Tº X > Q \\ 0 , A2- \ S. T ) Titº | - KEY OF HEAVEN; A MANUAL OF PRAYER. Mew Edition, Revised and Corrected. DUBLIN : McGLASHAN & GILL, U.P. SACKWILLE.S.T. Gavi.1%b GM-H CONTENTS. Page Table of Moveable Feasts, 7 Feasts and Fasts 8 Morning Prayers & 9 The Angelus Domini tº º . . . I7 Litany of Jesus 18 Night Prayers © tº • , 23 Litany of the Blessed Virgin (English) 28 •9 y 3 y 3 y (Latin) 8r Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity .. 32 Prayer before Mass tº gº ... 36 Prayers at Mass tº de - - - 39 Prayer after Mass tº tº . . . . 77 Benediction of the Most Holy Saºra. . Inent e tº e e ... " 78. Prayer of St. Bernard to the Blessed - Virgin Mary e tº ... 84 Vespers for Sundays (Latin 86 9? ,, (English) 87 vi CONTENTS. Lucis Creator Optime (Hymn) The Magnificat tº gº Preparation for Confession Examination of Conscience Prayers before Confession ,, after Confession .. ,, before Communion ,, after Communion Seven Penitential Psalms Litany of the Saints A Universal Prayer Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Prayer for a Happy Death - º * Aº Page 98 , foo . TO4 . IO5 • II3 . I27 . I4o I47 163 . I71 I75 • 190 **--—- - TABLE OF MOVEABLE FEASTS. Year of e * First Ash Easter Ascension Whitl Corpus - 1. Wednes. Sunday Thursday Sunday ë; sº 1872 14 Feb. 31 Mar. 9 May | 19 May 30 May 1 Dec. 1873 26 Feb. 13 April 22 May 1 June | 12 June || 30 Nov. 1874 18 Feb. 5 April 14 May | 24 May 4 June | 29 Nov. 1875 ro Feb. 28 Mar. 6 May | 16 May 27 May | 28 Nov. 1876 || 1 Mar. 16 April 25 May 4 June | 15 June 3 Dec. I877 14 Feb. 1 April 1o May | 20 May 31 May 2 Dec. 1878 || 6 Mar. 21 April 30 May 9 June | 20 June 1 Dec. 1879 || 26 Feb. 13 April 22 May 1 June | 12 June 30 Nov. 188o II Feb. 28 Mar. 6 May | 16 May 27 May 28 Nov. 1881 || 2 Mar. 17 April 26 May 5 June 16 June 27 Nov. 1882 22 Feb 9 April 18 May 28 May 8 June 3 Dec. 1883 7 Feb. 25 Mar. 3 May | 13 May | 24 May 2 Dec. 1884 26 Feb 13 April 22 May 1 June | 12 June 30 Nov. TABLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS, f HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION, All Sundays. SS. Peter and Paul, The Circumcision, rst 29th June. }:#; Assumption of B. V. M., [he Epiphany, 6th Jan. 15th Augu º St. St. Patrick, 17th March. All Saints' Day, 1st Annunciation, 25th Mar. November. Ascension of our Lord. | Christmas Day, 25th Corpus Christi. December. *sº FASTING DAYS ON ONE MEAL. All the Days in Lent, Whit-Sunday; after Sep- except Sundays. tember 14th; an The Eve of Whitsun- after December 13th. tide. The Eves of St. Peter The Quarter Tenses, or and St. Paul; of the Ember Days, being | Assumption of B.V.M.; the Wednesdays, Fri- of All Saints; and of days, and Saturdays Christinas Day. next after the First The Fridays and Satur- Sunday of Lent; after days in Advent. gººmsºmºs IDAYS OF ABSTINENCE from Flesh Meat, All the Fridays throughout the year. N.B.-Eggs are forbidden on Fridays, when a fast falls on them, and if a fasting day fall on a Sunday, the fast is kept on the Saturday before. If Christmas Day fall on a Friday, neither fast nor abstinence is observed. MORNING PRAYER. Awaking in the morning, say: O my God! my only good, the |author of my being, and my last end, I offer thee my heart. Praise, honour, }and glory be to thee for ever and ever. Amen. Getting out of bed, say: + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I will rise from this bed of sleep, to adore my God, and to labour for the salvation of my soul. O may I arise on the last day to life ever- lasting. While clothing yourself, say: O my God, clothe my soul with the nuptial robe of charity, and grant that I may carry it pure and unde- filed before thy judgment seat. IO MORNING PRAYER. When clothed, kneel, and say: +-In the name of the Father, &c., Amen. Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. more. Amen. Come, O Holy Ghost, take pos. session of my heart, and enkindle therein the fire of thy divine love. Amen. t g f ...ſº # { Morning Oblation. Most merciful Creator, I offer to thee this day my thoughts, words, actions, and entire being, in union with the infinite merits of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am re- solved to avoid sin above all things, particularly the sins which I am most in the habit of committing. I, there- fore, most humbly ask, through the passion and death of my Divine Redeemer, and the intercession of His Immaculate Mother, strength to fulfil this my resolution. * . Receive, O Lord, my liberty, my MORNING PRAYER. II memory, my understanding, and my whole will. Thou hast given me all that I am, and all that I possess, and I surrender all to thy Divine will, that thou mayest dispose of me. Give me only thy love and thy grace; with these I will be rich, and will have no more to ask. Amen. O Eternal God most holy and adorable Trinity | Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; the beginning and end of all things; in whom we live, move, and have our being; I firmly believe. that thou art here present; I adore thee with the most profound humility; I praise thee; I give thee thanks from the bottom of my heart for having created me after thine own image and likeness, and redeemed me with the precious blood of thy Son; for having hitherto preserved me, and brought me safe to the beginning of this day. Behold, O Lord, I offer thee my whole being; and in par- ticular all my thoughts, words, and i I2. MORNING PRAYER. actions, together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day. I consecrate them entirely to the glory of thy name, in union with those of Jesus Christ, my Saviour; that, through his infinite merits, they may all find acceptance in thy sight. Give them, O Lord, thy blessing. May thy divine love animate them; and may they all tend to the greater honour of thy Sovereign Majesty. Amen. Resolve to avoid evil, and to do good. Adorable Jesus ! divine model of that perfection to which we should aspire, I will endeavour this day, after thine example, to be mild, humble, chaste, zealous, patient, charitable, and resigned. Incline my heart to keep thy command- ments. I am resolved to watch over myself with the greatest diligence, and to live soberly, justly, and piously, MORNING PRAYER. I3 for the time to come. I will place a guard upon my mouth and a gate of prudence before my lips that I may not, offend with my tongue; I will turn away mine eyes that they may not see vanity; and I will be parti- cularly attentive not to relapse this day into my accustomed failings, but to struggle against them, with thy gracious assistance. Enlighten my mind, purify my heart, and guide my steps, that I may pass all my life in thy divine service. Amen. Implore the necessary graces. Thou knowest, O God, my weak- ness; that I am poor and destitute; that I cannot do, nor even think of any good without thee. Rise up, then, to help me : strengthen me with thy grace, that I may fervently execute what I have firmly resolved; and not only avoid all the evil thou forbiddest, but also perform all the good thou commandest. I4. MORNING PRAYER. The Lord's Prayer. Our Father, who art in Heaven; hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our tres- passes, as we forgive them who tres- pass against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen. t The Angelical Salutation. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women; and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Apostles' Creed. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord ; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost; born of the MORNING PRAYER. I5 Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into Hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints; the For- giveness of Sins; the Resurrection of the Body; and Life Everlasting. Amen. . The Confiteor. I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary, ever Virgin, to blessed Michael, the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the §. that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my ſault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore, I beseech the blessed Mary, ever 16 MORNING PRAYER. Virgin, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and; Paul, and all the Saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me. - May the Almighty God have mercy upon me, forgive me my sins, and bring me to everlasting life. Amen, May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant me pardon, absolution, and full remission of all my sins. Amen. , Invoke the Blessed Virgin, your Angel Guardian, and your Patron Saint. O holy Virgin, Mother of God, my advocate and patroness, pray for thy poor servant; show thyself a mother to me. And thou, O Í blessed Spirit, whom God, in his mercy, hath appointed to watch over me, intercede for me this day, that I may not stray from the paths of virtue. St. Joseph, thou glorious Patriarch, pray for me; and thou, also, O happy Saint, whose name I MORNING PRAYER. 17 bear, intercede for me, that I may serve God faithfully in this life, as thou hast done, and glorify him eter- nally with thee in heaven. Amen. The Angelus Domini. | To be said morning, moon, and might, in memory of the adorable Mystery of the Incarnation of our Blessed Saviour. I. The Angel of the Lord de- clared unto Mary; and she conceived #by the Holy Ghost. Hail, Mary, &c. # 2. Behold the handmaid of the # Lord: be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail, Mary, &c. 3. And the Word was made flesh: and dwelt among us. Hail, Mary, &c. Let us pray. Pour forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ thy Son was made known by the |- of an angel, may, by his * p -- 18 MORNING PRAYER, passion and cross, be brought to th glory of his resurrection: throug the same Christ our Lord. Amen, LITANY OF THE . HOLY NAME OF JESUS. Ilord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. - Lord, have mercy on us. º Christ, hear us. - Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, God, the Holy Ghost, Holy Trinity, one God, Jesus, Son of the living God, Jesus, splendour of the Father, Jesus, brightness of eternal light, jcsus, king of glory, Jesus, sun of justice, jesus, son of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, ºnost amiable, MORNING PRAYER. I9 Jesus, most admirable, Jesus, the mighty God, - Jesus, Father of the world to Come, - Jesus, angel of the great council, Jesus, most powerful, Jesus, most patient, Jesus, most obedient, Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Jesus, lover of chastity, Jesus, lover of us, Jesus, God of peace, Jesus, author of life, Jesus, example of all virtues, Jesus, zealous lover of Souls, Jesus, our God, Jesus, our refuge, Jesus, Father of the poor, Jesus, treasure of the faithful, Jesus, the good shepherd, Jesus, the true light, Jesus, eternal wisdom, Jesus, infinite goodness, Jesus, most adorable, \ i ; | 2O MORNING PRAYER, Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life, Jesus, joy of angels, Jesus, master of apostles, Jesus, teacher of evangelists, Jesus, strength of martyrs, Jesus, light of confessors, Jesus, spouse of virgins, Jesus, crown of all Saints. : Bemerciful untous, Spare us, Ojésus, Be merciful unto us, Hear us, 0 jesus. From all evil, From all sin, From thy wrath, From the snares of the devil, From the spirit of uncleanness, From everlasting death, From the neglect of thy holy inspirations, Through the mystery of thy holy incarnation, - Through thy nativity, Through thy divine infancy, Through thy sacred life, MORNING PRAYER. 2f Through thy labours, N Through thy agony and passion, Š Through thy cross and dere- | \, liction, S2 Through thypains and torments, \? Through thy death and burial, ) 3 Through thy glorious resur- || $: rection. §: Through thy ascension, R Through thy joys and glory, ; In the day of judgment, / Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world : Sºare us, O Lord žesus. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world : Hear us, O Alord jesus. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world : Have mercy on als, O Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, hear us. Lord Jesus, graciously hear us. V. Let the name of the Lord be blessed. R. Now and for evermore, Amen. 22 MORNING PRAYER. Let us pray. . O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast said, Ask, and ye shall receive : seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you ; mercifully at- tend to our supplications, and grant us the gift of divine charity, that we may ever love thee with our whole hearts, and never cease from praising thy holy name, who livest and reignest, one God, world without end. Amen. - O Divine Redeemer, give us a perpetual fear and love of thy holy name, for thou never ceasest to direct and govern by thy grace those whom thou instructest in the solidity of thy love : who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. O God, who hast appointed thy only begotten Son, the Saviour of mankind, and hast commanded that he should be called Jesus; mercifully grant that we may enjoy his happy vision in heaven, whose holy name PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. 23 we venerate upon earth ; who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Blessed be the holy and undi- vided Trinity, now and for ever more. Amen. Come, O Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful servants, and kindle in them the fire of thy divine love. Amen. Let us place ourselves in the presence of God, and humbly adore him. Impressed with a most lively sense of the presence of thy eternal Ma- jesty, I most humbly adore thee, O my Creator, my Redeemer, and my Judge. I believe in thee, because thou art truth itself. I hope in thee, 24. PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. because thou art faithful to thy word. I love thee with my whole heart, because thou art worthy of my love ; and for thy Sake, I love my neigh- bour as myself. Let us return thanks to God for the favours he has conferred upon us. Enable me, O God, to return thee thanks, as I ought, for all thyinesti- mable blessings and favours. Thou hast thought of me, and loved me from all eternity; thou hast formed me from nothing; thou hast delivered up thy beloved Son to the ignominious death of the cross for my redemption ; thou didst pre- serve me from falling into the abyss of eternal misery, when my sins had often provoked thee to deprive me of my life; and thou were graciously pleased to spare me, even though I continued to offend thee. Alas, my God, what return can I make for the innumerable blessings thou hast PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. 25 conferred on me, during the whole course of my life, and particularly for the favours of this day. O all ye angels and saints unite with me in praising the God of Mercies, who is so bountiful to so unworthy a Creature. Let us beg of God to make our sins known to us. O Eternal Source of Light I who hast said: “Alet there be light, and there was light,” illuminate the dark- ness of my understanding, and dispel those shades of ignorance and error which conceal from me the filth and enormity of my offences, Discover to me, I beseech thee, all the sins I have committed this day, whether in thought, word, deed, or omission; grant me a lively sense of their enor- mity, in order that I may hold them in the utmost detestation, and dread nothing so much as ever to commit them hereafter. & ramine your conscience herº, 26 PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. Prayer. º Penetrated with grief, and overſit whelmed with conſusion at the sightit of my iniquities, I acknowledge my-it self unworthy, O Lord, to be num-is bered among thy servants, much lessic to be accounted thy child. Is itil possible I could have repaid thy # finite patience and goodness with such malice and ingratitude? Creatorſ' of heaven and earth, I have sinned against thee I have, alas ! offended thee, who art so good, and so worthy: of my love | Yet, Lord, when I consider that I am the work of thy hands, and the price of the blood of thine only Son, who expired on the cross for my salvation, I cannot despair of thy pardon. It is, there- fore, through his infinite merits, that I implore, and humbly hope that thou will grant me the forgiveness of my sins. Have pity on me, O Eternal Father, and spare me for the sake of thy beloved Son. Turn away thy PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. 