D. F. Page 19. It is evident, that CI, Fig. 6, being fi- tuated upon the ground plane, muſt have its vaniſhing point fomewhere in the hori- zontal line DF, for the reafon given before Prop. V. It will alſo be that point in the hori- : PERSPECTIVE. 117 horizontal line where an imaginary line drawn from the eye, parallel to CI, cuts it (Def. II.) This imaginary line will, there- fore, form an angle, at the eye a, with the perpendicular aD, equal the angle ICD. The part Di intercepted between D, and this vaniſhing point muft, confequently, be the tangent to that angle, the radius being aD; or, which is the fame thing, the radius being DE. Let the plane Y be interpofed between the eye at a and the line CF upon the ground plane, and it will be evident that the bafe of the infinite triangle (formed by the lines CD and CI) in the true horizon, and the line Di upon the perfpective plane, which repreſents it, are equally tangents to the fame angle, under which they are both viewed; all the difference between them being in the radius of the circle. Wherever Ci meets the horizontal line, all parallels to it muſt be drawn to the fame point, for the reafon given before (Cor. I. Prop. II.) • H 3 To ** 118 I I A TREATISE ON To illuftrate the preceding demonftration by experiment, let a ſtraight wire pafs from a to H, Fig. 6, and it will pass through the perſpective plane Y in b. If a more diſtant point in the line CI be taken, the plane Y will be pierced in the line Ch pro- duced, which shows that it tends to vanish in i. For the fame reaſon that the vaniſhing point of Ci, and of all its parallels, is in the horizontal line FG, the vanishing points of all lines fituated upon the ground plane, in whatever direction they be drawn, muſt be fomewhere in the fame line. For this reafon the horizontal line is called the vanishing line of the ground plane. And for the fame reafon that the ground plane hath its vanishing line in the horizon, any other plane, making any angle with the ground plane, will have a vaniſhing line, making the ſame angle with the horizontal line, which the interfecting line of the new plane makes with the ground line; and every operation may be performed with this, as with the firſt ground line, and the first : PERSPECTIVE. 119 firft horizon. This confideration throws the greateſt clearneſs into the theory of per- ſpective, and makes the practice exceeding eafy; and this great improvement we owe to the fagacity of Dr. Brook Taylor. G. Page 21. Since lines perpendicular to the ground plane are parallel to the picture, their ima- ges must be parallel one to another and to their originals. (Prop. II.) Thoſe images will, confequently, be perpendicular to the ground line. } To illuftrate this, let pins, and other bo- dies, be fixed upright on the ground plane X, and confidered as viewed from a in Z, while the repreſentation is taken upon the plane Y. H. Page 22. Imagine the given line CK to be fituated in a plane [x] perpendicular to the ground plane, fuch a plane will cut the ground plane in the line CH, making the angle DCH 120 A TREATISE ON DCH equal the given declination of the line CK; the point i is, therefore, the va- niſhing point of CH; and, fince CH lies in the plane [x] as well as in the plane X, the vanishing line of the plane [x] will pafs through the point i (Prop. III.) Again, the plane [x] being perpendicular to the ground plane, would, if extended, inter- fect the picture in the line CDE; hence its vaniſhing line will be parallel to DE (Prop. I.) therefore the vanishing point of CK will be found in ig. We are, laftly, to prove that g is that vanishing point. Since the imaginary line ag is parallel to CK (Def. II.) it muſt make the angle iag the angle HCK, or angle of elevation of the given line. The line ig is, there- fore, the tangent of the angle HCK to radius equal ai. But ig is the tangent of the angle yg (= HCK) to radius y and Confequently, the point ży iE =ia. g is truly determined. The imagination may be affifted in con- ceiving of this, by fuppofing the horizon to be raiſed as much as the angle of eleva- tion PERSPECTIVE. 