27 ace from my sins, and blot out my niquities. I am heartily sorry for hem, because they are offensive to hee, and I shall continue to repent sincerely of them to the hour of my death. Amen. Let us make a firm purpose of amendment. O Almighty and Eternal God, I wish from the bottom of my heart that I had never sinned against thee; but since I have been so unhappy, O grant me now thy grace, that I may never offend Jhee more. Thou hast said, “A zwill not the death of a sinner, but rather that he be converted and lize.” Convert me, therefore, and I shall be converted. “Alaze mercy upon me, according to thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all my iniquities.” I renounce all sin, and the occasions of it, and firmly purpose henceforth to walk in the paths of thy commandments. This fixed re- 28 PRAYERS FOR NIGHT, solution I am determined to keep, . with the assistance of thy grace, pur- chased for me through the infinite merits of thine only Son, Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. [Repeat the Lord's Prayer, the Angelical Salutation, the Creed, the Confiteor, and the Angelus Domini, as in Morning Prayer.] LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Anthem. We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deli- verus ſrom all dangers, O thou ever glorious and blessed Virgin. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. 29 God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy O%2 2/J. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy O72 2/J'. Holy Mary, Holy Mother of God, ) Holy Virgin of Virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine grace, Mother most pure, Mother most chaste, Mother undefiled, Mother inviolate, Mother most amiable, Mother most admirable, Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Redeemer, Virgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable, Virgin most renowned, Virgin most powerful, } ; 3O PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy. Spiritual vessel, Honourable vessel, Vessel of singular devotion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory, House of gold, Ark of the covenant, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Health of the weak, Refuge of sinners, Comfortress of the afflicted, Help of Christians. Queen of angels, Queen of patriarchs, Queen of prophets, Queen of apostles, Queen of martyrs, Queen of confessors, PRAYERS FOR NIGHT. 3I Queen of virgins, pray for us. Queen of all saints, gray for us. Queen, conceived without sin, pray for us. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously /lear us, O Zord, i Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Haze mercy on 24.5 V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Prayer. Pour forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ thy Son has been made known by the message of an angel, may, by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resurrection : through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. ACTS OF §aith, #ope, altà (harity, A Prayer before the Acts. O Almighty and eternal God, grant unto us an increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity ; and that we may obtain what thou hast promised, make us love and practise what thou commandest : through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. An Act of Contrition. O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee; and I de- test my sins most sincerely, because they are displeasing to thee, my God, whom I should have never ceased to adore and love. I now firmly purpose, by the assistance of thy holy grace, never more to offend thee; and to avoid for the future, to the utmost of my power, all danger- ous occasions which might expose me to sin. ; ACTS OF FAITH, HOPE, ETC. 33 An Act of Faith. O my God, I firmly believe that thou art one only God, the Creator and Sovereign Lord of Heaven and Earth, infinitely great, infinitely good, and infinitely perfect. I firmly be- lieve that in thee, one only God, there are three Divine Persons, really distinct and in all things equal, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I firmly believe that God # the Son, the Second Person of the Hmost Holy Trinity, became man; that he was conceived by the Holy # Ghost, and was born of the Virgin # Mary ; that he suffered and died on a cross to redeem and save us ; that # he arose on the third day from the dead ; that he ascended into hea- ven, and sitteth at the right hand of # the Father, always living to make intercession for us; that he will come at the end of the world to judge mankind, and render to everyone # according to his works; that he will C 34 ACTS OF FAITH, HOPE, ETC. reward the good with eternal happi- ness, and condemn the wicked to the everlasting pains of hell. I be- lieve these and all other articles which the Holy Roman Catholic Church proposes to our belief, be- cause thou, my God, the infallible Truth, hast revealed them; and thou hast commanded us to hear the Church, which is the Pillar and the Ground of Truth. In this faith I am | firmly resolved, through thy holy grace, to live and die. An Act of Hope. O my God, who hast graciously promised every blessing, even hea- ven itself, through Jesus Christ, to those who keep thy commandments; relying on thy power, which is infi- nite, thy mercies, which are over all thy works, and thy promises, to which thou art always faithful, I confidently hope to obtain the par- don of my past sins, which I now i ACTS OF FAITH, HOPE, ETC, 35 ſ i detest; grace to serve thee faithfully in this life, by doing the good works thou hast commanded; and eternal happiness in the next, through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. An Act of Charity. O my God, my Creator, my Re- deemer, my Sovereign Good, whose boundless charity to me has been unceasing, and whose infinite per- fections adoring angels behold with unspeakable delight, I love thee with my whole heart and soul, and above all things; and for thy sake I love my neigbour as myself. Oh, teach me, my gracious God, to love thee daily more and more ; and mer- cifully grant, that having loved thee on earth, I may love and enjoy thee for ever in heaven. A PRAYER BEFORE MASS. O merciful Father, who didst so love the world as to give up for our redemption thy beloved Son; who in obedience to thee, and for us sin: ners, humbled himself even unto the death of the cross ; and continues to offer himself daily, by the ministry of his priest, for the living and the dead, we humbly beseech thee, that penetrated with a lively faith, we may always assist with the utmost devotion and reverence at the obla-i. tion of his most precious body and blood, which is made at Mass; and; thereby be made partakers of the sacrifice which he consummated on Calvary. - In union with thy holy Churchand its minister, and invoking the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and all the angels and saints, we now offer the adorable sacrifice of the Mass to thy honour and glory, to PRAYER BEFORE MASS. 37 acknowledge thy infinite perfections, i thy Supreme dominion over all thy creatures, our entire subjection to thee, and total dependence on thy gracious providence ; and in thanks- giving for all thy benefits; and for the remission of our sins. We offer it for the propagation of the Catholic Faith; for our most holy Father the Pope; for our Archbishop (or Bishop), and for all the Pastors and Clergy of thy holy Church, that they may direct the faithful in the way of salvation; for our Rulers, and for all that are in high stations; that we may lead quiet and holy lives; for peace and good will among all states and people; for the necessities of mankind ; and particularly for the congregation here present; to obtain all blessings we stand in need of in this life, everlasting happiness in the next ; and eternal rest to the faithful departed. And as Jesus Christ so ordained, 38 PRAYER BEFORE MASS. when heinstituted, at his Last Supper; this wonderful mystery of his power; wisdom, and goodness, we offer thei Mass in grateful remembrance of all he has done and suffered for the love of us; making special commemora: tion of his bitter Passion and Death, and of his glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven. Vouchsafe, O Almighty and Eternal God (for to thee alone so great a sacrifice ſº due), graciously to accept it, for these and all other purposes agreeable to thy holy will. And to render it the more pleasing, we offer it to thee through the same Jesus Christ, thy. beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour, our High Priest and Victim ; and in the name of the most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost: to whom be honour, praise, and glory, for ever and ever, Amen. . . A DEVOUT #ethod of gearing gues. Making the sign of the Cross, with the Priest, say: >{4 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. WILL draw neartothy Altar, O my God, there to gain new strength and vigour to my soul; sepa- rate me from those unbelievers who have no trust in thee; grant me that grace which comforts me when the remem- brance of my sins afflicts and Casts me down ; that grace which lets me know that there 4O PRAYERS AT MASS. is an everlasting refuge in thy goodness, and that thou art ready to forgive even our greatest sins upon a sincere re- pentance. The Priest, bowing down, says the Comfiteor, before he goes up to the Altar; say it with him, as follows: ſºlº CONFESS to Almighty |##| God, to the blessed Mary, ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, and to you, Father, that I have very much sinned, in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through PRAYERS AT MASS, 4I my most grievous fault. There- fore, I beseech the blessed #Mary, ever Virgin, blessed Mi- #chael the Archangel, blessed #John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and all the saints, and you, Father, to pray to our Lord God for † me. : After the Comfiteor, say: Wººd MY God, who hast com- § manded us to love one another, and in thyholy Church, hast given, even to sinners, the power of absolv- ing from sin, receive with equal bounty the prayers of thy people for the priest, and 42 PRAYERS AT MASS. those of the priest for thy people. - We beseech thee, O Lord, by the merits of those saints whose relics are here, and of all the saints, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to forgive me all my sins, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and only Saviour. Amen. When the Priest goes first to the Book, and says that part of the Mass called the Introit, say: ANT, O Lord, that we may be truly pre- pared for the offering of this great sacrifice to thee this day; and because our sins alone can render us displeas- PRAYERS AT MASS. 43 ing in thy sight we call aloud to thee for mercy. At the Kyrie Eleison, say: fºLAVE mercy on me, O j}| Lord, and forgive me all my sins. Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on me. As the Psalm judica me, the Gloria in Æxcelsis, and Creed, are omitted in Masses for the Dead, &c., you also, on such occasions, may pass them over. | At the Gloria in Excelsis, say: ſº LORY be to God on |Möö high, and peace on | earth to men of good | will. We praise thee; we bless 44 PRAYERS AT MASS. thee; weadore thee; we glorify thee; we give thee thanks for thy great glory, O Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Fa- ther Almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son. O Lord God; Lamb of God; Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us: who takest away the sins of the world," receive our prayers: who sit test at the right hand of the ' Father, have mercy on us. For thou only art holy, thou only art the Lord, thou only, O Jesus Christ, together withthe Holy Ghost, art most high, in the glory of God the Father Amen. PRAYERS AT MASS, 45 When the Priest turns to the People, and says Dominus zobiscum, say: Tºle thou always with us, |E}| O my God, and let thy * grace never depart from ll.S. Whilst he reads the Collects, say: ºw LMIGHTY and eternal }\| God, we humbly be- 1 = seech thee mercifully # to give ear to the prayers of # thy servant, which he offers # thee in the name of thy # Church, and in behalf of us thy people: accept them to the honour of thy name, and good of our souls; and grant | us all those blessings which may any way contribute to our 46 PRAYERS AT MASS, Salvation: through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. | At the Epistle, say: | ſº Ethou, O Lord, eternally 2-ºx. |E} praised and blessed, for * having communicated thy spirit to the holy prophets and apostles, disclosing to them admirable secrets, redounding to thy glory and our great good. We firmly believe their word, because it is thine. Give us, we beseech thee, the happi- ness to understand from the Church, by their instruc. tions, what is profitable, and grace to practise the same all our lives. PRAYERS AT MASS, 47 When he reads the Gradual, say: iſºl OW wonderful, O Lord, |j}| is thy name through the whole earth! I will bless | Our Lord at all times: his praise shall be ever in my mouth. Be thou my God and my Protector: in thee alone will I put my trust: let me not be confounded for ever. At the Gospel, when the people rise up, Say: iº AYEST thou be ever 4|| adored and praised, O Lord, who, not content to instruct and inform us by 48 PRAYERS AT MASS, t thy prophets and apostles, hast even vouchsafed to speak to us by thy only Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, commanding us by a voice from heaven to hear him : grant us, O mer- ciful God, the grace to profit by his divine and heavenly doctrine. All that is written of thee, dread Jesus, in thy Gospel, is truth itself: nothing but wisdom in thy actions; power and goodness in thy miracles; light and instruction in thy, words. With thee, sa- cred Redeemer, are the words of eternal life: to whom shall we go but to thee, eternal Fountain of Truth? Give me, O God, grace to practise what PRAYERS AT MASS. 49 thou commandest, and com- mand what thou pleasest. At the Credo, or Nicene Creed, say: sº BELIEVE, O Lord, all ºš thou hast taught me by thy holy Church: in this faith, by the assistance of thy grace, I desire to live and die. By thy divine grace, I am convinced of the sincerity and wisdom of those who have delivered those sacred truths unto me. Their miraculous suc- cessis a sufficient proof. Where shall I go, O Lord? Thou hast the words of eternal life. Of thy truth thus delivered, D 50 PRAYERS AT MASS, my reason and will shall never doubt, though my senses and vain imaginations should. I believe, O Lord, help my un- belief. When, at the Offertory, he uncovers the Chalice, say: ºùCCEPT, O holy Father, & Almighty and eternal God, this unspotted Host, which I, thy unworthy servant, offer thee, my living and true God, for my innumer- able sins, offences, and negli- gences, for all here present, and for all faithful Chris- tians, living and dead; that it PRAYERS AT MASS. 5.I may avail me and them to life everlasting. Amen. At the Offering of thechalice, say: Nº|E offer thee, O Lord, the AA' | chalice of salvation, be- seeching thy clemency that it may ascend before thy divine Majesty, as a Sweet perfume, for Our Salvation, and for that of the whole world. Accept us, O Lord, in the spirit of humility and a con- trite heart; and grant that the sacrifice which we offer this day in thy sight may be pleas- ing to thee, O Lord God. 52 PRAYERS AT MASS, When he washes his Fingers at the corner of the Altar, say: zººs. HOU, O Lord, who : ºl didstonce vouchsafe to wash thy disciples’ feet before their invitation to thy holy table, wash us also, we beseech thee, and wash us again, not only our feet and hands, but our hearts, our de- sires, and our souls, thatwe may be wholly innocent and pure. Go on, and pray. |ECEIVE,O holy Trinity, §§ this oblation we make thee, in memory of the passion, resurrection, and as- cension of Our Lord Jesus ----------- - | PRAYERS AT MASS. 53 Christ, and in honour of the blessed Mary ever Virgin ; of blessed John the Baptist; of the holy apostles Peter and Paul ; of these, and of all thy saints, that it may be available to their honour and our sal- vation. And that they may vouchsafe to intercede for us in heaven, whosememory we cele- brate on earth : through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. At the Orate Fratres, say: fºLAY our Lord receive this \#| sacrifice from thy hands, to the praise and glory of his own name, for our good, and for the benefit of his holy Church. . 