121 tion of the given line. For, in this caſe, the repreſentation Ck of the line produced, muſt as certainly meet this new horizontal line, paffing through g, as any lines upon the ground plane, continued, muſt meet the common horizon. Indeed, upon this fuppofition, a plane paffing through CK, and the foot of the obſerver, would take place of the old ground plane. I. Page 26. Raife the planes Y and Z, Fig. 4. Then, fince the given line HI is parallel to the picture, the image un of any part UN thereof, will be parallel to its original; whence per Prop. IV. un: UN:: au: aU; un : (Cs =) UN :: Gu: GC, per conftruc- tion; but fince DG aD, Gu= au; and GC=aU, therefore the image un is juftly determined, by means of the lines GC, Gs. Again, we have un: (st = UN) : : Du: Ds; but Du: Ds: : Gu: GC; hence, un is the image of UN, as found by this method alſo. By 122 A TREATISE ON } By raiſing the moveable plates in Fig. 4, and putting a ftraight wire through a, and the feveral perforations in the perfpec- tive plane Y, thefe rules will be occularly demonftrated. For a ftraight wire extended from a to U, will pass through u, and being extended to M it will pass through m, ſo as fo to intercept um in the perfpective plane, correfponding to UM on the ground plane. And fince triangles ftanding upon equal baſes and between the fame parallels are equal, the triangle aUN will be equal to the triangle GCs, or Dst, a being the fame height from the ground plane with D and G. Alfo if thefe equal triangles be cut by a plane parallel to their bafes, as by the plane bi, the new bafes will ſtill be equal; fo that un, in this cafe, will be the bafe to both the triangles. For the fame reaſon, they would have been as well divided by lines drawn from F, the other point of diſtance, as from G. Univerfally, perfpe&tive meaſures are de- termined by drawing lines from the points of diftance, or other meafuring points, to the meaſures, previoufly laid down upon the ground plane, or to lines fituated in a fimilar PERSPECTIVE. 123 fimilar manner with regard to the perſpec- ive plane. K. Page 27. Suppoſing a line to be drawn from a to M, it will pass through the perſpective plane in m. But Cq being equal to CM, and DG equal to aD, the triangles aCM and GqC will be exactly equal; the latter being, in fact, the very fame with the former, when the lines aD and aM have been ſup- poſed to revolve, till a came into the fituation of G. Confequently m being an immove- able point during the revolution, its place will be the very fame in which ever of the triangles it be taken. In the very fame manner may it be ſhown, that any other point, as u or n, will be found to have the fame place upon the perſpective plane, whether it be fixed by a line drawn through it from the eye to the object, or by a line drawn through it from the point of diſtance in the horizon to a point on the ground line, at the fame diſtance from the perpendicular with the object itſelf. For by Prop. V. we have Du : us ! 124 A TREATISE ON I us :: (aD =) DG: SU; but from the fimilarity of the triangles DuG and suC, it is, as Du is to us, fo is DG to Cs; but Cs SU per conftruction. Therefore the point u is the image of U. The fame reaſoning will prove, the point n to be the image of N. - L. Page 29. Since the triangles iyb and bCh are fimi- lar, we have ib: hC:: iy: Ch. But Cb CH and ży iEia per conſtruction. Therefore ib: hC :: ia: CH; whence per Prop. V. the point his the image of H, as was required. M. Page 33. The proceſs in this fection hardly needs any demonſtration, it being evident that any row of objects, of the fame height, ſtanding upon the ground plane, on a line perpendicular or oblique to the ground line, muſt appear to diminiſh till they vaniſh in the horizontal line. Confequently the triangle dfe, Fig. 15, will contain in it perpendicular lines equal to the apparent height ! PERSPECTIVE. 125 :: height of all objects that are of the height of fe; and this will be the caſe wherever the point dis taken in the horizontal line. For ib: ef: di: de; but di : de :: dm : def that is, as Ha: HI; and fince this propor- tion will hold wherever the point d be taken in the horizontal line, it follows, that the length of the perpendicular ih will not be altered thereby; it being always to ef in the conftant proportion of Ha to HI. N. Page 34- In the firft method, we have the tri- angles kgy and kCa fimilar; whence gk : kC::gy: Ca; but gy is equal to ga, the diſtance of the eye from the vanishing point g, and Ca is equal CK per conftruc- tion. Therefore gk : kC :: ga : CK. Hence (per Prop V.) the point is the image of K. In the fecond method, fince gy is drawn parallel to Ca, we have gk : kCgy: Ca; but gy and Ca are equal gy and Ca, and of confequence equal ga and CK refpectively. Therefore, &c. as be- fore, 0. : 126 A. TREATISE ON : O. Page 47. Let AB, Fig. 21, be the original of ab, on which defcribe the circle AIB IIII, and draw the diameters I, IIII; LIII, IIV, di- viding the circle into 8 equal parts. Then it is plain, the diameters I IIII, V II, L III, will have their vanishing points at C, D, G; and therefore 1C, 2D, and /G are their indefinite images; and fince AI and IIII B are parallel to V II, they will have the fame vaniſhing point with V II, viz. D. Therefore, lines drawn from D to a and b will cut IC in 1 and 4, the images of I and IIII. Since F is the meaſuring point of G, and H the meaſuring point of 25D, lines drawn from F to a and b will cut off the parts ls, s3 reſpectively, equal to as and sb. For the fame reafon, lines drawn from H to a and b will cut off the parts s5 s2 equal as, sb. Confequently, 13, and 5 2 are the images of L III and V II, diameters of the original circle A I B IIII. Q. E. D. P. PERSPECTIVE. 127 P. Page 55. The demonſtration of this rule is made eafy by the confideration of Fig. 6. Let HC, in the plane X, be the line to be deter- mined. The vanishing point is fixed by the line ai, drawn parallel to HC, or Ei, which, making the fame angle with the perpendicular, meets the horizontal line in the fame place i. And the point ʼn is de- termined by drawing a line from H to a, the place of the eye. In both theſe caſes the picture is placed between the eye and the object; and if the elevation of the eye, in Fig. 6, occafion any difficulty to the perſon who compares thefe figures, let him lay the plane Y flat down, fo as to be a continuation of the plane X, and let him fuppofe E and [h] to be visible through it on the backfide of the paper (as they are marked in the figure for that purpoſe) and he will find that a ruler laid from H to E, will paſs through the point b. In this fi- tuation of the plates X and Y, all the lines have the very fame poſition to one another as the lines in Fig. 32. ..... 128 A TREATISE ON Q Page 61. The rationale of this practice is very ob- vious, depending on this one principle, that every line in the perfpective plane makes a tangent to the angle of vifion; and it may be fully illuftrated by the help of Fig. 6. Let g, in the plane Y, be the point in the perſpective plane, reprefenting the point of any object that is required to be drawn. When the planes. Z and Y are raiſed, it will be evident that the angle ¿ED is equal to iaD. Confequently i, the foot the of perpendicular ig, is truly fixed by this rule. Alſo the angle yg is equal to iag, fo that the point g is likewife truly fixed by it. R. Page 70. To demonſtrate this cafe,, I shall make uſe of a larger figure, Fig. 50. Let the triangle to be projected be Chi in the plane Y, equal to CBI in the plane X. Proceed as in the former example, and both of the triangles will be com- pleted PERSPECTIVE. 