54 PRAYERS AT MASS, Whilsthe reads, in alow voice, the St. cret Prayers?roperfor the Day, say: §ERCIFULLY, O Lord, \%| hear our prayers, and graciously accept this oblation which we thy servants are making to thee; that as we offer it to the honour of thy name, so it may be to us a means of obtaining thy grace here, and in the next life ever- lasting happiness. Amen. After the Priest says, in a loud voice, Aer omnia, Saºcula sæculorum, say: ſºlT is truly meet and just, §§ right and available to - salvation, that we al- ways, and in all places, give PRAYERS AT MASS, 55 thanks to thee, holy Lord, Fa- ther Almighty, eternal God, through Christ our Lord; by whom the angels praise thy Majesty, the denominations adore it, the powers tremble before it, the heavens and heavenly virtues, and blessed Seraphim with common jubi- lee glorify it; together with i whom we beseech thee that | we may be admitted to join | Our voices, saying, in an hum- ble manner — Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in ; t 56 PRAYERS AT MASS. | ! the name of the Lord. Ho- sanna in the highest. i What follows is called the Canon of . the Mass, say then: ūOST merciful Father, W: who hast given us thy only Son to be our daily sacrifice, incline thy ears to our prayers, and favour our desires; protect, unite, and govern thy whole Church, throughout the world ; pour forth thy blessing on his present Holiness ; that pre- late who has a particular charge over us; our Rulers; and all true professors of the Catholic faith. PRAYERS AT MASS. 57 # Whilsthemakeshis Memento or Com- memoration of the Living, make yours also, praying in particular for yourself, friends, &c. ſºlº OFFER thee, O Eter- º nal Father, with this - * * thy minister at the al- tar, this oblation of the body and blood of thy only Son, to thy honour and glory; in remembrance of my Saviour's passion, in thanksgiving for all thy benefits, in satisfaction for all my sins, and for the obtain- ing of thy grace, whereby I may be enabled to live virtu- ously and die happily. I desire, thee, likewise, to accept it, O 58 PRAYERS AT MASS, God, for my parents [if alive, relatives, friends, and benefac- tors; grant them all blessings, spiritual and temporal. I of feritupalso [namethe particular intention you offer it up for—as, for obtaining this virtue, over- coming that vice; for bless- ings, such as health, &c.]; like- wise for all that are in misery; for those I have any way in- jured in word or deed; for all my enemies; for the conver- sion of sinners, and enlighten- ing of all that sit in darkness. Pour forth thy blessings on all, according to their different ne- cessities, through the merits of thy only Son, our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS AT MASS. 59 Proceed, and say: ſº IVE ear, we beseech ºf thee, to the prayers of thy servant, who is #here appointed to make this | oblation in our behalf, and |grant that it may be effectual for the obtaining of all those |blessings which he asks for us. | Behold, O Lord, we all here present to thee in this bread and wine the symbols of our perfect union. Grant, O Lord, thatthey maybe made for us the true body and blood of thy dear Son; that being conse- crated to thee by this holy Victim, we may live in thy 60 PRAYERS AT MASS. service, and depart this life in thy grace. At the Elevation, or lifting up of the Sacred Host, in memory of Christ being lifted up on the Cross, say: tº OST adorable Body, I # adore thee with all the powers of my soul. Lord, who hast given thyself entire to us, grant we may be- come entirely thine. I be-, lieve, O Lord, help my un- belief. Most merciful Saviour, be thou my protector; strengthen and defend me by thy heavenly grace, now, and especially at the hour of my death, sweet Jesus. Amen. t ! PRAYERS AT MASS, 61 At the Elevation of the Chalice, say: ãìOST adorable Blood, #| that washeth away all our sins, I adore thee: happy we could we return our life and blood for thine, O blessed Victim O Jesus, do thou cleanse, Sanctify, and preserve our souls to eternal life. . Live, Jesus, in us, and may we live in thee. Amen. After the Elevation, say: ºT is now, O Lord, with d §§ grateful hearts, we call * to mind the sacred mysteries of thy passion and 62 PRAYERS AT MASS, death, of thy resurrection and ascension. Here is thy body that was broken ; here is thy blood that was shed for us; of which these exterior signs are but the figures, and yet in reality contain the substance, It is now we truly offer thee, O Lord, that pure and holy victim, which thou hast been pleased to give us; of which all the other sacrifices were but so many types and figures. Whilst he makes his Memento for the Dead, in silence, make yours also, thus: OFFER thee again, O Lord, this holy sacri- fice of the body and blood of thy only Son, in PRAYERS AT MASS, 63 | behalf of the faithful de- parted, and in particular for the souls of [here name those whom you chiefly purpose to pray for my parents [if dead], relatives, benefactors, neighbours, &c.; likewise of such as Ihave in any way injured, or been the oc- casion of their sins ; of such as have injured me, and been my enemies; of such as die in war, or have none to pray for them, &c. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech thee, a place of refreshment, light, and peace: through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 64 PRAYERS AT MASS, | When he strikes his breast, and says aloud: Mobis quoque £eccatoribus, say: Nº|OUCHSAFE to grant W6 the same to us, poor and miserable sinners; judge us not according to our demerits; but, through the in- finite multitude of thy mercies in which we hope, liberally ex- tend to us thy grace and par- don. We ask it of thee, in the name of thy dear Son, who liveth and reigneth eternally with thee, and in that form of prayer which he himself hath taught us. i | PRAYERS AT MASS, 65 At the Pater Noster, say with him: yº UR Father, who art in º! heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy king- dom come ; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily ł bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and | lead us not into temptation; | but deliver us from evil. Amen. Deliver us from those evils which we labour under at pre- sent; from past evils, which can be nothing but our mani- | fold sins; and from all the evils | to come, which will be the just chastisement of our of I} 66 PRAYERS AT MASS. fences, if our prayers, and #" those more powerful ones of thy Saints, who intercede for: us, intercept not thy justiceſ or excite not thy bounty. § $º At his breaking and putting a particle: of the Host into the Chalice, say: ; ºf{Y body was broken, §§ and thy blood shed for # us; grant that the com- memoration of this holy mys-f tery may obtain for us peace, # and that those who receive it # may find everlasting rest. # At the Agnus Dei, say with the Priest: ; iº AMB of God, who tak: , §§ est away the sins of the world, have mercy Oil liğ. PRAYERS AT MASS. 67 & Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace. At the Prayer before Communion, Say: wis N saying to thy Apos- jö ties, my peace I leave i you, my peace I give * You, thou hast promised, O Lord, to all thy Church that peace which the world cannot give, peace with thee, and peace with ourselves. Let nothing, O Lord, ever interrupt this holy peace; let 68 IPRAYERS AT MASS. nothing ever separate us from thee, to whom we heartily de- sire to be united, through the blessed sacrament of peace and reconciliation. Let this food of angels strengthen us in every Christian duty, so as never more to yield under temptations, or fall into our common weaknesses. At the Domine non sum dignus, striking your breast thrice, with hu- mility and contrition, say: ſºjoRD, I am not worthy §§ that thou shouldst enter under my roof; Say only the word, and my Soul shall be healed. PRAYERS AT MASS. 69 Such as are not prepared to commu- nicate really, may communicate spiritually, by saying as follows: àOST loving Jesus, I \}| adore thee with a lively faith, who art present in this sacrament by virtue of thy infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. But, conscious of my infirmities and sins, I dare not now receive thee sa- Cramentally. All my hope is in thee! I love thee, O Lord, with all my heart, who hast so loved me ; and therefore I de- sire to receive thee now spiritu- ally: come, therefore, O Lord, to me in spirit, and heal my sinful soul. Feed me, for I am 7o PRAYERS AT MASS. * hungry; strengthen me, for I am weak; enliven and sanctify me . with thy sacredbody and blood; deliver me from all sin, and make me always obedient to thy commands; and let me never be separated from thee, my Saviour: who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. During the Aślution and Wiping of the Chalice, say: āşIVE us, O Lord, a part § in the fruits of thy deathand passion; the sacred memory of which we have commemorated in our PRAYERS AT MASS, 71 present sacrifice and commu- nion. Happy those who sit at thy table to partake of the bread of life. O Jesus, my soul sighs after thee! I long with thy apostle to be dissolved and to be with thee. My heart and my whole body, with trans- ports of joy, seek the living God. My soul languishes with the ardent desire of entering into the house of our Lord. I love thee, O my God, with all my heart | O that I could al- ways enjoy the presence of thy adorable body, which is the pledge of our eternal happi- ness. I adore thy goodness, and return thee infinite thanks, 72 PRAYERS AT MASS, O gracious Lord, for thy ines. timable favour and mercy in admitting me to be present Victim. Make me, O Gold always sensible of this great blessing, and let not my un worthiness put a stop to the effect of thy mercy and good- Il CSS. When he reads the Communion, say: º; ET it be now, O Lord, § the effect of thymercy, that we, who have been present at this holy mys- tery, may find the benefit of it in our souls. PRAYERS AT MASS. 73 At the Post Communion, say: Nº|E give thee thanks, O | God, for thy mercy, in admitting us to have a part in offering this sacrifice to thy holy name; accept it now to thy glory, and be ever mindful of our weakness. Proceed as follows: tº OST gracious God, Fa- || ther of mercy, grant, I beseech thee, that this adorable sacrifice of the body and blood of thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, may obtain for us, at thy hands, |mercy and the remission of |al Our sins. Amen. | 74 PRAYERS AT MASS, º When he turns to the * ! gives them his Blessing, makeſ also the sign of the Cross, and:# gºl HE blessing of God: j §§ mighty, Father, Sº I and Holy Ghost, d: scend upon us, and dwell; our hearts for ever. Amen. Whilst he concludes with the Id Gospel, say: ! ſt ETERNAL Wor; speak to my º ** which adores thee if profound silence; thou art th; Creator of all things; abandoff not, I beseech thee, thine ow: creature; be thou my i. light, and my all. PRAYERS AT MASS. 75 O Light Eternal enlighten me in this present life and in the life to come. Reign in me as in thine own inheritance; for thou, O Lord, hast made me: thou hast re- deemed me. May I be ever thine. I have sinned too much against heaven and before thee, and am not worthy to be called thy son. Thou God Incarnate, have pity on my frail and mortal flesh, and grant it may one day see what it here adores below. Amen, * A PRAYER AFTER MASShe ; I render thee all rº praise and thanks, O Sovereign Creator, for the favour I hat." this day received from tº bounty, and of which maſſ better deserving Christiaº are deprived. Receive, O Loſ my unworthy prayers, suppº" all my defects, pardon all m) distractions and indevotions. and grant that by the stren and virtue of these divine my; teries, I may go on cheerful in the path of thy command ments, love, and servic; amidst all the temptation: troubles, and dangers of m life's pilgrimage, till I shi one day happily arrive at th | A PRAYER AFTER MASS. 77 | º g heavenly kingdom, where, with §he blessed angels and Saints, # shall more clearly contem- plate thee, more perfectly en- joy thee, and more adequately #elebrate thy infinite goodness ind mercy, with uninterrupted ºanticles of eternal praise, ad- ñº, and gratitude. i Happy are they who dwell ) thy house, O Lord: for # they will praise thee. in Thou artworthy, O Lord, to ºceive honour, glory, and njoyer; - © ic PraisetheLord, for he isgood: ºr his mercy is everlasting. º shall relate the won- º p m rs of the Lord? who shall †ublish his praises? BENEDICTION OF THE άπ£f £%wfg §a******f. O SALUTRIS HOSTIA. O salutaris Hostia! Quæ coeli pandis ostium : Eella premunt hostilia : Da robur, fer auxilium. Uni trinoque Domino, Sit sempiterna gloria : Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. TRANSLATION. O Saving Victim ! opening wide The gate of heaven to man below, Our foes press on from every side ; Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow. THE BENEDICTION. 79 to Thy great Name be endless praise, | Immortal Godhead, One in Thee . 9h, grant us endless length of days, In our true native land, with Thee I - TANTUM ERGO. Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui: Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui ; Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, genitoque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque, Sit et benedictio : Procedenti ab utroque, Compar sit laudatio. 8o THE BENEDICTION, TRANSLATION. Down in adoration falling, . Lo the sacred Host we hail Lo 1 o'er ancient forms departing, Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith, for all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail. To the Everlasting Father, - And the Son, who reigns on high, With the Holy Ghost proceeding Forth from each eternally, Be Salvation, honour, blessing, Might and endless majesty. Amen. V. Thou hast given them bred from heaven. Alleluia. : R. Replenished with all sweetness and delight. Alleluia. i V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. : R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, i | i LITANY OF THE B. V. M. 81 Let us pray. O God, who hast leſt us in this wonderful Sacrament a perpetual memorial of thy passion, grant us, we beseech thee, so to reverence the sacred mysteries of thy Body and Blood, that we may continually find in our souls the fruit of thy Redemp- tion, who livest and reignest, &c. Defend, we beseech thee, O Lord, by the intercession of Blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, this thy congregation from all adversity ; and protect us in thy mercy from the snares of our enemies : through Jesus Christ our Lord. . LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN, In Latin. # Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. Christe audi nos, Christe exaudi nos. - F 82 LITANY OF THE B. V. M. . Pater de coelis IDeus, Miserere nobis, Eili Redemptor Mundi Deus, Mise-i rere nobis. . Spiritus Sancte Deus, Misererenobis, Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, Miserere, nobis. : ; Sancta Maria, \ Sancta Dei Genetrix, i Sancta Virgo Virginum, - IMater Christi, Mater divinæ gratiæ, Mater purissima, Mater castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, IMater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudentissima, Virgo veneranda, ` Virgo prædicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Virgo fidelis, / i LITANY OF THE B. V. M. 83 Speculum justitiae, Sedens sapientiae, Causa nostrae lastitiae, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devotionis, Rosa mystica, Turris Davidica, Turris eburnea, Domus aurea, Foederis arca, Janua coeli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Refugium peccatorum, Consolatrix afflictorum, Auxilium Christianorum, Regina angelorum, Regina patriarcharum, Regina prophetarum, Regina apostolorum, Regina martyrum, Regina confessorum, Regina virginum, Regina Sanctorum omnium, i 84 LITANY OF THE B. v. M. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Mundi, parce nobis Domine. , Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Mundi, exaudi nos Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Mundi, Miserere nobis. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei , Genetrix. R. Ut digni officiamur Promissio- nibus Christi. Oremus. Gratiam tuam, quæsumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde, ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui Incarnationem cognovimus, per pas- sionem ejus, et crucem ad Resurrec- tionis gloriam perducamur. Per eundem Christum Dominum nos- trum. Amen. A Devout Prayer of St. Bernard to the lessed Virgin. Remember, O most pious Virgin, that it was never heard of, in any age, that those who implored and A PRAYER OF ST. BERNARD. 85 had recourse to thy powerful protec- tion were ever abandoned by thee. I, therefore, O sacred Virgin, ani- mated with the most lively confi- dence, cast myself at thy sacred feet, most earnestly and fervently be- seeching thee to adopt me, though a wretched sinner, for thy perpetual child ; to take care of my eternal sal- vation, and to watch over me at the hour of death. O do not, Mother of the Word Incarnate 1 despise my prayers, but graciously hear and obtain the granting of my petitions. Amen. - - POMINICA AD VESPERAS. ! V. Deus in adjutorium meum in- Jende. • R. Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina. . Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spirtui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæcu- lorum. Amen. Alleluia ; or, Laus tibi Domine. Rex æternæ gloriæ. Amt. Dixit Dominus. Ant. Alle- luia. & PSALM CIX. I)ixit Dominus Domino meo : Sede a dextris meis. Donec ponam inimicos tuos : sca- bellum pedum tuorum. Virgam virtutis tuæ emittet Domi- nus ex Sion : dominare in medio in- imicorum tuorum. Tecum principium in die virtutis tuæ in splendoribus sanctorum : ex utero ante luciferum genui te. VESPERS FOR SUNDAYS. V. Incline unto my aid, O God. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia ; or, praise be to thee, O Lord, King of eternal glory. Ant. The Lord said. - PSALM CIX. The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand. Until I make thy enemies thy footstool. The Lord will send forth the scep- tre of thy power out of Sion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. With thee is the principality in the day of thy strength; in the brightness of the saints : from the womb be- fore the day-star I begot thee, 88 VESPERS. Juravit Dominus, et non poenitebit eum : Tu es sacerdos in æternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech. i Dominus a dextris tuis : confregit ! in die iræ suæ reges. Judicabit in nationibus, implebit ruinas : conquassabit capita in terra ; multorum. De torrente in via bibet : prop- terea exaltabit caput. Gloria Patri, &c. Amt. Dixit Dominus Dominomeo: i Sede a dextris meis. Ant. Fidelia. PSALM CX. Confitebor tibi, I)omine, in toto corde meo : in consilio justorum, et congregatione. Magna opera Domini : exquisita in omnes voluntates ejus, VESPERS. 89 The Lord hath sworn, and he will not repent : Thou art a priest for ever according to the order of Mel- chisedech. The Lord at thy right hand hath broken kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among nations; he shall fill ruins ; he shall crush the heads in the land of many. He shall drink of the torrent in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head. - Glory be to the Father, &c. Amt. The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand. Ant. True, &c. PSALM CX, I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart : in the counsel of the just, and in the congregation. Great are the works of the Lord ; Sought out according to all his wills, . 9o VESPERS. Confessio et magnificentia opus ejus : et justitia ejus manet in sæcu- lum seculi. *. Memoriam fecit mirabilium suo- rum, misericors et miserator Domi- nus : escam dedit, timentibus se. . Memor erit in sæculum testamenti sui : virtutem operum suorum an- nuntiabit populo suo. Ut det illis hæreditatem gentium: opera manuum ejus veritas et judi- cium. i ; í ! ì } } IFidelia omnia mandata ejus, con- firmata in sæculum sæculi : facta in veritate et æquitate. Redemptionem misit populo suo : mandavit in æternum testamentum SllllIÌ). Sanctum et terribile nomen ejus : initium sapientiæ timor Domini. Intellectus bonus omnibus facien- tibus eum : laudatio ejus manet in sæculum sæculi. Gloria Patri, &c. VESPERS. 91 His work is praise and magnifi- cence : and his justice continueth for ever and ever. He hath made a remembrance of his wonderful works, being a mer- ciful and gracious Lord : he hath given food to them that fear him. He ſwill be mindful for ever of his covenant: he will show forth to his people the power of his works: That he may give them the inhe- ritance of the Gentiles : the works of his hands are truth and judgment. All his commandments are faithful, confirmed for ever and ever, made in truth and equity. He hath sent redemption to his people : he hath commanded his covenant for ever. Holy and terrible in his name: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding to all that do it; his praise continueth for ever and ever. 92 VESPERS. Amt, Fideiia omnia mandata ejus, confirmata in sæculum sæculi. Amt. In mandatis. PSALM CXI. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum : in mandatis ejus volet nimis. ; Potens in terra erit semen ejus : generatio rectorum benedicetur. Gloria et divitiæ in domo ejus : et justitia ejus manet in sæculum sæculi. Exortum est in tenebris lumen rectis : misericors, et miserator, et justus. Jucundus homo qui miseretur et commodat : disponet sermones suos in judicio : quia in æternum non commovebitur. In memoria æterna erit justus : ab auditione mala non timebit. Paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino, confirmatum est cor ejus ; WESPERS. 93 | Ant. True are all his ordinances; | confirmed for ever and ever. | Ant. In his commandments, &c. PSALM CXI. i Blessed is the man that feareth i the Lord : he shall delight exceed- ingly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth : the generation of the right- eous shall be blessed. Glory and wealth shall be in his house : and his justice remaineth for ever and ever. To the righteous a light is risen | up in darkness : he is merciful, and compassionate, and just. Acceptable is the man that show- eth mercy and lendeth : he shall order his words with judgment : because he shall not be moved for eVer. The just shall be in everlasting remembrance : he shall not fear the evil hearing. 94 VESPERS. non commovebitur donec despiciat inimicos suos. Dispersit, dedit pauperibus ; jus- titia ejus manet in sæculum sæculi; cornu ejus exaltabitur in gloria. Peccator videbit, et irascetur, den- tibus suis fremet et tabescet : deside- rium peccatorum peribit. Gloria Patri, &c. . Ant. In mandatis ejus cupit; nimis. ; 4nt. Sit nomen Domini. t PSALM CXII. Laudate pueri Dominum : laudate, fomen Domini. + Sit nomen Domini benedictum ; ex hoc nunc, et usque in sæculum. A solis ortu usque ad occasum : laudabile nomen Domini. » Excelsus super omnes gentes Do- minus : et super coelos gloria ejus. VESPERS. 95 His heart is ready to hope in the Lord : his heart is strengthened : he shall not be moved until he look over his enemies. . He hath distributed, he hath given to the poor : his justice remaineth for ever and ever : his horn shall be exalted in glory. The wicked shall see, and shall be angry; he shall gnash with his teeth and pine away : the desire of the wicked shall perish. Amt. In his commandments he shall take great delight. Aztt. Let the name of the Lord, &c. PSALM CXII. Praise the Lord, ye children: praise ye the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord, from henceforth now and for ever. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is worthy of praise. The Lord is high above all 96 vESPERs. Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster; qui in altis habitat : et humilia ré- spicit in coelo et in terra ? Suscitans a terra inopem : et de: stercore erigens pauperem. • Et collocet eum cum principibus : cum principibus populi sui. Qui habitare facit sterilem in' domo : matrem filiorum lætantem. Gloria Patri, &c. Amt. Sit nomen Domini benedic- ! tum in sæcula. . Amt. Nos qui vivimus. IPSAILM CXVI. Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes: laudate eum, omnes populi. Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus : et veritas Domin: manet in æternum. Gloria Patri, &c. Amt. Nos qui vivinus benedicamus Domino. /at Pasc/ia/ time is said : Ant. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. WESPERS, 97 º nations; and his glory above the heavens. Who is as the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, and looketh down on the low things in heaven and earth? Raising up the needy from the | earth, and lifting up the poor out of the dunghill. That he may place him with princes, with the princes of his | people. Who maketh the barren woman | to dwell in a house : the joyful mother of children. Azzt. Let the name of the Lord be } blessed for evermore. Ant. We who are alive, &c. PSALM CXVI. Praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. Because his mercy is confirmed upon us; and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever. G 98 VESPERS. Capitulum. II. Cor. i. Benedictus Deus, et Pater D0. raini nostri Jesu Christi, Pater mise: ricordiarum : et Deus totius consolā; tionis qui consolatur nos in omni tribulatione nostra. ; : R. Deo gratias. ºmsºmºg HYMNUS. Lucis Creator optime, Lucem dierum proferens, Primordiis lucis novae, Mundi parens originem. Qui mane junctum vesperi, Diem vocari praecipis ; Illabitur tetrum chaos, Audi preces cum fletibus. Ne mens gravata crimine, Vitae sit exul munere ; Dum nil perenne cogitat, Seseque culpis illigat. VESPERS, 99 THE LITTLE CHAPTER. II. Cor. i. Blessed be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all con- Solation, who comforteth us in all tribulation. R. Thanks be to God. HYMN. Mucis Creator Optime, &c. O Bless'd Creator of the light ! Who dost the dawn of darkness bring ; And framing Nature's depth and height, Didst with the new-born light begin ; Who gently blending eve with morn, And morn with eve, didst call them day : Thick flows the flood of darkness down ; r < Oh, hear us as we weep and pray fºr IOO WESPERS. Coeleste pulset ostium ; ; 4 Vitale tollat praemium ; Vitemus omne noxium ; Purgemus omne pessimum. Praesta, Pater piissime; i Patrique compar Unice; s' Cum Spiritu Paracleto, - Regnans per omne sacculum, Amen. V. Dirigatur, Domine, oratio Iſlea, R. Sicut incensum in conspectu tuo. CANTICUM BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS, Zuc. i. 46. Magnificat : anima mea Do" minum. - - Et exultavit spiritus meus : in Deo salutari meo. , Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae guae; ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dieent omnes generationes. VESPERS, IOI Keep thou our souls from schemes of crime ; Nor guilt remorseful let them know ; Nor, thinking but on things of time, Into eternal darkness go. Teach us to knock at heaven's high door; Teach us the prize of life to win ; Teach us all evil to abhor, And purify ourselves within. Father of mercies hear our cry ! Hear us, O sole-begotten Son | Who, with the Holy Ghost most high, Reignest while endless ages run. Amen. W. Let my prayer ascend, O Lord: R. Like incense in thy sight. The Anthem for the Magnificat is different every Sunday. THE MAGNIFICAT. Luke i. 46. My Soul doth magnify the Lord : IO2 VESPERS. i Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens, est : et sanctum nomen ejus. .' IEt misericordia ejus a progenie im, progenies : timentibus eum. $. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo? dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.' Deposuit potentes de sede : et ex- , • r altavit humiles. r. Esurientes implevit bonis: et di. vites dimisit inanes. Suscepit Israel puerum suum ? ' recordatus misericordiæ suæ. Sicut locutus est ad patres nos* ; tros : Abraham, et semini ejus in . sæcula. : Gloria Patri, &c. ; i \ VESPERS. IO3 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the humi- lity of his handmaid : for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done great things to me : and holy is his Ila Iſle. And his mercy is from generation to generation to them that fear him. He hath showed might in his arm ; he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat ; and hath exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things : and the rich he hath Sent empty away. He hath received Israel his ser- vant ; being mindful of his mergy. As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed ſor €veſ. .. Glory, &c. . . . | l & . . . . . . PREPARATION FOR CON-2. FESSION. º Penance may never be frustrated of its end, and in order that we may always obtain by it the pardon # our offences, we must strictly full: fil these five following conditions ::ff I. An examination of conscience, In order that the Sacrament of i i $ | that we may know all our sins. ..., II. A heartfelt sorrow for having committed them. III. A firm resolution never to commit them again. IV. A candid and humble con- fession of them to a Priest em- powered to absolve us. V. A desire or intention of satis- fying God, and our neighbour also, if injured. A Prayer before the Examination of Con- SC 16:11Ce. .* - O God, the searcher of all hearts, - behold, I here protest, in thy pre- PREPARATION FOR conFESSION. to; sence, that what I now design is entirely for the honour of thy name, and for the purpose of being deli- vered from the guilt of my sins; therefore I come to this Sacrament of Penance, that, by complying with thy Holy Institution, I may obtain thy blessing and pardon, as thou hast promised. May thy holy grace assist me in performing this great duty well, as it is thy mercy which has called me to it. Amen. EXAMINATION OF CON- SCIENCE. Sins against God. An Matters of Faith.-In being guilty of heresy or disbelief of any article of faith, or of voluntarily doubting of such ; in rashly ex- posing yourself to the danger of in- fidelity, by reading bad books, keep- ing wicked company, going; into places of worship belonging to other -- communions, during the time of their & roö EXAMINATION service, and joining with them in their worship; in denying, by word or deed, your faith, or railing at or despising holy things. In being ig. norant of the articles of faith and the duties of religion, or having been negligent in instructing, or procur-, ing thenecessary instructions for those under your care; in giving credit to. dreams, omens, &c.; in using charms. or spells to find out things to come, recover things lost, &c. : Of Hope.—In despairing of sal. vation, or of the forgiveness of your sins; in rashly presuming upon God's goodness, continuing to offend him, because heismerciful; going on in your sins, and depending upon a death-bed repentance; in relying upon yourself rather than upon divine grace, or ne- glecting for a long time to return to God by repentance, after falling into mºrtºl sin. -- (ºf Gharity.—Inloving any creature as "much, or more than God; in mur- OF CONSCIENCE, to'ſ muring against theprovidenceof God, resisting his inspirations, refusing to submit to his divine will; not prevent- ing evil when you could or ought, or committingsinthrough human respect Of Adeligion.—Have you made a sacril gious Confession or Commu- nion?—Have you received the Sa- crament of Confirmation or Matri- mony in the state of mortal sin P— Have you blasphemed God or his Saints P-Have you prayed but sel- dom, or with little attention; or omitted to make Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity?—Have you been irreverent in the house of God, or broken any solemn promise made to him P-Have you neglected to hear Mass on Sundays or holy days of obligation, or not taken care that your children or servants should hear it 2–Have you been negligent there- at P−Have you neglected Confession and Communion at Easter, or omit- ted the penance enjoined you? Have Io8 EXAMINATION you sworn falsely, or what you did not certainly know 2–Have you broken your lawful oaths, or sworn to do any. thing that was wicked 2–Have you sworn rashly or inconsiderately, by the name of God, by your soul, &c.; —Have you been accessory to others swearing, cursing, or blaspheming? —Have you spent Sundays or holy days of obligation in sin, or been | the occasion of others so spending them 2–Have you done any servile work without necessity upon those days?—Have you broken fast days or days of abstinence, or been ac- cessory to others in so doing?—How often, &c. 2 : Sins against our Neighbour. In Zhoughts.-Have you been un- charitable towards your neighbour? —Have you judged rashly of him 2 —Have you wilfully entertained thoughts of hatred, aversion, ran- cour, coldness, or resentment against GF CONSCIENCE, Io9 him?—Have you, on this account, endeavoured to avoid meeting, or speaking to him 2–-Have you envied him in his merit, fortune, &c. P- Have you conceived desires of re- venge against him, or wished that harm might befall him 2–Have you felt a secret pleasure when any dis- grace happened to him; and discon- tent in seeing him thrive 2 An Words.-Have you spoken harshly to your neighbour; abused him, miscalled him, mocked him, put wrong constructions upon his actions, calumniated him, &c., &c. P An Actions.