129 pleted by producing the fides bi, and BI to A. If the vifual rays be perpendicular to the perſpective plane Y, and the triangle Abc be made to turn upon its bafe AC, as in the plane X, it is evident that, in every pofition of the plane X, the ſhadow or image of the point B will always fall upon fome part of the line bD; and, at what- ever angle the eye be elevated above the plane X (fuppofe 30 degrees) it is alfo evi- dent, that (raifing the plane Z) the per- pendicular BH will fall upon the fame point H, in the line ¿D, as the parallel GH (FG being taken 30 degrees DBH) for fince the triangles BDH and GDH have BD equal to GD, DBH equal to DGH, and the angles at H right ones, the whole triangles will be equal; and confequently the line DH will be the fame in both; Ab will, therefore, be projected into AH, C into HC, and the angle A¿C into AHC. = If the fide bA terminate in i, and BA in I; draw ik parallel to bD, and it will cut HA in K, the place of the image of I. I It $30 A TREATISE ON It is evident from what was advanced before, that the image of the point [I] muft fall fomewhere in the line HA: It is equally evident, that it muſt fall fome- where in the perpendicular ik, in every po- fition of the plane X; and therefore can be no where but in the interfection, K, of theſe two lines. An Addition to PART XII. p. 94. HAT the young artiſt may be a proper judge of the importance of chufing a proper diſtance in perfpective drawings, I have given a duplicate of Fig. 20. in Fig. 51. In order to take in all the lines and points. that were principally requifite to the de- fcription, the diſtance, DE, in the former, was taken very fmall; in confequence of which, the more remote fquares feem to be out of proportion, though to an eye in a proper fituation for viewing them (viz. at the diſtance DE, perpendicularly over the point D) the angles they fubtend will be found PERSPECTIVE. 31f found to be equal, and therefore the draw- ing is juft. Fig. 51 differs from the former in nothing but the diſtance, which is taken near three times as great. By this means all the fquares fall within the meaſuring points a and b, and the diſtortion, obſerva- ble in the former figure, is avoided. What we call the perfpective plane is only an imaginary thing; for, in reality, we do not refer the objects of fight to any plane, fome parts of which are more dif- tant from the eye than others. Whenever, therefore, the diſtance in drawing is fo ſmall, that one part of the picture is con- fiderably more remote than another, a diſ- tortion will be perceived by an eye in the fituation in which drawings are generally viewed. No drawing can appear perfectly natural except on the ſurface of a ſphere, the eye being placed in the center. But this inconvenience, attending the common perfpective, will be fufficiently obviated, if the diſtance be taken large, in proportion to the fize of the figures to be drawn. It is becauſe theſe things are better underſtood by 1 J 132 A TREATISE ON, &c. by example than precept that I have given the two drawings of theſe figures. Upon the principle mentioned above, the problem concerning the perſpective diameter of columns, ftanding at equal diſtances from the ground line, admits of a folution; but it is not to my purpoſe in this treatiſe to diſcuſs fuch particulars. THE THE CONTENTS. PART I. Of the Inftruments that are of use in the practife of PERSPECTIVE, and the ap- plication of them, PART II. page I The definition of neceſſary technical terms, and the preparation of the Drawing- board, PART III. 7 To find the perspective fituation of right lines upon the ground plane, 13 SEC. I. To find the perfpective fituation of right lines parallel to the ground line, 14 SEC. THE CONTENT S. SEC. II. To draw the perspective fituation of right lines perpendicular to the ground line. SEC. III. To draw the perspective fituation of lines oblique to the ground line, PART IV. page 17 18 To draw the perspective fituation of lines not fituated upon the ground plane, 20 ib. SEC. I. To draw lines perpendicular to the ground plane, SEC. II. To draw the perspective fituation of lines oblique to the ground plane, PART V. 21 To fix points in perspective lines, or the doc- trine of perſpective meaſures, 24 SEC. I. To divide any line lying upon the ground plane, in any proportion required, 25 ib. CASE I. To divide a perspective