—Have you wronged or deceived your neighbour in buy- ing or selling 2—Have you injured him by stealing, cheating, usury, ex- tortion, &c. P-Have you bought or received stolen goods?—Have you contracted debts without design of paying them? We also sin by wrong- ing our creditors, or our own family, by prodigal expenses; by refusing to I IO EXAMINATION pay our just debts, when able; by ne: glecting the work for which we were hired, and obliged to perform, &c.; An Omissions.—Have you neglectſ ed to succour or comfort your neighi bour in necessity ?—Have you né glected to restore ill-gotten goods, or repairinjured characters?—Have you. refused to be reconciled to an enemy, or to perform duties of obligation; such as respect and love towards pas rents, obedience to superiors, &c. P. Sins against Ourselves are committed. . . By Pride.—In having too great an esteem of ourselves, and despising others; in being too apt to speak in our own praise; in affecting to be: humble, or in deceiving others by hypocrisy; in being influenced in what we do by human respect; in being too much wedded to our own opinions and inclinations; in being too fond of the pleasures and com- ſorts of life. ! ! g OF CONSCIENCE. I I I By Azarice.—In being backward in giving alms according to our ability; in squandering, in gaming, or in foolish expenses; in refus- ing an alms with imperious or ill-natured language, or with an in- Sulting air; in being too much at- tached to the goods of this life. Ay AEnzy.—In being sorry for the prosperity of others; in rejoicing at their misfortunes; in wishing for what belongs to them. Ay Impurity.—In wilfully dwell- ing upon or taking pleasure in un- chaste thoughts; in speaking ob- scenely, or with a double meaning; in listening with pleasure to vile lan- guage—[This sort of discourse is still more criminal when it passes be- tween two persons of a different sex.]—In singing unchaste songs; by giving toasts contrary to modesty, or by permitting them to be given when we can prevent them; in viewing immodest objects; in reading bad \ 112 EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE, books; in keeping indecent pictures; in frequenting plays, &c., wher: dangerous objects are held up to view; in tempting others to sin, by dissolute glances, gestures, or im; modesty in dress or behaviour. If adultery; in fornication; in touching ourselves or others immodestly; it permitting indecent liberties to be taken with us, and what their con: sequences were. : By Gluttony.—In eating or drink. ing to excess; in exciting others to do so. º By Anger—In abusing, quarrel; ling, striking, or wishing evil tº others; in provoking others to quar; rel or fight. ; Ay Sloth.-In neglecting our re; ligious or moral duties; in lead; ing a life of idleness or dissipas, tion; passing our time unprofitably; wen the duties of our state call on! us to labour. “. . P R A Y E R S B E FOR E CON FESSION. I am fully sensible, O my God, that there cannot be a greater mis- fortune than to have displeased thee, who art infinitely good and worthy of all our affection. I tremble when I consider how terrible a mis- fortune it is to fall unprepared into thy hands; ſor who can hear that dreadful sentence: Depart from me, ye accursed, into eternal fire 8–Matt. xxv. But the thought of losing thee, O Lord, alarms me still more than any other punishment whatso- ever. Thy patience in waiting for me, thy readiness to pardon me, the multitude of thy mercies, which I have so often experienced, are now present to my mind; they upbraid me most forcibly. Thou hast brought me forth from nothing—created me to thine own image and likeness— ransomed me with thy precious blood H II4 PRAYERS BEFORE - # —and, after I had rebelled and bº come a slave to Satan, thou did; still bear with me, adopt me as º: child, and prefer me to thousand; who were never enlightened by thf. holy law. Yet I have deserted the: —I have tired myself in the ways ºf iniquity—I have hated thy º —I have turned my back upon all. thy commandments. Though thoſ: hast often called me, yet I haviº refused to return; though thou has: frequently stretched out thy hand tº me, yet I have paid no regard to thy invitations. Wretch that I am whº shall deliver me from this body d death P Who shall give water to my head, and a fountain of tears to my: eyes, that day and night I may weep, for my ingratitude P I have sinned! what shall I do to appease thee? Q Guardian of Men behold I ac: knowledge my iniquity. My trans. gressions are become a heavy burden upon me; I am not worthy to appear' ** CONFESSION. II5 in thy presence, nor to even lift up my eyes before thy throne. From the depth of my misery I cry out to thee : O Lord, hear my voice, and be merciful to me a poor sinner. Thy mercies surpass all thy works; thou willest not my death, but my conversion; nor didst thou come to call the just, but sinners to repent- ance. Thou art always mindful of thy word, on which I rely; receive thy prodigal child, nor let me hence- forth be ever separated from thee. Though I have sinned, O Lord, and done evil in thy sight, yet I shall never say, as Cain did, that “my crimes are too great to be for- given.” I know that in mercy thou dost display thy power, and that though my sins were multiplied in number, even beyond the grains of sand in the sea, atoms in the air, or drops of water in the ocean, yet thy mercies are still infinitely greater. Without this consideration I should II6 PRAYERS BEFORE art truth itself; and, therefore, th; certainly despair. But thine owä. repeated assurances, and thefrequent, proofs thou hast given of thy tendeº ness towards sinners, support my; confidence in thee whenever thº enemy attempts to weaken it. Tho㺠word can never deceive us; thou hasti declared that thou wilt entirely foß. get the iniquities of the sinner if h; be truly converted and cease to dé, evil; thou hast told us that a contrité. and humble heart shall always find: favour with thee. Thy sacred orak. cles ale full of these sweet consolá; tions, and thy invariable conduct; towards sinners speaks the same soothing language; thou didst part: don David, though his sin was most grievous; Magdalen, a sinner by pro ſession; Peter, who denied thee with oaths; the adulteress, convicted in thy presence; the penitent thief on the cross; all these obtained forgiveness, because they sought it sincerely. CONFESSION. 117 Nay more, thy tenderness was shown even to the traitor Judas; nor were even the cruel Jews excluded from thy prayers; and shall not I also, O my God, cry out to thee for mercy P Yes, for relying on thy wonted good- ness, I shall never be confounded. My sins are enormous, it is true, and stand always against me; but the more heinous they are, the more I detest them. Against thee, O God, have I sinned, and to thee I cry out for pardon. O that I had never of. fended thee, because thou art infi- nitely good. O that my sorrow for having offended thee were as great as my offences. O that I might grieve for them even unto death, and feel those bitter pangs with which thy soul was overwhelmed in the Garden of Olives. Let the inex- pressible anguish of mind thou didst there feel—thy sighs, thy tears, thy fainting, and thy bloody sweat, O Lord, plead now in my behalf, and - - - i II.8 PRAYERS BEFORE supply the defects of my imperfeº sorrow. Let them draw down thy; mercies, O heavenly Father, anº: restore me again to thy favour. ** I have now before me, O Lord, as sad prospect of the manifold offen; ces by which I have displeased thf. Divine Majesty, and which I am. assured will appear in judgment. against me, if I repent not, and my; soul be not disposed by a hearty soft. row to receive thy pardon. But this sorrow, O Lord, this repent ance, must be thy free gift; and if it, come not from the hand of thy: mercy, all my endeavours will be ini vain, and I shall be for ever miser. able. Have mercy, therefore, on me, O Father of Mercies, whereby I may sincerely repent of all my sins. Give me a true contrition, that I may bewail my past miseries and ingratitude, and grieve from the bottom of my heart for having of fended so good a God. Permit me l CONFESSION. II9 not to be deluded with a false sor- row, as I fear I have been too often, through my own weakness and neg- lect; but let it be now thy gift, de- scending from thee, the Father of Light, that so my repentance may be accompanied with amendment and a change of life; and I may be fully acquitted from the guilt of all my sins, and once more received into the number of thy servants: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Thou hast, O Lord, given power to thy Church to forgive sins in thy name; thou hast promised pardon to those who do penance. Behold the prodigal child; nay, worse than the prodigal. I have disfigured and de- filed my soul that was created to thy own image and likeness. I have forfeited my title to that eternity of happiness which was prepared for me. I have nourished sin in my bosom, the most poisonous of ser- pents, and the most hateful of mon- I2C) PRAYERS BEFORE sters. Alas ! I have offended him by whose blood I was redeemed. It have been the cause of his sufferi ings; I have renewed his death, and crucified him again by my sins, Ohiº, who will give sorrow to my heart, and a fountain of tears to my eyes, that I may bewail my iniquities in: the bitterness of my soul. Have compassion on me, O most loving. Father; I throw myself into the arms of thy infinite mercy. Clothéſ me with thy grace, and admit me toi ihy sacrament of reconciliation. Casti out of my heart whatever thou know- est profanes or defiles thy temple: Root out of my soul whatever is dis- pleasing unto thee; and lay in me! the foundation of a new life. I re-i nounce and utterly detest all sin for: the love of thee. O my God of in- finite bounty and goodness, I am heartily sorry for having offended: thee. I beg and hope for pardon,” through the merits of thine only? CONFESSION, 121 | Son, my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Ac- cept his passion and death in satis- faction for my offences, and for his | Sake have mercy on me, whose only hope is in thy mercy. Amen. P R A Y E R S A F T E R C O N F E S S I O N. O most sweet Jesus ! graciously vouchsafe to remember all those holy | thoughts that have passed in thy di- | vine mind from the beginning of the | world to this very moment, and par- ticularly thy tender design of be- coming man for the redemption of the world : pardon, through the merits of these, not only all the evil thoughts and vain imaginations I have ever conceived of myself, but those also which I might have ex- cited in the minds of others. Amen. O most holy Jesus ! I, a poor sin- ner, do humbly remind thee of all those words of salvation which have ever fallen from thy sacred lips, or 122 PRAYERS AFTER | which others have uttered, or shaft. hereafter utter, to the glory of th; holy name, I earnestly beseech thé through these divine expressions, #" forgive whatever I have spoken of fensive to thee, or what other; through my means, may have i. fully uttered. Amen. O most amiable Jesus ! look off all the good works thou hast per formed for our salvation; and be pleased now to pardon whatever 4 have committed against thee. Merº cifully direct all my thoughts, words, and actions, to thy greater glory, and regulate them by the model of thiné, own blessed life. Amen. f O Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, who invitest the sinner to re; turn to thee, kindly receiving, ré freshing, and consoling him, remem. ber that with thy precious blood thou wert pleased to redeem me. To thy sacred wounds I fly for refuge : and as in thy mercy thou didst pray for CONFESSION. I23 thine enemies, and pour forth thy life for thy persecutors and tormen- tors, so impart here to me the bene- fit of thy passion. Grant I may never again crucify thee by my of. fences, but that sincerely grieving for what is past, and resolutely striv- ing against future temptations, I may fervently persevere in thy service to the end. - Into thy hands, O Lord, I com- mend my whole being. O Jesus, Son of David, have mercy upon me. Receive, O Lord, in thy great mercy, the poor remains of my life. I am heartily sorry for the years I have misspent—they have vanished as a shadow—they have passed away without fruit; but, as I cannot recall them, suffer me at least to think of them in the bitterness of my soul. Suffer me no longer to yield to my accustomed failings. Let the ardour with which I pursued a life of sin, be henceforth more diligently ap- I24 PRAYERS AFTER plied to thy service, that where si had abounded, thy grace may still more abound. Remember, O Lod Jesus, that it is not thy desire to loº any of those whom thy Father has given thee, but rather to have mer:#; always, and to spare—to destroy # one, but to save all; because tº Father hath sent thee into the world not to judge the world, but to gram us life through thee. May, therd fore, O Lord, thy boundless merit plead for me now, and, at my la: moments, that I may obtain the full remission of my sins; that I maft truly know thee; that I may eve: love thee; that I may tend to thes, incessantly; and at length arrive tº the eternal enjoyment of thee; whd; with the Father, and the Holy Ghost; liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. º I sincerely detest all my sins, and am firmly resolved, O Lord, through the assistance of thy divine grace; CONFESSION. I25 | never to offend thee hereafter. I, therefore, earnestly beseech thee to | confirm all those good resolutions I have made. Increase my fervour in thy service, and render it effica- cious, that my change of life may be visible to all, and that in future my conduct may be as edifying as it has been heretofore scandalous. Amen. O that I had never sinned O that I had never transgressed thy com- mandments, my God! Happy those | souls who have preserved their in- | nocence, and never lost that grace they received at the baptismal font. | Most loving Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am not worthy to be called thy child. I confess my ingratitude, and seek refuge in thy mercy. I have wandered like a sheep that is gone astray; but have compassion ! on me and save me, Forgive me what is past; and, through thy in- finite goodness, grant me a true 126 PRAYERS AFTER steadiness of spirit, that from this moment I may never offend thº II].OTe. O God of mercy and pity, having now, through thy gracious good. ness, disburdened my conscience ºf the guilt wherewith it was oppressed, and, in the humblest manner I w83 able, discovered all the sins I could possibly think of to thy minister, my spiritual father, I most humbly beseech thee to accept this Confes; sion, and forgive me all my tres. passes, as well such as I forget, as those which I remembered. Grant me grace, O Lord, to live more carefully and diligently here: after, and to abstain from my former follies, which I utterly detest; firmly purposing, through thy grace, never more to offend in them; especially, O my merciful and most bountiful Saviour, give me grace to withstand those temptations wherewith I am most grievously assailed [here they CONFESSION. 127 are to be mentioned]; as also to avoid all occasions of offending thee for the future. O blessed Virgin Mary; my holy Patron [name him or her]; and all ye Saints and Angels; praise and extol our Lord for his boundless goodness towards me, a most miser- able sinner. Beseech him to accept of this, my humble Confession, and to forgive, through his infinite mer- cies, all its deficiencies. Beg of him to ratify in heaven the sentence of absolution which his minister, the Priest, hath pronounced in my ſa- vour at the tribunal of Confession. Amen. *mºnº P R A Y E R S B E FOR E C O M M U N I O N. An Act of Desire. Since thou, O Lord, art so prodi- gal of miracles, and oblige me to receive thee, under such severe penal- I28 PRAYERS BEFORE ties, nothing can be more certain than that thou desirest to make my heart thy dwelling-place. With what fer. vent desires should I not, therefore, endeavour to co-operate with such bountiful intentions ! O my all sufficient God I though thou standest in no need of me, yet thou hast com- passion on my poverty. May, then, the efficacy of thy grace supply my indigence; may it awaken every faculty of my soul, and render my desires to receive thee worthily still more inflamed; for, though they have arrived to a certain anxiety, I am nevertheless sensible of their being too tepid. Alas, my Redeemer! why do I not sigh after thee with the same holy fervour as did the Patriarchs of the Old Law, who ex: pected thy coming? “Come, O Lord, and do not delay.” Remem. ber, O heavenly Physician, that thou canst not refuse thy all-healing bal- Sam to the wounds of my soul, since COMMUNION. I29 thy motive for descending on earth was to heal the sins of men. Although I am needy and poor, yet thou canst enrich me. Although I am enslaved under the tyranny of my predomi- nant passions, yet thou canst break my chains and set me at liberty: a single word of thine would be al- together sufficient to work these miracles in favour of one so un- worthy thy corporal presence as I am. Speak it, then, O Sovereign Good, for I can no longer live with- out thee. Let blind and infatuated worldlings intoxicate themselves with the false, transient, and fading hap- piness of this life ; for my part, nothing besides thyself can content me, either in heaven or on earth ; for what have I in heaven, or what can I desire on earth besides thee? Come, then, O thou Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world ! Come, thou beloved of my heart 1 adorable flesh and precious I 130 PRAYERS BEFORE blood of my Saviour ! Come nourish, comfort, and enliven m sickly soul, O God of my heart let me neither love, seek, nor thinº on any other object but thyself alongſ for thou alone art my consolation; my treasure, my joy, my life, mſ God, and my alſ! My heart ºf eagerly desires to receive thee as th: wearied stag longs to quench h; thirst in the fountains of water; (Ps. xli.) 3. An Act of Fear. 3. If the uncertainty of being worth; of thy love or hatred, O Lord, madé even St. Paul, that vessel of election; tremble, how much more reason have a not I to apprehend, lest some con: cealed sin lurking in my heart, may obstruct the salutary influence ºf those graces which thou hast pre: pared for those who worthily receive thee in this divine Sacrament? May not I, perhaps, like another Judas i COMMUNION. 131 give thee the kiss of peace to-day, and basely betray thee to-morrow ; or, instead of coming to visit me, as a faithful disciple, dost thou not rather come, with horror and indig- nation, as to a concealed enemy? How can I answer for the integrity of my confession, the fervour of my contrition, or the sincerity of my re- solutions P Is it not custom or human respect that brings me to the foot of thy altar? Have not I still some favourite attachment : and in the resolution I have made of relin- quishing my evil habits have not I spared some favourite though dan- gerous passion ? With the same heartfelt anguish as thy disciples ex- perienced on the like occasion, I ask thee, O Lord, “Is it I?” But the most abominable traitor, Judas, asked thee the same question. Is not my anxiety as his was, only false and apparent P It is this thought, O my God, that terrifies me, and it I32 PRAYERS BEFORE is to thyself alone I have recourse tº preserve me from so horrible a sacri. lege. No ; thou wilt never permit; me to be guilty of so horrible a proº fanation, since thou seest there is no evil I dread so much. Wherefore, my dear Saviour, after being as dili. gent as I could in my preparation to receive thee, I now rest entirely of . thy infinite mercy. “Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man.” (Zuše v.) “‘Have confidence, my child ; thy sins are forgiven thee." (Matt. xi.) An Act of Contrition. a To transform a soul so defiled as: mine by the ordure of sin into a state of innocence and purity must be the work of the right hand of the Most High. Ah, my God I shall never be able to discover any vestige of that precious innocence which makes a soul so lovely and acceptable in thy sight, unless I trace back my COMMUNION, I33 whole life, to the days of my child- hood. But, although I have had the misfortune to forfeit my baptis- mal innocence by sin, yet there re- mains for my consolation this sure anchor, whereby Imay hope to regain thy favour, grounded on thy infallible promise: “that thou wilt never des- pise a contrite and humble heart.” But, if even the enormity of my sins had not exposed me to thy wrath, and, consequently, to the eternal pains of hell, yet would I nevertheless sincerely detest them. O my God, do not upbraid me with my iniquities—they are always in my sight ; and the bitterness of my regret for having committed them shall serve as a continual punishment of my baseness. Ah, my Redeemer though I cannot suffer such an excess- ive degree of anguish as thou didst during thy agony in the Garden of Gethsemani, when, inabloody sweat, thou didst offer thyself as a victim to I34. PRAYERS BEFORE i thy Eternal Father, yet I am fully, sº determined to suffer with patience. every cross or affliction which may, fall in my way, as well in atonement; for the sins I have hitherto com: mitted as to prevent me from future. relapses. Assist me with thy grace," O Lord, and remove every occasion of sin at a distance from me; and, as I dread no evil so much as that of: offending thee mortally, rather pre-, vent me, by cutting the thread off my life, than suffer me again to be-, come thine enemy. But, in my... present disposition of mind, I do not confine myself to the mere de-.. testation of all mortal offences ;: no, most kind Saviour ! inflamed. with thy love, I am also fully re-, solved to avoid every venial sing that may in the least displease thee,0ſ. or diminish the influence of thy; graces. And though I have a well-... grounded confidence that my soul has been cleansed in the Sacrament, COMMUNION. I35 of Penance, still I desire to be washed more and more from my iniquities. “Create a clean heart in me, O God ; and renew an up- right spirit within my bowels.” (AEsalm 1.) An Act of Humility. What am I, O God of Majesty and glory, or who am I, that thou shouldst deign even to look on me? Whence am I honoured with so un- speakable a favour, as that my Lord and my God should come and visit in person such a miserable sinner and vile worm of the earth P. How dare a being more contemptible than nothing, approach so holy a God; eat the bread of angels, and feed on thy divine flesh . Ah, Lord it is too much : I am not worthy of so great a favour ; I shall never, no, never, deserve it. O King of Heaven and Earth! adorable Sovereign the author and 136 PRAYERS BEFORE preserver of the universe ! behold Ii annihilate myself before thee, proºf testing that I would humble myself: as much for thy glory, as thou dost; here for my salvation. I acknow." ledge, with the most profound re- spect, the infinite grandeur of thy: Majesty, and my own miserable? baseness. The contemplation of thei one and the other fills me with in: expressible confusion. Can I pos: sibly say more, my dear Saviour;', than to confess, with the utmost humility, in the words of the Cen'ſ turion : “Lord, I am not worthyi that thou shouldst enter unto my: roof; Say but the word, and my souli shall be healed.” º An Act of Faith. : Since thou, Omnipotent God, whose almighty words are creative, productive, and effective; since thou,' O Eternal Truth, who canst neither deceive nor be deceived ; since thou,” COMMUNION, 137 I say, hast declared that thou art really and actually present, under the appearance of material bread, I, therefore, implicitly believe it; for what greater proof can I require of the truth of this mystery, than thine own infallible word? Yes, my dear Saviour, I openly confess, and am inwardly convinced, that it is thou thyself I am going to receive. Thou, who for my sake wast born in a man- ger. Thou, who for my redemption, didst die on a cross ; and who, though now gloriously seated on thy heavenly throne, dost still continue on earth, under the Sacramental veils, to feed and nourish the souls of men. Were I to behold thee with my bo- dily eyes, and examine the impres- isions of the wounds thou didst re- ceive in thy sacred hands and side, as St. Thomas did, still I could not Say with more confidence than I now do, that thou art my Lord, and my God . I do not demand a mira- 138 IPRAYERS BEFORE cle as a proof of thy real presence: no, Lord, let me rather have the whole merit of faith, for thou hº said: “Blessed are they that have; not seen and have believed.” Wert, thou, therefore, to speak to me from; this very tabernacle, the voice would; effect me less than, that which re. sounds in thy Gospel and thy Church. founded by thyself, and propagated. e g .# in a miraculous manner. Though: t my senses may tell me it is nothing. but mere bread, yet, submitting them; entirely in obedience to divine faith, I answer, it is thy real body and . blood, accompanied by thy soul andº divinity. In this faith I am deter. mined to live and die; and were I. to suffer a thousand martyrdoms in testimony thereof, I am persuaded that, with the help of thy grace, I would remain immovable. “Thou art really a hidden God; a God Saviour.” (Isaias.) “I believe: O Lord, help my unbelief.” (AZark, ix.) COMMUNION. I39 An Act of Hope. Since thou vouchsafest to come and dwell within me, O my Redeemer, what may I not expect from thy bounty I, therefore, present myself before thee with that lively confi- dence which thy infinite goodness inspires. Thou not only knowest all my wants, but thou art also willing and able to relieve them. Thou hast not only invited me, but also promised me thy gracious assistance: “Come to me, all you that labour and are heavy burthened, and I will refresh you.” Behold, then, O Lord, I accept of thy gracious invi- itation : I lay before thee all my wants, my misery, and my blind- ness; and confidently hope, without he fear of being disappointed, that hou wilt enlighten my understand- ng, inflame my will, comfort me in he midst of such crosses or afflic- tions as thou hast appointed I should I4O PRAYERS AFTER suffer, strengthen me in all tempts tions and trials; and, in fine, with the powerful assistance of thy grac{4 change me into a new creature; ſº art not thou, O God, the master q my heart; and when shall my head be more absolutely disposed of b, thee than when thou shalt have ontº entered into it? : A P R A Y E R S º A F T E R comMUNI on I return thee most hearty thanks O dearest Jesus, for the inestimably blessing I now enjoy. I praise and glorify thee with my whole soul for the numberless favours I hav received from thy bounty. I adoſ: thee now reposing within my breast O my God, and my all ! a thousand times welcome. May thy holy name be for ever blessed O sovereign Lord of heaven how amazing is the excess of thy goodness in con- comMUNION. 141 descending to visit so poor, so vile, so abject a creature as I am | Thou hast vouchsafed to heap thy favours on dust and ashes, to come into this poor cottage, this house of clay, my earthly habitation, and to feed my soul with the heavenly banquet of thy most precious body and blood. O teach me to entertain thee as I ought, and to make thee some suita- ble return for this thy infinite love. I would gladly make thee some offer- ing in acknowledgment of the rich present thou hast made me, in giving thyself to me; but alas ! dear Lord, thou knowest my poverty, and that I have nothing worthy of thy accept- ance ; nothing but what, on a thousand titles, is already thine. But, O my bountiful Saviour, such is thy goodness, that thou wilt be contented with the little I can give thee, although it be thine already. Thou askest nothing but my heart, and this I most willingly offer thee. I42 PRAYERS AFTER O be pleased to accept it, and make it wholly thine for ever. Take ful possession thereof. I offer it to the without reserve. I desire to cdº secrate it eternally to thy servić Disengage it, therefore, from this moment from the slavery of its pāş, sions, and vices. Stifle in it every desire but that of loving and pleasing thee. Inflame it with the fire ºf divine charity, that it may ever burn with thy love. O may the sweet flames thereof consume my soul, that so I may die to the world for the love of thee, who hast vouchsaſed tº expire on the cross for the love of me. I cast myself entirely into the arms of thy mercy, and offer thée my whole being ! my body, with all its senses, and my soul, with all its powers; that as thou hast honoured them both by thy real presence, so they may both be thy temple for ever. O sanctify and consecrate eternally to thyself this mansion, COMMUNION. I43 which thou hast, by a wonderful condescension, chosen this day for thine abode : and grant, that like Zaccheus, I may obtain thy bene- diction. I offer thee my memory, that it may be ever recollected in thee; my understanding, that it may be always directed and enlightened by thy truth; and my will, that it may be ever conformable to thine. O take me entirely into thy hands, with all that I have, and all that I am ; and let nothing henceforward, either in life or death, ever separate Ime from thee. Make me according to thine own heart ; and let my soul be thy habi- tation for ever. Draw me most powerfully after thee, and guide my steps, that I may cheerfully run on in the paths of virtue, and walk in the way of thy precepts. Make me ; diligent in the duties of my calling and state of life; and teach me to do thy will in all things. Let thy I44 PRAYERS AFTER blessing be upon all my actions, and thy grace direct my intentions, that the whole course of my life, and the principal designs of my heart, maſ ever tend to the advancement of th; glory, the good of my º and the eternal salvation of my own. Soul. Amen. º O my soul, bless the Lord; and left all that is within thee praise and magnify his holy name. Pay him the best homage thou art able, and invite heaven and earth to join with thee in glorifying him for ever. 0. my God that I could now give thee as much praise, honour, and glory, as the blessed spirits incessantly give thee in heaven I O that I could adore thee with the spirit and affec. tion of thine elect But as I am unable to do this, accept at least this my desire and good will. O ye angels and saints, bless my God for me; thank my Lord for me ; love my Jesus for me; and sing forth his COMMUſ NION. I45 praises to supply my defects. O Beauty, ever ancient and always new too late have I known thee; too late have I loved thee. When shall I live only in thee, by thee, and for thee alone? O my God and my all ! When shall I see the day, when shall the happy time arrive that, disgusted With the false happiness of this deceitful world, I shall seek comfort from thee alone, and find rest to my Soul? O heavenly manna! O adorable Sacrament! O inestimable pledge of God’s love to mankind? O standing memorial of Christ's passion and death ! O inexhaustible fountain of divine grace O boundless mercy Q divine charity O sacred fire, ever burning and never decaying ! Hail, Q loving Jesus, my only pleasure and delight—the joy of my soul, and my Portion for ever. Let my soul be Sensible of the sweetness of thy pre- Sence. Let me taste how sweet thou art, O Lord. Purify my heart from K 146 PRAYERS AFTER COMMUNION, | the dross of all earthly affections: Deliver me from my vicious customs; Remove from me all baneful effects; of concupiscence. Perfect me in: charity, patience, humility, obediº ence, and all other virtues : O may; I rather die than ever more offendº .9% thee by mortal sin O may I prove my gratitude by my fidelity to so: good a God . . . Abolish the reign of: sin, and establish the kingdom of grace in all hearts. Let the light of thy countenance so shine upon all: those who are in the darkness of in: fidelity, as to dispel their errors. ; Grant peace and union to all Chris- tian rulers, and preserve us from: the dreadful scourges of war, faminº and pestilence. Convert all sinners; reconcile those who are at variance, Have mercy on my parents, friends, and benefactors. Have mercyon all my enemies; forgive them their sins, { and fill both their hearts and mine; with thy charity. Reform all abuses, * *: SEVEN PENITENTIAL PSALMS. 147 and remove all scandals from thy Church. Comfort all that are under, any affliction, sickness, or violence of pain. Support those who are under temptation ; protect those who are in danger; and grant a happy passage to all that are in their last agony. Extend thy mercy likewise to the souls of all the faithful de- ; parted, and admit them to the pos- session of thy eternal glory. Grant relief to us all in our respective necessities; the remission of our sins; the grace of final perseverance, and life everlasting. Amen. *=sºme THE SEVEN PENITENTIAL P S A. L. M. S. . Anthem. Remember not, O Lord, our of. fences, nor those of our parents, neither take thou vengeance on our sins. 148 SEVEN PENITENTIAL I.