line lying parallel to the ground line, CASE II. To divide a perspective line that is perpendicular to the ground line, 27 CASE III. To divide a line that is oblique to the ground line, 28 SEC. THE CONTENT S. SEC. II. To divide lines not lying upon the ground plane, page 31 CASE I. To divide a line perpendicular to the ground plane, ib. CASE II. To measure a line oblique to the ground plane, PART VI. 34 A fummary account of all the effential rules for drawing in perspective, PART VII. 37 Some more particular directions, to facilitate the practice of drawing in particular cafes, SEC. I. Of drawing circles. 41 ib. CASE I. When the given image is parallel to the ground line, 47 CASE II. When the given line is oblique to the ground lire, SEC. II. Of different ground planes, PART VIII. 48 50 A method of drawing in perspective from the ichnography of objects, 52 PART 1 THE CONTENTS. PART IX. An easy method of drawing in perspective without previous menfuration, by means of an inftrument to take the angles under which objects appear, page 57 PART X. Of orthographical perspective. 63 PART XI. Of shadows, 73 SEC. I. To draw the shadows of bodies on the fame planes on which they are fituated, ib. SEC. II. Of Shadows intercepted by other objects, SEC. III. Of faint fhadows, 82 86 SEC. IV. To draw the reflected images of objects in water, PART XII. 87 General advices and directions, relating to the art of drawing in perspective, PART XIII. 89 The definition of all the technical terms made ufe of in this treatiſe, 98 A general THE CONTENT S. A general View of the Theory of Perfpec- tive, page 103 Notes relating chiefly to the Theory of Per- Spective, III THE LETTERS Referring to the NOT E S. A. from from page 8 to page III * B. 14 112 C. 15 ib. D. 16 114 E. 18 115 F. 19 116 G. 21 119 H. 22 119 I. 26 K. 27 L.. 29 121 123 124 K M. 1 THE CONTENTS. M. from page 33 to page 124 N. 34 125 0. P. ལ ་ག་ Q 47 55 126 127 128 R. 70 ib. THE EN D. ERRAT A. Page 15. line 5. from the top, for, C to g, read, C to q 30. 34. 36. 72. 77. 110. 114. 117. 125. 127. 129. 129. 114. 18. for, C to s, read, s to C. 14. for, gy, read, gy.. 11. for, Cb, read, Cg: 13. děle [S.] 19. for, 34, read, 36. 12—16. for v, read a. 11. for, lines CA, Fig. 9, read, line CA, Fig. 5. 12. for, CF, read, CD. 22. for, Ca, read, Ca. 25. for, Fig. 32, read, Fig. 23, 4. for, Abc, read, AbC. 21. for, C, read, Cb. This is evident, &c. This paragraph ſhould be at the End of the Note E, and inferted nex the paragraph, For the fame reaſon, &c. in page 116. Publiſhed by Jofeph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. And fold by J. JOHNSON and J. PAYNE, at No. 8. Paternofter-Row, London. I. TH HE Hiſtory and prefent State of ELECTRICITY, with Original Experiments, illuftrated with Copper-Plates, the ſecond Edition, corrected and enlarged, 4to. Il. IS. 2. A familiar Introduction to the Study of ELECTRICITY. 2d Edit. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 3. 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A Free Addrefs to Proteftant Diffenters, on the Subject of the Lord's Supper, the fecond Edition, Is. 10. Confiderations on Differences of Opinion among Chriſtians; with a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Venn, in Anſwer to his Free and full Examination of the Addrefs to Proteftant Diffenters on the Subject of the Lord's Supper. IS. 6d. * II. A Catechifm for Children and Young Perfons, 6d. 12. A Serious Addrefs to Mafters of Families, with Forms of Family Prayer, 9 d. 13. Confiderations on Church - Authority; occafioned by Dr. Balguy's Sermon on that Subject, preached at Lambeth Chapel, and publiſhed by Order of the Archbiſhop, 1 s. 6d. 14. Remarks on fome Paragraphs in the firſt Volume of Dr. Blackftone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, relating to the Diffenters, I S. 15. A View of the Principles and Conduct of the Proteſtant Diffenters, with refpect to the civil and ecclefiaftical Conftitution of England. Is. 6d. 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