—Psalm vi. Domine, me in furore. The Psalmist prays to be healed from; sickness, and implores pardon for his sins, After obtaining his request, he exults over; his enemies. # | O Lord, rebuke me not in thy in: dignation; nor chastise me in thy; wrath. j Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I: am weak: heal me, O Lord, for my; bones are troubled. And my soul is troubled exceed: ingly: but thou, O Lord, how long? Turn to me, O Lord, and deliver; my soul: O save me for thy mercy's Sake. For there is no one in death that is: mindful of thee: and who shall con fess to thee in hell ? I have laboured in my groanings: every night I will wash my bed; I will water my couch with my tears. My eye is troubled through indi: A. $ PSALMS. I49 nation: I have grown old amongst all my enemies. Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity: for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord hath heard my supplica- tion: the Lord hath received my prayer. Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be very much troubled: let them be turned back, and ashamed very speedily. Glory be to the Father, &c. II.-Psalm xxxi. Beati quorum. The Psalmist declares all those happy whose sins are forgiven, and, from his own example and that of the Saints, exhorts all to seek this beatitude, and to avoid obstinacy Rewards and punishments are proposed. Blessed are they whose iniquities, are forgiven: and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin: and in whose spirit there is no guile, 150 SEVEN PENITENTIAL * { f & * .** Because I was silent my bones grew old: whilst I cried out all the: day long. i For day and night thy hand waſ heavy upon me: I am turned in my an: guish, whilst the thorn is fastened. } I have acknowledged my sin to: thee; and my injustice I have not; concealed. g Isaid, I will confess against myself: my injustice to the Lord: and thou. hast forgiven the wickedness of my SlT1. is: For this shall every one that is holy; pray to thee: in a seasonable time.: And yet in a flood of many waters,” they shall not come nigh unto him. " Thou art my refuge from the trouble, which hath encompassed me: myjoy, deliver me from them that surround. IIle. ; I will give thee understanding, and I will instruct thee in this way, in which thou shalt go: I will ſix’; my eyes upon thee. * * * , , ; pSALMS. f51 Donotbecomelike the horse and the mule: who have no understanding. With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws; who come not near untothee. Many are the scourges of the sin- ner: but mercy shall encompass him that hopeth in the Lord. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye just: and glory, all ye right of heart. . Glory be to the Father, &c. III.—Psalm xxxvii. Domine, me in furore. The Psalmist, in sickness, and neglected by his friends, begs of God to pardon his sins, and to assist and heal him. Rebuke me not, O Lord, in thy in- dignation: nor chastise me in thy wrath. * For thy arrows are fastened in me: and thy hand hath been strong upon me. There is no health in my flesh, because of thy wrath: there is no 152 SEVEN PENITENTIAL -- peace for mybones, because of mysins. For my iniquities are gone over. my head: aid, as a heavy bur: then, are become heavy upon me. : Mysores are putrified and corrupt- 3. g *- ed, because of my foolishness. } I am become miserable, and am! bowed down even to the end: i. walked sorrowſul all the day long. #' For my loins are filled with illu-š. sions: and there is no healthin my flesh, ; I am afflicted and humbled ex- ceedingly: I roared with the groaning of my heart. ; : Lord, all my desire is before thee: and my groaning is not hid from thee, My heart is troubled, my strength hath left me: and the light of my eyes itself is not with me. '. My friends and my neighbours have drawn near: and stood againstrue, And they that were near me stood. afar off; and they that sought my soul used violence. f And they that sought evils to me,' .# . $- * it.! Vr: PSALMS. I53 spoke vain things: and studied de- ceits all the day long. But I, as one deaf, heard not : and as a dumb man not opening his mouth. And I became as a man that hear- eth not: and that hath no reproofs in his mouth. For in thee, O Lord, have I hoped: thou wilt hear me, O Lord, my God. For I said: lest at any time my enemies rejoice over me: and whilst my feet are moved, they speak great things against me. For I am ready for scourges: and my sorrow is continually before me. For I will declare my iniquity: and I will think for my sin. But my enemies live, and are stronger than I: and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. They that render evil for good, have detracted me: because I fol- lowed goodness. 154 SEVEN PENITENTIAL Forsake me not, O Lord, my God: do not thou depart from me! Attend unto my help, O Lord: the God of my salvation. #: Glory be to the Father, &c. *. IV.-Psalm 1. Miserere. The Psalmist begs pardon for his sins, nº through the Mosaic sacrifices, but through. Christ, who was to come and establish his; Church, and appease the injured justicº of God. #! Have mercy on me, O God, acº cording to thy great mercy; and acº cording to the multitude of thy ten. der mercies, blot out my iniquity. . Wash me yet more from my iniqui, ty: and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquity: and myſl 3} sin is always before me. 3; To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before thee: that thoſ mayest be justified in thy words, and mayest overcome when thou : judged. . For behold I was conceived. º t t PSALMS. 155 iniquities: and in sins did my mo- ther conceive me. For behold thou hastloved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to II) e. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hys- Sop, and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. . To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall re- joice. Turn away thy face from my sins: and blot out all mine iniquities. Create a clean heart in me, O God: and renew a right spirit within my bowels. Cast me not away from thy face: and take not thy holy spirit from II le. Restore unto me the joy of thy Salvation: and strengthen me with a perfect spirit. 156 SEVEN PENITENTIAL . I will teach the unjust thy ways: : and the wicked shall be converted to; thee. ; Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall extol thy justice. i. Ó Lord, thou wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall declare thy. praise. For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, verily, I would indeed have given it: with burnt-offerings thou wilt not be delighted. A sacrifice to God is an afflic. ted spirit: a contrite and humbled heart, O God, thou wilt not des. pise. Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy." good will with Sion: that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up. Then shalt thou accept the sacri. fice of justice, oblations, and whole. burnt offerings: then shall they lay calves upon thy altar. a Glory be to the Father, &c. 4 { PSALMS, 157 V.—Psalm ci. Domine exaudi. The Psalmist begs for mercy upon Sion, that he will raise out of it his Church, to which kings and people may come and praise God. A prayer of the poor man, when he was anxious, and poured out his supplications before the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my prayer: and let my cry come unto thee. Turn not away thy face from me: in the day when I am in trouble, in- cline thine ear to me. In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me speedily. For my days are vanished like Smoke, and my bones are grown dry like fuel for the fire. - I am Smitten as grass, and my heart is withered: because I forgot to eat my bread. Through the voice of my groan- ing, my bonehath cleaved to my flesh. I am become like to a pelican of the wilderness: I am like a night raven in the house. 158 SEVEN PENITENTIAL I have watched, and am become as a sparrow all alone upon the house-top. All the day long my enemies re: proached me: and they that praised: me did swear against me. For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping. . Because of thy anger and indig- nation: for having lifted me up, thou hast thrown me down. My days have declined like a sha- dow, and I am withered like grass. ” But thou, O Lord, endurest for ever; and thy memorial to all gene- rations. Thou shalt arise and have mercy on Sion: for it is time to have mercy on it, for the time is come. For the stones thereof have pleased thy servants, and they shall have pity on the earth thereof. And the Gentiles shall fear thy name, O Lord; and all the kings of l the earth thy glory. PSALMS. I59 For the Lord hath built up Sion: and he shall be seen in his glory. He hath had regard to the prayer of the humble: and he hath not de- spised their petition. Let these things bewritten unto an- other generation: and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord. Because he hath looked forth from his high sanctuary: from heaven the Lord hath looked upon the earth. That he might hear the groans of them that are in fetters: that he might release the children of the slain. That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion, and his praise in Jerusalem. . When the people assembled together, and kings to serve the Lord. , . He answered him in the way of his strength: Declare unto me the ſewness of my days. Call me not away in the midst of my days: Thy years are unto gene- ration and generation. i I6o SEVEN PENITENTIAL º In the beginning, O Lord, thoſ foundedst the earth: and the heaven: are the works of thy hands. - They shall perish, but thou re; mainest: and all of them shall grow, g old like a garment. * ; And as a vesture thou shal; change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art always the self-same, and thy years shall not fail. : The children of thy servants shall; continue, and their seed shall be di; rected for ever. i Glory be to the Father, &c. VI.-Psalm czxix. Oe £rofundis, The Psalmist earnestly begs pardon, foré telling Redemption througll Christ. º Out of the depths I have cried t; thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. • If thou, O Lord, wilt markiniqui ties: Lord, who will stand it 2 .. PSALMS, I61 For with thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of thy law I have waited for thee, O Lord. My soul hath relied on his word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord. From the morning watcheven until night, let Israel hope in the Lord. Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with him plentiful re- demption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Glory be to the Father, &c. VII.—Psalm czlii. Domine, exaudi. The Psalmist prays that God would not regard him according to his Inerits, but look upon his miseries, and deliver him from them, and also from his enemies. Hear, O Lord, my prayer: give ear to my supplication in thy truth: hear me in thy justice. And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight no man living shall be justified. . In 162 SEVEN PENITENTIAL PSALMs. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: he hath brought down my life to the earth. He hath made me to dwell in dark- mess as those that have been dead of old, and my spirit is in anguish within me: my heart within me; is troubled. - I remembered the days of old: I meditated on all thy works: I medi- tated upon the works of thy hands. Istretched forth my hands to thee: My soul is as earth without water unto thee. w Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit hath fainted away. Turn not away thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. \ , , Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning; for in thee have I hoped. Make the way known tome where- in I should walk; for I have lifted up my soul to thee. . Deliver me ſrom my enemies, O. LITANY OF THE SAINTs. 163 Lord; to thee have I fled: teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God. Thy good Spirit shall lead me into the right land; for thy name's sake, O Lord, thou wilt quicken me in thy justice. Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble: and in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies. And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy Servant. Glory be to the Father, &c. LITANY OF THE SAINTS. Anthem. Remember not, O Lord, our of. fences, nor those of our parents, and take not vengeance on our sins. f Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. I64. LITANY OF THE SAINTs, Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us. º God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. t God, the Holy Ghost, Haze mercy 0/2 2/S. Holy Trinity, one God, Haze mercy; 07& 2/J. . Holy Mary, ) Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of Virgins, * St. Michael, - St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, - All ye holy angels and arch- angels, } All ye holy orders of blessed spirits, St. John Baptist, St. Joseph, All ye holy patriarchs and pro- phets, St. Peter, ; LITANY OF THE SAINTs. I65 St. Paul, St. Andrew, ) St. James, St. John, St. Thomas, St. James, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. All ye holy apostles and evan- Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, Thaddeus, Matthias, Barnabas, Luke, Mark, gelists, All ye holy disciples of our Lord, All ye holy innocents, St. Stephen, St St St St . Lawrence, . Vincent, . Fabian and St. Sebastian, . John and St. Paul, ; | - 166 LITANY OF THE SAINTs. St. Cosmas and St. Damian, St. Gervase and St. Protase, All ye holy martyrs, St. Sylvester, St. Gregory, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Martin, St. Nicholas, St. Patrick, All ye holy bishops and confes- SOrS, All ye holy doctors, St. Anthony, St. Benedict, St. Bernard, St. Dominic, St. Francis, All ye holy priests and Levites, All ye holy monks and hermits, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Agnes, \ ) ; # j __{z/ LITANY OF THE SAINTS. I67 St. Cecily, St. Catherine, St. Anastasia, St. Bridget, All ye holy virgins and widows, All ye Saints of God, Make inter- cession for us. Be merciful unto us, Spare us, O Alord. . . Be merciful unto us, Graciously hear zas, O Zord. s From all evil, O Zord, deliver us. From all sin, - Through thy coming, Through thy nativity, From thy wrath, \ From sudden and unprovided - death, Q - From the snares of the devil, § From anger, hatred, and ill-will, \ S. From the spirit of fornication, S., From lightning and tempest, §: From everlasting death, § Through the mystery of thy | S holy Incarnation, y :* I68 LITANY OF THE SAINTs. Through thy baptism and holy fasting, Through thy cross and passion, Through thy death and burial, Through thy holy resurrection, Throughthy admirable ascension Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, In the day of judgment, We sinners, beseech thee to hear us. That thou spare us, That thou pardon us, That thou vouchsafe to bring us to true penance, That thou vouchsafe to govern and preserve thy holy Church, That thou vouchsafe to preserve our Apostolic prelate, and all ecclesiastical orders in thy holy religion, That thou vouchsafe to hum-| ble the enemies of thy holy Church. ; i LITANY OF THE SAINTS. 169 That thou vouchsafe to give \ peace and true concord to all Christian kings and princes. That thou vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to all Chris- tian people. That thou vouchsafe to confirm and preserve us in thy holy Service. That thou lift up our minds to heavenly desires. That thou render eternal good things to all our benefactors, That thou deliver our souls and those of our brethren, kinsfolk, and benefactors, from eternal damnation, That thou vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, That thou vouchsafe to give eternal rest to the faithful de- parted, That thou vouchsafe graciously to hear us, Son of God, | 17o LITANY OF THE SAINTs. } Lamb of God, who takest away th: sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord Lamb of God, who takest away * sins of the world, Hear us, 0. Mord. % Lamb of God, who takest away th sins of the world, Have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously; hear us. . Lord, have mercy on us. Christ; have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Our Father, &c. [in secret.] V. And lead us not into temptation, R. But deliver us from evil. Amen. V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. º Let us Pray. O God, whose property it is al- ways to have mercy and to spare, receive our petitions, that we, and all thy servants, who are bound by the chains of sin, may, by the compassion of thy goodness, mer. cifully be absolved. | | A UNIVERSAL PRAYER. 171 Hear, we beseech thee, O Lord, the prayers of thy suppliants, and pardon us our sins, who confess them to thee; that of thy bounty thou mayest grant us pardon and peace. Amen. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my supplication come unto thee. - - V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. A UNIVERSAL PRAYER, For all Things necessary for Salvation. , O my God, I believe in thee, do thou strengthen my faith; all my hopesareinthee, do thousecure them. ! I love thee with my whole heart, teach me to love thee daily more and more. I am sorry that I have offended thee, do thou increase my repentance. - I adore thee as my first beginning, 172 A UNIVERSAL PRAYER. I aspire to thee as my last end; I give thee thanks as my constant be: nefactor; I call upon thee as my sovereign protector. 3. Vouchsafe, O my God, to con duct me by thy wisdom, to restrail me by thy justice, to comfort me by thy mercy, and to defend me by thy power. That I may be thine, pursuant t my baptism, I renounce the devi and his works; the world and i pomps; the flesh and its sensualities heresy and its errors. } To thee I consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and suffer, ings; that henceforth I may think of thee, speak of thee, and willingly refer all my actions to thy greateſ glory, and suffer willingly whatever thou shalt appoint. Lord, I desire that in all thing thy will may be done, because it is thy will, and in the manner that thoſ willest, . # , ; A UNIVERSAL PRAYER. 173 May I always regard whatsoever pleaseth thee, despise what thou disregardest, avoid what thou for- biddest, and do what thou com- mandest. I beseech thee to enlighten my un- derstanding, to inflame my will to pu- rify my body, and to Sanctify my soul. Give me strength, O my God, to expiate my offences, to overcome my temptations, to subdue my pas- sions, and to acquire the virtues pro- per for my state. Fill my heart with tender affec- tions for thy goodness, hatred for my faults, love for my neighbour, and contempt of the world. Let mealways rememberto be sub- missive to my superiors, condescend- ing to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, and charitabletomy enemies. Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification, avarice by alms- deeds, anger by meekness, and te- pidity by devotion. I74. A UNIVERSAL PRAYER. Fill my heart with fear without despair, confidence without presump: tion, piety without illusion, and jof without licentiousness. O my God, make me prudent inmy undertakings, courageous in danger; patient in afflictions, and humble iſ prosperity. # Grant that I may be ever atten; tive at my prayers, temperate at m} meals, diligent in my employments; and constant in my resolutions. Let my conscience be ever up. right and pure, my exterior modest; and my conduct regular. t Assist me, that I may continually labour to overcome nature, to cor- respond with thy grace, to keep thy. commandments, and to work out my salvation. ". Discover to me, O my God, the nothingness of this world, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the length of eternity, Grant that I may prepare for A 3. ROSARY OF THE B. v. M. 175 | death, that I may fear thy judg- ments, that I may escape hell, and, in the end, obtain heaven. Vouchsafe, in fine, to grant re- pentance to all sinners; perseverance to the just; peace to the living; and eternal bliss to the faithful departed. All which I beseech thee, O Lord, to grant, through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, the intercession of our blessed Lady and all the Saints, and the suffrages of our holy Mother, the Church. Amen. *gs THE ROSARY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. The Joyful Mysteries, assigned for Mon- days and Thursdays throughout the Year, the Sundays of Advent, and the Sundays after Epiphany, till Lent. Thou, O Lord, wilt open my lips, 176 Rosa Ry of THE And my tongue shall announce thy praise. . Incline unto my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me, Glory be to the Father, &c. : As it was in the beginning, &c. P A R T F I R S T. The First Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us cons, template in this mystery how the angel Gabriel saluted our blessed Lady with the title of Full of Grace; and declared unto her the incarna" tion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. . Then say, Our Father, &c., once # Aail Mary, &c., ten times. # THE PRAYER.—O holy Mary, Queen of Virgins, by the most high. mystery of the incarnation of thy be loved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, by which our salvation was so hap" pily begun, obtain for us, by thy in: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 177 tercession, light to understand this great benefit which he hath bestowed upon us, vouchsafing thereby to make himself our brother, and thee, his own most beloved Mother, our mother also. Amen. The Second Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how the Blessed Virgin Mary, understanding from the angel that her cousin, St. Elizabeth, had conceived, went with haste to the mountains of Judea to visit her, and remained with her three months. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—O holy Virgin, most spotless mirror of humility, by that exceeding charity which moved thee to visit thy holy cousin, St. Elizabeth, obtain for us, by thy in- tercession, that our hearts may be so visited by thy holy Son, that being free from all sin, we may praise him and give him thanks for ever. Amen. . M 178 THE Rosa Ry of THE The Third Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how the i Blessed Virgin Mary, when the time of her delivery was come, brought forth our Redeemer, Christ Jesus, at midnight, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for him in the inns at Bethlehem. Our Aather, &c. THE PRAYER.—O most pure Mother of God, by thy virginal and most joyful delivery, by which thou gavest unto the world thy Son, our Saviour, we beseech thee, obtain for us, by thy intercession, grace to lead so pure and holy lives in this world, that we may worthily sing without ceasing, both day and night, the mercies of thy Son, and his benefits to us by thee. Amen. The Fourth Mystery. - THE MEDITATION.—Let us con. BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 179 template in this mystery how the most Blessed Virgin Mary, on the day of her purification, presented the child Jesus in the temple, where holy Simeon, giving thanks to God with great devotion, received him: into his arms. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—O holy Virgin, admirable Mistress, and Patroness of Obedience, who didst present in the temple the Lord of the Temple, obtain for us, of thy beloved Son, that with holy Simeon and devout Anne, we may praise and glorify him for ever. Amen. The Fifth Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how the Blessed Virgin Mary, having lost her beloved Son in Jerusalem, sought him for the space of three days, and at length found him in the temple, in the midst of the doctors, disputing 18O THE ROSARY of THE with them, being of the age of twelve: years. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—Most Blessed. Virgin, more than martyr in thy suf- ferings, and yet the comfort of such as are afflicted, by that unspeakable joy, where with thy soul was filled in finding thy beloved Son in the tem- ple, in the midst of the doctors, dis- puting with them, obtain of him for, us to seek him and to find him in the holy Catholic Church, that we may never be separated from him. Amen. THE SALVE REGINA. Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our Life, our Sweetness, and our Hope; to thee do we cry, poor banished sons of Eve ; to thee do. we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears; turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile, show to us the blessed : j BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, 181 fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O most clement, most pious, and most sweet Virgin Mary. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. * R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray. - Hear, O merciful God, the prayers of thy servants, that we who meet together in the society of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God, may, by her inter- cession, be delivered from the dan- gers that continually hang over us. Amen. O God, whose only-begotten Son, by his life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech thee, that meditating upon these mysteries in the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imi- tate what they contain, and obtai. 182 THE ROSARY OF THE what they promise : through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PART SECOND. The Dolorous, or Sorrowful Mysteries, for Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the Year, and the Sundays in Lent. The First Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how our Lord Jesus was so afflicted for us in the Garden of Gethsemani, that his body was bathed in a bloody sweat, which ran trickling down in great drops to the ground. Our Father, &c., once ; Hail Mary, &c., ten times. THE PRAYER.—Most holy Vir- gin, more than martyr, by that ardent prayer which thy beloved Son poured forth unto his Father in the garden, vouchsafe to intercede for us, that our passions being re- BLESSED virgin MARY. 183 duced to the obedience of reason, we may always and in -all things con- form and subject ourselves to the will of God. Amen. The Second Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how our Lord Jesus Christ, being delivered up by Pilate to the fury of the Jews, was by them most cruelly scourged at a pillar. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—O.Mother of God, overflowing fountain of patience, by those stripes thy only and most be- loved Son vouchsafed to suffer for us, obtain of him for us the grace that we may know how to mortify our rebellious senses, and to cut off all occasions of sinning with that sword of grief and compassion which pierced thy most tender soul. Amen. 184 THE ROSARY OF THE The Third Mystery. - THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how those cruel ministers of Satan platted a crown of sharp thorns, and most cruelly pressed it on the most sacred head of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—O Mother of our eternal Prince and King of Glory, by those sharp thorns wherewith his most holy head was pierced, we be- seech thee, that by thy intercession, we may be delivered here from all feelings of pride, and in the day of judgment from that confusion which our sins deserve. Amen. The Fourth Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how our Lord Jesus Christ (being sentenced to die) bore with great patience the cross which was laid upon him for BLESSED virgin MARY. 185 his greater torment and ignominy. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—O holy Virgin, example of patience, by the most painful carrying of the cross, on which thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, bore the heavy weight of our sins, obtain for us of him, by thy in- tercession, courage and strength to follow his steps, and bear our cross after him to the end of our lives. Amen. - The Fifth Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how our Lord "Jesus Christ, being come to Mount Calvary, was stript of his clothes, and his hands and his feet most cruelly nailed to the cross, in the presence of his most afflicted Mother. Our Father, & c. THE PRAYER.—O Holy Mary, Mother of God, since the body of 186 THE ROSARY OF THE thy beloved Son was for us extended on the cross, may our desires be daily more and more expanded in his service, and may our hearts be wounded with compassion for his most bitter passion; and thou, O most Blessed Virgin, vouchsafe to negotiate for and with us the work of our salvation, by thy powerful in- tercession. Amen. - Hail, Holy Queen, &c., with the j and prayers as before, page ISO. PART THIRD. * The Glorious Mysteries for Wednesdays and Saturdays throughout the Year, and Sundays after Easter, and Advent. The First Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how our Lord Jesus Christ, triumphing glo- riously over death, rose again the third day, immortal and impassible. Our Father, &c. BLESSED virgin MARY. 187 THE PRAYER.—O Glorious Vir- gin Mary, by that unspeakable joy thou didst receive in the resurrection of thy only beloved Son, we beseech thee obtain of him, for us, that our hearts may never go astray after the false joys of this world, but may be ever and wholly employed in pur- suit of the only true and solid joys of heaven. Amen. The Second Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery, how our Lord Jesus Christ, forty days after his resurrection, ascended into heaven, attended by angels, in sight of his most holy Mother, and his apostles and disciples, to the great admiration of them all. Our Afather, & c. THE PRAYER.—O Mother of God, comfort of the afflicted, as thy be- loved Son, when he ascended into heaven, lifted up his hands and blessed his apostles, so vouchsafe, 188 THE ROSARY OF THE most holy Mother, to lift up thy pure hands to him for us, that we may enjoy the benefit of his blessing here on earth, and hereafter in heaven. Amen. The Third Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery how our Lord Jesus Christ, being seated on the right hand of God, sent (as he had promised) the Holy Ghost upon his apostles, who, after he ascended, returning to Jerusalem, continued in prayer and supplication with the Blessed Virgin Mary, expecting the performance of his promise. Our Aather, &c. THE PRAYER.—O Sacred Virgin, tabernacle of the Holy Ghost, we beseech thee obtain, by thy interces- sion, that this most sweet Comforter, whom thy beloved Son sent down upon the apostles, filling them there- by with spiritual joy, may teach us BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 189 in this world the true way of salva- tion, and make us walk in the paths of virtue and good works. Amen. The Fourth Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery, how the glorious Virgin, twelve years after the resurrection of her Son, passed out of this world unto him, and was . by him assumed into heaven, accom- panied by the holy angels. Our Father, &c. THE PRAYER.—O most prudent Virgin, who, entering into the heavenly palace, didst fill the holy angels with joy, and men with hope; vouchsafe to intercede for us in the hour of our death, that being free from the illusions and temptations of the devil, we may joyfully and securely pass out of this temporal state to enjoy the happiness of eter- nal life. Amen. . 190 ROSARY OF THE B. v. M. The Fifth Mystery. THE MEDITATION.—Let us con- template in this mystery, how the glorious Virgin Mary was, with great jubilee and exultation of the whole court of heaven, and with par- ticular glory of all the Saints, crowned by her Son, with the bright- est diadem of glory. Our Father, &-c. THE PRAYER.—O glorious Queen of all the heavenly citizens, we be- seech thee accept this Rosary, which (as a crown of roses) we offer at thy feet ; and grant, most gracious Lady, that by thy intercession, our Souls may be inflamed with so ardent a desire of seeing thee so gloriously crowned, that it may never die in us, until it shall be changed into the happy fruition of thy blessed sight. Amen. Hail, Holy Queen, &c., with the verse and prayer as before, PRAYER FOR A HAPPY DEATH, 191 A PRAYER, 70 %sus Christ, Crucified, Ago. nizing, and Dying, to obtain a Happy Death. My most dear and adorable Saviour Jesus, who wast crucified, I beseech thee through the excess of charity thou hast for the salvation of poor sinners; through thy dolorous passion and bitter agony ; through the effusion of the last drop of thy precious blood on the cross; through the recommendation of thy blessed soul into the hands of thy Eternal Father; through the last exclamation thou gavest before thou didst expire; through thy last sigh when thou gavest up the ghost ; and through thy death, which was the accom- plishment of our redemption, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to have mercy or me now, and in my agony, 192 A PIOUS EJACULATION. and receive my spirit into thy hands, and into the bosom of thy mercy at the instant of my death. Amen. A Pious Ejaculation of the Soul to her Crucifted Redeemer. O Jesus, the Saviour of mankind, whose sacred body was fastened to . the Cross with three nails, fix my heart to the same cross with the three nails of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Amen. 8€/9 99790 9 106 9 N\/5)|HO|W —JO W LISHE/\[Nn -- * - - º -